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SN I a lal No. 1. TWENTIETH










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To his Excellency the Governor and Honorable Council :

The Trustees of the Massachusetts State Lunatic Hospital have the honor to submit, in compliance with law, their An- nual Report of the Condition of the Hospital and its Concerns.”

It is no less agreeable than proper that those who engage in the administration of this bounteous charity of Massachusetts to so important a class of her unfortunate children, should en- deavor to convey to your Excellency, and through you to the Legislature and people, the lively sense they must necessarily feel of its inestimable value. From its first foundation the institution has been, under God, to the sorely stricken class for whom it was intended, a fountain of mercy of whose con- stancy and copiousness of flow the people who founded the charity are not yet fully apprised.

The whole number of patients that have entered within its walls, and received its treatment for mental disease, is 4,170. Of this number it has restored to mental health, 1,905. It has improved others of this number, 525. The condition of the rest of these patients whose ills were incurable, has been greatly ameliorated. |


The whole number discharged from the hospital, restored, improved, or incurable, is 3,638. Of those who have left, 2,430, or two-thirds of the whole number, have left restored to sane minds or in an improved state.

During its existence, the institution has received, at the hands of friends, courts, and overseers of the poor, a yearly average of patients to the number of 220. The average annual whole number of patients that it has administered to is 494. It has restored to health and to rejoicing friends, an annual average of patients, 100. It has discharged, entirely recov- ered or greatly improved, an average yearly of 128. It has restored entirely to mental health 55 per cent. of all the pa- tients it has discharged.

These statements, while they are but an index to the real history of the institution, (to be found in previous annual re- ports,) are sufficient to fill the breasts of the people of this Commonwealth with the most complacent satisfaction in view of the noble effort they made to found it, and to compensate them for the continued munificence with which they have sus- tained, enlarged, and improved it, to meet the wants of the State. The hospital is unquestionably now fulfilling the heavenly mission the people had in view, when, commiserating the lot of those suffering the severest of all afflictions, the mind diseased,” ‘‘touched with a feeling of their infirmity,” and moved with a compassion almost divine, they resolved to found an asylum for the retreat, solace, care, and cure of the insane. But there is a portion of the field of its operations that statistics cannot disclose, nor written history ever reach.

No man can form a just estimate of the extent of relief that ~ an enlightened, systematic treatment, administered by the gen- tle but firm hand of a large, well ordered institution, extends to the mental, moral, and physical suffering of the lunatic him- self, to the distressing anxieties of friends and relations, and to the sensibilities of the surrounding community, without recur- ring back twenty years, when the mass of the insane, dispersed through the State, were raving and dying chained in prison cells or loathsome corners of almshouses, or roaming about, the terror of their friends, with scarcely an effort made for their improvement or a hope entertained of their recovery.

1853. | SENATE—No. 1. 5

But without dwelling on the appalling lot of the insane in former years, let us congratulate ourselves that this institution was founded for them ; that its setting out was auspicated by the genius of Dr. Woodward, that it had his administrative abilities to mature and develop it in its admirable proportions ; that its superintendence has been so happily allotted since Dr. Woodward’s removal; that the community with whom it was located have constantly and kindly codperated with it smana- gers to speed it on its errand of mercy, and have furnished the resident aid indispensably necessary to its management; and that finally, the insitution has been so successful as to induce other states to found similar ones; and our own State to pro- vide another asylum to administer to its insane that more ex- tended charity which our asylum cannot wield, but which it has done so much to awaken.

The affairs of the institution have been conducted success- fully the last year without any occurrence worthy of especial note; but while it is bestowing its blessings upon the present generation, and promising so fairly for the future, the men who founded it and gave it its capacity for good, are fast leav- ing the stage of action. One of its earliest, most zealous, and watchful friends, and one of its first and most able officers, the Hon. Atrrep Dwieut Foster, of Worcester, has recently de- ceased. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees, and the first fourteen years of its existence, its Treasurer. The institution had no more enlightened or warmer friend, nor could it have the services of a more competent, faithful, able, and trustworthy officer. The Hon. Myron Lawrence of Bel- chertown, another warm friend of the Hospital, and a member of a former Board of Trustees, has also recently deceased.

Whole number of admissions last year, 309; whole number in hospital last year, 775; whole number discharged, 243 ; whole number remaining in hospital at end of year, 532; number discharged, recovered, 103; number discharged, im- proved, 34.

It will be seen by the tables that accompany the able report of the Superintendent, that the inmates, the last year, were allowed to increase until they numbered, in August, five hun-. dred and fifty-two, and that the average number of residents.


was five hundred and fifteen; one hundred and twenty-five more than the hospital has accommodations for. Anxious to receive as many patients as could in any way be provided for, the officers had two beds placed in many of the rooms, though none were constructed for associated dormitories. The infir- maries have been crowded as sleeping apartments for the more quiet class. On the recommendation of the Superintendent, which he felt obliged very reluctantly to submit, the Trustees concluded in the autumn, with as great reluctance, ‘in order to afford suitable accommodation for the remainder of them,” to remand to the Houses of Correction of their respective counties, about thirty of the more violent insane.

The Trustees concurred with Dr. Chandler in the opinion that so crowded a state of the hospital threatened its good order, and that so great a proportion of the violent insane was particularly unfavorable to the prosperous management of the family. The ‘Trustees indulge the hope that, by the erec- tion of the new hospital at Taunton, and by a different and more thorough classification of the patients, the combined capacities of the two will be such, that it will be seldom ne- cessary to send patients, however violent, to Houses of Correc- tion or Jails.

Several former Reports have mentioned that a disproportion- ate share of the hospital accommodations were appropriated toa class of patients not citizens or residents of this State. They have brought the fact to the notice of your Excellency and the public, and we have to report that the evil is con- stantly increasing.

The number of State paupers remaining in the hospital at the close of year 1846, was 52. Since that time the number has constantly increased, until it reaches, at the close of 1852, 241, or nearly half the whole number of the inmates. Gross impositions are undoubtedly practised, by foreign states, upon the public charitable provisions of this Commonwealth. The hospital is not an exception. Imbeciles, and chronic, incura- ble cases of insanity that have been driven from other coun- tries to our hospitable shores, are presented for admission, and represented as recent and curable cases.

In almost every instance these patients are entirely depend-

1853. ] SENATE—No. 1. 7


ent on the State for care, food, and clothing. The bills of charges are becoming quite formidable. They have regularly increased since 1847, from $11,828 90, to the round sum of $24,414 05 in 1852. The worst feature of the evil is, how- ever, that it closes the hospital to so many of the insane of our State, with the circumstances of whose maladies the officers of the asylum can be made fully acquainted. The subject needs the careful attention of the Legislature.

The tables in the Superintendent’s Report, will show the importance of placing the insane under the care of the hos- pital while their cases are recent, and they will also show how easily the institution can become crippled, as a curative estab- lishment, by being crowded with cases of chronic and incura- ble disease.

The institution has cured of all recent cases an average of 89 per cent. ; while of old cases it has cured 221.

The monthly visitations of the hospital, required by law, have been strictly attended to, and the proper record made of the condition of the establishment.

This duty has been mostly performed by the Trustees resi- dent in Worcester, to whom, together with their predecessors, the Commonwealth is indebted for the performance of many onerous duties, and for a constant watchfulness that cannot be exercised by Trustees residing at a distance.

These monthly records will show the fine condition in which the institution is constantly kept by its officers. The extraordinary degree of health that has prevailed in the family the last year, is due, in a great degree, to the constant, thorough, and laborious care, exercised by the admirable corps of officers upon this great establishment, and its large family of inmates. No epidemic or acute disease, unconnected with the brain, has prevailed. But one case of suicide has occur- red; and this is a noticeable fact in a year’s history of a population, one cause of whose confinement, is the supposed inclination they are under, to self-destruction, and a large number of whom are in the constant and free use of the usual implements of a farm and household. About half of the deaths have occurred from consumption, old age, and maniacal exhaustion in incurable cases. Probably there is no community



of the same numbers, in this vicinity, in which there has more health or less mortality prevailed the last year.

And as the Trustees have been brought, on successive occa- sions, to contemplate these tokens of good fortune to the insti- tution, together with all the circumstances of its uninterrupted prosperity, they have had a more and more lively sense of the obligation that the State is under to Dr. Chandler, for his quiet, but wise and efficient administration of its affairs; to Rev. George Allen, the Chaplain, for the soothing influences of his moral and religious ministrations; to Drs. Lee and Bemis, the Assistant Physicians, for the counsel, aid, and intelligent co- operation, they afford the Superintendent; to Mr. Hill, the Steward; to Miss Reid, the Matron; to Mr. and Mrs. Mirick, Supervisors, and to Mr. Smith, the Clerk, for the faithful and laborious discharge of their respective official duties.

The accompanying report of the Treasurer will exhibit the state of the finances, which is highly satisfactory.

Balance of cash in treasury, December 1, 1851, $13,910 20 The amount of receipts for year ending December

1, 1852, - - - - - - - 52,748 29 $66,658 49 The amount of expenditures for same time, - $43,878 35

Balance in treasury, December 1, 1852, _ - - $22,780 14

It will thus be seen that the financial condition of the insti- tution is prosperous. The present price of board being reason- ably low, the Trustees do not propose to reduce it further. And they are contemplating some very desirable improvements, which, if made, will absorb a great portion of the surplus.

The Trustees forbear to report further in detail, and would refer to a much better source for exact information of the state of the hospital, the able report of the Superintendent, his care- fully prepared statistical tables, and his accompanying explan- atory remarks; and they would commend to the notice of the government bee people, the suggestions he makes, the result of much observation and experience.

1853. | SENATE—No. 1. 9

In conclusion, the Trustees would gratefully recognize the kind Providence that first disposed the people of the State to establish this noble and blessed charity, and that has extended over it, ever since, its protecting care.



Worcester, December, 1852.




To the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital:

The subscriber, Treasurer of the State Lunatic Hospital, respectfully reports as follows :

The balance in his hands November 30, 1851, as stated in his report to the Governor and Coun- cil, was ; 5 ; f : ; . $13,910 20 Within the year ending November 30, 1852, he has received from the Commonwealth for the

support of lunatic State paupers, the sum of 21,688 59 From cities, towns, and individuals, . é . 31,047 27 For interest on Ziba Storr’s donation of $500, . 12 42 For articles sold by the Steward, ; : 235 77

$66,894 25

Deducting amount refunded on a bill overcharged, 12 33

$66,881 92

The expenditures in the year have been:

For wages and labor, ates : : . $10,603 79 Treasurer’s salary, . : : j : 400 00 Improvements and repairs, . . : ot a 821 "8S Furniture, . ; : é A : ; 1,592 O1 Clothing, . oe . : : 1,394 63

For Provisions—

Flour, 702 barrels, . : : ° 3,877 57 Rye and Indian Meal, . ; : ; 936 78

1853.) _ SENATE—No. 1.

For Biscuit, z

_Farina, 864 eine. : Coffee, 4,886 <*

Tea, DG is

Sugar, 24,645

Rice, S22 hv 4%

Molasses, 1,367 gallons,

Syrup, 313 gallons, : Beef and Pork, 68,148 pounds, Fish, salted, 10,200 pounds,

Do. fresh, , Poultry, 1,147 pounds, Potatoes, 1,581 bushels,

Beans, $62 78; Sweet Potatoes, 850 50,

Butter, 26,207 ne wile heeses 2, 345 ae Mackerel,

Apples, at 40 cents per bushel, ‘neue

dried apples and apple sauce, Squashes, k Vinegar and Cider, Fresh Fruits, (berries, addi, &c. ) Lard, 1,191 pounds, Salt, $44 67; eas $46 46, Small groceries, Soap, $76 55; Starch, $16 50, ‘Lime, Plaster, and Cement, Whale Oil, 244 gallons, Gas light, Wood, 731 cords, Charcoal, 3,130 bushels, Hard Coal, 390,995 pounds, Straw, 47,035 pounds, Freight, truckage and express, Medical supplies, Postage, $48 29; Sexton’s bile, 4269 75, Books, Si aione ry. Newspapers, &c., : Trustees’ expenses, $52 10; fier s, $22 60,

$213 77 438 265 1,535 145 365 101


344 108 133 840 113 4,710 164 77

1,128 80 32

203 134 91 78 93 86 181 462 3,657 294 1,233 156 202 192 318 86 7A


88 76 85 69 08 12 03 04 69 22 98 07 34 28 72 oT . 00

61 59 51 07 09 13 95 05 i 82 90 32 23 25 91 82 AA 04 55 70


Expenses charged to patients, . ; : . $149 16 Pursuit and recovery of elopers, : : , 35 75 Removal of State paupers, : 5 . . 23 78 Oxen, $175; Horse, 135, . 5 4 ; : 310 00 Miscellaneous expenses, . : : é 3 68 19 $44,101 79

Balance, November 30th, a bese Zo OU we

$66,881 92

SAML. JENNISON, Treasurer. December 14, 1852.

1853. | SENATE—No. 1. 13


Twentieth Annual Report of the Superintendent, to the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital.

GENTLEMEN :—Within a few months, one of the members of the first Board of Trustees of this hospital, and one who sub- sequently served the institution on your Board,—and the one who for fourteen years was its first Treasurer, almost gratui- tously, and with an accuracy and integrity unsuspected,—and one who was a judicious friend of the institution and its in- mates, and one who was a wise and safe counsellor to its officers, has died. The Hon. Alfred Dwight Foster, who was so early and so long intimately associated with this hospital, and upon whose good judgment much of its prosperity and usefulness depends, even at present, is no more. His genial presence is greatly missed in the best walks of life, and all hold his memory and early departure in sad but pleasing remembrance.

The Hon. Myron Lawrence, a former Trustee, has also just passed off the stage of action.

During the past year the o-:dinary affairs only, pertaining to such institutions, have occurred, without anything extraor- dinary to mark its progress) We have been blessed with almost entire exemption from epidemics and acute diseases, not connected with the brain and the nervous system. The acci- dents to the body of patient or attendant, have been few and of minor importance, although a large proportion of the patients have been employed with the usual tools in the fields and in the hospital. The influx of patients has been large, and our number of inmates much larger than ever before, while several applicants from our own Commonwealth were not admitted, and all from abroad. Our efforts have been crowned with suc- cess, in restoring the health and reason of many, and in ameliorating the sad condition of, and making comparatively happy, this vast household. All of which the following Tables will show more fully in detail.



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1853. ]

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JAMO sy! sivod F

* ‘Snorsiayy

* ‘qa0TN Jo Surdiq.

op * ‘TMOuyU-

Caen jo ssory

> “UMOUxU * ‘snolsipey * “IMOUyT A

‘atqnoxy Ape ay

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‘MOTJVqInyse yA, * ‘stsAjereg : op * ‘UMOT yu

“Molyeqinyse yy

: op * “IMOUS{U > ‘ksnojrar



‘atqnoay Ayrure iT

‘1OQR] pPlvyzyT

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op a]suig



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(‘panurquon )\—ATAVL

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pedordury op



op Areworye49 poaordwuy

op Areuoryeys


op peaoiduy

op Aveworyeyg

porsA0dary |p, SxreOST’|SyIU OT


op |syjQuU z op |syju z op |syjurz op |sqjyw Zz op |syyu ¢

SUIVUTOIT |S P,SLeyostqy|syyu Z

op |syyu F SUILULAY|SY}UL F op jsyyut G P.Sreyostq’ sy 6 Op |syjUl F op |syjyw 7 Op |syjU F op |syjUl F Op |syjuUL g op |syjuL G SUILVUMS IY |SYZU GC P.Sreyostq|syiut g op |sy}ut 9 SUIVUMOY |SYJU J p.Sreyostq|syyw F Op jsyjut ) op |syyure op |syzug op j|syjzug op |suyu OT op |syjur OT SUIVULOY Suu OL p.dreyostq| YIUt T op |sujur TT SULVUWET SUF [TT Peq|syyu Z op op | qyU T


OP Ut Dp

‘purjary wo zodneg | Areuoreig| sureueyy| yu

sik % Sik F si sxf u sik p sik sit sik ul sik ay g $1 s1h 4 sik % sik 7 sik % sik F sik F sik F sik F sik 7 sik pF ae 7 sik fF sik F sik Sik F sik % sik 7 sik %

sik F sik F sik F ee 57 81

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4M) OU.L/SY}U UW BT spuslig oyy| savak G

* ‘umouU yu

‘roduto} Jo soues|npuy


op sep OT" op syyut g | op ODE | op sivok 7 |* op S390M ¢ |! op SY}U,W Gg |" JINOD SUT] seed T op Syyu Ug |”

op op Is op weak [ |" Spuslty ouL; op ¢ | op Syyu WW FT} op sivok 7 |* yop ou) Op ¢} SPUSILT oT \syju,u1g |* op sxzeak ¢ | op syya wg | op SOOM Z op sieoX gT|*

yog eyZ|ua wyxUQ|*

op * ‘IMouyu_ ‘SY * “yae8q TI ; op * ‘UMOuyU AE * “q3eeu TIT ‘HOTPeqINISL I

> TMOUYUE > “yaTeeq TIT ‘Asdatid ay ‘kyradorg

aye pozuroddesiq


‘kpnys pre yy ‘souvioduiezUy ‘MOLpeqinyse



A op


‘ploo Suryey

° ‘stgkTereg



pore |opeuts,7

TAMOPIM| 2eT@ Jl Op jayewo7 aysurg} ae W op jaTeume7 pelreyq| ee op op apsurg} op pelle yl |o[eue Ty [surg] op op CHINE PsTIIV ALO [ews | a[surg] op pelueyy| Ie op |eTeure,7 e]SuIg] eTe

pole pl opewe 7

a[SUIS] 9a[e potzeyq] op asus] op pore |oTeule 7 op ae a Surg |e[vue Ty pore] Te IAL op jayeuoy op ELIE op op op op op jayeuo.y op op op op op ae op op I[SUIG|a[VULI,T Polley] ele op op op jereuay op op Q[SUIg| ae]

op |FFr0e op |ZF0E op |TFOE "3099/0708 Op 6108 op |9108 op {2008 op [F008 op {1008 Op |666z "NY |966G op |$66% Op |Z66Z op 986% op |186Z op |916G Ange | 126 OP |8G6Z op 96% oun PiGhEG op |s6z

op |Z6Lz Op |16LZ "4908818




op op jsyymy sake op |syyump fl + op op | arm! go let op {rere

*[VOIporqoag op op |syyut, side op Oyo. Te | t * ‘TMouyuQ op jejewaq| Ze 1 AvpleT¢e “Arey pore yy op SUIVUIOI|syjUI J sift e op sieak QT)" ; ‘yonys ung op ew) ZF 6E Op |TgTe op Do ay op p.savyostq sym F sid g op SUJU UG | : : op Op. /PIeueH| gp 6 OP I9LTE op op op op SUIvUEY |sqzu g sik e op Iwok T : . op a[sutg|] op Ze 6 op |e/Tg *puvjerly wor rodney op P,sleyosiq|syjyu 9 sik op sxoom ¢ |: : * UMOTYUA | porteyy| op 6Z 2 op |e/Te op SUTLUNEY |sqjULg 81h G op OF) one ee ‘SI op op | go |p THdyiLoTs » ‘radneg *Arey1pore FT op pad sik @ op sivak 9 : * ‘Ksdayidy | oa[surs! ayeyy! og LI Op *‘|Tete -radneg op op lsyjmeg sake NOH sy TUM uyuy |* * ‘spustiy JO ssoyT | MOPTA\|a[vUIAq| ge €I op l9rTE “Arey pero op op jsyymg site Spuolty O4L) Op eq)’ * ‘umouxUy | e[SUIg} eTey] eF I. _- OP |SFIé ‘TedIpolte op SUILULOY|sy}W G sik e op siva QZ)" é * “qa7e9y TT op oP Lg G OP |881é (PUB Op) Op op P.Sreyosiqisyyut g sid ¢ OF Sal : * ‘UMOUYUL | partie] op c& G op |Zé1é op op op |syywe site op syoem @ | : ‘loqe] prey op jeyemeagq| 92 I yoreyigete op op jsyym 6 side qM0N 94) OP LZTI : : op op op 09 &G OP '|ssig *[BOIpol1a qT op op jsujw¢ sade |srvestaAQ O4T)- op qT | * ‘umouyuQ | asurg) afeyy] ez 61 OP \ézI¢ op op jstyu oy sXe oR op g | ‘uonorye oseuog | MoprAA) op Lg St OP (Scie “eksyeeay “yy oh) op op |syjm oT sid g y1n0) eGL; Op T | ‘yaouryuroddest(y Op eeu): 96 OT P \ZcTg "TeOTpOltod. op op jsyzaror sag | spuetgeyy) op g | *y ° ‘Asdopiday op e708 6 = “99.7061 ‘purjaty op op op op jsyim oT sie op Opec 2 op asulg] Op | Of {8 OP jFITE op Oop op op Op |sujuI QT sif 4INOD eT] sxvak Z|: s : op op op 1g SI Op |gote : op op jsyywor sXe | spustyeyt) op qT | / * ‘uMouyU op op os & ‘Ueriséeds : “OFST Areworyeys op sik % op yO ale : op op op Lg T ‘99d /¢s0g ‘Auvwiiey wor redneg | poaoidwy op sik % op op Zt’ . * YIpeay TIT | perrepyjepewo7| Te 63 «OP :-«sKF GE ; Axetoryeys op sik F op OP 04)’ z : op op op” | 16 66 OP |€s0e op peaordury op sik F JNO) SY T,|S4zU, Ur G : * ‘umouyug | asus} op cg 86 = ©P _—/Z80E “Arey 1pare TT op op sik F op OR Gale : * “UIT TIT | Petre] PPI] $9 FI “AON |9LOE op op | WMT sip] spuelqeqT) op gz °* * ‘se[sveyy op op | of {2 OP \c90E op op | wm, sid ZF op OO IL fe : : op asurs| op 8& 0G OP /6c0E Teorporte dT Areworye4S op | wm, sik yp aye) OW t ; op Op jaTewmed) 6F 9T OP |9c¢0E peAoidwmy| surewmoey|syyw z sik F 41n0D sy] sxvod e |- : * IMOTyU | petieyy| ee) Ge 9 ‘490/FG08 “SP8T '

*[eoIpolnteg “£rezIpoII FT é “SULUIBUOy *jeqidsopy “paqytur scons ore é ‘uommpuoo| . *pojjTUpe sO TeSTORES :

*[eprormo yy ‘Teprorng Soke nosuenen ar aaece conn SOE OGG FAT NaiNTE pene pean wATO 8 or ouie a


(‘pono )—aIGVE

‘HIOKX MONT Op op “purely wor radneg

*AleyIpaio yy op op op “‘puvjely woy rdueg Aivyipaie FL ‘OUIeT, WoT tedueg *[RoIpolleg *AIeyIpaII TT oi “puvfezy op op : ae iS) Z "[eo1porwed | ‘purjouy Op op *[eoIpoltag ca ‘puvjeaiyT Op op > ‘purlsug op op < Z ce] D2 *[ROIPOrtad op op op op op op op op op op op op *‘purlealy Wor redneg *AreqyIposo FT ‘pur[ery wo rdneg op

‘jeotpoeg *AreyIpateyy

op op op *purjeiy wos redueg

1853. ]

op op op op op SuUIvUa I, op |p, sreqosiqg, op op op op op op op op op op op op op SUIvUOIT op op op pad op op op op op ‘op op op op op op op op SuUTeUIOI op pd op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op Arewory24g SUIvUOY ‘paraaoooyy |p sivyosiq posordury op op op op op op SUIVULA IY op pod op op Areuoryys| surewery

styut TT sqyut TT

syyU F

MENTE, eT sq}Ur e syu © SUNG SY}U © syjyul @ sy ¢ Sy}Ut ¢ SEOs tg SUIS SIQUL g syyu @ Sy}U ¢ Su} F SUUL F SyyU P SYqUl F Syyw 7 Sy SUyU F SqyU F SUL G SYyUl 9 St} UL G syyU G SU}U 9 SUyUI 9 syyu e SUjt 9


sik 7

sik 7 sak c sik sah g sik @ sik ¢ sik ¢ sik ¢ sik si . sik 7 ih g sik @ sak @ sah @ sik @ sik sah é sik ¢ sik 7% sik @ sik @ sik ¢ sik ¢ Sih @ sik ¢ sik ¢ sik © sik @


sik ¢ sid Z sik ¢ sik @ sik @ sik sik ¢ sif ¢@ sik ¢

op sieok oT|" : op op SHIOM Z : : TAOUYU op yuo J ‘yUeUIa}10KE SNOISI[OY op op Zi * “UMOUyU A op op e|° : * ‘Tee OAOT- op op F| - MoTyveqingse yy op op Z |: TOWoTge oIsoulOg op qeak T |" : op ano OU AUP aly ee op Spuslly ep /UM wyUQ |’ ; : TMOUyU A.) op op 9|° : * ‘IIeye OAO'T op sieok cy] ‘preqany jo osnqy op op ¢ | > *snorsi[eyy op sivak 6 |" : : ‘Kksdoidy op op L| : * ‘UMouUyU_ op Ope Gat *=eet seat ti op op F| : * “I1eye VAO'T op SIU WZ |" : * TMOUyU A. qIn0DN eUT] op 9 | “TOTOT dIysSowOd S190SI@AQ eUT] op ZI : op op savok Z | : : ‘uMouyuy op UM Uyuy | : > ‘Kksdaziday op sivak Z |* s< * “U4]eO8T TIL op UM UyUy | : > ‘UMOUyu yIM0N oy] sitvok e |: : > ATVOT TIT SINOSIBAQ IY /Y}Wout T | : Souer1edweyuy op sivok OT] : : ‘Kksdapiday op op é é : op op UM UU |* : : op op qeak T |* : : op op Syoom 9 : * UMOuUyU_ op qeak T “Sponays ung op SYPUU PF |" : * *ya1eeY TI op SOM Z |" : * ‘sons ung op op @e| : * ‘Toge] prey op sieak F | : : §snors1ayy op op © |: : * TIMOUSU A chy OP eat : + fsnorsi]ay op op 9 | : * “erodiong JINOH eYT,|sy}U.w Ee |* > MOT YUL

9] SUIS pele ty

a[surg pole yy op op


MOPTMA pollre Jl oP


a surg

pore yy a SUIS

a[ewd 7 2TPTAL OY






op j¢gge op [F988 op |eges ‘09/1988 op |1¢g¢ op |F9E8 op |6rge op |9FSe op |ggge op |Fege op |eees “AON GEES op |izeg "OO |CTSE op [908g op |F0Ees op |96z8 op |G6ee "3029/8628 op |06z8 Op |68ze op |18ze op |21z8 op |elze op |69z¢ “BUY 8968 op |19¢8 op |a9%e op |1G8 Op |F#68 Op |etse OP |ZGe A[NL|OFSE Op |6ce8 OP |8zze op |gIze op |11Z¢ aun /coze op |9618 AV Z618



*“Aveyipaia pL NG OO oY Ope. 00) 1p ‘purjeaIyT op op ‘purljsuy Op op DY Ses OY “‘purjeiy wo rdneg op why s[EOTP ONG “AreqyIpare yy op ‘purlsuq wo 1edneg *AreyIparo Fy op op op ‘purfalyT op op *[ROIpolte T

‘purely wor 1adneg

‘jeolpotieg + *Areyipor9 yy RSs oR Op

*‘puvyariy wor iodneg


“Teprorwmoyt “Teplomng

op op

op op

op op

op op

op op

op op op suIvUle yy Aveuonyr9 pad op SUIeULOIy

poAoiduty op

poereA00ayy op

Areworye79 op

por9A 000 |p Sreyosiq,

Areuoryeyg op

poaoidwiy op

op op

op op

op op Areuorei9| surewioyy peaoidwy pea

ALeWOTye4g op

persa0sey |p, S1eyostq AIevU0T}e49| suTeWsyy

peaoidwuy |p, s1eyosiq op SUIvUOY op |p, Sreyostq

op op op sulewlayy op |p. sreyostq Areuoyeys| surewoey “SUIUIV UO

+99018 ULL UT Io


syymg sik Z op op O1j" syjme sikZ op sievak ¢7/|* syyug sihZ op op 81" syyw Gg sihZ op 8Y}U, UI STI" syjwmG sihZ op sivok g |* syjurg sik Z op syju,u 9 |* syjmg sikZ op sievak 7 syjurz sid 7 op op Z| syjurg sihkZ op syju,w gq|" syymtg =A T op qeok [ |" syyuty IAs T op Sy}U,ULe |" syywm % sth Z | JIN0D 23eqGoIg| SyaoM C |" syju z sik 7 | sloos1eAGQ IU |/syjU,Wg |" sym g sik Z op op ¢T\" syjyutg sihZ op op Gi syyug sik Z op sivak Z |* syjurg sik Z op op 9|° syjmig sihzZ op syju,me |* syjurg siz op sivak g |* syju g sIhZ op Sy90M g |* syjutg sid Z | 4anoH szeqorg|syjyu,mu Zz |” syjmg siXZ | spudalty ey) syeom g | syjw oT sihz op uM Uyuy |" syjug sikz op syju,m ) syyu QT sik Z op yoom T |" syju QT sid Zz op sivak @ syjyw {T sik Zz op Sy}U,T 9 SY}UL TT sik Z | yINOD ayeqorg| savak Z syjurt TT sik Z op 90M T | syjut TT sx4Z JANOH IY L|syyu ug *jeqidsoyy “pay Tur rrolsarmee anit aun ~ut0o Oya Ag ROR:


op 3 op A op op * ‘CMO yu. ‘at, JO UINT, : op j op * ‘TMouxuy ‘yeradiong ‘QA0] UI passorp

* TMOuUyU * Gysty . op * ‘uMouyU_ * *Ky19A0g - ‘IMOuTyUA * “Snorlsi[eqy

* ‘CMO HUY “peoy jo Ainfuy

op * TMOouUya

‘moyoaye p.qutoddesiq


. op

* ‘UMOTYUY | poltieyy

‘esned posoddng

op jayeure,7 op op op op

op CIEING a[suts] op op op

op jeyewa7 perieyy| op

a[suIS| sey

palslieyy apeure

e[surg| ee op op


op ate W

op jeyeuod pelieyy| op

op i) 2 NE

a] SuIG|eTeula yy

op oTeTL petireyy| op op op

op jereureq a[sulg] op pelweyy| op op op op op

op STP

op joelemey, aTSUIS| op



Tato | “*°8

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(‘panurjuop )\—A TA VL



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“purely Wor radneg ‘[eorpotteg “Are,tpos0 Fy

‘purjaly op



op op

‘puvpery wor todneg


‘purely wor odneg

‘Arey parody

op op

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*payJIUUIpe | *WOISSTuIpe

wo jo ‘ON. asV oul

(‘panunquo9 )—ATAVL





op op *ALeYpor9 FT *TeoIpoltog

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op op |syyur OT op sivak e |* peaAoiduy| surewory|syjut QT op UA UyuyQ|" persA000%7 op |syju 6 op op gti op p.Sreyostq|syjyw z IX T |4an0g ayeqorg| oop ¢ |"

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op prdisyym sg sh 7 op SYOOM F |"

op op If [ | StoastoAQ ayy) wed T |:

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peaoidury}] surewoyy

14 [ | 4In0g 23eqQ01g| UM, wyUL |

, 8 Sqayea TIT oi

Joe SOU TEL quaute;7oxe SATISN 2 > ‘TMOuUyU : : sufodaotie . op : : UMOUy TA: * Souvreduiezuy : : 6 | Se 5 . op : * MOTTA USE ‘m0ryej0eT * Souriedue}UyT : > Ksdopiday : G op : * “TMOU TA ‘TayjZOuU Jo yywoq e * UMOTYU A ‘4y10d01d Jo ssor'yT : * ‘asnqe-jag : . op > MOU 4 ‘Ioqey PIeyT * *J9AOT JO SSO'T , > TWMOTSU A

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op op

op ‘[eolporlag

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Cone) peaoidwy

oR Areworye3g poeraao0ayy poaoidwy Areworye49 peaoidwy petaao0eyy Arewory249 poaoiduy

‘Aveyipareyy | Areuoreyg




suremoy| WUT = IT op |syju g p,sieyosiq|syyu ) suIvuley|syju Fy tA T op |syjuz Pp, sIVYOsTq||SY}UI 6 survwmoy|syyu FT 14 T op |syjut ) P.SIBYOSIC SU} UL F op |s~ymg wT suIvMsy|syjm Z «IAT op stat f% p.Sreyosty |syyU Z pad |suyw TP op. |syjut e op |suyu ep p,aleyosiq,|sypU Z op |syymz IT op |symzg IAT op |suyu gg 44 T SUIvUT I |syyut $z IA T op | yumy, I] op IA [ op |suyug «aT op | ym, wT Op |syjuUt 6 Op say ur Pp. Sreyostq |syyUt 6 op |syjure zh T op jsyyug «47 suIeUe|sIyuM e IA T *SUIUIVULE *TeyIdsop. 10 ayy UL posieyosiq. quods oul,

yanon o4eqo1g| Op II" ‘ky19d01d JO sso'y JMOH [Lon |SYIU.T 9 |* * HOTJVqINISeT qmog ayeqoI1g| sree ¢ |* * UMOT YU op syoom g |* . * ‘snorlsi[ey SIN0SIOAQ oy) skep F |* : : op SPUOTL,T OYJ.) $3994 OT|* + ‘amouyug JINOH [oun |SyIU.ULZ |” : > ‘Ksdapidy JAMOH e4vqGoIg| Yeas T | : op Spusray oy} sieved ST|° 5 : op JINON [,lo1unyy| See F | : : op yaAM0H eyeqorg| steak : . op SI9ISIBAQ OYJ] SYOoM 9 : + MOT YU op SyyU WZ |" $ * ‘reredien J op skep 0|" , * ‘TMOT HU 4mog ayeqorg| oom T |‘woroaye poyuroddusrT spuceig oy, sdhepz | > “Buryoye WUOD 24VqQoIg|syjU,W F | . » Ireye VAo'T StaTg ‘9 }N0D]} Op ot)" * ‘gouereduiequy qmog oyeqorg; steafe | * * ‘Ayjepyuy spuelng oy) 1veA 7 | * 9oueredutezuy op syoom 7% | - Seruemoydurd yy qInog eyeqorg| srvek FZ | ss ya]e9y TIT JANOH [oun] OP 9g | . STMOTyUQ JANOH OFVqoIg; SYOOM F | ‘JoyZOU Jo yyVoC op op zg 2 > ‘krewuno9 J ‘spucriyy OY] sieved Qe|" : : op op op F| * Mouxyuy op op a ip * Ssnoraiey op yyuou [ | 2 * TMOTYU 4mMoV oeqorg| Syeem Z |" : ‘roqey] prey, spuorty SUL abo S é | e * “qaeet, TIT “pour “MOISSIUIpY ; : Seon cus Te ee asnvo posoddng

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penieyy) ee

op elem op op

op EEN

op jeyemoy

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jo “ON


(“panusquop )\—ATAV.L




op op op op op op ‘TROIporte Sp *kxvexrpo1a yy EROS op op “Aveypata yy

op Aretonyey9 persAo0ery Areuoryeyg

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Oy Areuoryeys porteaooery Aremo1ye}9 peraAosayy




oy Axreuorye19

pertaAooary op op Avewouyeyg


Pp, Steyostq,

p.dreyostq SUIVUIOY



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p,Sreyosiqy SUTCWO YY

p.dreyostq SUIvUOIT

op p.Sreyost SUIVULS YT

sow FIT SOW FIT SOUL 6 skep QT SOUL TT SOU ¢ skep 6 Sow F OU T Soul 9 skep FZ SOUL TT soul G skep GZ sou [1 skep 9% SOUL TT 1 IAT Ik T Ih [ Shep 7G skep % skep ¢ skep 9 skep 9 SYJU F shep ol 2 skep qT 4 skep ZI 4 syyUt 9 suyUt FIT MANO suyUL ¢ SY}UL @ skep 7% SPU TT skep 13 yu FT SUJUE Z sy g SYJU G StU e Syyu Pp syyur 9 yur T

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op qINOH 9}eqorg SpUali yy OUT, JAINOD 9}eqQorg Spudrty oy 7,

pnp o7eqQoq Spuolmty ey L a op 4IMop syeqorg Spuorny OUT, yINoD eyeqQorg

SOI 9 sivok SIU Ul

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> SuMOUyU A * ‘Kksdatiday ‘ally JO UN, > TMOu yu * “uaTeey TIT ‘atqnory Aprure 7 : ‘Ksdoptda ‘LoTyeqanyse yl * ‘TMOUYU Tequia Arends g * TMOTYU ° “Sat ‘Kpnys prey

: op * UMOTYUA ‘aouetod wey UT > TMOTyU A

‘purqsny jo osnqy

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polrre yy a[ Surg

pole yl op op apsulg peltiey e[Sulg

pollieyy a1 Sug POLLe yy a[Surs pore


op a[suIg


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Aremoreyg peaoiduy

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pesieyosiq. quods ouity,

(‘panuzuog )—A Ta VL

1853.] SENATE—No. 87


Showing the Admissions from each County the last and previous years.

1852. Previously. Total.

——— | | ee

Barnstable, . : 5 Males, . 2—— : Females, . 6—— 8 101 | 109

Berkshire, . - : Males, . 8—— : Females, . 5—— 13 121 134

Bristol, 2 2: Males, . 12-—— F Females, . 10-—— 22 236 258

Dukes, . “| Males; )2.——— : Females, . 0—— 1 15 16

Essex, : - Males, . 18—— A Females, . 14—— 32 482 514

Franklin, . . Wings, 9 4 Hl E Females, . 0—— 4 96 100

Hampden, . 5 Males, . 6—— Females, . 10—— 16 195 211

Hampshire, . ; 3 aisles, - 3— 2 emales, . 2

5 169 174

Middlesex, . : y Males, . 24. - Females, . 22—— 46 456 502

Nantucket, . 5 5 Males, . 2—— Females, . 0—— 2 26 | eee

Norfolk, ec : 5 Males, . 16—— - Females, . 19——— 30 473 508

Plymouth, . - «Males, . 9——

Females, . 9 18 180 198

Suffolk, - : . Males, . 9—— - Females, . 37/-—— 46 363 409 -

Worcester, . : - Males, . 34—— : Females, . 27-—— 61 937 998

Other States, P R Males, . 0—— : Females, . 0—— 0 10 10

309 3,861 4,170



During the autumn of the ensuing year, it is hoped and ex- pected that this hospital will be in a measure relieved of its great press of patients, by diversion of commitments from that time of a part of the lunatics to the new institution in Taunton. Whether the second Hospital for the Insane shall receive only one sex, or both sexes, of that section of the State, the managers of this will, from relief afforded, be pleased to have it get into operation. ‘There has been a con- stant increase in the number of patients resident in .this insti- tution. .In the last eight years the number has more than doubled. Had not thirty been recently returned to the jails and houses of correction of their respective counties, we should have had at this time one hundred and seventy-five more than what should be the utmost limit of our accommoda- tions.





Showing the Admissions and December 1st, 1851, to

State of the Hospital, from

November sient 1852.

Patients in the Hospital, Decem-

ber Ist, 1851, . z . 466 Males, 242 Females, . 224

Patients admitted in the course of

the year, . x . 809 | Males, 148 Females, . 161 Whole number in the Hospital, in course of the year, . : 7719 Males, 390 Females, . 385 Patients remaining in the Hospi- tal, November 30th, 1852, . O32 Males, : 264 Females, . 268 Of the Admissions, there were cases of less duration than one year, . 176

Males, i : j 81 Females, . “4 95

Of the Admissions, there were cases of one yearormore, . 94 Males, 6 4 Females, . : 49

Cases the duration of whose in- sanity before admission not as- certained, és E ayesy)

Males, . . 22 Females, . - 17

Patients committed by Courts, . 259 Males, 118 Females, . 141

Committed by Overseers f the Poors. 4 s 39 Males, . : "93° Females, . : 16

Private Boarders on bonds, . owe Males, : Females, . A 4

Foreigners, those who have no legal residence in this State, admitted during the ne - 128

Males, 6 Females, . : 72

Foreigners discharged during the Weary. (CR pain ca ere Cles Males, . : 44 Females, . : ol

Foreigners remaining in the Hos-

pital at the end of the year, . 241 Males, M1 Females, . é 130

State Paupers remaining in the Hospital at the end of each year, as near as they can be ascertained :—

18419, UMAR Oey 1949.1 ate Mas 1A os SS IAS ees + GT a | ead nse

147, Fe sing TESTIS Nag aeaube ian (510 1849, 167 1850, 181 1851, 208 1852, O41

‘The admissions have exceeded in number that of any

former year.

Our increase of foreigners continues.


one-half of our household are State beneficiaries for their care,


food and raiment. It is a thing almost unknown that any of this class pay any bills. 'The Irish patients are usually repre- sented to us as just having become insane. In this we are peculiarly liable to be misinformed. 'They may have just manifested violence for the first time, or may have just become uncontrollable, but we often ascertain afterwards, that they had for months or years been getting singular in their habits or wayward in their dispositions. This may, in part, account for the prevalent. impression in hospitals, that their chances of re- covery are not equal to that of the native born patients.


Showing the number of Discharges and Deaths, and the Con- dition of those who left the Hospital, from December Ist, 1851, to November 30th, 1852.


o Incurable|Incurable

<2 Becorr: Bpape Ov- | and | and dan-| Deaths.

pI GSB és harmless.| gerous.


cS) a | ; : :

2 2 _ ||) @ a i , | 2 5 ee Salita


fs} ~ S ~~ a ~ ~~ ~


Patients discharged, .| . [243)| . |103| . | 34 20; . | 41) . | 45)...

Males, ‘i 126" = || 55) . 1 Te! ..|, 10) . | 25) . 20hy. 1126 Females, . . (117) . |] 48 18 10; .| 16 25 117

Recent cases—less than oneyear—discharged, | . | 96|| . | 74) .| 8) .| 3) .| Jj .| 10) » Males, . .| 447. | 38). : ; : :

Females, . . | 52) . || 36

bx eed

Chronic cases—one year

or more—discharged, | . |135/| . | 24) . | 26) . | 16) . | 39) .| 30) . Males, . oN Aloe HN PS jell

Females, . «| Ghia || LO) 2 at

ost —s or —_ (=?) jmp) a

Patients discharged, the duration of whose in-

sanity not ascertained, | . | 12|)) .| 5) ./ O|.] Jj) .} W.| 5 . Males, . ol gee littl dye Oli ve peal 1 3 8 Females, . - | Alas 2 0 0 0 2 4

es —_—— ——

103, | 34 | 20| | al | 45

When our patients have become rational—when they have given up their delusions—when their feelings towards their friends have become natural—when they have become indus-


1853. ] SENATE—No. 1. Al

trious, and when they show us by their actions that they would, on their return to their homes, conduct with propriety, and engage in their accustomed pursuits, we have represented their cases to your favorable consideration. And when the friends of such asare quiet, harmless and apparently incurable, desire their removal, we have recommended them to be dis- charged by you. During this year you have, for the first time ‘for many years, exercised your authority, in relieving the house of its great pressure of inmates by sending to houses of correction some of the incurable and dangerous. The Judge of Probate, of this county, has also discharged several of this last class, upon the request of their guardians and friends, when satisfied they would be safely and comfortably provided for, after leaving the hospital.


Showing the number of Admissions and Discharges, and the average number in the Hospital, each month in the year.

Monthly Av- | A qmissions. Discharges. erage.


December, 1851, . 3 F ; 475 28 13 January, 1852,. : : : 487 22 17 Bebewane, ; : : 496 22 8 March, Goris - A 504 19 9 April, ao : ; : 505 9 22 May, Cub Sis Ae : : 510 34 13 June, CO c 5 : 527 38 22 July, oe : - : 538 34 23 August, Ca he : ; : 548 28 23 September, . : . é 535 24 Sl October, Oe de - : 525 23 22 November, . : : 5 529 28 20 Average No. for the year, ; : 515

The smallest number of patients was 465, and that was early in the year; and the number steadily increased up to 552, in September, when more than 30 were discharged for the want of room, and remanded to other places of confinement, and some others were taken away by their friends at our solicitation. Any farther increase of violent ‘patients would much incommode the good order of the institution.




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Motos 1D 6D CO 00 <H Qe x Oona 19 1 PD 16 CD 19 19 CD rsaN 16

“PSE | “PBL | “ChSE | “IF8L | “OF8L | “GSS “BE8T | “LEST

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‘dunn 5, ‘IaWUUING ,, ‘Oude ,, ‘Io}UL AA UT —syyeoq

‘UUININY 5, ‘6 , latuWINg ,, ‘outldg ,, “TayULAA UT —Sd19A0097

‘CuINnInY 5, awn ,, ‘outidg ,, “19qUr MA OT —saoleyosiy

‘uuIn|ny ;, ‘IaWUUNG ,, ‘Sutidg 4, ‘IaULAA UT —SUOISSIUIP VW

‘suosnag quasafip ayz fo saysynjiy ‘S GTAViL

1853. ] SENATE—No. I. 43


Showing the whole number of Residents during the year, the average number each year, the number at the end of each year, and the expense of each of the dineniy years the Hos- pital has been in operation.

me Yeas, [eatin ar] ASS; N0- acento enc] Corsenk Papenss] Anus) nem 1833 153 107 114 $12,272 91 $114 67 13834 30 117 118 15,840 27 135 38 1835 241 120 119 16,576 44 137 30 1836 245 127 138 21,395 28 168 44 1837 306 163 185 26,027 07 159 64 1838 362 211 218 28,739 40 136 20 1839 397 223 229 29,474 41 152 16 1840 391 229 236 27,844 98 121 59 1841 399 233 232 28,847 62 423 81 1842 430 238 238 27,546 87 111 12 1843 458 244 259 27,914 12 114 40 1844 49] 261 263 29,278 75 112.17 1845 506 316 360 43,888 65 138 85 1846 637 309 367 39,870 37 111 06 1847 607 377 394 39,444 47 104 62 1848 655 404 409 42,860 05 106 09 1849 682 420 429 40,870 86 97 31 1850 670 440 44} 46,776 13 106 40 1851 704 462 466 | 52,485 33 112 61, 1852 773 515 532 43,878 35 85 20

This table exhibits a great increase in the number of resi- dents the past year over former ones. And, indeed, when our number had risen up to five hundred and fifty-two patients, your Board was compelled, by the extreme necessity of the case, ‘in order to afford suitable accommodation for the re- mainder of them,’’? to remove to houses of correction of their respective counties, about thirty of the violent insane. It was with great reluctance that such a step was advised. But a crowded hospital for the insane—especially the violent in- sane—is extremely difficult to manage, and liable to accidents even under the most vigilant supervision. As we have had an average during the whole year of about one hundred and twenty-five patients more than single rooms for them, we have been obliged of course to place two beds in several of our


small dormitories. We have no associated dormitories, except the infirmaries, which have been crowded as sleeping rooms for the more quiet class.

The current expenses per patient have been more moderate the past year than ever before. ‘This has arisen mainly from our larger number of boarders. Although we have devoted two more persons than before to the care of the insane, and have had a female night watch. 'This last duty has never been performed before, except in case of sickness.

The bills for “improvements and repairs” embrace that for the wood and iron work, $660, for the Eastern Gate and that for painting the floors of two galleries in the North L, and the standing work of all three. For the standing work zine paint was used, and after six months wear, its appearance is very satisfactory. Some forty rock maple trees have been placed in the new sidewalk in Mulberry Street,—twenty white ash, trees in the Eastern Avenue,—thirty elms in the sidewalk in Summer Street, and several other forest trees have been set out on the premises. Although we have done much yearly in the way of improvement and ornament to the grounds, very much more remains to be done. ‘The proposed iron fence in front will enlarge the grounds on this hill, for the patients’ ex- clusive use, and keep further off the increasing population of this city. This iron fence, and the picket fence around the east garden, will draw largely upon any surplus funds in the treasury next season. The neccessary annual repairs upon this establishment, subjected to the hard usage of this house- hold, will always be considerable. The price of board has been reduced by your Board to as low a point as can reason- ably be expected in an institution of this kind. This you have been enabled to do by a combination of favorable cir- cumstances. It will be a fortunate thing to those who shall hereafter be called upon to pay bills, if as favorable a combina- tion shall continue. |

1853. | SENATE—No. 1. 45

TABLE 7. Showing the Causes of Insanity as affecting persons pursuing different Occupations.

$ nies 4

ek E

SS Weal Gel 1m | A | eles Farmers, . 5 oi) #8. | 23/133) | BOG Sly) SE. | 05) lp debe 8h), S50 Laborers, . . + | 9a IS | TSO Te OS oe a ae Seamen, . : lac Sb ea (as a le ec (el wad tal NPL Merchants, sah BA ha TA QB li SD ltl cel ee Carpenters, : ao | 8 | MO aa Sole Ae on eceibe Shoemakers, : SPS Se OE PB Nae tt Pee Blacksmiths, ht bohe WijeyBaly Tele elke bey Ee leas Students, . Si Sule) 2 | Sa ei ee Clergymen, Dy a Se DES 1 eo ee Lawyers, . : supra ewcel Pale dA [salen] lille 6 Physicians, 4 eh eel ete Se te ae 4 Painters, . : 22/5 | PPS DE UO PE ee Manufacturers, Selita Ole era meeps ale res me oill AY



Showing the Causes of Insanity, and the circumstances con- nected with the causes and predisposition to Insanity, the last and previous years.

1852. Previously. Ill Health, 30 528 Intemperance, . 7 363 Domestic Affliction, 13 331 Religion, 9 255 Masturbation, ; 7 190 Property, 9 178 Disappointed Affection, 5 99 Disappointed uae = 39 Epilepsy, i 8 105 Puerperal, : 5 11 118 Wounds on the Head, . : 2 49 Hard Labor, . 5 4 52 Jealousy, : : 1 17 Fright, 1 27 Palsy, 5 2 : f E : 3 32 Periodical cases, - 5 : 4 : 44 791 Hereditary cases, A : F A 39 922 Homicidal cases, 3 : : 5 6 16 138 Have committed Homicide, . . ake ; 1 22 Suicidal cases, 4 : - 4 28 309 Have committed Suicide, 3 A 7 ; 1 18 Cases arising from Physical causes, . . : 52 1464 Cases arising from Moral causes, : : : 3l 999

it is often attended with difficulty and uncertainty in ascer- taining the one true cause of insanity. Ill health is justly re- garded as the almost universal precursor of this malady, and it is often the principal cause. But there is frequently some moral or mental disturbance antecedent to this that has escaped observation. From the direct effect of intemperance, there has been comparatively but few admissions. Five have been brought to us whose minds were overborne by investigating the phenomenon early designated as the Rochester Knock- ings.” ‘The two males recovered their former health of body and mind very favorably, and two of the females will, proba- bly, recover also. ‘They were all what are called nervous per- sons, and were, at the time of their admission, suffering from physical disease.

1853. ] SENATE—No. 1. AY

Many patients are periodically insane, with lucid intervals of regular, but more often of irregular, duration. With some, the periods of excitement are self-limited. Remedial means have very little, if any, controlling influence in arresting their pro- gress. Where the interval of reason and self-control is short, the individuals usually remain with us ; but, where the rational period continues weeks or months, they return to their families and friends. . |

Hereditary predisposition is obvious in some families. A mother, two sisters, and a brother, have beén inmates of this hospital. All of them have been here twice each, and some three times. ‘Two brothers and two sisters, of another family, have been inmates here. Other members of. the same family have been insane. ‘The members of this family were periodi- cally affected. Of another family, two brothers and a sister have been patients here. The father, mother, a sister, and two other brothers, were for a time insane. At this time, we have three male patients, who have each a sister with us. A mother and her daughter are patients here, at this time. We once had twin sisters, and once had a man and his wife as patients.

This hereditary taint ‘is apparently a peculiarity in the congenital constitution of each individual. It may be trans- mitted from parents, or it may arise anew, as other varieties in the congenital structure are known to do. It seems probable that any causes which tend to produce enervation and debility in parents will have an effect on their offspring.” It follows then that those causes which tend in the growth and maturity of the whole system to its health and full development, will eradicate any hereditary or acquired predisposition to insanity. A person in the enjoyment of perfect health of body can, fora short time, sustain almost any amount of mental exertion or any ordeal of the affections. It is only after the material in- strument becomes exhausted, that the mind fails to respond in a healthy tone. The chances of recovery in those cases where there is a hereditary predisposition, are said by many to be as good as in those cases of healthy parentage.



Previous Occupation of Patients, where tt was known.

1852.° Previously. Farmers, , 14 407 Laborers, 4 : 17 314 Merchants, 3 127 Shoemakers, 15 132 Seamen, 6 116 Carpenters, : 9) 104 Manufacturers, 6 - : 10 70 Teachers, 4 A “5 3 1 52 Students, ; : c >. 1 47 Blacksmiths, . - : - 32 Machinists, 1 5 Painters, 4 2 - 2 27 Tailors, 5 : ° a 1 18 Clergymen, j = 19 Lawyers, - . ° : . 1 7 Physicians, 1 8 Females accustomed to active “employment, 44 791 Females accustomed to sedentary employment, 7 285


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“CGR | “IGST | “OSST | “GEST | “SPST | “LEST | “SPST | “SPSL | “FFSL | “EPSI | “CPST | “1PST | “OPST | GEST | “SEST | “LEST | “9EST | “CEST | “FEST | “SE8T

‘pmuyuog—Ol GIAV.L

1853.] SENATE—No. 1. 51

TABLE 11. Ages of Patients in the Hospital, Duration of Insanity with those remaining in the Deceniber Ist, 185 Hospital, December Ist, 1852

Under 10 years old, . . 0 | Less than 1 year insane, EP From 10 to 15 years old, ; 1 | From 1 to 2yearsinsane, . 58 “& 45 «6 99 & c 18 13 Q&% 5 “6 66 - 88 te 79) 66 5 (74 ce . 55 44 5 66 10 66 66 3 OF « 9 «30 « « Se 58a) ome TOM saree om tie 5 76 «& 20 « 85 & 66 90 “« 15 90 6 66 x 97 & 835 % 4Q « 6 94 “& 90 & 95 66 6s . 20 4Qs 45 & 3 x 66 “& 95 « 20 66 66 r 9 Saas: Oia ee - Al | Over 30 are 2 er 4 UOTE. 15 ()) ICONS al , - 938 | Unknown, ‘i : . 69 55% 60 & « ae) 22 GOP Gor s Ge 17 532

66 G5 66 70 66 66 Pal

66 70 6s 75 66 ce . 5

¢ 756% BO «6 66 5

Over 80 ae “e iI





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1853. | SENATE—No. 1. 53


Diseases that have ae Fatal.

1852. Previously.

Marasmus, . 64. Apoplexy and Palsy, . 49 Consumption, . : 44 Epilepsy, : 42 Disease of the Heart, . 18 Suicide, : 18 Disease of the Brainy: 18 Typhus Fever, 11 Lung Fever, 14

Hemorrhage, .

Dysenteric Fever,

Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Mortification of the Limbs, Dropsy, . Chronic Dysentery, Erysipelas


Disease of the Brain from Intemperance, Bronchitis, 5 Old Age,

Gastric Fever,.

Land Scurvy, .

Congestive Fever, Concussion of the Brain, Disease of the ee Fright,


Maniacal Exhaustion, . Convulsions,



Hydrothorax, .




et ee

(e) ems Fred fret fret fret SD ee et et et 0 et OT SD C9 DD GD OV CI THEO OH




This institution has, during the past year, been blessed with great immunity from acute disease. There is not probably in this community, a neighborhood of numbers equal to the in- mates of this hospital, that has been more highly favored in this respect, than we have. As a general rule, our patients have good appetites. ‘They eat heartily and fully. Except


nineteen cases of erysipelas of the face and head, that occur- red from December to June, we have had nothing like an epi- demic. ‘These cases of erysipelas were many of them slight, and none of them, fatal. In most instances the disease began at some scratch of the skin or a pimple. Four commenced on the nose and four on the ear. In only one case did the in- flammation extend down into the body. We found the appli- cation of warm water grateful in some of the cases, but the effects of other topical applications of doubtful utility.

The summer complaints of the bowels appeared only in a few instances.

Six died, after passing the advanced stage allotted to man, of three score years and ten. Some of whom had been insane many years. It is probable, however, their days were shortened in consequence of their mental disturbance, for such is the usual effect of the diseased brain. A few, however, continue thirty or forty years after becoming insane. In many cases, the system becomes exhausted rapidly by the maniacal excite- ment, and fatal symptoms early supervene after being brought to the institution. They labor under a heavy load of mental troubles, and in consequence, make violent and continued physical exertion to free themselves. Unless such cases can be sustained by nourishment, they usually fail rapidly.

Consumption is one of the most common of the fatal results of insanity. Such is shown to be the fact by the reports of all the institutions for the insane. When the lungs suffer the most, either from hereditary predisposition or from any acci- dental cause, the disease assumes the name of phthisis, and when there is a universal wasting away of the solids, the dis- ease is called in our tables marasmus.

Although we have had but little acute disease, our mortality is large. Insanity is often one of the results merely of a general breaking-down of the constitution, and is, therefore, necessarily fatal. Some of such are brought here to be taken care of in their last days, and of whose recovery but very lit- tle hope could have been entertained.


cc |€9 \999 |\8'9 |ZE ‘1eaf yore sjuapisal Jo Jaq

€2°8|8 S6CI 6 |c62 GOL gc'0L 6G'2 PLS | 6 | (STS sc'9 986 BeZ -WWNU aoRlaAR JOSY}Op Jo *juad Jag

BG | t i8 ice er a) Geele9 yD pee | OG eS Le 1S: Gaal > ‘reof yore yeyd -SOF] 9} UI [[e JO syjeap jo yued Jog re |) 178 i fs Vi¢ |6 1/8 Oy Te 1e iv | Oe TA as 19 le POL pls | 9) eS i *uoryeqinyse yy } G |r is po |sG alee 0 =| Of lee al 9) ise) s\ CL eck Se (sol OS Son Ve sors : ‘sountodmaquy aa © cee “| pa lac Ge | oe Ge ue el Ze cS vee 0" | OF ORO) eG) eZee ; * ‘hyradoig | 9 IL | 8 OL | IL | cl | TL TL | OL | 6 | SL | SE | ZL | SS} ST | OL | OL | ZL | GL | PT - “SOOT 08 V_ e1.L ical GoleGm | i elt | Oat Olle FR er eB ae iz GS DG 3 * UML ASL a 6 6 |Z St | SE | ZL | IL | SL | SL | OL | SL | &@ | SB! 4a | Be | Ie | G| Te | st | 8 |” : * “Uy®9A IL = : Teak yore sasneo JuauUOId sour 7 ey} JO SUOTSSIUIpe oY} Jo "jue. Jog is RD 8I | SL | 16 | Fe | GI | ZT | 8a i VG | 66 | OL | 12 | 6 | ZL | SL | S@ | 6L | SL | OG | * | ‘S9SRO PlO JO 5 9

Gb | OF | PS | FS | SS | GP | ZG 119 | PS | GS | OF | GF | ES | 4V | GS | LS | ES | OP PS | * | padaeyosip Tye Jo», » 9 LL | @8 | 28 | $8 | 98 | @Z | 64 |§68 | 6 | 88] 16 | 16 | 16 | 06 | 98 | 68 | F8 | GB | G | ° | “$8880 JUEDeI Jo AtaAooaI JO 099 13g

“CORT | 1281 | “OS8T | “GPS | “SFBT | “LPST | “OPST | “FST | “PFST | “EPST | “CPST | “IPST “OPST | “GEST | ‘8E8T | “LEST | “98ST | “SE8T | “PEST | “EE8T



1853. ]


Employment is the great moral means of curing the insane. Useful labor on the farm, in the shop, in the various departments of domestic work of the hospital—the kitchens, the laundry, and the sewing-room, and in their own galleries, by the females, in sewing and knitting for themselves or the institution, helps to divert their minds from dwelling continually on their mor- bid delusions. Games have a similar effect. So does the ex- hibition of the magic lantern, and views of the diorama. Riding and walking about this city invigorates the body and refreshes the mind. We have endeavored to get out into the open air daily all such as were in a suitable condition to be out. Reading gratifies while it instructs. Our library is much frequented by the patients, and the books much used. ‘he newspaper is yearly becoming more and more an indispensable favorite. Each local paper is sought by those who were its readers before being brought here. The proprietors of the following, generously continue their welcome donations :— The Daily Advertiser, Evening Gazette, Olive Branch, Puritan Recorder, Christian Witness and Church Advocate, Christian Watchman and Reflector, Youths’ Companion, Monthly Re- ligious Magazine, Zion’s Herald, New England Farmer, Christian Observer, and the To-day, from Boston; Register and Essex County Gazette, from Salem; Lynn News, from Lynn; Old Colony Memorial, from Plymouth; Assistant of the Ministry at Large, from Roxbury; Gospel Messenger, from Utica, N. Y.; Aigis, Daily and Weekly Spy, Palladium, Daily Transcript, Cataract, and N. BE. M. 'T. Journal, from Worcester ; and Democrat, from Taunton.

From the Hon. Charles Allen, the hospital received—Patent Office Report—Agricultural, 1850-1851. The ‘Treasurer’s Report, on Commerce and Navigation of United States, in 1851. The President’s Annual Message, and accompanying documents, Part Ist, 1851 and 1852. Hon. H. Mann sent us the Congressional Report on the Sulphuric Ether Controversy.

Dr. Samuel Flagg sent us a large century plant. Dr. Lopez, of Alabama, gave for the patients’ library an English sovereign. And Mr. Sibley laid us under obligations to himself and another, for the music for one of our dancing parties.

Games and innocent amusement are recommended to the in-

1853. ] SENATE—No. 1. 57

mates, who engage in them more or less freely, as their feel- ings permit them. 'They subserve the great purpose of divert- ing the thoughts from constantly running in the channel of their delusions.

The constant religious services of the Sabbath—forenoon and afternoon—the Bible class, and the evening service, has been conducted by our able and judicious Chaplain, who has been so many years with this family. Many of the patients listen with undivided attention and with profit. They con- duct with great decorum in these meetings, and are gratified with the privilege of being present.

To those associated with me in conducting the affairs of this great family, I am greatly indebted, for their kindness, indus- try and good spirit, in promoting its great interests. This hospital has been, from the beginning, remarkably fortunate, generally, in the high moral character and fitness for their duties, of the attendants and assistants employed.

Some of the avails of our farming, as estimated by the Steward, are the following, besides the fresh vegetables daily gathered from the garden for present use:

Potatoes, 300 bushels, at 40 cents,, . a) GIZ0, 00 Beans, . 6 < GL 75 : < : 10 50 Beets, 215 a“ Ste Vale ZiorCenistie (73 : 53 75 Turnips, 95 a “ri sa oa a : : 23 75 Onions, 66 es a Owe #6 : : 33 U0 Parsnips, 60 é OO. let : 30 00 Cucumbers, 78 ue a aOgants ; : 23 40 Cabbage heads, 1,800, Soe Ha : ~ 72 00 Apples, Ga ibusheliss Many e4s ac : 26 00

Milk, SOOO quats pin) ao aie : « 1,225.00 Beef, 11 beeves, 8,556 pounds, 6 : : 513 36 Pork, 52 hogs, 16,745 pounds, 8 ‘¢ : . 1,339 80

$3,470 56


And for wintering the stock of four horses, one yoke of oxen and twenty-three cows, there was cut on

the farm, hay, 41 tons, at $16 00, . k . $656 00

and raised in the garden, carrots 1,735 bushels

at 30 cents, . i : : é : 520 50 $1,176 50

The Hospital year closed with a family of 532 patients, 71 employees, 5 others.

. 608

And another year has commenced under the most favorable auspices.


Strate Lunatic Hosprrat, Worcester, Dec. 2, 1852. -





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E. Hi) KELLOGG, PresipEnT, Pittsfield. J. S. C. KNOWLTON, Worcester. FOSTER HOOPER, Fall River. SAMUEL G. HOWE, Boston

REJOICE NEWTON, Secretary, Worcester.









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