si Tm ce 4 ~~ -, f | fafetae re “p ; r Lh Says ‘ ‘ fy ' i ; Lee Ff i 1 ae i we ik Me mae: )\) Di 4 y ' i ad ; ee FS aeiteal Mica aires tawny ai TY is be: ae Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION iy Aye ZEN is PE > 2 Y IT aw e. i) ia STR O, Wy LUN GTONS PUBLICATION 4613 Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year Ended June 30 1964 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1995 For sale by the Superintendent of Documenis, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $4 (Cloth) ih DLE RR OF yPRAWN SMe Tapa SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, January 28, 1965. To the Congress of the United States: In accordance with section 5593 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, I have the honor, on behalf of the Board of Regents, to submit to Congress the annual report of the operations, expendi- tures, and condition of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ended June 380, 1964. Respectfully, S. Ditton Rieter, Secretary. 0 CONTENTS PAGE Cat ME a aa Re ee Soe pee nee cee ee ay ee Vv (eeneralistatemente see sce he oe ee eS re oe ea eee 1 Bibesatablichtment. 2 7 cn te et OE 38 hot er ha tele a Bek ee ieee 5 Shee GOaTe-Ol Revenis- Ss. 0s 8 NE ooh oa oS ee Does = 5 Tio caGSe ee ee SP ek ee ee ie ee ee eee a ee ee 6 SURES GOI ee ee tc te eae Se ag a ice ee es ee ER a PS 6 SMEs DIAN. BICENLENININ 2. 2 2 on ene oe eee eee ase aes ees in Tea eNTy PApers...2 5. we eee ee OE ee ee 7 Opening of Museum of History and Technology-_--_------------------- 9 Batwievenicdal PrescntaMON = —.2 02. 0 = on ee eee See eee 9 Bee Red ne ee ae oe Hae ee ean At te 10 fone Wennedy. CONnver= ss o3-- 2s aen ee soe noe es ras re ae eee 10 National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board-_-_-_------------------- 11 BMCNCe anLOrMmaion- MXCHANGe- 3 soos oe es ee es SSS U ES 12 Sraivnsonian- \iuseum services a @ eeeoy meek Se) 0G seo She se eee 14 Reports of branches of the Institution: United States National, MusedmiJ285) 2 a _ See es See ee ae 18 tniternational Pxebange! Service: 210 Mi ao er ese et Se 69 Bureslor American MtHnologyes ee sees SOU a Phe Jk 80 National Zooloricnl! Park) 67) Sees ees Ae 228 Se a a ee 111 Astrophysical Observatory 2-322 2 2 2 Sesser ee ee 157 Wational-Collection of fine “Arte: 22 22S Ses cen BE oe 190 reer GalleryrGn Arter stor: fal. Ti tt wae 2 re oul. Sees 201 National/Gallery-oF Arve ous Seow aie ts Seuss eee eS See eee 217 Canal+Zone Biological Areas 2 2s ee See Se et 231 National AureMuseum eater at (Oe ee See eee 236 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts-__-_-_----------- 247 NationalpPortrait Galleryooses fee cokes 253 Se eee eel Re 257 enor ime Mie, Library. 2st aes a) Wee ous Bis Sa noo a eee sesso 261 Report on Publications and Information.-.__......-------------------- 265 Report of the executive committee of the Board of Regents-__---_-------- 274 GENERAL APPENDIX PAGE The Quest for Life Beyond the Earth, by Carl Sagan__--_-------------- 297 The Secret of Stonehenge, by Gerald 8. Hawkins_--------------------- 307 The Smithsonian’s Satellite-Tracking Program: Its History and Organi- Equions Parti. by bo Nelson Hayes. 22 52sc sos asee eco seee === 315 How Mountains Are Formed, by R. A. Lyttleton_.-------------------- 351 The Future of Oceanography, by Athelstan Spilhaus_-_-~.-------------- 361 Search for the Thresher, by F. N. Spiess and A. E. Maxwell.------------ 373 Recent Events in Relativity, by Milton A. Rothman-__---------------- 385 IV ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 PAGE The Edge:of Science, by Sanborn C: Browne o22- 0% 2 eee wees ee sae ans 401 Anatomy of an Experiment: An Account of the Discovery of the Neutrino, by tobyode Eni Gowan se Sie oe eho Soe Eee Site ae ee eae rn ea 409 Hracture or Solids, ‘Dysd--bi, icles = es ee gS ee Le oe 431 Man-Made Diamonds—A Progress Report, by C. G. Suits__-.-________- 439 How Do Microbes “‘Fix’”’ Nitrogen from the Air? by D. J. D. Nicholas____- 449 The Unity of Ecology, by F. Fraser-Darling-— 22. ok sve 222 ee ele 461 Venomous Animals and Their Toxins, by Findlay E. Russell___________~ 477 How. Insects: Work in’ Groups; by John buddies ee 489 Our Native Termites by Thomas* iy Snyderscaee= = eer eee ee ee 497 The Phenomenon of Predation, by Paul L. Errington. -__--____----___- 507 50,000 Years of Stone Age Culture in Borneo, by Tom Harrisson-__-__-__- 521 The Emergence of the Plains Indian as the Symbol of the North American Indian by, John @=: Wiwersse = =e aa ee eee ee 531 Secretary’s Report: Plates 14.22 o-oo a ee eee ee eer a 114 Plates 5-8: . ..22..254...Neaa he susabelo epee ne: pee eee hfs 210 Plates (9=14 0 2 = 2 eon et ee ee ee AS eee 226 The Quest for Life Beyond the Earth (Sagan): Plates 1-4_____-_______- 306 The Secret of Stonehenge (Hawkins): Plate\}e.b222) 22 be eee ee Ps 310 How Mountains Are Formed (Lyttleton): Plates 1-2____-_-_--__--_--- 352 The Future of Oceanography (Spilhaus): Plates 1-4_-_.....____---_--- 370 Search for the Thresher (Spiess and Maxwell): Plates 1-4______________-_ 378 Anatomy of an Experiment: An Account of the Discovery of the Neutrino (Cowan): Plates 1-8-2. =. -'--_.- 220 225 oe ee eee a ae 418 Fracture of Solids (Field): (Plates 1—4. .- 32 =p hoes be Sees ee 438 Man-Made Diamonds—A Progress Report (Suits): Plates 1-4____.--_-_- 446 Venomous Animals and Their Toxins (Russell): Plates 1-2_-_-________-_ 486 How Insects Work in Groups (Sudd): Plates 1-2_-._...____------------ 490 50,000 Years of Stone Age Culture in Borneo (Harrisson): Plates 1-4_-_._ 526 The Emergence of the Plains Indian as the Symbol of the North American Indian: (Hwers): Plates I—18---2 232252 ee eee Se 544 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION June 30, 1964 Presiding Officer ex officio—LyNpon B. Jounson, President of the United States. Ohancellor.—EakL WARREN, Chief Justice of the United States. Memoers of the Institution: LYNDON B. JoHNSON, President of the United States. (Vacancy), Vice President of the United States. EARL WAEEEN, Chief Justice of the United States. Daan Rusk, Secretary of State. Dovuetas DiL1on, Secretary of the Treasury. Rozert 8S. MoNaMaza, Secretary of Defense. Rosert F. Kennepy, Attorney General. Joun A. GRONOUSEI, Postmaster General. Strwakrr L. UDALL, Secretary of the Interior. ORVILLE L. FREEMAN, Secretary of Agriculture. LutuHes H. Hopass, Secretary of Commerce. W. WILLARD Wirtz, Secretary of Labor. ANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Regents of the Institution: Hart WARREN, Chief Justice of the United States, Chancellor. (Vacancy), Vice President of the United States. CLINTON P. ANDERSON, Member of the Senate. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, Member of the Senate. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Member of the Senate. FRANK T. Bow, Member of the House of Representatives. MicHAEL J. Kirwan, Member of the House of Representatives. Grorce H. Manon, Member of the House of Representatives. JOHN NICHOLAS Brown, citizen of Rhode Island. WituiaM A. M. Burpen, citizen of New York. Rosert V. FLEMING, citizen of Washington, D.C. CRAWFORD H. GREENEWALT, citizen of Delaware. Cary P. Haskins, citizen of Washington, D.C. JEROME C. HUNSAKER, Citizen of Massachusetts. Executive Committee——Rosert V. FLEMING, Chairman; Caryl P. HASKINS, CLIN- TON P. ANDERSON. Secretary.—S. DILLon RIPLEY. Assistant Secretary. JAMES C. BRADLEY. Aoting Assistant Secretary.—T. D. STEWART. Assistant to the Secretary.—THEODORE W. TAYLOR. Special assistants to the Secretary: For Fine Arts, THomas M. BrEcGs; For Traveling Exhibition Study, Mrs. ANNEMARIE POPE; For Scientific Matters, PH1LIP C. RITTERBUSH. Consultant to the Secretary for international activities —WILLIAM WARNER. Administrative assistant to the Secretary.—Mrs. Louisr M. PEARSON. Treasurer.—Hpcak L. Ror. VI ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Chief, editorial and publications division—PauL H. OEHSER. Librarian.—RutTH E. BLANCHARD. Curator, Smithsonian Museum service.—G. CARROLL LINDSAY. Buildings manager.—ANDREW F'. MICHAELS, JR. Director of personnel.—J. A. KENNEDY. Chief, supply division.—A. W. WILDING. Chief, photographic service division.—O. H. GREESON. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Director.—F¥. A. Taylor. Registrar.—Helena M. Weiss. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Director.—T. D. Stewart. Assistant Directors.—R. 8. Cowan, I. H. Wallen. Administrative officer —Mrs. Mabel A. Byrd. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY: W. R. Wedel, chairman; A. J. Andrews, exhibits specialist. Division of Archeology: Clifford Evans, Jr., R. B. Woodbury, curators; G. W. Van Beek, associate curator. Division of Ethnology: 8S. H. Riesenberg, curator; G. D. Gibson, E. I. Knez, W. H. Crocker, associate curators. Division of Physical Anthropology: J. L. Angel, curator; Lucile E. Hoyme, associate curator. DEPARTMENT OF ZooLocy: H. H. Hobbs, Jr., chairman; F. A. Chace, Jr., senior scientist ; W. M. Perrygo, in charge of taxidermy. Division of Mammals: D. H. Johnson, curator; H. W. Setzer, C. O. Handley, Jr., associate curators. Division of Birds: P. S. Humphrey, curator; G. . Watson, R. I. Zusi, associ- ate curators. Division of Reptiles and Amphibians: Doris M. Cochran, curator. Division of Fishes: L. P. Schultz, curator; BE. A. Lachner, W. R. Taylor, V. G. Springer, S. H. Weitzman, R. H. Gibbs, Jr., associate curators. Division of Marine Invertebrates: D. F. Squires, curator; T. BE. Bowman, C. E. Cutress, Jr., Marian H. Pettibone, R. B. Manning, D. L. Pawson, associate curators. Division of Mollusks: H. A. Rehder, curator; J. P. E. Morrison, Joseph Rosewater, associate curators. DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY: J. F'. G. Clarke, chairman. Division of Neuropteroids: O. S. Flint, Jr., associate curator in charge. Division of Lepidoptera: J..¥. G. Clarke, acting curator; D. R. Davis, W. D. Duckworth, W. D. Field, associate curators. Division of Coleoptera: O. L. Cartwright, curator; P. J. Spangler, associate curator. Division of Hemiptera: R. C. Froeschner, associate curator in charge. Division of Myriapoda and Arachnida: R. BE. Crabill, Jr., curator. DEPARTMENT OF BoTaANy (NATIONAL HERBARIUM): J. R. Swallen, chairman. Division of Phanerogams: L. B. Smith, curator; Velva E. Rudd, J. J. Wurdack, W. R. Ernst, D. H. Nicolson, S. G. Shetler, associate curators. Division of Ferns: C. V. Morton, curator; D. B. Lellinger, associate curator. Division of Grasses: J. R. Swallen, acting curator; T. R. Soderstrom, asso- ciate curator. SECRETARY’S REPORT vil DEPARTMENT OF BoTtany—Continued Division of Cryptogams: M. B. Hale, Jr., curator; P. S. Conger, H. E. Robinson, associate curators. Division of Plant Anatomy: W. L. Stern, curator; R. H. Byde, associate curator. DEPARTMENT OF PALEOBIOLOGY: G. A. Cooper, chairman. Division of Invertebrate Paleontology: R. S. Boardman, curator; P. M. Kier, Richard Cifelli, E. G. Kauffman, M. A. Buzas, R. H. Benson, associate curators. Division of Vertebrate Paleontology: C. L. Gazin, curator; D. H. Dunkle, Nicholas Hotton III, C. E. Ray, associate curators. Division of Paleobotany: F. M. Hueber, curator; W. H. Adey, associate curator. DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL Sciences: G. 8. Switzer, chairman. Division of Mineralogy: G. S. Switzer, acting curator; P. E. Desautels, associate curator. Division of Meteorites: E. P. Henderson, associate curator in charge; R. S. Clarke, Jr., chemist. OcEANOGRAPHY ProcRaM: I. E. Wallen, assistant director; H. A. Fehlmann, super- visory museum specialist, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center. MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY Director.—F¥. A. Taylor. Assistant Director.—J. C. Ewers. Administration oficers.—W. H. Boyle, Virginia Beets. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: R. P. Multhauf, chairman; Deborah J. Mills, assistant curator. Division of Physical Sciences: R. P. Multhauf, curator; W. F. Cannon, Uta C. Merzbach, associate curators. Division of Mechanical and Civil Engineering: S. A. Bedini, curator; E. A. Battison, R. M. Vogel, associate curators. Division of Transportation: H. I. Chapelle, curator; K. M. Perry, J. H. White, Jr., associate curators. Division of Electricity: B. S. Finn, associate curator in charge. Division of Medical Sciences: S. K. Hamarneh, curator. DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES: P. W. Bishop, chairman. Division of Textiles: Mrs. Grace R. Cooper, curator; Rita J. Adrosko, asso- ciate curator. Division of Ceramics and Glass: P. V. Gardner, curator; J. J. Miller II, associate curator. Division of Graphic Arts: Jacob Kainen, curator; F. O. Griffith, Eugene Ostroff, associate curators. Division of Manufactures and Heavy Industries: P. W. Bishop, acting curator ; L. L. Henkle, industrial specialist. Division of Agriculture and Forest Products: E. C. Kendall, associate curator in charge. DEPARTMENT OF Civit History: R. H. Howland, chairman; P. C. Welsh, curator ; Mrs. Doris E. Borthwick, Anne Castrodale, assistant curators. Division of Political History: W. E. Washburn, curator; Mrs. Margaret Brown Klapthor, K. E. Melder, Mrs. Anne W. Murray, associate curators ; H. R. Collins, assistant curator. Division of Cultural History: C. M. Watkins, curator; Mrs. Cynthia A. Hoover, J. N. Pearce, Rodris C. Roth, associate curators. vit ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 DEPARTMENT OF CiviL History—Continued Division of Philately and Postal History: C. H. Scheele, associate curator in charge. Division of Numismatics: Viadimir Clain-Stefanelli, curator; Mrs. Elvira Clain-Stefanelli, associate curator. DEPARTMENT OF ARMED Forces History: M. L. Peterson, chairman. Division of Military History: E. M. Howell, curator; C. R. Goins, Jr., asso- ciate curator. Division of Naval History: P. K. Lundeberg, curator; M. H. Jackson, associate curator. OFFICE OF EXHIBITS Chief.—J. E. Anglim. Museum of Natural History Laboratory: A. G. Wright, assistant chief; Julius Tretick, production supervisor. Museum of History and Technology Laboratory: B. W. Lawless, chief. CONSERVATION RESEARCH LABORATORY Conservator-in-charge.—C. H. Olin. Chemist.—Mrs. Jacqueline 8. Olin. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Chief—J. A. Collins. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Director.—T. H. Reed. Associate Director.—J. L. Grimmer. Administrative Assistant—Trayis EH. Fauntleroy. Zoologist.—Marion McCrane. Veterinarian.—Clinton W. Gray. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Acting Director.—Henry B. Collins. Anthropologists —H. B. Collins, R. L. Stephenson, W. C. Sturtevant, Robert M. Laughlin. River Basin SuRvVEys.—R. L. Stephenson, Acting Director. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Director.—¥F. L. Whipple. Assistant Directors.—C. W. Tillinghast, Charles Lundquist. Astronomers.—G. Colombo, L. Goldberg, G. S. Hawkins, I. G. Izsak, Y. Kozai, R. Martin, J. Slowey, L. Solomon, F. W. Wright. Mathematicians.—R. W. Briggs, D. A. Lautman. Physicists.—H. Avrett, N. P. Carleton, A. F. Cook, R. J. Davis, J. DeFelice, C. H. Dugan, G. G. Fazio, B. L. Fireman, F. Franklin, O. Gingerich, M. Grossi, P. V. Hodge, W. M. Irvine, L. G. Jacchia, W. Kalkofen, R. EH. McCrosky, H. Mitler, R. W. Noyes, C. BE. Sagan, A. Skalafuris, R. B. Southworth, D. Tilles, C. A. Whitney. Geodesists—W. Kohnlein, J. Rolff, G. Veis. Geologists.—O. B. Marvin, J. Wood. DIVISION OF RADIATION AND ORGANISMS: Chief.—W. H. Klein. Assistant Chief.—W. Shropshire. SECRETARY'S REPORT Ix DIVISION OF RADIATION AND ORGANISMS—Continued Biochemists.—D. L. Correll, M. M. Margulies. Geochemists.—A. Long. Plant physiologists.—J. L. Edwards, V. B. Elstad, L. Loercher, K. Mitrakos, L. Price, A. M. Steiner. Electronic engineers.—J. H. Harrison, H. J. Lehfeldt. Instrument engineering technicians.—D. G. Talbert, W. N. Cogswell. Physicist.—B. Goldberg. NATIONAL COLLECTION OF FINE ARTS Acting Director.—David W. Scott. Associate curator.—Rowland Lyon. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION TRAVELING ExHIsrrion SERvice.—Mrs. Dorothy Van Arsdale, Acting Chief. SMITHSONIAN ART COMMISSION.—Paul Manship (chairman), 8. Dillon Ripley (secretary), Gilmore D. Clarke (vice chairman), Page Cross, David E. Finley, Lloyd Goodrich, Walker Hancock, Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr., Wilmarth 8. Lewis, Henry P. MclIihenny, Paul Mellon, Ogden M. Pleissner, Edgar P. Richardson, Charles H. Sawyer, Stow Wengenroth, Andrew Wyeth; Alexander Wetmore, Leonard Carmichael (members emeritus). FREER GALLERY OF ART Director.—John A. Pope. Assistant Director.—Harold P. Stern. Head curator, Near Eastern Art.—Richard Ettinghausen. Associate curator, Chinese Art—James F. Cahill. Head curator, Laboratory.—Rutherford J. Gettens. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Trustees: EARL WARREN, Chief Justice of the United States, Chairman. DEAN Rusk, Secretary of State. Dovatas DILion, Secretary of the Treasury. S. Ditton RIe_Ley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. JouN N. Irwin II. PavuL MELLON. FRANKLIN D. MurpHyY. LEssING J. ROSENWALD. JOHN Hay WHITNEY. President.—PAvL MELLON. Vice President. JoHN Hay WHITNEY. Secretary-Treasurer.—HUNTINGTON CAIRNS. Director —JOHN WALKER. Administrator.— ERNEST R. FEIDLER. General Counsel. HUNTINGTON CAIRNS. Chief Curator.—Prrry B. Cort. Assistant Director.—J. CARTER BROWN. NATIONAL AIR MUSEUM Advisory Board: S. Dillon Ripley, Chairman. Maj. Gen. Brooke H. Allen, U.S. Air Force. Vice Adm. William A. Schoech, U.S. Navy. ax ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Advisory Board—Continued James H. Doolittle (Lt. Gen., U.S.A.F. Ret.) Grover Loening. Director.—P. S. Hopkins Head curator and historian.—P. E. Garber. Curators.—L. S. Casey, R. B. Meyer, K. EB. Newland. CANAL ZONE BIOLOGICAL AREA Director.—M. H. Moynihan. Biologists.—Robert L. Dressler, Neal G. Smith. JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Trustees: Howarp F. AHMANSON. FLoyp D. AKERS. Lucius D. Battie, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cul- tural Affairs, ez officio. RALPH BE. BECKER. K. LEMoyneE BILLINGs. ERNEST R. BREECH. EpGar M. BRONFMAN. RALPH J. BUNCHE. ANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE, Secretary of Health, Hducation, and Welfare, ex officio. JOSEPH S. CLARK. J. WILLIAM F'ULBRIGHT. Mgs. GrEorGcE A. GARRETT. GEORGE B. Hartzoe, Director of the National Park Service, ew officio. FRANOIS KEPPEL, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Education, ew officio. Mrs. ALBERT D. LASKER. GEORGE MEANY. L. Quincy Mumrorp, Librarian of Congress, ew officio. Mrs. CHARLOTTE T. REID. RICHARD 8. REYNOLDS, JR. FRANK H. RICKETSON, JR. S. DILton RIPLey, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, ew officio. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL. Mrs. JOUETT SHOUSE. RoGeEr L. STEVENS. L. CoRRIN STRONG. FRANK THOMPSON. WALTER N. Tosriner, President, D.C. Board of Commissioners, ew officio. WILLIAM WALTON, Chairman, Commission of Fine Arts, ew officio. WiLtiAM M. Waters, Jz., Chairman, D.C. Recreation Board, ez officio. JIM WRIGHT. Officers: Honorary Chairmen.—Mrs. Dwicut D, EISENHOWER, Mrs. LyNpDON B. Joun- SON, Mrs. JoHN F’. KENNEDY. Chairman.—Rocer L. STEVENS. Vice chairman.—L. CorriIn Strona. Treasurer.—DANIEL W. BELL. Counsel.—RALPH BP. BEOKER. SECRETARY'S REPORT XI Ojicers—Continued Secretary.—K. Lt Moyne BILLINGs. Senior Assistant Secretary. PHILIP J. MULLIN. Chairman, Advisory Committee on the Arts—Rosrert W. DowLina. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY National Portrait Gallery Commission: CATHERINE DRINKER BOWEN. JULIAN P. Boyp. JOHN NICHOLAS Brown, Chairman. LEWIS DESCHLER. Davin H. FINLEY. WILMARTH SHELDON LEWIS. S. Ditton RIPLey, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, ea officio. RicHARD H. SHRYOCK. FREDERICK P. Topp. JOHN WALKER, Director of the National Gallery of Art, ea officio. EARL WARREN, Chief Justice of the United States, ew officio. NATIONAL ARMED FORCES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD STEPHEN AILES, Secretary of the Army. JOHN NICHOLAS Brown, Chairman. Mrs. JEAN KINTNER. Davin LLOYD KREEGER. Rosert S. McNAMARA, Secretary of Defense, ew officio. Pau. H. Nirze, Secretary of the Navy. WILLIAM H. PERKINS, JR. S. Drmton RIvrey, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, ew officio. EARL WARREN, Chief Justice of the United States; Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution. HeENRY BRADFORD WASHBURN, JR. EUGENE M. ZucKeEnrt, Secretary of the Air Force. Honorary Smithsonian Fellows, Collaborators, Associates, Custodians of Collections, and Honorary Curators OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY John E. Graf UnitTep States NATIONAL MusEuM MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Anthropology J. M. Campbell, Archeology. F. M. Setzler, Anthropology. C. G. Holland, Archeology. W. W. Taylor, Jr., Anthropology. N. M. Judd, Archeology. W. J. Tobin, Physical Anthropology. Betty J. Meggers, Archeology. Nathalie F. S. Woodbury, Archeology. XII ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Zoology O. L. Austin, Birds Laurence Irving, Birds. W. W. Becklund, Helminthology. Allen McIntosh, Mollusks. J. Bruce Bredin, Biology. J. P. Moore, Marine Invertebrates. W. L. Brown, Mammals. Dioscoro S. Rabor, Birds. Leonard Carmichael, Psychology and| W. L. Schmitt, Marine Invertebrates. Animal Behavior. Benjamin Schwartz, Helminthology. Ailsa M. Clark, Marine Invertebrates. | Robert Traub, Mammals. H. G. Deignan, Birds. Alexander Wetmore, Birds. Robert W. Ficken, Birds. Mrs. Mildred S. Wilson, Copepod Crus- Herbert Friedmann, Birds. tacea. Entomology Doris H. Blake. F. M. Hull. M. A. Carriker, Jr. W. L. Jellison. C. J. Drake. C. F. W. Muesebeck. K. C. Emerson. T. E. Snyder. Botany OC. R. Benjamin, Fungi. Mrs. Kittie F. Parker, Phanerogams. BH. C. Leonard, Phanerogams. J. A. Stevenson, Fungi. ¥F. A. McClure, Grasses. W.N. Watkins, Woods. Paleobiology CG. W. Cooke, Invertebrate Paleontology. | A. A. Olsson, Invertebrate Paleontology. J. T. Dutro, Invertebrate Paleontology.| W. P. Woodring, Invertebrate Paleon- Remington Kellogg, Vertebrate Paleon- tology. tology. Mineral Sciences Gunnar Kullerud, Mineralogy. | W. 'T. Schaller, Mineralogy. MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY Science and Technology D. J. Price Civil History Mrs. Arthur M. Greenwood, Cultural | Mrs. R. Henry Norweb, Numismatics. History. R. Henry Norweb, Numismatics. BE. C. Herber, History. Joan Jockwig Pearson, Cultural His- I. N. Hume, Cultural History. tory. F. W. McKay, Numismatics. SECRETARY'S REPORT XIII Armed Forces History W.R. Furlong. Byron McCandless. F, C. Lane. Exhibits W. L. Brown, Taxidermy BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Sister M. Inez Hilger. M. W. Stirling. Frank H. H. Roberts. A. J. Waring, Jr. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY C. G. Abbot FREER GALLERY OF ART Max Loehr. Katherine N. Rhoades. Oleg Grabar. Grace Dunham Guest. NATIONAL AIR MUSEUM Frederick C. Crawford. | Alfred V. Verville. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK BE. P. Walker CANAL ZONE BIOLOGICAL AREA C. C. Soper xs EA, utes oa af ue FR ald = ae 5 ids af . a. tt} : ; 4 a a) pe : f . @e PY a, aeyt tog , 7s i « Rie i ee ney ie ae as as : re Ke oe : 7 : ih ya 7 . L ee ie he pee teens i oat AT ' F 7 ae eae © = I : 8 , Ki , ae Mae cai 7 -_ ye bt’ __ " = - ; ~ 5, ; j ‘ee ian ie" os a ae a os a. | as 7 uF ae A). : ae 7 7 melt Oy | - ‘ Roe ay 7 7 = = = rien A SS _ . Te ert , y : ae Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution S. DILLON RIPLEY For the Year Ended June 30, 1964 To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution: GenTLEMEN : I have the honor to submit a report showing the activi- ties and condition of the Smithsonian Institution and its branches for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964. GENERAL STATEMENT This past year, on January 31, marked the retirement of my prede- cessor, Dr. Leonard Carmichael, seventh Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. In the Annual Report for 1963 there was presented a general review of the activities of the Institution from 1953 to 1963, which gives some impression of the magnitude of the changes and developments instituted under Dr. Carmichael’s regime. This splen- did administrator, who has done so much for the Smithsonian, deserves the very highest praise. Recognition of his accomplishments has been widely expressed, in honorary degrees conferred upon him and in decorations by foreign governments. The Institution will always be grateful to its seventh Secretary and proud of the record of progress and achievement that he helped to foster. Not the least have been the confidence and esteem which he developed with the Regents of the Institution, who have constantly supported and encouraged the programs of the Institution. The Smithsonian wishes Dr. Carmichael well in his new career as vice president for research of the National Geographic Society . The Smithsonian and Higher Education In the few months since the assumption of the post of Secretary by the present incumbent on February 1, 1964, certain proposals have been inaugurated with the support of the Regents. The general problem of the Smithsonian’s role in cooperating with universities 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 and programs of higher learning has been explored. Such a program represents a continuation of the traditional role of the Institution in the educational field, although perhaps historically it received greater emphasis in the early days of the Smithsonian than it has in recent decades. The Smithsonian’s first Secretary, Joseph Henry, said many years ago: “The Smithsonian, with its widening responsi- bilities among the arts as well as the sciences, must continue and expand its leadership in education and scholarship in America.” It seems high time that we should develop this role, for there is urgent need for the Smithsonian to render genuine service and leadership. In the broad areas of biology and anthropology, support for special- ized training not otherwise available under existing university pro- grams must and can be given by the Smithsonian. In addition to general programs in specialized fields, specific programs are currently being undertaken with eight universities. Duke University will coop- erate with the Smithsonian Institution in training biological oceanog- raphers. Johns Hopkins University will join in a common venture to offer graduate education opportunities in paleontology. Other programs of cooperative education have been developed with the University of Minnesota in algology, the University of Maryland in ornithology, George Washington University in malacology, and the University of Kansas in paleontology. In addition there is the well- known program of the Freer Gallery of Art and the University of Michigan in Oriental art and the Astrophysical Observatory’s inte- grated activities with Harvard. Through such arrangements grad- uate students may come to the Smithsonian Institution to carry out research projects under the supervision of staff members who may be given recognition in the form of an honorary or part-time appoint- ment to the university faculty. Improved use of museum and other laboratory facilities in this way will help to overcome severe national shortages of natural-science specialists in a number of fields. As part not only of its service to the cause of higher education in this country but also in order to replicate specialists in careers of research and study associated with museum programs, the Institution must always stand ready to serve as a catalyst, to create opportunities for research for students and staff, and to foster interchange between scholars both here and abroad. Cooperation with Museums As a part of this wider usefulness of the Smithsonian to education, we hope that it may be possible to broaden the Smithsonian’s tradi- tional cooperation with museums throughout the world. Museums and their related laboratories are just entering a new era, and museum resources are being drawn upon as never before for general education. SECRETARY'S REPORT 3 Thirty years ago a mere 15 percent of museums in America were con- nected with education in some form. This marked a drastic decline from a hundred years ago when museums housed the genesis of scien- tific research in the Western World. Today over 90 percent are involved, ranging from simple school-extension programs to post- graduate fellowships. It is for these reasons that we feel that the Smithsonian, with its superb museum resources, now has a great opportunity to serve the museum world in a role of leadership and cooperation. As a first step in this effort, the Smithsonian Institu- tion has entered into an agreement with the American Association of Museums to promote a joint publications program to facilitate the publication and distribution of works needed in the broad field of museum administration, education, museum services, and the science of museology. Emphasis on Research Research on wild populations and undisturbed conditions in nature has taken on an aspect of urgency in recent years because so many opportunities for study have changed or disappeared. But man’s need to understand his environment and use it sympathetically will require a broad program of observation and research, especially in the tropics. The Smithsonian Institution will seek to promote interest in these objectives throughout the public and private scientific community. Beginning in April, Philip C. Ritterbush was appointed Special Assistant to the Secretary for Scientific Matters, to explore prospects for cooperation with other Government agencies in this effort and to promote consideration of these objectives in the development of national science policy. A related objective is to strengthen the position, within science as a whole, of those fields of biology which have the entire organism as their object: ecology, genetics, systematics, botany, zoology, oceanography, microbiology, and paleontology, as well as the sciences of man which have so long been central concerns of the Smithsonian. Two related approaches to this subject have been begun. With hopes of contrib- uting to the efficiency of research and investigation, studies are under- way to promote the application of data processing, technician employ- ment and training, improved cataloging methods, and more rapid means of indexing and retrieving information in the biological sciences. In order to overcome shortages of competent investigators, studies have begun to indicate appropriate means of expanding educa- tional opportunity in neglected areas of the natural sciences. 766—74¢—65——2 4 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 International Activities During the period under review, the Institution made a determined effort to carry its international activities beyond traditional overseas field expeditions and research, which primarily benefit the Smithso- nian, to cooperation with other Government agencies and private insti- tutions in the development of exchange of persons and international exhibits programs, to the benefit of others. Beginning in March, William W. Warner was engaged as a Con- sultant to the Secretary for International Activities to explore appro- priate areas of international cooperation. The first of these has been in the field of archeology with the Department of State. The Depart- ment’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has expressed a strong interest in having the Smithsonian exercise a leading role in the administration of overseas archeological research or excavation projects in connection with those nations in which excess foreign cur- rencies are available through agricultural surplus sales under Public Law 480. The Bureau has also welcomed the Institution’s offer to help with the selection and programing of foreign scholarship candi- dates in fields of Smithsonian interest. The Institution has also assisted the Department’s Office of Soviet and Eastern European Exchanges in planning exchange of museum professionals and exhibits, in accordance with the new U.S.-U.S.S.R. Exchange Agreement, which for the first time includes specific men- tion of museums. The Secretary of the Smithsonian serves as chair- man of the American Association of Museums’ Soviet Exchange Com- mittee, an advisory group that has helped the Department in the choice of museum professionals and possible exhibits going to and coming from Russia. In addition, the Smithsonian has offered its storage facilities and staff assistance to the Department’s “Art for Embassies,” a project aimed at providing United States Embassies with representative American works of art. The first paintings lent under this project were turned over to the Smithsonian for safekeeping in June. Among international organizations, the Smithsonian has supported the concept of American participation in the UNESCO campaign for the preservation of the monuments of Nubia in the upper Nile Valley. The Secretary has assisted the State Department in its request for a foreign currency appropriation to provide for American participa- tion by explaining the significance of the monuments themselves and the interests of American universities and museums in the Nubian campaign in particular, and in the wider problems of classical archeol- ogy in the Near East in general. During May the Organization of American States’ Department of Scientific Affairs agreed to announce and fund, through its estab- SECRETARY’S REPORT 5 lished fellowship program, opportunities for Latin American students to serve as aides in research projects conducted at the Canal Zone Biological Area. Discussions have also been held on a jointly financed Organization of American States-Smithsonian program to provide postdoctoral research grants for Latin American scholars in environ- mental and descriptive biology tenable at both Barro Colorado in the Canal Zone and the Museum of Natural History. The Institution has also discovered considerable interest among major American private foundations for cooperative programs in relatively neglected areas of basic science in the developing countries. The development of these and similar activities in future years can help fulfill the Institution’s basic responsibility for the advancement of science and the humanities among all peoples. THE ESTABLISHMENT The Smithsonian Institution was created by act of Congress in 1846, in accordance with the terms of the will of James Smithson, of Eng- land, who in 1826 bequeathed his property to the United States of America “to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, and establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowl- edge among men.” In receiving the property and accepting the trust, Congress determined that the Federal Government was without authority to administer the trust directly, and, therefore, constituted an “establishment,” whose statutory members are “the President, the Vice President, the Chief Justice, and the heads of the executive departments.” THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Institution suffered a great loss this year in the death of Repre- sentative Clarence Cannon on May 12, 1964, the day before the spring meeting of the Board. Mr. Cannon had served as a Regent for nearly 30 years, longer than any other member of the Board. His wise counsel and unselfish devotion to the affairs of the Smithsonian will be sadly missed. On May 19 Representative George H. Mahon of Texas was appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to fill this vacancy. The roll of Regents at the close of the fiscal year was as follows: Chief Justice of the United States Earl Warren, Chancellor; members from the Senate: Clinton P. Anderson, J. William Fulbright, Leverett Saltonstall; members from the House of Representatives: Frank 'T. Bow, Michael J. Kirwan, George H. Mahon; citizen members: John Nicholas Brown, William A. M. Burden, Robert V. Fleming, Crawford H. Greenewalt, Caryl P. Haskins, Jerome C. Hunsaker. On January 23, 1964, the annual meeting of the Board was held in the Regents’ Room preceded by a private ceremony of installation of 6 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 the new Secretary. Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Secretary, presented his published annual report on the activities of the Institution. The Chairman of the Executive and Permanent Committees of the Board, Dr. Robert V. Fleming, gave the financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1963. On the evening preceding the annual meeting a formal dinner was held in the Hall of Graphic Arts of the Museum of History and Tech- nology to celebrate the dedication of this new museum. ‘The members of the Board and their wives as well as others directly concerned with the planning and construction of the new building were guests. The spring meeting of the Board of Regents was held on May 13 in the Museum of History and Technology. The Chairman of the Executive Committee presented a financial report. FINANCES A statement of finances, dealing particularly with Smithsonian private funds, will be found in the report of the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, page 274. Funds appropriated to the Institution for its regular operations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964, totaled $13,191,000 and were obligated as follows: Astrophysical ‘Observatory 222 = 22 ee ee eee $904, 845 BureaulorvAmerican Hthnology 2-2 eet tei eens is ee 124, 228 CanaljZoneBiological Area zis. te 52 3 te a edie Yee 138, 890 International” Mxchange Service: 2s.) a ee eee 110, 000 National: Ain > Museum a o-552 000 ish Si eae ee eee 300, 075 National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board__________________ 29, 115 National Collection of Fine Arts_____ AEE EIR ey SON nF ny EE 143, 252 National Portrait Gallery_____________ ee ee SN ee ee 16, 678 United= States National. Musetim 22-522 3 2 eee eee 5, 587, 001 Officeror the Secretary soe ee ee ae i a ee ee 257, 596 Buildings’ Management Department 2 ee eee 3, 968, 759 Administrative Services_.____.___________- £0 td Ee Ce 1, 464, 006 Wrlop ligated an ah 8 ere onl 2 Ae 2B Sa pie ne 2 het» be ul ee a va 56, 555 $13, 191, 000 Besides this direct appropriation, the Institution received funds by transfer from other Government agencies as follows: from the Dis- trict of Columbia for the National Zoological Park, $1,597,356; from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, for the River Basin Surveys, $254,500. VISITORS Visitors to the six Smithsonian buildings on the Mall again this year surpassed all records, with a total of 10,813,195, which was 508,359 more than for the preceding year. June 1964, with 1,592,540, was SECRETARY'S REPORT a the month of largest attendance; April 1964 second, with 1,555,295; and July 1963 third, with 1,407,858. The largest attendance recorded for a single day was 104,285 on March 28, 1964. Table 1 gives a sum- mary of the attendance records for the six buildings. The National Zoological Park had an estimated 3,900,000 visitors during the year. When this figure is added to the attendance in the Institution’s build- ings on the Mall, and to the 1,236,155 recorded at the National Gallery of Art, the total Smithsonian attendance for fiscal 1964 aggregated 15,949,350. SMITHSON BICENTENNIAL The year 1965 marks the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of James Smithson, founder of the Smithsonian Institution, and plans are in progress to observe this event in a manner that will draw interna- tional attention to Smithson and the work of the establishment he founded. A committee of Smithsonian staff members has been named, under the chairmanship of John C. Ewers, to plan the celebration and make recommendations to the Secretary concerning it. Scheduled for the fall of 1965, it is the intention to plan a program that will attract scholars and representatives of scholarly institutions and governments, from all parts of the world. JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS In collaboration with the National Publications Commission, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, a project has been initiated to collect, edit, and publish the Papers of Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. For at least a decade, scholars devoted to general American his- tory as well as to the history of science in America have felt that such a documentary work would provide not only the story of this outstand- ing scientist but also much of the history of the organization of science in the United States, its relations with government, and its links with science and scientists in Europe. ‘The significance of Henry was underlined in 1954 when the National Historical Publications Com- mission named him as one of the nonpolitical Americans whose papers are most worthy of publication. Because of the enormity of the task and the high costs involved, it is impossible to say at this time how rapidly this project will move for- ward. Formation of a permanent committee to organize and direct the project is planned. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, G6I ‘EIS ‘OL | PLZ ‘60S ‘Z | 908 ‘ZIS ‘se | Sc9 ‘89T OSTarGR TS SPo Ler (ale O0 <0 Sel ee ee [8401 OFS ‘CEG ‘I | SFO ‘eas 198 ‘Eoe £h0 ‘Be TL8 ‘912 166 ‘0S GLO Gite: WA) er ee eae eee oune GE9 ‘SOE ‘T | _ 48% “OFF L¥S ‘ZOE £16 ‘ST OOT ‘88T 09¢ ‘81@ SCG OP le. es| "ee ew gee ee eee a Ae G6Z ‘GGG ‘T G19 ‘L8¢ 080 ‘PIS 1S8 ‘02 LIZ ‘FOZ $98 ‘LL GGOSUGTS srirta ae tak a pg ne [dy OLF ‘LE0 ‘T 799 ‘268 169 ‘Gz FOF ‘ST 696 ‘TST O9T ‘89T L6S"00l= -a\2eo ee a a ee eee Yyoreyl 966 ‘C69 ISL ‘268 OOF ‘OTT ZLG ‘8 66 ‘6S ZL0 ‘FL Ce AL ee mien ne = eke ieee a Areniqe,q OTT ‘9 6S2 ‘ST 228 ‘08 ZS6 ‘9 €C¢ ‘SP 6&2 ‘19 il eS Sa as SS a Arenuee Y96T TG CLG ee le ee ee eee ZS ‘6 LOT ‘2 932 ‘9G ge ‘OL OG) 88 gaan ae pmctonae lt Zelgle: ae Si S255 55-2" OkF ‘FET 290 ‘6 ¢0Z ‘TOT Se (Oy = | ee ee Vee ee ep bree ge gocher. 8 decae So Se 3 OIT ‘es1 00¢ ‘OT Ee ‘16 G29 ‘TPT GOYA GGse- SGRS oe goer ee ee TedowO NG Gye ee als esse et Se PSS ‘IST ESP ‘ZI PEs ‘TOL 606 ‘6ST SOD CONS ane oe ee a eee sequien as WoGcg0e: lee | ero SLE ‘OTE 60% ‘61 LOL ‘Ose OGI ‘Tt Ole ClGe Ss) few. eee HSU gas On la “le-g aso Z08 ‘SIE 6ZE ‘CZ IP ‘618 999 ‘81g Sho Stan 2 ae ee ee oe Aine $961 AZopouyoo, SuIpling 1840.1, puv £10,817] surpling q1y jo suIpring. Sol1jsnpuy surpimg Isof pus GUO jo uinasnyy A10OIS}H [eingeN | Adoppey 19917 goedg pus Ily pue syly UvTUOST{}IUIg 7961 ‘OG eunL papua wnah oy) Burinp sburpjng unruosypwyg U1D}129 07 $10}18LA— | AIAV J, SECRETARY’S REPORT 9 OPENING OF MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY On the evening of January 22, 1964, with a large and distinguished audience in attendance, dedication ceremonies were held for the formal opening of the new Museum of History and Technology. The pro- gram included music by the United States Marine Band, introductory remarks by Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who presided as master of ceremonies, and addresses by the Chancellor of the Smithsonian, the Honorable Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States; by the Honorable Clinton P. Anderson, United States Senator from New Mexico, Regent of the Smithsonian, and chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Construction of a Building for a Museum of History and Technology for the Smith- sonian Institution; and by the President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson. The texts of these addresses were later printed in a brochure (Smithsonian Publication 4531) distributed by the Institution. The history of the development and construction of this splendid new museum of the Smithsonian on Washington’s Mall has been told in previous reports. Suffice it here to say that in many ways it has exceeded expectations in its acceptance and use by the public. From the day of opening until June 30, a period of 22 weeks, a total of more than 2,500,000 visitors entered its doors. At the time of opening about one-fifth of the total exhibition area of the building—50 halls—were ready for viewing. LANGLEY MEDAL PRESENTATION The Langley Medal of the Smithsonian Institution was awarded on May 5 to Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr., in recognition of his “courageous and pioneering contributions to scientific research as the first American to fly in space and the first to control the attitude of a spacecraft while in flight and during a condition of weightlessness.” Presentation, which coincided with the third anniversary of Shepard’s historic flight, was made by Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chancellor of the Smithsonian, at a brief ceremony at the Institution. In attend- ance were members of the Smithsonian Board of Regents, including Senator Clinton P. Anderson, who made a brief address; officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Smithsonian officials; and members of Commander Shepard’s family. This was the eleventh time the Smithsonian Institution had awarded the Lang- ley Medal in the 56 years since its establishment in 1908. 10 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 LECTURES Elmer A. Sperry, Jr., eminent inventor, delivered the fifth Lester D. Gardner lecture, “Early Airplane Instruments,” in the auditorium of the Freer Gallery of Art on the evening of September 27. Dr. James A. Van Allen, professor of physics, University of Iowa, gave the 29th Annual James Arthur Lecture on the Sun on the evening of December 12, 1963, in the auditorium of the Natural History Build- ing. His subject was “Some General Aspects of the Karth’s Radiation Belts.” Ben Norris, painter and professor of art, University of Hawaii, delivered an illustrated lecture, “Images from Hawaii—F rom Captain Cook to Contemporary Crossroads,” on January 20, 1964, in the audi- torium of the Natural History Building. This lecture was sponsored by the Hawaii State Society of Washington, D.C. George Bass, special assistant for underwater archeology, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania University Museum, lectured on “Diving 3,000 Years into the Past” in the auditorium of the Natural History Build- ing on the evening of January 24, 1964. This illustrated lecture was sponsored jointly by the Smithsonian Institution and the Archaeo- logical Institute of America. The Honorable Desmond Guinness, president of the Irish Georgian Society, gave an illustrated lecture on “18th Century Georgian Archi- tecture in Ireland” in the auditorium of the Natural History Building on the evening of February 8, 1964. The first Edwin A. Link Lecture, “Training by Simulation,” was delivered by Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr., in the auditorium of the Natural History Building on the evening of February 19, 1964. This series of lectures, made possible by a grant from the Link Foundation, is administered by the Smithsonian Institution in cooperation with the U.S. Office of Education. Miss Sylvia Kenney, associate professor of music at Bryn Mawr College and visiting associate professor of music at Yale University, gave a lecture on the subject “Paintings, Chronicles, and Stylistic Criteria as Guides for the Performance of 15th Century Music” in the auditorium of the Natural History Building on the evening of May 22, 1964. Several lectures sponsored by the Freer Gallery of Art and the National Gallery of Art are listed in the reports of these bureaus. THE KENNEDY CENTER In January the National Cultural Center, a bureau of the Smith- sonian Institution, by act of Congress was renamed the John F. Ken- nedy Center for the Performing Arts as a memorial to our late Presi- dent. By this same act, appropriation of $15.5 million was authorized SECRETARY'S REPORT 11 from Federal funds to match contributions from the public. Under the chairmanship of Roger L. Stevens, the Center made notable prog- ress during the year toward its objectives. Many substantial gifts were received. Questions relating to the size and site of the Center have been resolved, and plans call for construction of the substructure to begin in the summer of 1965. It is estimated that about 214 years will be required to complete the building. The Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution serves ex officio as a member of the board of trustees of the Center. Also serving on the board are Senator Leverett Salton- stall and Senator J. William Fullbright, both Regents of the Institu- tion. A detailed report on the John F. Kennedy Center for the year, together with a financial statement, is presented beginning on page 247. NATIONAL ARMED FORCES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD During the year the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board gained a staff to provide assistance in the execution of its mis- sions as assigned by Public Law 87-186. The staff head, designated Coordinator of Studies, is Col. John H. Magruder, III, U.S. Marine Corps. Colonel Magruder, Director, Marine Corps Museums, was detailed by the Secretary of the Navy to work part-time with the Board. He reported for duty October 2, 1963. Other staff members are James S. Hutchins, Assistant Coordinator of Studies (reported December 2, 1963) ; Col. Robert M. Calland, U.S. Marine Corps, Re- tired, Museum Specialist (reported June 1, 1964) ; and Mrs. Miriam H. Schuman, Administrative Assistant (reported September 23, 1963). The Board, at its third meeting, January 20, 1964, unanimously endorsed Fort Washington, Md., now administered by the National Park Service, as the most feasible and appropriate site for the pro- posed National Armed Forces Museum. The Board also recommended to the Smithsonian Board of Regents that necessary arrangements be made with the National Park Service and the Congress to provide for the transfer of that site to the Smithsonian Institution. Accordingly, representatives of the Smithsonian Institution opened negotiations with the National Park Service looking to acquisition of Fort Washington. On March 16, 1964, the Secretary met with T. Sut- ton Jett, Director of the National Capital Region, National Park Service, and discussed with him the Board’s interest in obtaining the Fort Washington site. On May 14, 1964, the subject again was dis- cussed at a meeting between the Secretary and George B. Hartzog, Director of the National Park Service. Further negotiations with the Park Service are in progress. During the year the staff of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board opened negotiations with various agencies of the Armed Forces and the General Services Administration in regard to 12 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 the retention and eventual transfer to the Smithsonian Institution of military and naval objects appropriate for the collections of the National Armed Forces Museum. In addition, the staff undertook its own thorough search for such objects at military and naval installa- tions throughout the continental United States. The staff, in coopera- tion with the Smithsonian Library, also initiated steps to acquire from Armed Forces historical agencies and elsewhere significant publica- tions in the fields of military and naval history, to serve as a nucleus of the study center library of the proposed museum. All govern- mental agencies are cooperating fully with the work of the Board. Once a site for the museum has been fixed, there will be no dearth of materiel around which to establish a museum exhibit plan. SCIENCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE The Science Information Exchange (S.IL.E.) receives, organizes, and disseminates information about scientific research in progress. Its mission is to assist the planning and management of research activi- ties supported by Government and non-Government agencies and insti- tutions by promoting the exchange of information that concerns sub- ject matter, distribution, level of effort, and other data pertaining to current research in the prepublication stage. It helps program direc- tors and administrators to avoid unwarranted duplication and to deter- mine the most advantageous distribution of research funds. It serves the entire scientific community by informing individual investigators about who is currently working on problems in their special fields. The Exchange is concerned only with research actually in progress in order to cover the 1- to 8-year information gap between the time a research project is proposed or started and the time the results become generally available in published form. Thus, the Exchange comple- ments, rather than duplicates, the services of technical libraries and established documentation centers. Information is received by the Exchange from all available sources, specifying who supports a research task, who does it, where it is being done, and a 200-word technical summary of what is being done. These basic data are cast into a one-page record, the Notice of Research Project (N.R.P.) that serves as the major input and output of the Exchange. These records are analyzed, indexed, processed, and stored in computer and manual files in such a way that a wide variety of questions about any of these items or any combination of items can be quickly retrieved or compiled. The acquisition of task records and the input workloads have con- tinued to climb rapidly, from about 56,000 in fiscal year 1962 to 75,000 in 1963 and over 100,000 in 1964. The output services rendered to United States Government agencies and for the entire scientific SECRETARY’S REPORT 13 community have also increased rapidly, from about 27,000 reports of all kinds in 1968 to about 84,000 this fiscal year, Over three-quarters of a million research task records (N.R.P.’s) were requested and dis- patched during the year. With the rapidly increasing demands, the total staff, including about 40 scientists, grew to 155, but in recent months it has dropped slightly, reflecting in part the economies resulting from improved organization and systems control. To handle this rapidly increasing volume of records more efficiently and economically, the reorganization and expansion of the Exchange were completed during the past year. An entirely new assembly line system now is capable of receiving and processing well over 100,000 records per year. The system is easily controlled and is amenable to expansion or contraction as workloads may dictate. Each unit process, each organizational unit, and each of the different kinds of services rendered can be identified and the unit costs can be determined by a new accounting system developed and put into operation in recent months. For almost 15 years, the Exchange was supported by a number of Federal agencies whose far-sighted research directors and administra- tors were aware of the fact that the management of multimillion-dollar research programs might well be facilitated by the prompt exchange of information about on-going programs. As this enterprise grew rapidly in recent years, support and management problems became more complex and difficult for individual agencies, and so, in 1964, the National Science Foundation undertook the responsibility for funding and overall management with continued operational responsi- bility under the aegis of the Smithsonian Institution. It is axiomatic that maximum use should be made of the large number of research records acquired, processed, and stored by the Ex- change. To this end, S.I.E. has endeavored to make these services known and available to all eligible users. During the past year, five articles were published in professional journals by staff members de- scribing S.I.E. and its services. Twenty-three articles and news notes about S.I.E. were published by others. Over 25,000 descriptive brochures were requested and distributed. About 685 visitors, includ- ing a number from overseas, called at the Exchange to find out how these stores of information could be adapted to their own scientific information and research management problems. S.I.E. staff pre- sented 26 talks, papers, and briefings to professional scientific societies, groups, and organization units. All these activities indicate a growing interest in S.I.E. throughout the scientific community, and there is good reason to believe that these activities are the most effective ways of increasing the use of S.I.E. and thereby contributing to effec- tive management of research projects and programs. 14 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 By the end of this year all Federal agencies with significant research programs were participating in some degree in the S.I.E. program. About 90-95 percent of all Government research in life sciences and social sciences is being registered. In general, the physical sciences collection has grown slowly, but some fields now are approaching fairly comprehensive proportions. An estimated 15,000 to 20,000 records dealing mostly with applied research in physical sciences are still to be registered. Interest among non-Government agencies, universities, foundations, national fund-raising agencies, industry, State and city research agencies, has been growing substantially even though S.I.E. has concentrated its efforts in the past on Federal agency participa- tion. Closer cooperation with non-Government agencies may be antic- ipated as the Federal collections approach comprehensive proportions. To determine if S.I.E. does, in fact, fulfill its mission and effectively achieve its objectives, a questionnaire was sent to 600 scientists who have used the Exchange services. From their response, it was evident that over 95 percent received information concerning new research they did not know about, even in their own specialty fields. The majority used the information to keep up with latest developments and to avoid duplication in formulating new projects and research pro- posals. Over 70 percent affirmed good scientific quality, comprehen- sive coverage, and no irrelevant material. Over 60 percent indicated their interest and endorsement by volunteering comments and sug- gestions. Although the purpose of the questionnaire was primarily as guidance for §.I.E., this practical field test of an actual operating system and its products seems to offer objective and concrete evidence that this kind of information service on current research is needed and is acceptable to the research scientists for whom it was designed. SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM SERVICE The Smithsonian Museum Service, through appropriate educational media, interprets to museum visitors and to the general public the objects, specimens, and exhibits in the several Smithsonian museums and develops interpretative and educational programs relating to the work of the Institution in the fields of science, history, and art. The Museum Service also cooperates with the volunteers of the Junior League of Washington, D.C., who conduct the Junior League Guided Tour Program at the Smithsonian. A more complete report of this activity, directed by G. Carroll Lindsay, curator, with the assistance of Mrs. Nella Lloyd, visitor services assistant, is carried in the report on the U.S. National Museum (pp. 65-66). In addition, the Museum Service acts to coordinate special events and ceremonial activities involving the Smithsonian museums and out- side organizations. SECRETARY’S REPORT 15 The Museum Service provided assistance to professional groups and individuals visiting the museums of the Institution or planning to do so. Assistance in the form of lectures, answers to inquiries, and specal tours of museum areas was rendered to college and university groups and individuals from the United States and abroad. Mr. Lindsay served as consultant on museum organization and practices to representatives from other museums on several occasions. The Audioguide, or radio lecture system, in the Museum of Natural History continued in operation and was used by 39,504 persons. The complete text of the 87 Audioguide lectures was published during the year under the title Zhe E'xhibits Speak. In the Museum of History and Technology tape-recorded lectures describing the exhibits were made available to visitors to the First Ladies Hall. This system, using self-contained, battery-powered tape playback machines, is known as Acoustiguide. Assistant curator Mrs. Sophy Burnham wrote, produced, and directed a 27-minute, 16-millimeter, color motion picture, Zhe Leaf Thieves. The film shows research activities, field work, and exhibition preparation carried on by the Museum of Natural History, and in- cluded footage exposed in British Guiana during the 1962 Smithsonian Botany-Exhibits Expedition to that area. It is designed to acquaint students with the opportunities for scientific or technical careers in natural history museums. The film The Smithsonian’s Whale, describing the construction of the 92-foot model of a blue whale on exhibit in the Museum of Natural History, was distributed from 10 points across the United States and was shown on television stations in Washington and New York. Prints of this film also were borrowed directly from the Museum Service. This film was selected from films produced by Government agencies for showing at the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy. The staff docent in zoology, Mrs. Linda Gordon, and the staff docent in anthropology, Mrs. Marjorie Halpin, continued to handle non- technical correspondence from the public on their respective sub- jects; they provided tours for groups visiting the museum; lectured before classes visiting the museum; and prepared information leaflets on exhibition halls, bibliographies, and similar educational materials. Special “touch” tours for several groups of blind persons were ar- ranged during the year. Specimens and objects from the reference collections as well as selected portions of the public exhibits were included in the programs arranged for the blind. The Urban Service Corps program, under the general direction of Mrs. William Wirtz, held seven sessions at the Smithsonian. Empha- sis was placed on the work of the Musuem of Natural History, and the programs, designed to stimulate student participation, included lec- tures and tours of its exhibit areas and technical laboratories. At the 16 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 conclusion of one of the regularly scheduled Urban Service Corps programs, a special session was devoted to the Museum of History and Technology (at that time not yet open to the public). Scientific and administrative staff members of the Institution also participated in these programs. Miss Mary Ann Friend continued her work as audiovisual librarian, cataloging slides and arranging for the loan of slides, films, and photographs related to Smithsonian exhibits and research activities. Facilities of this library were extensively used by Smithsonian staff members and by borrowers outside the Institution. During the year the responsibility for operating the museum sales shops was transferred to the Museum Service, and Mrs. Emily Pettinos, formerly with the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, joined the staff as manager of the sales operations. The shops serve as an adjunct to the educational program of the Institution, making avail- able to the visitors printed materials relating to the work of the In- stitution and reproductions of materials in the museum collections. Three shops are operated in the Museum of History and Technology and one each in the Museum of Natural History and the Arts and In- dustries Building. Arrangements were made by the Museum Service for various Smith- sonian public functions and special events, including the opening of new exhibit halls, temporary exhibitions, film showings, lectures, visita- tions by heads of state and other distinguished visitors, and the open- ing of the Museum of History and Technology. More complete information about these activities will be found under appropriate headings elsewhere in this report. Current mailing lists for announce- ments of these events were maintained. The Smithsonian Calendar of Events, a listing of special events held at the Institution, was prepared and distributed monthly. An illus- trated directory to museums in the Washington metropolitan area was prepared by the Museum Service and published by the Institution, under the title Brief Guide to the Museums in the Washington Area. The Museum Service continued to assist radio and television pro- ducers wishing to feature Smithsonian exhibits and scientific work in local or network programs. In this regard the Museum Service acts as liaison between the broadcaster’s representatives and the various operating units of the Institution. William C. Grayson, formerly with the National Broadcasting Co., joined the staff as consultant to assist in the preparation of plans for more effective Smithsonian participation in various aspects of tele- vision and radio activity, including the use of the television studio in the Museum of History and Technology. Meredith Johnson, formerly director of Woodlawn Plantation, joined the staff of the Museum Service to assist in the development of SECRETARY’S REPORT 17 educational and visitor service programs, particularly in regard to the greatly increased demands for such services arising upon the opening of the Museum of History and Technology. During the year curator G. Carroll Lindsay attended various pro- fessional meetings and conferences. He appeared on the programs of the following meetings: The Annual Winterthur Seminar on Museum Operation and Connoisseurship, Winterthur, Del.; the Museum Audio-Visual Applications Group, Rochester, N.Y.; the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Mo. He also attended the annual meetings of the Division of Audio-Visual Instruction, National Education Association, Rochester, N.Y.; and the Museum Stores Association, Chicago, Ill. He also lectured before various groups visiting the Institution, de- scribing for them the history and current work of the Smithsonian, and presented similar talks before meetings of local service clubs and other groups interested in the Institution. Mr. Lindsay continued his research in the field of early American culture. He also presented lectures to the St. Mary’s County, Md., Historical Society and to the National Trust Conference for Historic Museum Associates on the subject of southern colonial architecture; participated in the annual Forum held by the Alexandria (Va.) Asso- ciation and spoke on early Alexandria architecture; presented a series of four lectures on early American furniture as part of the Junior League of Washington’s adult education program; and lectured at the Cheltenham Township (Pa.) Adult School on the subject of early American silver. He appeared four times on television pro- grams to discuss the work of the Smithsonian Institution and twice for the same purpose on radio programs. The curator and the consultant on TV installations, William C. Grayson, traveled to New York to consult with the program director of Lincoln Center. They also observed the visitor information facili- ties in Williamsburg, Va. The assistant curator attended the Calvin Motion Picture Studio Workshop seminar on motion-picture production in Kansas City, Mo. The audiovisual librarian, Miss Mary Ann Friend, represented the Museum Service at the American Film Festival of the Educational Film Library Association in New York City for the entry of one of our films. The museum docents have made trips to the American Museum of Natural History to examine the education programs and confer with staff members. In addition, the docent in zoology traveled to Boston to examine the education department at the Science Museum. The docent in zoology attended the International Congress on Zoology which consisted of seminars and a film theater in action. Report on the United States National Museum Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the condi- tion and operations of the U.S. National Museum for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964: COLLECTIONS During the year, 1,234,752 specimens were added to the national col- lections and distributed among the 10 departments as follows: An- thropology, 38,484; zoology, 196,427; botany, 30,427; entomology, 241,947; mineral sciences, 9,186; paleobiology, 376,007; science and technology, 1,361; arts and manufactures, 2,697 ; civil history, 336,393 ; and Armed Forces history, 1,823. ‘This year’s accessions were acquired as gifts from individuals, by staff collecting in the field, or as transfers from Government departments and agencies. The complete report on the Museum, published as a separate document, includes a detailed list of the year’s acquisitions, of which the more important are sum- marized below. Catalog entries in all departments now total 58,755,099. Anthropology.—Two large and important North American collec- tions were accessioned in the division of archeology. One, received by transfer from the River Basin Surveys, Bureau of American Eth- nology, included 18,603 specimens from the Medicine Creek Reservoir, Nebraska, and comprises one of the largest and most complete collec- tions extant on the prehistoric agricultural peoples of the Central Plains in the 9th to 14th centuries. The second lot is from the 1931-82 investigations of the Bureau of American Ethnology at Signal Butte, a key stratified site in western Nebraska with a series of occupational levels spanning the period from 2600 B.C. to about A.D. 1700. Other noteworthy accessions include 6,031 pieces collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology from the Parita and Santa Marta areas in Panama; a group of handaxes from the Fezan and microlithic blades from Tripolitania, Libya, presented by James R. Jones of the U.S. AID mission to Libya; and an exceptionally well-preserved Egyptian cat mummy donated by Edith Goldsmith of Methuen, Mass. In the division of ethnology, a large portion of the year’s acquisi- tions were obtained, chiefly by purchase, for use in the new Hall of Cultures of Africa and Asia. Noteworthy Asian accessions included: 18 SECRETARY’S REPORT 19 79 specimens representing Chinese opera, purchased with aid of the Chinese National Government; 116 items relating to agriculture and daily life in Japan, obtained from the Japanese Association of Mu- seums; a Hindu village altar assemblage of 40 specimens, purchased with assistance of the Government of Orissa, Bhubanaswar, and the Crafts Museum, New Delhi; 255 Burmese items purchased from the collector, Brian Peacock, University of Rangoon ; 226 specimens mostly from Isfahan and dealing with Iran textile printing, collected and donated by Mrs. Ethel J. W. Bunting; 76 items of Korean furniture, architectural pieces, and objects of everyday use, presented by the Korean Ministry of Public Information; 5 traditional Japanese swords, with scabbards and a leather sword case, presented by Adm. William M. Fechteler; a ceremonial bone apron from Tibet, by ex- change from Simon Kriger, Washington, D.C.; and 3 large rubbings of stone relief from the Bayon at Angkor, donated by the Kingdom of Cambodia. To the African collections were added 60 items from the Endo-Marakwet of Kenya, purchased for the Museum by Deric O’Bryan, formerly U.S. Foreign Service Officer in Nairobi; and full- scale copies of six rock paintings from the Tassili Mountains of Al- geria, made at the Musée de l’Homme under direction of Henri Lhote. Among the accessions in the division of physical anthropology are two casts of trephined skulls from Peru, one with five and the other with seven openings; these will be exhibited as examples of the number of trephine openings which have been made in a skull in vivo. Two Kraho Indian face masks from central Brazil were made for the Museum by Harold Schultz. One is to be incorporated in the map of peoples of the world in the new hall of physical anthropology in prep- aration. Other accessions include skeletal materials from Virginia, Maryland, Latin America, and Alaska. Zoology.—A currently accelerated program of field activities in the division of mammals added 14,869 specimens to its collections. Field parties working under the direction of Dr. Henry W. Setzer collected more than 5,000 specimens from Africa and southwestern Asia. The tropical areas of the Americas continued to provide large numbers of specimens. Of special note are Dr. C. O. Handley’s general collec- tions from Panama and Arthur M. Greenhall’s large collection of bats from Trinidad. Important accessions also include a rare marbled cat from Sumatra presented by Kent Crane, a series of baboons ob- tained by Clifford E. Sanders in Northern Rhodesia, South American marmosets received from the National Institutes of Health Primate Colony at the San Diego Zoo through Robert W. Cooper, and a good series of canids allied to red wolves from the south-central part of the United States received through the Fish and Wildlife Service. Accessions worthy of special note received in the division of birds 766—-746—65——_3 20 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 include 547 bird skins, 26 skeletons, 1 egg, and 1 nest from Panama, received through Dr. Alexander Wetmore; 791 bird skins, 85 skeletons, and 1 nest from North America, by transfer from the Fish and Wild- life Service; 301 bird skins from Formosa, by transfer from the De- partment of Defense, Department of the Navy, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, through Dr. R. E. Kuntz; 190 bird skins from North Borneo, gift of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum through Dr. J. L. Gressitt; 175 bird skins from West Pakistan, gift from Bucknell University through Dr. Roy C. Tasker; 156 alcoholic specimens of birds from Prof. D. S. Rabor, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines; and 52 original watercolor paintings executed as illustrations for F. Salomonson’s “The Birds of Green- land” by deposit from the artist, Aage Gitz-Johansen, Trorod, Den- mark, through Dr. Carl Christensen, Cultural Counselor, Embassy of Denmark. The division of reptiles and amphibians accessioned 2,639 specimens. Outstanding among these are 58 West Indian lizards and frogs, in- cluding paratypes of 13 new species and subspecies from Dr. Albert Schwartz of Miami, Fla.; 213 reptiles and amphibians from Mada- gascar collected by field parties under the direction of Dr. H. W. Setzer of the division of mammals; and 219 reptiles and amphibians from Darién, Panama, collected by Dr. Charles O. Handley, Jr., also of the division of mammals. Among the largest accessions made in the division of fishes during the year were 5,777 specimens received by transfer from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, mostly through the efforts of Dr. Daniel Cohen, Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., Willis King, J. H. Finucane, and P. J. Struh- saker; a gift of 3,000 specimens of Panamanian fishes from Horace Loftin, Florida State University; and through exchange, 6,020 Vir- ginia fishes from Dr. Robert Ross, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod, T. F. H. Publications, Inc., Jersey City, N.J., donated 443 South American fishes and aided in securing 18 additional ones. Especially important acquisitions are holotypic and paratypic specimens received from Dr. Jacques R. Géry, Dordogne, France; Dr. Edward C. Raney, Cornell University; Dr. John E. Randall, Univer- sity of Puerto Rico; Dr. Eugenia Clark, Cape Haze Marine Labora- tory; Wayne J. Baldwin, University of California; Dr. C. Lindsey, University of British Columbia; Dr. J. L. B. Smith, Rhodes Univer- sity, Grahamstown, South Africa; and Dr. Stanley Weitzman, asso- ciate curator in the division of fishes. The addition of 47 shark speci- mens, some undescribed and others representing species not previously contained in the national collections, was made by the following: Dr. J. C. Briggs, University of Texas; H. Heyamoto and Susumu Kato, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Donald Goff, Rehoboth Beach, SECRETARY’S REPORT 21 Del.; Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Dr. T. Abe, University of Tokyo, Japan; Dr. F. H. Talbot, South African Museum; and Jeanette D. D’Aubrey, Oceanographic Research Insti- tute, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Valuable specimens were also re- ceived from Mac Entel, Sumac Tropical Fish Hatchery, Miami, Fla. The addition of 27,003 Antarctic specimens to the division of marine invertebrates, collected by Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, was of special im- portance. Dr. Schmitt, research associate of the division, participated in the U.S. Antarctic Research Program aboard the USS Staten [sland and made these collections during the Palmer Peninsula-South Shet- lands Survey in 1963. Many existing gaps in the national collections of the fauna of these regions have now been filled. Acquisition of the A. Weir Bell collection of Oligochaeta, comprising about 900 slides of sections of these worms, a catalog, and a library of separates of scien- tific articles dealing with the oligochaetes, was a significant event during the year. This important collection was obtained from Dr. R. A. Boolootian, Department of Zoology, University of California, Los Angeles. A collection of 2,216 specimens of polychaete worms from the Bering Sea was received from Dr. Donald J. Reish, Long Beach State College, Long Beach, Calif. In the division of mollusks, 69,288 specimens were added during the year, including 334 specimens from previously recorded accessions, the largest annual increment since 1953-54. This large increase is due mainly to three large accessions: The personal collection of Arnon L. Mehring consisting of approximately 23,800 specimens; a collection of 17,300 specimens mainly from Okinawa, Ryukyus, purchased through the Chamberlain Fund; and 7,600 specimens gathered by Dr. Harold A. Rehder in Tahiti utilizing funds provided by Gen. Frank R. Schwengel in memory of his wife, Jeanne S. Schwengel. Other large accessions include an exchange with the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia of 1,350 specimens, and a gift of 1,480 specimens from Duncan Emrich of Washington, D.C. Holotypes were received from the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, through Dr. F. M. Bayer; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Laboratory, Pas- cagoula, Miss., through Harvey R. Bullis, Jr.; and from Richard E. Petit. A total of 843 specimens including a number of holotypes were added to the helminthological collection during the year. The largest accession, consisting of 339 lots collected in Panama in 1931-34, was presented by Dr. A. O. Foster. Entomology.—The division of Coleoptera received a total of 49,528 specimens in 66 accessions. Major contributions include the follow- ing: 730 beetles from Nepal and Pakistan from Dr. J. Maldonado Capriles, University of Puerto Rico; 1,000 North American ground beetles from John D. Glaser, Baltimore, Md.; 5,500 beetles from Cen- 22 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 tral America and the United States from Dr. John Kingsolver, Insect Identification and Parasite Introduction Research Branch, U.S. De- partment of Agriculture; and 1,100 Mexican beetles from Dr. Alfred B. Lau, Mexican Indian Training Center, Cordoba, Vera Cruz, Mexico. As a result of field work conducted by members of the Smithsonian staff the following were acquired: 1,100 miscellaneous South Ameri- can beetles from Mrs. Doris H. Blake and Dr. Doris M. Cochran; 300 scarab beetles from South Carolina obtained by O. L. Cartwright; and 85,600 miscellaneous Mexican and North American beetles col- lected by Dr. Paul J. Spangler. The division of Hemiptera received 81,757 specimens in 100 acces- sions during the year. The most important acquisition of the year was the J. Douglas Hood collection of Thysanoptera (thrips), which contains 1,055 holotypes and 11,203 paratypes of Hood and other workers. The transfer of the very important collection of North American fleas from the Rocky Mountain Laboratory of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, was initiated through the efforts of Dr. Wil- liam L. Jellison, retired, of that Institute. To date 12,780 carefully prepared slides from this collection have been received. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, through the cooperation of Dr. Martin W. Johnson and H. George Snyder, presented over 1,300 specimens of the marine water-strider genus Walobates. Other important acces- sions are: 1,144 ants from the Nevada Atomic Test Site through the cooperation of Dr. Donald M. Allred, Atomic Energy Commission ; 500 Australian ants from Prof. B. B. Lowery, St. Ignatius College, Sydney, Australia; and 215 South American ants from Dr. K. W. Cooper, Hanover, N.H. Other Hymenoptera, 180 named European wasps from W. 8. Pulawski, University of Wroclawskiego, Warsaw, Poland; 486 North American wasps from Dr. K. V. Krombein, Arling- ton, Va.; 157 South American velvet ants from Dr. Osvaldo H. Casal, Instituto Nacional de Microbiologia, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 443 Old World cercerid wasps from Dr. H. A. Scullen, Oregon State Univer- sity, Corvallis, Oreg.; 450 North American and Russian chalcid-flies from C. D. F. Miller, Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada; and 100 European chalcid-flies from Dr. A. Hoffer, Prague, Czechoslovakia. The division of Lepidoptera? received 72,324 specimens as the re- sult of field activity of staff members and cooperating agencies. Sig- nificant contributions made by staff members include 9,115 Mexican moths collected by Drs. Don R. Davis and W. Donald Duckworth; 1,280 butterflies from eastern United States collected by William D. 1 See footnote on page 66. SECRETARY’S REPORT 23 Field; and 5,746 Lepidoptera (including 760 reared specimens) and 155 Diptera from the Island of Rapa, contributed by Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Gates Clarke. Dr. William L. Stern, Department of Botany, presented 134 Philippine butterflies and moths; C. W. Sabrosky, U.S. Department of Agriculture, contributed 297 North American flies; 2,718 North American flies were received from Dr. C. P. Alexander of Amherst, Mass.; 92 Asian flies, including 1 holotype and 9 para- types, came from Dr. Edward L. Coher of Waltham, Mass.; Dr. D. Elmo Hardy, Honolulu, presented 146 South American flies, including 4 holotypes and 2 allotypes; and 103 Japanese moths were received from Dr. H. Kuroko of Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. By transfer, 45,004 specimens, including all groups of insects, were received from the Insect Identification and Parasite Introduction Branch, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The division of Myriapoda and Arachnida received some extremely valuable material totaling 4,369 specimens in 32 transactions. H. F. Loomis continued to enrich our millipede collection with approximately 300 Neotropical specimens, both typical and ordinary; Dr. G. E. Ball, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, presented 425 centipedes from Canada, southwestern United States, and Mexico. Dr. R. L. Hoffman, Radford College, Blacksburg, Va., sent 160 centipedes and millipedes, including types of the latter from the United States; Curator Ralph Crabill contributed 1,100 centipedes from upper Bavaria and Austria, including many specimens otherwise known only from the types; Dr. Nell B. Causey, Fayetteville, Ark., donated 215 centipedes from Arkansas and southeastern United States. The most important single accession received in the division of neuropteroids consists of a synoptic collection of African dragonflies and damselflies received from Dr. E. C. G. Pinhey, Bulawayo, South- ern Rhodesia; 2,421 identified North American aquatic insects were received from Dr. Stanley G. Jewett, Jr., Portland, Oreg.; Dr. A. E. Brower, Augusta, Maine, presented 4,296 caddisflies from northeastern United States; from Fritz Plaumann, Nova Teutonia, Brazil, 4,002 caddisflies were acquired by purchase; Dr. A. B. Gurney, Insect Identification and Parasite Introduction Research Branch, U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, presented 1,882 grasshoppers and lacewings from Texas and Virginia; Dr. O. S. Flint, Jr., of this division, col- lected and presented 6,768 caddisflies. Botany.—An excellent set of 1,859 plants collected on the British Solomon Islands by T. C. Whitmore was received from the Forestry Department at Honiara. Mrs. Paul Bartsch presented the herbarium of the late Dr. Paul Bartsch consisting of 10,220 plants from Iowa and Virginia, many of them of historical interest. Also received as gifts were 482 plants of Bolivia from M. Cardenas, Cochabamba, Bolivia; 24 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 1,055 specimens of Araceae from southeast Asia from Dan H. Nicol- son; 2,215 lichens of Florida and Minnesota from Dr. Mason E. Hale; and 945 mosses from Dr. Frederick J. Hermann. Received in exchange were 4,675 plants, which included many collec- tions of historical importance, such as those of Guadichaud, Sieber, Sodiro, and Vieillard, from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; 1,790 specimens mostly collected in northern South America by Bassett Maguire et al., from the New York Botanical Garden; 1,733 specimens from New Guinea, Thailand, and Africa, from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Surrey, England; 1,578 specimens from New Guinea received from the Commonwealth Scientific and Indus- trial Research Organization, Canberra, Australia; 1,380 plants col- lected in British Guiana by R. J. A. Goodland, from McGill Univer- sity; 1,126 plants of Central America from the Escuela Agricola Panamericana, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; 880 fine specimens collected in Argentina by Mydel-Peterson from the Botanical Museum, Univer- sity of Copenhagen, Denmark; 306 selected specimens of South Afri- can plants from the University of Pretoria, South Africa; 500 mosses from the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden; 209 plants comprising issues 85-88 of Schedae ad Herbarium Florae Rossicae, from the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.; 345 woods from the Servico Florestal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and 187 woods from the Conservator of Forests, Kuching, Sarawak. A total of 1,347 specimens comprising several collections was received from the Istituto Botanico, Caracas, Venezuela, and 1,142 from the Herbario “Barbosa Rodrigues,” Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in exchange for names. From the University of Michigan were received 542 grasses collected by Rogers McVaugh, and 2,629 woods from Sumatra, the Philippines, Mexico, and British Honduras, mostly collected by the late H. H. Bartlett. Transferred from other Government departments were 9,354 speci- mens of Alaska from the Geological Survey through Dr. Robert S. Sigafoos, and 1,240 plants of Thailand from the U.S. Army at Fort Detrick, Md. Collected for the Museum were 564 plants of Alaska from William J. L. Sladen, Baltimore, Md., 554 grasses collected on Trinidad by Dr. Thomas R. Soderstrom, and 205 grasses collected by Jason R. Swallen in South Africa. Paleobiology—tIn the division of paleobotany important specimens received as gifts include 36 prepared slides containing 84 fossil spore and pollen type specimens from West Africa, from the Jersey Produc- tion Research Co. through R. E. Rohn; 11 silicified stems of the tree fern genus Cyathodendron from the Eocene of Texas, from S. N. Dobie, Whitsett, Tex.; and a large, well-preserved limb section from SECRETARY’S REPORT 25 the Eocene of Wyoming from Mr. and Mrs. Jean Case, Dr. F. M. Hueber collected 2,000 specimens of Lower Devonian plant remains from the Gaspé and northern New Brunswick region of Canada, the field work supported by Walcott bequest. Among the 372,000 specimens accessioned by the division of inverte- brate paleontology are a number of collections which are of major importance. Transfers of type specimens from the U.S. Geological Survey included: 160 Cambrian trilobites described by A. R. Palmer; 46 cephalopods from the western interior; conodonts from the Great Basin; corals from the Ordovician of Alaska; and Foraminifera from the Tertiary of Equatorial Africa, and the Gilbert Islands in the Central Pacific. Gifts included several noteworthy additions. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity gave 3,700 type specimens described in the well-known Paleo- zoic volumes of the Maryland Geological Survey stratigraphic series. One thousand specimens of Middle Ordovician and Silurian inverte- brates were collected in southwestern Ontario by Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Cooper. Dr. R. S. Boardman completed a major collection of more than 200,000 Paleozoic Bryozoa from a number of measured sections in the Ordovician of Oklahoma. Dr. Franco Rasetti donated 3,500 identified Cambrian trilobites including many type specimens. Dr. A. J. Boucot gave 7,000 Silurian brachiopods collected in Great Britain. A valuable collection of 5,000 mollusks from the Tertiary of Virginia and Maryland was given by Dr. R. J. Taylor. Other valuable gifts were: 140 specimens of Upper Paleozoic brachiopods from Chihuahua, Mexico, given by Teodoro Diaz G.; a large number of Tertiary mollusks from Hampton, Va., by Dr. T. Walley Williams; 10 specimens of unique Tertiary mollusks from Florida by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams; and an extensive collection of Mississippian endothyrid Foraminifera consisting of more than 1,000 thin sections, including many type specimens, donated by Dr. Edward Zeller. Funds from the Walcott bequest were used to purchase more than 20,000 invertebrates, one of the world’s most complete collections from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Chile, from Mrs. Elsa de Biese, Santi- ago, Chile. With the cooperation of the Arabian American Oil Co., and financed partly by Walcott funds, Drs. P. M. Kier and E. G. Kauff- man of the Museum staff collected more than 25,000 specimens of a variety of invertebrates from Mesozoic rocks of Saudi Arabia. The Springer fund made possible the purchase of 1,023 blastoids and crinoids from the Burlington limestone of Iowa and Missouri, and 120 Triassic echinoids from the Moenkopi formation of Utah. Outstanding exchanges brought many important specimens includ- ing 1,050 species of Jurassic and Cretaceous mollusks from the Geologi- 26 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 cal Survey of Pakistan; 160 plastotypes of Mesozoic mollusks housed at the University de Lyon; 12 species of ammonites from Moscow University ; and 50 plastotypes of Upper Cretaceous species in the col- lections of the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. Particular mention is made of a collection of 122 specimens of het- erostrachian, acanthodian, and arthrodire fishes from a Lower De- vonian quarry in Lucas County, Ohio, received in an exchange with the Chicago Natural History Museum. An interesting collection of Pleistocene vertebrate remains from Cartersville, Ga., was donated to the Smithsonian Institution by Shorter College of Rome, Ga. The assemblage represented includes at least 20 species and is important as the most extensive Pleistocene verte- brate fauna yet discovered in Georgia. Tn the division of vertebrate paleontology two outstanding accessions resulted from field collecting by the staff. Dr. C. L. Gazin assisted by Franklin L. Pearce, collected approximately 350 specimens of early Tertiary mammals. The specimens were taken principally from the Middle Eocene Bridger formation of southwestern Wyoming, but in- cluded also are small collections from the Paleocene of the Green River and Fossil basins of southwestern Wyoming and from the Bison Basin of south-central Wyoming. The collections are important for the wealth of small forms, such as Primates, rodents, insectivores, and carnivores from the Middle Eocene beds of the Bridger Basin. Dr. D. H. Dunkle, assisted by Gladwyn B. Sullivan, collected ap- proximately 307 fossil fishes mainly from new localities in the upper Madera formation of Permian or possibly Pennsylvanian age in cen- tral New Mexico and consisting principally of sharks and acanthodian, paleoniscoid, and coelacanth fishes. Other important collections of these forms were obtained from the Pennsylvanian Wea shale in Ne- braska and Iowa. In addition, a small collection of Leptolepis re- mains was made in the Jurassic Todilto limestone of New Mexico, and various bones of arthrodires and crossopterygians were collected in a Middle Devonian quarry in Ohio. Mineral sciences—In all, 9,230 specimens were received in the divi- sion of mineralogy. Outstanding among the many important gifts was an exceptionally fine gem-quality topaz crystal from Brazil, from Oscar Heyman & Brothers, Inc. Other important gifts were scapolite, Madagascar, from John B. Jago; rhodonite, Franklin, N.J., from Mrs. Frank A. Lewis; opal, Australia, from Leland Quick; and tour- maline, Brazil, from Bernard T. Rocca, Sr. Outstanding among spec- imens received by exchange was a fine example of cuprosklodowskite from the Congo, a very fine large brazilianite crystal from Brazil, and an exceptionally fine, large, gem-quality crystal of beryl, variety aqua- marine, also from Brazil. SECRETARY’S REPORT a7 A total of 4,113 specimens were added to the Roebling collection by purchase or exchange. Outstanding among these were a very large Japanese twin of quartz, from Arizona; a fine specimen of scolecite from Brazil; a crystal of scapolite of unusually large size from Mex- ico; some fine francevillite and chervetite from Gabon; and some out- standing specimens of raspite from Australia. Acquired by purchase from the Canfield fund was a very large crystal of chrysoberyl from Russia and an extraordinary crystal of danburite from Baja Califor- nia, Mexico. Outstanding new additions to the gem collection included a 1,000- carat aquamarine, from Brazil, from Evyan Perfumes, Inc.; a very unusual star sapphire, showing four separate stars, from Ceylon, from Sidney Krandall & Sons; a jade bowl, formerly in the Vetlesen col- lection, from Mrs. Mildred Tabor Keally; a Mexican opal, from Mrs. Frank A. Lewis; two fine kunzites from Brazil, weighing 296.78 and 336.16 carats, from Robert C. Nelson, Jr.; four diamonds of rare blue and green colors, from Van Cleef & Arpels, Inc.; and a collection of spheres of jade, petrified wood, and other gem materials from Albert R. Cutter. Gems acquired by purchase from the Chamberlain fund for the Isaac Lea collection included a 22.35 carat golden sapphire and a 24.15-carat cat’s-eye diopside. Five very exceptional gems, all from Brazil, were added to the collection by exchange. They were a golden green beryl weighing 1,363 carats, a 914-carat green beryl, a greenish-colored topaz weighing 1,469 carats, a 1,862-carat amethyst, and a heart-shaped kunzite weigh- ing 880 carats. Received from an anonymous donor was the Portu- guese diamond, a fine step-cut stone weighing 127.01 carats. The Portuguese diamond is the largest cut diamond from Brazil and the thirteenth largest in the world. In the 1920’s it was recut to its present shape from a 150-carat cushion-shaped stone. Details of its early history are unknown, but it is said that it was once owned by the royal family of Portugal. EKighty-three meteorites were accessioned during the year, 28 of which were not previously represented in the collection, making this the best year in some time. The most important single addition was the collection of the late Arthur R. Allen of Trinidad, Colo. It con- tained 45 meteorites and 636 grams of tektites and was purchased by a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Specimens of particular interest were the 14 fine oriented individuals of the Pasamonte, N. Mex., fall (totaling 1.3 kg.) and a Canyon Diablo specimen containing a large diamond inclusion. Seven stony meteorites that had not been previously known were included: Ala- mosa, Colo. (1.8 kg.) ; Blackwell, Okla. (2.4 kg.) ; Georgetown, Colo. (0.68 kg.) ; Mosquero, N. Mex. (1.6 kg.); Thatcher, Colo. (2 g.); 28 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Tobe, Colo. (5.4 kg.) ; and Mosca, Colo. (6.1). Outstanding among the donations was a specimen of the widely publicized Bogou iron presented by President Maurice Yameogo of the Republic of Upper Volta. Science and technology—tIn the division of physical sciences an outstanding accession was the gift from Vassar College of the large telescope built in 1863 by Henry Fitz, one of America’s famous telescope makers, and used by Maria Mitchell at Vassar. Preston Bas- sett gave an 8-sided revolving mirror used by Albert Michelson in his famous determination of the velocity of light in 1924. A Collins helium cryostat, from Loyola University of New Orleans and Arthur D. Little, Inc., and an earlier Collins cryogenic expansion machine, from Samuel C. Collins, are basic artifacts in the recent development of commercially available low-temperature apparatus. In the section of chemistry, outstanding accessions relating to the element fluorine were a replica of the platinum apparatus for electroly- sis and distillation used by Henry Moissan in his epochal isolation of fluorine (1886), and a commercial fluorine cell made by the Harshaw Chemical Co., in 1942-43, and given the Museum by thecompany. The Moissan apparatus was fabricated through the courtesy of the Baker Platinum Division of Engelhard Industries, Inc. The collection of adding and calculating machines in the section of mathematics was notably enriched by the gift of 76 specimens from the Victor Comptometer Corp. The gift includes several famous his- torical machines, such as the Schilt adding machine of 1851, the oldest European key-driven machine; a Bollee direct-multiplication machine, one of only three such machines made by Louis Bollee between 1888 and 1892; and the famous Scheutz difference engine of 1853, the first complete difference engine ever built. A replica of Charles Babbage’s difference engine was donated by the International Business Machines Corp. Among the most outstanding accessions in the section of light machinery and horology was a pocket watch made by Henry and James F. Pitkin of East Hartford, Conn., in about 1838. This specimen is an example of the first American attempt at watchmaking by machines. Other significant acquisitions by this section were a splendid example of a French skeleton clock of the late 18th century and a combination lock patented in 1841 by Dr. Solomon Andrews, an American inventor. The section of tools acquired the J. R. Brown Linear Dividing Machine of 1859 from the Brown & Sharpe Co., which was a milestone in the history of measurement in American manufacturing. A fully operative reproduction of the gun-stocking lathe developed by Thomas Blanchard in 1820-22 was also received. This pioneer machine, the original of which is in the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Mass., SECRETARY’S REPORT 29 represents the beginning of American mass production by machine tools. A rare 19th-century Holtzapffel ornamental turning lathe was acquired with a very comprehensive collection of accessories. Edvard Johansson, Royal Swedish Consul at Detroit, donated a set of Johans- son gauge blocks for the hall. The adoption of the Johansson system of gauges invented by his father, C. E. Johansson in the late 19th century, revolutionized mass production by making it possible to achieve universal interchangeability of machine parts. This particu- lar set was the first to be produced in stainless steel and was made especially to be given to the inventor on his 71st birthday in 1933. The presentation was made in a formal ceremony in the hall of tools on March 13 by the Royal Swedish Ambassador, His Excellency Hubert de Besch. Among the outstanding models received by the division of trans- portation were a Pacific coast lumber steamer, a 4-masted barkentine, and the schooner Fly of 1812. A model of the new class of fast freight steamers, the American Challenger, 1962 record holder for the North Atlantic crossing by a freighter, was received from the United States Lines as a gift. The oldest scale model of an American-built ship, His Majesty’s 44-oun ship America, built at Portsmouth, N.H., in 1746-1747, was received as a 3-year loan by special agreement from the trustees of the Portsmouth Athenaeum, Portsmouth, N.H. The model will be repaired and exhibited by the marine section and, after a year, trans- ferred to the division of naval history for a 2-year exhibition period. Three early railway signals (1880-1905) were donated by Thomas T. Taber to the section of land transportation. The vehicle collection was enriched by several important additions. The Mack Bulldog truck (1930) is the first commercial motor vehicle to be added to the collection and was donated by Victor Ottilio & Sons. A fine Rocka- way (1860) was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Flemer, Jr. A Hack Passenger Wagon (1880), more commonly called a mud wagon, was also added to the carriage collection. The largest object accessioned in the division of electricity was an 85-ton alternating-current generator from the Adams station at Niag- ara Falls, donated jointly by Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp. and Westinghouse Electric Corp. It is this alternator that inaugurated in 1895 the modern era of central stations distributing electrical power over large areas. A somewhat smaller, but very important, magneto generator was received from the University of Virginia. It was made by Hippolyte Pixii in 1832 or 1833 and represents the first use of a commutator for the production of direct current. Only two other machines like this are known to exist in the world. A third generator, by Charles Wheatstone, was obtained on indefinite loan 30 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 from King’s College, University of London. It is one of the first examples of a self-excited dynamo, a principle discovered coinci- dentally by Wheatstone in England and Werner Siemens in Germany in 1866. Excellent replicas of four alternating-current motors repre- senting the pioneer work of Galileo Ferraris in 1885 were given to the museum by the Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana and Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris of Turin. Among the major accessions during the past year in the division of medical sciences were a collection of tools and research apparatus used in a late 19th century microbiology and biochemistry laboratory, donated by the University of Michigan, and a 1953 hydraulic turbine contra-angle handpiece with accessories and test model for dental drilling from the National Bureau of Standards. Also acquired were the office material, dental instruments, and personal memorabilia of Dr. Charles E. Kells as a gift from his daughter, Mrs. J. O. Pierson, through the School of Medicine of Tulane University. To the pharmaceutical collection, an ancient Egyptian mortar and pestle, weights, and amulets were added. Civil history Several items with Presidential associations received in the division of political history include a pair of leather chaps worn by President Theodore Roosevelt in the Dakota Territory, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt; a meerschaum pipe used by President Ulysses S. Grant in the White House, from the estate of George W. Crouch; one of the microphones used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his “fireside chats” to the American people in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the gift of the Columbia Broadcasting System and WTOP-Radio, Washington, D.C.; a pen used on January 23, 1964, by President Lyndon B. Johnson to sign the bill establishing the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the gift of Senator Clinton P. Anderson. Important additions made to the First Ladies Collection are two dresses worn by Mrs. Grover Cleveland as First Lady and an evening cape that had belonged to her; these were the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Cleveland. One of the new dresses, of black satin and iridescent taffeta, now represents Mrs. Cleveland in the exhibit in the First Ladies Hall. The division of cultural history received the frame and woodwork of an entire house, the gift of Alexander B. C. Mulholland; built in Ipswich, Mass., the older portion of this house dates from the late 17th century, the Jater from about 1750. The Honorable David Bruce pre- sented 18-century woodwork and paneling from two rooms of a Charleston, S.C., house. The architecture of Louis Sullivan is repre- sented in one lot of ornaments from his Chicago Stock Exchange Building, given by Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Despres, and in another lot SECRETARY’S REPORT Sit from Sullivan’s Garrick Building, given by the Joint Committee on Preservation of the Garrick Building Ornament and World Book Encyclopedia. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Pope Meigs, Jr., presented 223 miscellaneous pieces of furniture, utensils, portraits, and other items, all heirlooms of the Meigs family. Other gifts include 33 rare early maps, a gouache by D. Y. Cameron, a painting by Thomas Wood, and two silver cans by Samuel Edwards, from Mrs. Francis P. Garvan; an 18th-century account and letter book of Alexander Smith of Alexandria, from Mrs. Jean M. Dodd; two mahogany side chairs from Mrs. Wellington Powell; and four side chairs and a Pennsyl- vania rocking chair from Mrs. George Maurice Morris. The family of Harry T. Peters donated a poster advertising a traveling menagerie from the Zoological Institute of New York City, dated 1835, a rare and early example of its kind. To the division of numismatics was added an original pewter strik- ing of the noted Castorland token made for the officers of the French colony established at Carthage, N.Y., 1796, and a rare pattern half dollar of 1916, both given by Ben Douglas. Other outstanding addi- tions to the United States series were a $20 gold piece in high relief and a $10 gold piece originally owned by Henry Hering, who com- pleted the design of these coins in 1907 for Augustus St. Gaudens, and Mr. Hering’s notes concerning the history of this gold coinage and the interest of President Theodore Roosevelt; these were the gift of Stack’s of New York. A die used by the J. J. Conway Co. of Colorado in the striking of a private $5 gold piece was donated by Robert Bash- low. Joseph B. Stack gave tintypes of the Bechtler family, well- known private gold coiners from North Carolina, a daguerreotype of John Little Moffat, a leading coiner in San Francisco during the gold rush, and the notebook of the mint engraver J. B. Longacre concerning the design of the 1856 flying eagle cent. An important collection of silver bars, bullet money, and various forms of media of exchange used in Siam and China were donated by Mrs. F. C. C. Boyd; Harvey Stack gave the Edith and Jean Jacques Ture collection of necessity pieces issued in France and the French colonies during the 1914-26 period. Willis du Pont added 645 coins struck during the second part of the reign of Catherine II of Russia and 210 Russian silver and bronze medals. Mrs. Wayte Raymond gave 1,167 coins of the world struck during the 19th and 20th centuries Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Neinken made an important contribution of a specialized collection of checks of United States banks and nearly 10,000 items of European paper currencies and documents of value. The first instance of the use of paper in coinage, a quarter gulden in cardboard issued in Leyden in 1573 during the siege by the Spaniards, was a gift from Dr. V. Clain-Stefanelli. 32 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 To the division of philately and postal history Baron Takaharu Mitsui of Tokyo, Japan, donated an outstanding group of early letters and documents pertaining to the private posts of 19th-century Japan and the early government postal service of that country. Morrison Waud of Chicago, Ill., gave a large and comprehensive collection of United States newspaper stamps, proofs, essays, and forgeries and 669 examples of stamped revenue paper. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. D. Hopkins donated a collection of essays and die proofs of the stamps of China and placed additional material of that nature on loan. A large specialized collection of stamps of South Africa was given by Dr. O. L. Harvey. Dr. James Matejka donated early airmail stamps of Syria and a rare airmail stamp of France. Harry L. Lindquist donated a large number of United States and foreign covers, many of which bear special postal markings and commemorative stamps. Charles H. Wuerz, Jr., continued to contribute stamps of Siam in an effort to complete that section of the National Postage Stamp Collection. Arts and manufactures.—Ralph E. Becker presented to the division of textiles a comprehensive collection of silk Jacquard woven pic- tures. These interesting examples of an unusual weaving art date from 1867 through the 1930’s. The wide variety of subjects include pictures of Columbus sighting America, Betsy Ross stitching the flag, and facsimilies of the signatures of the Declaration of Independ- ence. An excellent collection of American needlework was presented by Dr. Margaret R. Sandels. One of the embroidered pictures, “The Sea Beast,” of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., a noted needlewoman, was given by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney de la Rue. A colorful 18th- century floral border by the distinguished French designer Philippe de Lasalle was added to the brocade collection. Mrs. Clara W. Berwick supplemented her previous gifts to the division of ceramics and glass by 74 pieces of rare early American glass and 22 European and Oriental ivories. Robert H. McCauley presented 65 pieces of Liverpool type transfer printed earthenware, including a number of rare pitchers decorated with American themes. Mr. McCauley is the author of the definitive book Liverpool Transfer Designs on Anglo-American Pottery. Mrs. William A. Sutherland continued to add to the division’s collection of 18th-century English porcelains. This year she gave 28 fine examples of the production of 10 important factories, including a splendid Derby pitcher and a rare Lowestoft coffeepot. Dr. Hans Syz presented by transfer 53 pieces of 18th-century European porcelain. One of the finest. collec- tions in America, the Syz collection is especially notable for examples of the important German factories, such as Meissen, Berlin, Héchst, Frankenthal, and Ludwigsburg, and of the extremely rare Viennese porcelain of the DuPaquier period. SECRETARY’S REPORT 33 The most important accession received in the division of graphic arts was a bequest of 243 Currier & Ives lithographs of sporting and western subjects from the Adele S. Colgate Estate. This gift greatly enhances the standing of the Museum’s collection of Currier & Ives prints. The important gift of Erich Cohn of 20 drawings and etch- ings by the German expressionist artists Paul Kleinschmidt and Lud- wig Meidner reflects what was probably the strongest group contri- bution to printmaking in this century. The Society of Washington Printmakers donated, through its president, Prentiss Taylor, the in- taglio print Zmage IIT, by Lois Fine; the woodcut The Valley, by Tsabella Walker; and the lithograph Vova Scotia, by Louis Lozowick. The section of photography acquired a number of historically note- worthy specimens of photographs and equipment. Lucien G. Bull of Paris presented a large group of material related to the early his- tory of high-speed photography, consisting of original negatives, prints, and an electromechanical timing device. Ansco, Binghamton, N.Y., presented a model of a photographic wagon of the type used by Mathew Brady during the Civil War. Nikon, Inc., presented a “Niko- nos” 35-mm. underwater camera, with watertight lens and body, for use under water without a protective housing. The Vew York Daily Mirror donated a lightweight Zeiss Ikon, Ernemann plate camera, originally purchased in the 1930’s by William Randolph Hearst to replace the bulkier cameras used by his newspapers, and another spe- cially designed camera intended to take pictures from a concealed position. The division of manufactures and heavy industries continued to collect for the various halls planned for the Museum of History and Technology. New York University presented to the section of nuclear energy the first subcritical reactor to be installed in a teaching institu- tion. Improvised from 2 tons of fuel lent by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and installed in a pickle barrel, the university was able to secure at a cost of $1,500 a teaching research facility which might otherwise have been unattainable. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. presented a model of an electric weld pipe mill for the hall of iron and steel. A malleable iron air furnace was given by Erie Malleable Iron Co.; and some Roman nails from the Inchtuthil excavation in Scotland came from Colvilles, Ltd., of Glasgow. The section of petroleum received further gifts as a result of the excellent work of the American Petroleum Institute’s subcommittee. Among these were an animated model of a modern sea-going drilling installation from Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc.; three models of drilling rigs from the Lee C. Moore Corp.; and an interesting survey model of the Velma field from Skelly Oil Co. 34 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The division of agriculture and forest products has been principally concerned with obtaining materials for the hall of forest products. The Forest Products Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Mad- ison, Wis., gave a swellograph—a device that measures swelling changes in wood having a finished surface. Larus & Brother Co., Inc., reproduced a tobacco hogshead like those used 125 to 150 years ago. Permali, Inc., contributed samples of machined parts for elec- trical equipment and Fibron Products, Buffalo, N.Y., gave 17 hand- some pieces of compressed wood products. To the agricultural collec- tion has been added catalogs of agricultural implement companies around 1880 belonging to Sylvanus D. Locke, the inventor of the famous wire binder. Gordon Dentry donated a four-tined wooden fork used by his grandfather and possibly his great-grandfather in Baltimore County, Md. Armed Forces history.—A fine example of a Gatling gun was pre- sented by the Armed Forces of Honduras. Mrs. George C. Marshall presented several uniforms worn by General of the Army George C. Marshall during World War II. The division of naval history made significant additions to the national collection of historic warship models while projecting further units required to complete the hall of armed forces history. Particularly notable was a rigged model of Robert Fulton’s Steam Battery, the world’s first steam man-of-war, which was built by Adam and Noah Brown in 1814 for the defense of New York. Plans for this 26-gun blockship were provided by How- ard I. Chapelle who in 1961 discovered a contemporary draft of the Steam Battery in the Danish Royal Archives at Copenhagen. By happy coincidence, the division of naval history also received an origi- nal Fulton draft of the armored torpedo boat Mute presented by the family of George F. Brown, descendants of her versatile builders, the Brown brothers of New York. The emergence of the steam navy was further represented with the completion of a superb model of the side-wheel steamer Powhatan, which served with Commodore Perry in the opening of Japan. Through the generosity of the U.S. Coast Guard, the division of naval history received a fully equipped beach cart of the type used by the Life Saving Service for offshore rescue, a set of range lights from Alaska, and an oil painting by Hunter Wood of the topsail schooner Massachusetts, first cutter commissioned by the early Revenue Marine. A patent model of the revolutionary K-1 firing device, the heart of the antenna mine employed in the North Sea mine barrage during World War I, was presented by Mrs. Ralph C. Browne, widow of its gifted inventor. Vivid memories of the Battle of Midway were evoked by the bullet-torn flight jacket and combat decorations donated by George H. Gay, sole survivor of Torpedo Squadron 8. SECRETARY'S REPORT 35 Among the more important objects acquired by the section of under- water exploration during the year are ships’ fittings and equipment from a wreck site in Bermuda believed to date from the 1560’s. These include a bar shot, several single blocks, two parrels, small- and medium-sized deadeyes, and a large collection of ceramic sherds, some of which will yield nearly complete vessels when reconstructed. RESEARCH, EXPLORATION, AND FIELDWORK Dr. T. D. Stewart, director of the Museum of Natural History, accompanied by exhibits specialist John C. Widener, went to Mexico City in mid-December 1963, the former to select examples of pre- historic filed and inlayed human teeth and the latter to make molds thereof. Mr. Widener will make casts from the molds for an exhibit in the planned hall of physical anthropology. Dr. Stewart, serving as a member of the Committee on Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society, inspected the Wetherill Mesa archeological project in Mesa Verde National Park late in June, stopping off enroute from a second trip to Mexico City where he attended the 33d annual meeting of the American Associa- tion of Physical Anthropologists. At various times during the year Dr. I. E. Wallen, assistant director for oceanography, visited institutions in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, California, and Hawaii in connection with the program of the Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center. He also prepared several short papers dealing with developments in ocean- ography and the role of the Sorting Center. Dr. H. Adair Fehlmann, supervisor of the Smithsonian Oceano- graphic Sorting Center, participated in Cruise 4B of the R/V Anton Bruun, of the International Indian Ocean Expedition, from early November to mid-December. This trip gave him a useful oppor- tunity to study curatorial procedures on shipboard and to determine the need for a trained technician to oversee the handling of biological samples from the time of collection to the time the specimen cargo is consigned for shipment to the Sorting Center. Thanks to his recom- mendations, future collections should come through in better condition and with more complete documentation. Dr. Fehlmann also had an opportunity to observe the techniques and equipment used in handling plankton in the Indian Ocean Biological Laboratory at Ernakulam, South India. Chairman of the department of anthropology Waldo R. Wedel com- pleted a review of the prehistory and aboriginal ecology of north- central Colorado in which he emphasizes the importance of the foot- hills-hogback strip between the Plains and the Front Range in the 766-746—65——4 36 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 history of the region. In addition, he continued work on two manu- scripts, one dealing with the 1961-62 Smithsonian excavations at the Lamb Spring archeological-paleontological site near Littleton, Colo., and the other with the 1952 Smithsonian-Princeton investigations at an ancient bison kill near Cody, Wyo. The latter site has recently been dated by the radiocarbon method at 8,750-8,840 years ago. At the close of the year he was back in the Middle West. Dr. Clifford Evans, curator of archeology, and research associate Betty J. Meggers completed a major monograph on the Valdivia and Machalilla phases of the Early Formative period of coastal Ecuador. Twenty-two dates obtained by processing shell and charcoal samples in the Smithsonian’s Carbon Dating Laboratory convincingly bracket the Valdivia phase at 5,150 to 3,400 years ago. After joining the staff in December as associate curator of arche- ology, Dr. Richard B. Woodbury made two trips to the Tehuacan Valley in southern Puebla, Mexico, in continuation of his research on preindustrial systems of water management in arid regions. He found evidence of large-scale irrigation from Late Formative times on, that is, for about 2,500 years—probably the longest record of irrigation in the New World. Dr. Woodbury also continued working with re- search associate Nathalie F.S. Woodbury on a report dealing with the Hawikuh archeological site in New Mexico, based on the unpublished records obtained in 1917-23 by the late F. W. Hodge, following his departure from the Smithsonian’s Bureau of American Ethnology. In collaboration with Drs. Glen H. Cole of the Uganda Museum and A. Jamme of the Catholic University of America, Dr. Gus Van Beek, associate curator of archeology, completed a preliminary report on an archeological reconnaissance in Wadi Hadhramaut, South Arabia, undertaken in 1961-62. He also spent several weeks during April and May in an archeological reconnaissance in Yemen, at the invitation of the Yemen Arab Republic Government. On the way back to the States he visited sites in Ethiopia and conferred with colleagues in Aden and Jordan. Museum specialist George Metcalf continued his studies of arche- ological materials from central Nebraska, encouraged by 11th- to 14th- century site dates supplied by the Smithsonian’s Carbon Dating Laboratory. Dr. C. G. Holland, honorary collaborator, having visited 161 archeological sites in southwestern Virginia in 1963, progressed with his analysis of the collections and site data. Honorary research associate Neil M. Judd completed his final monograph (Zhe Architec- ture of Pueblo Bonito) relating to the archeology of Chaco Canyon, N. Mex. During the summer of 1963, Dr. John M. Campbell, honor- ary research associate, carried out an archeological and ecological survey of the Koyukuk River drainage in northern Alaska. Follow- SECRETARY’S REPORT av ing this trip he continued preparation of a monograph on Nunamiut Eskimo prehistory. Dr. Saul H. Riesenberg, curator of ethnology, completed a mono- graph on the aboriginal political organization of Ponape, Caroline Islands. In addition, he progressed with the report on the megalithic structures of Nan Madol, Ponape, where a Smithsonian joint arche- ological-ethnological field project last year produced finds of unusual interest and made possible an evaluation by different disciplinary approaches. Intensive exhibit work in the hall of the cultures of Africa and Asia, opened informally at the end of the year, left little time for other research by the associate curators involved, Drs. Gordon Gibson and Eugene Knez. On the other hand, associate curator William Crocker spent 2 weeks in July 1963 and approximately 4 months early in 1964 with the Canela Indians of Brazil, a tribe threatened with extinction. He was again with them as the year ended. Between trips to Brazil Dr. Crocker prepared two articles based on the Canela investigations. Dr. J. Lawrence Angel, curator of physical anthropology, com- pleted two manuscripts, one on osseous changes in the hip joint and the other on the human skeletons associated with extinct animals at the Tranquility site, California; he completed a paper on hyperostosis spongiosa to be included in a volume on paleopathology. With his technical assistant, Donald Ortner, Dr. Angel worked out a special form which will permit rapid coding of data on the anthropology of chronic disease for computer analysis. These data have been ob- tained mainly in a long-term study of students at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, some of whom were restudied this year. At the beginning of the year Miss L. E. Hoyme, then museum spe- cialist (now associate curator of physical anthropology), was in Eng- land studying 19th-century skeletons of known age and sex at St. Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, London, and visiting laboratories of physical anthropology. In July she successfully defended her doc- toral dissertation at Oxford University and in December received her degree in absentia. From the end of January to the beginning of April the chairman of the department of zoology, Dr. Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., participated in the Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica, studying the fresh-water decapod crustaceans of the island. As time permitted, he completed a manuscript on new entocytherids from Vir- ginia and made progress on a revision of the entocytherid ostracods of Mexico and Cuba. Senior scientist Fenner A. Chace, Jr., completed a study initiated by the late Belle A. Stevens on the mesopelagic caridean shrimp Notostomus japonicus Bate in the northeastern Pacific. Also, he 38 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 finished a report on the decapod crustaceans of the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic. Although the curator of mammals, Dr. David H. Johnson, was re- sponsible for the general development of exhibits in the hall of oste- ology opened at the end of the year, he found time to study the distribution of hares and certain species of bats in southeastern Asia and to continue his general survey of the mammals of that area. For the better part of the year, Dr. Henry W. Setzer, associate cura- tor of mammals, directed from Washington the work in Iran and southern Africa of field parties collecting mammals and their ecto- parasites. This program was carried out in cooperation with the Army Medical Research and Development Command. Dr. Setzer joined the African party in mid-September and the Iranian party in late October, staying until mid-December. His museum work con- sisted chiefly of identification of mammals from Egypt and the Sudan collected by a Naval Medical Research Unit. From January to March Dr. Charles O. Handley, Jr., associate curator of mammals, collected specimens in the high mountains on the Colombian frontier of Darién Province, Panama, obtaining among other valuable materials, two species of bats new to the Panamanian fauna and a number of rare marsupials, shrews, and rodents. Late in June, in connection with attendance at a meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists in Mexico City, Dr. Handley spent 8 days studying fruit bats in the Instituto de Biologia. This filled one of the last major gaps in his revision of this large and complex genus. Dr. Robert A. Traub of the University of Maryland Medical School, honorary research associate in the division of mammals, was in Paki- stan from the beginning of the fiscal year until October collecting mammals and other vertebrates and their ectoparasites in continuation of his studies of rickettsial infections. The Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, under the direction of Dr. Philip S. Humphrey, curator of birds, has increased greatly in scope since its inception in October 1962. Because of its concern with the distribution, migrations, and ecology of central Pacific sea birds, collaborative relationships have been developed with the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, the State of Hawaii Division of Fish and Game, and others. Of approxi- mately 50 people employed this year on the project many were gradu- ate students who were gathering data for doctoral dissertations. The Rockefeller Foundation has provided support for a field study enabling Dr. Humphrey to work with the Belém Virus Laboratory, Fundacao Servico Especial de Satide Piblica, and the Museu Paraense “Emilio Goeldi,” Belém, Brazil. This cooperative field study deals with the relationship of birds and arthropod-borne virus diseases. As SECRETARY’S REPORT 39 time permitted, Dr. Humphrey continued his studies of plumage suc- cession in birds and on the distribution, ecology, and classification of Patagonian and Brazilian birds. At the close of the year he was back in Brazil. From the beginning of December 1963 to the latter part of March 1964, George E. Watson, associate curator of birds, served as official United States representative (observer) with the Chilean-Antarctic Commission. During delays in Chile for ship repairs and for the ice to break up he was able to spend 13 days in December at Peulla, Lian- quihue Province, observing and collecting forest birds. During another delay of 22 days in January-February at Puerto Williams, he was able to make a catalog of birds breeding on Navarino Island and to collect specimens, among which are several important additions to the national collections. Mr. Watson’s observations of birds made on shipboard in Antarctic waters will be useful in preparing an identi- fication guide to Antarctic birds which he has planned. Upon his return from Chile he completed his doctoral dissertation dealing with ecology and evolution of passerine birds on the islands of the Aegean Sea and received in June the Ph.D. degree from Yale University. Dr. Richard L. Zusi, associate curator of birds, spent a week in November at the University of Michigan working on three manu- scripts, which he had begun there, and consulting with Dr. R. W. Storer concerning their joint research project on the myology of grebes. From January to April he was in Dominica studying birds as a par- ticipant in the Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of that island. In continuation of his long-term field work on the birdlife of the Isthmus of Panama, Dr. Alexander Wetmore, honorary research asso- ciate and retired Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, concen- trated his efforts from January through March in Darién Province, mainly in the heavy rainforest adjacent to the Colombian boundary. The results were most successful, for both specimens of and observa- tions on species that have been little known in Panama were obtained, and several new records of South American birds not previously recorded in the area were established. Dr. Herbert Friedmann, honorary research associate and former curator of the division, continued his work on brood parasitism and completed a manuscript dealing with evolutionary trends in the avian genus Clamator. Herbert G. Deignan, honorary research associate and former mem- ber of the division, was in Washington from mid-January to late April studying birds from Formosa in the Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) collections and those from Viet-Nam and Cambodia col- lected by Bernard Feinstein, former museum specialist in the division. 40 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Two new honorary research associates appointed this year, Prof. D. S. Rabor of Silliman University, Philippine Islands, and Dr. Rob- ert W. Ficken of the University of Maryland, carried on important research. Prof. Rabor worked on the general ornithology of the Phil- ippine Islands; Dr. Ficken undertook extensive field and laboratory research on the behavior of wood warblers. Honorary research associate Oliver L. Austin, Jr., continued his technical editorial work on the two final volumes of A. C. Bent’s Life Histories of North American Birds. Dr. Doris M. Cochran, curator of reptiles and amphibians, in collab- oration with Dr. C. J. Goin of Gainsville, Fla., made considerable progress on a manuscript dealing with Colombian frogs. The curator of fishes, Dr. Leonard P. Schultz, accompanied by exhibits specialist Alfred Strohlein, spent a few days in October in the vicinity of Seattle, Wash., in search of a salmon-spawning area that would provide material for a diorama for the planned hall of cold-blooded vertebrates. They were successful and in addition returned with an 89-pound octopus, donated by the Point Defiance Aquarium at Tacoma. Otherwise Dr. Schultz continued his study of frogfishes and his recording of shark attacks throughout the world. Two associate curators of the division of fishes, Drs. Robert H. Gibbs, Jr., and Ernest A. Lachner, participated this year in cruises of the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Dr. Gibbs was on Cruise 3 of the R/V Anton Bruun, the primary purpose of which was to sample deep-sea ichthyofauna in the western Indian Ocean and to relate the distributions of species and biomass to the physicochemical and biological properties of the water masses sampled in a north- south transect. The cruise began at Bombay on August 8 and termi- nated at Port Louis, Mauritius, on September 20. Following the cruise Dr. Gibbs spent 2 months working at museums in Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, and Copenhagen. Dr. Lachner was on Cruise 4B of the same ship, the major objec- tive of which was to evaluate the relative distribution and abundance of benthic organisms inhabiting the continental shelf and upper slope of the Arabian Sea. This cruise began at Bombay on November 12 and terminated off the Muscat coast of Arabia in mid-December. On his way to and from the cruise Dr. Lachner visited institutions in London, Paris, Bern, Jerusalem, Karachi, Sydney, Brisbane, Hong Kong, and several places in Japan. Dr. Victor G. Springer, associate curator of fishes, expanded his studies on sharks, completing revisions of three genera. During the year he visited Stanford University and musems in Hamburg, Paris, and London, studying blennioid fish types and other specimens and bringing close to completion a revision of the genus E’ntomacrodus. SECRETARY’S REPORT 41 Dr. William R. Taylor, associate curator of fishes, developed a new technique in the preparation of specimens for osteological study in- volving the use of solutions of the enzyme trypsin buffered with sodium borate. This treatment, which removes the muscle tissue, has proved effective in making both preserved and fresh specimens translucent ; the connective tissue, cartilage, bones, viscera, and major nerves remaining. Associate curator Stanley H. Weitzman completed a study of two genera of Asiatic minnows, three manuscripts dealing with South American catfishes, and a study of the osteology and relationships of the characid subfamilies Lebiasininae and Erythrininae. Dr. J. A. F. Garrick, honorary research associate, who worked in the division of fishes last year, returned to his home in Wellington, New Zealand, where he is continuing his world revision of carcha- rhinid sharks. During May he visited Australia to study specimens of sharks not available in museums of Europe, America, or Africa. His critical revision of carcharhinid sharks is the first ever attempted. From the end of December 1963 to mid-February 1964 Dr. Donald F’. Squires, curator of marine invertebrates, was a participant in the “MacQuarie Gap” cruise of the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute aboard HMNZS Hndeavour. Although the nominal purpose of the cruise was to determine the topographic relationship between the MacQuarie Ridge and New Zealand, considerable marine biological work was scheduled. To Dr. Squires’s profit, 11 of the 79 bottom dredgings and bottom trawls contained living corals. Through use of the ship’s refrigerators, these were kept alive for up to 10 days, thus advancing culturing techniques. The most significant advance in marine knowledge resulting from the cruise was the location and dredging of the first deep-water coral structure found outside the North Atlantic. In the museum, Dr. Squires finished, with the assistance of Ian W. Keys, senior paleontological technician, New Zealand Geological Sur- vey, a study of the biomechanics of the scleractinian coral Manicina areolata. He also completed several other studies on fossil and recent corals. Associate curator Thomas EK. Bowman completed an account of an arostrate population of the planktonic calanoid copepod Acartia lilljeborgii, from St. Lucia, West Indies. He described a new genus and species of cirolanid isopod from Madison Cave, Va., the first troglobitic cirolanid to be found in the United States outside of Texas; a new anthurid isopod from the Caguanes Caves in Cuba; and a new mysid crustacean, abundant in Lake Ponchartrain, La. With L. J. Lancaster, he described a bloom of the planktonic blue-green alga Skujaella in the Tonga Islands. During most of April and May associate curator Charles E. Cut- ress, Jr., accompanied by Kjell Sandved serving as photographer, 42 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 collected marine materials along the coasts of Hawaii and southern California to be used in planned exhibits. Following this trip Mr. Cut- ress visited the Friday Harbor Laboratory of the University of Wash- ington in search of clarification of the taxonomy of the swimming anemones Stomphia. Dr. Raymond B. Manning, who joined the staff at the end of last year as associate curator of marine invertebrates, in May and June teamed with a research group from the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, for a 20-day offshore scientific cruise in the Gulf of Guinea. Following the cruise he spent several days collecting inshore marine invertebrates near Dakar, Senegal, before visiting natural history museums in Paris, Leiden, and London to study types of stomatopod crustaceans. During the year, Dr. Manning finished most of a manuscript revis- ing the stomatopods of the western Atlantic, collaborated with L. B. Holthuis, of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, on a con- tribution dealing with stomatopods for the publication “Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology,” and completed two additional manu- scripts on these animals. Associate curator Marian H. Pettibone completed a revision of the polychaete family Pilargiidae, including a description of three new species from Virginia. Museum specialist Henry B. Roberts completed a description of a new genus of Cretaceous crab, redescribed the Cretaceous crab Cam- pylostoma pierrense Rathbun, and compiled a checklist and _ bibli- ography of the Pleistocene decapods of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, honorary research associate, completed the revision of “Crustaceans,” a popular account prepared a few decades ago for the Smithsonian Scientific Series. Curator Harald A. Rehder continued work on a study of the marine mollusks of Polynesia. He sorted and arranged the material he gathered in Tahiti last year, and identified and studied specimens from Tongo and Hawaii. 222> = es 110 Crested ‘screameri-22—==-2_--— il Péeatowl: 22s eee fe 2 SS if Blseck Swan sooo] nae eae — Be Nanday.parrot soo. 22. 3 Woodsduck=—2 2222 aes = 54 Formosan red-billed pie-_----- 2 REPTILES Snapping turtles ae 21 Tokay: 2eck0V ne ee ah Box turtle #222 22252 eee 7 African spiny lizard=4-222. == 2 HasternspOxstUrilese esas oe 6 Pilot blackssnake= 222 22===2222 9 Red-lined turtle 2222-2 -——-— = il Tessellated snakes: = 222-2 2222 at Red-bellied’ purtles22 >=. ih Cantil eau ss eo ees! See 26 Red-eared ‘turtle. ----- 22222 = 1 FISHES Red swordtails222o 22222225 40 GIFTS More than a year ago the Government of Assam, India, offered the National Zoological Park a female rhinoceros as a mate for Tarun, the male rhino that came to the Zoo in May 1960. An adult female was secured from the Kazirangi Game Reserve, and negotiations began to transport her from India to Washington. Then it was dis- covered that “Deepali” was pregnant, and all plans for her trip to the United States were held in abeyance until her calf was born. In April 1963 she produced a female calf, subsequently named Rajkumari, and it was necessary to wait until the young one was weaned. In October Associate Director J. Lear Grimmer and Mrs. Grimmer went to India to arrange transportation for the huge animal. They found, to their delight, that the Indian Government was including the baby in the generous gift to the United States. Crates were built under Mr. Grimmer’s supervision, and both animals were brought to the zoo in Calcutta. No commercial airline could handle the shipment (Deepali, crated, weighed 4,000 pounds). Fortunately a number of planes from the American Air Force were in India at the time, par- ticipating in joint Indo-Anglo-American air exercises, and through the good offices of the then Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, who was a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, and Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay, it was possible to load both animals on a C-130 transport. The animals arrived December 17, and were un- loaded at the elephant house at dusk. Only 11 days later Deepali succumbed to an acute attack of gastroenteritis. This was a tragic loss for the Zoo, but Rajkumari (the name means “princess”) has adapted nicely to the Zoo regime, is eating well, gaining weight, and of course is the most valuable single acquisition made by the Zoo during the past year. On February 12 the director left for Indonesia with gifts of whis- Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 1 Caiman lizard (Dracaena guianensis) currently at the National Zoological Park. This unusual lizard is fed clams oysters, lobster tails, snails, and fish. Female Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) in her outdoor summer enclosure. National Zoological Park. Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 2 ml [he rare and vanishing Texas red wolf (Canis niger rufus). This female was acquired on November 19, 1958, as a 6-month-old pup. National Zoological Park. One of the rarest animals in the National Zoological Park’s collection, the South American round-eared dog (Atelocinus microtis). Secretary’s Report, 1964 PLATE 3 "Ye gq [eo1sojoo7 jeuoneN ‘(sndipao snuinsvg) doyu0}q09 ajeur pur (soprw snuinsvg) josowseu pepuey-pol o[PUlof B OT ‘ F961 ‘ il Aleniqa J uIog ‘s]JasOWIPUr pliqayy PHOM OPI “leq [ea!S0j007 Jeuoneyy pue pelg Jo. *so10oyd “eIpuy jo apis}no ulog raha oly M ISI ayy ‘uos P[O-YyyUOUI-7 pue BMI TUTYOTY Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 4 Leonard, second lowland gorilla bred and born at the National Zoological Park, at 6 months of age. Rajkumari, young female Indian one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). National Zoological Park. SECRETARY’S REPORT FAD tling swans, ducks, and geese from Attorney General Robert Kennedy to President Sukarno of Indonesia. While there he accepted a most generous gift from the Government of Indonesia of a pair of the giant monitor lizards found on a few small islands in Indonesia and known as Komodo dragons. The male was nearly 9 feet long and weighed approximately 200 pounds; the female was about half that size. Again, the Zoo was most unfortunate, as the big male, a truly impressive specimen, died of systematic amebiasis on June 1, after only 12 weeks and 4 days on exhibition at the Park. The female has the same infestation with amebae, and every effort is being made to cure her, as she is the only one of this species in the United States at the present time. Space does not permit listing all gifts received in the course of the year, but the following are of interest : Allan, Karen, Fairfax County, Va., brush-tailed porcupine. Amis, Mrs. Esther V., Washington, D.C., Patas monkey. Birch, Mrs. H. M., Bethesda, Md., lesser hill mynah. Chester Zoo, Chester, England, 2 axolotls (white phase). Cochran, Dr. Doris, Washington, D.C., 5 tropical American turtles of 2 species. Collette, Mrs. B. B., Alexandria, Va., sooty mangabey. DesPres, Mrs. Helen, Monrovia, Liberia, Maxwell’s duiker. Dietlein, Lt. Donald R., Alameda, Calif., Galapagos tortoise, sulphur-breasted toucan. Godet, Dr. René, Dakar, Senegal, lungfish. Greenhall, Arthur, Washington, D.C., 4 spear-nosed bats, 8 vampire bats. Greeson’s Flying Squirrel Ranch, Arlington, Va., southern fox squirrel. Harding, Grayson H., New York, N.Y., kura kura turtle, Amazon spotted turtle, red-faced turtle, chicken turtle, southern soft-shelled turtle, diamond-back terrapin. Harris, Lester E., Takoma Park, Md., 6 timber rattlesnakes, 10 fer-de-lance. Houston, Robert, Arlington, Va., Swan Island iguana. Keegan, Lt. Col. Hugh L., U.S. Army Medical Command, Japan, 5 rat snakes of 4 species, Dinodon, 2 many-banded kraits, 2 palm vipers, 3 Ryukyu green snakes, Japanese water snake, Japanese pit viper, 4 habus of 3 species, 3 Erabu sea snakes. Kennedy, Robert F., McLean, Va., 2 Geoffroy’s marmosets. Klikna, Mrs. Vincent, Falls Church, Va., 5 chinchillas. Kuntz, Dr. R. E., Washington, D.C., 2 axolotls. Marcus, Dr. Leonard, Washington, D.C., 3 Pacific tree frogs, caiman lizard. Maryland Game Department, through David J. Smith, Annapolis, Md., bald eagle. McKittrick, F. A., Ithaca, N.Y., capybara. Miller, Robert Fox, Jr., Washington, D.C., 5 South American sucker catfish (Plecostomus). Norfolk, John E., Upper Marlboro, Md., boa constrictor. Ripley, Dr. S. Dillon, Washington, D.C., 2 rosy-billed pochards. Rivero, Vincentes Carlos, Caracas, Venezuela, rainbow boa. Stair, Gary, Washington, D.C., antelope ground squirrel. Sweeney, Philip Niles, Washington, D.C., striped sand snake. 766—-746—65——_9 116 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Szaba, Mrs. Renée, Glen Burnie, Md., 3 North African pond turtles, 2 red-eared turtles. Thompson, Lynda, Vienna, Va., 2 golden-mantled ground squirrels. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hawaii, nene or Hawaiian goose. U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, Far East forest cat. Ward, Mrs. Bettina B., Middleburg, Va., blue and yellow macaw. DEPOSITS During the past year rare or valuable specimens have been dispersed to locations thought to have good breeding conditions as well as better living accommodations than could be provided at the National Zoologi- cal Park while new construction is in progress under its capital im- provement program. Other animals have been dispersed with the understanding that they or similar specimens will be returned when suitable exhibition areas have been completed here in the park. These deposits are: Brookfield Zoo, Brookfleld, Ill., female Dall sheep. Busch Gardens, Tampa, Fla., male concave-casqued hornbill, female Solomon Islands cockatoo. Dallas Zoo, Dallas, Tex., a female saiga antelope. Defense General Supply Center Preserve, Richmond, Va., male American elk. Houston Zoo, Houston, Tex., 2 purple-crested touracos. National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., macaw. Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, Laurel, Md., barred owl. St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Mo., male gaur, 3 king penguins, Adélie penguin, female chimpanzee. EXCHANGES The National Zoological Park participates in a continuing program of exchanging surplus animals with zoos of other countries. Notable exchange arrangements were made with several foreign organizations. Ueno Zoological Gardens, Tokyo, Japan, received a pair of Town- send’s chipmunks and a pair of golden-manteled ground squirrels. Dudley Zoo, Worcestershire, England, received an assortment of 19 snakes. The zoo in West Berlin received a pair of canvasback ducks, a pair of wood ducks, and a female whistling swan. The Hanover Zoo in Germany received a female black leopard cub. <=220 es. Panthera pardus=2 eee Black leopard_-------- POntherd: Per duse === 2 er ee eee eee WiQh sso see Panthera: le0 2222 ee ee eee Bengal tigers sos — Panthera tigniss222 == ea ee Wihite Bengal tiger===— POntvend (iG its ae Upc) a Panther@ .OneG2. 25 So ee ee ee Clouded leopard____--- INeOTEls “nNevUulosd=a2 222 ee eee Snow leopard._____-.- NCD CIN CL ae eee ee ee Cheetahs 2025 22s S25 Acinonya. juvate2-.-2225- eeaeee PINNIPEDIA Otariidae: California sea-lion__--~- Zalopnus Caupornian soe eee Patagonian sea-lion____ Otaria flavescens___-----~---~--~-~--------- Phocidae: Harbor seal==—=—— = Phoca vituling 2 eee ee eee TUBULIDENTATA Orycteropodidae: WAT Vatke ss eee Orjctenopus after ee PROBOSCIDEA Elephantidae: African elephant___--- LOCOdontG (Africana 2— == ne Forest elephant-__---- Locodonta cyclotts==-—- eee Indian elephant-__~--- LEDS GCS ee HYRACOIDEA Procaviidae: Rock hyraxs=———- == Procavias capensis... —- eee PERISSODACTYLA Equidae: Mongolian wild horse-_ Equus przewalskii__---------------------- Grevy'szebrajo---=-= Quis -Gretyt a ee eee Grant's) zebras=-22=2-= ENG UALS OUCH CU a ee Burro, or donkey__---- EG UALS| (ASIN Gs ee eee Tapiridae: Brazilian tapir-—---=—— TO DUALS FLCUTESUTAS Rhinocerotidae : Indian one-horned Rhinoceros wnicornis_.--=——------ == -=— == rhinoceros. 285 Ay gtk = KROOOHNWNHF REP RHHFPORPNORNEH SECRETARY’S REPORT 125 Family and common name Scientific name Number Rhinocerotidae—Continued Atricane DLacks Enino0G=) O2CEros® sUlCOnNiss nn ee ee ital eros. Whiter. son = square-) Ceratotheriwm sunum== == i lipped, rhinoceros. ARTIODACTYLA Tayassuidae: Collared peccary_----~- ROYUQGSSU TOI OCs eee a ee ee 6.6 Hippopotamidae: Hippopotamus_-_-----~-- TAppoporamus, GMphi0iws=2 eee BALAI Pygmy hippopotamus_.. Choeropsis liberiensis______--_______-___--___ 3.5 Camelidae: Aral annesin els Camelis\dnomedanitsn= 2222 eee 1.0 Bactrian camel_______- OE OUNIS). DOGO TO a a SS 0.1 AA Qirny eee ee ee A eh Pt ae, OC IUGENOUGIT ae an ee ee ee ee 3. 4 GUuanacoweeees tes Deve EON OO UPN GAG UC TULC OC tere ee 10 PAN CRs ea at et eee YOR OOL GANTT GOK a Das en Pe Uae ee ee Ne ils al Cervidae: White fallow deer___-_-. EP OTU Ce CTU SS Fae eae ee i ee OL ei P4383 ISS CRON ee ee ee ANDI SB UE US ee a se a er PC ap en 4,2 Redtd Ceres ee ee Cervus claphusa. 22s ee ae ee ig 5) Sikaydeers a2 = 2-22 Cenviuise nip pon h= See Ee ea tae iY Pére David’s deer____-. FLOPS AOUACLQNUS eee eee 1.0 White-tailed, or Vir- Odocoileus virginianus__—__—____________-___~ 0. 2 ginia, deer. AmMericanie)l Kees = =e CERvUusiCOnNGdensisasee eae ee eee *1.0 Horest caripoue-— 2 —. IGOTUGAT CT CONU0 Oar a ee eee ee eee 0.1 eing@ecran aes RONGUCIO CON ONOU Se eet a Dee eee 3.9 Hybrid reindeer_______ Rangifer tarandus < R. caribou______--§ --_____ Orr Giraffidae: Masaivciraii@s = 22.2 = Gara Ga tip pelskiv chinese eee 12) Bovidae: Sitatungae. 2 eee TAG CLLDIUUSES DCIGH rere ee ee ee 1.0 INNO) 2 Tee A ee PN DOT: AUG RAS SGD et it, Al OY ice een ees, IP OCDRAUGMS RO TAUTUNUIL CIS ae ee eee 1153 Goats See ee ee EVO OSU AO CUT US ae es EA eee oe ee *2.0 Canemputtaloe=- =]. SUNCEnUS COT Crt ee eee een epetse ae 1.4 American bison______~_- I BIOENG (SRM ENO, RA A 8 a et Ay BR Nr ged cp a 1.0 IBTINnGled) ents = Connochactes tauninuse= ee eee 1.4 Maxwell’s duiker_____ SCCDROLODIUSmING DICE eee i5(0) Dorcas gazelle________- GAZELLE COT. CO See es ee eee eee 3.5 Saiga antelope________. SGU CREE T ACC et eee pen des Coe eee *0. 1 Rocky Mountain goat__ Oreamnos americanus________-----_--_-_____ 0.1 Himalayan tahr_______ Hemitragus jemiahicuse 2-2 oe 0.1 APTI CANE DY SUV Ee OR bam ae ODOT IT CUS eee ae eee 4,1 I) Wye) ee Mh pellicle Bie pace COpTartb ea =e eae Sa es eh ee 1.0 Aoudad, or Barbary Ammotragus lervia=_— ee a al sheep. Dallisheepins. see aas OVS Ieee ee een ae ee Se ee eee *0,1 Big-horn sheep_______-. OUISa CONGECNSIG aa ee eee eee aha *On deposit at another zoo or sanctuary. 126 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 BIRDS SPHENISCIFORMES Family and common name Scientific name Number Spheniscidae: Kaine? pengwuin=2s22 ses ARtCNOCYTES DALAGOINCO eee *3 Adélie penguin____-~-~ PY TOSCCUS COC Ce ee ee ee ee * i STRUTHIONIFORMES Struthionidae: OSirichiyes = 2s =a Struthio camels. 2 ee eee 1.0 RHEIFORMES Rheidae: heave 0 S28 td Se ENCO OMCTICONG = 2% et eae a ee ee 1.0 CASUARIIFORMES Casuariidae: Double-wattled casso- Casuarius bicarunculatus____________________ aah wary. Dromiceidae: FTV Ug a ee ee Dromiceius novaehotlandiae______- en TINAMIFORMES Tinamidae: Pileated tinamou_____- Crypturellus sowi panamensis__________--____ il PROCELLARIIFORMES Diomedeidae: Black-footed albatross= Diomedew monipess-- == ee eee 1.0 PELECANIFORMES Pelecanidae: Rose-colored pelican... Pelecanus onocrotalus_________-______-______ 2.2, White pelican=-=s=———— PELCCONUS CTYUCRTOLNUNCH OSS = ee 2 Brown pelican____-~-- IPCle CONUS OCCICENIONS 2a eee i Dalmatian pelican_____ (PCTECONUS: oalisinerias loses 2 ee eee 0 Indian cotton teal____-. Nettapus coromandehanus2—222-22 0.1 Rosy-billed pochard_-__ Metopiana peposaca________-_--__----~-___-~- Deal: American goldeneye_--- Bucephala clangula_______-____-----_~--_-~- 0.1 iBaldpatere====-225-—=— Mareca, americana 22s = eee 5.0 Hooded merganser-_-_-_-- Lopnodytes cuca eee 0) Combi duck]s222.2 aa Serkidiornis melanotoss= = a ee 4.2 Ruddy shelduck__-~-~_ CASAC TERRUgined== ===. ee eee 3.3 FALCONIFORMES Cathartidae: Andean condor_____-~- Valturgrypnis se See eee eee eee 1.0 Kansiyulburesss=2————— Sarcorampnus papel. ee eee alt Sagittariidae: Secretarybird ~.-_----- ISHARES. SEA WEL OUCI TI ils at Accipitridae: Hooded vulture_____-- INCCTOSUTLESMANLOTULCILUS mee eer eee 1 Griffon vulture__------ Gaps fulvuss 2a ee eee ea eee il Riippell’s vulture_____- Gay psnunp elites See ee ae ee ee i Red-winged hawk-_-_--- FLEtCrOSpiZiGs) MerigiOnadlissas =e ee il Red-tailed hawk__----- BuUuteO JQMaCensisas esas ss eee ee 2 Swainson’s hawk__---- BULL CO\ PSU GUUS ONT a eee ee ee il Red-shoulderedshawk= sy ULeCOm Liem til sea ae ee ee ik Manduyt’s hawk eagle. Spizaetus ornatus_-___-_____----___--__-____- 1 Black-erested) eagles=—= -Lovnaetus oceipitans ee al Goldenveavle2=-2 === Aquila ChrYSact0s= se ee eee ee 5 Imperial eagle_____---_- Aquila 2eiaca= a2 ee ee 2 W hite-breasted sea Haliaeetus leucogaster_—__—__—-==_ == it eagle. Pallas’s eagle__.__.-..- TROUGECCTUS LEU COTY DIU See ee et 1 IBaldeaglezls- 32222222 HQAnGeetus lCUCOCEDNAUIS=e == ee 8 Bateleur eagle___---~- Rerathopuis Ccaudatus = eee a hammergeiers2 22 =—- Gypactus’ barlatuse = 2s eee eee 1 Falconidae: Sparrow hawk_------- Paleo sparventites.s 2222. ee ee 2 Dick hawke sas Falco peregrinus anatum___-—-_-—__ 1 Red-footed falcon____- PAICO: DCSPertinuss see ee ee ree 1 Feilden’s faleonet______ NiCONLET OD CINCRCICEN Saree ae ee 1 Morestifalcon=—--— === MIG CR OSTUTNSCINULONG ILS as i ATICUDON-S CAarlcaTra-—-— 01 0OLWS. ChETUC CY ee 2 White-throated cara- Phalcoboenus albogularis_____________-__--_~- 1 cara. GALLIFORMES Megapodiidae: Brush turkey. = 22 Ailectire lathomiz2 = ee ee eee 1.0 Cracidae: Wattled curassow_-_-_- CTGD! GlODUIOSG2 5 a= ee ee ee ual White-headed piping Pipile cumanemsis___.____._-__-_----_.------ 1.0 guan. Wattled guan_____~_.- Pintle ps 225 Le eee eee 0.1 SECRETARY’S REPORT 129 Family and common name Scientific name Number Cracidae—Continued Gambel’s quail________ LOL OY O OEE TE CTD Wh spn a 1.0 Valleyiqualla==ss2e22s= Lophortyz californica vallicola_._._.__._________ 2 IREVGO CUT RN ee RAT yA a eee ea oe eT Yo ial Argus pheasant_______ AGUS TTS oe LT GUS eee een ee ee ee tO 1.0 Golden pheasant_______ CREUSOLOD USE DICT Sa ane eae ee ee 0. 2 Black-backed kaleege Gennaeus melanonotus_______________________ i1,al pheasant. Silver pheasant_______ Gennaeus nycthemerus2 = ee 1.0 Ring-necked pheasant_. Phasianus colchicus_._._._____.___.______________ il, Ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus_._________._______________ Out albino. Ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus X Phasianus versicolor._£ 1.0 xX Green pheasant, hybrid. Bhutan, or gray pea- Polyplectron bicalcaratum___________________ A cock-pheasant. Palawan pheasant____- Polyplectron chinquis__._________-=.-----22-2 a PeatO Wee O00) ChISLO CUS t= Serene te eee 3.3 Red junglefowl________ COUSCOUS oe Ae ae a 1.0 Chukar partridge______ AVCCLOTAS! OT WCCO. Beek Tee Aa A eles 1 Painted partridge_____ Prancotinua pichuss22sscck 52s seas | aie i Gray partridge________ Francolinus pondicerianus___________________ ia Black partridge_______ Melanoner dim nigra== 22 220s Se ae es 3. 4 Numididae: Vulturine guineafowl__ Acryllium vulturinum____..__________________ 1 GRUIFORMES Gruidae: Siberian crane________ Grus: leucogeranus. =.) 2s eee ee 1.0 European crane_______ GAGES OTS SES CN a eh Uae aes 2 Sarusicranens aaa GUS ONTGONC Sem ee ae Ae Se eae ne 1 Demoiselle crane_____- ARNT ODOLCS VAT OO Langan as ae be Se ee eS 4 African crowned crane. Balearica pavonina__________________________ 5 Rallidae: Cayenne woods rails 22 Aramides Cajancd 222 eee ee a Purple gallinule_______ Porphyrula martinica. 2 2 1 Indian moorhen_______ Gallina ChlGrOp tts ee 9 Eurypygidae: Sunebitterne] 22 BUPYDYOO SWCUGS2 22 os ao Behe eee ee eee 1 Cariamidae: Cariama, or seriama_. Cariama cristata_._.__.__._._._.____.____._..__ 1 Otididae: Koribustarda 22 222.2= BU pOGOV 8 arises. eek re ee eT Leen 2.0 Senegal bustard_______ Hupodotis’ seneqgalensige—— ee 1.0 CHARADRIIFORMES Jacanidae: Common jacana_______ SOCCUUMSD IN OSG ste ae ert eee ae eer ee Ne 7 Pheasant-tailed jacana. Hydrophasianus chirurgus_______--__-________ 2 Charadriidae: AUStEAMIAN DAMM ed) “LORier tiCOlone en ee ee 2 plover. Gray plover 2-22-22 ACU CLOSES OAL LE OTOL = eee 1 130 Family and common name Charadriidae—Continued European lapwing_---- South American lap- wing. Crocodile bird#=—2=—=== Recurvirostridae: Black-necked stilt----~ Laridae: Ring-billed gull_--_--_- manchineg culls ee erring joule 2 eee Great black-backed gull. Silvers eullo= = 2 Columbidae: High-flying pigeon. Black-billed pigeon_--~ Triangular spotted pigeon. Imperial green pigeon_-_ Orange-breasted green pigeon. Crowned pigeon___---~- Blue ground doyve_____- Ruddy ground dove___-_ Indian emerald- winged tree dove. Diamond | | Govess=ss—— Plain-breasted ground dove. Groundudovess. 22 22— Ring-necked dove____-- Blue-headed ring dove White-winged dove___- Mourning dove__-___-- Budapest Psittacidae: Keainarroteee ose Banksian cockatoo___-~- White cockatoo________ Solomon Islands cock- atoo. Sulphur-crested cock- atoo. Bare-eyed cockatoo____ Great red-crested cock- atoo. Leadbeater’s cockatoo- Wockartielase= oe ae) ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Scientific name Number Vanelius .vanceliuse 2 ee ee = Belonopterus cayennensis=-—-.._____ =... 3 PHDIONUS CEOYDLIUS == ee ee a HUmantopussMmeriConys= == ee eee al TDiGTUS. CELA OREN SIGE ates pene ee ee 3 TGOTAUS | ETA COULD So: 22 ee Oa eee ee eee ey LS 3 TiGUU8 ONG CNEGHUS 2 2 ee 1 EGU UU OTUNUG ee a ene Ss 1 Haus novachotandiae. =] SS eee 5 COLUMBIFORMES Columba. Uivida2o2 22 = eee 1 Coltumbaxnignrostiis SS 1 COU Das GUC EE Se ee re eee 2 Duculandeneg= sh eee eee 2 Rreron bic incl (a Se ee eee 2 GOURG SU CLON AG a ee ed 1 Oleravis’ pretiosa. tet Ee bee een eeee 2 Chacmenecngariipennis=—— == ee il Chalcopnans, indicas = eee 3 Geonelia: \CunetiG-==. =a ee eee 1 COVINDAG ALN A UE ee ee ee 2 Coltumbigatling. passeninads—-—- === ‘il SULEDLODEIG eCCO CLO ne ae ee ee ee 3 Streptopelia tranquebarica___________________ 2 Li ONOACG RO STGLIC Oe ee eC eee alt LCR GLCUE Oa DUCCT OUT Ce ee 2 PSITTACIFORMES Neston NOTAOli geet e ve See ee ee eee 1 Calyptorhynchus magnificus_________------_-- 1.0 KGKAtO eC). (AUC 0 2s eee eee ee ee al TGKAtOEH#QAUCTODS et Se a ee Ae +] EiQhOtOC QO QUCTAL sao ee ee er ee en ee 2 KaQkatoe Sanguine ee ee eee 1 ISGEGLOG » MOTMLCCON SIS = eee == eee eee il Kakatoe leadbeatents 222 See eee 5 NUMPNICUS: NOUCKCICN Sas = ee ee ere il *On deposit at another zoo or sanctuary. Family and common name Psittacidae—Continued Yellow-and-blue caw. Red-and-blue macaw___ Ara chloroptera Red - blue - and-yellow macaw. Illiger’s macaw ___---- con- Brown-throated ure, Petz’s parakeet______~ Rusty-cheeked parrot__ Tovir parakeet... ==). Yellow-naped parrot__- Blue-fronted parrot ___ Double yellow-headed parrot. Black-headed, or Nan- day, parrot. Lineolated parakeet__- White-winged para- keet. African gray parrot___ Red-sided eclectus Greater ring-necked. parakeet. Rose-breasted para- keet. Moustached parakeet__ Lesser ring-necked parakeet. Blossom-headed para- keet. Malabar parakeet Quaker parakeet______ Grass parakeet________ Red-faced lovebird____ Rosy-faced lovebird____ Masked lovebird_______ Black-headed caique, or seven-color parrot. Yellow-thighed caique_ Musophagidae: White-bellied go-away bird. White-cheeked turaco__ Purple-crested turaco__ Cuculidae: Red-winged crested cuckoo. 766-746—65 ma- 10 SECRETARY’S REPORT Scientific name A TOR CUTOUT Cee ee AON INO CO Oe ee ATES OT ACHING aaa sen eee ee ee Conurus aeruginosus___=_________ Aratinga canicularison 22 = ALUUNOU DET UNG ia ee EROCOGCTUS: | ILO UL ATU Ga ee ee AMAZONG QULODALNGtE 2 = one oe LNT TERUG! SOC pa AUC Z ONG ONO Taare ee es ea ICA OIA TIOIS TO LTNCI AT a Bolborhynchus lineolatus__________ Brotogeris versicolorus____________ IP SULA CUSL CTT ACUS =e eee TI CLC CLUS MN CCLONOLES a ane PSiLLaCUlLaNCUDULTIG nee Psitiacula alesandri ee EASULLO CULE TO SCICLE =a eee Psittacia kramer. Psittacula cynocephala__.__________ Psittacula columboides__.________- Maynopsitta MOnacn@ 2 ae Melopsittacus undulatus__.________ Agapornis pullaria ssp_____-__~__- AGADOnNNIS TOSCICOllise 2k Seely AQGONOrnis Personagtaeeavl ll los Pionites melanocephala____________ Pionites leucogaster 2 es CUCULIFORMES Onimien= (Cucogasiere. = ae Tauraco leucotis leucotis__________ Gallirix porphyreolophus__________ Eudynamys scolopacea____________ Geococcyx californianus __..-______ Clamator coromandus_____________ 131 Number NED H HH WNRrFNrR Oo jo rob 132 Family and common name Tytonidae: Barn owl Strigidae: Screech owl Spectacled owl_------- Malay fishing owl_---- Snow yO Wiles =e Barred owl Nepal brown wood owl_ Alcedinidae: Kookaburra White-breasted fisher. Coraciidae: Lilac-breasted roller___ Indianiroller=-22=— = Bucerotidae: Concave-casqued hornbill. Piedshornbills = Lesser pied hornbill___ king- Abyssinian ground hornbill. Leadbeater’s ground hornbill. Wreathed hornbill____-_ Gray, hornbllesse2=2—= Crowned hornbill__-___ Yellow-billed hornbill__ Great black-casqued hornbill. Capitonidae: Asiatie great barbet__- Blue-throated barbet —- Streaked barbet__-_-~~ Ramphastidae: Keel-billed toucan_.-__ Sulphur-and-white- breasted toucan. Curly-crested toucanet_ Razor-billed toucanet__ Picidae: Flicker Tyrannidae: Kiskadee flycatcher___- Eastern kingbird__-_-_ Alaudidae: Homedgiank=oo =a eee ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 STRIGIFORMES Scientific name Number TYCO. OURO sae ee eee al OPUS WAS10 ee St A ER ee eee 2 ee 2 PULSGEFAD DCTS DUCULGE Oe a ee 2 TE CEUD ANCE LUD Sarna TE a ee 1 ING CLEG ni ClCne). Sn ee eee 4 SUG (0aTi C= ee ee ee eee eee 5 Strix leptogrammica newarensis_______-__---- 1 CORACIIFORMES TVG CELO 1G OS a a ge ee ee we 12 LOUCT ON RSTIU TCT S VS ae a ee 2 OF CUCS COAL Ce ee 2 COTACLUSTOCNORQICRSIS = eee ee 2 IBUCETO8 (OLCOTNIS 22 eee eee 2 Anthracoceros malabarniGus. 22-2 4 ANURTACOCEROSECOLONQULS =e ee ee 2 BUCOLUUSICOUSSUNACU Sa eee ee 2 BU COLUUSPLCRUU COLT ae eee at eee 1.0 EUUUUAG CT. OSMAUTUCLLLL LEAL S ae ee ee ee af TOCKWS OU; OSTTIS So = a oes ee ee ee Ord TOCKUSEAlDOLCHININAtUS = eee 1 POCKUS UCUULOS UTS eee oe ee rarer 0.1 Ceratogyumna Ct eee 0.1 PICIFORMES MeCIOLAAING LUT CNS eek eee eee 1 MeCOCIOING USiCt COS eee eee 4 MejataimazviineuG eee ( Ramphastos culminetus 2-2 2 ee ee 2 RAM DWAOStTOSTUTLCLLINUS Ese ae eee ee a PtCrOglossus’ CCCUNLOUTNGC8itane 2 eee 3 PP CCHOGLOSSIUS (COSLOILO US = ae ee ee 2 COLD TES AOU OLS ee eee 1 PASSERIFORMES PUtAnG Us. SUP Nun iistane no eee ee 3 LYLONTUUSHE YT ONITUS Sa ee ee eee A EREMOpLila QIDestris ann ee eee eee eee eee 1 Family and common name Dicruridae: Racket-tailed drongo__-_ Corvidae: Magpie —____- Yellow-billed magpie__ Asiatic tree pi ———— Magpies jays. === European jay_ African white-necked crow. American crow havens == Formosan red - billed pie. Occipital blue ples= === Hunting) crow222—— === Paridae: GER Ca tent lts ees a ase Sittidae: Chestnut - bellied nut- hatch. Timaliidae: Scimitar babbl White - crested ing thrush. eres laugh- Black-headed sibia____ Silver-eared mesia____ Pekin robin___ Pycnonotidae: Black-headed bulbul__. Red-vented bul White-cheeked {ojo ie bulbul__ White-eared bulbul____ Red-whiskered White-throated Chloropseidae: bulbul_ bulbul_ Gold-fronted chlorop- sis. Blue-winged fruitsuck- er. Blue - mantled bluebird. Turdidae: Robin, albino_ European song Blackbird —~~- Cliffichat=2 = Orange-headed ground Geocichla citrina thrush. Shama _ thrush Muscicapidae: Verditer flycatcher___. Muscicapa thalassina fairy thrush_ SECRETARY’S REPORT Scientific name DACTUTUS DARLOISCUSS= ee ee TRACTED LC == Pe ieee eee eae PI CUM TULL See ee ee Cryupsizina formosdes == es COloctela{OnimOsg= ee eee Garrulus glandarius____+-____.__-=— COTvUS! CUDUS Sass eens ee Corvus brachyrhynchosee2— 2 — ss COGUUST COT ALI DTINCUNGNS se ONS SOM COCRULE Gs oa ee eye Mele CSS, OCCIDILCLIS ee eee CAS SGMICHINCNSU8 i= = ae ee ee Pomatorhinus schisticeps__________ (COEAPOUITED WON pa ee Heterophasia capistrata___________ MCSiO; CEU CHIGUTIS= 2 essen a ee en WG CROTGED MULL LCL See ta ee PV CRONOUISE CUI CCDS= =a EYCHONOUUS CO Ch === = eae Pycnonotus lewcogenys____ _-______ CRONOUS WLCALCOLI Sa eee eee PUCRONOLUSMOCOSUSe eae CTINIVETAAUCOMLS ee = ae a ee ee Chloropsis aurifrons._—_-— --_-_-_-___ Chloropsis hardwickit____________— Irena puella matayensis___..____-___ TUrdus: MUO ULOTUUS= ee LUPUS. CTriCClOTUn == 133 Number UE EPH iv) 134 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Family and common name Scientific name Number Bombycillidae: Cedar waxwing ....-- BONMUDUCULG. COONOTUN eee ae ee ee al Sturnidae: ROSG-COlOLCOupANtOl=—== PGS lOrerOSCUSe meee = = a eee ee a | Purple starling===22= LAMpPrOCouUus PUT OULCUS =e wee eee 3 Burehell’s long-tailed Lamprotornis caudatws_______-___--_______-~- il starling. Amethyst starling_---- Oimnyricincius leucogaster== 222222222 -—— al ‘Dri-Coloredsrstanline <= Lencopsar TOtvscnilii= ae ae 2, Balitmynah===22=22.2= Sturmnuscontr® Vales.) EE 3 Nectariniidae: Variable sunbird__-_-~ CUNnyris VENUSTUS 7 OCCS a 1 Scarlet-tufted ~mala=- Nectarinie jolhnstoniz==— 2-283 sess u chite sunbird. Purple*sunbird2==s2=-= INC CLOTANIG OSI OLICO a ee ere il Zosteropidae: Wihite-eyes)2oee 2 Sees ZOStenops “DUP CUT OS aeons 2, Coerebidae: Black-headed sugar- Chlorophanes spiza____-______---------__---._ 2 bird. Bananaquites-2=-—-—-— Coeréva Paver ee ee eee 1 Parulidae: Kentucky warbler__--- OPOrOrnis fOr MOSUse sso = a eee ee eee eee al Redstart) eos SCLOD TOG Tbe UU a ne eee 1 Ovenbird #222222 eeree SCUUnws -GULOCODIN Sane ee ee eee il Ploceidae: Red-naped widowbird_. Coliuspasser laticauda______---------------- 4 Giant “whydah=222==== DiCtrOpUras DT OCN C2. = ne ee eee al Baya weaver____-._.-. PLOCCUS TORY Cae aee aa ee Oe ee ee 3 Vitelline masked weav- | Ploceus vitellinus 22 ee eee al er. Red “bishop weaver--——. Hiuplecles Orla se eee eee 1 White-headed nun____- EONGRUTG M0j Wee 2252 eee oe eee ee 2 Indian silverbill__-_-~ LONGI AROLCOOTACU Se re ee a Bengalese finch _---- én DUON CHUNG “Sanco ese ee aa ee ee eee Z Black-headed munia==— Lonchura malaccas22 es eee eee 3 Spotted munia_______. GONChURG PUNCHNOtO se aa eee 5 Reqs munig= 2ose~ eee EStrilda (monde ug se ee ae eee 2 Cut-throat Weaver “A MG0iING: fOSCIG Cason ee oe ee eee eee eee 1 finch. Lavender finch________ SUPA COCTULCS CONS amt ee eee ee re 1 Common waxbill_____- Strida Royton ylese eee ee eee eee ee 1 Pera sNCN eee eee ee IPOCDIALG. COSTONO TS ae ee ee eee 5 Gouldian finch ________ Poecphila Gouldide= = ee ee 1 Icteridae: Yellow-headed black- Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus____-__------- 1 bird. Rice erackles2=-— =~ P80MGCOLAD: (OTYZIU0T dae eee eee eee eee 2 SECRETARY’S REPORT 135 Family and common name Scientific name Number Icteridae—Continued Swainson’s grackle____ Holoquiscalus lugubris________.__.___________ 1 Glossy cowbird_______-_ NOLO LIURAUUS UO NATLECTUSUS te 2 Brown-headed COWe BeMOLO CRTALS EL LG Tee mm een net eee oe ey oe 1 bird. Bay COWwDind] = IMMOVOCH TAU SEO LO LG eee ne ee eer ee 1 Colombian red-eye. Vangavius Qrninenti-2 2 en eee il cowbird. Red-winged blackbird__ Agelaius phoeniceus_________________________ 2 med-ureasted. marsh-- Leistes militaria... z bird. Thraupidae: Blue tanacer = eT TUY CULT) lee CTU ee we ees ee a iWihite-edeeds tanager=— iraupis leucOpte Qa. == aaa il Yellow-rumped tanager Ramphocelus iceteronotus_____________-_____ 1 Passerini’s tanager__._ Ramphocelus passérinit__________.-§ ___-- Al Maroon, or silver-beak- Ramphocelus jacapa______-___________________ 1 ed, tanager. Fringillidae: ‘Mropicaly Sscedsnnch= == OTZ000TUS LOTTIOUS = eee 2 Black-throated, cardi- Paroamia gularis2 222222 oe eee 2 nal, HuropeanweoOlanneCh= 210 GTCWEltS) CONMICIIS a ee eee 1 Green tinehwss 2 =e COLON TSACTULOTA Sere teak oP Oe tee ee Eee il GES SET VEU Osea f1Nd Cera ee SCOUTS LULU CO Ce see 1 Swronjenne hese ee SRGOUUSE (UU CO Le een ee ee ae eee een 3 White-lined finch______ SY DEPLOY OL UITAS US HEA DUITBE S s a led oso 3 SIALE-COLOTEG HUM COm= == CO IU GII Se ee ee ee 1 Buti-chroated: saltator— S@ULatOr NOTIN WS. — ee ee il Tawny-bellied SECO = US DOOD IU DIVULGE a eee eee yet +) eater. Song sparrow..____._— MECLOSD US UaPVCLO C1 ee ered eee al IMickcisseliese= es Ses OCI CON Dein ae eee ie eee aL ee ete 3 White-crowned spar- Zonotrichia leucophrys__-_._______----_----___ 2 row. Yellowhammer ______— LUO CTH. A CUOTUIVCULG Sra ae ee es eee eee 1 European bunting_____ IETEO CT Ne NCO UUILO TD es eee et ore ne ard see ners 1 PACALUON cee hee ese ee VOTED I DCT) eae res Mesos nets ey Or ate 2 REPTILES LORICATA Alligatoridae: @anmniaimeets 2 See COAMEANES CLOG D Sai ae aera a ee Ae ate pe A RY Ee 16 Black eaimaneo ese MM ClONOSUGTALS a 11LG CT eee ee eae eas a ee a 3 American, allivator-—--, Alligators mississipiensisa = 2 8 14 Chinese alligator______ ALN OG CLOTASINCN SIS! aoa e ae ee 2 Crocodilidae: Broad-nosed crocodile. Ostecolaemius tetraspis.___ = 2 African crocodile______ CROCOCUTUSE ALO UCTS E = eee ae ay ee eee 3 Narrow-nosed croco- Crocodylus cataphractus__._._._______._._.______ it dile. Salt-water crocodile... Crocodylus porosus______-___-§ ---- - AL American. crocodile.___ _Crocodylus acuiuse al 136 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Family and common name Scientifie name Gavialidae: Imdian- caviaian== 22 2= Gaviatis"gangeticus= = See CHELONIA Chelydridae: Snapping turtle___---- Chelydra serpentine Se Alligator snapping Macrochelys temminckii--___----~~- turtle. Kinosternidae: SGNKOb yh eo SLETMNOTLETUS OCOTATUS === Miudeturtles 3. sees Kinosternon subrubrum_—__________ Tropical American mud turtle. Kinosternon spurret_____=-_-_- South American mud Kinosternon cruentatum___------_~ turtle. Emydidae: Tropical American Geoemyda puncturia______________- pointed-nosed turtle. IBOxs cress ee Lerrapene COON dase Gulf Coast box turtle_. Terrapene carolina major_____-_-__ Three-toed box turtle__ Terrapene carolina triunguis_______ Wiorida box turtle___-- Terrapene carolina bauwri_______-__ Ornate box turtle__--- Terrapene ornata ornata_______-_- Kura kura box turtle__ Cuora amboinensis__________-- = — Diamondback terrapin. Malaclemys terrapin__-----------~- Mapp wturtle-22 =e Graptemys geographica____________ Barbour’s map turtle-— Grapiemys barbowri Mississippi map turtle. Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni Raintedsturiles==——=—=— CHRYSCMY Sa DIGG =e eee Western painted turtle. Chrysemys picta belli_______-----_- Southern painted tur- Chrysemys picta dorsalis____-__--~~ tle. Cumberland turtle__-_- Pseudemys scripta troostit________- South American red- Pseudemys scripta callirostris_____- lined turtle. Yellow-bellied turtle__. Pseudemys scripta scripta_______-~- Red-eared turtle-_---_ Pseudemys scripta elegans__-_---__- Red-bellied turtle______ Pseudemys rubriventrirs_________-- COOLET esa sne eee ee Pseudemys flomdandga- 2s -e Florida red-bellied Pseudemys nelsoni_________-__.-__. turtle. Central American tur- Psewdemys ornata___.__________~__- tle. Cuban water turtle_._._._ Pseudemys decussata______________ Chicken furtle_-______ Deirochelys retieulama so Spotted turtle____._____ Clemniys Outlet eee Wood turtle-=2—-_—=2-= Clemmys Ansculpt@ 22 nea Iberian pond turtie__-- Clemmys leprosG=— sesso eee European water terra- Clemmys caspica rivulata_____----_- pin. European pond turtle_. Emys orbiculari3________--___----- 1964 Number pe 09 to & BROOWFREHE ANWR ON SECRETARY’S REPORT T3Z Family and common name Scientific name Number Testudinidae: Duncan Island tortoise. Testudo ephippium__-__~._________.-.-._____ 2 Galapagos tortoise_____ REStwao sClLEpNANtOpUs, ViCING@. ee 2 Galapagos tortoise___-_ REStUCOMCLEDNGNTODUS Se ae eee 2 (Chea: ANIGEN ORE) TOROS SHAOGO WGN Po ee es ee 2 Souchy Americans tor) Testudo) denticulata@ ss. 5 toise. Stare lontoisese= == sane ESTULCON CLOU CUR ear ee pe ene ee ye Mountain tortoise_____ (RESTUCOMCTIUYS =e a= nis AL tO A ee ye a 2 Gopher tortoise__-_-_-- GODRETUSIUOLUDNCNU See a ee eee 2 Mexas| tortoises == Gophenus, berlandient = 25 ae eee 1 Pelomedusidae: Atrican awater turtles LeClLOM EC US Um Stitt tee ee 2 irican Dlack Mud Cut) ElMuStOSuSWUNtG Cie 1 tle. Red-faced turtle_______ EP OCOCHEMASECCLAN UES sae ee ul Amazon spotted turtles Podocnemis unijfilisno2 2 2 5 Chelydidae: South American side- Batrachemys nasuta__._____.__________________ 2 necked turtle. Australian side-necked Chelodina longicollis____c._c-__._.__c....______- 3 turtle. Matamata turtle_______ CREWS PUNO OLS ee eee ee ee eee af Small side-necked tur- Hydromedusa tectifera_______________.______- 2 tle. arse side-necked tur-. Phrynops hilarit... 2+ 2 ae ee 7 tle. iKerefit/s, turtles DT OOO LIPO! ARG 1 UC a ey EE es 3 Miumrayaturble=_2- SHER OSEGR. COIL OO LICE i 3 South American gibba Mesoclemmys gibba_.._._____________________ 2 turtle. Flat-headed turtle_____ BULLET SE DUGUUCED Lee oe eee 2 Trionychidae: Spiny softshell________. RTVONYD fC OW ea petites ai ane Oe meee 5 Moxa sorsnelles =o == DIAGN DCT OL CHILOT Var ee a ee oft African softshell______ TET O TUS Oe TUTE TU CUS ore eee me ee eee 2 SAURIA Gekkonidae: IROkay, SCCKOL— es, Gel KOT CCI. Bae iene a 27 Daye FOCKOn = eee EP CUSIATIG) GCED COUNT ane 3 Dave CCK Ot see ee PTECUSUTIVGTES sare ed A ae eel al Agamidae: Agamid: lizard — --- ALO GING: SLC LLL Ot Se ean ea Oe dre lee a a he 4 Ico MARTE ee ALG CMTS ys rks Cae) ek Sa ae le i Blood -Ssucker Zarda — 1 CQlOtes Versi COlOT me ae 5 Iguanidae: Common iguana_______ ER OWMOMUOS AG UOT Ser Seno orate ean tons Seo ae t Swan Island iguana___. Iguana delicatissima____.___.__._._._.--______ af: Basiisic lizard2.2 eee, ES USALES CUE S [0 eee etna Se bite had 1 Rhinoceros iguana_____ Ca CHU GUCOT NUE Bee aa ed ee 2 Carolina anole________. ATOUIS ee COTOUIN CNS Se ae aa eee ee ee 50 Mence lizard. ==, NCCLODOTUSHALIGAULOL TLS ee 11 138 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Family and common name Scientific name Iguanidae—Continued Mencevizargd— oss. s——- Sceloporus "sp. eee eee Pliea lizard=—-2=—=-==2 Plita? pluicaee Oot Bete eee SS C@huckwalla—--======-2— Sauromatius obesuszi22=* - aes PS SSeS Scincidae: Mourning skink__---~--. Bgernia tactios@i2 se eee Wrihibe'siskink 22222225 Hoernia whiter. 22 ee eee Sy otra] fot en BHumeces. anthracinusi22225- = see NS) ero) oie ae eae ees Humeces ‘sp. 22et eee eee Five-lined skink_______ Humecesjascicns._ SS See Four-lined skink____~-_. Humeces tetragrammus=—— === -—— Great Plains skink___-. Humeces (o0solcius.= SS Stump-tailed skink___-. Tiliqua rugosa 22a eee Malayan skink_____-__ Mabuya multifasciatas—=— == 2 Gerrhosauridae: African plated: lizard. Zonosaturius (‘Spl ee Sa ee Madagascar plated Zonosaurus madagascariensis________--_ lizard. Platedsizard= 2s Gerrhosaurus naj 07 Lacertidae: European lizard_______ Lacerta strigata tritineata. Teiidae: Ameiva) lizard=22--= =~ Ameiva ameiva praesignis__-_.-~—--—----~-~ Caiman lizard==s2— Dracaena quanenss = EE Cordylidae: South African spiny Cordylus vandami perkoensis____-----~-- lizard. African spiny lizard=== \Cordyius polyzonis= eee Varanidae: Komodo dragon____~__-. Viaranws KOMOCOeNnSis ela eee eee Ingdian Monitors =— Varanus fiavescens feat ede Se ee SRE Duméril’s monitor__--- ViGranws \Cumern eee EPhilippinemnmMoniiom==—— Varanus NuCchahissa === eee Malayan monitor__---- Varanus salvator. =. eee Helodermatidae: Gila smonsters222222-== Heloderma suspectwime= 2 essa see Mexican beaded lizard. Heloderma horridum____---—~~-~---~-~-- Beaded lizard, black Heloderma horridum alvernensis_.___---- phase. Anguidae: Bastern glass lizard_.. Ophisaurus ventralis_.._.-.--..-------- European glass lizard__ Ophisaurus apodus_____---____----_---_ Huropean glass lizard, Angus fragilisss2=*22=- 2222222222 or slow worm. San Diego alligator Gerrhonotus multicarinatus webbi__----- lizard. SERPENTES Boidae: Cook’s' tree boas =22=2= Boa: COG LE ne ee ae eee ee Se Boa constrictor —----- Constrictor COnstriCtOfosese eee Hmperor boasbas==a2== Constricton’ tmpervatore ao nee ee eee ee eee Cuban ground boa___-- Tropidophis melanuras ee inainbowsD0a8 == 222222 Phicrates’ cenchrigs 2 ae eee i HE NHeE A OO SECRETARY’S REPORT Family and common name Scientific name Number Boidae—Continued Samngupogte eee ETA) DOC OTELC Ot es See ee ah Ne a. ‘Ballanythons===-22.22- PUURON RC OMNIS eee er eS Se Indiansrocks pythons) LULhON MOlUITUS=— a es eae Regal: python =. --.>-_ PaeWOr T CORCMLATS Soe A 8 ae African python____---- DPA CON EXON pos ee ae 5 Se Colubridae: Eastern king snake____ Lampropeltis getulus getulus________________- Speckled king snake___ Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki_______-______- Florida king snake____ Lampropeltis getulus floridana________-_____~ Sonora king snake_---- Lampropeltis getulus splendida_______________ Scarlet king snake____- Lampropeltis doliata doliata_________________ Tropical king snake___ Lampropeltis doliata polyzonus______________- Eastern milk snake____ Lampropeltis doliata triangulum____---______ Coastal Plain milk Snakes eee ey es Lampropeltis doliata temporalis______-________ Mole snake -_--------- Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata_____ Eastern garter snake-- [pgmnophis sirtalis sirtalis_____.______.______ Garter snake, melan- [yqmnophis sirtalis______________-----_-____ istic phase. Eastern hog-nosed weterodon platyrhinos_______________________ snake. Common water snake_- NGETID SAD CO OTE eek ee IS Pl Broad-banded water wWatrix sipedon confluens_____________-_______ snake. Red-bellied water wyaqtriz erythrogaster erythrogaster__--__-____ snake. Blotched water snake-_ Watriz erythrogaster transversa______________ Yellow-bellied water Natrige erythrogaster flavigaster______________ snake. European grass snake_- Ngtrig natriv natrir___..__________.._______ European grass snake_- Natrig natriv bilineata___________-----______ Diamondback water Natriz rhombifera snake. Brown water snake_--- Natrig tavispilota____.c.......________ Tessellated water Natrig tessellatus__.iine.........._ snake. Eastern indigo snake-- Drymarchon corais couperi______---_________ Texas indigo snake---- Drymarchon corais erebennus________________ Mexican indigo snake_- Drymarchon corais ssp_-_----------_-_______ Black rat snake____~-- Elaphe obsoleta-obsoletass.__.__._.____._ tes Black rat snake, albino_ Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta_____________________ Yellow rat snake_____ - Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata________________ Texas rat snake______~ Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri_.___._____________ (ormsnaie 22.28 22. Elaphe, guttata guttata sees Great Plains rat snake_. Elaphe guttata emoryi__________.___________ asiatie striped rat. Hlaphe tachiurasweleyots ao anti ee snake. Japanese rat snake____. Hlaphescimacophora.. =. 2 tee Chinese rat snake______ Hianhercarinata= sss sare Peo ee ea Aesculapian snake_____ Blenhedtongisstnas sewed bale enn, Aesculapian snake_____ Elaphe longissima subgrisea_________________ KBPreRNeE Dh Wb me hohe = OE BDH Hoe ep robe 140 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Family and common name Scientific name Colubridae—Continued Banded red snake_----- Dinodon rufozonatum____---------- Rainbow snake_------- Abastor erythrogrammus__—---—----- Northern black racer_-. Coluber constrictor constrictor__--~- European racer_------- Coluber jugularis caspius_____------ IReduracer.e= 2222 2se2e2 Masticophis flagellum piceus__------ Western coachwhip___- Masticophis flagellum testaceus___-_-- Northern ringneck Diadophis punciatus edwardsti__--_- snake. Eastern worm snake___ Carphophis amoenus amoenus___--- Brown snake .==]-22=— SEOnCHIC (EKG Yte= Se ee Green vine snake__--~--. Dryopnis” prasinuss =) se Bullssnake===2=——--——— Pituophis catenifer sayi-______-----~- Great Basin gopher Pituophis catenifer deserticola__-_- snake. Milejsnake2===—>—- =. Simocephalus capensis______-_------ Wolf snakes]22=2222>—- Lycodon flavomaculatus______-----~ Cat-eyed snake___--~~.. Hieirodipsas: spo Green-headed tree Leptophis mexicanus_-._----------~-- snake. Typhlopidae: Blind-snakes=—==s22--— Typhlops vermicularis___________--- BiMNdWwnAkes=2s——ssa—— Taynhlops OlUMW SS ees = Elapidae: Indians cobras-=—-———=— NGG NG) C2225 2 oS eee Maiwanncopniasa-eee == Naja najaketras Se eee King cobras. 2---===—— Ophiophagus hannah_______-_--____ Many-banded krait_---. Bungarus multicinctus________-__-- Banded) krait=-2—--==2 22 BUNGOELUS “fOSCULUUS == te ee Acrochordidae: Elephant trunk snake_. Acrochordus javanicus__------------ Crotalidae: Southern copperhead__. Ancistrodon contortrig contortrixr___ Northern copperhead__. Ancistrodon contortrix mokeson__--- Broad-banded copper- Ancistrodon contortrig laticinctus__- head Cottonmoutha = s=-—-: Ancistrodon piscivorus_____--------- Western cottonmouth__. Ancistrodon piscivorus leucostoma__ Japanese pit viper_--_-- Ancistrodon Rays es eee Green palm viper__-_-- _ Trimeresurus gramineus__-___------- Mamushis sss Trimeresurus elegans___--------~-~- 12 (ey) ee es Trimeresurus flavoviridis_____------ Okinawa habu__-__---- Trimeresurus okinavensis__--------- TaiwaAnehaApules see a Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus__—--- Eastern diamondback Crotalus adamanteus___---~-------- rattlesnake. Timber rattlesnake____. Orotalus horriduss=22s 2 See Western diamondback Crotalus atrow___-_.-.-------------- rattlesnake. Viperidae: European viper__----- Vipera verus bosniensis_____-------- —— Se ee 1964 Lalla m mpwnwor oo oo ao RFPpoRHH are ee Cee BEEN HE ee OD OO ao Family and common name Cryptobranchidae: Giant salamander_____ Amphiumidae: Conroveel ==] a2 2 2.e25 = Ambystomatidae: Axolotl, white phase___ AXOlOb Ss 2 see ae Ae Spotted salamander___ Salamandridae: Japanese ' red-bellied newt. Red-spotted newt_____- Broken-striped newt__- Bufonidae: American toad______-- Fowler’s toad_________ Blomberg’s toad____--- Giant toads. 222 = ee Crested Central Ameri- can toad. South American point- ed-nosed toad. Colorada River toad___ Western toad________- Pipidae: Surinamptoad=22.—)——— African clawed frog_-_ Hylidae: Pacifie tree, froge == Gray. treesirog 222 Microhylidae: Narrow-mouthed toad_ Ranidae: American bullfrog_____ Green froge. =] aes ee Meopardstrors=s= 2s Protopteridae: African lungfish___-___ Characidae: inane eo ee Metynnis, dollar. SECRETARY’S REPORT 141 AMPHIBIANS CAUDATA Scientific name Number Megalobatrachus japonicus_____________-_____ 2? AMDRIUMG MEONS= nee =n eens SO il Ambystoma tigrintm. 2s Ns ee ee 2 ANNOY STOM@ GTN UN ese ee ee eres 3 AIVOYSTOMG MACULOLUM wee ee ae 1 LVCMICLY Sa DULENOUORLCT 3 ee ee 8 Diemictylus viridescens viridescens__________ 14 Diemictylus viridescens dorsalis______________ 7 SALIENTIA BU OVCCTreEStTts GMETICONUS ee eee 1 BUpOAOOdHOUSEL [OWlET =a ee ee 1 SES AULT OM LORIE CTO Ua seen eee 1 USO! NGI UNS a eae ee Ee era ee 9 BUsOMpellocepnaliigecs a ks tA ae ee eee 6 BU tDLONIUS =o ee te SP ee eee 2 ES ORG TELL O SIL Gatto ers eee ee 1 BUS ORALUOTULSE 22a ORs See hele Ve Le ee 2 Baby ORDO CUS ae aie a Se a 1 EVD OG UD Oe ie A ah cee A el ata Se ha 6 EXCNODUS TUL CUS a ee ee ae ee ae a 3 ELL POY UG ES Sacre ee eee SC 3 FL YLGS DCTSUCOLORS AE RG oo SA ae I 1 MicronylaCGrOUnensise ae ae eae ee 2 QM COLESO CONG 22 = oe Ces hak a ees ee ee 1 TONG CLOMALONS: MClANOLG se ee 1 RONGY DUD Lens ent eat eed MeL heehee ee 25 FISHES NEOCERATODONTOIDEI UzNOLODLCTALSICTVIVECL CIS ee ne ee 3 OSTARIOPHYSOIDEI NETTOSQUNUSINIG erie aes Loa ee eee 1 Gymnocorymbus ternetzi_._._....._____________ ii MCT NNISE MACHT Sine Sea a ae Feeds 1 142 Family and common name Cyprinidae: ZepracQaniOne = os2es—= VETS pal ob, ee White cloud mountain fish. Loricariidae: South American suck- ing catfish. Black bullhead__---_- Electropboridae: Riectric eels i= 2 ssa Poeciliidae : Flag-tailed guppy---- (UP yaa ora Biackimolie2=.22 2 Platy, or moonfish____ Green swordtail_..__-- Red sywordtaila===22— Anabantidae: Kissing gourami__--_-. Centrarchidae: Common bluegill____- Cichlidae: Peacock cichlid-_--~~ Jack Dempsey fish_-- Egyptian mouth- breeder. African breeder. Angelfish Gobiidae: Bumblebee fish______. mouth- Cenobitidae: Land hermit crab_---- Key West hermit crab- Aviculariidae: Tarantula] o--~=e Blattidae: Tropical roach. giant cock- Planorbidae: Pond ssnall =e ee ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Scientific name Number BrachyQGnio S.CT105= = ee a 1 Barbus partipentazonas =e 1 MonichiRy s QvueOmuues= 2. eee eee 1 Hiypostomus plecostomus=—-_— = ee 3 TetavirUsnmneclase. —=8 ae ee ee ae il FLECEFODMOTUS CLOCUTACUS sae eee 6 CYPRINODONTOIDEIL Lebvistesreticulatusee ss eee eee 10 Bevistes erigulanysesss Se eee 15 Mollienesia VWatipinnassss 2222222 al XIN NOPROTUS MMACUIOVUS == SS ee 5 MiP WOV NOT US US) ee ee 20 XiphOplonus, Spo) = ee ee ee eee 40 PERCOMORPHOIDEL Helostomaitemminchi == eee 1 Lepomis) Macrochintis eee i Astronotus ocellatus. = eee a Cichlasoma-biocellatim: == ee 3 ELaplochromis MU COlOT ee eee ee 1 Pelmatochromis guenthen=2—— =~ =s"s==2 1 IP LETOD UIUC UIVC HK Cla re 1 BrachygouvusrdOrTiae= en eee 1 CRUSTACEANS Ocencbitaclypeatus= = ee 29 Coenobita, 0109 €nes== == ne ee ee eee 13 ARANEIDA Hurypetina sp. sas ee ee 1 ORTHOPTERA BlUverus CLO ANLCUS eae eee eee 35 MOLLUSKS PULMONATA Helisoma trivolwis.. 3 2 2 30 SECRETARY'S REPORT 143 REPORT OF THE VETERINARIAN Nikumba, the adult male gorilla, whose paraplegia was mentioned in last year’s Report, made an essentially complete recovery in 8 months. A tentative diagnosis was made of a selective spotty viral infection of the spinal cord. Nikumba was treated daily for approximately 3 months. Chloromycetin succinate and Bejectal, a vitamin-B complex, were injected intramuscularly, by the use of the projectile syringe and the Cap-Chur gun. Methylprednisolone was given orally in Coca Cola syrup. The most noteworthy progress was seen approximately 214 months after the onset of the paralytic attack when Nikumba was able to stand erect and take two or three steps before returning to a sitting position. His progress since that time has been slow and steady; he has regained his original weight and is moving in a normal manner. One of the most interesting things that occurred during the treat- ment period was the gorilla’s reaction to the use of the Cap-Chur gun equipment. One could enter the room with empty hands and Nikumba would come to the bars with a desire to hold your arm or your hand, and displayed every evidence of affection. As soon as the equipment was produced, however, Nikumba would retreat to a far corner of the cage or climb to the top of the shift cage. He became very nervous and would swing from the horizontal bars in the cage to escape the administration of the medication. Immediately following the injec- tion Nikumba would realize that the treatment had been completed and would then come forward to the bars and display his normal friendliness. His recovery has been observed with a great deal of interest because he is not only an excellent specimen of the male lowland gorilla but also a proven sire. The first baby, Tomoka, was born on September 9, 1961. Leonard, a second male, was born on January 10, 1964. The last observed mating of the parent gorillas took place on April 24 and 25, 1963, approximately 2 months before the onset of the paraplegia of the breeding male. It has been necessary for both babies to be raised by the wife of a keeper, since Moka had no milk following either birth. The entire staff is anxiously awaiting Moka’s return to a regular menstrual cycle to observe Nikumba’s ability to mate following his paralysis. On December 16, 1963, Deepali, an adult Indian rhinoceros and her baby were received by air from India. Eleven days following the arrival symptoms of an intestinal colic were noted in the adult at 1 p-m., and death occurred at 9 o’clock that evening. An immediate autopsy was performed and the cause of death was found to be a per- acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Approximately 4 liters of free blood were found in the stomach and the anterior portion of the small 144 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 intestine. This problem was further complicated by the presence of a large number of fringed and diphyllobothrium tapeworms and in- testinal flukes, as well as numerous strongyloides. Treatment was instituted immediately to relieve the parasitic infestation of the baby rhino, Rajkumari, with excellent results, and her growth has been quite satisfactory. On March 4, 1964, the director of the National Zoological Park returned from Djakarta, Indonesia, with a pair of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis). The male dragon was 8 feet 11 inches long and weighed approximately 200 pounds. The smaller female was 6 feet long and weighed 75 pounds. The first fecal samples harvested following their arrival revealed a heavy infestation of protozoa with ameboid-like nuclei. On May 21 the large dragon became affected with severe gastric cramps which were relieved by the injection of atropine sulfate, but it died the next day. An intensive autopsy was performed, and the cause of death was established as intestinal and extraintestinal amebiasis. Histopathological sections were made from tissues harvested during the autopsy. Outstanding degeneration was noted in the liver, in which no functional tissue could be found; it consisted entirely of a mass of ameboid-like cysts. This has been reported only once in literature and much more extensive studies are being conducted by the veterinary division in cooperation with the Parasitology Department of George Washington University Medical School and the staff of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology to determine the incidence of such liver cyst occurrence in our available lizards. With the assistance of Dr. Thomas Sappington, an internal medicine specialist in Washington, a research program is being developed in the incidence and extent of tissue damage caused by amebae in lizards. This will include a study of the blood picture, parasite history, and possible liver damage caused by amebiasis in the monitor lizard. A 6-day treatment of the female Komodo dragon consisted of re- tention enemas of 200 cc. of physiological saline, containing 650 mg. of diodoquin, and intramuscular injections of 500 mg. of tetracycline. In the meantime, tests were being conducted on Varanus salvator to determine the lizard’s tolerance of 0.0325 mg. of intramuscular emetine hydrochloride as an effort to arrest the extraintestinal amebiasis. This test continued for 6 days with no apparent side effects. After estab- lishing the safety of the drug, the Komodo dragon then received the same dosage. The results were a marked reduction in the number of amebae and flagellates in the stool. Studies are continuing in the hope of finding a more satisfactory parasiticide for use in various species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Ambutochloride has been used in canines, as well as reptiles; thiaben- SECRETARY’S REPORT 145 dazole has been used in equines, rhinoceroses, tapirs, and several mon- keys; and a research product, called Alcopar, which contains the bephenium ion, shows a great deal of promise in selected species of animals. To generalize, thiabendazole has been the first product we have used in the zebras that has been so thorough that routine worm- ing has become unnecessary; and the use of Alcopar in the large cats has caused a reduction in the egg count of both ascarid and hookworm. Bird losses on the shipment arriving from India on December 16 were high, owing primarily to travel trauma. Among 69 waterfowl and pheasants quarantined at Clifton, N.J., 8 undiagnosed deaths occurred. Psittacine birds are required to be quarantined for a period of 90 days under the direction of the U.S. Public Health Service, and 101 birds were placed in a closed quarantine area. Quarantine pro- cedure consists of 45 days on tetracycline-treated seeds, and a further 45-day period of observation. Of the quarantined birds, 48 died and were sent to the Communicable Disease Center. Psittacosis virus was isolated in some of the birds. Every effort is being made to improve the effectivness of the veteri- nary division in the care of animal health in the Park. X-ray equip- ment purchased early in the year has been invaluable in the correction of several fractures. Equipment and supplies have been obtained to institute a system of bacteriological culturing in both living animals and autopsy specimens in an effort to establish the cause of death more definitely, and diagnose illnesses and infections in the living animals more rapidly. The veterinary division has been fortunate in having the cooperation and assistance of various specialists in the fields of clinical investiga- tion and medicine. Among these men were Dr. Henry Feffer, ortho- pedist ; Dr. Hugo Rizzoli, neurosurgeon; Dr. A. G. Karlsen of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.; Dr. F. R. Lucas, director of the Livestock Sanitary Laboratory in Centerville, Md.; Dr. Anthony Morris of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.; and Dr. Leonard Marcus and staff, of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Dr. Clarence Hartman, Dr. William McCarten, and Miss Bessie Sonnen- berg, parasitologists on the staff of George Washington Medical School, connected with the Tropical Disease Program, have given assistance in the diagnosis of and identification of the parasites that we have encountered in the Zoo, and their advice on treatment has been most helpful. A Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus) collected for the National Zoological Park by the National Geographic Society-Smithsonian Institution Expedition to the East Indies, received September 28, 1937, died on April 18, 1964. This bird had been in the collection 26 years 5 months 21 days. 146 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Following are autopsy statistics for the mortality which occurred at the National Zoological Park during the last fiscal year, and a table of comparison with the past 6 years: TaBLE 1.—Autopsy statistics, 1958-64 Mortality, fiscal year 1964 Total mortality past 7 years Cause Reptiles! | Birds | Mammals No autopsy for sundry reasons ?______- 126 27 17 | 1958_.-.550 Attrition (within 14 days after arrival) __ 1 26 20 | 1959____472 Sysvemic aiseases ©4202 ys) te 39 36 19 | 1960____532 Intiectiousidiseasests 2a. eae ee ae nee 5 LP TOG Se Sbi7 Parasites a ean ed | Pree Sire eran ee 9 3 1 | 1962____584 Injuries? accidental: 424-648 eo%) ice hles 19 74 41 | 1963____636 Muhamasrat ee eis ont Sea ee ei ee 2 Gil) Stew - eee Miscellaneous (stillborn, old age, SOC) seats ree ia eee yee ea un eae fn ee dF i bat Aa 8h a Tal Wndetermined 4 ee ee ye 36 57 DOMIB ILE Ligeti Choe Total: eo sey AE a Woe Ree 237 230 152 | 1964____619 1 Included with reptile deaths are amphibians, fishes, and insects. : 2 Reasons include preserving of intact specimen for museum and research, progressed decomposition, insufficient remains in case of predators, ete. : ‘Systemic diseases include acute and chronic diseases of lung, liver. kidney and heart, and intestinal ailments other than parasite involvement, as wel! as CNS disorders. 4 Infectious diseases include TB, viremia, toxoplasmodis, etc. RESEARCH The National Zoological Park is expanding its scope in the field of animal behavioral studies to programs designed to develop a greater knowledge of animal husbandry as it applies to worldwide conserva- tion efforts. All possible efforts and means must immediately be turned to the task of preserving representative fauna from all parts of the world. International and national organizations of zoos and wildlife con- servators do consonantly strive to preserve those species which are threatened in the countries of habitat. To foster and breed such species is a task well within the capabilities of the zoos and conserva- tion societies of the world. It remains only to know enough about these vanishing animals to recreate at least minimum niches which may result in reversal and establishment of breeding units. To this end the National Zoological Park is participating and cooperating in the following projects: Group relationships and social niches of the Barbary ape, A/acaca sylvanus; investigators, Dr. R. K. Lahiri, Director Alipore Zoo, Cal- cutta, India, and Dr. Charles Southwick, Director, School of Bio- medicine, Johns Hopkins University. Social behavior of titi monkeys, Callicebus ; investigator, Dr. Martin Moynihan, Canal Zone Biological Area, Balboa, Panama. SECRETARY’S REPORT 147 Ecology and behavior of Suncus murinus; investigator, Dr. Kyle Barbehenn. This work is continuing with emphasis on captive be- havior at the National Zoological Park. The arrangement and structure of the genetic complex in wild animals is an active project in which the National Zoological Park is contributing culture bases to Dr. Kurt Benirschke, department of genetics, Dartmouth University. A great deal of information, which should lead to better understanding of breeding programs, is anticipated. The National Zoological Park will continue to devote, within the organization, as much time and effort as possible to increase the know]l- edge of the requirements of wild animals both captive and free. To this end, the zoo plans, at the first opportunity, to activate a section of Animal Research and Behavior. VISITORS The 16th International Congress of Zoology was held in Washington from August 20 to 26, and many of the delegates visited the National Zoo. On the night of August 20 approximately 2,000 were taken on a night tour and served refreshments. Members of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, meeting in Wash- ington from September 23 to 26, visited the Park frequently and on September 24 were taken on a late-afternoon tour of the Zoo. The annual meeting of the Virginia Herpetological Society was held in the reptile house on December 28 and was attended by 62 members. On June 6, 1964, the same society met again in the reptile house and heard an illustrated lecture on the snakes of Taiwan, given by Dr. R. E. Kuntz. About 2 p.m. each day the cars then parked in the Zoo are counted and listed according to the State or country from which they come. This is, of course, not a census of the cars coming to the Zoo but is valuable in showing the percentage of attendance by States of people in private automobiles. Many District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia cars come to the Zoo to bring guests from other States. The tabulation for fiscal year 1964 is as follows: Percentage Percentage Marya ye ee ee te es on a0) ||\COnnechiCiitit 22-2 nee Bs 6 \fiieiegu ay 02 ie eee es ee ee ee 2454) || SOULE LO ano lin ae =e aes ee 6 District of Columbia==-2---- == TESTS Ca OnN geese eee ee 6 BRennsylyaniay eee2s- = nee Aes PEL OI Seen ee ee, 5 ING Wa MOTKRS 2 Sie aCe Meine A Do) | VACHS aes ean ee ae ER 5 North) Caroling ase ee eee ES ROXAS hye eee oe ea ao ESS Sed ce 2 5 ING Wee OTSO No etes cea te he Ae iGeongia, sate sh bow PT .4 (OLN PRS RS eee eee St EM GlAWwares ese ae ee 4 WeSE: {Vain gimras ee ae aL oP Ni BOY Ug 0a) eee iP SOL i ee Ses .4 1 GIN XG ee Wea ale Der SE a ee eee 170 ——. Massa chusetisy econ see sees a 9 STO tah Se eee a a, 2 96. 0 BReNneSSCe oe ee ee hele lle .6 766-746—65——11 148 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The remaining 4 percent came from other States, Belgium, Canada, Canal Zone, England, France, Germany, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Thailand, and Turkey. On the days of even small at- tendance there are cars parked in the Zoo from at least 15 States, Territories, the District of Columbia, and foreign countries. Owing to the construction work in progress in the Zoo in connection with the redevelopment program, the number of available parking spaces fluctuates between 650 and 1,100. TABLE 2.—Number of bus groups visiting the Zoo in fiscal year 1964 Locality Number Number Locality Number Number of groups in groups of groups | in groups Alabamass oes. SS 17. 616 || Mississippi-------- 2 46 AT KamsSastiaies oe 1 Boul NIISSO Lease ae 1 32 California] =e 2 49 || New Hampshire--_- 3 107 Connecticut__..___ 1l 339 || New Jersey_.----- 29 1, 288 District of New Yorkec-eo20e 203 7, 532 Columbia =-2== 286 9,978 || North Carolina_--_ 203 6, 484 Delaware a2) sae 12 AD? Ohiotzetes2 sess 29 1, 025 Hlonida22 S25 3s ay 1, 139 || Pennsylvania___---- 392 14, 079 Georgia..2-2 22 Ses 15 554 || Rhode Island___--- 12 389 HENOISs S225 as5 5 17 578 || South Carolina_--_- 55 2, 022 nists. 265 22 10 330 || Tennessee_____---- 53 1, 808 LOwALe sss e see 2 O07 ||exases === se ae 9 203 Kansass: 228. See A 13\\ Virginias 2 294228 894 35, 227 Kentuekyar sae se 13 43300) Vermont s = ons = 1 39 Massachusetts_-_--- 20 727 || Washington_-_-_---- 1 29 Miamyiamn dass 1, 161 44,028 || West Virginia----- 51 1, 977 Maine2 223. eee 2 80° |) Wisconsin= 2-22 =2== 5 197 Wichigan = 2.22.5 4 132 pHa Ss | Minnesotassa see 4 174 ROY aoe 3}, Bas |) Wey PERSONNEL Eppie Bell was transferred from the Smithsonian Institution to become maintenance general foreman of the National Zoological Park on May 24, 1964. John Monday, transferred from the District of Columbia Government Water Department, was appointed gardener foreman on March 15, 1964. Wilbur Banner, formerly with the Navy Department in Norfolk, Va., was appointed mason lead foreman on December 31, 1962. During the year only three employees left the Zoo. Dr. W. T. Roth, general curator since August 7, 1961, resigned on June 30, 1964. Pvt. George McLeod, a member of the police force since September 1, 1928, retired on December 31, 1963. Lt. Earl King, appointed to the police force on August 4, 1944, retired because of disability on January 14, 1964. SECRETARY’S REPORT 149 The director attended the annual meeting of the International Union of Directors of Zoological Gardens in Chester, England, from Septem- ber 9 to 13. At the annual conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, held in Washington September 23 to 26, the director was elected president of the Association. He attended the meetings of the executive board of the American Institute of Park Executives, held in New York January 17 to 20, and a com- mittee meeting of the AAZPA in New York on February 7. From October 30 to November 3, he was in Sumter, S.C., as consultant to city officials who plan to build a zoo in that city. On May 17, he was present at the dedication of a new feline house in City Park Zoo, Denver, Colo., and on the following 3 days he attended the Western Regional Zoo Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. On June 21 he left for London, England, as a delegate to a symposium on the role of zoos in animal conservation. Following the conference in London he visited zoos in Munich, Turin, and Barcelona. The director gave three radio talks and made three television appear- ances. He addressed the College Park (Md.) Rotary Club and also spoke at a meeting of the D.C. Veterinary Medical Association. J. Lear Grimmer, associate director, on January 20 made a sound film to be broadcast in India over the Voice of America. On April 3 he gave a half-hour talk over WETA-TV, an educational channel, and on June 27 appeared on a film for the U.S. Information Agency. He spoke on a radio program about new animals at the Zoo (June 10) and addressed the Virginia Herpetological Society on June 6. While in India he had an opportunity to visit zoos in Delhi, Calcutta, and Guahati, as well as wildlife sanctuaries in Assam and in Sundarbans bordering the Bay of Bengal. On May 14 and 15 he attended meet- ings of the Inland Field Conference at the National Science Founda- tion, Washington, D.C. In June Travis E. Fauntleroy, assistant to the director, visited zoos in Buffalo, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo, and Cleveland, observing children’s zoos in particu- lar and management operations in general. Keeper H. Stroman appeared on a television program for the U.S. Information Agency on May 18, showing a European brown bear cub and a baby pygmy hippopotamus. In the fiscal year 1964 the Zoo had 211 authorized positions: office of the director, 11; operations and maintenance department, which in- cludes the mechanical division, police division, grounds division, and services division, 122; animal department, 77 (an increase of 1 night keeper) ; and scientific research department, 1. 150 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 POLICE DIVISION Alterations to the topography of the Park during the past year created problems for the Zoo police, but they have made the necessary adjustments to meet the changes in flow of traffic, congested areas, dangerous locations, and changed sites of parking lots. Four new members joined the force to replace men who retired or transferred. A new police cruiser replaced the old one, and two more horses were acquired for patrolling remote parts of the Park. Addi- tional walkie-talkie sets facilitate direct communication between men working in widely scattered locations. The police locker room and improved kitchen facilities were relo- cated to eliminate congestion in the police station and add to the comfort of the division. AFGE Lodge No. 185 was recognized by the Smithsonian Institu- tion as the official bargaining agent in disputes and discussion between the police department and management. Eight letters of commendation were received, citing various officers for the courtesy, kindness, and assistance to the public. Twenty-five officers qualified on the pistol range. The division now has seven experts, nine sharpshooters, and nine marksmen. Lieutenant Wolfe attended the President’s Conference on Occupa- tional Safety. Captain Brink attended a seminar on management and employee relations, held at the Civil Service Commission. Lt. D. B. Bell conducted a refresher course in law enforcement. Sgt. A. L. Canter and Pvt. D. R. Bowman held classes in first aid. During the year at the Zoo there were 1,501 traffic violations, 131 juvenile arrests, 62 criminal arrests, 106 truant children, 295 lost chil- dren, 535 minor first-aid cases, and 47 serious first-aid cases. A total of 9,395 visitors asked for information or assistance at the police station. Through the efforts of Lieutenant Wolfe, blood procurement officer, 38 pints of blood were donated to the Red Cross Blood Bank. Thirty- seven pairs of eyeglasses, found and unclaimed, were donated to the D.C. Chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Blindness; 12 bags of clothing and miscellaneous articles, found and unclaimed, were turned over to Goodwill Industries. Nine groups of handicapped children and 11 busloads of patients from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital were escorted through the Zoo by var- ious police officers throughout the year. On May 9 a total of 7,378 School Safety Patrol children, transported in 190 buses, visited the Park after the annual parade. Buses were parked and dispersed efficiently by the police in the limited parking areas available. SECRETARY'S REPORT 151 MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, AND GROUNDS The mechanical division has the responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the buildings and facilities of the National Zoological Park. This responsibility is met by the heating and ventilating sec- tion and by the building section which, in addition to continuing maintenance, constructs new shelters, paddocks, and cages for the animals, Considerable work was done on the monkey house this year. The wooden partitions and floors in the inside cages were rebuilt, new shifting doors installed, and inside and outside cages painted. New doors were built and installed at the building’s entrance. The reloca- tion of the Connecticut Avenue-Harvard Street road necessitated the installation of fences for visitor safety and animal protection. The small stone house for hoofed stock, back of the small mammal house, was remodeled to make it suitable for camels. One of the large alliga- tor cages on the north end of the reptile house was remodeled and now is provided with radiant heat in the floor to make it more com- fortable for the Komodo dragon. The small waterfowl] pond behind the main bear line was remodeled as an exhibit area for the Komodo dragon and the Malayan monitors during the summer months. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and painters are constantly at work keeping the old buildings in a decent state of repair. One of the year’s tasks was to build a crate for a full-grown giraffe. Work of the grounds division included the planting of 107 trees (some of them flowering), 63 shrubs, 78 evergreens, and various bulbs and annuals. ‘These were planted along the new road, on banks near the shop, and throughout the Zoo lawns. Other projects included seeding new areas where contractors had been working on the road; seeding of deer paddocks, which had never before had grass; making several new flowerbeds; renewing the soil and preparing a special me- dium for the Komodo dragon’s outdoor cage; gathering forage and grass clippings for animal food; filling in holes in lawns and walk- ways; and cutting of perches desired for birds and animals. The ground division also cut back branches overhanging bridle paths and cleared horse trails along the fence line; removed dead wood from 195 trees over walks, roads, and public areas; felled 92 trees that were dead or in bad condition; cut 49 unsightly stumps from Zoo lawns with the aid of a stump chipper borrowed from the U.S. Army, Cameron Station, Va.; moved snow and ice from sidewalks and build- ing steps; sprayed bees’ nests to protect the public from stings; and helped other departments in the Zoo with the Skyworker. Gifts of plants were received from the District Waterworks, Botanical Gar- den, Bureau of Standards, Glendale Nursery, Walter Reed Hospital, Naval Hospital, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, and the management of the annual Flower and Garden Show. 152 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION The major activity of the information-education department was the continuation of signing and relabeling. During the year a total of 457 animal identification labels were completed; since the program began in October 1962, a total of eight buildings and units of the Zoo have been relabeled—the puma house, main bear dens, short bear line and ring cages, elephant house, reptile house, lion house, beaver valley, and all outdoor hoofed stock. Also produced were 221 supporting informational signs (safety signs, building signs, directional maps, etc.) and 131 other visual information projects such as maps, charts, and graphs. Four scale models were produced in conjunction with the renovation plans for the Zoo. The mechanical department as- sisted in framing and erecting the information signs on cages and exhibits throughout the Park. Additional department activities during the year included dissemi- nation of animal information by telephone and correspondence, library maintenance, and five special guided tours for groups of handi- capped children, visiting schools and colleges, and foreign guests. Two such groups of interest were delegates of the Foreign Museum Professionals, sponsored by the American Association of Museums in cooperation with the Department of State, and children from the United Cerebral Palsy of Northern Virginia. To study educational programs, labeling-exhibit techniques, and children’s zoos, the zoologist visited zoos, aquariums, and museums in Texas (Dallas and Fort Worth), Arizona (Tucson), and California (San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco), from October 27 to November 13. From May 20 to May 28, the zoologist toured zoos and museums in Atlanta, Ga., and Tampa and Miami, Fla., for the same purpose. SAFETY SUBCOMMITTEE The National Zoological Park’s safety subcommittee consists of Lt. John R. Wolfe, chairman; Capt. C. E. Brink, police division; F. M. Dellar, administration office; Bert J. Barker, animal depart- ment; Reily Straw, maintenance and construction; John Monday, grounds department; and Mrs. W. M. Holden, secretary. Monthly meetings were held to suggest, discuss, and make recommendations to the director on safety improvements. The safety subcommittee is constantly on the alert for dangers that might arise due to the construction program. Three contractors are working on separate projects at the present time. Committee mem- SECRETARY’S REPORT 153 bers are also vigilant in seeing that previous recommendations for safety measures are carried out. Safety precautions taken included paving 600 feet of sidewalk, re- pairing potholes in roadways, installation of handrails at front and rear entrances of administration building, extending the step on the loading platform at the shop, and putting guards on power mowers. FINANCES Funds for the operation of the National Zoological Park are appro- priated annually under the District of Columbia Appropriation Act. The operation and maintenance appropriation for the fiscal year 1964 totaled $1,597,356, which was $127,156 more than for the preceding year. The increase consisted of $25,010 to cover salary increases for general-schedule employees in accordance with Public Law 87-793; $43,260 to cover salary increases for wage-board employees; $18,560 for within-grade salary advancements for both general-schedule and wage-board employees; $21,030 to cover costs of reallocations; $8,750 for annualization of five positions established in fiscal year 1963; $4,841 to employ temporary police; $3,505 to establish one position for one-half of the year; $1,200 for miscellaneous supplies; and $1,000 for the purchase of new equipment. Of the total appropriation, 84.5 percent ($1,349,407) was used for salaries and related personnel costs, and 15.5 percent ($247,949) for the maintenance and operation of the Zoo. Included in the latter fig- ure were $85,150 for animal food ; $23,700 for fuel for heating ; $24,188 for materials for building construction and repairs; $12,473 for elec- tricity ; $12,119 for the purchase of animals; $6,933 for telephone, postal, and telegraph services; and $7,660 for veterinarian equipment and supplies. The balance of $75,726 in operational funds was ex- pended for other items, including freight, sundry supplies, uniforms, gasoline, road repairs, equipment replacement, and new equipment. COOPERATION At all times special efforts are made to maintain friendly contacts with other Federal and State agencies, private concerns and individ- uals, and scientific workers for mutual assistance. As a result, the Zoo receives much help and advice and many valuable animals, and in turn it furnishes information and, whenever possible, animals it does not need. Special acknowledgement is due William Taback and John Pulaski, in the office of the Dispatch Agent in New York City, and Stephen E. Lato, Dispatch Agent in San Francisco, who are frequently called upon to clear shipments of animals coming from abroad, often at times of personal inconvenience. 154 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 When it is necessary to quarantine animals coming into this country, they are taken to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s station in Clifton, N.J. During the past year Dr. H. A. Waters and Andy Goodel, two of the officials stationed there, were most cooperative in keeping the National Zoological Park informed as to the well-being of animals and birds being held there for quarantine. Animals that die in the Zoo are offered to the U.S. National Museum. If the Museum does not need them, either as study specimens or as ex- hibits, they are sent on request to research workers in other institutions. Specialists at the Museum are always willing to be of help in identify- ing rare specimens acquired at the Zoo. The National Zoological Park cooperated with the National Capital Parks and lent small animals to Park naturalists and to the Nature Center in Rock Creek Park for demonstration. A Taiwan cobra was lent to the New England Aquarium in Boston, Mass., for a television showing. FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL ZOO The Board of Governors of the Friends of the National Zoo, at their regular monthly meeting in April, passed the following resolution: Resolved: That the Board of Governors of the Friends of the National Zoo does hereby designate the Society’s primary purpose and function to be the encourage- ment of a broader zoological interest and knowledge, formed particularly in the National Zoological Park. To achieve this goal, we propose that the Society pro- mote the development of an educational service which would utilize all effective contemporary media. Therefore, the President is authorized to establish an Educational Steering Committee, not necessarily limited in membership to present members of the Society, which would formulate and recommend to the Board programs designed to achieve these above-mentioned ends. Since the 10-year program of capital improvements is so well under way, physically and financially, it was felt that the urgency of work- ing in behalf of the physical rehabilitation of the Zoo was no longer great, and that the Friends could turn their energies toward develop- ing various programs aimed at increasing and strengthening the edu- cational potential of the National Zoological Park. In March of this year the Friends published the first issue of their newsletter, called Spots and Stripes, which elicited much favorable comment. Present plans are for it to be published quarterly. The Zoo has long felt the need for this sort of publication, and staff mem- bers were glad to cooperate with the Friends in getting out the first two issues. The annual Zoo Night was held on June 12, 1964. Approximately 250 members, with their families, were taken on a tour of the buildings, which were illuminated for the evening. SECRETARY’S REPORT 155 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Money in this year’s Smithsonian Institution Appropriation Act amounted to $1,275,000 for the capital improvement program at the National Zoological Park. A portion of this is being used for the ad- vance planning of the multiclimate house and aquatic mammal exhibit, preliminary studies of the sewage system, and detailed planning for the Connecticut Avenue entrance, hardy hoofed-stock and delicate hoofed-stock enclosures, and additional parking lots. A portion of the remainder is being used to construct new deer pens and new parking lots near the Connecticut Avenue entrance. The balance will be com- bined with fiscal 1965 money to construct the hardy hoofed-stock and delicate hoofed-stock exhibits. A portion of the money was used to build an incinerator between the shop and the heating plant. Con- struction of the Connecticut Avenue entrance and the hardy hoofed- stock exhibit have been combined with the delicate hoofed stock in 1965 because of delays in design due to refinements and improvements sug- gested by the Fine Arts Commission. During this fiscal year work continued on the remodeling of the birdhouse and construction of a new flight cage. It is hoped that con- struction will be finished and the house stocked and opened to the pub- lic in late December or early January. The relocation of the east-west access road from Connecticut Avenue to Beach Drive was completed and opened to the public. The elephant house parking lot is utilized by the visitors. Through traffic in the center of the Zoo has been completely eliminated except for Zoo vehi- cles. The removal of intrusive and dangerous automobile traffic has created a more leisurely and parklike atmosphere in the heart of the Zoo. As with any change, there have been some objections from the public; however, it is gratifying that many more compliments have been received than complaints. The incinerator was constructed by the Edrow Engineering Co. It is now possible for the National Zoological Park to destroy com- pletely all combustible waste material on the Zoo grounds. A long- standing source of embarrassingly poor housekeeping has been eliminated. National Capital Parks, Department of the Interior, has com- pleted the first phase of the relocation of Beach Drive, which consists of a tunnel under “Administration Hill,” retaining walls, a roadbed, and new bridle trail on the east side of Rock Creek. The Department of Sanitary Engineering of the District of Co- lumbia installed a new 60-inch relief interceptor sewer beginning in the Zoo downstream from the wolves, near “Purcell Rock,” and con- tinuing along the west bank of the creek adjacent to an already existing sewer line crossing Beach Drive within the Zoo just below the lower 156 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 ford and continuing down through Rock Creek Park. This is part of a program of sewage improvement of the District of Columbia. Unfortunately the installation of such a large sewer necessitated the removal of most of the trees along the west bank of Rock Creek, and also the closing of the fords for many more days this year than is normal. At various times during the year there was construction going on in five different areas of the Zoo. This caused some inconvenience to visitors and necessitated changes in their parking and established traffic patterns. These changes, however, were met with ready ac- ceptance by the visiting public and a great deal of friendly interest by local citizens. There was a drop in the number of organized bus groups visiting the Zoo because of the difficulty of parking buses during the con- struction program. All redevelopment work is being done under the direction of the District of Columbia Department of Buildings and Grounds. Spe- cial acknowledgment is due the director of that department and his able staff. Respectfully submitted. Tueropore H. Reep, Director. S. Ditton Rirtey, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. Report on the Astrophysical Observatory Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964: DIVISION OF ASTROPHYSICAL RESEARCH The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s broad research pro- gram* this past year embraced six major areas—planetary science, meteoritic studies, cometary science, solar observation, stellar observa- tion, and stellar theory. This division of the research program is wholly arbitrary, and the six areas are strongly interrelated. A recent work of the director of the Observatory is an example of the amalgamation of several of these topics. For the 100th anni- versary of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, held in Wash- ington in October 1963, Dr. Whipple was invited to present a critical summary on the history of the solar system. This lecture, consider- ably expanded to present his interpretation of the present state of theory of the evolution of the solar system, is now in press for the Academy’s Proceedings. In preparing this summary, Dr. Whipple reviewed critically a number of the processes visualized as opera- tive in the earlier stages of the evolution of our solar system. In the coming years Observatory scientists will expand their explorations in these areas. A strong feature of the Observatory’s scientific program is the ease with which a scientist investigating a particular topic may draw on experience and techniques generated by others pursuing different topics. Thus the expertise developed by the Baker-Nunn network for tracking satellites has been applied to an enlarged program of comet and flare star observations. Planetary sciences——With each year of mounting space activity, the other planets seem less remote. Popular response and scientific attention to planetary studies seem destined to increase as we approach the ultimate objective of manned exploration. The current studies of the earth, facilitated and stimulated by satellite observations, will eventually be repeated for the other planets. At present these geo- *Unless otherwise noted, research is supported from Federal funds appropriated to Smithsonian Institution. ‘The Observatory, by paying scientists’ salaries, shares in the support of all research. Support from outside sources is detailed in footnotes 1-17 (Gos a ae 157 158 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 physical investigations predominate in the planetary research activ- ities of the Observatory and much of the scientific community. Scientists of the Observatory, using precise satellite-tracking data from the network of Baker-Nunn cameras,’ investigate three major geophysical topics: the detailed representation of the earth’s gravi- tational field; the geometrical relation between points on the earth’s surface; and the density and temperature of the upper atmosphere and their variations. These topics are interrelated in a way that requires that they be investigated concurrently. The director of the Observatory is responsible for initiating the coordinated attack on these problems and for monitoring their interaction with national and international programs. As a satellite moves in its orbit, the details of its motion reflect the many irregularities in the gravitational field corresponding to the nonuniform mass distribution within the earth. The gravitational potential is conventionally represented mathematically as a series ex- pansion in spherical harmonics. Imre G. Izsak has used a total of 26,447 precisely reduced Baker-Nunn observations of 11 objects to obtain least-squares estimates for the coefficients of tesseral and sec- torial harmonics of the geopotential.1_ The method yields estimates of geophysical significance for harmonics up to the sixth degree. Evaluations of zonal-harmonics coefficients in the earth’s gravita- tional potential up to the 14th order have been made by Dr. Y. Kozai,! who used precisely reduced Baker-Nunn observations of 1959 a1, 1959 Eta, 1960 .2, 1961 Nu, 1961 o1 and 2, 1961 a1, and 1962 ae, inclina- tions of which are between 28° and 95°. A basic computer program used in all analyses of satellite motions is the Differential Orbit Improvement program (DOI), which has been extended by Mr. Izsak, M. J. Davies, and E. M. Gaposchkin to incorporate the effects of the tesseral harmonics in the geopotential. Dr. Walter Kéhnlein has analyzed the geometrical structure of the earth’s gravitational field in the harmonic representation. Of particular interest were the shapes of the surfaces of constant po- tential (geoid) and constant gravity, their Gaussian and mean curva- tures, and the curvature and torsion of the plumb lines. Theoretical studies by Dr. Chi-yuen Wang on the correlation be- tween the satellite-derived geoid and the heat flow distribution on the surface of the earth have justified the hypothesis that the irregu- lar undulations of the satellite geoid can be explained as the conse- quence of uneven thermal expansion of the earth’s mantle, result- ing from some heating process, perhaps an inhomogeneous distribution of radioactive heat sources.1. Computation of variations of temperature corresponding to several proposed models of distribution of heat See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY’S REPORT 159 sources has led to the following conclusions: 1. The inhomogeneous layer is extended from the top of the mantle to a depth of approxi- mately 100 to 200 km. 2. The isothermal surfaces are not simple geometrical surfaces. Temperatures on a “level surface” near the top mantle have fluctuations with amplitude of about 100° C, The Satellite-Tracking Program is now at fruition in its geodetic objectives, not only for the earth’s geopotential but also in the area of geodetic positions and the establishment of a much more precise worldwide geodetic system.1. Several independent calculations of im- proved coordinates of the Baker-Nunn stations have been made dur- ing the past year. When all detailed questions in these different approaches to the problems have been resolved, a consolidated, con- sistent result is expected. Over 45,000 observations from the 12 Baker-Nunn Stations were analyzed by Dr. George Veis, with the assistance of Mrs. Elizabeth Wombwell, to derive the coordinates of the stations and the absolute deflection of the vertical for seven datums.1. Although these results are preliminary, a value of 6,378,169 meters for the semimajor axis of the earth’s ellipsoid is obtained from the above derived deflections. A total of 26,447 precisely reduced photographic observations of 11 objects were analyzed by Mr. Izsak to obtain least-squares estimates for the corrections to the coordinates of the 12 camera stations. The latter calculation was made in conjunction with determinations of the coefficients for the tesseral and sectorial harmonics of the geopotential. Using simultaneous observations of satellites from pairs of the five Baker-Nunn cameras in the Americas, Dr. Veis and Antanas Girnius have determined the directions of the lines connecting the stations with an accuracy of better than 1 second of are. More data from simultaneous observations are now under analysis. These will allow the determination of directions in both the North American and the European datums and will permit a connection between them. Dr. K6hnlein also devised several computer programs for the adjust- ment of space triangulations. By using the correlation of already adjusted coordinate values, he combines a pure geometrical method and a dynamical method for a joint adjustment computation of the station coordinates.* Although instrumented satellites are beginning to be important, satellite drag determined from tracking data continues to be the most productive source of information concerning the atmosphere above 200 km. Recent work at the Observatory, made possible by the Jnjun 3 and F'xplorer 17 satellites, includes the study of the atmos- phere under conditions of low solar activity and at low heights and See footnotes, p. 177. 160 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 high latitudes.1 Atmospheric density variations, which directly in- fluence satellite drag, are interpreted as the result of temperature changes in the atmosphere. Dr. Luigi G. Jacchia generated a com- prehensive model of the major temperature variations—diurnal, with solar activity, with geomagnetic activity and semiannual—for presen- tation at the fifth International Space Science Symposium in Florence in May. Dr. Jacchia and Jack W. Slowey found that the heating accompanying geomagnetic disturbances was greater in the auroral zones than at middle latitudes; on quiet days, however, there is no detectable latitude effect. The relation between atmospheric heating and the geomagnetic index A,, which had been found to be nearly linear during magnetic storms, was found to depart very markedly from linearity on near-quiet days. This finding implies greater heat- ing from this source than had been suspected before. Plans are being drafted for a construction of quasi-static atmospheric models to be followed by dynamic models to fit the observed density data. Techniques other than satellite tracking are also useful in high- atmosphere studies by Observatory scientists. Instrumentation aug- menting the Radio Meteor Project has been developed by Dr. Mario D. Grossi to measure wind velocities at altitudes about 90 km. above ground level by collecting and processing doppler information con- tained in radar returns from meteor trails.?- A network of three sta- tions about 50 km. apart will allow at least two determinations per hour of the three components of the wind velocity vector with an accuracy of a few m sec*. Dr. N. P. Carleton conducts a program of research that includes laboratory study of certain atomic collision processes and analysis of phenomena of the aurora and airglow in terms of the collision processes involved.’ In the laboratory Dr. Carleton and Dr. Charles H. Dugan have been continuing study of excitation of metastable states of N., O., CO, and O by electron impact, combined with a study of subsequent collision processes involving these metastable atoms and molecules. Dr. Carleton has modified computer programs to examine the solution of two new problems: (1) the exact heating effects of the input of energetic photoelectrons into the ionosphere during the day, with application to the excitation of the dayglow, and (2) the calculation of the heating effects that could be produced in the ionosphere by a rocket-borne transmitter. Dr. Carl Sagan and his colleagues considered several phenomena and properties of the planet Venus, The 8-13 micron limb-darkening observations of Venus from Afariner IZ and other observations have been shown to be consistent with a wide variety of models of the See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY’S REPORT 161 Cytherean clouds and atmosphere, including semi-infinite, purely ab- sorbing atmospheres in radiative or convective equilibrium, and multiple-scattering cloud layers with a range of single-scattering al- bedos, again in radiative or convective equilibrium. Calculations in another paper show that the microwave phase effect can be explained in terms of the thermal and electrical properties of certain geochem- ically abundant materials at the temperatures of Venus’s surface, assuming very slow planetary rotation. Conditions on Mars have also been studied by Dr. Sagan, who has found that the wave of darkening is preferentially localized in times and locales on Mars when the mean daytime temperatures in the nuclei of the dark areas are above the freezing point of water. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the wave of darkening is a bio- logical response to local increases in humidity and temperature. From investigations of the question of nitrogen oxides on Mars, Dr. Sagan and his associates find that previously published observations of Mars in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet set an upper limit to the NO, abundance there of about 1 mm-atm. If there is no water on Mars, the theoretical upper limit obtained from photochemical and thermo- dynamic equilibrium is also 1 mm-atm. With 10 microns of precipi- table water in the Martian atmosphere, the NO, upper limit is reduced by an order of magnitude. These quantities of NO, are so small that it seems unlikely that the nitrogen oxides play a significant role in any observable on Mars, except possibly the blue haze. Life may have evolved on other planets of this or other solar systems as it has on the planet earth. Dr. Sagan and his colleagues have reported the laboratory synthesis of one of the key molecules impli- cated in the origin of life. The molecule, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), supplies most of the energy for chemical processes in all terrestrial organisms, The work was performed in collaboration with Cyril Ponnamperuma and Ruth Mariner, at NASA’s Ames Research Center. The ATP was synthesized by shining ultraviolet light on a solution of adenine, ribose, and a phosphorus compound. Adenine and ribose have previously been synthesized in similar experiments; phosphates are thought to have been present in the primitive oceans. Because of the absence of ozone from the primitive atmosphere of the earth, ultraviolet light is thought to have penetrated to the primitive oceans. The efficiency with which ATP was produced in these experi- ments suggests the possibility that the first organisms on earth ob- tained most of their energy from ATP synthesized abiologically by ultraviolet solar radiation, instead of from metabolically produced ATP, as contemporary organisms do. Drs. Fred Franklin and Allan F. Cook have continued their study 162 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 of the structure of Saturn’s rings. The dynamics of the rings are considered in a rediscussion of Maxwell’s Adams Prize Essay on the stability of the rings. Photometry of rings A and B has been used to derive the optical thickness of five representative portions of the rings and the phase variation and albedo of the ring particles. The theory of diffuse reflection from scattering layers based on the equations of radiative transfer breaks down for dense dispersions of scattered particles very large relative to the wavelength. Dr. William M. Irvine’s recent examinations of the necessary correction to the usual multiple-scattering theory may relate to the situation of Saturn’s rings. Disturbances to the motion of Neptune previously attributed to the planet Pluto have been reexamined by Dr. Whipple. Other evidence indicates that Pluto is too small to produce the observed effects. Dr. Whipple has shown that a belt of comets outside the orbit of Neptune can account for the disturbances. A long-range project of Mr. Izsak’s concerns the utilization of digital computers for the complex algebraic manipulations required by analytical perturbation theories in celestial mechanics. A com- puter program for the analytical development of the planetary dis- turbing function has just been completed.1. With the help of this program the duplication of Leverrier’s classical development for Jupiter and Saturn takes about one minute of computing time. Meteoritice science—Many rich clues to the origin and workings of the solar system are provided by meteorites, meteoroids, interplane- tary dust, and the wide range of phenomena related to them. These phenomena must be contained comfortably in any satisfactory picture of the evolution of the solar system. To exploit the diverse informa- tion offered by these bits and fragments of solid matter, the research program of the Observatory is correspondingly broad. Fiscal year 1964 was particularly noteworthy for the meteoritic science program, because several important instrumentation complexes were completed. Large-trough antennas were added to all five remain- ing sites of the Radio Meteor Project ‘+; the full 16-station Prairie Meteorite Network ® went into operation; the simultaneous optical and radar networks for observing artificial meteors from Wallops Island became operational *®; and the mass spectrometer for stable-isotope analyses of meteorites was finished.’ Since observational data are the backbone of any scientific program, the availability of these new facilities holds promise of many productive investigations. The addition of large-trough antennas to all the sites of the Har- vard-Smithsonian Radio Meteor Project permitted the collection of reliable data on meteors smaller than any we have previously been See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY'S REPORT 163 able to study. Thus a long-standing objective has been met, and major results from the operation of the improved network are imminent. Using data selected from that obtained over the past several years, Drs. Gerald S. Hawkins and Richard B. Southworth have examined the physical characteristics of the small radio meteors; they find that the majority of the faint radio meteors show total fragmentation. The decrease in average velocity as the size of the bodies decreases, originally reported by Drs. Hawkins, Southworth, and B. A. Lind- blad, was studied further by Kenneth Baker.* The relationship between the flux of meteors incident on the earth and the observed rate of radio meteors has been determined by Dr. W. G. Elford ¢ in terms of (1) the distribution law as a function of magnitude; (2) the density of meteor radiants over the celestial sphere; (3) the parameters of the radio equipment; and (4) a simple form for the ionized trail. The theory has been applied to the Har- vard-Smithsonian Radio Meteor system at Havana, Illinois, and an estimate has been made of the average flux over the earth of meteors of magnitude 2+12. A provisional value of 80 km~hr* has been obtained. The analysis is being extended to determine the relative density of meteor radiants over the celestial sphere.* A new analysis of 413 precisely reduced meteors photographed some years ago with the Super-Schmidt cameras has been made by Dr. Jacchia, Dr. Franco Verniani, and Robert Briggs.1 Several physical characteristics of meteor bodies, together with their interdependences, have been determined more accurately than has hitherto been possible. Dr. Verniani’s investigations of the luminous and ionizing efficiencies of meteors have been completed. These two quantities are essential for the determination of meteor masses and densities. The photo- graphic luminous efficiency +», measured with respect to kinetic energy, has been rederived from Super-Schmidt photographic data, taking fragmentation into account. The dependence of rt, on the meteor velocity v is found to take the form r»~v". The exponent n turns out to be 1.0++0.15 for both faint and bright photographic meteors. The present evaluation of 7, has also allowed the determination of the lonizing efficiency tz. Drs. Verniani and Hawkins‘ have found tz~v?. The comparison of the rates of photographic and radio meteors of about the same magnitude confirms this relation. The Observatory has established a field operation to observe the luminosity and ionization produced by artificial meteors fired from rockets launched at Wallops Island, Virginia.* The Observatory now operates two Super-Schmidt cameras for this program. A third camera site will be built, and a prism will be added to an additional Super-Schmidt at the Wallops Island site. Four radar-receiving See footnotes, p. 177. 766-746—65——12 164 |= ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 systems have been established at sites along the coast of North Carolina. These receivers, together with a transmitter and receiver on an ocean-going vessel, can make measurements of the ionization of artificial meteors simultaneously with the optical observations. Dr. Richard E. McCrosky is responsible for analysis of the optical data, and Drs. Hawkins and Southworth, for the radar data. The entire 16-station Prairie Meteorite Network ® has been in full operation since early May 1964. Dr. McCrosky is principal investi- gator. During the first months of operation the network obtained double-station photographs of two extremely bright objects. With magnitudes of the order of —12 and —15, both these meteors far exceed in luminosity any object on which data have previously been acquired. Their analysis is expected to yield interesting results. In each case, unfortunately, the terminal mass was judged to be too small to justify a search for the meteorite. Dr. Cook has continued work § with Dr. Peter M. Millman of the National Research Council, Ottawa, and Dr. Ian Halliday of the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, on three Perseid meteor spectra ob- tained at the Springhill Meteor Observatory at Springhill, Ontario, in 1957. Dr. Cook has also worked on the physics of meteors to generate a criterion for the mode of ablation, i.e., to determine whether vaporization does or does not occur and then to seek observational evidence for the action of this criterion. During its long life the earth’s surface has been hit many times by large meteorites, which have produced craters. Only a limited num- ber of these have been recognized and studied. It is clear that appro- priate effort can extend this number significantly, and the Observatory has been involved in occasional studies of craters or possible craters. Dr. Paul W. Hodge visited the Henbury Meteorite Craters and the Boxhole Crater in Australia to study the meteoritic debris in the soil surrounding them. A field party > made up of Ursula B. Marvin, T. C. Marvin, and Walter A. Munn spent 16 days in August 1963 mapping and collecting samples at the site of an unusual craterlike formation in the San Luis Valley, Colo., to test the possibility that it could have resulted from the impact of a small meteorite or comet. The plane-table map shows that the “crater” is not a bowl-shaped depression in the landscape, but that the rim is a positive feature surrounding a floor that is concordant with the slope of the alluvial fan on which it lies. The search through the samples for meteorite strippings, nickel-iron spherules, or such impact products as glass or shock-produced silica minerals has not been completed, but results to date are negative. See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY’S REPORT 165 The tentative conclusions are that the feature is probably not an impact site but an uncommon type of sand-dune formation. Tektites, their distribution, and possible associated impactites and earth craters pose interesting questions. Are tektites terrestrial or extraterrestrial in origin? If they are terrestrial, are there associated impact craters? Dr. Whipple has suggested that a large crater, on the order of 15 miles in diameter, may exist in the Far East area of tektite-strewn fields. Therefore Don W. Farnsworth has begun a map search for such an impact structure. He has so far examined nearly 1,000 topographic maps of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and nearby islands. Maps showing depth to ocean bottom have been examined and contoured. Search for an impact crater continues as maps be- come available. Very small particles striking the high atmosphere are stopped by atmospheric drag before they are destroyed. Larger bodies may fragment or ablate on striking the atmosphere, generating many smaller particles. Hence a rain of small particles from outside the earth is constantly falling through the atmosphere to the surface. The identification and analysis of these particles is a challenging problem. The use of radio isotope techniques offers one means to identify material as extraterrestrial. For this purpose Dr. Edward L. Fire- man, working with Chester C. Langway of the Army Cold Regions Research Laboratories, has collected and analyzed dust from melted snow deep within the Greenland ice sheet. Results from this study indicate that the exposure age of silicates in dust is less than 10,000 years.° Mrs. Ursula B. Marvin has made comparative studies of the miner- alogy, chemical composition, and physical properties of black spher- ules from the Greenland ice cap and industrial black spherules produced by welding operations.’° Results showed that weld spatter sometimes duplicates a type of black spherule, consisting of iron oxide (magnetite) with less than 1 percent of manganese, that 1s found in the Greenland ice and has been reported from many other environ- ments where researchers have sought extraterrestrial dust. 'The most common weld spatter, however, is metallic iron or nickel-iron that can be distinguished from cosmic dust by a high content of chromium. This work was done in collaboration with Mr. Langway. Collections of small particles have also been made on Observatory collectors flown on a U-2 at high altitudes by the U.S. Air Force, and on a B-52 by the NASA Flight Research Center, both at Edwards Air Force Base, California. These collections have been analyzed by Dr. Frances Wright and Dr. Hodge. They have also examined See footnotes, p. 177. 166 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 material from polar ice cores in search for extraterrestrial particles and have collected particles on the slopes of the Arizona Meteorite Crater for analysis and comparison with other matter that now seems to be extraterrestrial. A particular problem has been the isolation of volcanic particles, which may be confused with extraterrestrial material. To better characterize volcanic particles, Dr. Wright is examining collections made by personnel from the Baker-Nunn Stations: samples from Kilauea Iki 1959 eruption, collected by D. V. Mechau; samples from Trazu 1963 eruption, collected by Ron La Count; and samples from Ubinas 1954 eruption, collected by A. Oakes. Drs. Wright and Hodge have sampled these volcanic dust deposits to search for and analyze microscopic spherules that might possibly be similar to the supposed meteoritic spherules found in polar ice sediments. In the size range of 10 to 100p, approximately 2X 10-> of voleanic particles are perfect or nearly perfect spherules, and 210-5 are rough magnetic spheroids. In composition they are similar to only a few of the polar glacier particles the two have analyzed. They have concluded that since the numerical ratio of spherules to irregular particles for the volcanic dust is so much different from that for the ice sediments, a volcanic origin for the latter seems impossible. Therefore a meteoroidal origin for the arctic and antarctic spherules is the most reasonable hypothesis. Another place where cosmic dust might be expected to accumulate is the sediment on the ocean floor. Dr. Craig M. Merrihue is explor- ing this possibility. A mass-spectrometric search for extraterrestrial material in a magnetic separate from a modern Pacific red clay revealed the presence of He* and an argon isotope anomaly, suggest- ing the presence of cosmic dust. The cosmic gases are not cosmogenic because the isotope pattern does not resemble that expected from cosmic-ray-induced reactions. It appears that the most abundant magnetic component of cosmic dust is saturated with gases picked up from the solar wind. A computer program has been assembled to solve the diffusion equation for gases from spheres, assuming an arbi- trary nonuniform initial gas profile. This program will permit accu- rate determinations of diffusion constants and activation energies for meteoritic minerals, The Observatory’s interest in dust goes beyond the earth’s atmos- phere. The joint research of Drs. Giuseppe Colombo and Don A. Lautman, with Irving Shapiro of the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, concerning the concentration of cosmic dust around the earth has established that the density of dust in the vicinity of the earth can be enhanced by a factor of nearly 10‘ over that in the zodiacal cloud, SECRETARY’S REPORT 167 provided that the initial velocities with respect to the earth are small (about 1.5 km sec). The trapping mechanism consists of an initial encounter with the earth’s atmosphere followed by conversion to a long-lifetime orbit by radiation pressure. Drs. Colombo and Laut- man have found that long-lifetime orbits of particles ejected from the moon cannot contribute significantly to the cloud, nor can particle breakup, since the drag pressure at the relatively high capture altitudes is not high enough to break the particles. The particles responsible for the zodiacal light are concentrated near the plane of the ecliptic. Dr. Southworth has performed a cal- culation combining the space-density distribution of the zodiacal dust particles (as observed in the zodiacal light, and as theoretically pre- dicted from the Poynting-Robertson effect) with the observed redden- ing of the Fraunhofer corona (which is sunlight diffracted by the par- ticles), showing that the mean radius of the observed particles exceeds 15 microns. Some invisible submicron particles may also be present, but their total mass will be negligible compared to that of the larger particles. Dr. Charles Whitney has obtained laboratory evidence confirming the suggestion that interstellar bands are produced by resonant absorp- tion in small grains. Experimental work confirms the presence of the band for Na grains, and theory shows that such grains, when coated with ordinary ice, will produce an absorption just at the astronomi- cally observed wavelength. Meteorites, solid bodies from space that survive the plunge through the earth’s atmosphere, warrant careful attention, since they are the only samples yet available of extraterrestrial material. It is fruitful to study their mineralogy, crystal structure, metallurgy, chemical composition, isotope distribution, and other physical properties. In her continuing mineralogical studies Mrs. Marvin has estab- lished zircon as a meteoritic mineral by its positive identification in the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite and the Toluca iron meteorite.?° Zir- con, because it concentrates uranium, thorium, hafnium, and rare earths, is a mineral of choice for age determinations and measure- ments of Zr/Hf ratios and rare-earth distribution in meteorites. The character and mode of occurrence of zircon in Vaca Muerta and Toluca were studied in detail in collaboration with Cornelis Klein, of the Harvard University Department of Geological Sciences, who determined chemical compositions by means of electron-probe microanalyses. During the past year Dr. Joseph I. Goldstein completed a metallur- gical study of Widmanstitten patterns in metallic meteorites. The object of the project was to establish the roles of pressure, tempera- See footnotes, p. 177. 168 |= ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 ture, and time in the formation of these patterns. A method of analy- sis using the method of finite differences was developed for the diffusion-controlled growth of the Widmanstitten patterns. As nec- essary inputs to the growth analysis, the interdiffusion coefficients for the Fe-Ni system, as a function of pressure, temperature, and compo- sition, were measured, as were the diffusion coefficients in both the « and y phases. The Fe-Ni phase diagram was also redetermined at temperatures above 500° C. Dr. Goldstein proposes two alternative models for the origin of meteorites in which the Widmanstitten pattern formed at low pressures. Dr. Matthias F. Comerford has initiated a program to investigate defect structures in meteorites and micrometeorites. An attempt is being made to relate the substructure observed in extraterrestrial ob- jects to the thermomechanical procedures required to produce simi- lar structures in laboratory alloys. The environmental effects of both pressure and temperature upon the kinetics of nucleation and growth of these defect structures can be examined in some detail. Prelimi- nary results indicate that both effects are present and may act in opposing ways. Dr. Fireman and his associates conduct a broad program of re- search to measure cosmic-ray-produced radioactive and stable isotopes in meteorites, in recovered satellites, in dust collections from the polar regions, and in deep-sea sediments. In this program one must con- stantly improve and maintain low-level counting equipment and other types of analytical apparatus. The group has determined the time various meteorites were exposed to cosmic rays. The youngest is the Farmington meteorite, which was exposed for only 10,000 years; the oldest stony meteorite is Norton County, exposed for about 400,000,000 years. Results on recovered satellites indicate that in addition to cosmic rays there are isotope effects produced by Van Allen particles and solar flares. These effects are quite different from cosmic-ray effects. An important advance was made during the past year when James C. DeFelice and Dr. Fireman obtained sufficient material to measure the short-lived argon-37 in the whole-rock, magnetic, and nonmagnetic phases of the recently fallen chondrite Peace River. Although the radioactive contents are similar to those of other newly fallen chon- drites, the ratio of argon-37 to argon-39 is somewhat lower than they have previously observed. Also, its carbon-14 is lower. In another analysis, the cosmic-ray exposure age of the Pribram meteorite was found to be identical to the value of the exposure age obtained for the Bruderheim fall, which is typical for chondrites. The tritium, argon- SECRETARY’S REPORT 169 39, and carbon-14 contents are similar to those obtained for other stony meteoroids. Earlier measurements of tritium in satellite fragments have been extended by Dr. David Tilles and Mr. DeFelice, who have obtained upper limits for the tritium content of Discoverer 14 and for the amount of tritium in a trapped state in August 1960. These measure- ments, combined with measurements previously reported in other satellites, have given evidence for an increase of at least an order of magnitude in trapped tritium flux in less than 4 months and a decrease of at least an order of magnitude in less than 7 months. Such time variations are believed to have been caused by direct injection of solar- flare tritons into the Van Allen belts in November 1960. Dr. Merrihue’s analysis of data on xenon and krypton from minerals and chondrules from the Bruderheim meteorite indicates that chon- drules, enriched in Xe” yet depleted in xenon, are the most primitive material yet studied and reflect an early high-temperature origin. Based on a Xe’”*-xenon correlation, the minerals appear to be an equi- librum aggregation. The difference between meteoritic and terrestrial xenon can be attributed to a fast proton irradiation of meteoritic mate- rial and the accumulation in meteorites of fission xenon, possibly from Pu™* spontaneous fission. Dr. Merrihue has devised a method of trace-element determinations by mass spectrometry of neutron-irradiated samples. Preliminary results, based on data collected at Berkeley, were obtained for U2**, Se, Te, I, Br, and Cl, and also for the Br®/Br® ratio, which appears to be anomalous in meteorites. Also, a new method of potassium-argon dating, applicable to minute samples, has been established, based on A“/A® ratios in neutron-irradiated samples in which A*® is produced by the K*(n,p) reaction. Thus both potassium and radiogenic argon are determined in the same sample, and a correction for air contamina- tion can be applied using the measured A**. This represents a con- siderable improvement over conventional methods. The rare-gas mass spectrometer has been completed by Dr. Tilles and his associates.’ As a first application of the instrument, the group plans searches of deep-sea sediment for evidence of material of extraterrestrial origin. Similar searches are planned in particulate matter from Greenland ice, collected by Dr. Fireman and Mr. Lang- way. The major research emphasis with this spectrometer will be on studies of meteoritic samples—isotopic composition and amounts of all noble gases in separated phases of meteorites. From the theoretical aspect, Dr. Henri E. Mitler is studying the effects of cosmic-ray bombardment on meteorites. Quantitative analy- sis of radionuclides produced can lead to estimates of the preatmos- See footnotes, p. 177. 170 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 pheric size of the meteorite and of the proton flux to which it has been subjected. Cometary science-—Comets and their associated phenomena are inti- mately related to other aspects of the solar system, such as zodiacal dust, micrometeorites, and evolution of the planets. Cometary in- vestigations hence constitute a vital link in the Observatory’s overall research program. A study by Dr. Whipple of the secular variation in the absolute brightnesses of comets leads to the possibility that several of the known periodic comets may disappear within the coming decade. The ob- servational rediscoveries of the periodic comets suggest that these cal- culations are more pessimistic with regard to the lifetimes of comets than is justified; nevertheless, the predictions should serve a useful purpose in stimulating search for the rediscovery of old comets and in clarifying the question concerning the actual decay processes whereby comets do, indeed, cease to be visible. Dr. Whipple, in the study mentioned earlier, has also discussed the evidence that a thin belt of comets probably remains in a plane not far from the mean plane of the planets, but outside the orbit of Neptune. Such a belt of comets can account for disturbances of Neptune’s motion. The utilization of the Baker-Nunn cameras for comet observations has been expanded.!2,+ Using photographs thus obtained, the Ob- servatory is pursuing three objectives: determination and understand- ing of the motion of comet tails; photometry of comets; and time-lapse motion pictures to document the changes in a comet and its tail with time. The research on tail motions is guided by Daniel Malaise,’* who has previously observed that the direction of the tail of a comet may oscillate significantly about the line directed through the comet away from the sun. The explanation of this phenomenon is not clear, but it may be related to some characteristic of the solar wind. Baker- Nunn photographs are an excellent source of the observational data required to pursue this topic. Data obtained during the past year are being analyzed. The photometric investigations are the responsibility of Dr. Southworth. For this purpose, defocusing lenses have been sent to a number of the stations. An unresolved question in cometary astronomy is whether comet magnitudes do indeed change in correla- tion with solar activity, as some investigators have reported. A study of this question is one of several investigations based on the photo- metric data. See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY'S REPORT 171 In conjunction with the icy-conglomerate model of a comet, Dr. Whitney reexamined the theory of heat transfer within glaciers. He showed that radioactive transfer can be appreciable and can signifi- cantly influence measured temperatures in glaciers. Dr. Whitney, Dr. Charles A. Lundquist, and Douglas Pitman have initiated labora- tory work to elucidate the transfer of heat and mass within porous, subliming matrices such as snow or frosty sand. Preliminary experi- ments confirm that this work will be highly valuable for insight into comet phenomena. Solar observations —Information about solar phenomena may be acquired by relatively direct or by indirect observational techniques. Heating of the earth’s atmosphere or oscillations in the direction of a comet’s tail are examples of indirect means of gleaning solar data. The Observatory is also involved in more direct measurements. Dr. Leo Goldberg directs a broad program of solar-oriented re- search, mostly under the auspices of Harvard College Observatory, but partly within the research program of the Astrophysical Observatory. An important part of Dr. Goldberg’s program concerns the prepara- tion of solar spectrometers for rocket and satellite flights. A model of the Harvard spectrometer for Orbiting Solar Observa- tory B was flown in an Aerobee high rocket from White Sands, New Mexico, on September 6, 1963. Three full scans and part of a fourth were obtained of the solar spectrum between 1350 and 500 A. Good records were obtained of the emission lines and of the Lyman con- tinuum. Dr. Robert W. Noyes of the Astrophysical Observatory as- sisted in the reduction of the data from this experiment. The flight model for the OSO-B spectrometer was integrated into the spacecraft at Ball Brothers Research Corporation in Colorado and subsequently delivered to Cape Kennedy for final testing and preparation for flight. A disastrous accident during spin-balance testing, in which the third stage of the rocket to which the satellite was attached ignited, caused the destruction of the entire payload. A spare instrument now being calibrated will be integrated into a new spacecraft during the next fiscal year. Dr. Noyes supervised the set- ting up of a “Quick Look” Data System, by which data from experi- ments aboard the Orbiting Solar Observatories will be acquired by Harvard-SAO in decoded, legible form within a short time of the satellite’s pass over a ground station, thus permitting near-real-time control of the experiment. Designs are currently being prepared ® for an improved version of the spectrometer capable of one arc minute resolution on the disk, which will probably be flown about 1966. See footnotes, p. 177. 172 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Observations made at the Kitt Peak National Observatory concern- ing magnetic fields in the solar photosphere have been analyzed by Dr. Noyes. These observations yielded a definite correlation between photospheric velocities and magnetic fields, in the sense that the highest magnetic fields (about 50-75 gauss) found in quiet regions tend to occur in regions where material is moving downward (with velocities of about 0.2 km sec). This has been interpreted as a result of con- vective sweeping of magnetic fields toward the downward-descending periphery of the large convective cells (supergranulation) which cover the surface of the quiet sun. Dr. Giovanni Fazio has reduced gamma-ray detector data from 1,000 orbits of Orbiting Solar Observatory I.1° These reductions have shown no evidence of gamma rays with energy greater than 50 million ev from the sun, even during solar flares, with an upper limit of the order of 10-* photons/cm? sec. Likewise, no evidence was found for celestial sources of primary gamma rays. The sensitivity of the detec- tor was limited by background radiation. The possibility of detecting neutrinos from the sun is a lively topic of discussion in astrophysical circles. Some authors suggest that this can be accomplished by using the reaction in which a solar ve combines with a Cl" nucleus to give Ar*? and an electron. The radioactive gas Ar®” may be detected by counting techniques. The Observatory has laboratories equipped to do this counting, as Ar*’ is one of the radio- active isotopes analyzed in meteorites. Since the v- reaction cross sec- tion with Ar*’ is extremely low, vast quantities of Cl must be used. Since Ar®? can also be generated by cosmic-ray-induced rections, the experiment must be performed under conditions of extreme radiation shielding—say deep in the earth. Dr. Lundquist has suggested that commercially pumped brine wells might meet these requirements, if the Ar*’ from the chlorine-rich brine could be measured. Dr. Mitler has made a study of the relative amounts of Ar*’ generated by the solar neutrino reaction and by other undesired reactions. The practical implementation of the experiment is being studied. Stellar observations—A feature of current astrophysics is the rapid expansion of observational possibilities into previously inaccessible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and to radiation other than electromagnetic. This has been accomplished in part by carrying instruments above the absorption of the atmosphere. New technology has also contributed to the enlarged observational capabilities. Com- parison and correlation of data from widely spaced frequencies have also proved to be powerful procedures. An example of correlated observations at quite different frequencies is the study of flare stars... During preagreed time intervals, the See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY’S REPORT 173 Observatory employs its network of Baker-Nunn cameras to photo- graph a flare star repeatedly. The probability of successful observa- tion is good since several of the cameras can be used simultaneously. During the same interval, one of several radio telescopes cooperating in the program continuously observes the same flare star. The resulting records are searched for nearly simultaneous optical flares and sudden increases in radio signal. During the past year about 180 hours of combined observations have been made. Correlations previously found to exist between faint optical flares and radio events were con- firmed by several major events. The continuing cooperative effort with Sir Bernard Lovell of the Jodrell Bank Experimental Station, England, and Dr. Whipple and Leonard H. Solomon of the Astrophysical Observatory has led to further new evidence concerning optical flares and radio flares on peculiar dwarf stars, such as UV Ceti. A distinction between two types of event has been made, with at least one analogy to solar phe- nomena being drawn. Further, the coincidence in time between optical and radio flares shows that the velocity of light is constant to better than one part in 2X 10° over a range in wavelength exceeding a factor of 210°. Similar joint programs are being pursued with the Division of Radiophysics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia, and the Arecibo Iono- spheric Observatory of Cornell University. Project Celescope,” the satellite project to use television techniques to survey the ultraviolet magnitude of stars, has finished its develop- mental phase with completion of the prototype instrument. The proj- ect next enters the critical phase during which the prototype undergoes extensive environmental testing, and the instrument for flight on an Orbiting Astronomical Observatory is fabricated to the proven proto- type design. Overall aspects of this challenging undertaking have engaged the attention of Dr. Whipple, Dr. Lundquist, and Project Scientist Dr. Robert Davis. The procedures for absolute calibration of the four ultraviolet television photometers have been established by Dr. Davis and Mr. Malaise. Preparations for automated data reduc- tion and analysis are coordinated by Dr. Owen Gingerich. At wavelengths still shorter than ultraviolet light, projects are underway at the Observatory to measure X-rays and y-rays from astronomical sources. The most exciting experiment now in progress is an attempt by Dr. Fazio and Dr. Henry Helmken of the Observatory and Dr. D. Hill of M.I.T. to detect y-rays with energy greater than 10’? ev from the radio galaxy Cygnus A and from the quasi-stellar radio sources. A large (28 ft. square) fixed parabolic mirror in conjunction with a steerable plane mirror (40 ft. square) is being used to detect the See footnotes, p. 177. 174 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Cerenkov light resulting from charged-particle showers in the atmos- phere. One possible origin of these showers is extraterrestrial gamma radiation. In the experiment an increase in the number of showers as a source transits the sensitive cone of the mirror would indicate the emission of gamma radiation by the source. In preliminary trials Cerenkov light was detected, and results indicate that this device should provide the most sensitive detector thus far in the search for gamma radiation. The mirror system is part of the solar furnace at the U.S. Army Laboratories, Natick, Mass. The Army has provided use of the instrument and technicians during these experiments. The feasibility of using a spark chamber in conjunction with a tele- vision recording system to detect primary gamma rays was exhibited in the laboratory, and a high-altitude balloon experiment using this detector is in preparation. A series of spark chambers was con- structed and evaluated, and a final design was chosen. A television camera (vidicon) was used to observe spark patterns of cosmic-ray particles in the chambers. The vidicon picture was recorded on 16 mm film by a kinescope recorder and also transmitted by radio and recorded. In its ultimate form, this instrumentation can be adapted for satellite use to measure the flux of primary gamma rays and to determine their arrival direction and energy. Dr. Comerford and Dr. Fazio are using laboratory X-ray apparatus to evaluate techniques such as reflection and scattering for the collec- tion and detection of radiation from distant sources and to aid in the design and construction of devices to implement these techniques. Currently, the aim is not to map the sky, but to look carefully at dis- crete sources in the hope of resolving some of the uncertainties about their nature. Returning to the less exotic but ever-important visible portion of the spectrum, Drs. Wright and Hodge have completed the Atlas of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Heretofore it has been the custom for scientists who have identified and studied certain objects in the Large Magellanic Clouds to publish identifications in the form of coordi- nates on one of three different coordinate systems. The experience of most scientists with this method of identification has been very unsatisfactory, as the coordinates are inadequate, especially for stellar objects. Ambiguity arises because of the crowded nature of the star fields and the difficulty of establishing the coordinate systems on dif- ferent plates with different scales and distortions. A further hin- drance to progress in the study of the Magellanic Clouds is the lack of any central source of information on objects that have been iden- tified and studied. There have been much confusion and duplication in identification of variable stars, star clusters, and emission regions. See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY’S REPORT L775 Hence this Atlas presents a photographic bibliography of past dis- coveries so that identification can be made quickly and accurately. The photographic plates taken expressly for the Atlas have now been completed. They were taken with the Schmidt telescopes at the Boyden and Mt. Stromlo Observatories. Two sets of plates were taken, one with a yellow filter and one with a blue filter. From these, 160 charts size 11 by 11 inches have been made. The charts made from plates taken with a blue filter have identified on them all published verifiable variable stars, over 2,000 in number, while the other charts have identified on them all of the NGC objects, all star clusters, and all emission objects for which positions have been published. In the process of identifying past discoveries, 500 new star clusters were identified. The SAO Star Catalog, initially reduced in the FK-3 system, has been converted to the FK-4. All the preparatory work for publica- tion in book form has been completed.t_ Dr. Veis and Mrs. Katherine Haramundanis have begun the groundwork for a possible future en- largement by compiling a bibliography of star catalogs and references pertaining to them; determining approximate orientation angles for 1,231 galaxies; and compiling a catalog of about 2,500 discrete radio sources. Stellar theory.—The Astrophysical Observatory has become a rec- ognized leader in the application of modern electronic computers to stellar models. In January 1964 the Observatory was host to an in- forma] 3-day international Conference on Model Stellar Atmospheres, which provided an opportunity for workers in this field to discuss their current researches. The conference was convened by Dr. Whit- ney and his associates. Extensive calculations of model stellar atmospheres are being con- tinued by Drs. Eugene H. Avrett and Stephen E. Strom.?. The grid of models calculated during the past year has been very successful in establishing an improved effective temperature scale for early-type stars. The effects of individual lines and of line blanketing are now being incorporated into the computer program. The first phase of investigation of line formation under conditions of noncoherent scat- tering has been completed. Solutions were obtained for the fre- quency-independent line source function for a two-level atom. Of greater importance, the necessary mathematical techniques have been developed for the solution of a wide variety of line-transfer problems. Dr. Strom has investigated the validity of model stellar atmo- spheres by means of comparing predicted continuous fluxes and spec- tral lines with the corresponding observed quantities. He obtained See footnotes, p. 177. 176 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 many of the observations at Harvard’s Agassiz Station. The con- tinuous flux and H8, Hy, and Hf profiles for Vega were predicted remarkably well by a model atmosphere that included opacities caused by the blended wings of the higher Balmer and Lyman lines. The effective temperature of the model that best reproduced the observa- tions matched that derived from recent measurements of this star’s radius. Dr. Gingerich has investigated the role of opacities from metals in stellar atmospheres," finding good agreement between a predicted model and the solar rocket ultraviolet observations, and also showing that such opacities must be considered even in much hotter stars, such as Sirius, which probably has anomalously high metal abundances. In the work with S. S. Kumar on cool stars, with effective tempera- tures from 2,500 to 4,500°, he found unusually sharp maxima in the infrared spectrum near 16,500 A, which have been partially confirmed by the Princeton Stratoscope balloon observations. Electron and Rayleigh scattering has been incorporated into a stellar atmosphere computer program, both for the cool stars and for hotter stars. With this program David Latham has been able to show that the introduc- tion of convection into a consistent nongray solar model has little effect on the overlying temperature structure, and no effect on the visible spectrum. Dr. Wolfgang Kalkofen is developing a model whose aim is to predict the radiation from variable stars.11 This involves the cal- culation of the radiation field emerging from a medium that departs from local thermodynamic equilibrium, and that is in motion, with a velocity dependent upon position in the medium. Drs. Colombo and Whitney are studying a nonlinear autonomous system with two or three degrees of freedom. This system is chosen to simulate the mechanics of a pulsating star. Dr. Mitler has made theoretical study of the isotope abundances of the light elements. He shows that the observed abundances of Li, Be, and B can be explained by their spallation in small, prototerres- trial bodies. He considers spheres of arbitrary composition and radius irradiated by protons and finds that the present-day proton flux is too soft to give the desired results reasonably, and that a mean proton energy of 300 mev is necessary to get the observed isotopic ratios. The results are not sensitive to the composition, and he can obtain the measured Li, Be, and B abundances by taking dry silicate spheres of about 14 m radius for the prototerrestrial bodies, 140 m for the protoasteroidal bodies. See footnotes, p. 177. SECRETARY'S REPORT sy PUBLICATIONS The following papers by staff members of the Astrophysical Ob- servatory appeared in various journals: AvRETT, HE. H., AnD Strom, 8S. E. Calculation of early-type model stellar atmos- pheres (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 150, 1964. Baker, K. Additional data on the velocity of faint meteors. Harvard Radio Meteor Project Research Report No. 4, December, 1963. Influx of Gemini meteors relative to the sporadic background at mag- nitudes +4 and +8. Harvard Radio Meteor Project Research Report No. 6, June, 1964. CARLETON, N. P., AND Mercitt, L. R. Excitation by local electric fields in the aurora and airglow. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 69, pp. 101-122, 1964. CoLomBo, G., AND Frocco, G. Optical radar results and meteoric fragmentation. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 69, pp. 1795-1808, 1964. Cook, A. F., AND FRANKLIN, F. A. Rediscussion of Maxwell’s Adams prize essay on the stability of Saturn’s rings. Astron. Journ., vol. 69, pp. 173-200, 1964. Desus, K. H.; JoHnson, W. G.; HEMBREE, R. V.; AND LUNDQuisT, C. A. A pre- liminary review of the upper atmosphere observations made during the Saturn high water experiment. Proc. 13th Int. Astronaut. Congress, pp. 182-196, Springer-Verlag, 1964. DEFELIc#, J.; Fazio, G. G.; AND FirEMAN, EH. L. Cosmic-ray exposure age of the Farmington meteorite from radioactive isotopes. Science, vol. 142, pp. 673- 674, 1963. See also Fireman and DeFelice; Tilles and DeFelice; Tilles, DeFelice, and Fireman. DeFeEticz, J.; FIREMAN, E. L.; Anp Tities, D. Tritium, argon-37 and man- ganese—54 radioactivities in a fragment of Sputnik 4. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, pp. 5289-5296, 1963. 1 Supported by grant NsG 87/60 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2 Supported by contract AF 19(628)—3248 with the U.S. Air Force. 3? Supported by contracts AF 19(628)—2949 (now completed) and AF 19(628)—4203 with the U.S. Air Force. “Supported by grants G 20135 and GP 388 from the National Science Foundation to Harvard University and by contract NASr-158 between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Harvard University. 5 Supported by grant NsG 291-62 from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration. *Supported by research grant NsG 536 from the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration. 7 Supported by grant NsF 16067 from the National Science Foundation. 8 Supported by contract AF 19(604)-5196 between the U.S. Air Force and Harvard University. ® Supported in part by grant NsF 16067 from the National Science Foundation. 10 Supported in part by grant NsG 282-63 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to Dr. Clifford Frondel of Harvard University. 1 Supported by grant GP 940 from the National Science Foundation, 22 Supported by grant GP 2999 from the National Science Foundation. 33 Research sponsored by fellowships from NASA, Fonds National de la Recherche Scien- tifique, Belgium, and Huropean Preparatory Commission for Space Research. 144 Supported by contract NASw 184 between the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration and Harvard University. % Supported by grant NsG 438 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to Harvard University. 1° Supported by grant NAS5-3255 from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration. * Supported by contract NAS5-1535 with the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration. 178 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Ducean, C. H. Experimental studies of metastable atoms and molecules. Dis- sertation, Harvard University, 1963. Fazio, G. G. See DeFelice, Fazio, and Fireman; Pollack and Fazio. FIREMAN, E. L. Radioactivities in meteorites and in recovered satellites. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cosmic Rays (Jaipur), vol. 1, 19638. FireMAN, E. L., AND DEFELIcE, J. Tritium and argon-—39 in the Pribram meteo- rite. Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechoslovakia, vol. 15, p. 118, 1964. Radioactive nuclides in the Peace River meteorite. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 25, pp. 89-90, 1964. See also DeFelice, Fireman, and Tilles; DeFelice, Fazio, and Fireman ; Tilles, DeFelice, and Fireman. FRANKLIN, F. A. See Cook and Franklin. GInGERICH, O. Studies in nongray stellar atmospheres. I. Computer procedures and iteration techniques. Astrophys. Journ., vol. 138, pp. 576-586, 1963. Investigations of a model solar atmosphere (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 139, 1964. Laboratory exercises in astronomy—the moon’s orbit. Sky and Tel., vol. 27, p. 220, 1964. The computer versus Kepler. Amer. Scientist, vol. 52, pp. 218-226, 1964. Introduction to the astrophysics of stars. Translation, J. Dufay, Dover Press, 1964. GINGERICH, O., AND Kumar, 8. S. Calculations of low-temperature model stellar atmospheres (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 139, 1964. Go.pbere, L. Solar spectroscopy. Journ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, vol. 3, pp. 519-528, 1963. GOLDBERG, L.; DupREE, A. K.; AND Kopp, R. A. Abundance of iron derived from faint Fraunhofer lines (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 139, 1963. GOLDBERG, L.; PARKINSON, W. H.; Reeves, E. M.; AND Noyes, R. W. Preliminary results of a rocket flight of the Harvard OSO-B spectrometer (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 140, 1963. GotpsTEIN, J. J. The growth of the Widmanstiitten pattern in metallic mete- orites. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964. GoLpsTEIN, J. I., AND OciLvir, R. E. Electron microanalysis of metallic mete- orites. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 27, pp. 623-637, 1963. Grossi, M. D. A technique for wind measurements in the lower ionosphere by collection and processing of doppler information contained in VHF radar returns from meteor trails. Proc. Conf. on Aeronomiec Measurements in the Lower Ionosphere, pp. 82-88, University of Illinois, 1963. Aeronomic measurements in the lower ionosphere. Report to USAF on Contract AF 19(628)-3248, Smithsonian Astrophys. Obs., September, 1963. Hawkins, G. S. The meteor population. Harvard Radio Meteor Project Re- search Report No. 3, August, 1963. Stonehenge decoded. Nature, vol. 200, pp. 306-308, 1963. Stonehenge: a neolithic computer. Nature, vol. 202, pp. 1258-1261, 1964. Hawkins, G. 8.; Meunier, P.; aND RosrentTuHAL, S. The plume over a meterorite crater. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta., vol. 28, pp. 1011-1014, 1964. HAWKINS, G. S., AND SourHwortH, R. B. The physical characteristics of mete- ors. Harvard Radio Meteor Project Research Report No. 2, July, 1963. See also Verniani and Hawkins. HELMKEN, H. F. Galactic gamma radiation. Dissertation, Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, 1964. SECRETARY’S REPORT 179 Honer, P. W. Distribution of stars in Leo I dwarf galaxy. Astron. Journ., vol. 68, pp. 470-474, 1963. Hoper, P. W., AND Wricut, F. W. Studies of particles for extraterrestrial origin. 2. A comparison of microscopic spherules of meteoritic and volcanic origin. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 69, pp. 2449-2454, 1964. See also Wright, Hodge, and Langway. IRVINE, W. M. Formation of absorption bands in a scattering atmosphere (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 68, p. 538, 1963. The asymmetry of the scattering diagram of a spherical particle. Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherlands, vol. 17, pp. 176-184, 1963. The shadowing effect in diffuse reflection (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 44, p. 873, 1963. The formation of absorption bands and the distribution of photon opti- cal paths in a scattering atmosphere. Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherlands, vol. 17, pp. 266-279, 1964. Electrodynamics in a rotating system of reference. Physica, vol. 30, pp. 1160-1170, 1964. Izsak, I. G. A note on perturbation theory. Astron. Journ., vol. 68, pp. 59-61, 1968. Tesseral harmonics in the geopotential. Nature, vol. 199, pp. 187-1389, 1963. Tesseral harmonics of the geopotential and corrections to station co- ordinates. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 69 pp. 2621-2630, 1964. JaccHta, L. G. Variations in the earth’s upper atmosphere as revealed by satellite drag. Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 35, pp. 973-991, 1963. Influence of solar activity on the earth’s upper atmosphere. Planet. Space Sci., vol. 12, pp. 355-378, 1964. JACCHIA, L. G., AND SLtowey, J. Atmospheric heating in the auroral zones from the drag analysis of the Injun III satellite. Astron. Journ., vol 68, pp. 5388-539, 1963. An analysis of the atmospheric drag of the Explorer IX satellite from precisely reduced photographic observations. Jn P. Muller, ed., Space Re- search IV, pp. 257-270, North-Hollard Publ., Amsterdam, 1964. Atmospheric heating in the auroral zones: A preliminary analysis of the drag of the Injun III satellite. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 69, 905-910, 1964. LAUTMAN, D. A. On the distribution of the perihelia of the asteroids (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 68, p. 539, 1963. LOvVELL, B.; WuIprLe, F. L.; AND SoLomon, L.H. Observation of a solar type radio burst from a flare star. Nature, vol. 201, pp. 1013-1014, 1964. Relative velocity of light and radio waves in space. Nature, vol. 202, p. 377, 1964. Lunpquist, C. A. See Debus, Johnson, Hembree, and Lundquist. Ma.aise, D. Photographie observations of the tail activity of comet Burnham 1960 II. Astron. Journ., vol. 68, pp. 561-565, 1963. Marvin, U. B. Mineralogy of the oxidation products of the Sputnik 4 fragment and of iron meteorites. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, pp. 5059-5068, 1963. Marvin, U. B., AND KLEeIn, C. Meteoritice zircon (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geo- phys. Union, vol. 45, p. 86, 1964. Merrinve, C. M. On the origin of I’ in meteorites (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 45, p. 90, 1964. Mitter, H. BE. He’® in planetesimals. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, pp. 4587- 4594, 1963. 766—-746—65 13 180 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Noyes, R. W., See Goldberg, Parkinson, Reeves, and Noyes. Noyes, R. W., AND LEIGHTON, R. Velocity fields in the solar atmosphere. II. The oscillatory field. Astrophys. Journ., vol. 138, pp. 631-647, 1963. Packer, E.; Scuer, S.; AND SaGAn, C. Biological contamination of Mars. II. Cold and aridity as constraints on the survival of terrestrial microorganisms in simulated Martian environments. Icarus, vol. 2, pp. 293-316, 1963. PoLuLAck, J. B., AND Fazio, G. G. Production of 7-mesons and gamma radiation in the galaxy by cosmic rays. Phys. Rev., vol. 131, pp. 2684-2691, 1963. ROSENTHAL, 8S. See Hawkins, Meunier, and Rosenthal. Saean, C. Microwave properties of the atmosphere and cloud layer of Venus. In B. C. Jordan, ed., Electromagnetic Theory and Antennas, vol. 2, p. 771, Pergamon Press, 1963. Biological exploration of Mars. Adv. Astronaut. Sci., vol. 15, p. 571-581, 1963. Interstellar communication (book review). Planet. Space Sci., vol. 12, p. 259, 1964. Exobiology: a critical review. In M. Florkin and A. Dollfus, eds., Life Sciences and Space Research II, North-Holland Publ., Amsterdam, 1964. See also Packer, Scher, and Sagan; Scher, Packer, and Sagan. Sacan, C., AND KELLoce, W. W. The terrestrial planets. Ann. Rev. Astron. and Astrophys., vol. 1, p. 285-266, 1963. Scuer, 8.; Packer, H.; AND Saaan, C. Biological contamination of Mars: I. Survival of terrestrial microorganisms in simulated martian environments. In M. Florkin and A. Dollfus, eds., Life Sciences and Space Research II, pp. 352-356. North-Holland Publ., Amsterdam, 1964. SxauaFuris, A.J. See Whitney and Skalafuris. SLEE, O. B.; Sonomon, L. H.; anp Patsron, G. E. Radio emission from flare star V371 Orionis. Nature, vol. 199, pp. 991-993, 1964. Stowey, J. See Jacchia and Slowey. Sotomon, L. H. See Lovell, Whipple, and Solomon; Slee, Solomon, and Patston. SouTHWworTH, R. B. See Hawkins and Southworth. Strom, S. E. Comparison between model atmospheres and observations of early- type stars. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1964. See also Avrett and Strom. TILLES, D. Tritium retention in iron meteorites. Nature, vol. 200, p. 563, 1963. Meteoritic tritium and diffusion in a- and y-iron. Nature, vol. 201, p. 808, 1964. Stable silicon isotope ratios in tektites. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 28, pp. 1015-1017, 1964. See also DeFelice, Fireman, and Tilles. TILLES, D., AND DreFE ice, J. Time variations of abundance of geomagnetically trapped tritium. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 45, p. 351, 1964. TILLES, D.; DEFELICE, J.; AND FIREMAN, BE. L. Measurements of tritium in satel- lite and rocket material, 1960-1961. Icarus, vol. 2, pp. 258-279, 1963. Vets, G. Optical tracking of artificial satellites. Space Sci. Rev., vol. II, pp. 250-296, 1963. VERNIANI, F., AND Hawkins, G. 8. On the ionizing efficiency of meteors. Har- vard Radio Meteor Project Research Report No. 5, February, 1964. Wana, C. Y. On the correlation between the fluctuations of heat flow and gravi- tational potential of the earth (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol. 45, p. 36, 1964. Wana, C. Y. Figure of the earth as obtained from satellite data and its geo- physical implications. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1964. SECRETARY’S REPORT 181 WHIPPLE, F. L. Earth, moon, and planets. 2d ed., 278 pp. Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1963. On meteoroids and penetration. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, pp. 4929-— 4939, 1963. The history of the solar system. Space Sci., XIII, vol. 5, pp. 2-6, 1964. — —. Disintegrating comets. Sky and Tel., vol. 3, pp. 148-149, 1964. Brightness changes in periodic comets (abstract). Astron. Journ., vol. 69, p. 152, 1964. Evidence of a comet belt beyond Neptune. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 51, pp. 711-718, 1964. See also Lovell, Whipple, and Solomon. Wuirney, C. A. Thermal response of the solar atmosphere. Astrophys. Journ., vol. 188, pp. 587-551, 1968. WuHirTney, C. A., AND SKALAFURIS, A. J. The structure of shock fronts in atomic hydrogen. I. The effect of precursor radiation in the Lyman continuum. Astrophys. Journ., vol. 188, pp. 200-215, 1963. Woop, J. A. On the origin of chondrules and chondrites. Icarus, vol. 2, pp. 337~ 401, 1963. Wricut, Fr. W. See Hodge and Wright. WriecuT, Ff. W.; Hoper, P. W.; anp Laneway, C. C., Jz. Studies of particles for extraterrestrial origin. I. Chemical analyses of 118 particles. Journ. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, pp. 5575-5587, 1963. The Special Reports of the Astrophysical Observatory distribute catalogs of satellite observations, orbital data, and preliminary results of data analysis prior to journal publication. Numbers 127 through 156, issued during the year, contain the following material: No. 127, July 8, 1963 Attitude determination from specular and diffuse reflection by cylindrical ar- tificial satellites, by R. H. Giese. No. 128, July 10, 1963 Ultraviolet synthesis of adenosine triphosphate under possible primitive earth conditions, by C. Ponnamperuma, C. Sagan, and R. Mariner. No. 129, July 15, 1963 Laplace coefficients and their Newcomb derivatives, by I. G. Izsak. No. 130, July 17, 1963 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1958 a (Hwplorer 1), 1959 al (Vanguard 2), 1959 » (Vanguard 3), and 1959 11 (He«plorer 7), for July 1- Dec. 31, 1962; Satellite 1958 82 (Vanguard 1) for Sept. 22—Oct. i8, 1962; and Satellite 1960 y2 (Transit 1B) for Sept. 29-Oct. 24, 1962, prepared by B. Miller. No. 131, July 18, 1963 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1960 «1 (Hecho 1), 1960 :2 (Echo 1 rocket), and 1960 {1 (Hzplorer 8) for July 1—Dec. 31, 1962, prepared by B. Miller. No. 182, July 19, 1963 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1961 61 (Haplorer 9), 1961 o1 (Transit 44), and 1961 02 (Injun Solar Radiation 8) for July 1-Dee. 31, 1962; Satellite 1962 ael (Telstar 1) for July 10—Dec. 31, 1962; Satellite 1962 BA1 (Explorer 15) for Nov. 2—Dec. 20, 1962; Satellite 1962 Bul (Anna 1B) for Nov. 1—Dec. 31, 1962; Satellite 1962 6vl (Relay 1) for Dec. 15-81, 1962; and Satellite 1962 Bx1 (EHzplorer 16) for Dec. 16-21, 1962, prepared by B. Miller. 182 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 No. 183, August 16, 1963 The determination of absolute directions in space with artificial satellites, by G. Veis. No. 134, September 12, 1963 On the distribution of surface heat flows and the second order variations in the external gravitational field, by C. Y. Wang. No. 135, September 16, 1963 Formulae and tables for the computation of lifetimes of artificial satellites, by L. G. Jacchia and J. Slowey. No. 136, September 17, 1963 Atmospheric heating in the auroral zones: A preliminary analysis of the atmospherie drag of the Injun III satellite, by L. G. Jacchia and J. Slowey. No. 187, September 30, 1963 Catalog of precisely reduced observations: Satellite 1960 y2 (Transit 1B) for May 7-19, 1960; Satellite 1960 «1 (Hcho 1) for Aug. 12-31, 1960; and Satellite 1961 61 (Haplorer 9) for July 1-Dec. 31, 1961, prepared by P. Stern. No. 188, October 1, 1963 Catalog of precisely reduced observations: Satellites 1959 al (Vanguard 2), 1959 » (Vanguard 3), 1960 2 (Hecho 1 rocket), and 1961 51 (Ezplorer 9) for Jan. 1-June 30, 1962, prepared by P. Stern. No. 139, October 15, 1963 Optical radar results and meteoric fragmentation, by G. Colombo and G. Fiocco. No. 140, January 24, 1964 Construction of Newcomb operators on a digital computer, by I. G. Izsak, J. M. Gerard, R. Efimba, and M. P. Barnett. No. 141, January 30, 1964 Satellite orbital data: Satellites 1959 al (Vanguard 2), 1959 y (Vanguard 8), 1960 1.2 (Echo 1 rocket), and 1961 51 (Hzplorer 9) for Jan. 1—June 30, 1962; Satellite 1960 61 (Tiros 1 rocket) for Apr. 12—-Mag 26, 1960; Satellite 1960 B2 (Tiros 1) for Apr. 12-Sept. 15, 1960; Satellite 1960 1 (Hecho 1) for Aug. 14-30, 1960; Satellite 1961 01 (T'ransit 44) for Aug. 11, 1961—June 25, 1962; and Satellite 1961 02 (Injun 3), for Aug. 11, 1961-June 29, 1962, pre- pared by I. G. Izsak. No. 142, January 31, 1964 Satellite orbital data: Satellites 1958 a (Hxplorer 1), 1959 a1 (Vanguard 2), 1959 » (Vanguard 8), 1959 1 (Hezplorer 7), 1960 11 (Hecho 1), 1960 #4 (Ezplorer 8), and 1961 61 (Hzplorer 9) for Jan. 1—Apr. 1, 1963, prepared by I. G. Izsak. No. 148, February 8, 1964 Inhomogeneous distribution of the radioactive heat sources. I. Theory, by C. Y. Wang. No. 144, February 10, 1964 Geodesics on an equipotential surface of revolution, by W. Koéhnlein. No. 145, February 17, 1964 On the luminous efficiency of meteors, by F. Verniani. No. 146, February 24, 1964 On the visual tracking of two bright satellites from C-130-type aircraft, by R. C. Vanderburgh. No. 147, February 27, 1964 Catalog of precisely reduced observations: Satellite 1960 B1 (Tiros 1 rocket) for Apr. 5-June 1, 1960; Satellite 1960 62 (Tiros 1) for Apr. 5-Sept. 21, 1960; SECRETARY’S REPORT 183 and Satellites 1961 01 (T7'ransit 44) and 1961 02 (Injun Solar Radiation 3) for Aug. 5, 1961—Deec. 31, 1962, prepared by P. Stern. No. 148, February 28, 1964 Catalog of precisely reduced observations: Satellites 1959 al (Vanguard 2), 1959 » (Vanguard 3), 1960 12 (Hcho 1 rocket), and 1961 81 (Ezplorer 9) for July 1-Dec. 31, 1962; Satellite 1961 51 (Midas 4) for Mar. 9-—Dee. 31. 1962; and Satellite 1962 wel (Telstar 1) for July 13—Dec. 31, 1962, prepared by P. Stern. No. 149, April 15, 1964 Long-period effects in nearly commensurable cases of the restricted three- body problem, by J. Schubart. No. 150, April 22, 1964 The temperature above the thermopause, by L. G. Jacchia. No. 151, May 5, 1964 A catalog of positions and proper motions of 258,997 stars for the epoch and equinox of 1950.0, by the Staff of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. No. 152, June 15, 1964 Temperature variations in the upper atmosphere during geomagnetically quiet intervals, by L. G. Jacchia and J. Slowey. No. 158, June 16, 1964 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1958 a1 (Haplorer 1), 1959 «1 (Vanguard 2), 1959 71 (Vanguard 3), and 1959 «1 (Heplorer 7) for Jan. 1- June 30, 1963, prepared by B. Miller. No. 154, June 17, 1964 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1960 11 (Hcho 1), 1960 :2 (Echo 1 rocket), 1960 ¢1 (H«plorer 8), and 1961 81 (Zz«plorer 9) for Jan. 1-June 30, 1963, prepared by P. Stern. No. 155, June 18, 1964 Catalogue of satellite observations: Satellites 1961 01 (Transit 44), 1961 02 (Injun Solar Radiation 3), 1962 ae1 (Telstar 1), and 1962 Bul (Anna 1B) for Jan. 1-June 30, 1963; Satellite 1962 vl (Cosmos 5) for Mar. 11—Apr. 30, 1963; Satellite 1962 Br2 (Injun 3) for Jan. 16—-June 30, 1963; Satellite 1962 Bul (Relay 1) for Jan. 4-June 30, 1963; Satellite 1963 9A (Haplorer 17) for Apr. 6-June 24, 1963; and Satellite 1963 13A (Telstar 2) for May 11- June 30, 1963, prepared by B. Miller. No. 156, June 25, 1964 Baker-Nunn photography of the Syncom IT fourth-stage ignition, by R. Citron and L. H. Solomon; and Tracking of Centaur (AC-2), by L. H. Solomon. STAFF CHANGES Scientists who joined the Observatory staff during the year are Dr. Henry F. Helmken, Dr. Craig Merrihue, and Dr. William G. Elford, physicists; Dr. Richard R. Haefner, supervisor of computa- tions operations; Douglas T. Pitman, chemist; Leendert Aardoom, geodesist ; Carlton G. Lehr and Yasushi Nozawa, electronic engineers; and Dr. P. L. Bhatnagar, astrophysicist. Resignations during the year included those of Dr. Morton J. Davies, Dr. Wolfgang Kalkofen, and Dr. Max Krook, physicists; Dr. Joachim Schubart, celestial mechanician; Richard C. Bruck, chief 184 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 of station operations; and Col. Olcott M. Brown (now serving as con- ultant), station coordinator of Moonwatch. Consultants at the Observatory during the year were Dr. Pol Swings, Dr. John A. Wood, Sir A. C. B. Lovell, Mr. Thomas C. Marvin, Dr. George Murray, and Dr. Om P. Rustgi. On June 30, 1964, the Observatory employed 404 persons. DIVISION OF RADIATION AND ORGANISMS Prepared by W. H. Kuetn, Chief of the Division Research of the Division of Radiation and Organisms is directed toward those areas of investigation in which radiation affects or controls, directly and indirectly, the functions of living organisms. Specific areas which have been investigated intensively by the division include the control of regulatory mechanisms by nonionizing radiation such as photomorphogenesis, phototropism, the induction of photo- synthetic activity and the interaction of ionizing radiation with syn- thetic and morphological systems, such as the effects of X-rays and gamma rays at the cellular and subcellular levels. Research has con- tinued on the storage of energy in and synthesis of macromolecules in such diverse systems as higher plants and marine algae. The service activity of the carbon-dating laboratory has been expanded, and the division also conducts basic research in developing and ex- tending dating techniques. Investigation of the mechanism by which chloramphenicol, an anti- biotic protein inhibitor, inhibits light-dependent development of photosynthetic activity of bean leaves has been continued. The chloramphenicol prevents formation of a normal chloroplast struc- ture, the absence of which is correlated with a larger percentage of water-soluble plastid protein. Investigations by serological tech- niques of differences between water-soluble proteins of plastids from treated and untreated leaves are in progress. The results indicate that there are different proteins in the soluble fractions from the two sources. The plastids from treated and untreated leaves differ in ability to generate antibodies, indicating differences in arrange- ment of proteins in the two types of plastids. Although diatoms grown in the dark synthesize photosynthetic pigments, less chlorophyll is produced than in the light. Some evi- dence indicating a difference in the ratio of chlorophylls to carot- enoids in light- and dark-grown cells has been obtained. Changes in the absorption spectrum of diatom cells brought about by heating also occur on treatment with chemicals known to bring about changes in the configuration of protein molecules. Studies on the changes of the absorption spectra of the diatom cells that occur on heating SECRETARY’S REPORT 185 suggest a different molecular environment for carotenoids and chlorophylls. In the area of phosphorus metabolism the structure and physiology of ribonucleic acid-polyphosphates in algae have been studied. Ex- tracts have been obtained from synchronous algal cultures, and poly- mers have been hydrolyzed by various means; the low molecular- weight products have been investigated to ascertain the linkage group which connects the ribonucleic acid to polyphosphates. In December 1963 through February 1964, an extensive Antarctic collecting trip aboard the U.S.S. Zltanin was made. Algal and diatom collections were made in the Humboldt current off the coast of Chile and in a great circle arc from Valparaiso to Peter I Island. From these plank- ton, sample determinations were made on total phosphorus and organic nitrogen. The distribution of phosphorus within certain compounds and relative rates of radioactive phosphate incorporation into various fractions were determined. Concurrently, sea-water samples were obtained at the same sites at which organisms were collected to determine the major nutrients to which the plankton were exposed. A glycopeptide was isolated, purified, and characterized from the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. This glycopeptide contains sialic acid, a sugar derivative which has not previously been reported in any photosynthetic organism. Sialic acid confers antigenic speci- ficity upon such macromolecules as blood-group substances and bac- terial cell-wall sheaths. The continued investigation of intracellular, phytochrome-mediated responses in corn-leaf sections has demonstrated a light catalyzed utilization of carbohydrates more closely associated with the radiant- energy stimulus than any other phytochrome-mediated biochemica! response reported heretofore. Increase in utilization occurs well be- fore any growth response is detectable. Total sugar loss is the first change observable, preceding starch disappearance. Specific sugar changes occurring during the first hours immediately following the light pretreatment reveal major changes in both nonreducing and reducing sugars. Continuation of the studies on the correlation between measured in vivo changes in phytochrome pigment concentrations and observed physiological responses induced by red or far-red irradiation show that the logarithmic change in pigment concentration correlates ex- actly with the physiological dose-response curve for initial light treatments. The time rate of bean hypocotyl hook opening has been measured by time-lapse photography. The rate of hook opening is directly proportional to the intial dose of red light. The onset of opening occurs after about 5 hours and is the same for all exposures. 186 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The fact that the opening rate remains linear for as long as 20 hours suggests that the magnitude of the final opening is directly propor- tional to the amount of phytochrome produced by the initial red-light exposure. However, any subsequent light treatments after the initial ones show no correlation between the physiological system and the measured 7m vivo pigment changes. Possible explanations for these results are that only a small amount of the phytochrome is active, that there is another form of the pigment as yet undetected, or that the amount of phytochrome required to initiate the physiological re- sponse cannot be detected by available instrumentation. At present, our experimental data indicate that current theories are deficient and need revision or modification. The action spectra for growth and tropic responses in Phycomyces blakesleeanus have been extended into the near ultraviolet. The spectra in this range indicate that either a second pigment system is involved or that bleaching of the photoreceptor occurs. Experiments measuring the activity of extracts of sporangiophores in the luciferin-luciferase assay system indicated that a 50-percent change of activity occurs within 30 seconds after a blue-light stimulus. There is no correlation between luciferin-luciferase activity and the level of adaptation of sporangiophores. The activity is constant for all levels of adaptation. Comparison between growing and nongrow- ing samples indicated that all of the luciferin-luciferase activity changes occur in the growing zones. These experiments show that one of the early metabolic systems affected by blue-light stimuli involves high-energy phosphate compounds such as adenosine triphosphate which are active in the luciferin-luciferase assay. The blue fluorescing unknown which was reported previously to be present in large amounts in light-sensitive stages of sporangiophore development has been isolated in large enough amounts to be identi- fied. This material is a derivative of gallic acid and can be prepared directly from gallic acid in the laboratory. Gallic acid is known to occur at near-saturation concentrations in the sporangiophore, and it is surprising that a material which correlates with the light- sensitivity of sporangiophores is derived from material present in such large amounts. To date, 80 samples of archeological, geological, and hydrological interest have been analyzed by the carbon-dating laboratory, most of them having been submitted in connection with research at the Smithsonian. Carbon-14 determinations on the dissolved bicarbonate in ground water have permitted estimates to be made on the flow rates in certain mountain areas in Arizona. Such high-resolution age determination is possible in certain situations owing to the rapid rise in atmospheric SECRETARY'S REPORT 187 carbon-14 produced by thermonuclear devices. It is assumed that the carbon dioxide in the water as it entered the ground-water system was in isotopic equilibrium with the atmosphere, and that the carbon dioxide the water picked up as it percolated into the ground-water system was from recently decayed organic material. Thus, the re- charge water would have acarbon-14 age of less than two years. Measurement of the carbon-14 content of water near the recharge area bears out this assumption. It is further assumed that exchange of carbon dioxide with older carbonate in the system is insignificant. The resultant data for water from a particular locality will be the average travel time of the water from the recharge areas to the sample locality. In the cases studied, water requires less than 10 years to get from the top of the mountain as rain to the main ground-water system at the base of the mountain. The simultaneous measurement of spectral quality regions of sun and sky radiation as perceived by a horizontal flat receiver is progress- ing. Technical difficulties encountered in automating the recording system have been largely overcome or corrected by modification and adaptation. We expect to achieve a continuous operation by early fall. Preliminary experimental data from plant material have been obtained, primarily to test the operation of the growth rooms and greenhouse. These results indicate that, within specified limits, the growing rooms and greenhouse area can be controlled and made uni- form with each other in respect to light intensity, temperature, carbon- dioxide content, and day length. The photosynthetic rates of the plant material in the three areas, as measured by dry-weight production, are uniform, indicating that the physical control system operates effectively. PUBLICATIONS KLEIN, WILLIAM H.; Price, L.; AND MirraKkos K. Light stimulated starch de gradation in plastids and leaf morphogenesis. Photochemistry and Photo- biology, vol. 2, pp. 233-240, 1963. MiTrAkos, K. Chlorophyll metabolism and its relationship to photoperiodism, endogenous daily rhythm and red, far-red reaction system. Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 2, pp. 223-231, 1963. Price, LEONARD; Mirrakos, K.; anp KiLeIn, W. H. Photomorphogenesis and carbohydrate changes in etiolated leaf tissue. Quart. Rev. Biol., vol. 39, pp. 11-18, 1964. SIGALOVE, JOEL J., AND Lone, A. Smithsonian Institution radiocarbon measure- ments I. Radiocarbon, vol. 6, pp. 182-188, 1964. OTHER ACTIVITIES The division was represented during the year at a number of sci- entific meetings. In attendance at the American Institute of Bio- logical Sciences meeting in August at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass., were J. L. Edwards, R. H. Gettens, Dr. W. H. Klein, 188 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Dr. R. L. Latterell, Dr. M. M. Margulies, Dr. K. Mitrakos, L. Price, and Dr. W. A. Shropshire. Papers presented at the meetings included “Light-induced Biochemical Changes in Phycomyces Sporangio- phores,” by Miss Gettens and Dr. Shropshire; “Red, Far-red System and Phytochrome,” by Mr. Edwards and Dr. Klein; “Chloroplasts from Chloramphenicol Treated leaves,” by Dr. Margulies; and “Phy- tochrome Mediated Carbohydrate Responses in Etiolated Corn Leaf Sections,” by Dr. Mitrakos, Mr. Price, and Dr. Klein. Dr. Klein attended the executive committee sessions of the American Society of Plant Physiologists and was chairman of a session. J. H. Harrison attended the Intermediate Seminar for Scientific Glass Blowers held in July at the State University of New York, Alfred, N.Y. Joel J. Sigalove traveled to Tucson, Ariz., in September to collect water samples to determine flow rates of ground water in certain mountain areas of Arizona. In October Dr. Margulies was a par- ticipant in a symposium on “Photosynthetic Mechanisms of Green Plants” sponsored by the Photobiology Committees of the National Academy of Science—National Research Council at Warrenton, Va. Mr. Sigalove and Austin Long attended the Geological Society of America meeting held in New York City in November. Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Harrison attended a 2-week training course in programing computers given by the Control Data Corporation in Rockville, Md. In December Dr. D. L. Correll participated in a 3-month Antarctic collecting trip aboard the National Science Foundation vessel, the U.S.S. Lltianin. The party sailed from Valparaiso, Chile, on Decem- ber 17 and spent 2 months collecting in the Antarctic Ocean. Dr. Shropshire attended the annual meetings of the Biophysical Society in Chicago in February. Dr. Klein spent a week in March in San Juan and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, consulting with staff scien- tists of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission installations. Dr. Cor- rell attended the regional meetings of the American Chemical Society in April at the University of Maryland, College Park. In May Dr. Klein was a visiting lecturer at the University of Texas in Austin. Dr. Correll attended meetings of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography in Miami, Fla., June 14-20, and presented his paper “Pelagic Phosphorus Metabolism in the Antarctic.” Dr. Margulies presented a lecture at the Research Institute of Advanced Studies in Baltimore on June 10. Dr. Shropshire traveled in June to Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. to confer with Dr. John Cairns at the biological laboratory. SECRETARY’S REPORT 189 STAFF CHANGES Scientists who joined the staff during the year are Austin Long, geochemist in the carbon-14 laboratory, and Dr. Adolf Steiner, visit- ing plant physiologist from the University of Freiburg, Germany. Dr. Peter A. J. deLint, visiting plant physiologist, returned to Wageningen, Holland. Resignations: Dr. R. L. Latterell, cytogeneti- cist, and J. Sigalove, geochemist. On June 80, 1964, the Division staff numbered 32 members. Respectfully submitted. Frep L. Wurertr, Director. S. Ditton Rirtey, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. Report on the National Collection of Fine Arts Sm: I have the honor to submit the following report on the activi- ties of the National Collection of Fine Arts for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1963: SMITHSONIAN ART COMMISSION The 41st annual meeting of the Smithsonian Art Commission was held in Washington on Tuesday, December 3, 1963. Members present were Paul Manship, chairman; Leonard Carmichael, secretary; Gil- more D. Clarke, David E. Finley, Lloyd Goodrich, Walker Hancock, Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr., Henry P. McIlhenny, Paul Mellon, Ogden M. Pleissner, Edgar P. Richardson, Charles H. Sawyer, and Andrew Wyeth. Also present were James C. Bradley, Assistant Secretary ; Theodore W. Taylor, Assistant to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; Thomas M. Beggs, Director, National Collection of Fine Arts, and David W. Scott, Assistant Director. The Commission recommended the appointment of Page Cross to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Douglas Orr. Recommendations were made for the reappointment of Lloyd Good- rich, Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr., and Walker Hancock for the usual 4-year period. Dr. Leonard Carmichael, who was to retire as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution on January 31, 1964, was elected Member Emeritus of the Commission. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Paul Man- ship, chairman; Gilmore D. Clarke, vice chairman; and Leonard Car- michael, secretary (to be succeeded by S. Dillon Ripley upon his assumption of duties as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution). The following were elected members of the executive committee for the ensuing year: David E. Finley, chairman; Gilmore D. Clarke; Ogden M. Pleissner; Edgar P. Richardson; with Paul Manship and Leonard Carmichael, ea officio (to be succeeded by S. Dillon Ripley upon his assumption of duties as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution). Dr. Carmichael reviewed the purpose of the National Collection of Fine Arts for the Commission and indicated the current status of the development on the proposed new gallery in the Old Patent Office 190 SECRETARY’S REPORT 191 Building. He noted the passage of the fiscal year 1964 appropriation bill providing $5,465,000 for renovation of this building. The Commission recommended acceptance of the following for the National Collection of Fine Arts: Oil, Group Portrait of Anna Maria Mabie, John Henry Mabie, and George Winfield Mabie, by Undetermined Artist. Offered by Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sturm, Bladensburg, Md. Fifty-eight pen-and-ink drawings by E. C. Peixotto (1869-1940). Offered by Fortunato Porotto, Washington, D.C. Two miniatures, watercolor on ivory, Emilia Field Brewer, possibly by John Henry Brown (1818-1891), and Portrait of a Child, by Undetermined Artist. Offered by Mrs. David Karrick, Washington, D.C. A miniature, watercolor on ivory, Unknown Gentleman, by Undetermined Artist. Offered by Mrs. C. H. Roper, Austin, Tex. The Commission recommended that the following be added to the Study Collection : Pastel, The New Moon, by George Randolph Barse, Jr. (1861— ). Offered by Eugene W. Bolling, Upper Montclair, N.J. Miniature, oil on porcelain, Two Girls in a Garden, by Undetermined Artist. Offered by Mrs. David Karrick, Washington, D.C. The Commission recommended that the following be held for sub- mission to the National Portrait Gallery Commission : Two sculptures, bronze, William Howard Taft (1857-1930), and terracotta, Cordell Hull (1871-1955), by Bryant Baker (1881- ). Offered by the sculp- tor, New York City. Oil, General John J. Pershing (1860-1948), by Leopold Seyffert (1887-1956). Offered by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Cooper, Norfolk, Va. The Commission recommended that the following be added to the Lending Collection: Oil, 3:00 a.m., by Adelaide Morris Gardner. Offered by Mrs. Fred Gardner, Sarasota, Fla. THE CATHERINE WALDEN MYER FUND The following miniatures, watercolor on ivory, were acquired from the fund established through the bequest of Catherine Walden Myer: No. 150. Barnabus Bates, attributed to Thomas Sully (1783-1872). Ac- quired from Mrs. Eva W. Chadbourne, Washington, D.C. No. 151. Betsy Goodrich, by Sarah Goodridge (1788-1858). No. 152. R&R. M. Copeland, by Thomas Edwards (ac. 1822-1856, Boston). No. 153. Child, attributed to Edward Greene Malbone (1777-1802). No. 154. James Morris, by Henry Colton Shumway (1807-1884). No. 155. Mrs. James Morris, by Henry Colton Shumway (1807-1884). No. 156. Lewis Gaylord Clark, attributed to Charles Loring Elliot (1842- 1868). No. 157. Gentleman, by Undetermined Artist (resembling the style of Copley). No. 158. Lady, by Bernard Lens (1682-1740). Nos. 151-158 acquired from Edwin C. Buxbaum, Wilmington, Del. 192 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 STUDY COLLECTION The Director and curatorial staff accepted the following for the Study Collection: Four silhouettes and a miniature, by Undetermined Artist. Offered by the Misses Gatchell, Washington, D.C. One miniature, by Undetermined Artist, and other related material. Offered by Miss Mary Schaff, Washington, D.C. Watercolor, Williamburg Post Office, by Dwight Williams. Offered by Felix Stapleton, Washington, D.C. WORKS OF ART LENT AND RETURNED, PERMANENT COLLECTION Institutions Loans Loans returned American Kederation o£ Arts22 > 223s ee ee 2 22 Bowdoin Colleges ss eee eee Se ne eee eee 1 128 Bureau Of wher budcet=e as ees eee 27 ee GeneraluNervicesAGministration=. = Sa eee eee 3 1 Indian Claims “Commission= 3 2 2 ans ee LA: il Interior, Department o£ thes 22220] es ee ee ees 1 an International Business Machines Corporation_______________ 3 3 interstate, Commerce Commission#]2 a. .=— ===) eee 33 ae JoshynwArl Museumiss 2-2 ee ee ae ee ee Se 1 Justice Department sofas ee eee eee ee 2 a5 Maser Of nim eA Toliss sks OSE OTe ae ee al 1 Portland. VonSeCUM weVialn Cas oe ee ee ee eee 1 il State: Department Ol sso -e 2. See ee ee eee 1 has University 01 Arizona Art Gallerya== === = se a eee ee eee il al WES> CAntarchiewProjectSsas= es Sas Ses See ee eee it bees U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia___________-__ 2 ee eS: DistrictiCourt,Richnond] Val eee 12 Ded U-S;bnformationAwency == =2= =e e 2a ee eee al 1 TESTS ae TG a a ene a es ee aL ap Washington County Museum of Fine Arts__-________-_______ 14 14 They Winitevel Ouse ss 22 oe Sens le Lae et 3 2 The White House (Plans for Progress Office) _-_____________ 10 ne The White House (Office of Special Representative for Trade INC ZO ELA tT OD S|) a tee eee ee ee ee 9 a WihitnieysMuseumbol Americant Antes 282 22-2 eee ee eee 1 1 100 27 SECRETARY’S REPORT 193 WORKS OF ART LENT AND RETURNED, LENDING COLLECTION Institutions Loans Loans returned Barney” Nelehborhood House: 222. = 2b es eee ee eee 12 2 BuresuTtombhe ssuGretee a. 2 Sirs 2 oe ee ee eee 16 = HOXCrOEEE SCHOO lees noe eee haere Baar) ee eee ee eee a i Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of___-__-__-_- 2 = ETO Wares WOMiVeTSIit ys ee ee ee ee es Be eee 19 16 Mounterlessantiiiibranyess— 2. ese ee he ea ee 2 2 President’s Advisory Committee on Science____-___------_-- 6 =. Muaskecees INStivutee atte) See Se eee ee Ae SE 1 U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia__-________- 5 ae ThemVyWhitewELOUSG mt Se ae ee ed eee A SL 2 2 The White House (Office of Special Representative for Trade ING 270 tLe Gi O11 S)) eee See a ee 8 73 22 ALICE PIKE BARNEY MEMORIAL FUND Additions to the principal during the year amounting to $2,088.06 increased the total invested sums in the Alice Pike Barney Memorial Fund to $47,512.55. THE HENRY WARD RANGER FUND According to a provision of the Henry Ward Ranger bequest, that paintings purchased by the Council of the National Academy of Design from the fund provided by the bequest and assigned to Amer- ican art institutions may be claimed during the 5-year period begin- ning 10 years after the death of the artist represented, the following paintings were recalled for action of the Smithsonian Art Commis- sion at its meeting December 3, 1963: No. 140. Tide Water Creek, Oregon (watercolor), by Theodore Kautzky (1896-1953), was accepted to become a permanent accession. No. 179. The Eviction (pastel), by Everett Shinn (1876-1953), was accepted to become a permanent accession. 194 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The following paintings, purchased by the Council of the National Academy of Design since the last report, follows: Title and artist 278. Milestone (oil), by Philip B. White (1935- 279. ie Interior with Figure (oil), by Sarah Blakes- lee (1912- We . The Beach (oil), by Hughie Lee-Smith, (1915- )s . From my Window (oil), by Jacques Hniz- dovsky (1915- Ne . Portrait of Susan B. Stewart (oil), by Wal- ter Stuempfig (1914— Die . Connemara (oil), by Colleen Browning (1925- Ne The New Tent (oil), by Sperry Andrews (1917- ). . The Wait (watercolor), by Doris White (1924— Ne . Reunion (oil), by Richard Wynn (1928- ) . The High City (watercolor), by Betty Bowes (1911-— Ne . Landscape (watercolor), by Douglas Gors- line (1913- is . Mountain Glen (watercolor), by Henry C. Pitz (1895- We . Expressway Site (watercolor), by Charles Taylor (1910- 5 . Roof Tops, Ste. Agnes (watercolor), by Stuart Garrett (1922- Ve . Ludlow Snow (watercolor), by David M. Checkley (1917- Ne . Embankment, III (watercolor), by Glenn R. Bradshaw (1922- yrs . North of Truro (watercolor), by Saraga P. Saffer (1927- Dis . Studio Interior (watercolor), Knaus (1928- We . Beach at Quoque (watercolor), by Joseph W. Arcier (1909- Ne . Gathering Storm (watercolor), by Forrest Orr (1895-— ie . Viaduct (watercolor), by Fred B. Marshall (1904— ) by Wick have been assigned as Assignment Assignment pending. Hackley Art Gallery, Mus- kegon, Mich. Assignment pending. University of Delaware, Newark, Del. Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Ala. Assignment pending. Pomona College, Clare- mont, Calif. Assignment pending. Assignment pending. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. Rollins College, Park, Fla. Fine Arts Gallery, versity of Boulder, Colo. Assignment pending. Winter Uni- Colorado, Assignment pending. The University Guild, Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston, Ill. Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, San Diego, Calif. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. Mex. Assignment pending. Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, Iowa. Assignment pending. Assignment pending. SECRETARY’S REPORT 195 SMITHSONIAN TRAVELING EXHIBITION SERVICE Mrs. Dorothy T. Van Arsdale was appointed Acting Chief to re- place Mrs. Annemarie Pope, who was named Special Assistant to the Secretary for Traveling Exhibition Study in May of this year. In addition to 99 exhibits held over from previous years as indicated below, 37 new shows were introduced. The total of 189 shows was circulated to 297 museums in the United States. Two exhibitions were delivered to the U.S. Information Service for circulation abroad. EXHIBITS CONTINUED FROM PRIOR YEARS 1956-57 : Japan II by Werner Bischof. 1957-58: The American City in the 19th Century ; Theatrical Posters of the Gay Nineties ; Japanese Dolls. 1958-59: Advertising in 19th Century America; Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts; Our Town; Shaker Craftsmanship. 1959-60: American Prints Today; Brazilian Printmakers; Arts and Cultural Centers; Photographs by Robert Capa II; Prints and Drawings by Jacques Villon; Portraits of Greatness by Yousuf Karsh; Paintings by Young Africans; Japan I. 1960-61: The Technique of Fresco Painting; The America of Currier and Ives; Drawings by Sculptors; Eskimo Graphic Art; American Art Nouveau Post- ers; Japan by Werner Bischof; The Spirit of the Japanese Print; Ameri- cans—A view from the East; Contemporary Swedish Architecture; Mies van der Rohe; Irish Architecture of the Georgian Period; Brasilia—A New Capital; Design in Germany Today; Designed for Silver ; American Textiles; The Seasons, color photographs by Hliot Porter; The World of Werner Bischof; The Image of Physics; Charles Darwin: The Evolution of an Evolutionist ; The Beginning of Flight; The Magnificent Enterprise—Hduca- tion Opens the Door; The New Theatre in Germany; Tropical Africa I; Tropical Africa II; Symphony in Color; Paintings and Pastels by Children of Tokyo; Children’s Art from Italy; Hawaiian Children’s Art; Designs by Children of Ceylon. 1961-62: Tutankhamun’s Treasures: Fourteen Americans in France; George Catlin, Paintings and Prints; Physics and Painting; UNESCO Watercolor Reproductions ; Belgian Drawings; The Lithographs of Childe Hassam ; Con- temporary Italian Drawings; John Baptist Jackson; Contemporary Swedish Prints; Japanese Posters; The Face of Viet Nam; Architectural Photog- raphy (New HWditions) ; Le Corbusier—Chapel at Ronchamp; The Family, The Neighborhood, the City; One Hundred Books from the Grabhorn Press; Wisconsin Designer-Craftsmen; Caribbean Journey; The Swedish Film; The Story of a Winery; This is the American Earth; The Hidden World of Crystals; Hummingbirds; Brazilian Children’s Art; Children Look at UNESCO; My Friends. 1962-63: The Daniells in India; Eskimo Carvings; Holland: The New Genera- tion; John Sloan; Contemporary Japanese Sumi Paintings; American Prints Today, 1962; Contemporary American Drawings; Work by Ernst Barlach; Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth; English Watercolors and Drawings; Hskimo Graphic Art II; Pakistan Stone Rubbings; Contem- porary Canadian Architecture; Twelve Churches; Pre-Hispanic Mexico; 766-746—65——_14 196 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Today’s American Wall-Coverings; Craftmen of the City; The Tradition of French Fabrics; A Child’s World of Nature; West German Students’ Art; Historic Annapolis ; The Old Navy, 1776-1860. EXHIBITIONS INITIATED IN 1964 Archeology 7000 Years of Iranian Ag fatness tfen 2S Saini es 5 Iranian Government; Archaeological Museum in Tehran; Madam Foroughi. Paintings and Sculpture The Bird That Never SW Sees eee. oe Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris; Artist. Indian Miniatures_____-- India Library, London, Mrs. Mildred Archer; P & O Lines. Religious Themes by Old Masters) 22 222252 ee Inter Nationes, Bonn; German Embassy. Turner Watercolors__-_-- British Museum, Mr. E. Croft-Murray. Drawings and Prints Fifty Years of American Prints (se cesee eee ee Pennell Fund Collection, Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D.C. Antonio Frasconi 1952- 106382 = eee ees The Artist. Prints by Mary Cassatt__ The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Graphies"6322222— 22=2_22 Mr. Richard reeman, University of Kentucky. Treasures from the Plantin-Moretus Mu- Seuny 2 ee Se Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerp. Highteenth Century Ve- netian Drawings__-___ Correr Museum, Venice, Dr. Terisio Pignatti. Design and Crafts Albers: Interaction of COLOR ha ne) ae eee Yale University Press. American Costumes-_-.._- Index of American Design, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Eugene Berman—New Stage Designs____---_ Artist; M. Knoedler & Company, New York City. Craftsmen of the East- CLIN Ales 2 ee ee Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York City, Mr. Paul Smith. Eskimo Carvings___----- Eskimo Art, Ine., Ann Arbor, Mich., Mr. Eugene Powell. Finnish Rugs and Tapes- tries by Oili Maki______ Artist. Masters of Ballet Design. Spreckels Collection, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, Calif. Swedish Design Today__._ Svensk Form-Design Center, Stockholm, Ake Huldt, Managing Director. SECRETARY’S REPORT 197 Swedish Folk Art__----- Nordiska Museset, Stockholm; Dr. Eskerod, Swedish Embassy. Swiss Posters.__._._._..~- Pro Helvetia, Zurich; Embassy of Switzerland. Architecture Alvar Aaiton-sosescceao Traveling Exhibition Service, Mr. E. Kidder-Smith, Photographer. Contemporary American Landscape Archi- LeCCULe re ona en Hubbard Educational Trust; American Society of Landscape Architects. Recent American Syna- gogue Architecture___-.Mr. Richard Meier, Architect; Jewish Museum in New York. Eero Saarinen__________. Public Relations Department, TWA, New York; Ezra Stoller, Photographer. Historic Annapolis___-_-__. Historic Annapolis, Inc. History The American Flag______ Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Hearts and Flowers____-. Hallmark Historical Collection, Hallmark Cards, Inc., Kansas City, Mo. Worldelairg= =. 2222s: Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Ohildren’s Art American Kindergarten JN | ppp et er a ee eet BS National Kindergarten Association. Paintings by Young iBallinese qs 2et ek Be 3 Collection of Mrs. Gordon Wiles, Encino, Calif. Washington—My City___. District Art Department, Washington, D.C. Natural History and Science Birds .Of Asiae se Loke Wan Thos, Chinese Photographer. Photography Africa, Antarctica, The PATINA OMe sree ee ee IBM Gallery, New York City. African Folkways of An- gola and Mozambique. National Geographic Society; Museum of Primitive Art, New York City. The Hloquent Light— Ansel Adams__________ Mrs. Nancy Newhall, George Eastman House, Roches- ter, N.Y. ThernNilesso. Se ae Eliot Elisofon, Photographer. LIBRARY During the year the library accessioned 784 publications, 416 of which were obtained through exchange or gift. In all, 178 books and 36 subscriptions to periodicals were purchased. 198 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The slide collection was greatly augmented. A checklist of slides was instituted; 2,537 slides were accessioned. The Carnegie Corpora- tion aided in the purchase of the Carnegie Survey, Arts of the United States. STAFF ACTIVITIES Thomas M. Beggs, Director of the National Collection of Fine Arts for 17 years, was appointed Special Assistant to the Secretary for Fine Arts. David W. Scott was appointed Assistant Director, and subsequently, Acting Director. During the past year the following were added to the staff: Val Lewton, museum technician; Robin Bolton-Smith, research asistant; Judith Chance, clerk-typist. The office handled approximately 1,800 personal inquiries, in addi- tion to about 22,000 requests for information by mail and telephone; 437 works of art were examined by the curatorial staff and the director. The reserve, permanent, and the lending collections were installed in a new screen storage area, and the foyer gallery was refurbished. Physical inventory of paintings, sculpture, prints, and miniatures in the collection has been completed and an inventory of the decorative arts collection was begun by staff members. Two preliminary cata- log listings, one of paintings, drawings, and sculpture, the other of graphic arts, were completed by Robin Bolton-Smith, Donald McClel- land, and David W. Scott. A survey of W.P.A. paintings at the De- partment of Labor was carried on by Val Lewton. Thomas M. Beggs wrote the catalog introductions to the Washing- ton County Museum exhibition Old Masters and the Department of State exhibition American Indian and Eskimo Arts and Crafis. An article on Ralph Earl was published in Antiques Journal by Rowland Lyon. Staff members served as jurors for local art exhibitions and lectured on the collection. A survey concerning the development of the collection was com- pleted by John Kerr. Special services with reference to cataloging were performed by Keyes Porter. Delight Hall prepared a text on the Alice Pike Barney Memorial Collection and began an inventory of the paintings. The inventory was completed by Jean Lawton. A survey of art in Government buildings was undertaken by Miss Hall, but was interrupted by the unfortunate accident which caused her death. Henri G. Courtais restored and repaired the following paintings: John Gellatly, by Irving R. Wiles (1861-1948) ; Lord Mulgrave, by Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) ; Mary Hopkinson, by Benjamin West (17388-1820) ; Edinburgh—A Painting of Sunlight and Air, by Joseph M. W. Turner (1775- 1851) ; Water Carriers, Venice, by Frank Duveneck (1848-1919) ; Joseph Head, by Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) ; Madonna and Child with St. John and an Angel, SECRETARY'S REPORT 199 by Sebastiano Mainardi (1466-1513) ; At Nature’s Mirror, by Ralph Albert Blake- lock (1847-1919) ; Moonrise, by Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847-1919) ; Man with a Large Hat, by Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) ; The Prince of Wales, by Sir John Watson Gordon (1790-1864) ; The Great Western, by William Marsh (fl. 1844-1858) ; Pomona, by Childe Hassam (1859-1935) ; Young Girl in a Green Bonnet, by Mary Cassatt (1845-1926). Harold F. Cross restored and repaired the following paintings: Natalie with a Violin, by Alice Pike Barney (1857-1931) ; Sundown, by George Inness (1825-1894); The Brass Kettle, by Alice Pike Barney (1857-1931) ; Hippolyte Dreyfus, by Alice Pike Barney (1857-1931) ; Lord Abercorn, by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) ; The Mystic Marriaye of St. Catherine of Aleaw- andria, by Giacomo Francia (1486-1557) ; View in Rome with the Church of Ara Coeli, by School of Canaletto; L’Automne, by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824-— 1898) ; Feldama, by George Fuller (1822-1884) ; Westward the Course of Em- pire Takes its Way, by Emanuel Leutze (1816-1868) ; Gentleman, by Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723); The Doctor’s Visit, by Jan Steen (1626-1679) ; Dutch Landscape with Figures, by Jacobus van Strij (1756-1815). Repairs and regilding were done to 88 frames for paintings, prints, and watercolors by Val Lewton, Linwood Lucas, and Istvan Pfeiffer. SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS July 8—-August 1, 1963. Tenth Interservice Photography Contest, sponsored by the Department of Defense. August 10-—September 2, 1963. Sixteenth International Congress of Zoology, sponsored by the United States National Museum. September 8-29, 1963. Pakistan Stone Rubbings, circulated by the Smithso- nian Institution Traveling Exhibition, together with Pakistan textiles and jewelry lent by Mrs. E. J. W. Bunting, and miscellaneous objects from the Division of Ethnology, USNM. A catalogue was privately printed. September 8—-October 10, 1968. Ninth International Exhibition of Ceramic Art, sponsored by the Kiln Club of Washington, D.C. An illustrated catalogue was privately printed. October 5-24, 1968. Seventieth Annual Exhibition of the Society of Washing- ton Artists. A catalogue was privately printed. November 3-24, 1968. American Artists Professional League under the au- spices of the New Jersey Chapter. Memorial to Frederick Ballard Williams. A catalogue and brochure were privately printed. December 8—January 2, 1964. Twenty-sixth Anniversary of the Metropolitan Art Exhibition, sponsored by the American Art League. A brochure was printed privately. December 8, 1963—January 2, 1964. Hearts and Flowers, a history of the greeting card from the 18th century to 1910, circulated by the Smithsonian Insti- tution Traveling Exhibition Service, from Hallmark Historical Collection, Kansas City, Mo. January 11-February 2, 1964. Ninth Annual Painting of the Year Exhibition, sponsored by the Mead Corporation. = Webruary 112---- March 1 O22 sae April gd vee eee REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Dr. Harold P. Stern, Freer Gallery of Art, “Life in 14th Century Japan.” Attendance, 132. Dr. Aschwin Lippe, Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Early Chalukya Sculpture of India (Sixth and Seventh Cen- turies).’’ Attendance, 46. Michael Gough, Esq., British Institute of Archaeology, Ankara, Turkey, “Christian Archaeology in Asia Minor; the Last Ten Years.” Attendance, 218. Fujio Koyama, Esq., Ceramics Historian, Tokyo, Japan, “Three-color Pottery in the Shosdin.” Attendance, 91. The Smithsonian Institution used the auditorium as follows: 1963 September 27______ National Air Museum—lecture by Elmer A. Sperry, Jr., “Early Airplane Instruments.’ Attendance, 112. The auditorium was used by seven outside organizations for 39 meetings as follows: 1963 United States Department of Agriculture: United Givers Fund__________ September 19; attendance, 50. 4-H Club Group__-__-------_ October 24; attendance, 111. National Outlook Conference. November 20; attendance, 230. November 21; attendance, 83. Annual Farmers’ Cooperative December 9; attendance, 120. Workshop. United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Food and Drug Administra- November 13; attendance, 138 tion, Bureau of Biological and Physical Sciences. DAL / RP Bee ee December 10; attendance, 81. Women’s Committee, National October 2; attendance, 95. Symphony Orchestra. Washington Chapter, National October 2; attendance, 91. Women’s Committee, Brandeis University. 1964 United States Department of Agriculture: Federal Extension Service___ January 8; attendance, 92. January 9; attendance, 8&5. January 10; attendance, 97. February 5; attendance, 638. Forest Service.._..—..-..=.=. January 22; attendance, 64. March 2; attendance, 189. Rural Electrification Admin- February 4; attendance, 71. istration. Publicsnearing= =) 22-3 ee April 9; attendance, 225. April 10; attendance, 81. SECRETARY’S REPORT 209 Office of the Inspector Gen- April 28; attendance, 48. eral. April 29; attendance, 70. April 30; attendance, 83. May 1; attendance, 63. May 5; attendance, 75. May 6; attendance, 84. May 7; attendance, 95. May 8; attendance, 59. United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Food and Drug Administra- January 15; attendance, 93. tion, Bureau of Biological February 19; attendance, 137. and Physical Sciences. Division of Pharmacology___. January 24; attendance, 81. General meeting_____________ April 15; attendance, 76. Washington Fashion Group: Ninth Fashion Career Course: “Fashion Showmanship”’_.._ February 17; attendance, 242. “Accessories to Fashion”___ February 24; attendance, 256. “Fashion in the Home’_____ March 2; attendance, 235. “Fashion Communication”__ March 9; attendance, 234. “Fashion Careers Un- March16; attendance, 234. limited.” “Fashion Designing”’_______ March 28 ; attendance, 237. Archaeological Institute of America: Lecture by Professor D. P. April 16; attendance, 35. Hansen, New York Uni- versity, “Sculpture from Nippur.” National Academy of Sciences: Committee on Vision_________ April 23; attendance, 122. April 24 ; attendance, 160. STAFF ACTIVITIES The work of the staff members has been devoted to the study of new accessions, of objects contemplated for purchase, and of objects submitted for examination, as well as to individual research projects in the fields represented by the collection of Chinese, Japanese, Per- sian, Arabic, and Indian materials. In all, 17,894 objects and 1,298 photographs were examined, and 1,093 Oriental language inscriptions were translated for outside individuals and institutions. By request, 32 groups totaling 859 persons met in the exhibition galleries for docent service by the staff members. Ten groups totaling 98 persons were given docent service by staff members in the storage rooms. Among the visitors were 132 distinguished foreign scholars or persons holding official positions in their own countries who came here under the auspices of the Department of State to study museum ad- ministration and practices in this country. 210 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 TECHNICAL LABORATORY A total of 218 objects was examined by various methods, including microscopic and microchemical examination, and examination in ul- traviolet light. Of the 85 Freer objects examined, 47 were bronze ob- jects analysed by wet chemical methods, and 28 were objects of stone, bronze, silver, and other metalwork and pottery which were cleaned and/or repaired. Forty-two objects being considered for purchase were examined. Ninety-one objects were examined for other divisions of the Smithsonian, other museums, and private owners. Two of these were repaired, and 10 written reports were made. Forty-seven of these objects were coins belonging to the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, of which the specific gravity was determined. In addition, 22 bronze standards were analyzed by wet methods; and 75 identifications were made by X-ray diffraction. Twenty inquiries were answered by letter, and numerous inquiries by telephone. Analysis by wet chemical methods of Chinese bronzes in the Freer collection was continued. Further systematic collection of data on the technology of ancient copper and bronze in the Far East was undertaken. Much of the information gained will be presented in a forthcoming catalog on Ancient Chinese Bronze Ceremonial Vessels in the Freer Gallery of Art. Continued studies on the corrosion products of ancient metal objects were made. The editing of J/C Abstracts, published by the International Institute of Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, London, continued to be carried on in the Technical Laboratory. LECTURES BY STAFF MEMBERS By invitation, the following lectures were given outside the Gallery by staff members (illustrated unless otherwise noted) : 1963 June 25—August 25__. W. B. Trousdale gave a series of 16 lectures on Chinese Art History, for the Second Summer Institute in Chi- nese Civilization, under the auspices of the United States Education Foundation in China, Taichung, Tai- wan. Average attendance, 29; total attendance, 464. Duly ioe eae eee Mr. Trousdale, at the China Society, Taichung Branch, Tunghai University, Taiwan, “Archaic Chinese Jade.” Attendance, 50. guOlyegose seek ees Dr. Richard Httinghausen, at Georgetown University (Peace Corps Training Program), Washington, D.C., “Turkish Art.” Attendance, 100. DUN eo ae ees R. J. Gettens, at the meeting of the ICOM Committee for Scientific Museum Laboratories held in Leningrad, U.S.S.R., read a paper on “Mineral Alteration Products on Ancient Metal Objects.’ Attendance, 75. Secretary's Report, 1964 a Ray iy Kl % | ; One a he tg: = — . s 5 =) “aie Persian metalwork, Achaemenid period, 6th/5th century B.C. 63.15 and Wild Goats. 64.6 Freer Galley of Art. Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 6 The Bodhisattva Fugen. Japanese painting, Heian period, 12th century Buddhist school. 63.3, Freer Gallery of Art. Secretary’s Report, 1964 PLATE 7 Vase, by Ninsei Nonomura. Japanese pottery, Edo period, 17th century. 64.1, Freer Gallery of Art. Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 8 TQ Ro ur Ra SIYAC SHR I CRNA yp aM in ea saa Sentsd cy Jh tor Ate BAR DEVHLTA leg SS ARS AE 9) / of , “5 aw —e sO EK (es os bee dy belt We ght 3 ae oh oo ke KE BE" 64.2, Freer Gallery of Art. Ming dynasty. Chinese painting. Landscape, by Liu Chiieh (1410-1472). SECRETARY’S REPORT Zit 1968 October! (2525228 2s Dr. John A. Pope, at the Society for Asian Art, Berkeley, Calif., “Japanese Porcelain and the Dutch Trade.” Attendance, 75. October 822 = Dr. Pope, at Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., ‘‘The Monuments of Angkor.” Attendance, 750. October: 92-222 222.2 Dr. Pope, at the University of California, Berkeley, Jap- anese Porcelain and the Dutch Trade.” Attendance, 200. Octoberslon a2. Dr. Ettinghausen, at the Alburz Foundation, Teheran, Iran, “The Meaning of Art and Archaeology” (not illustrated). Attendance, 65. Octobernd4 SS. 2-2... Dr. Pope, at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, Calif., “The Monuments of Angkor.” Attend- ance, 150. Octoberl422-2.- == Dr. Ettinghausen, at the Iran-American Society, Teheran, Iran, “The Interest of the United States in Iranian Art and Culture.” Attendance, 165. October! G222222-22 Dr. Pope, at the Collectors Group, Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, Calif., ““The Collectors and Collec- tions of Chinese Art.” Attendance, 40. October d 6222223 5—5 Dr. Ettinghausen, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Teheran, “Masterworks of Iranian Art in Washington.” Attendance, 250. October ie ee Dr. Pope, at the University of California in Los Angeles, “The Harly Trade in Chinese Porcelain.” Attendance, 150. October i252. 2. Dr. Pope, at the Japan-America Society of Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, “Japanese Porcelain and the Dutch Trade.” Attendance, 250. October £72 = = Dr. Ettinghausen, at the Literary College of the University of Teheran, ‘‘Persian Miniature Painting.” Attendance, 135. OctobertS 2 aco Dr. Pope, at the San Diego Fine Arts Gallery, San Diego, Calif., “The Early Trade in Chinese Porcelain.” Attend- ance, 125. Octobernia9eek eo Dr. Pope, at the Art Center in La Jolla, Calif., “Collectors and Collections of Chinese Art.” Attendance, 150. October 21s 2 Dr. Pope, at the University of Arizona, Tucson, “The Monuments of Angkor.” Attendance, 150. October sla .22 seus 2 Dr. Pope, at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., “Note on the Early Trade in Chinese Porcelain.” Attendance, alts November 4______-- Dr. Httinghausen, at the Turkish-American Association, The Art Lovers’ Club, Ankara, Turkey, ‘American In- terest in Turkish Art’ (not illustrated). Attendance, 150. November {i2i=2.2 =. Dr. Ettinghausen, at Ankara University, Literary College, “Persian Miniatures” (in German). Attendance, 100. 766-476—65——_15 212 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 19638 November 14-------- Dr. H. P. Stern, at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, “Popular Painting of Tokugawa Japan.” At- tendance, 175. December’ b=2——---—- Dr. Ettinghausen, at the Oriental Seminar of the Univer- sity of Frankfurt, Germany, “The Development of Per- sian Miniature Painting” (in German). Attendance, 25. December 122---==_- Dr. Pope, at Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., “Some Aspects of the Pre-Eighteenth Century World Trade in Chinese Porcelain.’ Attendance, 175. 1964 acme 3 Ue Dr. Pope, at the Williamsburg Antiques Forum, Williams- burg, Va., “The Far East and Early America ; Especially Porcelain.’ Attendance, 350. March, 1322 Mr. Gettens, at a symposium on “Aims and Essential In- formation for Reports on Technical Studies of Archae- ological Objects,’ at Columbia University, New York City, “Requirements for Published Data on Chemical Analysis of Archaeological Objects.” Attendance, 30. Marchnto2 ss eae Dr. Pope, at a symposium on “Chinese Export Porcelain,” at Winterthur, Del., “Shapes and Decoration Common to Porcelain Made for Export to the Middle East, Portugal, Holland, and England to 1750.” Attendance, 100. Aprila(ps see eee Dr. Stern, at the Musée Guimet, Paris, France, “Japanese Art.” Attendance, 10. (Staff members only.) April (eee Dr. Stern, at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Nether- lands, “Hokusai.” Attendance, 125. April Zoe) a Dr. J. F. Cahill, at the Norton Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Fla., “Chinese Painting and Contemporary Art.” Attendance, 70. Aprilt 22-2 Sons eae Dr. Cahill, at the “Coffee Hour Talk,” Princeton Univer- sity, Princeton, N.J., “Photographing in Taiwan.” At- tendance, 30. April 2322.22 Sooeene Mr. Gettens, at the 1964 National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort McNair, ‘““Prying into Chinese Ceremonial Bronzes, the Documents of an Ancient Culture.” At- tendance, 35. Mary 22 ee Dr. Cahill, at the University of Chattanooga Faculty Semi- nar, Chattanooga, Tenn., “Chinese and Japanese Art: Concurrences and Divergences,” and “Chinese and Jap- anese Paintings.” Attendance, respectively, 150 and 14. May 142 See ee Dr. Stern, at the Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark, “Life in 14th Century Japan.” Attendance, 150. Mayie2e nib eee Dr. Stern, at the Museum of Decorative Art, Copenhagen, “Hokusai.” Attendance, 150. Mavis Zee ee Dr. Stern, at Oxford University, England, “Hokusai.” At- tendance, 75. May, Ios see Dr. Stern, at Oxford University, “Life in 14th Century Japan.” Attendance, 80. Mays eo sace aces Dr. Stern, at the Japan Society of England, London, “Ho- kusai.” Attendance, 65. SECRETARY'S REPORT 213 1964 prio ey a 2 LS a ee Dr. Ettinghausen, at the National Gallery of Art, “The Last Flowering of Iranian Art.” Attendance, 375. une) Oe kes Dr. Cahill, at the Conference on the China for Presidents, Deans and Senior Faculty Members of New York State Colleges, Pinebrook, Saranac Lake, N.Y., “Chinese Art and Its Background in Thought.” Attendance, 35. Members of the staff traveled outside Washington on official business as follows: 19638 May 8—July 9_---._- Dr. J. A. Pope, in Europe, attended the opening of the new Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, in Stockholm, Sweden. He also saw other collections in Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, France, and England: in numerous museums, private collections, and dealers. June 14-July 15_____ Miss H. H. West, in Europe, visited numerous museums in Italy, France, and England; she also attended a sym- posium on art conservation sponsored by the Conserva- tion Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, held at the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, in Brussels, Belgium. June 17-Novem- W. B. Trousdale, in the Orient and Hurope, examined ber 22. objects in museums and private collections, and visited archeological sites, in Japan, Taiwan, India, Afghanis- tan, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden, and England. June 29-July 1___-~- Dr. J. F. Cahill, in New York City, attended the exhibi- tion, “Evolution of the Buddha Image,” at Asia House Gallery ; and examined objects for numerous dealers. wuly 15—-19seess oss Mrs. B. M. Usilton, in Chicago, Ill., attended the annual meetings of the American Library Association. AUSUSEF1O2: SEL ees Dr. Pope, in Williamsburg, Va., examined pottery for Co- lonial Williamsburg. Ageust 20ceaouer ek Dr. H. P. Stern, in New York City, examined miscellan- eous objects for a dealer. August 21-22_______ Dr. Stern, in Philadelphia, examined miscellaneous objects at the Museum of Art and at the University Museum; the latter included the collection of Edmund Zalinski. August 29-Novem- T. Sugiura, in Japan, met with other restorers, ordered ber 22. special silks and other supplies unobtainable in the United States, and saw numerous objects in museums, private collections, and dealers. September 1-Octo- Mr. Gettens, in Europe, attended meetings of the ICOM ber 16. Committee for Scientific Museum Laboratories held in Leningrad and Moscow. He also visited museums and laboratories in these two cities, and in Vienna, Miinich, Ziirich, Stuttgart, Brussels, Paris, London, and Dublin, examining objects at the British Museum in London, the Musée Cernuschi in Paris, and the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique in Brussels. 214 |= ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 1963 September 2-March Dr. Cahill, in Japan, Formosa (Taiwan), and Hong Kong, 30. attended a number of exhibitions, including “Art of the Ming and Ch‘ing Dynasties” and “Indian Art” at the Tokyo National Museum; saw numerous objects in museums and private collections; and participated in the Taiwan Photographie Project to aid in the estab- lishment of two archives of photographic negatives of objects in the National Palace and Central Museums, one archive to be kept in Taiwan, and the other to be deposited with an institution in the United States; this project was financed by the Rockefeller, Bollingen, and Henry Luce Foundations, with the Freer Gallery of Art administering the funds. September 2-April R. A. Schwartz, in Japan and Formosa (Taiwan), at- 24. tended a number of exhibitions and saw numerous ob- jects in museums and private collections; photographed Chinese paintings in the exhibition, “Art of the Ming and Ch‘ing Dynasties” at the Tokyo National Museum; and participated in the Taiwan Photographie Project, doing the actual photographie work; photographed numerous kiln sites and outstanding examples of old palace architecture; approximately 7,000 color and 9,000 black-and-white negatives, a total of 16,000, were made on the taiwan project. September 7-9__-~- Dr. Pope, in New York City, examined miscellaneous Chinese and Japanese objects at the Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art and at one dealer’s. September 9-20__._._ Dr. Stern, in Ann Arbor, Mich., taught a 2-week seminar on Ukivoe painting, at the University of Michigan. September 18-De- Dr. Ettinghausen, in Venice, Italy, attended the Second cember 16. International Congress of Turkish Art; helped plan two traveling exhibitions. “7,000 Years of Iranian Art” and “Art Treasures from Turkish Museums,” to be shown in the United States: saw collections in museums in Iran, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, and England, and examined objects for numerous private collectors and dealers. October 7-24_______. Dr. Pope, in California, visited the collections and exam- ined objects in the Brundage Collection of the M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum, the Stanford University Museum, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, and the San Diego Museum of Art; also examined objects at numerous dealers and in private collectors, including one in Tucson, Ariz. October 16-19_____-_. Mrs. Usilton, in Atlantie City, N.J., attended meetings of the Middle Atlantic Regional Library Conference. October 18-19______. Dr. Stern, in New York City, examined objects at several dealers. October sie 2a Dr. Pope, in Ithaca, N.Y., examined Chinese pottery at the Andrew Dixon White Museum of Art, Cornell Univer- sity. November 1-2______. Dr. Pope, in New York City, examined objects at several dealers. SECRETARY'S REPORT 215 1963 November 4-8_-----. Dr. Stern, in Ann Arbor, taught a one-week seminar on Japanese painting, at the University of Michigan. November 13-15_-_--. Dr. Stern, in Toronto, Canada, examined numerous Chi- nese and Japanese objects at the Royal Ontario Museum. November 18__-----. Dr. Pope, in Greenville, Del., examined objects in a pri- vate collection and at the Winterthur Museum. November 29- Dr. Pope, in Kansas City, Mo., examined objects at the December 2. William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and in a private collection; and in Chicago examined objects at the Art Institute and at a dealer. 1964 AJIT TA PA Mrs. E. West TitzHugh, in Baltimore, Md., visited the Wal- ters Art Gallery, regarding the conservation of Arme- nian manuscripts, and the new laboratory at the Balti- more Museum of Art. January, 18=2222-2-— Dr. Pope, in Cambridge, Mass., attended a meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Tenure Appointments, Harvard University ; and in New York City examined objects at several dealers. January 28-80______ Dr. Pope, in Williamsburg, attended the Antiques Forum, during which time he examined objects for the Depart- ment of Archaeology, Colonial Williamsburg. January 30-31______ Dr. Ettinghausen, in Philadelphia, attended the annual meeting of the College Art Association and examined objects at the Free Library of Philadelphia and in a private collection. February 7—-8__-_~_- Dr. Ettinghausen, in New York City, attended the exhibi- tion of Mughal painting at Asia House; met with Prof. Edith Porada, Columbia University, regarding the cata- log of the exhibition, ‘7,000 Years of Iranian Art’; and examined objects at several dealers. February 15-16_____ Dr. Pope, in New York City, attended meetings of the American Council of Learned Societies S8.S.R.C. Com- mittee for Grants on Asian Studies. Marchrge = tesa ies Dr. Pope, in Buffalo, N.Y., examined objects in the von der Heydt Collection at the Museum of Science. March isoeseeer Dr. Pope, at Winterthur, Del., examined objects for the Winterthur Museum and in a private collection. Marche Geers Mr. Gettens, in New York City, attended a symposium at Columbia University. Mareh’ 23-25_ == Dr. Pope, in New York City, examined objects at several dealers and in a private collection. March 26-June 16__. Dr. Stern, in Europe, saw collections in Lisbon, Portugal; Paris, France; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Copen- hagen, Denmark; and London, England: in numerous museums and private collections and at dealers. Aprile S2O cs en a Oe Dr. Pope, in New York City, attended meetings of the American Oriental Society and reported in his capacity as chairman of the Louise Wallace Hackney Scholarship Committee; examined objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and at one dealer and a private collec- tion. 216 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 1964 Aprile19-21 SS es Dr. Cahill, in West Palm Beach, Fla., examined objects at the Norton Gallery of Art and in a private collection. Aprilio2 a2 soos Dr. Cahill, in Princeton, N.J., examined objects in a pri- vate collection. Anrile24-2)= see ee Dr. Pope, in Philadelphia, recorded two taped programs for ‘What in the World” at WCAU-TV broadcasting station; and in New York City attended the board meet- ing of the College Art Association. May ta Osoe n= ee Mr. Trousdale, in New York City, did preliminary work on a film narration for the Asia Society; and examined a large private collection of jade. May 17-—June 30___-. R. C. Mielke saw building installations at the Dayton Art Institute, Cincinnati Art Museum, John Herron Art In- stitute, City Art Museum of St. Louis, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Detroit Institute of Arts, Cleveland Museum of Art, and Toledo Museum of Art. Mayi21ao2 sae eee Dr. Cahill, in New York City, attended a meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies, Committee on Studies of Chinese Civilization; saw the exhibition “Art of Nepal’ at Asia House; and examined objects at several dealers. May’ 25—26. S22 see Mrs. E. West FitzHugh, in St. Louis, Mo., attended the annual meeting of the International Institute for the Conservation of Museum Objects, American Group. May? 25-276 ee ete Mrs. L. O. West and Mrs. M. H. Quail, in Chicago, I1., attended meetings of the Museums Sales Association. Maiyj25=20 ee Mr. Gettens, in St. Louis, Mo., attended meetings of the I.1.C., American Group, and the American Association of Museums; he also examined objects at the City Art Museum of St. Louis and the Allen Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. UM Bes a ie Dr. Pope left for Europe to visit museums and collections in England and France. UNC eh Oe ee eee Mrs. FitzHugh, in Baltimore, Md., visited the Walters Art Gallery where she worked in the conservation lab- oratory on the chemical microscopy of pigments. Afoh o(ss A al ae ee Dr. Ettinghausen, in New York City, examined objects at several dealers. As in former years, members of the staff undertook a wide variety of peripheral duties outside the Gallery, served on committees, held honorary posts, and received recognitions. Respectfully submitted. Joun A. Popr, Director. S. Ditton Rievtey, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. Report on the National Gallery of Art Srr: I have the honor to submit, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, the 27th annual report of the National Gallery of Art, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964. This report is made pursuant to the provi- sions of section 5(d) of Public Resolution No. 14, 75th Congress, Ist session, approved March 24, 1987 (50 Stat. 51). ORGANIZATION The statutory members of the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery of Art are the Chief Justice of the United States, the Secre- tary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, ex officio. On January 9, 1964, Lessing J. Rosenwald and Dr. Franklin D. Murphy were elected general trustees of the National Gallery of Art. The three other general trustees con- tinuing in office during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964, were Paul Mellon, John Hay Whitney, and John N. Irwin II. On May 7, 1964, Paul Mellon was reelected by the Board of Trustees to serve as presi- dent of the Gallery, and John Hay Whitney was reelected vice presi- dent. On January 9, 1964, J. Carter Brown was elected assistant director. The executive officers of the Gallery as of June 30, 1964, were as follows: Chief Justice of the United States, John Walker, Director. Earl Warren, Chairman. Ernest R. Feidler, Administrator. Paul Mellon, President. Huntington Cairns, General Counsel. John Hay Whitney, Vice President. Perry B. Cott, Chief Curator. Huntington Cairns, Secretary- J. Carter Brown, Assistant Director. Treasurer. The three standing committees of the Board, as constituted at the annual meeting on May 7, 1964, were as follows: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chief Justice of the United States, Secretary of the Smithsonian Harl Warren, Chairman. Institution, S. Dillon Ripley. Paul Mellon, Vice Chairman. John Hay Whitney. Dr. Franklin D. Murphy. 217 218 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 FINANCE COMMITTEE Secretary of the Treasury, C. Douglas Secretary of the Smithsonian Dillon, Chairman. Institution, S. Dillon Ripley. Paul Mellon. John Hay Whitney. John N. Irwin II. ACQUISITIONS COMMITTEE Paul Mellon, Chairman. Lessing J. Rosenwald. John Hay Whitney. John Walker. John N. Irwin II. PERSONNEL At the close of fiscal year 1964, full-time Government employees on the permanent staff of the National Gallery of Art numbered 305. The U.S. Civil Service regulations govern the appointment of em- ployees paid from appropriated funds. Continued emphasis was given to the training of employees under the Government Employees Training Act, and it was possible to give training to seven employees under that Act. APPROPRIATIONS For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1964, the Congress of the United States, in the regular annual appropriation, and a supplemental appro- priation required for pay increases for wage-board employees, pro- vided $2,176,000 to be used for salaries and expenses in the operation and upkeep of the National Gallery of Art, the protection and care of works of art acquired by the Board of Trustees, and all adminis- trative expenses incident thereto, as authorized by the basic statute establishing the National Gallery of Art. The following obligations were incurred : Personnel compensation and penehtses == ae ee $1, 831, 443. 17 AST Ober TCeM Sapa Sees ee oe ee ee 315, 774. 41 ROCA Obie a tO mS ee os a ee et ee 2, 147, 217. 58 Because the low bid for the contract to renovate the skylights over the east wing of the Gallery was considerably below the amount included in the appropriation for that purpose, it was possible to return $28,782 to the Treasury as an unobligated balance. SECRETARY’S REPORT 219 ATTENDANCE There were 1,236,155 visitors to the Gallery during fiscal year 1964. The attendance for the previous fiscal year was higher by 557,545 visitors. This resulted from the large number of people who came to see the Afona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci when it was on exhibition at the National Gallery of Art for 27 days in fiscal year 1963. The daily average number of visitors during the past fiscal year was 3,415. This is the largest average in the past 10 years, except those years in which occurred the unusually popular exhibitions of the Mona Lisa and the Tutankhamen Treasures. ACCESSIONS There were 5,002 accessions by the National Gallery of Art as gifts, loans, or deposits during the fiscal year, an increase of 3,796 over the previous year. GIFTS During the year the following gifts or bequests were accepted by the Board of Trustees: PAINTINGS Donor Artist Title Avalon Foundation, New Cropsey.__---- Autumn on the Hudson River. York, N.Y. LD Yoel oes. Set ree eree Soro Doughtyae==—= Fanciful Landscape. John W. Beatty, Jr., Pitts- Homer_______- Marshy Scene with Man in burgh, Pa. Boat. National Gallery of Art, Ailsa Poussin._____- The Assumption of the Virgin. Mellon Bruce Fund. Paul Mellon, Upperville, Va. Canaletto___-_- Landscape Capriccio with Col- umn. GS oft Aba A ee orn Ne iy Aad L Landscape Capriccio with Palace. MO) rope res ees shee oy 2 2 Devyisseces fo Conversation Piece, Ashdon House. Bie esos es Peel | o's apa ip Lord Brand of Hurndall Park. National Gallery of Art, Rubens______- Tiberius and Agrippina. Andrew Mellon Fund. National Gallery of Art, Copley_._____- Watson and the Shark. Adolph Caspar Miller Fund. 220 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 GRAPHIC ARTS Donor Artist Title Mrs. George Matthew Adams, Legros__-_--__-- Cardinal Manning. New York, N.Y. Dowty eee Pi ape as ee Hand of His Daughter. Mrs. George Matthew Adams, Legros_.------ Nude. New York, N.Y. John W. Beatty, Jr., Pitts- Various_------ Nineteen prints and drawings. burgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eyerly, Miro__-------- Ink and pastel drawing. Des Moines, Iowa. 1D) Qa see ae = Bee Feininger_---.-- Spire of Gelmeroda. Mrs. Beatrice Beck Fahne- Watteau____-_- A Mezzetin. stock, Washington, D.C. Samuel H. Kress Foundation, Various___----- Thirty-four French and Italian New York, N.Y. drawings and water colors. Mrs. Laura T. Magnuson, Renoir_-_------ Red-chalk drawing of a child. Washington, D.C. Print Council of America, Various_------ Set of 55 prints in the exhibi- New York, N.Y. tion ‘“‘American Prints To- day—1962.” Lessing J. Rosenwald, Jen- ----do------.-- 2,574 prints, drawings, illus- kintown, Pa. trated books, and reference works. Among the prints are important works by Aldegrever, Baldung Grien, Direr, Bruegel, Bosch, Rem- brandt, Goya, Daumier, and Degas. David E. Rust, Washington, Gentileschi, A Young Girl Playing a Lute. D.C. Orazio. EXCHANGE OF WORKS OF ART In exchange for a print by Daumier entitled “Un plaideur peu sat- isfait” in the Rosenwald Collection, Mr. Rosenwald gave a woodcut by Christoffel Jegher, after Rubens, entitled “The Rest on the Flight into Egypt.” OTHER GIFTS In the fiscal year 1964 gifts of money were made by Avalon Foun- dation, Mrs. Cordelia S. May, Old Dominion Foundation, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, J. I. Foundation, Inc., The Frelinghuysen Foundation, Samuel H. Kress Foundation, 16th International Con- gress of Zoology, and Mrs. Landon C. Bell. Mrs. Mellon Bruce contributed additional funds for the purchase of works of art for the National Gallery of Art and for educational purposes related to works of art SECRETARY’S REPORT 23 The Gallery received a bequest of funds by the late Chester Dale to provide fellowships for painters, sculptors, and historians and crit- ics of the fine arts. WORKS OF ART ON LOAN The following works of art were received on loan by the Gallery: From Artist Title Mr. and Mrs. David Lloyd Bonnard._----- Le Jardin de Bosquet. Kreeger, Washington, D.C. Dovetets 6 a ciny. ee es Cézanne__._._- La Route Tournante. DOs oes ee eee aE Van Gogh-_____- Vase of Flowers. DQ mee ae ee ee eee Maillol= 22a s= Pomona (sculpture). Bones eo. teleosts Picassorieus sf Café de la Rotonde. WO eee ne a Renom =. >-2- Bather. Doe ss. ee tis ne 286 22 “2 dostenkiis View of Venice. Mrs. Eugene E. Meyer, Wash- Dufresne_-_-__- Still Life. ington, D.C. DG. eee See ee Rano. 268.55 Man Lying on Sofa. 1D Xo fee ene LYS, S278 CE Be Oe Se Nude. The Honorable Claiborne Bingham eb. -= The Jolly Flatboatman. Pell, Washington, D.C. §. Dillon Ripley, Washington, Audubon__-_-_-- Washington Sea Eagle. D.C. WORKS OF ART ON LOAN RETURNED The following works of art on loan were returned during the fiscal year: To Artist Title Col. and Mrs. Edgar W. Gar- Senior..-_----- The Sportman’s Dream. bisch, New York, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. David Lloyd Bonnard-_-----_- Le Jardin de Bosquet. Kreeger, Washington, D.C. LE fa oe I ee enetes tp Ls Cézanne... __- La Route Tournante. Opes cheer ee as 2 CE i UE Van Gogh. ._-_- Vase of Flowers. [D0 es oe RR ca kA Picassoe p22 Café de la Rotonde. Ques st sh A EES eae Renoir. 222s - Bather. Dov ee uk as ue nwemeie Site. Sead joe View of Venice. Mrs. Eugene E. Meyer, Wash- Dufresne---_--- Still Life. ington, D.C. Oe ai ee ete Renoirslee = Man Lying on Sofa. AERC eae eed ae PA ANTS: ote Sado ae SU Nude. WORKS OF ART LENT The American Federation of Arts, New York, N.Y., circulated the following works of art during the fiscal year to the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, N.Y.; Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, Wis.; Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, La.; Baltimore 222 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Museum of Art, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Phil- adelphia, Pa.; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.; and Detroit Art Institute, Detroit, Mich. : To Artist American Federation of Arts, Joseph Badger- New York, N.Y. DO ea ys eae John Bradley~- DDO ce ees oats pte? oe Bundyaeeee De aes See. CR ie Rae Marlee sus eee DD) oR ee EE it Th Eoimanna= === Doves sic See we Se tee Linton Park__- Doe tea : ee ey Susanne Walters___-_ Dow She Sea sede te tee Unknown__-_-__-_ Dostes. 22 eRe ee 2 NGO= seas el DD) Ques eee Ses = er Oen ee aS Do Be es ee are F102 Hs SEE DG Fee he Ea eee Par eee (0 reaper =), Bear Dose SLE enii Aes Mii ak = pidocweea ase DG 22s. eee Ee ee ueeedOsa=see st 1D) Oe ee ee Bet (Goya eS POs soo2=2 oo eee E1300 tes BES 1D yey A) eee eae Aa oe SOO maa ee DB) eee PDS MAE BAL 2 eAMER se ido: t eke Title Mrs. Isaac Foster. Little Girl in Lavender. Vermont Lawyer. Family Portrait. Berks County Almshouse. Flax Scutching Bee. Memorial to Nicholas M. S. Catlin. Jonathan Benham. The Start of the Hunt. The End of the Hunt. The Sargent Family. Alice Slade. Joseph Slade. General Washington on White Charger. Blue Eyes. The Hobby Horse. Mahantango Valley Farm. Civil War Battle Scene. The following loans also were made during the fiscal year: American Embassy, London, Canaletto_---- England. DO2s2 a 25 eee sie AO. teers DG 322 sare eet es Devise we a2 1D oe ee eee ee seks 2d O55) 2 eee Cleveland Museum of Art, Stuart.___.--_- Cleveland, Ohio. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Homer_-_-_----- Mass. LD [Yani t oeaner eeepa nee Unknown_----- Columbia Museum of Art, Healy_-_------ Columbia, 8.C. 1D Yo peg ROS SRNT oe See SP a used Osea eee 1D (oa Bee) ke egret eas = aw Lambdin-_-_-_-- Ont e2e. Feel ee ee, Stuartjass=-s=— 1S) ee RS Se Sk Vasey SU ys eee VD) es es = Mel eS ne ae VR Unknown------ Coreoran Gallery of Art, Sargent... __- Washington, D.C. Oe Sere ON hee Oi ae, et eye 0 Lopes oe oI Landscape Capriccio with Column. Landscape Capriccio with Palace. Conversation Piece, Ashdon House. Lord Brand of Hurndall Park. The Skater. Right and Left. Burning of Old South Church, Bath, Maine. Franklin Pierce. Daniel Webster. John Marshall. Horace Binney. John Quincy Adams. President John Tyler. Repose. Street in Venice. SECRETARY’S REPORT To Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Mich. Museum of Early American Folk Arts, New York, N.Y. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minn. Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine. City Art Museum of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Smithsonian Institution, Mu- seum of History and Tech- nology. Smithsonian Institution, Mu- seum of History and Tech- nology, Presidential Recep- tion Room. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Va. Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Md. ton, D.C. Whitney Museum of Ameri- can Art, New York, N.Y. 223 Artist British School__ Title Pocahontas. LaSachsssse22. The Herbert Children. Unknown__-__-_- Baby in Blue Cradle, Se Sa fc ME Child with Rocking Horse. Copleyoas = 552 - Epes Sargent. WWWieaGs 203i yee 2 The Battle of La Hogue. Unknown...-__ Burning of Old South Church, Bath, Maine. SMart 25 are Mrs. Yates. British School.__ Pocahontas. Reales se aba William Moultrie, PING 3 sae or General Smallwood. Pp OKs ees Washington at Princeton. Nullyesoe esses Major Thomas Biddle. AUNIS oes chs Commodore Rodgers. heaven a(n se Daniel Webster. Benlecee ees Robert Coleman. British School. Pocahontas. Pesles sao ne John Philip de Haas. cere HC Ot Ayala General William Moultrie. JE dose ea Benjamin Harrison, Jr. Sully sale capes Andrew Jackson. Healy 23.6 2 Henry Clay. Shive hc hos eee = George Washington. Homerus 22.222 Right and Left. EXHIBITIONS The following exhibitions were held at the National Gallery of Art during the fiscal year 1964: Prints and Drawings by Mary Cassatt. through September 12, 1963. From the Rosenwald Collection. Continued from the pre- Landscape Prints. Continued from the preceding fiscal year ceding fiscal year through October 14, 1963. Evhibition of Modern Prints and Illustrated Books from the Rosenwald Collec- tion. July 13 through September 2, 1963. Water Colors by J. M. W. Turner from the collection of the British Museuin, September 15 through October 13, 1963. 224. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Echibition of Etchings and Mezzotints from J. M. W. Turner’s “Liber Studiorum.” September 15 through October 18, 1963. Eighteenth-Century Venetian Drawings from the Correr Museum. October 27 through November 24, 1963. Eighteenth-Century Venetian Etchings from the National Gallery of Art Collec- tion. October 27 through November 24, 1963. National Gallery of Art 1963 Christmas Card Subjects from the Graphic Arts. November 20 through December 10, and from December 17, 1968, through Janu- ary 7, 1964. Prints by Kathe Kollwitz from the Rosenwald Collection in Commemoration of Human Rights week. December 10 through December 18, 1963. Paintings from The Museum of Modern Art, New York. December 17, 1963, through March 22, 1964. Expressionist Prints from the Rosenwald Collection. December 17, 1963, through March 22, 1964. Thomas Rowlandson Prints from the Rosenwald Collection. January 7 through April 17, 1964. Drawings from the National Gallery of Art Collection. April 17, 1964, to con- tinue into the next fiscal year. 7000 Years of Iranian Art. June 7, 1964, to continue into the next fiscal year. Portrait of the Artist’s Mother: Arrangement in Gray and Black, No. 1 by James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Lent by the Musée du Louvre. June 10 through June 30, 1964. Whistler Prints from the National Gallery of Art Collection. June 10, 1964, to continue into the next fiscal year. Exhibitions of recent accessions: “Joris W. Vezeler” and ‘Margaretha Boghe, Wife of Joris W. Vezeler” by Joos van Cleve. Continued from the preceding fiscal year through July 11, 1963; ‘“‘The Bookseller’s Wife” by Goya, August 30, through October 30, 1963; “The Assumption of the Virgin” by Poussin, Novem- ber 17, 1963, through January 10, 1964. TRAVELING EXHIBITIONS Special exhibitions of graphic arts from the National Gallery of Art collections were circulated during the fiscal year to 50 museums, univer- sities, schools, and art centers in the United States and abroad. Index of American Design. Fifty-eight exhibitions (2,344 plates) of material from the Index were circulated to 18 States and the District of Columbia. CURATORIAL ACTIVITIES Under the direction of Perry B. Cott, chief curator, the curatorial department accessioned 2,700 gifts to the Gallery during the fiscal year 1964. Advice was given with respect to 1,918 works of art brought to the Gallery for expert opinion, and 20 visits to collections were made by members of the staff in connection with offers of gifts. About 6,691 inquiries, many of them requiring research, were answered verbally and by letter. William P. Campbell, assistant chief curator, served as a member of the Special Fine Arts Committee of the Department of State. SECRETARY’S REPORT 225 Hereward Lester Cooke, curator of painting, continued as consultant to National Aeronautics and Space Administration with duties of organizing and supervising commissions to artists for paintings of themes relating to the space program. He also acted as judge for the Tri-State Exhibition, Evansville, Ind., and the Savannah Art Associa- tion exhibition during the fiscal year. The Richter Archives received and cataloged 84 photographs on exchange from museums here and abroad; 2,289 photographs were pur- chased, and about 1,000 reproductions have been added to the archives. RESTORATION Francis Sullivan, resident restorer of the Gallery, made regular and systematic inspection of all works of art in the Gallery and on loan to Government buildings in Washington, and periodically removed dust and bloom as required. He relined, cleaned, and restored 18 paintings and gave special treatment to 37. Thirty-four paintings were X-rayed as an aid in research. He continued experiments with synthetic materials as suggested by the National Gallery of Art Research Project at the Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Technical advice was given in response to 237 telephone inquiries. Special treatment was given to works of art belonging to Government agencies, including the U.S. Capitol and the Treasury Department. In other instances advice was furnished to various agencies concerning the care and conservation of paintings. PUBLICATIONS A new book by John Walker, director, on the history and collections of the Gallery entitled National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. appeared during the year. Mr. Cooke wrote an article for Art in America, October 1963 issue, entitled “Count-Down at Canaveral.” He also wrote the text for 16 National Gallery leaflets. Miss Katharine Shepard, assistant curator of graphic arts, wrote a book review for the American Journal of Archaeology, April 1964 issue. PUBLICATIONS FUND During the fiscal year 1964, the Publications Fund placed on sale six new publications including two books: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. by John Walker and The Eternal Present: The Beginnings of Architecture by S. Giedion, the latter being the second volume of the 1957 A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts. Four exhibition catalogs were placed on sale: Turner Water Colors: Kighteenth-Century Venetian Drawings from the Correr Museum; 226 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Paintings from the Museum of Modern Art, New York; and 7000 Years of Iranian Art. The number of 11- by 14-inch color reproduc- tions published by the Gallery was increased to 238 with the addition of 37 new subjects, and 44 new postcards were published to make a total of 196 subjects now available. Two new slide sets of paintings by Rembrandt and by Renoir were placed on sale. The 1963 Christ- mas card selection included 14 new color subjects. With Gallery cooperation, six new collotype reproductions were produced: Botti- eelli— Madonna and Child with Angels, Canaletto—The Portello and the Brenta Canal at Padua, Van Cleve—Joris W. Vezeler and Mar- garetha Boghe, Wife of Joris W. Vezeler, Gentileschi—7he Lute Player, and Redon—Wildflowers. Five small sculpture reproduc- tions were added to the items available to the public. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM The program of the educational department was carried out under the direction of Raymond S. Stites and his staff. Lectures and con- ducted tours on works of art in the Gallery’s collections were given. Attendance for the general tours, tours of the week, and picture-of- the-week talks amounted to 40,801. The attendance at the Sunday afternoon lectures in the auditorium totaled 13,450. Special tours, lectures, and conferences were arranged for a total of 17,371 persons. These special appointments were made for Govern- ment agency groups, and at the request of congressional offices, for educators, foreign students, club and study groups, religious organiza- tions, conventions, museum officials, and groups from hospitals, as well as school groups from various parts of the country. The program of training volunteer docents continued, and special instruction was given to approximately 130 volunteers from the Junior League of Washington and the American Association of Uni- versity Women. By special arrangement with the public and paro- chial schools of the District of Columbia and surrounding counties of Maryland and Virginia, these organizations conducted tours for 68,836 children, representing an increase over last year of 2,308. They also guided 750 Safety Patrol girls from Atlanta, Ga., on tours of the Gallery. Fifty-two lectures were given in the auditorium on Sunday after- noons. Of these, 34 were delivered by guest lecturers, 10 by members of the staff, and two were full-length film presentations. Jakob Rosenberg delivered the 13th annual series of the A. W. Mellon Lec- tures in the Fine Arts on seven consecutive Sundays beginning on March 8 on the general subject: “On Quality in Art: Criteria of Fa- cellence in the Past and Present.” PLATE 9 Secretary’s Report, 1964 ald Rosenw 8). = ) 594-16 llange (1 by Jacques Be ing An etch ha Rose. rit in and Child w Virg The rt. 1 Gallery of ationa NT Collection. ‘yay jo Asayey euoneNY “uorjda1[0D pleMussoy (6991-9091) UAY uvA Ipuviquay Aq—ccgT—oIeIs Alive ‘Zuryojo uy ‘s[doag 9Yy} 0} pelusseig aslyD PLATE 10 Se so Secretary's Report, 1964 Secretary's Report. 1964 PLATE 11 Lord Brand of Hurndall Park, by Arthur Devis (1711-1787). Gift of Paul Mellon. National Gallery of Art. Conversation Piece, Ashdon House, by Arthur Devis (1711-1787). Gift of Paul Mellon. National Gallery of Art. Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 12 THD "Vy jo Asayey [euoneN ‘uoypeyy [neg jo *(S9ZI-L691) OVATeuURD Aq ‘uUINJoD YIM o1Ds1IdeD odvospue'y WD ‘yay jo Ajayjeg [euONeNY ‘uoTeyy [neg jo ‘(S9ZI-Z691) O}a[eueD Aq ‘sov[eg YIM o1dides odeospur'y Secretary's Report, 1964 PLATE 13 ASE,

. ....c-2..-<2-=- 79, 553. 39 *Hodgkins, Thomas C. (General)_...--------- 49, 160. 26 TGTEO WO WIP TGA VN ese ae 8 ek Wi es 125, 493. 59 Olmsted Helen ACs aces ue ee oe alt 1, 301. 09 *Poore,uucy ....and George, Wo 2--s25- 222544: 264, 125. 96 IBOnteHerenny sn kem ab = ae le ee oie ee 464, 776. 51 MUN CEH WV MAM JONESY: £40 0 Sd. oh be ote DS LOLs hit = SamfOnG sn GeOne ey elas aes eee ee geek el 1, 444. 61 TSmuthsou, James: 28203022 le Us had ete 1, 981. 23 DEES aN CET ocr ieee ag eae ee 580. 42 Higbee, Harry, Memorial Fund___..---_-_--_- 19, 019. 89 Witherspoon, Dnomas Ac 24. kek et 209, 430. 31 Ca | ge RR A eh ee poe. eres Seng any $3, 517, 751. 23 *In addition_to funds deposited in the United States Treasury. 766—-746—65——-19 Income 1984 $1, 082. 2, 870. 65, 850. 20, 062. 292. 29. $144, 826. 276 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 CONSOLIDATED FUND—Continued (Income restricted to specific use) Fund Investment 1964 Income 1964 Abbott, William L., for investigationsin biology $169, 186. 94 $7, 574. 92 Armstrong, Edwin James, for use of Depart- ment of Invertebrate Paleontology when principalsamounts, to $5,000.20 2S 8 2, 237. 37 95. 89 Arthur, James, for investigations and study of the sun and annual lecture on same_____-___ 64, 903. 62 2, 905. 87 Bacon, Virginia Purdy, for traveling scholarship to investigate fauna of countries other than the United Statess. 2... < ah sete Sf fate fae 81, 306. 56 3, 640. 28 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, for expenses in whole or in part of a scientific exploration and biological research or for the purchase of specimens of natural objects or archeological Bpecinipnsl eS. ites ee ee hee 59, 500. 00 2, 663. 95 Barney, Alice Pike, for collection of paintings and pastels and for encouragement of American artistic endeavor___-_______-_-_____ 46, 546. 23 2, 083. 96 Barstow, Frederick D., for purchase of animals for ZO0lomicalvPark a: os 781 teen ne eee. 1, 622. 40 72. 62 Brown, Roland W., endowment fund—study, care, and improvement of the Smithsonian paleobotanical collections._.._.__..___--__- 52, 861. 91 2, 366. 75 Canfield collection, for increase and care of the Canfield collection of minerals_____________-_ 62, 069. 64 PA TCS (Ot) Casey, Thomas I., for maintenance of the Casey collection and promotion of researches relating to Coleopterat 22 a4 -2oeeee ule et 20, 341. 68 910. 72 Chamberlain, Francis Lea, for increase and promotion of Isaac Lea Collection of gems and wmoluska 2U. 285 sete S 28 SA kee aii fom 45, 700. 54 2, 046. 11 Dykes, Charles, for support in financial research 69, 869. 81 3, 128. 24 Kickemeyer, Florence Brevoort, for preserva- tion and exhibition of the photographic col- lection of Rudolph Hickemeyer, Jr___-_-_--- 17, 639. 63 789. 79 Guggenheim, Daniel and Florence Foundation for a commemorative Guggenheim Exhibit, an annual Daniel Guggenheim Lecture, and annual Guggenheim Fellowships for graduate students for research at the National Air Wiasuein 220 2 ee SS ee ete ee an ib ae ees 25, 000. 00 0 Hanson, Martin Gustav and Caroline Runice, for some scientific work of the Institution, preferably in chemistry or medicine__._--_-_~- 14, 427. 04 645. 92 Higbee, Harry, income for general use of the Smithsonian Institution after June 11, 1967_- 689. 63 78. 59 Hillyer Virgil, for increase and care of Virgil Hillyer collection of lighting objects_________ 10, 665. 69 477. 54 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CONSOLIDATED FUND—Continued (Income restricted to specific use)—Continued Fund Investment 1964 Hitchcock, Albert 8., for care of the Hitchcock Rerontological Mibraryet .- oo) 25 oe e eens $2, 560. Hrdli¢ka, AleS and Marie, to further researches in physical anthropology and publication in connection therewith-..2222..-.---.-..=..+ 89, 665. Hughes, Bruce, to found Hughes alcove______- 31, 063. Johnson, E. R. Fenimore, research in under- Water pnOLographye >. 25.565 o0. > Geeeaee 12, 428. Loeb, Morris, for furtherance of knowledge in thevexactsclences: Slee: oe oe ek 141, 436. Long, Annette and Edith C., for upkeep and preservation of Long collection of embroid- Bries) laces And textiles._.22 52 2255-20 nea: 881. Maxwell, Mary E., for care and exhibition of Maxwellicollection=-.2-oae oat ee eee Sl Sole Myer, Catherine Walden, for purchase of first- class works of art for use and benefit of the National Collection of Fine Arts_.__.______- 32, 780. Nelson, Edward W., for support of biological BUCHER eam eee arte ei ite cenemL Be eens kan Una 38, 626. Noyes, Frank B., for use in connection with the collection of dolls placed in the U.S. National Museum through the interest of Mr. and Mrs. ING YO San ah me AN ee Be ph A a ca 1, 559. Pell, Cornelia Livingston, for maintenance of Alfred Duane Pell collection. .......__.__-- 12, 029. Petrocelli, Joseph, for the care of the Petrocelli collection of photographic prints and for the enlargement and development of the section of photography of the U.S. National Museum_ 12, 030. Rathbun, Richard, for use of division of U.S. National Museum containing Crustacea_ -_-_- 17, 260. *Reid, Addison T., for founding chair in biology, INEMEeMoOnvsOrmAShenVmUInisa: == aes ee 28, 866. Roebling Collection, for care, improvement, and increase of Roebling collection of minerals__- 195, 860. Roebling Solar Research. — 202 3_ 2. 225ltscol ee 40, 695. Rollins, Miriam and William, for investigations INSP VRICE ATGc REINA! Vee is ne ee aa 242, 033. Smithsonian employees’ retirement___-_______- 37, 423, Springer, Frank, for care and increase of the Springer collection and library___._....-___- 29, 102. Strong, Julia D., for benefit of the National Collection of Fine Arts. .o. ees eee 16, 226. Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux, for de- velopment of geological and paleontological studies and publishing results of same______- 778, 915. 76 38 71 22 88 16 06 LG 19 12 3l 75 69 03 04 49 39 68 46 11 07 2 $114. 3, 842. 1, 390. 819. 6, 332. 39. 1, 425. 1, 467. 1, 682. 69. 538. 538, 772, 1, 292. 8, 769. S22, 10, 599. 1, 691. 1, 302. 726. 34, 842. V7 Income 1964 65 51 79 28 49 46 15 64 71 83 56 278 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 CONSOLIDATED FUND—Continued (Income restricted to specific use) Continued Fund Investment 1964 Income 1964 Walcott, Mary Vaux, for publication in botany- $93, 939. 64 $4, 205. 91 Younger, Helen Walcott, held in trust._.___~_ 127, 107. 05 6, 500. 71 Zerbee, Francis Brinckle, for endowment of AG UIATI AS Sot ese Sh ok he pe ea Ue SS 1, 539. 39 68. 91 hota] Rees eal et. Se oon 3 $2, 760, 430. 44 | $121, 416. 45 FREER GALLERY OF ART FUND Early in 1906, by deed of gift, Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, gave to the Institution his collection of Chinese and other Oriental subjects of art, as well as paintings, etchings, and other works of art by Whis- tler, Thayer, Dewing, and other artists. Later he also gave funds for construction of a building to house the collection, and finally in his will, probated November 6, 1919, he provided stocks and securities to the estimated value of $1,958,591.42, as an endowment fund for the operation of the Gallery. The fund now amounts to $10,987,835.54. SUMMARY OF ENDOWMENTS Invested endowment for general purposes______-_-_____-___- $5, 248, 151. 23 Invested endowment for specific purposes other than Freer en- Gowment 2222 2-60 oe ee Se LE Se era 2, 989, 882. 05 Total invested endowment other than Freer_____-____~ 8, 233, 033. 28 Freer invested endowment for specific purposes______________ 10, 987, 835. 34 Total invested endowment for all purposes_____________ $19, 220, 868. 62 CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS Deposited in the U.S. Treasury at 6 percent per annum, as au- thorized in the U.S. Revised Statutes, sec. 5591______________ $1, 000, 000. 00 Investments other than Freer endowment (cost or market value at date acquired) : BOTS tan ies Sa ee eR ee as $2, 641, 924. 90 StOCK Ss £8 sks Whe ee EA ae Pl 3, 601, 024. 68 Realrestatesandwunorteaves 2 951, 406. 00 Uninvestedweapitalee =. 22 eee 38, 677. 70 7, 233, 033. 28 Total investments other than Freer endowment_________ 8, 233, 033. 28 Investments of Freer endowment (cost or mar- ket value at date acquired) : BONG Ss ses a oi os ie Ul eae $6, 032, 418. 24 SCOGMS Es Bate = a ete mt ee Se 4, 954, 472. 28 WUninyvestedwcapitalos 2== os a ee ee 944.82 10, 987, 8385. 34 Total investments 25 e ve a ete ee ed e $19, 220, 868. 62 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 279 EXHIBIT A BALANCE SHEET OF PRIVATE FUNDS June 30, 1964 ASSETS Current funds: General: Cash: United States Treasury current account______-__-__~__ $76, 965. 48 In pAN KS An OPONMMaN Gs see noo eee ee slae aks ayy 232, 678. 65 Investments—stocks and bonds (quoted market value CSP OPA) bot UG DLO 0 cee a ep an meee em rp eet ee ata eas 2, 030, 531. 30 TravelsanodsOcher advances. soe es a ee ee eee 13, 983. 65 Totaly general’ fund sae Sets ee ee ee ee ee 2, 277, 193. 60 Restricted : Cash—United States Treasury current MCCOUN Tt ee ee ee eee $1, 731, 447. 28 Investments—stocks and bonds (quoted market value $496,064.00) (note) ------_ 498, 641. 63 otal srestri cited fhundses 222 So oe ee 2, 230, 088. 91 ADORE | CT Gre) EIS GUS AS feet Nee Ts Rapa eo ee ae 4, 507, 282. 51 Endowment funds and funds functioning as endowment: Investments: Freer Gallery of Art: Cit ees ee 8 ool ts 944. 82 Stocks and bonds (quoted market value $17,404,618.00) (note) ------- 10, 986, 890. 52 10, 987, 835. 34 Consolidated : COP TG 6) aa 5 ARR Oe us $27, 875. 21 Stocks and bonds (quoted market value $7,924,- 024.00) (note) -------- 6, 113, 080. 63 6, 140, 955. 84 Loan to United States RECA SUT Ye eee ss Sete See 1, 000, 000. 00 Other stocks and bonds (quoted market value $182,068.00) (note) ----_ 129, 868. 95 Casha. <2 224 eT oe 10, 802. 49 Heal estate. 2-2-2 5. ss 951,406.00 8, 233, 033. 28 Total endowment funds and funds functioning as Gnd O wane te ee ee eS ee oes ee $19, 220, 868. 62 No tal sae see See a he eee he $23, 728, 151. 13 1 Investments are stated at cost or appraisal value at date of gift. 280 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 FUND BALANCES Current funds: General: Unexpended funds—unrestricted____________----_--______ $2, 277, 193. 60 Total general funds aie ete a Rb ag pis Soe a Se i aes 2, 277, 193. 60 Restricted : Unexpended income from endowment______ $1, 292, 324. 13 Funds for special purposes: CRIA see i pe a cee ae Bae a 514, 631. 55 Grants es fon sae see es ee ee eee 1, 216, 815. 73 Contracts Seen oe eee mai (793, 682. 50) aes se ee re pe as 2, 230, 088. 91 Total wcurrent rungs: 22222 fe eee 4, 507, 282. 51 Endowment funds and funds functioning as endowment : MreersG aleryaeOheA Does eee ee 10, 987, 835. 34 Other: Restricted2 = eet $2, 989, 882. 05 General: ..42 2 este es 5, 248, 151. 23 8, 238, 033. 28 Total endowment funds and funds functioning as @nd OW MeN bie S_ aaree es ee re ee etes 19, 220, 868. 62 Total a et ce $23, 728, 151. 13 281 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTER: RGROOLALL Sega cae os oe 00 ‘000 ‘eg 00 ‘000 ‘00g LOCOCO Gran lssecce seats ae WOr}OoT[O9 10J asvyoing 89 ‘61h ‘FFI 'F OS ‘SFT ‘06z 66 ‘PZT ‘196 ‘2 ST PLE ‘TL COMA CS 2a = eo as eee ee SOLIB[CS [BOT G6 ‘268 ‘SFT Z9 “ZS ‘8 AY ON 0 ml alata cok saat e S(O) el) Aaa lain leat ciate: sygoueq eafoduigy C8 FEZ ‘96 18 ‘6SF ‘6 £0 ‘9S ‘LT ¥Z “S09 ‘9g LeSoleGies Cee cae ee eee IqIO 6F ‘S80 ‘L6I ‘Eg 86 “S86 ‘19Z Go TSS ‘ZEs ‘S% 68 ‘S9Z ‘FI ORGL0" Gide — [0 SSeS SS =- ate casa eeee qouvosoy Gh TOL ‘FOL SOGVENSO0,, SMi|pewe ane ecole s Sar eas BEC CERVOO 5 = al aspen te sane es cae SAT VeI}sTUrUpY :SOLIv[Vg -SJUOULISINGSsIp qUoIIN?) I 816 ‘OTL ‘IT | 18 ‘ez ‘eee ‘z 08 682 ‘8z9 ‘¢ 62 09S ‘106 TOPOR VO Ge Is ee eae SydiodeI YUeLIND [e4OJ, PVN S) Die eA 8S RS ree roses tale ae= Ss soe se =22-|5>=-=525---45 PR 1089) 9 AT n neon ae ==--=--- snoouryfaosiyy EGUEHowiul. = 6 NP r= Sate et asa os saben secesa-4|(-Son ce -5- sane SG:77c Gon 2 teens sydvizojoyd puv suonvorqng 8E Z9L ‘68 ‘OT | Te ‘ezt ‘eee ‘zg | 08 Gez ‘8z9 ‘eg | 62 09¢ W063 Sp Seerogr fests ee syuvis pus Sqr) CRS: STS 0 UI a aa ee ie eee eee A 9 ly ae i a= age SULODUI YWOUySOAUT TSS ek 9 21 | i el tore a (ete DOOCe Cry (|= =S= aoe eee pe eer le sie ies 2 Ks SOlTTYN pur syuoy ENUM ee es feo eg oe eae Re rin OS Sh eo) Ge ee A104RIOQv] [BoUyoI J, (5NS) SSR Wig PE a in aaa a aL ce gma | ca ala Ga ts cx ete soUvUSUIGU spuNoIs puv yng Himes st esa pea MOCO GCL er Tlie a ese Pe ECOO GT mete | scien ca nets SUOI}V][VISUI pus SSuIplIng :spunois pus yuoudinba ‘ssurpring din) TRAY REM ule Se tcc Sa i ate asa aes ae aleaae ae gee FL ILL ‘E £O°O0R OL. tt sydeisojoyd pus uonvorqng Why URE, NSP i eS ag et i ae = as sree ZO Cet G = os es ee ees 1910 TZ 09S ‘98z L9 ‘9FS ‘19 GL “STS ‘OLT 9F ‘616 ‘G (Sofas oY A ea ge es Gre ge Ajddns puv yuoudinby PE ‘IIT ‘TELs PL “6SF ‘SOTS ZL “SSL ‘6zr$ 9¢ ‘618 ‘T6$ ZO OVOLEP aie © alt cost ees era ae ee JOABL], :Sosuedxo 9AIZVI4SIUIWUpe pojvjer puv uonvi0jdxe puv saydivesoy ponulju0j—sjuoWlesingsIp JuelIng [e}O.L $}0BI}UOD syuRip SYVO suotyBi0dQ penunuoj}—saNnnd ALVAIYd penunwej—d LIGA Xa 283 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ome eT) (eer oe ene eee og ee ee re Sh ee OO CCl a reaXk Jo pus 4e aourleg PRU OUP lion men eae ee Sle ete So gh ne er Te Gl PLE on reoX Jo Suruureq 4 oourleg AMOS ostream ria aie ehie areata cabo cic samo ee EI 666 ‘Z08 OGeEL oem: alee ee pees ee he Se eee a he anes pee He oPISGROL ele ic- sae eaae sjuvid puv szjI3 WOIJ JOJSUBIT, ee Oe) a ee a SI Sana sas ase na arses anaes Grantor prelate SYUSUIMOPUd 0} JajsUvI, CLOT jaf O10 0) 1 PRS | gaa a cg |e a in ae lg al eas a indie (GOMOUUMUI)S ooucse nesses puny poyorsyser 0} Jojsuviy, [eeu blOeuiaemans fro eg Sr no gine a TW Sth PtOlL loot ee preMs0j qysnoiq ‘syUoUlesIngsIp 4ueriMd IaAO sjdioovl quand JO ssooxq NOM UCP TRE ete aes ee eer ee rer a eet eres Weer O LO ee a nl ck an ea ee ee PIBMIOJ poles ‘syueuEsINgsIp 4yUarINd I9AO sjdieooI yuoIINd JO ssadxyT OL 696 ‘G69 ‘OL | TE ‘E2T ‘ees ‘% 08 “6&2 ‘829 ‘¢ 62 ‘098 ‘T06 O08 “GPS “Zeg ‘Tj ss575= SJUSUIASINGSIpP JUaIINO [B4OT, AEDES O) eta diene ne oe peer ge SS marke pee penn gl ees Goane gerane = y (29 “@¢2 ‘9) --j9u ‘squowAed Surppoyyyim seofojduy ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 284 06 ‘EE ‘TIO ‘8 LY ‘6LL ‘TESS GUpeelelee: . hoes WOLCoaOnL ee DUEOIR Cpe be Mlccsa rcs otes Beeches =~ |bcaaat coca EGOcsupElo tes GU ACOOE cel. "ees TOSCeenOlGew- lea =. a1: 6S ‘002 ‘F246 ‘F$ |(0E FFI ‘S8TS) s}oBIU0N 09 “SSS ‘196 ‘F CCH sh CARA A” fem ie tae aa aia i rhinos eae clear ee aS = syuvi3 pue syry --|---------------- ZZ OF ‘I LY IFL ‘62 iF 0bet a eae SEO Bond sole iaE Eaill= eelcws so geet cant si" ea Ry er 10 ‘662 ‘0S2Z ~~ """qUeUIMOPUS WOIJ OULODUT JON Sal | Sete gk a eae Mog EC a en] | CE TAR SD armed LL 918 ‘CP Ge on SL SOO. VATPVIJSIUIUIPS Sso'T Rolpecere: ogo eee er ee ro a oT oe $8 ‘SIT ‘F6L Se eee re ere |e eee) FS ‘928 ‘FFT Fe = aa ae BPUNY, POyOMASarT fy ne | Mee tie, Sea eae. Geese 62 S09 ‘ZET Tooecrcrs==-=--spuny poqoli}sel 18130 5 Fi |GROR SE aS Shae ae | oon eiec i eean TS “89 ‘OTS SSI ESTES TTR See ay yo Adel es) eel -JUOUIMOpUa wold} asuloouy :PPV O€ FLL ‘68E ‘S$ | 79 008 ‘S88eS | G6 692 ‘F8E‘IS |~7-~7TTTTTTTT ivok Jo Suruurseq ye vouvleg syuvip shit) eulodu] pepusdxeuy sesodimd je1oeds 10} spun,7 FO6L ‘og une pepus a3 AONVIVEA GNA GHYLOTELSAY INAWYNOD NI SHONVHO AO LNAWALVLS SANN4I ALVATEd J LIGGxa 285 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 16 ‘880 ‘0&2 ‘% (0¢ 289 ‘S62) $2 ‘STS ‘91 ‘T GC ‘19 ‘FI¢ CI PatecGcl- | sem tees eee eo Ieok Jo pus 4B souvleg 09 ‘26S ‘OT +0 S96 ‘LET ‘T 19 “LI8 ‘988 % 00 ‘€¢9 ‘OST ‘2 60 ‘F8S ‘F26 GS F6E ‘218 a hea eas g Me ge gal eee ee gee 00 008 ‘ZT (00 ‘00¢ ‘ZT) oS 848 (ULOI7) OF IoysUBIT, Sere = tee ae aie i RR oS ale eee a te pce cas 09 ‘26S ‘OL ~-----"---agu Fedrourd 03 poppe ouloduy 9€ F69 ‘S08 0Z ‘260 ‘FSS OS ‘E2¢ ‘OL COS GPOIOT) 2. Ale Se Se ore ee ee Jajsuvly, 24 5 Sone oe 00 ‘9T8 ‘29 Te aie ae er ae ee Soe ieee ee es ee ee ee pa 00 ‘9T8 ‘249 L¥ GLO ‘896 “6 L9 ‘98S ‘SFT 08 ‘880 ‘002 ‘6 00 ‘0S9 ‘209 20 ‘SES ‘666 ‘ET SP ‘188 ‘bZ0 ‘6 #9 ‘81Z ‘9 EI ‘662 ‘Stz popuodxoun (suvok s0md jo punjoy TE ‘SZI “Eee ‘% 08 ‘682 ‘829 ‘G 62 ‘09S ‘106 LG TS9 ‘688 oe ee Oe ODN ow aiegce: ery ol wag. 9 > ao a L9 ‘988 ‘GFT Po" Tao "75" =e aaSpang PojoLnsera() TS “SZI ‘Ese ‘% 08 ‘6&2 ‘829 ‘¢ 62 098 ‘106 OGCROONIET = Tie ae ee spun} poqJoLIjsel 10TIO Stat t eet 4 a © eae. er a eo 00 ‘0¢9 ‘209 = aS = Se ay JO Adoye soar 184809 9AI}B1}STUTUL -pe jo you ‘oUODUT 4UaIIND 0} JoJSUBI, :jonpeq LI ‘SST ‘840 ‘Z EL ‘89F ‘LEE ‘8 v9 SIZ ‘68h ‘I | Sh ‘STL ‘69T ‘Z JEAGLE VEGee Sh ‘P69 ‘296 F 00 ‘STF ‘00 ‘T | &¢ ‘Sh6 ‘F8Z fa Sc a Actes €8 098 28 646 66 °206 ‘F Et: Ge ook aot MEAN ga Bea, soe ORD Sh wees 2 ee Sl 662 Sco “|e “So Ve oe ee 2 COMIC MIKO SUT OnUT 286 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 EXHIBIT D PRIVATE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN PRINCIPAL OF ENDOWMENT FUNDS AND FUNDS FUNCTIONING AS ENDOWMENT Year ended June 30, 1964 Balanceratibezinningor yearns. sane ee eee eee $16, 086, 025. 07 Add: Gifts and jpequests 232. 2s ek Oe ee ee 1, 211, 648. 50 Income added to principal as prescribed by donor________-_- 10, 596. 00 Transfer from current fund for investment______________-- 1, 370, 621. 19 Net gain: (On) investmen tse ose See as ae eee 542, 684. 43 19, 221, 575. 19 Less: Transfer to cover deficit in employees’ retirement GY 0.66 (emeepe OB ee Bi as ig ee Be OE ee $849. 82 Income paid to income beneficiary as prescribed by GONOT Stes SE ee OE ae ee be oe ee 356. 75 706. 57 Balance vat send sot, yearss oe ee ee ee $19, 220, 868. 62 Balance at end of year consisting of: reer: Gallery ofreArts 2) oes oe See eee ee ee eee 10, 987, 835. 34 Other: Restricted! See ee Ee eee 2, 989, 882. 05 General 2.2 eh ie ee an 5, 248, 151. 23 $19, 220, 868. 62 The practice of maintaining savings accounts in several of the Washington banks and trust companies has been continued during the past year, and interest on these deposits amounted to $7,817.98. Deposits are made in banks for convenience in collection of checks, and later such funds are withdrawn and deposited in the United States Treasury. Disbursement of funds is made by check signed by the Secretary of the Institution and drawn on the United States Treasury. The Institution gratefully acknowledges gifts and grants from the following: Anonymous, a gift for special purposes. Atomic Energy Commission, a grant for research entitled “A Study of the Bio- chemical Effects of Ionizing and Nonionizing Radiation on Plant Metabolism during Development.” REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 287 Boston University, a grant to defray travel expenses to the West Coast to study research materials. Bredin Foundation, a grant for the support of research entitled “Biological Survey of Dominica Project.” A grant for the support of research entitled “Ocean Food Chain Cycle.” David K. E. Bruce, a gift for special purposes. Mary Grace Bruce, a gift for special purposes. Mrs. J. Campbell, a gift to the Zoo Animal Fund. Department of the Air Force: Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Study of Atomic and Electronic Collision Processes which occur in the Atmosphere at Auroral Heights.” A grant for studies directed toward the development of a technique for measuring wind speed and direction at heights using ionized paths gen- erated by meteors. A grant for the exploration of computer techniques in the preparation of indexes. A grant to prepare and conduct a course in operation maintenance and calibration training for seven government personnel on the Baker-Nunn Camera System. A grant to perform numerical analysis of observational data to determine the rate of satellite period. A grant for time standard calibrating training and consulting in support for the ‘Field and Precision Reduction of Baker-Nunn Film.” Department of the Army: Additional grant for the support of basic research entitled “Potential Vectors and Reservoirs of Disease in Strategie Overseas Area.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Mammals and their Ectoparasites from Iran.” Additional grant for support of research on the analysis of bird migration in the Pacific Area and the study of the ecology of birds and mammals on one or more Pacific Islands. A grant for research entitled “Bio-Ecological Classification for Military En- vironments.” Ethyl Corporation, a gift for the 8. D. Heron Memorial Fund. Robert Lee Forrest Bequest for unrestricted use of Smithsonian Institution. Esther Goddard, a gift to the Goddard Memorial Fund. Robert H. Groh, a gift for the purchase of Egyptian Bronze Situla. Guggenheim, Daniel and Florence, Foundation for a commemorative Guggen- heim Exhibit, an annual Daniel Guggenheim Lecture, and annual Guggenheim Fellowships for graduate students for research at the National Air Museum. 288 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Felix and Helen Juda, a gift to the Freer Gallery of Art, for the purchase of collections. Joseph H. Kler, a gift for the Delaware Log House Exhibit Fund. Landegger Foundation Inc., a gift for research entitled ‘‘The Landegger Under- water Exploration.” Link Foundation, a grant for the publication of the pamphlet “Opportunities in Oceanography.” James H. Means, a gift for the James Means and the Problem of Manflight Fund. Paul Mellon, a contribution for the Traveling Exhibition Service. Vera C. Murray, a gift for the purchase of two historic aircraft engines. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Optical Satellite Tracking Program.” Additional grant for the scientific and engineering study for instrumenting and orbiting telescope. A grant for research entitled “Optical and Radar Investigation of Simulated and Natural Meteors.” A grant for research entitled “Computation of Data Reduction of S-16 High Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment.” A grant for research studies in the recovery and analysis of space fragments. A grant for an investigation and collection of meteorites, tektites, and related materials. National Geographic Society: Additional grant for research entitled “Link Prolonged and Deep Submergence Study Program.” A grant for research expedition to Australia. A grant for publication entitled “Archeology of Pueblo Bonito.” National Institutes of Health: Additional grant for research entitled “Studies of Asian Biting Flies.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Generic Classification of the Proctotrupoidea.” A grant for the support of research entitled “Chronic Disease in Relation to Social Efficiency.” National Science Foundation: Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Early Tertiary Mammals of North America.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Earth Albedo Obser- vations.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Revisionary Study of Blattoidea.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Rare Gases in Meteorites.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Morphology and Paleo- ecology of Permian Brachiopods of the Glass Mountain, Texas.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Tertiary Forests of the Tonasi-Santiago Basin of Panama.” REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 289 Additional grant for the support of research entitled “South Asian Micro- lepidoptera, particularly the Philippine Series.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “The Mammals of Panama.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Ecology and Behavior of Suncus murinus.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘“Photoresponse and Optical Properties of Phycomyces Sporangiophores.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Taxonomy of Bam- boos.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Lower Cretaceous Ostracoda of Israel.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Marine Mollusks of Polynesia.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Tertiary Echinoids of the Eastern United States and the Caribbean.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Monographie Revision of Carcharinid Sharks of the Tropical Indo-Pacific Oceans.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Zoogeography of South- ern Ocean Sclearactinian Coral Faunas.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “The American Com- mensal Crabs of the Family Pinnotheridae.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Prehistory of South- west, Virginia.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Indo-Australian Vespidae sens. lat. and Specidae.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Support of Publication of an English Translation of Flora of Japan, by Jisaburo Ohwi.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Revision of Genera of Paleozoic Bryozoa.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Research of Stellar Atmosphere.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Monographie Studies of the Tingidae of the World.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘“Ethnoscientific Analysis of American Ethnology.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Pelagic Phosphorus Metabolism: Phosphorus-containing Compounds in Plankton.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Study of Type Speci- mens of Ferns in European Herbaria.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘‘Polychaetous Annelids of New England.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “The Phanerogams of Colombia.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Monograph of Parmelia Subgenus Xanthoparmelia.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Revision of Scarab Beetles of the Genus Ataenius.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Systemic Studies of the Archidaceae, Subtribe Epidendrinae.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “A Monograph of the Stomatopod Crustaceans of the Western Atlantic.” 290 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Recording of Data for Specimens Collected during the U.S. Antarctic Program.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Mammals of South- eastern United States.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Exploration in Southern Brazil.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Distribution of North America Calanoid and Harpacticoid Copepoda.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Megalithic Structures of Panope.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Collection of Meteorites and Tektites in Australia.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Installation of Power Line to Barro Colorado from Mainland.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “European Tertiary Dicotyledon Floras.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Science Information Exchange.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Geographic Variation in the Inter-specific Relations among Certain Andean Passeriformes.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Upper Cretaceous Inoceraminae in North America and Western Hurope.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Environment of Permo- Triassic Reptiles of the Order Therapsida in South Africa.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘“‘Taxonomic and Biologi- cal Studies of Neotropical Water Beetles.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Evolution and Distribu- tion of Parmelia in Eastern Asia and Pacific.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Sorting of U.S. Antarctic Research Program Biological Collections.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Taxonomic Studies of the Family Stenomidae in Neotropical Region.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Pre-Industrial System of Water Management in Arid Region.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Effects of Displacement.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Revisionary Studies in the Chilopoda.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Photographic Investi- gation of Comets.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Purchase of the Hood Collection of Thrips.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled ‘Archaeological Survey of Southwestern Kansas.” Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Taxonomic and Bio- logical Studies on Central American Caddisflies.” Neinken Foundation, a gift for philately research. Office of Naval Research: Additional grant to perform aeronautical research studies. Additional grant to provide expert consultants to advise the Navy Advisory Committee. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 291 Additional grant to perform psychological research studies. Additional grant for the support of research entitled “Information of Shark Distribution and Distribution of Shark Attack All Over the World.” Additional grant for studies concerning the development of a proposal for an institute for laboratory of human performance standards. A grant for research entitled “Microlepidoptera of the Island of Rapa.” A grant to conduct research on the Medusae and related organisms from the Indian Ocean Collection. O’Neill Brothers Foundation, a gift for the purchase of rare Alaskan notes for numismatic collection. Charles Pfizer and Company, a gift for purchase of objects for exhibits on the history of pharmacy. Rockefeller Foundation, a grant for research entitled “Bird Virus Diseases in the Region of Belem, Brazil.” Mr. and Mrs. R. Tom Sawyer, a gift for the Tom Sawyer—Model of the first Gas Turbine Locomotive Fund. Frank R. Schwengel, a gift toward the study of mollusks of Polynesia. For the support of the Science Information Exchange: Atomic Energy Commission Department of Defense National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation Jerome A. Straka, a gift for the purchase of the antique Feregham carpet. For the support of the Taiwan Photographie Project : Bollingen Foundation Henry Luce Foundation Rockefeller Foundation Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation, a gift to the Freer Gallery of Art for the Library Fund. Wenner Gren Foundation, a gift for anthropological research entitled “To Aid Study of Rapid Change and Adjustment under Conditions of Shock and Terri- torial Displacement among Canela of Brazil.” Westinghouse Corporation, a contribution toward the dismantling and transpor- tation of one of the original generators at the Niagara Falls Power Company. Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, a gift for marine biological research (Buzas). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a gift to provide funds to permit the par- ticipation in the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Charles Mortiz Wormser, a gift for the Mortiz Wormser Memorial Fund. 766—746—65——20 292 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The following appropriations were made by Congress for the Gov- ernment bureaus under the administrative charge of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year 1964: Sinibhutecypnes his aaeiyse e eeee $13, 191, 000. 00 Ispehmtosmesd | VA) Creer | Vee is ee ee $1, 597, 356. 00 The appropriation made to the National Gallery of Art (which is a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution) was__-__-------- $2, 138, 000. 00 Tn addition, funds were transferred from other Government agencies for expenditure under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution as follows: Working funds, transferred from the National Park Service, Interior Department, for archeological investigations in river Dasins throuchout the) United: States=222-- es aan ee eee $254, 500. 00 The Institution also administers a trust fund for partial support of the Canal Zone Biological Area, located on Barro Colorado Island in the Canal Zone. ROBERT LEE FORREST BEQUEST The final settlement was made during the year by the Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Baltimore, Md., as executors of the will of Robert Lee Forrest, who died on October 30, 1962. The Smithsonian Institution was named in the will as the residuary legatee. The distribution resulted in the following being received by and for the unrestricted use of the Smithsonian Institution : OSI IgteerQ(a tl ee ee $1, 370, 621. 19 5,498 shares of The Borden Company, fair market value_- 847, 748. 50 In addition to the above there was received three parcels of real property consisting of a farm known as “Java Farm,” located in Anne Arundel County, Md., of approximately 360 acres; one lot and im- provements located at 7-11 Chesapeake Street, Towson, Md., one un- improved lot located at 700 N. Kresson Street, Baltimore, Md. ‘There also was received some odd lots of stock of “no value” which included 292 shares, preferred, of The Municipal Asphalt Company, 30 shares, Common, of the Municipal Asphalt Company, 100 shares of The Fast Bearing Company, and 100 shares of Medical Chemicals, Incorporated. AUDIT The report of the audit of the Smithsonian Private Funds follows: THE BOARD OF REGENTS Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.O., 20560 We have examined the balance sheet of private funds of Smithsonian Institu- tion as of June 30, 1964 and the related statement of current general private funds receipts and disbursements and the several statements of changes in REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 293 funds for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Except for certain real estate acquired by gift or purchased from proceeds of gifts which are valued at cost or appraised value at date of gift, land, build- ings, furniture, equipment, works of art, living and other specimens and certain sundry property are not included in the accounts of the Institution; likewise, the accompanying statements do not include the National Gallery of Art, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and other departments, bureaus and operations administered by the Institution under Federal appropriations. The accounts of the Institution are maintained on the basis of cash receipts and disbursements, with the result that the accompanying statements do not reflect income earned but not collected or expenses incurred but not paid. In our opinion, subject to the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph, the accompanying statement of private funds presents fairly the assets and funds principal of Smithsonian Institution at June 30, 1964; further, the accompanying statement of current general private funds receipts and dis- bursements and several statements of changes in funds, which have been pre- pared on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, present fairly the cash transactions of the private funds for the year then ended. (S) Prat, MarwicyH, MiTcHeE tt & Co. WASHINGTON, D.C. October 16, 1964 Respectfully submitted : (S) Rosert V. FLEMING, (S) Cary P. HAsKINs, (S) Cxrvron P. ANDERSON, Executive Committee. GENERAL APPENDIX to the SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1964 PREFACE The object of the Genera Apprenprx to the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution is to furnish brief accounts of scientific dis- covery in particular directions; reports of investigations made by stafi members and collaborators of the Institution; and memoirs of a gen- eral character or on special topics that are of interest or value to the numerous correspondents of the Institution. It has been a prominent object of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution from a very early date to enrich the annual report required of them by law with memoirs illustrating the more remarkable and important developments in physical and biological discovery, as well as showing the general character of the operations of the Institution; and, during the greater part of its history, this purpose has been carried out largely by the publication of such papers as would possess an interest to all attracted by scientific progress. In 1880, induced in part by the discontinuance of an annual sum- mary of progress which for 30 years previously had been issued by well-known private publishing firms, the Secretary had a series of abstracts prepared by competent, collaborators, showing concisely the prominent features of recent scientific progress in astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology, and anthropology. This latter plan was continued, though not altogether satisfactorily, down to and including the year 1888. In the report of 1889, a return was made to the earlier method of presenting a miscellaneous selection of papers (some of them original) embracing a considerable range of scientific investigation and discus- sion. This method has been continued in the present report for 1964. An “Author-Subject Index to Articles in Smithsonian Annual Reports, 1849-1961” (Smithsonian Publication 4503) was issued in 1963. Reprints of the various papers in the General Appendix may be obtained, as long as the supply lasts, on request addressed to the Editorial and Publications Division, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C., 20560. 296 The Quest for Life Beyond the Earth’ By Cari SAcAN Staff member, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University [With 4 plates] We are nor alone in the universe. Among the countless galaxies, each with billions of stars, there must be many planets on which life is now flourishing. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of travel to these distant worlds—at least for the next century or so—and statisti- cal arguments do not satisfy that amalgam of scientific curiosity and the love of high adventure which motivates the search for the beings of other planets. But it may not be necessary to venture beyond our solar system. The possibility that neighboring planets are inhabited, at least by simple organisms, is a concept that is both very old and very popular. Its immediate appeal, however, should be tempered by the facts. De- spite the wide range of studies which have already been performed, we do not know whether the other planets of our solar system are in- habited. The problem often reduces to probability considerations, and to estimates of observational reliability. At convenient places in the following discussion I shall try to pause and give brief expres- sion to alternative interpretations. In almost all cases, an optimistic view can be found which holds that the evidence is strongly sugges- tive of, or, at the worst, not inconsistent with, the existence of extra- terrestrial life; and a pessimistic view can be found, which holds that the evidence adduced in favor of extraterrestrial life is unconvincing, irrelevant, or has an alternative, nonbiological explanation. I leave it to the reader to pick his own way among the factions. Extraterrestrial life and the origin of life are questions intertwined. If it appears relatively easy for life to have emerged in the primitive terrestrial environment, it may follow that the origin of life is a fairly general planetary phenomenon. So let us begin with a discussion of 1The A. Calvert Smith prize-winning essay at Harvard University for 1964. Reprinted by permission from Harvard Alumni Bulletin, April 4, 1964. 297 298 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 QUEST FOR LIFE BEYOND THE EARTH—SAGAN 299 recent ideas on the origin of life on Earth some 4 billion years ago, and then continue with a discussion of the physical environments of the moon and planets, and finally, a look at the more direct evidence for life beyond the Earth. When life began depends upon the definition of life, and, curiously enough, there is no definition acceptable to all biologists. Yet, the many characteristic features of living systems—their complex and highly structured forms, their growth, metabolism, and reproduction— are all ultimately attributable to evolution by natural selection. And evolution occurs in plants and animals because of the interaction of the environment with the hereditary material, a kind of molecular blueprint which controls metabolism, produces a replica of itself for the next generation to follow, and, through the centuries, gradually changes, or mutates, occasioning new forms of life. The key mole- cules of the hereditary material are the nucleic acids, ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Thus, the problem of the origin of life seems to be connected with the problem of the origin of nucleic acids. The structure and function of DNA have been elucidated chiefly by James D. Watson, of Harvard, and Francis H. C. Crick, of Cambridge University. It is a long molecule, comprising two molecular strands wound about each other in a coil, or helix. During cell division, the strands separate, and each synthesizes a copy of the other, yielding two molecules of DNA where originally there was one. The building blocks for this synthesis are called nucleoside phosphates, and much of the activity of the cell is devoted to constructing these building blocks from yet simpler molecules, and joining them together to form nucleic acids. The nucleoside phosphates are each composed of a sugar, a base, and one, two, or three phosphates. A given nucleic acid molecule is generally composed of four kinds of nucleoside phosphates. Their sequencing along the chain is a kind of four-letter code that deter- mines which proteins a cell will make. Proteins, in turn, are long chains of amino acids, and recent evidence indicates that three nucle- oside phosphates are required to specify each amino acid in a protein. The transcription sequence is this: DNA makes RNA; several kinds of RNA make proteins—in particular, enzymes; and enzymes govern the <—_—_ Ficure 1.—Schematic illustration of a short section of the Watson-Crick model of DNA. The two helical strands can be seen running vertically, in opposite directions, on the right and left sides of the figure. As the detailed inset shows, the strands are connected by pairs of bases, chosen from the four bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The strands themselves are made of sugars (S) and phosphates (P). A combination of a base and a sugar (e.g., A-S) is called a nucleoside; a combination of a base, a sugar, and a phosphate (e.g., A-S—P) is known as a nucleoside phosphate. Thus, the DNA molecule can be considered to be constructed of a linear sequence of nucleoside phosphates. The sequence of bases (e.g., along the left strand of the inset TCAG) specifies the genetic code. 300 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 metabolism of the cell. In this way, the nucleic acids control the form and functions of all cells. With geological time available for the origin of life, the key event may then have been the spontaneous production of nucleoside phos- phates in the primitive environment. In contemporary cells, these building blocks join together in the presence of special enzymes which speed their rate of reaction; but given enough time, it is possible that nucleoside phosphates will spontaneously polymerize to nucleic acids. How might such nucleoside phosphates have originated, billions of years ago, on the primitive Earth? ‘There are very good reasons for believing that the primitive atmosphere of the Earth contained large amounts of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. Some 4 billion years ago, the atmosphere should have consisted pri- marily of hydrogen and the hydrogen-rich gases methane, ammonia, and water. The transition from this primitive atmosphere to our present oxidizing one is due in part to the escape of hydrogen into interplanetary space, and in part to the production of oxygen by plant photosynthesis. In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey applied an electric spark—lightning on a smaller scale—to a mixture of gases resembling the primitive atmosphere of the Earth. They produced a variety of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Since these pioneering experiments, other scientists have produced other organic molecules—cyanides, aldehydes, hydrocarbons—in simu- lated primitive atmospheres. In addition to electrical discharges, other energy sources available on the early Earth, such as ultraviolet light and high temperatures, have been utilized. In later experiments, the amino acids and other simple products have themselves been used as starting points in the production of more complex organic molecules—polypeptides, resembling simple proteins; sugars; and the kinds of bases found in nucleosides. It is a curious fact that these bases absorb ultraviolet light at just those wavelengths transmitted, in the absence of ozone, by the primitive terrestrial atmosphere. For this reason, Cyril Ponnamperuma, Ruth Mariner, and I last year irradiated dilute solutions of bases, sugars, and phosphorus compounds, and found that we had made in high yield various nucleosides and nucleoside phosphates. One of these was adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is not only the most important energy-storage molecule in plants and animals; ATP is also an RNA precursor, and differs in only one atom from an important building block of DNA. From experiments such as these, it can be estimated that the amount of organic matter produced from natural energy sources in early times is so large that, if dissolved in the present oceans, it would make about a 1 percent organic solution. Here, then, is a picture of the early stages of the origin of life. Ultraviolet light, lightning, or other forms of energy produce sugars QUEST FOR LIFE BEYOND THE EARTH—SAGAN 301 and bases in the primitive oceans. Under continued ultraviolet irradiation, they combine with phosphorus compounds already in the oceans to form nucleoside phosphates. In turn, the eventual interaction of nucleoside phosphates yields nucleic acids resembling DNA. Because of their characteristic chemical structure, the nucleic acids slowly replicate—that is, they begin forcing the production of other, identical nucleic acids from adjacent building blocks in the primitive oceans. Occasionally, an error in replication occurs, yielding different vari- eties of the original nucleic acid molecule. These varieties, however, also reproduce themselves. Some of these new molecules may replicate more rapidly or more efficiently, and they prosper; others do not. Thus, a kind of evolution begins, a natural selection on the molecular level. When, in time, nucleic acid molecules developed which weakly controlled chemical reactions outside themselves, the chain of life from molecule toman began. The critical event has been the produc- tion of the first molecule which could reproduce itself. This picture provides a convenient scaffolding for draping our ideas, but there are many problems which remain to be answered. Will enough nucleoside phosphates be produced, and interact, in primitive times, to form many nucleic acids? How did early nucleic acids control their environment, in the absence of the elaborate con- temporary DNA-RNA-protein transcription apparatus? What is the effect of molecular contaminants on the course of prebiological organic chemistry? What is the origin of the cell? Despite the many uncertainties remaining, certain features of the origin of life are now becoming clear. It is a remarkable fact that the physics and chemistry of the primitive terrestrial environment were such that large numbers of organic molecules were produced— organic molecules which today are intricately entwined in the fabric of life. This has two implications for the possibility of extra- terrestrial life. First, the origin of life may be a highly probable event arising by the operation of very general energy sources on very common primitive planetary environments. Second, fundamental extraterrestrial biochemistry may be of a familiar type, even if extra- terrestrial morphology and physiology are not. Although all the planets may have started with similar primitive environments, it is clear that subsequent planetary development has produced a diversity of extraterrestrial environments. The Harvard paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson has emphasized that evolu- tion is an opportunistic, and not a far-sighted, process. Adaptations occur to immediate environmental crises, and not because of any long- term plans. Each evolutionary step must build on the previous ones, and the number of evolutionary “decisions” in the ancestry of any organism is enormous. Thus, we must not expect the inhabitants of 302 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 these diverse planetary environments—if, indeed, there are inhab- itants—to have familiar forms. They have made other adaptations to other environments. But the anticipated diversity and unfamiliar- ity of extraterrestrial organisms provide a profound challenge and a supreme opportunity for biologists. What, then, are our neighbors in the solar system like? What are these planetary environments? Mercury and the moon are similar in many ways: little or no atmosphere, no surface water or other likely solvents, and extremes of temperature. With no atmosphere, the moon receives intense ultra- violet radiation and proton bombardment from the sun, and no terrestrial organism could survive, unprotected, on the lunar surface for more than a few hours. But conditions are much milder below the lunar surface. Here, there is no solar radiation, the temperature variations are small, at some depths the average temperature is mild, and there may be liquid water trapped below a layer of permafrost. Nevertheless, the likelihood of subsurface life on the moon seems re- mote, because in the absence of sunlight there is no convenient energy source for living systems. The planet Venus emits radio waves characteristic of a body at a temperature of 600 or 700° F. Until recently, however, no one knew for certain whether this high-temperature emission came from the surface of the planet, or from some region high in its atmosphere. The voyage of the NASA space vehicle Mariner IT to the vicinity of Venus, in 1962, helped solve this problem. Aboard Mariner was a sensitive radiometer designed by five scientists, including A. E. Lilley of the Harvard College Observatory, which radioed back to Earth the news that the radio emission arises from the surface of Venus. The planet is therefore too hot for any familiar biochemicals, and a terrestrial organism placed there would fry. Indigenous life on Venus is very unlikely. Between Mars, of which we will speak presently, and Jupiter are fragments of stone and rock known as the asteroids. Chips off the asteroids occasionally intercept the orbit of the Earth, and fall to its surface as meteorites. Meteorites are the only samples of extra- terrestrial material now available for laboratory analysis. A few meteorites, known as the carbonaceous chondrites, contain a few per- cent of very complex organic matter. It is not known whether this organic matter was produced in the absence of life, by chemical processes similar to those invoked for the origin of life on Earth, or whether—more interestingly, but less likely—it was produced by liv- ing organisms on the parent bodies of the chondrites. Inclusions which superficially resemble microorganisms have also been found in these meteorites. But some have been shown to be inorganic, and others, to result from Earthly contamination-—for example, by rag- QUEST FOR LIFE BEYOND THE EARTH—SAGAN 303 weed pollen. It is not known, however, whether all the inclusions can be similarly explained away. There is no evidence for viable micro- organisms in meteorites. At first sight, the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) seem far too hostile to support life. Their measured temperatures range to several hundred degrees below zero Fahrenheit, and their atmospheres are mixtures of methane, ammonia, and other ordinarily poisonous gases. The low temperatures, however, refer to the top of the visible cloud layers on these planets; as on Earth, the temperatures should be much higher below the clouds. Furthermore, rather than being unambiguously poisonous, the atmospheres of the Jovian planets are similar to the primitive atmosphere of the Earth in which living organisms first arose. Even today, there are many microorganisms which do well in hydrogen-rich, anaerobic environ- ments. It has recently been shown that water condensation is to be expected at moderate temperatures below the visible cloud layers. Organic molecules are likely being synthesized today, by ultraviolet light and electrical discharges, in the Jovian atmospheres. The amounts of organic material probably produced there over the last 5 billion years areenormous. The Jovian planets may eventually prove to be immense and invaluable planetary laboratories on the origins of life. The most Earthlike of the other planets in our solar system is Mars. There is a detectable atmosphere, composed mainly of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and smaller amounts of water vapor. The polar ice caps wax and wane with the seasons, so that the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere varies with time and place. The highest temperatures measured on Mars are about 80° F.; but every night, the temperature falls 150° or so, and the average over the entire planet is about 40° below zero. To round things out, there is no detectable oxygen and ozone, and solar ultraviolet radiation harmful to terrestrial organisms may reach the surface. Tentative identifications have been made of very small amounts of nitrogen dioxide (NO.) on Mars. Since large amounts of NO, are injurious to many familiar organisms, a few scientists have concluded that life on Mars is impossible. It is of interest to note that the amount of NO, in the air of smog-filled Los Angeles often exceeds the amount on Mars. Life in Los Angeles may be difficult, but it is not yet impossible. Freezing kills in two ways: it produces ice crystals which disrupt cellular structure, and it makes liquid water unavailable, an effect especially deleterious in microorganisms. Food technologists have long known, however, that microorganisms can survive freeze-thaw cycles comparable to those on Mars. Recently, a number of labora- tories have tested the survival and growth of terrestrial microorga- 766-746—65 21 304 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 nisms in a more completely simulated Martian environment. ‘Two of my colleagues and I have found that in every sample of soil tested, some microorganisms could survive indefinitely the apparent rigors of the Martian environment. Other experimenters have observed that when a more plentiful supply of water is assumed (such as may occur at the edge of the retreating polar ice caps), many soil organisms grow and reproduce. If biologically tractable mechanisms exist for the survival of ter- restrial microorganisms, what may we not expect of the indigenous biology? We are almost entirely ignorant of the availability of water in the Martian subsurface, and this remains the chief uncertainty in assessing the possibility of life there. Nighttime ice crystallization of tissue water would preclude the existence of larger plants and ani- mals on Mars; but one can envision a variety of adaptations to circum- vent this difficulty. It seems premature to exclude, at the present time, the presence of large organisms on Mars. These experiments also underscore the necessity for sterilization of space vehicles intended for Mars landings. Suppose an unsterilized space vehicle Janded on Mars and the terrestrial microbiological con- taminants which it contained then proliferated. If, several years later, a life-detection experiment finds Mars populated with micro- organisms of a familiar type, what shall we conclude? That the evolu- tion of life on Mars paralleled that on Earth? That biological contact between Mars and Earth had occurred in earlier times? Or that the previous space vehicle had not been sterilized ? Of the other planets in our solar system, serious direct evidence for indigenous life exists only for Mars. That any evidence should exist at all is in itself remarkable, a fact which perhaps can best be appreci- ated by considering the circumstances reversed. Imagine that we are situated on Mars, and provided with the same level of astronomical instrumentation which exists on Earth today. Is there life on Earth? The largest engineering works would be invisible. In 100,000 Tiros photographs of Earth, of higher quality than could be obtained with a 200-inch telescope from Mars, only one image showed any sign of the works of man. Lights from large cities, such as Los Angeles, would be marginally detectable, and interpretation would not be easy. Seasonal color changes of deciduous forests and of crops—for example, in the American midwest, or in the Ukraine—would be observed, but here there would arise vexing questions on the reliability of Martian color vision, and the chromatic aberration of telescopes. Occasionally, bright flashes of light might be discernible. Their durations would be only several seconds, and there would be some evidence of their recurrence only in a few restricted locales, such as Eniwetok and Novaya Zemlya. It is doubtful whether they would be considered evidence for life on Earth—much less, intelligent life. QUEST FOR LIFE BEYOND THE EARTH—SAGAN 305 If the hypothetical Martians had radio reception equipment, and chose to scan Earth in narrow wave bands, they would certainly be re- warded—if that is the word—by television transmission from Earth. There would be an intensity maximum when the North American continent faced Mars, and it would perhaps be possible to determine that this radio frequency emission was not entirely random noise. But barring such observations, the problem of life on Earth would remain an open question. What evidence, then, do we have for life on Mars? The green color- ation and rectilinear markings on Mars were once interpreted, respec- tively, as vegetation and the artificial waterways of intelligent beings. It is now known that the dominant color of the dark areas of Mars is gray, not green, and that the so-called “canals” resolve, under the best seeing conditions, into disconnected fine detail. There are, however, more reliable observations which may be indica- tive of life on Mars. As the polar ice caps recede each year, releasing water vapor into the Martian atmosphere, a wave of darkening pro- ceeds from the polar regions toward the dark areas near the equator. The edges of the dark areas sharpen and delicate pastels of brown, green, and blue appear. There is no doubt about the darkening, but some dispute exists about the reality of the color changes. The bio- logical interpretation of these phenomena is this: the Martian dark areas are covered with organisms, perhaps plants, whose metabolism is sensitive to the availability of water. During most of the year they are ina dormant state. As the wave front of water from the vaporiz- ing polar cap arrives, the organisms grow rapidly and proliferate. The changes in darkness and color of the dark areas can be attributed to these metabolic activities. As the water vapor wave front passes, the organisms once again fall into dormancy. It has also been proposed that the Martian dark areas are covered with crystals which change their color and darkness when the avail- ability of water increases. The polarimetric evidence, however, shows that the dark areas cannot contain large amounts of such crystals. Analysis of the polarization of light reflected from Mars indicates that the dark areas are covered with fine dark grains which change in size and darkness with the seasons. These particles could be organ- isms which grow to maximum size and proliferate as the wave front of water arrives. But it may also be possible that the polarization changes can be explained by a redistribution of sizes of inorganic grains. Perhaps winds which accompany the water vapor front dis- turb the surface dust, which in the absence of winds has settled with the very large and very small particles deepest. When the Martian dark areas are observed with an infrared spec- trometer, three features are observed which are possibly produced by the absorption of infrared radiation by organic molecules. The 306 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 wavelengths at which these features are observed are specific for hydro- carbons and aldehydes; and no reasonable inorganic materials absorb at these wavelengths. The presence of hydrocarbons and aldehydes on Mars may provide a key to Martian biochemistry, but it is also possible—if less likely—that they are irrelevant to the question of life on Mars. We have already seen that complex organic molecules can be formed in the absence of living systems. While none of the pieces of evidence is convincing by itself, together they are suggestive of at least simple life forms on Mars, composed of familiar organic substances, dependent upon water, proliferating in the springtime, and covering a major fraction of the planetary surface. But we are far from sure. So we must, after all, go to Mars. The plans are already being formulated, both in the United States and in the Soviet Union, for these voyages of discovery and high scientific adventure which may, perhaps, begin before the decade is out. Instruments have been de- signed, prototypes built and tested, to land in preselected locales, search for the presence of life, and radio the news back to Earth. Television cameras will see what there is to see—perhaps only sand dunes, but perhaps... foliage? ... fossils? . . . footprints? Coupled with microscopes, they will seek out microorganisms. Culture media will be automatically inoculated with soil samples, and then monitored. Do Martian organisms eat terrestrial foodstuffs ? In various forms, life has existed on the planet Earth for some 4 billion years. Thus, on a random basis, the probability of being alive during just that decade when the first definitive study is made of life beyond the Earth is about one-millionth of a percent. To seek the beings of other worlds is the rarest of adventures—an adventure we will all be fortunate enough to share. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Sagan PLATE 1 — A three-dimensional model of a short section of the DNA molecule. Here, each atom of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus is represented by a different-colored y gen, ) gen, oxygen, p Pp ) or -shaped atom. (Courtesy of Professor Paul M. Doty, Harvard University.) Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Sagan PLATE 2 The Mariner II spacecraft, as it might have looked during its encounter with Venus on December 14, 1962. The horizontal panels are solar cells for the conversion of sunlight into electricity. "The microwave radiometer is the dish-shaped instrument above the solar cells, in the middle of the spacecraft. (Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.) PLATE 3 Sagan Report, 1964. lan Smithson (‘sol1ojeAIasqg IBWOl/e J pure UOS|IAA TW yodg Poy WeeID) 9YI uses 9q UPd 9.inqoid Jaq Ie} soly Joqyidn[ JO d9¥jINS pl[Os UT, ‘euowousyd “adoosajar YUL-QOZ 247 YIM usyRy “oqidn[ jourld oyi yo ydeisoloyg out fo I9UIOD 1f2] Joddn 2} PIBMO T, ‘ydeisojoyd styy ul O[QISIA spnoy]o 2} M pnoys pue d1aydsoune O7] onp JIB SOIN}ROFT PpoeAtosqo oy} JO 1SOT/[ jo Asaqinod) “ulsi0 pue uolIsoduios uMOUYyUN jo ainjeoy Jusuvuiod AyjuoIedde uv ‘ PLATE 4 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Sagan ‘sopotyoa aoeds Aq uonesiso AUI [BNJUIAD IOF $josIv] o1v SoyIs say, “epninry SOL + ‘opnisuoy ,067Z 18 ‘roleypy sag so} “39 ‘s}sIxo soduvyo uoljeziivjod [eUuOsvas pu 19}]VUT J1ULSIO JOJ DUSPIAW ‘apndney ,o¢ — ‘apnqis uo] o06 1% ‘snoe'yT sI]Og ul Svole Ylep ot], ‘901 JO pasoduros oie sdvo rvjod ay} fsiiasap oie svaie iYysIIq dt, of OF OF OF Of op Gf O8 OS Ow OF OF OF OF OF OL O88 Of OF BS OF OF 08 OL +08 09 OF oF, “3a ‘poalosqo oie Aydeisodoj ut saduvyo Iejpnd9g *ARIATIOv [BOISOTOIG pojooedsns fo sojIs ay} o1¥ ‘sIvJ\| Jo deur uoruy) [eotwouolsy [PUOeUID}UT oY], Of OF OS O8 Of = : > - ‘Y ; m So} bd 09+ es ¥ i - vrovid, OS+ VINZ¥83D O1978 Staist vinvaiyg 9/8497) = a m 09- 022 002 o8t 3% Oe OS OF 03 09 08 02 09 OS OF OF ree es The Secret of Stonehenge’ By Geratp S. Hawkins Astronomer, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; Research Associate, Harvard College Observatory; Chairman, Department of Astronomy, Boston University; Director, Boston University Observatory [With one plate] A FEW MONTHS ago the book of Stonehenge seemed closed. It was thought that little more could ever be learned about the mysterious stone structure on England’s Salisbury Plain. The fraternity of diggers—archeologists and other students of the past—had fixed the dates of construction, from 2000 to 1500 B.C., and the probable meth- ods. Shaping the great stones could have been done by fire, water, and much pounding. Sturdy English schoolboys proved by toil and sweat that cement blocks as big as Stonehenge stones could be floated by raft and rolled overland from quarries as far away as Wales. (Legend said the slabs were brought from Africa to Ireland by giants, and whisked over to England by Merlin’s “word of power.”) The 50-ton uprights of the trilithons (three-stone archways) could have been tilted into retaining holes. Finally, the 6-ton crosspieces could have been levered up on timber towers. But why was Stonehenge built ? Buried bones indicated that it had been a mortuary, also a crema- torium, and it almost certainly was a temple, though not necessarily Druid. But was it more? The unique monument, which Henry James said “stands as lonely in history as it does on the great plain,” guarded its secrets well... . I first became interested in Stonehenge in 1954, when I went to the Larkhill missile-testing base nearby. (Of course, we took pains to aim our missiles away from Stonehenge—we were horrified to hear that during World War I an airstrip commander, and a British one at that, had requested that for his planes’ convenience the Stonehenge megaliths be flattened. Request denied.) I used to visit that gaunt ruin whenever I could. Even when it was alive and loud with tourists 1 Reprinted by permission from Harper’s Magazine, June 1964. 307 308 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 it seemed remote, timeless, brooding. I poked around, marveled, and read everything I could find about it. The word that originally struck me in the literature was “coinci- dence.” The one thing that all laymen know about Stonehenge—that if you stand in the center on a clear Midsummer morning (around the summer solstice, June 22) and lock down “the avenue” you will see the sun rise almost exactly over the distant “heelstone’”—was called a coincidence by most archeologists. Beware, it leads to “fruit- less conjecture,” warned one authority. As an astronomer I could not help feeling that such an alinement of the most important direction of the structure with the point of sunrise of the longest day of the year might well have been deliberate. I wondered. Then, early in 1961, I had occasion to mention Stonehenge in my book Splendor in the Sky: . .. If the axis of the temple had been chosen at random the probability of selecting this point by accident would be less than one in five hundred. Now if the builders of Stonehenge had wished simply to mark the sun- rise they needed no more than two stones. Yet hundreds of tons of voleanic rock were carved and placed in position. . . . It must have been the focal point for ancient Britons. . . . The stone blocks are mute, but perhaps some day, by a chance discovery, we will learn their secrets. As I wrote those words, the thought that had been nebulous in my head for some 7 years suddenly crystallized: something should be done. So that summer I went there again, and my wife and I stalked the Stonehenge sunrise. We made base camp in an Amesbury hotel close by, and a few days before Midsummer (alas, we couldn’t be there on The Day itself), we went over. Not without overtones of ght comedy: sunrise was due about 4:30 (daylight time); we had ne- elected to tell the hotel we would be going out so early, and we hadn’t paid our bill; so with exceeding furtiveness we tiptoed down the long dark hall, past the loudly ticking grandfather clock, and we started our car quietly. Stonehenge stood black against the lightening sky. I climbed the barbed wire fence (which defeated my wife), placed myself at the center of the circles,? and made ready my 8-millimeter telephoto movie camera. And suddenly, there it was—the first red flash of the sun, rising just one-half a diameter to the right of the heelstone. For a moment I was lost in time, bemused, trying to go back 8,500 years to those other sunrises, similarly witnessed by what other people, for what other purpose? But quickly I returned to the 20th century, because I felt surrounded by questions calling out for answer: Why 2The inner circle consists of five trilithons set in a horseshoe pattern; the next, tra- ditionally called the Sarcen (Saracen?) circle, is a ring of upright boulders, some with lintels on the top; the outer or Aubrey circle (named for the 17th-century investigator John Aubrey) is marked by 56 equally spaced holes and mounds. THE SECRET OF STONEHENGE—HAWKINS 309 is the heelstone ever so slightly out of line, so that to see it through the trilithon arch you must stand 6 inches to the left of the center of the circles? Why are those trilithon arches so narrow? The huge uprights stand 20 feet high, but the space between is less than a foot. Why do these spaces line up? What do those alinements point to? As an astronomer, I thought, “Aha! A transit instrument. These arches were used to point to stars or planets or different things in the sky.” AVENUE BANK (LATER THAN STONEHENGE 1) 25000000 ee 0 p? @; ° ) 56 MIDSUMMER SUNRISE UNEXCAVATED 1965 *. STATION STONE RECTANGLE _ SCALE OF FEET Ficure 1.—Schematic plan of Stonehenge. 310 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 And as I pondered, the sun kept rising. And it was rising almost horizontally, so that it had traveled fully 2 degrees before the disk stood clear of the horizon. That meant that it would be—would have been—extremely difficult to estimate the exact spot at which it lifted clear of the horizon. Clouds, of course, are common in England, and the Stonehenge people were probably no more fortunate than the modern Briton. Nowadays I think only one in five Midsummer sun- rises at Stonehenge is clear. All of these things would make the set- ting of the stones difficult. Critical conditions, devices capable of precise measurement, evidence of knowledge, skill, purpose—all for what? I thought, in that lonely place: “Was Stonehenge an observatory ?” There seemed to be significance in those delicate alinements, and it would most logically be astronomical significance. What would you line sighting-stones on? Surely on the heavenly bodies—the gods of prehistory and so-called barbarism. The center-heelstone certainly pointed to Midsummer sunrise; could there have been other such alinements, such as a corresponding one pointing to Midwinter sunset ? T read at Stonehenge that the noted British archeologist R. S. Newall had suggested that possibility, but there had been no verification. What did those alinements point to ? I said to myself, “It’s no good just talking. The problem is too complicated. We need precise measurement, more elaborate calcula- tion that I am prepared to do. We need the machine.” But at that moment, I had more mundane problems to face—the barbed wire fence, the hotel bill, and an English summer squall that was dashing cold rain across the plain. WHAT THE COMPUTER SAID Before I left England I got plans and charts of the site. Back in Cambridge, Mass., I armed myself with all the pertinent material in Warvard’s Widener Library. I defined the problem: What, if any, correlation is there between Stonehenge alinements and the rise or set points of any heavenly bodies, as of the period 2000-1500 B.C.? ‘Then with the help of Shoshana Rosenthal and Judy Copeland at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, I went to the machines. First we put charts of Stonehenge into “Oscar,” a plotting machine that transforms positions into X, Y coordinates on punched cards. Then we fed those coordinates into the Harvard-Smithsonian IBM 7090 computer and asked it to calculate azimuths, or compass direc- tions, determined by some 170 pairs of positions, a position being a stone, stone hole, mound, archway, or the center. Next we asked the machine to translate those azimuths into declinations, that is, to deter- mine the “latitudes” of the celestial sphere they intersected. (‘SYIOAA pur ¢ ey} Jo Asaqinod Aq poysiqnd ydeisojoy) Susyouoig ie ostiuns™. SWWINS PITA a” 4 a} > ao ql + a) a vey ~ 8 a. o ~ r= 3S 4s! & 3 a act “= = Vatu i Lad eee . ane wh inl THE SECRET OF STONEHENGE—HAWKINS Sil Then we examined those declinations, the horizon spots to which the Stonehenge pairs pointed. Was there any pattern to them? Did the pairs point to significant rise or set positions of celestial bodies? A quick check showed no significant matching with planets or with the bigger stars, Sirius, Canopus, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Spica, Vega... . But the most cursory naked-eye glance at those declinations told us of probable sun correlation. The figures +24 and —24 were fre- quent—and those figures are the declination of the sun at Midsummer and Midwinter, its farthest north and south. I was somewhat prepared for such solar correlation. Indeed, I had suspected it. But what we next discovered took us by surprise: even more frequently than the +24 of the sun, the +29 and +19 of the moon appeared. The moon has a more complicated relative motion than the sun. During a 9-year cycle its maximum north and south declination moves from 19 to 29 degrees. The machine’s finding seemed to show that not only was Stonehenge alined to the sun—it was also oriented to the moon. I must admit that it was with some unscientific emotion that we programed the machine to take the sun and moon back to 1500 B.C., to get an accurate check of those azimuth alinements. What we found was beyond expectation. To a mean accuracy of 1 degree there were 10 sun correlations. To a mean accuracy of 1.5 degrees, there were 14 moon correlations. We did the work in spare moments over the course of a year. About 10 hours were spent measuring the charts, about 20 hours were spent preparing the machine program, and the final run on the Harvard- Smithsonian IBM 7090 computing machine took about 1 minute. It is important to note that ald of the 24 alinements are between key positions—the center of the structure, the “avenue” or most important axis, the great trilithon arches, the rectangle of “stations,” the uniquely placed stones near the entrance. Every one of these key positions paired with others to point to a sun or moon rise or set. That solidly establishes the fact that those alinements were significant, deliberate, basic in the construction. Stonehenge lived by the sun and moon. Could it possibly have been coincidence? Bernouilli’s theorem of probability indicates that there is less than one chance in a hundred million that this could happen without a prearranged design. And what does it mean? It means that Stonehenge was an astro- nomical observatory. And a good one, too. It could have formed a reliable calendar to predict change of seasons. It could also have signaled danger periods for eclipses of the sun or moon. It could have formed a dramatic setting for observation of the interchange between the sun—dominator of summer—and the moon—ruler of the winter. How it actually was used we may never know. All that we can now state with certainty is that it was designed, with astonishing 766-746—65——_22 312 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 ——D SUNRISE -~—-—-’D MOONRISE << SUNSET <-—-—-—- MOONSET +29 WINTER MOON HIGH +19 WINTER MOON LOW +24 SUMMER SUN +5 EQUINOX MOON —5 EQUINOX MOON +0 EQUINOX SUN —24 WINTER SUN —19 SUMMER MOON HIGH —29 SUMMER MOON LOW Je S oe to) —24 —24 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ss es es | SCALE OF FEET Ficure 2.—The sun and moon alinements found for Stonehenge. skill, as an observatory, and that it could have been used for many astronomic purposes. It is now the responsibility of archeology to digest this new infor- mation and from it draw new historic conclusions. WHAT THE ARCHEOLOGIST SAID I first published an account of my discovery in the British magazine Nature, last October. There has been a surprising amount of response. Newspapers and other magazines from many countries have com- mented, from England and Canada to Spain and South Africa. Among the letters I have received from archeologists was one, par- ticularly engaging, from R. S. Newall in England: It is always difficult, I suppose, when two different sciences meet (if archeology can be called a science), to come to agreement. Astronomers THE SECRET OF STONEHENGE—HAWKINS 313 have their eyes in the sky; archeologists in the earth. . . . However, I agree that Stonehenge is oriented to the winter solstice setting sun in the great central trilithon as seen from the center or anywhere else on the axis, and since the plan of Stonehenge is sepulchral, it is in some way the mortuary temple to the sun in his old age when he goes down to the lower world at the end of the year or life.... Mr. Newall also wondered if Stonehenge could aline to an astro- nomic point, the point of sunrise at equinox. He was right; two of the main stoneholes do this to within one-tenth of a degree. The aline- ment was overlooked by me, I regret to say, and the machine is blame- less. Finally he quoted the first-century B.c. writer Diodorus, who said that in the mysterious northern island of “Hyperborea” there was a “spherical temple” to Apollo, and “the god visits the island every 19 years, the period in which the return of the stars to the same place in heaven is accomplished. .. .” The archeologist concluded: “Now I do noé say that that refers to Stonehenge, but could it ... ? Could the full moon do something spectacular once every 19 years at Stonehenge?” It is a fact that some Jewish and Chinese calendars used a 19-year cycle, and that the Greek Meton knew that the full moon occurs exactly on the same calendar date after a lapse of 19 years. But I was struck by Newall’s wonderment about the moon at Stonehenge. I thought, “What about eclipses, at the most spectacular place—over the heelstone?” So I looked up eclipse records for some 150 years. Moon eclipses in December—January, the approximate time when the eclipsed moon would rise over the heelstone, occurred mostly at intervals of 19 years, with sometimes an interval of 18 or 8. Interesting? A similar condition occurs at Midsummer, and this phase of the Stonehenge cycle is going to happen in 1964, this very month! * The full moon is eclipsed at 2 a.m. on June 25, and then sets in the great trilithon as seen from the center of Stonehenge. The monument will be closed to visitors at that time, unfortunately. In the course of this investigation, I have found out many other arresting things, indicating avenues for further exploration. The machine, quick, dispassionate, tireless, makes possible much more thor- ough analysis of such an elaborate problem than humans would care to attempt. A new chapter in the ancient book of Stonehenge now lies open. 3 June 1964. [This eclipse, and the Midsummer sunrise, was filmed and shown in “The Mystery of Stonehenge,” presented by CBS—TV.] ‘ \ ts Hake arth 7 ‘tan aN RUGS Laur ate viet by AeeRe , ae ath 17 i. "al and ge i to dara i ahs ’ uth ve iP ye Aa bey 5 aus ‘ = f ©) oy Gn} “wy o--adaty Bun x Sth Phe ast ie » » w 4 > 7 f r4i98 & city ; ‘Taahie . iain et Ay ° ‘ re ere « ! } : Yn. 3p f Ay otto be luau aah 46 | , j =) . i yrrti 70 OL: FO 187.Sry ES: Metta : yal AY i i e793 NtaY aes ae eee ards , he ‘te Pati Lh erent ane hy " ‘ a ‘ i. i; 0 ase ~ F ri > Pa oe © tas" > 7 A is hb) * (dalitoet f BU? eT ay ee Mee Ha ues kithio a ae ee ba he . | } : ifiee | f : : it ; cw i iy tao sbi i oh ee ee. < we th 4 Ushaly 7 Leer Deion 4 ‘ ee at f (apt iy ra nm a ' FP EA di a bo mt ‘ fr fice FOE OES ‘ arias A ae adit i ive rf { i ‘ f tt tt .*¢.8 » ioc ve bp ire 2 wi? tee J } = 4 ‘ af me TANE ‘ P fale P _ eis | : Fi 4 : 4 r uf Tey (Fut ( 4 i; sae a, f 3a ne is “mak ; aes # ia 7 ; ’ b) } it ’ : d H Tit bi a rete Us i> r ve ie ; Deus ee vane ' ei, ‘4 . oe a iain oat " a! } i Lact We { wlatye DY, ‘oat t, Ge na, Me ip 54 ih ip "a ; ns iba) 114 nian n : y mM] . i Galerie 7 LL OR oti I aie ‘Ly al i : ere 1 8S pI Aaa Se or, hi hho 44, nya bs vi The Smithsonian’s Satellite-Tracking Program: Its History and Organization PART 3’ By E. Newson Hayes Editor-in-chief, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Tue Unirep States launched its first artificial earth satellite from Cape Canaveral at 10:48 p.m., eastern standard time, on January 31, 1958. The disappointment and frustration of the preceding months lifted as the Jupiter-C Rocket thrust Satellite 1958 Alpha into an orbit with apogee of 1,573 miles, perigee of 224 miles, and period of 114.8 minutes. The payload, weighing 30.8 pounds, carried experi- ments to measure cosmic rays and upper atmospheric temperatures, and to detect micrometeors. This first American satellite made pos- sible one of the most important discoveries of the International Geo- physical Year (IGY)—the existence of what is now known as the Van Allen radiation belt. The worldwide Moonwatch network of the Smithsonian Astrophys- ical Observatory was immediately alerted, and on February 2 teams in Bryan, Tex., and Albuquerque, N. Mex., reported sightings of the object. In the ensuing weeks, predictions were sent to those Baker- Nunn camera installations that were in operation, and on March 18 the station in South Africa made the first photograph of 1958 Alpha; Japan followed with an observation on April 5, and the New Mexico station made observations on April 11, 15, and 18. These observations were in fulfillment of the Observatory’s obligations to the IGY. Those responsibilities were defined in a memorandum to Dr. Fred L. Whipple, director of the Observatory, from Hugh Odishaw, executive secretary of the U.S. Committee for the IGY. He specified that the Observatory was to assume “responsibility for optical tracking of all satellite bodies launched by the U.S. that are not sending out radio 1Part 1 was published in the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1961, pp. 275-322; Part 2 in the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1963, pp. 331-357. 315 316 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 tracking signals,” and “to promptly forward to NAS and to AGI- WARN all optical observations of all future U.S.S.R. launch satellites received directly which are sufficiently reliable to use in orbit predictions.” These instructions were based on the assumption that the space efforts of the United States and Russia during the IGY would be rela- tively modest. In fact, however, before the IGY ended, on December 51, 1958, the United States had launched eight satellites, and the Soviet Union three. Together, these objects represented a greater tracking load than had been foreseen, and only the superb instrumentation of the 12 Baker-Nunn camera stations and the highly efficient organiza- tion of the more than 200 volunteer Moonwatch teams enabled the Smithsonian to make observations of all of them. By mid-1958 it became apparent that both national and scientific interests demanded the continuance of the United States space pro- gram beyond the end of the IGY. However, no civilian Government agency had the funds, personnel, and desire to carry through the work. As a provisional measure, the IGY was continued on an interim basis as the International Geophysical Cooperation (IGC) and the sug- gestion made that the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) assume the support of the various components of the IGY tracking program. Meanwhile, a special committee, appointed by President Eisenhower in 1957 to determine our national objectives and requirements in space, recommended in March 1958 that a civilian agency be created to con- duct a full-scale program of space exploration. On July 29, Congress passed a bill creating the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration (NASA), and it was this organization that in the succeeding months gradually would bring under its aegis most space activities of the United States. By late 1958, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory no longer was responsible for tracking every satellite launched. Instead, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration assigned to the Ob- servatory and to other tracking networks responsibility for specific satellites. During the last quarter of the year, the Observatory was formally assigned the tracking of Satellites 1958 Alpha, 1958 81, 1958 §2, and 1958 Epsilon. In addition, it made orbital and ephemeris computations on 1958 62 and 1958 Zeta for the purpose of preparing predictions of passages. In the first quarter of 1959, the Observatory was given responsibility for two additional objects, 1959 al and a2 launched on February 17. The Observatory also had a special assignment from the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA), which had total responsibility for ExplorersTV and V. Explorer V had an unsuccessful launching ; but Explorer IV went into orbit on July 26,1958. Designated Satel- SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 317 lite 1958 Epsilon, it had an apogee of 1,380 miles, a perigee of 163, and a period of 110.27 minutes. Its instrumentation, consisting of geiger and scintillation counters and two transmitters, was designed to telemeter to earth new data on the radiation belts. Its radio signals failed on October 6, and the satellite came down on October 23, 1959. The Observatory had proposed to ABMA in May 1958 that it monitor the two Explorers, and furnish space-time coordinates in a special form adapted to the specific purpose of the experiments carried in the satellites to ensure the ultimate value of the telemetered data. This latter work was to be conducted in conjunction with the tracking operations. Dr. Charles A. Lundquist coordinated the program for ABMA; Dr. G. F. Schilling, for the Somthsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The first Baker-Nunn photographs of Explorer IV were obtained 34 hours after launch. Within a few days, the Observatory was able to supply ABMA with minute-by-minute positions of the satellite. It also prepared orbital elements on a regular basis throughout the lifetime of the radio transmitter. In all, 130 photographic and 250 Moonwatch observations of the satellite were obtained. In addition, the contract between the Observatory and ABMA provided that various computer programs be written, particularly a numerical integration program and a differential correction proce- dure, both based on work done by Dr. Leland Cunningham. This cooperative undertaking proved to be highly successful. Explorer IV was the first satellite for which ephemerides were reproduced in multiple copies and sent in a brief time—a matter of a few days or a week—to all interested parties. This procedure has now become routine. As for the Observatory, the success of the project reflected the re- fined skill of the satellite-tracking network, a skill that was to ensure the continuance of the network after the IGC. MOONWATCH By early 1958, the Moonwatch network consisted of 230 teams; 121 of them were within the continental United States, 1 in Canada, 13 in South and Central America, 77 in Japan, 5 in Australia, 5 in other islands in the Pacific, 3 on the Asia mainland, and 5 in Africa. During the first quarter of the year, the Observatory received 1,371 observations from the teams; 1,272 of these were of Satellite 1957 Beta, 85 of 1958 Alpha, 8 of 1958 Beta, and 6 of 1958 Gamma. Moon- watch observations since October now totaled 3,141. These observations were of unique and vital importance, especially since the radio signals from Sputnik I ceased 3 weeks after its launch- ing on October 4, and those from Sputnik IT ceased 7 days after it was 318 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 placed in orbit on November 3. Moonwatch teams had even been able to sight the faint third component (the nose cone) of Sputnik I. Widely separated teams reported 11 different observations; without these the existence of 1957 «3 might never have been verified. Under the leadership of Leon Campbell, Jr., Moonwatch was more than fulfilling the expectations of its creators and was demonstrat- ing its ability to provide data of singular scientific significance. THE MOONWATCH TEAMS Hundreds of people of widely differing personalities and vocations had responded to the romantic and even adventuresome appeal of Moonwatch. Among professionals who joined were many doctors, dentists, engineers, clergymen, and teachers. Radio hams and photog- raphers were especially attracted to the program. Then there were the scores of housewives, salesmen, clerks, factory workers, and secre- taries. Students were particularly responsive and came not only from high school and college levels but from grade school as well. One could even find a watchmaker, an artist, a retired Naval captain, a newspaperman, a railway engineer, a priest, a weatherman, a hotel administrator, and an automobile dealer. And the inmates of a State penitentiary offered to establish a team; difficulties in choosing an acceptable observing site rendered this suggestion impractical. In all, the teams represented a fine balance between the enthusiasm of the amateur and the skill of the technician. What was most needed, however, and fortunately usually was found, was the ability to get along with people, and, for the leaders, a talent for organizing and inspiring others. Frequently, the pattern was for the engineer or other technical specialist to design new equipment, develop observing techniques, and set up efficient communications, while a clergyman, or teacher, or doctor would arouse and sustain the interest of other members of the team. That interest was infectious. In many communities, Moonwatch took up where Chautauqua and similar activities of the 19th century left off. Then, Americans had neither radio nor television; people in small towns made many of their own amusements and intellectual pursuits, and brought in outsiders to lecture, teach, and entertain. Today, everybody is likely to stay in his own living room and watch television. Moonwatch drew many people away from such passivity and back into a community activity in which many could participate either directly or indirectly. Even those who were not members of a local Moonwatch team could derive much satisfaction from supporting it. Additional support came from companies and business firms, which often helped to coordinate the efforts of the teams. One company, SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 319 for example, bought the telescopes and supplied the local Moonwatch team with radio and all other necessary equipment. Another in- stituted a telephone-answering service, so set up in the factory that one could dial a number for satellite information. Every day the tapes were changed, and callers could learn where the satellite was and whether it could be seen locally. The tapes were done in language that everyone could understand. The service started with 1 telephone; before it was through, there were 12 automatic telephone-answering lines. In this way, the entire community became involved in the Moonwatch program. Such companies did not use Moonwatch to advertise their products or services; rather, their motives were good will and a wish to do something for the community. The greatest impact of Moonwatch was on youth. Indeed, a few teams in the United States were set up and successfully operated entirely by young people. One team in the Southwest was started by a schoolteacher who instructed a course in general science. The town had a considerable problem of juvenile delinquency, and school officials frowned on any activity that would bring the children together at night. Neverthe- less, the teacher persevered in setting up the team, and through it gen- erated sufficient interest in science and in satellite tracking not only to achieve a high technical level but also to absorb profitably the energies of dozens of children who might otherwise have been less well employed. In time, the local high school took part in Moonwatch activities and the team was permitted to build a permanent station on top of the school building. Over a period of years, the incidence of juvenile delinquency sharply declined and the whole community benefited from the project. In another town, a 79-year-old woman felt the challenge of space and created a Moonwatch team consisting of children and parents who observed side by side. She instilled so much enthusiasm for science among these children that many of them went on to college to major in physics, astronomy, and other sciences. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of her achievement was that she was totally blind. At the other extreme were teams primarily manned by academicians. One, for example, drew chiefly from the oceanography staff of a large university. Another team was established by a young professor in a Texas college that had no department of astronomy. The team at- tained great excellence in its observations; the professor built a larger telescope of his own, and so stimulated interest in both the community and in the college that the latter now has an observatory of profes- sional status. All of these Moonwatch teams had similar problems involving money, equipment, personnel, observing techniques, and communica- tions with Cambridge. Many of them solved these problems in their 320 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 own individual ways; others required assistance from field represen- tatives later sent out by the Observatory. The Smithsonian had no funds to supply equipment other than M-17 telescopes and the loan of satellite simulators, tape recorders, and a few other items, most of them U.S. Government surplus. Each team, therefore, was required to provide its own means for correct timing of the observations, its own observing site, and other facilities. The Moonwatchers showed great ingenuity in supplying themselves with these necessities. In all probability, any other arrangement would have proved disas- trous. Had the Observatory given money for these purchases, un- doubtedly a wholly different type of person would have volunteered for the teams. He would not have been essentially a pioneer; he would not have wanted to devise ways and means of meeting needs. In this respect, the first Moonwatchers resembled the first observers at the Baker-Nunn stations, who also had to pioneer in the develop- ment of observing techniques and in the most efficient use of available equipment. On the other hand, a vital difference between the Moonwatch teams and the Baker-Nunn stations needs to be stressed. Both had to de- velop techniques to meet individual situations. For the Moonwatch teams, this proved a means of maintaining a lively interest in the pro- gram and of taxing the creativity and energy of the participants. The same was also true of the observers at the Baker-Nunn stations during the initial phases of the program. Later, however, the re- quirement that the Baker-Nunn observations be standardized to a single formula and that a high level of consistent excellence be main- tained necessitated the development of strict routines that proved in some instances to be unacceptable to the independent spirit of the observers. This problem had to be faced and solved at the first station chiefs’ conference in 1959. Meanwhile, the Moonwatch network flourished during those early days of satellite tracking. But as the Baker-Nunn network gradually became more and more productive of extremely accurate observations the value of marginal Moonwatch observations became less and less. Consequently, by the middle of 1959 all of the teams were revaluated, and each was assigned a status based on such criteria as its observa- tional record, its potential for valuable contributions to the program, its geographical location, and its organizational and financial stabil- ity. Of the 200 teams, 35 were classified as prime-A; 10 as prime-B; 2 as special; 81 as standard; and 36 as reserve. By July, 36 other teams were withdrawn from the program. Thus, when the program went under the auspices of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration on July 1, 1959, there was a total of 164 teams with a membership of approximately 5,000. SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 321 The contribution that Moonwatch had made to the IGY and IGC was recognized in a series of awards that were given to teams, in- dividual Moonwatchers, and to sponsors and other individuals who had participated. The awards were in the form of Moon- watch emblem pins, printed certificates, and letters of commendation. By mid-1959, more than 4,000 pins and 8,000 certificates had been awarded, and Moonwatch headquarters in Cambridge had forwarded to the IGY National Committee recommendations for achievement certificates to some 50 Moonwatch teams and for 205 other awards to individuals who had made outstanding contributions. These were duly made. OBSERVATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF MOONWATCH What the Observatory required from each Moonwatch team was a message giving the time and position of a satellite during transit over the site. Although these observational data needed to be as accurate as possible, they did not have to be obtained by any particular observ- ing technique so long as the procedures provided data in the right format and the team exercised caution in the choice of methods. Table 1 lists the number of Moonwatch observations of each satel- lite launched from October 1957 through June 1959. Some of these observations were quite remarkable achievements, and a number of them provided unique data for research and analysis at Cambridge. On April 13, 1958, dozens of Moonwatch teams were alerted to observe the demise of Sputnik IT. Sightings of the satellite in its descent were made by teams in Millbrook, N.Y.; New Haven, Conn. ; and Bryn Athyn, Pa.; final observations were made from ships and islands in the Caribbean as the satellite plunged to its death near the northern coast of South America. This dramatic occurrence was recounted by Dr. Luigi Jacchia in the Observatory’s Special Report No. 15. TABLE 1.—Moonwatch Observations, October 1957 to June 1959 Satellite Number of Satellite Number of observations observations LO fol Peers ISTP is Fay SOD PIOSStoS et EERE ee re ae 9 PO Gree ee ae ale G1 POSS .04e4 i ae a 1 1h! 15 Ais ae eee ee ne 11 LO5Sebpsilon= eee. Jae 384 i yA 2) 2) 2 A deep ene 2° 389 Wop e Aebalaaoense ee 247 PTE seis es SS ET ga) RUG ol bps acer A as alee 172 NOHS: Glee ees ae Ae} VE AQUVELO SOL age eos Se 277 OSS Bees es eis eh rage 8 fat OHO Gamma;t! ed yes ae 3 Ob SAG amine see ee 59 NO roles a ae oe 3, 855 Kl 0) iE opesaeetes me ee he eager! 9, 835 322 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Late in October 1958, observations of Satellite 1958 Alpha had fallen off to such an extent that accurate predictions for the Baker-Nunn stations could not be prepared. Consequently, no Baker-Nunn pho- tographs were being made, and the satellite was in danger of being lost. Twenty-five Moonwatch teams in the United States were asked to make a special effort to find the object and were sent rough predic- tions derived mainly from “best guesses” and extrapolations. Moon- watch observations began to come in again, finally in sufficient number to generate good predictions for the Baker-Nunn stations. There- after the satellite was photographed on a regular basis. The “lost” satellite was found. In May of the same year, Professor Arthur S. Leonard, leader of the Sacramento, Calif., Moonwatch team, derived the orbital elements of the carrier rocket of the first Vanguard satellite from observations obtained at Albuquerque, N. Mex., and at Sacramento. These data were then used by the Observatory to make Baker-Nunn predictions that resulted in photographs of the object on May 11 by the station at Organ Pass, N. Mex., and on May 12 by the station in Hawaii. Confirming visua] observations were made by Moonwatch teams in China Lake, Whittier, and Walnut Creek, all in California, on May 11. One of the most elusive objects was Vanguard I itself, a 6-inch sphere orbiting between 409 and 2,453 miles from the earth. In July, Moonwatch reported that the teams in Yuma, Ariz., and Alamagordo, N. Mex., had observed the satellite passing some 2,000 miles above the earth over a point as much as 1,000 miles south of them. Thereafter, few observations were made of the satellite either by Moonwatch teams or by Baker-Nunn cameras. A special search undertaken by Moon- watch teams in the fall of 1958 failed to locate the satellite. Early the following year, Dr. Henize developed a new search pattern for another attempt. Some 42 Moonwatch teams having special experi- ence and capabilities were selected to participate in the search begin- ning April 1 and to extend for about 6 weeks. The plan utilized a network of teams in pairs separated north and south about 15 degrees. The basic idea was to find some search area in the meridian plane of the observing teams through which the satellite must pass within some given time interval and to concentrate the search within this area for the required time so as to ensure that the satellite would not slip through the net. Using an observation made on May 6 by the two Moonwatch teams in Albuquerque, N. Mex., Professor Leon- ard in Sacramento modified the orbital elements of Satellite 1958 B2. Using the resulting predictions, his team observed the satellite on May 10. From new predictions several other Moonwatch teams in the West and Southwest were able to observe the satellite, and by May 12 the Baker-Nunn camera stations could once more begin to photo- SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 323 graph the object. Thus another satellite was rediscovered by Moonwatch. When the third Russian satellite (Satellite 1958 Delta) was launched on May 15, 1958, a large number of Moonwatch observations made it possible to determine that the satellite was accompanied by at least three components. On November 21, all Moonwatch teams were alerted to observe the last few revolutions of 1958 81. Many such observations were received, including two made during what is be- lieved to have been the next to last revolution of the satellite; these sightings were by teams in Wichita, Kans., and Albuquerque, N. Mex. In the late spring of 1958 only three observations were made of Satellite 1958 Epsilon; these were not sufficient for the preparation of predictions for the Baker-Nunn stations. Fifteen Moonwatch teams were assigned to concentrate on this object and a number of ob- servations were made shortly thereafter. The satellite, however, proved to be so erratic that special observations of it were again re- quested in December. This time, however, Moonwatch was unable to find it. Within 2 days of the launching on February 17, 1959, of Satellite 1959 al (Vanguard II), Moonwatch teams were called upon to de- termine whether the third stage component of the rocket, Satellite 1958 «2, was in fact in orbit. By the end of the month a number of teams had made observations of the object and from these the Ob- servatory was able to prepare preliminary ephemerides for the Baker- Nunn stations. Subsequent photographs confirmed the existence of the satellite. These are but a few of the noteworthy achievements of the Moon- match network during the IGY and the IGC. BAKER-NUNN CAMERA STATIONS Explorer I offered the first significant challenge to the capabilities of the Baker-Nunn camera that could reasonably be expected to be met. Satellite 1957 a2 (Sputnik I) had been a 22.8-inch sphere, probably painted black, that during its brief lifetime of 92 days could not be successfully photographed by the only Baker-Nunn camera then in operation, first at South Pasadena, Calif., and then at the Las Cruces station in New Mexico. The rocket case (Satellite 1957 a1) had been a large object visible to the naked eye and easily photo- graphed by the camera. Satellite 1957 Beta consisted of the payload of Sputnik IT and the rocket case, which never separated; together they were probably 85 feet long and weighed as much as 4 tons. Again, the satellite was visible to the naked eye and easily photo- graphed. Satellite 1958 Alpha consisted of a payload 22 inches in diameter and about 10.5 pounds in weight, and a cylinder of approximately 30 324 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 pounds; together they formed an object approximately 80 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter. Its rapidly changing orbit required that predictions of its passages be good; its poor visibility required that a camera of exceptional capabilities be used in photographing it. The predictions from Cambridge during the initial days of the satel- lite’s orbiting were not of high quality. In addition, the observers had considerable difficulty in finding the satellite image on the plates; in part, this was due to inexperience and, in part, it was a consequence of the satellite image on the film being quite small. As predictions were improved and as field procedures were refined, more and more successful photographs were taken of this satellite and of those launched subsequently. The first Baker-Nunn camera station was established in Las Cruces, N. Mex., and the first photographic observation of Satellite 1957 a1 made there November 26, 1957. There also the first observers were trained to use the camera and related equipment and prepared to man the other stations as soon as possible. From February through May, those other stations were established, the 2d camera being shipped from California to South Africa on February 3, and the 12th to Hawaii on May 28. The last station to begin photographing satellites was that in India, on August 29, 1958; although the camera had been shipped there on March 30, films could not be taken earlier because of the monsoon season. As soon as all cameras were in the field, the observers carried out tests, including the making of focus plates to be sent to Cambridge for analysis. The results showed that all cameras, except that in India for which no test films were yet available, yielded image diam- eters in the center of the field of 60 microns or less, with an average diameter on the order of 35 microns. Differences in focus between the center and the edge of the field of the film indicated the need for further adjustments and possibly for a refiguring of the backup plates in several cameras. However, the image quality of the cameras was good, demonstrating that each of them was capable of photographing the faint United States satellites 1958 Alpha and 1958 Epsilson. While these tests proved that the cameras were more than adequate to the task for which they had been designed, limited steps were taken during the remainder of the IGY to improve their performance, in- cluding visits by Mr. Sydor, the optical specialist of the Observatory, to a number of stations to adjust the optical systems. One nagging fear had been that the KzFS-2 glass used in the outer elements of the corrector cell of the camera would prove unduly fragile as that glass was sensitive to acid staining and was “soluble” in distilled water. Obviously, it was necessary to protect the glass SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 325 from rain. The lens cover, therefore, had to be kept on the corrector cell at all times except during actual photography, and the air-drying system for the camera kept in good working condition. Later, special desiccators would be installed. At each station, however, some highly individual methods were used to ensure that the outer lens was kept dry; at one, the observers found that a quick swipe of the lens with a baby’s diaper was highly effective. In any case, experience proved that although the outer lens was inevitably pockmarked to some extent by moisture in the air, the loss of transmission was very small—not more than 10 percent. Although acceptable, this was not ideal, and later means would be found to pro- tect the lens better. Another problem was that the camera was “blind” to the observer. In other words, there were no means whereby the observer could see what the camera was photographing. To remedy this situation, late in 1958 the Observatory shipped 5-inch aperture telescopes to the stations. One of these was attached to each camera so that the axes of the two telescopes were parallel. The observer could then watch what the Baker-Nunn camera was photographing and during a transit make any necessary adjustments in the tracking mechanisms so that the image of the satellite would remain roughly centered on the film. This procedure proved to be extremely valuable in directing the camera to photograph newly launched satellites for which predictions might be somewhat inaccurate. A third difficulty involved the Norrman time standard. In part, this was a consequence of the heavy strain that was placed on the mechanism itself. For example, a transformer proved to be sub- standard to the needs of the system and had to be replaced in all the clocks. In part, also, it was the result of inadequate power supply to some of the stations. Consequently, the amplifier to the clock had to be modified, and other means found to ensure a constant and steady power. The film chosen for the camera was the famous ID-2, which pro- vided the spectral distribution needed and was extremely fast. Never- theless during the remainder of the IGY consideration was given to several other types of film. Early in 1958, Eastman Kodak pro- posed the use of their 8.0.1200 emulsion. Tests at the New Mexico station proved that the film was about twice as fast the ID-2. How- ever, the manufacturer encountered serious production difficulties that prevented production of the film in sufficient quantities. Later that year, one other film was tried: a Dupont emulsion coated on a “cronar” base. It was unsuitable. In addition, tests were made to determine the possibility of photographing very bright satellites during the day by using an infrared-sensitive film together with an infrared filter 326 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 over the corrector lens of the camera. These tests did not give very hopeful results. Meanwhile, the ID-2 film was proving more than satisfactory, and as the number of satellites increased and the skill of the observers im- proved, it was needed in greater quantities. By early 1959, plans were made to send an additional 20,000 feet of film to each station— enough for 100,000 home snapshots. This amount was based on the assumption that the average weekly use of film was about 1,000 feet. In addition, each station had to be shipped various other materials to ensure continuous operation. These included not only the usual nuts-and-bolts necessary to the maintenance of any mechanical equip- ment, but also substantial electronics supplies for the Norrman time standard. The kinds of problems encountered at the stations can perhaps best be summarized by noting some of the specific difficulties that occurred during the second quarter of 1959. In Argentina four anchor bolts holding the large diesel engine for the auxiliary power supply broke off because of the inferior quality of the metal. New bolts had to be installed in fresh concrete. One of the bearings of the 15-kilowatt generator was badly scored, and a new one had to be obtained and installed, along with new brushes. The pulley was realined and the generator cleaned. The power was then turned off so that the clock could be reset. In South Africa the Baker-Nunn mirror seemed loose and the collimation poor. The corrector cell had to be dismantled and sent to the Bureau of Standards in Pretoria for collimation. The mirror was adjusted and cleaned and a new shear-pin unit and clutch were installed. The power amplifier was moved into the camera house and new relays installed. Later the crystal clock ceased to operate and had to be repaired. In India the film transport system of the camera jammed when operating at 82 seconds per cycle. Both generators were out of order for a week, and the clock lost time at.a high rate. In Peru the Norrman clock gained 2.9 seconds and the power am- plifier continued to give trouble. The clock failures during this time were believed to be the result of low-line voltage or earthquakes. In Curagao the slave clock stopped because of a failure of a filter condenser in the power amplifier. These difficulties were of the sort that could be expected, and each was resolved in turn. All of them were part of the operations of each station as they had originally been conceived. When, however, it became evident that the Smithsonian satellite-tracking program would continue after the IGY and the IGC, plans would develop for overall improvement of the system. These included better dehumidification, sealing the interior of the camera house, various additions to station SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 327 buildings, and, above all, engineering studies to improve operation of both the camera and the timing system. These and other modifica- tions of the network would be carried out when the program was funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s grant to the Observatory. Meanwhile, however, the observational achievements of the system were notable. From July through September of 1958—the first quar- terly period when all of the stations were operational—the stations reported 480 observations of four satellites: 1958 Alpha, 1958 81, 1958 62, and 1958 Epsilon. ‘The total for each station was as follows: ING ye Mies COs = ae ewe es al POT, eee eee ee ee eee 86 SOULE LIMAVETS Cotes = rete eee eee (3) HD cfs OY eee eps YR et Se Rd Se ae Rs 18 PA CLA NG i eee ee ee eee 62 Curaca Ors = as a ee eee 47 Siac hhay See eee Reece oes ee eee 40 HlOniG as) ou ee ee aS 14 JED ay nah) 2 eee SE NOS Se eee be 44 AT SOMTIN Sse © ee eee eae et Ne 3 106 Li Yen, OO SR RE ee EE A a 1 ELS Wye Gees oe Sa ee ee ae eer 45 During April and May of 1959, shortly before the close of the IGC, the stations recorded the following number of observations: NeW rMexicos ee tele sear ys 160 Pe@rU 2 Gee is Rd ed se 210 South BATT Cae ek fee J ee 79 fits a) BO (a Sete Lg boy a ee Pee 68 SNES ANU: f SSE ee eee Fee Og 237 CuTa CaO gs a= = be as a eee 74 NO) OPI ce, Mae Ea ai eee ar ee 130 NOL aves he et eee ees 57 CLIC FOE ee eS a ra, a i le ek 94 APO CNGITNA ee ene he nee 86 SD OVOWED oe te a eS ty SES LP eS 149 anal ee 2 Dae oe ieee 105 In part, of course, this large increase was a consequence of the number of satellites in orbit; in part, also, it was the result of vastly improved predictions and observing techniques. From November 1957 through June 1959, the stations made the total observations shown in table 2. The outstanding single achievement was photographing the Van- guard experimental sphere (1958 82). This object, 6 inches in diam- eter, was filmed at a distance of 2,400 miles, first by the station in Woomera, Australia, and subsequently, at comparable ranges, by several others, THE STATION OBSERVERS Originally, the Observatory had determined that two observers at each station would be a sufficient number, although in fact in the very early days usually each station was manned by only one. This meant that the observer had to be an electrician, a mechanic, a maintenance man, a carpenter, a computer, and, of course, an observer. Typically, he made two or three observations a night. Even when each station was staffed with two men, the increasing load proved to be too much, so that by mid-1958, the Observatory had decided that at least three trained observers were necessary at each station to ensure continuous and eflicient operation. As a consequence, 766—-746—65——23 328 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 TABLE 2.—Number of Baker-Nunn Observations (Separated by More Than 8 Minutes) October 1957 thru June 1959 Baker-Nunn Camera Station fo} iss] tellite ¥ & 3 er sat ci 23 |e | de | os |<2|-¢|-8|_2| glee les|aa] Be Ee ae ge ae =e 5s 58 B& | 58 Ee ae 1957 whe ed hey Mota tne RD EL BN CR TC aI 3 1058 quelle 116 | 90 |109 | 55 | 88 {102 |145 | 35 | 67 | 56 | 40 |116 | 1,014 1958 B1____- POM Bara bh Bile Bal Ah BOW esd 2s Fate Nats 199 1958 82.___- OFT NA Oy Td. SLO. lb aldo eo aaa) eter 40) 129 Ey aah 14 1933136") 85 |) 28 [coh mStar it a eoel ce abe 215 1958 52... _- 67 | 43 | 87 | 80 | 93 | 54 | 50 | 35 | 35 | 18 | 15 | 29 606 195863 2 le epee oe PN PR (MI eu loser pate | Geet ce 2 L(y ae cl eR (es He en og gpa Miele en hry east Ba Sesol pt 13 os ae 34. (794) 461 39) 54-1) 971 ga) Sead) Alte 319 1958 ¢1____- 71 Ma Yelp fy a cae ba Cys fare kt esc lee S| Deed Pen) 50 1959 ai--222 123 | 56 {121 | 66 | 48 | 76 {103 | 45 | 73 | 60 | 45 | 75 891 TORO =o 103 | 51 {120 | 53 | 46 | 44 |102 | 35 | 71 | 50 | 39] 71 785 Total per station_|504 |329 |593 |346 |374 |320 [520 |194 |289 |224 |176 |357 | 4, 226 a recruiting program was initiated to find new men for the job. In- quiries were circulated to astronomical and associated scientific de- partments of major American colleges and universities, and courtesy notices were placed in various technical publications. The response was slow, and many of those who applied were not suited for the work. Meanwhile, a second observer training program in New Mexico began in late January 1958, with Dr. Henize and Messrs. Burkhead and Ledwith instructing the apprentices. New training sessions continued in the months that followed, so that by July 1959 a total of 82 pro- spective observers had been instructed in the use of the camera and its related equipment. The original pattern of personalities and of work at the station was largely set by the character of the first observers. In the early months, running a Baker-Nunn camera station was very much a do-it-yourself project, a one-man project, at best a two-man project. The program demanded, and received, the devoted efforts of men who were willing to work 80 to 100 hours a week. Enthusiasm was an obvious necessity as were considerable intelli- gence and an ability to understand and work with mechanical things. Perhaps the most important characteristic required was a sense of humor, for it often proved the buffer against circumstances that might otherwise have been unbearable. SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 329 The observers were not theoreticians. Their interest was chiefly applied rather than pure science. Only one of them, Dr. Kozai, was successful both as a tracker of satellites and as an analyzer of data. After a period at the station in Japan, he joined the staff at Cambridge and achieved significant results in the use of observations in studies of the upper atmosphere and of the geopotential. As additional observers joined the program, the work at each station became more and more a team effort, so that in addition to the minimum level of technical competence, there developed the need for people to work together, and for someone to guide and direct them. From this change emerged the concept of a chief who bore responsibility for the running of the station. Further, there developed necessarily a basic routine for getting things done and at the same time a loss of some of the romantic thrill that had resulted from accomplishing single- handedly the seemingly impossible. This was to result in major changes later in the kind of person needed in the program. One of the most interesting aspects of the field program was the evolution of a kind of migratory system. Observers moved from one station to another, and often spent some time doing work at head- quarters in Cambridge. This crossfertilization was a deliberate effort on the part of the people in Cambridge to make the observers see the program as a whole and to understand the needs at headquarters as well as the needs in the field. As a consequence, there came about a better rapport between the two groups. Learning in the field was in many ways a unique experience in this day and age. The group had to adjust to an often trying situation, had constantly to be developing new techniques, and to find related or allied interests at the station, such as geology, seismology, and arche- ology, to occupy their spare time profitably as the workload at the station became less burdensome. The attitude of the observer toward his job was, of course, of crucial importance. At some stations there tended to be an unhealthy compe- tition among the observers, which led to friction that interfered with the productivity of the group. Frequently there had to be a shake- down period when new observers arrived, a time during which the energies devoted to internal dissension had instead to be directed toward the job at hand. Yet, there was always a great sense of responsibility among the observers so that in spite of some personal friction and despite the fact that the early staff was small, no station ever went unmanned. Not only did the observers have to learn to live and work together; they also had to learn to live and work with local people. Ata number of stations, the experiences of the nationals with Americans had been limited to military missions and to commercial enterprises. The personnel of the Baker-Nunn camera station proved a refreshing 330 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 change. From the beginning, the local people could see what the observers were doing and realize immediately that it had no military connotations, was not intended to make money from them, and had no purposes other than those of peaceful scientific work. There was never anything secret about the optical tracking of satellites. On the other hand, the actual meaning of the tracking of satellites and the worldwide effort of the IGY were not always readily under- stood in some communities. The observers had to make an effort, therefore, to reach and teach the people. This they did by giving lectures, contributing equipment and photographs for various shows, inviting local school classes to tour the station, and declaring certain days “open house” at the station so that anyone and everyone could visit. In addition, many observers went into the local communities to help out in whatever ways they could. In some instances this meant the loan of tools or the sending of a truck. In others, it meant setting up of classes to teach English to the people. At the station in Peru the observers helped out greatly after the earthquake of 1959. In Iran, the observers taught hospital personnel how to build and use needed medical equipment, and even constructed an incubator for babies. Perhaps most important, each station became a center of information about artificial earth satellites, a clearing-house for celestial activity. It was the policy of the Smithsonian and the aim of the observers to have each station function locally in a manner smiliar to that of the Observatory in Cambridge—as a source of public information, as a means of informing people of astronomy and the space program. From the first, the Observatory encouraged the observers to take their wives and children with them, a policy that served to broaden the contacts between station personnel and the local people, and that added stability to the whole arrangement. The reactions of the wives varied as one would expect. Their attitudes were reflected in a series of round-robin news letters that were issued from 1958 through 1961. For some of the wives, life at the station proved to be flat, stale, and unprofitable. They seemed to lead lives of constant frustration and fear—frustration because life at a foreign station was not like life in America, and fear because disease and other dangers seemed always to be at hand. These women, of course, failed almost completely to integrate with the local community and to learn from the experience. One of the best symbolic expressions of this failure was the inclusion in one of the news letters of an exotic recipe from Harper’s Bazaar! For others, however, it was a richly rewarding experience. The wives not only made pleasant homes for their husbands overseas, but also participated as much as they could in community affairs. They taught in local schools, conducted special adult classes in English, SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 331 went on archeological and other field trips with their husbands, learned the local language, and by such means filled their days with activity. No less a range of response occurred among the observers themselves. Some could hardly wait to return to the United States. Others, work- ing under the happiest of circumstances for themselves, flourished and gained a new kind of education that perhaps would not in those years have been possible in any other way. As individuals and as families, they learned that entertainment could come without mechanical means, such as radio and TV. The emphasis was on participation. One could not in this situation be a passive individual. He had to take part in the life going on around him if he himself wished to enjoy life. It was, in the words of one observer, “a return to fundamental human relationships.” It could be, and for many was, in every respect a broadening and fascinating experience. The observers and their families began to think “globally.” There developed the notion that the world was full of people not unlike themselves. For in spite of differences, the similarities between observers and nationals were overwhelming. And even the differences became less and less as the language barrier was surmounted. Perhaps what had to be learned was best summarized in a brief essay that Paul Wankowicz wrote while in Iran: Persia is a country of melons. They come in ail sizes, shapes, and colors, and the supply seems almost inexhaustible. In Iran, as in the United States, the problem remains the same. The cold, silent outside of the melon tells very little of what you will find inside. The most common method of determining whether a melon is ripe is the thump system, which entails gently thumping it with your knuckles. If the thump is hollow and resounding the melon is good. If it is hard, with a bell- like sound, then the melon is green. And, of course, if your fingers sink into it, the melon is rotten. Melons tend, however, to vary greatly in their thump quality. The next method depends on the structural quality of the shell. If you gently squash the melon in the middle it will elongate slightly so that you can feel its springiness. You possibly can develop a feel for the tensile strength of the outside and the compression that the seeds and pith will take on the inside, as well as of the stiffness of the meat between. Of course, slightly later you discover that melons vary according to the region in which they were grown. The melons from villages that skimp on water or have lazy jube diggers tend toward a harder inside. So the tensile-strength analysis does not yield thoroughly satisfactory results. For the next step, you decide that the condition of the melon can be deter- mined from the little grey patch on the bottom, which has continually rested on the ground. This patch tends to be slightly softer than the rest of the melon because of the moisture that it has picked up from the ground, and the shade in which it has been kept as the melon ripened. If it is too soft the melon is probably over-ripe. If it is too hard, moisture of the ground hasn’t had time to work on it, and the melon is probably unripe. But when you have found one 332 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 that you think is the king of all melons, you still discover that there are melons that absolutely defy the scientific approach. After you pass this stage you are considered an expert if you develop the final and fool-proof system. The secret of success and the secret of good melon lunches in Iran is very simple. You walk up to the storekeeper and say: “Give me one good melon please.” This roughly runs: “Lotfan yeki harbuse hoob bedi hemen.” When he hands it to you you ask him in a rising inflection: ‘““Hoob ast?” which means: “Is it good?” And if you have dealt with him before so he knows that you are a man of the world, then he is sure to give you a delicious melon. This system does not fail! The intense experience of life at an overseas station, and of tracking satellites, considerably altered everyone who participated in it. The observer was no longer the same man as when he started in the system; similarly, his wife and children had changed. Each had matured in his own individual way. And in general, those who left the project for one reason or another found that their experiences were both cul- turally and financially profitable. Yet, a fundamental dilemma still remained. The kinds of people who did the kinds of things that the Observatory wanted in those early months—those who could combine technical knowledge with an ability to work with people—became less and less contented with the situation as the work became increasingly routine and therefore offered fewer and fewer rewards. This was to become a crucial issue at the first station chiefs’ conference in mid-1959. COMMUNICATIONS In the first half of 1958, generally satisfactory communications were established at all of the tracking stations. A number were linked with Cambridge through the military network and others by com- mercial wire services and teletype. At that time the possibility of direct radio linkage with certain of the stations was considered, but since the existing system was working efficiently, there did not seem any need for such an arrangement. By March of 1958, the communi- cations center in Cambridge was handling nearly 400,000 words per month. Inevitably, there were delays of one kind or another; messages were lost; and sometimes the wrong material or information was sent to the stations. At one point, the chief observer at one station sent the following memorandum to headquarters in Cambridge: “We have re- ceived the material on ‘stuffing’ and I might say it will come in handy if we have any more visitors before we get this station into full oper- ation. Since I failed to bring along my aqualung, I feel that it is inadvisable to try collecting invertebrate animals other than insects and molluscs. There are, however, thousands of fossils just a few hundred yards down the hill from the station, so perhaps Ill try my SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 333 hand at this operation when I have time.” He had been sent by mistake a packet from the Smithsonian U.S. National Museum. By mid-1958, excellent routines for the exchange of satellite in- formation had been worked out. Tapes were cut and ready for im- mediate transmission to all stations giving the news that a satellite had been launched. Another tape was cut stating that the satellite went into orbit at a particular time, and this information was then sent to the station. Following this second message, still another gave all the latest information received on the satellite itself—its size, weight, revolution, perigee, apogee, etc. There was constant improvement of the system and efforts to over- come annoying delays. By early 1959, the communications center was already beginning to tie into the services of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Thus, the teletype services to South Africa were put through NASA facilities, and similar arrangements were being discussed for lines to Australia and Peru. By March, a privately leased teletype line was in operation between the head- quarters in Cambridge and the Space Control Center in Washington, D.C. PHOTOREDUCTION The first Baker-Nunn films of satellite transits were tediously re- duced at the stations, and information on the time and coordinates of the satellite image was rushed to Cambridge by cable. The time shown on the slave clock was, of course, directly photographed on the film. The position of the satellite image was determined in relation to the background of stars. These measurements were sufficiently good for the generation of new predictions of satellite passages and for preliminary estimates of atmospheric density and other phe- nomena. They did not, however, provide nearly so precise information as the Baker-Nunn camera was capable of offering. In fact, these measurements of position were inaccurate on the average between 60 and 90 seconds of arc, which might represent for a low-orbiting satel- lite as much as 1,000 feet in space. There arose, therefore, the necessity for finding a much more ac- curate, reliable, and rapid means of reducing the films. As early as March 1957, an experimental machine for measuring Baker-Nunn film was constructed ; it incorporated a film backup plate similar to that used in the camera so that angular distances could be measured directly. In the ensuing months, however, as construction of the first Baker-Nunn camera was rushed to completion, and then as the first satellites were launched and tracked, this aspect of the program re- ceived relatively little attention. It was not until early 1958 that the staff of the Observatory formally outlined the possible equipment and 334 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 procedures by which the precise reduction of film might be accomplished. The objectives of this phase of the work were detailed as follows: (1) to establish means of defining the film images that were measurable and of locating them on the film when they were not apparent to the naked eye; (2) to test the several machines available for the measuring procedures; (8) to select and identify the reference stars in the back- ground; and (4) to estimate satellite magnitudes and variations in brightness. Procedures were set up for filing and indexing all films received from the Baker-Nunn camera stations and for sending to them pre- liminary comments on the quality of the films themselves. Each film was searched for satellite images not detected during field reduction. For this purpose, film viewers and binocular microscopes were used. With magnifications of 6.6 < and 20 X, a film could be scanned in two sweeps, and then the microscope zeroed in on possible satellite images. There was the suggestion that Mr. Nunn design a special blink-micro- scope for detailed searching of the Baker-Nunn films; this was never built, however, because commercially available microscopes proved wholly adequate to the job. Two sophisticated machines for measuring positions on the film were chosen for test: the Mann two-screw comparator, and the Van Biesbroeck goniometer. Preliminary estimates suggested that the former might be used on those films that, because of excellent images and favorable distribution of reference stars, might produce the most refined measurements, while the latter would provide sufficient accu- racy for run-of-the-mill films. However, before any decision was made, a detailed comparison of the two machines had to be undertaken. On the Van Biesbroeck photogoniometer the film is stretched to a curvature similar to that at the focal surface of the Baker-Nunn camera. The film is then positioned in a manner similar to that of the strip in the Baker-Nunn camera itself. The plate takes the original orientation with the use of known stars, and the measurer points a microscope to the satellite image. The images are measured with a precision goniometer placed in the center of the curved film. The film holder is shifted toward the goniometer or away from it until the angular distance of the selected stars (about 20 to 25 degrees apart), as measured with the goniometer, satisfactorily approximates the angular distance of these stars in the sky. Then the film holder is moved in until the frame appears in the position in which the film was taken; the horizontal plane corresponds to the celestial equator. The differences in horizontal circular readings now equal the differences in right ascension, and the differences in vertical circular readings equal those in declination. SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 335 The differences between the theodolite readings for the satellite and any one of the reference stars give a value for the satellite position. The mean of the values obtained for all the reference stars is accepted for the final position of the satellite. The smallest readable unit on the Van Biesbroeck goniometer is 1 second of arc. With the Mann machine, the film is placed on the comparator near a zero-degree orientation; i.e., with the oscilloscope edge toward the measurer. The satellite image is brought to a point near the center of the target screen. The stage of the Mann machine is rotated until the trail of the satellite is as nearly parallel with the horizontal cross- hair as is possible, and the stage is locked. The satellite image (or central break) is brought to the cross-hair intersection. The two plane coordinates, x and y, of the reference stars and the satellite are then measured. The stage of the Mann machine is then rotated 180° and the measurements are repeated. This is done to eliminate the magnitude error—a systematic but not a constant error of the observer. For the computation of the 6 plate constants, the measurer used 6 stars, employing the least-squares method to compute the 6 constants from 12 equations. When there were large residuals, one or two refer- ence stars were sometimes omitted. If large residuals still remained, he repeated the measurements, never using fewer than four comparison stars. A measuring accuracy of 1 micron (which corresponds to 0.4 second of arc on the Baker-Nunn films) or better can be achieved with the Mann comparator. Before the introduction of the completely automatic equipment the x and y coordinates were read by eye and written down by hand. These data as well as the catalog data on the reference stars were punched on tape by a Flexowriter and the position of the satellite was computed by a Burroughs E-101 computer using the Flexowriter tape as input. The computation with this machine took about 30 to 40 minutes. As a preliminary step, the two machines were used to locate “un- known” stars from the Yale catalog by measuring their positions relative to nearby reference stars also selected from the Yale catalog. By this means, the nature and extent of several sources of error could be determined. First, of course, there were the errors inherent in the machines themselves. For example, the Mann engine was operated by means of a periodic screw and a secular screw; each of these mecha- nisms had to be evaluated. Second, there was the human element. Each person using the machine would do so in his own particular way; he would handle the machine in an individual fashion and would be more or less accurate compared to other measurers. The personal error could in general be eliminated, however, by making direct and reverse measurements of 336 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 the unknown star and reference stars in the preliminary testing of the machines. Third, there inevitably would be errors in the setting of the machine. Preliminary estimates indicated, for example, that when images of 40-micron diameter were measured with the Mann machine, there was, in the settings, a consistent and repeatable error of 1 micron on the average. A further error could be introduced by the camera itself, although it seemed unlikely that the geometry of the Baker-Nunn system would cause any very considerable error of this sort. In any case, it had to be determined whether the image of the star on the film would be of such a magnitude as to introduce a significant variation in the measurements. Finally, and most importantly, distortion of the film as placed in the machine might introduce a substantial error. That distortion would not be the same in every direction, and therefore positions reduced with linear plate constants might not be reliable. However, over small distances of 1 or 2 centimeters of film, it was expected that fluctuations in the plate-scale would be small, not exceeding 1 or 2 seconds of are. The staff devised a simple method of evaluating this problem by meas- uring the same grouping of stars on several separate frames and then studying the residuals and positions from frame to frame. By mid-1958, the photoreduction section had developed an efficient system of filing the films, had undertaken the searching of films with microscope viewer, and was planning the techniques for measuring the satellite images on the films. Again, this was a two-fold problem, one of developing appropriate methods, and the other, at the same time, of training personnel to use them. Precision reduction of the Baker-Nunn films of artificial satellites began in June 1958, and by the end of September the positions of some 69 satellite images had been precisely determined. It was initially a very slow procedure; a trained operator could measure between four and six satellite images per day with either the Van Biesbroeck or the Mann measuring engine. The initial phases of the work had been carried out by Pedro Kokaras, under the immediate supervision of Drs. Whipple, Hynek, and Henize. In October, however, Dr. Karoly Lassovszky, a refugee from Hungary, joined the staff as astronomer in charge of photo- reduction. Mr. Kokaras then served as his administrative and techni- cal assistant and supervised the work of the measurers. During the last quarter of 1958, some preliminary evaluations of the two measuring engines were possible. In those 3 months, 94 images were measured on a modified Van Biesbroeck machine, with a mean estimated probable error of 7.4 seconds of are in right ascension, and 5.5 seconds of arc in declination. SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 337 Meanwhile, the staff was working on the problem of measuring films with the Mann machine. The positions of nine images were reduced with a probable error in right ascension of 1.05 seconds of arc, and in declination of 0.54 second of arc. At the same time, a program was written for the reduction of measurements made by this machine so that computations that required 1 or 2 days by hand could now be performed on a Burroughs E-101 electronic computer in some 15 minutes. This was the first step toward automating as much of the procedure as possible. As a further step to facilitate the work, a special project was under- taken to assign Yale catalog numbers to the BD and CD star charts. Precision reduction of the films continued, so that in the first quarter of 1959, a total of 155 satellite images were measured and in the second quarter 109. Meanwhile, however, the Baker-Nunn stations were taking films at a considerably faster rate; during the same 6-month period, more than 4,000 films were received in Cambridge. Clearly, more rapid and efficient means of measuring the films remained to be found and put into practice. COMPUTATIONS Before Explorer I was launched early in 1958, the Observatory had developed two computer programs that were to be the basis for the determination of orbits and the preparation of predictions for the next year and a half (see Part 2 of this history ”). From a set of observations of a satellite the Herrick-Briggs-Slowey initial orbit determination program was used to derive the orbit with- out any previous knowledge of it. With a program of this type, the accuracy cannot be high since usually only three observations are used for the calculation of an orbit. However, an initial concept of the elements of the orbit can be obtained. Two major improvements were soon made in the program. First, an empirical correction for air drag used an expression for the nodal period as input and computed the corrections to the observations necessary to give the osculating orbit at the time of the first observa- tion. The second provided an alternate method of interpolation when the usual method failed. In this mode of operation, the program must find any and all elliptical solutions in a given range that fitted the observations. By mid-1958 the program was fully debugged, tested, and com- pletely operational in all of its essential parts. Proof of the usefulness and accuracy of the program was demonstrated by its application to the tracking of 1958 Delta. The program was used not only to obtain an initial orbit but also to follow the changes in the orbital elements. 2 See footnote 1 on page 315. 338 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Thereafter a number of simple, but relatively important refinements were made in the program as the computations group of the Observa- tory became more sophisticated in their approach. The second program was the subsatellite procedure, developed by Dr, Luigi Jacchia, which provided a quick analysis of incoming ob- servations. From each observation, a subsatellite point was computed from a given set of orbital elements derived from the initial deter- mination program. From the subsatellite points, the position and time of the crossing of the ascending node were computed, as well as the nearest perigee crossing. A plot of these quantities was sufficient to tell whether the observation was good or bad. The subsatellite program could be used to predict all the modifica- tions of the orbit. One had only to follow the position of the satellite ; therefore, air drag could be determined as a byproduct of the program. it was an empirical approach, but the modifications of the orbit were observed; from these one could deduce theoretically the changes of the orbit. Again, during the months that followed, the staff was to make various improvements to this program. Using input from the subsatellite program, the ephemeris 0 gave the time of crossing of a satellite at various parallels—10°, 20°, 30°, ete.—with height, correction for time, angle of trajectory, and so forth, so that an observer with a minimum amount of calculation could work out fairly accurately the appearance of a satellite transit from his particular position. This program was started shortly after Sputnik I was launched, and became the basic prediction procedure for Moon- watch teams and for people interested in making their own observa- tions of the satellite. For the Baker-Nunn camera stations, however, a somewhat more complex ephemeris was required. By early 1958, the basic program- ing of the detailed station ephemeris was completed and debugging was in process. Not until a year later, however, was the program fully operational. By February of 1959, it had proved itself to be com- pletely satisfactory and thereafter only minor refinements were made. Meanwhile, during the latter part of 1957 and continuing for sev- eral years, Dr. Cunningham’s major project was to develop a very precise method of deriving, from the details of the equations of motion, the position of a satellite as a function of time. This ap- proach meant starting with an initial position of the satellite in terms of its velocity and time. Then, by numerical integration, which simply means step-by-step calculations using intervals of perhaps one minute or less in time, the position of the satellite is computed. This numerical integration program represents a difficult procedure if one wishes to carry out the calculations for, let us say, 10 days in SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 339 which time the satellite may perform as many as 150 revolutions around the earth. During this period, any errors made by not com- puting enough significant figures tend to accumulate. Cunningham’s effort was aimed at constructing a program that could be used as a standard reference for computing accurate, defini- tive orbits after all the observations were in, and for checking more approximate theories. His work was not intended to provide a prac- tical approach to computing orbits on a day-to-day basis, for his program required at least one minute to compute a single orbit of perhaps an hour and a half. By mid-1958, the program was being debugged and checked out. At the same time, it was being modified so that elements of it could be included in the differential correction program of Dr. Lautman. The latter program had been completed by late 1958, thus providing an extremely accurate method of correcting orbits of satellites, with or without drag. Again, the large amount of computer time necessary for its operation precluded its use for day-by-day corrections and ephemerides. The Observatory expected, however, that its accuracy and general applicability would result in its use as a powerful tool for analysis, especially when geodetic satellites were available. Both of these programs required that the magnitude of satellite drag, the size and shape of the satellite, and other physical parameters be known and included in the calculations. In contrast, a differential orbit improvement program developed by Dr. George Veis included virtually everything as unknown and approached the problem purely as one of defining the orbit without having recourse to theory. The theory came afterward once the motion of the satellite had been determined. The Russians had developed such a program, which seemed the most practical way to compute orbits for generating predictions. Mean- while, Veis had included in his doctoral dissertation at Ohio State a chapter on satellite-orbit computing that contained all the features of the Russian program. His method was entirely satisfactory from every point of view. He had worked it out independently and had not the slightest notion of what was being done elsewhere. When Dr. Whipple learned of the features of Dr. Veis’ program, he asked that it be set up as quickly as possible for use at the Observatory. Dr. Veis’ program had originally been developed for geodetic pur- poses, that is, he planned to use it to determine precisely the positions of stations from which observations of satellites were made. The problem now was to invert that program in such a way that, the posi- tions of the Baker-Nunn stations being relatively well known, the time and position of satellites could be determined from observations made from those stations. 340 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 In the summer of 1958, Dr. Veis, assisted by Charles Moore, a student at M.I.T., modified the program so as to omit its geodetic aspects. By the end of the year, they had a working program, al- though it still needed a good deal of effort to smooth out difficulties. In the spring of 1959, Dr. Veis presented a paper on this technique, at the N.A.S.A. conference on Orbit and Space Trajectory Determina- tion in Washington; the program itself went into routine operation at about the same time. This differential orbit improvement program, with the modifications that have been made since its inception, has proved to be the work- horse of the computing effort of the Observatory. In fact, it has so far exceeded its original purpose that it continues in the mid-1960’s to be the best program for correcting orbits and has been used for the highly precise geodetic work of Imre Izsak and others, as well as for further refinement of measurements of upper atmos- pheric densities and temperatures. Various other programs, many of them highly specialized, were also undertaken by the computations group of the Observatory in this period. Two merit special attention, since they were to have important bearing on the development of the satellite-tracking project after it came under the auspices of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Mr. Slowey began a study of observing techniques and orbit deter- mination methods relating to long-arc satellite transits. A primary purpose of long-arc observations would be to make simultaneous sight- ings of a satellite from two or more Baker-Nunn camera stations; the resultant data could be used to determine more exactly the geodetic positions of the stations themselves. Dr. Veis initiated a long-range program of establishing a star catalog in puncheard format. This project would in time result in the preparation of the famous SAO catalog giving the positions and other data on more than a quarter of a million stars. While these and other programs were being developed, the com- putations group carried on its day-to-day activities with increasing efficiency and success. In the first quarter of 1958 they processed approximately 2,500 satellite observations, including some from Mini- track. This number steadily grew during the months that followed, so that from April to June of 1959, more than 12,000 observations were processed. The group achieved a similarly spectacular increase in the number of predictions of satellite transits sent to the 12 Baker- Nunn stations. From the meager beginnings late in 1957, the figure rose to 1,700 for the last 3 months of 1958, and to 6,700 for April through June of 1959. SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 341 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Once satellites had been launched and tracked, and observations of them reduced to precise statements of time and position, there re- mained the most important job—the use of these data for scientific purposes. Satellite orbits are sensitive to a number of influences—the earth’s gravitation, atmospheric density (which changes with both electromagnetic and corpuscular solar radiation), and the pull of the sun and the moon. By means of powerful mathematical tools, includ- ing computer programs especially developed for the purpose, scientists are able to separate these influences from one another and to measure them individually. From this study have come some of the most exciting and significant discoveries of the space age. Late in 1957 Dr. Allen Hynek, associate director of the Observatory, outlined such a program of satellite research and analysis. He pro- posed to reduce and analyze the data from visual and photographic observations of earth satellites: “Data are now being received at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory from stations and observa- tories on a worldwide basis. . . . The project would extend the present work to future satellites, conduct basic research on the reduced data with the objectives of determining values of upper atmosphere density, geodetic parameters, and the value of gravity in geopotential. Pre- liminary results will be published in special project reports for rapid dissemination among the scientific community and final results will be published in standard scientific journals.” Already the Observatory had undertaken such a program, and had issued six Special Reports on Sputniks I and IJ, including a prelimi- nary estimate on upper atmospheric density derived from observa- tions of Satellites 1957 Alpha and Beta. The call now was for a greatly expanded project that could adequately handle the many data and derive maximum scientific results from them. By mid-1958, when the project was well under way, Dr. Whipple wrote to Mr. Odishaw: “I want to underscore the real need for more scientists and money for rapid reduction and interpretation of the data obtained. In my opinion this problem will reach crucial proportions not only in the rocket and satellite fields but also in other IGY areas where you are faced with the accumulation of a considerable amount of raw data in very complex form.” More scientists and more monies were forthcoming, and the Observatory developed a major program of research and analysis. The plan of the IGY was to launch satellites that could contribute to the gathering of information about the earth during those 18 342 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 months. The period from July 1957 through December 1958 had been selected to coincide with maximum activity in the sun. Since solar phenomena involving ultraviolet and corpuscular radiation cannot be observed on the ground because the atmosphere cuts off most or all of their effects, the satellites were to carry instrumentation that would measure these and other astrophysical events and telemeter the data to ground stations. The initial purpose of the Observatory’s program for the optical tracking of satellites was primarily surveillance—that is, to keep the object in view as it went around the earth, particularly if its radio transmitter failed for one reason or another. In fact, the transmitters in several of the first satellites did fail, so that the optical system was often the only means of tracking. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory planned also and more importantly to make secondary use of these satellites. It was to track them as passive objects and analyze the resultant data to derive new knowledge about the earth and its atmosphere. The satellites could, of course, be tracked by other means—radio, radar, and doppler measurements in particular. At the time, however, none of these was nearly so accurate as the optical techniques de- veloped by the Observatory. Optical tracking was based on astro- nomical methods that had been refined over a long period of time and were well understood by scientists. ‘The other methods were relatively new, and until actually employed in the tracking of a satellite were not wholly predictable. These techniques were quickly refined following the launching of Sputnik I. The first American discoveries from satellites were made almost entirely with Moonwatch observations of Satellites 1957 Alpha and Beta. For Satellite 1958 Alpha the observations were primarily Baker-Nunn. And for Vanguard I, the observations were mainly Minitrack, because the satellite was too faint except for occasional ob- servations by the Baker-Nunn cameras. All of these observations were used for research purposes and it was Vanguard I from which the most important early determinations concerning the structure and variation of the upper atmosphere were derived. These facts serve to emphasize once again the close and necessary cooperation that existed among the projects of the IGY and that continues today among the various programs of the U.S. space effort. The first satellite research of the Observatory concerned the upper atmosphere. The atmosphere had already been explored by balloons and probed by rockets to a height of about 200 kms., and approximate profiles of temperature, density, and composition drawn for that re- gion. What scientists now wished to do was to refine that picture and to extend it to the boundary of the interplanetary medium. They had realized from the first, of course, that passive satellites could be SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 343 used for the determination of atmospheric density and temperature. They would thus be able to obtain corrections to the profiles that had been more or less guesswork before the first satellites were launched. What they had not realized was that there were such large variations of the atmospheric density related to phenomena outside the earth and that the satellites, simply through the irregularities of their mo- tions, could monitor those variations. Dr. Jacchia has described the motion of a satellite in orbit : In a first approximation, then, we can say that the satellite describes an elliptical orbit, but the plane of this ellipse slowly rotates, and the major axis of the ellipse rotates in this plane. Moreover, we shall find small periodic deviations from the elliptic motion in the course of one revolution. The motions of the orbital plane and of the major axis are progressive and slow when com- pared to the orbital motion; they are called secular perturbations, a term taken from the theory of planetary motions, in which the period of such perturbations amounts to many centuries. All the other gravitational perturbations are much smaller and of an oscillatory character, and are called periodic perturbations. Atmospheric density causes a “drag” on the motion of the satellites. Continuing with Dr. Jacchia’s description : This atmospheric drag has seemingly paradoxical effects. While a gun pro- jectile is decelerated by drag in the course of its trajectory, the same drag accel- erates a Satellite in its orbit. The reason for this paradox is that drag causes the satellite to lose energy and to fall to smaller orbits in which the period of revolution is shorter. Although the kinetic energy of the satellite increases, the total energy involved in the course of one revolution decreases. ... Much information about the upper atmosphere can therefore be derived by analyzing the motion of satellites. The rate at which the satellite’s period de- creases with time—the so-called orbital acceleration—yields a value for the atmospheric density at perigee height. True, to have an accurate determination of density we must first know how the density varies with atmospheric height (the local “scale height”). Then we must have an exact knowledge of the drag mechanism, and we must make sure that no drag other than atmospheric drag operates on the satellites. And finally we must know the exact physical char- acteristics of the satellite (if the satellite is a sphere, the problem is relatively simple ; not quite so simple if it is a cylinder or an irregular body). At a meeting at the Observatory in 1957, scientists adopted a model atmosphere based on the latest results from rocket and balloon explor- ations. Virtually all research to that date consistently underestimated atmospheric densities above 100 km. Before any satellites were launched, Dr. Theodore E. Sterne of the Observatory’s staff worked out a theory of orbital variations due to drag. However, he and other scientists prayerfully hoped that the drag would be so small that in fact it could be taken into account by empirical corrections in orbit computations; that is, they expected that once the satellite was up, they could then best determine corrections for atmospheric drag to be included in the computations. The first efforts to derive the orbit of Sputnik I, launched October 4, 1957, from early observations by Moonwatch teams convinced sci- 766-746—65——24 344 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 entists that at the altitude of its perigee—approximately 220 kms. above the earth—there was a good deal more atmospheric density than had been anticipated. On November 6, the Observatory and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory jointly announced preliminary results from the tracking of the Soviet satellite. Whereas pre-Sputnik esti- mates had indicated a density of 10-* grams per cubic cm., analysis of the orbit of Sputnik I now suggested a density of perhaps five times that amount. These calculations had been made by Dr. Sterne, as- sisted by Dr. J.S. Rinehart and Dr. G. F. Schilling. They had, then, the rather paradoxical situation that one of the reasons for sending up a satellite was to determine atmospheric den- sity, but that a fairly good estimate of the density was needed in order to compute orbits and make predictions of satellite transits. A milestone in research and analysis of satellite data was reached in May of 1958 at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. There, some of the results on Explorers I and III were summarized. Dr. Van Allen presented his conclusions concerning the existence of a radia- tion belt around the earth. Other scientists made preliminary esti- mates of the concentration of meteors at the altitudes at which the satellites were orbiting. And Drs. Schilling and Sterne offered a sum- mary of tentative conclusions concerning the density of the upper atmosphere as derived from satellite observations; table 8, which appears in the Observatory’s Special Report No. 12, dated April 30, details their results. The authors noted that these estimates were made from observations at different geographic latitudes and that the data were too few to pro- vide an accurate mean value. They further cautioned that the esti- mates were not strictly comparable because no allowances had been made for seasonal, diurnal, and other sporadic variations of air den- sity. These were now to become a major concern in the study of atmospheric phenomena. Meanwhile, the Observatory had incorporated into its program for the computation of orbits the changes of period caused by air drag. They found, however, that they were still faced with rather serious errors in predictions, although not nearly so bad as they had been earlier. The problem was complicated by the fact that Sputnik IT and Explorer I were not spherical; therefore, as their orientation changed in space, the amount of surface against which atmospheric density could act to decrease the altitude and increase the speed of the satellite changed. Nevertheless, the variations in satellite drag from day to day did not seem accountable by considerations of the presentation area. When the spherical satellite Vanguard I showed the same type of oscilla- tions that had appeared in the orbits of Sputnik II and Explorer I, SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 345 TABLE 3.—Atmospheric Densities Derived by Various Investigators Height (kilometers) Density (gm/em’) Satellite Author Bees See Se ue Es 105% 1958 Alpha- ---- Sterne. Reece Eo 14 10-% 1958 Alpha----- Sterne. PAT 5 eS valiant S.5:), LOPE) l9S7 a2. Harris and Jastrow. Pos oS ST este eh 2.5 10% 1957 a2_____--_| Royal Aircraft. Doonan pan © sere 2.2 107% 1957 61_____--_| Sterne and Schilling. 3 Ne Te ee 1S By OFC? )y i LOST 2s 2S a Harris and Jastrow. 771 Se ee Fh Gat Oe LOB Vials sts be Sterne and Schilling. 7d Se ee ee 4.5 107% OGY (GPL SB See Sterne and Schilling. 5? We etl a 4,0 10-8 Lovee eee Sterne. 7) Vi) Raa ae 4.7 10-8 Ly A eae Priester et al. Fad tage Ne ee Rs 4.8 10-8 NOS 7vBle + 2 ee Sterne and Schilling. 7) bp. 0) er 4,4 10-8 Gir gis) eee een ees Sterne and Schilling. their origin had to be sought in the atmosphere itself rather than in the shape of the satellite. Dr. Jacchia discovered that the oscillations had a period of approxi- mately 27 days, equal to that of the sun’s rotation, and immediately surmised that the cause of the variations of density in the atmosphere revealed by these variations of drag might be solar radiation. He outlined this possibility in a paper entitled “The Erratic Orbital Acceleration of 1957 Beta” in the April 1958 issue of Sky and T'ele- scope. When Dr. Wolfgang Priester of Germany studied the text, he noted that the curve of the drag of Sputnik II resembled the varia- tions of the 20-cm. radio flux from the sun. The resemblance could not be seen clearly because unfortunately there were just two minima and one maximum on the curve, and the satellite’s perigee went from night into day and back into night exactly at the time when the drag was rising and then declining. The curves did, however, appear to be similar. By the time Priester had made this analysis, Jacchia had many more data at hand, including several months of observations of Vanguard I for which he had not published any detailed accelerations. Since he did not have access to the 20-cm. fiux, which is measured in East Berlin, he made use of the 10-cm. flux which behaves very much like the other, and which is measured in Canada. He plotted the 10-cm. flux against the drag of Vanguard I. The two curves were almost identical: every single minimum and maximum in one was reflected in the other. There could no longer be any doubt of a relationship be- tween something that was happening in the sun and something that was happening in the atmosphere to affect the motion of the satellite. It must be emphasized that there is no direct causal relationship between the 10-cm. flux and the variations of the density, since the atmosphere is completely transparent to that radiation and therefore 346 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 cannot be heated by it. There simply must be another kind of radia- tion in the sun that varies in more or less the same way as does the radio flux and that influences the orbit of the satellite. It was reasonable to assume that extreme ultraviolet radiation, including soft X-rays, emitted from sunspots varies in a manner similar to that of the 10-cm. radiation; that is, the same primary cause underlies the two phenomena and therefore they are in unison. If this is true, then the 10-cm. flux serves as a fairly accurate indicator of variations of the emission of the extreme ultraviolet. The latter can- not, of course, be observed from earth because it is completely shielded by the atmosphere. Its existence, however, had earlier been confirmed and measured by rockets lofted before the IGY. Since sunspots have a tendency to concentrate in a few long-lasting active areas, the radio flux and the extreme ultraviolet flux will show a maximum every 27 days when the rotation of the sun brings them near the center of the visible disk. And since the number of sunspots greatly varies with the 11-year solar cycle, there is a corresponding variation in the two fluxes, which is reflected in the heating of the atmosphere. Actually, this variation with the 11-year cycle is by far the largest observed in the atmosphere. This, then, was the first major discovery concerning variations of upper atmospheric density made from the tracking of satellites. The importance of this finding has frequently been compared to that of the Van Allen radiation belt. Shortly after the discovery of the 27-day variations, another kind was found from observations of the rocket of Sputnik III (1958 81). Jacchia noted that one two occasions during the lifetime of the object the drag increased much more suddenly than it did during the 27-day fluctuation. Each of these increases occurred within a matter of two days, one during which density rose, and the other when it fell. He then searched for any unusual happening on those days. They proved to be the dates of the only two large magnetic storms during the life- time of the satellite. The maximum of each storm coincided with the maximum of disturbance in the drag to within a fraction of a day. Once he computed the acceleration curves and compared them with the magnetic indices, he found that they were almost identical. Such magnetic storms are caused by solar flares. In both cases, in July and in September, the magnetic storms started approximately 24 hours after the appearance of a +38 flare on the sun. The agent that caused the storm was corpuscular radiation. Its role in heating the atmosphere was completely unknown before the space age. Violent flares on the sun emit charged particles. When they are in the vicinity of our planet, they interact with its magnetic field and cause perturbations of the magnetic needle. The same par- ticles indirectly also cause the temperature of the atmosphere to in- SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 347 crease and therefore its density at a given altitude. It must be added that scientists do not yet understand precisely how this heating occurs. The next discovery by Dr. Jacchia was that the atmosphere at a given height is denser in the illuminated—that is, the bright—hemi- sphere than it is in the night hemisphere. In other words, the atmos- phere bulges out toward the sun. This diurnal bulge is another phe- nomenon caused primarily by the extreme ultraviolet radiation from the sun. At a height of 150 km., surfaces of equal density in the atmosphere are nearly concentric with the earth. At higher altitudes, however, a slight bulging out occurs around the point that is at the same latitude as the subsolar point but shifted 2 hours in longitude. This bulging out reaches a maximum in the region between 600 and 1,000 km.; the bulge then decreases in the helium and hydrogen regions of the atmos- phere. The temperature goes up much more sharply in the bulge. At the height of Vanguard I, for example, the density of the atmos- phere in 1958-59 varied by nearly one order of magnitude across the bulge; the density increased by nearly one order of magnitude going through its center, and then decreased. A fourth effect of solar radiation is the semiannual variation. In 1960 Professor H. K. Paetzold found from Dr. Jacchia’s observations of Vanguard I and Satellite 1958 Alpha that there are indications of a small semiannual oscillation in the drag. His discovery was then sub- stantiated by Priester and Jacchia. The maxima and minima of this oscillation agree with the maxima and minima of the semiannual oscillation in the geomagnetic indices and with the maxima and minima of aurorae and magnetic disturbances. Again, the mechanism of this variation is not understood. The changing dip of the magnetic axis of the earth with respect to the “solar wind” has been invoked to explain the effect, but this explana- tion seems to meet with increasing difficulties. From all of these observations and deductions, a new model of atmospheric heating resulted. The troposphere extends to between 8 and 12 km. from the ground. The ground is heated by visible radia- tion; then the heat is transferred from the ground to the atmosphere by conduction and convection. Above the troposphere is the ozonosphere, the layer of atmosphere that contains a quantity of ozone which absorbs the near ultraviolet ; most of this region is between 25 and 40 km. above the earth. The layer above is heated from the ozonosphere in the same way that the troposphere is heated by the ground. These facts had already been available, however, to estimate the nature and extent of heating in the upper atmosphere above 100 km. 348 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 In 1957 the most popular hypothesis on the heating of the upper atmosphere was Chapman’s idea that the heating occurred by con- duction from a hot interplanetary space that was part of the solar corona. The belief was that the earth moved in a thin medium with a temperature of something of the order of a quarter of a million to possibly a half-million degrees and that this heat percolated by con- duction into the atmosphere. This conception proved to be completely wrong, for in fact the temperature of the upper atmosphere above a given point of the earth and at a given time is just about constant from 300 km. upward, at a relatively cool level, about 1000° to 2000° Kelvin. Both the extreme ultraviolet radiation and the heating energy from the corpuscular fiux from the sun seem to be absorbed at comparable heights of the order of between 100 and 200 km. above the earth. This layer has the same role for the upper atmosphere as the ground has for the troposphere, except that instead of convection there is only conduction. The lower regions heat the upper regions. The extreme ultraviolet and the heating energy from the corpuscular radiation directly heat the atmosphere, and then heat the layers above by conduction. The temperature of the atmosphere does not increase constantly as one goes upward. Actually, it increases in a tremendous leap in the region between 100 and 200 km., going from 200° Kelvin at 90 km. to a possible 2000° Kelvin at maximum sun activity in a matter of 100 to 200 km. Then it remains stationary in the higher regions of the atmosphere. In other words, it is almost an inverted picture from what had been anticipated before the IGY. In summary, extreme ultraviolet radiation from the sun heats the atmosphere unequally in the dark and bright hemispheres and thus causes the diurnal effect, and it varies from day to day and therefore creates the erratic “27-day” effect, as well as the 11-year variations. Corpuscular radiation from the sun indirectly heats the atmosphere during magnetic storms and may or may not be related to the mys- terious semiannual effect. These, then, were some of the major scien- tific results derived from optical observations of satellites during the IGY. Scientists at the Observatory also undertook other research pro- grams as part of the IGY. From observations of Satellites 1957 B1 and 1957 B2, Dr. Jacchia derived new values for the second- and fourth-order coefficients of the earth’s gravitational potential. Dr. Kozai made a theoretical study of the motion of a satellite by taking into account the second-, third- and fourth-order terms of the earth’s potential; his results provided more accurate expressions for the secular motions of the perigee and the node. He also developed a theory of secular perturbations on satellite motions caused by the sun and the moon. Other scientists began developing further means SATELLITE-TRACKING PROGRAM—HAYES 349 for using satellite observations in geodetic studies. ‘These and other programs of research and analysis were to reach fruition after the IGY when the Satellite-Tracking Program of the Observatory came under the sponsorship of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE IGY AND IGC When the Satellite-Tracking Program came under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on July 1, 1959, the Observa- tory’s direct participation in the International Geophysical Year and the International Geophysical Cooporation ended. The changes, the progress, the achievements of the program during those years had been momentous. The Observatory staff—most of whom were involved in the satellite program in one capacity or another—grew from 38 when the Observatory moved to Cambridge in 1955 to a cosmopolitan group of more than 175 people. In 3 years, the Observatory built and manned a worldwide network of 12 stations, each equipped with a specially designed and constructed Baker-Nunn camera and Norrman time standard. The camera was so sensitive and so accurate that it photographed the Vanguard 6-inch sphere at a distance of some 2,400 miles; the clock could display time to one-thousandth of a second. By mid-1959 these 12 stations had made more than 4,000 photographic observations of U.S. and U.S.S.R. satellites launched during the IGY and IGC. A communications network linking the stations with headquarters in Cambridge handled each month 400,000 words of information on predictions and observations of satellite transits. More than 8,000 volunteers joined the Moonwatch program of visual observations of satellites. More than 200 teams were organized, not only in the United States but also throughout the world. Together, they made nearly 10,000 observations and were of unique value in locating several “lost” satellites and in observing the demise of Sputnik IT. Techniques were developed for the precise reduction of the films from the Baker-Nunn cameras, and by June 1959 the times and posi- tions recorded on the photographs were being routinely determined. The computations group successfully evolved a series of programs, among them the DOJ, for the generation of predictions to the camera stations and the Moonwatch teams and for the derivation of precise orbits. They also created a number of other significant programs for research and analysis. Scientists used the observational data to define several influences on the motion of satellites and thereby made new estimates of atmospheric 350 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 density and discovered the role of solar electromagnetic and corpuscu- lar radiation in heating the atmosphere. Other research using satellite data was initiated in studies of geodesy. Members of the staff presented some 20 papers to scientific meetings, and published 30 others in leading scientific journals. The Observa- tory issued 27 special reports on research in space science, ranging in subject from observational data to plans for a flashing satellite for geodetic studies. In the years to follow, literally scores of other papers and reports based on IGY activities were to appear. The imaginative vision of 1955 had become a splendid reality. How Mountains Are Formed’ By R. A. LYTTLETON Reader in Theoretical Astronomy University of Cambridge [With 2 plates] THE EXISTENCE Of mountains has remained for generations one of the most perplexing problems of geology and geophysics despite the enormous amount of evidence apparently available. True, we have been told since childhood that mountains are due to shrinkage of the Earth as it cools causing corrugations as on a withered apple. But a purely verbal explanation of this kind represents only the first glimmerings of a theory. Before any theory can be regarded as satis- factory, it has to show that all the proposed processes would occur to correct numerical amount. If experiments are not possible, this can be done only by working out the mathematical consequences of physical laws. A verbal theory can keep the moon swinging around the Earth with a piece of cotton, but as soon as numbers are put into the scheme it founders. This has happened to various theories of the origin of mountains. The geologist can explore the surface of the Earth in all its detail. As yet, the prospector can bore down only a small distance, but he can examine present surface rocks and features that must formerly have been buried much deeper. The geologist can see sedimentary layers, which were originally deposited horizontally, so compressed from the sides as to be folded and contorted here, and sheared and thrusted layer-over-layer there (pl. 1, upper fig.), and also uplifted and turned through large angles. He can examine lands that at one time formed seabeds, and he can examine intrusive rocks and lavas poured out in seemingly gigantic amounts from volcanoes. He can tunnel through mountains and examine them in all their forms. This has been done on an immense scale but has produced few clues as to the ultimate cause of mountains except to show that worldwide com- pressive forces have been at work. The origin of the forces has remained a mystery. 1 Reprinted by permission from Discovery (London), vol. 25, No. 2, February 1964. 766—746—65 25 351 352 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 One of the reasons for this is that the accessible material is far less than one-thousandth part of the whole mass of the Earth. In this minute proportion, the geologist nevertheless finds signs of almost every kind of disturbance that could be conceived, with the result that almost any conjecture about the Earth’s history can find some apparent evidence for its support. This renders the task of the theorist both difficult and thankless. However, one general conclusion has emerged from this work, and that is that the outer crust of the Earth has under- gone considerable horizontal shortening, as if to fit down on to a de- creasing and shrinking interior. The problem is to find the cause of this contraction. CONVECTION CELLS One obvious suggestion is that at one time the Earth rotated much faster than now. This would have caused it to have bulged out far more at the equator than at present. As the shape became less sphe- roidal, this would lead to crumpling at the surface, presumably mainly along meridional lines. There is certainly some evidence of a greater rotation rate in the past, but this theory would place the greatest changes in surface area far back in the Earth’s history, whereas moun- tain building is still going on now, even though changes of surface area due to changes of shape are negligible. An entirely different theory maintains that the mountains are pro- duced by the drag of circulating convection currents actually flowing in the Earth’s solid mantle (see fig. 1). It is considered that such cur- rents would have a pattern, dividing off into a certain number of convection cells just filling the volume of the mantle. From time to time, as a result of the increase in size of the liquid core of the Earth, the number of cells would have to increase by one. The drag on the surface layers, if effective at all, would be producing mountains all stationary continent moving continent an —~ BLE 5 Sia “ >. and rift z & yy — et ma splitting continent | / Ficure 1.—The diagram shows how circulating convection currents in the solid mantle deep within the Earth are supposed to give rise to surface features. ‘These convection- cells are also supposed to account for Earth’s drifting continents. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Lyttleton PLATE 1 he we. These strata of sedimentary rock would be horizontal when first deposited. Changes in the Earth’s crust as it shrinks cause thrusting, folding, and compression of the rock layers. These distortions of rock are found on every scale from relatively small changes like this to whole mountain ranges such as the French Alps. The Earth probably developed from a cool, low density cloud of gas and dust such as the one shown here in the “horsehead nebula” in Orion. Subsequent heating and formation of a liquid core would have caused the Earth to contract. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Lyttleton PLATE 2 Deep gash of the Grand Canyon in Arizona illustrates vividly the powerful forces of uplift and erosion that produce the Earth’s surface features. HOW MOUNTAINS ARE FORMED—LYTTLETON 353 the time (and as an additional flourish would make the continents drift), and the readjustment when the number of cells increased is associated in the theory with a period of intense mountain building. Ingenious as this descriptive theory is, it is hard to see why hori- zontal currents near the surface should produce such enormous uplifts, and it is even more difficult to see why such currents should occur in solid matter of considerable strength. It is difficult to prove one way or the other whether a sufficient force will cause “solid” material to flow if applied long enough, but there is recent evidence from the motions of artificial satellites that the Earth may possess enough strength to maintain a slightly more spheroidal form than its present rotation warrants (presumably a relic of a time of faster rotation). This could tell heavily against the notion of convection currents. The mechanism would also require regions of unequal heating to produce currents, or some other departure from symmetry. Moreover, the theory requires a growing core, and for this the theory speculates still further and assumes that free iron is present deep within the solid mantle. Because this iron would be heavier than the surroundings, it would sink gradually to build up a metallic core. The Earth does in fact contain a heavy core, almost entirely liquid, with radius now some 55 percent of the whole Earth-radius, but the presence of the requisite chunks of iron is highly dubious. A body containing nearly 40 percent of heavy metals would be a cosmic object of the utmost curiosity. THE EARTH’S ORIGIN Several epochs of mountain building have now been traced right back in time by the geologists. There have been at least three major periods well authenticated in post-Cambrian times (that is, within the last 500 million years). Numerous others occurred over a range of some thousands of millions of years, with their greatest intensity at intervals of the order of a hundred million years. Thus any inquiry as to the origin of mountains must face the question of the original state of the Earth. It seems to be here that a new approach may bring order where for so long there has seemed to be only difficulty and contradiction. For almost a century it has been widely believed that the Earth began its existence as an entirely molten body, so that its development seemed to be explicable simply by the processes of cooling of such a body. Indeed, the thermal-contraction hypothesis, whereby the moun- tains are supposed to result from this cooling as it extends downward, has long been regarded as the obvious cause. The surface would cool first and become solid to a certain depth, and then, when a lower layer cooled and contracted, the already solid outer crust would find itself too large to fit continuously over the cooled adjacent interior. It 354 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 would therefore buckle and thrust over itself sideways, piling up material against gravity. Attractive and inevitable as this mechanism seemed, detailed calcula- tions showed that it was likely to give far less contraction than would satisfy the geologists. Measured in terms of circumferential contrac- tion of the entire globe, it might lead in the whole age of the Earth to a reduction of a hundred kilometers or so. The geologists need at least a thousand kilometers—some would prefer even two or three times this amount—to allow adequately for all the earlier periods of moun- tain building. But even more serious doubt has been thrown on this hypothesis by the gradually emerging conclusion that initially the Earth may have been sufficiently cool to have been solid throughout. When proposals for the origin of the planets were under review a few decades ago, the only possible source for material seemed to lie in the stars, and here all the material was known to be at very high temperatures. Could released stellar material settle down into a compact planetary mass straightway? It now seems much more likely that material removed from a star by some catastrophic occurrence would expand almost indefinitely, thereby cooling, and instead of giving rise to a planet would produce a gigantic low-density cloud of gas and dust. The heavens, it is now established, are replete with such clouds, which occupy some 10 percent of all galactic space (pl. 1, lower fig.). It thus becomes necessary to think in terms of planets developing initially from cool material. There are a number of mechanisms by which the sun could have acquired sufficient dust and gas to form all the planets. For example, a companion star to the sun may have exploded as a supernova to pro- vide the material; alternatively, the sun may have nosed sufficiently slowly through one of these clouds to form a dust-and-gas cloud cir- culating round itself. (The clouds themselves would possess slow circulation in the first place.) Once captured, a cloud of gas and dust would settle down into a thin disklike form moving round the sun, somewhat resembling a giant Saturn’s ring but on an immensely larger scale and much further out in proportion. Within this disk the planets would have grown by a process of gradual accretion. But for present purposes it is not necessary to go into the details of all this: it is sufficient if we postulate an initially cool and entirely solid Earth, and ask how such a planet would develop. SIZE OF AN ALL-SOLID EARTH Tf then we imagine all the material of the Earth initially gathered into a single all-solid body, almost the first question that springs to mind is to ask how big such a planet would be. To answer this with HOW MOUNTAINS ARE FORMED—LYTTLETON 355 any worthwhile degree of accuracy would be an almost impossible task were it not for the occurrence of earthquakes. For study of their wave effects has enabled a great deal to be learned about the pressures, densities, and elastic properties of the material existing at all depths within the present Earth. The pressures inside the Earth are of the order of millions of atmospheres, and far above the strengths of solid materials in all but the extreme outer layers. This great pressure renders the problem tractable, for the internal material must be so distributed that it is supported against gravity entirely by pressure. The times of travel of earthquake waves enable the physical properties of the material, in particular its compressibility, to be found at these enormous pressures. ‘This is obviously essential information if we are to calculate the initial size of the Earth. If the Earth grew by accretion of cosmic dust, there would be no reason to suppose any great difference of composition from one part to another, and it would be easy to calculate the uncompressed volume that a mass equal to that of the Earth would occupy if composed of dust. However, the compression squeezes the matter to higher density, the more so the deeper it is inside the Earth, and it is this that makes the calculation awkward. It is necessary to have precise knowledge of how the density varies with pressure. Geophysicists have long since determined the incompressibility at almost all parts of the Earth by their studies of earthquake travel- times. The results show that the incompressibility is almost exactly a linear function of the pressure (see fig 2). The same type of law had also been arrived at quite independently more than a decade ago from purely physical considerations. It therefore seems probable that such a law holds with an accuracy greater than that of the present geophysical data from which it can also be inferred. It is found that a straight-line law holds not only throughout the solid mantle and the solid outer shell of the Earth (which is just over 400 kilometers deep), but also in the liquid core. The constant of in- compressibility associated with zero pressure is different in each zone, but the slope of the straight-line law is the same. Our first require- ment is to consider an all-solid Earth. Its radius is readily calculated by means of the linear law (and the use of a computer) and comes out to about 350 kilometers greater than the present Earth-radius of 6,371 kilometers. This means an initial circumference more than 2,000 kilometers greater than the present value, and a surface-area about 60 million square kilometers greater! This is the area that would have been tucked away by folding and thrusting to change the Earth to its present size. These are exactly the kind of changes the geologists need to account for all the epochs of mountain building (see fig. 3). 356 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The pressure at the bottom of the mantle, 2,900 kilometers below the surface, is about 1.37 million atmospheres, whereas at the center of an entirely solid Earth it would be only just over 20 percent greater. Thus no more than a modest extrapolation of the law between pressure and density is required. INCOMPRESSIBILITY (10" dyneycm. ) I 2 3 PRESSURE (10 dyne/cm. *) Ficure 2.—The incompressibility of each of the Earth’s three main zones is a linear func- tion of pressure. But the greater compressibility of the liquid core means that as radio- active heating at great pressure causes more liquid to form, the Earth contracts. Where the outer shell meets the solid mantle, the pressure is 0.141 x 10!2 dyne cm.~; at the boundary of the mantle and core, 1.36 x 10!2 dyne cm.~; and at the Earth’s center, about 3.9 x 10! dyne cm.~?; (10! dyne cm.~ is approximately 1 million atmospheres). HOW MOUNTAINS ARE FORMED—LYTTLETON 357 Figure 3.—The Earth’s initial radius was about 350 kilometers greater than it is now. Its surface area must therefore have been reduced by about 60 million square kilometers. This additional material would have been tucked away by folding and thrusting, giving rise to epochs of mountain building which still continue. HEATING AND CONTRACTION But this is only the beginning of the story. We have also to explain how the Earth has come to possess its liquid central core, with a radius more than half that of the Earth. Clearly something must have happened to raise the temperature enough to cause the Earth to melt. There is no difficulty here, however, for this could be achieved by only a minute content of radioactive materials: no more than a few percent of the proportion found to be present near the Earth’s surface would gradually raise the temperature as these materials—mainly uranium, thorium, and potassium—decayed into other elements, thereby releas- ing energy. Thus, instead of the Earth cooling down, it has in fact been warming up and is still probably doing so. It may well have remained entirely solid for a thousand million years or more, until the 358 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 central temperature reached the melting point of the material there: this would mark the beginning of the growth of the core. Further release of radioactive energy would increase the temperature, and the core would continue to extend further out. The crucial point is that this liquid form, which the material is converted into as a result of both the high pressure and temperature, is more compressible than the solid form constituting the mantle. Thus, as the core mass increases, the Earth gradually gets smaller. Over the whole age of the Earth, the average rate of decrease of the outer radius has been about one-tenth of a millimeter a year—in 3.5 X 10° years this amounts to 350 kilometers. This contraction also re- leases gravitational energy, which will augment the heating by radio- active energy, but in a planet as small as the Earth this additional source of heat cannot be tapped until radioactive heating has first produced liquefaction, so that contraction can begin. An indirect consequence of the gradual contraction would be that the rotation of the Earth would have speeded up: the rotatory inertia of the planet would have decreased as the body contracted. It now has only about 4/5 of the original value, and so the present angular velocity would be about 5/4 of the original rate in order to conserve rotatory momentum. This means that the day, if affected by this process only, would initially have been about 30 hours long. It is known that the tides of the sun and moon act to slow the Earth down, but the present process appears to be of comparable importance, and it will need to be taken into account in future discussions of the evolution of the Earth’s rotation. STRAIN, FRACTURE, BUCKLING It is the response of the outer layers of the Earth to this steady lique- faction of the deep interior that is ultimately responsible for the formation of mountains. But the surface does not follow the con- traction entirely uniformly because the strengths of the materials in the outer few kilometers are greater than the pressure. Thus the contraction in the core for a time produces no catastrophic effect at the surface, but only builds up increasing strains. Rocks can be com- pressed by rather more than one part in a thousand of their linear dimensions before they yield altogether and fracture. Thus a spheri- cal Earth could contract down by a few kilometers without serious distortion at the surface, but then any further contraction would re- sult in widespread fracture and buckling of the outer layers. Some catastrophic readjustments would be made as the material gave way under excess strains. This stage would correspond to a period of mountain building. What exactly would take place in any such cata- strophic epoch is almost impossible to consider theoretically, for the Earth’s surface layers will have different strengths at different parts, HOW MOUNTAINS ARE FORMED—LYTTLETON 359 and the processes will automatically always find the weakest parts of the planet’s crust. It is unlikely that the mountains were produced exactly in their present forms. Long ridges would develop where one layer was thrust over another, and then erosion would carve out gorges and canyons by wearing away huge quantities of the more readily removable ma- terial (see pl. 2). The resulting reduction in weight would cause the whole area gradually to rise, maintaining a kind of floating equilibrium on the layers below. This would increase the surface irregularity, though clearly there is a limit to which the process could go. Simi- larly, where the relief of stresses took the form of folding of the sur- face layers, subsequent erosion would accentuate the surface features, at least for a time. THE EARTH’S STORY IN OUTLINE Thus it now seems probable that the Earth began as a cool feature- less planet with minute traces of radioactive minerals spread through its volume. Aeons may have passed while the internal temperature slowly but inexorably rose, until suddenly the crucial melting point at the center was reached and the process of contraction was set in motion. Compression of the liquefied central part would take place automati- cally at this stage because of the high pressure, and the outer parts would then follow down to restore equilibrium. Continuing compres- sion would begin the cycle of mountain formation by building up stresses in the outer layers. This would be followed eventually by catastrophic release as the surface rocks folded and fractured, and erosion of the resulting foldings and thrustings would finally produce huge areas of mountain ranges. And there is no reason to suppose that the process has ceased: the lifetimes of radioactive elements are such that heat is still being produced throughout the Earth, though cer- tainly at only a fraction of the original rate. But until it practically ceases altogether, the Earth will go on contracting and periods of mountain building will continue to occur. MOUNTAINS ON OTHER PLANETS? To the question: could mountains be formed by this process on the moon or on any of the small planets, such as Mercury, Venus, or Mars, the theory can in fact give quite definite answers. Venus, for example, has an observed radius consistent with the value it would have if the planet is made of material with similar properties to the Earth. Since its mass is only a little less than that of the Earth, the internal condi- tions of pressure and temperature are likely to be such that melting near the center has occurred, and a liquid core formed deep within it, but not to quite the same extent as in the Earth. Folded and thrusted mountains would therefore be expected to be found on Venus. 360 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Mars, on the other hand, is only about one-ninth the mass of the Earth, and not only would the temperatures due to radioactive heating at corresponding depths be rather less than in the Earth, but the pressures are far too low for liquefaction yet to have occurred in its central regions. So no contraction of Mars can have occurred : indeed, if anything has happened as a result of internal heating, it would rather have produced very slight expansion of the outer parts, possibly thereby bringing about rifting of the solid surface. Whether such riftings could be eroded into anything resembling terrestrial moun- tains is doubtful. Although the surface is directly visible, Mars is rather too distant for the question to be settled for certain at present. Nevertheless it has long been believed from observations near the edge of the planet’s disk that there can be no irregularities of more than a few thousand feet, and the absence of detectable shadows means there is no direct evidence even for this amount. Photographic or other kinds of survey from space probes passing close to the planet may clarify the situation in the next few years. The same conclusion holds for both Mercury and the moon, and the theory indicates that these bodies have always been solid throughout. Hence no mountains of the terrestrial kind can be expected at their surfaces. It is of course generally recognized that no such features are to be found on the lunar surface; all the so-called “mountains” can be associated with the remnants of the rims of large craters that have been heavily eroded. However, special processes, perhaps chemical or radioactive, might lead to the development of intense loca] heating in comparatively small regions of the outer parts of the planets or of the moon. For example, a large meteorite of high radioactive content plunging into a planet might produce sufficient heating to bring about volcanic effects hundreds of millions of years later. This in turn could lead to the building up of volcanic mountains, but these make an almost negligible contribution to the whole area of the Earth covered by mountains. We can conclude that if the inner planets began as molten bodies, they should all possess mountains produced by thermal contraction. But if they began as entirely cool bodies, only the Earth and Venus can have mountains. Thus we have an absolutely clear-cut test of a new hypothesis which implies a great deal about the deep interiors of the planets—a realm that can be explored theoretically. And there is an intriguing opportunity for space research to obtain the necessary evidence by direct exploration of the surfaces of these planets. The Future of Oceanography’ By ATHELSTAN SPILHAUS Dean of the Institute of Technology University of Minnesota [With 4 plates] OcEANOGRAPHY’S FUTURE depends on the uses to which we put the ocean. The science of oceanography is not a discipline but an adven- ture wherein any discipline or combination of disciplines may be focused on understanding and using the sea and all that isin it. Often the arts of using the sea precede the full understanding of it and point to questions yet unanswered. For example, submarines led to the study of how sound travels in the ocean; aircraft carriers to the study of waves. But equally, scientific discoveries resulting from sheer curiosity point the way to new uses. The finding (first by the Chal- lenger) of manganese nodules on the bottom of the sea, followed by recent photographs showing their abundance, has led to serious work on “surface” mining the sea bottom. In all science there is a continu- ous interplay between artisan and scientist; in oceanography, it is between sailor, submariner, fisherman, and oceanographer. So, to speculate about oceanography’s future, we must extend pres- ent uses into the future, dream of entirely new uses, and see what we can do to bring them about. One of the first and still one of the foremost uses man makes of the ocean is as a magnificent highway with “straight,” great circle routes to travel from any point on the coast of the world island to any other point on its coast. Surface navigation has been highly developed with excellent “road signs” from the simplest buoy or lighthouse through radio time signals, sonar, long-range radar, and radio direc- tion-finding navigational aids, to the most modern systems of naviga- tion utilizing the navigational satellite as a “lighthouse in the sky.” Here, as in all cases, the needs for pure, scientific oceanography, for industrial exploitation, and for the Navy are parallel. It is no use for the oceanographer to know in detail the character of a certain body 1 Reprinted by permission from Ocean Sciences, edited by E. John Long. Copyright 1964 by U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. 361 766-746—65—_26 362 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 of water, the currents, or the nature of the ocean bottom there if he does not know precisely where “there” is. Now that the Polaris mis- sile can be launched from the sea, the Navy must also know the exact launching point in order to aim. Navigation of the future will be done more and more under water. Although submarines have thus far been used principally for military purposes, the advantages of traveling below the disturbed interface between ocean and atmosphere with its waves, windstorms, and ice mean that submarine freight and passenger travel, as well as a variety of submarine vessels for research purposes, will undoubtedly be devel- oped. Under water the navigational problems are even greater. The navigator must have complete maps of the bottom topography, the gravimetry, magnetic anomalies, and the nature of the sea bottom. He must have instruments to detect these so that he may “see” where he is just as a land or air traveler sees his position on ordinary maps. He will also, for regular routes, have a beacon system under the sea, as airplanes have in the air; thus, he will home from beacon to beacon. The other age-old use that men have made of the sea is to gather their food from it. It is not immediately obvious that studies of life in the sea are important to the Navy, but in fact, the Navy has given considerable support to work in marine biology. Two obvious exam- ples of direct naval significance are research on marine fouling orga- nisms and the noises that animals make in the sea that confuse hydro- phone listening. Unquestionably, studies of life in the sea will find increasing importance, not only for the needs of people in peacetime but also for military applications. Food from the sea is not properly exploited. On the one hand, some desirable species of fish are overfished to the extent of threatening extermination; on the other hand, some are not used at all. Countries having ample food within their land boundaries, such as the United States, use less fish than heavily populated countries surrounded by the sea, such as Japan. Only 5 percent of our protein comes from the sea as compared to the world average of 12 percent. This world aver- age must inevitably increase with population growth. There are other factors which affect the use of protein from the sea. Even in protein- poor countries such as India, abundant fish from the Indian Ocean are not extensively used. This is partly due to the difficulty of preserv- ing fish without expensive refrigeration in hot lands. Modern can- ning and dehydration can surmount these difficulties. Education to overcome taboos and use protein-rich, nonspoilable fish flour can pro- vide the necessary supplement to the diet of one-fourth of the world’s population which is undernourished now. If we harvested this renewable source of food properly, we do not know whether we could steadily take five times the present amount out of the sea or a hundred times that amount. Marine biological and THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY—SPILHAUS 363 fishery research must give us an estimate of productivity which would let us plan the size of the harvest so that it would be constantly con- served and renewed, at the same time it is being used. But, once we establish the present productivity of the sea, we need not stop there. Agriculture on land has made tremendous increases in productivity per acre by growing single stands instead of mixed populations, by breeding special strains adapted to a particular locality and resistent to disease, by renewing the land by plowing, fertilizing, and irrigating. All of these methods have their counterparts in aqua- culture, the farming of the sea. Behavioral research on marine animals’ reactions to stimuli— electrical, acoustical, chemical, physical bubbles and currents, and temperatures—all point the way to the kind of “fences” we may use to isolate species and special breeds and harvest them more readily than do present fishermen who merely hunt them. The nutrients needed by life in the sea are presently renewed and concentrated by various processes of nature. When we understand these, we may be able to emulate them in artificial processes. Winds drive away surface water in the lee of a coast, bringing up nutrient- rich lower water. This suggests that barriers placed in the open ocean might form artificial lees with rich patches of water around them. In the open ocean when winds diverge, they also bring up bottom water at the center of the divergence, and the natural stirring of currents plows the sea. Perhaps we can “boil up” the nutrient-rich bottom water by putting a nuclear stove down there. Possibly the waste heat of an underwater nuclear powerplant for submarine beacons for navigation could be used for this. Without aquaculture, the problem in the sea is similar to the problem of gathering food from the wild mixed animal and plant life in the undeveloped tropics. It is simply that the desirable foodstuffs, plant or animal, are widely scattered and hard to gather. Some way must be found to concentrate or herd them. We shall need “shepherds” and “cowboys” in the sea. Perhaps they will ride bucking one-man submarines, or perhaps as a result of the present behavioral studies, we can train dolphins as sheep dogs of the sea. The difference between wild scrub cattle and the highly bred, heavy beef cattle is a result of selective breeding, good pasturage, and sup- plemented feeding. Fish husbandry can do the same for fish in isolated areas of the sea. Present-day fishing methods are mainly of two types, either netting fish, which are closely gathered in schools, or hooking them with bait. How fish respond to stimuli points the way to powerful new methods of fishing and shows that the fish will line up and swim toward one pole in a field of electric current. “Electric fishing,” already practical in fresh water, requires greater currents in the ocean water electrolyte; 364 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 but pulses of high energy may soon be used to make fish swim straight into a funnel hose, thence to be pumped directly into the hold of the factory ship. The most important sense a fish has is its chemical sense, and this may be exploited by ringing a school with a repellant to concentrate it and then luring it to an attracting chemical. Finally, the fish may be rendered senseless by another chemical and swept from the surface of the sea. They can be processed immediately in floating factories which will look more like chemical engineering plants than ships as we know them today. Around these factory ships, cities will grow, especially in the most productive waters of the world such as the Humboldt Current and Antarctic waters. The cities will be made up of apartment ships with shopping centers, having protected sea gardens between them, and airport ships. And, as other extensions of the floating city grow, perhaps even “municipal” hydrofoil trans- portation will be needed. Even more archaic than the primitive state of present day fishing is the way we use (or don’t use) the vegetation of the sea. It is true that peoples in Asia use seaweed as an important part of their diet, and in Japan it is grown on fences for ease of harvesting; but in our country we use it only as a source of algin in ice cream, cosmetics, and jellies. Surely just as the grasses of the land were developed to yield the wheat, corn, barley, rice, rye, oats, and even sugar for our daily bread, seaweed can be cultivated to form an important part of our food. Even the useless poisonous living plants and animals in the sea may be put to use. They are sources of important drugs, antibiotics, and tranquilizers. We may separate the poisons from hideous sea cucumbers and stingrays for our medicine cabinet and eat the rest. The most important need of life that comes to us from the sea is fresh water, distilled naturally by the sun, condensed into rain or snow and carried onto our lands. Until very recently the importance of this sea resource was hardly appreciated because of its abundance. Now, however, lack of fresh water is often the one critical factor not only in the support of peoples in arid and semiarid lands, but also in modern cities. Methods of producing fresh water artificially from brackish or sea water are being vigorously pursued, and without ques- tion, this will be a big industry of the future. As technology advances, the cost of separating fresh water from salt will go down. As popu- lation increases, the value of fresh water goes up. When these two curves meet, the process is “economical.” In parts of the world, such as the oil towns of Arabia and isolated naval base islands in the Pacific, they have already crossed. Half a dozen radically different methods of obtaining fresh water from the sea are now being tried. Distillation, emulating the natural way the sun makes fresh water, is one which may not turn out to be the most practical unless abundant solar or cheap nuclear power can THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY—SPILHAUS 365 be used. Freezing of sea water in nature leaves about one-third of the salts in pockets in the ice, but the technique of zone refining of metals which results in ultra purity suggests the method of “zone” freezing, which would have the advantage over distillation in that it requires only about one-sixth of the power. Semipermeable mem- branes, ion exchange, and even salt-eating bacteria are other possibilities. As the need for fresh water increases, more and more rivers will be stopped from running into the sea. This does not mean that the rivers will cease to exist, but simply that their waters will be used and reused and returned to the sea through the evaporative cycle rather than by waste flow. Every drop of fresh water that flows into the sea represents a waste of the solar energy that was used to distill it. The rivers of the world carry 2,000 million tons of salt each year into the oceans, and one might think that by tampering with river flow we would upset the balance of ocean salts. But to give an idea of how tiny this effect is, the annual amount of salt going into the sea is only one hundred-millionth of the total already there. As well as producing fresh water for use on land, we will develop ways of producing it under the sea. This is done now by evaporation in the nuclear submarines, as it is indeed on surface vessels. When we understand how penguins can exist without a drop of fresh water and exclude the excess salt, perhaps we can build counterparts of their mechanism to get fresh water. Before man required fresh water from the sea, he needed just the opposite—to extract the salt. This is an ancient art; at first the salt was used only for the seasoning of food. But in the last 40 years, not only have sodium, potassium, and magnesium salts been extracted economically, but also bromine and magnesium metal. The difficulty of getting anything out of sea water is that everything occurs in a highly dilute state, and large amounts of water have to be pumped and processed. But power is getting cheaper, and perhaps, instead of pumping sea water through plants on land, we will have floating processing plants at sea, propelling themselves through the water as they take what they need from it, just as marine animals do. The advantage of such floating “refineries” is that they do not occupy expensive shore land and can move to areas of rich sea “ore.” Perhaps deuterium taken from the sea water itself will power them. Many valuable elements are so dilute that it is not economical to extract them from sea water, yet nature concentrates them in high- grade deposits on the floor of the sea. Nodules on the sea bottom are already being mined for phosphorus, and nodules of manganese, not valuable enough in itself, may contain enough valuable nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, and zirconium to warrant scraping them off the bottom in a deep sea mining enterprise. The most interesting facet of this 366 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 deep sea mining is that the nodules seem to form at a rate exceeding what we might conceivably take out to cover the present total world consumption of these metals. They are like self-renewing mines. As time goes on, other valuable materials may be discovered on the bottom of the sea. Already, off Southwest Africa, a company is recov- ering diamonds. They are hopeful of getting 75,000 carats a month in sizes up to 10 carats. But the nodules and diamonds are just a start; undersea prospecting has hardly begun. It is not surprising that we now drill for oil under the sea on the continental shelves which are merely extensions of the land, the shore- line being an accident of present sea level. We should therefore expect that, as our ability to drill in deeper water increases, oil rigs will push farther and farther off shore. Exploitation of all of these things we need from the sea for living will inevitably lead to international disagreements and then, we hope, to agreements surrounding the “ownership” of the oceans. Parts of the edges of the ocean must be exempt from exploitation of any kind and must be saved for two other uses. First, for scientific purposes as well as aesthetic, we must have some land, estuarian water, sea, and island communities preserved in their natural state. If we do not do this soon, the whole coast of the United States will be bulk- headed with concrete by well-meaning engineers to prevent the “ravages” of wind and wave. All our estuaries will be filled to make “valuable” shoreline property. Tidal estuaries will be polluted. These and other competitive uses will destroy our valuable seashore and leave none in its natural state. Furthermore, as fishing methods become more efficient, sport fishing even more than commercial fishing, unhampered by the cost of acquisition of aqualungs, guns, chemical lures, electronic fish calls, may deplete certain species. These same species may be the very ones that need the disappearing estuaries as nurseries for their larvae and young. Secondly, men during their working lives must periodically take time for “recreation.” As the land becomes more crowded and cities grow, men turn to the sea for holidays. This important use should not be forgotten among other competitive uses of the coastal seas. The same reasons have led us to set aside wilderness areas on land. Mass-produced underwater vehicles within the reach of many will become as common as automobiles. Advances in underwater breathing gases and apparatus will make it possible for everyone to go down into the sea. Underwater resorts will develop. People will drive down under the sea, park their submobiles, check into submarines, and participate in one of the many recreations the resort will offer. Like land resorts, the ideal undersea resorts will be in clear, warm water regions—F lorida, the Bahamas, across the Antilles, Hawaii, the Pacific islands, and similar areas. Submarine trains and guided tours will THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY—SPILHAUS 367 take people through the reefs and underwater world so different from their normal environment. Underwater hunting and photography will become ever more popular sports. One of the best means of averting war is complete surveillance. If peoples and nations make their moves openly, exposed to the vigilant eyes of their world neighbors, there is less chance of conflict. This is the basic reason for developing surveillance systems on land and in the air. It is equally valid for the sea. Fixed defenses, such as mines and bottom-moored weapons, are tremendously effective, but because of international ownership of the sea, in times of peace, they cannot be placed unless it is covertly done. This is very different from the pre-aimed intercontinental ballistic missile silos that stand ready on home land. Until the time comes when we have complete surveillance in the sea, the first military task for submariners is to “see” yet be “unseen.” And all the developments of sonar and the silencing of submarine weapons and vessels are toward this end. The second important mili- tary objective is to go deeper in the sea than your enemy. In fights between aircraft, the one that could climb higher had the advantage. First rockets, and now satellites, have virtually removed any ceiling. In the sea, the only way to be sure the enemy cannot get below us is for our submarines to be able to go to the deepest part of the ocean. But speed is as important as depth. AI] submarines up to the present time have been built with positive buoyancy so that if the engines failed or were shut off, they could float directly to the surface. Per- haps this idea should be abandoned, as it was with aircraft when we moved from the floating dirigible to the dynamically supported air- plane. Pencillike submarines with negative buoyancy might have the strength and streamlining for the necessary depth with speed. They would rely on the dynamical lift of their hydrofoils with the reliability of their motors to raise them from the deeps. The third point is to know where you are. This has been satisfied by the submarines’ new navigational aids. The fourth military consideration is to be able to hit what you aim at. It is incredible that the United States can guide a probe to the vicinity of Venus, yet not be sure of hitting a target from a submarine a mile away. The ocean engineering of submarine travel, research, exploitation of the sea, and living in or upon it does not, for the most part involve new inventions. The elements are now known. A vehicle can be built to take us anywhere in the sea, even 7 miles down. We know how to build the structures and how to arrange communications. These new engineering products will emerge just as soon as research, defense, or industrial needs demand and justify them economically. Flip, the ship that goes to sea and then submerges its stern with just the bow peeking out of water as a floating station, can easily have 368 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 a bathyspherelike elevator built into its stern so that, once in position, investigators or workers can go down to the bottom or any inter- mediate level by elevator and return home to Fp when their work is done. The extraordinary success of the early attempts to drill toward the earth’s mantle—the MOHO project—will for scientific reasons, if no other, make drilling the ocean bottom another routine survey proce- dure. Instead of drilling from a rig floating on the hazardous, wavy, stormy surface of the sea, with a threadlike string twisting through miles of water before reaching the drill, the rig, power, and everything will in the future be located on the bottom. It is most exciting for the scientist to explore the bottom of the sea, because it has preserved the history of the earth in the layerings of its sediments without the weathering, folding, and creasing of the pages that occurs on land. Perhaps the best place to estimate the quantities and recover the materials—meteorites—which come to the earth from space is the undisturbed bottom of the sea. When we have blue-green lasers, possibly with choppers to reduce backscattering, we will be able to see and photograph through the sea water “window” a greater distance. Self-perpetuating ocean power sources will be developed; some will generate electricity by biological means using bacterial anodes and cathodes. Missiles for the explora- tion of space or other uses may be launched more cheaply from “silos” in the sea. Undersea pipelines, already well developed, may carry all kinds of fluids or fluidized substances under the sea with less maintenance than land pipelines. Submarine freight transport may be far more practical than surface vessels adversely affected by storm and wind, and more economical than air freight because of the buoyancy of sea water. Transit-type satellites have already proved their worth for naviga- tion at sea, but this is just a beginning. Satellites can be used to collect and retransmit data from buoys and ships at sea, to take pictures of ice conditions near the poles, by infrared sensing to trace ocean currents by the differences of temperature, and even for track- ing the worldwide migration of certain sea animals with transmitters attached. In the air we are accustomed to breathe, the inert gas nitrogen dilutes our oxygen supply. Some of the most exciting experiments are those that show that, for underwater breathing at high pressures, other inert gases are superior, and various mixtures have been tried with some success to prolong the length of time and the depths at which men may stay under water. Extension of this research will show us how to “condition” the air for underwater resorts, underwater mili- tary establishments to service true submarines, and for cities if we are driven to the protection of the sea to survive atomic attack, It is THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY—SPILHAUS 369 not out of the question that some, perhaps at first clumsy, large replica of the natural mechanism by which fish extract oxygen from sea water through their gills may be made and used by men under the sea. Oceanography is moving rapidly away from the expedition stage. Already there are the multi-ship efforts to get a synoptic or bird’s-eye view of changing current systems and interest in moored buoys as observing stations. Ultimately, all over the oceans, we must have a permanent network of stations observing and reporting conditions on the surface and down to the bottom. This would be a counterpart of the worldwide weather network which observes conditions on the earth and high in the atmosphere. This network of stations will consist of manned and unmanned buoys and artificial islands on reefs and seamounts close to the surface. Surface ships and submarine survey ships will routinely fill in the gaps between the permanent station network. Airplane and shore bases will be established for gathering data on ice and from automatic reporting buoys. A satellite network will receive, collect, and retransmit the worldwide synoptic ocean data to central storage, analysis, and forecasting computers in various countries. The survey ships will need to have semiautomatic means of taking and processing the vast amount of data to feed it to the computing centers. We will need a census of living matter in the sea. We may count fish of different species by sonar, radio, chemical, or other dis- tinguishing tags. We will need automatic methods for the pre- liminary sorting of microscopic plankton. It is this kind of data which will develop ocean forecasting. The already accurate forecasting of tides will be extended to the prediction of tidal currents. Ice and iceberg distribution, growth, and melting will be foretold. The best channels for sound communication will be predicted, and forecasts of the varying strength of ocean currents, winds, and waves will indicate the safest and most advantageous course for ships. A worldwide fishery forecast both from observation of the distribution of fish and by inference from winds, currents, and physical conditions will tell us where the fish are. “Fish Futures” will be bought and sold as commodities on the basis of observations of each year’s larvae and information as to when and if they will produce a good crop of 3-year-old or 4-year-old fish. One of the more important outcomes of oceanographic forecasting will be its contribution to weather forecasting and even to seasonal and longer term predictions of climate. The ocean’s effect on climate is only understood in broad outline. With nuclear explosives, we have powerful earth-moving devices which put within the realm of possibility the actual blocking of straits, damming or diversion of warm or cold currents which could profoundly affect climates. In most cases, however, we do not even 766-746—65 27 370 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 know what the direction of change might be. For example, if warm water were pumped, as has been suggested, into the Arctic Basin through the Bering Strait, would the warming be beneficial or would so much more snow come to Canada as to reduce the habitable land area? With the observations from the oceanographic network and by varying certain factors put into the forecasting, we could conduct experiments to see what would happen before we try it. Climate control by cloud seeding is more the province of the mete- orologist, but anyone who has gone to sea knows how clouds hover over the edges of the Gulf Stream, for example. By influencing the re- flectivity and absorptivity of the sea surface, or of sea ice in polar regions, we may be able to redistribute the clouds, even break up an area in the tropics which may be the breeding place of a hurricane. Or, alternatively, for offensive purposes, we might encourage the generation of the hurricane. Such control of weather can be used either way for warlike or peaceful purposes. We may even speculate about control of whole seas. In special cases such as the Mediterranean, the connection to the deep Atlantic is blocked by a comparatively shallow sill, so the Mediterranean is nutrient poor because the inflow of the phophorus rich deeper Atlantic water isdammed. With controlled atomic explosives this dam might be removed, increasing the productivity of the whole Mediterranean Sea. Just as we now accept complete surveillance as one of the important deterrents to war and have built elaborate air surveillance networks and are negotiationg for international seismological surveillance sys- tems on land, so our sonar and other means of keeping track and iden- tifying every vessel, surface or submarine, military or commercial, in the sea must be perfected. Perhaps international surveillance systems may come about by agreement between nations. Oceanography has for many years set a pattern of international cooperation in studying the seas. The kind of survey work necessary to assess all marine resources is one that is too great for any one nation. It should be done internationally. Another urgently needed international project in the oceans is to set aside presently uninhabited islands and their surrounding waters as international sea wilderness areas. Examples are Inaccessible and Nightingale Island in the Tristan da Cunha group, Bouvet in the South Atlantic, and numerous Pacific islands. This should be done soon so that the continuity of marine and sea bird wildlife may be preserved before the pressures of population cause the islands to be inhabited and thus upset the balance of these last natural sanctuaries. The freedom of the seas has been jealousy preserved over the ages. But as we take more from the sea, not just along our shorelines but from the open ocean, we shall need more international agreements, PEATE 1 Spilhaus Smithsonian Report, 1964. "BOS 1B wao0j} ed 91qris e *pur[qslog 12 Ssuryounry Joye oto UMOYS sutpraoid ‘19}eM 2} Ul [BITIOA 9WIODaq UvS GIT ‘U1oqs Joy SuIpooy Ag “3910, alibe AIM sddtisg SI sjassoA otydeisourac0 UIOpOUT [[v JO Jsasduv.1}s ay} Jo auo sdv Us Pal Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Spilhaus PLATE 2 SS: - =e New equipment was tested in Pacific waters by FLIP (Floating Instrument Platform) in September 1963. ‘The 355-foot craft, when standing upright, moved hardly at all, even in heavy seas. It thus permits the use of sensitive oceanographic measurements. En- route and return it is towed. *91OYS DY O} puadse uay} pure nvoaqeyd IOOY-UvIIO UL SsOID pynom duTfadid UIVUL YT, “F[Pys [eJUaUTZUOD 9Y1 ZuoTe UMOP }22f QQ9 sdeysod ‘suonvassdo o1n} ~ny fe) UOISTA S$ AST]UOTIS oy SO] ¥]SUB I] uOoll\y O1IO1 { ISHAVY *STo] [Tp dP II 1s fo Yovol 9qt MOJO ey Pley [I0 ue dv} sik \Ip SNOINJUIAPY oO W E <{ =| o Spilhaus Report, 1964. lan Smithson PEAtE Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Spilhaus *xo[duioo a10uWl su090q SI] [IATIO JO spoou Suluossing sv pur ‘souvjiodwi pur adoos SurIsvaioutl fo ATAIIOV [BARU B saTOdIq uolei0;dxe s1ydei3 -OURIDO SV “aseq seoslopun JuouvUtIod oInyne eB sjoIdop—, SolJUudAos 3 TOF }SVIOIOF,, e- —yAUag uc NIB TAY Aq YI Ys SIU], THE FUTURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY—SPILHAUS 371 perhaps even the granting of rights for exploitation. When no single nation owns any parts of the ocean, then no nation worries about the conservation of its resources. Rights to exploit the oceans of the world should carry with them specific responsibilities for their conservation. When amicable agreements are arrived at with respect to who takes what and where, we shall still need an international seaborne control force to see that these agreements are carried out. Hopefully, this force should resemble an international commission of game wardens or officials of a world bank of ocean economic resources rather than the familiar pattern of the more politically involved international organizations, Much of this article has been mere speculation about oceanography’s future. It is exciting to dream about some of the ways in which man may use the sea. But if the dreams are to come true, we must roll up our sleeves and make them come true. ik aa eal ee , . Fae hee eae a Cte WAH Pi: ie ry ae aS i iareys ltr teit | eT ee, ee Rs oad Se OG Bye ae) Ebi en pet a . i el etd nue y Seed Arr y tial nit ir aie) Aon Sin Jib en ee Ae dior HvalarAal Le Oana val & SL ae, he | Pal , wi i Rede wali) rekiaegso. ’ | M + YY, Halt Allin Powe 4 Ah ri whe “hit ity bsp 2 . fod aches iti 5 wey ty ue ath i ayuls ial wy MT dont f | 3 ; i) 7 i) atte: ( Bu ty) Mads ae 4 MR Lith imag , ; i ie um B as in ; i Search for the Thresher’ By F. N. Spiess Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and A. E. MAxwELi Geophysics Branch, Office of Naval Research [With 4 plates] ON THE MorNING of April 9, 1963, the nuclear-powered attack sub- marine Thresher steamed out of Portsmouth Navy Yard toward a nearby submarine operating area. Her purpose was to conduct the usual series of check dives which follow any major overhaul period for submarines of our Navy. With her, to provide escort and commu- nication contact, was the rescue ship Skylark. Assoon asthe Thresher was clear of the shipyard, the crew rigged for dive and check-dived the boat in shallow water, following procedures developed over many years of submarine operations. At 0745 the following day, she sent her routine diving message to Skylark and to submarine force head- quarters, then shortly after disappeared into the sea on her dive to test depth. About an hour and a half later a routine report was made by sonic telephone to the escorting ship—all was going well except for some minor difficulty. Then there was a more hasty, garbled report indicating more severe trouble; this was followed by noises resembling, it seemed to the sonar man on the Skylark, sounds associ- ated with the breakup of a sinking ship. The Zhresher, with all hands, was lost. This ship (pl. 1, fig. 1) was the first of our Navy’s newest class of attack submarines, the 15th nuclear-powered undersea craft of about 60 that have been in operation since the commissioning of the Vautilus in 1954. The number of innovations which have been brought to reality in these boats is so great that experienced submariners of World War II would scarcely recognize these craft as related to the wartime submarines except for the cylindrical hull and ballasting 1 Reprinted by permission from Science, vol. 145, No. 3630, pp. 349-355; copyright 1964 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 766—746—65——_28 373 374 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 principles common to both. Speed, endurance when submerged, oper- ating depth, search capability, and weapons effectiveness all have increased by factors unimagined 20 years ago. With these great improvements has come, with much less fanfare, though it is of com- parable significance, an increase in safety of operation. Through all of the second-guessing as to the cause of the loss of this beautiful piece of machinery and its human crew, much has been said of meas- ures which could have been taken to increase its structural integrity or its ability to respond under conditions of extreme stress, and even of a need to install special emergency data-recording equipment. The remarkable reality, however, and the reason for shock within the submarine forces, is that this loss terminated a 14-year period in which not a single U.S. submarine had been sunk. This is the longest such period since the introduction of these craft into our Navy in 1900, with the commissioning of the U.S.S. Holland. There has been a tendency to forget that duty in submarines is considered hazardous in the same sense that duty in military aircraft is. The shock engen- dered by the Thresher accident, in contrast to our acceptance of the loss of more lives in 1963 alone in military aircraft accidents than were lost aboard the Z'hresher, is a tribute to this new standard of operational safety. The purpose of this article is, however, not to recount the various theories as to why this unfortunate event occurred or to discuss the engineering and construction improvements which it has triggered. Rather, we describe the participation of marine scientists and their tools in the search for the wreckage of this ship, which must eventually have found its way to the floor of the sea. Clearly, such a discussion must start with some consideration of why one might want to make such a search at all. There are several answers, each of which was pertinent to a different phase of the operation as it developed. At the very first there was a hope that perhaps the boat had not really gone down but had surfaced in the rough seas and, though crippled, might yet be found, or that some survivors might have escaped. This hope rapidly faded and was replaced by a determination to learn as much as possible for the future from the accident by photography, or perhaps even recovery, of parts of the hulk. Finally, as over- optimistic piecemeal adaptation of techniques showed that the location problem itself was a difficult one and that the craft had been cata- strophically damaged, the emphasis shifted to the long-term problem of developing specialized equipment for careful examination of objects on the sea floor. In this last context the 7hresher has become simply a good specific case on which to test the effectiveness of newly develop- ing systems. The marine scientific community was actively involved from the beginning of the first phase of operations. Atlantis IJ, the recently SEARCH FOR THE THRESHER—SPIESS AND MAXWELL 375 completed research ship of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, was at sea within 150 kilometers of the accident and immediately joined the destroyers, aircraft, submarines, and other Navy craft which responded to the emergency signals from the Skylark. The search initially was concentrated on effects observable at the surface, although the Atlantis IJ began use of its precision echo sounder early in the operation. The many ships plowed the area looking for slicks and debris, while the aircraft, im addition, surveyed the area with radiological monitoring equipment. Negative results with this equip- ment eliminated the fear that some reactor accident had occurred, with associated high-level contamination of the sea. As this phase developed it became clear not only that the boat was lost but that there was an uncertainty of several kilometers concerning the position of Thresher at the time of her last contact with the Skylark. Determination to find the wreck in order to ascertain the cause of the disaster developed very quickly. During this same time the Navy began to realize that it had no operational techniques, in the con- ventional sense, adequate for the job. The Navy has, however, strongly supported research activity at sea, and thus had available a pool of interested scientists and research ships eager to assist with this new problem. Soon other research laboratories in the vicinity joined the search: Lamont Geological Observatory with its new (Navy-provided) ship Conrad; Hudson Laboratories with Gibbs, Allegheny, and Mission Capistrano; the Navy Research Laboratory, the Naval Oceanographic Office, and the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, working together, with another new research ship, Gls, in addition to the Rockville and the Prevail. Some organization of this effort was required, and for this purpose a seagoing unit was established—Task Group 89.7, under the command of Captain Frank Andrews, whose normal assignment was that of Commander Submarine Development Group Two, based at New Lon- don,Conn. Overall technical coordination was vested in the 7’hresher Advisory Group, under the direction of Arthur E. Maxwell, Office of Naval Research. This group included representatives from the laboratories mentioned above as well as from the University of Rhode Island School of Oceanography, the University of Miami Marine Laboratory, the Bureau of Ships, and the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The group met from time to time during the search to lay out plans and evaluate results. In addition, they were backed up by a full-time analysis staff assembled at Woods Hole and utilizing personnel from Woods Hole, the Navy Oceanographic Office, Sub- marine Development Group Two, the Naval Underwater Ordnance Station, and the Navy Electronics Laboratory. Throughout this phase of the search there was a sense of urgency. Initially this was a residue of the urgency that characterized the ini- 376 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 tial effort, when there was a true need for emergency action. Later on, the feeling of pressure continued because all the major participants had previous plans for research expeditions, to which they were anxious to return. As time passed and the difficulties became more apparent, there was pressure to bring the operation to a successful conclusion before bad weather set in, in the fall. The individual techniques which were immediately recognized as potentially useful and which were already being employed in some fashion in exploration of the sea floor were use of acoustic echo sounders or near-bottom sonar; magnetic, electric, radiation detection ; photographic detection ; real-time optical detection, either direct view- ing or viewing by closed-circuit television from deep-operating craft; and dragging or dredging. The group rejected the last alternative, primarily on grounds that it would disturb the site in ways which might confuse interpretation of the situation when the wreck was found. Direct observation could not be implemented initially, but the bathyscaphe 7rieste was immediately transported by ship from San Diego to Boston and readied for use. Of the techniques available, the one which was most immediately and widely applicable was use of the precision echo sounder. This device consists of a downward-looking broad-beam sound transmitter and receiver; the received signal is displayed on a facsimile-type recorder having a very stable time base. This display produces, on an expanded scale if desired, an analog record of the echo return times for successive sound pulses transmitted into the water as the ship travels along. In normal use, this system provides an approximate representation of the topography for the construction of charts or the study of shapes of naturally occurring features. For search purposes this technique would be useful only if the sea floor were relatively smooth. If this were the case, attention would be directed to search for a small crescent-shaped pattern superposed on the echo returns from the sea floor. Simple geometry shows that the return from a submarine will be the first echo, even if the hulk is 150 meters to the side of the search ship’s track, for target height of 10 meters in water depth of 2500 meters (about that in the search area). Comprehensive application of this technique thus dictated a stringent requirement for a navigational capability not normally possessed by research ships in this area. SEARCH AREAS AND ACCURACY The navigational problem was first met by the use of the Loran C electromagnetic system. After difficult-to-obtain Loran C receivers were obtained, it became rapidly apparent that the shore station locations were such that only one coordinate was useful. Therefore, arrangements were made to utilize, in addition, a Decca system in the SEARCH FOR THE THRESHER—SPIESS AND MAXWELL 377 area, which provided another nearly orthogonal coordinte. Over a single weekend, new charts were prepared and receivers were provided for six ships. This system (combination Loran C and Decca), al- though it lacked accuracy at night, provided the primary navigational reference throughout the search. Reproducibility of position, as judged relative to bottom topography and moored buoys, was about 100 meters. In the beginning of the operation the search area of 18 by 18 kilo- meters (10 by 10 nautical miles) was quartered, and one ship was assigned to each sector. With the availability of the improved naviga- tional system it became apparent, however, that a more systematic approach was required. It was thus decided that four ships (Adl/e- gheny, Mission Capistrano, Prevail, and Rockville) would make a navigationally controlled, precision exploration of the entire area, with 250 meters between tracks, while Conrad, Gillis, and Atlantis II would move in to investigate possibly significant contacts. The sys- tematic survey required 2 weeks of operating time in the area during which time the data were plotted and contoured aboard ship. The results provided the first quantitative indication of the difficulties of using the echo sounder for this purpose. A model showing the com- plexity of the topography is shown in plate 1, figure 2, in comparison with a model based on previously available data. The result was the conclusion that in about half the area the sea floor was too rough for search by this technique. In the other half there were six possible target indications, one of which was point “delta,” first observed by Atlantis II. Because “delta” was close to the location deduced from the rough navigational record provided initially by Skylark, and be- cause the echogram (pl. 2, fig. 1) was especially convincing, this point was given the highest priority for further investigation. During the time the four ships were conducting their detailed sweep of the area, Conrad, Atlantis IJ, and Gillis had already begun investigation of the most likely locations. They relied principally on photographic equipment built over the years to solve the needs of submarine geologists. With such equipment it was possible to make stereo pair photographs of a strip about 7 to 10 meters wide, with over- lapping coverage for successive exposures, while the vessel was travel- ing at speeds of 1 to 2 knots (1.8 to 3.6 km/hr). Aside from the result- ing very slow search rate (about 214 km.? per week), this technique has the additional disadvantage of requiring a bottom-referenced navi- gation system accurate to within at least 5 meters to assure that there are no appreciable gaps in coverage. As an investigative tool in a restricted area, however, this is an essential method, since it can provide the detailed view of a wreck that is needed by investigators. Underwater television was another device with similar restrictions that was available for optical investigation of the area. At the time 378 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 of the Thresher sinking, the Navy Research Laboratory had under test a slow-scan underwater television system. It was being developed by the laboratory for direct observation of the bottom in real time, to correlate with acoustic reflection measurements, as well as for examina- tion of instruments and structures emplaced on and in the bottom. The unit had been tested through 6,700 meters of cable on the dock, but had never been to sea or even in the water. By accelerating the de- velopment program, the system was readied for use aboard the lis in May. Although the television had an advantage over photography in providing real-time observations (one picture every 2 seconds), it had a relatively poor 600-line resolution. Fortunately, the cameras could be activated to give pictures of better resolution when interesting ob- jects came into view on the tube. Many thousands of “looks” at the bottom were obtained by this technique, complementing the results obtained by photography. DEBRIS IS PHOTOGRAPHED In spite of lack of knowledge of the exact location of the photo- graphic or television camera (on the end of 2,500 meters of wire) relative to a lump on the sea bottom that had been found by the echo sounder at the surface, the ships criss-crossed the area with some success. Using combined photographic, echo ranging, electric poten- tial, and radioactive equipment, part of which was loaned to Woods Hole by Schlumberger, the Atlantis JJ searched in a predominantly north-south pattern based on 7hresher’s last known course of 090 degrees, in the hope that some evidence of her passage might be de- tected. This strategy paid off with the receipt of the first pictures of fresh man-made materials on the sea floor, and was used by other ships to build up, gradually, sufficient evidence to indicate a streak of debris about 1,000 meters wide and at least 4,000 meters long. However, none of the pieces of debris photographed at this stage showed any item clearly identifiable as belonging uniquely to Thresher. At this time the need to identify the debris streak with Thresher became strong enough to override, temporarily, the earlier restriction against dredging. Conrad had on board equipment normally used to gather rock samples from the sea floor. She dragged this across the debris area and, in several passes, recovered some envelopes containing spare gaskets. ‘These were identified, from notes on the envelopes, as being definitely from the interior of the Thresher. Similarly, the Atlantis II dredged up pieces of battery plates that were later identi- fied, by chemical analysis, as being of the type carried on nuclear submarines. Dredging, photography, and echo sounding were three techniques which could be used in this search without any modification. Mag- netometers [obviously applicable in a search for a 3,000-ton (2,700- PLATE 1 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Spiess and Maxwell (AABN “S'Q) Asaqinog) ‘syidap aynjosqe ay} ul 9dUalayIp JUPIYIUSIS JNq [IeJop UI soduUdIOyIp A[UO Jou oie soy], “dol Ie jepow aq] Ul SOUT] poJUDI¥ ay} 0} puodsa1109 WIOOG dy} 1¥ JOpoW dy} Ul sour] LYS] ooly. OY], “Yo1vas oy o10foq o[qv[ieAe evlep wo1y poiedoid jopoyy (moog) ‘Ydivas S.JsWWINS JSP] BuLINp pourTeiqo vivp Woy poirdoid [PPO (GO) ‘#aysey J, 9Y1 JO vaIv dy} UI IOC] vos 9y1 Jo Aydevis0do} ay) Jo ‘sure1s0Yyd9 WO] soliojeloge’] uospnyy] 9yi Aq poiedoid ‘sjapow omy] 4 (6 (Ane ‘3° 7 Assent nod) “Ad ¢ US IL Y “ If y “3: N ey fo MOQ FUL “| Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Spiess and Maxwell } 9m” Tae *y I en tea ¥ fidjoms | FRA CH BA +. eed ts i 1. Two PGR (precision graph recorder) records taken from Atlantis IJ, showing point Because of the size and shape of this contact an accelerated search for the “delta.” Thresher was made in this area. 1 kilometer to the north. The first photographs of debris were obtained about (Courtesy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.) 2. Photograph of debris from the Thresher, taken by the Navy Electronics Laboratory bathyscaphe Trieste, on August 24, 1963, at a depth of 2,600 meters. (Courtesy U.S. Navy.) PLATE 3 Spiess and Maxwell Smithsonian Report, 1964. pue “1oJaWIOJOUSeUI UOIS $ SIU TL, ‘os vyord peuljues ad01d u0}0: I}s [sus & (AARN S04] As9}.1IN0D) "W10}}0q 9AOqP JUN 9yi Jo yIdop 24} SUIUIOJap Oj JoSutd v Id v Our < v IOULBS otydvis0j0yd e ‘elauled UOISTAV]O} eB ‘1euos SUISOO]-opts e poute}uos tun SIOSUOS [PIOAQS 21¥1391U1 OT A1O}eIOge'T YIIVISO] AARN oq Aq operu SPM 1dui911e uVy PLATE 4 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Spiess and Maxwell pepuelxe ot uo peyunoul JIIJIWOIUSB (Aaen aS) As9}.1n0D) ul ot fo JUIW9]o SUISUOS oui SUIMOYS 1G “Uul00q & aieid ul peqitosep dun oy jo TOMOIX SEARCH FOR THE THRESHER—SPIESS AND MAXWELL 379 metric-ton) lump of iron] had been used for geophysical exploration both on land and at sea, but usually as airborne or shallow-towed instruments. Only the geophysical group at Cambridge University, England, had a magnetometer capable of being towed at great depth, and this particular instrument was then in use in the Indian Ocean. Several laboratories (Lamont, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Naval Ordnance Laboratory) thus began packaging the avail- able magnetometers for use at depths which would give the required proximity (about 200 meters) to the hulk during search. More was involved than simple provision of a pressure-proof case; also required were a strong towing wire having good capability as a conductor of an electrical signal and proper telemetering circuitry to make the signal available on the towing ship. In early attempts there were many electrical problems. Nevertheless, one credible anomaly was found, at about the time of the dredging operations, but it was appar- ently remote from the debris area by more than a kilometer. Some- what later, another signal (fig. 1) was found, several times, by Conrad. Still later this magnetic signal was confirmed by both Gibbs and Gillis (with equipment from Scripps and the Naval Research Laboratory). In each instance, navigational uncertainty and lack of ability to make photographs or view by television at the time the signal was obtained precluded the possibility of identifying these signals with 7hresher, or even of being sure that they were all generated by the same object. The amplitude and dimensions of the signals were such that it is highly probable that they were generated by a mass of iron of the approximate dimension of a submarine, but whether this was Z’hresher, some other wreck, or even natural background is as yet not known. High-resolution acoustic techniques, used near the sea floor, were regarded from the start as providing a most promising type of search. Two units were assembled through modification of existing equipment (by Marine Physical Laboratory and Woods Hole Oceanographic In- stitution), but these units lacked adequate resolution in angle. West- inghouse, under contract with Hudson Laboratories, built a unit specifically designed for the purpose, and it was operating effectively by July. This unit was towed near bottom, by means of a cable similar to that used with the magnetometers; it had an acoustic transmitter and receiver whose two narrow beams were directed one to each side. The variation in amplitude of the nearly continuous sea-floor reverber- ation from each transmitted pulse was plotted on a facsimile-type recorder. In this way, for each pulse a high-intensity mark was made at the ranges of highly reflecting sea-floor features and virtually no intensity was recorded at ranges corresponding to shadows. Thus, as the towed unit moved along, from successive pings it created a picture of the sea floor similar to that used by cartographers to show roughness of terrain, or similar to the “PPI” (plan position indicator) 380 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 100 90 80 70 oO — pt TIME 0430 0445 0500 12 JUNE 1963 Ficure 1.—Graph obtained with the deep-towed proton precession magnetometer, showing an anomaly of approximately 100 gammas in the intensity of the total magnetic field. This anomaly, first observed aboard the Conrad, was later confirmed by observers aboard the Gillis and the Gibbs. ‘This single clue indicates that the hull, though badly torn, is still essentially in one piece. (Courtesy the Lamont Geological Observatory.) display from a radar installation looking out at a flat angle over the land. Many informative pictures were obtained with this unit, but none could be positively identified with Z'hresher. TRIESTE AIDS THE SEARCH As additional evidence from photography, television, magnetom- eters, and side-looking sonar was accumulated, it became evident that the most promising region, where search should be concentrated, was SEARCH FOR THE THRESHER—SPIESS AND MAXWELL 381 the small area directly to the east of the strip of debris charted by Atlantis II, Gillis, and Conrad. This was the area in which the magnetometer contacts were obtained, as well as the photographs of the larger pieces of debris. Because this area was sufficiently re- stricted in size to allow effective use of Z’rieste, the bathyscaphe was brought to the scene. She is one of the few craft in the world (and the only one belonging to the United States) which can operate to the depth necessary for observing the bottom in this area. Like all others (French and Japanese craft), Z’rieste lacks the cruising range and maneuverability necessary for an extensive search operation, but her observational capability makes her a useful investigative adjunct, once an area of high probability has been established. Operation of this craft is time-consuming and provides a good example, for the nonseagoing scientist, of the slow pace at which many seagoing experi- mental activities must be conducted. TZ rieste must be towed from port to the operating area at a speed set by the conditions of wind and sea, at best not in excess of 5 knots. She is essentially a fair-weather ve- hicle and is very vulnerable if caught under tow in a storm; thus, she is not taken out of port unless there is a prediction of good weather for the entire operation period. In the present case, the tow from Boston took about 3 days. Once on station, it is necessary to transfer personnel from the towing ship to Trieste in small boats, and to maintain divers in the water until she has started her descent. This portion of the operation typically takes more than an hour. Once on her way, 7 7ieste sinks at a rate of less than 1 meter per second, requiring some 60 minutes to reach bottom in the Thresher area. After 7'rieste’s arrival on the bottom (and possi- bly after oscillating maneuvers to free her from mud, if her descent was not checked in time), her ballast is adjusted and she can begin to cruise horizontally at speeds of 14 to 1 meter per second at an elevation of about 10 meters above the sea floor. From this position, one of the three men in the sphere (2 meters in diameter) can observe a patch of sea floor a few meters wide and 10 to 15 meters long, ahead of the vehicle. Her turning circle is about 20 meters in diameter, and thus a 180-degree turn takes about 2 minutes and no single spot on the sea floor can be kept in view during that time. When the battery supply is exhausted, after she has been at the bottom for 4 or 5 hours, ballast is released and she ascends to the surface. Once the 77este is at the surface it is necessary to check out all equipment, recharge bat- teries, and load ballast before she can make another dive. One dive per day is her maximum capability under good weather conditions in this area. Trieste made two series of five dives each in connection with the Thresher search. Because of navigational difficulties and minor mal- functions of equipment, only two out of each five dives were highly 382 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 successful. The remaining three dives per series, while useful, pro- vided essentially negative evidence, such as evidence on where 7 hresher was not. During these dives, personnel of the 7’rieste were able to plot the limits of debris on the bottom, obtain photographs (pl. 2, fig. 2) of many parts of the hulk (including draft markings from the bow), and recover pieces of the debris. The debris area has been described by the 7 rieste’s pilot, Lt. Comd. Donald Keach, as “re- sembling an automobile junk yard.” Unfortunately, a magnetometer aboard the 7’rieste did not operate properly and the magnetic anomaly observed by the surface ships could not be positively associated with the debris. Radiation detectors, both total-count and pulse-height analyzers, showed the radioactivity in the area to be normal and to be attributable primarily to the potassium-40 in the sediments. Results from the 7'rieste operations showed the microstructure of the bottom to be sufficiently complicated to make further use of surface echo sounders impractical. As a consequence, considerable effort was expended to improve deep-towed instrument packages. The Navy Research Laboratory combined their television camera unit with a proton precession magnetometer and a side-looking sonar (pls. 3 and 4). Although there was interference between the various com- ponents, nonetheless, the advantage and practicability of multiple sensors was amply demonstrated. Even with this increase in capa- bility there remained the problem of accurate navigation with respect to the bottom, which hampered all phases of the search operation. NEW TRACKING SYSTEM As the difficulties in finding 7’hresher became more apparent it also became clear that a major requirement would be the ability to keep a record of the tracks of various instrument packages and of 7’reste in their traverses across the area. Initial estimates of the positions of deep-towed instruments relative to the towing ships were made from knowledge of the ship’s speed, the amount of towing wire used, and the angle of the towing wire at the ship. However, the currents in the area are not constant, either as a function of time or as a function of depth; thus, particularly at the low towing speeds which were necessary, the 3000 meters of wire allowed a considerable position un- certainty. It was known from other work that acoustic methods could be used to determine the position of the tow relative to the tending ship. Thus, the Woods Hole group on Atlantis JJ put into operation a tracking system in which a sound source on the towed package transmitted a signal picked up by three elements, two mounted (fore and aft) on the ship and the third mounted on an outrigger to provide a 15-meter athwartship separation between the receivers. With this arrangement and with knowledge of the water depth from echo sounding, it was possible to compute the approximate position SEARCH FOR THE THRESHER—SPIESS AND MAXWELL 383 of the sound source. By the time the 7’rieste made her second series of dives, a more elaborate tracking system, assembled by the Applied Physical Laboratory of the University of Washington, had been in- stalled on the research ship Gillis. In this system a short pulse signal is transmitted from the ship and answered automatically by the sound source (transponder) on the tow. Three receivers are mounted on the ship, and their outputs are fed to a computer which produces all three coordinates of the transponder relative to the ship for each pulse. This system was used to track 7’7este in her second series of dives and to navigate (lis relative to a transponder fixed to the sea floor. Throughout the entire operation consideration had been given to the use of acoustic transponders or beacons to mark various reference points, but erratic performance and fear of overloading the area with confusing noisemakers made the Advisory Group reluctant to use them extensively. While acoustic methods seemed appropriate for use with most in- strument packages, there was also a realization on the part of some participants that even simple, after-the-fact, knowledge of the posi- tion of photographic equipment relative to the sea floor would be useful. This led to the use of “fortune cookies”—plastic sheets (40 by 55 cm.) numbered sequentially, rolled, tied with a soluble band, weighted, and dropped into the sea by one of theships. This provided strings of spots on the sea floor which were then used for correlating different photographic sequences traversing the same area. This sys- tem also proved useful in orienting observers during bathyscaphe dives. Following the second series of 7'rieste dives the weather began to worsen, and the decision was made to terminate the entire operation, at least for 1963. By that time the debris area had been well de- termined and convincing photographs and pieces of material from within the submarine had been obtained; there no longer remained any doubt that the site of the accident had been found and that any properly equipped ship could return to the debris area at will. The evidence clearly indicated that some catastrophic event had occurred as the eventual result of loss of buoyancy and control by Thresher. It did not appear that any direct information on the chain of events leading to the violent hull failure could be reconstructed from the de- bris thus far found. Some questions still remain, however, which make the area an interesting one for testing new and improved systems for sea-floor search. Specifically, the location and condition of the remains of the pressure hull and the reactor are of considerable in- terest, particularly in view of the variety of credible hypotheses as to their behavior that have been proposed. These range from a hypothesis of complete burial in the sediment, due to high sinking speed, to one of possible temporary surfacing of a portion, resulting 384 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 from a diesel-engine-like explosion following rapid flooding from one end. Further activity in the search area this summer is already under way. Complete systems combining acoustic, magnetic, and photo- graphic techniques are being used, in connection with careful sonic navigation. 7Z'rieste has been extensively rebuilt (this work had been started prior to the 7hresher accident) and has returned to the scene as a far more rugged piece of seagoing machinery. Concurrently, the Navy is preparing to implement a long-term development pro- gram, based on work of special study group (the deep Submergence Systems Review Group), which will give it capability in locating, examining, and (in special instances) recovering objects on the deep sea floor. This program will include the construction and outfitting of small submarines having greater mobility, cruising range, and work capability (though not greater operating depth) than 7’rieste. Many marine scientists have long desired development of craft with the observational, instrument-planting, and recovery capabilities that these small submarines will have. It is unfortunate but true that it has taken the 7 hresher tragedy to awaken many to our lack of ability to investigate the deep sea—a lack not of basic knowledge of fruitful techniques but of experience and equipment in being. Such capabili- ties as we had a year ago grew directly out of our existing marine research effort. The new capabilities which are being brought into being as a result of last summer’s work will help push forward our ability to make even more fruitful exploration of the depths of the sea. Recent Events in Relativity’ By Mitton A. RoTHMAN Research Physicist, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University Iv MAY HAPPEN in some future time that a man will be able to step into a spaceship and travel to another solar system at a speed ap- proaching that of light. If this ever occurs, certain events predicted by the theory of relativity will take place, events decidedly peculiar by present standards. Suppose, for example, that our traveler sets out for a star 10 light- years distant, and is quickly able to attain a velocity of 90 percent that of hight. It will take him about 11 years to reach his destination, and if he then turns around and comes back at the same speed, 22 years will have elapsed on earth by the time he makes his landing. To the voyager, matters appear somewhat different. Once he reaches a constant velocity, he feels no sense of motion. However, he sees the earth receding and the destination approaching at a speed 90 percent that of light. Owing to the contraction of length predicted by relativity, he finds that the distance to be traveled is only 4.35 light- years, rather than 10 light-years. Therefore, he finds it takes him only 4.85 years to go, and an equal time to return, or a total round trip time of 9.70 years. Asa result, a person who has remained on earth finds himself aged 22 years, while the person who went on the trip is aged 9.7 years. Time has been going more slowly on the spaceship than on the earth. This is In agreement with rule 4 of table 2, which gives some of the con- clusions drawn from the Special Theory of Relativity. On the other hand, we might raise an objection to this conclusion. While a clock in motion appears to be going more slowly than a clock which is at rest with respect to the observer, the direction of motion does not enter into the equation. If motion is completely relative, then as far as the man in the ship is concerned, it is the earth which is 1 Reprinted by permission from Foote Prints, vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 15-24, copyright 1963 by the Foote Mineral Company, Exton, Pa. 766-746—65 29 385 386 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 moving. Therefore the man in the ship should find that the clock on the earth is going more slowly than his clock. The traveler feels that he should be the older one at the end of the trip—not the one who stayed home! This famous “clock paradox” has been well-known for many years, and has been discussed thoroughly by a great many writers. The consensus has been that indeed the traveling man would come back to earth younger than the stay-at-home individual. In spite of this, there has been a vocal minority which has maintained that there would be no difference in age between the two people (Dingle, 1956, 1957). Until very recently there was no experimental evidence bearing upon this paradox one way or the other. After all, it has proven difficult enough to get an observer out in space without getting him up to relativistic velocities—that is, velocities great enough to observe these small effects. It requires a speed of 42,000 kilometers per second to produce a 1-percent change in the length, mass, or time rate of a body. With ordinary laboratory or rocket-type velocities, the effects are exceedingly small. However, during the past 2 years a new laboratory tool (the Méss- bauer effect) has made possible experiments of such precision that previously they were not considered feasible. As a result of this, interest in experimental proof of the Principle of Relativity is now at a higher level of activity than ever, despite the fact that a great many facets of the theory have already been proven in the 55 years since Einstein first proposed it. Since relativity is the foundation of modern physics, any experi- ments which help establish its validity are considered very funda- mental and important. The newly invented techniques illuminate certain aspects of the theory which have been inaccessible up to now. THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENCE The Special Theory of Relativity is based upon the two assumptions listed in table 1. While the Special Theory (published by Einstein in 1905) deals with observers moving at constant velocity, the later TABLE 1.—Basic Assumptions of the Special Theory of Relativity 1. The velocity of light in free space is always a constant, regardless of the motion of source or observer. 2. The laws of nature are always the same to any observer moving with constant velocity, regardless of this velocity. The Principle of Equivalence: A body in a gravitational field behaves exactly the same as it would if it were subjected to an equivalent acceleration, without the presence of the gravitational field. RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 387 and more elaborate General Theory (1915) deals with accelerated systems. In an intermediate paper of 1911, Einstein discussed the Principle of Equivalence (table 1), which has been the subject of some of the recent experiments. This principle, in effect, says that if we do an experiment on the surface of the earth, under 1 g. of gravitational acceleration, then we should get exactly the same result if we do the experiment out in space, in a ship undergoing 1 g. of rocket acceleration. In fact, we see here that the terminology of the astronaut explicitly recognizes the Principle of Equivalence, for 1 g. of acceleration always means the same thing, whether it is caused by gravity or rocket thrust. What this implies is a very basic assumption: Gravitational mass (the mass which determines the force of gravity) is exactly the same as inertial mass (the mass which determines the acceleration resulting from an applied force). If this were not true, then bodies with different masses would fall at different rates. It has not always been obvious to people that different masses do fall at the same rate. Since the time of Galileo we have believed this assumption to be true. Nevertheless, our experi- ments are only approximations, and there is always the chance that an experiment giving another decimal place of accuracy might dis- cover small differences between gravitational and inertial mass. Be- cause of this, we are always on the alert for new and novel experi- ments which tend to settle the question more definitely. The predictions of the Special Theory, listed in table 2, have been verified by numerous experiments during the past 50 years. How- ever, the Principle of Equivalence has not been so fortunate, since the effects which it predicts are so minute that until very recently labora- tory experiments of the required precision have been out of the question. One effect which the Principle of Equivalence predicts is the “gravi- tational red shift.” Ifa source of light emits radiation which travels from a region of low gravitational potential to a region of high gravitational potential—that is, if the light is traveling wp, then the TABLE 2.— Results of the Special Theory of Relativity 1. A body which is moving relative to an observer appears to be shortened in the direction of motion. 2. The mass of this moving body is greater than when it is at rest. This increase of mass is directly related to the kinetie energy of the moving body. 3. The total mass of a body is related to its total energy according to the expression: E=mc’. 4. A clock which is moving relative to an observer runs more slowly than a clock at rest. 5. The maximum velocity for the transmission of any signal is the speed of light. 388 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 frequency of this radiation is decreased. The wavelength is shifted toward the red. Astronomers have sought to observe this in the hight coming from very heavy stars. If we look at this hght by means of a spectroscope, and compare the wavelength of a particular spectral line with the same line from a terrestrial source, the line from the star should be shifted toward the red. This is a very small shift, and is superimposed upon the normal Doppler shift due to the motion of the star away from the earth, so that the measurement is very difficult to make. The same sort of shift should be observed if we use a source of light at the surface of the earth, while the observer or detector is stationed at some height above the surface of the earth (fig. 1). In this case, the amount of shift would be very small indeed. There are a number of ways of “explaining” how this comes about, all of which are ultimately equivalent in terms of the theory of rela- tivity. One way of understanding the reason for the gravitational red shift is to consider that the ight emitted from the source is in DETEEHOR SOURCE OF MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT EARTH FIGure 1.—Light traveling up from the surface of the earth has a longer wavelength than light from the same source traveling parallel to the earth’s surface. RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 389 the form of photons. Each photon has a certain energy which is proportional to the frequency of the radiation. Associated with this energy is a definite mass. When the photon rises from the surface of the earth, it must do work against the gravitational field. It is “pulled back” by the force of gravity. Therefore, the photon loses kinetic energy. Since its velocity must remain a constant, this loss of energy is observed as a decrease in the quantum energy—in other words, a decrease in the frequency. Conversely, a photon falling toward the earth must acquire an increased frequency. An alternative way of describing the same situation is offered by the Principle of Equivalence. We imagine the source of radiation and the observer to be located in a spaceship undergoing 1 g. of ac- celeration (fig. 2). The source and observer are always the same Ficure 2.—Light leaving the source A heads for the observer B. By the time the light reaches the observer, the latter is at D, and is traveling faster than it was when the light left the source. 390 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 distance apart—they are at rest with respect to each other. A photon emitted by the source at A travels toward the observer at B. However, by the time this photon reaches the observer, the latter has reached the point DY. In addition, the observer is now traveling faster than he was at point B, because he has been under constant acceleration. In other words, although the source and observer always remain the same distance apart, the acceleration produces an effect as if the observer were always running away from the source. If we calculate the additional velocity acquired by the observer during the time it takes the photon to reach it, we can then calculate the Doppler shift resulting from this velocity. This turns out to be exactly the same as the shift which is calculated on the principle that the photon is rising against the acceleration of gravity. The statement is sometimes made that the gravitational red shift is observed when the source of light is in a stronger gravitational field than is the observer. However, this is incorrect, since the calculation outlined above shows that the shift can be observed even when source and observer are in a uniform field. The only thing that matters is that the observer must be higher than the source. In other words, it is the difference of potential that enters into the calculation. If the observer is lower than the source, the result will be a blue shift. Measurements of the gravitational frequency shift within the con- fines of a laboratory were formerly unheard of, because there was no way of measuring the tiny amount of shift produced by the earth’s eravitational field. With the advent of satellites, proposals were made to send up very precise radio-frequency oscillators, whose signals would be compared with those of an identical oscillator down on the ground. Since the amount of shift depends on the difference in alti- tude between transmitter and receiver, it was calculated that a meas- urable effect would be obtained. However, before this could be done, a development in a totally unexpected direction made these satellite experiments obsolete before they were even undertaken. This new development came from the field of nuclear physics, and it came from a rather obscure corner of a specialty known as low-energy nuclear spectroscopy. THE MOSSBAUER EFFECT The story illustrates quite beautifully the strongest argument in favor of basic research: You never know when a piece of research will turn out to have important consequences in an unpredictable appli- cation. For several years a number of nuclear physicists have been using the phenomenon of nuclear resonance fluorescence to measure properties of the excited states of various nuclei. This is based upon the idea RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 391 Coo’ a. Th Kev Gamma Ray SSO ELE SA Eeo/ Feo! Ficure 3.—Radioactive cobalt-57 decays by beta emission to an excited state of iron-57, which quickly emits a 14-kev gamma ray. If this gamma ray photon encounters another nucleus of iron-57, it may be absorbed. that when a nucleus has been raised to an excited state, it decays to the normal ground state by emitting a gamma ray of a definite frequency. If this gamma ray now encounters another nucleus of the same kind as the first, this second nucleus may now be raised to its excited state by absorbing the energy of the gamma ray (fig. 3). This is a resonance effect. If the gamma ray differs in frequency by as little as one part in 10%? of the resonance frequency, the absorp- tion will be greatly reduced—the amount of reduction depends upon the “width,” or energy spread, of the excited level. Theoretically, at least, the absorption can be measured by counting the gamma rays from an appropriate radioactive source first with and then without the proper absorber between the source and counter. Unfortunately, when a nucleus emits a gamma ray, some of the energy of the excited state goes into recoil motion of the nucleus. This means that the gamma ray frequency is reduced considerably, so that when it hits a nucleus which might be receptive to it, it is far-off resonance, and there is no absorption at all. In the past, people have managed to compensate for this recoil motion by heating the source or by whirling it around in a centrifuge. In 1958, R. L. Mossbauer, a young German physicist, discovered that in a few favorable cases one could obtain gamma rays with prac- tically no recoil at all (Méssbauer, 1958; Benedetti, 1960). There are a few radioactive elements which emit rather low energy gamma rays and which are so strongly bound in their crystal lattice that the recoil energy is taken up by the crystal as a whole rather than by the individ- ual radiating nucleus. Immediately, a number of physicists realized that the Mossbauer effect provided a source of radiation of unparalleled precision, as far as the energy (or frequency) of the radiation was concerned. The 392 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 most commonly used isotope is cobalt-57, which decays by the emis- sion of beta rays to iron-57, with a half-life of 280 days. Following the beta emission, the iron-57 nucleus is in an excited state which lasts for about a tenth of a microsecond, a reasonably long time as nuclear lifetimes go. It now emits a gamma ray of about 14 kilo-electron-volt energy, which corresponds to a frequency of 3 X 10*§ oscillations per second. This gamma ray may be visualized as a wave packet containing about 10’? waves altogether. If this packet encounters another iron nucleus likewise bound in a crystal lattice, it is able to raise the nucleus up to its 14 kev. excited state, and is absorbed in the process. The nucleus behaves as a very delicate frequency-measuring device. If the frequency of the incom- ing wave varies by only one part in 10", the probability of absorption will be reduced by a large factor. Thus we have a wave whose frequency is very sharply defined, and we also have a measuring device which is equally sensitive to changes in frequency. So sensitive is this system that if the source is moving only a few millimeters per second with respect to the absorber, the resonance is wiped out, due to the Doppler shift in the emitted frequency. ‘The standard method of doing a Méssbauer effect experiment is to have a radioactive source mounted on some device (such as a lathe carriage) which can move it at a known speed toward or away from a scintilla- tion counter which counts the number of photons transmitted through an absorber (fig. 4). If the source is iron-57, the absorber is usually of iron enriched in the isotope iron-57. By plotting the number of photons counted in a given time at various source velocities, the reso- nance curve shown in figure 5 may be obtained. The measurement of this type of resonance curve is the basis for all of the recent experiments which have been performed to test the theory of relativity. The theory of the Doppler shift informs us that the frequency of the emitted radiation is increased when the source moves toward the absorber, and is decreased when the source moves away from the RADIOACTIVE ABSORBER SOURCE SCINTILLATION COUNTER Ficure 4.—The basic apparatus for a Mossbauer effect experiment. RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 393 INTENSITY TRANSMITTED BY ABSORBER -0.4 0 +0,4 +0.8 D = foe) RELATIVE VELOCITY (c.m. per second) Ficure 5.—Typical resonance curve obtained by the apparatus of figure 4. absorber. (This refers to those photons which are moving toward the absorber.) In addition, there is another, much smaller, reduction of frequency which always takes place, no matter what the direction of motion. This is an effect of relativity, and has been of the greatest interest in the recent experiments. When the source (or the observer) is moving at right angles to the motion of the radiation, only the small effect of relativity is observed. This reduction of frequency—the “transverse Doppler shift”—arises from the slowing down of the atomic clocks in the moving source. This is the relativistic time dilatation, and the amount of slowing down depends only upon the magnitude of the relative velocity between the source of radiation and the observer. The transverse Doppler effect was recently observed in an experi- ment performed at Harwell, England, using the Méssbauer effect as a tool (Hay et al., 1960). The radioactive source was placed at the center of a rotating wheel, while the absorber was at the edge. The scintillation counter was at rest outside the periphery of the wheel. In this arrangement the absorber is always moving at right angles to the photons, and so any shift in frequency is a result of the transverse Doppler effect, and is therefore a manifestation of the time dilatation. 394 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 WEIGHING THE PHOTON Perhaps the most extensive and completely worked-out test of rela- tivity performed with the Méssbauer effect has been that of R. V. Pound and G. A. Rebka, at Harvard, begun early in 1960, and still in progress. The initial purpose of this experiment was to check the gravitational red shift, and in the course of doing this it almost incidentally cast a great deal of light on the problem of the clock paradox. Pound’s experiment measured the change in the resonance between an iron-57 source and an iron absorber (enriched in iron-57) differing in height by a distance of 74 feet. The apparatus was set up in a tower at Harvard University which, fortunately, had been built many years previously for an entirely different purpose. When the source is at the bottom, the frequency of the radiation is shifted to the lower side of the resonance point, because the photons must lose energy in rising against gravity, as described previously. This, in effect, measures the “weight” of the photons. When the source is at the top, on the other hand, the absorber “sees” that the frequency VIBRATOR SOURCE ABSORBER i SCINTILLATION . COUNTER ea UP SCALER SWITCHING CIRCUIT DOWN SCALER Ficure 6.—Experimental arrangement for measuring the gravitational red shift by means of the Mossbauer effect. RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 395 of the descending photons has shifted toward the high side of the resonance frequency. The actual percentage shift in frequency measured in this experi- ment is rather small, amounting to about 5 parts in 10. If you were performing this experiment with a 100 megacycle radio-frequency oscillator, you would have to detect a change of five cycles out of about 4 months’ operation of the oscillator to obtain the same sensitivity. The method for measuring this small change by means of the Moss- bauer effect is as follows (fig. 6) : The radioactive source is mounted on a vibrator so that it moves rapidly up and down—toward and away from the absorber. The scintillation counter is connected to scalers through electronic switches so that one scaler is counting while the source is moving towards the absorber, and the other scaler is counting while the source is moving away from the absorber. The Doppler shift due to this motion changes the frequency of the gamma rays to points above and below the center of the absorption resonance (fig. 7). If both source and absorber were at the same height, the scalers would be counting at points A and B on the curve. However, if the source is higher than the absorber, the photons are shifted to slightly higher frequencies when they reach the absorber, INTENSITY TRANSMITTED BY ABSORBER O RELATIVE VELOCITY OF SOURCE AND ABSORBER Ficure 7.—Effect of gravitational shift upon resonance curve. 396 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 and so the counts are measured actually at points C and D on the curve. The difference in counting rates between the two scalers measures the change in frequency due to the gravitational effect. Because of the 74-foot distance between the source and detectors, - the counting rates are rather low, and it takes many hours to acquire sufficient counts to give good statistics. In the course of the experi- ment it was noticed that there was a slow drift in the relative counting rates of the two scalers—a drift large enough to wipe out the effect being sought. The drift was somewhat periodic—with a period of about 2 days. After a good deal of soul-searching and examination into possible causes for this drift, it was finally realized that this error was a result of the small temperature difference between the source and absorber. It requires a difference of only 1° C. to produce a frequency shift as large as the one being looked for. The temperature correction turns out to be directly related to the relativistic Doppler shift mentioned previously. The atoms of the radioactive source are vibrating in their crystal lattice with a mean- square velocity proportional to the temperature, and the relativistic Doppler shift depends upon just this velocity. Utilizing this as a basis, Pound calculated the amount of correction to apply in order to eliminate the temperature effect. When this correction was used, it was found that the remaining frequency shift agreed very well with that calculated from the theory of relativity, using the 74-foot difference in height between the source and absorber. In this way the gravitational “red shift” was verified. THE CLOCK PARADOX Following publication of this experiment, it was noticed by C. W. Sherwin, of the University of Illinois, that the clock paradox plays a role in this situation (Sherwin, 1960). We recall that the relativistic Doppler shift is associated with the time dilatation of the moving source. In the present experiment, the source of radiation is an atomic nucleus which is vibrating back and forth in a crystal lattice with a mean-square velocity proportional to the temperature of the material. ‘The emitting nucleus actually goes back and forth many times during the time that the wave packet is being emitted. This, we see, is very much like the clock paradox situation described at the beginning of this article. Instead of a spaceship going away and coming back, we have a radioactive nucleus going away and com- ing back many times. The radiation passing between the emitter and absorber is a means of continually comparing the clocks located on the RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 397 “spaceship” and “earth.” The clock, in this case, is the resonant fre- quency of the nucleus in the act of emitting or absorbing the radiation. The effect actually observed is this: The nucleus traveling with the highest average velocity (at the highest temperature) has the lowest resonance frequency. In other words, its clock runs at the slowest rate, as seen by the observer in the laboratory, who considers himself motionless. In terms of our original paradox, the man who goes off in the space- ship will always return to find himself younger than the man who stayed at home. His time has been passing at a lower rate. What is it that makes the difference between the clock on the ship and the clock on earth? What is it that makes the situation unsymmetrical ? It is simply the fact that in order for the spaceship to go away and come back, it must undergo acceleration at least once during the trip. The clock on earth has been moving at a constant velocity in the mean- time. Itisthis difference which allows us to put a label on the one who is going to emerge with the slower clock at the end of the voyage. The experiment of Pound and Rebka has verified that the magnitude of this effect—the amount by which the clock slows down—depends only upon the mean-square velocity of the moving bodies. It does not depend upon the magnitude of the acceleration, or upon the amount of time between accelerations. In this experiment both the source and absorber nuclei are moving, both clocks are slowed down relative to the laboratory observer, and therefore the difference between the two clock rates depends upon the difference in temperature between source and absorber. This experiment is not the first time that the time dilatation effect has been observed in the laboratory. The relativistic Doppler shift was measured by H. E. Ives in 1938 by observing the light emitted by rapidly moving hydrogen atoms. However, this new experiment marks the first time that the effect has been observed using the radia- tion from a source which is moving back and forth, thus duplicating the situation of the clock paradox, CONCERNING THE SHAPE OF MOVING OBJECTS For many years we have agreed that an object moving at a high velocity will appear to be shortened in the direction of motion. This idea originated even prior to Einstein. It is, in fact, called the Lor- entz-Fitzgerald contraction in honor of the prerelativistic scientists who conceived it in order to explain away the observation that light always has the same velocity regardless of the motion of the observer. As a result of this, writers of science fiction have spoken of long, thin spaceships appearing to be short and squat when in motion, while the passing stars are turned into ellipsoids. 398 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 E E =s-=n= Vv Fae > Perma ns 73 A |] D TO OBSERVER E bis Cc AD=L w(t) FA D F x : NON-RELATIVISTIC V SinO=— cues é oat Jin (b) C2 AF=(X)L ae D RELATIVISTIC (a) Ficure 8.—(a) Appearance of moving cube. (b) Appearance of rotated cube. It now appears that we have all been wrong. Fortunately, the basic ideas have not been wrong—only the inter- pretation of what we would actually observe have been mistaken. 'The error was recently pointed out by J. Terrell (1959), and expanded on by V. F. Weisskopf (1960). It is one of those embarrassing things which appears obvious after it is pointed out to you. Suppose we consider a cube which is moving at right angles to the observer’s line of sight (fig. 8). The observer takes an instantaneous photograph of the cube, so what he records is the position of those light rays which reach the photographic plate at one instant of time. Our first impulse is to say that we would simply see one side of the cube—the square ABCD. However, we must keep in mind the fact that the points # and F are farther away from the photographic plate than points A and B. Therefore light from B which leaves the cube at a certain instant will reach the plate at the same time as light from /’ which left the cube L/C seconds earlier. But during that time the RECENT EVENTS IN RELATIVITY—ROTHMAN 399 cube moved a distance Lv/c. Therefore it is really the light from Z” which reaches the plate simultaneously with light from B. Thus we would expect to see a picture like the one labeled “Non- Relativistic,” where we find a square ABCD, followed by the projec- tion of the rear end of the cube, ABH. Without relativity, we expect to see a distorted, elongated picture of the moving cube. How does relativity change the situation? Relativity says that all lengths are shortened in the direction of motion by the factor-y1—v?/c?. The other lengths, at right angles to the direction of motion, are not changed. Therefore, under the relativistic interpretation, we would see the shortened square ABCD, followed by the rear end of the cube, ABEF, as shown in the diagram labeled “Relativistic.” What makes this interesting is illustrated in figure 8b. If we take the same cube, motionless, but simply rotated through an angle 9, whose sine is v/e, its picture will be exactly the same as the one obtained from the moving, relativistic, cube. In other words, a person looking at a cube moving rapidly will see that it appears to be rotated through the angle 9, but that it otherwise appears normal. Previously, the relativistic interpretation would have said that the cube appeared shortened—now we say that it appears rotated. When this argument is applied to a sphere, such as a star or planet, we conclude that the sphere remains spherical in shape, but appears to be rotated. If you were moving fast enough you could see part way around the opposite side of the sphere. Professor Weisskopf, in his paper, goes into the details of how a moving object changes its appearance as it comes towards us, passes by, and then recedes. In brief: We first see the front face of the object, strongly Doppler shifted to high frequencies. When the angle of vision reaches a certain value, the color shifts toward lower frequen- cies, the intensity of the light drops, and the object seems to turn. Soon the object has turned all around and we are looking at its trailing face. As Weisskopf says, “It is the picture expected when the object is receding. However, it appears already when the object is moving toward us.” This description, of course, applies only to objects which are moving very nearly at the speed of light. As stated originally, none of this invalidates the basic findings of the theory of relativity. It merely emphasizes, as many have found to their chagrin, that we must always be very careful in interpreting the results of the theory. 400 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 LITERATURE CITED Benedetti, S. de. 1960. Mdéssbauer effect: with biographical sketch. Scientific American, vol. 202, April, pp. 42, 72-80, 220. Dingle, H. 1956. A problem in relativity theory. Proc. Phys. Soc., vol. A69, pp. 925- 935. London. 1957. The clock paradox in relativity. Nature, vol. 180, No. 4597, pp. 1275- 1276. Hay, J. J.; Schiffer, J. P.; Cranshaw, T. E.; and Eegelstaff, P. A. 1960. Measurement of the red shift in an accelerated system using the Mossbauer effect in Fe”. Physical Review Letters, vol. 4, No. 4, p. 165. Mossbauer, R. L. 1958. Kernresonanzfluoreszenz von Gammastrahlung in Ir™. Zeitschrift fiir Physik, vol. 151, pp. 124-143. Pound, R. Y., and Rebka, G. A. 1960. Variation with temperature of the energy of recoil-free gamma rays from solids. Physical Review Letters, vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 274-275. Sherwin, C. W. 1960. Some recent experimental tests of the “clock paradox.’ Review, vol. 120, No. 1, pp. 17-21. ) Physical Terrell, J. 1959. Invisibility of the Lorentz contraction. Physical Review, vol. 116, No. 4, pp. 1041-1045. Weisskopf, V. K. 1960. The physical appearance of rapidly moving objects. Physics Today, vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 24-27. The Edge of Science By Sansorn C. BROWN Associate Dean, Graduate School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tr 1s very seldom in the life of a scientist that a whole new vista of knowledge opens up, vast and challenging before him. But this has really occurred in what has come to be called plasma physics. In physics a plasma is defined as a neutral collection of electrons and positive ions (atoms that have been stripped of their electrons) which move around in random thermal motion. We have discovered that this is the most common form in which matter is found in the universe. If you go out into the far reaches of so-called empty space, or to the stars or the solar system, or almost anywhere in the galaxy except our peculiarly cold bit of dust which we call the Earth, you will find matter in this ionized state, the plasma state. Nearly all of the matter in the universe is in this state, and yet it is only within the past 10 years or so it has been recognized as a common state of matter. The whole subject of what we call plasma physics has excited a great frac- tion of the scientific community. To bring order into a fairly chaotic collection of phenomena, I refer you to a plot in which the nature of matter is defined in terms of two variables: the density of electrons per cubic meter and the temperature at which these electrons are to be found. The diagram shows the vari- ous areas covered by plasma physics. To start our discussion we begin in the lower left corner of this diagram. If we get to very cold electrons and to very transparent matter, we are in what is called interstellar space, including any nebulae we find in a study of the sky. It has not been long since all our infor- mation about the interstellar space came from visual telescopes. Col- lections of charged particles such as electrons and hydrogen nuclei, which are dancing around in space, but which are still held together by their mutual gravitational attraction, are not necessarily visible optically but may be visible by radio telescopes. We call these collec- 1This article is based on Professor Brown’s remarks at the Alumni Symposium on “Engineering, Science, and Education for Tomorrow,” held in Newark, N.J., April 18, 1964, and is reprinted by permission from the Technology Review, vol. 66, No. 9, July 1964. 766—746—65——30 401 402 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 tions “stars.” Many of you are aware of the tremendous amount of work which is going on all over the world in studying the nature of the electrical signals which we get from these interstellar spaces. Interplanetary space, that is, space within our own solar system, which on the average happens to be kept warmer because we have the hot sun in our vicinity, reaches temperatures of around 10,000 degrees K. In interplanetary space the number of particles per cubic meter, except when we actually get to the surface of a planet, is fairly small, between a million or perhaps 10 million particles in each cubic meter. This is fairly transparent space. The interplanetary plasmas are of extreme importance to modern science because it is through this me- dium that we must travel if we are to go out any distance from the surface of the earth into interplanetary space, where we have already sent a fair number of probes. The physicists and engineers who are involved in space research are studying the mechanisms and the inter- actions of the plasma state in these interplanetary regions. Perhaps the one astronomical area that has been studied most is the Earth. Around it there is a charged blanket resulting from the fact that the atmosphere attached to the earth is being bombarded by solar radiation and the solar radiation produces a plasma from the neutral gases which make the earth habitable. This layer is called the iono- sphere and always insulates us from the outside space. This plasma blanket around the earth has been well known for a long time. It is relatively cold, 1,000-10,000 degrees K, and the electron density can get fairly high, up to about 10*°-10" electrons per cubic meter. ‘There are some very interesting and important phenomena which occur as a result of this ionospheric blanket. Well known to radio engineers is the fact that you can bounce radio waves off the ionosphere. ‘The in- teraction of electromagnetic radio waves with the ionosphere has been a major study for many years by both electrical engineers and physicists. Recently the newspapers have been full of another phenomenon which was predicted theoretically long ago but actually found experi- mentally only a few years ago when we started sending up rockets and high-altitude balloons. This has been called the “Van Allen belts.” These belts are areas of plasma concentration which have been caught in the inhomogeneous magnetic field around the earth. If you put a moving electron in a magnetic field, it has a tendency to go around in a circle, the diameter of which is inversely proportional to the magnetic field. If a charged particle is high above the earth somewhere near the equator, where the earth’s magnetic field is not very strong, it goes around slowly in a big circle, but as it gets closer to the pole, where the strength of the magnetic field is greater, it must move in smaller and smaller circles. In shortening the radius of the ELECTRON DENSITY PER CUBIC METER ro) @ THE EDGE OF SCIENCE—BROWN 403 U crank 22 PON ARCS i RON TUBE 102° UW En . CZs RS). HOLLOW CATHODE THERMON oe FUSION 10'8 LOW PRESSURE ARCS 106 FLUORESCENT LAMPS GLOW DISCHARCES neon tubes _— .e) A he) Oo ae ro) IONOSPHERE INTERPLANETARY ee ee 108 L eae TYPES OF PLASMAS CO 10? {0° 104 10° 10° {07 10 ~=—>_ {0? ELECTRON TEMPERATURE -T (°K) Ficure 1 404 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 circle, a radial force is applied, and in conserving its angular momen- tum the particle speeds up so that it not only moves in tighter spirals but goes around the tighter spirals more rapidly. In the Van Allen belts, the plasma particles are caught in a gigantic “magnetic mirror.” As these ions and electrons approach the poles, they are wound in tighter spirals, but as they rotate faster in smaller circles they con- serve energy by moving more slowly toward the poles. In fact, they actually slow down and stop, and are then reflected by the mirror into reversing their directions. They go back and forth, caught in the Van Allen belts. The mirror effect is not perfect, and the charged particles leaking out the ends of the Van Allen belts cause the north- ern lights, or the aurora borealis. This electrical discharge is the visible indication of the ionosphere, or the charged plasma, escaping out the ends of the Van Allen belts. Our very existence on earth depends upon our greatest plasma source, the sun. Its energy comes from the process we call thermonu- clear fusion. ‘Two heavy hydrogen nuclei are fused in such a way that helium is formed. There is energy left over which keeps the process going and incidentally keeps us warm. The whole process of the operation of the sun is a nuclear reaction occuring in the plasma of the sun itself. There are some other things on the diagram that show how univer- sal the plasma state is. Perhaps one of the earliest plasmas studied as an easy way of producing a neutral collection of electrons and ions was aflame. A flame even from a candle is not very hot, maybe 1,000 degrees K, but it is extremely dense because it occurs at atmospheric pressure. Chemical flames themselves are not usually studied, but many varieties of chemical or electric “torches” produce plasmas which are not only laboratory tools for increasing our understanding of the plasma state but are technically important tools for such varied operations as welding or chemical synthesis. Also, for example, me- teors burn up when they come into the atmosphere and are reduced to the plasma state. Much of our information about meteoric physics and chemistry comes from studies of the behavior of the plasma state. If you go to a plasma a little hotter than a flame, and a little denser, you come to the most common everyday form of plasma, a gas dis- charge tube of some sort, a neon sign or a fluorescent light. Most of the original studies of the plasma state were done in what was called a “glow discharge” because this was a readily available way of pro- ducing a plasma to study in the laboratory. A great deal of the infor- mation we are now gaining about the ionosphere, the sun, and interplanetary and interstellar space comes from studies made in the laboratory with a glow discharge. Practically, there are many appli- cations of a glow discharge, particularly in the field of control and gas tubes of various sorts. Glow discharge studies not only explore THE EDGE OF SCIENCE—BROWN 405 the theory of the plasma state but have led to engineering applications which have been very numerous indeed. If we continue to pour more and more energy into an ordinary glow discharge, it turns into what we call an “are.” In an arc, the electron density can rise to 10° times the charge density that is found in the sun at perhaps one-thousandth of the temperature. These kinds of arc studies in the laboratory provide us with powerful tools for study- ing the behavior of the plasma of the sun. Incidentally, at this kind of temperature and pressure a great deal of work is now being done to produce what. are called “ion jet” engines. Ion engines may well be the kind of engine that will move spaceships through the inter- planetary space for long sustained flight after chemical rockets have achieved the high initial force necessary to escape the earth’s gravi- tional field. Plasma jet engines are capable of providing a driving force over the thousand years you need to reach out into interstellar space. Obviously a great deal of practical engineering must be done before this method of ion propulsion is perfected. The high-pressure arcs are the densest form of plasma that we know. Here, all the material that is in the are is ionized; everything is in the charged state. Here the theoretical studies are the most characteristic of a plasma because the plasma is pure, undiluted by un-ionized gas. Here also some very practical devices are being worked on, particularly the “magnetohydrodynamic energy con- verter.” In a conventional turbine, gas energy is converted into the kinetic energy of a moving conductor which then generates the elec- tricity by cutting lines of magnetic flux, but if a gas conductor, a mov- ing plasma, is used, the intermediate step is completely eliminated. The plasma moving in a magnetic field produces a flowing current which will allow us to produce generators without any moving parts. There are plans for building very large generating stations by this scheme in which the plasma is produced either by nuclear power, fis- sion heat, or from a chemical reaction. Making very dense plasmas and going a little farther up into the temperature region of 100,000 degrees K, we find the “shock tube” as a plasma production device. When a mechanical] shock wave is driven down a tube faster than the velocity of sound, the shock wave acts as a piston. Just as with a bicycle pump, you get heat because the piston is pushing against the gas and doing work on it, so in the shock tube you can produce very high temperatures. Some of the highest temperatures we have achieved in the laboratory are produced by shock waves. Another phenomenon which has been known to physicists for a long time, but has only recently received attention in the popular press, appears when we try to pull astronauts back out of interplanetary space through our own atmosphere. When a capsule comes down through our own atmosphere, it produces a shock 406 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 wave ahead of it which is so strong that it builds a plasma sheath all the way around the astronaut, and our communication with the astro- naut disappears. Physicists and engineers have been spending a great deal of their time in a search for a way of producing controlled thermonuclear fusion. We all know the sun is hot—a million degrees or more on the corona. At those temperatures a controlled thermonuclear reac- tion is produced, as we mentioned before. We would like to be able to carry on the same reaction in a controlled fashion on the surface of the earth. The advantages would be tremendous. For one thing we are going to run out of fuel to produce power if we keep on using fossil fuel. The fission fuel is rather dangerous because radioactive products are left over after the reaction. If we went completely to fission power, we would eventually have difficulty in disposing safely of all the radioactive waste. The thermonuclear reaction has no ra- dioactive waste. It ends up as ordinary helium. Furthermore, its fuel is a plentiful isotope of hydrogen, found in all water. Wherever human beings are, there is water, and you can burn this water to produce thermonuclear reactions. We know that a thermonuclear reaction works because the hydrogen bomb is exactly this: by explod- ing a fission bomb in contact with the hydrogen isotopes, you heat them so hot that the fusion reaction takes place. We would like to be able to do this in a controlled way in the laboratory; we have not yet succeeded. It should be quite clear from this description of the plasma state that its science and technology do not fall within any one of the usual established disciplines. It is well known that the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology is a place where particular disciplines do not have any very rigid boundaries. The field of plasma physics cap- italizes upon the philosophy of teaching at M.I.T. At the moment there are over 80 members of the faculty working on some phase of the plasma program. There are about 100 grad- uate students doing research and about 30 undergraduates absorbed into the laboratory in various ways. It is difficult to know how many courses are being taught at the graduate level because many of the courses are not of a very formal nature. However, listed in the cata- log are more than 20 different courses in the plasma field, taught in many departments in both Science and Engineering. For example, in Mechanica] Engineering there are courses having to do with the magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow, magnetohydrodynamic machines, shock waves, and direct energy conversion. You would expect the Electrical Engineering Department to cover a great many of these areas and they do. There is a magneto-fluid dynamics course; there are some energy conversion courses; there are microwave interaction courses that deal with radio astronomy and the structure and be- THE EDGE OF SCIENCE—BROWN 407 havior of the ionosphere. In the Physics Department courses in the electrical properties of electrons and ions and the effects of magnetic fields on plasmas are taught. Also there are courses in the nonlinear phenomena in fluids and plasma and wave propagation in this new kind of medium. There is a very strong group in cosmic physics. They specialize in satellites and in making tests of the plasma nature of space in the interplanetary system, as well as in problems of radio astronomy. As you would expect, the Department of Aeronautics and Astro- nautics has research teams working in various areas of this plasma group. They are interested in problems of astronaut propulsion and in high-speed flow, since many of the very high-speed phenomena occurring in plasmas are of great interest if you want to get some- where in the universe away from the earth. The Mathematics De- partment has a course in mathematical theory of magneto-fluid mechanics, and our mathematicians are developing the basic mathe- matical tools for understanding many of the plasma phenomena on earth and in the astronomical regions of space. Finally the Nuclear Engineering Department has four courses which have to do with the thermonuclear processes which we hope will lead to a controlled thermonuclear fusion reactor. This is still in the future, but we are learning a great deal about this reaction as a potential source of power. To me, as a teacher, one of the interesting things about suddenly opening up a new field is its effect on our teaching policies. What kind of physics do we teach our undergraduates to give them basic information for more advanced work in this field? For generations we have been dropping out things like fluid flow, but this is precisely what you need for an understanding of the fundamentals of plasma physics. As the research areas change, the change must be reflected in the more elementary educational processes. To make progress in this direction we convened at. M.I.T. a group of physicists and engineers who were basically interested in trying to teach plasma physics at an elementary level. There were some M.I.T. professors, professors from Pittsburgh, from Princeton, from Caltech, from Swarthmore, from the University of California at Berkeley, from Stanford, and some industrial physicists from Bell Labs, from Aveo, and from Government laboratories like those at Los Alamos and Livermore. We worked together for a week, devising what we thought was a reasonably good course. We published it in outline form. Many of us in various places in the country are trying now to teach this undergraduate course in plasma physics, including the areas having to do with plasma astronomy, charged particle physics, magneto- hydrodynamic flow, and so forth. This interuniversity cooperation is a very real attempt to develop undergraduate courses which will lay the foundations for further work in this field. 408 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Now let me close this brief survey of a fascinating new area of physics in essentially the way I began. It is rare that scientists are suddenly faced with a whole new state of matter which they had not recognized before. The plasma physicist finds himself in this situation, riding the leading edge of science. Tremendous endeavors are gen- erated whose influence reaches into all areas of human affairs. The sensation is exhilarating. Anatomy of an Experiment: An Account of the Discovery of the Neutrino By CiypE L. Cowan Professor of Physics, Catholic University of America [With 8 plates] The first three decades of this century saw the absolute conservation laws and the theory of relativity take on dimensions extending from the astronomical to the atomic. But during these years a serious challenge to their general validity was also building up as a group at the Cavendish Laboratory led the work of compiling the facts of radioactivity. Of the three kinds of radioactivity known at that time—alpha, beta, and gamma decay—the first and the last were well behaved. In these, the alpha particle and the gamma ray were found to carry away from the decaying nucleus just the right amount of energy and momentum. Each time such a decay occurred, the energy lost by the decaying nucleus was to be found in the emitted particle. For beta decay the story was very different. Although, again, the amount of energy lost by the nucleus was well known, the emitted beta particle never carried away this amount from the decay. It was in- triguing that the beta particle never had too much energy, but. always too little. The distribution-in-energy, called the “energy spectrum,” of the beta particles from any given type of decay, when collected for many decays and plotted in a bar graph resulted in a plot typified by figure 1. Energy was, apparently, being lost—disappearing from the uni- verse. Otherwise, each time a beta decay occurred, the beta particle would have had that energy, and all would have been plotted in a single bar at the point marked “end point energy” in the figure. THE FABLE OF THE FRUSTRATED BULLETMAKER Consider an analogous (but totally mythical) situation: A maker of rifle bullets compounds a new gunpowder and, of course, must test it by firing a number of bullets filled with the new mixture. He mounts his test rifle on a firm stand and aims it down range. The first 409 410 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Typical Distribution-in-Energy (Energy Spectrum) found for beta particles from decays of a given kind of nucleus. Number of electrons found in each interval of energy ENERGY, DIVIDED INTO EQUAL INTERVALS Ficure 1 few firings are sufficient to convince him that something has gone wrong, for none of his bullets travels the expected distance. Instead, they all fall short at different distances (one even rolled out of the barrel and dropped at his feet). Puzzled, the bulletmaker takes his gun apart, but finds it to be in perfect shape. He opens a number of his shells to inspect the powder. It is dry. He fires a few more, but with the same result. Returning to his laboratory, the bulletmaker looks into the jars and boxes of sulfur and lampblack and nitrates. He tests each—only to find them normal. He prepares more of the new mixture, fills more shells and plugs them with new bullets. He has been overly careful to weigh the same amount of powder into each shell, and as he knows the Ss Se. The Bulletmaker’s Dilemma _ due a, atone z i 2 cant ' "eq, g stl, lle, ge oY te ee SS —~. —-- — -ee---- a ns WW a -— Ficure 2 DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 411 amount of energy each measure of powder has in it, he calculates again how far the charge should carry each bullet. Back on the rifle range, the bulletmaker again fires his new bullets, and again, none goes far enough. He checks his gun again and again, then fires good, old-fashioned bullets using powder that has worked well for years. These behave perfectly. Each falls at exactly the right place. But when he tries his new powder, none of the bullets behave sensibly. He checks for gas leakage from the rifle breech. There is none. He examines the shells after firing. The powder has burned perfectly and completely. Tormented by the puzzle, the master —— ee After a Month of Shooting! Ficure 3 bulletmaker drives himself to discover where the loss of power is occur- ring. After firing bullets for some weeks, the spent bullets lie in a long continuous heap stretching down range from his gun. By now, many of the bulletmaker’s friends have heard of his strange problem and visit his rifle range to see for themselves. Of course, each has an opinion, and each is invited to correct the difficulty. They fire the bullets with their guns, but the bullets merely fall onto the growing pile. They test the powder over again, but find that it always burns completely and at the same rate. Many end by shaking their heads and declaring that the bulletmaking craft is no longer an exact science, that the familiar rules can no longer be relied upon. One friend, however, takes a meter stick and measures the dimen- sions of the pile of spent bullets. He measures its depth at various distances from the gun. Then he makes a suggestion (for he doesn’t want to give up the rules so readily). “Suppose ¢wo bullets come out of the gun at each firing with this new powder! One would be the bullet seen to fall onto the pile, and the other a very small one which travels a great distance at high speed and is not seen. The new 412 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 bullet would be ‘made’ at the instant of firmg by the powder, and would share the energy of the powder charge with the ordinary bul- let.” His friends glance at one another in amusement, but he continues, “Now if this new little bullet never travels down the barrel but always leaves the gun through the sides and back of the breech, then we could keep our rules for the energy of a powder charge and explain the shape of the pile of spent bullets in front of us.” The idea is met with astonishment. How could any sane bulletmaker seriously propose such a wild thought as this? Surely, this is just a strained excuse for holding onto obsolete rules concerning the amount of energy available in a given weight of powder. But another friend in the group speaks up. He says, “Let us assume that this ‘ghost bullet’ idea is correct. Let us write an equation which relates the distance the ordinary bullet travels with the direction of the recoil of the gun and the amount of recoil, assuming that a ghost bullet does travel off at some strange angle each time. We'll assume that the powder makes the ghost bullet as it burns.” When this is done, it is found that the same equation always describes the situation correctly. It says how the recoiling gun and the ordinary bullet are to act. They always do so. It correctly describes the shape of a pile of spent bullets. It even suggests the rules for making new powders that also behave strangely and predicts their spent-bullet pile very well. And so the attitude of the assembly of bulletmakers changes. They say, ‘This man’s theory is correct in telling us about the pile of bullets and the recoil of the gun. It preserves our old rules for these things.” Thus it comes to pass that the Guild of Master Bulletmakers starts making bullets once again as if they really believe in their recipes for gunpowder. Every now and then a batch of strange powder is made by accident. Then they recall the ghost bullet and say, “The little bullet is being made here, too.” Sometimes they have to say that éwo little ghost bullets are being made in order to explain a par- ticularly strange batch of powder. When other friends ask them about the little bullet, they become a bit evasive, pointing out how accurately they can describe the funny recoils and the strung-out pile of spent bullets. “Of course, the little ghost bullet exists!” they exclaim. Then, a bit wistfully, some might be heard to say, “But it would be nice to find one someday.” PAULI’S SUGGESTION: A LITTLE GHOST PARTICLE AND THE FERMI-DIRAC THEORY Knergy was being lost from beta decay that was not to be found in the beta particle. This much was clear. There was widespread dis- cussion of the problem, and some suggested that the laws of conserva- tion of energy and momentum either failed when events occurred in the DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 413 small regions of the nucleus or, at best, only held on the average there. Wolfgang Pauli, however, suggested in 1931 that the rules held fast, but that there was a new, small, electrically neutral particle which was emitted simultaneously with the beta particle and which carried away the missing energy and momentum. Unorthodox proposals such as this seldom find a friendly audience— nor did this one. In the early 1930’s, few took Pauli seriously, but one who did was Enrico Fermi. Building a theory analogous to the theory of gamma decay (which describes the creation of a photon by a nucleus) but in which an electron and Pauli’s little particle were pro- duced simultaneously, Fermi succeeded in 1934 in devising an equation which described the phenomena of beta decay with uncanny accuracy. It correctly predicted the shapes of the energy spectra for various kinds of beta decay and correctly predicted the half-lives of these various radioactive nuclei. With such impressive success with Pauli’s little neutral particle, Fermi suggested that it be named “neutrino.” In constructing his theory, Fermi had used the results obtained by P. A. M. Dirac in 1928 in which Dirac had succeeded in finding an equation for the electron which satisfied the theory of relativity. An unexpected result of Dirac’s work was the prediction of the existence of positive electrons in nature—a prediction confirmed by the observa- tion of “positrons” by Carl D. Anderson in 1932. Fermi applied this theory not only to the beta particle (the fast electron ejected by a decaying nucleus) but also to the neutrino. Thus, the neutrino would not only be coupled with an antineutrino in nature (as the electron is to an antielectron; the positron), but also would have an intrinsic spin angular momentum of 14 unit, the same as does the electron. In using these theoretical predictions of the Dirac equation, Fermi was building a complete conservation into his own theory: That of energy, of linear momentum, of angular momentum, of electric charge, and of “light particles” (now called “leptons”). INTERACTIONS AND THE PENETRATION OF MATTER Natural phenomena are treated by modern physics in terms of “in- teractions,” or basic forces which can be looked upon as causing things to happen. The “constant of gravitation,” the G in Newton’s equation for the gravitational attraction between two masses, is the most venerable of the “interactions” we know of in nature. Electrical phenomena are described in terms of the Coulomb interaction, and nuclear reactions in terms of a “strong” nuclear force. For his theory of beta decay, Fermi postulated yet another interaction—that which causes the decay. The strength of the interaction affects the rapidity with which a given event will occur. In radioactive decay it de- termines the half-life of any given radioactive species. Conversely, if the half-life is measured for a given species, and if the theoretical 414 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 expression for the decay of that species is known, then the strength of the interaction may be computed. This experimental evaluation of Fermi’s interaction was made for many different radioactive species. It was the same for each, and— what was most surprising—it was found to be extremely small com- pared with the other known nuclear force. For this reason, it has become known as a second kind of nuclear force termed the “weak interaction.” As it is the field of force that a particle carries along that determines how readily it will collide with other particles, the strength of this force field determines how much matter a particle will penetrate before it is stopped. Because of this, the neutrino described by the theory of Fermi turns out to be an extremely penetrating particle. All other particles known carry some or all of the other force fields with them, and so they slow down quite readily when they enter a thick layer of matter. The neutrino, on the other hand, carries only this weak field with it and so sees other particles very poorly; in fact, hardly at all. We may give the value of the force numerically, but it might be more comprehensible if we instead interpret it in terms of how deeply a neutrino may be expected to penetrate matter. This can be done by recounting a true story involving the author and his colleague, Dr. Frederick Reines. In dreaming of ways to detect neutrinos from the sun (for the sun should be making neutrinos as it generates its own nuclear energy), we wondered how one might prove that such neu- trinos actually came from the sun, once detected. The first thought was simple: Observe the signal rate at noon and at midnight, then compare the two rates. The one taken at night would require solar neutrinos to have penetrated the earth, and so the signal would be reduced by absorption in passing through the earth. We calculated the reduction to be expected, and found that the midnight rate would be indistinguishable from the noontime rate. We must have more ab- sorber than the earth can provide! Well, let’s perform the experi- ment during a solar eclipse, when the moon would also be an absorber for us. Still no change worth considering. Our curiosity aroused, we then calculated how many moons, all eclipsing the sun at the same time, would be required to reduce the signal by a detectable amount. We found that there isn’t enough room between here and the sun to crowd in enough moons to do this! It would take a line of moons some 3 or 4 light-years long to absorb only one neutrino of every two that started through them. So small is the “weak interaction.” Another way to visualize a neutrino is by a “size.” If we relate the penetrating ability of a neutrino to its size, in the sense that the smaller it is, the less likely it will be to strike anything, then the neu- trino which would penetrate our long line of moons would have a cross- DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 415 sectional area of about 10-*° square centimeters. But this is a number so smal] that it is impossible to visualize. We can make the com- parison with an electron, however, and say that the electron is several hundred billion billion times larger than a neutrino. The neutrino is quite surely the smallest piece of reality that has even been seriously contemplated by man. TO CATCH A NEUTRINO It is precisely this extreme penetrating power of a neutrino which caused them to escape from the beta decay experiments leading to Pauli’s hypothesis. It is also this ability to penetrate matter which sets the main problem in trying to observe a neutrino in flight from the instant of its birth. In order to “observe” an entity like an ele- mentary particle, the entity must react with something so as to pro- duce an observable signal—say an electrical impulse. In the case of a neutrino, we have seen that it will penetrate astronomical thicknesses of matter before it has the opportunity to react at all. But, given sufficient thickness of matter, it will react. And here is the key to the detection problem. For, if instead of asking for one neutrino to react with a great thickness, we can turn the question around and sup- ply a reasonable thickness and ask for an astronomical number of neutrinos to be incident upon it. Then we can hope to detect inter- actions in this matter. In the years following the hypothesis of Pauli and the theory of Fermi, such attempts were made, but not nearly enough radioactive material was available to supply the astronomical number of neu- trinos required. Attention then turned to the investigation of those aspects of beta decay which were observable. Measurements of beta spectra and lifetimes were refined greatly. The theory itself was re- fined to account for some deviations found, and it began to yield a deepening insight into the nature of the elementary particles. The search for the neutrino turned to indirect methods. Careful measurements both of the beta particle momentum and the recoil of the nucleus were made. It turned out that, within the accuracy at- tainable, the two particles, nucleus and electron, recoiled from the site of the decay just as if a neutrino had shot off in some other direction. Thus, if a neutrino did shoot off as the theory said, the conservation laws still held true. These observations of conservation of energy and momentum, asswming the existence of a neutrino, became a popular argument for the existence of the tiny particle. The concept of the neutrino had been developed to save the conservation laws. The fact that the concept then permitted their retention—as it must if the algebra is worked correctly—was then taken as proof of the existence of the neutrino. This circular reasoning is the sort that postulates the existence of a poltergeist to explain the unattended movement of a 416 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 chair across the room, then takes the observed movement of the chair as proof of the existence of the poltergeist. The story of these exciting times and the ingenious and painstaking efforts made to test the neutrino hypothesis is told at length in the technical and popular literature, an introduction to which is given as a part of the bibliography More detailed and complete accounts of the properties of the neutrino as anticipated before its observation and as they have developed since that time are also to be found there. Suffice it to say that physics had a genuine poltergeist in its house by the time the 1950’s were drawing to an end, for by then a considerable list of reactions of the elementary particles called upon this ghostly particle to help conserve the conservation laws. PROJECT POLTERGEIST—I We have said that the extreme reluctance of the hypothesized neu- trino to interact and so reveal itself might be overcome if an astro- nomical number of such reluctant particles were allowed to fall on a reasonable amount of absorber. Such astronomical quantities were presumably becoming available during the years following World War II, if indeed neutrinos did exist, as nuclear explosions were set off from time-to-time. These explosions of fissioning uranium and plutonium resulted in great concentrations of radioactive nuclei, known as “fission fragments.” In general, the fission of one atom of uranium will produce a chain of some six or more radioactive decays, each one a beta decay. Thus, each fission should produce on the average some S1x or more neutrinos. Here we must particularize somewhat. We have said that Fermi’s applications of Dirac’s equations to his theory would predict that both neutrinos and antineutrinos are made in nature. Just what the dif- ference between the two sorts of neutrino might be was not understood at that time, except that beta decay which produces negative electrons as beta particles must also produce antineutrinos, while beta decay producing positrons would produce neutrinos. And as all the radio- active fission fragments being made in the nuclear explosions resulted in negatron decays, then the six small partners from these decays must be antineutrinos. We also have said that the only field the neutrino (let us continue to use this word to indicate both sorts, except where it is necessary to specify one kind only) carries with it is the weak field which causes beta decay. This means that the only reaction one can reasonably expect the neutrino to produce is another beta decay. Such a forced decay, if made by neutrinos in a detector, would constitute the first synthetic beta decay and would signal the possible capture of a neu- trino. To tag the neutrino as the culprit which stole the energy from DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 417 a given decaying nucleus, one must find that energy in the particle and show that it came from the site of the theft. If theory was correct, there were plenty of these small culprits fleeing from the decaying nuclei in a nuclear explosion fireball so that one could hope to catch a few of them. Frederick Reines and the author resolved to attempt this. As a signal of the capture of an antineutrino in flight, we would ask for the radioactive decay of a proton. Now protons, most familiar as nuclei of ordinary hydrogen, are among the most stable objects known—they never decay spontaneously. If one should capture an antineutrino, however, it would be forced into changing into a neutron by emission of a positive beta particle, a positron. Thus, if one detects protons emitting positrons, then one has every reason to believe that an antineutrino has been captured. We calcu- lated that we could provide enough protons (as hydrogen atoms) in a few hundred gallons of an organic liquid so that a few hundred such positrons should be produced by antineutrinos coming from a nuclear fireball—if we could get the liquid close enough to the fireball. Two problems were raised by this conclusion, however: (1) How could a few hundred positrons be detected when released in several hundred gallons of liquid; and (2) how could such a detector, once built, be placed close enough to the violence of a nuclear explosion and survive to tell the story ? By “close enough,” we calculated that it must be at least within 200 feet or so from the base of a tower on which a 20-kiloton explosion was fired. Such towers are usually about 100 feet high. We set about finding answers to these questions. For the first problem, there was already a lead. Certain organic liquids had been found which when purified and then contaminated with traces of particular compounds become sensitive to the passage of fast electrons. They “scintillate’—they emit short bursts of light. These bursts are extremely weak, but what intensity they have is proportional to the range (therefore, the energy) of the electron passing through them. These bursts of light are detected by highly sensitive phototubes which in turn produce pulses of electricity. This lead was partial, however, for at that time (1950) such organic liquid scintillators had only been made and used in small quantities. To see into several hundred gallons of it would require some additional effort. To test this possibility, Reines and I (both of us were working at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory at the time) built a large bi- pyramidal brass tank, of about 1 cubic meter in volume, and mounted four photomultiplier tubes at the two opposing apexes, We filled this tank (now named El Monstro) with very pure toluene activated so 766-746—65——31 418 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 that it would scintillate. Tests using radioactive sources of electrons and gamma rays showed us that the scheme could be made to work, and that we could “see” into almost any size container we wished to use. The second problem was a stickler. The extreme violence of a large nuclear explosion, accompanied by a searing heat wave and vast num- bers of gamma, rays and neutrons, was hardly reduced at all at a dis- tance of several hundred feet. A detector placed on the ground at that distance would be melted, torn apart, and scattered in small pieces over the countryside. We could put it into a heavy concrete block- house, but the shock alone would still damage it beyond use, and only a few neutrons leaking through the walls would completely obscure our hoped-for-signal. We would have to shield it by at least a hundred feet of earth from the ordinary neutrons and gamma rays to reduce their intensity sufficiently. The plan evolved was finally this: We would dig a shaft near “sround zero” about 10 feet in diameter and about 150 feet deep. We would put a tank, 10 feet in diameter and about 75 feet long on end at the bottom of the shaft. We would then suspend our detector from the top of the tank, along with its recording apparatus, and back-fill the shaft above the tank. As the time for the explosion approached, we would start vacuum pumps and evacuate the tank as highly as possible. Then, when the countdown reached “zero,” we would break the suspension with a small explosive, allowing the detector to fall freely in the vacuum. For about 2 seconds, the falling detector would be seeing antineutrinos and recording the pulses from them while the earth shock passed harmlessly by, rattling the tank mightily but not disturbing our falling detector. When all was relatively quiet, the detector would reach the bottom of the tank, landing on a thick pile of foam rubber and feathers (fig. 4). We would return to the site of the shaft in a few days (when the surface radioactivity had died away sufficiently) and dig down to the tank, recover the detector, and know the truth about neutrinos! We did a lot of thinking about this matter before we broached the idea to anyone. Our first conversation on the matter was with Enrico Fermi. He questioned us closely and examined our plan in detail. His was the first encouragement we received for our plan, and we felt that the race was at least half won at that point. We approached the laboratory director, Norris Bradbury, and received more encourage- ment—plus permission to proceed! Assembling a group of physicists, engineers, and technicians from around the laboratory who were suf- ficiently intrigued by the project to take on work additional to their own, we set out to catch a neutrino. As it made little difference precisely where we placed our shaft, we chose to put it 137 feet from the base of the tower for luck. (If PEATE! Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan Richard Jones (left) and Martin Warren (right), two members of our team from Los Alamos, use the special fork lift to insert the top target tank into the detector shield at the Sa- Heavy lead doors behind Warren move by hydraulic vannah River Plant reactor. A rack of preamplifiers are seen behind control to cover the detector when it is operated. Jones. These amplified the small voltage pulses obtained from the tubes and sent them through coaxial cables to the electronics trailer parked outside the reactor building. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan PLATE 2 ‘ ce 1. One of the thin ‘“‘meat” tanks for the “double-decker club sandwich” detector. This tank, containing scintillating solution and a cadmium salt, was used for analysis of the detector and calibration of its performance. It was replaced by a tank of water and cadmium acetate (later heavy-water and cadmium acetate) for the measurement at the reactor. ‘There were, of course, two of these target tanks in the detector. It is shown resting in a special fork-lift built to handle the detector sections. 2. A completed detector section ready for insertion in the shield. ‘The tank is made of steel plate, with the exception of the bottom. ‘This is a cellular aluminum structure, similar to aircraft skin sections, which provides strength against bending while affording little obstruction to the entry of gamma rays from below. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan PLATE 3 ee ee 1. Three 1,200-gallon steel tanks on a flat-bed trailer comprise our tank farm. With a network of stainless-steel pipes and valves, along with special pumps, the apparatus was used to mix and transport our load of scintillating solution from Los Alamos to the Sa- vannah River Plant. ‘The tanks are coated with epoxy on their interiors and were later wrapped with layers of electrical heating strips on their outsides, then covered with fiber-glass insulation. On the trip to South Carolina, they were plugged into the elec- trical outlets of kindly filling-station operators to warm up overnight; they kept sufficient heat during the next day’s run to preserve the solution. 2. The final test of our signal was to shield the entire detector even more so than neutrons and gamma rays would be further attenuated. The signal, however, did not change, unless the reactor was turned off. The shield, shown here, consisted of many bags of sawdust, saturated with water, and had a mean density of 0.5. It was over 4 feet thick at all places. A pound of hominy grits, placed near the center of this face of the shield, completed it in a little ceremony in salute to our southern hosts. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan PLATE 4 1. The lower “triad” of detectors of the system used at the Savannah River Plant rests in its lead shield ready for test at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The dark rectangles labeled ‘‘2”? and “3” are the ends of the large liquid scintillation tanks which were to form the “bread” of the club-sandwich-detector. ‘The target liquid is in the white center tank. 2. This multichamber dark-box was built to put each of the many photomultiplier tubes through a rigorous testing and balancing procedure before use in the detector. Three chambers are shown opened, and a photomultiplier with a sodium iodide crystal may be seen in one of them. The tubes were thus carefully selected for uniformity and stability from a large number of candidates. PLATE 5 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan en) | oy} OF ainjord eyt yo ysnf SI 1OJIvO1 ptofue ey} fo avi eu 10399}9p OUT, , ot TPXTUr xeloqg-uyjeied e jo SoxXOq fo pue pro] fo pyetrys ajo[durosut S}t ul O[QISLA Ajiied ST “Yo1vas OULI}NIU plojueyy] out jo ayquinl oy) prure wo,qoid e SSnoOstp Joyyne oyt pue soAv}] ‘'N “Ad Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan PLATE 6 1. A view of the interior of one of the large liquid scintillation tanks before mounting the photomultipliers in the end. A plexiglass sheet seals off the end forming a chamber which will contain the tubes. The thin, corrugated, stainless-steel top for the tank is seen resting behind it. 2. Exterior view of the end of a scintillation tank after mounting photomultipliers. The tube mounts and bases are seen protruding from the end. After wiring the bases into a circuit, a steel box cover was bolted in place over the end. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan PLATE 7 One of the 112 photomultiplier tubes used in each large tank, shown with its mounting socket. ‘The 5-inch diameter face, equivalent to perhaps 100 human eyes, contains a thin, photosensitive surface. When a photon of light falls on it, an electron is ejected from the surface toward the interior of the tube. The electron strikes the first metal element known as a “dynode” where it splashes several more electrons out of the metal. These, in turn, repeat this over some nine more dynodes, multiplying the number each time until, finally, several million electrons appear at the base for each one started from the tube face. ‘These produce a pulse of voltage in the circuit at the base which is then amplified and analyzed by the equipment farther along the line. PLATE 8 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Cowan *poqojduros aq Avu SOUIe[V soT 294] OF IOJISIA & O} yuRry uolye[Mulos oy fo Uu A[quiosse }ey} Os owely-3unnyy 8 Ul S}sol yur. oY J, ‘Atoqesoge'yT syUSINg BIsap oq} ure dxo (Surjuiod) Joyjne ay} pur (@hepsie! Iv}) souloy Youepe1y Id DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 419 Nuclear Explosive _,_ Expected Fireball » from Explosion ce i Buried Signal Line for ea aoe Triggering Release Back Fill Vacuum Pump 4—Vacuum Line Suspended Detector—, 1 Vacuum Tank SCHEME FOR DETECTING NEUTRINOS FROM A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION ¢-Feathers and Foam Rubber Ficure 4 you think that physicists are not superstitious, just ask one about the number 137 sometime. He’ll be evasive and say, “Oh, you mean 1/137, the fine structure constant.” Press him to explain it, however, and youll see what I mean.) We arranged for the drilling of a hole and the taking of cores at the nuclear test site in Nevada to explore the underground conditions there. Arrangements also were made to measure ground shocks and neutron backgrounds at various depths in the hole during forthcoming nuclear explosions so that we could plan more specifically. Our group began work on the problems of light transmission over long paths in the scintillator liquids, the operation of large banks of photomultiplier tubes, and the design of the great vacuum tank and its release mechanism. But then we stopped the work suddenly, for a better idea had occurred to us. PROJECT POLTERGEIST—II It was a late evening in the fall of 1952. Reines and I had addressed a seminar of the Laboratory’s Physics Division that afternoon, de- scribing the progress of the work and our latest plans. At the end, Dr. J. M. B. Kellogg, Chairman of the Division, had suggested that we re- 420 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 view the problem just once more to see if we could possibly use the neu- trinos emitted by a fission reactor rather than those from a fission explosion. We knew that the flux of neutrinos from even the largest of reactors would be thousands of times less than that from an explosion, while the background noise from neutrons and gamma rays would be about the same with the available shielding. Nevertheless, we sat late into the evening going over every estimate. Then the thought struck! We were planning to force protons to undergo beta decay by absorp- tion of antineutrinos. This decay would be the emission of a positron as the proton was changed into a neutron. The positron, being an antielectron, would be captured quickly by one of the ordinary elec- trons in the atoms of the liquid, both positron and electron would vanish, and two 0.51 Mev. (million electron volts) gamma rays would be produced. These gamma rays were to constitute our signal, as they, in turn, bounced off other electrons in the liquid, making it scintillate. The neutron, we knew, would also bounce around in the liquid as it struck protons and lost its energy to them, then would drift about for many microseconds before finally being captured by a proton to form deuterium, or heavy hydrogen. The neutron-proton capture would release a gamma ray of 2.2 Mev., but we had planned to use this gamma ray only as an independent signal to increase the detection efficiency somewhat. Suddenly, we realized that if we could manage to dissolve a cadmium salt in our liquid, then the neutron would be captured more quickly (as cadmium has a much greater “cross section” for neutron capture than has hydrogen), and we could mark a neutrino signal by two characteristic bursts of gamma radiation which followed one another by a few microseconds: First, the two 0.51 Mev. gammas from posi- tron-electron annihilation, then a burst of gammas totaling about 9 Mev. as the neutron was captured by cadium. This unique set of sig- nals would provide us with a powerful discrimination against the backgrounds from a reactor. It would then be possible to use the much weaker but calmer neutrino fluxes emitted by a reactor. Instead of detecting a burst of neutrinos in a second or two coming from the fury of a nuclear explosion, we would now be able to watch patiently near a reactor and catch one every few hours or so. And there are many hours available for watching in a month—or a year. A new plan and a first try We called a meeting of our group the following day and set about devising a plan for work near a reactor. The road ahead now looked much clearer, and we felt that we were finally closing in on our quarry. During the winter of 1952 we built two cylindrical detectors, each about 30 inches high and 28 inches in diameter. We mounted 90 photo- multipliers around the curved walls of each and filled them with DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 421 liquid scintillator made of toluene. We learned how to connect these tubes into two interleaved banks for operation in coincidence to reduce the spurious “dark-current” signals generated by the tubes themselves. As for the cadmium salt, we found that the propionate of cadmium would dissolve in the scintillator quite well without reducing its light output seriously. The winter was spent in testing the system in an isolated and unheated building while keeping the detector warm with several electrical bow] fires. Some of our group swept the snow away from outside the building and set about casting many large blocks of paraffin wax and borax for use as neutron shielding when we would go to a reactor. Others began mixing gallons of liquid scintillator in batches with varying composition. We found that we could also make a scintillating liquid from just one of the several brands of mineral oil carried by the local druggists. This would give us a different hydrogen density in our detector from that of toluene, allowing us to test the fact that it is a proton which reacts to yield a neutrino signal. We ordered several barrels of the oil, and this was duly mixed with the chemicals to make it scintillate. It was during this testing period that we also investigated the radio- active content of the materials which were used to construct the detectors. We built a cylindrical well into one of the detectors and proceeded to put quantities of steel, liquids, wax, and other materials into it for testing. We found that brass and aluminum were quite radioactive compared to iron and steel, and that the potassium in the glass envelopes of our photomultiplier tubes would contribute to the detector backgrounds. By putting the detector “into itself” in this manner, piece-by-piece, we were able to avoid the more seriously contaminated materials in its construction. During this time, one of our group, Robert Shuch, proposed making the well in the detector a bit larger so that we might be able to put a human being into the detector. This was done, and a number of people, including our secretary, were trussed up and lowered into the 18-inch hole. We found quite a detectable counting rate from everyone. It was due to the radioactive potassium-40 naturally present in the body. Using small radium sources strapped near the navel of a subject, we found that extremely minute quantities of radio- active contaminants were measurable in the human body. This brief interlude thus saw the birth of the total-immersion, or “whole-body” counter. The two neutrino detectors were later to be placed into service as the first of many such large clinical and medical research counters. In the very early spring of 1953 we set out for Hanford, Wash., where the largest and newest of the country’s fission reactors was Just being put into operation. The work at Hanford, while tedious in 766-746—65—32 422 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 the doing, need not be so in the telling. We put our detector very close to the face of the reactor wall, piling all of our shielding around it and all the lead that was available at the Hanford plant until the floor sagged, and then we “listened.” We restacked our shield and listened again for the double pulses signaling neutrinos when the reactor was operating. (See pl. 5.) The lesson of the work was clear: It is easy to shield out the noise men make, but impossible to shut out the cosmos. Neutrons and gamma rays from the reactor, which we had feared most, were stopped in our thick walls of paraffin, borax, and lead, but the cosmic ray mesons penetrated gleefully, generating backgrounds in our equipment as they passed or stopped in it. We had brought large trays of geiger counters to place around and over the detector, so that cosmic rays could be identified as such and rejected from the signal rate. We did record neutrinolike signals which, seen in retrospect, were genuine. They appeared and disappeared as the reactor was raised to power and then shut down again. But the cosmic rays with their neutron secondaries generated in our shield were some 10 times more abundant than were the neutrino signals. Under these circumstances, it was quite impossible to test the neutrino signal by changing the number of proton targets in the detector or by altering the cadmium concentration to alter the neutron capture times as we had planned. We felt that we had the neutrino by its coattails, but our evidence would not yet stand up in court. We must be more clever than this. We returned to Los Alamos with a gleam in our eyes, for we felt that now we knew how to catch the neutrino. PROJECT POLTERGEIST—III Tt was time to become serious about Project Poltergeist, and so the Laboratory suggested that we set up a formal group for the sole purpose of tracking neutrinos. This we did, taking with us those of the original team who could leave their other work behind, and recruit- ing several new members to the group. Looking again at the reaction which signals the capture of an anti- neutrino, we recall that the capture of the particle by a proton changes the proton into a neutron with the emission of a positron. We had used the time correlation of the two pulses produced by positron annihilation and by neutron capture in hydrogen. We would now use the spatial correlation of the various gamma rays as well. This would give us a great advantage over the spurious signals produced by the cosmic rays. A new detector was designed in which a large thin tank of water supplied the proton targets, and cadmium acetate dissolved in the water lay in wait to capture the neutrons produced. Positron annihi- lation results in two 0.51 Mev. gamma rays which travel away from DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 423 the annihilation in opposite directions. Thus, quite often one gamma ray would emerge from the top of the water slab, and the other from the bottom. Neutron capture in cadmium produces a burst of many gamma rays which total about 9 Mev. in energy. These also would emerge from both top and bottom of theslab. By placing large thick tanks of liquid scintillator on either side of the water slab, we could expect to see these events in top-bottom coincidence as well as in time- delayed correlation. A detector of this description was designed but, in a sense, was made twofold. We designed two such slabs and placed them between three thick liquid scintillator detectors, much as the meat is placed between three slices of bread in a club sandwich. This would provide a running check on the equipment, as both detectors must operate in agreement as to what they see. (See pl. 4, fig. 1.) Another year’s work at Los Alamos went into the construction and testing of the new detector. Dr. John Wheeler suggested during that time that we make our next measurement at the new Savannah River Plant and arranged for our visit to that laboratory. With the co- operation of the Du Pont scientists there we quickly found an almost ideal spot near one of their reactors. During the year we also de- veloped a new scintillating solution (of triethylbenzene) which was much less hazardous than toluene. (See pl. 4, fig. 2.) When completed and sitting in its great lead shield in the physics building at Los Alamos, the detector was about 10 feet high. It occupied a floorspace some 6 feet by 12 feet. The shield around it was made of a steel framework holding walls of lead 6 inches thick. The lead top and bottom were also of this thickness, and hydraulically operated lead doors some 4 inches thick closed the two ends. Three separate scintillation detectors were stacked inside the shield, and between each pair was a flat tank of water and cadmium acetate as a target. The detectors were made of rectangular steel tanks which held the liquid scintillator in their center sections. Each was 2 feet thick, about 4 feet wide, and some 11 feet long. Each center section of scintillator was 6 feet long. End sections were filled with a clear, nonscintillating liquid to act as shields against radioactivity from the banks of photo- multipliers looking in fromeach end. There were 55 photomultipliers on each end of each of the 3 detectors. Each photomultiplier was a large 5-inch diameter “eye” which stared fixedly at the sensitive liquid in the tank and reported the faint flashes of light there with electrical pulses. The “compound eye” of the total detector thus had a retinal area greater than 45 square feet. Each of the photomultipliers had been carefully selected and its sensitivity balanced to a standard value. The tanks were painted white inside to conserve every photon possible and reflect it toward the phototubes. (See pls. 2,6,7, and 8.) 424 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 As the spot chosen at the Savannah River Plant reactor was only large enough to hold the detector, we would have to send the electrical pulses from it to the equipment some distance away. We decided to build all of our electronic gear into a large trailer which would then act as our laboratory. Holding amplifiers, coincidence and gating circuits, scalers and recording equipment, some 12 racks finally lined one side of the trailer from floor to ceiling. A blower and conduit outside the trailer served to keep the equipment cool while it was operating. To prepare and handle the liquid scintillator, a “tank farm” was built on a flat bed trailer. This consisted of three steel tanks, each of 1200-gallon capacity. The tanks were coated on their interior sur- faces with an epoxy paint to preserve the purity of the liquids and were wrapped with several layers of insulating material on their out- sides. As the tanks must never be allowed to fall below about 60° F. when they contain scintillator, long strips of electrical heating elements were embedded in the exterior insulation. A network of stainless steel pipe, valves, and pumps complete the tank farm. (See pl. 3.) The year was spent in building and testing. It was important that we know the details of the performance of our system quite well before we left home. The effects of the ever-present cosmic ray muons were also determined in great detail. In November 1955, we were ready to leave Los Alamos again in quest of neutrinos. Early one morning, after a blessing of the group and its equipment by Father Francis Schuler, the Catholic pastor of the parish at Los Alamos, in the ancient Latin phrases that down through the centuries have sent men across the world in search of knowledge and adventure, our little convoy snaked down the mountainside and set out for South Carolina. The work at the Savannah River Plant The new year found our detector installed near the great reactor, with its pipes and bundles of wires and coaxial cables running to the laboratory and tank farm trailers parked outside. Calibrations were undertaken using artificial radioactive sources and the cosmic rays, and backgrounds were measured in the myriad different forms they assume in such equipment. By early spring we felt that we were ready for our quarry. (See pl. 1.) The bait that we were using was hydrogen—or rather the nuclei of hydrogen, protons. Let us review the anticipated reaction and the signals produced which would demonstrate that antineutrinos were, in truth, coming from the reactor. Of the several hundred million billion antineutrinos which should (according to theory and the known power level of the reactor) be streaming through our detector each DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 425 second, virtually all would pass through as if the detector were not there. Several times each hour, however, one antineutrino would react with a proton—the nucleus of a hydrogen atom in one or the other H,O target tank. When this occurred, a fast positron would be emitted by the proton, and the proton would then be a moderately fast neutron as it recoiled from the site of the event. We knew what the energy spectrum of the antineutrinos coming from the reactor should be, because we knew quite a bit about the various radioactive fission fragment nuclei being formed in it, and we had Fermi’s theory to guide us from there. We knew, for instance, that about 10% antineutrinos should strike each square centimeter of our water target per second, that the effective energy of these antineutrinos should be about 3 Mev., and that the cross section presented by each proton in the water hydrogen to each antineutrino would be about 10-* square centimeters. After an antineutrino had reacted with a proton, the positron would slow to a stop very quickly in the water, would capture an electron from near where it stopped, and then the two would combine to produce two 0.51 Mev. gamma rays. Suppose this happened in the top water target. Then one gamma would pass into the top scintillator, producing a flash of light there, while the other would do the same—at the same time—in the center scintillator. A pair of pulses would then be recorded by our equipment as having occurred “in coincidence,” and the electronics would be alerted by this and start to watch for a second signal produced by the neutron. The neutron would leave the site of the event with a few Kev. energy, and, being much heavier than the positron, would slow down much more reluctantly. Nevertheless, the neutron would be of “thermal” energy in about 2 microseconds and would then drift about in the water until it happened close to a cadmium nucleus. Let us imagine that this would be about 4 microseconds later. One of the cadmium isotopes has a strong affinity for neutrons that are just drifting about with little energy. The neutron is quickly captured by the cadmium, and a burst of gamma rays then is emitted by the cadmium nucleus. Again, some of these would pass into the top scintillator, some into the center. Flashes of light would again be detected as they produced pulses of electricity in the equipment. We know the total energy of the cadmium gamma rays when it captures a neutron, so the total light produced should be just the right amount. So also, should the total electrical pulse voltage, i.e., the sum of the two electrical pulses. Thus, a set of four pulses (two of the right amplitude each, fol- lowed in 6 microseconds by two of the right total amplitude) would be fed into the electronic racks in the trailer. This particular pattern is very distinctive and is not very likely to occur by accident or by any other sort of nuclear interaction in the detector. Among the 426 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 many electrical pulses which rattle through the electronic equipment each second from other causes, this one pattern can be picked out by the equipment very nicely. In addition to going to the electronic analysis equipment, our set of pulses from the top scintillator has also been sent down a long trans- mission line, wrapped back and forth inside the trailer. They take 10 microseconds to emerge from the other end. ‘They are then sent to an oscilloscope. The electronic equipment, having sensed the possi- bility of an interesting pattern, signals to the oscilloscope when it sees the second pair of pulses, and the electron beam of the cathode ray tube starts to trace a line of light across the tube face. It will take 20 microseconds to traverse the tube face. Thus, 4 microseconds later (10 for the time spent in the transmis- sion line minus 6 while waiting for the neutron signal), the positron pulse from the top scintillator tank emerges from the line and causes the electron beam to deflect upward briefly, then return to its steady sweep across the face of the tube. The amount of deflection of the beam during the pulse is proportional to the energy deposited in the tank, and this is known from our calibration work. Six microseconds later, the neutron pulse arrives from the same top tank. It also deflects the beam briefly, proportional to its amplitude. The beam then completes its track across the remaining part of the tube face, and it is turned off to wait for another interesting event to send it on its brief trip. All this has occurred for those signals coming from the top tank. Exactly the same has occurred for those from the center tank of scintillator as well. The pulses from the center tank have passed down their own transmission line and then to the oscilloscope to cause another beam in the same tube to deflect. Its track les below the first beam so as not to obscure it. The bottom tank is connected as well to a third transmission line and then to a third beam in the tube. But no signals came from this tank in our example described here, so its beam has just swept undeflected across the oscilloscope face. During this time a 35 mm. camera loaded with 100 feet of film has been watching the tube face with its shutter permanently open, so that the streaks of light which appeared there are now recorded on one frame of film. After the action has finished, the camera motor advances the film to a fresh frame. Thus were the signals from the three tanks sorted out, analyzed, and recorded on film whenever they occurred in a pattern which may have been due to the capture of an antineutrino in the detector. Two triple-beam oscilloscopes were used in parallel, as described above, so that one operating at low gain could look for large pulses while the other operated at higher gain to record the smaller pulses. Each DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 427 day the films would be removed and developed for reading. At that time tests would be made of the detector and electronic system to catch any changes that might have occurred. THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF PROOF Having the equipment operate as planned near the reactor and observing the correct patterns of pulses now and then was most satis- fying. But now the work remained to test these signals to ascertain whether or not they were in fact produced by antineutrinos from the reactor. Five experiments were performed using these pulses, with objectives as listed below: 1. The rate at which they were recorded must be correct, knowing the reactor power and detector efficiency. This rate must drop to zero (or to a relatively low and well-understood background) when the reactor is shut down. 2. The first pair of pulses must be shown to be due to the annihila- tion of a positron by an electron. 3. The second pair of pulses must be shown to be due to the capture of a neutron by cadmium, and the neutron must have appeared in the detector at the same instant as did the positron. 4. The signal rate must be proportional to the number of protons in the water target tanks. If the amount of hydrogen is changed, the signal rate must change accordingly. 5. The signal, when shown to be associated with the reactor being run, must be shown to be independent of gamma rays and neutrons leaking from the reactor shield. The following months saw these tests undertaken. In each test, the two water tanks operated as independent targets, and the data obtained from each were analyzed and required to check one another. The checks were made in various, sometimes redundant, ways, In order to apply every test we could devise. The details of these checks and the resulting data are reported in the relevant papers listed in the bibliography, and will be described only in general terms here. Dependence of the signal rate on reactor power.—This is the easiest to describe. The equipment was operated for 893.5 hours (in two separate runs) with the reactor on, and for 263.4 hours (again, in two separate runs) with the reactor off. With the reactor on, the signal rate was about 1.8 per hour, and with the reactor off, it was about one-fifth of this. This background rate was understood in terms of cosmic ray interferences, similar to the ones which had forced us to stop work at Hanford. But there, the cosmic ray backgrounds were some 10 times Aigher than the signal rate produced by the reac- tor. We could also work our data “in reverse,” calculating a cross section for the reaction from them, then comparing it with the theoretical one. The two—experimental and _ theoretical—agreed 428 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 well within the limits imposed by statistical fluctuations and lack of absolute knowledge concerning the neutrino spectrum. Evidence that the first pulse pair was due to a positron.—Here we had two checks. We had dissolved a known positron-emitting radio- active material (copper-64) in the water of a target tank and observed the pulse amplitude spectrum obtained from it. The spectrum of pulses in the first pair of reactor-produced events agreed with it nicely. The second check consisted of placing thin sheets of lead as an absorber between the water targets and the scintillation detector tanks. By measuring the reduction in counting rate produced by the lead, we could check the energy of the gamma rays in the first pulse. They were found to be the two simultaneous gamma rays produced when a positron-electron pair combines (or “annihilates,” in the vernacular). Evidence that the second pulse pair was due to the capture of a neutron by cadmium, and that the neutron had appeared in the detector simultaneously with the positron.—Again, we had two checks of this. We varied the amount of cadmium salt in the water targets and observed the varying times for observation of the second pulse following the first. These checked with the same data when a known neutron source was placed near the detector and neutron capture times measured. These capture time curves had already been run on computers at Los Alamos for different cadmium concentra- tions. These also agreed. The second check was the total pulse am- plitude spectrum. This agreed with that obtained with known neu- tron sources. The pulses were due to neutrons. The capture time curves also demonstrated that the neutron had appeared with the positron, for it was the interval between the two that was measured, and this interval would not have checked had this not been so. Three different runs were made with different cadmium concentrations. Dependence of the signal rate on the number of protons in the target.—For this check, we reduced the amount of hydrogen in the target to half, but did not reduce the amount of water. This was done by replacing the ordinary water with a mixture of 50 percent ordinary (light) water and 50 percent heavy water. Thus, 50 percent of the hydrogen had been replaced by deuterium, which has a com- paratively very low cross section for antineutrinos compared with hydrogen. The signal rate fell when this was done as expected. This checked another point at the same time. By putting deuterium into the detector, we were sensitizing it to the effects of gamma rays and neutrons. Such backgrounds can easily break up a deuteron and mock up an antineutrino signal. Therefore, if the gamma ray and neutron backgrounds were fooling us before, the signal rate should have increased now rather than decreased as it was observed to do. DISCOVERY OF THE NEUTRINO—COWAN 429 If we were seeing antineutrinos from the reactor, we should not be able to reduce their intensity on the detector by putting absorbers around it. If, on the other hand, we were seeing only gamma rays and neutrons, it should be easy to change the rate with absorber.— This simple experiment, however, took some time to devise, for a considerable amount of material was needed to stack around the detector to form our shield. This amount of anything looked very expensive to us. We first thought of wooden planks and timbers. The cutting and fitting problem was too great for wood. We consid- ered water, but the tanks required would have been expensive and very large. As we were in South Carolina in the summer, an obvious suggestion was a great pile of watermelons. We doubted that they would have survived long enought in a sweet condition. Another suggestion was sacks of hominy grits. An enterprising member of the group actually located a warehouseman in Augusta, Ga., who was willing to lend us the requisite amount. We feared, however, that he would be reluctant to take them back when he learned that they had been placed very close to the Nation’s largest nuclear reactor! The native resources of the South did come to our rescue, however. We used sawdust. Obtained free from a sawmill in Aiken, S.C., and bagged as it came from the chute, we hauled it in great truckloads to the reactor site. The sawdust was too light for our liking, so we piled it into a smal] mountain and squirted it with a firehose for several days. Drained and stacked around our detector, it provided a fine shield. In recognition of the Southern hospitality which we were enjoying all this time, we also incorporated hominy grits into the shield—a pound of it. (See pl. 3, fig. 2.) Tested with neutron and gamma ray sources carried around it and placed in various places in it, the shield was fine. It reduced such artificial signals by large amounts. But it made no difference to our reactor signal. This test, alone, was sufficient to demonstrate that we were observ- ing antineutrinos from the reactor. QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM We were done. For a few days, we enjoyed the knowledge privately that Pauli had guessed correctly as we prepared a report to this effect for publication in the literature and for a summer meeting of the American Physical Society at Yale. The experience of knowing a fact new to mankind and knowing it for awhile all alone is an un- forgettable one. The neutrino existed as an objective, demonstrable fact of nature. The great laws of conservation stood firm. And our small group had had the privilege of sharing in the work that made them so. 430 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLEN, JAMES S. 1957. The neutrino. Princeton, N.J. [This excellent monograph covers much of the material omitted in this paper and supplies a generous bibli- ography in context. ] Cowan, C. L., JR. ; REINES, F.; ET AL. 1956. Detection of the free neutrino: A confirmation. Science, vol. 124, No. 3212, pp. 103-104. REINES, F., and Cowan, C. L., JR. 1953a. Detection of the free neutrino. Phys. Rev., vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 830-831. 1953b. A proposed experiment to detect the free neutrino. Phys. Reyv., vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 492-498. REINES, F.; Cowan, C. L., JR. ; ET AL. 1960. Detection of the free antineutrino. Phys. Rev., vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 159-178. Fracture of Solids’ By J. E. Fretp Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England [With 4 plates] THE FAILURE OF a solid by fracture is an experience common to all, whether it be the breaking of a cup, the shattering of a car windscreen, or the event leading to disaster with an aircraft. The nature of the initiation, subsequent path, and speed of development of fracture often appear unpredictable. The result of fracture is frequently cata- strophic. It is this aspect of finality which creates the greatest prob- lems for the engineer who at present only overcomes them by clever design and the use of large safety factors. It would, of course, be difficult and undesirable to avoid using brittle solids since they combine so many useful properties with their brittle- ness. Glass as the prime example of a brittle solid has, in one or other of its forms, high hardness, good resistance to chemical reaction and thermal shock as well as its most valuable of properties, trans- parency. Further, one of the many modern requirements is for solids which remain strong at high temperatures. Above about 1,000° C. the solids which still retain some degree of strength are frequently those that exhibit brittleness at room temperature. Fracture is, however, not only a calamity to be avoided; it is fre- quently the best way of dividing a solid. The energy required to cleave a diamond or split a log is far lower than that needed by any sawing process. The surfaces of cleaved materials are frequently smooth and plane; properties which have many scientific uses besides their importance in jewel stones. TYPES OF FRACTURE If a solid is pulled hard enough it will eventually fracture. On the atomic scale this is the stage where the binding forces between the atoms are finally overcome by the tensile stress we have applied. The 1 Reprinted by permission from The Times Science Review (London), No. 51, Spring 1964. 431 432 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 process of separation can take a variety of forms: A rubbery material elongates enormously before tearing; metals often deform before breaking (ductile fracture) ; glass fractures with little previous de- formation (brittle behavior); and crystals frequently cleave along definite crystallographic planes. It is important to realize that a given material does not fall into a specific class regardless of the con- ditions in which it is used. A rubbery solid, for example, if taken to a low enough temperature, will fracture in a brittle fashion, and metals show similar temperature transitions from ductile to brittle behavior. A factor as important as temperature is the time taken in applying the stress to the material. If the stress is applied in a short time (i.e. a high rate of strain) the effect is analogous to that of decreasing the temperature of the body. The variation of behavior with strain rate is readily apparent with polymers such as Perspex. If a steel ball is pressed slowly against the surface the material deforms to give a permanent depression. If, however, the ball is allowed to fall from a height of a few inches, a circular ring fracture similar to those pro- duced on glass is formed. STRENGTH OF SOLIDS Theoretical calculations of strength are usually based on the way that the forces between the atoms vary with separation. Usually the maximum force occurs when the separation between the atoms has been increased by 10 to 20 percent, or in other words, the theoretical strengths of solids lhe between #/5 and #/10, where # is the Young’s modulus of the solid. However, one of the more striking features about the strength of solids is the divergence between practical meas- ured strengths and theoretical estimates: This divergence is greatest with brittle solids. Calculations on glass, for example, predict strengths as high as 2 million p.s.i., but plate glass has usually a strength only about one-hundredth of this and even glass in fiber form rarely exceeds one-tenth of the theoretical estimate. A possible explanation for the low practical strengths was put for- ward in 1920 by A. A. Griffith, who suggested that microcracks on the surface and in the bulk of a solid could cause loss of strength. A useful analogy here is to imagine the cracks acting as levers to separate the atoms, the cracks becoming more effective the longer their lengths. Griffith, in experiments on glass, was able to show that the strength was in fact related to the depths of cracks which he artificially added to the glass. The size of the microcracks sufficient to explain a practical strength for glass of 20,000 p.s.i. when its theoretical strength is 100 times higher turns out to be very small; cracks of length 1 or 2 microns (10~cm.) and widths of a few angstréms (1A=10-°cm.) are sufficient. It is not surprising, therefore, that even with modern electron microscopes FRACTURE OF SOLIDS—FIELD 433 these microcracks are not easily observable. However, since 1920, decoration and etching techniques coupled with fracture experiments have built up a considerable body of evidence which largely substan- tiates the idea of microcracks. Other sources of weakness can also occur such as inclusions, voids, notches, and growth steps. All of these can act so as to increase the stress concentration at a point in the solid. Crystalline materials (and this includes metallic crystals) may or may not contain microcracks initially, but they will usually contain defects of structure (dislocations) which will allow the planes of atoms to slide relative to each other without separation (plastic deformation). If the movement of the dislocations is blocked (this could be caused by the inclusion of a foreign particle) the dislocations build up causing a high-stress concentration with the possible formation of a microcrack. This crack could then initiate bulk fracture. Materials without defects, such as carefully produced whiskers or fibers, exhibit high strengths approaching the theoretical values. This tends to confirm the importance of defects and indicates a possible, albeit difficult, way of obtaining high-strength solids. TRANSMISSION OF STRESS When a stress is applied to a body the disturbance is not experienced instantaneously throughout the whole body, but is transmitted by stress waves which travel with a definite velocity. The effect is very similar to that when ripples traverse the surface of a pond. In a solid whose properties are independent of direction, a disturbance travels through the body of the solid in two waves—a longitudinal (dilatational) wave in which the particle motions are in the direction of propagation, and transverse (distortional waves in which the particle motions normal to the wave front. The velocities of the wave depend on the elastic con- stants of the solid. These constants are themselves related to the elastic moduli (i.e., ratio of stress to strain produced). For glass, the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities are about 18,000 and 11,000 feet. per second respectively, but for diamond, a material with very high elastic constants, the velocities are higher, having values of about 60,000 and 40,000 feet per second. Physically, the more rigid the atomic structure the faster the waves pass and vice versa. Plate 1, fig. 1, shows pictures taken from a sequence of high-speed photographs of stress waves propagating in a Perspex specimen of dimensions 2 in.X2 in.X34. in. The waves were initiated by the detonation of a small charge of explosive at the midpoint of the top edge, and were made visible by the insertion of crossed polaroids into the optical system of the camera. Both waves are seen; the velocity of the fastest wave, the longitudinal, is about twice that of the transverse waves. When the waves reach the boundaries of the Perspex they 434 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 reflect and return through the block. This reflection always causes a change of phase and the longitudinal wave, for example, which passes out as a compression returns as a wave of tension. In thin plates of brittle material this effect can lead to failure causing a scab of material to become detached from the rear surface. The brittle solid fails in this manner since although it is strong in compression it is compara- tively weak in tension. Instances of this so-called “scabbing” fracture were frequent in the last war when thin sheets of armor plate were struck by fast projectiles. Reinforcement by two waves, of either the same or different type, can also lead to localized fracture. On the surface of a solid a third type of wave, the Rayleigh Surface wave, is developed. This wave travels at a velocity about 90 percent of the transverse wave. Since it exists only in a thin layer at the surface it loses energy in two dimensions, whereas the body waves do so in three. When transmitted over large distances this wave retains its intensity to a greater degree and is usually the main component of the disturbance from earthquakes. As will be seen below it is also important in explaining certain fracture phenomena. MODE OF FRACTURE The way in which the stress is applied to a solid greatly influences the final form of fracture. Starting at the one extreme of “static” loading this can perhaps best be represented by the example of a steel ball pressed with increasing force against the surface of a solid. With a brittle solid such as glass, the first form of failure is the formation of a “ring” crack which closely follows the edge of the contact area where the maximum tensile forces exist. The fracture usually starts at one point and then travels round, keeping at right angles to the maxi- mum tensile stress, until the full circle is complete. The point of initiation may be slightly away from the contact area since it will depend on the location of the microcrack which gives the greatest stress concentration. If the stress is increased still further a second ring crack forms while the initial fracture develops into the solid forming a conical surface of fracture. Plate 1, fig. 2, shows this stage; the faint circular bands around the ring cracks are interference fringes formed in the gap between the fracture planes. In thin glass the fracture may reach the back surface giving a perfect cone of material. The cone angle is usually about 140°. (This form of failure is not to be confused with the scabbing failure mentioned briefly above in con- nection with stress waves.) Thin glass will also bend causing large tensile forces at the rear surface which result in long radial fractures growing from a point opposite the loaded area. If the steel ball impacts against the glass stress waves have to be con- sidered. At relatively low impact velocities the general appearance of the fracture does not greatly alter from the static case except that FRACTURE OF SOLIDS—FIELD 435 the fracturing is more severe. The reason for this is that at low impact velocities the time of impact is relatively long and the stress waves, with their high velocity, have time to distribute information about the stress to all parts of the body during the impact time. Since the stress distribution quickly approaches that of the static case, the pattern of fracture for a low velocity impact is similar to that for static indentation. An example of this is window glass broken by a stone; the long radial fractures and the displaced cone of glass are the main features of the impact. For very high impact velocities the duration of the impact becomes short compared with the time taken by the stress waves to pass through the body. Thus a point in the solid no longer receives a long train of stress waves which gradually build up the stress, but rather a con- centrated pulse of stress of short duration. Very intense pulses last- ing only 1 or 2 millionths of a second can be produced by a variety of methods, one of which is the detonation of a small quantity of ex- plosive on the surface of a solid, or, as has been shown recently at Cam- bridge, when a jet of liquid strikes a solid at high velocity. (This re- sult has practical significance when aircraft pass through rain.) An example of the fracturing caused by the impact of a cylinder of liquid water of diameter 8 mm. at 2,400 feet per second on plate glass is shown in plate 2, fig. 1. The diameter of the large ring fracture corresponds closely with the size of the head of the cylindrical jet. This ring fracture and central area closely resemble the static case illustrated in plate 1, fig. 2, except that the main ring crack is made up of several fractures rather than one continuous crack. The additional features are the short circumferential fractures. These are entirely of stress wave origin, and are formed when the sharp pulse reaches a micro- crack capable of giving a stress concentration sufficient for fracture. The fractures remain short and develop as separate events since the stress waves are themselves of short duration. The stress wave which causes these particular fractures is the Rayleigh Surface wave. Their formation is illustrated in plate 2, fig. 2. The pictures, separated by only 2 microseconds, show a lead slug impacting against the top edge of a3 in. by 3 in. by 14 in. glass specimen at about 600 feet per second. The point at which fresh fractures appear moves out from the center at the Rayleigh wave velocity of approximately 10,000 feet per second. When thin plates of glass are loaded by intense short duration pulses extra “bands” of fracture occur as seen in Plate 3, fig. 1. This shows the result of the impact of a cylinder of water at a velocity of approxi- mately 4,000 feet per second on 14-inch-thick glass. The circular bands of fracture are again of stress wave origin, and occur only on the front surface. They are formed when the Rayleigh Surface wave is rein- forced by tensile components from the stress waves reflected at the back surface of the glass. Similar bands have been produced on hard 436 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 polymers and certain crystalline solids. High-speed photographic records show that the formation of the bands is complete before the plate specimen starts to bend and that only at a later time do the long radial fractures produced by the bending start to develop. FRACTURE VELOCITY Once a fracture is initiated the question arises as to how fast it can travel. The answer appears to be that a fracture can have any velocity up to a certain maximum. It is reasonable that a maximum velocity exists since it would not be expected that a fracture velocity would exceed stress wave velocities, since in the one case a rupture of atomic bands occurs and in the other merely a transmission of stress. The measurement of fracture velocities is usually achieved by the use of high-speed photography or ultrasonic techniques, although markings on the fracture surfaces often give extra information. Ex- amples of these markings include faint lines called “rib” marks which are formed when a fracture pauses, and other lines (“river” patterns) which denote the direction of travel of the fracture for each part of the surface. These “river” patterns occur on glasses, and both metallic and nonmetallic crystals and are formed when the fracture advances simultaneously on slightly different levels. The most important mark- ings for velocity determinations are Wallner lines (named after H. Wallner who first explained them) and an example is shown in plate 3, fig. 2. These were photographed on the fracture surface of a glass plate. The lines are formed by the interaction of the fracture front with transverse stress pulses started when the fracture passes through an imperfection, usually at the edge of the specimen. If the fracture origin is known and also the transverse wave velocity for the solid, the fracture velocity can be determined. This idea has recently been extended and an ultrasonic beam of waves of frequency about 5 mega- cycles per second is passed through the solid as the fracture advances. The resultant fracture surface shows a series of fine ripples, and the spacing of these, since the time interval is accurately known, gives a direct measure of the fracture velocity. High-speed photography is a technique which can measure fracture velocities accurately (to about 1 percent) provided the camera is capable of giving accurate synchronization and framing rates in ex- cess of 10° per second (i.e., the order of 1 microsecond between pic- tures). A sequence showing the fracture of a toughened glass specimen is given in plate 4, fig. 1. This is the type of glass frequently used in car windowscreens. The glass is about five times stronger than plate glass, and is made from plate glass by a heat treatment process which puts a thin outer layer into compression. However, the treat- ment leaves the inner layers in tension and if a crack grows through the outer layer the fracture propagates catastrophically. It is clear FRACTURE OF SOLIDS—FIELD 437 TABLE 1.—Fracture and Stress Wave Velocities (In feet per second) Material r Fracture Longitudinal | Transverse wave Ve/Ci velocity (V) |wave velocity(C:)| velocity (C2) ———— | ee NRE u = esa Se eee 5, 000 18, 000 11, 000 0. 28 used tsiiicaees | S322 eae 7, 000 19, 500 12, 500 0. 36 Sa paps Cire sg og 14, 500 36, 000 21, 000 0. 4 Digmonds 220 see see 24, 000 60, 000 40, 000 0. 4 from the picture that the fractures all travel at the same velocity. The change of appearance in the fracture pattern after frame 8 (fourth in row 2) is caused by the interaction of the reflected longitudinal pulse, now a tension, with the advancing front. Recent fracture velocity and stress wave velocity measurements made at Cambridge from sequences such as in plate 1, fig. 1; plate 2, fig. 2; and plate 4, fig. 2, are shown in table 1 above. The fracture velocities are all approximately one-third of the longitudinal stress wave velocity. Fracture velocities in metals are usually a lower frac- tion of the stress wave velocities. This is mainly because much of the fracture energy is lost in doing plastic work. The smaller value of the ratio for glass (0.28 as compared with 0.4 for sapphire and diamond) may also be significant in showing that glass itself does not behave in a completely brittle fashion. (Indentation experiments have also indicated this.) REMOVAL OF SURFACE DEFECTS It appears that the key to the strength of solids lies in the existence of microcracks and other imperfections. Once these are removed higher strengths ensue. Several materials have already been produced in fiber and whisker form with high strengths. Experiment shows that glass has most of its flaws located at the surface and is therefore amen- able to surface treatments such as toughening, ion exchange (in which the sodium atoms at the surface are replaced by larger ones, thus put- ting the surface layers into compression), and etching. In the etching process hydrofluoric acid acts partly by removing the flawed layer and partly by rounding off the flaw tips. The effect of removing a few microns (10-* cm.) of glass, and greatly improving the strength, is illustrated by the impact mark in plate 4, fig. 2, in which the lower half only of the specimen was etched. Impact was by a liquid jet on the dividing line between the treated and untreated regions (see also plate 2, fig. 1). Improvements of strength by etching of up to 500,000 p.s.i. have so far been reported. Materials such as hard polymers and ceramics have flaws distributed throughout the bulk, so a surface treat- ment alone does not have such a marked effect (their initial practical strengths may, of course, be higher). 766-746-6533 438 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The fact that fractures propagate less easily in materials in which some plastic work occurs as the fracture advances may prove useful. Indications are that reinforced solids can be devised which, while retaining many of the good properties that brittle solids have, will inhibit fracture growth of catastrophic nature. Certainly a large amount of information about the strength properties of solids has been assembled in the comparatively short time since the original paper by Griffith. In the last few years understanding of the cause of frac- ture and the mechanism of its propagation has advanced considerably. It is reasonable to expect that in the near future new and exciting materials will be developed. PLATE 1 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Field ‘uoulideds ayy JO IIeTINS ul0}}0q oy 128 ple Mio lye pure SopIs ey} 18 1sIY aovyd Soe) UOTIIYO] “ISIOA -SUPB I] 24} JO A}ID0]AA eur ITM }noqe 18 S[oAPI] DARPM [BUIPN{Is uo] 2) LJ ‘aspa do} oy} jo juiod-prw oy 1% poeuojJop a51vy9 . J 2 ue Aq po1en (EZ X Uonvoyluseyy) *sse[s oivid qsurese I1Pq [938 sSyemreIp Your $f eB Suyssord Aq paonposd oimiovyy Bu YZ — soaem ssazs jo ‘spuosasoirur ¢ Aq paresedas yors ‘soamoid paads-u3iqq “T ~1ul 9IIM SOARM OU “IO xodsioq ‘UIG xX “UIT de SU C e yon UY suissed c Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Field PLATE 2 This impact gives a short but intense pulse of pressure which initiates the many short circumferential cracks. These cracks are not found under static or slow impact condi- tions. (Magnification 13.5.) di ake Ficure 4.—Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra (EPR) of particles prepared from Axotobacter vinelandii (OP). Signals recorded in gauss (g). Left column, particles actively fixing nitrogen. Right column, particles that do not fix nitrogen, from cells grown with an ammonium salt as nitrogen source. Upper row, spectra of particles as isolated. In the nitrogen fixing particles there is a signal at g=1.97 probably associated with molybdenum valency 5+. Middle row, after adding 10ul of culture medium in which the bacterium had been growing and gassing with hydrogen. Lower curve, gassing with nitrogen after the hydrogen and medium treatment. 456 | ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 oxidized state, and for an unidentified iron component. This iron factor is distinct from ferredoxin, mentioned earlier; in fact, ferre- doxin does not produce EPR signals and is not present in Azotobacter. It was possible to reduce this iron and molybdenum by hydrogen and culture media factors and they were reoxidized by nitrogen (fig. 4). Comparisons with similar effects in the oxygen-fixing respiratory mechanisms suggest that nitrogen and oxygen are alternative targets for chemical reducing power that is transferred successively from hydrogen to iron to flavin and then via cytochrome to capture oxygen or molybdenum to capture nitrogen. Support for the view that mo- lybdenum is a key link in the chain comes from experiments in which particles from cells that do not fix nitrogen proved to contain very little molybdenum. Much work has been done on the mechanism of root nodule forma- tion in clover, and similar studies have also been made in other types of flowering plants. It is clear that the host plant derives the advan- tage of the readymade products of nitrogen fixation and the micro- organisms in turn get a supply of food that the plant makes during photosynthesis, as well as a favorable environment for nitrogen fixation. Bergersen and his associates in Canberra have shown that the rhizobia bacteria in the nodules of clover are enclosed in a double layered membrane envelope. The bacteria are devoid of cell walls and are termed bacteroids (fig. 5). They are bathed in a solution of hemoglobin, which has a high affinity for oxygen, and this may provide Ficure 5.—Rods and bacteroids from root nodules. A, rods from a white ineffective nodule. B, bacteroids from a red ineffective nodule. C, rods from a green ineffective nodule. D, various forms of bacteroids. (After Virtanen.) HOW DO MICROBES “FIX” NITROGEN FROM THE AIR?—-NICHOLAS 457 a mechanism for preventing free oxygen from coming in direct contact with the nitrogen-fixing system and competing with nitrogen for the reducing power generated by the bacteroids. When the rhizobia are cultivated outside the nodules they require nitrogen compounds for growth, such as nitrate, ammonia, or amino acids, as they are unable to fix nitrogen without the host plant. Nodules cut out or sliced soon lose their capacity to utilize nitrogen gas. There are two current theories of the mechanism of nitrogen fixation in the nodules. The first is that fixation occurs in the membrane en- velopes where the gas is activated and reduced to ammonia. Nitrogen is envisaged as the ultimate acceptor of the reducing power which is generated in the bacteroids and involves hemoglobin as a carrier. The host plant supplies the carbon compounds which are partially oxidized by the bacteroids and which then serve as a source of electrons for the reduction of the activated nitrogen. The products of the incom- plete oxidation of the substrates serve as acceptors of ammonia from the fixation process which is needed for amino acid production in the bacteroids. The acids then become available to the host plant. This overall scheme is presented in figure 6. The second theory suggests that hemoglobin itself is the site of nitrogen fixation in the nodule. Future work will decide between these and other theories put forward to explain the symbiotic system. The products of fixation appear to be similar in the nodules of leguminous plants as those already described for Azotobacter and Clostridium, that is, ammonia is heavily labeled with nitrogen-15 followed by glutamic acid. An interesting difference, however, has been found in alder nodules where the amino acid citrulline contained more nitrogen-15 than did glutamic acid. Nodulated plants of soybean were first shown by Evans and his collaborators at Corvallis in Oregon to require minute amounts of cobalt (0.1 microgram per liter of culture solution) when relying solely on atmospheric nitrogen. Similar results were obtained subse- quently with alder, Casuarina, and Myrica. A. vinelandii also requires 0.1 microgram of cobalt per liter of culture solution for nitrogen fixation. Since the amount is so small it is unlikely that it functions directly in nitrogen fixation but is probably required for the biosyn- thesis of enzymes involved in the fixation process. Cobalt is incorpo- rated into vitamin B,,. coenzymes in Azotobacter and in the root nod- ules of some legumes and alder. In our laboratory at Long Ashton we have found that (. pastewrianum also requires cobalt or vitamin B,, for nitrogen fixation. What of the future? Over 70 percent of industrial ammonia is used in the fertilizer in- dustry and at present production exceeds demand, not because there is no pressing need for it but because the product is expensive. AlI- 458 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Carbon substrates Partial oxidation Red Cytochromes Host cytoplasm Membrane envelope Ficure 6—A diagram of a hypothesis for nodule nitrogen fixation. One nitrogen-fixing unit is shown. Reducing power, generated in the bacteroids by partial oxidation of carbon substrates supplied by the host plant, is passed along an electron transport chain involving haemoglobin and is used for the ultimate reduction to NHsg of Ne activated in the membrane envelopes. X=unknown steps between the bacteroid metabolism and haemoglobin. Y=unknown steps between haemoglobin and the ay of NH3. (F. J. Bergersen. Bacterial. Rev., vol. 24, pt. 1, pp. 246-250. 1960. though the synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers are making a valuable contribution in various farming systems, the amounts employed are still small in comparison with the total amounts of nitrogen concerned in the world’s crop production. Cereal crops in Britain remove about 50 pounds of nitrogen from an acre of soil, and a similar amount is present in about 1,000 gallons of milk; yet only 22 pounds of fertilizer nitrogen is returned to the soil, and a substantial amount of this is lost by bacterial denitrification or washed away by rain. As long as the world’s population increases and arable land remains even at its pres- ent acreage there will be rising demand for nitrogenous fertilizers; unfortunately it is not economical to use them on a large scale in under- developed countries where, of course, the need for protein for animal and human consumption is greatest. HOW DO MICROBES “FIX” NITROGEN FROM THE AIR?—NICHOLAS 459 Most of the world’s agricultural nitrogen is still supplied by soil microorganisms, a, =, va a nr : valley ar + gcd “2. oe ad , bey ug tie a ‘i based Le Oa aa PULA! A 1? .& wits * ‘ae e yee wae PWR fae 6 a0 Pe hn Gs a by ih-sendt. pte Cap Soe Pea ao ees : 7 /- a tg > ay ae a y raat reo te Pa HKWER STIG of fiewd ¥ ach i" AGRI a KIZSR SLICK & vais pit) sis] une cl - paral fo Avie ri ‘ ol va J ; , OM ey. titerna Mit, es ‘ oy Ze? veto Pal i a : _'? ‘ 2 ae cay 4 e, a : fea <4 Osa) CAOIR Ti DRG Ae Moo. io Te ahh on w . . Lars . - “a - ¢ ef? 4 i.” sR 7 ~iti)) Tha aon ¢ ete hitit MY 3 . st Ftd ’ Me”. 5 a o's ‘ iN a 5 a. A ripest tiara fi if ee les eo 4 7 ey r¢ f ; UWibios Use AA ie {$e An ae Me) hii na es ” tn ‘aed i, e 0B ool eee ft dag f } _ 1 bf ime Aire + ‘oe anv dt ‘Aik PQQ TE EOGls LE EE he LL a now ay ie : +, 2 r ~ art aie dine) Male ' alanis viatiaice a sooirang iL | af aT, ta (im still sh) dn baegal ee - ‘ forthe ea fa! i. Haden Hilo eu pertnas 1d wbaur 0 ' : ‘ atu ¥ 4 ‘ Fe e r P ~ ty ; } é i tneft tt sAi t , COV? st piatings a i —— | 4 af iy ) ¢ P c. TED MY MCL ‘ | 7 ‘ ¥ ie f ¢ it i Pier ' j : 4p a ed 7 fw i mal ‘ gina i) ; i j ; . j a" . \ asl } } nak big i a. ial, ; ingens & me aa a 7 : par Ct : ea ; Th J bao So . ; 8 : via a : fa i hated + ¢ bd A ' _ i) a ee \ j A ry. i i \ le ‘io ‘eo oe sa A pr The Unity of Ecology’ By F. Fraser DARLING Vice-President, The Conservation Foundation, New York, N.Y. Ir Is RATHER extraordinary to be asked by educated people, what is ecology ?—the more so, as economics is a word used by everyone and the substitution of the letter “e” for the diphthong “c” disturbs no- body. Both ecology and economics, so properly derived from the Greek o7ios—the home, are concerned with the ordering of the habitat and income and expenditure. Both sciences deal with communities and are, at simplest, observational studies of communities. Economics has tended to deal with income and expenditure symbolized in money, and the most dangerous economists have been those who have mistaken the symbol for the reality. There is now a refreshing trend to con- sider wealth as availability of resources, often natural and renewable and organic resources. The changes in the status of availability are subtle, depending on history, growth and movements of populations, and on technology. The resources themselves change in economic status with changes in human needs and desires, emergencies and fashions. Ecology deals with income and expenditure in terms of energy cycles in communities of plants and animals, deriving from sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and the phenomenon of photosynthesis by which or- ganic compounds are built. This raw definition is made more interest- ing by what I would emphasize as the observational study of com- munities of animals and plants. Here comes the possibility of that more general definition of ecology as the science of organisms in rela- tion to their total environment, and the interrelations of organisms interspecifically and between themselves. The total environment in- cludes all manner of physical factors such as climate, physiography and soil, the stillness or movement of water and the salts borne in solution. The interrelations of organisms and environment are in some measure reciprocal in influence; in animal life it is becoming increas- 1 Presidential address delivered to Section D (Zoology) on August 29, 1963, at the Aberdeen Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and re- printed by permission from Advancement of Science, November 1963. 461 462 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 ingly clear that important environmental influences are operative in what may be called psychological factors. Social behavior can be of critical quality ecologically, and this field serves, perhaps, to show how inadequate and imperfect as yet is our observation, especially of interspecific social behavior apparent in a complex biological com- munity which includes man. The ecologist tends ultimately to con- sider man as a member of the indigenous fauna if man is a primitive hunter-foodgatherer, or as an introduced species if he is buffering himself against the environment by civilization, developed technology, and an export trade in natural resources. But there is one outstanding difference between man and the rest of creation ecologically. He isa political animal and in our day and age it is quite unreal to ignore the political nature of man as an ecological factor. I am already giving the impression, perhaps, that there is such a subject as human ecology, a matter which has called forth some tart difference of opinion until very recently. For myself, there is no such subject as human ecology; there is ecology only, which must accept man as part of the field of reference; but man can have an ecological outlook in studying his own problems, whatever they are—medical, agricultural, or those of labor relations. Haeckel coined the word oecology in 1869 and he had animals in mind. There is something ironical in the speculation that so ecolog- ically perceptive a man as Charles Darwin probably set back the study of ecology for half a century because after 1859 the paleonto- logical data concerning evolution had necessarily to be gathered. Ecology as we knew it 50 years ago was a botanical science primarily, handicapped by a certain restriction of vision associated with those whose eyes are focused on the sward. The early literature of ecology gravely neglected the influence of the biotic factor on vegetation; indeed, it was not until 1932 that the British Ecological Society pub- lished its second journal of Animal Ecology. Shelford was reacting to animal ecology in his studies of succession in the first decade of this century and his book on animal communities appeared in 1913, the same year in which C. C. Adams published his Guide to Animal Ecology. Perhaps World War I explains the gap between 1913 and the early twenties, when Charles Elton’s series of papers appeared, culminating in his Animal Ecology of 1927, giving us the fundamental ecological ideas of cyclicism in populations, food chains of varying complexity between species, leading to the concept of what is now known as the Eltonian pyramid, and the idea of animals filling néches in the func- tions of conversion of matter. Charles Adams, to whom I have al- ready referred, made a profound remark to the effect that ecology was a study of process—process which is not necessarily progress, although the developmental quality apparent in the slow building THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 463 of biological communities was tacit in the phenomena of plant suc- cessions elucidated by the Clementian school of ecologists in America. Adams saw that the orderly thread of developmental succession could easily be broken or influenced by all manner of factors, but there was still the unbreakable thread of process or, in fact, history. There is at present some reaction against the idea of orderly succession to a climax state which is stable and continuing, because so many ex- amples can be brought forward to show how natural phenomena such as hurricane, fire, and frost-heave—each at certain moments of bio- logical significance such as a seed year or not—can make nonsense of orderly progression within the community under investigation. But they do not make nonsense of the idea and the trend, and the plain record of process of history brings us to a perspective of reality. It is part of the thesis of this essay that man was able to civilize by being a breaker of climaxes, giving him the stored wealth of the ages in plants, animals, and soil fertility with which to buttress himself against the environment and to enjoy the immense capacity for social evolution provided by the new ability to be permanently gregarious. The concept of the dynamic biological community took a long time to mature—if we admit that it is even now much advanced beyond adolescence. Its development shows all the signs of what most of us detect some time or other in our personal investigations, inability to see much more than what we are looking for, or seeing without apprehending significance. Edward Forbes saw the concept of com- munity clearly in his classic marine work of 1843-45, but his early death robbed Scotland and ecology of a luminous mind. The plant ecologists of the late 19th century, headed by Warming, made the concept of community a cornerstone of a growing science, and Tansley’s famous paper of 1920 codified it and gave it greater significance. Tansley emphasized in this paper that conceptual arguments and hypotheses must be firmly based on observation of the vegetation itself and that one must constantly go back to the field. It was a necessary admonition in that laboratory era. Tansley developed then the idea of the community as a quasi-organism or organic entity, of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. He made comparisons of plant communities with human communities, and remarked that lack- ing psychical awareness, instinctive cooperation did not develop—only symbioses of varying degrees—and that competition was the law of relationship. It was later, in Vegetation of the British Islands, that Tansley gave lengthy consideration to the biotic or animal factor in the expression of communities, realizing for example that a landscape of chalk downland, so old and English and accepted as natural, de- pends completely on the continued grazing of sheep. The very habitat of chalk grassland is man-produced by way of the sheep, yet it is 464 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 a habitat with well-defined floristic and entomological characteristics. We see here an example of organic evolution aligning itself with the long pursuance of human activity toward development of habitat. We have much to learn in this field in Africa, one of the main cradles of humanity, where man-produced habitats, such as savannah by the agency of fire, have developed their own ungulate faunas. Time has had its chance, unaffected by glaciation or major changes of climate. Some of the shocks of human impact on biological communities may have turned the Americans the more surely to study such organic entities as inextricable webs of plants and animals; one of Shelford’s pupils, W. C. Allee, expressed the notion of unconscious cooperation in biological communities, a concept so much easier to elucidate from studying plants and animals together. Some measure of the ‘psychic awareness’ not obvious to Tansley in 1920 was now seen to be present in the enlarged wholes of biological communities which we accept nowadays. Allee’s unconscious cooperation was entirely scientific and utterly removed from the wishful thinking or pious hopefulness of Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid. All the same, Allee brought warmth and light into a field which had tended to be chillingly botanical. But the strings of past philosophy trail round our feet, making us conservative from a sense of prudence rather than reason. Judaic monotheism put man and nature apart, an idea strengthened by Car- tesian dualism of mind and matter. The older Dionysian intuition of wholeness was heresy, and the ancient Chinese comprehension of a universe of checks and balances and compensations, in which man was essentially a part and no more, was unknown and unscientific anyway. Hence, far into our own day, man was not a proper part of the study of ecology. If you studied man you might have been an anthropologist or an archeologist or a historian, but if you studied ecology you dealt with nature as she was conceived to be and not with man. The notion of human ecology was considered not to be schol- arly, though such a man as Patrick Geddes had made most illuminating contributions to the ecology of human life and had collaborated with J. A. Thomson who held this rostrum so long. Also, there were sev- eral people in manifestly defined fields such as geography, sociology, epidemiology, and social anthropology, who were jumping on this new bandwagon and calling their subjects human ecology. Ecologists would have none of it. They were aware of the wide spread of their subject and of their dependence on good taxonomy; there was some suspicion already that an ecologist might be a jack of all trades and master of none, and it was academic suicide to be an ecologist except incidentally to an acknowledged position in botany or zoology. The ultimate necessity of considering the biological community as a work- ing whole, ecology being as it were the physiology of community, pro- THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 465 duced crops of errors where good botanists were less good zoologists, and good zoologists very inadequate botanists. In such an atmosphere of the titter behind the hand, it was not easy to embrace man and his possible ecology as well. But for several reasons the intellectual climate is changing. The archeologist has shown in recent years that protocivilization is several thousand years older in the Old World than we had thought, and the primitive Folsom Man in the New World was much earlier than the accepted Quaternary immigration from northeast Asia. As we have learned how man lived, what he ate, how his houses were built, and what his devotional buildings signified, what movements he made, we have been compelled to speculate on the influences man has had on his environment through many thousands of years. Also, the dy- namic world of this century, particularly of the past 20 years, has made us intensely and often painfully aware of change in the landscape. We have been rather roughly pitchforked into a world of democracy, so-called; into a world of human population explosion, into a world of mobility made possible by the invention of the internal combustion engine and the exploitation of fossil fuels. Land use has changed in character and so much more land has been used, often uncritically, following earlier patterns in different climates. The immense plan- etary buffer and reservoir of wilderness has shrunk in area and influ- ence. Quite suddenly in these past 25 years and particularly since the last war there has been a shaking of confidence. The all-conquer- ing technological man whose mind had the same characteristics as the bulldozers employed to grow groundnuts on a prodigious scale in Tan- ganyika is already out of date, although the breed is highly inventive and has in no way accepted defeat. There is apparent in politicians an unsureness: they look longingly and hopefully at the extreme technological man, but now it is perhaps as well to listen also to the biologists, not merely the ones who overcome noxious insects with magical rapidity, but ecologists as well. What do ecologists offer? No panaceas or quick returns, so much as a point of view which restrains, shows the consequences of different types of action, and possibly how mistakes in land-use can be rectified ; and why they were mistakes. Ecology is a science of identifying causes and consequences. Here, I think, is where we may consider the place of history: the political situation and the changes brought about by individuals and ideas are the stuff of history and it is difficult to find out what influ- ence man was having on his environment and what accommodations the organic world of nature was making. But it can be done to a considerable extent if we will give time to it and reconsider history in ecological terms for enrichment of our experience in making future decisions. 466 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 I would like to take as an example at random, pulling out one thread of English history, the course of sheep farming from Saxon times until the latter end of the Middle Ages. England was once a country of deep forest in the vales, with scrub on the chalk hills and wolds. Neolithic man could tackle the scrub with his tools of stone and bone, but not the forest. The Roman, better equipped, drove his roads through everything, making islands in the sea of forest. The Saxon came from forested lands, and working in his own ecological fashion soon reduced the forest to islands in a sea of cultivated or cleared land. The Saxon was a swineherd who undoubtedly valued the pig’s snout in life as its hams after slaughter. Large numbers of herded swine must have been effective implements in scarifying the forest floor, disturbing or eradicating the pristine flora, influencing the physicochemical state of the ground and preventing regeneration, so that forest with undercover would decline and open woodland with fewer and fewer standards would be left. The food-gathering, soil- working pig may be looked upon as a pioneer when present in suf- ficient numbers, creating conditions in which a sward of grass could form in an increasingly parklike terrain. At this stage the sheep could take over, living on the sward, maintaining it and quite surely preventing the regeneration of woodland. The cattle grazing among the sheep also helped in the establishment of permanent grassland and were creating the possibility of fairly rapid conversion into arable land when pressure of population demanded extension. Historical research has revealed that England and parts of southern Scotland were already important wool-producing country in Saxon times. That was the main economic function of the sheep, to pro- duce wool; mutton was welcome but incidental. Some of the wool was used at home but it was an important item of export which al- lowed importation of Continental luxuries and even goods from the Levant. The great early development of medieval sheep farming did but build on the existing Saxon foundation. England was the prin- cipal European producer of fine wool. Italy, and later the Low Coun- tries, were the large manufacturers of fine textiles. This interde- pendence must have helped in the unification of the medieval world. When England eventually produced her own fine cloth and cut down her export trade in wool, she inevitably crystallized more sharply. Italian bankers and merchants were prominent in the early trade and the Church was a pioneer agent in the spread of sheep farming to new areas. The Cistercian order particularly was responsible for extension into the north and west, where flocks of several thousands were kept by each foundation, such as Fountains and Rievaulx. Lords of the manor and peasants were all in this golden age of English sheep farming. The late Eileen Power gave a vivid impression in her Ox- ford series of lectures entitled The Larly English Wool Trade. Reck- THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 467 oning from the number of sacks exported and allowing for some being used at home, there were probably 15 million sheep in England in the early 14th century. It has probably been insufficiently realized what effect this vast sheep farming enterprise must have had on the landscape and wildlife. Despite the patches of forest, the fringes of parklike country in transition and gorse-clad commons, there must have been extensive bald spots where open-field cultivation and sheep farming between them would have destroyed all tree growth. The land of England was being mined of its stored fertility, but in such a favored area do we live that regeneration made good part of the loss in flora and fauna, seen and unseen, and consequently that much of the lost fertility. Now comes the political act with its ecological consequences: this economically prosperous sheep farming era was wrecked by taxes in wool and on wool. Edward III was on the warpath, and wars, as we know all too well, are an expensive form of dissipation. The lords of the manor began to let their ploughed lands, and later their sheep also as going concerns. The rates of exploitation probably in- creased as the small men came in and had to create their capital. But the removal of the Wool Staple to Calais was the disintegrating blow. A system of husbandry was pretty well at an end, and before long the Reformation and the advent of American gold started a period of enclosure of land. This enclosure undoubtedly made for stabilization and a husbandry based on maintenance rather than pure extraction. The 18th-century introduction of leguminous crop plants and the more skilled application of the principle of rotation produced a con- version cycle of energy fiow vastly in excess of that of the centuries immediately preceding. Not all of it was translated into human in- crease and economic prosperity. Hedges, hedgerow timber, increased leisure (for the few) for such country pursuits as hunting and shoot- ing, which needed a varied landscape, and not least the emergence of the Romance poets in their delight in landscape, all contributed to diversification of habitat which the wild flora and fauna were quick to exploit in this favored climate. The story in Scotland has been less happy. The more acidic soils did not withstand the sheep farming as well as those in England, if we exclude the millstone grits of the English Pennine Chain; the Southern Uplands of Scotland are still in sheep, but are deteriorating slowly. The Highlands, poorer and wetter and steeper, suffered their hardest blow of deforestation and the coming of the sheep in the 18th century, and have deteriorated to an ecological decrepitude which is plain for those with eyes to see. The political situation is not yet sufficiently ecological in climate to tackle this essentially biological problem of rehabilitation in a biological and geographical manner, al- though, as I said at the outset, it is improving. 766—746—65——37 468 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Let us now look at an older and larger pattern of animal domesti- cation which has profoundly influenced the characteristics of flora and fauna over a vast area of the land surface of the Old World. The development of the highly specialized husbandry known as nomadism is far from primitive, though because it shows so many examples of arrested cultural growth we are apt so to consider it. Nomadic pas- toralism is one of the surest means of breaking ecological climaxes. It is an insidious means also. There is not the primary traumatic onslaught of tree-felling, brush-grubbing, and ploughing that agri- culture demands. Pastoralism is a penetration of terrain by a rela- tively small number of human beings. The landscape is not altered immediately and there are no considerable works of man evident to the eye. But numbers of grazing animals and close treading place selective pressures on the vegetational complex. Where fire is used, selection is more rapid. In effect, the herbage complex is simplified, and that means gaps in the original niche structure, with consequent overall loss in biological efficiency of the community. Broadly, the vegetation moves toward the xeric. Nomadism postdates agriculture by an undetermined period running to some thousands of years. The specialization is like that of the seafaring man, no longer content to paddle about in the shallows with primitive raft or formless dug-out canoe, who has built himself a ship, beautiful in form because it is functional in crossing uncharted seas of uncertain temper, and who has developed the skill to navigate by the stars and sail the ship as if it were a live thing. Equally, the nomad did not just walk out into the sea of the steppe which stretches from the Crimea of Europe to the Yellow River of China: he was a riverside dweller, a forest-edge dweller venturing no farther than his domesticated animals could go and come in a day, or perhaps a little farther in the season of rains. Domestication itself probably arose on religious grounds, for the animals in sight, touchable and ready for sacrifice, were the embodiment of that which was desired, life- giving and life-enhancing. One of the characteristics of nomad stock is the capacity to herd close, and to move and feed and rest as one, a matter for selection conscious and unconscious, before man could go forth with flocks and herds on to the ecean of the steppe. The sheep is the mainstay of nomadism just as it is the mainstay of the husbandry of wild lands today. The goat provides brains for the most part. The multiplicity of mouths are wealth-gatherers ac- tivated by four times as many superbly adapted legs and feet. Water is needed in minimal quantities, and the animal itself provides man with milk, meat, and warmth. But the nomad, interposing animals between himself and the generally inhospitable environment of the steppe, realized quite well that the several sorts of domesticated ani- mals gave him different securities and desirable ends in an environ- THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 469 ment not as uniform as our school geography books would lead us to believe. Cattle are much more efficient converters, as individuals, of forage into meat, milk, and leather, and they can be used for traction and as weight carriers; but their heavy water requirements govern the possible nomadic routes. The camel, on the other hand, gives the nomad the greatest penetration or retreat into arid regions. Lastly, the horse was of great benefit as a producer of meat, milk, and tractive power. Domestication of these animals meant their presence where and when they were wanted, their mental and even physical charac- teristics so far modified that they did not move as quickly as wild ones. In consequence, the animals were in general on the ground for a longer period and in greater numbers than when they were wild. The nomad society arising gradually from the more sedentary agricultural group would early realize that overgrazing hung like a sword of Damocles. The price of the life-way of grazing animals is move- ment, the brand of Ishmael. In the ideal, agriculture is concentra- tion of effort, or intensification: pastoralism is conscious, well-or- ganized diffusion. Yet man does not prefer constant or random movement. Even the most highly developed nomads do not go far, no more than 150 or possibly 200 miles of farthest distance in the year, and relatively long spells of pitched tents are desired. The women wish it so, caring nothing for floristic composition of the grazing. At best the nomad was on the chernozem soils of the Ukraine or in delectable valleys: at worst in the wastes of the Gobi or the Tarim Depression. Nomadism in its highest development did not occur until after 1500 B.C. and it came with achievement of that maximum state of mobility, the mas- tery of riding horses, as distinct from using this animal for traction. Horse riding seems to have arisen on the plateau of northwest Persia. If you have ever ridden a pony of stocky Prjewalski type you will know the relief of getting off it for a rest: but once you have ridden one of the delicately controllable, long-gaited creatures of what we now call the Arab type, one’s whole outlook changes on the mounted state. Man well mounted is a superior being, and the nomad soon geared his way of life to that which gave the male element swift and far range; even his eyes are a yard higher above the ground—no mean advantage. We cannot know the details of the dominant muta- tion which produced the dish-faced, long-necked, sloping-shouldered, fine-boned “horse of heaven,” as it came to be called, but nomadic man quickly made use of it. Even his status changed, producing the cheva- lier, the caballero, and the knight, who were with us till the Land Rover came and the girls took over the pony clubs. Now came maximum exploitation of the steppe environment, not only nomadism which, as I have said, is never over a very long dis- tance, but in migration. The Indo-European tribes began their great 470 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 easterly migrations of thousands of miles through a thousand years, by which time they reached the Ordos country of the Yellow River. Within this time the civilizations of the Near East had learned the survival value of cavalry, and the Chinese finally learned the same lesson. They became an equestrian nation in all its elite grades. Expeditions were sent into Turkestan to bring back these “horses of heaven.” One of the Pazirik felts, so miraculously preserved in the ice of an Indo-European grave since some hundreds of years B.C. in Siberia, shows a gay cavalier with impeccable military moustache on his Arab-type steed, meeting a seated man of Mongol type in Mongol dress. Even the bronze art of the Indo-European nomad traveled over this whole region. These people knew their animals: just asa Navaho Indian boy today does not need to look at a horse to draw it in any posture, so the Indo-Europeans thought their animals—horses, cattle, sheep, goats—in lifelike simple terms; yes, but wild animals were of immense importance to them as well, whether ungulate or carnivore, and the dramatic moment of the lion’s attack on the stag or antelope is often captured in a stylized but dynamic bronze plaque. There are the Scythian bronzes of the Kuban, the anima] bronzes of Luris- tan, and at the eastern end the bronzes of the Ordos bend, which show a remarkable sensitiveness to animal form. The involved twisting stylized representation can be found also in the Celtic and Nordic scrollwork in metal and stone on the Atlantic seaboard. Tamara Talbot Rice has brought out this wide spread of nomad art in her book on the Scythians. The archeologists have produced much of this material for us and set it in perspective, but zoologically they have not done so well. I suggest that it is up to zoologists to examine it with care, so that elk are not called stags, antelopes deer, or Urial sheep ibexes. The Saiga antelope also appears in these bronzes, unrecognized as such, and crested cranes seem of some significance. I myself have a complete Luristan bit, the cheek pieces of which are representations of elk. The use by the elk of the two posterior toes has been faithfully ob- served by this bronze-caster of nearly 3,000 years ago. How did this get into the Zagros Mountains? Had it come from the Caucasus? I also have what must be one of the earliest surviving representations of a peacock from Amlach in the Elburz country south of the Caspian. Forgive my digression, but I hope this nomad animal art will be examined in relation to possible distribution of species in the past and to ecological history. Once the Mongols became equestrian, the backward, westward surge began, culminating in the empire of Genghis Khan which frightened Europe and conquered China for a spell until Kublai was himself THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING A471 conquered by Chinese culture. So many of the remaining nomads of Central Asia are Mongoloid, even as far west as Kazakstan, but the Indo-Europeans also survive in pockets as far east as northern Afghanistan. By the end of the Mongol Yuan dynasty it is esti- mated that the human population of China had been reduced by 40 millions, which in itself must have had interesting ecological conse- quences for a generation or two. The original fauna of this great region of the steppe survives in the mountain ranges, and the Saiga antelope is back on the plains in millions thanks to an enlightened policy of conservation by the Rus- sians. But how long can nomadism survive? The brand of Ishmael produces this highly specialized form of society which in effect finds itself in a cultural cul-de-sac unable to evolve, whereas the less spe- cialized and once handicapped societies at the edge of the steppe did evolve into the civilizations of today. Political feeling is against nomadism and the biological necessity of movement in pastoral nomadism if the habitat is to be conserved, is ignored. If there can be irrigation of the steppe, the obvious access of foods and fibers thus made possible means the nomads must change or go, and going is no longer possible in our contracting world. Farming nibbles at the alluvial river flats and the bore hole brings up fossil water also and cripples the wholeness of the habitat for the nomad. The Russians seem definitely to be eliminating nomadism, and such western nations as have any seem to be doing the same thing. Individual Britons have admired nomads and their way of life, but collectively or politically Britain is depressing nomadism: the Masai of the semiarid East African steppe are being eased out of their culture of arrested development in favor of Kikuyu and Sukumba, rapidly increasing tribes under the Pax Britannica, which were formerly despised and harried by the nomads. The reindeer Lapps are also finding their winter grounds falling within the agricultural penumbra and there is the social urge toward education, which tends to make the winter com- munities static. Nomadism will die, at the expense of sterilizing large areas of back country which only nomads could utilize, as far as do- mesticated livestock is concerned. Whether in the future we may return to controlled cropping of wild animals on wild lands unfitted to human settlement remains to be seen, but despite the tentative experimentation in Africa and the successful Russian work on the Saiga antelope, I have the feeling that man is still going to degrade much good wildlife country in an effort to farm it, before it is fully realized that the nature of such country in its water relations and soil characteristics precludes agriculture. There is some false moral self- delusion which makes modern governments try and fail rather than consider the wholeness of land-use ecology before formulating a land- use plan. 472 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The mention of the pastoralism of wild lands by wild animals brings me back to a form of nomadism in the New World which has several points of interesting comparison with the early development of specialized nomadism in the Old World through use of the horse. We may take it for granted that the late flowering of civilization in the Americas was the result of having fewer and less convenient domesticable plants, especially cereals, and certainly fewer and less convenient domesticable animals. At the more primitive level, the North American Indians were forest and forest-edge and river-valley people. Their beast of burden was the dog, sometimes dragging a travois—a sorry means indeed. They too were near a great central steppe of prairie where the wild bison conducted its own seasonal movements which took it away from the haunts of men. Hunting of this animal meant enticement to newly burned grazing, and stalking which even included wearing a bison mask—a most unenviable method. Nevertheless, it would seem that from about the 16th century man was increasing the range of the bison by burning at the forest edge. The advent of the horse by way of Mexico and the Rio Grande far into the Southwest was a major liberation for the American Indian. Horses were stolen or went feral and the terrain was that dry steppe phenologically perfect for this animal. Here man did not need to wait for the mutation which produced the “horses of heaven,” for it was the less carefully bred examples of this type which so rapidly colonized the American steppe. The Spaniards lost their advantage when the horse went feral and spread northward and came into the hands of the Indians, who immediately rode. There now occurred that specialization toward nomadism. The Indian could leave the forest edge and follow the bison. Thus, from the beginning of the 17th century until the middle of the 19th there was a strong man-induced extension of the bison’s range and there was a rapid specialization by certain tribes to become horse nomads, in effect pastoralizing the wild bison instead of domesticated stock. Agriculture was minimal, carried on by the women, for the water situation was generally easier than in the Old World steppe. This situation could have gone on indefinitely as a biological con- tinuum, for the wild animal prevented overgrazing by its migratory habits, and the enlargement of bison-inhabited country by Indian fire seems merely to have been an enlargement of soil conserving prairie grassland rather than extension of less biologically productive savannah such as we see today in South America and Africa. It was the white man overrunning the West with domesticated stock, pack- ing it and going away with the proceeds that devastated millions of acres at a much faster rate than the Old World nomads reduced the productive potential of the Asian steppe with close-herded domesti- THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 473 cated animals. Just as the Ukraine country of the Scythians came ultimately to wheat, so did the Middle West prairie become a bread basket. The Indians of the Middle West have gone the way of the Scythians. We will not pause to consider the 19th-century calamity that befell the bison and the Indian, but what must be pointed out is that the sudden disintegration of this nomadism imposed by the wanderings of the bison, hit hardest those tribes which had specialized most in this way of life. Even today the observer can see that the horse tribes have come off worst in social and economic adaptation. The tribes which remained in the forest or at the forest edge are now woods- men and construction men; the Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande valley may be anything that the white man is, because of their urban tradition ; but the horse tribes who accepted the exhilaration of liberty of distance and became what we have come to call Plains Indians, have found themselves in the deepest bondage of the drastically changed economic base. Now, as pastoralists, they are finding move- ment cut down, and yet a dawning ecology of land use is demonstrat- ing the old truth, that the pastoralism of wild lands imposes movement of the animals. There is the continuing paradox of political ten- dencies to restrain the movement of people on wild lands, and scientific evidence that animals on wild lands must be kept moving. Only wild animals conduct this aspect of their lives without human direction, and on this shrinking planet of exploding humanity even the wild animals are having their necessary movements constricted. The threat to the elephant in Africa is not the killing that goes on but the merci- less restriction of range and movement. Without the movement, habitat is destroyed and other species of wild animals suffer in train. A dramatic example of this trend has been the build-up of elephants in the sanctuary of the Tsavo Royal National Park in Kenya. De- struction of trees and bush by the elephants endangered the food supply of the rhinoceros, so that a period of long drought made this painfully apparent in the starvation of over 200 rhinoceroses. They were not short of water themselves, for the river never dried, but they died with their bellies full of indigestible cellulose fiber. I saw some of these creatures die and helped in the post-mortem examina- tions. I saw the wreck bush which would not even become a fire- climax savannah. I did not put the blame on the elephants. I began this address with the statement that ecology was the obser- vational study of communities of living things in time as well as space, and I repeated Charles Adams’s dictum that it was essentially con- cerned with process. I have allowed myself to range about the world seeing man, plant communities, the communities of his own domesti- cated animals and some wild animals in dynamic process through 474. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 some thousands of years of man’s most fertile years of culture, and you may agree with me that in any synecological studies it is difficult to exclude man or to be a plant or an animal ecologist. There is only one ecology. If we are to follow an ecological approach to the study of society—be it historical, sociological, agricultural, anthropological, or economic—we must keep in mind that man’s habitat and human so- cieties are not static. The cross section presented by a socioanthro- pological study needs amplification in time. Cultures are altering continually, progressing or retrogressing, and these trends, though subject inexorably to natural laws, are also the results of human be- havior. Such action may have been unseeing of consequences in the past, but if ecology is to concern itself with human influences, and take its place at the council table of human affairs, it should accept the premise that our species has in many parts of the world arrived at the stage of mental evolution at which it is possible to foresee the consequences of various kinds of direct and indirect modifications of habitats and their biological communities. The well-being of the habitats and the human communities therein can be influenced and sustained by understanding the interrelationship of the biological communities in which we coexist. I have put forward the thesis that man has been able to enjoy gregariousness and civilize as a result of learning how to tap the stored wealth of ecological climaxes—soil fertility, timber and other plants, and animals. His agriculture of annual or biennial plants sets back ecological succession and demands a high skill to maintain fertility; the general history of animal exploitation is of over-use. Are we faced with the proposition that civilization is a contradiction in terms; that civilization carries its own seeds of decay because ecologically retro- gressive processes once begun cannot be checked? I believe there is some danger of this, but there need not be in an ecologically conscious world. The suffering planet has immense power of natural rehabilita- tion if given its chance and we are also learning how these wonderful integrated processes of healing take place. As I said earlier, ecology is the physiology of community. Understanding it we can avoid undesirable consequences. Perhaps it is necessary to say that I am not crying “back to nature”; our growing understanding of the physiology of community gives power of planned manipulation, find- ing other ways round to desired ends. The history of the Nature Con- servancy in this country is a vivid example of men learning how to manage biological communities in a manner simulating the natural. Man often reminds me of the Irish elk in that the elk’s antlers could develop nonadaptatively in evolution as a byproduct of increase in body size, what Julian Huxley calls heterogonic growth. The enormous drain on the organism of growing so much nonfunctional calcium phosphate every year was too much once the prodigality of the THE UNITY OF ECOLOGY—DARLING 475 Pleistocene had passed. Well, man conjures from his mind ways of using resources unproductively, be it pyramid building in Egypt, temple building and human sacrifice in Mexico, and now defense and nationalism. Nationalism is the modern Irish Elkism. In a world where the only hope for man is internationalism, nationalism is the political ecological factor which prevents any constructive action to curb population increase. And withal, we are faced with the ironic paradox of splintering nationalism and pseudo-national costumes, with the dismal destruction of individuality inside them, which varia- bility is as desirable in the social system as in the eco-system. Further- more, I believe that the pressure of population on land is presenting us with an emergency earlier than the problem of growing enough food for the increase. Mobility by way of the internal combustion engine, vastly increased leisure by way of automation, and sophisticated modes of outdoor recreation are changing the land-use pattern far quicker than we are learning how to cope withit. Fifteen years ago the excuse of increased food production was enough to get rid of hedgerow trees in England; but at this moment the amenity value of such trees in such a populous country, needing the balm of the green leaf, far outweighs the small increase of food production which might accrue from their removal. The picture in the United States is of food surpluses but a very real shortage of recreational land. An Outdoor Recreation Bureau has been established as a department of government to help in planning the solution of this very considerable problem of land-use ecology in its widest sense, and I am glad to say ecologists have been brought in at the beginning. It would be fantastic, nevertheless, to make the mistake now of so expanding the scope of ecology that it would become all-embracing, so that the ecologist would bog down in a morass of his own ignorance, and become the supreme irritating busybody. That, I think, was feared by those who years ago wished to exclude man from their studies and would not admit human ecology. Neither doI; there isno human ecology—only ecology—but in those sciences dealing with man, from political economy to social anthropology and archeology, there is plenty of room for the ecological slant of mind. As a corollary, I think that ecological research must become more and more the effort of teams of workers; the single worker will continue to discover beautiful expressions of phenomena, but the synecological studies in depth of habitats and communities which we need today demand far more than what one man can compass. Ecological studies are not designed ad hoc to solve land-use problems but to discover truth, and this high scientific approach must be jealously guarded, but thereafter ecologists can have a social conscience and apply their discoveries to the problems of land-use by man. The teams I envisage are not collections of 476 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 specialists, if they are to be successful, but, to borrow Tansley’s expression, organic entities. REFERENCES ADAMS, C. C. 1913. Guide to the study of animal ecology. New York. ALLEE, W. C. 1931. Animal aggregations. Chicago. CREEL, H. G. 1937. Thebirth of China. Chicago. DARLING, F. FRASER. 1955. West Highland survey. Oxford. 1956. Man’s ecological dominance through domesticated animals on wild lands, pp. 778-87 in Man’s role in changing the face of the Earth (ed. Thomas). Chicago. ELTON, C. 1927. Animalecology. London. FORBES, EH. 1848. Report on the molluscs and Radiata of the Aegean Sea, and on their distribution considered as bearing on geology. Report Brit. Assoc. Ady. Sci., vol. 13, pp. 130-93. Forp, C. DARYLL. 1934. Habitat, economy and society. London. LATTIMORE, O. 1951. Inner Asian frontiers of China. New York. POWER, EILEEN. 1941. The wool tradein English medieval history. Oxford. SHELFORD, V. E. 1918. Animal communities in Temperate America. Bull. Geogr. Soe. Chicago, vol. 5, pp. 1-368. Tatpot Ricer, T. 1957. TheSeythians. London. TANSLEY, A. G. 1920. The classification of vegetation and the concept of development. Journ. Ecology, vol. 8, pp. 118-49. 1939. The British Islands and their vegetation. Cambridge. THOMPSON, J. A., and GEDDES, P. 1931. Life: outlines of general biology. London. TOYNBEER, A. J. 1934. A study of history. Oxford. WARMING, J. E. B. 1909. Oecology of plants (trans. from Danish of 1895). Oxford. WISSMAN, H. von. 1956. On the role of nature and man in changing the face of the Dry Belt of Asia, pp. 278-803 in Man’s role in changing the face of the Earth (ed. Thomas). Chicago. Venomous Animals and Their Toxins By Finpiay E. RussELn Director, Laboratory of Neurological Research, School of Medicine Loma Linda University, Los Angeles, Calif. [With 2 plates] VENOMOUS ANIMALS are found in every phylum except the birds. While it would be difficult to propose a figure for the number of species of venomous animals, because we do not as yet know about the possible venomousness of a score of arthropods and fishes, we do have some idea of the approximate number of poisonous species in most of the phyla. Of the 2,500 or so species of snakes found throughout the world, only about 250 are dangerous toman. Table 1 gives the names of some of the more important venomous snakes of the world, their adult average lengths, the approximate amount of dried venom con- tained within the venom glands of adult specimens, and the intra- peritoneal and intravenous LD,;, (the dose required to kill 50 percent of the test animals of a given group), expressed in milligrams per kilogram (mg./kg.) weight of test animal. In the marine animals there are many venomous forms; at least 200 species of marine animals and freshwater fishes are known to be venomous or poisonous. Table 2 gives the names of a few venomous aquatic animals. The lethal doses for the marine toxins vary con- siderably. The geographer cone, Conus geographus, has an LD5o of less than 5 micrograms per kilogram; the venom of the round stingray, Urolophus halleri, has an LD;) of approximately 25 mg./kg. while the LD;» for the toxin of certain catfishes is of the order of 200 mg./kg. Among the arthropods at least 700 species are known to be venomous. These include the black widow spider (Zatrodectus) , funnel web spider (Atrax robustus), the spiders Lycosa raptoria and Phoneutria fera, the scorpions, particularly Centruroides sculpturatus, Tityus bahien- sis, and 7’. serrulatus, the bees, wasps, hornets, certain centipedes, millipedes, caterpillars, moths, ticks, beetles, and ants. Even among the mammals there are several venomous forms, the platypus and sev- eral of the shrews. 1Printed by permission from The Times Science Review (London), Autumn 1963. 477 478 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 TABLE 1.—Some venomous snakes of the world Yield Intra- Intrave- Snake Length venom | peritoneal | nous LD: adult (cm.) (mg.) LDso 3 (mg./kg.) (mg./kg.) Europe: Viper (Vipera): Common viper (V. berus)_------ 54-60 6 0. 80 0. 55 North America: Rattlesnake (Crotalus) : Eastern diamond (C. adaman- HATE) Wa Se ese a es Paap ee a ys See ' 80-210 | 410 1. 89 1. 68 Western diamond (C. atrox)____- 74-175 230 3. 71 4, 20 Moccasin (Agkistrodon): Cottonmouth (A. piscivorus) _ __- 65-135 125 A, TL 4. 00 Copperhead (A. contortrix)_____- 55-115 52 10. 50 10. 92 Coral (Micrurus): Coral snake (M. fulvius)_._____- 50-70 2 5 OF, vee, Bee South America: Rattlesnake (Crotalus): Tropical rattlesnake (C. durissus Herrrjieus) ite MM eS. Tip Fe 50-148 35 «SO? |= af PERE New World pit vipers (Bothrops) Fer-de-lance (B. atror)____------ 125-175 80 3. 80 4, 27 Bushmaster (Lachesis): Common bushmaster (Z. muta)__| 175-270 | 411 5. 93 Australia: Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus)__---- 95-150 25 SOA oe ee eee Asia: Cobra (Naja): Indian cobra (N. naja)_--------- 120-160 | 220 . 40 . 40 Viper (Vipera): Russell’s viper (V. russelli) ____-- 90-125 130) jpteke 2s . 82 Krait (Bungarus): Common krait (B. caeruleus) - --- 88-120 i iy es eer anes . 09 Africa: Viper (Vipera): Puff adder (Bitis arietans) ___-_-- 100-145 130 OOS" See. are Mamba, (Dendroaspis) : Green mamba (D. angustriceps)__| 225-285 SO) esses 2 . 45 ® Dose required to kill 50 percent of the test animals of a given group. TABLE 2.—Some venomous aquatic animals of the world Coelenterata : Fire coral (Millepora alcicornis) Portuguese man-o’-war (Physalia physalis) Sea nettle (Dactylomecira quinquecirrha) Certain sea anemones Mollusca : Geographer cone (Conus geographus), textile cone (Conus textile) Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND THEIR TOXINS—RUSSELL 479 TABLE 2.—Some venomous aquatic animals of the world—Continued Echinodermata: Sea urchins, Diadma setosum and Tozopneustes pileolus Fishes: Stingrays, all species, particularly Urolophus halleri Scorpionfishes, all species, particularly the stonefish Synanceja horrida and the lionfish Pterois volitans Toadfiskes (Barchatus), surgeonfishes (Acanthurus), stargazers (Uranos- copus), weeverfishes (Zrachinus), certain catfishes (Plotosus, Galeich- thys) FOLKLORE AND FACT Few areas of biology have stimulated the minds and superstitions of man more than venomology. In early times the consequences of the bites or stings of venomous animals were often attributed to forces beyond nature, sometimes to vengeful deities thought to be embodied in the animals. To these peoples the effects of venoms were so sur- prising and varied, so violent and sometimes incapacitating, that these substances were always shrouded with much myth and superstition. Even today considerable folklore concerning venoms still exists, par- ticularly about methods of treating the injuries inflicted by venomous animals. During the past decade, however, a considerable amount of Inowledge on the chemical and zootoxicological properties of venoms and plant poisons has been gained and one can now propose a few general considerations. Venoms are complex mixtures, chiefly proteins, many of which are enzymes. Studies to the present time indicate that in those toxins rich in enzymes, such as snake venoms, much of the lethal and more deleterious biological properties appears to be more closely related to the nonenzymatic protein portions of the venom than to the enzymes and enzymatic combinations, although these latter substances certainly contribute to the overall toxicity of the venom. The effects of the separate and combined activities of these substances, and of the metab- olites formed by their interactions, is complicated by the response of the envenomated organism, which may itself produce and/or release substances such as adenosine, bradykinin and histamine, which may not only complicate the poisoning but also may in themselves pro- duce more serious consequences than the venom. The toxin of the bee, for example, is relatively nonlethal. It takes more than 150 simultaneous bee stings to kill the adult human; however, persons sensitive to bee venom may die from a single sting, the result of auto- pharmacologic changes. The venoms of snakes are the most complex of all the mixtures of the animal toxins. They contain many enzymes, some of which, such as the proteases, phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, L-amino acid oxidase, 5-nucleotidase, cholinesterase, ribonuclease, desoxyribo- 480 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 nuclease, ATPase, DNPase, and hyaluronidase are being used by the biochemist, pharmacologist, and physician. However, these enzymes are not present in all snake venom. In general, Elapidae venoms are rich in cholinesterase and phosphotidase and poor in ATPase. Cro- talidae venoms contain large amounts of hyaluronidase, phosphodies- terase, ribonuclease, and desoxyribonuclease, but little or no cholines- terase. There are species from both families that do not contain L-amino acid oxidase, even though this enzyme has been identified in the venoms of more than 55 species of venomous snakes. While there tends to be a relationship between enzymatic content and the genus of snake, it is not always possible to predict the enzymes present in the venom from data on closely related genera or even species. Not only do different species of the same genus contain different enzymes—or, as in some cases, different amounts of the same enzyme—but even snakes of the same species at different times of the year or under different environmental conditions may exhibit considerable variation in the enzymatic composition of their venoms. Such variations have little relation to the lethality of the whole venom. A number of nonenzymatic proteins have been separated from snake venoms, and these appear to be considerably more lethal and in many ways more deleterious than the enzymes. These proteins also differ in number and molecular weight in the venoms of the three families of snakes so far examined. The first of these proteins was isolated from the venom of the tropical rattlesnake, Crotalus terrificus terrificus by K. Slotta and H. Fraenkel-Conrat in 1938. The fraction was called “crotoxin” and contained, in addition to the toxic nonenzymatic pro- tein, several enzymes. It was given the tentative formula C,.30Hiz76- OuzeNgesSz63 1t had a molecular weight of 30,000 and was said to be ap- proximately 15 times more lethal than the crude venom. Some years later, J. M. Goncalves obtained three fractions from the same venom, all having specific biological activity: (1) “crotamine,” with a molecu- lar weight of 10,000 to 15,000; (2) “proteolytic enzyme”; and (3) “neu- rotoxin,” which corresponded to crotoxin in its biological properties. Since the work of these investigators a number of chemical studies have been carried out on the nonenzymatic portion of snake venoms, and studies to date indicate that there may be no less than 6 and perhaps as many as 15 nonenzymatic proteins in most reptile toxins. Some of these fractions, such as “crotactin” and “crotamine,” have been identi- fied with specific biological activities; others appear to have several biological activities, while for still others we have not yet found the use to which their properties have been designed. The composition of the venoms of marine animals varies consider- ably. Some coelenterate venoms contain: (1) several quaternary ammonium compounds, the most toxic of which is tetramethyl am- monium hydroxide or “tetramine”; (2) 5-hydroxytryptamine; (3) VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND THEIR TOXINS—RUSSELL 481 histamine and histamine releasers; and (4) several proteins whose composition has not yet been determined, although there is a likelihood of one or several of these toxic proteins being peptides. Studies on the chemistry of fish venoms have been limited by several factors. In many fishes there is no true venom gland; rather the venom is produced in certain highly specialized secretory cells which le in dermal tissues that are not otherwise toxic. These cells are shown in figure1. Unlike the snake venoms, which retain their zootoxicological properties even after 20 or 30 years, the fish venoms are extremely unstable, most of them losing their biological activity on standing for an hour at room temperature. In general, fish venoms are composed of 8 to 10 proteins and have little or no enzymatic activity. They are very unstable when heated and most of the toxic fraction is nondia- lyzable. On electrophoresis one to five fractions can be identified, only one or two of which appear to have biological activities that are deleterious.? The venoms of some species of ants contain formic acid—which is very simple chemically—while others contain a toxin so complex by contrast, as “dendrolasin” C,;H,.O, 8 (4:8-dimethylnona-3, 7-dieny1) furan. Bee and wasp venoms are very complex mixtures containing a protein hydrochloride called “mellitin” and a number of other sub- stances including at least seven enzymes as well as 5-hydroxytrypta- mine, kinin, and histamine. The venom of Latrodectus contains at least 12 aminoacids. As most spider venoms, it is rich in glutamic acid and A-aminobutyric acid. Six protein fractions have been separated by paper and column electrophoresis, and most of the toxic activity is found in one of them. The venom has spreading activity but no haemolytic activity and does not appear to inactivate cholinesterase. The LD;, for Latrodectus mactans venom is 0.550 mg./kg. test animal body weight. The effects of venoms on the various organ systems of mammals and certain arthropods are quite well known. In spite of this, however, and at the present stage of our knowledge, it seems wise to avoid the arbitrary division of venoms into such groups as “neurotoxins, haemo- toxins, cardiotoxins,” ete., for while these classifications do serve some useful purpose, they have led to much misunderstanding and certainly to a number of errors in clinical judgment. It has become increasingly apparent from chemical and physiopharmacological studies that these divisions are oversimplified and misleading. Neurotoxins can, and often do, have cardiotoxic or haemotoxic activity, or both; cardiotoxins may have neurotoxic or haemotoxic activity, or both, and haemotoxins 2D. B. Carlisle has demonstrated that some 60 percent of the dry weight of the venom of the weeverfish appears to consist of toxic mucosubstances, which can be separated into two albumins and an amino polysaccharide, although in the crude venom they are probably associated in a single complex mucosubstance. He has suggested that the 5- hydroxytryptamine contributes to the pain-producing property of the venom. 482 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 may have the other activities. Until the fractions responsible for the deleterious effects of venoms has been isolated and studied individually, and in combination, one must consider all venoms as substances capable of producing several changes, sometimes concomitantly, in one or more of the organ systems. THE ANIMAL’S SIDE Most data on the zootoxicological properties of venoms are based on our studies on mammals, which, of course, makes them of limited usefulness for understanding the design of some of the toxins in the animals’ armament. The venom of Latrodectus, for instance, did not evolve and adapt to the problems existing between that spider and the mammals. Thus, it is not surprising to find that its venom is 20 times less lethal to some insects than it is to the mouse, while on the other hand it is also 10 times more lethal to certain other insects, which have not adapted in the same manner. Some sharks appear to be relatively immune to stingray venom while others from completely different habitats are very sensitive to this toxin. The California mountain king snake is highly immune to the venom of the Southern Pacific rattle- snake. A dose which would make a man dangerously ill, or may even kill him, has no observable effect on the king snake. The remarkable thing is that this venom, which produces such necrotic lesions in mam- mals, fails to produce even the slightest necrotic wound in the king snake. Thus, care must be exercised in applying data derived from studies in one group of animals to conclusions about the biological effects of a venom in another group of animals, or to data on the design, use, and adaptation of the venom (pl. 1, fig. 1). Perhaps some considerations for classification might be proposed on the basis of the use to which the animal puts its toxin. Most venom delivered from the head, or more generally from the oral pole, of the animal is used during an offensive act, as in the gaining of food. This is particularly evident in the snakes and only slightly less so in the spiders. The venoms of these animals tend to have a higher enzymatic content than those delivered from the anal end, i.e., from the aboral pole of the abdomen, as those of the scorpions and bees. However, both of these groups use their toxins as part of their offensive arma- ment; whereas the toxins of most venomous fishes and the poisons of certain amphibians, which are derived from dermal tissues, are used in the defensive armament. These latter toxins contain few or no enzymatic constituents. The snake uses its venom to immobilize or kill its prey, and to aid in its digestion. The prey is incapacitated by the toxin so that it becomes unnecessary for the snake to hold it after envenomation, thereby avoiding the possibility of being bitten. In most instances the venom kills the animal so quickly that it rarely has time to stumble more than a few feet from where it has been struck. VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND THEIR TOXINS—RUSSELL 483 Ficure 1.—The sting of the stingray showing (a) the spine; (b) a cross section through the middle of (a) at AB; (c) an enlargement of a ventrolateral groove, drawn from the area marked CD in (b). The large venom-producing cells are below the surface of the sheath. We have some evidence on which to speculate that it would be to the snake’s advantage not to kill its prey immediately on envenomation. It would seem that if the enzymatic components of the venom were to serve their best use they should be circulated, so far as possible, throughout the prey’s body immediately prior to its death. The fact is that mice sacrificed and injected with the venom show less evidence of tissue autolysis than those killed by the venom within a minute of the poisoning. While snake venoms serve an important digestive function they do not appear to be absolutely necessary for this function. With these several considerations in mind some insight into the physiopharmacological or zootoxicological properties of venoms is 484 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 obtained. Cvotalus venom, for instance, causes deleterious changes in the tissues at the area of envenomation, changes in the red blood cells, defects in coagulation, injury to the linings of vessels and to a lesser extent damage to the heart muscle, kidneys, and lungs. While most of the North American Crota/us venoms produce relatively minor changes in transmission at the neuromuscular junction, the venoms of the South American species produce marked changes in nerve con- duction and neuromuscular transmission. When Crotalus venom is injected intravenously there is an immediate precipitous fall in sys- tematic arterial pressure with concomitant changes in venous and cisternal pressures, heart rate, and respiration. These changes are thought to be due principally to changes in the resistances of the pul- monary circulatory parameters, and to some extent changes in the cardiac cycle. EVIDENCE OF USE The black widow spider (fig. 2 and pl. 1, fig. 2) uses its venom to paralyze or subdue its foe and to a lesser extent to assist in digestive functions. The amount of the several enzymes in this venom is not sufficient to have any serious effect on man or most other mammals but they certainly play a part in the breakdown of the tissues of the spider’s prey. In mammals, the venom induces a mild arterial hyper- Ficure 2.—Black widow spider and egg sac in web. VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND THEIR TOXINS—RUSSELL 485 tension; it produces bronchial spasms and changes at the neuromuscu- lar junction. Plate 2, fig. 1,shows the tarantula. The venoms of some scorpions paralyze; they are among the most effective of the neuromuscular blocking toxins. The venoms of some of the parastic wasps are also potent nerve-muscie blocking agents. ‘They are capable of paralyzing the junction in the body muscle masses of their host while having no eifect on visceral musculature; the heart of the paralyzed host may beat for many weeks. The toxicity of some of these venoms is comparable with that of the bacterial toxins. Beard has estimated that 1 part of bracon hebetor venom in 200 million parts of the host’s blood is sufficient to produce paralysis in a late instar larva. All of the fish venoms studied to date are known to be used by venomous fishes in their defense, particularly against those animals which feed upon them. On the basis of our findings in man it is assumed that fish venoms are capable of producing a similar degree of excruciating pain in other animals. i have injected small doses of a number of diferent venoms into myself and have found none quite as painful as those of the stingray and scorpion fishes. A pain- producing substance in the venom of the stingray, and other such venomous fishes (pl. 2, fig. 2), would appear to be a great asset to those fishes in their defensive armament. There seems little doubt that the “convulsions” seen following stringray injuries, as reported by some of the early writers, were prob- ably no more than reactions of hyperactivity provoked by the painful efiects of the venom, rather than responses due to the direct effects of the venom on the central nervous system. This venom does not appear to elicit specific changes in the central nervous system except as secondary effects of cardiovascular changes. Stingray venom, and the toxins of many poisonous fishes, have a direct effect on the pace- maker of the heart, as well as on several other parameters of the car- diovascular system. Both smali and large doses of this venom produce a hypotensive crisis in mammals. Small amounts of the venom appear to cause peripheral vasodilation while large amounts cause vasoconstriction. The venoms of the stingrays and weeverfishes (pl. 2, fig. 2) do not appear to have any effect on neuromuscular transmission. Snake-venom poisoning constitutes a serious medical problem in some areas of the world. In Asia, excluding China, a few years ago approximately 30,000 deaths from snakebites were reported annually. Most of these deaths were due to bites by the cobras Vaja naja and Ophiophagus hannah, the kraits Bungarus candidus and B. fasciatus, and the vipers Vipera russelli and /'chis carinatus. In Africa as many as 1,000 deaths a year may be attributed to snakebite. Most of these deaths are due to bites by the adders Bitis arietans and Causus rhom- 766-746—653——38 486 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 beatus, the cobras Naja flava, N. haje, Sepedon haemachates, N. nigri- collis, and N. melanoleuca, and the mambas Dendroaspis angusticeps, D. jamesoni, and D. viridis. In South America approximately 3,000 deaths from snakebite are reported annually, most of which are caused by the tropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, the fer-de-lance Bothrops atrox and related species, and the bushmaster Lachesis muta. In Australia the tiger snake Votechis scutatus, the death adder Acan- thophis antarcticus, the taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus, and the brown snakes Dermansia have all been implicated in deaths to humans. While most of the Pacific islands between 180° E.-170° E., New Zea- land, the Hawaiian Islands, and some others are free of venomous snakes, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the Philippines, and Japan contain several venomous forms. The more dangerous snakes in Papua and New Guinea are the death adder and brown snakes, while the mamushi, A ghistrodon blomhofi, is the commonest venomous snake in Japan. In Malaya the pit viper Agkistrodon rhodostoma is re- sponsible for a large number of bites and some deaths. In the United States there are approximately 6,000 cases of snake venom poisoning reported each year, with an average of 14 deaths a year. The most dangerous snakes in that country are the coral snake Micrurus fulvius and the rattlesnakes Crotalus adamanteus, C. atrox, C. viridis helleri, and C. scutulatus. : Fortunately, since the advent of antivenins and their extensive dis- tribution, the case fatality rates for snake-venom poisoning in the vari- ous endemic areas of the world have been declining very significantly. In the United States the fatality rate has fallen from 11 percent to less than 1 percent since the introduction and widespread use of antivenin. Today hyperantivenins are being produced by exposing the immunized animal to certain of the very active fractions of venoms in a mixture with the whole venom. It is quite probable that within the not too distant future it will be possible to recommend the use of a single antivenin for the treatment of envenomation by Viperidae, Crotalidae, and Elapidae. Poisonings by arthropods are common in many areas of the world, although statistics on the incidence of the bites or stings of these ani- mals are lacking. In Mexico during 1957 there were 1,495 deaths due to the stings of scorpions, while in the United States at least 26 deaths a year are attributed to the bites or stings of arthropods; almost twice the number attributed to the bites of the venomous snakes. Stingings by venomous marine animals are also common in many parts of the world. In the United States, where studies have been made on the incidence of stingings by these animals, it has been found that approx- imately 750 people a year are stung by stingrays, 300 persons a year are stung by the scorpion fishes, 300 a year by venomous catfishes, and an undetermined number by coelenterates, sponges, and certain PLATE 1 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Russell ‘Iopids MOPIM YoryTq JO M I I TPT J 1A 9A9-S APT C “SJOO fo I! ou YIM soul} [¥19A9S uo4qIq u9s9q pey YT YOTyM Aq 9uUO SNOWOUIA ATT B SULINOASp oxeUS SnNOWOUSAUOU V HE Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Russell PLATE 2 % 1. As a danger to man the tarantula has been overrated, though some South American species are lethal. ” > ASA ‘\ \ Nx e ‘es ~ SAAS WA OX ‘em b 2. The greater weever. Protective spines are reinforced in venomous fish by association with cells that produce pain-producing toxins (c.f., fig. 1). ‘The sting of the lesser weever is familiar to East Coast fishermen. VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND THEIR TOXINS—RUSSELL 487 echinoderms. Only one death has been reported in that country dur- ing the past 50 years following a stingray injury. The past decade has been a period of “tooling up” for the venomolo- gist. Through the advent of chromatography, electrophoresis, and certain physiological monitoring devices, our knowledge on venoms has increased a hundredfold. During the next 10 years we should not only learn to separate and identify the various fractions of venoms, and to correlate them with specific biological activities, but we should dis- cover how these complex proteins can be used to further man’s studies of the cellular membrane and his fight against pain and disease. 766-746—65—_-39 ? tiie eh cgul, Bs BS ert an Al J m ee Te Py Oe iat Freee OP) Aw AL Od ray," fone ih , ; ‘ 4 i J | 4 Lee y ay oy ; ni h Uf : Pitt , oN i bah i was is bite. it ; A ise MME ae, é i ‘ AG er ¢ . ¥ Peay shh a no Sethe ent fe Ah : et ; - } rer): ) 1 MD eae, as Cae Tey er aity i ae ee oe hie it ry How Insects Work in Groups’ By Joun Supp Lecturer in Entomology at the University of Hull, England [With 2 plates] WHEN PEOPLE SEE ANTS or bees collecting food, or the giant mounds built by termites in the tropics, they usually sense some fellow-feeling, some idea that insect and human societies are at bottom similarly constituted. The reason why these insects are held up to us in Scrip- ture and in fable as models is that they can be seen going about tasks as men do, collecting and carrying food, building and fighting. Per- haps more important, they appear to combine in groups to catch, carry, or build things beyond the power of a single individual. A termites’ nest may be 2 meters high and a meter across at ground- level. Each of the grains of soil of which the nest is built has been carried separately and placed by a termite perhaps half a centimeter long. Clearly many termite-lifetimes of work were involved—just as many as the man-years of work in building a pyramid or in a space program. But termite mounds are not shapeless heaps; like pyramids they have a characteristic shape as well as a complex set of internal passages and chambers. The behavior of each of the huge number of termites has been directed to achieve this shape; each addition to the nest has somehow been brought into a correct relation with preceding ones. (See pl. 2, fig. 2.) We can call the behavior of termites in building such a nest coopera- tive, using the word in its everyday sense, because we can see in it the three points we look for before we say that people are cooperating. These are, first that there should be a number of people working, sec- ond that they should gain some advantage by making something larger or more quickly than they could working alone, and last, and perhaps most important, that each man should adjust his work to suit that of his workmates. 1 Reprinted by permission from Discovery, June 1963. 489 490 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 APPROACHING COOPERATION In the termites’ nest it is obvious that adjustment must have oc- curred; in other cases it may not be so obvious. Where mutual adjust- ment of behavior cannot be seen we must be careful to avoid the conclusion that any advantage gained from being in a group is the result of cooperation. The larvae of the white pine weevil feed under the bark of twigs, eating their way down towards the base of the shoot. The number of grubs in a shoot is always just enough to eat away the plant tissues all round the twig. If there are too many larvae, some are crowded out and cannot feed, while if there are too few, resin flows sideways from uneaten tissues into the damaged area and kills the larvae. Clearly the larvae gain an advantage from group feeding, but as there is no adjustment of their behavior to suit that of their fellows (no alteration of the rate of feeding or of the width of cut, for instance) the advantage is not the result of coopera- tion. A closer approach to cooperation is to be found in young larvae of the jack pine sawfly. These caterpillars feed in groups on the foliage of Pinus banksiana (pl. 1); caterpillars feeding singly are very rare. The aggregation is not imposed on the caterpillars by the way the female laid her eggs. Groups form on needles where no eggs were laid, and will reform if the caterpillars are artificially spread out over the foliage. However, regrouping does not occur if the caterpillars are spread out on a sheet of paper. This behavior is related to a defi- nite situation—feeding—and it is this which provides the key stimuli. A. W. Ghent has shown that groups form around feeding cater- pillars which have succeeded in penetrating the hard cuticle of the leaf. The situation provides the necessary stimuli for grouping—the smell of damaged foliage and of a resinous secretion produced by feeding larvae. Since the small first-stage larvae have difficulty in biting through the cuticle, breaks in it are important for their survival. Young caterpillars make full use of any presumably lucky break in the cuticle by extending the cut edge. Therefore caterpillars feeding in a group are better able to feed and correspondingly more survive to their first molt. As these groups are formed by adjustment of the behavior of some larvae to use the success of others, the caterpillars can be said to cooperate in exploiting these situations. They respond to the evidence of success—the smell of damaged leaves. The cut in the leaf is the only link between members of the group, for sometimes larvae ap- proach the opposite side of the cut to the larva that started it, and they move away from each other as they feed. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Sudd PLATE 1 Larvae of the jack pine sawfly gather where the tough pine needles have been pierced. ‘They are attracted by the smell of the damaged foliage. PLATE 2 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Sudd “APM QUIOS ul poyeulp1oOoo SPM Jsou 9} OF uolynqgiiyuos jenptAtpul Yova Jey YN poajood isnt jou SEM 31IOM oy} 1eyy smoys—sdeo I YI[-9AvO fo Sollos B yim—odeys IIYSTIOJIVIVYO $i] “pur[ssvis ul {sou OIUWIO} pode ys-moorysnut V ae “yoyo dnois oy} 0} 9]}VI] Surnqiijuos Ajqeqoid st sulysnd 9uo pur Suyjnd om} jo JUOWIOZURIIe YT, “ISU dy} 0} Ie[[Idiojevo v SUISSvIP S]JUB POOA\ ‘T ate HOW INSECTS WORK IN GROUPS—SUDD 49] SUCCESS—A KEY STIMULUS Among the truly social insects the ants are perhaps the most varied in their behavior. One of the wonders of the ant world is the nest of the tailor ants. These ants live in the Tropics, in a continuous range from North Queensland to West Africa, and always build their nests in trees. Unlike the many other tree-dwelling ants, their nests are made by drawing living leaves together to form envelopes which they secure with silk threads produced by their own mature larvae. In West Africa the French zoologist A. Ledoux has shown that leaves are bent to form nests in two ways: Either two nearby leaves are drawn together and their edges held in a tissue of silk, or a single leaf can be rolled up to form a tube. The rolling-up of leaves to form the second type of nest is most interesting. The leaf is not rolled up in a logical way by a group of ants collecting at its apex and pulling it back under the leaf-blade. On the contrary, ants begin pulling at any point around the leaf mar- gin, and they pull singly, not in groups. These first efforts are mostly abandoned, and some ants leave the leaf altogether, others merely move to another point on it—particularly to places where the leaf is already bent, either naturally or experimentally. Soon some ants succeed in bending the leaf edge. Because of the arrangement of veins in the leaf this is more likely to happen at the tip of the leaf than at its sides. Throughout the process ants let go of the leaf and move about on its surface before they settle again, and these ants are attracted to places where bending is well advanced, so that they add themselves to the most successful groups. In this way the efforts of the ants are gradually concentrated at promising sites, usually the tip of the leaf, which are drawn down under the leaf blade. As the successful party moves down the leaf, ants pulling at the sides are drawn in too. Finally, when the leaf is doubled back, ants appear carrying larvae and close up the gaps with silk. How they are called in at this point is not known. There are a good many similarities here to the case of the jack pine sawfly. Although ants are in general attracted to one another, those which are beginning to pull leaves do not aggregate in this way. The groups of ants which bend leaves form only as the work of bend- ing progresses, just as the feeding groups of the sawfly did not form unless some larvae were feeding. Ant groups, like the sawfly groups, formed where there was evidence of success at the job in hand. PULLING THEIR WEIGHT The existence of cooperation has been most debated in the trans- port of prey by ants. Many ants are carnivorous and take insect prey back to their nest to feed their growing brood. In some species, 766-746—65—40 492 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 though not all, a large insect is dragged home by a group of ants, some of which seem to be pulling together while others seem to be pushing. Some naturalists, struck by the ants’ success in moving large prey, have concluded that this group transport shows a high degree of cooperation. Others, who noticed that some ants pull against one another and others simply ride on the prey while their comrades pull, thought that cooperation was absent. In the wood ants, which occur in many parts of Britain, I have found evidence which seems to support both sides of the question. A few minutes after offering a large insect to these ants, a group of 5 to 10 ants forms round it. Many of these do not pull the prey at all and those that do, pull in different directions (fig. 1). There is a deadlock, and what movement there is, is often reversed and cancelled out in the next minute. At first, it seems that the ants are incapable of cooperation and that the more of them there are, the worse the con- fusion gets. But after 10 or 15 minutes, movement toward the nest starts and short of accidents goes on at a good rate. The group of ants is now usually small (pl. 2, fig. 1)—two pulling and one pushing is a common combination—and the ants’ bodies are more closely alined with one another than in deadlock groups. ‘Transporting groups seem to arise from deadlock groups when some ants leave the prey and others rearrange themselves so that their efforts are not opposed. The push- ing ants are probably acquiescing rather than helping. At this stage the ants seem to be showing a fair degree of cooperation. I have shown that changes which result in formation of a transport- ing group from a deadlock stem from behavior which can be seen equally well when a single ant is moving prey. The changes are basically part of the ant’s method of coping with the difficulties it meets in moving prey. Perhaps the most obvious of these is a change in the mode of transport from carrying used for light prey, when the ant walks head foremost to the nest, to dragging, when it walks backward trailing a heavier insect behind it. This change seems to occur when the prey is about three times the weight of the ant. The decision to carry or to drag is not, however, made once and for all at the start of transport. The ant changes from one to the other according to the gradient and smoothness of the surface, which affect the resistance the ant feels in pulling. This probably explains the existence of pushers and pullers in groups. Although the prey may be 10 times the weight of an ant, an ant pushing feels only a fraction of this and behaves as though it was carrying light prey. Actually the motive power is almost all supplied by the pulling ants, just as gravity supplies the power when a single ant carries prey down a deep slope. Other remedies for difficulty in moving prey are not so well defined. When the prey an ant is dragging gets snagged on an obstacle, the ant swings itself through an angle of between 20° and 80° to pull at HOW INSECTS WORK IN GROUPS—SUDD 493 a different angle, and it goes on trying new angles until it finds a line along which the prey will move. If this doesn’t work it may release the prey and seize it again at a new position. These changes of position are not based on any knowledge of the type of snag; it is simply a ques- tion of “trial and error.” If after a short time the prey does not come loose, the ant may abandon it. But if the difficulty in transport is not caused by, say, a grass stem, but by another ant pulling in the opposite direction, swings and changes of position may again result in finding angles at which the ants are not opposed to one another. This seems to be the way in which transporting groups are formed from deadlocks, although there is possibly also a tendency for pulling ants to aline themselves with the direction of movement once it has begun. DISORDER, SEARCH, AND ORDER These three examples have an underlying pattern in common, a pat- tern of three phases—disorder, search and order (see fig. 1). The gradual appearance of order in these tasks suggests that cooperation is not due to the imposition of a master plan but arises through the trial of many possibilities, those which are unsuccessful being abandoned. The trials are judged by effects, and the medium of communication between individuals which enables them to tell whether or not they are cooperating, is not incidental signals—scent, sounds, gestures—but the progress of the work itself. It is deeds that tell, not words. Termites almost certainly build their strange-shaped nests by the same system. Professor P-P. Grassé has kept termites in the labora- tory, and given them soil for building. At first they laid their pellets of soil at random, but later they were attracted to places where pellets had already been laid, so that pillars and walls were formed. When these were 4-5 mm. high, the termites began to build in horizontal sheets, joining one pillar to another. The progress of the work not only was the link between the work of individual termites, but also provided the cue for a change from vertical to horizontal building. Grassé calls this stimulatory effect of work “stigmergy” (from stigma— prick, stimulus,’ and ergon—‘work’). SUCCESS BY RANDOM CHANGE Many of the movements in an animal’s behavior are closely adapted to some rather restricted function, for instance, the pairing of the sexes. Here, since all males and all females of the same species are similar, the problems involved in bringing the pairs from the random positions in which they first encounter one another to the stereotyped position in which mating is possible, are predictable, and can be solved by a fixed program, a kind of countdown of standard movements and re- sponses. This is provided by the courtship of many animals. 494 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Disorder Jack pine sawfly young larvae find it difficult to penetrate the pine leaf cuticle Tailor.ants ants begin to pull at places wide apart but leave places hard to bend Wood ants at first many ants gather round the prey, pulling in all directions Ficure 1.—In many group activities a definite pattern of development is seen, as shown successful, when order is HOW INSECTS WORK IN GROUPS—SUDD 495 Search Order the smell of damaged tissues causes they move over the shoots until one larvae to collect to exploit the gap is successful and starts to feed they wander over the leaf but stay this collective effort at places of where bending is advanced (at apex) success gives a typical rolled nest unsuccessful, some move away while these changes turn the prey to a others change their angle of puil position suitable for transport on this and the facing page. Starting in disorder, insects search at random until they are established in the group. 496 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 In other situations, however, the animal is so much at the mercy of circumstances that it cannot develop a specific routine solution. This is nowhere more true than in a group activity, where the animal faces not only the variation in conditions but also the unpredictable and shifting behavior of its workmates. The tailor ant building a leaf nest or the wood ant dragging its prey solve these problems by changes in behavior which are not specifically related to the nature of the difficulty. The success of this method is proved by the ability of tailor ants to build a nest with all types of leaves from the stiff broad leaf of an orange to the narrow flexible leaflet of a palm, and the ability of wood ants to move all shapes and sizes of prey over all types of surfaces. The undirected searching nature of their response to these conditions gives an appearance of chaos to group activities. But it is the same response which eventually finds a way through the difficulties. Our Native Termites By Tuomas E. SNYDER Honorary Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution SINCE TERMITES are social insects and have a caste system and di- vision of labor, there has been considerable interest in their habits. They also cause large amounts of damage and consequent money losses. This article discusses the termites of the United States, the damage they cause, and recent researches in termite control. HABITS Termites are most abundant and conspicuous in tropical countries where their high mound and tree nests attract the attention of the traveler. However, some termites occur in countries with temperate climates. In the continental United States, 41 living species (4 families) and 16 fossil (5 families) termites have been found. The living species have been found in 49 States. It is believed that all of these termites are native, with the possible exception of Crypto- termes brevis (Walker) which may have been introduced into Key West, Fla., from some nearby tropical island. The nests of our native termites are inconspicuously located in stumps, logs, dead trees, fenceposts, utility poles, the woodwork of buildings, or in the ground. Subterranean termites may move from ground to wood and vice versa. The population of Zootermopsis colonies may be several thousand. The drywood termite colony (/n- cisitermes), reaching 5,000 individuals, is large. One quarter million individuals of a subterranean Reticulitermes colony constitute prob- ably the maximum population, in contrast to several millions in some nests of tropical termites. CASTE SYSTEM The different forms or castes of these social insects include: The reproductives or primary macropterous pigmented king and queen, developed from winged adults; the brachypterous or short wing pad slightly pigmented supplementary reproductives, developed from nymphs, and the very slightly pigmented apterous reproductives, also developed from nymphs; the soldiers or defense caste, which cannot feed themselves; and finally, the worker caste which do most of the 497 498 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 damage to wood, and care for the other castes (fig. 1). Where work- ers are not present, nymphs or pseudoworkers take over their duties. The inhibition theory of caste differentiation first developed by Drs. A. L. Pickens and G. B. Castle of the University of California in the early 1930’s has recently been substantiated by the Swiss en- tomologist Dr. Martin Liischer (1952) in his studies of hormones. Their theory is that males, females, soldiers, and workers secrete ecto- hormones which inhibit the nymphal development of individuals of the same sex or caste as that of the form secreting the hormone. In small colonies where reproductive forms are fully functioning, the development of any additional sexual forms is inhibited by the secre- tions of the parent reproductive forms of the king and queen. This substance is supposed to be distributed throughout the colony by the grooming habit of the individuals. Or each caste, if present in the colony in sufficient numbers, tends to delay or inhibit the de- velopment of the individuals of the same caste by a hormone regulation. Dr. Liischer found that this inhibitory effect can operate only when workers can touch the functional reproductives. He theorized that it is the saliva, feces, or exudates of the reproductives that possibly contain an ectohormone that is the inhibiting agent. The surplus supplementary reproductives are eaten by the workers. If contact is cut off, the inhibiting influence that prevents the production of supplementary reproductives does not operate. At the Fourth International Congress for the Study of Social In- sects, held at the 600-year old University of Pavia, in Italy, I presented a paper (Snyder, 1963) dealing with the fate of the supplementary reproductives in small colonies of eastern species of Reticulitermes in the United States. In the spring, large numbers of supplementary reproductives are present in colonies before the annual colonizing flight or “swarm” of the winged adult. These disappear just before or at the time of the flight of the winged. Are they killed by the workers as being unnecessary in the parent colony where reproduc- tives are already present? Or, impelled by the same stimuli as the winged, do they migrate—with or without workers—by subterranean galleries to form new colonies ? In the discussion which followed the presentation of the above, it appeared that there exist substantial differences between the habits of species of Reticulitermes in Italy and the habits of those species commonly found in eastern United States. In Italy, Reticulitermes colonies are headed only by supplementary reproductives, whereas in the United States colonies are commonly founded by winged or ma- cropterous adults. In France, both reproductive forms found colonies. OUR NATIVE TERMITES—SNYDER 499 - Ficure 1.—Life cycle of the common subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). (a) Egg. (b) Newly hatched nymph. (c) Immature nymph in quiescent or resting stage. (d) Soldier. (e) Worker. (f) Sexual winged adult. (g) Brachypterous (young) reproductive form. (h) Apterous (young) reproductive form. (i) Primary or macropterous queen. (j) Brachypterous supplementary queen. (k) Apterous supple- mentary queen. All enlarged. (Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture.) 500 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 There are probably differences as well in the frequency with which colonies are headed by macropterous reproductives or by supplemen- tary forms of Pacific coast and eastern species. Apparently fewer colonies on the Pacific coast are founded by primary reproductives than in the Eastern States. COMMUNICATION Dr. A. M. Stuart, an entomologist from New Zealand, now at the University of Chicago, in 1961 published on laboratory experiments with trail-laying by Zootermopsis nevadensis. A substance secreted by a gland in the ventral part of the fifth segment of the abdomen produced a clear-cut trail following. The nymphs are often seen dragging their abdomens along the ground when moving, thus bring- ing the fifth segment in contact with the substrate or surface. The substance from the gland can quite easily escape from the reservoir onto the surface on which the insect is crawling. Nymphs accurately followed the path. It leads termites to follow a straight line to food. In a later paper (19632), Stuart found the trails which the termites follow to be odor trails. In southwestern United States and northern Mexico, species of eticulitermes build shelter tubes straight up to a beam on walls of adobe houses. Also in 1963 Stuart (1963b) discovered that there is a directional vector in the communication of alarm by Zootermopsis. This vector was a trail laid by an alarmed termite from the point of disturbance to the main area of the nest. Individuals are recruited to the site of alarm by following such trails. Alarm is transmitted principally by contact. SPECIALIZED FORMS Dr. K. Krishna (1961) listed systematically the protozoa of the family Kalotermitidae.t. These low forms of animal life live in the intestines of about 500, or one-fourth, of the 2,100 known species of termites in a symbiotic relationship and contain enzymes which digest 1 Also in 1961, Dr. Krishna, then at the University of Chicago, now at the American Museum of Natural History at New York, revised the family Kalotermitidae. Several termites of the United States had their names changed. Kalotermes jouteli Banks of southern Florida was placed in Neotermes; Kalotermes occidantis (Walker) of Arizona was Placed in Pterotermes ; Kalotermes arizonensis Snyder of Arizona, K. banksi Snyder of Arizona and Texas, K. milleri Emerson of southern Florida, K. minor Hagen of Cali- fornia, Utah, and Arizona, K. schwarzi Banks of southern Florida and K. snyderi Light of southeastern United States were all placed in Incisitermes Krishna; and Procryptotermes hubbardi (Banks) of Arizona and California was placed in Marginitermes Krishna. Only a few species of economic importance are involved. Such changes, however, are hard to accept by workers in economic control work and pest control operators, who have terms of “Kalis’’ for the termites, and “Kalo guns” for equipment in the control of drywood termites in California. They may find it difficult to refer to Kalotermes minor as Incisitermes minor. OUR NATIVE TERMITES—SNYDER 501 the wood which they eat. Most of the more highly specialized termites do not contain these symbiotic protozoa. There are other termites of interesting shape and habits, especially in the Southwestern States. The nasutiform termites, species of Tenuirostritermes, have a nasus or beak instead of biting jaws for defense. From this exudes an acidulous secretion which gums up attacking ants, usually at the pedicle or middle of the body. The soldierless termites, species of Anoplotermes, must rely on large- jawed workers for defense. The desert termites, species of Amitermes, destroy sound wood. Species of Gnathamitermes cover over vegetation and wood with earthlike tubes to induce decay, then merely scarify or erode the wood. These are highly specialized types of termites. Further studies are needed on all of these unusual termites although none causes relatively serious damage compared with that caused by the lower or less specialized groups. DAMAGE Only 11 of our 41 species of termites of the continental United States cause serious damage. For convenience in control, the destructive termites of this country have been grouped with: Dampwood types—Zootermopsis angusti- collis (Hagen), Z. nevadensis (Hagen) of the Far West, and Pro- rhinotermes simplex (Hagen) of southern Florida; drywood types— especially Incisitermes minor (Hagen) of California, J. snyderi (Light) of southeastern United States, and Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) of southern Florida; and subterranean types— Feticuli- termes flavipes (Kollar) common in the United States, except for the Far West, 2. virginicus and R. hageni of eastern United States, R. hesperus Banks of the Pacific coast, and the arid land subterranean termite /. tibialis Banks of the Western States. For the last 10 to 15 years there have been noticeable movements of termites. The large dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis has been shipped in green lumber from the Pacific coast into 20 States east of its range but, so far as is known, has infested no buildings and has nowhere become established. Its spread since 1950 is due to the large amount of insect- and fire-killed timber salvaged and moved east. Through the transportation of furniture, the drywood termite Incisitermes minor of Western United States and Mexico has infested houses in 12 States east of its range, but has not become established. Cryptotermes brevis has become a major pest of buildings in southern Florida and has damaged buildings in five States north of Florida, probably from infested furniture; this termite has not become estab- lished locally except in the Gulf States. 502 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The dark, southern subterranean termite Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks), whose northern range was Washington, D.C., in 1951 was found at Philadelphia, Pa., and has been found on Long Island, N.Y.., since 1959. The light southern subterranean Feticulitermes hageni Banks, whose northern range was Washington, D.C., was found in 1958 in a building at Trenton, N.J. It is believed that these last. two northward spreads were due to the trend toward warmer winters. Most States have only the subterranean types as injurious species of economic importance but California and Florida both have all three types. The California Structural Pest Control Board at Los Angeles issues quarterly pest infestation reports by counties, giving the comparative amount of damage for the three types of termites. Averaged for 55 counties out of 58 for 1962 and 1963, the figures are: Dampwood 0.4 percent, drywood 33.8 percent, and subterranean 44.52 percent. The remaining percentage related to other matters. For the entire United States, it is estimated that the losses caused amount to one quarter billion dollars. CONTROL PREVENTION With the increase in the number of buildings constructed on concrete slabs on the ground and consequent increase in the number of buildings infested with subterranean termites, the less costly pretreatment of the soil with insecticides became practicable in the late 1950’s. Before the concrete slab is laid, you must secure proper drainage, remove all wood debris from the building site, and saturate the soil with long- lasting soil poisons such as water emulsions of chlordane and dieldrin. This may save more difficult and expensive treatment after the house has been built. FUMIGATION The most successful method of killing drywood termites damaging buildings in southern California and southern Florida is to seal them with heavy Kraft paper or cover them with tarpaulins and then fumi- gate with heavy dosages of lethal gases. Of course there is no residual effect and the buildings may soon become reinfested. However, it would take a long time to build up new destructive populations. DESICCATION Dr. Margaret S. Collins, now of Howard University, Washing- ton, D.C., has since 1950 been interested in differences in toleration of drying between species of our native subterranean termites (Meticu- OUR NATIVE TERMITES—SNYDER 503 litermes species). She early discovered that our arid land R. tibialis is more resistant to drying than our common &. flavipes. In 1959, Drs. Walter Ebeling and R. E. Wagner, entomologists of the University of California at Los Angeles, discovered that in- festation or reinfestation after eradication of drywood termites could be prevented by treating susceptible timbers with inert sorptive dusts, silica aerogel, nontoxic to humans or animals, These dusts removed lipids of the termite epicuticle which caused a rapid desiccation and death of the termites. Later it was discovered that water soluble fluorides incorporated into the silica gels increased the effectiveness with increasing relative humidities. After the wax is disrupted, flu- orides can act as contact insecticides. In 1963 Dr. Collins, with Dr. A. G. Richards of the University of Minnesota, studied in the laboratory of that university the tolerance to drying of five eastern species of Reticulitermes. Included were the rather desiccation-tolerant ¢ibialis, which loses water at a consistently low rate, three species that lose water relatively slowly but show great variability under experimental conditions, and a species flavipes, that shows a variable but relatively high rate of water loss. The desiccation tolerance of ¢bzalis, which ranges from west to east, appears to be associated with a relatively effective waterproofing mechanism, a well-developed cement layer, and moderate size. When treated to demonstrate the cement layer, species of Reticu- litermes other than tibialis were found to have very small argentaflin granules in depressed areas, instead of the heavy scaly layer found in tibialis. fF. flavipes seems to have the least efficient transpiration-retarding mechanism—the fact that this species may outlive species having lower loss rates during drying is probably due to its large size. There also were differences in the survival times in the castes. Transpiration resistance Increases with age, in the absence of dam- age, as does the resistance of the waterproofing to damage. This re- sults in the rate of transpiration in imagoes (adults) falling to about one-third the rate of teneral (not quite hardened) imagoes. Size appears to have no influence on the rate of loss, though it can influence length of survival under dry conditions. Under field conditions, tibialis ranges into more arid areas than the sand-dwelling arenincola, and both inhabit more arid situations than flavipes. In areas inhabited by both arenincola and tibialis, the former can be found most readily in logs and stumps on the surface in spring during periods of abundant rainfall. The latter may be taken at the surface during either spring or fall. In Florida, vir- ginicus and hageni are found more easily than flavipes during dry periods in nonforested areas. 504 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 POTENTIAL CONTROLS ATTRACTANTS In the early 1960’s Dr. G. R. Esenther, entomologist stationed at the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., and a group at the University of Wisconsin published a paper on a termite attractant (Ksenther et al., 1961). It was discovered that the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes will follow a concentration gradient of an attractive material, a culture of the brown rot fungus (Lenzvtes trabea) on pine to find decaying wood. It was believed that such a potent termite attractant might be useful in termite surveys and control. Esenther and Dr. H. C. Coppel of the University of Wisconsin in 1964 published on results on laboratory experiments continued in the laboratory at Madison, Wis., with the response of /eticuli- terms flavipes to attractants from extractives and synthetics especially to extracts from white pine infected with the brown rot fungus Lenzites trabea. Periodically for as long as several weeks the termite would not respond to any attractant; the cause remained unexplained. Receptors appear to be terminal antennal segments and hind tarsi. The reproductive caste gave the most positive response. Specific differences, between termite species and specific wood-decaying fungi, are being studied. Field studies indicate that sterilized Z. trabea infected wood is the best field attractant. A modified attractant insecticide unit was used : A sandwich of five corrugated fiberboard pieces in which the center and two outermost pieces were not treated with insecticides. The second and fourth pieces were dipped in either 1 percent chlordane or dieldrin solutions, or a massive dose of dieldrin was applied to a sandwich unit by shaking only the central piece in a plastic bag that contained 75 percent wettable powder. ‘The last method caused the greatest mortality. Decayed wood contains both an orientating and feeding stimulus; synthetic attractants show poorer results because they may be orientative attractants only. Apparently, attractants’ usefulness in economic control work is not yet proven. FUNGI In the early 1960’s Dr. A. E. Lund of the Koppers Co., Verona, Pa., obtained conclusive evidence in the laboratory that certain species of our subterranean termites (Reticulitermes) initiate attack on the wood of southern yellow pine without previous infection of the wood by wood-destroying fungi. Further laboratory studies (Lund, 1962, 1963) proved that there was an influence on eastern subterranean termites by wood-destroying fungi. OUR NATIVE TERMITES—SNYDER 505 One fungus, Zentinus lepideus, produce metabolites (end prod- ucts) that appear to be very toxic to termites. Lenzites trabea pro- duces an attractant. Porta incrassata extended the laboratory life considerably. Poria monticola exhibited a somewhat repellent effect. Still other fungi seem to be neutral in effect. At least one of the com- mon molds (Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., ete.) reduced the longevity and the termites’ death followed shortly. As yet some of these relationships are not supported by laboratory or field evidence. LITERATURE CITED CALIFORNIA STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD. 1963. 1962 yearly structural pest infestation report by county. P.C.O. News, vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 6-7. 1964. 1963 yearly structural pest infestation report by county. P.C.O. News, vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 24-25. CASTLE, C. B. 1934. The dampwood termites of western United States, genus Zootermopsis. In “Termites and termite control,’ ed. by C. A. Kofoid. University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 273-310. CoLiins, M. S., and RicH Arps, A. G. 1963. Studies on water relations in North American termites 1. Eastern species of the genus Reticulitermes (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae). Ecology, vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 600-604. 4 tables. EXBELING, W., and WAGNER, R. E. 1959. Rapid desiccation of drywood termites with inert sorptive dusts and other substances. Journ. Hcon. Ent., vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 190-207. 5 figs., 11 tables. ESENTHER, G. R.; ALLEN, T. C.; CAsipa, J. E.; and SHENEFELT, R. D. 1961. Termite attractant from fungus-infected wood. Science, vol. 134, No. 3471, p. 50. ESENTHER, G. R., and Copret, H. C. 1964. Current research on termite attractants. Pest Control, vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 34, 36, 38, 42, 44,46. 3 figs., 1 table. KrisHna, K. 1961. A generic revision and phylogenetic study of the family Kalotermitidae (Isoptera). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 122, Art. 4, pp. 303- 408. 81 figs, 6 tables. Lunp, A. E. 1962. Subterraneans and their environment. New concepts of termite ecology. Pest Control, vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 30-34, 36, 60-61. 2 figs., 3 tables. 1963. Subterranean termites and fungi—theoretical interactions. Pest Con- trol, vol. 31, No. 10, p. 78. LtscuHe_er, M. 1952. New evidence of an ectohormonal control of caste determination in termites. Trans. 9th Internat. Congr. Ent., vol. 1, pp. 289-294, 1 fig. PIcKINS, A. L. 1932. Observations on the genus Reticulitermes Holmgren. Pan-Pacific En- tomol., vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 178-180. 506 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 SNYDER, T. BH. 1963. The foundation of new termite colonies by supplementary reproduc- tives of species of Reticulitermes. Symposia Genetica et Biologica Italica. Atti. IV Congr. U.I.E.I.S.-Pavia, 9-14 setembre 1961, pp. 175-179. December 14, 1963. Stuart, A. M. 1961. Mechanism of trail-laying in two species of termites. Nature, vol. 189, No. 4762, p. 419. London. 1963a. Origin of the trail in the termites Nasutitermes corniger (Motschul- sky) and Zootermopis nevadensis (Hagen), Isoptera. Physiolog. Zool., vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 69-84. 2 figs., 6 tables. 1963b. Studies on the communication of alarm in the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis (Hagen) Isoptera. Physiolog. Zool., vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 85-96. 5figs. January. The Phenomenon of Predation’ By THE LATE PAu. L. ErrincTon “NATURE’S WAY IS ANY way that works.” My students know I like that expression. As a generalization relating to the opportunism and adjustment of Life, relating to the eaters and the eaten, it covers the field. Predators kill and eat the animals they know as prey, however they are able to do so. They prey according to their opportunities, their adaptations, and—sometimes—their psychological preferences. Their predation may be rather indiscriminate, that is, within common sense limitations. It may be highly specific, highly selective. It may grade into the related phenomenon that we refer to as parasitism. When the prey consists of eggs or sessile animals, it may not differ fundamentally in its operation from grazing by herbivores. For that matter, certain peculiarly adapted plants may prey upon animals. Bladderworts capture and digest small crustaceans in their traplike organs. Pitcher plants and sundews take insect victims as a regular way of life. And, whether one thinks of bacteria or viruses as being predatory or parasitic or saprophytic, the basic natural laws to which they conform in their exploitation of the exploitable are still those applying to the phylogenetically higher organisms. The common denominator throughout is exploitation of the exploit- able; but, if we think of just that in considering the phenomenon of predation, we may easily oversimplify. For there has been a lot of evolution shaping the patterns of interrelationships of living things with each other and with their physical environments. Diversity and complexity in these interrelationships are wholly consistent with diversity and complexity in the forms of living things. I do not advocate straining to distinguish between borderline cases of predation and parasitism, or trying to judge precisely where predation and parasitism leave off and exploitation of dead or dying organic material begins. Preoccupation with definitions in relationships that by their nature have much leeway in them can, I think, defeat under- 1 Reprinted by permission from American Scientist, June 1963. 766-746—65——41 507 508 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 standing. Just where do we logically put the dividing line between what a feeding mosquito does in taking a meal of either blood or juices, what a spider does to a fly, a water bug to a minnow, a robber fly to a grasshopper, a sea lamprey to a lake trout or a whitefish? What a killer whale or a shark or a bird of prey or a wolf does in eating some- thing, alive or dead? What a snapping turtle does when it feeds upon algae, scavenge upon anything dead, eats the tails off live fishes on a fisherman’s stringer or grabs a coot by a foot? Gradations exist, whichever way we look, and I shall not further belabor what seems to me the pointlessness of labeling categories be- yond what the facts justify. Regardless of the opportunism common to a bacterial infection and a violent attack by a genuine tooth-or-talon predator, the obvious differences are such as to merit separate treat- ment; and there is plenty about the phenomenon of predation that may be discussed in ordinary terms of animals being sought by or escaping from other forms that would kill or eat them, or, of them, if they could. ADAPTIVENESS OF PREDATORS Relatively few mammals and birds are adapted to exploit only a particular kind of prey. One of these is the Everglade kite, which has a hooked beak that is exactly right for extracting soft parts from the shell of a single genus of snail, and so the bird lives. The Canada lynx and the Arctic fox may, on occasion, be all but restricted to only certain of the foods available to them, apparently because of their own lack of adaptiveness; on the other hand, their relatives, the bay lynx or bobcat and the red and gray foxes of central and southern North America, may readily eat a wide diversity of foods. Gray wolves having op- portunities to do so may, by choice, prey almost exclusively upon white- tailed deer. But predatory mammals and birds collectively are om- nivorous feeders compared to the vast numbers of insects that show rigid selectivity in their predatory (or parasitic) behavior. Far down the phylogenetic scale are extremely host-specific viruses and bacteria, as well as some showing great versatility. The virus of rabies, the bacterium of tularemia, and the roundworm causing trichinosis each can attack an astonishing variety of at least warm-blooded host animals. Food preferences or hunting techniques based upon individual learn- ing are not restricted to higher vertebrates, though they naturally tend to be prominent among the more intelligent animals. Next to man, I should say that members of the dog family—individual red foxes, coyotes, gray wolves, domestic dogs—can show as much special choice of prey as anything of which Iknow. The favoritisms and originality that some of these animals develop in their preying may at times result in unusually severe local exploitation of a vulnerable prey population. Even prey species that are living with notable security from other THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 509 predators may at times suffer from concerted canine predation—I have known instances of this sort of thing in my studies of predation by foxes and dogs upon muskrats and ground-nesting birds. But, modern studies on predation by lower vertebrates have demon- strated that learning can have a pronounced influence on their food habits. Fishes learn to take certain food items. Frogs may prey selectively through experience. Also, in late years, I have been gain- ing an impression from various sources that some insects and other active invertebrates may have capabilities for more individual pref- erences than we commonly have thought. A morphologically ad- vanced brain is not an absolute prerequisite to a psychology of learn- ing and choice. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Let us consider some of the ways that predation may be influenced by the psychology of either or both predators and their prospective prey— not forgetting that predators may generally take such prey as is easiest for them to get, suitable for their requirements, and recognized as food. Some of the clearest examples of psychological influence in pred- ator-prey relations are those in which adversaries do a good deal of testing out and appraising each other’s intentions and capabilities. The caution that predators show toward dangerous prey may be illustrated by wolves sizing up their prospects for attacking moose, bison, or muskoxen, or by the behavior of minks in the presence of formidable muskrats; but a predator’s decision to attack or not attack may be quite unrelated to any threat of danger to the predators, them- selves. Wolves also appraise their chances with caribou that they have no reason to fear. Bird-hunting hawks may repeatedly test by preliminary feints the attitudes of small birds that could not possibly do more than to escape. Prospective prey that displays alertness toward predatory dangers yet conducts itself in a recognizably confident manner may discourage predators from attacking or cause the predators to desist soon after an attack is undertaken. I think we should give many predatory vertebrates credit for knowing pretty well when a serious attempt is not worth going through with. Conversely, except for manifest in- juries or helplessness, panic on the part of the prey may encourage attacks about as much as anything. There may be, however, a still weightier psychological factor in some predator-prey relationships: social intolerance. One aspect of social intolerance—territoriality, or the defense of an area—has been best studied in mammals and birds, in some lower vertebrates, and in a relatively few invertebrates. Even among the mammals and birds for which it represents most nearly characteristic behavior, territoriality may exist in virtually all conceivable degrees 510 |§ ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 of intensity, the year around or only part of a breeding season. It may represent either highly sterotyped or highly adaptive behavior. A territory, as for a nesting pair of peregrine falcons, may be several miles across; or, as in some colony-nesting birds, approximately the distance that a bird can reach with its beak while sitting on its nest. For one species of East African bishopbird, a territory may have boundaries that are exceedingly resistant to change, yet, for a closely related species of bishopbird, a territory may be almost indefinitely compressible. There are examples of communal territories defended by whole colonies. There are examples of the defended territories of some waterfowl actually lying outside of the nesting grounds. While usually directed against members of the same species, terri- torial exclusiveness may also take the form of antagonisms toward members of different species. Wrens and coots include species of birds that can be among the more savagely aggressive toward other species about territorial boundaries. Savagely aggressive social intolerance is not necessarily restricted to defense of territories, as is illustrated by the mobbing of hawks and owls by crows and the mobbing of the crows, in their turn, by smaller birds. Social tolerances and intolerances may also be influenced by the traditions that either individuals or populations may build up. Much may depend upon what animals become accustomed to. Concerning territorial and other intolerances, one may again easily regard Nature’s way as being any way that works. A wolf pack may lay claim to a whole watershed, and the wolves may jealously keep that area for themselves. Or, they may admit to their social order or their holdings neighboring groups of wolves or unattached individuals—depending upon interplays of wolfish (really doggish) formalities, necessities, and the tolerance or dis- crimination allowed by individual dispositions. The chief prey ani- mals of these wolves in the northern Lake States and adjacent Canada are the white-tailed deer, which have social intolerances too weak to be much of a self-limiting factor; and the deer may increase up to such numbers that they starve and seriously damage their environment while so doing. At least under some conditions, an adequate popula- tion of wolves may hold the deer down to levels that are in better biological balance than populations not subject to effective predation. Social intolerances of minks may not fit too well into the category of actually defended areas, but the intolerances do work to keep mink populations spread out. As essentially solitary animals, their winter densities on the marshes that are the most food-rich for them—the most generally attractive for them of which I know—seem to level off at between 12 and 20 minks per square mile. I have never observed that any superabundance of readily available food ever resulted in concentrations of free-living minks to the extent that individuals THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 511 would be likely to encounter each other with great frequency in their daily lives. It has always seemed to me that excess minks tend to withdraw from the mink-crowded places, though this might mean wandering or trying to live in ecologically inferior environment. If North American minks have any one favorite food, I should say that it isthe muskrat. Minks may at times subsist upon muskrat flesh almost as exclusively as wolves may upon venison—with the outstand- ing difference that the minks may not find the presence of large num- bers of muskrats synonymous with availability of large numbers of muskratsasfood. Our Iowa data show a peak fall population of about 9,000 muskrats living securely on a 935-acre marsh, despite the activi- ties of about 30 muskrat-hungry minks. The distinction between availability to predators and mere presence of prey animals should be emphasized. In the case of our Iowa muskrats, the predation is centered upon overproduced young; upon the restless, the strangers, and those physically handicapped by injuries or weakness; upon ani- mals evicted by droughts, floods, or social tensions; and upon what is identifiable as the more biologically expendable parts of the popula- tions. I do not think that predation should be regarded as a true limiting factor of these muskrat populations. To the extent that predation operates only incidentally, removing little except the wastage parts of populations that are more or less destined to be frittered away somehow through one agency or another, it may make little difference to the population levels reached or maintained if the predation losses are light orheavy. Ishould say that the dominant limiting factor of a muskrat population is still its own sociology, within the frame of reference im- posed by the material features of its environment. Another predator-prey relationship in which severity of the preda- tion suffered by the prey may be most misleading in off-hand appraisals of population effects is that of the great horned owl and the bobwhite quail in north-central United States. Our year-after-year popula- tion case histories show heavy predation by low populations of owls upon either high or low populations of quail; light predation by high populations of owls upon either high or low populations of quail; and much variation in between. What counts in determining the popula- tions reached or maintained is not that the owls have quail to eat or that the quail have owls to eat them. Both species are highly territorial and show a strong degree of self-limitation independently of each other. Big owl or small quail, neither under normal conditions per- mits itself to increase up to levels that are biologically top-heavy. Each of these two species has in this way much in common, though one is subject to very little predation and the other is subject to much. In its workings, territoriality tends to separate the haves from the have-nots in a population, with the holders of “property rights” having 512 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 tremendous psychological advantages in whatever competition takes place. Proper consideration of this factor calls for some modification of conventional views as to the struggle for existence, the ruthlessness of natural testings, and the nature of predation. The favored parts of a territorial population that live in relative social peace and are well adjusted to their environmental resources may, in fact, have fairly easy lives. They may not have to do much more than to conduct them- selves according to their ordinary endowments to live securely with respect to their ancient predatory enemies. In contrast, life can be anything but benign for the wastage parts of a territorial population, and these are characteristically vulnerable to such predators as have aptitudes for preying upon them. Species having weak if any territoriality may show much more vio- lent fluctuations. It is quite understandable that the less a population is self-limited, the more it must be limited by something else: by preda- tion, parasitism, disease, emigration, malnutrition or exhaustion of food, exposure to climatic emergencies, and the miscellaneous troubles that become compounded whenever populations get out of bounds. THE ROLE OF TERRITORY Surely, one of the principal differences to be seen in predator-prey relationships of higher vertebrates and invertebrates is linked with the relative importance of territoriality in these phylogenetically differing groups. Between the extremes represented by the most socially ex- clusive of the mammals and birds and, let us say, oysters growing on top of one another, many forms have developed territorial behavior to some degree. Lizards and fishes—among them chameleons, sunfishes, and stickle- backs—include territory holders at least during their breeding seasons. Although territoriality in lizards and fishes may allow great numerical abundance, populations of these forms may still show distinct tenden- cies to level off with increased crowding and, often, with apparent inde- pendence of predatory enemies. Phylogenetically down-scale a little more, we also have insects and crustaceans that are capable of display- ing effective antagonism toward possible competitors; and their popu- lations may have at least some of the features of thresholds of security and vulnerable overflows. I think of dragonflies perched on tips of cattail stalks and patrolling their holdings, and, if their behavior is not truly territorial in so doing, it looks like the next thing to it. J. H. Pepper published, in the mid-fifties, a most informative com- parison of the population dynamics of Montana grasshoppers and Towa muskrats. As far apart in their taxonomic relationships and as diverse in their living requirements as grasshoppers and muskrats are, they may show social intolerances and habitat responsiveness that THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 513 appear, broadly, not too dissimilar. Parts of grasshopper popula- tions may, as for the muskrats, be relatively well situated ; other parts, crowded into inferior habitats or beset by the frictions of overpopula- tions, are more exposed to miscellaneous mortality factors, including predation. I can now see that a good deal of the predation suffered by grass- hoppers—which I had long assumed to be more random, more of a gradual-attrition type—falls instead in more of an off-and-on, secure- and-insecure dichotomy. (I am reminded that once I had even felt that the predation borne by an abundant muskrat population was proportional to the numbers of muskrats and the predators preying upon them, whittling down the general muskrat population little by little. That was before any attempts were made to inquire more deeply into what was happening. With careful local analyses, it became apparent that the predation that suggested gradual attrition was not in fact working that way on the muskrat population as a whole; it was conforming to the same overall rules of order that the Iowa muskrat studies had been bringing out again and again, whereby parts of the population lived very vul- nerably while other parts retained their security.) When reexamining questions of social intolerances and population effects of predation in the Animal Kingdom, I do not feel surprised because of the fewness of pat answers that come to mind. Predator-prey relationships are hardly likely to be unaffected by social frictions, established property rights, and complex behavior patterns just because the participants happen to be classed as lizards, fishes, insects, and crustaceans instead of as mammals and birds. Nor should the greater collective fecundity of lower vertebrates, with corresponding individual cheapness of life, be considered a complete explanation for the lesser territoriality of lower vertebrates. Even among higher vertebrates, the strongly territorial gray wolf with close family ties has, on paper, a far higher biotic potential than its prey, the deer and caribou that may congregate in tremendous num- bers. Nor can the lesser territoriality of lower vertebates be wholly explained in terms of their lesser intelligence and lesser adaptiveness, for territoriality reaches some of its most pronounced evolutionary peaks in birds, which as a class are less intelligent and adaptable than are mammals as a class. The point is, once more, that Life selects for what works out, ir- respective of our human efforts to define and classify. INTERCOMPENSATIONS We may next consider something else that Life selects for, something that is very often interlinked with or a byproduct of territoriality. It is a tendency to compensate, one of the prime upsetters of both 514 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 theoretical and “common sense” calculations as to how things work out in natural equations. Intercompensatory trends in rates of population gains and losses go along way toward conferring a singular degree of biological safety upon species that are subject to vicissitudes. In a resilient population, severe loss rates may in effect substitute for each other without mount- ing up excessively high in their totality. Extraordinary losses through one agency may automatically protect from losses through many other agencies. The death of one individual may mean little more than improving the chances for living of another one. Fur- thermore, in some species, extraordinary losses may be compensated by accelerated reproduction, more young being produced in conse- quence of more being destroyed. From these considerations, it can be perceived why I am not inclined to accept mere conventional vital statistics as a suitable base for ap- praising the population effects of predation. More may be needed than figures as to how many individuals are brought into the world and how many or what proportions die through predaceous agencies. Whether the population resiliences permitted by the compensatory trends enable a species to escape being dangerously reduced by great trials, or to resist changes in status quo, or to fill up biological frontiers with explosive rapidity, they obviously can be an important part of Life. Whether the purposes of human manipulations of animal popu- lations are to encourage or discourage a particular species, in con- nection with nature protection, fish and game management, or pest control, we cannot afford to forget the fact that natural compensations can nullify much of the thinking that fails to take them into proper account. The renesting prowess of some popular game birds is sufficient to confound many of the pencil-and-paper figurings of laymen, who easily become emotional at the thought of a crow or a skunk destroy- ing a clutch of eggs. To the bobwhite quail and the ring-necked pheasant, the loss of a clutch or two early in the nesting season does not necessarily signify a corresponding net decrease in productivity of young. For species that are constituted to hatch only one cluich of eggs per year and that have a long breeding season and several possible nesting trials with which to do it, half to three-quarters of their nests may fail and still allow the breeding females to fill their one-brood “quota” for the breeding season. The more resilient nesters among waterfowl seem to be almost as persistent and as ultimately successful in their renesting efforts. Within broad limits set by physiology and climate, it may not really matter whether the crows, skunks, raccoons, or other wild egg eaters plunder a large proportion of the nests or whether they do not. It may all come out much the same in the end. THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 515 Breeding resilience may also compensate for high juvenile mortality in some of the more prolific mammals. This, too, should not be con- fused with the mere production of immense numbers of young to allow for or to compensate in advance for heavy losses. Rather, the popula- tion adjusts to the social tolerances of the species and the status of the habitat. Extraordinary losses of young may stimulate reproduc- tion. For the muskrats of north-central United States, averages approaching four litters during a breeding season may be born to uncrowded adult females living under favorable conditions. Averages as low as a litter to a litter and a half may satisfy crowded popula- tions in the same kind of place. But, if the early-born young suffer very high rates of mortality—as through the agencies of floods and epizootic disease on the north-central study areas—even crowded pop- ulations may give birth to many additional litters that plainly would not have come into existence had it not been for the severity of the earlier losses. After the young of these resilient breeders are hatched or born, compensatory trends in loss rates go into a substitution phase. While a minimal loss of young during the rearing season is inevitable under the best of conditions, a lot of the postbreeding shaking down of overproduced young depends upon the extent that their environ- ment is already filled up with their own species. The net population increases often tend to be according to definite curves or to reach certain density levels, often in conformity to year-to-year mathemat- ical patterns that look unaffected by changes in kinds and numbers of predatory enemies, the impacts of the less sweeping deadly emer- gencies, and so on. We can thus see evidence of balancing and coun- terbalancing that make meaningless any calculations as to population effect based solely upon the numbers or percentages of individuals that may die through this agency or that. Muskrat populations comfortably situated in rich environment may give birth to many young and rear most of the young born; those populations that are beset by endless stress may give birth to few young and rear comparatively few of them. When the social squeeze is on and life is hard, there are bound to be heavy losses from various agen- cies, including predation from different kinds of predators. Still, I cannot see that such predation actually operates as a limiting factor—at any rate insofar as something else is doing the real limiting. Particularly do I find it difficult to see why some predators, for ex- ample the mink, may be considered a limiting factor on the basis of the large numbers of muskrats the mink as a species may kill, as long as in the absence of minks the muskrats may neither reach nor maintain their numbers at perceptibly higher density levels than they do in the presence of the minks. The Iowa case histories of mink-muskrat rela- tionship repeatedly support this view. 516 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 We may go on from quail and pheasants and muskrats and see simi- lar evidences of social interplays and compensations in the extensive literature on population dynamics. Poison-depleted rat and ground- squirrel populations have responded to lessened social tensions by ac- celerated rates of increase. The red fox, despite sport and bounty hunting in north-central United States, not only maintains its numbers at high levels in suitable range but also, I should say, thrives with heavy hunting mortality. Heavily hunted deer populations produce greater numbers of twin fawns than the less hunted. Mallard ducks, though overshot by man, have remarkably low “natural” loss rates compared to blue-winged teal, which are relatively little subject to human hunting. Heavily exploited stocks of sport or food fishes have faster growing individuals than less exploited stocks in the same waters. The Iowa lake that most consistently produces the greatest numbers of large bullheads of which I know is at the same time among the most heavily fished. Of course, one could easily overgeneralize. I am aware that many species of birds have practically no renesting in them. Some grouse may normally make but a feeble attempt at renesting and then only if their initial clutches of eggs for the season be destroyed before the laying birds have invested much time in incubation. The shortness of the summer does not leave Arctic-nesting waterfowl much time for renesting, at best, if the late-hatched young are to develop enough to fly out before freeze-up. Even the bobwhite quail may lose its renest- ing resilience under the influence of severe and prolonged drought. There are conditions under which the most resilient of species will not try to breed at all, under which there seems to be no chance for any kind of compensatory balancing, at any stage of life. As concerns either the lack or the prevalence of intercompensatory trends in the population dynamics of invertebrates, I feel too unsure of myself to generalize. I do not have to go far in this direction soon to find myself outside of my radius of professional experience. Of the opinions about compensations expressed in the invertebrate literature, a great deal remains inconclusive. Many leading students of popula- tion dynamics of insects regard compensatory tendencies as of general application throughout the Animal Kingdom; another very respected entomologist regards compensatory predation as probably uncommon in insects. Perhaps, it may be argued that, concerning phenomena in which almost anything can happen, everyone can make whatever choice pleases him, but I do not think that that is a scientifically fair judgment to make. In studies of the exploiters and the exploited, we deal with adaptations of long standing. We need not restrict ourselves to the Animal Kingdom to see this. Grass grows anew in response to graz- THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 517 ing, and part of the annual production of a pasture depends upon the grazing pressure that it receives. PREDATION ON INVERTEBRATES The literature on biological control has among its bewildering fig- ures and variables and mathematical models and claims and counter- claims some examples of causes and effects that look quite clear. Some of the evidence as to controlling or regulating influence of predation upon invertebrate prey populations can be duplicated by experimenta- tion practically at will, or verified by repeated observations of natural events that fall into patterns. Granted that we must know what preys upon what, it is not dis- advantageous to know about relative severities of predation drawn by the prey, provided that we do not thereby conclude overmuch. I have nothing against the idea of exploring what can be explored with the aid of theoretical means, but I would hesitate to endorse anything following the line of thought that a given theory must be correct because it has no alternatives its proponents would rate as logical. I confess also to a distrust of conclusions derived from mathematical models that assume more randomness of contacts between predator and prey than I am accustomed to see under natural conditions— though, by this, I do not contend that randomness cannot or does not occur in true-to-life equations. In general, the more patently the evidence comes from the land— or the water—itself, the more reassured I feel as to its validity as any sort of proof, one way or another. And, while even long-term experi- mentation on the land with predator-prey (or parasite-host) relation- ships very frequently gives rise to negative or inconclusive results, there are enough convincing cases of populations of especially insect prey responding either to increased or decreased predator (or parasite) pressure to demonstrate causes and effects. Some of the examples coming out of biological control experiments are by now classics in the literature on predation. I suppose that almost everyone who has done much reading in biology knows about lady-bird larvae preying upon plant lice. Similar examples that are scarcely less celebrated have been reported from many regions of the world. Indeed, the books and review papers on biological control attest to a tremendous amount of collective experience with this sort of thing and to the frequency with which, among the invertebrates, a predator can in- fluence the population levels of its prey; and the idea of managing entomophagous insects through environmental manipulation, estab- lishment of “refuge stations” in intensively cultivated areas, etc., is not new in applied entomology. I am uncertain, however, as to how effectively this type of management may increase an economically desirable type of predation. 518 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 The role of insectivorous birds in pest control has been threshed over for decades, sometimes with extravagant claims and assumptions. In my opinion, the desirability of having birds around can be well advo- cated on grounds other than the quantities of insects that they eat, without straining to justify economically what is not economic. When it comes to appraisal of bird predation upon insects, worms, slugs, and the small creatures that do what we do not want them to, the questions continue to arise as to whether such predation does have a controlling influence or genuinely contribute to control. The few case histories of control of insect populations through bird predation that look convincing to me have one thing in common: superlative intensity of predation. A small garden enclosed by lux- urious shade trees and shrubbery may concentrate the feeding of a large number of birds and thus have its insect populations reduced by the sheer weight of the predatory effort exerted. A homely anal- ogy may be seen in neighborhood robin depredations on the cherry crop ripening on someone’s lone backyard tree. But, in considering predation by birds upon invertebrates on a more spacious scale, it becomes more difficult to argue from sober facts. The property on which I live never seems to have any dearth of earthworms, however much the local robins may be observed pulling them out of the ground or collecting them in their bills after rains. (Neither do the ground- plowing moles seem to affect earthworm numbers appreciably, as a spadeful of soil turned in any place suitable for earthworms will reveal at almost any time.) We see the chickadees working the tree branches, the flickers and meadowlarks out in the fields, the swallows feeding in the air; and we know that they are eating insects, perhaps of known kinds and in quantities that might be calculated, but, aside from that, what do we really know about it? Considering predation by birds on a still more spacious scale, I am willing to concede that the early Mormon settlers of Utah may have had good cause to erect a monument to cricket-eating gulls. The gulls, flocking to feed on the hordes of crickets that threatened the Mormon crops, very possibly brought the crickets under sufficient control to save the crops; but, from what I have been able to learn about this event, it would seem to have been a matter of rather local concentration of gulls in response to a concentrated food supply; and I would doubt that the gull predation resulted in any significant population control of the crickets over truly immense areas. This naturally leads to philosophical questions as to how much some degree of predation here and there and now and then by this predator or that may contribute to the control of an invertebrate species when added to its other mortality factors; and I am reminded, too, about all of the confusion between facts of predation and effects of predation that exists in the literature on vertebrates and invertebrates, alike. THE PHENOMENON OF PREDATION—ERRINGTON 519 The population effects of predation by raptorial birds upon mice and upon songbirds may be equated with the numbers of prey killed; so may predation by the mice and the songbirds upon the insects that these may kill; so may predation (or parasitism) by insect species upon each other, by the hornets, the dragonflies, the powerful biters and stingers of lesser creatures that cannot escape; and yet I should say that the grounds for imputing population control may be flimsy indeed without consideration of possible intercompensatory adjustments. CONCLUSIONS To sum up concerning predation as a phenomenon, with special reference to its significance in population control: As may easily be judged, I regard the outstanding source of error in appraisals of preda- tor-prey relationships as confusion of the fact of predation with effect of predation. Apart from a number of extreme or dramatic cases of predation depleting prey populations in ways that are self-evident, my inclinations are to look very critically upon figures presented, by themselves, as proof of population effect. They may constitute no proof at all, however imposing they may be when superficially regarded. For intercompensation remains one of the big answers of prey species—especially of the less fecund or the only moderately fecund of prey species—to predation losses as well as to many other losses, On the basis of my own experience as a student of predation, the best ad- vice I have to offer anyone interested in exploring the subject on his own responsibility, or to those trying to obtain workable concepts of its mechanisms, is, in short: Watch out for the compensations in attempt- ing to distinguish between what does or does not count. When com- pensations are important in population dynamics, they simply can- not be ignored in calculations as to regulation effects of mortality factors, if the truth is to be reached. ee an o | ne 7 he poe HB ui? Bie " 7 eae ree a + Men 7 moe ae ii "17 : 4 7. a i oagtal : oe ed AT Bm oh) os ka at ica. inn vie bh ANy, 1) ; J Pe 7 a ie oi Bh aN Se i CRED iS : hah ty A de | 7 NAMA Td ? 1 “a me ON sti ay seta, (i iat ni R73. i ad bi hee F : ; Ft : ; TE WAS fatsineta Pi REPE ROOTES thy i 7 4 st 4! a f ey , | feet hae i L uate ) 3 furs iy ; oi ea we tdi - si it yt > Ets 1 ty Li SPACE 150 j I thy i We nS Lhe - a ; : Buy i Nay Leta iti pie $3 rg Feubiainh a nny er con eek Sek : 7% s ¥ aN ‘ hos ey Mine | dott Mya tend 7 eid atest tra} toe Ok teacl ate eats 1 an aatolanty aun hae Oat FE ee RE ne pi : ie / a le AP babinerre arnt abet village. cee icky Go aie: Youre poy he CeO LL Raa) biden i ny ha hae. ir fl ae ie be Y j - Fy La bet Ny Bei QbS3 |, Os PPig a, ey ' Ug ba ey: et te pyr 4 j vi veil rn an 4 riyt j : iy t f : | i ciy ditt H a Tie! ' t i] r mf? | o 3 eT | if ‘ r | a 74 | { L Ley if i j e LP’ i : fe - } bi te ; i? fe sa | ‘S : yo ag? an | o ys 7 4 Hse Wit atin TieeRet nek anne miss Aa at tide wala aad SER MIC Mar te SOLE CED), ACE TCO BEN, eye if ih cor “if | AT uRt 20 ta. S108) 6 TT 0) ik, tL i a REA ie - ; ' i Ar ie mn bud ar Las Sha rence a ( sais » A . ; : 7 a, , { yt | rata oe sry i uae : yi") : P SS ie Ay : i + h ne ty nY : f oc g Cees oa : Abawees at, ' - i » SD : d fi ‘4 4 wary } a ar a J t | ' Wee ry aie ee eee, i] % CA na f iv , Srey vos Bets Se 5 Raeghany aT wed ae al oh WM wii i . pa f heer eae Zi UO Se iis TA Wis tai ies ud F +i : 7 50,000 Years of Stone Age Culture in Borneo’ By Tom Harrisson, D.S.O., O.B.E. Government Ethnologist and Curator of The Museum Kuching, Sarawak [With 4 plates] Wuen I wap the privilege of becoming curator of the Sarawak Museum in 1947, no systematic archeology had been done in the island of Borneo and most of the published material on its prehistory was speculative or even subjective. Slowly, in the past 16 years, we have been able to accumulate an organized body of fact, starting in Sarawak itself, and subsequently extending to Brunei and in a preliminary way to Sabah (North Borneo). We have reached down to the level of beyond 50,000 B.C. in our excavation of the Great Cave at Niah. But in considering prehistory in the context of a place like Borneo, it is necessary to recognize that as well as extending far back into the past it continues, living, in the present. It is not possible to understand the living cultures of Borneo today without tracing back through their history into prehistory. This history (among peoples who until recently were really illiterate) is nevertheless firmly held in a most elaborate sung and spoken folklore. In this folklore, past events are often identified with specific persons, places, and numbers of generations back from the present. Though subject to even more error and argument than the work of Western his- torians, recent work in Borneo has shown that there is a great deal of objective value in this folk material; a considerable part of our Museum energies has been expended in collecting what is left of it, before the great old singers and story-tellers die out. In several cases, we have followed up folk tales by actual excavation, and proved an association between spoken words and things in the 1Read to the Commonwealth Section of the Royal Society of Arts, on November 28, 1963, and subsequently awarded a Prince Philip Medal. From the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, vol. 112, No. 5091, pp. 174-191, 1964. Reprinted with revisions by permission of the Royal Society of Arts. 521 522 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 ground. By and large, this folk information can be regarded as having a varying but appreciable validity up to 20 generations back, especially among people like the Kenyahs and Sea Dayaks, who use remarkable atde-mémoires—in the form of marked planks—to refresh the compositions of successive generations. After about 20 genera- tions, 1 or 2 generations may represent centuries, and we move back, usually, into a world of spirits and psychoses. Nevertheless, even in this twilight of remembered thought, it is possible to identify distinct major events, such as the advent of Islam in the 14th century; the impact of great Hindu figures earlier than that; and the impact of iron early in the Chinese impacts of the T’ang dynasty. I first became directly conscious of this stone age element in the present when I landed, by parachute, among the Kelabits in the far interior during the Japanese [Second World] War. They were then at the very end of an actual stone age—such as still persists on a massive scale in parts of Central New Guinea. They were still using stone hammers on stone anvils to beat out crude irons for their rice hoes and jungle knives. Among their most valued cult objects were peculiar conical stones, which I now believe represent pounders for root crops and other purposes completely lost since the arrival of rice. These people have lived above the 3,000-foot level in the remotest part of the island, less disturbed than any others in this constantly dynamic and changing island population. I also saw then, and have explored since, extensive systems of upland irrigation in remote areas and a tremendously impressive range of megalithic monuments, some of them junior Stonehenges, standing days of walking away in the jungle. For these and many other “mysteries,” the Kelabits have extensive explanations in their folklore. Following up these cult objects of stone, one finds they are common to many Borneo peoples. But none of the others have conical pounders. Among the Kenyahs and Kayans of Sarawak and Kalimantan, another form of adz is characteris- tically kept and believed to be a magical thunderbolt. Farther north, among some of the Sabah people, the earlier findings of the late I. H. N. Evans are extensively confirmed by further collection. There he found small squared adzes and some remarkable gouges, cigar-shaped and nearly a foot long. Along the coast and southwest, we find even more peculiar stone tools (since published in Afan). Without elaborating on this to the extent of confusion, patterns of different stone age cultures (in a simple technological sense) can be mapped over different areas of the island. But, of course, with the mobility of many of the groups—even in historic times for the Sea Dayks and others—it does not follow that the tools now found in this way within any area were originally used there. They may well have been brought from another island, millennia ago. 50,000 YEARS OF STONE AGE CULTURE IN BORNEO—HARRISSON 523 Now, gradually, we are finding some of the same tools in stratified excavation, in our cave sites and elsewhere. Only this year, for the first time, have we found the crescentic adz in situ. This, most puz- zling, in a new sector of the Niah Great Cave well in the darkness; but not in the ordinary succession in the enormous cave mouth, to which I will refer again presently. Others of the cult stone-tools have not so far been identified by excavation within Borneo, though known outside. There is another significant linkage between the protohistory of ethnology plus folklore and prehistory by excavation, which must be briefly mentioned in connection with my present theme. Stories are told (among some peoples) of the actual introduction of iron. The Kelabits register this as a sort of miracle transformation, where sud- denly a man appeared, with the first iron tool; he was able to multiply his agriculture enormously in one splendid day. As well as stories about iron, there are others about bronze, and these again are in several cases associated with cult objects. One of these cult objects, which has a 20+ generation genealogy, has recently been presented to the Museum by the hereditary owner, a Kayan who no longer felt his group had the necessary pagan basis and power to pre- serve it in its deep spiritual context. This figure, called Lmun Ajo, is a superbly modeled small bronze of a man with a hornbill headdress, closely related to the D’ongson bronze age culture of Indo-China.? Imun Ajo is regarded as a sort of fossilized living person, in transfor- mation from stone to metal. But the important inferences of stories about him (and others) is that there was an almost direct transition in Borneo from the late stone age (Neolithic) to iron. There was no real bronze age in between, in Borneo; which moved from a tremen- dously developed Neolithic bang to a massive explosion of iron (I believe). We have now traced some of the actual ironworking sites in the Sarawak River delta, where metal is always associated with impressive debris of a Chinese trade, noticeably ceramics of T’ang-Sung date. Using mine detectors, we have been able to plot some of these. One stretches for nearly a mile along a now silted-up creek; another, cover- ing about 3 acres, has accumulations of iron slag down to 12 feet in depth—if it were not so inaccessible in what is now mangrove swamp, it would be extracted by bulldozer to provide Sarawak with much needed road metal. This iron, in the living context of the great and difficult Borneo rain forest, had an even more radical effect here than in many places. It facilitated techniques for felling and clearing. And it provided a 2 Photographs and particulars will be published in a forthcoming issue of Artibus Asiae. 3 See papers in Oriental Art and Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. 766—746—65—42 524 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 means of boring long straight holes through hardwood to provide that wonderfully efficient weapon, the Bornean type of polished blowpipe, which can shoot a dart accurately for long distances, including into the forest canopy. The extensive evidence from analyses of the very large quantities of food bone we have been recovering from the stone age levels of the Niah cave (over a million pieces to date) underlines how difficult it had previously been for man to hunt the rich fauna of the highest jungle levels, and how much he tended to concentrate on the terrestrial and lower arboreal. Nevertheless, there is much to show that through Borneo iron pro- duced a technological acceleration rather than a “revolution”: that to a large extent it was adapted to and within the continuing frame- work of emerging advances in Neolithic thinking and social organiza- tion, with a population rapidly expanding before iron appeared. In this connection one must emphasize that quite recent explorations in Central New Guinea have shown nearly a million people living with a highly developed culture and irrigated agriculture, above the 3,000- foot mark there, strictly in the stone age. By now (1965) it may have become almost painfully clear, to those who have been patient enough to follow my thesis so far, that both the Borneo present and the Borneo past are exceedingly complex; if we are ever to understand them we must use archeology in parallel with folklore—and also, of course, ethnology, anthropology, and linguistics. But I do not for a moment wish to imply that the task is too difficult to be undertaken. On the contrary, it can be very rewarding. For there is, I think, a better chance of getting a full picture for Borneo than perhaps anywhere else in far Asia. Conditions that encouraged active and extending fieldwork since 1947 continue into 1965. There are, of course, grave political difficulties as between Indonesia and Malaysia. But it is an ethnic fact that nearly all the major groups of island population are represented on both sides of the political border and that a large part of the total picture can be built up from one side. Later, under happier conditions, the rest can be filled in from the other. One great thing about archeology is that it can nearly always wait. A pressing urgency about folklore is that in emergent new nations it is liable to be lost unless immediately recorded for future generations. Let me now concentrate on the archeological aspect more strictly. From 1947 on, the Sarawak Museum began to train local staff in excavating techniques, beginning with simple work at the early iron age sites in the Sarawak River delta already referred to and in some small caves at Bau, close to the Museum in the capital at Kuching. Some of the results of this earlier work have been published in the Journal of the Polynesian Society, and fairly extensively in the Sara- wak Museum Journal. This latter journal, in which we have pro- 50,000 YEARS OF STONE AGE CULTURE IN BORNEO—HARRISSON 525 duced 4,000 pages of original work since 1947, has also dealt extensively with the more elaborate excavations which we have gradually devel- oped, particularly at the Niah caves, with personnel trained on the lesser sites. Three papers have appeared in Man, but I am only too conscious of the fact that we have been so much engaged with the work itself that we have tended to publish only locally. Nevertheless, the material which I will now seek to summarize is largely available in that print, including papers by foreign experts who have generously assisted our project by studying material sent to them from Sarawak, notably Dr. D. A. Hooijer and Professor G. H. R. von Koenigswald from Holland; Dr. D. Brothwell, the Karl of Cranbrook, Miss Mary Tregear, Professor S. Tratman, and Dr. Calvin Wells in Britain; Dr. Robert Griffing, Dr. R. Kerr, Dr. A. R. Griswold, Dr. W. 8S. Sol- heim and Dr. Robert Inger from the U.S.A. This is also the moment to express warm thanks to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, who have made a series of very generous grants to the work; to the Shell Group of companies and the Chicago Natural History Museum, who have supported us in many ways in the field; and to the Sarawak government for its continuing basic support. We have also had en- couragement and good advice from Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark, F.R.S., Dr. Kenneth Oakley, F.B.A., Dr. M. Burkitt, Dr. Richard Shutler, and Professor W. W. Howells. Most of these mentioned above have come to see our work on the spot. We began digging at Niah in 1954, by which time I had enough trained staff and some initial financial support. By then we already knew that the Great Cave covered over 25 acres. The first trial trench, dug with Mr. Michael Tweedie and Mr. Hugh Gibb, showed rich hu- man materials under a surface which indicated nothing. I have traced, in the Sarawak Museum Journal for 1958, the strange story of early searches in this cave, the first inspired by the great Alfred Russel Wal- lace—who spent more than a year in Sarawak just over a century ago and focused attention on the search for a Borneo “missing link.” I have also there explained how this vast cavern with more than 2 million edible bird’s-nest swiftlets and nearly half a million bats (of seven species), was lost to human knowledge and exploitation for several centuries after the collapse of the China-Borneo trade in the Ming dynasty; how it was rediscovered by nomadic Punans, and again be- came a socioeconomic center, first as a major source of bird’s-nests, and subsequently of bat guano for fertilizer. But the swiftlets and bats live in the dark bowels of the caves, which through various chambers run for miles through the Niah mountain. The main or west mouth of the Great Cave is about 200 yards wide and up to 100 yards high. This is so light that it is free of guano, and thus remained untouched until 1954. After initially proving the site in 1954, it took some time to raise the large additional funds and out- 526 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 side help that were clearly going to be necessary, but in 1957 we started large-scale regular excavation. Now, in 1968, we have a house inside the cave, mouth and a large base camp organization on the river 2 miles away, with a connecting hardwood plank-walk from river to cave. Permanent staff are on duty all the year round. We average 4 to 5 months’ field excavation during the year; and all-the-year-round analysis back in Kuching (where we now have a fine new research building). The simplest fact about the Great Cave west mouth is that what appears to be earth producing a wide pleasant floor is really aimost solid human deposit, back at least into the middle Paleolithic. The outer part of the mouth was used primarily for frequentation in the Neolithic—by which time people were making some permanent dwell- ings out in the rain forest; and for regular habitation in the earlier phases of stone age (Paleolithic—Mesolithic). In front of the guano belt of darkness, the whole floor is netted with burials, of which we have now more than 100 left exposed in situ, under perspex covers—for later full study. Burials also occur in the habita- tion-frequentation zone, mostly at the deeper levels; usually the bodies distorted, crouched, or the head alone. The deepest of these so far is a young Homo sapiens boy which has been fully published by Dr. Broth- well and generally accepted (eg., at the recent Pacific Science Congress, Hawaii) as corresponding to a carbon-14-dated level of around 38,000 p.c. There is good reason to believe that its date is correct within, at the worst, a few thousand years; and it therefore represents much the earliest Homo sapiens (“modern man’) found so far East. The further inferences is that Homo sapiens was much more widely distributed considerably earlier than has previously been sup- posed. This is indirectly supported by other archeological indica- tions that human culture advanced early and rapidly in West Borneo. I believe that full excavation elsewhere in Southeast Asia will un- doubtedly provide similar material in Malaya, Thailand, and Indo- nesia. Dr. Robert Fox (of the National Museum in Manila) and I visited Palawan in the Southern Philippines 2 years ago, on an archeo- logical reconnaissance, and he has since, using similar techniques there, already produced Homo sapiens material which is datable to beyond 20,000 z.c. from a Palawan cave. The Brothwell Niah skull comes from 100 inches level in the West Mouth excavations at a pit we call “Hell’”—owing to the heat and dis- comfort of working there . .. The deposit down here is extremely fine and difficult to work. Soon after 100 inches, bone (both human or food remains) and all food shell (of which 20 species occur in quantity higher up) disintegrate completely through the mere process of equa- torial time. For a feature of Niah is that nothing in these deposits has fossilized. Under the peculiar conditions of this great limestone Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Harrisson PLATE 1 1. Sarawak Museum’s laboratory inside Niah Great Cave mouth. Edible birdsnest climbing poles are shown on each side of the hut, rising from a declivity in the background. 2. General view up main excavation area in West Mouth, Niah Great Cave. “Cemetery” is at far back; main “frequentation” area is in foreground. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Harrisson PLATE 2 1. Neolithic burial (No. 76) at Niah Great Cave, with associated pottery. 2. Massive earthenware urn, decorated in three colors and used for “secondary burials,” especially of women and babies, in the late Neolithic of West Borneo. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Harrisson PLATE 3 Teh ial Ws bai in dell? at 1. Working below the 100-inch layer—on which the author is standing c. 40,000 B.C. in Niah Great Cave. tro . The Deep Skull, from Niah—earliest Homo sapiens known in Far Asia. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Harrisson PLATE 4 1. Wall paintings in scarlet haematite, Painted Cave, Niah. A major emphasis is on “death ships.” 2. “Death ship” coffins lying on floor of Painted Cave, Niah. 50,000 YEARS OF STONE AGE CULTURE IN BORNEO—HARRISSON 527 cave, it has been so naturally and slowly dehydrated that bone and shell simply continue until they expire. Below 120 inches—and we are now working well below this—the main indications of human activity are through chemical analyses of the “soil” (which have been undertaken for us by Dr. C. A. Sutton and others), by certain pollens (on which we have been working with the Shell laboratories), and by the presence of stone tools and fire strikers. Stone tools are, of course, the clearest indication of all. But here we come up against another peculiarity of Niah and West Borneo generally. There is a great shortage of durable, workable stone throughout the area—even of rough stone suitable for roadmaking. Whereas in Sabah, Malayan, Thai, and Palawan caves large quan- tities of stone tools are generally found, all through West Borneo hard stone has been sparse, and was clearly precious to early man. At the deeper levels we are finding only very small, fine flakes of quartzite. Even in the late Neolithic, when there was clearly much mobility and even sea traflic, the polished stone tools are quite few and far between in the excavation. By presistence over the years, we have now ac- quired a good series for the whole deposit. But it is not unusual, with a team of up to 50 or so working, to recover no more than one stone tool during the day. Correspondingly, there has been an elaboration of bone tools, on which Lord Medway and I have recently published a first attempt at an 18-category typology. It is quite possible that as we continue lower at Niah we shall come to a level of true fossilization; or, anyway, limification. Otherwise, we have little chance of finding pre-Homo skeletal remains such as Pithecanthropus. We may now reach that sort of depth by 1965. Meanwhile, common sense suggests that such early hominids were present in Borneo, which had a land link with Java and “Java men” in the Pleistocene. We have recently recovered, in a bauxite mine near Kuching, two large stone tools which may well belong to that “cul- ture,” as described by Dr. von Koenigswald and Dubois. Of particular interest in this connection is the presence, in the “Hell” deposit at Niah, of the extinct giant pangolin, Mainis palaeojavanica (Dubois). This was previously described from the fossil beds of Trinil in Java associated with Pithecanthropus. The curator of the Dubois Collection at Leyden, Dr. Hooijer, has now identified from Niah a series of bones of this huge, scaly anteater—in of course non- fossil condition—extending to the limit of our bone survival depth in “Hell.” It has not been found in the high levels. In the higher levels, for which we have a series of published carbon- 14 dates, and others in preparation, I very provisionally put forward the crude tabulation shown in table 1. 528 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 TasBLeE 1.—Preliminary Niah phaseology Approximate Niah Phase Main “‘characteristic’”’ starting date (estimated) 1. Middle Paleolithic? ___-- ding flakes 42. a 144 bs iees ees 40,000+ B.C. 7 Ni a gl Se (6 (oT ee Re LARC Oa Fee ‘““Mid-Sohan”’ flake !____._____- 35—40,000 B.C. 3. Upper Paleolithic? . __-_- Chopping tools and large flakes__| ca. 30,000 B.C. 4. eS 6 (cS aya LO Srnaall flakes) See mee eae 25-30,000 B.C. 5. ‘‘Paleo—Mesolithic’’?____| ‘‘Advanced flakes”_________-__ 10,000 B.C.? 63/2 Mesolithie?=b Gi. 11868 Edge-ground tools___---------- ca. 7,000 B.C. d-(eNeolighie. 2251-2 F ee “Round ax’7 Zc Jee se Ns Tee av ca. 4,000 B.C. (or later). Sees Cs Gao Sap tag sala See at Quadrangular adzes; fine ca. 250 B.C. pottery, jewelry, mats, nets, etc. 9:7 Chaleolithie’ 4322.02 “Soft tool” in stone; slight ca. 250 B.C. nonfunctional bronze; elaborate pottery, beads. LOS diarly iran So ee Tron tools, imported ceramics, A.D. 650 (until glass beads, etc. A.D. 13800). 1 See Man, 1959. I should emphasize the apparent absence (at No. 6 in table 1) of those distinctive struck pebble tools usually attributed to the Mesolithic in Malaya and Indonesia and name “Hoabinhian” after the type site in Vietnam. I am mildly sceptical about the “Hoabinhian” as gen- erally accepted; in any case, it is—as at present defined—strikingly absent at Niah. The situation at Niah is not, clearly, unique. Further cave explora- tion in Borneo will surely yield similar results. But there are certain conditions that are desirable to produce a site of this richness, For one thing, a cave floor must be well above sea level, to avoid effects of prehistorical changes in level and also massive floods from the great rivers—which have continued even in historical times. It was also a big attraction to early man to have a cave literally teeming with protein in the form of edible birds and bats. Yet the extent to which a place like Niah became a center of stone age civilization has only been barely indicated above. As well as the work in the West Mouth, in the last 5 years we have been exploring the whole limestone formation of the Niah massif. We have found literally scores of other caves of archeological value. One of these, first identified from the air, involved a group of skilled climbers in 5 days’ preparation and ladder building before they could reach it high up in the cliff. It proved to be a cave almost as impressive as the West Mouth itself; and a first scratch at the surface produced posi- tive human results. We have so far excavated extensively in 5 other 50,000 YEARS OF STONE AGE CULTURE IN BORNEO—HARRISSON 529 caves in the formation. The broad results fit with the West Mouth picture: But in every case something new and special has appeared as well—including some evidence for a small Neolithic “negritoid” popu- lation living alongside larger people, but using separate burial caves (there have been no negritos on the island in historic times). Most exciting of all is a beautiful cave 300 ft. up in a difficult cliff, the whole back wall of which is painted with primitive designs in scarlet hematite. The cave floor is littered with relics of late stone and early iron age rituals for secondary burial (transference of bones) and the journey of the dead, including quantities of early Chinese porce- lain and other mainland imports. A separate monograph on this cave is now under preparation. This “Painted Cave” showed no sign of having been visited by man during several centuries. It is too high and light to contain either of Niah’s modern incentives for search—bat guano or edible nests. After reconstructing, by excavation in association with the wall paintings, a picture of what we think was going on there about a thousand and more years ago, we found that some of the same ideas were present in the folklore and custom of the Punans living at Niah today. They themselves became so interested in this that, with the help of some of the oldest men, we have been able to “revive” the old Punan death rites for secondary burial to assist the spirits in the journey of the dead. This clearly goes right back into the ancient past—and now it can be shown in film. On the whole, the most striking impression gained from all this work is of the highly advanced culture that was achieved as the stone age proceeded in West Borneo. By the later Neolithic, say at 2,000 B.c., there were beautifully made polished tools, superb pottery dec- orated in three colors, of which we now have reconstructed or whole pieces and over 200,000 classified sherds. They had an elaboration of shell, bone, and stone jewelry (including jade) ; mats, nets, and good boats. They showed what could fairly be described as a love of the dead, extending not only to exquisitely laid out primary burials, but also to secondary burial and cremation, especially of babies—these long predating the Hindu influence to which this custom had hitherto been attributed in Southeast Asia.* They had a small domestic dog, possibly a Neolithic lap dog rather than a hunter—as proved by bones not only from Niah but from 400 miles away behind Kuching. This dog features in folklore but is now extinct, completely swamped by the only too familiar bigger “pye dog” of the East, which iself is related to the Basenji breed of sophisticated dog breeders. This dynamic Neolithic undoubtedly extended far inland into the central highlands; and along the coast even to tiny offshore islands. *¥For a fuller account of the growth and elaboration of contemporary death rites out of the stone age, see ‘Borneo Death,” Bijdragen, vol. 116. Leiden. 1962. 530 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Recently, the Sabah Government was faced with the necessity of blow- ing up a whole islet to get “fill” for the extension of the airport of Labuan, for this was the only hard stone anywhere near. In the process the engineers came across a tiny cave. A Sarawak Museum unit was rushed up there; and we were able to recover what remained before the work of necessary destruction proceeded. On this one of many small islands, in a cave hardly big enough for three bodies, lay secondary burials associated with a three-color ware pottery and polished stone tools. This is just one clue to the scale and extent of human probing, that long ago. Borneo has an astonishingly rich, varying, and enterprising culture today. I think that the part which Sabah and Sarawak are going to play in the new Federation of Malaysia will amply demonstrate this in the most modern of settings. A good deal of the strength in this setup derives directly from a tremendous tradition of development and human evolution going right back to the Brothwell skull—and behind that. This is, necessarily, both a general report and a preliminary one. Within a few months, I hope to be back working at Niah for at least another 2 years. Meanwhile, also, we are training local personnel to extend these investigations more widely in Malaysian Borneo and the State of Brunei. We should welcome further outside support, par- ticularly from specialists prepared to collaborate on specific sections of the project, whether out there or back here in the West.. 5 For a picture of living cultures inside Borneo, see the 1963 Dickson Asia Lecture to the Royal Geographical Society in Geographical Journal, 1964. The megalithic culture and past population of the uplands are also discused there. The Emergence of the Plains Indian as the Symbol of the North American Indian By Joun C. Ewers Director, Museum of History and Technology Smithsonian Institution [With 18 plates] Onz sumMMeER’s pAy in 1941 I stood on the North Montana Fair- ground in Great Falls. From a stand in front of me a fast-talking patent medicine salesman was vigorously extolling the curative powers of his bottled wares. From time to time he pointed to the living advertisement standing beside him—a tall, erect, young White man whose paint-streaked face was framed by a beautiful, flowing-feather bonnet. The young man’s body was clothed in a cloth shirt, leggings, and a breechclout dyed to resemble buckskin. His feet were clad in beaded moccasins. The audience, for the most part, was composed of Indians from Montana reservations wearing common White men’s clothes—shirts and trousers. I was intrigued by the fact that this pale-faced symbol of an American Indian standing before us was wearing a close approximation of the same costume the Blackfeet, Crees, and Crows in the audience would put on when they staged an Indian show for the enjoyment of tourists. How did this picturesque costume come to symbolize “Indianness” to the minds of Indians and Whites alike? How did the popular image of the Indian come to be formed in a Plains Indian mold? Why de people in Europe and America, when they think of Indians, tend to think of them as wearers of backswept feather bonnets, as dwellers in conical tipis, and as mounted warriors and buffalo hunters ? Surely our founding fathers had no such conception of the Indian in the days when the frontier of settlement extended only a short distance west of the Alleghenies, and the only Indians the remote frontiersmen knew were forest dwellers who lived in bark-covered houses, traveled in bark canoes or dugouts, hunted and fought on foot, and wore no flowing-feather bonnets. Nor was the prevailing popular image of the Indian an original creation of the motion pictures during the 20th century. How and when, then, did this image emerge? 766-746—65——43 531 532 § ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Probing into history we find that the creation and clarification of this image was a prolonged process to which many factors contributed. Let us try to trace the development of this image from what appear to be its earliest beginnings. THE FIRST PICTURES OF PLAINS INDIANS (1804-1840) Obviously before non-Indians could begin: to picture Indians in Plains Indian terms, they had to have fairly clear ideas of the appear- ance of the Indians of the Great Plains and of those aspects of their culture that typified their way of life. European explorers and traders traversed considerable portions of the Plains in the 214 cen- turies between Coronado’s quest for the fabled city of Quivera on the grasslands of Kansas in 1541 and the purchase of Louisiana by the United States in 1803. Nevertheless, those Spaniards, French, and Englishmen produced no popular literature about and no known pictures of Plains Indians—either portraits or scenes of Indian life. At the time of the Louisiana Purchase these Indians remained vir- tually unknown to the peoples of Europe and the United States (al- though a number of earlier explorers’ and traders’ accounts have been published since that time). The earliest known portraits of Plains Indians were made in the cities of the East during the first decade of the 19th century. They were likenesses of Indians whom President Jefferson urged Lewis and Clark to send to the seat of government in Washington. They were profiles executed by two very competent artists, who both em- ployed versions of a mechanical device, known as a physiognotrace, to accurately delineate the outlines of their sitters’ heads. The French refugee artist Charles Balthazer Fevret de Saint-Mémin made por- traits of some of the 12 men and 2 boys of the Osages who comprised the first delegation of Indians from beyond the Mississippi. Thomas Jefferson welcomed these Indians to the Presidential Mansion in the summer of 1804, and enthusiastically termed them “the most gigantic” and “the finest men we have ever seen” (Jackson, 1962, p. 199). Saint- Mémin’s most striking profile is that of the chief of the Little Osages (pl.d, fie, 1). Charles Willson Peale, prominent Philadelphia artist and museum proprietor, cut miniature silhouettes of 10 members of a second Indian delegation from the West. He sent a set of these profiles to President Jefferson on February 8, 1806 (Jackson, 1962, p. 299). One of these sitters was Pagesgata, a young Republican Pawnee from the Platte Valley (pl. 1, fig. 2). After his return from the Pacific coast, Meriwether Lewis purchased several originals or copies of Saint-Mémin’s Indian portraits. Un- doubtedly he intended to reproduce them in an elaborately illustrated account of the Lewis and Clark explorations which he proposed, but THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS Dae never produced because of his untimely death in 1809. Peale also was to have furnished illustrations for this ill-fated work. Doubtless they would have included accurate drawings of the Plains Indian costumes and other artifacts sent or brought back by Lewis and Clark, which Peale exhibited in his popular Philadelphia Museum. More significant factors in the early diffusion of the Plains Indian image were the oil portraits of several members of an Indian delega- tion from the Lower Missouri and Platte Valley tribes who arrived in Washington late in the year 1821. Although Charles Bird King painted these Indians for Thomas McKenney, Superintendent of Indian Trade, he executed several replicas of these paintings that were diffused more widely—one set being sent to Denmark, another to London. The original portraits formed the nucleus of the National Indian Portrait Gallery, which became one of Washington’s popular tourist attractions before it was almost completely destroyed in the Smithsonian Institution fire of 1865 (Ewers, 1954). The most popular Indian in that 1821 delegation was Petalesharro, a young Pawnee warrior. He was hailed as a hero during his eastern tour because he had courageously rescued a Comanche girl captive just as her life was to be taken in the traditional human sacrifice to the morning star, an annual Pawnee ceremony. Petalesharro’s por- trait was painted by John Neagle in Philadelphia, as well as by King, and Samuel F. B. Morse placed him in front of the visitor’s gallery in his well-known painting of “The Old House of Representatives,” executed in 1822. (See pl. 2.) All three paintings show this Indian hero wearing a flowing-feather bonnet. They are, to the best of my knowledge, the first of the millions of pictorial renderings of this picturesque Indian headgear produced by artists and photographers. The popular novelist James Fenimore Cooper met Petalesharro during that Indian’s eastern tour. This meeting was a source of in- spiration to the author in writing Zhe Prairie, the only one of the Leatherstocking Tales to have a Great Plains setting (Keiser, 1933, pp. 184-138). In the living Indians of the Plains, Cooper recognized the virtues he had imputed to his Woodland Indian heroes of an earlier period in The Last of the Mohicans. Writing of the Indians 2 years after that popular novel was published, he observed: “The majority of them, in or near the settlements, are an humbled and much degraded race. As you recede from the Mississippi, the finer traits of savage life become visible.” Cooper thought that Plains Indian chiefs possessed a “loftiness of spirit, of bearing and of savage heroism . . . that might embarrass the fertility of the richest inventor to equal,” and he cited Petal- esharro as a prime example (Cooper, 1828, vol. 2, pp. 287-288). Some of the distinctive traits of the Plains Indians were pictured in illustrated books and magazines prior to 1840. The first published 534 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 picture of the conical skin-covered tipis of the nomadic Plains tribes was a crude engraving after Titian Peale’s field sketch on Major Long’s expedition of 1819-20, which appeared in Edwin James’ ac- count of those explorations (James, 1823). (See pl. 3, fig. 1.) The first reproduction of a Plains Indian warrior on horseback probably was the lithograph of Peter Rindisbacher’s drawing “Sioux Warrior Charging” that appeared in the October 1829 issue of Zhe American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine (pl. 4). Young Rindisbacher had ample opportunities to observe Plains Indian warriors and buffalo hunters during nearly 5 years’ residence in Lord Selkirk’s settlement on the Red River of the North, 1821-26. His lively portrayal of Indians on horseback chasing buffalo was offered as the colored litho- graphic frontispiece in the first volume of Thomas McKenney and James Hall’s classic History of the Indian Tribes of North America (1836-44). (See pl. 5.) However, of the 120 finely printed colored lithographs of Indians in that handsome work only a small proportion portray Plains Indians, and all of these were portraits of members of western delegations to Washington, the originals of which had been executed by Saint-Mémin, King, or the latter’s pupil George Cooke. In 1839 Samuel George Morton of Philadelphia, now known as the father of physical anthropology in America, published his major work, Crania Americana. Its frontispiece is a lithographic reproduction of John Neagle’s portrait of the Omaha head chief Big Elk, a prominent member of the 1821 deputation from the Great Plains. Morton ex- plained this selection : “Among the multitude of Indian portraits which have come under my notice, I know of no one that embraces more characteristic traits than this, as seen in the retreating forehead, the low brow, the dull and seemingly unobservant eye, the large aquiline nose, the high cheek bones, full mouth and chin and angular face” (Morton, 1839, p. 292). (See pl. 3, fig. 2.) The first illustrated schoolbook on American history was Rev. Charles A. Goodrich’s History of the United States. First published in 1823, it went through 150 printings by 1847. However, Noah Webster’s History of the United States was a popular competitor from its first appearance in 1832. The small and sometimes indistinct woodcuts in these books are not numerous. Nevertheless, some of them include Indians. A few scenes in Webster’s history were adopted from John White’s 16th-century drawings of Indian life in coastal North Carolina. But the scenes depicting early explorers’ meetings with Indians, the making of Indian treaties, and the conduct of Indian wars seem to be based largely upon the imaginations of their anonymous creators. Plains Indians are conspicuously absent. They had yet to make an indelible mark upon American history in their determined THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS 535 resistence to the expansion of White settlement onto and across their grassy homeland. THE INFLUENCE OF GEORGE CATLIN AND KARL BODMER (1841-60) No other mid-19th century factors had such a stimulating influence on both (1) the projection of the Plains Indian image and (2) the acceptance of this image as that of the American Indian par ex- cellence as did the writings of the American artist George Catlin and the German scientist Maximilian Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wied- Neuwied; and the pictures of Catlin and of the Swiss artist Karl Bodmer, who accompanied the prince on his exploration of the Upper Missouri in 1833-34. Inspired by the site of a delegation of western Indians passing through Philadelphia on their way to Washington, and his own con- viction that the picturesque Plains Indians were doomed to cultural extinction as the frontier expanded westward, Catlin determined to rescue these Indians from oblivion and to “become their historian” before it was too late. During the summers of 1832 and 1834 he traveled among the tribes of the Upper Missouri and the Southern Plains gathering information and preparing pictures for an Indian Gallery, which he exhibited to enthusiastic audiences in the larger American cities. In 1840, he took the exhibition to England for a 4-year display in London; this was followed by a Paris exhibition that included a special showing for King Louis Philippe in the Louvre. In addition to his paintings this exhibition included costumed manne- quins, a pitched Crow tipi, and enactments of Indian dances and cere- monies by Chippewa or Iowa Indians. No one had brought the Wild West to civilization as had Catlin, and his exhibition must have made a lasting impression upon all Americans and Europeans who saw it. Nevertheless, Catlin’s books must have had a still wider influence. His two-volume Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians, published in London in 1841, combined a vivid description of his travels and observations with 312 steel-engraved reproductions of his paintings. The work was enthusiastically re- viewed in America and abroad, and was reprinted five times in as many years. Although Catlin included brief descriptions and illustra- tions, primarily portraits, of a number of the semicivilized Woodland tribes, he concentrated primarily upon the wild tribes of the Great Plains. There could be no mistaking either from his text or from his pictures that the Plains Indians were his favorites. Repeatedly, if not consistently, Catlin sang their praises. He declared that the tribes of the Upper Missouri were the “finest specimens of Indians on the Continent . . . all entirely in the state of primitive rudeness and wild- ness, and consequently are picturesque and handsome, almost beyond 536 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 description.” The Crows were as “handsome and well-formed set of men as can be seen in any part of the world”; the Assiniboins “a fine and noble looking race.” There were no “finer looking men than the Sioux”; and Catlin used almost the same words to describe the Cheyennes. (Catlin, 1841, vol. 1, pp. 22-28, 49, 54, 210; vol. 2, p. 2.) Catlin devoted several chapters of his book to Four Bears, the second chief of the Mandan, whom he called the “most extraordinary man, perhaps, who lives to this day, in the atmosphere of Nature’s noblemen.” (See pl. 6, fig. 1.) Prince Maximilian’s Reise in das Innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834, first published in Coblenz (1839-41), offered a more restrained, scientific description of the Indians of the Upper Missouri. Nevertheless, it was reprinted in Paris and London within 3 years, and the demand for it soon exceeded the supply. Its great popularity was due largely to the excellent reproductions of Karl Bodmer’s incomparable field sketches of Plains Indians that appeared in the accompanying Ad/as, Together the works of Catlin and Maximilian-Bodmer, appearing almost simultaneously, greatly stimulated popular interest in the Plains Indians in this country and abroad, and had a strong influence on the work of many other artists. They influenced the pictorial representation of Indians during the mid-19th century in three important ways. First, the Catlin- Maximilian-Bodmer example encouraged other artists to go west and to draw and/or paint the Indians of the Plains in the field. Among the best known of these artists were the American John Mix Stanley, the German-American Charles Wimar, the Canadian Paul Kane, and the Swiss Rudolph Friederich Kurz. Secondly, they encouraged some of the most able illustrators of the period, who had not visited the western Indian Country, to help meet the popular demand for pictures of Plains Indians by using the works of Catlin and Bodmer for reference. In 1848, 2 years after the first publication of Catlin’s popular book, an enterprising Phila- delphia publisher offered Scenes in Indian Life: A Series of Original Designs Portraying Events in the Life of an Indian Chief. Drawn and etched on Stone by Felix O. C. Darley. This pictures episodes in the life history of a fictional Sioux chief. The artist was then an almost unknown “local boy,” 20 years of age; but he possessed re- markable skill asa draftsman. Darley became the outstanding Ameri- can book and magazine illustrator of the century. Even though most of his finely drawn illustrations are of non-Indian subjects, he re- peatedly pictures buffalo hunts and other Plains Indian activities. He prepared the frontispiece and illustrated title page for the first edition of Francis Parkman’s classic, 7he California and Oregon Trail (1849), and toward the end of his life designed a colored lithograph, “Return from the Hunt,” which has the qualities of spurious realism that only a THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS Hat highly skilled artist who does not know his subject can impart to his work. The picture shows a birchbark canoe in the foreground, a village of tipis in the middle ground, and a background of high mountains. Darley appears to have produced a handsome geograph- ical and cultural monstrosity in which characteristics of the region from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains are compressed into a single scene (pl. 9). Darley was on firmer ground when he followed Catlin and Bodmer more closely. A few of his book illustrations are frankly acknowl- edged as “after Catlin” (pl. 8). Some of the most popular Currier and Ives prints of the 1850’s and 1860’s were western scenes, lithographed from very realistic drawings executed jointly by German-born Louis Maurer and English-born Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, neither of whom had any first-hand know]l- edge of Plains Indians. Maurer acknowledged that they learned about Indians from the reproductions of Bodmer’s and Catlin’s works in the Astor Library in New York City (Peters, 1931, p. 21). Finally Catlin and Bodmer powerfully influenced those lesser, poorly paid artists who anonymously illustrated a number of popular books on Indians as well as school histories; these began to appear within a very few years after the books of Catlin and Bodmer were published. One can trace the progressive degeneration of truthfulness in illustra- tion in the copies of these once popular books preserved in the Rare Book Room of the Library of Congress. A prolific writer of popular books of the 1840-60 period was Samuel Griswold Goodrich, who commonly used the pen name “Peter Parley,” and who claimed in 1856 that he had written 170 books of which 7 million copies had been sold. Goodrich had discovered Catlin by 1844, when he published History of the Indians of North and South America; he quoted Catlin in the text and copied Catlin’s “Four Bears” in one illustration. Two years later Goodrich’s The Manners, Cus- toms, and Antiquities of the Indians of North America derived all of its 35 illustrations of North American Indians from Catlin—28 of these being Plains Indian subjects. Finally, in Goodrich’s Zhe Amer- ican Child’s Pictorial History of the United States, first published in 1860, and adopted as a textbook for the public schools of Maryland 5 years later, the Indians of New England, Virginia, and Roanoke Island are pictured living in tipis and wearing flowing-feather bonnets of Plains Indian type, while 17th-century Indians of Virginia are shown wrapped in painted buffalo robes and performing a buffalo dance in front of their tipis. Impressionable young readers of popular histories of the Indian wars published in the 1850’s also saw the common traits of Plains Indian culture applied to the Woodland tribes. John Frost’s Indian Wars of the United States from the Earliest Period to the Present 538 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Time pictures a buffalo hunt on horseback in the chapter on the French and Indian Wars, Catlin’s Crow warrior on horseback in the one on the War of 1812, and the same artist’s portrait of Eagle Ribs, a Black- foot warrior, in the Creek war chapter. Catlin’s and Bodmer’s representations of Plains Indians underwent even more miraculous changes in identity in William V. Moore’s /ndian Wars of the United States from the Discovery to the Present Time. In that book Catlin’s “Four Bears” became “Pontiac” (pl. 6, fig. 2), his Crow Indian on horseback “A Creek Warrior” (pl. 7, fig. 2), and a ceremonial in a Mandan setting emerged as “Village of the Semi- noles.” Bodmer’s well-identified portraits of Mandan, Hidatsa, and Sioux leaders became “Saturiouva,” a 16th-century Florida chief, and two leaders in the Indian wars of colonial New England. The first illustrated edition of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s pop- ular Song of Hiawatha was published in England in 1856. John Gil- bert, its illustrator, did not copy Catlin slavishly but leaned heavily upon him in representing the poet’s ancient Ojibwa of the southern shore of Lake Superior as typical Indians of the Upper Missouri. His portrait of “Paw-puk-keewis,” for example, is but a slightly altered version of Catlin’s Mandan hero, “Four Bears” (pl. 6, fig. 3). Nor were these Woodland Indians in Plains Indian clothing limited to the works of artists who had had no first-hand knowledge of Indians. John Mix Stanley had known the Plains tribes well, yet when he attempted a portrait of “Young Uncas” (the 17th-century Mohegan) or “The Trial of Red Jacket” (the Seneca), he tended to clothe his Indians in the dress costume of the tribes of the western grasslands (pl. 10). And when Karl Bodmer collaborated with the French artist Jean Francois Millet to produce a series of realistic but imaginative scenes in the border warfare of the Ohio Valley during the Revolu- tionary War, the war-bonneted Plains Indian was clearly portrayed (Smith, 1910, p. 83). INFLUENCE OF THE PLAINS INDIAN WARS (1860-90) In 1860 a new medium appeared to exploit the American boy’s fasci- nation for the Indian’s prowess as a warrior. Dime novels increased very rapidly in both numbers and sales. A favorite theme in this lurid literature was Indian fighting on the Western Plains in which many a wild Comanche, Kiowa, Blackfoot, or Sioux “bit the dust” before the hero ended his perilous adventures. Bales of these cheap “paperbacks” were sent to the soldiers in camp or in the field during the Civil War, and reading them helped the boys in blue or gray to forget, for a time at least, their own hardships and sufferings (Johannsen, vol. 1, p. 39). The horrors of Plains Indian warfare became very real as emigrants, prospectors, stage, and telegraph and railroad lines pushed across the THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS 539 Plains after the Civil War, and the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa, and Comanche resisted White invasion of their buffalo hunting grounds. Newspaper and magazine reporters were sent West to re- port the resultant Indian wars. Theodore R. Davis, artist-reporter for Harper's Weekly, was riding in a Butterfield Overland Dispatch Coach when it was attacked by Cheyennes near the Smoky Hill Spring stage station on November 24, 1865. His vivid picture of this real- life experience, published in Harper’s Weekly, April 21, 1866, was the prototype of one of the most enduring symbols of the Wild West— the Indian attack on the overland stage (pl. 11). As the Indians of the Plains made their desperate last stand against the Army of the United States they again and again demonstrated their courage and skill as warriors. On the Little Bighorn, June 26, 1876, they wiped out Custer’s immediate command in the most decisive defeat for American arms in our long history. Numerous artists, largely upon the basis of their imaginations, sought to picture that dramatic action. One pictorial reconstruction of a closing stage of this battle, Otto Becker’s lithograph “Custer’s Last Fight,” after Cassilly Adams’ painting, has become one of the best-known American pictures. Copyrighted by Anheuser-Busch in 1896, more than 150,000 copies of this large print have been distributed. It has provided a lively conversation piece for millions of customers in thousands of barrooms throughout the country (Taft, 1953, pp. 142-148). (See pl. 12.) Four years before his death, George Armstrong Custer published serially in the Galawy, a respectable middle-class magazine, “My Life on the Plains,” in which he expressed his admiration for “the fearless hunter, matchless horseman and warrior of the Plains.” Many Army officers who had fought against these Indians expressed similar opin- ions in widely read books on their experiences, some of which were profusely illustrated with reproductions of drawings and photographs, including portraits of many of the leading chiefs and warriors among the hostiles—Red Cloud, Satanta, Gaul, Sitting Bull, and others. The exploits of these leaders on the warpath became better known to late 19th-century readers than those of such earlier Indian heroes of the forest as King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Osceola, and Black Hawk. THE WILD WEST SHOW AND ITS INFLUENCES (1883- ) On July 20, 1881, Sitting Bull, the last of the prominent Indian leaders in the Plains Indian wars to surrender his rifle, returned from his Canadian exile and gave himself up to the authorities of the United States. But within 2 years William F. Cody, pony express rider, scout, Indian fighter, and hero of hundreds of dime novels, whose hunting skill had earned him the name “Buffalo Bill,” organized a 540 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 reenactment of exciting episodes of the Old West that was so realistic no one who ever saw it could forget it. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show opened in Omaha, Nebr., on May 17, 1883. It ran for more than three decades, before millions of wide-eyed viewers in the cities and towns of the United States and Canada; in England; and on the continent of Europe. Sitting Bull himself traveled with the show in 1885. It always included a series of performances staged in the open by genuine Plains Indians—Pawnees, Sioux, Cheyennes, and/or Arapahoes—chasing a small herd of buffalo, war dancing, horse racing, attacking a settler’s cabin and/or an emigrant train crossing the Plains. A highlight of every performance was the Indian attack on the Deadwood Mail Coach, whose passengers were rescued in the nick of time by “Buffalo Bill” himself and his hard-riding cowboys. This scene was commonly portrayed on the program covers and the posters advertising the show (pl. 18). In 1887 this show was the hit of the American Exhibition at the celebration of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in England, playing to packed audiences in a large arena that held 40,000 spectators. The Illustrated London News for April 16, 1887, tried to explain its fascination : This remarkable exhibition, the “Wild West,” has created a furore in America, and the reason is easy to understand. It is not a circus, nor indeed is it acting at all, in a theatrical sense, but an exact reproduction of daily scenes in frontier life, as experienced and enacted by the very people who now form the “Wild West” Company. Except in Spain, where no outdoor drama could quite replace the bullfight, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show met with almost equal suc- cess on the European continent. During its 7 months’ stand at the Paris Exposition of 1889 it attracted many artists. The famous French animal painter Rosa Bonheur pictured the show Indians chasing buffalo. What is more, the Indians inspired Cyrus Dallin, a gifted American sculptor then studying in Paris, to create the first of a series of heroic statues of Plains Indians. “The Signal of Peace,” completed in time to win a medal at the Paris Salon of 1890, now stands in Lincoln Park, Chicago. A second work, “The Medicine Man” (1899), is in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. The famous sculptor Lorado Taft considered it Dallin’s “greatest achievement” and “one of the most notable and significant products of American sculpture” (pl. 14). Another, “The Appeal” (to the Great Spirit), winner of a gold medal at the Paris Salon of 1909, sits astride his horse in front of the Museum of Fine Art in Boston. And still a fourth, “The Scout,” may be seen atop a hill in Kansas City. Taft termed Dallin’s realistic equestrian Plains Indians “among the most interesting public monuments in the country” (Taft, 1925, pp. 476-8, 576). THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS 541 The phenomenal success of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show encour- aged others to organize similar shows, which together with the small- scale Indian “medicine” shows toured the country and the Canadian Provinces in the early years of the present century, giving employ- ment to many Indians who were not members of the Plains tribes. These shows played a definite role in diffusing such Plains Indian traits as the flowing-feather bonnet, the tipi, and the war dances of the Plains tribes to Indians who lived at very considerable distances from the Great Plains. A Cheyenne Indian who traveled with a med- icine show is reputed to have introduced the “war bonnet” among the Indians of Cape Breton Island as early as the 1890’s (Shaw, 1945, p- iv). Contacts with Plains Indian showmen at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo during 1901 encouraged New York State Seneca Indians to substitute the Plains type of feather bonnet for their tra- ditional crown of upright feathers, and to learn to ride and dance like the Plains Indians so that they could obtain employment with the pop- ular Indian shows of the period.t Carl Standing Deer, a professional sideshow and circus Indian, is credited with introducing the Plains Indian feather bonnet among his people, the Cherokee of North Caro- lina, in the fall of 1911.? The acceptance of typical Plains Indian costume, of the tipi, and some other traits of Plains Indian culture as standard “show Indian” equipment by Indians of other culture areas is revealed through study of 20th-century pictures. My collection of photographic prints, post cards, and newspaper clippings dating from the turn of the century shows Penobscot Indians of Maine wearing typical Plains Indian garb (women as well as men), dancing in front of their tipis at an Indian celebration in Bangor; a Yuma Indian brass band in Arizona, every member of which wears a complete Plains Indian costume; dancing Zia Pueblo Indians of New Mexico wearing flowing-feather bonnets; Cayuse Indians of Oregon posing in typical Plains Indian garb in front of a tipi (pl. 15, fig. 1) ; and a young Indian standing in front of a tipi in the town of Cherokee, N.C., to attract picture-taking tourists and to lure them into an adjacent curio shop (pl. 15, fig. 2). In 1958 I talked to a Mattaponi Indian in tidewater Virginia about the handsome Sioux-type feather bonnet he was wearing as he wel- comed visitors to the little Indian museum on his reservation. He was proud of the fact that he had made it himself, even to beading the brow- band. With that simple and irrefutable logic which so often appears in Indian comments on American culture, he explained : “Your women 1Communication from Dr. William N. Fenton, director, New York State Museum, June 12, 1964, *Communication from John Witthoft, anthropologist, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, August 2, 1964. 542 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 copy their hats from Paris because they likethem. We Indians use the styles of other tribes because we like them too.” The trend toward standardization in Indian costume based upon Plains Indian models has also been reflected in the art of some of the able painters of the Taos, N. Mex., art colony, for whom a sensi- tive interpretation of “Indianness” was more important than tribal consistency in detail. Likewise, it appears in prominently placed paintings purporting to commemorate significant historic events of the colonial period in the East. It is not difficult to recognize the Plains Indian costumes in Robert Reid’s mural “Boston Tea Party,” in the State House, Boston, or in Edward Trumbull’s “William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians” in the Capitol at Harrisburg, both of which were executed in the first quarter of this century. So perhaps it should not seem strange to see 19th-century Plains Indians sitting at the feast in Jennie Brownscombe’s appealing painting “The First Thanks- giving,” which hangs in Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, Mass. (pl. 16). THE PLAINS INDIAN AS A NATIONAL SYMBOL It is a fact that every American coin bearing any resemblance to a representation of an Indian has strong Plains Indian associations. Both the Indian-head penny, first minted in 1859, and the $10 gold piece designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens for issue in 1907 represent the artists’ conceptions of the Goddess of Liberty wearing a feathered bonnet. A number of Indians have claimed they were the models for the fine Indian head on the famous “buffalo nickel.” However, its designer, James Earle Fraser, in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, dated June 10, 1931, stated: “I used three different heads: I remember two of the men, one was Irontail, the best Indian head I can remember; the other one was Two Moons, and the third T cannot recall.” Significantly, the two models remembered by the artist were Plains Indians. Two Moons, the Cheyenne chief, had helped to “rub out” Custer’s force on the Little Big Horn. Strong-featured Iron Tail had repeatedly led the Sioux attack on the Deadwood Coach in Buf- falo Bill’s Wild West Show. (See pl. 17.) For 25 years after this coin was first minted in 1913—during the days when a nickel would purchase a ride on the New York subway, a cigar, or an ice-cream cone—this striking Indian head in association with the buffalo on the opposite side of the coin served to remind Americans of the Plains Indians. The only regular issue United States stamp to bear the portrait of an Indian is the 14-cent stamp issued May 30, 1923. Titled “American Indian,” it bears the likeness of Hollow Horn Bear, a handsome Sioux from the Rosebud Reservation, South Datota, who died in Washing- THE PLAINS INDIAN—EWERS 543 ton after participating in the parade after President Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration (pl. 18). In the solemn ceremonies marking the burial of the Unknown Soldier of World War I in Arlington Cemetery on November 11, 1921, one man was selected to place a magnificent feather bonnet upon the casket as a tribute from all American Indians to their country’s unknown dead. He was Plenty Coups, an aged, dignified war chief among the Crow Indians of Montana. This was one hundred years to the very month after the young Pawnee hero Petalesharro first appeared in the Nation’s capital wearing a picturesque flowing-feather bonnet. During the intervening century the war-bonneted Plains Indian emerged as the widely recognized symbol of the North American Indian. REFERENCES AMERICAN TURF REGISTER AND SPORTING MAGAZINE. 1829. Vol. I, No. 2. Baltimore. CATLIN, GEORGE. 1841. Letters and notes on the manners, customs and condition of the North American Indians. 2 vols. London. CooPER, JAMES FENIMORE. 1828. Notions of the Americans: Picked up by a traveling bachelor. 2 vols. Philadelphia. CustTER, GEORGE ARMSTRONG. 1872-73. My life on the Plains. The Galaxy. [Magazine.] Jn vols. 13-16. New York. DaRxtey, Ferrx O. C. 1843. Scenes in Indian life: A series of original designs portraying events in the life of an Indian chief. Drawn and etched on stone by Felix O. C. Darley. Philadelphia. EWErs, JOHN C. 1954. Charles Bird King, painter of Indian visitors to the Nation’s Capital. Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution for 1953. Frost, JOHN. 1852. The book of the Indians of North America, illustrating their manners, customs, and present state. Hartford, Conn. 1856. Indian wars of the United States from the earliest period to the present time. New York. GoopRIcH, REV. CHARLES AUGUSTUS. 1823. History of the United States. Hartford, Conn. GoopRicH, SAMUEL GRISWOLD. 1844. History of the Indians of North and South America. Boston. 1846. The manners, customs, and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America. Philadelphia. 1847. Parley’s primary histories. North America; or the United States and the adjacent countries. Louisville. 1860. The American child’s pictorial history of the United States. Phila- delphia. 766—746—65—44 544 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 JACKSON, DONALD. 1962. Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, with related documents, 1783-1854. Urbana, Ill. JAMES, EDWIN. 1823. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains performed in the years 1819 and 1820. 2 vols. and Atlas. Phila- delphia and London. JOHANNSEN, ALBERT. 1950. The house of Beadle and Adams and its dime and nickel novels. Norman, Okla. KEISER, ALBERT. 1933. The Indian in American literature. New York. LINDERMAN, FRANK BIrp. 1930. American. The life story of a great Indian, Plenty Coups, Chief of the Crows. Yonkers, N.Y. LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. 1856. Song of Hiawatha. London. McKENNEY, THOMAS L., and HALL, JAMES. 1836-44. History of the Indian tribes of North America. 3 vols. Phila- delphia. MoorE, WILLIAM V. 1856. Indian wars of the United States from the discovery to the present time. Philadelphia. Morton, SAMUEL GEORGE. 1839. Crania Americana; or a comparative view of the skulls of the various aboriginal nations of North and South America. Philadelphia. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. 1849. The California and Oregon Trail. New York. PETERS, Harry T. 1931. America on stone. Garden City, N.Y. RUSSELL, Don. 1960. The lives and legends of Buffalo Bill. Norman, Okla. SHaw, AVERY. 1945. A Micmac Glengarry. New Brunswick Museum. Saint John, New Brunswick. SmituH, DE Cost. 1910. Jean Francois Millet’s drawings of American Indians. The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 78-84. Tarr, LoRADO. 1925. The history of American sculpture. New York. TAFT, ROBERT. 1953. Artists and illustrators of the Old West, 1850-1900. New York. Wesster, NOAH. 1832. History of the United States. New Haven, Conn. WIepD-NEUWIED, MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIPP, PRINZ VON. 1839-41. Reise in das Innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834. Coblenz, Germany. PLATE 1 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers “SuUPIpUT SUITE] *OO8T ‘212d UOSTIEM SettVyD Aq ayjenoyjig 9 ‘voumeg uvoiqnday ‘e1ess: g IDV J c jo sueiqiod Ayiey (*A£19190G [BdIOISIFT YOK MAN AsowN0D) *FOST ‘uluoy\-1ule g Aq Bulmeip uokely *saBesQ OW] 243 JO JOD “T PEATE. 2 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers uvioo109g AsoqIN0D) PIO YL, Sunuted s ‘IZ8T fo o19y soumeg sepndod ‘orieyse[eiog (ay Jo Aroq) COST ‘soatiequosoidayy jo asnopy{ slop] mel “7 jenureg wolf [elod oC “IZ8I ‘Bury pag separya Aq yeniod eiiyy 968] “‘DNdIU Y 4440 NT fo Saqis], Uorpuy ay, fo K4sops1z7 S ‘ I[®@H pure d fQuuayojy ul ydeizoyiy ‘T Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers PLATE 3 BT) Mt 1. First published illustration of Plains Indian tipis, after Titian Peale’s field sketch on Major Long’s expedition to the Rocky Mountains of 1819-20. (1823) 2. Ongpatonga (Big Elk), Omaha Head Chief. Lithograph after a painting by John Neagle in 1821. Frontispiece in Samuel Morton’s Crania Americana, 1839. PLATE 4 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers UvIPUT suIeTg Jo ainjord Js9u0Id Vv Ne sAI f ‘Joyoeqsipuryy 119g Aq oft] “E7QT Iago ‘auizv3sp py 8u1z40do puv sasisay fin] uvoiaump ayy ut ydeszoyi 6781 {OO 4uUi WN 4 SL LOIN al: t V M4 UY C0 | “‘BUISIVY IOV AA XNOoIg PLATE 5 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers ‘Joyoeqsipury Jojag Aq ofl] uvIpUT su 2d fO ainqoid Josuoid V “OC8] “DI1LaU Y740 NJ fo SIQGId J UvIpUuT IY] 40 K10451 [7 SPH pure AduUd YoY ul ydeisoyqwy “oO RYN out sulunyy PLATE 6 .—Ewers Smithsonian Report, 1964 jo Buog, > ‘s1oyeIysniI uodn sduenguUl s.uI]eD 9810945 Jo ajdwexs uy ‘OS8T . PYIEMLIYY $,MO][9f3 UOT wolf ¢ SIMooy-3]nd-meq,, ac ‘OSST ‘SIDI pannus) ays fo savy UDIPUT $ d1OOT] “A UPRIMA wolf PRO EMO e Es "C a310e5) Aq "YOOq TST Si Wouy SuIeS “yaryo puoses UvpUP I, “‘sIvoq Ino all PLATE 7 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers ‘s1oje1ysnqI uodn souangur sulyyed jo aJdwexo Jayjouy “OS8I “521015 Pauly 7y2 fo SAD AL UvDIpUy § d1OOJT AN, UIP TTT A wolf gg JOLIE MA, YH) V;, “6 < ul[}e-) 2. B1095) Aq ‘uvIpuy CISL its) MO. ) e c I sty Wolf < WUOAIDAY-I9AC-sduinf-oy M\-2f],, *T PLATE 8 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers fo yoog sy] s ‘ sory uyof “TSR “vI1daMp Y140 NT fo suvipuy wosy st AdIVC *D ‘O XP Jovessny[I snow; oy Aq 9us0s URIPUT sIyy, ‘ulpIVD aBIoayy Joye ,“uNPT O[eyjng ueipuy,, *INOH O1VIANT NVIGNI es ee HAAS ¢ ae VA Nm a oe TTA RS five UW « PLATE 9 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers gst ‘ydeisoyqwy “ADIEC ‘S) ‘O X19, To}eIYSN][T snowret 2yy Aq 9U9IS ueIpuy uv ce “‘JUNFT 94} WOIF UINJOT,, PLATE 10 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers "S981 ul poqured “aysef poy jo [eM], ey], sAspurig xy uyof PLATE 11 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers HAGAN ‘Kjyaayy Sdedavyy “stave “Y eopoayy, Aq YoIys play ve Wo} < SSS | Ear PLATE 12 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers see ae Ste bid piu * oe ‘9681 “9329q CONIC Aq ydessoyIy ,,“1Y8IJ Ise] SJoisnD,, PLATE 13 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers (oAM “pod “oIUaD ]eoloasiET [Iq opeyn AMOLSIH NI JIDIHSA SNOWVS LSOW ‘“HOVOD GOOMGV30 IVNIDINO SHL Of TAOWMINT ; “ 4 gq Aso1ino0d) “L881 ‘MOUS 189 \\ PEM SAG Cepng SUISIJIIAPe Ja1s0g HOVOD ADVIS 3HLNO PLATE 14 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers (Courtesy la. Cyrus Dallin’s “The Medicine Man” in Fairmount Park, Philadelph ) jation Fairmount Park Art Assoc Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers PLATE 15 1. Cayuse Indians of Oregon. Photograph by Major Lee Moorhouse, ca. 1900. a me 2. Cherokee Indian “chiefing” for a curio shop in Cherokee, N.C. Photograph by the author, 1962. PLATE 16 Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers Tey wusyig jo As91.In0D) (‘sseJy ‘yznowAlg ‘ssepy ‘yanowdTg [ep] wuspig ur poigqryxe ‘(6[6] *¥9) equiossumorg otuuaf Aq ,SuIAtssyurY], SITY OL, Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers PLATE 17 AS 1. Iron Tail, Sioux, one of James Earle Fraser’s models for the Indian side of the “buffalo nickel.” 2. The “buffalo nickel,” first minted in 1913. Smithsonian Report, 1964.—Ewers PLATE 18 Hollow Horn Bear, Sioux Indian model for the 14-cent “American Indian” stamp shown in the inset. ‘The stamp was issued May 30, 1923. INDEX A Abbot, C. G., xiii Accessions, 114, 191, 219, 243, 261 Library, 261 National Air Museum, 243 National Collection of Fine Arts, 191 National Gallery of Art, 219 National Museum, 18 National Zoological Park, 114 Adey, W. H., vii Adrosko, Rita R., vii Ahmanson, Howard F., x Ailes, Stephen, Secretary of the Army, xi Akers, Floyd D., x Allen, Maj. Gen. Brooke E., U.S. Air Force, ix American Historical Association, 270 Anderson, Clinton P., Regent of the Institution, v, 293 Andrews, A. J., vi Angel, J. L., vi Anglim, J. E., viii Appropriations, 6, 153, 218 National Gallery of Art, 218 National Zoological Park, 153 River Basin Surveys, 6, 83 Astrophysical Observatory, viii, xiii, 6, 157 Astrophysical Research Division, 157 Publications, 177, 187 Radiation and Organisms Division, 184 Report, 157 Staff, viii, ix, 183 Austin, O. L., xii Avrett, E., viii B Ballard, Murray C., 272 Battison, E. A., vii Battle, Lucius D., Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, x Becker, Ralph E., x Becklund, W. W., xii Bedini, 8. A., vii eets, Virginia, vii Beggs, Thomas M., Special Assistant for Fine Arts, v Bell, Daniel W., x Benjamin, C. R., xii Benson, R. H., vii Billings, K. LeMoyne, xi Bishop, P. W., vii Blake, Doris H., xii Blanchard, Ruth E., Librarian, vi, 264 Boardman, R. &., Borneo, Stone Age Culture (Tom Harris- son, 521 Borthwick, Mrs. Doris E., vii Bow, Frank T., Regent of the Institu- tion, v Bowen, Catherine Drinker, xi Bowman, T. E., vi Boyd, Julian P., xi Boyle, W. E., vii Bradley, James C., Assistant Secretary of the Institution, v Bredin, J. Bruce, xii Breech, Ernest R., x Briggs, R. W., viii Bronfman, Edgar M., x Brown, J. Carter, ix Brown, John Nicholas, Regent of the Institution, v, xi Brown, Sanborn C. (The edge of science), 401 Brown, W. L., xii, xiii Bunche, Ralph J., x Burden, William A. M., Regent of the Institution, v Bureau of American Ethnology, viii, xiii, 6, 80, 110 Archives, 107 Editorial work and _ publications, 109 Illustrations, 110 Report, 80 River Basin Surveys, 83 545 vii 546 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Bureau of American Ethnology—Con. | Cooper, Mrs. Grace R., vii Staff, viii, 110 Systematic researches, 80 Buzas, M. A., vii Byrd, Mrs. Mabel A., vi Cc Cahill, James F., ix Cairns, Huntington, ix, 230 Campbell, J. M., xi Canal Zone Biological Area, x, xiii, 231 Buildings and equipment, 233 Finances, 6, 234 Plans, 234 Rainfall, 231, 232 Report, 231 Research activities, 232 Cannon, Clarence, Regent of the Insti- tution, 5 Cannon, W. F., vii Carleton, N. P., viii Carmichael, Leonard, ix, xii Carriker, M. A., Jr., xii Cartwright, O. L., vi Casey, L. 8., x Castrodale, Anne, vii Celebrezze, Anthony J., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, member of the Institution, v, x Chace, F. A., Jr., vi Chapelle, H. L., vii Chase, Mrs. Agnes, 68 Cifelli, Richard, vii Clain-Stefanelli, Mrs. Elvira, viii Clain-Stefanelli, Vladimir, viii Clark, Ailsa M., xii Clark, Joseph §., x Clarke, Gilmore D., ix Clarke, J. F. G., vi Clarke, R.S. Jr., vii Cochran, Doris M., vi Cogswell, W. N., ix Collins, H. R., vii Collins, Henry B., Acting Director, Bureau of American Ethnology, viii, 80, 110 Collins, J. A., Chief, International Ex- change Service, viii, 78 Colombo, G., viii Conger, P. S., vii Cook, A. F., viii Cooke, C. W., xii Cooper, G. A., vii Correll, D. L., ix Cott, Perry B., ix Cowan, Clyde L. (Anatomy of an Ex- periment: Account of the Discovery of the Neutrino), 409 Cowan, R. S., vi Crabill, R. E., Jr., vi Crawford, Frederick C., xiii Crocker, W. H., vi Cross, Page, ix Cutress, C. E., Jr., vi D Darling, F. Fraser (The Unity of Ecolo- gy), 460 Daughters of the American Revolution, Society of, 271 Davis, D. R., vi Davis, R. J., viii DeFelice, J., viii Deignan, H. G., xii Desautels, P. E., vii Deschler, Lewis, xi Diamonds, Man-Made (C.G. Suits), 439 Dillon, Douglas, Secretary of the Treas- ury, member of the Institution, v, ix Doolittle, James H. (Lt. Gen., U.S.A.F. ret.), xX Dowling, Robert W., xi Drake, C. J., xii Dressler, Robert L., x Duckworth, W. D., vi Dugan, C. H., viii Dunkle, D. H., vii Dutro, J. T., xii E Ecology, The unity of (F. Fraser Dar- ling), 460 Edelen, Mrs. Eloise B., 109, 269 Education, Smithsonian’s role in, 1 Edwards, J. L., ix Eisenhower, Mrs. Dwight D., x Elstad, V. B., ix Emerson, K. C., xii Ernst, W. R., vi Errington, Paul L. (The Phenomenon of Predation), 507 Ettinghausen, Richard, ix INDEX Evans, Clifford, Jr., vi Ewers, John C., vii (The Emergence of the Plains Indian as the Symbol of the North Ameri- can Indian), 531 Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, v, 274 Report, 274 Exhibitions, National Gallery of Art, 223 National Museum, 53 Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, ix, 195 Explorations and fieldwork, 35, 80, 83 Bureau of American Ethnology, 80 National Museum, 35 River Basin Surveys, 83 Eyde, R. H., vii F Fauntleroy, Travis E., viii Fazio, G. G., viii Fehlmann, H. A., vii Feidler, Ernest R., ix Ficken, Robert W., xii Field, J. E. (Fracture of Solids), 431 Field, W. D., vi Finances, 6, 153, 274, 278, 292 Audit, 292 Endowments, summary of, 274, 278 Executive Committee Report, 274 National Zoological Park, 153 Private funds, 274, 279, 281, 284, 286 See also Appropriations. Finley, David S., ix, xi Finn, B. S., vii Fireman, E. L., viii Fleming, Robert V., Regent of the In- stitution, v, 293 Flint, O. 8., Jr., vi Fracture of Solids (J. E. Field), 431 Franklin, F., viii Freeman, Orville L., Secretary of Agri- culture, member of the Institution, v Freer Gallery of Art, ix, xiii, 201 Attendance, 207 Auditorium, 207 Building and grounds, 206 Changes in exhibitions, 203 Collections, 201 Fund, 278 766—-746—_65——45 547 Freer Gallery of Art—Continued Lectures by staff members, 210 Library, 203 Photographic laboratory and sales desk, 206 Publications, 204 Repairs to the collection, 203 Report, 201 Staff activities, 209 Technical laboratory, 210 Friedmann, Herbert, xii Froeschner, R. C., vi Fulbright, J. William, Regent of the Institution, v, x Furlong, W. R., xiii G Garber, P. E., x Gardner, P. V., vii Garrett, Mrs. George A., x Gazin, C. L., vii Gettens, Rutherford J., ix Gibbs, R. H., Jr., vi Gibson, G. D., vi Gingerich, O., viii Goins, C. R., Jr., viii Goldberg, B., ix Goldberg, L., viii Goodrich, Lloyd, ix Grabar, Oleg, xiii Graf, John E., xi Gray, Clinton W., viii Greenewalt, Crawford H., Regent of the Institution, v Greenwood, Mrs. Arthur M., xii Greeson, O. H., Chief, Photographic service division, vi Griffith, F. O., vii Grimmer, J. L., viii Gronouski, John A., Postmaster Gen- eral, member of the Institution, v Grossi, M., viii Guest, Grace Dunham, xiii H Hale, M. E., Jr., vii Hamarnebh, S. K., vii Hancock, Walker, ix Handley, C. O., Jr., vi Harrison, J. H., ix Harrisson, Tom (50,000 Years of Stone Age Culture in Borneo), 521 548 Hartzog, George B., Director of the National Park Service, x Haskins, Caryl P., Regent of the Insti- tution, v, 293 Hawkins, Gerald §., viii (The Secret of Stonehenge), 307 Hayes, Bartlett H., Jr., ix Hayes, E. Nelson (The Smithsonian’s Satellite-Tracking Program: lts His- tory and Organization, Part 3), 315 Henderson, E. P., vii Henkle, L. L., vii Henry, Joseph, papers, 7 Herber, E. C., xii Hilger, Sister M. Inez, xiii, 110 Hobbs, H. H., Jr., vi Hodge, P. V., viii Hodges, Luther H., Secretary of Com- merce, member of the Institution, v Holland, C. G., xi Hoover, Mrs. Cynthia A., vii Hopkins, P. S., Director, National Air Museum, x, 246 Hotton, Nicholas III, vii Howell, E. M., viii Howland, R. H., vii Hoyme, Lucile E., vi Hueber, F. M., vii Hull, F. M., xii Hume, 1. N., xii Humphrey, P. §., vi Hunsaker, Jerome C., Regent of the Institution, v I Information program, 272 Insects, Work in Groups (John Sudd), 489 International Exchange Service, viii, 6, 69 Foreign depositories of govern- mental documents, 71 Interparliamentary exchange of of- ficial journals, 74 List of services, 70 Report, 69 Irvin, John N. 11, ix Irvine, W. M., viii Irving, Laurence, xii Izsak, I. G., viii ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 J Jacchia, L. G., viii Jackson, M. H., viii Jellison, W. L., xii John F. Kennedy Center for the Per- forming Arts, x, 10, 247 Administrative changes, 250 Architectural planning, 251 Board of Trustees, x, 248 Financial report, 254 Fine arts accessions committee, 251 Future prospects, 252 General Services Administration, 250 Memorial committee, 251 Organization, 247 Progress during 1963-1964, 248 Report, 247 Johnson, D. H., vi Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States, member of the Insti- tution and presiding officer ex officio, v Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B., x Judd, N. M., xi K Kainen, Jacob, vii Kalkofen, W.., viii Kauffman, E. G., vii Kellogg, Remington, xii Kendall, E. C., vii Kennedy, J. A., director of personnel, vi Kennedy, Mrs. John F., x Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General, member of the Institution, v Keppel, Francis, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Education, x Kier, P. M., vii Kintner, Mrs. Jean, xi Kirwan, Michael J., Institution, v Klapthor, Mrs. Margaret Brown, vii Klein, W. H., viii, 184 Knez, E. I., vi K6hnlein, W., viii Kozai, Y., vili Kreeger, David Lloyd, xi Kullerud, Gunner, xii Regent of the INDEX L Lachner, E. A., vi Lane, F. C., xiii Langley Medal presentation, 9 Lasker, Mrs. Albert D., x Laughlin, Robert M., viii Lautman, D. A., viii Lawless, B. W., viii Lea, John §S., 267 Lectures, 10, 210, 226 Lehfeldt, H. J., ix Lellinger, D. B., vi Leonard, E. C., xii Lewis, Wilmarth S., ix, xi Library, 261 Acquisitions, 261 Branch libraries, 262 Cataloging and binding, 262 Freer Gallery of Art, 203 National Collection of Fine Arts, 197 National Gallery of Art, 227 Programs and facilities, 263 Reference and circulation, 262 Report, 261 Staff activities, 263 Summarized statistics, 263 Life beyond the Earth, The Quest for (Carl Sagan), 297 Lindsay, G. Carroll, curator, Smith- sonian Museum Service, vi Loehr, Max, xiii Loercher, L., ix Long, A., ix Lundeberg, P. K., viii Lundquist, Charles, viii Lyon, Roland, ix Lyttleton, R. A. (How Mountains Are Formed), 351 M Mahon, George H., Regent of the Institution, v Man-Made Diamonds—A Progress Re- port (C. G. Suits), 439 Manning, R. B., vi Manship, Paul, ix Martin, R.., viii Marvin, O. B., viii Maxwell, A. E., see Spiess and Maxwell, 373 McCall, Francis J., 68 McCandless, Byron, xiii McCarthy, Mrs. Eileen M., 271 McClure, F. A., xii 549 McCrane, Marion, viii McCrosky, R. E., viii Mcellhenny, Henry P., ix MelIntosh, Allen, xii McKay, E. W., xii McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense, member of the Institution, Vv, xi Meany, George, x Meggers, Betty J., xi Melder, K. E., vii Mellon, Paul, ix Merzbach, Uta C., vii Meyer, R. B., x Michaels, Andrew F., Jr., buildings man- ager, vi Miller, J. J., II, vii Mills, Deborah J., vii Mitler, H., viii Mitrakos, K., ix Moore, J. P., xii Morrison, J. P. E., vi Morton, C. V., vi Mountains, Formation of (R. A. Lyt- tleton), 351 Moynihan, M. H., Director, Canal Zone Biological Area, x, 235 Muesebeck, C. F., xii Mullin, Philip J., xi Multhauf, R. P., vii Mumford, L. Quincy, Librarian of Con- gress, X Murphy, Franklin D., ix Murray, Mrs. Anne W., vii Museum of History and Technology, Vil, xii, 0 Museum of Natural History, vi, xi See also National Museum. Museums, Smithsonian cooperation with, 2 N National Air Museum, ix, xiii, 6, 236 Accessions, 243 Advisory board, 237 Assistance to Government Depart- ments, 238 Exhibits, 238 Reference material, 238 Report, 236 Special events, 237 Specimens, repair, preservation, and restoration, 238 National Armed Forces Museum Ad- visory Board, xi, 6, 11 550 National Collection of Fine Arts, ix, 6, 190 Accessions, 191 Alice Pike Barney Memorial Fund, 193 Art works lent and returned, 192, 193 Catherine Walden Myer Fund, 191, 193 Henry Ward Ranger Fund, 193 Library, 197 Paintings purchased, 194 Report, 190 Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service, 195 Special exhibitions and events, 199 Staff activities, 198 Study collection, 192 National Gallery of Art, ix, 217 Accessions, 219 Appropriations, 218 Attendance, 219 Audit of private funds, 230 Concerts, 229 Curatorial activities, 224 Educational program, 226 Exchange of works of art, 220 Exhibitions, 223 Extension services, 227 Gifts, 219, 220 Index of American Design, 228 Lectour, 229 Library, 227 Maintenance of buildings and grounds, 228 Organization, 217 Personnel, 218 Publications, 225 Publications fund, 225 Report, 217 Restoration, 225 Traveling exhibitions, 224 Works of art on loan, 221 National Museum, vi, 6, 18 Buildings and equipment, 66 Collections, 18 Docent service, 65 Exhibitions, 53 Organization and staff changes, 66 Report, 18 Research, exploration, and field- work, 35 National Portrait Gallery, xi, 6, 257 Commission, 257, 258 Report, 257 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 National Zoological Park, viii, xiii, 6, 11s Births, 111 Capital improvements, 155 Cooperation, 153 Deposits, 116 Exchanges, 116 Finances, 6, 153 Friends of the National Zoo, 154 Gifts, 114 Information and education, 152 Personnel, viii, xiii, 148 Police division, 150 Purchases, 118 Report, 111 Research, 146 Safety subcommittee, 152 Veterinarian report, 143 Visitors, 147 Neutrino, Account of Discovery of (Clyde L. Cowan), 409 Newland, K. E., x Nicholas, D. J. D. (How Do Microbes “Fix”? Nitrogen From the Air?), 449 Nicolson, D. H., vi Nitrogen, Fixation (D. J. D. Nicholas), 449 Nitze, Paul H., xi Norweb, R. Henry, xii Noyes, R. W., viii O Oceanography, The Future of (Spilhaus), 361 Oehser, Paul H., Chief, editorial and, publications division, vi, 273 Office of Exhibits, viii Olin, C. H., conservator, U.S. National Museum, viii Olin, Mrs. Jacqueline S., viii Olsson, A. A., xii Ostroff, Eugene, vii My Parker, Mrs. Kittie F., xii Pawson, D. L., vi Pearson, Joan Jockwig, xii Pearson, Mrs. Louise M., administra- tive assistant to the Secretary, v Perkins, William H., Jr., xi Perry, K. M., vii Perrygo, W. M., vi Peterson, M. L., viii Pettibone, Marian H., vi INDEX Phenomenon of Predation, The (Paul L. Errington), 507 Pierce, J. N., vii Plains Indian, as Symbol of North American Indian (John C. Ewers), 531 Pleissner, Ogden M., ix Pope, John A., Director, Freer Gallery of Art, ix, 216 Pope, Mrs. Annemarie, Special Assist- ant for Traveling Exhibition Study, v Powars, Mrs. Nancy Link, 265, 273 Predation, Phenomenon of (Paul L. Errington), 507 Prescott, Mrs. Phyllis W., 110, 273 Price, J, xii Price, L., ix, xii Publications and Information, 265 American Historical Association, 270 Astrophysical Observatory, 177, 270 Bureau of American Ethnology, 109, 269 Distribution, 271 Freer Gallery of Art, 204 National Collection of Fine Arts, 270 National Herbarium, 268 National Museum, 267 Program, 265, 272 Report, 265 Report National Society, Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, 271 Reports American Historical As- sociation, 270 Reprints, 273 Smithsonian Annual Reports, 266 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- tion, 265 Staff changes, 273 R Rabor, Dioscoro §&., xii Radiation and Organisms, Division of, viii, 184 Publications, 187 Report, 184 Staff changes, 159 Ray, C. E., vii Reed, T. H., Director National Zoo- logical Park, viii, 156 Regents, Board of, v Rehder, H. A., vi 551 Reid, Mrs. Charlotte T., x Relativity, Recent Events in (Milton A. Rothman), 385 Research, Smithsonian emphasis on, 3 Reynolds, Richard §., Jr., x Rhoades, Katherine N., xiii Richardson, Edgar P., ix Ricketson, Frank H., Jr., x Riesenberg, S. H., vi Ripley, S. Dillon, Secretary of the In- stitution, v, ix, x, xi, 1, 68 Ritterbush, Philip C., Special Assistant for Scientific Matters, v River Basin Surveys, vii, 6, 83 Appropriations, 6, 83 Fieldwork, 83 Missouri Basin, 87 Virginia, 107 Idaho-Oregon, 107 Report, 83 Washington office, 85 Roberts, Frank H. H., xiii Robinson, H. E., vii Rolff, J., viii Rosenwald, Lessing J., ix Rosewater, Joseph, vi Roth, Rodris C., vii Rothman, Milton A. (Recent Events in Relativity), 385 Roy, Edgar L., Treasurer, v Rudd, Velva E., vi Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State, mem- ber of the Institution, v, ix Russell, Findlay E. (Venomous Animals and Their Toxins), 477 8 Sagan, Carl E., viii, 297 (The Quest for Life Beyond the Earth), 297 Saltonstall, Leverett, Regent of the In- stitution, v, x Sawyer, Charles H., ix Schaller, W. T., xii Scheele, C. H., viii Schmitt, W. L., xii Schoech, Vice Adm. William A., U.S. Navy, ix Schultz, L. P., vi Schwartz, Benjamin, xii Science, The Edge of (Sanborn C. Brown), 401 Science Information Exchange, 12 Scott, David W., Acting Director, Na- tional Collection of Fine Arts, ix, 200 552 Secretary of the Institution (S. Dillon Ripley), v, ix Setzer, H. W., vi Setzler, F. M., xi Shetler, 8. G., vi Shouse, Mrs. Jouett, x Shropshire, W., viii Shryock, Richard H., xi Skalafuris, A., viii Slowey, J., viii Smith, L. B., vi Smith, Neal G., x Smithson Bicentennial, 7 Smithsonian Art Commission, ix, 190 Smithsonian Institution, Board of Re- gents, 5 Consolidated fund, 275 Establishment, 5 Finances, 6, 274 International activities, 4 Members of, v Parent fund, 274 Private funds, 279, 281, 284, 286 Summary of accomplishments, 1963-1964, 1 Visitors, 6, 8, 147 Smithsonian Institution Traveling Ex- hibition Service, ix, 195 Exhibits contained from prior years, 195 Exhibits initiated in 1964, 196 Smithsonian Museum Service, 14 Smithsonian’s Satellite-Tracking Pro- gram: Its History and Organization, Part 3, The (E. Nelson Hayes), 315 Snyder, Thomas E., xii (Our Native Termites), 497 Soderstrom, T. R., vi Solids, Fracture of (J. E. Field), 431 Solomon, L., viii Soper, C. C., xiii Southworth, R. B., viii Spangler, P. J., vi Spiess, F. N., and Maxwell, (Search for the Thresher), 373 Spilhaus, Athelstan (The Future of Oceanography), 361 Springer, V. G., vi Squires, D. F., vi Steiner, A. M., ix Stephenson, R. L., viii, 83 Stern, Harold P., ix Stern, W. L., vii Stevens, Roger L., x Stevenson, J. A., xii A. E. ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1964 Stewart, T. D., Acting Assistant Sec- retary of the Institution, v, vi Stirling, M. W., xiii Stonehenge, The Secret of (Gerald S. Hawkins), 307 Strong, L. Corrin, x Sturtevant, W. C., viii Sudd, John (How Insects Work in Groups), 489 Suits, C. G. (Man-Made Diamonds— A Progress Report), 439 Swallen, J. R., vi Switzer, G. S., vii T Talbert, D. G., ix Taylor, F. A., Director, U.S. National Museum, vi, vii, 68 Taylor, Theodore W., Assistant to the Secretary, v, 260 Taylor, W. R., vi Taylor, W. W., Jr., xi Termites, Our Native (T. E. Snyder), 497 Thompson, Frank, x Thresher, Search for (F. N. Spiess and A. E. Maxwell), 373 Tilles, D., viii Tillinghast, C. W., viii Tobin, W. J., xi Tobriner, Walter N., President, D.C. Board of Commissioners, x Todd, Frederick P., xi Traub, Robert, xii Tretick, Julius, viii U Udall, Stewart L., Secretary of the Interior, member of the Institution, Vv United States National Museum, vi, xi Report, 18 Vv Van Arsdale, Mrs. Dorothy, ix Van Beek, G. W., vi Veis, G., viii Venomous Animals and Their Toxins (Findlay E. Russell), 477 Verville, Alfred V., xiii Visitors, 6, 8, 147 Vogel, R. M., vii INDEX W Walker, E. P., xiii Walker, John, Director, National Gal- lery of Art, ix, xi Wallen, I. E., vii Walton, William, Chairman, Commis- sion of Fine Arts, x Waring, A. J., Jr. xiii, 110 Warner, William, Consultant to the Secretary for international activities, v Warren, Earl, Chief Justice of the United States, Chancellor, v, ix, xi Washburn, Henry Bradford, Jr., xi Washburn, W. E., vii Waters, William N., Jr., Chairman, D.C. Recreation Board, x Watkins, C. M., vii Watkins, W. N., xii Watson, G. E., vi Wedel, W. R., vi Weiss, Helena M., Registrar, vi Weitzman, S. H., vi Welsh, P. C., vii Wengenroth, Stow, ix 553 Wetmore, Alexander, ix, xii Whipple, F. L., Director, Astrophysical Observatory, viii, 189 White, J. H., Jr., vii Whitney, C. A., viii Whitney, John Hay, ix Wilding, A. W., Chief, supply division, vi Wilson, Mrs. Mildred &., xii Wirtz, W. Willard, Secretary of Labor, member of the Institution, v Wood, J., viii Woodbury, Nathalie F. S., xi Woodbury, R. B., vi Woodring, W. P., xii Wright, A. G., viii Wright, F. W., viii Wright, Jim, x Wurdack, J. J., vi Z Zuckert, Eugene M., Secretary of the Air Force, xi Zusi, R. I., vi U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1965 oie bs i eae hi id * ; » Fiofad 4 , ‘on ‘ ¥ 1 1 al set) f i ‘ i =, | i . | T ai! it my Rei r 7 La a ’ Crt eae yeni ae 1) tals By Ht a per ve je BHM Wi : Nea ‘i banhiity: Me ue LAL ut mull at: j ry is ue } . t . i * “ Df, 4 i) ieee Riar Hy iw pire nha A DAD ie 4 ws Fy © j ” "est Sti fenton KR) Wiig 7 rt ate @ oe Deus era aaNy salle ¥en & ‘i: a eect Roe rs ae Le wets i Any } 44) " uN a 4 - ‘ md UY gs a od ne hy eae oi pA é nt Lai ee 4 ti} shea sss \ , ae ' vw 7 j Tt af if ' Wh , ee she if J An } ’ : y f ey, a ee 2b y¥i ‘| ae loa oe aH Neel | J NAS NG TES ae 8 } % Ps, a is mate tare } a : Fo i, e, n f f “ wil | ba Leak ———— ———