MONTANA STATE This **cover" page added by th« Internet Archive for formatting purposes s 583*57 Nl Inarc 1988 /o - 7- 93 MONTANA STATE UBRARY t StM7 Nl Irare ItH c. I ttaSr Mil 3 0864 00082563 1 REPC«r ON TOE OOKSERVATION STATUS OF Howell ia acaiatilis. A CANDIDATE TOREATENED SPECIES Tiaxon name: Camon name: Family: States where taxon cxx:urs: Current federal status: Rocxximcnded federal status: Authors of report: Original date of report: Date of most rooont revision: Individual to whan further information and ocmnents should be sent: Hc>*>ellia aquatilis A. Gray Water Howell ia Canpetnul aceae U.S.A., Idaho, Montana, Washington; historical in California, Oregon USFVB Notice of Review, Category 2 USFVB Notice of Review, Category 1 J. Stephen Shelly and Robert Moseley 28 November 1988 N/A J. Stephen Shelly Montana Natural Heritage Program State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59620 'STATT DCCU?-!E!rrS CClLCOT'.OIi MONTANA STATE LIBRA.^Y l"bl5 E- 6th AVE. HELEN/V. MONTANA 59620 ^r*T\ « p»». n r This is an abridged report For the full report please contact: The Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 E Sixth Ave Helena, Montana 59620 406-444-3009 i TKBiE OF anions SPECIES INPOPMATION Page 1. Classificaticai and nomenclature 1 2. Present legeil or other formal status 2 3 . Descripticai 4 4 . Significance 6 5. GeographiceLl distrilxition 6 6. General enviztximent and habitat description 30 7. Populaticxi biology of taxon 40 8. Population ecology of taxon 54 9. Current land ownership eind nanagenent responsibility 55 10. Management practices and experience 56 11. Evidence of threats to survivsd 58 II. ASSESSMEirr AND REOOTHENCATICNS 12. General assessment of vigor, trends, and status 62 13. Reccmendations for listing or status chutje 62 14. Reconntended critical habitat 63 15. OwTservatioiVreoovery reocrinendations 64 16. Interested parties 67 III. INPC»MATION SOURCES 17. ScMToes of infomaticn 69 18. Sumnary of materials on file 70 IV. AL7IHC«SHIP 19. Initizd authorship 71 20. Maintenance of status report 71 V. NEW INHUMATION 21. Record of revisions 71 LITERATURE CITED 72 APPDTOIX A: Conputer printouts and maps 75 » I. SPECIES INPOraftnON 1. Classification and ncmenciLature. A. S^pecies. 1. Scientific name. a. Bincmial: Hcwellia aquatilis A. Gray. b. Full bibliogra^jhic citation: Gray, A. 1879. Prxx:. Am. Acad. 15: 43-44. c. Type specimen: Oregon, Multnomah County, Sauvies Island, 1879, Thomas & Joseph Hc^ell 137. GH. 2. Pertinent synonyns: None. 3. Ocninon name: Water HcKx^llia. 4. Taxan codes: PDCAMOAOIO (The Nature Conservancy) ; 4886, HOWAQU (U.S. Forest Service, Region 1); 17T.L12 (Washington Natural Heritage Program; California Nongame-Heritage Program); HQAQ (Garrison et al. 1976; Soil Conservation Service 1982) . 5. Size of genus: Monotypic genus. B. Family classificaticn. 1. Family name: Cairpanulaceae. 2. (Pertinent family synonyms: None. 3. CCnmDn names for family: Haunetoell Family, Bellflcwer Fcunily. C. Major plant group: Dicotyledoneae. D. History of knowledge of taxcn: Hcwellia aquatilis was first collected in May, 1879, by two early Oregon botanists, Thonas and Joseph Hcwell. The initial discovery was made in a slough on Sauvies Island, alcxig the Columbia River necur Portland. The initicdly collected material included only submergent, cleistogamous flowers. They returned to a nearby eur^a in August of that year, and collected material becuring well-developed, emergent, chcismogcunous flowers. The specimens were determined to represent a new genus and species by Asa Gray, and it was described in the same yeaur (Gray 1879) . Subsequent collections were made in Mendocino County, California in 1928 (Smith and Berg 1988); Clackamas (1892), Marion (1926, 1928), and Multnomah (1879, 1881, 1885, 1886) counties, Oregon (OregOTi Natural Heritage Data Base); Clark (1980), Mason (1937), » and Spokane (1983, 1986, 1987) ccunties, Washington (Washington Natural Heritage Program); and Kootenai (1892) and Latah (1988) (bounties, Idaho. The first cxjllection in Montana wcis made in 1978 by Bruc3e MoCune (MoCune 1982) , when it was found in the Swan Valley in Missoula County. Further surveys (1983-1986) in the Swan Valley, priiiarily by John Pierce and Peter Lesica, revealed the presence of 15 additional populations, from three sites within the drainage. In 1987, the Mcaitana Natural Heritage Program (MUMP) was oOTitracted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (the Service) , with funds appropriated under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, to conduct a status survey of Howell ia aquatilis in Montana (Project Agreement SE-4-P-1) . In June-July 1987, field surveys were conducted by the first author, with assistance from Lisa Canfjbell, Anne Morley, and Peter Lesica; further surveys were also conducted in July 1988. Surveys were conpleted in the Swan and Clearwater River drainages. Lake and Missoula Counties, Mcxitana. Surveys in Idaho were conducted in 1988 by the second author, also under Section 6 ^xsnsorship. Of the 16 Montana populations of Howellia aouatilis which were initiadly recorded by the MlimP prior to the start of the surveys, ten of these were monitored during the 1987 surveys; six others were not revisited. Thirty-six new populations were located; collections were made at 18 of these, and the remaining 18 were recorded as sight records. In 1988, three additional populations were found, and collections were made from there. In Idaho, one recently observed population was verified, but no new populations were located. All data and photos are frcro 1987 and 1988, except where noted. E. Ccnments en current alternative taxcncndc treatacnts: There are no known current edtemative taxonomic treatments. 2. Present legal or other fomal status. A. Intematicnal: None. B. National. 1. united States. a. Present designated or proposed legal protection or regulation: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: currently, the ^Decies is included in Category 2 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Notice of Review (U.S. D^Jeurtment of Interior 1985) , under consideration for federal listing as a threatened species. Category 2 taxa eure those "... for which information now in possessicMi of the Service indicates that proposing to list them as endangered or threatened species is possibly appropriate, but for which substantial data on biological vulnerability and threat (s) are not caorrently kncwn or on file to support the imnediate pr^>aration of rules." b. Other current fomal status recxxnendaticns: Ihe species is currently listed as "endangered throu^out range" (global rank = G2) by Ihe Nature Conservancy. c. Review of past status: The species was originally placed in Category 2 in 1980 (U.S. Department of Interior 1980) . C. state. 1. California. a. Present designated or proposed legal protection or regulation: Hcwellia aquatilis is included on List lA (plants presumed extinct in California) in the California Native Plant Society inventory of rare and endangered vasculcu: plants; all of the plants in this category are eligible for state listing (Smith and Berg 1988) . However, the species currently has no state listing status (California Department of Fish and Game 1988) . b. Other current formal status rBocrancndaticns: As described above. c. Review of past status: Placed on List lA in the California Native Plant Society inventory, as defined above (Smith and York 1984) . 2. Idaho. a. Present designated or proposed legal protection or regulation: None. b. Other current formal status reoonmendations: The species is listed as "endangered" (in danger of becoming extinct or extirpated in the state within the foreseeable future, if identifiable factors contributing to its decline ccffitinue to operate) by the Idaho Natural Heritage Program. c. Review of past status: Althou«^ the Idaho population was unknown to him at the time, Brunsfeld (1983) reoorinended that Howell ia aquatilis be placed en the "Federal Watch List." 3. Montana. a. Present designated or proposed legal protection or regulation: None. I b. Other current formal status reoocmcndaticns: The species is currently listed as "endangered in hfontana" (state rank = S2) by the MINHP (Shelly 1988) . c. Review of past status: Previously listed as "recxmnended endangered" by the Montana Rare Plant Project (Lesica et al. 1984). 4. QrecfGn. a. Present designated or prtyused legal pKotecticn or regulation: Howell ia aquatilis is a candidate for potentiaQ state listing under the 1987 Oregon Endangered Species Act (R. Meinke, Oregon D^>arbnent of Agriculture, pers. oorm.). b. Other current fonnal status njuuiim dations: Ihe species is currently included on List 1 (taxa endangered throughout range) , ani is considered possibly extirpated frcrt the state (Oregon Natural Heritage Data Base 1987) . c. Review of past status: Formerly listed in Group lib (kncwn f nan only a few widely disjunct populations) , and considered rare and endangered in Oregon (Siddall £t al. 1979). 5. Mashingtcn. a. Present designated or proposed legal protection or regulaticn: None. b. Other current fonnal status i w.> iiiim dations: Ihe species is currently included on the list of endangered plant taxa (in danger of becordng extinct or extirpated in the state within the near future if factors contributing to its decline continue; Washington Natural Heritage Program 1987) . c. Review of past status: None known. 3. Description. A. Gsieral nontechnical description: Howell ia aquatilis is a strictly aquatic species, which grows as a mostly submerged plant rooted in the bottom sediments of the ponds and sloughs to vAiich it is adapted. Later in the season, it can sometimes be found persisting in the miick on the edges of these eureas as they dry out. It is an annual, ccnpleting its entire life cycle in one growing season, and becoming incon^icuous upon desiccation of its habitat at the end of the sunmer. The stems are branched several inches from the base, and each branch then extends to the surface of the water. Ihe numerous leaves are an inch or two long and very narrcM. ^ Hc^/ellia aquatilis producses two types of flcwers. Along the stem beneath the water surface, small flowers form which do not develop a conspicuous corolla (floral tube) . However, eis the brcinches reach the surface, more conspicuous f lowers develop above the water. These emergent flowers are white, have five Icfces on one side of the corolla, and eire about \ inch across. Both types of flowers give rise to thin-walled fruits which are an inch or more long, eind whidi contain one to five or so large, shiny brrwn seeds which can be about h inch long. In Idaho and Washingtc«n, energent flowers are evident in May. In Montana, the emergent flowers are in bloom from late June to August. Ihe actual duration of the plants and flowers may be longer in certain cases, d^aending on the rate of drying of the habitat. B. Technical description: Flaccid annual, aquatic herb, mostly submergent, often with emergent bramohes; pleints neiked below, branched above; whole plant glabrous, green, about 10-60 cm. (4- 24 in.) tall, oocasic»Tally taller; leaves numerous, alternate, or some of them subopposite or whorled in threes, lineau: or linecur- filiform, entire or nearly so, 1-5 an. (0.4-2 in.) long, up to 1.5 nin. (0.06 in.) wide; flowers white, mostly 3-10, axillary, often scattered, pedicellate or subsessile, both petaliferous (when emergent) or much reduced and inconspicuous (when submerged), the fully-developed corollas about 2-2.7 nin (0.08- 0.11 in.) IcMig, irregular, with the tubes deeply cleft dorsally, and five-lobed; filaments and anthers connate, two of the anthers shorter than the others; calyx lobes 1.5-7 irm. (0.06-0.28 in.) long; stout pedicels 1-4 (8) mm. (0.04-0.16 (0.3) in.) long, merging gradually with the base of the capsule; ovary uniloculau:, with parietal placentation; stigma 2-lobed; fruit 5-13 mn. (0.2- 0.5 in.) long, 1-2 iiin. (0.04-0.08 in.) thick, irregularly dehiscent by the rupture of the very thin lateral walls; seeds leunge, 2-4 ntn. (0.08-0.16 in.) long, 5 or fewer, shiny brown (adapted from Hitchcock et al. 1959; Dom 1984). C. local field characters: Howell ia aquatilis is the only member of the Caitpanulaoeae in Montana whic^ is strictly aquatic. Dcwninqia laeta can occur in wet places in meadows or on the edges of ponds, but is distinguishable by its light blue or purplish flowers marked with white or yellow; it was not observed in the Swan Valley during field surveys. Heterooodon rariflorum. a species of moist areas in Lake and Ravalli counties, has regular, blue flowers. The annual habit, distinctive habitat, and irregulair v*ute flowers of H. aquatilis thus serve to distinguish it from all other members of the family in northwestern Montana. An unrelated species which is vegetatively similar to H. aquatilis. and which is frequently found growing with it, is Callitriche heterophylla (Callitrichaceae) . However, the sutmergent linear leaves of this species au:^ most often opposite (only rarely whorled) , and the floating leaves are broadly obovate. In addition, the flowers of C. heterophvlla are axillciry, very inconspicuous, and do not have a corolla. D. Identifying characteristics of material vihicti is in interstate or international oannerce or trade: No interstate or international conmerce or trade kncwn. E. Photographs and line drawings: Figure 1 provides a copy of the illustration of this species, adapted from Meinke (1982) . Ihe color slides (p. 8) are duplicates of those taken at the sites indicated. Additional slides frcxn other locations in Montana 2u:« housed at the MINHP office in Helena. 4. SignificEmoe. A. Natural: As a inonotypic genus, tJ- aouatilis is taxoncmically unique. The only genus which seejns closely related to Hcwellia is Leqenere. The latter is also inonotypic, consisting only of the species i,. lijTOsa. and occurs in dried bods of vernal pools in the Central Valley of California (Munz 1959) . Recent electrophoretic studies (Lesica et aJ. 1988) indicate that there is no genetic variation either within or among populations of H. aquatilis; this is also unique, especially considering its wide geographic distribution pattern. However, lack of genetic variation is often correlated with the narrcM ecological anplitude possessed by species such as U- aquatilis (Waller ££ fll. 1987) . Howell ia aquatilis has thus provided a valuable subject for conservation biology stixiies. Otherwise, the species is not known to have any peculiar adaptations or strvictures, or roles in stabilizirq landfoms. Obligate relationships with other species 2une unknown. B. Hunan: As discussed, \i. aquatilis would be of scientific significance in studies addressing its systematic relationships and isolation, and has been an important subject in conservation biology reseeuxh. Otherwise, the species has no known agricultural, economic, horticultural, or other human uses or significance at this time. 5. Geogrz^ihical distribution. A. Geogre^iiical range: Hcwellia acaaatilis is currently )ax3wn from a total of 13 sites: one in Idaho (Latah County) ; three in Washington (Clark and Spokane counties; J. Gamon, pers. conn.); and nine in Montana (Lake and Missoula counties) . It is historicadly kncwn from one collection in California (Mendocino County; Smith and Berg 1988) , four locations in northwestern Oregon (Clackamas, Marion and Multnomah counties; S. Vrilakas, pers. conn.), cne location in Washington (Mason County; J. Gamon, pers. conn.), and one collection from northern Idaho (Kootenai County) . Ihe range is indicated in Figure 2, p. 9. » w Figure 1 . Howellia aquatilis A: Habit, x 0.8 B: Stem leaf, x 2 C: Floral bract, x 1.5 D: Flower, frontal view, x E: Flower, lateral view, x F: Capsule, x 2 From Meinke (1982). 3 2 » 0 200 400 KM Figure 2. Distribution of Howellia aquatilis in the western Unites States (numbers indicate total sites where greater than one); adapted frora Lesica et al. (1988). • - extant sites (13) O - extirpated sites (5) A ■• site where current status unknown ¥ 10 B. Precise oocorrenoes. 1. PDpulaticns currently or recently known extant: Table 1, pp. 11-27, lists currently kncwn peculations by state eind county. Exact locations for the Montana and Idaho populaticwTs are provided in the maps on pp. 138-148. 2. Populations known or cisasumed extirpated: a. Sauvie Island. 1. U.S.A., Oregon, Moltnonah County. 2. Latitude, loigitude, altitude: 454105N, 1224855W; 75'. 3. Legal description: T2N, RIW, Section 4. 4. USGS quad: Sauvie Island, 7.5'. 5. Year of initial discovery: 1879. 6. Year of most recent observation: 1886. 7. Location: Sauvie Island, Willamette Slou^ (type locality) . 8. Alternative site name: Sauvies Island. b. lake Oswego. 1. U.S.A., Oregon, Clackamas County. 2. Latitude, longitude, altitude: 452447N, 1224130W; 125'. 3. Legzd description: T2S, RIE, Secticai 9. 4. USGS quad: lake Oswego, 7.5'. 5. Year of initial discovery: 1892. 6. Year of most recent observation: 1892. 7. Location: lake Oswego, west of Portland about 4 miles (HcMell s.n. , WS) . 8. Alternative site name: none known. c. I^inter's Woods. 1. U.S.A., Oregon, Marion County. 2. latitude, longitude, altitude: 445647N, 1230055W; 125'. 3. Legal description: T7S, R3W, Section 23. 4. USGS quad: Salem West, 7.5'. 5. Yecur of initial discovery: 1926. 6. Year of most recent observation: 1935. 7. Location: Area necur Painter's Woods, near Salem flTiompson (4927. 4967). ORE; J.C. Nelson (5075). GH; M.E. Peck (15935). WILUJ) . 8. Alternative site name: none known. 11 TABLE 1. Populations currently known extant, listed by state, county, and occurrence rHjifcer. IDAHO Occurrence njtber: 001 County: LATAH Latitude: A65S03 Longitude: 1164428 Township t Range: 041N003U Section: 08 uses Ouad: DEARY Size: IS ainute series Year of initial discovery: ca. 1968 Directions: Site Elevation: Subsection: HARVARD 2560 center of NE4 Date of aost recent observation: 1988-06-14 NEAR JUNCTION OF ST. NVTYS. 6 AND 9. SO YDS. SOUTH OF INTERSECTION ON WEST SIDE OF HWY. 9; JUST INSIDE PROPERTY FENCELINE. HQNTAMA Occurrence njitoer: COS County: LAKE Latitude: 475327 Longitude: 113S117 Township t Range: 02SN018U Section: uses Ouad: SUAN LAKE Size: 7.S ainute series Year of initial discovery: 198S Site SUAN RIVER OXBOW Elevation: 3100 35 Subaect ion/additional sections: NW4;34,NE4NE4;26,SU4 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-06-25 Directions: CA. 3 NILES SOUTH OF THE VILLAGE OF SUAN LAKE ON ST. HWY. 83, 0.9 MILES UEST ON PORCUPINE CREEK ROAO; 0.2-0.7 AIR Nl. N. OF PORCUPINE CREEK ROAO. Occurrence ruttxr: 007 County: LAKE Latitude: 474958 Longitude Township t Range: 024N018U uses Ouad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Site SUAN RIVER UEST 1135131 Elevation: 3190 Section: 14 Subsection: SW4SE4SE4 Date of aost recent observation: UEST SIDE OF SUAN VALLEY, 1.4 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HWY. 83; 0.57 AIR MILE UEST OF SUAN RIVER; CA. 6.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SUAN LAKE (TOUN). 1987-07-01 Occurrence nuiber: 008 County: LAKE Latitude: 475148 Longitude: 1134933 Township t Range: 024N017U Section: uses Ouad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.S minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Site LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS Elevation: 3190 06 Subsection: HU4SU4SE4 Date of nost recent observation: 1988-07-21 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, CA. 4.5 AIR MILES SSE. OF SUAN LAKE (TOUN); 0.3 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY. 83; 0.68 AIR MILES SSU. OF CONFLUENCE OF NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS LOST CREEK. 12 TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence number: 009 Site name: LOST CREEK-CULT CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Latitude: 475137 Longitude: 1134907 Elevation: 32S0 Township t Range: 02AN017U Section: 07 Subsection: NE4NE4NE4 uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1988-07-21 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.6 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY. 83, 0.6 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH FORK LOST CREEK. CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Occurrence nunber: 010 Site nuae: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK F>ONDS County: LAKE Latitude: 475150 Longitude: 1134857 Elevation: 3230 Township t Range: 024N017U Section: 05 Subsection: NU4SU4SU4 uses Ouad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-01 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, 0.75 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. MTT 83, 0.3 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH FORK LOST CREEK, CA. 4.7 AIR MILES SSE OF SUAN LAKE (TOWN). Occurrence nunber: Oil Site naaie: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK F>ONDS County: LAKE Latitude: 475120 Longitude: 1134826 Elevation: 3290 Township I Range: 024N017U Section: 08 Subsection: E2SE4NU4, NU4SU4NE4 uses Ouad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-07 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 1.05-1.2 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.25 AIR MILES NNE OF CILLY CREEK, CA. S.O AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Occurrence nuiber: 012 Site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Latitude: 475125 Longitude: 1134848 Elevation: 3235 Township t, Range: 024N017U Section: 08 Subsection: NE4SW4nu4,SE4nU4NU4 uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 mirKite series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-07 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, 0.83 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.37 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SUAN LAKE (TOUN). 13 TABLE 1. (cont.). HOWTAMA LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS Elevation: 3240 08 Subsection: N2SW4NU4 Occurrence nuiiier: 013 Site County: LAKE Latitude: 475124 Longitude: 11348S2 Township t Range: 024N017U Section: uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of aost recent observation: 1988-07-21 Directions: SWAN VALLEY. 0.79 AIR HUES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.36 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK. CA. S.O AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOUN). Occurrence ninber: 014 County: LAKE Latitude: 475124 Longitude: 1134857 Township t Range: 024N017U Section: uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 ainute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Site LOST CREEKCILLV CREEK PONDS Elevation: 3245 08 Subsection: HU4$U4NU4 Date of Bost recent observation: 1987-07-07 SWAN VALLEY. 0.72 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83. 0.4 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK. CA. S.O AIR MILES SU OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS Elevation: 3245 08 Subcection: HW4SW4NU4 Occurrence nuitjer: 015 Site County: LAKE Latitude: 475121 Longitude: 1134856 Township t Range: 024N017W Section uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 ainute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: SWAN VALLEY. 0.73 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83. 0.32 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK. CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE Of SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07-07 Occurrence nuitjer: : 016 County: LAKE Latitude: 475111 Longitude: 1134857 Township I Range: 024N017W Section: uses Quad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.5 ai inute series Site LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS Elevation: 3240 08 Subsection: NW4NU4SW4 Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07-07 Directions: SWAN VALLEY. 0.71 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83. 0.17 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK. CA. S.O AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). lA TABLE 1. (cent.). MONTANA Occurrence nuifcer: 017 County: LAKE Latitude: A75110 Longitude: 11348A5 Township t Range: 02AN017U Section: uses Ouad: CILLY CREEK Size: 7.S minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONOS Elevation: 3230 08 Subsection: NE4ttW4SM Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-07 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, O.BS AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.1 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). Elevation: 3660 02 Subsection: SE4NMSE4 Occurrence nuntter: 018 Ser County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472SS6 Township t Range: uses Quad: Size: 002 Longitude: 019N017U CYGNET LAKE 7.S Minute series Site LINDBERGH LAKE 1134232 Elevation: 417^ Section: 01 Subsection: E2NE4SW4 Year of initial discovery: 1984 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07-29 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 1.32 AIR MILES NORTH OF TKE FIRST FORK OH LINDBERGH LAKE RO.. CA. 2.S MI. WEST OF ST. HWY. 83. Occurrence rKMber: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472516 Township t Range: uses Quad: Size: 003 Longitude: 1134128 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute scries Sit* LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4150 07 Subsection: E2SU4NM. U2SE4NW4 Year of initial discovery: 1983 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RO 1.5 MILES WEST OF ST. HWY. 83. Date of Most recent observation: 1983-07-24 CA. Occurrence ntirber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472515 Township t Range: USGS Quad: Size: 004 Longitude: 1134041 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4070 07 Subsection: SE4NE4 Year of initial discovery: 1978 Date of Most recent observation: 1983-07-31 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, CA. 50 FT. SOUTHUEST OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1 MILE WEST OF ST. HWY. 83. 16 TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence nii*er: 006 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473442 Looflitude: 1134217 Township ( Range: 021N016U Section uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.S minute series Year of initial discovery: 1986 Directions Site name: CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3740 18 Subsection: NE4NU4SW4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-02 SWAN VALLEY, WEST BASE OF SUAN RANGE UPLIFT, 3.S AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.1 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. NUY. 83, 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence nuiber: 020 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473433 Longitude: 1134212 Township & Range: 021N016U Section: uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.S ainute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3740 18 Subsection: SW4NE4SU4 Date of Most recent observation: 1988-07-22 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 3.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.13 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.2S AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence nutter: 021 Site naaw: CONDON CREEK County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473432 Longitude: 1134216 Elevation: 3740 Township t Range: 021N016U Section: 18 Subsection: SU4NE4SU4 uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.S Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: Directions: SUAN VALLEY, 3.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.08 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.28 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. 1987-07-02 Elevation: 3750 18 Subsection: SU4NE4SU4 Occurrence nurber: 022 Site name: CONDON CREEK County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473431 Longitude: 1134207 Township t Range: 021N016U Section: uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, 3.28 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.27 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-02 17 TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence nuitaer: 023 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473427 Longitude: 1134214 Township t Range: 021N016U Section: uses Quad: CONDON Size: 7.S Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3740 18 Subsection: NU4SE4SU4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-02 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 3.2 AIR MILES NORTH Of CONDON, 2.10 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.3S AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence nuitser: 024 Cowity: MISSOULA Latitude: 473422 Township t Range: uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.5 ainute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Longitude: 1134212 021N016U Section: Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3740 18 Subsection: SW4SE4SU4 Date of aost recent observation: SUAN VALLEY. 3.09 AIR MILES NORTH OF COMOON, 2.10 AIR MILES EAST Of ST. HWY 83. 0.47 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. 1987-07-02 Occurrence nuitoer: 02S Cowty: MISSOULA Latitude: 473421 Longitude: Towruhip I Range: 021N016U uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.S ainutt series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: Site CONDON CREEK 1134206 Elevation: 37^0 Section: 18 Subsection: S2SE4SW4 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07-02 SUAN VALLEY. 3.08 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. NWY 83, 0.4S AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. OccurrefKe nLMber: 026 COinty: MISSOULA Latitude: 473452 Longitude: 1134225 Township t Range: 021N016U Section uses Ouad: CONDON Size: 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3710 18 Subsection: SE4NU4SU4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-02 SUAN VALLEY. 3.29 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.97 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83. 0.28 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA 18 Occurrence rx(it>er: 027 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473426 Township t Range: uses Quad: CONDON Siie: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Site name: CONDON CREEK Longitude: 11342S3 021N016U Section: Elevation: 3690 1S Subsection: HU4SW4SW4 Date of most recent observation: SUAN VALLEY, 3.18 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.84 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.40 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. 1988-07-22 Occurrence mirtber: 028 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473422 Longitude: Township t Range: 021N017U uses Quad: CONDON Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: Site CONDON CREEK 1134240 Elevation: 3685 Section: 13 Subsection: SE4SE4SE4 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-02 SUAN VALLEY, 3.09 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.75 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.48 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence nuii>er: 029 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473415 Longitude: TowTYShip t Range: 021N016U uses Quad: CONDON Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: Site CONDON CREEK 1134228 Elevation: 3690 Section: 19 Subsection: NI/4HU4NU4 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-02 SUAN VALLEY. 2.97 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.88 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.59 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence mtiber: 030 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473416 Longitude: 1134204 Township & Range: 021N016U Section: uses Quad: CONDON Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3740 19 Subsection: NE4NE4NU4 Date of most recent observation: SUAN VALLEY. 2.99 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.19 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 63, 0.55 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. 1987-07-02 19 TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence nuiber: 031 Site CONDON CREEK Elevation: 3620 13 Subsection: E2NE4SW4, U?N\MSE4 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473436 Longitude: 113431S Township t Range: 021N017U Section: uses Quad: CONDON Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07- IS Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 3.36 AIR MILES NOATH OF CONDON, 1.33 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HUY 83, 0.32 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. Occurrence nurber: 032 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472S11 Longitude: 1134134 Township ( Range: 019N016U Section: uses Quad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.S Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1983 Directions: Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 416S 07 Subsection: SC4SW4NU4 Date of nost recent observation: CA. 1983-07-24 SUAN VALLEY, 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RO \.n AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. Occurrence r*jit>«r: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472S20 Township ( Range: USGS Quad: Size: 033 Longitude: 1134119 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 ainutt series Year of initial discovery: 1983 Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4130 07 Subsection: N2SC4NW4 Date of Most recent observation: 1983-07-04 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.05 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD.. CA. 1.5 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HUY 83. Occurrence rHjnber: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472507 Township I Range: USGS Quad: Size: 034 Longitude: 1134116 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4145 07 Subsection: HE4NE4SU4 Year of initial discovery: 1983 Date of m Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.3 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE 1.5 AIR HUES UEST OF ST. HUY 83. recent observation: RO., CA. 1983-07-24 20 TABLE 1. (cont.). MOWTANA 035 Longitude: 1154114 019N016W Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 minute series Occurrence nuther: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472502 Township t Range: uses Quad: Size: Year of initial discovery Directions: Site name: LIMDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4150 07 Subsection: E2NE4SU4 1983 Date of most recent observation: CA. 1983-07-24 SWAN VALLEY, 0.38 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD 1.S AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HUY 83. Occurrence nurter: 036 County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472514 Longitude: Township t Range: 019N016U 12SE4SE4SE4 uses Quad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Site LINDBERGH LAKE 1134148 Elevation: 4190 Section: 07 Subsection/ additional section: SW4SU4NW4; T19NR17U, Date of most recent observation: ALSO 12SE4SE4NE4; SWAN VALLEY. SOUTH SIDE OF LINDBERGH LAKE RO., CA. 1.87 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. NWY 83. 198707-29 Longitude: 1134203 019N017U Section: LAKE Elevation: 4170 01 Subsection: SW4NE4SE4 Occurrence nuifcer: 037 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE Cotrtty: MISSOULA Latitude: 472551 Township t Range: uses Quad: CYGNET Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 0.93 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RO 1.69 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HUY 83. Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-29 CA. Occurrence noifcer: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472608 Township S Range: USGS Ouad: Size: Year of in Pirections 038 Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4130 01 Subsection: Longitude: 1134215 019N017U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 minute series tial discovery: 1987 SWAN VALLEY, 1.33 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RO 1.62 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HUY 83. E2SW4NE4 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-29 CA. 21 TABLE 1. (cent.). MOWTAMA Occurrence nuiter: 039 County: MISSaJLA Latitude: 472550 Longitude: 1134244 Township ( Range: 019N017U Section uses Ouad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.5 ainute series Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4190 01 Subsection: SW4HE4SW4, SE4NU4SW4 Year of initial discovery: Directions 1984 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-07-29 CA. SWAN VALLEY, 1.25 AIR MILES NORTN OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD 2.21 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HWY 83. Occurrence ntnber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472539 Township t Range: uses Ouad: Size: 040 Longitude: 1134244 019N017U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Year of initial Directions: discovery: 1984 Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4225 01 Subsection: SW4SE4SW4 SWAN VALLEY. 1.03 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD 2.32 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HWY 83. Date of aost recent observation: CA. 1987-07-29 Occurrence nuiber Cou>ty: MISSOULA Latitude: 472541 Township ( Range: uses Ouad Size 041 Longitude: 1134028 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4015 05 Subsection: U2SW4SW4 Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 0.6 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. Date of Most recent observation: RD.. 0.53 1987-07-29 Occurrence ncnber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472544 Township t Range: uses Ouad: Size: 042 Longitude: 1134024 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Directions Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 3995 05 Subsection: N2SW4SU4 SWAN VALLEY, 0.7 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HWY 83. Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-29 0.43 22 TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence nurber: (K3 County: MISSOULA Latitude: A72S26 Longitude: 113A303 Township t Range: 019N017U Section: uses Quad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Site LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 4280 12 Subsection: SW4NMNM Date of Bost recent observation: 1987-07-30 Directions: SWAN VALLEY. 0.76 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD.. 2.68 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HUY 83. Occurrence nuifcer: (M Site nana: LIMDBCRCM LAKE County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472508 Longitude: 1134156 Elevation: 4215 Township t Range: 019N017U Section: 12 Subsection: S2SE4NE4, N2NE4SE4 USGS Quad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-29 Directions: SUAN VALLEY, SOUTHEAST OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. Elevation: 4250 18 Subsection: SE4SU4SE4 Occurrence runbtr: 045 Sitt name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472354 Township I Range USGS Quad Size Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: 1987-07-10 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 1.83 AIR MILES ESE OF NORTH EM) OF LINDBERGH LAKE, 1.08 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, CA. 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. 045 Longitude: 1134058 019N016W Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.5 minute series Occurrence number County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472434 Township I Range: USGS Quad: Size: 046 Site LINDBERGH LAKE Longitude: 1134141 Elevation: 4230 019N016W Section: 18 Subsection: SW4NW4NW4 CYGNET LAKE 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of most recent observation: Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 0.58 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER. 2.13 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. 1987-07-10 23 TABLE 1. (cent.). MOWTANA Occurrence rxjnber: M7 Sit* Couity: MISSOULA Latitude: 472433 Longitude: 1134127 Township t Range: 019N016U Section uses Quad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.S Minute teries Tear of initial discovery: 1987 Date of Directions: LIMOBERCH LAKE Elevation: 421S 18 Subsection: SU4NE4MU4 It recent observation: 1987-07-10 SUAN VALLET, O.S Alt MILES SOUTH OF SUAN RIVER, 1.95 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWT 83. 048 Longitude: 1134122 019N016W SMtion: CYCMET LAKE 7.S Minute series Occurrence ntnter: County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472432 Township t Range: uses Quad: Size: Year of initial discovery: 1987 Sit* LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 421S 18 Subsection: SW4NE4NW4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-10 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. O.S AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER. 1.89 AIR MILES UCST OF ST. HWY 83. 049 Longitude: 1134107 019N016U Section: CYGNET LAKE 7.S Minute scries Occurrence njit)er County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472444 Township ( Range: USGS Quad: Size: Year of initial discovery: 1987 Sit* LINDBERGH LAKE Elevation: 41S0 07 Subsection: SU4SW4SE4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-10 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SUAN RIVER. 1.60 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HWY 83. Occurrence nuiber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472437 Township I Range: uses Quad Size 050 Sit* LINDBERGH LAKE Longitude: 1134232 Elevation: 4295 019N017U Section: 13 Subsection: NE4NE4HU4 CYGNET LAKE 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-07-10 Directions: SUAN VALLEY. 0.25 AIR MILES ENE OF SUAN RIVER OUTLET FROM CYGNET LAKE. 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SUAN RIVER. CA. 2.8 AIR MILES UEST OF ST. HUY 83. TABLE 1. (cont.). MONTANA 24 Elevation: U2S 24 Subsection: Occurrence nuiter: 0S1 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472335 Longitude: 1134229 Township t Range: 019N017U Section: uses Ouad: CYGNET LAKE Size: 7.5 ninute series Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of Most recent Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 0.91 AIR MILES EAST OF EAST SHORE OF LAKE, 0.8 AIR MILES SSE OF SOUTH SHORE OF CYGNET LAKE. 3.3 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. NE4SE4NW4 observation: LINDBERGH CA. 1987-07-16 Occurrence rKirber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 472829 Township I Rar>ge: USGS Ouad Size 052 Site KRAFT CREEK Longitude: 020N017U CYGNET LAKE 7.S Minute series 1134432 Section: Elevation: 4010 22 Subsection: SE4 Year of initial discovery: 1987 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-08-21 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, CA. 0.5 AIR MILES WNU OF NORTH END OF STONER LAKE, 0.35 AIR MILES EAST OF GLACIER CREEK. 3.15 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HUY 83. 054 Site ELK CREEK Occurrence nunber County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473048 Longitude: 1134553 Township ( Range: 020N017U Section: uses Ouad: PECK LAKE Size: 7.5 Minute series Year of initial discovery: 1986 Directions: SWAN VALLEY, 0.25 AIR MILE WEST OF ELK CREEK. CA MILES WSW OF CONDON. Elevation: 3810 04 Subsection/additional sections: SE4SE4; 9,NE4NE4 Date of Most recent observation: 1988-07-26 2.75 AIR Elevation: 3820 04 Subsection: Occurrence nunber: 055 Site naMe: ELK CREEK County: MISSOULA Latitude: 473058 Longitude: 1134603 Township t Range: 020N017W Section: USGS Ouad: PECK LAKE Size: 7.5 minute series Year of initial discovery: 1988 Directions: SWAN VALLEY. 0.49 AIR MILES WEST OF ELK CREEK. CA MILES WSW OF CONDON. NE45W4SE4 Date of most recent observation: 1988-07-27 2.75 AIR 25 TABLE 1. (coot.). UASHINGTOW Occurrence nuiter: 002 COUNTY: CLARK Latitude: 45S033N Longitude: 1224S5(U Township t Range: (HH OIW Section: 11 uses Quad: ST HELENS, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1980 Elevation: Subsection: Date of aost recent observation: 1980-OS Occurrence ninber: 001 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 47380SN Longitude: 11717MU Township t Range: 2SN UE Section: 19 uses Quad: SPOKANE NE. 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1983 Elevation: Subsection: Date of raost recent observation: 1983-07 Occurrence ninber: 003 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472830N Longitude: 1173238U Township I Range: 23N 42E Section: 19 uses Quad: CHENEY. 7.S< Year of initial discovery: 1986 Elevation: 2300 Subsection: NE4 0«t« of It recent observation: 1966-05- U Occurrence nuitwr: 004 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472855N Longitude: 1173004U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 16 uses Quad: CHENEY. 7.5* Year of initial discovery: 1986 Elevation: 2320 Subsection: SE4 Date of aost recent observation: 1986-05-20 Occurrence ruMytr: 005 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 473026N Longitude: 1173202U Township ( Range: 23N 42E Section: 08 uses Ouad: FOUR LAKES. 7.5* Year of initial discovery: 1986 Elevation: 2280 Subsection: nmnM Date of «ost recent observation: 1986-05-20 Occurrence ruitwr: 006 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472755N Longitude: 1172705U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 22 uses Ouad: SPANGLE WEST. 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: SW4SE4 Date of Host recent observation: 1987-05-04 26 TABLE 1. (cont.). WASHINGTOW Occurrence mniser: 007 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472606N Longitude: 1172903W Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: H uses Quad: SPANGLE WEST, 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: 2320 Subsection: SW4SE4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-OS-U Occurrence rutter: 008 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472950N Longitude: 1173237U Township t Range: 23N A2E Section: 07 uses Quad: CHENEY, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: SE4 Oat* of aost recent observation: 1987-0S-04 Occurrence ninber: 009 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472944N Longitude: 117324SW Township I Range: 23N 42E Section: 07 USGS Quad: CHENEY, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: SE4 Date of «ost recent observation: 1987-0S-04 Occurrence nuitjer: 010 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 47293SN Longitude: 11732S3U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 07 USGS Ouad: CHENEY, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: SE4SE4 Date of aost recent observation: 1987-0S-04 Occurrence number: Oil COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472712N Longitude: 1173355U Township t Range: 23N 41E Section: 25 USGS Ouad: CHENEY, 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: SE4SE4 Date of most recent observation: 1987-05-13 Occurrence nunber: 012 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 472644N Longitude: 1173058U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 33 USGS Ouad: CHENEY. 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: 2320 Subsection: SU4NU4 Date of Most recent observation: 1987-05-14 27 TABLE 1. (cont.). WASHINGTOW Occurrence txmtotr: 013 CCXWTY: SPOKANE Latitude: «72SS5N Longitude: 1173708W Township t Range: 22N 41E Section: 03 uses Quad: CHENEY, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: 2320 Suteection: ME4NM Date of aott recent obtervation: 1987-05- U Occurrence rutber: OU COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 4725i5N Longitude: 1173613U ToMTtthip t Range: 22N iM Section: 02 uses Quad: CHENEY, 7.S' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: 2290 Subsection: NW4 Date of aott recent observation: 1987-0S-18 Occurrence nuiter: 015 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 473018N Longitude: 1173137U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 08 uses Quad: FOUR LAKES, 7.5' Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: 2300 Subsection: NMNEi Date of Most recent observation: 1987-05-05 Occurrence nkjit>er: 016 COUNTY: SPOKANE Latitude: 473010N Longitude: 1173247U Township t Range: 23N 42E Section: 07 uses Quad: FOUR LAKES, 7.5* Year of initial discovery: 1987 Elevation: Subsection: NE4 Date of «ost recent observation: 1987-05-05 28 d. Mission Bottom. 1. U.S.A., Oregcxi, Marion County. 2. latitude, IcHigitude, altitude: 450205N, 1230340W; 125'. 3. Legcil description: T6S, R3W, Section 65. 4. USGS quad: Missicm Bottom, 7.5'. 5. Year of initial discovery: 1977. 6. Year of most recent observation: 1977. 7. Location: MissicHi Bottom, near Salem (W. Bluhm, sight record) . 8. Alternative site name: none kncxm. e. HcMard lake. 1. U.S.A., Csdifomia, Mendociixa County. 2. Latitude, Icxigitude, altitude: unknown. 3. Legal descripticxj: unknown. 4. USGS quad: Buck Rock, 7.5'. 5. Year of initial discovery: 1928. 6. Year of most recent observatiniferous and deciduous trees is absent. Ihere may be some appropriate habitat on the Lolo NatiOTial Forest in west-central Montana (J. Diebert, pers. ocnin.)» especially in the Cleeirwater River drainage in Missoula County. An extensive search in northern Idaho, during June 1988, was unsuccessful in locating new Howell ia aquatilis populations. It is possible that other populations may exist in Idaho north of the Cleeurwater River drainage. As in the other states, however, past and ongoing alteration and conversion of native low elevation bottonlands makes the pro^sect unli}cely. In Washington, areas near the historical record north of Shelton contain numerous wetlainds, so the potential exists for relocating H. aquatilis in this region. Also, the forested portions of the chemneled scciblands in eastern Washington (Spokane Oounty) probably harbor additional populations, "niere is some potential along the forested northern periphery of the Columbia Basin, as well (J. Gamon, pers. ccnin.) . . In Oregon, the type locality on Sauvies Island in the f Ooluirbia River has been adequately sesuxhed; however, there may still be some potential habitat in the Willamette River vedley (J. Kagan, pers. conn.). In California, there may be habitat in tenporary ponds or vernal pools on the Mendocino National Forest near vtiere the historiced collection was made. These areas should be searched in May to June or July (Griggs ard Dibble 1979) . 5. Reports having ambiguous or inocnplete locality information: a. Spirit Lake. 1. U.S.A., Idaho, Kootenai County. 2. latitude, longitude, altitude: unknown. 3. Legal description: unknown. 4. U5GS quad: unknown. 5. Yeeu: of initial discovery: 1892. 6. Year of roost recent observation: 1892. 7. lixation: "Valley of Lake Tesemini, Kootenai Co." fJ.H. Sandberq 699. US) . 8. Alternative site name: Lake Tesemini. C*i 22 July 1892, J.H. Sandberg collected Howell ia acaiatilis near Lake Tesemini (new known as Spirit Lake) in Kootenai P County, Idaho. Holzinger (1895) described Sandberg's exploration of this area as follows: "Carp 10 was situated 30 a short distance to the north of RathcJrum, Kootenai Co. The time oocx^jied in the vicinity of tids canp was from July 20 to July 25. The plaints collected were numbered 670 to 740. The region explored wcis the vicinity of Rathdrum, lake Tesemini, and Mud Lake." Habitat information on the Sandberg label states "floating in subedpine lakes." After reviewing topographic maps for the Spirit Lake area, it was determned that no subcilpine lakes exist in the Spirit Lake watershed. Subcilpine elevaticxTs are reached an the eastern slopes of Mt. Spokane, Washington, at the head of Brickel Creek, but no lakes occur there. Sandberg, it appears, had a bad reputation among his contenporciries cind wais ceureless in his note-taking. Leiberg reported in a letter to C.V. Piper (cited in Mack 1988) that Sandberg 's r^xjrt of 1892 (Holzinger 1895) erred by as much as 240 km in the location of sane specimens. A search was conducted in the vicinity of Spirit LaJellia aquatilis occurs at elevations from 3 m (10 feet) in Washington to 1350 m (4420 feet) in Montana. B. Riysical charactfiristics . 1. diinate. a. Kcppen clinate classification (ext^mit sites) : Types Csa and Csb (warm, maritiine or semimaritime types with dry sunmers) , and Dfb (cool tenperate climate, with numerous sunner thunderstonns) (Visher 1954). b. Rogicnal nacrocliinate: The climates in which {}. dciuatilis has been found range from semi-eurid Meditteranean (California; R. Bittman, pers. ocnin.) to moist ten|3erate (northwestern Montana) . Near the distributional area of iJ. aquatilis in the Swan Valley, Montana, the closest climatological stations are located in Bigfork (3010 ft. (918 m) elevation) ard Seeley lake (4100 ft. (1250 m) elevation) . Data for the period 1951-1980 aire provided by the U.S. Department of Oorineroe (1982). At Bigfork, the mean annual precipitation was 56.08 an (22.08 in.); the mean annual tenperature was 7.5* C (45.5* F) , and the mean July maximum temperature was 27.6* C (81.7* F) . At Seeley Lake, the mean annual precipitation was 56.16 cm (22.11 in.); the mean annual tenperature was 5.2* C (41.3* F) , and the meein July maximum tenperature was 27.8* C (82.0* F) . The climate of northern Idaho is influenced primaurily by Pacific maritime air. However, Idaho is 500 to 650 km inland from the Pacific Ocean, and the Cascade Mountains separate Idaho from the coast. TYie distance and the mountain barrier result in a climate with many ocMitinental chcU3cteristics. Because prevailing westerly winds blew inland from the Pacific Ocean, winters are warmer and milder than mi^t be expected. These mild, moist winds result in winters that are humid and cloudy. Snowfall is heavy in the mountains. 32 Periodically, the westerly flew of air is intempted by outbreaks of clear, cold continental air from Ccinada. During the summer months, the westerly wincJs weciken, eind oontinentid climatic oonditicaTS prevail. Rain fall, cloud cover, and relative humidity are at their minimum in summer. The Soil Conservation Service (1981) estimates that, in latah County, the average annual precipitation is 63.5 an (25 in.), the average annuEd air temperature is about 6.7* C (44* F) , and the average frost- free season is about 110 days. The climate in western Weishington is undoubtedly varwer and moister than in Idaho or hkantana. c. Local midDclinHte: No detailed quantitative informatiwi available. The aquatic h2±)itats ooci^jied by H. aquatilis eure probably less subject to diurnal tenperature fluctuations than the atmosphere. In Montana, the species often occurs along the mcirgins of small ponds surrounded by heavy forest cover, and thus would be shaded for much of the day. In Idaho, the small pond containing Hcyo>ellia aquatilis is partially shaded throughout the sunmer by tall shrubs that ijimediately border it. Cold air pooling can be intense during the fall, winter and spring, but is moderate during most of the grcwing season due to the relatively low elevation. 2. Air and water quality requireniGnts: In Montana, water sanples from nine ponds supporting H. aquatilis. eax3 three pcxids not supporting the species, were analyzed to determine pH and conductivity. In addition, five sanples (three from iJ. aquatilis ponds, two from others) were emalyzed to determine alkalinity. Ihe results of these analyses are presented in Table 2. None of the factors analyzed appear to distinguish amc»Tg ponds containing or not containing H. aquatilis. The pH values for ponds with or without the species are all in the neutral range (6.75-7.92). It is possible that other factors which were not analyzed eure more inportant in determining the suitability of a particular site for si:53porting iJ. aquatilis (i.e., dissolved oxygen, temperature) . Air quality requirements are unknown. 3. Fhysiographic provinces: Kncwn from the Northern Rocky Mountain, Columbia Plateaus, and Pacific Border provinces mafped by Fenneman (1931) ; the Rocky Mountains, Columbia- Snake River Plateau, and Pacific Border provinces mapped by Hunt (1974) ; and the Ooluittoia Basin Province mapped by Franklin and Dymess (1973). 33 TABLE 2. Water chemistry analyses, Swan Valley, Lake and Missoula counties, Montana.* A. Ponds containing Howellia aquatilis: Sample CH Conduct ivi ■ty Alkalinity (occurrence rumho/i cm e 25-C) fma/L as CaC03) number) A-2 (007) 7.20 73 32 C-1 (020) 7.28 87 44 C-3 (027) 7.66 266 130 D-1 (008) 7.57 322 - D-3 (014) 7.00 162 - E-1 (049) 7.29 73 - F-1 (018) 6.78 68 - G-1 (031) 7.13 54 - H-1 (051) 6.85 33 - 7.20 126 69 B. Ponds not containina Howellia aquatilis: B-1 (near 007) 7.61 210 103 C-2 (near 021) 6.75 30 10 D-2 (near 008) 7.92 216 - 7.43 152 56 * - Analyses conducted by the Chemistry Laboratory Bureau, Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, July 1987. 34 4. Riysiogr2^3hic and tcpographic c±»zu:^cteristics: In the Montana portion of the range, the topography of the Swan Valley is of glaciad origin. Generally, the floor of the vcilley is level to gently sloping, with drumlins in numerous areas. Ihe pothole ponds in which H. aquatilis most often ocxxirs were formed vqwn the retreat of a continental glacier about 10,000 yeeirs ago. These ponds could represent depressicMTS left when meisses of ice buried in outwash gravels melted; they could also be formed when areas of ice melted out between areas of outwash sediments which accumulated xjpan the glacier surface (Alt and Hyndman 1986) . In Montana, the species is currently known to occur only in the Swan River drainage, within Hydrologic Unit No. 17010211 as mapped by the United States Geological Survey (1980) . The Idaho population occurs in a mature river bottom, chauracterized by a wide floodplain and a meandering river. The deep, alluvial soils are derived from the erosion of loess and volcauiic ash that were d^x)sited on the surrounding mountains during the Pleistocene. In Washingtcxj, the ponds in the Spokane region are in an area of basalt flows, and several of them are iitmediately rijmed by basalt outcrops. The area is characterized by low topographic relief (J. Gamon, pers. oontn.). The sites for {J. aquatilis in Montana range from 945 m (3100 ft.) near the south end of Swan Lake, to 1348 m (4420 ft.) near the east side of Lindbergh LakB. The elevaticMTs in Washington range fron 3 m (10 ft.) near the Columbia River, to 707 m (2320 ft.) in the Spokane area. The Idaho site occurs at 780 m (2560 ft.). 5. E)daphic feK^ors: Howellia aquatilis is found almost exclusively in ponds with bottom surfaces which consist of firm, cxffisolidated clay and organic sediments. Only in two cases were plants found in ponds with deeper, leirgely unconsolidated bottom sediments; in these situations, most H. aquatilis plants were then found in shallower areas near the shore, in more oc^Tsolidated portions of the ponds. The texture and depth of these bottom sediments may be very iirportant in relation to seed germination requirements and early grcwth of H. aquatilis. Loose, silty soil sediments may lead to burial of seeds too deeply to physicadly allow efficient germination and establishment. In Montana, the soil units which cortprise the Swan Valley floor consist of Cryochrepts, Eutrctooralfs, and Eutrochr^ts. The parent materials for these soils consist of clayey alluvium and clayey colluvium; the resultant soils cu:^ de^ (Montagne et al. 1982) . » i 35 The Swan River Oxbow (005) site is unusual in that the H. aquatilis populaticxis ocojpy areas in and neeu: an old, retired oxbow of the previous river channel. Ihe site is physiographiccilly very different fron the glacieil pothole d^ressions which the species inhabits elsewhere in the Swan VeLLley. However, the bottom sediments of the sloughs eire of a similar cxxTsolidated texture, and nany of the cannon associated species eure present, especially Carex vesicaria and Eouisetum fluviatile. Most sites in Spokane County, Washington, are mapped as OoceLLalla silty clay loam, a poorly drained soil formed in volcanic ash mixed with silty alluvium, under sedges, rushes eind grasses. At least one site is mapped as Sendahoo muck, a very poorly drained organic soil (Donaldsoi and Giese 1968) . The Idaho population falls within a napping unit containing soils of the Harpson series, which are cocirse-silty, ndxed, frigid Fluventic Haploxerolls. They are very de^, moderately well drained soils on valley floors. The soils are formed in alluvium derived from various sources. Slope is 0-3% (Soil Conservation Service 1981) . Tliese soils actually occur in adjacent bottomland meadows and are generally not submerged. 6. Dependenoe en natural disturbance: Hcwellia aouatilis is restricted to aquatic habitats which typically contain water for most of the growing season, but which dry out in many eupeas by late sumer or early fall. The pothole ponds are stable landforms which would be influenced mainly by vegetational changes. However, in the case of the Swan River Oxbcw (005) site in Montana, it occurs in a flood plain area which is ocnpletely inundated during ^ring run- off. HcMellia aquatilis appears to be tolerant of this situation, as the populations return each season (with variation in size) from the seed bank. The extent, if any, to which the species depends on the drying of its habitat each year, i.e., to promote seed germination, is unknown. However, if. aquatilis may behave as a true "vernal pool" species. It is suspected that any disturbance which alters the local surface or subsurface hydrology euround the habitats nay influence the populations. 7. Other unusual physical features: None known or observed. C. Biological cheuracteristics. 1. Vegetation physiogncnty and oomunity structure: Howell ia aquatilis occurs in wetland comnunities dominated by emergent vegetation. In Montana and Idaho, the ponds and wetlands are typically surrounded by tenperate ocaiiferous forests dominated by trees with more or less ocxiical crowns. The ininediate margins of these wetlands often have 36 a shrub zone which overhaings the shoreline. In addition, Icirge deciduous tree species are aljxst always found along the margins. 2. Regicncil vegetaticn types; In Montana, within the Oedar- Hemlock-Douglas-fir Forest Section; in eastern Washington and Idaho, near the border between the Palouse Grassland Province and the Douglas- fir Forest Section; and in western Washington, within the Willainette-Puget Forest Province, all as mapped by Bailey (1976) . In Montana, within the Subalpine Fir, Douglas-fir, and Grand Fir Climax Forest zone mapped by Ross and Hunter (1976) . The Idaho population occurs in a ripariem zone at the interface of two Kuchler types: Grand Fir-Douglas Fir Forests and Wheatgrass- Bluegrass (Kuchler 1964) . Surrounding forest types fedl into three Society of American Foresters (SAF) cover types: Interior Douglas-fir (210) , Western Larch (212) , Grand Fir (213) , and Western White Pine (215) (Eyre 1980) . Habitat types fall into the grand fir, western redcedar, and Douglas-fir series (Cooper et aj. 1987). 3. Frequently associated species: In Montana, HcMellia aquatilis is most often found in small pothole ponds of glacial origin, at lower elevaticxTS in the Swan River drainage. The zonal vegetation in these eureas consists of diverse coniferous forests which contain varying amounts of the following tree ^secies: Abies qrandis (Grand Fir) Abies lasiocarpa (Subalpine Fir) Larix occidental is (Western Larch) Pioea enqelmannii (Engelmann Spruce) Pinus oontorta (Lodg^xjle Pine) Plnus monticola (Western White Pine) Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine) Pseudotsuqa menziesii (Douglas Fir) Iiiinediately surrounding the ponds in which H. aquatilis has been found, the following deciduous broadleaf tree species aa?e virtually edways present: Papulus tremuloides (Quaking Aspen) and/or Populus trichocarpa (Black Cottonwood) . In the northern Swan Valley, Betula papyri f era (Paper Birch) is also associated with some sites. Shrub species bordering H. aquatilis sites include: Alnus incana (Thinleaf Alder) Comus stolonifera (Red Osier Dogwood) Juniperus communis (Coimon Juniper) Rhamnus alnifolia (Alder Buckthorn) Salix spp. (Willcws) Ihe following aquatic herbaceous species were found to be connonly associated with H. aquatilis; those marked with an 37 asterisk can be cxinsidered indicator ^secies: *Carex vesiccuria (Inflated Sedge) Callitriche heterophylla (Different-leaved Water- starwort) *Eauisetum fluviatile (Water Horsetail) Potanioqetcy> cpramineus (Veiriable Leaf Pcaidweed) Ranunculus aquatilis (Hairleaf Water Butterop) *Sium suave (Hemlock Water-peursnip) Spatrctanium minimim (Small Bur-reed) Other herbaceous species less frequently associated with ]L aquatilis in Montana include: Alisma plantacjo-aquat ica (American Waterplantain) Alopecurus aequalis (Shortawn Foxtail) Ceupex atherodes (Slough Sedge) Carex rostra ta (Beaked Sedge) Eleoch^u:is palustris (Coimon Spi)cesedge) Glvoeria borealis (Northern htinnagrass) Myriophvlluro spicaturo (Spiked Water-milfoil) Nup^ar varieaatum (Yellcw Water-lily) Fhal^u:is arundinaoea (Reed canaurygrass) RzuTunculus amelinii (Gknelin's Buttercup) Saaitt^tt•ia cuneata (Duckpotato Arrowhead) Typha latifolia (Oonnon Cattail) Utricularia vulgaris (Oonnon Bladdervort) Veronica catcnata (Chain Speedwell) In Washington, the ponds are surrounded most often by the follcwing tree and shrub ^secies: fiamys stolonlfera (Red Osier Dogwood) Fraxinus latifolia (Ash) Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine) Populus trgnoloides (^oaiking Aspen) Populus trichocarpa (Black Cottonwood) Svnyihoriceurpos albus (Oonmon Snowberry) Associated aquatic ^secies in Washington include: Callitriche staqnalis (Pond Water-starwort) Ludwiqia palustris (Ludwigia) - drying eureas Nuphaur polvsepalum (Spatter-dock) Polygonum ooocineum (Water Smartweed) Ranunculus flabellaris (Yellcw Buttercup) Ranunculus flanmula (Creeping Butterci^D) - drying areas In Idaho, the forests bordering the broad river bottom eure dominated by a mixture of coniferous species, including Pinus oontorta. lacix occidental is. Thuia plicata (Western Red-oedar) , Abies grandis, Pinus ponderosa, and Abies lasiocarpa. Species imnediately bordering the pord include Crataecais dcuglasii (Hawthorn), Comus stolonifera. Alnus 38 jJTcana, Symphoricarpos albus, Fhlaris arundinacea. and Rosa sp. Associated aquatic species include Alisma plctntaao- aquatica . Sium suave. Carex rostra ta. Lemna minor (Duckweed) , Eleocharis sp. , and Callitriche heterophylla. 4. Dcndnanoe and frequency of the taxcn: Howell ia aquatilis is often distrilxited in a patchy pattern within its habitat, and varies from scarce to relatively frequent (20-30% cover) . It was generally observed to occi^jy less densely vegetated areas. In Montana, two situaticxis were observed in particular: 1.) in many ponds, the greatest densities of iJ. aquatilis were found around the pond margins, under the cover of surrounding overhanging shrubs (Salix spp. , Alnus incana. Comus stolon if era) . In this zone other emergent aquatic species do not occur in abundance, and H. aquatilis is able to ^read throughout the open eopeas, often grcving in thick mats; 2.) in ponds dominated throu^out by Carex vesiceiria and/or Equisetum fluviatile, H. aquatilis was frequently observed to occupy openings among such vegetation. Similarly, in the central open water of some ponds H, aquatilis becomes very dense (near 100% cover) . While the species was found to occur amongst the stems of other emergent plants, it was often not as abundant in such situations. These observations suggest that y. aquatilis may prefer more open microhabitats within the ponds it oco^jies, and that it cannot oonpete vigorously with other aquatic plant ^secies. However, at least one site in Washington is dcminated by Fhalaris arundinacea (Reed Cancury Grass), but iJ. aquatilis is abundant (J. Gamon, pers. ooiin. ) . In Idaho, the 30 individuals observed in 1988 had a patchy distribution, occurring mostly in the center of the pond. No observable factors appeared responsible for this pattern. 5. Suooessicnal phencnena: In Montana, the pothole pcyrds inhabited by y. aquatilis appear to be at an early stage within the successicxial series for such hcibitats. In classifications of wetland habitat types, such ponds could generally be classified as inland shallow fresh marshes (Shaw and Fredine 1956) or seascral ponds (Stewcirt and Kantrud 1971) . Such wetlands cire often characterized by aquatic grasses (i.e, Glyceria spp., Alopecurus aequalis) and sedges (i.e., Carex vesicaria. C. rostra ta. C. atherodes) . pcaidweeds (Potamogeton spp.), and burreeds fSparqanium spp.) (Weller 1981). With increasing sedimentation and accumulaticMi of organic matter, and subsequent lowering of the water table, such habitats can eventually develop into sedge meadows (Reuter 1986) . Numerous exanples of such meadows ccin be found in the Swcin Valley in Montana. Ihey are dominated most often by Carex lasiocarpa. and the water table is at or below the soil surface. Such sites were never observed to contain H. aquatilis. 39 I The characteristic which may be roost ijtportant in W maintaining the pothole ponds inhabited by H. aquatilis is that they generedly always dry corpletely by the end of the growing seasoi (late August-S^jtember in Montana) . Such drying inhibits the rate of muck aocunulaticMi (Reuter 1986) , and may serve to maintain these ponds in an earlier emergent suooessional stage. In pcxris which are more suooessional ly advanced, and which may remain wetter for most of the growing season, Typha lati folia and Nuphcu: veuriegatum are more frequent. In Montana, Howell ia acaiatilis occurs in association with J. lati folia in 12 such ponds or wetlands (Condon Creek (031) , Dog Creek (018), Lindbergh Lake (004, 012, 032, 033, 037, 040, 042, 046, 047, 048), and Swan River Oxbow (005)); it is associated with N. varieqatum in three locations (Last Creek-Cilly Creek Ponds (Oil, 012), Lindber^ Lake (047)). In many cases, these ponds support less vigorous populations of IJ. aquatilis. pxassibly owing to the advancing succession and deeper unconsolidated botton sediments of such habitats. Suooessional trends at the Idaho site could not be discerned due to the limited nuniber of visits made to the 2upea. Vemzd ponds have been present at the site for at leeist 20 yezurs (Ruth O^nbey, pers. conn.) . f Despite the fact that H. aquatilis occurs over a large geographic area, it is ecologically adapted to a narrcMly defined aquatic habitat. Ihus, any direct inpacts on its habitat may be more li3cely to cause extirpation. Ihe ^lecies does not appear to be capable of colonizing disturbed habitats. 6. Dependence on dynamic aspects of biotic associaticns and ecosysten features: Howellia acMatilis occurs in shallcw ponds and wetlands which generally contain water from ^ring to mid- or late sutmer, d^sending on climatic conditions. In the majority of cases, at least in Montana, these habitats then dry coirpletely near the end of sunmer (September) ; in seme cases in which tJ. aquatilis occurs near the margins of deeper ponds, these margins may dry out while the center remains filled. Thus, the species appeaurs to be adapted to 'Vernal pool" conditions; substantial seed germination nay require yecurly drying after seed dispersal. This habitat relationship would surely be closely influenced by yeeurly variation in precipitation amounts, e^secially sncw depth and resultant run-off. In Washington, some of the ponds which contain ]i. aquatilis were dry through all of 1987; it remains to be seen hew the populations will respond once these sites have water in them again (J. Gamon, pers. comti. ) . 40 7. Other endangered, threatened, rare, car vulnerable species ocxxirring in habitat of this taxcn: Idaho - Tauschia tenuissiroa (Leiberg's Lomatium) , a Category 2 federal candidate, occurs in bottomland meadows adjacent to the pond containing H. aquatilis. Montana - Ihe oily state sensitive aquatic species which is kncwn to occur in the vicinity of H. aquatilis is Potamoqeton obtusifolius (Blunt-leaved Pondweed, G5/S1S2) . This ^jecies occurs at the Swan River 0>dxiw (005) site. Washington - Cypripedium caloeolus var. parviflorum (Small Yellcvr Lady's-slipper) , which is considered endangered in the state (Washington Natural Heritage Program 1987) , occurs on the periphery of sons ponds which contain H. aquatilis (J. Gcunon, pers. coitin.). Pcspulation biology of taxcn. A. General sumnaiy: Populations of H. aquatilis generally consist of a few to several thousand individuals. The ^secies is an annual; population size is known to fluctiiate yeeurly, and is probably mainly associated with vauriation in annual climatic patterns (precipitation and temperature fluctuations) . Recent eviderjoe indicates that the species has no intra- or inter- population genetic variation. Morphological studies and field observations indicate that tf. aquatilis is an obligate self- pollinator. Seeds may be di^aersed between wetland habitats by wildlife use and migration. Evidence for the existence of seed banks has been obtained froro om location in Montana. B. Deongraphy. 1. Rioun populations: A total of 72 recently extant populatiCTTs, from 13 sites, are known: 55 (9 sites) in Montana; 16 (3 sites) in Washington; and 1 in Idaho. A site is considered to be a cluster of adjacent populatic»Ts, each of which is generally no more than 1.6 km from the next nearest population. Populations vary from only a few individueds, up to many thousands of plants. (X/ing to the annual life history, and the presence of seed banks, the total number of kncwn individuals cannot be meaningfully estimated. 2. GenereLl demographic details: See Table 3, pp. 41-49. C. Rienology. 1. Kittems: Recent <±>servations in Montana revealed that H. aquatilis can germinate in the fall (P. Lesica, pers. comm.) . In Idaho and Montana, the plants are then actively growing beneath the water surface hy early May. Ihe subnergent, cleistogamous flowers begin to form shortly 41 TABLE 3. General deaographic details, listed by state and occurrence nuaber. IDAHO Occurrence nuiter: 001 Site naw: HAKVARO Cotnty: LATAH Acreage: 1 Population data: 30 FLOUCRIHC INDIVIDUALS IN THREE CLUMPS (19M), IN A PONO CA. IS K 4S FT. WOMTAMA Occurrence nui«>er: 001 Site nmm: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 75-100* PLANTS (1987); NORTH END OF POND IMPACTED BY LOCCIHC. WITH SOME SLASH PILED INTO THE WATER. Occurrence ruit)*r: 002 Site nam: LINDBERGH LAKE Coi#ity: MISSOULA Acreage: 4 Population data: EST. 2000-3000 PLANTS (1987); NORTH AND WEST MARGINS OF PONO DISTURBED BT LOGGING ACTIVITY; DEEPEST POND KNOWN FOR THE SPECIES IN MONTANA (CA. EIGHT FEET); SOME INDIVIDUALS VERY LARGE. Occurrence nuiter: 003 Site naw: LINOBERCN LAKE Cowity: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: 1000* PLANTS (1983); POND IS A SMALL GLACIAL DEPRESSION NEXT TO A LARGER BOG, TO UHICH IT MAY HAVE BEEN CONNECTED EARLIER. Occurrence ntmber: 004 Site nam: LINDBERGH LAKE Cotf^ty: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 11-SO PLANTS (1983). Occurrence nurtier: OOS Site nmt: SUAH RIVER OXBOU County: LAKE Acreage: 30 Population data: VERY COMMON; MAY BE LARGEST OCCURRENCE KNOWN, WITH ABOUT 10000 INDIVIDUALS (198S); ELEMENT OCCURS IN i, AREAS, IN AND ADJACENT TO THE OLD RIVER OXBOW; MANY HUNDREDS OF PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1987. 42 TABLE 3. (cont.). HOWTANA Occurrence ncnfccr: 006 Site name: CONDON CREEK County: HtSSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 1000-2000 PLANTS (1987); KANT PLANTS DISTURBED BY HOOSE AND/OR WATERFOWL ACTIVITY; AREA IS ACTIVELY THREATENED BY LOGGING ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TIMBER HARVESTING. Occurrence nurixr: 007 Site naoic: SWAN RIVER WEST County: LAKE Acreage: 1 Population data: ABOUT 3000-4000 PLANTS, POSSIBLY MORE; VERY DENSE, AND FORMING MATS, IN WEST POND; THE TWO PONDS, WHICH ARE SEPARATED BY A SALIX BORDER. ARE JOINED BY HIGHER WATER IN THE SPRING. Occurrence ncn4)er: 008 Site na«e: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 2000-3000 PLANTS, IN A SINGLE POND; SURROUNDED BY A RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED FOREST. WHICH WAS REPORTEDLY LIGHTLY SELECTIVELY LOGGED IN ABOUT 1910. Occurrence nurber: 009 Site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 3 Population data: EST. SOO-600 PLANTS (1987); SPECIES DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL OF THE AVAILABLE. SUITABLE HABITAT AT THIS SITE; AREAS AROUND SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF POND CLEARCUT CA. IS YEARS AGO. Occurrence nuitwr: 010 Sit* name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 200-300 PLANTS (1987); FLOWERS AND CLEISTOGAMOUS FRUIT; SPECIES DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL OF THE AVAILABLE, SUITABLE HABI- TAT AT THIS SITE; AREAS AROUND SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF POND CLEARCUT CA. IS YEARS AGO. Occurrence niJi*)er: Oil Site name: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: S Population data: EST. 100-200 PLANTS (1987), ON SOUTHWEST. NORTH AND EAST MARGINS; PAST LOGGING DISTURBANCE IN THE AREA. 43 TABLE 3. (cont.). MQWTANA Occurrence nurber: 012 Site naw: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 400-SOO PLANTS (1987); MUCH OF PONO MAS NO VEGETATION; LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND POND. Occurrence nuiber: 013 Site naM: LOST CREEK-CILLT CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 10O0-1SOO PLANTS (1987); LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND PONO. Occurrence nu*er; OU Site ntm»: LOST CREEK-CILLT CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 300-400 PLANTS (1987); LOGGING HAS OCCURRED IN ADJACENT rORESTS. Occurrence njiber: CIS Sit* naM: LOST CREEK-CILLT CREEK PONDS County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 300* PLANTS (1987); LOCCINC HAS OCCURRED IN ADJACENT FORESTS; THIS PONO UAS ORTING FASTER THAN OTHERS AT THIS SITE. Occurrence nuifcer: 016 Site nam: LOST CREEK-CILLT CREEK PONOS Cowty: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 400* PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. Occurrence nuitoer: 017 Site naaie: LOST CREEK-CILLT CREEK PONOS County: LAKE Acreage: 3 Population data: EST. 10-12 PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT TO LOCGIHC ROAD; THIS DEPRESSION WAS MUCH DRYER THAN THE OTHERS, HOUELLIA AOUATILIS PRESENT IN A FEW PUDDLES; HABITAT MAY BE MORE ADVANCED SUCCESSIONALLY THAN NEARBY PONDS. Occurrence ntwber: 018 Site naw: DOG CREEK County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 200* PLANTS (1987); SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. 44 TABLE 3. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence nuntoer: 019 Site name: DOC CREEK County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 150-200 PLANTS (1987); FOREST IMMEDIATELY SURROUNDING POND IN COCO CONDITION, FAIRLY UNDISTURBED. Occurrence nurber: 020 Site n«w: CONDON CREEK County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 1000 PLANTS (1987); NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. Occurrence ruitxr: 021 Site name: CONDON CREEK County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. SO PLANTS (1987); NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. Occurrence nui<>er: 022 Site name: C0N0er: 031 Site nme: CONDON CREEK Comty: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. ISO- 175 PLANTS (1987); AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING IN THE PAST; POND ADJACENT TO A LOGGING ROAD; PLANTS FOUND IN CALM, SHALLOW AREAS UNDER SHRUBS BORDERING POND. AND ADJACENT TO LOGS. Occurrence nuitier: 032 Site nmm: LINDBERGH LAKE Cot^ty: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 101-1000 PLANTS (1983). Occurrence nuiter: 033 Site r\m*: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 50 PLANTS (1983); THIS SLOUGH HAS A FLOATING SEDGE MAT. AND IS DOMINATED BY TYPHA, AND THUS IS APPARENTLY MORE SUCCESSIONALLY ADVANCED THAN OTHERS IN THE AREA. TABLE 3. (cont.). MONTANA 46 Occurrence rxjrber: 034 Site County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 11-100 PLANTS (1983). LINDBERGH LAKE Occurrence nutiter: 035 Site County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 51-1000 PLANTS (1983). LINDBERGH LAKE Occurrence nui<)er: 036 Site naae: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 100-125 PLANTS (1987); PLANTS ARE FOUND AT SOUTHEAST END OF POND, ON SECTION LINE. Occurrence nvji4>er: 037 Site naw: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 10-15 PLANTS (1987); POND DISTURBED BY HEAVY LOGGING ON ALL SIDES; PLANTS FOUND IN SOUTH END OF POND. Occurrence nuifcer: 038 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 1000-1200 PLANTS (1987); POND DISTURBED BY HEAVY LOGGING ON ALL SIDES. Occurrence norbcr: 039 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 1000-1500 PLANTS (1987); POND DAMAGED BY LOGGING ON NORTHEAST SIDE. Occurrence nunber: 040 Site nam: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 300-400 PLANTS (1987); FOREST IMMEDIATELY SURROUNDING POND CURRENTLY UNDISTURBED. 47 TABLE 3. (cont.). MOMTAMA Occurrence nuifcer: Ml Site nam: LINOBERCN LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: FOUR PLANTS (1987); PONO AND SURROUNDING FOREST UNOERSTORY HEAVILY DISTURBED BY LIVESTOCK GRAZING; PLANTS fOUMD ON EAST EDGE OF PONO. Occurrence nuiter: 042 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE Cotxfty: MISSOULA Acreage: 3 Population data: EST. SO-60 PLANTS (1987); POND AND SURROUNDING FOREST UNOER- STORY DISTURBED BY LIVESTOCK GRAZING; PLANTS FOUND IN NORTH, ME, AND SOUTH PORTIONS OF POND; MOST PLANTS FOUND IN AN ARM ON NE SIDE OF POND. Occurrence nui<>er: 043 Site nam: LINOBERCN LAKE Co«^ty: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 20-25 PLANTS (1967). Occurrence ruiter: 044 Sit* nam: LINOBERCN LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 275-400 PLANTS (1987); PONO IS ALONGSIDE A HEAVILY USED GRAVEL ROAO, AM) IS UNDER A POUER LINE. Occurrence njiter: 045 Site namt: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 300 PLANTS (1987). Occurrence nuiter: 046 Site naa«: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 50 PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT LOGGING. Occurrence nuvber: 047 Site nam: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 200 PLANTS (1987); PONO LOCATED ON EDGE OF A CLEARCUT. 48 TABLE 3. (cont.). HOWTANA Occurrence nunber: (KS Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 2S0 PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT LOGGING. Occurrence nunber: 049 Site name: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 1500-2000 PLANTS (1987); POND IS ON NORTH SIDE OF A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOGGING ROAD. JUST NORTH OF USFS BOUNDARY. Occurrence nurber: OSO Site nane: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 3 Population data: EST. S00-1000 PLANTS (1987); MOSTLY ON THE POND MARGIN, IN THE MORE OPEN ZONE BETWEEN THE EMERGENT VEGETATION AND THE SHORELINE, UNDER OVERHANGING SHRUB COVER; A FEW PLANTS OUT IN DEEPER WATER. Occurrence nuitxr: 051 Site n»me: LINDBERGH LAKE County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 100-125 PLANTS (1987); VERY SMALL POND. MOSTLY DRY EX- CEPT FOR CENTER WHERE PLANTS WERE FOUND. Occurrence nui*>er: 052 Site nttm: KRAFT CREEK County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 200 PLANTS (1987); A FEW PLANTS IN MUD ON POND MARGIN STILL FLOWERING ON DATE OF SURVEY; ENTIRE POND NOT SURVEYED. Occurrence nuTt«r: 053 Site name: SALMON PRAIRIE County: LAKE Acreage: 2 Population data: EST. 200-300 PLANTS, ALONG MARGINS OF TWO AREAS WHICH ARE CONNECTED BY HIGHER WATER IN EARLY SUMMER; PONDS BISECTED BY FENCE. WITH MOST PLANTS ON WEST (USFS) SIDE. Occurrence nutber: 054 Site name: ELK CREEK County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: EST. 400-500 PLANTS, PROBABLY MORE WHEN POND IS FULL. A9 TABLE 3. (cont.). MONTANA Occurrence rutbtr: 055 Site nam: ELK CREEK County: MISSOULA Acreage: 1 Population data: CA. 100 INDIVIDUALS (53 COUNTED); FOUND ONLT IN SOUTH END OF POND, AROUND MARGIN; DOCS NOT OCCUPY ALL AVAILABLE HABITAT. UASHINGTQN (information provided for occurrences where knoMn) Occurrence ruiter: 001 County: SPOKANE Acreage: 1 Population data: 20 PLANTS (1983). Occurrence nunter: 002 County: CLARK Acreage: 1 Population data: ABUNDANT (1980). Occurrence ninber: 004 County: SPOKANE Acreage: 1 Population data: AT LEAST SEVERAL HUNOREO PLANTS (1966). Occurrence ruibtr: 005 County: SPOKANE Acreage: 1 Population data: PROSABLY SEVERAL HUNDRED TO » 1000 INDIVIDUALS (1986). Occurrence ruit^r: 010 County: SPOKANE Acreage: 1 Population data: VERY LITTLE NoweUla OBSERVED, BUT HOT MUCH WATER PRESENT (1986). Occurrence nuiber: 013 County: SPOKANE Acreage: 1 Population data: VERY LITTLE Howellia WAS OBSERVED (1986). » 50 thereafter; the first fruits from these have been found in June. Ihe emergent, dicismogamous f lowers begin to blocro when the stems reach the water surface, and are usually conspicuous fron late June until August. Seed dispersed largely takes place fron mid- to late summer. In Washington, the sites are lower in elevation, and emergent flowering begins during May (J. Gamon, pers. cxum.). In Idaho in 1988, during v* near average climatic ocMiditions occurred during the ^ring, cleistogamous flowers were in bud c»i unbranched, submerged stems on 6 May. Plants were in flower above the water surface on 14 June, and cleistogamous fruits were near maturity. 2. Relation to clinate and microclimate: Because H. aquatilis is an aquatic species largely restricted to vernal ponds and wetlands, its phenology is intimately tied to the climatic factors influencing these habitats. These factors would include precipitation (e^iecially winter sncwpack and subsequent run-off, and spring rains) and summer weather patterns. The current drought oonditioTs in the Pacific Northwest have resulted in an eaurlier drying of some of the habitats in Montana. A subsequent reduction in the total amount of seed production would be expected, since the actual duration of the plants and flowers would be shorter. In Washington, the current drought ocxiditions have resulted in some ponds remaining dry (or at least without pc^ided water) throughout the ye2ur (J. Gamon, pers. oomm.). However, drou^t cc^iditions experienced in northern Idaho during the winters of 1986-87 and 1987-88 did not appear to affect the water level of the pond; it was at high water nark. D. Reproductive biology. 1. IVP^s of reproduction: The breeding system of H. aquatilis has been studied by Lesica et ai. (1988) . Anatomical studies showed that in the cleistogamous flowers, the corolla develops a small closed bud amd then drops off, leaving an enlarging ovary. Although the chasmogamous flowers develop fully, anther dehiscence and embryo development before the flowers had opened was repeatedly observed. In these flowers, as the corolla opens the stigma pushes vp throu^ the filament tube in close proximity to the dehiscing cinthers; this sequence would almost eissure self-pollination if it had not previously taken place. No evidence of agamospenty was observed; in both cleistogamous and chasmogamous flowers, embryo and/or endosperm develc^xnent was observed only after penetration of the ovule by a pollen tube. AdditicMially, pollen stainability of samples from the Condon Creek site in Montana was 93% (s.d.=3%) , indicating normal fertility. All of these (±)servations suggest that, althou^ not iirpossible, the occurrence of outcrossing in this species is probably extremely restricted, and that the breeding system > 51 approaches obligate autogainy. Reprcducticxi by cloning or other asexu2Ll means has not been observed. 2 . Pallination . a. Mechanisias: As described above, H. aquatilis largely appears to be an obligate self -pollinator. b. SJpecific pollination agents: None kncwn or subjected, although small insects (i.e., dipterons) have been very rarely observed on the chasmogamous flcwers (J. Pierce, pers. ccmn. ; J.S. Shelly, pers. observation). c. Other suspected pollination agents: None kncwn, although it is possible that pollen transfer via water might occur. d. vulnerability of pollination mechemians: None suspected. 3. Seed difpersal. a. General mechanisms: Ihe seeds of IJ. aquatilis are relatively large (2-4 rm. long) . They do not possess any wings, appendages, or other structures which appear to provide them with 2my buoyzmcy. Though capable of floating on the surface owing to water surface tension, the seeds sink readily when pushed or released belo^ the surface. It is liJcely that all of the seeds produced by the subniergent cleistogamous flowers sink to the bottom upon release. Although seeds released fron emergent capsules could float for a short distarce from the point of di^sersal, it is li3cely that these seeds sink fairly soon after release as well. The majority of the populations of H. aquatilis occur in ponds which are not connected by above-ground drainages or by ^ring run-off. The exception to this is the Swan River Oxbow (005) site, where the species occurs in four adjacent wetlands on the flooc^lain of the Swan River. During years of hi^ spring run-off, this area is inundated, and it is liJcely that these wetlands aure thus interconnected. Water from the Swan River was observed flowing through the surrounding forests in June, 1986. In this situation, it is possible that some dispersal of seed by water movement is occurring. In numerous cases broken stems, be2u:ing fruits produced by both cleistogamous and chasmogamous flcwers, were observed floating in the water. These fragments could be dispersed to other cureas within the same wetland habitat, although the species is restricted to very quiet water. ^ » 52 b. J^ecific agents: Another possible means of seed dispersal for H. aquatilis is by wildlife disseminaticxi. Waterfcwl were frequently observed in the pothole ponds; it is likely that, when feeding on aquatic vegetation, these birds cxjuld ingest H. aquatilis and distribute the seeds later in other ponds. In addition, seed movement by manmals (i.e., deer, bears, moose) eilso appears to be pxjssible. Deer and moose brcwse in such ponds, and could thus ingest and transport seeds. In Montana, signs of becu: foraging were noted at the Lost Creek-Cilly Creek site (008) late in the sunmer, after all water had dried from the pond; dispersal between pods could perhaps also occur in this way. Seed movement between pcHids, in sediments lodged in the feet of these bird and mamnal species, may also be possible. c. vulnerability of dispersal agents and mochanisns: To the extent that habitat alteration might cause permanent drying of its habitat, or inpacts on the putative wildife di^iersers, the dispersal of B. aquatilis could be influenced by disturbance. d. Kittems of propagule dispersal: Seed di^^ersed by waterfcwl could peurtially explain the scattered distributioi of ij. aquatilis in the Pacific Northwest; in Moitana, di^jersal by waterfowl and maimals between adjacent ponds could produce the clustered arrangement of adjacent populations at the Lost Creek-Cilly Creek Ponds (008-017), Dxf Creek (018, 019), Condon Creek (020-031), Elk Creek (054, 055) and Lindbergh Lake (001-004, 032-051) sites. Meinke (1982) also suggested that H. aquatilis may be "...randomly dispersed through the wanderings of migratory waterfcwl," and that this could pnxJuce the wide, patchy distributic»i pattern. In Idaho, H. aquatilis has been present on the CVTibey property for at least 20 years, but has never occurred in more than one pond (Ruth CXd/nbey, pers. comm.). This suggests that dispersal mechanisms eure limited at this site. 4. Seed biology. a. Amount amd variation of annual seed production: Evidence for the presence of a seed bank is reported by Lesica et al. (1987) . At the Swan River OidxM (005) site, examination of the surface 3 cm of soil from three 2.25 dm^ quadrats in 1986 yielded an estimate of approximately 200 seeds/m^. The presence of such a seed bank should help buffer the occurrences from 53 periodic environmental fluctuaticxTS which could cause Vcirying populaticHi sizes. b. Seed viability and longevity: No detailed quantitative informatics; because H. aquatilis is an annucil species which occurs in vernal wetlands, its population sizes fluctuate from year to year d^aending cr\ seasoncil ccnditions. For exanple, at the Swan River OidxM (005) site in Montana, approximately 10,000 plants were observed in 1985, but fewer than 100 plants were seen in 1986 (Lesica et al. 1987). During field surveys in 1987, the population was very leunge again, with many hundreds of plants observed. Ttjese observations suggest that some seeds can remain viable for at least two yeeurs. c. DomEincy requiranents: Unkncvni. d. Germinaticn requirancnts: For seeds to germinate, water nust be present in the vernal ponds and wetlands. In addition, H. aquatilis is found almost exclusively in ponds with bottom surfaces which consist of firm, consolidated clay and orgemic sediments. Only in two cases in Montana were pleints found in ponds with deeper, laur^gely unconsolidated bottom sediments; in these situations, most tj. acfuatilis plsmts were then found in shallower eureas near the shore, in more consolidated portions of the ponds. Ihe texture and depth of these bottom sediments may be very iiiportant in relation to seed germination requirements emd early growth of t}. aquatilis. Lsose, silty soil sediments may lead to burial of seeds too deeply to ensure efficient gemiination and establishment. e. Beroent germination: No quantitative information. 5. Seedling ecology: See germination requirements described above. 6. SurvivEd and nature of mortality: No quantitative information; the plants occur predomineintly in more open areas within the habitat, and some seedling mortality in densely vegetated areas would be expected. 7. Overall assesanent of taxon's reproductive success: R^roduction appears to be vigorous in most populaticaTS in Montana, when habitat conditions aupe satisfactory. In seme pc»ids the plants have been observed to produce very dense mats, and the seed output in these cases is probably high. Prevailing ecological conditions (especially climate) are probably most iitportant in determining annual rates of seed production and germination. Observations of the Idaho population have revealed that Howellia aquatilis has been in the same pond at the site for at least 20 years. i 54 8. Population ecxalogy of taxcn. A- General sunnaxy: In general, Howell ia aquatilis was observed to ocaxpy less densely vegetated areas within the wetleinds where it occaors. Ihis suggests that it cainnot conpete vigorously with other aquatic plant species. In areas of more open water, the species Ccin grew very densely, forming mats in seme ceises. No specific obligate relationships are known. B. Positive emd neutral interactions: The submersed stems euid leaves of H. acpjatilis were frequently observed to have egg roeisses attached to them, as well as caddis fly cases. None of these were observed to have a negative effect on the plants. C. Negative interactions. 1. Herbivores, predators, pests, parasites and diseases: None directly observed; it is likely that some pleuits are ingested by browsing auiimals, euid/oi^ disturbed by movements of the latter in the associated wetlands. 2. OcBDpetition. a. Intraspecific: In several Montana populations (i.e., Lindbergh lake (044)), H. aquatilis was observed to grow very densely in open water. No adverse effects were observed in such sites. b. Interspecific: TVro patterns were observed in Montana: 1.) in many ponds, the greatest densities of Ij. aquatilis were found 2unound the pond margins, under the cxjver of surrounding overhanging shrubs (Salbc spp. , Alnus incana. Comus stolonifera) . In this zone, other emergent aquatic species do not occur in abundance, and H. aquatilis is able to ^read throu^out such open areas, often growing in thick mats; 2.) in pcaids dominated throughout by Carex vesicaria and/or Equisetum fluviatile, tJ. aquatilis was frequently observed to oocx?3y openings among such vegetation. Sijtiilcurly, in pcxids with open water in the center, H. aquatilis was observed to be most dense in suoh areas. While the species was found to occur amongst the stems of other emergent plants, it was often not as abundant in suoh situations. These observations suggest that H. aquatilis may prefer more open micrc*iabitats within the ponds it oocL^jies, and that it cannot conpete vigorously with other aquatic plcint species. In Idaho, Howell ia aquatilis does occur within the moderately dense matrix of associated submergent species. 3. Toodc and allelopathic interactions: None known or observed. > 55 D. Hybridizatlcn: Ncxie known; the potential for hybridization, either natural or induced, is lev cwiiig to the taxoncmic isolation of the genus. E. Other factors of population ecxslogy: None kncwn or observed. Current land ownership and managemait responsibility. A. General nature of ownership: Idaho: private; Itoitana: United States Government, BurlingtcMi Northern, and private; Washington: United States Government and private. B. ^»cific landowners: 1. Idaho. a. Ruth (Xmbey NE 720 Michigan Pullman, Washington 99163 2. Montana. a. U.S. Forest Service Flathead National Forest 1935 3rd Ave. East Kalispell, MT 59901 b. Plum Creek Tijrber Conpany (Burlington Northern lands) 2050 Hwy. 2 West P.O. Box 1957 Kalispell, HT 59901 c. The Nature Conservancy Big Sky Field Office P.O. Box 258 Helena, MT 59624 d. Pat Halterman Lindbergh Lake Rd. Seeley Lake, MT 59868 e. Horace H. Koessler P.O. Box 3718 Missoula, MT 59806 f . Robert E. Hardy 42 Sherwood Place Greenwich, CT 06830 g. Mrs. G.A. Meu±el 1533 Phillips St. Missoula, MT 59802 ► 56 3. Kashingtcn. a. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Turnbull Naticxial Wildlife Refuge Cheney, WA 99004 b. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ridgefield Natiavil Wildlife Refuge Ridgefield, WA 98642 c. Ihe Nature OcMTservancy Washington Field Office 1601 Second Ave. , Suite 910 SeatUe, WA 98101 d. Private landowners. C. Management respGnsibility: As outlined under specific landowners. D. Easements, ocnservaticn restricticns, etc.: In Mcxitana, Ihe Nature Conservancy has recently purchased land containing a majority of the Swan River Oxbow (005) site in Lake County, and will manage it as a preserve. TVro pojxilaticMTS on private land in the Lindber^ lake area (041, 042) in Missoula Ccxinty have been designated as registry (voluntary protection) sites in cooperatican with The Nature Conservancy. In Idaho, the occurrence in Latah County is cai property which hcis been willed to the Audubon Society for eventual designatic»n as a wildlife sanctu2iry. In Weishington, the occurrence on the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Clark County is proposed for inclusion in the Blackwater Islands Research Natural Area. Ihe Dishman Hills site in Spokane County has been acquired by Ihe Nature Conservancy, and will be transferred to the D^sartJtient of Natural Resources. It will be within the Dishman Hills Conservation Area. One additicx^l site in Washington has been prcposed for inclusic»i within the Washington Register of Natural Areas, a voluntary landowner protection program (J. Garoon, pers. cdinii. ) . 10. Manctgemi^it practices axvl experieroe. A. Habitat management. 1. Review of past management emd lauid-use experiences: Nc»>e known. 2. Performance under changed conditions: No detailed data available. Despite the fact that H. acfuatilis occurs over a large geographic eirea, it is ecologically restricted to a narrowly defined aquatic habitat. Thus, any direct ijopacts on its habitat are more likely to cause the extirpation of disturbed peculations. The species does not appecu: to be capable of colcmizing disturbed habitats. » 57 The influence of habitat alteratioi euround the poids could have an effect on their suooessic»vil trends. In cases where logging has occurred near the habitat margins, an increase in siltatioi rate into the pcnds vrould be esqiected. Such a change would probably influence both the nature of the bottan substrates and the vegetational corposition of the sites. As discussed above, H. aquatilis occurs most frequently and most densely in ponds with firm, ccxisolidated organic clay bottan sediments. It also is frequently found in more open areas within the ponds. Thus, increases in bottan sedimentation, and subsequent oaipetition fran other vegetation, could both have an adverse effect on the viability of H. aquatilis populations. Inpacts from grazing could also potentially influence the vegetation caifxasition of the ponds, through increased nutrient levels emd subsequent suooessional changes. Also, tranpling of the bottan sediments may adversely affect the seed bank, and the consolidated substrate which appeeurs to be neoesseury for vigorous germination. There is sone indication that the historical site in California may have been negatively affected by livestock tranpling (Griggs and Dibble 1979) . However, in Spokane County, Washington, several of the ponds containing H. aquatilis have been significeuTtly edtered by past and current grazing. Sane of these sites have possibly been grazed for 50 years or more, emd the species has persisted, suggesting that in sane situations it may be fairly tolerant to such land use, at least in the short term (J. Gamon, pers. ocmn.). 3. current management policies and actions: In Montana, a three-yeeu: inventory and analysis program proposal has been subndtted to the Flathead National Forest by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. If approved, this plan will involve additional field surveys, monitoring studies, and preparatioi of a management plan for populations on U.S. Forest Service lands in the state. The Nature Conservancy has established monitoring studies on the Swan River Oxbow Preserve (005) site, to assess population trends and encroachment of Fhalaris eurundinaoea (Reed Canary Grass) into the habitat. The habitat in Idaho is managed as a natural area by the present owner. In Washington, the Dishman Hills site will essentially be meinaged as a Natural Area Preserve. The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge site is manciged as a Research Natural Area. The sites within the Tumbull National Wildlife Refuge are managed primarily as water fcwl habitat. Grazing does occur at seme of the sites, hcwever. Grazing occurs on most, if not all, privately cwned sites (J. Gamon, pers. oorm.). I 58 4. Future lemd uses: In Montana, timber heirvesting in the Swam Valley is likely to cxantinue in the future, particularly on private forest lancJs (especially those meinaged by the Plum Creek Timber Ocrpany) . UpOTi executican of Ruth CXmbey's will, the Naticavil Audubon Society will beocrte the cwner of the Idaho site, and will nanejge the area a a naturzLl area. In Washington, the habitat in Spokane County is increasingly being inpacted by a rising population in the area. Iitpacts front resultant rural development may adversely affect habitat throu^ pond drainage, riparian alteration, overgrazing, and polluticai (J. Gamon, pers. ootran.)- B. Qiltlvation. 1. . Oontxolled prcpagaticn techniques: No informaticMi; cwing to the habitat ^Decificity of the species, ex situ propagation fran seed may be difficult. 2. Base of transplanting cultivated material: Unknot. 3. Pertinent horticultural knowledge: None kncwn. 4. Status and location of presently cultivated material: No cultivated naterial known. 11. Evidence of threats to survrival. A. Present or threatened destruction, modificaticn, or curtailment of habitat or range. 1. Past threats: The historical sites in Oregon and California have not been relocated, despite recent surveys. In Oregon, most of the historical locations are within urban or suburtan areas which have been extensively developed in recent times, and they are thought to have been eliminated. Additicxially, construction of dams along the Columbia and Willamette rivers has led to a decline of suitable pond habitats. At the type locality on Sauvies Island, carp eire abundant in pcMids which are connected to the Coluntoia River during hi^ water periods; these fish then destroy the aquatic vegetation (J. Kagan, pers. comm.). In California, the historiczd collecticm from the vicinity of Hcward Lake, in the Cocist Range, was not relocated in 1979 or 1980. The status r^»rt by Griggs and Dittole (1979) suggested that cattle grazing and traitpling may have eliminated the population, thou(^ they recaranended further surveys earlier in the season, before cattle eire allowed in the area. Ihese past edterations have apparently extirpated H. aquatilis from approximately crje- third of its known global range. i 59 In Idaho, much of the bottomland habitat in the Palouse River drainage has been altered to sone degree by roads, lumber mills (3) , residential housing (3 oonrianities) , cultivaticxi (grains) , and pasture land (with seeded exotic forage) . Small vernal pools are easily filled by any of these disturbances. The CXmbey property near Harvard appeared to be the only remaining pcuroel in a relatively undisturbed conditicxi within the drainage. *Ihis general trend in habitat alteration of bottonlands has occurred in much of northern Idaho as well, including the Spirit lake area. In Washingtcai, several ponds on the Tumbull National Wildlife Refuge have been significantly altered to inprove waterfowl habitat (i.e., dredged with heavy equipment while they were dry) . Although 15' aquatilis was not kncwn to be present before these nanipulations, it is suspected to have been, since in some cases eidjacent ponds do contain the species. It is apparently eibsent from the ponds which have been significantly edtered (J. Gamon, pers. conn.). Bv-jghing threats: MOtTTANA; The current threats to populations of iJ. a<;^atilis are mainly from timber harvest activities occurring adjacent to the pothole ponds which the ^secies occupies. Additionally, seme populations are adjacent to gravel logging and public access roads, and are thus susceptible to any road improvement activities which may take place. Lastly, in the vicinity of Lindbergh Lake, seme ponds are currently disturbed or potentially threatened by domestic livestock grazing. Ihe sites threatened by these activities are reviewed below: a. TIMBER HARVEST ACnviTIES: Of the 55 populations of tJ. aquatilis found in the Swsin Valley, 22 occur in ponds cuxund which logging has occurred historically or in the very recent past. In nany cases, all coniferous trees were removed down to the pond margins, and the trees left standing were broadleaf deciduous species (i.e., Pjpulus trgnaloides. p. trichocarpa) . In a few instances, no trees were left bordering some sides of the ponds, and in one case (Lindbergh Lake (001)) logging slash had been placed in the water. Listed belcvr, by site name and occurrence nuntser, are the 22 pond habitats whose margins or iimediate surroundings have been physically impacted by timber harvesting. Those which have been very recently inpacted (i.e., in 1986-87) are indicated by an asterisk (*) . Condon Creek: *025, *027, *029, *030, 031 Dog Creek: 018 60 I Elk Creek: 054 Lirdbeix^ Lake: *001, 002, *037, *038, *039, 046, 047, 048 Lost Creek-Cilly Creek Ponds: 009-015 (seven ponds) The follcwing pcpulaticHis are located in areas where nearby forests have been logged. Ihou^ the habitat ininediately surrounding these ponds may still be intact, they are considered vulnerable to further future loggirjg activity. Condon Creek: 006, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 026, 028 Lindber^ Lake: 045 Swan River West: 007 (Xie population oocurs in an area which has not yet been logged, but in which new logging roads have recently been ocsTstructed: Lindbergh Lake: 051 b. ROAD O0NSTT?JCnON AND MMNTEJIANCE: The following ponds si:?::pDrting H. aquatilis occur alongside gravel logging and public access roads: Kraft Creek: 052 Lindbergh I^Oce: 004, 033, 036, 044, 049 Last Creek-Cilly Creek Pands: 016, 017 c. GRAZING: IVro ponds (Lindbergh Lake (041, 042)), located on private land, were found to be heavily inpacted by grazing of domestic livestock (esp. horses) . Grazing and traversing of these sites has physically disturbed the associated shorelines and vegetation; these sites could also be influenced by changes in nutrient status from livestock bodily wastes. Both of these populations were small in 1987: four plants (041), and 50-60 plants (042). Much of the eirea near Lirriber^ L£ike is used for open cattle range, especially south of the Swan River. Ihree populations in this vicinity, on Flathead NaticHvil Forest land, are in areas currently being used for open range cattle grazing (Lindbergh Lake (046, 047, 048)). Inpacts near these ponds were noted, ard it is prc*)able that they are used for watering by the livestock. IDAHO: Land clearing activities are continuing in the Palouse River drainage, and throu^Kxit the lower elevations of northern 61 i Idaho. The Heirvard population currently appeeurs secure, although it is very sanall. WASHDKTTON: Timber hcurvest activities are not ejqaected to have any direct iitpacts on the kncwn sites. Associated activities, such as road construction, yeunding, decking, etc. , could have localized inpacts. Grazing does occur at a majority of the sites in Washingtcxi. In general, it does not appeeu: to pose an intnediate threat, althou^ it may eventually, through changes in nutrient levels and successioncil cilteration towaixis more weedy ^secies (J. Gamon, pers. oomn. ) . 3. Potential threats: As discussed, timber harvesting in the Swan Valley in Montana is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. Further ijppacts to areas oontainirig ponds inhabited by H. aquatilis may occur as a result. In Idaho, the single known population is located on private land; 2dthouc^ the site is willed to the National Audubon Society, the habitat is adjacent to a paved highway, eind may be subject to inpacts from road itainteranoe. Other potential threats to this population eure not foreseen. However, disturbances in bottanland habitats are expected to continue throughout northern Idciho, reducing the li3celihood that additional populations of Howell ia aouatilis will be ' found. A potentled ecological threat observed in Montana involves the encroachment of Fhalauris arundinacea (Reed Caneury Grass) into wetlands inhabited by H. aouatilis. Because of the tenacity and rapid growth of the former, it poses a major threat to many wetland eoosystans; it is capable of forming dense monocultures which result in declines in other wetland ^secies (Apfelbaum and Sams 1987) . Several stands have becone established at the recently preserved Swan River Qxbcv (005) site in Montana, and iirpacts on H. aquatilis are being monitored closely. Fhalaris arundinacea also appeeurs to increase in wetland areas in Oregon, especially where some siltation has occurred (J. Kagan, pers. ocnn.). In Washingtc*!, however, H. aouatilis is persisting in some ponds where p. arundinacea has apparently been doninant for many years (J. Gamon, pers. oonm.). B. Overutilizaticn for cmnercial, sporting, scientific, or educational purposes: No significant existing or potential threats known. C. Disease or predation: HcMellia aquatilis may be susceptible to sane inpacts from grazing by native animals which use the pothole pond habitats. Also, as discussed above, two ponds in Montana ^ have been impacted in the past by livestock grazing, aind the f historical California population may have been extirpated by livestock use. In Idaho, edthouc^ livestock do not feed i 62 directly on Hcwellia aquatilis. habitat alteraticMi by clearijig, draining, filling, and seeding exotics for livestock forage have eiltered much of the bottomland habitat in the Palouse River drainage, and in northern Idaho in general. Adjacent property is heavily grazed year-round and the vernal pools have little remaining native vegetation associated with them. No threats from grazing to this site eire foreseen, althoui^ grazing at hic^ stocking levels would be detrimental. Otherwise, no additicavil significant threats are known. D. Inadequacy of existing regulatory nechanisnis: CXirrently, there are no statutes in Montana, Idaho, or Washington which provide state legad protect icm for H. aquatilis. E. Other natural or namade factors: "Die narrow ecologiced anplitude and the apparent lack of genetic variation may predispose H. aquatilis to decline or extinction if major environmental perturbatioTS occur (esp. drou^t and habitat alteration) . Also, as suooessional changes occur in the wetland habitats, it is li3cely that populations disappecu: with declines in the associated water tables. II. ASSESSMEOT AND RBCa«BNI»nCKS 12. General assesanent of vigor, trends, and status: Howell ia aquatilis is an annual aquatic species with narrowly defined habitat requirements, and as a result it would be intolerant of major envircaimental alterations. It is known fron 13 sites in the Pacific Northwest (nine in Montana, three in Washington, and one in Idaho) . Population sizes range fron a few to many thousands of individuals, but large yearly fluctuaticxis in population size have been observed. These fluctuations are most li3cely due to annual differences in climatic factors, and to variation in seed germination percentage. Some populaticxis in McMitana are large, and currently appear to be stable. However, lc«g-term suooessicMTal trends in the associated habitats probably result in the occasional disappearance of established populaticxTs. Additionally, habitat alteration is continuing in all extant porticxis of the range, primarily from tuitoer harvesting, development, ard alteraticxi of bottomland habitats. Evidence from recent field surveys in Oregon and California indicates that H. aquatilis has been extirpated from these states. CVing to this curtailment of range, and the ecological and genetic factors summarized above, the ^lecies should continue to be closely monitored. 13. Reocninendatlons for listing or status change. A. Roocmnendatlcn to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: On the basis of information obtained during recent field surveys and biologiccil studies, it is reoormended that Howell ia aquatilis be placed in Category 1, as a candidate for listing as a threatened species. Ihe species has been extirpated from a large portion of its previously known global range, and several factors make it susceptible to further serious declines in distributicxi and abundance. These factors include a narrow eoologicad anplitude. 63 lack of inter- and intrapopulation genetic variation, and oOTitinuing habitat eilteration in major portions of its extant range. B. Rsocnnendaticns to other U.S. federal agencies. 1. U.S. Forest Service: Ha>jellia aquatilis is currently included on the sensitive (Montana) and watch (Idaho) plant lists in Region 1, and the sensitive list in Region 5. Agency objectives eind policy provide for the management and protection of such species. It is reocnmended that ji. aquatilis be retained on all of these lists. C. other status rBocmnendations. 1. C3cunties and local areas: No need for regulation at county or other local levels of govemnent is appeurent at this tine. 2. States: The species should be retained on the respective lists of each state in which it is historically or currently known to occur. 3. Other nations: Not currently pertinent. 4. Intematicnal Ttade Qonventicn, etc.: None at this time. 14. Reccmnended critical habitat: Gametic studies indicate that t). aquatilis consists of one uniform genotype throughout its range (Lesica s^ qX. 1988). Ihis lack of genetic veuriation, coupled with the neunrow eoologiczd adaptation of the ^secies, suggests that U- aouatillg is vulnerable to natural anchor artificial environmental changes. Thus, it will be inportant to protect populations throug^xxit as much of the range as possible. Should the species be listed, criticed habitat should be designated in all three states where it is currently extant; if it is rediscovered in Oregon or California, these areas should also be included as critical habitat. A. QDncise statanent: Glacial pothole and riverine pond conplexes in the Swan Valley, Lake and Missoula counties, Montana; bottonland habitat in the vicinity of the population along the I^cxise River in Latah County, Idaho; pond conplexes in Spokane County, Washington; and habitat containing the population on the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Clark County, Washington. B. Jjsgal description: The following occurrences conprise the mininum reocnnended criticad habitat: Idaho: Harvard (001) McMitana: Condon Creek (006, 020-031) Lindbergh Lake (001-004, 032-051) lest Creek-Cilly Creek Ftonds (008-017) Swan River Oxbow (005) » 64 Washingtx)n: Spokane area (001, 003-016) RicJgefield (002) Exact legal descripticaTs are provided in Table 1, pp. 11-27. C. latitude and longitude: Provided in Table 1, pp. 11-27. D. E\±>licity sensitivity of critical habitat cuhbeis: Lew to moderate at this time. 15. Oon^iervaticrv'rBaovery recxmnendations. A. General oonservaticn roocniDendations. 1. Raccnmendations mgarding present or anticipated activities: Recorriendations for Icxig-term maintenance of viable populations cxi U.S. Forest Service Icinds in Mont£ina are as follows: a. Protection of habitats which currently support txjculations. Thirty-two populations of iJ. aquatilis have been found on U.S. Forest Service lands. Of these, tiinber heurvesting has occurred eunound 15 of them: . Omdon Creek (025, 027) Dog Creek (018) Elk Creek (054) Lindber^ Lake (001, 046, 047, 048) Lost Creek-Cilly Creek Ponds (009-015) The remaining 17 populations occur in relatively intact forest comnunities: CondOTi Creek (006, 020-024, 026) Dog Creek (019) Lindber^ Lake (043-045) Lost Creek-Cilly Creek Ponds (008, 016, 017) Swan River Vfest (007) All of these populations should be considered in future land use management plans, i.e., road construction, future timber harvesting, grazing allotments, etc. In addition, since the long-term influences of disturbance ^ adjacent to the pcaxSs are unknown, it is especicilly inportant that the undisturbed populations be 65 maintaiiied in their current conditic»i. b. Notification of U.S. Forest Service personnel of locations of populations on U.S.F.S. lands. To prevent inadvertent iitpacts to kncwn populations, eill appropriate Flathead Natiovil Forest personnel should be provided with detailed location information. It is e^3eci£Llly inportant that Ranger District t inter sale managers, engineers, and other plcinners knew the precise locaticxis, so that disturbance may be prevented. c. pvaluation of projects vtiich may affect the hvdrolocrv of habitats supporting populations. Because the ponds supporting B. aouatilis populations depend largely on run-off for water supply, iirpacts which may influence this source should be ccurefully studied. Also, projects which could result in permanent inundaticai or drying of the ponds should be mitigated. The hydrology of the Swan Vedley is highly corplex, and H. aquatilis is dependent \jpon intact drainage patterns. In Washington, the Natural Heritage Program should notify all landowners of the presence of the species on their land. It is also reocninended that the Tumbull National Wildlife Refuge develop a ^secies nanagement plan. The population in Idaho is currently being protected by the landowner. 2. Areas reocmnended for protoction: In Montana, eureas with populations in numerous adjacent ponds in veurying stages of succession would be best suited for protection or ^jecial managenient. Because t). aquatilis is found in aquatic habitats which appeau: to be in an earlier suocessional stage, an assemblage of such ponds would possibly allcw for longer-term persistence of the spaecies; as the habitats ch£u>ge, the ^aecies could be established (naturally or surtificially) in nearby sites which are still ecologically suitable (Lesica gt Sl* 1988). Such habitat clusters are found in the Oondon Creek, Lindbergh lake. Lost Creek-Cilly Creek, and Swan River Oxbow eupeas in the Swan Valley (see maps, pp. 138-147). The first three eu^as have been iijpacted by tiirber heurvesting, and future management plans and reooninendations should take these iitpacts into account. In Washington, the Natural Heritage Program should identify and reoonnend eupeas for protection. In Idaho, the National Audubtxi Society should be notified of the occurrence on the CMrtey property so that management strategies can be developed accordingly. 3. Managanent and recovery reocninendations: Oving to the narrcM ecological restriction of H- aquatilis. the most 66 effective method of mcmagearent will be to avoid inpacts to habitats v*vLch are as yet undisturbed. Additionally, transplant ejqjeriments in suitable unooct^iied habitat would provide information regarding the suitability of this potent icil recovery technique. 4. R4>licity sensitivity: Low to moderate. 5. Other recxxmendaticns: None. B. Monitoriiig activities and research needs: In Montana, a multi- yeeir proposal to continue inventory and analysis of H. aquatilis on the Flathead National Forest hcis been submitted to the U.S. Forest Service. Ihis proposal includes the following research suggestions : 1. Oonplete field surveys of potential habitat for H. aquatilis c»i Flathead National Forest lands, and evaluate the possible presence of potential habitat in other areas in northwestern Mc»itana. Resurvey suitable habitats previously identified, but where the species was not found, to verify the reported absence of fi. aquatilis from such sites. 2. Evaduate kncwn suitable habitats identified on U.S. Forest Service lands, for inclusion in a transplant experiment to establish new populations. Conduct transplants of soil plugs frcro known, large populations to identified potential habitats, and mcxiitor establishment success. 3. OcMitinue quantitative monitoring studies established at five locations in Montana in 1988, to assess adequacy/suitability of the methodology used (line-intero^jt transects) . Resurvey all other known populations, to obtain ongoing estimates of population size, oonditicai, persistence, and response to management practices. 4. Evaluate the effects of wetland successicxvil trends cti the presence and quantity of suitable habitats. Investigate possible methods of maintaining such habitat, possibly throuc^ artificial methods. In Washington, inventory efforts should continue, particularly in the forested porticMis of the channeled scablands in the eastern part of the state. Known sites should be periodically monitored for trends in population size. Trend information should be correlated with other site parameters, such as grazing levels and changes in vegetation conpositiOTi (J. Gamon, pers. comtn. ) . Fhalaris arundinacea has aggressively invaded many bottomland habitats in northern Idaho, and is present at the Harvard (001) site. While it does not presently appeeur to be encroaching on the pond containing Howell ia acaiatilis. it should be monitored. 67 16. Interested parties: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pegicai 6 ATin: Dr. Jim Miller P.O. Box 25486 Denver Federal C3enter Denver, (DO 80225 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ATTN: carol Taylor Fish and Wildlife Eiihanoement Federeil Building, 301 South Park P.O. Box 10023 Helena, MT 59626 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 ATITI: Wayne S. White Uoyd 500 Bldg. , Suite 1692 500 N.E. Multnanah St. Portland, OR 97232 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ATITJ: Dr. Robert Parenti 4696 Overland Road Boise, ID 83705 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ATIN: Dr. John Fay Washinton, D.C. 20240 U.S. Forest Service, Region 1 ATIN: Angela Evenden Federal Building P.O. Box 7669 Missoula, MT 59807 U.S. Bureau of Land Management hTTti: Roger Rosentreter Idaho State Office 3380 Americana Terrace Boise, ID 83706 The Nature Qxjservancy ATIN: Dr. Larry Morse 1815 N. lynn St. Arlington, VA 22209 The Nature Conservancy ATIN: Dr. Joan Bird & Bemie Hadl Big Sky Field Office P.O. Box 258 Helena, MT 59624 68 National Audubon Society 950 Ihird Avenue New York, New York 10022 Ruth (Xmbey NE 720 Michigan Pullman, WA 99163 Jimmy KagaiySue Vrilakas Oregon Natural Heritage Data Base 1205 NW 25th Avenue Portland, OR 97210 Robert Moseley Idaho Natural Heritage Program Department of Game & Fish 600 S. Walnut, Box 25 Boise, ID 83707 Peter Lesica Depeirtjnent of Biologic2Ll Sciences University of Mont2UTa Missoula, MT 59812 John Gamon Washington Natural Heritage Program Department of Natural Resources Division of Land and Water Oonservatiwi Mail Stop: EX-13 Olynpia, WA 98504 J. Stephen Shelly Montana Natural Heritage Program State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Ave. Helena, MT 59620 Robert Meinke Oregon D^iartment of Agriculture Endangered Species Program, Plant Divisicxi 635 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97310-0110 Roxanne Bittman California Nongame-Heritage Program Dept. of Fish & Game 1416 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 69 III. INPCR1ATICN SOURCES 17. Sources of infomatlcn. A. Rdslicaticns. 1. References cited in report: List appended (p. 72) . 2. Other pertinent publications. a. Tochnical: ^tone known. b. P^puleur: Shelly, S. 1987. Rare and endangered plant profile - ][fciwellia aquatilis. Montana Native Plant Society Newsletter 1: 2. B. RiseuB oollectlcns: Specimens frcin Montana were examined at the University of Montana Herbeurium (MOtnu) , and the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (PM) at the University of Wyoming. For Idaho, data frora J.H. Sandberg's 1892 specimens were obtained from the U.S. National Herbarium (US) and the University of Washington Herbeuriura (WHJ) . The University of Idaho (UI) and Weishington State University (WS) herbaria were also seeuxhed, but contained no Idaho collections of tJ. aquatilis. Voucher ^secimens collected in Montana during field work for this status rqxjrt are cited in the COf^QTTS field of the oorputer printouts (Appendix A, pp. 76-130), emd are deposited at MDNIU. Previously collected ^secimens fron Montana are cited in the OCMfEUrs or BESTSOURCE fields of these printouts. A specimen frcn the Idaho population is deposited at UI. C. Fleldwork. 1. Surveys by the authors: MOtTTANA: J.S. Shelly: 23-26 & 30 June, 1-17 & 28-30 July 1987; 14- 15, 21-22, & 26-29 July 1988. Surveys in Lake and Missoula counties; field notes, population surveys, photographs, and herbarium ^secimens. ICAHO: After consultation with Ruth Orfnbey, the authors searched the area neeu: Haurvard and located one pond with H. aquatilis on 6 May 1988. The pond was revisited on 14 June 1988 by R. Moseley and A. Cholewa, University of Minnesota. Papulation and ccnrunity data were collected on this date. From 24-28 June 1988, R. Moseley seeuxhed suitable habitat in northern Idaho, from the Palouse River drainage north to the Pend 70 Oreille River. Sandberg's 1892 cx)llection site could not be relocated, nor were any new peculations found. Maps indicating areas which were unsuccessfully searched in Idaho and Montana are included in ;^3pendix A (pp. 149-166) . 2. Surveys by oontractor: MMTTANA: L. Canpbell: 2 & 9-10 July 1987. Surveys in Lake and Missoula counties; field notes, population surveys, and herbarium specimens. D. Khowledgeable individuals. Lisa Canpbell Division of Biology University of Montana Missoula, MT 59812 Anne Morley P.O. Box 147 Swan lAkB, MT 59911 John Pierce 737 Locust St. Missoula, MT 59802 Addresses listed under Interested Parties above: John Gamon Peter Lesica Robert Moseley J. Stephen Shelly E. Other infonnation sourtaes: Color slides of additional peculations in Montana are on file at the Montana Natural Heritage Program (first author's address). 18. Sumnary of materials en file: All detailed field survey forms and field maps are on file at the respective NHP offices. The references cited in this report are on file at the Idaho anc3/or Montana Natural Heritage Programs. 71 » IV. NJTHDRSmP 19. Initial autharship: J. St^shen Shelly Mcxitana Naturcil Heritage Program State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Ave. Helena, MT 59620 (406) 444-3009 Robert Moseley Idaho Natural Heritage Program Department of Game & Fish 600 South Walnut, Box 25 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 334-3402 20. Maintenance of status report: The respective Natural Heritage Programs will maintain cxirrent information, cind update the status report as needed. Should the ^lecies be listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the respective USFWS offices should maintain the primary information files, encourage others to provide new information, and distribute new findings to the interested peurties. V. NEW INPORWnCN 21. Record of revisions: Not currently applicable. 72 T literature cited Alt, D.D. , and R.W. Hyndman. 1986. Roadside Geology of Montana. Mountain Press Publ. Co., Missoula. 427 pp. ^felbaum, S.I., and C.E. Sains. 1987. Ecology and control of Reed Canciry Grass (Fhalaris arundinaoea L. ). Natured Areas J. 7: 69-74. Bailey, R.G. 1976. Eooregions of the United States. D^iarbnent of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. One map. Brunsfeld, S.J. 1983. Hcv^ellia aquatilis. Page 5 in: Status chcinges cind additions to: Rare emd Endangered Plants Technical Camiittee. 1981. Vascular Plant Species of Concern in Idaho. University of Idaho, Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station Bulletin No. 34, Moscow. 20/161 pp. California D^jartment of Fish and Game. 1988. Natural Diversity Data Base Specied Plants. Nongame-Heritage Program, Sacramento. 58 pp. (mimeo) . Cooper, S.V. , K.E. Neiman, R. Steele, and D.W. Roberts. 1987. Forest Habitat Types of Northern Idaho: A Seocxd Approximation. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Intermountain Researxii Station, General Tech. Rep. INr-236, Ogden, UT. 135 pp. Donaldson, N.C., and L.D. Giese. 1968. Soil survey of Spokane County, Washington. U.S. D^>eurtment of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Dom, R.D. 1984. Vascular Plants of Montana. Mountain West Publishing, Cheyenne, Wyoming. 276 pp. Eyre, F.H. (ed.). 1980. Forest Cover Types of the United States and Canada. Society of American Foresters, Washington, D.C. 148 pp. Fenneman, N.M. 1931. Physiography of western United States. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 534 pp. Franklin, J.F. , and C.T. Dymess. 1973. Natural Vegetation of Oregon and Washington. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Gen. Tech. R^. RW-8. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range E>qDeriment Station, Portland, Oregon. 417 pp. Garrison, G.A. , J.M. Skovlin, C.E. Poulton, and A.H. Winwcird. 1976. Northwest plant names and symbols for ecosystem inventory and analysis. 4th ed., U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical R^xjrt FNW-46. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Eiqjeriment StaticMi, Portland, Oregon. 263 pp. Gray, A. 1879. Proc. Am. Acad. 15: 43-44. Griggs, F.T. , and J.E. Dibble. 1979. Status r^xjrt, Howell ia aquatilis Gray, for the Mendocino National Forest. Uipublished r^»rt to Mendocino National Forest, California. 12 pp. Hitchcock, C.L. , A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey, and J.W. Thcnpson. 1959. Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest, Part Four. University of Washington Press, Seattle. 510 pp. 73 Holzinger, J.M. 1895. R^ort c»i a oollectican of plants made by J.H. Sandberg and assistants in northern Idaho in the year 1892. CcMitr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3: 205-287. Hunt, C.B. 1974. NaturzLL Regions of the United States and Canada. W.H. Freeman and Co. , San Francisco. 725 pp. Kudiler, A.W. 1964. Potential naturEd vegetation of the conterminous United States. American Geographical Society, Specied Publication No. 36. 63 pp., map. Lesica, P., G. Moore, K.M. Peterson, and J.H. Rumely. 1984. Vascular Plants of Limited Distribution in Montana. Monograph No. 2, Montana Academy of Sciences, Si^^^lement to the Proceedings, Vol. 43. 61 pp. Lesica, P., R.F. Leeuy, and F.W. Allendorf. 1987. Lack of genie diversity within and among populations of the rare plant, Hcwellia aquatilis. Unpublished r^x)rt to The Nature Conservancy, Helena, Montana. 15 pp. Lesica, P., R.F. Leary, F.W. Allendorf, and D.E. Bilderback. 1988. Lack of genie diversity within and among populations of an endiingered plant, Howell ia aouatilis. Conservation Biology 2: 275-282. Mack, R.N. 1988. First ocnprehensive botanical survey of the Columbia Plateau, Washington: The Sandberg and Leiberg E^qsedition of 1893. Northwest Science 62: 118-128. McCune, B. 1982. Noteworthy collection - Montana. Madrono 29: 123-124. Meinke, R.J. 1982. Ihreatened and E^xlangered Vascul2u: Plants of Oregon: An Illustrated Guide. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ftortland. 352 pp. Montagne, C, L.C. Munn, G.A. Nielsen, J.W. Rogers, and H.E. Hunter. 1982. Soils of Montana. Montana Agricultural E^tperiment Station, Bulletin 744. Montana State University, Bozeman. 95 pp. Munz, P. A. 1959. A California Flora. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1681 pp. Oregon Natural Heritage Data Base. 1987, Rare, Threatened and Eiidangered Plants and Animals of Oregon. The Nature Conservancy, Portland. 39 pp. Reuter, D.D. 1986. Sedge meadcv^s of the Upper Midwest: a stewsundship sunmary. NatxirEd Areas J. 6: 27-34. Ross, R.L. , and H.E. Hunter. 1976. Climax Vegetation of Montana, Based on Soils and Climate. U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, Bozeman. 64 pp. Shaw, S.P. , and C.G. Fredine. 1956. Wetlands of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Circ. 39. 67 pp. Siddall, J.L. , K.L. Chambers, and D.H. Wagner. 1979. Hare, Threatened and Endeingered Vascular Plants in Oregcai. Oregai Natural Area Preserves Advisory Comittee, Division of State Lands, Salem. 109 pp. 74 Smith, Jr., J. P., and K. Berg. 1988. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California. California Native Plant Society, Berkeley. 168 pp. Smith, Jr., J. P., and R, York. 1984. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California. California Native Plant Society, Berkeley. 174 pp. Soil Conservation Service. 1981. Soil Survey of Latah County Area, Idaho. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise, ID. 166 pp., 53 maps. Soil Conservation Service. 1982. National List of Scientific Plant Names. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Publ. No. SCS-TP-159, Volume 1. 416 pp. Stewart, R.E., and H.A. Kantrud. 1971. Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Resource Publ. 92. 57 pp. U.S. Department of Cctnmerce. 1982. hfonthly Normals of Tenperature, Precipitation, and Heating and Cooling Degree Days 1951-80. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, CI imatography of the United States No. 81. 23 pp. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. Federal Register 45(242): 82481-82569. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1985. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. Federal Register 50(188): 39526-39584. U.S. Geological Survey. 1980. Stream Evaluation Map, State of ^Jontana, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Two sheets. Visher, S.S. 1954. Climatic Atlas of the United States. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 403 pp. Waller, D.M. , D.M. O'Malley, and S.C. Gawler. 1987. Genetic variation in the extreme endemic Pedicularis furbishiae (Scrophulariaceae) . Conservation Biology 1: 335-340. Washington Natural Heritage Program. 1987. Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive Vascular Plants of Washington. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olynpia. 33 pp. Weller, M.W. 1981. Freshwater Marshes - Ecology and Wildlife Management. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 146 pp. 75 AFIBIDDC A: Gcnpiter printouts and WBpB 76 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EQCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.001 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: 1 TENTEN: 3,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: SMALL POPULATION; NORTH MARGIN OF POND IMPACTED BY LOGGING. SURVEVDATE: 198^-07-15 LASTOBS: 1987-07-30 FIRSTOBS: 198^ GRANK : 62 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS QUADCGDE: 47113<»6 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: tt7S5Zi LONG: 113<»831 S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 12 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NE^SE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.68 AIR MILES NNE. FROM THE FIRST FORK ON LINDBERGH LAKE ROAD, CA. 2.5 MILES WEST FROM ST. HWY. 83. GENDESC ELEV: EODATA; GLACIAL POTHOLE; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS GMELINII; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS CONTORT A, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS, SAL IX SP. AROUND POND. t*S30 SIZE: 2 EST. 75-100+ PLANTS (1987); NORTH END OF POND IMPACTED BY LOGGING, WITH SOME SLASH PILED INTO THE WATER. 1MENTS: MACODEl : MAC0DE3: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 85-11-26 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 85-12-0<» JSS OC; 77 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.002 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: ^72556 LONG: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W 2 TENTEN: 3,5 I DENT : Y EORANK : C LARGE POPULATION; NORTH & WEST MARGINS DISTURBED BY LOGGING. 198^-07-15 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 198^ GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTniSS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC 113^232 S: ON: OE: OW: O SECTION: 01 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: E2NE^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.32 AIR MILES NORTH OF THE FIRST FORK ON LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 2.5 MI. WEST OF ST. HWY . 83. GENDESC: ELEV: EODATA: 1MENTS MACODEl : MAC0DE3: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS CONTORT A, AND LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS AROUND POND. ^175 SIZE: t* EST. 2000-3000 PLANTS (1987); NORTH AND WEST MARGINS OF POND DISTURBED BY LOGGING ACTIVITY; DEEPEST POND KNOWN FOR THE SPECIES IN MONTANA (CA. EIGHT FEET); SOME INDIVIDUALS VERY LARGE . VOUCHERS-PIERCE, J. (1199), 19BD| 0.2-0.7 AIR MI. GENDESC: ELEV: EODATA; 1MENTS MACODEl : MAC0DE3: 83, 0.9 MILES WEST ON PORCUPINE CREEK F N. OF PORCUPINE CREEK ROAD. MARGINS OF OLD, RETIRED OXBOW OF THE SWAN RIVER, AND IN 3 ADJACENT WETLAND AREAS I WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, TYPHA LATIFOLIAl SHALLOW WATER, SOILS OF MUCKY PEAT-CLAY. 3100 SIZE: 30 VERY COMMON; MAY BE LARGEST OCCURRENCE KNOWN, WITH ABOUT 10000 INDIVIDUALS (1985); ELEMENT OCCURS IN ^ AREAS, IN AND ADJACENT TO THE OLD RIVER OXBOW; MANY HUNDREDS OF PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1987. VOUCHERS-LESICA, P. (3537) & A. SCHUYLER, 1985, UM (102131); SHELLY, J.S. (13^8), UM; SCHUYLER, A.E. (63^9), UM (1035^7). PNCPRSWANIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : NMAC0DE2: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED^: N C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: SWAN RIVER OXBOW OWNER: THE NATURE CONSERVANCY OWNERCQMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCEi SOURCECQDEi DATASENS: TRANSCRIBR; BIG SKY FIELD OFFICE, P.O. BOX 258, HELENA, MT 5962^ SITE PARTIALLY OCCURS ON FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST LAND. MONITORNUM: UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, MISSOULA, LESICA, P. DEPT. OF BOTANY, MT 59812. PNDLESOIMTUS PNDKIEOIMTUS SB5LESUMMTUS U85LES02MTUS S87 SHEUMMTUS F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S85SCHUM BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: 86-01-08 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 86-01-08 JSS OC UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS 81 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.006 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 2 TENTEN: i*,t* I DENT: Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: LARGE POPULATION; AREA THREATENED BY LOGGING. SURVEVDATE: 1986-07-1^ LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTQBS: 1986 GRANK : 62 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS QUADCODE: ^711356 QUADNAME: CONDON PRECISION: SC LAT: <»73<><»2 LONG: 113^217 S: ON: O E: O W: O TOWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCGMM: NE^NW^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, WEST BASE OF SWAN RANGE UPLIFT, 3.5 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.1 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY . 83, 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GENDESC: VERNAL POND, IN PINUS PONDEROSA/LARI X OCCIDENTALIS FOREST; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, VERONICA CATENATA, CALL I TR I CHE HETEROPHYLLA. ELEV: 37^0 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 1000-2000 PLANTS (1987); MANY PLANTS DISTURBED BY MOOSE AND/OR WATERFOWL ACTIVITY; AREA IS ACTIVELY THREATENED BY LOGGING ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TIMBER HARVESTING. ^IMENTS: VOUCHER-LES I C A , P. (396S), 1986, SPECIMEN «10<»<»30 UM. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: LESICA, PETER. DEPT. OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, MISSOULA, MT 39812. SQURCECODE: PNDLESOIMTUS S86LESUMMTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 86-12-09 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 86-12-09 JSS QC : Y UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS 82 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.007 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: ^ TENTEN: 2,^ I DENT : Y EORANK : AB EORANKCOMM: VERY LARGE POPULATION; NEARBY STATE LAND IS LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-01 LASTOBS: 1987-07-01 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE QUADCODE: 'f711377 QUADNAME: CILLY CREEK PRECISION: SC LAT: 47't958 LONG: 1135131 S: ON: O E: O W: O TOWNRANGE: OS^NOIBW SECTION: 1^ MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SW^SE^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010S11 DIRECTIONS: WEST SIDE OF SWAN VALLEY, 1.4 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY. 83; 0.57 AIR MILE WEST OF SWAN RIVERj CA. 6.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . GENDESC: IN TWO SMALL, ADJACENT GLACIAL POTHOLES, IN 1-2 FEET OF WATER! WITH CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE I POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND PONDS. ELEV: 3190 SIZE: 1 EODATA: ABOUT SOOO-'fOOO PLANTS, POSSIBLY MORE; VERY DENSE, AND FORMING MATS, IN WEST POND; THE TWO PONDS, WHICH ARE SEPARATED BY A SAL IX BORDER, ARE JOINED BY HIGHER WATER IN THE SPRING. ^IMENTS: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1356), 1987, MONTU. ^ pH - 7.20 IN WEST POND. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl : YMACODEB: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: SWAN RIVER WEST OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO; TRANSCRIBR: 87-08-20 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-08-21 JEG OC: Y UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS 83 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE : PDCAM0A0 1 0 . 008 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: SURVEYS I TE EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: S2 OUADCODE: OUADNAME : 5 TENTEN: <» , 1 I DENT : Y EORANK : B LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS LARGE, VIGOROUS POPULATION; IN GOOD CONDITION 1987-07-07 LA5T0BS: 1988-07-ai FIRSTOBS: STATE: hT COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE ^711377 CILLY CREEK PRECISION HABITAT. 1987 GRANK GZ SC LAT: ^751<»8 LONG: 113<»933 S: 0 N: 0 E: 0 W: I TOWNRANGE: 02f»N017W SECTION: 06 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NWASW^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVERREACH: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, CA. ^.5 AIR MILES SSE. OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN); 0.3 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY . 83l 0.68 AIR MILES SSW. OF CONFLUENCE OF NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS LOST CREEK. THROUGHOUT A GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, BOTTOM SOIL OF CONSOL- IDATED CLAY MUCK; WITH SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, GLYCERIA BOREALIS, C^tf^EX VESICARIA, POTAMOGETON. ELEOCHARIS. 3190 SIZE: 2 ^DATA: EST. 2000-3000 PLANTS, IN A SINGLE POND; SURROUNDED BY A ^ RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED FOREST, WHICH WAS REPORTEDLY LIGHTLY SELECTIVELY LOGGED IN ABOUT 1910. GENDESC: ELEV: )ATA; COMMENTS: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1358) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. pH-7.57. MACODEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2 C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE3: MOREMGMT: B SITECODE: SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS S87SHEUMMTUS PNDMOR01MTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-08-31 JSS UPDATE: 88-11-0^ JSS Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-09-0'* JSS OC; 84 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE : PDCAM0 A0 1 0 . 009 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A 6 TENTEN: 5,2 I DENT : Y EORANK : C LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION, ADJACENT FOREST PREVIOUSLY LOGGED. 1987-07-01 LASTOBS: 1988-07-Sl FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : 62 STATE: MT COUNTVNAME: MTLAKE ^711377 CILLY CREEK PRECISION: SC LAT: ^75137 LONG: 113<»907 S: 0N: 0E: 0UI: 0 TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCQMM: NE'=»NE'*NE^ MARGNUM: SURVEYS I TE EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: S2 QUADCODE: OUADNAME: PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVERREACH: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.6 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY. 83, 0.6 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH FORK LOST CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL POND, ORGANIC CLAY BOTTOM; WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA BORDERING POND. 3250 SIZE: 3 ^W)ATA: EST. 500-600 PLANTS (1987); SPECIES DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL OF " THE AVAILABLE, SUITABLE HABITAT AT THIS SITE; AREAS AROUND SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF POND CLEARCUT CA. IS YEARS AGO. GENDESC; ELEV: )ATA: COMMENTS: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1357) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, UM. MACODEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3; MAC0DE3: MGREMGMT: B SITECODE: SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCQMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS; MOREL AN: C0NTAINED2 MQREPROT: SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 i 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS S87SHEUMMTUS PNDMOR01MTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-09 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ UPDATE: 88-11-0^ JSS OC; 85 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: SC Ul: 17010211 EOCODE: PDCAMOAOIO.OIO NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 7 TENTEN: 5,1 I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION. NEARBY FOREST PREVIOUSLY LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-01 LASTOBS: 1987-07-01 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : 62 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: HTLAKE QUADCODE: ^711377 QUADNAME: CILLY CREEK LAT: ^75150 LONG: 113^857 S: ON: O TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 03 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: NW^SWfSW^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.75 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.3 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH FORK LOST CREEK, CA. ^.7 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . IN 0.5-2 FT. OF WATER I IN NW ARM OF A GLACIAL POND; ORGANIC CLAY BOTTOM I WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE I POPULUS TRICHOCARPA BORDERING POND. 3230 S I 2E : 2 EST. 200-300 PLANTS (1987); FLOWERS AND CLEISTOGAMOUS FRUIT; SPECIES DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL OF THE AVAILABLE, SUITABLE HABI- TAT AT THIS SITE! AREAS AROUND SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF POND CLEARCUT CA. 13 YEARS AGO. ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED ^ WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT). FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED I : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT : GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; MACODEl ; MAC0DE3; MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-08-23 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ OC 86 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOIO.OI 1 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME : GRANK : GS SC Ul: 113^831 8 TENTEN: 6,2 I DENT: Y EORANK : D SMALL POPULATION, AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING. 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIRSTOBS: 1987 STATE: MT COUNTVNAME : MTLAKE ^♦7 11377 CILLY CREEK PRECISION: LAT: ^75120 LONG: 113<»826 S: ^75119 N: ^75122 E: 113^819 TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: E2SE4NW^, NW^SW^NE** PHVSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.05-1.2 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.25 AIR MILES NNE OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). SINGLE, LARGE POND; SOIL FIRM CLAY TO UNCONSOLIDATED MUCK| WITH SPARGANIUM MINIMUM, SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS, NUPHAR VARIEGATUM. 3290 SIZE: 3 EST. 100-200 PLANTS (1987), ON SOUTHWEST, NORTH AND EAST MARGINS! PAST LOGGING DISTURBANCE IN THE AREA. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA: ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT). MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE; SGURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES TRANSCRIBR: 87-09-02 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ QC: 87 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.012 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: ^751S5 LONG: T0WNRAN6E: 02^N017W 9 TENTEN: 6»S I DENT : Y EORANK : C MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION J SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIRSTOBS: 1987 6RANK : STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTLAKE ^711377 CILLY CREEK 113^8^8 S: ON: O SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: G2 SC M: PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: 17010211 HWY 83, 0.37 AIR TRSCOMM: NE^tSW^NW* ,SE^NW<»NW<» PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.83 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 3.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION, SOILS FAIRLY UN- CONSOLIDATED; WITH NUPHAR VARIEGATUM, SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGE- TON SP., POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND POND. 3235 SIZE: 2 EST. ^00-300 PLANTS (1987)| MUCH OF POND HAS NO VEGETATIONi LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND POND. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED} SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT ) . MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: CONTAINEDS: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST GWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ QC: 88 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.013 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: SURVEYSlTEi EORANKCOMM; SURVEYDATE; SRANK : S2 QUADCODE: OUADNAME : 1987 6RANK; 10 TENTEN: 5,5 I DENT : Y EORANK LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS LARGE POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. : 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1988-07-El FIRSTOBS: STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE ^711377 CILLY CREEK PRECISION: LAT: ^751E^ LONG: 113^852 S: 0 N: 0 E: 0 TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM G2 SC Ul: NESW^NW^ 0 PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 PIVERREACH: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.79 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.36 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE (TOWN). IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; OPENINGS AMONG CA- REX VESICARIA, WITH SIUM SUAVE, ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, CAREX ROSTRATAI POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, BETULA PAPYRIFERA AROUND POND 32^0 SIZE: 2 EST. 1000-1500 PLANTS (1987); LOGGING HAS OCCURRED AROUND POND. GENDESC: ELEV: IDATA; COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1359) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. MACDDEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2 C0NTAINED3: B SITECODE; MAC0DE3: M0REM6MT: SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS; MORELAN: MOREPROT SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS PNDMOR01MTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNERINFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ UPDATE: 88-11-0^ JSS QC: 89 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.01<» NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM; SURVEYDATE; SRANK: SI QUADCODE QUADNAME 11 TENTEN: 5,2 I DENT : Y EORANK : C MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. : 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIR5T0BS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTLAKE ^♦7 11377 CILLY CREEK PRECISION: SC LAT: '♦7512^ LONG: 113^837 S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NW<»SW^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.72 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, O.** AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 3.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; AROUND LOGS & IN OPENINGS AMONG CAREX VESICARIA, WITH SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGETON SPP; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, BETULA PAPYRIFERA. 32^5 SIZE: 2 EST. 300-^00 PLANTS (1987); LOGGING HAS OCCURRED IN ADJACENT FORESTS. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED! SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT ) I pH - 7.00. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT; MOREMGMT: SITECODEi SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: B7- 11-11 CD J OC: 90 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.015 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: SC U: 12 TENTEN: 5,2 I DENT : Y EORANK : C MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE '+711377 CILLY CREEK LAT: ^73121 LONG: 113^856 S: ON: O TOWNRANGE: 02'»N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: NW^SW^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.73 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 5.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH CAREX VESICA- RIA, SIUM SUAVE, VERONICA CATENATA , SAL IX SPP.; POPULUS TRI- CHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES BORDERING POND. 32^5 SIZE: 2 EST. 300+ PLANTS (1987); LOGGING HAS OCCURRED IN ADJACENT FORESTS; THIS POND WAS DRYING FASTER THAN OTHERS AT THIS SITE. G2 PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: 17010211 HWY 83, 0.32 AIR GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT ) . MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS : MOREL AN: MOREPROT ; MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SOURCECODE MQNITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ QC: 91 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A01O.O16 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 13 TENTEN : 5,E I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTLAKE OUADCODE: <*711377 QUADNAME: CILLY CREEK PRECISION: SC LAT: ^75111 LONG: 113^857 S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NW+NW^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010S11 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.71 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.17 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 3.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION! WITH CAREX VESICA- RIA, SIUM SUAVE; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA BORDERING POND. ELEV: 32^0 SIZE: 8 EODATA: EST. ^00-«- PLANTS <1987); ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT ) . MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BE ST SOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 8i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PND5HE01MTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ OC: Y UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ 92 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.017 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 1^ TENTEN: 6,2 IDENT: Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: SMALL POPULATION; ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-07 LASTOBS: 1987-07-07 FIRSTOBS: 1987 6RANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE QUADCODE: 'f711377 OUADNAME: CILLY CREEK PRECISION: SC LAT: ^75110 LONG: 113^8^5 S: ON: OE: OW: O TOWNRANGE: 02^N017W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NE^NW^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.85 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.1 AIR MILES NORTH OF CILLY CREEK, CA. 3.0 AIR MILES SSE OF SWAN LAKE ( TOWN ) . GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH CAREX VESI- CARIA, SIUM SUAVE, POTAMOGETON, CAREX ROSTRATA, POTENTILLA PALUSTRIS; POPULUS TREMULOIDES AROUND POND. ELEV: 3230 SIZE: 3 EODATA: EST. 10-12 PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT TO LOGGING ROAD; THIS DEPRESSION WAS MUCH DRYER THAN THE OTHERS, HOWELL I A AQUATILIS PRESENT IN A FEW PUDDLES; HABITAT MAY BE MORE ^ ADVANCED SUCCESS I ONALLY THAN NEARBY PONDS. ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD; NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT). MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: CONTAINED^: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT: MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LOST CREEK-CILLY CREEK PONDS OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SGURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNERINFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-11 CDJ QC : Y UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ 93 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.018 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: ^ TENTEN: 2,2 I DENT : Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; SURR0UNDir4G FOREST LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-1^ LASTOBS: 1987-07-1^ FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: HTLAKE QUADCODE: '♦711356 OUADNAME: CONDON PRECISION: SC LAT: ^73618 LONG: 113<*<»1S S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 021N017W SECTION: 02 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SE^NW^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, EAST SIDE OF FLATHEAD N.F. RD. #899 NEAR JUNC- TION WITH RD. #12<», 0.35 AIR MILES NORTH OF LAKE-MISSOULA COUNTY LINE, CA. 3.3 AIR MILES NNW OF CONDON. GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSIONi WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA LAT I FOLIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, SAL IX SP. AROUND POND. ELEV: 3660 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 200* PLANTS < 1987) I SURROUNDING FOREST LOGGED. ^IMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1370) AND ANNE MORLEY, 1987, MONTU. pH-6.78. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED I : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: DOG CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BE ST SOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ QC: Y UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS 94 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.019 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME : 5 TENTEN: 1,2 I DENT: Y EORANK : C MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT FOREST IN GOOD CONDITION 1987-07-1^ LASTOBS: 1987-07-14 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MX COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE 'f711356 CONDON PRECISION: SC LAT: 473618 LONG: 1134441 S: O N: O E: O W: O TOWNRANGE: 021N017W SECTION: 02 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: S2NE4SW4 PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.33 AIR MILES WEST OF JUNCTION OF FLATHEAD NF RDS. 899 AND 124, 0.33 AIR MILES NORTH OF LAKE-MISSOULA CO. LINE, CA. 3.3 AIR MILES NNW OF CONDON. IN SHALLOW WATER OF GLACIAL DEPRESSION} WITH EQUISETUM FLU- VIATILE, SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, ALISMA TRIVIALE; POPU- LUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, PINPON, LAROCC AROUND POND. 3580 SIZE: 2 EST. 150-200 PLANTS (1987); FOREST IMMEDIATELY SURROUNDING POND IN GOOD CONDITION, FAIRLY UNDISTURBED. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH ANNE MORLEY (SWAN LAKE, MT). MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: DOG CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDMOROIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS OC: 95 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE : PDCAM0A0 1 0 . 020 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: SURVEYSITE <♦,«♦ I DENT: EORANK : EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: S2 OUADCODE: QUADNAME : 1987 GRANK; b TENTEN; CONDON CREEK LARGE POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 1988-07-22 FIRSTOBS; STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: niMISS ^711356 CONDON PRECISION: LAT: ^73^33 LONG: 113<»212 S: 0 N: 0 E: 0 TOWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: G2 SC M: i SW^NE^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVERREACH: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.13 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWV 83, 0.23 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GENDESC ELEV: ^^ATA: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH 5IUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. 37<»0 SIZE: a EST. 1000 PLANTS (1987); NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. COMMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. pH-7.28. MACODEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDI: Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3; ADLMAS: MORELAN: B SITECODE: MAC0DE3: MOREMGMT: SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS PNDLES01MTUS PNDCAM01MTUS C0NTAINED2 MOREPROT: MONITORNUM: DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 88-ll-0«» JSS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ QC: 96 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.021 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: ^73^33 LONG: TOWNRANGE: O21N016W TRSCOMM: SW^NE^SW<» DIRECTIONS 7 TENTEN: t^^Ct I DENT : Y EORANK : C SMALL POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED 1987-07-Oa LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^♦7 11356 PRECISION: 113'»216 S: ON: O E: O SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 3.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.08 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.28 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. CONDON SC GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA , LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 37^0 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 50 PLANTS (1987); NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2: MACaDE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC; 97 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.022 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: B TENTEN: i*,tt I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : 62 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTMISS QUADCODE: <*711356 OUADNAME: CONDON PRECISION: SC LAT: ^73^31 LONG: 113^207 S: ON: O E: O W: TGWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SW<*NE^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.28 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.27 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION? WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 3730 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 200 PLANTS (1987)| NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. ^IMENTS: sight RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl : YMAC0DE2: CONTAINEDE: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUh4E, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC : Y UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ 98 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD GRANK: G2 EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.023 NAME: HOWELL I A ADUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 9 TENTEN: <♦,<♦ I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 19B7-07-0S LASTOBS: 19B7-07-0e FIRSTOBS: 1987 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS OUADCODE: ^711356 PRECISION: SC 113^21^ S: ON: O E: O W: SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 3.2 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.10 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.35 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. QUADNAME : CONDON LAT: ^73^27 LONG: TOWNRANGE: 021N016W TRSCOMM: NW^SE^SW^ DIRECTIONS; GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 37^0 SIZE: 1 EODATA: 3 PLANTS (1987); SEVERAL HUNDRED PLANTS OBSERVED IN 1986 BY P. LESICAI NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. 1MENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT; MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SGURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 &. 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CD J Y PHOTOS: N OWNERINFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ DC 99 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAO 1 0 . 02<» NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS CGMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A 10 TENTEN: ^,<» I DENT : Y EORANK : SMALL POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 1987-07-03 FIRSTOBS: STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : flTfllSS ^711356 CONDON PRECISION: LAT: 473^52 LONG: 113^212 S: ON: O E: O TOWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SWASE<»SW<» PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.09 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.10 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.^7 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEVDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: OUADNAME : 1987 GRANK: G2 SC U: GENDESC ELEV: EODATA: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX vesicaria; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. 37'»0 SIZE: 1 EST. 30 PLANTS (1987); NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. ^IMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED 1 : Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC: 100 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.025 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME : 11 TENTEN: c,,^ I DENT : Y EORANK : D SMALL POPULATION; POND MARGIN IMPACTED BY LOGGING. 19B7-07-0S LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 19B7 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS 'f 71 1356 CONDON PRECISION; LAT: ^73^*21 LONG: 113^206 S: ON: O E: < TOWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: S2SE^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.08 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.18 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.^5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GRANK : G2 SC W: GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSIONJ WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIAl POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 3750 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 25 PLANTS (1987)1 POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. 1MENTS; SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODEi MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CD J Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ QC; 101 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.026 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME : LAT: t*73^3S LONG: TOWNRANGE: 021N016W TRSCOMM: SE^NW^SW^ DIRECTIONS: GRANK : G2 12 TENTEN: ^,^ I DENT: Y EORANK : C MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA BEING LOGGED. 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 1987 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^711356 PRECISION: SC 113^225 S: ON: O E: O W; SECTION: IB MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 3.29 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.97 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.28 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. CONDON GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION! WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIAl POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. 3710 SIZE: 1 EST. 200-300 PLANTS (1987)| NEARBY FORESTS RECENTLY LOGGED. 1MENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGriTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE: MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-23 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ QC: 102 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.0S7 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: SURVEYS I TE EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE ^f^ I DENT: EORANK ; 13 TENTEN; CONDON CREEK MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; POND MARGIN IMPACTED BY LOGGING. 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 198B-07-E2 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK STATE: MT SRANK: S2 QUADCODE: ^711356 OUADNAME : CONDON LAT: ^73^26 LONG: 113^233 S; TOWNRANGE: 021N016W SECTION: COUNTYNAME: MTMISS 18 0 N: 0 MERIDIAN: PRECISION: E: 0 PR TRSCOMM: G2 SC U: 0 NW^SW^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVERREACH: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.18 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.8^ AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.^0 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GENDESC; ELEV: )ATA; IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. 3690 SIZE: 2 EST. 300 PLANTS (1987); SOUTH MARGIN OF POND RECENTLY DIS- TURBED BY LOGGING. COMMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. pH-7.66, MACODEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: V MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3: B SITECODE MAC0DE3: M0REM6MT SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS: MORELAN: C0NTAINED2 MOREPROT: SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: V MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 88-11-0^ JSS QC; 103 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.028 NAME: HOWELL I ft AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 1^ TENTEN: 3,^ IDENT: Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT USPS LAND RECENTLY LOGGED. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-02 LA5T0BS: 1987-07-02 FIRST0B5: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS QUADCODE: <4711356 QUADNAME : CONDON LAT: 473^22 LONG: 113<»2^0 S: ON: O TOWNRANGE: 021N017W SECTION: 13 MERIDIAN: TR5C0MM: SE^SE'+SE^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 3.09 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.75 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.<»8 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: SC W: 17010211 GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX vesicaria; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 3685 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 200-250 PLANTS (1987); ADJACENT USPS LAND RECENTLY LOGGED. COMMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTA INED I : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MQRELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BE ST SOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS OC; 104 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.029 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: ^73^15 LONG: TOWNRANGE: 021N016W TRSCOMM: NW+NW^NW^ DIRECTIONS 15 TENTEN: ^,5 IDENT: Y EORANK : D MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; POND MARGINS IMPACTED BY LOGGING. 1987-07-02 LASTOBS: 1987-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK: 62 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^711356 PRECISION: SC : 113^228 S: ON: OE: OW: O SECTION: 19 MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 2.97 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.88 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.59 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. CONDON GENDESC: IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX vesicaria; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. ELEV: 3690 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 200-300 PLANTS (1987); POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. COM COMMENTS: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINED!: YMAC0DE2: CONTAINED?: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J QC; 105 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.030 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: ^73^16 LONG: T0WNRAN6E: 0eiN016W TRSCOMM: NE^NE^NW^ DIRECTIONS: 16 TENTEN: ^,5 I DENT : Y EORANK : D LARGE POPULATION; POND MARGINS IMPACTED BY LOGGING. 1987-07-0S LASTOBS: 19B7-07-02 FIRSTOBS: 1987 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^♦7 11356 PRECISION; 113<»S0<» S: ON: O E: < SECTION: 19 MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 2.99 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 2.19 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.55 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. CONDON GRANK : G2 SC W: GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIAl POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, PINUS PONDEROSA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS IN SURROUNDING FOREST. 37^0 SIZE: 1 EST. 1000 PLANTS (1987); POND MARGINS RECENTLY DISTURBED BY LOGGING. COMMENTS; SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED. MACODEl: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODEj SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE; SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS PNDLESOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC: 106 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.031 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 17 TENTEN: 3,«» 1 DENT : Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING. SURVEVDATE: 1987-07-15 LASTOBS: 1987-07-15 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANKi GS STATE: MT SRANK: SI QUADCODE: ^711356 QUADNAME : CONDON LAT: ^73^36 LONG: 113^315 S TOWNRANGE: 021N017W SECTION TRSCOMM: ESNE^SW^ , WSNW^SE^ DIRECTIONS COUNTYNAME MTMISS ON: O 13 MERIDIAN: PHYSPROV: NR PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: SC W: 17010211 SWAN VALLEY, 3.36 AIR MILES NORTH OF CONDON, 1.33 AIR MILES EAST OF ST. HWY 83, 0.32 AIR MILES SOUTH OF CONDON CREEK. GENDESC ELEV: EODATA: COMMENTS IN SHALLOW WATER OF A GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, TYPHA LATIFOLIA, GLYCERIA BOREALIS; POPULUS TREMULOIDES, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS, SALIX SP. AROUND POND. 3620 SIZE: 2 EST. 150-175 PLANTS (1987); AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING IN THE PAST! POND ADJACENT TO A LOGGING ROAD; PLANTS FOUND IN CALM, SHALLOW AREAS UNDER SHRUBS BORDERING POND, AND ADJACENT TO LOGS. VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1373), 1987, MONTU. pH-7.13. MACODEl: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINED I: Y MAC0DE2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: CONDON CREEK OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE; INC. SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-10 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS OC; 107 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.032 NAME: HOWELLIA AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: 8 TENTEN: 5,fc I DENT : Y EORANK : B EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; HABITAT RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED. SURVEYDATE: 1983-07-2<» LASTOBS: 1983-07-2^ FIRSTOBS: 1983 GRANK : 62 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTniSS OUADCODE: ^7113<»6 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: <»72511 LONG: 113<»13<» S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SE^SW^NW^ PHYSPROV : NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , CA. 1.73 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE, IN ONE TO TWO FEET OF WATER; WITH EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE, TYPHA, CAREX ROSTRATAJ POPULUS TRI- CHOCARPA, P. TREMUL0IDE5 AROUND POND. ELEV: ^165 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 101-1000 PLANTS (1983). COMMENTS: MACODEl: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN; MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: LINDBERGH LAKE RD. t SEELEY LAKE, MT 39868. PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: - BESTSOURCE: PIERCE, J. 737 LOCUST ST., MISSOULA, MT 59802 SOURCECODE: PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-12 CDJ OC : Y UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ 108 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.033 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 9 TENTEN: 5,6 I DENT: Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: SMALL POPULATION; ADJACENT TO GRAVEL ROAD. SURVEYDATE: 1983-07-0^ LASTOBS: 1983-07-0^ FIRSTOBS: 1983 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS QUADCODE: ^7113^6 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72520 LONG: 113^119 S: ON: OE: OW: < TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NSSE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.05 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , CA. 1.5 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: GLACIAL DEPRESSION, IN WATER ON EAST EDGE OF BOG; WITH UTRI- CULARIA, SPARGANIUM, RANUNCULUS I UNDER OVERHANGING POPULUS TREMULOIDES, POPTRI, SAL IX AND CORNUS. ELEV: <^130 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 50 PLANTS (1983); THIS SLOUGH HAS A FLOATING SEDGE MAT, AND IS DOMINATED BY TYPHA, AND THUS IS APPARENTLY MORE SUCCESS I ONALLY ADVANCED THAN OTHERS IN THE AREA. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - PIERCE, J. (1166), 1983, SPECIMEN #092257 UM. MACODEl: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3; ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: LINDBERGH LAKE RD., SEELEY LAKE, MT 59868. PROTCOMM: M6MTC0MM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: PIERCE, J. 737 LOCUST ST., MISSOULA, MT 59802 SOURCECODE: PNDPIEOIMTUS S83PIEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-12 CDJ QC: Y UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ 109 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EQCODE : PDCAMOAO 1 0 . 03«» NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: 10 TENTEN: 5,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : B EORANKCOMM: flEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; HABITAT RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED. SURVEYDATE: 1983-07-2«» LASTOBS: 1983-07-2^ FIRSTOBS: 1983 GRANK : GS SRANK : SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS OUADCODE: ^7113<»6 OUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72507 LONG: 113^116 S: ON: O E: 0 W: TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NE^NE^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.3 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1.5 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE, WITH FIRM BOTTOM; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX ROSTRATA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE. ELEV: 41^5 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 11-100 PLANTS (1983). COMMENTS: MACODEl: PRIVATEOWNMTUS CONTAINED 1 : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS : MORELAN: MOREPROT : MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , SEELEY LAKE* MT S9868. PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: PIERCE, J. 737 LOCUST ST., MISSOULA, MT 59802 SOURCECODE : PNDP I EO 1 MTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-12 CDJ OC : Y UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS 110 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.035 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: 11 TENTEN: 5,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : B EORANKCOMM: MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; HABITAT RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED. SURVEVDATE: 1983-07-2^ LASTOBS: 1983-07-2^ FIRSTGBS: 1983 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS QUADCODE: ^7113^6 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72502 LONG: 113^11^ S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: E2NE^SW^ PHYSPROV : NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.38 AIR MILES SOUTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1.3 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE, IN 0.5-1.5 FEET OF WATER; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX ROSTRATA. ELEV: EODATA: ^150 EST. SIZE: 51-1000 PLANTS S (1983) COMMENTS: MACODEl: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE LINDBERGH LAKE RD., SEELEY LAKE, MT 59868. MONITORNUM: PIERCE, J. 737 LOCUST ST., MISSOULA, MT 59802 SOURCECODE: PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-12 CDJ OC Ill ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.036 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA 12 TENTEN: 5,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : C MEDIUM-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT TO GRAVEL ROAD. 19B7-07-S9 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^7113^6 PRECISION: SC ON: O E: O W: 07 MERIDIAN: PR PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 ALSO ISSE^SE^NE^; SWAN VALLEY, SOUTH SIDE OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1.87 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE; SRANK: SI OUADCODE: OUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^72514 LONG: 113^1^8 S TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION TRSCOMM: SW^SW^NW^ ; T19NR17W:+ DIRECTIONS: GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SlUM SUAVE, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SALIX SPP.; POPULUS TREMULOIDES, P. TRICHOCARPA, LAROCC , PICENG AROUND EDGE. ELEV: ^190 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 100-125 PLANTS (1987); PLANTS ARE FOUND AT SOUTHEAST END OF POND, ON SECTION LINE. COMMENTS; VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (139<»), 1987, UM. MACODEl: PRIVATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: NMAC0DE2: FFSNFFLATIMTUS C0NTAINED2: N MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS : MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SEELEY LAKE, MT S9868. SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. FB7SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS SB7SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ QC: 112 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.037 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: 13 TENTEN: /♦,6 IDENT: Y EORANK : D SMALL POPULATION; POND DISTURBED BY LOGGING ACTIVITY. 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTVNAME: MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72551 LONG: 113^203 S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 01 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SW^NE^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.93 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1.69 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH TYPHA LAT I FOLIA, ALISMA TR I VI ALE, SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, UTRICULARIA VULGARIS; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, LAP IX OCCIDENTAL IS AROUND POND. ^170 SIZE: 1 EST. 10-15 PLANTS (1987); POND DISTURBED BY HEAVY LOGGING ON ALL SIDES! PLANTS FOUND IN SOUTH END OF POND. COMMENTS: MACODEl ; MAC0DE3; PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SQURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC: 113 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.038 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 14 TENTEN : 4,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: LARGE POPULATION; POND DISTURBED BY LOGGING ACTIVITY. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-E9 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTVNAME: MTMISS QUADCODE: 4711346 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: 472608 LONG: 1134215 S: ON: OE: OW: < TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 01 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: E2SW4NE4 PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.33 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 1.62 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, GLYCERIA BOREALIS, SPARGANIUM MINIMUM; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, LAROCC , PINCON AROUND POND. ELEV: 4130 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 1000-1200 PLANTS (1987); POND DISTURBED BY HEAVY LOGGING ON ALL SIDES. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY* J. 5. (139S)( 1987, UM. MACODEl: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: S I TECODE : SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 & 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: FB7SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC : Y UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ 114 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.039 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A 15 TENTEN: 3,6 IDENT: Y EORANK : C LARGE POPULATION; LOGGING DAMAGE ON NORTHEAST SIDE. 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 198^ STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION; LAT: ^72550 LONG: 113^2^^ S: ON: O E: < TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 01 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SW^NE^SW^ ,SE^NW^SW^ PHVSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.25 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., CA. 2.21 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWV 83. MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI OUADCODE: QUADNAME: GRANK : G2 SC W: GENDESC: GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH GLYCERIA BOREALIS, SIUM SUAVE, CAR- EX vesicaria; populus trichocarpa, p. tremuloides, pinus CONTORT A, LARIX OCCIDENTALIS, SAL IX SPP. AROUND EDGE. ELEV: ^190 SIZE: 2 EODATA: EST. 1000-1500 PLANTS (1987); POND DAMAGED BY LOGGING ON NORTHEAST SIDE. COMMENTS: MACODEl I MAC0DE3; PBURLNQRTHMTUS CONTAINED!: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 L 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC: 115 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^0 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: LAT: 472539 LONG: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W 16 TENTEN: 3,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : B FAIRLY LARGE POPULATION; SURROUNDING FOREST UNDISTURBED. 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 1984 GRANK STATE: MX COUNTYNAME : MTMISS 4711346 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC 1134244 S: ON: O E: O W: SECTION: 01 MERIDIAN: PR G2 TRSCOMM: SW4SE4SW4 PHYSPROV : NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.03 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , CA. 2.32 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: ELEV: EODATA: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND? WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TY- PHA LAT I FOLIA, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, GLYCERIA BOREALIS; POP- ULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, PINUS CONTORTA AROUND EDGE 4223 SIZE: 2 EST. 300-400 PLANTS (1987)? FOREST IMMEDIATELY SURROUNDING POND CURRENTLY UNDISTURBED. COMMENTS; MACODEl : MAC0DE3: PBURLNORTHMTUS CONTAINEDI: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SQURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OCi 116 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^1 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME : 17 TENTEN: 6,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : D SMALL POPULATION; POND HEAVILY DISTURBED BY GRAZING. 1987-07-E9 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^7113'»6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^725^1 LONG: 113^028 S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 05 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: W2SW^SW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.6 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , 0.53 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA; GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH SIUM SUAVE, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, CAREX VESICARIA, C. ROSTRATA, ALISMA TRIVIALE, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES AROUND EDGE. ^015 SIZE: 1 FOUR PLANTS (1987); POND AND SURROUNDING FOREST UNDERSTORY HEAVILY DISTURBED BY LIVESTOCK GRAZING; PLANTS FOUND ON EAST EDGE OF POND. COMMENTS; MACODEl : MAC0DE3; PRIVATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS; C0NTAINED2: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: HORACE H. KOESSLER OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE P.O. BOX 3718, MISSOULA, MT 59806 SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. FB7SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC; 117 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.0'f2 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A 18 TENTEN: 6,6 I DENT : Y EORANK : D SMALL POPULATION; POND DISTURBED BY LIVESTOCK GRAZING. 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-29 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK: G2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^725^^ LONG: 113<»02<» S: ON: O E: 0 W: TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 05 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NSSW^SW^ PHVSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.7 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., 0.^3 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. MARGNUM: EORAMKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: GENDESC ELEV: EODATA; COMMENTS GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH SIUM SUAVE, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, CAREX VESICARIA, C. ROSTRATA, ALISMA TRIVIALE; POPULUS TRI- CHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, RHAMNUS ALNIFOLIA AROUND EDGE. 3995 SIZE: 3 EST. 50-60 PLANTS <1987); POND AND SURROUNDING FOREST UNDER- STORY DISTURBED BY LIVESTOCK GRAZING; PLANTS FOUND IN NORTH, NE, AND SOUTH PORTIONS OF POND; MOST PLANTS FOUND IN AN ARM ON NE SIDE OF POND. VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1393), 1987, UM. MACODEl: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: HORACE H. KOESSLER OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSGURCE SOURCECODE P.O. BOX 3718, MISSOULA, MT 59806 MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-12 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC: 118 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^3 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE : QUADNAME: LAT: ^72526 LONG: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W 19 TENTEN: 3,6 I DENT : Y EORANK: C SMALL POPULATION? HABITAT CURRENTLY UNDISTURBED. 1987-07-30 LASTOBS: 1987-07-30 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^7113'f6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC 113'»303 S: ON: O E: O W: SECTION: 12 MERIDIAN: PR 62 TRSCOMM: SW^NW^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.76 AIR MILES NORTH OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD., 2.68 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: SMALL GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, ALOPECURUS AEQUALIS, SIUM SUAVEl POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, PINUS CONTORT A, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS AROUND POND. ELEV: ^280 SIZE: 1 EODATA: EST. 20-25 PLANTS (1987). COMMENTS: MACODEl : MAC0DE3: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED!: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODEj SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: FOREST SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC; 119 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOIO.O^^ NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A 20 TENTEN: ^,6 I DENT: Y EORANK : C LARGE POPULATION; ADJACENT TO A GRAVEL ROAD. 1987-07-29 LASTOBS: 1987-07-59 FIRSTOBS: 1987 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^72508 LONG: 113^156 S: ON: O TGWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 12 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: S2SE^NE^ , N2NE<»SE'» PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, SOUTHEAST OF LINDBERGH LAKE RD. , 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCGDE: QUADNAME : PRECISION: E: 0 PR WATERSHED: GRANK: G2 SC W: 17010211 GENDESC ELEV: EODATA; GLACIAL POTHOLE DEPRESSION? WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS I POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMU- LOIDES, PINUS CONTORTA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS AROUND POND. ^213 SIZE: 1 EST. 275-^00 PLANTS <1987)| POND IS ALONGSIDE A HEAVILY USED GRAVEL ROAD, AND IS UNDER A POWER LINE. COMMENTS: MACODEl ; MAC0DE3; FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: yMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: CONTAINED?: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SOURCECODE: MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDPIEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OCi 120 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^5 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS CGMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: SC U: 21 TENTEN: 6,8 I DENT : Y EORANK : C FAIRLY SMALL POPULATION, NEARBY AREAS LOGGED. 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTQBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 STATE: MT COUNTVNAME: MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION LAT: ^7235^ LONG: 113^058 S: ON: O E: < TGWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SE^SW^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 1.83 AIR MILES ESE OF NORTH END OF LINDBERGH LAKE, 1.08 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, CA . 2.0 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, SURROUNDED BY PINUS CONTORT A FOREST, POPULUS TREMULOIDES NEAR MARGIN; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS, SIUM SUAVE. ^250 SIZE: 2 EST. 300 PLANTS (1987). GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA: COMMENTS; VOUCHER SHELLY, J.S. <136«») AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, UM. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2 : MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCGMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE: SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-09-01 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 LWS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC: 121 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE : PDCAMOAO 1 O . 0^6 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: S2 TENTEN: 5,7 I DENT : Y EORANK : D EORANKCOMM: SMALL POPULATION; SURROUNDING HABITAT E SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTOBS SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS OUADCODE: ^7113^6 QUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^7S^3^ LONG: 113<»1<»1 S: ON: O TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: TRSCGMM: SW^NW^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.58 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. TURBED BY LOGGING. BS: 1987 GRANK : Gc PRECISION: SC E: 0 U: PR WATERSHED: 17010S11 RIVER, 2.13 AIR GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE PONDf WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA, RANUNCULUS GMELINII, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS. ELEV: EODATA: ^230 S I ZE : EST. 50 PLANTS LOGGING. (1987); ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1368) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, UM. MACODEl : MAC0DE3: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE; MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 LWS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC: 122 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^7 NAME: HOWELLIA AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCQMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: OUADNAME: as TENTEN: 5,7 I DENT : Y EORANK : C MED. -SI ZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : GS STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS 'f7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72^33 LONG: 113^1S7 S: ON: OE: OW: O TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: SW^NE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, 1.95 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GENDESC: ELEV: EODATA: GLACIAL DEPRESSION; WITH SIUM SUAVE, CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA LATI FOLIA, NUPHAR VARIEGATUM, ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, SPAR- GANIUM MINIMUM! ALNUS ON EDGES, NO POPULUS. ^215 SIZE: 1 EST. 200 PLANTS (1987)| POND LOCATED ON EDGE OF A CLEARCUT. COMMENTS; VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1365) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, UM. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: CONTAINED^: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE; FOREST MONITORNUM; SURVEYS IN LAKE SOURCECODE CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS AND MISSOULA COS. DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 87-11-17 LWS QC: 123 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^8 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: S^ TENTEN: 5,7 I DENT : Y EORANK : C EGRANKCOMM: MED. -SIZED POPULATION; SURROUNDING AREA DISTURBED BY LOGGING SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : G2 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : tlTMISS QUADCODE: A71 13^6 OUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^7S^32 LONG: HS^jISS S: O N: O TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 18 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: SW^NE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.5 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. PRECISION: SC E: 0 W: PR WATERSHED: 17010S11 RIVER, 1.89 AIR GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, WITH CAREX VESICARIA, TYPHA LAT I FOLIA. SIUM SUAVE, ELEV: 4215 SIZE: EODATA: EST. 250 PLANTS LOGGING. (1987); ADJACENT AREAS DISTURBED BY CLEARCUT COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1366) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, UM. MACODEl: FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINED I : YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MOREL AN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCQMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE; SOURCECODE: MONITORNUM: CAMPBELL, L. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 2 JULY AND 9-10 JULY. F87CAM01MTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 LWS Y PHOTOS; CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC; 124 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EQCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.0^9 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: S5 TENTEN: 6,7 IDENT: Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: LARGE POPULATION; ADJACENT TO NEW LOGGING ROAD. SURVEYDATE: 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTOBS: 1987 SRANK: SI STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTMISS QUADCODE: ^7113^6 OUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^72^^^ LONG: 113^107 S: ON: 0 TOWNRANGE: 019N016W SECTION: 07 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: SW^SW^SE^ PHYSPROV : NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.16 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GRANK GE PRECISION: SC E: 0 W: PR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVER, 1.60 AIR GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX ROSTRATA, C. VESICARIA, RANUNCULUS GMELINII, R. AQUATILIS, ALOPECURUS AEQUALIS; POPULUS SPP., ALNUS INC ANA, SAL IX SPP. AROUND EDGE. ELEV: ^150 SIZE: I EODATA: EST. 1500-2000 PLANTS (1987); POND IS ON NORTH SIDE OF A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOGGING ROAD, JUST NORTH OF USPS BOUNDARY. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1369) AND L. CAMPBELL, 1987, UM. pH-7.29. MACODEl: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2 : C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS : MORELAN: MOREPROT ; MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: PAT HALTERMAN OWNERCOMM: LINDBERGH LAKE PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE RD., SEELEY LAKE, MT 59868. SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 MONITORNUM; SURVEYS IN LAKE & 28-30 JULY. AND MISSOULA COS. SOURCECODE: F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS PNDCAMOIMTUS SB7SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-11-13 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 87-11-17 CDJ QC: 125 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.O5O NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI OUADCODE: QUADNAME: S6 TENTEN: ^,7 I DENT : Y EORANK : B FAIRLY LARGE POPULATION; POND IN UNDISTURBED SETTING. 1987-07-10 LASTOBS: 1987-07-10 FIRSTOBS: 1987 GRANK : B2 STATE: MT COUNTYNAME : MTMISS ^7113^6 CYGNET LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^72^37 LONG: 113<»23S S: ON: O E: O W: TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 13 MERIDIAN: PR TRSCGMM: NE^NE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.25 AIR MILES ENE OF SWAN RIVER OUTLET FROM CYGNET LAKE, 0.1 AIR MILES SOUTH OF SWAN RIVER, CA. 2.8 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, BOTTOM OF CONSOLIDATED CLAY MUCK;EDGE- CORNUS STOLONIFERA, RHAMNUS ALNIFOLIA, SALIX SPP. I WATER- GLYCERIA BOREALIS, SIUM SUAVE, CAREX ATHERODES,C. VESICARIA. 4295 SIZE: 3 EST. 300-1000 PLANTS (1987) I MOSTLY ON THE POND MARGIN, IN THE MORE OPEN ZONE BETWEEN THE EMERGENT VEGETATION AND THE SHORELINE, UNDER OVERHANGING SHRUB COVER I A FEW PLANTS OUT IN DEEPER WATER. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1367), 1987, UM. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA: MACODEl : MAC0DE3: PRIVATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDl: YMAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTAINED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: ROBERT E. HARDY OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE 42 SHERWOOD PLACE, GREENWICH, CT 06830 MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 & 30 JUNE, 1-17 L 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS SB7SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-09-01 JSS UPDATE: 88-01-08 JSS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y Y OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CD J OC: 126 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.051 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS CGMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: SI QUADCODE: QUADNAME: PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: G2 SC W: 17010511 27 TENTEN: ^,8 I DENT : Y EORANK : C SMALL population; NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOGGING ROADS IN AREA. 1987-07-16 LASTOBS: 1987-07-16 FIR5T0B5: 1987 6RANK : STATE: HT COUNTVNAME: MTMISS ^7113<^6 CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^72335 LONG: 113^229 S: ON: 0 TOWNRANGE: 019N017W SECTION: 2^ MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: NE^SE^NW^ PHYSPROV: NR DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.91 AIR MILES EAST OF EAST SHORE OF LINDBERGH LAKE, 0.8 AIR MILES SSE OF SOUTH SHORE OF CYGNET LAKE, CA. 3.3 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. SMALL POND, SURROUNDED BY FOREST OF POPULUS TRICHOCARPA, P. TREMULOIDES, PINUS CONTORTA, LARIX OCCIDENTAL IS » WITH CAREX VESICARIA AND SIUM SUAVE; BOTTOM OF FIRM CLAY. ^^25 SIZE: 1 EST. 100-125 PLANTS (1987); VERY SMALL POND, MOSTLY DRY EX- CEPT FOR CENTER WHERE PLANTS WERE FOUND. GENDESC; ELEV: EODATA COMMENTS MACODEl : MAC0DE3: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1375), 1987, UM. pH-6.85. FFSNFFLATIMTUS CONTAINEDl: Y C0NTAINED3: MAC0DE2: ADLMAS: CONTAINEDB: MOREL AN: MOREPROT ; MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: LINDBERGH LAKE OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 23-26 8i 30 JUNE, 1-17 i 28-30 JULY. F87SHE03MTUS PNDSHEOIMTUS S87SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 87-09-02 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ UPDATE: 88-01-12 JSS OC: 127 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAMOAOl 0.052 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: 28 TENTEN : 1,3 I DENT : Y EORANK : C EORANKCOMM: MODERATE-SIZED POPULATION; ADJACENT TO ROAD. SURVEYDATE: 1987-08-21 LASTOBS: 1987-08-21 FIRSTQBS: 1987 GRANK 62 MT COUNTYNAME MTMISS ON: O 22 MERIDIAN: PHYSPROV: NR PRECISION: E: O PR WATERSHED: SRANK: SI STATE OUADCODE: ^7113^6 OUADNAME: CYGNET LAKE LAT: ^72829 LONG: 113<*^32 S: TOWNRANGE: 020N017W SECTION: TRSCGMM: SE^ DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, CA. 0.5 LAKE, 0.35 AIR MILES WEST OF ST. HWY 83. MARSHY AREA ON EDGE OF A GLACIAL POTHOLE POND; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, SIUM SUAVE, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS. ^010 SIZE: 1 EST. 200 PLANTS (1987); A FEW PLANTS IN MUD ON POND MARGIN STILL FLOWERING ON DATE OF SURVEY! ENTIRE POND NOT SURVEYED. SC W: 17010211 AIR MILES WNW OF NORTH END OF STONER EAST OF GLACIER CREEK, 3.15 AIR MILES GENDESC ELEV: EODATA COMMENTS: VOUCHER - LESICA, P. (<»502), 1987, UM. MACODEI: PRIVATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDI: YMAC0DE2: MAC0DE3: C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: C0NTA1NED2: MORELAN: MOREPROT MOREMGMT: SITECODE; SITENAME: KRAFT CREEK OWNER: MRS. G.A. MARTEL OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE SOURCECODE; 1533 PHILLIPS ST. MISSOULA, MT 59802. LESICA, P. DEPARTMENT OF MISSOULA, MT 59812. PNDLESOIMTUS S87LESUMMTUS MONITORNUM: BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 87-08-25 JSS UPDATE: 87-11-17 LWS Y PHOTOS: CDREV: Y N OWNER INFO: MAPPER: 87-11-13 CDJ OC: 128 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A01 0.053 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: SURVEYSITE EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: S2 QUADCODE: QUADNAME : 6,8 2 TENTEN: SALMON PRAIRIE MODERATE POPULATION, 1988-07-15 LASTOBS STATE: MT ^711367 SALMON PRAIRIE LAT: ^73900 LONG: 113^822 S: TOWNRANGE: 022N017W SECTION: I DENT: EORANK: BC LITTLE-DISTURBED AREA. 1988-07-15 FIRSTOBS; COUNTYNAME: MTLAKE 1988 GRANK: G2 ^7385^ 20 N: ^73902 MERIDIAN: PRECISION: E: 113^820 PR TRSCOMM: SC W: 113^825 NE^SW^,NW^ PHYSPROV: DIRECTIONS; NR WATERSHED; 17010211 RIVERREACH: 1701021101200.00 SWAN VALLEY, 0.5 AIR MILES WEST OF SWAN RIVER, CA. 1.6 AIR MILES NW OF SALMON PRAIRIE (TOWN SITE). GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, IN SHALLOW WATER; WITH CAREX VESICARIA, EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE, SIUM SUAVE, TYPHA LAT I FOLIA, POTAMOGETON 6RAMINEUS. ELEV: 3^50 SIZE: 2 ^DATA: EST. 200-300 PLANTS, ALONG MARGINS OF TWO AREAS WHICH ARE ^ CONNECTED BY HIGHER WATER IN EARLY SUMMER! PONDS BISECTED BY FENCE, WITH MOST PLANTS ON WEST (USPS) SIDE. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. ( 1<»89) , 1988, MONTU. FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: N MAC0DE2: PRI VATEOWNMTUS CONTAINEDc C0NTAINED3: ADLMAS: MORELAN : MOREPROT: MACODEl N MAC0DE3: MOREMGMT: B SITECODE: SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD N.F.; PHILLIPS, L. OWNERCOMM: LOUIS AND CAROL PHILLIPS, 672 TWO MILE DRIVE, KALISPELL, MT. PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: SHELLY, J.S. 1988. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 1^-15 JULY, 21-22 JULY AND 26-29 JULY. F88SHE06MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS S88SHEUMMTUS SOURCECODE DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 88-08-02 JSS CDREV: V MAPPER: 88-08-02 JSS UPDATE: 88-08-30 JSS OC: 129 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A010.05^ NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA 9,9 k TENTEN; ELK CREEK LARGE POPULATION, ROAD 1988-07-26 LASTOBS: MT MARGNUM: SURVEYS! TE: EORANKCOMM: SURVEYDATE: SRANK: S2 STATE: OUADCODE: ^711357 OUADNAME: PECK LAKE LAT: ^730^8 LONG: 113^553 S: TOWNRANGE: 020N017W SECTION: NE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.2S AIR MILES WSW OF CONDON. I DENT: Y AND LOGGING 1988-07-26 EORANK NEARBY . PIRSTOBS: BC 1988 GRANK: G2 COUNTYNAME: MTMISS 0U 0 N: 0 MERIDIAN: PRECISION: E: 0 PR TRSCOMM; SC Ui: 0 SE'»SE^;9,Nl 17010211 MILE WEST PIVERREACH: 1701021102100.00 OF ELK CREEK, CA. 2.75 AIR GENDESC PLFV: ^k>ATA: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, IN SHALLOW WATER; WITH CAREX VESICAR- lA, SlUn SUAVE, POTAMOGETON GRAMINEUS, SAGITTARIA CUNEATA, UTRICULAR I A VULGARIS, CAREX ATHERODES. 3810 SIZE: 1 EST. ^00-500 PLANTS, PROBABLY MORE WHEN POND IS FULL. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1<»99}, 1988, nONTU. FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: N MAC0DE2: PBURLNORTHMTUS C0NTAINED2 C0NTAINED3! MACODEl : N MAC0DE3: MOREMGMT: B SITECODE: SITENAME: OWNER: BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS: MOREL AN! MOREPROT: SOURCFCODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1988. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF 1^-15 JULY, 21-22 JULY, AND 26-29 JULY. F8BSHE06MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS S88SHEUMI1TUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES; TRANSCRIBR: 88-08-02 JSS UPDATE: 88-08-15 MEZ Y PHOTOS: Y OWNER INFO: CDREV: Y MAPPER: 88-08-02 JSS OC: 130 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORD EOCODE: PDCAM0A01 0.055 NAME: HOWELL I A AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELL I A MARGNUM: SURVEYS ITE EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE SRANK: S2 QUADCODE: QUADNAME: 9,9 I DENT: EORANK: GS 5 TENTEN: ELK CREEK SMALL POPULATION; HABITAT STILL INTACT, BUT THREATENED. 1988-07-27 LASTOBS: 1988-07-27 FIRSTOBS: 1988 GRANK : STATE: MT COUNTYNAME: MTMISS ^711357 PECK LAKE PRECISION: SC LAT: ^73058 LONG: 113^603 S: 0N: 0E: 0W: 0 TOWNRANGE: 020N017W SECTION: 0i* MERIDIAN: PR TRSCOMM: NE^SW^SE^ PHYSPROV: NR WATERSHED: 17010211 RIVEPREACH: 1701021102100.00 DIRECTIONS: SWAN VALLEY, 0.^9 AIR MILES WEST OF ELK CREEK, CA. 2.75 AIR MILES WSW OF CONDON. GENDESC: GLACIAL POTHOLE POND, IN SHALLOW WATER; WITH EQUISETUM FLUV- lATILE, SIUM SUAVA, UTRICULAR I A VULGARIS, LEMNA; POPULUS TRICHOCARPA AROUND POND. ELEV: 3820 SIZE: 1 iDATA: CA. 100 INDIVIDUALS (53 COUNTED); FOUND ONLY IN SOUTH END OF POND, AROUND MARGIN; DOES NOT OCCUPY ALL AVAILABLE HABITAT. COMMENTS: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1500), 1988, MONTU. MACODEl: FFSNFFLAT9MTUS CONTAINEDl: Y MAC0DE2: C0NTAINED3! B SITECODE: MAC0DE3: MOREMGMT SITENAME: OWNER: FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST OWNERCOMM: PROTCOMM: MGMTCOMM: MONITOR: BESTSOURCE ADLMAS: MOREL AN: C0NTAINED2 MOREPROT: SOURCECODE MONITORNUM: SHELLY, J.S. 1988. FIELD SURVEYS IN LAKE AND MISSOULA COS. OF I't-lS JULY, 21-22 JULY, AND 26-29 JULY. F88SHE06MTUS PNDSHE01MTUS S88SHEUMMTUS DATASENS: Y BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: N OWNER INFO: TRANSCRIBR: 88-08-02 JSS CDREV: Y MAPPER: 88-08-02 JSS UPDATE: 88-08-15 MEZ OC; 131 I IH I Ui K I Z f4 ' PO Ui Z UI ; -o z in z 1 r^ "< o 5 ! -H ^ o ^ I iH O fO p t« in « (r> u inujuiuvujtfivt u z -J 5 •-• < < o o ►- o > »- ►- < < < «j o V> (A 88-^ g^z < B M 1-4 u »- UJ u a Ui rg, s • ■> u a I Oc ^ U. Ui M O P < Ui < M a !-? Ui Z Z K Ui ^ ►- O O < M 2 ^ »-« »H Ui 1^ ^ o >- ti a v> a « M = >- u P o at HI M I UI Z o «n q: 11 < Ui < Ui ►- ►- «n in Z M < ■< O Ui -i •-< m ct »- »-i o w J > 3 •« •-• QC CO u. • a < Ui >- •-• z -J e ►- «< a muz 8 m • 9x^ ■k Ui M a u e « V M U S UI «• IJ — ►- ot 0 e Ik Ui o h- ►- >• » o < -i -I M Z ~t Ui • o • a m >B .5 Ui D Q Ui •-• ^ B 3 < £ B z > it u. D: O < Ui • u -J •» Z w •J !-• I-I ^ > < g" in Ui B a Ui > a a in >- O Ui ►- > o •-• u e U Z B S ss u u UI Ui B B O B si bSS CE HI Ui M Ui U. «g Q. f4 o u in in •• •• - r inuiuiinBinv)^< < X a o m in UI 3 Ui •-■ u. H' aBXU.O-iui< < z in o < >- f- •-> B UI B < in < Ui B Z Ui »- -J 3 B Z Ui -> O £ U. UI S g - Z ^1 in o a u UI in U Ui U O -I S m ^ UI B U Ui 10 ^ in > 4 o .. .. HI »^ H »- p z O & Ui •H a < u. K- o •-I lA in ft •in 2 B- u z -I 5 HI < ^ o o ►- o r- ►- ^ < < < u o M in 88^ K-z < B H> H< u >- Ui u & UI •> >- o f i < HI •-• W HI «4 Ui o ^ m B V) 8 H> < HI Z 1^ K U P O Ui M UI Hi O SK 8 hi I a < B Ui tn .J ^ u. Ui 6 5P u Ui U. Ui CM c Hi O m MiuuiinBiiin^t 3882«?e5==l3 < B HI B UI B < M Ui B Z Ui ^ ~ Ui •< o m -^ 3 a z Ui ^ BE Ik 3 in I: CM o E Hi « o •• •• u Z B HI H4 (^ fc P ^ O & UI IH a < u. ^ o Hi •I CM lAK B - o Z r« UI p^ < Z ^4 Z O ^ in ^ Ui rj p CM r> Z r« £ e H « U « M u >^ •■ ^ «* ■— • -^ ^ o o ►- o > »- ►- 2 «S < u o in in 88^ K^z < B M M U >- Ui u 0. Ui in ►- o K •H lA .» IM Z Z »- Ui )£ »- B O < «M S O H' in B M B < M r »- u P o gg M C Ui s| 3 u. UJ Ik m ;i in < D. UI >• U Ui S8S 8^^ 5 m K a HI -Si5 E -I O • < E < O U. HI O O -i HI O Ui u. < U HI U O >- Hi Z O Ui Hi > ID in < 2 •-' *-• §835 (0 3 £ in X M Itl lb Ik M M r b UI H > 5 a v; «t S: UI O HI B s ? §s o o UI ui B B (S B si. CM •* in > < g^ . 2S98 OC ^4 UI »4 Ui U. Ui Ik HI CM a. Hi o in o B u in in a u UI 5 Ui in >: in u Ui inuiuiinBtnin^<{ a o 388S^225-58^ •- < X >•< Z m O Ul O UJ gs UJ f HI < u H< U. W uj a Ul u. i 3 HI U y- z < Ul U tt M Ul U. U. UJ in u. • 3 11 U. 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UJ < UJ IK a Ul Q «o z a Id • o in o o iJ^ in ►- o M in o gs £ Ul 5!^ i. Kg o g UJ —J • • •■ z •• •• •• •• < s in UJ M •n O 1^ S5 1 \^ UJ lU CI 3 Ht a < UJ gs M B ;:s[ 3 = ^' u UJ R ?E •*s " B UJ ~ M<* »S i s e CM UJ Ik 5* HI ^ e CM o S B 5 M O s >■$ s§ B ^ in Stt o in o a in a o o 8 Win o- o < o Z 3H u • » a UJ Mini 1 P4 u • a UJ a < IS u i-t ij S * O .J ui u p (0 DC U „ •• •. • • •• .. X a. „ „ •• •• •• •• is • • „ ,, ,, •• S^g < 5 »- «n < UJ »- a g < Ul Nl 5 s f lU g g < UJ it s e ^ Ul gg < « . .g Ul Hi Z M M < I-* »H Ul 1-4 M < 10 < HI HI UJ >-t Se < M X UJ HI ^ O X tt _l It O H- in a «n a a £3 •■ • • O ►- in a in ac M UJ A •■ •• o ►- in B in B B HI Z • ■ •■ lU M O X »- < X o >- g g < M g o a u A « ■ gg < (J f O ^ HI gSin gg < OT M UJ Ul 0 • ►- M HI M Ul w >- 58 HI HI M UJ UJ •H »H <§! g o in < a 3 19 Ul o Ul M E 0 19 19 UJ UJ in g Ul • a. 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Hi O tl O B s *• o ^ • u in in e y C u^ § O ql • u m in § U F <« o t^ • u in 10 p U E iH f^ o UJ Ul in E Hi o UJ UJ m y* Kl 0 o UJ 5 UJ in S Ht 0 • • • • •• • • •• •• •• r 10 u Ul 5 • • •• •• • • • • •■ • • C in u Ul Q • • ■* • > •• *> •• •• x: m u UJ Q V) LJ UJ in □c in en 5 < u • • • • in UJ UJ to a to m 3 < K o CI • • •• in UJ UJ in B in in P B O CI .. .. -J 8 8 Ul Ul 2 ? ^ z >■ u O -1 u fc a M -J o 8 LkJ UJ g ^ z >- g .J o fi. uJ HI -J 8 8 UJ UJ 3 1- 5 >- o -J u&^ M u u jr < < a z in < M 1 M t M u u ^ i < < oe in < HI HI CI u 'A < < B in < M HI F K 5 u »- H Ul q: ►- g 1- K K Ul d: ►- ►- i o 1- K Ul B »- p z o E Ul < X a. 5 in in lu u UJ o UJ < X a. o V> in UJ u UJ o < X Q. in m UJ U UJ g Ul H4 u. ►- < z M g UJ HI u. ►- < Z HI g UJ IH u. K < z M g X u. o _i UJ < UJ O < u. Q T" u. O -1 UJ < Ul 0 < u. g X U. o -1 Ul < UJ 0 < U. < ir> O •< h- t- u »- o < m o < H t- 19 H O < n o < »- 1- o »- o M a UJ a < in < »H cc Ul o: < in < M d: UJ B .< in < < Ul d: ?' 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M UI ll M t~ -I t- u a. M M Q. iH O O O CC u in in cz tn V) Su UJ in ~ in u UJ 9 o o -J Z UJ in uj"»-^^ uO-J uzU'< Z W OC « V o Z t» UJ m < Sr< Z O- i^ (^ UJ eg p M r« X K Ik a H '« u « in u inujuo^uitno Po-->- u z .J 3 •-• < < o o ►- o > ►- ►- ^ < < u o in V) gg" K^z < 6 a Ui in ►- o in e K • u ■U Z Z »- UJ ]£ »- 6 o < M S ^ »4 »^ Ui ^4 «< O ^ V) Oc m ft ■"^f IE g I a I w t> 8« UJ < Ui M S lU Ik M Ui B a in >- O UJ ►- > o e (t oc "3 o o > C( -J O ii UJ ^ I o o ui < I > B £^ B zl Ui 9> < — PS tig •> P • hi kJ r C 4 KB »4 »4 si r ( e ( B < o *^ ? 5 1 f^ & Ui »- -j".. i ^ a V) U Ui ^E 25 St; »^ UJ H' C. < in > < 25S5 »i a >-• o u in «n in UI Ui in DC in •1 C C3 q: uj 3 •• z •-■CC3Q:uj33SZ -iOOuiZ>-^< Muuzy<- •I z UJ «( o in -• n n Z UJ 2 ^ in o tt 3 Ui t^ O U UJ B O >■ 5 u 5 -I Z iH « m z UJ B -y >- « z r^ UJ ^ < Z ^ Z * j( ^ *4 Ui r«i O »< f~ X f* S K « u « in in Ui UI (^ >- o z -J 5 9o »- o ^ < u SB-' Ui in 11 ■1 •< < o M in < 5 u w Ui U C3h UJ *l ►- o i/t • u < ^4 ^4 O ^ VI 51 UJ K UJ M < V> B SE > Pii 85 2 — * o-u in k- O Ui ►- > in S ill UJ < O B M Sin-? 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CO t > H •» O * M IJ 9g Cm in Ui UJ t") ^ Ui in M u z -J 5 •-> < < o o »- o > ►- ►- < < < U O M M 88" e^g M >H IJ ►- Ui U O. Ui M ^- o M M O « •-> q: U Q UJ >f •H Z 19 U UJ UJ IX cc 3 a »-l UJ »- a < M > < r:s UI S cr M M. t- ^ u. U • < UJ U. UI •HHin CMCi-toin ^4 Z 3 • u M M a O UJ 5 £ M MUJUJMCCMin^< 388£^2el== S5 O d: o UI M U UJ ft a M UJ IH »- ; m r^ : CM o i-iuozrj<- UJ )( »- B S < Ni 2 < IH IH UJ >H < O h- M ex M OC o P SE > ly 1^ §1 cm:; o z o -J UJ O < UJ -J ex z U < UJ S UJ •H • CO UJ M > UJ ex < > UJ Z> •< Z M X o r UJ 5 o . Ht a < M UJ UI IJ - D z •-• o M ex o. e ** B UJ S ■< ta o m25 •H U. a; M a . UJ J He UJ C M •H UJ a K M M < M O UJ CX M M M b M o < S UI ex Ni H < 2- tx M 10 M IH K r -i ex « o < ►-• o- o 5 < •H & U. ID Ui -^ Ui < Ui > > Z U. >H 5 n u UJ 3^ <^ u < P M Ui o £ b a X •• •• UI < UJ U Oe M Ut Be oe M >- O UJ >- > 1^ £ M M M ^ UJ O IH IH ex t- < UJ S ex 2 g§ M 1-4 O O UI bJ QC OC S o I- a < M > < UJ ■* 5 ° 5 UI o < o DC M UJ IH u a CM a fH o M o o: U M M Q U UJ 5 UI in C M U UI UJ b b 2 z >- 5 z P P 2 p o J n < < ex z M < o ^ I- UJ ex M M UJ 19 UI UJ a < M Z UJ >- < O M g ^ r^ o .. .. t >■ u Z ex »H IH ►- t- O Z O C UI H O < o UI 135 3 o r» in Ki lU • f> ■« \l\ Z W o: -T >• LI 2 r^ bi in < Z •-• Z >n W rj t-H uj rg o DC tj r^ r r» c C3 n K<7U«I0UZN inwuiov-bjtnvt u i: -I b M < < o o ►- o > »- »- < « '< u o m i/> M M O >- Ui (J C UJ lO >- O E S •-4 o B »- u v> bi bj P o a o < S »- «n < •-• tM a -J u. u >-■ o z ►- < in H ^ U 3 •"■ a flig »- o < S ■-I in o r» e .8 t!55 h- bl ; < IH VH U »-• ^ O »- ir> B V) K •< "t Z ►- O ►- O > s B 81 ec lu -S O UI *• pg •J OS < M M >- •< mux * «=> ^ z 2 < I > > < g" in UJ < UI in >- o u »- > is M B »- ^ U Q u< Z *^ Q Z m in 1-1 »• ssl SS>: SS 3 : M o u 2ai SS u I 9 ?- £ o - Ui B UI r^ g ►< > o r u < o- ix in p •IB Si Z w -J >x B E ^ m C (^ < Z UJ • u iH in in t- a. < in > < fsi in K> ►- m rH t P i&Ss (VI u. •-< o u in in u inuiuinBincnx^ ■-•UIJZ3<- •-" E '^ i o <" i ►- -J fc- h- u a t-t — U. M O O B 5 UJ v^ in u UI W8i M I ♦ L-^ Z UJ B ^ >- in z t^ UI ■^ ^ Z 'I Z m )j rj *H UJ CM O B M r> Z K CL C3 S »-«U«V)UZM muiup^ujinM u z -J p •-• < < a a t- U > t- t- < •« < u o m «) 88^ g^z < 8 N4 l>« u »- Ui u B UJ •> >- o $ u UI Z Z ^ w 2( »- S B < K4 S < M •-• UJ >« < o »- m B M B < •-• £ ^ »- o ►- o M ki lii 3 5 ^3 < z •-* *-• w 11 in Q, S** in HI < hi UK o e s§ «• l» Ui Ui B B Si e BG M Ui >- a. > < SiES iS9S ■ ■ ■ 1 ^4 B •x UJ tx 5 »- -J e o < >- »- •1 a Ui B < in < UI B i; UI ^ •-• z UI < o tn -i S 9 Z UJ -J O £ 14. 2 ^ Z in o B Su UJ in W) U UJ pc o u d -< Z m < UI B O UJ < z UJ fc >- U Z B »H IH ^ »- p z O B UJ M a K if Ik <» in u m UJ Ui p V bl U Z .i S •-• o ►- B > So ^ ^ ^ V* 88^ K 3ub ^ ►- in m u ►- Ui u B UJ 9 o s^^bS!: < M •-• UI "sag ►- o »- IX bJ I • u Ui )t •X < x Boob B ■< ^ O S UJ .J X •• •• ZM O W M S M M r 0 V O UJ n v> in BiS ?3 U Q UI S K 3 88 N4 »X o o UJ UJ B B o g Ss -I _ a < > c < in > < 25; in UJ UJ in B m M g o B UI p .J o & bj ;; P Muuzg< < X a. C in P UJ IX U. a C3 = u. o -I < z 11 o < >x a UI B < UJ B Z UJ •X Z UJ •( O J 5 H Z UI -I O C u. iSsSS B ix UJ ix Hi fe UI u. ix I a ix o in o B in o D u UI p u in 5«ouj i ^ •< BO S in < in UJ 10 UJ ►- < Z UI < UI ►- K 0 < in ►- in in E f* C « « u •• •• t >■ U Z B •X M ^ O a S IX St ■* u. ►- O < O UI I' 136 > < BOC «j z -J b M «< -< O O ►- O > K ►- < f < U O (/> v> SB" ^ :iE bJ U a, bi in ►- O g lA o Ul o CO o lU Z Z ^ bJ )£ H 8 O < M S < *-< 1^ bJ Hi < o »- vt a 1/1 a < IH X H u F M bi S2E > a bi >- o H bi .E ■• •• O bi is >- > C to u -) _ ■< bi Vt Ul t-l • cafe bi = ui > U V> < O bi X bi CX ^ O. X u >- -i o — ■< "a5 u. v> o •• •• •• X Z bi bi bi 11 O >i ^"8 ►- •< U Q • u »s a 19 Ol bJ • M > M O 0 a > U CX *« >-4 a. H z ■« - bi 2 -1 D. 5 ^ v\ < >• bi < in f4 Z bi 0 P < 88 O bi O •H i-i bi »- ae (9 O OC < bi bi Ui Z - U CX D •-■ X £ < bi si ^ o b. 2 < o Co O' »- bi -lac — o -tcvtin jjbigg ili IH bi H a. 8 z a ^ < V) C M -1 > ■< 5 z o a bi (0 M VI 3 -i lU bi 5 < 8 in bi B )-> bi M Ht o en bi w g •J O M U Sx 3 bi cr R u a Ui b. bi b. M CO a r4 O O O CX u m m p u bi b bi «n 2: V) U bi ocxjnt5X< BO cxuipS-. Zvp . "f£< bi < bi O < »- »- O bj CX < m ex ::: Ui 5 bi < D W S a z bi 8 n b. 137 EI©ENT OCCURRENCE CODE: PDCAMOAOIO. 001 NAME: HOWELLIA AQUATILIS COMNAME: WATER HOWELLIA 1 TENTEN: 01,03 IDENT: Y ONLY KNOWN POPULATION IN IDAHO 1988-06-14 LASTOBS: 1988-06-14 HARVARD STATE: ID COUNT YNAME: IDLATA EORANK: A PRECISION: SC E: 1164400 W: BO MARGNUM: EORANKCOMM SURVEYDATE: 1988-06-14 LASTOBS: 1988-06-14 FIRSTOBS: GRANK: G2 SURVEYS ITE: SRANK: SI QUADCODE: 4611675 QUADNAME: DEARY (15') LAT: 465503 LONG: 1164428 S: 465230 N: 465530 E: 1164400 W: 1164600 TOWNRANGE: 041N003W SECTION: 08 MERIDIAN: TRSCOMM: CENTER OF NE4 WATERSHED: 17060108 DIRECTIONS: NEAR JUNCTION OF ST HWYS 6 AND 9, 50 YDS S OF INTERSECTION ON W SIDE OF HWY 9; JUST INSIDE PROPERTY FENCELINE GENDESC: VERNAL POOL, OLD RIVER MEANDER OF PALOUSE RIVER; SURROUNDED BY CORNUS STOLON I FERA, ALNUS INCANA, CRATAEGUS DOUGLAS I A ELEV: 2560 SIZE: 1 EODATA: 30 PLANTS ESTIMATED; GOOD EO QUALITY COMMENTS: CONFIRMATION OF OWNBEYS' OBSERVATION OF SEVERAL YEARS AGO; A MOSELEY 11264 UI MACODEl: CONTAINEDl: MAC0DE2 : C0NTAINED2: MAC0DE3 : C0NTAINED3 : ADDLMAS : MORELAND: MOREPROT: MOREMGMT: SITECODE: SITENAME: HARVARD OWNER: RUTH OWNBEY OWNERCOMM: OWNER LIVES IN PULLMAN, WASHINGTON; CONTACTED, AWARE OF EO PROTCOMM: PROPERTY BEING WILLED TO NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY MGMTCOMM : MONITOR: MONITORNUM: BESTSOURCE: MOSELEY, BOB SOURCECODE: PNDMOSOIIDUS F88MOS04IDUS DATASENS: N BOUNDARIES: Y PHOTOS: Y TRANSCRIBR: 88-07-22 RKM CDREV: Y UPDATE: 88-11-06 RKM OWNERINFO: N MAPPER: 88-07-22 RKM QC: Y MONTANA 147 USGS Peck Lake Quadrangle (7.5') Howe II la aquatilis ■ areas unsuccessfully searched ■ element occurrences U6'45 UNITED SIAlta DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY »2t)°<»-E. T 4}M c M y ■i' \c i^"- ■t^ ;'-r .''W^ C\j L-J^ "5i i^ •^aol '/) ji?^tV -1." •««."/i". ;. ,rr:.}>zayX m 1 1 v.. m m E- F uiO 45' T.51N. tHX) T.50N. T. 49 N. t MONTANA 155 USGS Cilly Creek Quadrangle (7.5') Hovi^llia aqua tills O = areas unsuccessfully searched MONTANA STATE This '^covaK' page addad by tha Intarnat Archiva for formatting purposes