rz: 2 -Rr 3, 'ri *D »TM05ft,, The ARGO MERCHANT j|Q\ Oil Spill A Preliminary Scientific Report a a a c Edited by Peter L. Grose and James S. Mattson NOAA Environmental Data Service Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis Major contributing organizations: U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Defense/Department of the Navy U.S. Department of Interior/Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Transportation/Coast Guard U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Manomet Bird Observatory Marine Biological Laboratory Massachusetts/Fisheries and Game Division National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation University of Rhode Island Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and a great number of participating organizations as noted within the report March 1977 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Robert M. White, Administrator NOTICE Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories. Use for publicity or advertising purposes of information from this publication concerning proprie- tary products or the tests of such products is not authorized. Published by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Research Laboratories Boulder, Colorado 80302 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The tanker Argo Merchant carrying 7,700,000 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil went aground on Fishing Rip, 29 nautical miles southeast of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, at 0600 EST on December 15, 1976. Despite attempts to refloat the tanker, it began to leak oil and, at 0835 on December 21, broke in half after a battering by gale force winds. By the next day, after the ship had broken again, most of the oil it carried was drifting at the mercy of winds and currents. The bow section, which still had some buoyancy and was thought to contain some remaining cargo, started drifting away from the other two pieces of wreckage. Despite attempts by the U.S. Coast Guard to remove the buoyancy by holing the floatation compartments on December 31, the bow section drifted southeast into deeper water under the influence of the severe currents in the area. On February 8, 1977, the bow section was relocated 1 mile to the southeast and was found to be empty of oil. What started as another tanker going aground ended up as one of the largest oil spills in U.S. history. The grounding of the Argo Merchant triggered intense scientific activity between December 15, 1976, and February 12, 1977 , aimed at describing the movement and fate of the oil released by the tanker as a first step in the long process of assessing the ecological effects of the spill. This activity was centered on the U.S. Coast Guard's operations at its Cape Cod Air Station, and was coordinated by the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration (NOAA) , and academic scientists from the oceanographic research institutions in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Participating agencies, in addition to the U.S. Coast Guard and NOAA, included Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation; U.S. Navy, including the Naval Under- water Systems Center, Department of Defense; Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) , Department of the Interior; Environmental Protection Agency; Energy Research and Development Administration; Manomet Bird Observatory; Marine Biological Laboratory; Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the Universi- ties of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Southern California; and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. During the week after the grounding, both NOAA and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) , recalled research vessels Ofrom scheduled operations to undertake special cruises designed to determine the fate of the oil and to make the first assessments of the impact of the spilled oil on the ecology of the lucrative fishing grounds. Six biology stations were occupied by scien- tists from NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on the Delaware II and three stations were occupied by WHOI and NOAA scientists on the Oceanus to assess how much oil had entered the water column and sediments. In the weeks that followed, over 200 water and sediment samples were acquired during cruises on U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA, WHOI, USGS, and University of Rhode Island vessels. Forty-three additional biology stations, at which fish and shellfish samples were obtained, were occupied during a second NMFS cruise . The culmina- tion of the initial field activities was a benthic survey that encompassed the entire Continental Shelf bottom over which the Argo Merchant oil had passed. This bottom survey was completed in two cruises by oceanographers from the University of Rhode Island (URI) , NOAA, and the Coast Guard on URI's R/V Endeavor, the second cruise ending on February 12, 1917. Another cruise iii of the Endeavor began on February 21, 1977, to delineate the extent of the bottom contamination in the vicinity of the sunken bow section of the Argo Merchant. Further field programs are planned by NMFS to continue the long-term assessment of the spilled oil on the ecology of Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank. Prelininary chemical analyses for oil content of all water and sediment samples taken up until February 12, 1977, have been completed. Selected samples of fish, shellfish, water, and sediments have been sent to the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle, Washington, for more detailed study. Biological studies based mainly on sampling at the six stations occupied during the first cruise of the Delaware II (DE 76-13) are being carried out by NMFS scientists. Neither the chemical nor biological studies have been completed. Work is continuing by all concerned toward final assessment of the fate and impact of the oil spilled from the Argo Merchant. With these cautions in mind, the following preliminary results are presented: o The oil from the Argo Merchant stayed on the ocean surface, with the exception of the "cutter stock," which entered the water column, and an as-yet undetermined amount of whole oil that was mechanically worked into the bottom in the immediate vicinity of the wreckage. The cutter stock, which comprised 20 percent of the oil, was found in the water column in concentrations up to 250 parts per billion. The highest levels were observed only beneath fresh oil slicks, and were reduced to background levels by turbulent mixing in a few days. o Oil in significant amounts has not been found in the sediments to date, except within 10 miles of the bow section, where concentra- tions up to 100 parts per million were measured. o Most of the oil remained on the surface and moved offshore under the influence of the prevailing west winds. Surface oil was never observed north of 41°21' or west of 70°10', nor was it observed within 15 miles of any land. Modeling efforts were successful in predicting the offshore movement of the surface oil, primarily because the movement was controlled by predominantly offshore winds while the complicated circulation of the nearshore areas and Nantucket Shoals played only a minor role. o There is evidence of oil contamination in fish, shellfish, ichthyo- plankton, and zooplankton populations in the area of the spill. Mortalities of developing cod and pollock embryos in eggs contam- inated with oil were observed. No. 6 fuel oil caused significant mortalities of cod embryos in laboratory experiments conducted by NMFS and collaborating scientists from EPA and the University of Kiel. Noticeable decreases in the abundance of sand launce larvae, which may have been caused by oil, were observed in the spill zone. Large numbers of zooplankters , which are an important food of larval and adult fish, were contaminated with petroleum hydro- carbons similar to No. 6 fuel oil, indicating impact on an important pathway in the food web of the Nantucket Shoals ecosystem. The extent of this impact is under investigation. Much of the oil iv in the copepods was in the form of fecal pellets. These pellets are excreted into the water column, settle to the bottom, and may be concentrated in such benthic filter-feeders as mussels, scallops, and quahogs. Adverse physiological effects were also observed in reduced respiration of scallops, mussels, and an ionic imbalance of blood serum in blackback and yellowtail flounders. The implications of the above results for long-term effects are unclear Additional extensive surveys and laboratory tests will be required to clarify preliminary findings. o Of the seabirds affected by the surface oil, the highest mortality was observed among Murres. Marine mammals did not appear to be affected by the surface oil in the few cases where they were seen in the vicinity of the oil. These findings, however, are based on very limited observations. o The No. 6 fuel oil from the Argo Merchant formed pancakes of oil that tended to increase in thickness as they aged. These pancakes were observed to have flat bottoms, and they did not appear to be tapered towards their edges. The affected surface area was not solidly covered by a continuous film of oil but rather by thick pancakes, very thin oil film (sheen), and large open areas of water. Several direct measurements of the velocity of the oil pancakes relative to the surface water indicated that this differential velocity was about 1 percent of wind speed in a downwind direction. The oil sheen appeared to be generated by the oil in the pancakes and moved at a slightly lower speed. o Sufficient data were collected during the oil spill to allow the generation of a data set that can be used for hindcasting the oil movement. These data include meteorological observations, current observations at several locations in the spill area, a time history of the area covered by oil, as well as data on the amounts and fractions of the oil, as a function of time and space, that entered the water column. Analyses of these data will also lead to the development of improved algorithms describing the fate of oil that can be incorporated into predictive models. Much of the success of the research activities conducted in response to the oil spill can be attributed to the interest and cooperation of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator, Captain Lynn Hein of the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as to the deliberate effort to coordinate the research rather than allowing it to be fragmented and independent. Captain Hein was not only actively involved in the research activities, but also made operational resources available for research purposes on a noninterference basis, particularly logistic support by Coast Guard aircraft and ships. This contribution by the Coast Guard cannot be overestimated. Without it, research personnel would not have had the necessary information for operational planning and would have had only limited access to the spill site for sampling and other investigations. The coordination of the research activities began almost immediately after the Argo Merchant had run aground and the potential for an oil spill was apparent. Marine scientists from NOAA and the U.S. Coast Guard had outlined v a contingency research plan for just such an event under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Land Management, DOT, through the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program managed by NOAA. It was the existence of this plan, as well as the intense participation of 14 NOAA and U.S. Coast Guard staff members who were thoroughly familiar with the scientific procedures and goals outlined in the plan, that enabled a concentrated, comprehensive research effort to begin in earnest only 27 hours after the grounding. On December 17, coordination meetings were held with marine scientists from local research institutions to determine the resources available and to develop an immediate sampling program. Constant contact was maintained between the participating organizations to ensure that activities remained coordinated. On January 3 and 4, 1977, a meeting of the scientists involved in investigating the Argo Merchant spill was convened to develop criteria for the next phase of investigation into the fate of the oil. As a result of that meeting, a single chemical analysis network was agreed upon for the analysis of all the water sediment and biota samples that had been taken up to that date and would be taken in the next 6 weeks. The meeting also resulted in a plan for a survey to culminate the initial field activities by assessing the amount of oil that remained in the water column and determining which benthic areas were contaminated. Because of the continued coordination among the participating scientists, the research activities remained cohesive and were able to yield the results summarized above. Although preliminary in nature, these results are nevertheless quite definitive and broad in scone. In conclusion, the outcome of the Argo Merchant oil spill appears to have been fortunate in several respects: (1) the winds were almost continuously offshore, preventing the oil from coming on the beaches; (2) the density of the oil was low enough so that it did not sink and contaminate the bottom; and (3) the spill occurred in the winter, when biological activity, productivity, and fishing activities are relatively low. At another time, the effects of a similar oil spill might have been much more serious. vx PREFACE The grounding of the Argo Merchant on Nantucket Shoals off the coast of Masachusetts on December 15, 1976, and the subsequent discharge of oil during the breakup of the vessel resulted in one of the largest oil spills off the shores of the United States. The resulting oil spill occurred in one of the most productive fishing grounds of the world and threatened to be a major disaster not only to the marine ecosystem but also to the livelihood of our fishermen. In response to this potential disaster were brought to bear the talents and resources of Federal and State organizations and private institu- tions in an unprecedented effort to determine the movement and behavior of the spilled oil and to assess its impact upon the marine ecosystem. We are just now establishing the initial assessment of the oil spill upon the area of Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals and the resources of that area. It is a complex ecosystem. This report presents the available results from the investigations carried out to date by the many groups involved in the initial assessment of the distribution of the Argo Merchant oil spill and its impact. For the many Federal, State, and private activities requiring information about the oil spill and its consequences the report is intended to provide a unified summary of the studies that are being or have been carried out, the types and distri- bution of data, and such analyses and results as are now available. The results which are included within the report are mostly those of the individual investigators and groups that responded to the Argo Merchant incident. Many of them must be considered preliminary, particularly with respect to the impact upon the fishery resources of the area, and must await further study. However, we already have gained a much greater understanding of the behavior of oil spills and their impact upon the ecosystem so as to be better able to respond to such incidents in the future. I would like to express my appreciation to the many individuals who dedicated long and hard hours, often under extremely adverse conditions, addressing this serious threat to our environment and valuable resources. vn ACKNOWLEDGMENTS When the Argo Merchant ran aground, there was virtually no organized plan for conducting research on the spilled oil with the exception of an outline plan of NOAA/Coast Guard Spilled Oil Research Program funded by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior. As the word of the potential disaster got around by phone calls and the news media, people, agencies, and institutions volunteered their services and responded to requests for help. Within a few days a coherent research plan specific to the Argo Merchant was put together by participating scientists and implemented. This plan focused on gathering data to improve models that predict spilled oil behavior and on assessing the impact of oil on the local biological communi- ties. The speed of response by the many agencies involved and the resources that were brought to bear on the problem was amazing. Planes, ships, and facilities were diverted from their normal scheduled tasks to aid in the emergency . This report was assembled from the contributions made by the numerous government agencies, private and state institutions, and industrial groups involved in assessing the fate and impact of the Argo Merchant oil. The broad spectrum of talent which participated in the research is overwhelming, as can be seen by a glance at Appendix I. Many of the participants voluntar- ily gave up their vacations and altered their holiday plans to help in the investigation. For the last 2 months many of these same people have been working day and night, not only to collect data for research but also to analyze them and present them in preliminary form. This document witnesses the unselfish efforts of these people. Some individuals deserve special credit for their part in producing this report: Carolyn Rogers who served as the contact and assembled the material from the National Marine Fisheries Service; Eva Hoffman who served in the same capacity from the University of Rhode Island; Elaine Chan of the Spilled Oil Research Team, whose tireless capacity for recording events and statistics prevented many items of research from being lost during the hectic times of the contingency operations; John Mugler, Jr., of NASA Langley Research Center, who coordinated NASA's efforts. Kathy Kidwell of EDS generated most of the graphics both for the draft preliminary report and this report. Rosalie Red- mond from the NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories not only spent a grueling 2 weeks working around the clock typing the draft preliminary report, but she also gave up her vacation to come to Cape Cod immediately after Christmas, leaving her family behind to do so. Finally, Kate Bradley, Gloria Thompson, and Clemmie Edwards gave up their off duty time to retype the draft report to incorporate numerous changes and revisions into the final manuscript . vin Contents Page Executive Summary iii Preface vii Acknowledgments viii List of Abbreviations xi 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of Report 1 1.2 Historical Background 1 1.3 Chronology of Events 6 1.4 Participants 8 2. Investigations of Physical Processes 12 2.1 Techniques of Field Efforts 12 2.1.1 Airborne Operations 13 2.1.2 Ship Operations 17 2.2 Results of Field Efforts 17 2.2.1 Mapping 18 2.2.2 Physical Observations 20 2.2.3 Water Motion Measurements 22 2.2.4 Oil Velocity 29 2.2.5 Water Mass Measurements 31 2.2.6 Meteorological Observations and Forecasts 32 2.2.7 Burning of Oil 38 2.2.8 "Tar ball" Reports 40 2.3 Oil Trajectory Modeling Efforts 40 2.3.1 U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit 42 2.3.2 U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center 43 2.3.3 Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis 48 2.3.4 U.S. Geological Survey Systems Analysis Group 51 2.3.5 University of Rhode Island, Department of Ocean Engineering 56 2.3.6 Summary of Initial Modeling Results 63 3. Investigations of Chemical Processes 65 3.1 Basic Chemistry of Spilled Oil 65 3.1.1 Suspended Sediments 65 3.1.2 Evaporation 66 3.1.3 Dissolution 67 3.1.4 Emulsif ication 67 3.1.5 Oxidation 67 IX 3.2 Oil Sampling 69 3.2.1 Oil Slick Sampling and Analyses 70 3.2.2 Water Sampling and Analyses 72 3.2.3 Sediment Sampling and Analyses 79 3.2.4 Summary 84 4. Investigations of Biological Processes and Effects 89 4.1 Fisheries Investigations 89 4.1.1 Zooplankton Studies 94 4.1.2 Ichthyoplankton Studies 100 4.1.3 Genetic Studies 103 4.1.4 Effects of Oil on Developing Embryos 107 4.1.5 Food Habits 108 4.1.6 Physiological Effects of Pollutant Stress 113 4.1.7 Biological Samples for Hydrocarbon Analysis 114 4.1.8 Phytoplankton Studies 114 4.2 Seabird Observations 114 4.2.1 Manomet Bird Observatory Report 114 4.2.2 Ship Cruise and Overflight Reports 117 4.2.3 Shore-Based Cleanup Efforts 118 4.3 Observations of Marine Mammals 119 4.4 littoral Zone and Near-Coastal Zone Survey 119 4.5 Preliminary Surveys of Impact on Fishing Activities 120 4.5.1 Fishermen's Survey 121 4.5.2 NMFS Port Agent's Report 123 5. Conclusions 126 5.1 Oil Transport 127 5.2 Fate of the Oil 128 5.3 Biological Effects 129 6. Ongoing Activities 131 6.1 Physical Processes 131 6.2 Chemical Processes 132 6.3 Biological Processes 132 Appendix I: Contributors and Participants Appendix II: Chronology Appendix III: Selected Photographs Appendix IV: Oil Slick Maps Appendix V: Cruise Reports Appendix VI: Overflight Description Appendix VII: Miscellaneous Tables and Figures Appendix VIII: Summary Fact Sheet (published separately) x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADEC AMSI AOML ART AST BLM CEDDA USCGC DO I DOT EDS EPA ERDA ERL FAA GEOS IR Landsat MESA MIT MSO NAA NASA NDBO NEFC NESS NMFS NOAA NOS NUSC NWS OSC OCSEAP RFC SAI SOR URI USAF USCG USGS USN WHO I XBT Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Aero-Marine Surveys, Inc. Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories (NOAA) Airborne Radiation Thermometer Atlantic Strike Team Bureau of Land Management (DOI) Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis (NOAA) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Department of the Interior Department of Transportation Environmental Data Service (NOAA) Environmental Protection Agency Energy Research and Development Administration Environmental Research Laboratories (NOAA) Federal Aviation Administration Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite Infrared Land Satellite Marine Ecosystems Analysis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Marine Safety Office (USCG) New England Airphoto Associates, Inc. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NOAA Data Buoy Office Northeast Fisheries Center (NOAA) National Environmental Satellite Service (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Survey (NOAA) Naval Underwater Systems Center National Weather Service (NOAA) On-Scene Coordinator Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Research Facilities Center (NOAA) Science Applications, Inc. Spilled Oil Research Team University of Rhode Island U.S. Air Force U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Navy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Expendable Bathythermograph XI 1 . INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of Report The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary account of the physical, chemical, and biological studies initiated by numerous federal and state agencies, and private institutions during the period immediately fol- lowing the grounding of the Argo Merchant on Nantucket Shoals on December 15, 1976. At 0600 EST, December 15, 1976, Argo Merchant, carrying 7,700,000 gal- lons of No. 6 fuel oil, went aground on Fishing Rip, 29 nautical miles south- east of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. Despite attempts to refloat the tanker, it began to leak oil, and at 0835 on December 21 the battered tanker broke in two. The subsequent oil spill was one of the largest in United States history. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has estab- lished a NOAA-U. S. Coast Guard Spilled Oil Research (SOR) Team to provide rapid research response in the event of accidental oil spills within the continental United States by studying the physical-chemical movement of various classes of oil at sea under a variety of oceanographic and meteorol- ogical conditions, in support of both predictive and operational oil spill trajectory models. The SOR Team is made up of scientists from NOAA, the U. S. Coast Guard and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Within 4 hours of the grounding of the Argo Merchant, the SOR Team was notified of the potential major oil spill. After arrival on the scene, the first team members were informed that the USCG would provide logistics supporting research. In return, the SOR Team would provide information to the On-Scene Coordinator, as well as assist- ance in coordination between the On-Scene Coordinator and the scientific community involved in research during the spill. Numerous federal and state agencies, as well as state and private research organizations, participated in a combined research effort. This report documents the cooperative investigations that were under- taken immediately following the grounding of "the Argo Merchant. It describes completed and continuing research on the physical, chemical, and biological processes associated with the spill, and provides a preliminary assessment of the spill. 1.2 Historical Background In order to place the Argo Merchant spill into proper perspective, it is worthwhile to digress somewhat and examine marine oil pollution in its en- tirety. Sightings of tar balls at sea, oil slicks of unknown origin, and beach pollution by oil have been reported with increasing frequency in the pages of scientific journals and daily newspapers since 1967. After the 1967 Torrey Canyon grounding and the Santa Barbara Channel blowout in 1969, the United States government began to take measures to meet the demands of the public for clean beaches and waterways, as evidenced by the adoption of legislation designed to assign responsibilities for the cleanup of oil spills, determining the source, and assessing financial liability. During the winter of 1976-77, when the Argo Merchant went aground on Nantucket Shoals, the Grand Zenith disappeared off New England, and barges were going aground in Buzzards Bay and the Hudson River, it may have seemed as though some diabolical scheme were afoot to wreak havoc on U.S. shores. Yet, on November 5, 1969, the tanker Keo , carrying 210,000 barrels of No. 4 fuel oil, 21,000 barrels more than the Argo Merchant, broke in half 120 miles southeast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, but few scientists remembered that accident when they predicted the devastation of Georges Bank fisheries by Argo Merchant oil. Less dramatci, but important nonetheless, were spills of No. 6 fuel oil into Buzzards Bay on February 9, 1969, from the tanker Algol, and into Narragansett Bay in April 1973 from the tanker Pennant. In the 1969 Buzzards Bay spill, up to 4,000 barrels of No. 6 fuel oil spilled over a period of days, in subfreezing temperatures, 45-knot winds, and 8- to 20-foot seas. In the 1973 Pennant spill, over 2,000 barrels of No. 6 fuel oil came ashore in Narragansett Bay near Bristol, Rhode Island, with tar balls and "pancakes" of oil hitting Conimicut and Gaspee Points. The Argo Merchant grounding on December 15, 1976, was not the first instance of oil pollution in that area. It was not even the largest one, being somewhat smaller than the Keo spill in 1969, and it is certainly not going to be the last such incident off the coast of New England. In 1973, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) organized a Workshop on Inputs, Fates, and Effects of Petroleum in the Marine Environment. This workshop identified the sources of petroleum hydrocarbons entering the sea as follows: natural seeps, losses during offshore production, transportation (operations and accidents), refineries, atmospheric input, municipal wastes (domestic and industrial), urban runoff, and river runoff. While there are many contributors to marine pollution by oil, and some of them are quite substantial, marine transportation is responsible for the largest single share (35%) as shown in Figure 1-1 based on the findings of the NAS Workshop. Of this 35%, one-seventh is derived from accidents involving vessels. The persistence of oil introduced into the marine environment has long been a subject of controversy. The 1957 Tampico wreck resulted in a spill of 60,000 barrels of diesel fuel in a small bay on the Pacific coast of Baja California. W. North of California Institute of Technology described the recovery of the marine life in this bay as well underway within 1 year. Ten years after the accident, the bay appeared to have been restored to something approaching its original state, though the dominant organisms may have been different from the ones predominating before the spill. It is worth noting that news of the Tampico grounding did not reach marine scien- tists until three weeks after the accident. There have been other accidents where little damage to the local envi- ronment was apparent, even with materials more persistent than the diesel fuel spilled by the Tampico. According to some investigators, no long-term OFFSHORE PRODUCTION 1.3% COASTAL REFINERIES 3.3% Figure 1-1. Contributions to marine pollution by oil, effects were observed in the biota of the Santa Barbara Channel area after the 1969 blowout. Winter rains were abnormally severe during the Santa Barbara Channel accident, causing huge quantities of clay mineral particles from the Ventura and Santa Clara Rivers to flow into the Channel, sinking the oil slick on contact. The sunken oil was reworked by bottom currents the next year, until most of it resided in the nearly anaerobic Santa Barbara Basin. The sheer volume of sediment input to the Channel that winter covered the oil deposits to a depth of several centimeters within a few months, making the oil inaccessible to all but burrowing benthic organisms. In addition, oil beached along the Santa Barbara Channel coast-line arrived after the beaches had been cut back severly by the longshore currents preva- lent in that area in the winter, so that these oil deposits were buried by several centimeters of sand when the beaches were rebuilt later that year. Continued tidal action dispersed the beached oil vertically within the sand, thus returning the beach to near-normal conditions within a year or two. Sunken oil is not really gone, just out of sight, and oil on the sea bottom could adversely affect local fishing interests for some time after an acci- dent. Shrimp fishermen in the San Francisco area picked up oil in their nets for several weeks following the collision of the Arizona Standard and the Oregon Standard under the Golden Gate Bridge in 1971. This oil was a heavy residual fuel oil spilled in a highly turbulent environment. As it lost whatever volatile components it had and its density approached that of sea- water, the remaining fractions were rapidly dispersed through the water column. A similar observation was made after the wreck of the Arrow in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, with particles of oil found in the water column at substantial distances from the wreck. Using the worldwide accident data published by Lloyds of London, Keith and Porricelli (1973) published an analysis of 1,416 tanker accidents that occurred in 1969 and 1970. Of these accidents, 266 reported measurable out- flows of oil, and an analysis of these documented cases presents some picture of the causes of accident-related oil pollution. Keith and Porricelli found that this accident-related input of oil to the sea during 1969 and 1970 was somewhere between 427,000 and 447,000 metric tons, or about 218,000 metric tons (1,526,000 barrels) per year. This compares well with the NAS Workshop estimate of 300,000 metric tons per year which includes pollution from non- tanker accidents (100,000 metric tons per year) as well as tanker accidents (200,000 metric tons per year). Table 1-1 summarizes the magnitude of oil pollution for each class of accident during the 2-year period. Table 1-1. Vessel-related oil pollution worldwide by accident type, 1969-70 (from Keith and Porricelli, 1973) Type of casualty Oil released, Percent of barrels/2 yrs total 1,510,355 49.3 882,042 28.8 243,733 8.0 242,137 7.9 116,634 3.8 33,124 1.1 30,716 1.0 4,536 0.1 3,063,277 100.0 Structural failure Grounding Collision (ship-to-ship) Explosion Breakdown* Ramming (ship-to-object) Fire Other Totals ^Mechanical breakdown that led to eventual grounding and breakup of the tanker. k Keith and Porricelli point out that the volume of oil pollution caused by a grounding is likely to be three to four times that expected from a collision, primarily because of the tendency to hole many tanks during a grounding, often leading to the total loss of a vessel and its cargo. In their analysis, they found that the smallest tankers (10,000 to 20,000 dead- weight tonnage) were responsible for the highest relative frequency and magnitude of oil pollution incidents, and that the very large cargo carriers (200,000 deadweight tonnage) were responsible for much less pollution per deadweight ton afloat than the average tanker. The Argo Merchant carried about 27,000 tons. Keith and Porricelli' s (1973) analysis of the vintage of tankers involved in accidents showed that vessels over 17 years old were responsible for more than their share of accidental pollution incidents, and about half of those were due to structural failures. The Argo Merchant was 23 years old when it ran aground on Nantucket Shoals. In 1970, the Dillingham Corporation carried out a study of the "major" oil spills that had taken place worldwide between 1955 and 1970. Seventy- five percent of the major incidents that took place during those 15 years in- volved vessels, and 90 percent of the vessels involved were tankers. In that study, it was concluded that the likely source of a major spill in the United States coastal waters would be an oil tanker carrying crude oil or residual fuel. Because of the high traffic in and around port facilities, it was also predicted that major spills will most often occur within 10 miles of shore and within 25 miles of the nearest port. The Dillingham report predicted that the median volume of a major spill would exceed 5,000 barrels, the median size spill in the 1955-1970 period being 25,000 barrels. The Argo Merchant spill, on the high side of that estimate, comes in at 189,000 bar- rels . Since the U.S. Coast Guard began its Pollution Incident Reporting System (PIRS) in 1971, it has been possible to examine oil spills in U. S. waters in substantial detail. For the three years in which breakdowns by spill size are available (1972, 1974, 1975), there were an average of only 24 spills per year that exceeded 100,000 gallons (2,381 barrels) in size. These 24 "major" oil spills per year constituted only 0.3% of the total number of spills, but produced twothirds (68.7%) of the total oil pollution each year, averaging about 11,400 barrels per spill. The PIRS reports also indicate that, during the 1971-1975 period, oil tankers and tank barges were responsible for dis- charges averaging 116,139 barrels per year or 29% of the average annual total each year; that crude oil and residual fuels accounted for 60% of all of the petroleum pollution in the United States during 1973-1975 (crude oil alone, 49%); and that spills in ports, coastal estuaries, bays and sounds, and non-navigable waterways accounted for 87% of the total oil discharged in 1971-1975. The PIRS reports do not completely account for oil spills in the contiguous zone or on the adjacent high seas. For all practical purposes, it appears that the predictions made by Dillingham Corporation in 1970 remain true to this day. The Argo Merchant oil spill was neither particularly unusual nor unexpected. The volume of oil discharged (189,000 barrels) can be considered somewhat exceptional, but the nature of the accident was not unusual. The Argo Merchant accident was a highly visible example of an oil pollution problem that involves thousands of spills each year, usually over 10,000 each year in U.S. waters alone. A study of the Argo Merchant oil spill is a study of a chronic national, and international, problem; one that shows no signs of going away in the foresee- able future. 1.3 Chronology of Events Activities set in motion in response to the grounding of the Argo Mer- chant and the coordination of scientific research efforts by the NOAA-USCG SOR Team from the time of the accident until February 12, 1977, are summar- ized below. A full chronology of key events up to December 31, 1976 is contained in Appendix II. Hours are Eastern Standard Time. December 15 The Argo Merchant, carrying 7.7 million gallons of No. 6 fuel oil aground on Nantucket Shoals, resulting in one of the largest oil spills in United States history. Distress call received by USCG at 0700. USCGC Vigilant on scene. National Weather Service starts special forecasts for Fishing Rip area. NOAA-USCG SOR Team sets up headquarters in Hyannis, Massachu- setts, at 2100 and begins coordination of scientific efforts. December 16 USCG assumes full control and responsibility for the Argo Merchant under Intervention Convention at 1457. Weather conditions worsen. All personnel evacuated from the tanker at 2300. December 17 SOR Team personnel attend coordination meeting at 1600 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to develop scien- tific response. December 18 USCG reports large amount of oil spilled and geysers of oil shooting upward. Heavy oil plume 7.5 miles long to the north- west. Ship listing 20 . Seas building up. Oil "pancakes" sighted by USCG 27 miles east of ship. December 19 USCG reports that 1.5 million gallons of oil have entered the sea and that the Argo Merchant is sinking at stern. Super- tanker fenders rigged along side the tanker at 1430 in prepar- ation for offloading to barges. December 20 WHOI vessel Oceanus begins cruise 19. December 21 Heavy seas. Argo Merchant splits aft of kingpost, releasing approximately 1.5 million gallons of oil. Oceanus returns to Woods Hole after taking water and sediment samples to north- east of slick. December 22 Bow section of Argo Merchant splits again. NOAA vessel Dela- ware II and USCGC Evergreen depart for scientific cruises. Scientific meeting in Boston called by EPA Administrator. December 23 U. S. Navy divers take movies of underside of slick and bot- tom. No visible oil on bottom. December 24 Delaware II completes cruise DE 76-13, December 25 December 26 December 27 December 28 December 29 December 30 December 31 January 3 January 4 January 9 January 10 January 26 January 29 February 8 February 11 February 12 March 10 Forecast of onshore wind condition. USCG contractors notified of possible beach cleanup operation at 1600. Overflight on which "pancake 1" is identified. Forecasting of onshore winds continued. 3000 drift cards deployed as early warning system at 0940 between slick and shore. "Pancake 1" located again by USCG overflight. Another 3000 drift cards deployed between spill and Nantucket at 0912. First attempt to burn oil. Evergreen cruise ends. Ooeanus cruise 20 begins. USCGC Bittersweet replaces Vigilant as on-scene vessel. En- deavor cruise EN002 begins. On-Scene Coordinator's status meeting and press conference at 1000. Bow section starts to move under the influence of current. Endeavor cruise EN002 ends. Argo Merchant bow section holed by 20-mm cannon fire to pre- vent drifting and remove navigational hazard. Second experi- ment to burn oil from the Spar. Coordination meeting at WHOI. Bow section observed moving again. Coordination meeting at WHOI continued. Delaware II cruise DE77-01 begins. Bow section totally underwater. Delaware II cruise DE 7 7-01 ends. Endeavor cruise EN003 begins. Endeavor cruise EN003 terminated because of weather. Bow section of Argo Merchant relocated 1 mile to the southeast of stern and found empty of oil. Endeavor cruise EN004 begins. Oil found in bottom sediments near now section. Endeavor cruise EN004 ends after completing initial benthic survey. "Tar balls" up to a foot in diameter reported washing ashore on Nantucket Island's southwest coast. Samples sent to WHOI to determine whether original is crude or refined petroleum; analysis will not be able to establish whether the material came from the Argo Merchant spill or from another spill of No. 6 fuel oil. 1.4 Participants Representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) , including personnel from the Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) , Environmental Data Service (EDS), and National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice (NMFS), worked on the scene of the grounded Argo Merchant. The National Weather Service, although not on scene, responded to the spill with special weather forecasts. The NOAA-U. S. Coast Guard Spilled Oil Research (SOR) program is managed by the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Office of NOAA's Environmental Research Laboratories and is funded in part by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior. The SOR Team, in addition to conducting its own limited research, assisted in the coordination of research activities launched in response to the oil spill at the request of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator. These research activities include photographically documenting the behavior of the oil, and measuring oil velocities and oil-water differential velocities from overflights in char- tered aircraft and USCG planes and helicopters. The SOR Team dropped drift cards and deployed a satellite-tracked buoy as part of oil-mapping efforts. The team also made surface current measurements as input for trajectory predictions, and sampled the oil and water column over time to study the effect and extent of weathering. Special forecasts were provided by the National Weater Service for the Nantucket Shoals - Fishing Rip area in support of the OSC. Two to six fore- casts per day were available on demand commencing at noon December 15. Hourly surface weather data were collected for the Massachusetts coast. The National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) conducted two cruises on the NOAA research vessel Delaware II in the area of the grounding, taking temperature profiles and sampling fish, plankton, water and sediments. Samples of fish and invertebrates were selected for hydrocarbon analysis. NMFS analyzed the biological samples for impact of Argo Merchant oil and collected a port survey to assess the impact on fishing activities. The Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis (CEDDA) of NOAA's Environmental Data Service carried out a modeling study based on historical wind records and local current measurements at the request of the OSC on December 28. They also supplied additional manpower to augment the Spilled Oil Research Team's efforts at Cape Cod as did NOAA's Environmental Research Laboratory. The NOAA Data Buoy Office made satellite tracked drifting buoys available for use in tracking oil and measuring currents. CEDDA personnel prepared an interim report on January 3, 1977, for use by all participating investigators and also prepared this report. The U. S. Coast Guard (USCG) served as the focal point for all opera- tional activities through the Marine Safety Office, First Coast Guard Dis- trict, Boston, Massachusetts, with support from the Coast Guard Oceano- graphic Unit, Washington, D. C, and in addition participated in the research program through the Coast Guard Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut . 8 Operational activities were directed by Captain Lynn Hein, the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) from the USCG Cape Cod Air Station. Research- related activities conducted by the OSC included the collection of hourly meteorological data from the cutters Vigilant and Bittersweet, which were stationed at the wreck site from December 15 to 31, 1976. Following brief instructions from the SOR Team, officers on these cutters collected water samples, from beneath the spilled oil for petroleum hydrocarbon analysis. The USCG personnel also conducted surveillance flights to map the extent of the spilled oil and to measure sea surface temperatures. Based on modeling inputs and mapping information, they generated daily predictions of the location of the oil. In addition, they supplied logistics on Coast Guard aircraft and ships, on a noninterference basis, to allow scientific investi- gators access to the site of the spill. The USCG Research and Development Center was active in assisting the OSC, as well as in conducting research on the spilled oil. Center personnel supplied short and long-term predictions of oil movement through modeling efforts, and conducted an experiment to burn the oil. They conducted a research cruise from the cutter Evergreen to collect water and sediment samples for PHC analysis, and photographed the bottom in an effort to locate oil contamination. R. Jadamec was responsible for the hydrocarbon screening of all water and sediment samples collected by participating investigators. Center personnel also played an active role on the SOR Team. The U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command provided a team of divers equipped for underwater cinematography and photography at NOAA's request. Diving under the floating oil, they photographed and described the morphology of the underside of the slick, and determined the potential implications to fisheries by observing the presence or absence of visible oil in the water column and on the sea bottom. The Naval Underwater System Center also supplied a current meter mooring, which was implanted from the Endeavor . The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) , Department of the Interior, pro- vided financial support for the NOAA-Coast Guard Spilled Oil Research Program as well as several contractors involved in the North Atlantic Georges Bank Continental Shelf environmental studies program. Aero-Marine Surveys, Inc. Raytheon and EG&G, all BLM contractors, augmented USCG slick mapping efforts and temperature and current observations. They also carried out oil slick characterizations from overflights. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provided high altitude photographic overflights, Landsat coverage checks, and false color infrared photomosaic composites with the assistance of the U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Command. Significant wave heights were measured by the Geo- dynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite. NASA also computed drifting buoy positions from Nimbus-F data and facilitated their delivery for on-scene use in flight planning. Under contract to the Environmental Protection Agency, the New England Air Photo Association conducted photographic overflights of the Argo Merchant spill, from which EPA constructed natural color mosaics of the oil slick. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at Woods Hole emplaced two current meter systems, which recorded suspended sediment conditions, current speed and direction, and water depth while photographing the bottom. Six current meters were also deployed by USGS as part of an ongoing program designed to study currents and sediment transport on the Georges Bank Region in coopera- tion with WHO I, BLM, and EG&G. An oil spill risk analysis model was run at the Reston, Virginia office of USGS. The Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) through the Division of Environmental Control Technology provided partial funding for oil trajectory modeling under M. Spaulding, chemical analysis of water and sedi- ment samples under C. Brown, and oil droplet size distribution determinations under P. Cornillon, all of the University of Rhode Island, through Contract EY-76-S-02-4047, "Environmental Assessment of Treated Oil Spills vs. Untreated Oil Spills." The National Science Foundation supported research activities and ship operations at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Rhode Island. The State of Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife instituted a collection and clean-up effort for oil birds. The University of Rhode Island (URI) conducted four cruises to the oil spill site aboard the R/V Endeavor. The first cruise, funded in Fart by NSF and ERDA, included the deployment of a current meter array; collection and analysis of sediment samples for hydrocarbons; collection and analysis of water samples for hydrocarbons, physical properties, oxygen content, nutri- ents, and trace metals; and the collection and description of benthic and planktonic organisms. URI ' s second and third Endeavor cruises, funded in part by NOAA, conducted a bottom survey of the Nantucket Shoals-Little George's Bank. The fourth Endeavor cruise, funded in part by NOAA, determined the areal extent of the bottom contamination. URI personnel, in an ERDA- funded project, carried out some trajectory forecast modeling, and studied the physical and chemical characteristics of the oil. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) conducted two cruises on the R/V Ooeanus II, sampling both water column and sediments, and characterizing the physical oceanography of the spill site. WHOI participated in a Nantuc- ket littoral zone survey coordinated by NOAA. Scientists from the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole and the University of Massachusetts joined WHOI in the Nantucket survey. Peter Fricke of WHOI was responsible for procuring oil that was physically and chemically congruent to the Argo Merchant cargo for analytical purposes and toxicity studies. Jerry Milgram of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology collected oil from one of the Argo Merchant cargo tanks and from the oil slick and analyzed the physical properties of both samples. The Manomet Bird Observatory provided data on seabird observations from various locations including the USCGC Vigilant on-scene at Fishing Rip. 10 Individuals who contributed to various aspects of the total research effort include Ron Kolpack of the University of Southern California, who supplied expertise in hydrocarbon-sediment interaction; Ben Baxter, who contributed his knowledge as a trained marine mammal observer; and Barbara Morson, who provided seabird expertise. References National Academy of Sciences, 1975. "Petroleum in The Marine Environment," NAS, Washington, D.C. 20418, 107pp. Keith, V. V., and J. D. Porricelli, 1973. "An Analysis of Oil Outflows due to Tanker Accidents," in Proceedings of Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills," American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. 20006, pp. 3-14. Gilmore, G. A., D. D. Smith, A. H. Rice, E. H. Shenton , and W. H. Moser, 1970. "Systems Study of Oil Spill Cleanup Procedures," Dillingham Corporation Report, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. 20006. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1973. "Oil Spill in Rhode Island," Vol. 4.(6) , p. 84 {Pennant spill). North, W. J., 1967. "Tampico : A Study of Destruction and Restoration," Sea Frontiers, 13(8), pp. 212-217. Forrester, W. D., 1971. "Distribution of Oil Particles Following the Grounding of the Tanker Arrow," J. Mar. Res. , 29, pp. 151-170. Strangham, D., 1971. Editor, "Biological and Oceanographic Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spill 1969-1970," Vol. 1, "Biology and Bacteriology," Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 426 pp. Kolpack, R. L. , 1971. Editor, "Biological and Oceanographic Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spill 1969-1970," Vol. II, "Physical, Chemical, and Geological Studies," Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 477 pp. Chan, G. L. , 1973. " A Study of the Effects of the San Francisco Oil Spill on Marine Organisms," in Proceedings of Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. 20006, pp. 741-782. "Polluting Incidents in and Around U.S. Waters," Calendar Years 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1975, Commandant (G-WEP) , U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C. 20590. 11 2. INVESTIGATIONS OF PHYSICAL PROCESSES In order to determine the factors that cause oil spill transport and the rates at which the spill changes physically with time, a series of studies were conducted that combined both modeling and observation of transport pro- cesses. The objective of this research is to upgrade models capable of forecasting oil spill trajectories and/or probabilities of shoreline impact under various environmental conditions. The motion of oil floating on water is determined by three factors: currents, waves, and winds. While the oil is bodily carried by water cur- rents, it is capable of sliding relative to the water in response to the forces of waves and winds. It has been long known that oil placed on the water surface will absorb the smaller and shorter waves by viscous decay and act to calm the seas. Additionally, the irrotational nature of wave motion generates a drift at the water surface (stokes drift), but this irrotational motion does not satisfy boundary conditions at the free surface, and as a result vorticity is generated. In the presence of an oil film, the vorticity generated at the surface quickly propagates vertically through the oil be- cause of its relatively high viscosity and increases the surface speed (Mil- gram 1977) . This increase in speed is considerably larger than the contri- bution caused by wave absorption. The mechanism by which oil gains velocity is not fully understood, but it is a function of wave length and height, the thickness of the oil, the physical properties of the oil, such as surface tension and visocity, and the physical properties of the oil-water interface. Wind, in addition to being the prime generator of waves, can also act di- rectly on the surface oil, causing a transfer of energy from the wind to the oil. Although many oil spills have occurred in cold-water environments, in- struments have not been adequate to measure these spills and to characterize their behavior and the surrounding environment in sufficient detail to pro- vide all the data required to compare actual spill behavior with trajectory model forecasts. Such characterization requires measurements of environ- mental conditions, both within and outside the spill, as well as a fixed reference point to which one can relate spill movements. Throughout the course of the effort connected with the Argo Merchant, NOAA and USCG researchers continually compared model-generated forecasts of oil spill trajectories with the observed behavior of oil in the marine envi- ronment. These comparisons were required to evaluate the accuracy of the oil spill forecasts at various phases in the program, and to identify those ele- ments of the modeling effort that needed refining and of the observational program that needed strengthening. 2.1 Techniques of Field Efforts Numerous agencies and institutions participated in studying the physical processes that the oil from the Argo Merchant underwent. These included the NOAA-USCG SOR Team, USCG, NASA, EPA, NOAA's Flight Operation Group and Data Buoy Office, and Aero-Marine Surveys, Inc. (a BLM subcontractor), USGS , and 12 WHOI. Observational platforms included satellites, aircraft, ships and buoys. Each of the participating groups conducted multifaceted operations and used different techniques. These are described in the sections that follow. 2.1.1 Airborne Operations Observations were made from the Landsat II, NOAA, and GEOS satellites, and from various government aircraft operated by the USCG, NASA, NOAA, as well as private aircraft sponsored by the SOR Team, EPA, and AMSI. Details on these overflights are given in Appendix VI. In general, weather condi- tions at the site of the wreck were unfavorable for most of these activities. Winds were typically greater than 20 knots and at times in excess of 40. Only on a few days was the cloud base higher than 1000 feet; mostly it was 500 feet or less. To the east of the shoals heavy clouds covered the Contin- ental Shelf and Slope out past the Gulf Stream 90% of the time. Icing condi- tions severely limited aircraft operations on several days. Only a few satellite passes provided useful information because of the cloud cover. Also, the resolutions of all satellites, except possibly Land- sat, prohibit the actual tracking or mapping of oil. Infrared (IR) imagery from the NOAA and GOES satellites was very limited, and only small portions of the Gulf Stream could be delineated on it. The USCG supported the SOR Team and other activities by supplying air- craft logistics in HU-16E fixed-wing aircraft and H-3 helicopters. The HU- 16E missions were primarily for mapping the extent of the oil, while the H-3 missions were generally aimed at measuring transport processes. All missions were multipurpose. The USCG mapping effort was coordinated by J. Deaver of the USCG Oceano- graphic Unit and consisted of a "real-time" description obtained by visual and IR observations, as well as photographic recordings that will eventually refine the real-time effort. In addition to its contribution to the research effort, this real-time work will prove vital to the assessment of any immedi- ate and long-term impacts. The USCG's first mapping flight was on December 17, 1976, and included two SOR Team members. This flight permitted visual, photographic, and video- tape observations of the site of the wreck, current measurements, and two transects of IR sea surface temperature before weather caused termination of the flight. The next day a more extensive survey was conducted which in- cluded differential velocity measurements (oil/water), current measurements, sea surface temperature measurements, as well as oil surveillance. At the conclusion of this flight, the Federal-On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) and the SOR Team concluded that continuing real-time reconnaissance was essential to scientific as well as operational goals. Daily mapping operations were con- ducted until January 5, 1977, except when interrupted by severe weather on December 28 and 29, 1976, and by an engine failure on December 30. Addi- tional mapping flights were flown in January on an irregular basis. Ob- servers on all these flights included both USCG Oceanographic Unit and SOR Team personnel, with the USCG personnel operating all the equipment. 13 Oil mapping flights were conducted by two observers flying in an HU-16E at 500 feet or below at a speed of 145 knots. Continuous visual contact with the sea surface was maintained from shoreline departure until return. A grid-like search track was used, consisting of station points every 10 miles (or an average of 4.2 minutes) flying time. Loran A, radar, and TACAN were used as navigational aids. Infrared sea surface temperatures were measured by a Barnes PRT-5 radiometer and recorded continuously on an analog strip chart recorder to a precision of 0.1°C and an accuracy of + 0.6°C. Visual sightings of oil, size, direction of surface drift, and time of observation were annotated on the IR strip chart trace. The oil sightings were also noted on a plotting chart, which was a duplicate of the navigator's chart. Concentrations of oil were separated by a core and shell limit contours. Percentage of concentration and size were determined by a gridded viewing device, a clear plastic grid divided into 25 squares. This device had an inclinometer attached to the side. When viewing from the aircraft in level flight, the observer could thus determine not only the area of an object on the surface, but also the percentage of surface covered. At fractional surface area coverages of less than 5 to 10%, the visual estimates appear to be high by a factor of 2 to 4, but it is hoped that good NASA or AMSI over- flights with photographic coverage will provide a scalar correction factor for these low surface coverages. Also plotted with the oil sightings were surface temperature contour crossings. These strong thermal gradients are indicators of current boundaries, and will aid in the overall analysis. The H-3 helicopter missions generally were aimed at measuring oil trans- port processes and collecting oil samples. During these flights, current measurements were acquired with Richardson current probes, while differential oil/water velocities were measured by means of time lapse photography and special range finders to record the separation of oil pancakes and dye mark- ers in the water. Oil samples from the slicks were taken using a small bucket, with the helicopter hovering at 100 feet. Drifting buoys were also deployed on various occasions from these aircraft. More than 28 operational missions were flown by the USCG for oil mapping and in partial response to scientific requests, accounting for more than 114 hours of air time. The true value of this response to the research effort cannot be estimated, but without USCG logistic support studies of physical processes would have been marginal or nonexistent. NASA overflights were conducted on December 19 and 22, 1976, and on January 3, 5, and 6, 1977, under the general direction of J. Mugler, Langley Research Center (LRC) , NASA. Table VII-1 (in Appendix VII) presents the flight log for the December 19 overflight and Figure 2-1 shows the flight lines. The flight log for the NASA overflight on December 22, 1976, is shown in Table VII-2 and the flight lines are shown in Figure VII-1. The flight logs and flight lines for the NASA overflights on January 3, 5, and 6 are shown in Tables VII-3 to VII-5 and Figures VII-2 to VII-4. Imagery was obtained from the Landsat II satellite during overpasses near the grounded tanker on December 22 and 23, 1976, and on January 9, 1977. Maps showing the approximate ground coverage expected for these images are presented in Figures VII-5 and VII-6. On December 22, 1976, cloud cover was 14 at a *0 ST H O > o X o > o a S u a IU O o fe & CO ^D IT) H 0 o O Oi «st vo ^'•"■IIIIS,, a-, u 01 £ QJ CJ CD Q C o ■u rC •H rH -.. .< '/'"- ::~'."' *°v "-'-."*! ro o ..J 1# •.-....— . C,~J CO ro o K... ^»c n -J1' • < .-•-, ■-■, « i i i i iTi-i i i i i rrn i i i i ft * I 9 I "g- -a 01 >, o -H a oi 13 c/) a) -o o 3 o CO 13 Xi O •H ^ 4-1 •H CO ■u (3 01 6 QJ }-l 3 CO 03 0) e 3 CO I rH H ai co ■O o 0» £1 co -S -h o ai *^ c o o ■H en CO < U o o hJ 4J o> 3 4-1 4-) 3 o Ol s_^ M !-( 3 CJ /— \ •w *5 3 4-1 o Ci ■H !3 4-> 01 cd Q 13 O 3 a} £i O -a o 3 w 0) co o 13 O 3 \ o> co o u o ctj o o CO 4-> 4-i CO s 13 Ol C 3 0) c o CO 4-1 4-1 cd 2 0) co CO Ol cd O 13 a) a a 0) CO >^ 13 0) 3 3 oi cO O w •H 5c W co g W CO 6 CN 3 c o u PQ Ol T3 13 13 •H 13 •H H •P >•> >, >> e f^ 0 3 C CO 0) O o O LO O cm •H CD 13 O o o • o ~-^» -3 5 3 co CNJ co r^ CO rH 4-1 •H 5 4-1 CO 01 ,o O m m r^ rH rH CN ro CO o o o CO r-. 00 CN H rH rH CN sO pH CN o sO o C7\ d sO O SO o O O m O o O m r-» ON . o H cu o •H u tfi C O ■H 4J 03 U o I •H X •H C CD a > g O rH I 01 CD rH rO CO H o 4-1 u CD CD M CO J*. o d •H 4-1 14-1 •H 5-1 4-1 O CO CD c •H O CO J-l H l CNJ CD U 00 •H Pn A second buoy (ID //0373) was deployed by the USCGC Dallas as part of a separate experiment on December 27, 1976. This experiment was conducted jointly by NOAA (NDBO and the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab- oratories) and USCG as part of the New York Bight MESA program. This buoy had a drogue attached to couple the buoy's motion to the water at 400 meters. Since deployment, however, the drogue monitoring sensor has indicated that the drogue is not attached or that the sensor has malfunctioned. Table VII-11 contains the positions and velocities of this buoy, and Figure 2-5 indicates its track up to the time of this report. In a joint project by NMFS (Woods Hole) and URI ' s Coastal Resources Cen- ter seabed drifters were released in an attempt to measure bottom currents at Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank. Seven releases of 150 drifters each were made on January 6, 1977, to the west of the wreck site from a USCG helicopter. Five drifters were also released at each station (except No. 27) occupied by the second Delaware II cruise in January. An additional 150 drifters were also released on URI Endeavor cruise EN-005 at the wreck site and at the lead- ing edge of sediment contamination. To date, six seabed drifters have been recovered according to C. Griscom of URI. The locations of recovery are indi- cated in Table 2-2. 2.2.4 Oil Velocity Oil velocity measurements were acquired both relative to fixed references over short time periods and by navigational fixes on individual oil pancakes over periods of hours during USCG mapping flights. On December 31 at 1340 a pancake was marked by a datum marker buoy at 40116'N, 66°56'W, and at 1630 a NOAA drifting buoy was inserted into the same pancake. The latter is assumed to have been locked into the oil for the first few days and is being tracked twice daily by Nimbus-F at noon and midnight (see Section 2.2.3). The first five values contained in Table VII-10 probably represent oil velocities. Differential velocities of oil and surface water were measured by the SOR Team on helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft flights. Dye patches were used to mark the surface water, and the separation and direction of oil and water were then measured as a function of time. These data are primarily contained in photographs and tape recordings. The following summarizes two of the best sets of such measurements, based on both photographic data reduction and visual observations made from a hovering helicopter, with a USCG-developed viewfinder used for distance measurements. The first set was obtained on December 19, 1976. During this flight, at about 1100 EST, J. Gait and J. Mattson of the SOR Team released three dye "pills" in a line downwind and ahead of the patch. The oil pancake was at the far end of the horseshoe-shaped slick, 18 nautical miles long, emanating from the Argo Merchant (Photograph 22, Appendix III) . Using time-lapse photography, and knowing the altitude of the aircraft and the acceptance angle of the camera lens, the differential oil/water velocity can be measured directly. The table below summarizes the time-lapse photographs, which were taken at an altitude of 500 feet with a 55-mm lens. Parentheses indicate photographs taken at a lower altitude, for which distances were corrected. 29 LO cO 3 U -C Q r~ c - S-i CU 4J M-l •H l-l — ■a w n I 3 O ^-s «H 0) O U 0) 4-1 M o 0) o CD w CU CO 8 b •H CO E-t TJ CO x o ^ cu ■J . 13 CO a. 3 CU * *J CJ nj •H -Q Ph 3 O •H 4-1 CO CJ o 00 t- 3 «H M \ 50 S a; 4J 11 4J CO P OJ C CO 0 CO •H 1) 4-1 rH cO 0) 4J c* CO * CN CN CN CN CM iH & CO CO CO 00 CN CN m o O 00 en o CN O en CN 00 CO o 1^ CN o CN 00 CO o CN O ■K r» en CN 00 en o CN o * on CN CN CN •s CO cu PQ 4-1 CU CO 3 CO 55 v£5 CN o> en H o o O o O o O H m o en o O en O O H H <3- CN I-* ps, vC 31 vO SO vO ^O en cd 3 en PS 3 n en H M OS S O 33 en CO >> iH CO 3 CO o •H J3 3- CO V- • 60 iH O -H 4-> O CO S +» O S * <3 X rC. o o Sh en w co s: o o C3J • Ss CU ^C 60 TJ 4J § CU O 3 +s 3 K O CO o CO rg W 5 a CU 0 iH 4-1 o CU 0) ft. O .H m a, rH T3 O CU V4 CO H T3 CO •H CU O CO > CU 3 4J 60 CO cO 3 a •H cu -h JH > -a CO CO 3 •H X -H 4-1 O 3 >N 4-1 3 JD •H T3 3 T3 CU Cf CU u H CO • s CU >-> CO Cu u a, >, H < 4S •K ■K * 30 Sequence Photo No. I.D. 0 7/12 1 7/13 2 7/14 3 7/15 4 7/16 Distance (feet) Time Oil-left Pill Left-center pill Left-right pill (seconds) 42 89 183 0 40 93 171 10 (24) (91) (178) 97 24 101 - 100 3 85 165 214 Combining sequence Nos. 4 and 0 (Photographs 35 and 36, Appendix III), pro- duces a differential velocity of 0.11 knot. Sequence Nos. 2 and 0 also yield a differential velocity of 0.11 knot directly downwind. Sequence Nos. 1 and 3 are too close in time to 0 and 2 to give additional differential velocity values, but are indicative of the precision of the method, i.e., about +10%. Since the USCGC Vigilant recorded a wind speed of 10 knots from 250° at 1100 on December 19, the differential velocity obtained in this measurement equates to 1.1% (+ 0.1%) of the wind speed. Simultaneously with the above differential velocity experiment, a Richardson current probe was deployed in the same area. Two photographs of this probe give a mean surface current velocity of 1.6 knots (+5 to 10%). Visual observation of the current probe yielded an estimated separation distance of 200 feet, while the two photo- graphs yielded 186 feet and 206 feet respectively. The current direction was estimated to be 205° using wind wave directions as reference. The second set of measurements was obtained on December 20, when the helicopter hovered over a series of five dye pills at altitudes of 500 to 1500 feet for 20 minutes. Using visual distance measurements with the USCG viewfinder, J. Mattson and D. Kennedy of the SOR Team measured the speed with which a pancake overtook a dye marker. In this instance, the speed was about 0.20 knots. The Vigilant reported winds of 17 knots headed 015° at the time (1200 EST, December 20), which yields another differential oil/water velocity of 1.1 to 1.2% of the wind speed. A Richardson current probe deployed at that time yielded a surface current of 1.3 knots at 030°, about 15° to the right of the wind. Additional differential velocity measurements were made on December 19 at 1245 from a fixed-wing aircraft, and on December 22, 1976, from a USCG helicopter. A summary of all differential velocity measurements is contained in Table 2-3. 2.2.5 Water Mass Measurements Expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) were taken during several of the cruises conducted in response to the oil spill. The locations are shown in Figure VII-7 in appendix VII. Eleven were obtained from the first Delaware II cruise on December 22 and 23, while 43 were obtained from the second Delaware II cruise on January 4. Eighty-three XBT stations (not plotted) were taken during cruise 17 of the Ooeanus (December 3-9, 1976) and 15 XBTs were acquired during Ooeanus cruise 20 (every station except 13) . 31 Table 2-3. Summary of differential oil/water velocity measurements Date Wii id Time Speed Dir. (kt) (°) 12/19/76 10 250 1100 12/19/76 16 243 1200 12/20/76 17 015 1200 12/22/76 30 275 Differential velocity Speed Direction % wind relative to wind Measured by 1.1 0.7* 1.1 0.8 30 "A* 0' Gait Mattson Chan Grose Kennedy Chan * Large uncertainties because of large oblique angles ** 0° Relative to waves. R. Wright, NMFS, analyzed the water temperatures acquired during the second Delaware II cruise and found them very similar to the average values shown by Colton and Stoddard (1972, charts 1940 to 1959) . Temperatures were nearly isothermal, surface to bottom, except in the deeper stations along the southern edge of Georges Bank. Bottom values were usually a few tenths of a degree warmer than those at the surface. The coldest values (less than 5°C) were in water close to shore, with temperatures as low as 2°C at the two shallowest positions south of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Over Georges Bank the range was 5 to 6°C, with water warmer than 6°C in the vicinity of Great South Channel and the extreme southern edge of the Bank. Subsur- face values warmer than 10°C, indicative of Slope water, were found at Sta- tions 21 and 23 in deeper water south of the Bank. Otherwise the tempera- tures were all typical of the shelf water of the region in January. An analysis of the stations from the Oceanus cruises in December shows identical results to those obtained from the Delaware II data. The surface isotherms indicated on the oil slick maps in Appendix IV also support these conclusions. Seven XBTs were also taken from the USCGC Dallas on December 30 in a line 135 miles long oriented 70° 100 miles to the south, east of the Argo Merchant. Figure 2-6 shows this temperature depth section, which indicates a warm core eddy 100 miles south-southeast of the site of the wreck. 2.2.6 Meteorological Observations and Forecasts Both routine and special surface meteorological data were collected at the site of the Argo Merchant and in the surrounding area by USCG, and by FAA at Nantucket Island. In addition to its normal marine forecasts, the Na- tional Weather Services in the Boston area supplied special forecasts for the wreck site. 32 a. LU Q 39*00' 70*00' 39° 06' 69*36' 39° 2 4 39° 29 39*37 39*43 39*46 68° 51' 68*23' 68* 03' 67* 37' 67*13 Figure 2-6. XBT section from USCGC Dallas on December 30, 1976 33 Hourly surface meteorological data were collected at the site of the wreck by the USCGC's Vigilant and Bittersweet from December 15 through Decem- ber 31, 1976. Wind speeds and directions were extracted from these data and are contained in Table VII-12 in Appendix VII. Hourly surface data were also collected by the FAA tower at Nantucket Island airport during their operating hours (0600 to 2300) and the resulting wind speeds and directions are summar- ized in Table VII-13 for this same time period. Similar wind speed and direction data acquired from the Nantucket Light Ship operated by USCG are given in Table VII-14. Data from the Nantucket Island airport and Light Ship for other time periods are available from the National Climatic Center (NCC) , Asheville, North Carolina, as a standard archive product. F. Godshall of NOAA's Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis did a comparative study of the winds observed at the site of the Avgo Merchant and those routinely measured at the Nantucket Light Ship. He used a least square vector difference technique (Godshall, et al., 1976), by which an additive direction correction and a wind speed factor was developed based on vector differences that can be used for extrapolation. His findings indicate that over the 15 days of data (Tables VII-12 and VII-14, appendix VII) winds at the Avgo Merchant site can best be estimated by subtracting 13° from the directions reported by the Light Ship and multiplying the reported speeds by a factor of 1.17. Meteorological data were acquired on all cruises in the area and, where available, are given in the cruise reports contained in Appendix V. Using the radar altimeter aboard the Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite, GE0S-3, C. Parsons of Wallops Flight Center, NASA, measured signif- icant wave height in meters in the vicinity of the Avgo Mevchant oil spill from December 24 to 28. The normal scheduling of the satellite was inter- rupted to accommodate the data collection along 13 ground tracks off the east coast of the United States. These data were processed at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to produce significant wave height measurements spaced 3.28 seconds apart in time, an increment designated as the GE0S-3 data frame. Figure 2-7 shows the positioning of the tracks closest to the oil spill for each of the 5 days. The frame number (in italics) and significant wave height are noted at regular intervals along each track. The latter given quantity is the result of averaging over seven frames, a process that is needed to correct for the inherent noisiness of the GE0S-3 measurement. Because of the rapidity with which the storm systems moved through the area during the December 24-28 period and the separation between consecutive GEOS- 3 ground tracks, it was not possible to generate contour maps of significant wave height. The ground track for orbit 8832 crossed the oil spill on December 24 during frames 114 and 115. The variation of significant wave height near the spill is shown in Figure VII-8 (appendix VII) . The dashed line is the varia- tion of the three-frame average. This was used to eliminate some of the noisiness of the measurement without losing all of its spatial resolution. It can be seen that sea state in the vicinity of the spill was of the order 2.5 to 3 meters on December 24. Compared with 2 to 3 feet as observed by the 34 IM 8855 12/25 30N+ 8869 7o w 8£S3 12/26 12/27 8839 8832 12/28 12/24 Figure 2-7. GE0S-3 ground tracks for December 24-28, 1976. 35 Vigilant, this results in a factor of 3 over estimation. Using this as a calibration factor, the wave estimates made from GEOS may possibly be of use as inputs for future modeling efforts. As part of the National Oil Pollution Contingency Plan Response, the National Weather Service (NWS), NOAA, supplied the Federal On-Scene Coordin- ator with special marine forecasts for the site of the wreck of the Argo Mer- chant since the day of the grounding. Routine scheduling of the special forecasts began late on December 15. The schedule has varied from as many as six per day to as few as two per day, dependent upon need. Since the initial request for forecast assistance, 252 forecasts have been provided up to February 1, including 147 special forecasts and 103 special wind forecasts. Some operational problems were encountered by NWS, the major problem being lack of feedback of weather conditions at the site. This was resolved recently with the assistance of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator. Table 2-4 was prepared by NWS to give some insight into the accuracy of the wind forecasts issued by NWS for the oil spill site. On-site winds were not relayed to NWS in Boston on a real-time basis until mid-January. Thus, operational forecasts were issued with the Nantucket Shoals Light Vessel (L/V) as closest observational site, located 32 miles from the spill site on Fishing Rip. Table 2-4A shows the wind verification based on Nantucket L/V data. Table 2-4B shows the wind verification for the Fishing Rip site. The tables are basically self-explanatory (MAE = mean average error). However, it should be pointed out that the selection of categories was subjective and based upon NWS operational experience, by which a forecast of wind direction that verifies within 30° is considered excellent. Forty percent of the fore- casts (Table 2-4B) fell within this range; 72% of the forecasts fell within the range of 60°, considered a good-to-excellent forecast; and only 10% were in the 90° category, which is considered poor and of no ooperational use. A wind speed in error by less than 5 knots is considered excellent (36% were in this category), less than 10 knots good to excellent (72% in this category) , and greater than 15 knots unsatisfactory (12%) . Even the last category can be of limited use depending on the strength of the wind. While the table provides a statistical appraisal of the forecasts, it does not necessarily directly reflect their utility. That utility should be judged where possible on the overall effectiveness in assisting the OCS in making proper operational judgments. One of the most serious problems arising from the spill was, and is, the potential contamination of the beaches and shorelines along the New England coast and possibly even the mid-Atlantic coast. Therefore, it was particu- larly important to accurately forecast offshore winds (260-360°) and onshore winds (90-160°). These were considered the two most important categories. In evaluating the utility of the forecasts of the other wind directions, forecasts were definitely useful 84% of the time up to 12 hours and 81% of the time up to 30 hours. 36 3 o ■u 05 O PQ O Pn CO .43 CO CD •H T3 3 3 o •H 4-J 3 a u CD > I CJ 43 3 H > rJ CO H 3 O Xi CO cu ■a a 3 4-J pi 3 -o 3 ■H X) CD > S-i cu 4=> o CO CO o a> n o pt4 Sh CO 3 C/l CO u 43 CO u 4= O cn co s-< xt • O £> oo cn cn CN 0O CN \£) • • cn r- i— i (N \C H v£> r-^ v£> -cr cn rH Sh o H M CU o ^ — « •■•s 3 n 44 z~\ 4-1 O rJ 4^ o 4*i •H CU *— ' s— ' ^^ a X) 5-i 3 pd CD cu O ■<1 Sn cu j-J 4J 4-J 4-J g Jgj •H a ^ ^ ^j u -a O o o CO cu cn O o o m o in > 0) c 3 m v£> ON 3 O rH rH CO o o O U CO •rH •H 3 3 3 •H 3 3 3 o U 4J 4-1 3 3 3 4-J 3 3 CO S-i CJ T3 3 4= 43 43 3 4^; 4= 4= S-i K-l cu cu 42 4-1 4-1 4-J 43 4J 4-J -U cu O S-i 0) •H •H •H a. M co CO cu r4 CO CO cu cu u -d co 4-J cn CO M 4-1 CO CO S-i 0JJ CD CO cu cu o CO cu cu o 3 43 -a TD •H rJ hJ S •H hJ rJ g S-i 1 3 3 Q Q cu 3 •H •H > Z 3: 3 c^ 6-S S-i CU CO 43 O CO > 4-J CO 3 CJ cu S-i o LH CQ 3 CO S-i 43 vD cn CO 4=: o co S-i Xi '-D O CN o v£> oo m CN m 00 rH 00 00 ^o a\ CN • • s 6-e m cn oo O cu 3 3 CO sO ON 3 o rH rH co O O O S-i 3 •H •H 3 3 3 •H 3 3 3 O CJ 44 4-J 3 CO CO 4H CO 3 CO Sj CJ "3 3 4= 43 43 3 43 43 43 S-J U-l cu CU 43 44 4-1 4-J 43 4-1 4H 4H cu o S-i CU •H •H ■H a S-i CO cn CU S-i co CO cu cu J-l T3 CO 4H CO co 5-4 4-J co co S-i 00 QJ CO cu cu O co cu cu o 3 43 T3 T3 •rl J kJ S •H j J £ S-i 6 3 3 Q O 0) 3 •H •H > Z 3 3 fN; X <£ 37 2.2.7 Burning of Oil The nation is faced with the problem of deciding whether to use burning agents in the event of a catastrophe such as the Argo Merchant. The useful- ness of having an operational burning system can be envisioned in this situa- tion. For example, had the Argo Merchant been given permission to dump some oil to extricate itself, the oil may have been rendered harmless if an opera- tional burning system had been available. In lieu of this, two attempts were made to burn off the oil spilled from the tanker. The second of these con- sisted of a planned experiment to test the feasibility of using burning agents and to determine the extent to which such agents would consume oil in actual at-sea conditions. The material used was composed of extremely fine particles of fumed silica, surface treated with a silane coating to render it hydrophobic. Originally, the material was marketed under the trade name CAB- O-SIL ST-2-0. A detailed description of the burning theory is given by Tully (1969) . This same material, identical in all respects, is now marketed under the trade name Tullanox 500, under a licensing agreement with the Cabot Corporation. Numerous burning experiments and demonstrations were undertaken before 1971. Actual oil spills where burning was attempted include the Torrey Canyon spill in 1967; the Arrow in 1970 (Canada Ministry of Transport 1970a); and the Othello in 1970 (Fribeiger et al., 1971, 1970a). With regard to the Arrow spill in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, the following is an excerpt from the report by the Canada Ministry of Transport (1970a) : "From a review of the state-of-the-art and from the limited experiments on burning in Chedabucto Bay, it appears feasible to burn fresh Bunker C slicks if certain conditions are met..., but for it to be a practical opera- tion, major advances must be made in the techniques of containment, ignition and maintenance of combustion (wicking agents)." In 1970, the First Naval District conducted sea trials in which two burning agents were used: SEABED, a Pittsburgh Corning product, and CAB-0- SIL. Both products burned an estimated 10,000 of the 15,000 gallons Bunker C oil spilled. The amount each agent burned is not known, but CAB-0-SIL burned for about 16 minutes and SEABED for 4 minutes in swells of 8 to 10 feet and in seawater temperatures of 44°F. The COMDT First Naval District's report on this controlled oil spill (1970) contains the following findings. (a) Bunker C oil spilled in its natural state on cold water will not support combustion without a wicking agent. (b) The seeding methods demonstrated and the ignition methods attempted are both inadequate for normal at-sea conditions, wind wave and action being the determining factors. (c) Subject to satisfactory ignition methods, both products tested will provide a wicking action and support combustion of cold Bunker C oil when adequate coverage is obtained. 38 As noted in most of the reference literature, of prime importance for successful burning is the dispersal of the powder in order to obtain a con- tinuous coating over the oil slick. In the first attempt, on December 27, to burn the oil spilled from the Argo Merchant, USCG dropped isolated boxes of Tullanox 500 charged with JP-4 fuel from a helicopter and ignited them with a timed thermite grenade. The isolated boxes burned, but, because of the lack of dispersal of the wicking agent, flame spread was not substained (Photographs 42 and 43, Appendix III). On December 29, the USCG Research and Development Center was requested to conduct a burning experiment on the Argo Merchant oil spill from the USCG Spar. After consultation with the On-Scene Coordinator the same day, a method of conducting the experiment was agreed upon. Two days later, on December 31, the Spar arrived on the scene at day- break, but was unable to sight a suitable oil slick without the aid of air- craft. The HU-16E (7524) was dispatched, reached the scene at approximately 1400, directed the Spar to a pancake by 1500, and the experiment began at 1500. The 90- by 120-foot slick was elliptical in shape, of heavy tarry con- sistency, and 6 to 10 feet thick (Photograph 44, Appendix III). It contained much debris, such as two-by-fours and other building materials. As the ves- sel maneuvered alongside, the patch broke into several smaller ones. The Tullanox 500 dry powder was left in the original 11-pound plastic supply bags and thrown near the center of a small 30- by 60-food oil slick. Some bags burst open on impact. Others were torn open with birdshot from a 12-gage shotgun. Despite Tullanox 500' s advertised affinity for oil, its bulk density of 3 pounds per cubic foot, comparable to cigarette ash, allowed the wind to blow approximately 95% of it (66 pounds) off the slick. Another 66 pounds were therefore charged with JP-4 and dispersed along the edge of the slick. It was obvious at this stage of the experiment that a continuous coating over the oil slick could not be obtained although sufficient wicking was dispersed to theoretically put a 12-inch coating over the 30- by 60-foot oil slick had 100% of it remained on the surface. In all, 55 gallons of JP-4 were used, in which three cotton sheets were soaked and distributed on the slick as primers. One sheet was ignited with 30-minute flares and burned for 4 minutes. The heat source was insufficient to ignite the primer, which was being mixed with water by the turbulence fromj the Spar. Attempts were made to ignite a wider area with flares (Photograph 49, Appendix III), but they were unsuccessful and the experiment was called off. The following conclusions can be drawn from the second attempt to burn off the Argo Merchant oil: (a) Dispersal of the wicking agent at sea to obtain a nearly uniform and continuous coating over an oil slick is not feasible with Tullanox 500 in its present form. (b) A surface vessel operating close to the oil slick will cause it to break up. 39 (c) If a more uniform distribution of wicking agent and primer had been achieved, and the weathered oil had been susceptible to being burned, there is reason to believe the ignition technique used would have been adequate. 2.2.8 "Tar Ball" Reports On March 10, large tar balls began coming ashore on the southwest coast of Nantucket Island. The balls were reportedly as much as a foot in diam- eter; one, found on the eastern shore of Nantucket, weighed 70 pounds. The material was deposited in a widely scattered pattern around centers about 100 feet apart. The tar was relatively fresh and contained no entrained sand or other materials, suggesting that it had been floating and weathering after a recent spill. Samples of the tar were given to Dr. John Farrington at WHOI for chem- ical analysis. This work may be able to document the tar as being derived from crude or refined petroleum; but it will not be able to establish con- clusively whether the tar originated with the Argo Merchant spill or with another No. 6 fuel oil spill. 2.3 Oil Trajectory Modeling Efforts Several independent modeling efforts were made to explore the implica- tions of the Argo Merchant oil spill, some of which were provided the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) for operational forecasting of the oil distribu- tion. Cmdr. C. Morgan, an oceanographer , who was assigned to the OSC Staff from the USCG Oceanographic Unit, played a principal role in incorporating the efforts made available on scene into operation decision making. Other efforts whose results were not forwarded to the OCS are included for compar- ison and completeness. The six modeling efforts presented include "forecast" trajectories based on predicted or actual winds and currents, as well as "risk" trajectories which used climatological or historical winds and cur- rents. Validation efforts by the contributor included comparison of forecast trajectories with observed oil location as well as confirmation of climatol- ogical wind pattern with observed winds. All the models incorporated vector addition of the forces that moved the oil, which included winds, tides, and semipermanent currents. In general, differences in the model outputs are attributable to: (1) different sources of winds, whether measured, forecasted, or climatological; (2) different sources of currents, and (3) differences in how wind drift, both surface water and oil/water differential, was included. Table 2-5 summarizes the input data and the major techniques used for the six models or an aid for comparison. All the models predicted that the oil on the surface would be moved off- shore under the influence of the prevailing westerly winds. Since the actual winds were more towards the east than the climatologically predicted south- east, the forecast models appear more accurate in predicting the movement of the surface oil than the risk models. Additionally, those models which used tidal or net tidal currents rather than mean or climatological currents are 40 3 Cu 3 •H 13 C cd m o> cr •H C x: o 0) X O e 4-4 o 03 3 00 un I CN cfl H en 4J 3 o C O H o (U O ex CO 6 0) > 4-J CO o o 05 r»» X B -a 4-1 cr> CU CU O 4-1 rH CU H cu 0) 4-4 ex •H Cu 4-1 m •H 5-1 •H co O CO cu X J*i X) >-i X en c o a X X C •H 4-1 ■H PS c CO 3 & •H •H •H CU cu 3= 3 c 4-4 > CM > 03 o >H o •H c 0) 4-1 4-1 CO H <>s CO >>8 CO g 0) CN rH LO rH j2 •-3 • CU • 01 w '•-' rH n n 5-1 O CO 4-1 cu e a cu V-i 5-4 en cj CO X c 0) CJ 5-1 3 O CO 3 O •H 4-1 CO CJ ■H M— I •H CO co CO rH o I cu 5-4 CN CT> cO x GO CO CO CU 4-J 4-1 CO •H CO co a cu X cu en > 5 cu CO X O cO X) cu 4J CO X Cu 3 CO CU CO Cu CJ >•, cu H o 1 4J ^7 o •H c rH m CO & CO rH CU CU • CU S-i CJ CJ CN X! O •H O 4-1 xi • 2 X a Cu CJ CU CJ CO CU 4J C/3 5-4 CO s~' D Ml s-"/ 4-J CJ •H 01 X) X) 0) •H 5-1 H Cu 4-J CO •rH CO co CJ 0) c M O o 14-4 X CU CO > g cu CO X x> c o CO 4-1 0) CO CO •H cfl c u •H e 4J 5-4 CO cu u 4-J o CU 3 Q CO CO CJ cu u o Ph ^3 LO 4-1 CO X X cu a CU 'H Cu 3 co 4-4 X O (3 •H 4-1 3 -3 00 4-1 -H O 5-1 m CN o o o X ». 3 CM cu co pi O 4-1 o .3 M toD 4-4 -H X 5-i O cO CU 01 5-1 I a m co co ,3 H O i? W CO •H 3 •H 0) s bO S-i CO 0) 5-4 4-J CU CU > Q CO co •H PCS CO cd h CU • S CN m • u CO o X 3 /-> >, cd co rH r~- X - cy> 4-J C/D rH w CO rJ 0) PQ 2 •— s I o •H M r-l 4-4 o 4-J CO CO X •H 5-i si o a cu 5-1 5-4 CO 0) >. rH I rd LO CJ CO Cu PQ 4-1 CO OJ 0) J*i too cj U 3 O 4-J QJ CJ c o CO 5-i CU o I XJ 0) O 4-J •H X CO C CO C co X — I CU CO CO rH 4-1 CO -H CJ rH •H -H 4-J X ^ co co X •H ,£3 -H 4-J O U CO 5-1 4-J 4-1 Cu CO in ^ e 4-1 CO cO ■»*. a JsS X CO •H C •H Pi £1 CO C^J c/i a CJ cu en CO 1=3 ^ o •H o 0) o 4-1 CJ u cO CO o 4-4 4-4 X )-i CU J rH CU 10 ■H Cu o COO L/"l r>S X - OJ c rH •H '~~s (0 3 3 0) rH 4-4 > a O •H 4-1 4J 6>S cfl UH LO rH •H • 01 H CO 5-1 X CO O S3 CO >H X CO •H 4= H u CO 6 X co •H Cg rH -H U 3 • C/3 rH CU CO CJ •H > u CU co CO CO pD CU 5-4 X) cu a >> -H 4= 4J I M O J) O O 5-4 0) O !S CJ CO 5-i O cO •H CJ 4-J CO CU •H 4-J 4-J C CO O 4-J 2 CO ^ co •H Pi UO CO CN CJ H 0) pi CO =3 --' OJ PS o >•, rH s: « co 4J co 3 a h cu owe cl 2 co cO hJ X r^ OJ PQ (3 a> 2 ^ co cu c o 23 CU o CO 4H J-i 3 CO Ai -CI co 3 •H en 5-1 CO •H Pi m CO CN a H OJ Pi CO =3 ^ 41 also more realistic, presumably because the mean currents generally include a surface drift resultant from the mean winds which was not separately removed before the wind-induced currents were added. The sole contribution for subsurface drift (Section 2.3.6) presents results which have not been veri- fied to date. The following six sections contain the contributed modeling efforts. It should be noted that the majority of the figures contributed are contained and referenced in Appendix VII. 2.3.1 U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit The primary technique used by the USCG Oceanographic Unit in forecasting oil drift from the Avgo Merchant was to sum the vector effects of wind cur- rents, tidal currents, sea currents (mean or residual currents), and oil leeway. Based on 24-hour forecast winds for the spill site, provided by the National Weather Service in Boston, the forecast was made at about local noon each day for a verification time of 1300 the following day. The summation was done by a program from the following inputs: o Initial oil positions at 1300 the previous day. o Observed winds up to the present. o Forecast winds up to 1300 the following day. o Tidal currents. o Wind currents. Program output was oil positions at 12-hour intervals from 1300 the previous day to 1300 the following day. A new blob of oil at the wreck site was gen- erated every 12 hours. The positions obtained were reported by telephone each day about noon to Cmdr. Morgan, who would prepare forecast limits of all oil from these positions. Often a correction would be applied to the posi- tions based on the difference between the forecast and the oil observed the preceding day. This correction represented the sea current, which was ini- tially part of the computer program, but was later dropped. The wind current used was a time-dependent Ekman model based on equation (41) in a paper by Jelesnianski (1970) . The tidal current was derived from tidal vectors near the wreck site as given by Haight (1942). The oil leeway was taken as 1.2% of wind speed, directly downwind, based on measurements taken on the scene by the NOAA-USCG SOR Team. For the first few days of the Argo Merchant oil spill, and after January 8, manual techniques were used for forecasting, which is continuing at the present time. Plans are underway to perform a more thorough analysis in the near future of the computer forecast technique based on observed winds. With few exceptions, all oil sightings fell within the forecast oil limits. Examples of these forecasts are shown as box outlines in Figures VII- 42 22 to VII-29 (appendix VII) . A major positive factor affecting performance in forecasting limits was the daily oil surveillance flights from December 17 to December 27. Data from these flights permitted accurate correction of initial oil position each day. 2.3.2 U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center The USCG R&D Center began to forecast the movement of the oil on Decem- ber 15, 1976, at the request of the Marine Safety Office (MSO) in Boston. The forces that transport the oil were examined by R&D Center personnel. It was found that the magnitude of the wind vector determined from predicted values of wind speed would move the oil at a rate of 0.5 to 1.5 knots in a downwind direction; that the magnitude of the tidal currents would move the oil at 0.5 to 1.3 knots; and that the magnitude of the permanent currents in the area are approximately 0.1 to 0.2 knots. After comparing the magnitude of the forces that move the oil it was decided that for the short-term pre- dictions (24 hours) the tides and winds would control the movement of the oil. For long-term predictions, the winds alone would dominate. The method used for predicting the movement of the oil was a simple vector addition of the tidal vector and 3.5 percent of the wind speed on an hourly basis. The lateral movement of the oil was determined to be the magnitude of the tidal movement. This combined with the hourly vectoral movement of the oil showed the "worst case" estimate of the areal extent of the oil. On December 16, at 0930, MSO, Boston, requested the R&D Center to fore- cast the movement of oil should the tanker rupture. At 1135, MSO was in- formed that the oil would move southeast for the next 24 to 48 hours, and would continue to move southeast-to-east through the weekend of December 18 and 19. This forecast was based on the tides and the predicted winds sup- plied to the R&D Center by the National Weather Service (NWS). MSO, Boston, was also informed that the oil would continue to move offshore as long as the winds were offshore. Figures VII-9 through VII-12 in Appendix VII depict the long-term pre- dicted movement of the oil using predicted winds and net tidal currents. These figures were the basis for the information that was transmitted to MSO, Boston. The long-term movement is based on the predicted winds as supplied by NWS. Figure VII-9 shows the predicted limit of the slick as of 1900, December 17. This figure includes the effects of the predicted winds used for the forecast as well as the total movement of the oil caused by previ- ously predicted winds. From 1600, December 16, the west-northwest winds and tides moved the oil 8 miles to the east-northeast. From 0700 to 1300, Decem- ber 16, the northeast winds moved the oil toward the southwest, a distance of 6 miles. The spill was treated as a continuous leak, and the oil movement was therefore predicted continuously from the site of the Argo Merchant. This is the reason for two vectors being labeled 0700-1300, December 16. One of these shows the transport of the oil that moved northeast prior to these wind conditions. The other vector shows the movement of oil from the site of the Argo Merchant during the period 0700-1300, December 16. This process was used for the entire period. Thus, the boundaries of the oil spill limits as shown in Figures VII-9 through VII-12 are, in essence, an estimate of the limit of the oil slick. 43 Figure 2-8 is a comparison of the limit of the slick on December 21 as observed on overflights and the "worst case" estimate of the limit predicted from the winds as of 2400, December 20 (figure VII-11) In figure VII-13, the observed limit of the slick on December 23 is compared with an estimate of the limit as of 0700, December 23 (figure VII-12) . Again, the observed limit of the slick was obtained from overflights of the area. In these two fig- ures, the predicted direction of movement of the oil is in agreement with the observed movement, and the predicted areal coverage is about twice the ob- served. The entire prediction was accomplished in approximately 3 hours after the time of request from MSO, Boston. It indicates that vectoral addition of the forces that move the oil is an excellent method for a quick answer to where the oil will go and when it will get there. Had the winds been onshore instead of of offshore, this method would have enabled cleanup equipment to be placed at strategic areas before the oil came ashore. In addition, it seems likely that had actual on-scene winds been used in the forecast rather than long-term predictions from NWS, the predicted movement and dispersion would have been even more precise. Figure VII-14 is a progressive hourly wind vector diagram derived from 3.5% of the on-scene wind speed data for the period 1600, December 15, to 07 00, December 23, collected by the USCGC Vigilant. These wind data to- gether with tidal data can be used to compare actual short-term movement of the oil with the predictive technique of adding winds and tides vectorially. In addition, the validity of using 3.5% of the wind speed data in a downwind direction can be examined. For short-term drift, Figure 2-9 gives a comparison of observed slick and predicted movement caused by tides and winds. The vector shows the pre- dicted movement of the oil for the period 2400, December 15, 1976, to 0900, December 17, 1976. The outline of the slick was taken from slick map IV-1 in Appendix IV, which shows its location near noon on December 17. There is excellent agreement between the actual direction of the oil movement and the predicted movement as determined from tides and wind. In fact, it appears that 3.5% of the wind speed data adequately describes this transport vector. The greatest error occurs in predicting the tidal component for each hour of movement. From December 15 to December 19, the total extent of the spill was not clearly defined by overflights. However, several observations of the move- ment of the oil during and after this period verify the techniques used by the R&D Center. These observations are shown in Table 2-6. The observed movement of the oil spill is documented in the maps contained in Appendix IV. Table 2-6 indicates that the oil was moving westward, bearing 240°T, on December 16. On December 18, pancakes were found 27 miles east of the ship (090°T). The maximum eastward movement of the oil caused by the wind (Figure VII-14) was 31 miles, bearing 130°T. Assuming this is the maximum eastward extent of the oil, the computed wind factor for moving it would be 3.05%. Beginning with December 20, the daily wind factor for the observed movement and the direction of movement of the oil are given in Table 2-6. A summary of these values compared with predicted values is shown in Table 2-7. 44 +* 4-i cn U 0) I o at Q CJ •H e •H H T3 a) •u CJ ■H (1) M 0) > M QJ 'Si rQ o c o •H !-i CO % O o •4- +'2 00 I CN QJ bO •H 45 o . «5 CO LU -I Hi -J < o (0 to x) v© cu ■u o •H nd CU p- X) o1 03 cu ■§ cu u cu o Ctj (-1 XI o CO en co o T3 n c CJ -H ^ X) o S •H rt H co co cu XI XI CU -H > 4-1 U cu >-> CO XI o ^ cu O -H CX CU S > o o I CN CU M •H 46 Table 2-6. Observations of oil movement Date (1976) Actual observations Predicted movement of oil based on 3.5% of wind data in downward direction 12/16 Oil 2 miles north to south and 4 miles east to west; oil moving west; streak of oil, bearing about 240°T. Winds during the morning of December 16 would move oil on a bearing of 245°T. 12/18 Pancakes 27 miles east of ship (090°T). Computed wind drift 3.05%. Maximum movement east 31 miles, bearing 130°T. 12/20 Main plume 16 miles long, bearing 040°T. Computed wind factor 4.00%. Winds from 0900, December 19, to 0900, December 20, would move oil 14 miles, direction 048°T. 12/21 Maximum eastward movement of oil 53 miles, direction 090°T. Computed wind factor 3.09%. 12/22 Maximum eastward movement of oil 95 miles, direction 108°T. Com- puted wind factor 4.05% 12/23 Maximum eastward movement of oil 86 miles, direction 100°T. Com- puted wind factor 3.10%. Maximum eastward movement 60 miles, direction 095°T. Maximum eastward movement 82 miles, direction 106°T. Maximum eastward movement 97 miles direction 110°T. Table 2-7. Observed vs. predicted movement Date 0bser\ red Pre dieted Wind Factor Direction Wind Factor Direction 12/20 4.00% 040°T 3.5% 048°T 12/21 3.09% 090°T 3.5% 095°T 12/22 4.05% 108°T 3.5% 106°T 12/23 3.10% 100°T 3.5% 110°T 47 One-way analyses of variance (anova) without replication were performed to determine whether statistically significant differences were detectable between observed and predicted wind factor and direction. The results are summarized in Tables 2-8 to 2-11. The following conclusions can be drawn from the above analysis: o For short-term predictions (24 hours) a vectorial addition of wind and tides adequately forecasted movement. o For long-term predictions the winds dominated the movement of the oil. o 3.5% of the wind speed is an adequate value for the wind drift factor. o Oil spills tend to move downwind. 2.3.2 Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis Another modeling study was carried out by NOAA personnel at the Center for Experiment Design and Data Analysis (CEDDA) at the request of the OSC on December 28. In this study, a wind drift (3% at 15° to the right) , based on 15 years of historical wind records from the Nantucket Light Ship were con- sidered both alone and in combination with an assumed local current estimated from measurements taken at WHOI's location site D (0.25 knots at 270°). Several cases were run using both winter (January-February-March) and spring (April-May-June) wind records. These modeling results were forwarded to Cmdr. Morgan for his use in upgrading the forecasting effort. At CEDDA, the centroid of hypothetical spills were tracked to model the probability of impact from an offshore oil spill. Such processes as oil spreading and weathering were not included. Tidal currents were neglected, and surface slick movement was considered to be a linear combination of a seasonal baroclinic current (sea current) and a time-dependent wind-driven current. The spatial field of seasonal baroclinic currents was input to the computer program, and a wind-driven current vector was calculated based on a 3% wind factor adjusted to include a 15° Coriolis deflection angle between wind drift and wind vectors. The wind field was taken directly from coastal meteorological station data at Nantucket Light Ship from 1955 to 1970, ob- tained from the National Climatic Center in Asheville, North Carolina. A hypothetical path of oil movement was generated by computing trajec- tories from each third hourly wind observation. After each 3-hourly step, the geographical position of the centroid of the hypothetical slick was compared with the beach location. When this position and the beach location coincided, an impact event was assumed and the procedures terminated. Upon impact, the wind record used for the wind-drift current calculation was advanced 72 hours and modeling of a new spill event was begun. If no beach impact was found within a modeling time of 1200 hours, the oil mass was assumed degraded and the procedure again terminated. Approximately 40 48 Table 2-8. Data array for wind factor Date Observed Predicted 12/20 4.00 3.5 12/21 3.09 3.5 12/22 4.05 3.5 12/23 3.10 x 3.56 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.53 Table 2-9. Anova for wind factor Source Amount Degrees Estimated Observed of of of variance F ratio variation variation freedom Among 0.0072 1 0.0072 Within 0.8662 6 0.1444 0.0499 Total 0.8734 7 Conclusion: For the 5% level of alpha there is no significant differ- ence between the observed and the predicted wind factor. 49 Table 2-10. Data array for predicted movement ("true) Date Observed Predicted 12/20 040 048 12/21 090 095 12/22 108 106 12/23 100 110 = X 84.50 X 89.75 x 87.13 Table 2-11. Anova for wind direction Source of variation Amount of variation Degrees of freedom Estimated variance Observed F ratio Among Within Total 55.13 5247.75 5302.89 55.13 874.63 0.06 Conclusion: For the 5% level of alpha there is no significant differ- ence between the observed and the predicted wind directions. 50 minutes of computer processing unit time was required to run the oil advec- tion model with 10 years of historical wind data. The results of simulated spills at the site are presented as probability diagrams. Figure 2-10 shows the results for no currents and winter winds, while Figure VII-15 (appendix VII) is the same except for spring winds. Figures VII-16 and VII-17 show winter and spring winds, respectively, com- bined with a sea current of 0.25 knots in a westerly direction. About 450 spills were simulated for the spill site. These diagrams indicate the im- pact, in percent, that a 10-mile by 10-mile offshore area would receive by the calculated oil trajectories on a seasonal basis. As indicated by these diagrams, oil movements from the spill site shows a strong offshore tendency. 2.3.4 U. S. Geological Survey, Systems Analysis Group A fourth numerical modeling study was done by T. Wyant , D. A. Smith, and J. Slack of the USGS Systems Analysis Group in Reston, Virginia. The results of this study were not part of the on-scene effort, but they do provide an opportunity to verify, apply, and extend an oilspill trajectory model pre- viously developed as part of an oil spill risk analysis for the proposed North Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf lease area. The latter analysis was done to determine environmental hazards of developing offshore oil in the region and has been described in detail by Smith et al . (1976). In the risk analysis, model runs were used to estimate probabilities that spills occur- ring at anticipated production sites would have an impact on certain biologi- cal and recreational resources in the North Atlantic coastal region. When the Argo Merchant broke up in this area, it became possible to compare model output with observed movements of the spill. Also, since model input for the area was fully prepared before the incident, it was possible to make short- and long-term forecasts of slick behavior from the moment the tanker went aground. The USGS oil spill trajectory model was constructed and used to simulate oil slick movement on a digital map of the North Atlantic between 38°N and 45°N latitude and 65°W longitude and the North American coast. The funda- mental transport equation in the model expresses oil slick movement as the vector sum of residual surface current velocity, tidally averaged, and 3.5% of wind velocity. Slick movement was simulated as a series of straight-line displacements, each representing the joint influence of wind and current over a 3-hour period. Monthly surface current velocity fields were provided by the Bureau of Land Management and were based in part on drift bottle studies conducted by Bumpus (1973) . Wind velocities were provided for the simulations in one of two ways, depending on the mode of operation of the model. First, for purposes of verification, wind observations were input directly and updated every 3 hours. Wind reports were received for two locations: Nantucket Light Ship, and the USCGC Vigilant, which was on the scene of the grounding. Second, for purposes of forecasting, prevailing wind velocity was used for the first 3- hour step, and all subsequent 3-hour ly winds were randomly generated from a 51 43° CLIMATOLOGICAL OIL SPILL MODEL (Percent Impact for 10 mile Square Areas) CEDDA, EDS, NOAA 1. Wind— driven current only 2. Wind record for winter (1955-1970) months Nantucket Island 42c 41' 40c 43c 42c 41' 40° N 71 70c 69 68 67°W Figure 2-10. Impact probability for winter (no current) 52 wind transition probability matrix. Seasonally specific first-order transi- tion matrices were derived from historic data covering 5 years of observa- tions at the Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals weather towers. Surface current velocity fields used in the model were the same for both verification and forecasting modes, but changed from December to January. Two wind drift angles, 0° and 20°, were used in the trajectory simulations, and sensitivity of the results to this parameter is discussed below. Before the grounding of the Argo Merchant, model runs conducted as part of the oil spill risk analysis for the Georges Bank area had indicated that by far the most likely trajectory for oil spilled in that area would be to the southeast (Figure 2-11), a result which was later borne out in movements of Argo Merchant slick. However, the opportunity for more detailed and precise testing of the model arose with the availability of voluminous data on slick location and winds provided by NOAA and USCG personnel on the scene and by National Weather Service offices in New Jersey and Boston. Time series of observed winds were input to the model in order to make deterministic simulations of slick trajectory. A series of points were released every 3 hours from the site of the Argo Merchant grounding and transported as described above by currents and observed 3-hourly winds, beginning with the reported wind at 1600, December 17. A display of all such points after n time steps should resemble the location and general shape of the slick at a time 3n hours from 1600, December 17. Figures 2-12 and Figures VI-18 to VII-21 show displays for two dates in December, based on observed winds from two locations. Maps of the actual slick were provided by NOAA and USCG personnel involved in overflights of the area. The model predictions do not take into account differential rate of oil released from the ship or oil dispersion over time. In Figures VII-17 to VII-19 the wind input is not modified by any assumed drift angle, and it is clear in Figure VII-19 that, in the case of wind data from the USCGC Vigilant, use of a drift angle to the right would have narrowed the gap between observed and predicted patterns. One might be inclined to deduce from the above that wind data from the Vigilant were most representative of conditions along the oil slick and that choice of a positive drift angle was appropriate. However, although the Vigilant was at the scene of the Argo Merchant during this time, the Nantuc- ket Light Ship was anchored near 40°30'N latitude, 69°29'W longitude, actu- ally closer to the southeastern extremity of the slick. Thus, data from neither station were clearly preferable on the basis of location. Figures VII-20 and VII-21 show comparisons of predicted and observed slick locations based on the assumption of a 20° drift angle to the right. In summary, no clear conclusions can be drawn concerning the best choice of wind station and drift angle in the absence of more information. In the days following the grounding of the Argo Merchant, model runs were regularly made to estimate the probability that oil would ultimately affect the coast. In each run, large numbers of simulated trajectories were 53 WINTER Figure 2-11. Example of oil spill trajectory results for the Georges Bank proposed lease area under winter conditions. (From Smith et al. , 1976.) 54 Model prediction Argo Merchant -40°N Observed slick 70° W I 68° W Figure 2-12. Predicted and observed location and shape of oil slick, December 22. Model prediction shows oil released from the Argo Merchant from 1000, December 17, through 1000, December 22. Wind input is from Nantucket Light Ship. 55 launched from the ship site, with initial wind velocities based either on National Weather Service reports or on random selection from historic wind data. Wind velocities for subsequent steps were generated from a wind trans- ition probability matrix, as described earlier. Table 2-12 shows probability estimates for 2 different days in the period following the grounding. The sensitivity of probability estimates to initial wind conditions is evident. Significant quantities of oil may still be contained in the hull of the Argo Merchant, and how the probability of this oil coming ashore will change in the months to come remains a question. Model runs were therefore con- ducted using different starting dates and initial wind velocities randomly selected from historic seasonal wind data. Table 2-13 demonstrates the sensitivity of probability estimates to seasonal conditions. In January, the spill left the area for which model input had been pre- pared for the risk analysis. On the basis of data in the U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas for the North Atlantic (Meserve, 1974), model inputs were prepared to continue forecasting oil trajectories in the Gulf Stream, al- though various modifications to the model were required. The length of time steps used in the model was increased to 1 day. Winds at each step were randomly drawn from local historic frequency tables, rather than from transition matrices. Frequency charts of winds by month and loca- tion were obtained from the climatic atlas, as were prevailing currents at each step by season and location. Either a null current or the prevailing current was chosen at random at each step according to the reported "persist- ence" of the prevailing current. Trajectories are located in a latitude- longitude coordinate system with displacements adjusted for earth sphericity. Model output takes the form of displays of simulated trajectories on maps of the North Atlantic. Updated starting sites for model runs are determined by reported loca- tions of a satellite-monitored NOAA drifting buoy deployed in the slick on December 31. As yet, no account has been taken of long-term weathering effects on the oil or the differential transport of the oil and the buoy. Figure 2-13 shows the locations at 30-day intervals of 100 simulated trajectories launched from the reported position of the drift buoy on January 30. In this area of the Atlantic, the Gulf Stream divides into northern, eastern, and southern flows. This accounts for the wide spread in trajec- tories. In the future, when trajectories are launched from one division of the Gulf Stream, model runs should show much tighter clustering. Figure 2-13, indicates the northern flow to be the most likely of the three. 2.3.5 University of Rhode Island, Department of Ocean Engineering Surface Currents C. Noll, P. Cornillon, and M. Spaulding of the Ocean Engineering Depart- ment at the University of Rhode Island developed a simple computer model to predict the surface drift of spilled oil shortly after the Argo Merchant went 56 Table 2-12 Simulated trajectories from the Argo Merchant on different initial wind patterns (300 trajec- tories launched for each wind pattern) Initial wind pattern Probability ashore Mean days to land Initial wind selected randomly from his- toric winter record 0.10 Initial wind northeast 10 knots (reported by USCG, December 16) 0.24 Initial wind northwest at 20 knots (reported from Nantucket Light Ship, December 17) 0.07 Table 2-13. Simulated trajectories from the Argo Merchant based on different starting dates (300 trajec- tories launched for each month) Date Probability ashore in U.S. Probability ashore Total in Canada probability (Nova Scotia) ashore 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.16 0.09 0.41 0.12 0.52 0.34 0.67 0.58 0.92 0.57 0.91 0.31 0.59 December January February March April May June July August 0.10 0.08 0.14 0.33 0.40 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.28 57 o ♦ ♦ ♦..* X* M X X* CO > a >-i cu CO 1-1 3 CO c U CO 4-1 l-J T3 a; CO rH O 3 3 6 rQ •H co too C O -H O 4-> tH m •H 4-1 J-l O T3 CO > u 0) •u C •H CO O ro ■M CO o ■H 4-J •H CO o Cu e o CO M-l d O td •H 0) 4-1 4-1 CO M CJ CO O 4-1 hJ CO CO aj M 3 too •H 58 aground. This effort was supported by ERDA contract DY-76-S-02-4047 . The model was written to allow for either a Monte Carlo prediction of the likely spill location as a function of time, sampling randomly from the 10-year average monthly wind rose for that area, or a deterministic hindcast of the spill location using actual wind measurement for the period of interest. Monte Carlo predictions of the location of the leading edge of the spill 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days following the breakup of the Argo Merchant were generated for URI planning purposes shortly after the ship broke up. These predictions, as well as a 30-day deterministic hindcast, are presented here. In all figures, the forecast limits of oil by the USCG Oceanographic Unit (Section 2.3.1) are included for comparison. Model Runs Two cases of the deterministic model were run. The first (Figure VII- 22, Appendix VII) included wind-driven currents only. It was assumed that the wind induced a surface drift in the direction of the wind at 3.5% of the wind velocity. This drift is accounted for by about 1.5% for the wind- induced water motion and about 2.0% for the relative oil-to-water motion (Smith, 1974). No Coriolis forces were included. The second case (Figure VII-23) included wind-driven currents and tidal currents which were added vectorially to yield the spill's overall movement. In both cases, starting date was December 18, and 30-day trajectories were calculated. The model was run using 3-hour time steps, i.e., the spill was moved at the determined rate and in the determined direction for a period of time corresponding to 3 hours before the wind was changed. The necessary wind data were obtained from the Grant Point Coast Guard Station on Nantucket Island. The tidal currents were taken from the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration navigation chart 13006 (4/76). As in the deterministic case, the Monte Carlo runs were made both for wind-driven currents and for wind-driven currents added vectorially to the local tidal currents. The wind speed and direction for the Monte Carlo runs were randomly sampled so that the probability of obtaining a given wind magnitude and direction equals the probability that such conditions are observed in the appropriate month during the past 10 years. These 10-year averaged data (U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1970) list the probability by month of obtaining the wind velocity in each of six ranges for each of eight wind directions (N, NE, E, etc.). Once a direction and magnitude had been chosen for the wind, the wind-induced drift of the oil was calculated and added to the tidal current. The slick was then moved at this drift rate for 2 hours, at which time the procedure was repeated. Figures VII-24 and VII-25 depict five representative spill trajectories for the wind-only and the wind-plus-tidal-current case, respectively. Figures VII-26 to VII-28 and Figure 2-14 represent the 5-, 10-, 20-, and 30-day Monte Carlo predic- tions corresponding to 200 trajectories in which the tidal current was in- cluded. Figure VII-29 represents, for comparison, the 30-day Monte Carlo prediction for which the tidal current was not included. In all the plots shown in the above figures and figure 2-13, the pro- jected path represents that of the leading edge of the oil slick. Thus, 59 70.50 G9.00 67.50 66.00 6t.50 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) Figure 2-14. Twenty-day Monte Carlo prediction (wind and tidal currents) 60 theoretically, it represents the path of the slick after 30 days. The "x" surrounded by the circle represents the location of the Avgo Merchant. The boxed-in area represents the limits of the slick after 30 days or as other- wise specified. The limits of the slick were provided by R. Griggs of the U.S. Coast Guard. Each "x" along the path represents the end of a 5-day period . There are two different sets of Monte Carlo plots. One set (Figures VII-24 and VII-55) depicts five separate Monte Carlo trajectories. Each position of the leading edge of the spill is plotted every 2 hours for 30 days. The second, Figures VII-26 through VII-29 and figure 2-14, depicts a point for each 200 trajectories after 5, 10, 20, and 30 days. The area with the highest concentration of points indicates the most probable position of the leading edge. The limits of the observed slick have been added to each plot to aid in evaluating the accuracy of the predictions. Discussion The U.S. Naval Weather Service wind data for the Quonset region indi- cates that westerly and northwesterly winds predominate. This yields a general eastsoutheast movement of the oil slick. The trajectories calculated follow the direction of the actual slick until the 25 to 30 day period. At that time, the trajectories continue on their east-southeast path while the slick assumes an almost due east heading. This occurs near 68°N longitude and 38°W latitude. According to Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942), the Gulf Stream in the New England Atlantic area is located between 68° and 60°N longitude and 37° and 41°W latitude and flows in an east-northeast direction at a speed of approximately 1 knot. Due to yearly changes and meanders, it is difficult to locate the Gulf Stream at any one time. Since only tidal currents are used in the models, this would explain the inaccuracy of the trajectories after 20 to 25 days. The addition of a strong east-northeast current when the slick reached the Gulf Stream would give more accurate long- term results. Subsurface Currents R. Gordon, M. Spaulding, P. Cornillon, and. R. Halm of the Department of Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island generated a model which predicted the subsurface drift of Argo Merchant oil. Directions of the monthly mean bottom velocity vectors for December and January in the spill area (Bumpus, 1973) as reported by the Bureau of Land Management (1976) in thesis draft Environmental Impact Statement for the North Atlantic Region were used along with estimates for maximum speed in the area (taken as 3.0 nautical miles per day throughout) as model input. A particle injected at the spill location (41°0'N, 69°30'W) was advected using the closet bottom velocity vector. A time step of 1 day was used. Figure 2-15 shows the trajectory of a particle injected in the vicinity of the spill location (41.0°N latitude, 69.5°W longitude) near the bottom. The spill location is identified by a square (□) and subsequent positions at daily intervals are denoted by crosses (X) . The bottom movement at first proceeds towards the southwest and after approximately 5 days heads west. 61 12.23 71.76 71.29 70.82 70.33 63.88 69. 'M LONGITUDE 6 3 , 9 ;i Figure 2-15. Bottom drift from the Avgo Merchant wreck site based on subsurface drift data. 62 About 11 days after the injection, the bottom particle moves northwest and continues until it hits the shore at Martha's Vineyard 20 days after injec- tion. It should be noted that of the directional data reported by Bumpus (1973), four data points were used (all at a speed of 3.0 nautical miles per day) to advect the particle. 2.3.6 Summary of Initial Modeling Results Five different models were used to predict or hindcast the movement of the oil on the water surface, and, in general, they all were successful in establishing the general direction of drift. Conceptually, they all con- sidered the oil as Lagrangian particles which were advected along by the currents and given a differential oil/water velocity related to the wind. Difference arose in what the models used for the advecting current fields and wind factors, and in the sources of the wind data (real-time winds, cli- matological wind series, or stochastic models). In all cases the parameterizations were simple. The advective current fields used were externally specified and were either a general mean current, a predicted tide, or a correction term based on estimates of the errors in the last model up-date. Nontidal time dependence or topographically control- led regional currents were not modeled. The wind drift factor was intended to represent the net effect of Ekman currents, Stokes drift, and momentum transfer by waves. Options ranged from considering the Ekman drift explic- itly, parametrically , or not at all. In all models some form of down-wind motion was used, with the magnitude depending upon whether the Ekman drift was considered separately or not. In general, the models reflect a wind-dominated transport for the oil, and the real-time winds coincide fairly well in direction with the climatol- ogically derived winds. This makes the model all behave in a similar manner, and it is difficult to evaluate the relative accuracy of the slightly differ- ent approaches. For the Avgo Uevohant the models all gave useful and en- couraging results. A more critical test will come in an advectively domin- ated region with complex coastal morphology. References Bumpus, Dean F., 1973. A description of the circulation on the continental shelf of the east coast of the United States. Progress in Oceanography Vol. 6, pp. 111-157. Bureau of Land Management, 1976. Draft Environmental Statement for the Outer Continental Shelf off the North-Atlantic States, U.S. Department of Interior, Visual #2. Report of the Task Force - Operation Oil (Clean-up of the Arrow oil spill in Chedabucto Bay, July 1970a, Canada Ministry of Transport. COMDT First Naval District letter to CNO file 3120 ser 153 of 4 Jun 1970b. 63 Colton, J. B., and R. R. Stoddard. 1972. Average Monthly Sea-Water Temperatures Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959. Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment, Folio 21 Amer. Geogr. Soc. , New York. Fribeiger, Arnold, and John M. Byers. Burning Agents for Oil Spill Clean-up,: 1971 Joint Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, Washington, D.C. Godshall, F. , W. Seguin, and P. Sabol, 1976. A statistical technique for the analysis and comparison of wind observation records. Appendix C, NOAA Technical Report EDS-17 GATE Convection Subprogram Data Center; Analysis of Ship Surface Meteorological Data Obtained During GAGE Intercomparison Periods . Haight, F. J., 1942. Coastal along the Atlantic Coast. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication 230. Washington, D.C. Jelesnianski , C. P., 1970. Bottom stress time history in linearized equations of motion for storm surges. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 98, pp. 469-478. Meserve, J. M. , 1974, U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C, U.S. Government Printing Office. Milgram, J. H., 1977. Mass transport of water and floating oil by gravity waves in deep water. Unpublished manuscript, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Smith, Cragg L. , 1974. Determination of the Leeway of Oil Slicks," Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Report No. CG-D-60-75. Smith, Richard A., James R. Slack, and Robert K. Davis, 1976. An oil spill risk analysis for the North Atlantic outer continental shelf lease area. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 76-620, 50 pp. Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming, 1942. The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry and General Biology, Prentice Hall, New York. Tully, Paul R. , 1969. Removal of Floating Oil Slicks by the Controlled Combustion Technique, Oil on the Sea, Plenum Press. U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1970. Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (SSMO) for North American Coastal Marine Areas, Vol. II: Areas 4, Boston, 5, Quonset Point, 6, New York, and 7, Atlantic City, National Technical Information Service, AD 707 699. 64 3. INVESTIGATIONS OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES 3.1 Basic Chemistry of Spilled Oil The phrase "spilled oil" encompasses a wide variety of hydrocarbon blends, including among others, crude oils, home heating oil, and heavy residual fuels. Crude oils and petroleum products contain thousands of individual chemical compounds, with a wide range of physical and chemical properties. When spilled into the aquatic environment, light distillate fuels, such as gasoline or jet fuels, do not behave in the same manner as do heavy distillates or heavy residual (No. 6) fuels. The light fuels spread to cover a large surface area with a thin film of oil, while the heavy fuels tend to thicken and form "pancakes" of oil up to several inches thick. Natural degradative processes are directly related to surface area of the slick, and therefore remove oil from the sea surface much more rapidly in the case of light oils than in the case of heavy products or crude oils. Knowledge regarding the degradation of oil in the marine environment is limited. We know what the major degradative processes are, i.e., those natural processes that operate to modify the physical and chemical character- istics of spilled oil, changing its viscosity, solubility, toxicity, and so on. But we cannot predict the rate at which a No. 2 fuel oil will enter the water column under a given set of conditions. If "oil" were pure benzene or hexane, for example, then it would be a straightforward task to develop a set of physical-chemical descriptors, or mathematical algorithms, which would enable us to predict the behavior and fate of such "oil" under all possible environmental conditions. Unfortunately, such is not the case. One problem associated with the multicomponent nature of petroleum is a phenomenon known as "skinning." When oil forms thick lenses, from a centimeter to several inches thick, the evaporation of volatile components through the top sui.cace (the air-oil interface) depletes the surface of the oil in light hydrocar- bons, leaving behind heavier compounds characteristic of heavy fuel oils and asphalts. These high-molecular-weight compounds form an essentially imper- meable skin at the air-oil interface, precluding continued evaporation of the lighter fraction from the interior of the oil lenses. This "skin" may be broken up with sufficient turbulence, and the process of evaporation can then restart. "Skinning" is only one of the many physical-chemical processes that take place with increasing age of an oil slick* Processes considered under the collective appellation of "chemical" include: (1) interactions with suspended sediments; (2) evaporation; (3) dissolution; (4) emulsif ication; (5) photo-oxidation; and (6) microbial degradation. The individual processes are not completely independent, photo-oxidation enhances the dissolution of the aromatic fraction of oil by the formation of more soluble carboxylic acids, and so on. Brief summaries of each of the major processes are pre- sented below. 3.1.1 Suspended Sediments During the Santa Barbara Channel blowout in 1969, an unusually large influx of suspended clay minerals from the Ventura and Santa Clara Rivers served to sink the oil on contact. A 1966 collision, involving the tanker 65 Anne Mildred Brrfvig, released 125,000 barrels of crude oil to the North Sea almost instantaneously, but by the time local authorities had mobilized to deal with the spill the oil was dissipating rapidly. The disappearance of the oil was undoubtedly due to sinking. Whether it was the combination of cold February weather and the high specific gravity of Iranian crude, or in- teraction with suspended sediments, is not known, but little environmental damage was recorded as a result of the accident. Evaporation of volatile components of the No. 6 fuel oil released in the collision of the Arizona Standard and the Oregon Standard under the Golden Gate Bridge in January 1971 resulted in an increase in specific gravity of the remaining oil, allowing rapid dispersion of oil throughout the water column. How much of this pro- cess was due to unaided sinking, and how much could be attributed to inter- actions with the heavy suspended sediment load of San Francisco Bay, is not clear. In the 1970 Arrow accident in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, a spill of 65,000 barrels of No. 6 fuel oil in rough, cold seas, investigators found suspended oil particles (5 microns to 1 millimeter in size) widely distri- buted in the water column as far as 250 kilometers away from the wreck. Forrester (1971) estimated the flux of emulsified and particulate oil into the water column at 40 to 50 barrels per day for the first 15 days after the Arrow grounding. The interaction of oil with suspended sediments is an important dissipa- tive process, as the sinking of the Anne Mildred Brrfvig's cargo and the Santa Barbara Channel spill show. There are two major classes of suspended par- ticulate matter in which a distinction has to be made regarding the type of interaction that takes place with dissolved hydrocarbons. The first includes clay minerals of the kaolinite or montmorillonite type (water layers alter- nating between aluminosilicate layers) , which swell when exposed to water or hydrocarbons, and easily accommodate bilayers of hydrocarbons between alumi- nosilicate sheets (absorption) . The second type of suspended sediments includes such materials as Si02, CaC03, and other nonporous solids. On these materials, dissolved hydrocarbons can be adsorbed. Obviously, adsorption on nonporous solids will not remove much oil from the water column, and thereby allow more oil to diffuse in, unless there is a high density of finely di- vided particles in the water column. The effects of suspended particulate matter become much less obvious when one considers (1) oil micelles inter- acting with particles, (2) collision between suspended particles and the slick itself, and (3) the coalescence of particles that have become coated with oil. These three processes, as nature would have it, are of primary importance in the interactions of oil with suspended sediments, yet we know little or nothing about these processes. 3.1.2 Evaporation Evaporation from an oil slick is responsible for the loss of about one- fourth of most crude oil spills, representing those components that volatil- ize at temperatures below approximately 270°C. The principal difficulty in predicting evaporation is that it cannot be done for actual oil spills for more than a short period of time, because of the multicomponent nature of petroleum. Even for such light materials as No. 2 fuels and gasoline, mass transfer within the liquid phase will determine the rate at which certain volatile components will reach the oil-air interface, and as the spill i; _s 66 depleted in its more volatile components, the rate of evaporation will de- crease as evaporation proceeds. For a heavy residual fuel oil, such as No. 6, evaporation plays only a minor role, and is limited to its effect on the light "cutter stock" often added to straight-run No. 6 to improve its hand- ling characteristics. 3.1.3 Dissolution True thermodynamic dissolution of petroleum hydrocarbons is not a sig- nificant contribution to the mass transfer of oil from the surface into the water column. The most volatile portions of crude oils and light distillate fuels are also the most soluble, but rarely would one expect to find a sig- nificant downward flux of oil due to dissolution. In terms of toxicity, however, the dissolved light hydrocarbons present a great environmental hazard. Making the distinction between true "dissolved" and colloidal or supracolloidal hydrocarbon "droplets" in the water column is a difficult problem even in the best of laboratory situations. Suffice it to say, for the moment, that it is not unreasonable to lump the true dissolved fraction of oil with the oil-in-water emulsified oil, discussed in the next section, and the other forms of oil that are worked into the water column by one mechanism or another. 3.1.4 Emulsif ication Oil can form either micellar oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions, or water-in- oil (w/o) emulsions. Micelles are colloidal aggregates of the lipoidal (oil) phase suspended in the aqueous phase. Micelle formation is "good" from a dissipation point of view, since the micelles are microscopic in size and are readily distributed through the water colum. Their microscopic size, incor- porating perhaps only a hundred hydrocarbon molecules per micelle, provides much more surface area than could be available at the underside of a con- tinuous oil slick, promoting degradation of o/w emulsions by microbial oxidation. The w/o emulsions, known as "mousse," are a very different problem, as they float and agglomerate into large masses. Such w/o emulsions can cause fluid oils to become viscous, as well as cause viscous oils to become fluid. Neither result is beneficial, as the product is an emulsion with the consistency of melted Hershey's chocolate, whether one begins with gasoline or with asphalt. "Mousse" is fluid .enough to coat shorelines thoroughly, yet viscous enough to substantially retard evaporation. In the 1967 Torrey Canyon accident, the crude oil formed "mousse" before reaching shore. In the 1975 Key West oil spill, a solvent-based detergent was added to the oil before it was pumped over the side, producing a 60/40 w/o emul- sion. During the Arrow spill in Chedabucto Bay, and in the 1969 West Falmouth spill, mousse did not form, although in the latter two accidents oil was mechanically driven into the water column and, in the West Falmouth spill at least, into the sediments. 3.1.5 Oxidation Oxidation of an oil slick enhances the dissolution rate of the oil and produces surfactant molecules that will promote emulsif ication. There are 67 three major oxidative mechanisms to consider: photo-oxidation, auto-oxida- tion, and microbial oxidation. Betancourt and McLean (1973) examined the oxidative degradation of the No. 6 fuel oil from the Arrow spill, noting that the original cargo from the Arrow contained 2.28% sulfur and that after 20 months of onshore weathering the sulfur content had dropped to 1.45%. Since the sulfur-containing components of oil are generally not considered to be volatile, the conclusion one arrives at is that sulfur-containing compounds are preferentially oxidized during weathering. Many investigators have contributed to our knowledge of microbial degra- dation of oil, such phenomena having been the subject of several investiga- tions since the 1920' s. Numerous organisms have been identified that can use hydrocarbons as both an energy and as a carbon source, but the process of biodegradation of oil is extremely complex. It may seem surprising at first to read of the variety of hydrocarbons that can serve as "food" for micro- organisms, from methane to asphalt, but were it not for the adaptability of these organisms oil from natural seepages might well have covered the earth's surface to a depth of several centimeters by now. Microorganisms are able to convert hydrocarbons into more soluble alco- hols, organic acids, and into CO2 and water via enzyme-catalyzed reactions. For aerobic metabolism of a simple hydrocarbon, the oxidation reaction is represented by the reaction: cnH2n + (3/2)n02 ■* nC02 + nH20. If the organism consumed all the available hydrocarbon for energy purposes, the ratio of C02 produced to 02 consumed should equal 0.67. This ratio, called the respiratory quotient, was examined in 1942 by Stone et al. for mixed soil bacteria. They found values of the respiratory quotient as low as 0.12 for heavy fractions of crude oil, and as high as 0.64 for refined motor oil. Also in 1942, Johnson et al. measured respiratory quotients for Bac- terium alphaticum of 0.47 for heptane, 0.48 for octane, and 0.63 for nonane and dodecane. Anaerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons can occur with either nitrate or sulfate taking the place of oxygen as the electron donor. Anaero- bic oxidation of hydrocarbons is usually incomplete, leaving the hydrocarbon in some partly oxidized state rather than as C02 and water. The biological conversion of a pure hydrocarbon to a more water-soluble alcohol or acid assists in the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons from the sea surface. Since most of the hydrocarbon-utilizing organisms are not lipoidal, the microbial oxidation of an oil slick is restricted to the aqueous side of the water/oil interface. The increased solubility of the partly oxidized intermediates by this process allows for transfer of some of the oil away from the interfacial region. Beerstecher (1954), based on measurements at room temperature, reported rates of crude oil oxidation of 1.2 to 1.5 g m_2d~ , and for refined oil of about 0.5 g m-2d_1 . There have been a number of investigations into the effect of the molecular properties of the substrate on the rate of microbial oxidation of petroleum hydrocarbons. In general, it can be said that the longer-chain 68 aliphatic hydrocarbons are more easily degraded than short-chain compounds, though it may sometimes be difficult to provide adequate dispersion of long- chain paraffins to allow for the maximum rate of degradation. Also, branched chain hydrocarbons are utilized preferentially over their straight-chain isomers. Unsaturation in a hydrocarbon offers a site for immediate hydro- lysis, and as such encourages microbial oxidation. Multiply unsaturated compounds such as butadiene are rapidly oxidized, but they do not occur in crude oil. Aromatic compounds are attacked quite readily, possibly because there are much more water-soluble than aliphatic compounds of comparable molecular weight. The addition of side-chains to an aromatic compound facil- itates microbial oxidation, as does increasing molecular weight. The mechanisms by which spilled oil is transported away from the surface of the ocean are complex and poorly understood. A major facet of the contin- uous study of accidental oil spills must of necessity be the sampling and analysis of the oil itself, the water column beneath the oil slick, and the sediment/water interface, which is often the ultimate sink of "weathered" oil. Such investigations were undertaken by the several groups involved in the short- and medium-term assessment of the fate of the Argo Merchant oil. There are numerous mathematical models in existence that attempt to de- scribe the transport of oil in the marine environment. Most of these models are limited to two-dimensional spreading and advection at the sea-air inter- face. Understanding the physical and chemical transformations that oil undergoes when spilled in the marine environment is an important facet in developing three-dimensional oil spill models that will accurately predict the transportation and concentrations of oil in the water column, and ulti- mately to the sediments and littoral regions. For this reason, samples of oil were collected from the Argo Merchant, from the slick, the water column, and the sediments beneath the slick. All the samples were initially screened at the USCG Research and Development Center by ultraviolet fluorescence and thin-layer chromatography to determine the amount of oil present. Selected samples have been sent to the NOAA's National Analytical Facility in Seattle, Washington, for gas-chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis. It is the goal of this research effort to determine the extent to which the Argo Merchant oil entered the water column as well as the sediments during and immediately after the spill. 3. 2 Oil Sampling One of the technical problems associated with the Argo Merchant oil spill was the initial lack of reference samples of the cargo oil and bunker fuel carried by the vessel. There are still no reference samples of the latter. Two dirrerent No. 6 fuels were carried as cargo: 50,000 barrels of one, and 139,000 barrels of other. The only oil sample withdrawn directly from one of the cargo tanks was a 16-ounce sample taken from the No. 4 port tank by J. H. Milgram of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on December 19, 1976. Other samples of oil were taken from the slick on several different occasions, as described below, but no samples were taken from the Argo Merchant other than the one obtained by Milgram. Since the viscosities 69 of the two cargoes were reported to be nearly identical, it is hoped that despite the lack of samples from the second, they may have differed only in their relative proportions of "cutter stock." P. Fricke of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution obtained 5 gallons of "surrogate" Argo Merchant oil on February 5, 1977, from a tanker in Boston harbor. This "surrogate" oil was No. 6 fuel oil from the same refinery and had undergone the same refining process as the oil carried by the Argo Mer- chant. Samples have been made available to all cooperating investigators for further studies. In addition to the surrogate sample, P. Fricke is trying to arrange for samples of the two actual Argo Merchant oils to be shipped from the refinery in Venezuela within a few months. Because of the apparent fractionation of lighter components of the Argo Merchant oil into the water column, it will also be necessary to obtain a reference sample of the "cutter stock," which was used for improving the handling characteristics of the tanker's cargo, before accurate oil-in-water concentrations can be reported. Fricke is attempting to obtain such a sample also. 3.2.1 Oil Slick Sampling and Analyses Samples Samples that have played a significant role in the analysis of the fate of the Argo Merchant oil slick include: (1) surface samples taken by J. H. Milgram on December 17 and 19, 1976, within 1 mile of the tanker, and (2) a surface sample taken with a bucket lowered from a helicopter on December 19 near the "head" end of the horeseshoe-shaped slick. The first samples were 12- to 24-hours old according to Milgram' s estimate. The second sample was taken on December 19 by J. Gait and J. Mattson of NOAA at 41°04.0'N latitude, 69°18.2'W longitude, and was probably 2 to 3 days old. On December 23, S. Fortier of the USCG Research and Development Center took three surface slick samples from a helicopter. These samples are stored at the Center. On December 25, the USCGC Vigilant obtained a sample from the large pancake of oil sighted that day, and that was the last surface slick sample collected from the oil spilled by the Argo Merchant. Part of the last sample is held by Milgram at MIT. Physical properties Analyses of the surface slick samples as well as of the sample taken directly from the Argo Merchant were performed by Milgram and by J. Quinn of the University of Rhode Island. The physical properties reported by Milgram for the cargo sample and the "thick" surface slick sample he obtained on December 19 are listed in Table 3-1. In addition, Milgram subjected the cargo sample to atmospheric distil- lation, noting that 20% of the cargo sample distilled off at temperatures below 120°C, undoubtedly representing the light distillate "cutter stock" 70 Table 3-1. Physical properties of cargo oil sample from No. 4 port tank and "thick" slick sample taken on December 19 (J. H. Milgram, MIT). Property Cargo sample Slick sample Specific gravity 0.96 0.96 Surface tension 35 dynes/cm 35.5 cynes/cm Viscosity, @ 10°C 33,298 cp 71,977 cp* Pour point, ASTM D97-66 2°C 2°C * The slick sample contained about 4% water, affecting the viscosity measure- ment . that is normally added to straight-run No. 6 fuel oil to improve handling characteristics. The 2°C pour point is another indication of the substantial fraction of cutter stock present in the cargo oil. An important observation, made by Milgram early in the spill, was that the specific gravity of the residue remaining after distillation to 210°C also exhibited a spevific gravity of 0.96. This was an early indication that the oil was not going to sink of its own accord, even after prolonged weathering. Milgram also measured the surface tension of water pipetted from beneath a thin film of oil, obtaining a value of 79 dynes/cm, as well as the surface tension of water with a thin oil film on top, at 59 dynes/cm. The pour point reported above is the "upper pour point" as defined by ASTM D97-66, and is measured by (a) placing oil in a 1-inch diameter tube, (b) warming it up to dissolve waxy components, and (c) then cooling it and measuring the tem- peratures at which the oil does not move for 5 seconds, with the tube held horizontally. Adding 3°C to the final temperature gives the "upper pour point." Milgram notes that although the oil did not move for the required 5 seconds, it would begin to flow before 10 seconds had elapsed. On December 22, Milgram gave aliquots of his December 19 samples to R. Sexton of the University of Rhode Island. On December 23, these samples were analyzed by gas chromatography by J. Quinn, URI, according to the following procedure. Chemical analysis by gas chromatography Two drops of each sample was transferred to 10-milliliter pear-shaped flasks using Pasteur pipettes, and two drops of CS2 were added to dissolve the oil. Each sample was injected into a 5711 gas chromatograph under the conditions listed in Table 3-2. A standard hydrocarbon mixture was injected for identification of the peaks in the chromatograms, which are shown in 71 Table 3-2. Gas chromatograph conditions used by J. Quinn, URI Condition Specification Column Temperature program Chart speed Detector temperature Injection port temperature Range and attenuation Amount injected 4% FFAP, 2 m x 2.2 mm inner diameter, stainless steel. 75°C to 250°C at 8°C/min and hold. 0.25 in./min. 300°C. 250°C. 4 x 102. 2 to 3/ul. Figures 3-1 and 3-2 for Milgram's two samples. The cargo sample is repre- sented in Figure 3-1, and Figure 3-2 represents the slick sample obtained on December 19 within 1 mile of the Argo Merchant. The presence of C^Q-Cig n-alkanes in the two samples corroborates Milgram's analysis of 20% light fuel oil in the cargo, and is consistent with the results obtained by R. Jadamec of the USCG Research and Development Center, which are discussed in the next section. 3.2.2 Water Sampling and Analyses Samples Water samples obtained after the Argo Merchant grounding included the first taken during the WHOI R/V Oceanus II cruise on December 20 and 21 and those obtained on the cruise of the URI R/V Endeavor, February 8-12. Other vessels involved in water sampling were the USCGC's Evergreen, Vigilant, Bittersweet, and NOAA's Delaware II. The sampling locations are plotted in Figure 3-3; further details are given in Appendix V. By far the largest number of samples were taken with Sterile Bag Samp- lers (Model 1030, General Oceanics, Inc., Miami, Florida). This sampler is designed to be lowered through the sea-air interface while sealed, opened by messenger at depth, and automatically closing before being returned to the surface. The sample of approximately 1 liter thus obtained is uncontaminated by a surface oil slick, and is representative of the subsurface water. In areas thought to be uncontaminated, additional samples were taken with stan- dard Niskin bottles of the type that passes through the air-sea interface in an "open" configuration and is closed at depth by a messenger. 72 UJ If) ■z. o 0. to u cc o h- o UJ t- UJ Q GAS CHROMATOGRAM SAMPLE 1 - CARGO SAMPLE JAMES QUINN UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND INCREASING TIME AND TEMPERATURE Figure 3-1. Gas chromatogram of Argo Merchant cargo sample, UJ ir> O Q. en UJ or a: O Y- o UJ H Ul Q GAS CHROMATOGRAM SAMPLE 2 JAMES QUINN UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND INCREASING TIME AND TEMPERATURE Figure 3-2. Gas chromatogram of oil sample taken from slick within 1 mile of the Argo Merchant by J. Milgram on December 19 73 CO g •H ■U CO a o 60 C •H t-H CO ts en l m cu n p 00 •H Pn All water samples were either immediately frozen, or were extracted with hexane aboard ship (on the later Endeavor cruises) in order to stabilize any hydrocarbons contained within against bacterial degradation. Frozen samples were transported, using a completely documented chain of custody, by G. Heimerdinger , NOAA Liaison at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, to the USCG R&D Center at Groton, Connecticut. The water samples were then extracted and prescreened for petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) by R. Jadamec of the Center. A Chemical Analysis Committee, formed at a meeting at Woods Hole, Jan- uary 3-4, 1977, is monitoring the continuing analyses of all water samples. Ultra-violet fluorescence screening of water samples By this procedure, one liter of sample is extracted twice, using 10- milliliter portions of spectroquality hexane. The two hexane extracts are combined and then analyzed by synchronous scanning ultraviolet fluorescence. The excitation and emission monochromators are initially set at 255 and 280 nanometers, respectively. The continuous excitation-emission spectrum is recorded until final settings of 475 and 500 nanometers on the excitation and emission monochromators, respectively, are obtained. The resulting flu- orescence spectrum reveals the distribution of the polyaromatic rings present in the sample. Comparison of the sample spectrum with that of the reference oil spectrum, obtained at various concentration levels, will indicate the relative concentration of oil present in the sample. The sample taken from surface slick by Gait and Mattson on December 19 is being used as the refer- ence oil. The screening of water column samples is still in progress. Analyses of samples collected by the USCGC's Bittersweets Evergreen, and Vigilant di- rectly beneath the slick indicate very low levels of PHC concentration. All water samples analyzed indicate an absence of high-molecular-weight polyaro- matic hydrocarbons at various depths beneath and around the slick from Decem- ber 20 through December 31. The absence of 4- and 5-ring polyaromatic com- pounds in the water makes it difficult to use the whole oil as a concentra- tion standard. As a temporary compromise, the 2- and 3-ring portion of the whole oil spectrum was employed as the concentration reference. The error this introduces is one of slightly overestimating the amount of oil present in the water column samples. Using this method of calibration, as well as calibrating against the API "pool" No. 2 fuel oil (available from the Biology Department, Texas A&M University), the highest petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) concentrations measured were approximately 250 parts per billion. These were found in samples taken beneath the slick by the USCGC's Vigilant and Bitter- sweet. Samples on these cruises were taken at two depths ranging from 1 to 10 feet below the surface. It is in the deeper of the two samples that the highest concentrations were found according to R. Jadamec. It is the con- sensus of the chemical analysis committee that the oil observed in the water samples is actually the "cutter stock," which represents about 20% of the cargo oil. An effort is being made by P. Fricke of WHOI to obtain an authen- tic sample of this "cutter stock." When a sample is obtained, the water column samples will be corrected to it as a new standard. 75 Samples taken during the January 26-29 and February 8-12 Endeavor cruises included water samples taken at the surface, at a depth of 6 meters, and near the bottom, as well as bottom sediment samples at each station. The near- bottom and sediment samples will be carefully analyzed to see if there is any relationship between sediment PHC ' s and PHC ' s in the water column. The water samples taken on both Endeavor cruises show a lower hydrocarbon content than that observed in samples obtained from the Evergreen^ Bittersweet, and Vigi- lant directly beneath the slick. In all cases, only the light aromatic fraction of the Argo Merchant oil could be detected, if indeed it was Argo Merchant oil at all. Representative samples of water column extracts are being selected for additional GC-MS analysis at the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle, and several samples will be archived for eventual inter- calibration with BLM's "benchmark" survey contractors for the Georges Bank lease area. "Total extractable organics" from Endeavor samples On Endeavor cruise EN-002, December 28-30, C. Brown of URI analyzed six water samples by infrared spectrometry for "total extractable organics." The cruise track and station locations are shown on Figure 3-4, where the "X" marks the location of the Argo Merchant. Stations 1 and 3 were well removed from the area of surface oil contamination, and any discovery of oil in those water samples would not be expected to have originated from the grounded tanker. Station 2 was well within the area subject to nearly continual surface contamination since December 19, and could have been expected to exhibit some PHC contamination in the water column. Water samples were taken at the surface at all three stations, at a depth of 6 meters at stations 1 and 2, and at the bottom (39 meters) at station 1. All six samples were extracted with CCl^ by Brown's group at URI, and analyzed for "total extract- able organics." At Station 1, they measured concentrations of 68 and 29 parts per billion, respectively, for the surface and 6-meter samples, values that are not indicative of any unusual amount of contamination. The bottom water sample at Station 1 yielded a value of 191 parts per billion, higher than Brown could expect for the area, possibly because the bottom was dis- turbed during the sampling. At stations 2 and 3, the surface "total extractable organics" concen- trations were 47 and 435 parts per billion, respectively, and the 6-meter sample at station 2 showed a concentration of 455 parts per billion. This last sample could have included oil from the Argo Merchant, and Brown sub- jected this sample, plus the surface sample from station 3, to further anal- yses . The hydrocarbon concentrations revealed in the two samples by gas chro- matography were also high, but were not significantly different from the types and amounts found in the "clean" samples. Brown suspects that the high values of total extractable organics in the two samples therefore are due to soluble species rather than PHCs. Further analysis by infrared spectroscopy of the 6-meter sample from station 2 indicated the presence of two organic species: phthalic acid esters and an unidentifiable species. They tried to determine whether these compounds may have originated by degradation of Argo Merchant oil but so far this has not been confirmed by laboratory 76 £ o O rvj Q O Z O < Ul CO CO CO D Ul Q z LL o o O X < tr tr u o O o > ,_l < >- UJ \- o Q LU cc LU 1- < > > H >» •z. co cr ZD o CO CO OJ O 0) O .-1 ^ a> cd Cfl 4-1 •H a j-i o ■u X is QJ Cl ^ r-\ « CO ■u •a O s? 4-1 fcj u M o fi M-l •H 5-1 CO 3 cu T3 H a (3 ^ 01 nj M Cfi CO 4-J 0) M 0) 0) U X 0) s !3 en en G o o •H •H P 4-1 CO n3 60 4-J m CO o 10 microns Niskin 1.10 No High sediment load, no oil >10 microns 39 Niskin 0.80 No High sediment load, no oil >10 microns Niskin 1.10 No Some sediment, no oil >5 microns 0 Bucket 1.00 No Some sediment, no oil >microns 0 Bucket 1.50 Yes Some sediment, one oil droplet 155 x 300 microns 3.2.3 Sediment Sampling and Analyses A large number of sediment samples were taken from the Evergreen, OceanuSj Delaware II '_, and Endeavor during the last two weeks of December, but for a variety of purposes and by different sampling procedures. At the meeting at Woods Hole on January 3-4, 1977, all the cooperating investigators agreed that the sediment samples should be handled in the same way as the water samples, i.e., after extraction and prescreening by R. Jadamec at the Coast Guard R&D Center, selected samples were to be sent to the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle for GC-MS analysis. 79 Sampling program A chemical analysis committee, established at the Woods Hole meeting, continues to maintain control over the selection of samples to be subjected to further analysis. This committee consists of the following: James S. Mattson, NOAA (Chairman); Richard Jadamec, USCG R&D Center; William MacLeod, NOAA National Analytical Facility; John Farrington, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; James Quinn and Chris Brown, University of Rhode Island; Richard Feely, NOAA; Ed Myers, NOAA. All the samples that were in storage as of January 3, 1977, have subsequently been handled, as have all samples taken on Endeavor cruises 003, 004, and 005, according to the "chain of custody" guidelines issued by EPA Region I (directive signed by John McGlenon, July 5, 1973). G. Heimerdinger of NOAA met the Endeavor on each return to assume custody of the samples, and they have since been documented in accordance with EPA guidelines. At the Woods Hole meeting in January, the subject of the immediate im- pact of the Argo Merchant oil spill was specifically addressed. This meet- chaired by R. Kolpack, University of Southern California, and Don Swift, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories, NOAA, resulted in the suggestions that investigators concentrate on benthic processes to determine the area where oil might be deposited in the bottom sediments. Endeavor cruise EN-003, with Eva Hoffman as chief scientist, was planned to carry out this objective (Appendix V). The cruise started on January 26, 1977, and was terminated by bad weather on January 29. A second cruise, EN-004, was con- ducted from February 9 to 12, 1977, to complete the initial survey. A third cruise was planned for February 21, 1977, to follow up on the findings of the second cruise. The sampling program included the area thought to be affected beneath the surface slick, as well as marginal areas sufficiently beyond surface slick extensions to serve as partial controls. Also included were areas in the path of potential bottom sediment movement. In addition, the plan pro- vided information about the bottom sediments and the near-bottom hydraulic regime (about 100 centimeters above the sea floor) in order to assess bottom transport processes. The 27 sediment samples from Oceanus cruises 19 and 20 (Appendix V) 26 samples from Delaware II cruises 76-13 and 77-01 (Appendix V), 7 samples from Endeavor cruise EN-002, and 16 samples from the USCGC Evergreen (a total of 76 samples, representing 42 stations) were taken between December 20 and January 10. All these samples have been extracted and prescreened by R. Jadamec of the USCG Research and Development Center, and the results of these analyses are described later in this section. The benthic survey cruises undertaken by URI on Endeavor cruises EN-003, 004, and EN-005 produced another suite of water column and bottom samples, which were taken under the guidelines developed at the Woods Hole meeting on January 3-4. Appendix V contains the cruise report for EN-003, during which Endeavor was able to occupy only five stations because of bad weather, and a cruise "report" for EN-004, when the URI vessel was able to largely complete 80 the survey as planned. Appendix V contains a description of the sampling locations in the general area covered by the oil slick from the Argo Mer- chant. In summary, it was assumed by URI that the most likely to show sig- nificant quantities of oil would be: (1) Areas covered by the slick for the longest period of time. (2) Shallow areas. (3) Areas covered by the slick when the sea state was high. In addition, the remainder of the area covered by the slick (deeper areas and areas covered when the sea state was calm) would also be sampled. Two areas, designated "A" and "B" in Figure 3-5, were determined to have been covered by heavy oil concentrations for at least 6 days. Area A includes the site of the Argo Merchant. Area B is the area where the slick stalled for 6 days before moving eastward. URI investigators randomly selected 30 stations within the two areas: 6 in area A, and 24 in area B. In addition to these 30 stations, URI chose 3 stations in shallow areas (designated "C") ; 3 that were covered by a heavy concentration of oil during high sea states ("D") ; 2 that coincided with Endeavor cruise 002 stations 1 and 2 ("E") ; and 2 sta- tions located between areas A and B ("F") . Appendix V lists the positions of all the above stations, except those designated "G," which were chosen by the chief scientist during Endeavor cruise 004. And it is at two of these stations, G-42 and G-43, that oil has been determined up to date, as well as at stations A-40 and D-36 (figure 3- 6). Screening Procedures Sediment samples are being screened by two methods: thin-layer chroma- tography, and ultraviolet fluorescence. Selected samples are then forwarded to the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle for GC-MS analysis. The ultraviolet fluorescence procedure developed by Gordon and Krisa (1974) is being used on both the water column and sediment samples to deter- mine if substantial quantities of oil are present. The thin-layer chromato- graphic method was developed by Mississippi State University under contract to the U.S. Coast Guard. Thin-layer chromatographic screening of sediments. A measured volume of sediment (5 cubic centimeters) is extracted with 2 milliliters of spectro- quality hexane by stirring the slurry for 1 minute. The hexane is then de- canted into a 5-milliliter vial and reduced in volume to 0.5 milliliter by gentle warming over a hot plate. Twenty-five microliters of the concentrated hexane extract is spotted on the active side of type 5A chromatographic paper strip approximately 1.5 centimeters above the bottom edge. The spot is allowed to dry thoroughly and then developed in a mixture of 35% petroleum ether and 65% benzene for 45 to 60 seconds. The chromatographic strip is allowed to dry and viewed under ultraviolet light. The presence of a blue fluorescent spot is indicative of the presence of oil. The greater the intensity of the fluorescence, the greater the quantity of oil. The minimum 81 CM N CO ro CO —•ID • lO CD • CD — CM 3t in 1 » CD. CO CO. .CO CM 0' CD — • CM CD CO | • ro CM N- CD CM CO — • CD .O • • • in CM 00 CD CO ° < • LU tr < en CM CO CM u. CM ro ro K .< ro h < * • ro <• • in ro 0) ro 2 < < O* I ~> ipF.^i t£^ d UJ ro« or O < o rO UJ O O CO CO w UJ <2 Q ID O 0T I O CC £ or u- 5 o o z o co o z or - UJ UJ 6 > g r- ^ Z co or id 5 o CO CO o cr> CO 2: o 5 o O p*, 0) • > 13 u a 3 CO en tH CO 0 H •H J3 a) ■t-i x) C 0 QJ ,0 £ !-i <4-l O O 14-1 5*. cn 4-1 C ■H 0 CO •H V4 4-1 a) CO > 0 ■H 0 d H CD c 0) 0 X, •rl 4-) 4-1 CO >> ■U r^ cn 13 bO a> ti jj •H u iH 3 CU T3 a C cd O CO O m ro QJ n 3 M •H Fn 82 ? CO o t- 00 CO h- »- z z < < X X o o or or UJ UJ o o e> e> or < t CM 6 5 CO CO I I < < < X o or UJ o or < o CO or < LJ d ro ro 1 < f. 1 0. ^~\ ^ — — ^-r cv»>v s^ s <*> P v-~ -v ^. -O/ ^ C> ( -XV I ( \ \ \ \ I "V" ? in CO A ? CD CO CO C\J I o fO 50 >100 > 10 >0.1 <0.1 >3.0 >1.0 <1.0 >1.0 <0.1 <0.1 >1.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 >1.0 <1.0 D- -35 Grab 1 D- -35 Grab 2 D- -35 Grab 3 G- -41 Grab 1 G- -41 Grab 2 G- -41 Grab 3 A- -34 Grab I A- -34 Grab 2 A- -34 Grab 3 A- -33 Grab 1 A- -33 Grab 2 A- -33 Grab 3 B- -18 Grab 1 B- -18 Grab 3 F- -28 Grab 1 B- -7 Grab 1 B- -7 Grab 2 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0 1 <0 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 <0. 1 light petroleum fraction found in the water column and the lighter components of the Argo Merchant oil. However, since representative samples of the original cargo of the tanker are not yet available, the December 19 slick sample collected by Mattson and Gait will be used in the interim. Bottom photographs taken by the USCGC Evergreen indicate a clean bottom, which supports the sediment screening results for the samples collected on the Evergreen, and Delaware II 76-13 and 77-1 cruises. Analyses of sediment samples collected in the area around the bow sec- tion of the Argo Merchant show considerable levels of oil from the tanker, and since these levels have been found only in this vicinity it is reasonable to infer that residual oil remaining in the bow section was imparted to the sediment as the bow drifted along the bottom toward deeper water. All sedi- ment screening results to date are summarized in Tables 3-4 and 3-5, which indicate a moderate degree of PHC contamination throughout the area. An indication of Argo Merchant oil found in B-15 grabs 2 and 3 from Endeavor cruise 004 has been noted and is being investigated. The presence of Argo Merchant oil shown in Figure 3-6, can best be explained at present by the bottom transport of suspended oil sediments. Bottom currents in December and January in the area are 10 centimeters per second (Bumpus, 1973), which is sufficient to keep sand (grain sizes from 0.125 to 0.75 mm), the primary 8 5 Table 3-5. Preliminary thin-layer chromatographic screening of sediment samples Sample Concentration Sample Concentration Evergreen A-l - A- 2 - A- 3 - A- 4 - B-l _ B-2 - B-3 - B-4 - C-l _ C-2 - C-3 + C-4 - D-l _ D-2 - D-3 - D-4 - Oceanus 20 1A +■ IB + 1C 0 2A + 2B 0 2C + 3A 0 3B + 3C + 4A + 4B + 4C + 5A + 5B +■ 5C + 6A 4- Oceanus 20 13A + 13B + 13C + 14A + 14B + 14C + Oceanus 1 9 1:1(A) + 1:2(B) + 1:3(C) + 2: KA) + 2:2(B) + Delaware II 76-13 4 0 6 0 Delaware II 77-01 6 0 7 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 14 0 18 0 21 + 23 + 27 + 29 + 31 0 35 + 36 + 38 0 39 + 86 Table 3-5. Continued. Sample Concentration Sample Concentration Endeavor 004 A-31:l + A-31:2 0 A-31:3 0 Endeavor 004 D-36:l D-36:2 D-36:3 + + + A-33:l G-43:l G-43:2 G-43:3 G-42:l G-42:2 G-42:3 G-41:l G-41:2 G-41:3 + + + + + + 0 A-34:l A-34:2 A-34:3 A-40:l A-40:2 A-40:3 C-39:l C-39:2 C-39:3 + + 0 0 + 0 + - = no fluorescence. 0 = less than or equal to 2 micrograms per 5 cubic centimeters of wet sedi- ment . 4- = more than 2 micrograms per 5 cubic centimeters of wet sediment. -H- = very high levels. sediment type in the area, in suspension and move the suspended load at approximately 3 kilometers per day. Ths explanation is further substantiated by comparing the sediment screening results shown in Table 3-5 for Evergreen station B and Endeavor station G-42. The former based on samples taken in December, indicate a clean bottom; the latter3, based on samples taken in February, indicate the presence of Argo Merchant oil. The conclusion arrived at is that the movement of the tanker's bow section, after it was sunk on December 31, over the sand bottom mechanically worked oil into the sediment and these sediments are being transported by the southwesterly bottom cur- rents in the area. 87 References Beerstecher, E., Jr., 1954. Petroleum Microbiology . Elsevier Press, Houston, Texas, 375 pp. Betancourt, D. J., and A. Y. McLean, 1973. Changes in Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of a Heavy Residual Oil Weathering Under Natural Conditions. J. Inst. Petroleum, Vol. 59, pp. 223-230. Forrester, W. D., 1971. Distribution of Suspended Oil Particles Following the Grounding of the Tanker Arrow. J. Marine Research, Vol. 29, pp. 151-170. Johnson, F. H. , W. T. Goodale, and J. Turkevich, 1942. J. Cellular Comp. Physiol. , Vol. 19, pp. 163-172. ' Stone, R. W. , M. R. Feuska , and G. C. White, 1942. J. Bact., Vol. 44, pp. 169-178. 88 4. INVESTIGATIONS OF BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND EFFECTS Most studies of the biological effects of oil have been done in labora- tory or in nearshore areas. Extensive field studies that distinguish teal effects from naturally occurring ecosystem variability are virtually non- existent . Although before-after studies can be designed to assess the impact of predictable events, such as oil drilling on the Continental Shelf and ocean dumping of wastes, adequate studies of this nature are lacking, because it is both difficult and expensive to plan and execute these investigations given the limitations of time and available funding. The grounding and breaking of the Avgo Merchant and subsequent ground- ings of other oil tankers on the Continental Shelf are dramatically illus- trative of events that are not predictable. For example, during the past 18 months, the Northeast Fisheries Center has been requested by responsible officials — local, state and federal — to assess the impact of four major environmental incidents on the fishery resources of the northeast Continental Shelf. In each of these incidents, special studies were mounted to assess the impact on the environment and living resources. These efforts, however, were of limited duration, and little information on the baseline conditions or health of the stocks is available. We are dealing with a complex ecosys- tem that requires a combination of short-term tactical observations that can be evaluated against a background of long-term baseline information on the condition and health of fish and shellfish stocks. In order to effectively deal with these problems a program is needed that (1) encompasses the coordination of studies of various groups and agencies, (2) provides for the fundamental and long-term study of the ocean ecosystem that is ultimately necessary, and (3) produces suitable information for interim or near- term policy guidance and decision making. An integrated field approach is necessary, which couples in-depth "pro- cess oriented" studies at specific sites with long-term monitoring of pro- ductivity of fish stocks. At present, no single program exists that can accommodate these objec- tives. However, NMFS, NOAA, is developing a plan to monitor and assess selected systems and biological and environmental parameters that are criti- cal indicators of the state of health of the ocean. The plan calls for a long-term federal effort to acquire, process, analyze, and disseminate in- formation concerning the condition, stability, and productivity of marine populations. 4.1 Fisheries Investigations The impact of the Avgo Mevchant oil spill on the fish and shellfish stocks of Nantucket Shoals and southern Georges Bank is difficult to assess in the short term of 2 months. The National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) NOAA, has been conducting semiannual surveys of groundfish from the Gulf of 89 Maine to Cape Hatteras for the past 15 years to assess and predict changes in abundance of the principal fish stocks in the area. Major changes before the Argo Merchant spill have been the result of the interaction between intensive fishing and natural environmental fluctuations, which had reduced the fish biomass substantially from former abundance levels in the 1950' s and early 1960's. To date no comprehensive study has been carried out on the effects of oil on the productivity of fish populations on the northeast Continental Shelf. In fact, most studies concerning the effects of oil on fish and shellfish have been concerned with the onshore or nearshore impacts on lit- toral organisms. Definitive results on the effects on populations of fish are rare. Laboratory studies have shown that crude oil can damage embryos (Kiihnhold 1969, 1974). Also, the zooplankton food of fish larvae have been found to suffer high mortalities from exposures to crude oil in laboratory experiments (Mirnov, 1969a, b) . In contrast, recent observations from col- lections made at sea have indicated that zooplankton particularly copepods, can ingest particles of oil and pass them through the gut without any appar- ent effects. Some species of adult fish have been observed to avoid areas contaminated with oil. However, the more sensitive egg and larval stages are carried by the tides and currents and lack the ability to avoid oil spill areas. Bivalve shellfish (quahogs, scallops, mussels) are sedentary and have only limited capability to remove large amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons. They have been found to suffer significant mortalities in areas contaminated with oil (Jeffries and Johnson, 1975) . Proper assessment of the impact of a major spill on the Continental Shelf requires the combined effort of exten- sive sea sampling and laboratory support studies. The following investiga- tions are among the first attempts to determine how oil spilled on the Continental Shelf affects the productivity of fishery resources. Only by conducting integrated studies concerning physiological, genetic, and patho- logical effects on metabolism and reproduction through surveys of changes in the abundances of populations can we begin to define the real extent of damage caused by the oil. On December 17, after meeting of scientists of Woods Hole had discussed plans for research in the event of the breakup of the Argo Merchant, the Delaware II was contacted and informed of the possibility that the ship might be diverted to the scene of the spill to conduct research. On December 20, the Delaware II terminated its trawl survey operations, steamed to Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and prepared for a short cruise to survey the fish stocks, ichthyoplankton, and benthic organisms around the oil spill. The ship arrived on December 21 and a group of NMFS scientists from Woods Hole and Narragansett, Rhode Island, under the direction of Henry Jensen, prepared to sail as soon as possible. The cruise plan was to sample near the edge of the oil slick without contaminating the sampling gear or the ship, and to obtain as many samples of water, fish, benthic organisms, and plankton as time would permit. The ship sailed on the afternoon of December 22, began fishing that night, and, after occupying 11 stations (Figure 4-1), returned to Sandy Hook on December 24. 90 o o o o o m 1 r^ W M CO cn ■H • 3 a' ^ c U •H t-H h H X) •H Wl rH ^ O « CO Q ^ f-j ^ 0) (-} -a CD * ■U CO CO q o o •H •H -a 4-1 c Cfl •H O O CO .-H W O CO i, CD <3 13 H >-, r~-i £l W L-, 13 01 #i 4J 0) CD C CJ o •H •H 13 ■U (3 cD •H U o CD H dJ M c CD o •H 13 4J 01 cD iH 4J •H C/3 O n 0J 3 Ml •H 93 Additional cruises of the Endeavor took place on January 26-29, February 8-12, and February 21-25, 1977. These cruises were designed to further delineate the amount of oil in the water column and in the sediments, as well as to continue the assessment of oil impact on the biology of the affected area. Reports on all four Endeavor cruises are contained in Appendix V. The NMFS and URI are now beginning both an extensive sampling program and laboratory studies of fish, shellfish, and plankton populations that may have been damaged by the Argo Merchant spill. Twelve to 18 months will be required to complete the study and sort out the complex interactions among the levels of fishing mortality, natural mortality, oil mortality, and the sublethal effects of oil on the productive potential of fish resources. A short-term study based on the analysis of the results of three surveys of the spill area, laboratory observations, and an account of interviews with fisher- men is underway. A brief summary of NMFS and URI studies is given below, including preliminary results. 4.1.1 Zooplankton Studies The material in this section was contributed by R. Maurer of NMFS, NEFC , Narragansett , Rhode Island, and is based on samples collected during the first cruise of the Delaware JJ(DE 76-13). A full array of plankton samples was taken at Stations 4 through 9 on the first Delaware II cruise (Figure 4-1 and Table 4-1). Standard oblique tows were made concurrently with large 61-centimeter bongos (0.505- and 0.333-millimeter mesh nets) and small 20-centimeter bongos (0.253- and 0.165- millimeter mesh nets) , quantitatively integrating the water column from near the bottom to surface. In addition, 10-minute surface tows were made with a 1-by 1/2-meter neuston net (0.505-millimeter mesh net). Samples from the oblique tows (0.333-millimeter mesh net) were analyzed by the Plankton Sort- ing Center (NEFC, Narragansett) to provide information on plankton biomass, abundance, and diversity. Results from this analysis are presented in Table 4-2 and Table VII-15 in Appendix VII. The dominant copepod species from each station were cleared (rendered transparent) with lactic acid and examined under a dissecting scope for the presence of oil. On the basis of a preliminary examination the contamination was classified as (1) external smudges on the exoskeleton; (2) mandibular particles adhering to feeding appendages or tar stains on mandibles (Figure 4-3) ; and (3) oil particles that had been ingested and were either stored or present in the gut, and/or incorporated in feces (Figure 4-4). Zooplankton biomass ranged from 2.0 to 16.4 cc/100 m3 (Table 4-1). The lowest biomass measured was within the oil slick area at Station 7, while the highest values were recorded at inshore Stations 4 and 9. Zooplankton num- bers follow trends in biomass. Extremely high numbers and biomass occurred at Station 9, which was located on the boundary of the visible slick. Zooplankton species abundance is shown in Table VII-15 in Appendix VII. Life stages indicate a separation of the more dominant forms into size cate- gories of large, medium and small. 94 en u CD Xi I c C cd CO cd B o (3 o u (3 cd T3 0) cd •H U O 01 co cO a co w c o •H 4-J CO > U 0J co J=> o CO CO •H > I co H O co 4-j e c o co o iH iH O CO O M N CD rO e cd •j-j o H 0 4J C o 0) o S H CD \ O O 0) o iH ^ 57 cu B 3 H c > o co c o •H cO > cj CO c c c •H 4-J CO 4-1 c/j oo n CO OC) CN CM ^D O CN co CN C7n LO OJ CN in CN O co o r^ c X3 O (3 C rH rH .*. CO ■ #■. CO . *v co . #v ■ ^ cO 0) M CJ ^ CJ ^ 4-1 H e a a CJ CJ CJ CJ (3 (3 co CO cu CO CJ CO CJ 0) CJ M-4 fX CM ex Cm a CO CO (3 S-l CO u CO M CO QJ CJ •H 3 3 3 u >-J CO 42 CO no CO ^3 a a 4-J 4-1 4J 4-1 C3 4-) -H 4-1 •H 4-J •H ^ Hd QJ CO £ cO 3 CO 3 u • CJ . CO •H rH •H rH QJ T3 C -u c T3 e rH •H H •H U OJ O 0) o CJ o co o CO o ex CJ 4-1 CJ 4-J O 4-> •H co •H co •H CO rH -C rH hO rH 4-J 3 ■P 3 4J 3 •H 4-1 •H 4-1 •H O OJ o CJ 0 ■1) O •H •o •H o c c c C C e cu 5 CJ 3 QJ rH •* rH . r. rH . ^ CJ 13 j T3 a •H C ■H G •H (3 CO CJ CO CJ CO O CO O CO o CO CM H cu rH cu QJ CJ ■CJ M 3 H 3 !H O r-H O rH 0 ^H 3 O 3 O 3 Z cj !25 CJ (23 a CO H-j CO M-l CO 95 Table 4-2. Occurrence of oil contamination on dominant copepod species Species Station 4 Centropages typicus C. hamatus Pseudo-Paracalanus Station 5 Calanus f inniarchicus Centropages typicus Pseudo-Paracalanus Station 6 Calanus f lnmarchlcus Centropages typicus Pseudo-Paracalanus Station 7 Calanits f lnmarchlcus Centropages typicus Pseudo-paracalanus Examined Contain 55 1 10 2 163 8 Contaminated Contaminated 1.8 20.0 4.9 20 11 100 61 100 25 41 1 100 16 21 0 100 14 104 30 105 35 2.4 16.0 0.0 Type of Contamination EMi 55-0 2 3 6 61.0 1 1 59 25. C - 18 7 14 14.0 2 7 0 28.8 0 1 29 34.3 2 11 10 Station 8 Calanus f lnmarchlcus Pseudo-Paracalanus Metrldia lucens 76 12 50 5 32 3 15.8 10.0 9.4 10 4 1 Station 9 Centropages typicus C. hamatus Pseudo-Paracalanus 45 13 B 3 60 3 28.8 37-5 5-0 Types of contamination E = external M = mandibular I = ingested 96 \y Centropages typicus , ventral view. Calanus f inmarchicus , lateral view. Figure 4-3. Mandibular contamination. Oil particles adhering to feeding appendages. (Photographs by R. Maurer, NMFS, NEFC, Narragansett , Rhode Island.) 97 Centropages typicus ; note rounded stored particles, <**"!*% N*| Pseudocalanus minutus ; oil present only in alimentary tract. Figure 4-4. Ingested contamination. Oil present in gut and natural oil storage areas. (Photographs by R. Maurer, NMFS , NEFC, Narragansett , Rhode Island.) 98 Considerable differences in biomass, total numbers, and species composi- tion, as well as individual species abundance occurred within relatively- short distances (10 to 25 miles) from Nantucket Shoals to Great South Chan- nel, as shown in Tables 4-1 and VII-15 (Appendix VII). These differences can be used to define the communities and to pair the stations as follows: 1 . Stations 4 and 9 - Shoal Community - Nantucket Shoals. These sta- tions are characterized by a shallow (40 meters) , well-mixed physical envi- ronment, extremely turbulent during winter months. Zooplankton numbers are strongly dominated by small calanoid copepods of the genera Pseudocalanus and Paracalanus, with medium-size developmental stages, comprising 73% (Station 4) and 50% (Station 9) of their numbers. These have been lumped together and will be referred to as Pseudo-paracalanus . The turbulent nature of this shoal environment is demonstrated by the large number of gammarid amphipods, especially Monoculodes , in the collections. These specimens were apparently lifted into the water column in the vertical turbulence. The incidence of contamination at Station 4 (Table 4-2) was quite low for Centropages typicus and Pseudo-paracalanus . A somewhat higher value was recorded for C_. hamatus, of which only 10 specimens were examined. C^. typicus samples along the slick boundary (Station 9) were found to have a relatively high incidence of mandibular and ingested particles. 2. Stations 5 and 8 - Transitional Community. These stations, taken at about 55 meters, exhibit characteristics of both the shoal and channel com- munities. Numbers again are dominated by Pseudo-paracalanus , especially at Station 8. A larger calanoid, Centropages typicus, appears as a codominant form. Total zooplankton numbers are 5 to 10 times less than those recorded at the adjacent shoal stations. Contamination appears greatest at Station 5, outside the slick. Over 50% of the C_. f inmarchicus and C_. typicus were affected; most contained ingested particles. 3. Stations 6 and 7 - Channel Community. This is a distinctly differ- ent community, characterized by low biomass, low total numbers, and dominated by larger copepods, C_. f inmarchicus (Station 7), and C_. typicus (Station 6). This assemblage is similar in part to the "Calanus community" of the Gulf of Maine (including Calanus f inmarchicus , Pseudocalanus minutus , Metridia lucens, Sagitta elegans, and Parathemisto) and unlike the Georges Bank winter community, which Clarke et al. (1943) showed to be Pseudocalanus dominated. Contamination at Station 6 outside the slick is low, while inside the slick at Station 7 a high number of ingested particles were recorded for C_. typicus and Pseudo-paracalanus . Significant contamination was found in copepods in all three communi- ties, and the occurrence was not restricted to the visible slick area (Table 4-2) , indicating that oil contamination occurred in a major component of the food web. Oil droplets removed from the alimentary tracts of the predominant copepod species, Centropages typicus, were examined for petroleum hydrocarbon content using gas chromatography. The resulting chromotagrams were compared by W. W. Kiihnhold (University of Kiel, FRG) and R. Lapan (EPA) with chroma- tograms of oil from the Argo Merchant and were found to be similar. 99 When oil is incorporated into the feces of zooplankton the specific gravity of the combined pellet (oil and feces) is greater than the oil before ingestion, and it therefore sinks in the water column (Parker et al . , 1970). Ingestion by plankton animals acts as a precipitation mechanism for otherwise buoyant oil particles. The contaminated fecal pellets may then either become covered by sediment or ingested by detritus feeders. The impact of oil on zooplankton is not clear. The observed oil con- tamination could affect feeding and reproduction. Sensitive chemoreceptive pores are located along the dorsal exoskeleton of copepods. The pores are used for positioning during reproduction. If they were to become impacted with oil, the individual probably would not be able to reproduce success- fully. Mandibular contamination shown in copepods in Figure 4-3 may interfere with the handling and ingesting of desired food particles. The toxicity of ingested oil is poorly understood. The degree of toxicity depends on the presence of volatile, aromatic compounds that are released through time as the oil "ages." Additional studies are planned by NMFS to assess the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on zooplankton. 4.1.2 Ichthyoplankton Studies Ichthyoplankton studies were contributed by W. Smith, D. Busch, L. Sullivan, and K. Sherman of NEFC laboratories at Sandy Hook and Narragan- sett and are based on samples collected during the first cruise of the Dela- ware II (DE 76-13) . Fish eggs and larvae were collected with paired bongo samplers and a surface neuston net at Stations 4 through 9 on the first Delaware II cruise (DE 76-13) using standard Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction Program (MARMAP) sampling procedures (Figure 4-1). Stations 7 and 8 were within the area of oil pancakes. Station 9 was at the boundary between "clean" and oil-contaminated surface water, while Stations 4, 5, and 6 were outside the southern periphery of the oiled area. The neuston nets towed on Stations 7 and 8 were saturated with oil (Figure 4-5) . Only two species of eggs were in the samples: cod and pollock. Pollock eggs were most numerous within and adjacent to the spill zone, at Stations 7, 8, and 9, while cod eggs were concentrated around the periphery of the spill, at Stations 4, 5, and 6 (Figure 4-6). At Station 9 adjacent to the spill area, oil globules were found adher- ing to the surface membrance (chorion) of 93% of the pollock eggs. Of these eggs, later examined by A. Longwell at the NMFS Milford Laboratory, 98% were dead or moribund as determined through cytogenetic examination. In contrast, only 64% of the cod eggs showed evidence of oil contamination. At Stations 4, 5, and 6 outside the spill area, more of the eggs were viable. Six species of fish larvae were in the collections: sand launce, cod, pollock, rockling, hake, and herring. Of these species, only sand launce was abundant. Other larvae were rare (Table VII-16 in Appendix VII). The abun- dancede of sand launce decreased sharply at the two sampling stations within 100 Figure 4-5. G. Carter, NMFS , holds oil-saturated neuston net after station 8 on Delaware II cruise DE76-13. (Photograph by R. Bolsvert, NMFS.) 101 en w Q Is- Sh « r-i LlI 0) a: (^ < o < T-i aidwvs / swsinvouo on o o CO M W) CD X) S CU ctf > CO 4= CO •H IW M-l O CO 0) 1 I CU u 60 •H P4 102 the spill area. The reasons for the decrease are not clear, but the analysts assume that the decrease in population may be associated with the negative impact of the oil on the viability of larvae. Samples collected from this area during the second Delaware II cruise, DE 77-1, will be examined to corroborate this assumption. The sand launce, while not important in the commerical fishery, is a key species in the ecosystem. It is the basic food of predatory fish, including cod, haddock, silver hake, as well as marine mammals, including porpoises and whales. Little can be said about the other species as they occurred in very low numbers ( 15 per station) over the entire survey area. The most notable change was in the decrease of sand launce larvae at Stations 7 and 8 within the spill zone. This decline in abundance may have been related to Argo Merchant oil contamination. Additional sampling of the area will be conducted to assess sand launce stocks in an effort to estimate the range of "normal" variation in population distribution and abundance. Also, mortality among pollock eggs was increased significantly in the area of the spill, as evidence by the large numbers of moribund embryos in eggs con- taminated with oil. Cod mortality occurred but was lower. Studies are underway to obtain estimates of the extent of mortality inflicted on the populations of both cod and pollock stocks by the Argo Merchant oil. 4.1.3 Genetic Studies These studies were contributed by A. Longwell of NMFS , NEFC, Milford, Connecticut and are based on samples collected on the first cruise of the Delaware II, DE 76-13. It has been demonstrated in the laboratory that compounds extracted from oil films are toxic to fish larvae and to the early developmental stages of planktonic fish eggs. Failure in the past to establish detrimental effects of oil spills in the field may be attributable to the lack of sufficient, appropriate field tests that might be conducted quickly and cheaply enough when the need arises, as well as to the fortunate resiliency of the ecosys- tem. However, extrapolation of laboratory data to the field without ade- quate field testing can be done only with the utmost caution. Toxicity of oil components will, of course, vary according to the developmental stages of the eggs at exposure. That there are sublethal effects which lead to later mortality of the fish eggs is evident from the published literature on experimental studies. Teratogenic effects (deform- ities) are common in oil toxicity tests. Aromatic hydrocarbons are highly soluble in lipid material as present in the yolky contents of fish eggs. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons can act both as carcinogens and mutagens. Benzene, the most abundant aromatic com- pound in crude oil, has been proved mutagenic in a number of published gene- tic tests on organisms other than fish. Concentration of such hydrocarbons in the fatty material of spawned eggs may, accordingly, well provoke both cytotoxicity and mutagenicity to the chromosome apparatus in the critical early development stages of planktonic or demersal fish eggs. Their absorp- tion through the membrances of planktonic fish eggs spawned in the vicinity 103 of oil spills could similarly provoke these effects, which would almost invariably be lethal to the egg. Cytotoxicity, mutagenicity, and less direct physiological effects on the chromosomes and nuclei of the early-stage eggs ought to depress the rate of their cell and chromosome divisions. In light of these findings and in response to the oil spill, an effort was undertaken to determine the cytogenetic effects of oil on fish eggs. Microscopic examinations were made of the dissected embryos of 79 cod eggs and 153 pollock eggs sampled in the vicinity of the Argo Merchant oil spill. This was done using a new application of cytogenetic methodology to fixed fish eggs from field plankton samples (Longwell, 1976). Similarly examined were 75 cod embryos from eggs spawned in an aquarium by a small number of females captured in the field. Sample size and station numbers are drastically limiting, and pollock eggs were not represented in the sub-sample from Station 4. Even so, a higher mortality of pollock over cod eggs is obvious. Totaled over all stations, about 20% of the collected cod eggs were dead or cytologically moribund as compared with 46% of the pollock eggs. For comparison, only 4% of the sample of cod eggs spawned in the laboratory were dead or moribund (Table 4-3) . The earlier developmental stages of the cod eggs studied should have been more sensitive than the pollock eggs because natural mortality rates are highest in younger embryos. Thus, any real difference between the viability of cod and pollock eggs may be even greater than the numbers alone indicate. At Station 8 the pollock embryos were malformed in 18% of the eggs; at Station 9, in 9% of the eggs. Pollock eggs at Station 9 carry the strongest implications for an adverse effect of the oil. Here mortality and moribundity was 98% for a reasonable sample size (43 eggs) . About 60% of these eggs had strikingly abnormal cell patterns. The large size of the cells of these embryos can be interpreted as indicating that the influencing factor acted much earlier in embryo development than the tail-bud and tail-free stages at which the abnormal pattern was observed. In these embryos, chromosome and cell division had almost entirely ceased or was blocked at the prometaphase division of mitosis (a common action of chemical adversely affecting the chromosome apparatus) . Almost all the rest of the pollock embryos at this station were merely degenerating examples of this type of abnormal embryo (Table 4-4). Oil adhered to almost all the pollock eggs from Station 9 (Figure 4-7), and the amount of oil on individual eggs was also greater than at the other stations. At this same station, fewer cod eggs were contaminated and the individual eggs were not as heavily contaminated as the pollock eggs. The reasons for the differential contamination are unclear. The pollock eggs were at a later developmental stage than the cod eggs and may have been sampled higher in the water column than the earlier stage cod, thus increas- ing their chance of being contaminated with oil particles. The fixation of the eggs may affect the adherence of oil to the egg membranes. The membrane contamination observed in the fixed eggs is certainly real, however, sug- gesting the possibility of species differences in membrance fouling. Normal 104 Table 4-3. Cytological assays of mortality and moribundity of cod and pollock eggs from the vicinity of the oil spill Total No. No. eggs No. eggs dead % eggs dead % eggs eggs viable or moribund or moribund malformed Station 4 Cod 14 Pollock - Station 5 Cod 6 Pollock 11 Station 6 Cod 3 Pollock 3 Station 8 Cod 1 Pollock 105 Station 9 13 1 86 3 11 0 19 7.14 50.00 100 0 100 0 17.92 17.92 Cod Pollock 55 43 43 1 12 42 21.82 97.67 9.30 Laboratory Spawning Cod 75 72 4.00 Table 4-4. Number of mitotic telophases of all cell division in pollock embryos at Stations 8 and 9 Telophases (actual number or estimate) Pollock eggs 3-14 15-25 +50 +75 -100- +200 Station 8 Station 9 6 35 27 0 28 0 105 POLLOCK EGGS TAIL- FREE EMBRYO OIL DROPLETS ABNORMAL EMBRYO - PROBABLY ABOUT TAIL- BUD STAGE WITH COLLAPSED MEMBRANE ABNORMAL EMBRYO - PROBABLY ABOUT TAIL- OIL DROPLETS BUD STAGE NO OIL DROPLETS TAIL - BUD EMBRYO OIL DROPLET Figure 4-7. Oil droplets adhering to pollock eggs and abnormal pollock embryos collected in the area of the oil spill. (Photograph by D. Perry, NEFC, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.) 106 levels of mortalities during egg production in the natural environment are high. It is difficult to assess the effect of additional mortalities caused by oil on the cod and pollock in the area of the spill. More observations will be required to properly evaluate the population impact. 4.1.4 Effects of Oil on Developing Embryos This section was contributed by W. Kiihnhold, the visiting expert from the University of Kiel, FRG, at NMFS, NEFC, Narragansett , Rhode Island. Samples collected on the first cruise of the Delaware II DE 76-13 were used in these studies. Laboratory experiments on the effects of No. 6 fuel oil on pelagic eggs W. Kiihnhold and P. Lef court. These experiments deal with the direct effects of an oil film on floating eggs and also with the effects of the water solu- ble fraction of No. 6 oil on developing embryos. At Station 9, which was located at the periphery of the oil-contaminated area, it appeared that oil was adhering in significantly greater quantities to pollock eggs than to cod eggs in neuston samples. To determine whether there were differences in surface membrance characteristics of the eggs that could result in differential adherence to the oil, experiments involving the exposure of pelagic eggs to an oil film were initiated jointly at the North- east Fisheries Center's Narragansett Laboratory and the EPA Laboratory, Narragansett, by E. Jackim and R. Pruell. In these experiments, cod eggs were kept floating under an oil film, which was then stirred both gently and vigorously to mix the eggs with the oil. In no case was there any sign of oil adhering to the living eggs. The same results have been reported for cod eggs by James (1925) and by Kiihnhold (1972) in tests with crude oil of a similar visocisty. So far, only cod eggs have been available for this test. The NMFS Narragansett Laboratory plans to expand this study to include pela- gic eggs of several species, especially pollock, in order to determine whether there are differences in surface responses of fish egg membranes to oil among important fish species. The experiments to determine the effect of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of No. 6 oil conducted in cooperation with D. Everich of EPA have not been completed, and only preliminary results are available. These experi- ments are carried out as static tests to approximate conditions of an acute spill situation where a body of water may be covered with an oil slick for a short time only. The dissolved compounds are then subject to evaporation. The extraction of No. 6 fuel oil was prepared according to Hyland (1973) to provide concentrations of WSF comparable to earlier studies. Since no data were available about actual concentrations of WSF of the Argo Merchant oil at the spill site, initial concentrations of 500, 100, and 10 parts per billion (ppb) of total extractable hydrocarbons, WSF, were used. The loss of hydrocarbons during the course of the tests appears to be low, less than 50% in 10 days. Cod eggs were exposed at three different embryonic stages: 4 to 6 hours (2-cell stage), and 3- and 7-day old embryos. High mortality was evident in the youngest embryo group at the highest concentration (500 ppb) after 24 hours. It was observed that the eggs held 107 at 500 ppb sink to the bottom of the test jars prior to dying. This phenom- enon is due to loss of osmoregulation in the embryonic organism. Some eggs may actually sink to the bottom several days before dying. It was also observed that the development was greatly delayed in the higher concentra- tions, and that the heart beat was greatly reduced. From the beginning of regular heart muscle contractions to hatching, the frequency normally in- creased from about 30 to 70 beats per minute in untreated eggs, while the treated eggs showed a decrease in frequency of heart beat to less than 20 beats per minute with very irregular muscle contractions. Anderson et al. (1976) have indicated that the heart beat rate can also serve as a sensitive indicator for sublethal effects. This was evident in the eggs exposed to the intermediate concentration (100 ppb) , which in some cases showed no sign of developmental delay or abnormalities, but did have reduced heart beats. Ten ppb does not appear to increase embryo mortality or alter hatching rates. Further evaluation of the data should clarify the relationship between hatching and survival rates of larvae and embryonic heart beat frequency. 4.1.5 Food Habits This section was contributed by R. Langton and R. Bowman of NMFS, NEFC, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and is based on samples collected from both Delaware II cruises (DE 76-13 and DE 77-01). Stomachs were collected from fish caught with an otter trawl during the Delaware II cruises 76-13 and 77-01 (Figure 4-8; Table 4-5 and Table VII-17 in Appendix VII). The fish stomachs were excised aboard the ship, labeled according to species, length, and station, and preserved in 10% formalin. A total of 305 stomachs were collected from the 16 different species of fish. At the NEFC laboratory, Woods Hole, the preserved stomachs were opened and the contents washed onto a 0.25-millimeter mesh screen. The various food organisms were manually sorted, identified to the lowest taxa possible (with a dissecting microscope when necessary), and damp-dried on bibulous paper. Each taxonomically distinct group was weighed to the nearest 0.01 gram on a Mettler balance immediately after being dried. Parasites in the stomach were included as part of the stomach contents. Food items of little dietary significance or those that were unidentifiable because of the degree of digestion were classified as miscellaneous. For the purpose of analysis all information was pooled by species, regardless of size, for comparison with existing food habits data. Data for each predator are presented as a percentage of the total stomach contents weight and as mean weight per stomach. The mean weight per stomach was calculated by dividing the total stomach contents weight by the total number of stomachs examined. The food habits of six species of fish were investigated following the first Delaware II cruise, DE 76-13, and are summarized in Table VII-18 in Appendix VII. The same six species plus an additional 10 were sampled during the second Delaware II cruise, DE 77-01 (Table VII-19 in Appendix VII). The food habits of the six co-occurring species were generally similar between 108 o CD CO o O o CVJ cnje UJ o n CO ~ r*- 0) QC 3 to UJ QC CO o a «N i O CVJ CVJ 1 — CVJ • 1 -. « / . ' / / / / / / ' ' ' ' / / m: I ; / / . o GO (£> 0> •-■ ro •co / to k ro ro cr> CVJ * £ o O 1^- o O •H ■3 13 O O m m 5-i O <4-l TD 0) •U U a) o a QJ U oj CO •H M-l a) H 0) i Cfl s CO 4-1 w 00 I 0) M ■H 109 09 — CO >. H cd - - 4J c 1' -' c □ o u cd r~> B •>■ o w 4-J Q CO o I 0 -c CO I 6 W 03 Q CO CO 0) CO •H s- a H H Xi CO •H >4H M-l C s- cu e « 03 C, CO C C O o ■H 4-J cd 4-1 CO I cd CO 0J CO •H H CJ 03 a) -u a o OT 4-1 co a) to •H CN CT> CN CN cn CN 00 o U~) G o •H >kO 4-1 03 4-1 .—I CM ^£> CM O om CM LO o co cd ■u o ■u XI c 03 r-l O CM CM LT| vO CM CM m VJD CO vD CO CO CM m m cm m co r^ to •H M 0 xj >. (3 ■H a, o cd co 4-1 •H , J 03 M CO M aj 4-J C 03 .3 co >. a u o AS 03 X 1) u o X X cd Pi W a o CN X o CJ o •H c 03 4-1 s o a ti 03 0) a m o x c •H CJ •H cd rH a e 03 CJ •H u a 0) X> r*! CJ 03 H •H 03 4-J o a > 03 U 03 cu •5 a rH a CO CI u o Xi 60 o 110 cruises. However, it is difficult to evaluate any differences observed because of the relatively small number of fish collected. For example, the winter skate collected on the first cruise (76-13) consumed a greater per- centage of fish (50.3% vs 12.9%), while more polychaetes (60.7% vs. 21.8%) had been eaten by the fish collected during the second cruise. The sample size was small, two and seven fish for the first and second cruise respec- tively, and therefore these differences may only reflect sampling variance. The small sample size also makes it difficult to accurately assess the dif- ferences in food habits between the windowpane and the ocean pout for the two cruises. The Atlantic cod also differed in its food habits, but in this case the sampling size was larger: 26 for cruise 76-13 and 39 for cruise 77-01. The cod collected during cruise 76-13 ate more Crustacea (62.0% vs. 38.7%), while the amount of fish in the diet decreased (26.5% vs. 53.3%). The most striking difference was in the quantity of food consumed. The mean weight per stomach was 3.90 grams for the 76-13 cruise and 19.37 grams for the 77-01 cruise. The length range of the fish sampled on both cruises overlapped (35 to 86 centimeters vs. 33 to 100 centimeters) , but the average length of the fish was slightly larger (44 vs. 57 centimeters) for the 77-01 cruise. Little skate were also sampled in relatively large numbers during both cruises (Tables 4-5 and Table VII-17 in Appendix VII). Again there were some differences in the food habits, but in both cases the major food items were crustaceans (84.2% and 48.1%). The mean weight per stomach was also similar, although there was a difference in the length range of the fish examined (Tables VII-18 and VII-19 in Appendix VII). In the discussion that follows the stomach samples of each predator species are considered based on data from both cruises. The major dietary components of each fish within a designated category, determined phyletically , are described. The first group, the Chondrichthyes, is comprised of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias; winter skate, Raja ocellata; thorny skate, Raja radiata; and little skate, Raja erinacea. Over 95% of the diet of the dogfish was fish. The major prey items of the winter skate were polychaete worms (21.8% and 60.7%) and the sand launce, Ammodytes americanus (50.3% and 3.0%). The stomach contents of the thorny skate were composed of a high percentage of fish (43.4%) and polychaete worms (29.5%). The little skate primarily con- sumed crustaceans (84.2% and 48.1%), in particular gammarid amphipods (63.8% and 28.0%). In one sample from cruise 77-01, Station 36, consisting of the stomach contents from, three male little skate ranging in length from 45 to 49 centimeters, an oil-like material was found on one caprellid amphipod. The gadids included red hake, Urophycis chuss ; haddock, Melanogrammus aeglef inus; pollock, Pollachius virens; ocean pout, Macrozoarces americanus; and Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. The red hake diet consisted primarily of mud crabs (Axius serratus) and rock crabs (Cancer) , which made up over 50% of the crustaceans (81.1%) eaten. Haddock consumed polychaete worms (24.2%) and ceriantharian anemones (59.5%). The major component of the stomach contents of the pollock was the sand launce, Ammodytes americanus (69.8%), while the prey of the ocean pout was primarily sand dollars, Echinarachnius parma (47.7%). The cod preyed on a variety of Crustacea (62.0% and 38.7%), rock 111 crabs, Cancer irroratus and C_. borealis; caridean shrimp, Crangon septem- spinosa and Dichelopandalus leptocerus ; the hermit crab, Pagurus acadianus; gammarid amphipod, Gammarus annulatus; and the isopod, Cirolina polita. The sand launce, A. americanus was the major species of fish identified in the cod stomachs (25.7% and 20.8%). In two samples from cruise 77-01, Station 29, an oily material was found mixed in with the stomach contents. In the first sample of nine fish, ranging in length from 41 to 45 centimeters, the oily substance was found in one stomach of the gammarid amphipod, Gammarus annulatus. In the second sample of six fish, ranging in length from 49 to 87 centimeters, the oily material was found on the gammarid amphipod, Anonyx sarsi. The stomach contents of four species of Pleuronectiformes (flatfish) were examined: the American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides ; winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus; windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus; and yellowtail, Limanda f erruginea. Over 90% of the diet of the American plaice consisted of polychaete worms of the family Aphroditidae. The five winter flounder stomachs examined were empty. The windowpane was collected on both cruises and in each case crustaceans were the major prey item, being either primarily gammarid amphipod (90.2%) on cruise 76-13 or the caridean shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa (41.6%) on cruise 77-01. The stomach contents of the yellowtail were also comprised of a high percentage of Crustacea with the major prey item being C^. septemspinosa (60.8%). Alewives, Alosa pseudo- harengus , the only clupeid examined, fed almost exclusively on gammarid amphipods (96.4%) of the genus Gammarus. The last group of fish examined were the cottids: the sea raven, Hemi- tripterus americanus , and the longhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus . The sea raven ate fish almost exclusively (99.3%). Over 98% of the stomach contents of the longhorn sculpin were decapod crustaceans, with the major prey item being the pandalid shrimp, Dichelopandalus leptocherus (65.6%). The food habits of the 16 fish examined in this survey differ little from data previously collected on the food habits of the same species (Maurer and Bowman, 1975; Bowman, 1975; Bowman et al . , 1976). Only the data col- lected on the American plaice and haddock appear to differ in terms of the major prey item categories. The stomach contents of the American plaice consisted almost exclusively of polychaete worms. However, only five fish were examined, of which three had empty stomachs and one of the two remaining had eaten polychaetes. In a larger sample of fish from southern New England and Georges Bank, Bowman et al. (1976) have shown that the major food items are usually crustaceans or echinoderms. Annelids are also a smaller part of the diet of these fish, especially in southern New England, and it is likely that a larger sample would have reduced the apparent significance of polychaetes in the diet of American plaice. In the Georges Bank area haddock have generally been found to eat crusta- ceans, molluscs, echinoderms, annelids, and fish (Wigley, 1956; Wigley and Theroux, 1965) . The occurrence of large quantities of coelenterates in the diet, as reported here, is apparently rare. The stomach contents of 21 112 haddock, collected from three stations, were examined. The coelenterates occurred in the stomachs of the fish at only one station and probably reflect a local abundance of this prey item. The impact of the oil spill on the food habits of various species of groundfish was assessed by surveying the stomach contents. Of the 305 fish stomachs examined, three samples, representing the stomach contents of two species of fish, contained an oil-like material. In two different samples of Atlantic cod collected at Station 29, 25 to 30 miles southwest of the wreck site, oily gammarid amphipods comprised part of the stomach contents. At Station 36 a sample of the stomach contents collected from little skate con- tained an oily caprellid amphipod. Since 1963 more than 38,000 stomachs, representing 82 species of fish, have been analyzed at the Northeast Fish- eries Center and no oil-like materials have previously been reported. Since 1969, a total of 393 little skate and 1706 cod have been examined as part of the routine assessment of fish food habits and, again, no oil-like materials have been identified in the stomach contents (Maurer and Bowman, 1975). 4.1.6 Physiological Effects of Pollutant Stress This section was contributed by D. Gould and F. Thurberg of NMFS, NEFC, Milford, Connecticut, and are based on samples collected during the second Delaware II cruise (DE 77-01). Two sets of samples of shellfish and fish collected from Argo Merchant oil spill area and an adjacent clean area {Delaware II cruise 77-01) were examined in the laboratory for physiological disruption. Gill-tissue oxygen consumption rates were measured on ocean scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) and horse mussels (Modiolus modiolus) from both impacted and control areas. Blood samples from six different species of finfish from both impacted and clean areas were also taken on board the research vessel and returned to the laboratory for hematological analysis. Although the samples in both studies are too small for adequate statistical analysis, the results indicate that both hematology measurements and respiration rates were altered in samples taken from the contaminated areas. Hematological measures showed a disrup- tion of the ionic balance in blood serum and depressed respiration rates (O2 consumption) . The ionic balance of blood serum from winter and yellow-tail flounder caught within the oil spill area was ^disrupted, and the physiolo- gical condition was poorer than that of fish examined from the control area outside the spill. Both measures are useful indicators of disruption of physiological activity possibly caused by the oil spill, and this line of study will be pursued. Samples from clean areas were taken during the same cruise of brain, kidney, and gonads from 26 teleosts (6 species), and of mantle or hepato- pancreas, gills, and gonads from 28 bivalves and crustaceans for biochemical examination. Similar tissues were taken from 24 teleosts and 43 molluscs from oil-impacted areas. To perform exploratory biochemistry on this number of samples of different tissues from different species will take several months. Attempts will be made to search for a possible shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, as well as for induction or repression of enzymes, to 113 serve as metabolic yardsticks that will be both analytically feasible and environmentally significant. 4.1.7 Biological Samples for Hydrocarbon Analysis The first of two groups of samples were sent to the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle, Washington, for detailed hydrocarbon anal- ysis. The fish and invertebrate species selected for analyses are listed in Table VII-20 in Appendix VII. In addition, the stomach contents of one cod suspected of containing oil were sent. 4.1.8 Phytoplankton Studies Two phytoplankton tows were conducted by S. French, URI , aboard the Endeavor Cruise EN-002. He obtained material from a "clean" area (Station 1) and from a "contaminated" area (Station 2). Since tows are not quantitative, he and P. Hargraves were only able to compare the species composition of large diatoms and dinof lagellates. There was no obvious difference between the two areas. Both were very abundant in Coscinodiscus species, Thalassio- nema species, Ceratium species, and the tintinnid Stenosemella. Station 2 had small oil droplets in low numbers. There was considerable similarity in species composition with a tow taken in the same area during a previous cruise of the Endeavor in early November. On the basis of these two samples, there was no obvious response of phytoplankton to the oil spill. These data are far from conclusive, and future efforts will include quantitative sampl- ing of phytoplankton, estimates of productivity rates, and examination of benthic microbiota. 4.2 Seabird Observations Observations of seabirds were made both as a part of routine, ongoing activities and in response to the Argo Merchant oil spill. The Manomet Bird Observatory (MBO) , Manomet, Massachusetts, has been conducting routine studies in the Nantucket and Georges Banks areas since February 1976 by having observers aboard USCG patrol vessels as well as other ships. Most of this effort is supported by private donations and foundation grants, but part of the funding for 1976 was supplied by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USF&WS). Other seabird observations were also made on all the research cruises conducted in connection with the spill, and the State of Massachu- setts instituted a special seabird collection and clean-up effort. 4.2.1 Manomet Bird Observatory Report L. Loughlin of MBO was fortuitously stationed aboard the USCGC Vigilant when the vessel was in the vicinity of the grounded tanker. His observations were funded partly by USF&WS and partly by private donations to MBO. The following is extracted from his report, dated January 3, 1977. "The vessel usually stayed within 3 miles of the tanker, often much closer. Bird density in the area was generally low, probably due to the lack of fishing activity. The dominant species were Herring Gulls, Great Black- 114 backed Gulls and Black-legged Kittiwakes. Juvenile Herring and Black-backed Gulls outnumbered adults about three to one while most of the Kittiwakes seen were adults. Gannets, again mostly adults, were seen regularly in small numbers. Seen occasionally were Fulmars and Alcids, usually Thick-billed Murres. Table 4-6 gives a daily summary of seabird numbers. Since birds seemed to remain in the area throughout an entire day (many individuals could be recognized by oil patches) census was only taken during the morning hours, while general observations were made in the afternoon. Due to the ship's relatively stationary position and the possibility of birds staying in the vicinity for several days, cruise totals for each species are not given. "Hardest hit by the oil slick were Herring and Black-backed Gulls. Shortly after oil began to flow from the tanker, birds were seen with small patches on breast and abdomen. Later birds were found with underparts and heads heavily stained (Photograph 47, Appendix III). Late in the patrol, badly oiled gulls, appearing to be weakened, began to land on the Vigilant, some accepting food by hand. "In contrast, Kittiwakes seemed to be affected less by the oil. Few of these birds were seen with oil stains in the early days of the spill and, although the number of oiled birds increased later on, the percentage was much lower than those of Herring Gulls and Black-backs and no badly oiled Kittiwakes were ever observed. This lesser degree of oiling is perhaps reflected in the Kittiwakes' feeding behavior. On several occasions indi- viduals were observed picking objects off the surface of the water with no more than the bill touching. They were never seen feeding in oiled water. "A few of the Gannets seen were heavily oiled while most seemed to be clean. None of the Fulmars or Murres in the area appeared to be oiled al- though oiled Murres were reported washing ashore and were therefore obviously affected. Three inshore ducks were sighted and, although their degree of oiling could not be determined, their presence indicates that coastal water- fowl do occasionally wander far from shore and may therefore be threatened by offshore as well as inshore oil spillage. "Considering the low density of birds in the immediate vicinity of the grounded tanker it would at first appear that damage inflicted by the escap- ing oil was not very severe. However, oiled birds have been washing ashore daily at Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, most of these being Murres. This indicates that oil is affecting birds away from the initial site of spilling. On-site oiling and birds stranded on beaches may yet represent only a frac- tion of the potential devastation. At this time we have no indication as to the amount of damage done 100 or 200 miles "downstream" from the tanker. Contaminated birds driven to the southeast by wind and current will go unde- tected. Ideally an intensive survey of the birdlife should be made immedi- ately in waters in advance of the oil slick. Such a cruise is at present difficult to arrange. Fortunately, we do have some data on species abundance and distribution in the region during the winter months (see MBO Seabird Report No. 1) and with these we can speculate on the possible remote effects of oil on birds. 115 +i K e rS! 0 s^ CJ) ^^ % ^S O rH CT: cd & (J ■^ O •u u-i ^-^ o 3 . O XI 4-1 T3 3 0> 01 4J CJ J-4 n O 0) a a 01 J-l -a 3 en cd cd cn *■ rH vo cd r^ 4-1 CT> O rH 4J •t T3 . H u ■H 01 CtJ X a B CU a • 01 o i O CN co o o CN CO 00 en CN O CN o CN CN r*> 3 cd B CO o o oo o O CO Cfi o B >*> 3 cd 00 0) B o en CO CM o co CN 00 00 oo o CN oo CN u £ cu a) > 14-1 0) 0) > <4-l CO CO co CN co H O CN cu rH r-4 rH 1-4 3 3 o s rH 1-1 T3 rH rH X! rH Tj OJ 0) 3 rH 0) rH 0) -a 4-1 o 3 ^ =3 rH 1-1 a •H CO M CJ a o a) rH rH 01 3 w cd 0) en cd ^ rH •H B rd 0) CO 3 Tj x too cd •H X rH 4-1 0 3 S-i 3 O 3 i 3 & X 1 3 0) CO o x cd a cd ^ •H •H r-l M Pn 3 £ i 00 cd 3 rH CJ l-i 4-1 O CJ 3 • g TJ M 3 cd 0) rd M 4-) N •H • cd 4-1 O 0) 0) ^ rH CJ H 0) •H cd J3 z O o u C*i S en CJ H pq m N4 (2 H o CO UO U 0) eo o u-i o en O EC 116 "As mentioned earlier, the dominant species in the spill area were Her- ring, Black-backed Gulls, and Kittiwakes. These species were also found to be dominant throughout the Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals region in February and March although in greater numbers and density. If this is a typical winter pattern of abundance, then large numbers of each of these species are potentially endangered by the oil as it spreads out and moves eastward. A factor which may prevent a large-scale decimation of the gull population is their habit of concentrating in the vicinity of fishing vessels. Since the Coast Guard reported few fishing boats on Georges Bank during December, it is possible that the birds were not hit as hard as might be predicted. However, the frequency of oiled bird sightings on land shortly after the spill indi- cates a probable high degree of oil contamination at sea. Gannets appear to spend as much time on the water as Herring and Black-backed Gulls and are therefore probably equally susceptible to contact with oil. "Also seen in smaller numbers were Fulmars and Alcids. Previous cruises show that these two groups winter on the offshore banks. Like gulls, Fulmars have a tendency to follow boats, especially fishing vessels. However, they spend far more time airborne than gulls and might therefore receive less contact with surface oil, minimizing contamination. Alcids, on the other hand, spend almost all of their time on the ocean's surface and are therefore the most susceptible of all the pelagic birds to oil contamination. They are not ship followers and, at present, knowledge of their winter distribution in offshore waters is quite patchy. However, observations from shore during the month of December indicate that there is probably a large number of Alcids off the Massachusetts coast this winter. Several flocks of over a thousand Thick-billed Murres and other Alcids have been sighted off Cape Code. Following the spill, Murres were the most common oiled birds washing ashore on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard and, since they tend to be found in flocks, it is quite possible that these may have been hit hard by oil con- tamination, although this will probably never be known for certain." "Lacking sufficient field data this is merely speculation. Yet, based on information at hand it is probably safe to assume that the Argo Merchant disaster will be far-reaching in its effects on pelagic bird life and that most of these effects will go undetected. It is therefore recommended that, until such catastrophes can be prevented, a program whereby the extent of contamination from spilled oil on remote sea birds can be assessed be devel- oped as soon as possible." 4.2.2 Ship Cruise and Overflight Reports Reports are available from five research cruises that carried trained observers: The Oaeanus (December 20-21, 28-29, 1976, J. Milliman) , the Delaware II (December 22-24, 1976, P. Gibb) , Stone Horse (January 5, 1977, T. Lloyd-Evans), and the Endeavor (January 27-29, 1976, L. Gould and N. Hough- ton). All observers reported that 25 to 75% of the birds seen were fouled, mostly on the breast and abdomen. Herring Gulls and Black-backed Gulls appeared to be the hardest hit, and many boats in the area reported heavily oiled gulls landing on their boats. These birds were often weak and unchar- ac teristically tame, some accepting food by hand. Other birds seen in the area were Kittiwakes, Gannets, and Murres, but few of these birds were 117 heavily oiled. USCG overflights, generally at an altitude of 500 feet, have not proven successful in bird observations although a single dead gull was seen in the center of a large oil pancake on Christmas Day. 4.2.3 Shore-Based Cleanup Efforts In general, the density of birds in the immediate vicinity of the spilled oil was low, making it appear that little damage had been inflicted on the bird population. However, a number of birds have been washing ashore regularly on Nantucket and Cape Cod. Approximately 160 birds have been taken to date. This number is not indicative, however, of the true number of birds that washed ashore because of scarcity of beach patrols and the difficulties encountered due to icy conditions, especially on Nantucket. The State of Massachusetts, funded by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator Staff (OCS) , instituted a bird collection and cleanup effort coordinated by J. Cardozo, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Of the 160 birds taken, 24 were released on January 21, and one remains alive in captivity. All dead birds are being stored at the Sandwich Fish Hatchery, Sandwich, Massachu- setts, awaiting autopsy. Live birds collected on Nantucket were taken to Felix Neck Audubon Sanctuary, where heated facilities were available for rehabilitation work. Of the 91 birds brought to Felix Neck, 44 were either dead on arrival or put to sleep immediately, 22 died in rehabilitation, and 15 Murres and 8 Auks were released. One Kittiwake still remains in captiv- ity. Murres are the most common species washing ashore, although few were seen in the area of the Argo Merchant. This seems to indicate that many birds are being affected by the oil outside the immediate spill area. Gulls on the other hand, have been seen in the spill area, yet few have washed up on shore (Table VII-21 in Appendix VII) . Evidence seems to indicate that gulls are able to withstand much heavier fouling than other bird species. This may be because they have a more readily available food source than other birds, i.e., dumps, which may compensate for the increase in metabolism due to the loss of heat. Birds oiled as a result of the Argo Merchant spill have washed ashore as far away as Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. E. Leavey of the Bedford Institute in Dartmouth reported 10 birds of various species having washed ashore in the last 2 weeks. Using gas chromatography techniques, he was able to trace two oiled Black-backed Gulls to the Argo Merchant spill. Assessment of impact of the spill on pelagic bird species will be par- ticularly difficult because of the lack of baseline population studies. Over the last year the Manomet Bird Observatory has begun these studies, and the data collected seem to indicate that this year was exceptional in terms of the number of Alcids (Murres, Auks, Dovekies) present along the Massachu- setts coast. The behavioral patterns of these birds make them the most likely species to be hardest hit by the spill. This is borne out in part by the numbers of Murres washing ashore compared with other species. The impact on gull populations may be more easily assessed, because breeding colonies have been censused and population densities are generally known. A plan for a long-term impact study is now being drawn up by NOAA's Marine Ecosystems Analysis Program Office (MESA) , and a report is expected by April 15, 1977. 118 4.3 Observations of Marine Mammals Coordination of marine mammal observations in the area of the Argo Merchant spill began on December 28 as part of the SOR Team research effort with the arrival of B. Baxten from the College of the Atlantic. Provisions were made to carry a trained marine mammal observer on all USCG overflights during the study period, with the goal of establishing species composition, approximate population sizes, and impact, if any, of the oil spill on these populations. Observations were made through January 13, 197 7. Although the opportunity did not arise, provisions were made for behavioral studies in the event of direct contact by any marine mammal with a cohesive oil mass. Since the Argo Merchant spill, 43 separate aerial sightings of cetaceans have been made in adjacent areas (Table VII-22 in Appendix VII) . The total count of sightings stands at 2 unidentified rorquals, 21 finbacks (Balaenop- tera physalus) , 7 white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhychus acutus) , 13-15 pilot whales (Globicephala malaena) , and possibly one grey seal. These limited data showed no bias in the distribution of these animals in relation to the oil. Locations of the sightings are indicated on the daily oil slick maps contained in Appendix IV. Whales were observed within an area of heavy oil concentration on only one occasion, at 1401, December 31. These two finbacks gave no evidence of panic and were not in direct contact with the oil pan- cakes. No marine mammal was seen in obvious distress or in direct physical contact with oil pancakes or sheen. No marine mammals were sighted during the December 20 and December 28 research cruises by the WHOI vessel Oceanus , nor during the on-scene opera- tions of the USCGC's Bittersweet and White foot . Three possible finback sightings were reported by J. Loughlin of the Manomet Bird Observatory from the USCGC Vigilant in the immediate area of the Argo Merchant during the period of heaviest spillage (Table VII-22 in Appendix VII). J. Nicholas of the National Marine Fisheries Service coordinated a marine mammal observa- tions program aboard the second Delaware II cruise (DE 77-01) from January 4 to 12. No marine mammals were sighted. H. Winn coordinated an effort of aerial surveys on December 20 and 22, 1976, to locate marine mammals. Two overflights were made, funded by the Marine Mammals Commission (MM-7A D-032) . One 0grey seal may have been spotted on Muskeget Island on December 20. 4.4 Littoral Zone and Near-Coastal Zone Survey On Monday, December 27, personnel from MESA, NOAA, assembled a team of intertidal biologists and chemists on Nantucket Island to develop a baseline sampling plan for exposed beaches and inlets of the island that would be vunerable to impact if the spilled oil should come ashore. Members of the team included scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, the University of Massachusetts, Northeastern University, and the Energy Resources Company. On Tuesday, December 28, the team went into the field to obtain samples at four loca- lities around the island: two beach sites, a salt marsh site, and an inner 119 bay site. Sediment and biota samples were obtained along the beaches and salt marsh for subsequent evaluation of hydrocarbon content, intersitial fauna, macrof auna, microbial counts and activity, and detrial strand line material. Due to adverse weather, only limited samples could be obtained in Nantucket harbor. Water samples for hydrocarbon analysis were obtained at the salt marsh site. Appendix V contains a report of the survey, in which samples were ana- lyzed for microbial organisms, chlorophyll, and preliminary identification of living microfauna and macrof auna. The samples were properly preserved for further analysis in the event the oil came ashore. It is unclear at this time if such analyses will be conducted; however, the samples are available as required for comparison with future samples to determine long-term changes on the Nantucket becahes. The U.S. Geological Survey, under the direction of David Schultz, ob- tained intertidal samples from Nantucket Island, Ester Island, Tuckernuck Island, Monomoy Island, and Cape Cod. A total of 53 intertidal samples were collected for hydrocarbon analyses, particle size distributions, species identification, and bacteriological studies. All samples are at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 4.5 Preliminary Surveys of Impact on Fishing Activities Within the short time available, it has not been possible to properly determine the impact of the Argo Merchant oil spill on the local fishing ac- tivities, because the effects of the spill may be long-term in nature and cannot be quickly assessed. For example, during the spring spawning season, the larval fry of most fish species spend several days or weeks drifting in the midwater or surface water columns. The spilled oil that entered the water column may have destroyed part of the 1977 year-class of some fish stocks during the two weeks that surface oil covered spawning areas. The results of this destruction of eggs and larvae on stock abundance and poten- tial yields cannot be determined at this time. While it is recognized that finfish can avoid oil-contaminated waters, the effects of oil on spawning bottom, in terms of altered adult behavior, are not known. No hydrocarbons attributable to the Argo Merchant have been detected in the bottom sediments except for those found in the immediate vicinity of the sunken bow section (41° 01.4'N, 69° 26.5'W) on February 11, 1977. The effects of this spill upon industry markets and prices are unknown; if, for example, the spill does not reduce the quality of the landings, but the general consensus ashore is that if the landings are contaminated fish prices may be depressed. Members of the fishing industry believe that the oil in the water column may remain over Georges Bank for the following reason: the area is extremely productive, largely because nutrients are recycled by the currents rather than being swept offshore into the deep water where they would sink from the zone of light and be lost. The currents over the Bank tend to hold material over the area for long periods, recycling it fully to the benefit of marine species. Oil injected into this circulation may thus remain for some time. 120 However, as the oil concentrations in the water column quickly dropped to essentially background levels, this concern seems unfounded. In light of these considerations, two separate but related activities are underway to assess the impact of the spill on the local fishing activ- ities. The first is a survey being conducted by the fishermen themselves; the second is documentation of the impact by the port agents of NOAA's Na- tional Marine Fisheries Service. Both of these studies are just beginning, and no conclusions have yet been drawn. 4.5.1 Fishermen's Survey In order to assess the effects of oil on the fishing grounds, the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Coalition has developed a short, one-page form that can be filled out by vessel operators when they are fishing offshore (Figure 4-9) . Although the data developed will be rough, nonscientif ic in a traditional sense, and limited to areas where fish are sought, the informa- tion should over a time of several weeks apply to all of Georges Bank and the surrounding waters. The form is kept simple in order to respect the compet- ing time demands upon the fishermen; it merely requests information on loca- tion, type of fishery, time of day, date, tide, and weather conditions, and any comments concerning evidence, or lack of evidence, of oil. The form is currently being distributed to fishermen in Gloucester, Boston, New Bedford, Point Judith, Cape Cod, and elsewhere along the coasts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. At the moment the following groups are participating and coordinating this effort: The Cape Cod Commercial Fisher- men's Coalition, the Massachusetts Inshore Draggers Association, the Atlantic Offshore Fish and Lobster Association, the Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Association, and the New England Marine Industries Council. The forms are being collected by these groups and held, pending choice of agencies and organizations likely to be interested in the data. The action being taken by the fishermen is at their own initiative and at their own cost, and represents in some degree the interest expressed in assisting others in the research effort. The information obtained with the forms will require initial evaluation and interpretation by the fishermen, but will represent an enormous amount of raw data that must eventually be coordinated and incorporated with other research efforts. Successful and widespread use of these data will go far toward development of a widespread and common data base that will be useful both to operating fishermen and, eventually, to those involved in environmental assessment. New stock assessments may be required, a critical need given imminent extension of jurisdiction on March 1, 1977. Interpretation and summary of the data will require the expertise of individuals most familiar with the fisheries in question, and of fishing vessel operators. Two joint seminars are to be held in February and March 197 7 by fishermen and scientists to further refine the results in terms of common understanding and future research programs. At the time of writing, few forms have been returned and analysis has not begun. 121 OIL SPILL EFFECTS FORM : Tack this to the chart table if you can- space here for four entries These forms are being given to vessel operators from Gloucester to Rhode Island. Take them with you when fishing and fill them out as you see fit. If you make an area with no sign of oil at all, write that information down and return these forms once a week to your participating group (see below). It is IMPORTANT to indicate a lack of oil just as it is to indicate oil spill evidence. Only through these forms can fishermen and others know in a hurry where the oil is on Georges Bank and surrounding waters. We shall run this program eight weeks - that means eight forms at one a week but hopefully more if there are effects - for example, you may have a form filled out as a result of one tow. Please indicate whether this form refers to TRIP, DAY FISHED, TOW, or other. LOCATION (Lpran, area) DATE/TIME OF DAY TIDE CONDITION WEATHER: State here briefly the wind, seas, etc. TYPE FISHERY (for example, fin- fish dragging ENTRY REFERS TO: TRIP, DAY FISHED, TOW, ETC. COMMENTS: Evidence of slick, clumps. State color, thickness, area covered Dead or covered birds. Type if you can Fouled gear Fouled Bottom Changes in expected catch Changes in fish behavior No effects seen this day/trip/tow Anything else Figure 4-9. Form for fishermen's survey. 122 4.5.2 NMFS Ports Agents Report In the NMFS Northeast Region those who are in daily contact with the commercial fishing industry are assessing and documenting the impact of the Avgo Merchant oil spill on the day-to-day activities of the commercial fishermen through a series of weekly reports to the regional director. In New England approximately 900 direct interviews were conducted during a total of 4000 fishing trips between December 21 and January 30, at the ports of Portland, Rockland, Gloucester, Boston, and New Bedford, Massachu- setts; and Newport and Point Judith, Rhode Island. Only 26 of the interviews indicated an impact of the spilled oil. Five reports indicated direct loss of catch or fouling or loss of gear, while the other 21 reported "oily" birds. All of these incidents occurred in the area to the southeast of the site of the Argo Merchant and were reported by a single division of the NMFS Northeast Region. The following specific problems were reported: 1. A scalloper, fishing very near the wreck area, had his catch and gear fouled by an oil slick; the catch from that tow was discarded as unmarketable. 2. Captains of two vessels, fishing American lobster on the edge of the Continental Shelf, believe that oil fouling of inflatable buoys caused a deterioration of air valves, resulting in a loss of these buoys and consequently the gear they marked. The crew's clothing became fouled during handling of the gear. One lobster fishing vessel had its gear net in the immediate area of the oil drift and, as a result, had to change over the water circulation system from a continuous to a closed one, i.e., instead of taking in water from the area of the oil drift and and contaminating the catch, water from a clean area was used and circulated within the vessel's holding system. 3. Two vessels fishing lobster reported fouled pots, gear, and cloth- ing. Caution had to be taken in removing the lobsters from the contaminated gear. Other divisions of the Northeast Region filed negative reports. The collection of data on the oil spill and its effects is, and will be, an ongoing program for all NMFS field employees in the region. 123 References Anderson, J. W. , D. B. Dixit, G. S. Ward, and R. S. Foster. 1976. Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the rate of heartbeat and hatching success of estuarine fish embryos. (F. J. and W. B. Vernberg, eds.) Pollution and Physiology of Marine Organisms, II. Academic Press. Bowman, R. E., 1975. Food habits of Atlantic cod, haddock and silver hake in the Northwest Atlantic, 1969-1972. Data Report #75-1. Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS. Bowman, R. E. , R. 0. Maurer, and J. A. Murphy. 1976. Stomach contents of twenty-nine fish species from five regions in the Northwest Atlantic. Data Report //76-10. Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS. Clarke, G. L. , E. L. Pierce, and D. F. Bumpus . 1943. The distribution and reproduction of Sagitta elegans on Georges Bank in relation to hydro- graphical conditions. Biol. Bull., Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 201-226. Colton, J. B., and R. R. Stoddard. 1972. Average Monthly Sea-Water Tempera- tures Nova Scotia to Long Island, 1940-1959. Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment, Folio 21, Amer. Geogr. Soc, New York. Hyland , J. L. 1973. Acute toxicity of No. 6 fuel oil to intertidal organisms in the lower York River, Virginia. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary (VIMS). 75 pp. James, M. C. 1925. Preliminary investigations on effects of oil pollution on marine pelagic eggs. Report of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, April 1925, App. 6, 85-92. Report to the Secretary of State by the U.S. Interdepartmental Committee on Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters, 1926. Jeffries, H. P., and W. C. Johnson II. 1975. Petroleum, temperature, and toxicants: examples of suspected responses by plankton and benthos on the Continental Shelf. In: Effects of energy-related activities on the Continental Shelf (Bernard Manowitz, ed) . pp. 96-108. Kuhnhold, W. W. 1969. The influence of watersoluble constituents of crude oils and crude oil fractions on the ontogenetic development of herring fry. Ber. der Deut . Wiss Komm. fur Meeresf orsch. , Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 165-171. Kuhnhold, W. W. 1972. Untersuchungen liber die ToxizitMt von Roholextrakter und emulsionen auf Eier und Larven von Dorsch und Hering. (Investigations on the toxicity of crude oil extracts and dispersions on eggs and larvae of cod and herring). Ph.D. Thesis. University of Kiel, FRG. Kuhnhold, W. W. 1974. Investigations on the toxicity of seawater-extracts of three crude oils on eggs of cod (Gadus morhus L.), Ber. der Deut. Wiss. Komm. fur Meeresforsch. , Vol. 23, pp. 165-180. 124 Longwell, A. C. 1976. Chromosome mutagenesis in developing mackerel eggs sampled from the New York Bight. MESA-7 , April. 61 pp. Maurer, R. 0., and R. E. Bowman. 1975. Food habits of marine fishes of the Northwest Atlantic. Data Report #75-3, Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS. Mironov, 0. G. 1969a. The effect of oil pollution upon some representatives of the Black Sea zooplankton. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal , Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 980-984. (English Translation) . Mironov, 0. G. 1969b. Viability of larvae of some crustaces in sea water polluted with oil-products. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 1734-1737. Parker, C. A., M. Freegarde, and C. G. Hatchard. 1970. The effect of some chemical and biological factors on the degradation of crude oil at sea. Seminars on Water Pollution by Oil. Aviemore/Scott 4-8.5.70, paper 17. Wigley, R. L. 1956. Food habits of Georges Bank Haddock. Special Scientific Report — Fisheries #165. Wigley, R. L. , and R. B. Theroux. 1965. Seasonal food habits of highlands ground haddock. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. , Vol. 94, pp. 243-251. 125 5. CONCLUSIONS The intensive studies conducted in response to the Argo Merchant oil spill have resulted in some significant findings, not only on the fate of the oil from the tanker, but also on the behavior of spilled oil in general. Preliminary chemical analyses for oil content have been completed for all water and sediment samples taken up to February 12, 1977, by cooperating scientists. Selected samples have been sent to the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle, Washington, for more detailed study. Biological studies primarily based on the six stations occupied during the first cruise of the Delaware II (DE 7 6-13) have been reported by NMFS scientists. However, the chemical and biological studies are not complete. Further analyses are being conducted by all concerned to complete the assessment of the fate and impact of the oil spilled from the Argo Merchant. With these cautions in mind, the following preliminary findings are presented and supported by this report. Notable among these findings are: (1) The oil from the Argo Merchant stayed on the ocean surface with the exception of some of the "cutter stock," which entered the water column, and an as-yet undetermined amount of whole oil that was mechanically worked into the bottom in the immediate vicinity of the wreckage. The cutter stock, which comprised 20 percent of the oil, was found in the water column in concentrations up to 250 parts per billion. The highest levels were only found beneath fresh oil slicks. After a few days, these levels were reduced to background levels by turbulent mixing. (2) Oil in significant amounts has not been found in the sediments to date, except within 10 miles of the bow section where it has been found in concentrations up to 100 parts per million. (3) Most of the oil remained on the surface and moved offshore under the influence of the prevailing west winds. Surface oil was never observed north of 4l°21' or west of 70°10', nor was it observed within 15 miles of any land. Operational modeling efforts were successful in predicting the off- shore movement of the surface oil primarily because the movement was con- trolled by predominantly offshore winds while the complicated circulation of near-shore areas and Nantucket Shoals played only a minor role. (4) There is evidence of oil contamination in fish, shellfish, ichthyo- plankton, and zooplankton populations in the area of the spill. Mortalities of developing cod and pollock embryos in eggs contaminated with oil were observed. No. 6 fuel oil caused significant mortalities of cod embryos in laboratory experiments conducted by NMFS and collaborating scientists of EPA and the University of Kiel. Noticeable decreases in the abundance of sand launce larvae were observed in the spill zone that may have been caused by oil. Large numbers of zooplankters, which are an important food of larval and adult fish, were contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons similar to No. 6 fuel oil, indicating that an important pathway in the food web of the Nantucket Shoals ecosystem was impacted. The extent of this impact is under 126 investigation. Much of the oil in the copepods was in the form of fecal pellets. These pellets are excreted into the water column, settle to the bottom, and may be concentrated in benthic filter-feeders (mussels, scallops, quahogs) . Adverse physiological effects were also observed in reduced re- spiration of scallops, mussels, and in an ionic imbalance of blood serum of blackback and yellowtail flounders. The implications of the above results for long-term effects are unclear. Additional extensive surveys and labora- tory tests be required to clarify preliminary findings. (5) The No. 6 fuel oil from the Argo Merchant formed pancakes of oil which tended to increase in thickness as they aged. These pancakes were ob- served to have flat bottoms and they did not appear to be tapered towards their edges. The surface area impacted by oil was not solidly covered by a continuous film of oil but rather by thick pancakes, very thin oil film (sheen) and large open areas of water. Several direct measurements of the velocity of the pancakes of oil relative to the surface water were obtained which indicate that this differential velocity is about 1 percent of wind speed in a downwind direction. The oil sheen appeared to be generated by the oil in the pancakes and moved at a slightly lower speed. (6) Sufficient data were collected during the oil spill to allow the generation of a data set which can be used for hindcasting the oil movement. The collected data include meteorological observations, current observations at several locations in the spill area, a time history of the area covered by oil, as well as data on the amounts and fractions of the oil which entered the water column as a function of time and space. Analyses of these data will lead to the development of improved algorithms describing the fate of oil. These algorithms can then be incorporated into predictive models. 5.1 Oil Transport Under the influence of the predominant westerly winds and the wind- induced surface currents, the oil spilled from the Argo Merchant moved in an east-southeast direction from the site of the wreck on Nantucket Shoals out past the Continental Shelf and became a part of the general circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean. All indications are that the remaining oil will not sink and will be present on the ocean surface for some time. This oil has by now become a part of the "standing stock" of tar balls floating in the North Atlantic. As such, they will tend to weather until the exterior surface develops the characteristics of asphalt. The hard outer surface will act as settling surfaces for barnacles, etc., while the interior of the larger tar balls will retain much of the fluid consistency of the original straight-run No. 6 fuel oil. Each day that the oil moved off the Continental Shelf and into the Atlantic circulation pattern, the weather became less of a forcing factor and the slick movement was dominated by baroclinic (general oceanic) cur- rents. The waters over Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank during the last two weeks of December were vertically homogeneous, and the general westerly current pattern described in BLM's EIS for Georges Bank did not appear to be 12; established. In actual fact, in addition to the measured wind drift of the oil, a net surface current on the order of 0.6 knot in a southeasterly direc- tion was observed during that period. In less than 50 m of water, it appeared that the net currents were responding well to the wind. The pancakes of oil emanating from the wreck were observed to build up in thickness as they moved away from the wreck. After 1 or 2 weeks of movement, thick patches of oil which were originally 1 1/2 - 2 inches became 5 to 10 inch thick patches. The ethereal "3%" wind factor that has been tossed about freely for years is now being pinned down. Patches of Argo Merchant oil were measured moving relative to the water at 0.7 to 1.1% of the wind speed, for wind speeds of 10 to 30 knots and oil thickness of 1 to 2 inches. The thinner sheens covering much of the sea surface appear to be "fed" by the thick patches so that their movement is limited to the 1% wind factor as well. This wind factor probably represents the effect of energy transfer from waves interacting with the oil. There is a wind-induced surface current, amounting to about 2% of the wind speed, that also needs to be considered when predicting oil movement using subsurface current information. However, when drift cards or bottles are the source of current data, the "3%" figure is excessive as a wind factor and should be replaced by a figure of about 1%. A large amount of information has been gathered which has been and will be of value in improving both operational forecasting of real oil spill tra- jectories and statistical models of oil spills from a "risk analysis" point of view. It is inadequate to use look-up tables for currents combined with statistical models of wind, or vice-versa. In the near-shore environment, the winds and currents are too highly correlated for the above approach to be adequate. Moreover, for short-term forecasting, tidal currents as well as wind drift should be included for realistic output. For real-time forecast- ing, the value of accurate slick maps cannot be understated. Accurate meas- urements of oil/water differential velocities, the observation that pancakes build up in thickness rather than disperse, and the underslick cinematography will all serve to improve the state-of-the-art in oil spill modeling. 5.2 Fate of the Oil The Argo Merchant No. 6 fuel is composed of about 80% straight-run No. 6 and about 20% light distillate fuel (which was used as a "cutter stock" to make the oil easier to handle) . It now appears that some of the cutter stock entered the water column, at maximum levels on the order of 250 parts per billion. Highest concentrations were found under fresh oil slicks though not in the near-surface samples, but at depths of 2-3 m. Concentrations decreased after a few days to background levels through turbulent mixing of the homo- geneous water column. More definitive chemical analyses are being conducted to verify these findings. Severe artifical weathering of a cargo sample indicated that the straight-run No. 6 component retains a positive buoyancy and will not sink unless aided. The oil found in the vicinity of the wreckage is associated with shell fragments in the sediments and would otherwise rise due to its natural buoyancy. The U.S. Navy divers reported no visible oil on the bottom 128 approximately 1/4 mile from the wreck on December 23, and their film supports this finding. Since the currents at the wreck site are primarily tidal, the oil had passed over the spot checked by the divers twice a day for 7 days prior to the dive. Microscopic examination of 25 sediment samples from the Delaware II cruises also indicated the absence of visible oil. Thin-layer chromatographic analyses of sediment samples have indicated very low petro- leum hydrocarbon (PHC) levels with the majority of the samples exhibiting less than 1 part per million PHC's. Sediment samples from the Ooeanus cruises indicated appreciable levels, up to 5 ppm, of PHC's. The highest levels were found at Ooeanus stations 1 and 5 which are located to the west of Nantucket Shoals in an area of mud bottom. The oil slick was never within 20 miles of these stations. Additional analytical work confirmed that the oil in these samples is not from the Argo Merchant. Preliminary evidence indicates that oil from the Argo Merchant is being cycled through the food web of the Nantucket Shoals ecosystem. Large numbers of zooplankters which are an important food of larval and adult fish are contaminated with oil. The presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in zooplankton indicates that an important pathway between plankton, necton, and benthos is contaminated. The oil can be concentrated in the tissues of shellfish as they feed on fecal pellets of the zooplankton. The significance of the cycling of the Argo Merchant oil through the food web has not been fully assessed and will be the subject of additional survey and experimental efforts. Oil was found in the bottom sediments near the bow section on February 11, 1977. The area where the bow section dragged is contaminated with Argo Merchant oil, presumably from physical contact with the bow section. The area encompassed by this contamination is not known at present, but resus- pension of oiled sediments in the area appears to be transporting the oil to the southwest. Another Endeavor cruise was conducted February 21-25 to establish the magnitude and extent of the oil contamination around the wreck- age itself. "Tar balls" reported washing ashore on southwest Nantucket Island in March appeared to have come from a recent spill, and analysis is under way to determine whether the tar comes from crude or refined petroleum. However, this will not be able to establish whether the tar originated with oil spilled by the Argo Merchant or with another spill of No. 6 fuel oil. 5.3 Biological Effects Although it is difficult at this time to assess the possible damage to the Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals ecosystem, some evidence has been found of oil contaminating several species of fish, shellfish, and plankton in the area of the oil spill. Mortalities were observed in developing cod and pollock embryos in eggs collected from the area. Greatest damage was observed in eggs collected closest to the Argo Merchant, and genetic damage was greater in pollock eggs than cod eggs. In one sample taken near the spill, 98 percent of the pollock eggs sampled were dead or moribund, as against 64 percent of the cod eggs in 129 the same sample. Averaged over all stations sampled, pollock embryos showed 46 percent mortality or moribundity, with cod embryos running about 20 per- centage points less. These observed mortalities need to be evaluated against the high levels of naturally occurring egg mortality. Efforts are now underway to assess the impact of these mortalities on the cod and pollock stocks of the Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals area. Results from laboratory studies conducted jointly with EPA, Narragansett , and Dr. Walter Kuhnhold, visiting scientist with NMFS from the University of Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany, have shown that No. 6 fuel oil will cause mortalities and retarded development of cod eggs at concentrations between 100 and 500 parts per billion. They also report that dying eggs sink to the bottom, indicating that survey collection of moribund eggs may be seriously underestimating actual population mortalities. Zooplankton food of larval and adult fish was also contaminated with Avgo Merchant oil. Copepods were observed with oil on feeding appendages, in alimentary tracts, and on the surface of the body. In addition, oil similar to Argo Merchant oil was in alimentary tracts and fecal pellets of those species collected within and adjacent to the spill area, indicating an im- portant contaminant pathway from the spill into the food web of Nantucket Shoals. Oil ingested by copepods could be concentrated as it moves through the food web as fecal pellets from contaminated zooplankton are ingested by filter feeders, or if zooplankton containing oil are eaten directly by preda- tors including larval and adult fish. Argo Merchant oil is persisting in the food web; as recently as February 23 1977 , copepods were collected which, under microscopic examination, contained petroleum residues. Substantially smaller numbers (80% less) of larval sand launce at sta- tions sampled within the spill zone, compared to outside the zone, may have been caused by the toxic effects of oil. Although not a commercially impor- tant species at this time, the sand launce is an important food of fish, including cod, haddock, pollock, and hake. It is also eaten in large quanti- ties by whales and porpoises. The effect of these lower numbers of larvae on the production of sand launce in the Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank area is presently under study by NMFS scientists of the Northeast Fisheries Cen- ter. Scientists of NMFS working at the Milford Laboratory detected imbalances in the normal physiological responses of mussels and scallops collected from the waters contaminated with oil. Respiration rates were lower than in samples collected outside of the spill zone. Also, the ionic balance of blood serum is blackback and yellowtail flounders was lower than in control specimens collected from outside the spill area. It is not possible at this time to extrapolate from the oil-caused mortalities and sublethal effects observed to the impact on the productivity of the Nantucket Shoals-Georges Bank ecosystem. Additional sampling and experimentation over the next year is required for an adequate assessment of damage. 130 Twenty-two samples of fish and invertebrates have been sent to the NOAA National Analytical Laboratory in Seattle for complete hydrocarbon analyses. Pending the outcome of those tests, a second group of samples may be sent. Of the seabirds affected by the spilled oil, observed mortality was highest among Murres. Lack of adequate offshore sampling information pre- cludes any definitive conclusions on the extent of impact. Marine mammals did not appear to be affected by the oil in the few cases where they were seen in the vicinity of oil. However, as with the seabirds, these findings are based on very limited sampling. It should be noted that no significant adverse effects have been re- ported by fishermen trawling off the Rhode Island and Massachusetts coasts. In 900 interviews conducted by NMFS Port Agents, only 26 reported damage, mostly to sea birds. Only two fishermen indicated problems associated with the fouling of gear in oil slick waters. ONGOING ACTIVITIES The field phase of the research activities described in this report thus far have been completed. There are, however, a number of ongoing activities which are discussed below. 6.1 Physical Processes The U.S. Coast Guard will continue the mapping of the oil released from the Argo Merchant until stopped by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) when he determines that it is no longer necessary. The National Weather Service will continue to provide support to the OCS and the community at large in the form of forecasts, warnings, etc. In the event that a "blowup" of the wreck is planned, the operation will be expanded to include 10-day outlooks, delegation of a Weather Service operational re- presentative to collocate with the OSC, and expanded and more numbeous fore- casts. It has been estimated that operational support may be necessary for surveillance, diving, and other activities through mid- 1977. The data collected by the installed current meters will be retrieved and analyzed by the organizations which supplied them. These data will be very useful to the modelers concerned with forecasting spilled oil movement for validating intermediate portions of their models and to refine them to the local and other areas. The outputs generated by each of the models described in Section 2.3 will be further analyzed in efforts to improve their accuracy in light of the new information acquired. 131 6.2 Chemical Processes Selected water, sediment, and fish samples will be analyzed at the NMFS National Analytical Facility by gas chroma tograph-mass spectrometer techni- ques to complete the studies on the fate and weathering of the Argo Merchant oil. In addition, samples will continue to be processed as the Endeavor re- turns to the scene of the wreckage to measure the extent of bottom contami- nation in that area. 6.3 Biological Processes The Argo Merchant oil spill in its passage over Nantucket Shoals and southeast Georges Bank encroached on the spawning grounds of cod, haddock, pollock, herring, flounders (yellowtail, blackback, four-spot, sanddab) and important scallop and silver hake fishing grounds. Considering the impor- tance of the area, fish, shellfish, ichthyoplankton and benthos assessments will be made by the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Center through extension and augmentation of ongoing MARMAP surveys during the next 18 months to determine the actual or potential impact. It is intended through Center reprogramming and temporary reassignments to complete six to nine MARMAP surveys over the area of the spill. These will provide important statistical infomation on species composition and relative abundance, but these data will provide little substantive information on the sublethal effects of the spill on the "health" or condition of the stocks. If the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on the fisheries resources of the area is to be assessed with any reasonable probability of success, it is essential to process selected species of fish, shellfish, benthos and ich- thyoplankton for genetic damage, disruption of normal physiological proces- ses, pathobiological conditions, and for levels of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants. Plans have been developed to carry forward a comprehensive long-term assessment, which will include the following studies: Two NMFS cruises are planned to assess changes in populations of impor- tant benthos and shellfish. Specimens of several shellfish species will be collected for evidence of pathological conditions and toxic effects from petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment. Expanded monitoring of larval and juvenile fish will encompass the area of the oil spill to assess changes in population levels. Ongoing cooperative efforts between NMFS (Drs. Laurence and Kuhnhold, Narragansett) and EAP (Jackim and Lef court, Narragansett ) will be augmented to determine effects of No. 6 fuel oil on pelagic fish eggs and larvae. In addition, eggs and larvae of cod, and other demersal species such as winter flounder will be used to test for responses of eggs and larvae to treatment with "surrogate" Argo Merchant oil. 13: Chromosomal studies of fish eggs and embryos (Dr. Longwell, NMFS, Mil- ford) will be extended to examine fish species in the Georges Bank-Nantucket Shoals area. Genetically based egg mortality occurring in populations fishes will be assessed and the relative importance of hydrocarbons and natural environmental factors inducing lethal chromosome errors in developing fish eggs will be investigated. Specimens of tissue from selected fish and shellfish species from clean and impacted areas will be analyzed (Rosenfield, NMFS, Oxford) for evidence of abnormalities, tissue, and cellular diseases. Also, incidence of anatomic lesions in fish and shellfish from clean and contaminated areas will be monitored. Analyses of tissue samples (Gould and Thurberg, NMFS, Milford) from fish and shellfish (e.g., ocean scallops and horse mussels) will continue to identify indicators of the physiological and biochemical health of the organ- ism (such as hematology and respiration rates, shifts in metabolic pathways, induction or suppression of enzyes. Hydrocarbon analyses on selected fish and shellfish (adults, juveniles and embryos) will continue at the NOAA National Analytical Facility in Seattle, Washington. 133 j APPENDIX I Contributors and Participants 1-1 Spilled Oil Research Team James S. Mattson, Chief Scientist CEDDA, EDS, NOAA, Washington, D.C. Craig Hooper, Program Manager OCSEAP, ERL, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado Jerry A. Gait, Team Leader PMEL, ERL, NOAA, Seattle, Washington Peter L. Grose, Team Leader CEDDA, EDS, NOAA, Washington, D.C. David M. Kennedy, Team Leader Arctic Project Office, ERL, NOAA, Fairbanks, Alaska Rod Swope, Team Leader OCSEAP, ERL, NOAA, Juneau, Alaska Elaine I. Chan, East Coast Team CEDDA, EDS, NOAA, Washington, D.C. Gary Hufford, East Coast Team Research and Development Center, USCG, Groton, Connecticut Sue Lease, Boulder Team OCSEAP, ERL, NOAA, Boulder Colorado Dick Feely, West Coast Team PMEL, ERL, NOAA, Seattle, Washington Marilyn Pizzello, West Coast Team PMEL, ERL, NOAA, Seattle, Washington John Janssen, Fairbanks Team Department of Environmental Conservation, State of Alaska Alan Kegler, Juneau Team Department of Environmental Conservation, State of Alaska Sue Anderson, Juneau Team OCSEAP, ERL, NOAA, Juneau, Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT) U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Captain Lynn Hein, Federal On-Scene Coordinator 1st District, Boston, Massachusetts 1-2 Cmdr. Charles Morgan Oceanographic Unit, Washington, D.C. LCmdr. Barry Chambers, Commanding Officer Atlantic Strike Team, National Strike Force Elizabeth City, North Carolina Scot Fortier Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut LCmdr. Ivan Lissaur Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut Cmdr. Richard Rybacki, Assistant Director Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut Joseph Deaver Oceanographic Unit, Washington, D.C. Bill Anthony Oceanographic Unit, Washington, D.C. Richard Jadamec Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut Lt. David Freydenlund Oceanographic Unit, Washington, D.C. Bruce Thompson, MST Research and Development Center, Groton, Connecticut Cmdr. Ian Cruikshank, Commanding Officer USCGC Vigilant _, New Bedford, Massachusetts LCmdr. J. F. Overath, Commanding Officer USCGC Bittersweet, Woods Hole, Massachusetts LCmdr. Bebeau, MSO USCGC Bittersweet, Woods Hole, Massachusetts National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA) Environmental Data Service (EDS) Fredrick Godshall, CEDDA, Washington, D.C. Joseph Bishop, CEDDA, Washington, D.C. Jack Carlile, CEDDA, Washington, D.C. Bob Dennis, CEDDA, Washington, D.C. Katherine Kidwell, CEDDA, Washington, D.C. George Heimerdinger , NODC, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 1-3 Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) Lou Butler, MESA, Boulder, Colorado Herb Curl, MESA, Boulder, Colorado John Robinson, MESA, Boulder, Colorado Edward P. Meyers, MESA, Boulder, Colorado David Friis, OCSEAP, Boulder, Colorado Rosalie A. Redmond, OCSEAP, Boulder, Colordo Don Swift, AOML, Miami, Florida NOAA Data Buoy Office (NDBO) James Winchester, Director, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi Dewain Clark, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi Jay Harris, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Frank Riley, Gloucester, Massachusetts Dusty Gould, Milford, Connecticut Arlene Longwell, Milford, Connecticut Fred Thurberg, Milford, Connecticut Donna Busch, Narragansett , Rhode Island Walter Kiihnhold (visiting expert from University of Kiel, FRG) Ray Maurer, Narragansett, Rhode Island Carolyn Rogers, Narragansett, Rhode Island Kenneth Sherman, Narragansett, Rhode Island Loretta Sullivan, Narragansett, Rhode Island Wally Smith, Sandy Hook, New Jersey William D. , MacLeod, Seattle, Washington Ray Bowman, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Henry Jensen, Woods Hole, Massachusetts George Kelly, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Richard Langton, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Roland Wigley, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Redwood Wright, Woods Hole, Massachusetts National Weather Service (NWS) Celso Barrientos, Silver Spring, Maryland Anthony Tancreto, Boston, Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Carl Eidam, Region 1 Paul Lef court, Narragansett, Rhode Island Richard Pruell, Narragansett, Rhode Island Dianne Everich, Narragansett, Rhode Island Eugene Jackim, Narragansett, Rhode Island 1-4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center John P. Mugler, Jr., Team Leader, Hampton, Virginia Wendell G. Ayres, Hampton, Virginia David Bowker, Hampton, Virginia John T. Shuttles, Hampton, Virginia Wallops Flight Center John D. Oberholtzer, Wallops Island, Virginia Chester L. Parsons, Wallops Island, Virginia Department of the Interior (DPI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ken Berger, New York, N.Y. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Brad Butman, Woods Hole, Massachusetts David Folger, Woods Hole, Massachusetts David M. Schultz, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Richard A. Smith, Reston, Virginia J. Slack, Reston, Virginia T. Wyant, Reston, Virginia Department of Defense (POD) U.S. Navy (USN) Chief Richard Johnson, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command Larry Cregger, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command Ken Hess, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command Troy Gruber, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command David Shonting, Naval Underwater Systems Center Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Game James Cardozo, Boston, Massachusetts Research and Academic Institutions Manomet Bird Observatory (MBO) Kathleen Anderson James M. Loughlin 1-5 Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) John E. Hobbie B. J. Peterson George Woodwell University of Rhode Island (URI) Chris Brown, Chemistry Peter Cornillon, Ocean Engineering Robert Gordon, Ocean Engineering Lisa Gould, Zoology Remy Halm, Ocean Engineering Eva J. Hoffman, Graduate School of Oceanography Christopher Noll, Ocean Engineering James G. Quinn, Graduate School of Oceanography Robert Sexton, Graduate School of Oceanography Malcolm Spaulding, Ocean Engineering Mason Wilson, Mechanical Engineering Howard Winn, Graduate School of Oceanography University of Southern California (USC) Ronald Kolpack, Geology Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Jerome H. Milgram Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Robert Beardsley John Farrington Peter Fricke Robert A. Frosch John Milliman Phil Richardson Howard Sanders John Teal Contractors Aero-Marine Services, Inc. (BLM subcontract) Development Sciences, Inc. (Office of Sea Grant, NOAA, contract) Discover Flying (SOR contract) EG&G (BLM contract) New England Air-Photo Association (EPA contract) Raytheon (BLM contract) Individuals Ben Baxter, marine mammal observer Barbara Morson, marine bird observer 1-6 APPENDIX II Chronology II-l SEVENTEEN-DAY SUMMARY: DECEMBER 15 TO 31, 1976 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: U.S. Coast Guard cutters on station recorded hourly meteorological data. Sea: Sea conditions recorded hourly by U.S. Coast Guard cutter. Argo Merchant One of the largest oil spills in American history. 7h million gallons of oil spilled. USCG Operations Unable to save the Argo Merchant despite heroic efforts. Water samples collected daily by USCGC's Bittersweet and Vigilant • Forecasting should improve after analysis of Argo Merchant data. Overflights Visual and infrared mapping of plume. Mammal sightings. Oil and water current measurements. Drift cards dropped as early warning systems. Extensive photographic record, NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Coordination of research activities. Measurements to document the fate of Argo Merchant oil. Other Operations Normal wintering whale and porpoise populations established. No noticeable reaction to spill. Movies taken by U.S. Navy of morphology of the underside of the slick and bottom. No visible oil. Eleven current meters deployed at 6 moorings. Ship Cruises During nine cruises, 210 water samples, 34 sediment samples, and 40 intertidal samples obtained. Plankton samples and organisms also collected. No confirmed reports of visible oil. Spill Characteristics Intense mapping of spill. "Thickening" phenomenon data available for research on oil weathering. Oil transport and dispersion data established. Basis for long-range research program established. Coordination Meetings and Briefings Research activities coordinated by participating scientists II-2 Wednesday, December 15, 19 76 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Sea: Medium visibility. Overcast. High southwest winds at 35 knots in late afternoon, veering toward east winds at 4 knots toward midnight. Large, 10-foot, waves and swells. Argo Merchant 0700 1115 1340 1630 Ship aground on Nantucket shoals. 40 Flooding of engine rooms continues. Discharge of oil observed by USCG. Twenty crewmen removed. 55'N 69° 33'W USCG Operations 0700 1115 1115 1315 Distress call received. Strike force boards Argo Merchant. USCGC Sherman on scene; remains entire day. USCGC Vigilant on scene; remains entire day. Plans begun for operations forecasting of oil drift. Overflights NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations 1300 1630 2100 Notified by NMFS Responds . On site. Other Operations Ship Cruises Spill Characteristics Unknown . Coordination Meetings and Briefings Note: All times are Eastern Standard Time, II-3 Thursday, December 16 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Sea: Low visibility. Northeast winds at 13 knots. Overcast. Ceiling 2000 feet, dropping to 500 feet in afternoon. Calm. Strong currents. Small, 1-foot, waves Argo Merchant 0400: Pumping (dewatering) of engine room. 2300: Ship abandoned. Evacuation of all personnel Ship bearing 315°. USCG Operations 1547: Assumes full control and responsibility for Argo Merchant . 2100: Begins operational forecasting of oil drift. 1600-1625: USCGC Bittersweet on scene. USCGC's Sherman and Vigilant on scene entire day. Overflights 0930: Cessna-182 deploys current probes and dye markers 1500: Second mission aborted because of low visibility. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Aboard Cessna-182. Other Operations Ship Cruises Spill Characteristics Oil 2 miles north to south and 4 miles east to west. Oil moving west. Streak of oil; bearing about 240 . Coordination Meetings and Briefings. 2300: University of Rhode Island coordination meeting with SOR Team at Hyannis. II-4 Friday, December 17 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Overcast. Rain and snow. West medium winds at 17 knots. Sea: Small, 2- to 4-foot, waves and swells. Argo Merchant 41° 1.0 69° 27.0' vessel pivoting counterclockwise. Bulkheads and deck buckling. List 5-10*2; to starboard. USCG Operations 0236: USCG Bittersweet on scene with boom; remains entire day. 0430-1245: Barge on scene. 1045: USCGC Sherman departs. USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Overflights 1145: HU-16E. Current probes. Video tape. Mapping. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E. Other Operations Ship Cruises Spill Characteristics Heavy plume of 95 to 100 percent oil extends northwest for 5 miles, then west for 3h miles. No sheen or slick. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 1200: University of Rhode Island coordination meeting ends 1400: Planning meeting with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) . II-5 Saturday, December 18 Weather Air Conditions (Daylight) Sea High visibility. Scattered clouds northwest at 30 knots. Five- to 8-foot waves. High winds west- Argo Merchant 41° 02.0'N 69° 27. 5W Bearing 0800-250°, 1200-240°, 1700-2445 Ship listing 15° to starboard. Pitch and yaw movement. USCG Operations 0600: USCGC Bittersweet and first barge depart. barge in area. 1035: Strike force boards Argo Merchant. 1513: Strike force departs. USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Second Overflights 0600: PA-23. Current measurements. 0837: HU-16E. Infrared mapping. Surface markers. Deploy- ment of current probes, dye markers, and drift cards, NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard PA-23 and HU-16E. Other Operations Oil sample taken by Milgram from tanker cargo. AMSI overflight. Ship Cruises Spill Characteristics Globs of oil drifting from starboard side of Argo Merchant and forward of her bow. "Pancakes" observed 27 miles east of ship. Heavy plume forming horseshoe path lh miles long, Coordination Meetings and Briefings WHOI Oceanus cruise coordination meeting at Woods Hole. II-6 Sunday, December 19 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: High visibility. Thin overcast. Medium west winds at 18 knots. Sea: Calm. Small waves and swells. Argo Merchant Ship bearing 239° Position 41° 02.0'N 69° 27.5'W List 15° to starboard. USCG Operations 1400: Strike force boards Argo Merchant. 1430: Strike force departs. 1645: Rigging of fenders and anchors. USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Mooring systems loaded. Overflights 0900 1000 1400 1500 NASA C-54. EPA oil survey. H-3. Mapping. Current probes. Drift cards. Dye markers . Cessna-182. Current probes. Drift cards. Dye markers NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard H-3 and Cessna-182. Other Operations Ship Cruises Spill Characteristics Oil coming off bow of Argo Merchant. Heavy sickle-shaped plume extending 16 miles, with an average width of 2 miles "Pancakes" observed and sampled. Coordination Meetings and Briefings II-7 Monday, December 20 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: High- to-medium visibility. Scattered clouds. Medium south winds at 18 knots. Sea: Small waves. Argo Merchant Unchanged . USCG Operations 0036: USCGC Spar on scene. 0745: Strike force boards Argo Merchant. 1625: Strike force departs. USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Fenders, anchors and marker light rigged. Mooring buoys set, Overflights 0930: H-3. Mapping. Current probes. Drift cards and dye markers. Smoke bomb. 1430: Cessna-182 terminated by weather. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard H-3, Cessna-182, and WHOI Oceanus cruise, Other Operations Ship Cruises 1430: WHOI Oceanus cruise 19 begins. Water and sediment sampling. Biological investigations. Spill Characteristics A great deal of oil coming off stern of Argo Merchant. Main plume banana-shaped, 2>h miles wide and 16 miles long, Sheen 7 miles long attached to southeast edge. Coordination Meetings and Briefings II-8 Tuesday, December 21 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Low- to-medium low visibility. Overcast. High west winds at 25 knots. Argo Merchant 0800: Bearing 258°. Pitching up to 10 feet. 100° behind bridge. 0835: Ship split in two aft of king post. Approximately \\ million gallons of oil released after breakup. Bow bearing 025° , stern 260° . USCG Operations Bow bearing 045°. Grinding on stern. USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Overflights 0930: HU-16E. Mapping. 1245: H-3. Inspection of vessel. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E; mapped breakup dump Personnel aboard WHOI Oceanus . " H-3. Other Operations Ship Cruises 1438: WHOI Oceanus cruise ends because of severe weather. USGS Uhitefoot cruise begins. Spill Characteristics Heavy slick extending east 6 miles, averaging 2% miles in width. Sheen extending 8 miles east from mixed heavy "pancakes." Area of dispersed "pancakes" extending 60 miles east and 25 miles north. Coordination Meetings and Briefings II-9 Wednesday, December 22 Weather Air: Conditions (Daylight) Sea: High visibility. Broken clouds at 50 to 15 knots. Fifteen- to 5-foot waves. High west winds Argo Merchant 0730: Bow section splits forward of bridge. Ship in three pieces. Ice 1/4 inch thick. Center section sunk, bearing 45°. USCG Operations 1930: USCGC Bittersweet arrives on scene USCGC Vigilant on scene entire day. Overflights 1005: HU-16E. Mapping. Whale sighted. 1044: H-3. Differential velocity measurements. Oil samples 1130: NASA C-54. 1505: PA-23. Oblique and vertical photos. NASA Landsat. EPA oil survey. N0AA/USCG S0R Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E and H-3. Other Operations AMSI conducts overflights. Ship Cruises NOAA/NMFS Delaware II cruise DE76-13. Begins measurement of environmental conditions, XBT temperature profiles, surface and column water samples, fish and bottom biological samples for two stations. Plankton, neuston, and bottom sediment samples at six stations. Bird fouling noted. USGS White foot cruise. USCG Evergreen cruise begins. Spill Characteristics Three mixed patches of densely packed "pancakes" interspersed among large patches of lightly packed "pan- cakes" extending 100 miles east and averaging 25 miles in width. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 1000-1130: EPA scientific meeting in Boston. 1900-1930: Senator Edward Kennedy's public hearing. 11-10 Thursday, December 23 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Scattered clouds. Medium north- west winds at 20 knots. Sea: Calm. Small waves. Two- to 3-foot swells. Argo Merchant Unchanged. USCG Operations 1250: Strike force boards Argo Merchant and opens hatches. 1616: Strike force departs. USCGC's Vigilant and Bittersweet on scene entire day. Overflights 0855 1035 1140 1257 H-3. HU-16E. Mapping. Current measurements. Whale sighted, PA-23. Current probes. Photos. Two whales sighted. H-3. NASA Landsat. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard both HU-3 overflights, as well as aboard HU-16E. Other Operations 0855-1140: Navy divers dive below slick and complete bottom survey. AMSI overflight. Ship Cruises NOAA/NMFS Delaware II cruise continues USGS Uhitefoot cruise. USCG Evergreen cruise. Spill Characteristics Total extent 90 miles with average width of 30 miles. Heavy "pancake" concentrations extending 25 miles east of Argo Merchant. Light "pancake" concentrations further out surrounded by sheen. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-11 Friday, December 24 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Scattered clouds west winds at 20 knots. Sea: Calm. Medium north- Argo Merchant Unchanged. Stern bearing 260°, bow 45' USCG Operations USCGC's Vigilant and Bittersweet on scene entire day, Overflights 0945 0958 1014 HU-16E. Mapping. PA-23. Surface markers H-3. NOAA/USCG S0R Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E and H-3. Other Operations AMSI overflight. Ship Cruises NOAA/NMFS Delaware II cruise completed, USGS Whitefoot cruise ends. USCG Evergreen cruise. Spill Characteristics Total extent 100 miles east. Two flukes formed at the end, with a width of 10 to 20 miles. Moderate concentra- tion of "pancakes" along center, surrounded by light concentrations . Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-12 Saturday, December 25 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Cloud base approximately 1000 feet Medium southwest winds at 20 knots. Sea: Calm. Argo Merchant Unchanged. USCG Operations Forecast of onshore wind conditions. Reactivation of personnel. Beach cleanup contingency. USCGC's Bittersweet and Vigilant on scene entire day. Overflights 1013: IIU-16E. Mapping of "Pancake 1." Vigilant directed to "pancake" for sampling. NOAA/USCG S0R Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E. Other Operations Ship Cruises USCGC Evergreen cruise, Spill Characteristics Plume tracked out to 80 miles east, averaging 20 to 30 miles in width. "Pancake 1" spotted 35 miles east of Argo Merchant. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-13 Sunday, December 26 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Sea: Medium-to-low visibility. Overcast. Rain, fog, and snow. Medium-to-high southeast winds at 15 knots, veering toward northwest at 35 knots. Two- to 3-foot waves. Argo Merchant Unchanged, USCG Operations 1345: Four drops of drift cards. USCGC's Bitterwweet and Vigilant on scene entire day, Overflights 0916: HU-16E. Mapping of "Pancake 1." Oil current and drift cards dropped. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16E. Dropped 3180 drift cards. Other Operations Ship Cruises USCOC Evergreen cruise, Spill Characteristics Plume tracked 40 miles east, averaging 40 miles in width "Pancake 1" 40 miles east. Marked with drift cards. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-14 Monday, December 27 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Low cloud base. High west winds at 33 knots. Sea: Eight-foot waves. Argo Merchant 0800: Bow section rolled over. USCG Operations USCGC's Bittersweet and Vigilant on scene entire day. A total of 3000 drift cards dropped on three separate occasions. 1600: First burning experiment completed. Overflights 0900 0912 1324 H-3. HU-16E. Mapping. Dropped data marker buoy PA-23. Drift cards dropped. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard H-3 and HU-16 flights. Other Operations AMSI overflight. Ship WHOI Oceanus cruise 20. Collection of suspended sediment Cruises samples and bottom sediment. USGS White foot cruise. USCGC Evergreen cruise. Spill Characteristics Plume seen as one large butterfly-shaped patch 110 miles long and 10 to 40 miles wide, with furthest edge 140 miles Smaller patch 20 miles long and 5 miles wide. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-15 Tuesday, December 28 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Sea: Very low visibility. No visibility at 1000 feet Overcast. Medium west winds veering toward east at 15 knots. Data ship into lee. Argo Merchant Unchanged. USCG Operations 1528: USCGC Bittersweet relieves USCGC Vigilant. Vigilant departs. Bittersweet remains on scene. Overflights No flights because of poor weather, NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Assisted in OSC press conference Ship Cruises WHOI Oaeanus cruise 20 continues. URI Endeavor cruise begins. USGS White foot . Plankton tows. Water and sediment samples USCGC Evergreen cruise ends. Spill No determination because of weather preventing overflights. Characteristics Coordination Meetings and Briefings OSC press conference. SOR Team and USCG representatives meet with Marine Mammals Commission in Boston. 11-16 Wednesday, December 29 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Sea: Low- to-medium visibility. Overcast. Rain. Medium- high east winds at 20 knots, veering toward west at 35 knots. Three- to 4-foot waves. Five- to 6-foot swells. Argo Merchant Bow section moving slightly to southeast, USCG Operations USCGC Bittersweet on scene entire day, Overflights No flights because of poor weather, NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Other Operations Ship Cruises WHOI Ooeanus cruise 20 ends . URI Endeavor cruise ends . Spill No determination because of weather preventing overflights Characteristics Coordination Meetings and Briefings 11-17 Thursday, December 30 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Medium visibility. Broken clouds. Snow. High west winds at 40 knots. Sea: Four- to 6-foot waves. Twelve- to 16-foot swells. Argo Merchant Bow section moved 400-500 yds southeast of stern. Bow capsized. Bearing 130°. USCG Operations A total of 2000 drift cards dropped at two locations USCGC's Spar arrives on scene. USCGC's Bittersweet and Dallas on scene. Overflights 1002: PA-23. Drift cards and dye markers H-3. Drift cards. NOAA/USCG S0R Team Operations Personnel aboard H-3. Other Operations AMSI overflight, Ship Cruises URI Endeavor. USCGC Dallas. Spill No determination because of poor weather. Characteristics Coordination Meetings and Briefings H-18 Friday, December 31 Weather Conditions (Daylight) Air: Low- to -medium visibility. Snow. Medium west winds at 15 knots. Sea: Two-foot waves. Three- to 6-foot swells. Argo Merchant Bow, bearing 140°, holed with 20-mm cannon fire to prevent drifting and remove navigation hazard. USCG Operations USCGC Spar. Burning experiment. Sample of slick obtained Overflights 1254: PA-23. Drift cards and dye markers 1530: H-3. Buoy deployed on "pancake." HU-16E mapping. AMSI overflight. NOAA/USCG SOR Team Operations Personnel aboard HU-16 and H-3. Begin whale watching Other Operations Ship Cruises USCGC Spar. Spill Characteristics Leading edge further than 140 miles out from Argo Merchant location in general southeast direction. Coordination Meetings and Briefings 1000: Secretary of Transportation press conference 11-19 APPENDIX III Selected Photographs III-l List of Photographs No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant , Argo Merchant, Argo Merchant , Description Dec. 16, 1976 Dec. 17, 1976 Dec. 18, 1976 Dec. 19, 1976 Dec. 20, 1976 Dec. 21, 1976 22, 24, 1976 1976 Jan, Jan. after first break, Dec. after second break, Dec Dec. 25, 1976 Dec. 27, 1976 Dec. 31, 1976 stern section, stern section, bow section, Jan bow section, Jan. 4, 1977 bow section, Jan. 5, 1977 19, 1976 (frame 0037) 19, 1976 (frame 0108) 19, 1976, at 1023 (frame 0149) 19, 1976, at 1037 (frame 0061) 3, 2, 1977 3, 1977 1977 Oil slick, Dec Oil slick, Dec Oil slick, Dec Oil slick, Dec End of slick, Dec. 19, 1976 (frame 0091) Photomosaic of oil slick, Dec. 19, 1976 Composite mosaic of oil slick, Dec. 19, Oil slick, Dec. 22, 1976 (frame 0260) 1976 1976 (frame 0279) 1976 (frame 0318) 1976 (frame 0321) 1976 (frame 0336) Oil slick, Dec. 22, Oil slick, Dec. 22, Oil slick, Dec. 22, Oil slick, Dec. 22, Underside of pancake Edge of pancake Divers ' dye experiment Waves being absorbed by oil (lower right) Richardson current probe and smoke Richardson current probe and smoke Setup for differential velocity measurement Same as photograph 33, but 20.4 seconds later Pancake 1, Dec. 25, 1976 Pancake 1, Dec. 25, 1976, 3 hours later Pancake, 8 x 12 feet, Dec. 19, 1976 Pancake, 8 x 10 feet, Dec. 22, 1976 Pancake, 10 x 20 feet Pancake, 300 feet, before burn test, Dec. 27, Burn test on 300-foot pancake, Dec. 27, 1976 Burn test on 200-foot pancake, Dec. 31, 1976 Oil sample from 2 inch thick oil slick Failed attempt to sample sheen and thin oil Oiled Herring Gull Finback whale sighted on Jan. 6, 1977 III-2 1976 Credit SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA NASA USN USN SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR SOR 1 1 1-3 -P PI o U CD O -9 LO III-4 N3 c:. -P a o O III-5 stl h> o to O -P a o u CD o III-6 17. Oil slick, Deo. 19. III-7 I slick3 Dec. 1 III-8 19. Oil slick, Dec. 19 at 1023, III-9 20. Oil stick, Dec. 19 at 1037. 111-10 21. End of slick, Dec. 19. III-ll I on ut oo z S2 O £ t o S> e to o &: £§ i> i « < 3E 3 UZ o.h £Z K . (A < Z "og _ .--.•-■ JSCJ 8-^ Jv- 1 1 UM Tl I I I I I o r*. IV-4 '■/^ -oc/' s 0> C-" (D ss=^ *% MM 1 I I I I I I I I I IV-5 Cb ■*r § ■ %4 --•' 0> CD •;j" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft ja * § S § IV-6 I i i i i iti i i I i rr i i i i i i I IV-8 .->" ,44 *? s> s I 1 o (D •^^ ^r i i i i ii i i i | i n i~r i i i i S t 9 \ IV-9 IV-10 IV-11 IV-12 .A- i I i iri i i i i i | S » S S IV-13 % ^ — 51 JO F IV- 14 L Is- Is- oJ < IV-15 IV-16 /.,-•■' ^ a* LO CT. QJ O -* cr- c n o c c: +> ^ c a. * 4-> -t-> E 0 O c I- t- QJ QJ M- ■M J= TJ e C ■*-> «3 V C > qj o O T? c CD QJ « C B a (U c OJ sz O O •M aj -O JS o <_> A3 CT1 i- a aj 4-J o o *-> i- £ T3 CL -o c >, 1- TJ *tj qj aj > a> 3 x qj «o ■a t- js aj (J 5 a s: in 2: OO 0 < ,_ o ii 11 i 1 1 1 1 . V « < IV-17 IV-18 ■z y//. • • — IV-19 3 3 C QJ cr QJ n (A u c * CL o +J > c A3 CL) ■(-J c QJ U c o o ^ ; ; 7 VV IV-20 /~J}> N JAN. 12, 1977 70 w IV-21 IV-22 --' * <^2 ,-* » 'J^M^ lo * - m * .'*"'. _A ci "*^Pi 1/5 1 ^^^&\a \ ' " * ' 0) O ^^^^^ "m ^£ CT, c (B ' o y". , ."■•■» \ 5 ." V*-.-H a_) 4J e o O fO c 5- 1 — vi»'"" +J +2 QJ u >> 4- A^^ "\3' >^ c a -P rO QJ ISI .cr' > QJ o o vJ £ 05 C.-: re u o 1/5 H •i — C CD Ol c •r— 11 i — ■1 — c .c o 1 — o -2^ +J ll „ (J o QJ (J JD o -3 en \ \J~ i — I — ft) I — >. ■i — * - » • * • \ ol ■i— .J— CJ 4- i — +-> t/> ** " *. ^ raj o o 4-> 5_ ■ i — ** * . * * '■ S 1 s. 00 U0 re fS -A- * * QJ OJ > C!) 3 ^ » •- , — j X Ol tC ■a .-a 1 — 4-> cr "*. ., — : • 1 — _c: OJ o QJ • I— U ro , i — 1 Z£ oo -1- 21 CO O cC S " ■-. ol ! 3 1 [■>. ]yC n Lj i 1 " j < /* * t£j. 1 i i i / *\ <>J CD 2 IV-2 3 IV-24 ra o m c zr +J '- l/l 6 o rs c S- i — +-> ■P OJ u >) 4- 10 >1 fO dJ in - I > CJ O o -o c CTl 3 ! ro u j CO :~ •|— C cr; OJ c ■I— 3 1 ■i — cu; JZ o i — O _Vf -[_> u ■!— OJ n o " « o u f^ D5 I/), 1 — 1 — n3 , — S- ■r- DJ — • I— OJ M- (— +J to 5 o o +j t_ •r — fd — "^ I — ^— 1 ■a C >■, s_ W to « fa — QJ 0) > GJ 3 r- - X CJ ra T3 ro 1 — +J r- •r— — CJ O fJJ • r- u ra o ro c Q- •r— S- in 2 +-> +J E 6 o (0 £Z %- i — ■<-> i. OJ CD >> <+- -M o _z: -a >> e e +J OJ o o TJ c Ol 0) rO u u C/> c= •r— c: cr aj c • f— 3 l •i — ai .c o i — o Jsc! +-> i <-J ■ r- CD JQ O .c « O o ro CD to . — I — CO i — i. -i— Q. • 1 — CD i»- , — -l-> C/l rO b o 4-> i- • i — y ai 3 CL i — r— -a c >, u Ifl 00 ro rO r— CD CD =5 E ^~ X CD ro -a ra r— +-> £ • 1— -C CD o CD »p- O CO D. y oo :n zn CO O < s: c/o ,— o , w 1 3 1 -|9 ,.■ i i : ! i 1 ! JU m ! i * j ^ ' ~^7vir^, IV-2 7 IV-28 APPENDIX V Cruise Reports V-l List of Cruises Cruise Page Ooeanus cruises 19 and 20 V-3 Vigilant cruise V-ll Evergreen cruise V-12 Whitefoot cruise V-13 Bittersweet cruise V-14 Delaware II cruise DE 76-13 V-15 Delaware II cruise DE 77-01 V-19 Endeavor cruise EN-002 V-26 Endeavor cruise EN-003 V-29 Endeavor cruise EN-004 V-34 Endeavor cruise EN-005 (Prospectus) V-37 Intertidal Survey of Nantucket Island V-40 V-2 R/V OCEANUS CRUISES 19 AND 20 Argo Merchant Oil Spill Cruises: Samples for Hydrocarbon Analyses John W. Farrington Associate Scientist, Chemistry Department and John M. Teal Senior Scientist, Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Participating Scientists R/V Oceanus Cruise 19: R/V Oceanus Cruise 20: WHOI USCG R&D Center URI,GS0 ERCO John W. Farrington, WHOI John M. Teal, WHOI Richard Jademac, USCG R&D Center Ted Van Fleet, URI,GS0 John W. Farrington, WHOI John M. Teal, WHOI Neil Moseman, ERCO Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center Groton, Connecticut University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography Kingston, Rhode Island 02881 Energy Resources Company 185 Alewife Brook Parkway Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 V-3 Introduction The intent of the sampling and preliminary sample treatment was to allow analyses for detecting high levels of oil contamination from the Avgo Merchant oil spill, or to provide background data prior to the arrival of spilled oil in the area, eventually resulting in high concentrations in water and/or sediments. High concentrations in this context are 50 micrograms/liter of water or more and between 10 and 100 micrograms/gram dry weight of sediment or more, depending on sediment type. The personnel participating in the cruises were fully aware that the gear being used was not optimal for obtaining samples for low level hydrocarbon analyses in water. Suitable sampling devices were not available at the time of the cruise. Special Samples - R/V Ooeanus Cruise 20 One sample of OC 20/13 surface tar at station 13 was obtained by stainless steel bucket. This sample was scraped from the bucket with a stainless steel spatula rinsed with ethanol. The tar was transferred to a 0.32-ounce, pre- cleaned glass jar with aluminum foil cap. After equilibrating with the main laboratory temperature the tar flowed like honey down the jar, coating its in- side. Total volume of tar was about 100 milliliters. Two vials of R/V Ooeanus fuel were obtained for passive tagging comparison in the event samples were contaminated with the ship's fuel. Sediment Sampling and Storage Procedure 2 Sediment samples were taken with a 1/25 m Van Veen grab sampler mounted on a circular based frame, which insures perpendicular penetration. The sampler was lowered near the bottom at about 10 meters/minute until the sheave on the winch post slacked. The sampler was gently drawn out and returned to deck at 10 to 20 meters/minute. Once on deck, the grab was lowered to rest on a stainless steel bucket that had been precleaned with sea water and several rinses of ^100 milliliters each of ethanol from a polyethylene squeeze bottle. The grab was emptied into the bucket by opening the top doors and forcing the sediment out the bottom of the one-third to one-half opened grab with a stain- less steel bucket and subsampled. About two one-quarter portions of the sample were placed in glass jars with aluminum foil lined caps, with aluminum foil placed in them between the glass jar and the cap. These operations were all conducted on the main deck of R/V Ooeanus near the starboard access hatch to the main laboratory. The samples were then placed in the main laboratory in a freezer maintained at -10 to -20°C. After return to Woods Hole the samples were transferred to another chest freezer in the barn freezer storage area at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and maintained at -10 to -20°C. The jars these sediments were stored in had been precleaned prior to the cruise as follows: soap wash, water rinse, acetone rinse, and distilled pentane rinse. V-4 Water Sampling and Storage Procedure Samples were obtained from a rosette sampling system consisting of 30- liter G/0 bottles, a temperature sensor, and a transmissometer . Details can be obtained from Dave Folger, USCG, Woods Hole, or John Milliman, Geology and Geophysics Department, WHOI. Approximately 3-liter water samples were drawn from the 30-liter G/0 bottles directly into a brown glass 1-gallon bottle. These bottles had previously contained glass distilled petroleum ether, n-hexane, or nanograde methylene chloride. After the samples had been drawn from the G/0 bottle on the fantail of the Ooeanus, the 1-gallon bottles were carried into the main laboratory. Within 30 minutes, 100 milliliters of nanograde methylene chloride were added to the sample, and the sample shaken by hand in a hori- zontal position for 1 minute as determined by the main laboratory clock. The samples were then allowed to sit for 20 to 60 minutes. The water was then emptied via a 500-milliliter graduated cylinder, which was used to measure the water volume. The water-CH2Cl2 interface and methylene chloride were emptied into either 16- or 32-ounce jars. The bottle was rinsed with 20 to 30 milli- liters of CH2CI2 and the rinse added to the sample extract in the 16- or 32- ounce jar. The CHUClo extract plus water interface was capped with foil between the cap and the glass jar and sample extract. Several of the water samples were saved for extraction efficiency testing with the (approximately) 3 liters of water and 100 millilters of CH Cl~ in the 1-gallon brown jug. The samples and sample extracts were stored at room temperature. Several blanks were obtained during the two cruises. These consisted of adding 100 milliliters of CH2CI2 to 1-gallon empty bottles and shaking for 1 minute, pouring off CH2CI2 of 16- or 30-ounce jars, and then rinsing the bottle with 20 to 30 milliliters of CRJZl . A sample of deck washings from R/V Ooeanus was taken by running seawater over the deck and collecting this water as it ran off over the side. This sample of about 2.5 liters was poured from a stainless steel bucket into a 1- gallon brown bottle, and 100 millilters of CH2C19 were added. This sample was deemed necessary due to rain and melted snow runnoff from the deck at several points during cruise 20. V-5 Sediment Samples for Hydrocarbon Analyses R/V Oceanus Cruise 19 Station 1 Water depth = 81-82 meters Three grab samples • — labeled sample 1, sample 2, sample 3. Two 32-ounce jars of sediment each grab. Quantity of sediment in jars varied depending on grab size. Station 2 Water depth = 125 meters Two grab samples — labeled sample 1 and sample 2. Two 32-ounce jars of sediment from each grab. Quantity of sediment in jars varied depending on grab size. R/V Oceanus Cruise 20 Station 1 Water depth = 21.5 meters Three grabs (A,B,C); two 32-ounce jars sediment from each grab. Station 2 Water depth = 28 meters Three grabs (A,B,C); one 64-ounce jar of sediment from each grab. Station 3 Water depth = 38 meters Three grabs (A,B,C); one 64-ounce jar of sediment from each grab. Station 4 Water depth = ? (see USGS records) Three grabs (A,B,C); two 32-ounce jars of sediment from each grab. Station 5 Water depth = ? (see (USGS records) Three grabs (A,B,C); two 32-ounce jars of sediment from each grab, Station 6 Water depth = 85 meters One grab (A); two 32-ounce jars of sediment. Grab broke and no more grabs were taken at this station. Station 13 Water depth = 40 meters Three grabs (A,B,C); two 32-ounce jars of sediment from each grab. Station 14 Water depth = 42 meters Three grabs (A,B,C); two 32-ounce jars of sediment from each grab. Station 3 Grab C — 1 clam in grab removed and stored separately. NOTE: At stations 13 and 14 tar lumps were noted at surface. No obvious tar on grab sample or near it coming out of water into the water. However, it was dark and visibility was limited. V-6 Water samples for oil analyses R/V Oceanus Cruise 19 Sample Depth of sample (meters) Water depth (meters) Extracted sea water volume Notes Station 1 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth- total Mid-depth-filtered Bottom-total Bottom-filtered Station 2 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth-total Mid-depth-filtered Bottom-total Bottom-filtered Station 3 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth- total Mid-depth- filtered Bottom-total 0 0 50 50 91 91 0 74 74 144 144 0 100 100 150 81-82 140 3040 ml 1 3150 ml 1 2475 ml 1 3140 ml 1 2905 ml 1 3055 ml 1 Saved for 2 extraction effic. test it 2 it 2 ii 2 it 2 3040 ml 3 Saved for 2 extraction effic. test ii 2 it 2 ii 2 ii 2 Blanks #1, #2, #3 100 ml CH„Cl2 in 32 oz. jar with aluminum foil between cap and glass jar. 100 ml GH2Cl2 was poured into 1-gallon glass jugs, shaken as if sample was present and poured off to the mason jars. V-7 Water samples for oil analyses (continued) R/V Ooeanus Cruise 20 Sample Depth of sample' (meters) Water depth (meters) Extracted sea water volume Notes Station 1 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth- total Mid-depth-filtered Bottom-total Bottom-filtered 10 10 21.5 21.5 21.5 3625 ml 4. Saved for 2. extraction effic. test 3625 ml 4. 2410 ml 4. Saved for extraction effic. test 2675 ml 4. Station 2 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth-total Mid-depth filtered Bottom-total Bottom-filtered 0 0 10 10 26 26 28 3000 ml 4. ,5 2882 ml 4. 3360 ml 4. 3077 ml 4. 3376 ml 4. 2655 ml 4. Station 3 Surface-total Mid-depth-total Bottom-total 0 25 37 3438 ml 3170 ml 3420 ml Station 4 Surface-total Mid-depth- total Bottom-total Bottom-filtered 0 20 44 44 3500 ml 4 3865 ml 4 3550 ml 4 3045 ml 4 Station 5 Surface Mid-depth- total Bottom-total Sample missed due to G/0 bottle pre-trip 40 2965 ml 4. 65 3600 ml 4. V-8 Water samples for oil analysis (continued) R/V Ooeanus Cruise 20 Sample Depth of sample (meters) Water depth (meters) Extracted sea water volume Notes Station 6 Surface-total Mid-depth- total Mid-depth-filtered Bottom-total Bottom-filtered 0 60 60 84 84 85 3525 ml 4 3220 ml 4 3160 ml 4 3635 ml 4 3135 ml 4 Station 13 Surface-total Mid -depth- total Bottom-total 0 20 40 40 3015 ml 4 2975 ml 4 3350 ml 4 Station 14 Surface-total Surface-filtered Mid-depth-total Bottom-total Bottom-filtered 0 0 20 40 40 42 Saved for extraction effic. test Blank #1 100 ml CH2CI2 rinse of gallon jug after use for surface sample Ooeanus 20/1 surface total. a. See USGC sampling log sheet (see next page) . Discrepancies in depth due to wire angle, which can be corrected for by calculations using rosette-transmissometer at USGS, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 1. Stored in 16 oz. glass mason jars. 2. Stored as water sample over CH2C12 in one-gallon brown glass bottle and saved for extraction efficiency test. 3. Stored in 32 oz. glass mason jars. 4. Stored in 8 oz. glass jars. 5. Surface sample had suspended particulates visible in it as fine dispersion even after shaking with CH2C12 and settling time of 30 minutes. V-9 o CN C 01 ^ ID C rn 01 •H B 3 •H u ^H -o H to s .-5 sr C <~ 4= C ""•h,, ct] Pd W c O 0 ca P "d OJ 14-1 4J 0 U Qj >, rH U] H OJ G 4-1 O U 3 CO O ai U H ^ — ** ex. E 3 W O i-J 0) H X E ex, <-o co a) GO T3 0) —I X CO CU C/3 T3 0) H JS ex, 4-1 E a- >h CO 0) S-J CD 4J CO a) w 0) -a 3 4J •H 00 c o 00 CU 0) "O 4J 00 a) cu C E -H •H E I O OJ en ex, en co E to c CO l-l H O c 0 •H • 4-> O CO 2 4-1 00 0\ O SO 00 rH CO CO CN ON CX) on O CN 00 I H 00 00 00 co 00 sO On sD on co CN m CO UO njd 00 sO On CN H u-i m o m o o sO O sO sO m co O m 0 O m CN m o> 00 CO m [^ CO CM CN r- on CM Csl ON 0 r-~ on 0 0 0 H iH CM rH CM CM r^ 0 l-» O r>, 0 00 0 00 O 00 O 00 O r- 0 r-» O CO r-- co r- co r^ CO r- co r~- co CN co r-* sO r~ H rH rH CM OJ .■M CM CM Csl CM CM U U a) r^ O -H ^H 00 00 00 00 00 CO 0O ON 4-1 r- CM CJ CI CM CM CM OJ CM CM CN CN CO ON — „ ^^ ^^ ^^ — ^ ** — *^ — ■^ ^-^ *v* — *. Q ^H Csl CI CM C4 CM OJ CM CM CN CM CM V-10 USCGC VIGILANT CRUISE DECEMBER 24-25, 1976 Elaine Chan, of the NOAA/USCG SOR team, was lowered to the USCGC Vigilant from an H-3 helicopter on December 24, 1976. Ms. Chan brought Sterile Bag Samplers and sampling bags, and instructed the Commanding Officer, Cmdr. I. Cruikshank, and the MSO in the operation of the samplers. From 1245 that day until 0845 on Christmas Day, personnel from the Vigilant obtained 24 water samples. The samples were taken in pairs, one each at approximately 1 to 2 feet below the surface, and the other at about 10 feet below the surface. At 0900 on December 25, 1976, all 24 samples were flown by helicopter to the Coast Guard Cape Cod Air station. With the exception of two samples, which were intercepted by USCG legal personnel, the samples were picked up by NOAA personnel and kept in frozen storage until transported to the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, for analysis. The sampling stations (two samples per station) are listed below. Station Lati tude (N) No. deg min 1 41 01.3 2 41 01.5 3 41 01.4 4 41 01.4 5 41 00.0 6 40 58.5 7 41 01.6 8 41 01.8 9 41 03.0 10 41 02.0 11 41 01.3 12 41 01.9 Longitude (W) deg min 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 22.0 24.3 25.8 26.1 25.5 24.0 28.6 29.7 34.0 27.7 27.0 26.3 Date 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/24/76 12/25/76 12/25/76 12/25/76 Time 1245 1355 1418 1432 1456 1520 1735 1800 1845 0708 0800 0845 V-ll USCGC EVERGREEN CRUISE DECEMBER 22-28, 1976 The USCG R&D Center's research vessel Evergreen proceeded to the area covered by the Argo Merchant oil slick on December 22, 1976. Sediment samples and bottom photographs were taken at five stations in order to evaluate the potential for bottom contamination, and 20 water samples were taken using Sterile Bag Samplers. These samples were all analyzed by the common analytical network established at the January 3-4, 1977, meeting at Woods Hole. Station locations and other information are given below. Station Latitud s (N) Long itud e (W) No. water No . sediment No. bottom No. deg 41 min 7.0 deg 69 min 56.0 samples 4 samples photos A 4 1 B 40 52.0 69 35.0 4 4 1 C 40 58.0 69 08.0 4 4 1 D 40 45.0 68 25.0 4 4 1 E 40 55.0 67 56.0 4 4 0 V-12 WHITEFOOT CRUISE DECEMBER 28-29, 1976 Under the direction of B. Butman of USGS , the charter vessel Wliitefoot , in addition to participating in the emplacement of the current meters described in Section 2, obtained three sediment samples using a Van Veen grab. These samples were sent to the USCG R&D Center for analysis. The sample locations are given below. Station Latitude (N) Longitude (W) No. sediment No. deg min deg min samples 1 40 59.0 69 59.0 1 2 40 58.0 69 29.0 1 3 40 56.5 69 26.0 1 V-13 USCGC BITTERSWEET CRUISE DECEMBER 29, 1976 Prior to relieving the USCGC Vigilant on-scene at the Argo Merchant wreck, LCDR Overath, Commanding Officer of the Bittersweet, was briefed by Elaine Chan in the operation of Sterile Bag Samplers. On December 29, 1976, LCDR Bebeau of the Bittersweet obtained 10 water samples in the vicinity of the wreck. Two samples were taken at each of five stations; one sample at a depth of approximately one times the wave height, the other at a depth equal to twice the wave height. These samples were flown to Cape Cod by helicopter, and kept frozen until analyzed at the USCG R&D Center. Sample stations and depths are given below. Station Latitude (N) Longn tude (W) Depths No. deg 41 min 01.3 deg 69 min 28.7 ft 1 5/10 2 41 00.5 69 30.5 6/12 3 41 01.4 69 30.0 6/12 4 41 03.0 69 28.0 6/12 5 41 03.5 69 29.9 4/8 V-14 DELAWARE II CRUISE DF 76-13 DECEMBER 22-24, 1976 The NOAA ship Delaware II sailed from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, on December 22, 1976, to the vicinity of the oil spill from the Avgo Merchant, aground on Fishing Rip, and returned to Sandy Hook, New Jersey, on December 24, 1976. Scientific Personnel Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Henry Jensen, Chief of Party Peter Gibb Rhett Lewis Gordon Waring Paul Loiseau Frank Aimed ia Northeast Fisheries Center, NMFS, Narragansett , Rhode Island Ron Boisvert Gary Carter Joe Kane Kevin McCarthy Obj ectives The objectives of the cruise were to sample the fish and associated invertebrate and plankton populations in the vicinity of the oil spill, and to obtain samples of fish from outside the area of the oil slick to be used as controls for fish to be caught later in the same area. Additional objec- tives were to obtain oil, water, and sediment samples and to observe any obvious effects of oil on birds and mammals in the area. Operations The cruise was conducted as scheduled. Eleven stations, shown in the accompanying figure, were completed; six were occupied with miscellaneous gear, and four with bathythermograph drops and surface water samples only. Station positions were occupied at the boundary of the slick as reported by the U.S. Coast Guard, who made aerial observations on the day of departure. Three gear stations were occupied on each side of the southern border of the slick. The surface of the water at station 9 (one of three stations located within the slick) was not covered with oil at the time it was occupied. Plankton, hydrographic, XBT, and sediment samples were obtained from both inside and outside the slick. Two trawl stations were made outside the slick to obtain fish without contamination from floating oil for miscellaneous studies. All data were recorded in Eastern Standard Time unless otherwise V-15 0 CO CO o 00 CO o <\J G O CO LU CO h- Is- CO CJ> f^- ID QC O — o> a: CM ' O ^"^™ CM ^" CD LU (J Z *L h- O) — O 3 ro .. CJ o o CVJ ' CJ t — d z: UJ UJ < Q -3 GC < ro — 5 — O i i < CD h- -j Is- r-- UJ Q O • c O IO ° CVJ CVJ • ';• t # rvj • CVJ ^ '. CVJ oo o CO CD i^ CVJ CD ro 00 .. • ro cdO ro CD' 0> ro ro O 0> CVJ ro .0° o O o O CO 00 •H 13 O >> I 0) .-H ro o I o ^o co CD CO ex co E3 -h cti 3 CO J-i CJ •u c H cu H 6 00 T3 5 * UJ fO • <• A 10 Q ro o z < _l o UJ CO UJ Q CC*< UJ CO rO» C£ Q < CO z o CC O CC K- < CC O LL O o _J > < UJ >- z o CO o 2 CC — UJ UJ < > > I- V. z \ 1 co a: z> 5 o CO CO o CD CO 5 o O V-39 REPORT OF A SURVEY OF THE INTERTIDAL ZONE NANTUCKET ISLAND, DECEMBER 27-29, 1976 The Ecosystems Center Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Abstract. On December 27 and 28, 1976, a field party surveyed the beaches, harbors, and marshes of Nantucket with the objective of providing crude baseline data for appraisal of the effects of any oil that might wash ashore from the Argo Merchant spill. The study relied on three transects for samples, one on the eastern end of South Beach in an area of rapid mineral and organic deposition, one on the north shore beach, and one on Eel Point across a marsh. A fourth set of samples was taken from the harbor bottom near the University of Massachusetts Field Station. The sampling is being used both as background information and, for this spill, to provide evidence as to how to design such a sampling program in the future, as well as to provide a guide for long-term studies designed for better resolution of the effects of toxins on the coastal zone. Introduction At the request of H. Curl of NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, a group of scien- tists met at 0900, Sunday, December 26, in Hyannis, Massachusetts, to design a sampling scheme capable of describing the biota of the intertidal zone of Nantucket Island prior to the arrival of oil from the Argo Merchant spill on Nantucket Shoals, about 27 miles southeast of Nantucket. The challenge was twofold: first, to obtain data from Nantucket immedi- ately, because there was a real possibility that the oil would wash ashore within hours; second, to design a scheme for the longer-term appraisal of the potential biotic effects of oil or other toxins on the intertidal zone. The immediate challenge of Nantucket dominated this meeting, and this report is limited to the activities in response to the emergency. No data are ready at this time. All recognized that no thoroughly adequate or satisfacoory sampling would be possible. Such a study would require repetitive samplings over years to describe seasonal changes as well as the normal variability of the local plant and animal populations. Nonetheless, a brief survey seemed appropriate, both to provide information immediately on Nantucket and to provide background as to what was necessary in making such an appraisal. The following scientists participated in the survey: G. M. Woodwell, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. J. E. Hobbie, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. B. J. Peterson, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. M. J. Jordan, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. V-AO H. L. Sanders, G. R. Hampson, M. P. Morse, T. Novitsky, W. Tiffney, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole. Northeastern University, Marine Science Institute, Nahant . Energy Resources Company, Cambridge, Mass. University of Massachusetts Field Station, Nahant. Students (2) and assistants (3) . Sampling Design The design that emerged from these and other discussions during the ensuing 24 hours, modified slightly by practical experience on Nantucket in a storm in December, was as follows: Sampling was restricted to 4 transects, three that had a high proba- bility of being oiled in the immediate future and a fourth that was repre- sentative of the biotically rich embayments of the area. The sites were: (1) The ocean beach adjacent to the LORAN Station. This is a place of sand deposition, where floating organic matter normally accumulates both in the surf and on the beach. If oil were present nearby, it would probably accumulate here. (2) The north shore beach near Capaum Pond, a place chosen because it is representative of the northern shore and is easily accessible. (3) The Eel Point Marsh on the western tip of the island. If oil were to reach the southern shore of Nantucket, it would almost certainly be car- ried into Maddaket Bay and ultimately reach this southward-facing marsh and the bay adjacent to it. (4) Nantucket Harbor adjacent to the University of Massachusetts Field Station. The harbor supports an extremely rich shellfish harvest, especially scallops. The benthic sediments were sampled to provide baseline data in the event of oiling. Due to poor weather only two sets of samples were obtained from this site. At the beach and marsh sites the sampling was by transects with stations selected to include major life zones, especially the high-strand line, the midbeach zone, and the low-tide zone. The need for extending the sampling below the low-tide zone was recog- nized, but no sampling could be done at that time except in the bay. Samples were taken as follows, and in quintuplicate insofar as possible: Oil. (a) On the beach sites, five 1-dm2 plots 5 centimeters deep were collected into separate bottles from each of three sites along the transect (T. Novitsky, ERCO) ; (b) specially prepared 20-liter carboys were filled with water from the harbor and beach (T. Novitsky, ERCO); and (c) a visual survey for oil, tar balls, traces of asphalt or other evidence of petroleum contami- nation was carried out along at least a mile of beach at each sice sampled. V-41 No trace of oil was found in any part of this survey by any of the three people who participated in various phases of it (M. Jordan, G. Woodwell, J. Hobbie, MBL) . Bacteria. Sediment and water samples for bacteria were taken at each sampling site. Samples are being counted by a direct count method using acridine-orange stain and epif luorescent illumination. In addition, selected samples from each transect were assayed for bacterial metabolism using la- beled amino acids (J. Hobbie, B. Peterson). Benthic microalgae. At each site, samples of surface sediments were taken for determination of chlorophyll content as a measure of microalgae (primarily diatom) biomass. These analyses are being done now. Samples were preserved with formaldehyde for taxonomic enumeration of diatons (J. Hobbie, B . Peterson) . Benthic macrofauna. Samples were collected along transects at each site. The sampling quadrants were measured to correspond in size and depth to samples taken with the Van Veen grab in the subtidal. Samples preserved with formalde hyde. These samples were taken by Howard Sanders and his colleagues and will be sorted in a preliminary analysis to appraise the sampling technique. If oil comes ashore, these samples will be available for background data (H. Sanders) . Benthic meiofauna (small invertebrates of interstitial waters in coarse sands) . Samples were taken at several levels at the two beach sites and at several additional sites by W. Patricia Morse and her students. These sam- ples are being analyzed (P. Morse). The strand line. Organic debris on the strand line was collected ran- domly and preserved. A more extensive collection of the full range of macro- algae that could be found along a mile of beach was also made Samples were preserved for later analysis (M. Jordan) . Photographers . The sampling program was documented estensively by two photographers. A set of "standard" photographs was taken at each transect and at each station looking in the cardinal directions. Description of Transects South Shore - Southwest of the town of Siasconset and immediately east of the USCG Loran Station. The base point of the transect is at the edge of the permanent dune, approximately 2 meters higher than the high tide. The transect runs due south* from this base point. The base point is about 20 meters west of a small sand road that runs perpendicular to the beach. A small antenna 73.8 meters north forms a range with the chimney of a house on *A11 directions of the compass given in this report are magnetic and have not been corrected to true north. V-42 the main road to form sightline A. From a transit set at the base points, the angles of the various sights and sightlines were as follows (all refer- enced to magnetic north as 0°, east as 90°, etc.): Sight A. 341° to the nearby antenna (73.8 meters to its concrete base) . This antenna is in line with the chimney of a a house on main road. Sight B. 23.8° to telephone pole in front of water tower of town on Siasconset. Sight C. 180° to transect line. Sight D. 270.2° to the westernmost antenna of the pair (largest) on either side of government building. Sight E. 274.8° to easternmost antenna close to Sight D. Sight F. 317.8° to high antenna near main road. Station 1. 45.55 meters south of base point. This is at the high or storm strandline. Station 2. 55.0 meters south of base point. Station 3. 67.28 meters south of base point. This is at the highest point the waves reach at low tide. North Shore - North of the parking lot of the beach access road that passes to the east of Capaum Pond. It is directly west of the town of Nan- tuc ket. The base point is on the permanent dune, which is about 5 meters high. The transect runs due north from this point. From a transit set at the base point, the angles of the various sights were as follows (all referenced to magnetic north as 0°, east as 90°, etc.): Sight A. 64.3° to middle of peak of Hyde House. Sight B. 159.0° to righthand side of large water tower. Sight C. 174.6° to midpoint of chimney of house. Station 1. 14.4 meters north of base point. This is at the high or storm strandline. Station 2. 18.9 meters north of base point. Station 3. 25.3 meters north of base point. This is at the edge of the waves at slack tide. V-43 Eel Pond Marsh - The base point is at the northeast edge of Maddaket Harbor at the west end of the island at the edge of a low salt marsh next to a metal stake, 140.8 meters from the edge of the water along Sightline A. From a transit set at the base point, the angles of the various sights were as follows (all referenced to magnetic north as 0°, east as 90°, etc.): Sight A. 212.0° to transect line. Sight B. 165.2° to west chimney of houses. Sight C. 124.4° to line of telephone poles. Sight D. 224.8° to westernmost telphone pole on Smith Point. Station 1. 17.0 meters from base point. Station 2. 47.5 meters from base point. Station 3. 71.5 meters from base point. Station 4. 98.8 meters from base point. Station 5. 130.8 meters from base point. Station 6. 135.8 meters from base point. Station 7. 140.8 meters from base point. Nantucket Harbor - Northwest from the University of Massachusetts Field Station on the Polpis Road. The first station was in the middle of the har bor and the second station was one-fifth of the way back (five stations were planned but dangerous weather allowed only two to be sampled) . Small buoys were left for a short-term reference point (H. Sanders, WHOI) . Results Only those samples that cannot be stored are being analyzed immediately in detail. These are the microbial samples, samples for chlorophyll, and preliminary identification of living meiofauna and macrofauna. No other sam- ples will be analyzed for the moment. These analyses will provide a basis for appraising the effectiveness of the sampling. Follow-up Studies (1) The probability seems high that oil from this spill will come ashore at one time or another on Nantucket and other areas along the eastern seaboard, including eastern Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and elsewhere. A systematic sampling of these areas in advance of the oil is clearly desir- able. The question is how intensive this survey should be. The answer will depend in part on the results of the study of Nantucket. V-44 (2) The transects should be continued into the coastal waters to a depth of 30 to 50 feet, where the data from oceanographic vessels is assumed to apply. The sampling must, of course, be from a boat and should be stra- tified to include representative bottom types. Proper collections of epi- phytes and the fauna and flora of hard bottoms is possible only by divers who cannot work safely in waters around Nantucket in winter. A cruise of the R.V. Verrill, or an equivalent vessel (from MBL) , to Nantucket is planned for the week of January 10 to complete this sampling. The total sampling with modifications indicated by this experience should be repeated at least quar- terly to account for seasonal variations. (3) More measurements of "heterotrophic potential" are required. We were able to do only 5 measurements (out of 12 possible) because of lack of time and manpower. The "heterotrophic potential" measurement has two parts: (a) measurement of the rate of incorporation of the organic substrate (e.g., glutamic acid - C) into particulate matter; and (b) rate of release of 1^C02 from the organic matter (mineralization). We were able to do only part (a) and only on a limited number of samples. Part (b) should be run as well. (4) If the oil comes ashore we will have the following control data: (a) preoiling survey data from these studies; (b) unoiled sites nearby; and (c) a comprehensive survey of earlier studies in the area. A sampling plan is being designed to appraise the effects, both shore and long-term. V-45 APPENDIX VI Overflight Descriptions VI-1 c QJ U 4J u 3 3 a i QJ M M QJ 3 4-1 CO 8 S 9J e II >. s 4J •H • ^ u en o QJ rH u QJ 3 > 4J co H V-i CO a) •H 1 4J 3 QJ QJ 4-1 >H QJ U M— 1 •H 14-1 |H "H 4J T3 ai S II o •rl 3 u CO •H CO cO QJ B II >. H 4-1 S) •H O O • • H CXI OJ 3 > O •H rH 4-1 ■H a O •H u II a CO O QJ -a . r. 4-1 4-1 3 j= QJ 00 6 •H QJ H >-i m 3 3 > 91 O 9 M u cO S a CO o 4-) o Ph 4J < c QJ u o M 3 O 3= QJ -W P O cO 3 M CU CJ 00 u CO P ^ o •H rH CO CO 4-1 cu O 42 o 4J h 3 Cu QJ 4-) 4-1 X 3 QJ QJ M Et (-4 QJ 3 rH U Pm cO «rl M rH OJ ,a > O !-i O ti **■* cO ch 43 3 CJ ffi o o CN o On O CN 00 CO 3 CO P4 CO o O cO W s o co UO H O CO . vO o O •H 4-1 » o. 4J CO CU 3 IH mh TJ QJ 4-J o -3 14-1 43 a> CO 4J 4-> 3 cO U o 3 QJ CO S 4-J CO CO )m CO 00 QJ QJ QJ QJ >-i H S rH CO a cO 4-> CJ CO CJ cu o en -a 0) 33 •H T3 rH •H >•> co > xi XI u r4 QJ o QJ CO 4-1 > O 14-1 CO U 3 QJ O B p CJO m w CJ rH CJ I co 33 CO QJ T3 •iH rH CO T3 M M U QJ QJ O P- > ^ O cO 4-1 O CU 3 X P 33 CM co 00 o w vO CJ rH CJ 1 CO 33 33 PC ^4D rx 00 CN (-1 QJ 4= QJ 4-J rH CO 42 QJ CO Ss CO 3 CM O QJ 3 QJ O CO 3 ^ CO rH CJ 3 QJ o 42 r4 o rH rH O CO O O CO •H CTi CU 4-1 T3 l-i X •H CU rH > O^ CO <3 O CN 33 H CX4 3 oo CN CU co 3 cu O « >> CJ CJ fe CO o c^ o CN oo pi co O QJ CO CJ l~~ ON rH CN VI-2 en C""S cO T3 cu OJ 6 3 a 4J •H a 4-) 0) e M o M CJ 3 '-*->' y 4-1 S-i a CU £ 4J 6 CO cu 3 5-4 3 II en CO ^ § • rv en >>, OJ 4-' h •H ^ a ■p o ct) <-\ M cu 0) > & i rH • • 4-1 co •H c 0 o o ■H rH ■u CU a > »H >-i rH U •H en O cu T3 II ■u o -C 60 • * •H u iH a •4-1 cu M B OJ CU > u o 0 en M U CO 0 Pi eo O 4-1 o ,c CO 4J c 0) M u 3 U 81 § ex •H O •H 4-1 U CO PL, (-1 u < cu ' a 4J O CO -i <| -H o CO Q o CU •H O 4-J "a o • CU -H ^rH CO CU -d •H rH CO a u o cu CO > 4-1 4J CO 4-1 H CU o 1 CO r^ m co rH 00 CN CO u H-l CN O CM ! c^ PS X rH 60 X •H 5-1 X <^ O rH rH CU O CO TJ CJ CJ 3 •H 4-1 cu 4J •H CO r-l 4-> rH CO >H r-J cu 60 o M u CU u X CO CU > c CO •H S3 r-4 -* o CN o rH 3 I o rH CN vO CM 1 0> x: 60 X •H X c^ * CU CJ 3 •H 4J Vj 4J •H O M 4-) H fl> rH O > CO CJ o o o o 00 o < PM vO W O *->. CM C^ CN rH fl >> o X) 5-1 CO QJ CU 4J c > 4-J s CO CO CU QJ S M p CO CN rH m rH o> o o CO C3 vO r^ o CN CM rH J*! o cd 4-1 c a d 4J «0 rH a O J3 O •H CJ U *i 13 CO o m o m m m rH rH o O CO CN •o- CO rH rH CN 00 rH CO C CO Pi en rH O (U CO O n \o vO r~ r-~ O O CM CN CN CO CU T3 CO CU CO C QJ O CO CN VI- 3 I CO <— v 03 X 0J QJ 6 3 3 4-1 -H a w 0) c n o n u 3 w o 4-1 r-i c 01 0) 4-1 e 03 CU II co cO 3: oj 6 to QJ U 3 4-1 o3 J-j 0) o> 0) 4J >H 4-1 O 3 •H QJ )-l rJ 4.) 01 QJ 4-1 O -H •H X) XI CO II rJ o U •H 03 SJ co -H 3 O O O •H rH 4J 0) a > •H Vj rH CJ -H CO O 01 XI II •U O rj 00 •- •H 4-1 H 3 M-l 0) s~< 6 01 QJ > h o 3 co M 03 i 0) co o 4-J o co 4-1 3 0) )-i >-< 3 a 03 03 5J CO 4-1 3 03 a, •H CJ •H 4-1 U 03 rJ. U < Cu CJ 0) *>— ' p >, M-l O 03 3 M 0) o bO 1-4 QJ 4-J cd P co 0) X) •H rH CO CO CM QJ HI CJ co en I 3j tn CM CN CO QJ X) •H CU rH o & !-i XI QJ 0) > 3 co 3 0) QJ P i4 CJ CJ CO 3j W VO rH I 3J 33 CN CM CO QJ X •H rH CO rJ QJ QJ •H 4-1 CO 4J rH CtJ >-i 0) 0) o CJ hJ Pn 00 rH r^ rH m rH m rH QJ tti v— / o cj en CO I 3j 33 CM CM >. X> X QJ U 3 QJ o M CO O 43 CO r-l O X rD 3 B^S O H O rH ^ CTi O <3 t^ M CO QJ QJ bO X ct) •H S rH H 4-1 cO co 3 CO c QJ QJ P « 00 rH vjO rH m o o CJ cj C/J 33 w rH I 3> tti CM CM CM CO CM O QJ tti CJ CJ CO CO I 3j tti CM CM CM VI-4 1 CO / V cd XI . QJ 4-1 M •H 3 a 4-1 o cd H M qj OJ > P- i H , • • 4-1 CO •H C u o o •rl H 4J CU Cu > •H J-i rH u •H ca O u o 0 co 44 u Cd 6 cu en o 4-1 o 43 CO 4-J c cu u to U a, cd u •H 4-J M cd P-. S-i P-, O cu w P >. <4-l QJ CJ toO >-4 ^3 QJ 4-1 cd Q Q |2 43 4-1 ■H S M OJ OJ rH rH CO, a S 0 cd cd CO co CO OJ X CO at •rl G 4-J cd S-i 43 O O F*4 O o o o 01 W o CJ CO CO I & K njo CN CN CN U CD > QJ 3 cr •H H O en (3 13 QJ B ON a ON ^O O CN 1= H NO CN CN CN QJ > U 3 co cd S co cu X •H >. XI 4-1 at j3 4J C (3 O c •rl a QJ £2 CO w o NO CN m m T-i r-1 H o m m m CN oo H o H Pi 1=3 NO CN CN CN CO QJ X •H rH CO QJ pd o CJ co CO I C3 W nO co CN CN VI-5 1 30 co — CU 0) a - c -j •H c -J cu c to o u o - ^ u 4-1 l-l c > CJ i-> M ■H 3 o u o 73 rH U CU V > Cl. e H a; Cfl u ■H 4J u C ■H 1) M M 4J 11 1) <-M E 14-1 0 •H •H "D TJ X II t-l < "J (3 • • w 4-1 c 3. 42 CU M 6 •H ^ ^3 M ^ II Cfl cfl H cu a e >, * * 4J CO «H c U 0 c •H H 4-1 CD c_ > •H V-i .-H o ■H Cfl O a) -a II j-j O sz M • A •H 4J H 3 (^- CD M E o OJ > V-. O 3 CO cfl E 0) o o CI) CO < 4-1 3 cu u o 3 U E3 cfl H 3 cfl ex 4-1 cfl p- u u < a, o CD ^ Q 4J >*, ^ O 03 3 U CD u bO 5-i < -H «3 CU (J cd o cu H cu co O S U cu > rr) QJ o co o U3 m m o w O H O I CO 33 C= 33 CM co cu CJ 3 •h cr 4J .h >-i H CU rD > o CO cu H O cfl o c 43 CD 3 ■H fo F. CU u iH •H Pn Pn S*S r^ o v£) H O - CU O -H a <4-i «H 3 fi O (U O «H e^s H O -H CX) O I o o cu cfl 0 53 J co c-4 CNj CO 00 cfl CU CU W n CO LO H o w vO CM cu CO 3 o CT-rH •H 4-t H M 43 CU o > X X X o ti 4= I O CU rH O •H to u « 1 rH •H H rH CJ -H CO O CU XJ || 4-) O 00 ..> •H 4J rH C <4H CU U 0 cu cu > rl O 3 CO CO 0 § CO o 4-J o CO 4J C cu M r) d ex 4J r< CO a, cu ■ p >sMH CJ CO d rl cu o, u 9 CO P cu cu <-\ x: •H 4-1 X) V-i CU CU O <4H 4-) 4-1 CU CO •H MH CO r< O C U PQ •H cu cu ^ rH • CO • CO §•? d CO 2: CO Q d cu CD *0 o M o 60 C3> o i o CO "jjS CO H .O N )s CO * CO cu X) •H rH en cu * M CU 60 4-» CO U d jr; d PQ U PQ en e/> I p 33 CN CN rH 0 rH CU a) CU •3 co 3 o ^ o d o d cO o a) _cx 4-) a* r. cu ■fi ^ XJ S d o cu <3 o u 4-1 1-0. ,o CO v CO O tn cu H o tj* r-i K P &. ex <: CO cu X> •H rH C/> r( M CU CU rH > 60 CO CU CU w P u-i o r^ rH 00 rH O w O rH O I C/3 P p k CN CN CO CU X) 4*5 r4 cO cO a a 5 c3 4-1 rH CX UH = -H a) u ^ x) x) 01 cu o 4-1 T3 § cO CU a ex a o ex T rH o CU r) d K P o CO cu •H r< U CU CU CO > rH M cO 60 cu 0) CU ^ o r4 s vQ rH to rH ^O rH C^ O w O rH U I en d> CN CN CO CU T3 d O V4 CO £>-. CU 4-1 rH &. 4-1 CU O CO CU O S fe w co CN o ON o cu O U co w l CN CN . a) rH ^5 rl O CU CU U M M £> cO U CJ cO H d 0 P< cO ^ H o o CU m d pS P ^3 CO CU •a V4 U CU CU rH > 60 cO (U CU w P co - I CO P P W CN CN VI-7 CU 3 3 1 •H co 4-1 03 c 0) O £ CJ ^^ 4-1 c 4-J 0) 3 u 0) u E 3 CD a M 3 II CO 03 3 OJ E • ^ co >^ QJ 4-J Vj •H 3 CJ 4-1 O nj H M 0) QJ > a e H a) 03 4-1 •H 4-1 a 3 •H CD u M 4J OJ cu •4-1 e 4-1 o •H ■H T3 TD n) II m < OJ 3 • #s u 4-1 o 3 ,Q QJ M E •H QJ n3 M 3 II CO 03 H QJ g E >. • * 4-1 co •H 3 u o O •H H 4-1 QJ CU > ■rl 'm ^H U ■H W 0 11 T3 II 4-J O 00 •* •H 4-1 H 3 in a) H E QJ QJ > V4 O 3 co u 03 E OJ p2 CO o 4-1 o -3 Cm CO 4-1 < a CD H O M 3 C3 S 03 s Cu A <3 co 4-1 3 03 Cu •H CJ •H 4-1 03 5-i QJ s^ >, 4-1 cj 03 3 H QJ CJ bO >-i <: -h Q co M 03 U Mm •H U T3 T3 QJ O a. OJ n cO oj O 3 ••H V 4-J tH }-i iH OJ ,r> > O O 3 J3 3 H >> OJ ' tH QJ iH M 03 O PH &4 CO O CO St CN co T3 OJ • ^ CO M T3 o +5 Sm 13 s 03 y 0 • v^ TJ u 4-) 0) fc 4-1 4-J M •H 0) ^ Sm O -a o o -H <3j -a fc OJ H ^ cu •H Cu O -H U H OJ ,jO > O O 3 4= 3 H >. QJ P4 Pm ^ QJ O CN O o r-- O co CO 13 03 a ■u m •H J-i X) -d OJ Cu Cu o u a CO a) •H M 0) 4-1 03 PQ QJ w a c_> co CO I 3j HI O CO 03 cj ■H 4-1 U QJ > CO QJ T3 •H O 3 43 QJ 3 H >. >■> QJ fe fe $4 co m M M 3 QJ QJ O > 4J ,3 cd X 4J QJ CO co q PQ < CN o CJ CJj 33 w tH I 3j PC CN CN VI-8 1 CO /— s cd TJ cu a) 0 3 C 4-1 •H a 4-1 QJ c s-4 o >-< o 3 ~*s o 4-1 M c 0) CU 4-J 1 CO CU > r4 =) II CO CO !3 5} S • r\ co * cu 4-1 M ■H 3 CJ 4-J O CO rH i-i QJ QJ > ■3 4J •H 4-1 O c •H QJ >-l >-l 4-» QJ QJ U-J 0 <4-4 o •H •H T3I -a CO II >H < •H rJ rH o •H CO O Q) T3 II 4-) o 4= 00 • »> •H ■U rH C M-l CU r4 e CU 0) > u o 3 CO 4*5 CO 6 QJ p2 CO o 4-) o a. 4-» <3 C QJ M O U CJ & 4-J U CO P-< r4 U < QJ >«- ' 4-1 ^<4-l CJ cd C >-" 0) CJ t>0 U < H CO O QJ 42 4-1 TJ CO QJ OJ 4-J I* )-l o cw 43 O CO QJ 4-J CO 42 d 00 CO •H CJ tH QJ ^ 43 u u QJ OJ > 4-1 cd X QJ «0 Q w w v£> O rH CJ I QJ 4-1 4-J CO O U (X 0) co M u • cd co e CO a) aj co >> 43 00 QJ 3 0 W CO o a> rH U QJ 5 QJ Q § 42 4J w vO O rH U ! C/5 |Z> 1^ CNl 42 00 4-1 a O -H 43 a cu -X3 > QJ QJ I TJ OJ CO £ 43 O 00 c 4*! •H O •H fi rH O en 0 CO QJ CO u u c QJ QJ O > 4J 42 CO K 4-> QJ CO C Q PQ < W CJ I C/3 !=> » 02 r- r^ en u •H 00 c •H TJ 4*: QJ CO QJ B rH QJ CO o 43 S5 O CO QJ TJ •H rH Vj T3 QJ QJ QJ rH s O- 00 c O QJ QJ & 1^5 fed w o O rH m CT\ CO u o — * u 4J Vj e 0) CD 4-J 6 cd CD 3 M 3 ll to cd 3 OJ 0 CO >, QJ 4-J H •H 3 O 4-J O RJ H U OJ 0J > ft i-H 0) rt 4J •H 4-1 o c •H OJ r4 S-i 4J 0) CD 4-1 S 4-1 o •H •H TJ 13 CO II u < CD 6 4-1 o c XI OJ u E •H , • ■ 4-1 CO •H C CJ O O •H H u 1) Cu > •H u H CJ •H CO o 0) T3 II 4-J o xi bO . ft ■H 4-J H fi 4H 0) Vj B OJ QJ > M O 3 co U cfl 6 0) p2 CO o 4-1 o p-l CO 4-1 c 0) V4 !-4 3 U a. CO 4-1 •H a CO Ph u u < a, a Q 4-1 >> <4-l CJ CO d u o >-i < -H CO P 4-1 T) (1) TO n U 60 3 d "0 O tH 0) O TO > S ai cu *-> hJ CO x> T3 • o CU CO P- 0) M a ,jq o o o •H n M iH o ex, CO CO o 4-1 O PL, d xi O QJ rC d 4-> d cu co < « o ffi o o ro cyj 1 D Hi CU CJ CO C/J S3 I re LO 5>, d o rC! 4-1 w vO O I m H a cu o 4-1 en K U cfl O « S CN 00 cO d CO P4 co O cu r^ r^ m pe! cO J-i 3 4-) CO 53 O O O CJ <3 en S3 m TJ d Pi cO U 3 4J CO S3 O O CJ CJ S31? 53 O VO VI-10 CO T3 CO CU CU s 0 d •H 4-1 4-> d a cu o u o u >«• p o 4-1 d u CU CD 1 ■u cu CO n s 3 CO II CO cu :s 8 .„ S* CO 4-1 CD •H M CJ a o 4J IH CO cu u > CU CXiH 0 CO cu •H 4J 4J c a cu ■H >-l H cu 4-> 4-1 9i iw 0 •H o T3 •H 13 II CO U -( cu •H V4 CO =) CO II CO 9i E-J 0 9 >, 4J •• •H CO O d O o rH •H CU 4J > a •H iH u •H u o 3 co u CO 0 cu u 5-1 do cu **s Q 4-1 CJ CO d V" cu u 1' 4J CO ft •H n o cu > o d o 2 o u • id 13 CO cu 3 CU •H o M 14-1 0) rH CO •H a o 4-1 (0 M d 4-1 6^ cu cu M o > X) d CN o ■H CO a cu a >-. CO u •H cu 4-1 GO rH CO 3 0 X •H CO CO -i to c0 cu o »H cO ■P •H CU H .H T3 -H O 5 d C/D «H n U cu CU 4-1 4-1 X X cd CO pq m 3 O S3 O CO rH 1 o o O I 53 U On CO rH VI-11 APPENDIX VII Miscellaneous Tables and Figures Page Figures VII-2 Tables VII-28 VII-1 vO o o ■cm o Figure VII- 1. Flight lines for NASA flight on December 22, 1976. VII-2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • \ - V \ \ 1 l ' ' I I I ' ' ' I I I I I I | ■ ' | I ' | 11 n 1 1 1 1 JK "Flight Line Number I KK •<'• U I i ■ ■ i I i ■ . . I ■ ■ ■ . I . ■ i Q , , . , I ■ , , , I ,, i I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I '*. \ 39° •o r Figure VII-2. Flight lines for NASA flight on January 3, 1977, VII-3 niliniliiiiluii i mini pjl^sJ; ■ ' " '" " ' '\ ' '■' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' '"' ' P11 ' h ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Figure VII-3. Flight lines for NASA flight on January 5, 1977. VII-4 41°08'N 69°28'W 69°18'W 0 J /- (D 0)' 41°00'N Flight Line Number Figure VII-4. Flight lines for NASA flight on January 6, 1977. VII-5 7I°W 70°W 69°W 68°W 67°W 66°W 42°N 4I°N - --. 40°N 39°N Figure VII-5. Locations of Landsat II images for December 22 and 23, 1976. 42°N- 4I°N 40°N - 39°N Figure VII-6. Locations of Landsat II images for January 9, 1977, VII-6 s 5 z * ; ? s ft 2 t s s L Z CO ■U CO CO o H « o O I 00 ;! VII-7 +i Sh Q> ^ o <3> Sh ^ > •u •H d •H a •H > 0) X, •u C •H ■U x: 00 •H a; ^ • vO 01 r^ > c^ cti i—i & ■U a; u 60 •H Pn w H '1H9I3H 3AVAA INVOIdlNDIS VII-8 uJ L» + | S ' i * 5 +■ + o j— "a . T ~ U 01 ,£) 6 o> a a) Q o o W CO a +'• @ O ■u •H E •H 4-J u •H x). 0) P4 I H CD J-l Ml •rl VII-9 3- •: + += -H <^ 1 o o o .—I CN >4-l o CO cd o •H O T3 cu ■U o •H XI CD U P-4 * + Tl-i CD d •H VII-10 +': ;VsV-y.-<\V"-'-r:-^ w o •J X -S '><*.' +: O CM O o o d- i a 4' o •u • aJ #. •u tn cO .— i X) u XI +J 3 X) a c S •H o & a >. * H CO J-I CN 3 O 5-i ,£! 0) X3 a) 6 > CD •H O CO ai CO P cd }-l n M o o o U r^ Pm o I M H > 0) J-i &0 •H VII-14 40° N 67°W Figure VII-15. Impact probability for spring (no current) VII-15 39°N Figure VII-16. Impact probability for winter (winds and west current). VII-16 43c 42c 41' 40£ 39c 39° N 68° W Figure VII-17. Impact probability for spring (winds and west current) VII-17 ./ ■+^ I Model prediction Argo Merchant •"' f3y£L — 40° N- 70° W 68° W Figure VII-18. Predicted and observed location and shape of oil slick, December 27. Model prediction shows oil released from the Argo Merchant from 1600, December 17, through 1300, December 27. Wind input is from Nantucket Light Ship. -42° " ^ n «£» ^ Argo Merchant -4CN Model prediction \ ► . . * Observed slick 70° W 68° W Figure VII-19. Predicted and observed location and shape of oil slick, December 27. Model prediction shows oil released from the Argo Merchant from 1600, December 27, through 1300, December 27. Wind input is from USCGC Vigilant. VII-18 i kl N U ■ i Argo Merchant +»l Model Prediction Observed SI ick kO N 70 W Figure VII-20. Predicted and observed location and shape of oil slick, December 27. Model prediction shows oil released from the Argo Merchant from 1600, December 17, through 1300, December 27. Wind input is from USCGC Vigilant with 20° drift angle added. Figure VII-21. Predicted and observed location and shape of oil slick, December 27. Model prediction shows oil released from the Argo Merchant from 1600, December 17 through 1300, December 27. Wind input is from Nantucket Light Ship with 20° drift angle added. VII-19 70. 50 69.00 87.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 64.50 Figure VII-22. Thirty-day trajectory for the deterministic model (wind only) . VII-20 70. 50 69.00 67.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 64.50 Figure VII-23, Thirty-day trajectory for the deterministic model (wind and tidal currents) . VII-21 70.50 63.00 67.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 61.50 Figure VII-24, Five Monte Carlo trajectories of thirty days duration (wind only) . VII-22 70.50 69.00 87. 50 66.00 64.50 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) Figure VII-25. Five Monte Carlo trajectories of thirty days duration (wind and tidal currents) . VII-23 o t o \ ^ * V *v Csl S ^\ ■*■ -sT u^ o a ^v4 o 1-* gr^T^ T \a$T /> — _ o CO o LlJo' LU » ct CD UJ Q§ v/ . id" Q 3 K-o HH O »-• cn m _i o o r- o o U> fO ■ j i i 70.50 69.00 87.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 61.50 Figure VII-26. Five-day Monte Carlo prediction (wind and tidal currents) VII-24 69.00 67.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 64. 50 Figure VII-27. Ten-day Monte Carlo prediction (wind and tidal currents) VII-25 70.50 69.00 67.50 66.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 64.50 Figure VII-28. Thirty-day Monte Carlo prediction (wind and tidal currents) VII-26 70.50 $9.00 87.50 86.00 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 64.50 Figure VII-29. Thirty-day Monte Carlo prediction (wind only) VII-27 Table VII- 1. Flight log, NASA C-54 overflight of Avgo Merchant oil spill, December 19, 1976 Flight line Altitude (ft) Direction (°true) Time (GMT) start stop Lat. N start stop (min/deg) Long. W start stop min/deg) 1 5500 175 14:42:40 41 01.2 61 27.8 2 5500 76 - 40 59.5 69 24.5 3 5500 32 - 41 01.2 69 21.0 4 5500 7 - 41 01.1 69 28.9 5 5500 68 15:22:30 41 41 01.1 03.9 69 69 23.9 18.8 6 5500 275 15:28:52 15:31:59 41 41 02.3 01.1 69 69 19.7 29.2 7 5500 80 15:35:11 15:37:47 41 41 00.4 01.8 69 69 29.3 19.8 8 5500 252 15:41:30 15:44:18 40 40 59.9 58.0 69 69 20.7 28.9 9 2500 64 15:48:50 41 41 01.2 04.0 69 69 29.2 19.3 10 2500 203 15:54:50 15:57:08 41 40 04.1 58.9 69 69 19.3 21.6 11 2500 253 15:59:00 16:01:36 40 40 58.7 57.7 69 69 21.9 29.4 12 2500 17 16:03:40 16:04:46 40 41 58.9 01.8 69 69 30.0 28.7 T-ll Camera Lenses Type Film (aerial film speed) Filter No. frames taken 1 6.3 in. 2443 40 1 2 anti- 198 vignetting VII-28 Table VII-2. Flight log, NASA C-54 overflight of Argo Merchant oil spill, December 22, 1976 Lat. N Long. W Time GMT start start Flight Altitude start stop stop line (ft) stop (min/deg) (min/deg) 1 2500 17:12:00 41 02.0 69 27.5 17:16:30 41 00.5 69 26.6 2 2500 17:16:30 41 01.8 69 27.3 17:17:45 41 00.2 69 25.3 3 2500 17:17:45 40 59.8 69 24.0 17:19:15 41 00.7 69 19.8 4 2500 17:19:15 41 00.7 69 19.8 17:21:00 41 03.2 69 16.5 5 2500 17:21:00 41 05.5 69 14.9 17:31:39 41 05.6 69 13.0 6 2500 17:31:39 41 02.2 69 27.8 17:35:00 40 59.4 69 24.7 7 2500 17:35:00 40 59.3 69 25.1 - 40 59.6 69 21.9 8 2500 _ 40 59.6 69 21.9 — 41 00.2 69 19.9 9 2500 — 41 00.2 69 19.9 - 41 01.4 69 17.7 10 2500 — 41 01.4 69 17.7 - 41 05.0 69 13.6 11 2500 17:45:00 41 02.1 69 28.1 - 40 58.9 69 25.5 12 2500 17:48:30 40 58.8 69 24.6 - 40 58.9 69 22.5 13 2500 — 40 58.9 69 22.5 - 40 59.4 69 20.7 14 2500 - 40 59.4 69 20.7 - 41 00.6 69 17.9 15 2500 - 41 00.6 69 17.9 VII-29 Table VII-2. Flight log, NASA C-54 overflight of Argo Merchant oil spill, December 22, 1976 (continued) 16 2500 - 41 03.3 69 14.6 17 2500 - 41 04.7 69 13.4 T-ll Film Shutter No frames Camera Lenses Type Aerial Film Speed Filter Speed/sec Taken 1 6.3 inch 2443 40 1.2 anti- 1/75 172 vignetting VII-30 Table VII-3. Flight log, NASA C-130 overflight of Argo Merchant oil spill, January 3, 1977 Lat. N Long. W Time GMT start start Flight Altitude start stop stop line (ft) stop (min/deg) (min/deg) 1 5600 16:18:30 39 57.3 66 20.7 16:20:30 39 57.9 66 29.8 2 5300 16:22:05 40 00.9 66 28.7 16:23:45 40 01.3 66 20.5 3 5000 to 16:26:55 40 02.0 66 21.4 3800 16:28:35 39 57.3 66 24.1 4 3000 16:33:25 40 56.7 66 19.3 16:42:30 39 52.1 66 56.6 5 3000 16:44:50 39 51.6 66 51.8 16:50:24 39 55.7 66 22.1 5 3000 16:50:34 40 03.2 66 15.0 16:53:55 40 01.9 66 19.0 6 5400 16:57:30 39 57.7 66 14.3 16:58:25 39 55.9 66 01.8 7 5400 17:00:40 39 58.1 66 14.3 17:03:20 39 58.2 66 01.8 8 5500 17:06:00 39 58.1 66 00.0 17:09:25 39 58.2 66 14.4 9 3050 17:14:25 40 07.9 66 11.3 17:15:25 40 08.9 66 13.8 Zeiss Fi lm Shutter F Stop No . Frames Camera Lenses 6 inch Type/Emulsion Filter S0397 48-1 Ratten 3 Speed/sec 1/110 ASA 2/160 Taken 1 268 2 6 inch 2443 206 -2 Ratten 12 1/110 2/80 259 VII-31 Table VII-4. Flight log, NASA C-130 overflight of Argo Merchant oil spill, January 5, 1977 Flight line Altitude (ft) Time GMT start stop Lat. N start stop (min/deg) Long. W start stop (min/deg) 1 1900 15:48:35 15:49:20 41 01.2 41 01.4 69 29.8 69 24.3 2 1900 15:52:50 15:53:45 40 59.9 41 02.0 69 25.3 69 27.3 3 2000 15:57:25 16:13:50 41 01.8 40 47.0 69 27.5 68 45.6 ZEISS Camera Lenses 6 inch 6 inch Film Type/Emulsion Filter S0397 48-1 Ratten 2443 206-2 Ratten 3 12 Shutter Speed/sec 1/100 1/100 F Stop ASA No . Frames Taken 1 2 2/160 2/180 253 193 VII-32 Table VII-5. Flight log, NASA C-54 overflight of Argo Merchant oil spill, January 6, 1977 Flight line Altitude (ft) Time GMT start stop Lat. N start stop (min/deg) Long. W start stop (min/deg) 1 2000 15:36:00 41 00.9 41 00.8 69 27.8 69 25.4 2 2000 18:45:00 41 00.0 41 02.8 69 28.1 69 27.8 3 2000 18:48:00 41 02.6 41 02.5 69 28.0 69 27.0 ZEISS Camera Film Lenses Type/Emulsion Filter Shutter Speed/sec F Stop ASA No . Frames Taken 1 2 6. 6. 3 3 inch S0397 inch 2443 64 40 Haze No. 3 Clear anti- vignetting 1/150 - 1/75 22 23 VII-33 Table VII-6. Tide tables for Nantucket Shoals POLLOCK DIP CHANNEL, MASS., 1976 F-FLOOD. OIR. OJS* TRUE E-E8S. OIR. 225* TRUE NOVEMBER DECEMBER SLACK MAXIMUM SLACK MAXIMUM SLACK MAX I MUM SLACK MAIIMUM KATES CURRENT WATER CURRENT WATER CURRENT WATER CURRENT TIME TIKE YEL. TIME TIME VEL. TIME TIME VEL. TIME TIME VEL. Ml OAT OAT OAT H.N. H.rt. KNOTS H.H. H.N. KNOTS H.H. H.H. KNOTS H.H. H.N. KNOTS 1 0159 2. OF 16 0042 1.9F 1 0224 2. OF 16 010? 1.9F N 04 58 0758 1.5E TU 0408 0644 1.7E M 0518 0818 1.6E TH 0426 OTJ? l.SE 1101 1433 1.9F 0968 1313 1.8F 1122 1455 2. OF 1019 1333 1.SF 1723 2021 1.6E 1631 1908 1.7E 1749 2046 l.SE 1659 193$ 1.7E 2320 2216 2341 2244 2 0258 2. IF 17 0139 2. OF 2 0319 2. OF 17 *?*! 1.9F TV 0554 0857 1.7E V 0501 0740 1.8E TH 0609 0912 1.7E F 0522 C304 1.3E 11S3 1528 2. OF 1053 1413 1.9F 1213 1549 2. OF 1118 1*41 2. OF 1820 2123 1.6E 1727 2314 200$ 1.7E 1341 2137 1.6C 1758 234$ ToTZT 1.7E 3 0017 0352 2. IF 18 0237 2. OF 3 0033 0406 2. OF 18 0307 1.9F 1 0645 0948 1.7E TH 0552 0833 1.9E F 0656 0SS7 1.7E SA 0617 0903 1.9E 1248 1617 2. IF 1146 1507 2. OF 1259 1634 2. IF 1215 1542 2. IF 1911 2212 1.7E 1822 2100 1.8E 1930 2224 1.6E 1857 2136 l.SE 4 0107 0439 2. IF 19 0010 0330 2. IF 4 0121 0451 2. OF 19 004$ 0405 2. OF 7H 0731 1033 1.8E F 0643 0926 2.0E SA 0740 1033 l.SE SU 0711 09 53 2.0E 1332 1704 2.2F 1238 1601 2.2F 1341 1715 2.2F 1310 1640 2.3F 1955 225$ 1.7E 191$ 2154 1.9E 2014 230$ 1.6E 1953 2234 l.SE 5 0152 0522 2.1F 20 0104 0421 2. IF 5 0204 0532 1.3F 20 0142 0502 2. OF F 0812 1112 1.8E SA 0732 1017 2. IE SU 0821 111S 1.8E M 0804 1052 2.0E 1412 1743 2.2F 1328 1652 2.3F 1420 1756 2.2F 1403 1734 2.4F 2040 2334 1.7E 2007 2249 2.0E 2056 2343 1.6E 2046 2328 1.9E 1 0232 0(01 2. OF 21 015$ 0512 2.2F $ 0244 0609 1.9F 21 0237 0556 2. OF 5* 0851 1146 1.8E SU 0821 1103 2.2E N 0901 1150 l.SE TU 0856 1144 2. IE 1448 1825 2.2F 1413 1743 2.4F 14S7 1831 2.2F 14$$ 1327 2.4F 2120 2058 2338 2.0E 213$ 2139 7 0007 1.7E 22 02*3 0601 2.2F 7 0018 1.7E 22 0021 1.9E SU 0310 C636 2. OF M 0911 1156 2.2E TU 0322 0642 1 .8F U 0329 C649 2. OF 0929 1216 1.BE 1507 1331 2.5F 0939 1224 l.SE 0947 1236 2. IE 1523 1856 2. IF 2150 1532 1904 2.2F 154 6 19)8 2.4F 2159 2214 2230 8 0040 1.7E 23 0031 2.0E 8 0052 1.7E 23 0112 1.9E * 0345 0707 1.9F TU 0340 0654 2. IF w 0359 0715 1.3F TH 0421 0741 2. OF 1005 1249 1.8E 1001 1247 2.2E 1017 1259 l.SE 1038 1326 2.0E 1558 1927 2. IF 1557 1924 2.4F 1608 193$ 2.2F 1637 2008 2.4F 2237 2242 2253 2320 9 0114 1.7E 24 0122 2.0E 9 0129 1.7E 24 0203 1.9E TU 0423 0739 1.3F W 0432 0745 2. OF TH 0437 0748 1.8F F 0512 0832 2. OF 1044 1324 1.8E 1053 1333 2. IE 1057 1336 1.3E 1130 1416 1.9E 1633 1959 2. IF 1649 2017 2.4F 1646 2007 2.2F 1727 2101 2.3F 2317 2336 2333 10 0151 1.7E 25 021$ 1.9E 10 0206 1.8E 25 0011 0253 1.8E * 0501 0810 1 .8F TH 0527 0342 2. OF F 0S17 0823 l.°F SA 0604 0925 l.SF 1123 1403 1.8E 1147 1431 2.0E 1133 1417 1.9E 1224 1508 1.8E 1711 2034 2. IF 1743 2114 2. if 172S 2046 2.2F 1819 2153 2.2F 2359 11 0232 1.7E 26 0031 0311 1.8E 11 0015 0249 l.SE 26 0102 034S 1.7E TK 0542 0849 1.7F F 0623 0943 1.9F SA 0559 0904 1 .8F SU 0656 1021 1 .SF '205 1444 1.8E 1244 1528 1.8E 1222 1502 1.3E 1319 1602 1.7E 1752 2113 2. OF 1840 221$ 2.2F 1809 2127 2. IF 1912 2247 2. IF 12 0043 0316 1.7E 27 0128 0411 1.7E 12 0059 0334 1.8E 27 0155 0441 1.7E F C627 0930 1.7F SA 0723 1048 1.SF SU 0644 0947 1.3F M 0751 1121 l.SF 1252 1531 1.7E 1345 1631 1.7E 1310 1553 l.SE 141$ use 1.6E 1837 2153 2. OF 1940 2320 2. IF 1656 2215 2. IF 2007 2313 1.9F 13 0131 0403 1.6E 28 0227 0514 1.5E 13 0147 0425 1.8E 23 0248 3537 1.6c SA 0715 1020 1.6F SU 0324 1156 l.BF M 0733 1033 1.8F TU 0847 1220 l.SF 1343 1618 1.7E 1443 1736 1.5E 1403 1641 l.SE 1515 1801 1.5E 1927 224 7 I.9F 2042 1947 2304 2. OF 210$ 14 0222 04S4 1.6E 29 002$ 2. OF 14 0238 0S13 1.8E 29 0044 l.SF u 0807 1115 1.6F H 032$ 0618 1.6E TU 0E26 113$ 1.3F W 0343 0633 1.6E 1437 1713 1.6E 0926 1259 1.8F 1459 173$ 1.7E 0943 1317 l.SF 2021 2342 1.9F 1550 1841 1.SE 204 3 1614 1902 1.4E 15 2144 2203 0314 0549 1.6E 30 0126 2. OF • J 0003 2. OF 30 0143 1 .8F « C9C2 1211 1.7F TU 0423 0723 1.6E V 0331 0610 1.3E TH 0437 0731 l.SE 1533 1809 1.6E 1C26 100 1.9F 0922 1235 I.eF 1039 1419 1.9F 21 IS 1651 224$ 1947 1.5E 1553 2143 1335 i.;e 31 F 1712 2301 0530 1133 1807 2356 2002 0233 0823 1512 2058 I.4E l.SF 1.6E 1.9F 1.4C T»«f «t»I0UN 75 * K. COOO IS HI0NI5HT. 1200 IS HOOD VII-34 Table VII-7. Current meter deployments Key agency Date Duration (days) Location Lat. N Long. W (deg/min) Instruments /Depth 121 USGS 12/28/76 123 USGS 12/28/76 124 USGS 12/28/76 X USGS 12/28/76 Z NUSC 2/29/76 1 USGS 12/05/76 A NOS 8/19/60 B NOS 8/19/60 C NOS 8/19/60 23 NOS 11- /33 32 NOS 2/- /33 36 NOS 11- /33 60 60 60 60 50 60 40 53.4 69 09.6 Tripod at 85 m VCAMS at 45 and 75 m 1/2 40 14.0 69 22.5 VCAM at 13 m 40 42.5 70 00.5 Tripod at 70 40 30.8 69 29.3 850 at 18 m 40 50.5 69 16 3 current meters 40 51.2 67 24.7 EGG EM at 18 and 28 m 41 02.7 69 46.6 3, 10 and 16 m 41 01.9 69 43.4 8, 19 and 34 m 41 02.1 69 41.4 Robert at 2.5, 7 and 12 m 41 19.3 69 21 Unknown 40 58.4 69 30 Unknown 41 07 69 41.4 Unknown VII-35 Table VII-8. Lagrangian Drifters Local Position Time Speed Dir. ID Date Time Lat. N Long. W (hr) (kt) (°true) DMB 1 a 12/18/76 1041 41 02 69 27.5 b 12/18/76 1340 40 59.5 69 30.0 2.9 .91 142 c 12/19/76 0910 40 53.1 69 14.9 22.5 .58 119 d 12/20/76 1023 40 56.4 69 08.5 22.2 .26 56 DMB 2 a 12/27/76 1020 40 44.0 68 20.3 b 12/31/76 1200 40 29.0 68 00.0 98 .22 135 DMB 3 a 12/31/76 1340 40 07 66 59 8.6 1.45 132 b 12/31/76 2217 39 57.6 66 46.8 DMB 4 a 1/18/77 1400 41 02 69 28 b 1/19/77 1440 40 55 69 15.5 24.7 .48 126 DMB 5 a 1/23/77 1018 41 02 69 27.5 b 1/26/77 0930 40 50.3 69 25.9 23.2 .51 174 PW 1 12/18/76 1348 41 02.0 69 27.5 PW 2 12/18/76 1352 41 02.0 69 27.5 2/2/77 0715 40 21 70 59 PW 3 12/18/76 1353 41 02.0 69 27.5 PW 4 12/30/76 1000 40 42.5 69 26.0 VII-36 Table VII-9. Drift card deployments Deployment No. Date Time Location Lat. N Long. W (deg/min) Quantity 1 12/21/76 1615 41 02 69 27.5 500 2 12/26/76 0947 41 065 69 52.0 1000 3 12/26/76 954 41 15.8 69 47.0 1000 4 12/26/76 1000 41 21.3 69 30.0 980 5 12/26/76 1220 41 01.1 68 40.4 100 6 12/27/76 902 41 25.0 69 50.0 1000 7 12/27/76 912 41 15.0 69 50.0 1000 8 12/27/76 1000 41 07.0 70 00.0 1000 9 12/30/76 1041 40 30.0 70 30.0 1000 10 12/30/76 1102 34 45.0 70 03.0 1000 11 12/30/76 1245 40 12.3 67 01.6 1000 12 1/3/77 1200 41 4.5 69 34.0 1000 VII-37 Table VII-10. NOAA drifting buoy 343 nay Yk HO UK La '-M L O N vj - ■« OlbT TlMt SPttU UIR 0 M U IV] MM M IN K1S r 31 7b 221 7 J V D/' bo 4b 1 7h ib<+ 3v 55 bb 92 4.0 d.\b 1.1 1^6 1 77 d3b 39. bl bb 3d d.4 401 1.3 119 1 7 7 10^0 39 4b bO 40 b.b 104 3.d 243 1 77 12 7 39 ^ 9 bb 30 7.tt 10b ^.4 dl 1 n 21d7 3-* 42 ^O df 7 . 7 670 .8 169 1 77 ?322 39 <+l bb 2b .8 104 .4 142 ? 7 7 7d7 39 J4 bb 24 7.3 bl4 .9 169 2 7 7 93^ 39 J^ Ab 24 1.8 lol 1.1 1 79 d 7 7 2^4w 34 c!b bb 2b /.d 7d0 .6 190 2 77 ^4<^9 J 9 ^3 bo 2b 1.9 108 1.0 165 ) 7 7 ^lo 3 9 d2 bo dS 1.9 10b 1.1 108 j If b:>d 39 t\ bo 3 0 b.b ^02 .d ^67 3 If 2ld^ 3 ^ 19 bb 31 2.b 780 .d ^00 h If 131 39 lb bo 3J l.b 211 .b 22d 4 11 old 39 lb bb 37 3,d ^06 .b 280 (* 77 10 1 J-f lb bO 4l 2.8 103 1.6 2b 7 u 7 f ^ I i ^ 39 14 bo bd 9.0 67 7 .8 ^46 u 7 7 ^3 d J9 14 bb b2 .b 103 .3 dfO b 7 1 742 d-> J bO b7 1^.2 bib 1.6 193 b 77 920 J 9 3 bl J b.b ^7 3.4 29b 5 77 ^a r> Jl b4 <^f i^ 10. o 88 J .7 ^17 b 7 7 rfM-1 dd <+9 b7 2d 11. b bl2 1.3 24b b 7 7 1024 3b 40 ^7 3d 7.9 103 4.b ^4 7 b 7 7 1212 3d 4 7 a 7 2d b.l 10/ ^.d 83 6 7 7 2330 3 b 4d b 7 3d d.4 67a .7 240 7 7 7 d 1 3 A 43 b 7 <+l 2.J blO .3 did 7 11 -t^d 3d <+d b f 4d 1.9 101 1.1 ^bl 7 7 1 2e"+b 3 b 4 b b 7 41 3. 0 783 .2 37 H 7 7 H 3 3 b Jl -7 34 14.1 616 1.4 lb9 -1 7 1 ? *49 38 £4 b 7 id 14. o w8d 1.0 Idd '-» 77 ^^^ 33 19 bb b * lD.t' bl2 l.o 106 ■-< 7 7 10 d 3 b £0 ^b bb 2.d 103 1.6 11 -4 7 7 ; S4 4o 14.0 Sdl 1. 1 1U6 12 77 22d2 3m JO 64 4J 2.4 104 1.4 104 13 77 9 b 3d 2 3 ^J S4 Jd.O 613 3. 7 100 14 7 7 d2b 3d Id bl 4J 99. 1 139d 4.3 93 L4 77 1010 3d *:l Si 30 10.4 10b 6.2 74 14 77 1156 3d 22 bl 30 1 .J 107 . 7 339 L4 11 2123 3rJ 34 Si 4 2J.U b70 2.4 bd IS 11 1 1 3d J 9 so bd 6,9 212 2.0 46 lb 11 746 3b ^1 so 04 ld.d 40b d.ci d is 77 927 3d 48 so 4^+ 12.3 101 7.3 141 lb 7/ 2049 3b b/ su 24 17.8 6d2 1.6 b7 lb 7 7 d46 Jd b4 bO 21 3.n 71b .3 142 IS 11 21S0 3b 45 so 11 11.9 7d4 .9 139 IS 77 2334 Jd 45 so 7 2. 7 103 1.6 69 1 7 77 122 3d 43 so 22 11.1 107 6,d. ^60 17 77 3 d 3d 46 bU J 14. J 40 b d,[ do 17 77 4b0 3b 43 bU 1 2.8 101 1 .6 IbO 17 7/ 22S2 Jb 42 54 54 5.8 7di .4 lOd 17 77 24^2 38 42 S4 b2 1.4 109 . 1 d9 IS 77 1 3d 3d 4b 59 5b 4. J 409 .6 327 IS 77 4 8 36 4b S4 49 4.6 96 2.9 9 7 18 77 2353 3b bl 59 4d b. 1 bd9 .4 d 19 77 S2^ 3d 46 S9 4b 4.4 bl u .b 161 19 11 213o 34 44 S9 bJ b.d 7bU .4 JOO 19 11 2316 3* 48 S4 bl 2. J 10b 1.3 14^ 20 11 7bu 3b J9 59 4b 9.6 613 1.1 lbl 20 11 43d 3d JV S4 4 b • 6 1 06 .3 1 79 20 77 ?.d3^ 3d J 7 b4 J 7 b.o 17 1 .5 101 21 11 bo2 3d JO 59 J7 l.d 616 . 7 1 79 21 17 23 39 3d 24 59 4 0 b. J ddb • 4 196 dd 11 «11 3 b 21 c;9 4t> 6.2 bll . 7 £J4 22 11 955 Jd lb bU 3 1 J.b 104 7.9 £44 22 7 1 1 144 Jd Id S4 4 7 12.4 lOd 6. b dl 22 11 21 13 Jb 1 b4 44 10.4 b69 1.1 187 2J 11 73b il b4 59 b^ 12. d 621 1.2 190 ^3 11 4 14 J/ bl SS bl 3.0 9d 1 .6 1 71 23 11 24 4 J7 Jl ^9 4b dO.d 390 1.4 166 ^4 11 833 37 e!2 S4 4 J 9.8 bOd 1.2 169 24 11 2135 37 12 S4 40 10.6 Md .8 16<+ 2S 77 110 3 1 4 <^4 J7 3.0 214 .8 142 VII-39 Table VII-11. NOAA drifting buoy 373 DAY Y* -lOUK L-aI -i\i 1 tJ'N (G- w OlST T IML ^HEtO Di* 0 ■ -1 0 M NM MliM *TS r 2 t 76 2137 4 0 Jb 7m- d 27 7^ ^J22 40 <+2 74 l b.4 104 3.1 4 26 7b 935 40 4l 7<+ 1 .b 61£ .1 1 79 28 7o 2^39 <+0 J 7£ £4 83.0 784 b.4 11 7 ^w 7 b *34 39 Jd 7 0 5 b 72. b bl4 7.1 110 ^ 76 li)37 39 JU 7 0 4 b 10.1 102 b.9 140 d^ 7'^ 122b 39 £9 70 Jl 11. b 1 10 b.2 9b 29 7b 21^6 d^ £b 7 0 2^ 3.3 bbd .4 14b 30 7r ri 1 O 39 £2 7 0 £h b.l t>19 .b 134 30 7b 96^ 39 21 70 2b 1.9 102 1.1 194 in 7^ dJ <+ 39 19 70 lb b.2 7bb .4 103 31 76 11 1 3 9 £0 70 1 J 3.1 716 .3 80 31 7 ^ d'ddO 3-f 17 70 lb 4.4 o79 .4 ££6 1 7 7 lbO 3 * lb 71) 33 1 l.b £09 3.3 £63 1 77 6 J 7 3 i i<+ 7U 1 1 lb. 5 406 £.4 96 1 7 7 102u l-f lb 7 0 1 7 4.7 103 2.7 264 1 11 213d 39 7 7 0 1 1 9.b 677 .8 Ibl 1 77 23£d 39 h- 70 10 2.6 106 1.4 lb9 2 77 943 39 0 7U V 4.^ 617 .b 169 2 77 2£4l 3d b3 7U 3 7.8 778 .6 148 1 7^ -* 0 3d 04 7 0 7 3.0 618 .3 293 3 7 7 1 ..»4h 3d bb bV b9 b.O 103 3.b 7d 5 77 22 2 3-3 bl 10 7 7.b 678 .7 d3b h 7/ 1 3 b 3d b£ 7[) 10 d.d did .6 J03 t+ 77 820 36 bJ 70 lb 3. 7 40b .b d IV ^+ It 1 0 0 J8 bl 7 0 12 3.3 100 £.0 136 4 11 23 3 Jri <+o 70 2d 9.b 782 .7 £44 b 7 7 ^24 Jd J^ 70 Jl ^.d 620 .9 217 b 77 2^11 Jd 3d 10 34 7.1 b86 .b 202 6 7 7 d4£ 3d £d 70 3* 4.d bl 0 .b £21 f-> 7 7 lu2b 38 £d 70 3V .d 103 .4 £1 7 f-> 7 7 2330 38 d'O 7 0 37 3 . 0 16* .2 142 7 77 -*4b Jd £4 7 0 33 3.0 614 .3 113 7 11 22<+b 3-3 d\ 7 0 lb 12.0 780 .V 107 8 7 7 ^ J Jd 11 to ^ 12.1 bib 1.2 142 M 77 1 04d Jd 11 6^ bo 9.6 10b b.b 8V b 7 7 1239 3d 7 7U 4 7.6 I 11 H.l £36 r, 77 23bb ib 12 69 3h d3.3 o7b 2.1 lb 9 77 2317 Jd 20 A 7 2<+ 99. b l40£ 4. J 6b in 7 7 w2b Jd J «J Ab 37 3b. b bU/ J.b 74 1') 7 7 24lo Jd tf 7 bb id ££.7 b91 l.b 39 1 1 77 d4b 38 <+ 3 b6 d 8.1 bOb 1.0 116 VII-40 Table VII-11. NOAA drifting buoy 373 (continued) Day YK HOUH LA -N LONvj-W uisr II ML 4HLLU Ulrt ij -1 u M NM M I N l\Tb r i 1 77 10 29 J 8 Hi bb 1 o. U 10* J.h 1 18 I 1 7 f 1221 J 3 "-+ l 4 4 bo 2.3 111 1 .d 49 1 1 11 21*5 Jr> *0 bO 3* 1'4. 1 Sb* 1 .8 9^ L2 It 120 in 37 '-S U 8 .4 r'l* 1 .9 1 lb 12 If 8 ? 38 JO bS 14 i 0 . 1 4D6 1 .8 9b 12 11 3*7 44 JS bD lo 1.4 100 1.1 131 12 If 21 o 33 1 7 b* * J 31 .2 b 79 d.H l HI J. 7 8* l* 7 7 2129 38 Jl bl J 1 7.9 449 1.9 *7 is 77 1 1 J4 Jh ^0 s7 S.D 211 1 .S Sb lb 7 7 7^6 38 8-^ b J ^5 10.7 4(13 l.b b3 Id 7/ 92tt 38 Hi bO *2 d.b 101 i.S *S lh 77 b<+8 J8 Jo bU 2* i*.> 1399 .b 111 lb 7 7 21b0 34 31 bu 22 *.H (62 .3 Ibl 16 77 2337 J8 Jl b0 ^0 1.9 106 1.1 108 17 It 8 8 3 3 1 -> 40 27 13.0 blO 1 .8 d02 17 It 2288 88 3b bU d 23.1 44 7 1 .b *S 17 It 2**3 88 J8 >-u 4- . 8 1 0b .* 1*^ 18 It 731 34 J/ 80 D 2.4 *08 .* 339 1H It 911 8 8 Jd S9 S4 4.2 99 J. 7 10b 18 It 2* u J8 *8 49 <48 11.0 <3*9 . 7 ** 19 It 8 3^ 3 8 <4 1 8 9 <+ 7 1 .9 sll .^ ibS 1^ It 213b 3m £o 49 55 1*. 1 78*+ 1 .1 ^0b 2o 77 ibd 38 8 8 S9 <+U 18. 9 bis 1 .<+ 88 20 7 7 ~>3d 33 8* sy ^2 2.d 100 1 .J d3b 20 7 7 2235 44 J3 b"9 33 7.1 t63 .S 10* 21 7 7 8si 3b dd 4 9 3b 10.* blD 1.0 190 2i 77 23*3 38 \d s9 J4 1 1 . 0 r>Vd . 7 189 22 77 812 Jb 8 49 *3 7 . 0 DO 9 • b ^11 22 7 7 1 1*7 37 88 49 *2 7.b ^1* d.d 1 7b 22 77 21 is 37 *S S9 *d 13.^ 848 1.* 1 7d 2 3 7 7 9 1 o 87 ^3 S9 *0 lb. 9 tdV 1 .* 1 78 ^3 77 2* S 87 8 49 3J 2 0.S 888 1.* lb* 2u 7 7 4bb if U S9 30 4.1 S29 .9 lb3 2^ 77 21 38 48 Ol S9 ^* 9.9 781 • b lbb 2d 77 I '9 34 *^ 89 ^<+ 1.9 21^ • D ibb VII-41 c DO o 13: T3 0) 0) n id c "0 C c I H H > H r-( i-H CT« CO r~ r^ .-H ^H 00 VII-42 rg u o ex U •H u 03 2 0) a m 13 c C O •H 4J CJ 0) •H CO I H H > CU H rQ 03 H H rH -1 o H rH H H H H i-i "H H H «H eg eg r"' m O o o o O O O o O o o O O o O O O o .H in en en CI m O m i-i en en en en en cn en <^~\ cn en m cn m m cn 00 i/-i CO CO CO in o o »n m CO CO CO CO oo m m in rH .—i CM rsi ^H iH rH rH iH o <--> o O o o o o O O o o o o O O O o o o ^» O as ON as CO r-* as OS o CM m M ro m CM CM CM CM CM CM CN CM CM CN cn m en cn r-. as m »n CM O o CO CO O CO ■43 in m in m CO m o o r-l •H o O rH 0* o o O o O o O o o o o O o o © o o o o> as o CO o o en in rH rH rH o o o H o o o en m cn c^\ cn m C^\ cn cn en m U"t m CT> ct\ , o CO o . o CO o O o CO •43 •JO o o o o o o O rH o O O 00 o o o o o o a o o o o o O o o O o o ■^ ■■o C h» o o o o H as in ^ O O m CO CO m •43 O O O o o o o o CJ o cj rH CM CI ^ d c^ rH O o o O o o o o O o o O O O o o o o O o m en o o o o CN CM -J N* en r^> en o o o o o o o o m cn en m m r^ m en cn en in o o o cm o m in m u-t CN O O O •43 ^ g3 o o .h O O O o m CM o o o o O o O o O o O O o O O O O o o> rn en en en cn N* r~) rn o o o as o as o O o o o o rH r-i en eg en en en en CN r~> CM m en m en m en en cn in CO CO sJ3 CO as o -H CO o in cn un CN in m m o O o O O o o o rH rH O £| rH ^ ^J rH o --* rH rH o O o o o o O o O o o O O O o O o o o O o eg CO as CO CO fs. o as as rH m o as rH CM CM r%i CM H rH H rH H rH •-t CM CM CM CN rH CM O O ■£> CO 1/1 o CO o -j CN m m m e-g in eg a- 00 O O o o o rH -H o O ON rH o o o o o o o O O o o O O O O O o o m rn rH cn <^\ r-\ r^~) CM en cn en m en O CO O en CM o m rg CN CN O CM CM CM CM CM CM m i-i o rH rH rH ■JO O o O o o o O o O o O O o o O O O o sO in r~ CO «o vJD m sO m CM * o. O ■43 O •43 O o o o o •43 O O O CO o o r* •43 s£> m sO m -J •43 r*. o o o CM rM cn CM N eg CM CM fN CN CM CM CM o o O o o rH O o o o O O O o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o O o o o o O O o o o o o o o so CO en O CM rn 4J c 2 CD 03 e c "3 C . — i I h^ M > 1) id P-* P-- 00 r-. i — p-* p^ 00 00 rH .-H VII-44 Table VII-15. Zooplankton species abundance observed on Delaware II cruise 76-13 at stations located in vicinity of Argo Merchant (Figure 4-1) Stations — » 4 5 6 7 8 9 Spec ies Life Stage Number/ 100 m3 Calanua flnmarchicus 000 054 052 106 348 175 9 973 21 584 255 1097 Centropages typlcus 000 054 052 5072 740 4018 52 753 94 342 32 584 218 5119 4388 Centropages hamatus 000 1162 70 27 35 36 2560 Pseudo-paracalanus 000 054 2187'* 16274 3809 470 94 317 23134 126519 63625 Metridia lucens 000 052 313 36 58 56 78 36 730 365 Teraora longlcornls 000 106 52 4 14 Rhincalanus coronutus 000 4 Oithona sp. 000 328 731 Acartla sp. 000 106 Calanus minor 000 365 Tortanus discaudatus 000 4 Alteutha depressa 000 317 104 36 Sagitta elegans 000 52 395 102 73 Sagitta serratodentata 000 000 45 95 4 Sagitta spp. Parathemlsto sp. 000 112 052 054 106 Monoculodes sp. 054 Gammarldae 054 2959 52 Gammarldea 000 054 Crangon septemsplnosa 000 Cumacea 054 106 Cirripedia 013 106 Asteroidaa 054 Gastropoda 000 Pteropoda 000 Foramlnlf era 000 528 209 Molts 4650 70 Pish eggs 054 211 17 Ammodvtes amerlcanus 054 1585 2922 103 4 350 35 14 222 1314 292 620 731 365 1462 365 365 18646 Total 51358 12488 2259 2352 28240 225974 * 000 - Adult (large) 054 - Copepodite stages I-III (medium) 052 - Copepodite stages IV and V (small) 013 - Nauplius VII-45 Table VII-16. Numbers of fish eggs and larvae per sample collected in the area of the oil spill (values represent combined totals of eggs from surface and water column samples and are not standardized for volume of water strained) . Station Species 4 5 6 7* 8 9 Fish eggs: Cod (Gadus morhua) 277 53 17 5 25 310 Pollock (Pollachius virens) 5 59 13 32 1139 115 Total 282 112 30 37 1164 425 Larvae: Cod (Gadus morhua) Pollock (Pollachius virens) 15 Sand Launce (Ammodytes americanus) 5890 10,641 5950 1313 1361 5953 Herring (Clupea harengus) Rockling (Enchelyopus cimbrius) Hake (Urophycis sp_. ) Total 5892 10,643 5968 1316 1361 5954 * No surface sample taken; numbers are for the water column sample only. VII-46 XI OJ u o a . C H a) cd d co cfl . — 1 1 CO vO 4J r^ — 1 ,0 CD cfl cu X CO •H X a O u o a M-, H 5-i H O LM . — i i H H > H X> CO H o * CL E CD CL E o a. E o~iCOCricNjc\jcTiU3c^r~.c\jO ^j-UT(Njro«d-nro>^-nnojnLnLn^ix>vOr^^cjiLnc\j<"''~>coi-r>vO OlfiOOrfDUICO'S'MMI/INrtlDrsiO'^mO roorot— ildpoi— iroc\jLr><3-LT>Lnc\j«3-Lnroro«3-Lr> c^o~iCTiCTioococor^r~>x5U3^o^or^r~.CTvCTiCTicrico kD^O^jD^^iX>^£)l4DVD*X)vD^D^DvD\OlO\0*£)l£)\D O O i— i i— i i — ii — I i — i •— i t— i i— i r— i i — iOO> — iOi-hOOO Oi — inotOOPjinONUii/iMnuiisrinino cOi-HoonoOt— icdlooo^-i— i^d-mocoLnmooo mncorOkDCOHrHMNCfiMNfiinooOrH^to c\jOOt— it— ii— icmOOOOi— it— i c\j O C\j C\j O O •— i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO c\jfv^unLnLnLr)u-)i4Dix>uDijDixi rO H -1 i/> ^_ 0) d o> M u jd c T3 3 0) CO RJ ^_i a 01 o en U ^""^ i_j c r—s r. 19 o £ —I 0 43 4-1 .3 4-1 RJ 4-1 c u "d 0) 0 '4-1 a F-H ■w* c 0 ■fi 4-1 JJ c oj •H -H V. U 0 0> X C 01 CO a 1- 'u > •H O Cd Q l-t H • CO O X) ^ o ■H 13 'J-4 4-> c o» rd Ol U O D. O Q. > J »3 -O a e -h •r-l l-| e "3,3 4-J <^ il ■H SV UJ B Q) 01 5- J- f-i C O c ts> -n ■-j S, ■H £ ^ o -T U cd Xi a 0/ >. y. o ~J i-> o oj 0 o .-1 J> - r-l u 'h 01 a) a) 1J Ol > > > > £» o o o o ~ >J3 J~l ^ r-l r-4 ■H 4_1 ^ I 3 ^: 1 o 0J 3 Ji! -o ■r-l u 4-1 rH u —1 ro 4_1 rH 'J c J= o 3 U-i rj 3 •H + lu R) 3 3 X) O X) O 0) x: Xl O c Q. 0 C a 01 2 o o c W O ■r-l '/) C ■H ■j) ^L 4-. 4J 1 4-1 01 4-1 r~l -^ c sz _*: 01 3 j: • J3 4-1 • _c '-J CJ i 4-1 o 4-1 0 o Xl (X ■rH Xl 00 tfl .i: o Rl •H XI C^ d o ■H JZ o r-l 0 Xi U X. x; X- o 10 rH u rd 3 S-4 R) 'J. c 15 1 C [2 r-l X) Q« >-i a. r-l 1 ■-I r-H J1 •H f 4-J 1 — ' 4-1 o ■■ — 4-1 1) —J Xl 0 •-w c ^— ' g r-l Ui c '/I 4-J 1 J»J rj '.J5 ■r-l » 1 - ■H • 2 3 1 - H (B o - -M o * 3 X; o -H X -^ c r3 4-1 ■^3- —i u - 1-4 rd 1 4-1 O o tU rH c rd O c « O a r-l o :/l c r-i H .a Cl r-i C ^ ;'. C *— * a n rj 3 -O I o > rH O rsi i-Tl ro ---^ rH -H m « 3 Rj -H 0) > *-^ in • • M - • DO OJ OJ r^ "SI rH Q, 3 Oi o -1 o o h as r: rH as J- vD ^r> OJ CO Rl --^ 3 0) OJ 0 3 rH -J VII-55 CN > rH rO cd H 0) > ■H J 4-1 (0 Cd (U . — 1 i-l -^ ■V cd o> U V .>*; ti cd c •~~ o 0 c ■H 1— 1 rt 4J •H a. ■H O co o o Cm u so CD CJ c o 10 •H J3 4-1 a — i -~ u In oo co ,o •H •H I4H CO XI 3 0) M cd e u 0) a) o VI i-j ^"^ 4J c co 13 c ti ■H o X 4-i -C 4-1 a 4-1 C. o id 0) 0 '4-1 a rH N— ' c 0 •H 4-J '/i C^ m •H •H |H u 'J QJ m Cu cu a) a 0) M <4-I > -n O cd C5 In • CO O X a o o •H u c o 6 CO r4 OJ cfl a! cd 5 v a rH c cd c St CO o sr x> o O o o O rs St i-H rH co O un ^o o V43 H 1 Xl CO o 4-1 01 <4H J r*i c r~N 3 D- x •H • c c > ^-^ a 0 to o s — ' 5 ^^ X X (U •H CO 3 D. i CO > o rH l+H rH 4J X ^ 4-) w 4-1 i 3 u CO ^ — ' •H c >, u 3 X 1 >■■ 4J o pi CO •H oi CO a CO | ct) 3 c ^~^ »• + 4-1 M i-i co rH cfl rH •H 4-1 rH u 1 r^ 1 CL. CO ^^ 0> rQ 3 cfl 3 oo < 1 11 u O -^ 4-1 1 CO rH 1 S 1-4 /~*t O /-s nd CO CO h>. CJ O 1 3 cd 01 J •H 4-1 JO a. i-h o • a u rH 1 cd o OJ 4-1 X 01 s^- co Cfl A! en cd 4J rJ Cd cd X CO X "4-4 CO 3 5 •H u 3 N^* rH rH c •H a o - OJ •> cfl 4-i cr ^ X " ■H M • O cfl 4J CL O 01 rH XI cd M o — to CO 4-1 o a a. o o r-t rH rH c 5 o CO r~~ rH rJ c CO cd u u rH in 1 x CO ■H cr m rH 1 rH a) o OJ rH ■H o J ■H Cm LO H 4-1 14H CO w CO ^D < a rJ u CQ CJ Cm CM 2 CO I o C X ^^ O -rH U Z a ^2 r3 ^ a 3 3 z 2 z 3 z 3 z l£ •H XI C4H X - 4J C 0) CO ro SB rH CT- o o c^ LO |2» LO CO o LO LO LO LO o o CO OJ lH •H • • • • • » • cj a. rH rH 'X) ro CN LO lO 00 o r-. St rH o vO NO sr NO CM ^o o a. ^ 'H CM LO rH i — t o CNl OJ OJ rH CO CM OJ rH CO co CO CM m j < H o o o o o 0 0 o O 0 o o 0 O o o o 0 o O >4D ON ■j3 rH c^ ON CO ON fs. ON vD O NO O NO O r-. i c » CJ z St ^O n -X; sr yQ CO vO CO ^o CO sD ^r NO , to rO rO 1 rO V 4J r~- is. a r4 r~~ lH ti C a 3 u d 4J 3 rs r-~ 0 01 r-~ OJ o o 4J o O 0) o cd ai X s^. ■*^- o X r^ u s^ o 4-1 ON X CO X rH O lO X CM X St 4-1 J3 Q E ■H rH r~l rH 4-1 LO 'A CO 3 rH rH CM rH < rH rH PQ < VII-56 CM CM I CO H 0/ d 0i u Ol .X c (0 c n_^ U o C o Cs cfl CO (U o d u '0 •H c u CO u x; u u OC 0) 0 •H •H W-4 -3 a, 0) (5Q tO j~ CJ 11 OJ o t/3 _) ^ i-i C en to O t •r-l 0 jn t-J .c u Cfl 4-j p, CJ d ii 0 14-1 n i—i ' — D- 01 ■H —I U U 0 Oi 05 a. 01 CO Q 01 u-. > O ri ' Cfl O X> *Z O O -H • •H T3 >H 4-1 C 01 m 01 u o a. > kJ < n i c O l-i » u o 0) 4-1 4_i - d Q 1= -H 3 I I U xi 1 to 1 3 OJ u tfl 3 ■H U 0 a) pi, 0 • h _i PL| *»> c o CO x: CM 4-1 CM C H < 0 rC 0 .£ Is :n i» s: •H fi 0 ^ o SL, M? -;: HI M 01 > 3 to c UJ ■j) to oo &ij a a •H •H 4-1 4-1 55 ^e Xi J3 S3 2 - •■ M) to — - O CI ■H ■H r-~ lo m o to to co ci o 0 o o O XI o o C ^H ~d- x> z z 3 CO X! ■H 0 53 00 ■H x: oo o S3 0 3 o 00 in LO o o cc m ci X) to oo X! 00 o S3 — o ^ c cm O O i-H ci a) -~ 4-1 'Jl tfl OJ C tfl 03 o 13 •J3 OJ 'J C O U) •i-l S *-) cfl iJ X3 *-j S-. 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C S-J (-1 >^, tH •H 0 c x: d '4-1 ^ w >-i o o OJ ^i c t-> X) to u OJ D o S-i tfl oo 0 S-i 03 rH n3 D- (X J X> ^J co '—' •H 6 O ^ O u to cfl XI X) c c: -h ■rt U— I I + 4-1 O 3 tn O I o. o •H fO tO CO J-l S-i 4-1 o C/3 ^3 tjo H ■H e 4 tO c 2 ^2 rH 2 :s rH o> O O o M m L*l tO ro -3- ro Q. u-l r^i a. o o cfl o o to o r-- ^J O f-» r ■t o ^ — o ^— - x: m in rH rH H 0. S-I (j S-I 0J OJ 0) 4-1 m 4J LO 4-1 X rH X OJ X cO ■ U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1976 • 778-505 Reg. 8 VII-58 PEKffi,»«m|L,slUR,Es jam