IE tet aay prereset ess ty Sie eae ra a a Loe a *, s Ay a fea) at a “APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY A HANDBOOK FOR STUDENTS OF MEDICINE ‘BY ROBERT HUTCHISON, M.D., F.R.C.P. PHYSICIAN TO THE LONDON HOSPITAL; ASSISTANT-PHYSICIAN TO THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, GREAT ORMOND STREET; LATE CHEMICAL ASSISTANT TO THE/PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, AND DEMONSTRATOR OF PHYSIOLOGY, LONDON HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE \ AUTHOR OF ‘FOOD AND THE PRINCIPLES OF DIETETICS,’ ‘LECTURES ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN’ JOINT AUTHOR OF ‘CLINICAL METHODS,’ AND JOINT EDITOR OF ‘AN INDEX OF TREATMENT’ ‘ Knowledge should be subservient to action’ BACON Vas » 4 . . LONDON AX EDWARD ARNOLD (~\ 1908 \ [All rights reserved] PREFACE Wirx the increasing complexity of the medical curri- culum, and the growing inclination to specialism amongst teachers, there is a tendency for the student to keep his knowledge in water-tight compartments. Physiology, for instance, is studied in the laboratory, and clinical medicine in the wards, and too often one finds that the student is incapable of applying his scientific knowledge to his clinical work. This is to be regretted, not only because it tends to lessen the interest of the practical study of disease, but because it leads to unsound and unscientific practice. For, beyond all question, the medicine of the future will be based more and more upon a sound knowledge of the normal working of the human body; or, in other words, upon Applied Physiology, and the best physician will be he who combines such knowledge in fullest measure with a wide practical experience at the bedside. Inability to apply the teachings of physiology leads also to this curious anomaly, that a man may have been taught, and presumably still believe, certain facts as true physiologically, and yet continue to act in his clinical work upon an apparently quite opposite creed. Such an attitude of mind, it need hardly be said, is Vv vi PREFACE destructive of all sound medical thought, and makes for purely empirical practice. In the present book—the first, so far as the writer knows, of its kind—an attempt has been made to apply physiology to medicine in the same way as anatomy has long been applied to surgery. Seeing that it is not intended to be a substitute for physiological text-books, but merely a companion to them, all descriptions of methods have been omitted, and only the facts of physiology dealt with, chief emphasis being laid upon those which have a direct bearing upon clinical work ; incidentally these bearings are pointed out. The reader may be surprised at the small size of the book, but when one deals only with the jfacts of physiology, it is astonishing to find how little space they occupy, and how few of them have as yet any direct practical implications. It will be observed, too, that there is no chapter on the muscular or nervous systems, or on the special senses. These omissions are inten- tional, for the writer is convinced that most of ‘ nerve- muscle’ physiology, as ordinarily taught to students is perfectly useless to the physician ; and, as regards the nervous system and special senses, the time is not yet ripe for writing their applied ‘physiology—clinically, one can as yet hardly make use of more than their applied anatomy. | As the book is designed only for students, and not for specialists, few references to original sources have been given; but the writer feels that it is due to himself to say that these have always been consulted, and that the book really represents a very large amount of PREFACE Vii research in physiological literature, which has occupied a fair amount of time for some years. He is indebted to Dr. Leonard Hill and Mr. W. Rainey for kindly revising the proofs. R. H. 1908. CONTENTS CHAPTER ay It. Ill. IV. . THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF METABOLISM “ THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF BODY HEAT - THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BLOOD AND HAMOPOIETIC ORGANS - : THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEART - ' . THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION . . THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION - - THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF EXCRETION sf INDEX : . ‘ : : ; ix PAGE 105 14] 177 295 270 291 Bas ee PLATE LIST OF DIAGRAMS IN COLOUR II. DIAGRAM OF A LOBULE OF THE LUNG (AFTER STOHR) III. THE RESPIRATORY CENTRE AND ITS CONNECTIONS FIG, $0 . ABSOLUTE NUMBER OF LEUCOCYTES PER CUBIC MILLIMETRE AT DIFFERENT AGES > = . DIFFERENTIAL PERCENTAGE COUNTS THROUGHOUT LIFE (AFTER CARSTANJEN) : : ~— SERIES OF VENTRICULAR SYSTOLES (AFTER WENCKE- BACH) - : : . . : . HEART SOUNDS - - - - ‘ . PULSE TRACING, SHOWING VENTRICULAR INTER- MISSION (AFTER CUSHNY) - : ; PULSE TRACING, SHOWING AURICULAR INTERMISSION (AFTER CUSHNY) - - - : ; . CHANGE IN SHAPE OF AN ARTERY DURING PASSAGE OF THE PULSE WAVE~ - 3 3 ’ SPHYGMOGRAM OF RADIAL PULSE (MACKENZIE) - . INFUNDIBULUM AT THE END OF COMPLETE INSPIRA- TION AND EXPIRATION (HARRY CAMPBELL) ~~ - xi FACING PAGE I. THE INNERVATION OF THE HEART (AFTER POWELL) 122 183 204 PAGE 88 89 118 138 138 139 145 148 184 xii FIG, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. LIST OF DIAGRAMS ‘PULL’ EXERTED BY THE LUNGS BY MEANS OF THEIR CONTRACTIBILITY - : - - - CROSS SECTION OF THE RIGHT LUNG, SHOWING DIRECTIONS OF EXPANSION (KEITH) : - RIGHT LUNG FROM THE SIDE, SHOWING DIRECTIONS OF EXPANSION (KEITH) - - - - VERTICAL SECTION OF THE RIGHT LUNG TO SHOW EXPANSION (KEITH) - . . - VITAL CAPACITY (AFTER HUTCHINSON) - - POSITION OF SHADOW DURING THE SWALLOWING OF A MOUTHFUL OF MILK CONTAINING BISMUTH CARBONATE (HERTZ) - - - FUNCTIONAL DIVISIONS OF THE STOMACH - : SEGMENTATION IN HUMAN. SMALL INTESTINES OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERISTALSIS (HERTZ) - : : : ; 4 AVERAGE TIME AT WHICH VARIOUS POINTS OF THE COLON ARE REACHED AFTER A BISMUTH BREAK- FAST (HERTZ) - : 3 PAGE 190 196 197 198 200 230 243 259 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER I THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF METABOLISM Tue future of medicine undoubtedly depends upon the chemical physiologist. The scalpel, the microscope, and the simpler application of physical and experimental methods have, so far as we can perceive, nearly finished their work, but the investigation of the chemical pro- cesses of the body is just begun. The term ‘metabolism’ is used to embrace the sum of these chemical processes, and as most diseases are, in the last resort, the ex- pression of a perverted metabolism, it can easily be understood how important a complete knowledge of the subject would be to the physician. Unfortunately, how- ever, we are constantly hampered by our ignorance in this respect. Most of the intimate chemical changes which go on in the organs and tissues are still utterly beyond our ken. Some we guess at or catch glimpses of from afar; it is only a few that we fully understand. In the present chapter I propose to give a general sketch of metabolism so far as our present knowledge permits, and shall point out as one goes along the application of 1 2 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the facts which have been ascertained to the problems of clinical medicine—so far, at least, as such application is at present possible. Metabolism has two great purposes to fulfil: (1) the maintenance unimpaired of the substance of the tissues ; (2) the conservation of bodily energy. The former con- sists in the replacement of the waste of tissue substance which the stress and strain of vital activity entails; it is therefore essentially anabolic in nature. The conser- vation of bodily energy, on the other hand, is achieved by the breaking down of food compounds and the libera- tion of their potential energy in the form of heat and } work, and is therefore preponderatingly katabolic. We may regard these two aspects of metabolism either from the point of view of the total amount of chemical change which takes place (quantitative meta- bolism), or from that of the intimate nature of the chemical processes which they involve (qualitative meta- bolism). As the former point of view is the simpler, it will be best to consider it first. QUANTITATIVE Mrrapoism.* ; ; ? KA 1. The Conservation of Tissue Substance. / As protein is the only constituent of the food which is able to repair tissue waste, it is obvious that this aspect of metabolism when looked at quantitatively resolves * In order to appreciate the relative mass of the various tissues which compose the ‘ vital machine’ and take part in metabolism, it should be remembered that, of the total body-weight, about 40 per cent. is made up of muscle, 5 per cent. of blood, 2 per cent. of brain, whilst the other internal organs and the skeleton make up the remainder, METABOLISM LL. itself into the question, How much protein is required to make good the daily destruction of tissue? This question is one of such enormous practical importance to the physician that a little space must be devoted to a statement of the prevailing physiological views upon it. How much Protein is required ?—If one attempts to solve this problem by the simple method of estimating the amount of nitrogen excreted daily, one is at once met by the difficulty that ‘nitrogenous equilibrium’ can be maintained on very varying quantities of protein. The more protein the food contains, the more nitrogen is excreted, and this goes on until the limits of the digestive capacity are reached. If, again, one takes the amount of nitrogen excreted during fasting as the basis for constructing the diet sheet, it is found that if this amount alone be supplied it is insufficient to maintain equilibrium, and nitrogen is lost from the body. At what point above this, then, is one to fix the proper quantity? Despairing of any experimental solution of this problem, the older school of physiologists fell back on purely empirical observation. They esti- mated the amount of protein actually consumed by groups of individuals on freely chosen dietaries, and took this as the answer to the question. It was in this way that Voit arrived at the standard of 118 grammes, which was long accepted as the proper amount of protein for the diet to contain, and it was upon this estimate that the prevailing ‘standard dietaries’ were constructed. Within the last few years, however, physiologists have begun to question the correctness of the Voit standard. Investigation of the diets of many 4 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY individual vegetarians, and of vegetarian races, for example, revealed the fact that health and activity could apparently be maintained on much smaller allow- ances of protein than the Voit standard postulated. Finally there came the well-known experiments of Chittenden, which showed for the first time on a suffi- ciently large scale that, beyond all apparent doubt, health and efficiency could be maintained for indefinite periods upon a much smaller protein intake than 118 grammes. Chittenden fixes the protein optimum, indeed, or the best amount for habitual consumption, at about 60 grammes per day, which is not far above the minimum upon which nitrogenous equilibrium can be maintained. Any intake above this he would regard as a luxus consumption.* * It might seem that in human milk we would find a standard which would furnish a guide to the proper proportion of protein which the diet ought to contain. An infant of six months, weighing 6°7 kilogrammes, and con- suming an average quantity of breast milk (950 grammes), consumes about 14 grammes of protein, and has a total energy intake of 594 Calories per day. This is about 2 grammes of protein per kilogramme, and if an adult of average weight (70 kilogrammies) consumed the same proportion of protein, he would require 140 grammes in his ‘diet, which is much above even the Voit standard, There is, however, another way of looking at the question: Of the total Calories taken in by the infant, fifty-seven are derived from protein ; and assuming the adult to require an intake of 3,000 Calories per day, and that the same proportion of these is derived from protein as in the child, then the amount of protein the adult should consume would only be about 70 grammes per diem, which is approximately Chittenden’s standard. Which is the correct way of looking at the question it is difficult to say. If the adult is to take as much protein per unit of his body-weight as the child, then METABOLISM 5 If Chittenden be right, there can be no doubt of the far-reaching effect of his views; our dietary standards would have to be revised, and vegetarianism would become, not only uninjurious, but a system highly to be commended on grounds alike of humanity, hygiene, and economy. To consume a superfluous quantity of such an expensive food constituent as protein is certainly not only wasteful, but, from the great amount of work re- quired for its digestion and the excretion of its end- products, physiologically injurious as well. Chittenden, indeed, is of opinion that many of the degenerative diseases of later life, as well as many of the paroxysmal neuroses, such as migraine, met with in younger patients, are directly due to a luxus consumption of protein. Notwithstanding the apparently convincing nature of Chittenden’s experiments, it will be well for the physician to be cautious in applying their results in practice. It is all very well for the physiologist to dismiss con- temptuously the universal practice of mankind as having been arrived at purely empirically, and as affording no basis on which to establish rational rules of diet; but the practical physician, whose art has taught him the safety of a wise empiricism, cannot so lightly discard a rule which has been adopted semper et ubique et ab omnibus. even the Voit standard is too low. If, on the other hand, he is to take only the same amount of protein in proportion to the total energy value of his diet as the child, then Chittenden’s standard is correct, It is true that the child is constantly laying up protein in the body in the form of new tissue, but against this has to be set the fact that the destruction of tissue in the adult is greater, owing _ to the performance of muscular work. 6 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY It may be possible to live in apparent health on a low protein intake for a long time, but can one do so with impunity always? It may be true that a luxus con- sumption of protein tends to produce disease, but may an habitually low intake not predispose to diseases of another sort? To take only two examples, our experi- ence of the treatment of tuberculosis has shown the value of a liberal meat diet in effecting a cure, and it has been found in the Japanese Navy that a liberal protein ration is a prophylactic against the ravages of beri-beri. It may well be, in short, that the supply of a liberal pro- portion of protein is necessary for the proper production of these chemical compounds, which are one of the means by which the body defends itself against invasion by bacteria. Again, it may prove, when the reserve of protein in the body is low—as it must be on an habitually low intake—that any attack of acute fever will result in too great inroads on the proteins of the fixed tissues, _ with all the dangers which that entails. These are only ~ some of the considerations which must give us pause in at once applying to practice the results of physiological experiment. Time alone can show whether such objec- tions deserve any weight. Meanwhile every practising physician, by observing how patients who habitually consume little protein resist the attacks of disease and withstand it when attacked, can help to furnish the data which are necessary for a final judgment in-the matter. z Storage of Surplus Building Material.—tIn any dis- cussion of the conservation of matter in the body, two influences must be considered: (1) the effect of growth, re METABOLISM 7 and (2) the influence of muscular labour. As regards growth, physiology teaches that it can only take place when protein is supplied in excess of the actual needs of the body as measured by the output of nitrogen. In the earlier period of life, therefore, a luxus consumption of protein is actually necessary, a point which must be borne in mind in constructing dietaries for the young. On the other hand, experiment has also shown that, once growth is completed, it is exceedingly difficult to bring about a storage of protein in the body, except when the muscles are being much exercised.* So soon, moreover, as the period of exercise ceases the protein gained is rapidly lost again. One cannot hope, there- fore, to make an individual muscularly strong merely by supplying him with protein; exercise must always be taken at the same time. Convalescence from acute disease is another event which permits of protein being stored up, for in such circumstances the waste of tissue which has taken place is rapidly made good by retaining protein in the body, even although the amount supplied in the diet be not very great. During preg- nancy, too, protein is retained in order to take part both in the formation of the foetus and in the hypertrophy of the uterus and mamme. As regards the influence of muscular labour, experi- ment has clearly shown that the waste of tissue which if causes is not really great, and there is therefore no physiological reason for the consumption of an excessive * The gain of protein in a fully-grown animal is attained by am hypertrophy of cells already existing, not by the development of new cells, 8 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY quantity of protein food during training merely to make good wear and tear. We may now pass on to consider the other great * function of metabolism. Tn, 2. The Conservation of Bodily Energy. 1. Expenditure of Energy.—By means of experi- ments with the respiration calorimeter the daily ex- penditure of energy in the body can be calculated | without much difficulty. The chief items of expenditure are these: (i.) internal work (heart, respiration, heat production, secretion, excretion, etc.); (ii.) digestive work ; (ili.) external or muscular work. The expenditure of energy in the performance of mental work cannot be calculated, and, indeed, external work is the only item which can be estimated with any accuracy. (i.) By internal work is meant all the work which is required for carrying on the chief vital processes of the body, without which life would be impos@ible. The work of the heart alone amounts to abo 0,000 kgm. (183 Calories),* or about 64 foot-ton r day. “In diseased conditions, in which the work of the circulation is carried on with difficulty, this amount may be very largely increased (see Chapter IV.), and may become so great, indeed, that no margin of available energy is left for any form of external work. A,-diliitent in such a condition is thus inevitably condemned to a life of com- plete inactivity. The work performed by the muscles of respiration in elevating the chest amounts to about * Allowing for heat produced as well. METABOLISM 9 6,500 kgm., or 21 foot-tons, daily. Here, again, in pathological conditions this necessary work may be greatly increased in amount, and the daily output of energy of the body proportionately raised. Of all the items which fall under the heading of internal work, heat production is, however, by far the greatest. The mere performance of work by the heart and the muscles of respiration involves the liberation as a by-product of more than twice as much energy in the form of heat as is actually required for the performance of the mechanical work of respiration and circulation. Whether besides this waste heat an additional quantity is produced as a result of the mere vital activity of the cells (apart from any work done) is a matter on which physiologists are not all agreed, and we shall return to its discussion later on (Chapter II.). The question is an important one; for if heat results from the mere ‘living’ of the cells—if it be a by-product or excretion of. life as such—then it is conceivable that cells of a low degree of vitality may produce less heat, and therefore expend less energy, than those. which are more ‘alive,’ and an explanation would be found for the apparently greater degree of economy in metabolism which some individuals exhibit when compared with others. Some such explana- tion, as we shall see, is almost necessary to account for individual differences in nutrition. (ii.) The item digestive work covers the expenditure of energy required for the digestion and absorption of the food. It is an item of no small importance, amount- ing as it does in the case of an ordinary mixed diet to about 150 or 200 Calories—i.c., about 6 to 8 per cent. of 10 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the total intake of energy. It varies, of course, with the bulk of the diet, for the manipulation of large masses of food materially increases the amount of muscular work to be done by the stomach and intestine. This has to be taken into consideration in appraising the value of some forms of purely vegetable diet which are apt to be very bulky. Thus, it has been calculated that in the case of a horse fed entirely upon hay 48 per cent. of the energy of the food is expended in its digestion and absorption. It varies, too, with the chemical constitu- tion of the food. The digestion of proteins seems to demand most work, then that of carbohydrates, whilst that of fats requires least of all. Of common articles of food, milk is that which entails the least digestive work. Anything which increases the frequency or force of peristalsis also raises expenditure under this head, and part at least of the wasting effect of purgation or diarrhoea is thus to be explained. Gi.) By external (as distinguished from internal) work is meant the work expended by the muscles in performing not only the day’s task of labour, but that required for locomotion and all the thousand ways in which the skeletal as opposed to the visceral mus¢les are brought into play. It is inevitably, therefore, a heavy item. It must be remembered, too, that all expenditure on actual external work is unavoidably accompanied by an increase of the work done by the heart and lungs as well as by an increased production of heat. Physiolo- gists differ as to exactly how much of the increased expenditure of energy that muscular labour entails goes METABOLISM 11 in the production of the outward task and how much in increased internal work, but one may say approximately that only about one-fifth should be put down to the work itself, and four-fifths to internal expenditure. The human body is therefore rather more economical than the best steam-engine, which gives about 15 per cent. of its total discharge of energy as work, and the rest as heat. Practice, however, is of great importance in this con- nection, for a man who is skilled in the performance of any special piece of work certainly does it more economic- ally and with relatively less increase of internal work than one who is unskilled. One illustration will make this clear. It was found by Hueppe, in comparing the expenditure of energy by an untrained town-dweller and an Alpine carrier in climbing, that in the course of a six hours’ ascent the former expended 449 Calories in work and 1,000 Calories in heat, whereas the latter expended 884 Calories in work, and only 565 in heat. Fatigue, pain, overheating of the body, and being in bad health or ‘out of condition,’ are also all of. them factors which increase the ‘expense’ of work. A man, for instance, who is tired, footsore, and very hot, will expend more energy in walking a given distance than is really necessary to carry his body over the same space under better conditions. It must not be assumed from all this that human labour is necessarily cheaper than that of a steam- engine. Quite the contrary, of course, is the case. If, for instance, a labourer works five days a week and earns 20s., of which he spends 5s. upon food, and has a total daily intake of energy of 3,000 Calories, of which 500 12 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY are expended upon actual mechanical labour (exclusive of increased internal work), then only one-sixth of the sum expended on food is returned in work—.e., 10d. worth a week represents the external work done, or 4s. 2d. worth, if one assumes that four-fifths have to be added to this to allow for increased heat production. In other words, only one-fifth of a man’s wages really go to produce work if one regards him as a ‘hired machine.’ One pound of coal a day consumed in a steam-engine would have produced more than as much work, assuming that the combustion of the coal yields 3,000 Calories of energy, and that the engine converts 15 per cent. of this into work. It will be obvious from this that the larger part of a man’s earnings must always be spent simply in keep- ing the machine ‘ alive,’ apart from whether it does any work or not. If, on the other hand, one regards the machine as merely a ‘ peripatetic residence for the soul,’ which has to be kept both alive and warm, then the only waste in it is the heat given off from the surface, and its efficiency from this point of view is advanced to about 50 per cent. of the energy consumed, which’ is better than that of any human invention.” Ue 2. Income of Energy.—To balance its expenditure, the body is dependent for its income of energy upon the chemical constituents of the food.+ Of these, the pro- * Thurston, ‘The Animal as a Prime Mover’ (Smithsonian Report for 1896). + It is possible that the body may derive some energy from sources other than food. Radiant heat—e.g., from the sun—may ‘ certainly be regarded as such a source, and there may conceivably be others of which as yet we know nothing. METABOLISM 13 teins, carbohydrates, and fats are alone of importance. It is true that small amounts of energy are contained in other ingredients of the diet, such as gelatin, but for practical purposes only the three first named need be considered. The energy yielded by a unit (1 gramme) of each of these constituents in the body, expressed in Calories, is as follows: Protein... ee ..- 4*1 Calories. Carbohydrate hy Rae i a Fat hag ~A POA 2 os Now, the total amount of energy expended by a man of average weight doing a moderate amount of muscular work is something between 2,500 and 3,000 Calories, or the amount which would be produced by the con- sumption of 1 pound of good coal; and it follows that, if equilibrium is to be maintained, the total intake in the form of food must equal this sum, and if it does not do so chronic malnutrition and inanition result. What proportion of the total energy required should be supplied by each food constituent is an important question in practical dietetics. « We have already seen that protein should be regarded as only accidentally a source of energy, its chief use being to replace the loss of nitrogenous material in the tissues, and that by far the largest proportion of the body’s energy must be derived from carbohydrates and fats. Amount of Carbohydrate and Fat required.—As to the proportion of the total intake of energy which should be supplied by carbohydrates and fats respec- 14 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY tively, we have no clear physiological data to guide us. So far as the tissues are concerned, indeed, the physio- logical teaching appears to be that it is largely a matter of indifference, but that, for the sake of the digestive organs, it is best to derive our energy, not from one or other exclusively, but in some measure from both. From a medical point of view, however, it is not so certain that fats and carbohydrates can replace each other in the diet with indifference. Rickets, for example, is a condition which seems to result from the consumption of a disproportionate amount of carbohydrate and too little fat. There is reason to believe, too, that a diet which contains an excess of carbohydrates may pre- dispose to diabetes by straining the sugar-assimilating functions. On the other hand, when diabetes is once developed, we are compelled to supply the greater part of the patient’s energy in the form of fat. Meanwhile it may be assumed that 50 grammes of fat and 500 grammes of carbohydrate represent the accepted standard for each ingredient; but it must be borne in mind that these are capable of replacing each other to a large extent, in accordance with the digestive’ peculiarities of the individual and the opportunities he has of obtaining a supply of each ingredient. The following balance-sheet, the expenditure side of which is derived from observation of an actual case by Von Noorden, whilst the income is approximately that of the Chittenden standard, will serve to show in a concise form the practical application of the study of metabolism from its quantitative side. It exhibits a surplus of income over expenditure, and it is assumed METABOLISM 17 A patient on the Banting diet, therefore, must inevitably suffer some loss of muscle besides his loss of fat. The metabolic balance-sheet above described may be regarded as a standard or average one for a man of medium weight and doing a moderate amount of muscular work. We have now to discuss how it is affected by various external and internal influences. 1. Influence of Age and Sex.—The child, as some- one has remarked, ‘is not merely a young city, but a city of young inhabitants.’ In other words, owing to their greater youth, the vital activity of the cells is greater in childhood, and metabolism more intense. The demand for food, therefore, apart from the necessity for meeting the requirements of growth, is greater than in the adult. Doubtless, too, the greater metabolic activity of the child explains the immunity of childhood from certain diseases—e.g., gout—which are common in later life. In old age, on the other hand, respiratory exchange and heat production are found to fall, so that life may be maintained at this period on a very small amount of food. Sex appears to exert but little influence upon meta- bolism if allowance be made for differences of weight and build. 2. The ‘build’ of the body exercises considerable influence upon metabolism. Tall people have a larger surface in proportion to their bulk than short ; their heat loss is therefore greater, and a larger sum of energy in the form of food must be taken in to balance it. This may explain why it is that tall persons are apt 2 18 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY to remain thin, for they need to produce so much heat that there is no margin left for storage as fat. Again, a man of large muscular development has a more active metabolism than one whose weight is to a ereat extent made up of fat; for muscle is a ‘ vital’ tissue, whereas fat is, comparatively speaking, ‘ dead.’ On the other hand, the mere carrying about of a stone or two of fat increases considerably the mechanical task of the muscles of locomotion in a stout man. There is thus a sort of automatic check upon indefinite increase of stoutness, for beyond a certain point the greater expenditure of energy required for locomotion will use up all the surplus intake in the form of food. 8. Influence of Work and Rest.—The large share of the daily expenditure of energy in the body which is due to external or muscular work has already been pointed out, and it will readily be understood that variations in the amount of work performed have more influence upon the total turnover of energy than any other single factor. It has been calculated that the following amounts of energy must be supplied to meet the requirements of varying degrees of muscular work i ; the case of a man of about 10 stone weight (Magnus- Levy) : Calories. At rest in bed ... Pa ide .»» 2,000 Resting indoors . - ba « 2,280 With light ied wake wr ... 2,600 With moderate muscular labour ... 8,100 With severe muscular labour ... «.¥ 13,500 The greatest economy of energy is attained by keeping | METABOLISM 19 an individual at complete rest in bed, for not only is external work reduced to a minimum thereby, but heat loss is also greatly curtailed. In these circumstances the total turnover of energy is probably not more than 1,600 Calories per day in the case of an average patient, an amount which could be supplied by 4 pints of milk. If, on the other hand, a patient is allowed merely to be up and moving about in the ward without doing any real work, his turnover of energy is at once increased about 10 per cent. It will readily be understood from this how great an aid complete rest in bed is in cases in which it is important to reduce a patient’s expenditure of energy to its lowest terms.* * Some practical, examples of the amount of energy expended in different forms of exertion may be of interest. H.g., an hour’s saunter consumes 137 Calories, or about $ ounce of fat; an hour’s quick walk consumes 260 Calories, or 1 ounce of fat (Miiller), A walk of four miles increases the expenditure of the body by about 275 Calories, which could be covered by the consumption of 1 ounce of fat (Zuntz). A bicycle ride of nine and one-third miles expends 318 Calories of energy, or 14 ounces of fat (Zuntz). If a man of 70 kilogrammes weight takes to living up a stair 15 metres high, and goes up four times a day, he does 4,200 kilogrammes of work daily; but, as only 80 per cent. of the energy he expends actually goes in doing the work, the increase in his metabolic turnover really amounts to 14,000 kilogrammes, or 32°9 Calories daily. This equals 5°54 grammes of fat per day, or about 4 pounds of adipose tissue per year (von Noorden), Climbing expends twenty times more energy than walking on the level ; 2.¢., to lift one’s weight one mile in a day is equivalent to a walk of twenty miles, A man walking against a strong wind for a mile expends an amount of energy which would have raised him 8,202 feet, at a cost of 1,200 Calories (about 44 ounces of fat). Twelve per cent. more energy is expended when standing at attention than when standing at ease (Miiller). ‘ , 20 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY From a therapeutic point of view, it is interesting to note that massage has no appreciable influence upon metabolism, and is therefore in no real sense a sub- stitute for exercise. As regards the best source from which to obtain the increased amount of energy that hard work entails, physiologists are now almost unanimous in recommend- ing the carbohydrates and fats, for protein is only used by the body when these are not available. Whether fat or carbohydrate should be selected is chiefly a matter of the digestion, but it is possible that when a rapid output of energy is desired carbohydrate is preferable, whereas for a more gradual expenditure over a long time fat may have some advantages. Whatever the empirical results yielded by a large meat diet in training may be, therefore, there is certainly no scientific grounds for its adoption. Of the influence of mental work upon metabolism we know very little, but there is some reason to believe that it is accompanied by a diminution of general, and an increase of cerebral metabolism, as manifested especially by an increased elimination of phosphoric acid.* There is thus some justification for the old belief that phos- phoric acid is a useful ‘ brain-food.’ oe 4, Of the influence of such external conditions as season, period of the day, and weather upon meta- bolism we know but little. It would seem, however, as if, contrary to general opinion, the metabolic processes * See Mairet and Florence, ‘Le Travail Intellectuel et les Fonctions de l’Organisme,’ Montpellier, 1907 (rev. in Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1907, ii. 539). METABOLISM 21 in the body are but little affected by them. It used to be believed that metabolism was most active in early spring, and that at this period every function was at its highest degree of efficiency, a decline taking place as summer advanced, with a gradual rise again in the autumn. Later observations have shown, however, that the demand for food, and presumably, therefore, the activity of metabolism, is not less in summer than in winter. The daily variations in metabolism, also, would appear to be very slight if the influence of mus- cular exertion and the taking of food be eliminated, but there remains a certain amount of evidence to show that metabolism is more active in the later part of the day than in the earlier, the maximum being reached about 5 p.m., and the minimum about five o’clock in the morning.* Medical experience would certainly seem to show that ‘ vitality’ is less in the early hours of the morning than at other times, and the need for stimulants in asthenic conditions is then greater. The influence of ‘weather’ upon metabolism is a subject of great interest to the practical physician, but, unfortunately, we have no accurate information about it from the physiologist. Such observations as have been made relate to the part played by such ingredients of weather as heat and moisture, and will be referred to in another chapter. x 5. Of the influence of the nervous system on meta- * For a comprehensive study of the whole subject, see H. D. Marsh, ‘The Diurnal Course of Efficiency,’ Archiv. of Phil. Psychol. and Scientific Methods, No. 7, July, 1906; New York, Science Press (abst. in Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1907, ii. 1541). 22 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY bolism the physiologist has also little to tell us, although from the clinical point of view there is evidence that such an influence must be exerted in no small measure. How else is one to explain the chronic malnutrition so often met with in neurasthenic subjects, and which may exist quite apart from any disturbance of digestion? In the acute forms of neurasthenia, indeed, a patient may emaciate rapidly even although he be taking a fair amount of food. There is one way in which it is obvious that nervous control can influence the amount of general metabolism. The maintenance of ‘tone’ in the muscles is one of the functions of the nervous system, but ‘ tone’ involves chemical transformations in the muscle akin to those which take place in contraction, though doubtless less in degree. The greater the degree of tone in the muscles, then, the greater their consump- tion of energy, and it is noteworthy that in many neurotic subjects there is evidence, from an exaggeration of the tendon reflexes, of the presence of an abnormal degree of ‘tone.’ On the other hand, flaccid paralysis of any large number of muscles must lessen metabolism, just as it has been found experimentally that poisoning with curare does. These nervous influences upon metabolism are apparently exerted through the medium of the ordinary nerve fibres which are concerned in calling into play the functional activity of the tissue concerned (e.g., in the case of the muscles, the motor nerves, in the case of glands the secretory), and not through any special trophic fibres, for the existence of these—though often assumed clinically—has never yet been proved physiologically. ~ -_——— ooo METABOLISM 23 It would almost seem as if the nerves which subserve the physiological function of any organ or tissue exert either a promoting influence on its anabolism or a restraining influence on its katabolism, with the conse- quence that when the nervous influence is withdrawn or perverted rapid tissue destruction or alteration ensues. It is perhaps in some such way as this that the influence of emotional and mental states on local and general nutrition is exerted, an influence which is shown locally in the blanching of the hair from fear, and generally in the promotion of fatness by cheerfulness (‘laugh and grow fat’), and of leanness by anxiety. Again, ‘ consti- tutional’ as opposed to muscular strength may perhaps be due, in part at least, to a firm grip of the nervous system upon metabolism. Medical experience, at all events, would seem to show that a strong will and a cultured mind make for strength and long life, whilst a weak brain and will are often accompanied by a feeble general vitality. | 6. Influence of Internal Secretions.—The term ‘internal secretion’ has come to be used in rather a loose way, and in clinical medicine, at least, it is often employed like the terms ‘reflex action,’ ‘ trophic influence,’ and ‘toxin,’ as a sort of deus ex machindé to explain pathological phenomena which would be other- wise difficult of comprehension. It is, of course, in a sense true that every tissue and organ produces an ‘internal secretion,’ inasmuch as the waste products of its métabolism are turned into the blood-stream, and, being diffused throughout the body, may conceivably influence chemical processes in remote parts. It would 24 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY be more correct, however, to speak of such waste pro- ducts as internal excretions, and to reserve the term internal secretion for the products of glandular organs which are not provided with ducts opening on to a free surface. In any case, the fact that removal of an organ is followed by certain derangements of metabolism is no proof that the organ in question produces even an internal excretion, for the changes observed might quite as well be due to the blood being no longer deprived of some of those constituents which should be taken out of it by the organ removed. There is, therefore, a great deal of loose thinking on the whole subject, and in considering the influence of internal secretions on meta- bolism it will be well to restrict ourselves to the more exact connotation of the term indicated above. Now, of internal secretions in the strici sense we know for a certainty of one only—namely, the secretion of the thyroid gland, the active constituent of which is the iodine-containing compound known as ‘ iodothyrin.’ This is not the place in which to speak of the exact chemical nature of this compound, and, indeed, but little is known about it, but that it exerts a profound influence upon metabolism there can be no question. That influence may be described as one of stimulation resulting in a great increase in the rate of oxidation in the tissues. The increased elimination not only of carbonic acid gas, but also of urea, which follows thyroid feeding shows that both the fatty and nitrogenous tissues are involved in the increase of katabolism which it brings about. The pronounced effect upon the nitro- genous tissues—presumably the muscles—is important METABOLISM 25 clinically ; for were fat alone affected we would possess in the thyroid an ideal remedy for obesity, but the simultaneous destruction of fixed nitrogenous tissues renders it a dangerous drug to employ for that purpose. Considering the extremely minute quantity of iodothyrin which is required to produce a profound metabolic effect, one must regard it as one of the most potent of all the agents at our command for influencing chemical changes in the body, and the close resemblance of its action in this respect to that of the poisons of many infective processes renders it of the greatest interest to the physician. Further, the influence which the thyroid secretion exerts upon metabolism explains fully the results observed in disease of the gland. Myxcdema, for example, is pre-eminently a condition in which meta- bolic change has undergone a partial arrest, resulting in the accumulation of an immature connective tissue beneath the skin, the cells of which have not undergone the normal process of division and maturation. In the scalp, again, the development of young hairs is at a standstill, and when the effete hairs fall out there are no fresh ones to take their place, and the patient becomes bald. Fat also accumulates in the body, and from the lessened production of heat the patient has a subnormal temperature and a constant feeling of chilliness. In this way one could run through all the well-known symptoms and signs of myxedema, and show that they are all the result of a partial arrest of metabolism brought about by the failure of the stimulus which the thyroid secretion should normally supply. 26 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Conversely, Graves’ disease is a condition characterized by an increased rate of tissue metabolism, and many pathologists believe that the essential fact in its etiology is an over-activity of the thyroid gland. It is interesting in the light of these facts to speculate on the question whether variations in the metabolism of individuals may not be due to a varying degree of activity of their thyroids. Is the sluggish ang obese person one whose thyroid is functionally rather inactive, and the alert Spare man one whose metabolism is constantly being stimulated by an exceptionally abundant outpouring of iodothyrin? Again, is the tendency to accumulate fat after the middle period of life to be ascribed to a natural decline of thyroid activity about that time? It would take us too far afield to consider these questions in detail, but they are full of interesting suggestion to the clinician. Of the influence, if any, of the suprarenals on general metabolism we know nothing. Even assuming that adrenalin is a true secretion, its action is exerted upon the vascular system, and not upon the tissues at large, and upon the phenomena of Addison’s disease experi-/ mental physiology has not yet thrown any clear light. / It is commonly assumed that the reproductive glands exert a marked influence upon general metabolism. Physiological experiments upon this subject have yielded rather discordant results, but there is a considerable amount of evidence to show that castration in either sex results in a diminution of oxidation, and a tendency to the accumulation of fat. This tendency is well shown in many women after the menopause. Whether this is METABOLISM QT due to the direct withdrawal of an ‘ internal secretion’ (in the wider sense), however, or whether it is the result of the change in disposition which the operation is apt to bring about, is not yet determined. In favour of the former hypothesis are some experiments which seem to show that the administration of ovarian extract is able to counteract the effects of ovariotomy in animals, and to raise the oxygen cgnsumption again to its normal level. Evidence is also accumulating that the develop- ment of the secondary sexual characters, the changes in the uterus which determine menstruation, and the enlargement of the mammary glands during pregnancy, are all the result of chemical influences. More and more, then, is it becoming evident that no organ lives to itself alone, but that the chemical changes which take place*in each may be of the greatest import- ance to metabolism as a whole, and to the normal interchanges in others. 7. Influence of Personal Peculiarity.—A factor in metabolism which is not often considered by the physio- logist, but which is of the first importance to the physician, is the question of personal peculiarity. Putting aside such agents as differences of age and build, and variations in the amount of body fat, by which differences in the metabolic balance-sheet of individuals can be explained, is there any reason to suppose that the activity of metabolism is greater in some persons than in others? As regards the quali- tative side of metabolism, we shall see that individual peculiarities are not only possible, but can actually be - proved to occur; but even as regards the total turn- 28 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY over of energy in the body, there is a strong presumption that such differences exist. It is tempting to suppose, for instance, that the vital activity of the cells is greater in some persons than in others. A feeble vitality of the cells might explain the undoubtedly greater tendency to obesity in some persons and families than in others. From a physiological point of view such persons might be regarded as very economical machines, their economy being effected by a diminished output of heat. That a lowering of general metabolism is attended by diminished heat production is shown in the case of such diseases as myxcedema and diabetes, in which the body temperature is habitually subnormal; and it is conceivable that in some individuals an unusually large fraction of the energy set free by oxidation of the food is converted to work, and an unusually small fraction to heat. It must be admitted, however, that investigations into the metabolism of obese individuals have not clearly estab- lished the occurrence of such physiological economy, though some distinguished physiologists, such as Cohn- heim and Bouchard, have been believers in its possi- bility. Meanwhile the question must be regarded as still sub judice. Be | Individual variations in muscular tone must also, as already described, affect the total amount of metabolism. A ‘highly strung’ person is one whose muscles are - always in a high state of ‘tone,’ and are therefore always consuming energy; such a one has brisk knee- jerks, and is characterized by ‘energy’ which leads him to perform muscular movements very quickly (and therefore uneconomically), and also to be constantly METABOLISM 29 executing superfluous movements (note how he is con- stantly twisting and untwisting his fingers, clasping and unclasping his hands, or walking up and down the room instead of sitting in an easy-chair). In all these ways energy is expended, and the balance for ‘ savings’ in the form of adipose tissue is reduced. It is in this way that ‘temperament’ affects ‘physiological person- ality’; or one might reverse the order of cause and effect, and say, perhaps with equal truth, that it is the possession of a protoplasm of unusual vital activity which expresses itself inwardly by an active metabolism, and outwardly by all the marks of the energetic temperament. To the physician, at all events, the metabolic peculiarities or physiological personality of his patient is a factor of the greatest importance in practice. QUALITATIVE METABOLISM. 1. Proteins. Physiologists are as yet only beginning the investiga- tion of the chemical changes which proteins undergo in the body, and of the facts already ascertained but few are capable of application in medicine. This line of research, however, is now being actively prosecuted, and there is every reason to hope that the results which it will yield will soon throw a flood of light on many of the obscure disorders of metabolism met with in disease. In the following paragraphs an attempt will be made to trace the life-history of the proteins in the body so far as present knowledge permits. The protein of the food is first brought into solution 30 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY in the stomach, and its molecules are then split up in’ the intestine into finer fragments, nearly all of which are amido-acids. It is in this form that proteins are absorbed, and out of these fragments the specific body proteins are again built up. It is not yet determined where this reconstitution takes place. There is much reason to believe, however, that the epithelial cells of the intestine are mainly responsible for the rebuilding, and that the proteins of the blood are the material that they produce. On this view all the proteins of the food are ultimately converted into serum proteins, which are in turn taken to pieces by the cells of the tissues, and from the products of their disintegration the special protein peculiar to any particular tissue is finally formed. On the other hand, there are some who believe that the amido-acids derived from the original food-proteins are conveyed to the tissues direct, and that it is from them that the specific tissue-proteins are reconstituted. Whichever view be correct, it is easy to understand how the initial picking to pieces of thé protein molecule can enable the body out of the manifold forms of food-protein to produce for itself any kind of tissue-protein required. It must be / remembered, however, that there are many different kinds of protein contained in the food, and that the nature of the amido-acids or ultimate fragments of which these are composed is very variable; indeed, at least twenty different kinds of amido-acids are already known. One ought not, therefore, to speak of the food containing so much ‘protein,’ as if the latter were always one definite chemical compound. It may well prove to be the case that it is not a matter of indifference to a patient METABOLISM 31 what the kind of protein on which he is fed may be, but that certain varieties, yielding particular forms of amido- acids, may be peculiarly suitable or specially harmful in particular pathological states. Having once traversed the intestinal wall, it would appear that protein is subjected to different treatment according to the particular use which it is to serve. That portion which is destined to serve as a source of energy (or ‘ energy-protein,’ as we may call it) appears rapidly to undergo a process of ‘ denitrification’ (possibly in the liver), by which the nitrogen-containing part of the molecule is split off, leaving the carbonaceous moiety, which may contain 90 per cent. of the energy of the original molecule, to be utilized, like fat and carbo- hydrate, as a source of work and heat. The remainder, or ‘repair-protein,’ is conveyed to the tissues, and there enters into the actual living substance of the cells, ultimately replacing the molecules which are worn out in the vital processes. The nitrogen-containing part of the ‘energy- protein’ is speedily broken down by oxidation, and eliminated chiefly in the form of urea and inorganic sulphates; the repair-protein, on the other hand, is broken down slowly, not by oxidation, but by a process which seems more to resemble ferment action, and eliminated largely in the form of kreatinin, uric acid, and neutral sulphur compounds. There are thus two main lines along which protein metabolism proceeds, each with its own objects and resulting in the formation of its own end-products. The proportion of the total intake of protein which is destined to follow each of these two possible lines depends 32 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY upon various circumstances. If the intake be greatly in excess of the minimum required for the maintenance of | nitrogenous equilibrium, the larger part is devoted to early denitrification and utilized for energy produc- tion. Much heat may be liberated in consequence of this, which may, indeed, be harmful in cases in which heat regulation is defective. Hence the importance of avoiding large protein meals in fever. If, on the other hand, but little protein is consumed, a large proportion finds its way to the tissues. The amount and nature of the other food constituents also exert a determining influence in the matter. The gelatin, carbohydrates, and fats of the food exert a shielding influence on the protein, preventing it from undergoing the ‘ denitrifica- tion’ process, and enabling a larger proportion to take part in tissue metabolism than would otherwise be the case. This shielding process is known to physiologists as the doctrine of the ‘protein-sparers.’ The exact mechanism of the sparing process is unknown to us, but some idea of its possible modus operandi may be arrived at by the use of a somewhat anthropomorphic simile. Let us assume that into the neighbourhood of a cell there is brought in solution an equal number of molecules of protein, carbohydrate, and fat respectively. tt would appear that the cell has least difficulty in ‘tackling’ (to use an expressive colloquialism) the molecules of protein, possibly because they are most like itself, and therefore least foreign to it, and in consequence more molecules of protein are broken up than of either carbo- hydrate or fat. If, however, instead of an equal number of molecules of each kind reaching the neighbourhood of METABOLISM 33 the cell, there is a great preponderance of those of carbo- hydrate and fat, the ‘mass influence’ of these asserts itself, the attention of the cell is, as it were, distracted from the protein, and some of the latter safely runs the gauntlet and escapes denitrification. Whether or not this represents with any accuracy an approximation to what actually takes place, there can be no doubt of the importance of the influence of the protein- sparers, and the way to ensure the least degree of degrada- tion of protein to the purposes of energy production is to take care that carbohydrates and fats reach the cells along with it. Now, in vegetable foods proteins and carbohydrates are so intimately mixed that this result is achieved without difficulty, and hence it is that nitro- genous equilibrium can be more easily attained on a vegetarian diet than on any other. Similarly, if one wishes to maintain life on as low an intake of protein as possible, care should be taken that the protein food is not mainly consumed at one meal, but that it is spread over the day and mixed with non-protein ingredients. In this way much more of it is likely to escape denitrifica- tion, and be available for purposes of tissue repair. It will be evident, then, that part of the protein which is utilized for the production of energy is, so far as its nitrogenous moiety is concerned, wasted, for carbo- hydrate and fat would have served the purpose just as _ weil. This, in point of fact, is the contention of those who say that the ordinary protein-food standard is too high. Indeed, they go further, and say that such pro- tein is not only wasted, but is injurious, in so far as the elimination of the urea and other products of its dis- 3 34 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY integration entails work upon the excretory organs. In other words, the ideal they would have us aim at is the utilization of protein—if that be possible—for repair purposes alone. Of the stages in the breaking-down of the repair- protein we know very little, but there is reason to believe that, like the preparation of food-protein for assimilation, it consists in resolution by successive stages into amido-acids. In normal circumstances these undergo further destruction, and mere traces of them appear in the urine, but in pathological states they may be excreted in large amounts. The appearance of leucin and tyrosin in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, and the anomalies of metabolism which result in cystinuria and alkaptonuria, are examples .of such imperfect destruction. 2. Fats. The assimilation of fat appears to be a much simpler process than that of protein. The fat molecules of the food, having been split up by digestion into fatty acids and glycerine, are absorbed in that form by the cells of the intestine, and apparently immediately reconstituted into fat ; they then reach the general circulation by means of the lymphatics. By the cells fat appears to be received much more as a foreign body than protein is, and there is not the same attempt to recast it into a substance of uniform chemical composition. Hence it is that the fat stored up may partake very largely of the chemical characters of the fat absorbed. If, for instance, a fat of low melting-point be given in large quantities, the fat stored up is apt to be soft. This is, no doubt, the physio- METABOLISM 35 logical explanation of the remark of an old nurse, quoted by Lauder Brunton, that ‘ some fats are hard and some soft, but cod-liver-oil fat is soon wasted.’ It is probable, however, that after its storage in the tissues fat is gradu- ally worked up into a chemical form peculiar to the human body. The functions of stored fat are stated to be two: (1) to serve as a reserve of energy-forming material, and (2) to diminish heat loss. Of the reality of the first of these alleged functions there can be no question, but it may be asked, How large a fat reserve is it advisable to harbour in the body? There can be no doubt that in the conditions of civilized life, with its regular three meals a day, there is little advantage in the possession of a large reserve of energy-forming material, although in the case of a prolonged wasting disease such a reserve must tend to lengthen the period during which a patient can hold out. On the other hand, the presence in the body of a large amount of fat has the obvious dis- advantage that it increases the weight of the mass which the muscles have to transport in locomotion, and in this way must increase metabolic expenditure and restrict activity. What the optimum amount of fat in the body is we have no means of determining precisely.* It probably corresponds to what is popularly known as the ‘ fighting-weight ’"—that is to say, the weight at which . an individual is at his highest point of bodily strength -and endurance, and this appears to vary very much in different persons. * In a well-nourished man fat makes up about 18 per cent. of the body-weight. 38—2 36 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Whether fat really restricts heat loss is not so certain. Seeing that it is a highly vascular tissue, it is not quite easy to see why it should, although it seems certainly to be true that lean individuals stand cold badly. We shall return to this point in another chapter. In addition to its formation from the fat of the food, body-fat is undoubtedly derived from carbohydrates—a fact which is turned to account every day in the treat- ment of obesity. The fat so derived appears to be richer in palmitin and stearin and poorer in olein than fat derived from fats in the food. Whether protein can be used to form fat is a question which is still not definitely settled. Certainly, the amount of fat so derived must be very small. Were it otherwise, the results of the Banting system of treating obesity would not be so satisfactory. Of the stages in the destruction of fat in the body we know but little, but they are probably—in their initial steps, at least—very similar to the cleavage into fatty — acids and glycerine which takes place in digestion. The possibility of the production of 8-oxybutyric acid in the course of cleavage is of great interest in connection with the pathology of diabetes. The stages in the} pro- duction can be seen from the following formule: 0,H;(CH, > CH, oF CH, re CO,)3 — Glyceryl tributyrate, a typical fat. H(CH, - CH - OH — CH, — CO,) =8-oxybutyvric acid. That fats undergo such a transformation as this in diabetes a study of the chemical pathology of that disease seems to show, and it is possible that the change ~ / METABOLISM 37 is always going on to a less extent even in normal metabolism. 8. Carbohydrates. From the comparative simplicity of the chemistry of the carbohydrates and the ease with which sugar can be recognized, even in small amounts, it might have been supposed that by this time we would have been well informed as to the details of carbohydrate metabolism. In spite, however, of the immense amount of work which has been devoted to the subject, and the stimulus to research which has been supplied by the ever-present riddle of diabetes, we are still profoundly ignorant even of the main outlines of the process. We know that carbohydrates are all converted into glucoses by the processes of digestion, but so soon as these disappear into the wall of the intestine our uncertainties begin. That sugar reaches the liver by the portal blood and is there converted into glycogen* is well established, but in what form it leaves the liver is still open to dispute. According to the classical view, glycogen is reconverted into sugar by the action of a ferment, and in that form is transported to the cells. Opposed to this is the view of Pavy, who strenuously denies that carbohydrates leave the liver in the form of sugar, and maintains that they are worked up into combination with nitrogenous material to form proteins, and in that form are carried to the cells. It might be thought that the dispute could be settled by the experimentum crucis of estimating the amount of sugar in the blood of the portal vein during * The liver contains about 10 ounces of glycogen, and the muscles rather less, 38 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY fasting, and comparing it with that in the blood of the hepatic vein. Needless to say, this experiment has been tried many times, but observers are not agreed as to the result. The fact appears to be that a degree of difference which would be quite sufficient to establish the truth of the classical view once and for all is yet within the limits of experimental error in the estimation of sugar. Apart from this, however, it would seem unlikely that all the sugar entering the body could be transported in a protein form; for, after all, though most proteins do contain a carbohydrate radicle, yet the amount of this in the ordiiiary blood-proteins is but small. At present, however, the dispute is still un- settled, though the vast mass of physiological opinion is in favour of the classical view. The point is of im- portance to the clinician in the pathology of diabetes, for, according to Pavy, one factor in the production of that disease is a failure of the liver to perform its normal function of converting sugar into other forms, with the result that it passes unchanged into the blood and leaks out through the kidneys.* According to the prevailing view, on the other hand, diabetes is due to a failure on the part of the cells to utilize sugar, a failure, in its turn, is consequent upon defective - power of glycogen formation; for it is only as glycogen that carbohydrates can be utilized, or, as von Noorden puts it, glycogen is the natural fuel of the cells, not glucose. In the reason for this failure of glycogen formation the riddle of diabetes resides. * Tt should be remembered that in health the whole volume of the blood contains less than 4 ounce of sugar in solution, METABOLISM 39 It is interesting to note that it is only those sugars which are directly fermentable by yeast which are capable of conversion into glycogen, and of subsequent utilization in the body. Unfermentable sugars, such as cane-sugar and lactose, if they reach the blood-stream as such, are excreted by the kidney. It is for this reason that these sugars are unsuitable for administration hypodermically in artificial feeding, and the same fact explains the tendency for nursing women to suffer from lactosuria ; for if lactose is reabsorbed from the mammary glands, it cannot be burnt up in the body, but is excreted in the urine. It is further noteworthy that it is only those sugars which contain three carbon atoms, or a multiple of that number, which are capable of direct fermentation, and therefore of conversion into glycogen. Those which con- tain five, seven, or any other number of carbon atoms cannot be so converted, and should they gain access to the blood, are only with difficulty destroyed, and are apt to be excreted in the urine. Now, sugars with five carbon atoms (pentoses) commonly occur in certain fruits, and hence pentosuria, as it is termed, is a not infrequent consequence of the free consumption of such foods. Iti must be remembered that there is a limit to the capability of the liver to convert soluble carbohydrates into glycogen. If the amount of carbohydrates con- sumed be excessive, the liver may not be able to keep pace with the supply, with the result that some escapes conversion, and passing into the general circulation is excreted by the kidney. To this the term alimentary 40 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY glycosuria is applied. The limit of assimilating power varies in different individuals and in the case of different forms of carbohydrate. For starch, owing to its very gradual digestion, no limit is known. For some of the chief sugars the limit is as follows: For glucose ... 150 to 200 grammes in one dose. », levulose ... 140 to 160 Ax a », cane-sugar 150 to 200 9 ” » milk-sugar 80 to 120 ‘ "9 It will be observed that the assimilation limit is less for lactose than for any other form of sugar. This may perhaps be due to some of it escaping the action of the ferment in the intestine, which should convert lactose into glucose and galactose, with the result that it reaches the blood as lactose, in which form, as we have seen, it — cannot be utilized. It is a curious fact that even in advanced cases of cirrhosis of the liver it is by no means easy to produce alimentary glycosuria, except in the case of levulose, and such ‘alimentary levulosuria’ may be regarded as a sign of ‘hepatic insufficiency.’ The reason for this is unknown. . / That some of the sugar which enters the body is con- verted into fat we are quite sure, but we do not even know for certain where this transformation takes place. The liver is generally regarded as the most probable site, but it is not unlikely that the cells: of the connective tissue possess the power of fat formation also. There is some reason to believe, on clinical grounds, that this power of converting carbohydrate into fat is not well developed in certain individuals, and that from the METABOLISM 4] consequent imperfect assimilation of carbohydrates various diseased states may arise. Some cases of glycosuria in elderly subjects, for example, may be due to sugar running off through the kidneys instead of going to form fat. Such persons are only ‘ glycosurics’ because they are not obese. That sugar can be formed in the body from sources other than glycogen a study of the chemical phenomena of diabetes has made quite clear, and it was at first supposed that proteins were the source from which sugar could be so derived. This view received confirmation when it became known that most proteins contain a carbohydrate moiety—usually glucosamin—in their molecule. Subsequent investigation, however, has sug- gested doubts as to whether proteins can be an important source of sugar, and whether their glucosidal constitution is an adequate explanation of it—for, in the first place, the commonest and most usual proteins are those which contain least of the carbohydrate element; and in the second place, diabetics may continue to produce large quantities of sugar even when fed on proteins, such as casein, which contain no carbohydrate radicle at all. It has therefore recently been suggested that the amido- acid alanin—and possibly also glycocoll and leucin— may be the source of the carbohydrate derived from protein. At all events, there can be no question that sugar can be formed in the body from proteins, and that in severe cases of diabetes it may be as necessary to limit the consumption of protein as it is to restrict that of carbohydrates themselves. Opinion has now veered round towards regarding even 42 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY fats as a possible source of sugar, though this view as yet lacks actual confirmation. How important a solution of the problem would be to the physician in affording him guidance in the dietetic treatment of diabetes need not be pointed out. Relation of the Pancreas to Carbohydrate Meta- bolism.— When first it was discovered that complete removal of the pancreas resulted in permanent glycos- uria, and when subsequent histological investigation showed the almost invariable presence of lesions of the islands of Langerhans in patients who had died of diabetes, a great step forward in our knowledge of carbo- hydrate metabolism had certainly been made. Up to the present, however, the therapeutic results of this increase of knowledge have been disappointing. Experience showed that the administration of pancreatic extracts in all: forms and in all ways, or even transplantation of the gland, failed to exert any influence on the course of diabetes. It would appear, then, that it is not by the mere elaboration of an internal secretion that the pancreas promotes the utilization of sugar. Nor, apparently, is it by neutralizing some ‘toxin,’ for the injection of the blood of depancreatized animals into those of others does not induce the disease. The view that the pancreas produces some secretion which activates a ferment in the muscles, which ferment is the active agent in glycolysis or the katabolism of sugar, has also fallen into disrepute, and the two most probable solutions of the puzzle are that the pancreas produces a ferment which (1) either promotes the polymerization of sugar into glycogen, or (2) restrains the disintegration of METABOLISM 43 glycogen into sugar. Which of these will prove to be the correct explanation time will doubtless show. Puncture Glycosuria.— Since the time of Claude Bernard it has been known that puncture of a point in the floor of the fourth ventricle results in the appear- ance of sugar in the urine. The glycosuria so produced disappears when the liver has been emptied of glycogen, and is apparently the result of a disturbance of the blood- supply of the liver through its vasomotor nerves. A similar resuli is sometimes observed in man in con- sequence of injury to the central nervous system, but the glycosuria which results is transient, and in that way differs from true diabetes. Phloridzin Diabetes.—In addition to its production by removal of the pancreas and by puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle, glycosuria may also be produced in animals by the administration of phloridzin, a gluco- side derived from the thorn-apple. The glycosuria so brought about resembles very closely that of true diabetes, and is accompanied also by an acid intoxica- tion identical with that found in the later stages of the disease in the human subject. It has generally been supposed, however, that phloridzin diabetes is brought about by an action of the drug on the ‘renal filter,’ which it renders more permeable to sugar, and that it has therefore nothing in common with true diabetes. Opposed to this explanation is the fact that much more sugar may be excreted in the urine after the administra- tion of phloridzin than the amount present in the blood will account for, and it would seem that the drug must 44 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY actually lead in some way to an increased formation of sugar. Certain facts seem to suggest that fat may be the source of the increased sugar formation, but this is not yet clearly established. If the kidneys be diseased, the excretion of sugar under the influence of phloridzin is much less than normally occurs, or may even be absent altogether. Advantage has been taken of this as a test of the glandular activity of the kidney in cases of suspected renal inadequacy. Metabolism of Uric Acid.—A knowledge of the metabolism of uric acid is of special importance to the physician because of its bearings upon gout. It must be confessed, however, that, in spite of an enormous amount of work which has been done upon the subject, we are still very far from a complete under- standing of it. Some facts, however, have been made out beyond dispute, and these, with their clinical applica- tions, must now be briefly set forth. The first point to grasp clearly is that uric acid metabolism goes on quite independently of general. protein metabolism, and pursues special lines of its own. The amount of protein in the food has therefore no necessary connection with the metabolism of uric acid, and in considering the pathology of gout this must be constantly borne in mind. The disentanglement of uric acid metabolism from general protein metabolism, indeed, must be regarded as one of the most important advances in chemical physiology, and when it has once been thoroughly grasped by physicians will do much to dissipate the rather confused thinking about gout and METABOLISM 45 ‘ soutiness’ which has hitherto prevailed in clinical medicine. Uric acid belongs chemically to the group of bodies called ‘purins,’ which possess a common nucleus, the purin nucleus, or ring, having the following formula: Uric acid is trioxypurin : HN—co ‘ Bd do CO It is not very long since it was believed that uric acid resulted from the breaking down of any protein in the body, and as a corollary of this it was taught that in gout, in which there is an excess of uric acid in the body, any protein food is bad for the patient, and he should consume as little of it as possible. It is now known that the breaking down of proteins as such does not give rise to uric acid, but that the latter is derived from three possible sources. 1. From Purin Bodies contained in the Food.—This is called ‘exogenous’ uric acid. The foods which contain most purin are flesh foods and the internal organs of animals (e.g., liver and sweetbreads), peas, beans and lentils, oatmeal, asparagus, tea and coffee. Of the purins taken in with the food part are destroyed in the body—probably in the liver—with the production 46 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY of glycin and possibly of oxalic acid and allantoin, and only a fraction appears in the urine. Of oxypurins (hypoxanthin), about one-half; of amino-purins (c¢.9., those derived from nuclein), three-fourths; and of methyl purins (caffeine), two-thirds, are destroyed in this way. Whether gouty individuals have less capacity for destroying purin than others has not been definitely determined, but in any case the attempt to lessen the amount of uric acid in the blood by feeding an individual on a purin-free diet is undoubtedly rational therapeutics. A diet of milk and vegetables was recommended to the gouty so long ago as 1729 by Dr. George Cheyne, and has since, under the title of a purin-free diet, been widely advocated in this country by Dr. Haig. 2. Uric acid is also produced by the breaking down of body tissues which contain amino-purins (e.g., adenin and guanin) and oxypwrins (e.g., xanthin and hypoxanthin). The two former are most abundant in nuclein, the two latter in muscle. The uric acid so derived is spoken of as ‘endogenous’ uric acid. It was at first supposed that the destruction of leucocytes supplied the nuclein from which most of the endogenous uric acid arose, and this opinion gained confirmation from the large excretion of uric acid in cases of leukemia. It is now known, how- ever, that there is no constant relation between the number of leucocytes and the excretion of uric acid, and present physiological opinion is more in favour of re- garding the muscles as the chief source of endogenous uric acid. The amount of endogenous uric acid varies consider- ably in different individuals, but is singularly constant METABOLISM 47 for the same individual under the same conditions as regards exercise, eic. It might be supposed that the gouty person is one who produces an unduly large amount of uric acid, but this is apparently not the case. It is probable, also, that a mere fraction of the uric acid produced endogenously ever reaches the urine, but that, as happens with urates taken in with the food, a con- siderable part is destroyed in the liver; but this is a matter very difficult to investigate at all accurately. In any case, the amount of uric acid produced endogenously is almost beyond our control, and so our knowledge of its production in this way cannot be turned to account in treatment. . 8. A third way in which uric acid may, perhaps, be produced in the human body is by synthesis from other substances which do not contain the purin-ring af all. We know that it is so produced in birds and reptiles from ammonium lactate, but there-is no reason to sup- pose that any large production of it takes place by this method in man. Otill, a small percentage may be derived from lactic, tartronic, and f-oxybutyric acids, and it may be that persons of the so-called ‘ uric acid diathesis ’ have a special aptitude for forming it in this way. The supposed synthesis from glycin and urea, which at one time was so prominent in physiological teaching, is now discredited ; for glycin and urea, when administered to mammals, cause no change in uric acid excretion, and glycin is probably rather a decomposition product than a precursor of uric acid. The same may be true of urea. Quite as important in the pathology of gout as the 48 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY source of uric acid in the body is the form in which it circulates in the blood. Now, it is a curious fact that, although the administration of purins is followed by an increase in their excretion, yet mere traces of purins can be discovered in the blood in health. It has therefore been suggested that they circulate in a combination— possibly with proteins — which prevents them from giving the usual reactions (just as iron is masked by its combination in hemoglobin); and another thinkable hypothesis to explain gout is that in the gouty indi- vidual this combination is for some reason not formed, and that uric acid circulates as urates, a form in which it is with difficulty excreted. Finally, it has been ascertained that in health the subcutaneous injection of uric acid, or its excessive ingestion in the form of purins, is accompanied by an increased excretion in the urine; but prolonged examina- tion of the urine in gout shows that the excretion of uric acid is not greater than normal. It seems to follow from this that the excess of urates in the blood in gout must be due to diminished excretion, and not to increased ingestion of exogenous, or increased production of endo- genous, uric acid. ft 7% CHAPTER II THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF BODY HEAT Hzat is to be regarded as a by-product of the metabolic processes described in the last chapter. It is not a thing which the living body manufactures, as if does a secre- tion, for its own sake; on the contrary, life and heat are inseparable, and so long as life exists in the body, so long will heat continue to be produced. It is important to make this clear, for there is still a tendency to regard heat as something which is produced, as it were, by an effort, simply in order to keep the body warm. So far from this being the case, the ordinary processes of metabolism result in normal conditions in the production of considerably more heat than is really required to maintain the body temperature at its usual level. It has been calculated, indeed, that were it not for the fact that heat is constantly being lost from the body, a man of 10 stones in weight, with the usual metabolic turn- over of 8,000 Calories, would reach boiling-point in thirty-five hours! The greater the degree of ‘ vitality,’ _the larger, naturally, is the amount of heat produced. Hence, any agent which tends to paralyze the proto- plasm of the body cells brings about a diminished pro- duction of heat. Alcohol and anesthetics are amongst such agents, and it is a well-known fact that cold is 49 a 50 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY highly prejudicial to a person who is intoxicated. Seeing that life always manifests itself by developing heat, we need not be surprised to be told that there is really no such thing as a ‘cold-blooded’ animal in the literal sense, and that the creatures commonly so described usually have a body temperature appreciably above that of their surroundings. The real distinction, in fact, is not between warm- and cold-blooded animals, but between those whose temperature is constant and those in whom it is not. Now, the question naturally presents itself, What are the advantages of having a constant temperature, or, in other words, of being what is commonly called ‘ warm- blooded’? ‘The reply to this is, that constancy of temperature makes an animal more independent of its surroundings. Extremes of heat and cold both tend to paralyze living cells, and if the temperature of a man’s body fell with that of his surroundings, all his vital processes would become sluggish in cold weather. On the other hand, when exposed to heat, it would be necessary for him to adopt a voluntary sluggishness, as otherwise his temperature might rise to a point at which the vitality of his cells would become impaired. In the process of evolution, therefore, when animals-ceased to be aquatic, and came to live in a medium of varying temperature, it became necessary to develop a mechanism for maintaining the temperature of the body at a con- stant level, and the animals which succeeded in doing this in greatest perfection survived. Even yet we can see in the Monotremata an example of creatures in which the development of a heat-regulating mechanism has / BODY HEAT 51 been arrested at an early stage, with the consequence that they can only to a small degree maintain their activity, regardless of what the surrounding temperature may happen to be, and in some cases at least, such as Echidna, are compelled to resort to the device of hiberna- tion and a suspension of all attempts at bodily activity when exposed to great cold. Even in some-of the higher mammals the heat-regulating mechanism is not in proper working order at the time of birth, and such animals perish from cold if separated from their mothers. In the case of puppies, for instance, which of course are born blind, the power of maintaining the temperature of the body does not arise until sight is attained. Babies who are born prematurely, also, are unable to control their temperature, and would perish were it not for the aid of an incubator or some other device for keeping them warm. Even in normal infants the power of regu- lating heat production and loss is very imperfect during the first week; hence the importance of warmth to the newly-born baby. Now, although all the higher animals have developed the power of maintaining their bodies at a constant temperature, it is an interesting fact that the exact point at which evolution has fixed it to be maintained is by no means the same in all. In man it may be taken as a temperature of 98°6° F., the range of internal tempera- ture in health being from 96°8° F. to 100° F.; but in most other mammals it is more nearly 102° F., whilst in birds it is as high as 107° F. Why these differences exist it is difficult to explain. All one can say is that a temperature of 98°6° F. is the tune to which the 4—2 52 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY molecules of human cells ‘dance’ most actively. If the temperature of the body falls below this point, their movements become more sluggish; whilst if it rises much above this point, they may dance more violently indeed, but it tends to be a dance of death. Of the two extremes, a low temperature would appear to be the less dangerous, for whilst clinical observation shows that recovery may ensue even when the temperature of the body has fallen as low as 75° F., a rise of even 134° F. above the normal is but rarely survived unless it be of short duration. Although the heat-regulating mechanism succeeds in keeping the mean temperature of the body very uniform, slight daily variations do occur, the maximum being reached about five o’clock in the evening, and the minimum in the small hours of the morning. In cases of fever these normal variations are sometimes exag- gerated, and a ‘two-hourly’ chart may therefore exhibit a rise of temperature which would be missed if the thermometer is used only twice a day. The cause of these daily variations is obscure, but it is certain that they occur during both starvation and complete rest, and it is probable that they result from the normal daily fluctuations in metabolism to which reference has already been made (p. 20). In people who pursue nocturnal vocations the daily rhythm of temperature may be inverted, the maximum being attained in the early morning, and the minimum in the evening. §o stereotyped, however, has the normal type of meta- ‘polism become through long habit that such inversions of it are but rarely met with. BODY HEAT 53 Even if one transposes day and night by a journey to the other side of the world, the temperature rhythm adjusts itself to the new conditions, so as still to show the normal daily curve.* There is a considerable amount of evidence, also, to show that the temperature of the body is not quite uniform all over the globe, but that it tends to be somewhat higher in the tropics than it is in temperate regions. This is probably owing to interference with heat loss. The central temperature, however, is much less affected by climate than that of the periphery of the body. TEMPERATURE-REGULATING MECHANISM. The constancy of temperature of the body is attained— 1. By varying the heat loss (physical regulation). 2. By varying the heat production (chemical regu- lation). 1. Physical Regulation. In man the heat loss is regulated (a) naturally, (b) artificially (¢.e., by clothes and artificial heating of rooms). (a) The Natwral Channels of Heat Loss are— Percentage of Total Heat Loss. (i.) The skin ... a ee i aa (ii.) The lungs ... 3 ala! a! : (iii.) The excreta 7 OE * Gibson, ‘The Effects of Transposition of the Daily Routine on the Rhythm of Temperature Variation’ (Amer. Journ. Med. Sct., 1905, exxix., 1048). 54 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Of these, the skin alone is utilized for purposes of regulating the temperature in man. Heat is lost from the skin— 1. By radiation. 2. By conduction. 8. By convection. 4. By evaporation. 1. Radiation is by far the most important of these, for 73 per cent. of the total loss from the skin, or 1,700 Calories, may be accounted for in this way. Radiation is most active in cold, dry air, and the greater the surface of the body relative to its mass, the © greater is the loss by radiation. Small animals, there- fore, tend to lose heat more rapidly than large, which is the chief reason why children should be warmly clothed. It would appear that the amount of heat lost by radiation cannot be varied much by natural means, for even such a degree of dilatation of the surface capillaries as will produce visible redness only serves to raise the surface temperature of the skin 1°75° C. (Hale White). 2. Conduction.—Seeing that water is twenty-eight times better as a conductor of heat than air, it will be obvious that the greater the degree of moisture in the atmosphere, the greater is the loss by this means; hence the chilling effect of cold, damp air. Fortunately, however, the human body is a bad conductor of heat. Indeed, it may be compared to a mass of but moderate conducting power containing a warm substance—the blood—of almost constant temperature, and the tem- perature of any point in the body depends upon its BODY HEAT 55 nearness to the large bloodvessels and on the conducting power of the intermediate tissues. Were it not for this low conducting power of the body it would be impossible to make use of the local effects of the cautery or of freezing as we do. Fat is the tissue which is the worst conductor of heat,* so that there is some reason in the common belief that a thick layer of subcutaneous fat serves as a blanket, which lessens heat loss. Against loss of heat by conduction it is impossible for the body to protect itself by natural means at all, but clothes are of some avail against it (see p. 57). 8. Convection only comes into play when the body is exposed to the influence of air in motion. Draughis, for instance, produce their local chilling effects by this means, and windg are: even more potent, the combined effect of conduction and convection produced by a cold, damp wind being one of the most chilling influences to which the body can be exposed. | 4, Evaporation stands next to radiation in importance as a mode of heat loss from the skin, 14°5 per cent. of the total surface loss being accounted for in this way. It has been calculated by Erasmus Wilson that the skin contains twenty-one miles of sweat glands, from which about 600 c.c. of sweat are evaporated daily, which will produce a loss of about 350 Calories. During hard exertion this loss is, of course, greatly increased. It has been found, for instance, that stokers may lose 3 pounds * For experiments on the conducting power of the different tissues of the body, see Bordier, Archives de Physiol., 1898, xxx. 17; also Charrin and Guillemonat (¢bid., p. 455). 56 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY of sweat by evaporation in less than an hour. That complete cessation of evaporation can induce a rise of temperature there can be little doubt. In belladonna- poisoning, for example, in which sweat secretion is entirely arrested, the temperature may rise to 104° F. These various modes of heat loss present a different degree of activity in different individuals. In tall thin persons, for example, who have a large body surface, radiation and conduction are very active, and evapora- tion plays but a minor part. In short stout individuals, on the other hand, who have a relatively small surface and a bad power of conduction, the loss of heat by the evaporation of sweat is much more often called for. (b) Artificial Regulation of Heat Loss. By the invention of clothes man has enormously increased his power of withstanding cold. Thanks to them, we live and move in a nearly constant atmosphere of 91° F.,* whilst a naked man would have great difficulty in maintaining his temperature at the normal level if that of the surrounding air were even as high as 80° F, Locke + quotes with approval the answer given by the Scythian philosopher to the Athenian who wondered how he could go naked in frost and snow. ‘How,’ said the Scythian, ‘can you endure your face exposed to the sharp winter air?’ ‘My face is used to it,’ said the Athenian. ‘Think me all face,’ replied the Scythian. * Rubner, working with a thermopile, has shown that, if the radiation of heat from the naked skin be taken as 100, with a vest on it is 73; shirt and vest, 60; waistcoat, shirt, and vest, 46; and coat, waistcoat, shirt, and vest, 33. Tt ‘Some Thoughts concerning Education.’ BODY HEAT 57 The answer is really not a good one at all, for we can only afford to expose the face because the rest of the body is warmly clothed. Clothes regulate heat loss by diminishing it, whereas the natural regulation of heat loss by the skin is chiefly in the direction of increasing it. Civilized man trusts to the former method to enable him to resist cold, and to the latter to help him to withstand heat. Clothes should be so constructed as to lessen radiation and conduction without interfering any more than can be helped with evaporation. They will thus be of the maximum utility in cold, and of the least inconvenience in heat. The material of the clothes should therefore be a bad conductor of heat. Count Rumford made some interesting experiments* on the conducting power of different materials, which are instructive from this point of view. He placed a thermometer with its bulb in a glass globe, the space between the thermometer and the globe being filled with the material to be tested. The instrument was heated to the temperature of boiling water, and then plunged into a freezing mixture, and the time taken for it to cool down to 85° F. noted. The results were as follows: When surrounded with— Seconds. Twisted silk ... 4 aa 917 Fine lint ep “B sxe | ee Cotton-wool ... Ra oss 2046 Sheep’s wool ... ae ive ete Eider-down ... yO ass tai ee Hare’s fur __... 1,312 * Phil. Trans., Roy. Soc., 1792, Ixxxii. 48, 58 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Wool is therefore a better non-conductor than either vegetable fibre or silk. Equally important, however, to the material em- ployed is the mode in which it is woven; for the air enclosed between the different layers of clothing, and entangled in its meshes, forms a warm envelope which is a worse conductor of heat than any material of which clothes are made, and which greatly interferes with heat loss, besides being not readily removed even by convection. Thus, too, garments which enclose a layer of air between them are much more efficient in checking loss than one garment, even though it be equal in thickness to two. Clothes should therefore fit loosely. They should also be loosely woven, so as to enclose as much air as possible in the interstices of the material. Here again the superiority of woollen garments is pro- nounced, for 1,000 volumes of soft flannel contain 923 volumes of air, as against 723 contained in linen. It is in accordance with this principle that ‘cellular’ clothing is made.* The utility of clothes is greatly interfered with by damp, for the moist air penetrates into the interstices of the cloth and removes heat from the body by evapora- tion. Wet clothes, indeed, are almost worse than none, for they greatly increase loss by evaporation. Thus, it has been calculated that, if the boots and stockings are thoroughly wet and allowed to dry on the feet, they remove as much heat as would have been required to * It is noteworthy, too, that even in the lower animals the hair stands on end in extreme cold, so as to enclose as large an amount of air as possible. The production of ‘ goose-flesh’ in the human subject is apparently a survival of the same device. BODY HEAT ‘ 59 melt half a pound of ice or raise an equal weight of water to boiling-point. This is a striking proof of the danger of ‘ wet feet.’ Even in respect of damp, wool is the best clothing material, for, being far more hygroscopic than vegetable fibre, it can absorb much more water without feeling wet. Again, when thoroughly wet, only 26 per cent. of the pores in wool are closed and their air displaced, whereas in the case of silk the percentage is 39, and in linen as high as 56. Wool is also difficult to wet both on account -of the natural oil which it contains and because of the horny covering of its fibres. These advantages are well illustrated in the case of Harris tweed. As regards the amount of clothing which should be worn, all that can be said is that it should be sufficient to prevent ‘an abiding feeling of cold.’ As a rule, the weight of the necessary clothes is from 6 to 12 pounds, which may be easily doubled by the addition of an over- coat and other outdoor apparel. Thus, in winter a man may easily carry 18 per cent. of his weight on his back. The lower animals are much more favourably situated in this respect, for the weight of hair carried by a dog weighing 9 pounds is only about 3 ounces. Small animals should, for reasons already given, be more warmly clothed than large. Infants, therefore, require abundance of clothing, and the ‘ hardening’ plan so foolishly advocated even by such a profound thinker as Locke* is opposed to all the teaching of physiology. * ‘Give me leave, therefore, to advise you not to fence too carefully against the cold of this our climate.... Be sure let not his [the 60 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 2. Chemical Regulation. In addition to the method of varying its heat loss, the temperature of the body can be regulated by increasing or lessening the amount of heat produced. As this method, however, implies the production of variations in the amount of metabolism, it is not used except in emergencies, and for all ordinary contingencies variation of loss is what is relied upon. Metabolism in man is at its lowest point when the surrounding temperature is somewhere between 60° and 68° F. If it falls below this, metabolism is quickened, and more heat produced _to meet the demand. If, on the other hand, the temperature rises above this, it is difficult—indeed, almost impossible, except by curtailing bodily activity—for the body to produce less heat, as it is already producing as little as is compatible with the full exercise of the vital powers, and it is accordingly forced to keep its temperature down by increasing ‘the amount of heat lost. Muscle is the tissue which is chiefly called upon when greater heat production is demanded. Even in a sta of repose, 75 per cent. of the total heat production of the body is derived from the muscles, and when the body is in a condition of activity their share in the production rises to 90 per cent. In normal conditions, therefore, the effect of muscular exercise in raising the temperature child’s] winter clothing be too warm. ... I would also advise his feet to be washed every day in cold water, and to have his shoes so thin that they might leak and let in water whenever he comes near it’ (‘Thoughts concerning Education,’ 1690, p. 404). BODY HEAT 61 of the body is quite marked. Jurgensen, for instance, found that the work involved in sawing wood for six hours raises the temperature of a healthy man 1°2° C. above normal. Davy showed that walking for two or ‘three hours raised the temperature of the urine 0°8° C. Clifford Allbutt found that Alpine climbing raised the temperature of the mouth half a degree. Hobday has taken the rectal temperature of omnibus horses, and found that it is raised about 2° C. by hard work.* These effects, however, are quite temporary, and in about a quarter of an hour after the exercise has termi- nated the temperature has again fallen to normal, but they will serve to show what a valuable source of heat muscular metabolism is. When the body is exposed to cold, this source of heat supply is drawn upon by throwing the muscles into activity partly voluntarily (e.g., by moving about, stamp- ing the feet, swinging the arms, etc.), and partly in @ semi-invyoluntary way by the act of shivering. The nerve mechanism which is made use of in throwing the heat-generating apparatus into action will be described immediately. | The amount of heat which can be produced in this way is very well seen in the table on page 62, which shows the results which Rubner obtained from individuals immersed in a cold bath. The bath lasted one hour. For half an hour one must halve the increased heat production. Roughly it may be said that every fall of 1° C. in * These examples are taken from Hale White’s Croonian Lectures for 1897. 62 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the surrounding temperature increases metabolism by 2 to 3 per cent. It will be seen from this how expensive a method of regulating temperature increased heat production is. So expensive is it, indeed, that feeble individuals. are sometimes unable to produce enough heat, and suffer a lowering of their body temperature in consequence; and whenever in cases of disease one finds a permanently subnormal temperature, one may conclude that heat production is insufficient. Good examples of such diseases are found in the case of diabetes and myxedema. Increased Heat Increased Combined er geo Production Destruction _ Pei sry Effects, before , Caused. of Fat. 7 and after. 59° F. | 407 Calories | 48 grammes | 9 grammes | 52 grammes yt Pe Cy Re Lae - BOAT TB vgs 95° F. ae oF % Ue OF -% The heat produced in the muscles in response to an increased demand is distributed throughout the body by the blood, and much of the glow felt after hard exercise is really due not so much to increased heat production as to better heat distribution. If the movement of the blood is languid and the surface bloodvessels contracted, as is the case with persons who suffer from what is called a ‘bad circulation,’ the heat produced is not well dis- tributed, and consequently such persons have difficulty in maintaining their body temperature when exposed to cold. ‘We are not all blessed,’ says Lewes,* ‘ with the same * The Physiology of Common Life,’ i, 436, BODY HEAT 63 capacity for rapidly developing heat; we are not all blessed with the same activity of the circulation. Yet each is apt to make himself the standard. B. shivers, and complains of the cold; thinks he must have the fire lighted though it be June. C. is amazed that anyone can possibly be cold on such a day; quite warm.... The difference may arise from two causes: the heat- producing capacity may be less, or the circulation feebler. The stimulus of the external cold increases the activity of the organic processes in one man, and depresses it in another. That this is the real cause will appear on examining the influence of cold on the various classes of warm-blooded animals. One class—the hyber- naters—is so incapable of resisting cold by an adequate increase of its own temperature, that it falls into a torpor; other classes are forced to seek external warmth in nests and holes, as we seek it in warm clothing and heated rooms; others, again, need nothing but their own temperature. In spite of the active respiration of a mouse, it needs a warm nest, and unless in active exercise will perish if exposed to a temperature which we should consider moderate; we, again, should perish in a temperature which the cat or dog could endure without uneasiness. ‘Among men there are some who resemble the mouse, and others who resemble the cat. The slightest fall of temperature causes the first to put on warmer clothing or to light the fire, at which their robuster friends are liberal in sarcastic allusions, spoken or thought, and are somewhat impatient of this ‘coddling,’ These sarcastic friends are the cats. 64 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY ‘It is important to bear in mind, however, that this inadequate production of heat does not always translate itself by the expression of ‘‘chilliness”’; the effect of cold is often totally unlike that of a chilly sensation. It produces a vague uneasiness, a feeling of depression, resulting from the lowering of the organic activity, and many periodic forms of disease are probably connected therewith. Without; positively ‘‘feeling cold,” the person so affected need only enter a well-warmed apartment to be at once aware of a reinvigorated condition.’ The immediate effect of a warm meal in raising the temperature of the body is more apparent than real, being due to stimulation of the circulation, with conse- quent better distribution of the blood in the periphery. Apart from this effect, however, food is undoubtedly an important source of heat after it has had time to be digested and absorbed. Of the chemical constituents of the food, protein is the most rapid developer of heat, probably owing to its speedy cleavage and the partial oxidation of the nitrogenous part of its molecule already referred to. Next to it in potency is carbohydrate, whilst fat comes lowest in heating power.* These facts have important bearings on the dietary suitable for’ hot weather and warm climates. a | Tue Nerve Mecuanism oF TEMPERATURE REGULATION. Variations in heat loss from the surface of the body are brought about through the medium of the vasomotor and sweat-secreting nerves. The mechanism involved * If the heat-generating power of protein be taken as 20, that of carbohydrate is 10, and that of fat 7. BODY HEAT 65 is a true reflex. When the skin is exposed to cold the cutaneous vessels are reflexly contracted, and radiation is lessened. When exposed to heat the vessels are dilated, and sweat secretion begins. Thus both radia- tion and evaporation are rendered more active. It is important for adequate and instantaneous temperature regulation that the nervous apparatus concerned should be kept in good working order, and part of the good effect of a morning cold bath is no doubt to be attributed to its putting the vasomotor nerves ‘through their drill.” It should be noted in this connection that the cutaneous nerves are not tuned to appreciate actual degrees of temperature, but merely a gain or loss of heat from the skin. This explains why it is, for instance, that when we go down into a ‘ tube’ railway in winter it feels warm, but in the summer it feels cool, although the temperature of the tunnel is really almost constant all the year round. Mere sensation, therefore, is a most fallacious guide to temperature, for which reason we cannot trust to the hand in gauging the presence or absence of fever in a patient, but have to fall back upon the reading recorded by a thermometer. The chemical regulation of temperature by increasing heat production is also a function of the nervous system. It used not to be believed that this was so. It was thought that cold stimulated the activity of the cells directly. That, of course, was an error. Cold is really _ a depressant of vitality, and paralyzes the cells just as a narcotic does. The clinical effects of cold, indeed, if it be sufficiently severe actually to lower the temperature of the blood, are wonderfully like those of an anesthetic 5 66 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY or of toxic doses of alcohol, and, as Watson says, ‘ there is too much reason to believe that poor wretches who have been picked up by the constables in the streets at night during periods of hard frost have been supposed to be drunk, when in truth they were only stupefied by cold.’ The nervous mechanism which calls out an increased production of heat by the muscles, however, is not thrown into action in a purely reflex way. In part it is a volun- tary process, active movements being performed instinc- tively in order ‘to keep one’s self warm.’ In part also it is a subconscious ‘ psychical reflex,’ comparable to that which leads to blinking of the eye on any sudden menace to the cornea, and which leads to more or less - involuntary shivering—+.e., slight but rapid muscular contractions—and which can be more or less completely inhibited by the will. Short of actual shivering, cold seems, through nervous action, to raise the ‘tone’ of the muscles, and therefore to increase the volume of heat they produce (see p. 22). Kveryone feels more ‘strung up’ on a cold day, and this is what is really meant when a cold climate is spoken of as ‘bracing.’ It has, in = a tonic effect very like that of strychnine. Whether or not there is a special centre in the tiie which presides over the function of heat production is a point on which physiologists are not yet agreed, though the bulk of opinion is opposed to such a conclusion, in spite of the experimental and clinical evidence which points to the existence of such a centre in the corpus striatum. On the whole, it seems more probable that the control is exerted through the medium of the ordinary motor and vasomotor centres. There can be BODY HEAT 67 little doubt that, in spite of the regulating mechanism, the body becomes habituated to a certain level or balance of heat production and loss, and takes a little time to readjust matters when external conditions suddenly change. Captain Parry, the Arctic explorer, tells us, for instance, that when he and his men had been exposed to a temperature of 13° I’. for some time, they complained of the heat when the thermometer rose to 26° F., and everyone knows how much more trying a cold day is in the middle of summer than a day of the same tempera- ture in mid-winter, even although the clothing be the same. Similarly, persons who inhabit warm latitudes become accustomed to losing much heat from the surface by evaporation, and are out of practice, as it were, in pro- ducing more heat to meet emergencies, and are therefore prone to succumb to chills when they remove to colder regions. Alcohol in excessive doses and prolonged anesthesia both paralyze the heat-regulating mechanism. A man who is ‘dead drunk’ resembles a cold-blooded animal ; exposure to cold produces not an increase but a decrease in combustion, and his temperature steadily falls (Pembrey). It is not surprising, therefore, that ‘death from exposure’ chiefly occurs in the case of intoxicated persons. An anesthetized patient also cannot regulate his temperature, and the importance of warm surroundings in promoting recovery from prolonged operations and in obviating ‘ shock’ is generally recognized. ‘Heat stroke’ and ‘heat exhaustion’ are probably also due to a disturbance of the mechanism for regulating 5—2 68 _ APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY temperature brought about by muscular. exercise— especially when unsuitably clothed—in a hot and damp atmosphere. INTERNAL Heat-REGULATING MECHANISM. In addition to the mechanism already described for regulating the heat production and loss of the body in accordance with variations in the temperature of its surroundings, there must also be a means of regulation in correspondence with variations in the temperature of the blood which arise from within. The increased heat production induced by hard exercise, for example, must be met by some means of increasing heat loss, and we know that this takes place by sweating. The mechanism involved here is apparently not a reflex one, but is a direct action of the temperature of the blood on the heat- regulating centres. There is reason to believe that this mechanism is less delicate and active than the reflex one, and it is probable that disorders of it play a part in the production of fever. Into the subject of fever, how- ever, we can hardly enter, as it is purely a matter of pathology, although one or two statements about it which can be directly deduced from the teaching of physiology may now be pointed out. Fever.—In the first place, a permanent rise of tempera- ture in the body cannot be due simply to increased heat production, for, as we have seen, even hard exercise, in which heat production is enormously increased, only raises the temperature but a little, and for a short time. Nor can diminished preduction alone be the cause of Kors BODY HEAT 69 fever, for in that case the rise of temperature of the body ould be steady and progressive. It is probable, how- ever, that diminished loss plays a large part in the production of hyperpyrexia in which the rise of tempera- ture is marked by those very characters. We may conclude, then, on physiological grounds alone, apart from the evidence of pathology, that in most cases fever is due to a disturbance of the normal balance between manufacture and loss of heat, or, in other words, to a disorder of the internal heat-regulating mechanism. What the nature of this disorder may be is uncertain, but it has been suggested that the poisons which produce fever lower the sensitiveness of the internal heat-regulat- ing mechanism, so that (to compare it with a thermo- stat) it is ‘set’ for a higher temperature than in health. It is further of importance, in considering fever, to distinguish between, the mere temperature of the body and the total amount of heat which it contains. The ‘specific heat’ of the human body is high; ie., it takes a considerable amount of heat to raise its temperature, and the larger the mass of the body, the greater is the amount of heat required. Other things being equal, therefore, a given rise of temperature signifies a greater amount of heat a large body than in a small one. ‘here is also every reason to believe that - the specific heat of the body rises with an increase of its temperature, or, in other words, the hotter the body becomes, the greater is the amount of heat required to heat it still more. It follows from this that a rise of temperature from 104° to 105° F. is of relatively graver significance than a rise from 99° to 100° F. 70 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Seeing that the direct effect of heat upon the cells is to stimulate and accelerate their katabolism—much as the growth of plants is stimulated in a hothouse—it would seem to be inevitable that, when the temperature of the blood rises, tissue waste must be increased. A good example of this is seen in the case of the heart, the rate of contraction of which is increased by eight beats per minute for every rise above the normal temperature of 1°F. Fever per se has therefore a destructive effect on the cells of the body, whether it be primarily due chiefly to an increased production of heat, to a diminution in heat loss, or to a disturbance of the normal balance between the two. If it be desired to lower the temperature in fever, the easiest means of doing so is to increase the amount of heat loss, for this is more under our control than heat production. Cold baths, for instance, act by removing heat from the surface by conduction; sudorifics, by increasing evaporation. On the other hand, we know of but few drugs which diminish the amount of heat pro- duced in the body. Alcohol in large doses appears to do so, probably from its paralyzing effect upon the cells, and quinine seems to have a similar action. Antipyrine and other antipyretics of the same class appear to raise - heat loss by dilating the surface bloodvessels, and so increasing the amount of radiation from the body, whilst at the same time they seem to have some action on the heat-regulating centres whereby they overcome the dis- organization of those centres which play a leading part in the production of fever. CHAPTER III THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BLOOD AND HAMOPOIETIC ORGANS GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF THE Boop. From the earliest times of medical science the blood has attracted to itself the most earnest attention of the investigators of the secrets of life. Whole systems of pathology have been built up upon supposed alterations in its properties, and have subsequently fallen into disregard, and yet in these latter days there is still no field of research which is cultivated with more en- thusiasm. Nor is the reason for this far to seek. Blood is the one constituent common to all the organs and tissues alike. It is the currency or medium of exchange in the body, giving to every cell the substances necessary for its life, and receiving back from it again the products of its activity or waste. In this respect the blood, as it flows ceaselessly along the bloodvessels, has been aptly compared to the water in the canals of such a city as Venice or Amsterdam, which brings to the doors of the inhabitants the provisions necessary for their life, and carries away the products of their handicraft, but which is at the same time the recipient of their refuse and 71 72 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY sewage. Blood is thus an epitome of the results of the metabolic exchange between the organs and tissues. . It contains within itself representatives of all the soluble constituents which play a part in the drama of cell life. If any substance is being produced in excess it will be found in the blood; if anything is in defect it is the blood which will show it. Not only is the blood the great medium of exchange: it is also in a sense an organ which has had entrusted to it one of the most important of all functions in the com- munity of cells which we call the body—that, namely, of defence. As pathologists penetrate more deeply into an understanding of the means by which we are protected from disease, these defensive functions of the blood assume an ever-increasing importance, and the most promising, though the most complicated, chapter in modern bacteriology is that which deals with the anti- toxic and bactericidal properties of the blood. Add to all this the comparative accessibility of the blood and the ease with which many of its changes can be studied, even in the living subject, and one does not wonder that ‘hematology’ has assumed such a ae place in latter-day medicine. We have spoken of the blood as a fluid mediate of exchange, but that is only one aspect of it. In virtue of the fact that it contains living cells, the blood is also to be regarded as a tissue. Even here it is unique, for the blood is a peripatetic tissue free from nervous control. If in its capacity as a fluid it is to be regarded as a mirror of metabolism, so in its quality as a tissue the blood may be considered as a reflection of the mature BLOOD AND HAIMOPOIETIC ORGANS = 73 red bone marrow. Is the marrow in defect? Then the cells of the blood are also in defect. Is the marrow diseased ? Do its cellular constituents no longer pre- serve their due relative proportion to one another? Then the microscopic picture of the blood faithfully mirrors such disease and such alterations. It is be- coming probable, indeed, that the blood is never itself the seat of a primary pathological process, but simply exhibits the consequeiices of disease in the marrow or elsewhere. We must now turn to a closer study of the properties of the blood as outlined above, and we shall begin by looking at it as a tissue containing living cells. CELLULAR CONSTITUENTS OF THE BLOooD. The cells which constitute the population of the blood- stream are of three kinds: the red cells, the white cells, and the blood platelets. We shall endeavour to trace the origin, life-history, and fate of these separately. The red cells in the adult—with their origin in the foetus we are not concerned—arise in the red marrow of the bones. They are produced from mother cells which are at first colourless, but in which hemoglobin gets deposited, and at first, like all cells, they contain a nucleus. How the nucleus is got rid of—whether by extrusion (as is most probable) or by absorption—has been much discussed, but is a subject of little practical interest. At any rate, by the time they reach the general circulation they are non-nucleated, and for that reason are by some denied the title of ‘cells’ at all. Everything in them, indeed, seems to have been rc: APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY sacrificed to facilitate their function—that of taking up and giving off oxygen. Their shape, for instance—that of a biconcave disc—is such as to present the largest possible surface compatible with their free movement in the blood-stream. Collectively, therefore, they offer in the lungs and in the tissues a large area over which gaseous exchange can take place—an area which has been not inaptly termed the ‘internal respiratory surface.’* Further, they are enclosed in a smooth membrane of great elasticity, which enables them easily to wriggle their way through the most tortuous capillary channels. This remarkable elasticity is a sign of health in the corpuscle, and is lost in many diseases of the blood in which the disc form gives place to various irregularities of shape (poikilocytosis). Hach corpuscle is stuffed full of hemoglobin, but the exact mode in which this is disposed—whether it is partly in solution in the corpuscle or loosely united in an amorphous form to a stroma of nucleo-protein—is still disputed. In addition, the red corpuscles contain a considerable amount of lecithin and cholesterin, which probably form a sort of waterproof coating to their walls. So long as this impermeable membrane is in a living conditi n it prevents the diffusion out of the contents of the corpuscles, but if it be killed, diffusion begins, because the plasma and the contents of the corpuscles are not iso-tonic. Chilling seems to kill the membrane and * Assuming that the body contains 34 litres of blood, with 5,000,000 red cells in each cubic millimetre, then the ‘internal respiratory surface’ will amount to 2,500 square metres, or more than 1,000 times the external body surface (Buckmaster). BLOOD AND HA{MOPOIETIC ORGANS = %5 allow the passage outwards of hemoglobin, and this is probably how blood pigment gets into the plasma in cases of Raynaud’s disease. Hzemolysins also affect in some way the permeability of the envelope without necessarily dissolving the corpuscle. The red cells are also fairly rich in salts of potash, a recognition of which fact, indeed, has led some people to recommend the treatment of pernicious anemia by the administration of potassium compounds.* Practically, then, one may regard a red corpuscle as an elastic bag designed for the transportation of hemo- globin, and whether it be really ‘alive’ or not is an academic question still open to discussion. The red cells make up by far the larger proportion of the population of the blood-stream, amounting on an average to 5,000,000 per cubic millimetre of blood. In women, and in the earlier years of life in both sexes, the number is somewhat below this. On the other hand, in some ‘full-blooded’ individuals higher counts may be obtained. The actual number of red cells and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood apparently depend, to a great extent, on the degree of muscular activity of the body. In other words, the number of oxygen-carriers is in proportion to the amount of oxygen needed. The chief physiological condition which influences the number of the corpuscles, however, is altitude, for numerous observations have shown that with increasing elevation above the sea-level the number of the red cells is augmented, every 380 feet ascended causing an increase of about 100,000 per cubic millimetre. The cause of * Rumpf, Berlin. Klin. Woch., 1901, xxxviii. 477. 76 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY this increase, attempts to arrive at an explanation of which have led to much controversy, cannot be discussed here,* but it may be said in brief that, whilst in part the increase is apparent only, and due to an altered distribu- tion of the blood which is driven out of the abdominal organs by the deeper respiration which life at high altitudes entails, and also, perhaps, to a concentration of it from increased cutaneous evaporation, yet most observers admit that in part the increase is real and due to a greater formation of red cells. The natural teleological explanation of such increased formation is, of course, that it is an attempt to compensate for the ereater difficulty of oxygenating the blood experienced at high elevations, more corpuscles being exposed to the air to make up for less oxygen being taken up by each individually. At all events, whatever the real explana- tion is, many of the valuable therapeutic effects of residence at high altitudes have been attributed to this increased formation of blood. Unfortunately, however, the number is soon reduced on return to lower levels. A pathological increase in the number of red cells is not common, and may be apparent only—the result of stagnation of blood in the capillaries and its consequent inspissation. On the other hand, all cases are not to be so explained, and in the form of polycythemia associated with splenic enlargement the evidence points rather to an increased formation of red cells. It is interesting to note that there would seem to be a limit to the extent * For a full discussion of the subject, see Pacht, ‘ Ueber die Veranderungen des Blutes im MHochgebirge,’ St. Petersburg Med. Woch., 1901, xxvi. 548. BLOOD AND HAMOPOIETIC ORGANS 17%7 to which the red cells can be augmented. Normally the corpuscles make up about half the volume of the blood ; if, then, their number were doubled, the blood would become practically solid. For this reason it is difficult to see how clinical estimations of 10,000,000 red cells per cubic millimetre and upwards, such as are Oe. recorded, can be really correct. Ample provision has been made, in adult life at any rate, to meet the demand for an increased supply of red corpuscles which any abnormal destruction of them in the blood-stream entails; for the red marrow of the long bones, which under normal conditions is confined to their extremities, can, if necessary, encroach upon and displace the marrow fat until the whole interior of the bone becomes a manufactory of red corpuscles. The best example of such an extension of the blood-forming territory is seen in pernicious anzmia, in which the whole of the marrow of the long bones becomes red. In young children such an extension is impossible, for the whole of their marrow is red already. Perhaps that is why young children stand loss of blood badly. On the other hand, it would seem that sometimes the red marrow is congenitally deficient or may disappear, in which case a great diminution of red cells in the blood results.* The function of the red cells, as we have seen, is essentially a respiratory one. They carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and help in conveying back carbonic acid from the tissues to the lungs. This they are able to do in virtue of the fact that they contain * For a report of such a case, see Muir, Brit. Med. Journ., 1900, ii. 911. 78 | APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY hemoglobin, to a consideration of which remarkable substance we must now turn. Hemoglobin is in many ways a unique compound. It has the honour of possessing the largest molecule in the body, and of being the only body protein which can be easily obtained in a crystalline form. It consists of an iron-containing pigment (hematin) united to a histon termed ‘globin.’ It is to the fact that it contains iron that it owes its power of taking up oxygen; the protein part of the compound merely serves the humble function of acting as a sort of lifebuoy to the heavy iron-containing part of the molecule, and floating it along in the blood- stream. Oxygen is, unfortunately, not the only gas with which hemoglobin is ready to enter into partner- ship. It has an inconvenient affinity for carbonic oxide, nitric oxide, and other gases, and when it is united to them its proper respiratory function is atan end. Hence a patient poisoned by carbonic oxide really dies from sheer inability to get oxygen conveyed from his lungs to his tissues. Oxygen inhalation, which increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma as opposed to that in the corpuscles, may tide over the difficulty until the gradual dissolution of the unnatural partnership has taken place. That hemoglobin is formed like the corpuscles in the red marrow is probable, but not proven. It seems to be deposited in the cells whilst they are still in their nucleated condition, but by what intricate chemical pro- cesses its complex molecule is built up is still a secret. This, however, we do know—that hemoglobin is only built up rather slowly, and that it takes some time, after BLOOD AND HASMOPOIETIC ORGANS 79 a hemorrhage, for the new corpuscles to be loaded up with it, so that one finds that the percentage of hemo- globin in the blood remains low for a considerable time after the red cells have reached their normal number. Long before hemoglobin was known to contain iron, the power of the latter metal as a remedy in some forms of anemia was well known to physicians; but the natural inference that such forms of anemia are due to a deficient supply of iron in the food is not necessarily correct. It would rather seem as if iron, arsenic, and some other metals, have a direct power of stimulating the bone marrow* to increased functional activity. Hemoglobin is the mother of pigments in the body. Bile pigment is its direct descendant, and so also is the closely allied or iron-free pigment heematoidin, which is met with at the site of old hemorrhages, such as apo- plectic cysts. Hzmatoporphyrin is another iron-free derivative of hemoglobin, which is normally produced from the latter in the body in small quantities. In patients who have been taking sulphonal for a long time it is apt to be produced in much greater amount, and gives to the urine a deep port-wine colour, which is always a sign of danger. Hzmin, on the other hand, is a purely artificial deriva- tive of hemoglobin never met with in the body, but of great interest and importance as a test for blood in medico-legal cases. Methzemogilobin is met with in the urine in small * See Stockman, Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1898, i. 881. 80 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY amounts in the rare and interesting disease metheamo- globinuria. It probably owes its production to the action of the acids of the urine on hemoglobin. It is also produced from hemoglobin in poisoning with chlorate of potash and antifebrin. The duration of life of a red corpuscle is a point upon which, unfortunately, we have no information, for one cannot earmark one and trace its development, as naturalists have done for fish, by passing a dated metal plate through a fin. Transfusion experiments indicate —though rather doubtfully—that the average length of life is about three to four weeks. At all events, although all the corpuscles in any given drop of blood appear exactly alike, they must really be of different ages, and presumably therefore of different degrees of vitality. In accordance with this, one finds a great variation in the resistance offered by different corpuscles to disintegrating agencies, such as may be active in disease. The ultimate fate of the red corpuscle is to be broken down in the portal system, and got rid of in the form of bile.* The spleen also seems to take a share in re- moving the corpuscular débris from the blood (vide infra). Whether a corpuscle is only destroyed when it is old and effete, or whether some ‘ massacre of the innocents ’ also goes on, it is impossible to say with any assurance. It would seem that the liver, spleen, and marrow can retain the broken-down pigments of about 87 c.c. (8 ounces) of blodd, but not more; and should the de- struction of blood in the portal area be greatly increased, * See Hunter, ‘ Pernicious Anemia,’ and Heinz, Beitr. z. Path. Anat. u. Allgem. Path., 1901, xxix, 299. BLOOD AND HASMOPOIETIC ORGANS 81 as it may be when various pathological agents are at work, so much solid bile matter is formed that the resulting viscidity of the bile may block the passages, and hematogenous jaundice result (see p. 283). The destruction of hemoglobin would appear to take place to some extent independently of the red corpuscles as a whole. It has been found, for example, that the amount of it falls by about 7 per cent. during the day, as a result, presumably, of the wear and tear of life, and rises about the same amount during the night.’* In persons who work by night this alternation is reversed, whilst exercise increases the daily fall. In these observations the number of corpuscles was not affected; the variation is in the ‘ worth’ of each cell. This helps to explain the undoubted aid which rest in bed affords in the building-up of blood in anemic subjects. . White Cells.—Ever since the publication of Virchow’s ‘Cellular Pathology,’ the white cells, which make up the second great tribe in the population of the blood-stream, have been objects of the greatest interest to pathologists, and in recent years have had devoted to them a greater amount of research and a larger literature than any other single set of cells in the body. Unfortunately, however, many important points as to their origin and life-history are still shrouded in obscurity. Unlike the _ red corpuscles, the white cells are not all of one sort. They differ in size, in the character of their nuclei, in the staining reactions of their protoplasm, and in the presence or absence of granules in the cell body, and * Edgecombe, Brit. Med. Journ., 1898, i. 1650. 6 82 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY no doubt these morphological differences must mean corresponding differences in function. As regards the mutual relations of the different varieties of white cell, investigators are at present divided into two camps. On the one hand are those who assert that they are all derived from a single type of cell, and that the non- granular can develop into the granular forms; on the other hand are those who maintain that, as regards the non-granular and the granular cells, at all events, no relationship exists, and that the one never changes into ~ the other. Into the merits of the controversy one cannot enter here, but it is possible that, as in so many cases, truth lies in a compromise between the two views, and that whilst, if one goes far enough back, the two sets of cells will be found to have a common origin, yet once they have attained their distinctive features, and are free in the blood-stream, no further transition occurs. The varieties of white cell in normal blood may be grouped as follows: 1. Non-granular : (a) Lymphocytes (large and small), 283 per cent. (b) Large mononuclears, 2 per cent. L 2. Granular : Fy (a) Polymorphonuclear, with abundant nedagea granulations, 70 per cent. (b) Transitionals, with very few neutrophil granu- lations, 1 per cent. (c) Eosinophils, 3 per cent. (d) Basophils, 0°5 per cent. The morphological details exhibited by these different = BLOOD AND HEMOPOIETIC ORGANS 83 _ yarieties need not be described here, as they will be found in any text-book, or, better still, can be learnt from a personal study of stained films. We may deal, however, with their place of origin and their function. White cells are the special product of two tissues in the body—(1) the red marrow of the bones, (2) the adenoid tissue. ; The red marrow is confined within the narrow limits of the short bones, the ribs, and the ends of the long bones. Adenoid tissue, on the other hand, is diffused throughout the body, existing partly in substantial masses, such as the lymph glands, the thymus, the tonsils, Peyer’s patches in the intestine, and the Mal- pighian bodies of the spleen, and partly in smaller conglomerations to be found more or less in every tissue and organ, probably including the bone marrow. It is probable that the marrow is the sole seat of origin of the granular cells, and that the adenoid tissue is the chief breeding-ground of lymphocytes. Whether or not the latter are also produced in the marrow, or, to put it otherwise, whether or not the marrow, like other tissues, also contains some adenoid tissue, is still disputed. In lymphatic leukemia the red marrow becomes virtually converted into a mass of adenoid tissue, with the natural result that the granular cells disappear almost entirely from the blood. Whether such a replacement of the _ normal marrow is to be regarded as an invasion by lymphocytes or a mere hypertrophy of already existing adenoid tissue depends upon the view one takes as to whether or not lymphocytes are a natural product of the marrow. 6—2 84 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY The mother cells of the granular leucocytes in the marrow are large clear cells with a single nucleus (‘lymphoid’ cells). By the deposition of granules in their protoplasm these become converted into granular myelocytes in which the nucleus is still single, and these are the cells so largely present in the blood in myelogenous leukemia. The nucleus subsequently becomes contorted or apparently subdivided when the cell takes rank as a polynuclear leucocyte. It is believed by some that the so-called ‘large lymphocytes’ met with in the blood in the acuter forms of lymphatic leukemia are identical with the original ‘lymphoid’ cells. Some (e.g., Wolff) go so far as to regard the lymphoid cell as the original parent from which all the cells of the blood are derived, according to the following scheme: Lymphoid cell. Large lymphocyte. Erythrocytes. Myelocytes— Small lymphocyte. (a) Basophil. (6) Neutrophil. Polynuclear leucocytes— (a) With basophil granulation. g (8) With neutrophil granulation. n? In process of development, according to this view, a gradual differentiation of function takes place on the part of the blood-forming organs, in consequence of which the lymphoid cells of the marrow confine them- selves to the production of granular cells, whilst those of the adenoid tissue become exclusively concerned in the production of non-granular cells (lymphocytes). The specialization, however, is never so complete but BLOOD AND HAIMOPOIETIC ORGANS — 85 that, when a demand for a greater number of cells of one type occurs, the lymphoid cells in any blood-forming organ are able to produce that type. The place of origin of the large mononuclears and of the transitional cells derived from them is uncertain, but it is probably in the bone marrow, though in part also they may come from the lymph glands and the spleen. Various origins have likewise been described for the eosinophils, but they, too, seem to arise from the eosinophil myelocytes of the marrow. The mast cells or basophils are probably also derived from the bone marrow, and their number in the blood is therefore increased as a result of the proliferation of the marrow in leukemia. It will thus be seen that the marrow is by far the most important seat of blood formation, for not only is it the sole producer of red corpuscles, but it also gives origin to all the granular leucocytes, to the large mono- nuclears, and probably also to some extent to lymphocytes, whilst adenoid tissue can give rise to lymphocytes only. The functions of the different forms of white corpuscle have been as much disputed as their genesis. Metchnikoff’s discovery of phagocytosis at once raised the leucocytes to a position of great esteem as protectors of the body against disease. They were regarded at first - as ‘soldiers’ ready to rush out and destroy any invading micro-organisms, and it became the fashion to speak of them as if almost endowed with a sentient intelligence and great discriminative powers. Further investigations tended to throw doubt on the ability of the leucocytes 86 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY actually to destroy living organisms, and they were degraded from the rank of ‘soldiers’ to that of a set of mere ‘scavengers’ or ‘ undertakers’ who removed from the field of action the bodies of micro-organisms already killed by the blood or tissues. At the present time the very important part played by the leucocytes in the destruction of bacteria is generally admitted, though it is now recognized that many fixed cells of the body (e.g., endothelial cells and connective-tissue corpuscles) have a similar property. Nor are all forms of leucocytes to be regarded as phagocytic. The lympho- cytes, the eosinophils, and the mast cells are not so endowed. In addition to these duties, it must be remem- bered that leucocytes produce ferments—e.g., fibrin ferment, and possibly fat-splitting and tryptic ferments as well. They also play an important part in the repair of the body after injuries. The abundance of lymphocytes in the neighbourhood of the alimentary canal would lead one to suppose that they may have some part to play in nutrition, possibly in the absorption of proteins or in the carriage of fat or glycogen. The greater number of lymphocytes in the blood during the earliest years of life would also seem to indicate that they may have nutritive functions. On the other hand, they are increased like other white cells in the neighbourhood of infections, and there is reason to believe that in the lymph glands they inhibit the growth of bacteria, although incapable of ‘ englobing’ them. It is thus possible that the lymphocytes aid in the protection of the body. ; The functions of the eosinophils are even less under- BLOOD AND HAMOPOIETIC ORGANS — 87 stood. It cannot be doubted that the coarse granules which they contain must be intimately concerned in some way with the functional activity of the cell, and if we knew the nature of these granules we might be nearer to a comprehension of the work of the cell as a whole. But, unfortunately, we do not know the nature of the granules. They have been variously supposed * to consist of (1) fat, (2) protein, (3) hemoglobin or a derivative of it, (4) nucleo-albumin, (5) defensive secretory granules. Some people have asserted that the granules are rich in phosphorus and iron; others have denied that they can find any evidence of iron in them at all. Nor is any light thrown upon their functions by the fact that their number in the blood is increased in such _ diverse conditions as asthma, some skin diseases, and helminthiasis. If we know little of the eosinophils, we know nothing of the basophils at all. They are so extremely scanty in normal blood that one cannot attribute to them any important function. The total number of white cells in the adult blood varies between 10,000 and 7,000 per cubic millimetre, and is by no means the same in every one. Assuming the total number of leucocytes in a cubic millimetre of blood to be 7,500, the proportion of this made up by the different varieties is as follows: Polymorphonuclears - ... 5,000 Lymphocytes wae si ... 2,000 Large mononuclears exe ave) =), oO) Eosinophils oe iets ae * See Howard and Perkins, Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, 1902, x, 249. 88 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY It has been calculated that there are about 25,000 million leucocytes in the whole blood, which if gathered together would make up a solid organ about as large as the thyroid.* At birth the total leucocytes number 17,000 per cubic millimetre, but have fallen by the end of a year to 14,000, and by the end of three years have reached the adult standard. The excess in the earlier years is entirely due to an increased number of lymphocytes. z r a m Bb 8. gh) Bom ss = > 3 - = fl a ol e © 20,000 -— o 15000 \ 10.000 4 ¥— OCF 7,500 tise" 7 a a be” 5,000 poor oe Cag ies 4998 a A 2.000 a) SW ae sd oe B AT DIFFERENT AGES. A, Polynuclears ; B, Lymphocytes. / The relative numbers of the different forms present at different ages will be found in graphic form in Figs. 1 and 2. A distinct increase in the number of leucocytes can usually be observed a few hours after a meal, which is sometimes due to an increase in the polynuclear cells, and at others to an augmentation of uninuclears. The * Muir calculates that all the white cells in the blood put together would not suffice to form more than an ounce of pus. BLOOD AND HASMOPOIETIC ORGANS — 89 mechanism and meaning of this physiological leuco- cytosis is obscure, and it does not seem to be of much importance. Its occurrence must be borne in mind, however, when one is estimating the leucocytes in disease, and the time of the blood examination chosen so as to avoid it. The average duration of life of a leucocyte is quite unknown, but it is almost certainly much less than that of a red cell, and may not amount to more than a few 4 z £* e ses: eessetctrseee2e eee P= o5:% ot~nesfsse : eon O82 BEBPanteeneolsSrriHZsosss > ztntanrtnon ao flake sSVranwrnd 72%} 1p sB%4 | 64%! POLY NUCLEARS, 6 Ca t 4 c= ~ a en . a . ‘hae Mp al RESPIRATION 207 ligature of the common carotid. In this case the respiration stopped from stimulation of the inhibitory fibres in the superior laryngeal, and death resulted. 2. In addition to its susceptibility to nervous influences, the respiratory centre responds with marvellous delicacy to variations in the composition of the blood which circulates through it. Should an excess of venosity in the blood indicate the necessity for a fuller and freer interchange between the blood and the air, the respi- ratory movements are at once increased in frequency and depth. This is the prime cause of the exaggerated breathing of dyspnea. Experiments tend to show that even the chemical products of muscular fatigue can exercise this effect, and that it is by this means that deeper breathing and a fuller supply of oxygen are ensured during exercise. If, too, the blood which reaches the centre is unduly warm, the activity of the latter is increased. This may explain in part the rapid respiration of fever. Certain drugs have a similar influence, and strychnine is constantly used in clinical medicine in order to produce such effects. On the other hand, some agents, such as alcohol and opium, ulti- mately depress the centre, and may end by paralyzing it, and so lead to death. Whether the nervous or chemical method of stimu- lation plays the greater part in determining the normal quiet rhythmic action of the respiratory centre is not - yet determined, but the trend of recent physiological Opinion is in favour of attaching more importance to the effect of the condition of the blood and less to nervous influences than was the case a few years ago; 208 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY and it is significant that the mode of starting of the first breath after birth, which was so long a fruitful source of discussion, is now pretty generally attributed to the effect upon the respiratory centre of the accumu- lation of carbonic acid in the blood rather than to the action on the centre of stimuli from the surface of the body. That the latter can be powerful aids in stimu- lating the centre to action, however, the good effect of ‘spanking’ a newly-born infant which is disinclined to breathe effectually proves. We have spoken hitherto as if there was only one respiratory centre, and that wholly given over to the superintendence of inspiration. It is probable, however, that there is an expiratory centre as well, and that it comes into play in the performance: of forced expiration. It may be excited reflexly, as in the act of coughing, or by voluntary effort when it is desired to increase the intrathoracic pressure, as in straining; and it would seem also to react to peripheral sensory stimuli, and to excessive venosity of the blood. Unlike the inspiratory centre, however, it is not rhythmically active, for it must always be remembered that the act of respiration consists in a series of inspirations only, the expiratory part of the process being, in normal conditions, purely physical. The inverted type of breathing observed in young children suffering from pneumonia is perhaps due to stimulation of the expiratory centre. a RESPIRATION 209 The Chemistry of Respiration. 1. Pulmonary Respiration, The general principles of the chemical side of respira- tion are easily understood, though the details are in many points still involved in obscurity. The essence of the process consists in the conveyance of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of carbonic acid from them, The lungs thus play a double part. They absorb oxygen from the air just as the stomach and intestine absorb nutritive constituents from the food, and they excrete carbonic acid just as the kidneys excrete urea. Disease may result from a disorganization of either of these functions: on the one hand from failure of the lungs to absorb sufficient oxygen, and on the other hand from an inability on their part to excrete carbonic acid. We may now look at some of the practical bearings of this interchange between the lungs and the air in greater detail. | If one compares the composition of the air as it enters and leaves the lungs, one gets such a result as the following : Inspired Air. Expired Air. Oxygen ... 20°96 percent. 16°03 per cent. Nitrogen ... 79 per cent. 79 per cent. CO, .. 0°04 percent. 4:4 per cent.* - In addition, the expired air is saturated with water * Variations in ‘respiratory exchange ’—.e., the total consump- tion of oxygen and excretion of CO,—usually discussed under -* Respiration,’ are really the expression of variations in metabolism, and are considered under that subject. 14 210 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY vapour; but so, probably, is the inspired air before it reaches the alveoli, thanks to the moistening influence of the upper air passages already described. A comparison of the composition of inspired and expired air does not, however, give us an accurate idea of the actual composition of the air when it comes into relation with the blood in the alveoli, for the following reason: The air in the passages from the nose to the alveoli is not really changed during respiration, but comes out again the same in composition as it went in. The air which has actually been in the alveoli, therefore, is, as it were, diluted by this purer air when the total output of a breath is collected, and the latter does not, therefore, really represent the composition of the air as it actually left the alveoli themselves. Seeing that the volume of air in the air passages is about 140 c.c., and the total air taken in and sent out again at one breath is about 500 c.c., it will easily be seen that a considerable fallacy is introduced if the composition of the expired air be taken as representing that of the alveoli. As a matter of fact, if the alveolar air be collected separately, as it can be, it is found to contain much more CO, and less oxygen than ordinary expired air, the oxygen amounting to only 18 or 14 per cent., and the CO, to 5 or 6 per cent. Further, this method of analysis has shown that the partial pressure of CO, in the alveoli is constant. It will be seen from this that the essential fact of respiration is that the blood gives up carbonic acid to the air in the lung and receives back oxygen from it. When one comes, however, to ask how this exchange is effected, one finds oneself involved in a maze of con- RESPIRATION 211 troversy. Is the process a purely physical one, in which the epithelium of the alveoli which separates the air from the lung acts merely as a permeable membrane, or have the epithelial cells themselves something to say in the process? Are they able actively to pick up oxygen out of the air, and to excrete CO, from the blood, irre- spective of such considerations as the tension of these gases? In other words, is the process a purely physical one, or is it—to use the only available word—in part at least vital? This question is one, if need hardly be said, of great theoretical importance; it is one of the fundamental problems of physiology which goes to the root of our conceptions of living function. But it has also practical bearings. For if the epithelial cells of the alveoli really do play an active part in the process of exchange in the lungs, it is conceivable that the dis- order of this exchange and the imperfect purification of the blood which results from it, as seen in acute disease of the lungs, may be due, in part at least, to disorganiza- tion of the alveolar epithelium. Asphyxia would then be the result of an inability of the epithelium of the air cells to excrete CO,, just as uremia is the result of a failure of the renal epithelium to excrete the constituents of the urine. That such interference with function does occur in acute disease there is some experimental evidence to prove. Lorrain Smith,* for example, concludes that _an interference with active absorption through the lung epithelium is an integral part of many conditions of disease directly or indirectly associated with the lungs. Meanwhile it is interesting to note that most physiolo- * Jowrn, of Phystol., 1897-98, xxii. 307. 14—2 212 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY gists are coming round to the view that the part played by the epithelium of the lungs is an active and not merely a passive one, and cannot yet be explained by the ordinary physical laws as we see them in operation in non-living matter. As E. H. Lewes said nearly fifty years ago:* ‘Physical laws reveal only one part of the » mystery. Respiration is not a simple physical act. It is the function of a living organism, and as such receives a, specific character from that organism. No sooner do we cease to regard the exclusively physical aspect of this function—no sooner do we fix our attention on the organism and its influence, than the theory raised on the simple laws of gaseous interchange suddenly totters and falls.’ One hundred volumes of arterial blood yield sixty volumes of gas of the following composition : Oxygen sae ee ... 20 parts. Nitrogen iby: Be oi | eee Carbonic acid ... sl ae; ee Of the oxygen less than one volume is in solution in the plasma. ‘The rest is combined with hemoglobin in the red cells. Arterial blood is, however, not saturated with oxygen. It is only about nine-tenths saturated, and under ordinary conditions not more than one-third of the combined oxygen is used. There is, therefore, a considerable margin of oxygen to draw upon in emergencies. Thanks to this, a very considerable proportion of the hemoglobin in the blood can be * ‘The Physiology of Common Life,’ 1859, i., 378. RESPIRATION 213 saturated by a foreign gas, such as carbonic oxide, with- out any symptoms of want of oxygen arising. On the other hand, where the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is greatly reduced, as, for example, in anemia, there is no margin of oxygen-carrying power to draw upon when oxidation in the tissues is increased, and dyspnoea results upon slight exertion; and if 70 per cent. of the total blood be removed the deficiency of oxygen is enough to cause death. If the tension of oxygen in the inspired air is in- creased, the proportion of dissolved oxygen in the blood is also increased. This is specially true when, owing to disease of the lungs, the normal oxygenation of the blood is interfered with. Physiologists who studied the subject on perfectly healthy animals came to the conclusion that oxygen inhalation would be of little use in disease, for they found that even when the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was doubled the uptake of it was only slightly affected.* We have here, however, an example of the danger of the premature application of the results of physiological experiment directly to the problems of disease. As a matter of fact, an increase in the oxygen tension in the air breathed does result in a considerable increase in the amount of oxygen which enters the blood in conditions of partial asphyxia, and the treatment of such con- ‘ditions by oxygen inhalation has justified itself by its * Thus, when air is breathed, arterial blood contains 184 per cent. combined QO, by vol., and 0°6 per cent. dissolved O, by vol. When pure oxygen is breathed, arterial blood contains 18°7 per cent. combined O, by vol., and 3 per cent. dissolved O, by vol.— Ha.panz. 214 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY results.* The matter has been put very clearly by Pembrey : ‘The normal animal does not increase its respiratory exchange when it breathes oxygen instead of air, for its metabolism is regulated by the needs of its tissues and not directly by the amount of oxygen absorbed in the lungs. In the case of some diseases, during which the blood, owing to diminished absorption of oxygen in the lungs, is abnormally venous, the breathing of pure oxygen would increase the percentage of oxygen in the alveolar air, and thus enable the blood in the lungs to take up more oxygen. In these cases breathing oxygen under pressure greater than that of oxygen in the air would, for a similar reason, be effective, and would also increase the amount of oxygen simply dissolved in the plasma. It would appear, therefore, that there is strictly no contradiction in most of the experimental and clinical results, for in the normal animal breathing ordinary air the arterial blood is almost saturated with oxygen, and without doubt contains as much or more oxygen than the tissues need. This is certainly not the case in some diseases, during which the patients have derived benefit from breathing oxygen.’ f pe At the same time it must be remembered that the phenomena of asphyxia are, to some extent, due to the presence in the blood and tissues of an excess of CO,, and this, of course, oxygen inhalation can do nothing to remedy. Nor can it be expected to be of use where the * See Michaelis, ‘Ueber Sauerstoff Therapie,’ Zezt. f. didit. wu. phys. Therapie, 1900, iv, 122. { Schifer’s ‘ Physiology,’ i. 736. RESPIRATION 215 difficulty in respiration is due to a breakdown in the circulation and a failure of the regular transportation > of oxygen between the lungs and the tissues. The carbonic acid in the blood is distributed equally through the corpuscles and plasma. It is to a small extent in solution, but for the most part combined with alkali in the plasma and corpuscles, and perhaps also to some extent united in some fashion to the hemoglobin. It is the alkalinity of the blood which gives it its chief power as a CO, carrier, for sodium carbonate (Na,CO,) is able to take up one molecule of the gas, forming sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO.). There seems to be a constant struggle going on between the proteins of the blood and CO, for the possession of the sodium carbonate of the plasma, and it depends upon the relative mass of each present which prevails. Should any stronger acid get access to the circulation and lay hold of the existing alkali, the carriage of CO, is greatly interfered with. Until recently it was believed that this took place in diabetic coma owing to the presence in the blood of large quantities of oxybutyric acid; but the observations of Pembrey have rendered it doubtful whether the sodium carbonate is sufficiently neutralized in that condition to interfere seriously with the transport of CO, from the tissues. On the subject of ventilation a study of the chemistry of respiration throws disappointingly little light. We do not even know, to begin with, what the effects of ‘fresh’ air are due to, or wherein the evils of ‘ vitiated ’ air consist. Analysis has failed to tell us to what ingredients the different effects on health and vitality 216 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY produced by the air of different localities is to be attri- buted; yet upon such effects the undoubted benefits of ‘change of air’ largely depend. Dalton even held the view that chemical experiment could not distinguish the air of Manchester from that of Helvellyn. This opinion, though shared by other chemists, cannot any longer, however, be regarded as accurate. Francis Jones,* for example, found that on the same days, when the air in the centre of Manchester contained on an average 4526 parts of CO, in 10,000, that of Alexandra Park, three miles distant, contained 3°1186 parts, and when the air of Manchester contained on an average 4°255 parts CO,, that of Arnside, near the Lake District, con- tained only 8°2387. Still, such comparatively small differences as these can scarcely explain the difference between town and country air. All that physiology clearly teaches on this subject, * ‘The Air of Rooms’ (Manchester: Taylor, Garnett, Evans and Co.), 1900. Some of the results of Dr. Jones’s experiments may be summarized here: The air of a room always contains more CO, than the external air, even when it is well ventilated. The writer concludes that a certain amount of CO, is in some way retained by the walls, and is constantly passing back into the room, The amount of CO, is always high during fogs and in snowy weather, and is greater in winter than in summer. The air of a room is always purest at the floor, less pure 3 feet above, and most impure at the ceiling. When a coal fire is in use for heating and the electric light for lighting an inhabited room, the air is purer than by any other method of heating and lighting, and this is the only combination which will keep the CO, in the air of the room below 10 paris per 10,000. A room heated by a gas fire contains more CO, than one heated by a coal fire. a ae > wed “it oe “a RESPIRATION 217 indeed, is that either an excess of CO, or a deficiency of oxygen is injurious. The former acts as a narcotic poison, but it does not begin to exert its effects until 3 per cent. is present, an amount which is never reached even in a very ‘stuffy’ room. It is to deficiency of oxygen that the effects of breathing a limited quantity of air and the phenomena of asphyxia are due, but here, again, it is not until the proportion of oxygen is reduced to about 10 per cent. that any bad symptoms manifest themselves. Reviewing the whole subject, even such a careful and experienced worker in this department as Professor Haldane is able to come to no more satisfactory conclusion than that the headache, lassitude, etc., which are experienced in a badly ventilated room are not due either to want of oxygen or to the presence of an excess of CO,, but that they are partly the result of heat and moisture, and partly, perhaps, produced reflexly through the olfactory nerves.* An interesting point in connection with this bien is that much-breathed air is more injurious to healthy, vigorous animals than to those which are feeble and exhausted. If, for example, a sparrow is confined in a bell jar for a matter of two hours it will still be alive and fairly vigorous. A second sparrow now introduced, however, dies at once. It would thus appear as if an animal can accommodate itself to oxygen starvation, probably by a general lowering of its metabolism, but in part also, perhaps, by an increased power of absorbing * Hale White’s ‘System of Pharmacology.’ The proportion of CO, in an inhabited room should not exceed 12 parts per 10,000 during daylight, and 20 parts per 10,000 when gaslight is used. 218 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY oxygen.* This may possibly be the reason why the Kast-End Jew who is accustomed to overcrowding from infancy appears to suffer so little in health from it. The limit of height at which respiration can still be carried on is another practical question to which no definite reply is forthcoming. We know that Whymper on Chimborazo reached a height of 20,517 feet, and Sir Martin Conway in the Himalayas got as high as 22,600 feet, but it is probable that even higher altitudes than these could be reached if time were given for the subject to become accustomed to them. It is an interest- ing fact that the higher one goes the more easily oxygen appears to enter the blood, perhaps because of the greater mobility of its molecules at reduced pressures. No doubt some of the benefits derived from residence in the high altitude health resorts are to be thus explained. An impetus has recently been given to the study of the effects of increased atmospheric pressure on the body by the use of caissons in engineering operations, and by the observance of cases of ‘ caisson disease.’ The result of breathing compressed air is naturally to cause the blood to take up a much larger proportion of dissolved gas, especially of nitrogen. When the pressure is relieved nitrogen is liberated in the blood-stream in the form of bubbles which may block some of the smaller capillaries. It is to such blockage that the symptoms of caisson disease are now believed to be due. As two * See Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Jowrn. of Phystol., 1897-98, xxii. 231. RESPIRATION 219 French writers on the subject have put it, ‘ Payment is only made on coming out.’ The effect on the lungs of breathing compressed air is to cause them to expand downwards, the liver and diaphragm being depressed so as to occupy the space obtained by the compression of the gases in the stomach and intestine. At the same time, the circumference of © the chest is increased and the number of respirations lessened. By frequent repetition of exposure to com- pressed air these effects may become permanent. In medicine, compressed-air baths have been used in the treatment of emphysema. Favourable results have been reported in many cases, results which, when one considers the state of the lungs in emphysema, it is very difficult to explain. One would have expected, indeed, that their effect would have been to aggravate the con- dition, for what is emphysema but overdistension of the lung? In the subjects of this disease, however, the physical effects of compressed air on the lung seem to be exactly the reverse of those produced in health, the diaphragm being raised instead of lowered, and the circumference of the chest diminished, not increased. The explanation of this apparent paradox is not forth- coming. 2. Tissue Respiration. In the days of Priestley (1772) it was held that respiration and combustion were identical processes, that compounds carried to the lungs were burnt up there by oxygen, and carbonic acid formed from them, just as happens in the combustion of a candle. When this 220 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY simple view was disproved, physiologists shifted their ground, and declared that the combustion process took place, not in the lungs, but in the blood. Finally, and in comparatively recent years, the correct notion was arrived at, as the result of indisputable experiments, that the utilization of oxygen and the production of CO, take place in the tissues themselves. In other words, the tissues control their own respiration. Supply a man with more oxygen, and you do not necessarily ‘ burn up’ his tissues one whit, though a candle under similar circumstances will be consumed faster. The cells simply ignore the excess of oxygen, even if it does not actually lessen their vitality, as the experiments of Paul Bert would seem to indicate. The acceptance of this view has modified profoundly some of our fundamental pathological notions. In consequence of it we no longer believe that the high temperature of fever is the result of an increased ‘combustion’ in the lungs, and that a free supply of food must necessarily be injurious under such conditions. It implies, too, that the regular practice of ‘deep breathing,’ which is so much vaunted by some professors of personal hygiene, is no substitute for exercise. The latter alone can really increase the oxidation processes in the body. In the lymph which actually bathes the cells there is almost no free oxygen. Indeed, its presence in even small amount seems to exercise a depressing influence on cell activity. Itis for this reason that, at pressures of even 5 atmospheres of air, oxygen, instead of being a stimulant, is actually poisonous to the tissues after long exposures. RESPIRATION 221 Some Special Respiratory Acts. The mechanism of sneezing and of coughing have already been described. Of the latter it need only be said further, that although primarily protective in its nature, and designed to bring about the expulsion of irritating bodies from the upper air passages, it may also be excited by peripheral stimuli in various parts of the body. Thus, irritation of the gastric branches of the vagus is said to produce a ‘ stomach’ cough, and of its auricular branch an ‘ear’ cough. In persons who are unduly sensitive to cold, a hard dry cough may be excited by getting into bed between cold sheets, or when exposed to a draught. Curiously enough, irritation of the interior of the trachea does not seem to excite cough. Perhaps that is why a tracheotomy-tube can be worn so comfortably. The bronchi appear to be less sensitive than the larynx, but more so than the trachea. Foreign bodies in them sometimes excite cough, sometimes not. The same is true of the lung substance. Disease of it does not necessarily lead to coughing. Coughing may also be excited by irritation of the pleura; hence the cough of pleurisy and the paroxysm of coughing which often comes on in aspirating the chest. Even a ‘uterine’ cough has been described, although its real existence is somewhat doubtful. When such peripheral irritations exist, the cough which they excite is useless, and its sup- pression by opium justifiable. Sighing is a deep inspiration intended to make up for a temporary depression or a cessation of breathing. 222 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY When the mind is much preoccupied, the breathing becomes feeble, and this has to be compensated by a few deep inspirations, which take the form of ‘ sighs.’ It is the result, therefore, of a spell of ‘breathless attention.’ ‘The philosopher brooding over his problem,’ says Lewes,* ‘will be heard sighing from time to time, almost as deeply as the maiden brooding over her forlorn condition. All men sigh over their work when their work deeply engages them; but they do not remark it, because the work, and not their feelings, engages their attention, whereas during grief it is their feelings which occupy them.’ A similar sighing respiration has been noted as the result of the depression of the respiratory centre from the excessive use of tobacco. Hiccough is the result of a spasm of the diaphragm, which produces a sudden inspiration, the inrush of air being as suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, which produces the characteristic sound. It is often the result of gastric irritation, and is a common phe- nomenon in many conditions of disease. yy eZ Sobbing is another alteration of respiration, consisting in an inco-ordination in the different parts of the pro- cess. It consists in sudden inspirations, in which the glottis opens a little too late, the inrush of air producing the familiar sound. It is comparable to the crowing sound produced in laryngismus stridulus. * ‘The Physiology of Common Life,’ i. 899. Se ee RESPIRATION 223 Yawning consists of a slow deep inspiration per- formed with the mouth widely open, and succeeded by a slow expiration accomplished with a gaping mouth and contracted glottis, which produces the well-known sound. It is apparently the result of a fatigue of atten- tion, and therefore appears most readily when the brain is easily exhausted, as in the subjects of anemia. The stretching of the limbs which accompanies it is believed to be an attempt to overcome the stasis of blood in the muscles, and to drive it to the brain. Laughing and crying are, like sobbing, results of disordered action of the respiratory centre brought about by emotional influences. The peculiar rhythmical form of breathing which goes by the name of Cheyne-Stokes respiration is probably due to periodic variation in the automatism of the respiratory centre. This periodic variation shows itself when the influence of higher regulating centres is removed, as may happen, for example, in uremic poisoning, and perhaps also simply as a result of a lowering of the activity of the respiratory centre itself. When the sensitiveness of the respiratory centre is lowered, it does not respond to the stimulus normally given by an excess of carbonic acid in the blood until this has reached an unusual degree. A series of deep inspirations is then initiated, which result in very perfect ventilation of the lungs, and the carbonic acid is so thoroughly removed that a period of apnea sets in until enough of it has accumulated to stimulate the centre once again. That this explanation is correct seems to be proved by the fact that Pembrey has been 224, APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY able to abolish the apnoeic period by causing a patient exhibiting Cheyne-Stokes respiration to inhale carbonic acid. Rhythmical respiration is often accompanied by similar periodic variations in the control exercised over the blood- vessels by the general vasomotor centre and over the pupil by the pupil centre, and even by rhythmical increase and diminution of the activity of the brain cortex as manifested in consciousness. It is noteworthy that in sleep, when the higher centres are presumably less active, the respirations readily take on a rhythmical character, particularly in childhood, when the control of the lower centres is presumably not well developed. See CHAPTER VII THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION Digestion in the Mouth. Tue object of digestion in the mouth is to convert the food into a mechanical form in which it can be easily swallowed. By means of the teeth the solid part of the food is broken up and reduced to a state of fine division, in which form it is easily attacked by the gastric juice. It can therefore be readily understood how imperfect chewing, brought about either by bolting the food or by a defective dental apparatus, impedes gastric digestion, and by allowing the entrance of lumps of food into the stomach which irritate its walls is a frequent cause of gastritis. By means of the saliva dry food is moistened, and the bolus which results from chewing is lubricated with mucus and rendered fit for swallowing. That the mere moistening of the food is one of the chief objects of salivary secretion is shown by the experiments of Pawlow, which have demonstrated that a much larger secretion of saliva is called out by the introduction into the mouth of dry substances than by those that are moist. 225 15 226 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY | The ingredients of mixed humah saliva are water, mucin, ptyalin, a trace of globulin, and certain salts, of which the chief are sodium chloride, sodium phosphate (NazHPO,), along with earthy carbonates and phos- phates, and a trace of sulphocyanide of potassium. Its alkalinity is due to sodium phosphate, but there is not a trace of sodium carbonate present.* The production of gastric flatulence can therefore hardly be due, as has been suggested by some, to the liberation of CO, from a highly alkaline saliva by the gastric juice. The alkalinity is greatest before breakfast. Salivary calculi result from the separation out of the lime-salts in the gland ducts. The meaning of the presence of sulphocyanide of potassium—of all salts !—in the saliva has given rise to much speculation, and attempts have been made—without much success— to show that variations in its amount are of diagnostic value in disease. It has also been suggested that it may play the part of an antiseptic, but this is apparently not the case,+ and we are still really quite in the dark as to its significance. The ptyalin of the saliva plays a considerable part in the conversion of the starch of the food into ) dextrins, but its powers in this direction are chiefly exerted in the stomach, where it remains active for a much longer time than used to be supposed. It is most active in a neutral medium, any degree of acidity being specially inimical to * See Chittenden and Richards, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., 1898, i. 461. + See Nicolas and Dubief, Jowrn. de Phys. et Pathol. Gen. 1899, i. 979. : { ; DIGESTION Q27 it. Hence the taking of acid fluids—e.g., wines—along with starchy food is apt to interfere with the digestion of the latter, although to some extent this is counteracted by the more profuse flow of saliva which acids call out. Tannin is also a powerful inhibitor of ptyalin, which explains part, at least, of the unfavourable effect of strong tea upon digestion. It is interesting to note that the activity of the ptyalin of the saliva is diminished in most cases of dyspepsia, and in dilatation of the stomach it may be entirely absent. On the other hand, in cases of diabetes it is unusually powerful.* The secretion of saliva is called out reflexly through the medium of cranial and sympathetic fibres, which are the nerves of secretion. Not all stimuli are capable of exciting secretion—in other words, it needs a ‘ specific’ stimulus to do so, but the range of these is very wide. Psychical impressions—such as the mere sight or smell of food—are powerful stimuli, and may literally ‘make the mouth water.’ Very dry substances, again, as has already been pointed out, call out a profuse secretion, in order to moisten them and wash them out of the mouth. Acid and acrid substances, too, which, if not neutralized or diluted, would be injurious to the mouth and stomach, strongly excite the glands. In the action of all of these the essentially purposive nature of the salivary reflex is clearly shown forth. Of the two sets of secretory nerves, the cranial fibres produce a more watery flow, and the sympathetic one which is richer in mucin. The latter comes specially into play under * ‘The Activity of the Saliva in Diseased Conditions of the Body,’ Aitchison Robertson, Jowrn. of Pathol., 1900, vii. 118. 15—2 228 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the influence of emotion, with the result that the saliva then becomes sticky, and the tongue may ‘ cleave to the roof of the mouth.’ On the other hand, if the chorda tympani be paralyzed, as itis in some cases of facial nerve palsy, the saliva is more scanty. Division of the secretory nerves leads after a time to the appearance of a steady flow of saliva, spoken of by physiologists as a ‘ paralytic secretion,’ which may last for some days. It has been suggested that the ptyalism met with in cases of bulbar paralysis is of this nature, but against such an explana- tion is its long persistence. The secretory nerves of the salivary glands are sus- ceptible to the influence of certain drugs. Atropine, for instance, paralyzes the terminals of the cranial fibres, and diminishes the flow; whilst pilocarpine, by stimu- lating them, exerts an opposite effect. Hence dryness of the mouth is one of the unpleasant consequences of the exhibition of atropine, whilst pilocarpine is used - as a remedy in cases of diminished salivary secretion (xerostomia). The salivary glands also possess a degree of excretory power for some substances. We know that certain drugs, for instance, are so excreted. Chlorate of potash is a case in point: when swallowed in solution it is partly excreted by the saliva, and may thus exert a — local effect upon the mouth. It is useful in this way in cases of stomatitis. Again, ‘a bad taste in the mouth’ is probably due, in some cases at least, to the excretion of abnormal substances by the salivary glands. DIGESTION 229 Deg lutition. The bolus which is formed by mastication and in- salivation is pushed by the tongue to the back of the throat. The cavity of the mouth is then closed by the approxi- mation of the dorsum of the tongue to the palate by the palato-glossal muscles, whilst the nose is shut off - by the elevation of the soft palate by the levator palati and palato-pharyngeal muscles. This stage of deglutition may be interfered with by paralysis of the tongue—e.g., in bulbar paralysis—or of the soft palate, when fluids tend to regurgitate into the nose—e.g., in post-diph- theritic paralysis. Food is prevented from entering the larynx during deglutition by the larynx being drawn up towards the base of the tongue, and by its posterior wall being pulled forwards away from the back of the pharynx. The bolus of food therefore glides over the posterior wall of the epiglottis, which explains how it is that destruc- tion of the epiglottis by disease has no effect on degluti- tion—a fact which was inexplicable on the old theory that the epiglottis shut down on the top of the larynx like a lid. Normally, respiration is reflexly inhibited whilst the food is passing over the top of the larynx, but if a breath be involuntarily taken during the process, food enters the larynx, and coughing and ‘choking’ result. In the case of fluids, the contraction of the pharyngeal muscles is sufficient to force them rapidly through the cesophagus until the cardiac orifice is reached, after which their progress becomes much slower, and they merely trickle into the stomach (Fig. 15). Hence, when corrosive liquids are swallowed, it is found that the 230 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY cesophagus may escape injury except at the cardiac orifice, which is much longer in contact with them. The process of deglutition in the case of well-chewed and thoroughly insalivated solids is very much the same as that of fluids, but if lumps of dry food are swallowed, they traverse the cesophagus very slowly, and may, rh 5” a 4 Fie, 15.—To sHow Position oF SHADOW aT INTERVALS OF ONE SECOND DURING THE SWALLOWING oF A Moururun or Minx CONTAINING BismuTH CARBONATE. (HERTZ.) indeed, stick there for some minutes. It has been suggested (Hertz) that the feeling of pressure in the chest experienced after a hurried meal may be due to distension of the cesophagus caused by the presence of solid lumps of food, which only pass very slowly down- wards. a ed 4) ‘ i] i e i = : 4 ~. f ° DIGESTION 231 The swallowing reflex is started by the contact of food with the back of the tongue, the superior laryn- geal being the afferent and. the recurrent laryngeal the efferent nerve concerned. Loss of the swallowing reflex always indicates a bilateral lesion, as destruction of either both superior or both inferior laryngeals is neces- sary to bring it about. The unstriped muscle of the lower part of the esophagus is to a large extent auto- matic in its action, and independent of the nervous system. Thanks to this it is still possible to introduce food into the stomach even when voluntary swallowing is impossible and the deglutition reflex abolished; for if a tube be passed into the upper thoracic region of the cesophagus, any food introduced through it will be passed on by the unstriped muscle. Advantage is taken of this in ‘nasal’ feeding. If the vagus nerves be divided, a condition of paralytic dilatation of the esophagus ensues, and it is probable that this may also occur as the result of disease affecting the nerves. ‘That a reverse peri- stalsis in the cesophagus is possible seems to be proved by the occurrence of rumination in some subjects. Digestion in the Stomach. Experiments on animals, as well as the results of gastrectomy on patients, have shown that the stomach is not actually essential to life. On the other hand, there can be no doubt that it is not really a superfluous. organ, but is of great use in so preparing the food as to. protect the intestine from possible injury. | The uses of the stomach are apparently these: (1) To 232 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY act as a reservoir, from which the intestine may be eradually supplied; (2) to sterilize the food to some extent; (8) to regulate its temperature; (4) to help to reduce the food to a fluid form; (5) to aid in the stimu- lation of pancreatic secretion. These may now be briefly considered. 1. By acting as a reservoir the stomach enables us to take food in considerable quantities at a time—.e., it renders meals possible. The practical convenience of this does not need to be pointed out. The capacity of the stomach varies considerably in different individuals and in the same individual at different periods of life. Roughly it may be put down in the case of liquids at 2 to 4 pints, and in the case of solids at about 2 pounds. If it be remembered that the total amount of solid food required daily amounts to about 3 pounds, it will be evident that it is hardly possible to take all our food at one meal without seriously overburdening the stomach. Again, were it not for the reservoir action of the stomach, there would tend to be a waste of food by putrefaction, owing to the intestine being supplied with it more rapidly than it could be digested and absorbed. a 2. Another function which the stomach fulfils is that of partially sterilizing the food by the antiseptic action of the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice. This action, however, is not a powerful one, and some organ- isms, such as those that form acids, seem to escape it altogether, and there is reason to believe that the same is true of some, at least, of the commoner pathogenic DIGESTION 233 organisms, notably the tubercle bacillus. Hence the possibility of acquiring tuberculosis by drinking milk. The sterilizing power of the stomach varies greatly, according to the stage of digestion and the nature of the food. It reaches its maximum towards the end of diges- tion, when hydrochloric acid is present in the free state, whilst it is much less, or even in abeyance altogether, in the earlier stages, when only combined acid is present. Foods rich in protein, by combining with much of the acid, lessen the germicidal power of the gastric juice. Over the growth of organisms in the intestine the stomach seems to exert but little control. Even when the secretion of gastric juice is entirely arrested, or the stomach is excised, no increase in the amount of intestinal putrefaction occurs.* Increased decomposition in the bowel can therefore hardly be regarded as the cause of the diarrhoea which is apt to occur in cases of achylia. 8. The regulation of the temperature of the food is one of the minor, but none the less important, functions of the stomach. In this respect it acts as a protector of the intestine, which appears to be more sensitive to extremes of temperature than the stomach itself. As ordinarily taken, the temperature of food may be con- sidered to vary between 5° C. and 50 to 60° C. It requires only about ten minutes for a pint of liquid at 50° C. (122° F.) to be brought down to the body tempera- ture after it has been swallowed, but considerably longer for a similar quantity at 5° C. (41° F.) to be raised to the * Schlatter, Lancet, 1898, i. 146, and Filippi, Deutsch. Med. Woch., 1894, XX., No. 40, 234 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY same point.* Hence cold fluids are more apt to escape ~ over into the intestine imperfectly warmed, and may thus — excite diarrhea. The best temperature for food is that of the body, for it then stays the shortest time in the stomach. This should be remembered in cases such as those of atonic dyspepsia, in which it is important that the food—and especially its fluid constituents—should be passed on out of the stomach as quickly as possible. 4. By reducing the protein constituents of the food to a soluble form, the stomach helps to prepare them — for more complete digestion in the intestine. In study- ing this process one has to do with the three physio- logical properties of the stomach: (a) sensibility, (6) secretion, (c) motility; and for the sake of clearness it will be well to take these up separately, especially as the disorders of gastric digestion can be traced in every instance to a disturbance of one or more of these functions. Sensibility. Normally the stomach does not appear to be sensitivein the ordinary sense, or, at all events, any sensations which — proceed from it fail to reach the seat of conscio a It would appear, however, that the degree of anesthesia — _ of the stomach varies in different persons, for some, at least, are able to discriminate between hot and cold liquids when introduced by the stomach tube.t It is . noteworthy that in such cases the sensation is referred, _ * See Mueller, Zeit. f. Didt. und Phys. Therapie, 1905, Ba. viii. Heft 11. + Neumann, Archi f. Verdawwngskrankh., 1907, xiii. 81. DIGESTION 235 not to the stomach itself, but to the skin of the epi- gastrium, just as pain is in cases of gastric hyperesthesia and gastralgia. There can be little doubt, too, that in everyone centripetal impulses reach the lower centres from the stomach, which are concerned in producing the ‘sensation ’ which we call appetite, and it is possible that anorexia is due to a subnormal state of gastric sensibility. On the other hand, it is also possible that in certain states of the nervous system the centripetal impulses from the stomach actually penetrate as far as the seat of consciousness, and are ‘felt’ as pain, or, at least, as vague discomfort. It would appear, too, that pain can be produced even in an otherwise normal stomach by any excessive or irregular contraction of its muscular coat, just as it may be so produced in any other hollow viscus, and many cases of dyspeptic pain are probably thus brought about. Again, traction on the cardiac or pyloric ends of the stomach affects the nerves of the subserous connective tissue, and is extremely painful. It is probably to this that the pain which may result from the presence of gastric adhesions owes its origin. Secretion. The secretion of gastric juice is not the result of mechanical stimulation of the mucous membrane of the stomach by the contact of food, as was once supposed, but of the action of nervous impulses reaching the stomach through the vagus. Mechanical stimulation is _merely followed by a flow of alkaline mucus, which is designed to protect the delicate lining membrane, and 236 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY it is in consequence of such direct stimulation that irri- tating and unsuitable foods may set up gastric catarrh. The stimuli which can excite a flow of juice are either (1) psychical or (2) chemical. The mere sight or smell of food, or the agreeable taste of it in the mouth, given the presence of appetite, is sufficient to start an active flow of juice whilst the stomach is still empty. It is not the mere mechanical act of chewing, but the relish of the food which originates the reflex. Hornborg,* for instance, has observed in the case of a boy with a gastric fistula and occlusion of the cesophagus that the chewing of indifferent substances, such as indiarubber, failed to cause gastric secretion. The juice thus poured out—to which Pawlow has given the name of ‘ appetite juice ’—is of great value in starting the process of digestion, and it has been suggested that the favourable results in some cases of dyspepsia of giving frequent small meals rather than a larger quantity of food at longer intervals are to be attributed to the greater quantity of ‘appetite juice’ which is thus obtained. Be this as it may, the realization of the value of the ‘ appetite juice’ is of the first importance to the physician, and should encourage him _ to make every effort to promote the appetite of patients with feeble digestion by attention to the esthetic qualities and flavour of their food, as well as by the administration of exciters of appetite such as bitters. * Skandinaw. Archw f. Physiol., 1904, xv. 248, t Seeing that bitters promote a flow of gastric juice by acting upon the nerves of taste, they should always be administered in solution if their full effect is to be obtained, and not swallowed in the form of a tabloid, capsule, or pill. DIGESTION 237 ‘It appears to me,’ says Pawlow,* ‘that... instinct has often made out a brilliant case when brought before the tribunal of physiology. Perhaps the old and empirical requirement that food should be eaten with interest and enjoyment is the most imperatively empha- sized and strengthened of all. In every land the act of eating is connected with certain customs designed to distract from the business of daily life. A suitable time of day is chosen ; a company of relatives, acquaintances, or comrades assemble. Certain preparations are carried out (in England a change of raiment is usually effected, and often a blessing is asked upon the meal by the oldest of the family). In the case of the well-to-do a special room for meals is set apart; musical and other guests are invited to while away the time at meals—in a word, everything is directed to take away the thoughts from the cares of daily life, and to concentrate them on the repast. From this point of view, it is also plain why heated discussions and serious readings are held to be unsuitable during meal-times.’ The above quotation shows the importance attached to the ‘appetite juice’ by the distinguished Russian physiologist even in a state of health, and in abnormal conditions it is of still greater importance to bear it in mind. In cases, for instance, in which it is necessary to introduce food directly into the stomach through an cesophageal tube or a gastrostomy wound, care should be taken, whenever possible, to call out a flow of ‘ appetite * «The Work of the Digestive Glands,’ English translation, 1902, p. 133 (Griffin and Co., Limited). 238 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY juice’ by introducing substances into the mouth before the meal is given. In this connection it is of interest to ask, What is appetite, and can the physiologist give any explanation of it? The reply is that the nature of the state of feeling we call ‘appetite’ is still very obscure. One thing is certain—namely, that it is not the same as hunger. Hunger is the cry of the tissues for food, or, as it has been put, ‘the expression of the caloric require- ments of the tissues,’ and may be experienced even when the stomach is quite full, as happens, for example, in the case of a patient who has a fistula high up in the intestine. Appetite, on the other hand, is apparently more dependent on sensations derived from the stomach itself, and may be quite absent in cases of gastric disorder, even although the patient be in a state of hunger. It has been suggested, as already pointed out, that the sensa- tions from the stomach on which appetite depends are of a subconscious nature, and that a depression of them may give rise to abolition of appetite (anorexia), whilst — their exaltation may produce an excessive desire for food (bulimia). SY. How long the flow of ‘appetite juice’ lasts in normal feeding it is impossible to say, but very soon the second or chemical method of excitation comes into play. This is brought about by the action of certain chemical con- stituents of the food on the nerves of the stomach. Not all nutritive substances are able to excite the gastric nerves. The most powerful are the extractives of flesh, dextrins, milk, and water. DIGESTION 239 A consideration of these facts shows that the long- established custom of beginning dinner with soup is justified, and should also be a guide to us in selecting suitable foods for administration by forced feeding. On the other hand, some foods, such as bread, starch, and white of egg, do not excite a flow of juice at all, whilst fat tends actively to restrain the secretory activity. The former foods are therefore indicated where one wishes to excite gastric secretion as little as possible, whilst the administration of fatty substances is justified in cases in which secretion is already excessive. Some _ drugs, such as bicarbonate of soda and bismuth, appear also to have the power of inhibiting the secretion. The proof which physiology has now furnished that gastric secretion is entirely dependent upon nervous in- fluences, and is not the result of mechanical stimulation by the food, is of great interest to practical medicine, for it makes it easier to understand the large part which disturbances of the nervous system play in the pro- duction of functional dyspepsia. The gastric juice, then, which is required for the digestion of an ordinary meal is the result of the com- bined action of these two sorts of stimulus, and the flow of it begins even before food has actually entered the stomach, and continues actively during the first hour or so of digestion, and then undergoes a gradual decline. The composition of the juice appears to be fairly con- stant in the same individual, but varies in different persons, even although the food be the same. In other words, when more hydrochloric acid is required it is obtained by increasing the total quantity of juice ED Se \ 240 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY secreted, and not by the outpouring of a more acid juice. The time at which free HCl appears varies with the composition of the food; the richer the latter is in protein, the longer is the appearance of uncombined acid delayed, for protein has a high acid-binding power. It is for this reason that foods rich in protein are recom- mended in cases in which the production of HCl tends to be excessive. If free HCl appears early it disappears soon, and the later it appears the longer it lasts, but the average duration of its presence is probably about one and a quarter to one and a half hours. It is of interest clinically to know that after an ordinary Ewald’s test-breakfast, free HCl is always quite evident in an hour (Penzoldt). The stomach is always and at all times acid to litmus, although at the beginning and end of digestion the reaction is very feeble. The total acidity of the stomach contents an hour after a test-breakfast (Hwald’s) varies from 0°11 to 0°26 per cent. in different individuals, and the proportion of free HCl from 0°07 to 02 per cent. These differences are apparently due to individual peculiarities. The pro- duction of acid seems to be greater in young and healthy subjects than it is in the old, and in 40 per cent. of persons above the age of fifty free HCl is absent altogether (Seidelin),* a fact which should be borne in mind a propos of the diagnostic value of the absence of free HCl in cases of carcinoma. It will be obvious from the above description that abnormalities of gastric secretion may arise in several ways: (1) The total amount of juice produced may be * Abst. in Archiv f. Verdawungskrankh., 1904, x. 426. DIGESTION 241 too great (hypersecretion); (2) the total amount of juice may be normal, but the percentage of HCl which it contains too high (hyperchlorhydria); (8) there may be errors in the time-rate of the secretion—e.g., it may be poured out too fast if the glands are irritable or overexcited, or it may be produced too slowly. The experiments of Pawlow appear to show that in the dog, at least, there is a certain adaptation of the composition and strength of the gastric juice to the kind of food which has to be digested. For example, for bread-protein five times more pepsin is poured out than for protein in milk, and for flesh-protein 25 per cent. mors than on that of milk. It is doubtful, however, whether such variations occur in man,* although pos- sibly if one particular kind of food is taken for a long time such an adaptation may be arrived at, and a ‘ digestive habit’ for that form of diet established. Motility. 1. Tonicity.—In the empty stomach there is normally a slight degree of tension present which keeps up a pressure within it, which has been estimated in man as equal to a manometric pressure of about 4 to 5 centi- metres of water.f This is due in part to a slight tonic contraction of the muscular coat, and in part also, perhaps, to the contractile pressure exerted by the * See Penzoldt, Dewts. Archi f. Klin. Med., 1894, liii. 209, and Schiile, Zeit. f. Klin. Med., 1895, xxviii. 461, and 1896, xxix. 49. t+ See Dobrovici, Archiv f. Verdawungskrankh., 1907, xiii. 78; also Moritz, Zeit. f. Biologie, 1895, xxxii. 313. 16 242 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY elastic tissue in the wall of the stomach, which forms two layers—one in the muscularis mucose, and the other and more definite layer between the submucous and muscular coats. In chief measure, however, the tension within the empty stomach is not the result of such factors as these, but is due simply to pressure exerted upon the stomach from without by the abdominal wall and by other viscera, especially the liver. Thus, the intragastric pressure is lowest when the individual is lying upon the right side, when the weight of the liver is taken off the stomach ; and it is worth noting that this is the position which it is best to adopt if vomiting be urgent, as in sea-sickness. It is of interest, too, to observe that, contrary to expectation, the intragastric tension is not increased in pregnancy, a fact which has important bearings upon some of the theories which have been advanced to explain the occurrence of vomit- ing in that condition. After food enters the stomach the intragastric tension in the fundus rises to a pressure of 10 to 12 centimetres of water, and if enough food be taken to raise the pressure to 20 centimetres, the feeling of distension becomes painful. This, however, is nothing compared with the pressure which may be exerted upon the stomach by pressure from without, for it has been found that forced expiratory efforts with the diaphragm fixed and depressed may raise the pressure within the stomach to that of 830 centimetres of water, and such is the ‘squeeze’ brought to bear upon the organ in the act of vomiting. The rise in intragastric tension after the taking of DIGESTION 243 food is probably due to a slight active contraction of the wall, which is reflexly brought about and is designed to resist the mechanical pressure of the contents. Failure of this reflex contraction has been alleged to play a large part in the development of ‘atonic dilatation’ of the stomach, by allowing the fluid pressure of its contents to exert its distending effect unopposed.* hincter ardri pylorici Transverse Band or § Fie. 16.—FuncTIonaL Divisions oF THE STOMACH. 2. Active Movements.—F rom the point of view of its active motility, the stomach may be divided into two distinct parts—(1) the fundus, (2) the antrum (Fig. 16). ‘These are separated from each other by a muscular con- striction—the transverse band—situated a little to the left. of the pyloric orifice, and no mixing of the contents * See a paper by Agéron, Archiv. f. Verdawwngskrankh., 1905, xi. 460. 16—2 24.4. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY of the two parts occurs. The fundus serves the function of a reservoir, in which the food is gradually mixed with the gastric juice and slowly squeezed on into the pyloric end. It is not the seat of any very active churning movements, and as each bolus of food is swallowed it is received into the centre of the accumulated mass, where the gastric juice only slowly reaches it, thus affording the saliva time to act. ‘These observations show that the order in which the chief courses of a dinner are arranged is physiologically suitable, as the part containing most carbohydrate comes last, and so remains for a time in the fundus, where salivary digestion can continue, whilst the part rich in proteids passes quickly to the pyloric end of the stomach, where peptic digestion begins early and salivary digestion soon becomes impossible. The great importance of thorough mastication and the consequent efficient im- pregnation of the food with saliva is at once explained by these facts. When a farinaceous meal is bolted, only a very superficial layer ~ef the masses of food can be digested by the saliva. The carbohydrate is then very liable to undergo bacterial fermentation with the pro- duction of flatulence and all its unpleasant results. This is prevented when salivary digestion can occur, as dextrin, _ the first product of the digestion of starch, is less easily decomposed by bacteria than starch, and maltose and dextrose, the final products of salivary digestion, are — soluble and readily diffuse into the pyloric end of the — stomach, where the presence of hydrochloric acid prevents . the occurrence of bacterial decomposition’ (Hertz). The movements of the pyloric end of the stomach are DIGESTION — 245 much more forcible and active than those of the fundus. It is here that the food is mixed with the gastric juice, rubbed down to a more or less fluid consistency, and gradually expelled into the duodenum. The mechanism by which this takes place is as follows (Cannon): Whilst food is present in the stomach constriction waves are seen continually coursing over the antrum towards the pylorus. The fundus meanwhile serves as an active reservoir for the food, and squeezes out its contents gradually into the pyloric portion. The stomach is emptied by the formation, between the fundus and antrum, of a tube (‘pre-antral’ or ‘middle’ portion, in Fig. 16), along which constrictions pass* at regular intervals of fifteen to twenty seconds. The contents of the fundus are pressed into the tube, and the tube and antrum slowly cleared of food by the waves of con- striction. The food in the pyloric portion is first pushed forwards by the running wave, and then by pressure of the stomach wall is returned backwards through the ring of constriction, being thus thoroughly mixed with gastric juice. Finally, when the solid food has been thoroughly triturated by the constrictions, the pylorus opens and allows the contents of the antrum to escape. It will be readily understood from this description that the stomach is much more likely to be affected by mechanical injuries at its pyloric end than at the fundus, - and it is perhaps for this reason that this portion is most often the seat of an ulcer. Seeing, too, that the pressure is highest at this end of the organ, it is important in * The waves of constriction can be seen very well, in cases of congenital pyloric stenosis, coursing from left to right. 246 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY performing gastro-enterostomy that the opening should be made as near the natural pylorus as possible, so that the expulsive effect which results from the ‘systolic’ contraction of this part of the organ may be taken advantage of. The movements of the stomach are apparently myogenic in origin, or, at least, dependent upon a purely local nerve mechanism, for they continue even when all its nerves are divided, but there is no doubt that the vagus can exert both a stimulating and an in- hibitory influence upon them.* On the other hand, the sympathetic appears to be incapable of exerting any effect in either direction. It has been found experi- mentally that emotional states—such as rage, fear, or distress—inhibit the movements of the stomach, and in accordance with this is the well-recognized influence of such states in the production and maintenance of dyspepsia. It is stated by Moritz} that the movements of the stomach are not affected by electrical stimulation. On the other hand, it has been shown that they are con- siderably strengthened by massage. If these observa- tions are correct, they have important bearings: on the therapeutics of ‘atonic’ dyspepsia. ee: What is the stimulus to the movements of the stomach? To this question physiology is not able to — furnish a clear reply. The presence of free HCl seems to increase the activity of the movements; but that it is not their sole cause is shown by the fact that they may * See Page May, Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1902, ii. 779. + Zeit. f. Biologie, 1895, xxxii. 313. DIGESTION 247 take place quite efficiently when no gastric juice is secreted at all, as in cases of achylia. Probably the mere presence of food is in itself an exciter of the movements. There is equal doubt as to the agent which unlocks the pylorus and allows the food to escape into the intestine. According to some, free HCl is also the active agent in this process. This, however, is un- likely for several reasons. In the first place, as has just been pointed out, the discharge of the stomach contents into the intestine may take place quite quickly when no free HCl is present at all. In the second place, observa- tions on patients with gastric fistule show that free HCl tends to inhibit the opening of the pylorus rather than to favour it,* and there is some clinical evidence for the belief that the presence of an excess of acid may cause pyloric spasm. In the third place, there is no doubt that the presence of acid in the duodenum prevents the pylorus from opening until it has been neutralized. It would be very unlikely, surely, that the presence of acid on one side of the pylorus should open it, and on the other should cause it to close. On the whole it seems more probable that the pylorus opens when the waves of contraction in the stomach become strong enough, pro- vided it be not reflexly inhibited by distension of the duodenum or the presence in the latter of an acid reaction or of fat. Warmth, internal or external, and the presence of alkalies in the stomach seem to unlock the pylorus; hence, probably, the usefulness of poultices, hot liquids, and alkalies in relieving gastric pain. On * See v. Pfungen, Centralb. f. Physiol., 1887-88, i. 220, 277. ie 248 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the other hand, the presence of insoluble lumps of food in the stomach seems to excite a powerful contraction of the pylorus, which expresses itself as ‘stomach - ache.’ The result is that such undissolved lumps are retained in the stomach for more prolonged digestion and attrition. The presence of an ulcer or fissure in the near neighbour- hood of the pylorus would seem to be capable of inhibit- ing the relaxation of the latter, which normally occurs when peristaltic waves reach it. In this way the outlet may be blocked and dilatation of the stomach result. The rate at which different substances leave the stomach seems to depend upon many different circum- stances, chief of which is the mechanical form and con- - sistence of the substance in question. Fluids begin to pass out of the stomach almost at once, warm fluids sooner than cold. ‘Slops’ begin to pass out almost as soon, and even solids may begin to be discharged in less than half an hour. These observations show the im- portance of attending to the mechanical form of the food in cases in which the stomach has difficulty in emptying itself. The chemical composition of the food, however, is not without influence upon the rate of its discharge. _ Some observations by Cannon* are of interest in this con- nection. As the result of experiments in the Harvard Physiological Laboratory, he states that ‘it was proved that when carbohydrates, proteins, and fats of the same consistency are fed separately and in equal amounts, they do not leave the stomach at the same rate. Fats remain long in the stomach. Their discharge into the small * Amer. Journ. of Med. Sciences, 1906, cxxxi. 563. sibs ea ee Te ia 4 — as a Lh DIGESTION 249 intestine begins slowly, and continues at about the same rate as their absorption or their passage onward into the large intestine. Carbohydrates begin to leave the stomach soon after their ingestion (within ten minutes). They pass out with rapidity, and at the end of two hours reach a maximum amount in the small intestine, almost twice the maximum for proteins, and two and a half times the maximum for fats, both of which maxima are reached only at the end of four hours. Proteins frequently do not leave the stomach at all during the first half-hour, and, occasionally, not for an hour. The initial departure of proteins from the stomach, therefore, is much later than that of carbohydrates, and the rate of discharge slower than that of either carbohydrates or fats. ‘The pylorus evidently permits the carbohydrates not digested by the gastric juice to pass quickly into the intestine, where they are digested, and retains the proteins, digested in the stomach, there to undergo digestion. When proteins are fed first, and carbo- hydrates later, the proteins occupy the pyloric end of the stomach, and the carbohydrates lie mainly in the cardiac end. Under these circumstances the presence of the proteins near the pylorus causes a characteristic slow discharge, which thereby checks the carbohydrate departure. If, on the other hand, the carbohydrate is fed first, it passes on at once to the small intestine for further digestion and absorption, and the protein remains to undergo the changes produced by the stomach. It would seem from these experiments that the American breakfast, in which the cereal precedes the meat, has a rational and physiologically economic arrangement; and 250 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY the ancient English custom of eating the pudding before 7 the meat is likewise more defensible than the modern order of the dinner menu.’ The cardiac orifice is normally in a state of tonic con- traction,* which is aided by the fibres of the diaphragm, which embrace the end of the cesophagus, as well as by the oblique entry of the latter into the stomach. Division of the vagus causes relaxation of this tonic contraction. It is possible that such a diminution of vagus control during life may play a part in the regurgitation of food or the escape of gases into the cesophagus, which is the cause of some forms of flatulence. The cardiac orifice, like the pyloric, is controlled by a special nerve centre situated in the medulla. Stimulation of this centre causes contraction of the longitudinal fibres which pass from the lower end of the cesophagus and spread out over the stomach. A horse is unable to vomit because the longitudinal fibres of its cesophagus wind round spirally in the neighbourhood of the cardia instead of running straight on to the stomach, as in most mammals. / / Ae / 4 Absorption from the Stomach. ~~ The absorptive power of the stomach is surprisingly small, and in this fact one may see a provision for the protection of the body, for it allows of the neutralization or rejection of injurious substances before they have time to enter the blood. Alcohol is of all substances * Sinnhuber, abst. in Archiv. f. Verdawungskrankh., 1904, x. 93. itmkcrge eg rtele DIGESTION 251 that which the stomach absorbs most readily, which explains to some extent the rapidity with which it exerts its effects. Peptone, sugar, and salts are also absorbed to some degree. On the other hand, water, curiously enough, is scarcely absorbed at all. Hence, in pyloric stenosis the tissues may suffer from water starvation unless water be administered by other routes—e.g., the rectum. There is reason to believe that the process of absorp- tion by the stomach partakes much more of the nature of a mere physical osmosis than is the case in the intestine, and it is accompanied by the pouring out of a good deal of secretion. It is in this way, perhaps, that a mixture of alcohol and sugar, such as is found in sweet wines and malt liquors, may cause ‘ acidity.’ The Gases of the Stomach. The stomach usually contains a small amount of gas, which consists of a mixture of nitrogen and CO,, the latter being present in the same proportion as oxygen in atmospheric air, whilst the nitrogen is present in the same proportion as it is in air. It is believed that the nitrogen is derived from swallowed air, the oxygen of which has been absorbed by the bloodvessels of the gastric mucous membrane, whilst the nitrogen escapes absorption because the blood is saturated with it already. The CO, is probably transfused from the blood. Evans* has brought forward evidence, derived from a study of the gas contained in the swim-bladder of fish, in favour % Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1897, i. 649. 252 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY of the view that some of the nitrogen may also be derived from the blood. This has important bearings on the subject of gastric flatulence. The Physiology of Vomiting. The act of vomiting is preceded by an abundant flow of saliva, which, along with air, is swallowed. There follows a series of spasmodic contractions of the dia- phragm, during which the entrance to the larynx re- mains closed, so that the air is forced into the stomach. Thus the intra-abdominal pressure is raised, whilst that in the thoraxis lowered. The cardiac orifice then opens, and the csophagus is shortened by contraction of its longitudinal fibres. Meanwhile, as observations with the X-rays have shown, the cavity of the stomach itself, after the development of a series of strong waves of peristalsis, becomes separated into two parts by a constriction at the entrance to the antrum (see Fig. 16), the cardiac portion relaxes, and the contents of the fundus are forced up by the pressure brought to bear upon them by the diaphragm and abdominal wall (see p. 242). O¢eca- sionally antiperistaltic waves occur from the pylorus towards the cardia. The stomach, therefore, does not play an entirely passive role in the act of vomiting, and one can easily understand how, for example, sutures in its wall might be torn out in the course of the act. That it is able, even by its own contraction, to empty itself of its con- tents is shown, too, by the possibility of vomiting taking ie DIGESTION 253 place even when all the abdominal muscles are paralyzed. That the pylorus does not remain tightly closed during the whole process is indicated by the clinical facts that bile, gall-stones, and intestinal worms may all be vomited. _ The simultaneous contraction of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles, which is peculiar to vomiting, raises enormously the intra-abdominal pressure, and forces blood up into the heart. The blood-pressure is thereby increased, and the feeling of faintness which precedes the act of vomiting is relieved. This explains the great relief which immediately follows vomiting in cases of sea-sickness; and, indeed, the tendency to vomit- ing which is exhibited in all cases of cerebral anemia must really be regarded as a conservative measure which is calculated to increase cerebral blood-pressure. The complicated mechanism by which vomiting is brought about is controlled by a special centre situated in the medulla in the neighbourhood of the calamus scriptorius, and close to the respiratory and vasomotor centres. Destruction of this centre renders vomiting impossible, whilst the application to it of a dilute solu- tion of apomorphine excites the act in an extreme degree. | The proximity of the respiratory and vomiting centres explains how it is that irritation of the former, as in dyspnoea, often induces nausea or even actual vomiting as well. On the other hand, it has been found that the induction of apnoea—i.e., the temporary inhibition of the irritability of the respiratory centre—can arrest the act of vomiting for a time, a fact which is often acted upon 254 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY unconsciously by patients who seek to stop vomiting by the taking of a series of deep breaths. The vomiting centre can be excited either directly or reflexly. The former mode of excitation occurs in the vomiting of cerebral anemia or hyperwmia, in intoxica- tions—e.g., uremia—in cases of intracranial disease, and in the vomiting of psychical origin. Reflex irrita- tion of the centre can be brought about by stimuli reaching it from many peripheral sources. Duodenal Digestion. In the duodenum the chyme discharged from the stomach meets the bile and pancreatic juice. The mix- ture of the two latter forms a yellowish-green fluid of a specific gravity of 1010, and of a neutral or slightly ‘ alkaline reaction.* The addition of the acid chyme to this throws down a precipitate which consists of mucin, bile acids, and bile pigments, but which does not contain pepsin; and if there be sufficient chyme to give it a decidedly acid reaction, digestion goes on just as in the stomach, and this undoubtedly must happen to a con- siderable extent when the stomach produces an excess of acid. Asa rule, however, beyond the first few inches of the duodenum, there is no free mineral acid present, and it may be for this reason that duodenal ulcers are only met with for a short distance beyond the pylorus. Pure human pancreatic juice, as derived from a fistula, a clear fluid of specific gravity 1007, alkaline * Boas, Zett. f. Klin. Med., 1890, xvii. 155. t Glaessner, Zeit. f. Physiol. Chemie, 1908-4, xl. 465, 8 DIGESTION 255 in reaction, and containing 15 per cent. of protein (chiefly albumin) and 6 per cent. of ash. About 500 to 600 c.c. of it are produced in twenty-four hours. It is not yet determined whether there is a psychical or ‘appetite’ production of pancreatic, as there is of - gastric, juice, but the chief flow is reached about three hours after the taking of food, and is the result of a chemical stimulus exerted on the pancreas by the substance secretin, which is produced by the action of acids upon the cells lining the upper part of the in- testine. That the presence of acids is not essential for the production of the stimulus, however, there can be no doubt, for the secretion may still go on in cases in which the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach is entirely arrested, and Pawlow has shown that fats are also capable of calling out a flow of the juice. The pancreatic juice contains a proteolytic ferment (trypsinogen), which is converted into trypsin by mixture with the enterokinase of the intestinal juice. Unless enterokinase be present, trypsinogen is inactive, which explains the fact that the pancreas does not digest itself. In addition to trypsinogen, the juice contains the fat- splitting ferment (lipase) and a diastasic ferment, which converts starch to maltose. Both of these are present in the fresh juice, though the action of the fat-splitting ferment is intensified by the presence of bile and _ intestinal juice. Absence of pancreatic juice from the intestine inter- feres to some extent with the absorption of protein, but to a greater extent with that of fat, although the split- ting up of fat seems still to go on to a considerable 256 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY extent,* probably as the result of bacterial action. The presence of large quantities of fat in the stools should therefore suggest pancreatic disease or blocking of the duct. From its action in digestion bile is entitled to rank as a secretion. Its properties as an excretion will be con- sidered in another chapter (p. 282). The chief use of bile in digestion consists in the power it possesses of increasing the breaking up and absorption of fat, which resides, as Starling says,} ‘in its power of serving as a vehicle for the suspension and solution of the interacting fats, fatty acids, and fat-splitting ferment.’ This is due to the peculiar physical properties of the bile salts along with those of the lecithin and cholesterin which they hold in solution. Hence it is not surprising that when bile fails to enter the intestine the loss of fat in the feces is greatly increased,{ and part of the pale colour of the stools in jaundice is due to this cause. In such cases fats should be withheld from the diet. The antiseptic power of bile in the intestine has prob- ably been exaggerated, but if free bile acids are present, as they are when acid gastric juice is entering the intestine freely, a certain degree of antiseptic power is exerted. On the other hand, the increased amount of intestinal putrefaction which undoubtedly occurs in * Vaughan Harley, Jowrn. of Pathology, 1896, iii. 245; see also Krehl’s ‘ Clinical Pathology,’ English translation, p. 280. T ‘Recent Advances in the Physiology of Digestion’ (Constable), 1906, p. 117. { Mueller, Zeit. f. Klin. Med., 1887, xii. 45. DIGESTION 257 cases in which bile is prevented from escaping into the bowel is due to the unabsorbed fat favouring putre- faction. The frequency with which biliary obstruction is asso- ciated with constipation has led to the belief that bile acts as a stimulant to peristalsis, but of this there is as yet no experimental proof. The stimuli to the discharge of bile into the intestine are apparently the same as those of pancreatic secretion—acids and fats. Proteins also call out an increased secretion of bile, probably because they lead to a large production of acid in the stomach. Starches have very little influence ; hence it may be that restric- tion of starchy foods and an increase of the amount of meat in the diet are useful in cases of ‘ biliousness ’ in which bile production is believed to be defective. Intestinal Digestion. The importance of the succus entericus as a digestive agent has been greatly enhanced in recent years since it became known that by means of enterokinase it ‘activates’ trypsinogen, and since the discovery in it of the ferment ‘erepsin,’ which, though not able to attack proteins (except, apparently, casein), has the power of splitting up proteoses and peptones with the formation of amines and diamines. It is believed that this part of its action ’ is not exerted in the lumen of the intestine, but in the actual cells of the villi, and its importance in the picking to pieces of the protein molecules of the food and their reconstitution into body proteins has already been referred to (p. 80). 2 258 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY In addition to these ferments, intestinal juice contains a series which invert the various sucroses (cane-sugar, lactose and maltose) into dextrose and levulose, the existence of which has long been known, and by means of which it completes the work already begun by the saliva and the pancreatic juice. The stimuli which lead to the production of normal intestinal juice have not yet been clearly made out, though here again secretin is believed to play a part. Mechanical stimuli lead to the production of a very watery secretion which has little or no digestive power, and the object of which, apparently, is to wash away the source of irritation. It is in this way, seem- ingly, that solid indigestible oe as well as some purgatives, excite diarrhea. Intestinal Movements. The intestine exhibits two forms of movement: (1) Movements of rhythmical segmentation (which occur at the rate of about seven per minute in man), the object of which is to ensure thorough mixing of the contents of the gut, but which have no translatory effect (Fig.17). These movements are most vigorous in hunger, the small amount of material left in the intestine being searched again and again for nutriment until it has all been absorbed, just (to quote a German writer) as one may peel an apple, eat it, and then nibble the peel. An exaggeration of these movements in nervous subjects is the cause of borborygmi, which, as is well known, are most troublesome when the stomach is empty. DIGESTION 259 (2) Peristaltic movements which propel the contents of the gut downwards, every such movement consisting in a contraction of the gut above the point of stimulation and relaxation of it below that point (Starling’s ‘ Law of the Intestines ’). The peristaltic contractions are the result of a local nerve mechanism (Auerbach’s plexus), but they are also, apparently, under the influence of the central nervous system, especially through the medium of the splanchnics, Bak. ¢ Gig. oA Fic. 17.—D1aGRamM or SEGMENTATION IN HuMAN SMALL INTESTINES OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERISTALSIS. (HERTZz.) which appear to exert a slight tonic inhibition of them. Thus paralysis of the solar plexus induces an exaggerated peristalsis with diarrhoea, and ‘nervous diarrhea’ is probably brought aboutin this way. On the other hand, irritation of the splanchnics induces colic and constipa- tion, as happens in lead-poisoning or in cases of intra- abdominal inflammation.* * See Largiel Lavastine, abst. in Archiv f. Verdawungskrankh., 1908, ix. 417. 17—2 260 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY It must not be supposed that a peristaltic wave traverses the intestine steadily from one end to the other. On the contrary, as it has been graphically put,* the contents ‘are moved in an irregularly pendulum- like fashion downwards, somewhat like a walker who always takes two steps on and one back, then several forwards, then stands. still for some time, and then, as if he had forgotten something, runs back again, but finally, although naturally much later than one who walked right on, he arrives at his goal.’ The time taken by food to traverse the small in- testine seems to vary considerably. In a patient with a fistula at the lower end of the ileum it was foundt that green peas appeared from two and a half to five hours after they had been eaten, and continued to be passed up to the seventeenth hour. MHertz,{ as the result of experiments on men in whom the progress of a ‘bismuth meal’ was watched by aid of the X-rays, concludes that the average rate at which the contents of the small intestine travel is about 1 inch per minute. Progress through the large intestine is much slower (see Fig. 18). y Inco-ordination of peristalsis, by which relaxation in front fails to coincide with contraction behind, results in colic. Strong mechanical irritation results often in a local tetanic contraction (enterospasm) and in a peri- staltic wave. Local inflammation of the gut (enteritis) * Griitzner, Archiv f. d. Ges. Phystol., 1898, xxi. 492. + Neucki, MacFadyen, and Sieber, Archiv f. Haper. Path. und Pharmak,, 1891, xxviii. 311, t Guy’s Hospital Reports, 1907, lxi. 889. DIGESTION 961 does not in itself lead to peristalsis, but exaggerates greatly the sensitiveness of the bowel to other stimuli. Antiperistalsis has not been clearly proved to occur in the small intestine experimentally, although it has been observed to take place in a case of intestinal lo & of Ne mer day, 4a Orns hewn wit bur grersel Fig. 18.—AveRAGE TIME AT WHICH VARIOUS POINTS OF THE CoLON ARE REACHED AFTER A BISMUTH BREAKFAST TAKEN AT 8 aM. (HERTZ.) fistula in man.* It may, perhaps, occur in pathological conditions. Sensibility of the Intestines. The intestine would appear to be insensitive to all ordinary stimuli. Intestinal pain arises either from * Busch, Virchow’s Archi, 1858, xiv. 140, 262 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY (1) traction upon the nerves which run beneath the parietal peritoneum (the visceral peritoneum is insen- sitive), or (2) from violent contraction of the muscular coat, producing local anemia, which stimulates the nerves of the bowel. Thus, the separation of adhesions which do not involve the abdominal wall is painless, but if they exist between the intestine and abdominal wall their separation produces pain. The pain of colic or of violent peristalsis is probably produced in the second method by an overcontraction of. the muscular coat, and resembles the pain of ‘ cramp.’ Absorption. Absorption of the soluble products of digestion is carried out almost entirely in the small intestine; that of water in the colon. Observations on cases of fistula at the lower end of the ileum have shown that by the time the contents of the bowel have reached that point 87 per cent. of the nutriment of the food has already entered the blood. It can readily be understood from this that in cases of diarrhea due entirely to disease/of the colon a patient’s nutrition does not spr suffer. Even when the passage of the food through the small bowel is accelerated, as in enteritis, absorption is not interfered with so much as one might expect, owing, apparently, to the enormous provision made for it by the great length of the ileum. It is only, indeed, in cases of severe disease of the intestinal mucous membrane, such as amyloid degeneration, or where the lymphatics leading from the bowel are blocked, as in DIGESTION 263 tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands, that any great arrest of absorption seems to occur. The importance of the colon in the absorption of water is very great. As the contents of the ileum pass into the cecum they contain only from 5 to 10 per cent. of solid matter, and as they amount to something like + to 1 pint in the twenty-four hours, the activity with which water is absorbed in order to convert them into solid feces must be very considerable. It is not difficult to understand, therefore, how, in a case in which the contents of the bowel are discharged from an artificial anus without passing through the colon, the patient may easily come to suffer from a defective absorption of water.* In addition to water, the colon absorbs some forms of sugar very readily—peptone to an appreciable degree, but fats very slightly. Those facts have an important bearing upon the question of rectal alimentation. _ As the result of the combined action of the small and large intestines, ii may be taken that the nutritive constituents of an ordinary mixed diet are absorbed to the following extent : Proteins ie .- 92 per cent. Fats ... eee oe 944 9 Carbohydrates ... OCR ss But the exact amount of absorption varies greatly with the composition of the diet. The fate of the protein and carbohydrate absorbed * See Monier-Williams, ‘The Importance of the Colon,’ Brit. Med. Journ., 1906, 787. 264 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY from the intestine has already been described (pp. 80 and 87) ; the fat, after being reconstituted in the cells covering _ the intestinal villi, enters the lacteals, and thence passes to the thoracic duct, forming with the lymph the milky fluid termed ‘chyle. The composition of the chyle discharged from wounds of the thoracic duct in man varies considerably with the amount of fat in the diet, but as a rule it contains about 92°5 per cent. of water, 8 to 4 per cent. of protein, 0°5 per cent. of salts, and 2 to 8 per cent. of fat.* It is a somewhat viscid fluid, and readily coagulates on standing. As much as 6 litres of it have been dis- charged from a wound of the duct in the course of a day, and it can readily be imagined how in such circum- - stances a patient emaciates rapidly and suffers severely from thirst. Bacteriology of the Bowel. Bacteria of all sorts are, of course, constantly being swallowed with the food. Of these a certain number are destroyed in the stomach, but a considerable quantity run the gauntlet of the gastric juice, and reach the intestine. The number and variety of these will naturally vary considerably with the character of the diet, and also, it would seem, with the locality in which the individual happens to live.t That their presence is not essential to normal digestion is shown by the fact that animals can be reared on sterile food, and also that * Carlier, Brit. Med. Journ., 1902, ii. 175; and Veau, Gaz. des Hép., October 80, 1906 (?), p. 1205. { Bruini, Archw f. Verdawungskrankh, 1905, xi. 162. DIGESTION 265 the feces of many animals in Arctic regions are free from them. Nor is the number or character of the bacteria in the feces very different in animal and vegetable feeders,* or whether the diet be an ordinary mixed or a purely vegetarian one. The characteristic organisms of the small intestine are those which produce acids from carbohydrates; that of the large intestine, the Bacillus coli. Putrefactive bacteria are not found to any extent in the ileum, and the contents of the latter, even at its lower end, contain no putrefactive products such as leucin, tyrosin, indol, or skatol.t Hence they are also devoid of fecal odour. In the ileum bacteria are present in greatest number at the lower end—the restraining power of the gastric juice being apparently still operative higher up {—and it is interesting to remember that it is just this part of the bowel which is most subject to infective disease. The acids produced by the acid-forming bacteria tend constantly to be neutralized by the alkaline secretion of the pancreas and intestine, but in spite of that the activity of acid production is sufficient to give the con- tents of the ileum a slightly acid reaction, which tends to restrain putrefaction. Hence a diet which contains much" carbohydrate is one on which little intestinal putrefaction can occur.§$ In the colon putrefactive organisms get the upper * Levin, abstract in Archw f. Verdawuwngskrankh, 1904, x. 530. + Neucki, ete., loc. ctt. { Lorrain Smith and Tennant, Brit. Med. Jowrn., 1902, ii. 1941. § Backman, Zeit. f. Klin, Med., 1902, xliv, 458. 266 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY hand, and the contents of the bowel acquire a fecal odour; and the more watery the contents, the greater is the degree of putrefaction. For this reason, if the contents of the ileum be hurried into the colon very rapidly and retained there, the stools may become very offensive. This takes place in cases in which there is catarrh limited to the small intestine. The gases of the intestine consist chiefly of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbonic acid gas, sulphuretted hydrogen, and marsh gas. Of these, the last four are produced by bacterial action—carbonic acid by fermentation of carbo- hydrate in the small intestine; H,S from proteins; and marsh gas and hydrogen from cellulose, and chiefly by bacteria present in the colon. CO, is also produced by the action of acids on the pancreatic and intestinal juices. The possible source of nitrogen in the alimentary canal has already been discussed. The gases of the intestine no doubt help to promote peristalsis by their mechanical pressure on the wall of the bowel, but sulphuretted hydrogen appears to act as a chemical _ stimulant also, Sulphur apparently owes its laxative properties to the production from it of H,§, whilst the constipating action of bismuth may be due in part to its power of fixing that gas. CO, seems also to — stimulate peristalsis when present in excess; hence, perhaps, the spontaneous action of the bowels which sometimes occurs in asphyxia. Movements of the Colon. When the intestinal contents enter the colon a strong general contraction takes place along the cecum and DIGESTION 267 ascending colon, forcing some of the food onwards; a moment later antiperistaltic waves begin, which drive the food back again into the cxcal pouch, thus churning the contents up and exposing them to the absorbing wall. It is here that the absorption of the remains of the nutritive constituents of the food takes place, as well as that of most of the water, for the contents of the ¥ transverse colon are usually nearly as solid as those of the sigmoid. As material accumulates in the transverse colon, deep waves of constriction appear one after the other and carry the material into the descending colon, leaving the ascending and transverse portions free for the occur- rence of antiperistalsis. The occurrence of antiperistalsis as a normal process in the upper part of the colon makes clear the signifi- cance of the ileo-cexcal valve, which is competent for the amount and character of the material normally dis- charged from the ileum. It can be overcome, however, by large injections of fluid from below, which has been proved both experimentally* and by observations on patients with a fistula of the ileum,t as well as by accumulated instances of the vomiting of enemata.t Fig. 18 shows the average rate at which the colon is traversed by a bismuth meal according to the observation of Hertz.§ * Griitzner, Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1898, Ixxi. 492. tT See Neucki, etc., loc. cit. t See Mohroof, Indian Med. Gaz. 1902, xxxvii. 394. § Loe. cit. 268 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Defecation. In evacuating the large intestine the material in the lower part of the descending colon is first expelled by the combined action of peristalsis and pressure by the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. The material higher up is then carried down into the cleared area and the process of evacuation repeated. During the straining which normally accompanies the act of defecation, the diaphragm descends to its lowest point, carrying with it the hepatic and splenic flexures of the colon. The hepatic flexure, indeed, may nearly reach the level of the umbilicus, so that the ascending colon is compressed to an almost globular form (Hertz). The transverse colon also descends from about an inch above to an inch below the umbilicus. As feces are forced into the rectum and anal canal, afferent impulses are set up which produce strong peri- . Staltic contractions, involving the whole length of the colon. In normal circumstances the stool passed to-day is probably derived in chief measure from the food of the day before yesterday. Ya The functions of the colon as an organ of excretion will be considered in another chapter (p. 287). Reviewing the whole trend of recent work on the physiology of digestion, and considering its bearings upon practical medicine, one is struck by the great delicacy and complexity of the processes by which the digestion of the food is accomplished, and one ceases to DIGESTION 269 wonder that a mechanism so constituted should easily become deranged. One is impressed, too, by the increas- ing importance attached by physiologists to the part played by the nervous system in the inception and co- ordination of the various muscular and chemical func- tions of the organs concerned, which amply justifies the view long held by physicians, that functional disorders of digestion are really manifestations of an affection of the nervous centres. Experiment has made clear to us how it is that dis- order of one section of the alimentary apparatus may throw out of gear the working of other sections, and how healthy intestinal digestion is dependent upon a normal state of the stomach, and that in its turn upon the efficient carrying out of the preliminary processes of digestion in the mouth; and it follows from this that, in trying to cure disturbances in one part of the alimentary canal, we must often direct our treatment to the part which lies above it. The cure of gastritis by attention © to the teeth, and of some forms of chronic diarrhea by - the administration of hydrochloric acid, are instances in point. At the same time, one cannot help being im- pressed, from the physiological point of view, by the liberal provision made in the digestive tract for the supplementing of defective action of one part by a more vigorous exercise of function by others, and the lesson of this to the physician is one of hope and encouragement. CHAPTER VIII THE APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY OF EXCRETION Mucx discussion has taken place as to the difference between a secretion and an excretion, and as to whether certain organs are to be regarded as secretory or excre- tory in function. The simplest way of looking at the matter, for clinical purposes at least, is to define as an excretion any waste matter which is discharged from the body and is incapable of being further utilized, and to regard any organ which is responsible for getting rid of such matters as excretory in function, whether it merely picks them out of the blood or builds them up from simpler compounds before getting rid of them. From this point of view the excretory organs of the body, and the waste substances which they cisehar ey may be arranged as follows: Organ. Excretion. Kidney exe ... Waste products of nitrogenous metabchian soluble mineral matters, and water. Liver ... sat ... Waste products of the red blood corpuscles. Lung ... sas ... Waste products of ‘carbonaceous’ meta- bolism and water. Intestine ay ... Unabsorbed residues of food and of the digestive juices, and some less soluble mineral matters—e.g., calcium and iron. 270 EXCRETION 271 The skin is commonly spoken of as an organ of excre- tion, but, as we shall see later, it is very doubtful whether it is right to regard it as such in any but an accidental way. Excretion by the Kidney. It is admitted by physiologists that we are still very much in the dark as to the mechanism by which the kidney produces the urine, but we know it to be an organ of excretion in the strict physiological sense, for, with the exception of hippuric acid, all the ingredients of the urine are already present in the blood. Hence, in disease of the kidneys the urinary constituents may accumulate in the body. Opinion has long been divided between the relative merits of the ‘vital’ theory of urine production pro- pounded by Bowman and the so-called ‘mechanical’ theory of Ludwig, nor can the controversy be regarded as even yet finally closed. Perhaps the view which finds most favour at the present day is that which attributes to the glomeruli the function of separating out water and mineral constituents (except phosphates), and per- haps some foreign ingredients, such as sugar, whilst regarding the cells of the convoluted tubules as respon- sible for picking out of the blood the specific organic components of the urine, such as urea. Whether any -reabsorption of water takes place during the passage of the urine along the tubules is still disputed. The strictly mechanical theory of filtration through the glomeruli, however, has been generally abandoned since evidence has accumulated to show that the cells covering the 272 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY glomeruli are capable of some selective action. The proteins of the blood, for instance, are not excreted by a healthy kidney, whilst ‘ foreign’ proteins, such as egg albumin and peptone, are. Good examples of such selective excretion of foreign proteins are also seen in human pathology in the excretion of hemoglobin by the kidney in paroxysmal hemoglobinuria, and of the so- called ‘Bence Jones’s albumose’ in myelopathic albu- mosuria, and a study of the urine in these diseases is alone sufficient to disprove any purely mechanical filtra- tion theory of urine production. It cannot be said, however, that the clinician is acutely interested in the physiological theories of renal function, for when disease affects the kidney the organ usually suffers as a whole, and it is but rarely that the glomeruli or the tubules are either solely, or even preponderatingly, involved. In scarlatinal nephritis, it is true, the glom- eruli are sometimes much more disorganized than the tubules, and such cases are characterized by the produc- tion of a scanty and concentrated urine, which is evidence, so far as it goes, in favour of the view that the glomeruli are chiefly concerned in the production of water. / It is interesting to note that the epithelium which 1 covers the glomerulus is more differentiated than that which lines Bowman’s capsule, and, in harmony with this, it shows a different reaction in disease. Like all highly differ- entiated epithelia, it is very vulnerable, and its cells readily necrose, a process which can be well observed in a, kidney which has been damaged by the excretion of the poisons of scarlatina or diphtheria. The epithelium which lines Bowman’s capsule, on the other hand, par- EXCRETION | 273 takes more of the nature of ordinary endothelium, such as lines a lymph space, and, when irritated, responds like the latter by the production of connective tissue. The volume of urine produced by the kidney depends upon the amount of blood passing through it in a given time, and the blood-pressure in the renal capillaries. Care must be taken to distinguish between a high general blood-pressure and a high renal pressure, for the latter may occur independently of the former. If, for example, the cutaneous vessels become contracted from exposure to cold, the vessels of the abdominal organs, including those of the kidney, become overfilled, and the renal pressure rises, with the result that more water is excreted in the urine; and yet this may happen without there being any rise of general blood-pressure. All that has taken place has been a redistribution of blood in the body (see p. 167). It is in this way that exposure to cold increases the volume of the urine, whilst warmth, hot-air baths, and a mild climate—all of which tend to ‘ de- termine’ blood to the surface—lessen the pressure in the kidney, and are therefore useful in nephritis and renal congestion. If, again, the control exercised by the vasomotor nerves over the renal bloodvessels is relaxed, more blood goes to the kidney, the pressure in the glomeruli rises, and more water is excreted. This is the explanation of the polyuria of nervousness and _ hysteria. On the other hand, constriction of the renal vessels, with consequent diminution of the urine, occurs in asphyxia and in the convulsions of epilepsy and strychnine-poisoning. Tn all these cases we are dealing simply with an altera- 18 274 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY tion in the distribution of the blood, which results in the kidney getting more or less than its usual share. On the other hand, the amount of urine is also influ- enced by alterations in the general blood-pressure, pro- vided the kidney participates in them. If the general pressure falls, the amount of water excreted by the kidney is lessened, and if the fall in the renal capillaries be great enough (down to 40 millimetres), excretion stops altogether. In conditions of shock the urine may become very scanty from the fall of blood-pressure, which results from ‘pooling’ of the blood in the abdominal veins. The polyuria of chronic nephritis, on the other hand, is probably due, in part at least, to a marked rise of general blood-pressure. One must distinguish between the polyuria which results from alterations in the blood- supply of the kidney, and which consists mainly in an in- creased excretion of water, and a true diuresis, in which the specific organic constituents of the urine are also voided more freely. The latter can only be brought about by an increased activity of the epithelial cells, but of the factors which determine such an increased activity we know little, except that one of them may be the pres- ence in the blood of an unusual amount of waste material to be eliminated. Some diuretic drugs, however, such as caffeine, appear to possess the power of stimulating the renal cells, and it is in such a property that their chief virtue as medicines resides. | Important effects upon the renal circulation in certain circumstances are brought about by the fact that the capsule of the kidney is comparatively inelastic. When, therefore, the epithelium of the organ swells, as it does, EXCRETION 275 for example, in acute inflammation, the capillaries become compressed, the organ is rendered comparatively anemic, and the volume of urine falls. This effect is exactly comparable to the cerebral anemia, and con- sequent paralysis of brain functions, which results from cerebral compression and increased intracranial pressure (see p. 175), and attempts have been made in some cases of acute nephritis to relieve the pressure by incision of the capsule, and so restore again the blood-flow through the organ, just as one relieves intracranial tension by trephining. In view of this ‘renal anemia,’ if must be obvious that any attempt to ‘wash out the renal tubules,’ by causing the patient to drink large quantities of water, is not likely to be successful, even were the existence of such blocking probable in itself. Physiologists have not succeeded in proving the existence of any secretory nerves for the kidney, and experimental variations in the volume of the urine can only be brought about through the vasomotor nerves (splanchnics) of the organ. ‘The occurrence of what is known as ‘reflex suppression,’ however, is at least suggestive of the existence of secretory fibres. Whether or not the kidney produces an internal secretion is also still under dispute. Experimentally it is found that, if a sufficiently large amount of renal substance be excised, the volume of the urine is—for unknown reasons —permanently increased, and at the same time a wide- spread disturbance of metabolism, manifested by a great rise in urea production, sets in. It has been suggested that this is due to the withdrawal of an internal secretion. 18—2 276 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY These experiments have a very direct bearing on some of the clinical phenomena of contracted kidney. The Normal Constituents of the Urine. Water.—The amount of water excreted in the urine varies greatly, for reasons already considered, and depends also upon the amount of water drunk. In health, however, the quantity in the urine is always greater than that taken in by the mouth. Even although the amount of solids and liquids in the diet be the same, the amount of water excreted varies greatly in the same individual in different circumstances and in different individuals in the same circumstances. This is due to the reciprocal action of the skin and kidneys; for the greater the amount of the insensible perspiration, the less the amount of water excreted by the kidney, and vice versd. In other words, some individuals have active skins, and others active kidneys. The former excrete a more concentrated urine, and are more prone to suffer from gravel and stone; the latter, one which is more dilute, and are probably more subject to renal ones and inflammation. The rate at which water is excreted by the | Gane probably varies in different persons, but as a rule, if a litre of it be swallowed, it has usually all reappeared in the urine before the lapse of three hours. In health the volume of urine excreted by day is much greater than that produced during the night; but in cases of renal disease the quantity of day and night urine is more nearly equal. The reason for this EXCRETION QT7 is not understood, but it may be due in part to the kidney acting more slowly when diseased. Solid substances excreted by the kidney tend to carry a certain amount of water with them. The polyuria of diabetes mellitus is a good example of the excretion of sugar causing such a flow of water. Some diuretics probably owe their power of increasing the volume of the urine to the same mechanism. Acidity.—The acid reaction of the urine is due to the presence of acid phosphates and organic acids. Much discussion took place at one time as to how it is that the kidney can separate an acid urine from an alkaline fluid such as the blood. It must be remembered, however, that, although the blood is alkaline to litmus, its chief salts, acid phosphates, and bicarbonates, are technically acid. ‘The former acid is eliminated by the kidney, the latter (CO,) by the lung; hence the preponderance of acid in the renal excretion. The mineral constituents of an animal diet yield an acid, and those of a vegetable diet an alkaline ash, which is the reason why the urine of carnivora is highly acid, whilst that of herbivora is alkaline. Advantage may be taken of this effect of diet in modifying the reaction of the urine in cases of disease. The total amount of acid eliminated by the kidney is much greater during the day than during the night, but owing to the concentration of the night urine its per- centage acidity is greater than that of the day. It is for this reason that uric acid is more apt to separate out in the urine secreted by night, a fact which must be borne in mind when one is treating cases of gravel. 278 | APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY The percentage acidity of the day urine is also reduced by the ‘alkaline tide’ which follows meals, and which is due to the alkaline carbonates set free in the blood as the result of the elaboration of the gastric juice. By estimating the total acidity of the urine and that part of it which is due to phosphoric acid separately, one can arrive at a measure of the amount of the acidity which is due to the presence of unoxidized organic acids, and which are often an index of some disorder of metabolism. A method of doing this has been devised by M. Joulie, and has been largely employed in clinical work in France. Nitrogenous Constituents. Of the total amount of nitrogen (about 16 grammes) excreted in the urine on an ordinary diet— 84 to 87 per cent. is in the form of urea ; 2 to 5 per cent. is in the form of ammonia compounds ; 1 to 8 per cent. is in the form of uric acid; whilst the balance is contained in such substances as purin bases, hippuric acid, creatinin, and some undeter- mined compounds. Urea.—The amount of urea present in the urine depends almost entirely upon the amount of protein in the food. It is therefore useless to estimate it for clinical purposes unless the composition of the diet is taken into consideration. Seeing that it is mainly formed in the liver from ammonia compounds, it is EXCRETION 279 diminished in severe disease of that organ, such as acute yellow atrophy, its place being taken by salts of ammonia and amino-bodies. As it is merely picked out of the blood by the kidneys, it accumulates in the circulation in cases of severe impairment of renal function, and, being very soluble, may be found in any of the secretions—e.g., the sweat. Urie Acid.—The origin of the uric acid in the urine has been considered in a previous chapter (p. 45), but it must again be emphasized here that its amount is very largely dependent upon the amount of purin bodies in the food, and that it bears no constant ratio to urea. The influence of diet is shown by the following figures (von Noorden) : Daily excretion of uric acid on a ‘ purin- free’ diet aa dai Gs ... 0°25 to 0°6 gramme. Daily excretion of uric acid ‘on a mixed diet sa He has ... 0° tol gramme. Daily excretion of uric acid on a largely meat diet ed ven oe ... 1 to 1} or 2 grammes. Ammonia.—The amount of ammonia excreted in the urine may be taken as an index of the amount of acid entering the circulation, for it is by the neutralization of acid by carbonate of ammonia that the body protects itself against ‘acidification.’ The amount is therefore greater on an animal than on a vegetable diet, whilst in some pathological states, such as in the later stages of diabetes, and in some of the toxeemias of pregnancy, when organic acids are entering the blood in large quantities, the excretion of ammonia may rise enormously. Of the remaining nitrogenous constituents, creatinin 280 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY is derived partly from meat in the food and partly from the muscles of the body. On a diet free from meat the amount of it excreted is very constant for any given individual under the same conditions. Creatinin is of little clinical importance, but it is interesting to note that, as might be expected, the amount of it excreted is greatly diminished in cases in which there is extensive muscular atrophy. Of the inorganic constituents of the urine, the sulphates are derived chiefly from the decomposition of proteins in the body, and the quantity of them eliminated therefore runs closely parallel to the elimina- tion of nitrogen. Sulphur is met with in the urine in three forms—(1) as inorganic sulphates; (2) as organic or ethereal sulphates; (8) as neutral or unoxidized sulphur. The inorganic sulphates are derived almost entirely from the ‘exogenous’ metabolism of food- protein, and their amount is therefore dependent upon the nature of the diet. The organic sulphates are produced partly metabolically and partly as the result of the union of aromatic substances produced by in- testinal putrefaction (phenol, indoxyl, skatoxyl) with sulphuric acid. They are therefore only to some degree an index of the extent of such putrefaction, and not an absolute gauge of it, as has sometimes been assumed clinically. The neutral sulphur is derived entirely from the endogenous metabolism of body-protein, and is a measure of its intensity. Of the other inorganic constituents, common salt is derived entirely from the food, and provided its amount in the latter be constant, the excretion of it is also con- EXCRETION 281 stant. It is retained in the body whenever water is being retained (e.g., in dropsy), and also, although for unknown reasons, in some febrile conditions. The phosphates of the urine are derived mainly from the food, but also to some extent from the decomposition of phosphorus compounds—e.g., nuclein, in metabolism. The condition termed ‘ phosphaturia’ is really in most cases not an indication of an excessive excretion of phosphorus, but of a diminished acidity of the urine, which causes the earthy phosphates to be thrown out. In some instances it appears to be the result of an excessive excretion of calcium by the urine, so that the normal mono-di-calcium phosphates are replaced by the much less soluble tri-calcium salt. It would appear, too, that the amount of phosphates in the urine is determined to some extent by the amount of calcium in the food. When this is high, as in herbivora, phosphorus is excreted by the bowel as calcium phosphate. Oxalie acid is present in the urine to a small nisin chiefly combined with calcium. It is derived partly from vegetable foods, of which some, such as rhubarb and spinach, are specially rich in it, and is partly pro- duced in the body in some unknown way as the result of metabolic processes. It cannot, therefore, be made to disappear entirely from the urine even if the diet be free from it. The presence of magnesium salts in the urine helps to keep it in solution, and poverty of these is one cause of ‘oxaluria.’ Of the origin of normal urine pigment (urochrome) we know nothing, although it is probably derived somehow from hemoglobin, and it is therefore of little clinical interest. Urobilin is present 282 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY in traces in normal urine, and is often greatly increased in disease. It is identical with the so-called stercobilin of the faces, and is derived by absorption from the intestine. It is therefore apt to appear in the urine in augmented quantity whenever blood destruction, and therefore bile-pigment formation, is excessive—e.g., in extensive extravasations and in pernicious anemia. Conversely, it disappears from the urine when bile- pigment formation is defective, as in cirrhosis of the liver, or when bile is unable to enter the intestine, as in occlusion of the common duct. Exeretion by the Liver. The liver differs from the kidney as an excretory organ in that it actually forms the waste matters which it excretes, instead of merely picking them out of the blood. This has led to some dispute as to whether bile is to be regarded as an excretion or a secretion, and in the domain of pathology as to whether jaundice may be hematogenous as well as hepatogenous in origin. Since it has been established by physiologists, however, that the constituents of bile are formed by the liver and do not pre-exist in the blood, it has come to be recognized that all forms of jaundice are in the last resort hepato- genous, or, in other words, that without the liver jaundice would be impossible. The chief waste matter which the liver excretes is the pigment derived from the destruction of red blood corpuscles in the portal system. Under the action of the liver cells hemoglobin is converted into hematin, EXCRETION 283 then into hemochromogen, and finally into bilirubin, which is the cause of the golden-yellow colour of normal fresh bile. If the destruction of blood corpuscles be excessive, so much bile pigment may be formed that the bile capillaries get choked, and some of the bile is re- absorbed—hence the so-called ‘hematogenous’ jaundice; whilst, if the destruction be greater still, some hemo- globin may escape into the bile unconverted, or even into the general circulation, and reach the urine. In the intestine bilirubin is reduced under the action of micro-organisms to urobilin ; but if diarrhoea be present there is no time for this to take place, and the stools may then contain bile pigment. Owing to the absence of micro-organisms from the intestine of the newly-born child, the meconium contains no urobilin. Bile pigment seems to act like a weak acid, and forms salts with alkalies or earth: a combination of bilirubin with calcium, for instance, is a common ingredient of gall-stones. The ultimate source of the bile acids is unknown, but they may fairly be regarded as excretory products, for from 30 to 40 per cent. of them appears in the feces, and traces also in the urine. The remaining 50 to 60 per cent., however, is reabsorbed from the intestine, and returned to the liver, to be again excreted. This circulation of the larger part of the bile acids between the intestine and liver is rather peculiar, and it is diffi- cult to see the reason for it. It is true that the bile salts incidentally aid in keeping the cholesterin of the bile in solution, and by this circulatory arrangement a small amount of bile salts is enabled to go a long way, | 284 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY but this is hardly likely to be the sole reason for its occurrence. If the bile escapes by a fistula the reabsorp- tion of bile salts is, of course, arrested; hence fistula bile is always poorer in that ingredient than natural bile, and the results of analysis of the former cannot be taken as representing the true composition of the natural secretion. The bile salts have a distinctly toxic action in the body, causing destruction of red blood corpuscles, a slowing of the heart by direct action upon its muscle and the cardiac ganglia, and a paralyzing action on the higher cerebral centres, which results in coma and death. To these effects some of the clinical sen se of jaundice have been attributed. The cholesterin of the bile is now generally admitted to be derived from the cells lining the biliary passages and gall-bladder. In catarrh of these the amount of cholesterin produced may be increased beyond the power of the bile salts to keep it in solution, and the formation of cholesterin gall-stones is favoured. Attempts have been made, but without much success, to dissolve such stones by administering bile salts by the mouth. wb It used to be believed that the cholesterin of bile was a waste product derived from the nervous system, and ~ one theory of cholemia was based upon the assumption that the symptoms of that condition were due to an insufficient removal of waste products from the brain and nervous system. Since the true source of choles- terin has been discovered, however, this theory has been abandoned. The chief mineral constituent of the bile is calcium, EXCRETION 285 which, as has already been mentioned, is often found in gall-stones in combination with bile pigment ; whether or not an increased consumption of calcium salts in the food is followed by an augmented excretion of them in the bile is still disputed. The question is one of interest in relation to the dietetic treatment of cholelithiasis. The total volume of bile produced daily seems to ‘vary between 500 and 1,100 c¢.c. Its amount probably depends upon the activity of the general metabolism, but it is almost impossible to increase it by artificial means. Diet has no appreciable influence upon it, nor has the amount of water drunk. The effect of drugs is very uncertain, and, as far as most experiments go, negative; but any agent which causes an increased destruction of red corpuscles will, of course, increase the excretion of bile pigments. Administration of bile acids or dried bile by the mouth has been said to stimulate the liver to form more bile, but this statement is apparently based upon a misinterpretation of the results of experiments upon animals or patients with biliary fistule. The greater richness of the bile observed in such cases when dried bile is given by the mouth is not due to the liver forming more natural bile, but merely to its excreting that portion of the artificially administered bile which has been absorbed from the intestine. We are still, therefore, without a true chola- _ gogue or hepatic stimulant. Bile is produced at a very low pressure—not more than 16 to 24 millimetres of mercury. One consequence of this is that a comparatively slight obstruction in the bile passages is sufficient to retard its escape, and may 286 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY cause jaundice. By squeezing the liver between the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles the pressure is raised, and the escape of bile favoured. This is believed to explain the beneficial effect of horseback exercise in some cases. During the act of vomiting the liver is forcibly squeezed in this way, and the older school of physicians used often to induce an artificial vomit at the outset of an acute fever, in the belief that by this means poisonous materials could be voided from the liver. The discharge of bile into the intestine reaches its maximum about three hours after a meal, and is ap- parently brought about by contraction of the muscular coat of the gall-bladder, the motor nerve for which is the vagus, whilst the sympathetic supplies it with relaxing fibres. If the gall-bladder contains biliary calculi its contraction causes pain, and the occurrence of this at a definite period after the taking of food is apt to suggest that the pain is of gastric origin, and to lead to errors of diagnosis. In addition to the well-recognized biliary constituents, it is probable that the liver excretes or destroys other toxic materials, some of which may be derived from the bowel, and inefficiency in performing this function has been advanced as an explanation of biliousness. The liver, in fact, may be regarded as a filter placed between the portal system and the general circulation, the purpose of which is to prevent the escape of poisonous ~ materials from the former into the latter. Seeing, too, that the liver is concerned in the final stages of the formation of urea, and in the destruction of uric acid, it must be regarded as in every respect one of the most EXCRETION 287 important organs for dealing with the waste products of the body, and it is not surprising that extensive disease of it is often associated with pronounced toxic symptoms. Its reserve power, however, is so great that probably only about one-fifth of its actual substance is essential for life, which explains how it is that the organ may be the seat of the most extensive cirrhosis without health being greatly affected. Excretion by the Intestine. The intestine excretes (1) the residue of the intestinal juices; (2) the unabsorbed remains of the food; (8) certain mineral salts, such as calcium and iron. On an ordinary mixed diet the amount of feces excreted is from 120 to 150 grammes, containing 80 to 37 grammes of solid matter. Their composition is very uniform. They are to be regarded as chiefly made up of the residue of the digestive juices; they also contain, however, some starch granules, vegetable débris, and a few muscle fibres derived from the food. In reaction the normal feces are neutral or slightly alkaline. The alkalinity is the result of putrefaction, and is therefore more pronounced if there is much protein in the diet. The normal colour of the stools is due in part to stercobilin, but it is greatly influenced by the nature of the food. Thus, if there be much meat in the diet, the feeces are very dark, and if more fat be taken than can be completely absorbed, they assume a clay colour. Normal bile pigment (bilirubin) is never present in the stools in ordinary circumstances except in early infancy, but it may appear if diarrhea be present. If the stools 288 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY be acid, the bilirubin may be converted into biliverdin, and they then become green. The usual amount of water in the feces is about 75 per cent., but if there be any delay in the large intestine, the stools may become much drier, as is often seen in constipation. The bulkiness of the stools on a vegetable diet is largely due to the presence of an excess of moisture. As will be seen from what has been said, the influence of the food upon the physical and chemical character of the stools is so great that it is necessary, when one wishes to investigate the digestive processes in the intes- tine clinically, to put the patient upon a standard or ‘test diet,’ the character of the feces that result from which in health is known. The intestine is also responsible for the excretion of the greater part of the calcium which is absorbed from the food, and crystals of calcium phosphate are often found even in normal feces, and make up a large part of the ‘intestinal sand’ sometimes excreted in cases of disease. In some pathological conditions the intestine seems to be unable to excrete calcium, which then appears in the urine in abnormal quantity, producing one wane of so-called ‘ phosphaturia ’ (see p. 281). Mo Iron is also mainly excreted by the intestine, and so probably is copper. The recovery of these metals from the stools is therefore no proof, that they have not been absorbed and passed through the body, although the artificial colouring of vegetables with sulphate of copper has sometimes been excused on the ground that most of the metal can be recovered from the stools, and has therefore not been absorbed. EXCRETION 289 It will be observed from a study of the excretory functions of the intestine that they are so entirely different from those of the kidney that it is unlikely that the bowel can be made to replace the kidney to any extent as a channel of excretion in cases of renal disease. The excretory functions of the lung's have been con- sidered in another chapter (Chap. VI.), and, as regards the skin, it need only be said that the sweat is essentially a secretion which is of use in regulating the body temperature, and is not properly an excretion ai all. Incidentally it may contain any soluble substance which is present in excess in the blood—such, for example, as urea; but, like the intestine, it can never be made to take the place of the kidney to any appreciable degree, and the value of maintaining a free action of the skin in cases of renal disease is probably to be ascribed to effects other than the promotion of excretion. | 19 INDEX ABDOMINAL respiration, 195 Absorption, gastric, 251 intestinal, 262 Accelerator nerves to heart, 122 Achylia, 247 Addison’s disease, 26 Adenin, 46 Adenoid tissue, 83 Adipose tissue, 16 Adrenalin, 26 Air, complemental, 199 residual, 198 supplemental, 199 tidal, 199 Air passages, 177 Alanin as source of sugar, 41 Albumose, Bence Jones’s, 272 Alimentary glycosuria, 39 leevulosuria, 40 Alkaline tide, 278 Alveoli, pulmonary, 182 Amido-acids, 30, 34 Amino-purins, 46 Ammonia of urine, 279 Anemia, cerebral, 175 renal, 275. Antiperistalsis, 267 Apex-beat, 109 Apnea, 253 Appetite, 238 Arterial circulation, 142 pulse, 144 Arteries, 142 Asphyxia, 213 Auerbach’s plexus, 259 Augmentor nerves to heart, 122 Bacteria, intestinal, 264 Balfour on the heart, 128 291 Banting treatment, 17, 36 Barr on the pleura, 185, 191 ‘Basophile valle 85, 87 Beard on the thymus, 102 Beat, cardiac, 105, 132 Bence Jones’s albumose, 272 Beri-beri and protein diet, 6 Bier’s treatment of dropsy, 155 Bile, 80, 282 acids, 283 antiseptic properties of, 256 in digestion, 256 discharge, 286 excretion or secretion, 282 pigment, 79, 282 pressure, 285 a secretion, 256 volume of, 285 Bilirubin, 283, 287 Biliverdin, 288 Blood, 71-104 cellular constituents, 73 corpuscles, red, 73 white, 81 distribution in body, 167 plasma, 91 platelets, 90 Buckmaster on, 90 -pressure, 159 arterial, 159 capillary, 155 diastolic and 160 intracranial, 174 regulation of, 166 variations in, 163 reaction, 92 sugar in, 94 Bodily energy, 2 ef seq. 19—2 systolic, 292 Body heat, 49-70 chemical regulation of, 60 Clifford Allbutt on, 61 Davy on, 61 Hobday on, 61 internal regulation, 68 Jurgensen on, 61 nervous mechanism of, 64 physical seo aa of, 53 Rubner on, 61 sources of, 64 sibel ee 258 Bouchard on metabolism, 28 Bowman, vital theory of urine pro- duction, 271 Bradycardia, 134 Broadbent on the pulse, 152 Brodie on circulation, 169 on pulmonary bloodvessels, 183 Bronchi, 180 Buckmaster on blood platelets, 90 on coagulation, 97 Bunge on proteins, 91 Caisson disease, 218 Calcium salts in bile, 283-4 and coagulation, 97 Calorimetric experiments, 8 Campbell, H., on pulmonary cir- cu ation, 184 Cannon on digestion, 245, 248 Capillary circulation, 153 pressure, 155 Carbohydrate assimilation, 40 conversion to fat, 40 diet as source of energy, 13 metabolism, 37 and pancreas, 42 Cardiac beat, 105 irregularity, 132 et seq. conductivity, 106, 119 contractility, 118 excitability, 131 innervation, 121 physiological properties of, 118 rhythmicity, 131 tonicity, 119 muscle, 105 rhythm, 106, 180 e¢ seq. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Castration, effects of, 26 Cerebral circulation, 174 metabolism, 20 pressure, 174 Chemistry of respiration, 209 Cheyne on diet, 46 Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 205, 223 Chittenden’s standard dietary, 4 14 Chlorosis, 96 Cholesterin of bile, 284 Chyle, 264 Circulation, 141-176 arterial, 142 cerebral, 175 and respiration, 173 venous, 157 Claude Bernard on glycosuria, 43 Clifford Allbutt on body heat, 61 Clothes and body heat, 56 Coagulation, 96 ef seq. Cohnheim on metabolism, 28 Cold, clinical effects of, 65 Colon, bacteriology of, 265 functions of, 262 movements of, 268 Compressed-air baths, 219 Conduction, in the body, 54 Count Rumford on, 57 Conductivity of cardiac muscle, 106, 119 Conservation of bodily energy, 8 of tissue substance, 2 Contractility of cardiac muscle, 118 Convection, 55 Convoluted tubules of kidney, func- tions, 271 Costal respiration, 195 Coughing, 203, 221 Count Rumford on conduction, 57 Creatinin of urine, 31, 279 Crile on peripheral resistance, 161-2 Davy on body heat, 61 Defecation, 268 ; Deglutition, 229 Denitrification, 31 et seq. Depressor nerves, 126 INDEX 293 Diabetes, 14, 28, 36, 38, 42 and heat production, 62 phloridzin, 43 Diabetic coma, 215 Pembrey on, 215 Diaphragm, action of, 193 Diastasic ferment of pancreatic juice, 255 Diet, standard, 3 et seq. and growth, 6 Digestion, 225-269 duodenal, 254 intestinal, 257 rate of gastric, 248 Dropsy, causes of, 157 Duodenal digestion, 254 Dyspnea, 207 Elasticity, arterial, 142 Emphysema, 185, 194, 199, 219 Energy, conservation ‘of bodily, 8 expenditure of bodily, 8 et seq. in exertion, 19 income of, 12 physiological expenditure, 8, 19 protein, 31 repair of bodily, 31 sources of, 12, 20 surplus storage of, 15 Enterokinase, 255, 257 Eosinophil cells, 86 Epithelium, physiological functions of living, 211 Lorrain Smith on, 211 Erasmus Wilson on evaporation, 55 Erepsin, 257 Erythromelalgia, 170 Evans on gases of stomach, 251 Evaporation, 55 Erasmus Wilson on, 55 Excitability, cardiac, 131 Excretion, 270-289 cutaneous, 289 hepatic, 282 intestinal, 287 pulmonary, 209 renal, 271 versus secretion, 24 Feces, 268, 287 Fats, assimilation of, 34 in the body, 16 in diet, 13 derived from protein, 36 as source of energy, 13, 35 storage in tissues, 15 Fatty tissues, 16 Ferments, enterokinase, 255, 257 erepsin, 257 fibrin, 86, 97 gastric, 235 leucocytic, 86 lipase, 255 pancreatic, 42, 255, 257 pepsin, 241 plasmase, 97 ptyalin, 226 salivary, 226 thrombin, 96 trypsinogen, 255 Fever, 68 and protein diet, 32 temperatures, 220 Fibrin ferment, 97 Food, heating power of, 64 Freudberg on reaction of blood, 93 Gases of intestine, 266 of stomach, 251 Gaskell “4 conductivity of heart, 13 on vagus control, 122 Gastric absorption, 250 digestion, 231 flatulence, 252 innervation, 246 juice, 232 et seq. movements, 243 pressure, 241 regulation of food temperature, 233 secretion, 235 tension, 241 tonicity, 241 Gastric juice, antiseptic action, composition, 239 secretion, 235 Gelatin and coagulation, 98 as a food, 13 Glénard’s disease, 193-4 294. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Globin, 78 Glomeruli, functions of, 271 Glycosuria, alimentary, 39 puncture, 43 Gossage on the heart, 131 Graves’ disease, 26 Gravity, influence on circulation, Growth and diet, 6 ef seq. Guanin, 46 Hematin, 78, 282 ; Hematogenous jaundice, 81, 283 Hematoidin, 79 Hematology, 72 Hematoporphyrin, 79 Hemin, 79 Heemochromogen, 283 Hemodynamic pressure, 170 Hemoglobin, 78, 282 Hemolysins, 75 Hemopoietic organs, 71-104 Hemostatic pressure, 170 Haig on diet, 46 Haldane on respiration, 213, 217 Harris tweed, 59 HCl hs gastric juice, 232, 239-40, 24 Heart, 105-140 beat, 105, 132 conductivity, 119 contractility, 118 innervation, 121 nervous control of, 121 rhythm, 130 sounds, 113, 135 tonicity, 119 valvular mechanism, 112 work done by, 8, 115 Heat production, 9, 51 | action of alcohol, 67 centre for, 66 chemical regulation of, 60 internal regulation, 68 and myxcedema, 62 nerve mechanism of, 64 physical regulation, 53 Heating power of food, 64 Heidenhain’s vital theory of secre- tory cells, 156 Hepatic excretion, 282 Hepatogenous jaundice, 282 Hertz on indigestion, 230 on peristalsis, 260, 267 Hibernation, 51 Hiccough, 222 . High altitudes, effect of, 75 Hill on capillary pressure, 155 on cerebral pressure, 176 on splanchnic system, 169 Hobday on body heat, 61 Hueppe on work, 11 Hutchinson on vital capacity, 201 Hydrothorax, 185, 190 Hyperpyrexia, 69 Ileum, bacteriology of, 265 reaction, 265 Internal secretion, 23 of kidney, 275 Intestinal absorption, 262 bacteriology, 264 digestion, 257 excretion, 287 movements, 258 Intragastric tension, 242 Intrathoracic pressure, 190 Iodothyrin, 24 Islands of Langerhans, 42 Janeway on arterial pressure, 160 Jaundice, 282 hematogenous, 81, 283 hepatogenous, 282 Jones on ventilation, 216 Joulie’s method of estimating acidity, 278 } Jurgensen on heat production, Keith on the heart, 113 on the lung, 189, 192 Kidney, excretion by, 271 innervation, 275 internal secretion, 275 Levulosuria, 40 Laughing and crying, 223 Leucocytes, 81 e¢ seq. functions, 85 number, 87 vitality, 89 Leukemia, 83-4 — P es ra hit atm ——— Se Fl Ne ee ee INDEX Lewes on body heat, 62 Lipase, 255 Liver, excretion by, 282 functions of, 286 Locke on clothing, 59 Lorrain Smith on epithelium, 211 Ludwig, mechanical theory of capillary interchanges, 156 mechanical theory of urine production, 271 Luxus consumption, 4 Lymphatic gland, functions, 103 Lymphatics, pulmonary, 185 Lymphocytes, 83 functions, 86 Lymphoid cells, 84 MacAlister on the heart, 112 Machine, the human, 2, 11 Mackenzie on the pulse, 133-4, 148 Massage and metabolism, 20 Mast cells, 85 Mechanics of respiration, 188 Menopause, the, 26 Menstruation, 26 Mental work and metabolism, 20 Metabolic balance-sheet, 15-17 Metabolism, 1-48 re age and sex, 17 anabolic, 2 and body temperature, 52 carbohydrate, 37, 42 cerebral, 20 fat, 34 katabolic, 2 and massage, 20 and mental work, 20 and muscular tone, 22 and nervous system, 21 protein, 29 qualitative, 29 quantitative, 2 and reproductive glands, 26 and stature, 17 and suprarenals, 26 Metchnikoff on phagocytosis, 85 Methemoglobin, 79 Milk as standard diet, 4 Muir on white blood corpuscles, 88 295 Miller on expenditure of energy, Muscular tone, 22 work, 8, 10 e¢ seq. and tissue waste, 7 Muskens on vagus control, 122 Myogenic versus neurogenic theory of cardiac action, 105, 131 Myxcedema, 25 and heat production, 62 Negative pressure of pleural cavity, 190 of thorax, 173 Nervous control of heart, 121 diarrhea, 259 mechanism of respiration, 201 of temperature regulation, 4 system and metabolism, 21 Nitrogenous constituents of urine, 278 equilibrium, 3 Obesity, metabolism of, 28 treatment of, 36 Oliver on blood-pressure, 165 va extract in ovariotomy, 2 Oxalic acid of urine, 281 Oxygen inhalation, 213 Pancreas and carbohydrate meta- bolism, 42 ferments of, 42 Pancreatic juice, 254, 257 ferments of, 255, 257 Parry on body heat, 67 Pavy on sugar production, 37 Pawlow on digestion, 225, 236-7, 241, 255 Pembrey on diabetic coma, 215 on Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 224 on heat regulation, 67 Pentosuria, 39 Penzoldt on _ gastric 240 Pericardium, 111 digestion, Peristaltic movements, 259 anti-, 267 296 Phagocytosis, 85 Metchnikoff on, 85 Phloridzin diabetes, 43 Phosphates of urine, 281 Phosphaturia, 281 Phosphoric acid as brain food, 20 elimination of, 20 Physiological personality, 27 Pigments, bile, 282 et seq. blood, 78 urinary, 281 Plasma, 91 Plasmase, 97 Pleural effusion, 185 pressure, 190 Pneumothorax, 190-1 Traube on, 203 Poikilocytosis, 74 Polycythemia, 76 Polyuria, 273 Precipitin, 99 Pressure, in bile-ducts, 285 capillary, 155 cerebral, 174 gastric, 241 intrathoracic, 190 pleural, 190 Priestley on respiration, 219 Protein, denitrification of, 31 diet, 2, 29 and beri-beri, 6 and tuberculosis, 6 energy, 31 equation, 3 et seq. metabolism, 2 e¢ seq., 29 repair, 31 serum, 30 source of energy, 4 et seq. fat, 36 sugar, 41 -Sparers, 32 tissue, 30 in tissue waste, 2 Ptyalin, 226 Pulmonary circulation, 183 innervation, 183, 201 respiration, 209 Pulse, arterial, 144 Pulsus paradoxus, 174 Puncture, glycosuric, 43 Claude Bernard on, 43 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Purin bodies, 45 Qualitative metabolism, 29 Quantitative metabolism, 2 Radiation, 54 Raynaud’s disease, 75, 170 Red blood corpuscles, 73 Red marrow, 73, 77, 83 Reflex inhibition of heart, 129 Renal anemia, 275 Repair protein, 31 Reproductive glands and meta- bolism, 26 Residual air, 198 Respiration, 170-224 abdominal, 195 at high altitudes, 218 centre for, 201 chemistry of, 209 and circulation, 173 costal, 195 nervous mechanism of, 201 pulmonary, 209 Respiratory centre, 201 exchanges, 209 Rhythmicity of heart, 131 Rickets, 14 Rubner on body heat, 61 Saliva, constituents of, 226 ferments, 226 Salivary glands, excretory functions of, 228 secretion, 225 Salt in urine, 280 Schmaltz on volume of plasma, 95 Secretion and excretion, internal, 23 eee Secretory nerves, 227 to kidney, 275 Seidelin on gastric digestion, 240 Sensibility of heart, 126 of intestine, 261 of stomach, 234 Serum, 98 proteins, 30 Sibson on the lungs, 199 Sighing, 222 . Skodaic resonance, 189 Sneezing, 203, 221 INDEX Sobbing, 222 Sounds of heart, 113, 135 Specific heat of body, 69 Sphygmogram, 147 Splanchnic system, 168 Hill on the, 169 Spleen, 99 Standard dietaries, 3 et seq. Starling on bile, 256 Starling’s law of the intestines, 259 Stercobilin, 282, 287 Stolnikow on liver, 169 Stenosis, aortic, 117 mitral, 116 Stomach, 231 et seq. functional divisions of, 243 innervation, 246 pressure in, 241, 245 uses of, 231 Succus entericus, 254 257 Sugar, assimilation of, 40 conversion into fat, 40 into glycogen, 37 fermentable, 39 rotein source of, 41 Sulphates of urine, 280 Supplemental air, 199 Suprarenals in metabolism, 26 Sweat, 289 Sympathetic 123-4 nerves to_ heart, Tachycardia, 123, 134 Temperament, 27-29 Temperature, body, 49 chemical regulation of, 65 nervous mechanism of, 64 physical, 53 Thrombin, 96 Thymus, 102 Thyroid secretion, 24 Tidal air, 199 Tissue proteins, 30 repair, 2 respiration, 219 substance, conservation, 2 tension, 161 waste, 2 et seq. Tonicity, cardiac, 119 tric, 241 Trachea, 180 297 Traube on respiration, 203 Trophic nerves, 22 Trypsinogen, 255, 257 Uremia, 211 Urea, 278 Uric acid, 44, 279 endogenous, 46 exogenous, 45 metabolism, 44 synthesis of, 47 Urinary pigments, 281 Urine, constituents of, 276 e seq. ammonia, 279 creatinin, 31, 279 oxalic acid, 281 phosphates, 281 salts, 280 sulphates, 280 urea, 278 uric acid, 279 water, 276 reaction of, 277 production, vital and me- chanical theories re, 271 volume of, 273, 276 Urobilin, 281, 283 Vagus control of heart, 122 in respiration, 202 Valves of heart, 112 Vegetarian diet, 3 Venous circulation, 157 Ventilation, 215 Virchow on the blood, 81 Vital capacity, 200 Voit’s standard dietary, 3 Vomiting, 252 centre for, 253 Von Noorden, balance-sheet of energy, 14 on glycogen, 38 on uric acid, 279 on work, 19 Warm-blooded animals, 50 Weather and metabolism, 21 Wenckebach on cardiac contractility, 118 298 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY _ White corpuscles, 81 Xanthin, 46 1 classification, 82 enumeration, 87 Yawning, 222