Bound 1958 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 101 " Exchange Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichniss zu den Jahrgängen XXI—- XXX und | # | ı W | £ u ') alphabetisches Register 7 zu den Jahrgängen XT--XXX h des Archivs des Vereins der ‚Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Angefertigt von FF. XL. Madauss, Zahnarzt in Grabow. Herausgegeben auf Kosten des Vereins. rn Preis 1,95 4. TE En a Dr N IE Nr Neubrandenburg, In Commission bei C. Brünslo w. Mm 1879. ; > a RT, TLASTSOSTLTOTEZIFH mM OSLO In. vr. A ee A, Dt N a \ \ ? SERSEFASOERSESRET Kann mar ul, user ar a rk Er Vera 2 Dune VEDGER. VEDRaEE Pa FED De Er e QSe—= Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichniss zu den Jahrgängen XXI XXX und alphabetisches Aogister zu den Jahrgängen XI-XXX des Archivs des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte / in Mecklenburg. Angefertigt von FF". L. Madauss, Zahnarzt in Grabow. Herausgegeben auf Kosten des Vereins. — gg Neubrandenburg. In Commission bei C. Brünslow. 18793. Nr viel en Ka a ee NN ua Hall ie ren kanaıd A hi u Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Archiv XXI bis XXX. (Fortsetzung von Archiv XX, S. 129.) Biographisches. (Nekrologe.) Boll, Dr. E. 22, 1. Fiedler, Dr. C. F. B. %3, 179. Griewank, Kirchenrath C. C. F. 26, 120. Vortisch, Pastor L. 2%, 169. Füldner, Prof. Moritz 28, 143. Zander, Pastor Dr. H.D.F. 3®, 298. Botanik. Uebersicht der Lübeckischen Flora von H. Lenz %2, 35. Vegetationsskizze von Ratzeburg v. J. Reinke %2, 88. Beiträge zur Flora Mecklenburgs v. C. Struck ®2, 124. 3@, 46. Dr. W. Petzold 3®, 237. Die Laubmoose Mecklenburgs von H. Brockmüller %3, 1. Die Salzflora bei Bützow v. C. Arndt ®3, 187. Lappa nemorosa v. Dr. Griewank 23, 139. Ueber die Blüthenzeit von Ulex europaeus v. Rickmann 23, ‚190. Botanische Notizen v. P. Horn 23, 191. Vegetationsskizze v. Neustrelitz v. C. Kraepelin ®4, 1. Ergänzungen hierzu 3®, 285. Kritische Pflanzen in Mecklenbg. v. Dr. Draeger %4, 17. Bemerkungen über Anacharis Alsinastrum v. Dr. Fiedler 24, 26. Elodea canadensis in Mecklbg. v. P. Horn 26, 1. Die Halbinsel Wustrow v. Dr. Griewank 26, 17. Zur Flora der Umgegend von Grabow v. F. Madauss 38, 49. Zur Flora von Mecklbg.-Strelitz v. Reinke 26, 55. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Des- midien Mecklenbgs. v. H. Lenz 26, 57. Palmella prodigiosa Ehrb. und mirifica Rbh. v. H. Lenz 36, 62. Salzflora bei Reinsdorf, Neu- kirchen und Kl. Belitz v. C. Arndt ©%, 166. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zwie- belbildung bei Gagea v. P. Horn %8, 30. Berichtigung betreffend Elodea eanadensis v. P.Horn 238, 140. Collomia grandiflora v. Struck 28, 140. 29, 170. Nuphar pumilum, Alisma par- nassifolium von Struck 28, 141. Bryonia dioica in Mecklenbg. v. C. Arndt 28, 141. Blüthenbau von Scheuchzeria palustris v. P. Horn 28, 161. Botanische Notizen aus der Um- gegend von Parchim v. C. T. Timm 29, 167. Campanula Cervicaria, Riesen- exemplar v. Agaricus v.Struck 29, 170. Epheu, blühender, Ilex aquifolium var. senescens bei Müritz; Uebergang von Lycopodium complanatum in Lyc. Chamae- eyparissus v. Arndt 28, 170. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tri- glochinblüthe v. P. Horn 3®, 120. Ueber Puceinia malvacearum und deren Wanderung v. Brock- müller 5®, 239. Geognosie, Mineralogie u. Petrefactenkunde. Beiträge zur Geognosie Mecklbs. mit besonderer Berücksich- tigung der Nachbarländer v. Dr. E. Boll 24, 15. Mitteloligocänes Thonlager zu Egeln bei Magdeburg v. Dr. C. Wichmann %4, 157. Thonlager bei Goldberg, derselbe 21, 161. Ueber den Ober - Oligocän von Wiepke v. Dr. A. v. Koenen =2, 106. Ueber protozoische Geschiebe Mecklbgs. u. deren organische Einschlüsse v. Dr. E. Boll =4, 31. Ueber ein oberoligocänes Ge- schiebe von Hohendorf v. Dr. Wiechmann ®4, 46. Was haben wir von einer geog- nostischen UntersuchungMeck- lenburgs zu erwarten v. F.E. Koch 2%, 150. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bildungsweise der oberoligo- cänen sternberger Kuchen v. F. E. Koch %8, 111. Kleine geologische Mittheilungen v. F.E. Koch %8, 121. 1) Silu- rische Feuersteine, 2) Zur Ge- schiebeformation der nord- deutschen Ebene 124, 3) Zur Ausbreitung des Kreidege- birges in Mecklbg. 127. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der meck- lenburgischen Gerölle v. C. Brath 39, 1. Bergsturz in Mecklenbg. von C, Arndt 3®, 291. Vorläufige Mittheilung über eine Tiefbohrung auf Salz v. F. E. Koch 30, 29. Bemerkungen über einige nord- deutsche Tertiär -Mollusken v. Dr. C. Wiechmann 21, 141. Ueber einige Conchylien aus dem oberoligocänen Mergel des Dobergs bei Bünde, der- selbe 24, 49. Pecten pietus im Unteroligocän derselbe ©4, 64. Die Molluskenfauna des stern- berger Gesteins in Mecklbg. v. F. E. Koch und Dr. C. M. Wiechmann %3, 1. Terebra Hörnesi Beyr. ©%, 126. Beschreibung einiger fossilen Tertiär - Fischreste vorzugs- weise des sternberger Gesteins v. Dr. Winckler %9, 97. Katalog der fossilen Einschlüsse des oberoligocänen sternberger Gesteins in Mecklenburg v. F. E. Koch 3®, 137. Literatur. Geognostische Literatur Pom- merns %4, 157. Brockmüllers mecklenburgische Kryptogamen %%2, 146. Die oberoligocäne Fauna d.stern- berger Gesteins v. F. E. Koch und Dr. C. Wiechmann 22, 147. A. v.Koenen, das marine Mittel- Oligocän Norddeutschlands u. seine Molluskenfauna 32, 148, O0. Speier, die Conchylien der cas- seler Tertiärbildung @2, 148. Meteorologie. Meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Hinrichshagen von Pastor Prozell. Siehe die Tabellen am Schlusse der Hefte. Die Gewitter der Jahre 1864 bis 1866 v. Dr. E. Boll 21, 121. Die Sturmfluth am 13. Novbr. 1872 v. F. E. Koch 36, 111. Bemerkenswerthe Erscheinung beim Nordlicht vom 2. Novbr. 1871 v. Past. Vortisch 36, 116. Bitte in Bezug auf Gewitterbeob- achtungen v. C. Arndt 2%, 205. Sammlungen. Das mecklenburgsche naturhi- storische v. Maltzan’sche Mu- seum zu Waren v. ©. Struck =%, 114. 23, 19. 34, 134. 26, 118. Die Conchylien - Sammlung des Freih. v. Maltzan zu Federow v. F. E. Koch %%, 147. -Pastor Vortisch Mineraliensamm- lung zu verkaufen 27, 205. Vereinsangelegenheiten. Berichte über die Jahresver- sammlungen: 20, zu Güstrow 21, 1. ,‚ zu Schwerin 2%, 129. ‚zu Waren 23, 196. 23, zu Lübeck ®4, 134. 24, zu Rostock 36, 162. 25, zu Neubrandenburg 168. 26, zu Malchin ®%, 195. ‚ zu Wismar 38, 1. 28, zu Bützow 28, 195. 29, zu Ludwigslust 3®, 330. Verzeichniss der Mitglieder @2, 137, %4, 125. ©@, 154. 98, 14. 29, 219. 3®, 345. Die Bibliothek des Vereins v. Bibliothekar F. E. Koch 34, 76. 26, 125. ©@, 175. 28, 148. 29, 177. 30, 305. Statuten ®4, 120. ®%, 191. = über das Vermögen %9, 201. 26, Verschiedenes. Fischregen in Pommern und Mecklbg. 24, 151. Bestimmung des Längenunter- schiedes zwischen Schwerin u. Wustrow durch Chronometer- Reisen 24, 154. RothesWasserin Teichen 24, 154. Erklärung über eine Bemerkung in Naumanns Lehrbuch der Geognosie, das sternberger Gestein betreffend, von Dr. Wiechmann 22, 127. 1° Die Versammlung der deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte in Rostock v.F.E. Koch 23, 131. Die naturwissenschaftlichen Mu- seen und ihre Bedeutung für die Wissenschaft. Vortrag ge- halten von Freih. v. Maltzan zu Wismar 28, 9. Ueber den Werth der Localfor- schung; desgleichen zu Bützow 29, 204. Project zu innigerer Vereinigung der norddeutschen naturwis- senschaftlichen Vereine v. F. Koch 29, 227. Zoologie, Ueber die Seitenorgane der Fische und Amphibien v. Prof. Dr. Schulze ®4, 139. Ueber das Präpariren der Quallen und Hydroidpolypen v. dem- selben 26, 107. Ueber ein Infusorienlager in der Warnow bei Rostock v. F. E. Koch 26, 109. Zur Fauna von Kl. Pritz von Freih. v. Maltzan 38, 108. Säugethiere. Singende Mäuse 24, 65. 3@. 280. Ueber das Vorkommen des Nörz in Mecklbg., nebst einigen No- . tizen über seine Lebensweise v. C. Struck %8, 22. bei Wis- mar v. F. Schmidt %8, 28. b. Bützow v. Adv. Paschen 28, 174. Siebenschläfer bei Wismar v. F. Schmidt 28, 130. 3®, 280. b. Bützow %9, 174. Die Säugethiere Mecklbgs. mit Berücksichtigung der ausge- storbenen Arten v. C. Struck 30, 23. Fischotter v. F. Schmidt 30, 275. Hausratte 279. Heteroodon rostratum v. Lenz 93, 212. Vögel. Seltenere Vögel bei Neubranden- burg v. W. Greve 21, 62. Wie die Schwalben ihr Haus- recht wahren ©4, 68. Ornithologisches v. F. Schmidt: Bachstelzen-Nester auf Reisen %8, 132. Muth eines Rebhuhns 138. Platalea leucorodia, Uria hringvia, Mergus anatarius 9, 144. ; Seeadler und Brachsen v. Brock- müller 3®, 239. Reptilien, Die Schildkröte in Mecklbg. v. Brockmüller 3®, 250. Fische, Zur Naturgeschichte d. Schlamm- pitzkers Cobites fossilis v. Struck 2, 121. Ueber das Fischsterben v. F. Schmidt 28, 154. Rogenaale v. F. Schmidt 28, 137. Zur Naturgeschichte des Aals v. F. Schmidt 30, 267. Insecten. Uebersicht v. Raddatz der in Mecklbg. bis jetzt beobachte- ten Blatt- und Holzwespen =2%. Fliegen 2%, 22. Wanzen 28, 49. Cicaden 81. Die Pflanzengallen Norddeutsch- lands und ihre Erzeuger v. Dr. F. Rudow %9, 1. Die Faltenwespen mit Berück- sichtigung der in Norddeutsch- land vorkommenden Arten v. Dr. Rudow 3®, 138. Oedipoda migratoria Wander- heuschrecke in Mecklenbg. v. C. Struck und H. Brockmüller 30, 264. Mollusken. Feinde der Platten-Miesmuschel Congeria v. Struck %4, 161. Mecklenburgsche Mollusken v. Dr. Wiechmann 22, 125. Die Astarte der Ostsee v. Dr. Wiechmann 23, 192. Dr. v. Martens 24, 71. Zur Kenntniss unserer Anodonten v. Freih. v. Maltzan %3, 170. Conchiliologisches v. C. Struck =4, 69. v. Dr. Wiechmann ®5, 129. 26, 99. 27, 131. 29, 330. Systematisches Verzeichniss der mecklenburgischen Binnenmo- lusken von Freih. v. Maltzan 26, 64. Die Zerstörung der Schalen bei Limnaea stagnalis L. von Dr. Wiechmann 26, 95. UeberDreissena polymorphaPall. v. C. Struck 26, 102. Ueber Helix nemoralis L. u. hor- tensis Müll. von Dr. H. Schmidt %9, 130. v. F. Koch, 139. Ueber Vererbung der Binden- varietäten bei Helix nemoralis, v. C. Arndt 29, 142. Ueber die Rissoen und Cardien der Ostsee v. F. Koch 29, 158. Conchologisches v. Konow 3, 234. Loligo vulgaris Lam. in der Un- tertrave v. Dr. Lenz %6, 104. ——je—e Autoren - Register zu Heft 21 bis 80. Arndt, C. (Oberlehrer in Bützow, V.-M. 55) 23, 187. 2%, 166. 169. 195. 205. 28, 1. 141. 143. 29.142, .1.41.%173..195 212. 30, 291. 330. Blanck, A. (Dr. Oberstabsarzt in Schwerin, V.-M. 57) 3®, 298. 7 Boll, E. (Dr. ph. Neubranden- burg, V.-M. 47, gest. 68) %4, 1.45. 121. 151. 154. 157. 24, 31. Boll, F. (Neubrandenburg) %2, 1. Brath, C. (Apotheker, Zarrentin, V.-M. 57) 3®, 1. Brockmüller, H. (Fleischbe- schauer in Schwerin, V.-M. 48) 23, 1. 30, 239. 250. 264. 289. * Dräger, R. (Dr. Gymnasial-Di- rector, Friedland, jetzt Aurich, V.-M. 62) 24, 17. + Fiedler, B. (Dr. med., Dömitz, V.-M. 535, gest. 69) ©4, 26. Greve (Buchdrucker, Neubran- denburg, V.-M. 67) 22, 162. Griewank, G. (Dr. Medieinalrath, Bützow, V.-M. 69) 23, 189, 26, 17. Horn, P. (Apotheker, Waren, V.-M. 69) 23, 191, 26, 1. 28, 30. 140. 29, 161. 3®, 120. Koch, F. E. (Landbaumeister, Güstrow,Bibliothekar, V.-M.49) 24, 76. 25, 1. 131. 26, 109. 111, 125. 148. ®%, 147. 150. 175. 38, 11.222277 148. 39, 139, BEIU7 22€ 30, 137. 294. 295. 296. 305. v. Könen, A. (Dr. Prof. Marburg, V.-M. 67, C. M., 68) 2, 106. Konow, F. W. (Pastor, Fürsten- berg, V.-M. 74) B®, 283. Kräpelin, C. (Dr. Oberlehrer, Hamburg, V.-M. 70) 2&, 1.30©, 285. Lenz, H. (Dr. Conservator am naturhistor. Museum, Lübeck, V.-M. 67) 22, 35. 26, 57. 62. 104. 3®, 353. Madauss, F. L. (Zahnarzt, Gra- bow, V.-M. 47) 26, 49. v. Maltzan, H. (Freiherr, Federow bei Waren, V.-M. 61) 26, 64, 28, 99. 108. 29, 204. v. Martens, E. (Dr. Prof. Berlin, C. M. 70) 34, 171. Martin, K. (Dr. Prof. Leiden, früher Gymnasial-Lehrer, Wis- mar, V.-M. 76) 30, 353. Paschen, F. (Adv. Bützow, V.- M. 76) 28, 174. Petzold, W. (Dr. Neubranden- burg) 3®, 237. Prozel, P. W. (Kirchenrath, Friedland, V,-M. 48, C.M. 74), Die angehängten Tabellen. Raddatz, A. (Director der höh. Bürgerschule, Rostock, V.-M. 50) 24, 1. 22. 28, 49. 81. Reinke, J. (Dr. Prof., Göttingen, V.-M. 64) 32, 88. 36, 55. Rickmann, J. (Baumeister, Schön- berg, V.-M. 51) 23, 190. *Rudow, F. (Dr. Oberlehrer, Perleberg, V.-M. 73) %9, 1. 30, 188. Schmidt, F. (Kreiswundarzt, Wis- mar, V.-M. 50) 38, 28. 130. 152. 134. 137. 138. ©9, 144. 3®, 267. Schmidt, H. (Dr. Oberlehrer, Wismar, V.-M. 59) 29, 130. Schulze, F. Eil. (Dr. Prof. Gratz, V.-M. 68, C. M. 74) %3, 205. =4, 139. 26, 107. Struck, C. (Gymnasial - Lehrer, Waren, V,-M. 51) %1, 161, 22, 114. 121. 124. 3, 179. 194. 196. 4, 69. 73. 26, 46. 102. 118. 38, 22. 140. 39, 170. 172. 30, 23. 264. Timm, €. T. (Lehrer, Hamburg, V.-M. 65) 29, 167. + Vortisch, L. (Pastor zu Satow bei Kröplin, V.-M. 48, gest. 71) 26, 116. Wiechmann, C. M. (Dr. Rentier Rostock, V.-M. 65) 24, 141. 157. 161. 2%, 125. 126. 127. 129. 23, 192. ®4, 46. 49. 64. 134. 35, 1. 129. 36, 95. 9. 162. 168. ©%, 131. Winckler, T. C. (Dr. ph. Harlem, C. M. 76) 29, 97. Zum Autoren-Register bemerke ich: V.-M. 53 bedeutet Vereins - Mitglied seit 1853. C. M. 76 Correspondirendes Mitglied seit 1376. Die Verstorbenen sind mit 7, die Ausgetretenen mit * bezeichnet. Alphabetisches Register zu Heft 11 bis 30. Aal 13, 147. 4®, 22. zur Na- turgeschichte 8®, 267. Rogen 28, 137. Aalmutter 43, 144. Aalquappe 13, 146. 49, 23. Abia 2©%, 2. Abies 13, 72. 84, 501. 3%, 75. Abramis 43, 144. 19, 23. Acanthia 49, 28. 38, 74. Acanthopteri 23, 143. Acanthosoma %8, 50. Accentor #8, 75. Acer 43, 29. 24, 228. 26, 40. 47, 261. 32, 46. 26, 25. Acerina 83, 143. 49, 23. Achaleus 2%, 61. Achatina acieula 94, 121. Acherontia #9, 27. %®, 9. Achillea A3, 47. 24, 258. 26, 45. 28, 112.149, 33. 22,59. 26, 30. Achitonium 9%, 235. Achnanthes 84, 347. 9%, 198. Achyrophorus 83, 51. 44, 263. 28, 115. 22, 61. Acidaspis 4%, 166. Acidia ®%, 93. Acidota #3, 1837. Acilius 28, 24. Acinos 2®, 832. Acipenser 43, 147. Acladium #4, 369. Acocephalus 28, 87. Acolium 27, 228. Aconitum 44, 208. %4, 13. Acorus 43, 75. 24, 306. 16, 53. 66. 49, 44. 22, 77. Acremonium #4, 368. Acrocera %%, 31. Acroceridae 2%, 30. Acrocordia #27, 230. Acrodus 2%, 143. Acronycla ®®, 97. Acrospermum #4, 378. Acrostalagmus #4, 360. Actaea 23, 19. 14, 208. 16, 37. ns, 98. 29, 32. 92, 40. 93. =4, 3. 26, 46. Actaeon 44, 57. 13, 290. 24, 62. 3®, 171. Actidium #4, 373. Actinobolus 3, 256. Actinococeus #4, 19. Actinoeyclus 84, 347. Actinonema 4%, 240. Actinothyrum 94, 371. Actitis 83, 119. Actora 27, 69. Adeorbis #4, 56. 23, 286. 60. 3®, 164. Ademonia 94, 117. 24, Adonis 414, 189. 24, 15. Adoxa 18, 43. 14, 253. 16, 44. RB, 37. 22, 56. 100. Aecidium 24, 564. 9%, 254. Aegagropila #4, 549. 2%, 209. Aegerita #4, 380. Aegialitis 25, 109. Aegopodium #3, 41. 14, 249. 16,45. 19, 36. 22, 54. 26, 28. Aelia 38, 51. Aesche 23, 145. Aeseulus 44, 133. 32, 46. Aethalium #4, 378. Aethusa 43, 42. 24, 250. 26, 43. 19, 37. 32, 55. 26, 28. Agallia ®8, 83. Agapanthia #4, 101. Agaricus 22, 48. 44, 386. 19, 256. Agaricus campestris, grosser 2», 172. Agathidium 45, 153. Agelastica #4, 117. Agnotus 92, 169. 43, 108. lae- vigatus 4, 42. Neobranden- burgensis, 41. pisiformis, 40. Agnotus in Sandstein 34, 34. Agramma %8, 59. Agrimonia 43,37.44,241.8@,42. 48, 107.49, 35. 22, 51.36, 27. Agrimonia oderata 24, 18. 22, 168. Agromyza aenea®9, 67. Schineri, 79. Agropyrum #3, 9. Agrostemma A3, 26. 44, 223. 16, 39. 418, 33. 26, 4. Agrostis 23, 38. 14, 319. 16, 94. 19, 45. 32, 84. 26, 43. Agrotis #3, 154. 2@®, 87. 98. Ahnfeltia 94, 354. Aira 43, 90. 14, 191. 321. 16, 59. 96. 19, 45. 22, 85. 26, 43. Ajuga 43, 64. 14, 288. 46, 15. 2°, 264. 49, 42. 2O, 80. 2%, 69, 24, 5. Ne) Ajugapyramidalis24, 16.286,48. Akmit 2%, 98. Aland 93, 145. Alauda 45, 18. 91. %®, 68. 79. Alaunschiefer ®4, 55. Alausa 93, 145. Albersia 23, 67. Alburnus 43, 145. 19, 23. Alca #3, 132. 29, 154. Alcedo #8, 100. Alces palmatus 3®, 8. Alchemilla #3, 57. 24, 241. 16, 42. 49, 55. 22, 51.91. 24, 5. Aleetorolophus 23, 61. ©2, 67, 26, 34. Aleochara 43, 164. Alexis #8, 154. Aliceularia 94, 346. Alisma 23, 73.144, 302. 85, 421. a6, 52. 65. 69. 90. 48, 129. 12.45. 22, 75. ©4, 17. 36, 39. ZB, 169. parnassifolium 28, 41. Allantus ®%, 15. Allecula #3, 131. Alliaria 24, 214. ©2, 41. %4, 8. Allium 43, 79. 44, 314. 16, 53. 28, 132. AB, 4. 22, 79. 91. 24, 4. 26, 42. 56; ursinum 22, 105. Allophyta ®@, 67. Allotrioidae 2, 24. Alluviale Neubildungen in Meck- lenburg 32, 17. Alnus 13, 72. 24, 191. 519. 48, 493. 46, 54. 19, 267. 48, 136. 49, 45. 32, 74. 36, 5). Alopecurus 33, 57. 44. 191. 319. 45, 423. 16, 54. 1%, 267. 28, 136. 19, 45. 3%, 854. 91. 26, 43. Alphilophagus #3, 128. Alse #3, 145. Alsine 43, 27. 94, 225. 26, 59. 98, 102. 29, 33. Althaea 83, 28. 14, 227. 26, 25. Alvania %4, 58. 3®, 161. Alveolites 93, 104. Alydus 28, 54. Alyssum 93, 21. 24, 189. 215. 26, 38. 28, 100. 29, 32. ?®, 82. 22, 41. 91. @4, 4. Amara 15, 151. Amarantus 24, 292. 22, 105. 24, 15. Amblyodon 44, 356. %3, 106. Amblystegium 2®, 29. 33, 153. Ammocoetes 23, 147. Ammodytes 23, 147. Ammoecius 28, 156. Ammoniak-Alaunschiefer#9, 59. Ammonites 9%, 146. 148. 161. =2, 128. Ammophila 94, 320, 46, 55. 18, 136. M®, 45. 32, 55. 34, 5. 26, 23. 29, 170. Ampelopsis #4, 133. 22, 46, 26, 25. Amphidusis 23, 157. Amphiloma #%, 216. Amphion 2%, 168. 83, 108. Amphipeplea 24, 126. 28, 32. 273, 138. 3®, 284. Amphipleura #4, 195. 4%, 197. Amphiprora #9, 197. Amphipyra 43, 157. 2®, 37. 99. Amphitetras 44, 195. Amphora 24, 195. 4%, 197. 26, 110. Ampyx 12, 162. 43, 108. Amygdalus 94, 133. 26, 26. Anabaina 44, 348. 17, 200. Anacalypta #4, 332. Anacamptis 94, 308. Anacharis Alsinastrum, Bemer- kungen über, ®4, 26. Anaesthetus 44, 101. Anagallis 43, 65. 44, 290. 16, 0. 49, 42. 22, 70. 24, 4. 36, 35, 10 Ananchytes 43, 110. 1%, 159. Anaptychia 29, 212. Anarrhichius 23, 144. Anarta 3®, 108. Anas #5, 22.140.349, 21. 29, 156. Anaspis 93, 133. Anchomenus #5, 151. Anchusa 83, 58. 14, 275. 16, 47. 49, 40. 2®, 55. 32, 65. 26, 30. Ancillaria 24, 31. 36. 13, 279. AG, 104. 22, 109; indivisa =53, 44. Karsteni 45. 3®, 145. Ancyclus 42, 127. Ancylus 28, 81. 2%, 138. Anceylocheira #5, 156. Andraea %3, 149. Andrieus 39, 26. ambignus 43, amentorum 42. 63. axillaris 41. burgundus 42. 54. eurvator 41. 97. dimidiatus 41. flavicornis 43, glabriusculus 43, inflator 41. 54. noduli 49. pedunculi 43. 61. perfoliatus 41. quadrilinea- tus 43, 61. ramuli 42. 60. testa- ceipes 42. 60. Andromeda 13, 55. 14, 263. 16, 47.49, 40. 32, 62. 92. 24, 14. Anemone 13, 16. 24, 189. 204. AG, 36. 2S, 90. 419, 31. 32, 38. 100. 24, 4. Anethum 26, 28. Aneura 24, 193. 343. 16, 68. 27, 188. 2®, 36. Aneurus 38, 61. Angelica 13, 42. 44, 251. 16, 43. 19, 37. 22, 55. ©4, 14. Anguis fragilis 14, 131. 46, 173. 19, 22. Anguilla 93, 147. 19, 32. Anisoplia 49, 25. Anisotoma 145, 152. Anisoxia 13, 132. Anixia 24, 378. Anloporen 43, 105. Anobium 14, 158. Anodonta#4, 127.26,90. 37,143. Anodonten, z. Kenntniss unserer, v. Frh. H. v. Maltzan 33, 170. Anomia 22, 111. Anomodon #4, 339. 23, 116. Anschove 23, 145. Anser #5, 146. Antennaria 13, 47. 14, 377. =4, 6. Anthemis 23, 47. 14, 258. 26, 45. 1%, 263. 19, 38. 2®, 32. 22, 59. 34, 12. 26, 30. Anthericum 23, 79. 14, 310. 46, 53. 19, 266. 48, 132. 49, 4. 24, 6. Anthiei 13, 136. Anthieus 23, 136. Anthobium 45, 189. Anthoceros #4, 343. #9, 188. 29, 30. Anthoecoridea %8, 73. Anthocoris 28, 73. Anthomyza %%, 73. Anthophagus 85, 137. Anthophlia ®®, 109. Anthoxanthum #3, 87. 44, 319. AS, 54. AP, 45. 22, 54. 26,43. Anthraeit 17, 91. Anthrakanit ®4, 36. Anthrax ®9, 29. Anthribus 29, 26. Anthriscus 43, 43. 14, 252. 44. 49, 37. 2%, 55. 26, Anthus 95, 21. 78. 18, aquaticus 2B, 149. Anthyllis 43, 30. 44, 231. 40. 19, 34. 32, 47. 95. Antirrhinum 14, 280. 18, 2, 66. 91. @&, 53. Antitrichia %3, 116. Apamea %®, 88. 102. Apatit 17, 137. 16 28. I 16, 120. Apera 13, SS. 14, 319. 16, 54. 19, 45. 22, 34. 26, 43. 210. 1 Aphanes ®4, 4. Aphanit ®%, 61. Aphanotheca %4, 34. Aphilotrix ®9, 25. albopunctata 64, auctumnalis 34. 52. calli- doma 36. 53. collaris 34. 52. eortiealis 37. 49. cortieis 35. 48. fecundatrix 33. 51. ferruginea 52. gemmae 33. 5l. glandulae 36. 58. globuli 34. 52. margi- nalis 35. 59. radieis 37. 48. rhizomae 35. 49. Sieboldi 49. solitaria 36. 52. Aphis ©® brassicae 69. evonymi 71. gallarum 67. ochropus 70. ribis 78. Aphodius ##, 156. Aphrophora %8, salieis 88. spu- maria 69. Apion #5, 158. minimum ©, 76. Apium 43, 41. 24, 114. 138. 249. 15, 420. 46, 43. 32, 54. 286, 28. Apoderus 29, 26. Apophyllit 9%, 130. Apophyllus 8, 25. 28. Aporrhais #8, 48. 21, 144. %%, 110. 3®, 153. alata #4, 48. 25, 223. pespelecani #2, 48. speciosa #5, 206. tenuis A, 212. 282. Apteropoda 93, 122. Aquila #3, 46. 88, 27. 48, 203. 19, 21. 3®, 71. 24, 162. Aquilegia 43, 18. 94, 208. 38, 98. 22, 40. 24,9. 26, 46. 30, 237. Arabis 13, 20. 14, 212. 16, 37. RS, 99. 19, 32. 22, 41. 24,4. Aracium 13, 53. Aradoidea 8, 61. Aradus 238, 61. Araeopus 28, 82. Aragonit 30, 6. Arca 15, 237. 320. 22, 111. gemina 45, 321. Speyeri 323. Archangelica 143, 42. 14, 251. 26, 43. 64. 22, 55. 24, 14. 6, 28. 2, 168. Archidium 23, 58. Archiv, Heft 7, 11 bis 24. Preis- ermässigung des — 28, 166. Arctophila ®%, 118. Arctostaphylos 13, 55. 14, 269. AS, 118. 22, 105. Areyria 94, 378. Ardea 45, 124. 9%, 308. 29, 209. 24, 162. Ardoptera ®%, 43. Arenaria 43, 27. BA, 225. 216, 39. MB, 33. 22, 45. 24, 3. 26, 24. Argyra 27, 54. Argyroneta #8, 28. Arion ®&, 66. 23, 133. Aristolochia #4, 135. 23, 69. 14, 97. 133.48, 128. 22,73. 102. Arkose 3®, 9. Armeria 43, 66. 14, 291. 15, 241. R&, 50. 49, 42. 20, 32. =?2, 70. 26, 35. maritima 24, 2. Armoracia 23, 22. 44, 215. Arnica 13, 48. 44, 259. 2G, 45. 18, 112. 23,59. 24, 16. 29, 168. Armoseris 43, 50. 44, 292. 16, 46. 49, 39. ©2, 61. 91. 24, 4. Aromia #4, 97. Arrhenatherum 23, 90. 14, 321. 216, 55. 49, 45. 22, 85. 26, 43. Artemisia 23, 47. AA, 258. 16, 45. #9, 263. MB, 38. 22, 59. 105. 26, 30. Artenrecht der Pflanzen #4, 4. Arthonia 4%, 227. Arthopyrenia 2%, 231. Arthrinium 84, 369, Arthrodesmus 26, 59. Arum 43, 75. 14, 306. 48, 130. 22, 77. 93. Arvicola 3®, 75. agrestis 76. amphibins 75. arvalis 77. gla- reola 75. Asaphus 42, 163. 23, 108. Asarum 14, 191. 297. ®®, 30. Ascia 2%, 112. Asclepias @4, 15. Asclera 93, 134. Ascobolus 2%, 54. 14, 382. 17, 253. Ascochyta 24, 371. 17, 241. Ascophora #4, 370. Ascospora 1%, 240. Asemum #4, 98. Asilioae ®7, 32. | Asilus ©%, 33. Asopus 38, 50. Asparagus #3, 78. 24, 144. 309. 26, 53. 48, 132. 19, 44. 22. 80. 24, 5. Aspergillus #4, 369. Asperugo 43, 58. 14, 275. 22, 66. 3®, 289. Asperula 43, 44. 14, 253. 16, 44. 48, 110. AB, 37. 22, 56. =4,5. 26, 46. Aspieilia #%, 219. Aspidium 23, 98. 14, 327. 97, 167. Aspilates 23, 157. Aspius #3, 145. Asplenium #3, 99. 44, 326. 16, 56. 4%, 166. 48, 137. 19, 46. 22, 97. 24, 13. Astarte 23, 165. 15, 236. 307. 328. arctica 23, 192. 24, 71. intermedia #45, 426. Stein- worthi #&, 236. Asteia 97, 76. Aster 14, 135. 13, 46. 14, 190. 256. 18, 111. 22, 58. 103. ©. 28. ©%@, 167. Asterius 23, 168. foveolatus 169. gibbosa 169. granulata 169. imperforata 168. punctata 168. tuberculata 169. Asteroma #%, 240. Asterophora #4, 380. Astonymus #9, 27. Astragalus £3, 32. 24, 189. 233. 26, 41. 88, 104. 19, 34. %2, 48. 103. 24, 5. 26, 46. 39, 288. Astur £3, 49. Astynomus #1, 99. Atemeles 25, 164. Athalia ®%, 15. Athene #8, 56. Athous 25, 156. Athyrium #4, 327. Athysanus 28, 40. Atomaria 85, 154. Atriplex 13, 68. 24, 190. 294. 26, 51. 29, 42. 22, 71. 34, 16. 7@&, 37. 2%, 167. Atropa 14, 139. 277. Attagenus 69, 25. Atys 30, 177. Aueistrocerus 3®, 197. antilope 199. 216. oviventris 199. 215. parietum 198. 214. pietus 199. 216. renimacula 198. 213. tri- fasciatus- 198. 214. trimargina- tus 199. 217. Auerochs 3®, 97. Augit #9, 105. Aulaeigaster ®%, 78. Aulacomnion #4, 336. 23, 108. Aulacophyllum 46, 105. Aulax 29, 27. Brandtii 61. hie- racii 46. 63. jaceae 47. minor 47. 63. patens 47. 63. poten- tillae 46. 64. rhoeadis 47. 63. sabaudi 46. 64. splendens 46. 64. trachelii 65. verbasci 69. Auliscus 24, 348. Aurelia aurita ®3, 206. 13 Aurieularia 14, 385. Autalia 45, 162. Avena #4, 133. #3, 90. #4, 140. 321. 46, 55. 88, 137. AB, 45. 22, 55. Jl. SA, 5. 26, 43. Avicula 23, 107. #%, 143. 160. Axinaea 85, 237. Aximus 83, 305. Baccha =, 112. Bachstelzen - Nester auf Reisen 28, 132. Baecidia #%, 221. Bacillaria 24, 346. Badister A®, 151. Baeomyces 24, 358. 19, 48. Bär %4, 110. 3®, 52. Baguus 45, 160. Balaninus 45, 159. Balanus 22, 112. Balea perversa #3, 158. 26, 78. 3®, 214. auf Weiden ®%, 146. Balioptera 2%, 27. Ballota 33, 64. 44, 288. 26, 50. 219, 42. 34, 16. 26, 35. Bandjaspis 97, 120. Bangia #4, 196. Baptolinus 85, 181. Barbarea 24, 134. #3, 20. 14, 212. 46, 37. 419, 32. 32, 40. 91. 26, 50. Barbe 43, 144. Barbula #4, 332. 2%, 175. 49, 47.238,28. 23, 76. 155. ©4, 12. Barbus 93, 144. Barsch 43, 143. 19, 23. Bartfledermaus 3®, 36. Bartramia #4, 336. 26, 67. 99. 2%, 180. 2®, 29. 23, 108. 24, 14. Basalt #%, 52. Batrachium #3, 17. 24, 10. 205. 95, 418. 26, 23. Baudoti 98, 197. Batrachospermum 44, 195. 16, 100. 8%, 2u1. 29, 47. Batriseus 43, 137. Batyaspis aceris ©®9, 66. Bäume, merkwürdige, in Meckl. 44, 135. Baummarder 30, 54. Bela #5, 232. Belemniten #3, 110. Belemnites 1%, 146. 153. 157. 160. Bellerophon 93, 108. Bellis £3, 46. #4, 256. 16, 44. 19,38. 22,58. 24, 10. 26, 28. Bembidium #5, 152. Berberis 23, 19. 14. 133. 299. Beresit 3®, 21. Bergsturz in Mecklbg. 3®, 291. Beris 3%, 27. Bemicla #5, 145. Bernstein 3®, 10. Berteroa 23, 21. ?®, 52. ®4, 12. Berula 93, 41. 24, 250. 46, 43. 64. 419, 36. 32, 54. 4, 10. 26, 23. Berytidea 28, 55. Berytus %8, 55. Bestimmung des Längen-Unter- schieds zwischen Schwerin u. Wustrow durch Chronometer- Reisen 24, 152. Beta 24, 114, 119. 26, 37. Betckea 84, 147. Betonica 13, 64. 14, 238. 16, 49. 27, 264. RS, 124. ©2, 69. 24, 12. 29, 169. Betula 13, 72. 14, 301. 16, 52. 18, 128. 29, 43. 22, 74. 98. 26, 38. Beyrichia 23, 108. 46, 115. Buchiana 26, 128. cincta 123. complicata 131. Dalmanniana 127. elegans 135. hians 136. Jonesii 134. Klödenii 123. Ko- chii 121. Maccoyana 134. mun- dula 139. nodulosa 131. pro- tuberans 122. Salteriana 135. siligqua 136. spinigera 133. 14 tubereulata 119. Wilkensiana 137. Beyrichien in den norddeutschen silurischen Geröllen #6, 114. Biatora 24, 358. 27, 223. Biatoridium #9, 223. Biatorina 9%, 221. Biber ®4, 114. 3®, 78. Bibliothek s. Vereinsbibliothek. Bidens #3, 47. 44, 257. 26, 45. 64. 19, 35. ©, 58. 26, 29. Bifrontia 15, 382. Biloceulina #5, 237. Biorhiza ®9, 25. aptera 28. 48. renum 29. 55. synaspis 29. Biotia 14, 256. Bispora 24, 366. Bithynia 24, 47. %6, 33. %7. 143. Bitterling 93, 144. 19, 23. Bittium 46, 169. Blandowia #4, 148. Blapes 43, 130. Blaps #3, 130. Blasia #4, 343. 19, 47. 2®, 30. Blastenia 8%, 220. Blatt- und Holzwespen, Ueber- sicht der — Mecklbgs. ©%, 1. Blaueisenerde #%, 138. Blaugrundel 93, 144. Blaunase 93, 145. Blechnum 43, 99. 14, 326. 4%, 166. A®, 46. Bledius #5, 185. Blei £3, 144. Blennius #3, 144. Blepharoptera ®@, 68. Blieca #3, 145. #9, 23. Blicopsis 93, 145. Blitum 93, 67. 14, 293. 96, 51. MD, 42. Blitzableiter, zur Geschichte des — 123, 288. Blysmus 13, 33. Boarmia 43, 157. Boletus 14, 388. 1%, 255. Bolitobius #3, 174. Bolitochora 43, 162. Bolitophagus #3, 130. Bombinator 44, 132. 46, 177. 19, 22. Bombyeilla 45, 61. Bombylidae ®%, 29. Bombylius ©%, 29. Borago 14, 117. 275. ©%, 69. 24, 15. Borsonia ®4, 147. ©4, 53. 25, 69. 30, 150. Bos Bison 30, 97. frontosus “4, 110. primigenius 3®, 94, Taurus 9%. Botanische Notizen *9, 167. Botaurus #8, 125. 29, 21. minu- tus 39, 151. Botrychium 13, 97. 14, 328. 16, 56. 49, 169. 49, 46. 24, 6. 30, 237. Botrydium 24, 350. Botrytis 14, 369. 27, 239. Bovista 24, 380. Brachiopoden 23, 106. Brachsen #3, 144. 19, 23. Brachyopa 2%, 117. Brachypalpus 2%, 121. Brachypodium 93, 93. 14, 323. 16, 55. 88, 137. AB, 46. 3®, s0. 22, 87. 103. 24, 8. Brachythecium 2®, 29. 33, 120. Brandmaus 3®, 74. Brassica 23, 21. 24, 114. 214. 26, 23. Brauneisenerz 39, 12. Brauneisenstein, schaliger 3®, 13. Braunkohle 3®, 10. Briza 43, 90. 14, 321. 16, 55. 19, 45. 22, 86. 26, 43. Bromus 14, 133. 13, 9. 14. - 321.25, 424. 16, 56. 28, 137. 19, 46. 22, 37.103. 28, 44. 55. Bronteus 12, 168. 15 Bronzit 2%, 105. Bruchus spartii ®9, 832. Bryaxis 13, 138. Bryonia 93, 39. 14, 196. 246. 16, 42. 19, 36. 22, 53. 105. 26, 27. dioica 38, 141. Bryophila ®®, 98. Bryopogon 14, 362. 1%, 207. 19, 48. Bryoporus #5, 175. Bryopsis 24, 196. Bryum #4, 193. 335. 16, 99. 27, 178. 49, 47. SO, 23. 33, 97. 156. ©4, 10. Bubo 48, 57. Buccinites 2%, 143. Buceinops #®&, 373. Buceinopsis rara 23, 27, 30 143. Buccinum #4, 31. 36. #3, 170. #3. 281. 369. 373. 2G, 169. *4, 52. Bolli 25, 29. 3®, 143. bulbulus #4, 45. Caronis #5, 369. deeipiens #4, 42. labiosum 44. syltense 43. Buchweizen, zur Geschichte des— 2®, 38. Budytes 45, 76. Buellia #%@, 224. Bürgerrecht der Pflanzen #4, 41. Bufo 24, 131. 16, 176. 19, 22. variabilis 93, 152. Bulbochaete 4%, 203. 2®O, 35. Bulgaria #2, 54. 14, 332. Bulgariacei 12, 54. Buliminus #6, 75. ®%, 137. 145. 30, 284. Bulimus #4, 121. Bulla 99, 57. 25, 291. 32, 110. 24, 47. 63. Kochii %4, 149. 39, 174. Bullia 23, 373. Bulliarda #6, 71. 84. Bullina 85, 291. Bunias 44, 218. 22, 42. ’ Buntsandstein 3®, 7. Buphus 45, 125. ralloides %2, 116. Bupleurum 43, 41. 22, 55. Bursifex aceris ®9, 66. pruni 77. Butalis 45, 80. Buteo #3, 20. 48. Butomus £3, 73. 14, 302. 26, 52. 65. AB, 43. ©2, 76. 104. 24,11. Butterfisch 23, 144. Butzkopf #9, 261. Buxbaumia 14, 338. 29, 47. 23, 113. Buxus #4, 133. Byrrhus 49, 25. Byssocladium #4, 368. Bythinus 83, 138. Bythoscopus %8, 3. Gacoxenus 2%, 103. Caenia ©, 83. Caeoma #4, 233. Cakile #3, 23. 44, 218. ©%, 42. 26, 23. - Calamagrostis 23, 88. 94, 320. 45, 423. 18, 54. 67. 9. 17, 268. AS, 136. 49, 45. 22, 84. 94. 24,9. 26, 23. Calamintha 24, 285. 46, 49. 49, 41. 22, 68. 26, 35. Calamoherpe #5, 70. 21, 162. 29, 148. ’ Calamophilus A», 94. 26, 23. Calamopora 93, 104. Calendula 24, 260. Calidium #2, 98. Calidris 45, 111. 29, 150. Calla #3, 75. 24, 308. 16, 53. 67. 48, 130. 19, 44. 2, 83. 22, 77. 98. ®4, 11. 26, 56. Callidium 29, 27. Callithamnion 44, 196. 354. Callitriche 23, 39. 24. 246. 26, 64. 70. 83. 48, 108. 19, 36. 14, 250. 16 22, 52. 286, 56. Callomyia ®%, 107. Callopisma 4%, 217. Calloria #7, 254. Calluna 43, 55. 14, 269. 16, 47. 29, 40. ©2, 63. 91. ©4, 6. Calobata ®%, 91. Calocera #4, 381. Calocladia #9, 248. Calodera ##, 165. Calopteris #9, 28. Calosoma 39, 24. Calothrix 94, 348. Caltha 33, 18. 24, 207. 16, 37. Calycanthus #4, 133. Calycium 44, 357. 1%, 229. Calymene 42, 160. 23, 108. Calypogeia 24, 344. %4, 13. Calyptraea #4, 57. %2, 148. 3®, 166. Camelina £3, 22. 24, 189. 216. 25, 419. 26, 38. 28, 100. 19, 32. 2, 42. 91. 26, 23. Campanula 93, 53. 14, 190. 267. Ba, 420. AG, 46. 27, 264. 18, 117, AB, 39. SO, 83. 22, 92. 91. 24, 13. 26, 33. Cervaria 24, 16. 26, 48. 39, 170. Campsienemus 2%, 59. Camptothecium 23, 120. Campylium 23, 135. Campylodiseus 94, 347.26, 110. Campylopus ®®, 28. 23, 67. 155. Cancellaria @4, 55. A, 228. 249. 285. 24, 145. 24, 52.38, 151. evulsa 23, 86. granulata 37. multistriata 86. Puschi #5, 257. Rothi 255. Semperi ®5, 89. subangulosa 87. Candelaria #7, 217. Canis 28, 20. familiaris 3®, 49. Lupus 45. Vulpes Sl. Cannabina 23, 86. Cannabis 13, 70. 14, 298. 103. 24, 14. 19. Cantharellus 4%, 48. 14, 388. 29, 256. Cantarides #3, 133. Capra Hireus 3®, 94. Caprimulgus 25, 59. 4%, 307. Capsella #3, 22. #4, 217. 26, 38. AB, 32. 32, 42. 26, 25. Capsina %8, 61. Capsus 28, 64. Capulus 3®, 166. Carabus AB, 24. Caradrina 23, 155. 2@, 105. Carassius #3, 144. 29, 24. Caraux 23, 144. Carcharis 2, 112. Carcharodon 29, 119. 119. angustidens 120. Cardamine 83, 20. 94, 213. 15 418. #6, 57. 64. 38, 99. 99’ 32. 22, 41. 110. ®4, 3. 28, 50. Cardiola 42, 107. Cardita 28, 236. 307. Cardium 8%, 154. 32, 111. 24, 48. 26, 101. ©2, 160. Kochi Aa, 502. Carduelis #5, SS. Carduus #3, 49. 14, 260. 25, 420. RG, 45. 89, 38. 22, 60. 91. 24, 16. 26, 32. Carex #3, 84. 24, 191. 316. #5, 412. 9@&, 54. 66. 4%, 266. 48, 135. AB, 45. 32, S2. 105. ®4, 9. 2&, 45. 55. eyperoides 56. divulsa 24, 25. strigosa ©%, 105. Carlina #3, 50. 84,261. 26, 46, 49, 39. 32, 61. 91. 38, 32. Carphotricha ®@, 97. Carpinus £3, 70. 44, 298. 26, 52. 889, 45. 33, 74. 26, 59. Carum 23,41. £4, 249. 16, 42. 29, 36. ©2, 54. Carychium 36, 31. 2%, 137. Caryophyllia 22, 112. Cassida #3, 108. 25, 160. Arndti 17 Cassidaria AA, 31. 36. 15, 223. echinophora #4, 47. nodosa 22, 109. 33, 41. 30, 144. Cassis A, 31. 36. 45, 225. 281. megapolitana 22, 109. ©4, 47, Rondeletii 84,47. Saburon 47. Castanea 44, 133. Castor Fiber 30, 78. Catharinea 2%, 183. 23, 110. Catocala 2®, 109. Catops Ba, 152. Catoscopium 33, 107. Caucalis 44, 251. 32, 55 Cecidomyia 29, acrophila 71. albipennis 81. amenticola 31. annulipes 71. artemisiae 67. bedeguariformis 87. betularia 71. brassicae 68. bursaria 72. bryoniae 69. capitigena 7. capreae 80. cardaminis 69. cerasi 77. elausilia 81. comi 70. erataegi 9%. dauei 70. destructor 84. erianeae 76. ericae 71. fagi 71. faseiata 70. Fischeri 69. floricola 67. foliorum 67. Frauenfeldi 8. galeobdolontis 72. galii 72. genistae 72. Giraudi 67. graminicola 76. griseicollis 66. heraclei 72. heterobia 81. hyperiei 73. inelusa 75. in- flexa 77. inulae 73. invocata 71. iteophila 81. juniperina 73. lamii 73. leontodontis 73. limbata 87. limbitorquens 80. linariae 74. lithospermi 74. ‘]oti 74. marginem torquens 80. millefolii 66. ochracea 68. onobrychidis 74. oxyacanthae 70. 90. pavida 71. persicariae 76. pennicornis 68. phragmitis 75. pietipennis 70. piligera 71. pimpinellae 75. pisi 75. pli- catrix 78. poae 76. podagra- riae 66, polymorpha 76. pruni 2 77. pyri 75. ranunceuli 77. rosaria 80. rosae 78. salieina 77. 78. 80. salieiperda 78. 88. salicis 80. sarothamni 32. scabiosae 89. sisymbrü 68. 74. 82. sonchi 82. stachydis 85. strobilina 80. strumosa 72. terminalis 81. tiliaria 83. tiliae 83. tormentillae 84. . tritiei $4. tubifex 67. urticae 84. veronicae 85. Cecidoptes confluens 2, pruni 77. Celonites 3®, 195. abbreviatus 202. 236. Cenangium #2, 55. B4, 332. Cenomanien %%, 152. Centaurea #3, 50. 24, 261. 86, 46. 2%, 263. 28, 114. 49, 39. 22, 61. 26, 32. Centrotus 28, 86. Centuneulus 23, 65. 24, 290. 26, 50. 29, 42. 22, 70. 24, 4. Cephalanthera 23, 77. 24, 308. 26, 53. 88, 131. 39, 44. 2%, 78. 242, 8. Xiphophylla 24, 17. Cephaloneum solitarium 33, 83). Cephalopoden 93, 160. Cephalotes 2®, 24. Cephalotrichum #4, 369. Cephus @?, 21. Cerambices #4, 96. Cerambyx #8, 27. Ceramium #4, 351. Cerastis 2@®, 106. Cerastium 23, 28. 14, 225. 26, 39. 29,35. 22, 45. 101.26, 25. Ceratites 8%, 144. Ceratium 24, 370. Ceratocombus 28, 74. Ceratodon #4, 333. 23, 72. Ceratoneis @4, 346. Ceratoneum vulgare 29, 39. Ceratophyllum 23,39.24,246.26,, 53.104. 26,57. A. 18 I Cerchneis #3, 50. Cercopina 38, 3. Cereyon #8, 152. Ceria 2%, 126. Ceriopora 3%, 158. Cerithium 32,110. 24, 55. 3®, 132. trilineatum ®3, 117. Ceroxys 2%, 101. Cerocoma 23, 133. Certhia ®&, 21. 29. Cervus 48,21. 3®, 37. Capreolus 92. Dama, Elaphus 90. mega- ceros 87. tarandus SS. Cerylon 85, 154. Cetonia 88, 25. Cetraria A4, 361. #%, 212.%®, 32. Ceutorhynchus #3, 160. Chaerophyllum #3, 43. #4, 114, 252. 23, 420. 26, 44. 39, 37. 22, 56. 26, 28. Chaetetes #3, 104. Chaetomium #%, 248. Chaetomorpha 2%, 203. ®®, 55. Chaetophora #%, 201. ®®, 35. Chaetospora 43, 81. Chaiturus ®4, 288. Chalarus 2%, 108. Chamagrostis #4, 191. Chara 24, 74. 354. 26, 70. 71. 101. 87, 206. 3®, 37. stelligera 22, 105. Charadrius A, 109. 48, 211. >29, 150. Cheilaria 8%, 237. Cheilosia 2%, 116. Cheirurus 82, 167. Chelidonium #3, 19. 24, 210. 38, 37. AB, 32. 32, 20. Chemnitzia #2, 57. Chenopodina #&, 292. %%, 7. 26, 37. | Chenopodium #3, 67. #4, 190. 293. 85, 421. 16, 50. 29, 2. 22,71. 105. 24, 15. 26, 37.56. 19 Chenopus #4, 31. 36. ®4, 51. 3®, 155. Margerini 2%», 120. speciosus 118. tenuis 122. Chermes eoccineus, viridis®®,75. Chersodromia 2%, 48. Chilocorus #3, 126. Chilopora Ra, 166. . Chiloseyphus 94, 344. 1%, 192. Chimophila 23, 56. 22, 63. Chiton 3®, 166. Chlaenius 99, 24. Chloridium 24, 368. Chloris 28, 84. Chlorit #@, 130. — schiefer, 83. Chloropinae ®%, 84. Chlorops 2%, 84. Cholera 23, 177. Chondrilla 44, 135. 83, 52. 14, 264. 98, 115. 29, 39. 2®, 80. 82. 22, 61. 24,5. 28, 169. Chondropterygiü A8, 147. Chondrostoma A383, 145. 48, 23. Chondrus #4, 196. 352. 8%, 205. Chonetes 23, 106. 107. Chorda #4, 197. 352. Chordaria 2%, 206. Chordostylum 24, 371. Chorosoma 38, 54. Chroicocephalus #5, 136. Chroolepus #7, 203. Chrysanthemum 43, 48. 44, 258. 26,45. 492, 38. 32,59. 26, 31. Chrysanthia 23, 134. Chrysochlamys 2%, 122. Chrysogaster 2%, 123. Chrysomela #4, 109. 38, 27. Chrysomelae £2, 107. Chrysomia 22, 26. Chrysopila 2%, 35. Chrysops ®©@, 28. Chrysosplenium 23, 40. 44, 218. 246, 45. AS, 109. AB, 36. 32, 54. 100. Chrysotimus 2%, 63. Chrysotoxum @@, 125. Chrysotus ©®@, 58. Chthomoblastus 2%, 200. Chyliza @%, 90. Cieaden, die — Mecklbgs. 28, S1. Cieindela #®, 24. Cicendia #4, 272. 22, 69. Cichorium 93, 50. A4, 114, 262. 16,46, 19, 39. 32, 61.26, 32. Ciconia Aa, 123. Cicuta 43, 41. 84, 249. 16, 43. 64. 9%, 262. AB, 36. 22, 54. 24, 10. Cidaris 43, 109. #9, 156. 159. Cimbex 2%, 2. Cimex 38, 51. Cinelidium 23, 106. Cinclidotus 24, 338. 16, 95, 23, 80. Cinclhus 43, 21. 66. Cimeraria 23, 48. 24, 259. 16. 45. AB, 38. 3%, 98. Cingula 39, 162. Cionella 2@. 76. 2%, 157. 145. Cionium 94, 379. Cionus 28, 26. ; Cipollin 3®, 2. Circaea 13, 38. 24, 244. 86, 42. 28, 107. 48, 36. 22, 52. 9. 24,8. Cireäetus 25, 48. Circus AS, 18. 53. 47, 308. 88, 207. 211. 28, 69. 29, 147. 21 182. Cirsium @4, 155. 23, 49. 14, 260. ES, 420. AS, 45. 19, 38. 29, 83. 32, 60. 9. 26, 31. Cistela 83, 131. Cistelae 23, 150. Cixius %8, 25. Cladium 13, 52. 14, 314. 18, 135. 32, 81. 24, 10. Cladius 2%, 8. Cladonia 24, 558. 1%, 208. 48, 48. Cladophora 9%, 202. S®, 127. flavida 32, 125. IE 20 Cladosporium #4, 369. Cladostephus #4, 196. Clambus 25, 153. Clasiopa %%, 79. Clausilia #9, 121. #3, 159. 26, 78. @%, 145. Clavaria 92, 49. 14, 381. 97, 253. 2®, 39. Claviger 43, 139. Clavigeri 23, 139. Cleigastra ®@, 105. Clematis 24, 153. Cleodora 28, 268. Cleonus 49, 26. Cleophana ®®, 107. Cleopus verbasei 2®, 8. Clerus 29, 26. Climacium 24, 339. 23, 119. Clinopodium 43, 63. #4, 285. 26, 49. 49, 41. Closterium %&, 58. Clupea 43, 145. Clusia 2%, 104. Clypeastres #3, 122. Clythra #4, 115. Ciytus #4, 99. 43, 160. 22, 27. Cnidium 23, 42. #4, 250. Cobites 23, 140. A®, 23. fossilis zur Naturgeschichte von — =2, 121. Coceidula 23, 127. Coccemella 23, 123. Coceinellidae #3, 122. Cocceocystes 25, 101. Cocconeis B4, 195. 347. 4%, 199. 20, 1285. 26, 110. Cocconema #4, 347. #7, 19% 26, 110. Coccothraustes 83, 84. Cochlearia #3, 21. #4, 215. 26, 38. 1B, 32. 32, 12. 26, 23. Coecigena 28, 56. Cölestin 99, 135. 28, 63. Colaphus 24, 115. Colchieum #4, 312. %@, 55. ' Collarium #4, 367. Collema #4, 356. 2%, 231. Collomia #4, 273. 238, 140. { j | i | | 23, 101. Colon 15, 132. ' Colonis 9&, 153. Columba #3, 104. Columbella #4, 31. 36. Colutea 24, 153. Colymbetes A®, 24. Colymbus #3, 131. 2%, 310. &®, 154. glacialis 83, 142. Comarum 23, 36. R4, 239. 16, 41. 64: 19, 35. ©2, 51. 2. 24, 10. Compsochilus A&, 187. Conchiferen 83, 107. Conchylien aus dem oberoligo- cänen Mergel des Dobergs bei Bünde 24, 49. bei Poel, 69. der Ostsee ®&, 129. 155. neue — #3, 159. norddeutsche Tertiär — #3, 197. 387. 16, 104. v. Lieth 45, 221. b. Trave- münde 26, 99. Conchylien-Sammlung des Frei- herrn von Maltzan - Federow =<, 147. Conferva #4, 195. 349. 26, 09. 100. 2%, 202. 2®, 35. inaequalis =2, 12. Congeria 24,127. 22,161. 26,9. Coniocybe BA, 357. AS, 229. Conium #3, 43. 84, 252. 16, 4. 4», 37. 22, 56. 105. 24, 16. 26, 23. Conopidae 2%, 110. Conoplea #4, 366. Conops %%, 111. Conopalpus 23, 132. Conosoma 93, 174. Conularia #3, 169. Conus 24, 31. 36. A, 222. 278. 24, 142. 22, 109. 2®, 144. Semperi ®3, 52. 21 Convallaria 43, 79. #4, 510. 16, 53. 28, 132. 19, 44. 2%, 80: 98. ©4, 8. Convolvulus 98, 57. 94, 275. 16,47. 29,40. 32, 65. 76, 33. Conyza #4, 1%. Copris AB, 20. Coprophilus #8, 137. Coptocephala #4, 114. Coracias Aa, 98. Corallorrhiza #3, 77. 94, 309. 16, 131. 32, 78. 34, 9. Corbula #3, 294. 22, 111. Cordierit #%, 115. Cordulia 88, 28. Cordyceps #4, 377. Cordylura 2%, 106. Cordylurinae @%7, 104. Coregonus 98, 145. 39, 23. Coremium #4, 369. . Coreodea 28, 52. Coreomelas ®8, 53. Coreus 28, 54. Corisa 28, 73. Corisidea 38, 78. Corizus 38, 54. Cornieularia #4, 362. 3%, 208, 19, 48. Comus 23, 43. #4, 153. 252. 22, 56. Coronilla 44, 189. 48, 105. Coronopus %%, 102. %4, 16. 26, 46. Corrigiola 24, 247. 96, 42. 38, 108. 19, 36. 22, 53. 24,4 Corticaria 45, 155. Corticium #4, 385. 2%, 254. Corvus #8, 98. Cory dalis 83, 19. 24, 210. 86, 37. 28, 100. 32, 40. 103. ©4, 13. pumila ®4, 18. Corylophus 83, 122. Corylus 43, 70. 14, 114. 298. 16, 32. 19, 3. 22, 74. 26, 39. Corynephorus #4, 321. 16, 5». AD, 45. 22, 35. 24, 3. Corymetes #3, 157. Corythus #8, 83. Cosceinodiscus 44, 347. Cosmarium %®, 128. 36, 58. Cosmia 23, 156. 2®, 106. Cossus 3®, 95. Cotonaspis diaphanus 29, 71. Cottus Aa, 145. Cotula 24, 190. Coturnix 25, 106. Crambe 23, 23. 24, 218. 18, 100. @, 23. Crassiseta 37, 88. Crataegus #3, 37. 84,133. 242. 16,.412. 99, 35. 3%, 31. monogyna 24, 19. Craterellus #4, 386. Craterium 944, 379. Cratoneuron 33, 141. Crenella #8, 169. Creophilus #8, 177. Crepis 83, 52. 44, 190. 265. 45, 420. 16, 46. 19,39. 22, 61. 105. 28, 32. foetida 3®, 288. Creseis #3, 268. Crex 23, 127. Cricetus frumentarius 49, 20. 38, 66. Criocephalus 24, 97. Crioceris 44, 108. Criomorphus #4, 97. Criorhina ®%, 121. Cristellaria #3, 109. 110. Critamus #3, 41. Crocidura Araneus 3®, 49. leucodon, 42. Crocysperium #9, 258. Crossopus fodiens 3®, 41. Cryoria #4, 195. Cryphaea 23, 114. Cryptieus 83, 129. Cryptobium 23, 182, Cryptocampus ®%, 7. mueronatus 22, 79. populi 76. 79. Cryptocephalus #4, 114. 15, 161. 48, 27. Cryptodon %4, 48. Cryptophagus #3, 154. Cryptostoma 3®, 154. Cucubalus #4, 223. Cucullia ®®, 108. Cueulus 23, 101. Cueurbitaria 9%, 245. Cuma Bettina 96, 102. Cupularia 24, 379. Curruca #5, 68. 29, 148. Cursorius 25, 108. Cuscuta 23, 57. #4, 275. 15, 420. 36, 47. 48, 119. 49, 40. 2®, 50. 22, 65. 91. ©4, 12. 26, 52. 29, 169. Cyanecula #8, 62. 26, 23. 28. Cyathus 24, 350. Cyatophyllium #3, 105. 109. Cychrus #9, 24. Cycelas #4, 127. 13, 159. Cyclopterus 23, 147. Cydnus %8, 53. Cydonia 23, 38. 94, 155. 190. Cygnus 45, 147. Cylichna 3®, 174. angulata 175. Cylindrospermum #4, 195. 348. 43, 200. circinale @%, 124. Cylindrothecium ®3, 60. 154. ‘ Cymatophora 23, 157. S®, 98. Cymatopleura 2%, 196. 6, 110. Cymbella 4%, 198. ©®, 128. 26, 110. Cymus %8, 59. Cynanchum 44, 271. 48, 118.2®, 80. 32, 64. 4, 12. 26, 46. Cynipidae ©®, 24. Cynipiden ®8, 16. 24. Cynips 29, 25. 30. amblycera 31.51. ealieiformis 65. ealieis, 30. 61. conifica 65. conglome- rata 65. corruptrix 31, 51. 22 Hartigii 65. Kollari 30. 50. lignicola 30. 50. polycera 31. 5l. seminationis 64. subterra- nea 31. 51. tincetoria 34, 50. Cynodontium 23, 60. 154. Cynoglossum 23, 585. #4, 275. 16, 47. 49, 40. 22, 65. 109. 26, 33. Cynosurus 13, 92. 44, 322. 16, 55. AB, 46. 32, 56. 36, 4. Cyperus 33, 81. #4, 513. 16, 54. 88, 155. 22, 31. 105. ©4, 10. 26, 56. Cyphaspis #2, 158. Cyphelium #9, 229. Cyphella #4, 581. Cypraea 28,31. sulcata 16, 105. Zimmermanni 105. Cyprina 936, 169. islandica %2, 125. 38, 101. Cyprinus 83, 144. #9, 22. Cypripedium 43, 78. 14, 191. Cypselus 25, 59. Cyrtoceras #4, 81. 9. #3, 108. Brückneri #4, 82. hospes 82. Cyıtoma 2%, 37. Cyrtusa 98, 153. Cystiphyllen #3, 105. | Cystoelonium #4, 196. Cystopteris #3, 99. 14, 527. 1%, 167. 22, 104. Cystopus #7, 254. Cytherea 43, 300. =, 150. ©%, ı!l. Beyrichi #5, 506. Cytispora 94, 371. #9, 24. Cytisus #4, 133. 189. 251.28, 103. Dachs 38, 53. Dactylis 83, 92. 24, 522. 16, 55. AB, 45. 32, 56. 26, 4. Dactylinum #4, 569. Daeryomyces 24, 366. 9%, 238. Daedalea #4, 386. Dalmannia 2%, 110. Dammhirsch 3®, 88. Dandalus 43, 64. 23 Daphne 14, 296. 13, 421. 88, 127. Dasypogon 2%, 33. Datura 23, 59. 24, 277. 16, 48. AB, 40. 22%, 66. 105. 24, 15. 3®, 239. Dauceus 23, 43. 44, 114. 251. 186, 44.29, 37. 22,55. 36, 28. Defraneia 34, 147.24,53.5@®, 150. Naumanni %3, 79. vagans 80. Deilephila S®, 95. Nerei #4, 152. 14, 458. Delesseria #4, 352. Deliphrum #5, 188. Delphax 28, 82. Delphin 3®, 104 in der Ostsee 17, 290. Delphinium #3, 18. 44, 205. 46, 37. RB, 32. 22, 40. 4, 4. 28, 23. h Delphinula 85, 286. 99, 160 24, 00. Delphinus Orca 48, 261. Delphis 30, 104. Delthyris 23, 107. Deltocephalus 28, 91. Delyta nigra S®, 71. Dematium 24, 367. #9, 259. Dendrophilus 25, 155. Dentalien #3, 109. Dentalium #8, 57. 83, 164. 95, 234. 291. 99, 144. 32, 110. 24, 47. 62. 3®, 180. Dentaria 25, 20. #4, 214. 56, 37. 98, 99. 49, 32. 24, 8. 26, 46. Denticula #%, 195. Depacea 44, 571. #7, 259. Derephysia ©8, 60. Dermatea 2%, 55. 24, 367. Dermestes A, 155. 29, 25. Deschampsia 13, 89. Desmarestia 94, 197. 353. Desmidien, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der — Mecklbgs. 2&, 57. Desmidium 286, 58. Dethardingia 24, 153. Deutzia #4, 153. Diachea 14, 379. Diallage #%, 105. Dianthus 23, 24. 24, 189. 221. 25, 419. 46, 38. 87, 260. 48, 101. A®, 35. 2®, 33. 32, 43. 91. 24, 5. 28, 16. Diaperides 43, 128. Diaperis #3, 128. Diaphorus 2%, 57. Diastata ®%, 75. Diastrophns ®®, 27. glechomae 43. 63. rubi 43. 62. scabiosae 43. 63. Diatoma 94, 346. 9% 19. Diatrype #%, 246. Dibolia 23, 122. 85, 161. Dichaena 2%, 241. Diehaeta %%, 78. Dichelyma 3, 114. Diehodontium 23, 60. Dieranella 33, 61. Dieranodontium 33, 67. 155. Dieranotropis ®8, 34. Dieranum 94, 333. 49, 177. 89, 47. SD, 28. 23, 63. 34, 6. Dieytdium #4, 379. Dietyocha #4, 195. 348. Dictyosiphon #4, 196. #7, 204. Didea 2%, 113. Diderma #4, 379. Didymium #4, 379. 1%, 253. Didymodon %3, 73. Didymoprium 26, 58. Diervilla #4, 133. Digitalis 43, 60. 44, 279. 24, 12. Digitaria #3, 37. Digraphis #3, 87. Dinarda #3, 164. Dineura 2%, 7. Dioctria 2%, 32. Diodorhynchus #8, 158. Diorit 49, 62. Diphtera 43, 154. 30, 9. Diphyscium 14, 338. 23, 112. Diplodia 2%, 242. Diploneis 14, 348. Diplostromium #4, 196. Diplotamma 2%, 223. Diplotaxis 93, 21. #4, 189. 214. Dipsacus 43, 45. 44, 117. 255. 16, 44. 18, 110. ©2, 57. 102. 29, 168. Diptera ©@, 22. Dircaea 13, 132. Dischirius #5, 151. Discina ®4, 34. Discoelius 3®, 195. zonalis 19ne 212. Discohelix #5, 383. Discoidea #%, 159. Discomycetes 42, 49. Discopora #%, 158. Discospira #5, 355. 3®, 163. foliacea #3, 380. Distichium 14, 332. 1%, 176. 23, 73. Ditiola 14, 367. Ditmaria 94, 153. Ditrichium 23, 74. Ditropis 38, 4. Ditrypa 43, 234. Döbel 13, 145. 19, 23. Dögling 3@, 105. Dolerit 1%, 53. Dolerus 3%, 8. Dolichometopus 42, 169. Dolichopodidae 2%, 48. Dolichopus 2%, 49. Dolium 41, 31. Dolomedes 19, 28. Dolomit 30, 2. Donacia 44, 104. 49, 27. Donaciae #4, 104. Dorcatoma 95, 158. Dornfisch 48, 144. Dorphus 49, 26. Dorsch 43, 146. Dorthesia urticae 29, 71. 34. 24 _ Dorycerinae %%, 102. Dothidea 14, 373. Draba 83, 21. 14, 215. 16, 38. AB, 32. 22, 41. Drapamaldia #4, 349. 49, 47. 2®, 35. Drapetis 9%, 43. Dreissena polymorpha 26, 102. 27, 144. Drepanium 33, 143. Drillia 25, 234. Drosera 93, 24. 14, 220. 15, 490. AG, 38. AS, 101. 19, 33. =2, 43. 92. 34, 11. Drosophila 2%, 76. Drosophilinae 29, 76. Dryocosmus 3, 26. Dryomyza %©%, 68. Dryomyzinae 2%, 68. Dryophanta ®®, 25. agama 32. 56. disticha 33. 56. divisa 33. 56. folii 32. 56. longiventris 32. 56. scutellaris 32. 55. Dryophthorus 45, 160. Dryoteras 29, 25. Dumontia 44, 196. Dyticus 29, 24. Eiacus £3, 157. Ebuma #5, 374. Eecoptomera ®%, 67. Echinochloa #3, 37. 45, 423. Echinops 43, 49. 44, 260. Echinopsilon 44, 293. Echinospermum 13, 58. 44, 275. Echium 23, 58. 44, 276. 16, 47. AB, 40. 2®, 32. 22, 65. 26, 34. Ectocarpus #4, 196. 350, 1%, 203. 2®, 35. Edelhirsch 3®, 90. Eglisia Sandbergeri 3®, 159. Egretta 85, 124. Eichhörnchen 3®, 62. Eier von Anas 18, 208. Aquila albicilla ®®, 63. brachydactyla 2°, 305. naevia 306. Ardea minuta 45, 31. Buteo 29, 1%, 306. Carbo 48, 208. Charadrius 208. albifrons 15, 32. Circus 215, 30. 28, 208. Emberiza 15, 31. Falco #8, 201. pere- grinus 20, 62. Fringilla spinus 17, 307. Gallinula pusilla 2», 32. Haematopus #8, 208. La- nius #3, 30. Machetes #8, 208. Mergus 208. Milvus #5, 29. 427, 306. Museicapa parva 9%, 305. Pernis 23, 29. Regulus 30. Scolopax 48, 208. major #5, 31. Sterna 48, 208. Strep- silas AS. 32. #8, 208. Strix acadica 8%, 305. Sylvia tithys 15, 30. Totanus 28, 208. Tringa 3, 31. 9S, 208. Eier, Färbung der — von Lanius eollurio, Anthus pratensis 95, 38. cinige Versuche von Ver- tauschen von Vogel — 15, 413. Eisenglimmer #3, 12, — Kalk- stein 3. — Vitriol 11, Eklogit 2%, 59. Elachista 44, 197. Elaphomyces 14, 380, Elaphropeza ©%, 48. Elaphrus #9, 24. Elatine 24, 134. 44, 226. 16, 39. 69. 70. 80. AS, 102. 22, 45. 104. 2&, 56. 30, 237. Elenn %1, 111. 3®, 85. — Ge- weih 2%, 294. Elephas primigenius #4, 30, 102. Elgiva 2%, 72. Elleschus #5, 158. Ellipsocephalus #2, 157. Ellopia #3, 157. Elodea 46, 59. 24, 11.26. 26, 1. 56. 8, 140. Elsholtzia #3, 62. 24, 285. 22, 105. 24, 15. 36, 53. 159. 25 Elymus 213, 9%. 14, 325. 45, 424. RG, 56. AS, 137. 49, 46. =2, 87, 102. 24, 6. 2@, 45. europaeus @4, 17. Emarginula 22, 110. Emberiza #2, S9. 88, 211. 29, 150. Empetrum 23, 69. #4, 297. 98, 128. 22, 73. N. Emphylus #5, 154. Emphytus 2%, 10. Empidae ©%, 36. Empis ®%, 38. Emus #5, 177. Emys europaea AA, 130. 16, 172. Encalypta #4, 338. 1%, 182. #9, 47. 23, 90. Enerinites 99, 144. Enerinurus #2, 168. Enceyonema %%, 198. Endogyne #4, 378. Endomychus 23, 128. Engraulis 23, 145. Ennemos #3, 156. Ensina 2%, 95. Enteromorpha #4, 196. 354. 9%, 204. 2®, 127. Entosthodon 23, 92, 26, 49. Epeira #9, 28. Ephebe #%, 232. Ephemera 38, 28. Ephemerella ®%3, 55. Ephemerum 23, 55. Ephydra 2%, 82. Ephydrinae ®%@, 78. Ephygrobia @@, 79. Epichlo& #%, 242. Epichysium 24, 370. Epicocum 24, 367. Epidotfels 4%, 83. Epilachna 23, 126. Epilobium 43, 38. #4, 190. 244. 16, 42. 64. AS, 107. 49, 35. 22, 52.93. 24,6. 26, 27. 52. : Epimedium 24, 209. Epipactis 23, 77. 24, 309. 28, 53. AB, 44. 22, 78. 93. 34, 10. rubiginosa 24. Epipogon 43, 76. #4, 308. Epithemia.#%, 195. 26, 110. Epochnium 24, 367. Eguisetum 23, 96. 24, 329. 26. 56. 67. #9, 173. 268. RS, 138. 4D,46.22,96.24,8.2@,45.55. Equus Asinus 3®, 101. Cabal- lus 98. Eranthis #4, 208. Erastria ®@®, 109. Erato MA, 31. 24, 53. 3®, 146. Erdbeben #9, 89. Erdmaus 3®, 76. Ergates #2, 96. Erica #3, 55. #4, 269. 88, 118. 22, 63. 92. 2®, 169. Erigeron 23, 46. #4, 256. 86, 45. AB, 38. 32, 58. 91. ©4, 4. 26, 29. Erinaceus 29, 20. 39, 43. Erineum 24, 367. purpurascens 29, 89. Eriophorum #3, 83. 24, 315. 26, 54. 8, 135. BB, 45, ©, 82. 24, 7. 36, 43. Eriophyes labiatiflorae ®9, 74. Eristalis @%@, 118. Erodium 23, 29. 24, 229. 16, 40. AB, 34. 22, 47. 26, 25. Ervum 93, 33. 14, 114. 233. 26, 4l. 39, 34. 22, 49. 91. 24, 10. 26, 53. 39, 237. Eryngium 23, 41. 14, 240. ©2, 54. 26, 28. Erysibe #4, 377. Erysimum 13, 21. 94, 214. 16, 37. 32, 41. 26, 50. Erysiphe #%, 284. Erythraea 93, 57. 14, 272. 16, 47. 48, 119. 39, 40. 22, 65. 96. 26, 33. europaeus 26 Eschara 23, 109. Esel 3®, 101. Esox 43, 146. #9, 28. Etenidium ®3, 145. Etenium 23, 145. Euacanthus 8, 37. Euaesthetus 45, 183. Euastrum 26, 59. Eueinetns 25, 156. Eucoiloidae 29, 24. Eudytes 25, 23. Eulima #4, 57. 45, 322. 24,55. 30, 158. Hebe 4», 337. ©, 112. Kochi £3, 340. 23, 115. Mathildae #5, 334. Naumanni 25, 115. subula 23, 114. Eulimella 85, 349. eustyla 351. 25, 111. incrassata 23, 112. 38, 158. Sandbergeri #8, 350. Eumenes 3®, 195. pomiformis, 197. 210. dimidiatus 197. 211. Eumerus ©%, 122. Eumolpus #4, 114. Eunotia 94, 195. 346. Euomphalus #3, 107. Eupatorium 23, 45. #4, 25. 26, 44. 64. 29, 38. @2, 57. Eupelix 28, 88. Euphorbia 23, 69. 14, 297. 16, 51. 88, 4%, 265. AS, 128. 49, 42. 22, 73. ©4, 3. Euphrasia 94, 134. 23, 62. 94, 283. AS, 49. 48, 197. 29, 41. 22, 67. ®4, 21. 26, 34. Euplectus #3, 138. Euprepia %®, 97. Eurhynchium ®®, 29. 23, 124. Euridema 38, 52. Eurigaster 28, 50. . Eurotium 44, 370. Euryporus 45, 170. Euryusa #5, 163. Eusarcoris ®8, 52. Eutarsus @%, 57. Eutheia 143, 137. 15, 162. Euthyneura ®%, 42. Evernia #4, 362. 1%, 211. 49, 48.20, 82. Evonymus 13, 30. 14, 230. 16, 40. 19, 34. 22, 47. 26, 25. Exidia 14, 3831. Exipula #4, 372. Exoascus #%, 239. Exochomus #3, 126. Exogyra #%, 154. Exoprosopa 2%, 29. Exosporium #4, 366. Fagopyrum #7, 265. Fagus #3, 70. #4, 298. 46,51. 18, 43. 32, 74. 36, 33. Fahlunit #%, 133. Falagria 23, 162. Falcaria 24, 249, 16, 43, 48, 109. 24, 12. 26, 47. Falco 25, 16. 52. 9%, 306. 1, 162. lanarius 32, 116. Faltenwespen 3®, 188. Farsetia #4, 215. 22, 41. Faseciolaria Peechioli 28, 393. Faserkalk 2%, 136. 3®, 3. Fauna des Glimmerthons 15, 238. Statistik der mecklenbgsch. — 13, 182. von Kl. Pritz ®8, 108. Favosites 23, 104. Fegatella #4, 343. Feinde der Congeria Chemnitzii 21, 161. Feldmaus, gemeine 3®, 77. Feldspath #%, 123. Feldspathporphyr #%, 50. Feldspitzmaus 3®, 42. Felis Catus 3®, 44. domestica, Lynx 45. Felsitfels 3®, 21. -porphyr 22. Fenestella 23, 104. Fennbrücher 21, 34. Fenusa 2%, 11. Festuca 43, 92. #4, 323. 13, 424. 16, 55. 96. 18, 137. 49, 27 46. 2%, 86. 101. %4, 3. 76, 44. %%, 167. Feuersteinbreceie 2%, 88. Ficaria 93, 13. 94, 207, Fieula 34, 52. 30, 141, con- einna 23, 36, condita 38. Fiedler, Dr, ©. F. B., Nekrolog 23, 179. Fiedleria 94, 154. 19. %3, 7. Figitoidae 29, 25. Filago 93, 47. 44, 257. 86, 45. 29, 38. SO, 82. ©2, 58. 91. 24,4. 26, 29. Filieoideae 2%, 166. Fischadler und Brachsen 3®, 289. Fische Mecklbgs. #3, 143. Fischotter 3®, 58. 275. Fischregen %4, 151. Fischreste, fossile tertiäire — vorzugsweise des sternberger Gesteins 39, 25. Fischsterben 9%, 313. 28, 134. Fisch und Vogel #4, 453. Fissidens 44,342. 29, 47. 23, 69. Fissurella ®2, 148. Fistulana #9, 155. Fistulina ®4, 386. Flabellina 43, 109. Fledermaus, breitöhrige 8®, 29. frühfliegende 30. gefranzte 36. gemeine 34. grossöhrige 35. langömrige 28. rauharmige 30. rauhhäutige 30. spätflie- gende 33. Fliegen, Uebersicht der — Meck- lenburgs @@, 22. Floerkea #4, 155. Flora, zur — v. Grabow %6,49. Uebersicht der lübeck’schen — 22, 35. von Mecklbg. 44, 1. Nachtrag 15, 424. 36, 17. 46. Geschichte derselben 24, 141. Statistik, 179. zur — v. Mecklbg.-Strelitz, 2@, 55. Vv. Neuvorpommern 23, 14. 15, 418. Flunder 93, 146. Flustra #3, 103. Foetorius 43, 139. 24, 452. Er- minea 3®, 55. Lutreola 55. Putorius 54. vulgaris 55. Fontinalis 94, 338. 26, 68. 97. #7, 183. 23, 113. Forelle #3, 145. Fossarus Beyrichii 3®, 163. Fossobronia *@®, 31. Fossombronia #4, 343. 9%, 192. Fragaria 93, 36. 24, 113. 239. 25, 420. 36, 41. 88, 107. 49, 35. 22, 50. @4, 12. Fraxinus #3, 56. 24, 271. 36, 47. 98, 118. &®, 40. 22, 64, 26, 33. Fringilla 23, S6. Fritillaria ®2, 79. Frullania #4, 343. 49, 47. Fucellia ®%, 66. Fuchs 3®, 51. Fucoiden - Sandstein ®4, 32. Fucus #4, 128. 353. Füldner, Prof. M., Nekrolog %8, 143. Fulica #8, 128. Fulgorima 28, 82. Fumaria 23, 19. #4, 189. 211. 16, 37. 27, 259. 89, 32. 32, 40. 2&, 50. capreolata 28, 198. 26, 50. Funaria 24, 331. 33, 32. Fungites 83, 104. Furcellaria #4, 351. Furio #3, 145. Fusarium #4, 366. 2%, 238. Fusidium 24, 366. Fusisporium 24, 368. Fusus #4, 31. 36. 51. #5, 224. 285. 4, 145. 22, 109. 34, 47. 52. 26, 101. 3®, 14l. elatior 23, 25. elegantulus 28 21. elongatus 24. Feldhausi 18. Meyni 15, 229. scerobi- culatus 23, 19. singularis 20, Waeli 22. Gabbro 99, 59. Gadolinit 8%, 97. Gadus 23, 146. RB, 23. Gagea 23, 79. #4, 311. 16, 53. 88, 132. 19, 44. 22, 79. 100. 34, 8. Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Zwiebelbildung der Gattung — 238, 30. Galanthus 24, 309. 22, 79. 3®, 289. Galega 14, 233. 48, 104. Galeobdolon 93, 64. 24, 256. AG, 49. RB, 42. 32, 69. Galeocerdo latidens ©®, 118. Galeopsis 94, 134. 23, 64. 44, 286. 2G, 49. 18, 123. 49, 42. 22, 69. 90. ©4, 4. 36, 53. Ladano-ochrol. #8, 190. Galerites #3, 110. 8%, 159. Galeruca #4, 117. Galeus Maltzani 29, 116. Galinsogea #3, 46. #4, 257. 28, 111. 24, 15. 26, 53. 30, 288. Galium #8, 133. #3, 44. 54, 190. 254. 46, 44. 3%, 262. 28, 100. 89, 37. 22, 56. 100. ©4, 4. 26, 29. Gallen, Cynipiden — an: Cen- taurea Jacea ©9Y, 63. scabiosa 65. Glechoma 63. Hieracium 63. Papaver Rhoeas 63. Po- tentilla 64. Quercus: Blatt- gallen 55. Blüthen- 60. Frucht- 61. Knospen- 50. Rinden- 48. Wurzel- 48. an Rosen- 61. Rubus 62. Pflanzen — von anderen Inseeten herrührend an Acer campestre ©, 66. 89, pseudo platanus 66. 89. platanoides 66. Aeseulus 66. Aegopodium 66. Achillea 66. 67. Almus 67. Angelica Archangelica 67. Artemisia 67. Asparagus 86, Astragalus eicer 67. Arctium Lappa, Arenariatrinervia, Ari- stolochia, Arund phragmites, Berberis, Betonica, Betula, Barbarea, Bidens, Brassica 68. Bryonia, Campanula rapun- euloides, trachelium, Carduus nutans, Carlina, Cardamine pratensis, Carex pilosa, muri- cata 69. Centaurea cyanus, jacea 69. 89. Cirsium olera- ceum, Cornus, Corylus 70. Crataegus 70. 90. Daucus Dipsacus silvestris, Epilobium angustifolium, Eryngium cam- pestre 70. Eupatorium, Erica vulgaris, Euphorbia ceypariss., Evonymus, Fagus, Festuca ovina Fraxinus 71. Fragaria 72. Galium mollugo 72, 90, Gäleobdolon, Genista ger- manica, Geranium sanguineum, Glechoma, Heracleum, Helian- themum 72. Hieracium pilo- sella, Hippopha®, Humulus, Hypericum perforatum, Inula, Juncus, Juniperus, Lamium, Ledum, Leontodon, Linaria 73. Lithospermum offieinale, Lonicera xylosteum, Lotus, Lythrum, Medicago faleata & sativa 74, Milium 90 Na- sturtium, Onobrychis, Origa- num 74. Phragmites, Pimpi- nella, Pinus, Pyrus, Pisum 75. Poa nemoralis, trivialis, Poly- gonum amphibium, Pedicularis 76. Populus 76. 86. 87. Po- terium 76. Prunus, Quereus, Ranunculus bulbosus, Rham- 29 nus frangula, alaterna, Ribes grossularia 77, Robinia 90. Rosa, Rubus78, Salix, Holzgal- len: alba, amygdalina, aurita, fragilis, pentandra 78, 79. ca- prea, purpurea, 78. 88. Blatt — caprea 79. 80. fragilis, helix, pentandra 79, alba 80, 81. aurita, einerea, purpurea, uli- ginosa, viminalis 80. fragilis, 81. Blüthen- alba, amygdalina, triiandra 81. — Salvia pra- tensis, Sambucus, Sarotham- nus, Sisymbrium, Sonchus, Seneeio, Serratula arvensis, Sorbus aueuparia, Spiraea ul- maria 82, Stachys, Tanacetum, Thymus, Tilia 83. Tormen- tilla, Trieitum hybernum, aesti- vum, Ulmus eampestris, Urtica urens 84. Urtiea dioica 85. Valerianella olitoria 91. Vero- nieca chamaedrys, montana, spieata, serpyllifolia, Verbas- cum nigrum 85. Verb. Thap- siforme 89. Viburnum lan- tana, Vieia eracca, Vitis vini- fera 85. Gallinula #8, 127. pusilla 93, 141. 22, 116. 38, 192. Gallionella 44, 347. Gargara %8, 30. Garrulus 9, 96. Gartenschläfer 3®, 62. Gastropacha 3, 154. 28, 27, 2», %. Gasterosteus #3, 144, #9, 23. Gastrophilus 2%, 106. Gastrophysa AR, 112. Gaudinia #4, 324. Geaster #4, 380. Gelidium #4, 352, Genista 23, 30. #24, 128. 230. 28, 40. 38, 103. 43, 34. ®, 33. 32, 47. 91. 24, 6. 30 Gentiana 43, 47. 24, 271. 26, 47. 88, 119. AB, 40. 22, 64. 100. 24, 13. 26,48 29, 169. Geocalyx 24, 194. Geoglossum 2%, 50. 44, 381. 2®, 35. Geognostisches 42%, 180. aus dem Fürstenthum Lübeck 44, 153, aus der Umgegend von Doberan #4, 405. Geognostische Literatur Pom- merns 8, 157. — Unter- suchung Mecklbgs., was haben wir von einer — zu erwarten 27, 150. Geographische Verbreitung der Pflanzen Mecklbgs. 84, 54. Geomyza ©%, 74, Geomyzinae ©%, 73. Georgia 33, 90. Geotrichum #4, 368. Geotrupes 29, 25. Geranium 43, 29. 14, 228. 85, 419. 16, 40. 28, 103. 19, 34. 2®, 831. 2%, 46. 92. 24, 5. *6, 25.46. pyrenaicum 24, 16, Gerölle, 39, 1. Gerris 38, 75. Geschichte der Flora Mecklbgs. 44, 141. Geschiebeformation der nord- deutschen Ebene 38, 124. Geschiebe, nordische und Meck- lenbgs. 2%, 22, Geum 23, 35. 14, 236. 16, 41. 28, 106. 89, 35. 22, 50. 100. 24, 18. 26, 27. Gewitter-Beobachtungen, Bitte in Bezug auf — %%, 205. Gewitter der Jahre 1864 — 66. “1, 121. Gewitterkunde 22, 59, 43, 171. 16, 158. 18, 159. Gibbera 2%, 245. mecklenburgische — Giebel A3, 144 19, 23. Giftpflanzen Mecklbgs. 24 135. Glaucidium 45, 56. passerina =2%, 116. Glaueium 84, 210. Glaux 13, 66. 24, 291. 2S, 126. 22, 70. 26, 35. @7, 167. Glechoma 23, 63. 24, 285. 16, 49. 22, 68. Gleditschia #4, 133. Glenanthe ©%, 80. Glimmerporphyr 3®, 22. Glimmerschiefer 2%, 81. chlori- tischer 3®, 17. Granit- 17. quarziger 16. talkiger 16. Thon- 17. Gloeocapsa 2%, 199. Gloiotrichia ®®, 34. Glyceria, 23, 91. &4, 322. 15, 423. AG, 55. 67. 29, 45. 2%, 86. 2&, 4. Gnaphalium 94, 135. 23, 47. 24, 257, 5, 420. 26, 45. 28, 112. 49, 385. ©2, 58. 9. 24, 13. 36, 52. 56. 3®, 286. Gneis #7, 74. 3®, 18. Syenit-, 18. Gnophos *®, 89. Gnorimus 29, 25. Gobio #3, 144. 99, 23. Gobius 23, 144. Gomphidius 24, 389. Gomphonella 2%, 198, Gomphonema #4, 195. 8%, 198. 29, 126. 26, 110. Gomphocerus #®, 28. Gongroceras #7, 204. Gongrosira S®, 34. Gonioctena #4, 112, Gonosporum #4, 369. Goodyera #3, 77. 24, 309. 19, 44. 34, 6. Gortyra *®, 105. Grammoptera 24, 104, 25, 160. Grammatophora #4, 347, Grandinia 24, 386, Granit 29, 67. 30, 20. Gneis- 20. porphyrartiger 21. Riesen- 21. Sehrift- 21. Syenit- 20. Granitporphyr 3®, 22. Granulit 3®, 21. Graphis #4, 355. 1%, 227. 29, 48. Graphit 8%, 91. -schiefer 3®, 16. Graptolithus 23, 103. Gratiola 24, 279. 96, 48. 86. 38, 120. Gravilia 24, 99. Griewank, Kirchenrath. Nekrol. 26, 120. Grimmia 94, 337. 25, 425. 16, 99. 97, 181. 23, 80. 76, 48, Grischowia #4, 178 Gründling 23, 144. 29, 23. Grünsandstein 3®, 8. Grus 43, 123. 24, 162, Gryllotalpa #9, 23. Gryllus 48, 28. Gryphaea #%, 159. Gryphäen 43, 110. Grypidius 43, 159. Gümbelia #4, 337. 23, 81. Güster 43, 145. 49, 23. Gymnadenia #88, 76. #4, 307, a5, 53. 88, 131. 22, 78, 24, 14. Gymnetron 28, campanulae 69. eylindrirostris 89. pilosus 74, seter 69. Gymnopoda tomentosa 29, 86. Gymnoptermus %%, 52. Gymnosporangium 2%, 236. 2%. 181 Gymnostomum 14, 333. 23, 59. Gymnusa 25, 172. Gynandrophthalma #4, 113. Gyps 3, 4. -bildung 25, 217. Gypsophila 23, 24. 94, 221, 23, 419. 86, 38. 49, 33. 26, 56. Gyrinus 49, 25. Gyrolepis #%, 143, Gyrophaena 15, 172. Gyrophora 4%, 215. Habrocerus #5, 173 Hadena 23, 157. 2®, 88. 100, Haematopota ®%%, 27, Haematopus #8, 111. Haemonia #4, 107. 25, 160. Häring 93, 145. Häringszüge und die grosse Seeschlange 2, 148. Hagel, Aberglaube in Bezug darauf, 9%, 267. 2®, 79. Hagelsteine 2%, 286. Hagenia 24, 362. @9, 48, Haliaötus #8, 45. Halianthus 24, 225. Halichoerus Grypus 3®, 60. Halidrys #4, 353. Hallia 93, 105. 98, 161. Hallomenus 43, 132. Halorrhiza #4, 197. Haltiea 43, 118. Halycia 23, 125. Halysites 23, 104. Hamites #9, 151. Hammatochaerus #4, 96. Hamster 3®, 66. Haploderus #3, 186. Haploglossa 23, 163. Haplomitrium 24, 194. Haplotrichum 44, 369. Harke, botanische 2®, 40. Harpactor 28, 75. Harpalus #5, 151. 94®, 24. Harpes 23, 108. Harpides 4%, 158. Harpidium %3, 137. Harpyia ®®, 94. Hartkopf 23, 145. Hase 3®, 80. Haselmaus 3®, 69. Hauskatze 3®, 45. Hausmaus 3®, 75. Hausochse 3®, 95, Hausratte 3®, 69. 279. Hausschaaf 3®, 92. Hausschwein 3®, 103. Hausspitzmaus 3®, 43. Hausziege 3®, 94, Hebroidea 28, 61. Hebrus 38, 61. Hecht 83, 146. 1®, 23. Hedera #3, 43, 24, 252. 15, 424, 4@, 44. 49, 37. 22, 56. 28», 17. Hedwigia 33, 85. Heleocharis #3, 32. 44, 191. 314. 2&, 54. 66. 69. 94. 48, 135. 4®, 44. 22, 81. 24,9. 26, 42. 3®, 237. Helianthemum 23, 23, 14, 218. 28, 38. 49, 32, 24, 5. Helianthus 23, 47. 24, 114 Helichrysum 8, 47, 24, 216, 45. AB, 33 2®, 32. 99. 103. 2&, 30. Helicomyces #4, 366. Heliolites 83, 104. Heliotis 83, 156, 2®, 109. Helix #2, 119. 83, 158. 26, 72. =@, 136. 144. nemoralis & hortensis 2%, 145. 38, 130. 139. 212. 3@, 294, über Ver- erbung der Bindenvarietäten bei — nemoralis 29, 142. Helleborus A4, 208, Helminthia #4, 263. Helminthosporium 24, 369. Helodes 24, 113. Helomyza 2%, 66. Helomyzinae 3%, 66. Helopes 43, 130, Helophilus 8%, 119. Helops 23, 130. Helosceiadium #4, 153. 43, 41. RA, 249. BG, 54. 22, 54. 30, 286. Helotium #&, 381. 9%, 254. Helvella 42, 49, 24, 355. „257. 257. 22, 32 Helvellacei 42%, 49. Hemerodomia %®, 43. Hendersonia #9, 238. Hepatica 23, 16. 14, 204. 24, 8, Hepiolus ®®, 95. Heracleum #3, 42. 14, 241. 16, 44. 97, 262. 29, 37. 22, 55. @4,5. 26, 38. Hercostomus %%, 53. Herina 2%, 101. Hermelin 3®, 55. Herminium 93, 76. #4, 308, Herniaria #3, 40. 14, 247. 16, 42. 49, 36, 2%, 53. 91. 24, 4. 36, 27. — mit Puceinia *3, 191. Hesperia #3, 157. Hesperis #3, 20. 26, 50. Heteractis 24, 195. Heteromyza ©%, 68. Heteroneura 2%, 104. Heteroneurinae 2%, 104. Heteroodon rostratum ®3, 212. Heterophaga 93, 129, Heterosphaeria 9%, 56. Heterothops 23, 176. Heuschrecken #2, 151, 23, 158. Hexatoma %%, 27, Hieracium #4, 135. 83, 53. 24, 190. 265. Aa, 420. 26, 46. 97, 264. AS, 115. 49, 39. 32, 62. @4, 5. 20, %G, 32. 52. Hierochloa 23, 87. 24, 318. 22, 34. Hilara ®%, 40. Hildebrantia @4, 197. Himanthalia #4, 353. Himanthopus #8, 112, Hippobosca 2%, 126. Hippoboseidae ®@, 126. Hippodamia #3, 122. Hippopha® #3, 69. 24, 296. 28, 127. 22, 73. %6, 38. Hippuris 23, 39. 24, 245, 16, 24, 214. 42. 64. 83. 29, 56. 22, 5: 103. 3®, 285. Hippurites #7, 159. Hirudo #83, 28. Hirundo 25, 60. Hispa #4, 108. Hister 83, 155. 29, 25. Höhenrauch 21, 98. Höhlenbär 3®, 52. Holeus #3, 90. 94, 321. 86, 5. AB, 45. ©2, 85. 98. 28, 43. Holometopus 9%, 169. Holostea #9, 33. Holosteum 43, 27. 44, 225. 28, 39. BB, 33. 22, 45. Holz, versteinertes — 2%, 116. Holzwespen, s. Blattwespen. Homalia 23, 145. Homalota 28, 167. Homalothecium 23, 120. Homanolotus 92, 160. Homomallium 23, 142. Honkenya #3, 27. 24, 225. 3%, 45. 26, 24. Hoplopus 3®, 198. laevipes, 202. 232. melanocephalus, 202. 231. reniformis, 202. 231. rufi- eormis, 234. rugulosus, 234. spinipes, 202. 233. Hordeum #3, 95. #4, 114. 325. 28,56. AB, 46. 22, 87. 2@,45. Hormidium #4, 195. %®, 55. Hormiscia 94, 196. Hormoceras #%, 204. Hornblende 2%, 65. 75. 3®, 2. -schiefer, 18. Hornhecht #3, 146. Hornstein 9%, 115. Hottonia #3, 66. 24, 291. 16, 50. 65. AB, 42. 32, 70. 98. Hufeisennase, grosse 3®, 27. kleine, 26. Humulus 93, 70. #4, 116. 298. 16, 51. 19, 42. 32. 73. 183) 106. 28, -fels 3®, 19. 33 Hund 3®, 49. dass sie verwil- dern können #7, 294. Hyadina %%, 81. Hyalina 26, 69. ©%@, 135. 144. Hybodus #%, 145. Hybos %%, 56. Hydaticus #9, 24. Hydnobius A5, 152. Hydnum 24, 588. Hydrastis 88, 98. Hydrellia 2%, 80. Hydriacei 8%, 49. Hydrilla #4, 191. 26, 70. 71. 89. Hydrobia 26, 169. 2&, 100. Hydrocharis 83, 73. 24, 302. 26, 52. 65. AB, 43. 232, 19,38, Hydrochelidon #3, 157. Hydrocotyle 23, 41. 14, 249. RG, 43. BB, 36. 2%, 54. 258, 28. Hydrodictyon 24, 350. #%, 204. Hydroessa 28, 77. Hydrometra 38, 77. Hydrometridea 38, 77. Hydromyza ©%, 104. Hydronomus 48, 160. Hydrophilus #®, 25. Hydrophorus %®, 61. Hygroceleuthus ©, 48. Hygronoma 33, 171. Hygrophorus #@, 256. Hygropora 28, 169. Hyla #4, 132. 46, 177. #9, 22. Hylobius #®, 26. Hylocomium %3, 148. Hylotoma 2%, 3. Hylotrupes A, 98. Hymenostomum #4, 333. 23, 60. Hymnus an Flora #4, 153. Hyosceyamus 13, 59. #4, 277. RG, 45. 219, 40. ©2, 66. 24, 16. Hyperaspis 43, 126. 6) Hypericum 43, 25. #4, 228. 16, 40. 29, 34. 22, 46. 91. 24, 12. 26, 25. Hyperoodon rostratus 3®, 105. Hypha 14, 367. Hyphelia 24, 350. Hypnum 44, 339. 23, 124. 16, 68. 98. 47, 183. 49, 47. 28, 29. 33, 135. ©4, 6. Hypochoeris 23, 51. 14, 263. ; 16, 46. 23, 39. 22, 61. 24, 4. Hypocyptus 45, 172. Hypoderma 2%, 107. Hypoglossum 14, 352. Hypolais 85, 70. Hypophloeus 23, 129. Hypophyllus 2%, 54. Hypoxilon 24, 377. 2%, Hypsibates #8, 216. Hypulus 23, 132. Hypudaeus 43, 20. Hysterium 2%, 57. 24, 372. 2®, 35. Jasione 13, 54. 46. 29, 39. Jassina 38, S6. Jassus 28, SS. Ibalia ©, 24. 25. Ibis #3, 122. Icmadophila ®#%, 219. Idiocerus 28, 93. Idus 23, 145. Ilex 43, 56. #4, 270. 22, 64. 393, 172. 3®, 288. Ilibius 29, 25. Illaenus 42, 166. Illecebrum 24, 247. 26, 42. 28, 108. 29, 36. 2%, 53. 98. Illosporium #4, 377. 9%, 247. Ilyobates 25, 169. Imbricaria 24, 356. 9%, 214. Impatiens #3, 29. 14, 229. 16, 40, 19, 34. 22, 47. Infusorienlager in der Warnow bei Rostock 26, 109. 246. 14, 267. 18, 34 Inoceramus #%, 157. 160. Inula 23, 46. #4, 190. 256. 18, 45. 65. 4%, 262. 88, 11l. S%, 58. 26, 29. Conyza #4, 59. Jole Adamsiana 25, 404. Iris 43, 78. #4, 309. 26, 53. 66. AD, 44. 2%, 79. 26, 42. Irpex 2%, 49. #4, 386. 19, 254. Irrlichter ®4, 85. Isaria 94, 370. 2%, 239. Ischnoglossa #3, 163. Ischnorhynchus 28, 58. Isnardia 24, 190. 98, 81. Isocardia #3, 235. Olearii 235. Isoetes £4, 192. A», 424. 16, 70. 97. 8%, 172. 3®, 285. Isolepis 23, 32 Isothecium 23, 119. Issus 8, 5. Juglans #4, 116. Juncus 29, 133. 93, 80. 14, 128. 190. 312. A, 422. 86, 53. 66. 9%, 266. 28, 134. 19, 44. 2%, 50. 9. 4, 9. 36, 42. 55. 3®, 257. alpinus ©4, 25. Leersii 24, silvaticus 25. Jungermannia 24, 195. 344. 27, 192. 2®, 31. Juniperus 93, 72. 44, 501. 46, 52. 19, 43. 3®, 55. 22, 75. 24, 6. Jura 43, 164. — Kalkgerölle 38, 6. Jurinea 44, 261. 48, 114. Jyux 85, 102. Rabeljau 23, 146. Käfer Mecklbgs. [%, 100.] ®, 116. #3, 118. #5, 151. [Nachträge 32, 58.] Kalk 4%, 135. bituminöser ©4, 37, 38, 3.grobkörniger 34, 69. spath 9%, 135. 49, 71. stein 4%, 84. 136. 49, 74. obersenonischer 3®, 6. si- lurischer 5. 35 Kalktuff 48, 218. 3®, 5. Kamptzia #4, 156. Kaninchen 3®, 82. Karausche #3, 144. A®, 23. Karpfen f3, 144. 49, 23. Kaulbarsch &8, 143. 49, 23. Kaulinia acuta 25, 93. Kaulkopf #3, 143. Kerria #4, 133. Keupermergel 9%, 55. -sandstein S®,T. Kibdelophan #%, 94. Kieselkonglomerat 29,87. -schie- fer 3®, 21. -schieferbreecie 27, 89. Kliesche #8, 147. Klippfisch &3, 144. Knautia 83, 45. 14, 255. 16, 44. #9, 38. 22, 57. 36, 29. Kochia #4, 29. Köhler 23, 146. Koeleria #3, 89. 24, 329. 26, 55. 19, 45. 24, 6. Kokkolith #7, 98. Korallen 23, 102. Krähennest auf der Erde 2®, 79. Kreide #3, 166. 2%, 151. 3®,4. „ gebirgs, die Ausbreitung des — in Mecklbg. 28, 127. Krinoideen 23, 105. Kritische Pflanzen .Mecklenbgs. 24, 17. Kühling #3, 144. Kugelbrand 43, 425. Kukuk, Aufforderung zu ver- gleichenden Versuchen ’ über die Fortpflanzungs-Geschichte 23, 33. Kupferkies B®, 10. Kurrpitsche 83, 146. #9, 23. Babechia 43, 104. Labidostomis 94, 113. 15, 161. Labrador 4%, 120. Labrella 44, 371. Labrus 23, 144. Lacerta A4, 130. 16, 175. 19, 22. — viridis 23, 152. 18, 188. Lachaea #4, 115. Lachnella 8%, 254. Lachnus fagi 29, 71. pyri 77. Lachs 43, 146. Lactuca 23, 52. #4, 264. 16, 46. 48, 39. 22, 61. 9. 36, 32. BB, 287. Lacuna16,169. 26, 100.30, 163. Laemophloeus A&, 154. Lagriae #3, 135. Lagria 93, 135. Lamia #4, 100. Laminaria MA, 353. Lamium 43, 64. 24, 286. 16, 49. AS, 123. 49, 41. 32, 68% 101. 34, 8. 26, 53. %9, 09. 38, 239. Lamna 2%, 112. 38, 99. cuspi- datu 104. duplex 105. Hopei 104. verticealis 104. Lamprinus #23, 174. Lampsana #3, 50. 44, 262. 16, 46. 43, 39. 22, 61. 76, 32. Lanius 45, 31. 88, 207. 2%®, 71. 21, 162. 23, 149. Lanosa #7, 238. Laphria %%, 33. Lappa #3, 49. 44, 261. 96, 46. AB, 39. 22, 60. 26, 32. 47.29, 165. nemorosa 23, 189. Larinus #8, 159. Larix 23, 73. Larus #5, 134. 38, 207. 212. 38, 155. leucopterus #4, 456. Laserpitium 23, 42. 44, 251, 22, 5. Lasioptera berberina %®, 68, eryngii 70. juniperina73, rubi 78 Lathraea 43, 62. 24, 254. 36, 49. 98, 122. ©2, 68. 101- =@, 53. 3F 36 Lathridius 823, 155. Lathrimaeum #3, 1831. Lathyrus 33, 34. 94, 255. 26, 41. 88, 106. 49, 55. 32, 49. 103. 24, 6. 28, 168. Latrobium 25, 183. Laubmose, die— Mecklbgs. 23, 1. Lauxania ©, 100. Leangium #4, 380. Leathesia 24, 197. 3%, 205. Lecanactis 2%, 227. Lecania 9%, 217. Lecanidion 24, 382. Lecanora #4, 356. 2%, 218. Lecidea AA, 357. 4%, 225. Lecidella 9%, 225. Leda 45, 511. 32, 111. ®4, 47. Ledra 28, 86. Ledum 143, 55. 24, 269. 186, 47. 23, 40. 22, 63. 92. 4, 7. 9, 169. Leersia #4, 319. 24, 182. 33, 72. 2@, 55. Legnon crispum %®, 74. Leibleinia #4, 195. Lejeunia #4, 343. ©®, 31. Leionotus 3®, 198. alpestris 201. 227. Dantiei 201. 225. exilis 201. 229. germaniceus 201. 228. helveticus 201. 229. Herrichii, 230. minutus, 201. 228. nigripes 201. 226. parvu- lus 201. 224. simplex 201. 225. Leiopus #4, 99. Leistotrophus #8, 177. Leiter #3, 145. Lema #4, 107. Lemna 43, 75. #4, 305. 95, 422. 46, 52. 66. 29, 45. 32, 77.26, 41. Lenzites B&, 388. Leocarpus £4, 379. 8%, 252. Leontodon 43, 50. #4, 262. 36, 46. 29, 39. 32, 61. 26, 32. Leonurus 43, 64. 24, 288. 26, 50. AB, 42. 22, 69. 24, 16. Leotia A2, 54. 24, 381. Lepidium #3, 20. 24, 217. 23, 419. 26, 38. 9%, 260. ©%, 42. 24, 16. 26, 23. Lepidoides #%, 143. Lepidopteren Mecklbgs. #3, 153. Lepidoptorologisches #4, 458. Lepidozia 24, 344. Lepigonium ®%4, 4. Leptacinus 38, 181. Leptaena 93, 106. Leptidae ®@, 35. Leptis 2%, 55. Leptobryum 38, 9. Leptogaster 2%, 32. Leptogium #9, 232. Leptohymenium 24, 338. ©4, 8. Leptopeza 2%, 42. Leptoraphis 8%, 231. Leptostroma 4%, 56. 14, 371. 47, 240. Leptothrix 1%, 201. 22, 125. Leptotrichum ®3, 74. Leptura #4, 105. AB, 27. Lepturus 23, 96. 44, 325. @%, 83. Leptusa A», 169. Lepus #8, 21. 82. timidus 80. Leseuraea 23, 122. Leskea #4, 339. 29, 47. 23, 116. Lesteva #3, 187. Lestris #3, 22. 133. 2%, 306. 309. catarrhactes, pomarina 23, 154. Leueania #3, 155. 2®, 109. Leucanthemum %8, 31. 28, 48. Leuchten der Ostsee 2®, 76. Leuchtkäfer #2, 150. Leueiscus 93, 145. 29, 23. var. 28, 114. Leucobryum %3, 68. Leucodon #4, 338. #3, 115. 105. intrieata euniculus 3®, Leucojum A4, 309. %, 79. Leucoparyphus #5, 173. Leucopis ®%, 103. Leueostola 2%, 54. Levisticum #4, 250. 29, 37. Liancalus 29, 61. Libanotis 23, 42. 26, 28. Libellula 4%, 28. Licea #4, 378. - Lichas 22, 160. #3, 108. Lichina 2%, 232. Lichnia #4, 197. Ligula #5, 298. Ligustrum #3, 56. #4, 135. 271. Lima #3, 109. 24, 63. Limaeina 3®, 181. Limaria #3, 104. Limax #4, 119. ©6, 67. Limicola 2%, 307. Limnactis ®®, 126. Limnaea 26, 32. 95. 2%, 158. 30, 284. Limnanthemum 43, 57. 84, 271. 26, 69. 70. 86. #7, 264. 88, 119. 99, 40. Limnia %%, 72. Limnobates 28, 77. Limnobium 23, 145. Limnochloa 23, 82. Limopsis #3, 237. 314. 22, ı1. retifera RS, 316. Limosa 23, 114. Limosella #3, 61. 24, 282. 26, 65. 48, 121. 2, 67. 98. 26, 56. Lina A, ıl1. Linaria £4, 134. 43, 60. #4, 190. 280. 43, 57. 18, 48. 28, 120. 43, 41. ©2, 66. 91. S6, 34. 3®, 289. Lingula #3, 106. Linkia 24, 158. Linnaea £3, 43. 84, 253. 26, 44. 98, 110. 24, 6. 26, 47. 44, 250. 37 Linosyris 94, 90. Linum 43, 23. 14, 226. 16, 39. 19, 33. 2%, 45. 26, 25. Liochlaena 24, 344. Liopus nebulosus %9, 39. Lipara @%, 88. lucens @$, 75. 86. Liparis A3, 77. 24, 309. 15, 422. 27, 266. 8, 132. ©%, 78. Lipoptena ®%, 126. Lissa ®7, 9. Lissodema 23, 135. Listera #3, 77. #4, 191. 309. 26, 53. 19, 4. 32, 78. 101. ‚a4, 8. Literatur #8, 183. 25, 492. #7, 317. 28, 216. ©®, 126. ©%, 146. 3@®, 296. Lithocharis #3, 182. Lithosia ®®, 96. Lithospermum 93, 58. 24, 276. 26, 47. AB, 40. 22, 65. S4, 12. 26, 3. Litiopa Maltzani 3®, 161. Litorella #4, 135. #3, 66. 44, 292. 45, 421. 26, 69. 70. 88. RS, 127. 32, 70. Litorina 483, 107. 26, 100. Lituites #4, 83. %. #3, 108. Angelini #4, 89. Breyni 88. convolvens, 85. cornu arietis S4. perfeetus 85. undulatus 37. Livia juncorum ®8, 72. Lixus 28, 26. Lobaria 24, 557. #8, 45. pul- monaria MA, 159. Lobelia #4, 267. #5, 424. 16, 69. 70. 85. 48, 116. 32, 96. Lobioptera 2%, 102. Loceusta A®, 28. Loligo vulgaris in der Unter- Trave 26, 104. Lolium 23, 9. 14, 325. 56. 49, 46. 32, 87. 91. 12. 26, 45. Lonchaea %%, 100, 16, 24, Lonchoptera 2%, 127. Lonchopteridae 2%, 127. Longitarsis 23, 120. Lonicera 23, 43. #4, 133. 253. 16, 44. 88, 110. AB, 37. 22, 56. 26, 29. Lophium #4, 373. Lophius A3, 14!. 9%, 290. Lophoclea 94, 344. #8, 47. 2®, 31. Lophura #9, 205. Lophyrus ®%, 4. Lopus 28, 62. Lota 23, 146. Lotus ®#, 134. 83, 32. 94, 133. 235. 2, 419. 16, 41. 49, 34. 2, 48. 38, 26. Loxia Aa, 32. Loxocera 2%, 90. Loxomena #3, 107. Lucanus 28, 26. Luchs 3®, 45. Lueina #&#, 306. 328. Lucioperca 93, 143. 88, 23. Ludus Helmonti 3®, 4. Luftspiegelung #4, 150. Lunatia A, 232. Lunularia 44, 343. Lunulites 22, 112. Luperus #4, 118. Lupinns #3, 30. 84, 114. Luseinia #8, 63. ®9, 148. Lutra #8, 20. vulgaris 3®, 58. Luzula 43, 81. 24, 313. 26, 54. BB, 44. 32, Sl. 24, 8. Lycaena #3, 153. Lychnis &3, 26. #4, 223. 26, 39. 2, 33. 22, 44. 101. 34, 8. Lycium #3, 59. 24, 133. 277. =2, 66. 26, 34. Lycogala #4, 378. Lycoperdina #3, 128. Lycoperdinae #3, 123. Lyeoperdon 14, 380. 8%, 253. Lycopodium 38, 97. #4, 329. 38 26, 56. 87, 170. 29, 46. *®, 27. 2%, 92. ®4, 6. 3®, 256. complanatum ®8, 173. Lyeopsis 43, 58. 14, 276. 16, 47. 89, 40. Lycopus #3, 63. 14, 285. 86, 49. AB, 41. 2%, 68. 26, 35. Lycosa #®, 28. Lyda 2%, 19. Lygaeodea 28, 56. Lyugbya 24, 195. Lysimachia 23, 65. 24, 2%. 26, 50. 65. AS, 125. 19, 42, 22, 70. 94. 34, 10. 26, 3). Lythrum 283, 39. #4, 246. 46, 42. 64. AB, 36. 22, 53. 26, 27. Lytta 93, 134. 19, 26. Rlachetes 45, 116. 48, 210. Macrophya %%, 16. Macropsis 28, 94. Mactra trinacria 2&, 29%. Madiza 22, 91. Madotheca #4, 343. 2%, 192. BB, A. Masdalinus #3, 159. | Magneteisen 9, 9%. 29, 67. | -erz 3®, 12. ' Majanthemum 23, 79. #4, 310. RS, 53. @2, 50. SA, 8. Maifisch 23, 145. Makrele 43, 144. Stachel-, 144. Malachit 28, 66. Malachium 28,28. £4, 225. 26, 39. 64. 49, 33. 92, 45. Malacopteri #3, 144. Malaxis #23, 78. 24, 309. 16, 593. 22,79. 98. 34, 15. 26, 56. Mallota %%@, 120. Malthodes #3, 157. Malva 23, 28. 24, 226. 26, 39. 27, 261. 9, 33. SB, 80. 82. 22, 46. 104. ©4, 13. 26, 25. =», 168. Mamestra S®, 103. Mammuth 3®, 102, Mandelstein ®®, 22, 24. Mangelia ®#, 146. 3©, 150. obtu- sangula %3, 76. Roemeri 76. Rappardi, 78. Maräne 23, 145. AB, 23. Marchantia 64, 343. 26, 68. EB, 47. Margarit 2%, 131. Margarita 3®, 165. Marginella #4, 31. Aglaja £3, 397. DBellardiana 395. Bey- richii 398. Margulina 43, 109. Marmor 29, 77. Marsilea 26, 96. Marrubium 23, 64. 24, 288. 1&, 49. 29, 42. 3®, 32. 32, 69. 105. 24, 15. 28, 167. Maruta 83, 48. Mastigobryum #4, 193. 344. Mathilda bicarinata 3®, 152. Matricaria 93, 48. f4, 258. 86, 45. &8, 112. 29, 38. 32, 50. 26, 31. Maulwurf 3®, 40. Maus, singende 24, 65. 3@, 280. Medeterus ®%, 62. Medicago 23, 30. AA, 231. 26, 40. 89, 34. 32, 47. 26, 26. Meerdrachen £8. 143. Meeresfluth, auffallende #2, 183. Meernadel 3, 147. Meerschlange 23, 147. Meesia 24, 355. #7, 180. 23, 107. Megapelmoidae 29, 24. Megarthrus #5, 189. Melampsora 9%, 234. Melampyrum 23, 61. 44, 19. 282. 486, 48. £8, 121. 29,41. >@, 51. 32, 67. 103. 24, 6. 93, 169. Melanconium #4, 366. 1%, 238. Melandrium 33, 26. 44, 223. 26, 24. 25, 107: Melandıya 3, 132. Melanostoma 2%, 115. Melaphyr #%, 56. Meles EB, 20. Taxus B®, 53. Melica £3, 90. #4, 321. 16, 55. AB, 45. 22, 86. 100. Meligetes f&, 1593. Melilotus 23, 31. 24, 232. 26, 40. 89, 34. 22, 48. 103. 24,5. Melissa #3, 63. 26, 35. Melithreptus 2%, 112. Melo€ 33, 133. 29, 26. Melolontha 28, 25. Melophagus 2%, 126. Melosira #4, 195. #7, 199. 3®, 126. Membracina 38, S6. Menegazzia #7, 215. Menestho £3, 353. 3@®, 155. Mentha 23, 62. 24, 234. #6, 49. 65. 87. 98, 122. 29, 41. 2,63. ©4, 22. 36, 34. 53. Menyanthes #3, 57. 84, 271. 6, 47. 65. £9, 40. 22, 64. 24, 10. Mereurialis #3, 69. 24, 298. 26, al. 88, 128. 29, 42. 22, 73. 100. %4, 8. Mergulus #5, 133. Mergus 23, 159. ©, 162. ana- tarius ©B, 145. Meridion &@, 195. Merismopoedia #4, 348. Meromyza %%, 84. Merula #8, 64. Merulius #4, 386. #9, 255. Mesalia 3®, 160. Mesogloia 24, 197. 352. Mesosa #4, 100. Mespilus £4, 30. 113. 26, 27. Meteorologisches aus Wustrow 32, 178. Meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Hinrichshagen 94 bis 2% Tabellen. Meteorstein #9, 282. 285. ®®, 76. Meteor am 7. Juni 1866. S®, 74. Methymna %®, 104. Metzgeria 94, 343. Micaraea 44, 356. 17, 231. Mieraspis 23, 126. Micraster #9, 159. Microbryum 3, 56. Microcoleus 24, 348. Mierocoum #3, 129. Mierodon 2%, 125. Micropeplus #5, 190. Micropeza %%, 21. Microphorus ®?, 42. Microphysa ®8, 73. Microsterias 2@, 59. Mierostoma 2%, 254. Microstylis 23, 78. 94, 191. Milichia 2%, 102. Milichinae %%, 102. Milium 43, 59. 24, 320. 16, 55. 29, 45. 32, 85. 34, 8. Millepora #3, 114. Milvus 23, 20. 53. ©9, 147. Mineralogisches und petrefacto- logisches 46, 177. Miris 28, 61. Miselia ®®, 101. Misy 3®, 11. Mitra @4, 31. 36. 15, 222. 280. 22, 100. 3©®, 144. approxi- mata 25, 46. hastata 48. Phi- lippii 49. semimarginata 47. Struckii 36, 110. Mitrula #2, 50. 24, 381. Mitteloligocänes Thonlager zu Egeln bei Magdeburg #4, 157. Mnium 14, 334. 27, 187. 23, 103. Moder 21, 19. Modiola 83, 109. 2%, 111. Modiolaria 26, 101. Moehringia 23, 27. 24, 223. 16, 39. 19, 35. 32, 2. Moenchia #4, 189. Mörchia #5, 233. 40 Mörkia 2%, 188. Molinia #3, 92. #4, 322. 16, 55. 22, 86. 92. Molorchus @A, 99. 15, 160. Molluskenfauna des sternberger Gesteins in Mecklbg. %3, 1. — vy. Kl. Pritz 22, Slader Schlossruine v. Basedow 145. Mollusken der Umgegend von Gnoien, 44, 119. Land- u. Süss- wasser-, Nachtrag 23, 158. sy- stematisches Verzeichniss der mecklenburg. Binnen- %6, 64. Monanthia 8, 60. Monesis #3, 55. Monohammus #2. 100. Monoprion #3, 103. Monotoma 13, 154. Monotropa #3, 56. #4, 270. 16, 47. 19, 40. %2, 63. 97. ©4, 6. Montia 83, 40. 44, 247. 86, 64.22, 53, 96. Moorkohle 9%, 91. Morchella #%, 49. #4, 385. Mordella 43, 132. Mordellae #3, 132. Morus #4, 116. Mosillus 2%, 88. Motacilla 43, 21. 75. Mougeotia #4, 203. Mucor 24, 370. Mückenschwärme 43, 157.414,457. Müseken 3, 144. Mullus £3, 143. Murchisonia #3, 107. Murex #4, 31. 36. #5, 223. 282. 22,108. 24,51. 30,140. brevi- cauda 28, 10. Deshayesiü 11. globosus 13. Kochi 13. Neuge- boreni 23, 357. pereger 23, 12. Mus 27, 20. agrarius 3®, 74. decumanus 68. minutus 74. Musculus 73. Rattus 69. syl- vaticus 73. Muscari 24, 312. Museicapa 15,80. parva 16, 25. Museum, das v. Maltzan’sche zu Waren 2%, 114. 23, 194. Mustela 29, 20. Foina 3®, 54. Martes 54. Mya %6&, 101. Mycetaulus ®%, 91. Mycetina 93, 128. Mycetocharis #3, 130. Mycetoporus #8, 175. Mycogone #4, 367. Myliobatis 28, 97. Myllaena 45, 172. Myodina 2%, 101. Myolepta 2%, 122. Myopa 23%, 110. Myophoria £%, 143. Myosotis 23, 59. 94, 276.- 48. 65. 98, 122. 49, 40. 65. @4, 8. 26, 31. Myosurus £3, 17. 44, 205, 3l. 29, 31. 22, 39. 91. 4. 2, 23. Myoxus avellanarius B®, 65. 63. quereinus 62, Myrica %3, 72. 94. 501. 88, 22, 75. Myrionema 24, 196. Myriophyllum 23, 39. 84, 245, 216, 42 64. 69, 71. 82. 88, 117. 49, 36. 22, 52,95. 28, 56, Myrmecoris %8, 64. Myrmecoxenus 25, 154. Myrmedonia 15, 165 Myrothecium 94, 366. Mytilus 26, 101. Myxotrichum #4, 369. Nabis 2s, 75. Nacerdes 23, 134. Nadelfisch #3, 147. Najas 23, 74. 14, 191.305 96, 69. 70. 94. 22, 77. 39, 255. Nanophyes Iythri @®, 74. Nareissus13,73.44,309. 49. 266. 41 Nardus 23,96. 14, 326 16, 56. a9, 46. 22, 88. 98. 24, 7. Narthecium 24, 191. 312. Nase #3, 145. 49, 23. Nassa #5, 222. 281. 22, 109. 4,52 30, 143. pygmaea v. bispiralis®3,30. Schlotheimi 33. Nasturtium 93, 19. 44, 211. 46, 37. 64. 79. 48, 99. 19, 32 32, 40. 100. Natica #4, 57. #5, 2853. 325. 3%, 110. 24, 47. 54. 3®, 153. di- latata ®3, 84. helieina 80, Naturalien -Verkehr 93, 184. Naturwissensehaftliche Museen und ihre Bedeutung für die Wissenschaft 28, 99. Nauclerus furcatus 22, 116. Naucoridea 88, 78. Naucoris ®8, 78. Naumburgia 93, 65. Navicula 24, 195 346. 4%, 197. 2®, 126. 36, 110. Neaera 2, 295, Neckera 44,339. ©3, 114. 24,9, Necrophorus 29, 25. Nectria #%, 245 Necydalis 89, 27. Nemalion #4, 351. Nemaspora #4, 371. 4%, 237. Nematus %%,5 angustatus 39,78, fuscus 83. gallarum 79. medul- laris75 pedunculi79 Vallisnieri 79. versicolor 79. vesicator 80. viminalis 80. xanthogaster 80. Nemonyx #8, 158. Nemopoda 2%, 9. Nemotelus 27, 24. Neottia 23, 77. 24, 309. 19, 44, 22, 18. 93. ©4, 8. Nepa 28, 78. Nepeta 93, 63. 44, 285. 16, 49. 27, 264.89, 41. 22,68. 24, 16. Nephrocerus 2%, 110. Nephroma 9%, 212. 42 Nepina %8, 78. Neptunea 46, 168. Nerita 43, 107, Neritina 26, 89. %%@, 143. Neslea #3, 23. #4, 217. 16, 38. 19, ,32. ©2, 42. Nestbau, merkwürdiger — einiger Vögel #7, 311. #8, 204. 205 Neunauge 13, 147. Neuroterus 29, 26. fumipennis, 38. 58. laeviusculus 38. 59, lentieularis 37. 58. longipennis 37. Malpighii 37. 58. numis- matis 38. 58. ostreus 39. 60. pezizaeformis 38. 59. Reaumuri 38. 58. Sehlechtendali 64. va- rius 58. Nicandra #4, 277. 29, 40. 2%, 105. 24, 15. Nieotiana #4, 114, Nigella 14, 189. ©6, 57. Nileus #2, 166. Niso 25, 331. 22, 110. minor 23, 116. 3®, 158. Nisus 95, 50. Nisten von Aquila fulva, naevia. Ardea stellaris, Circuspallidus, rufus, Falco apivorus, haliae- tus, palumbarius, peregrinus, Grus, Lanius minor, Mergus merganser, Numenius arqua- tus, Otus palustris, Pieus mar- tius, medius, Rallus aquaticus, Strix Alueo, Sylvia locustella bei Neubrandenburg 2%, 162. Nitella #4, 197. 553. 26, 11. 101. 2®, 37. Nitzschia %@&, 110. Nivellement, Ergebniss des — in Mecklbg.-Strelitz 2®, 72 Noctua 43, 155. *®, 88. 99. Nodosarien #3, 109. Nörz 2%, 291. über das Vor- kommen in Mecklbg. 8, 22. 29, 174. 39, 55. Nonagria 23, 155. *®, 88. 105. Nonnea #4, 275. Nordlicht 98, 138. v. 2. Nov. 71. 25, 116, Norellia @%, 106. Nostoc 24, 348, 26, 69. 100. 17, 200. 29, 47. ©®, 34. 120. Notidanus microdon %9, 115. Nettelbladti Ill. serratissimus 115. Notiphila ®%, 78. Notodonta 2®, 37. 9. Notonecta 28, 78, Notonectica 8, 78, Notoxus 23, 136. Nucifraga 25,96. 09, 312.48, 202. Nucleolites 23, 110. Nucula #3, 103. 109. 165. 13, 237... 308. , 22,11. 222. Georgiana R&, 237. Numenius 23. 122. 4, 162. Nuphar 23, 19. 24. 209. 16, 37. 64. 69. 70. 71. 77. 28, 98. 99, 32. 22, 40. pumilum %8, 141. Nyctale 95, 57. Nyctalis 24, 388. Nyctea 43, 55 %9, 147. Nycteribia 2%, 126. Nycteribidae @@, 126. Nycticorax 45, 125. 9, 151. Nyetomyces 89%, 247, Nymphaea 23, 19. 14, 209. 16, 37. 64, AB, 32. 22, 40. Nysius ©8, 58. Obeliscus obtusatus 45, 399, Oberea #4, 101. Oberoligocänes Geschiebe zu Hohendorf 4, 46. Oberoligocän von Wiepke %2, 106. Obione 93, 68. 24, 293. Obrium #4, 99. Obryzum 9%, 232. Ocalea 18, 163. Ochrolechia 4%, 219. Ochthenomus 123, 136. Ochthera ®@%, 82. Ochthiphila ®%, 104. Ochthiphilinae ®%, 103. Oculata 28, 76. Oceydromia ©%, 42. Ocypus #5, 178. Oeyusa #8, 166. Odontaspis Güstrowensis 38, 98. Odontites AB, 62. 14, 283. %4,21. Odontomyza 2%, 26. Odontoscelis ®8, 53. Odontostoma AA, 56. Aa, 343. 4,54 3®, 154. acutiuseulum =», 92. Aglaja 25, 343. an- gulatum 343. Bollanum 346. *3, 93. Bosqueti A», 345. co- noideum 23, 89. fraternum #5, 347. Neugeboreni 405. Odostomia 26, 101. Odynerus 3®, 195. Oecothea 37, 68. Oedalea ®%7, 42. Oedaspis 27, 94. Oedemera 23, 134. Oedienemus #8, 108. Oedipoda migratoria 3®, 264. Oedogonium 24, 349. 47, 202. 2®, 127. Oenanthe 43, 42. 24, 250. 26, 43. 64. 85. 49, 37. 2%, 55. 93. 24, 10. Oenothera 13, 38. 24, 117. 244. 19, 35. 3®, 32. 32%, 52. 91. 24, 4. Oestridae 27, 106. Oestrus %27, 107. Ogygia 4%, 169. Oidium #4, 368. 4%, 239. Olenus 42, 157. gibbosus 24, 44. perpusillus 45. searabaeoides44. Oligota A, 172. Oligoklas 2%, 122. — Gneis mit Granaten 39, 17. Oliva 22, 31. flammulata *%1, 142. 25, 42. 30, 144. Olivin 2%, 111. Olophrum 43, 188. Omalium 45, 188. Omocrates 23, 130. Omophlus 43, 131. Omophron 45, 151. Omphalodes #4, 275. Oncodes ©, 50. Oniseia AA, 31. Ononis 43, 30. #4, 231. 23, 419. 46, 40. 19, 34. 22, 47.26, 2. Onopordon 43, 49. 24, 261. 16, 46. 29, 53. S®, 32. 22, 60. 102. 2@, 32. 52. ®9, 169. Onthophagus A®, 26. Onychioidea ®9, 24. Onygena AA, 380. Opatri #3, 129. Opatrum 23, 129. Opegrapha 94, 355. 19, 277. Ophicaleit 3®, 2. Ophioglossum 13, 98. 94, 328. 46, 56. 2%, 168. AB, 46. 24,9. Ophrys 23, 76. #4, 308. Opomyza %%, 74. Orbilia 2%, 254. Orbis A», 382. Orchesia 93, 132. Orchis 23, 75. #4, 191. 306. 25,422. 16, 53. 18, 131. 19, 44. 3%, 71. 24, 8. 26, 22. 48. purpurea, Rivini ®4, 25. Orsyia 2®, 9%. Origanum 13, 63. AA, 285. 16, 49. AB, 4f. 2®, 80. 22, 68. 103. 24, 10. Oriolus A3, 98. Ormnithogalum 43, 79. 44, 310. 22, 79. 103. ®4, 7. 30, 239. Ornithologische Mittheilung 29, 144, , Omithologischer Fang, merkwür- diger #4, 454. 44 Ornithomyia ®%, 126. Ornithopus 93,33. 14,233. 26, 41. 48, 105. 29, 34. 22, 48. 91. 24, 6. 26, 26. 51. Orobanche 43, 62. 84, 190. 233. 18; 121. 49, 41. 26, 48. Orobus 43, 34. 14, 235. 16, 41. 49,35. 22,49. 103. 24,8. Ortalinae ®%, 101. Ortalis affnis ®®,76. fulmin. 86. Orthis 43, 107. Lynx 96, 151. Orthoceras 2, 60. 93. A, 103. 108. annulato - costatum 24, 81. annulatum 80. co- chleatum 76. columnare 71. commune 67. conicum 72. costatum 79. duplex 65. Gör- neri #3, 160. gottlandicum 42, 74. Hagenowii 77. 23, 161. Hisingeri #4, 75. 43, 160. imbricatum 94, 76. levi- gatum 71. Nilssoni 69. orna- tum 75. regulare 69. Rein- hardi 68. Schmidtii 23, 161, striatulum #4, 75. vaginatum 64. vertieillatum 75. #3, 160. Wahlenbergii £2, 70. Orthoneura 3%, 122. Orthosia 33, 155. 2®, 104. Orthosira 26, 110. Orthostira 28, 60. Orthotrichum #4, 193. 357. 2%, 181. 29, 47. 2®, 52. 23, 86. Oryctes AB, 25. Oryza R&, 9. 58, 136. Oscillaria #4, 348. 17, 200. Oseinis 27, 37. ® Osmerus 2®, 23. Osmoderma AB, 25. Osmunda 23, 98. 24, 328. 17, 168. 268. 34, 9. Otis 45, 22. 107. 49, 21. Otnius 85, 181. Otodus macrotus, minutissimus 29, 110. Otus #5, 58. 21, 163. Ovis Aries 3®, 92. Ovula #4, 31. Oxalis 23, 29. 14, 229. 16, 40. 28, 103. 49, 34. ©%, 47. 92. 24, 15. 26, 5l. Oxycera 29, 25. Oxychina %9, 105. cerassa 109. Desori 109. hastata 110. Kochi 105. plieatilis 109. Oxycoccos AB, 55. 22, 22. Oxydolite 9%, 94. Oxyphora 2%, 97. Oxypoda Aa, 166. Oxyporus A, 185. Oxypterum 2%, 126. Oxyteles 25, 186. Ozonium 24, 367. Ozothallia 24, 197. 2%, 205. Pachybrachys #4, 116. Pachygaster ©, 24. Pachyla 94, 102. Pachymerus 8, 56. Paederus #8, 183. Palingeria 29, 28. Palloptera %%, 97. Palmella 24, 348. 9%, 199. miri- fiea & prodigiosa 26, 62. Paludella 44, 336. 4%, 180. ©®, 29. 33, 108. 24, 10. Paludina 94, 127. 36, 37. 2%, 143. 30, 162. Panagaeus 49, 24. Pandion #8, 47. Panicum 24, 318. 16, 54. 19, 45. 22, 54. ©4, 4. Pannaria 2%, 216. Papaver 23. 19. 44, 210. 16, 37. 2%, 259. 19, 32. 22, 40. *»4, 4. 25, 23. 50. Paradoxides 4%, 156. =4, 33. Paragus %%, 125. Parietaria 43, 70. 14, 298. 26, 5l. 32, 73, -Geröll Paris 43, 78. 14, 310. 16, 53. 2D, 44. 22, 80. 24, 8. Parmelia 24, 357. 19, 215. RB, 48. Parnassia 43, 24. 24, 221. 26, 38. 19, 33. 22, 43. 94. Paromalus 45, 155. Paropia %8, 86. Parus 85, 21. 9. Parydra %%, 82. Pastinaca 13, 42. 14, 251. 16, 44. 19, 37. 32, 55. 91. 34,5. Pastor roseus 45, 97. 29, 150. Patella 24, 149. 34, 61. 3®, 165. Patellaria #2, 56. Patellariacei 4%, 55. Paxillus A4, 402. Pecten 43, 109. 25, 324. 22%, 111. ©4, 64. Peetunculus 28, 237.318. 22, 111. Pediapsis 29, 25. Pedicularis 23, 61. 24, 282. 16, 48. 88, 121. 29, 41. @2, 67. 96. ©4, 10. Pedinus #3, 150. Pediopsis 28, 94. Pelecus #3, 145. Pelias #9, 22. Pelidna 85, 116. platyrrhynchos 293, 151. Pellia #4, 3435. 2®, 31. Pelina ®%, 82. Pelmatopus @%, 10. Pelobates #4, 132. 46, 177. 19, 22. fuscus #3, 152. Peltigera #4, 357. 2%, 213. 28, 48. S®, 39. Pemphigus bursarius ®®, 76. fraxini 71. lonicerae 74. Penieillium 24, 368. Penium 26, 57. Pentacrinites #9, 159. Pentamerus 23, 107. Pentaphyllus #3, 128. Pentatoma 48, 28. 38, 52, 45 Peplis 43, 39. #4, 246. 18, 108. 19, 36. ©2, 53. 98. %4, 14. 26, 56. Peplomyza %%, 98. Perca 23, 143. 19, 23. Perdix 23, 106. Perichaena 24, 378. Periconia #4, 369. Peridermium 24, 365. Periplaneta 49, 28. Periscelis ©%, 76. Perisporium 24, 377. 17, 248. Pernis #8, 49. 2%, 307. Peronospora 94, 368. Persica 24, 402. Pertusaria RA, 355. 99, 229. Pestalozzia #4, 375. Petasites 93, 45. 24, 190. 256. AG, 44. 64. 85. 9%, 262. 89, 38. 22, DT. Petermännchen #3, 143. Petrefaeten, Katalog einer Samm- lung — des Sternberger Ge- steines 2, 266. — der Um- gegend v. Gnoien 43,100. — sammlung 83, 131. Petyra 98, 28. Peucedanum #3, 42. 94, 251. 22, 55. ©4, 5. 29, 168. Peziza 92, 51. 24, 382. 4%, 254. Pfahlbauschwein 3®, 103. Pfrsichbaum #4, 113. Pflanzengallen Norddeutschlands und ihre Erzeuger %9, 1. Pflanzen - Kalender für Meck- lenburg 14,100. geographische Verbreitung der, 54. -Namen 25. Nutz- und Gift-, 110. Pfrille 83, 145. Phaeidiacei 22, 56. Phaeidium 42, 55. 44, 372. Phacops 22, 159. 23, 108. Phaedon 2A, 112. Phaeomyia %%, 71. Phalacrocorax 95, 135. 19, 21, 46 Phalangium 28, 28. Phalaris 23, 57. 24, 313. 46, 54. 67. BB, 45. 82, 84. 26, 23. Phalaropus 25, 308. 28, 151. 13, 122. Phaleria 25, 161. Phallus &4, 380. Pharomitrium 23, 71. Phascum #4, 331. #9, 174. 3®, 27. 23, 56. Phaseolus #4, 113. ®&, 26. Phasianella 3®, 164. Phegopteris 9%, 168. 48, 138, Phialopsis 8%, 219. Philadelphus #4, 133. Phileremos 25, 91. Philine 3®, 179. Philonotis 23, 109. Philonthus 85, 178. Philygria ®%, 31. Phimodera 28, 50. Phlebia 24, 335. Phleum 23, SS. 44, 319. 18 54. 39, 45. 22,31. =a 4 8, 43. Phloeobium 45, 189. Phloeocharis 25, 189. Phloeodroma 23, 171. Phloeophilus #8, 157. Phloeopora 45, 171. Phlogophora 2®, 101. Phlyctis 9%, 220. Phoca foetida 3®, 59. lina 59. Phocaena communis 3®, 105. Phoenixopus 24, 264. Phoma #4, 371. 87, 240. Phormidium 24, 195. 47, 200. 2», 34. Phorus, #8, 286. Phos Hoernesi 25, 390. Phosphaenus 25, 156. Phragmidium 24, 366. 99, 236, 22. 118. 23, rufus #4, 159. vitu- Phragmites 23, 89. #4, 128. 320. A@, 55. 67. 49, 45. ©%, 3. 26, 43. Phragmoceras 23, 108. Phragmotrichum #4, 366. Phratora #4, 112. Phthiria %%, 30. Phyeodrys 24, 352. Phycolapathum 94, 196. Phycophila 9%, 205. Phycoseris #4, 351. Phygadieus %8, 59. Phyllaetidium #4, 196. Phyllerium #4, 367. Phyllerius hippocastani ©, 66. Phyllitis A4, 197. Phyllobrotica #4, 118. Phyllodromia ®%, 43. Phyllomyza ®%, 102. Phyllopertha #9, 25. Phyllophora #4, 351. Phyllopneuste 95, 69. Phillostieta 9%, 237. Phyllotoma ®%, 11. Phyllotylus ®%, 204. Physa 24, 126. 26, 31. %7, 138. Physactis 94, 195. 39. Physalis 44, 277. Physarum 144, 379. #9, 252. 28, 39. Physeia %%, 215. Physcomitrella ®3, 56. Physceomitrium 44, 331. 91. 26, 56. Physocephala 2%, 111. Physoderma 44, 364. Phyteuma #3, 54. #4, 267. 46, 46. AB, 39. 2%, 62. 100. Phytocoris ®@8, 63. Phytoecia #4, 101. Phytopus fagi ®9, 71. fragariae 72. galii 72. oxyacanthae 70. tiliarum 8. Phytosus 45, 162. Pica 25, 100. 43, 205. 23, Picea 3%, 75. Pieris 23, 51. 14, 262. 9%, 269. 18, 114. 26, 32. Picus 25, 102. #8, 211. ©2, 163. Pileopsis S@®, 166. Pilobolus #4, 371. Pilotrichum ®3, 113. Pilularia #4, 329. 26, 69. 9%. AS, 138. Pimpinella £3, 41. 24, 249. 16, 43. 49, 36. 22, 54. ©4, >. 28, 28. Pinguicula 23, 65. #4, 289. 26, 50. EB, 42. ©%, 69. Pinit 43, 132. Pinnularia 84, 347. 2%, 197. Pinus 83, 72. 94, 133. 301. 16, 52. AB, 43. 2%, 75. Piophila ®%, 92. Pipiza @@, 123. Pipizella @@, 125. Pipuneulidae ®%, 108. Pipuneulus %%, 109. Pisanella semiplicata %3, 26. 3®, 141. Pisidium #4, 127. 26, 94. %%, 143. Pissodes #8, 159. 29, 26. Pistazit 8%, 109. E®, 76. Pistillaria 84, 3851. 9%, 253. Pisum 83, 34. 84, 235. *@, 26. Placodium £4, 355. #9, 216. Placusa £3, 171. Plagiochila 24, 345. 29, 13. BD, 47. Plagiodera #2, 112. Plagiotheeium ®®, 29. %3, 130. Planaria #5, 381. ; Planorbis #4, 126. 38, 54. %%, 140. Plantago 23, 66. 24, 292. 28 50. AB, 42. 232, 71. 26, 36. Platalea leueorodia %®, 144. Plantanthera 43, 76. 24, 191, 47 307. 26, 55. 48, 151. 29, 44. 2%, 78. ®4, S. montana 24, 24. Plattisch 93, 146. Platycerus #9, 26. Platycheirus %%9, 115. Platydema 23, 128. Platygyrium %3, 118. Platymetopius 38, 95. Platynaspis A3, 127. Platyparea %®, 93. Platypareia poeciloptera *9, 86. Platypeza @%, 108. Platypezidae ®@, 107. Platypteryx ®®, 110. Platysthethus #3, 186. Platystyla ®%, 90. Plecotus 28, 20. auritus 3®, 22. Plectrophanes 38, 9. Plectroscelis #8, 122. Pleospora 2%, 242. Pleuridium ®®, 27. 23, 57. Pleurocarpus ®®, 34. Pleuronectus 83, 146. Pleurosigma 38, 110. Pleurotaenium 26, 58. Pleurotoma #9, 55. 2a, 229. @2, 146. ©2, 109. ®4, 47. 52. 3®, 146. coronata 23, 59. dentieulata 57. flexuosa 69. intorta 71. Koeneni 74. Ko- ninckii 55. latielavia 59. obe- liseus 72. obliquinodosa 74. peracuta 73. regularis 70. Selysii 63. Speyeri 68. tere- bralis 66. turbida 53. Plötze 83, 145. AB, 23. Plusia #3, 156. Poa #4, 133. 413, 90. #4, 322. 25, 432. 16, 55. 67. #9, 45. 22, 56. 94. 38, 43. Podiceps R3, 129. =D, 153. Podops %8, 50. 156. AS, 2307. 48 Podosphenia #4, 195. 27, 199. Pogonatum 33, 111. Pogonocherus AA, 100. Pohlia 23, 95. Polemonium 44, 273. 24, 15. Polia 2®, 101. Polistes 3®, 195. galliea 197. 209. Pollack 83, 116. Polyangium 44, 380. Polyenemum #4, 293. 18, 127. 24, 16. 3®, 286. Polyeystis 27, 199. S®, 34. 128. Polygala #3, 24. #4, 189. 221. A, 419. 36, 38. 27, 260. 99, 33. 22, 43. 24, 5. 26, 24. Polygonatum 43, 75. 23, 422. 22, 80. Polygonum MA, 134. 23, 69. 44, 115. 295. 16, 51. 65. 71. 238, 127. 29, 42. 22, 72. 98. 24, 11. 26, 35. mite @4, 23. Polyphylla 29, 25. Polypodium 28, 98. #4, 327. 2G, 56. BB, 46. 7%, 101. SL, 8. 26, 56. Polypogon 24, 320. Polyporus 22, 49. £4, 356. 8%, 239: Polysiphonia 24, 196. 352. 3%, 205. Polystichum 24, 327. 9®, 56. 29, 46. 22, %. 4, 10. eristato-dilatatum 38, 189. Polystigma 24, 375. Polytrichum 24, 338. 29%, 239. 23, 11l. 24, 7. Polythrineium #%, 239. Populus 23, 7Tı. 24, 133. 300. 26, 52. 89, 45. 232, 74. 26, 39. Poromya @4, 48. Porites #3, 104. Poronia #4, 377. Porphyra 24, 196. Porphyrops 2%, 54. Portulaca #4, 247. Posidonia #%, 147. Posidonomia 23, 109. Potamogeton #4, 133. #3, 73. 24, 191. 302. 15,421. 16, 52. 65. 69. 70. 71.91. 9%, 266. B8, 130. 29, 43. 22, 76. ©4, 10. 26, 39. 54. 56. ®®, 169. 3®, 235. Zosteracea 48, 212.2®,42. Potentilla 23, 36. #4, 239. 16, 41. 81. 8%, 261. 28, 107. 49, 35. 22, 51. 95. 24, 12. 238, 21. 36x Poterium 23, 37. 94, 242. 16, 42. 28, 107. BB, 35. 2%, dl. 29, 168. Pottia #4, 193. 331. 27, 174. 33, 71. Präpariren von Quallen und Hydroidpolypen 26, 107. Prasiola 2%, 204. Preisermässigung des Archivs 28, 166. Preissia #4, 343. 07, 188. 3®, 34. Prenanthes ®4, 8. Primula 23, 65. 24, 290. 1, 421. 86, 50. 9%, 264. 98, 125. 49, 42. 22, 70. 101. ®4, 13. 26, 35. offieinali-elatior 98, 139. Prionus AA, 96. A®, 26. Prionychus 23, 131. Prismatocarpus 24, 403. Pristis 83, 147. Procrustes 29, 24. ? Proetus #2, 158. Proteinus #8, 189. Protococeus 1%, 19. Protozoische Geschiebe Mcklbgs. und deren organische Ein- schlüsse ®4, 31. Prunella #3, 64. 14, 283. 26, 50. 48, 124. 49, 42. 32, 69. 26, 5. Prunus 23, 34. 194, 113. 236. 15, 42. 49 16, 41. 48, 106. 19, 35. 32, 49. 2&, 26. Psairoptera ®%, 101. Psarus ®7, 125. Pselaphi #3, 137. Pselaphus 43, 137. Pseudoliva 45, 375. Brugadina 377. Pseudophloeus ®8, 54. Psila ©%, 89. Psilopus ®%, 65. Psilosoma 2%, 90. Psora #7, 220. Psoroma #%, 216. Psyche 43, 154. Psylla alni %3, 67. pyri 75. rhamni 77, Psylliodes #3, 121. 43, 161. Ptarmica 43, 47. Ptelea #4, 133. Pterigynandrum 23, 118. Pterinea 23, 107. Pteris 93, 99. #4, 326. 16, 56. 27, 268. 29, 46. ©4, 8. Pterocheilus 3®, 195. phaleratus 202. 235. Pterogonium %3, 118. Pteromyzon #3, 147, Pteropoden 43, 161. Pterospilus ®%, 37. Pterostichus #&, 151. #9, 24. Ptilidium 44, 343. 19, 47, Ptilium #5, 152. Ptilodietya #2, 103. Ptychomitrium ®3, 85. Ptychostomum %3, 97. Ptyelus ®8, 35. Puceinia #4, 365. 4%, 235. mal- varım 3®, 239. Pulicaria 43, 46. 14, 257. 16, 45. 28, 111. 19, 38. 3®, 33. 22, 58. 105. 34, 16. 29, 168, ledi 73. Pulmonaria 43, 58. 14, 276. 16, 47. 419, 40. 32, 65. 100. sacharata ®4, 21. Pulsatilla 24, 204. Punectaria 44, 197. Pupa %6, 76. @%, 137. umbili- cata 17, 29. 30, 283. Purpura #4, 31. Pygaera *®, 96. Pygolampis 28, 75. Pylaisia 23, 119. Pyramidium 44, 193. Pyramidula %3, 91. Pyrenium 14, 3580. Pyrenophora 1%, 241. Pyrenula 4%, 230. - Pyrethrum 43, 48, Pyrgiseus 3®, 160. Pyrgita 45, 85. Pyrite #9, 92. Pyrochroa 23, 135. #9, 26. Pyrochroae 93, 135. Pyrola 43, 55. 24, 270. 48, 47. 48, 113. 43, 40. 32, 63. 94. 24, 6. 30, 288. Pyrophaena 2%, 116. Pyrrhocoris %8, 56. Pyırhula #5, 83. Pyrula #4, 31. 36. 50. 15, 284. =%, 109. 30, 141. Pyrus 43, 38. 84, 113. 243. 46, 42. 32, 51. 36, 27. Quadersandstein 3®, 8. Quarz 9%, 113. — -fels 3®, 15. -schiefer 15. talkiger 15. con- glomerat #7, 87. Quarzit 2%, S2. Quarztrümmergestein, steinartiges 2%, 89. Quedius A, 176. Quereus 43, 70. 44,298. 46.51, 17, 265. AB, 43. 22, 74. 26,38. Querder 93, 147. Raapfen 43, 145. Rabenhorstia 2%, 244. Rachonycha #5, 157. Racomitrium 44, 193. 337. 3®, 32. 33, 83. SA, 5. 4 Mandel- Radiola 43, 28. 24, 2%. 16, 39. 29, 33. 32, 46. 96. Radula 24,' 343, Radulum 14, 386. Raja 23, 147. Rallus345, 127. 2%, 308. 38, 211. 24, 162. Ramalina 44, 362. 09,211.49,48. Ramischia 22, 63. Rana 14, 132. 16, 177. 19, 2. Ranatra ®8, 78. Ranella #4, 31. Ranunculus 23, 17. #4, 205. 25, 418. 16, 36. 63. 69. 70. 76. 1%, 259. 48, 97. 49, 31. 2®O, 32. 32, 39. 91. ©4, 8. 26, 23. Raphanistrum 23, 23. 26, 38. 27, 260. er Raphanus 23, 23. 24,218. ®2, 42. Raseneisenerz 24, 100. 3®, 13. Ratte, schwarze 3®, 69. Rauchende Berge #4, 158. Rauchwacke 39, 4. Raulinia 3®, 154. Rebouillia 24, 343. Recurvirostra 95, 112. 383, 150. Reduvina 28, 75. Reduvius 38, 75. Regenbogen vor Sonnenaufgang 23, 180. Regulus 25, 74. Reh 3®, 92. Remopleurides 42, 156. Rennthiergeweihe #4, 152. 16, 171. 24, 113. 3®, 88. Repphuhn, Muth eines — 38, 138, Reptilien 93, 152. Reseda 13, 24. 24, 220. 28, 101. 19, 35. 22, 43. 91. 24, 4. 26, 50. Reticularia 24, 378. Rhabdonema 44, 195. Rhacochlaema ®%, 95. Rhacodium #4, 369. 50 Rhagium 44, 102. 49, 27. Rhamnus 43, 30. 14, 230. 1@ 40. 49, 34. 32, 47. Rhamnusium 44, 102. Ramphomyia ®%, 37. Rhaphiospora 2%, 226. Rhaphium ®%, 55. Rhapidogloea 44, 195. Rhapigaster ®8, 51. Rhinanthus 44, 283. 16, 49. 29, 41. Rhingia ®@%, 118. Rhinolophus ferrum equinum 3®, 27. Hipposiderus 26. Rhinoncus #5, 160. Rhinosimi 43, 135. Rhinosimus 23, 135. 15, 161. Rhitidium ®3, 142. Rhizobius 43, 127. Rhizocarpon #7, 226. Rhizomorpha #4, 367. Rhizosporium #4, 362. Rhizotrogus 49, 25. Rhodeus 23, 144. 29, 23. Rhodites 29, 27. centifoliae 64. eglanteriae 45. 62. rosae 44, 61. rosarum 45, 62. spino- sissimae 45, 62. Rhodomela #4, 352. Rhus 44, 139. 26, 25. Rhymovis 24, 389. 9%, 256. Rhynchites A5, 155. 19, 26. Rhynchospora 23, 82. 44, 314. 16, 54.19, 41.22, Sl. 24, 15. Rhynchostegium 2®, 29. 23, 127. 156. Rhyncolus 45, 160. Rhytisma 4%, 57. 14, 373. Ribes #3, 40. #4, 114. 133. 248, ’ 15, 420. 16, 43. 18, 109. 49, 36. 22, 53. 100. 24, 8. 26, 23. 29, 168. Riecia 14, 342, 16, 68. 13, 187. 2®, 30. 26, 56. Ricciella ®6, 56. Riesenhirsch 3®, 837. Ringicula 94, 31. 36. 43, 200. 279. 32, 110. aurieulata 3® 166. Semperi 45, 202. Rinodina 2%, 217. Rissoa 26, 169. 22, 110. 24, 58. ©Y9, 155. BO, 161. Rivellia ®9, 101. Rivularia 24, 195. 349. 19, 201. <®, 35. 126. Robinia #4, 133. Roepera #4, 160. Roestelia 24, 365. Rogenaale ®8, 137. Rogenstein 3®, 6. Rohrsänger #5, 40. Rosa #3, 37. 94, 153. 241. 16. 42. 19, 35. ©2, 51. 26, 27. Rosalia 44, 97. Rostellaria #4, 31. 3®, 153. Rothauge 23, 145. 29, 23. Rothbart #3, 143. Rotheisenerz 3®, 11. Rotheisenstein, schaliger 3®, 13. Röthelmaus 3®, 75. Rothes Wasser in Teichen 21, 154. Rubia 24, 117. Rubus #4, 134. 43, 35. 14, 113. 190. 237. 46, 41. 27, 261. 48, 106. 99, 35. ©2, 50. 96. 24, 12. 26, 27. 5. Rudbeckia 24, 257. 17, 262. #8, 111. 22, 58. 3®, 288, Rumex 13, 65. #4, 191. 294. 46, 51. 65. 1%, 264. 19,42, 22, 72. 104. 34, 10. 236, 38. paluster ©4, 22. Ruppia 14, 133. 43, 74. 304. ©2, 76. 26, 39. Russula #4, 388. 1%, 256. Rutieilla 45, 62. 29, 147. Sagedia 17, 230. Sagina 13, 2%. 14, 189. R) na, 228. 51 15, 419. 16, 39. 48, 102, 19, 33. ©2, 44. ®4, 4. ©6, 24. 56. Sagittaria 13, 73. 14, 302. 16, 52. 65. 49, 43. ©, 76. Sahlit 49, 100. 49, 54. Salamandra 26,177. atra 44,132. Salar 43, 145, Salda ®8, 76. Salenia 2%, 159. Salicornia 13, 67.24, 293. #6, 37. Salix 93, 70. 24, 21. 133. 191. 299. 43, 421. 16, 52. 4%, 265. 18, 128. 19, 43. SO, S0. 3%. 74. ®4, 14. 26, 39. Salmo 13, 146. Salpingus 83, 135. Salsola 43, 67. 14, 292. 2%, 711. 2&, 37. Salvia 24, 190. 285. 26, 49. 18, 122. 49, 41, 24, 12. Salvinia 4, 192. 16, 69. 70. 97. AS. 138. AB, 46. Salzflora bei Bützow %3, 187. bei Reinstorf, Neuenkirchen, Kl Belitz 2%, 166. Sambucus #4, 133. 23, 43. #4, 252. 4, 44.49, 37. 22, 56. 26,23... Samolus #3, 66. 44, 291. ©, 70. Sandaal 23, 147. Sandstein ®4, 32. Bunt- 30, 7, Caradoc- 7, Fucoiden- 4, 32, Grün- 3®, 8. Keuper- 7. ober- senonischer 8. Quader- 8. Ter- tiär- 9. Vogesen- 7. Schiefer- 27, 84. Sanguisorba 23, 37. 14, 241. Sanicula 93, 41. 24, 249. 46, 43. 49, 36. 22, 54. 100. ©4, 8. Saperda 44, 101.populnea ®9, 76. Saponaria #3, 25. 24, 222. 18, 102. 49, 33. 22, 44.91. ©4, 15. Saprinus #5, 155. Saprolegnia 14, 399. Sapromyza ©%, 98. 4* 52 Sapromyzinae ®%, 97. Sarcoseyphus &4, 194. 346, #9, 195. 29, 47. Sardelle #3, 145. Sargus ®%, 26. Sarothamnus 23, 30. 44, 230. 26, 40. 19, 34. 32, 47. 91. ZA, 6. Saucropus 23%, 64. Saxicava 26, 169. Saxicola 25, 68. 47, 306. Saxifraga 23, 40. AA, 248. 26, 43. 28, 109. AB, 36. ©2, 54. 91. 24,5. Scabiosa #3, 45. 14. 255. 16, 44. 29, 38. 22, 57. Scalaria 22, 110, 24, 57. 38, 160. Scandix 23, 43. 24, 251. 28, 109. &2, 55. 105. Seapander distinetus 3®, 177. Scapania R®4, 194, 345. 9%, 19. =®, 33. Scapha 3®, 146. Scaphidema £3, 128. Scaphisoma 25, 152. Scaphites 4%, 150. 161. Scardinius 23, 145. #9, 23. Seatella @7, 83. Scatophaga 2%, 65. Scenopinidae 2%, 31. Scenopinus 2%, 31. Schaenomyia ®%, 103. Schärrmaus 3®, 75. Schellüisch 83, 146. Scheuchzeria 23, 73.44, 302.16, 52. 28, 130. 29, 43. 32, 76. 98. 4, 10 Beiträge zur Kennt- niss der Blüthe ®8, 161 Schildkröte in Mecklbg. 3®, 250. Schistidium 24, 193. 337. 45, 425. 9%, 175. 33, 71. Schistoglossa #3, 172. Schizocera 9%, 4. Schizochlamys #4, 199. Schizogonium #4, 195. 2%, 201. Schizonema 4, 195. 8%, 197. Schizoneura compressa %®, 39. corni 70. lanuginosa 84. Schizophyllum 24, 388. Schizosiphon 24, 19. Schlammpitzger s. Cobites. Schleihe A, 144. 39, 23. Schmerle 23, 146. Schmiedeknecht #3, 143, Schnäpel #3, 146. Schnee, leuchtender ®®, 78. Schoberia #4, 292. Schoenus 23, 81. 24, 313. 18. 135. Scholle #3, 146. Schriftgranit 3®, 21. Schultzia 24, 161. Schwadengrütze #8, 191. Schwalben, gehen — ins Wasser 2%, 292. wie — ihr Hausrecht wahren ®4, 68. Schwefelkies ®%, 92. 3®, 11. Schwein 3®, 102. Schwerinia #4, 178. Schwertfisch &8, 144. Schwimmende Inseln %4, 28. Seiara tilicola 29, 83. Seiocoris 28, 51. Sciomyza ®@%, 69. Sciomyzinae ©%, 69. Seirpus 23, 82. 94, 191. 315. 28, 54. 66. 71. 95. 48, 135. RB, 44. 22, 81. 98. 24, 10. 26, 42. 2%, 166. 29, 169. Tabernaemontani 33, 189. Seiurus 89, 20. vulgaris 3®, 62. Scleranthus 43, 40. 4, 247. 26, 42. 19, 36. 22, 53. 9. 26, 238. Scleroderma 24, 380, Seleropodium 23, 124. Selerotium #4, 377. 97, 251. Scoliocentra ®%, 67. 19, 67. Seolopax 23, 121. 9%, 307. Scopaeus #5, 182. Scorpidium 23, 91. Scorzonera #3, 51. #4, 114. 190. 263. 49, 263. RS, 114. 49, 39. 26, 52, Serobieularia piperita 28, 195. Scrophularia 23, 60. 24, 279. 26, 48. 65. RS, 120. AB, 41. 22, 66. 100. Scutata 28, 50. Scutellaria #3, 64. 24, 288. 16, 50. 65. 87. #49, 42. ®®, 80. 22, 69. 94. Sceydmaeni 83, 136. Seydmaenus 83, 136. Rs, 162. Seymnus 213, 127. #8, 161. Seyphella ©@, 75, Seyphia £3, 109. 27, 158. Seytonema 2%, 201. Secale A3, 95. 26, 45. Sedum 13, 40. 24, 247. 85, 420. AG, 42. 28, 108. 29, 36, SO, 82. 22, 53. 91. ®4, 15. 26, 28. Seeadler und Brachsen 3®, 289. Seebären 99, 111. Seebulle #3, 144. Seetorelle 23, 146. Seehahn £3, 143. Seehase #3, 147. Seehund 3®, 59. geringelter 59. grauer 60. Seeschlange, die grosse 23, 148. Seescorpion #3, 143. Seewolf B3, 144. Selandria 2%, 12. Seligeria 24, 193. 23, 70. Selinum #3, 42. 24, 251. 26, 43. 48, 109. ©2, 55. 96. Sempervivum 23,40.84, 131.248. Senebiera #3, 22. #4, 189. 217. 28. 100. ©2, 42. Senecio #3, 48. 44, 19. 259. 45, 420. 46, 45, 19, 263. 18, 113. 49,38. 32, 59.91. ©4, 6. 26,31. 47. barbaraeifolius ©4, 19. nemorensis, saracenicus 20. Senonien ®%%, 155. Sepedon ®%, 73. Sepedonium AA, 368. Sepsis ©@, 93. Septoria A4, 366. #4, 237. Sericea #9, 25. Sericoderus 23, 122. Sericomyia %%9, 118. Serinus A, &. Serpentinfels 8%, 59. Serpula #3, 166. asperrima 167. bicarinata 167. eylindriea 167. graeilis 167. Huthii 166. ser- rata, 166. Serpuliten 23, 110. Serratula 83, 50. 24, 261. 22, 61. Serropalpi A, 132. Seseli 24, 250. Sesia 23, 153. Setaria 23, 87. 24, 318. 29, 45. 22, 34. @4, 4. Sherardia 18, 44. AA, 253. 16, 44. AS, 110. 22, 56. 91. S4, 4. 26, 29. Siebenschläfer 88, 130. &P, 174. 30, 63. 280. Sigaretus 43,287. Philippi ©3,84. Silaus AS, 109. Silberforelle 28, 146. Silberlachs 23, 145. Silene 23, 25. 24, 189. 223. 26, 39. AS, 102. 38, 353. 2®, 82. 22, 4. 24, 15. %8, 24. =», 168. Silpha #®, 25. Silurische Feuersteine 38, 121. Silurus 23, 146. 29, 23. Silusa 23, 169. Silvanus 15, 154. Silybum 83, 49. 24, 260. Simyra 83, 155. 3®, 88. 105. Sinapis 93, 21. 24, 214. A3, 418. 88, 37. 26, 2. 54 Singende Mäuse 24, 65. 3®, 280. Sinodendron #9, 26. Siphonella ®%, 86. Siphonia 23, 110. #7, 158. Sirex ®©27, 21. Sisymbrium 43, 20. 24, 214. 216, 37. 22, 41. 24,8. 2&, 23. Sitta 45, 21. 9. Sium 23, 41. 24, 250. 16, 43. 64. AB, 37. 22, 55. 24, 10. Smerinthus 89, 27. 3®, 94. Smilacina 44, 310, 29, 44. Soda 4%, 139. Solanum 23, 59. 94, 116. 277. 216,48. 49, 40. 22, 66. 34, 10. 26, 34. Solarium Emiliae 25, 401. Solenia ®#%, 253. Solidago 23, 46. 44, 256. 16, 45. 29, 38. 82, 58. Sonchus 2, 134. 43, 52. 14, 264. RG, 46. 88, 115. 59, 39. 22, 6l. 34, 10. 26, 32. Sorbus 23, 38. 14, 243. 18, 42. 49, 35. 32, 51. 30, 288. Sorex 49, 20. pygmaeus 3®, 42. vulgaris 41. Sparassis 24, 382. Sparganium 93, 75. #4, 306. 25, 422. 26, 52. 66. 98, 130. 2», 43. ©2, 77. 98. Spatangus %%, 112. Spategaster 29, 26. albipes 41. 59. aprilinus 40. 54. baccarum 39. 57. 60. interruptor 39. 57. Taschenbergi 40. 61. tricolor 39. 57. verrucosa 39. 59. vesi- catrix 40. 59. Spatheisenstein #9, 134. Spathulea 22, 50. #4, 382. Specularia 94, 269. Spercheus #9, 25. Spergula 23, 26. 24, 114. 224. AG, 39. AB, 33. 22, 44. 36, 24. 50. 2%, 167. Spergularia 43, 26. 14, 224. 15, 419. A@, 39. 19, 33. 32, 44. 91. 26, 24. Spermoedia 27, 249. Sphaeelaria 24, 196. 4%, 205. Sphaerangium 23, 56. Sphaerexochus 9%, 168. Sphaeria #4, 373. 19, 243. Sphaerium 26, 92. 2%, 143. Sphaerobolus #4, 380. Sphaerococeus 24, 196. 352. Sphaerocoryphe 2%, 168. Sphaeroderma 23, 122. Sphaerodus 29, 121. manni 121. Sphaerolina #%, 244. Sphaeronema #4, 371. 2%, 241. Sphaerophthalmus @4, 42. Sphaeroplea 24, 349. Sphaeropsis #9, 244. Sphaerotheca #%, 248. Sphaerozosma 26, 58. Sphaerozyga *®, 126. Sphagnocoetis #4, 344. Sphagnum #4, 330. 26, 67. 99. 49, 174. 49, 47. 30, 27. 23, 150. 157. ®4, 14. 26, 56. Sphegina %%, 112. Sphinctrina 2%, 228. Sphindns 23, 129. Sphinx 49, 27. %®, 93. Sphyraena sternbergensis 123. Sphyridium #%, 226. Spierling 93, 145. Spilocaea #9, 233. Spilographa ®%@, 94. Spilomyia ©%7, 120. Spinus 93, 88. Spiraea #3, 35. 24, 236. 16, 41. 28, 106. 29, 35. 2, 50. S4, 12. 2@, 47. Spiranthes 44, 30). #8, 131. Spirifer 23, 107. Wiech- 29, Spirogyra 44, 350. 1%, 203. 20, 35. 127. Weberi %%, 125. Splachnum 44, 331.23,91.%4, 11. Spondylis 2A, 96. 49, 26. Sporidesmium 24, 366. 1%, 236. Sporledera 23, 58. Sporocadus #4, 366. Sporodinia 24, 370. Sporotrichum #4, 368. Sprotte #3, 145. Spumaria 24, 378, Squalius #3, 145. 29, 23. Squalus 43, 147. 49, 265. Squatarola 85, 110. Stachelbutt 43, 146. Stachylidium 24, 368. Stachys #3, 64. #4, 287. 49. 65. 98, 123. 19, 42. 69. 91. 24, 12. 36, 35. Stannia 14, 178. . Staphylinus #3, 178. Staphylea 24, 133. Statice 03, 66. 24, 292. 28, 127. 26, 36. Statistik der Flora Mecklenbgs 24, 179. Statuten des Vereins 4, 120. 273, 191. — über das Vermögen =, 201. Staurastrum ©6, 59. Stegana ©7, 76. Stegia 4%, 58. 97, 241. Stegilla 24, 373. Steinbutt 23, 147. Steinpicker #3, 144. Steinsauger 23, 146. 147. Stellaria #4, 134. 43, 27. 14, 225. 95,419. 16, 39. 19. 261. 28, 102. 89, 33. ©2, 45. 9. 4,8. 26, 24. 56. Stemonitis #4, 379. 2®, 39. Stenactis 24, 190. Stenocephalus 28, 54. Stenomphalus 3®, 141. Stenopteryx ©@, 126. 16, 22, 55 Stenus 15, 183. Stenusa 3. 169. Sterblichkeitsverhältnisse , ver- gleichende Zusammenstellung mit den Gewitterschäden in Mecklbg. #3, 111. Stereocaulon 24, 361. #9, 208. BD, 48. 24, 5. Stereum 42, 49, 44, 385. Sterlet 43, 147. Sterna 148, 137. 29, 156. Sternberger Kuchen, über das Vorkommen und die Bildung 2s, 111. Stichling 43, 144. See-, 144. Stieta 24, 357. 8%, 213. 29, 48. Stietei #2, 58. Stietis 22, 53. #4, 332. Stigeoclonium 97, 201. 2®, 55. Stigmatea #27, 241. Stilbit @@®, 23. Stilbospora #4, 366. Stilbum #4, 370. Stilephora #4, 197. 353. Stilicus #5, 182, Stint 43, 146. 49, 23. Stipa 14, 320. Stöcker #3, 144. Storch, kehrt er zu seinem alten Neste zurück #9, 293. Strahlkies 3®, 11. Strahlstein 2%, 108. Strangalia @4, 103. Stratiotes 83, 73. #4, 128. 302. AG, 52. 65. 71. 49, 43. 82, 75. Stratiomys ®@%, 25. Stratiomydae ©@, 24. Strelitzia 24, 178. Strepsilas 23, 119. Striatella 94, 195. 347. 4%, 198. Strix #3, 20. 59. @&, 163. nyc- tea 23, 142. 44, 455. Stromatopora #3, 104. Strombus 44, 31. Strophosomus 28, 159. Sturmfluth #9, 220. — vom 13. Nov. 1872 36, 111. Sturmia 24, 309. 26, 53. 34, 10. Stylolithen-Kalk 3®, 5. -Thon- mergel #%, S6, Stylopsis 25, 367. Stypocaulon 24, 196. Suaeda 23, 67. Subularia 26, 79. Sneeinea #4, 124. 2&, 80. 7,137. Suceisa 33, 45. 24, 255. 16, 44. AD, 38. 82, 57. 93. 24, 14. Sula #5, 139. 28, 202. Sunius 45, 183. Surirella 54, 346. 27, 196. 26, 110, Surnia 48, 55. hudsonia 22, 116, Sus 29, 21. domesticus, palustris 30, 105. Sweertia 48, 57. 14, 271. 82, 64. Syenit 3®, 19. Sylvia #5, 20. =4, 162. Symmorphus 3®, 198. allobro- gus 200. 221. bifasciatus 200. 223. erassicornis 199. 218. debilitatus 200. 223. ele- gans 200. 221. fuseipes 200. 222. Herrichianus 200. 220. murarius 199. 220. sinuatus 200. 222. Symphoricarpos 24, 133. Symphorymia %%, 36. Symphosiphon 2®, 34. Symphyothrix ®®, 126. Symphytum 48, 55. 44, 190. 276. 28, 47.65. AB, 40. ©2, 65. Sympyenus %2, 58. Synarthrus %%, 56. Syneyclia 84, 347. Syndosmya #8, 298. 2%, 112. Bosqueti 48, 298. Synechoblastus 9%, 232. Synedra 24, 195. 346. 2%, 196. 29, 126. Synergus %9, 27. 56 Synophrus ©9, 26. Syngnathus 23, 147. Synotus Barbastellus 3®, 29. Syntomium 8, 187. Syntormon %%, 56. Syntrichia ®83, 78. Syringa 44,133. ©%, 64. 26, 33. Syringoporen 93, 105. Syritta 27, 121. Syrnium 23, 58. Syromastes 38, 53. Syrphidae 2%, 112. Syıphus %%, 113. Syrrhaptes #%, 304. 312. 28, 210. Systegium %3, 58. Syzygites 24, 370. Tabanidae 39, 27. Tabanus ©%, 28. Tabellaria #4, 347. 9%, 198. Tachinus #», 173. Tachydromia %@, 45. Tachypeza 2%, 47. Tachyporus 35, 174. Tachytrechus ®?, 52. Tachyusa 45, 166. Talkschiefer 3®, 16. Talpa 99,20. europaea 39, 40. Talpina 33, 110. Tanacetum 13, 47. 44, 258. 16, 45. 19, 38. 33, 59. 4, 15. 26, 31. Tanygnathus 85, 176. Taphrina 24, 367. Taraxacum 83, 51. 44, 264. AS, 46. 48, 115. 49, 39. 7%, 61. 28, 32. Taxus #3, 72. 24, 301. 98. 129. Tectura 3®, 165. Teesdalia 23, 22. 94, 217. 19, 32. 223, 91. Teichfledermaus 3®, 38. Telephus #%, 168. Tellina 25, 299. 327. 36, 101. Telmatias 2, 120. Tenebrio 43, 129. 19, 26. Tenebriones 23, 129. Tenegaria 29, 28. Tentaculiten #3, 108. Tentaeulites £3, 163. eurvatus 163. Walchii 163. Tenthredinetae ®%, 2. Tenthredo 2%, 17. Tephritis ®%, 95. Tephrochlamys ®%, 68. Teras 28, 25. terminalis ©, 53. Terebra #4, 31. 36. 25, 280. 22, 109. Beyrichi 25, 280. 33, 34, 3®, 144. cincta 23, 34. 30, 144. Hörnesi ©%, 126. Terebratula #3, 106. 109. #%, 144. 146. 153. 159. Teredo £6, 169. Tertiärformation 45, 221. Tessella #4, 195. Tetanocera %7, 71. Tetanocerinae ®7, 71. Tetanops ©%, 102. Tetmemorus 26, 58. Tetragnantha 29, 28. Tetragonolobus 43, 32. 34, 159. Tetraneura alba 29, 34. 89. ulmi 84. Tetrao 25, 22. 105. Tetraphis 24, 338. 23, 90. Tetraspora #4, 348. 36, 100. 27, 200. Tetrops 24, 101. Tettigonia 28, 37, Teuchophorus @%, 58. Teuerium 43, 65. 34, 190. 289. . 25, 421. 16, 50. 65. 38, 125. Thalassidroma #5, 133. 88, 205. Thalietrum #4, 134. 83, 16. #4, 189. 203. 26, 36. 48,96. 49,31. 22,33. 24,5. 2&, 46. 39, 167. Thamnium %3, 130. Thamnotettix 28, 88. Theca #3, 161. crispata 162. granulata, striata 162. Thecia #3, 104. Thelebolus 24, 380. Thelephora #4, 385. 1%, 254. Thelidium &%, 250. Thelotrema #9, 220. Themira ®%, 92. Thereua %%, 31. Thesium 44, 296. Thiasophila 23, 169. Thinophilus 2%, 57. Thlaspi 43, 22. 14, 217. 16, 38. 38, 100. 29, 32. ©%, 42. Thoneisenstein 9%, 94. 2®, 21. Thonlager, tertiäres b. Goldberg 2», 215. 24, 161. Thracia 29, 155. 32, 112. Thrineia #3, 50. 24, 262, Thryptieus %@, 63. Thuja @4, 133. Thuidium 2®, 29. 33, 117. Thyatira ©®, 103. Thymallus 23, 145. 49, 22. Thymalus 43, 153. Thymus 43, 63. 24, 2855. 16, 49. AB, 4l. 22, 68. ©4, 6. 26, 55. Thysanomitrion 24, 334. Thysselinum 43, 42. 14, 251. 2, 43. 2, 55. 98. 34, 10. Tiehogonia, den Krebsen ver- derblich #9, 295. Tiefbohrung auf Salz 3®, 29. Tilia 93, 28. 14, 227. 38, 103. 22, 46. 26, 2. Timmia 44, 169. 336. 23, 109. Tinca 43, 144. 19, 23. Tinea silvestrella 29, 75. Tingididea 28, 59. Tiphys #4, 31. 36. 45, 282. 2%, 108. 3®, 140. cuniculosus 35, 16. pungens 15. Schlot- heimi 17. sejunctus 123, 282. Titanit 9%, 96. Tithymalus %6, 38. Todea #4, 175. Tolypothrix %®, 126. E 58 Tomoglossa 13, 171. Torf 31, 18. 43. — -Inseln 66. | im Cleveetzer See 44, 157. Torfschwein 3®, 103. Torilis 13, 43. 14, 251. 16, 44. 19, 37. 22, 55. 26, 28. Torinia Theresae 15, 402. Tormentilla ®4, 6. Tornatella #5, 290. 22, 30, 171 Tornatina 3®, 172. Tortula %3, 76. Torula #4, 566. 1%, 237. Totanus 25, 112. 16, 22. 309. 2®, 71. *9, 150. Toxotus #4, 102. Trachea %®, 102. Trachinus 43, 143. Tragopogon 43, 5l. 14, 16, 46. 19, 39. %%, 61. 5. 26, 32. Trametes #4, 386. #4, 250. Trapa #4, 69. 190. 244. 46, A782, Trechus 45, 151. Trematodon 14, 333. 23, 61. 4%, 263, 4, Tremella 14, 381. 2%, 253. Trevirana 24, 176. Tribolium #3, 129. Trichia 14, 378. 1%, 252. Trichina ®%, 42. Trichocolea 24, 343. 17, 192. 24, 13. Triechoeystis 2, 200. Trichoderma #4, 380. Trichodes 419, 26. Triehodon 233, 74. Trichophysa 25, 173. Trichostomum 14, 352. 1%, 176. 29, 28. 33, 74. Trichotheeium 14, 363. Trientalis 23, 65. 44, 290. 18, 125. 22, 70. ©4, 8. 13. Trifoium 43, 31. 24, 114. 232. 15, 419. 16, 40. 17, 261. 18, 104. 19, 34. 22, 48. 91. 24, 5. 26, 26. 51. Triforis perversa ®4, 56. 25, 118. 30, 153. Trigla #3, 143. Triglochin 23, 73. 44, 302. 16, 92. 19, 43. 32, 76.9. 24, 14. %8&, 39. 2%, 166. zur Kenntniss der Blüthe 3®, 120. | Triglyphus ®%, 123. Trigonaspis 29, 27. crustalis 44. 49. megaptera 44. 49. Trigonocoelia 45, 314. Trigonometopus ®%, 102. Trilobiten #2, 155. 43, 108. Trimerina ®%, 78. Trimium 23, 138. 15, 162. Tringa #3, 22. 115. 128, 207. 29, 151. Trinucleus 2%, 162. Triodia 23, %. 14, 321. 16, 95. AD, 45. 22, 85. 98. 34,7. Trioza fediae ®9, 91. urtieae 84. Triphaena 23, 155. S@®, 100. Triphragmium #4, 365. Tripolium #3, 46, Triticum #3, 94. 94, 114. 324, 28, 56. 88, 137. 9, 46. 22, 37. 2@&, 44. Triton #4, 31. 132. 46, 177, 19, 22. Tritonium 25, 282. 22, 108, 4, 47. flandricum 25, 35. 30, 141. Trochus 24, 56. 13, 107. 170. 215, 286. 22, 110. 24, 60. 3®, 165. Troglodytes 45, 74. Troglophloeus A&, 186. Trollius 23, 18. 14, 207. 16, 37. 18, 98. 419, 32. Trompete #3, 147. Trophon #3, 224. Tropideres 45, 158. Tropidia %%, 120. Tropidonotus #4, 131. 16. 173. 19, 22. Trox 19, 26. Trypeta ®%, 3. 78. aretii 68. gutturalis 67. heraclei 72. hyoseyami 69. marginata 82. quadrifaseiata 69. tanaceti 83. Tuber 94, 378. Tubereularia 22, 55. 24, 366. Tubulina 24, 378. Tümmler 3®, 105. Tulipa 24, 310. Tulostoma 24, 380. Turbinella 98, 227. Turbinites 9%, 143. Turbinolia 43, 105. Turbo 83, 107. 22, 110. 24, 60. alternata %9, cardui 70. 82. Turbonilla #8, 56. 23, 353. ®4, 54. 30, 155. Bolli 25, 362 23, 99. conulus 33, 98. co- stellata 101. Euterpe #8, 363. 25, 99. Gastaldii 25, 406. gracillima 23, 104. Helena 25, 364. 23, 102. Jeffreysi =3, 105. Ino #5, 360. Kochii 365. =, 105. laevissima @5, 94. Philippii 23, 364. Sand- bergerif#3. 358. 2,97. Speyeri 15, 358. 25, 97. subeylindrica 45, 356. subulata ©, 9. va- riculosa #5, 369. %®, 100. Wiechmanni ®3, 106. Turdus 45, 18. 20. 65. atrigu- laris 22, 116. Turmalin 9%, 109. Turonien ®%, 153. Turrilites 2%, 151. Turris 28, 229. Turritella MA, 56. 2&, 233. 285. 22,110. 24, 47.57. 30, 158. Turritis 23, 20. 24, 212. 26, . 37. 29, 32. 22, 41.91. %4, S. Tussilago 13, 45. 14, 256. 16, 44, 19, 38. 32, 57. 26, 29. 59 Tychius 43, 160. Tychus 43, 138. Tympanis 24, 382. 1%, 253. Typha 43, 75. 124, 305. 16, 52. 66. 71. 48, 130. 19, 43. 22, 77. 98. 24, 10. Typhloeyba ®8, 9. Typhula 24, 3831. Tyrus 25, 192. Üekeley #3, 145. Ulex 43, 30. 14, 230. 18, 103. 22, 47. 91. 30, 190. Ulidinae %%, 101. Ulmaria 26, 27. 51. JImus 23, 70. 14, 29. 15, 421. AB, 43. 22, 73. 26, 38. Ulopa 28, 86. Ulota 23, 3. Ulothrix 4%, 201. ®®, 35. 126. Ulva #4, 196. 351. 46, 69. Umbilicaria #%, 215. Unemula 2%, 249. Unio 44, 127. 43, 159. %6, 89. =3, 143. Upupa 15, %. Ur 24, 109. 3®, 9. Urceolaria #4, 355. 27, 220. Uredo #4, 362. 9%, 233. Uria 23, 132. 18, 211. %9, 154. hringvia 145. Urocerata %@%, 21. Uroeystis 19, 233. Uromyces 14, 234. Urophora 2%, 9. Ursus Arctos3®, 52. spelaeus 52. Urtica 23, 69. 14, 298. 16, 51. AB, 42. 22, 73. 36, 38. Usnea 24, 362. 27, 207. 49, 48. Ustilago 2%, 233. Utricularia #3, 65. 94, 289. 16, 50. 65. 71. 87. 98, 125. 19, 42.22, 69.98. 2&, 54. neglecta, spectabilis, vulgaris %6, 54. Utrieulus 36, 100. tumidus 3®, 174. e| Vaceinium 13, 55. 44, 111. 128. 269. 16, 46, 48, 118. 48, 39. 3, 62. 92. ®4, 7. Vaginella 45, 268. 3®, 180. depressa 25, 274. tenuistriata 272. Valeriana 93, 44, 24, 254. 16, 44. 19, 57. 22, 57.93. 24, 13. Valerianella #3, 45. 14, 254 216, 44. 29, 37, 22, 57. 91. =4, 4. 26, 29. Valgus 25, 156. Valsa 9%, 245. Valvata 9, 127. 26, 85. 2%, 143. Valvatina 30, 182. Vanellus 95, 111. Vanessa 19, 27. Vaucheria 24, 196. 350. 4%, 204. Vegetationsskizze v. Ratzeburg =%, 88. Neustrelitz 24, 1. 30, 255. Velia ®8, 77. Venericardia 32, 111. Venus #5, 234. Verbasceum 43, 59. 44, 277. 16, 48. 88, 120. 49, 41. 2®, 80. 82. 2%, 66. 91. 24,5. 36, 53. Verbena 13, 65. 24, 289. 16, 50. 19, 42. 22, 69. 105, 29, 169. Vereinsbibliothek 94, 20, 42, 18. 20. 43, 8. 48, 11. #9, 11. =®, 13. @4, 76. 26, 125. 2%. 175. %8, 148. 39, 177, 30, 305. Vermetus 25, 285. 3®, 158. Vermicularia #9, 245. Vermieularium 9%, 244. Veronica 23, 60. 14, 190. 280. 25, 421. 86, 48. 65. 09, 264. 28, 120. 49, 41. 32, 66. 102. =4, 4. %6, 34. 53. 29, 169. Verpa 42, 50. 14, 384. Verrucaria 14, 355. 1%, 230. 60 Versammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aerzte 1871 zu Rostock 35, 131. Vertieilium #4, 369. Vertigo 36, 76. 3®, 283. Verzeichniss der Vereins - Mit- glieder AB, 5. ©®, 6. 22, 137, =A, 125. 26, 154. 28, 14. *3, 219. 3®, 345. Vespa 3®, 194. austriaca 196. 207. Crabo 196. 203. germa- nica 197. 207. holsatica 196. 206. norwegica 196. 204. rufa 196. 206. saxonica 196. 205. vulgaris 197. 208. Vespertilio 3®, 34. Bechsteinii 35. dasyeneme 38. Daubentonii 37. murinus 34. mystacinus 36. Nattereri 36. Vesperugo 29, 20. 3®, 29, Na- thusi 3®, 30. Noctula 30. Pipistrellus 31. serotinus 33. Viburnum 13, 43. 14, 33. 253. 26, 44. 49, 37. 22, 56. 26, 28. Vicia #3, 33. 14, 114. 189, 234. 15, 420. 26, 41. 28, 105. 09, 34. 22, 43. 102. 24,5. 26, 2%. 29, 167. Villarsia 848, 271, ° Vinca 43, 56. 14, 271. 18, 118. 3®, 258. Vincetoxicum 43, 56. Viola 23, 23. 14, 189. 218. 16, 35. 27, 260. 48, 100. AB, 33. 2%, 42. 94. 24, 8 26, 50. Vipera berus 44, 131. 46, 176. Viscaria #3, 25. Viscum 43, 43. 44, 252. 19, 37. Vitiflora 45, 67. Vitis 44, 115, 32, 46. 26, 2. Vögel Mecklbgs., Uebersicht #5, 44. seltnere rügianische 44, 456. Vitrina ®6, 69. %%, 133. 144. Vivianit 30, 12. Voluta #4, 31. 36. 4», 279. 21, 144. 22, 109. ®4, 53. Bollü 16,109. decora ®3, 50. fususdl. Siemsseni 16, 107. 23, 51. 126. Volucella @%@, 118. Volutella 4%, 55. R4, 382. Volvula 25, 291. 24, 63. 30, 174. Volvulifex aceris®9, 66. pruni 77. Vortisch, Past., Nekrolog 2%, 169. Vulpia 1%, 268. Vultur 45, 45. Waldmaus 30, 73. Walfisch 19, 259. Wanderheuschrecke in Mecklen- burg 30, 264. Wanderratte 3®, 68. Wanzen Mecklbgs. %8, 49. Wasserfledermaus 3®, 37. Wasserratte 3®, 75. Wasserspitzmaus 3®, 41. Webera 23, 9. Weigelia 24, 135. Weingartneria ®6, 43. Weisia 24, 333 15, 425. 97, 177. 23, 59. 986, 48. Wels 43, 146. 49, 23. Werth der Localforschung %9, 201. Wiesel 3®, 55. Wiesenkalk 21, 20. Wiesent 24, 110. Wildkatze 3®, 44. Wildschwein 30, 102. Witing 43, 145. 19, 23. Wölfe, Schaden, den sie im vor. Jahrhundert in Hinter - Pom- mern angerichtet 23, 140. Wollkutze 43, 143. Woodia Deshayesana 15, 326. Wredowia 84, 177. Wüstneia 14, 177. 392. 99,191. Wulk 13, 143. Wustrow, die Halbinsel —, ein Beitrag zur Flora Mecklbgs. 26, 17. 61 Xanthia 20, 106. Xanthidium 26, 59. Xanthium 13, 54. 14, 190. 266. 15, 420. 48, 116. Xanthochlorus @%, 64. Xanthogramma ©%, 112. Xantholinus 23, 180. Xenophora #4, 56. 43, 286. %%, 1l0. @4, 53. 30, 164. Xiphandrium %%, 56. Xiphias 13, 144. 19, 265. Xiphydria ®%, 21. Xyela @%, 21. Xylaria 1%, 247. Xylina 43, 156. ®®, 107. Xylocoris 8, 74, Xylographa #*, 228. Xylophagidae %%, 27. Xylophagus ®%, 27. Xylophilus 23, 136. Xylostroma #4, 367. 1%, 238. Xylota @%, 121. Zabrus 19, 24. Zähigkeit des menschlichen Le- bens 9%, 294. Zärthe 23, 145. Zander 93, 143. Zander, Past. Dr., 30, 298. Zannichellia 23, 74. 14, 191. 305. 25, 422. 16, 69.93. ©%, 77.104. 24.11. 26, 40. 29.167. Zea 24, 115. Zechsteindolomit 3®, 4. Zeora 24, 355. 1%, 219, Zerstörung der Schalen bei Lim- naea stagnalis ®6, 9%. Zeugophora 144, 107. Ziege (Fisch) 43, 145. Zizyphinus 3®, 169. Zodion 2%, 111. Zosmenus %8, 59. Zostera 13, 75. 14, 128 309. 2%, 77, 36, 41. Nekrolog 62 Zunge A3, 147. Zwergspitzmaus 3®, 42. Zwergdorsch 23, 146. Zygnema 44, 350. *®, 35. Zwergfledermaus 3®, 31. Zygodon %3, 8. Zwergmaus 30, 74. | Zygogonium 14, 350. je 'v ih ÄNMNIINUnmNN