a : f 92 - Me wd oj LIBRARY (OF iH THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ORONO, MAINE 1918 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE 1918 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ORONO, MAINE ORGANIZATION JANUARY TO JUNE, 1918 THE STATION COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBE Rats a)s cAll Bays President DIRECTOR CHARLES D. WOODS, Secretary FREELAND JONES, Bangor, : THOMAS V. DOHERTY, Houlton, Commitee of FRANK E,. GUERNSEY, Dover, Board of, Urusices JOHN A. ROBERTS, Commissioner of Agriculture EUGENE H. LIBBY, Auburn, State Grange WILSON W. CONANT, Buckfield, State Pomological Society FRANK S. ADAMS, Bowdoinham, State Dairymen’s Association LEONARD C. HOLSTON, Cornish, Maine Livestock Breeders’ Assn. WILLIAM G. HUNTON, Portland, Maine Seed Improvement Assn. - AND THE HEADS AND ASSOCIATES OF STATION DEPARTMENTS, AND THE DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THE STATION STAFF CHARLES D. WOODS, Sc D. Director ADMINIS- MARIAN A. COUGLE, Clerk TRATION ESTELLE M. GOGGIN, Clerk CHARLES C. INMAN, Clerk FRANK M. SURFACE, Pa. D., Biologist* JOHN W. GOWEN, Pz. D., Assistant RAYMOND PEARL, Pu. D., Collaborator BIOLOGY SILVA PARKER eee Assistant MILDRED R. COVELL, Clerk HELEN A. RING, Laboratory Assistant JAMES M. BARTLETT, M. S., Chemist HERMAN H. HANSON, M. S., Chemist* CPB BITS INES e ELMER Ro TOBENZ2 Bass Assistant ROLAND’ E: LORD; Laboratory Assistant ENTOMOL- EDITH. -M: PATCH Pre Ds Entomologist OGY ALICE W. AVERILL, Laboratory Assistant WARNER J. MORSE, Pu. D., Pathologist PLANT MICHAEL SHAPOVALOV, M. S., Assistant PATHOLOGY | +GLEN B. RAMSEY, A. M., Assistant VIOLA L. MORRIS, Laboratory Assistant AROOSTOOK \ JACOB ZINN, Acer. D., Assistant Biologist FARM C. HARRY WHITE, Scientific Aid JEREMIAH E. SULLIVAN, Superintendent HIGHMOOR WELLINGTON SINCLAIR, Superintendent FARM WALTER SE, -CURDIS: Scientific Aid ROYDON L. HAMMOND, Seed Analyst and Photographer * Absent on leave during period of war. 7 In collaboration with U. S. Department of Agriculture. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ORONO, MAINE ORGANIZATION JULY To DECEMBER, 1918 THE STATION COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT J. ALEY, President DIRECTOR CHARLES D. WOODS, Secretary THOMAS V. DOHERTY, Houlton, Committee of FRANK E. GUERNSEY, Dover, Board of Trustees JOHN A. ROBERTS, Commissioner of Agriculture EUGENE H. LIBBY, Auburn, State Grange WILSON W. CONANT, Buckfield, State Pomological Society FRANK S. ADAMS, Bowdoinham, State Dairymen’s Association LEONARD C. HOLSTON, Cornish, Maine Livestock Breeders’ Assn. WILLIAM G. HUNTON, Portland, Maine Seed Improvement Assn. AND THE Heaps AND ASSOCIATES: OF STATION DEPARTMENTS, AND THE DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THE STATION STAFF CHARLES D. WOODS, Sc D. Director ADMINIS- ESTELLE M. GOGGIN, Clerk TRATION CHARLES C. INMAN, Clerk MARGARET A. PARKER, Clerk FRANK M. SURFACE, Pu. D., Biologist* JOHN W. GOWEN, Pz. D., Assistant BIOLOGY RAYMOND PEARL, Pu. D., Collaborator HELEN A. RING, Laboratory Assistant JAMES M. BARTLETT, M. S., Chemist CHEMISTRY 4 HERMAN H. HANSON, M. S., Chemist* BEMER R. TOBEY. B.S: Assistant ENTOMOL- EDU evap ALeCH oPr. D. Entomologist OGY ALICE W. AVERILL, Laboratory Assistant WARNER J. MORSE, Pu. D., Pathologist PLANT {MICHAEL SHAPOVALOV, M. S., Assistant PATHOLOGY ) ;DONALD FOLSOM, Pu. D., Assistant VIOLA L. MORRIS, a Laboratory Assistant AROOSTOOK \ JACOB ZINN, Acr. D., Assistant Biologist FARM CaTARRY= WHILE. Scientific Aid JEREMIAH E. SULLIVAN, Superintendent HIGHMOOR | een i SINCLAIR, Superintendent FARM | qo Bo CURMES: Scientific Aid ROYDON L. HAMMOND, Seed Analyst and Photographer * Absent on leave during period of war. t In collaboration with U. S. Department of Agriculture. 2O- $22 9--- The publications of this Station will be sent free to any address in Maine. All requests should be sent to Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine. CONTENTS: ee anrA COMME O Tea ELIG ea CATION A ol ope cote nc ciate 2) KS 3 at right KI e eo o °e e 0-76-4 0-12-8 0- §-72 O-¥S6 0-0-20 5 enclosed 7m Z PS Jat Jeff P3 e 0-20-0 Fig. 2. The Relation of the plots in Groups. Figure 2 shows diagramatically the relation of these plots in groups. The 5 plots enclosed in the A at the top of the figure are those in which ammonia predominates. The 3 plots nearest the top have the highest amounts of ammonia. In like manner the 5 plots enclosed in the < at the left at the bottom of the figure are those in which available phosphoric acid is the leading constitutent with the 3 highest nearest the angle. Included in the > at the right corner of the figure are those highest in potash. The 6 plots in the heavy triangle in the center of the figure contain all 3 of the ingredients and the 3 plots in the dotted triangle have them in somewhat more near to ordinary percentages than do the others. While the 3 lowest plots in the heavy triangle have the ammonia in the amount that is fairly common in many high grade fertilizers. As noted in the figure for convenience of reference in the text, these groups are called N5, N3, P5, P3, K5, K3, Comp 6, Comp 3 and Am4. This plan and diagramatic arrangement makes comparative studies of the different combinations easier and 22 Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. more clearly shown than by any other method that has come to the attention of the writer. THE FERTILIZING- MATERIALS. In the field experiments at Aroostook Farm with potatoes a 5-8-7 fertilizer or one that carries 5 per cent of ammonia, 8 per cent of available phosphoric acid and 7 per cent of potash has been used at the rate of 1200 pounds per acre. The same formula at the rate of 300 pounds per acre is used when seed- ing to oats and at the rate of 150 pounds per acre as a top dress- ing on mowing fields. Obviously a 5-8-7 fertilizer carries 20 per cent of plant food. This amount of 240 pounds is absurdly high and it was, therefore, taken as a maximum in the scale so that on the diagram where ammonia is shown as 20 per cent it represents 240 pounds of ammonia. This amount of ammonia would be furnished by 4800 pounds of a 5-8-7 fertilizer. _ The ammonia is one-third in the form of ammonium nitrate and two-thirds in the form of sulphate of ammonia. The phos- phoric acid is in the form of acid phosphate. The potash is all water soluble and is being applied during the war in the form that can be obtained. In 1917 it was in the form of sul- phate. ; The weights of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash ap- plied to each plot when the crop 18 potatoes is shown in the table that follows. Application of Fertilizers Per Acre for Potatoes. Treatment No. Ammonia Phosphorie Acid | Potash 1 0 240 0 2 0 192 48 3 48 192 0 4 0 144 96 5 48 144 48 6 96 144 7 0 96 144 8 48 96 96 9 96 96 48 10 144 96 0 11 0 48 192 12 48 48 144 13 96 48 96 14 144 48 48 15 192 48 0 16 0 0 240 17 48 0 192 18 96 0 144 19 144 0 96 20 192 0 48 21 240 0 0 BARN: AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 23 For the 1-40 acre plots these amounts are divided by 4o. _ These amounts are further reduced for application to oats by dividing by 120 and for application to grass by dividing by 240. It was also desired to compare the usual potato formulas of 5-8-7 and 3-8-10 goods, insoluble phosphate rock in the form of finely ground floats with acid phosphate, and nitrogen in the form of dried blood and in tankage with the mineral nitrogen used in the soil test. These 5 additional plots with 6 check plots increase the number of plots to 32. FIELD ARRANGEMENT OF PLOTS. It was thought that to overcome lack of uniformity in soil each plot should be in triplicate. This makes a total of 96 plots. As potatoes are the important cash crop of Aroostook County it seemed important that potatoes should be grown annually. As it was prohibitive to increase the number of plots much above 100 because of the cost of caring for a larger number, it was decided to grow the plots in a 3 year rotation of potatoes, oats and clover. This plan not only gives a potato crop each year but it makes the experiment better in that the effects of unfavorable weather conditions of any single year are minimized. — The field selected for the location of the plots contains about 5 acres. It is isolated from the other cultivated fields: on the farm. It has a gentle slope toward the west. The plots are in 3 series: A, consisting of 33 plots, one extra check plot being added to this series, B, 32 plots and C, 32 plots. The several plots in each series are separated by pathways 33 inches wide running lengthwise and 36 inches wide running crosswise, while the different series are separated by roadways 6 feet in width, running lengthwise. The arrange- ment of the plots in the field is shown in Figure 3 on page 24. For convenience of reference the plots are numbered by row and by plot. Thus Plot 11 is the first plot in the first row, while plot 36 is the sixth plot in the third row. OUTLINE OF THE EXPERIMENT IN IQI7. The field was in potatoes in 1914 and fertilizer was used at the rate of 1500 pounds per acre of a 5-8-7 fertilizer. In- 1915, it was seeded to timothy and oats. ‘Ply Ur sjord Jo JuswMasueIIy “¢ By [ 8-8-% “IIVHNYL DH E @007E OI1UO 2 ‘SLVOTS | 0-02-0 9/1 MIIHI Ol-8-¢% | See) -O- -O-— —_ om -O— -fp- -9— ad ee sae yg| ee ee eal OO 1g Pee gl ceca ee GS bs 2i-0-@ | 8-8-4 Ug eae SEHIES MIFHI th : 9¢ oF O/-8-+% 0-9/-% MITHI 8-8-4 ?-0-9/ = 9-6) tear beat tea baer ear tea dae Zl ad ee | Ae SERIES A BarRN AND Fre_p EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 25 The field was plowed shortly after cutting the grass in 1916. Early in the spring of 1917 the 97 plots required to carry on this experiment were surveyed, each plot being 1 rod wide by 4 rods long, or one-fortieth of an acre in area. The ingredients for the several fertilizer mixtures were weighed and thoroughly mixed by hand. To insure even distribution each lot and plot were subdivided into fourths for the application of the fertilizer. SERIES A. POTATO PLOTS. II-42. In preparing these plots for planting, furrows were made 33 inches apart, thus giving 6 rows per plot. The fertilizer was distributed in these furrows on May 16 and planting was com- pleted the same day. The seed used was of the Norcross variety. The pathways, running lengthwise, were also planted and the plants allowed to grow throughout the season. By so doing the undesirable influence of marginal plants was, to a large exten, overcome. The pathways, running crosswise, were kept open. The plots were well cultivated and the plants thoroughly sprayed with bordeaux mixture and, nothwithstanding the preva- lence of late blight throughout Aroostook County, hardly a trace of this disease could be found on the vines. The variation in vine color, due to the differences in fer- tilizer mixtures, on these plots was very striking, ranging from a very light to an extremely dark green. The vines were green and vigorous until killed by frost. The plots were harvested on September 22 and 24. The tubers were clean and free from rot. The yields are given in the table on page 26. SERIES B. OAT PLOTS. 51-88. Fertilizer was applied broadcast on these plots May 21 and planting completed the same day. Maine 340 oats were sown at the rate of 14 pecks per acre and a mixture of equal parts of Red and Alsike clover seeded at the rate of 12 pounds per acre. The stand of both oats and clover was excellent, but the exces- sive rainfall, coming at the time when the oat seedlings were about 2 inches high, gave them a setback from which they did not recover during the season. The plots were harvested on August 31. Each plot was threshed separately and record made of the yield in both grain and straw. The yields were very uneven, due to the uneven stand. They are here included merely as a matter of record and not for any immediate consideration. 26 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. SERIES C. CLOVER PLOTS. QI-15I. Fertilizer was applied broadcast on these plots May 21 and planting was completed the same day. A mixture of equal parts of Red and Alsike clover was used at the rate of 12 pounds per acre. An excellent stand was obtained. The crop on these plots was not harvested but was plowed under in the fall of 1917 in preparation for the next season’s potato plots. Soil Test Experiment. Series A Planted to Potatoes in 1917. The table shows the number of the plots, the yields per plot and the calculated yields per acre. Each plot is one rod by four. They are arranged in rows II-I9, 21-29, etc. Yield per Plot Yield per Acre Hundredweight Plot Fertil- No. izer1 | | Merchantable Culls Merchantable Culls Total ‘ps. Oz. - Ibs. 02. 11 0-20-0 245—14 16— 0 | 98.3 6.4 | 104.7 12 |\Not planted is Not planted | : 14 8-4-8 342—15 138— 4 137.8 5.3 143.1 15 Check | 266—10 16—14 106.7 4.0 110.7 16 12-0-8 335— 3 21— 4 134.0 8.5 142.5 17 0-4-16 } 240— 1 12— 2 96.0 4.8 190.8 18 4-12-4 308— 6 16— 3 123.3 6.5 129.8 19 0-8-12 212— 7 12— 1 85.0 48 89.8 FAL 4-8-82 335—10 12— 2 144.2 4.9 149.1 22 Check 312—15 18— 8 ibAyal 7.4 132.5 23 Not planted 24 0-0-20 258—11 21—13 106.0 8.7 114.7 25 4-4-12 372— 7 20— 4 148.9 8.1 157.0 26 8-8-4 365—13 27— 7 146.3 11.0 1BY ES} 27 Cheek 225— 5 24— 9 90.1 9.9 100.0 28 4-8-83 299— 0 15—11 119.6 6.3 125.9 29 5-8-7 | _288— 7 25— 9 115.4 10.2 125.6 31 12-4-4 | 394— 5 19—14 157.7 8.0 165.7 32 16-0-4 } 392— 7 18— 2 157.0 7.3 164.3 33 4-8-8 | 411— 7 21— 9 164.6 8.6 173.2 34 Check } 274— 0 22—10 109.6 9.1 118.7 35 4-16-0 340—12 22— 2 136.3 8.9 145.2 36 4-8-10 = 328— 5 23—11 131.3 9.5 140.8 37 4-0-16 | 306— 8 16— 8 122.6 6.6 129.2 38 12-8-0 347— 4 17—15 138.9 7.2 146.1 39 0-16-4 ; 136—10 12— 4 54.7 4.9 59.6 41 Cheek 247—14 23—12 99.2 9.3 108.5 42 8-12-0 358— 5 21— 7 143.3 8.6 151.9 43 16-4-0 356— 2 30—15 142.5 12.4 154.9 44 4-8 -84 369— 1 18— 9 147.6 7A 155.0 45 8-0-12 | 339— 1 384— 0 135.6 13.6 149.2 46 Check 228— 1 41—13 91.2 16.7 107.9 47 0-12-8 220— 7 16— 3 88.2 6.5 94.7 48 20-0-0 354—14 21— 6 142.0 8.6 150.6 49 Cheek 180—15 22—14 72.4 9.2 81.6 +The percentages of fertilizer are indicated in the order of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash. Thus 0-20-0 means ammonia 0 per cent, available phosphoric acid 20 per cent and potash 0 per cent. Except as indicated otherwise in the footnote one-third of the ammonia is in the form of nitrate of soda and two-thirds as sul- phate of ammonia; the phosphoric acid as acid phosphate and the potash in water soluble form. Phosphoric acid in form of floats. %Ammonia in form of dried blood. *Ammonia in form of tankage. Barn AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 27 Soil Test Experiment. Series B Planted to Oats in 1017. The table shows the number of the plots, the yields per plot and the\ calculated yields per acre. Each plot is one,rod by-four. | | | a Plot | Total Weight Weight Bushels ISO, | Fertilizer? Yield | of | of per | Grain Straw Acre | | | i} 51 20-0-0 66 | 28 38 35.00 52. | 0-12-8 59 | 30 | 29 38.00 53 | Cheek 68 | 33 35 41.00 54 8-0-12 : 34 | 19 15 24.00 55 5-8-7 40 | 21 | 19 26.00 56 16-4-0 36 19 17 24.00 Die 8-12-0 44 17 27 21.00 58 Cheek Zier 10 abt 13.00 61 12-8-0 52 23 29 29,00 62 4-0-16 35 19 16 24.00 63 4-8-8? 44 24 20 30.00 64 4-16-0 25 13 12 16.00 65 Check 16 9 7 11.00 66 4-8-8 | 43 21 22 26.00 67 16-0-4 60 29 | 31 36.00 68 12-4-4 49 | 19 21 24.00 71 4-8-10 56 26 | 30 33.00 72 Check 38 20 | 18 25.00 73 8-8-4 47 | 23 | 24 29.00 74 4-4-12 41 22 | 19 28.00 TH 0-0-20 23 | 12 | 11 15.00 1) 0-16-4 47 23 24 29.00 77 Cheek 35 | 19 16 24.00 78 4-8-83 28 14 14 18.00 81 4-12-4 58 27 | 3L 34.00 88 0-29-0 35 18 17 23.00 51 23 28 29.00 82 0-4-16 43 23 20 29.00 83 12-0-8 44 21 | 23 27.00 84 Check 50 23 27 29.00 85 8-4-8 | 36 | 20 16 25.00 86 4-8-8 29 15 14 | 19.00 87 | 0-8-12 | +The percentages of fertilizer are indicated in the order of ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash. Thus 0-20-0 means ammonia 0 per cent, available phosphoric acid 20 per cent and potash 0 per cent. Except as indicated otherwise in the footnote one-third of the ammonia is in the form of nitrate of soda and two-thirds as sul- phate of ammonia; the phosphoric acid as acid phosphate and the potash in water soluble form. 2Phosphorie acid in form of floats. s8Ammonia in form of dried blood. 4Ammonia in form of tankage. Soil Test Experiment—Series A—Potatoes in 1917. ARRANGED IN TRIANGULAR DIAGRAM. The letters N, P and K indicate the parts of the triangle where ammonia, available phosphoric acid and potash are re- spectively at their maximum amounts. The upper numbers above each * are the plot numbers. The numbers arranged in threes and connected by - give the composition of the fertilizer used. The numbers below the * give the yields per acre ex- 28 pressed in hundredweights. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. The plots below the heavy dotted line are outside of the triangle. cially treated plots. They are check plots and spe- N 48 20-0-0 151 43 32 16-4-0 16-0-4 155 164 38 Sill 16 12-8-0 12-4-4 12-0-8 146 166 143 42 26 14 45 8-12-0 8-8-4 8-4-8 8-0-12 152 157 143 149 35 18 33 25 36 4-16-0 4-12-4 4-8-8 4-4-12 4-0-16 145 130 173 157 129 ull 39 47 19 17 24 0-20-0 0-16-4 0-12-8 0-8-12 0-4-16 0-0-20 105 60 95 90 101 115 12 K 15 D2, 27 34 41 46 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 111 133 100 119 109 108 49 29 36 21 28 44 0-0-0 5-8-7 4-8-10 4-818 4’.8-8 4?-8-8 82 126 141 149 126 155 “Phosphoric acid in form of floats “Ammonia in form of dried blood “Ammonia in form of tankage Barn AND Fietp EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 29 Discussion OF RESULTS. This is designed as a long term experiment and very little can be learned from a single year’s results. As stated above the oat yields were uneven largely because of the uneven stand due to seasonal causes. The detailed plot yields of the oats and straw are given in the table on page 27, and for the potatoes on page 26. The results in hundredweight for the potato yields are given in the triangular diagram on page 28. Plot 39 showed lack of vigor throughout the season and the yields from 19, 29 and 49 were smaller than expected. These 4 plots are nearer the woods and it may be that detailed soil examinations that are to be made of all of the plots will show differences in soil type. There is no apparent reason for check plot 22 having the high yield that it gave. Grouped by the plots at the points of the triangle and by the center plots the average yields are: Hundredweight per acre Three ammonia plots N3 in diagram* S/7/ Five ammonia plots N5 in diagram 152 Three available phosphoric acid plots P3 in diagram 103 Five available phosphoric acid plots P5 in diagram 111 Three potash plots K3 in diagram 115 Five potash plots K5 in diagram 117 Three center plots Comp 3 in diagram 158 Six center plots Comp 6 in diagram 154 Three lower center plots Am4 153 Seven check plots 109 The small yield from plot 39, 0-16-4, is due to other cause than the fertilizer and the high yield on plot 35, 4-16-0, is doubt- less due to the ammonia. Neglecting both of these does not affect the yield from the phosphoric acid corner as plot 11, 0-20-0, yielded 105 hundredweight. The preponderance of ammonia is shown by arranging the results in the order of the percentage of ammonia in the fertilizer mixtures. *See page 21 30 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. No ammonia 5 plots* 101 hundredweight per acre Four per cent ammonia 5 plots 147 hundredweight per acre Eight per cent ammonia 4 plots 150 hundredweight per acre Twelve per cent ammonia 2 plots 152 hundredweight per acre Sixteen per cent ammonia 2 plots 160 hundredweight per acre Twenty per cent ammonia 1 plot 151 hundredweight per acre *Omitting plot 39 But as is discussed. beyond (page 350), it would not do to infer from this series of experiments a general proposition that Caribou loam is deficient in ammonia. As phosphoric acid was not a limiting factor plot 21 in which the phosphoric acid is in the form of floats would be ex- pected to give as it did a yield as high as the same formula with acid phosphate as the source of the phosphoric acid. Plot 44 in which the ammonia was in the form of tankage gave results (155 cwt.) as would be expected. The low yields of 126 hundredweight from plots 28 and 29 may be due to soil or subsoil differences. Barn AND Fretp EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 31 EFFECT OF OMITTING POTASH FERTILIZATION UIZOIN Wish, Quik CinOle, Owing to the shortage of potash caused by the war it is very important to have as much information as possible regard- ing the value of this element for various crops. In 1915 the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station began a series of ex- periments at Aroostook Farm with the object of determining the value of potash for potatoes. In general these results have shown that there is sufficient available potash in Aroostook soils to mature a profitable-crop of potatoes. Nevertheless the addition of relatively small amounts of potash has resulted in a marked increase in yield. In order to obtain some information relative to the value of potash for oats experiments were begun at both of the ex- periment farms in 1916. ‘The stand was so poor and uneven because of heavy rains that no records of importance were obtained at Highmoor Farm in 1916. The results obtained at Aroostook Farm in 1916 were published in Bulletin 260. The experiment was continued at both farms in 1917. The results are given in the tables that follow. Table Showing Yields Per Acre in No Potash Experiment with Mame 340 Oats on Aroostook Farm 10917. Plot No. Amount of Potash Straw Pounds Grain Bushels 714 None 2110 | 43.4 719 None | 1080 33.8 Average | 1595 38.6 715 None + Common Salt | 2020 | 46.2 720 None + Common Salt 1220 | 36.7 Average 1620 | 41.5 716 2-per cent potash 1580 38.1 721 2 per cent potash | 1204 37.6 Average 1392 | 37.9 17 5 per cent potash 18890 | 44.4 722 5 per cent potash 1670 | 38.4 Average 1775 | 41.4 718 7 per cent potash 2230 45.9 723 | 7 per esnt potash 1420 43.1 Average 1825 44.5 32 MaIne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Table Showing Yields Per Acre in No Potash Experiment with Maine 340 Oats at Highmoor Farm 1917. Amount of Potash Straw Pounds Grain Bushe’s No Potash 1913 45.3 No Potash + Common Salt 1817 43.3 3 per cent Potash 1786 41.4 5 per cent Potash 1517 38.4 7 per cent Potash 1338 31.6 Average Yields Per Acre in No Potash Experiment with Oats in IQI6 and 1917. Bushe!s of Grain Amount of Potash Average 1916 1917 None 55 68 41 None plus salt 55 67 42 2 per cent 52 65 39 5 per cent 54 68 4) 7 per cent 55 69 49 There are no appreciable differences in the yields with the different treatments. Evidently on Aroostook Farm it is indi- cated by these trials that potash is not a limiting factor in grow- ing oats. The stands were too uneven at Highmoor Farm to warrant conclusions. It is not probable that the addition of potash explains the reduced yields that apparently uniformly followed its increased application at Highmoor Farm. BARN AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 33 fPreCr OF OMITTING POTASH FERTILIZATION WEON AH: POsATO CROP: Since the introduction of potash in commercial fertilizers in the early seventies of the last century, many experiments have been made and many treatises written showing the value of potash in crop growing. The experimental data on growing ‘crops without potash are very few. Potatoes are the chief cash crop grown in Maine. It is of first importance for the growers to have what facts are avail- able relative to the likelihood of obtaining a crop in 1918 without the application of potash. Foreseeing the possibility that, with the continuance of the war, very little potash would be available for fertilizers, the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station began in 1915, at Aroostook Farm, a series of experiments to deter- mine the effect of different amounts of potash. The results obtained in 1915 were published in Bulletin 246. Those for 1916 were published in Bulletin 260. Five different mixtures were used. In each case the fer- tilizers contained 5 per cent of ammonia of which one-third was in the form of nitrate of soda, and 8 per cent of available phosphoric acid. The potash varied as follows: On one plot there was no potash. The next plot also had no potash but common salt was mixed with the fertilizer at the rate of 300 pounds of salt per acre. The salt was used to see whether this would aid in freeing potash already in the soil and not in a form available for plant food. The fertilizer for the remaining 3 plots contained respectively 3 per cent, 5 per cent and 8 per cent potash. In each case the fertilizer was applied at the time of planting, at the rate of 1500 pounds per acre. Each plot was slightly less than one-half acre in area. The area of each plot was obtained by actual measurement and the yields are based on the weighed potatoes from each plot. Norcross pota- toes were used for seed. Other than in respect to potash all plots were treated exactly alike. The land used for this experi- ment had been in sod for 2 years. The experiment was made in duplicate and is separately reported. 34 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Yield Per Acre in No Potash Experiment with Potatoes. 1917. Merchantable Culls Plot No. Amount of Potash Cwt Bb!s Bus Cwt Bbis Bus SERIES 1 755 None 131.0 79.4 218.4 41 PAS 6.9 756 None + Salt 136.0 82.4 226.8 4.6 2.8 7.7 757 8 per cent Potash 135.3 82.0 225.5 Beil 1.9 5.2 7D 5 per cent Potash 130.8 79.3 218.8 2.6 1.6 4.4 759 7 per cent Potash 138.6 84.0 231.0 2.5 1.5 41 SERIES 2 760 None 139.5 84.6 232.7 4.0 2.4 6.6 7 None + Sa't 144.0 | 87.3 249.1 3.6 2.2 6.1 762 3 per cent Potash 149.3 90.5 248.9 3.5 Paci | 5.8 763 5 per cent Potash 157.4 95.4 262.4 3.8 2.3 6.3 764 7 ver cent Potash | 169.4 97.2 267.3 3.8 2.3 6.3 The yields for the 3 years 5 series are summarized in the table that follows. No Potash Experiment with Potatoes. 10915-1916-1917. Yield in Hundredweight Per Acre. 1915 1916 1917 Average Amount of Potash Series 1 Series 2* Series 1 Series 2 None : 182 172 198 131 140 156 None + Salt 193 200 136 144 158 8 per cent Potash 191 254 193 135 150 182 5 per cent Potash 191 254 191 131 157 183 8 per cent Potash 198 244 226 139 169 185 *In this series the potatoes followed potatoes. Omitted from average. From the results of these 4 trials in 3 seasons on sod land the following tentative conclusions may be drawn: The addition of 300 pounds of common salt per acre made a small but uniform increase in yield. The addition of as little as 45 pounds (1500 pounds of 3 per cent goods) per acre of potash uniformily in- creased the yield of potatoes and profitably. That on Aroostook Farm soil nothing was gained by a larger application. That good yields were obtained without any potash. It will also be noted that in the soil test experiment (page 17) that nitrogen and not potash seems to be the limiting factor in potato pro- duction on Aroostook Farm. BARN AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 35 mab eOLrAT© CROP IN ITS RELATION TO SOIL AND FERTILIZER. If one could only know the exact amount of plant food that a given crop could avail itself of in a given soil the question of application of plant food in the form of a fertilizer would be much simplified. Caribou loam is the potato soil of Aroos- took County. Interspersed with it are patches of greater or less extent of the much less desirable Washburn loam. It is perfectly easy to select typical Caribou loam soils. Will the same fertilizer give the same results—other conditions being as equal as may be—on different fields with this type of soil? This Station has made a series of studies upon the need of potash to grow potatoes upon Caribou loam. In 1917 the divi- sion of Soil Fertility Investigation and the division of Cotton, Truck and Forage Crop Disease Investigations of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in searching for the probable cause of the “new disease” of pota- toes noticed in 1916 made a series of trials with fertilizers using the triangle scheme that this Station has adopted from them and which is discussed on pages 23 to 26 of this Bulletin. They were interested in comparing results obtained on Caribou loam with those obtained on Washburn. It is interesting to compare the results they obtained on Caribou loam with those obtained by this Station on Aroostook Farm Caribou loam. All of the ex- periments were near Aroostook Farm and had the same weather conditions. The results from Aroostook Farm are given in the column headed A. The other letters refer to the tests made by the Department of Agriculture but the letters used are merely distinguishing but not identifying. They are grouped according to the triangle diagram. (See page 21). Hundred weight per acre of potatoes Fertilizer treatment A N Ss Ys Three ammonia plots 157 95 93 39 Three phosphoric acid plots 103 109 85 100 Three potash plots 115 123 116 | 79 Seven check plots 109 87 94 53 Six center (Complete) plots 154 125 159 120 36 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. It is evident as discussed above that ammonia is the limit- ing factor on the soil test experiment field of the Station at Aroostook Farm. Not only does ammonia give a higher result than either phosphoric acid or potash but it gives a yield equal to that obtained with a complete fertilizer. The yields from the different plots N show potash as the limiting factor but with some response from phosphoric acid and ammonia. The yields obtained with potash equal those from the complete fertilizer plots. With S potash gives increased yields while ammonia and phosphoric acid do not. But the yields from the 3 potash plots are much lower than from the complete plots. The yields obtained by Y are not helped by ammonia, are helped some by potash and markedly by phosphoric acid. But the complete outyields the phosphoric acid. These 4 fields all with Caribou loam and situated near each other in the Aroostook Valley indicate different values for each of the fields.) On A ammonia is the essential. On N it is Potash that is needed. On S potash is the valuable constitu- ent but it needs a complete fertilizer to bring the maximum yield. While on Y phosphoric acid doubles the yield, ammonia does not affect the yield and potash adds 50 per cent to the yield. From this evidence on A one would expect ammonia to be profitable. On N potash will be needed for results. On S potash pays but the complete fertilizer gives the maximum yields. On Y both potash and phosphoric acid are needed to produce the maximum yields and ammonia has no effect. It is needless to say that no definite conclusions can be drawn from these results. They are only one year’s results and as explained on page 18, it is planned to continue this work through a long period of years. BARN AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 37 POTATOES GROWN AT AROOSTOOK FARM ON FERTILIZERS CONTAINING AMMONIA (NITROGEN) IN DIFFERENT FORMS. A few years ago there was quite a general failure of the crop of potatoes in Aroostook County where a certain brand of fertilizer was used. This fertilizer was analyzed by the Station chemists and found to be high grade. While it was not quite up to its guaranty in some particulars it did carry enough ni- trogen, phosphoric acid and potash to more than grow a good crop of potatoes. This fertilizer carried none of its nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda, but it was all in the form of sul- phate of ammonia and high grade organic materials. This led to the stronger reaffirming of the position which the Station had taken relative to the use of nitrate nitrogen in the potato crop. In earlier publications it has been pointed out that the po- tato makes its demands for nitrogen early in the season and that in the cold, late springs so common in Aroostook County, the crop demands that part of the nitrogen should be immedi- ately available. For this reason the Station has strongly urged that about one-third of the nitrogen in a potato fertilizer be nitrate nitrogen. In the process of making gas and coke from coal there is developed a large amount of sulphate of ammonia, which in many coke and gas plants is still going to waste. In some plants this now is being conserved and many thousand tons of sulphate of ammonia are thus obtained each year. With the in- creasing use of high grade organic nitrogen for food of ani- mals, the price of tankage has been going higher and higher year by year. It is, of course, desirable, if it can be done, that as much as possible of this sulphate of ammonia, which is a comparatively cheap source of nitrogen, be used in Maine ferti- lizers. Because of these facts, arrangements were made to begin in 1914 a series of experiments to run over a period of several years. The “base” which was used in these goods was made by the wet process, whereby nitrogen from rather low grade goods is made as available as from high grade goods. The available 38 Matne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. phosphoric acid was furnished in the form of acid phosphate and the potash in the form of sulphate of potassium. The fer- tilizer was free from chlorides so as to preclude the possibility of the formation of poisonous ammonium chloride. The base carried approximately one-third of the nitrogen that went into the formula. The remainder of the nitrogen was furnished in the form of nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia, as indi- cated in the following plan: Plot 1. Basal mixture and 2-3 of the nitrogen in form of nitrate of soda. Plot 2. Basal mixture and 2-3 of the nitrogen in form of sulphate of ammonia. Plot 3. Basal mixture and 1-3 of the nitrogen in form of nitrate of soda and 1-3 in form of sulphate of ammonia. Plot 4. Basal mixture and 1-3 of the nitrogen in form of high grade organic and 1-3 in form of nitrate of soda. Plot 5. Basal mixture and 1-3 of the nitrogen in form oi high grade organic and 1-3 in form of sulphate of ammonia. In each case the finished fertilizer analyzed 5 per cent am- monia, 8 per cent available phosphoric acid and 7 per cent pot- ash. In each year the fertilizer has been applied in the planter at the rate of 1500 pounds per acre. Other than the fertilizer used the plots were planted, cultivated, sprayed and cared for in all particulars alike. In each year duplicate plots each about one-half acre in area have been grown with each mixture. The results for 1914 and 1915 are reported in detail in Bulletin 246 and those for 1916 in Bulletin 260. The detailed results for the experiment in 1917 are given in the table that follows. The results for the 4 years the experiment has been conducted are given in the table below. BARN AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 39 Growing Potatoes with Application of Different forms of Nitrogen Yield of Potatoes Per Acre. Merchantable | Culls Plot No. Treatment | | Cwt. | Bbis. Bus. Cwt. | Bbls. Bus. | | 765 24 Nitrate of Soda | 143.9 87.2 239.8 | 4.5 2.7 |) (4 770 2, Nitrate of Soda 135.9 82.4 226.6 2.5 1.5 aesalt Average 139.9 84.8 233.2 oD 2.1 | eer 766 24 Sulph. of Ammon. 140.3 | 85.0 233.7 | 4.6 2.8 ea 771 2%, Sulph. of Ammon. 143.2 86.8 238.7 3.5 2 5.8 Average | 241-7 | 85.9 236.2 | 4.5 2.5 6.8 767 % Nit. of Soda PS Reels : ze 1% Sulph. Ammon. | 184.5 81.5 224.1 3.1 1.9 5r2 712 ¥% Nit. of Soda x a Byes fA % Sulph. Ammon. | 145.0 87.9 241.7 | 8 at 4.7 Average | | 144.8 84.7 241.3 | 2.9 1.8 4.9 | ————_ | 768 4% Nit. of Soda ; F cas [Baer : % Organic E | 132.0 80.0 220.0 | 3.5 2.1 5.8 773 ¥Y% Nit. of Soda is es £ meee Fo altace % Organic | 143.7 87.1 239.5 | Beal 1.9 D2 Average | | 37.9 | 83:6 229.8 | 3.3 2.0 5.5 769 FY; Sulph. Ammon. ; 994 4 | FS > as % Organic ee | RG S28) Peed 3.7 2.3 6.3 ( 3 u Ges . | Eo 9x0 rc [te Organic \ | 150.9 99.9 959.9 3.0 8 5.0 Average | | 143. 86.8 238.9 3.4 2 5.7 } Growing Potatoes with Application of Different forms of Nitrogen im 1914-1915-1916 and 1917. Yield in Hundredweight Per Acre. Treatment 1914 1915 1916 1917 Average 2% Nitrate of Soda 198 186 23 149 189 24 Sulphate of Ammonia 182 198 231 142 188 % Nit. Soda 1% Sulph. Ammon. 191 196 226 145 199 1% Nit. Soda 14% Organic 198 183 231 138 188 1%, Sulph. Ammon. 4% Organic 182 18) 236 143 185 From the results of these trials it appears that there 1s little choice in the form that nitrogen is used on potatoes in Aroostook County and that the supposition made in the first paragraph of this report has not held true at Aroostook Farm in the past 4 years. The experiment is to be continued at least one more year. 40 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. PLANT BREEDING AT AROOSTOOK FARM IN 1017. Oats. Oat breeding experiments have been conducted at Aroostook Farm since 1914. This work has been directed toward develop- ing new and improved varieties of oats which would be better adapted to the conditions in the northern part of this State than those now grown. The work has been carried on along three principal lines: (1) variety tests, (2) pure line selections and (3) hybridization work. Comparative trials of commercial varieties more popular in the central part of the State, were begun in 1914, and were continued in 1915 and 1916. The detailed results of these experiments were published in Bulletins 246 and 260. These results indicate that certain varieties of oats which are well adapted to the conditions in the central and southern part of the State are not suited to Aroostook conditions. It was pro- posed to continue these variety tests for a number of years. Owing, however, to the movement for increased production of farm products in connection with the war emergency, it was deemed advisable to temporarily discontinue the variety test in 1917, and seed the acreage available for small grains to Maine 340 which has proven to be one of the best varieties so far obtained for Aroostook County. As a further means of developing new and better varieties the work with pure line selections was undertaken. The prin- ciple of this work is based on the isolation of prepotent individual plants out of standard commercial varieties. In 1914 several hundred individual plants were selected from varieties known to have been grown in Aroostook for several years. In 1915 the seed from each of these plants was sown in a separate row in the nursery or breeding garden. Thus the plants of each row were the offspring of a single, self-fertilized plant of the year before, and represented what is called a “pure line.” Care- - ful notes were taken on each row, and those that showed the most desirable characters were harvested and threshed, each row by itself. In 1916 the seed of each of the most promising rows was planted in 5 replicate plots each I-2000 acre in area. The rather high number of replications offered a safer basis BARN AND FIELD EXPERIMENTS In 1917. . 41 in the subsequent analysis of the merits of each pure line than when only one or 2 plots to each strain are used. In the latter case the real differences in the character of a strain may be obscured by soil irregularities. Out of the t00 strains grown in 1916 only 20 pure lines were continued in 1915 in I-20 acre plots. In 1918 about to of these pure lines will be tested and propagated under field conditions using triplicate plots I-10 acre to each strain. The hybridization work with oats, while primarily con- ducted in the interest of scientific investigations regarding the mode of inheritance of the various characters of oats, promises also results of commercial value. The relatively short growing season prevailing in Aroostook has led the farmers to grow early maturing oat varieties. The majority of these early vari- eties, however, are light yielding oats. Consequently, in the breeding work the attempt is being made to combine, through crossing, the high yielding qualities of medium late and late varieties with the character of earliness of the Aroostook grown varieties. Since 1915 several crosses have been made which will be tested in 1-2000 acre plots in 1918. In addition to hybrid oats originated in the breeding work at Aroostook Farm, oat crosses between varieties which appear promising for Aroostook conditions, have been taken from Highmoor Farm, and tested in garden rows and small plots at Aroostook Farm. WHEAT. The object of this work is to secure a wheat of good quality. The quality of wheat is principally determined by the milling or flour yield and the flour strength. The flour strength is closely correlated with the gluten content of wheat, and is measured by the volume and texture of the bread loaf pro- duced from the flour. The hard wheats furnish, as a rule, flour of high strength. The majority of Aroostook grown varieties of wheat develop soft grain producing flour of inferior grade. Wheats imported from the Northwest after one season’s growth in Aroostook lose their character of “hardness”. These con- ditions have led the Station to undertake some definite breeding work with wheat at Aroostook Farm. The principal aim of this work is to secure a hard wheat that would maintain its hardness under Aroostook conditions. The methods followed 42 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. in this work include pure line selections and hybridization work. Since the imported northwestern wheats showed such a rapid deterioration and lack of adaptation it was thought advis- able to confine the selection work chiefly to Maine grown va- rieties of wheat. In 1915 a large number of plants were selected from commercial wheat varieties grown at Aroostook Farm as well as on several farms in the County. The seed from individual wheat ears was planted in garden rows in 1916 giving rise to about 300 pure lines of wheat. The seed of each row was harvested separately and tested in the laboratory with a grain tester for hardness. About 100 pure lines were retained and continued in duplicate 1-2000 acre plots in 1917. Each of the pure lines grown in 1917 furnished enough seed so that protein analyses could be made with each line. The analyses show a marked variation in the protein content which, however, is generally quite high. Using these analyses and the field notes as a basis a further scrutiny of these pure lines of wheat will be made and the inferior strains eliminated. Several of these lines are very promising and will be propagated in 1-80 acre plots in 1918. It may be of interest to state that the most promising strains represent selections from Maine grown wheats. In the hybridization work with wheat several crosses have been made between hard northwestern and Aroostook grown high yielding wheats. TimotHy IMPROVEMENT. The hay crop is an important source of income in Aroostook County. The yield of the hay crop as of any other crop can be improved by breeding more productive strains. In this State the merchantable hay crop is chiefly made up of timothy. It was thought desirable to undertake some work with a view toward improving the commercial timothy seed grown in this State. Selection of most promising plants and their vegetative propagation by means of bulbs or slips is the method followed in this work. Seed was collected from individual heads of vigorous tall culms borne by good plants growing in meadows and fields. The seed was planted in flats each row representing the progeny of a single head. After the plants produced the third leaf they were transplanted into the grass garden. The seedlings from Barn AND Fietp EXPERIMENTS IN 1917. 43 one head were planted in a row by themselves. Owing to the short growing season in Aroostook the starting of the seedlings and their transplanting is done in the spring, as in the fall the seedlings would not become well rooted before the winter comes on. In the second summer the best individual plants were se- lected, dug out and propagated by bulbs or slips giving rise to clonal* strains or varieties. As the timothy plant is a cross- fertilizing plant it is desirable to interpose between the selection of best individuals and their propagation a period of purifying of these individuals by self-fertilization in order to eliminate all possible hybrid mixtures and secure pure strains that breed true. The clonal varieties from single timothy heads are being tested in small plots at Aroostook Farm, and the seed of the ultimate best strains will be retained. In the summer of 1918 these plots will furnish enough seed to plant fairly large plots. STRAWBERRIES. Small fruit culture is only slightly followed in Aroostook County. The wild strawberry flourishes. Because of many inquiries indicating interest on the part of Aroostook people in small fruits the Station Council in the spring of 1916 decided to begin investigations with strawberries at Aroostook Farm. This work is being taken up along the same general lines of the other plant breeding work at the farms. Standard commercial varieties are tested to learn which of these are best adapted to Aroostook conditions and also to furnish plants for breeding work both by selection and by hybridization. In the spring of 1916, 15 varieties of strawberry plants were purchased. When they reached the farm 2 lots were so badly wilted that they could not be revived. The remaining 13 varieties consisted of 11 standard and 2 of the everbearing type. Ten additional varieties were added to the testing plot in 1917. The yields per acre and the length of the fruiting season for the varieties set out in 1916 which fruited in the summer of 1917 are given in the table that follows. The 2 everbearing varieties are marked with a * and the 2 varieties having 1m- *A clon is a plant group the members of which have been grown from an original stock but which do not come true from seed. 44 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. perfect flowers are marked with a ¢. Glen Mary while classed as a perfect variety has weak pollen and should be set with perfect varieties in order to insure pollination. That is it should, in our experience, be treated as though it bore imperfect flowers. Data on Strawberries Fruiting at Aroostook Farm in 1917. : Quarts per Fruiting Season Duration in WES a Acre First Picking Days Pearly-=-2 =e 282 July 28 7 Chesapeake _-_-------. 571 July 17 16 Marshallisss222-5--— : 712 July 16 12 Superb? 2 1960 | July 11 21 William) ‘Belt2===--==— 2345 July 16 ~ 17 Magie Gem=-.-------2 2614 July 17 16 gS a eae coe 2817 cf ay 9 17 arly, OZarke====sss= 2940 | 11 15 Premieres eee 2971 | J ae 11 22 Samplet7 ee 3071 | July 16 17 Drebirn)] 3898 July 11 22 Glens Many222==— 4055 July 16 17 @rescentij@=-—-- 4719 July 13 23 *Everbearing. tPistillate varieties. ’ Owing to the danger of early frost in this section it is doubtful if the everbearing varieties can be depended upon for more than the ordinary spring crop. During the season of I917 no ripe fruit was produced by these plants later than August 2. They were, however, heavily laden with immature fruit when further progress toward maturity was stopped by frost. Several of the native wild strawberry plants, so abundant in Aroostook, were placed in the plot for breeding purposes. While they responded to cultivation in so far as producing a heavy growth of vine is concerned, the yield of fruit was ex- tremely small and but little increase in the size of berries over those produced under natural conditions was observed. The results from a single year’s test are not conclusive but it would be unwise to set for fruit in Aroostook County any of the varieties like the Pearl, Chesapeake or Marshall that gave small yields with a short fruiting season. Ss BULLETIN 270 EASTERN APHIDS: A FEW SPECIES OF - PROCIPHILUS.* i Epira M. Patc#. There is evidently still considerable work to be done with the migratory Pemphiginae before we have their life histories in hand. Among the single genus Prociphilus in the Eastern States alone, several unfinished problems are presented. In fact, the complete American food cycle has been ascertained for but two of the species found in New England,—P. tessellatat and P. venafuscus. The second of these, indeed, was not definitely located as to. its summer residence until two years ago when the writer se- cured winged material from pupae collected on the roots of young balsam fir, October 19, 1915 (144-15), though this tree had been under suspicion for several years.t P. xylostei, to be sure, has been recorded as a root form on “Fichten” (Tullgren 1909, p. 93) for Europe and its habits in america are not likely to be different. Besides P. venafuscus, we have two ash species in the East, P. fraximifolu and P. approximatus, the alternate host of neither having yet been reported. That the several species already mentioned are all easily to be distinguished, a little study of Figure.5 will show. _*Papers from the Maine Agricultural Sxgnemiaent Station: Ento- mology No. 97. 71908. Entomological News. p. 484. #1913. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 207, p. 448.. 46 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Figure 4, however, includes some features that concern problems still unsolved. 164-12 represents the fall migrant of a species found congregating in enormous numbers about the base of a mountain ash tree (Pyrus sp) on the University of Maine Campus. This has never been taken by the writer except in 1912. It is apparently P. fitchii Baker and Davidson, as it closely resembles the type slide of P. pyri (Fitch). In struc- ture it is nearer to P. venafuscus than to any other species. Figure 4 (2-15) shows the antenna of the apterous vivi- parous female of a root species, common on certain Compositae in Maine, which I have considered to be Trama erigeronensis. That this is the root form of a species present in Spring upon other vegetation from which it migrates, seems probable. In- dividuals with wing pads in the underground colonies are fre- quently found, which would indicate a return fall migration; but I have only once succeeded in obtaining the mature winged forms, (78-06). The antenna and thoracic waxplates of this collection are given in Figure 4. If I am correct in my deter- mination this fall migrant proves that erigeronensis should be withdrawn from Trama and placed in the genus Prociphilus. This insect comes nearer to P. corrugatans migrating from Crataegus or P. alnifoliae from Amelanchier than to any other member of the genus known to me; and it may be discovered that the so called Trama erigeronensis is the summer root form of a species migrating from hawthorn or Juneberry. So much variety exists in migrants from these two plants that I am not at present confident that only two species are concerned. I do not yet know what the specific characters are as any I have tried to use for separation of these migrants seem to merge more or less. This brief paper is written as a report of the present status of this group in the East, in the hope that what slight new data it contains may fit in with information which may be available elsewhere. At any rate, eleven years seems long enough to with-hold the winged form of P. (Trama) erigeronensis un- published, in continued hope of linking it definitely into some incomplete cycle. Apuip Foop PLrant CATALOGUE. 47 FOOD PLANT CATALOGUE OF THE APHIDAE OF THE WORLD. Part V.* EDITH M. PATCH. EROS @ RANGE AE: PITTOSPORUM. . eugenioides A. Cunn. Tarata. Aphis pomi DeGeer.. Essig, 1917a, p. 341. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 332. . tobira. Japanese Pittosporum. Mocrasiphum solanifolii (Ashmead). Essig, 1917a, p. 329. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 331. . tenuifolium Gaertn. Tawhiwhi. Aphis pomi DeGeer. Essig, 1917a, p. 341. . undulatum Vent. Victorian Box. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 332. IRO'SvN Claes TRO SIE, TEAIWUUESZ ACAENA. . splendens Vahl. Myzus michaelsent Schouteden. Schouteden, 1904, p. 3. Rhopalosiphum acaenae Schouteden. Schouteden, 1904, p. 4. AGRIMONIA. Agrimony. . eupatoria L. Nectarophora agrimoniella Cockerell. Cockerell, 1903a, p. 168. AMELANCHIER. Juneberry. . alnifolia Nutt. Illinoia macrosiphum Wilson. Wilson, 1912a, p. 155. Pemphigus alnifoliae Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 7. Prociphilus corrugatans (Sirrine). Quaintance & Baker, 1917, Do NOY . canadensis (L.) Medic. Shad Bush. Service Berry. Prociphilus corrugatans (Sirrine). Patch, 1915c, p. 253. *Papers from the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station: Entomol- ogy No. 98. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. COTONEASTER. . franchetii Bois. Aphis pomi DeGeer. Essig, 1917a, p. 341. . vulgaris. Aphis pomi DeGeer (mali Fabricius non Oestlund etc.) (oxya- canthae Schrank non Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch etc.), Theobald, 1916a, p. 176. =/SD: Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fab.) (aucupariae Buckton) (cratae- gi Buckton), van der Goot, 1915, p. 210. CRATAEGUS. Hawthorn. . Azarolus L. Aphis crataegi Kalt. (pyri Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 35. Prociphilus corrugatans (Sirrine). Quaintance & Baker, 1917, p. 19. : . coccinea L. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Monell, 1879, p. 21. Aphis (Adactynus) crataegus-coccinea Rafinesque. Rafinesque, 1818. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (avenae Fitch) (pruni- foliae Fitch) (annuae Oestlund) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphono- phora avenae Thos. in part), Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. Siphonophora crataegi Monell. Monell, 1879, p. 21. . crusgalli (lucida). Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank), Passerini, 1863, p. 40. Eriosoma lanigera (Hausmann) (Schizoneura crataegi Oestlund), Becker 1918a, p. 255. Pemphigus corrugatans Sirrine. Gillette, 1909a, p. 355. . Macrocapetra. Pemphigus corrugatans Sirrine. Gillette, 190Ga, p. 355. . monogyna. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fabricius non Oestlund etc.) (oxya- canthae Schrank non Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch), Theobald, 1916a, p. 176. . occidentalis. Pemphigus corrugatans Sirrine. Gillette, 1909a, p. 355. . oxyacantha L. English Hawthorn. Aphis crataegi Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 37. Aphis crataegi Kalt. (pyri Koch), Ferrari, 1872, p. 62. Aphis crataegi Kalt. (non Koch) (non Buckton), Theobald, 1911- 1912. Aphis crataegi Koch. Koch, p. 64. Aphis crataegiella Theobald. (crataegi Buckton non Kaltenbach), Theobald, 1911-1912. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Davidson, 1910, p. 377. ApuHip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 49 Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank), Passerini, 1863, p. 40. Aphis mali Fab. (Puceron du pomier Gotze) (pomi DeGeer) Buckton, 2, p. 46. Aphis oxyacanthae Koch. Buckton, 2, p. 37. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fabricius non Oestlund etc.) (oxya- canthae Schrank non Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch), Theobald, 1916a, p. 176. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli), van der Goot, 1915, p. 224. Dentatus (Aphis) crataegi Kalt. (pyri Boyer) (ranunculi Kalt.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 176. Macrosiphum crataegaria (Walker) (non Buckton). Theobald, 1913, Jour. Econ. Biol., Vol. 8, p. 53. Ovatus (Myzus) mespili van der Goot. van der Goot, 1915, p. 138. Prociphilus crataegi Tull. Tullgren, 1909, p. 102. Siphonaphis padi L. (avenae Fab.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 244. Tetraneura ulmi Geoffrey. (Aphis). Ferrari, 1872, p. 83. Mysus oxyacanthae (Koch). Bayer, 1914a, p. 142. C. punctata Jacq. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Thomas, 1879, p. 101. Schizoneura cratacgi Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 28. C. tomentosus L. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Sanborn, 1904, p. 53. Schizoneura crataegi Oestlund. Williams, 1910, p. 20. C. sp. Aphis avenae (Fab.). Patch, 1915c, p. 256. Aphis bakeri Cowen. (cephalicola Cowen). Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 28. Aphis brevis Sanderson. Patch, 1915c, p. 257. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 18. Aphis edentula Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 41. Aphis marutae Oestlund. Hunter, 1901, p. 101. Pemphigus corrugatans Sirrine. Jackson, 1908, p. 216. Schizoneura lanigera Hausmann (S. americana in part, of authors) Patch, 1912a, p. 395. CRATAEGO-MESPILUS. (hybrid). C.-Mespilus. Aphis crataegi Buckton. Lingelsheim, 1916a. Myzus oxyacanthae Koch. Lingelsheim, 1916a. DUCHESNEA. Indian Strawberry. D. indica (And). Focke (Fragaria indica). Aphis gossypui Glover. (citrifolii Ashm. In part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?), Pergande, 1895, p. 314. 50 E. F. F. F. F. F. G. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ERIOBOTRYA. japonica Lindl. Aphis eriobotryae Schouteden. Schouteden, 1905a, p. 165. FILIPENDULA. ulmaria (L.). Maxim (Ulmaria ulmaria L) (Spiraea ulmaria) (Spir- la by misprint) Queen of the Meadow. Aphis spiraeella Schouteden. (schoutedeni Kirkaldy) (spireae Schouteden nec Oestlund) Schouteden, 1906a, p. 228. Siphonophora pisi Kalt. Buckton, 1, p. 135. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch), Passerini, 1863, p. 13. FRAGARIA. Strawberry. indica. See Duchesnea indica. vesca L. Aphis chloris Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 39. Aphis fragariae Walker. Walker, 1848b, p. 431. Rhizobius sonchi Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 484. Siphonophora fragariae Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 126. virginiana Duchne. Aphis sp. Sanborn, 1904, p. 63. Myzus porosus Sanderson. Patch, 1915c, p. 258. sp. Aphis aparines Fab. Williams, 1891, p. 24. Aphis forbesi Weed. Weed, 1888, p. 273. Aphis fragariae Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 231. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashm. in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?), Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis maidiradicis Forbes. Vickery, 1910, p. 111. Macrosiphum fragariellum Theobald. (S. fragariella), Cockerell, 1905, p. 309; Theobald, 1913, Jour, Econ. Biol. Vol. 8, p. 53. Macrosiphum rogersti Theobald. Theobald, 1913, Jour. Econ. Biol. Vol 8.ps 03: Macrosiphum trifolii Pergande. Pergande, 1904a, p. 22. Myzus fragaefolii Cockerell. Cockerell, 190la, p. 101. Myzus fragariae Theobald. Theobald, 1912. Myzus porosus Sanderson. Sanderson, 1900, p. 205. Siphonophora fragariae var. immaculata Riley. Pergande, 1904a, p. 22. Siphonophora minor Forbes. Forbes, 1884, p. 79. GEUM. Avens. urbanum L. Macrosiphum gei Koch. Theobald, 1913, p. 53. Macrosiphum ulmariae (Schrank) (gei Koch) (urticae Kalt?) van der Goot, 1915, p. 104. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. 51 Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (gei Koch). Ferrari, 1872, p. 55. MESPILUS. M. germanica. Aphis pomi DeGeer. Lingelsheim, 1916a. Aphis fitchiti Sanderson. Lingelsheim, 1916a. NUTTALLIA. (Osmaronia). N. cerasiformis Torr-Gray. Illinoia osmaroniae Wilson. Wilson, 1912a, p. 153. PHOTINIA. P. arbutifolia Lindl. Rhopalosiphum nervatum Gillette (arbuti Davidson). Essig, 1917, p. 330. P. serrulata Lindl. (Crataegus glabra). Myzus cerasi Fab. Macchiati, 1883, p. 234. PHYSOCARPUS. (Neillia) ,(Opulaster). Nine-bark. P. opulifolius (L). Maxim. (Neillia opulifolius). Aphis neilliae Oestlund. Oecestlund, 1887, p. 59. POTENTILLA. (Tormentilla). Cinquefoil. P. Anserina L. Silver Weed. = Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. a Macrosiphum potentillae (Aphis Walker). Theobald, 1913, p. 150. Myzus rosarum (Walker) (potentillae Oestlund). Ocstlund, 1887, th 7s Nectarophora potentillae Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 83. Phorodon galeopsidis (Kalt.) Pass. (Walker ex parte). Passeri- ni, 1863, p. 19. P. arguta Pursh. Myzus potentillae Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 66. - P. hippiana Lehm. (pulcherrima). Real Nectarophora martini Cockerell. Cockerell, 1903a, p. 171. (pul- cherrima?). P. reptans L. Phorodon galeopsidis Kalt. Macchiati, 1883, p. 232. P. tormentilla Scop. Aphis tormentillae Pass. Del Guercio, 1909, (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. PRUNUS. (Amygdalus) (Cerasus) (Padus) (Persica). Plum. Cherry. P. americana Marsh. Wild Plum. Aphis cerasi Schrank. (A. prunicola Kalt.) Lingelsheim, 1916a. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. 52 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Station. 1918. P. Amygdalus Baill. (Amygdalus communis L.) Almond. Aphis amygdali Blanch. Thomas, 1879, p. 102. Aphis amygdalinus Schouteden. Schouteden, 1905a, p. 164. Lachnus fuliginosus Buckton. Buckton, 1891, p. 41. Rhopalosiphum nympheae (Linn.). Davidson, 1917a, p. 350. P. armeniaca L. Apricot. Aphis persicariae Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 370. Aphis pruni Reaum. (prunifoliae Fitch?) (Prunifex Amyot) (Cal- amaphis Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. 65. Aphis prunorum Dobrowljansky. Dobrowljansky, 1913, p. 45. Hyalopterus arundinis Fabr. Clarke, 1903, p. 249. Hyalopterus pruni (Fab.) Koch (Prunifex Amyot). Buckton, 2, Dali Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Rhopalosiphum nympheae (Linn.). Davidson, 1917a, p. 350. P. avium L. Sweet Cherry. Mazzard. Aphis cerasina Walker. Kaltenbach. 1874, p. 177. Myzus cerasi (Fab.) Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 22. P. cerasus L. (Cerasus vulgaris). Sour or Morello Cherry. Myzus cerasi Fab. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 43. Myzus cerasit (Fab.) Pass. (Cerasaphis Amyot). Buckton, 1, p. 75s Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. P. chamaerasus Jacq. Aphis insititiae Koch. Cholodkovsky, 1910, p. 146. P. domestica L. Common Garden Plum. Aphis alamedensis Clarke. Clarke, 1903, p. 251. Aphis convecta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 37. Aphis deposita Walker. Walker, 1848c, p. 2250. Aphis detracta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 38. Aphis egressa Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 38. Aphis humuli Schrank. (A. pruni Scop.) Koch, p. 115. Aphis internata Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 37. Aphis persorbens Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 37. Aphis pruni Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 176. Aphis pruni Koch. (Aphis cardui Linn.) Dobrowljansky, 1913, p. 45. Aphis prunicola Kalt. Passerini Flora. Aphis prunina Walker. Passerini, 1863, p. 37; Walker, 1848c, p. 2250. Aphis setariae Thomas. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 19. Aphis similis Walker. Walker, 1848c, p. 2249. Aphis transposita Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 37. Aphis sp. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 19. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1917, p. 36. P. insititia L. Bullace Plum. Anuraphis prunicola Kaltenbach. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), p. 297. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 53 Aphis insititia Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 177. Brachycaudus helichrysi Kalt. (myosotidis Koch) (pruni Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 257. Phorodon humuli Schrank. (A. pruni Scop.). van der Goot, 1915, p. 134. . Mahaleb L. Perfumed Cherry. Aphis frangulae Kalt. (A. rhammi Kalt. not Boyer). Koch, p. 120. Myzus cerasi Fab. (Aphis). Ferrari, 1872, p. 61. Mysus mahaleb (Koch) Pass. (A. pruni mahaleb Boyer) (A. humuli Walker partim?). Phorodon pruni “n. sp?” Ferrari. (A. humuli Koch partim). Ferrari, 1872, p. 60. . melanocarpa. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. - mume. Macrosiphum mumecola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 361. . padus L. Aphis padi Reaum. Buckton, 2, p. 62. Aphis padi L. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 176. Aphis padi Kalt. (A. avenae Fab. Kalt.). Mordwilko, 1897, p. 282. Lachnus padi Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 368. Siphonaphis padi Linn. (A. avenae Fab.). van der Goot, 1915, p. 244. . pennsylvanica L. Wild Red, Bird, Fire or Pin Cherry. Aphis cerasifoliae Fitch. Gillette, 1910, p. 405. . persica (L.) Stokes. (Persica vulgaris) (Amygdalus persica). Peach. Abura momocola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. Aphis amygdali Boyer. (persicae Boyer). Buckton, 2, p. 105. Aphis amygdalinus Schouteden. Theobald, 1909, p. 324. Aphis persicae Koch. (persicae Boyer? persicae Kalt?). Koch, pp. 61 and 62. Aphis infuscata Koch. van der Goot, 1915, p. 205. Aphis persicae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 93. Aphis persicae Boyer. (insititiae Koch). Ferrari, 1872, p. 73. Aphis persicae-niger Smith. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 37. Aphis persicariae Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 370. Aphis persicophila Rondani. Passerini, 1860, p. 36. Aphis pruni Reaum. (prunifoliae Fitch?) (prunifex Amyot) (Calamaphis Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. 65. Aphis prunicola Kalt. (cerasi Schrank). Ferrari, 1872, p. 74. Aphis scotti Sanderson. Smith, 1905, p. 99. Aphis setariae Thom. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 19. Brachycaudus amygdali Buckton. (A. persicae Fonsc.) (cerasi Schrank) (prunicola Kalt.). van der Goot, 1915, p. 253. Dryobius amygdali van der Goot. van der Goot, 1912, p. 282. 54 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Hyalopterus pruni (Fab.) Koch. (Prunifex Amyot). Buckton, fy > SMI Lachnus fuliginosus Buckton. Buckton, 1891, p. 41. Lachnus (Pterochloris) persicae Chol. Cholodkovsky, 1908, p. 688. Myzus momonis Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 362. Myzus (Aphis) persicae Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 151. Myzus persicae Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 25. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). (insititia Koch) (persicaecola Bois- duval) (persicophila Rondani). Buckton, 1, p. 180. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Myzus varians Davidson. Essig, 1917a, p. 335. Rhopalosiphum dianthi (Schrank) Koch (persicae Puceron du pecher Morren) (rapae Curtis) (A. floris rapae Curtis) (dubia? Curtis) (vastator Smee) (persicaecola Boisduval) (R. persicae” Pass.)) “Buckton» 25 p27. Rhopalosiphum nympheae (Linn.) Davidson, 1917a, p. 350. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer) Pass. (A. dianthi Schrank) (A. vulgaris Kyber) (A. rapae Curtis) (A. dubia Curtis) (A. vas- tator Smee). Passerini, 1863, p. 21. . pseudo-cerasus. Myzus sasaki Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 362. . sachalinensis. Myzus sakurae Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, DAsOZ: . serotina Ehrh. (Cerasus serotina) Wild Black or Plum Cherry. Aphis cerasicolens Fitch. Williams,-1891, p. 7. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (prunifoliae Fitch) (ave nae Fitch) (annuae Oestlund)- (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphono- phora avenae Thos. in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. . Spinosa L. Aphis amygdali Boyer. (persicae Boyer). Buckton, 2, p. 105. Aphis bellula Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 36. : Aphis cerasina Walker. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 177. Aphis consona Walker: Walker, 1849c, p. 36. Aphis conviva Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 36. Aphis humuli Schrank. (A-pruni Scop.). Koch, p. 115. Aphis impacta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 35. Aphis infuscata Koch. Koch, p. 77. Aphis nociva Walker. Walker, .1849c, p. 36. Aphis persicae Boyer. Passérini Flora. Aphis prunaria Walker. Walker, 1850b, p. 121. Aphis prunicola Kalt. (A. cerasi Schrank), Passerini, 1863, p. 50. Aphis prunina Walker. Walker, 1850b, p. 150. Aphis spinarum Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 370. Aphis transmutata Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 37. Brachycaudus amygdali Buckton. (A. persicae Fonsc.) (A. cerasi Schrank) (A. prunicola Kalt.), van der Goot, 1915, p. 253. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 55 Hyalopterus pruni (Fab.) Koch. (Prunifex Amyot). Buckton, %, jo UWI Phorodon humuli (Schrank) Pass. (pruni Scop.) (Humulifex Amyot) Buckton, 1, p. 167. Phorodon humuli var. mahaleb Boyer. (A. pruni Boyer) (A. mahaleb Koch) (M. mahaleb Pass.) Buckton, 1, p. 169. Schizoneura corni Kalt. (S. vagans Koch) “auf Schlehenhecken,” Koch, pp. 269 and 330. (September migration). P. virginiana L. (Cerasus serotina). Choke cherry. Aphis cerasicolens Fitch. Hunter, 1901, p. 95. Aphis cerasifoliae Fitch. (Myzus cerasifoliae Thomas). Thomas, 1879, p. 93. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (prunifoliae Fitch) (ave- nae Fitch) (annuae Oestl.) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphonophora avenae Thos. in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. Aphis padi Linn. (avenae of European authors). Baker, 1917h. Aphis prunicolens Ashmead. Hunter, 1901, p. 102. Aphis prunifoliae Fitch (avenae of ASSETS authors, not padi) Baker, 1917h. Aphis pruni-mahaleb Boyer. Lichtenstein Flore Supplement. Aphis setariae Thomas. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 41. Chaitophorus populi (Linn.). -Pass. (Myzaegirus Amyot) (Arc- taphis populi Walker). Buckton, 2, p. 142. Hyalopterus arundinis (Fab.) (A: pruni Fab.) (A. phragmitidicola Oestlund) (A. prunifoliae Fitch?). Hunter, 1901, p. 92. Hyalopterus arundinis (Fab.) (pruni). Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 39. : Myzus mahaleb Fonsc. Pergande, 1897, Bul. 7, Div. Ent. Mysus prunifoliae Fitch. Sanborn, 1904, p. 70. Nectarophora prunicola Ashmead. Hunter, 1901, p.- 116. Phorodon humuli Schrank. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 40. Rhopalosiphum dubium Curtis. Lichtenstein La Flore. Rhopalosiphum persicae Sulzer. Lichtenstein La: Flore. Rhopalosiphum persicaecola Boisduval. Lichtenstein La Flore. Rhopalosiphum vastator Smee. Lichtenstein La Flore. Rhopalosiphum vulgaris Kyber. Lichtenstéin La Flore. PYRUS. (Cydonia) (Malus). (Mespilus) (Sorbus). P. americana (Marsh) D. C. (Sorbus americana) American. Mountain Ash. Aphis mali Fab. (A. malifoliae Fitch) Oestlund, 1887, p. 64. Schizoneura lanigera Hausmann (S. americana in part of authors) Patch, 1912a, p. 395. P. aucuparia (L.) Ehrh. European Mountain Ash. Rowan Tree. Aphis aucupariae Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 76. 56 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fab.) (aucupariae Buckton) (crataegi | Buckton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 213. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fabricius non Oestlund etc.) (oxya- | canthae Schrank non Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) | (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch). Theobald, 1916a, p. 176. Aphis sorbi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 216. Siphocoryne padi L. (A. avenae Fab.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 244. P. communis L. (pyraster). Pear. Aphanostigma (Phylloxera) piri (Chol.) C. B. Borner, 1909b, p. 61. Cholodkovsky, 1910, p. 149. Aphis crataegi Kalt. (pyri Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 35. Aphis crataegi Kaltenbach non Buckton. Theobald, 1916, p. 212. | Aphis gossypu Glover. (citrifolii Ashmead in part) (citrulli Ash- | mead) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?) Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis kochii Schouteden (pyri Koch non Boyer) (sorbi Walker, Sanderson etc. non Kaltenbach) (mali Buckton part, non Fab- ricus) (pyri-mali Fabricius part) (malifoliae Fitch and Thomas) (mali Ferrari part) (pyri Gillette and Taylor). Theobald, 1916b, | p. 205. Aphis lentiginis Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 60. Aphis mali Fab. (Puceron du pomier Gotze) (pomi DeGeer). Buckton, 2, p. 46. Aphis oxyacanthae Koch non Schrank. Bayer, 1909b, p. 35. Aphis pyri Koch. Bayer, 1909b, p. 35. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fab.) (aucupariae Buckton) (cratae- — gi Buckton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 210. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fabricius) (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) (oxyacanthae Schrank). Theobald, 1916a, p. 176. Aphis pyraria Pass. Buckton, 2, p. 54. Aphis pyrastri Boisduval. Passerini Flora. Aphis pyri Goureau. Passerini Flora. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Eriosoma lanuginosa Hartig. (pyri Goethe) Baker and Davidson, 1917c, p. 66. Eriosoma pyricola Baker and Davidson. Baker and Davidson, 191l6e, p. 351. Lachnus pyri Buckton. Buckton, 1899a, p. 274. Myzoxylus laniger (Hausmann). Bayer, 1909b, p. 34. Myzus oxyacanthae (Koch) Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 24. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Myzus pyrarius Pass. Passerini, 1862, p. 2. Myzus pyrinus Ferrari. Zoological Record, 1872, p. 418. Nectarophora tabaci Pergande. Pergande, 1898, p. 300. Prociphilus corrugatans Sirrine. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 19. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. 57 Prociphilus fitchii Baker and Davidson. (pyri Fitch). Baker and Davidson, 1917c, p. 66. Schizoneura piri Mordwilko. Cholodkovsky, 1910, p. 148. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (avenae Fitch) (pruni- foliae Fitch) (annuae Oestl.) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphono- phora avenae Thomas in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. P. (Malus) coronaria L. American Crab. Aphis gossypii Glover. Gillette, 1910, p. 404. P. Cydonia L. (Cydonia vulgaris). Quince-tree. Aphis brevis Sanderson. Sanderson, 1901b, p. 157. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 18. Aphis cydoniae Boisduval. Zoological Record, 1868, p. 416. Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 40. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fab.) (aucupariae Buckton) (crataegi Buckton) van der Goot, 1915, p. 210. Macrosiphum solani (Kalt.) Del Guercio 1909 (1910), Redia VII, pa 297. Prociphilus corrugatans Sirrine. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 19. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (prunifoliae Fitch) (ave- nae Fitch) (annuae Oestl.) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphonophora avenae Thos. in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. Siphonophora (Aphis) solani Kalt. Passerini, 1863, p. 13. P. germanica Hook. (Mespilus germanica). Aphis assidua Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 40. Aphis inserta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 39. Aphis insita Walker No. 1. Walker, 1849c, p. 39. Aphis mactata Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 39. Aphis nutricata Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 39. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fabricius non Oestlund) (oxyacanthae Schrank non Koch) (padi Sanderson non Linnaeus) (pyri Kit- tel non Boyer, Koch etc.). Theobald, 191l6a, p. 176. Aphis pruni Reaum. (prunifoliae Fitch?) (Prunifex Amyot) (Cal- amaphis Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. 65. Macrosiphum pelargoni Buckton. -Theobald, 1913, p. 54. vatus (Myszus) mespili van der Goot. van der Goot, 1915, p. 138. Siphonaphis padi L. (avenae Fab.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 244. Siphonophora pelargoniu (Kalt.) Koch (pallida Walker) (fra- gariae Walker?) (diplanteriae Koch?) (malvae Pass.) Buck- fii, I: foe Ive P. japonica Thunb. (Cydonia japonica). Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 40. P. malus L. (paradisiaca). Apple. Aphis (Siphocoryne) avenae Fab. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 30. 58 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Aphis bakeri Cowen (cephalicola Cowen). Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 28. Aphis bivincta Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis brevis Sanderson. Sanderson, 1901b, p. 157. (“Acciden- revlaa Aphis crataegi Kalt. (pyri Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 35. Lustner 1911. Aphis crataegi Kaltenbach. (non Buckton). Theobald, 191l6a, p. 171. Aphis devecta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 38. Aphis fulviventris Fitch. (var. of mali).. Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis immaculata Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis kochi Schouteden. (pyri Koch non Boyer) (pyri-mali Fab- ricius part) (mali Buckton part) (sorbi Walker part Sander- son, Theobald, non Kaltenbach) (Myzus mali Ferrari part) (malifoliae Fitch). Theobald, 19l6a, p. 170. Aphis lanata Salisbury. Hagen, 1863, p. 103. Aphis mali Fab. (A. pyri Reaum.) Thomas, 1878, p. 11. Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 40. Aphis mali Fab. (Puceron du pomier Gotze) (pomi DeGeer). Buckton, 2, p. 46. Aphis mali Fab. (A. malifoliae Fitch). Odcestlund, 1887, p. 64. Aphis malifoliae Fitch (the sorbi Kalt. of American authors). Baker and Turner, 1916f, p. 11. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 32. Aphis mgra Theobald. (oxyacanthae Koch non Schrank). Theo- bald, 1916a, p. 171. Aphis nigricollis Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis nigriventris Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis obsoleta Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis pallidicorms (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 759. Aphis pomi DeGeer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 23. Aphis pomi DeGeer. (mali Fab.) (aucupariae Buckton) (crataegi Buckton): wan der ‘(Goot, 19155 ps Zils: Aphis pomi DeGeer (mali Fabricius) (pyri Kittel non Boyer, Koch) (padi Sanderson, non Linnaeus) (oxyacanthae Schrank). Theobald, 1916a, p. 170. Aphis pruni Reaum. (prunifoliae Fitch?) (Prunifex Amyot) (Cal- amaphis Amyot) Buckton, 2, p. 65. Aphis pyri Boyer (sorbi Sanderson) (malifolii Fitch). Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 32. Aphis pyri Boyer (crataegi Kalt.) (A. discrepans Koch). Koch, p. 109. Aphis pyri Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 369. Aphis rumicis Lmnaeus (papaveris Fabricius) (thlaspeos Schrank) (fabae Scopoli) (atriplicis Fabricius) (aparines Schrank) (ar- . Sp. ApHin Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 59 mata Hausmann) (dahliae Mosley) (evonymi Fabricius) (uli- cis Fabricius). Theobald, 1916a, p. 17i. Aphis sorbi Kalt. Gillette, 1910, p. 404. Aphis tergata Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis thoracica Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Aphis triseriata Fitch (var. of mali). Fitch, 1855, p. 760. Callipterus mucidus Fitch. Hunter, 1901, p. 90. Fitch, 1859, p. 334. “A solitary plant-louse.” Hyalopterus pruni Fab. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. Macrosiphum solanifolii Ashmead. Patch, 1915e, p. 214. Myzus mali Ferrari. Zoological Record, 1872, p. 418. Myzus oxyacanthae (Koch) Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 24. Theo- bald, 1911-12. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 32. Nectarophora tabaci Pergande. Pergande, 1898, p. 300. Pemphigus americanus Walker. : Phorodon humuli Schrank-Koch. Theobald, 1916a, p. 171. Schizoneura lanigera (Hausm.) Hartig (A. mali Tougard) (My- zoxylus mali Blot.) Passerini, 1863, p. 69. Schizoneura lanigera Hausmann. (S. americana Riley in part, of authors). Patch, 1916b. Schizoneura pyri (Fitch). Hunter, 1901, p. 82. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (prunifoliae Fitch) Gave nae Fitch) (annuae Oestl.) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphonophora avenae Thomas, in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. Siphocoryne dvenae Fabricius (avenae sativae Schrank) (annuae Oestlund) (mali Fitch non Fabricius) (fitchii Sanderson) (cra- taegifoliae Fitch) Theobald, 1916a, p. 171. Siphonaphis padi L. (A. avenae Fab.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 244. . sinensis. Aphis pomi DeGeer. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 357. Nippolachnus piri Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 355. Toxoptera piricola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. . sitchensis. Schizoneura lanigera Hausmann. (S. americana in part, of auth- ors). Patch, 1912a, p. 395. . torminalis Ehrh. (tormentalis Buck.). Aphis aucupariae Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 76. Aphis sorbi Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 59. Bayer, 1914a, p. 142. Aphis crataegi Kalt. (pyri Boyer). Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 202. Aphis kochi Schouteden. (pyri Koch nez Boyer). Schouteden, 19Q6a, p. 221. Aphis pyri Boyer (not pyri Koch). Buckton, 2, p. 98. ROSA. Rose. . californica Schlecht. 60 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Macrosiphum rosae (Linn.) Essig, 1917a, p. 329. Myzus rosarum Walker. Davidson, 1910, p. 379. R. canina L. Dog Rose. Capitophorus tetrarhodus Walker. (Siphonophora rosarum Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 131. Lachnus rosae Cholodkovsky. Cholodkovsky (in Russian). Macrosiphum dirhodum (Walker). van der Goot, 1915, p. 63. Myzaphis rosarum Kalt. (not Lichtenstein nor Buckton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 188. Semiaphis trirhodus Walker. (Hyalopterus aquilegiae Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 273. Siphonophora rosae (Reaumur) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 109. Siphonophora rosae var. glauca Buckton. Buckton, 1, p. 109. Siphonophora rosae (Koch) (Aphis rosae L. auct.) (A. dipsaci Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 11. Siphonophora rosarum (Walker) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 151. R. centifolia L. Aphis dirhoda Walker. Walker, 1849a, p. 43. Aphis rosae Linn. (A. dipsaci Schrank) (Puceron du Rosier Gotz.) Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 4. Aphis rosarum Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 224. HAyalopterus delineatus Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 113. Siphonophora glauca Buckton. Buckton, 1, p. 109. Siphonophora rosae (Reaumur) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 109. R. cinnamomea L. Cinnamon Rose. Hyalopterus aquilegiae-flavus (Kittel) (Aphis) ae Schoute- den) (aquilegiae Koch) (trirhoda Walker). Hayhurst, 1909a, p. 108. R. Eglanteria L. Aphis dirhoda Walker. Walker, 1849a, p. 43. R. gallica L. Aphis rosarum Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 224. Hyalopterus aquilegiac-flavus (Kittel) (Aphis) (flavus Schoute- den) (aquilegiae Koch) (trirhoda Walker). Hayhurst, 1909a, pelle Hyalopterus delineatus Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 113. Mysus tetrarhoda (Walker) Pass. (S. rosarum Koch). Passeri- imi, W6S, jo, 25: Siphonophora rosaecola Passerini. Passerini Flora. R. indica L. Hyalopterus aquilegiae-flavus (Kittel) (Aphis) (flavus Schoute- teden) (aquilegiae Koch) (trirhoda Walker). Hayhurst, 1909a, iD, NZ Myzus tetrarhoda (Walker) Pass. (S. rosarum Koch). Passer- ini, 1863, p. 25. R. multiflora. Macrosiphum ibarae Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 360. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 61 R. rubiginosa L. : Siphonophora rosae Koch. (Aphis rosae L. auct.) (A. dipsaci Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 11. 3 Siphonophora rosarum (Walk.) Koch. Buckton, 1. p. Sil. R. sempervirens L. Hyalopterus trirhoda Walker. Macchiati, 1883, p. 237. Myzus tetrarhoda Walker. Macchiati, 1883, p. 236. , R. sp. Aphis (Adactynus) diplepha Rafinesque. Rafinesque, 1818. Aphis (Adactynus) rhodryas Rafinesque. Rafinesque, 1818. Aphis (Adactynus) rosa-suaveolens Rafinesque. Rafinesque, 1818. Hyadaphis flavus Kittel (aquilegiae Koch) (trirhodus Walker) Schouteden, 1906a, p. 230. Hyalopterus trirhoda (Walker) Pass. (H. aquilegiae Koch) Buck- fom 2). p. 115. Lachnus maculatus Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein La Flore. Lachnus rosae Cholodkovsky. Patch, 1917a, p. 418. Lachnus rosae Cholodkovsky. (maculatus Licht?) (rosarum van der Goot). van der Goot, 1915a, p. 409. Macrosiphum rosae Reaumur. (A. dipsaci Schrank) (S. rosae Koch) (S. scabiosae Buckton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 90. Macrosiphum solanifolii Ashmead. Patch, 1915e, p. 214. Myzus rosarum (Walker) (potentillae Oestl.) Oecestlund, 1887, p. 73> Myzus roseus Macchiati. Lichtenstein La Flore. Nectarophora :pallida Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 84. Rhopalosiphum nervatum Gillette. Gillette, 1908a, p. 63. Siphonophora rosae var. floridae Ashmead. Ashmead, 1882, p. 88. Siphonophora rosae Reaumur. Theobald, 1911, p. 16. Siphonophora ulmariae Schrank. (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.), (gei Koch). Ferrari, 1872, p. 55. RUBUS. Bramble. R. cassius L. | Aphis rubi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 239. Aphis urticae Fab. (urticaria Kalt.) Passerini, 1863, p. 37.. R. corylifolius Sm. Fl. Brit. Aphis rubi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 24. R. dalmaticus D. C. Hyalopterus trirhoda Walker. Macchiati, 1883, p. 237. R. discolor. Aphis rubi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 239. R. fruticosus L. Aphis urticae Fab. (urticaria Kalt.) Ferrari, 1872, p. 65. Aphis urticaria Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 51. Macrosiphum chelidonu Kaltenbach? Theobald, 1913, p. 54. Siphonophora cyparissiae Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 114. 62 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Siphonophora rubi (Kalt.) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 141. R. idaeus L. (aculeatissimus. Wild Red Raspberry) (strigosus Michx). R. wv n 1) Raspberry. Aphis idaei van der Goot. van der Goot, 1915, p. 204. Aphis rubicola Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 60. Aphis urticae Fab. Passerini, 1874, p. 2. Aphis urticaria Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 51. Macrosiphum rubicola (Oestlund). O¢cestlund, 1887, p. 78. Siphonophora chelidonii (Kalt.) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 122. Siphonophora funesta Macchiati. Zoological Record, 1885, p. 249. Siphonophora rubi (Kalt.). Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 141. nutkanus Moc. Amphorophora rubicola (Oestlund). Davidson, 1914, Jour. Ec. Ent: Vol..7,-p: 136: . occidentalis L. Black Raspberry. Thimbleberry. Amphorophora rubi (Kalt.) Gillette, 191la, p. 381. Aphis sp. Sanborn, 1904, p. 62. Pemphigus rubi Thomas. “Accidental visitant?” Thomas, 1879, p. 148. . parviflorus Nutt. Thimbleberry. Nectarosiphum rubicola (Oestlund). Essig, 1917a, p. 328. saxatilis L. Nectarosiphum rubi (Kaltenbach). Bayer, 1914a, p. 133. . villosus Ait. Dewberry. Nectarophora rubi (Kalt.). Hunter, 1901, p. 116. Sipha rubifolii Thomas. Sanborn, 1904, p. 44. (“Undescribed genus?” Davis, 1909b, p. 157.). . vitifolius C. & S. Wild Blackberry. EESD: Amphorophora rubi (Kalt.) Essig, 1917a, p. 330. SANGUISORBA. Burnet. Aphis sanguisorbae Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 245. SPIRAEA. . prunifolia Sieb. Aphis spiraeella Schouteden. Gillette, 1910, p. 404. . salicifolia Linn. Meadow-sweet. Aphis spiracae Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 68. Aphis spiraecla Schouteden. Essig, 19lla, p. 463. Macrosiphum ulmariae (Schrank). Bayer, 1914a, p. 135. . Thunbergi. Aphis kogomecola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 357. ulmaria. See Filipendula. sp. Acyrthosiphon ignotum Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p.. 147. ApuHip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 63 Acyrthosiphon soldatovi Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 168. Aphis pisi Kalt. (ulmariae Schrank). Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 242. Aphis n. sp. Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 243. Macrosiphum cholodkovsky Mordwilko. Zoological Record, 1909, p. 404. Macrosiphum portschinskyi Mordwilko. Zoological Record, 1909, p. 404. ULMARIA. . ulmaria. See Filipendula. Sp: LEGUMINOSAE. PULSE FAMILY. ANAGYRIS. Aphis craccivora Koch. Lichtenstein La Flore. ASTRAGALUS. Milk Vetch. . bisulcatus Hook. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Cowen, 1895, p. 120. . leucopis Torr. Loco Weed. PaSD: Aphis medicaginis Koch. Essig, 1912, Host Index II, p. 826. Rhopalosiphum persicae Sulzer. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 362. CARAGANA. . arborescens Lam. Acyrthosiphon caraganae (Cholodkovsky) (pisi Bogdanov) (ul- mariae part, Cholodkovsky). Mordwilko, 1914, Faune da la Russie, p. 152. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Hunter, 1901, p. 101. . pymaea D. C. Sp: Acyrthosiphon caraganae (Cholodkovsky) Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 153. CERATONIA. Aphis ceratoniae Licht. (ined.). Lichtenstein La Flore. CERCIS. Redbud. . canadensis L. Redbud. Lachnus longistigma Monell. Sanborn, 1904, p. 31. COLUTEA. . arborescens L. Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 134. 64 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Pemphigus coluteae Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 75. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank and Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisit Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. CORONILLA. C. pusilla. Aphis coronillae Ferrari. Ferrari, 1872, p. 69. CYTISUS. Broom. C. laburnum. See Laburnum vulgare. C. nigricans L. Aphis laburni Kalt. Passerini Flora. C. scoparius (L.) Link. Sarothamnus scoparius L. (Spartum scopar- ius). Scotch Broom. Aphis genistae Kaltenbach. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis laburni Kalt. (genistae Boyer). Passerini, 1863, p. 45. Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 107. Aphis setosa Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 107. Aphis spartii Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 108. Siphonophora menthae Buckton. Buckton, 1, p. 121. Siphonophora rubi (Kalt.) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 141. C. (Sarothamnus). Schizoneura spartanthi Boisduval. Lichtenstein, Flore Supple- ment. Siphonophora ulmariae Pass. Passerini Flora. DESMODIUM. Tick Trefoil. D. canadense DC. Microparsus variabilis Patch. (Macrosiphum n. sp. Sanborn Kans. Aphidi=p: 71) vRatch as LO0Sbaspiass7 D. canescens L. Siphonophora desmodii Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 76. DOLICHOS. D. monacalis. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. D. sp. Aphis dolichu Signoret. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. ERVUM. See Vic a. FABA. F. vulgaris. See Vicia Faba. GENISTA. Woad-waxen. G. anglica L. Aphis genistae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 113. ApHip Focp PLANT CATALOGUE. 65 Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. . germanica L. Aphis genistae Scopoli. Passerini, 1863, p. 47. . ovata Waldst. Aphis craccae Schrank. Ferrari, 1872, p. 71. . tinctoria L. Dyer’s Greenweed. Acyrthosiphon genistae Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 144. Aphis genistae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 113. Aphis laburni Kalt. Pierre, 1905, p. 160. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. . Sp. Aphis. genistae Boyer. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) genistae Scopoli. van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. GLYCINE. . hispida. Aphis glycines Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 531. SESp: Macrosiphum solani Kalt. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 361. Rhopalosiphum persicae Sulzer. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 362. GLYCYRRHIZA. Liquorice. . lepidota Nutt. Wild Liquorice. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 32. HEDYSARUM. . onobrychis. See Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop. LABURNUM. . vulgare Gris. (Cytisus laburnum). Aphis cytisorum Hartig. Hartig, 1€41, p. 370. Aphis laburm Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 86. Theobald, 1911-12. van der Goot, 1915, p. 210. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. LATHYRUS. Everlasting Pea. . angustifolius. : Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 12. . hirsutus Linn. (Orobus lathyroides Habl.). Acyrthosiphon pisi pisi (Kalt.) Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 86. 66 MaINeE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. . latifolius L. Everlasting or Perennial Pea. Acyrthosiphon pisi pisi (Kalt.) Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 85. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. Siphonophora viciae Kalt. Ferrari, 1872, p. 56. . odoratus L. Aphis bakeri Cowen. Patch, 1913, Bul. 207, p. 448. Aphis dissita Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 34. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (Aphis lathyri Mosley) (A. ono- brychis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (N. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. : pratensis IL Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. ono- brychis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson). (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Rhopalosiphum viciae (Kaltenbach). van der Goot, 1915, p. 153. . sativus. Grass Pea. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (Aphis lathyri Mosley) (A. ono- brychis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. destructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. L. sylvestris. Flat Pea. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. L. sp. Acyrthosiphon pisi ussuriensis Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 140. Megoura viciae Kaltenbach (viciae Buckton). Theobald, 1911-12. LESPEDEZA. L. bicolor. Macrosiphum hagicola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 360. L. sp. Macrosiphum solani Kalt. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 361. LOTUS. Bird’s-foot Trefoil. L. corniculatus L. Aphis craccae Linn. (A. viciae Fab.). Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis loti Koch. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 298. Aphis loti Kaltenbach. Schouteden, 1906a. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Macrosiphum lathyri Walker? Theobald, 1911-12. Macrosiphum loti Theobald. Theobald, 1913, Jour, Ec. Biol. Vol. 8, p. 54. “Apuip Foop PLANT. CATALOSUE. ye 67 Macrosiphum pisi Kalt. (lathyri Walker) (cyparissiae Koch) (ono- nis Koch) van der Goot, 1915, p. 85. . uliginosus Schkuhr. Siphonophora pisi (Kalt.) Koch. (ulmariae Schrank) (onobry- chis Boyer) (lathyri Walker). Buckton, 1, p. 135. . sp. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. LUPINUS. Lupine. . albifrons. Macrosiphum albifrons Essig. Essig, 1911b, p. 546. . arboreus Sims. Tree Lupine. Macrosiphum albifrons Essig. Essig, 1917a, p. 328. . latifolius Agarth. Macrosiphum albifrons Essig. Essig, 1917a, p. 328. MEDICAGO. Medick. . denticulata Willd. ?Aphis gossypui Glover. Fullaway, 1909, p. 39. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Davidson, 1909, p. 302. . falcata Linn. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 123. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Siphonophora ulmariae Schrank (pisi Kalt.) Mordwilko, 1909, De JOS, . lupulina L. Black Medick. Nonesuch. Siphonophora ulmariae Schrank (A. onobrychis Boyer) (A. pisi Kalt.) (S. pisi Koch) (S. gei Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 232. . orbicularis All. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 255. . Sativa L. Lucerne. Alfalfa. Acyrthosiphon pisi turanicum Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 139. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 42. Callipterus trifolu Monell. (Chaitophorus maculatus Buckton) (Aphis ononidis Kalt?) Davis, 1914, U. S. D. A., B. E. Tech. Sem 25, Re ub Chaitophorus maculatus Buckton. Buckton, 1899b, p. 277. Macrosiphum creelu Davis. Davis, 1914, Can. Ent. 46, p. 47. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Myzocallis ononidis (Kalt.) Pass. (C. ononidis Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 54. 68 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Pemphigus betae Doane. Parker, 1914, p. 137. Jour: Ec. Ent. Violai7: ans Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. MELILOTUS. Sweet Clover. . alba Lam. White Melilot. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Hunter, 1901, p. 126. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (Aphis lathyri Mosley) (A. ono- brychis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. destructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. svitalicas lam: Aphis medicaginis Koch. Hunter, 1901, p. 101. M. pallida Bess. (macrorhiza). Pemphigus lactucarius Pass. Passerini, 1863, p. 77. Aphis papaveris Fab. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. MIMOSA. Aphis mimosae Ferrari. Lichtenstein, La’ Flore. ONOBRYCHIS. . viciaefolia Scop. (sativa) (Hedysarum Onobrychis). Aphis pisi Kalt. (A. ulmariae Schrank) (onobrychis Boyer) Kal- tenbach, 1874, pp. 118, 137. Siphonophora ulmariae Pass. (Aphis ulmariae Boyer). Kalten- bach, 1874, p. 777. ONONIS. . diffusa. See O. serrata. . hircina Jacq. Acyrthosiphen pisi pist (Kalt.) Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 85. Myzocallis cnonidis (Kalt.) Pass. (C.-‘ononidis Koch.). Passer- int, 1863) 'p. 54: S Nia a Aphis apocyni Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 68. Aphis brunnea Ferrari. Ferrari, 1872, p. 70. . repens L. Macrosiphum pisi Kalt. (lathyri Walker) -(cyparissiae Koch.) (ononidis Koch.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 84. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass.’ nec. Schrank): (N.° des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis; 1915a, p. 11. Myzocallis ononidis Pass. Passerini Flora. Pergandeida ononidis Schouteden. Schouteden, 1906a, p. 215. O. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 69 Siphonophora ulmariae Pass. Passerini Flora. serrata Forsk. (diffusa). Myzocallis ononidis Kalt. (Chaitophorus ononidis Koch). Mac- chiati, 1883, p. 260. Siphonophora ononis Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 230. spinosa L. Aphis incumbens Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 35. Aphis inducta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 35. Aphis translata Walker. . Walker, 1849c, p. 35. Chaitophorus ononidis Kalt. (Ch. spinulosus Koch in litt.). Koch, Dh Os Myzocallis ononidis Kalt. (Aphis). Ferrari, 1872, p. 75. Siphonophora ononis Koch. Koch, p. 175. Siphonophora ulmariae Pass. Passerini Flora. O. sp. Aphis brunnea Macchiati. Zoological Record, 1885, p. 239. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Therioaphis ononidis (Pass.) Walker. Wilson, 1910, p. 155. OXYTROPIS. (Aragallus.) O. lamberti Pursh. (Aragallus lamberti). Aphis medicaginis Koch. Williams, 1891, p. 20. PHASEOLUS. Kidney Bean. . coccineus L. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Tychea phaseoli Pass. Buckton, 4, p. 90. lunatus L. ?Aphis gossypii Glover. Fullaway, 1909, p. 39. multiflorus Willd. Scarlet Runner. Pemphigus globosus Walker. Walker, 1852, p. 1057. Siphonophora ulmariae Pass. Passerini Flora. Tychea phascoli Pass. Passerini Flora. . vulgaris L. (nanus). Aphis gossypu Glover. (citrifolii Ashm. in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?). Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis papaveris Fab. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Lachnus longitarsus Ferrari. Zoological Record, 1872, p. 418. Macrosiphum solanifolii Ashmead. Patch, 1915e, p. 214. Tullgrenia phaseoli Pass. van der Goot, 1915a, p. 516. Tychea phaseoh Pass. Hunter, 1901, p. 69. EASp: Aphis pseudobrassicae Davis. Paddock, 1915a, p. 9. Aphis rumicis (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. 70 Marne AGRICULTURAL ExpreRIMENT Station. 1918. PISUM. P. arvense L. Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 118. P. sativum L. Garden Pea. Acyrthosiphon pisi turanicum Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 139. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 18. Aphis -rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Macrosiphum pisi Kalt. (lathyri Walker) (cyparissiae Koch) (on- onis Koch) van der Goot, 1915, p. &6. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Macrosiphum solanifolii Ashmead. Patch, 1915e, p. 214. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Macrosiphum solani Kalt. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 361. _ Myzsus pergandii Sanderson. Sanderson, 190la, p. 73. ROBINIA. Locust. . Pseudo-Acacia L. Common Locust. False Acacia. Aphis laburni Kalt. Cholodkovsky, 1910, p. 145. Aphis robiniae Macchiati. Del Guercio, 1900, p. 133. Callipterus robiniae Gillette. Gillette, 1907a, p. 395. Rhopalosiphum dianthi (Schrank). Williams, 1891, p. 7. R. viscosa Vent. Clammy Locust. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Hunter, 1901, p. 101. SAROTHAMNUS. See Cytisus. SPARTIUM. S. junceum L. S. sp. T. sp. Siphonophora ulmariae Schrank. (A. onobrychis Boyer) (A. pisi Kalt.) (S. pisi Koch) (S. gei Koch). Macchiati, 1883, p. 232. Aphis laburni Kalt. Lichtenstein, La Flore. TEPHROSIA. (Cracca). Hoary Pea. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Aphis viciae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 143. TRIFOLIUM. T. filiforme. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. 71 Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. T. hybridum. Alsike Clover. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 12. T. incarnatum L. Crimson or Italian Clover. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Nectarophora pisi Kalt. (ulmariae Schrank) (onobrychis Boyer) (lathyri Mosley) (gei Koch) (viciae Curtis not Fab.) (des- tructor Johnson). Sanderson, 1900, p. 171. T. medium perenne. Mammoth Clover. Callipterus trifolu. Monell. (Chaitophorus maculatus Buckton) (Aphis ononidis Kalt?) Davis, 1914, U. S. D. A. Bur. Ent, Sema et Ui T. pratense L. Red Clover. Aphis bakeri Cowen. Davis, 1908, p. 259. Aphis gossypu Glover (citrifolii Ashm. in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?) Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 118. Callipterus trifolu Monell. (Chaitophorus maculatus Buckton) (Aphis ononidis Kalt?). Davis, 1914, U. S. D. A. Bur. Ent. Tecan, Sen Zo, Ieee Macrosiphum cerealis (Kalt.) Pergande, 1904a, p. 20. Macrosiphum pist (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Macrosiphum pisi Kalt. (lathyri Walker) (cyparissiae Koch) (on- onis Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 86. Myzocallis trifolu (Monell). Gillette, 1910, p. 369. (genevii San- born). Baker, 1917f, p. 424. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. T. procumbens L. Low Hop Clover. Macrosiphum irifolii Theobald. Theobald, 1913, Jour. Ec. Biol. Wolk 13, 05 2a) Myzocallis cnonidis (Kalt.) Pass. (C. ononidis Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 54. T. repens L. White Clover Aphis cephalicola Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 118. Aphis irifolii Oestlund. Oecstlund, 1887, p. 55. Callipterus trifolii Monell. (Chaitophorus maculatus Buckton) (Aphis ononidis Kalt?) Davis, 1914, U. S. D. A. Bur. Ent., MechweSers2).- etl. 72 MaIneE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmicariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. esp: Aphis bakeri Cowen. Patch, 1915b, p. 433. Aphis brevis Sanderson. Patch, 1915b, p. 431. Aphis crataegifoliae Fitch. Quaintance and Baker, 1917, p. 18. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Aphis scaliae Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1914. Geoica squamosa Hart. Hart, 1891 and 1892, p. 99. Rizoberlesia trifolii Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1914. ULEX. Furze. U. europaeus L. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Wis Gn Aphis papaveris Fab. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. Aphis rumicis Linn. (fabae Kirby) (genistae Scop.) (ulicis Fab?) (euphorbiae Kalt?) (dahliae Mosley) (Cinara rumicis Mosley) (Rumicifex Amyot) (Genistifex Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. 84. VICIA. Ervum. Vetch. Tare. V. amoena. Acyrthosiphon pisi pisi (Kalt.) Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 86. Wi, Craccaal: Aphis craccae Linn. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 144. Aphis craccae Schrank. (A. viciae craccae L.). Passerini, 1863, p. 46. Aphis craccivora Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 144. Aphis rumicis Linn. Thomas, 1879, p. 8&8. Aphis viciae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 143. Macresiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley ) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 12. V. Faba L. (Faba vulgaris). Aphis papaveris Fab. (thlaspeos Schrank) (aparines) (fabae Scop- ol), “errant, 18725 ps “lr Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Aphis viciae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 143. V. gigantea Hook. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. onobrychis B. de Fonsc?) (A. lathyri Mosley) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. destruc- tor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. V. ludoviciana Nutt. | Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 73 Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. . narbonensis L. Aphis medicaginis Koch. . Passerini, 1863, p. 42. . pseudo-cracca Bert. Aphis craccae Schrank. Macchiati, 1883, p. 249. . pulchella H. B. Aphis atronitens Cockerell. Cockerell, 1903b, p. 115. “Vicia aff. pulchella.” . sativa L. (angustifolia). Spring Vetch. Aphis craccae L. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 144. Aphis papaveris Fab. (fabae Scop.) (aparines Schrank). Passeri- ni, 1863, p. 46. Aphis viciae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 143. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 12. . sepium L. Aphis tribulis Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 34. Aphis viciae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 143. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande) Davis, 1915a, p. 12. . villosa Roth...Hairy or Winter Vetch. Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach) (A. lathyri Mosley) (A. onobry- chis B. de Fonsc?) (S. ulmariae Pass. nec Schrank) (N. des- tructor Johnson) (M. trifolii Pergande). Davis, 1915a, p. 11. sp. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Myzus persicae Sulzer: Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. VIGNA. . catjang Walpers. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Essig, 1917a, p. 340. . Sinensis. Melanoxanthus sinensis Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 359. LEGUMINOSAE. BSD: Acyrthosiphon dubium Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 180. “in quadam Papilionacearum.” AUN VNC lee IEPA Jae Z LINUM. Flax. . Sp. 74 Matné AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Pemphigus betae Doane. Parker, 1914, p. 137. Jour. Ec. Ent., WoL % OXALIDACEAE. WOOD SORREL FAMILY. OXALIS. Wood Sorrel. O. corniculata L. Lady’s Sorrel. Aphis oxalis Macchiati. Macchiati, 1883, p. 256. O. stricta L. Aphis maidi-radicis Forbes. Davis, 1909b, p.124. O. sp Aphis maidis Fitch. Davis, 1909b, p. 145. Rhopalosiphum dianthi (Schrank). Williams, 1891, p. 19. GERANIACEAE. GERANIUM FAMILY. ERODIUM. Storksbill. . Botrys Bert. Siphonophora malvae Mosley. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Mac- chiati, 1883, p. 230. . cicutarium L’Herit. ex Ait. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. GERANIUM. Cranesbill. G. maculatum L. Wild Cranesbill. Nectarophora geranti Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 81. G. molle L. Aphis geranti Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, pp. 81-82. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallidaWalker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. G. pusillum Burm. Aphis geranti Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 81. . Robertianum L. Herb Robert. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. Aphis urticae Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 81. Siphonophora pelargonti Kalt. Koch, pp. 193, 194. Siphonophora urticae (Kalt.). Koch. Buckton, 1, ps 144. G. sp. Siphonophora circumflexa Buckton. Theobald, 1911, p. 17. Siphonophora pelargonu (Kalt.) Koch. (pallida Walker) (fra- garia Walker?) (diplanterae Koch?) (malvae Pass.) Buck- Hots all, joy, theVv/a PELARGONIUM. IPSeSD: Aphis extranea Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 2251. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. - 75 Myzus ribis Linn. et auct. (Aphis) Ferrari, 1872, p. 62. Myzus targionii Del Guercio. (Myzus ribis? Linn. Ferrari). Del Guercio, 1900, p. 152. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. TROPAEOLUM. T. majus L. : Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. T. tricolorum Sweet. (tricolor). Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 122. T. sp. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli. van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. RUDACE ADS IU PAMTLY- CITRUS. C. Aurantium L. (vulgaris). Orange. Aphis citri Ashmead. Essig, 1909, p. 49. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashmead, in part) (citrulli Ash- mead) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?) Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Essig, 1911c, p. 590. Aplis tavaresi Del Guercio. Tavares, 1908, pp. 142-144. Myzus asclepiadis Pass. Ferrari, 1872, p. 62. Myzus citricidus Kirkaldy. Fullaway, 1909, p. 28. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1911c, p. 600. Siphonophora citrifolii Ashmead. Ashmead, 1882, p. 91. Essig, 191lc, p. 592. Toxoptera aurantii Boyer. (Aphis) (Aphis camelliae Kalt.) (Cey- lonia theaecola Buckton). Phillips and Davis, 1912, p. 8. Toxoptera auranti Koch. Buckton, 3, p. 135. Essig, 19lic, p. 601. C. Medica L. (limonum) (limetta). Aphis tavaresi Del Guercio. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1911c, p. 600. Toxoptera aurantu Boyer. (Aphis) (A. camelliae Kalt.). Ferrari, 1872, p. 62. Cz sp: Aphis citricola van der Goot. van der Goot, 1912, “Uber einige wahrscheinlich neue Blattlausarten,” p. 275. Aphis cooku Essig. (gossypii Essig 1910a). Essig, 1911c, p. 587. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Essig, 1917a, p. 340. MELICOPE. (Pelea). M. sp. Toxoptera aurantiae Koch. Fullaway, 1909, p. 32. 76 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. RUTA. Rue. . graveolens L. Common Rue. Siphonophora jaceae Linn. Ferrari, 1872, p. 58. Theobald, 1913, p. 54. SIMARUBACEAE. QUASSIA> PAIWMINEN: AILANTHUS. Tree of Heaven. . glandulosa L. Aphis mali Fab. (A. pomi DeGeer) (A. oxyacanthae Schrank). Macchiati, 1883, p. 255. BESDs Aphis mali Macchiati. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. POLYGALACEAE. MILKWORT FAMILY. POLYGALA. Milkwort. . Senega L. Seneca Snakeroot Aphis (Adactynus) polygala-senega Raf. Rafinesque, 1818. EUPHORBIACEAE. (SPURGE ANE Ne AND BUXACEAE. BOX FAMILY. ACALYPHA. Three-seeded Mercury. . virginica L. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashm. in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?) Pergande, 1895, p. 314. BUXUS. . sempervirens L. Aphis papaveris var. buxi Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910) p. 297. Redia VII. Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. EUPHORBIA. Spurge. . biglandulosa Desf. Aphis euphorbiae Kalt. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. . corollata L. Flowering Spurge. Aphis euphorbia Kalt. Williams, 1891, p. 18. . Cyparissias L. Cypress Spurge. Aphis euphorbiae Kalt. Passerini, 1863, p. 47. Siphonophora cyparissiae Koch. BPuckton, 1, p. 114. . Esula L. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. 77 Aphis euphorbiae Kalt. Passerini, 1863, p. 47. E. gerardiana Facq. Acyrthosiphon cyparissiae propinquum Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 193. E. hirsuta (Torr.) Wiegand. (Euphorbia hypericifolia). Siphonophora euphorbicola Thomas. Williams, 1891, p. 24. E. lathyris L. Caper Spurge. Mole Cricket. Tychea phaseoli Pass. Karsch, 1886, p. 1. E. maculata L. Milk Purslane. Siphonophora euphorbiae Thomas. Thomas, 1879, p. 57. E. marginata Pursh. Snow-on-the-Mountain. Siphonophora euphorbiae Thomas. Thomas, 1879, p. 57. E. Paralias L. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 18. E. Peplus L. Petty Spurge. Acyrthosiphon cyparissiae cyparissiae (Koch). Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 192. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. Aphis euphorbia Kalt. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. E. Terracina L. Aphis euphorbiae Kalt. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. E. sp. Aphis asclepiadis Fitch. Oecstlund, 1887, p. 60. Aphis cyparissiae Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 525. Forda occidentalis Hart. Davis, 1910b, p. 408. Tychea brevicornis Hart. Davis, 1910b, p. 408. RICINUS. Castor-oil Plant. R. communis L. Myszus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. CALLITRICHACEAE. WATER STARWORT FAMILY. CALLITRICHE. Water Starwort. C. stagnalis Scop. Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Koch. Passerini, Flora. ANACARDIACEAE. CASHEW FAMILY. PISTACIA. P. atlantica Desf. Pemphigus riccobonu Stefani. Stefani, 1899, p. 1. P. Lentiscus L. Aphis (?) pistaciae Linn. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 140. Aploneura lentisci Pass. Ferrari, 1872, p. 84. P. Terebinthus L. Aphis therebinthinae Virey. Hagen, p. 449. 78 Matne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Pemphigus cornicularius Pass. Lichtenstein, 1880a,. Pemphigus cornicularius Pass. (A. pistaciae L. auct. partim). Passerini, 1863, p. 72. Pemphigus corniculoides Licht, Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus derbesi Licht. (P. pallidus Derbes). Buckton, 3, p. 128. Pemphigus follicularius Pass. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus folliculoides Licht. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus pallidoides Licht. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus retroflexus Courchet. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus semilunarius Pass. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus semilunoides Licht.. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus utricularius Pass. Lichtenstein, 1880a. Pemphigus utriculoides Licht. Lichtenstein, 1880a. P. vera L. Pemphigus coccus Buckton, 1889, p. 141. RB: sp: : - Ceratopemphigus zehntneri Schouteden. Schouteden, 1905, p. 188. “on undetermined shrub, possibly a Pistacia.” Pemphigus edificator Buckton. Buckton, 1893, p. 71. “found on what was thought to be a variety of Pistacia terebinthae.” Pemphigus minus Derbes. Zoological Record, 1869, p. 501. RHUS. R. diversiloba T. and G. Rholaposiphum rhois Monell (howardii Wilson?). Essig, 1917a, p. 334. . glabra L. Smooth Sumach Pemphigus rhois (Fitch). Jackson, 1908, p. 203. Rholaposiphum rhois Monell. Sanborn, 1904, p. 65. . semilata Murray. Melaphis (Schlechtendalia) chinensis (Bell). Baker, 1917j, p. 385 . trilobata. Rholaposiphum rhois Monell. Gillette and Bragg; 1915, Jour. Ec. Ent. p. 100. Z . typhina L. Staghorn Sumach. Pemphigus rhois (Fitch). Jackson, 1908, p. 203. . vernicifera. Arimakia araliae Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. . Sp. Pemphigus cornicularius Pass. (pistaciae L. and Boyer). Kalten- bach, 1874, p. 96. ; Pemphigus semilunarius Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 96. Pemphigus utricularius Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 96. Schlechtendalia sinensis Doubleday. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Tetraneura (Aploneura) lentisci Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 97. ApxHip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 79 CYRILLACEAE. CYRILLA FAMILY. : : CYRILLA. C. racemiflora L. Pergandeida nigra Wilson. Wilson, 1911, p. 63. OMA OlUEA Ch A= ELON FANE. ILEX. Holly. I. Aquifolium L. aN Aphis ilicis Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 88. Aphis rumicis (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. L. sp. Aphis ilicicola Boisduval. Zoological Record, 1868, p. 416. Aphis ilicis Kaltenbach. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis rumicis Linn. (fabae Kirby) (genistae Scop.) (ulicis Fab?) ) (euphorbiae Kalt?) (dahliae Mosley) (Cinara rumicis Mos- | ley) (Rumicifex Amyot) (Genistifex Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. : 84. CELASTRACEAR. STAPF*TREE FAMILY. CELASTRUS. Staff Tree. C. articulatus Thunb. Aphis celastrii Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 356. C. scandens L. Waxwork. Climbing Bitter-sweet. . Nectarophora sp. Lintner, 1894,.p. 512. EVONYMUS. (Evonymus). Spindle Tree. E. atropurpureus Jacq. (Waahoo). Burning Bush. Aphis euonymi Fab. Weed, 1893, p. 298. Aphis rumicis L. Thomas, 1879, p. 88. Aphis rumicis L? (euonymi Fab:.). Hayhurst, 1909b, p. 98. Aphis sp. Sanborn, 1904, p. 58. E. bungeana. Aphis evonymi Fab. Lingelsheim, 1916a. E. Europaeus L. European Spindle Tree. Aphis euonymi Fab. Buckton, 2, p. 72. | E. Maaki. ae | Aphis rumicis Linn. (?aquilegiae nigra Kittel) (atriplicis Fab- ricius) (armata Hausmann) (aparines Schrank) (dahliae Mos- | ley) (evonymi Fabricius) (papaveris Fabricius) (?solani Kit- tel) (thlaspeos Schrank).- Schouteden, 1906a, p. 227. E.. verrucosa. : Aphis evonymi Fab. Lingelsheim, 1916a. 80 Maine AGPrICULTUFAL ExPprRIMENT STATION. 1918. STAPHYLEACEAE. BLADDER NU® FAMILY. STAPHYLEA. Bladder Nut. S. pinnata L. A. Amphorophora ampullata Buckton. (Rhopalosiphum staphyleae Koch?) Buckton, 1, p. 187. Rhopalosiphum staphyleae Koch. Koch, p. 33. van der Goot, 1915, Dever lio ACERACEAE. MAPLE FAMILY. ACER. (Negundo.) Maple. campestris L. Chaitophorinella lyropicta Kessler. van der Goot, 191£a, p. 373. Chaitophorus aceris (Linn.) Koch. (Puceron de l’Erable Reaum.) Buckton, 2, p. 126. Passerini, 1863, p. 59. Chaitophorus granulatus Koch. Buckton, 2, p. 140. Drepanosiphum accrinum Walker. (aceris Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 282. Drepanosiphum (Aphis) platanoides Schrank. van der Goot, 1915a, p. 285. Lachnus longirostris Fab? Passerini, 1860, p. 38. Lachnus longirostris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 92. Lachnus longirostris Pass. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 562. Phyllophora testudinacea Fernie. Fernie, 1852, p. 265. Siphonophora (Drepanosiphum) aceris Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 53. Stomaphis macroryncha Cholodkovsky. Mordwilko, 1899, p. 411. . circinnatum Pursh. Chaitophorus americanus Baker. Baker, 1917f, p. 428. Chaitophorus sp. (not negundinis and not aceris). Gillette, 1909a, p. 388. . japonicum. Chaitophorus aceris L. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 354. . Miyabei. Chaitophorus aceris L. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 354. . Negundo (Moench) Koehne. (Negundo aceroides) (Rulac negundo). Box Elder. Chaitophorus negundinis Thomas. Bragg, 1907, p. 431. Gillette, 1909a, p. 387. Drepanosiphum braggii Gillette. Gillette, 1907a, p. 393. Macrosiphum n. sp. Sanborn. Sanborn, 1904, p. 73. Mysus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. . palmatum. Chaitophorus aceris L. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 354. Siphocoryne acericola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 359. . pennsylvanicum L. Striped Maple. Moosewood. Chaitophcrus accris (Linn.) Hunter, 1901, p. 86. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 81 A. platanoides L. Norway Maple. Chaithophorinella lyropicta Kessler. van der Goot, 1915a, p. 373. Chaitophorus aceris (Fab.) Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 59. Chaitophorus aceris (Linn.) Koch (Puceron de l’Erable Reaum.). Buckton, 2, p. 126. Chaitophorus coracinus Koch. Koch, p. 2. Chaitophorus lyropicta Kessler (aceris of most American authors) Baker, 1917f, p. 428. Drepanaphis. acerifolii (Thomas). Essig, 1917a, p. 322. Drepanosiphum platanoides Schrank (Siphonophora platanoides Pass.) van der Goot, 1915, p. 283. A. Pseudo-Platanus L. Aphis acericola Walker. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 91. Aphis acerina Walker. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 91. Aphis platanoides Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 91. Chaithophorinella aceris Koch. (Aphis aceris Linn. pr. p.). van der Goot, 1915a, p. 371. Chaitophorus coracinus Koch. Schouteden, 1906a, p. 213. Drepanosiphum acerina (Walker). (D. aceris Koch). Buckton, 1, p. 186. Drepanosiphum platanoides (Schrank) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 183. Myzus gracilis Buckton. Buckton, 1, p. 177. Phyllophora testudinacea Fernie. Fernie, 1852, p. 265. Siphonophcra acer.s Koch. (S. aceris Ferrari). Macchiati, 1883. A. saccharinum L. Acer dasycarpum Ehrh. (eriocarpum). White or Silver Maple. Drepancsiphum (Siphonophora) acerifcliae. Thomas. Thomas, 1879, p. 47. Lachnus longistigma Monell. Sanborn, 1904, p. 31. Longistigma (Lachnus) caryae (Harris). Wilson, 1909c, p. 385. Melanoxanthus salicti Harris. Williams, 1891, p. 17. Pemphigus aceris Monell. Hunter, 1901, p. 77. Pemphigus stamineus Haldeman. Hunter, 1901, p. 79. Pemphigus tessellata (acerifolii Riley). Patch, 1908, p. 484. A. saccharum Marsh. Sugar or Rock Maple. Chaitophorus americanus Baker. Paker, 1917f, p. 429. Drepanaphis? minutus Davis. Davis, 1910a, p. 195. Pemphigus aceris Monell. Williams, 1891, p. 17. A. sp. Aphis perforata Signoret. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Aphis platanoides Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 369. Aphis villosus Hartig. Hartig, 1841, p. 369. Chaithophorinella testudinata Thornton. (Aphis aceris Linn. pr. p.) (Chaitophorus aceris Koch pr. p.) (Periphyllus testudo Thornton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 377. Chaitophcrus aceris L. (Chelymorpha phyllophora Clark). Kirk- aldy, 1905, p. 417. 82 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Chaitophorus lyropictus Kessler. Mordwilko, 1899, p. 414. Chaitophorus testudinatus (Thorn.). Oestlund, 1908, p. 131. Chaitophorus versicolor. Koch. ‘Theobald, 1911-12: ‘ Drepanosiphum platanoides Schrank. Wilson, 1909b, p. 349. Euceraphis betulae (Koch). (Aphis cerasicolens Fitch?). Baker, 1917f, p. 425. ; ; Pemphigus. aceris Monell. Jackson, 1908, p. 214. Periphyllus testudo van der Hoeven. Zoological Record, 1870, p. 472. Stomaphis graffi Chol. Cholodkovsky, 1894 (1895), p. 405. “Auf ahornwurzeln.” RULAC. R. negundo. See Acer negundo L. SAPINDACEAE.. SOAPBERRY FAMILY. AESCULUS. Horse-chestnut. A. glabra Willd. Fetid or Ohio Buckeye. Drepanaphis monelli (Davis). Gillette, 1910, p. 371. Phymatosiphum monelli Davis. Davis, 1909c, p. 197. A. parviflora Walt. Chaitophorus aceris (Linn.) Koch. Buckton, 2, p. 126. MELIANTHUS. M. major (L). Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 332. BALSAMINACEAE. TOUCH-ME-NOT FAMILY. 7 IMPATIENS. Balsam. I. biflora Walt. (fulva). Spotted Touch-me-not. Aphis impatientis Thomas. Thomas, 1879, p. 98. Nectarophora fulvae Oestlund. O¢cestlund, 1887, p. 80. Siphonophora carnosa var. impatientis Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 74. I. noli-tangere L. Aphis balsamines Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 84. I. pallida Nutt. (aurea Muhl.) Pale Touch-me-not. Aphis impatientis Thomas. Williams, 1891, p. 25. Siphonophora carnosa var. impatientis Williams. Williams, 1910 GST \e pi. 74: Siphonophora fulvae Oestlund. Williams, 1891, p. 25. . sp Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 83 RHAMNACEAE. BUCKTHORN FAMILY. CEANOTHUS. Red-root, . . cuneatus Nutt. Aphis ceanothi Clarke. Davidson, 1909, p. 302. . hirsutus Nutt. ee Aphis ceanothi-hirsuti. Essig. Essig, 1911b. . integerrimus Hook. Aphis ceanothi Clarke. Clarke, 1903, p. 251. . thrysiflorus Esch. Celts Ee Aphis ceanothi Clarke. (A. ceanothi-hirsuti Essig). Essig, 1917a, p. 338. NOLTEA. . africana Reichb. Soapbush. Aphis ceanothi Clarke. (A. ceanothi-hirsuti Essig). Essig, 1917a, p. 338. PALIURUS. Aphis paliuri Licht. (ined.) Lichtenstein, La Flore. RHAMNUS. Buckthorn. . Alaternus L. Nee Aphis frangulae Koch. (rhamni Kalt.) Macchiati, 1883, p. 240. Myzus rhamni Koyer. Macchiati, 1883, p. 236. Toxoptera alaterna Del Guercio. Phillips.and Davis, 1912, p. 8. Toxoptera variecgata Del Guercio. Phillips and Davis, 1912, p. 8. . alpina L. 4 Aphis frangulae Kalt. (rhamni Kalt.). Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 101. . californica Esch. Coffee Berry. : Nectarophora rhamni Clarke. Clarke, 1903, p. 254. . Frangula L. Aphis frangulae Kalt. (rhamni Kalt.). Kaltenbach, 1874; p. 101. Koch, pp. 120, 142. Aphis frangulae Koch. (rhamni Kalt.). Macchiati, 1883, p. 240. . lanceolata Pursh. Aphis frangulae Kalt. Williams, 1891, p. 7. . Purshiana. Cascara sagrada. Aphis gossypii Glover. Essig, 1917a, p. 338. Myszus rhamni Boyer. (Macrosiphum rhamni Clarke). Wilson, 1912a, p. 156. EESp: Aphis rhammi Schrank. Lichtenste:n, La Flore. Mysus rhamni Boyer. Lichtenstein, La Flore. 84 MaINeE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ZIZYPHUS. Z. Jujuba Lam. Rhizobius jujubae Buckton. Buckton, 1899b, p. 278. Kirkaldy, 1906" spin 16>) is" a | Coccid VITACEAE. VINE OB ANEIENG AMPELOPSIS. A. quinquefolia. See Psedera. PARTHENOCISSA. P. quinquefolia. See Psedera. PSEDERA. Virginia Creeper. Woodbine. P. quinquefolia (L.) Greene. (Ampelopsis quinquefolia) (Parthenocissa quinquefolia). Aphis folsomii Davis. (parthenocissa Williams). Davis, 1911, p. We Aphis setariae Thomas. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 42. VITIS. Grape. V. californica Benth. Phylloxera pemphigoides Donnadieu. Rathay, 1889, p. 67. V. cordifolia Michx. Frost or Chicken Grape. Aphis ripariae Oestlund. Williams, 1891, p. 12. Phylloxecra vastairix Planchon. Williams, 1891, p. 12. Siphonophcra viticcla Thomas. Williams, 1891, p. 12. V. vinifera L. Aphis vitis Scopoli. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 95. Hyalopterus pruni (Fab.) Koch (Prunifex Amyot). Buckton, 2, parent Hyalopterus pruni (Fab.) Koch (Walker partim). Passerini, 1863, ine Peritymbia (Phylloxera) vitifolii (Fitch-Riley) (vastatrix Plan- chon). Borner, 1909b, p. 61. Phylloxera vastairix Planchon. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 775. Rhizoctonus ampelinus Mokrzecky. Mordwilko, 1909, p. 159. Mokrzecky, 1895-96 (1897), p. 438. Schizoneura ampelorhiza Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1900, p. 104. V. vulpina L. (riparia Michx.). River-bank or Frost Grape. Aphis ripariae Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 63. Phylloxera pemphigoides Donnadieu. Rathay, 1889, p. 66. V. sp. Aphis ripariae Oestlund? (?vitis Scopoli). Gillette, 1910, p. 404. Aphis vitis Scopoli. Sanborn, 1904, p. 56. Macrosiphum illinoiensis (Shimer) (Aphis) (viticola Thomas). Davis, 1910, Jour. Ec. Ent., p. 486. Apuip Foop PLAntT CATALOGUE. ; 85 Phylloxera vastatrix Planch. (Peritymbia vitisana Westwood). Lichtenstein, La Flore. Xerampelus vastator Del Guercio. (Rhizaphis vastatrix Planchon). Del Guercio, 1909, p. 80. TILIAGEAE. LINDEN FAMILY. TILIA. Linden. ; . americana L. Basswood. Eucallipterus tiliae (Linn.). Gillette, 1910, p. 367. -Longistigma caryae (Harris) Wilson (Lachnus longistigma Mon- ell). (L. platanicola Riley). Wilson, 1909a, p. 385. Macrosiphum tiliae (Monell). Davis, 1914, Can. Ent. Vol. 46, p. 83. Pterocallis tiliae (Linn.). Pass. Buckton, 3, p. 36. . grandifolia. Drepanosiphum tiliae Koch. Koch, p. 204. Pterocallis tiliae (Linn.) Pass. Buckton, 3, p. 36. . Europea L. : Pterocallis tiliae Auct. (Aphis) Kait. Ferrari, 1872, p. 77. Schizoneura reaumuri Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 176. . platyphyllos Scop. Drepanosiphum (Aphis) tiliae Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, pp. 79, 561. Pterocallis tiliae (Linn.) Pass. Buckton, 3, p. 36. . rubra D. C. Aphis adducta Walker. Walker. 1849c, p. 34. Pterocallis tiliae (Linn.) Pass. Buckton, 3, p. 36. . tomentosa Moench. Silver Linden. Eucallipterus tiliae (Linn.). Essig, 1917a, p. 323. SSD: Callipterus (Eucallipterus) tiliae (Linn.). Davis, 1909a, p. 33. Pachypappa reaumuri Kaltenbach. Theobald, 1915a. “on lime.” Siphonophora tiliae Monell. (Drepanosiphum tiliae Koch?). Thom- as, 1879, p. 188. MALVACEAE. MALLOW FAMILY. ALTHAEA. Marsh Mallow. . Narbonnensis Pourr. Aphis malvae Koch. - Passerini, 1863, p. 36. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. . Officinalis L. Marsh Mallow. Aphis malvae Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 36. Aphis urticaria Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 70. Siphonophora artemisiae Boyer. 86 Maine AGRICULTURAL ExpERIMENT STATION. 1918. Siphonophora kochii Ferrari. (S. artemisiae Koch, p. 165). Del Guercio, 1900, p. 168. x A. rosea Cav. Hollyhock. Aphis malvae Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 36. Macrosiphum solanifolii (Ashmead). Houser, 1917a, p. 69. Myzus persicae Sulzer.. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. A. sp. Aphis cucumeris Forbes. Williams, 1891, p. 15. GOSSYPIUM. G. herbaceum L. Cotton. : Acyrthosiphon gossypii gossypii Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 173. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashmead, in part) (citrulli Ash- mead) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?). Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Glllette and Taylor, 1908, p. 35. G. sp. Acyrthosiphon gossypii gossypii Mordwilko.* Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 173. Aphis malvae Koch. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Lichtenstein, La Flore. | Aphis plantaginis Schrank. Lichtenstein, La Flore. HIBISCUS. Rose Mallow. H. rosasinensis L. Aphis gossypii Glover. Fullaway, 1909, p. 40. H. sp. Aphis malvae Walker. Williams, 1891, p. 14. Aphis medicaginis Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 255. Rhopalosiphum dianthi (Schrank). Williams, 1891, p. 14. LAVATERA. L. arborea L. Aphis malvae Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 64. L. assurgentiflora Kellogg. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 331. L. trimestris L. Aphis malvae Koch. Passerini, Flora. MALOPE. M. trimestri. Aphis malvae Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 36. MALVA. Mallow. M. moschata L. Musk Mallow. Apuip Foop PLant CATALOGUE. 87 Siphonophora urtica Koch. (Aphis Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. M. parviflora L. ANiaie Aphis malvae Koch. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 298. Myzus achyrantes Monell. Davidson, 1909, p. 303. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1911c, p. 600. M. rotundifolia L. Common Mallow. Cheeses. (neglecta). Acyrthosiphon skrjabini Mordwilko. Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 181. : j Aphis cardui Linn. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 381. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashm., in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?). Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis malvae Koch. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis urticae Fab. Bayer, 1914a, p. 111. Aphis urticaria Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 69. Chaitophorus sp. Gillette, 1909a, p. 388. Myzus achyrantes (Monell). Williams, 1891, p. 17. M. sylvestris L. High Mallow. Aphis addita Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 33. - Aphis cardui Linn. (A. onopordi Schrank). Kaltenbach, 1843, p 115. Aphis malvae Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 36. Aphis urticae Fab. Bayer, 1914a, p. 111. Siphonophora pelargonu (Kalt.) Koch (pallida Walker) (fragar- iae Walker?) (diplantherae Koch?) (malvae Pass.). Buckton, I, te WS Siphonophora urticae (Kalt.) Koch. Buckton, 1, p. 144. M. sp. Aphis eupatorii Passerini. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. Aphis gossypu Glover. (malvae Koch) (cucubiti Buckton). van der Goot, 1915, p. 198. Aphis malvae Mosley. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Aphis malvae’ Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 64. Aphis malvae Walker. Buckton, 2, p: 43. Macrosiphum diplantherae Koch. Theobald, 1913, p. 54. Macrosiphum malvae (Mosley). Theobald, 1913, p. 150. Macrosiphum malvicola Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 359. Macrosiphum pelargoniti Buckton. Theobald, 1913, p. 54. Myzus persicae Sulzer. (achyrantes Monell?) (malvae Oestlund?). Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 137. Siphocoryne alboapicalis Theobald. Theobald, 1916f, p. 183. MALVASTRUM. False Mallow. M. coccineum. A. Gray. Red False Mallow. Myzus circumflexum (Buckton) (vincae Gillette). Davis, 1914, De W222, (Carn, 1 Biaie, Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. 88 MaINne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. STERCULIACEAE. THEROBROMA. T. Cacao L. Toxoptera theobromae Schouteden. Schouteden, 1906b, p. 38 (2). TERNSTROEMIACEAE. TEA OR CAMELLIA FAMILY. CAMELLIA. C. drupifera (oleifera). Toxoptera auranti Boyer. (Aphis) (A. camelliae Kalt.). Ferrari, 18725 sper: C. japonica. Toxoptera aurantii Boyer. (Aphis) (A. camelliae Kalt.). Ferrari, 1872, p. 62. Essig, 1917a, p. 330. C. Thea Link. Ceylonia theaecola Buckton. Experiment Station Record, 1903-4, (1904), p. 277. C. sp. Toxoptera aurantu Boyer. (T. camelliae Kaltenbach) (Ceylonia theaecola Buckton). Phillips and Davis, 1912, p. 8. HYPERICACEAE. SAINT JOHN’S-WORT FAMILY. HYPERICUM. Saint John’s-wort. H. crispum L. Aphis chloris Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. H. hirsutum L. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. H. kalmianum L. Kalm’s Saint John’s-wort. Aphis hyperici Monell. Monell, 1879, p. 25. H. perforatum L. Common Saint John’s-wort. Aphis chloris Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 65. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. H. prolificum L. Shrubby Saint John’s-wort. Myzocallis hyperici Thomas. Thomas, 1879, p. 109. H. quadranguium L. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. H. Sarothra Michx. (gentianoides). Aphis maidi-radicis Forbes. Vickery, 1910, p. 103. TAMARICACEAE. TAMARIX. Te Sp: Aphis rumicis L. (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. ApHip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 89 Aphis tamaricis Licht. Lichtenstein, 1885a, p. CLXXIX. GISEACHEAE. | ROCKROSE, FAMILY: CISTUS. . crispus L. Aphis cisti Lichtenstein. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. . hirsutus. . sp . sp Aphis cisti Lichtenstein. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. Aphis cisti Licht. (ined.). Lichtenstein, La Flore. Myzus targonti Del Guercio. (M. ribis? Linn., Ferrari). Del Guer- cio, 1900, p. 152. HELIANTHEMUM. Rockrose. . vulgare Gaertn. Fruct. Aphis helianthemi Ferrari. Ferrari, 1872, p. 65. WAOENC DAE VIOLET BAM MY: VIOLA. Violet. . nuttallii. Myzus circumflexum (Buckton) (vincae Gillette). Davis, 1914, pa l22e Gans Ent: . odorata L. English or Sweet Violet. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. . tricolor L. Pansy. MHeart’s-ease. Aphis certa Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 32. Aphis insessa Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 32. Aphis violae Scouteden. Schouteden, 1906a, p. 229. Mysus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. Siphonophora malvae Mosley. (A. pelargonii Koch) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae). Macchiati, 1883, p. 230. Idiopterus nephrelepidis Davis. Essig, 1911b, p. 541. Rhopalosiphum tulipaella Theobald. Theobald, 1916f, p. 148. Rhopalosiphum violae Pergande. Pergande, 1900b, p. 29. San- born, 1904, p. 65. BONS ACH As EONS AS EAE! MENTZELIA. . nuda Pursh. Nectarophora sp. Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 125. 90 M. B. aeSD! Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. sp. mbes: Macrosiphum mentscliae Wilson. Wilson, 1915b, p. 99. BEGONIACEAE. BEGONIA. sp. Aphis gossypii Glover. (citrifolii Ashm., in part) (citrulli Ashm.) (cucumeris Forbes) (forbesi Weed?). Pergande, 1895, p. 314. Aphis opima Buckton. Theobald, 1911-12. Macrosiphum begoniae Schouteden. Schouteden, 1901, p. 117. 1906a, p. 238. CACTACEAE, CACHES ie VEneye CACTUS. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 18£0a, p. 394. OPUNTIA. Prickly Pear. . vulgaris Mill. Aphis papaveris Fab. Macchiati, 1883, p. 256. O. sp. Myzus persicae Sulzer. Gillette and Taylor, 1908, p. 36. THYMELAEACEAE. MEZEREUM FAMILY. DAPHNE. Mezereum. D. sp. Macrosiphum hibernaculorum (Boyer). Theobald, 1916f. Siphonophora gnidii Licht: (ined.). Lichtenstein, La Flore. PIMILEA. P. sylvatica. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. ELAEAGNACEAE. OLEASTER FAMILY. ELAEAGNUS. E. angustifolia L. Rhopalosiphum hippophaes (Myzus elaeagni Del Guercio, Davis, 1908) Gillette, 1915, Jour. Ec. Ent. Vol. 8 p. 376. E. argentea Pursh. Silver-berry. Capitophorus (Myzus) braggii Gillette. van der Goot, 1915, p. 120. E. sp. A/yeus cbraggii Gillette. Gillette, 1915, Jour. Ec. Ent. Vol. 8, p. 376. HIPPOPHAE. H. rhamnoides L. Mvyzus braggu Gillette. Gillette, 1915, Jour, Ec. Ent. Vol. 8, p. 376. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 91 Rhopalosiphum hippophaes Koch. Gillette, 1915, Jour. Ec. Ent. PeaViole Se ps 370. SHEPHERDIA. argentea Nutt. Capitophorus shepherdiae G. and B. Gillette and Bragg, 1916, p. 445. S. arvensis. Myzus braggii Gillette. Gillette, 1915, Jour, Ec. Ent. Vol. 8, p. 376. PEVQEVANCEAL. MOOSESTRIFE PANE Y. AMMANNIA. A. sp. Rhopalosiphum nymphacae (Linn.). Williams, 1891, p. 5. CUPHEA. (Parsonsia). C. Bustamanta Lex. (platycentra). M. . Granatum L. Aphis malvae Walker. Williams, 1891, p. 8. . ignea DC. (Parsonia platycentra). Aphis malvae Walker. Hunter, 1901, p. 127. 2 Sp. Aphis gossypii Glover. Fullaway, 1909, p. 40. Siphonophora malvae (Mosley) Pass. (A. pelargonii Kalt.) (A. pallida Walker) (S. pelargonii Koch) (S. diplantherae Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 14. LAGERSTROEMIA. Seaindica, I Myzocallis kahawaluokalani Kirkaldy. Fullaway, 1909, p. 43. BESp: Aphis lagerstroemiae Licht. (ined.). Lichtenstein, La Flore. LYTHRUM. Loosestrife. . Salicaria L. Spiked Loosestrife. Aphis lythri Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 254. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis salicariae Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 254. Myzaphis lythri Schrank. van der Goot, 1915, p. 185. PUMICA. Aphis punicae Pass. Ferrari, 1872, p. 69. NIVER SIA Gi AT: MYRTUS. Sp. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Walker, 1850a, p. 394. Rhopalosiphum persicae Sulzer. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. 92 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ONAGRACEAE. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. CLARKIA. . elegans Dougl. Rhopalosiphum persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1917a, p. 331. EPILOBIUM. Willow-herb. . adenocaulon occidentale Trelease. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Essig, 1917a, p. 341. . angustifolium L. (spicatum Lam.) Great Willow-herb. Fireweed. Aphis epilobii Kalt. Cockerell, 1903b, p. 114. Nectarophora sp. Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 124. . Dodonaei. Aphis plantaginis Schrank. (A. dauci Fab.). Passerini, 1863, p. 40. . hirsutum L. Aphis epilobii Koch. Theobald, 1911-12. . montanum L. (pubescens). Aphis epilobii Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 71. Aphis instabilis Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 95. Aphis penicillata Buckton, 2, p. 52. Macrosiphum ulmariae (Schrank) (gei Koch) (urticae Kalt?) van der Goot, 1915, p. 104. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. . parviflorum Schreb. Aphis epilobii Koch. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis instabilis Buckton. Buckton, 2, p. 95. . virgatum Cunn. Aphis virgata Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 297. E. sp. Anuraphis myosotidis Koch. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, i AVE Aphis despecta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 53. Aphis diphaga Walker. Walker, 1852, p. 1042. Aphis epilobtina Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 53. Aphis malvae Walker. Buckton, 2, p. 43. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Clarke, 1903, p. 252. Aphis pollinosa Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 52. Aphis praeterita Walker. Walker, 1849c jp. 52. Aphis tincta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 51. Aphis triphaga Walker. Walker, 1852, p. 1041. Nectarophora cpilobii Pergande. Pergande, 1900a, p. 516. FUCHSIA. F. coccinea Ait. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 48. Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 93 . globosa Lindl. Aphis dianthi Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 48. . gracilis. Rhopalosiphum dianthi (Schrank) Koch (persicae, Puceron du pecher Morren) (rapae Curtis) (floris-rapae Curtis) (dubia? Curtis) (vastator Smee) (A- persicaecola Boisduval) (Rh. per- sicae Pass.). Buckton, 2, p. 17. F. macrantha Hook. : Aphis dianthi Schrank. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 48. GUARA. G. parviflora Doughl. Nectarophora sp. Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 124. Siphonophora gaurae Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 80. Siphonophora gaurina Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 80. OENOTHERA. Evening Primrose. O. bectiana. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Clarke, 1903, p. 252. O. biennis L. Aphis gossypii Glover. Sanborn, 1904, p. 57. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Cowen, 1895, p. 121. Myzus biennis Sanborn. Sanborn, 1904, p. 78. Myzus oenotherae Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 65. Pemphigus oenotherae Williams. Williams, 1891, p. 11. Siphonophora sp. Williams, 1891, p. 11. O. caespitosa Nutt. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Cowen, 1895, p. 121. O. grandiflora Ait. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Essig, 1917a, p. 341. O. serrulata Nutt. Aphis oenotherae Oestlund. Williams, 1891, p. 11. O. sp. : Anoecia oenotherae Wilson. Wilson, 1911, p. 64. Anoecia querci (Fitch) (Eriosoma querci Fitch) (Rhizobius eleu- sinis Thos.) (Schizoneura panicola Thos.) (Anoecia corni American authors) (?Anoecia oenotherae Wilson). Baker, 1916, DeOOo: TRAPA. Water Nut. T. natans L. Water Chestnut. Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Koch. Passerini, Flora. HALORAGIDACEAE. WATER MILFOIL FAMILY. MYRIOPHYLLUM. Water Milfoil. . verticillatum L. Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae Linn. (Aphis aquaticus Jackson). Davis, 1910a, p. 245. 94 A. A. A. A. H. A. A. A. A. A. Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ARALIACEAE. GINSENG FAMILY. ACANTHOPANAX. ricinifolium. Aphis acanthopanaci Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 356. ARALIA. cordata. Arimakia araliae Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. hispida Vent. Bristly Sarsaparilla. Wild Elder. Aphis (Adactynus) aralia-hispida Raf. Rafinesque, 1817. sinensis. Arimakia araliae Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. Arimakia taranbonis Matsumura. Matsumura, 1917a, p. 363. HEDERA. Helix L. English Ivy. Aphis hederae Kalt? Essig, 1917a, p. 339. Aphis hederae Kalt. Buckton, 2, p. 75. ?Aphis lychnidis Linn. Buckton, 2, p. 74. Aphis rumicis Linn. (fabae Kirby) (genistae Scop.) (ulicis Fab?) (euphorbiae Kalt?) (dahliae Mosley) (Cinara rumicis Mosley) (Rumicifex Amyot) (Genistifex Amyot). Buckton, 2, p. 84. Mysus persicae (Sulzer). Essig, 1911c, p. 600. Pemphigus hederae Horvath. UMBELLIFERAE. PARSLEY FAMILY. AEGOPODIUM. Goutweed. Podagraria L. Aphis capreae Fab. (A. aegopodii Scopoli). Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 110. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. Siphocoryne capreae (Fab.) Theobald, 1912. Rept. Ec. Zool. p. 88. sp. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. AETHUSA. Fool’s Parsley. Cynapium L. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. sp. . Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. ANGELICA. sylvestris L. Aphis angelicae Koch. Koch, p. 52. > i sp Apuip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 95 Aphis capreae Fab. (A. aegopodii Scopoli). Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 110. Aphis rumucis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Cavariella gigliolti Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia WING, ot Zs Siphocoryne angelicae Del Guercio. Del Guercio, 1909 (1910), Redia VII, p. 298. . tomentosa Wats. Aphis cari Essig. Essig, 1917a, p. 320. Aphis angelicae Koch. Wilson, 1909b, p. 348. ANTHRISCUS. Chervil. sylvestris Hoffm. (Chaerophyllum sylvestre). Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 118. Macrosiphum ulmariae Schrank (gei Koch) (urticae Kalt?). van der Goot, 1915, p. 104. vulgaris Bernh. Aphis anthrisci Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 112. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 288. Aphis rumicis (evonymi Fab.) (papaveris Fab.) (atriplicis Fab.) (genistae Scopoli). van der Goot, 1915, p. 225. Siphonophora ulmariae Schrank. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. APIUM. . graveolens L. Garden Celery. Aphis inculta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 43. Aphis lappae Koch. Passerini, 1863, p. 51. Theobald, 1911-12. Myzus lycopersici Clarke. Davis, 1914, p. 134. Can. Ent. Rhopalosiphum dianthi Schrank. G. C. Davis, 1893, p. 40. Siphocoryne avenae (Fab.) (mali Fitch) (prunifoliae Fitch) (ave- nae Fitch) (annuae Oestlund) (fitchii Sanderson) (Siphono- phora avenae Thos. in part). Pergande, 1904a, p. 8. Siphocoryne pastinaceae Linn. Buckton, 2, p. 24. Siphocoryne pastinaceae Linn. Cockerell, 1903b, p. 114. ARCHANGELICA. A. atropurpurea Hoffm. Siphocoryne archangelicae Oestlund. Oecstlund, 1887, p. 70. A. sp. Aphis archangelicae Scop. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. CARUM. Caraway. C. kelloggii Gray. Wild or Sweet Anise. Aphis cari Essig. Essig, 1917a, p. 320. Siphocoryne capreae (Fab.). Essig, 1917a, p. 342. 96 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. . sp. Siphocoryne capreae Fab. (aegopodii Scopoli) (umbellatorum Koch) (cicutae Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 163. CAUCALIS. (Turgenia). . latifolia L. (Turgenia latifolia L.). Aphis papaveris Fab. (A. fabae Scop.) (A. aparines Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 46. CHAEROPHYLLUM. . temulum L. Aphis capreae Fab. (aegopodii Scopoli). Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 110. Aphis chaerophilli Koch. Koch, p. 80. Aphis pisi Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 118. . tuberosum. Aphis chaerophylii Koch. Theobald, 1915b. < SD: Siphocoryne capreae Fab. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Siphonophora ulmariae (Schrank, Walker) (onobrychis Boyer) (pisi Kalt.) (pisi Koch) (gei Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 13. CICUTA. Water Hemlock. . maculata L. Spotted Cowbane. Musquash Root. Beaver Poison. Nectarophora sp. Osborn-Sirrine. Hunter, 1901, p. 123. . virosa L. Rhopalosiphum cicutae Koch. Koch, p. 24. Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Linn.) Koch (A. butomi Schrank) (R. najadum Koch). Passerini, 1863, p. 21. CONIUM. Poison Hemlock. . maculatum L. Aphis capreae Fab. (cicutae Koch). Kaltenbach, 1874, pp. 291, 266. Aphis capreae Fab. (A. aegopodii Scopoli). Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 110. Aphis xylostei Schrank (lonicerae Boyer). Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 307. Hyadaphis xylostei Schrank. (Siphocoryne conii Davidson). Dav- , idson, 1914, Jour. Ec. Ent., Vol. 7, p. 134. . Sp. Siphocoryne foeniculi Pass. Lichtenstein, La Flore. CRITHMUM. . mMaritimum L. Aphis crithmi Buckton. Buckton, 1886, p. 324. CRYPTOTAENIA. Honewort. . Canadensis DC. (Chaerophyllum canadense). _— Apuip Foop Plant CATALOGUE. 97 Aphis chenophyllum-canadense Raf. Rafinesque, 1817. DAUCUS. (Orlaya). Carrot. D. Carota L. Aphis assueta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 49. Aphis carotae Koch. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Aphis dauci Fab. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Aphis lappae Koch. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Aphis papaveris Fab. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Aphis papaveris Fab. (A. fabae Scop.) (A. aparines Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 46. Aphis plantaginis Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 56. Aphis plantaginis Schrank. (dauci Fab.). Ferrari, 1872, p. 66. Theobald, 1916f, p. 183. Aphis plantaginis Schrank. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Aphis subterranea Walker. (A. carotae Koch). Buckton, 2, p. 38. Aphis umbellatarum Kalt. Graélls, 1887, p. 11. Forda dauci Gureau. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Siphocoryne capreae (Fab.) (not pastinaceae Koch). Theobald, 1912, Rept. Ec. Zool., p. 88. Siphocoryne foeniculi Pass. Graells, 1887, p. 11. Siphocoryne pastinaceae Linn. Buckton, 2, p. 24. D. foliosus Guss. Aphis carotae Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. D. sp. Aphis umbellatorum Koch. Lichtenstein, La Flore. Siphocoryne capreae Fab. (aegopodii Scop.) (umbellatorum Koch) (cicutae Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 163. ERYNGIUM. Eryngo. E. campestre L. Aphis dispar Walker. Walker, 1848c, p. 2251. Aphis diversa Walker. Walker, 1848c, p. 2251. Aphis papaveris Fab. Macchiati, 1883, p. 256. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19: FALCARIA. F. vulgaris Bernh. (Sium falcatum). Aphis sii Koch. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 271. FERULA. F. sp. Myzus ferulaginis Macchiati. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. Vacuna ferulae Macchiati. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. FOENICULUM. Fennel. F. vulgare Mill. (officinale ALL.). 98 suSD MatNne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Aphis saliceti Kaltenbach. Patch, 1917a, p. 417. Siphocoryne foeniculi Pass. Clarke, 1903, p. 252. sp. Aphis capreae Fab. (foeniculi Pass.) (cicutae Koch). Kalten- bach, 1874; p. 275. HERACLEUM. Cow Parsnip. . lanatum Michx. Aphis heraclii Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 120. Aphis saliceti Kaltenbach. Patch, 1917a, p. 417. . Mantegazzianum S&L. Aphis heraclei Cowen. (not Koch). Essig, 1917a, p. 339. . Sphondylium L. Aphis heraclei Koch. Koch, p. 51. Aphis umbellatorum Koch. Theobald, 1911-12. Hyalopterus spondylii Koch. Koch, p. 18. Phorodon galeopsidis (Kalt.) Pass. (Walker ex parte). Passerini, 1863, p. 19. Siphocoryne capreae (Fab.). Theobald, 1912, Rept. Ec. Zool., p. 88. 38D: Siphocoryne capreae Fab. (aegopodii Scopoli) (umbellatorum Koch) (cicutae Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 163. HYDROCOTYLE. Water Pennywort. was: Aphis nymphaeae L. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 20. ' LEVISTICUM. - Lovage. . Sp. Aphis ligustici Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 278. LIGUSTICUM. Lovage. . scoticum L. Scotch Lovage. Aphis ligustici Fab. Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 140. SD: Nectarophora martini Cockerell. Cockerell, 1903a, p. 171. MUSENIUM. . tenuifolium Nutt. Aphis penstemonis Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 54. “Evi- dently this species.” OENANTHE. Phellandrium. puCLOCAtAu es Aphis umbellatorum Koch. Theobald, 1911-12. Aphis oenanthis Licht. (ined.). Lichtenstein, La Flore. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 275. ApHip Foop PLANT CATALOGUE. 99 PASTINACA. Parsnip. P. sativa L. Aphis capreae Fab. (A. aegopodii Scopoli). Kaltenbach, 1843, p. 110. Aphis carotae Koch. Ferrari, 1872, p. 72. Aphis cicutae Koch. (capreae Fab.). Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 266. Aphis heraclii Cowen. Cowen, 1895, p. 120. Aphis robusta Walker. Walker, 1849c, p. 43. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. Aphis saliceti Kaltenbach. Patch, 1917a, p. 417. Rhopalosiphum pastinaceae (L). Koch. (A. capreae Fab.) (R. ci- cutae Koch). Koch, pp. 41-42. Siphocoryne capreae (Fab.) (not pastinaceae Koch). Theobald, 1912, Rept. Ec. Zool., p. 88. Siphocoryne foeniculi Pass. Passerini, 1860, p. 37. P. sp. Siphocoryne capreae Fab. (aegopodii Scopoli) (umbellatorum Koch) (cicutae Koch). van der Goot, 1915, p. 163. PETROSELINUM. Parsley. P. hortense Hoffm. Common Parsley. Rhopalosiphuim capreae (Fab.) Gillette, 1911, p. 323. PEUCEDANUM. (Anethum). P, alsaticum L. (Anethum.). Aphis papaveris Fab. (A. fabae Scop.) (A. aparines Schrank). Passerini, 1863, p. 46. P. palustre Moench. Aphis rumicis Linn. (fabae Kirby) (genistae Scop.) (ulicis Fab?) Euphorbiae Kalt?) (dahliae Mosley) (Cinara rumicis Mosley) (Rumicifex Amyot) (Genistifex Amyot). -Buckton, 2, p. 84. 125 Bo Miles caprcae Fab. Lichtenstein, Flore Supplement. PIMPINELLA. P. magna L. - Aphis anthrisci Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 273. Aphis pimpinellae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 273. P. Saxifraga L. Aphis anthrisci Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 273. Aphis pimpinellae Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 273. SANICULA. Sanicle. S. canadensis L. Aphis saniculae Williams. Williams, 1910 (1911), p. 56. — 100 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. SCANDIX. Venus’ Comb. S. Pecten-Veneris L. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. SESELI. S. sp. Aphis seseli Licht. (ined.). Lichtenstein, La Flore. SIUM. S. falcatum. See Falcaria vulgaris. S. latifolium L. Aphis rumicis Linn. Walker, 1850a, p. 19. THASPIUM. Meadow Parsnip. T. aurem Nutt. Aphis thaspii Oestlund. Oestlund, 1887, p. 58. TORDYLIUM. T. apulum L. Aphis carotae Koch. Macchiati, 1883, p. 239. TORILIS. T. Anthriscus (L). Bernh. (Caucalis Anthriscus). Aphis anthrisci Kalt. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 273. Aphis papaveris Fab. Kaltenbach, 1874, p. 269. UMBELLIFERAE. U. sp. Acyrthosiphon navozovi Mordwilko, 1914, Faune de la Russie, p. 196. Siphocoryne pastinaceae Koch (not capreae Fab.). Theobald, 1912, Rept. Ec. Zool., p. 89. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Figure 4. Showing antennae, thoracic wax-plates and hind tarsi, all drawn to same scale. Prociphilus corrugatans? Spring migrant from Crataegus (67-12, 50-04): P. alnifoliae? Spring migrant from Amelanchier (27-06, 40-06, 29-10, 16-11): P. (Trama) erigeronensis. Fall migrant from Solidago (78-06) ; Apterous female from cultivated aster. P. sp. Fall migrants found alighting at base of trunk of Mountain Ash, Pyrus sp. (164-12). Figure 5. Showing antennae, thoracic wax-plates and hind tarsi, all drawn to same scale. Prociphilus tessellata. Spring migrant from Acer (24-11); fali mi- grant from Alnus (120-16): P. xylostei, spring migrant from Lonicera (53-14, 96-16): P. approximatus, spring migrant from Fraxinus (1-16- 21): P. fraxinifolii, spring migrant from Fraxinus (62-09): P. venafus- cus, spring migrant from Fraxinus (55-06, 85-11); fall migrant (100-08). | | ‘VY FINO "8 I" : ; AONE BULLETIN 201 APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 AND 1917* W. J. MORSE. This publication constitutes the seventh and eighth annual reports of progress with the apple spraying experiments which are being conducted at Highmoor Farm, Monmouth. In 1916 9 and in 1917 10 different plots were used. Each of these plots consisted of 24 trees, or 4 rows of 6 trees to the row, except plot 1 in 1917 had-only-23 trees. All were of the Ben Davis variety. The above mentioned plots were located in the orchard known as “Ben Davis No. 2’, which consists of a solid block of 555 trees. Somewhat less than two-fifths or 216 trees in 1916 and nearly three-sevenths or 239 trees in 1917 were included in the experiments. The very evident value of arsenate of lead as a preventive of apple scab when used alone, as shown in the results obtained in the 4 previous, consecutive seasons seemed to warrant the i testing of this material on a larger scale in 1916. Accordingly one-half of the orchard known as “Ben Davis No. 1” was sprayed with lime-sulphur 20 per cent stronger than standard, plus one pound of dry arsenate of lead to 50 gallons for the blossom bud application.; The two remaining applications con- sisted of double strength arsenate of lead alone. This duplicates *A general discussion of the nature and extent of the previously conducted experiments: with a summary of the results obtained is given in Bulletin 249 entitled, “Six Years of Experimental Apple Spraying at Highmoor Farm.” The results for 1915 are given in Bulletin 252 of this Station. . +By standard dilution lime-sulphur is meant the equivalent of 1 | gallon of 33° B. lime-sulphur concentrate to 40 gallons of water. To make the so-called 20 per cent stronger dilution one-fifth.more of the concentrate is added to a given amount of water than is used to make the standard dilution. 102 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. on a large scale plot 5 of 1916 and plot 3 of 1917. The remain- der of the orchard was sprayed with standard dilution lime- sulphur containing one pound of dry arsenate of lead in 50 gallons, thus duplicating plot 1 of 1916 and plot 5 of 1917. This orchard, consisting of over 1200 Ben Davis trees, lies directly across the road from the experimental plots in Ben Davis No. 2. SPRAYING PROGRAM. No sprays were used when the trees were dormant. Unless otherwise specified .3 applications were made, the aim being to make the first when the blossom buds were showing pink, the second just after the petals fell, and the third application between two and three weeks after the second. The dates of application each season are given later. TREATMENT OF PLOTS IN IQI6. Plot 1. Standard dilution lime-sulphur, plus one pound of dry, acid arsenate of lead to 50 gallons. Same spray treatment as plot 1, but using Friend calyx nozzle. Plot 3. Standard dilution lme-sulphur plus one pound of ar- senate of lime to 50 gallons. Plot 4. First application omitted, otherwise like plot 1. Plot Blossom bud application, lime-sulphur 20 per cent stronger than standard dilution, plus one pound of dry, acid arsenate of lead to 50 gallons. Later applications two pounds of dry, acid arsenate of lead alone in 50 gallons. Plot 6. Dry, acid arsenate of lead alone, two pounds in 50 gallons of water. Bordeaux mixture, 3-3-50, plus one pound of dry, acid arsenate of lead in 50 gallons. Plot 8. Sherwin-Williams dry lime sulphur, using for dilu- tion in water 3 pounds of the powder as an equiva- lent of one gallon of a 33° B. concentrate and adding Plot tv Loat Plot SS one pound of dry acid arsenate of lead to each 50 gal- | lons of diluted spray. Plot 9. Unsprayed check. AppLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 anp 1917. 103 TIME AND MANNER OF SPRAY APPLICATIONS IN IQI6. The first spray application was made on the experimental plots on May 20, the second June 5, and the third June 23. Ben Davis orchard No. 1 was sprayed the first time immediately following the experimental plots. On account of weather con- ditions, which are discussed later in some detail, the completion of the second application was not accomplished till June 13. However, to make conditions uniform, a separate machine and spraying crew were employed in each half of the orchard at the same time. Therefore approximately an equal number of trees were covered with each kind of spray on each day that the work was done. The third application to each half of Ben Davis No. I was made on June 26 and 27... An attempt was made to apply the sprays on the experimen- tal plots with a pressure of 200 pounds, but on account of the failure of the pump to maintain this pressure constantly, 150 to 175 pounds per square inch was used. A type of nozzle which throws a fine mist was used on all but plot 2 where the Friend calyx nozzle was substituted. With this distinctly more spray was applied than with the other type, and some difficulty was experienced when changing from the other form to this in get- ting the men who handled the spray rods to adjust their move- ments so as to avoid waste of material, and at the same time do thorough work. ; ConpiT1ions DurING AND FOLLOWING THE SPRAYING SEASON 7 OF 1916. The early part of May was favorable for growth, but cold, rainy weather prevailed for some time previous to the first application. The blossom buds were nearly in condition to spray for 10 days previous to the first application but their development was extremely slow. On the date of. application, May 20, all of the buds in each cluster were showing distinctly pink. The total rainfall recorded at the farm for the month of May was 5.77.inches. The 5 days preceding May 17 were very cloudy and rainy, and 4.09 inches.of the total rainfall for the month came during that day and the night following. Some 104 MAINE AGRICULTURAL. ExPERIMENT STATION. 1918. rain fell on the 18th, and the 19th also was cloudy. Between May 20 and June 5, the date of the second application, there were 7 wholly fair days. Rain fell on 5 different days but this was slight, except on May 30 when .g5 of an inch was recorded. At the time of the second application the petals had not entirely fallen but weather conditions indicated that it was un- safe to delay farther. On this date, June 5, the forenoon was clear but the afternoon was cloudy. Late in the afternoon .o5 of an inch of rain fell but this occurred after the plots had been sprayed and the material applied had become dry. Of the 17 days that intervened between the second and third applications only 3 were recorded as entirely fair. Rain fell on 9 of these days. The total rainfall for June was 4.20 inches, making the combined total for May and June nearly Io inches. It would seem that the weather conditions just prior to the first application of the sprays and from then on till the third application had been made were extremely favorable for scab infection and development. As will be shown later nearly 39 per cent of the fruit on the unsprayed plot was scabby. Un- doubtedly this would have been greatly increased were it not for the fact that the experimental plots were all plowed prior to May 8, thus turning under the diseased leaves of the season ‘before, except those near the bases of the trees, previous to the complete development of the ascospores of the scab fungus upon the leaves, under local climatic conditions. EFFECT OF THE DIFFERENT SPRAYS ON THE FOLIAGE AND FRUIT DuRING THE SUMMER OF IQI6. Plot 1. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and acid arsenate of lead. A very slight amount of injury to the tips of the leaves was noted on June 22. By the middle of July some burning of the margins was apparent but this was not bad. Russeting of the fruit was quite evident at this time and was plainly | greater than on the unsprayed check. These effects did not materially increase during the remainder of the season. After the middle of July a small amount of scab was noted on. the leaves but none on the fruit before harvesting. - APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 aNnp 1917. 105 Plot 2. Same as plot 1, using Friend calyx nozzle. The record for this plot throughout the season was identi- cal with that for plot 1. Plot 3. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and arsenate of lime. The amount of scab and leaf injury was also essentially the same on plot 3 as on plot 1, except that after the first of August the amount of foliage injury on 3 where arsenate of lime had been used with lime-sulphur was considerably more common. This observation was carefully checked since it was unexpected. On the other hand, fruit russeting was less apparent on plot 3 than on plot 1. Plot 4. Standard dilution lime- sulphur and acid arsenate of lead, first application omitted. On plot 4, scab on the foliage was as well controlled as on plot 1 where all 3 applications of lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead were made. In comparison with plot 1, plot 4 in the early part of the season showed somewhat less leaf injury. Plot 5. First application stronger lime-sulphur and acid ar- senate of lead; last two, double strength acid arsenate of lead alone. No leaf injury was recorded. The general condition of the foliage was better than on plot 1 throughout the season, although a slight amount of scab was noted at about the same time that it was observed on the latter. Plot 6. Acid arsenate of lead alone, double strength. Scab appeared on the leaves at the same time as on plots I and 5 and was evidently somewhat more common. A careful comparison of plot 6 with plot 9, the unsprayed check, showed that on July 18 the number of scabby leaves and fruit were much greater on the latter. It was estimated at that time that the use of arsenate of lead alone as a spray had reduced the amount of scab on the foliage from 90 to 95 per cent. Plot 7. Bordeaux mixture, 3-3-50, and acid arsenate of lead. With bordeaux mixture, as in the past, a large amount of leaf injury and defoliation appeared early in the season and much leaf spotting was apparent even up to harvest time. No scab was observed on this plot previous to harvesting. Plot 8. Sherwin-Williams Co. dry lime-sulphur and acid ar- senate of lead. 106 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. The appearance of the foliage on this plot did not differ materially from that recorded for conditions on plot 1. Plot 9. Unsprayed check. Scab began to appear on the leaves on the unsprayed check before the third spray application and developed rapidly dur- | ing the first part of July. By the middle of the month there | was a large amount on the leaves and it was very common on | the fruit. A certain amount of fungous leaf-spot also ap- | peared. Russeting of the fruit, apparently resulting from | weather conditions, was evident early in the season. It was noted that this russeted condition was confined to the upper sides of the fruits as they hung on the trees. THe EFFECT OF THE DIFFERENT SPRAYS ON THE FRUIT IN IQI6.. The fruit was harvested and sorted the first week of Octo- ber.. From the experimental plots in orchard No. 2 only the} crop from the two central rows or 12 trees was saved for sort- ing. This was limited to a random sample of 20 barrels where the total crop of these central rows exceeded this amount. The following, Table I, gives the results obtained. The record for orchard No. 1, where plots 1 and 5 were repeated on a large scale was obtained by selecting a random sample of 20 barrels} from each half in such a manner that it would represent as|) nearly as possible the average conditions throughout each part treated in a different manner. These results are given in Tabi | 1G | if 107 APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 anp 1917. ‘pojassna puv Aqquvas Y4oq sv sd[M4 pojunod sojddw ssoyy sUlqqIWO, | G°CEL | 0 19°03 1888 CL'Sh OCZL 299% 1263 TG0O steel as Se oe ES yooyo poxkvidsug 6 16L | 60'Cs 9°g¢ 1g'1 96'SF GOLF TI p99s GORGE bic ieee eae ee suoy[es 0G 03 pee Jo oae¥uasIv prloe ‘Aip punod iI snjd saouno [T ‘spunod ¢ ‘inyd | -[ns-outl,T AIp ‘OO SUTBIT]IM-UIMIsyS/s 06 08°%G 1g°@L er sii9s | esie 61 9811 GSC hie aie pa suoyes 0g | 09 p®Bo, JO o7RUsGSIB plow ‘AIp Jo ‘4. - Snid 06-¢-g 91n9xIUt XxXnNvBeplog|}, ugg 1691 82°98 19'L COCO PPLE 8&1 GOES OFS ales | ew aaa IsjVM JO SUOT[VS 0G OF ‘S| | Z ‘oUo[e pve, JO s3BUasSIB plow ‘AIq|9 lod | . . . | vce eh st (0°68 6g°T s9'6G | SsIg OSL 9L8P AR ya ee IajvM JO suOoT[es 0S UI PBs] JO 93BUsSIB plow ‘AIp JO ‘Sq[ Z | uoleordde ioe, suo pue xAdAjep ‘suojjes (0G Ul pBoa, JO oe}BUssIv | pps ‘hip jo ‘q] [ snd ‘paepurys uvy} dJosuoils jusd ded 0Z aAnYyd -[ns-sull]T 9 ‘uoTRolTdde pnq wosso[g|s &86 | 16'S 84°6S PST 10'9F SceP IIL FOSS OCCG ee icaas ase coneaa a I J0lq S¥l[ ostmasyyo | ‘peqyiuo §=6uoreoardde pnq wWosso[g|F 916 8% GL'GS 98'S FL GL 8891 868 Tgss LG) Dechebt| Ranioge nt NE Soe Te CELE suoy[es 0G 19 9llIT JO syvuesie AIp punod [| snjd amydjns-stal, UolyniIp prevpueig)¢s G96 ITTE 89°TS 88'T $9 OF 6GEP 6S1 FE6E Pers Sera ae eT FOld OAL SST -18430 ‘“pssn 29zzZ0U XA[BO pPUsIIy|?% GIG GL OF 69°99 tL L9°CE LOFS 19 8196 CLS tien | ar area aor eter es SUOT[eS (0G OF PR] : JO o3vuesI¥ plow ‘AIp JO punod [| snd AMYa[Ns-swul, UoOMNyIp prevpueqys ¢ *yooyo YIM - ‘spunod ul peleduroo ‘solade ‘sojdde ‘sojdde *peqysssnt “Aqqeos “qqZOOULS , Sejdde cy dal} Jed SV Suljessna |pozessnr Jo) Ayquos to qoeyted Jo} «quinn TaquInN isqmnN | JO Jaquinu ‘LNAWLV Oe, L, e pisth vd BIOAY) JO Jus Isd 4yucd 10g quod log }U980 16g [B107.L ‘QIOI Ul 2 Ul soUaLEYIG ‘ON PADYIAC UL SOT JOJUIMMAadu A uo syns buyso S wosf pauinigd synsay fo Kavmung 108 TABLE IL. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Summary of Results Obtained in 1916 from Sorting Fruits in Orchard No. 1.* + Per cent | Per cent Per cent TREATMENT of perfect of scabby of russeted apples. | apples. | apples. | | East half. Sprayed) likes plot; 1 Ot 19162222222 2sees————— 45.96 0.17 53.86 West half. Sprayed like plot 5 of 1916222) 2222 22ss = 56.68 1.24 42.11 Unsprayed Check. Plot +9) in\ orchard! NO: 123) 1916:s=ss"oeeeeen= 48.12 38.81 20.57 *The per cents for each plot do not always total 100, since certain apples were counted twice as both scabby and russeted. Plot Plot Plot bo ute NN TREATMENT OF PLOTS IN IQ17. Thomsen’s “T. P.” arsenate of lead paste alone, 4 pounds in 50 gallons of water. Corona dry, acid arsenate of lead alone, two pounds in 50 gallons of water. Blossom bud application lime-sulphur 20 per cent stronger than standard, plus one pound of Corona dry, acid arsenate of lead in 50 gallons. Later applications two pounds of the same arsenate in 50 gallons of water. Blossom bud application omitted, otherwise like plot 5. Standard dilution lime-sulphur, plus one pound of Corona dry, acid arsenate of lead in 50 gallons. Standard dilution lime-sulphur, plus one pound of Thomsen’s dry arsenate of lime in 50 gallons. Standard. dilution lime-sulphur, plus two pounds of Thomsen’s “T. P.” arsenate of lead paste in 50 gallons. Standard dilution lime-sulphur alone, no arsenical added. Unsprayed check. Sherwin-Williams Co. dry lime-sulphur 3 pounds, 11 ounces, and 1 pound of S-W°Co., dry, acid arsenate of lead in 50 gallons of water. The spray combinations used on plots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 ANnp 1917. 109 IO in 1917 were the same as those used on plots 6, 5, 4, I, 3, 9 and 8 respectively in 1916. Two new features were included in the 1917 experiments in order to obtain farther light on the question of the fungicidal action of arsenate of lead in controlling apple scab. Plot 8 was sprayed with standard dilution lime-sulphur alone with no ar- senical added, in order to secure a check on this point from another angle. On plots 1 and 7 a different form of arsenate of lead was used than that previously employed. The writer’s first observations indicating the possible value of arsenate of lead in controlling apple scab were made quite unexpectedly in 1912 in connection with this series of experi- ments. For the most part it has been the custom to utilize for experimental work the same supply as that bought for general use as an insecticide on the farm orchards. In the earlier work no attention was paid to the character of the material used, whether it was acid, neutral, or basic, or a mixture of two or more of these different forms. Samples were saved from the lots used in 1915 and 1916 and analyses of these samples by the Chemical Department of this Station showed that each, although purchased from different manufacturers, was practically of the same composition as a pure acid, or lead hydrogen arsenate. No accurate data is obtainable as to the composition of the ma- terials used in former years. However, a study of the reports of analyses of the same brands as were used in these years, based upon samples taken by the inspection service from goods on sale in the State, shows that in all probability these results showing a fungicidal action on apple scab have been obtainedi throughout the series of experiments with an acid arsenate of lead, previous to 1917. “Taken as a whole, the literature indicates that there are at least two common lead arsenates, lead hydrogen arsenate and lead orthoarsenate; that these two compounds are the main components present in ordinary commercial lead arsenate... aeeae The authors of the publication just quoted made a very thorough chemical study of the subject of the arsenates of lead used in spraying. Among other things, they attempted to pre- *Robinson, R. H. and Tartar, H. V. The Arsenates of Lead. Bul. Ore. Agl. Exp. Sta. 128, p. 6, 1915. 110 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. pare the orthoarsenate according to the methods recommended by certain other writers. What they obtained, as shown by analysis, did not correspond to a pure orthoarsenate of lead, since it contained more lead and less arsenic than the theoretical figures. Their tests led them to conclude that what they ob- tained was a distinctly different chemical compound, a new basic lead arsenate of which there was no previous mention in the literature. Furthermore, to quote farther, they state, p. 9: “Without going into any lengthy discussion of the reactions used, the authors will state that lead orthoarsenate is not formed under the ordinary aqueous conditions employed in the manu- facture of commercial lead arsenate, and that 7t is not a com- ponent of the commercial material as has been formerly sup- posed. The compound present, which has been represented to be the orthoarsenate, is in reality the basic lead arsenic men- tioned above.” In a letter to the writer, under date of Febru- ary 12, 1917, one of the authors (R) just quoted, stated that there are now on the market two brands of arsenate of lead which their analyses show to be of a neutral type and mentioned another which the manufacturers claim to be a neutral arsenate of lead. | Orthoarsenate of lead has been recommended as a safer material for use with lime-sulphur on peaches and has also been advocated for apple spraying. In view of the evidence cited above it would not be strange if some confusion should exist in the minds of those who are conducting spraying experiments as to what form of arsenate of lead they were using. In fact letters from 3 different horticulturists to the writer, two from Canada and one from another state, specifically stated that a certain brand put out by one concern is a neutral of orthoar- senate of lead. The chemists of this Station examined two samples of this brand in 1914 and 3 samples in 1915, taken in the open market in Maine. The arsenic content of these sam- ples was such that they could have been by no possibility a neutral arsenate. The analyses do indicate that they were, in reality, fairly pure and consequently high grade acid arsenates. It is significant to note that the records indicate that the word “neutral” appeared on the label in 1914 and not in 1915. More- over when asked in the winter of 1917 if they could furnish us with another form for experimental work this firm replied that APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 AND 1917. 111 they could supply us only with what they claimed to be, and the Station’s analysis showed to be, a very high grade acid arsenate. CoMPosITION OF MarTertAts USED IN IQI7. Through the cooperation of the Chemical Department of this Station analyses were made of certain materials, particu- larly the arsenicals used in the 1917 experiments. The dry arsenate of lead furnished by the Corona Chemical Company and the Sherwin-Williams Company showed a chemical composi- tion of very closely the right proportions to conform to and but slightly lower in As,O, and PbO than is the theoretical requirement for pure acid arsenate of lead. The “T. P.” arsenate of lead obtained from the Thomsen Chemical Company was in a paste form but since this discus- sion is concerned entirely with the type of the arsenate of lead used in the experiments the material, for convenience in making comparisons, was reduced to nearly a water-free basis before the analysis was made. The moisture content of the final or dry sample used was 0.22 per cent. On this basis 22.43 per cent As,O, and 74.01 per cent PbO were found, the ratio being 1:3.299. Robinson and Tartar* point out that the theoretical ratio between As,O, and PbO in an acid arsenate is 1:1.945 and in a neutral arsenate is 1:2.911. In their attempts to pre- pare a neutral or orthoarsenate of lead, an analysis of the sam- ples obtained gave a ratio between the two compounds men- tioned varying from 1:3 180 to 1:3.196. As has already been stated they expressed the opinion that arsenate of this com- position is a basic and not an orthoarsenate. It will be noted that the ratio given by the analysis of the “T. P.” arsenate shows even a greater deviation from the theoretical composition of an orthoarsenate.+ Hh Gs De YD +No attempt has been made to look up the analyses of this brand of arsenate of lead which have been made by the inspection service main- tained by different states but one analysis of a sample in 1917 has come to the writer’s attention. This is reported on p. 9 of Bulletin 315 of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. A sample of “Or- chard Brand Powdered Arsenate of Lead—T. P.” is reported as carry- ing 24.26 per cent of arsenic oxide and 71.72 per cent lead oxide. The ratio here corresponds fairly closely to the theoretical for a neutral or orthoarsenate. 112 MaIneE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. In order to obtain as much light as possible upon the com- position of this material certain definite questions regarding this point were asked of the manufacturers. The following is quoted from a statement made by their chemist: “The T. P. product will contain about 3% to 5% PbHAsO,. The remaining As,O, and PbO are combined as either a mix- ture of Pb,(AsO,), and some new basic arsenate, or entirely as the new basic arsenate, the composition of which, as far as the writer knows, has not been definitely determined.” The writer farther stated that while he was not familiar with the article of Robinson and Tartar that this new basic ar- senate probably corresponds with the one they described. TIME AND MANNER OF SPRAY APPLICATIONS IN IQI7. The dates of application in 1917 were May 30, June 20 and July 9, which shows a very abnormal situation. Previous to this the latest date for making the so-called “pink-bud” applica- tion, during 7 consecutive seasons, was May 24, and the earliest May 8. In the same period the second date, as determined by the fall of the petals, has been quite constant, usually not earlier than the third and not later than the sixth of June. The method of application was the same as in 1916 except that a pressure of 200 pounds was constantly maintained by the spray pump. ConpiTions DurRING AND FOLLOWING THE SPRAYING SEASON OF IQI7. The entire growing season, on the whole, was uncommon- ly cold, cloudy and wet. The very slow development of the flowers, and consequent delayed spray applications, was due to unseasonably cold, wet weather. Between the first and second applications of spray something over g inches of rainfall was recorded at the farm. On account of a leak which developed in the rain gage it was impossible to get an accurate record of the rainfall for June, but as near as could be determined it was over 10 inches. The observer estimates that over 4 inches fell in a single storm, June 10-12. The combined rainfall for May and June was about 12 inches. These conditions made it extremely difficult to control scab effectively. APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 Anp 1917. 113 EFFECT OF THE DIFFERENT SPRAYS ON THE FOLIAGE AND FRUIT DtRING THE SUMMER OF IQI7. No evidence of scab could be observed on the foliage and fruit on any of the plots at the time of the second application, June 20. The orchard was not visited again till July 9 when the disease was present on the leaves in varying amounts on all plots. The following is a summary of the record on each for the season. Plot 1. “TY. P.” arsenate of lead alone, double strength. Scab became common on the leaves and fruit as the season advanced, but was very plainly less prevalent than on the un- sprayed check. Relatively light leaf-spotting appeared about August 1 and a month later this was fairly common but there was little evidence of burning of the margins of the leaves. Plot 2. Corona acid arsenate of lead alone, double strength. The amount of scab was similar to the preceding, but leaf injury was somewhat more common. | Plot 3. First application stronger lime-sulphur and acid ar- senate of lead; last two, double strength Corona acid arsenate of lead alone. Throughout the season it was plainly evident that scab was more efficiently controlled on this plot than on the two preceding, which were sprayed with the two different forms of arsenate of lead alone. There was also less scab here than on plot 5, which received the standard treatment with combined lme-sulphur and arsenate of lead. Leaf injury was relatively somewhat more common than on. the other two plots mentioned. Plot 4. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and acid arsenate of lead; first application omitted. Somewhat more scab was recorded for this plot during the summer than for plot 5. The most striking thing about it was the small set of fruit. As the fruit neared maturity the con- trast shown by the number of apples on the trees on plot 4 as compared with those on plots 3 and 5 on either side was very evident. Unexpectedly, leaf injury was more common than on plot 5. Plot 5. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and acid arsenate of lead. The conditions observed on this plot throughout the sea- son did not differ materially from those on plot 2. 114 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Plot 6. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and arsenate of lime. The records here were practically identical with those for plots 2 and 5. Plot 7. Standard dilution lime-sulphur and “T. P.” arsenate of lead. The general condition of the foliage on plot 7 was decidedly better than was the case on any other in the series. At the close of the season only relatively small amounts of scab could be seen on the foliage and fruit and very little leaf injury was present. Plot 8. Standard dilution lime-sulphur; no arsenical added. The amount of scab on the leaves appeared about the same as on plots 2, 5 and 6. Only a very little leaf spotting and burn- ing was observed and this was not apparent at the close of the season. Plot 9. Unsprayed check. Scab was very prevalent on the unsprayed plot from the time it first appeared. Injury to the margins of the leaves was also noted. Plot 10. Sherwin-Williams Co. dry lime-sulphur, plus acid arsenate of lead. Except for possibly slightly more leaf injury, very little difference could be detected between the condition of the foli- age on the trees on this plot and on plot 5 where, on the last named, ordinary home-prepared lime-sulphur and a similar amount of arsenate of lead were used. Errect OF THE DIFFERENT SPRAYS ON THE FRUIT IN I9QI7. On account of the small crop, the sample taken for sorting included the fruit produced on the inside of the two outside rows as well as the middle two rows of each plot. Except on plots 4, 8, 9; and 10 from which 2, 8%, 5%, and 5}4 barrels respectively were obtained the sample varied from 12 to 20 barrels. The following Table III gives the results obtained from sorting. ; 115 APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 anp 1917. ‘peqessni puev Aqqeos 410q Sse 901M PojUNOD sajdde ss0y} SUIZIIUIO, OF ISI | LV61 1G°GS 00°Ss §L9 OS6L 8SIL BOGE a sl aeaeremeaueced IajemM JO suoyes (¢. | | | | Ul pBa, JO 94BvUsSIB plow ‘AIP ‘OD | | | | M-S ‘GI I pus “zo TL ‘sqrt ¢ “myd | | | | -jns-suly AIp ‘OM SULBIT[TA-UIMI0YS OL 6§ - 00°0 98°L ESR = OF | 666 C665 9S | I90F lpteuncneon ete ee kr yooyo poAvidsuy 6 | | | 6g 061 9G°FL 6hGS | 88°88 109 8816 OO9L SOLF | REED peppe j[Boluesie ou } | | ‘SUO[B INYA[NS-stul] WoONIp plrepuvyg)|s GFL §8°0 | 618 | FG FP 09°67 €1L LL8& SUEF | 6028 [ear rsinerarece suoj[es 0G ul sysed peat jo | | | 8yVU SIV. d ‘\L,, S,Uesumiouy, “Sd @ | | snd ‘imyd[ns-eumly UomnIp parepueys), | | | | FEL 60°§— LOF SLsri| GL 6P GCE | 0998 | T&Ls | G6S2, lips tetete re nt t suo[[Ves (0G Ul Sully | | JO ojyeucsive Alp S,ussmouy, “qI T | | : | | isnid ‘ainyd[ns-st, wonIp prepueys|9 | | | | | | | 6 | ebe- ss |_—s B'S sgz9 | 9866 | 088 tea CGS yeu |= COCREN | Mienl ORCL saa | merece ea ecne suo[[Vs 0G Ul pRst fo | | | jayeussiw plaR ‘Aip wuolog “q] T | | | | | jsnjd ‘anydyns-stul, WoMmnIp piepurig|G ST tj a | 66'S 1028 | 6G LL 69 GLOL | FSL | C9 Tilsen esate rade G 4ojd oI, sStMieyz0 | | | ‘peayyiuo §=uotevojdde pnq UWossolg|F GCL Th F- | G9" 04/9 PGR | 8&Z g0G¢ leerccOr, | VAD See ees rrr IsjVM JO suojjes 0g UI | | auojBe PBs, JO sayvUsSIB sUIBS BY} > To ‘sqj @ SsuoryBoladde mye yy ‘“suol | -Bs (G Ul pBs, JO s3BUaSIB poe | ‘Aip wuol0og ‘ql [ snjid ‘paivpueys uBvyy Jesu01ys yuso dod QZ sAnYyd | -[ns-stl,T Uuoyvordde pnq wossojlg|s 62 Gg [i Gr | 008 | Ge ZT GSI | gags OSes en CC CO alia) ieeere IajVM JO SUO][VS 0G Ul ‘sq Z | ‘pes, JO ajvussIe plow ‘AIP BUOLOH|Z | ILL CL P— 9G G3°GL |. 969% GGG Té02 CEGG [OOG Ears meaning Sa Pare ar ae ea I3j@M JO | suo;jes 0G Ul ‘Sq, F ‘suOoTe s34sed peo, Jo oyeuesiV ,°q ‘L,, 8,Ussmoyy| “yoayo YqTA | rd ‘spunod Ur psieduca ‘ssjade ‘ssjddv ‘sojdde *pseqsesni “Aq qB08 “yQoouls , Ssjdde o 3013 Jot 8B SUIJsssNI |poysssnd JO) Aqqwas JO yaayted yo) asquiny taquinN isqunN | JO Jequnu ‘LNGWLV AL ; DjstsA BsBISGAY) JO 4Us0 Jad | Juuso Jog 4yu00 Lag 4u30 Ing 1210.L | Ul sdUsLoyIG tine | ‘L161 -synng buysog wmosf pamniqg synsoy fo Cmwung 116 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. As has already been pointed out, the weather conditions both years, particularly during the early part of the season when infection occurs and the distribution of scab is most rapid, were _ exceedingly favorable for the development of the disease. The fact that nearly 39 per cent of the fruit on the unsprayed check plot in 1916 and over 98 per cent in 1917 were classed as scabby indicates that both seasons, particularly the last, provided con- ditions for a rigorous test of the spray mixtures used. The orchards were plowed early in May 1916, thus turning under the leaves of the previous season, except those that lay near the bases of the trees, before the ascospores of the fungus had de- veloped. This undoubtedly materially reduced the possibilities of primary scab infection that spring. General observations — indicated that scab developed with greater severity on unplowed and unsprayed orchards near by than it did on the unsprayed check plot, but no accurate data were obtained on this point. It will be noted that during the first season under discussion every spray material used showed marked and some of them — excellent scab control. On the other hand, the efficiency of the same materials in 1917 was exceedingly low. In the light of past experimental spraying work in the samé orchard it-is believed that the very abnormal weather conditions during the early part of the season, which materially delayed the first two applications, are primarily responsible for the poor results ob- tained the second season. Undoubtedly in practical work an ad- ditional, earlier application of a fungicidal spray when the leaves are about one-fourth inch in diameter, such as has been recom- mended by Brittain and Sanders as the result of their work in Nova Scotia, would be very effective in Maine under such con- ditions as these. This will be discussed farther under the topic, “The importance of the blossom bud application.” FRUIT RUSSETING ON THE PLOTS AS A WHOLE. Much of the following discussion with reference to the desirable and undesirable qualities of certain spray combina- tions with regard to russeting would not apply in the same _ degree to a number of commercial varieties of apples. Atten- tion is again called to the fact that the skin of the fruit used APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 ANp 1917. Lil7/ in these experiments is particularly sensitive to any irritating influence, especially when the apples are small. This has been demonstrated repeatedly for the climatic conditions which pre- vail where the experimental orchard is located. In normal seasons a slight amount of russeting has always appeared on the unsprayed check plot and in the past this has been increased in varying degree by the different spray mixtures used. A com- parison of the results obtained with reference to russeting, during the two seasons present some interesting and unexpected contrasts. One of the most prominent facts shown by the tabulated results for 1916 is the relatively high per cent of russeted fruit on each plot, even on the unsprayed check which showed 20.57 per cent. This duplicated a condition which prevailed in 1913 when over 31 per cent of russeted fruit was obtained on the plot upon which no insecticide or fungicide was applied, and the different sprays produced a corresponding increase in amount. Although this russeting was materially increased by different sprays it is evident that much of it must be attributed to natural causes. The weather conditions of 1913 and 1916 were remarkably similar in many ways, and differed from pre- vious seasons in which abnormal fruit russeting did not occur. In 1913 the first spray application was followed by a month of unseasonably, cold weather, with frosts and cold, north-west winds, associated with much cloudiness and heavy rainfall. In 1916 similar conditions prevailed previous to and following the first application. This was also followed in 1916 by heavy rains and continuous cloudy weather in June after the second applica- tion, which was not the case in 1913. The amounts of russeting obtained in 1917 are contrary, in two respects, to what might be expected as the result of pre- vious experience. While the weather conditions during the early part of the season were similar to those in two years men- tioned above the amount of russeting was relatively slight as compared with that obtained then. What is still more remark- able, it will be seen that on 6 sprayed plots out of 9 there was actually less russeted fruit than on the unsprayed check. Only twice in the 4 preceding seasons, during which an unsprayed check plot had been kept for comparison, did anything like this occur. Each time it was recorded on a single plot and the dif- 118 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ferences were slight, or within the limits of experimental error. The writer has no explanation to offer as to cause of these unexpected results. It is true that the dates of application in 1917 were much later than in 1913 and 1916, but they were made at a corresponding stage of the development of the flowers | and fruit. LIME-SULPHUR VS. BORDEAUX MIXTURE. clude a plot sprayed with bordeaux mixture in these series of experiments. It was omitted in 1917. In the past it was re- tained solely for the purpose of serving as a check, along with the one sprayed with lime-sulphur and the unsprayed plot, for a standard of comparison with the other spray combinations. Regardless of seasonal conditions bordeaux mixture has invari- ably caused much damage to the Ben Davis variety on this | farm, both by leaf injury and fruit russeting. Although almost erfect scab control has been secured, the per cent of perfect apples. has been so reduced on account of russeting that spray- ing with bordeaux mixture has actually resulted in a loss rather than a gain. This is well illustrated when the record of plots 7 and g in 1916, Table I, are compared. Only a little more than half as many merchantable apples were obtained on plot 7 as on the one where no spray whatever was used. In 1916, as in the past, lime-sulphur combined with ar- senate of lead gave efficient scab control, as is shown by com- parison of plots g and 1 where the amount of scab was reduced from nearly 39 per cent to less than 1 per cent. On the other hand the large amount of russeting which occurred where the lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead was used reduced the per- centage of merchantable apples to less than was obtained on the check plot. In 1917, while scab control was far from effi- cient, the percentage of merchantable apples, as shown by com- paring plots 5, 7 and 9, Table III, was increased approximately 29 and 49 per cent respectively by the lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead treatment. The records over a series of years indicate that in most seasons, even on a variety like the Ben Davis where the skin of the fruit is easily injured, spraying with lime-sulphur com- bined with moderate amounts of acid arsenate of lead is profit- There has been, perhaps, little excuse to continue to in- | APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 ANp 1917. 119 able. It is only in exceptional seasons where a large amount of russeting occurs as in 1916, that there is little real gain, and actual loss of merchantable fruit may occur. These observa- tions apply only to the value of the fruit as influenced by the use of lime-sulphur and do not take into account the effects of the spray in improving the general health of the tree, which cannot be overlooked in practical work. It should be understood also that the above statements with reference to both bordeaux mixture and lime-sulphur refer only to the selling value of the fruit of the. variety under con- ‘sideration. With any variety equally subject to scab and less ‘susceptible to spray injury there is plenty of evidence that spray- ing with either fungicide combined with acid arsenate of lead is, as a rule, exceedingly profitable. As a matter of fact if apples were sold on the basis of quality and not on the ap- ‘pearance of the skin, those obtained on the plots sprayed in 1916 with lime-sulphur and bordeaux mixture were nearly 100 ‘per cent perfect. The only imperfections were the russeting of the skin. The fruit on these sprayed plots was larger and ‘in every way more healthy than on the unsprayed check. i The single trial in 1917 of the “T. P.” arsenate of lead | combined with lime-sulphur indicates that as good or even better ‘results may be obtained with this material than with the acid arsenate used in like manner. It will be seen on comparing ‘plots 7 and 5, Table III, that on account of more efficient scab ‘control approximately 20 per cent more merchantable apples bere obtained where the “T. P.’”’ arsenate was substituted for ‘the acid arsenate. It is interesting to note, however, that while ‘the difference was slight, less russeting was obtained by the use ‘of the acid arsenate. Compare also plots 1 and 2, Table III, ‘where these two forms of arsenate of lead were used alone, double strength. THE EFFICIENCY OF THE FIRST SPRAY APPLICATION. The results here reported are for the fifth and sixth sea- sons in which a plot has been included in these spraying ex- periments where the application of lime-sulphur when the ‘blossom buds were showing pink was omitted. It will be noted on comparing the figures obtained in 1916 on plot 4 with those for plot 1, Table I, that scab control was only slightly better 120 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. on the latter plot where all 3 applications were made. A more | striking fact is that where the pink bud spray was omitted nearly | 13.5 per cent more merchantable apples were obtained, due to | the greater freedom from russeting. The experience of the season of 1916 tends to confirm the opinion expressed by the writer in Bulletin 249 that it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion, under Maine conditions, that the spraying operations of the year are doomed to utter failure if no spray is applied till after the petals fall. Previous to 1917 in only one year out of 5 has anything approaching this been the case on these experimental plots. Three years out of 5 very little difference in scab control was obtained on the plots with and without the first application. The remaining season there was a little over 3 per cent increase in scab as a result of | omitting the pink bud spray. On account of increased russet- ing, less merchantable apples were obtained 3 years out of 5 where all 3 applications of lime-sulphur were made. Doubtless this would not have been the case with a variety of apples where the skin of the fruit is less tender than that of the Ben Davis. _ It will be seen on comparing the per cents of scabby apples obtained on plots 4 and 5 in 1917, Table III, that this was a | season where the omission of the pink-bud application was a matter of much importance for over Ig per cent more scab was. obtained by so doing. It strongly emphasized the fact, not always recognized by growers, that spraying is really a form of insurance and that even though the records obtained in this series of experiments so far, indicate that the pink-bud applica-— tion may be omitted in certain seasons with little or no increase | in the amount of scab resulting, such an omission may be a matter of considerable importance in controlling the disease. It is not the writer’s intention to imply by any of the above discussion that the results secured indicate that the pink-bud spray is ever unnecessary in Maine and that it ever should be omitted from the spraying program. It is intended to empha- size the fact that, if for any good reason no spray is applied | till the petals fall, the chances of preventing infection, as shows by the results obtained over a series of years, are still good if | the remaining applications of spray material are made as usual. Such would not have been the case in 1917 and undoubtedly | still another fungicidal spray applied about the middle of May, | | Apple SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 anv 1917. 121 ‘some days before the blossom buds showed pink, would have ‘been advantageous. However, throughout this series of ex- periments, covering 8 successive seasons, no evidence has been obtained to indicate that under Maine conditions the period for making any single applicaton of spray for the successful control of apple scab is limited to a single day, or even two or three days, although the pink-bud and calyx applications should be made as closely to the specified times as possible. ARSENATE OF LEAD AS A FUNGICIDE. : While previous results seemed to furnish fairly conclusive data relative to the fungicidal value of acid arsenate of lead in preventing apple scab, these here reported represent much more severe tests. In comparing plots 6 and 9g in 1916, Table I, it will be seen that by the use of arsenate of lead alone the amount of scab on the fruit was reduced from nearly 39 to a little over one and one-half per cent. This was the fifth consecutive sea- son that the figures obtained from experimental tests in this orchard have shown that arsenate of lead alone has materially reduced the amount of scab on the fruit. Scab control on plot 6 in 1916 was nearly as efficient as was obtained on plot 1 where the standard lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead treatment was used. A more important fact which should not be overlooked is that with the arsenate of lead used alone nearly twice as many _merchantable apples were obtained, due to the greater freedom from russeting. | A comparison of the results obtained on plots 2, 5 and 9 in 1917, Table III, also indicated that arsenate of lead showed considerable fungicidal value, even under the severe conditions of that season. However, the results were plainly much inferior to those obtained with the combined lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead spray. ce +) ACID ARSENATE VS. T. P. ARSENATE OF LEAD. No definite conclusions can be drawn from the work of a single season but the records obtained in 1917 on plots 1 and 2, | Table III, indicate that the “T. P.” arsenate of lead possesses fully as great if not greater fungicidal properties than the acid arsenate since about 9 per cent less scab was obtained with it. 122 MAINE AGRICULTURAL ExPERIMENT STATION. 1918. This view is strengthened by the fact that on plot 5 where the acid arsenate was used with lime-sulphur about 23 per cent more | scab was obtained than there was on plot 7 where the “T. P.” arsenate was used in like manner. LIME-SULPHUR WITH NO ARSENICAL ADDED. The marked fungicidal value of arsenate of lead when used | alone suggested that it might contribute materially to the fungi- _ cidal qualities exhibited by the combined lime-sulphur and ar- senate of lead spray. To secure data on this point in 1917 plot 8, Table III, was included in the experiments. The fact that | about 52.5 per cent of scabby apples were obtained on this plot and only about 44.5 on plot 7 where the “T. P.” arsenate was added to the same strength lime-sulphur might indicate that there is something in this hypothesis were it not for the fact that over 67.5 of scabby fruit was obtained on piot 5 where the acid arsenate was used in like manner. It will also be seen on comparing the figures obtained on plots 1 and 2 with those for plot 8 that lime-sulphur, standard strength used alone was | decidedly more efficient than double strength arsenate of lead, both forms, used alone. No definite conclusions shou'd be drawn from this single trial, however. MODIFIED SPRAYING PROGRAM. The modified spraying program such as was carried out on plot 5 in 1916, Table I, and plot 3 in 1917, Table III, in which lime-sulphur 20 per cent stronger than standard is used for the pink-bud spray, followed by double strergth arsenate of lead for the two later applications, has now been tested for 4 con- secutive seasons, in comparison with plots sprayed all 3 times with standard lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead, and double strength arsenate of lead alone, respectively. In addition plots 1 and 5 of 1916 were duplicated on a large scale in the orchard known as Ben Davis No. 1, see Table II. The results obtained in scab control in 1916 on the experi- mental plots and in the large orchard were very unifozm for each kind of treatment. Plot 1 and the east half of Ben Davis No. I, sprayed according to the standard program, produced Apple SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 AND 1917. 123 .74 and .17 per cent of scabby apples respectively. Plot 5 and the west half of Ben Davis No. 1, sprayed according to the mod- ified program, produced 1.59 and 1.24 per cent of scabby apples respectively. The slightly better results obtained with both methods of treatment in No. I may be due to the fact that the trees are smaller here with more open spaces. allowing better ventilation and better penetration of sunlight. In each instance a greater per cent of merchantable apples was obtained with the modified spraying program, than from 3 applications of the standard lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead combination . This was directly due to the smaller amount of fruit russeting with the former. It has already been shown by comparison of the results obtained on plots 1 and 4 in 1916 that omission of the pink bud spray entirely, did not lead to a material increase of scab. There- fore it is not surprising that the amount of scabby fruit, ob- tained with the modified spraying program on plot 5, or 1.59 per cent, should be practically the same as where double strength arsenate of lead was used alone throughout the season on plot 6, which was 1.61 per cent. These results and those previously secured which have to do with the same subject, taken together with those obtained in 1917, illustrate very well the difficulties which may arise if in apple spraying experiments one attempts to draw definite con- clusions from work covering only a few seasons. It might seem that the necessity for using the stronger lime-sulphur for the pink-bud spray is not indicated by the results secured in 1916 or in the 4 or 5 previous seasons. During this period plots sprayed with the standard combinations of lime-sulphur and ar- senate of lead showed but little better scab control than where the pink-bud application was omitted entirely. It is also true that 3 applications of double strength arsenate of lead alone pro- duced during successive seasons very efficient scab control when compared with standard dilution lime-sulphur containing one pound of dry arsenate of lead in 50 gallons. In spite of all of this the writer has not felt ready to advocate that two or even three applications of double strength arsenate of lead_ alone should be depended upon for the control of apple scab in com- mercial orchards in Maine. In view of the fact that in some seasons in Maine, and in all seasons according to the expressed 124 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918.- opinions of observers in some other parts of the country, the period just before blossoming is especially favorable for primary scab infection, it seems wise to advocate the use of combined lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead at this time. We have shown that a lime-sulphur spray containing 20 per cent more than the standard dilution is more efficient in scab control and causes practically no more fruit russeting than the latter. Also it is evi- dent from experiments made in past years that the majority of the fruit russeting produced by lime-sulphur comes from the calyx and later applications. Except for the first sentence the above paragraph stands essentially as it was written before the results of the 1917 ex- periments, here included, were obtained. A comparison of the per cents of scabby apples and merchantable fruit produced on the various experimental plots in 1917, Table III, seems to justify the position taken. It is interesting to note, also, that the modified spraying program used on plot 3, Table III, when compared with the standard lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead treatment used on plot 5 shows a decrease of almost 11 per cent in the amount of scab produced and an increase of over 11.5 per cent in the amount of merchantable fruit obtained. In fact it was only where arsenate of lime and the “T. P.” arsenate of lead were used, plots 6 and 7, that a greater percentage of merchantable apples were produced in 1917, than was obtained on the plot where the modified spraying program was used. In view of the fact that on the unsprayed check over 98 per cent of the fruit was scabby and less than one per cent was merchantable, a more severe test of the modified spraying program could hardly be imagined. The Ben Davis and the Baldwin varieties predominate in the orchards at Highmoor Farm. Fruit russeting on both of these varieties, when sprayed in the ordinary manner, as a rule materially reduces the value of the crop produced each season. For this and the following reasons the modified spraying pro- gram has been adopted there for the present for the commercial orchards. Its relative efficiency in controlling scab has been shown by the results obtained on the half of Ben Davis No. 1 so sprayed in 1916, and upon the experimental plots in repeated seasons. A more important consideration is that with this modi- APPLE SPRAYING EXPERIMENTS IN 1916 anp 1917. 125 fied spraying program fruit russeting has been materially re- duced and the percentage of merchantable fruit consequently increased. Similar results were reported to the writer by a few of the leading apple growers of the State who sprayed parts of their orchards in this manner in 1916. CALYX NOZZLE. _ It has been the aim in these series of experiments to develop more efficient spraying methods as applied to local conditions and not primarily to make comparative tests of materials and appliances. Nearly every year, however, it has seemed wise for one reason or another to include something of this kind, usually limited to a single plot. The Friend calyx nozzle was used on plot 2 on account of the fact that instances had been called to the writer’s attention where it was stated that better control of scab was obtained from lime-sulphur applied with it than with the ordinary mist type of nozzle. In comparing the results secured in 1916 on plots I and 2, Table I, it will be seen that slightly better scab control was ob- tained with the mist type of nozzle than with the semi-drive type. On the other hand, there was a difference of some I5 per cent in the amount of russeting, in favor of the latter. Whether this has any special significance it is impossible to say at present. DRY LIME-SULPHUR. There was nothing in the action of this material either season to indicate that it is anything different from what the manufacturers claim it to be. In fact the results secured with it, at the strength used, were quite similar to those secured with dilutions of home-made, liquid concentrates of lime-sulphur. In 1916 it was slightly less efficient in scab control, but in 1917 it was plainly more efficient. Compare plots 1 and 8, Table I, _and plots 5 and 10, Table III. It will be seen also that the first season the spray made from dry lime-sulphur produced less _ fruit russeting, but the second year it caused considerably more. The per cents of merchantable apples were in favor of the dry _lime-sulphur both seasons... 126 MAINE AGRICULTURAL ExPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ARSENATE OF LIME VS. ARSENATE OF LEAD. Arsenate of lime was used with the idea that when com-| bined with lime-sulphur less injury to the foliage and fruit] would result than is the case where arsenate of lead is employed | in the same way. As has already been stated the reverse seemed | to be the case with regard to foliage injury in 1916, and no} differences could be noted between the effects of the two in 1917. | In 1916.a difference of only two per cent in russeting was | obtained when the results from the plot where the arsenate of} lime and lime-sulphur were compared with those from the check! plot, while this difference where arsenate of lead was used was} over 46 per cent. In 1917 the plots where these two treatments} were applied produced less russeted fruit than the unsprayed | check and the differences, although in favor of arsenate of lime, | were within the limits of experimental error. | It will be seen that scab control was better on the arsenate | of lead plot in 1916 but in 1917 the results were quite the re-| verse of this. Each season the percentage of merchantable ap-| ples obtained was decidedly in favor of the arsenate of lime. No data has been obtained relative to the fungicidal value of | arsenate of lime used alone. SPRAY TREATMENT AS INFLUENCING THE SET OF FRUIT. Attention has already been called to the fact that the final] set of fruit on plot 4 in 1917 was far below that of the plots on) either side of it. There is nothing in the condition of the trees | on these plots which could in any way account for this difference. In the writer’s opinion the only explanation for the small crop on this plot is that it was in some way, directly or indirectly,’ concerned with the failure to make a spray application at the- time the blossom buds were showing pink. This was the fifth » season that a plot treated in this way had been included in this) series of experiments and, with the possible exception of 19133) nothing of the kind had occurred previously. b A number of different observers have stated that loss of) fruit set may often be traced directly to the fact that the scab disease may occur abundantly on the pedicels and that this causes the blossoms and young fruit to fall. Wallace in 1913 APPLE SPRAYING ExPERIMENTS IN 1916 ANp 1917. 127 summarized the literature on this point.* While no direct ob- ‘servations were made it is a logical conclusion that infection of the pedicels of the blossoms and young fruits by the scab fungus was responsible for the poor set of fruit on plot 4 in 1917. How- ever a careful analysis of the facts do not commit one to this conclusion without reservations. The Department of Biology of the Station, for other pur- poses, is now making an annual record of the yield of fruit in pounds for each tree in all of the orchards. These figures for the past two seasons have been turned over to the writer and the average yield per tree of each plot in 1916 and 1917 are given in the last column to the right of Tables I and II. Plots 7,8 and g of 1916 and 8, 9 and Io of 1917 are made up of less vigorous trees and allowances should be made in comparing fem with 1 to 6 in 1916, and 1 to 7 in 1917. Also the trees on 5 and 6 in 1916 and 6 and 7 in 1917 are somewhat larger and ‘more vigorous, thus partially explaining the averge larger yields on these plots in both seasons. There seems to be no reason, however, why plot 4 in Table III should produce only 15 pounds per tree while plots 3 and 5 on either side of it should yield 125 and 95 pounds per tree, respectively, except the probable one ‘that the fruit set on plot 4 was injured from infection of the pedicels of the flowers and young fruit by the scab fungus. On ‘the other hand, the unsprayed check, plot 9, composed of much less vigorous trees, lying west of plot 4 with the corners joining, yielded an average of 39 pounds per tree. While it is true that the relatively low yield on plot 9 may also be due partially to pedicel infection by the scab fungus it is difficult to explain why ‘two ard a half times as much fruit was produced here, where no fungicidal spray was applied, than was the case where one ‘out of three applications was omitted, even granting that the application omitted was the all important one. Moreover only 40 pounds per tree were obtained on plot 10 where the records show that scab was as well controlled as on plot 3 and much better controlled than on plot 5. It will be seen on reference to Table I that in 1916 the aver- age yield per tree on plot 4 on which the blossom bud applica- tion of lime-sulphur and arsenate of lead was omitted was even *Wallace, Errett. Scab disease of apples, Bull. Cornell Agl. Exp. tems 309-552-553. Sept., 1913. it oY HRT fit viet ‘ H K f 128 Maine AGRICULTURAL ExPERIMENT STATION. 1918. better than on plot L nee All 3 applications ¥ were made. It was} also slightly better than on the adjoining plot 3 where lime- | sulphur and arsenate of lime was used for all 3 applications. As has already been stated. the larger yield on the other adjoin- ing plot, number 5, is partly due. to greater vigor of the trees) which compose it. BULLETIN 272 INHERITANCE STUDIES OF CERTAIN COLOR AND HORN CHARACTERISTICS IN FIRST GENERA- TION CROSSES OF DAIRY AND BEEF BREEDS.* Joun W. Gowen. SUMMARY This constitutes a preliminary paper on the crossbred herd now being brought together by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station for the purpose of studying some of the outstanding problems of Dairy Husbandry. No influence on the vigor of the offspring would be expect- ed from the width of the outcrosses as inbreeding studies showed the inbreeding low in amount. Black body color is dominant to the other colors in the first generation. In the second generation there occurred an orange coated bull and a dark Jersey heifer. This is to be explained on the grounds of a recessive dilution factor in the Guernsey breed. This factor is not normally present in the Jersey breed. It has been shown that white marking of the body taken as a whole appears as a dominant. Study of the individual white areas, however, indicate that this is due to white in the inguinal region only for this alone appears as such a dominant. The white spots on the face (star, star snip and blaze) neck, shoulders, rump, flanks and legs are, in general, suppressed in the offspring when animals with these markings are mated to solid colored animals. As has been suggested but as has never been tested before, the pigmented muzzle is dominant to the unpigmented muzzle. *Papers from the Biological Laboratory, Maine Agricultural Experi- ment Station No. 122. This is an abstract of paper No. 120 from the Biological Laboratory of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station published in the Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 15. No. 1. 130 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Agreeing with the previous work of this laboratory it is shown that a pigmented tongue is dominant to a non-pigmented one. A black switch appears to cause the suppression of the other switch colors in the offspring. Because of this suppression and because all of the matings had at least one animal with a black switch as parent, it was impossible to study the behavior of the other colors. There was one case of segregation of a deep red orange switch from a back cross of a black animal carrying an orange coat and white switch, genetically. This case showed the separation of the factor for this red from that for both white and black. The character of polledness has been studied. Two horned animals resulting from crosses of polled x horned appeared. On the basis of the other results these could not have resulted from a heterozygous polled condition. One of these cases had the horns tight on the head and the other loose. These c2ses then form exceptions to the previously accepted hypothesis of simple dominence for the polled character and require a subsi- diary hypothesis. The hypothesis suggested is that the male sex organs have some action on the presence or absence of horns. Partial proof of this hypothesis is given by the fact that of the polled animals 10 were females, two males one of which was doubtfully polled. Of those with scurs one female and 7 males had loose scurs; of those with tight scurs all (3) were males; of those with horns, all (2) were males. This would seem like a clear case where the male has some influence. The explanation of this difference appears to be due to a sub- stance secreted by the germ cells. Should this prove true this forms an interesting parallel between cattle and sheep where the sex glands are known to produce such changes. The inherited characters of the beef type are shown to effect the 4 general regions of the body, head, fore quarters, body and hind quarters differentially. The type of head and heavy, deep fleshed fore quarters are transmitted to the off- spring when either parent is of Aberdeen-Angus breed. The body and hind quarters appear intermediate but in most cases resemble the dairy parents. INHERITANCE STUDIES OF Dairy AND BEEF BREEDs. 131 Data are given on the milk and fat production of some of the crossbreds. The results indicate that milk and fat produc- tion are inherited separately. High milk production is domi- nant to low, high fat per cent is recessive to a low fat per cent in the milk. Put in less technical language the results of this cross indicate that in a cross between an animal from a high milking strain mated to one of a low milking strain, the result- ing female offspring will have the milk production of the high strain. In a cross between animals one of which is from a high test line and the other from a low test line the resulting offspring will have a butter fat test of the low test line. The number of these milking first generation females is not great enough to make this statement an absolutely sure conclusion. INTRODUCTION The investigation reported in the present paper? deals with the results of 4 years’ crosses for certain characters found in the different breeds of domestic cattle. The original plan and three years’ direction of the work were carried on by Dr. Ray- mond Pearl. The present analysis of the material and the fur- ther continuance of the studies have, through the exigencies of the war, fallen to the present author. The conclusion expressed as the results of these studies are the author’s own and he is alone responsible for them. This paper is the first of a series which will deal with the inheritance in cattle. The chief objects in undertaking the work have been to learn the mode of inheritance of milk production. Results from such studies are obtained very slowly and are not yet available in sufficient quantity to justify any conclusions. +The cattle breeding work has been made possible by the use of the University of Maine herd. In all of this work it has been necessary to to use pure bred animals. By placing their herd at our disposal it has been impossible for the College of Agriculture to build up their pure bred herd. To date more than 50 pure bred matings have been sacrificed for this work. From this time on it will not be necessary to use many of the pure bred females for experimental purposes and will allow the college the opportunity to develop their herd. The Experiment Station desires to express its appreciation of the services rendered in this work by the College and in particular by the Department of Animal Hus- bandry,—C. D. Woods Director. 132 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. There are, however, certain results available relating to the in- heritance of external characters, chiefly color markings. It is well known that in other animals certain economic characters are frequently associated in inheritance with similar external features. It is the purpose of this paper to present the avail- able data on the inheritance of these external characters. In later studies the question of the association of these with the character of milk and fat production will be considered. The breeds used in the crosses are the Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire and Holstein-Friesian for the dairy cattle and the Aberdeen-Angus for the beef breed. THe DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE INHERITANCE OF THE CHAR- ACTERS IN THE FIRST GENERATION CROSSES. All of the animals which were used es parents in the forma- tion of this first generation mendelian herd have long been pedi- -greed. Inbreeding studies by one of the methods devised in this laboratory of the pedigrees of these parental pure bred animals | for four generations, showed the total number of repeated an- | cestors to be 36 and the total coefficient of inbreeding to be 225.00 percent. The average inbreeding per individual parent of this herd up to the 4th generation, is then, only 9.00 percent. In a previous study from this laboratory of the amount of in- breeding found in pure bred Jersey cattle* it was shown that the average minimum inbreeding coefficient of a sample of Jersey bulls taken at random was I1I.o1 percent and for the random sample of the Jersey cows was 12.50 percent. For the advanced registry Jersey bulls the minimum inbreeding was 14.88 percent and the advanced registry Jersey cows was 9.23 percent. In each case the inbreeding coefficient is higher than is that of the foundation stock used to form the mendelian herd described in this paper. Again the inbreeding coefficients of 14.50 and 9.23 represent the inbreeding coefficients of the highest producing animals in the breed from which they were selected. Conse- quently, it is held that since this percentage of inbreeding has not *Patterson, S. W., Investigation on the degree of inbreeding which exists in American Jersey Cattle. Thesis publications of the University of Maine, Orono. INHERITANCE StupiIEs oF Dairy AND BEEF BREEDS. 133 affected the constitution or vitality of the best animals of a high producing breed, the width of the crosses will not influence the vigor of the hybrids described in the succeeding pages. The parents used in the crosses possess the following con- trasting characters seen in Table I. EABLET Contrasting Characters of the Parental Breeds of the Crossbred Herd. . Character Jersey Guernsey Ayrshire piolsteln: Seca : Body Color Fawn or Light Fawn Red Black Black Dun or Dun White markings Often absent Present Present Present Often absent Switch color Black or Light fawn Red or. Black or white Black white or white white Muzzle pigment Black ~ White Black Black or white Black Tongue pigment Black White Black Black or white Black Horns Horns /Horns Horns Horns Polled Conformation Dairy ‘Dairy Dairy Dairy Beef Milk quantity Medium Medium Medium Large Low Milk quality High High Medium |Low High THe INHERITANCE OF Bopy COLOR. The data for the study of the body color are given in the table below. ABIES, JU Inheritance of Ground Color in the Cattle Coat.’ Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam Black x Black 0 Black Black x Fawn 23 Black Black x Red 4 Black 8 Black i Black Black x Fi —— 2 Black Fawn Blaek 1 x Fawn 1 Black, 1 Dark Dun, 1 Deep Fawn Orange Black Black 1 x Fi —— 3 Black 134 Maine AcpicuLTUZAL ExpzrimentT Station. 1918. The data in this table reaffirm the conc usion of Spiile man,* Wilson,* and others that black is dominant to the red and yellow coats (so called fawns). The number in the second gen-) eration from the cross are not large enough, as yet, to establish any facts regarding the proportions between the animals of the} different kinds of coats resulting from breeding these first gener-) ation animals together. The apearance of the dark fawn and deep orange offspring from Black Fj, parents indicate that such} reappearance of the parental types of coat color does occur. i CrosssreD No. 38. | This second generation bull comes from the cross of a black first | cross bull Aberdeen-Angus-Guernsey x Guernsey. He is sold orange | in color, carries horns, and has the light eye ring and muzzle color of the) Guernsey breed. The conformation resembles the Guernsey especially in, the region of the loin, chine and tail set. | i Crossbred Number 38, the deep orange coated buil shown in} the photograph, is of special inteiest as the coat of the Guerng sey parert has reappeared in a much deeper shade. This deep=} ening of the shade seems to be confirmatory evidence for the} hypothesis advanced by Wright® that Guernsey cattle differ from INHERITANCE StupIES oF DAIRY AnD BEEF BREEDS. 135 Mthe other dun colored breeds by a hereditary unit which dilutes the dun color. This hereditary unit must be recessive as the cross was made as a backcross of the first hybrid male 4>acenAnens rf onto a Guernsey cow. Furthermore, this factor cannot follow | sex (be sex-linked) for the way the cross was made eliminates this possibility, as the Guernsey mother would have to transmit all of her recessive factors to her male offspring. Consequently, this factor cannot be considered in the class with that for the brown of the Ayrshire coat which Wentworth says is depend- ent for its shade on a recessive sex-linked dilution factor. The almost identical appearance of the dark dun second generation heifer and her Jersey parent indicate that in the Jerseys any such dilution factor as that in the Guernsey is not normally present. Creusa’s Lapy. 53234. This Guernsey cow shows the typical white marking of the breed. The presence of the star is quite characteristic. It is this marking which we have studied in our crosses for the inheritance of white on the head. 136 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. DIFFERENCE IN INHERITANCE OF THE WHITE SPOTS IN CATTLE COATS. A preliminary study of the white markings found in the | coats of dairy cattle satisfied the author that the areas, (star, | star strip and blaze; neck; shoulders; rump; flanks; legs and belly) designated by Allen as the principal divisions of this white were correct. Creusa’s Lady shows the typical white spotting | of an animal bearing a number of these areas. | The exact descriptions, including photographs of both sides of all the animals made it possible to study the inheritance | of these areas considered separately, as well as present or ab- | sent for the animal’s whole coat. Table III treats the inheri- | tance of two of the white areas for white markings into which the coats have been found to be divisible. TABLE IIT. Inheritance of White Markings. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. \ Sire Dam | Piebald x Solid Color (5 Solid Color, 10 Piebald Solid Color x Piebald 2 Solid Color, 3 Piebald Piebald x Piebald 6 Solid Color, 22 Piebald Solid Color x Solid Color 1 Solid Color Piebald | 1 o———— x Solid Color 2 Solid Color Solid Color Piebald Piebald 1 ————_ x ——_——————_ 3 Piebald Solid Color Solid Color The breeding tests made it clear that the bulls were all heterozygous for the piebald factor on the single factor hypothe- sis. Such being the case piebald x solid color gave more piebalds — than would be expected of a good back cross ratio (5 to 10) and the mating of piebald by piebald (6 solid colored to 22 piebald) © slightly more than a good F, ratio. These ratios always favor | the piebald and taken in consideration with other investigations — make it doubtful if any such simple hypothesis of a single men- — delian factor explains the facts. Furthermore, the results set — forth in the above table could equally well be explained by the © INHERITANCE STUDIES OF DAIRY AND BEEF BREEDS. 137 presence of a dominant factor for a white spot in the coat to- gether with several recessive factors. This is in truth the expla- nation indicated from the results of Table IV and V, inserted to show the typical behavior in inheritance for white spots of two of the above mentioned areas. TABLE IV. Inheritance of the White Markings on the Face (star). Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam | Star x Star 1 Solid Color, 3 Star Star x Solid Color 10 Solid Color, 3 Star Solid Color x Star 15 Solid Color, 1 Star Solid Color x Solid Color 13 Solid Color Star Fi Star x —_——__ . 1 Star Solid Color Star 1. ———_—_- x Solid Color 2 Solid Color Solid Color Star 1 ————__—— x Star 1 Solid Color Solid Color Star Star 1 ——————- x —_—___—- 2 Star, 1 Solid Oolor Solid Color Solid Color TABIE, iV. Inheritance of the White Markings of the Inguinal Region. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam Inguinal Spot x Inguinal Spot 19 Inguinal Spot, 5 Solid Color Inguinal Spot x Solid Color 10 Inguinal Spot, 6 Solid Oolor Solid Color x Inguinal Spot 4 Inguinal Spot Solid Color x Solid Oolor 1 Inguinal Spot, 2 Solid Oolor Inguinal Spot 1 ———__——_- x Solid Color 2 Solid Color Solid Color Inguinal Spot a Inguinal Spot 2 Inguinal Spot, 1 Solid Oolor Solid Color The difference in the inheritance of these two white areas is evident even with a casual glance. White on the forehead is in general recessive to solid color for solid color mated to star 138 Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. gives 15 solid color to 1 star. The case is not strictly mendelian for in the mating of star by star one solid colored animal result- ‘ed. This animal was out of a Guernsey cow with a very small star, in fact only a few hairs, and by a bull with a large star. The matings of Table V point strongly to the conclusion that white in the region of the udder is dominant. This dominance is not strict for one solid colored bull mated to a solid colored cow produced an animal with an inguinal. spot. Table IV is typical of the behavior in inheritance of the other white areas found on the neck, shoulders, rump, flanks and legs. Individually considered, they all are suppressed when the cross includes one pure solid colored animal (that is, the above areas are recessive to solid color) for the given region. | This recessive quality of the hereditary units for this white is | not strict in any of the regions as one or two exceptions occur | in each case. It is conceivable that there would be an associa- tion between the inheritance of the different individual spots. No such correlation has, as yet, been made out. In fact, the data are too limited to make any such correlations which might | be established, significant. The difficulties experienced in the explanation of the inheri- tance of the Shorthorn coat color, red, white and red and white | are familiar to all breeders of cattle. In the study of the Roan | coat of this breed about the only thing which the results of Wil- son, Laughlin, Wentworth, Pearson and Walthers have in com- | mon are exceptions which each found to the interpretations of- fered by the other writers. A beginning at a solution of these | exceptions has been made by the excellent review of the writ- ings of Storer, Wilsdorf and others on white body color by Lloyd- | Jones and Evvard. In this review they show that two types of | identical white body with colored ears exist. In the Chillingham cattle this white is dominant. In the Highland cattle it is re- cessive. The demonstration of such a difference in inheritance of | white as that in the above mentioned breed does not quite hit | the case of the Roan Shorthorn for, while the presence of these |~ two genetically different whites would complicate the results, | it is likely that their presence would be noted because the pat- | tern of each is so striking. It does remain to be shown rather |— that the piebald cattle, like the Shorthorn, have a difference in | INHERITANCE StupIEs oF Dairy AND Beer BREEDS. 139 behavior of the separate spots which compose this piebald. A be- ginning of this kind of analysis has been made by Kiesel accord- ing to a review by Lang. In these experiments a solid colored Limburger race was crossed to a piebald race. The first genera- tion hybrids were intermediate piebald. The back cross gave 22 solid colored and 29 piebald. The cross to the piebald first gen- eration hybrids gave out of go offspring, 84 piebald. Unfortu- nately, no record of the exact spotting has been given, conse- quently, we are left in the dark concerning any difference in behavior throughout the coat. It would seem, however, that his results, would fall in line with the results obtained here, where each individual area is treated separately. Analyzed by this method, there has been shown to be a marked difference in the inheritance of the individual white spots throughout the animal’s coat. This is, perhaps, as far as we should go and is the only conclusion it is intended to empha- size, but realizing that there are exceptions not yet accounted for We may say white spotting in the inguinal region is, broadly speaking, dominant. The spots of the rest of the piebald pat- tern are, individually considered, recessive. These enumerated individually, according to the region in which they occur, are white on the face (star, star snip or blaze) ; on the throat; as a band across the shoulders ; as a white area on the rump at the base of the tail set; on the flanks as irregular spots; white on the tail above the switch and the white stockings on the fore feet. The bearing of this difference in inherited behavior on the general problem is at once evident. If a red coated Shorthorn should carry one of these recessive white spots we should expect a small proportion of cattle produced from the random mating of such an animal in the Shorthorn population would be white spotted. This is what has actually been obtained in point of fact. The reverse is also true that if these dominant whites are mated together, we should expect that a heterozygous mating would now and then take place giving a red. The evidence brought forward offers a straightforward, clear explanation of the anomolous behavior of the Shorthorn coat. 140 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ON THE INHERITANCE OF SWITCH COLOR. Since all of our parental generations had at least one mem- ber of the mated pair with a black switch, it was only possible to determine that this black suppressed (was dominant to) the other colors, red, cream and white in the first hybrid generation. In the second hybrid generation a bull with a deep orange switch was produced from a black first hybrid gereration bull, -Di#ee. Guernsey, bred back to white (Guernsey). To produce this switch color a double separation of the hereditary units must have taken place in the germ cells of the black first generation parent bull. The black of the Aberdeen Angus and the white of the Guernsey were segregated out from the fawn of the Guern- sey coat. This fawn must have been further separated from the dilution factor for the fawn normally present in the Guernsey coat. The data for these crosses are shown in the Table VI below. TABLE Wi: Inheritance of Switch Color. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam White x Black — 3 piace 5 White, 2 Black and White White x Brown 1 Black and White Black x White 12 Black, 2 Black and White d White x White 4 White, 1 White, few black hairs | Black x Black 9 Black } Black x Black, red and gray 3 Black Black 1 x Black 2 Black White Black Black Fi x Fi 1 White White White Black Black and White Fi x Ye 1 White White White Black Fi x White 1 Black, 1 Orange White The dominance of black is easily seen from the table. Black by black gave all black. White by black gave 3 black, 5 white and 2 black and white, showing that many animals with a black switch carry the recessive white factor suppressed. In INHERITANCE STUDIES OF DAIRY AND BEEF BREEDS. 141 the second generation a number of cases of segregation of the white from the black and of solid colored red from the white and black appeared lending further evidence toward the single un- it nature of the inherited factors behind these colors. ON THE INHERITANCE OF MUZZLE PIGMENT. The evidence gathered together in Table VII shows that the suggestion made by Spillman without the presentation of evi- dence that the pigmented muzzle was dominant to the unpigment- ed condition was a correct interpretation of the facts of the case. TABLE VII. Inheritance of Muzzle Pigment. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam White x Pigmented 14 Pigmented Pigmented x Pigmented 23 Pigmented Pigmented x White 3 Pigmented Pigmented | White x Fi ——————_ 1 White with small black spots White Pigmented Fi ——————- x Pigmented 3 Pigmented White Pigmented Pigmented ——__—__. x ——__——— 8 Pigmented White White This table shows that in the first generation of crosses of pigmented x pigmented there were 23 animals produced with pigmented muzzles. One case where a modified form of sepa- ration of the pigmented from the white condition is seen in one of the second generation animals where the muzzle was white with small black spots scattered over it. These results easily prove the pigmented condition dominant to the unpigmented. ON THE INHERITANCE OF TONGUE PIGMENT. In a previous paper from this laboratory® the pigmented condition of the tongue in Jersey cattle was shown to be dominant to the unpigmented condition. The table given below extends 142 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT StTatTIon. 1918. this conclusion to the other breeds which have been used in the crosses for our crossbred herd. TABLE VIIE Inheritance of Tongue Pigment. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam White x White 3 White White x Pigmented 7 Pigmented, 1 Pigmented and White Pigmented x White 11 Fiemented, 2 White, 3 Pigmented and ite 3 Pigmented 4 Pigmented ‘10 Pigmented Pigmented —_— x Pigmented 2 Pigmented White Pigmented Pigmented — x oe 2 White White White Pigmented —_——— x White 1 White White In these crosses pigmented x pigmented gave all pigmented, white x white gave all white, and crosses of pigmented x white produced largely pigmented offspring. The second generation offspring from pigmented tongued hybrids both came white tongues showing the separation of the factors for the pigmented and unpigment condition in the first generation parents. These facts strengthen the hypothesis that the pigmented condition of the tongue is inherited through a dominant factor. THE INHERITANCE OF THE HORNED CONDITION. The inheritance of the polled condition as a simple mende- lian dominant was first suggested by Bateson and Saunders’ through their studies on show cattle. Spillman in further studies during the year 1905 confirms this view and makes the interesting suggestion without support of numerical evidence, that the horned condition is dependent to some extent on sex. This suggestion, although denied by later investigators, has proved helpful in explaining certain exceptions to the strict men- delian explanation which occurred in our data. The table shown below records the data of these crosses according to sex. INHERITANCE STUDIES OF Dairy AND BEEF BREEDS. 143 TABLE: IX. Relation of Sex to the Horned Condition in Cattle. Mating. Character of resulting offspring. Sire Dam Polled Scurred Solidly attached | Loosely attached | Horned | | Male Female Male Female Horned | Polled 1 3 1 1 1 Polled | Horned ant 3 | 6 1 _ Male Female Male Female CrosssBrep No. 21. This bull is the progeny of Kayan (Aberdeen-Angus clean polled bull) mated with Dot Alaska (Ayrshire). Note the heavy solidly at- tached horns grown while only a year and four months old. The Aber- deen-Angus blood is plainly seen in the heavy beefy conformation of this bull. The other horned animal had horns even longer than these at this age. 144 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. The polled character in the offspring of these crosses occurs | most frequently in the females. In 7 offspring from matings of | horned males with polled females, 3 polled females were pro- duced to 1 polled male. One male and 1 female had scurs | and 1 male had heavy horns. In the reciprocal cross of polled male bred with horned female, 1 male was doubtfully recorded | as loose scurs under the skin. He died before this could be | checked. Of the others 7 females were polled, 3 males had sol- idly attached scurs, 6 had loose scurs and 1 was horned. Cross- | bred No. 21 shows this horned condition. | These data make it probable that sex has some influence on the horned condition. The parallel with the case of sheep is of special interest for castration experiments have established the | presence of a secretion by the testis which materially aids the | production of horns with this species. On the basis of this the | testis in the bull would be expected to secrete a hormone which | would allow him to grow horns with one dose of the horned | genes where two doses of the horned gene would be required by the female. The parallel is still further emphasized by the | variability, both intra and interracially and in the length of time | necessary for its action in producing horns, as this work has shown for cattle and as the work of Arkell® has shown for sheep. | This may be the explanation of the results obtained by Lloyd- | Jones and Evvard® where out of 78 offspring of a Shorthorn bull | to Galloway cows they obtained only 6 scurred and two horned | animals. Here it is conceivable that in this cross the secretion | may be lacking or very small in amount as in some of the Meri-- | nos that Arkell bred. That is, the concentration or amount ot the secretion may be lower in Galloway crosses than it is in Aber-~ deen-Angus crosses. In all events the secretion in cattle seems intermediate in its action between the reindeer and the sheep since castration of horned breeds does not retard the horn growth although it does tend to make the horn longer and more | slender. THE INHERITANCE OF BEEF AND DAIRY CONFORMATION. The component elements which go to make up conformation _ or type are obviously complex. In the crosses of the two types, dairy and beef, the offspring break up more or less strictly into oil, INHERITANCE STUDIES OF DAIRY AND BEEF BREEDS. 145 the two types for four quite definite regions. These may be designated the head, fore quarters, barrel and hind quarters. These crossbreds have been divided into 4 catagories, beef, beef and milk, milk and beef and milk as they approach the ideal beef or dairy type in any of the above named regions. Hearth- bloom, one of the parental animals of the distinctly beef type is shown in the photograph below. HeartHsioom 147141. This animal illustrates the rounded blocky conformation typical of the Aberdeen-Angus breed. She is of a very good beef type. Her off- spring are some of the best animals in this study of the inheritance of the beef and dairy conformation. In connection with the section devoted to the inheritance of the horned condition notice that this animal is cleanly ‘polled. é To save space | will tabulate only two of the regions as these Ware typical of the rest. 146 Martine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. TABIEE, XS Inheritance of Conformation. Fore Quarters. Mating. | Character of resulting offspring. - | f | Sire Dam Beef x Milk | 6 Beef, 14 Beef and Milk Milk x Beef | 8 Beef and Milk, 1 Milk and Beef Milk < Milk 14 Milk ‘ Milk x Milk and Beef 3 Milk and Beef, 1 Milk Beef 1 x Milk | 1 Milk and Beef Milk Hind Quarters. Mating. | Character of resulting offspring. | Sire Dam | j Beef x Milk | 1 Beef, 6 Beef and Milk, 11 Milk and Beef) Beef x Milk and Beef | 1 Beef and Milk, 1 Milk and Beef Milk x Beef | 1 Beef and Milk, 8 Milk and Beet Milk x Milk /14 Milk Milk >< Milk and Bect 3 Milk, 1 Milk and Beef Beet Fi x Milk | 1 Milk Milk | ferent for the two regions. In general it would seem that in the) head and shoulder the conformation of these F, crosses tended toward the beef type, while in the region of the barrel and hind) quarters the conformation was more like the dairy type. ON THE INHERITANCE OF MILK AND BUTTER- FAT PRODUCTION. Since the results of any study of milk production is of so] much economic and scientific interest the data on the results for — the comparison of the milk production of 4 F, crossbred heif- ers are presented. The production of these animals is corrected to its expected maximum by the method previously devised in) this laboratory. INHERITANCE StupiIes oF DaArry AND BEEF BREEDS. 147 AWNIBIEID DIE Inheritance of Milk Production. Daughter’s Production. Corrected Difference No. Breed of Sire Age \Days in Milk Production Maximum Daughter Dam for 100 Days Production 1 Jersey 2-0-5 110 2016 2666 2 Holstein-Friesian 2-8-26 105 3035 3722 ll Jersey 2-3-22 110 2234 2791 12 Holstein-Friesian 2-4-7 93 2314 3405 sl Dam’s Production. | | | | Corrected | Difference Breed of Dam Age Days in Milk) Production Maximum Daughter Dam for 100 Days) Production | Holstein-Friesian 10-8-14 104 3579 3608 —934 Guernsey 3-9-2 96 2243 2718 +1004 Holstein-Friesian 5-4-20 123 3168 2686 +105 Guernsey 4-4-5 109 1830 1881 +1524 TABLE XII. Inheritance of Fat Content. Daughter’s Production. Production | Corrected Difference No. Breed of Sire Age Days in Milk Fat Per cent Maximum Daughter Dam Fat Per cent) Production 1 Jersey 2-0-5 | 110 4.4 4.4 2 Holstein-Friesian 2-8-26 © 105 3.2 312 11 Jersey 2-3-22 110 3.2 3.2 12 Holstein-Friesian 2-4-7 93 3.5 3.5 Dam’s Production. B | Production | Corrected Difference Breed of Dam Age Days in Milk Fat Per cent) Maximum Daughter Dam ae Per cent, Production EMRIs |i een a er ee ey | / ‘Holstein-Friesian 10-8-14 104 DS | 2.7 | +1.7 Guernsey 3-9-2 96 3.4 | 3.5 —0.3 ‘Holstein-Friesian 5-4-20 123 3.6 3.8 —0.6 Guernsey 4-4-5 109 5.4 | 5.6 —2.1 148 MaINeE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. All 4 heifers are from one parent of a high producing strain at the expense of quality and the other parent a low pro- | ducing strain but high in quality. The corrected maximum pro- | duction is the amount expected of the cows when they reach their | maximum production at mature form. The production of Num- | ber I seems abnormal due probably to her growth being poor as a calf. Her second lactation approaches more nearly the normal of her capacity with proper nutrition. In this lactation she pro- duced an expected maximum for the 100 day period of 3246 pounds of milk and 3.6 for the fat percent. The difference between the production of these heifers and | that of their dams show, in general, that they produce the quantity | of milk expected of the high producing strains and the quality of | the low quality breed. Or put in another way, these facts sup- | port the hypothesis that in a cross of high producing lines to low | producing lines the offspring tend to have the high production of the high lines. Further, the offspring of a parent producing a milk of low fat content tends to have the low content of the low parent even though the other parent may be from a high} fat content line. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE CILED IN TEXT. 1. Pearl, R., A Contribution toward an analysis of the Problem of | Inbreeding. Amer. Nat. Vol. XLVII, pp. 577-614. 2. The tables included will not be found to check exactly. This is due generally to the animals being too young to determine the particu- lar point studied. 3. Spillman, W. J. 1905. Mendel’s Law in relation to Animal Breed- ing. Rpt. Am. Breeder’s Ass., 1 pp. 171-177. 4. Wilson, J.. The Colors of Highland Cattle. Soc. Proc. Dub. Soc. Vol. XII, No.- 8. 5. Wright, S., Color Inheritance in Mammals. Jour. Her. Vol. XIII, No. 11, pp. 521-527. 6. Pearl, R., Variations in the Tongue Color of Jersey Cattle. 1913. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agric. Sci. 7. Bateson, W., Saunders, E. R., Rpt. I to the Evolution Committee, ] London, pp. 1-160. 8. Arkell, T. R., 1912. Some data on the Inheritance of Horns in | Sheep. Bull. 160, New Hampshire Station. 9. Lioyd-Jones and Evvard, O. G. 1916. Res. Bull. No. 30. Agr. Exp. | Sta., Iowa Station, College of Agriculture. 10. Pearl, R. 1915. Rpt. of Progress of Animal Husbandry In-| vestigations. Bull. 519. Maine Agr. Expt. Station. ® § BULLETIN 273 THE BIOLOGY OF MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA.* WiLit1am Corcorp Woops.+ SUMMARY The flea-beetles commonly classed as Altica ignita Ul. form a composite group of closely related species. Three species of the group are named and described in this bulletin: A. corni, a black species occurring on dogwood, A. rosac, a cupreous species occurring on the wild rose, and A. ulmi, a greenish or bluish form found on the elm. The life histories of all three are very similar. They hibernate as adults which, coming out from their winter quarters in late spring, pair and deposit eggs on the leaves of their respective host plants in June and July. The larvae which hatch from these eggs feed on the leaves, skele- tonizing them. In all cases there are 3 larval instars averaging about 4 days each. When full grown, the larvae enter the ground where they transform, spending about 5 days as pre- pupae and 9 days more as pupae before emerging as adults. There is but one generation each year. The blueberry flea-beetle, 4. torquata LeC., belongs to the carinata group. At least in this species the winter is passed in the egg stage. The larvae hatch in late May, and feed on the nl Opening buds of the blueberry and later on the flowers and foliage. They do great damage when they are abundant. As in the ignita group, there are 3 larval instars, and the larval life lasts about 12 days. The larvae when full fed enter the soil to pupate, spending about 6 days as prepupae, and 10 or 11 days as pupae, before the adult beetles emerge. The adults feed. freely all summer on the leaves of the blueberry, but do not Survive the winter. In July they deposit their eggs, probably *Papers from the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station: Ento- mology No. 100. ~Member of the Station Summer Staff. 150 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. on the ground at the base of the bushes, and these eggs pass — the winter, hatching the following spring. There is only one | generation each year. All of these flea-beetles can be controlled by spraying with | arsenate of lead. Parasitic flies were bred from the adults of 2 | species and a predaceous bug was found attacking the larva of | one species. All are susceptible to fungous and bacterial dis- | eases which doubtless play a large role in holding them in check. | SPECIES DISCUSSED: So far as the records of this Experiment Station show, 6] species of Altica, the typical genus of jumping chrysomelids or} flea-beetles, occur in the State of Maine. Since all of them feed on plants of greater or less economic importance, and as these! very prolific beetles under favorable conditions may appear quite) suddenly in enormous numbers, an acquaintance with their vari- ous life histories is important, so that we may know at what period remedial measures may be most effectively applied. More- over in entomological literature there is great confusion regard-| ing the structural and biological limits of the different species! of Altica, and in many cases the host plant records are hope- lessly mixed up. It is hoped that some light may be thrown upon the specific limits and the biological habits of the insects described in this bulletin. Four of the 6 recorded species are discussed in this bulletin. | These are the dogwood flea-beetle A. corni sp. n., the rose flea-7 beetle, A. rosae sp..n., the elm flea-beetle, A. ulmi sp. n., and the} blueberry flea-beetle, A. torquata LeC. A fifth, the alder flea-) beetle, A. bimarginata Say, has already been treated in bulletin} -65 of this Experiment Station, in which is also given a state-| ment of the facts which make it seem proper to drop the “H” and revert to Geoffroy’s original spelling of the generic name.| The sixth is listed provisionally as identical with what Lugger’ Tue B:otocy or MAINE SpPeEcIEs oF ALTICA. 151 (1899 5th Minn. Rept., p. 159) called the lesser grape vine flea- beetle, although it certainly is not A. ignita Ill. as he stated.* Three beetles described in this bulletin as new, A. corni, A. rosae and A. ulmi, are all forms that in Horn’s monograph (1889. A synopsis of the Halticini of Boreal America. Tran. Am. Ent. Soc. v. 16:163-320, pl. 5-6) would fall under the single species ignita Ill. It has been stated almost universally that igmita Ill. is a very variable species but ignita Ill., as it has been commonly interpreted by the best authorities is undoubtedly a composite species which when it has been carefully studied throughout the country will be found to consist of a greater or less number of closely related but distinct species where the characters remain constant and the range of variation is slight. Such indeed is the opinion of Fall (1910. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. v. 36:153) who states: “In the case of ignita this variation is assumed to be very great, but I think it probable that this complex will ultimately be broken up. The opening wedge is here inserted by giving names to three forms...... which by the latest paper on the genus would pass as ignita.” Certainly the 3 species of the ignita group discussed in this present paper are distinct both structually and biologically, and such char- acters as color, size, and proportionate length of antennae are constant, as well as the food-habits and immature characteristics which are definite and various. The writer has grave doubts whether it be permissible to call any of our known American flea-beetles ignita Ill., at least until Illiger’s type specimen—if it be in existence—has been carefully compared with his description, and the latter proven incorrect. It would not appear scientifically sound to set aside a portion of an author’s description arbitrarily merely because *This is a small green species which the writer has taken only twice in the State, August 1917 and June 1918, both times on woodbine at Orono. Unfortunately the writer has not been able to study this species except very superficially since at present he is in the military service of the United States. This species evidently comes in the ignita group, and can be distinguished from the others by its color, size (about 3.5 mm) and the fact that segment 3 of the antenna is equal in length to segment 4. The eggs are yellow, deposited by 1’s or 2’s on the under surface of the leaves. The ground color of the larva is dull yellow and the pupa is yellow; so far as the writer knows, they do not present any specific characters to differentiate them from other members of this genus. 152 Marne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. it does not fit the material in question, and Illiger’s original | description of ignita concludes “plica submarginali,’ a char- | acter that no known species of our fauna, save bimarginata Say, | possesses. The writer does not think it allowable to determine | any species which lacks a submarginal fold as ignita Ill. until | it has been definitely established that Iliger’s original description | is incorrect and that the type of ignita Ill. lacks submarginal | plicae. If we are to retain an American ignita Ill, it seems best, | as Fall suggested; to consider the brilliant, coppery-golden form | of the middle Atlantic states, the typical ignita. This is with- | out doubt the species which Chittenden treated as the strawberry | flea-beetle (U. S. Bur. Ent. Bul. 23 n. s., p. 70-79, figs. 17-18), | although his description of the coloration of the adult is con- | fusing, and leads one to suspect that more than one species may | have been at work on the strawberries. All 3 species of the ignita group from Maine (corni, rosae, ° and ulmi) are quite distinct from this typical “ignita” of Chit- | tenden, although all the members of this group are closely re- lated, and the adults can only be separated, aside from color and size which are constant at least in the 3 Maine species, by | comparatively minute characters. All the constituents of the | group have the ante-basal impression of the thorax deep and | entire, and in all the structure of the last ventral segment of the | male is the same, at least in so far as the writer has been able to | determine. The biological habits (especially the choice of food- | plants and the manner of egg deposition) and the color of the — fat-body are definite and characteristic for each species. The | larvae of all are very much alike; the ground color and the | color of the anal proleg vary with the color of the fat-body. In the larva of “ignita” of Chittenden tubercle iii (see fig. 10) 1s present and setiferous on both the mesothorax and the meta- thorax (Chittenden, |. c., fig. 17); in corm and ulmi it is present on both, but non-setiferous; and in rosae, though present it is non-setiferous on the metathorax, and is usually entirely want- ing on the mesothorax. The pupae of all are identical save in size and color. The references to ignita Ill. and carinata Germ. are much confused in entomological literature. Jgnita of Lugger (1. c.) | is most certairly distinct from the 3 species of the ignita group tr ee SO at ae were - Tue Bzotocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 153 discussed above, and is probably a new species, although it appears to belong to this same group. Most of the references in economic literature to carinata Germ. should be to ignita IIL, and indeed the references to these two species are for the most part so vague that it is impossible to determine to what species they do refer. In the comparatively few instances in which the writer has felt sure that reference was made to one of the 3 species he has described as new, he has included these articles under the bibliography of that species. Specimens of corni and ulmi submitted to Mr. C. W. Leng of New York City were reported as unquestionably ignita III. according to Horn’s monograph. The remaining species treated in this bulletin is the blue- berry flea-beetle, A. torquata Le C., a member of the carinata group. It differs but slightly from the typical carinata Germ. as described by Horn, and is possibly identical with it. How- ever since the life history of torquata differs from that of a typical Altica in that it hibernates as an egg and not as an adult, and since neither the life history of carinata nor its range of food plants is known, it seems better to the writer to run the risk of unwarrantably restoring a synonym than possibly to confuse this species with carinata Germ. if the 2 be distinct. This beetle, which is very injurious on the blueberry barrens in years when it is abundant, was determined for the writer by Mr. C. W. Leng of New York City. DEFINITION OF THE TERMS USED IN THE DESCRIPTIONS. | Alutaceous: covered with minute cracks, like the human skin. Ante-basal groove or impression: an impressed transverse line which may be either deep or shallow, extending entirely or partially across the prothorax slightly cephalad of its base. Apex of elytron: the distal portion. Apex of prothorax: the cephalic margin. Base of elytron: the proximal portion. Base of prothorax: the caudal margin. Carina, frontal: an elevated median ridge or keel on the front of the head. Humeral angle: the outer proximal angle of the elytron. Metathoracic thickenings: a pair of chitinous bars, running cephalo- caudad on the metathorax, one at the base of each wing. (They are inconspicuous in young pupae but become dark brown and prom- inent in older pupae.) 154 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Plica: a fold; a submarginal plica is a lateral fold in the elytron extend- ing caudad from the umbo. Post-humeral depression: a depression behind the umbo which may or may not be present. Tubercle, frontal: a chitinous plate nner eeley caudad of (i. e€, supe- rior to) the antenna. Umbo (plural umbones): an elevation or swelling in the humeral a:-gle of the elytron. Keys To THE MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA. Key to the Adults. (Including ignita Ill. and “ignita”’ of Chittenden.) 1. Elytra longitudinally plicate at the sides.................. ee Da 1. Elytra not longitudinally plicate at the sides...................... 3 2... Large, blue~ species ; 5-6). 11m), longs eee eee bimarginata. 2; Smaller species; 3-4) mim» loner ae eeee eee igmita Illiger. 3. Thorax with a deep ante-basal groove which extends completely across the’ thorax: 7.0 Soc s. sce te eee re eee 4. 3. Thorax with a moderate ante-basal groove which does not extend completely acrossi-the: thonaxs es eee eee eee eee ee 8. 4. Thorax distinctly wider at the base than at the apex...... chalybea. 4. Thorax scarcely wider at base than at the apex................... 5 5. Brilliant’ cupreous or oldens cupreous. pee eer er eee 6. 5°" Not’so" colored? p23) foe oer eens ie eee EE ee ee 7. 6. Segment 3 of the antennae longer than Soyenea 4; length 4 mm. — SLRS GL ee eee Ce “ignita” of Chittenden. 6. Segment 3 of antennae equal in length to segment 4; length 3 mm. Hausa lage Si ovd ola 6 ah cave gn bahsnns Bim Qt ewe pee eee PENSE Ree Ieee rosae. 7. Black; antennae three-fifth the length of the body............ corm. | 7. Green, blue, or violet; antennae one-half the length of body....ulmi. 8. Prothorax less than one-half wider than long............ carinata. 8. Prothorax more than one-half wider than long............ torquata. KEY TO THE EGcs. i: -Eggs) deposited an 1s or Zsa eae eee eee EE eee Zs 1; Eges deposited in clusters of 3 oOnmcmoreseca cae scoeeee erteie seas 5. Z. Eggs deposited on leaves ‘Gusually, elu) Sey ene ee ulmi. 2. Eggs deposited on stems or ground at base................. torquata. 3. Eggs orange, deposited in the tubes of leaf-rooling Lepidoptera BIA EL ee a ee btnar gina 3. Eggs pale yellow, deposited on the under surfaces of leaves...... 4, 4. On ‘Cornus =(dogwo0od)) i. nr. secs acts Eee ee es corni. 4. On “Rosa (rose). 6 os 6ct see ocheps ee eee ee rosdaé. Tue B oLocy or Matne Species oF ALTICA. 155 KEY TO THE LARVAE. (Including “ignita” of Chittenden.) a. i. Be Be alas Ree) EN i Lateral setae (on tubercle vii-viii) 3 in number.......... bimarginata. Lakorall See. ZF aiimiPaaibiorl le cee cmestieucien et oko ion er reat Rua oak ot rea a a Zs Tubercle iii setiferous on both mesothorax and metathorax PE ee ia ee arAicia Hye aie Melee Aika dla bie SE Swe “ignita’” of Chittenden. Tubercle iii non-setiferous or absent on mesothorax and metathorax ays etree Seni Mae G (ERIE GMa Tee. MAE ars! Mruberclemun present —on- mesothonaxs. 42. sese0. ssc okies ele 4. Maberclesann wanting on. mesothorax....2s 0.020623 cass. se es rosae. Saoundeecolor or larva) ditty ‘white. 205 0.5 220 ok. corn. Cround color ot larva darker... .55.....0- chalybea, torquata, ulmi. (No characters are known to the writer by which these can be separated in alcholic material.) Key to Livine PUPAE. 3 SARS Onl ANS Oil CeVGce VS rolb heehee ayers ERA re Ree eee eI eee ei Ze 2 SAS OM BSS Cheer el NU eithicag eee eee oe Meee ena ees ees en ae 3 Kenothmon mm ay ellow-OTanGe.cih seus oe acne aes as ne bimarginata. Wenatheplessesthan, 5; tm: + OLange.. 2) 0s. 3h aie eee hws torquata. Collar Wyleira ere ire aha is ee eine See ees CS Re ae oe er corm. (Coalkaie Sp @llonyy: 5 ai ce hasicea ts Oe aac eee ae re Sr 4. Mrrectliae Fee rT Its (ON MOLES Ae sche e Ri ctece ws ores or etoeieretow oe chalybea, ulmi. Tae LESS sath ATs A soi oITATTN oy 8 Seb os Seaue so uscettaged inset vertvenetous foto tus ak inate rosae. Key to ALtcoHortic PUPAE. SES eLACmONeaANex: Ole CACM hEMIMI. oc as ecciecne = cic cine es cree ae 2. SCLC OMeta P CXGy Ole CAC Me TEM otc scice os o.as oo nies ees oboe nies 3 Werrerume eT OFT AM OLE yas oe fc cine cee MBs ee eens bimarginata. Wenchiamelessesthan a miitleyr os sco ioe oes ress Oo oe dem nee torquata. Wenmethe4eos im Ote “MOLC aces hace aco csen as See ones chalybea, ulmi. erie ESSestlams (Ae INN ysarc eee iss) oes toes cass wee shal eo soa cee 4 tase CT MBITITIIP et oc ie cera! sake mine te a ete Ree Oe eee corn. Lenin ess ile 4 flies seme pesiond Sue pen som atEe oer pues rosae. 156 Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ALTICA CORNI, SP. N., THE DOGWOOD FLEA- BEETLE. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES. DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULT. Very elongate oval, somewhat convex; body above shining black with strong greenish or purplish metallic reflections; antennae black with purplish or greenish reflections, especially the proximal segment: nearly if not quite three-fifths the length of the body, and more than twice the width of the prothorax at its base: segments 2, 3, and 4 gradually in- creasing in length: segment 4 two and one-half times as long as wide; segment 10 not more than twice as long as wide, usually less; eyes black, not prominent, their width as seen from the front less than one= half the interocular distance; frontal carina moderately prominent, acute; frontal tubercles moderately large, flat, almost contiguous; vertex not punctuate; width of head across eyes more than two-thirds but less than four-fiiths that of the prothorax at its widest point. _ Prothorax one-half wider than long; margin well defined; base scarcely wider than the apex, regularly arcuate; sides nearly parallel at the base, convergent at the apex; basal angles prominent, slightly denti- form; apical angles obliquely truncate; surface comparatively finely punctate, but quite densely punctate; antebasal groove well defined and entire. Elyira (across umbones) about one-third wider than the base of the prothorax; each elytron irom two and one-half to three times as long as wide, and from two to two and one-half times as long as the width of the base of the prothorax; surface alutaceous, comparatively coarsely but densely punctate; humeral angles obtuse, more or less rounded; umbo slightly prominent; post-humeral impression faint. Scutellum metallic black, like the elytra, sparsely punctate. Body beneath shining metallic black; abdomen quite densely beset with fine white setae; legs black; the claws red brown, the setae and pulvilli white. Length 3.5 mm.-4 mm. Last ventral segment of male sinuate each side; lateral lobes com- paratively large; median lobe short, semicircular, flat, the extreme edge sometimes reflexed. Type locality, Orono, Maine; male designated as type deposited in the collection of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine. Paratypes (which are also topotypes) deposited in the collection oi the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine; of Cor- nell University, Ithaca, New York; and of the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. Figures. The last ventral segment of the male is shown in figure 11E. Tue B oLtocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 157 DESCRIPTION OF THE EGG. Subcylindrical, irregularly elliptical; surface minutely punctate and finely sculptured, entirely divided into polygonal areas, though the sculp- turing is frequently obscure; color varying from yellow to dull orange; length about 1 mm. The eggs are shown in figure 12A. DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVA. The numbering of the tubercles. The only important paper with which the writer is familiar that deals with the numbering of the tubercles in chrysomelid larvae is that of Sanderson (1¢03. Notes upon the structure and classification of chrysome- lid larvae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. v. 5 :21-30). While the writer is unable to accept all of the conclusions reached in this paper, especially in the homologizing of the thoracic tubercles( because Sanderson’s paper takes no account of the individual setae), he hesitates to propose a new system which he recognizes as meérely a tentative one. But since in each case he has made two drawings, one showing the actual setal arrangement in the lar- vae and the accompanying one the numbering of the tubercles used in this bulletin, but little confusion should result, especially as immediately below is appended a cross-reference table show- ing the corresponding tubercles when numbered according to Sanderson’s scheme, and according to the writer’s. No one recognizes more plainly than the writer the unsatisfactory points of both schemes, and that both must be displaced when the group as a whole has been carefully studied. Sanderson. Woods. Prothorax. eI ete ye oe ee fate ee eS oh DER eee te Siete taie i-viii ETRE - 5 ein ect lcyadog OSC ea aS ae eer ee a oe ia err ai x eel) rs oar acre re. ie Wie etn et ee xi er Ne wet ee pity creat, Ieee Sd See ie eee nba ke xii _SUSEEERG? <2 GSR cys eg cee eee ert Xil1-xiv SU ere eae eS PS SE lise SSINORE i, ii, iii PE Fre are a ease tae he Os Sn Sart ee aS NE SS: iv-vi («ds o2.o¢ adele Soagneeusase0 deegeq7ea9hu0da Jebdsecdecnone cues V-Vii-viii Vil ee 158 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. WATE oc bal oiei eres a'e, eccisdl Goes 8 0-a\r4 oneeve foveie aude) 9) 2 15: AERO Eee eae x UX bien saigsnvaun aidinyeys bra gevatieldvovlelavelay-avesalereeue Ol oie) OER IRS REE ree nce xi Key did allevconelso\g aye Aceh ace @ socecdls a: wiherer eens] eee veNeeke emer ANGER NN eR IRIE cEs cro obale Xij SUMS, foe eyescusle. 6 eb Grecoas dekh S. ghaleaeol o's elare laren Ee Sp NGTEeE MG ee Roe tee TP = Xili, xiv Abdomen. NT Ener hOONyoUNARENah han atime oy yiedio no co Golds vlc i, ii, iii, 1v, v, Vi, Vii, viit ib. > oa ne ene EASE Gioe coe Obto J FOO J on cI DODDOOEE ix-x Db eae eine a er EN nuns Urn Rte Deo ot aby otobn DOS trOue xiii BOTW) sale cass ayal oceh oie voueuah dfn seen deu/suel tate oo ty es om Ree get X1i-Xiv Description of full grown larva. Head, thorax, and abdo- men distinct ; abdomen composed of to segments; pronotum and dorsum of 9th abdominal segment strongly chitinized to form the prothoracic and anal shields respectively ; one pair of jointed legs borne by each of the thoracic segments; a single median anal proleg borne by the roth abdominal segment. Length 5-5.5 mm Head directed obliquely downward and forward. strongly chitinized, shining black; the epicranial suture, at first extending cephalad along the mesal line, soon splits, passing back of the antenna to the base of the mandible on each side: it divides the head into three large segments, the median dorsal one the postclypeus, and the other two forming the epicranium; the clypeus is very narrow; the labrum is moderately large, rounded in front, shining black; mandibles dark brown, moderate in- size, with notched teeth at the apex; trochantin present at its base, non- chitinized; maxilla with the cardo completely, the stripes incompletely, chitinized, bearing anteriorly a palpifer with a three-segmented conical palpus, and a very small nodule which probably represents the lacinia; labium with a large, slightly chitinized basal piece, the fused submen- tum and mentum, bearing a ligula, unchitinized except at its base, from which arises a pair of small two-segmented palpi; antennae inserted on the side of the head near the base of the mandibles, three jointed, white, the basal segment much larger than the middle segment, and the distal segment very small; ocelli wanting; a membrane connects the head and prosternum which are not separated by a suture; a small chitinized sclerite in this membrane is probably the gula. Body-wall of thoracic and abdominal segments dirty white, densely beset with dull black cuticular nodules; tubercles i-viii prominent, dull black; tubercles ix-xiv, dull brown. Abdominal segments 1 to 8 bear setiferous tubercles, segments 1 through 7 being identical; on the first seven the arrangement is as fol- lows: tubercles i and ii of each side are confluent forming a mid-dorsal rcw of two tubercles on each segment (the anterior the larger) bearing two setae each; tubercles ili, iv, v and vi are distinct, bearing one seta each, and the spiracle is borne on a tubercle which lacks setae between Tue B-otocy or MAINE SPEcIEsS oF ALTICA. 159 ‘tubercles v and vi, and vii and viii; vii and viii are fused into a single ‘tubercle, the large lateral tubercle, bearing two setae; tubercles ix and x ‘are fused into a single tubercle, bearing two setae; tubercle xi is want- ‘ing; tubercle xiii in each case is fused with its fellow of the opposite side forming a row of mid-ventral tubercles, bearing two setae each; ‘tubercles xii and xiv are fused into a single small tubercle, which bears two setae. Abdominal segment 8: the arrangement of the tubercles is the ‘same except that the fused tubercles i are smaller, and that the ii’s and iv’s of both sides are fused into a single large tubercle bearing four ‘setae, so that the relative size of the two mid-dorsal tubercles is just opposite that of the other abdominal segments. Abdominal segment 9 is modified dorsally into a strongly chitinized anal shield, which doubtless represents a fusion of tubercles i-viii, with probably the setae of tubercles ii, iv, v, vi and viii persisting; ventrally it bears a large median tubercle, bearing four setae, which probably represents tubercles xiii and xiv of each side all fused together. Abdominal segment 10 is very small; it has no setae nor tubercles, but bears ventrally the creamy white anal proleg (which doubtless rep- resents a pair of prolegs fused together) ; the anal opening, shaped like an inverted Y, lies in the middle of the proleg. Metathorax: tubercles i and ii are not fused across the middle line, deaving a thin place where the cuticula can yield to the strain and split at the time of molting; tubercle iii is present but non-setiferous; tuber- cles iv and vi are fused together into a single tubercle bearing two setae; tubercles v, vii, and viii are fused into a single large tubercle, bearing three setae; tubercles ix and x are separate, bearing one seta each; tubercles xi and xii are associated with the base of the coxa, the former strongly chitinized and non-setiferous, the latter bearing one seta; tuber- cle xiii on each side is fused with its fellow forming a mid-ventral tubercle, bearing two setae; tubercle xiv bears one seta. Mesothorax: exactly similar to the metathorax except that a spiracle is present above the seta on tubercle ix. Prothorax: dorsally modified into a strongly chitinized cephalic shield, formed by the fusion of tubercles i-viii; tubercle ix wanting; ‘tubercle x bearing a single seta; tubercles xi and xii lie at the base of the coxa, both bearing a single seta; tubercles xiii and xiv on both sides have fused together, forming a large bell-shaped non-setiferous mid- yentral tubercle. Spiracles. There are nine pairs of spiracles, eight abdominal and one thoracic; the abdominal spiracles are borne on un-numbered non- setiferous tubercles just above the lateral tubercles (fused vii and viii) of the first eight abdominal segments; the thoracic spiracle is borne on tubercle ix of the mesothorax; an homologous tubercle present on the metathorax shows no trace of a spiracular opening. Legs. The legs are composed of five segments; the proximal seg- ‘ment is incompletely chitinized ectad and not at all entad; it fits closely ‘into a socket formed by the infolded body wall, with which it is con- i | 160 MAINE AGRICULTURAL. EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. tinuous, and articulates slightly with tubercle xi, which is chitinized and’ non-setiferous except on the prothorax; tubercle xii is contiguous to } this segment caudad; the second segment which is chitinized proximally is barely visible ectad, but is much larger entad; the third segment, strongly chitinized ectad, is about equal in size to the second; the strong-/ ly chitinized fourth segment is the longest of the leg segments; the short, | strongly chitinized distal segment bears a single pulvillus, and a single inward-curved claw. The setae are the same on all of the legs, except that the proximal segment of the prothoracic leg lacks the anterior seta borne on the ectal surface of the other legs. There is no homology r between the segments of the larval legs and those of the adults, as na already been explained in the case of the alder flea-beetle. (Woods 1917. ' Me. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 265, p.. 265.) Figures. The arrangement of the setae and tubercles of the full grown larva is shown in the following figures; dorsal aspect, figure 10A) (prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax, abdominal segments 1, 8 and 9) 5) ventral aspect, figure 11A (prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax, abdomi- nal segments 1, 8, 9 and 10) ; lateral aspect, figure 10C (prothorax, meso-| thorax, metathorax, abdominal segments 1, 8, 9 and 10); the numbering’ of the tubercles according to the writer’s scheme in corresponding dia- | grams, figures 10B, 10D, and 11B respectively; third instar larva, lateral | aspect, figure 12E. The structure of the legs, head and mouth parts is exactly the same as in A. bimarginata, and has already been figured for that species. (Woods. 1917. Me. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 265, figs. 19-20). Description of the newly hatched larva.. The arrangement that described for the full grown larva. The tubercles are pro-) portionately larger and crowdéd more closely together, and the head is proportionately larger. The setae are all clearly capi- tate. Length, 1 mm. Head measurements of larvae. f Ist instar. Minimum, .29 mm.; maximum, .36 mm.; average, .31 mm. (Estimated from 35 specimens.) . 2nd instar. Minimum, 43 mm.; maximum, .52 mm.; average, AS mm. (Estimated from 17 specimens.) a 3rd instar. Minimum, .62 mm.; maximum, .71 mm.; average, 67 mm. (Estimated from 31 specimens.) Ratio of measurements: 1.45; theoretical measurements: .31; 45; | .65; actual average measurements: .31; .45; .67. | DESCRIPTION OF THE PUPA. 7. | Description of just formed pupa. Pure creamy white, cau-_ dal spines black, spiracles and setae dark brown. Length 3-3-5) mm.; width §.5 mm. Tuer B.otocy or MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA. 161 The general appearance is that characteristic of chrysome- lid pupae: wings and elytra pushed ventrad; the legs sharply bent at the femoro-tibial joint, the femora extending away from ‘the meson, the tibiae toward it, and the tarsi caudad along the middle line of the body; the metathoracic legs passing under ‘the wings, the antennae extending caudad and bent under the mesothoracic legs. There are nine abdominal segments (unless the anal plate may be reckoned as a vestigial tenth), the last bearing a pair of strong black caudal spines. The arrangement of the setae is that characteristic of the whole genus and does not present any specific character, except that it belongs to the group hav- ‘ing two setae on each femur instead of three. Seven pairs of spiracles are present. The first pair is lo- cated on the mesothorax, ventrad of the base of each elytron. The other six pairs are located on the first six abdominal seg- ments. The last pair is smaller than the rest. There is a considerable range of variation in the pupal ‘setae. The typical arrangement is shown in figures 11C (dorsal aspect), and 11D, (dorsal aspect of tip of abdomen). The pupa of the elm flea-beetle which is almost identical is shown in fig- ures 12F and 12G. Homologies of pupal and larval setae. There are constant- ly three setae on each side of the head throughout the Alticini, which the writer has not yet succeeded in homologizing with the larval setae. There are eight setae on the prothorax, which are homologous with those on the cephalic shield of the larva. There are two setae on each side of the mesothorax and the meta- thorax, homologous with the setae of tubercles ii and iv of the larva.. There are four setae on each side of the first 8 abdomi- nal segments; these are homologous with the larval setae of tubercles ii, iv, vi, and viii respectively, and the spiracle occurs between setae vi and viii as in the larva; the spiracle is not developed on segments 7 and 8 of the pupa. On segment 9, there are four setae and a caudal spine on each side, these five probably homologous with the five larval setae. Any one of these setae may be lacking in any given pupa, and very rarely the caudal spines themselves may be lacking. An extra seta corresponding to the seta of tubercle vi in the larva is sometimes present on the mesothorax or metathorax. 162 Matnre AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. The setae of the pupae are formed by the same trichogen | cells which formed the larval setae. They are not hollow sense | hairs like the larval setae, but are solid and pointed. They are} developed only on the dorsal side, or the anterior and posterior | ends of the body, so that their function would appear to be to) hold the pupa away from contact with the sides of the pupal | cell, since the insect les with the ventral aspect uppermost. The accessory trichogen cells (those which will not be utilized in forming the pupal setae) are phagocytized during | the prepupal period, after the larva has entered the ground and | constructed its cell, so that sense hairs are of no further use to it; and the trichogens which form the pupal setae are them- selves phagocytized within 24 hours after pupation. The tri-) chogen cells of the adult hypodermis are entirely unrelated to’ those of the pupal or larval hypodermis, so far as the writer has been able to ascertain. Description of the pupa ready to transform. Dorsum of y prothorax gray; metathoracic thickenings brown; eyes and an-| tennae jet black; mandibles dark red brown, black tipped; wings, tibiae, tarsi, and caudal portions of femora piceous; elytra col-| orless (though they appear gray as the wings show through ; them) ; otherwise like the newly formed pupa. | if t ( BroLocicAL History. SUMMARY OF REARINGS. Length of the egg stage. A record which was kept of 215|— eggs deposited between June 16 and July 14, inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: ii 5 hatched in 7 days, 81 in 8 days, 63 in 9 days, 38 in 10 days, 9 in 11) days, and 19 in 12 days; average 9 days. Length of the first larval instar. A record which was kept] — of 220 larvae which hatched between June 16 and July 14 im }e clusive, may be tabulated as follows: | 63 molted to the second instar in 4 days after hatching from the egg, 45 in 5 days, 53 in 6 days, 21 in 7 days; 17 in 8 days, 10 in 9 days, | and 11 in 10 days; average 6 days. Length of the second larval instar. A record which was} June 22 and July 30 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: Tue B:otocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 163 14 molted to the third instar in 3 days after the first molt, 53 in 4 days, 99 in 5 days, 22 in 6 days, 35 in 7 days, 1 in 8 days, 5 in 9 days, and 4 in 11 days; average 5 days. Length of the third larval instar. A record which was kept of 173 larvae which molted to the third instar between July 1 and August 7 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 13 entered the soil in 2 days after the second molt, 59 in 3 days, 45 in 4 days, 31 in 5 days, 15 in 6 days, 3 in 7 days, 2 in 9 days, and 5 in 13 days; average 4 days. Length of the prepupal period. A record which was kept of 141 prepupae which entered the soil between July 8 and August 7 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 41 transformed to pupae in 5 days after entering soil; 41 in 6 days, 4j in 7 days, 17 in 8 days, and 1 in 9 days; average 6 days. Length of the pupal period. A record which was kept of 148 pupae which transformed between July 13 and August 13 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 6 emerged as adults in 5 days after the pupal molt, 21 in 6 days, 51 bin 7 days, 5/7 in 8 days, 11 in 9 days, and 2 in 10 days; average 7 days. Causes of variation. The extremes of variation are due very largely to weather conditions. Hot dry weather favors rapid development, and cool damp weather retards it. The sea- son of the year has no apparent bearing on the rapidity of devel- | opment. There is often great variation in the time required for reaching maturity from individuals all of which hatched from the same egg cluster and lived under identical conditions. Typical life history. The following is cited as a typical life history: 62 eggs deposited June 25 (1915) hatched July 3; all molted to the second instar on July 7; 16 molted to the third instar on July 11, 37 on July 12, and 9 died in the molt; 29 entered the soil as prepupae on July 14, 8 on July 15, 9 on July 16, 6 on July 19, and 1 died; 12 transformed to pupae-on July 19, 2 adults emerging July 26, 7 on July 27 and 3 on July 28; 15 transformed to pupae on July 21, 4 emerging as adults on July 27, 7 on July 28, 2 on July 29, and 2 on July 30; 15 transformed to pupae on July 23, 5 emerging as adults on July 29, 5.on July 30, and 5 on July 31; 3 transformed to pupae on July 26, emerging as adults on August 3; 1 transformed to a pupa on July 27, emerging as an adult on August 4; 6 died before transforming. SEASONAL History IN MAINE. The dogwood flea-beetle passes the winter as an adult hid- den away in the debris at the base of the dogwood bushes. They come out from their winter quarters in the spring when the 164 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Cornus leaves are just separating from the blossom buds and are about half an inch long. In 1917 this was on June 2, and this is the earliest date on which the writer has taken a specimen; however in a normal year they probably appear about two weeks _ earlier. Only one beetle was taken at this time, and there was_ but slight indication of the work. On June 7 (1917) the leaves! were quite well expanded and separated from the blossom buds, | the beetles were abundant. In 1917 the dogwood did not blos- | som until June 18, which is at least 10 days later than is usual | in Orono. | The first eggs in 1917 were deposited on June 5, but in 1918) larvae about 3 days old were collected in Orono, so eggs must have been laid at least as early as May 22. Eggs are not ordi-| narily found until the middle of June, but may be found val then on until the middle of July. In the laboratory, the last eggs were deposited on July 24, (1917). The majority of the. eggs are deposited in early July. The first larva to hatch in the laboratory appeared on jane 14 (1917), but larvae were found in the field on June 12 (1917) © and on June 3 (1918). Larvae may be found in the field from early June through mid-July, and scatteringly a few even in — early August. | The adults are very scarce in the field by the 12th of July, 8 and practically all of the hibernating adults are dead by the} 20th. In the laboratory all have died on or before August I, except for one female which lived until October 2. The writer. doubts if they ever live as long as that under natural conditions. | The first adult of the new generation was bred on July 15. (1917). .The adults of the new generation do not feed at all,| but enter into hibernation as soon as they have emerged. There is only one generation each year, and no indication of a second under any conditions. oN es ee DISTRIBUTION. ts During the past spring (1918) the writer has had a limited | oportunity to observe something of the seasonal history of this’ species in Connecticut. They were found locally common on, the dogwood in Middletown and later in Norfolk. They had already begun to pair on May 17 when they were first observed | —_———_——_————-. Tue Biotocy or MaAIne Species oF ALTICA. 165 and had deposited a few eggs. Eggs were to be found commonly a few days later. The first larvae were found on May 21, which must have come from eggs deposited at least as early as May 13. The Connecticut material exactly corresponds with the Maine material in every way. dbistia IBGE: Coloration. When deposited the eggs are orange, but by 24 hours they have become the pale buff characteristic of the species. They do not turn gray before hatching. Each egg 1s streaked with excrement which lies on it like a black bar. The lateral tubercles of the mesothorax and metathorax show through the egg shell as 4 black spots about 24 hours before the larvae are ready to emerge. Where deposited. The eggs are always deposited in clus- ters on the underside of the leaf of the food plant, on any part of the surface, but always so that the cluster lies against a vein. If there is more than one row of eggs, the eggs in the outer rows successively overlap those in the row next inner. How many deposited. The eggs are deposited in clusters of from 2 to 41, though there are rarely more than 20 in a cluster. A count of 321 egg clusters may be summarized as follows: Seven clusters were composed of 2 eggs each, 14 of 3, 19 Peete OF 5, 23 of 6, 260 of 7, 25 of 8, 23 Of 9, 30 of 10, 22 Mepeeat of 12, 17 Of 13, 20 of 14, 13 of 15, 9 of 16, 4 of Memo OLolS, 7 Of 19, 1 Of 20, I of 23, I Of 20, I of 30, 1 Of 4T; mean of species 12; true average 9.9. THE Larva. Color changes of the larva during growth. ‘The body wall of the larva is covered with minute cuticular nodules, which, together with the tubercles, are the pigmented portions of the body. Just after hatching or immediately after a molt, the in- tegument is translucent, and the larva appears entirely white, as no pigment has yet been formed, and the white fat-body shows through. In a few hours, pigment is formed in the tubercles and in the nodules. As the body wall is not stretched, the tuber- 166 Matine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. cles and nodules lie very close together, and give the larva a dark aspect; late in the instar, the general color of the larva | is much lighter, since the integument is stretched, the nodules | farther apart, and the tubercles smaller in proportion to the | body surface. Such a series of color changes is very characteristic of all | of the species treated in this bulletin, and indeed of all flea-| beetles which the writer has studied. They are either white or] yellow after a molt (according to the color of the fat-body), as there is no pigment in the cuticula; they rapidly become| darker, and the darkness is at a maximum a few hours after| the molt; then they gradually become lighter throughout the) instar, and the coloration of the early and late part of the same} instar is frequently quite different. Hatching. When the larva is ready to emerge from the} egg, the shell splits near, but not quite at, the anterior end, a. very tiny slit first appearing. Soon a second slit appears parallel’ to the first. From one or the other of the openings thus formed} is pushed out the mesothorax. Gradually the whole thorax is} arched out of this opening, first the mesothorax and later the! prothorax and metathorax. « In about Io minutes from the time} the crack first appears, the fused tubercles v-vii-vili of the two! posterior thoracic segments are exposed, and the larva has a} decidedly hunch-backed appearance. After a hard struggle of} about Io minutes longer, the head also is withdrawn through] this opening, and the legs almost immediately after. The legs) are but little used for they are still soft and weak. Nearly alll of the hatching process is accomplished simply by alternately|” and sholds, except for ie 4 black spots, on the io rase These Spots. 4 are formed by the ets tubercle V-Vli-Vlii on each side of — por tions of ie ccuticula at thee time of hatching. The larva becomes fully colored in | about 2 hours. Tue Brotocy or MAINnre Species or ALTICA. 167 Color description of a first instar larva, early. - Head, legs, prothoracic and anal shields shining black; body dark brown, almost black, lighter ventrally; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black; ventral tubercles brown. Color description of a first instar larva, late. Head, legs, prothoracic and anal shields shining black; general aspect of body yellowish white; tubercles dull olive gray; lateral tuber- cles of meso- and meta-thorax darker and prominent. The molt to the second instar (first molt). ‘The process of molting is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetle (page 188). ; Coloration after the first molt. 6 min., absolutely pale translucent creamy white, the mandibles brown, setal punctures black; head, legs -and prothorax white; 10 min., head, legs, and prothorax slightly darkish; 20 min., the same parts slightly darker, and the tubercles beginning to show dark; 30 min., the same parts somewhat darker; 45 min., head and prothorax quite blackish: tubercles decidedly dark: legs darker than the tubercles, but not as dark as the head; 60 min., head and prothoracic shield black: the body has a dark aspect; 75 min., head and prothoracic shining black, the legs black, the tubercles normally colored; 105 min., fully colored. Color description of a second instar larva, early. Head, legs, pro- thoracic and anal shields shining black; general aspect of body almost black (integument yellowish white with the dark brown cuticular nodules very close together) ; tubercles dull black. Color description of a second instar larva, late. Head, legs, pro- thoracic and anal shields shining black; general aspect of body yellow- ‘ish white, not much lighter ventrally (cuticular nodules lighter brown -and farther apart); dorsal and lateral tubercles dark gray brown; ven- tral tubercles brown; anal proleg white. The molt to the third instar (second molt). The process of molting is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetle (page 188). Color description of a third instar larva, early. Head, legs, pro- thoraic and anal shields shining black; general aspect of body almost black above, lighter ventrally; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black ; ventral tubercles gray; anal proleg white. ‘Color description of a third instar larva, late. Head, legs, pro- thoracic and anal shields shining black; general aspect of the body light yellowish gray; dorsal and lateral tubercles deep gray brown; ventral tubercles gray; anal proleg white: Feeding: habits. The larvae skeletonize the leaves, leaving only a network of the veins. They feed mostly on the underside of the leaves, 168 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. and are to a slight extent gregarious. They are very sluggish, and their comparatively soft bodies are covered with their powdery excreta. The work of the larvae is illustrated in figure 13B. THE PREPUPA. Formation of the pupa cell. In all insects which undergo} a complete metamorphosis, the wings are developed internally) in the larva as hypodermal invaginations. Soon a part of this) invagination evaginates to form the wing-bud proper, and just before the formation of the pupal cuticula, this wing-bud pushes | out so as to lie on the outside of the hypodermis. The internal | wing-bud of the larva is therefore external in the pupa, because it lay outside the hypodermis when the pupa cuticula was se-| creted. The period from the outpushing of the wing-bud in the larva until the molt to the pupa, is spoken of as the prepupal) period. In flea-beetles generally, the prepupal period is passed in the earth. As soon as the larva is fully fed, it enters the ground to complete its transformations. Sections of specimens of several different species fixed at this time show clearly that the entrance) into the soil closely corresponds with the outpushing of the wing buds. The larvae enter any fairly loose soil, pupating about an) inch below the surface. Here they construct a rude ceil by con-) tortions of the body, and the earth lining it is cemented together by a mucous secretion, probably poured out by the maxillary glands. (Labial glands, the ordinary salivary glands of insects are wanting in the flea-beetles, as in Coleoptera generally.) The earler prepupa is straight, and can walk, but by the third day, the body is strongly arcuate, and the insect is unable to move its legs, due to the degeneration of the larval muscles. | Color changes of the prepupa. For about two days after| entering the soil, the prepupae become darker in color, but then they become lighter, and by the fourth day are almost white. SA EE OC ET eee THe Pupa. | The molt from the prepupa to the pupa. This molt is ac complished in the same way in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the elm flea-beetle (page 199). } | } Tue Brotocy or MAINE Species oF ALTICA. 169 Color cycle. When the pupa is first formed, it is a pure creamy white, save for the caudal spines which are black, and the setae and spiracles which are brown. As the pupa grows older, however, certain color changes appear, which are correla- ted with the progress of the internal metamorphosis, and furnish a reliable indication as to the age of any given pupa. The first change to be noted is in the eyes, which become a light brown on the third day of pupal life, dark brown on the fourth, and black on the fifth. The wings become light gray usually on the fifth day, although sometimes it is as as late as the seventh day before this change appears, and a dark gray about 24 hours later. The elytra remain colorless, although as they lie over the wings, they appear to be colored. The mandi- bles become red brown on the fifth day. THe ADULT. Emergence. When the adult is ready to emerge, the elytra are pushed more or less dorsad, and the appendages are more or less straightened out before the skin cracks. The pupal cuti- cula cracks open along the dorsal line of the mesothorax; this is done by the scutellum, which is raised and lowered. At this same time the wings and elytra begin to increase in size, and about five minutes after the first slit appears, these appendages are about three-fourths as long as the body ; meanwhile the meta- thorax has split way down the mid-dorsal line, and the mesotho- tax way up. In 8 minutes, the prothorax is free, and the head is exposed as far as the labrum. In 10 minutes the elytra and wings are as long as the body, the mouth parts are all free from the pupal cuticula, and the elytra about one-quarter exposed. All through this process, the insect continually contracts and expands the abdomen. In 5 minutes more, the elytra are about half free, as well as 6 joints of the antennae, and one-third of the prothoracic femora. The antennae are freed by jerking the head backward as far as possible and then suddenly releasing it. In 24 minutes after the first split the right prothoracic leg was freed, and two-thirds of the elytra exposed. In 27 minutes, the left prothoracic leg was also freed, and a minute later the mesothoracic and metathoracic legs were drawn out almost simultaneously. In 33 minutes, the 170 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. abdomen, and was entirely free from the pupal cuticula. Coloration of adult. As the beetle emerges, the eyes, anten- nae, mouth parts, and legs (except the proximal two-thirds of | all of the femora) are black; the tip of the pygidium is shining | violet black, as are also parts of the pronotum and the scutellum. | The first change is to be noted in the legs, which become fully | colored in about 2 hours. The metathoracic legs are always the first to become pigmented. In about 5 hours, the head is black, | except for the occiput, and also the whole of the pronotum. The} elytra now begin to be gray and shiny, and are dark gray by 6] hours after emergence. In 7 hours the head is entirely black) above. The normal coloration is reached in about 19 hours.) The elytra never begin to turn gray until the legs are fully| colored, and the beetle is all gray dorsally before it begins to} darken up at all ventrally. The beetle is very soft as it emerges, and it remains in the pupal cell for about 20 hours before trying | to break out or until it is fully colored and hardened. Feeding habits. The adults feed freely on the leaves, biting } holes through them. The work is characteristic, and is very | different from the type of work done by the larvae. The nature of the work is shown in figure 13A. The beetles feed only in| the spring. In the summer they enter into a hibernation as soon | as they emerge, and feed only to a very limited extent, if at all. Copulation. The beetles remain paired for several hours | when they mate. One female pairs several times during the egg- | laying season. “| Number of eggs deposited by one female. Each female | ordinarily lays about 400 eggs. The greatest number of eggs , that was laid by any one female was 698 between June 8 and : July 20 (1917). The greatest number laid by one beetle in 24 ff hours was 41, all in a single cluster, and the next greatest 34, in one cluster of 16 and another of 18. Foop PLANTS. Natural food plants. The only plants on which the writer | has ever taken beetles of this species in the field all belong to the © genus Cornus. In Maine, the writer has found them mostly on | the red osier dogwood, C. stolonifera Michx, and less frequently | Tue B otocy or Marne Species oF ALTICA. 171 on the panicled dogwood, C. paniculata L’Her. In Connecticut he has found them more frequently on the latter species. Food plant tests. A large number of tests was carried out to determine the possible range of food plants. In these and all other food tests recorded in this paper, the experiments were made as follows: 6 larvae or adults were kept in a clean shell vial without food for 24 hours; then an uninjured leaf of the plant to be tested was introduced, and the insects were left un- disturbed for a second 24 hours; at the end of that time the leaves were examined, and a record made as to whether they had been considerably eaten, slightly eaten, or left untouched. The complete list of food plants used in these experiments is given below. The sequence of plant families and the form of the scientifc name follows the use of the latest edition of Gray’s Manual. Family Gramineae, grass family: cofn, Zea mays L. ; Family Salicaceae, willow family: cultivated willow, Salix near nigra Marsh; heart-leaved willow, Salix cordata Muhl.; petiolate willow, Salix petiolaris Sm.; beaked willow, Sala rostrata Richards; aspen poplar, Populus tremuloides L.; balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L.; cottonwood, Populus deltoides Marsh. Family Myriaceae, gale family: sweet fern, Myrica asplentfolia L. Famiy Betulaceae, birch family: hazel, Corylus rcstrata Ait.; gray birch, Betula populifolia Marsh; alder, Alnus incana (L.) Moench. Family Fagaceae, oak family: red oak, Quercus rubra L. Family Urticaceae, nettle family: red elm, Ulmus fulva Michx.; white elm, Ulinus americana L. Family Saxifragaceae, saxifrage family: syringa, Philadelphus coronarius L.; smooth gooseberry, Ribes oxycanthoides L.; European gooseberry, Ribes Grossularia L.; red currant, Ribes vulgare L. Family Rosaceae, rose family: cultivated spiraea, Spiraea Ssp.; apple, Pyrus Malus L.; mountain ash, Pyrus americana (Marsh) DC.; shad bush, Amelanchier oblongifolia (T & G) Roem.; hawthorn, Cra- taegus sp.; wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana Duchesne.; cultivated strawberry, Fragaria sp.; wild rose, Rosa virginiana L.: cultivated rose, Rosa sp.; Japanese rose, Rosa Yvara; choke cherry, Prunus virginiana L.; wild red cherry, Prunus pennsylvanica, L. f.; wild plum, Prunus nigra Ait.; cultivated plum, Prunus domestica L. Family Leguminosae, pea family: cultivated bean, Phaseolus sp. Family Aceridae, maple family: sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marsh. Family Vitaceae, grape family: grape, Vitis sp.; wood-bine, Psedera quinquefolia (L.) Greene. Family Tiliaceae, basswood family: basswood, Tilia americana L. 172 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Family Onagraceae, evening primrose family: fireweed, Epilobiwm | angustifolium L.; Marsh fireweed, Epilobium palustre L.; evening prim- | rose, Oenothera biennis L. Family Cornaceae, dogwood family: red osier dogwood, Cornus | stclomfera Michx.; panicled dogwood, Cornus paniculata L’Her.;) bunchberry, Cornus canadensis L. ‘ Family Ericaceae, heath family: sheep laurel, Kalmia angustifolia L.; low blueberry, Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam.; velvet-leaf blueberry, Vaccinium canadense Kalm. Family Oleaceae, olive family: lilac, Syringa vulgaris L. Family Solanaceae, nightshade family: tomato, Lycopersicon esculen- | ium L. ; Family Compositae, composite family: Joe Pye weed, Eupatorium f purpureum L.; goldenrod, Solidago canadensis L. Food plants of the adult dogwood flea-beetle. [ (i) Eaten readily. Alder, red osier dogwood, panicled dogwood, bunchberry. (11) Refused. ) Corn, cultivated willow, heart-leaved willow, petiolate wit low, beaked willow,.aspen poplar, balsam poplar, cottonwood, sweet fern, hazel, gray birch, red oak, red elm, white elm, syringa, smooth gooseberry, i European gooseberry, red currant, cultivated spiraea, apple mountain ash, shad bush, wild strawberry, cultivated strawberry, wild rose, cultivated! rose, Japanese rose, choke cherry, red cherry, wild plum, cultivated plum, bean, sugar maple, woodbine, basswood, fireweed, marsh fireweed, evening primrose, sheep laurel, low blueberry, velvet-leaf blueberry, lilac, tomato, Joe Pye weed. Food plants of the larva of the dogwood flea-beetle. | (1) Eaten readily. Red osier dogwood, panicled dogwood, bunchberry. -} (ii) Eaten indifferently. | Alder, Japanese rose, (but not the other roses!), evening prim-) rose, fireweed, marsh fireweed, bean. (iii) Refused. : Corn, cultivated willow, heart-leaved willow, petiolate willow, beaked willow, aspen poplar, balsam poplar, cottonwood, hazel, birch, red oak, red elm, white elm, syringa, European goose- berry, red currant, cultivated spiraea, apple, mountain ash, shad bush, wild strawberry, cultivated strawberry, wild rose, culti- vated rose, choke cherry, red cherry, wild plum, cultivated plum, sugar maple, woodbine, basswood, sheep laurel, low blueberry, velvet-leaf blueberry, lilac, tomato, Joe Pye weed. | | — = THe Brotocy or Marne Species oF ALTICA. 173 NATURAL ENEMIES. ' Fungous diseases. Both in the laboratory and in the field, larvae, pupae, and adults are all very susceptible to the attacks of the parasitic fungus, Sporotrichum globuliferum Speng. This widely distributed fungus destroys many of these insects when- ever conditions are favorable for its growth, and is without doubt an important agent in holding this species in check. The prepupae and pupae are quite subject to a wilt disease, which is probably bacterial in its nature, although the writer has not made any attempt to isolate the causative organism. Insect parasites. The writer has bred only a single parasite from the dogwood flea-beetle, a tachinid fly which works in the adult beetles. This fly which is not very common in Maine was determined for the writer as Celatoria spinosa Coquillet by Mr. C. W. Johnson of the Boston Museum of Natural History. The writer has also bred this fly from the beetles of Altica ulmi (see page 193), and it has been recorded by Coquillet as bred from the adults of Diabrotica soror LeC (Coquillet 1890, Insect Life, W-2 235). The larvae are internal parasites of the adult beetles. The writer has but little data on the life history, but it seems prob- able that the flies deposit eggs on the over-wintering beetles in the spring or summer after they have come out from hibernation. The whitish larvae emerge from the beetles when they are full grown, killing their host. In a few hours they shrink up into brown puparia, and the adult flies emerge a week or ten days la- ter. £ CONTROL. Like most flea-beetles, these insects can be controlled by ar- senical sprays. A thorough spraying with arsenate of lead at the ordinary strength (3 pounds of the paste or 1 % pounds of the powder to 50 gallons of water) as soon as the beetles appear in the spring, and repeated in late June and mid-July for the larvae, is necessary, will hold this species in check whenever it is practicable or desirable to try to keep down their numbers. 174 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ALTICA ROSAE, SP. N., THE ROSE FLEA-BEETLE. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE STAGES. DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULT. Elongate oval, distinctly convex; body above, brilliant cupreous, with | metallic reflections; antennae piceous, the proximal segment cupreous and | quite smooth, the rest pubescent with white setae; slightly more than one- | half the length of the body, but less than twice the width of the protho- | rax at its base; segment 3 longer than segment 2 and very nearly, if not} auite as long, as segment 4; segment 4 about two and a half times as long / as wide; segment 10 not more than twice as long as wide, usually less; eves black, not prominent, their width as seen from the front less than} one-half the interocular distance; frontal carina moderate, acute; frontal} tubercles moderately large, flat, almost continguous; vertex not punctate; | width of head across the eyes about two-thirds that of the prothorax at} its widest point. Prothorax one-half wider than long; margin well defined; base. scarcely wider, than the apex, regularly arcuate; sides nearly parallel at} the base, convergent at the apex; basal angles slightly dentiform, promi- nent; apical angles. obliquely truncate; surface comparatively finely but quite densely punctate; ante-basal groove well defined and entire, though } sometimes apparently evanescent at the extremities. Elytra across umbones one-third wider than the base of the prothorax; each elytron slightly more than three times as long as wide, and slightly | more than two times as wide as the base of the prothorax, surface minutely | alutaceous, comparatively coarsely but densely punctate; humeral angles obtuse, decidedly rounded; wmbo not prominent; post-humeral depression | not strong. Scutellum colored like the elytra, sparcely punctate. ! Body beneath colored like the elytra; abdomen quite densely beset | with fine white setae; /Jegs colored like the body, except the under surfaces | of the tarsal segments which are brown; the claws are red brown; the’ setae and pulvilli are white. Last ventral segment of male sinuate each side; lateral lobes com- | paratively large; medium lobe short, semicircular, flat, the extreme edge | sometimes reflexed. The last ventral segment of the male is exactly | similar to that of A. corni, as shown in figure 11E. Length 3 mm. Type locality, Orono, Maine. Male designated as type deposited in | the collection of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, | Maine. Paratypes (which are also topotypes) deposited in the collection | of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine; of the} Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass.; of Wesleyan Univer- | sity, Middletown, Conn.; of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; and of the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. Tue BooLtocy oF MAINE SPEcIES oF ALTICA. 175 DESCRIPTION OF THE EGG. Subcylindrical, irregularly elliptical, surface minutely punctate and finely sculptured, entirely divided into polygonal areas, although the sculp- turing is frequently obscured; color varying from yellow to dull orange; length about 1 mm. The eggs are shown in figure 12B. DESCRIPTION OF THE. LARVA. Description of the full grown larva. Head and legs shin- ing black; prothoracic and anal shields more or less brown; general body color greenish yellow above and below; tubercles brown; general aspect almost black early in the instar, and light yellowish late in the instar; anal proleg light lemon yellow. Length 5-5.5 mm. All of the other characters, such as the general structure of the body and the arrangement of setae and tubercles, are exactly the same as is described under the larva of the dogwood flea- beetle (page 157), except that tubercle ii is very rarely pres- ent on the mesothorax and if present is merely vestigial, and that tubercle iii is frequently absent on the metathorax as well, and if present is usually more or less vestigial. Both are non- ‘setiferous in any case. There is frequently present an extra non-setiferous mid-ventral chitinization on the anterior edge of the thoracic segments. Description of the newly hatched larva. The arrangement of setae and tubercles is exactly the same as in the full grown larva. The tubercles are proportionately larger, and crowded more closely together, and the head is proportionately larger. Length 1 mm. Head measurements of larvae. Ist instar. Minimum, .27 mm.; maximum, .31 mm.; average, .30 mm. (Estimated from 11 specimens.) : 2nd mstar. Minimum, .46 mm.; maximum, .50 mm.; average, .47 mm. (Estimated from 11 specimens.) 3rd instar. Minimum, .62 mm.; maximum, .66 mm.; average, .64 mm. (Estimated from 17 specimens.) Ratio of measurements: 1.56. Theoretical measurements: .30, .47, 73; actual average measurements: .30, .47, .64. 176 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. DESCRIPTION OF THE PUPA. Description of the just formed pupa. Yellow; setae and} spiracles brown; caudal spines black; otherwise exactly like | A. corn (see page 160). Length 3-35 mm.; width I.5 mm. Description of pupa ready to transform. Dorsum of pro- | thorax with irregular blackish splotches; metathoracic thicken- | ings brown; eyes, interocular region and mouth parts black; | wings dark gray or black; coxae, trochanters, and femora brown, | the rest of the leg piceous, except the tarsi and the femoro-tibial | joints which are black; otherwise like the newly formed pupa. | (The elytra are colorless although they appear gray as the wings | lie underneath them and show through.) BroLocicaL HIstory. SUMMARY OF REARINGS. Length of egg stage. A record which was kept of 59 eggs | deposited between July 22 and July 31 inclusive, may be tabu-_ lated as follows: . 18 hatched in 6 days, 37 in 7 days, and 4 in 8 days; average 7 days. Length of the first larval instar. A record which was kept | of 104 larvae which hatched between July 16 and July 30 in-| clusive, may be tabulated as follows: 18 molted to the second instar in 3 days after hatching, 76 in 4° days, 5 in 5 days, and 5 in 6 days; average 4 days. Length of the second larval instar. A record which was | kept of 96 larvae which molted to the second instar between | July 18 and August 3 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: — 7 molted to the third instar in 2 days after the first molt, 32 in 3 | days, 40 in 4 days, 16 in 5 days and 1 in 6 days; average 4 days. Length of third larval instar. ‘A record which was kept} of 97 larvae which molted to the third instar between July 17 and August 12 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 2 entered soil in 2 days after the second molt, 43 in 3 days, 19 in 4 days, 19 in 5 days, 10 in 6 days, 3 in 7 days, and 1 in 8 days; average | 4 days. Length of the prepupal period. A record which was kept | of 111 prepupae which entered the soil between July 20 and August I2 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: | Tue B.otocy or MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA. 177 4 transformed to pupae in 3 days after entering soil, 18 in 4 days, | 39 in 5 days, 29 in 6 days, 14 in 7 days, 4 in 8 days, 2 in 9 days, and 1 in 11 days; average 5 days. Length of the pupal period. A record which was kept of 75 pupae which transformed between July 24 and August 14 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 5 emerged as adults in 6 days after the pupal molt, 24 in 7 days, 30 in 8 days, 13 in 9 days, and 3 in 10 days; average 8 days. Typical life history. The following is cited as a typical life history: 9 eggs deposited July 9 (1917) hatched on July 16; all molted to the second instar on July 20; 3 molted to the third instar on July 24, 5 on 7 July 25, and 1 on July 26; 3 entered the soil as prepupae on July 27, and 6 on July 28; 3 transformed to pupae on July 30, 2 adults emerging on August 7, and one of the pupae dying; 2 transformed to pupae on August 1, emerging as adults on August 8; 4 transformed to pupae on August 2, 2 emerging as adults on August 10 and 2 on August 11. SEASONAL History IN MAINE. Like the other members of the ignita group, the rose flea- beetle passes the winter as an adult, hidden away in the debris at the base of the rose-bushes. The writer has not had this species under observation in Maine in the spring, but, judging from Connecticut material, the beetles emerge from their winter quarters and begin ovipositing at approximately the same time -as the dogwood flea-beetle. The oviposition period is excep- tionally long even for a flea-beetle, and eggs were deposited in the laboratory as late as July 31 (1917). Eggs were found commonly in Maine on July 20 (1918) and the first larvae on July 25 (1918). Many of the hibernating adults survive until late July, but the latest date to which one lived in the laboratory was August 8 (1917). The first beetle of the new generation to emerge in the laboratory transformed on July 31 (1917). There is only one generation each year, at least in Maine. DISTRIBUTION. The writer has taken this species in Middletown, Conn., and has seen specimens collected in Massachusetts and New York. In Maine the writer has taken this species in Orono and Ellsworth, and Doctor Patch has collected specimens in Port- land, so it is probably generally distributed throughout the State. 178 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Tue Ease. Coloration. The eggs do not as a rule show any change in color before hatching, except that the 4 black thoracic spots | show through the shell about 24 hours previous to the emer-| gence of the larva. Where deposited. The eggs are deposited on the lower} surface of the leaves of the food plant. They are always) streaked with excrement. How many deposited. As is customary among chrysome- lids, the eggs are deposited in clusters. Usually there are about| 7 deposited in each cluster, and the largest number that the] writer has found in any one group is 12. Te WAR VA Hatching. The process of hatching is exactly the same} as that already described for A. corni on page 166. Coloration after hatching. When. the larva hatches from’ the egg it is entirely honey yellow, except for the 4 black thoracic} spots characteristic of the just hatched flea-beetles, as the dorsal portion of the lateral tubercles (fused v, vii, and vill) of the mesothorax and the metathorax is the only pigmented portion) of the cuticula when the larva ruptures the egg shell. The larva colors up gradually, requiring about 2 hours to reach the} normal coloration. ) Color description of a first instar larva, early. Head and legs shin- ing black, prothoracic and anal: shields brown; body dark olive yellow, | tubercles dark ‘black brown, general aspect almost black; anal proleg honey yellow. Color description .of a_ first instar larva, late. Head, prothoracic} shield and legs shining black, anal shield brown; body honey yellow, | slightly greenish, both above and below; tubercles dull brown; anal 1 proleg honey yellow. I The molt to the second instar (first molt). The process of molt- P ing is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in) detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetle (page 188). Coloration after the first molt. The coloration after the first molt} is exactly the same as that described below under the heading “colora-/ tion after the second molt.” Color description of the second instar larva, early. Head, legs, pro- thoracic shield and tubercles shining black; anal shield incompletely Tue B otocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 179 | black; body very dark olive brown above, lighter below; general aspect jalmost black; anal proleg honey yellow. Color description of the second instar larva, late. Head and legs ‘shining black, prothoracic and anal shields brown; body light greenish ‘yellow above and below, tubercles brown; anal proleg honey yellow. | The molt to the third instar (second molt). The process of | molting is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetle ‘(page 188). | Coloration after the second molt. After each molt the arva is entirely pale honey yellow, including the head, legs, ‘shields, and tubercles, except that the spiracles are black, the -setal punctures brown, and the mandibles reddish brown. It requires about 2 hours after the legs have been withdrawn from the old cuticula to reach the normal coloration. The process is typically approximately as outlined below: 30 min.: dorsal tubercles slightly dull; 45 min.: head, legs, shields, and tubercles blackish; 60 min.: head brown, shields, tubercles, and legs gray brown, body dull yellow brown; the apodemes of the head show black, and the antennae are fully colored; 75 min.: shields, tubercles, and legs, as well as héad, brown; 90 min.: head, shields, legs, and tuber- cles, dark brown, body dark; 105 min.: head and legs brownish black; 120 min.: head and legs black; 135 min.: normal coloration. Color description of the third instar larva, early. Head and legs shining black; prothoracic and anal shields incompletely black; tuber- ‘cles dark brown, body dark olive yellow, whole aspect almost black; anal proleg honey yellow. Color description of the third instar larva, late. Head and legs shining black, prothoracic and anal shields incompletely brown; body light greenish yellow above and below, tubercles brown; anal proleg honey yellow. Variation. There is very great variation in the color of the prothoracic and anal shields in all of the instars, especially the last. They may be either black or brown, and completely or incompletely colored. They are more frequently brown than black, especially in the older larvae, and more frequently splotched than uniformly colored. Feeding habits. The larvae feed exclusively on the under- side:of the leaves, which they skeletonize in a very character- istic fashion, leaving only a network of the veins and the upper epidermis. 180 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. THE PREPUPA. Formation of the prepupal cell. As soon as it enters the soil the prepupa constructs a rude cell not far below the surface! of the ground. The formation of the cell is discussed in more detail under the dogwood flea-beetle (page 168). | Coloration. The color fades out during prepupal life, and in the late prepupa, the legs and head are brown, the tubercles) dull brown, and the general aspect of the body is dull yellowish. | THe PupPa. The molt from the prepupa to the pupa. This molt is ac- complished in the same way in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the elm flea-beetle on page 190.) Color cycle. The pupae of the rose flea-beetle pass through! a series of color changes correlated with the progress of inter- nal metamorphosis, as do the other chrysomelids which the writer has studied. } On the third day, the eyes become light brown, dark brown on the fourth, and black on the fifth. The mandibles turn red-_ dish brown also, usually on the fifth day. The wings appear! very light gray 48 hours before the adult is ready to emerge (usually on the sixth day), and dark gray 24 hours before emer-) gence. There is, of course, some variation as to the time in which | these characters appear, but the appearance and sequence of these pigmentations is perfectly constant. THE ADULT. | | Emergence. The process of emergence is the same in tel of the flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the dogwood flea-beetle on page 169. Coloration. When the beetle first emerges, it is soft-bodied, and prevailingly yellow in color. It requires about 24 howls before it is fully hardened and colored, and the beetle remains up to this time in the pupal cell. Feeding habits. The adults feed freely both in the fall and in the spring on the leaves of their food plants. They eat | i / j ; | Tue Biotocy or Marne Spectres oF ALTICA. 181 ‘little holes through the leaf, so that their work is as character- istic as, and very different from, that of the larvae. | Mating. As is usual among chrysomelids, the beetles re- ‘main in copulation several hours, and each female pairs several times in the course of the season. | Number of eggs deposited by one female. The writer has no data as to the number of eggs which one female is. capable ‘of depositing, but it is probably at least as high as that of the ‘dogwood flea-beetle (see page 170), as a single female cap- tured on July 22 deposited 51 eggs before the end of the month. Foop PLANTS. Natural Food Plants. The only plants on which the writer has ever found this species in the field, either in Maine or Con- necticut, belong to the genus Rosa. They seem to prefer the wild roses, but the writer has seen them several times on cul- tivated roses. The Massachusetts and New York specimens in the Boston Museum of Natural History are also labelled “wild rose”. A number of laboratory tests to determine the possible range of food plants is recorded below. FOOD PLANTS OF THE ADULT ROSE FLEA-BEETLE.* (i) Eaten readily. Wild rose, cultivated rose, Japanese rose, wild straw- berry, cultivated strawberry. (ii) Eaten indifferently. Fireweed, marsh fireweed. (iii) Refused. Hazel, gray birch, alder, white elm, smooth gooseberry, cultivated spiraea, meadow sweet, apple, mountain ash, shad bush, choke cherry, red cherry, wild plum, grape, rasp- berry, evening primrose, red osier dogwood, basswood, low blueberry, hawthorn, golden-rod. -F@OD PLANTS OF THE LARVA OF THE ROSE FLEA-BEETLE. (i) Eaten readily. Wild strawberry, cultivated strawberry, wild rose, Japan- ese rose, cultivated rose. (ii) Eaten indifferently. Marsh fireweed. 182 Tue Brotocy or MAINE SPEcIEs oF ALTICA. (iii) Refused. Corn, cultivated willow, heart-leaved willow, gray birch, alder, red oak, white elm, smooth gooseberry, European gooseberry, red currant, cultivated spiraea, app’e, moun- tain ash, shad bush, choke cherry, red cherry, wild plum, bean, maple, wood-bine, basswood, evening primrose, red osier dogwood, low blueberry, tomato. NATURAL ENEMIES. Fungous diseases. This species is susceptible to the same fungous diseases as the dogwood flea-beetle (see page 173). Insect enemies. The writer has not yet found any parasitic) or predaceous insects preying upon this species. CONTROL. Same as for the dogwood flea-beetle (see page 173). ALTICA ULMI, SP. N., THE ELM FLEA-BEETLE. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES. DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULT. Elongate oval, distinctly convex; body above shining green, blue, ; violet, or red violet with greenish or purplish reflections; antennae black with purplish or greenish reflections, especially the proximal segment:) proximal segment. quite smooth, the others more or less pubescent with fine white setae: about one-half the length of the body and somewhat f less than twice the width of the prothorax at its base: segments 2-3-4 successively longer: segment 4 nearly if not quite three times as long. as wide: segment 10 not more than twice as long as wide, frequently 4 less; eyes black, not prominent, their width as seen from the front less than one-half the interocular distance; frontal carina moderate, obtuse; frontal tubercles moderately large, flat, almost contiguous; vertex not punctate; width of head across the eyes about two-thirds that of the prothorax at its widest point. *For the scientific names of the plants used in these tests, see page 171. | Tue Biotocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 183 Prothorax one-half wider than long; margin comparatively wide; base scarcely wider than apex, regularly arcuate caudad; sides nearly parallel at the base, convergent at the apex; basal angles minutely denti- q : form, prominent; apical angles obliquely truncate; surface compara- tively finely but quite densely punctate; ante-basal groove well defined and entire. Elytra across umbones one-third wider than the base of the pro- thorax; each elytron from two and one-half to three times as long as wide, and slightly more than two times as long as the width of the base of the prothorax; surface alutaceous, comparatively coarsely but densely punctate; humeral angles obtuse, more or less rounded; umbo only moderately prominent; post-humeral depression not strong. Scutellum colored like the elytra, sparsely punctate. d Body beneath colored like the body above; abdomen quite densely beset with fine white setae. Legs colored like the body above, except the under surfaces of the two proximal segments of the tarsi and both surfaces of the three distal segments, which are brown, and the claws, which are red brown; the setae of the legs are white. Last ventral segment of male sinuate on each side; lateral lobes comparatively large; median lobe short, semicircular, flat, the extreme edge sometimes slightly reflexed. The last ventral segment of the male is exactly similar to that of A. corm, as shown in figure IIE. Length 4.5 mm.-5 mm. Type locality, Orono, Maine; male designated as type deposited in the collection of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine. Paratypes (which are also topotypes) deposited in the collec- ‘tions of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine; of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut; of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; and of the United States National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. DESCRIPTION OF THE EGG. Subcylindrical, irregularly elliptical; surface minutely punctate and finely sculptured, entirely divided into polygonal areas, although the sculpturing is frequently obscure; color yellow; length about 1 mm. The eggs are shown in figure 12C. DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVA. Description of the full grown larva. Head, legs, protho- racic, and anal shields shining black; general body color almost black, a little lighter ventrally; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black, ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. Length 5.5 mm. 184 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. All of the other characters, such as the general structure of the body and the arrangement of setae and tubercles, are exactly the same as is described under the larva of A. corni (page 157). Description of the newly hatched larva. The arrangement of the setae and tubercles is exactly the same as in the full grown larva. The tubercles are proportionately larger, and crowded more closely together, and the head is proportionately lancer een oul Temi Head measurements of larvae. Ist instar. Minimum, .29 mm.; maximum, .33 mm.; average, .31 mm. (Estimated from 30 specimens). 2nd instar. Minimum, 43 mm.; maximum, .55 mm.; average, .48 mm. (Estimated from 33 specimens). 3rd instar. Minimum, .62 mm.; maximum, .74 mm.; average, .68 mm. (Estimated from 65 specimens). Ratio of measurements: 1.5; theoretical measurements: .31, .48 .72; actual average measurements: .31, .48, .68. THe PupPa. Description of just formed pupa. Bright orange yellow (not as orange as A. bimarginata Say) ; setae and spiracles dark brown, caudal spines black, appendages translucent; otherwise — exactly like A. corni (see page 169). Length 3.5-4 mm; width 2 mm. Description of pupa ready to transform. WDorsum of pro- thorax shining gray brown; metathoracic thickenings brown; eyes and antennae black; mandibles dark brown; wings and the greater part of each femur and tibia, piceous; tarsi black; coxae brown; head, between the eyes, dark brown; otherwise like the newly formed pupa. (The elytra are colorless although they appear gray as the wings le underneath them and show through). BroLocicaL History. SUMMARY OF REARINGS. Length of egg stage. A record which was kept of 46 eggs deposited between June 14 and July 21 inclusive, may be tabu- lated as follows: SS — Tue Bzotocy oF MAINE Species oF ALTICA. 185 5 hatched in 8 days, 5 in 9 days, 5 in 10 days, 8 in 11 days, 7 in 12 days, 6 in 13 days, 9 in 15 days, and 1 in 19 days; average 12 days. Length of the first larval instar. A record which was kept ‘of 71 larvae which hatched between June 22 and July 31 in- ‘clusive, may be tabulated as follows: | 8 molted to the second instar in 5 days after hatching from the ‘egg, 16 in 6 days, 20 in 7 days, 13 in 8 days, 11 in 9 days, 1 in 10 days, ‘1 in 11 days, and 1 in 12 days; average 7 days. | Length of the second larval instar. A record which was kept of 80 larvae which molted to the second instar between June 28 and August 8 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 2 molted to the third instar in 3 days after the first molt, 11 in 4 days, 32 in 5 days, 25 in 6 days, 6 in 7 days, and 4 in 8 days; average 5 days. Length of the third larval instar. A record which was kept of 68 larvae which molted to the third instar between July 4 and August 8 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 5 entered soil in 4 days after the second molt, 17 in 5 days, 23 in 6 days, 12 in 7 days, 3 in 8 days, 1 in 9 days, 5 in 10 days, 1 in 11 days, and 1 in 12 days; average 6 days. Length of the prepupal period. A record which was kept of 60 prepupae which entered the soil between July 14 and August 15 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: | 1 transformed to the pupal stage in 3 days after entering soil, 9 in 4 days, 23 in 5 days, 19 in 6 days, 4 in 7 days, 1 in 8 days, and 3 in 10 days; average 5 days. Length of the pupal period. A record which was kept of 44 pupae which transformed between July 22 and August 22 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 2 emerged as adults in 6 days after the pupal molt, 10 in 7 days, 18 in 8 days, 10 in 9 days, and 4 in 10 days; average 8 days. Typical life history. The following is cited as a typical life history: 6 eggs deposited June 20 (1917) hatched July 2; 1 molted to the second instar on July 8, 5 on July 9; 5 molted to the third instar on July 13, 1 on July 14; 3 entered soil as prepupae on July 17, 2 on July 18, and 1 on July 19; 3 transformed to pupae on July 22, emerging as adults on July 30: 3 transformed to pupae on July 23, 1 emerging as an adult on July 30, and 2 on July 31. SEASONAL History IN MAINE. Like the preceding species, the elm flea-beetles hibernate as adults. They pass the winter hidden away under fences or debris at the base of the elm trees, or under the loose bark on 186 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. the trunks. They come out from their winter quarters in early | June, just as the elm buds are opening. The adults are not very | active early in the season, and usually crawl back under the bark for protection during the night. In 1917, the writer found | a few pairs on June 2, and by June 5, they were pairing com- monly. The earliest date on which the writer has found eggs in| Maine is June 7 (1917) and eggs were not common until late | in the month. Many beetles may be found pairing in late June | and early July, but the latest date on which eggs have been deposited in the laboratory is July 15 (1917). The earliest date on which the writer has found larvae is} June 25 (1918), but a very few perhaps hatch slightly earlier. } Most of the larvae are in the first instar in early July, with a few in the second instar; in mid-July, the great bulk are in} the second instar, and a few in the early third; while later in| the month, the great majority are in the third instar; although | first instar larvae may still be found occasionally even as late as early August. Most of the overwintering adults are dead oy adele and | the latest date to which one lived in the laboratory is August 1o (1916). The adults of the new generation begin to appear in late July (the earliest date on which one emerged in the lab-| oratory was July 30, (1916), and are common by the tenth of August. They feed freely on the leaves during the rest of the) summer and early fall, entering into hibernation at the approach” of cold weather. There is only one generation each year in Maine, although | egg laying covers a very long period of time. | DISTRIBUTION. The elm flea-beetle is common in Connecticut. The writer has also seen specimens collected in Pennsylvania by Professor. Robert Matheson of Cornell University. | In Maine, the writer has noticed this species only in sev- eral localities and doubtless it is widely distributed through | the state. Tue Brotocy oF MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 187 THe Eee. Coloration. The eggs do not as a rule show any change in color before hatching, except that the 4 black thoracic spots show through the shell about 24 hours previous to the emer- gence of the larva. Where deposited. The eggs are deposited on the lower surface of the leaves of the food plant, and at least on the elm, always in the angle formed by the union of one of the secondary veins with the mid-rib. The eggs may or may not be streaked with excrement. How many deposited. The eggs are never deposited in clusters as in the case with most flea-beetles, but only one or two are laid in any given place. This is in marked contrast to the habits of related species. THe LARVA. Hatching. The process of hatching is exactly the same as that already described for A. corni on page 166. Coloration after hatching. When the larva hatches from the egg, it is bright yellow (less orange than bimarginata) ; the legs are translucent, the setal punctures brown, and the fused tubercles v-vii-vili of the mesothorax and the metathorax are very dark brown so that the larva appears yellow with four black spots. The coloration of the newly hatched larva, which gradually becomes darker is typically that outlined below: 10 min.: head slightly blackish, tips of the tarsi black, thoracic spots black; 20 min.: abdomen somewhat darkish, tubercles brown, head de- cidedly blackish, tarsi blackish and the rest of the legs dark; 30 min.: prothorax blackish, as dark as the abdomen, head dark gray; 40 min.: legs all gray, tubercles and prothorax gray, head almost black; 50 min.: darker, but no change in the relative coloration; 60 min.: tubercles legs and prothorax dark gray, body gray with only a faint suggestion of yellow, head shining black; 70 min.: no change; 90 min.: head, pro- thorax, and last joint of legs shining black; 120 min.: normal colora- tion. _ Color description of a first instar larva, early. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs shining black; general body color dull yellow; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black brown; lateral tubercles (v-vii- Vili) of mesothorax and metathorax shining black and very prominent; ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. 188 MaAINeE AGRICULTURAL. EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Color description of a second instar larva, late. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs, shining black; general body color bright golden yellow, a little lighter ventrally than dorsally; dorsal and lateral tubercles black, ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. The molt to the second mstar (first molt). The molt to the second instar is exactly like that to the third instar, and is described below under that heading. Coloration after the first molt. The coloration after the first molt is exactly the same process as that described below under the heading “coloration after the second molt.” Color description of the second instar larva, early. Head, pro- thoracic and anal shields, shining black; general body color very dark golden black, somewhat lighter ventrally; dorsal and lateral tubercles black, ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. Color description of the second instar larva, late. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs, shining black; general body color dark golden yellow (duller than in the late first instar), a little lighter ventrally; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black, ventral tubercles brown, anal proleg yellow. The molt to the third instar (second molt). A number of larvae was carefully watched while they accomplished the sec- ond molt. The first step in the process is the rupturing of the old cuticula, which splits along the mid-dorsal line of the -metathorax, this crack extending forward on the mid-dorsal | line of the mesothorax, the prothorax, and the Y-shaped head — suture. Through the opening thus formed, the thoracic seg- ments are arched out, the mesothorax being the first to bulge out. Within 5 minutes after the appearance of the split, the © thoracic segments are well out, and in Io or 15 minutes the j head as well is free. All this is accomplished by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the body muscles. The legs are freed immediately after the head. To draw them out from the old cuticula, the body is hunched together, and then the head is thrown back suddenly as far as is possible, which re- sults in extricating them one pair at a time, although these movements take place so rapidly that the legs seem to be with- — drawn almost simultaneously. The legs are held: appressed | for several minutes as they are very soft when they are first drawn out, and the larva clings to the leaf only by the anal proleg. In about 5 minutes the legs are used a little to help | push down the old cuticula from the abdomen, and in approxi- | mately 15 minutes after they have been withdrawn, the larva Tue Biotocy or MAINE SPECIES oF ALTICA. 189 releases the anal proleg, walks out of the old skin, and the molt is complete. This process takes about half an hour. The larva begins to feed immediately. One can see very plainly that the invaginated portions of the ectoderm molt their chitinized linings, as well as the exposed ‘parts. Under a binocular the molting of the intima of the fore and hind intestines and of the tracheae shows up very clearly. ‘As is supposed to be the case with insects generally, the new ‘setae are not formed inside of the old ones (although they are developed from the same trichogen cells) but lie flat on the ‘body wall, between the new and old cuticulae. They spring up to the normal position as soon as they are free from the molted skin. Coloration after the second molt. As the larva starts to walk, the body is entirely bright shining orange yellow, except tor the brown setal punctures, the reddish brown mandibles, and the translucent legs. The coloration proceeds typically . about as follows: | 10 min.: no change; 20 min.: body slightly duller, but head, legs and prothorax unchanged; 30 min.: all three thoracic segments and the ‘abdomen dull, head somewhat duller, legs paler; 40 min.: legs pale gray, head still yellow, thorax and abdomen blackish; 50 min.: head and prothorax duller and darker than the rest of the body, tubercles brown; 60 min.: no change; 70 min.: legs black, tubercles dark brown; 85 min.: jarva darker, but no relative change: 100 min.: head and legs deep shin- ing black; prothoracic shield dark shining brown; body dark; 115 min.: no change; 130 min.: prothoracic shield shining black; tubercles very dark brown; 150 min.: normal coloration. Color description of the third instar larva, early. Head, prothoracic ‘and anal shields, and legs shining black; general body color almost black (darker and duller than in early second instar), a little lighter below; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black, ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. Color description of the third instar larva, late. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs, shining black; body dark golden yellow (darker than in late second instar), a little lighter below; dorsal and lateral tubercles dull black, ventral tubercles brown; anal proleg yellow. Feeding habits. Vhe larvae feed exclusively on the under- side of the leaves, which they skeletonize in a very character- istic fashion. Their work is illustrated in figure 95 of bulletin 195 of this Station. 190 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. THe PREPUPA. Formation of the prepupal cell. As is described more in detail under A. corni on page 168, the prepupa constructs a rude cell not far below the surface of the ground, as soon as it enters the soil. Coloration. When the larva first enters soil as a prepupa, the head, shields, and legs are shining black, the body dark golden yellow, and the tubercles very dark brown. During pre- pupal life the body becomes somewhat duller at first, and the tubercles much lighter. In the late prepupa, the mesothorax and the metathorax are golden yellow above, and the general aspect of the body is golden brown above and golden yellow ventrally. All of the tubercles are light brown. THE PUuPA. The molt to the pupa. The prepupal skin splits exactly as | in the case of a larval molt, beginning at the base of the mid dorsal line of the metathorax. The pupa wriggles out through the opening thus formed, simply by the alternate contraction — and relaxation of the somatic muscles, the head and thorax com- | ing out first and later the abdomen. This molt requires about 50 minutes. The pupa is always formed with the ventral aspect uppermost, and it remains in this position throughout the period. As was pointed out in the case of the alder flea-beetle (Bulletin 265, page 265), there is no homology between the larval legs and the imaginal legs. At the beginning of the molt, each leg, though fully formed, is curled up into a little pad at the base of the larval leg, but as soon as they are free from the old cuticula, they are straightened out so as lie in the position normal to the pupa. The wings and elytra lie pushed ventrad in the prepupa beneath the larval cuticula, in much the same | relationship that they have in the pupa. As is to be expected, the pupal setae lie flat on the body wall between the larval and pupal cuticulae, and do not extend up into the larval hairs. As soon as they are free from the larval cuticula they spring up into the normal position. Tue B:orocy oF MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA. 191 | Color cycle. When the pupa is first formed, it is bright yellow, except for the black caudal spines, and the brown setae and spiracles. But as the pupa grows older, certain color changes appear very constantly and furnish a reliable key to the age of the pupa. On the second day after the pupal molt, the eyes become light brown; they are a medium brown by the third day, and black by the fourth. By the fifth day, the mandibles are red- dish brown, and at the same time, the wings become light gray. They become dark gray about 24 hours later. Tue ADULT. Emergence. The emergence of the adult is exactly like the process already described for A. corni on page 169. Coloration. When the beetle first emerges from the pupal cuticula, the prevailing body color is orange yellow. The eyes are black, as are also the antennae, and the parts of the legs; between the eyes the head is gray, but elsewhere it is yellowish; the labrum is yellow, the mandibles reddish brown, and the maxillae and labium black. All of the coxae are black, save the prothoracic, which are yellowish, as are all of the femora, except distally where they are piceous; the tibiae are black proximally, and the tarsi are black dorsally. There are 2 round gray spots on the pronotum. The elytra are yellow. In about an hour the tibiae become entirely black, and the procoxae, piceous. The pronotum is gray except around the edges. The wings stretch out their full length behind, fully formed, and not wrinkled. After another hour, the scutellum is brown, and by four hours the elytra while still soft begin to have a greenish iridescence. In 5 hours, the pronotum is entirely dark, with greenish reflections. In 6 hours, the beetle is almost normally colored dorsally, and the ventral surface begins to show signs of coloration. The beetle is very soft when it is first formed, and it remains in the pupal cell for about 24 hours, or until it is fully colored and hardened. _ Feeding habits. The adults feed very freely both in the spring and fall on the leaves of their food plants. They eat holes through the leaf, so that their work is as characteristic as, and very different from, that of the larvae. Their work on elm sit 192 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. leaves is shown in figure 94 of Bulletin 195 of this Experiment Station. Mating. As is usual with chrysomelid beetles, each female pairs several times during the season, before she has finished depositing all of her eggs. Number of eggs deposited by one female. These beetles do not thrive in confinement as well as most flea-beetles do, and the number of eggs deposited under laboratory conditions is probably somewhat smaller than the number normally deposited under natural conditions. The greatest number of eggs that was deposited by any one female was 181 between June 11 and July 15 (1917). The greatest number laid by one beetle in 24 hours was 17. Foop PLANTS. Natural food plants. The only plant on which the writer has ever found this species in the field is the white elm, Ulmus americana L. But in the laboratory, the larvae, especially, ate with more or less readiness a surprisingly large number of other plants. FOOD-PLANTS OF THE ADULT ELM FLEA-BEETLE.* (i) Eaten readily. White elm, red elm, basswood. (ii) Eaten indifferently. : Cultivated willow, heart-leaved willow, petiolate willow, beaked willow, wild strawberry, cultivated strawberry, wild rose, cultivated rose, Japanese rose, fireweed, low blueberry. . (iii) Refused. Aspen poplar, balsam poplar, sweet fern, hazel, gray birch, | alder, red oak, syringa, smooth gooseberry, European — gooseberry, cultivated spiraea, apple, mountain ash, choke ; cherry, red cherry, wild plum, cultivated plum, sugar | maple, woodbine, marsh fireweed, evening primrose, red osier dogwood, bunchberry, sheep laurel, lilac, Joe Pye weed, grape (!). *For the scientific names of the plants used in these tests, see page © 171. Tue Brotocy or Marne Species oF ALTICA. 193 el FOOD PLANTS OF THE LARVA OF THE ELM FLEA-BEETLE. (i) Eaten readily. White elm, red elm, basswood. (ii) Eaten indifferently. Corn, hazel, red oak, European gooseberry, mountain ash, shad bush, wild strawberry, cultivated strawberry, wild rose, cultivated rose, Japanese rose, choke cherry, red cherry, wild plum, cultivated plum, bean, fireweed, marsh fireweed, evening primrose, panicled dogwood, bunchberry, low blueberry, tomato. (ii1) Refused. Cultivated willow (!), heart-leaved willow, aspen poplar, balsam poplar, sweet fern, gray birch (!), alder (!), syringa, cultivated spiraea, apple, red currant (!), wood- bine, red osier dogwood (!), sheep laurel, lilac, Joe Pye weed. . | NATURAL ENEMIES. Fungous diseases. This species is susceptible to the same _fungous diseases as A. corni (see page 173). i | Insect enemies. But two species of insects have been found preying upon the elm flea-beetle, one a parasitic and the other a -predaceous form. The writer has bred a single specimen of Celatoria spinosa Coquillet from an adult elm flea-beetle. This is the same species which he has bred in considerably larger numbers from A. corni Hsee page 173). The nymphs of one of the large soldier bugs (Podisus modestus) were found feeding on the larvae of this flea-beetle in Orono during the summer of 1917. Neither of these insect enemies was found in sufficient abundance so that they would appear to be of much effect in controlling the species. CONTROL. Same as for A. corni (see page 173). 194. MaIne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Johannsen, Oskar Augustus, and Patch, Edith M. 1911. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 195, p. 233- 234, Figs. 94-95. (Haltica carinata as an elm leaf pest). ALTICA TORQUATA LE. CONTE, THE BEURBERRY FLEA-BEETEE. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES. DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULT. Elongate oval, convex; body above brilliant cupreous with metallic reflections; antennae cupreous, becoming more or less piceous distally; segments 1-3 nearly smooth, the others (especially the distal ones) quite | densely pubescent with fine whitish setae: slightly less than one-half the length of the body, and considerably less than twice the width of the prothorax at its base; segments 2-3-4 successively longer: segment 4 about two and one-half times as wide as long: segment 10 not more than twice as long as wide, frequently less; eyes black, their width as seen from the front less than one-half the interocular distance; frontal | carina moderately prominent, acute; frontal tubercles moderately large, almost contiguous; vertex not punctate; width of head across eyes a little more than two-thirds that of the prothorax at its widest point. Prothorax about two-thirds wider than long; margin narrow, | thickened at the basal and apical angles; base but little wider than the | apex, regularly arcuate caudad; sides nearly parallel at the base, con-. vergent at the apex; basal angles subacute, prominent; apical angles” rounded; surface alutaceous, comparatively finely and closely punctate; ante-basal groove shallow and incomplete. = Elyira (across umbones) one-fourth wider than the base of the pro- thorax; each elytron three times as long as wide, and slightly more than twice as long as the width of the base of the prothorax; surface minutely — alutaceous, comparatively coarsely but densely punctate; humeral angles rounded; umbo scarcely prominent; post-humeral depression slight. Scutellum colored like the elytra, sparsely punctate. Body beneath colored like the body above, with strong green‘sh | reflections; abdomen quite densely beset with fine white setae. Legs colored like the body; claws red brown, pulvilli light brown; setae white; the femora of the hind legs are especially large, even for : an Altica. median line running about half the length of the segment. : Length, 5 mm. Last ventral segment of male sinuate each side; lateral lobes small, median lobe short, semicircular, flat, with a sharply defined impressed Figure 12H is reproduced from the photograph of a beetle of this species. The last ventral segment of the male is shown in figure 11F. | Tue Biotocy or MarIne Species or ALTICA. 195 DESCRIPTION OF THE EGG. | Subcylindrical, irregularly elliptical; surface minutely punctate and | finely sculptured, entirely divided into polygonal areas, though the sculp- ‘turing is frequently obscure; color orange, length about 1 mm. The ‘eggs are shown in figure 12D. DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVA. Description of the full grown larva. Head, legs, protho- racic and anal shields shining black; genral aspect dark brown or almost black; tubercles dull black; anal proleg orange. Length 6 mm. All of the other characters, such as the general structure ‘of the body and the arrangement of the setae and tubercles, are ‘exactly the same as is described under the larva of the dogwood flea-beetle, page : | Description of the newly hatched larva. The arrangement of the setae and tubercles is exactly the same as in the full ‘grown larva. The tubercles are proportionately larger and crowded more closely together, and the head is proportionately larger. The setae are all clearly capitate. Length 1.5 mm. Head measurements of the larvae. Ist instar, Minimum, .31 mm.; maximum, .35 mm.; average, .33 mm. (Estimated from 9 specimens. ) 2nd imstar. Minimum, .46 mm.; maximum, .54 mm.; average, .50 mm. (Estimated from 16 specimens.) 3rd imstar. Minimum, .69 mm.; maximum, .75 mm.; average, .72 mm. (Estimated from 23 specimens.) Ratio of measurements: 1.5; theoretical measurements: .33, .50, 79; actual average measurements: .33, .50, .72. hae Pores Description of just formed pupa. Bright orange (more Orange than that of the alder flea-beetle) ; setae and spiracles dark brown, caudal spines black, appendages translucent; other- ‘wise exactly like that of the dogwood flea-beetle (see page 160).. Length 4.5 mm. Description of the pupa ready to transform. Dorsum of prothorax grayish brown; metathoracic thickenings brown; eyes and antennae black; mandibles dark brown; wings dark gray; legs more or less piceous; otherwise like the newly formed pupa. (The elytra are colorless, although they appear gray as the wings lie underneath them and show through. ) 196 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. BrioLocicaL History. SUMMARY OF REARINGS. Length of the egg stage. The eggs are deposited in the summer, but do not hatch until the following spring. Length of the first larval instar. A record which was kept of g larvae which hatched between June 1 and June 4 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 6 molted to the second instar in 4 days after hatching from the egg, 2 in 5 days, and 1 in 6 days; average 4.5 days. Length of the second larval instar. A record which was kept of 31 larvae which molted to the second instar between June 1 and June 5 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 1 molted to the third instar in 2 days after the first molt, 15 in) 3 days, 14 in 4 days, and 1 in 5 days; average 4 days. Length of the third larval instar. A record which was kept of 36 larvae which molted to the third instar between June 4 and June I1 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 13 entered soil in 3 days after the second molt, 5 in 4 days, 9 i 5 days, 8 in 7 days, and 1 in 8 days; average 5 days. Length of the prepupal period. A record which was kept) of 79 prepupae which entered the soil between June 9 and June 28 inclusive, may be tabulated as follows: 10 transformed to pupae in 5 days after entering soil, 8 in 6 days, 35 in 7 days, 10 in 8 days, 15 in 9 days and 1 in 12 days; average 7 days: Length of the pupal period. A record which was kept of 61 pupae which transformed between June 15 and July 2 im clusive, may be tabulated as follows: 30 emerged as adults in 10 days after the pupal molt, 20 in 11 days, 6 in 12 days, 3 in 13 days, 1 in 14 days and 1 in 16 days; average 11 days. Typical life history. The following is cited as a typical life his-} tory: 4 eggs deposited in July (1916) hatched June 1 (1917) ;'1 molted to the second instar on June 5, 2 on June 6, and 1 on June 7; 1 molted to the third instar on June 8, 1 on June 9 and 2 on June 10; 1 died during third instar, 1 entered the soil as a prepupa on June 12, and 2 on June 15; 1 transformed to a pupa’'on June 18, emerging as an) adult on June 29; 1 transformed on June 21, emerging on July 2, auc 1 transformed on June 21, emerging on tee 3 SEASONAL History IN MAINE. Unlike the other flea-beetles of our fauna, which hibernatel as adults, the blueberry flea-beetle passes the winter in the egg! Tue Briotocy or MAINE SpPEctIEs oF ALTICA. 197 stage, and the writer has no data which would indicate that the yeetles ever live over the winter. The larvae hatch in the spring before the buds are fully sxpanded, and feed on the opening buds, so that they do great damage if abundant. The writer has taken a few larvae well ulong in the second instar even as early as June I, so it is evi- jent that some of the eggs hatch as early as May 24. The najority of larvae hatch in early June, and by the twentieth most of them are in the last instar; very few larvae can be found after the first of July. The pupal period is passed in the soil and is somewhat onger than that of related species. The first adult beetle bred n the laboratory emerged June 25, and the writer has taken qone as early in the field, so this must represent about the sarliest date on which they appear. It is 10 days or 2 weeks iiter emergence before they begin to pair, and several days ater before eggs are deposited. The first eggs were deposited n the laboratory on July 12 (1917), and the last on August 16, (1917). The great bulk of eggs is deposited in late July or very early August. Adults may be taken quite commonly until well into Sep- ember, but the writer has seen no indication that the beetles ‘ver survive the winter. There is only one generation each season. DISTRIBUTION. _ The blueberry flea-beetle is widely distributed in Maine, ind the writer has taken specimens in Orono, Ellsworth, cherryfield, and York County. Ordinarily this species is un- ‘ommon or rare in the state, but periodically it occurs in great ibundance, especially on the blueberry barrens of Washington -ounty, and when it is present in any considerable numbers, s capable of great damage, since it feeds on the opening blos- oms, and consequently the attacked bushes bear no fruit. This yeetle Was increasingly common in 1914 and 1915, and was ocally very abundant in 1916; the larvae were common in 1917, yut there were very few beetles later in the summer, and no pecimens were taken in Orono in 1918, nor were any com- jlaints received of the work elsewhere in the state up to the ime this bulletin went to press. 198 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. The writer has seen no specimens of this beetle in collec- tions which he was sure were this species outside of the Maine material. But as Le Conte’s description was based upon Kan- sas material, it is probably quite widely distributed through the United States. THis Hee Where deposited. The writer has never succeeded in find- ing the eggs of this species in the field; but they are probably deposited on the ground at the base of the plants. In the lab- oratory, the. beetles have almost invariably laid their eggs in the cheese cloth on the bottom of the rearing cages, and after careful searches in the field, no eggs were found on the twigs. The habits of the larvae would tend to confirm this view, for the newly hatched grubs are very uneasy, and wander around several hours before they settle down to feeding. _ How many deposited. The eggs are never deposited in clusters (so far as laboratory observations indicate), but are laid either singly or in little groups of 2 or 3. THE Larva. Hatching. Vhe process of hatching was not observed in this species. Coloration after hatching. The larvae are entirely yellow | orange when they hatch from the egg, with the same four black spots.on the thorax (dorsal portion of fused tubercles v-vii-viti of the mesothorax and the metathorax) characteristic of the flea-beetles. The larva becomes fully colored in about 2 hours. Color description of the first instar larva, early. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs shining black; dorsal tubercles dull black, ven- tral tubercles brown; general aspect dark brown, or almost black above, and dark golden brown ventrally; anal proleg yellow. Color description of the first instar larva, late. Head, prothoracic and anal shields, and legs, shining black; all tubercles brown; body above dark golden brown, lighter ventrally; anal proleg yellow. The molt to the second instar (first molt.) The process of . molting is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied, and is des- cribed in detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetles (page 188). Coloration after the first molt. The coloration after the first molt is exactly the same as that described below under the heading “coloration after the second molt.” eee Tue B.otocy or MAINE Species or ALTICA. 199 Color description of the second instar larva. The second ‘instar larva, both early and late, is colored exactly like the third ‘instar larva. | The molt to the third instar (second molt). The process of molting is the same in all of the flea-beetles studied and is described in detail under the second molt of the elm flea-beetle (see page 188). Coloration after the second molt. When the larva molts from the second instar to the third, it is entirely bright orange yellow at the time of the molt, including head, legs, and shields. ‘The cuticula gradually becomes pigmented, and the normal col- ‘oration is attained about 2 hours after the larva has shed its skin. Color description of the third instar larva, early. Head, legs, pro- ‘thoracic and anal shields shining black; all of the tubercles dull black; general aspect dark brown or almost black above, scarcely lighter ven- trally; anal proleg yellow. Color description of the third instar larva, late. Head, legs, pro- ‘thoracic and anal shields shining black; all of the tubercles brown; general aspect dark golden brown above, lighter ventrally; anal proleg yellow. Feeding habits. The larvae feed voraciously on the open- ing buds and flowers of the blueberry, and later on the leaves. When they are abundant they can cause severe losses, as they destroy the blossoms and hence preclude the possibility of the ‘plant setting fruit. Even when they do not sterilize the blos- -soms, they so injure the vitality of the plants that such berries as are produced are small and sour. Unlike the larvae of most flea-beetles, they do not skeletonize the leaves, but eat holes through them or eat out irregular notches in the sides. THE PREPUPA. Formation of the prepupal cell. As soon as the prepupa enters the soil, it constructs a rude cell not far below the sur- face of the ground. The formation of the cell is discussed in more detail under the dogwood flea-beetle (page 168). Coloration. The color fades out during the prepupal, and in the late prepupa, the tubercles are dull brown, and the gen- eral aspect of the body is golden brown dorsally, and golden ventrally. 200 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Tue Pupa. The molt from the prepupa to the pupa. This molt is accomplished in the same way in all flea-beetles, and is des- cribed in detail under the elm flea-beetle on page 190. Color cycle. The pupae of the blueberry flea-beetle pass through a series of color changes correlated with the progress of internal metamorphosis, as do the other chrysomelids which the writer has studied. On the fifth day of pupal life, the eyes become light brown, dark brown on the sixth, and black on the seventh. The man- dibles also turn reddish brown, usually on the sixth day. Forty-eight hours before emergence the wings appear very light gray, and dark gray about 24 hours previous. F There is of course some variation as to the time in which these characters appear, but the appearance and sequence of these pigmentations is perfectly constant. . THE ADULT: Emergence. The process of emergence is the same in all of the -flea-beetles studied, and is described in detail under the dogwood flea-beetle on page . Coloration. The adult when just emerging from the pupa is entirely yellow, except that there are grayish spots on the pronotum, the antennae are piceous, and: the legs are black at the femero-tibial joints. The body is very soft. In 6 hours | the legs, head,-elytra and pronotum are light gray and the anten-_ nae black. In 9 hours the beetle is almost normally colored above, but the ventral side has not yet become pigmented to any con- | siderable extent. The normal coloration and hardness are not attained for about 24 hours after emergence and the beetle does | not leave the pupal cell until that time. Feeding habits. The adult beetles feed very voraciously | on the leaves of the blueberry as soon as they have emerged, — and continue feeding all summer. The character of their work is shown in figure 13C. They soon strip the bushes of their | leaves and may do considerable damage. Mating. As is usual among chrysomelids, the beetles re- main in copulation several hours, and each female pairs several. times before she finishes oviposition. | i no very trustworthy data as to the number of eggs which one female is able to deposit, for the beetles do not thrive in the laboratory. No individual which he has isolated has deposited more than 25 eggs, but this is doubtless far below the normal capacity. Tue Brotocy or MAINE Species oF ALTICA. 201 Number of eggs deposited by one female. The writer has The writer would guess that the normal would ap- proximate that of the elm flea-beetle (about 200), rather than that of the more prolific dogwood flea-beetle (about 600). Foop PLANTS. Natural food plants.. The only plant on which the writer thas ever taken this species in the field is the low blueberry, Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam. Neither the adults nor larvae will eat the closely related velvet-leaf blueberry, V. canadense ‘Kalm, A number of laboratory tests to determine the possible range of food plants is recorded below. FOOD PLANTS OF THE ADULT BLUEBERRY FLEA-BEETLE.* (i) (ii) Eaten readily. Low blueberry. Eaten indifferently. Red oak. (aii) Refused. Corn, cultivated willow, heart-leaved willow, aspen, bai- sam poplar, cotton-wood, sweet fern, hazel, gray birch, alder, red elm, white elm, syringa, smooth gooseberry, European gooseberry, «red currant, cultivated spiraea, apple, mountain ash, shad bush, wild strawberry, cultivated _ strawberry, wild rose, cultivated rose, Japanese rose, choke cherry, wild red cherry, wild plum (!), cultivated plum, bean, sugar maple, woodbine, basswood, fireweed, marsh fireweed, evening. primrose, red osier dogwood, panicled dogwood, bunchberry, sheep laurel, velvet-leaf blueberry (!), lilac, tomato, Joe Pye weed. FOOD PLANTS OF THE LARVA OF THE BLUEBERRY FLEA-BEETLE. (i) (ii) Eaten readily. Low blueberry. Eaten indifferently. Red oak, wild plum. (iii) Refused. | 171. *For the scientific names of the plants used in these tests see page 202 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Shad bush, wild rose, cultivated rose, red currant, velvet- leaf blueberry (!). NATURAL ENEMIES. Fungous diseases. This species is susceptible to the same fungous diseases as the dogwood flea-beetle (see page 173). Insect enemies. Vhe writer has not yet taken any preda- ceous insects preying upon this species, nor bred any parasites from any of the stages. CONTROL. The writer has not had occasion to make any experimeunits in the control of this species, but there seems no reason to doubt that it can be controlled by spraying with arsenate of lead at the ordinary strength (6 pounds, paste form, to 100 gallons of water) wherever it is practicable to apply this remedy. The first application should be made in early June for the larvae, and if necessary, a second between the toth and 15th of July for the adults. It is only on the extensive blueberry barrens of the state that this species appears in sufficient numbers to cause appreci- able damage, and here the very nature of the land and its re- moteness from the towns, makes spraying and similar methods of control practically out of the question. Without doubt the practice of burning the barrens periodi- cally keeps this as well as other insects (notably the blueberry. maggot) in check, as it seems perfectly certain that the eggs, whether deposited on the ground as the writer suggested or on the bushes, would be killed by the fire. If it were noted some summer that the beetles were especially abundant on any given area of the barrens, it would probably be well to burn over that | area the following spring for the sake of destroying the eggs, even if that particular section would not normally be burned over in the regular rotation. Tue Brotocy or MAINE SPECIES OF ALTICA. 203 Figure 10. . ...2...< = eS Pure! bred. iGUcrns sya aaa eee | Grade Ayrshire Sa eg ae lina Grade Holstein_ Boe a ee eee | Pure) bred: Holstein eee Grade? Shorthorn eee Duteh= bilted. = eee Grade Brown) Swiss! 223-22. 60.1114+ .5887 53.9384 .5907 67.9250-= .8220 63.4099-+1.2469 61.1667+ .8275 69.5918 .7797 80.89824= .5255 92.8761+ .8791 65.7692+-1.8316 64.4737+1.1746 75-0000--2.1198 Wet mee Grade Aberdeen-Angus._..2 0-2 74.0909-+2.3681 The following facts come from a study of the cooperative records. The smallest breed also has the smallest weight a birth. The grades of the island breeds are generally larger thay the pure breds. This is due probably to the influence of the blood from larger breeds found in the pedigree of the islané grade stock. Pure bred Holstein-Friesian calves have the largest weight at birth showing that because an animal is bree to produce milk is no guarantee that its size at birth will not be as great as that of one of the properly beef breeds. ANIMAL HusBANDRY INVESTIGATIONS IN 1917. 223 | THE NORMAL LENGTH AND VARIATION OF THE PERIOD OF | GESTATION IN CATTLE | The analyses of the records on the average length of gesta- ' in dairy cattle furnish striking evidence of the accuracy of ‘tain human opinions grown up through years of experience. 1197 records of cattle births where the length of gestation 's known, the average duration of gestation was 281 days, 15 ‘ars and 45 minutes, or nearly the customary reckoning of 2 days. Half of these births had a length of gestation between 7 days and 286 days. The full range of the length of gesta- ‘n for the births was from 215 days to 315 days or a range too days. Since there were no abortions included in the fa it seems that under normal conditions the length of gesta- m may have considerable range even though most of the births * concentrated around one point. (c) THE CHANGE IN THE SEX RATIO DUE TO TWIN BIRTHS The sex ratio which exists in twins has always been of con- erable interest both from the point of view of mode of twin jduction and the manner in which identical twins are pro- ced. Our cooperative records furnish us some data on this @stion which are of great interest. In 2573 births there were pduced 21 twins or the proportion of twin births is about I every 125 births ar 8.17 in 1000, compared to a frequency of sinning among women® of about 1 in 89. The conclusion fol- Ivs that the frequency of twinning varies considerably with species even in those which normally produce only one off- 5 ing at birth. / Of especial interest is a comparison of the sex ratio as it urs in human and cattle births. In the 21 births above men- rned 3 were 2 males, 14 were male and female and 4 were 2 inales. Combining this data with that of Lillie,” as they are “Weit, “Beitrage zur geburtshulflichen statistik, “Monatsschr f. Geb. gevi., 1855. ‘Lillie, F. R., The Freemartin; a Study of the Action of Sex Hor- fes in the Foetal Life of Cattle. Jour. of Expt. Zoo. Vol. 23, No. 2. D 371-452. : I i i | 224 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. entirely comparable being random samples of cattle twins ¢ have 22 where both are males, 38 where there are twins of e sex, and 15 where both are females, or there are 37 twins} the same sex to 38 of opposite sex, a condition as close to tf 1:2:1 chance radio as could be well hoped for. Comparing t} with data presented by Nichols* where he found 234,497 whé there were 2 males, 264, 098 where the twins were of oppos sex, and 219,312 where the twins were both females or | against the 1 like to 1 opposite sex of twins in cattle, the hu family, have 1.7 like to 1 opposite sex. The excess of the lf sexed twins in the human family is known to be due to? identical twins, where two individuals of like sex come fr@ one egg. The figures given above show that cattle do not prody this excess over the 1 like sex to I opposite sex. Since this} true, it appears that in cattle the embroyological mechanism] such that it does not favor the production of identical twij This conclusion is further borne out by evidence collected di ing the past year on the resemblance of the members of a p| of like sexed twins. } | (d) THE TIME AFTER THE APPEARANCE OF HEAT THAT SER IS MOST LIKELY TO CAUSE CONCEPTION TO TAKE PLACE Knowledge of problem (d) and (e) is so closely associal to successful cattle raising as to be almost essential to {| proper management of the herd. The analysis of large ser’ of data on these problems collected through the cooperative | forts of the Maine Station and the Maine Cattle Breeders therefore especially instructive. Table 7 presents the nec sary data for the first of these problems. 225. 9CLG IL |L IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IP IP IL IP JALIL |6 J2L/9 ISL\P \SZ\ PE) LP\SF|S2)99/G8\T2Z)Z2L |OOL |COL |ZIL |666 |88L \Eeh |E8S |SLE |Z6L | 1®30.L 199 We L (E NIL I |6 LT 12 IL |S |S 16 |$ IL IP IF \LLIS |GL/SL/zbj0c|0Ory j0G |4E |92 |09 |6E |FIL 04 |POL 88 |r 5757 dJIALIG [NJssovdnsuy—) S906 I L TIE I$ 13 ILI |SLl9 |4 ISLIP |OLIS \6L\0Z|98)0F)09] FS/89|TS|Z8 08 j|ScL |98 |G69L |GPL \60E |SLe |P4G 16ST |-> 1®IOL GP e G L Gi i Mh eG. Ie GA BES] Giant | sareekee ae ae raed uMouyun xag & L I Leto Peed Slisk are [mea ce ~dl ene cl] an ein am So[VUulaq OAT, 6L IE L IL Ik G G G Coes Gate tek [Vay puUB s[BA & Ur I ES Giotise res gee: Soe, OMT Goan setae SUIA\L, T LT |L 1G |9 |3 |S [OLE | JL 16 16 |OCCl6LI9S | FE/TE|9G\8E \Sh |09 jOF (G8 |99 |2ZFL 106 |TSE |fy | oop ss O[BULI LOL Els \E Gm Pa PGe aCe Sa OL OT MG AOC GS GTP SS OSs ay issue en|/Z727peml Pale 1) OTE Dae | GST! 22,5 | ee nt ann enn ea 8[V a a St a a ea aS a aaa a a aS a SS S| SS SS I —|| — | | —— 1e40, ledlcaltr'seleelze Te 08 ealsalz2l9z\sa 72 ezizzltaloz er stlztiorisulprietiailttjorlé |s 12 19 |¢ 1% le |2 lt Jo ADIAIsS JO oUlIY PUL PodTJOU SVM Juoy UsyM oll} VeoMgeq pesdvy sanozy SuIdsyO JO xeg ‘puisdsf{_Q Suyjnsay ayy fo “as ayy Yq 4ayjaboT, an4sag pun yoozy fo aounavaddp waanjag awry ay, fo sanoyyT m uoynang ay fT 7, salaal\y/dh ANIMAL HusBANDRY INVESTIGATIONS IN 1917, fo.2) CO (o>) im! ri 226 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The necessary reduction of the statistics of table 7 to thei means and constants to measure their variability is seen table 8. Means, Standard Deviations and Coefficients of Variation fo the Hours between Observed Appearance of Heat and Service of the Cow. ABI eS: 1918. Sex of Offspring ‘TL.wOmelem al esies sa eae Sexe sunkn owns ees | Total successful services_-_| Unsuccessful services -___- Discovery of Heat to Service 5.9550 .1129 6.1417 11165 1.9167 .6619 4.6667-E .9554 9.5833-£1.2850 5.1548 .4426 6.0200-E .0795 5.8627 .1574 Standard Deviation 5.3355--.0798 5.4285-+.0824 1.6997+.4680 4.9068+.6756 3.2998+- .9086 4.2528-+.3130 5.38596-.0563 6.0009+.1113 Coefficient of Variation 89.5967+ 2.1654 88.3882+ 2.1467 88.6785+39.1673 105.1450+25.9416 34.4330+10.5929 82.5020+ 9.3316 89.0302+ 1.5032 102.3565-+ 3.3417 The above data indicates the following conclusions. (1) Successful services may occur 41 hours after the first observance of heat. | (2) The duration of the observed period of heat before) service in the unsuccessful services extends up to 69 hours. The interval hours covered in these unsuccessful services is therefore slightly longer than in the successful ones. (3) The average number of hours between observance| of heat and services is the same (within the errors of random) sampling) for the successful and unsuccessful services. | (4) When analyzed in groups of five hours periods it is found that the unsuccessful services occur most frequently in) the o-5 and 25 and above hour periods as compared with the — successful services. From this the conclusion seems justified that the best time for service would be between 5 and Io hours after appearance of heat. (5) The choice of this time for service would not cause any difference in the sex of the resulting calves for Table 8 shows the average number of hours from the time heat is ob- served to service is the same whether the resulting birth be male or female.® *ocs Cit. | ANIMAL HusBANDRY INVESTIGATIONS IN 1917. 227 This conclusion in itself is important as one of the primary objects for which the cooperative record project was inaugu- tated was to collect statistics bearing on the question as to whether the proportion of males to females in cattle could be influenced or controlled by the time of service relative to the beginning of the period of heat. Some earlier statistics? ap- deared to indicate that there was a possibility of influencing the sex ratio by paying attention to this point. _ The statistics analyzed in Table 8 probably prove conclu- sively, that the apparent relation between these two factors, which is believed by many breeders to exist and which our earlier studies appeared to indicate, was purely accidental. In fact taken on its face value without regard to probable errors ‘stead of their being more females resulting from services in sarly heat, there are actual a slight access of males. The conclusion of the previous incomplete analysis’? of the cooperative data is therefore substantiated, that there is no significant preponderance of females when the service is early in heat. (€) THE DECLINE IN THE NUMBER OF CONCEPTIONS AS THE NUMBER OF NECESSARY SERVICES INCREASES This problem is an ever occurring one in the breeding op- stations of any dairy herd. When shall a valuable animal be sold as a non-breeder? This, of course, depends on the num- der of service trials the cow has had. Data on the time when conception took place in a large series of connected birth and service records are valuable in our cooperative records. These lata are shown in Table 9. } | i f i *Pearl, R., and Parshley, H. M. Sex Studies V—Data on Sex Deter- nination in Cattle. Biol. Bulletin, vol. 24, pp. 205-225, 1913. Pearl, R. Brief Report of Progress on Animal Husbandry Inves- ‘gations in 1914, Me. Agric. Expt. Sta. Misc. Publ. 503, pp. 1-11, 1914. “Loe (Gre 228 Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. TABLE 9; Table Showing the Number of the Services at which Conception Took Place in 1801 Births of Dairy and Beef Cattle. Ordinal No. of services No. of cows conceiving at | Percentage of cows con- given at which concep- this particular service in | ceiving at this service in tion took place the series of services the series of services 1 1412 78.40 2 277 15.38 3 82 4.55 4 18 1.00 5 7 39 6 2 Al 7 al -06 8 1 -06 9 0 -00 10 A -06 This table shows that of 100 cows which are bred 78 of them conceive (so called stick) at the first service; 15 of them conceive at the second service; 4 at the third service; 1 at the fourth service and from this the number that conceive becomes so small as to be almost negligible. The place in this series at which the dairyman is justified in selling his cow is, of course, a matter for him to decide. It seems doubtful, however, if it would pay to keep a cow beyond the fifth service unless she is of considerable value. “Loc. Git. BULLETIN 275 me ls OP RAVE TEINS 3 Tea IEITS SUBD) ie N4 0) Abels SiON IN rors BUL NOT INCLUDED IN THE BULEELINS. | A complete list of all the publications issued by and from ‘the Station in 1918 is given on pages x to xi of the introduc- ‘tion to this Report. The following pages contain abstracts of ‘the papers issued during the year that are not included in the Bulletins or Official Inspections for the year. felUDIES IN INHERITANCE OF CERTAIN CHARAC- TERS OF CROSSES BETWEEN DAIRY AND BEEF IDRUSIDIDS Ol (avis ede: This constitutes a preliminary paper on the crossbred herd al being brought together by the Maine Agricultural Experi- ment Station for the purpose of studying some of the outstand- “ing problems of dairy husbandry. i The first section of the paper is devoted to a study of the ‘inbreeding in the foundation herd. It is shown that the in- | breeding as measured by the best mathematical methods is no ‘greater than would be expected to occur in any of the modern ‘breeds when the animals were selected at random. Consequent- ly it is safe to assume that the results of the study are not due to the width of the crosses, for, as has been pointed out, a num- _ber of the animals famous in their breed have been far more inbred than any of the parental stock used in these experiments. The individual records of the animals composing both the parental generation and the first and second filial generations are given. | Black body color is dominant to the other colors in the first generation. In the second generation an orange-coated *This is an Bbstrace from a paper by John W. Gowen, having the -same title and published in the Jour. Agr. Research, Vol. XV No. 1, 230 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. bull and a dark Jersey dun-coated heifer were segregated out. This is to be explained on the basis of a recessive dilutor in the Guernsey, segregated out along with the black color. The dark | heifer shows that the Jersey does not normally possess this fac- tor: It has been shown that white marking of the body taken as a whole appears as a dominant. Study of the individual white areas, however, indicate that this is due to white in the inguinal region only, for this alone appears as such a domi- nant. The white spots on the face (star, star snip, and blaze), neck, shoulders, rump, flanks, and legs are, in general, sup- pressed in their offspring whe such animals are mated to solid color. As has been suggested, but as has never been tested be- fore, the pigmented muzzle is dominant to the one not so pig- mented. Agreeing with the previous work of this laboratory it is shown that a pigmented tongue is dominant to a non-pigmented one. A black switch appears to cause the suppression of the other switch colors in the offspring. Because of this suppres- sion and because all of the matings had at least one animal | with a black switch as parent, it was impossible to study the | behavior of the other colors. There was one case of segrega- tion of a deep red-orange switch from a back cross of a black animal carrying an orange coat and white switch, genetically. | This case showed the segregation of the factor for orange switch from that for both white and black. The character of polledness has been studied. Two-horned animals resulting from crosses of polled x horned appeared. On the basis of the other results these could not have resulted | from a heterozygous polled condition. One of these cases had | the horns tight on the head and the other loose. These cases _ then form exceptions to the previously accepted hypothesis of © simple dominance for the polled character and require a sub- © sidiary hypothesis. The hypothesis suggested is that the testes — have some action on the presence or absence of horns. Partial proof of this hypothesis is given by the fact that of the polled F animals 10 were females, 2 males, 1 doubtfully polled. Of i those with scurs 1 female and 7 males had loose scurs; of those ABSTRACTS. 231 with tight scurs all (3) were males; of those with horns all (2) were males. This would seem like a clear case where the male ‘has some influence. The explanation of this difference ap- ‘pears to be due to a hormone secreted by the germ cells. Should this prove true, this forms an interesting parallel between cattle ) and sheep, in which the sex glands are known to produce such changes. The qualities of beef production are shown to be divisible “into four general regions of the body: head, fore quarters, bar- rel, and hind quarters. The type of head and heavy, deep fleshed fore quarters are transmitted to the offspring when either par- ent is of the Aberdeen-Angus breed. The body and hind quar- ‘ters appear intermediate, but resemble most the dairy parents. . Data are given on the milk and fat production of some of ‘the crossbreds. The results indicate that milk and fat produc- ‘tion behave separately. High milk production is dominant to low, but high fat percentage is recessive to a low fat percentage in the milk. 4 . Stupies In Mitx SECRETION IV. On the Variation and Mode of Secretion of Milk -Solids.* This paper is the fourth of a series of studies on milk now ‘being conducted in the Biological Laboratory of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. The data for this study are taken from the semi-official year records of the pure bred Hol- -stein-Friesian cows compiled and supervised by the Holstein- ‘Friesian Association. The means, standard deviations and coefficients of varia- tion are given for these year records. The mean annual pro- ductions are 15417 pounds of milk, 528 pounds of butter-fat, 1303 pounds of solids-not-fat. The standard deviations are respectively 3742 pounds of milk, 134 pounds of butter-fat, 260 pounds of solids-not-fat and 2 years. The coefficients of varia- tion are respectively 24, 25, 20 and 50. These data show Hol- stein-Friesian milk for one year to be large in amount and high *This is an abstract from a paper by John W. Gowen, having the Same title published in the Jour. Agr. Research. 232 Marine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Station. 1918. in the ratios of solids-not-fat to butter-fat as compared with other breeds. The correlations and linearity of regression yee the variables butter-fat per cent, amount of milk and age at com- mencement of test lead to the following conclusions. As the amount of milk given by the cows in this test in- creases, the percentage composition of the butter-fat decreases. The amount of this decrease is highly significant measured sta- tistically. Considered practically this fall in butter-fat content could not be easily detected in small samples. No such effect is noted for the solids-not-fat or put in another way, the quan- tity of milk produced for one year is independent of the con- centration of the solids-not-fat. This, from the view of inheri- tance, means that the hereditary units for high or low milk production are separate and distinct from those causing a high or low percentage of solids-not-fat. The correlations of the age when the yearly record com- | mences with butter-fat and with solids-not-fat brings out the following points. Age of the cow does not effect the percentage of butter-fat in the milk significantly. As the age of a cow advances each lactation brings with it a decrease in the per- centage of the solids-not-fat found in the milk. This differential action of amount of milk produced and — age gives us the criterion to prove that butter-fat and solids- — not-fat cannot have a common mother substance from which. they are derived by splitting. The correlations between the variables, pounds of milk, butter-fat and solids-not-fat lead to the following conclusion. (a). Some of the factors responsible for high concentration of butter-fat are also responsible for high concentration of some of the solids-not-fat in cow’s milk. (b). Practically consid- cred this means that 1f it is desired to improve either the but- ter-fat or solids-not-fat concentration of the milk of a given Lerd, the determination of the concentration of either solid and selection of the animals accordingly will result in a correspond- ing increase for the other solid. Taken in conjunction with the above results the diurnal variations of cow’s milk furnish the facts necessary to test the hypothesis to account for the mode of secretion of the milk solids. The data show that evening milk is between 0.678 and ABSTRACTS. 233 0.723 per cent higher in butter-fat than the morning milk throughout the whole lactation. No appreciable difference oc- curs in the solids-not-fat. For the clear understanding of the bearing of these data en the hypothesis to account for the mechanical mechanism by which the solids are released into the milk, it seems best to re- state them in as simple terms as possible. These hypothesis may be placed in three groups: A. The mammary gland cells break loose bodily and dis- integrate in the alveoli. B. The portion of the cells toward ie alveoli become loaded with solids, break loose from the basal portion and dis- integrate to form the milk solids. C. The cells of the mammary gland secrete the materials of milk solids without themselves breaking down. These data offer criteria between the theories to account for the secretion of the milk solids. On the cell disintegration theories the cell must contain a fixed quantity of solids-not-fat while the butter-fat varies so that in the longer interval between milkings the cell accumulates less fat than in the shorter time, or taken the other way, the cell contains relatively more protein and sugar than fat as the interval between milkings lengthens. This is contrary-to our knowledge of fat formation for it is commonly accepted that first.comes the cells composed largely of protoplasm and that as time goes on this’cell is.more and more loaded with fat at the expense of the protoplasm. Unless these mammary cells behave very differently in the formation of this fat than other body cells this variation is enough to seri- ously discredit the hypothesis of cell disintegration to account for these milk solids and in fact, to make it an absurdity. -Fur- thermore, as far as our knowledge of the variations of secretory glands goes the variation of this milk, fall in well with the sec- ‘retory hypothesis to account for these. solids. THE MEADOW PLANT BUG. MIRIS DOLABRATUS* (1) WMiris dolabratus has been a conspicuous insect in timothy meadows in portions of the eastern United States dur- _ *This is an abstract of a paper by Herbert Osborn, Consulting En- tomologist, having the same title and published in the Journal of Agri- cultural Research, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 175-200. Oct. 21, 1918. 234 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ing the past 40 years and now has a distribution as far west as Illinois and Minnesota and south in the Mississippi Valley into Kentucky. (2) It is believed to be an introduced species, coming | from Europe with timothy hay or other large stemmed grass shipped for forage or packing some time between 1800 and © 1825. i (3) It feeds upon cultivated grasses, especially timothy, orchard grass, and meadow fescue, and when abundant must | seriously affect the value of the crop. (4) It is a dimorphic species, there being two forms of | females, a long-winged and a short-winged form, the latter | being far more plentiful, about 90 per cent. (5) The species hibernates in the egg form; hatching oc- curs about May 25 to June ro in Maine; and the nymphs pass | through five instars of about six or seven days each, adults oc- | curring from early July, mating and laying eggs from July Io | to August 1 for the short-winged forms necessarily in the fields | where the females have developed. (6) The eggs are laid in stems of grass or clover in fields where females have grown, being thrust through the wall of the stem and held by an expanded cap which is firmly held by the walls of the stem, the egg being protected in the hollow of. the stem and in this position remain for at least eight or nine | months before hatching. (7) Measures for control so far evident and based on habits determined will consist especially of rotation, with prota ably some advantage from burning, early cutting, pasturing heavily in fall, and possibly by mechanical devices for “a ing the nymphs or adults. | (8) The spread of the insect should be prevented by care | in the disposition of timothy hay moved to a distance. No hay | from an infested district should be allowed to be scattered in or near meadows in localities where the insect is not already pres-— ent. a / . | _ (9) Natural enemies consist so far as at present known ' of spiders, the predacious damsel bugs, Reduviolus ferus, a tachnid fly, Phorantha occidentis, and an undetermined species: and a species of fungus, ps ee Sp. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 235 | METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. For many years the meteorological apparatus was located in the Experiment Station building and the observations were made by members of the Station Staff. June 1, 1911, the me- teorological apparatus was removed to Wingate Hall and the observations are in charge of Mr. James S. Stevens, professor of physics in the University of Maine. ; In September, 1914 the meteorological apparatus was again moved to Aubert Hall, the present headquarters of the physics _ department. The instruments used were at Lat. 44° 54’ 2” N. Lon. 64° 40’ 5” W. Elevation 135 feet. | The instruments used are the same as those used in pre- ceding years, and include: Maximum and minimum thermom- eters; rain guage; self-recording anemometer; vane; and ba- rometers. The observations at Orono now form an almost un- broken record of fifty years. 1918. MaAIneE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 236 [2IOL ISBIOAY requiseaeq yous | scse | osog | oese | exec | 06, SL8P 8 P L p Z G p g 6 8 9 tL 8 G 1 SI cL 1% Gt LT raG COW wera Pie ora Pa len craless eR oe es ec" 6 IL IL L ra 8 9 pie 9. (oeie | lerig. wiseic= l6re lips —lecre ez sdae'G=Ss«dl6aiP ~—s«di8G'% 68°9 IVS |69°T go'se |F4:0G |14:6G ~~ |60'99 «saeco |az'09 ~—s|z9'TS Ti Gwe ATCT mIEciGGee | ncOmeelniGiad =elecieqian row G FL 4 Ie 8g Tg ae 1g 09 69 8h 68 26 68 88 Soles Sie ag EB 4 Ss ice 0g q Fe < @ oS (a>) if i> 5 & B ee ou bs fon 8 g OSLF ceor | 6868 | L198 8 6 6 7 g P 61 PL SL CLSL |S 1Z SIG SOL 61 ggg g IL “CL p L¥'S $G'% oo'T 16% GG'g St0g |6G'tL |9F9T GLE PLT UI ESS Gi tag ras) SF 68 5 q au py fo AyssaaiupQ ay} JD apppy Suo1D2A419SqCO QI61 AOA AYVWWAS TVOINOTONOALAT “““go[IUZ Ul PUIM JO JUdUIAOUT [B40], Tere en sfep Apnoja fo sAsquinyn Pigaseer tein sABp JIVE JO sJsquINN Eat eae eel skup ivajo JO sJaquinn fear sive QG Ul [[@JMOUS UPBI eee Saher eke ears Sseqovur Ul [[ByMoug ne ya emer a1OUL Io To’ jo UOl4ZVYIGIdaeId YYIM SABP FO Isquiny “—"sivsA 0G Ul UoMmvqidieid uvayw od Seyoul Ul wUolyeqydreid eyo, “““"sivoA OG Ul dingeseduisy usr Met pare EGST 31njeVisduie, uUvst este acer at a1Inyersdus} 4SoMoT Ter are cere se: 01Nn}VIsdurs} 4Ssqysi_L 8I6L REPORT OF THE TREASURER. 237 REPORT OF THE TREASURER The Station is a department of the University and its accounts are kept in the office of the Treasurer of the Univer- | sity. The books, voucher files, etc., are, however, all distinct 'from those of the other departments of the University. The | classification of accounts is that prescribed by the auditors on ‘the part of the Federal Government, and approved by the State | Auditor. All of the accounts are audited by the State Auditor, and the Hatch Fund and Adams Fund accounts are also audited by the Office of Experiment Stations acting for the United ‘States Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with Federal Law. | The income of the Station from public sources for the year ‘that ended June 30, 1918, was: ‘U.S. Government, Hatch Fund appropriation..... $15,000 00 U.S. Government, Adams Fund appropriation.... 15,000 00 State of Maine, Animal Husbandry investigation SE OCPO DITION, Soya ere er ee re ae 5,000 00 State of Maine, Aroostook Farm investigation.... 5,000 00 The cost of maintaining the laboratories for the inspection analyses is borne by analysis fees and by the State Department ‘of Agriculture. The income from sales at the experiment farms is used: for the expense of investigations. The printing is paid for by an appropriation to the University. At Aroostook Farm there are in connection with the coop- erative work with the Federal Department of Agriculture ex- penditures mostly under “labor” for the Department and for which the Station is reimbursed. There are also certain expen- ditures for the Department made from sales of crops from Department investigations that do not appear in the tabular statements. They are carried as distinct and separate accounts, always with credit balances, on the Station ledger. 238 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Report OF TREASURER FoR FiscaAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1918) DISBURSEMENTS | | Animal Receipts Wateh fund’ || Adame tend") investisns | tions Salaries ------------------------------------ 5813.54 9256.98 3777.30 ST 201 © Ta ee an ee eee 2696.58 1290.52 | 96.15 Publications | ---------------—------------- 175.83 a o=o =e Postage and Stationery-.-—-----.---.--- 982.19 49.61 65.79 Freight and Express_--------------------- 162.81 99.17 19.01 Heat, light and’ power-—/-2—----2----o-= 585.82 QAS52 |. oo Chemical and laboratory supplies_------ 17.50 6.04 Seeds, plants and sundry supplies_-_---- 448.73 355.00 | 137.11 MentiliZers! ees eee e ee eae asoeresose 1639/65) | een | ee ee Weeding StUM Sas een eran enna e ae amae 1477.33 3122.81 477.87 THIDT AT Ye oe a ee ere Q08 189 |) Sa Ss Tools, machinery and appliances_------- 3538.43 83:00) Ss ee Hurniture. sand: fixtures:-c2-s--2sesee eee 35°83 gel |e eee ee |e eee Scientific apparatus and specimens----- 6:20 Ae ete 98.67 TET) 5 (HOLD a eS D0 ee aeons 8.25 Traveling @xXPenseSis_-aane- sae =e aena nena 488.08 344,29 66.17 @ontingentssexpenseszanasasaeaeeeeennaaneae 40.00 40.00 160.00 Buildings yess eee ae een eee 748.30 147.60 147.61 Total 2S eee nee 15000.00 15000.00 5059.97 | | | REPORT OF THE TREASURER. 239 Report OF TREASURER FoR FiscaL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1918 | —Concluded. | DISBURSEMENTS Aroostook General Inspection | Receipts farm account analysis Igptartes ee ee ee 1800.00 3137.62 9674.10 re ei 5641.98 IIASA ey Cee seas Publications Pa ht Nit ci en as 89:29 Fis | ern nee Oe \Postage and Stationery.-----------.----- 32.11 74.47 622.33 “Freight and Express._._-..----—---------- 51.71 124.49 121.16 ‘Heat, light and power-—---------------- 76.44 340.76 507.51 _Ohemical * and laboratory supplies.-._-- 6.48 101.95 578.72 Beds, plants and sundry supplies____--- 1130.90 1499.11 14.84 Fertilizers Sc ee ee SIGH Sic haan nee oe ne |e aha eaee eae Feeding (ERRORS) ee 1909.01 BHO) I eee Library oe es | eel ae Blob ies bien Ve es Tools, implements and machinery--.---- 105.50 DSS: Oi ie meee ‘Fumiture and fixtures_....--------------- 33.10 43.11 40.78: ‘Scientific BDDATALUSess conor seaseacSocscess |e) Sane 1.52 113.08 7b OO ale = 400.00 BONO | eee feraveline expenses_...----.-__-._--__.__-__ 32.37 97.95 139.23 ‘Contingent expenses._.....-.------------- 99.50 461.48 73.17 SSS ee a 507.37 SO fe gues Rot alenereees ese 11842.57 9550.73 11884.92 J - . v ‘ea ‘ diel : he (a Oe INDEX. Abstracts of BODGRS Sincic corti sop SeeC RG OD ccs eer eared aaa SESE CCL Reet ae tits Rin eis oe big Meroe yp ae warble Sates Bemmniolosy oF Maine Species... 00.65 .50ss cece db lewe ccee ce COuMi mE IOlLO sical hiStOny ees ene cere eee rncieee tree ee COMBTOM: attest eat sen Sinner Mees trae BeAr SS dESCHIPLOMmMOlatiemsStagesrs ashame cece aces aie AIS tra UIGIOTALP Aerts ra srs ct sccccrct oo lat oh rene ceeke Stes HOO Cas MlatatSrsweacss ice Ca ietom ta elerairets Se arate noe menial GRE ese caoOeKIs ao aaoon oe oa R AA DOaOe seasomall Imisuony: im WAS. coo oK5andosou5eKb0n00 CeMMIOM Oi Wess PClsoocodogscbosoudoopondooaUDGS KevaetOuniatmeruSMeGlesis. fot: ivi) oc). cies coe god Sele eb elbaids MAW SDSS sc.g G.cko GS Ste OE SEG CLARE UIC re I Lora FOSAS, - IOlosicall -Inisemy soossomonmooon coca ooOoDOaOOeT COMIBTO | Gris Her ens eT ie On RR CER ace AI an Lae US GESCRIDGOM. Oi WN SNAGESso6ccc0ccabo¢odoa0000d GLISSCMDUOYD; eebGaes koe Geter Gus SA OO SEIS Sana Hear HOOG! /MIEVIS 55 ce mane Sot RO EO Cs nT cone Aco ene maior! Sais esou do ome co daa Gabo AOA Rd Has Seasonalemlhistoiays ane Maine sean seces cocci cis cee species. discussed asta dawaan tee ena oe ae nn ees LOLCHAtANm DIOLO sical hiStOtyeo. cle ae ele ee cele os bnierelee EO Uti lees seete peer auntie come ed Sy Se eee A we Mdesehinitonveor ther Sta@esas ton en etae ome GIS HRD DIB ONS eeenere eee aitiny dats eI R ete THOLOLGL: SOU EN OTUS Mee apie erricg Seen oie eet ere Te tn ce Ee MACE CNETMNES oocoduconadgobgocu0boogucHOOS Seasonale MiStomyerinw eames aia erent Meme: hiological history. :....20..0.6ceck deeb ease cavecees COMO 38 Sas ona Secon SOU CEE es oe Does GESCHDHOM Or WN GIES 55 baccnccoconscggodo0K0s GIS DIDLETCOST ALS Src ea Ncirgere an eae ea AIS ic eats Eee TOO: AiO FRANC Cee enh a tho RS Ec ea IIA eae Manel. Cnet ecood nodose aomooo Udo sad RouGon dose Seasonal pulaistotmyenii a Vain eleven crbrereie cries aes cit Animal husbandry investigations Announcements ........... SAE ee eat aiats Maire NC ec ARIE BBE oa Memeriiac. food plant cataloguesis....0ic. el. cee esse cececees Aphids, eastern i er ec ry CC 242 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Apple: orchard, sod vs: -cultivation.~.. «1525 erate eel 13 | spraying, composition of materials used............... 111 } discussion of resultscioes see ce ae ae 116 | effect on. foliage’ and otruitee-o--e eee. 104, 113 | Set: Of .friaiti.dien ee teeeeemere = 126 | efficiency of application:...-7-+---e-eeeeee = 119 | experiments. ....%0 dese oe eee eee ere 101 | fruit enero 149 | Birth weights of certain breeds of cattle:ss-c----oee eee 222 Blueberry ‘fleabeetle: .2.2.2...5..25.,6 cae enee ee eee 194 | Bordeaux mixture vs. lime-sulphute. senceacee eo eer 118 | Breeding experiments 2.25.42... 5. soon och eee eee 215 | records, cooperative .:.< cinmeeaee ee Eee eee ee 221 Bulletins issued: in. 1918 .....25i. sere ere rere x Butter-tat; transmitting, qualities) fom ce sece ae eee 208 | Calves, average birth: weights... ...246-s-6ne eee eee eee 222 | produced by hybridization experiments............... 216 | twin births; ./ 0 c ee eee eee Treasuter s: report. 2)c7. 20.01.) wee cree aero te meNe eet Sear Twinning, inheritance’ :<.. 2 o..0.0. ce ace eee eee Weather “report 2.6055 5 Atcnts sos se soe Eee eee Wheat breeding experiments............ SAE Ree RIS «5 cba APPENDIX Oficial IJuspections 86 to 90 iq hom : 5 | : CONTENTS i Commercial Agricultural Seeds, 1917...... Sh AS Se og eee ee O. Misecticides and Fungicides, 1916 and 1917.................. ©} iscellaneous Food Materials.............. Pes Mater eee * O. meneall Aveanewihaoirell Seaals, iQ co5ccocgcocooccucacouce ©} ommercial Feeding Stuffs, 1917-18........ SR rere nto este O. eemnctcial Hentilizenses VOB. sacs os ac ace nance ciastictn ener ee O. fel ed fl Coal 2 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, 1917. THE CHIEF REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. The following are the chief points of the law and the rules and regulations for carrying out the law regulating the sale o agricultural seeds which, as directed by the law, the Commi sioner of Agriculture, has made. . 1. Kind of seeds coming under the law. The law applies to the sale, distribution, transportation, or the offering or expos ing for sale, distribution, or transportation of the seeds of alfalfa) barley, Canadian blue grass, Kentucky blue grass, brome grass buckwheat, alsike clover, crimson clover, red clover, medi clover, white clover, field corn, Kaffir corn, meadow fescue flax, hungarian, millet, oats, orchard grass, rape, redtop, rye sorghum, timothy and wheat for seeding purposes. : 2. The brand. Each lot or package shall be plainly mar with the name of the seed and its minimum percentage of purity 3. Mixtures. Mixtures must be plainly marked with the name of the seed and the percentage of purity. In case th mixtures contain seeds not included in 1 these need not be named. (e. g., a mixture consisting of half redtop, go per cen ‘pure, quarter Kentucky blue grass, 85 per cent pure and the remainder seeds not named in the law, could be marked “Red top 45 per cent pure, Kentucky blue grass 21 per cent pure’ The statement of the remaining constitutents may or may not Dé named. ) ‘ 4. Adulteration. A seed is adulterated if its purity fallj below its guaranty or if it contains the seed of any poisonous plant. ; 5. Misbranding. A seed is misbranded if the package 0} label bears any statement, design or device which is false © misleading in any particular, or if it does not carry the state ments named in 2. 6. Free analysis. Free analysis of seeds on sale in Mam will be made of samples taken in accordance with direction] furnished by the Commissioner of Agriculture. Sample not $ taken may be refused examination. Blanks with full direction will be furnished on request. 7. Paid analysis. As an accommodation to residents 0 7 Maine samples of seeds not on sale in Maine will be examime OrrictaL INSPEcTIONS 86. 3 t cost, and the results will not be published. The cost of the nalysis of blue grass or redtop is $1.00 per sample and for ither seeds 50 cents. Remittance should accompany the sample. 8. Written guaranty. No prosecution will lie against any rerson handling agricultural seeds provided he obtains at the ime of purchase a written guaranty signed by the person resid- ng in the United States, from whom the purchase was made, 0 the effect that the seeds are not adulterated or misbranded yithin the meaning of the Maine law regulating the sale of gricultural seeds. After a person has been notified by the Sommissioner of Agriculture that an article of agricultural eeds appears to be adulterated or misbranded the written guar- mty will not protect further sales. i) 9. Hearings. The person who is believed to have violated he law regulating the sale of seeds will be granted a hearing at Which he may appear in person or by attorney or by letter. The notice of the hearing will name the time and place of the earing and a copy of the charge. Failure to appear will not Mejudice the case. The hearing will be private and every pportunity will be given for explanation and establishment of mocence. If the time appointed is not a convenient one, post- onement within reasonable limit will be granted. TESTING SEEDS AT HoMmeE. It is important to the user of seeds not only to know their ‘ercentage of purity and what kind of weeds they carry, but to ‘Iso know something of their vitality. In the case of seeds there Mme at least 3 ways whereby the user may be injured. A eed which carries foreign matter of any kind, in any consider- ble amount, is correspondingly lowered in value. But there is nother reason which is more important than the money consid- ration, and that is that the weed seeds which the seeds contain Nay be pernicious. For example—clover seed frequently car- jes plaintain seed. If this plaintain seed is the door-yard icty which is present practically all over Maine, there would ‘@ comparatively little harm from using clover seed which con- uimed it. On the other hand—lance leaved plaintain or rib Yass is not abundant in Maine. It is an undesirable plant and sing seed carrying it might introduce a weed into land which is t present free from it. It is important that the farmer should i ; | 4 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. use. No matter how pure a seed may be, if half of it will noj sprout it has no more value than if the seed were half chaff. While it is not easy to make an exact purity test, it is no difficult for a farmer to so acquaint himself with the seeds tha} or magnifying glass he will be able to tell whether the seed it question contains any considerable amount of impurities. I) the seed is spread out upon a white plate, a little practice wil) eign seeds. VITALITY OF SEEDS. It is much easier for the farmer to test the vitality of set than to make a purity examination. The following simple instructions for performing germination tests at home withou any special apparatus will enable the farmer to learn for him self whether the seed that he is using has good vitality or not Germination tests may be made in two ways,—the so-callec blotting paper methods, and the sand method. In making the germination test with blotting paper, blue blotting paper of com mon weight, cut into strips about 6 x 19 inches, should be used} This is laid folded twice so as to get a piece of 3 thicknesse: and about 6 inches square, on an ordinary dinner plate 0; platter. The seeds if small are placed on the top of the pape: and if large between the folds. The paper is kept moist (no! soaked) and at a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees F. If only a vitality test is desired the blotting paper method 1) preferable, but if it is desired to know how many seeds may bi _ expected to grow, the sand method is in some ways preferable In this method a thin layer of fine sand is sprinkled on iby bottom of a flat dish and the seeds to be tested placed on ie? under a thin covering of sand. This must be kept moist anc first case. At the end of every second day in the case of some seeds and the third day in the case of those germinating more slowly the sprouted seeds should be removed from the blotters or th sand and counted, the per cent being readily found by referrin; — back to the number of seeds which were taken for the test. | OrriciaL INSPECTIONS 86. ’ A list of weed seeds found in seeds examined in 1917. NOMENCLATURE, GRAY’S MANUAL, 17TH EDITION, 1908: CoMMON NAME _ American wild mint 2. Barnyard grass _ Black medick 4. Bird’s foot trefoil (5. Blue vervain . Bracted plantain Bull thistle Canada thistle Catnip ‘0. Charlock . Chicory Clover dodder . Common chickweed 4; Common nightshade Common speedwell . Corn camomile Corn cockle Corn mayweed Crabgrass . Crane’s bill 4 Dock Ergot Evening primrose False flax 5. Field dodder _ Field scorpion grass Five finger Flax dodder Fow! meadow grass Giant ragweed Goossfoot - Green foxtail Hare’s ear Hairy stickseed Heal-all Hedge mustard . Hoary alyssum Indian mallow Knot-grass Lady’s thumb l. Large false flax _ Mayweed Mint Moth mullein Mouse-ear chickweed i 5. Mustard ‘Night-flowering catchfly Old-witch grass | Anthenis SCIENTIFIC NAME. Mentha canadensis (L.) Briquet Echimochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauy. Medicago lupulina L. Lotus corniculatus L. Verbena hastata L. Plantago aristata Michx. Cirsium lanceolatum (I..) Hill. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Nepeta ecataria L. Brassica arvensis L. Cichorium intybus L. | Cuscuta epithymum Murr. Stelaria Solanum Veronica media (l.) Cyrill. nigrum L. officinalis L. arvensis L. Agrostemma githago L. Matricaria modora L. Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Geranium maculatum L. Rumex sp. Scop. *Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. | Oenothera biennis L. _Camelina | Cuscuta arvensis | Myosotis microcarpa Andrz. Beyrich. arvensis (L.) Hill. Potentilla monspesliensis L. Cuscuta epilinum Weihe. Glyseria nervata (Willd.) Trin. | Ambrosia trifida L. Chenopodium album L. Sctaria viridis (L.) Beauv. | Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort. Lappula eclimata Gilib. Prunsila vulgaris L. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. DIC: Medic. L. Berteroa incana (L.) Abutilon theophrasti Polygonum aviculare Polygonum persicaria L. Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. Anthemis cotula L. Mentha sp. Verbascum blattaria L. Cerastium vulgatum L. Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Silene noctiflora L. Panicum capillare L. | *Sclerotia of the fungus. Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. A list of weed seeds found in seeds examined in 1917. NOMENCLATURE, GRAY’S MANUAL, 17TH EDITION, 1908. ComMMON NAME, Ovoid spike rush Ox-eye daisy. Pale persicaria Pennsylvania persicaria Peppergrass (field) Peppergrass. (wild) Perennial sweet vernal grass Pigweed Plantain Poison hemlock Purslane Ragweed Ribgrass : Rugel’s plantain Russian thistle Sedge Sheep sorrel Shepherd’s purse Slender crabgrass Spiny sida Sprouting crabgrass Spurge Suckling clover Sunflower Tumble-weed Virginia three-seeded mercury Vetch White vervain Wild buckwheat Wild carrot Wild madder Wild rose Willow herb Wormssed mustard Yarrow Yellow alyssum Yellow daisy Yellow foxtail Yellow rocket Yellow-wood sorrel SSS SCIENTIFIC NAME. Eleocharis ovate (Roth.) R. & S. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Polygonum lapathifolium L. Polygonum pennsylvanicum L. Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. Lepidium virginicum L. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Plantago major L. Conium maculatum L. Portulaca oleracea L. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Plantago lanceolata L. Plantago rugelii Done. ; Salsola Kali tenuifolia (L.) G. F. W. Mey. Carex unidentified. Rumex acetosslla L. Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. Digitaria filiformis (l.) Koeler. Sida spinosa L. Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. Euphorbia preslii Guss. Trifolium dubium Sibth. Helianthus annuus L. Amaranthus graecizans L. Acalypha virginica L. Vicia sativa L. Verbena urticaefolia L. Polygonum convolvulus L. Daucus carota L. Galium mollugo L. Rosa pratineola Greene. Epilobium adenocaulon Haussk. Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Achillea millefolium L. Alyssum alyssoides L. Rudbeckia hirta L. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Oxalis corniculata L. } | | OFrriciAL INSPECTIONS 86. Cable showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged | alphabetically by towns and dealers. —_——= Station number. 8796 8798) PURITY. | KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF DEALER. 2 ina) | : 5 5 O & ALFALFA. Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. AGT SY Sa a ence 99.0 99.4 ALSIKE CLOVER. Ashland. H. B. Bartlett & Co. GlobemyAlsikey) 86930222225 a 99.0 98.1 Bangor. C. M. Conant. ES CPAN Syke keene weenie we TS 97.5 98.3 Bangor. C. M. Conant. | Gee diary eA Sykes | 98.5 99.0 Bangor. ©. M. Conant. AUSivikele Clowere aes era a Ss ak] 99.0 99.3 Bangor. Herbert A. Dunning. ANISRARG "SS Re ee ee eee 98.5 98.7 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. Gilolon — NGM Clones ge ae 99.0 99.2 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | ComAUSIKen @l ovens se eu he 95.0 93.0 | Bangor. Kenduskeag Valley Farmer’s Union. AUIS TUES) SS sO ae eet 98.0 97.2 Bangor. Knowles & Dow. PAN Seman @)OWiClmes See es So Pee 2 98.0 97.3 Brownfield. J. E. Clement. PAUSTIC RM OLOVCL= a= se one See 95.0 94.8 Burnham. Chute & Mitchell. GlobembpnanceAlsyikessseess alos noe ees 99.0 99.0 Denmark. Cyrus S. Barker. ANISTIRS ONG eh eee eS 95.0 94.5 Derby. A. A. MeKusick. : AsvikemAcel brandis) sto... 2 ee ee 95.0 94.4 Dexter. C. P. MecCrilister. isvike: Ace wbrand 2222 bees ee 99.0 89.2 Dexter. S. L. Small. PNisVviKey i bUTekdes 2a 28a Yo eles le 98.5 98.2 “Kinds of Noxious Weed Seeds. 31. \65, 47, 31, 21, 3. | l21, 47. 131, 54, 21. 65, 3, 47, 24, 31, 21, 42, 8, 39, 69, 45, 86, 56, 26. 3, 47, 65, 24, 8, 21, 48. 47, 3, 9, ST. 3, 65, 47, 31, 71, 24. 57. 21, 65, 31. 8, 47, 65, 24, 425 21, «71; 54, 26. 65, 47, 31, 3, 21, 67, 24, 64, 57, 42, 71, 48. 65, 31, 42. 47, 21, 65, 31. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, etc. tSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. iB. g2 is 1o 8 Marne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Station. 1918. Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. PURITY. H | : | ‘s KIND OF SEED NAME AND TOWN OF | *Kinds of Noxious Weed | iS DEALER. : Seeds. > a a=) i 3 3 Be a 5 eS) =) ° oD) & i ALSIKE CLOVER—Continued. 8791 Foxcroft. Central Maine Co- operative Association. 3 Alsyke Clover_----~---------------------- | 95.0 94.3 65, 47, 3, 21, 31, 56, 54, 40, 86, 24. 8792 Foxcroft. A. W. Gilman. Pan® American -Alsykces == eS 97.0 96:4 121= 61,13; 65, 47, Sic 8760 Fryeburg. T. L. Eastman & Son. | Alsike Clover__------------ ------ ---.-- | 95.0 92.8 65, 47, 8, 31, 71, 13, 62, 48, 27, 55, 40, 83, 24, | | 21, 37. 8587 Gardiner. Gray-Hildreth Co. | | TNS 5 ee eee | 97.0 99.3 13, 47. $8501 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Alsyke Clover Lot #86907_------ | 99.0 97:6 .13, 47, 31, 65, 57, 32, 218 {8505 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Alsyke Clover Lot #86907_------ | 99.0 98.1 |65,- 47, 3,. 21, 31, 79- $8510 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Globe Alsyke Clover Lot #86907_------ 99.0 98:3 48. 47, 65; 21, 32. #8511 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Alsyke Clover Lot #86907_------ 99.0 98'8, 13, 47,65, 21, 32. +8526 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Ace Alsyke Lot #86991_----------------- 95.0 94.2 65, 47, 3, 21, 31, 62, 61, 8, 49, 87. $8527 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Globe A’syke Lot #86907C___----------- 99.0 98.7 47, 65, 31, 24, 62, 73, 21.” +8529 Houlton. John Watson & Co. : Globe Alsyke Lot #86907B_------------- 99.0 98.4 |47, 31, 3, 65, 21. +8548 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Globe Alsyke Lot +#86938__-_------------ | 99.0 98.9 31, 47, 21, 36. {8545 Houlton. John Watson & Co. [Cee Ace Alsike Clover Lot +#86964_-_------- 95.0 96.5 — 65, 31, 3, 47, 62, 21, 23, 82, 53. S 8722 Kennebunk. E. L. Littlefield. IAI Sikeet@loveres a2 = Se eee =) 95:0 94.6 (65, 47, 31, 21. 8577 Lewiston. J. B. Ham Co. . iPanwAmerican: sAlsikes === sae saan 96.0 93.7 |8, 47, 65, 45, 8. 8819 Madison. N. A. Weston. 4 Alsyikewlkaiser brand=as= 220 eee 92.0 91.8 65, 47, 8, 61, 31, 45, 35. — *The numbers refer to weeds named in-the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. | tSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. ls: IP | & ! — Kinp oF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF | 2 DEALER. | L | ees = ~~ so »~ Mm | i} | | | 8600 Monmouth. E. M. Marks Est. 48549 Newport. Judkins & Gilman Co. _ 8744 Randolph. Gardiner Farmer’s Union. 8732 Sabattus. O. R. Jones. ; | 8687 Waterville. Merri!l & Mayo Co. OrriciAL INSPEcTIONS 86. |Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | | | ALSIKE CLOVER—Continued. 8785 Milo. Farmer’s Union. meNOsmUAM Oo olyene ot 52 ae ee ese _ Globe Brand Alsike #89830_______--_---- febaneeAme»nicam, -Allsike. a= 3 = 2 == 8814 Norridgewock. Lockwood & Smith. 8556 Norway Lake. Norway Lake Supply Co. iPeAce brand wAlsykes-2s— 285 8 eek so oe 8664 Old Town. Old Town Supply Co. PAS VK COLO VET Se a a eee 2 a a PAN SK Ce ere ee oe A Salk 8756 Rock’and. Rock!and Farmer’s Union. JAISUKO 53 SS eee eee §810 Skowhegan. Skowhegan Farmer’s Union. PACE Bran dwAlsyike ss Sr ee 8612 South Brewer. F. H. Brastow & Son. ANEIVIKG QO Ges = = ee ee eee 8609 South Brewer. S. S: Herrick & Co. ANGIE CMa) Sa as ae ae ee et a Pe ee 8706, Thorndike. Farmer's Union. AMSikosenOmouarancy sivena--- == | 8759 Waterboro. A. C. Warren. PPA StIKee a@]OVerta= sana ee A 8696 Waterville. Central Maine Farmer’s Ex-| } change. ENISTOS oSs0es SER eee | ARTO Se eee 8588 Waterville. Merrill & Mayo Co. | AN GG) eet ! PURITY. > 3 : Sane a | 8 5} | fo) m |) i | = 98.7 99.0 | 98.4 97.0 97.6 98.0 98.1 95.0 95.7 97.0 97.9 98.0 | 97.8 98.0 97.0 | 98.0 97.6 95.0 95.0 98.0 | 99.0 95.0 93.8 = 98.9 95.0 96.7 98.0 99.9 95.41 95.8 93.5 | 93.6 *Kinds of Noxious Weed Seeds. 65, 3, 47, 16, 21. 47, 8, 31, 24. 3, 21, 56, 62, 65. Sil, 8, 65, 3, 71, 24, 31, 21, 47. 47, 3, 42, 24, 57, 31. 3, 47, 65. 8, 47, 24, 65, 21, 8, 31, 9, 2, 48, 3, 65, 62, 31, 61, 42, 47, 2T. 65, 47, 3, 53, 36. By Wil, 3, 65, 31, 61, 32, 24, 21, 35, 62, 67. 3, 65, 16, 13, 47. 65. 3, 65. 31, 47. 65, 47, 31, 3, 21, 23, 62, 57, 49. 53. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. tSample taken under directions -with guaranty and sent. in by dealer. 10 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. : Table showing the results of examination of samples of scodl| collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged | alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | — — > —<—= a PURITY. i 2 | S| KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF | *Kinds of Noxious Weed | 5 DEALER. ° Seeds. B | ~ ein || a H g See Cad Ct =I Ss 3 Si | MD oO 8713/Wells. A. A. Whitney. | DAlsikerS @lovers=2223252=) ee 98.0 94.8 |65, 71, 55, 61. | BARLEY. ; 8563 Auburn. Oscar Holway Co. | TwoMmRows Baroy. 2186265" ss—— ee 97.0 97.9 |. 8623 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. TWOP ROWaeb a Dl yeas 99.0 99.1 8628 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. lO ixae eOWayb at] 6 yas ae eee 99.0 Hai. ells $631|Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. Six RowoBarisy= == Se 98.0 99.4 |77. 8703|Belfast. H. L. Whitten Co. | Barley, no guaranty given_------------- — 99.0 60. -+8591\Gardiner. Gray,-Hildreth Co. Barley, 2 ssese sss eon) 98.22 |46, 77. :8575 Lewiston. E. P. Ham. i Barley. not: guarantecds= ss ss==-===eaeee! — 97.36 ‘8716 Saco. Saco Grain & Milling Co. ~ Montane Barleyse=-s=0see = ee | 98.0 98.8 |65. BUCKWHEAT. 8565 Auburn. Oscar Holway Co. Globe Brand Jap. Buckwheat +#69416__| 95.0 99.5 8625 Bangor. R. B. Dunning. ; Japanese Buckwheatss 222222 se= are ee 9930 99.9 8629 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | Silver) Hull -Buckwhealtt 222ss5 ese n ase + 99.0 99.9 +8593 Gardiner. Gray-Hildreth Co. | | Buckwheat ------------------------------- 99.0 99.82 |60, 86. 8693| Waterville. Vigue Harness & Carriage Co. | Bucloawh eat ea ae ee ee ae ee eee 98.0 96.5 |60, 86, 2. CANADIAN BLUE GRASS. 8639 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | - @anadalBlucsGrass==2s2s5 =a eee 85.0 84.0 |42, 45, 27, 62, 64. GERMAN MILLET. line Berl 8661,Bangor. ©. M. Conant Co. | : German- Millets=-=2 == ee 95.0 98.8 (86, 40, 32, 48. 8637 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | German Millet S22" ee 98.9 99." 4/825 56, 19: *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. &. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, etc. ; +Sample taken under directions with guaranty and ‘sent in by dealer. % OrriciAL Inspections 86. 11 Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors m the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. Station number. i| i j KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF DEALER. GERMAN MILLET—Concluded. 8691; Waterville. Merrill & Mayo Co. Millohenot wsuaranteeds29-- 9-2" oes sees | HUNGARIAN. 8728, Alfred. H. B. Fernald. TRUGEREHATAE NN | Be ee ie ee eee eu | Auburn. Osear Holway Co. BETTI OVA eh Tm rete see el Pa BS 8659 Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. i 1 Ne) ENB MES EN EEN ay cm a ee ee 8620| Bangor. R. B. Dunning. 8668 8755, 8729) 8660 8621 1X [BOOS OOO: aba ee eee Brewer. M. H. Perkins. Te [tebayesc lara yial eo ee ee Cornish. I. N. Brackett Co. ERIN REP eay (So ee East Gray. Gray Milling Co. UM OAR an pen ee en al Seo Gardiner. Gray-Hi!dreth Co. TET EVO EREE INE NCE SN) ee Lewiston. E. P. Ham. laloinemrotin INO Se ee Old Town. Old .Town Supply Co. BEETUUI TNS; easel 2h een ee es ee Rockland. Rockland Farmer’s Union. TESLA SEITEN FENG ye ee ee Rumford. J. S. Morse. BETCUITD' Fs Tol eh Tans eer eee cee We ‘South Paris. L. L. Russell. TE [oua Vester hal): je A es JAPANESE MILLET. Auburn. Oscar Holway Co. SHE TEU a ae ge | Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. OB Gna» SAN NTU Se eer | Bangor. R. B. Dunning. fede MTG fie See ee Se eS ee *Kinds of Noxious Weed Seeds. PURITY. See = = 5 5 [ao] & Se ey 95.0 | 98.0 95.0 | 98.4 96.0 | 98.5 98.0 | 99.0 98.0 | 99.2 95.0 | 96.3 95.0 | 98.7 97.0 | 985 98.0 | 99.0 97.0 | 96.8 | 95.0 | 98.4 97.0 | 99.0 97.0 | 99.0 98.0 | 98.5 96.0 | 99.0 98.0 | 99.0 19, 31, 86, 32, 73, 14. 32, 86, 14. 132, 86, 2. 32, 86, 48, 2, 56. 48, 56, 31. 32, 2, 40. 51, 60, 48, 40, 39. 51, 32, 40. 32, 48, 2, 51, 40, 86, 73. 31, 56, 19, 48. 32, 85, 70, 67. 40, 48. 40, 2, 86, 69, 56. 86. 86, 52. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. +Sample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by. dealer. 12 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors im the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | | | PURITY. | | | & | 3s § | KIND oF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF | *Kinds of Noxious Weed) = DEALER. | Smet | Seeds. > e >. eal eae ° es zc RD G} cs JAPANESE MILLET-Concluded. 8677 Bangor. Kenduskeag Valley Farmer’s) | Union. : Japs Millet22 2 sauces) bea _ 89.3 86, 60, 31, 40, 77. 8673 Bangor. Knowles & Dow Co. | Japs Millety 2222S ee eee 1 #9520 86.9 86, 19, 67, 60, 52, 48, 68) | 32, 40. j 8700 Belfast. Farmer’s Union. | Jap. Millets 23-2 = ee 97.8 86, 60, 52. 8740 Buekfield. B. Spaulding & Sons. JD OMillet-2 oo eee See eee 98.0 99.0 86, 52. 8804 Bucksport. C. B. Clay. | Jape Millets Stee eae Ss eee | 98.0 98.8 86, 60. 8802 Bucksport. E. B. Gardner. | 2 Japr Millets: 2:4 sss ae eee eae |; 89.4 |; 90.2 86, 40, 60. 8773 Cornish. Small Bros. Co. | | dapaness: Millet e222 =e eee 98.0 98.8 60, 86, 32. 8737 East Sumner. R. G. Stephens Co. | | Millet! eS eo ee See ie renee 98.0 | 98.2 (86, 52, 60. | } 48592 Gardiner. Gray-Hildreth Co. | | Japanes®?) Millet. eee | 99.0 | 98.8 60, 52. 8794 Hermon. B. H. Lord. | | Millet) < 2228 eee ee ee ee | _— 94.8 86, 40, 60, 39, 52, 85, 83. $8522 Newport. Judkins & Gilman Co. | | JapancssseMilloty=s aan ee | 97.0 | 97.4 86, 52, 40, 60. 8817 Norridgewock. Norridgewock Farmer's, Union. = Jape Millet»... 55s) ee ee = 95.2 86, 60. 8554, South Paris. A. C. Maxim. Jap; “Millet sss es SS eee | 98.0 98.3 52, 60, 86. $8594,Wa'pole. R. A. Sprane. | | | Japanssse Millet sess =e ees eee ee j= 97.1 60, 86, 40. | | +8595 Walpole. R. A. Sprane. | re Japancss) Millet = ae | — 97.8 86, 60, 52, 39, 31, 38, 72, | laeo2s : 8714 Wells. A. A. Whitney. | | Japanese Millet. sss ane = en ee 98.0 | 98.4 (86, 60, 72, 32. | | *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is { for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, etc. : +Sample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by: dealer. OrrFiciAL INSPECTIONS 86. 13 | Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. OO — = —— PURITY. | | | | ; | fH 2 | | g KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF *Kinds of Noxious Weed DEALER. , Seeds. a pb q = : ° Ss | ZS = I = i> | 5 e} 2) (eal | | | | KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS. | _ 8718 Biddeford. Andrews & Horigan. | KentickyaiDllien2tassss 222 oles ee aaa 80.0 78.0 |64, 45, 59. | | 8778 North Berwick. D. W. Bragdon. | | KRentuckysspliemenassees =: =k a 80.0 75.2 |65, 64, 45, 66, 54. | MAMMOTH CLOVER. 8653 Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. Mammoth Clover._._--..---------------- 99.25 98.7 65. -8795|/Bangor. ©. M. Conant Co. | Mammoth Clover ‘Green’’__.-__-_------ — | 99.1 65. 8642,'Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | Ace Mammoth Red Clover__------------ 98.0 Oiale sl S25 Gow 2os ols G2. OlamOls 40, 21, 48, 39, 47, 78. | 8643 Bangor. R. B. Dunning: & Co. | Mammoth Red Clover___--------------- 99.0 | 99.8. |31, 32. 78503 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Amoskeag Globe Mammoth Clover sta fAl by () ee eee een are eee et oS 99.5 99:7 132; 21, 61,, 65. 78507 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Mammoth #71502_-___------------ 99.5 99.6) 65, 21, 32: 78524, Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Mammoth Clover #71626__------- | 99.5 | 99.4 /32, 61, 40, 21, 65. $8525 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Ace Mammoth Clover #71599_.___-_---_- 98.0 98.9 Poe 65, 67, 6, 40, 8, | 3 48542 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | Globe Mammoth Clover #71704___------ 99.0 98.9 |31, 32, 65. | OATS. 8567,Auburn. D. A. Callahan. Regenerated Swedish Oats__-_--------_- 97.0 97.1 |77, 46, 86, 34, 21. 8627 Bangor. R. B. Dunning. | GG) ats ae a ee — | 100.0 8699 Belfast. Swan, Whitten, Bickford. | 1 QUENT os q "| : 2 Bee S =| 5 B a5 & RED CLOVER—Continued. $8538 Portland. Allen, Sterling & Lothrop. iRa0l. Cony Ge a ee ee ee 99.7 99:5 132, 3, 63; 28. 8715 Saco. Saco Grain & Milling Co. ; AcesiBrand “Red! Clover=—2=- === = 97.0 98.8 61, 32, 21. 8723 Sanford. Hatch & Brown. | Re de OlOVET Se See oa oe es 98.0 98:0" 135 2: 8724 Sanford. S. J. Nowell. ue Cag CLOW ere soe Seo a ee Se 99.0 99.5 8812 Skowhegan. Stewart & Smiley. Pine Tree Brand Clover____---_-------.- 99.0 98.9 (32, 70, 67, 61. 8821 Solon. C. E. Andrews. lower te ae eee See ee | 99.0 99.0 (61, 32, 21, 65. 8708 South Berwick. F. M. Hersom. lego! CHOW Sete a ee 97.0 97.5 |61, 78. _ 8613 South Brewer. F. H. Brastow & Son. RE Cee CORO VET ees ee en ee 99.5 99.8 8608 South Brewer. S. S. Herrick & Co. TieG| (CHOW GR assesses ess 98.0 99.1 32. 8727 Springvale. S. D. Hanson. | Reda ClO eD= = ssa nna ir kd 96.0 SOS), [825 61s (21k 65. 31s 47 62, | 40, 69, 48, 46, 86, % 675, By AQ 79: 8707 Thorndike. Farmer’s Union. RTO y cree ere te ae meee i 99.5 32, 61, 62, 86, 21, 65. 8757 Union. W. A. Bessey. : : Red Clover Imperator. 97.0 Cre Gl, GR, re ah Pals 8689 Waterville. Merrill & Mayo Co. | Inge Gio Gre aan ee ee | 98.75 99.2 |62, 32, 74, 48: 8690 Waterville. Merrill & Mayo Co. iii axe Nemes OlO Viel ese = ee | 99.58 99.5 40, 32. REDTOP. 8781 Baldwin. Wentworth Bros. | HE Chae) [ere ae ere ee Oe ee ate 90.0 90.6 \83, 22, 48, 27, 48. 8657 Bangor. C. M. Conant. Tega! “UG hae ie ee en ee eee | 95.0 95.0 188, 64, 27, 22. 8658 Bangor. C. M. Conant. BEE Ed gD OO 1) Sars or tas a ha ho | 90.0 92.4 88, 22, 45. | *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. *Sample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. \ . 4 18 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | PURITY | a rs. | | | | | oie | | Q . | | | KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF -*Kinds of Noxious Weed = DEALER. : | Seeds. A yee a i ie |2 el S eal (eae = | S | a a 5 | ey | Fare REDTOP—Continued. | | 8617 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. | Hancy, Red 200 plea ae ee eee 90.0 90.8 (83, 27, 64, 62, 22, 85, 45. | | 8632,'Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. |P thancy pRedliTop sess... alee 90.0 | 90.4 |27, 65, 64, 85, 22, 83. 8633 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. |@ehancy shed lop (Globe) 2===s=sasa=— 98.0 97.4 (83, 22. 8681 Bangor. Kenduskeag Valley Farmer’s | nion. | | | Red Top-—_-------—-—___--_-_-_____-_-__- 99.5 | 93.3 |88, 43, 22, 64. 8682 Bangor. Kenduskeag Valley ~Farmer’s | Union. cE Clee 0 C) 0 ee 90.5 93.0 |88, 22, 64, 43 8670 Bangor. Knowles & Dow Co. | RBG) Oo oe steceieeseses | 94.0 | 92.0 (83, 62, 64, 45, 86. 8702 Belfast. Farmer’s Union. | INOS U1 2 KS beeen eee ee ee eee ee | 2926) 1838 Abe: 8805 Belfast. Swan, Whitten, Bickford. Red, Nop. 222. 3. Se eS Se eee 90.0 86.8 (83, 27, 22, 64, 57, 29, 265 8558| Bethel. Woodbury & Purington. Fancy Red Top Ace Brand =__--__--_--- | 90.0 |! 91:2 27; 64, 62; 22, 83, 85: 8767 Brownfield. A. Blake. | | Ace Brand @hedtope = sen s=sen ass se aene | “9010) “| 2 OLS S35eG4 ore ole 8809 Canaan. E. H. Williams & Sons. INGL INO) oc ste ee Sestoacesceenons 90.0 90.4 |27, 88, 22, 64, 57. 78537 Corinna. Eastern Grain Co. TE 2 CORREA © eee 90.0 90.9 |83, 64, 22. 8752 East Gray. Gray Milling Co. Red Lop) eAceiebrands ss een ae es 90.0 90.0 83, 27, 64, 48, 22, 43, 45, 65, 57. 18590|Gardiner. Gray-Hildreth Co. : Red Go pes 2 eae eee 90.0 89.3 64, 83, 27, 22, 57, 85, 48, » 29: 8793 Hermon. B. H. Lord. Nop imarks! 3s. oe eee = 99.4 |27, 88, 64. 8770|Hiram. L. Cotton & Son 3 ; Redt0p 22s! ee eee 91.0 91.4 83, 27, 64, 62. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is” for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. tSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. ~~ eta 0 ; : OFFICIAL INSPECTIONS 86, ug) Lable showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. KIND oF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF DEALER. Station number. REDTOP—Concluded. {8531|Houlton. John Watson & Co. NeewReds Lop Lot) Re Wl. 9262822222=====— 8720|Kennebunk. G. W. Larabee. TREC) WMO) 0) se a See ee | 8569| Lewiston. Haskell Implement & Seed Co. Ace Brand Faney Red Top #R. T. OD Merete eee ene ene et a 8576)Lewiston. J. L. Hayes & Co. PePaneeAmerican) eeds oOpy=s- S22 2ias see 8787|Milo. Farmer’s Union. ECE [pwede oS es a See 78523 Newport. Judkins & Gilman Co. | IPameAmenicam ned: ehoOps--2-25=—=---———— 8777 North Berwick. Boyle Bros. | | IRGC) 22 eee 8666}O0ld Town. Old Town Supply Co. 8754,Rockland. Rockland Farmer’s Union. | Red) Top_-_-----------------------____-__- 8734\Sabattus. O. R. Jones. mete kar ohved OD S22 sa5 === eae 8717,\Saco. Scales Hardware Co. 8710 South Berwick. R. B. Rideout. | eA comp ran dastveduO Ds sean ae | 8551 South Paris. N. Dayton Bolster. | | Ace Brand Fancy Red Top #92010_---- | 8761 Waterboro. Langley’s General Store. meNcewbrande-Redtopes= 2. aa eee | | RYE. 8622, Bangor. R. B. Dunning. Vayiintses> Tei eee 8624 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. BVVAITAE OTe PRY Cees = ae Se ee se $571 Lewiston. Haskell Implement & Seed Co. | (SIDR Iie) ISS 1S alpha ee PURITY. ae ee & | 8 90.0 91.1 97.0 92.6 90.0 91.2 90.0 89.8 = 86.3 90.0 | 86.9 90.0 89.2 90.0 86.8 90.5 93.6 94.0 94.8 90.0 90.6 90.0 90.8 90.0 99.0 — 91.6 99.0 | 100.0 99.0 | 100.0 99.0 | 99.8 |*Kinds of Noxious Weed Seeds. 64, 65, 27, 22, 57, 45, 43, 64, 65. 22, 64, 65. 64, 22, 44. 27, 64, 48, 45, 62. 27, 64, 22, 85. 27, 64, 45, 57, 22. 64, 43, 22. , 64, 27, 49, 22, 48, 43. 64, 27, 48, 66. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. KE. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. tSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. 20 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Table showing the results of exanunation of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. ; = PURITY. | | 8 F g KIND oF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF *Kinds of Noxious Weed 5 DEALER. 7 Seeds. A > 7 3 § eee = =) 3 Ss a S 5) a |e a SIBERIAN MILLET. | 8635 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. Siberian (Millet==s>—= = | “Q9!0\ =|" (99:45 132-63 ask. $584 North Jay. North Jay Grange Store. | Siberian? > Millet®== 32-4 See eee 97.3 | 97.7 (32, 48. 8811 Skowhegan. D. A. & W. E. Porter. | SIDS UMillets-2 3 = setae ae ee | 97-9 99.7 TIMOTHY. | +8539, Ashland. H. B. Bartlett & Co. Pine Tree Timothy #60440________.-__-- | 99.5 99.6 27. 8561 Auburn. Oscar Holway Co. |. 98.0 97.6 27, 64, 62, 85, 22, 53, 61, Timothy 60290322. 23 oe eee | 49, 26, 5, 65. 8562 Auburn. Oscar Holway Co. Timothy L691 225-522 2 ee 98.0 98.4 27, 22, 49, 64. 8647 Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. | | Veribesta Timothy sss seseeuase ss eeeee | 98.5 | 98.5 21, 62, 48, 27, 64. 8648 Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. | SBS G11 ST 110 6 Fay ae 99.5 99.3 62, 54. 8649 Bangor. C. M. Conant Co. Anchor, Brand) Timothy. ee 99.75 99.7 8650 Bangor. ©. M. Conant Co. | Blae Jaye Limo thy eee | 99.65 99.6 62, 64, 31. 8618 Bangor. R. B. Dunning. Timothy (ae ee eee 99.5 99.7 42, 23. 8619 Bangor. R. B. Dunning. jf Tmo eaiee kde esac ie we eae 98.0 98.0 27, 85, 28, 62, 22, 64, 43. 8679 Bangor. Kenduskeag Valley Farmer’s| Union. | CTT LE ys ee 99.2 98.6 |64, 62, 65, 27, 22, 83, 29, 93, 48, 43, 5. 8671 Bangor. Knowles & Dow Co. | TENT OBE yeaa ne a 99.7 | 99.6 8701 Belfast. Farmer’s Union. INO} Im ar ket SS fee ees Bec ee ee — 98.8 27. 8782 Berwick. J. Everett Tibbetts. Pine Drea Dino thy eee 99.5 | 99.5 5. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. +Sample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. OrFic1AL INSPECTIONS 86. 21 Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF DEALER. Station number. | TIMOTH Y—Continued. 8823 Bingham. S. J. Whitney. “TEVTTENO LONE: sco ee nd ee et Oe read 8605 Brewer. A. C. Moore. aUb irr OG Taypaetnees eae 8606 Brewer. A. C. Moore. "TOSS (S/O ete ES SR a eee 8604 Brewer. M. H. Perkins. BESET OL ny aeres oatmeal) Sone Peal Bo 8741 Buckfield. B. Spaulding & Sons. eRinio Give Os (49 seen ee Tee 8803 Bucksport. R. C. Marks. feebinesnres s Timothy 22s ee 8808 Canaan. A. Mason. ANT PNOULIRY: 5a eS ie ee eee 8684 Carmel. W. C. Haskell. Rim Ohya Ree ae een LAS #8535 Corinna. Eastern Grain Co. eine orsome him Ot iy=ee see ee ee 8797 Dexter. Dexter Grange Store. INTROULN: SA = ee eee 8790|Dover. V. L. Warren. “SES Zea Sa a ae ee 8753 East Gray. Gray Milling Co. | Oriol Suen OG hye = Saas a 8697 Fairfield. Fairfield Grain Co. INSTNO ORY 5 ee I ee Re eee 8763 Fryeburg. T. L. Eastman & Son. ieeeinee tree Brand Dimsthys-- == 78589 Gardiner. Gray-Hi'dreth Co. BIRT fslniyee ee ey NE See S2 e e 878) Gorham. J. H. Watson. Pine rosy Ulm Othy= essen ee 8783 Guilford. John Seales & Sons. j ANT OOOUL OR: pee pe Oe ee ee $742 Hallowell. Frank S. Wingate. Te ia lays = Se Oe ee ee PURITY. ee *Kkinds of Noxious Weed 3 Seeds. > = : = = 3 =} 5 ° CS i 99.5 9957, 165s) ie 23 99.5 9933 {315 162 98.0 Oo) (OR, Zi BR ORL BA. | 99.0 99:2 (27, 28, 62, 82, 85 98.0 98:0) 427, 225 85, 88: 53: 61. | 99.5 99.5 65, 81 99.5 99.5 98.0 98.5 62, 64, 44 99.5 Cis) | yA Shy ey, oe 99.5 99.5 21. 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.4 |62, 27. 99.5 99.7 | 99.5 GOA G2 ole 27 99.5 WEB) Pal iby 2B} 2h Sal, Gh BG 99.5 99.7 98.9 93.4 27, 64, 22. 99.2 99.3 |64, 62. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. EK. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. tSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. 22 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors m the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. | PuRrry. | | | He | | } Q = 2 i H A KIND OF SEED;,.NAME AND TOWN OF ct il F fp apes. of Noxious Weed 2 DEALER. ss phate Piet pr Seeds. >_> : & | a o = } & | 8 S & =} ° RD GS a whee > TIMOTH Y—Continued. 8743 Hallowell. Frank S. Wingate. Timothy. 2-2 3-2= ee | 99.2 99.4 8 | 8771 Hiram. A. W. Sadler. Mimothy ! ee ena | 98.0 | 98.5 |27, 62, 22, 54. | : +8494,Houlton. John Watson & Co. | American Globe Timothy *69759__-____ |) 99:8 99.8 (23, 27. 48495 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Bennis Bright Hull Globe Timothy 25 OOD [ag ee ee ee 99.8 99.8 65. 78496 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | American Pine Tree Timothy *69990___| 99.5 99.6 |23, 76, 62, 65. 78498 Houlton. John Watson & Co. American B. H. Globe Timothy +69287_| 99.8 99.8 65. 78499 Houlton. John Watson & Co. Pine Tree Timothy +60309-___---+._-_-_— 99.5 99.6 42. 78590 Houlton. John Watson & Co. American B. H. Globe Timothy =69286_| 99.8 99.7 \65, 27. iid listnd dake eho set SF dae dels cn tades cas oc ea 78508 Houlton. John Watson & Co. ET Dime hye 2660309 sas eee 99.5 99.6 31, 62, 64. * 78509 Houlton. John Watson & Co. B. H. Globe Timothy *60286___--_-_--_- 99.8 99.8 65, 61. | +8530 Houlton. John Watson & Co. | ; | B. H. Globe Timothy +*60376__--------_ 99.8 99.8 81. 78544 Houlton. John Watson & Co. ; r dep ANG MM Nia ey, coy ee 99.5 99.6 23, 85, 88, 48. 4 +8546 Houlton. John Watson & Co. — B. H. Globe Timothy #60539__--_-______ 99.8 99.8 81. 48547 Houlton. John Watson & Co. eae) = B. He Globe Timothy 60439. _— === == 99.8 | 99.8 - +8548 Houlton. John Watson & Co. eS Timo phys 3660450 soe eee 99.5 99:7 {31. 8574 Lewiston. E. P. Ham. | - =f Pan American’ Timothy. ——— 99.5 99.6 (22. 8570 Lewiston. Haskell Implement & Seed Co. Sridies ime (hye (01 ee 99.0 | 99.1 (62, 21, 65, 85. e *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 8 for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. jSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by: dealer. OFFIcIAL INSPECTIONS 86. 23 Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. ———_ | PURITY. E H S| KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF A | DEALER. : b Si A g Sa 3 5 5 ‘ 5 ° LD o) & TIMOTH Y—Continued. 8818 Madison. Stanley, Harlow & Hight Co. | imo payee LOUbler == ane 97.0 98.0 8739 Mechanic Falls. H. A. Morison. ibe Wee. GM ye 99.5 99.6 8784 Milo. Harris Bros. | TUNAGHIERy 25-355 ee 99.5 99.0 8599 Monmouth. E. M. Marks Est. Square Deal Brand Timothy-_--_--------- 99.9 99.0 48550 Newport. Judkins & Gilman Co. eaneeAmonicam aimothy=—=---- === 99.5 99.5 8816 Norridgewock. Farmer’s Union. (UNC IN) a ee 99.0 99.1 8813) Norridgewock. W. W. Huntoon. Samarces Menlo mimo tinys == === = Sees 99.0 99.2 882) North Anson. North Anson Farmer’s Union. NOE Tne 0 2) ee — 99.3 8582 North Jay. North Jay Grange Store. Pine Tree Brand Timothy +60307_----- 99.0 99.5 8585 North Jay. H. E. Purington. Pine Tree Brand Timothy #69792_----- 99.5 99.6 8555 Norway Lake. Norway Lake Supply Co. Square Deal Brand Timothy___--------- 99.0 99.4 87i2,\Ogunquit. C. L. Maxwell. _ Timothy __-_----------------------------- 98.0 98.3 8667 Old Town. Old Town Supply Co. ) Bimothy- 222 === =F --_________- 99.50 | 99.7 8806 Orland. A. R. Buck. Bison Timothy____-- Ey Ameya Sate 2 ee JS O78) 97.8 | 8745 Randolph. Gardiner Farmer’s Union. meeumMo lay: “60416522 2 oe See asses | 98.2 98.8 | $596 Readfield Depot. N. D. Gordon Co. MeBeleerands Timothy. === | 98.0 99.3 8597 Readfield. N. D. Gordon Co. 97.0 ; Pourontier Brand Bimothy=-—- = -=— == a SAW) | | *Kinds of Noxious Weed 31. 69, 27, Seeds. 2, 61, 6, 31, 85, 238. 31, 64, 22. 625 Gos 9s 218: ». 80, 62, 32, 23. *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on. pages for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. Sand 6she oauhols qSample taken under directions with guaranty and sent in by dealer. al 24 Maine AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT StsTION. 1918. luble showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Continued. KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF DEALER. Station number. TIMOTH Y—Concluded. 8730 Rumford. J. S. Morse. i711 Ob De ae eed 8731 Sabattus. O. R. Jones. PanmAmericany limothysses= sae 8735 Sabattus. O. R. Jones. Pine) wires! Limo bhy2 seen ee 8709 South Berwick. F. M. Hersom. Pine! Tree Brand) Limothyse2-====-==== 8610 South Brewer. F. H. Brastow & Son. ML OCYOUV ON, ee eee 8611 South Brewer. F. H. Brastow & Son. Mim Oty oe ee ee ee 8801 South Orrington. Perkins & Mitchell. iBisone hime thiyass= ee aa ee 8552, South Paris. N. Dayton Bolster. Pines Lree Mimo thyasaes see eee 8725 Springvale. Ross & Bradford. MTTNOW ON, ap oe ee 8705 Thorndike. Farmer’s Union. MB boston ON eye ee eee 8758 Union. E. H. Burkett. Bison (Brand Timothy2c2ssesee essa e eee 8692 Waterville. G. A. Kennison & Co. Timothy 9202s ee 8685 Waterville. Merrill & Mayo. Timothys 22-822 a ee eee ee 8686 Waterville. Merrill & Mayo. Timothy. = eee 762|Wells. Freeman E. Rankin. Pine ‘Tree Brand Limothy= 22222222. =- 8557|West Paris. D. H. Fifield. Bison Brand Timothy *#68999____------ WHEAT. iiSprines wheat Hite PuRITY. > q : S z 3S 5 = [o) iS og 97.0 | 97.8 99.5 | 99.6 99.5 99.6 99.0 | 99.5 99.5 | 99.5 } 99.7 | 99.6 97.7 | 97.8 99.5 99.6 | 98.0 | 97.8 == 99.1 | 97.0 | 97.5 59.5 99.6 99.68 | 99.6 99.05 | 99.2 99.5 | 99.6 | 97.7 | 98.3 99.0 | 99.3 *Kinds of Noxious Weed Seeds. 23, 27, 5, 54, 65, 62. 36, 21. 27, 22, 62, 53, 42. 48, 64. 27, 62, 23, 54. 62; 21, 27, 31, 71, 23, 6% 82. 2 23, 62, 85, 27. bo wo D> § bo < bo =I *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. on pages 5 and 6. E. g. 1 is iS) on OrFiciAL INSPECTIONS 86. Table showing the results of examination of samples of seeds collected by the inspectors in the spring of 1917, arranged alphabetically by towns and dealers—Concluded. | PURITY. KIND OF SEED, NAME AND TOWN OF *Kinds of Noxious Weed DEALER. : Seeds. Station number. Guaranty ound eee WHEAT—Concluded. 8826 Augusta. Dept. of Agriculture. ; | Wheat before screening__.---._.___-_-_- “— | 96.59 46, 17, 77, 10, 33, 40, 31, | 47, 30, 41, 80, 86, 75. 8827 Augusta. Dept. of Agriculture. Wheat atten screenings s---caseec eso — 98.24 |17, 10, 77, 46. 8583 North Jay. North Jay Grange Store. IBIWes Stem wWihe a tas os ees ee eee 99.0 98.9 WHITE CLOVER. 8638 Bangor. R. B. Dunning & Co. feeb CLOVE a aon oes 2a oe eee a Se ' 88.0 893) -)65; 315.48; 7; 23; 825 95 6. ’ 3, *The numbers refer to weeds named in the table on pages 5 and 6. KE. g. 1 is for American wildmint, 2 is Barnyard grass, ete. 26 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. * Table showing results of examination of. samples of seeds im LOL KIND OF SEED AND NUMBER OF SAMPLES. : - Lm! 5 s Z z 2\/4| |2 NAMES OF- WEEDS. a) = =) =e = alee sel bare | oe farsa es a Fs) AG EN) SS a | & i FS o| Sl On Bhs mealies ala Z 31 off Sal elo ueseie aie) 513s ~| 81 8l8i2|¢13le|8| e|2le S| 2\ S\|S)3|Slsiele| 2) sig Sidi ale (Sl al ayes | nm) alxz Number of samples examined______. 58) 56, 13, 90 34) 20) 14 22) 3 4 8 @ American wild mint____-_~_-_____-- =| = = | = 1- -—- —- —- —- — — iparmmyard..2ass- 4) — 1), —}; =| — 6. —| —| —) —} = Black? moedick 2 ee 6} 42, —| —) —}| —} —| —}) —] —] —] = IBirGd:s) LOOLELLCLOL- 3 -—- — — SS KFS KF KS KF K— KS = (Blue avervains] 2 eee 1 — 5 Bracted) planta ee 2 — 2 i Bulla thist os] ee 1 Ganado. thst |e eee 2 7) —| —| —} =}, — =|) 4 Oatnip. == 2 = ee 2 3 ee 2Charlock == See — — — = SS | Chicory a eee 1 ee Clover) dod === = ed Common) (chickyweed== === — OY |) 1 et eS Se SS Common nightshade = 2 at 1) |} |e Gommon ‘spesdwell —|— 7) a aan Ss SS Sa eee Cormlcamomi se — 2 pa ea (ee ee hee Re im =C@orm'.cockle: = = = se a el fad ea re ee fee pe ee Comimnay ved — | — |) — A es ed ee) es | a ee ee Oraberass = eee —— i | -—= O) ee) |e 9! |) — | Ss Cranes) ee TS eS SSS Se aS Se eS eee Dock sp 222 eee 21; 34 6 7 Ges ae Hero te 22. oe ee ees Se pS a Ss ae SS Ss | Eyening “primrose=2—= eee = 3i° <3) 04) SS eS SS SS ee alse: flaxce 2S eS Sate see eee > 7 9 | a en | ee Hield dodde = eae Bie Vea fn ed a a ee eS ee Field scorpion grass__------------ sll) 7 — 7) Fam Wigeeierd eae (ee (eS ey ee FLV Op TIN CD eee re ee ee eer aerial emer Veta eae 5 | ec) | | | ee ee | Max dod [ef ol SS ee es ee ee ] | | | | } Howl meadow, 2tass | pear pet Ee YG Hh) ee a ee *Giant, ragweed ee } —} — | —} i) 2) Goosetoo thts 2 anes eae ei 4 eee? Nai es 1) Jee (ee) EPR eee} a rh Rees) Green: foxtail2 222 eee | 43 6 10 1 — 4. 8 1 3 3- = =H Are sear secs se a ee Pees (mines pe ny Ur I tee ee fd ee Iakibay fist oti | se eee Heal 222 eee | 5) 3) — = a a ge 1, Sf || iedgs muspard==2— = — 3 o— 1) |) | | Hoarye aly SSu ne eee fall Ree a SS aS = 20 indians mallow=<29 = 22s eee ;—- — TE) hb) | i | Knot-crassi == SS } 2) 3g) 3} —} — ST a Fe et i | ick LY2S ae DEVIL) ee ee en WW) 3) aS = CA Nent At, fy | ale ||| eee mee |e | piargeetalsce lax === as es Ua a ee ee May weed ae a} By aes) ey —| a ee Se), eee Ming stieae = sl Ata ee ae 1 =| =| SSS ae SS Moth mullein= ss 2a — |] a a a | *Found in wheat. OrriciaAL Inspections 86. 27 Table showing results of examination of samples of seeds in r917—Concluded. NAMES OF WEEDS. Mustard Night-_owering catchfly_____________. Beewiichmonasssa snes 2a PiscoMiem Gaisysesen etre eee Pale IS OLISORN Hoe Pennsy!vania persicaria_____________. Peppererass (field)-_--....-.._-_.__)_ Reppererass (wild). _-.___-.._---..__ Perennial sweet vernal grass_______- POON Les. es ATID SPOS ee 5 eo eee BCLs Mlantainesss es oe sinneet histones ee one Bipngenucnabonass-- 0. seen EXPAN VEGI] ese eremobere nar eo MU | BeeiMomeloverseassee oie Otis Cue mT ONC Tees a ee ee Se ES BERTI Lexwoc diene ey es Virginia three-sseded mercury______- *Vetch Senna dearss West Sse Sie “OWTIG| TRO RSE ee ee eee KIND OF SEED AND NUMBER OF SAMPLES. | | nea a = | | = 5h Elen | | = $ 1S 2 a | | ee —| Ss | 5 v | | lec lien: = =I | 2 H > | | teal c og & o e) a | | = | A ih Pla] Sys | i}. ot SS] ea SO SSeS Si eas q | a 5 eZ S) <> tl | ouleeialings ss — >| Ss reat lea tne sala Salliercaia| cea ne eal es ou cost |b Se AT Se Se ls EN eel iG en wey S| ma) = a) |e ish iro. |) 1 O/o)}am)|ma ly sien eee | Gear im wo eed eae aac era S| — 6) 8 —| 2 my i SS) = SN a eS aS 4) 42) 1 Py i) | a ee 3 5 1 6 4, 2 a) = i il a = 1 — 3 le S/S ali; = ae sea 3 = | a eT SS = Aiea I) a a a ee TU a ey | ee er —* 3 —| —)|} — ie — — a — — Sess ipa) et | ee OFeete ees ie te een sae ell . 30428. Weight and composition as ec aimed. Nos. 30489 and 30445. Weight and composition as claimed. No. 30461. Inside can rusty. Holes in bottom of can. Rust in sample. Water and arsenic as claimed. Weight of can contents 13.2 ounces. No. 30400. Weight as claimed. Slightly less total and slightly more water soluble arsenic than claim. No. 30399. Weight and composition as claimed. 30470. weight. claimed. Slight’y under Composition as No. 39462. Weight and composition as claimed. OFFICIAL INSPECTIONS 86. 31 Arsenical Insecticides Analyzed in 1916—Concluded. NAME AND ADDRESS OF Maker. NAME OF GOODS CLAIMS MADE ON LABEL, |RESULTS OF EXAMINATION AND SOURCE OF SAMPLE. | | | Hi-grade Paris Green. Mor-|Not less than 59 per eenel No: 3440. Weight and ris Hermann and Co.. New| arsenious oxide combined) composition as claimed. York. Hall Knight Hard with copper. Not more ware Co., Lewiston. than 3% per esnt water soluble arsenic. One pound. Lion Brand Paris Green. Same as preceding. No. 3463. Weight and Searsport Grain and Gro- composition as claimed. eery Cd., Searsport. Vitro Brand Paris Green. Same as preceding. \No. 30457. Weight and Nitrate Agencies, N. WG composition as claimed. Brooks Hardware Co., Au- gusta. Pfeiffer’s Strictly Pure Par’s Same as preceeding. Nos. 39417 and 30455. Green. A. F. Hea!d. Bos-}| | Weight and composition ton and E. G. Mocre, E'ls- as claimed. worth. C. T. Rayno!ds & Co.. Paris 'Same as preceding. Nos. 30398 and 30456. Green. Frank BE. Robbins Weight and composition Portland and T. G. Sey. as claimed. mour, South Brewer. | Sherwin and Williams’ Strict-|\Same as preceding. Nos. 30410 and 30444. Jy Pure Paris Green. Ken-| Weight and composition dall and Whitney. Port- as claimed. land, and Hall & Knight. Lewiston. Star Brand Paris Green, |Same as preceding. Nos. 30420 and 30466. Fred L. Lavanbure, N. Y.| Weight and composition Dunham-Hanson Co., Ban-| as claimed. gor and The White Com- pany, Rockland. WATER SOLUBLE AR- SENIC COMPOUNDS Briggs’ Soluble Arsenate,'Not less than 40 per cent No. 30418. Full weight. Briggs Hardware Co., Gari-| arsenic in water soluble! Slightly below claim in bou. ferm, 2 pounds. arsenic. Hermann’s Arsite. (MOTSG2 === — =e eee Short weight. 17716-Lewiston. Joseph: Nolin’ ==)- 22223 == ee Slightly underweight. L715) Bewistonl, Hd.) Ouclerie === =e == Short weight. 17620;Lewiston. Leonia Ouellette__-_-.__-----_-___- ae Short weight. 17601)Lewiston.. "Palmer's, Market-2> = ee Short weight. A7713\Lewiston: G: 1... Robergs:----2.-2.- => Slightly underweight. 17615) Lewiston. (O:, Roper---2_-— = see Short weight. 17612\Lewiston. Edmond ‘Verville-i_-2-------=- == Sees Short weight. 17708| Lewiston. “F. 4d. Wilis:s]---- = eee Short weight. 17709|New Auburn: J. C. Beaucage.2--22. ee Short weight. 17683, New Auburn. Landry’s Cash Market____------------ Slightly underweight. eee UEUEEEEE EEE InISSSSEI UU OrrFiciAL INSPECTIONS 87. 51 ADULTERATED FRANKFURT STYLE SAUSAGE—Concluded. ax Se | TOWN AND DEALER. | Resu'ts of Examination. Bo 17682\New Auburn. L. Leberge & Roper era a 6st NeweeAupurn:, Pierre Nadeaul.=--.+---s---==-4--_.=-- ‘Slightly underweight. 17684 New Auburn. Eugene Z. Reny___---.---_------=--|Short weight. I 17942 Old Mowe @S: Ae aBiShs +9925. s ose sis Se sk Short weight. 17937 Old Town. Old Town Meat-Market________---_______ Slightly underweight. - TesclGldeeown. Percy. Hurd.2 2-2-2... ___---_- Slightly underweight. 17939 Old Town. C. O. Stevens Co.--_---- Fave See Short weight. legnpOouLhebrewer. © M> Be -Avyer=——= 2 Short weight. 17902\South Brewer. S. S. Herrick & Coe es Short weight. PorK SAUSAGE. - Table giving results of examination of sausage sold as Pork Sausage which were not found to contain adulteration but were true to name. Arranged alphabetically by towns. TOWN AND DEALER. Results of Examination. Station number init an Ot Wien Bakers. ee a eae leans Slightly underweight. Hecolbaneor: (O.. vA. Mickett (CO.2_2-=2-2-2-- 55-322 |Short weight. HAsmeancOore. /G. We & ©. S> Leishtan.2..22222--=2:25% HOt AneOr bros MCAVELY= === 2-9 2 5 28 ee Slightly underweight. 17784, Bangor. Pearson & Spencer___-------------_--_____- Mwmiscpaneor Thompson & Waldrons..------..--=----=- 1ss2seBath. Cash Market Company------=---.-..-_---=-—-— 18528) Bath= Gowells Market-_-=---*-==---- === = __ === Slightly underweight. en Agr ait ee OMAG. Maid a == 326 Se Soe Se BSS dpescbiblome bse eb amar. L285 22 Oe oe ee Slightly underweight. 18525 Bath. Fred Sayan seew seen mom BUNS eS ee SSE ae __Stight'y underweight. 18567 Biddeford. Garon & Hou'e____------_____----------. Short weight. 17605 Lewiston. iP anadyures ob OISV eT bse se = yaa ee Se Stight!y underweight. Mi GlSPEOmIShOn. Ai Th, Remy. 2522s oa oes See HouOrd ehowns Boyle & \Gibbonss2-22---=--=- =. = Stight'y underweight. 52 MaIne AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. ADULTERATED PorK SAUSAGE. Table giving the results of examination of sausage sold as pork sausage but adulterated by addition of cereal without state- ment of fact, arranged alphabetically by towns. as = E TOWN AND DEALER. Results of Examination. nm aA 18566|Biddeford. Garson & MHoule__---------------------- Slightly underweight. 17608| Lewiston. Josiah Bowker Market_------------------- Short weight. 17613 Lewistontys Dy Giguer cess se eee 17607|Lewiston. Guimond & Simard_---------_--------____ Short weight. 17606|Lewiston. Nadeau & Michaud___--_------------_--___ Short weight. 17617| Lewiston. leeSimards&: Son!=2223 ‘Short weight. 17600 Lewiston. Spear (& Webster ee 1'7934Orone: Shs (Je sPetersis = 2s ene ee LE OPENED OYSTERS. Table showing the results of examination of samples of oysters purchased in the fall and winter of 1916-17, arranged alpha- betically by towns. as 54 | TOWN AND DEALER. Results of Examination. & Bi nea | SE IRC RSS, (Cf, JD, IsleiEMdelll to SGil.- eee Lawful. stig Weareeeet IWGKOin IWoyelt@.- 4 -— — — - cste Lawful. 18467 Augusta. Merrell 13n08. 222828) oe eee \Lawful. TRY AVA USib ls YN Tb, AROS os ee Sees Sees |Adulterated with water. IEG VorRi, Jel Il, Srnec 2 == = ee Adterenetad with water. 18465|Augusta. Wadleigh Grocery ©o.______---_---------— Sbewrizetl ASACCPATTE US Ga. VWiS IOI Career ET CIV OU ee re ees ‘Lawful. 18455|Augusta. I. S. Young. 20. ee ea Wanmenaced with water. 18462)Augusta. William) Young. = 22229222 == 2 esse eee dues beomvbhiwabel: 18493 Abus Ce eA kim a) a= esa See Lawiul. ike OY bi oboe. Asma Ninna lah ye Adulterated with water. 18491|Auburn. Olirsne Public Market Co.__--_---------__ Adulterated with- water. S580 i Bam'e di) CALE e a r/OTMSS wis O11 ee ee eee Lawful. ? 1Sh7OiBangor.. Ge Weed ©. es) leiphntonse==——==——=aaaee Adulterated with waser.: 1S7iBangor CW. Morrilles=22 5s eee ee ee eee Lawful. 18584|Bangor. Staples Cash Market____---_-_-_-_=____==- “Adulterated with water. | | enn ee eee Station number. OFFICIAL INSPECTIONS 87. 53 OPENED OysTerRS—Concluded. TOWN AND DEALER. Resu'ts of Examination. 18526 18516 18519 17346 Bath. Fred Stevens Biddeford. Biddeford. Biddeford. Andrews & Harrigan Bical TOS tack eee ee ee eee JOSeD he @arnler = eee ee eee John F. Hannaway Adu!terated with water. Adultsrated with water. Lawtul. Adulterated with water. Lawful. 18514 Biddeford. John F, Hannaway---...----------- 18555 Biddeford, John she Hannaways so-so ae Lawtul. 18479 Hallowell. J. E. D. Purrington-------------------- |Lawtful. 18480 Hallowell. PAR WARM SN Gat Gs essa 2a eS ee eee Bo \Lawful. 18477 Hallowell. Webber & Hewett. Sas ee Lawful. 18494 Lewiston. IE UU Eee VCS GU CS Se ee ee Adulterated with water. 18497| Lewiston. ithe Wohican= Comp an yess=-—— ee ‘Lewieull HeAGouMewistoneer Jem Gullivamesss ee Lawful. Tee Wilken Bros S2isssasssss2 ees stess so sees /Adulterated with water. 18604| Norway. We dis) BIA OVO) Si /Adulterated with water. 18592|Rockland. Francis Cobb & Co.__-_-_--------------|Adu'terated with water. TASES Tevorel elle revs, NAY Wl gts) OS) XC eee eee waneton 18501 Portland. IBrOWmeBishop™ COr====s0 sar anereneet ee 'Lawtul. Shit Portland... Mis Bs -Greenleat- -& -Son2s-====2==-—-=-=_ (aniterated with water. 18499 Portland. Gribbenk Bro stae = a aen eee eae ee laaerrer 18505) Portland: J. Hl. “McDonald-.-.-----.----=+=2 ==. awed. 18502 Portland. Milin| OFe-Hishie Mar ket=a= === sS-sS Sees eae Heer 18508 Portland. George C. Shaw & Co._----------------- Lawtul 18503 Portland, Viekersom “Bros. Market==2*==ssso5= = Lawful. HSoiO Pont let Goes © MEH VOSC2 n= s anne ean enna Adulterated with water. PepoieMe bre IL. “Allenste2 se A ator 18549 Saco. TP BES Gro) ee Adulterated with water. 18548 Saco. eke ua evn O bbe eee eee Conon oawitll: 18487/ Waterville. Hersom F. Bonsall_--.------------------ Lawful. 18536 Waterville. Eersomeeh-Bonsallet 2s |Lawful. 18535 Waterville. HGnnyediae COUMNGl=s=s a= sana eae \Adulterated with water. 18488 Waterville. McOQullums Cash Market__.-.--------_-- Adulterated with water. 18486|/Waterville. B. K. Meservey----.---------------------- Lawful. HSS ter Villers: Re. 2W) Moores. 2-582 Ss eS aeeat= ‘Adulterated with water. 18569, Westbrook. Cressey. See GLa fie ee ee ‘Lawful. 18571| Westbrook. Davis & Crawford:___.......____...___|Adulterated with water. | 54 MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1918. OPENED CLAMS. Table showing results of examination of samples of opened clams purchased in the fall and winter of 1916-17, arranged alpha- betically by towns. TOWN AND DEALER. Results -of Examination. number, Station 1s464/Aususta. G. D> Haskell: & Son Adulterated with water. 18587) Augusta. G. D: Haskell & Soni2-22-----2 2-2 Adulterated with water. 19456:Augusta.. “A 1b. ¢ROse=22 a eee Adulterated with water. 18459 Augusta. He Me Springer=2 222 Wane ae Adulterated with water. 18454;Augusta. DS) Younes: Adulterated with water. 1s46Augusta, William= Young22=)2=) 22222222 =e Adulterated with water. 18581'(Bangor.. Alfred (Joues= SOUSs25—-22= =e Adulterated with water. 18578) Bangor) GG: We-&= C2 SS), eightons==— ae Adulterated with water. 18576(Banzor. .C. We. Mon) ee eee Adulterated with water. 18583iBangor. Staples Cash Market------=2----2--=--~—~ Adulterated with water. 18517 Biddeford. Andrews & MHarrigan__--_------------_- Adulterated with water. 17347 Biddeford. Andrews & MHarrigan__________-------_- Lawtul 17343|Biddeford. Joel Bean & Son_------------_------=-_- Lawful. 18520 Biddeford. Bibeau Brothers__----------------------. Adulterated with water. 17344|Biddeford. Bibeau Brothers___-.-----2---=--=---== == Lawful. 18513) Biddeford) -A. = Brunelle: =a ees area Adulterated with water. 18552|Biddeford. “A. (Brunelle==22iss2"222-2s ee Adulterated with water. 18553) Biddeford. A. ‘Brunelle=2--=2-2222 2 Adulterated with water. 18518)/Biddeford. Jos. A. Carrier -=---222 soso sen e na Adulterated with water. 18556|Biddetord. Jos; Aj (Carrier===s=sss = ee ee Adulterated with water. 17342|Biddeford. Garron & Houle_.--------.-.-.-----.- Adulterated with water. 17345|Biddeford. J. BP. -Gartland®=--<=2-2=- = Lawful 18557 Biddeford. -J., P) Gariland==22 2-2 naan eee Lawful 18515} Biddeford: «J. it), Ftann away. asses ns 2 eee Adulterated with water. 18554) Biddeford, J. 2. Hannaway____ _|Adulterated with water. 18521| Biddeford. Joseph Menard-_------__---_-------==-- Adulterated with water. 18553|\Biddeford. Joseph Menard_-___---___---------2-522_ Adulterated with water. 18478, Hallowell. J. E. D. Purrington_----..---_-.---.----- Lawful. 1848) Hallowell. “A. A. Shea. 2-22-22 2252222 sae Adulterated with water. 18495 Lewiston. Paul Levesque__---__-------.------_------_ Adulterated with water. 1/096) Lewiston. RB. iL. & C. E. Harris! 22 Lawful L7350)Lewiston. Harvey, Market.--222- >=. eee Adulterated with water. Station number 17097 Lewiston. 17348 Lewiston. 17084, Lewiston. 17085 Lewiston. 17349 Lewiston. 17070 Pine 18140 Pine 17063 Pine 17064 Pine 17065 Pine 17066 Pine 17067 Pine 17071 Pine 17072 Pine 17073 Pine 17074 Pine 17132 Pine 17133 Pine 17134 Pine 17135 Pine 17136 Pine 17137 Pine 17138 Pine 17139 Pine 17140| Pine 17141 Pine 18141 Pine 18142, Pine 18143 Pine 18144 Pine 18145 Pine 17068 Pine 17069 Pine 17131) Pine TOWN AND DEALER. OrricrAL Inspections 87. OPENED CLAMS—Continued. 55 Results of Examination. TEAVEIL 1 eSO( Adulterated Irani TOs Lawtul. RMODELLENbEWALG, dileos = oe ne Lawtul. Deeb ee SU Vane a= see eS Adulterated Walker Fish Market__._____--__--___-----|Adulterated Pent. uervibn -BrOthers=-—~-=--- 225 Lawtiul. Pome beavity. BLOtneTS=—=- == 22 Adulterated TEXO PENT TDS TE Lee pS) V0) 5 Ace ne ee Lawiul. IPO ities 50 OW sae a a Se ee Lawiul Pom tte hls SNO Wate e a a A dulberated EOIN bah ery ONO Wa = soe ee Ses ie, Adulterated EOIN tre hse Hias ONO Weecas asso ee ee ee Lawitul. PONG eet gH ONO Wana s Sa ee ae ee ee |Adulterated oineatee He GnOws 2k FSi 5 el |Adulterated Portieee ts He SnOWs 228 oo eit eas Adulterated Trine, TOL STE inva eee es a |Adulterated Pointe Hes SNOW2 ssc. 2 So. 3 oso eee |Adulterated PON ee h ear ONO Wee eae eee re ee eee awa: etn Geum ees OM O Wee ee Sen a \Lawtul. leavin, IP TES) eae ee Se ee bE Ante OT G ee eel S11 O Wes ee se Adulterated POMNLMEE os SNOW. -2 Ses el Adulterated EOIN tet eesti ats SO War asere eee ee ke Adulterated PIN estas Hs SNO Wee ee aes eee Adulterated POU Geel Heo SNOWS see eee a ees Adulterated IPGInt ees le ONO Wass a a \Lawiul. PP Oint sae ticedan SN O Wee ne ee \Lawiul. IPOing est re di SNO Wee ae ee Adulterated Pointe Hired) (SNOW22292 5s -e an = asa ee eo awiul: Poin tame rede SNOW: ee oe ae Sl Lawful. Point. Fred BuO Satie eee ae Or OS aw tal Point. H. B. SiO ie eel aweuls POInN tee eB S01 O Wee ee \Lawiul IP OIL sap Hees el SUO Wate ae ee ese es a eee Lawiul soso Portland web CO. aby ers wasn see See eS Se Lawtul. ' | with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. 56 Station number. 17036 Portland. 17037 Portland. 17088 Portland. 17075 Portland. 18512 Portland. 17033 Portland. 18506 Portland. 17078 Portland. 17079 Portland. 18509 Portland. 17080 Portland. 18507 Portland. 18500 Portland. 18504 Portland. 17089 Portland. 17040 Portland. 17041 Portland. 17042 Portland. 17076 Portland. 17077 Portland. 18594 Rockland. 18593, Rockland. | 18550 Saco. BG) Allene 2s eee ee ee | | 18489 Waterville. 18587| Waterville. 18538 Waterville. 18485) Waterville. MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OPENED CLAMS—Concluded. TOWN AND DEALER. C. C. Cc Cc B, H H E. Meservesis£ 5 a >So S 2 So aS) BS S5 De =o) = 6, Re O A, a <=) 17479|Port!and, John P. Squire & Co. 16.0 17.5 3.3 1.0 77.9 12.4 | *Squire’s Arlington Creamery Butter.” 18617|Portland, Sullivan & Osgood. 17.1 9.6 8.7 1.4} 80.2 13.7 W. C. Pease, Cornish,Ma'n:. 18618|/Portland, Sullivan & Osgood. 15.6 14.0 4.2 1.0 80.6 12.6 : J. G. Turnbu!l Co., Orleans, | White 18619|Port’and, Swilivan & Oszgood. 16.4 Bet 2a0) 3.9 1.6 82.3 13.5 H. D. Winn, Falmcuth. Maine. 18621|Portland, W. L. Wi'son Co. 17.2 11.7 Bue 2.2 80.2 | 13.8 Mr. Knight, Windham, Ma‘n:. | | | | 18622;Portland, W. L. Wi’son Co. 16.1 13.0 2.4 | 1.3 83.1 | 13.4 -| “Choicest Creamery Butter.” ; | Waterford Creamery, Water- ford. | 18623 Portland, W. lL. Wi'son Co. 16.9 WS | 3.4 9.9 &3.1 13.3 | “Cherry Circle Extra Fancy | Creamery Butter.” Fox River Butter Co. 17339| Wins!ow, D. B. Mason. “‘Squire’s 14.4 25.7 2.3 0.7 71.1 9.2 Arlington Creamery Bitter. John P. Squire & Co.” *If the package Was a half pound size the found weights are doubled. A pound of standard butter shou!d contain 13.2 ounces of butter fat. : BUTTER. The Maine law regulating the sale of dairy products is distinct from though consistent with the general pure food law. The law fixes the standards for milk and for cream but does not for manufactured prod- ucts such as cheeses, butter and ice cream. The present Federal Stan- dards Committee is engaged upon an investigation of the composition of commercial butter with a view of fixing new standards and defini- tions. To assist in the inquiry the samples above reported were collected by the Maine inspectors. Under the standards now in force butter should carry not less than 82.5 per cent milk fat. Hence a pound of lawful butter will contain at least 13.2 ounces of butter fat. An inspection of the table shows that as a whole dairy butters are much more thoroughly worked than are creamery butters. Dairy butters mostly carry from 9 to 13 per cent of water and creamery butters carry about 5 per cent more water on the average. Scme of the larger dairies are apparently quite skillful in the adulteration of butter by leaving a large amount of water in the finished product. Two samples of John P. Squ:re and Company’s Arlington Brand Butter had over 25 per cent of water and one of the “pounds” weighed 14.4 ounces. It contained 9.2 ounces of butter fat instead of the 13.2 ounces that it should have. 60 MarNE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Station. 1918. - INDEX. PAGE Beeisets See: EE rer SOS te 62 to eee etae 34 Beverages; . Carbonated:. ........: 226.25 ee ee eee eee 34 Beverages, . Proprietary. .: .....5....c<0e cee one eee eee ee 35 Bitter 5. 220 se cc cde eee CECE Torte: 57 Checkerberry;. “Extract Ofet 22-55 Soe eee ee eee eee ee 36 Cider Vinegar... oss bs ek. oes ee ee ee ee eee 46 Clams, Opened. .... 54 2000. Acc 2 nee be ere 54 Cod: ‘Fish, “Boneless... . ).52.. 2 oc ca oe eee eee eens 34° Coffee ois ela na 3 Bake oe oe OEE Peers 35 Corn, Canned is 2 08) 8. vnc ond so ee ee eee 34 Evaporated: milk. 2. o225. 0. ee 2 eee 36 Extracts, Flavoring. s20\.0 eee Oe ee eee 36 Frankfurt