Ars Digita University
Theory of Computation
Recitation 9, 05/15/01


Problems to work on


  1. Could I ever write a computer program that enumerated (listed) all the possible languages? What about one that enumerated all the regular languages? What about one that enumerated all the context-free languages?

    Pushdown Automata Warmup

  2. What is the difference between a Nondeterministic Pushdown Automaton and a Deterministic Pushdown Automaton. Do you think they generate the same languages?
  3. (Warm up) Construct a PDA that accepts the language {0,1}*.
  4. (Warm up from last time:) Construct a PDA that accepts the language {0n1n | n >= 0}. Is your answer deterministic or not?
  5. Construct a PDA that accepts the language {0n1n | n >= 2}.

    More Pushdown Automata

  6. Construct a PDA that accepts the language { 0m1n | n > m >= 0}
  7. (From last time:) Construct a PDA that accepts the language {0n1m0m1n | n,m >= 0}.
  8. Construct a PDA that accepts the language { w | w is not a palindrome}


  9. Construct a PDA that accepts the language { w | w is not a palindrome and w ends with a zero}
  10. Give a PDA that accepts the language {ai bj | i <= j <= 2i}

    Deterministic vs Nondeterministic PDA's

  11. Construct a NPDA that accepts the language of strings with the same number of zeros and ones.
  12. Construct a DPDA that accepts the language of strings with the same number of zeros and ones.

    Converting Grammars to PDA's

  13. Convert the following Grammar to a PDA.
    S --> AB
    A -->  0
    B -->  1
  14. Convert the following Grammar to a PDA.
    A --> BAB | B | epsilon
    B --> 00 | espilon

Dimitri Kountourogiannis,