THE ANNUAL REPORT of the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 PLEAS hVlW LiUlXi: STATE DOCUMENTS MONTANA STATE L'cr/RV 9SQ East Lyncb!^; Aectfully eufcwitted herewith Is the armual reiiort of lUg 0«|NartM«it of Agriculture in conformance to Se .ti. 15«47. The repo»t covers the flscel year July 1, i. 30. 190S and iixiludes financial data for the several div Including izwoan mA d^endlture with renalnlng talanees mk oi June S0» 196S. I am plAsced to st:if-d t?mt the dapartMsnt opersted well within itfi budget for the statistical inrorraaticm ae to iaepeotians, fees, licenM» asM collect iosue ~ ^ of the •Gfi^ of wox-k in insurii^ Mholaeane nroductK ans cn\-\- suaer. Valiy of crone produced in Hontoi^j} for t ie as follows: i96«^-f>6 Hey B&rley Potatoes All other crops TOTAL - Ail Main Crops I^ TTO^Iiiy DOLLAM i9m $im,0Q'i 12,532 7.607 10 ,298 250,170 136S $1. 'j,270 2 '.I r- 27^4, 2U*t St ATE ...JMEflTS 9:.. He;.. Avenue •i-ua 59501 Pag* 2. Production o) wlieat, M tnconas leading in? t;r7C, ^JKfQ buirtisl£» 1%) ^ '^ :•-<.•■' fi f5»n .-i yoar- . lion, fliq^^lenent wturat aet a np-. - _ -...- Gquallod th i 1.1. Hay; pioduoti ns, i|> .. ' y*ar ftssa 23 -2VC*- , -lie lar;,.-'t.L . . . llod solo eUTKl the averaga yiald of 3!j!.Q Uishelji per acxHi! was utalled . jad at In c«rtlfl- mon. Winter _ ^8 p«r cere set a nov cool «Bd net mA HM co«. a -^s MRtti doMR taeauBc ui -it Kigsr b««ta« elf Alfa tated i 000 tons .;;., !.c»iot.' ■■ . The cheii> ! ;.„,. -9 il Liv««tock & Livestock P Crops Govemnent Pay»snt« 195t|* ----- Dollars 203,272,000 191,078^000 47,2SG,CKJ0 227,500,000 180,00n r>on ij7,50u,oau total • Official U.6.O.A. E«. ** BMWd on rfMS«ls»ts ttirouifii D tptmrnSmaiimm end are not oli th L fcr above ire. mx,e ■' i;!^5,ooo,ooo for 1 ' Jrainary " " " Movwnber 1 booet k are coneidtiral:^ r«jcelt>tii xi'ijBtt »«Aw fji v^:i-«|>e ore telow Cash receiiJta froia tlie eel ' ' and cr':jr>a iMtre 8ii>i>T«iiontod by sl$.prt J and fee' /ograeui, ^.r.. .^ --' ••'■•^■' -tonte. Tiic .oC.k:.1 o. it . .... Lion . - ' — ^ • roducts K»nt8 jc at Page 3, rain: the i. T!>e year 19u5 vmfi a good px^oducticai ye«r and th» abimdant 98 good grasJUiig pt 1 and suiKSoll moleture foi' lUMpect fully 8uhai!:tc■ f'"-" c^.i.„.;a ar«i Iivith ». '_on8J.tiu aux Chff following tiuti^sj.^ ^v* Liv-th votaneicii.1 i i««r ragltitretlon applications with accompli he JLabala conform to ' m Iab> sist«. fihsnvver peeai aetl m<, . _ fertiliser s, bIon4era, and dealei^ in the production, label ing« •ad I ■ ■ ' ■ va px>odiX!t8 In ardar i ^ aat i . . vw, but ala«j th()s« o- triilch control interatat© coRiiwrc-o. Fie act cooBiercisl In the state to a«e that ihoy aixj ^ r«gi«tere(i. ►-•,.ii:t.r:.'il suid labeled '6 >res&nci.^tlvb ^an^iles uf ttm v tr.'"-- ■•- ■'■•^ —,.•......-.., ^ ^-^aaft s^not^JL^gs ar. w- .^nnel and labor- the gAMuraiit««di analysis, the rr CoamlMilflne" -•''" ''^.— '-■•Uusif^, th. , viio of fere- for v publi^ted and ia «ivuijUbl«! or 3 Bi*e k Ct— wrcifal f««4« KaglsteiiK^ ConKrcial fa«ds Groaa Anntied Value* CaaBerclel r^rtillter registered !'l&f>ta 1,U02 2.3 ($13,091,852.41) 8«4 73,S63,9 11 MIKY OIVISIOM Bairy Divtrlor of the Mfwitano D«partnK?nt cf Aj^riciltxire'* scope of activities include : and r«it ; product l-nts, dairy pz*oductc: ' product i>.';i mui otiiv vi egS** Ive interests of consunsra, '■■'. "■'■'■ '--suBieMi are 1 vel , to I |: and e^gs. T lucers . (t; nd ejige uot. . tiy provi .'nntitiou. While most of our ti«ork io r ry. an excellent viK»i«king relntion- 0 1^..-^ ,. - — where the dairy rji " t- . - - rcaulte of th ;. At ICtiSt «2vcry Ot ^^ packeu L:s on the Uk with the store or pX. y i.^ Ik . . .. ,.. (. . - _ on a p- . . bents for a«« j;: t by the U. S. Dcpartm^tt of i^ieulture uj: ■ ' ■ ■ • ■ ..- uiiu i.'itJgram . producer m purchMM n\ Dairy plar these srt> tiwit taay ttave ailc'ci.%^3 tite milk xwl^ c r : ? Idmen of i* et^/ .... vf?! or ui..ii. -■.--■ i i& j, I'uviui'u tiu«.< ' •. ; <-'.• ..,., „ ...:. .., 1 . I , lat i SfR t: .t. • • • o.,. teste on factore Oi IrMi milk. Lry Division routinely visit retail stores , gx^ade, weiglit and labeling of dairy ir cQnt>lianee w^i-i '-ho .ir.-.f f> if. WORK DAIRY DIVIMOM 1. Total LicansM Issusd 1,S77 2. £sS8* Dulry products ^ Olaomai^arinet poultry and atoce in^toctlcms l,b79 3. Sanitary InBpdctlon of plctnte raanufacturlag dairy producte 1,271 •», Quality teete on dfilry products 2,686 5. Dozens of crcTE cy}??cl4ed for nroncr ^rade 2B5»1S3 6. .1^;.. c;i oi eyg scaXs sold 9*270,000 7. Butttfrlet tests for dairy products 2,225 8. Milk creem Ijuttorfat teste rian to check accuracy of sa^l J weighing milk irora form tank 1,718 9. Trips on pickup bulk raiJ-k tanks to cSieck accuracy of saniilini, and i-?eighing milk fro« farm tank 301 10. Pounds oi poultry inspected d for UStt^ (chickens and tu 23S,025 11. Gold Seal FaiTO Inspections 223 12. Babcock and Egg Gradets Iiis^actions 161 13. Wholesale Egg and Butter Inspections 20B lU. Official tix MisccllanGous csile 596 15. Fvosen ^c,.^JO - Cane Ine%)ect»d 1,583 STATC GRAIN Li^ w wkY DIVISION The Mont-"- nrain Ij-- -*^ •-• ' -^ - — iM..t^t.-..^ ,., ►k,.. 'v^'^tana Dspartaent oi' Ag. .-ie, pt .i- mentatiun Value, and ufficial viiei^ti to the gz-tiin industry . The inain Iclx'JrBtoiy t« sst Gr«n of the .1. hi i,i «»in fci>- Pi. v.^.^. . .w - ^-.;... is in <•(...,-.- ion with the Mo;..— - StuCe Univeitity ion. r\yn : votein I'-'^i * .J. secti-'-i>» •'" I'Oth laboratoiies ai-e members of ttw Pac ' i>4e8t V oi AiTi iation of Cet^el Chemists. Such raein -i^k on prottin totting procedure by means of a colaburw.. — — ^ ..,— _. adii arul , ox vlts! h': __ -^ i-lfit' l-KJsii. icroent ' two. Frotgln pt-amlums based on tenths of a ■.:: are paid to - \- ' ■ ■ •■' - ', • -V: : ^ ■'- - -T- ^cal broken kernels, Xroat daBUtge, sprout t and other l. ractozs. ' 'fiod personnel determine this quux^Luy m an unbl .: . Ihe Great Falls has ; .;1 sti y and Le' -'r^ ■-■■ . ■' --•..— -^ ;>-. ^.-. ^ .„,i,.u-i^j3j St. . , . s of grain and B&nd c! to treat *alie tor testing. Offiplal RtBte weighf-TB stationed at the Tarrer grain torwiijials at Crwit Falls '- the w ,5 of t grain ijc'-^ -'^ we-<.i_.iu., ai^ ujj.v. ... swelling loss cli. uds. "T '- alec , :. -^iu Falls under the itontana Mustard ; by ti -, laturc for adoption in IJ'u. !< iivceiytoince and are t of Ca..^«,^ i- .-.-. T Ln Inspect icM^ • Lot ut Gieat Falls and ton sre ret, . .' .'be self su^.- , u .» loe LjisIs. Besides ■ self am^portlng , five percent of the gross revenue is deposited to the state il fund. GRAIN smJMtfBB AMP MMMCETINC GKJiAT FALLS lABORATORY Pr^tei "-—'-: '-ads 17,358 Uu , o 21.6U7 Grade Det«rm.uiatlon Carloads 2<4.222 SuLmitted SMVtIes 19,116 Iteialiins - Carloads 9,M2U Sedimentation Tests 69H HAKLOWXON lABORAIORY Protoin Tests CuriooUs 1,3U9 Subnltted Sanfiles t>,55B Grade Determination Carloads 1,«<20 Submitted Saii¥)le8 937 ••dimentaticsi 592 Contamination Tests 27 Malting Tests (Carloads Baxley) 6 TOZALS BOTH LABORATORIES Protc'in Tests > Carloads & ^italtted Sfia|)les (iU,912 Grade " Ttinat ion-Car loads & Suhnitted 8ampl9a MS,69S Ssdim n Tests 1,286 Co. -8 27 Ma I (iwrley) 5 We. . ds 9,»i28 Greln Dp ' ubllc Warehouaenan Llc«is«s ^00 GxfciR D or Xrsck Buyer LicenSQS 7 Grain Oeaic^r Licenses 78 Agricultural Seed Buyers 5 Mustard Seed Conti-factors 3 maXCULXURAL INSrcCXIGIJ AND QUARANTIM8 WONICE ffftt^i-jnr, ^_7m Pou|s^ Codos of Mfi'-^i'-i i ' i L > tMaijr 'T«f» "TTio TJ,'>iir.r»|;„ mmnt of Agr ':hCJ lawB Lij tiie protc, ... of HontMia/' he Divlslcen oi' •;j; -" tlto . 6i of the rMora] .-State cor-='' ' — - -' - ct- Of prot.u All n «] J di, .:=. • Mi'r. ^rvinfan ar« «i7, Iprt to r\:Tl r.t rll t-imes. They : In tl of fruits o, 88 vifoil as ( to it's '?t clt .viui v: tho Dlvielon ticuJtaro ' * ■ t ;■ rieulture <,._ ■!,.,,. f 1 ^ J lit cy. eoid .■1,-. .'. s Ox oux' stilts, &nd i£ i'ree irun iiu arts. aid to < s at the plant, see that It meets and plant >n to Beo tiist this housl of Agi .. to Issue F':?dQral Certli'iciitua for g; eoid for thl£> reason a cc - .;t, n'' !■;; to buvlnj ., ?- of in? n. •ji the u. . rly Increc ^ _ . , . .a number of uit of seinfice is i iny • duly author l£Od injector-. fay quarantine conaa Into oux' state > X! >f an InvQstainit tliat of ? - that it Is ifioe irora insects and plant i-y .1. - 1j.. ._-. 1 ;\ : . , r ^. -» .-,_ to tfh (*F th re- the ^ tod witli the U.S. !^- am. The work hnj? sis. Ho 8«1 a. XI t>t:s»to oi avoc witJi ...V. it ion to the r ths basic laws, 'IS -. , . -jjOCtS t!ie idoa of 2ral, ami the MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE MISSOULA INSPECTION SUIWVRY - OFFICE AND FIELD DATA Comparison for Years - I961 - 1962 - 1963 - I96U INSPECTIONS AT: Post Office Stores Farms Express Trucks Freight Dry Beans Totals 1961 1962 1963 1961* 1,928 2,077 2,263 2,m It, 973 It, 592 U,698 3,1^ 1,609 1,880 1,906 1,1.1*8 882 910 767 560 6,205 7,Oit3 8,003 6,697 ItlO 312 365 695 169 181 152 188 16,176 16,995 l8,15l» 15,2U6 INSPECTION CERTIFICATES ISSUED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 1961 1962 1963 196I* Federal-State 1,1*97 1,667 1,333 1,958 State 329 51.5 767 689 Condition 922 337 1*26 3l»7 Condemnation 28 32 18 26 Beans, Dry-Federal 169 181 152 188 Totals 2,91*5 OFFICE 2,762 DATA 2,696 3,208 1961 1962 1963 1961* Let lers 1,769 1,856 1,822 1,872 Circiilars and Bulletins Issued 3,602 3,366 3,1*12 3,389 Phone Calls 1,555 1,780 1,821* 1,792 Personal Calls 1,61*1 1,605 1.680 1,61*2 Meetings Attended 7 5 8 lU Totals 8,571* INSPECTOR 8,612 .3 DATA 8.7U6 8,709 1961 1962 1963 196I* Letters Answered 1,881* 1,961* 1,801* 1,561 Phone Calls 3,838 3,987 3,295 3,21*8 Office Calls 1,621 1,990 1,705 1,U72 Meetings 1 5 9 2 Totals 7,3U1* 7,91*6 6,813 6,283 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE MISSOULA, MONTANA COMPARISON NURSERY STOCK INSPECTED i960 1961 1962 1963 196'* Trees (Shade & Fruit) 26,508 21,8lU 13,093 15,390 10,079 Evergreens 101*, 878 150,900 9,660 25,072 13,890 Small Fruits 78,395 kiiMo 1*30,1*59 l*0l»,520 822,1*27 Shrubs and Ornamentals U2,861* 63,186 100,955 223,1*1*7 68,998 Seedlings 6,2U8 1*0,057 52,600 70,000 3,761 Bulbs 111,123 173,1*52 120,71*1* 13l*,600 1*7,231* Miscellaneous 1*5,555 51*, 212 1*5,280 52,500 ll*,057 Totals 1*15,571 S-Cl,091 772,791 925,529 980,UU6 COMPARISON NURSERY STOCK CONDEMNED AI^D DESTROYED i960 1961 1962 1963 I96U Trees (Shade & Fruit) 21 U27 ici 139 6U Evergreens 501 556 781 686 ll*9 Small Fruits 2,117 l*,17l» 8,750 7,285 216 Shrubs 111 112 287 311* 32 Bulbs 2,000 2,l*8h 1*,555 1,123 1*71 Seedlings 93 127 893 1*38 2 Miscellaneous 500 502 615 776 27,171 Totals 5,31*3 8,383 16,2U8 10,761 28,105 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUBE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE MISSOULA, MONTANA COMPARISON OF NUMBER OF PACKAGES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES COIJDITIONED AKD CONDEMNED DURING - I96O - I96I - I962 - I963 - 196U C^—.^dities i960 1961 1962 1963 196U A:;ples Apricots Avocados Blackberries Cantaloupes Ciierries Cranberries Fruit, IIcls. Grapefruit Grapes Lemons Oiongos Peaches Pears Pl'ians -Prunes Rasp" rries luiubarb Strawberries Toii.-.toes !Ja-om3lons Asparagus Broccoli Beans, Gr. BC2tS Cabbage Carrots Cv. numbers Cauli flower Celery Covn, Green Lcitucs Onions, Dry Cnicnr. , Gr. Peas, Green Potatoes Peppers Iiadishes Spinach Sq^uash S'.rt. Potatoes T^iiT.ip-Bagas Ves- Mcls. Totrj.s 53.831 65,250 169,256 221,93U 23,Ul8 225 I455 858 255 6U5 120 85 315 235 97 13 36 8 12 25 17 llO 1,659 931 1,120 263 2U0 282 567 666 1,576 ii50 500 119 63k 1,080 Bolt 35 1,9U8 3,258 5U8 1,^56 1,U68 1,220 U17 611 760 U95 110 UO UO 868 1,506 3,109 6U0 1,050 2,980 717 3,217 5,500 1,527 15 29U 18 10 17 20 12 lUO 53 365 282 hk 85 27 8 3U l.lUl* 3,078 5,085 2,U87 735 2,615 h,lk5 2,197 l»,215 1,10U 28,158 31,85lt 133,528 183,775 3,380 10 19 163 lU 26 15 22 35 39 2 k 50 1 6 19 12 3UO 55 U 3 25 156 170 557 155 350 »»79 598 135 125 178 155 31*3 160 1,129 1,656 216 229 2l;9 280 32 U38 lUO 221 133 113 1,265 2,237 1,729 2,789 2,18U 1,115 835 390 2,i*93 705 9U 15H 120 215 199 T k 15 3 7,728 9,9lh 10,099 9,707 U,208 93 U2U 860 hl5 19 35 273 105 398 57 12 9 5 165 395 6H3 660 6 159 185 920 U57 710 16 23 30 60 U2 ^10- 1*55 135 1U5 197 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTIL.I AND QUARANTINE SERVICE MISSOULA, MONTANA COI-IPARISON IN TERI-tS OF CARLOADS OF HOME GROVW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSPECTED DURING I963 - I96U ii i i 1 9 6 U Rail Truck Total Rail Truck Total Apples 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 2 Clierries 73 1/U 15 88 1/U r»?.3p'bei-riera 22 1/2 22 1/2 10 10 Strawberries 8 3/k 8 3/U U 3/U U 3/U Tomatoes 1 1 Fi'vlt Mcls. 1 1/k 1 1/U 1/U 1/U Beets Cabbage 8 1/2 8 1/2 3 3/U 3 3/U Carrots 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 Corn, Green 11 11 13 1/2 13 1/2 Cuciunbers 1/2 1/2 1/U 1/U Lettuce h l/U U 1/U 3 1/2 3 1/2 Onions , Dry 1 1 1 1 Unions, Gr. 2 1/U 2 1/U 1 1/U 1 1/U Peppers 1/U 1/U Potatoes 1,028 3 A 868 1,896 3/U 1,568 1/U 961 1/2 2,529 3/U Radishes 6 3/l» 6 3/U 2 3/U 2 3/U SquaFh 2 1/U 2 1/U 1 1 S^rt. Potatoes Turnip-Bagas 8 3/U 8 3/U 9 1/U 9 1/U Veg. Mcls. k 3/U 955 1/2 U 3/U 1,98U 1/U 5 1/2 ,036 1/2 5 1/2 Total i.oas 3/U l,6Ul 1/2 1 2,678 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE MISSOULA, MONTANA COMPARISON IN TEBIAS OF CARLOADS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IMPORTED AND INSPECTED DURING THE YEARS I963 AND 1961* 1963 1 9 6 U Apples Apricots Avocados Cantaloupes Cherries Cranberries Fruit Mcls. Grape frtiit Grapes Lemons Ora'iges Peaches Pears Plums-Prunes Raspberries Rhubarb Strawberries Tomatoes Watermelons iVijparagus Broccoli BGGtS US-US, Gr. Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Corn, Gr. Cucumbers Lettuce Onions, Dry Onions, Gr. Peas Peppers Potatoes Radishes Sp'-'nach S.. -sh L> t. Potatoes Tvrnip-Bagas Vsg. Mcls. Totals Rail 1 3/U 1/U 19 3/U 1/2 178 3/U Truck Totals 377 1/2 379 1/U 2k 2U 20 20 287 3/U 287 3/U 12 1/U 12 1/U 11 11 81 81 229 229 1/U IU5 1/2 IU5 1/2 70 1/U 70 1/U U20 U20 152 3/U 152 3/U 57 3/U 57 3/U 35 1/2 35 1/2 9 1/U 9 1/U 2 2 IU2 1/U 1U2 1/U U17 3/U U17 3/U UlO 1/2 U30 1/U 12 3/U 12 3/U 11 1/U 11 1/U 1 1/U 1 1/U 1/U 1/U 139 1/U lUO 1/U 211 3/U 211 3/U U8 3/U U8 3/U 223 1/2 223 1/2 70 1/U 70 3/U 28 3/U 28 3/U 1,122 3/U 1,122 3/U 160 1/U 160 1/U 78 3/U 78 3/U 18 1/2 18 1/2 639 3/U 818 1/2 85 1/U 85 1/U 1 1 32 33 3U 3/U 3U 3/U 33 33 lOU 10 U Rail 1/2 1 1/U 2 1/2 1/U 122 1/2 1/U 203 5,963 3/U 6,166 3/U Truck Totals 35U 1/2 35U 1/2 25 1/U 25 1/U 19 1/2 19 1/2 268 3/U 269 ?/u 6 6 13 13 107 107 2U5 2U5 129 3/U 130 1/U 6U 6U 513 513 173 1/2 173 1/2 68 1/2 68 1/2 36 3/U 36 3/U 8 3/U 8 3/H 3 3 132 3/U 132 3/U U09 U09 908 1/2 909 3/U 16 1/U 16 1/U 9 1/U 9 1/U 1 1/U 1 1/U 1/U 1/U 131 1/2 131 1/2 201 1/U 203 3/U U9 U9 232 232 58 58 1/U 26 26 1,178 1,178 157 3/U 157 3/U 81 1/2 81 1/2 1/2 1/2 17 17 7UI 3/U 86U 1/U 96 1/2 96 1/2 2 2 28 1/2 28 3/U 31 3/U 31 3/U 2U 2U 95 3/U 95 3/U 6,666 1/U 6,79U 1/2 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE ^assouLA, Montana COMPARISON OF NUMBER OF PACKAGES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSPECTED DURING 1962 - I963 - 196U IMPORTED HOME GROWN 1962 1963 I96I* 1962 1963 196U Apples 296,811 303,1+22 283,653 81*2 2,296 1,51*5 Apricots 26,201 2i4,3ltl» 25,360 Avocados 15,1^1 15,955 15,C10 Canteiloupes 80,158 90,022 83.. ;o Cherries 11,272 15,020 17,180 lU7,600 106,023 Cranberries 11,616 11,163 13,031 Friiit Mcls. U6,899 : ,062 53,363 38U 367 111 Grapefruit 122,739 105,552 112,831 Grapes ll4l*,375 158,916 155,951* Lemons 30,U6l 32,529 29,669 Oranges 2li*,J+91 203,1*10 236,520 Peacher- 196,391 152,688 173,588 Pears 63,969 1*3,308 51,001 Plums -Prunes 38,U86 35,51*1 36,607 Raspberries 5,716 6,738 6,652 11,373 16,772 7,51.6 Rliubarb 175 1,190 1,819 Strawberries 85,871 106,876 99,1*87 2,309 5,769 3.1*28 Tomatoes 251, 70U 263,225 257,671 253 509 Watermelons 73,171 108,089 229,558 198 Asparagus 6,795 8,298 10,637 300 Broccoli 5,l»t3 U,781* 3,993 Beets 101 523 1*68 Beans, Gr. 173 139 Cabbage '^0,151 i*5,087 1*2,190 2,750 2,862 1,297 Carrots 72,083 814,91*9 8l,ll43 560 l;08 387 Cauliflower 31,902 21* ,91*3 2l*,l42l* Celery 90,95U 100,596 10U,76U Coi-n, Gr. 5C,823 35,990 29,208 U,251 5,1*91* 6,970 Cuci"»ibers 31,190 31*, 607 31,522 259 777 320 Let uce 331,765 359,310 377,199 k7k 1,1+68 1,099 Onions, Dry 118,6148 96,035 91,359 288 61+6 70U Onions, Gr. 27,656 31,712 32,662 1,231 1,011 U82 Peas, Gr. 201 360 Potatoes 290,268 293,709 310,581 8Ul4,6U0 718,788 910,720 Peppers 19,180 21,877 21,019 1,077 209 Radishes 35,1*53 3l*,U30 38,689 3,030 2,711 1,21*5 Spinach 829 1,566 Squash 17.069 20,975 18,612 1,356 1,1*50 702 S- t Potatoes 26,689 28,1*90 2l+,276 Tvu iiip-Bagas 13,177 19,625 11*, 581 1*,1*97 5,012 5,275 Veg. Mcls. 31,859 1*1,7^*7 38,269 2,212 1,961 2,256 Totals 2,937,153 3,005,91*0 3,181,395 1,028,309 769,876 1,050,319 MONTANA DEPARTf-lENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AI^ID QUARAimilE SERVICE MISSOULA, MONTAI^IA COMPARISON VALUES IN DOLLARS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSPECTED DURING 1962 - I963 - 1961+ IMPORTED HOMEGROWN 1962 1963 1 9 6 U 1962 1963 1 9 6 U Apples $ 1 ,225.19it.6T $ 1,195,1*82.68 $ 1,117.632.22 $ 3,317.1*8 $ 9,01*6. 2U $ 6,087.30 Apricots 100,873.85 93,721*. 1*0 97:6?>6.00 Avocados U9,898.61j 57,1*38.00 56,916.00 Cantaloupes ij25,29i+.80 500,622.22 1*66,762.00 Cranberries UU,T21.60 1*2,977.55 50,169.35 Cherries 1*3,397.20 57,827.00 66,11*3.00 568,260.00 1+08,188.57 Fruit Mcls. 181,990.68 150,388.52 205,1*1*7.55 1,1+78.1+0 1,1*12.95 1*27.35 Grapefruit 391,796.68 315, 600. U8 337,361+. 69 Grapes 563,683.37 621,361.56 608,895.11* Lemons 106,1*15.16 106,695.12 97,311*. 32 Oranges 928,189.79 856,356.10 995,328.20 Peaches 756,105.35 587,81+8.80 668,313.80 Pears 21*8,252.93 167,168.88 196,863.86 Plums -Frns . 11*8,171.10 136,832.85 11*0,936.95 Raspberries 22,006,60 25,91*1.30 25,610.20 1*3,786.05 61+, 572. 20 29,052.10 Rhubarb 673.75 1*, 581. 50 7,000.16 Strawberries 377,605.80 1*70,251*. 1*0 1+37,71*2.80 10,159.60 25,383.60 15,083.20 Tomatoes 891*, 059. 1*3 91*2,31*5.50 922,1*62,18 905.71* 1,822.22 Vfatermeloas-' -281*, 707. 73 1*16,11+2.65 883,798.30 762.30 Asparagus 21*, 171. 00 3l+,851.60 1*1+, 675. 1*0 1,260.00 Broccoli 21,21*7.90 11,1*89.60 9,583.20 Beets l*0l+.00 2,092.00 1,872.00 Beans, Gr. 692.00 556.00 Cabbage 205,086.60 216,1*17.60 202,512.00 13,200.00 13,737.60 6,225.60 Carrots 21*7,109.08 297,321.50 281*, 000. 50 1,960.00 1,1*28.00 1,351*. 50 Cucumbers litl.269.02 151,579.1*6 138,066.36 1,131*. 1*2 3,1*03.26 1,1*01.60 Cauliflower 82, 061*. 15 59,863.20 58,617.60 Celery- 1*76,91*8.28 1*60,729.68 1+79,910.72 Corn, Green 129,1*56.60 151.158.00 122,673.60 17, 851*. 20 23, 071*. 80 29, 271*. 00 Lettuce 971*, 592. 78 998,881.80 1,01+8,613.22 1,317.72 1*, 081.01* 3,055.22 Onions, Gr. 95,263.92 10l*,61t9.60 107,781+. 60 1* ,062. 30 3,336.30 1,590.60 Onions , Dry 1*19,529.20 326,519.00 310,620.60 907.20 2,196.1*0 2,393.60 Peas , Green 80lt.00 1,1*1+0.00 Potatoes 7ll*,200.60 71l*,61*9.96 757,817.61* 2 ,11+2,061.52 1 .753,81*2.72 2 ,221 156.80 Peppers Ul,rC3 28 126,11*3.27 117,075.83 5,998.89 I,l61+.13 Radishes 131* ,258. 83 123,259.1*0 138,506.62 11,527.1*0 9,705.28 U,U57.10 Spinach 1*1*0.00 6,261+. 00 Squ 93,1*76.86 93,11*5.00 93,060.00 6,780.00 7,250.00 3,510.00 Swt. Potatoesl2l*,153.Ti* 131.053.80 111,669.60 Tumip-Bagas 35,700.98 1+9,81*7.50 37,035.71* 11,799.1*1* 16,253.68 13,1+01.01* Veg. Mcls. _ 115,132.60 166,988.00 153,076.00 7,370.60 7,81+1+. 00 9.O2I+.OO Totals $10,939,008.55 $10,972,165.1*8 $11,607,767.95 $2,81*7,882.07 $1,956,1+11.1+8 $2,756,81+6.69 MONTANA DEPARTI«1ENT OF AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE VALUE OF PRODUCE II'IPORTED INTO lONTANA BY RAIL AND TRUCK IN 1963 AND I96I4 DURING SUCH VClfTES AS IT WAS OR COULD HAVE EEM thC&UCED IN MONTANA 1963 llih. INCREASE DECREASE Apples $1,195, 'tea. 68 $1,117,632.22 $ $ 77,850.1*6 Cantedoupes 500,622.22 U66,762.00 33,860.22 Cherries 57,827.00 66,lU3.00 8,316.00 Pears 167,168.88 196,863.86 29 ,691+. 98 Pl\ms, Prunes 136,832.85 lU0,936.95 U,10U.10 Raspberries 25,9^1.30 25,610.20 331.10 Rhubarb J4,58l.50 7,000.16 2,Ui8.66 Strawberries U70,25U.lt0 1*37,7U2.80 32,511.60 Tomatoes 9U2,3i45.50 922,U62.18 19,883.32 Asparagus 3»*,851.60 ItU,675.1+0 9,823.80 Beans, Gr, 692.00 556.00 136.00 Beets 2,092.00 1,872.00 220.00 Cabbage 2l6,Ul7.60 202,512.00 13,905.60 Carrots 297,321.50 281t,000.50 13,321.00 Cauliflower 59,863.20 58,617.60 1,21*5.60 Celery- U60,729.68 1*79,910.72 19,181.01* Corn, Gr. 151,158.00 122,6T3.60 28, 1*81*. 1*0 Cucumbers 151, 579. U6 138,0^^,36 13,513.10 Lettuce 998,881.80 l,0Ua,6l3.22 1*9,731.1*2 Onions, Dry 326,519.00 310,620.60 15.898.1*0 Onions, Gr. 10lt,6l49.60 107,78U,60 3,135.00 Peas, Gr. SOlt.OO 1,UI»0.00 636.00 Peppers 126,li*3,27 117,073.83 9,067. 1*1* Potatoae 7lU,6U9.96 757,817.611 1*3,167.66 Radishea 123,259. UO 136,506.62 15,21*7.22 Spinach 3,316.00 6,26U.00 2,91*8.00 Squash 93,ll»5.00 93,060.00 85.00 Tumip-Bagas Jt9,8U7.50 37,035. 7l» 12,811,76 Totals $7,1*16,976.90 $7,332,255.80 $188.1*03.90 $273,125.00 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURAL INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE SERVICE COMPARISON GENERAL FREIGHT (OUTSIDE OP PRODUCE) TRUCKED THROUGH JORDEl STATIONS AT CULBERTSON, ST, REGIS AND NOXON, MONTANA Autos , Trucks 4 Parts Bakery Products Beer 8e Beer Products Beverages & Bottles Boats B\iilding Materials Canned Goods Cement Christmas Trees Compressed Gas Construction Eqvdpment Dairy Products Drug & Lavmdry Products Dynamite & Powder Fertilizer Fish Frozen Foods Fiirniture Grain Groceries Gasoline (Gas & Oil) General Freight Household Goods Hardware Livestock Lumber Meat Machinery Mine Eqiiipment Molasses Nursery Products Oils & Kerosene Packing House Supplies Pipe Poles & Posts Poultry & Eggs Seeds Stock Feed Steel Trailers & Parts TW3 1961 3,2U3,986 992,000 3,918,335 11,187,390 370,200 3,122,237 9,373,860 i*,787,33U 5^,000 1,232,000 861.1*89 5,^52,500 3,177,833 1,1*39,676 2,U66,785 8,311,U2U 23,286,798 170,000 U25,000 17,1*08,300 3,538,395 UU,006,U88 15,6U2,93U 2,553,100 322,200 37,l+5l*,129 3,7U7,391 9,21*5,1*70 11*1*, 000 2,01*5,200 3,739,815 79,000 270,500 1,0U3,277 2,385,210 33l*,600 3,551,383 1,01*8,600 2,629,891 16,000 657,000 1962 8,917,21*8 1,395,500 211,926 ll*, 822, 138 123,250 10,U38,2l*8 10,875,935 8,1*80,550 16,000 226,000 11*3,215 8,768,717 2,170,1*31* 1,1*61,182 U, 878, 630 10,1*97,685 36,735,066 29l*,000 1*5,000 21,1*27,277 2,951,750 152,680,71*6 19,l61*,70l* 388,855 5,6U2,930 51,81*5,906 1*,1*92,70U ll*, 719, 776 887,500 2,3l*2,5H0 7,1*60,301* 167,000 2,205,1*00 1,260,500 239,100 1*, 661, 880 1,222,510 7, 211*, 378 152,800 6,91*0,800 1963 5,835,280 1,079,500 5,172,301 17,61*3,890 80,650 11, 781*, 590 l6,981*,88U 10,63l*,050 551, UlO 1,658,610 333,500 12,238,1*08 3,002,111 10,319,006 5,266,971 10,831.985 U7,563,3»*9 1*91* ,100 92,000 27,718,323 1,521,300 330,535,11*1* l6,U23,805 137,000 1,728,125 51* ,675, 503 l*,Ul*8,636 ll*, 399, 900 69,1*50 1*, 21*6 ,970 6,988,952 1*0,000 1,952,329 1,61*3,500 592,611 6,286,681* 865,000 6,257,525 1*08,250 761,500 1961* l»,97l*,65t 1,01*2,000 «, 116, 380 1*, 308. 110 311.100 23,950,812 16,278,538 3,1*09,1*00 285,000 2,108,800 198,000 8,173,125 2,1*27,010 12,960,1+87 6, 821*, 910 13,628,227 1*6, 351*, 71*5 191*, 500 2U, 1*85 ,988 1*83,059 387 ,721* ,660 17,556,1*52 3,173,915 62,898,593 3,250,058 20,807,379 3,897,080 11,313,321 132,500 2,U67,050 1,1*62,250 1,010,300 11,955,782 2,125,010 8,883,1+65 21*7,100 1.187,550 Total Pounds 235,735,730 1*28,570,081* 61*3,167,102 735,607,306 WCIGHTS AND HCASUKCS DIVISION the past bloanium, t\w iiispectois for the (fontaiw v;ul^ht« and Mc. :■: t uy houre on nonroutlne ai v" . dcalors' lican««8, calita^ating wci^..„ . x uleo i^.<»r i ,;» all w«i i;: .. ,,i.\. oring devices used comnercially In ti ....- ... v>,..i. be a person of numerous abilities. He oust be diiJioaatiL ,, ......oet -^i -^diciited. ^ in a Sm-frea oi' Aiitiisv i-i. icltiis also have _ < ^ng gmount '^^ "'- ■"•- ' '^ -ty placed on then. Not ojily are they re for the t i dollars it wiiich Chey imu>t ust, i»u«: wluo i'oi tiiw uccuiacy w.l the duvlces The vfc' -■'■ the worx ,.. • cult to vlsursliz ,., we Mue<. >..>a. l_..^ _.. ^^, ^.,.j, are required to enforce, J^ply to eii lev«.'le of ccjianeri Uil •'era ar ■ -^ . rsnd ; , retuiiur ana i :r, Ae a re^jlt of 1*e abov^t- st»teU traneactione, the tollowii.; u ^" tlwj D. oi Weights and Measures from July 1, !-•- ■ -•. ^^'r .-'wv, tto (..ic-t- ir^^uity may prevail: i SOAlM S22 ftetall Fi«|^ b.iiiJl 25U lllMlesale Heters l.c'OJ. 129 L.F. Gas Meters l?ii 26 (X*SB 2,^20 1,37«4 MMWursa 13 ''S. Provera 10 ^i,.ti - CeiJital ch Marketing TOTAL APPROPRIATED FUNDS AVAILABLE EXFOaOITURES 510-3 Ac«ninistr;a t Ion (Gcnor-a 1) AUminist: At.ricultii- ..- . :ati8tic8 Ctsiroercial Feed & Fertilizer •ulturc v; ■.:,i\i:s and Measures lii . M^.33 3,ii23.56 532.70 $»409,3S2.22 O » *. f- ■ ' • - u. 11,02«<.69 7 "" ^ " : 10..- .-- 30,015.12 $&91.3S5.31 • -^.78 3H,B72.93 (Trssns.Out) -It- ( . i-i 7«4,(>21.«/ ij.o.30 $305.6S3,fJ2 510-U 297-2 51U-5 7iS2oa Lstraticm CoranGrcial Fesd & Fertilizer Dairy Horticulture Wsights and Mea«4re« !?orttciiltui.*« 'jcil Disscws Control 11.- -Y(j 1- V ii«;_ 1 tiHd Deiiy Weights and IfeBSurss ti/is.oo 5.98i3.l2 is,2;i3.^cf 9,337.20 6,995.00 9,020.00 2ii,105.7i txeammxs8 ccoatinuno jO: -2 307-1 Gruln Laboimitorie* Harlc;... ,. Grain LaborQtorl«« Gi^eat Fall* lUirlowton Research Markatln.e ultuial Statistics TOTAL l^Xt^unui 510-3 S10-^ 297-2 30(i-l 300-2 307-1 tion Ikiiry }t' - ^ r ■ ..1 .... iaasurwi Capital I Is trot ion CcBT- ■ Feed & Fertilizer Horticultiirc : and McHURxres Horticultui'O Che: d !j.i&eaK<3 Conti'ol Rim.. . d Graiii i. ■:'! ier. , -if ^ - Capital and Operation AAnl'?.lPtr.".tlon Lw ; iwu ;< f'.f utilizer 19S.«t2 3 2j^ .lU 7 •- - , - "1 «i ^^ 19 3 2 t*6G.33 1.00 133.40 $177.9'}b.9M 3,957.78 12,000.56 ^10,032.12 $ t{2,67&.77 10.00 12, lii. 2 $ li0,038.1«* «1M.265.70 21,686.a«> <;/ $1 XOTMiB $$10,032.12 aCOMI - July 1, VJt^ to June 30. 196S coftaaiciAT n'KDs Re ioiis iioai Value .. aeoue CQtMBRCIAL FERTILIZER DAIRY DIVISK^ Ess Seals ■■--■■ I GRAIN L^aORATORIES Gr%2at Falls Harluwton GRAIN LIC£N8BS MBXCHTS AMD tCASWfiS Scelc; IneL^ections 8c: • ■ T aspect ions Pe . -a Keguliir Sijecial HORTICULtURE tnm>^cti . 112 . 59 113,996.85 Total Funds Availabl* $ 7M,201.67 Di8t)ur8«nents expenses 29,ii36.02 Deposited General Fund 5,112.59 Reversion to General Fund 1,500.00 Reversion University Endowment Fund 7,7ti2.70 43, 791.40 Balance - June 30, 1905 $ 30, >4 10. 27