1994 ANNUAL REPORT to the GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA, UNITED STATES, SASKATCHEWAN AND MONTANA by the Poplar POPLAR RIVER BILATERAL MONITORING COMMITTEE COVERING CALENDAR YEAR 1994 December 1995 Montana State Library 3 0864 1004 5766 5 s 353.9^ 1994 ANNUAL REPORT STATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTION DEC 26 1995 to thG MONTANA STATE LIBRARY •■^ 1515 E. 6th AVE. HELENA, MONTANA 59620 GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA, UNITED STATES, SASKATCHEWAN AND MONTANA by the POPLAR RIVER BILATERAL MONITORING COMMITTEE COVERING CALENDAR YEAR 1994 PLEA ,\f~ i-^h I I iiJ^l December 1995 \ i )• Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee Department of State Washington, D.C., United States Governor's Office State of Montana Helena, N/lontana, United States Department of External Affairs Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Saskatcfiewan Environment and Resource Management Regina, Sasl ^ D.D. Nargang Member, Canadian Section TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights for 1994 ill 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Committee Activities 2 2.1 Membership 2 2.2 Meetings 2 2.3 Review of Water-Quality Objectives 3 2.4 Data Exchange 5 3.0 Water and Air: Monitoring and Interpretations 5 3.1 Poplar River Power Station Operation 5 3.2 East Poplar River 6 3.2.1 Streamflow 6 3.2.2 Apportionment 7 3.2.3 Minimum Flows 7 3.2.4 On-Demand Release 8 3.2.5 Water Quality 9 Total Dissolved Solids 9 Boron 12 Other Water-Quality Variables 14 3.3 Groundwater 16 3.3.1 Operations 16 3.3.2 Ground-Water Levels 17 Saskatchewan 17 Exploration Activities 20 Montana 21 3.3.3 Ground-Water Quality 22 Saskatchewan 22 Montana 27 3.4 Cookson Reservoir 28 3.4.1 Storage 28 3.4.2 Water Quality 30 3.5 Air Quality 30 3.6 Quality Control 30 3.6.1 Streamflow 30 3.6.2 Water Quality 31 4.0 References Cited 33 ANNEXES 1 .0 Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement, Canada-United States A1 -1 2.0 Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement, Technical Monitoring Schedules, 1995, Canada-United States A2-1 3.0 Recommended Flow Apportionment in the Poplar River Basin A3-1 4.0 Metric Conversions A4-1 TABLES Table 2.1 Water-Quality Objectives 4 Table 3.1 Recommended Water-Quality Objectives and Excursions, 1 994 Sampling Program, East Poplar River at International Boundary 15 Table 3.2 Water-Quality Statistics for Water Pumped from Supplementary Water Supply Project Wells 22 Table 3.3 Water-Quality Statistics for Water Pumped from Salinity Control Project Wells Sampled at the Discharge Pipe 23 Table 3.4 Cookson Reservoir Storage Statistics for 1994 29 Table 3.5 Streamflow Measurement Results for November 3, 1994 31 FIGURES Figure 3.1 Discharge during 1994 as Compared with the Median Discharge for 1931-1990 for the Poplar River at international Boundary 6 Figure 3.2 Flow Hydrograph of the East Poplar River at International Boundary 8 Figure 3.3 TDS Concentrations for 1 994 Grab Samples from East Poplar River at International Boundary 10 Figure 3.4 Three-Month Moving, Flow-Weighted TDS Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary 10 Figure 3.5 Five- Year Moving. Flow-Weighted TDS Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary 11 Figure 3.6 Boron Concentrations for 1 994 Grab Samples from East Poplar River at International Boundary 12 Figure 3.7 Three-Month Moving, Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary 13 Figure 3.8 Five-Year Moving, Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary 14 Figure 3.9 Drawdown for Hart Seam Aquifer as of December 1994 18 Figure 3.10 Cone of Depression in the Empress Sands Due to the Salinity Control Project as of December 1994 19 Figure 3.11 Hydrographs of Selected Wells 21 Figure 3.12 Total Dissolved Solids in Samples from Montana Monitoring Wells 28 Figure 3.13 Cookson Reservoir Mean Daily Water Levels for 1994 and Median Monthly Water Levels for 1981-1991 29 HIGHLIGHTS FOR 1994 The Poplar River Power Station completed its eleventh full year of operation in 1 994. The two 300- megawatt coal-fired units generated 4 397 600 gross megawatt-hours (MW/h) of electricity. In 1 994, the average capacity factor for Unit No. 1 was 80.5 percent and the average capacity factor for Unit No. 2 was 89.2 percent. Monitoring information collected in both Canada and the United States during 1994 was exchanged in the spring of 1995. In general, the sampling locations, frequency of collection, and parameters met the requirements identified in the 1994 Technical Monitoring Schedules set forth In the 1993 annual report. The March to October recorded flow of the Poplar River at International Boundary for 1994 was 14 500 cubic decametres (dam^) which was 144 percent of the 1931 to 1990 median seasonal flow. The 1994 recorded flow volume of the East Poplar River at International Boundary was 2 420 dam^. This volume is 76 percent of the median annual flow since completion of Morrison Dam in 1975. The on-demand release, in accordance with the apportionment recommendations of the International Joint Commission (IJC), entitled Montana to 370 dam^ for 1993-94 to be delivered between May 1 and May 30, 1 994. A volume of 391 dam^ was delivered during this period. The 5-year moving flow-weighted concentrations of total dissolved solids for the East Poplar River at International Boundary which reached 975 milligrams per liter in 1993 declined to 966 milligrams per liter in 1994. The slight reduction was a result of spring runoff in 1994. Even though there was a slight decrease in the 5-year moving flow-weighted concentrations for total dissolved solids for 1994, the upward trend that has occured since 1987 will probably continue if surface-water runoff continues to be below average. ill 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee was authorized for an initial period of five years by the Governments of Canada and the United States under the Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement dated September 23, 1 980. A copy of the Arrangement is attached to this report as Annex 1 . On March 12, 1 987, the Arrangement was extended by the Governments for four years to March 1991 . The Arrangement was further extended for another five years to March 1 996 following a request from the Committee in 1 991 . A more detailed account of the historical background of the Arrangement is contained in the 1990 Annual Report of the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee. The Committee oversees monitoring programs designed to evaluate the potential for transboundary impacts from SaskPower Corporation's (formerly Saskatchewan Power Corporation) coal-fired thermal generating station and ancillary operations near Coronach, Saskatchewan. Monitoring is conducted in Canada and the United States at or near the Intemational Boundary for quantity and quality of surface and ground water and for air quality. Participants from both countries, including Federal, State and Provincial agencies, are involved in monitoring. The Committee submits an annual report to Governments which summarizes the monitoring results, evaluates apparent trends, and compares the data to objectives or standards recommended by the International Joint Commission (IJC) to Governments, or relevant State, Provincial, or Federal standards. The Committee reports to Governments on a calendar year basis. This report is the fourteenth in the series. The Committee is also responsible for drawing to the attention of Governments definitive changes in monitored parameters which may require immediate attention. A responsibility of the Committee is to review the adequacy of the monitoring programs in both countries and make recommendations to Governments on the Technical Monitoring Schedules. The Schedules are updated annually to document changes in monitoring locations, sampling 2 frequencies, parameter lists, and analytical techniques. The Technical Monitoring Schedules listed in the annual report (Annex 2) are given for the forthcoming year. The Committee will continue to review and propose changes to the Technical Monitoring Schedules as information requirements change. 2.0 COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 2.1 Membership The Committee is composed of representatives of the Governments of the United States of America and Canada, the State Government of Montana, and the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan. In addition to the representatives of Governments, two ex-officio members serve as local representatives for the State of Montana and the Province of Saskatchewan. During 1994, members of the Committee included: Mr. J. A. Moreland, U.S. Geological Survey, United States representative and CoChairperson; Mr. R.G. Boals, Environment Canada, Canadian representative and CoChairperson; Mr. G. Fritz, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Montana representative; Mr. D.D. Nargang, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Saskatchewan representative; Mr. C.W. Tande, Daniels County Commissioner, Montana local ex-officio representative; and Mr. J.R. Totton, Reeve, R.M. of Hart Butte, Saskatchewan local ex-officio representative. 2.2 Meetings The Committee met on July 12 and 13, 1994, in Coronach, Saskatchewan. Delegated representatives of Governments and the ex-officio member from Montana attended the meeting. The ex-officio member from Saskatchewan was not in attendance. In addition to Committee members, several technical advisors representing Federal, State and Provincial agencies participated in the meeting. During the meeting, the Committee reviewed the operational status of 3 the power plant and mine; examined data collected in 1993 including surface-water quality and quantity, ground-water quality and quantity, and air quality; established the Technical Monitoring Schedules for 1994; discussed proposed changes in water-quality objectives; and toured the power plant, ash lagoons, mine, and other ancillary facilities. The Committee also prepared the first draft of the 1 993 Annual Report to Governments. 2.3 Review of Water-Qualltv Ob)ectlves The Intemational Joint Commission In Its Report to Governments, titled "Water Quality In the Poplar River Basin," recommended that the Committee "periodically review the water-quality objectives within the overall Basin context and recommend new and revised objectives as appropriate." In 1991, the Committee undertook a review of water-quality objectives. The Committee approved changes In water-quality objectives recommended by the 1991 subcommittee which was formed to review the objectives. Revised objectives approved by the Committee are listed in Table 2.1 . The Committee discussed the water-quality objectives for 5-year and 3-month flow-weighted concentrations for total dissolved solids and boron. Although the Committee agreed that calculation procedures to determine flow-weighted concentrations are time consuming and probably scientifically questionable, no consensus was reached on alternative objectives or procedures. Objectives for un-ionized ammonia, pH, and mercury in fish tissue will require additional study. Table 2.1 Water-Quality Objectives PARAMETER FORMER OBJECTIVE REVISIONS NEW OBJECTIVE Boron, total '3.5/2.5 Discontinue flow weighting ? TDS '1500/1000 Discontinue flow weighting ? Aluminum, dissolved 0.1 Discontinue -- Ammonia, un-ionized 0.02 Base objective on temperature and pH (table to be done later) ? Cadmium, total 0.0012 Continue as is 0.0012 Chromium, total 0.05 Discontinue -- Copper, dissolved 0.005 Discontinue -- Copper, total 1.0 Continue as is 1.0 Fluoride, dissolved 1.5 Continue as is 1.5 Lead, total 0.03 Continue as is 0.03 Mercury, dissolved 0.0002 Change to total 0.0002 Mercury, fish (mg/kg) 0.5 Discuss with fisheries people ? Nitrate 10 Continue as is 10 Oxygen, dissolved ^4.0/5.0 Objective applies only during open water ^4.0/5.0 SAR (units) 10.0 Continue as is 10.0 Sulfate, dissolved 800 Continue as is 800 Zinc, total 0.03 Continue as is 0.03 Water temperature (C) ^30.0 Continue as is =*30.0 pH (units) "6.5 Continue as is (need to determine what is natural) ? Conform (no./1 00 mL) Fecal 2,000 Discontinue -- Total 20,000 Discontinue Units in mg/L except as noted. 1. Five-year average of flow-weighted concentrations (March to October) should be <2.5 boron, <1000 TDS. Three-month average of flow-weighted concentration should be <3.5 boron and <1500 TDS. 2. 5.0 (minimum April 10 to May 15), 4.0 (minimum remainder of year). 3. Natural temperature (April 10 to May 15), <30 degrees Celsius (remainder of year). 4. Less than 0.5 pH units above natural, minimum pH = 6.5. 2.4 Data Exchange The Committee is responsible for assuring exchange of data between Governments. The exchange of monitoring information was Initiated in the first quarter of 1981 and was an expansion of the informal quarterly exchange program initiated between the United States and Canada in 1976. Until 1991 , data were exchanged on a quarterly basis. At the request of the Committee, the United States and Canada agreed to replace the quarterly exchange of data with an annual exchange effective at the beginning of the 1 992 calendar year. Henceforth, data will be exchanged once each year as soon after the end of the calendar year as possible. However, unusual conditions or anomalous information will be reported and exchanged whenever warranted. No unusual conditions occurred during 1994 which warranted special reporting. 3.0 WATER AND AIR: MONITORING AND INTERPRETATIONS 3.1 Poplar River Power Station Operation In 1994, the average capacity factor for Unit No. 1 was 80.5 percent. The average capacity factor for Unit No. 2 was 89.2 percent. The capacity factors are based on the maximum power generation rating of 297.8 MW/h for Unit No. 1 and 294.0 MW/h for Unit No. 2. Total power generated from both units was 4 397 600 gross megawatt-hours which Is about 101 percent of 1993 power and 94 percent of 1 992 power. Ash Lagoon 3 South was a major construction project undertaken in 1994. Construction of the lagoon began on August 15, 1994 and was completed on December 16, 1994. The lagoon design. Including the liner system, was equivalent to the existing ash storage lagoons. 3.2 East Poplar River 3.2.1 Streamflow Streamflow in the Poplar River basin was above normal in 1 994. The March to October recorded flow of the Poplar River at International Boundary, an indicator of natural flow in the basin, was 14 500 cubic decametres which was 144 percent of the 1931 to 1990 median seasonal flow. A comparison of 1994 monthly mean discharge with the 1931-90 median discharge is shown in Figure 3.1. MAR MEDIAN OF MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE FOR 1931-90 MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE FOR 1994 APR MAY SEP OCT Figure 3.1 Discharge during 1994 as Compared with the Median Discharge from 1931-1990 for the Poplar River at international Boundary. The 1994 recorded flow volume of the East Poplar River at International Boundary was 2 420 dam^. This volume is 76 percent of the median annual flow since the completion of Morrison Dam in 1975. 3.2.2 Apportionment In 1976 the International Souris-Red Rivers Engineering Board, through its Poplar River Task Force, completed an investigation and made a recommendation to the Governments of Canada and the United States regarding the apportionment of waters of the Poplar River basin. Although not officially adopted by the two countries, the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee has adhered to the Apportionment Recommendations in each of its annual reports. Annex 3 contains the apportionment recommendation. 3.2.3 Minimum Flows The recorded volume of the Poplar River at International Boundary from March 1 to May 31, 1994 was 13 200 dam^. Based on IJC recommendations and the assumption that the recorded flow is the natural flow, the United States was entitled to a minimum discharge on the East Poplar River of 0.085 cubic metres per second (m^/s) for the period June 1 through August 31, 1994, and 0.057 m^/s from September 1 , 1 994 to May 31 , 1 995. The minimum flow for the period January 1 to May 31, 1994 had previously been determined on the basis of the Poplar River flow volume for March 1 to May 31, 1993. A hydrograph for the East Poplar River at International Boundary and the minimum flow as recommended by the IJC are shown in Figure 3.2. Daily flows during 1994 occasionally fell below the recommended minimum because of beaver activity, ice conditions, and changes in stage/discharge relationships. The deficit volume for June through December, 1 994, was 35 dam^--an average of 0.002 m^/s per day. Figure 3.2 Flow Hydrograph of the East Poplar River at International Boundary. 3.2.4 On-Demand Release In addition to the minimum flow, the IJC apportionment recommendation entitles Montana to an on- demand release to be delivered during the twelve month period commencing June 1 . Based on the runoff volume of 2 740 dam^ recorded at the Poplar River at International Boundary gaging station during the March 1 to May 31, 1993 period, Montana was entitled to a release of 370 dam^ from Cookson Reservoir during the twelve-month period commencing June 1, 1993. Montana requested this release to be made between May 12 and May 30, 1994. A volume of 391 dam^ was delivered during this period. 3.2.5 Water Quality The 1981 report by the IJC to Governments recommended: For the March to Octot)er period, the maximum flow-weighted concentrations should not exceed 3.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) for boron and 1 500 mg/L for total dissolved solids for any three consecutive months In the East Poplar River at the International Boundary. For the March to October period, the long-term average of flow-weighted concentrations should be 2.5 mg/L or less for boron, and 1 000 mg/L or less for total dissolved solids In the East Poplar River at the International Boundary. The Bilateral Monitoring Committee adopted the approach that, for the purposes of comparison with the proposed IJC long-term objectives, the boron and total dissolved solids (TDS) data are best graphically plotted as 5-year moving flow-weighted concentrations (FWCs) which were advanced one month at a time. Data for January, half of November, and December were unavailable for inclusion in the flow- weighted concentration calculations. Samples collected in January froze and the local observer discontinued collection of samples in November and December. The January grab sample for boron was contaminated and unusable. No grab sample was collected in August. Total Dissolved Solids TDS data for grab samples collected by Environment Canada and the U.S. Geological Survey in 1994 are shown in Figure 3.3. TDS ranged from 525 mg/L (March 16) to 1 092 mg/L (September 20). The short-term objective for TDS is 1 500 mg/L. A time plot of the 3-month moving FWCs for TDS is presented in Figure 3.4. No exceedances of the objective have been observed during any 3- month period since 1 975. 10 oil g Q 1200 1 100 1000 poo 800 700 600 - 500 400 J I 1 I I ^ L 1994 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1995 Month Figure 3.3 TDS Concentrations for 1994 Grab Samples from East Poplar River at International Boundary. tiO a. 1 — ' — I — '■ — i — ■■ — r from sample analysis from regression _L_j I I L 1975 1976 1977 1976 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1993 1994 1995 Year Figure 3.4 Thiree-IVIonth Moving, Fiow-Weighited TDS Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary. 11 Five-year FWCs forTDS (Figure 3.5) remained below the long-term objective of 1 000 mg/L. A slight decrease in the 5-year FWCs for TDS from approximately 975 mg/L to 966 mg/L was observed in 1994. This decrease was a result of spring runoff in 1994. A 200-mg/L increase had previously occurred in early 1988 and had been maintained through 1989 and 1990. The 1991 rise In FWCs for TDS corresponds to depressed spring flows in the East Poplar River. A similar increase in FWCs for TDS was seen during mid-1987. Relatively low spring discharges have occurred since 1984. Even though there was a slight decrease in the FWCs for TDS for 1994, the upward trend in FWCs for TDS will probably continue if the surface-water runoff continues to be below average. The Increase in FWCs for TDS can be explained in part by salt build-up in Cookson Reservoir as a result of water being used for cooling. Forced evaporation causes salts to concentrate within the reservoir. This process is further driven by drought conditions which prevailed over the last half of the data record (Lang and Jones, 1988). In addition, low-flow conditions (when flows are derived largely from ground-water sources) likely increase TDS concentrations and yields a positive trend in FWCs for TDS. Q 1300 1200 1 100 - 1000 900 800 700 - 600 - 500 400 300 200 100 1 — ' — i — ' — r J I I I \ i \ I I I I . 1,1,1,1,1,1 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Year Figure 3.5 Five- Year Moving, Flow-Weighted TDS Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary. 12 The relation between TDS and specific conductance generated from data collected from 1975 to 1 994 is as follows: TDS = (0.635 X specific conductance) + 15.38 (R2 = 0.87, n = 493) Boron During 1 994, boron concentrations in the East Poplar River at International Boundary varied from 0.60 mg/L (March 16) to 2.10 mg/L (June 6) (Figure 3.6). t!£! s O CO 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1 00 0.75 0.50 0 25 0.00 1994 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Dec 1995 Month Figure 3.6 Boron Concentrations for 1994 Grab Samples from East Poplar River at International Boundary. Three-month FWCs for boron for the period of record are shown in Figure 3.7. The short-term objective of 3.5 mg/L boron was not exceeded for the period 1975-1994. The similarity in shape between the TDS and boron plots (Figures 3.4 and 3.7) is a strong indication of the influence of discharge on FWCs. 13 on a o Short-Term Objective (3.5 rug/L) V...K?!-. from sample analysis from reeression 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1900 1981 1982 1903 1984 1905 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1991 1995 Year Figure 3.7 Three-Month Moving, Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary. The 5-year FWCs for boron, displayed in Figure 3.8, remained well below the long-term objective of 2.5 mg/L boron. From mid-1988 to the end of 1990, there was a slight increase in the 5-year FWCs for boron. The 5-year FWCs for boron decreased from approximately 1.97 mg/L in 1993 to 1.88 mg/L in 1 994. The 5-year calculations for boron were influenced by discharge in the same way as was TDS. 14 -| — ' — I — ' — r Long— Term Objective (2.5 mg/L) I , I ; I . I J . I J i I 1 I . I 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Year Figure 3.8 Five- Year Moving, Flow-Weighted Boron Concentration for East Poplar River at International Boundary. The relation between boron and specific conductance at East Poplar River at International Boundary during the period 1975-1994 is described by the equation: boron = (0.00140 x specific conductance) - 0.169764 (R2 = 0.67, n = 493) Other Water-Quality Variables Table 3.1 lists the current multipurpose water-quality objectives for the East Poplar River at International Boundary, approved by the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee. Revisions to the water-quality objectives recommended by the International Poplar River Water Quality Board to the IJC were made in 1992 as outlined in the 1992 annual report. Objectives for un-ionized ammonia, mercury in fish tissue, and pH require further definition. No excursions occurred in 1994. 15 Table 3.1 Recommended Water-Quality Objectives and Excursions, 1994 Sampling Program, East Poplar River at International Boundary (units in mg/L except as otherwise noted) Parameter Objective No. of Samples Excursions USA Canada Objectives recommended by IJC to Govemments Boron, total '3.5/2.5 8 10 Nil Total Dissolved Solids '1500/1000 8 10 Nil Objectives recommended by International Poplar River Water Quality Board to IJC (Revised in 1992) Ammonia un-ionized (as N) Base objective on tempera- ture and pH (to be defined) 8 10 No Objective Cadmium, total 0.0012 5 10 Nil Copper, total 1.0 5 10 Nil Fluoride, dissolved 1.5 8 10 Nil Lead, total 0.03 5 10 Nil Mercury, total 0.0002 3 9 Nil Mercury, whole fish (mg Hg/Kg) 0.5 - - Nitrate (as N) 10.0 8 10 Nil Oxygen, dissolved ^4.0/5.0 6 6 Nil Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) 10.0 8 10 Nil Sulphate, dissolved 800.0 8 10 Nil Zinc, total 0.03 4 10 Nil Water Temperature (Celsius) '30.0 6 6 Nil pH (pH Units) '•6.5 6 6 Nil 1 . Three-month average of flow -weighted concentrations should be <3.5 boron and <1,500 TDS. Five-year average of flow- weighted concentrations (March to October) should be <2.5 boron and < 1,000 TDS. 2. Objective applies only during open water. 5.0 (minimum April 10 to May 15), 4.0 (minimum remainder of year). 3. Natural temperature (April 10 to May 15), <30 degrees Celsius (remainder of year). 4. Less than 0.5 pH units above natural (to be defined), minimum pH = 6.5. 16 3.3 Groundwater 3.3.1 Operations In 1 994, SaskPower Corporation continued to operate their Supplementary Water Supply Project to augment supplies in Cookson Reservoir. The 1 994 total of 5 485 dam'' of water produced from the Supplementary Water Supply Project was slightly less than the 1993 production of 5 582 dam^. SaskPower Corporation has an approval to produce an annual volume of 5 500 dam^. SaskPower Corporation's Supplementary Water Supply Project well network currently consists of 21 wells with a total of 10 discharge points. No wells were added or deleted from the well field during the year. Production was reasonably consistent throughout most of the year with the exception of the July to September period when there was a reduction in pumping. In summer, wells which do not supply water to domestic users are turned off. Consequently, in July and August, only 5 wells were pumped as opposed to the remainder of the year when 17 to 18 wells were pumped. Reduced summer pumping assists in achieving maximum flows into Cookson Reservoir by minimizing evaporative losses in Girard Creek. Operation of SaskPower Corporation's Salinity Control Project continued in 1994 with production from 7 wells with a total volume of 1 095 dam^ pumped during the year. (An eighth well is located along the International Boundary, but has never been operated.) This represents a slight increase over the 1993 pumped volume of 1 036 dam*'. As in previous years, the majority of the water was pumped from wells PW87103 and PW87104 on the east side of the river and PW90108 on the west side of the river. 17 3.3.2 Ground-Water Levels Saskatchewan The December 1994 drawdown map for the Hart Coal Seam (figure 3.9) indicates that there was a slight contraction in the 1 -metre drawdown contour In the northwest portion of the area. The apparent expansion of the 1 -metre drawdown in the southwest portion of the area was most likely due to the re-establishment of piezometer 51 OA. There were no significant changes in the drawdown contours of 5 metres or greater. Nine piezometers were deleted from the monitoring network in 1 994. The December 1994 drawdown map for the Empress sands (figure 3.10) Indicates that there was a slight overall reduction in both the extent and magnitude of drawdowns from Salinity Control Project pumping. This reduction is a reflection of the significant recharge which occurred In 1993 and 1994. The goal of the project is to lower water levels in the Empress sands below the reservoir by 2 to 3 metres. This had been established prior to the significant recharge which started in June 1993. The increased pumping rate in 1993 and 1994 has been able to re-establish a 2-metre drawdown cone around well PW87102. Similar operation of the Salinity Control Project will continue until a two- to three-metre drawdown cone is established again. Three piezometers associated with the Salinity Control Project were damaged. Two of these are to be replaced. Two or three new piezometers will also be installed. ia ii S 8 8 S f) M - 8 8 8 s M - 8 8 8 2 •^ N 8 8 8 « 3 N m - ;; & 8 lO O " ;; & -8- ID O kf-t^ 5 « 5 8 e N » - •• 8 8 y^ yS » o 99 8 8 8 J; • e 8 _8^ [7^ B ID • • -» V" CM s ^■ - tt «3 A- -^ c .-''" I- • V- 5 l»- • "f /^' n w > ^ "Ti- -•s^ N - s : a / « 8 ^ /2 /^* sj ^ /J^ 8 V 2 1 3\ 0> _ • 8 8 V ^ ''- - K ^ /- o Tjv, -Is ,^. ',» f e % «! ^ ;^ z r / 8 ID ■t !°; < /" 1 / ' S/ • •x • /^ / & 8 a e / /« 1 V f 8 /8 «!? y. /^' ^' 8 ^8 m a 8 at • / •/ / • < / f,' • p .,' i'S' r ^\ \ 2 > \ *B 8 8 8 ^ / » » f 18 j B^ -5.- ■^ -r .^^ y/ 8 8 'J^ 2N <4 5 « 8 • 5 1 « i V 8 i X "^^ 8 8 8 » '"t.— N « 8 M n / M - -i' r 2 ^ 1 s " 8 ti 8 a e to 8 8 ♦ I = M n « r w =! • •• 8 8 N • ;s & 8 « ' e « • F 8 8 1 a / - - 8 8 S 8 8 n « -• < r> •5 8 • ,^ »• - « 8 ■ 8 8 8 J; a :;/ V- •HB- ^y « M - n 8 « e • 8 8 8 * = « s 8 M n ( ^ & 8 •> e M « 8 8 y = M 8 8 •1 ^5^ -^ ^ e t3 ^ 8 8 s i 1 . « >-\\ J 0i _ a^ A >> § "" A ^ M P V Q o ts (U ■g* Q. 1 C CO £ S o 1 (0 E tu o B JO CO 2 & Q o c o O eo £ 3 .5> 20 3^.2.1.1 Exploration Activities Given the continuing low water levels in Cookson Reservoir SaskPower Corporation continued to evaluate the Frenchman (Hell Creek) formation as an additional supplementary supply. The exploration efforts by SaskPower Corporation have essentially taken place in two phases. The first phase included test drilling, observation and test well installation, and a 36-day pump test. The pumping rate during the test was initially set at 150 U.S.gpm. but eventually had to be reduced to 80.8 U.S.gpm. Using the information obtained, a numerical model (MODFLOW) was constructed, and various pumping scenarios modelled. Model results indicate that at a production rate of 1 000 dam'^/year, significant drawdowns at the International Boundary would occur. A copy of the investigation report was submitted to the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. Following the first phase which was completed in 1993, SaskPower Corporation constructed two additional wells utilizing alternative well designs in order to increase production rates. A pump test using all three wells was initiated on March 30, 1994 and continued until September 27, 1994 (181 days). An initial pumping rate of 982 m^/day was obtained, but within a few days the rate had to be reduced to 806 m^/day due to high drawdowns in the production wells. Following the pump test, a modelling study using MODFLOW was undertaken. Based on the results of the pump test and subsequent modelling, SaskPower Corporation found that the overall hydraulic conductivity and thus productive potential of the Frenchman aquifer are significantly lower than were expected at the start of the investigation. Initially, SaskPower Corporation had hoped for a supplemental supply of 2 000 dam^/year, but the investigation indicates that this would require a well field of at least 24 and perhaps as many as 40 wells. A pipeline to transport the water would also be required. 21 SaskPower Corporation has applied for an approval to operate the three existing production wells at a rate of 360 dam^/year (180 U.S.gpm). The modelling study predicts that after ten years, drawdowns in the range of 1 to 5 metres at the International Boundary would result from production from these wells. Saskatchewan Water Corporation is currently reviewing this allocation request. Montana Water levels in monitoring wells 8, 9, and 11 fluctuated in response to seasonal changes. Water levels in wells 5-7, 13, 16, 17, 19, and 22 increased in 1994 reflecting higher rates of recharge (figure 3.11). The influence of pumping from Salinity Control Project wells was observed in wells 10 and 24. 2460 n _2458 w E S2456 '^ 2454 > UJ fe2452 ♦J c 2450 3 O L. (3 2448 2446 ■■-■-_- -^z^x^ ,T--y V-^ ■-J 7 — ■ 17 — s - 19 Jan-80 Jan-83 Jan-86 Jan-89 Jan-92 Jan-95 DATE Figure 3.11 Hydrographs of Selected Wells. 22 3.3.3 Ground-Water Quality Saskatchewan The water quality from the Supplementary Water Supply Project discharge points has t)een consistent with no trends indicated. A summary of the more frequently tested parameters during 1994 Is provided in Table 3.2. Statistical averages of the results since January 1990 are Included In this table. Water quality from the wells Is better than the current reservoir quality and therefore this water has a positive influence on the quality of water In the reservoir. Table 3.2 Water-Quality Statistics for Water Pumped from Supplementary Water Supply Project Wells 1990-1994 Average 1994 Average pH (units) 7.6 7.5 Conductivity (p.S/cm) 1 358 1 410 Total dissolved solids 917 923 Total suspended solids 3.6 3.6 Boron 1.24 1.25 Sodium 179 182 Sulphate 253 252 Nitrate 0.03 0.03 Cyanide <2 <2 Iron 1.2 1.2 Manganese 0.23 0.22 Units in mg/L except as noted. 23 The water quality of the common discharge point from the Salinity Control Project wells is generally better than the water quality in Cookson Reservoir. Average results from the common discharge point for 1994, plus an average of the 1990-1994 results, are provided in Table 3.3. Results have been consistent since 1 990. Table 3.3 Water-Quality Statistics for Water Pumped from Salinity Control Project Wells Sampled at the Discharge Pipe 1990-1994 Average 1994 Average pH (units) 7.5 7.4 Conductivity (nS/cm) 1 415 1 420 Total dissolved solids 950 967 Boron 1.6 1.6 Calcium 103 104 Magnesium 58 59 Sodium 147 148 Potassium 7.3 7.3 Arsenic (M-g/L) 11.6 10.2 Aluminum 0.02 0.07 Barium 0.03 0.03 Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 Iron 4.0 4.5 Manganese 0.14 0.14 Chloride 5.3 5.2 Strontium 1.69 1.52 Nitrate 0.116 0.003 Sulphate 313 306 Units in mg/L except as noted. 24 Ground-water quality in the vicinity of the ash lagoons can potentially be affected by leachate movement through the ash lagoon liner systems. The piezometers listed in the Technical Monitoring Schedules are used to assess leachate movement and calculate seepage rates. Piezometric water level, boron and chloride are the chosen indicator parameters for these assessments. The ground-water monitoring program was expanded in 1994 as a result of Ash Lagoon 3 South construction. In total, 20 new pneumatic piezometers and 28 new standpipe piezometers were completed within their target zones. Testing of these piezometers is scheduled to begin in 1995. Nine existing piezometers were also decommissioned at the time of Ash Lagoon 3 South construction including: 530, 531 . 729A, 729B, 729D, 774B. 774C and 774D. Piezometers 867A, 868A, and 871 A are completed immediately above the liner system, within the ash stack of Ash Lagoon 1 . The 1994 monitoring results appear to confirm the trend first observed in 1993 that the boron concentration decreases with depth within the ash stack. The chemistry of water immediately above the liner systems is therefore suspected to differ from the surface water of the lagoons. Information is only available from piezometers installed within Ash Lagoon 1 where ash has been deposited for many years. The effect of ash thickness on leachate quality is not completely understood. New piezometers 886A, 887A, 890A, and 893A have now been completed above the liner system of new Ash Lagoon 3 South. Monitoring of all piezometers completed above the lagoon liner systems will be continued to confirm the trend noted above and to improve the understanding of leachate quality and flow from the ash lagoons. The piezometric surface measurements for the oxidized till continue to show the presence of a ground-water mound beneath the ash lagoons. Relative to the 1993 position, the size and extent of the ground-water mound has not significantly changed. The mound extends from the east side of Ash Lagoon 2, where levels have increased 6 metres, to the west side of the polishing pond, where 25 levels have Increased 4 metres. Oxidized-till piezometers located closer to the reservoir have shown a decreasing trend in piezometric levels reacting to lower reservoir levels. The greatest changes in chloride and boron concentrations within the oxidized till have occurred where piezometric levels have changed the most. This would be expected as changing piezometric levels suggest ground-water movement. Increasing boron concentrations on the east and south side of Ash Lagoon 2, together with decreasing chloride concentrations suggests leachate influence. On the west side of the polishing pond the boron concentrations have not significantly changed. Little change in boron or chloride concentrations has been observed for most of the oxidized-till piezometers located by the reservoir. The only significant change in samples from any of these piezometers has been in 719 where chloride concentrations have decreased 90 mg/L overall since 1983 to 21 mg/L. The change in quality is suspected to be the result of reservoir influence rather than ash lagoon influence. A ground-water mound has developed in the unoxidized till, similar to that in the oxidized till, extending from the east side of Ash Lagoon 2 to the west side of the polishing pond. The ground- water mound is known to be discontinuous as piezometers 764D and 871 C are located within the mound area and are reacting to reservoir levels. A review of boron and chloride concentrations does not show any significant trends. The piezometric surface of the Empress gravels indicate a regional flow from northwest to southeast below Morrison Dam. Monitoring since 1983 generally shows that the piezometric surface in the lagoon area reacts to the reservoir level. Results for Empress gravel water quality do not indicate any leachate influence with the majority of piezometers showing little change in boron or chloride concentrations from background values. For the past 4 years elevated piezometric water levels and increasing boron concentrations have been noted for piezometers 775B and 775D located on the top of the dyke at the south east corner of 26 Ash Lagoon 3 North. The changes observed were seen as significant although some data appeared anomalous. In the fall of 1994 a new piezometer series 885 was completed near series 775. Data from the new piezometers suggests that, in fact, the previous results from 775B and 775D are not representative of actual conditions. Piezometers 775B and 775D were decommissioned as part of Ash Lagoon 3 South construction in December 1994. Sand lens piezometers 71 2B, 766, and 767 are located between the polishing pond and the cooling water canal. Piezometer 767 is located on the top of Dyke G and 766 and 7128 are located at the toe of Dyke G. These piezometers have historically been of interest as the sand lens provides a preferential pathway for leachate migration. A review of the boron concentration for Piezometer 766 shows an increasing trend up to October 1 988 when levels peaked at 1 2.6 mg/L. Boron concentrations decreased to 6.99 mg/L in April 1 990, then began increasing again-peaking at 35.2 mg/L in June 1993 before falling to 26.7 mg/L in October 1993. In October 1994, the boron concentration increased to 36.2 mg/L, the highest concentration recorded to date. The chloride concentration for 766 has shown little movement since 1987 and remains within the 20 to 30 mg/L range, similar to the ash lagoon surface-water concentration. Until April 1988 the boron concentration for Piezometer 767 was increasing and peaked at 49.4 mg/L. From this peak the boron concentration has steadily decreased to the end of 1 991 when the concentration leveled off near 5 mg/L. The October 1994 result is 6.41 mg/L. The reduction in boron concentrations for samples from 767 suggest the movement of a slug of leachate and not a continuous plume. There has been an increasing trend in chloride for 767 ranging from 25 mg/L in 1 989 to 75 mg/L In 1 991 . Since 1991 the concentration has remained near 70 mg/L with an October 1994 result of 73.4 mg/L. 27 Boron concentrations for piezometer 71 2B were initially below 1.0 mg/L until an increasing trend began in 1987 with the concentration peaking in April 1992 at 26.6 mg/L. The boron concentration then decreased and leveled off near 1 8 mg/L with an October 1 994 result of 1 7 mg/L. Chloride concentrations trended down for 71 28 to 50 mg/L in 1988 from over 200 mg/L in 1984. Since 1988, chloride levels have changed little with an October 1 994 result of 51 .8 mg/L. The total calculated seepage from the ash lagoons in 1994 was determined to be 1.67 litres per second. This value is not significantly different from the 1993 calculated seepage of 1.62 litres per second. The model used to determine seepage sums the calculated horizontal and vertical seepage components from each ash lagoon. For Ash Lagoon 3 North the vertical seepage was detennined to be zero due to pore pressure beneath the lagoon exceeding what the lagoon water level could physically produce. This situation is believed to result from a compression of the soil beneath the lagoon due to the weight of the ash and water in the lagoon. The effect is expected to dissipate over time. Liner permeabilities for all lagoons except Ash Lagoon 3 North are about 10'^cm/sec. The line permeability for Ash Lagoon 3 North could not be calculated because of the pore pressure situation discussed above. Montana Samples were collected from monitoring wells 7, 16, and 24 during 1994. Well 7 is completed in Hart Coal, well 16 is completed in the Fort Union Formation, and well 24 is completed in alluvium. No significant changes in water quality were observed. Graphs of total dissolved solids for selected wells are shown in Figure 3.12. 28 1000 800 600 O) E 400 200 ____ ■- -X A X '■""-x X ■ ▲ — A ■ 3 , X - X A " X ▲ A A." ^^A. ~~ A- __^A A A' -A ■-- - — - --- - A 7 — X- 16 24 0 Jan-80 Jan-83 Jan-86 Jan-89 Jan-92 Jan-95 DATE Figure 3.12 Total Dissolved Solids in Samples from Montana Monitoring Wells. 3.4 Cookson Reservoir 3.4.1 Storage On January 1, 1994, Cookson Reservoir storage was 23 300 dam^--only 54 percent of the full- supply volume. The 1994 maximum, minimum, and period elevations and volumes are shown in Table 3.4. In addition to runoff, reservoir levels were augmented by ground-water pumpage. Wells in the Supplementary Water Supply Project supplied 5 485 dam^ to Girard Creek. Approximately 70 percent of this flow volume reached Cookson Reservoir. Wells in the Salinity Control Project supplied 1 090 dam^ directly to the reservoir. 29 Table 3.4 Cookson Reservoir Storage Statistics for 1 994 Date Elevation (m) Contents (dam^) January 1 749.90 23 300 February 7 (minimum) 749:87 23 150 April 6 (maximum) 751.96 35 650 December 31 751.00 29 440 Full-supply level 753.00 43 400 The Poplar River Power Station is dependent on water from Cookson Reservoir for cooling. Power plant operation Is adversely affected when reservoir levels drop below 749.0 metres. The dead- storage level for cooling water used in the generation process is 745.0 metres. The 1994 recorded levels and associated operating levels are shown in Figure 3.13. As indicated in Figure 3.13, 1994 reservoir levels were slightly below the ten-year median levels. 1994 Cookson Reservoir Daily Mean Water Levels Contants in CuMc DscammtUrs Full Supply Level 1994 Recorded Minimum Desired Operating Level Minimum Usable Storage Level Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 3.13 Cookson Reservoir Mean Daily Water Levels for 1994 and Median Monthly Water Levels for 1981-1991. 30 3.4.2 Water Quality The 1994 spring runoff had a positive impact on Cookson Reservoir water quality. At the end of 1994, boron concentrations in the reservoir were about 2.4 mg/L compared to about 3.6 mg/L at the end of 1 993. Similarly, TDS decreased from approximately 1 600 mg/L at the end of 1 993 to about 1 250 mg/L at the end of 1994. Water-quality conditions at the end of 1994 were similar to conditions in 1 990. 3.5 Air Quality SaskPower Corporation's (SPC) ambient SO2 monitoring for 1994 recorded no violations of Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management's hourly and 24-hour average standards. The highest recorded hourly value of 0.0493 ppm SO2 was recorded in November 1 994. Total suspended particulate concentrations for 1994 obtained from SRC's monitor did not exceed Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management's 24-hour standard of 120 )ig/m^ (micrograms per cubic metre). The highest recorded concentration was 84.7 \iQ/rn^ in June 1994. The geometric mean for the high-volume suspended particulate sampler for 1994 was 16.0 ixg/m^. During the first week of 1994, a new stack-gas analyzer was installed. The analyzer is capable of measuring sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and oxygen. It replaced three existing monitors and performed well during 1994. 3.6 Quality Control 3.6.1 Streamflow To test the comparability of streamflow measurements made by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Environment Canada (EC), similar measurements were made on the East Poplar River at International Boundary on November 3, 1994 by personnel from both agencies. The discharges 31 shown in Table 3.5 differ significantly which illustrates the difficulty of obtaining accurate measurements of small discharges using conventional current-meter methods. The theoretical discharge of the 90° V-notch weir--0.052 m^/s--was used in the computations. Table 3.5 Streamflow Measurement Results for November 3, 1994 Agency Time CST Width (m) N/lean Area (m2) Velocity (m/s) Gauge Height (m) Discharge (m^/s) EC 1315 1.4 0.123 0.528 1.539 0.065 USGS 1400 1.5 0.111 0.460 1.539 0.051 3.6.2 Water Quality Quality-control sampling was carried out at the East Poplar River at International Boundary on July 13, 1994. Participating agencies included the U.S. Geological Survey, Environment Canada, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, and SaskPower Corporation. Sets of triplicate samples were split from U.S. Geological Survey sampling churns and submitted to the respective agency laboratories for analyses. Field procedures were identical to those used since 1986. Most parameters showed acceptable reproducibility within and between sets of triplicates. Only the variables for which corrective action should be considered are discussed here. Laboratory specific conductances showed interagency variability with values ranging from 1 395 to 1 480 M^S/cm. Total phosphorus ranged from 0.02 to 0.07 mg/L with one lab being biased high compared to the other three. One lab had a TKN range of 0.55 to 1.66 mg/L. The NFR results indicate that one lab is biased low by one-half compared to the other two reporting labs. Ammonia showed a large variation in results, ranging from <0.01 to 0.12 mg/L and two labs had noticeable 32 disagreement between triplicates for ammonia. The results for TOC ranged from 8.4 to 9.8 mg/L, with none of the reporting labs agreeing with each other. Three labs showed very good interagency consistency for sulphate while the fourth lab was biased low. One lab has consistently been biased high for TDS, however this is due in part to differing methodology. If that is considered, the TDS results are comparable. Total zinc results shown some disagreement, with three labs reporting "less than" results and one reporting significantly higher results. Vanadium showed a large variability between labs, with a 1 0 times difference in reported results. The two labs which reported dissolved iron had good reproducibility within their respective lab but not with each other. Two of the four labs reporting mercury had good agreement, one reported "sample contaminated," and the other reported results ranging from <0.005 to 0.03 ^.g/L (micrograms per liter). The Interagency boron results were comparable for three of the four labs. One lab was biased a little low. The remaining metals results were either near or below the analytical detection limit. The evaluation and interpretation of interagency data can be difficult and sometimes impossible, therefore one must do more than just compare raw data in these types of quality-control exercises. It is up to each agency to decide if their results are acceptable with respect to the other participant's results. 33 4.0 REFERENCES CITED Integrated Environments Limited, 1991, The use of the TYDAC SPANS GIS in the assessment and review of pesticide residues detected in surface waters of the Prairie Provinces and the Northwest Territories. (Prepared for Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Western and Northern Region, Water Quality Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan.) 138 p. Lang, T.-A., and Jones, K., 1988, A comparison of the meteorological conditions during the droughts of the 1930's and the 1980's for the Prairie Provinces. Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service, Regina. Report No. CSS-R89-01 (A publication of the Canadian Climate Program.) 50 p. ANNEX 1 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT CANADA-UNITED STATES Al-1 September 23, 1980 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT I. PURPOSE This Arrangement will provide for the exchange of data collected as described in the attached Technical Monitoring Schedules in water quality, water quantity and air quality monitoring programs being conducted in Canada and the United States at or near the International Boundary in response to SaskPower development. This Arrangement will also provide for the dissemination of the data in each country and will assure its comparability and assist in its technical interpretation. The Arrangement will replace and expand upon the quarterly information exchange program instituted between Canada and the United States in 1976. II. PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENTS Governments and government agencies participating in the Arrangement are: Government of Canada: Environment Canada Government of the Province of Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Environment and Public Safety (now Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management) Government of the United States of America: U.S Geological Survey Government of the State of Montana: Executive Office III. POPLAR RIVER MONITORING COMMITTEE: TERMS OF REFERENCE A binational committee called the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee will be established to cany out responsibilities assigned to it under this Arrangement. The Committee will operate in accordance with the following terms of reference: A. Membership The Committee will be composed of four representatives, one from each of the participating Governments. It will be jointly chaired by the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States. There will be a Canadian Section and a United States Section. The participating Govemments will notify each other of any changes in membership on the Committee. Co- chairpersons may by mutual agreement invite agency technical experts to participate in the work of the Committee. The Governor of the State of Montana may also appoint a chief elective official of local government to participate as an ex-officio member of the Committee in its technical deliberations. The Saskatchewan Minister of the Environment may also appoint a similar local representative. B. Functions of the Committee The role of the Committee will be to fulfill the purpose of the Arrangement by ensuring the exchange of monitored data in accordance with the attached Technical Monitoring Schedules, and its collation and technical interpretation in reports to Governments on implementation of the Arrangement. In addition, the Committee will review the existing monitoring systems to ensure their adequacy and A1-2 may recommend to the Canadian and United States Govemments any modifications to improve tlie Technical Monitoring Schedules. 1. Information Exchange Each Co-chairperson will be responsible for transmitting to his counterpart Co-chairperson on a regular, and not less than quarterly basis, the data provided by the cooperative monitoring agencies in accordance with the Technical Monitoring Schedules. 2. Repprts (a) The Committee will prepare a joint Annual Report to the participating govemments. and may at any time prepare joint Special Reports. (b) Annual Reports will (i) summarize the main activities of the Committee in the year under Report and the data which has been exchanged under the Arrangement; (ii) draw to the attention of the participating governments any definitive changes in the monitored parameters, based on collation and technical interpretation of exchanged data (i.e. the utilization of summary, statistical and other appropriate techniques); (ill) draw to the attention of the participating governments any recommendations regarding the adequacy or redundancy of any scheduled monitoring operations and any proposals regarding modifications to the Technical Monitoring Schedules, based on a continuing review of the monitoring programs including analytical methods to ensure their comparability. (c) Special Reports may, at any time, draw to the attention of participating governments definitive changes in monitored parameters which may require immediate attention. (d) Preparation of Reports Reports will be prepared following consultation with all committee members and will be signed by all Committee members. Reports will be separately fonA^arded by the Committee Co-chairmen to the participating governments. All annual and special reports will be so distributed. 3. Activities of Canadian and United States Sections The Canadian and United States sections will be separately responsible for: (a) dissemination of information within their respective countries, and the arrangement of any discussion required with local elected officials; (b) verification that monitoring operations are being carried out in accordance with the Technical Monitoring Schedules by cooperating monitoring agencies; (c) receipt and collation of monitored data generated by the cooperating agencies in their respective countries as specified in the Technical Monitoring Schedules; (d) if necessary, drawing to the attention of the appropriate government in their respective countries any failure to comply with a scheduled monitoring function on the part of any cooperating agency under the jurisdiction of that govemment. and requesting that appropriate corrective action be taken. A1-3 IV. PROVISION OF DATA In order to ensure that the Committee is able to carry out the terms of this Arrangement, the participating governments will use their best efforts to have cooperating monitoring agencies, in their respective jurisdictions provide on an ongoing basis all scheduled monitored data for which they are responsible. V. TERMS OF THE ARRANGEMENT The Arrangement will be effective for an initial term of five years and may be amended by agreement of the participating governments. It will be subject to review at the end of the initial term and will be renewed thereafter for as long as it is required by the participating governments. A1-4 ANNEX 2 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 1995 CANADA-UNITED STATES A2-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE A2-3 CANADA STREAMFLOW MONITORING A2-5 SURFACE-WATER QUALITY MONITORING A2-7 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING A2-10 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING - POPLAR RIVER POWER STATION AREA A2-12 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING - ASH LAGOON AREA A2-14 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING A2-23 UNITED STATES STREAMFLOW MONITORING A2-26 SURFACE-WATER QUALITY MONITORING A2-28 GROUND-WATER QUALITY MONITORING A2-30 GROUND-WATER LEVELS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING A2-32 A2-2 PREAMBLE The Technical Monitoring Schedule lists those water quantity, water quality, and air quality monitoring locations and parameters which form the basis for Information exchange and reporting to Governments. The structure of the Committee responsible for ensuring the exchange takes place is described in the Poplar River Cooperative Monitoring Arrangement. The monitoring locations and parameters listed herein have been reviewed by the Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee and represent the basic technical information needed to identify any definitive changes In water quantity, water quality, and air quality at the International Boundary. The Schedule was initially submitted to Governments for approval as an attachment to the 1981 report to Governments. Changes in the sampling locations and parameters may be made by Governments based on the recommendation of the Committee. Significant additional information is being collected by agencies on both sides of the International Boundary, primarily for project management or basin-wide baseline data purposes. This additional information is usually available upon request from the collecting agency and forms part of the pool of technical information which may be drawn upon by Governments for specific study purposes. Examples of additional information are data on water quantity, water quality, ground water, and air quality collected at points in the Poplar River basin not of direct concern to the Committee. In addition, supplemental information on parameters such as vegetation, soils, fish, and waterfowl populations and aquatic vegetation is also being collected as part of routine or specific studies by various agencies. A2-3 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 1995 CANADA A2-4 STREAMFLOW MONITORING Responsible Agencies: Environment Canada Saskatchewan Water Corporation Daily mean disctiarge or levels and instantaneous monthly extremes as normally published in surface-water data publications. No. on Map Station No. Station Name 1" 11AE003 (06178500) East Poplar River at international Boundary 2" "M1AE013 Cookson Reservoir near Coronach 3" "M1AE015 Girard Creek near Coronach above Cookson Reservoir 4*" 11AE014 East Poplar River above Cookson Reservoir 5"" **Fife Lake Overflow 6* 11AE008 (06178000) Poplar River at international Boundary * - International gauging station (Operated by Environment Canada). ** - Operated by Saskatchewan Water Corporation. *** - Federal-Provincial hydrometric station. ****- Miscellaneous measurements of outflow to be made by Saskatchewan Water Corporation dur- ing periods of outflow only. A2-5 r HYDROMETRIC GAUGING STATIONS (CANADA) A2-6 SURFACE-WATER QUALITY MONITORING Sampling Locations Responsible Agency: Saslcatchewan Environment and Resource Management No. on Map Station No. Station Name 1 7904 Fife Lal-dissolved Flame Emission BM 11250L Percent Sodium Calculated BM 0021 OL Saturation Index Calculated BM 14108L Silica Automated cotourimetric BM 11103L Sodium-dissolved Flame Emission BM 02041 L Specific Conductance Wheatstone Bridge BM 0021 1L Stability Index Calculated BM 16306L Sulphate-dissolved Automated cotourimetric BM 100229 Strontiunvtotal ICP BM 00201 L TDS Catoulated BM 0206 1L Temperature Digital Thermometer BM 02081 L Turbidity Nephelometry BM 100230 Vanadiunvtotal ICP BM 100231 Zinc-total ICP BM 103011. pH Electrometric BM ' Connputer storage and retrieval system ~ Environment Canada AA - Atomic Absorptton NFR - Nonfllterable Residue ICP - Inductively Coupled Plasma IR - Infrared UV- Ultraviolet BM-Bimonthly (alternate nrxinths sampled by USGS) A2-8 LEGEND: ^ ENVIRONMENT SASKATCHEWAN ■ ENVIRONMENT CANADA A SCALE 10 15 Km SURFACE WATER QUAUTY MONITORING STATIONS (CANADA) A2-9 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Measurement Frequency: Quarterly Piezometer Number Location Tip of Screen Elevation (m) Perforation Zone (depth in metres) 52 NW 14-1-27 W3 738.43 43 - 49 (in coal) 506 SW4-1-27W3 748.27 81 - 82 (In coal) 507 SW 6-1-26 W3 725.27 34 - 35 (In coal) 509 NW 11-1-27 W3 725.82 76 -77 (in coal) 510 NW 1-1-28 W3 769.34 28 - 29 (in layered coal and clay) A2-10 lO Miles GROUNDWATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING A2-11 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING-POPLAR RIVER POWER STATION AREA SPG Piezometer Number Completion Formation 525 Empress 526 Empress 527 Empress 528 Oxidized 539 Empress 540 Empress 737 Empress 739 Empress 740 Empress 741 Empress 743 Empress 746 Mottled Till 747 Mottled Till 748 Mottled Till 756 Empress water levels measured quarterly SPG Piezometer Number Completion Formation 739 Empress samples collected annually A2-12 A2-13 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 529 Empress 532 Empress 533 Empress 534 Oxidized Till 535 Empress 536 Empress 537 Empress 538 Empress 542 Empress 653A Unoxidized Till 654 Unoxidized Till 655A Unoxidized Till 655B Unoxidized Till 711 Oxidized Till 71 2A Unoxidized Till 712B Intra Till Sand 71 2C Mottled Till 712D Oxidized till 713 Oxidized Till 71 4A Unoxidized Till 71 4B Mottled Till 71 4C Oxidized Till 71 4D Oxidized Till 714E Empress 715 Oxidized Till 716 Oxidized Till 717 Oxidized Till 718 Mottled Till 719 Oxidized Till 720 Oxidized Till 721 Oxidized Till 722 Oxidized Till 723 Oxidized Till 724 Mottled Till 725 Oxidized Till 726A Oxidized Till 726B Mottled Till A2-14 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING-- ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 726C Oxidized Till 726E Empress 727A Unoxidized Till 727B Mottled Till 727C Oxidized Till 728A Oxidized Till 728B Unoxidized Till 728C Mottled Till 728D Oxidized Till 728E Empress 731 Empress 732 Empress 733 Empress 734 Empress 742 Empress 745 Oxidized Till 749 Mottled Till 750 Unoxidized Till 751 Unoxidized Till 752 Unoxidized Till 753 Oxidized Till 757 Unoxidized Till 758 Intra Till Sand 763A Mottled Till 763B Oxidized Till 763C Mottled Till 763D Unoxidized Till 763E Empress 764B Mottled Till 764C Oxidized Till 764D Unoxidized Till 764E Empress 765A Empress 765B Unoxidized Till 765C Oxidized Till 765D Oxidized Till 765E Mottled Till 766A Empress A2-15 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING-- ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 766 Intra Till Sand 767A Empress 767B Unoxidized Till 767 Intra Till Sand 768A Empress 768B Unoxidized Till 768C Oxidized Till 775A Oxidized Till 775C Unoxidized Till 776A Oxidized Till 776B Oxidized Till 8678 Oxidized Till 867C Unoxidized Till 8688 Oxidized Till 868C Unoxidized Till 8698 Oxidized Till 869C Unoxidized Till 870E Empress 8718 Oxidized Till 871 C Unoxidized Till 8728 Oxidized Till 872C Unoxidized Till 873E Empress 8858 Oxidized Till 885C Oxidized Till 885D Unoxidized Till 885E Empress 886A Ash Stack 8868 Oxidized Till 886C Oxidized Till 886D Unoxidized Till 886E Empress 8878 Oxidized Till 887C Oxidized Till 887D Unoxidized Till 887E Empress 8888 Oxidized Till 888C Oxidized Till A2-16 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING-- ASH LAGOON AREA-WATER LEVEL (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 888D Unoxidized Till 888E Empress 889B Oxidized Till 889C Oxidized Till 889D Unoxidized Till 889E Empress 890B Oxidized Till 890C Oxidized Till 890D Unoxidized Till 890E Empress 891 B Oxidized Till 891C Oxidized Till 891 D Unoxidized Till 891 E Empress 892B Oxidized Till 892C Oxidized Till 892D Unoxidized Till 892E Empress 893B Oxidized Till 893C Oxidized Till 893D Unoxidized Till 893E Empress 894B Oxidized Till 894C Oxidized Till 894D Unoxidized Till 894E Empress 895B Oxidized Till 895C Oxidized Till 895D Unoxidized Till 895E Empress Water levels measured quarterly A2.17 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING-- ASH LAGOON AREA--OUALITY SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 529 Empress 532 Empress 533 Empress • 534 Oxidized Till 538 Empress 653A Unoxidized Till 655A Unoxidized Till 71 2A Unoxidized Till 712B Intra Till Sand 71 2C Mottled Till 712D Oxidized till 713 Oxidized Till 71 4A Unoxidized Till 71 4C Oxidized Till 714D Oxidized Till 714E Empress 715 Oxidized Till 716 Oxidized Till 718 Mottled Till 719 Oxidized Till 726A Oxidized Till 726C Oxidized Till 726E Empress 728A Oxidized Till 728B Unoxidized Till 728C Mottled Till 728D Oxidized Till 731 Empress 732 Empress 733 Empress 734 Empress 742 Empress 745 Oxidized Till 749 Mottled Till 750 Unoxidized Till 751 Unoxidized Till 752 Unoxidized Till 753 Oxidized Till A2-18 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- ASH LAGOON AREA-QUALITY (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 757 Unoxidized Till 758 Intra Till Sand 763A Mottled Till 763B Oxidized Till 763D Unoxidized Till 763E Empress 766 Intra Till Sand 767 Intra Till Sand 775A Oxidized Till 775C Unoxidized Till 776A Oxidized Till 776B Oxidized Till 867A Ash Stack 867B Oxidized Till 867C Unoxidized Till 868A Ash Stack 8688 Oxidized Till 868C Unoxidized Till 8698 Oxidized Till 869C Unoxidized Till 870E Empress 871A Ash Stack 8718 Oxidized Till 871 C Unoxidized Till 8728 Oxidized Till 872C Unoxidized Till 873E Empress 8858 Oxidized Till 885C Oxidized Till 885D Unoxidized Till 885E Empress 886A Ash Stack 8868 Oxidized Till 886C Oxidized Till 886D Unoxidized Till 886E Empress 887A Ash Stack 8878 Oxidized Till A2-19 GROUND-WATER PIEZOMETER MONITORING- ASH LAGOON AREA-QUALITY (Continued) SPC Piezometer Number Completion Formation 887C Oxidized Till 887D Unoxidized Till 887E Empress 888B Oxidized Till 888C Oxidized Till 888D Unoxidized Till 888E Empress 889B Oxidized Till 889C Oxidized Till 889D Unoxidized Till 889E Empress 890A Ash Stack 890B Oxidized Till 890C Oxidized Till 890D Unoxidized Till 890E Empress 891 B Oxidized Till 891C Oxidized Till 891D Unoxidized Till 891E Empress 892B Oxidized Till 892C Oxidized Till 892D Unoxidized Till 892E Empress 893A Ash Stack 893B Oxidized Till 893C Oxidized Till 893D Unoxidized Till 893E Empress 894B Oxidized Till 894C Oxidized Till 894D Unoxidized Till 894E Empress 895B Oxidized Till 895C Oxidized Till 895D Unoxidized Till 895E Empress Samples collected annually A2-20 A2-21 PARAMETERS Responsible Agency: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management | Sampling ESQUADAT* Frequency Station Code Parameter Analytical method No.: Piezometers 10101 Alkalinity-tot Pot-Titration A 13105 Aluminum-Diss AA-Direct 3" 33104 Arsenic-Diss Flameless AA A 56104 Barium-Diss AA-Direct A 06201 Bicarbonates Calculated A 06106 Boron-Diss Colourimetry 3" 48102 Cadmium-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 20103 Calcium-Diss AA-Direct A 06301 Carbonates Calculated A 17203 Chloride-Diss Colourimetry A 24104 Chromium-Diss AA-Direct A 27102 Cobalt-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 02011 Colour Comparator A 02041 Conductivity Conductivity Meter A 29105 Copper-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) 4" 09103 Fluoride-Diss Specific Ion Electrode A 26104 Iron-Diss AA-Direct A 82103 Lead- Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A 12102 Magnesium-Diss AA-Direct A 25104 Manganese-Diss AA-Direct A 80111 Mercury-Diss Flameless AA A 42102 Molybdenum-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (N-Butyl acetate) A 10301 pH Electrometric 3" 19103 Potassium-Diss Flame Photometry A 34105 Selenium-Diss Hydride generation A 14102 Silica-Diss Colourimetry A 11103 Sodium-Diss Flame Photometry A 38101 Strontium-Diss AA-Direct 3" 16306 Sulphate-Diss Colourimetry 3" 10451 TDS Gravimetric 3" 92111 Uranium-Diss Fluorometry 3" 23104 Vanadium-Diss AA-Direct A 97025 Water Level 4 30105 Zinc-Diss AA-Solvent Extract (MIBK) A No zinc or iron for Piezometers C531 to C538 * Computer storage and retrieval system — Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management ** Analyze annually for these Piezometers Nos. SYMBOLS: AA - Atomic absorption A - Annually 3 - 3 times/year AA - Solvent Extract (MIBK) - sample acidified and extracted with Methyl Isobutyl Ketone. 4-4 times/year A2-22 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING Responsible Aqency: Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Manaqement 1 NO. ON MAP LOCATION PARAMETERS REPORTING FREQUENCY 1 Coronach (Discontinued) Sulphur Dioxide Discontinued Wind speed and direction Discontinued Total Suspended Par- ticulate Discontinued 2 International Boundary* Sulphur Dioxide Continuous monitoring with hourly averages as summary sta- tistics. Total Suspended Par- ticulate 24-hour samples on 6-day cycle, con-esponding to the National Air Pollution Surveillance Sampling Schedule. METHODS Sulphur Dioxide Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Colourimetric Titration, Pulsed Fluorescence Total Suspended Particulate Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management High Volume Method * This station operated by SaskPower Corporation. A2-23 ■\ LEGEND: AMBIENT aiR OUAUTV MONITORING 0 5 10 15 Km AMBIENT AIR QUAUTY MONITORING (CANADA) V. A2-24 POPLAR RIVER COOPERATIVE MONITORING ARRANGEMENT TECHNICAL MONITORING SCHEDULES 1995 UNITED STATES A2-25 STREAMFLOW MONITORING Responsible Agency: U.S. Geological Survey No. on Map Station Number Station Name 1* 06178000 (11 AE008) Poplar River at international Boundary 2* 06178500 (11 AE003) East Poplar River at international Boundary 'International Gauging Station A2-26 r 0 5 10 15 Km HYDROMETRIC GAUGING STATIONS (UNITED STATES) A2-27 SURFACE-WATER QUALITY MONITORING ResponsibI e Agency: U.S. Geological Survey No. on Map USGS Station No. Station Name 1 06178000 Poplar River at International Boundary 2 06178500 East Poplar River at International Boundary 3 06179000 East PoDlar River near Scol>ev PARAMETERS || WATSTORE* SAMPLING FREQUENCY || Code Parameter Analytical Method 1 2 3 90410 Alkalinity - lab Elect. Titration M BM BM 01106 Aluminum - diss AE.DC Plasma SA SA SA 00610 Ammonia -lot Colorimetric M BM BM 00625 Ammonia +Org N-tot Colorimetric M BM BM 01000 Arsenic - diss AA, hydride SA SA SA 01002 Arsenic - lot AA, hydrkle A A A 01010 Beryllium - diss ICP SA SA SA 01012 Beryllium - lot/rec AA - Persulfate A A A 01020 Boron - diss AE, DC Plasma M BM BM 01025 Cadmium - diss AA, GF SA SA SA 01027 Cadmium - tot/rec AA, GF - Persulfate A A A 00915 Calcium ICP M BM BM 00680 Cartx)n - tot Org Wet Oxidatkxi SA SA SA 00940 Chloride - diss Cotorimetric M BM BM 01030 Chromium - diss AE,DC Plasma SA SA SA 01034 Chromium - tot/rec AE. DC Plasma - Persulfate A A A 00080 Colour Eiectrometrk:, visual M BM BM 00095 Conductivity Wheatstone Bridge M D BM 01040 Copper - diss AA.GF SA SA SA 01042 Copper - tot/rec AA, GF -Persulfate A A A 00061 Discharge -inst Direct measurement M BM BM 00950 Fluoride Electrometric M BM BM 01046 Iron - diss AE, ICP M BM BM 01045 Iron - tot/rec AA-Persulfate A A A 01049 Lead -diss AA, GF SA SA SA 01051 Lead - tot/rec AA, GF -Persulfate A A A 00925 Magnesium - diss AA M BM BM 01056 Manganese - diss ICP SA SA SA 01055 Manganese - tot/rec AA-Persulfate A A A 01065 Nickel - diss AA, GF SA SA SA 01067 Nickel - tot/rec AA,GF- Persulfate A A A 00615 NlUite - tot Colorimetric M BM BM 00630 Nitrate -f Nitrite - tot Cotorimetric M BM BM 00300 Oxygen - diss Winkler/meter M BM BM 70507 Phos, Ortho - lot Colorimetric M BM BM 00400 pH Electrometric M BM BM 00665 Phosphonjs - tot Colorimetric M BM BM 00935 Potassium - diss AA M BM BM 00931 SAR Calculated M BM BM 80154 Sediment - oonc. Filtration -Gravimetric M BM BM 80155 Sediment - k>ad Calculated M BM BM 01145 Selenium - diss AA, hydride SA SA SA 01147 Selenium - tot AA, hydride A A A 00955 Silica ICP M BM BM 00930 Sodium ICP M BM BM 00945 Sulphate - diss Tuibimetry M BM BM 70301 Total Dissolved Solids Calculated M BM BM 00010 Tennp Water Stem TherrTX)meter M BM BM 00020 Tennp Air Stem Themxjmeter M BM BM 00076 Turbidity Nephelometric M BM BM 80020 Uranium - diss Spectrometry MC 01090 Zinc - diss ICP SA SA SA 01092 Zinc - tot/rec AA-Persulfate A A A SYMBOLS: D - daily: M - monthly; BM - bimonthly: MC graphite furnace; AA - atomic absorption; tot - total; rec coupled plasma * - Computer storage and retrieval system - USGS monthly composite: A - annually at high flow; SA - semi-annually at low and high How; GF, recoverat>le; diss - dissolved: AE - atomic emission: DC - direct current; ICP, inductively A2-28 lO Miles SURFACE WATER QUAUTY MONITORING STATIONS (UNITED STATES) A2-29 GROUND-WATER QUALITY MONITORING Station Locations Responsible Agency: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Casing Map Diameter Perforation Number Well Location Total Depth (m) (cm) Aquifer Zone (m) 7 37N47E12BBBB 44.1 10.2 Hart Coal 39-44 16 37N46E3ABAB 25.5 10.2 Fort Union 23-25 24 37N48E5AB 9.6 10.2 Alluvium 9.2-9.6 Parameters Storet *• Code Parameter Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Station No. 00440 Bicarbonates Electrometric Titration Sample collection is annually for all 01020 Boron-diss Emission Plasma, ICP locations identified above. 00915 Calcium Emission Plasma 00445 Carbonates Electrometric Titration The analytical method descriptions 00940 Chloride Ion Chromatography are those of the Montana Bureau of 00095 Conductivity Wheatstone Bridge Mines and Geology Laboratory where 01040 Copper-diss Emission Plasma, ICP the samples are analyzed. 00950 Fluoride Ion Chromatography 01046 Iron-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 01049 Lead-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 01130 Lithium-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 00925 fwlagnesium Emission Plasma, ICP 01056 Manganese-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 01060 Molybdenum Emission Plasma, ICP 00630 Nitrate Ion Chromatography 00400 pH Electrometric 1 00935 Potassium Emission Plasma, ICP 1 01145 Selenium-diss AA 00955 Silica Emission Plasma, ICP 00930 Sodium Emission Plasma, ICP 01080 Strontium-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 00445 Sulphiate Ion Chromatography 00190 Zinc-diss Emission Plasma, ICP 70301 IDS Calculated SYMBOLS: AA - Atomic Absorption; Computer storage and retrieval system-- EPA ICP - Inductively Coupled Plasma Unit A2-30 0 5 10 15 Kr GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING (UNITED STATES) A2-31 GROUND-WATER LEVELS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING Responsible Agency: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology No. on Map Sampling 2 to 24 Determine water levels quarterly A2-32 I I 15 Km 10 Miles GROUNDWATER PIEZOMETERS TO MONITOR POTENTIAL DRAWDOWN DUE TO COAL SEAM DEWATERING A2-33 ANNEX 3 RECOMMENDED FLOW APPORTIONMENT IN THE POPLAR RIVER BASIN BY THE INTERNATIONAL SOURIS-RED RIVERS ENGINEERING BOARD, POPLAR RIVER TASK FORCE (1976) A3-1 •RECOMMENDED FLOW APPORTIONMENT IN THE POPLAR RIVER BASIN The aggregate natural flow of all streams and tributaries in the Poplar River Basin crossing the International Boundary shall be divided equally between Canada and the United States subject to the following conditions: 1. The total natural flow of the West Fork Poplar River and all its tributaries crossing the International Boundary shall be divided equally between Canada and the United States but the flow at the International Boundary in each tributary shall not be depleted by more than 60 percent of its natural flow. 2. The total natural flow of all remaining streams and tributaries in the Poplar River Basin crossing the International Boundary shall be divided equally between Canada and the United States. Specific conditions of this division are as follows: (a) Canada shall deliver to the United States a minimum of 60 percent of the natural flow of the Middle Fork Poplar River at the International Boundary as determined below the confluence of Goose Creek and Middle Fork. (b) The delivery of water from Canada to the United States on the East Poplar River shall be determined on or about the first day of June each year as follows: (1) When the total natural flow of the Middle Fork Poplar River, as determined below the confluence of Goose Creek, during the immediately preceding March 1st to May 31st period does not exceed 4,690 cubic decameters (3,800 acre-feet), then a continuous minimum flow of 0.028 cubic metres per second (1.0 cubic feet per second) shall be delivered to the United States on the East Poplar River at the International Boundary throughout the succeeding 12 month period commencing June 1st. In addition, a volume of 370 cubic decameters (300 acre-feet) shall be delivered to the United States upon demand at any time during the 1 2 month period commencing June 1st. (ii) When the total natural flow of the Middle Fork Poplar River, as determined below the confluence of Goose Creek, during the immediately preceding March 1st to May 31 St period is greater than 4,690 cubic decameters (3,800 acre-feet), but does not exceed 9,250 cubic decameters (7,500 acre-feet), then a continuous minimum flow of 0.057 cubic metres per second (2.0 cubic feet per second) shall be delivered to the United States on the East Poplar River at the International Boundary during the succeeding period June 1st through August 31st. A minimum delivery of 0.028 cubic metres per second (1 .0 cubic feet per second) shall then be maintained from September 1st through to May 31st of the following year. In addition, a volume of 617 cubic decameters (500 acre-feet) shall be delivered to the United States upon demand at any time during the 12-month period commencing June 1st. (iii) When the total natural flow of the Middle Fork Poplar River, as determined below the confluence of Goose Creek, during the immediately preceding March 1st to May 31 st period is greater than 9,250 cubic decameters (7,500 ace-feet), but does Canada-United States, 1976, Joint studies for flow apportionment. Poplar River Basin, Montana-Saskatchewan: Main Report, International Souris-Red Rivers Board, Poplar River Task Force, 43 pp. A3-2 not exceed 14,800 cubic decameters (12,000 acre-feet), then a continuous minimum flow of 0.085 cubic metres per second (3.0 cubic feet per second) shall then be delivered to the United States on the East Poplar River at the International Boundary during the succeeding period June 1st through August 31st. A minimum delivery of 0.057 cubic metres per second (2.0 cubic feet per second) shall then be maintained from September 1st through to May 31st of the following year. In addition, a volume of 617 cubic decameters (500 acre-feet) shall be delivered to the United States upon demand at any time during the 12-month period commencing June 1st. (iv) When the total natural flow of the Middle Fork Poplar River, as determined below the confluence of Goose Creek, during the immediately preceding March 1st to May 31st period exceeds 14,800 cubic decameters (12,000 acre-feet) then a continuous minimum flow of 0.085 cubic metres per second (3.0 cubic feet per second) shall be delivered to the United States on the East Poplar River at the International Boundary during the succeeding period June 1st through to August 31st. A minimum delivery of 0.057 cubic metres per second (2.0 cubic feet per second) shall then be maintained from September 1st through to May 31st of the following year. In addition, a volume of 1 ,230 cubic decameters (1 ,000 acre-feet) shall be delivered to the United States upon demand at any time during the 12- month period commencing June 1st. (c) The natural flow at the International Boundary in each of the remaining individual tribu- taries shall not be depleted by more than 60 percent of its natural flow. 3. The natural flow and division periods for apportionment purposes shall be determined, unless othenwise specified, for periods of time commensurate with the uses and requirements of both countries. A3-3 ANNEX 4 METRIC CONVERSIONS A4-1 ac ac-ft C cm cm* < dam' ft3 ha hm hm' Lgpm in kg km km* L Us m m* m3 . m'^ mm tonne U.S. gpm METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS 4,047 m^ = 0.04047 ha 1,233.5 m3 = 1.2335 dam^ 5/9(F*' - 32) 0.3937 in. 0.155 in* 1,000 m^ = 0.8107 ac-ft 28.3171 X 10-V 10.000 m* = 2.471 ac 100 m = 328.08 ft 1 X 10^ m^ 0.0758 L/s 2.54 cm 2.20462 lb =1.1x10"^ tons 0.62137 miles 0.3861 mi* 0.3532 ft^ = 0.21997 I.gal = 0.26420 U.S. gal 0.035 cfs = 13.193 I.gpm = 15.848 U.S. gpm 3.2808 ft 10.7636 ft* 1,000 L = 35.3144 ft^ = 219.97 I.gal = 264.2 U.S. gal 35.314 cfs 0.00328 ft 1,000 kg = 1.1023 ton (short) 0.0631 IVs For Air Samples ppm = 100 pphm = 1000 x (Molecular Weight of substance/24.45) mg/wr A4-2