Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/atlasprincipleso02lehmuoft apt oe cen eae bi ATLAS AND PRINCIPLES mec, EP RIOLOC’: AND TEXT-BOOK OF SPECIAL BACTERIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS BY PROF. DR. K. B. LEHMANN Director of the Hygienic Institute in Wiirzburg AND R. O. NEUMANN, DR. PHIL. and MED. Assistant in the Hygienic Institute in Wiirzburg AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION FROM THE SECOND ENLARGED AND REVISED GERMAN EDITION EDITED BY GEORGE H. WEAVER, M.D. Assistant Professor of Pathology, Rush Medical College, Chicago PART I—TEXT PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. Mahl Sane & COMPANY BOOKSELLERS TIONERS VANS . ob UU, 435 XO COPYRIGHT, I901, BY W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPANY REGISTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL, LONDON, ENGLAND p6 | 4 YS an 1491 EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE scope and purpose of this work are sufficiently stated in the authors’ preface. The need of such a work has often been felt in directing the work of advanced students especially, and it is with the hope of aiding them _ that it has been undertaken to place the contents of this work within their easy reach. Because of numerous mistakes in the references in the original, all of those which refer to Plates in the atlas have been verified or corrected, and also as many of those which refer to the literature as were accessible, A few references to original articles in English have been inserted. FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Doubt, honestly arrived at and acknowledged, is better than apparent certainty without a statement of those things upon which it depends. For years my brother, J. F. Lehmann, the publisher in Munich, has requested me to furnish him for his **Medical Atlases’? one which would simplify bacterio- logic diagnosis. After I had long refused to undertake the vast labor which this would necessitate, a fortunate circumstance in the summer of 1894 led me to accept the plan. I discovered in Dr. R. Neumann, who was working in bacteriology in my institute, so excellent a talent for drawing and painting that I proposed to him that he undertake the work with me. Whether we have solved the problem remains for the critics te decide. It seems to me that the plates, painted by Dr. Neumann with un- tiring zeal under my continual supervision, and carefully reproduced by the lithographer Fr. Reichhold in Munich, are a useful addition to our means of teaching. With few exceptions, the reproduction leaves little to be desired. At least, we have had the satisfaction of finding the pictures of great advantage in our own work and in that of numerous gentlemen working in our institute. We carried out many investigations regarding the method of illustrating before selecting the one employed, which may be considered as almost entirely satisfactory. At the present time, when, properly, photography is so much used for the objective representation of objects in the natural sciences, especially those of bacteriology, many will 5 6 FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. look with suspicion upon a painted bacteriologic atlas. We hope, however, that the unprejudiced critic will concede that for certain objects (stab, streak, and potato cultures) a well-colored representation surpasses the best photo- graph, and that for a second group of pictures (plate- - colonies slightly magnified) a drawing, which can alone do justice to the depth of the object, is at least equal to a pho- tograph. We gladly acknowledge that for the representa- tion of individuals magnified 1000 times photography is the best method ; but there is now scarcely any doubt that for the practical differential diagnosis of bacteria, only in somewhat rare cases is the picture of the individual of primary importance. We have, moreover, sought to take advantage of the photographic method when the individ- uals were to be represented, by comparing the splendid photographs in the atlas of C. Frankel and R. Pfeiffer, and also those in the literature (by Léffler, Heim, Roux, ete. ), with our own preparations. The choice of varieties for illustration was often very difficult. To our great pleasure, we were able to present, with the exception of about 4 per cent., only originals in the atlas ; while, naturally, those required as supplements to the text are more often copies. In the latter case the original source is always given. Varieties important from a medical standpoint, especially when they present any visible characteristics, could scarcely be omitted; also, almost all varieties pathogenic for animals are introduced. Chromogenic, zymogenic, and saprogenic bacteria were never, to our knowledge, so extensively represented be- fore; nevertheless, in this portion a careful choice was required. We acknowledge that some among those selected might have been omitted, and others chosen. The text is divided into a general part, which I have prepared alone, and a special part, in which I have re- ceived the constant cooperation of Dr. Neumann. The general part furnishes a condensed survey of the principal properties of bacteria so far as they are of prac- tical value, especially so far as they are of diagnostic aid. It is assumed that the reader has mastered the ordinary elements of bacteriologic technic, but at the request of the publisher we have appended a short list of media rules for FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 7 stains, etc., and constant reference is made to them. More complete information in these matters is furnished by the well-known works of C. Frankel, Giinther, Htippe, and in especially painstaking minuteness by the exhaustive work of Heim: “Lehrbuch der bacteriologischen Unter- suchung und Diagnostik.’’ The special part attempts to give, so far as possible in a natural botanical arrangement, a complete description of the important varieties, with constant reference to less im- portant ones which for any reason are worthy of notice. Those which we have described in detail we have also thoroughly investigated, thus supplying many previous omissions.‘ A great part of the related species have been studied so far as time, strength, and opportunity allowed. Of new ‘‘species,’’ we have introduced only a very few; identical varieties described under various names we have grouped together; and in many places we have directly tried to build up a natural system. It was evidently im- possible to offer anything complete or final in the treat- ment of the non-pathogenic varieties. Moreover, we are of the opinion that the advance of bac- teriology, which we seek, especially the elucidation of the questions of variability, relation, distribution in and out- side of living organisms, etc., cannot be accomplished by one or several, but only by systematic national—or, better, international—cooperation of investigators under a grand division of labor. One task for this cooperation would be to so improve and remodel the present often unprecedentedly arbitrary and unscientific nomenclature of fission-fungi that it will not challenge the derision of every scientist. (Compare Introduction to Special Part.) Not infrequently our observations did not agree with certain statements of various respected observers, but we have always expressly acknowledged the same, and especially have pointed out the contradictions and defects, hoping thus to do service. For an extensive reference to literature we have found no 1Tf this were conscientiously done by all editors of bacteriologic works, there would be at least a partial elimination of the varieties which are non-critically enumerated, absolutely insufficiently de- seribed, and often repeated under different names. 8 FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. room, but have only employed citations to facilitate detailed studies, especially pointing out recent reviews with numer- ous references. Every bacteriologic investigator will be un- able to dispense with the aids which we have employed: Centralblatt fir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde (Redak- teur Uhlworm, Kassel, seit 1887), Baumgarten’s Jahres- bericht tiber die pathogenen, und Koch’s Jahresbericht tiber die zymogenen, etc., Organismen. By their comprehensive index they quickly furnish a complete abstract of literature. If we have been able to somewhat further the diagnosis of bacteria, to lighten the task of the beginner, to indicate the numerous difficulties of this work, which are partly un- determined and too little appreciated, then we are rewarded for the great labor which we have expended. We hope especially to furnish the student in bacteriology a sub- stantial aid, and to make it possible for him to better appreciate what is seen and heard. We beg our critics not to censure too strongly defects and mistakes, which necessarily entered because of the enormous material. Pror. Dr. K. B. LEHMANN. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. SoonER than we dared to hope, a large German edition of this work has been exhausted; the English, Italian, and Russian editions also have found a large sale. We accept this as an indication of the practical value of the book. With special pleasure we have observed in the numerous reviews of the book that its reformative tendency in regard to the grouping of varieties of bacteria, the strict division of the system especially, the rational naming of bacteria, etc., have found warm praise. The text-books of Heim and Mez have accepted our nomenclature entirely or in part. For many new names in Fltigge-Kruse’s work, which appeared a few months after ours, according to the rule of botanical systems, the priority remains with us. Moreover, where we have found that properly selected names, older than those which we chose in the first _ edition, existed, we have naturally strictly adhered to the rule of priority. We affirm with pleasure that, because of our exact observations and of reliable statements in the literature, the carefully championed view of the exceed- ingly great variability of bacteria finds more and more recognition, and that the authors who to-day describe ‘“new species’’ are in the main fewer, as is witnessed by the intelligent views advanced by the collection of bac- teriologists in New York in 1895 (C. B. xx, 450). The opinion advanced from an esteemed source, that the - constant emphasis of variability, of the limits of our knowl- edge, and of the uncertainty of known methods, may some- _ times discourage the beginner, may not be entirely un- ——. founded. Yet we believe this absolute frankness to be an advantage, even if thereby the dogmatic sharpness of the statements should sometimes suffer. With beginners one 9 10 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. may and must leave much unsaid in order not to confuse; but ever so short a text-book can only claim the designa- tion of science if the student can follow the author’s thoughts. Besides, for the learner there is no greater satisfaction, when he comes upon difficulties, than the certain statement that, in a certain point, the imperfec- tion of our knowledge, and not his inability, is the cause of the difficulty. : The fruitful labors of all investigators in the field of bac- teriology made necessary a complete revision of the text in both the general and special parts. In the general part the discussion upon the causes of disease, disposition, and im- munity is substantially extended. Beginning with page 119 is an exposition of the most important botanical points of view which are important in classifying and properly naming fission-fungi. In the special part, in fifty varieties dependent upon autopsies, we have made additions and improvements; about eighty varieties are newly intro- duced. We have especially undertaken fundamentally new work upon the causes of diphtheria and tuberculosis, together. with the related varieties. It is hoped that the value of the atlas is essentially increased by the introduc- tion of nine new plates, which replace three old ones (diphtheria and the allied bacteria, varieties related to the tubercle bacillus, gonorrhea, and pest). The literature of the past three years has been conscien- tiously studied; many statements are substantiated, and everything which seemed of importance in the publications up to about June, 1899, is taken up. We hope that we have made.a proper selection from the almost immeasur- able material, which increases daily. Perfection, naturally, we cannot expect: some small mistakes and oversights could not be avoided. The division of the work was the same as in the first edition. K. B. LEHMANN. R. O. NEUMANN. CONTENTS. Part I.—General Bacteriology. (A) InTRopuUcTION To THE MorPHOLOGY OF BACTERIA........ (B) (C) Tue CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA...............- Rapipity oF INCREASE AND DuRATION oF LIFE oF Bac- af ys Se ee a ee ee ee ee eee (D) ConpiTions oF Lire oF BACTERIA..............20200005 (E) (F) .N utrient MRE PN ee Pe ce” actinnt She ott oe ph he Pa eh Injury to Bacteria i Chemical Substances........... Deficiency of Nourishment and Water................ . Relation to Oxygen and Other Gases................. Influence of Temperature on the Life of Bacteria....... Mechanical and Electrical Influences................. Influence of Light and Rontgen Rays................ The Effects upon Bacterial Growth of the Presence of SE SPMEREN ONS oink, os sk A AAS oO AE wore eee 2.90 MOF St G8 RO I Re iv See in a wie ba we se ees hos oo 5 GRR THe AcTIvITIES OF BaAcTERIA, ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO APPLICATION OF THE SAME TO DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES... Spammoonatical Activity. .2 66... 0 Det eee PUNE ACLAVRDY 50 Secs kad wht ope ee eet CdR MENTE IL OUIVIGY oe ogy aicca vic alate eueks bse eb ere Sumas RUEm CA DEN VI YS oo ae Se ca a dk ev cee was I. The Bacterial Ferments and the Changes Produced REINS a RONEN cP OA a SS Ros Corel adits otk v8 II. The Chemical Activity of Bacterial Metabolism. . SPR IMMCNL POGUCHOR - 2 iis Dl Oia Se ee Formation of Ammonia and Fermentation of a SE RP Ses ope are COO OP I ere Rem ete eat . Formation of Complicated Basic Metabolic WRIANEOE So eat Salt Wh ae ke is De eae . Production of Complex ‘ Albuminous” Poison- ous Metabolic Products (“Toxalbumins,” Lee PERSE sOT Pen en ies ea) EN ee Da Een dee sade . Hydrogen Sulphid (H,S) .................. PS AUOOMGUION PTOCEBSOS «oo 5 sda so eiecen sues . Aromatic Metabolic Products............... CRMC “ELS OF: DREHS )..s S54 is le eevee ae 11 - wo Ne CONT Or 12 CONTENTS. PAGE 9. Putrefaction =...65.0) 6.5) Ate eee 10; - Nitrification \30055.. 233. . = 81 11. Transformation of Nitrites (and Nitrates) into a Free Nitrogen (Denitrification)............. 82 {tho 12. Nitrogen Assimilation..................... 83 ect: 13. Formation of Acids and Alcohol from Carbo- hydrates... 000.00... . os 2s 85 14. Gas-production from Carbohydrates and Other Fermentable Bodies of the Fat Series... 89 15. Production of Acids from Alcohols and from Other Organic Acids... 2... .. 4. -.n seu 91 5. The Pathogenic Action of Bacteria. (Pathogenesis, Pre- disposition, Resistance, Immunity.).......... 92 1. How do Bacteria Act Pathogenically? .......... 92 2. Variation in the Virulence of Bacteria............ 94 3. Predisposition and Congenital Immunity (Resist- ALCS) oa Dee e's os ee 96 4. Acquired Specific Immunity and Its Causes....... 98 (A) Poison-resistance (Specific Poison-immunity) 99 (B) Resistance to Bacteria (Specific Bacteria-im- munity) . 026200555. 00s ae er 103 b. Appendix: . 2... 6. 5 hee est he oa 110 Part II.—Special Bacteriology. (A) INTRODUCTION TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF Fisston-FuNGI. 115 I. The Fundamental Ideas of Botanical Classification Applied to Fission-fungi......................05. 115 II. Nomenclature of Bacteria... ...... 119 III. The Classification of Families and Species of Fission- PUMP osc ees he Ge ok es oye wed ee a 122 Supplement I.—Actinomycetes................... 127 (B) Systematic DrEscrRIPTION OF THE Most ImMpoRTANT VARIE- TIES OF BACTERIA (FISSION-FUNGI)............2-2++--- 129 Explanation of the Terms Here Employed in the Description of Cultures of Bacteria’ <2 ot vices leis o et ek Family I1—Coccacee. Spherical Bacteria ............. 133 1, Streptococcus sy 5. o5 6 vi ws vl 4 co ee 133 2: Sarcoma (yl, es i a wae eB ob a Ae Oe ee 151 3; Micrococeus ©. .0.05 SS Ea 6 eee (Sn 163 Family IJ.—Bacteriaceer. Rod Bacteria............... 193 4.. Bacteriam . 2 e) so02e. Osis ie a se Os 193 2. . Bache: 5525505 San oi sew cleo ee 304 Family III.—Spirillaces. Spiral Bacteria.............. 352 A. Vibrio ives Saeed Us se ee 353 2. Spire Pesos o5 ws v8 ss 2 ee ee 376 3...Bpirochsete foo.) eg os Oe hoe ee 381 CONTENTS. 43 PAGE Apprenpix I.—Actinomycetes ........... cece cece eee eeees 383 Pe COPYNODACCETIUM {Loi ee eet cee eee cee rete eee 383 PME VOCODSCCEIIUID ioe ook se ellen ee aye e Sieeg me ele 419 MRURIEIESN YC os Seas sos C wie 8 hn Slee eae abe hse Seow ns 4° Apprnprix IJ.—Higher Fission-fungi (Spaltalgen)........... UT ay POW ri, Sarin an Ten P ae wore RATAN sO ong Sacieie 6 Ss Apidos a ele ee nt wonton I TUEREEN NS oy hace o-Sals cis Ais in Via ate ce sot tee ; Se a SS acy ie ee ee A on Dar ae a Saree 5 Apprenprx III.—Notes upon Diseases, Insufficiently Elucidateu, but Probably due to Bacteria. -.............-.--2200- 005 467 Apprenpix IV.—Essentials of Bacteriologic Technique........ 474 I. Microscopic Examination .............0.--.2-eees 474 mee tivation Of Bacteria. oo ss 6 ce le eee eee 482 Bereamsmnal . tx periments, . 2 oc it vo se sae eee e ee ee 489 Appenpix V.—Brief Guide to the Recognition of Bacteria, ME ORIG re NY Sos aussie a Seema Aw ae Owe OS 490 re yo vs bade vase tse sivicccin s Vols eM be Pewee es 495 SS a a a arr Pee LW Ae Ae hh Oy ee Pe Table ee ae re Soeae See er ae EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED IN REFERENCES. A. H. = Archiv fir Hygiene. Munchen. Oldenbourg since 1883. A. G. A. = Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt. Berlin. Springer since 1885. A. K. = Arbeiten aus dem bakteriologischen Institut der techn. Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Edited by Prof. Dr. L. Klein and Prof. W. Migula since 1894. A. P. = Annales de |’Institut Pasteur. Paris. Masson since 1887. C. B. = Centralblatt fir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. Jena. Fischer. Since 1894 it has been divided into two parts. C. B. L. = Centralblatt fir die landwirtschaftlichen, phytopatholo- gischen und zymotechnischen Anwendungen der Mikrobiologie. H. R. = Hygienische Rundschau. Berlin. Since 1890. Z. H. = Zeitschrift fir Hygiene. - Leipzig. Veit since 1886. Fliigge = Fligge: Die Mikroorganismen. Third edition. Leipzig, 1896 Heim — Heim: Lehrbuch der Bakteriologie. Second edition. Stutt- gart, 1890. Kitt = Kitt: Bakterienkunde ftir Tierarzte. Third edition. Wien, 1896. Zimmermann I and II = O. E. R. Zimmermann: Die Bacterien unserer Trink- und Nutzwasser. Chemnitz, I, 1890; m, 1894. Migula, Schiz. = Migula, Schizophyta. Separate reprint from “ Die naturl. Pflanzenfamilien von Engler und Prantl.’’? Leipzig, 1896. Migula, Sys. = Migula, System der Bakterien. Volume I, General Part. Jena, 1897. Eisenberg =— Bakteriologische Diagnostik von James Eisenberg. Hamburg and Leipzig, 1891. Third edition. Lafar — Lafar: Technische Mykologie. Volume i. Schizomyceten- garungen. Jena, 1897. Giinther = Einfihrung in das Studium der Bakteriologie. Fifth edition. Leipzig, 1898. Zopf = Die Spaltpilze. Breslau. Third edition. The references to illustrations in the atlas are given thus: the Plates with Arabic, the Figures with Latin numerals. Thus, 5, Vur signifies Plate 5, Figure VIII. : 16 BACTERIOLOGY. A. Introduction to the Morphology of Bacteria. By bacteria (spaltpilzen, schizomycetes of Nigeli) we understand a very large group of lower vegetable organisms, morphologically very simple and uniform, but biologically extraordinarily differentiated, which are so connected with both the lower alge! and fungi by tran- sition forms that a sharp separation by an accurate defini- tion is difficult. Arthur Meyer emphasizes the relationship of the spore-forming varieties to the ascomycetes, in which the spore-forming cells appear as asci. Indeed, bacteria bear a great resemblance to the simple flagellata, which are usually conceived as animals. ” The following definition may at least serve the practical requirements of experimental bacteriology. Small unbranched ® cells, rarely moré than 2, hardly ever 8-5 pin thickness, almost * always without chlorophyl, spher- 1 Recently we have learned that the green lower algve also possess parallel colorless forms, which can be obtained from them by cultures (Beyerinck); compare also Ludwig, C. B. L. 11, 348. * Compare Biitschli in Bronn’s Klassen des Tierreiches, Bd. 1, Abt. tm, Mastigophora. Regarding the branching forms nearly related to bacteria compare p. 19. * Practically, important bacteria with chlorophyl are unknown. Yet the green tadpole bacillus (Kaulquappenbacillus) of J. Frenzel must be recognized as a bacterium (Z. H. x1, 207). There is more doubt as to the relation of Dangeard’s Eubacillus multisporus to the bacteria (C. B. x, 745). L. Klein described colorless varieties with bluish-green spores (C. B. vi, 440). 2 17 18 MORPHOLOGY. wal, rod, thread, or spiral in form, with no organs except flagella which are used for locomotion. Vegetative increase is by transverse, very rarely by longitudinal diwwision. 2 ee’ | Fig. 9.—Types of spores. The spores, before germination occurs, are usually free (an exception occurs in spirillum endoparagogicum ), often show an indistinct border, always lose their luster, become somewhat thicker, and rarely also longer. Usually after one, two, or three hours the spore membrane bursts and the young rod, sometimes suddenly, sometimes slowly, presses itself through the rent. The germination in an- thrax is polar—i. ¢., the young rods leave the spore capsule at or near the pole (Fig. 10). In other varieties (B. subtilis, mycoides, megatherium) the escape of the rod is equatorial (Fig. 10, a). Burchard describes also a bipolar and oblique mode of escape. According to the observa- tions of Bunge (Fort. der Med., x11, 813, 853), in both the polar and equatorially germinating varieties, single or many individuals always present an oblique outgrowth. 28 MORPHOLOGY. This has been completely confirmed by myself and Dr. Hirai in Bac. anthracis, Bac. gangrenosus pulpe, and Astasia asterospora. From what we have seen, it appears strange to us that Burchard (A. K. m, 1) found twenty-one ‘new species of spore-carrying bacilli, the spores of which all germinated so differently and characteristically that he held the occurrence of the spore germination (appear- ance of spore, point of germination, thickening of spore capsule, etc.) to be a certain diagnostic aid in differ- entiating the variety. Until now we unfortunately have Fig.10 a.—Equatorial germination of spores in Bac. subtilis. not been in a position to confirm the statements upon more — extensive material. Regarding method, I may remark that spores are allowed ~ to dry in a thin layer on a cover-glass ; a drop of agar is placed thereon and the hanging drop examined upon MEDIA, TEMPERATURE, AND OXYGEN. 51 - endogenous spores are known only in Sarcina pulmonum, and the strange Spirillum endoparagogicum. ! As H. Buchner (C. B. vir, 1) pointed out, sporulation occurs in suitable varieties when the nutrient medium be- gins to be exhausted, therefore most rapidly on nutrient media very poor in ‘nutrient materials. On the contrary, a good nutrient medium not only favors the growth of bacilli but also the formation of spores, in so far as the vigorously growing bacilli also luxuriantly and regularly sporulate (K. B. Lehmann and Osborne, A. H. x1, 51); see especially also Stephanidis (A. H. xxxv, 1). The crop of spores is exceedingly large. The quality (resist- ance) of spores which are grown upon various nutrient _ media was not found by Stephanidis to vary. For many details consult Schreiber (C. B. xx, 353). For sporulation a higher temperature is sometimes (always?) required than for the vegetative growth. The anthrax bacillus, for example, thrives at 13° to 14°, but does not form spores below 18°. All aerobic bacteria require, especially for spore-forma- tion, the presence of oxygen; how the facultative anac- robes conduct themselves in this respect is still to be learned. Obligate anaerobes only produce spores if oxygen is excluded or, with the admission of oxygen, in mixed cul- tures or in association with dead synergetic bacteria. Spores never germinate in media in which they have developed when they have been exhausted or rendered detrimental by metabolic products. Only after transfer- ring to fresh nutrient media does germination occur, ap- pearing in one or more hours, and having the mOTEDO MES peculiarities described on page 26. Against all injuries spores are substantially more re- 1As it is important for our classification, we have carefully sought, _ in a number of varieties generally considered as being free from spores, to obtain spores as had been done by Migula (Sys. 1, 207) by means of quince and marshmallow decoction. We never obtained a perfectly undoubted result. With Bacterium janthinum alone we saw detached pictures, which could be interpreted as spores, but we have not studied their germination. Upon the common nutrient media we have not once seen sporulation in a variety commonly known as not possessing spores. 62 FORMATION AND GERMINATION OF SPORES. sistant than the vegetative forms. They require no nourishment and no water in order to retain their ability to germinate after years and often decades.! They are more indifferent to gases than the bacilli, the spores of anaerobic varieties usually bearing free oxygen well. ? Spores are obtained by carefully removing sporulating agar streak cultures, and warming the emulsion, prepared with a little water, to 70° for five minutes. Very important is the resistance of spores to dry and moist heat. Dry heat is especially well borne, a tempera- ture of 100° being withstood by many spores for a long time. In a moist condition, a temperature of 70° kills the anthrax bacillus in one minute; on the contrary, anthrax spores withstand this temperature for hours; even in boil- ing water or live steam at 100° they die only after two to five, or at times after seven to twelve, minutes. The vary- ing resistance of different anthrax spores (v. Esmarch, Z. H. v, p. 67; Stephanidis, A. H. xxxv, 1) appears to be partly a race peculiarity, but very probably also the nutrient medium, the temperature at which they were produced, the degree of maturity, etc., exert an influence upon the resistance. Very accurate investigations upon these points are almost entirely lacking. We only know from Percy Frankland that spores formed at 20° are more resistant to light than those originating at incubator tem- perature (C. B. xv, p. 101). The resistance of spores is tested by hanging in the boiling steam-chamber little sacks of tulle containing frag- ments or little plates of glass upon which anthrax spores have been dried, and from minute to minute a sack is re- moved and the pieces of glass laid upon an agar plate, which is then kept at incubator temperature. A better way it seems to me is as follows: 1c.c. of an emulsion of spores is placed in 20 ¢.c. of water, and after shaking well five 1 According to an observation of v. Esmarch, if anthrax spores are kept a long time the virulence appears to be reduced before the power to vegetate is affected. 2 Spores of malignant edema in garden earth were well preserved in my institute for four years. On the contrary, very astonishingly, tetanus spores dried upon threads and kept in the room were still alive after two days, but dead after three days. RESISTANCE OF SPORES. 53 samples of 2 c.c. each are removed and placed in reagent- glasses of equal thinness, while in a sixth one are placed 2c.c. of water and a thermometer. All six glasses are “now plunged in a large water-bath containing boiling water, and after two minutes the thermometer in the con- “trol tube reaches a maximum temperature (99° to 100°). Two minutes later one removes the first sample, four min- utes later the second, etc., cools them rapidly in cold water, and utilizes 1 c.c. and 4c.c. of each sample in the Salle of plates. For further details, see Stephanidis, fae. XXXV, 1. 4 ‘The varying resistance of apparently identical anthrax Bepores is of great practical importance: (1) in disinfection examination of human blood rarely is there more serum at hand than is required for the microscopic examination. After the serum has been obtained by centrifugation in two glass capillaries 1 cm. in length (see above), the serum from one tube is blown out into a cell by means of a fine tube placed above it, and then has added to it bouillon from - 5 segments, each 10 cm. long, of a tube of similar size to that which contained the serum. Ina hanging drop, by means of — the immersion lens, it is observed whether agglutination — of introduced bacteria occurs. This follows, if the reaction — is strong, in a few seconds; if the action is weaker, in from ten minutes to one hour. It is observed that the organisms suffer a loss of motion, become somewhat swollen (rarely seen) and cemented together in irregular bunches and clumps. Single bacilli often remain longer motile. If the reaction is not promptly positive, the preparation is kept in the incubator and examined after half an hour and one hour. Positive results after two hours are not of much value. Control preparations with- out serum, but with bouillon only, should always be pre- pared by the beginner, so as not to mistake a sedimenta- tion, etc., for agglutination. ? If the action occurs with a dilution of 35, then itisa positive reaction, and it can then be determined whether TOD) FVD BOD) TOT ANd gy'gq are also active, the necessary dilutions being prepared preferably by further dilutions of the first sample. If no result occurs with the dilution of — =, then the reserved centimeter tube of serum is diluted >; and if still no reaction is obtained, the diagnosis is ab- solutely negative. In general it is customary to attach no value to reactions with higher concentrations than 75 to 35. (Compare further under Bact. typhi and Vibrio cholere. ) The reaction is in a great degree specific (see below). 1 Cultures killed with chloroform vapor are likewise agglutinated; also some non-motile varieties, as Streptococcus lanceolatus, Bacterium pestis, and Bact. pneumoniz, have been caused to agglutinate by spe- cific sera. eo — 2 a ee Oe AGGLUTINATION. 107 - Virulent and avirulent cultures are alike affected; even the expressed bacterial cell-juice and, moreover, the germ-free filtered bouillon cultures are precipitated by specific im- mune sera (Kraus, Wien. med. Pr., 1897, 608). The paralyzed and clumped organisms are not dead, or _ only partially so, for after twenty-four hours an active in- crease of the organisms is often observed. Although the clumps do not dissolve, and at most loosen up, the prepa- ration swarms with actively motile forms. If one adds new bacteria to a preparation in a state of agglutination, they are not affected, the agglutinin having been consumed, and with the addition of new serum agglutination again occurs. 2.1 Demonstration of specific bactericidal ? bodies in immune sera according to R. Pfeiffer. We will employ cholera as an example. If one mixes a suspension of one loopful of virulent cholera culture in 1 c.c. of bouillon with 0.01 c.c. to 0.03 ¢.c.* of cholera-immune serum and injects the mixture into the peritoneal cavity of a healthy guinea-pig, he will observe there, besides paralysis and swelling, death, granular degeneration, and, finally, solution of the intro- duced germs. In this case a virulent culture must be selected, since avirulent organisms, even without the addi- tion of immune serum, die and are dissolved in the peritoneal cavity. This reaction is specific to a high de- gree (compare below). To make the examinations, peri- toneal lymph is obtained with a capillary pipet through a small opening in the abdominal wall, and examined microscopically every ten minutes for about half an hour to one hour to determine the fate of the bacteria. After this time, if the reaction is positive, nothing more is to be 1A third ‘‘specific’’ serum reaction has been recommended by -y. Dungern (C. B. xxiv, 710). A little of the serum from animals which have passed through cholera and staphylococcus infection, and anthrax, exerts a marked inhibitory action upon the liquefaction of gelatin by a portion (1 ¢.c.) of a liquefied gelatin culture of the same variety. Normal serum restrains it less; the interference with the ferments of other varieties is slight. 2 C. Frankel has proposed the name ‘“‘ lysogenic material ’’ for that which acts as a bactericide. * Tf one draws 0.2 ¢.c. in a ¢apillary tube and divides the filled length of tube into twenty parts, then each part represents 0.01 c.c. 108 ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA. seen of the vibriones except single granules, and these : a are not always easily found, and the peritoneal contents | - serum at most causes in quantities of 0.1 c.c. and upward — have become viscid, mucoid, and tenacious. If the re- sult is negative, the peritoneal exudate after an hour con- tains large numbers of actively motile vibriones. It is recommended that a control test be made upon a second animal with the same bacteria and normal serum. Normal a very slight positive reaction—. e., it causes a few vibri- — ones to undergo granular degeneration (compare R. Pfeiffer and Kolle, C. B. xx, 129). R. Pfeiffer and Marx (C. B. xx, 858) have shown the places of origin of the bactericidal bodies to be the spleen, and also the bone-marrow and lymph-glands, which possess specific bactericidal action much earlier than the blood. Rath (C. B. xxv, 549) could not make the same demonstration regarding agglutinin. According to Max Gruber and Bordet, the action under 1 and 2 does not differ in principle. Their extremely ) , ae : "Sree ae ee ee simple theory, recently confirmed in the essential points — by Trumpp (A. H. xxxim, 70), is as follows: In immune serum substances are present which cause — the bacterial cells (especially their membranes) to swell, thus, without killing them, interfering with their — motion and causing them to stick together.1 In this weakened condition of the bacteria, the alexins of the — body act as powerful bactericides. According to Gruber — and Trumpp, also, the bactericidal action depends upon ~ the combined effects of the agglutinin and the alexin, — Trumpp proves this view by showing that also in vitro bacteria which are swollen, paralyzed, and clumped under the action of immune serum are killed by contact with the fresh serum of healthy animals. Also, Land- steiner’s investigations are in accord with this (C. B. xxm, 847). * While this sounds so exceedingly simple, still there are a series of observations which speak in favor of the view 1 According to Paltauf and Nicolle, the agglutination is to be — explained by a cementing over of the bacteria by a precipitate which is produced by the serum. (Compdre Kraus and Seng, Wien. klin. Wochenschr., 1899, 1.) AGGLUTINATION. 109 _ of Pfeiffer that there is an essential difference between the . Be eegtutinating and the specific bactericidal materials. 1. There are sera which in definite dilutions-no longer _ agglutinate, but yet act as bactericides in the peritoneal _ cavity (R. Pfeiffer, Deutsch. med. Wochenschr., 1898, No. 31, 489). 9. Often an immune serum, from which all agglutinins _ haye been abstracted by long luxuriant growth of the - inoculated bacteria, which after sixteen hours are no _ longer paralyzed (which, therefore, is devoid of all ag- glutination), is still active in the peritoneal cavity. ___ The observations may, however, be in part explained by _ the discovery of Emmerich and Low, that in the abdomi- nal cavity the action of immune sera is very much in- creased by the lack of oxygen (see p. 110). The action of agglutinin and specific bactericidal sub- _ stances is, like that of antitoxin, in a great measure spe- cific. For the bactericidal action R. Pfeiffer has main- _ tained absolute specificity ; also other authors, as Dunbar, _ Sobernheim, Loffler, and Abel, arrived at results that speak _ very much in favor of specificity (Compare typhoid, chol- = era, etc. ). ea The agglutination phenomenon has been studied by very many investigators, and the standpoint taken by its dis- coverers has been confirmed as entirely correct. The action of immune sera is strongest upon the variety against which _ the immunity has been produced; less, but similar, against _ related varieties (only in high concentration); and fails with varieties that are not related. Thus, for example, a serum from an animal which was immunized against the Bact. typhi was active in a ciation of shy upon Bact. typhi, and upon Bact. coli at #5 It is evident that this property can be of Aol ces value. 1. If we have serum from an animal which is immun- ized against true Bact. typhi, then it is employed to iden- tify goubtiul bacteria as typhoid bacteria, if the serum dilution of #; acts distinctly upon the bacteria to be diag- nosticated, a not upon related bacteria ; for example, Bact. coli. 2, If one has undoubted typhoid bacteria, one can as- 110 ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA. 7 certain whether a man has had (Gruber and Durham) or ~ r ‘ still has (Vidal) typhoid fever, if it is demonstrated that the serum from a blood specimen in a dilution of 4, causes — marked agglutination of true typhoid bacilli, while it is without effect upon closely related organisms (Bact. coli). (For further details see special part. ) In conclusion, we may say that the essential separation of immunity into antitoxic and bactericidal appears to- day to be entirely warranted, but that in a series of cases it is established that not infrequently antitoxic and bac- tericidal immunity are both present. Brief reference was made above to the fact that strong diphtheria antitoxin has also some bactericidal action (van de Velde). Wasser-* mann found that an animal protected against pyocyaneum poison also tolerates the virulent Bact. pyocyaneum in large doses, and other similar experiences are contained in the literature (compare under Cholera). APPENDIX. According to investigations by Emmerich and Léw which — have just appeared (end of May, 1899) (Z. H. xxx, 1), the whole doctrine of the bactericidal action of the body — fluids and the immunity depending thereon appears in a ~ surprisingly altered light. In every old culture of bacteria, according to the — authors, there are found. bacteriolytic, remarkably heat- — resisting enzymes—. e., ferments, which are able to dis- solve and kill bacteria, especially old cells. Agglutination is only the first stage of the solution and depends, as Gru- ber held, upon a swelling of the external membrane. Thus, in old cultures there is always a sort of agglutina- tion, and then a dying out of the bacterial cells occurs. The enzymes are usually only slightly specific; the pyocy- aneum enzyme (pyocyanase) is, for example, active against anthrax. They operate much better if oxygen is excluded than in its presence. Also, certain bacterial poisons—for example, diphtheria toxins—are destroyed by the pyocy- aneum enzyme. APPENDIX. 111 If£an old culture or its ‘‘ metabolic products ”’ are intro- duced into the body of animals, within them there occurs -aunion of the zymase with the body albumin—immun- proteidin (Emmerich). These immunproteidins have the ‘same solvent action upon bacteria as the bacteriolytic enzymes, but are more durable and, above all, more capa- ble of persisting in the blood. At least in some infectious ‘diseases the immunproteidins can be produced synthetic- ally in vitro instead of in the animal body, and thus, ac- cording to Emmerich and Low, materials may be produced rapidly and cheaply which possess very high immunizing power. The immunproteidins operate also much more strongly anaerobically than aerobically. The difference between the Gruber-Durham reaction (agglutination with- out death) and the R. Pfeiffer reaction (death in the ab- dominal cavity) is essentially dependent upon the follow- ‘ing: In the peritoneal cavity a scarcity of oxygen prevails and the peristalsis mechanically disturbs the agglutination; also, Emmerich and Low find the bactericidal action of “normal blood to be dependent upon enzymes. _ This mass of observations, which are most worthy of “notice, is not to be overlooked to- -day, although there has been no opportunity for substantiating them. If they prove true, they render an essential revision of the whole question of immunity necessary. Summarized presentations regarding immunity or of the greater part of the subject are : Buchner, H., Schutzimpfung, etc., in ‘‘ Handbuch der Therapie,’’ Jena, 1897. Metschnikoff, ‘“‘Tmmunitat,’’ Jena, 1897. Trumpp, A. H. xxx, 70. Dieudonné, ‘< Experimentelle und krit- ische Beitrige zur Kenntnis deragelutinieren den Stoffe, ete.’? Habili- tationsschrift. Wiirzburg, 1898. Dieudonné, ‘“Schutzimpfung und ‘Serumtherapie. ” Leipzig, zweite Aufl., 1899. e OPART HL. 2CIAL BACTERIOLOGY. | A. Introduction to the Classification of Fission-fungi. I. The Fundamental Ideas of Botanical Classification Applied to Fission-fungi. All individual plants which upon careful examination are alike and transmit their characteristics to their descen- dants are designated as representatives of a botanical vari- _ ety (species). The nomenclature of the animal and vegetable kingdoms employed at present is founded upon the assumption that _ avery definite number of varieties of plants (species) are present upon our planet which can certainly be distin- guished from each other by characteristics visible with more or less ease, and which, through propagation, reproduce themselves unaltered in all essential characteristics. A number of such species possess certain common character- istics and thus exhibit a certain close relationship,—these species are placed together in a genus. As genus charac- teristics it is only allowable in general to select actual characteristics, usually those concerning the structure of the organs of reproduction. Some genera consist of single species, others include hundreds. A group of genera forms a family. In certain groups of the vegetable kingdom the actual circumstances suit this scheme very well. The individu- als can be divided easily into a number of sharply charac- teristic varieties, not connected by any transition ; a num- ber of varieties group themselves naturally into a genus, and the genera constitute a natural, sharply defined family. The conditions are nearly so in the case of the German malvacese. The family is sharply characterized ; it con- sists of four genera, and each genus includes from one to 115 116 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGI. seven species, which are sharply differentiated from each other. Such groups afford pleasure to the classifier. It is entirely different with other groups. The family rosaceze possesses very sharply differentiated genera, but in three of these (rubus, potentilla, rosa) the multiplicity of species is so great that scarcely two classifiers, in the endeavor to bring order out of chaos, arrive at the same classification. Essentially two exactly opposite methods exist for the solution of this problem. According to the first, one distinguishes every form which differs in any way whatever by a name (consequently, for example, every individual rose-bush !) and then arranges the count- less forms thus obtained in the most natural manner pos- sible. Or—and this is to-day generally preferred—a number of the most striking and widely distributed forms are selected as species, and the others are grouped as sub- species, forms, varieties, and transitional forms of these main species. A strict classification of bacteria appears more difficult than that of any other group in the vegetable kingdom for the following reasons: 1. Bacteria, because of their minuteness and simple structure, possess very few morphologic characteristics suitable for classification. —— =e! Sa ee 2. The description of the individual varieties of bac- q teria represented in the literature has been absolutely insufficient ; even recently there has been much sinning in this direction. 3. There are a great many rarely described varieties of bacteria, which can no longer be obtained in cul- ture, with which, therefore, there is no possibility of comparison with an apparently new variety. 4. Quite a number of those describing ‘‘new’’ varie- ties have taken no trouble to look over the contribu- tions of their predecessors, but this, to be sure, is often excusable because of the conditions represented under 2 and 3. Still greater difficulties in the proper definition of — species among bacteria lie in the extremely great vari- ability of bacteria, so often referred to in the general part. Cohn and Koch could easily show that Nageli, who had a VARIABILITY OF SPECIES. 117 first asserted this in a broad sense, was partially led to this conclusion by inefficient methods. But also Cohn’s doc- trine of the constancy of species, which for a long time was most strongly advocated by Koch and his pupils, is not to-day tenable in the old sense, for continued and always more penetrating investigation has demonstrated that almost all the properties of a well-defined spe- cies are exceedingly variable. For example, we have learned that upon various nutrient media the microscopic forms vary throughout a wide range; that dwarf forms occur; that the liquefaction of gelatin (p. 61) and for- mation of pigment (p. 69), clouding of bouillon, pellicle and sediment production, ability to produce fermentation (p. 86) and pathogenic effects (p. 94) are exceedingly variable quantities, which can vary from a maximum to nil; even the ability of forming spores (p. 26) and, appa- rently, the production of flagella and spontaneous motility (p. 24) are properties that may be lost, although rarely. This means that bacteria vary as remarkably as other known plants, somewhat similarly to many cultivated plants. For many of these variations one may recognize the cause in the influence of the nutrient medium, and speak of them as adaptations to changed conditions of life, as variations from external causes. Other observations, of which we related a great many in the first edition (the origin of organisms obtained upon plating a culture, which are entirely different as regards liquefaction and color, while the original culture had for many generations ap- peared pure), can properly be explained as dependent upon internal causes. While we may deplore these facts from a didactic stand- point, since they make the teaching and learning of bacte- riologic science much more difficult, and not rarely also made the solution of a concrete problem by the expert _ impossible, still we must not overlook them if we would a Se advance scientific bacteriology. It is possible that the hope of those may be realized who expect that new inves- tigations may disclose hitherto hidden diagnostic aids, which, consequently, when applied may disclose the longed-for constancy and sharp definition of species. _Un- a > + a, ae -. 4 118 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-F UNGI. ’ fortunately, we hold the fulfilment of this hope most im- — probable, and look for the simplification of our subject — through approaching the question from a different point of view and by an improved nomenclature. In every species of bacterium which is closely studied, © there are found closely related forms that not rarely rep-— resent to the unprejudiced unbroken links to other species. I will recall only the discoveries which have been made — regarding the streptococci, the colon group, the diphtheria organisms, and the relatives of the cause of tuberculosis, — which so long stood almost entirely isolated. With this condition of things I have sought to apply to bacteria, with the greatest possible care, the principles which have been found satisfactory with the pleomorphic phanerogams, with which I have worked for years. With the principal varieties, which were completely described, we have grouped related varieties without assigning to the> latter the rank of varieties. We omit this, because we must have made changes in the nomenclature, but espe- cially because also the principal varieties are often separated from each other by characteristics that would scarcely be con- sidered as sufficient for the characterization of varieties in the botany of higher plants. It is naturally almost impossible to state exactly the grade of relationship between closely standing varieties, and it often becomes a matter of taste whether one states ‘‘ identical with the preceding variety ”’ or ‘‘ very closely related,’’ ete. We certainly believe it belongs to the future to convert varieties of bacteria into others, in a manner scarcely to be imagined to-day. The forms of the Micrococcus pyogenes are convertible into each other; the Bacterium pyocyaneum and Bacterium fluorescens can, indeed, almost certainly be converted into each other; and similar statements regarding typhus and coli, diphtheria and pseudodiphtheria, etc., are always still looked upon with skepticism, but the possibility, yes even the probability, can scarcely be contested any more. In spite of all the things which make a rational division and classification of bacteria more than ever difficult, we take the stand that it is absolutely essential to strive after it, and that also for medical men the division of bacteria into pathogenic and non-pathogenic, etc., as is still always — + ‘a THE NOMENCLATURE OF BACTERIA. 119 done in text-books, has failed absolutely. We can un- derstand and know the pathogenic varieties only if we _ study simultaneously the non-pathogenic, from which the = oa former have once originated and still always originate! (see Pest). The doctrine of the absolute constancy of bacteria, _ which for ten years was almost a dogma, is now scarcely _ at all seriously advocated. II. The Nomenclature of Bacteria. The nomenclature at present employed in bacteriologic _ works written by medical men is characterized by a limit- less arbitrariness and inconsistency. Since these nomen- clators often possess absolutely no sentiment for their _ arbitrariness, and the simple rules of scientific nomen- _ clature are often entirely unknown to them, I allow J ahd ke oat ee ere ae nee Tee _ ¥ ‘ myself to set down, as briefly as possible, the most essential ‘rules, which are, by international agreement, accepted by all educated peoples, especially as they bear upon bacteri- ology. 1. Every plant and also every fission-fungus belongs to & species, every species to a genus, every genus toa family. 2. Following the precedent of Linné, every vegetable or animal organism, therefore every variety of bacterium, should have two Latin names: the first designating the genus to which the concerned organism belongs, which name is a substantive; the second indicating the variety (species), and being an adjective (not two) or the genitive of a substantive, only rarely a substantive in the nominative ease. ‘Thus, in the genus bacillus belong the species Bac. subtilis (hay bacillus), also the species Bac. anthracis (anthrax bacillus), and Bac. megatherium. 3. Genera must only be founded upon important mor- phologic characteristics; so-called ‘‘ biologic genera,’’ such as photobacterium for all light-emitting bacteria, pyo- bacterium for rods causing suppuration, etc., are only cal- culated to produce confusion. 1 Tf the pathologist may, perhaps, say that the pathogenic bacteria alone interest him, such a statement—as I have often heard—from the mouth of a hygienist is almost beyond understanding. 120 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGI. 4. As designations for species many authors have used, instead of one adjective or substantive, a plurality of ad-— jectives, evidently with the object of furnishing a descrip-— tion through the name: Bac. rosettaceus metalloides, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Bacillus pyogenes foeti- dus, Bacillus mesentericus panis viscosi I and 1. This effort can be understood, but it has been abandoned as — entirely impractical by all descriptive naturalists since — Linné. The name of the species should indicate only the variety wnequivocally; the characterization belongs to the description. It does no harm if two or more organisms — possess names that mean the same, if they do not sound ~ alike. Besides, a Micrococcus albus, also a Micr. niveus, albissimus, candicans, and purus are entirely right; the description must give more exactly the kind of differences — existing between these white cocci. 5. Improperly (i. e., contrary to the binomial rule) formed names may be replaced. We have done this with the greatest consideration for the existing name whenever possible.1_ We have not changed names like Bae. acidi lactici, because acidum lacticum represents a single idea, and names like Sempervivum Reginze Amalie, Pedicularis Friderici Augusti, Trigonella Foenum greecum, Pedicularis Sceptrum carolinum have remained, although certainly not — convenient, still uncontested. Varieties which we have not — studied more closely or which in our opinion should be suppressed, have not been renamed; on the contrary, Mez has conducted this renaming in the widest extent in a most acceptable manner. 6. If names are properly formed in the binomial man- ner and correctly published, then they must not be changed by the author himself, much less by others, even if subse- quently another name appears better. Also, the reason that the name is philologically incorrect or not beautiful gives no occasion for change. Even if, for example, it was 1 We regret that we had to do this also in the case of a number of convenient and very familiar names; for example, those of Fliigge. Unfortunately, also, Kruse has formed a large number of new names contrary to rule. Our names have the priority over his, because pub- lished about two months earlier, but they are to be preferred besides, in so far as Kruse’s are formed contrary to rule. THE NOMENCLATURE OF BACTERIA. 121 literally more correct to call the genera which we call “mycobacterium”? tuberculomyces,’’ such a _ propo- sition is absolutely unallowable. Renaming is only re- quired if the name given was employed earlier with another signification. Thus, Cohn founded upon a certain organ- ism the new genus streptothrix, without knowing that Corda, about thirty years previously, had conferred this name upon a fungus that is totally different from his. His new variety must, therefore, receive a new genus name, which he who first observed Cohn’s oversight is justified in establishing. 7. It happens that an author differs from his predeces- sor regarding the bounds of the genera, that therefore he transfers a species from one genus into another, pre-exist- ing or newly formed by himself. This is permissible; sézll, the designation of the species must not be changed. So we had the right, when we broke up the very large genus bacillus, following the suggestion of Htippe, into the two genera, bacillus and bacterium, to rename a number of varieties (for example, Bacillus pyocyaneus being renamed Bac- terium pyocyaneum), but we did not have a right (how- ever much the name pyocyaneum was disliked) to rename _ the organism Bacterium cceruleo-viride or Bacterium Ges- sardi or anything else. 8. The author who names a genus places his name after it. We speak of the Bacillus Cohn, and mean the genus bacillus as Cohn established it ; of the Vibrio Ehrenberg emend. Léffler, and mean the genus vibrio as established by Ehrenberg and afterward more accurately described by Loffler. 9. Whoever discovers a new species or names one not previously named lege artis, gives it a genus and a species name, and places his name after the latter. Fliigge, who first named a large number of bacteria, gave, for example, _ the name Bacillus pyocyaneus Fliigge to the long-known _ cause of bluish-green suppuration. _ 10. When one places a species in a new genus he puts _ hisown name after the new name, thus, Bacterium pyocy- _ aneum Lehmann and Neumann, but it is always to be rec- - ommended to add, in parentheses, the name of the author _ who first named the species. Therefore we always write, = eo 122 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGI. where it does not become too cumbersome (in titles, ete. ), Bacterium pyocyaneum (Fliigge) Lehmann and Neumann. While we desire that all names which express the sys- tematic position of the variety of bacterium shall conform to the general rules of nomenclature, still we believe that names currently used in bacteriologic literature, as gono- coccus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, tubercle bacillus, diphtheria bacillus, can be still used, but as so-called ordi- nary names. Thus also the strictest botanist, if not speak- ing in a strictly systematic sense, often speaks of the oak instead of quercus, and strawberry instead of fragaria. We must, however, strictly avoid smuggling into the literature as names of genera such names as gonococcus, etc. III. The Formation of the Families and Genera of Fission-fungi. The families of the fission-fungi are given fairly uni- formly by the more recent investigators. Here a better division does not seem possible at present ; on the con- trary, regarding the genera, the comprehension is most variable. The simplest and most natural division is that of Fliigge (retained by Kruse in Fliigge, third edition), which so properly includes the genera micrococcus (strep- tococcus), sarcina, bacillus, and spirillum, but without rejecting energetically such genera as staphylococcus, or separating the causes of diphtheria and tuberculosis. A more copious selection of genera is made by Htippe, still more by Migula, and the most extensive by A. Fischer. After mature deliberation we have followed Fliigge most closely as to the coccacee and bacteriaceze, on the other hand, the works of Léffler and Migula as to the spirillacee. I. Family Coccaceze Zopf, emend. Migula. Spherical Bacteria. Cells, when free, are perfectly globular ;! division in one, two, or three directions of space, in which each spherical cell divides into halves, quarters, or eighths of a sphere, 1 Unfortunately this applies, only imperfectly to the Strept. lan- ceolatus and Micrococcus gonorrheeze. FAMILY COCCACE ZOPF. 123 which again grow out into perfect spheres. Endospores and flagella very rare. Before division the cells may be one and a half times as long as broad, faint staining then revealing an unstained line of division. 1. The cells divide (almost) only in one direction of space at right angles to the direction of growth, so that if the products of division remain attached, they form (es- pecially in bouillon) shorter or longer rosary-like chains, the chains often consisting of distinct pairs of cocci. Under certain circumstances there are only (or largely) pairs of cocci instead of chains. Streptococcus Billroth. _ 2. The cells regularly divide, at least on the most suitable _mutrient medium (hay decoction), in three directions of Space, ? and remain united in larger or smaller cubical fam- ily groups. Sarcina Goodsir. 3. The cells divide irregularly in various directions, so that there occur single cocci, single groups of from two to four cells, and, finally and. preponderantly, irregular _ grouped bunches. Here belong all forms that do not -appear as undoubted streptococci or sarcinee. Micrococcus _ Cohn. _ The recognition of these three genera of cocci is largely artificial, and there occur perfect transitions. _ The genus Staphylococcus Ogston has no botanical _ rights, for the property of forming ‘‘ grape-like’”’ clusters is " possessed at times by all varieties described to-day as mi- _ crococci. The name staphylococcus does not primarily - designate any ‘‘new’’ genus. Ogston found (microscop- _ ieally) two forms of micrococci in pus (without cultivating them), grape cocci and chain cocci, and designated them the well-chosen names of Staphylococcus and Strepto- -coceus (Billroth). Rosenbach later cultivated the varieties * 1 Here belongs Leuconostoc Cienc., which is only astreptococeus with at times enormously thick capsules ‘(see below). Also part of the _ “‘diplococci’’ are naturally included here. ? The varieties which, by division in two planes at right angles to ~ each other, form flat groups, and which are described by authors as _ pediococcus, merista, merismopedia, we leave among the micro- = ~ cocci. Since even the é ‘genus’? Sarcina is separated with difficulty, _ we do not recognize the need for the genera planococcus and planosarcina _ of Migula, which are founded upon one or two flagellated varieties, _— as the formation of flagella varies (see below). x bt ie ol 124 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGI. which Ogston had seen, and gave the name Staphylo- coccus to the bunched cocci, which we may to-day employ as the ordinary name for species of micrococci causing sup- puration, and which we will use, but it must be dropped from the botanical classification. II. Family Bacteriacez Zopf, emend. Migula (Bacil- © lacez A. Fischer). Rod Bacteria. Cells at least one and a half but usually from two to six times as long as broad, straight or somewhat bent in one ~ plane only, never spiral,? at times forming long true or ap- — parent threads. Division (almost) always is at right angles to the long axis, after elongation of the rod; with ~ or without flagella; with or without endospores. The — varieties in which spores are wanting sometimes form arthrospores, according to many authors. Yet it is not pos- sible to turn these ‘‘arthrospores’’ to account diagnost- — ically, and they are entirely denied by many investigators. 1. Without endogenous spores, alleged to often have arthrospores. Rods usually less than 0.8 to 1 thick. Bacterium? Cohn, emend. Htippe. 2. With endospores. Rods often more than 1 z thick. Bacillus Cohn, emend. Htippe. - Cohn in his classification laid more value upon growth into long threads (which, according to him, is character- istic of bacilli) than upon the property of spore-formation; he, however, often emphasizes the fact that most bacilli produce endogenous spores. The fact that, through certain injurious influences, spore- formation may be lost is no valid objection to the classifi- cation, since in most cases also typical bacilli without spores are recognizable or may be conjectured. It is more unfortunate that there appear to be varieties of bacilli which at least are related to varieties in which spores never form; for example, Bacillus erythrosporus. There always ’ Unfortunately it must be said tha “never spiral’’ is really un- — true, since, for example, in the case of anthrax, Bac. Zopfii, ete., tuft- like ‘loops occur that cannot possibly be in one plane. ? Here belongs the genus Proteus Hauser. -“—— FAMILY SPIRILLACEX MIGULA. 125 TSS ‘appears to us to be less possible objection to the method of ‘division adopted by us than to the other. Critical Remarks Regarding Other Classifications of the Bacteriacez. The following subdivision of the genus bacillus appears to us of little value : Spore centrally located without a bulging of the vegetative cell. Bacillus in a strict sense. _ Spore centrally located with bulging of the vegetative cell. Clos- tridium Prazmowski. _ Spore located at the pole without a bulging of the balance of the vegetative cell. Paraplectrum A. Fischer. There occur various transitions in the same species, for example, the Bac. cedematis maligni, and even, according to recent investigators, _all anaerobes sometimes present clostridium, sometimes paraplectrum forms. - In the effort to build a genus classification upon the flagella, -Migula?* has arrived at the following often unnatural classification, in the more extensive application of which new complications are to be feared : 1. Cells without organs of locomotion, often with endospores. Bacterium Cohn, emend. Migula. 2. Cells with motile organs distributed over the whole body, often with endospores. Bacillus Cohn, emend. Migula. 3. Cells with polar organs of locomotion, endospore formation more rare. Pseudomonas Migula. Thus in one genus are located Bac. anthracis, Bact. cuniculicida, and Streptococcus lanceolatus (!); in another, Bact. typhi and Bae. subtilis. This is contrary to all natural relationship ! The classification of the bacteriaceze by A. Fischer is logically con- structed and clearly stated. He divides the bacteriaceze into not less than four genera without and twelve with spores, which are differen- tiated by the number and location of the flagella and also according to the form of the rods containing spores. Because of the great varia- bility of these properties, this too schematic classification has won few friends. Many varieties can as well be placed in one genusas another. We desist, therefore, from giving this method of classification. Ill. Family Spirillacee Migula. Screw Bacteria. Vegetative bodies are unicellular, sinuously or spirally curved and twisted, more or less elongated; division always at right angles to long axis; cells often united in 1 Even if Migula desired to classify the bacteriaceze according to motility, the old names of Davaine —bacterium for motile and _bacteridium for non-motile varieties—certainly demanded rehabili- tation. 126 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGI. short chains of a few links, very often in pairs; usually actively motile because of flagella located at the ends. Endospores known in only two varieties. 1. Cells short, slightly bent, rigid, comma-like, ay times attached in a screw-like manner, always one (excep- tionally two) flagellum at the end. According to Hiippe, | they possess arthrospores. Vibrio! O, F. Miller, emend. Loffler. 2. Cells long, spirally bent, like a conkaueane rigid, usu- ally with a polar bunch of flagella formed of many long principal and several short accessory ones. In the Spir. sputigenum Miller the bunch of flagella is not at the end, but on the side. Spirillum? Ehrenb., emend. Léffler. 3. Cells consist of flexible, long, spiral, coiling threads. Flagella unknown. Locomotion by means of an undulat-— ing membrane is suspected. Spirochzte Ehrenb. | | | bt —— wise” In a strict sense the causes of glanders, diphtheria, leprosy, and actinomycosis do not belong among the fission-fungi. It is generally acknowledged to-day that they must either be designated as fission-fungi, which form a connecting-link to the higher fungi (hyphomyeetes), or 1 Migula, with Schroter, called the group which is now almost uni-— versally designated as vibrio, microspira—a designation that is unnec- essary if we accept the definition of vibrio suggested by Lofiler. Moreover, Schroéter’s definition of spirillum and microspira does not suit the known properties of the varieties therein included. For the few non-motile (without flagella) rigid vibriones Migula has intro-— duced the name Spirosoma Migula. ! 2 Here belong such forms as the Spirillum endoparagogicum © Sor., described by Sorokin and which he once found in a hollow tree in ~ Kasan. This remarkable typically spiral-shaped organism formed typical endospores, which germinate while still within the spirillum, and so offer characteristic pictures (C. B. 1, 466). The organism ap- pears to connect the spirillaceze and the bacilli. According to Praz- mowski, the Vibrio rugula possesses a spore causing swelling of the end where it is located. Spore-formation has not been described in~ other vibriones. We know nothing regarding the flagella of this vibrio rugula, which resembles the Bac. cedematis maligni. Moreover, Zettnow expressly contradicts the idea that the vibrio rugula forms spores. ACTINOMYCETES. 127 candidly as low leet hn rig 1 as was done for the first time in the first edition of this book, in 1896. Kruse has placed the actinomyces, together with its nearest relatives, in a family of hyphomycetes, ‘‘streptotrichex,’’ while he still speaks of a Bacillus tuberculosis, etc. Recently, Lachner-Sandoval has introduced the name actinomycetes to designate the group of ‘‘fission-fungi closely related to the hyphomycetes’’ (as we had designated them in the first edition), and until we have something better it answers for practical purposes. SUPPLEMENT I. Actinomycetes (Lachner-Sandoval). _ Delicately threaded organisms, free of chlorophyll, with true branching, in part very abundantly ramifying myce- lium, partly with the formation of conidia. Young cul- tures often present only unbranched rods resembling bac- teria, which can in no way be differentiated from ordinary ‘fission-fungi. According to many authors there is a ten- dency to the formation of clubs. or knobs at the ends of the threads. 1. Microscopic: Slender often somewhat bent rods, often with a tendency to a clubbed swelling of the ends, branches rarely observed in young cultures, easily broken off, and often difficult to find also in old cultures. Always non- motile; never conidia. a. Rods stain interruptedly (striped) with weak stain- ‘ing-solutions, since the organism is composed of parts with different staining properties. Not stained by the method __ 4As hyphomycetes there have been designated for a long time in botany a large number of threaded fungi, of which nothing is known except threads and non-sexual spores that are upon threads or special carriers. The group is constantly growing smaller, as many earlier ‘‘hyphomycetes’’ have become known as members of the sharply characterized groups of fungi (ascomycetes, zygomycetes, _basidiomycetes). The actinomycetes appear to form an entire nat- ural group of the ‘‘ hyphomycetes.’’ 128 CLASSIFICATION OF FISSION-FUNGLI. for the tubercle bacillus. Clubbed, wedge-shaped, and pointed rods frequent. Corynebacterium L. and N. &. Rods stain with usual staining-solutions with diffi- culty or generally not at all. Stain by the tubercle bacillus method, 7. ¢., it is acid resisting. Clubbed swelling of the ends in cultures rare, in tissues somewhat more often. Mycobacterium L. and N.! 2. Mycelial threads, long, thin, extended, or winding, without dividing partitions, with delicate sheaths and true branches. Many species separate from the air-hyphe rows of short spores (conidia), which, whitish and mold- like, project upward above the solid nutrient substratum; in connection with other species, conidia-formation is unknown. Not stained by tubercle bacillus method. Motility sometimes absent, sometimes present. Almost all varieties emit a musty odor. Actinomyces Harz. We have determined to follow the example of Gasparini and designate this genus as actinomyces. Streptothrix, as these varieties, together with others, are called by Kruse, is a name given by Corda in 1839 to a certain mold-like organism which Cohn, because of an over- sight, in 1875 introduced a second time into the literature. Cladothrix, which many authors to-day call these varieties (compare Giinther), is the designation for an entirely dif- ferent pseudodichotomous plant (see Supplement 1m). In the first edition we accepted, with Sauvageau and Radais, the old designation of Wallroth, oospora, but since Lach- 1 Since we proposed this name in the first edition, we have seen that Metschnikoff ( Virchow’s Archiv, 113, p. 70, 1888), who first recognized the peculiar position of the tubercle bacillus as opposed to the other then known bacteria, in a work ‘‘ Regarding the Phagocytic Réle of the Tubercular Giant Cell,’’ has said: ‘‘ If one considers that in the perfected stage the tubercle bacteria have grown into (although short) threads, and also differ from other analogous forms (except the lepra bacteria) in the possession of a very dense envelope, then perhaps it will be easier to accept the designation Sclerothrix for the genus, and Sclerothrix Kochii for the species of the tubercle bacterium.’’ We should have immediately accepted these names if we had known of them, but believe that according to the rules of botanical nomen- clature our names should now stand, since Metschnikoff only made a conditional proposal, did not accurately define his new genus, and never made any use of the new name himself, while we have ourselves already established a name. TRANSITION FORMS. 129 ner-Sandoval (Dissert. Strassburg, 1898) has convinced us that the true oospora varieties are much larger although similarly constructed organisms, we also, with this author, consider the name actinomyces (Harz) at present the most correct. Some varieties of wide practical importance, closely related to bacteria, but reminding one very strongly of true algi (oscillaria), have been included under Supple- ~ment IT. lf we cast a glance over this system, we can not deny that the families and genera are often connected by tran- sition varieties ; we recall only the following: The border between the coccaceze and bacteriaceze is obliterated by oval and lance-formed(!) cocci and certain extremely short bacilli (compare, in the special part, Micr. meli- tensis, Bacterium Fraenkelii); between streptococcus and micrococcus, micrococcus and sarcina, it is often un- safe to distinguish. In the cycle of growth of many bacilli twisted forms occur ; flagella and endospores occur in such various forms that it would lead to an entirely unnatural grouping if the attempt were made to found a classification that depended in part upon the flagella or endospores. The Bacterium Fraenkelii Hashimoto, for which we are indebted to the kindness of the authors, unfortunately died before we could study it. Upon solid nutrient media the organism forms short rods with polar flagella; upon fluid media, on the contrary, it forms quite long chains of cocci and occasionally sarcina forms. Thus it connects the coccaceze with the bacteriaceze, as does the Micr. melitensis, and shows, as we have indicated above in other examples, that sarcina forms occur as growth forms in cocci and that the presence of flagella.is also vari- able. (See Hashimoto, Z. H. xxxX1, 85.) B. Systematic Description of the Most Important Varieties of Fission-fungi. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS TO THE SYSTEM- ATIC PART, ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. 1. We have described about eighty species as completely and ex- haustively as possible, several hundred are briefly described, and many 9 ; 130 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. varieties which we are not acquainted with in detail are briefly referred to in the connection where they belong. 2. The colonies, slightly magnified, are described and drawn with closed diaphragm, and so placed that the peripheral portions are sharply visible. 3. For the drawings and descriptions plates with a medium number of colonies, 60 to 100, were always employed. Usually the smaller colonies were selected. 4. All statements, unless otherwise qualified, regarding the growth upon gelatin apply at a temperature of 22°, upon agar at 37°. 5. When nothing particular is said regarding the color and consist- ency in the description of the agar streak culture, and of the surface growth in the agar stab culture, they are the same as upon the agar plate. ; 6. Regarding the formation of pigment, odoriferous, gustative, and other metabolic products nothing has been said unless special investigations have been made upon the same. 7. Our original purpose of treating exhaustively the resistance of all important varieties to injurious influences has been abandoned as being too far-reaching. This decision was also partially dependent upon the fact that the statements of authors often deviate so widely. Therefore we have restricted ourselves to making complete statements regarding some varieties (Micr. pyogenes, Strept. pyogenes, Strept. lanceolatus, Bac. anthracis, Bact. typhi, Corynebact. diphtheriz, My- cobact. tuberculosis, Vibrio cholere). 8. References to the illustrations in the atlas are always given thus: Plates with Arabic numerals, figures with Roman. Thus, 5, VIII, signifies figure VIII in Plate 5. The introductory remarks of the separate sections, coccaceze, bac- teriaceze, spirillaceze, are also to be heeded. Statement of the Terms Employed by Us in the Description of Cultures of Bacteria. I. STAB CULTURES. A. Not liquefying. 1. Stab canal: (a) Thread-like: Uniform growth without anything especially characteristic. (2) Smooth. (8) Rough. (b) Nodular: The stab canal is beset with larger or smaller tuber- cles, points or teeth. (ec) Hairy : The stab canal is beset with delicate longer or shorter un- divided spurs, which are (a) parallel, (3) curled, (y) matted. (@) Branched: The stab canal is beset with dividing outgrowths. (e) Beaded: Thestab canal consists of small roundish or round con- nected colonies. (f) Band-like: Growth as a small band, produced by making the stab canal with a loop. re - “wy DESCRIPTION OF CULTURES OF BACTERIA. 131 2. Surface growth: Here the same applies as to the non-liquefying superficial colonies in the plate. r B. Liquefying. (a) Fixed form of liquefaction, if the zone of liquefaction following the stab becomes larger, but assumes substantially no other form than at the beginning. 1. Tube shaped: Slowly, weak, and small. 2. Stocking shaped: Sack-shaped, rapid, strongly, at times with scalloping of the walls. 3. Vesiculated: Bubbles are formed and confined in the depth. (b) Variable form of liquefaction. I. Initial stage: 1. Saucer shaped. 2. Funnel shaped. 3. Flattened funnel shaped. 1. Advanced stage: 1. Cylindrical: The liquefaction extends more above and soon reaches the glass, and then extends, witha horizontal limit- ing surface, downward. 2. Funnel shaped: The liquefaction extends more uniformly from the culture. The funnel shape is preserved still in later stages. Often the second form is succeeded by the first. Il. STREAK CULTURES. A. Surface growth: The same designations apply as to the sur- face cultures upon plates. | B. Water of condensation. a) Clear, with or without sediment. , b) Cloudy, with poorly defined sediment. ce) Pellicle on surface. Ill. BourLLon CULTURES. A. Fluid: (a) Clear. b) Cloudy. ce) Syrupy, gelatinous. B. Sediment : (a) Cloudy. (b) Flocculent, if upon shaking it rises as a twisted column, and can be homogeneously distributed. (c) Sandy, if it lies steadily at the bottom and, upon shaking, is distributed as small fragments. IV. Porato CULTURES. The same designations apply as to the streak and plate cultures. _ Y. PLATE CULTURES. A. Without liquefaction. (a) Form: F 1. Point-like, when the dimensions are very slight. 132 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Round, circular. . Oval. POE WP Curled, coiled. (b) Elevation : 1. Flat. 2. Veil-like. 3. Wavy. 4. Reticulated. 5. Terraced. (<) Optical peculiarity of surface : 1. Moistly shining, highest degree of luster. Greasy. . Faintly shining. Dull. Consistency : Veil-like. Membranous. . Leathery. Tenacious. mm 09 9 = gq wa (e Entire. Rough. Smooth. Dentate. . Lobulated. Scalloped. Internal structure : Homogeneous (without structure). In zones. Radially striped. Radially wrinkled. Finely dotted. Coarsely dotted. . Granular. . Coarsely granular. B. With liquefaction. (a) Form: 1. Saucer-shaped depression. 2. Pocket-shaped depression. (b) Appearance : 1. Liquefied medium clear— GOT G9 30 eal ol a = DW Tw wR pA . Roundish, not perfectly circular. DID DW AFAN Dat ON Whetstone shaped, pointed nt both ends. . Elevated. Nail-head. Drop-like. . Corniform. . Finely granular. . Transparent. . Iridescent, pearly. Opaque. Chalky. . Slimy. . Cartilaginous. . Friable. . Butter-like. Peculiarity of border, Snes i magnified with microscope : ed. . Short-haired. . Long-haired. . Curly. . Matted. . Finely lobulated, mulberry- like. . Coarsely lobulated, scaly. . Irregularly spotted. . Grained. . Curly. . Crumbly. . Matted. (a) With compact original colony. (8) With original colony disintegrating. 2. Diffusely cloudy. a’ F COCCACEZ. SPHERICAL BACTERIA. 138 f. pepecial Introductory Remarks Concerning the Coc- cacee. Spherical Bacteria. 1. Since almost all the varieties presented, with the _ exception of the Micr. gonorrhcez, stain with the ordinary anilin dyes and by Gram’s method, we usually state nothing regarding the staining properties, except when they can not be stained by Gram’s method. 2. When no mention is made of flagella and spores, they are absent. 3. No mention is made of the intense stain with watery _ solutions of anilin dyes, which occurs with all varieties, and a similar statement would have to be always repeated. _ It isstrongly recommended, when it is desirable to obtain _ the cement substance between the bacterial cells unstained (capsules), to employ a dilute aqueous solution of anilin dyes, or after staining with stronger solutions to employ dilute acetic acid as a decolorizing agent, or to use Gram’s method. This is obligatory in the case of sarcine and diplococci in order to render the line of fission in dividing cocci visible, etc. (An exception is the gonococcus. ) 4, Since all varieties of the genus micrococcus not infre- quently occur as diplococci, tetrads, and short chains, we have only said anything regarding the grouping when there as something special to notice. 5. For an exhaustive discussion upon suppuration and the part played by micro-organisms in the same, see Kurt ‘Miller, C. B. xv, 735, and Poliakoff, C.-B. xvin, 33. FAMILY I—COCCACEAE. SPHERICAL BACTERIA, Family diagnosis and genera scheme, see page 122. 1. Streptococcus (Billroth). The cells divide only in one direction of space at right angles to the direction of growth, so that if the multiply- ing cells remain attached to each other, shorter or longer rosary-like chains are formed. Often the chain appears to be be built up from distinct pairs. Chains are formed with most constancy in bouillon ; upon gelatin and agar, 134 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. as also in the animal body, very often no chains occur. It is therefore always desirable to prepare bouillon cultures of any variety in which there 1s a suspicion of a streptococcus be- fore arriving at any conclusion. It is not unusual to find single members in a streptococcus chain of somewhat larger dimensions than the rest, but otherwise exactly re- sembling the other members of the chain. It is, at least, so far not certain that the cells contain arthrospores, as many authors believe. Key to the Recognition of the Most Important Varieties of Streptococci. I. Strings of cocci upon all nutrient media (also upon those con- taining grape- and cane-sugar), without thick capsules; at most, with delicate capsules. ; (A) Do not grow as a yellow ‘‘creamy layer’’ upon sheep- and calf-serum, and microscopically are without wide capsules. (a) Cocci. spherical or, when dividing, hemispherical, capsules al- most always absent. 1. Gelatin liquefied slowly or not at all. Cells 0.6 u to 1 wv; long or short chains ; often thrive better anaerobically ; slight growth on all nutrient media ; pathogenic or non-pathogenic. Strept. pyogenes Rosenbach,’ page 135. 2. Gelatin rapidly liquefied in tube form; cells very minute (0.2 u to 0.4 ~); forms long chains, and grows poorly upon potato, agar, and serum. According to Escherich (‘‘ Die Darmbak- terien des Sauglings,’’ Stuttgart, 1886, p. 77), it is constantly present in the feces of carnivora. Not pathogenic for guinea- pigs. Strept. coli gracilis Escherich. Strept. gracilis (Escherich) Lehm. and Neum. (8) Cocei more or less lance-shaped, capsules usually absent in arti- ficial media, but never in animal body. Upon gelatin, poor growth and no liquefaction. Strept. lanceolatus Gamaleia,? page 143 (B) Form a yellow creamy layer upon fluid sheep- and calf-serum. Microscopically from these nutrient media they have wide unstained capsules. Strept. involutus Kurth, page 149. II. Chains of cocci upon grape- and cane-sugar nutrient media with thick gelatinous capsules, which may be ten times as thick on all sides as the chain of cocci. Upon other nutrient media it is not differ- 1 The streptococci scorn every exact method of division. That | given here, while apparently a convenient and accurate scheme of division, suffers very much in the closer description of varieties from peculiarities, transition forms, etc. 2 Compare also Strept. intracellularis (Weichselbaum) Lehm. and Neum., page 148. STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES. 135 entiated microscopically from Group I. Strept. mesenterioides Migula, page 150. Streptococcus Pyogenes (Rosenbach’). (Plate 1.) Synonyms. — Strept. erysipelatos Fehleisen, Strept. puerperalis Arloing, Strept. articulorum Fltigge, Strept. pyogenes malignus Fliigge, Strept. septicus Nic, Strept. scarlatinosus Klein (compare also pp. 140 and 141). Ordinary Names.—Chain coccus, string of pearls coc- cus. Most Important Literature.—Rosenbach (‘‘ Mikro- organismen bei den Wundinfektionskrankheiten des Menschen,’’ 1884). Fehleisen (‘‘ Aetiologie des Erysi- pels,’’ Berlin, 1883). v. Lingelsheim (Z. H. x, 331; xu, 308). Kurth (A. G. A. vu, 389). Behring (C. B. xu, 192). Knorr (Z. H. x1, 1893, 427). Pasquale (‘‘ Zieg- ler’s Beitrage,’’ x11, 433,—extensive list of literature). Marmorek (‘‘ Wiener med. Wochenschr.,’’ 1895, 1346). Koch and Petruschky (Z. H. xxi, 477). Widal and Besancon (C. B. xx, 240). Microscopic Appearance. —The characteristic chain growth presents itself especially in fluid cultures (bouil- lon). Upon solid nutrient media and in the animal body the chains are often very short or the arrangement ex- tremely irregular (1, 1x, x). Upon close observation of faintly stained preparations the individ- uals of the chain usually consist of two hemispheres, which are con- nected with each other and the adjacent member of the chain by a colorless mass. More rarely definite mucoid capsules are seen about the chains (compare Babés, Z. H. xx, 412). Staining Properties.—As usual and well by Gram’s method. Relation to Oxygen.—Facultative anaerobe, some- times better aerobically, sometimes better anaerobically. Requirements as to Temperature and Nutrient 1 Since all efforts to divide the streptococcus pyogenes into several sharply differentiated varieties must be recognized as failures, because connecting transition forms between the subvarieties occur, so we shall treat the variety as a unit, and at the end will add something regarding its forms. 136 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Media.—Growth rather slow, best at 37°. Above 47° no growth (Arloing). They also grow more slowly but more luxuriantly upon feebly acid nutrient media (hydrochloric acid, tartaric acid). Grow more slowly but with greater vitality at 23° than at 37°. Especially good growth occurs in exhausted cholera or pyocyaneum bouillon either after or without filtration (Turré, C. B. xvii, 865). Gelatin Plates. — (a) Natural size: Very small, whitish, roundish, flat, rarely slightly elevated colonies, which do not grow perceptibly after a longer time (1, v). (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Roundish colonies with smooth border (1, vu e), but may present also wavy, scalloped, serrated, as well as fringed and torn forms (1, v1 e). Color is gray to yellowish, structure delicately punctate to finely granular, usually transparent. Deep lying: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, rough or smooth border, somewhat more coarsely punctate than the superficial (1, vit i; vii). Gelatin Stab.—Stab: At first thread-shaped ; after a short time there appear numerous small nodules in the stab (1,11). Surface growth is like that in the gelatin plate. ? Gelatin Streak.—Narrow, beautiful, delicate growth along the streak, beset at the borders with little nodules. Agar Plates.—(a) Natural size: As on gelatin plates. (b) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Spherical colonies with delicately punctate edge, transparent, grayish-yellow, at first very delicately punctated, later (fourteen days) at times granular ; frequently there is a distinct appearance of lobulation (1, vite). Deep lying: Smaller and some- what darker (1, vim i). Glycerin-ascites-agar.—Colonies distinctly more lux- uriant. From the periphery of the superficial colonies there often extend outward numerous shorter or longer coil- ing chains, so that the colony appears not unlike a young anthrax colony. Also, the granulation in the interior of the colonies is somewhat more marked than upon agar. 1Liquefaction, according to German authors, is very rare. Pane saw the Strept. pyogenes from human abscesses at a temperature above 24° produce regularly liquefaction of gelatin which he had so pre- pared artificially that it was first melted at 30° (C. B. xvI, 228). | &§ STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES. 137 | Agar Stab.—Stab: Thread-like, later sometimes gran- ular (1, m1). Surface growth: Very delicate growth, transparent, gray, irregular, unimportant. Atypically, the growth may be much more vigorous, with whitish- gray color and smooth wavy border (1, Iv). Similar also on glycerin agar. Agar Streak.—As on gelatin. Water of condensation: Clear with slight whitish deposit. Bouillon Culture.—Varies greatly in the different . forms, from diffuse cloudiness to the formation of a com- pact sediment with clear fluid (see p. 141). Milk Culture.—Usually firmly coagulated in from four to twenty-four hours. Potato Culture.—Invisible growth, at times entirely absent, rarely more luxuriant (compare p. 141). Non-albuminous Medium.—Faint growth. Vitality.—/n cultures usually only a few weeks. Ac- cording to Petruschky, cultures on gelatin, grown for _ forty-eight hours at 22°, if kept in an ice-box retain their vitality and virulence for months. The Strept. pyogenes _ belongs among the varieties that die quickly. Bouillon - cultures, if oxygen is admitted, usually live only for weeks, but in hydrogen for months. Resistance to Drying.—Vitality and virulence are retained several months, especially in dried pus. Chemical Activities.— (a) Chromogenesis: Almost | always without pigment production ; cultures were grown by Kruse and Pasquale in Italy with yellowish-brown to blood-red pigment. These were highly virulent, short- chained forms obtained from cases of tuberculosis. (6) No indol, little sulphuretted hydrogen. (c) Acid production from carbohydrates in our cultures was minimal ; no gas formation. According to Sieber-Schoumoff, certain cultures (Strept. erysipelatos and Strept. scarlatinz) produce levorotatory lactic acid, others (Strept. pyogenes) inactive lactic acid from grape- and milk-sugar. All cul- tures produce, besides, some volatile fatty acids, poisonous albumoses, _ and of gases only carbonic acid, with the exception of the form found +.) in scarlatina, which also produces hydrogen. Emmerling’s investigations (C. B. L. rv, 342) regarding the decom- position of fibrin by streptococci under anaerobic conditions gave the remarkable result that a solution of fibrin was effected. He found 1388 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL succinic, acetic, propionic, normal butyric, and caproic acid, methyl- amin, trimethylamin, collidin, but no toxins. . (d) Toxin production: Upon albuminous nutrient media streptococci produce toxins, soluble in water and precip- itated by alcohol. To collect them the cultures are killed with chloroform or filtered through porcelain. Large doses of the metabolic products cause suppuration and fever, and even death. This appears beet to be only the action of protein. Occurrence.—(a) Outside the body: In soil, canal- water, once in a well (Landmann, C. B. xty, 431), in the air of operating rooms, ete. (6) In the healthy body: In mouth, nasal cavities, vagina, not rarely cervix uteri; at times, moreover, in a virulent form. (c) In diseased human organism: The streptococcus is capable of causing a large number of diseases, namely, in- flammation and suppuration in all parts of the body. It causes especially often the following diseases : Erysipelas, phlegmonous abscess,! lymphangitis, follicular angina, bronchitis, impetigo contagiosa, cellular pneumonia (Fink- ler), pyemia, septicemia, and puerperal fever. More rarely, pleuritis, pericarditis, meningitis, enteritis,? ete., some cases of osteomyelitis, elephantiasis nostras (Sab-— ouraud ). Recently, Escherich with his pupils has emphasized the significance of the streptococci in the diarrheas of children. The form isolated — from such cases can not be imagined as a new sharply defined variety, in spite of slight deviations, but belongs in the division of the Strept. pyogenes or lanceolatus. Escherich, Th., ‘‘ Ueber Streptokokkenen- teritis im Siiuglingsalter.’’ Separatabdruck aus Jahrbuch f. Kinder- heilkunde, N. F., Bd. xLrx, 1899. It is found in the blood and urine rather often, either — with or without symptoms of a general disease. The following also certainly depend upon Strept. pyo- 1In phlegmons and abscesses more often the staphylococcus (Micr. pyogenes) is present, or a mixture of both. 2In the institute for infectious diseases in Berlin, Beck described a case of streptococcus infection (intestine, blood, viscera) that caused death in three days and presented during its course the typical picture of Asiatic cholera (C. B. x1, 632). Compare Tavel, de Cérenville, — ete. (C. B. xviil, 547). be | i ‘genes infection : Some cases of nephritis, articular rheu- matism, myelitis, and infantile paralysis. Mannaberg has found it in fourteen cases of Bright’s disease (C. B. v, 93), whether as primary cause is questionable. The streptococcus plays an important réle in diphtheria, searlatina, and phthisis. It accompanies the specific cause of disease, and markedly influences the disease-picture, especially the course of the fever (hectic fever is strepto- - coccus fever) (Petruschky, Z. H. xvu, 59). (d) In animals: As the cause of similar diseases (com- pare, for example, Strept. equi, p. 142). In the vaccine of cow-pox institutes it is not uncommon, but usually possesses little virulence. _ Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Action.—With living cultures. The virulence fluctu- ates greatly; even freshly isolated organisms may be very faintly virulent, and virulence for experimental animals does not prove virulence for man ; with cultivation upon the ordinary nutrient media the virulence is rapidly lost. By repeated transmission through animals, a virulence which was high at first may be much intensified. Mar- morek obtained cultures of such virulence that 5,455 ¢.mm. killed almost all, and jz 5455 ¢.mm. some, mice when given subcutaneously—. e., quantities that contain only relatively few germs. _ The virulence is well preserved, according to Marmorek, upon (1) two parts of human or horse serum and one part of bouillon ; (2) one part of fluid from ascites or pleural exudate and two parts of bouillon, even after keeping two months in the incubator without transfer to fresh nutrient media. In general the most susceptible to the streptococcus among animals are mice and rabbits; much less, dogs and rats (Pansini). Streptococci are still better tolerated by sheep and goats, and best by the horse and ass. Knorr has ascertained the following principal points re- garding the virulence: By repeated transmission through mice an organism is obtained which is very pathogenic for mice, but at the same time its virulence for rabbits was gradually lost. This is a strong indication that one must not found any species upon a specific virulence. The more STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES. 139 140 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. virulent a form is for a variety of animal, the more cer- tainly it kills without suppuration, the latter being caused only by feebly virulent forms. Almost all the diseases enumerated above may be pro- duced experimentally in animals; the result in experi-— mental animals depends very largely upon the virulence and amount of infectious material. Also in man streptococci have been successfully inocu- lated (erysipelas, phlegmon). Immunity and Immunization.—If an animal resists an injection of the metabolic products, and has after a time recovered from the consecutive cachexia and loss of weight, then the dose may be increased and gradually a high degree of immunity be obtained. Yet the state-_ ments of Marmorek are contested, when he claims that horses and asses — may thus supply a serum which cures human sepsis (Petruschky, Schenk). At any rate it has been shown, according to the investiga-— tions of Denys and his pupils (C. B. xxtIv, 685), that the individual _ varieties of streptococci yield a serum that is active only against the ~ particular variety employed in producing the immunity ; thus also animals, in order to yield serum of therapeutic value, are to be treated — with the most variable cultures possible of streptococci (‘‘ polyvalent — serum ’’). Regarding the way in which the serum acts, compare page 97. Special Methods for Demonstration.—Microscopic form and staining by Gram’s method; agar plate in ineu- bator; bouillon culture to obtain chains; animal inves- tigation (mouse). Forms and Subvarieties of the Strept. Pyogenes. All efforts of authors to characterize sharply the forms 4 of the Strept. pyogenes as varieties, subvarieties, or species, and to cover them with names are to be considered — as failures. Countless transition forms and the enormous — variability of all the properties make every classification — appear insufficient. Even the separation from the Strept. lanceolatus is not always possible. Pasquale (Ziegler’s Beitriige, xm, 433), Lemoine (H. R., 1896, 892), Widal and Besancon (H. R., 1896, 996), and Petruschky (H. R., 1897, 77 2) have all come to analogous results from their - minute studies. Behring and his pupil v. Lingelsheim arrived at the following useful? division: 1 There are found by many authors a ‘‘Strept. brevis’? without ih i ; STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES. 141 - (a) In bouillon form short, slightly tortuous chains; ‘bouillon cloudy; gelatin is very slightly liquefied; signifi- cant growth upon potato; growth even at 10° to 12°. Virulence usually absent. Strept. brevis v. Lingels- heim. (6) In bouillon the streptococci form very tortuous, long chains (forty and more members), which make up a flocculent or slimy sediment, leaving the bouillon clear. Gelatin always remains solid; visible growth on potato is absent, virulence is usually great. No growth below 14° to 16°. Strept. longus v. Lingelsheim. The subdivision of the Strept. longus into the following varieties _ (Behring) has now only a historical interest, since according to Behring’s pupil, Knorr, the characteristics of these subvarieties, upon repeated cultures, are variable, and so the identity of these subvarieties ean be demonstrated: (1) Turbidus, with turbid bouillon culture; tie (2) viscosus, with clear bouillon culture and delicate sediment; (3) conglomeratus, with clear bouillon and granular sediment. The same was also found by Kruse and Pasquale (Ziegler’s Beitrage, Xi, 1893, 433). Interesting but unsatisfactory is also Pasquale’s at- tempt at a classification of streptococci (C. B. xv, 761). Also Babés _ came to little sharp differentiation; for him, as for us, all forms (in- _ eluding the Strept. lanceolatus) are connected by transition forms. The findings of Waldvogel are interesting. Three times he ob- tained, after inoculation with Strept. longus (the bouillon remained _ clear and there was an insignificant granular sediment), from the heart’s | _ blood of the inoculated mouse an organism forming chains with from oe ee four to six members, and causing a diffuse cloudiness of bouillon. Upon potato both forms grew equally poorly. By growth in strongly alkaline bouillon the long chain form could be transformed into one producing a slizht diffuse cloudiness; and by growth in almost neutral bouillon of the form producing turbidity a race was again obtained _ which produced no flocculi in clear fluid and formed long chains. - After such experiences more recent authors do not make a division of the Strept. pyogenes into different forms, and .: CO prefer to designate the forms described by them as Strept. pyogenes, the form being described in a few words. We also believe this to be right. Compare also Zenoni, C. B. xxi, 10, and the interesting studies of Seitz concerning gelatin liquefaction, and a Strept. longus with slight liquefaction; _ also occasionally a Strept. longus with a visible and a Strept. brevis without a growth on potato. Marignac and d’Espine found Strept. _ brevis which formed sediments in bouillon and did not cloud it. Marbaix proved complete independence of the length of the chains - and pathogenic quality. 142 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. maststreptococci (Strept. aggregatus Seitz; C. B. xx, 854) from the mouth, which with their very marked vari- ability still always belong in the group of the Strept. pyo- genes. Streptococcus equi (Kitt). Drusestreptococcus (Schitz). All the morphologic characteristics agree throughout with the Strept. pyogenes, also the pathogenic effect fluctuates asin it. Details concerning it by Cappelletti and Vivaldi (A. H. xxxiy,1). Also in horses, as in man, streptococci cause pneumonias, the organisms resembling sometimes the Strept. pyogenes, more often the Strept. lanceolatus (compare Ligniéres-Alfort, C. B. xxi, 768). ‘* Druse ”’ (French ‘‘ gourme’’) is an inflammation of the upper air passages in horses, with inflammatory disease of the adjacent lymph-glands, in which not rarely abscesses form. The differentiation between glanders and this disease is easy by microscopic examination and the positive results of inoculation of house mice (Schiitz, C. B. v, 44). Streptococcus agalactie (Adametz) — Strept. masti- tidis sporadicz Guill., Strept. mast. epidemicze Guill., Galtcoccus. Morphologically sometimes a short, sometimes a long-chained Strept. pyogenes. Cause of the ‘‘ gelbe Galt,’’ a sporadic or epidemic inflam- mation of the udder of cows and goats. The milk becomes very scanty, yellowish, beset with flocculent coagula and often gas-bubbles. The form producing long chains is more virulent than the one occurring in short chains. It is important that many cultures break up grape- and milk-sugar energetically with gas-formation, according to Nencki, es- pecially with the formation of dextrorotatory paralactic acid and car- bonic acid (no hydrogen), traces of fatty acids, and alcohol. This fer- mentation of the milk causes a low grade of cheese (inflated cheese). The virulence and ability to cause fermentation vary in this organism very much. (Compare Adametz, ‘‘ Milchzeitung,’’ 1893, and Zschokke, C. B. xxii, 784.) The Micr. acidi paralactici Nencki (C. B. vu, 130) and Strept. acidi lactici Grotenfeldt (‘‘ Fortschritte der Medizin,’’ vi, 121) ap- pear to be closely related; the latter forms no gas and thrives especially anaerobically. Also similarly the Micr. Sornthalii Adametz (C. B. L. 1, 465), an organism fermentirg milk with intense production of gas (CO, and H) and causing inflation of cheese, which in its cultural be- havior upon gelatin plates reminds one somewhat of the Strept pyo- genes. Instab cultures the growth is somewhat more profuse. Micro- scopically, it is a round or oval coccus, either single or in short chains. Kronig has described varieties of anaerobic non-pathogenic strepto- Peery ae a ewe STREPTOCOCCUS LANCEOLATUS. 1438 Henrici, which were not examined as to their effects upon sugar, milk, potato, and animals (A. K. B., Heft 1, 1); and Strept. tyrogenus, albi- us, magnus, granulaius, pallens, pallidus, Henrici,! which are only differentiated by characteristics that are not very pronounced and are ill to be tested as to their constancy (more or less granulation in the plate cultures, character of cloudiness in bouillon, slightly ‘different adaptability to aerobic and anaerobic life). The Strept. ‘Stramineus Henrici, which grows as a straw-yellow, shining deposit, “appears to differ more strongly. ‘Streptococcus lanceolatus? (Gamaleia). (A. P., 1888, e ii, 440.) 4 (Plate 2.) _ Synonyms.—Diplococcus pneumonie A. Frankel and Weichselbaum, Dipl. of sputum septicemia A. Frinkel, Meningococcus Foa, Pneumococcus Foa, Dipl. lanceolatus ‘sive lanceolatus capsulatus Foa and Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, Bact pneumoniz Migula, Micr. pyogenes tenuis Rosenbach aC. B. vu, 177). _ Ordinary Names.—Capsule coccus of pneumonia, ‘pneumococcus, Frinkel’s pneumonia coccus. Literature.—Exhaustive critical studies by Kruse and Pansini ‘(Z. H. xt, 279), Levy and Steinmetz (Arch. exp. Path., 1896, 89). Literature by Schabad (C. B. xrx, 991). Microscopic Appearance.—Arranged usually in pairs or chains of from four to six members, roundish or—what is especially characteristic—lancet-shaped (2, x). When obtained from the animal body or when cultivated upon sterilized sputum and tracheal mucus, or in fluid rabbit’s serum, it usually presents a significant capsule, which may be stained (p. 22, Fig. 5) (2, rx). 1 Here also belongs the Strept. cinereus Zimmermann (Bd. 11, 64), ‘obtained from tap-water, which is said to present somewhat more prominent cultures on gelatin plates. _ #Since the name Strept. pneumoniz is applied by Weichselbaum to a Strept. pyogenes from cases of pneumonia, it would lead to con- fusion if, following the rules of strictly botanical nomenclature, the Dipl. pneumoniz was renamed simply the Strept. pneumonie. On the contrary, the name Strept. lanceolatus is also very old (1888), characteristic, and unmistakable, i 144 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI Often single members present larger dimensions and the - form of a club—. ¢., to a large sphere is attached a small, thin neck-piece. These are not, however, resting forms. (Compare Stolz, C. B. xxiv, 337, ) According to Kruse and Pangini and our own investiga- tions, all transitions up to the Strept. pyogenes occur, so- far as concerns the form of individuals and the structure of chains. (Compare also Binaghi, ‘‘ Ueber einen Strept. capsulatus,’ C. B. xxm, 278.) Relation to Oxygen. —Facultative ahaereble Intensity of Growth.—Grows fairly rapidly but not luxuriantly at 37°. At ordinary temperature (22°) 7 slowly, and more often not at all. Gelatin Plates.—(a) Natural size. Superficial: Round- ish, dim, diffusely gray, transparent colonies, which after four days have attained a diameter of from 1 mm. to 2mm, Deep: Very small, roundish, whitish-gray (2, v). 3 (b) Magnified seventy times. Superficial: Circular or roundish colonies with almost smooth border, colorless, and delicately granular. They are often so delicate that, with the narrowest diaphragm the periphery can hardly be differentiated from the surrounding medium (2, vmI, e). Deep: Round, sharply outlined, slightly more granular’ (2, vIu, 2). P Gelatin Stab Culture.—Stab: At first thread- like, ee resembling a string of pearls; growth faint. Superficial” growth: Minimal, almost none (2,1). No liquefaction. — Agar Plates. (a) Natural size: Like gelatin plates: (2, v). (b) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Roundish, stall even border, at times somewhat fringed, delicately punctate, a little more compact than the gelatin culture, colorless, perfectly transparent (2, v1). Deep: Roundish or whetstone- shaped, almost even-bordered, opaque, gray to grayish-black, more coarsely punctate than the super- ficial (2, viz). Agar Stab.—Stab: Thread-like, whitish-gray (2, mr). * MacCallum and Hastings have described a liquefying form (analo- gous to certain rare varieties of the Strept. pyogenes) as Micr. zymo-~ genes (C. B. xxv, 384). : mail See one eT STREPTOCOCCUS LANCEOLATUS. 145 ee Surface growth: Very delicate, transparent growth, with even border, faintly glistening (2, Iv). _ Agar Streak.—Extremely delicate, transparent, gray- ish-white, faintly glistening, often not sharply outlined from the agar. Water of condensation clear, with very little whitish sediment (2, 11). Serum Culture.—Slimy, almost transparent growth. Ascites-glycerin-agar.— More luxuriant cultures. Those lying superficially are usually even-bordered, the periphery somewhat padded, and throughout (especially _ inold colonies) coarsely punctated to mulberry-like. They then resemble old gonorrhea cultures or at times even very young agar cultures of the colon bacillus. Bouillon Culture.—Short, straight chains ; sediment light and not holding together (Kurth). Milk Culture.—Milk coagulated. This property, ac- cording to Kruse and Pansini, is very rarely absent. In the milk small amounts of acid are formed. Potato Culture.—WNo growth. _ Vitality in Cultures.—Very short duration of life (often only a few days), and even a more rapid lessening of virulence. In bouillon occurs the most luxuriant growth, but it is least durable. Resistance to Drying.—In dried blood as long as forty-five days; in dried sputum as long as one hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty days in diffuse light, and nine to twelve hours in direct sunlight. Literature, Germano, Z. H. xxv, 66. Chemical Activities.—Fawitzky isolated three cul- tures, which were able to produce a brick-red pigment (best in bouillon). (Compare Strept. pyogenes.) Fil- tered and devitalized unfiltered cultures contain toxins, but in relatively small amount. In other respects it is like the Strept. pyogenes. Occurrence.—(a) Outside the organism: Not found. (>) In healthy organisms: Often in saliva. (c) In diseased human organism: One of the most im- portant pathogenic varieties. In the most various inflamma- tory processes, especially such as attack mucous and serous _membranes, also not infrequently causing suppuration. Especially frequent as the cause of croupous and catarrhal 10 146 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. pneumonia, pleuritis, pericarditis, endocarditis, peritonitis, otitis, meningitis, conjunctivitis, and ulcus serpens cornez. More rarely as the cause of nephritis and perinephritis, metritis, pyosalpinx, strumitis, parotitis, amygdalitis, — arthritis,’ osteomyelitis, periostitis, abscesses, and general sepsis. It may also cause erysipelas (Schiirmayer, C. B. — xxi, 183). In many of these diseases the organism is found not only locally, but also in the blood. Very often other exciters of inflammation accompany and aid the Strept. lanceolatus, which is always more difficult to cul- tivate, so that if ordinary agar is employed for cultures, staphylococci, etc., may alone be observed. Therefore ascites-agar and similar media are to be preferred. The Strept. lanceolatus escapes from the diseased person in the milk and urine. 3 Regarding the participation of the Strept. lanceolatus in cerebro- spinal meningitis, see under Strept. intracellularis, page 148. Marchoux (A. P. XIII, 193) repeatedly found in soldiers, as a sequel to pneumonia, a tendency to sleep (‘‘Schlafsucht,’’ maladie du som- meil), and upon section there were changes in the cerebrospinal mem- — branes with the Strept. lanceolatus present. Experimental Observations Concerning Patho- genic Effects.”—(a) In animals: Of animals, the rabbit — and mouse are especially susceptible, the rat less so, and guinea-pigs, sheep, dogs, and birds almost not at all. The mouse dies in from twelve to twenty-four hours after subeutan- eous infection of septicemia; spleen enlarged, eyelids glued together. In the blood are large numbers of diplococci. In mice pneumonia also can be produced by inhalation. Likewise in rabbits septicemia with fever and swelling of the-spleen follows subcutaneous and more rapidly intravenous inoculation with strongly virulent cultures; death follows in forty-eight, twenty-four, twelve, or even five hours. At- — tenuated cultures cause, according to the point of inoculation, pneu- monia, pleuritis, peritonitis, ete. Honl especially recommends for 1 Here also belongs the excitant of chronic deforming inflamma- tion of joints, described by v. Dungern and Schneider (Minch. med. Wochenschr., 1898, No. 43, 1369). 2 The virulence is exceedingly variable and in the usual cultures it is rapidly lost. For the preservation of the virulence of the Strept. lanceolatus during about two months it was recommended, for ex- ample, by Bordoni-Uffreduzzi to dry upon glass the blood of rabbits which the infection had killed. Foa places such blood for twenty-four hours in the incubator, and then preserves it in the cold. vi ay pitta toy” ¥ q 5 a Py ¥ ri STREPTOCOCCUS LANCEOLATUS. 147 diagnosis and for demonstration purposes the subcutaneous injection of sputum in the rabbit’s ear; death follows after two to five days, and the bacteria are found especially numerous and with typical cap- sules in the edematous fluid, which is obtained by incision of the doughy infiltration over the lower jaw (C. B. XXII, 274). (6) In man: Subcutaneous injection of from 0.1 to 0.2 c.c. of virulent culture in seven men was without important effect except local symptoms, some fever, and headache. Immunity and Immunization.—Mennes, whose care- ful work (Z. H. xxv, 413) should be consulted in the origi- nal, has recently obtained fairly active protective serum. The action of the serum consisted in this, that it renders the leukocytes of normal animals capable of devouring the Strept. lanceolatus (phagocytosis). Encouraged by the investigations upon animals (Emmerich and Fawitzky, Foa, Klemperer), curative injections of the metabolic prod- ucts and the serum of immunized animals have been tried also upon man, but so far without indisputable prac- tical results. Special Culture Methods.—The Strept. lanceolatus is most easily obtained by inoculating a mouse or rabbit with fresh rusty sputum from croupous pneumonia, and making cultures from the heart’s blood of the dead animal upon ascites-agar plates. It is also often easily obtained from an eye with ulcus serpens cornee by the preparation of streak or plate cultures upon ascites-agar, and placing them in the incubator. Forms and Subvarieties of the Strept. lanceolatus. We must frankly admit that a sharp separation of the Strept. pyogenes from the Strept. lanceolatus seems to us, as to many authors, to be impossible, if the typical form of the Strept. lanceolatus is to be determined by capsules, lancet-shaped individuals, and a tendency to form only very short chains. Many investigators who have espe- cially studied the Strept. lanceolatus have tried to set up definite forms, which can scarcely be identified subse- quently. Almost all of these divisions have consisted of somewhat differently defined varieties, as is the case with the Strept. pyogenes. (Compare Kruse and Pansini, Z. H. 148 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. x1, 279; Pansini, Virchow’s Archiv, cxxm, 424; Banti, C. B. 1x, 275; Foa.) Streptococcus intracellularis. ( Weichselbaum. ) Lehm. and Neum. (Plate 68, 111, Iv.) Synonym.—Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis Weichselbaum. Literature.—Jager (Z. H. XIX, 351); Weichselbaum ( ‘‘ Fortschritte der Medizin,’’ 1887, v, 573). Recent literature is comprehensively reviewed by Kamen (C. B. xxiv, 545); in the latter place (as also in the article by Jager) are found illustrations. While a number of authors—for example, Bordoni-Uffreduzzi and Foa; Paniénski (C. B. xvii, 651); Henke (C. B. x x11, 59)—have found the Strept. lanceolatus to be the cause of cerebrospinal meningitis, and others—for example, Bonome—have found the Strept. meningitidis Bonome, which is closely related to the Strept. pyogenes, to be the cause, still other authors, and especially Jager, have described as the exciting agent, an organism which is indeed very closely related to the Strept. lanceolatus, but which, it is said, can be clearly separated from it. The statements of different authors diverge very widely as re- gards details. The cultures are often indistinguishable morphologically from the Strept. lanceolatus, but they remain alive and capable of transplanta- tion for a longer time (seventeen to forty-three days). Some authors found growth to occur upon potato ; many obtained even strikingly luxuriant, moist, yellowish-gray cultures upon glycerin-agar, resem- bling the Micr. tetragenus (68, 111 and Iv) (Mayer, Munch. med. Wochenschr., 1898, 1111), and we received such cultures from Jager in December, 1896. C. Frankel cultivated, on the contrary, an ex- ceedingly delicate growth, which only grew with certainty upon agar smeared with blood. Such a culture we obtained from Kral. The following points are asserted to be of diagnostic value: The organisms, sometimes as diplococci and tetrads, sometimes as short chains, lie oftentimes in groups within the pus-cells, especially also within the cell nuclei. 'They possess more or less distinct capsules. Accord- ing to the beautiful investigations of v. Hibler, the most variable path- ogenic cocci and bacilli are found in the cells, so that this property is not at all characteristic (C. B. x1x, 33). In smears from the pus and from cultures, they sometimes stain well by Gram’s method, but more often poorly, and in sections are not stained (alleged contrast to the Strept. pyogenes and lanceolatus). In the chain form of the organism it is said to be characteristic (Jager) that the individuals are so ar- ranged that the line separating the diplococci extends in the direction of the chain. But as Stolz has pointed out, exactly similar pictures occur in typical Strept. lanceolatus and Strept. pyogenes (C. B. XXIv, 337). We found such pictures exquisitely shown in a streptococcus growing in a putrid mixture. With this state of affairs it is difficult to consider the Strept. intracellularis a single organism, since the forms ee ee ee. STREPTOCOCCUS INVOLUTUS. 149 which at times resemble the Micr. gonorrhee, at times the Strept. lanceolatus and pyogenes, and at times the Micr. tetragenus lack a common chara« teristic. + The organism is said tobe found only in the meningeal pus, nasal mucus, sputum, and urine of men who are affected with epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Recently, A. Schiff claims to have isolated it from the nose of patients without meningitis (C. B. xxv, 437). C. Frankel cultivated it from eyes apparently affected with diphtheria (Z. H. xxxi, 221). Together with the Strept. intracellularis there occur mixed infections by the Strept. pyogenes and Strept. lanceolatus. Certainly at least a considerable portion of the cases of cerebrospinal meningitis are caused by the Strept. lanceolatus alone. Regarding the cerebrospinal meningitis of domestic animals, conflicting statements are also encountered; here also it is possible that different related infectious agents take part in the main epidemics. (Consult Siedamgrotzky and Schlegel, C. B. xx, 694, and Schneidemuhl, C. B. XXIII, 892.) It is interesting that Johne found in an epidemic disease of horses an organism which Jager declared identical with the Strept. intracellularis. The organism was pathogenic for guinea-pigs, horses, and goats. (Consult Councilman, Mallory, and Wright, Amer. Jour. of Med. Sciences, March, 1898. —Ep. ) Fig. 13.—Strept. involutus (from a photograph by Kurth); partly schematic. Streptococcus involutus (Kurth). Bsn —Streptococcus of foot-and-mouth disease. Literature by Kurth (A. G. A., Bd. vir, 1893, 439-465). Upon gelatin, etc., indistinguishable from the Strept. pyogenes; on the contrary, bouillon which is rendered diffusely cloudy by some cul- tures, and only presents a sediment with others, often contains cells of strikingly elongated, vesicular, spindle form. No spontaneous motion. Two especially striking characteristics are present in serum or serum mixtures: 1. In fluid serwm or serum bouillon there develops in the upper part of the tube a pale-yellow creamy layer, which upon microscopic examination reminds one at first of anything else rather than micro- organisms, but on further examination the following is learned: 1 The following is said to be characteristic: Agar cultures after five to six transfers cease to grow, and the organism generally does not grow on cow’s serum. 150 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGT. The luxuriant, waxy, shining masses consist of dense zooglea of streptococci which are surrounded by very extensive, enormously swollen capsules, which do not stain with anilin dyes. The capsule formation occurs best upon calves’ serum, but is also seen upon sheep’s serum. 2. Upon plates prepared with 10 c.c. of agar, and 2 ¢.c. of serum,! both warmed to 40°, there is found about each of the small pure growths a — halo of strongly refracting granules, which are doubtless composed of the same material as forms the capsules of the single cells. How these spheres originate and whence they arise, Kurth is unable to say. Kurth had already stated that the Micr. pyogenes and Micr. tetra- genus can furnish similar pictures upon calves’ but not upon sheep’s — serum. He found later that also streptococci not connected with — foot-and-mouth disease, although rarely, furnish similar serum cul- tures. The organism has nothing to do with foot-and-mouth disease (see Appendix). Streptococcus Mesenterioides (Cienkowski) Migula. Synonym.—Leuconostoc mesenterioides Cienkowski. Ordinary Name.—Frog-spawn fungus of sugar factories. Literature.—Zopf and Liesenberg, ‘‘ Beitrage zur Physiol. uw. Morph. niederer Organismen,’’ Heft. 1, Leipzig, 1892 ; C. B. x11, 659. The organism grows upon nutrient media free of grape- and cane-sugar, like the Strept. pyogenes ? microscopically Fig. 14.—Strept. mesenterioides (after Zopf). and macroscopically ; ina stab of gelatin containing grape- or cane-sugar, on the contrary, it grows upon the surface as a luxuriant deposit consisting of dense, whitish, jelly- like clumps, which possess a ‘‘strong glassy luster at the 1 The serum must not be sterilized with chloroform, but only by heat. 2 Liesenberg and Zopf call these forms Strept. mesenterioides var. nuda. ) F | SARCINA. 151 t summits,’’ and along the stab as luxuriant stalactite-like ‘masses. The colonies are at first cartilaginous, then moist, and finally pap-like. Upon grape-sugar agar plates the superficial colonies are warty and luxuriant and spread like a wrinkled film ; the deep ones are at first smooth and later sago-like warty balls. Microscopically the form upon sugar media presents as thick, gelatinous capsules (of dextran, compare 30 Pho gelatinous covering protects for fifteen minutes against 75°. All the varieties of sugar ordinarily em- ployed undergo fermentation, with the formation of gas and acid. The fungus formerly was often the cause of the very troublesome frog-spawn fermentation of sugar solutions in sugar factories. Leuconostoc lagerheimii Ludwig consists of small (0.6 » to 0.8 #) cocci within thick capsules. It causes alcoholic fermentation in the slimy secretion from oaks. The organism is said to occur also without envelopes as short rods with flagella (?). ae Ca mG Ao SARE see 9 “ye Salt. ads F fehl at ie lat ied re 2. Sarcina (Goodsir). The cells divide (at least upon suitable nutrient media —hay decoction, bouillon) in regular succession in three directions of space, and remain grouped in larger or smaller cubical families. } ; The boundary of this genus is not sharp, although the sarcina is held by many authors (Niageli!) as an especially natural genus. Many varieties only produce true cubical arrangement upon certain nutrient media, and it appears that this property may also be acquired or lost (compare Sarc. rosea). In the case of varieties with in- complete packet formation there is always doubt whether they belong to the sarcina or micrococcus. It is our con- viction that the sarcina is connected with the micrococcus by unbroken transition forms, and is only separated arbi- trarily. Examples follow. 1We call eight cubically arranged cocci a packet ; cubical combina- tions of packets, bales of packets ; irregular combinations, heaps of packets. ’ 152 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. The synopsis of definitions and the descriptions may be prefaced as follows: All the sarcine which we have in- { vestigated grow—to be sure, in part very imperfectly— — also anaerobically, and then produce H,S, in from barely — perceptible to large quantities. Aerobically, H.S is not produced in 2% peptone bouillon by all, and in marked quantity only by those where we expressly state it. A minimal formation of indol occurs with all. In grape- sugar bouillon, with few exceptions, only a little acid is formed in six days (lactic acid), about 0.8 ¢.c. normal — acid to 100 of bouillon. Many convert urea into carbonate ~ of ammonia. It can not be doubted that sarcinee can cause cloudiness — and souring of beer (Lindner). (Compare Schonfeld, — C. B. L. Iv, 865.) These are said to originate especially — from horse-manure. All sarcinee stain well by Gram’s method. Beautiful — pictures are also obtained by staining with a solution of © fuchsin and differentiating with acetic acid. It isimportant — always to observe the fresh preparation ina hanging drop. — One must guard against mistaking tetrads (or eight-celled cubes) for single cells, which quite easily occurs, especially with deep staining. We have not made statements regarding the size of sarcinee, since we here found especially varying results. It — impresses one as if the cells often grew very large and then in rapid succession divided into eight parts. Endospores we have been unable to find except in Sare. pulmonum Hauser. Spontaneous movement has not been observed in any of the sarcinee examined by us with the exception of the Sare. pulmonum, but often strikingly marked molecular motion was present, which continued in sublimate solution. The Sare. mobilis Maurea, obtained from Kral, was always non-motile and devoid of flagella. In many varieties cultivation in fluid nutrient media (hay decoction and bouillon) led to the formation of packets and bunches of packets, which were otherwise formed with difficulty or not at all. When no packets are produced upon these nutrient media, one will seek them in vain upon ‘solid nutrient media. The macroscopic ap- P ’ ‘ 7 q KEY TO RECOGNITION OF THE SARCIN2. 153 pearance of the bouillon cultures is of little value in differ- entiating species, as it seems that most varieties finally produce a more or less viscous or friable sediment in the - clear bouillon, and that in the same variety the character _ of this sediment varies. The precipitate either forms upon the bottom or on the walls and bottom, without the bouillon becoming cloudy ; or the precipitation is preceded by a longer or shorter diffuse cloudiness of the bouillon. The bouillon takes on in some varieties (Sare. alba), but not always, a characteristic gummy, viscous quality. The following presentation is dependent not only upon our own studies, but upon the critical elaboration of the material, which Dr. Stubenrath cultivated during about two years under our direction, and upon which he has re- ported in a monograph, ‘‘ Das Genus Sarcina,’’ Miinchen, 1897. The literature is there extensively presented. Space does not allow us to enter more into particulars concerning the uncritically described and very numerous varieties of Henrici! and Gruber?. Stubenrath (J. ¢.) has referred to the fact that those contributions, in a work which does not at all consider the variation of bacteria, have loaded us with many names, but that our knowledge is scarcely advanced thereby. Key to Recognition of the Sarcine. I. WITHOUT PIGMENT PRODUCTION UPON AGAR AND GELATIN. (a) Potato growth delicate, brownish-yellow from the first. Gela- tin and agar growth, delicate, finely notched and wrinkled. Young cultures motile, old cultures often with spores. Sarc. pulmonum Virchow, page 155. (b) Potato growth always remains white or grayish-white. (a) Gelatin plate magnified sixty times; very finely granular; limited liquefaction. No formation of large regular bales of packets. Sarc. alba Zimmermann, page 160. (8) Gelatin plate magnified sixty times; medium-sized granules; liquefaction more rapid; formation of beautiful regular bales of packets. Sarc. canescens Stubenrath, page 159. Il. Upon AGAR AND GELATIN GRAYISH-YELLOW, GREENISH-YEL- LOW TO CHROME-YELLOW. (a) Gelatin plate magnified sixty times; very finely granular ; oo “Beitrag zur Bakterienflora des Kiises’’? (A. K. Bd. a1). * Gruber, ‘‘ Die Arten der Gattung Sarcina’’ (A. K. Bd 1, 241). a. ce 154 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. potato growth chrome-yellow, glistening ; no large regular bales of packets formed. Sarc. flava de Bary, emend. Lehmann and Stuben- rath, page 159. (6) Gelatin plate magnified sixty times; medium-sized granules ; beautiful regular bales of packets formed. This group contains transi- — tions from flava to lutea, and from the yellow to the white forms. (2) Potato growth ; at first dark gray, only later yellowish-brown. Sarc. livido-lutescens Stubenrath, page 159. (8) Potato growth ; from the beginning grayish-yellow, at other — times very similar. Sarc. equi Stubenrath, page 158. (y) Like Sare. equi, but motile from long flagella, sometimes somewhat fluorescent. Sarc. mobilis Maurea, page 160. (ec) Gelatin plates magnified sixty times are coarsely granular. Formation of beautiful regular bales of packets ; potato growth, from beginning, luxuriant lemon-yellow. Sarc. lutea Fliigge, emend. Lehmann and Stubenrath, page 157. III. Upon AGAR AND GELATIN ORANGE-YELLOW. Sarc. auran- tiaca Fliigge, page 160. IV. UpoN AGAR AND GELATIN BROWNISH TO BROWNISH-YELLOW. (a) Agar streak succulent, broad, reddish-brown. Sarc. cervina Stubenrath, page 162. (b) Agar streak thin, finely notched, and furrowed, yellowish- brown, transparent. Sarc. fulva Stubenrath, page 156. V. Upon AGAR AND GELATIN BRIGHT ROSE-RED. (a) Gelatin and agar streak rose-colored ; sarcina form observed only upon hay decoction. Sarc. rosea Schroter, emend. Zimm., page 162. (6) Gelatin and agar bright red ; sarcina form observed by us only ~ once upon hay decoction. Sarc. erythromyxa Krdl, page 162. That it will always be possible to distinguish the ‘‘forms’’ presented in the key, we can not certainly claim, since in spite of the observation during two years of very numerous forms, we have reached no final judgment con- _cerning the extent of variability and perhaps the occur- rence of transition forms. Leaving the chromogenesis out of account, we can cite at least two striking examples of their variability (com- pare Sarc. variabilis and mobilis); thus, the following appears the natural relationship: 1. Sarcina flava,—therefrom is the white form, Sare. alba. 2. Sarcina equi,—therefrom is the white form, Sare. canescens. Between equi and canescens Sare. livido-lutescens and Sare. variabilis reestablish a connection. The varieties Sare. flava, equi, and lutea form a series ee Pee te | ee eee SARCINA PULMONUM. bs iy which the coarseness of the granules of the culture and the size of the bales of packets continually increase; entirely parallel with this is the series Sarc. alba, vari- pets, and canescens. 4 o N! ¢ Sarcina pulmonum (Virchow, Hauser). (Plate 6, vI—x. ) 2 __ Literature.—Hauser, ‘‘ Deut. Arch. f. klin. Med.,’’ xi11, 127 ; Stu- _ benrath, monograph. Microscopic Appearance.—Upon the various nutrient _ media only small and not especially regular bales of _ packets were formed. _ Motility.—Young cultures exhibit exquisite waltzing movement (Hauser) dependent, according to Job (Diss. _ Wiirzburg, 1896), upon not very numerous, long, coiled flagella. Older cultures, and quite often also young ones, _ exhibit no motility. _ Growth.—Very slow even at incubator temperature. _ Gelatin Plates.—(a) Natural size: Extremely small, _ roundish, yellowish-grayish-white, punctiform colonies. (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: At first roundish, smooth border; gray, almost opaque, not different from the deep ones. After two to three weeks the peripheral part is lost from sinking in of the colony, and it then ap- pears torn, and (especially at the edge) transparent, coarsely crummy. Packets are not to be made out; color gray. Deep: Roundish, gray, opaque, without any visible internal structure (6, vir). Gelatin Stab.—At first thread-like, and only after a long time crummy; gray to yellowish-gray. Surface growth: After twenty days, 2mm. to 3 mm. wide, gray, transparent, roundish, serrated, faintly shining. Later it begins to sink in (6, v1). 1 We have not described a Sarc. ventriculi Goodsir because the description given by Falkenhain (Arch. fiir exp. Path. u. Phar. x1x, 339), which was copied by Gruber, does not agree accurately with any of _ our forms, and, as Oppler (Miinch. med. Wochenschr., 1894, No. 29, 570) first pointed out, the stomach contains a whole series of sarcinz. _ (For details thereon, see Stubenrath. ) 156 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Agar Plates.—(a) Natural size: Like gelatin oil only somewhat whiter. 7 (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Round, light toe dark gray, periphery lighter, transparent; tetrads visible as tiny crumbs. Deep: Roundish, dark, finely granular. Agar Stab.—Stab : Thread-like, ‘later granular. Surface growth: Grayish-white, shining, ‘slightly elevated; after three weeks 4 mm. to 5 mm. in diameter. | Agar Streak.—Restricted to the streak ; rather scanty growth ; grayish-white, transparent, wavy, usually made up of single crumbs. Water of condensation clear with ~ slight sediment (6, vil and 5, 11). : Bouillon Culture.—Clear, little deposit, friable. Milk Culture.—Milk very slowly becomes clear, with- out preceding coagulation. | Potato Culture.—Very poor growth; after three to four weeks a growth 3 to 4 mm. wide, yellowish-gray to brownish, shining, not sharply outlined from the potato (6:-3x}. Spores.—Typical, round spores first observed by Hauser ; according to Hauser, they stain well. Occurrence.—So far found only in the air passages of men—for example, in cases of phthisis—apparently as harmless settlers ; according to Hauser, are not pathogenic for animals. . The following appears very similarly (but always lacks spores and flagella): Sarcina fulva (Stubenrath). In microscopic findings upon all nutrient media, in distribution and consistency, liquefaction, etc., almost exactly like the preceding, but is brownish-yellow to reddish-brown, and transparent upon agar and gelatin; on the contrary, upon potato scarcely to be distinguished from Sare. pulmonum. Bouillon becomes turbid, with tough crumbly sediment. Grown with oxygen it forms some H, S, and rather abundant acid upon | grape-sugar bouillon and milk. Upon. all nutrient media it forms bunches and bales of packets, but of various sizes. Cultivated in Wiirzburg many times from stomach contents and once from preputial smegma ; a very striking and slowly growing variety. Pe te te Sl eel F 1 ; : , SARCINA LUTEA. 157 Sarcina lutea.! (Fliigge, emend. Lehmann and Stubenrath). _ Microscopic Appearance.—Upon nutrient media typi- eal bales of packets. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Roundish, puncti- form colonies, sulphur-yellow; after ten to twenty days, sinking in (3, v). : (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Roundish, even- bordered or almost smooth-edged colonies; pale yellow with at first a finely granular and later (eight to ten days) a more coarsely granular structure. After a very long time the peripheral parts separate somewhat and, with higher magnification, individual tetrads are seen (3, V1). Deep lying: Roundish, dark yellow, even-bordered, finely granular. | Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Thread-like, with relatively few coarse granules. Surface growth: Irregularly circular, with ‘a moist luster, somewhat elevated, sulphur, lemon-, or even deep yellow. After ten to twelve days the superficial ade sinks down. Liquefaction at first extends in a unnel form and later as_a cylinder; however, we have cultivated almost non-liquefying forms (38, 1). Agar Plates.—(a) Natural size. Superficial: Round or roundish, even-bordered, somewhat elevated; sulphur- yellow, with a moist luster. Deep: Roundish to whet- stone-shaped (3, vir). ; (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Roundish almost even-bordered colonies; periphery delicately punctate; peripheral zone transparent, pale yellowish, becoming darker toward the center; finely to coarsely granular (3, vil). Deep: Like those upon gelatin with coarser granulation. Agar Stab.—Stab: Thread-like, finely to coarsely gran- ular, at times after a long while ray-like outgrowths ; yel- low. Surface growth: Roundish, wavy, even border, some- ' Plate 6, Figs. I to v, illustrating the Micr. luteus Cohn, serve ex- actly as well for the Sarc. lutea, except figure 111, where the bales of packets are absent. Also Plate 3 would pass for the gelatin plate cul- tures, except for the finely granular structure (3, VIII); a somewhat lighter form (5, Iv). 158 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. — what elevated, moist, of consistency of butter; sulphur- | to chrome-yellow (38, U1). Agar Streak.—Similar ; water of condensation clear ; whitish-yellow precipitate (8, 11). Bouillon Culture.—Clear ; abundant sediment. Milk.—Coagulated after forty-eight hours. Potato Culture.—Wavy surface growth, often much elevated, shining, especially in old cultures having larger or smaller elevations ; in young cultures with a moist lus- ter, later dull, sulphur-, chrome- and more rarely grayish- yellow, limited to the line of inoculation, only extending a little more widely after a long time (3, Ix). Chemical Activities.—In peptone-bouillon there is formed some H,S and a trace of indol. The yellow pig- ment is a lipochrome. In grape-sugar bouillon some acid is formed. 3 Distribution.—Very common variety in the surround- ings of men, especially in the air. In Wiirzburg every plate from air contained it. Remarks.— The numerous forms isolated by Dr. Stubenrath which belong here, we group under the following varieties : (a) Typica (Lehmann and Stubenrath). The colony on gelatin ? may be recognized upon the plate by a marked cleaving of the border, — and even with progressing liquefaction of the gelatin the round form — is not essentially changed. - (8) Compacta (Lehmann and Stubenrath). The colonies on the gelatin plate are very luxuriant, roundish, and so compact that a bor-— der-zone can not be distinctly seen. As this form also causes almost — no liquefaction of gelatin, the colonies lie upon the plate as a tough film in the scarcely depressed gelatin. (y) Diffluens (Lehmann and Stubenrath). This form shows upon ~ all nutrient media a very marked tendency to spread out. Upon gel-— atin plates, which are liquefied quite rapidly, the colony spreads as a — very much fissured, readily disintegrating mass. x - Sarcina equi (Stubenrath). In all respects similar to the Sare. lutea, but is differentiated: 4 1. By medium-sized granules, not coarse granules, in the gelatin plate. 2. Less perfectly formed bales of packets. 3. More grayish-yellow color on all nutrient media; little lique- faction. Found repeatedly by Dr. Stubenrath in the urine of various horses — f - 4 j : ’ : SARCINA FLAVA. 159 “ - he Coa: Are oa in Wiirzburg. In cultures it remained constant for a year, the origi- ‘nal active liquefaction only being somewhat lessened. The three following are subspecies or varieties: Sarcina livido-lutescens (Stubenrath). Like Sare. equi, but young potato cultures for ten days and more are gray to reddish-gray; after twenty days they become brownish- yellow in the center, and after a month throughout the entire culture. - The constancy of this characteristic was observed for a year. Ina case of enteritis it was grown abundantly from the stool by Dr. Stubenrath. Sarcina canescens (Stubenrath). Differentiated from Sare. equi only by constant gray color and somewhat coarser granulation (larger bales of packets) upon all nutrient media (5, VIII). Sarcina variabilis (Stubenrath). This form, isolated from gastric contents, appears to us to be very interesting. It is differentiated from the Sare. equi only by more marked liquefaction of gelatin and by the property of furnishing on the various nutrient media sometimes yellowish-gray, sometimes pure gray colonies. Upon plates one often obtains gray and yellowish colonies side by side, but this is alike repeated whether one inoculates from gray or yellowish colonies. Sarcina flava (de Bary, emend. Lehmann and Stubenrath). (Plate 3.) Upon all nutrient media it is habitually very similar to the Sare. lutea, being yellow to greenish-yellow. The principal difference lies in the very finely granular gelatin plate colonies when magnified sixty times. When magnified one thousand times, this fine granulation is seen to depend upon very small bales and heaps of packets.1 We have observed one form that is more luxuriant and distinctly liquefying, and one that is more delicate, leaving the gelatin still solid after weeks, growing feebly upon all nutrient media. It has been repeatedly culti- vated from gastric contents. 1 The Sarc. flava, obtained from Kral, Dr. Stubenrath found to form upon all fluid and solid nutrient media, usually only bunches of cocci, rarely tetrads, and never true bales of packets. 160 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Sarcina alba (Zimmermann). If one imagines the very feebly liquefying forms of Sare. flava with- out formation of pigment, then one obtains the Sare. alba likewise with variable liquefaction. The growths on the various nutrient media are _ white to grayish-white, usually very delicate. Microscopically this variety is not distinguishable from Sare. flava, so that, when transition — forms are found, they appear only as varieties. Sarcina mobilis (Maurea). The inoculation from an original culture sent to our institute by Kral resembled our Sare. equi, very markedly in the color (grayish- yellow), upon all the nutrient media and in its slow but always dis- tinct liquefaction, yet the granulation in the gelatin plate cultures, magnified sixty times, is still finer, somewhat like the Sare. flava, midway between this and the Sarc. equi. Now and then a yellowish-green fluorescence occurs upon agar and gelatin, which we have observed in no other sarcina. Although the granulation is fine, beautiful packets occur upon all nutrient media. We were not able to see the spontaneous motion described by Maurea, nor could we stain flagella. Our variety appeared to have lost the ability — to produce flagella. KR. O. Neumann has grown a white and a yellow culture. Migula, who has seen the flagella, produced a picture of them. Sames has described and illustrated by photographs a gray variety of sarcina, which is actively motile and provided with numerous long flagella, obtained from dung-water (C. B. L. Iv, 664). It may be called Sarc. fimentaria L. and N. Sarcina aurantiaca (Flugge, Lindner). — (Plate 4.) Microscopic Appearance.— Beautiful bales and bunches of packets upon all ordinary nutrient media. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size : Orange-yellow, small, round, dot-like colonies, which soon sink into the gelatin. After five to six days the peripheral part breaks up and portions of the colony swim about in the plate-shaped area of liquefaction. Thus the colony appears whitish orange (4, v). (b) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: At first round, — almost even-bordered colonies, pale to deep yellow, struc- tureless or finely granular. The shallow funnel-shaped depression appears gray. Later the border of the colony is broken, fringed, and wavy, and when magnified a hun- dred times presents tetrads that are single or joined in Pine SARCINA AURANTIACA. 161 slumps. At this stage the peripheral zone is perfectly transparent (4, vi). Deep: Like young superficial ones. _ Gelatin Puncture.—The colony sinks in after thirty- six hours, so that usually the gelatin presents the appear- ance of a contracting blister. The stab-canal presents a ie cl-chaped liquefaction, the wall being beset with fine fragments of the colony. At the bottom of the funnel is - orange sediment (4, 1). Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size. Superficial: Round or “roundish colonies, even-bordered, somewhat elevated, orange witha moist luster. Deep: Roundish to whetstone- ‘shaped, similarly colored (4, vir). (6) Magnified fifty times: Irregularly round; central zone Opaque, brownish-green, toward the border lighter and “more yellow, coarsely granular; with stronger magnifica- tion individual tetrads are to be seen (4, vit). Agar Stab.—Stab: Thread-like, coarsely granular. Surface growth: Irregularly round, wavy, somewhat ele- _yated, orange-yellow to orange-red, with a consistency like ‘ butter, shining moistly (4, Iv). Agar Streak.—Like agar stab; water of condensation ‘clear ; yellowish sediment (4, 11). Bouillon Culture.—Unevenly turbid, many single floceuli, abundant sediment. Milk Culture.—Milk is coagulated, and later the coag- ulum is again liquefied. Potato Culture.—Luxuriant growth,-with rough, wavy border ; after a longer time distinctly elevated ; reddish- orange, "especially i in old cultures, and then is usually dull and irregular like a strawberry. In earlier stages it is yel- lowish-orange and at times shining. Very similar to the Mier. pyogenes aureus (4, 1x). (Compare also 8, rx.) Chemical Activities.—The orange-yellow pigment is alipochrome. In grape-sugar bouillon there is feeble acid production. When grown aerobically upon nutrient media et sugar, there is produced no H,§, but a trace of ‘indol. Occurrence.— Outside the organism: Very common in the air; almost upon every plate made from the air in - Wiirzburg. Related Varieties,—All orange-yellow sarcin, which il 162 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. were cultivated in our institute could be easily designated’ 3 as Sare. aurantiaca; moreover, we can not differentiate Sarc. aurea Macé, Sarc. aurescens fusca and fusces=— ' cens Gruber from Gruber’s description. ii i a isd Sarcina cervina (Stubenrath). (Plate 5, 1.) Gelatin plate colonies, macroscopically, at first are whitish, after four to five days pale brown, somewhat moist, slowly becoming sur- | rounded by a zone of liquefaction. Magnified sixty times: with coarsely granular projections, gradually breaking up at the edge into ~ coarsely granular, cloudy masses. Gelatin stab—superficial growth — small, pale brown, very slowly sinking in. Stab—faint, thread-like, finely granular. Agar plate—similar to that on gelatin. Agar streak—broad, moist, elevated, yellowish-brown (5,1). Potato cul-— ture —brownish-white. Magnified one thousand times, it is seen to- consist of mostly irregular bales of packets, which appear a light brownish color. This variety was once isolated from the gastric con-_ tents ina case of carcinoma. 4 Sarcina erythromyxa (Kral). (Plate 5, 111.) ; : Literature.—Kral (list of the bacteria handed over); Mier. eryth- romyxa Overbeck (Nov. Act. der Leop.-Carol, Bd. 55, No. 7, 1891). — Good description by Zimmermann (I, 70). Magnified one thousand times, usually only cocci, diploooadi: and © tetrads ; only once did we obtain upon hay decoction a beautiful for-— mation of regular bales of packets. Upon gelatin plates (natural size) the colonies are at first a lively — greenish color, then beautiful carmine- to vermilion-red, and moist. Magnified sixty times, almost. without granulation ; at the edge the red colonies are usually transparent and finely notched. There is no liquefaction. Gelatin stab, agar stab and streak, and potato cultures gradually develop as an intensely red, shining, rather spare growth. Upon milk a red growth forms on the surface, and the milk slowly be- — comes clear without preceding coagulation. Bouillon becomes cloudy with a coarse, crumbly sediment and at times a pellicle. Moderate — production of acid on grape-sugar bouillon. ' —_— Sarcina rosea. J. Schroter emend. Menge (B. vi, 596) and Zimmermann (ii, 58). The description of this organism (5, VI) coincides absolutely as re-— gards its growth upon all nutrient media with that given for the Mier. — roseus (p. 190); the illustrations in Plate 11 also are as good for the bE MICROCOCCUS. 163 ‘Sare. rosea. On the contrary, the culture we obtained from Kral, upon agar, hay decoction, and urine, contained bales of packets. 3. Micrococcus (Cohn). The cells divide irregularly in various directions and lie singly, in pairs, in fours, or, finally and indeed mostly, in irregularly bunched heaps. In this class are included all ‘cocci which are not undoubted streptococci or sarcine. Key to the Determination of the Micrococci. I. Does not grow upon any of the ordinary nutrient media aerobic- ally or anaerobically ; on the contrary, grows upon human blood- _ serum, agar smeared with blood, etc. Microscopically, pairs of kidney- shaped cocci, connected by a usually broad, unstained cement line ; round forms are more rare. Does not stain by Gram’s method. Never found except in human body or its secretions. Micr. gonorrhceze Neisser, page 164. II. Poor growth upon the ordinary nutrient media and upon serum. Besides cocci, often rod-forms (!) are found, which may be four times as long as wide ; not stained by Gram’s method. Micr. melitensis Bruce, page 168. Ill. Upon the ordinary nutrient media a thick, white, abundant growth, sometimes forming tetrads. In animal body always tetrads with marked gelatinous capsules. Micr.tetragenus Gaffky, page 171. IV. Grow upon ordinary nutrient media; always spherical ; no tetrads in animal body. A. Upon gelatin and agar, do not produce pigments (white to gray varieties). (a) Gelatin not liquefied ; colonies in plate roundish with no out- growths. ‘ (a) Growth on gelatin and agar thick, pure white ; not patho- genic ; arrangement irrregular. 3 “os aden rather large. Micr. candicans Fliigge, page 69. 2. Individuals very small. Micr. aquatilis Mead Bolton, page 71 171. (8) Similar to a, but color yellowish-gray, not pure white. Micr. Tosettaceus Zimmermann. (y) Growth upon gelatin thinand iridescent. Micr.concentricus Zimmermann, page 174. __ (b) Gelatin not liquefied ; delicate white tendrils extend outward from the deep colonies in gelatin plates and from the gelatin stab. Micr. viticulosus Katz, page 174. (ec) Gelatin liquefied ; plate and stab cultures without tendrils or branches. Micr. pyogenes y albus (Rosenbach), L. and N.,! page 187. + Compare Micr. Freudenreichii Guillebeau, Micr. acidi lactis Kriiger. , oe ‘ ee 164. IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL (d) Gelatin liquefied ; colonies in plates with teeth or branches. (a) Gelatin stab without branches. The funnel of liquefaction in the gelatin plate cultures is surrounded after a few days with a yellowish-white circle of ragged points and teeth. (Com : also Micr. corallioides Zimmermann.) Micr. coronatus Fliigge, page 175. ' (8) In gelatin stab are branches. The colonies in the gelati plate present a circle of pretty rays. Micr, radiatus Fliigge, page 176. B. Upon gelatin and agar, sulphur-yellow to lemon-yellow pigment i produced. * . 1. Colonies in gelatin coarsely granular ; liquefaction rapid. Mier. luteus Cohn, emend. L. and N., page 176. 2. Colonies in gelatin finely ‘granular ; liquefaction rapid. Micr. flavus Fluigge, L. and N., page 178. 3. Colonies in gelatin finely granular; no liquefaction. Micr. sulfureus Zimmermann, page 178. ; C. Upon gelatin and agar, formation of brownish-yellow pignee Micr. badius, L. and N., page 178. D. Upon gelatin and agar, orange-yellow to grayish-orange. (a) Agar streak uniformly orange-yellow. (a) Gelatin liquefied, pathogenic. Micr. pyogenes a aureus’ (Rosenbach) L. and N., page 181. (8) Gelatin not liquefied ; found in air. Micr. aurantiacus Cohn, page 189. (b) Agar streak, mottled gray and orange. Micr. bicolor Zimmer- mann, page 189. E. Upon gelatin and agar, rose to crimson. (a) Rose to cherry-red ; upon potato, slight growth. Micr.roseus” (Bumm), L. and N., page 190. . (b) Rose to cherry-red ; upon potato, broad, dry growth. Micr. | cerasinus (List) L. and N., page 193. (ec) Scarlet red. Micr. erythromyxa Zopf, page 193. F. Upon gelatin and agar, cobalt blue. Micr. cyaneus (Schréter) Cohn, page 193. Micrococcus gonorrheeze (Neisser) (Fliigge). (Plate 10.) Synonyms.—Gonococcus (Neisser), Diplococcus gonor-— rhee Bumm, Micrococcus Gonorrhcee Schroter. , Most Important Literature.—A. Neisser, ‘‘C. f. med. Wiss.,’’ 1879, — 497; Bumm, ‘‘ Der Mikroorganismus der gonorrh. Schleimhauter- krankung,”’ ’ Wiesbaden, monograph, 1885; Wertheim, ‘‘ Archiv fur — Gynakologie,’’ XLII, 1892, 1; 1; Wassermann, XXVII, 298. ‘Latest exhaus-— 1 Compare also the pathogenic Mier. ascoformans Johne, the Mier. pyogenes f citreus (Passet), and the Micr, ochroleucus Prowe, which — is said to form spores, MICROCOCCUS GONORRHG@. 165 ive review of the literature by Fouleston, ‘‘ Transact. of the Inst. of Prev. Med.,’’ Vol. 1, 1898. __ Microscopic Appearance.—They usually occur as pairs of organisms, somewhat kidney-shaped, united by a Tenticular cement material which is often quite broad. A pair is 0.8 » to 1.6 » long, and 0.6 4 to 0.8» broad 0, x). ‘ Staining Properties.— By the usual staining methods, best with Léffler’s methylene-blue. It is not stained _by Gram’s method, which is very important, as it differs in this from almost all cocci. Recently many authors “have claimed that gonococci at times stain by Gram’s method. Weinrich (C. B. xxiv, 258), who discusses the entire literature, maintains that prompt decolorization is always obtained .if the preparations which are stained _ with anilin- or carbol-gentian violet solution are brought directly into Lugol’s solution without washing with water and then into truly absolute alcohol. If one desires a con- trast color in the cells, a weak aqueous solution of Bismarck brown is employed after the cover-glass has _ been brought from the absolute alcohol to water. Relation to Oxygen.—Facultative anaerobe. Requirements as Regards Temperature and Nutri- ent Media.—Grows only at incubator temperature, best at 36°. The extremes are from 25° to 39°. Growth on all nutrient media very slight, and frequent transfer is necessary to keep it alive. It is.one of the most difficult varieties to keep permanently in culture. It is remarkable that cultures die at room temperature in forty- eight hours. The growth of gonococci upon the ordinary nutrient media is not to be undertaken.! Smears are to be made upon one of the following nutrient media (3, 4, and 5 may _ also be used for plates): ; 1. Ordinary nutrient agar, smeared over with human blood (from the sterilized finger-tip of the investigator, Abel). To be recommended as the simplest method. 2. Human blood-serum (from placenta or obtained by venesec- : 1 The statements of Turré regarding the cultivation of the gonococ- cus upon acid gelatin, the successful inoculation in the dog, and the _ liquefaction of alkaline gelatin could be verified by no one. 166 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. tion). The serum of animals is usually unsuitable, and upon it the — { growth is always very slight (Bumm). q 3. We have (with Kiefer and Menge) obtained very good results — with a nutrient medium, always prepared when used by mixing 2% agar (with 1% peptone ‘and 5% glycerin), which has been xing 229 and cooled to 50°, with half its volume of ascites fluid or the fluid from ovarian cysts (see Technical Appendix). 4. We have had no good results with a nutrient medium consisting of urine and glycerin-agar, or with simple glycerin-agar. 5. Wassermann recommends the following as the best gonococcus nutrient medium: 15 c.c. of swine serum, as free as possible from hemoglobin, is placed in a small Erlenmeyer flask, diluted with 30 to 35 ¢.c. of water, and to this is added 2 to 3c.c. of glycerin and, finally, 0.8 to 0.9 gm. (about 2% ) of nutrose (casein-sodium phosphate). The — whole is now mixed as thoroughly as possible by shaking and heated, — with constant stirring, over a free flame to the boiling-point. The previously turbid fluid becomes clear upon boiling, and may be properly heated in the moist oven to render it sterile. The addition of the nutrose prevents the precipitate from the serum. In the prep- aration of cultures an equal quantity of 2% agar cooled to 50° is poured into the flask, the two mixed and poured into a Petri dish. As soon as it becomes solid, the nutrient medium is ready for use. The cultures are the more luxuriant, the fresher the case of gonorrhea” and the less it has been treated. Growth is favored by the admission of air. Plate Cultures.—(a) Natural size: Like the streak culture. (b) Magnified fifty times: The great delicacy of the colonies is characteristic of the gonococcus. Upon blood-_ agar and serum-agar, as well as upon ascites glycerin- agar, the colonies are transparent gray with a shade of yellow, exceedingly delicate, scarcely at all, or only very finely, granular. Often at the periphery the colony is indistinguishable from the medium. They are very — ‘slightly elevated (10, mn, below; v, m). At this stage — they are very similar to the Strept. lanceolatus. In older — colonies the border, which was formerly smooth, becomes partly wavy and irregular, the structure somewhat granu- lar (10, 11), and eventually even moruloid (10, Iv), yet it is always more delicate than the streptococcus. If an in- oculation is made upon agar smeared with blood the col- onies appear principally “at. the periphery of the streak, like a cloud, or, upon becoming larger, press the blood aside (10, It). The same happens if gonorrheal or blen- norrheal pus is placed upon ascites-glycerin-agar. The MICROCOCCUS GONORRHGZ. 167 ae s pushed aside forms septa, between which the colonies develop. This is a very characteristic picture (10, v1). _ Streak Culture.—Transparent gray deposit, perhaps with a trace of dirty yellow, somewhat elevated especially at the edge. It has an oily but not a moist gloss. It | gives the impression as of mucus upon the surface, thus - differing from the streak cultures of other delicately grow- _ ing organisms, as the Strept. pyogenes or lanceolatus. _ Toxins.—Upon nutrose-serum bouillon Wassermann obtained vigorous cultures, which were still poisonous after being killed. The ' gonotoxin from the bodies of gonococci is very resistant to heat and _ alcohol, kills mice, produces a doughy infiltration in rabbits and mice, which often ends in necrosis. With large doses systemic effects occur (compare Nicolaysen, C. B. xx11, 305). Gonotoxin injected sub- cutaneously was without effect in chronic gonorrhea in man. The marked reaction following the injection did not become less upon re- peating the injection. The gonotoxin explains the gonorrheal secretion. Also some points in the history of chronic gonorrhea may be explained by the fact that for a long time a few gonococci slowly multiply and die and keep up a suppuration almost free of gonococci, but that they may increase more actively after any injury, irritation, etc., of the tissue and an acute exacerbation of the process, with abundant formation of toxin and large numbers of gonococci, may develop. Also, the filtrate from cultures of gonococci in ascites bouillon was irritating, according to Schaffer, producing a suppuration upon the urethral mucous membrane (C. B. XXIII, 708). Distribution.—(a) Outside of the organism: Never, ex- cept upon linen, towels, etc., soiled by those with the dis- ease. (b) In healthy organism: Never. (¢) In diseased organism: In gonorrhea in the urethra and prostate of men ; in the urethra, Bartholinian glands, cervix uteri in women. Cause of vaginitis and urethritis in young girls. Besides these, in isolated cases it causes endometritis, metritis, salpingitis, oophoritis, peritonitis, proctitis, ves- ical catarrh, and probably also epididymitis. Cause of blennorrhea neonatorum, rarely of diphtheritic conjunc- tivitis in children (C. Frankel); the gonococcus also causes, in adults, severe conjunctivitis, rarely rhinitis and otitis. The gonococcus is often recognized as the cause of arthritis, and more rarely of pleuritis and malignant endo- carditis, abscesses, parotitis, periostitis, and bursitis. Now 168 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL and then these demonstrations are not entirely free from objection. : . As influencing the local infection, squamous epithelium _ is a better protection than cylindric epithelium. The parasite gradually passes through the epithelium into the tf connective tissue and causes an irritation and inflamma- — tion there. No immunity follows recovery from the in- — fection. . In migrating to distant regions of the body, the gono- coccus especially follows the lymph spaces and causes in- flammations, which lead to fibrous proliferation (for ex- ample, urethral stricture). Experimental Pathologic Experiences.—Iln ani- mals: The results of inoculation are always negative. Large quantities of culture cause toxin inflammations with- out increase of the cocci, just as is done by the toxins alone. In man: The production of gonorrhea and conjunctivitis with pure cultures is easily accomplished. Special Methods of Recognition.—The following peculiarities are to be demonstrated : Diplococci, lying in clumps in the leuokcytes about the nuclei, staining with methylene-blue, and not by Gram’s method. Delicate colonies in smears upon blood-agar and serum-agar. The most positive control inoculation is upon the human urethra. Varieties related to the Micr. gonorrhez. Several varieties have been partially studied by v. Bumm, which may be mistaken for the Micr. gonorrhcee because of their microscopic form. We will only mention them, as we have not studied them, and will refer to the work of Bumm, already spoken of, for further details. Micrococcus albicans amplus.—Grows grayish-white upon gela- tin, and is larger than the Mic. gonorrheee. Re Diplococcus albicans tardissimus.—Microscopically is identified morphologically with the Mier. gonorrhces, but grows upon gelatin, although very slowly. Micrococcus subflavus.—See under Micr. pyogenes. ; Micrococcus melitensis (Bruce). Literature.—Durham, Jour. of Pathology, Vol. v, 1898, 377. MICROCOCCUS CANDICANS. 169 Common Name.—Coccus of Malta fever. - A-ssmall coceus; in fluids, especially in the incubator, it - not rarely forms chains. Cultures at room temperature - consist mostly of bacilli,t which are from two to four _ times as long as they are broad. At body temperature _ cultures of cocci again develop. Non-motile. Do not _ stain by Gram’s method. _ At 37° colonies grow slowly upon all nutrient media, _ being white, hemispherical ; upon gelatin at room tem- perature there is scarcely any growth. Bouillon at first becomes cloudy, then presents a floccu- - lent precipitate. Milk is not coagulated. Neither gas nor _ acid is formed from sugar. There is usually an invisible growth upon potato. In man it causes Malta fever, also in monkeys after _ cerebral injection. Rabbits and guinea-pigs may be in- fected, guinea-pigs also intraperitoneally. The serum causes agglutination of the cocci. The elimination of the coccus with the urine, which may continue for months, is interesting. Micrococcus candicans (Fliigge). (Plate 9, Iv-VIII. ) Microscopic Appearance.—Round cocci, lying singly or in bunches, 1.2 » in diameter. Usually they present a dividing line in the center (9, vu). > Relation to Oxygen.—Grow well aerobically, and only slightly in the lower parts of shake cultures. Requirements as to Temperature and Nutrient Media.—Grow at room and incubator temperatures and upon all the usual nutrient media. Gelatin Plates.—(a) Natural size: Round or roundish colonies, after eight days at usual temperature being from 2mm. to 3 mm. in diameter, moistly shining, porcelain- white, slightly elevated. Upon old plates there are always found, besides flatly spreading colonies, those like grains of sand or even conical elevations (9, v). (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: . Round to round- * Thus this organism lies between the families of the coccacee and Tr1lacex, 170 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. ish colonies, even-bordered, extremely delicately punctate, at the periphery partially transparent, becoming opaque, and yellowish-gray to black toward the center. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, opaque, even-bordered, dark (9, v1). : Gelatin Stab.—Thread-like, granular, white. Surface — growth: Wavy smooth border, somewhat elevated, shining like porcelain, later somewhat dull, white, with consist- ency of butter (9, Iv). Agar Plates.—The colonies, when of the natural size or magnified sixty times, are like those in gelatin plates, except that they are somewhat more elevated and more opaque. a Agar Streak.—Slightly spreading, white, oily-looking — growth, with a wavy, smooth border, and moderately elevated. Water of condensation clear. White precipi- tate (9, I). Bouillon Culture.—Extremely cloudy with moderate sediment; with some forms the bouillon remains clear, — and there is formed a pellicle and sediment of greater coherence. Milk Culture.—Not coagulated in fourteen days, but it becomes very feebly acid. Potato Culture.—Thick, white, porcelain- like growth, with an oily luster, much elevated, with a wavy border. In time the neighborhood of the srowth i is discolored gray. The growth of the same cultures upon old potatoes (March) is much drier and more crumbly (9, viz). Chemical Activities.—Does not liquefy gelatin, forms no gas upon nutrient media containing sugar, and no indol nor H,S. Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Very common in air, water, milk; everywhere in Germany where it has been looked for. (6) In organism: Only epiphytic, for example, in pre- putial smegma and human hairs. Forms: We have isolated a Micr. candicans, which differs only from the stock variety in liquefying gelatin feebly. Related Varieties.—The Staphylococcus cereus albus Passet only differs from this variety in the smaller size of the individuals (perhaps MICROCOCOCUS TETRAGENUS. 171 _ only a forma depauperata from long culture) (from 0.5 « to 0.8); other- wise it corresponds in all particulars. According to Leube’s descrip- tion (Virch. Arch. 100, p. 560), the Micr. urez is entirely identical _ morphologically with the Micr. candicans (0.8 “); the colonies in gel- atin plates at times present ‘sectorial cracks, old cultures have an in- sipid, pasty smell. Any statement regarding the growth on potato is lacking. Microccocus aquatilis (Mead Bolton). . We are not familiar with this organism. . It iscommon in the water in Gottingen (Z. H. 1, 94), and is characterized by ‘‘ very small”’ individuals. The colonies in gelatin plates present something of radial streaks and circular lines, so that rhomboid spaces occur. Fur- ther characteristics are not given by Bolton. The organism is able to grow in distilled water. According to Schroter’s insufficient descrip- tion, it may perhaps be identical with the Micr, candidus Cohn. Also the porcelain coccus of Escherich from the intestine (‘‘ Darm- bakterien,’’ p. 90) appears similar ; it measures only 0.3 yu. Micrococcus tetragenus (Koch and Gaffky). (Plate 7.) Synonyms.—Micr. tetragenus septicus Boutron, Micr. tetragenus albus Boutron. Principal Literatwre.—Koch and Gafiky, ‘‘ Mitteil. a. d. Gesundh.,”’ Bd. 1, 42; Langenbeck’s ‘‘ Archiv,’’ Bd. 28, 500 ; Boutron’s ‘‘ Thése de Paris’’ contains a monograph upon the organism, Reference in C. B. Xvi, 971 ; Teissier, ‘‘ Arch. de med. exp.,’’ vim, 14. ‘Microscopic Appearance.—Roundish or somewhat oval cocci, usually lying in pairs or fours.! The size is somewhat variable. Not infrequently one sees but little characteristic cell arrangement in a microscopic prepara- tion, made from aculture. Inthe animal and human body the arrangement in tetrads is regular, and a rather thick unstained gelatinous capsule surrounds the tetrad. In sections stained by Gram’s method the capsule may be counterstained with eosin. Relation to Oxygen.—Grows well with oxygen, and not so well without. Requirements as to Temperature and Nutrient ?We have found, on one occasion, in old cultures in hay decoction typical sarcina forms. Unfortunately the observation was not followed further. Contamination is not excluded. 172 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Media.—Grows best at 37°, but also at room temperature, upon all ordinary nutrient media. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Superficial: Small, — irregularly shaped colonies, with even border, whitish, slightly elevated, shining, moist. Deep: Uncharacteristic (7, VII). (6) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Roundish colonies, at first with perfectly even borders, later sinuously broken, not unlike liquefying sarcina colonies.. With accurate focusing the form of tetrads is recognizable in the gray, transparent peripheral portion; toward the center the colony is opaque, shaded gray. Deep: Irregularly formed, smooth border, opaque, delicately to coarsely granular (7, vm). Gelatin Stab.—Stab : At first thread-like, later, in upper part very granular, in lower part like a string of pearls, white (7, 1). Surface growth: After ten days from 3mm. to 4 mm. broad, irregularly round, partially lobulated, much elevated in the center, like the head of a nail, moist, pure white or somewhat yellowish, shining (7, m1). Agar Plate.—The same as upon gelatin, only much more luxuriant, opaque (7, VI). : Agar Stab.—Sitab: Confluent, very rough, pure white. In old cultures there often occur luxuriant outgrowths in clumps (7, v). Surface growth: Irregularly round, sin- uous or wavy. Much elevated, often with terrace-like formation, pure white, with an oily luster, at times with a suggestion of yellow (7, 1v). The agar streak corre- sponds. Water of condensation clear, with white precipi- tate (7, 1). | Bouillon Culture.—Clear ; moderate precipitate, upon shaking becoming distributed at first as flocculi and then homogeneously. Milk Culture.—After four days firmly coagulated, at other times coagulation is absent. ; Potato Culture.—Limited to the streak of the inocula- tion, sharply outlined from the surroundings, but not elevated. Border of the growth irregular and jagged, pure white, dull, orfaintly shining. According to Gafiky, thick, slimy, tenacious (7, x). Chemical Activities.—It produces some acid upon ad Ad Pict iad a A Ratti tes he Pe a ee a ee ae MICROCOCCUS TETRAGENUS. 173 _ grape-sugar bouillon, and a strikingly strong odor of glue upon agar plates. It does not liquefy gelatin, nor does it _ form H,S or indol upon 2% solution of peptone. _ Distribution.—(a) Outside the organism: We have never met it. (b) In the healthy organism: In the mouth ; found by Boutron in human milk. (c) In diseased human organism: In pulmonary cavities in phthisis (Gaffky); in abscesses. (d) In animals: Found as cause of suppuration several times (Karlinski, C. B. vir, 113). Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Effects.—(a) Upon animals: In white mice it causes a rapidly progressing septicemia. Guinea-pigs and white rats are similarly susceptible. In rabbits there is usually only a local affection (peritonitis, abscess, etc.). Gray rats and gray mice are very resistant or even immune. (6) In man: It has been demonstrated that the organ- ism causes suppuration and not merely accompanies it (Viquerat, Z. H. xviu, 411). Special Methods of Detection.—Agar plates, micro- scopic picture, experiment on the mouse. In bouillon and hay decoction no packets of sarcina are formed. Morphologically identical but not pathogenic is the Micr. tetragenus albus Boutron. The Micr. tetra- genus aureus Boutron is liquefying, non-pathogenic, and was grown from human milk. _It was observed by Boschi and Bellei (C. B. xxim, 856), after repeated growth, to become colorless. They very properly con- sider all these forms as only varieties of the Micr. tetra- genus. Related Varieties. We are unacquainted with the Micr. tetragenus sub- flavus, obtained by Besser from nasal mucus, which did not grow upon gelatin, and was yellowish upon agar (Ziegler’s ‘‘ Beitriige zur path. Anat.,’’ v1, 347). We are unable to differentiate the Actinobacter poly- morphus Duclaux by means of a culture from Kral. The Micr. tetragenus mobilis ventriculi Mendoza (C. B, v1, 566) is theoretically interesting. From the de- Ageia 174. IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. scription it cannot be differentiated from the Mier. tetra- genus Gafiky and Koch, except that it forms some skatol. It possesses a very lively spontaneous motion, and consti- tutes, until more material is at hand, the motile, presum- ably flagellated, related form of the Micr. tetragenus (see Micrococcus roseus). Micrococcus rosettaceus (Zimmermann) (i, p. 72). According to the description of Zimmermann it is almost identical with the Micr. candicans, but upon gelatin it is grayish-white and upon potato of a yellowish-gray color ; size from 0.7 to 1.0 u. Micrococcus concentricus (Zimmermann) (i, p. 86). Upon all nutrient media it forms only a thin, delicate, iridescent growth, resembling somewhat the Bact. typhi. Upon gelatin plates the border is irregular, and concentric zones are almost always seen on gelatin. It never liquefies gelatin. Upon potato thin, yellowish- gray, slimy growth. They are 0.9 » indiameter. Found by Zimmer- mann in Chemnitz hydrant-water. Micrococcus viticulosus (Katz). This was, so far as we know, isolated only once by Katz in Fliigge’s laboratory in Gottingen. In the gelatin stab and in deep colonies in gelatin plates it forms delicate white tendrils. We know it only from the description, according to which its cultures evidently have a great similarity to those of the Bact. Zopfii, which we have represented in Plates 29 and 30. Gelatin is not liquefied. The cocci are always oval, being 1.2 u long and 1 » broad. Micrococcus of Bitter Milk (Conn) (C. B. ix, 653). Rather large coccus, non-chromogenic. Gelatin rapidly liquefied, which, as well as bouillon, becomes very mucilaginous. Milk at first is coagulated, then becomes clear and slimy. It tastes faintly acid, but is very bitter. Micrococcus Freudenreichii (Guillebeau). Large cocci (2 “ and over in diameter), usually single, rarely (in bouillon) arranged inchains. In milk gelatin, the colonies first appear white, entire, finely granular; after two days rapid liquefaction occurs. Agar culture is white. Potato culture sulphur-yellow to yellowish- brown, at times delicate and at other times luxuriant. Bouillon first becomes cloudy, then clear witha flocculent sediment. In sterile milk : + f i" \ = meee MICROCOCCUS CORALLIOIDES. 175 there is formation of acid, early there is marked stickiness (tenacity'), after a few days coagulation. Optimum 209°, Growth occurs from 11° to 35°. It is perhaps a streptococcus. a, Micrococcus acidi lactis (Kriiger) (C. B. vii, 425, 464, 493). ' Oval coccus, forming diplococci and tetrads, from 1.0 “ to 1.5 in diameter. It is a facultative anaerobe. Round, white colonies in . with ragged border. Gelatinis liquefied. Gelatin stab. Stab: : n ular, white growth. Surface growth: White and later sinking downward. From milk-sugar it forms lacticacid. Milk is coagulated in five days at from 15° to 35°, then the albuminous bodies are pep- tonized with the production of a sticky character and a pasty odor. Micrococcus coronatus (Fliigge) (Ed. iii, p. 178). Round cocci, from 0.8 “ to 1.64. Gelatin plate. Natural size: At first small, white disks, which, when they are on the surface, have a broad zone of liquefaction. At this stage, if magnified sixty times, the colonies appear as gray, coarsely granular disks, with ragged bor- ders, and later they break up into fragments and crumbs. The picture of the natural-sized colonies later is quite changed; while a yellowish- white, irregular clump lies at the bottom of the shallow funnel of liquefaction, the clear funnel of liquid is surrounded by a zone of sturdy, irregular points and outgrowths, which make the picture very striking. The gelatin stab culture resembles that in the plate. Agar plate : Deep colonies, round, white, almost opaque. Superficial, at first round, then ragged, lobulated, wavy, luxuriantly developed. Agar streak: Grayish-white, broad, jagged, somewhat dry. Potato culture: Similar. Bouillon : Slightly cloudy with sediment. No in- dol, a trace of H,S is formed. Milk becomes gelatinous in ten days ; after fourteen days it is coagulated with a minimal acid reaction. Found by Fliigge many times in examinations of air, by us in ex- amination of smegma. Micrococcus corallioides (Zimmermann) (ii, p. 72). According to Zimmermann’s description it resembles the preceding, yet is entirely different. Gelatin plate. Natural size: Colonies appear as white, somewhat irregular masses, which after eighty hours form outgrowths all around, so that finally they lie in the half liquefied gelatin, with radiating, often branched, formations extending in all directions. Magnified one hundred times the masses of bacteria appear granular. Also the milk-white growth at the top of the gelatin stab sends out indistinct outgrowths. Upon agar a broad, milk-white growth, upon potato very little growth. Meat-infusion is uniformly cloudy. Found by Zimmermann in water. 1 Weigmann’s Micr. of tenacious milk does not liquefy gelatin. 176 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Micrococcus radiatus (Fliigge) (Ed. iii, p. 179). Micrococci of less than 1 4. _ The deep colonies in the gelatin plate, — which are at first granular and Sharply outlined, when we | come to — the surface become surrounded by @ Ting of pretty rays, w separate — a little at the periphery, so that the colony is somewhat v outlined. Later second and third rings of rays may develdp. ‘Im the gelatin stab culture there is a pointed funnel of liquefaction. Onn the lower part of the stab horizontal outgrowths radiate, so that the stab appears as if feathered. We have not seen it; description is from Fliigge. The color is described by Fliigge as white, with a yellowish- green shimmer. Micrococcus luteus (Lehm. and Neum.). (Plate 6, I-v.) Synonyms.—tThe insufficiently defined Micrococcus luteus Cohn, designated by Schréter as Bacteridium luteum, is not to be identified as a particular variety. We desig- — nate the species to be described in this way, to express the relation to the Sarcina lutea. Microscopic Appearance.—Medium sized (0.4 » to 1.2 »), roundish cocci, often lying together in fours, often only in pairs. Relation to Oxygen.—In shake cultures strongly aero- bic. Requirements as to Temperature and Nutrient Media.—Grows rapidly and luxuriantly at room and incu- bator temperature upon all nutrient media. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size: Yellowish to yellow- ish-white irregularly round colonies, after three days from 14 mm. to 2 mm. broad. In a short time they sink in, without the form of the colonies being disturbed. Later there follows a breaking up of the film into irregular gran- ules and debris. (b) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Yellowish-gray to grayish-brown, irregular, roundish colonies with wavy, scalloped borders. In the periphery, at times individual tetrads are plainly visible. The outer part is more trans- parent than the central portion. The interior is uniformly shaded in a gray color. Deep: Roundish to whetstone- shaped, smooth border, finely granular, of the same color as the superficial (6, Ir). MICROCOCCUS LUTEUS. 177 Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Until liquefaction begins it is granular. After two days liquefaction begins with a plate- shaped depression, which later becomes cylindric. The contents of the funnel are cloudy, greenish or yellowish-gray 6, 1). ae Plate.—Both when of natural size and when magnified fifty times, the colonies are like those in the gelatin plate, only the granulation is finer. Sometimes there are found thin, pale yellow, transparent deep colo- nies, as much as 2 mm. broad, with a coarsely granular or morulated structure. Agar Stab.—Stab: Granular, yellow. Surface-growth : Lemon-yellow, shining, roundish, with wavy border, some- what elevated. Agar Streak.—Corresponding to the stab. Water of _ condensation clear, sediment yellowish. Bouillon Culture.—Remains clear. The yellowish precipitate is closely packed, rising up tenaciously only with energetic shaking, and afterward becoming homoge- neously divided. Milk Culture.— After twenty days it is half coagulated. Acid reaction. Potato Culture.—Lemon-yellow to yellowish-green, thin, faintly shining, with a wavy, irregular border, and almost no elevation whatever. Sharply outlined from the surroundings. Related Varieties. We consider this form identical with sarcina lutea—only our form produces no sarcina groups, either upon solid nutrient media, or in bouillon, or even in hay infusion. Sarcina lutea would be its ‘‘ sarcina form.”’ The Streptococcus liquefaciens and Pediococcus flavus,! obtained from Kral, are identical. The Strept. liquefaciens only produces a cloudiness of bouillon and of the funnel of liquefied gelatin, and in old agar streaks has a brownish-yellow shade—variations which are con- stantly observed in Mier. pyogenes a aureus. From the description the Micr. galbanatus Zimmermann is also identical, and, as we saw subsequently, was found by Zimmermann to be identical with the * Recently we have discovered beautiful packets of sarcina from old hay infusion cultures of Pedioc. flavus. These were not so evident in Strept. liquefaciens, 12 178 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Strept. liquefaciens Kral. One should ordinarily give the unambigu- ous name of Zimmermann the preference over Micr. luteus, yet we desired to indicate the analogy to the Sarc. lutea. Micrococcus flavus (Fliigge). Lehm. and Neum. Completely identical with the former, only it has finely granular gelatin colonies and less tendency to the formation of tetrads. We consider this form identical with the already described Sare. flava, with which it corresponds, with the exception of the ability to produce sarcina packets. We have obtained this organism as Staphylococcus © citreus from C. Frankel and as Sarc. flava from Prague. The latter — was always without sarcina packets. We have been unable also to — differentiate what we obtained as Micr. citreus agilis Menge (C. B. xu, 49). It is devoid of flagella, very weakly liquefying, and non- motile. There appear to be transitions from the Micr. flavus to the Mier. luteus. Micrococcus sulfureus Zimm., Elaborated by Lehm. and Neum. We cover, provisionally, with this name all lemon-yellow as well as — greenish to grayish-yellow cocci, which do not liquefy gelatin, of which we have cultivated many from the air and water. They were — all finely granular upon gelatin plates. We consider them as non- liquefying forms of Micr. flavus L. and N.' Here also belongs the Micr. sordidus Schroter. Micrococcus sulfureus 7 tardigradus (Fliigge). (Lehm. and Neum.) Microccocus flavus tardigradus (Fliigge), page 178. It is differentiated from the former only by very slow growth. Found by Zimmermann in water. Only a variety of the former. Once we found a Micr. sulfureus in the air whose superficial colonies pro- duced sometimes no, sometimes very little, and again very active, liquefaction, thus being a transition to the Micr. flavus. Micrococcus badius (Lehm. and Neum.). Medium-sized, round cocci, often united in tetrads, never showing sarcina forms upon any nutrient medium. In the gelatin plate the colonies appear as glue-brown, slightly elevated, transparent drops, which when magnified sixty times appear entirely homogeneous or at 1 We have never found coarsely granular; non-liquefying forms re- sembling the Micr. luteus. most with concentric zones. Agar plate is similar. Gelatin stab: a not very luxuriant, glue-brown, shining growth ; along the stab a del- ieately granular growth. ‘Agar stab: Moist, transparent, glue-brown. Gelatin is very slowly and slightly liquefied. Bouillon uniformly cloudy. Upon potato there occurs a dark yellowish-brown, gelatinous growth. Growth always slight. No growth in milk. : It was obtained from Kral as Sare. lutea, and was not met by us - elsewhere. It reminds one of the Sare. fulva Stubenrath. MICROCOCCUS ASCOFORMANS. 179 Micrococcus ascoformans! (Johne). - Synonyms.—Discomyces equi Rivolta, Micr. botryo- genes Rabe, Botryomyces Bollinger, Botryococcus ascofor- mans Kitt. Literature.—Kitt (C. B. 111, 177), Schneidemiihl (C. B. xxtv, 271). Fig. 15.—Ascococcus Billrothii Cohn (after F. Cohn). It occurs in the tissue and pus of the pathologic forma- tion, grouped like grains of sand, surrounded by a gelatin- ous mass with a double-contoured, shining covering. In cultures no capsule is formed, except that upon blood-serum hartshorn-like plugs occur. According to Johne’s description the cultures very much resemble those of the Micr. luteus and flavus. The micro- cocci are usually arranged in pairs or fours. Gelatin plate: * The Micr. ascoformans recalls involuntarily an organism which Cohn had described as Ascococcus Billrothii. It forms spherical or lobulated colonies upon artificial nutrient media, which possess a thick, _ gelatinous or cartilaginous capsule. A similar organism was described by Hankin as Ascococcus cantabridgensis, obtained from the mouth of astudent in Cambridge. The coccus quickly covers agar with a trans- parent, slimy, very delicate covering of yellowish-white color, and habe rather slowly in bouillon and gelatin. It is different from Asc. illrothii in the oblong form of its individual groups and the less dis- tinctly visible capsule. 180 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Macroscopically they appear as if sprinkled with grayish- yellow pollen, with a fruit-like odor.* Magnified siaty times: Round, sharply outlined colonies without special characteristics. In the gelatin stab culture liquefaction takes place slowly, with a cup-shaped depression. The growth along the stab is white and thread-like. Upon potato a hoartrost-like yellowish deposit with a fruit-like odor. Upon agar the growth is scarcely perceptible. q Kitt has expressed the belief that the organism is only a special form of the Micr. pyogenes—which requires farthog inv estigation. It is pathogenic for guinea-pigs, sheep, goats, cows, | swine, and especially for horses. It is found in thick, © cord-like or nodular connective-tissue growth, usually soft ened in the center, in the perimysium, subcutis, spermatic cord (after castration) and the retroperitoneal ‘connective. tissue of horses. Besides, it is found in the lungs, udder, lymph-glands, ear muscles, nasal mucous membrane and bones. Recently cases have been described also where | botryomycosis occurred in man (compare Schneidemihl, — (; 3). ; : Micrococcus pyogenes (Rosenbach)(Lehm.and Neum.). (Plates 8 and 9, I-11.) a Aureus (Rosenbach) Lehm and Neum. & Citreus (Passet) < 6 7 y Albus (Rosenbach) ‘ c< 6 Synonyms.—Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus Rosen-— bach, Staph. pyogenes albus Ros., Staph. pyogenes citreus — Passet. ? : Ordinary Names.—Grape coccus, pus coccus, simply — ‘* staphylococcus. ’’ se eS | ee fe be, Principal Literature. — Rosenbach, ‘‘Mikroorganismen bei den Wundinfektionskrankheiten des Menschen, ’? 1884; Passet, ‘‘ Aetio- logie der eitrigen Phlegmone,’’ 1885 ; Garré, “Fortsch. d. Medic. Mi 1 Our Micr. luteus also possesses a sometimes agreeable sometimes — disagreeable sweetish odor. 2 Compare also p. 187, regarding the Staphylococcus citreus Passet. MICROCOCCUS PYOGENES. 181 1885, 11, 165; Liibbert, ‘‘ Biologische Untersuchungen tiber den Staph. _pyog. aureus,’’ Wiirzburg, 1886. Introductory Remarks.—For the comprehension of the three forms given above as varieties of one form cer- tain proof was hitherto lacking. R. O. Neumann (A. H. xxx, 1) furnished it when he observed that in orange- colored colonies sometimes lighter white or yellow sectors appear (similar to those in Micr. bicolor), and by inocula- tion from these, cultures are obtained which still more mark- edly present the formation of paler sectors. By repeated consistent transfers in this way white and yellow cul- tures can be grown from orange-colored cultures, and even a red culture could be obtained. These new cultures re- “main in part permanent and in part revert to the original form. Also consult Neumann concerning what was other- wise known regarding the variations of this form. Highly probable synonyms: Micrococcus liquefa- ciens conjunctive Gombert, Eisenberg, 301; Micro- coccus flavus conjunctive Gombert, Eisenberg, 302 ; Staphylococcus salivarius pyogenes Biondi, Eisen- berg, 309. The effort of various authors to found a specific differentiation of the three forms upon varying virulence is wrong. In the first place, the fact that the golden-yellow form is distinguished by special virulence (v. Tavel, Lannelongue, and Achard) is disputed. Levy _ found that the more common form in Strassburg was the white form, and it was just as pathogenic. In the second place, it is easily shown experimentally that enormous reduction of virulence is entirely independent of the color (compare page 185). Growth without oxy- gen which increases the virulence lessens the production of pigment. In the following the Micr. pyogenes 2 aureus only is particularly described. Regarding the ? citreus and y albus see page 187. Microscopic Appearance.—Round, smaller or larger cocci, on an average 0.8 », in pairs or singly, usually in grape-like clusters. Often they have a small division cleft (8, x and xr). Relation to Oxygen.—Grow well aerobically and not so well anaerobically. Requirements as Regards Temperature and Nu- _ trient Media.—Optimum at 37°, but grows well at room temperature ; thrives upon all nutrient media, the pig- au 182 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. ment is developed most abundantly upon agar and po- tato. ) Gelatin plate. (a) Natural size: Small, irregularly roundish colonies of yellowish-white to yellow color. After six days, 14 mm. in diameter. Old colonies are not much larger. The colonies usually sink slowly into the medium and become surrounded by a flat, plate-like zone of liquefaction (8, vit). | (6) Magnified seventy times. Superficial colonies: Round- ish, faintly yellow to brown, with delicate, transparent peripheral zone. Structure somewhat coarsely granular, toward the periphery a little more finely granular (8, vm). . Deep colonies: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, dark yellow to brown, structure finely granular, border almost smooth. Gelatin Stab.—Liquefaction along the line of punc- ture after two to three days. The zone of liquefaction is conical to bag-shaped, and later cylindric. The con- tents of the cavity are grayish-white, cloudy in appear- ance, and at the bottom a whitish to orange-yellow pig- ment is deposited in little clumps. The intensity of the liquefaction varies widely. Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size: The superficial colonies are round or roundish, orange-yellow, faintly shining, evenly elevated, and as much as 4 mm. in diameter. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, equally or more deeply colored and never so large as the superficial (8, v). (6) Magnified sixty times. Superficial colonies: Round, almost or entirely even border, with transparent, delicately -punctated peripheral zone, orange-yellow, toward the center shaded to homogeneous gray, sometimes with a more darkly colored ring near the periphery. Deep: Colonies partly roundish, partly whetstone-shaped, dark grayish-yellow, opaque, at periphery often somewhat more coarsely granular. Often there are found in agar, broad, pale yellowish, round, transparent colonies with the gran- ulation more marked (8, v1). Agar Stab.—Stab: Insignificant growth, at first thread- like, later slightly granular. Surface growth: Roundish, evenly elevated, with smooth, somewhat wavy border, faintly shining, orange-yellow (8, m1). Agar Streak.—Corresponds to growth in the stab. MICROCOCCUS PYOGENES. 183 “Water of condensation cloudy. Precipitate whitish- orange (8, 11). Bouillon Culture.—Marked uniform cloudiness. On the surface a delicate pellicle is formed. Sediment mod- erate and upon agitation it breaks up into tiny flocculi. _ In sugar bouillon the same. _ Milk Culture.— the latter soluble in alcohol. Tavel was, however, unable to produce itaimunity with the alcoholic precipitate, the animals either dying _ from chronic intoxication or succumbing to an additional injection with virulent cocci. The serwm of actively immunized animals has no noticeable effect upon the Micr. pyogenes in vitro; it is also, so far, of scarcely any _ practical value for producing passive immunity. Special Culture Methods.—Isolation is accomplished - most rapidly by means of agar plates at incubator tem- perature. The potato culture is best for the study of the chromogenesis. Milk cultures and animal investigations are necessary. Micrococcus pyogenes ; albus (Rosenbach). In all respects like the Micr. pyogenes @ aureus. See Plate 9, 1 and m1, and the remarks on page 181. Here belongs the Micr. urez liquefaciens Fliigge (com- pare page 71). Micrococcus pyogenes £ citreus (Passet). We have studied this organism only in a culture ob- tained from C. Frinkel, and designated by him as identi- cal with the Micr. flavus (page 178). It did not coagu- late milk and produced a slow liquefaction of gelatin with formation of air-bubbles. A Micr. pyogenes citreus is said to exist, however, which corresponds entirely with the Micr. pyogenes aureus except in the color. With this the results of cultures by R. O. Neumann agree (page 181). Varieties Closely Related to or Identical with the Micrococcus pyogenes Ros. (Lehm. and Neum.).! Micrococci in Variola. Vanselow and Czaplewski ( Vierteljahrsschr. f. gerichtl. Med., 1899, Heft 1) believed they had found an organism closely connected with the variola process in what was previously named by Klebs the Micr. 1 The old names, Staphylococcus cereus flavus and Staph. ¢ereus albus Passet, can not be sharply defined, and can well be dispensed with. These varieties are rarely cultivated from pus and grow upon 188 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION- FUNGI. quadrigeminus Klebs. It was very like the Micr. pyogenes albus. ( However, it liquefied solidified blood-serum, which the typical Micr. pyogenes is said not to do; its color is reddish, but in this property is variable, as is to be expected.) They have already retracted this hardly probable suspicion (C. B. xxv, 546). Almost simultaneously Sanfelice and Malato (C. B. xxv, 641) have reported that a coccus can be constantly cultivated from cases of variola, which can not be differentiated morphologically from the Micr. a aureus, but differs in its pathologic action from all other cultures of Micr. pyogenes isolated by the authors. When injected into the cir- culation, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membrane and sharply outlined hemorrhages occur. Regarding the much controverted ‘‘Cytoryctes variole’’ Guar- nieris, of the group of protozoa, consult the literature in Galli-Valerio, Kritische Uebersicht iiber den Zusammenhang der Variola mit Vaccine. (C. B. xxv, 380 and 424). Staphylococcus pemphigi neonatorum Almquist 4 (Z. H. x). According to Strelitz (C. B. x11, 107), the Micr. pyogenes is itself the cause of pemphigus, and besides being cultivated from pemphigus vesicles, is able to reproduce the condition. Others obtained similar results ; for example, Bodenstab (compare Vogel) found that four chil- dren cared for by the same midwife developed pemphigus within two weeks (C. B. XXI, 288). Micrococcus biskra Heydenreich. Cause of the Pende’s ulcer, tropical ulcer, Delhi boil, Clou de ? ? Biskra, etc.) According to the description of Heydenreich, it can not be differen- tiated from the Micr. pyog. a aureus (C. B. v, 163). The statement by Chantemesse (C. B. v, 221) that the gelatin is very slowly liquefied also applies to many cultures of Micr. pyogenes. Chantemesse gives as other points for differentiation from the Micr. pyogenes, its whitish growth upon agar, and*its luxuriant, rapid, watery and orange-red the surface in the gelatin stab as a faintly shining, waxy deposit with a somewhat thick border. Both varieties are closely related to the Micr. § citreus and y albus. They often pass as forms of these, but are differentiated, according to the insufficient description at hand, by absence of liquefaction and slight or no pathogenic quality. — Without being able to show this interpretation to be incorrect, we refer to our note (p. 170) that the Micr. cereus albus was found by us to be identical with the Micr. candicans Fliigge, with the exception of its smaller size. We are not familiar with the Micr. cereus flavus; it may perhaps belong to Micr. sulfureus Zimmermann. 1 The Dipl. pemphigi acuti Demme, appears different. Is grown only at incubator temperature (Cong. inn. Med. Wiesbaden, 1886). MICROCOCCUS BICOLOR. 189 growth upon potato. These characteristics are not sufficient for sepa- rating it, especially as Heydenreich does not describe his potato cul- tures as essentially different from those of the Micr. pyogenes. Rapt- _ schewsky declares (C. B. vi, 504) the Micr. biskra identical with the _ Mier. pyogenes, and prefers to consider a streptococcus as the cause of _ the disease. Micrococcus of gangrenous mastitis in sheep, Nocard (A. P.1 417). Staphylococcus hzemorrhagicus, E. Klein (C. B. xxu, 81). De Jong’s Staphylococcus bovis is said to be different from the Mier. pyogenes. Injected subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, and in- travenously it is pathogenic for rabbits, dogs, and guinea-pigs. Neither its white nor its yellow form liquefies gelatin, in spite of luxuriant growth ; milk is not coagulated; in bouillon it forms a ' delicate, tenacious sediment. The cause of a circumscribed falling of hair, without discolora- . tion of the hair-bed and without a tendency to spread, is found, according to Vaillard and Vincent, in a white liquefying coccus, 1 _ in diameter, which corresponds throughout, in its growth, to the _ Mier. pyogenes y albus (A. P. Iv, 1890, 446). 7 (Literature by Hollborn, C. B. xvi11, 47, 108.) ree peraien Micrococcus bicolor (Zimmermann). Round cocci from 1.2 4 to 1.6 4. Gelatin plate: At first yellowish, _ succulent, elevated ; later, orange-yellow, slowly sinking, oily looking _ golonies of round form; besides these there are others about the same, _ but white in color. Magnified sixty times they are even-bordered and faintly granular. Gelatin stab: Superficial growth is white, with a slowly forming cup-shaped liquefaction. The growth along the stab is thread-like. Agar plate is like gelatin, and also presents gray and yellow colonies intermixed. Agar streak: Succulent, whitish or gray- _ ish-yellow growth with orange-yellow islands and points. The surface _ growth in the agar stab always presents more or less perfect gray and _ orange sectors, from which it is often possible to_obtain pure gray or __ pure orange-colored growths, but which in following generations again produce the two colors. Bouillon becomes diffusely cloudy with mod- erate, firm precipitate. Milk becomes a little acid and remains fluid. Upon 2% peptone bouillon it forms a trace of H,S and indol. We have obtained this organism, which was isolated by Zimmermann from tap-water, from gastric contents. The Micr. cremoides Zimmer- mann is very closely related to this. We were entirely unable to differentiate the culture obtained by Zimmermann. Also, the Micr. aurantiacus Cohn, which we obtained from Kral, is distinguished only by the absence of liquefaction. We have also obtained from it white, orange, and striped cultures, which pass from one into the other. =" At present we can give no other decisive characteristics of the Mier. bicolor, awrantiacus, and even of the Micr. candicans as differing from _ the Mier. pyogenes except the pathogenic action in animals and absence of liquefaction. 190 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI Micr. roseus (Bumm) (Lehm. and Neum.). ( Plate 11.) Synonyms.—Diplococcus roseus (Bumm) Fliigge. See end of section. Microscopic Appearance.—Round to irregularly roundish cocci (from 0.6 » to 1.04), often with rather wide line of division in the cocci (11, xr), at other times more complete cocci lie together in pairs and small groups. Motility is lacking. Compare page 192. Relation to Oxygen, Nutrient Media, and Temper- ature.—Grows slowly upon all nutrient media, best at room temperature, also at 37°. In shake cultures it grows only near the surface, the deep colonies only very slightly. Pigment is only produced when air is admitted. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size: Superficial, irregu- larly roundish, small, rose-red. After a long time they become somewhat larger, evenly elevated, shining. The deep colonies grow very little. After weeks the superficial ones sink gradually into the gelatin. (b) Magnified fifty times: Round or roundish colonies, almost even borders, rather finely granular, colored pale to rose-red. The deep appear the same, only they are smaller (11, vm). Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Thread-like. After several weeks the gelatin begins to liquefy in a cylindric form. After three months the growth has sunk in about 1 em. Sur- face appearance: Roundish, sometimes lobed, rose-red growth, which, later, on account of the liquefaction of the gelatin, is almost entirely lost (11, 1). Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size: Like gelatin. (b) Magnified fifty times. Superficial: Round or round- ish colonies with even or somewhat wavy border, yellowish to red, from the most delicately punctated to coarsely gran- ular (11, v), transparent, more intensely colored toward the center. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, border smooth or granular, finely to coarsely granular (11, v, v1), opaque, darker than the superficial in color. Agar Stab.—Stab canal: Thread-like, later granular (11, 11). Surface growth: Roundish, evenly elevated, oily, rose-red, of the consistency of butter (11, Iv). MICROCOCCUS ROSEUS. 191 Agar Streak.—Growth spreads little, smooth border, wavy. Water of condensation clear, reddish sediment pc ii, 1). Bouillon Culture.—Clear (only rarely more or less cloudy). Sediment reddish, abundant, and coherent. Milk Culture.—Usually unchanged. Potato Culture.—Limited to streak, faint rose, with oily luster, somewhat elevated, often surrounded by a whit- ish, glistening zone (11, x). Special Nutrient Media.—lIi the Micr. roseus is grown upon the culture of a representative of the subtilis or anthrax group its colonies grow considerably more lux- uriantly and take on a more intense color (11, Ix). (Doubtless on account of the alkalinity of the potato.) Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Very common and widely distributed air-organism, scarcely ever absent from a plate from the air in Wiirzburg. _ (6) Inside the body: Not demonstrated. a We have closely compared this fungus—which, I believe, was pri- marily described from Wiirzburg as ‘‘rose-colored diplococcus’’ of Bumm—with the following imported varieties : 1. Mier. agilis Ali-Cohen, isolated by Prof. Zimmermann in Chem- nitz 4 2. Micrococcus agilis Ali-Cohen, hygienic institute in Berlin. __ 3. Micrococcus roseus (author 2) from Prof. A. Fischer in Leipzig. 4. Micrococcus tetragenus ruber. From Kral in Prague. 5. Staphylococcus roseus Tavel. From Prof. Tavel in Bern. _ 6, 7, 8, 9: Four air micrococci from Wiirzburg, which at first ap- peared to differ somewhat upon the plates. 2 10. A red micrococcus from the stomach. The result of these comparisons was that these ten organisms all _ belong to the Micrococcus roseus,! of which we can distinguish two _ fairly sharply separated varieties. 2 wre REM 6 as ey ea oe bP rhinos Pepe 1 According to the description, the Micr. cinnabareus Fliigge, cinna- barinus Zimmermann, Micr. carneus Zimmermann, may also be in- serted among the varieties differentiated by us. The ‘‘new micro- coccus’’’ from red milk, recently described by Keferstein (C. B. x X1, 177), appears also very closely related. The Micr. latericius Freund (C. B. XxX1, 834) appears somewhat different, yet the experiences ob- tained in the study of the group of the Bact. prodigiosum remind us to be cautious in the formation of new varieties. ak etree a «2 We have observed white, yellowish-red, rose-red, and carmine- y _ red sectors upon agar in both varieties. They are connected by transi- _ tion forms. Se 192 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. f % ” Micr. roseus (Lehm. and Neum.). (a) Typus.—Agar streak, rose to carmine, more rarely whitish-— : red. Streak upon the subtilis-potato (compare above), deep carmine- | red. Milk unchanged, with beautiful rose-red precipitate. Here be- i long the Micr. agilis of Zimmermann from Berlin and three of our alr-cocci. cs (8) Roseo-fulvus.—Agar streak, reddish-yellow to vermilion-red. — Streak upon subtilis-potato, orange-red. Milk not coagulated, with — yellowish-red cream layer and yellowish-red precipitate. Here belong, according to our investigations, Micr. tetragenus ruber — Kral, Mier. roseus A. Fischer, Staph. roseus Tavel, and one of our air- — cocci ; perhaps also the Micr. fulvus Cohn, which is very ios ape described. But we must go a step further still. The Sarcina rosea ~ Schréter (compare p. 162) also stands in close relation — to the described varieties. The Sare. rosea, obtained from Kral (it belongs to the variety roseo-fulva), forms beautiful sarcina balls upon fluid but not upon solid nutrient media, but was otherwise not to be differentiated (compare p. 163). After we had kept our ten red cocci upon hay decoction for a month, one of our red forms (from air) produced typical sarcina packets, while the others were only brought to produce tetrads. Thus also, the Sarcina rosea may be thought of as the — forma sarcinica of the Micrococcus roseus. The Mier. corallioides Cantani (C. B. xxut, 309) is also very closely ~ related, according to the description of the author, but the name ‘“ corallioides” (rectius ‘‘ corallioides”’) is already © given to another organism (p. 175). 3 Our point of view demands a special explanation regard-_ ing the interesting organism found by Ali-Cohen and © Zimmermann in water. 3 — —— =. = Micr. agilis Ali-Cohen (C. B. vi, 33). We have not seen spontaneous motion nor a flagellum, either in the culture from Berlin or in the one from Kral, in spite of all our pains, as growing upon slant of 5% milk-sugar agar, upon sugar hay-decoction, bouillon, ete., employment of higher and lower temperatures, young» and old cultures, etc. Neither culture is to be differ- entiated from our Micr. roseus. FAMILY BACTERIACEZ. 193 our Micr. agilis only as a Micr. roseus, which once possessed flagella and then lost them. We believe our observation is of primary significance in classifica- tion, as many investigators consider the flagella as a very important d constant differential aid. Migula has formed a genus planococcus _ for the Micr. agilis ; without our observations we should have as- : ted. But being in possession of this, it seems to us that our con- f or is at present more natural than the other possible one, namely, t the Planococcus agilis, because of the loss of its flagella, can no 1 be distinguished from the Micr. roseus, but that it still belongs to a different genus. : i: Micr. cerasinus (List.) (Lehm. and Neum.) _ Micrococcus cerasinus siccus List. (Adametz, ‘‘ Bakterien der Trink- und Nutzwisser ”). Very small cocci of 0.3 u. Upon gelatin cherry-red, without lique- - faction. ; Upon potato, dry, spreading deposit of cherry-red color. Pigment insoluble in alcohol and ether; whether in water, we do not _ know. . Micr. erythromyxa (Overbeck). Compare Sarcina erythromyxa, page 162. Sarcina formation seems _ to be entirely absent at times. Micr. cyaneus (Schroter) (Cohn). Forms a cobalt-blue deposit, pigment soluble (!) in water, turns _ red with acids, blue returns with alkalies. Schroter also described a _ yariety of this, pseudocyanea, that at first produced verdigris-green _ either remaining so or later becoming bluish-green to blue. So far _ it has not been further described. Obtained from the air in Breslau. ing the Micr. cyanogenus, consult Pammel and Combs (C. B. PL. Il, 764). Il, FAMILY BACTERIACEAE (ZOPF EMEND. MIGULA). (For diagnosis of family, see p. 124.) 1. Bacterium.1! Cells at least one and a half, but usually from two to _ six, times as long as broad, straight or bent in a plane 1 The ‘‘bacteria’’ of tuberculosis and diphtheria and those closely _ related to them are to be looked for in Appendix I, Actinomycetes eeomrare p. 127). 3 194 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. (compare p. 124), sometimes forming long true or ap- parent threads, with or without flagella. Always with- out endospores; ;1 in single varieties “arthrospores are de- scribed. Many hundred spore-free, short rods haye been de- ~ scribed, and the need of arranging them in a natural sys- tem, founded entirely upon morphologic peculiarities, was strongly felt. The only characteristic which is ques-— tionable is that of flagella, and we acknowledge that the : system founded by A. Fischer and Migula upon the flagella appealed to us very favorably until we had our- selves worked extensively with the staining of flagella. The results of these extensive and careful studies were unfor- tunately not of such a nature as to allow a classification - founded upon the number and arrangement of the flagella © to appear practical. Especially the statements in the © literature regarding flagella are often inexact, and a num- ~ ber of inaccessible varieties could not be classified at all. At times we observed that closely related varieties, as in the colon group, occur which have either one flagellum or many or no flagella. What appeared yet worse was that, as in Bacterium violaceum, we found one form with flagella on all sides ; another with only one or with one — polar and one lateral flagellum. Migula found it to have one polar flagellum. In addition, there are the experiences which we have encountered regarding the permanent loss of flagella in Micrococcus agilis Ali-Cohen, Micrococcus agilis Menge, and Sarcina mobilis, and regarding the acquiring of motil- ity by the Bacillus implexus, and reported in this book. a 4 a 4 ‘ S + 7 { ot If we ourselves have not observed similar occurrences in ~ any bacterium, we find the statement made by Germano ~ and Maurea, that they have twice seen non-motile cultures — of the typhoid bacterium. Finally, we feared to scare the beginner from making 1 Upon ordinary media (bouillon, gelatin, agar, potato) these varie- — ties never possess spores. As already remarked, we were also unable © (with a doubtful exception in the Bact. violaceum) to observe spore- — formation upon quince and marshmallow decoction in those previously — considered as not forming spores. Migula seems to have been more ~ fortunate, but gives no particulars. KEY TO GENUS BACTERIUM. 195 differentiations if we placed before him, as the first ques- tion in the table of differentiation, the character and num- ‘ber of the flagella ; for if the staining of flagella is no - spe ial art, yet it requires care and patience, and does not yield regularly good results even to the expert. _ We have therefore been required to select the appear- ance of the cultures in plates and the production of pig- pen as the important points in the separation of the " bacteria, although we well know (and also always men- - tion it) how easily the production of pigment is lost in “some varieties. According to our conviction, however, at "present, the proper definition of a Bact. violaceum, syn- _ ¢yaneum, etc., which has become colorless would consti- - tite an (almost) insurmountable difficulty, no matter _ how one might construct the key for differentiation. F i. Key to the Recognition of the Most Important Vari- eties of the Genus Bacterium. OUT OUTGROWTHS OR LONGER RADIATING PROCESSES, NO BRANCHES IN GELATIN STAB. (A) No growth upon ordinary nutrient media ; on the contrary, 3 a very delicate growth upon inorganic saline solutions. Forms _ hitrate from nitrite, or nitrite from ammonia. Forming nitrite from ammonia, Bact. nitrosomonas (Win.), L. and N., page 200. | Forming nitrite from nitrate, Bact. Bitrubscter (Win.), L. and N., page 200. | (B) Scarcely any growth on ordinary media, but grows well : ‘upon pea-leaf decoction containing cane- -sugar, gelatin, and _ asparagin. Assimilates the nitrogen of the air. Grows in the 3 root-tubercles of leguminous plants. Bact. radicicola, Beijerinck, page 83. __(@) Upon the ordinary nutrient media (including serum and _ glycerin- agar) only a very scanty growth. Delicate, drop-like a - r FORMING UPON NUTRIENT MEDIA, ROUNDISH COLONIES, WITH- ¥ dé colonies. Not stained by Gram’s method. 1. Small, thin, non-motile rods. © (a) For growth, the addition of a little blood is necessary. Bact. influenzz (R. Pfeiffer), L. and N., page 202. (6) Grow also without blood. Bact. egyptiacum (Koch-Weeks), “ L. and N., page 204. Bact. tussis convulsive (Czapolew- 3 my). © L. and N, , page 205. 4 2. ee arranged in pairs. Bact. duplex (Morax), L. and N., page 206 196 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. 3. Chains of slender rods. Bact. ulceris cancrosi (Kruse), L. and N., page 207. (D) Grow well upon all ordinary nutrient media, especially upon agar and gelatin. I. Colonies and nutrient media remain colorless. (A) Gelatin not liquefied, organisms without flagella, non-mo- tile. +. No visible gas formed from grape-sugar.! 1. Not stained by Gram’s method. When coming from the animal body they show polar staining. Form abundant acid from grape- and milk-sugar. . Milk often not coagu- lated. Growth on potato usually poor, whitish-gray. Bact. septicemiz hemorrhagice, Hiippe, page 208.2 — 2. Very similar to 1. Causes tuberculous-like changes in the animal. Bact. pseudotuberculosis rodentium, L. and N., page 213. 3. Very similar to 1; usually still more delicate. Tendency to formation of involution forms upon chlorid of sodium agar. Bact. pestis (Yersin-Kitasato), L. and N., page 213. | 4. Stains by Gram’s method. Grows poorly upon solid nutrient media ; marked formation of acid from sugar ; milk is coagulated. Bact. Giintheri, L. and N., page 223. . Stains by Gram’s method. Abundant growth upon solid . nutrient media. No formation of acid from milk-sugar. — Milk becomes slimy. Bact. lactis viscosum (Adametz), L. and N., page 230. +-+. Evident gas-formation from grape-sugar ; closely related — varieties. 1. Stains by Gram’s method. Marked fermentation of milk-— sugar. Milk coagulated. Bact. acidi lactici, Hiippe, page 220. 2. Does not stain by Gram’s method. . Phosphorescence when oxygen is admitted. Bact. © phosphorescens, B. Fischer, page 231. xx. No phosphorescence when oxygen is admitted (group | of the Bact. pneumoniz Friedlander). (a) Fermentation of milk-sugar with liberation of gas. — Milk coagulated. Bact. aérogenes, Escherich, L. and N., page 221. (B) Fermentation of milk-sugar without liberation of gas. Capsules formed in animal. Bact. pneu-— moniz, Friedl., page 225. ; (B) Gelatin not liquefied. Organisms motile, with many peri-— trichous, rarely with one or a few polar flagella. (a2) No fermentation of sugar with formation of gas. Milk not See the remarks regarding our contradictory findings in connec-— tion with Loffler’s swine plague. 2 See also Bact. heemorrhagicum (Kolb), L. and N, ea Wh yy ey e.g. ae KEY TO GENUS BACTERIUM. 197 coagulated. No indol formation. Bact. typhi,’ Gaffky, Eberth, page 232. (8) Fermentation of grape-sugar with formation of gas. Milk- sugar affected only slightly or not at all and without forma- tion of gas. Milk not coagulated. Bact. cholere suum, L. and N., page 252. (y) Fermentation of grape-sugar with formation of gas, milk- sugar scarcely at all affected. In growth it is between the Bact. typhi and Bact. coli. Bact. icteroides (Sanarelli), L. and N., page 256. (6) Fermentation of grape- and milk-sugar with formation of gas. Milk coagulated. Bact.coli (Escherich), L. and N., page 243. (C) Gelatin not liquefied. Forms acetic acid , from alcohol. More details in tables, pages 261 and 262. Acetic acid bacteria. (D) Gelatin liquefied, or consumed without visible liquefaction. Organisms non-motile. (a) Gelatin liquefied in a funnel form. Sugar fermented. Abundant growth on potato. Optimum temperature about 25°. Agar is colored reddish-brown. Bact. discifor- mans (Zimm.), L. and N., page 263. (8) Gelatin consumed in a funnel form without perceptible liquefaction. No growth on potato. Optimum tempera- ture 12°. Agar not colored. Bact. salmonicida (Em- merich and Weibel), L. and N., page 266. (£) Gelatin not liquefied, only slowly drawn in. Spontaneously motile from polar flagellum. Stains by Gram’s method. Milk unchanged. Bact. canicule (Galli-Valerio), L. and N., page 260. (F) Gelatin liquefied. Organisms motile. (a) Grape-sugar fermented. No branches sent out toward the solid gelatin. Bact. punctatum (Zimm.?), L. and N., page 264. : (8) Grape-sugarfermented. Branches sent out toward the solid gelatin. Bact. vitulinum ( Weissenberg), L. and N., page 264. II. Formation of a yellow (greenish-yellow to orange-yellow) pigment in the cultures of the bacteria upon agar and gelatin. (Without fluores- cent discoloration of the nutrient substratum. ) (A) Very small, thin, short rods ; upon gelatin and agar grow slowly as a thin, intensely yellowish-green layer. Gelatin very slowly liquefied. Possess a single flagellum. Bact. turcosum (Zimm.), L. and N., page 267. (B) Short rods of the dimensions of the Bact. coli. (a) Without spontaneous movement. 1. Gelatin not liquefied. *Compare Bact. typhi murium, page 258, and Bact. alcaligenes, page 257. ? Compare also Bact. foetidum liquefaciens, cloace, agile, page 265. 198 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. (c) Culture pale grayish-orange (cream). Bact. cremoides, L. and N.,} page 267. (8) Growth lemon-yellow. Bact. luteum (F1.), L. and N., page 268. 2. Gelatin slowly liquefied. (a) Luxuriant lemon-yellow layer on gelatin. Agar and gelatin colored red. Bact. erythrogenes (Groten- felt), L. and N., page 268. (8) Rather abundant lemon-yellow growth on gelatin. Agar and gelatin colorless. Bact. helvolum (Zimm.), — L. and N., page 268. (y) Growth on gelatin at first white, then yellowish. Milk slimy. Soapy smell. Bact. lactis saponacei, Weig-— mann, page 269. 3. Gelatin rapidly liquefied. Growth upon gelatin very del- icate. Little chromogenesis. Bact. nubilum (Frank- land), L. and N., page 269. (b) Spontaneous motility from polar flagellum. Gelatin lique- fied, pale ocher-yellow sediment. Upon potato and nen pale ochér-yellow deposit. Bact. ochraceum (Zimm.), L and N., page 270. (C’) Short rods to long threads. Cultures grayish-orange to pale orange and brick-red. Never branches in the stab. (a) Non-motile. Bact. fulvum (Zimmermann), L. and N., page (d) Motile. Bact. chrysogloea Zopf., page 272. _ III. Formation of a rose-red to a brown-red pigment upon agar and gelatin. Especially beautiful chromogenesis upon potato. (For red-brown and brick-red varieties, compare also Bact. fuscum and chrysoglea. ) (A) Stains by Gram’s method. Non-motile. Gelatin not lique- fied. Bact. latericium (Adametz), L. and N., page 272. (B) Does not stain by Gram’s method. Motile. Gelatin lique- fied. Pigment rose to carmine-red, more rarely reddish- yellow. Bact. prodigiosum (Ehrenberg), L. and N., page 272. IV. Formation of a non-diffusible, violet or blue pigment in the cultures upon agar, gelatin, and potato. (A) Gelatin more or less rapidly liquefied. Formsa deep violet — pigment, which is soluble in alcohol. Bact. violaceum, Schroter, page 277. (B) Gelatin ‘not liquefied. Pigment pale to deep indigo-blue, insoluble. Bact. indigonaceum (Claessen), L. and N., page 280. (C’) Gelatin slowly liquefied. Bluish-green, insoluble pigment, especially marked on potato. Bact. ceruleum (Voges.), L and N., page 280. V. The pee of the bacteria are colorless or only slightly yellowish, bluish, brownish, or greenish in color ; on the contrary, a yellowish-green to 1 For relatives and synonyms, see the text. er | atl a id te ll it Be Nl, KEY TO GENUS BACTERIUM. 199 bluish-green fluorescent pigment diffuses out from the culture,’ both in gelatin and agar. All varieties are provided with a single flagellum or a bunch of flagella located at the end. The group consists of varieties very closely related to each other, none of which forms gas from sugar. _ According to Zimmermann, all fluorescent bacteria, when young, stain by Gram’s method ; but according to our observations, they do - not do so regularly. : (A) Gelatin liquefied. Colonies in plate, after liquefaction begins, : are surrounded by hairs. (a) Intense production of pigment, usually bluish-green, upon all nutrient media, also in milk and bouillon. Milk coag- ulated with alkaline reaction ; then coagulum is dissolved. 4 Pathogenic for animals. Bact. pyocyaneum (Fliigge), -- L. and N., page 281. ; (8) Pigment production less; in bouillon very slight. Milk i not coagulated ; later it becomes clear and colored greenish- > yellow. Bact. fluorescens (Fligge), L. and N., page 285. : (B) Gelatin not liquefied. Colonies in plate, even-bordered, wavy, reminding one of the Bact. coli. (a) Growth on agar and gelatin, white or yellow. No formation = of blue or brown pigment aside from the fluorescent mate- : rial. Bact. putidum (Fliigge), L. and N., page 287. (8) Besides the fluorescent pigment, there is also formed a blue, deep blue, or dark brown pigment in varying amount. Grape-sugar milk becomes blue to bluish-gray. Bact. syn- cyaneum (Ehrenb.), L. and N., page 289. VI. The bacterial growths are pale (white to brownish colored), and through diffusion the surrounding nutrient medium is colored intensely brown. 1. Gelatin not liquefied. Bact. brunificans, L. and N., page a 292. 2. Gelatin liquefied. Bact. ferrugineum (Rullmann), L. and N., page 292. II. COLONIES UPON THE NUTRIENT MEDIA ARE ROUNDISH AT THE BEGINNING ONLY, IF AT ALL; LATER, THERE EXTEND MORE oR LESS FROM WITHIN OUTWARD, RAY-, FORK-, BAND-, OR ( SAUSAGE-LIKE OUTGROWTHS. _ In the Bact. vulgare, where these outgrowths may be absent, one observes—best in 5%-6% gelatin—a swarming in the periphery of the _ colonies in the plate. In the gelatin stab culture there sometimes _ occurs the formation of branches. (Genus: Proteus Hauser. ) (a) With spontaneous motion and peritrichous flagella. 1. Gelatin not liquefied. Branching very beautifully developed. Causes putrid decomposition. Bact.- Zopfii (Kurth.), L. A and N., page 293. 2. Gelatin usually liquefied. No branching. Causes intensely * eS Bu 8. See 1 For transition forms between these varieties, consult the detailed descriptions. a 200 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. putrid decomposition. Bact. vulgare (Hauser), L. and N., — page 295. (b) Without spontaneous motion and flagella. Gelatin slowly liquefied. 1. Gelatin colony resembles a bone corpuscle; delicate center, with a series of irregular outgrowths. In gelatin stab: nodules, prickly balls, and branches. Bact. erysipelatos suum (Loffler, Schiitz), Migula, page 302. 2. Gelatin plate similar to the above, or (usually) with very delicate, almost invisible colonies. Branches in the stab cul- ture are very delicate and regular. Bact. murisepticum (Fliigge), Migula, page 300. Bacterium nitrosomonas (Winogradsky), Lehm. and Neum.! Nitrosomonas europzea (Winogradsky). A. P. ty, v ; and Arch. des sciences biolog. de Petersbourg, 1, 1892. The morphology is very briefly described. Elliptical and short spindle-shaped, quiet cells, often united in short chains (about 14 broad, and 1.1-1.8y long). Upon silicic acid nutrient media the organisms form compact, sharply contoured, brown colonies, from which, after about two weeks, motile swarms wander out (appearing as a pale halo). In fluids there is first a slight sediment ; then after about eight days diffuse cloudiness due to the motile form, which in one or two days again settles quietly to the bottom. The organisms thrive only upon inorganic nutrient media : gelatinous silica or water to which is added, in a liter, about 1.0 gm. potassium phosphate, 0.5 gm. mag- nesium sulphate, a trace. of chlorid of calcium, 2.5 gm. ammonium sulphate, and some solid magnesium car- bonate. They form nitrite, but no nitrate, from salts of ammonia. Growth of the pure culture is difficult, and so far but rarely accomplished. Bacterium nitrobacter (Winogradsky). L. and N. Literature.-—Winogradsky (C. B. L. 11, 415); Winogradsky and Omeliansky (C. B. L. Vv, 329). The statements of Burri and Stutzer, 1 We select this name because it has many advantages over the un- meaning one of Bact. europzeum. BACTERIUM NITROBACTER. 201 as also those of Stutzer and Hartleb, regarding a polymorphous salt- _ peter fungus are incorrect. Compare Frankel (C. B. L. Iv, 8, 62) _ and Gartner (C. B. L. Iv, 1, 52, 109). Microscopic Appearance.—Short rods, 1 » long, 0.3- — O0.4y thick. Stain poorly. Whenstained with warm gen- _tian-violet solution and washed with a 10% solution of chlorid of sodium, a stained capsule surrounds the bacilli, which are unstained. With carbol-fuchsin the rods are gradually stained, the pointed ends escaping. Alkaline methylene-blue first stains the ends, then the central portion. Motility is never observed. No growth occurs upon _ the ordinary nutrient media, rich in organic substances (bouillon, agar, gelatin), but it grows upon the following : _ Nitrite-agar, which contains pure sodium nitrite 2 gm., sodium bicarbonate 1 gm., potassium phosphate and agar 15 gm., water 1 liter; or nitrite solution, which contains: _ sodium nitrate 1.0, potassium phosphate 0.5, magnesium sulphate 0.3, sodium bicarbonate 0.5-1.0, sodium chlorid _ 0.5, a little iron sulphate, distilled water (distilled twice over permanganate) 1000. If soda is used instead of sodium bicarbonate, then also free CO, must be present. The addition of more than 0.4% peptone, or of small quantities of sugar, prevents the growth and the produc- tion of nitrate. Nitrite-agar Colonies.—Deep: granular, dense, small, sharply outlined, strongly refracting, appearing only after weeks. On the surface delicate, cloud-like, homogeneous, scarcely at all granular droplets develop equally slowly. Nitrite-agar Stab Culture.—Somewhat more luxuri- ant, dirty white, greasy. Isolation from Soil.—Numerous plates are prepared from nitrite-agar with larger and smaller quantities of soil suspended in it. After standing for three or four weeks at about 20°, test the plates to determine whether nitrate has been formed. Inoculate from a number of the smallest colonies into nitrite solution, and after about three weeks prepare new plates of nitrite-agar from the tubes which contain no nitrite, but nitrate. The pure culture should behave as follows : (1) A scarcely perceptible precipitate should appear, which rises as a column on shaking; (2) Srey “leg 202 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. — upon gelatin and agar plates no colonies develop ; (3) in tubes with nitrite solution the reaction for nitrite should disappear after about eight days. Bacterium influenzz (R. Pfeiffer). Lehm. and Neum. Literature.—R. Pfeiffer (Z. f. H. x11, 357, 1893), with 7 plates ; Delius and Kolle (Z. H. xxiv, 327) (immunity, production of toxins); Grassberger (C. B. XXIII, 25). Microscopic Appearance.—Very small, short rods, about 0.4 » broad, 1.2 » long, often in pairs, often in sputum within the cells, more rarely united in short threads. (68, v). Grassberger observed typical cultures with a marked tendency to form thin and thicker appa- rent threads,+ which in. part were swollen into spindle- form, and at times branching could be seen. This must be studied further. Spontaneous motion is absent. Staining Properties.—Somewhat poorly with the ordi- nary aqueous solutions of anilin dyes, better with alka- line methylene-blue, and best by the application of a very dilute carbol-fuchsin solution for five minutes. With faint staining, the ends are somewhat more deeply stained. Not stained by Gram’s method. Relation to Oxygen.—Obligate aerobe. Requirements as Regards Nutrient Media and Temperature.—Grows only upon agar smeared with blood (or hemoglobin) or blood-bouillon. Optimum, 37°. Upper limit, 43° ; lower, 26°-27°. ; Agar Streak.—(Surface smeared with blood.) Clear, like glass, small, hardly confluent, almost structureless colonies. Bouillon with Addition of Blood.—lIf the nutrient medium is placed in a thin layer, the Bact. influenze develops as delicate, white flocculi. Special Nutrient Media. —According to Grassberger, a mixture of agar and defibrinated blood, heated for one 1The pseudo-influenza bacilli described by R. Pfeiffer (7. ec.) grow as large thick rods and false threads, but are identical with the L. B., according to Grassberger. a ee SS ee ee ee 4 LF -_— soe hi ero ae . BACTERIUM INFLUENZA. 203 hour to 50°-60°, is a specially favorable nutrient medium. According to Grassberger, the influenza bacterium grew with very much greater luxuriance upon unheated blood- media in proximity to colonies of the Micr. pyogenes. It may be supposed that heat and the growth of the Micr. pyogenes alter the blood-medium in a similar manner _ (Z. H. xxv, 453). Vitality and Duration of Life.—In water, even in the dark, they die in from twenty-eight to thirty-two hours ; Py were) o!* 26 in agar and bouillon cultures, after two or three weeks. In fresh sputum they are preserved about the same length of time. Rapid drying kills in two hours ; slower drying, in from eight to twenty-four hours. Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Not found. (6) In influenza in man: Very abundant in the charac- teristic, clear, yellowish-green, lumpy, tenacious sputum. They are found purest in the secretion of the finer bronchi ; at first free in clumps, later especially within the. pus cells. Also, extensive colonization occurs in the lung tis- sue, leading to lobular and pseudo-lobular influenza pneu- monia. They are often abundant in the nasal secretion in _ eases of influenza. R. Pfeiffer found them rarely in the blood, and never cultivated them from the blood. In the ‘organs, especially the brain, they are demonstrable rel- atively seldom (Nauwerck, C. B. xvu1, 395; Pfuhl, Z. H. xxvi, 112). E. Frinkel traced a suppurative menin- gitis to the I. B. alone (Z. H. xxvu, 315). Animal Experiments.—Influenza can be transferred to the monkey only, among all the numerous available exper- imental animals. Devitalized cultures in large quantities are intensely toxic (dyspnea, paralysis) for animals, espe- cially rabbits. 2 Immunity and Serum Reaction.—Animals which are treated for a long time with I.-toxins do not yield a serum with antitoxic or bactericidal properties, but suc- cumb to infection with a larger quantity of culture (Delius and Kolle). Special Culture Methods. — The bronchial mucus washed in sterile water is triturated somewhat superficially with a little sterile water ; and of this, small quantities are smeared over slanted agar and slanted agar smeared with 204 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. blood. If the first remain sterile, while delicate, drop- like colonies develop upon the second, it speaks in favor — of influenza. Bouillon and agar mixed with sterile pigeon blood are highly recommended. Related Varieties.—The ‘‘ bacillus of pneumonia in rabbits,” eulti- vated by Beck, R. Pfeiffer’s assistant, from rabbits dying sponta- neously, is closely related (Beck, Z. H. xv, 363, 1893). Small, — fine, non-motile bacilli, twice as long and thick as the influenza bacillus, obligate aerobe, not stained by Gram’s method. Does not — grow on potato. Upon gelatin it resembles the streptococcus. Upon — agar, grayish-yellow, with granular, sharp border, of tough, mucoid — consistency. Guinea-pigs, rabbits, and mice are susceptible. Prin- — cipal changes upon section are pulmonary hyperemia and atelectasis, and fibrinous deposit upon the pleura. Bacterium xgyptiacum (L. and N.). Ordinary Name.—Koch-Weeks’ bacillus. Entire literature by Kamen a B. xxv, 449), with beautiful | photographs. Microscopically, very Sah thin rods (1-2 » long); in recent cases are often exceedingly numerous in the secretion Fig. 16.—Bact. egyptiacum Fig. 17.—Bact. duplex (L. (L. and N.). and N.). from the eye; sometimes they form short chains. Non- motile, do not stain by Gram’s method. The cultures resemble in every way those of the influenza bacillus ; | their growth is always poor, best upon nutrient media smeared with blood. Optimum at 37°. They live only a short time—about four days. Scarcely at all pathogenic » +- & : _ BACTERIUM TUSSIS CONVULSIV 4. 205 _ for animals. Often associated with organisms of the xerosis group. A differential diagnosis from the Bact. influenze ap- pears at present scarcely possible. It produces in Europe, especially in summer, epidemic conjunctivitis. The disease develops gradually during _ two or three days ; after three or four days the inflamma- - tion is more severe, and may be accompanied by abundant _ purulent secretion. The affection continues severely for a _ week, and more lightly for two or three weeks. Frequent in Egypt (Koch), but also observed in Eng- - land, Paris, Hamburg, Czernowitz, as the cause of epi- demics. Never has been observed in Wirzburg. Bacterium tussis convulsive (Czaplewski and Hensel), L. and N. Literature.—Czaplewski and Hensel (Deut. med. Woch., 1897, 586, and C. B. xxur, 641); Koplik (C. B. xxi, 222) and Czaplewski (C. B. Xxtv, 865); Zusch (Miinch. med. Woch., 1898, 712, and C. B. _ XXIV, 721 and 769); Vincenzi (C. B. xxIv, 850). (See also Koplik, Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1x, 79, 1898.—ED. ) ' Microscopic Appearance.—In smears of the expec- _ torated mucus small short bacilli, often only oval forms, of 0.75 to 1.5 » in length. Sometimes united in very short chains (68, 1). Koplik describes individuals in old cultures with slightly clubbed ends. Im glycerin and sugar-agar there are sometimes longer forms, reminding _ one of the coryne-bacteria. Spontaneous motion absent (according to Koplik, present). Staining Properties. — Tendency to polar staining when dilute staining solutions are employed. Strong staining solutions give the organisms a plumper appear- ance. Relation to Oxygen.—Facultative anaerobe. Intensity of Growth.—Usually very modest ; often an inoculation from a culture one day old upon the original plate is without result. Growth on agar, poor ; better on glycerin-agar ; best upon Léffler’s serum. Temperature,—Not below 25°; grows well only in the incubator. 206 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Spores are absent. Serum-agar Plate.—Young colonies exceedingly deli- cate, like dewdrops ; single colonies may be as large as 2 mm., grayish, somewhat lobulated. Rarely are they. elevated like a pinhead. Magnified from sixty to a hun- dred times they are finely granular. Agar Plate.—Smaller, poorer, and usually drier than upon serum. On the contrary, Vincenzi observed better — growth on agar than on serum. He describes, in the © agar stab, faint growth in the stab canal and no surface growth. Bouillon Culture.—Scanty growth, little turbidity. Milk and potato growths are so far unknown. Resistance to drying is minimal. Distribution.—According to the authors previously mentioned, the organism is regularly present in the glairy, transparent sputum of typical cases of whooping-cough, and from it it has often been cultivated. We have also made, with Dr. Hirai, a series of successful cultures. We always found the cultures to remain alive for an extraordi- narily short time. Animal experiments have failed with all animals and in the hands of all investigators. Special Cultures and Methods of Recognition.— The sputum is obtained with as little contamination as possible (when possible, after washing out the mouth), and typical, glairy, tenacious balls are allowed to stand in abundant sterile water about one hour. The water is then poured off, and the clumps washed in several changes of distilled water, and finally from them smears on cover- glasses and streak cultures upon ascites-agar are prepared. Bacterium duplex (L. and N.). Ordinary Name.—Diplobacillus Morax. seers —Morax (A. P. x, 337); Axenfeld (C. B. xx, 1), with pia Microscopic.—Rather large, plump rods, often arranged in pairs or short chains, about 1 » thick and 2 to 3 long, non-motile, not stained by Gram’s method, without any capsule of importance. BACTERIUM ULCERIS CANCROSI. 207 _ The organisms are very particular as to cultivation. They grow best upon ascites-agar as small transparent droplets ; upon ordinary agar, a growth is rarely obtained. Pure, solidified blood-serum is slowly liquefied on the sur- A ee. Cultures have little durability. It causes a con- junctivitis, usually insidious in onset and running a chronic course with slight catarrhal symptoms, abundant ecretion, and redness of the conjunctiva, especially upon the edges of the lids and inner angle of the eye. The organism is found abundantly in the secretion (Fig. 17). a he disease may be transferred by means of pure cultures fo healthy individuals. It has been found infrequently ir various places as the cause of epidemics ; also, on one _ occasion, in Wiirzburg. Bacterium ulceris cancrosi (Ducrey-Kruse), L. and N. 4 Synonyms.—Streptobacillus of soft-chancre Ducrey, Bacillus ulceris Canecro si Literature. —Ducrey (C. B. xvii, 290), Petersen (C. B. x11, 743), x ina (C. B. xvut, 234), Kruse (Fliigge-Kruse, Bd. 11, 456). _ It is now universally acknowledged that Ducrey rightly ‘recognized a small, thin bacterium (0.5 » broad, 1.5 u a arranged in long chains, which can be demon- strated, with no great difficulty, in sections of soft chancre as the cause of the process. By successive inoculation of ‘chancre secretion from one place on the-skin to others, in ach resulting ulcer a purer condition is found. Staining of the sections with Léffler’s methylene-blue is not espe- sially difficult, if the alcohol is allowed to act very briefly. . ~The bacteria are not stained by Gram’s method. They a e also found in the chancre secretion, but only rarely in ‘the contents of buboes. Cultures are rarely successful ; Petersen obtained non-characteristic, faintly growing col- ‘onies deep in serum-agar. 208 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. Bacterium septicemiz hamorrhagice.! Hiippe. (Plate 12.) Literature.—Complete by Voges (Z. H. xxii, 261; Xxvill, 33); — Karlinski (Z. H. xxvitl, 407); Th. Smith (C. B. xxv, 241); Voges — and Proskauer (Z. H. XXVIII, 20); Preisz (C. B. xx1mI, 666). Microscopic Appearance. —Short rods, from the © animal scarcely ever more than twice as long as thick, very small (0.3-1 » long). Very often (always typically) in — the short rods with somewhat smaller ends only the poles — stain (plasmolysis) (12, rx and schematic, 12, x), so that pictures resembling diplococci result. Heim once observed — typical capsules. In cultures, likewise, there are mostly — short rods (12, 1x), rarely short threads. : Spontaneous motility and flagella are absent. Staining Properties.—Not by Gram’s method. Dependence upon Temperature and Nutrient — Media.—About like the Bact. coli. Facultative anaerobe. Growth upon Agar and Gelatin.—As shown in Plate 12, differing but little from the Bact. colli. 7 Milk Culture.—Behave differently. Our Berlin chicken ~ cholera presents the typical properties; it renders milk alkaline and leaves it fluid; similar effects are produced by a culture of Léffler’s swine plague from Berlin and one of Honl. On the contrary, one obtained from C. Frankel coagulated milk with formation of acid. Potato Culture.—Often no growth, especially when cultivated freshly from the animal, or only a very scanty 1 Our description is based upon a culture of ‘‘ chicken cholera,’”’ — obtained from the Hygienic Institute in Berlin, whose properties agree excellently with those described in the literature. Two cultures, of ‘‘ chicken cholera ’’ and ‘‘ rabbit septicemia,’’ which have been culti- vated in our institute for about six years, and which originally came from a trustworthy but now unknown source, behave like typical Bact. coli in the sense of the definition in our key. Unfortunately, the connection between these can not be explained ; a contamination seems to be excluded, a transformation is improbable. One might see a proof in this observation of the identity of the Bact. sept. haemor- rhag. with the motile organism of hog-cholera, so long maintained especially by Voges. It does not seem possible to draw more far- reaching conclusions from the observation, especially as Voges and Proskauer now again maintain sharp differences between the causes of the diseases from the biologic characteristics (fermentation of sugar, BACTERIUM SEPTICEMLE HEMORRHAGICH. 209 one. Old laboratory cultures grow as faintly yellowish- _ white ; after alkalinization the growth is more abundant. Production of Gas and Acid from Carbohydrates. —Often much acid is formed, both from grape- and milk- ‘sugar, but no gas. } Indol and H,S.—Both abundantly formed (according to Karlinski, not). According to Hoffa, methylguanidin is to be looked upon as the poisonous principle of the organ- ism. Resistance.—Against drying, slight. Heating to 45°- 46° destroys the virulence in half an hour. On the con- trary, cultures remain viable and virulent for months. Cold and mixture with putrefactive bacteria do not reduce the virulence. . Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Demonstrated by Gafiky in water of the Panke. Inoculation of the same into rabbits produced a fatal infectious disease. Also found in water and soil ; undoubtedly widely distributed. (b) In the body: Never in man. On the contrary, they were found by Gamaleia in the feces of normal pigeons, but with little virulence, and by Karlinski in the nasal mucus of swine. Have been demonstrated to be the cause of a series of destructive diseases in animals, in various biologic races, and designated by various names. Voges was unable to produce, in any way, a true, last- ing immunity against any of those diseases. We will describe only four of these varieties somewhat ~ more extensively. 1. Bacterium suicida Migula (Bacillus suisepticus Kruse), cause of the so-called German (Lé6ffler’s) _**Schweineseuche.’’ Compare Léffler and Schulz (A. G. _ A. I, 55 and 376). It is a wide-spread and destructive _ disease of swine, which usually kills in from one-half to NT PO ee a RS ee a he We Coen ar ie nae NEN FP) 2 ai. etc.) recently in use. We remain, therefore, for the present with a _ preponderating majority of authors who occupy the standpoint of a _ duality. A new culture, obtained from Honl, in Prague, of Bact. suicida Mig. corresponds with the scheme. 1 This statement in the literature, which Th. Smith recently again _ verified, corresponds to our cultures of chicken cholera and new ** Schweineseuche ’’; on the contrary, both of the old motile cultures of “‘Schweineseuche’’ produce gas from grape-sugar. According to Karlinski, sometimes there is formation of gas, and sometimes none. 14 ee ee ee ee 210 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL two days. Usually a lobular, multiple, necrotic pneu- monia is most prominent. Many cases pass as croupous pneumonia ; other forms, with bacteria of less virulence, lead, during a chronic course, to the formation of multiple « caseous areas, which are often confused with.tuberculous areas. Compare Ascher and Hirsemann (Z. H. xxyt, 148). Also diseases of the intestine (gastro-enteritis) occur when a complication or secondary infection by the Bact. cholerze suum is not present. Swine are very susceptible, and, of the experimental animals, guinea-pigs ; birds are very slightly affected. For an exhaustive differential diagnosis from American ‘‘Schweineseuche,’’ see page 239. - | 2. Bacterium multocidum ! (Kitt), L. and N. (Bact. bipolare multocidum Kitt, Bac. bovisepticus Kruse), cause of the ‘‘ Wild-’’ and ‘‘ Rinderseuche”’ (Bollinger, Kitt), which, while not very frequent, still has raged very destructively among deer and cattle.? Hogs are rarely affected. There are found hemorrhagic enteritis, with either pleuropneumonia and pericarditis, or very acute edema of the head and neck, with hemorrhages in the mucous. membranes of the head. 3. Bacterium of Barbone in buffalo disease in Italy and Hungary (Oreste and Armanni, 1886; von Ratz,.C. B. xx, 289; Sanfelice, Loi and Malato, C. B. xxm, 32). Buffalo die in from twelve to twenty-four hours ; there is severe hemorrhagic edema of the subcutaneous connective tissue, especially about the larynx, trachea, etc., with the small intestine reddened and hemorrhagic. It is patho- genic for guinea-pigs. 4. Bacterium avicidum Kitt, cuniculicida (Gaffky) Fltigge (Bacillus cholere gallinarum Kruse). It is the cause of extensive epidemics in chickens (chicken cholera, Perconcito, Pasteur), isolated by Gaffky from canal-water (Mitt. Gesundheitsamt 1, 80) and described as the cause 1 Closely related : ‘‘ New Infectious Disease of Cattle,’’ of Basso (C. B. x x11, 537). Stained by Gram’s method, non-motile, ferments glucose. 2 According to Gmelin, the causes of many cases of infectious in- flammation of the navel also belong here (C. B. XXIII, 295). j BACTERIUM SEPTICEMIH HEMORRHAGICH. 211 _of rabbit septicemia (Davaine’s septicemia). It is differ- entiated from Nos. 1-3 by a more abundant growth on potato, and in milk sufficient acid is formed to produce - coagulation. For chicken cholera the following are susceptible : Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, in general all domestic fowls, sparrows, finches, rabbits, and white mice. Usually guinea-pigs are slightly susceptible. Compare, on the contrary, Tjaden (C. B. xxv, 224). Every method of - inoculation (also with only very small quantities) as well the eee, gees gai Kee ae. ' cee ee ge ee ey | eee ee a ee Tee ONY as feeding are successful, death occurring in birds usually after from twelve to forty-eight hours, rarely after from seven to twelve days. Superficial inoculation by cuts into the pectoral muscles with a lancet is most generally em- ployed. Postmortem Findings.—In pigeons, at the place of inocu- lation in the muscle, there is a whitish-yellow, thick, nodular swelling and discoloration of the muscle; in _hens often more of a cloudy, edematous infiltration—an appearance of diagnostic value. Dead animals have large ecchymoses in the serous membranes (especially in the pericardium), besides serous or fibrinous pericarditis, hemorrhagic enteritis, and serous lobular pneumonia (Kitt). (Dogs and cats devour dead birds without injury.) During life the birds present suddenly develop- ing choleraic symptoms, together with loss of appetite, weakness, giddiness, ruffled plumage, thirst. Rabbits and mice die quickly, without local manifestations, or an _ abscess forms at the point of inoculation, which for weeks _ contains the characteristic bacteria. 3 Special Methods of Demonstration.—lInoculation of a pigeon by very shallow cutaneous incisions in the breast, 2-3 cm. long. Characteristic organisms abun- dantly present in the blood of the inoculated animal (bipolar staining); change at the point of inoculation (necrosis ). The bacillus gallinarum E. Klein is a variety (C. B. v, 689; v1, 257; and XVIII, 105). Closely related are : The disease of ring-doves of Leclainche (A. P., 1894, 490) and the duck cholera of Cornil and Toupet (C. B. rv, 333); hens are immune to both these latter. Similar also are the anti. ap ea 212 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. parrot cholera (Nocard), Fiorentini’s septicemia of swans (C. B. x1x, 932), and a series of diseases in animals, which have usually been ob- ; served but once. Bacterium haemorrhagicum (Kolb), Lehm. and Neum. (Plate 20, VII, VIII.) Literature by Babés (C. B. 1x, '719); Kolb (A. G. vit, 60); Afanasieff (C. B. x11, 402); Finkelstein (C. B. xvuit, 64). Very closely related to, indeed, only biologically differ- ent from, the Bact. septic. hemorrhag. is an organism closely studied by Babés, Tizzoni,; and Giovannini, but especially by Kolb (illustration, literature), which causes purpura—Morbus maculosus Werlhofii—in man and ex- perimental animals, which usually terminates fatally. There occur hemorrhages into the skin, serous mem- branes, lungs, kidneys, etc., and albuminuria. Microscopic Appearance.—Short, oval bacteria, 0.8— 1.5 » long, 0.4-0.8 » thick, usually in pairs (20, viz) with a small capsule in the animal body; in cultures, short rods and threads. Non-motile. By Gram’s method they stain poorly or not at all. - Facultative anaerobe. Gelatin Culture.—Grow rather slowly; delicate, thin, whitish, spreading but little, never liquefying. Agar cul- ture: Uncharacteristic, white to whitish-yellow, spread- ing somewhat flatly. Upon potato, whitish, moistly glis- tening, not spreading much, not tenacious. Regarding the relation to sugar solution nothing is stated ; since in anaerobic cultures, which bear the addition of sugar well, nothing is said by Kolb of gas-formation, it does not appear to cause fermentation. The varieties isolated by the three above-mentioned authors were different in their pathogenic effects upon experimental animals. Kolb ob- tained the greatest effects upon mice, less in guinea-pigs and dogs; the organism of Tizzoni and Giovannini, on the contrary, was not pathogenic for mice, but very pathogenic for dogs and guinea-pigs. The animals often present marked hemorrhages, with the same localization as in man. BACTERIUM PESTIS. 213 Bacterium pseudotuberculosis rodentium. Preiss. (L. and N.) _ Synonym.—Bacillus pseudotuberculosis A. Pfeiffer. Entire Literatwre.—Delbanco ( Ziegler’s Beitrage xx, 477). Microscopic.—Plump, short rods, motility absent or oubtful, flagella not found, often arranged i in short chains in cultures, stain best with alkaline methylene-blue, not by Gram’s method. Cultures.—Somewhat like Bact. coli, grow readily and luxuriantly upon most nutrient media (only upon potato poorly), forming yellowish-white to salmon-colored and yellowish-brown growths. Bouillon is first diffusely cloudy, then presents a thick sediment, but no pellicle. Abundant formation of crystals in the cultures from the formation of alkali (basic phosphate). No fermentation of sugar ‘with formation of gas. Milk is not coagulated. No indol. Distribution.—Frequently found as the cause of tuber- -culous-like, caseous, granulation swellings (especially in the abdomen) of rodents (rabbits, guinea-pigs). Appears widely distributed; may also cause epidemics. Detection.—The organism may be easily found in ‘stained smears from the swellings. Growth occurs read- ‘ily, and thus it is differentiated from tuberculosis. Bacterium pestis.1 (Kitasato, Yersin.) L. and N. (Plate 13.) Literature.—Yersin (A. P. vitt, 662); Aoyama (C. B. xrx, 481); Ogata contra Kitasato (C. B. xxi, 77 1). Much newer literature is cited in the text. Especially important is: Gaffky, R. Pfeiffer, Dieu- ‘donné, Sticker. Report of the German Pest Commission (A: G. A. /XvI, 1899). Microscopic Appearance.—Short rods with rounded ends, two to three times as long as thick, here and there ‘united in pairs (13, x a). In smear preparations from ex- _. 1 We have had at our disposal for study and illustrating, through the great kindness of Dr. Dieudonné, besides the living cultures, also * series of preserved original Indian cultures and original prepara- ions. 214 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. udates or fresh portions of the body, the organisms show the usual polar staining with anilin dyes, as in those of septiczemia hzemorrhag. (13, 1x). In bouillon there occur streptococcus-like chains (13, x 6). The bacteria are pro- vided with a capsule, but it is not easily rendered visible (Report of the German Pest Commission). In connection with bacteria from a pure culture, we have not often seen them, yet they may at times be demonstrated by using dilute staining solutions. Spontaneous Motility.—Absolutely non-motile, no flagella. It must be noted that Kitasato observed very sluggish motion, and likewise Kasanski saw movement of the bacteria (C. B. xx, 25). Gordon stained, according to the method of van Ermengen, flagella, which are usually single and polar, rarely in pairs and at the sides (C. B. xxu, 170); compare also N. Schultz (C. B. xxim, 594). According to the statement of the German Pest Commis- sion, what was supposed to be motility was only molecular motion, and the flagella observed may be supposed to be simply precipitated staining materials. Staining Properties.—Stain with all anilin dyes. In preparations from pure cultures, the polar staining is not clearly observed. Not stained by Gram’s method. In Per ee ee Ee opposition to Kitasato, the statement is made that the — bacteria in the blood stain by Gram’s method. According to Kasanski, the polar staining succeeds especially in blood and old pus. Relation to Oxygen.— The bacteria are obligate aerobes. Growth is stopped by the exclusion of oxygen. Dependence upon Temperature. — Optimum oF ies but it also grows very well at 22°. Intensity of Growth.—On all nutrient media, toler- ably rapid. After two or three days a luxuriant deposit is observed. In bouillon diluted with three times its quantity of water, the growth is very much slower. In dilutions of 1:10 it is almost entirely absent (Report of the German Pest Commission). Liquefaction.—Absent. Spores.—None formed. The vegetative cells die com- pletely at 55°-60°. Involution Forms.—Very characteristic and ane ae BACTERIUM PESTIS. - 215 able involution forms are produced, the like of which are said to occur in no other variety. The cell bodies are swollen in the center, similar to yeast cells, or they become rounded, like spherical forms. Very often there appear cells many times larger than normal cells. The staining properties in these forms are lessened (18, vim). Accord- ing to the statement of the German Pest Commission, upon Hankin’s 8% chlorid of sodium-agar involution forms are produced almost exclusively (C. B. xx, 488). Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size: Small, crumbly, gray, transparent colonies, which are directly elevated above the surface. After a longer time, they spread out but little (13, v d). (b) Magnified sixty times: Answering to the elevation which occurs, there is observed a marked reflection from the surface. The colonies are roundish, smooth-bordered to lobulated, sharply outlined, with a yellowish to a green- ish shimmer. Very often the superficial colony is sur- rounded by a very delicate, transparent lobulated zone, which occurs also in somewhat altered form upon other nutrient media. The structure varies from homogeneous to faintly granular. The deep-lying colonies are similar, but never present this delicate zone (13, vt). Gelatin Stab.—In stab-canal, a faint, homogeneous, whitish, thread-like growth. On the surface the growth is like the colony in the gelatin plate. Agar Plate.—The description refers to cultures which have been cultivated a long time. Cultures recently ob- tained from pest cadavers behave somewhat differently. (See under agar streak. ) (a) Natural size: After forty-eight hours the colonies are plainly visible macroscopically, have wavy, smooth © borders, are slightly elevated, and cannot be differentiated from those of the colon bacterium. They are gray to grayish-white, and have an oily or moist luster (13, v a). (6) Magnified sixty times : Colonies roundish, transparent at the periphery, in the interior yellowish to yellowish- gray. They are universally very crumbly. Sometimes one is reminded of a very granular colony of diphtheria or of a delicate sarcina colony (13, vira). The better the nutrient medium, the more luxuriant the growth. Thus 216 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL 1 the, colonies on glycerin-agar (13, vir 5) and ascites-agar (13, vu c) are less transparent and darker in color. The delicate, tiny, drop-like colonies which occur when cultures are made direct from pest material (13, 1), when magnified sixty times, appear less crumbly, sometimes homogeneous, almost smooth-bordered, and elevated like the head of a pin. Here, as in the colonies in gelatin, the older colonies present a very delicate, transparent, finely punctated peripheral zone, upon which the colony proper appears built up as a hemisphere (13, v1). Young colo- nies are gray; old ones, grayish-yellow to brownish- gray. Agar Stab.—Difficult to differentiate from the colon bacterium. The surface growth is somewhat whiter than with the colon. Stab is uncharacteristic and thread-like. Agar Streak.—The growth upon the surface from fresh pest material consists of tiny, delicate, transparent, drop- like colonies, which lie close to each other and appear as a delicate surface-layer. The minute colonies are not conflu- ent and do not become much larger. The entire layer ap- pears grayish-yellow (13, 1). The growth of cultures which have. been long under cultivation cannot be differ- entiated from that of a well-developed colon culture, but is perhaps a little whiter. Bouillon Culture.—At first is slightly turbid ; in course of time a pellicle forms, which at first is delicate, and later becomes denser. Very old cultures are often clear, with an abundant, crumbly sediment. In sugar bouillon the sediment is more marked, also the pellicle is more luxu- riant. Milk Culture.—Growth in milk is slight; the milk is not coagulated. Potato Culture.—Grows slowly. Deposit is whitish to whitish-yellow, faintly shining, somewhat elevated, erumbly. It is sharply outlined from the potato. Special Nutrient Media.—Upon boiled rice, at 30°- 37°, there is an abundant growth in the form of a gray film (Report of the German Pest Commission). Chemical Activities.—(a) Chromogenesis, production of odoriferous and gustable substances, liquefaction of gelatin, and H.S are absent. re ee oe ee BACTERIUM PESTIS. 217 (6) Indol reaction: After a long time; without the addition of nitrite, slight ; with the addition of nitrite, pronounced. _ (ce) Toxins: Fluid cultures, devitalized by heat, never contain soluble toxin. By extraction from cultures eight to twelve weeks old which are killed with formalin, a fluid is obtained which is very rich in toxin, and from this, with ‘ammonium sulphate or alcohol, a solid toxin may be ob- ained, of which +545, of the body-weight is fatal for mice. Still, in the serum of animals treated with large doses of toxin antitoxins are absent (Wernicke, C. B. xxiv, 859). “Markl obtained similar results. He obtained the largest ‘quantities of toxin in shallow bouillon cultures quite rapidly (in a few days); he obtained sera with limited ‘antitoxic action, but without any effect against infection with living bacteria (C. B. xxrv, 641). Roux, who pro- ‘duced strongly active sera, found them strongly antitoxic, but not bactericidal. _ Resistance and Viability.—The pest bacillus is not very different from other fission-fungi. It withstands drying from three to seven days ; in water it dies in from three to eight days, according to the composition. In ‘buried bodies the duration of life is from twenty-two to thirty-eight days. Kasansky proved that they stand the ‘Russian winter for months (C. B. xxv, 122). For par- ficulars consult Toptschieff (C. B. xxi, 730), Gladin (C. B. xxv, 588), Hankin (C. B. xxtv, 587), Wladimiroff (C. B. xxiv, 424). _ Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: In India, Hankin and Yersin have many times cultivated non-virulent varie- ties of bacilli, resembling very much the pest bacillus, from the environs of men in houses infected with pest. _ (6) In healthy body: Never. _ (ce) In diseased human body: Is widely distributed. Most abundant in the buboes, primary cutaneous pus- fules, and the sputum of pest pneumonia. Rarely found in the blood and organs (compare below). _(d) In animals: Pest occurs spontaneously in rats. Epidemics of pest in rats often precede those in man. It appears as if certain tropical soil bacilli first become accli- mated to the rat’s body, and then are transferred to man. 218 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI Pathogenic Properties for Man.—Cause of the true oriental bubonic or glandular pest ; also of the pest pneu- monia. Mortality 50%-80%. The gates of entrance are : (1) Skin. The bacteria usually first become localized and grow in the nearest lymph-glands (gland-pest), but often there develops at the place where the bacterium enters a pest pustule, which may be of the character of a boil or carbuncle, and may contain very many bacteria. Death may occur ‘without. the pest bacteria extending beyond the local area, but usually it follows a dissemina- tion of the bacteria throughout the entire body (pest sepsis). Rarely pest bacteria also occur in great numbers” in the internal organs ; at times in the urine. (2) Lungs; pest pneumonia. In the sputum there are very numerous pest bacteria, often also in the blood. Complication with streptococci is frequent. (3) Digestive canal ; uncertain. In animals it has been demonstrated. _ Experimental Investigations Regarding Patho- genic Effects.—Almost all animals are susceptible to pest. Pigeons are immune ; dogs and cows but slightly suscepti- ble (Gosio, H. R., 1897, 855); more susceptible are swine, © horses, cats; yet more, monkeys and rabbits; and most of all, guinea-pigs, mice, and rats. Compare Nuttall (C. B. xxu, 87). The pest bacillus may also become ac- climated to frogs (Devell, C. B. xx, p. 382). Guinea-pigs inoculated intraperitoneally die in two days” of an acute septicemia with few bacteria in the tissues. After infection with small quantities of pest bacilli, death occurs on the sixth day, when the mesenteric glands are swollen and there are hemorrhages in the liver and lungs, together with submiliary abscesses and nodular thickenings of the omentum. The spleen contains whole swarms of bacteria, which are united in a zooglear mass. These zooglese are formed by very much swollen capsules. Honl (C. B. xxu, 100). Guinea-pigs are easily infected through the digestive tract, in which case there is a special tendency to chronic forms. (Nodules in various organs, including lungs.) Bandi and Stagnitta-Balistreri (Z. H. xxvii, 261). Flies transport pest bacilli; bugs and fleas remove pest’ Pt « _ bacilli together with the blood from animals with pest, yet + BACTERIUM PESTIS. 219 _ a transfer to healthy animals appears rare. Immunity and immunization (consult the report of the German Pest Commission and Dieudonné, Miinch. : med. Wochenschr., 1898, 166). Passive immunity may be obtained in animals, and to a _ certain degree also in man, by the subcutaneous injection _ of serum from horses which have previously been treated many times with intravenous injections of devitalized cul- tures; curative power is also possessed by such serum _ over sick men and animals, yet only in a modest measure and in very large doses. According to Roux, the action _ of the serum is only antitoxic, not bactericidal. Accord- _ ing to Haffkine, active immunity is obtained more easily, _ more cheaply, and also without any danger, by injecting subcutaneously 24-3 ¢.c. of a well-grown bouillon culture after it has been heated to 70° for one hour. The symp- toms (fever, pain) are usually moderate, and the injection | is best repeated after ten days. If the protection is not absolute, and some of those injected die later of pest (1.6% instead of 24.6%), yet the majority are entirely protected or are only affected very mildly. Special Methods for Demonstration and Culture.— 1. Not to incise non-fluctuating glandular swellings or boils of the skin for diagnostic purposes is a professional failure. In the pus from discharging ulcers, and especially in the sputum of cases of pest pneumonia, the micro- organisms are found in abundance. Here a _ probable - diagnosis is easily made microscopically from the bipolar staining. 2. To certainly demonstrate the pest bacteria in a drop of blood (more readily done in spleen- or liver-juice) after _ Staining alone, is often impossible. It is more easily done _ in cultures upon gelatin at 22°, by observing the small, ele- vated colonies with delicate, transparent borders. Absence _ of spontaneous motion. 3. It is important to observe the involution forms upon 38% sodium-chlorid agar after twenty-four hours’ growth. 4. The serum from cases of plague agglutinates pest eeria. 220 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium acidi lactici. Hiippe. (Plate 14.) Literature.—Huppe, Mitteil, aus dem Gesundheitsamt 0, 309. More recent literature up to 1891 is given byScholl ; Die Milch (Wiesbaden, 1891). Compare also Kayser (A. P., 1894, p. 737), where there are described 15 organisms which produce lactic acid. Microscopic Appearance.—Short, somewhat oval rods (0.6—2 » long, 0.4-0.6 » broad), usually in pairs, rarely in longer chains (14, 1x). Motility and flagella are absent. Staining Properties.—Stain by Gram’s method, but not very well. Requirements as to Nutrient Media and Temper- ature.—Grows abundantly at room and incubator temper- ature upon the various nutrient media. It grows better aerobically, and not at all deep in shake cultures prepared from non-saccharine media. With the addition of sugar, it grows well anaerobically. Growth upon Gelatin and Agar.—Not essentially different from Bact. coli, very abundant, especially upon agar, and moist and slimy. Upon gelatin, delicate. In ~ thin plate, the colonies may become 5—10 mm. in diameter (14, v). Bouillon Culture.—Diffuse cloudiness, abundant sedi- ment. Potato Culture.—Somewhat widely spreading, wavy, smooth-edged growth, somewhat elevated, at first grayish- to yellowish-white, later sometimes brownish-yellow. After longer standing, bubbles arise which often are strongly refractive, and later may burst (14, x). Milk Culture.—Compact coagulation, with expression of clear serum; a few little gas bubbles are always present. Chemical Activities.—It forms from grape- and milk- — sugar a mixture of lactic and acetic acids, and sometimes traces of alcohol, together with an abundance of gas. The lactic acid may be optically inactive fermentation lactic acid, but so far special investigations are lacking. As first observed by Hiippe, the powers of producing lactic acid eee ee a ee BACTERIUM AEROGENES. 931 _and of coagulating milk are gradually lost after long culti- _yation upon gelatin or agar. _ Upon nutrient media free of sugar, there is a slight pro- duction of indol, but none of H,S8. _ Distribution. "Constantly cultivated from sour milk by Hiippe in Berlin, and by his pupils with slight modi- fications (consult Scholl). In Wiirzburg, since 1888 (compare Dissertation by Joh. Claus, Bakteriologische Untersuchung der Milch im Winter 1888-89 in Wiirz- burg), we have never failed to find the organism in milk which had soured spontaneously and naturally, and until recently we had no doubt that it was the most important producer of lactic acid in milk, as Htippe assumed. Milk which has soured spontaneously contains, in Wtrzburg, considerable quantities of volatile acid. As soon as possi- ble the question as to the most important cause of lactic acid fermentation will be restudied in Wtrzburg. Com- _ pare page 224. Demonstration and Differential Diagnosis.—As dif- fering from Bact. Giintheri, the Bact. acidi lactici grows well upon the ordinary nutrient media, and produces gas vigorously. As regards the staining by Gram’s method, variations occur. In order to bring the findings into a scheme we call the forms not stained by Gram’s method Bact. lactis aérogenes (see below), and leave the question open as regards the kind of relationship existing between _ these ‘‘species.’’ Bacterium aerogenes.! (Kruse.) L. and N. ___Synonyms.?—Bacterium lactis aérogenes Escherich, Ba- -cillus aérogenes Kruse. _ __ Literature.—Escherich, Die Darmbakterien des Sauglings, 1886, page 57. — 4A Bact. lactis aérogenes obtained from Kral presented from 1 to 3 irregularly arranged, long flagella, and was thus, according to our _ ideas, a typical Bact. coli. It also produced indol very vigorously. __ #We cannot understand how Kruse designates the Bact. acidi lac- tici as a variety of the Bact. aérogenes, which was described many ‘years later. If one name is to be eliminated, according to priority, it Must unquestionably be that of Bact. aérogenes. 222 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. This variety, first isolated from the milk-stools of in- | fants by Escherich, is, according to our investigations, and according to Escherich’s own statements, to be differenti- ated from the Bact. acidi lactici merely by the absence of staining by Gram’s method 1—a characteristic upon which no great value can be placed according to recent experiences. A further difference, which Escherich understands from Hiippe’s description, that Hiippe’s organism was an obli- — gate aerobe, we cannot recognize according to our investi- gations as present, for as often as we isolated the Bact. acidi lactici from sour milk in Wiirzburg, it always pro-— duced fermentation anaerobically. We cannot place any — great value upon the luxuriant, sometimes hemispheric, — slimy growth upon the surface in the gelatin stab, which — he likens to the growth of the Bact. pneumoniz. Escherich — has even seen exceptions. | Metabolic Products.—Alcohol, acetic acid, active lac- tic acid, succinic acid, and, according to Nencki (C. B. x, — 82), also CO, and H. According to Smith, about 30%- 40% CO,, 60%-70% H. Indol is not produced. | For us Bact. lactis aérogenes is the name for a form — without flagella, parallel to the typical peritrichous Bact. — coli, or for a Bact. acidi lactici which is not stained by — Gram’s method. Transition forms certainly may exist,— — compare remark 1,—but one proved to be well founded is not certainly known to us. Very closely related is the Bact. diatrypeticum casei Baumann (C. B. xiv, 494), — which is widely distributed in milk, water, and soil, and causes the cavities in cheese, or perhaps aids in their for- mation. Composition of gas: 63% CO,, 37% H,. It is © provided with a capsule. We can see no final proof in the investigations of Scheffer (A. H., 1897, xxx, 291) by which he attempts to make a distinction between the two varieties dependent — upon immunization and agglutination experiments, for we — remember that the different varieties of the streptococcus — furnish no reciprocal immunity, and that each form of the — Bact. coli furnishes a serum which strongly agglutinates — only the form concerned. 1 Wiirtz and Lendet find both varieties identical. BACTERIUM GUNTHERI. 223 Here belong the following non-motile ea which lerment grape- and milk-sugar : _ Bacterium cavicida Brieger. Zeit. f. phys. Ch., 8. _ Bacterium neapolitanum Emmerich. Cultivated from a series of ‘cholera cadavers in Naples and once from the blood of a cholera patient. It is not the cause of cholera. According to Buchner, the - moderate vibratory motion is not purely molecular. Flagella are not known. If it possessed flagella, then it would be considered as Bact. -eoli. Compare Weisser (Z. H. 1, 315). __ Bacterium of septicemia of cats Lehm. and Neum. Cultivated From a cat which died spontaneously. Killed cats with typhoid 3 ptoms. A more detailed description is still lacking. | - Bacterium of dermatitis epidemica exfoliativa Russel (C. B. xv, et) Unknown to us. : Bacterium caucasicum. (Kern.) L. and N. . Synonyms.—Dispora caucasica Kern. Bacillus caucasicus v. Freu- | Benreich. __ Literature.—v. Freudenreich (C. B. L. m1, 47, 87, 135). __ Microscopic : Rods, about 5-6 long, 1 u broad, which often present ll, clear, globular swellings at the ends (are ‘not spores!). Very ightly motile. _ Fresh cultures grow poorly or not at all upon gelatin or milk-sugar tin ; on the contrary, old cultures grow well. Upon milk-agar re develop whitish-gray, flat colonies with a somewhat jagged border due to outward projection of individual bacteria. Milk is not eater] Little gas-formation in milk ; grows well in milk-sugar pouillon. Growth at 22° is feeble ; 37° is ‘the optimum. _ According to Kern, it is the cause of kephyr fermentation. v. -Freudenreich obtained kephyr in sterile milk most often (not always) ‘if he mixed together four varieties: (1) The kephyr yeast ; (2 and 3) two streptococci isolated from kephyr ; (4) the Bact. caucasicum ; t also with the yeast and the two streptococci there resulted a ‘tolerable production of kephyr. Bacterium Giintheri. Lehm. and Neum. Giinther _ and Thierfelder (A. H. xxv, 164). Literature.—Giunther and Thierfelder (A. H. xxv, 164). Leich- (C. B. Xvi, 826). Consult especially Leichmann (C. B. L. v, WT deca gay ge we _ Nomenclature.—Giinther and Thierfelder have not ‘named their organism. In our first edition, published in y, 1896, we gave it the name Bacterium Giintheri L. and N. This name must stand, for also Leichmann, who ad received the organism from Giinther and Thierfelder, 224 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL. but did not especially study it, designated it by the name Bacterium lactis acidi for the first time, so far as we can see, in December, 1896 (C. B. L. u, 777). Aside from the question of priority, it is very impractical to introduce a Bacterium lactis acidi, together with a Bacterium acidi lactici. Besides, Leichmann has also called a longer, | slender, thermophilic, non-sporulating, acid-producing variety Bacillus lactis acidi. Later than our name is also Bacillus lacticus Kruse. Lately Kozai has introduced | Bacillus acidi paralactici (Z. H. xxx1, 337). Microscopic.—Short rods, 1 long, 0.5-0.6 p» thick, a pairs or short chains; at the ends somewhat pointed ; stains by Gram’s method ; non-motile, facultative aerobe. — Upon the gelatin plate: Punctiform colonies, never more than 0.5 mm. in diameter upon medium which does not contain sugar; when sugar is added, they are a little larger, but always very delicate, and never liquefying. In the stab culture there is often scarcely anything but a deep | growth. Upon the agar plate: Delicate transparent growth, — like the finest dewdrops. Jn bouillon: Slight cloudiness when no sugar is present, marked turbidity when sugar or milk are added. Milk: Coagulated ; reaction strongly acid. From grape- and milk-sugar pure dextrorotatory lactic acid (no other acid) is produced, but no gas. Upon potato there is a limited growth. Distribution.—According to Leichmann, Giinther, > Thierfelder, and Kozai, it is found in abundance in all spontaneously coagulated milk, and is either the general producer of lactic acid or, at least, the most important for certain places and times. Yet the single fact that spon- taneously soured milk contains preponderantly the long- known inactive fermentation lactic acid, shows that other varieties besides the Bact. Giintheri are concerned in the process. Compare Leichmann (C. B. L. 1, 777). Kozai (Z. H. xxx1, 337) has demonstrated for Halle that, especially at higher temperature, two varieties, which produce lactic acid, work together. They are given the names Bacillus acidi levolactici and Micrococcus acidi paralactici liquefaciens Halensis. By this last name the necessity of the binomial nomenclature migh be strikingly pointed out. Why not Micrococcus | ! BACTERIUM PNEUMONIZ. 225 halensis ? The Bac. acidi levolactici resembles, morpho- logically and biologically, the Bae. acidi lactici Hiippe, _ but at room temperature only coagulates milk slowly (often milk becomes a thick fluid only after twelve days), while in the incubator it coagulates milk rapidly. The acid formed is levorotatory lactic acid. The coccus is pro- vided with a thick capsule, liquefies gelatin, and forms dextrorotatory lactic acid. During the final reading of our proof-sheets, Leichmann, in a partial work, claims to find in sour milk, besides his Bact. lactis acidi, also the Bact. acidi lactici—in the layer of cream, often even in preponderating number (C. B. L. v, 344). Special Culture Methods.—Ordinary gelatin or agar plates do not give good results because of the minuteness of the colonies. The best medium to employ is a chalk medium (see Technical Appendix) which contains grape- _or milk-sugar. Upon this the colonies are surrounded by -aclear halo. Also good results are obtained with milk- _ peptone gelatin. One pays attention to the small colonies. Bacterium pneumoniz. Friedlander.1 (Plate 15.) Literature.—Friedlinder (Fortschr. d. Med., Bd. 1, '715, ete.). _ Synonyms.—Pneumonia bacillus of Friedlander, cap- _ sule bacillus of pneumonia; also compare pages 227 and 228. Microscopic Appearance.—Short rods (0.6-3.2 » long, 0.5-0.8 » broad), with rounded ends. When from _ the animal body, they present a thick gelatinous capsule, which is developed only in milk among the nutrient media. | Spontaneous motility is absent. Staining Properties.—Stains by the usual methods . 1 The Bact. tholeeideum Gessner is only differentiated by its effect - upon mice (A. H. rx, 129). Also the Bact. butyri colloideum Lafar (C. B. xm, 807), constantly present in butter, according to Lafar, appears also related, although not yet sufficiently described biolog- ically. = 226 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. even in the cold, but not by Gram’s method. The cap- sules, which are colorless after the usual stain, may, how- ever, be stained. (See Technical Appendix. ) Requirements as Regards Nutrient Media and Oxygen.—Grows luxuriantly upon all the nutrient media employed, both with and without oxygen. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Superficial: Round or roundish, moist, white colonies, with even border, usually much elevated, rarely flat, witha slimy-fatty luster. Deep : Roundish to whetstone- -shaped, yellowish-white (15, V). (b) Magnified fifty times. Sunerfoial Round colonies with smooth border, reddish to yellowish-brown, trans- parent only at the periphery. Sometimes there extend outward from the center rays which appear as dark brown thorns and points upon the lighter underlying part (15, vir). Usually a structure can scarcely be distinguished. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, smooth border, brown, opaque (15, vr). Gelatin Stab.—Stab : Well developed, yellowish-white, like a string of pearls. Surface growth: Elevated, like the head of a nail. The gelatin is sometimes a little brownish about the puncture, but never liquefied(15, 1). Agar Plate and Stab.—Similar to the growth in gela- tin, only the colonies are perhaps still more luxuriant and moister. Sometimes we observed in plates, instead of the roundish deep col- onies, single deep veil-like spreading colonies, some of which are reproduced in Plate 15, VIII. Agar Streak.—Growth spreading moderately, whitish- | yellow to gray, with a moist luster, much elevated, espe- cially in the middle. The border is smooth, wavy, and — the periphery transparent. Water of condensation is — cloudy, with a slimy deposit (15, 1). Bouillon Culture.—Very cloudy, with a slimy deposit — at the bottom, which upon shaking becomes homogeneous. — Bouillon becomes somewhat thickened. Milk Culture.—Not coagulated after twenty days. Abel — never found milk coagulated by true Bact. pneumonie, but the opposite was observed by others; for example, — | BACTERIUM PNEUMONI. 227 a te (A. P., 1894, 292). Compare the observa- ons of Denys and Martin, page 229. - Potato Culture. —Thick, moist, highly shining growth, w with smooth but scalloped border, bright yellow to grayish- ‘brown. It is gradually separated into padded, connected ‘sections, especially at the border. | Chemical Activities.—From grape- and milk-sugar the bacterium produces abundant acid, together with CO, and /H, (40% Co,, 58% H,, Th. Smith). P. Frankland demon- ‘strated as fermentation products: ethy! alcohol, acetic acid, ‘a little formic and succinic acids. It is surprising that ‘lactic acid is not mentioned. Indol and H,S are scanty. _ Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Cultivated by Em- ‘merich from the foul floor of a prison. (6) In healthy organism: Sometimes in saliva. _ (©) In diseased human organism: As the cause of a few cases of pneumonia and bronchitis, then occasionally, but not very often, as the cause of inflammatory and suppura- tive processes in almost all the organs of the body; rarely as the cause of pyemia and septicemia. Often also found im the blood. Rarely it causes cystitis (Montt-Saavedro, fm, B. xx, 171). _ (ad) In animals: The cause of pneumonia in horses, dis- ‘covered by Schtitz, is morphologically almost identical | (Arch. Tierheil., XIII). Nail-head cultures usually are king and the growth upon gelatin is flatter. The organ- isms are abundant in the lungs and pleura, i. ¢., especially ‘in the necrotic parts, but sparingly in the blood. Fiedeler si bstantiated the findings in all points (C. B. x, 310). _ Immunity and Serum Diagnosis.—Active immuniza- tion is possible ; the serum causes agglutination, although the B -P. is non-motile. Landsteiner (Wien. klin. Wochen- ‘schr., 1897, 439). fs Results of Experiments upon Animals.—Mice be- “come sick after subcutaneous, more certainly after intrapul- monary injection, also after inhalation, and soon die, with ne appearances of septicemia. Also guinea-pigs and dogs “are susceptible, but rabbits are not. _ Of the numerous closely related varieties! we must a Also the species in the following list (capsule bacilli of authors) “taust be considered as forms which are identical with or closely related a 228 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. mention two somewhat more extensively, because they ard found in typical infectious diseases of man, even though they differ morphologically from the other forms only in the insufficient characteristics already mentioned in the key to the recognition. Bacterium ozzenz (Abel). Lehm. and Neum. Bacillus mucosus ozeenee (Abel, Z. H. xxi, 89); Lowenberg (A. P., 1894, 292). Paulsen: Bacterium of atrophic thinitis (C. B. xiv, 249). Rods of very variable length, capsule in the body often double tl a width of the bacillus on each side, sometimes capsules oceur in milk eul+ tures. The cultures are not different from those of Bact. pneumoniz, only they are somewhat more fluid. The formation of gas upon potato or coagulation of milk was never observed. Sometimes marked, some- times slight fermentation of grape-sugar. Old cultures sometimes become a little brownish, but without a brown color of the nutrient medium being produced. Nt ee ee to the Bact. pneumoniz, because, after all we know to-day, we cannot recognize, as true characteristics of species, slight differences of adapta-_ tion to a certain variety of animal, the luxuriance of growth, the imperfection of Gram/’s stain, or greater or less ability to produce fer. mentation: sre pneumonize Friedlander (Fortschritte der Medizin, I, 715 a Bacillus pseudopneumonicus Passet (Aetiol. der eitr. hig crags: Berlin, 1885). Proteus hominis capsulatus Bordoni-Uffreduzzi (Z. H., Bd. 1, 188% . 333). : Capsule bacillus from canal-water von Mori (Z. H., Bd. Iv, 1888, . p. 47). 7 Capsule bacillus of R. Pfeiffer (Z. H., Bd. VI, 1889, p. 145). { Capsule bacillus of Mandry (Fort. d. Med., Bd. yvir1, 1890, 205 C. B. vu, 570). Capsule bacillus of Kockel (Fort. d. Med., Bd. 1x, 1891, 331). Bacillus capsulatus mucosus Fasching (C. B. x1, 304). Capsule bacillus of v. Dungeren (C. B. xtv, 541). Capsule bacillus of Marchand (C. B. Xv, p. 428). Capsule bacillus of Nicolaier (C. B. xvi, p. 601). Capsule bacillus in keratomalacia of Loeb (C. B. x, 369; mu literature). Bacillus sputigenus Pansini (C. B. rx, 566). Somewhat more p nounced differentiation. Bacillus sputigenus crassus Kreibohm (C. B. Vil, 312). (Stained b Gram’s !) Bacillus aérogenes sputigenus capsulatus Herla Ne B. XXv, 359). Bacillus capsulatus chinensis A. Hamilton (C, B Bz IV, 230). (AE i ways forms capsules ; literature résumé.) TOO AD a BACTERIUM RHINOSCLEROMATIS. 229 _ The organism occurs regularly in ozena (foul), but also in pure atrophic rhinitis without odor. The significance of. the organism in t ae production of the ozena is therefore very questionable, Just as is ee cance of the pseudodiphtheria bacillus, which is often simul- taneously found. Jurasz and Hecht go so far as to question the sig- nif ficance of bacteria in ozena, and speak of a trophic neurosis of the nose with a putrid secretion. Compare Hecht (Minch. med. Woch- ~ chr., 1898, No. 7, 198). _ Mice die in from one to four days after subcutaneous inoculation ; ‘| Tats and guinea-pigs are more difficult to infect, and rabbits are - Immune. Bacterium rhinoscleromatis v. Frisch. | Literature.—Paltauf (C. B. 1, 236); Bender (C. B. 1, 563); Dittrich (Cc. B. 1, 89, 483); Babés (C. B. 1, 617); Dittrich (C. B. v, 145); | > g i (C. B. vi, 450). It behaves in all essential properties like the . pneumoniz, yet many authors (Dittrich, Zagari) find it stains y Gram’s method, but others do not. The growth in the gelatin stab vs the nail-head form, is more of a transparent gray, and not quite E 0 Se hite as in the Bact. pneumoniz. Further differences can not be und even by the vigorous advocates of a difference between the Bact. Be cocioromstis and Bact. pneumoniz. According to Paltauf, milk is coagulated ; according to Abel, it is not. It is found in all cases of 491 ical rhinoscleroma (infrequent, hard, round-celled tumors of the , partly subcutaneous, partly submucous ; more rarely in throat ; nd larynx) and claimed to be the cause of the same. In animal and Fs lm aman experiments a reproduction of rhinoscleroma has never suc- _ ceeded. De Simoni doubted that the organism is different from the above members of the group of Bact. pneumonize, and, above all, that it is the cause of rhinoscleroma (C. B. xxv, 625). The constancy of _ the occurrence of the organism in all cases of rhinoscleroma examined 1 Be iologically remains as an incontestable, significant fact. Dittrich found the organism generally to be scarcely at all pathogenic ; others “observed mice to be about as susceptible to it.as to the Bact. pneu- _ moni, and guinea-pigs less so. “Critical Remarks Regarding Bact. acidi lactici, aéro- genes, pneumonia, rhinoscleromatis, and ozene. _ These varieties are, as appears from the description, at least closely related, and only to be differentiated by biologic characteristics which are known to be variable. ' Besides, Denys and Martin (La Cellule, rx, 1893, p. 261; . B. xvi, 127), by repeated cultivation of pure "cultures : ir milk, have brought the Bact. pneumonie, from three “different sources, to a condition where it coagulates milk J with the greatest, energy, and also produces gas from milk- Sugar. Inversely, after being grown for eleven months _ upon gelatin the power of breaking up grape- and milk- ae - a. : 5 sugar with liberation of gas was lost, the cultures then growing thin and delicate upon potato, but still coagu- lating milk. They thus resembled the Bact. Giintheri, but it is stained by Gram’s method. For us, consequently, all the above-mentioned forms are botanically only biologically characteristic adaptation forms of the same organism, which must come under the oldest name of Bacterium pneumonie Friedlander. For practi-— cal purposes we will, as formerly, differentiate the ‘‘ varie- — ties,’’ but we must be conscious of their close relationship — and of the possibility, in part proved, of their being con-_ verted into one another. These conclusions agree essentially — with the statements of Kruse and Wilde (Fliigge-Kruse’s Lehrbuch, 11. Aufl., p. 886, and Wilde, Diss., Bonn, 1896), founded upon special studies. They have made observa-— tions regarding the variability of flagella, especially in this group, which correspond exactly with what occurs in ~ other groups, as we know from our own observations or ~ from what is found in literature, so that the relationship with the colon group stands out yet more strongly. We have failed to distinguish, like Kruse, a Bact. coli immo- — bile, yet the less moist forms of Bact. aérogenes, according to our own and Kruse’s judgment, can not be distin- guished from the Bact. coli except by a lack of motility. 230 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium lactis viscosum. (Adametz, C. B. ix, 698.) Lehm. and Neum. Resembles the Bact. pneumoniz both macroscopically and micro- scopically. Upon the gelatin plate it often appears as elevated droplets. Non-motile, with capsules, staining by Gram’s method. The surface growth in the gelatin stab is wide-spread but not very luxuriant; upon agar and potato abundant, white, tenacious. Neither grape- nor milk-sugar is fermented; little indol and no H,S are formed. Milk and bouillon gradually become viscous, slimy, and may be drawn out in long threads. The milk is not coagulated, and is feebly — alkaline; bouillon becomes very cloudy. The slime is a carbohydrate, which originates from the capsules of the bacteria. In our culture, obtained from Kral, nothing was to be seen of the spore-formation ~ which Zimmermann claims to have seen. The organism was discovered — by Adametz as an important enemy of the butter industry, the cream — becoming slimy and the butter obtained therefrom spoiling and ~ becoming soft and pale. Found by Zimmermann in water. Leich- — mann’s bacillus, which is somewhat thermophilic, does not form — spores, and ferments sugars, appears different (C. B. XVI, 122). 1 Fre OY agit PEs a BACTERIUM PHOSPHORESCENS. 231 The Bacterium Hessii Guillebeau (C. B. x1, 439) is different. It is actively motile, liquefies gelatin, and forms no capsule. It like- wise makes milk tenacious and no spores are described. In the same place may be found some further statements regarding varieties which render milk tenacious. Compare also Micr. Freudenreichii Guil. (p. 174). : Bacterium Pfliigeri! (Lassar) Ludwig. Bacterium phosphorescens. Bernh. Fischer (Z. H. ii, 92). Literature.—Ludwig (C. B. 1, 372); K. B. Lehmann (C. B. v, 785); Beijerinck (C. B. vir, 616, 651); Katz (C. B. rx, 157). Microscopically, short, plump rods, single or in pairs. Also spher- ieal and short oval forms occur. Striking involution forms appear in _ old cultures. There are neither spontaneous motion nor flagella. Beijerinck claims to have observed spontaneous motion in sea-water. Facultative anaerobe, but does not emit light when air is excluded. The addition of 3% of sea-salt is favorable. Optimum at 20°, maxi- - mum at about 39°, minimum at 0°. Upon gelatin and agar it is indistinguishable from the Bact. acidi lactici ; once we obtained upon gelatin plates colonies exactly like those in Plate 19, I, with most peculiar outgrowths. Older gelatin and agar cultures exhibit a tendency to become yellowish and yellowish-brown. Gelatin is never liquefied. Potato cultures are yellowish, moist, sometimes with gas bubbles. Grape- and milk-sugar and maltose are converted into acid, accompanied by abundant formation of gas. Milk is coagulated. The emission of whitish, greenish light is intense if oxygen is admitted as long as the cultures are frequently transferred to fresh nutrient media containing salt ; but if this is omitted, the emission of light is soon lost. For a time the photogenic function may be regenerated by transplantation upon salt (herrings) gelatin, but it is permanently lost in time if the bacteria are cultivated upon ordinary media with infrequent transfer. Concerning the photogenesis, com- pare page 57. A few drops of phosphorescent bouillon culture may _ give a milky luster to a liter of sea-water. Neither the bacterium nor its metabolic products in small amounts are harmful. It lives in the northern seas, causes occasionally phos- phorescent sea, more often phosphorescence of fish, meat, ete. The Bacterium of Giard (C. B. vi, 645; vit1, 177), which is pathogenic for crawfish, and makes the living, inoculated animal phosphorescent, appears, from the incomplete description, to be simi- lar. Phosphorescent gnats (mycetophila), observed as rarities in Germany, must owe this property to bacteria. Henneberg (C. B. XxXvy, 649). The phosphorescent bacillus described as Photobacte- tium javanicum Eykmann (C. B. Ix, 656) is plump and motile. Regarding a second group of photogenic micro-organisms, see under Vibrio albensis Lehm. and Neum. 1 Beijerinck distinguished B. phosphorescens from B. Pfliigeri by _ biologic characteristics. 232 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium typhi. Eberth, Gaffky. (Plates 16 and 17.) - ] _ f- q ; f y ’ @ fe } q Ordinary Names.—Typhoid bacillus, Bacillus typho- — sus Kruse-Fltgge. Literature.—Exhaustive list of literature (689 in number) by Lése- ner (A. G. A XI, 207). Microscopic Appearance.—In organs usually short, rather plump rods (1.0-3.2 # long and 0.6-0.8 broad); much less often found in short chains. In cultures all forms, from short rods to long threads occur, threads being especially well developed upon potatoes of acid reaction. The shining polar bodies are not spores (see below). Ac- cording to Leo Miller, however, the abundance and regu- larity of the occurrence of these bodies upon feebly acid nutrient media distinguishes the Bact. typhi from the B. coli (A. K., 1. Band, Heft 1, 1894) (17, vu). Spontaneous Motion and Flagella.— BACTERIUM TYPHI. 237 Chantemesse and Vidal (A. P., 1892, 755) and Sana- -relli (A. P., 1892, 721) were able, on the contrary, to so increase the virulence by all sorts of artificial means that ‘they obtained varieties which are truly pathogenic for animals. Chantemesse (H. R., 1897, 1103) was even able to produce sickness in rabbits and monkeys by highly virulent cultures introduced into the stomach, and the animals died with typhoid symptoms (clinical and ana- tomical). Thus the Bact. typhi becomes acclimated to the animal body.. Special Methods for the Demonstration of the Bact. Aran typhi. It is usually easy to cultivate them from the spleen and lymph-glands of a fresh typhoid cadaver ; still, not infre- — quently more colonies of the Bact. coli are obtained than aay an typhoid. The case is different when the bacteria are to be sought for in water, feces, etc. The fact that the demon- stration of the Bacterium typhi when in mixtures with other bacteria appears to be very difficult for all investi- gators! has led to numerous suggestions to replace the simple gelatin plate method by better ones. A great dis- trust is aroused against all of these suggestions, since every ‘new author criticizes the suggestions of his predecessor and usually discards them. The two principal methods which have been employed are : 1. Preliminary Culture.—The suspicious water is placed in nutrient media which contains an antiseptic, and kept twenty-four to forty-eight hours in the incubator. Water bacteria, especially a number of liquefying varieties, die, _ while the Bact. typhi and coli, which are more resistant to disinfectant agents, multiply in the incubator. Unfor- tunately, the rapidly growing forms of Bact. coli, besides Bact. vulgare, streptococci, and oidium, multiply more in- tensely than the Bact. typhi, and when plates are prepared 1 An idea of the difficulty is given by the fact that many authors were not able at all to isolate typhoid bacteria from typhoid stools, and that Nicolle, Grimbert, and Chantemesse declare it to be impos- sible to recover typhoid bacteria from water, containing abundant Bact. coli, to which they had been added. 238 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION- FUNGI. from the preliminary culture, almost with absolute cer- tainty many coli forms are obtained, but also, according to most of the critical writers, much fewer typhoid bac- teria than were in the original fluid (Lésener). 2. The direct preparation of plates from gelatin which con- tains materials interfering with growth: phenol, hydrochloric acid, methyl violet, potato juice, etc. Lésener, who has tested all these methods, recommends the following as the only useful one : Plates are prepared directly upon gelatin containing 0.03 to 0.05% phenol. The plates are best pre- pared, according to Kruse, by inoculation upon the surface (Tech. Appendix). Upon this carbol-gelatin the colonies of Bact. typhi and coli grow in the usual manner; many others, especially liquefying varieties, are, on the contrary, greatly retarded. From all colonies resembling typhoid inoculations are made into liquefied 2% grape-sugar agar (about a dozen tubes) and the shake cultures thus pre- pared are placed in the incubator. The tubes in which there is no fermentation are studied further, as indicated on page 239. Almost simultaneously with Lésener, Elsner studied, in Koch’s Institute, the methods for the ready demonstration of typhoid bacteria by means of special nutrient media, and instead of the potato-gelatin of Holz,1 which had given unsatisfactory results in the hands of many writers, he recommended a new feebly acid potato-gelatin containing 1% iodid of potassium. (See Tech. Appendix.) (Z. H. XxI, 25.) According to Elsner, scarcely any bacteria except Bact. typhi and coli grow upon his nutrient medium, the lique- fying varieties not at all. Bact. coli grows very well, and. after twenty-four hours presents already perfectly developed colonies. In contrast to this, the Bact. typhi grows very slowly; after twenty-four hours the colonies are scarcely visible with low magnification, and after forty-eight hours they appear as small, clearly shining colonies, like water drop- 1 According to Holz, if carbolic acid is added to potato-gelatin, even the typhoid bacteria eTow in a non-characteristic manner; if the addi- tion is omitted, then very many liquefying germs are not at all nine turbed in their growth. "cipher cance Sn BACTERIUM TYPHI. 239 lets or exceedingly finely granular, contrasting with the large, markedly granular, brown-colored colonies of the 2 Bs ct. coli. _ The method is said to give very good results, and usu- uly allows of the isolation of the typhoid bacterium from ’ stools, and the results are said to be most perfectly in har- _mony ‘with Pfeiffer’s typhoid reaction (see below). Com- “pare also Jemma (Miinch. med. Woch., 1897, No. 33) t ed Sterling (C. B. xxm, 334). _ Special Differential Diagnosis of the Bact. typhi, Es- pecially from the Bact. coli. _ The following peculiarities must all be demonstrated: 1. Rods, short to thread forms; active motility; abun- di nt, long, peritrichous flagella; ‘not stained by Gram’s “method. _ 2. White film upon gelatin which is not liquefied. _ 98. No formation of gas from grape- or milk-sugar in a shake culture. 4. Uniform cloudiness of sugar bouillon in fermentation tubes without formation of gas. No formation of acid from milk-sugar, abundant from grape-sugar. 9. No coagulation of milk. _ 6. Indol not produced in peptone solution. _ 7. Finally, Losener places value upon the demonstration ‘by means of culturesin Petruschky’s litmus whey (at 87°) eu Baat the questionable typhoid bacterium in about forty- ght hours does not produce more than 3.0 ¢.c. of deci- ae formal acid from 10 c.c. of milk, while the coli bacteria form more than 8 c.c.! as Marked agglutination by specific serum (see below). _ 9. Of less value in the diagnosis are: (1) The microscopic appear- ‘ance of the gelatin plate, as it may be almost identical with the Bact. a _ * Upon all these points a very satisfactory uniformity has been Teached. To be sure, the uniformity depends in part upon an agree- = ent, which is, that all those bacteria which do not present these pecu- le rities of the typical typhoid culture are simply declared to be differ- ® i from typhoid, under the assumption that the typhoid bacterium esnot vary. How little probability this assumption possesses in the oe the enormous variability of the closely related Bact. coli, re- —q Bs $s no discussion. 240 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. coli. (2) The delicate growth upon potato, since there are typhoid — bacteria which grow as luxuriantly as Bact. coli. In order that a — ; potato culture may be of diagnostic value, two pieces from the same potato must be placed in a dish and inoculated, one with the culture in question, the other with a certain typhoid culture (Germano and Maurea). According to these authors, with whom Losener agrees, a deviation from the growth of true typhoid bacteria upon the same potato is sufficient to exclude a diagnosis of typhoid. (3) Growth upon nutrient media to which are added antiseptic substances (phenol, form- aldehyd, acids, etc.). The Bact. coli always tolerates these me ecse better than the typhoid bacterium. The Diagnosis of Bacterium typhi is excluded : If one of the following properties is demonstrated: 1. Absence of motility, flagella absent or located at the pole, typical spores, staining by Gram’s method. 2. Absence of growth at body temperature. 3. Coagulation of milk. Formation of gas in grape- sugar agar or fermentation tubes. 4. Liquefaction of gelatin. A beautiful example of a thorough differential diagnosis between mud and typhoid bacteria is given by Houston — (C. B. xxv, 518). Serum Diagnosis of Typhoid.1 OY eS tt tt te i te het ebm - ole Ree ay In doubtful cases the typhoid diagnosis may very often | be verified by the serum test. Since we have been acquainted with the Gruber-Durham agglutination reaction — in vitro, almost always this is employed instead of R. Pfeiffer’s more detailed reaction in the abdominal cavity — of the guinea-pig. Cultures upon slanted agar, eighteen — to twenty-four hours old at 37°, are used for the test, and — 1 Tf one has no immune serum, still, according to Laschtschenko, cal ia we he may differentiate the Bact. typhi from the Bact. coli in the follow- ing manner (H. R., 1899, No. 3): Several test-tubes, each containing — 2 c.c. of fresh defibrinated rabbit’s blood, obtained by venesection, are — provided. To these are added two drops of a dilute suspension of the culture in question. The suspension is prepared by mixing 1 loop- ful of an agar culture with 10 c.c. of bouillon, and then diluting 0.5 c.c. of this with 9.5 c.c. of bouillon. In the case of Bact. coli which have not been cultivated too long, the bacteria are never dead in six to seven hours, and usually are much more numerous, while the Bact. typhi (ten cultures!) were always much less in number, no matter whether the culture had been isolated for a short or long time. BACTERIUM TYPHI. 241 of such a culture 2 mg. are finely divided in 0.5 c.c. of | bouillon (p. 105). 2 i Testing Doubtful Cultures by Means of Known Typhoid Serum.— luxuriant (18, m1, Iv, v). Bouillon Culture. —Cloudy, with a moderate, slimy precipitate, which upon shaking rises up and becomes homogeneously distributed. Sometimes there is a distinct pellicle formed on the surface of the bouillon. Milk Culture.—Milk is usually rapidly coagulated; more rarely, slowly. In connection with the ability to break up milk-sugar, coagulation of milk is never absent. Regarding non-coagulating forms, see under Bact. cholerze suum. Potato Culture.—Growth with a wavy outline, at first” yellowish-white to grayish-yellow, later pea-yellow to yel- lowish-brown and grayish-brown, partly flat, partly much elevated, usually with a moist luster, less often dss and dull. The potato in the region of the growth is usually — discolored (18, 1x). Rarely the Bact. coli produces a- delicate, almost invisible potato growth resembling that of Bact. typhi. Resistance to various injuries is about like that of the Bact. typhi. It is even more resistant to acids, formalin, — and other chemicals. According to Walliczeck, it bears drying poorly (C. B. xv, 947). Chemical Activities.— (a) Chromogenesis: Only upon potato and always mod- erate (yellowish-brown). (6) Odoriferous and gustable substances : Uncharacteristic, ill-smelling substances are developed upon agar and gelatin, — but especially upon potato cultures. (c) Gas and acid production from carbohydrates: Grape-— and milk-sugar are fermented, with the production of a~ mixture of acetic, formic, and ‘lactic acids. According to — Oppenheimer, there are formed 7 0% volatile and 30% non- volatile acids, and some iodoform-forming substance (alco- — hol). Many cultures ferment cane-sugar also. With this fermentation there occur abundant CO, and H, in varying © proportion; we found about one-fourth CO,, the rest being — H and some N, but no marsh-gas. According to Péré (A. P., 1893, 737), three different Bact. coli formed levorota- tory lactic acid from nutrient media with grape-sugar, which contained peptone as a source for nitrogen, just as ae ee ae ee aes w etn wae BACTERIUM COLI. 247 done by Bact. typhi. But if ammonia was the source ' the nitrogen, then only the Bact. typhi and one Bact. sli isolated from man produced levorotatory lactic acid a remarkable manner; both the other coli cultures (from : se and animal feces) produced dextrorotatory lactic (d) Vigorous production of H,S from peptone; usu- lly abundant indol. We have never failed to find traces ' indol. a - Karplus found, in the urine of a patient, an organism resembling he typhoid bacterium, which produced H,S and methylmercaptan jundantly from the substances containing sulphur in the urine (C. 3. XVI, 701). ee _(e) Decomposition of urea occurs with many cultures, bt by no means in all (Barlow, Mann). Compare page 0. Hallé and Dissard, and recently Mann, have demon- _ strated very minutely the decomposition of urea. Kashida ‘found it so constant that he described the production of “ammonia in a lactoso-urea nutrient medium as a charac- | teristic peculiarity as opposed to Bact. typhi (C. B. xx1, 802), while Melchior (Cystitis und Urininfektion, Berlin, 1807 considers the Bact. coli to be the most common ause of cystitis (after previous injury to the bladder), but denies that it can produce ammonia by breaking up ua irea. Similar negative results were previously obtained y Schnitzler and Krogius. 5 eatribution — (a) Outside the body: In canal-water, impure water, but also in springs which can scarcely "be suspected of pollution, there occur very often organisms which corre- : spond to Bact. coli (v. Freudenreich, Lehmann and eumann). We never failed to find them in water sus- v« sted of containing typhoid bacteria. _The narrower the definition is made, so much the more is the nur aber reduced. Thus, for example, Schardinger (C. B. xvi, 853) = eclares water organisms, resembling Bact. coli, which ferment grape- Sad grow in the incubator, to be frequently present, but in Spite of it that the Bact. coli is rare. Most of the producers of fer- 1% Besos are easily differentiated from the Bact. coli by the milk- ite, slimy, tenacious growth upon plates (see below). 3 "Regarding the occurrence in dough, compare page 255. Gordan found it constantly in decomposing Hae (C. B. L. Iv, 247). | (b) In the healthy body: In intestinal canal even in the first milk-stool. It is never absent in any normal human or animal intestine. In the bodies of 82 healthy persons, ” which were examined from twenty-four to thirty-six hours after death, the B. coli was present 16 times, especially in” the liver and kidneys, doubtless having wandered out from the intestine. Wurtz and Hermann (C. B. xu, 388). (c) In diseased human body (the motile and obo aera forms are not often separated): As the cause of numerous | diseases, especially of the abdominal organs : peritonitis, — cystitis i (partly alone, especially when the urine is acid, — sometimes associated with the Bact. vulgare ; see under the latter), urethritis, pyelonephritis, suppurative nephritis, perinephritis. It occurs remarkably often in suppurative — strumitis. A number of intestinal affections appear to be — associated with virulent forms of the colon group; at ~ all events, according to Dreyfuss (C. B. xvi, 581), the © forms isolated from the diseased intestine are much ~ more virulent for rabbits than those isolated from the — healthy intestine. Regarding its relation to dysentery, — see page 251. Many authors ascribe also certain cases © of cholera nostras to it. (Vaughan and Perkins found an ~ organism related to the colon group to be the producer — of poison in confectioner’s ice. C. B. L. m, 799.) Most cases of ‘‘typhoid’’ or choleriform disease from the eating — of diseased meat depend upon it (see below). Axel — Host traced the Norwegian disease from the eating of © ‘“knetkise’’ to infection with the colon bacterium (C. B. — xx, 160). More rarely the Bact. coli is the cause of © pneumonia (Klein, C. B. v, 625), leptomeningitis of — infants, icterus gravis, Winckel’s disease (Lubarsch, Virch. Arch., cxxi), melena neonatorum, puerperal fever, panophthalmia, infection of wounds (wound-diph- theria). Thoinot and Masselin hold it to be the cause of 248 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. 1 The cystitis microbes, which do not liquefy gelatin, described by different authors (Rebland, Clado, Hallé, Albarran, etc.) under the most various names, appear to be almost always Bact. coli ; compare page 247. ee TS ee 4 BACTERIUM COLI. 249 many cases of myelitis, as they can produce such ex- _ perimentally i in rabbits (C. B. xvi, 919). oa -. * a (d) In animals: In septic infections (puerperal fever, - septic inflammation of the umbilical cord, etc.) of cattle. _ Compare hog cholera, page 252. Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Action.—(a) Jn animals: Just like the Micr. pyogenes, the Bact. coli possessed most variable degrees of virulence; the various morphologically and biologically variable _ characters are entirely useless for determining anything regarding the virulence. According to Valagussa, the virulence of the colon bacteria from the intestine of ex- _ perimental animals is greater the sicker the animal. _ In eats vegetable diet produces considerable increase of virulence of the colon bacteria, milk diet a marked at- _ tenuation. Subcutaneously the Bact. coli sometimes - causes only suppuration, sometimes septicemia ; intra- _ peritoneal injection of 1 c.c. of bouillon culture, according to Gabritschewsky, is always fatal for guinea-pigs in about fifty hours. Fifty separately isolated Bact. coli cultures behaved exactly alike in this; bacteria were always present in the heart’s blood (C. B. xvu, 833). According to Vallet, cultivation in filtered, sterilized urinal refuse increased the virulence very much (C. B. XIv, 325). Immunity and Serum Diagnosis.—Active immun- ization in the usual way is possible. The serum aggluti- nates coli bacteria. According to many writers (for exam- ple, Pfaundler, C. B. xxi, 9, 71, 131), the agglutinating action of the serum is much greater against the coli culture employed in the immunization than against other cultures, and it is even absent against many other cultures. _ The new form of serum reaction observed by Pfaundler was only observed in the action of serum upon the culture employed to produce the immunity. It consists in the _ absence of agglutination and the formation of balls of long threads in twenty-four hours. (b) In man: Pathologic etiologic observations, which have the significance of experiments, have been made in man with B. enteritidis Gartner and B. morbificans bovis Besenau, which are to be considered as examples of the 250 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI ’ colon bacterium. When ingested in meat, they make men sick. Similar observations have been communicated by Gaffky and Paak regarding meat (sausage), and by Gaffky regarding milk. Also heated cultures are injurious. Repeated, subcu- taneous injections of small quantities, according to Sanarelli, produce an immunity against virulent Bact. coli cultures (not against typhoid). Introduced into the stomach, boiled cultures are less injurious. The gastro- intestinal canal soon becomes accustomed to large quanti- ties of poison, without the occurrence, on this account, of an immunity against the subcutaneous injection of devital- ized or living cultures (A. P., 1894, 353). Special Methods of Demonstration and Culture.— If coli bacteria are abundantly present (stools), the agar plate at 37° is employed for their isolation. After twenty-. four hours shake cultures in liquefied 2% grape-sugar agar are prepared from numerous colonies. After sixteen to twenty-four hours all colon bacteria present abundant gas production, which leads to a breaking up of the nutrient medium. (Fig. 11, p. 89.) The varieties which cause fermentation of grape-sugar agar are examined micro- scopically (to determine whether they are short rods without spores, and whether they are motile) and are transferred to lactose agar, milk, potato, ordinary and grape-sugar bouillon, and peptone water (indol). If few coli bacteria are present (water), then the water concerned has 2% grape-sugar and 1% peptone added and is allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in the incubator, and then plates are prepared. It has also been recommended to add to preliminary cultures 1% to 2% carboliec acid, 0.75% anhydrous soda, and 1% hydrochloric acid, but we have found no advantage from it. Forms of the Bact. coli described under separate names. In the scheme for the peritrichous Bact. coli, as we have just described and represented it, there are included very many subvarie- ties, described as separate species. + 1Some investigators—for example, von Stécklin—undertake to characterize separate forms of coli in relation to the number, length, CS cS Ean al al el i eee Te jell aa oe a a ee on er eae Ait MA Beane, a BACTERIUM COLI. 251 _ We ean find no sharp separation between these subvarieties in spite of every effort todo so. Many descriptions are drawn up without any reference as to how the variety being described is related to those next te it, or the differential diagnosis is built upon one or another charac- eristic whose inconstancy has long since been established either for the colon group itself or even for other exhaustively studied groups (Micro- S pyogenes, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus lanceolatus, Ss Recciom coli, var. dysentericum Celli.—Maggiora traced an extensive epidemic of dysentery in northern Italy to the Bact. coli. _Arnaud candidly declared the Bact. coli to be the cause of dysentery _ in hot countries. Celli (C. B. xvi, 309, and xxv, 481) found, as the cause of dysentery in Italy, a form of the Bact. coli which he called Bact. coli dysentericum, and which differs from the Bact. coli only in its z, ee i properties and not in other peculiarities. It grows delicate- ly, more like the Bact. typhi, and ferments grape-sugar and coagulates milk slowly. With this the Bacillus dysenteriz Shiga (C. B. xxXII, _ 599, and XxIv, 818) may be considered identical. Both organisms, ~ in distinction to other coli forms, were agglutinated by the serum from eases of dysentery or from an imals immunized against this form of Bact. coli. Shiga gives an extensive review of the literature, with illustra- _ tions; also a criticism of the works which advocate amebee as the cause of dysentery. There is still a decided possibility that the clinical pic- + ture of dysentery, as especially Kruse and Pasquale suggest, is caused _ by entirely different agents in separate epidemics. Literature relating _ to the ameba question is given by Kruse and Pasquale (Z. H. xvi, 1) 4 and Fajardo (C. B. xtx, 753), who consider amebe to be the cause of Pe oe tropical dysentery. Ciechanowski and Novak cannot convince them- selves of the importance either of amebz or of forms of the Bact. coli; _ for many cases certain streptococci appear to them to be primarily _ responsible (C. B. xxii, 445). Regarding the questions connected _ with dysentery, consult also the critical review of the literature by _ Janowski (C. B. x x1, 234). Bacillus enteritidis Girtner. —Morphologically identical, flagella _ unknown. According to Lubarsch, milk is coagulated, but it was _ not observed by Giinther and Th. Smith. Cause of poisoning by meat; even the broth prepared from the meat was also poisonous. (Kor- S Bacitiue, des arztlichen Vereins fiir oe 1888, No. 9. age illus of Ferret Plague of Eberth. 3 Corresponds, according to our investigations, in “all respects to the oe . coli. It has four or five long, peritrichous flagella (C. B. v, 454, and vi, 87). Bacterium brassice acide of Lehmann and Conrad.—Found by _ Conrad in many samples of sour-crout, and the cause of the fermenta- tion of sour-crout. Has 4 to 10 very long, thin flagella. Often stains slightly by Gram’s method. It is differentiated by its production of _™arsh-gas upon cabbage broth. Besides about 80% CO,, there is < _ and staining properties of the flagella. We should be glad to separate _ the atrichous (Bact. aérogenes), peritrichous, and mono- and lopho- _trichous Bact. coli, if it had not been impossible to carry it out. q 252 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI formed 18% H,, and 2% marsh-gas. It ferments milk-sugar and co- agulates milk (A. H. xxIx, 56). Bacillus of the Marseilles Swine Plague Jobert and Rietsch. (C. B. rv, 270.) Bacillus of Spontaneous Rabbit Septicemia Eberth and Man- + ’ dry (Fortsch. der Med., vir, 1890, 547).—Milk is coagulated. We do — not know regarding the arrangement of the flagella. Bacillus aphthosus Kruse (Bacillus of mouth and foot disease, — according to Siegel; Deut. med. Wochenschr., 1891, No. 49, 1328, and — 1894, Nos. 18, 400, and 19, 426; C. B. x1x, 728).—There is no cer- tainty that it has anything to do with mouth and foot disease. Accord- ing to Kruse, who found the cultures to be motile, it is a typical Bact. coli. Bacillus indigogenes Alvarez.—In the maceration and boiling of the leaves of the indigo plant, it brings about the formation of a blue pellicle from the pre-existing ‘‘glycosid, indican.’’ The bacterium is motile, but otherwise, macroscopically, microscopically, and cul- turally (capsule, fermentation of sugar, etc.), is very much like the Bact. pneumoniz Friedlander. The latter is also able to break upin- — dican. The indigo bacillus is also pathogenic (C. B. 11, 441). Ac- — cording to recent authors, indigo is formed without aid from bacteria, but by only the combined action of diastatic and oxidizing ferments. (Compare also Bréaudat, C. B. L., Bd. v, 167.) Bacterium coli § polaris. Lehm. and Neum. (Plate 18, x11.) Not distinguishable from the Bact. coli morphologically or biolog- ically except that the flagella are always only at one or both poles. — Cultivated by us from cheese (‘‘ Emmenthaler ’’) and from the organs of a dead deer ; by Stécklin (C. B. xvi, 130) from feces ; cultivated by F. Gartner from the organs of a dead guinea-pig, and closely studied and found pathogenic for guinea-pigs (C. B. xv, 1). Lucksch has photographed a similar form as Bact. coli (C. B. x1, 428), only it appears remarkable to us that he comes to the conclusion — that the Bact. coli always have 1 to 3 flagella. We, like Stocklin, have found, among many isolated ‘‘coli forms,’’ only a few with a single flagellum, which, so far as we now know, possess this as a con- stant property. We have not been able to enter into special investi- — gations regarding this. Bacterium cholere suum. (Migula.) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacillus suipestifer Kruse.) Synonyms.—Cause of hog cholera (Salmon), of Svin- pest (Bang and Selander, C. B. 11, 360; x1, 339; XII, 203), of the Danish swine plague (‘‘Schweineseuche”’ ), swine plague (Billings), swine fever (Klein, C. B. xv1u, BACTERIUM CHOLERA SUUM. 253 105). Bacillus cholere suum Migula. Recently the " disease is often spoken of in Germany as ‘‘Schweinepest ”’ or ‘‘ American Schweineseuche.’’ ? Principal Literature.—Raceuglia (C. B. vitt, 289); Th. Smith (C. B. 1X, 253; Xvi, 231); Silberschmidt (A. P. Ix, 65) ; Voges (Z. H. | xxmit, 149) ; Karlinski (Z. H. xxvitt, 373). _ This organism is not different morphologically from the | Bact. coli. Macroscopically and microscopically (multi- ple, long, peritrichous flagella), it furnishes a typical form of the Bact. coli. - The following biologic peculiarities, which are confirmed by our study of a culture from Rubner’s Institute, serve to differentiate the organims: 1. From milk-sugar it forms neither acid nor gas, and inoculated milk is not coagulated, and does not become acid, but alkaline. _ 2. The gas produced from grape-sugar is one-third CO,, _ two-thirds H,. (The Bact. coli yielded us similar propor- tions.) According to Smith, one-half CO, and one-half = 4.. 8. Does not produce either indol or phenol. _ The cultures studied by us were always motile.* Ferrier (Lyon _ Médical, 1894, No. 40) found the hog cholera, after being cultivated _ for five months upon agar, to present short, very actively motile rods, _ with multiple flagella, 35 “ to 55 wlong. The micro-organisms 1 / long _ had the appearance of spindles. After passage through an animal _ several times, the rods were longer, the cilia fewer and shorter. _ Pathogenic Significance.—The organism causes de- _ structive swine plague in northern countries, such as _ America; recently also in England, and for about five _ years in Germany (Graffunder, Deupser, C. B. xvu, 49); _ 1 Voges and Proskauer, in their latest publication (Z. H. XXvIIt, _ 20), designate a form as ‘‘schweinepest’’ which ferments all varieties _ Of sugar, and so corresponds to the type of Bact. coli. However, with _ the addition of caustic potash to fermenting sugar bouillon, in twenty- _ four hours, with the admission of air, a red, fluorescent, eosin-like _ color appears. This color occurs with none of the cultures of Amer- ican hog cholera, and Voges then also states that in Germany he has _ so far seen only swine plague (‘‘Schweineseuche’’), and no hog _ cholera. We have found nothing concerning this motile, special _ “Schweinepest ’’ bacterium in other authors. _ ?Th. Smith has described a non-motile form (without flagella) (C. B. xxv, 241). 254 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. recently also in Hungary, Bosnia, etc. Th. Smith (C. B. 1x, 253) describes the following forms : Acute Form.—Hemorrhagic septicemia; hemorrhages especially observed in the lungs, kidneys, and serous membranes (stomach, intestine). Marked splenic tumor. Death in a few days. Chronic Form.—Animal emaciated, gait tottering. Larger and smaller necrotic areas (ulcers) on lips, palate, tongue. of stomach very red, in places showing ecchymoses. (sometimes dry, nodular infiltration, sometimes broken-down ulcers) are sometimes seen in the small intestine and rectum, and more often in the cecum and colon. The lungs are not much changed, but there may be some atelectasis or bronchopneumonia. The kidneys are Mucous lining ~ Necrotie areas — almost always diseased, albumin and casts appearing in the urine. There is a splenic tumor, usually necrosis in the liver. to four weeks. Animal Experiments.—Guinea-pigs, rabbits, and pi- geons are susceptible. Differential Diagnosis.— AMERICAN SWINE-PLAGUE. (Swine-pest = Hog cholera. ) Bacterium cholerze suum. L. and Very actively motile. Ferments grape-sugar. Luxuriant growth on potato. -Rather luxuriant growth on agar, very friable. No changes at the point of infec- tion. Multiple areas of coagulation necrosis in the liver. Few bacteria in blood. Very few bacteria at the site of inoculation. Pigeons very susceptible, guinea- pigs less so. GERMAN SCHWEINESEUCHE. Death in two — . a aie, ae (Léffler and Schiitz. See p. 209.) Bacterium suicida Migula. Non-motile. Does not ferment grape-sugar. Little or no growth on potato. Slow growth, on agar, coherent (Karlinski). Marked changes at the point of infection. Liver often the seat of fatty de- — . generation. Abundant bacteria in blood of the heart and large vessels. Abundant bacteria in the inflam- matory edema at the point of © inoculation. Guinea-pigs very susceptible, pigeons less so. The following are closely related to the Bacterium cholere suum, and differ somewhat more from the Bact. coli on account of the absence of some biologic (not morphologic) peculiarity. Bacillus of Intestinal Diphtheria Ribbert (Deut. med. Woch- enschr., 1887, No. 8, 141).—This peritrichous organism is indis- tinguishable morphologically from the Bact. coli, yet the culture in our institute (cultivated for eight years upon non-saccharine nutrient ‘. q . ied fa . BACTERIUM CHOLERZ SUUM. 255 media) decomposes grape- and milk-sugar, with intense production of acid, but without gas. Bacillus diphtheriz columbarum Léffler.—A culture obtained from Kral, which we studied carefully, corresponded exactly, morpho- logically and biologically, with Bact. cholerzee suum: bouillon very cloudy, suggestion of pellicle, milk unaltered, potato at first yellowish then yellowish-gray, finally brown, almost the same as glanders. Bacterium leyans Wolffin (A. H. xxi, 268).—Cause of fer- mentation in leaven. Many long flagella, milk not coagulated, indol formation overlooked by Wolffin, still it is present after prolonged standing. It also brings about the most varying true coli fermenta- tion of dough (acetic acid, lactic acid ; 75% CO,, 25% H,) in steril- ized flour. More recently we have regularly isolated from sour dough and fermenting bread-dough absolutely typical Bact. coli which at least possess toxic action. Dissertation of Felix Frankel, Wurzburg, 1896. Bacterium morbificans bovis Basenau (A. H. xx, 241).1—Not distinguishable morphologically and biologically from Bact. cholerz suum. It ferments grape-sugar feebly, never coagulates milk, and thus appears not to affect milk-sugar. Cultivated many times from cattle suffering from a septic disease in which the spleen is enlarged and there are necrotic, whitish-yellow areas in the spleen and liver. The organism is found in the blood, internal organs, and muscles of the diseased animal. Mice, white rats, and guinea-pigs are killed by feeding. Rabbits and the other animals die after infection of the subcutaneous tissue, the peritoneum, or the interior of the puerperal uterus. The organisms escape in the milk. Compare the Bacterium of Nouvelle septicémie des veaux of _ Thomassen (C. B. xxiv, 800). Compare, further, Bact enteritidis Gartner, page 251, which, as it coagulates milk, is related to the Bact. coli. To one of these two forms appears to belong Gaffky’s organism, which, if taken in fresh milk by man, causes severe disease (C. B. XII, 389). The Swedish Gaustadt bacillus of Holst is closely related. Eighty- _ one persons in the institution for the insane at-Gaustadt became sick in 1891, of which four died (C. B. xvi, 717). The disease depended upon the eating of meat. Often there was an initial chill, many times severe backache, sometimes herpes and erythema. The principal _ Symptoms were : fever, vomiting, diarrhea. The organism does not change the reaction of milk. It is motile, having 6 flagella. _ Varieties of which nothing is written regarding motility, so far as we know, but which still appear to belong to the Bact. coli (or Bact. lactis aérogenes) : Bacillus aérogenes vesicze Schow (C. B. xt, 745). Bacillus of a pigeon plague of Sanfelice (Z. H. xx, 23). Causes sero-purulent peritonitis. Perhaps belongs to Bact. septic. hemor- ; rhagice. 1See there, also, Basenau’s investigations, undertaken to establish the difference between his organism and other similar ones. 256 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium Guillebeau, a and 6, v. Freudenreich. (See C. B. Xvu, 487.) The organisms, described in the Annal. de micrographie, which is inaccessible to us, produce simultaneously fermentation of milk (inflation of cheese) and inflammation of the udder. Bacterium of white or yellow calf dysentery. There is not much to be gained by reference to the works of Piana, Mazzanti e Vigerzi, Monti e Veratti (C. B. XVIII, 653). Bacterium icteroides. (Sanarelli.) Heim. Synonyms.—Bacillus icteroides Sanarelli, Bacillus of yellow fever (febris icteroides; Spanish, febre amarilla). Literature.—Sanarelli (A. P., 1897; C. B. xx1r, 181 and 668). The more recent volumes of the C. B. contain many confirmations of Sanarelli’s findings by American clinicians and some European authors. Sternberg (C. B. xx1I, 145; xxi, 829; xxXIv, 376; XXv, 655). Regarding the contention whether Sternberg’s Bacillus X is the same as the Bacterium icteroides, as Sternberg maintains, we will only say that Sternberg’s Bac. X is a typical Bact. coli; the Bact. icteroides resembles more the Bact. typhi. Sanarelli accepts as the cause of yellow fever a short bacillus, characterized by no special diagnostic peculiarity. It is extraordinarily like the Bact. typhi and many cul- tures of Bact. coli. Microscopic.—Short, motile rods with gli a flagella, not staining by Gram’s method. In the description of the gelatin 1! and agar calfan, noth- ing is found different from a delicately growing Bact. coli or Bact. typhi. Single peculiarities accentuated by Sana- relli are scarcely constant (compare Agramonte); thus, for example, in agar cultures at room temperature there is shown an elevated ring about a thinner growth (seal eul- ture). The potato cultures resemble typhoid, being delicate, colorless, but, according to Agramonte, they be- come partly brownish later. Milk is not coagulated. In milk-sugar bouillon, no or very little gas is produced. On the contrary, in grape-sugar bouillon it is produced abundantly, but none is formed in cane-sugar bouillon. It is a facultative anaerobe. 1 Cultures which we obtained from Kral present moderate liquefac- tion of gelatin and no spontaneous motion, but otherwise corresponded very well to the descriptions given in the text. BACTERIUM ICTEROIDES. 257 -Sanarelli rests the principal evidence as to the signifi- es nce of the organism upon the following: 1. He found it in 58% of cases (the dead bodies). _ 2. Germ-tfree filtrate of cultures is claimed to produce in man the entire typical complex of a case of yellow fever. _ 8. Serum from cases of yellow fever causes agglutination ‘of the Bact. icteroides. Serum from animals which are immunized against the Bact. icteroides is said to operate prophylactically and therapeutically against yellow fever. _ 4. The B. icteroides is pathogenic for mice, guinea-pigs, ‘rabbits, goats, and sheep. Intravenous injections are 4 ollowed by vomiting, and bloody enteritis, scanty albu- minous urine, and once (!) marked icterus. 5. The pathologic changes in the inoculated animal correspond to those of yellow fever. Often extreme fatty degeneration of the liver occurs. The most convincing ' preparations are obtained from the dog. g Also Foa (C. B. xxiv, 890) finds grave specific changes in the bone-marrow of ‘animals: fibrinous thrombosis of the peripheral vessels, necrobiotic areas, etc. _. We cannot yet look upon these proofs as completely sufficient. While no objection to its pathogenic signifi- - cance is to be found in the fact that especially sharp pecu- liarities are not possessed by the Bact. icteroides,—one ‘only has to remember the characterization of the Vibrio cholerse as compared with water vibrios, or the similarity between the Bact. typhi and Bact. coli, "still it is to be ‘admitted that certain varieties of the~Bact. coli are also ‘found in many cadavers and may produce similar disease symptoms in animals. It appears also objectionable that yellow fever is a typical disease of the warm zone, and ceases in places and at times with lower temperature, while the B. icteroides possessed about the same resist- ance as the B. coli to lower temperature. Yet this can also be understood, since the cold may operate upon the “intermediate host, carrier, etc. 4 Bacterium alcaligenes. (Petruschky.) L. and N. Bacillus fecalis alcaligenes Petruschky. (C. B. x1x, 87.) 17 258 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Morphologically very similar to the Bact. coli; luxu- — riant growth on potato with brown discoloration of the nutrient medium. No decomposition of any sugar with the liberation of gas; milk is alkaline and not coagulated. Also upon — litmus milk alkali is formed. The organism corresponds — to the Bact. coli, which has lost its power of decomposing sugar. Differentiation from the Bact. typhi usually not very difficult. Found in the intestine, also in spoiled beer. Compare also Pollak (H. R., 1897, vm, p. 22). Bacterium Stutzeri. Lehm. and Neum. ae a Bacillus denitrificans u, Burri and Stutzer (C. B. L. 1, 257). Mention is here deserved by the first completely described bacillus, which, without the aid of synergetic organisms, was able to break up saltpeter, with the liberation of nitrogen. It is a short, motile bacillus (2-4 « long, #4 thick), without spores, and with tapering ends. It grows upon gelatin plates as small, dry, tough, white disks, which are traversed by characteristic radiating ribs, which become united by arches at the edge. The surface growth in the gelatin stab culture is similar ; in the stab it grows as a whitish streak. No liquefaction. Agar growth not very characteristic. Upon feebly alkalinized potato, a padded, rib-shaped, thick growth, from a pale flesh-color to peach-red. In bouillon a pellicle forms. _In 0.3% nitrate of potassium bouillon there is energetic development of nitrogen. It grows both at room and incubator temperature, equally well without and with oxygen; yet with an abundant supply of air, fermentation of saltpeter is inter- fered with. The relation to carbohydrates is unknown. Isolated from straw. Found by Kinnemann in straw and horse-manure (C. B. L. rv, 906). Bacterium typhi murium (Loffler). (C. B. xi, 129.) L. and N. According to Loéffler himself, it is very similar in every way, morphologically and biologically, to the Bact. of hog cholera (grape-sugar is converted into acid with accom- panying gas-formation). The culture studied by us, like the Bact. typhi, produces acid vigorously from grape- sugar, but no gas; and neither acid nor gas from milk- sugar. } 1 According to Loéffler, feeble acidity is produced in milk, but not sufficient to cause coagulation, Mereshkowski’s bactertum from the BACTERIUM TYPHI MURIUM. 259 Milk remains fluid exactly as with Bact. typhi and is rendered alkaline. Our culture is thus difficult to differ- entiate from true typhoid, especially since its flagella correspond in number and length with the best flagellated typhoid cultures. On the contrary, the potato growth is remarkably luxuriant. _ Upon feeding, the bacterium is pathogenic only for "mice; house mice (Mus musculus) and field mice (Arvi- cola arvalis), but not for Mus agrarius and the various domestic animals. It has been successfully employed to ‘combat the plague of field mice (compare, for example, Zupnik, C. B. xxi, 458, and Appel, C. B. xxv, 373), since the animals, after eating bread soaked in cultures of the bacterium, die; and then, when eaten by their com- panions, spread the disease still further. The ingestion of _ 200 germs is certainly, and of 20 almost certainly, fatal _ (Appel). _ Bacillus of mouse plague of Laser (C. B. x1, 184). _ Almost identical; not studied by us. However, according to Laser, it is stained by Gram’s method. Motile Varieties, Partly Incompletely Described, Re- lated to the Bact. coli or Bact. cholerze suum. _ (Statements are lacking regarding the arrangement of flagella or the fermentation of carbohydrates. ) _ Bacillus of grouse disease of Klein (C. B. vi, 36, 592; vit, 82). Epidemic of the Scotch grouse (Lagopus scoticus). _ Bacillus loxiacida Tartakowsky. Cause of crossbill plague. In g deg spre a little more Bact. typhi. No coagulation of milk, no indol. _ New gas-producing, aerobic Bacillus of Laser (C. B. x11, 217). Cause of an epidemic among calves. __ Bacterium of an epidemic of young pheasants. Klein (Jour. of Pathol. and Bact., 11, 1893, 214). __ Bacterium in melzna neonatorum Girtner (C. B. xv, 865). Typical peritrichous flagella; relation to milk-sugar unknown. __ Bacillus pyogenes fcetidus Passet. Untersuchungen iiber eitrige Phiegmone, Berlin, 1885. Compare also Rabe, Bact. coli as cause of disease in animals (C. B. xxI, 282). ‘Spe mophilus gattatus, a variety of ground squirrel (C. B. xv1, 612, and Xx, 176), appears similar to our culture. 260 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium caniculz. (Galli-Valerio.) L. and N. Cause of an epidemic in dogs. After earlier investigations had given either negative or uncertain results (Microc. pyogenes as cause), recently two — i authors! (Galli-Valerio, C. B. xvm, 677 ; xix, 694; and — Jess, C. B. xxv, 541) claim to have discovered the cause of an important disease of dogs in short, small, motile — bacteria (1 to 2 » long, 0.3 to 0.6 or even 0.9 y» thick). The disease can be successfully transferred to young dogs — and cats; according to Jess, also to rabbits and guinea-~ pigs, but not to mice, the symptoms then corresponding _ to those of the natural, multiform disease, in which the — picture is dominated by fever, ocular and nasal catarrh, protrusio bulbi, and bloody diarrhea. | The statements of both ‘authors do not deviate in any important way. . According to the description of Jess, who needlessly places his findings in contrast with those of Galli-Valerio, — the organisms, which are readily cultivated at room tem-— perature, appear to be related to the colon group. They are motile, having a single polar flagellum; gelatin is not liquefied; upon agar there is a gray growth; upon potato — a white, velvety growth. In gelatin there occur a few gas _ bubbles (grape-sugar?). There is a tendency to polar staining by Gram’s method. From the description of Galli-Valerio, who places great value upon the form being — sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, it appears that old gelatin cultures present funnel-shaped depressions” without liquefaction, and that the growth in milk is not” accompanied by coagulation or fermentation of milk-_ sugar. No indol is formed. ee tal rl, ey ws Nt ar ag pe Supplement to the Non-liquefying, White, Non- motile, Short Bacteria. The Bacteria of Acetic Acid Fermentation. A small group of very closely related varieties form. acetic acid from dilute alcohol (for example, beer-wort to 1 More extensive reference to the literature is given by these authors, ; | ee a re yared ™ moniz, lactici and coli. ACETIC ACID BACTERIA. which is added 0.5% of alcohol). selves studied these varieties, which have so far been studied upon solid media with little thoroughness. scopically the cultures resemble those of the Bact. pneu- Thus far, three ‘‘ species ”’ _ been distinguished, Bacterium aceti Hansen, Bacte- rium Pasteurianum Hansen, and Bacterium Kiitzin- _gianum Hansen, and they are characterized as follows: 261 We have not our- Macro- have Bacterium aceti Hansen. Bact. Pasteurian- um Hansen. Bact. Kiitzingian- um Hansen. ‘Pellicle on sterile ale, at 34° after 24 hours: Slimy, smooth, moist, shining, showin g a ten- dency to veining like marble. Dry surface, early beginning to wrinkle, some- what elevated above thesurface. Similar to Pasteuri- anum, but the membrane climbs up even on the wall of the tube. _ When flasks in which growth has taken ase at 34° are rought into room temperature: 3 Fluid clear. remains Fluid clear. remains Fluid becomes cloudy and gradu- ally, under sedi- mentation, it be- comes again clear. Microscopic character of the cells of the Short rods with hour-glass-like Like Bact. aceti. Short rods, usually single; at most in young membrane: constrictions in pairs; no chains. chains, Long rods and thread forms uncommon. _ Staining with iodin | Not at all. Blue. In older | Blue. of the mucilaginous membranes the material holding the blue staining of bacilli together in the mucus is only . young membranes : presented in places; and in still older, dead cultures, it is en- tirely absent, _ Staining of the bacte- | Yellow. Yellow. Yellow. rial cells with iodin: _ We gave above a general presentation of the statements _ of Hansen, the most successful investigator of this group, in tabulated form. Literature: Lafar (C. B. L. 1, p. 129); most important is Hansen, Recherches sur les bactéries - acétifiantes (Travaux de Carlsberg, 1, 182, and C. B. L. mt, dl). All three forms of acetic acid bacteria possess a wide _ range of forms, depending especially upon the temper- 262 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. ature. This is especially marked in the Bacterium Pas- . teurianum, according to Hansen. At temperatures below the optimum of 34°, beautiful | chains of short rods are formed; at higher temperatures — the short links grow out into long undivided threads. The latter, when again brought to a temperature of 34° or less, — in part break up into new short rods, and in part present — characteristic bulging. Also the bulging structures are — gradually changed, at least partly, under elongation, into short rods, yet the widest parts nevertheless disintegrate. According to Lafar, moreover, the swollen forms are partly dependent upon the action of acid. During recent years an entire series of new varieties with names have been added to these three old species, which appear to be very difficult to differentiate. (Compare Hen- neberg, C. B. L. m1, 223; 1v, 14, 67, 138, and 933.) Also Beijerinck (C. B. L. tv, 209) and his pupil Hoyer (C. B. L. 1v, 867) have made surprising new communications regarding acetic acid fungi. Unfortunately, according to the material accessible to us, the description of the mor- phologic peculiarities leaves much to be desired. Beijerinck calls Hansen’s Bact. aceti, Bacterium rancens Beijerinck, and regards the Bact. Pasteurianum (including Kiitzingianum) as a variety. Bacterium rancens is the bacterium of sour beer. Here also belong Bact. acetosum Henneberg and Bact. oxydans Henneberg. The true rapidly forming acetic acid bacterium, which Pasteur first isolated, and which Beijerinck now calls Bacterium aceti Pasteur, is entirely different. Hansen, on the contrary, did not know that the. Thermobacterium aceti Zeitler belonged here. Finally, Beijerinck distinguished a Bac- terium xylinum. Their recognition may perhaps be accomplished by means of the following key: (A) Vigorous growth forming a covering in a mixture of tap-water 100, alcohol 3, ammonium phosphate 0.05, potassium chlorid 0.01. Upon beer forms very delicate coverings. Very slight growth upon beer-gelatin, but very luxuriant, slimy growth upon beer gelatin which contains 10% of cane-sugar. Bacterium aceti Pasteur- Beijerinck. (B) No growth on the above media. Upon beer a vigorous growth forming a covering. ese ns Ch aa ocean be EEN: | ie gn Re) a ee ee ee ee ee en ee vee iy ee BACTERIUM DISCIFORMANS. 263 (a) Upon gelatin a soft white growth, uninfluenced by cane-sugar. (a) The mucilaginous material secreted remains unstained with iodin. Bacterium rancens!? Beijerinck. we tee secreted slime is turned blue by iodin. Bacterium asteurianum Hansen. (b) Upon gelatin, dry, tough, leathery mass ; upon beer, there is at first a slimy and then a thick, leathery seum, which gives the reac- tion for cellulose. Cane-sugar influences the luxuriance of the growth. Bacterium xylinum Brown. How this classification will stand the test of more exact morphologic investigation remains undecided. In the mean time the Bact. xylinum should be considered as a leukonostoc—i. e., it then belongs to the streptococci. Of the other varieties, which are represented as non- - motile rods, usually motile forms are also observed. The work of Hoyer is very rich in biologic detail regarding the nutrition of those which produce acetic acid, ete. Bacterium disciformans. Zopf. Synonyms.—Bacillus disciformans Zimm. (1, p. 48), Bacillus azureus Zimm. (1, p. 24). Short rods (0.3-1.4 u long, 0.3-0.5 thick), non-motile, not stained by Gram’s method, grows also as an anaerobe. Upon the gelatin plate : Very young deep colonies, rather coarsely punctate, round, trans- parent ; superficial colonies, partly like typical young typhoid cultures (especially in the B. azureus), partly somewhat more compact, re- sembling more the colon type. The superficialcolonies liquefy after the second day, when there is frequently seen a narrow hair-like zone. ‘The mass lying on the bottom of the plate is a little denser in the disciformans than in the azureus, and with both there are open spaces. The deep colonies later present little tubercles, and, when they come to the surface, liquefaction and a hair-like rim. In gelatin stab: Funnel- to tube-shaped liquefaction, developing rather rapidly. Bouillon: very cloudy, abundant H.S and a little indol produced. Upon agar: Dirty white, slimy, luxuriant growth. The agar is col- ered brownish to rosy red. Upon potato: Grayish-yellow to reddish- brown, moderately elevated, moist growth. Grape-sugar is fermented, with abundant formation of gas. Milk is first coagulated, then again _ rendered fluid. 1 We found the Bact. rancens not growing very rapidly and some- what elevated upon solid nutrient media with an oily gloss. No liquefaction of gelatin, no anaerobic growth. Grape-sugar is fer- mented, with formation of gas and acid. 264 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. This variety corresponds, except in the liquefaction of gelatin, toa + — Bact. lactis aérogenes. We obtained this variety twice from Zimmermann, once marked Bae. disciformans, the second time Bac. azureus. The varieties corre- sponded in no way with the description which Zimmermann gave them, but, on the contrary, the two were identical even in the smallest details. Bacterium punctatum. (Zimm.) Lehm. and Neum.! Synonym.—Bacillus punctatus Zimm. (1, p. 38). Short rods (0.8 long, 0.5 « thick), often also forming long threads. Actively motile from one polar flagellum. Not stained by Gram’s method. Superficial colonies are first roundish, smooth-bordered, transparent, punctate disks; gradually the border becomes finely notched and finally presents beautiful hairy border (somewhat like 41, v). Simultaneously liquefaction begins as a shallow saucer, in which the remnant of the colony can be seen at the center. The border of the saucer is surrounded with a delicate grayish-white zone, sometimes presenting sinuous decorations. The gelatin stab culture at first resembles cholera, but liquefaction rapidly becomes complete. Upon agar and potato the growth is not characteristic, resembling that of the Bact. coli. Milk is coagulated and then the coagulum is liquefied. Grape-sugar is actively fermented, with production of gas. Abundant production of H,S and little of indol. According to Kruse, this organism, for which he unfortunately suggested the super- fluous name Bac. aquatilis communis, is one of the most common water bacteria. It corresponds to a Bact. fluorescens without the production of pigment. We have also obtained this organism very frequently from water (if we leave out of consideration the fermenta- tion of sugar, which we rarely tested), and also have often observed forms which were colorless at first for a long time and then became feebly fluorescent. We found the Bacillus annulatus Zimmermann (11, p. 30) very similar in all morphologic and biologic peculiarities; nevertheless it is very well distinguished by habitually producing liquefaction in gelatin in the form of holes. The marked, white accumulation of bacteria which is present beneath the undermined edges of the colonies in the plate culture, the colonies looking as if cut out by a punch, gives a very striking picture. Bacterium vitulinum. (Weissenberg.) L. and N. Short rods, motile, not staining by Gram’s method, re- sembling the Bact. coli. Facultative anaerobe. Young 1An organism, similar in every way, but not forming gas from sugar, was isolated by us from gastric contents. BACTERIUM AGILE. 265 gelatin colonies resemble those of B. coli; then there soon occurs a liquefaction of the surrounding medium and the _ growth breaks up into a crumbly mass. In the gelatin - stab there is marked liquefaction, at first funnel-shaped, _ then cylindric. The content of the funnel is very cloudy, -and there is a delicate pellicle on top. Rather marked little hairs, directed downward, which grow out into the ' solid gelatin about the funnel of liquefaction are quite ~ remarkable. ee or ee Te vee ve y ep ee eee ey eae oe Bouillon very cloudy, with a delicate pellicle. Abundant : H,S, and'little indol are produced. Upon agar and potato _ the growth is nearly the same as that of the B. coli; the otato culture has a very putrid odor. Grape-sugar is ermented, with abundant gas-formation, and milk is not - coagulated. Determined to be the cause of a dysentery in calves in _ Silesia and given to us by Weissenberg. The four following are closely related to, perhaps identical with, the described ‘‘liquefying varieties of B. coli,’ and are known to us through the descriptions only: Bacterium foetidum liquefaciens. (Tavel.) L. and N. From one to three short flagella extending out from an unstained capsule (von Stécklin, Recherches sur la groupe des Coli-Bacillus, 1894). Gelatin in stab is liquefied, and has a strong fecal odor. Sugar is fermented, with liberation of a vast amount of gas. Milk is not coagu- lated. Bouillon becomes turbid and a pellicle develops upon the sur- face. Bacterium cloace. (E.0. Jordan.) Lehm.and Neum. (Compare Th. Smith, ‘‘ The Fermentation Tube,’’ 1893, 215.) Sur- face growth in gelatin is thin, with a somewhat irregular outline. Abundant, uncharacteristic, yellowish-white growth on potato. Ac- tively motile. Very abundant and rapid formation of gas from dex- trose and saccharose, the closed end of the fermentation tube contain- ing from 50% to 95% (about one-third H and two-thirds CO,). Gas is produced more slowly from lactose. Milk is coagulated in eight days. Bacterium agile (Schou, Fliigge). Lehm. and Neum. _ Synonym.—Bacillus pneumonicus agilis Fliigge. 266 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL Cause of the aspiration pneumonia following division of the vagus. Fligge: Mikro-organismen, tI. Aufl., page 287, and G. Neumann (C. B. 11, 755). Bacterium pseudomelanosis. P. Ernst (V.A., Bd. 152, : p- 418). In this relationship belongs the interesting organism which Ernst isolated from a case of pseudomelanosis, and recognized as the cause of the same. About the bunches of bacteria there lay in the tissue dark green deposits of sulphid of iron. The organism produces H,S very actively, forms gas from sugar, liquefies gelatin, has many flagella and no spores, and is not stained by Gram’s method. Bacterium salmonicida. (Emmerich and Weibel.) Lehm. and Neum. Bacillus of a trout epidemic of Emmerich and Weibel (A. H. xx). Non-motile, short rods, more rarely longer rods and threads, not stained by Gram’s method. Facultative anaerobe. Plate cultures in gelatin - Very young cultures resemble those of the streptococcus; then they sink deep into the gelatin, without real liquefaction, the border of the colony becoming irregular and notched. Gelatin stab cultures at first also resemble those of the Streptococcus pyogenes ; later (after five to seven days) there occurs a funnel-shaped, steep-walled, deep cavity about the inoculation line, on the sides and at the bottom of which are delicate, whitish bacterial masses. Agar stab cultures present flat, moistly shining, irregularly outlined growths of a grayish- yellow color, which after many weeks become brown in the center, and simultaneously the upper part of the agar is discolored brown. Bouillon remains clear, only near the top a delicate cloud is formed upon the glass wall, which, upon gentle shaking, sinks very slowly to the bottom as cloudy flakes. A plentiful, whitish sediment gradually collects at the bottom. No growth upon potato. No growth at 37°; optimum 10°-15°. We are not acquainted with it. The organism was cultivated by its discoverers from trout which died in an epidemic in upper Bavaria. Healthy trout were killed by inocu- lation as well as by adding the organism to water. The principal symptoms of the disease were: at places, where at first there are lentil- sized defects in the scales, furuncle-like swellings gradually develop; then, secondarily, hemorrhagic, suppurating areas form. The organism was abundant in the dead fish, especially in the blood of the heart. The following organism is very similar: - BACTERIUM CREMOIDES. 267 Bacillus devorans Zimmermann (i, p. 48). Found in well-water. It possesses very active locomotion, but nothing is known of its pathogenic properties. _ Bacterium turcosum. (Zimm. ii, p. 32.) Lehm. and Neum. Very small rods, 0.2-0.3 4 thick and 0.3-1.5 u long, with slug- _ gish movement, which is due to a polar flagellum. _ Upon gelatin plates: small, intense turquoise-yellow, transparent - colonies, which gradually sink into the gelatin; microscopically, struc- tureless and more or less transparent. The growth in the gelatin stab culture develops slowly, is smooth, roundish, of an intense yellow passing into a greenish color, and sinks in very slowly, without lique- faction. The agar cultures are similar. Upon potato: scanty, green- - ish-yellow dry or slightly shining growth. In bouillon there is a little _ turbidity, without formation of H,S or indol worth mentioning. _ Grape-sugar is not perceptibly affected. Milk is not coagulated. _ Isolated by Zimmermann from water. In examinations of prepu- tial secretion we have twice obtained cultures which correspond to Zimmermann’s original one. Bacterium cremoides nobis ad interim.! | Short rods, 0.5-0.8 thick, 0.8-1.6 4 long, non-motile, staining by Gram’s method. Gelatin plate: natural size, gray to grayish-yellow _ disks; magnified 60 times they are finely granular, later opaque and non- liquefying. The gelatin stab is not characteristic ; the surface growth _ gradually becomes thick, whitish, reddish, or cream colored and has an oily luster. In the agar stab the growth has a moist luster and is _ cream colored. The water of condensation is clear with a pellicle and little sediment. Bouillon is similar. Little indol and H,S are _ formed, and no gas from sugar. Milk is not coagulated. Obtained from the tap-water of Wurzburg. 1 Bacterium synxanthum (Ehrenberg) L. and N. Ordinary name: Bacillus of yellow milk. According to J. Schroter, it is characterized _ as follows: Actively motile, short, thin rods, producing a yellow _ pigment, which is readily soluble in water, but not at all in ether and alcohol. It is decolorized by acids, but the yellow color returns upon treating with alkalis. Milk is colored a bright yellow, the casein is _ dissolved, and the milk becomes alkaline. The culture which we _ obtained from Krdél possessed no motility, clouded the bouillon, and produced a prominent pellicle; coagulated milk, with formation of _ acid; formed gas from grape-sugar; furnished very luxuriant, moist, _ yellowish-gray growths, resembling those of the B. coli upon agar and gelatin, without liquefaction, and upon potato developed as a light _ yellow, much elevated growth with a fatty luster. Stains by Gram’s _ method. 268 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Bacterium erythrogenes. (Grotenfelt.) Lehm. and Neum. Bacillus lactis erythrogenes Grotenfelt. Bacillus of red milk. Literature: Grotenfelt (Fortschritte der Mediz., 1889, vit, 41) and A. Baginsky (C. B. vi, 137). Non-motile, short rods, 0.8-3.0 4 long and 0.5-1.0 4 thick. Stains by Gram’s method. Upon the gelatin plate, grayish-yellow, roundish disks, which gradually sink into the gelatin and liquefy it. When magnified 60 times, at first both the superficial and deep colonies resemble very much those of the Bact. coli; later, when liquefaction begins, the border of the colony, now having become opaque, is beset with fine hairs, and later appears irregularly eaten out and coarsely granular. The intensity of liquefaction is decidedly variable in different colonies. Upon the gelatin stab there develops a sulphur- yellow, thick, slowly sinking growth; later the liquefaction is cylin- dric. The surface growth upon agar is yellow and moist. Agar and gelatin (especially in the dark) become colored intensely rose-red to garnet. Our cultures also did so in diffuse daylight. According to Grotenfelt, the pigment presents two lines between D and E, and one in the blue portion of the spectrum. Potato culture is sulphur-yellow, elevated, partly dull and partly moist. The cream separates from milk (cream, yellow), the casein forms a flocculent precipitate (with alkaline reaction), the clear serum becoming rose-red. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. From bouillon there is formed abundant Aarts but little H,S. Our description is from a culture obtained from Kral. Bacterium helyolum. (Zimm. i, p. 52.) Lehm. and Neum. Plump, rather thick, short rods (1.0-3.6 4 long, 0.8-1.2 u thick), non-motile, staining by Gram’s method. Gelatin plate : Colonies are roundish, lively lemon yellow, flatly elevated, and later they sink in the gelatin. When magnified 60 times: homogeneous, hardly at all transparent in the middle, clearer at the edges, border smooth, and with beginning liquefaction the sharp border becomes slightly crumbly. Upon the gelatin stab culture a luxuriant, shining, intense lemon- yellow growth, which slowly sinks into the medium. Agar culture: yellowish-gray, moist. Potato culture: dull, broad, greenish-yellow. Bouillon becomes cloudy, with a delicate pellicle. Abundant forma- tion of H,S, but none of indol. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. Milk is coagulated. We obtained an organism from air which corresponded exactly with Zimmermann’s description. Bacillus luteus Fliigge appears identical, except that liquefaction is absent. Also the following appear very closely related: the non-liquefying Bac. constrictus Zimmermann (I, p. 42) and the Bac, subflavus Zimmermann (I, p. 62). "er. a a er rae Tron igex BACTERIUM NUBILUM. 269 Bacterium lactis saponacei. (Weigm. and Zirn.) Lehm. and Neum. As the Bacillus lactis saponacei, Weigmann and Zirn _(C. B. xv, 463) have described a short rod, which in gela- tin plates forms white colonies with yellow centers, which later become yellow throughout, but without special markings. Gradually liquefaction takes place. In the _ gelatin stab a funnel forms, at the bottom of which lie yellow flocculi. In the agar stab the luxuriant growth is yellow in the center only at first, then throughout the whole growth. Upon potato a waxy-yellow, slimy growth. Milk is not coagulated, but becomes slimy and slightly tenacious. The culture has an odor like soap or lye. Optimum at 10°. Regarding soapy milk, the first com- munication was by Herz, Ch. Zeit. Rep., 1892, page 34. Bacterium nubilum. (P.and C. Frankland. Z. H. vi, p. 386.) Lehm. and Neum. Non-motile short rods, 1-2 long, 0.3-0.5 4 thick, staining by Gram’s method. The colonies on the gelatin plate present beautiful, polymorphous forms. In the younger stage they are yellowish, of ir- regular forms, and provided with many thick and thin lateral out- growths, similar to mites in shape. The more compact nucleus at the center gradually disappears, while the projections become arranged more in the form of a star. Now liquefaction of the gelatin begins. The periphery of the colony slowly dissolves into delicate little frag- ments, and in the fluid contents of the saucer of liquefaction there remains a framework of radiating threads, which later become ar- ranged like the spokes of a wheel. Finally the entire colony breaks up into irregular fragments. Macroscopically the colony does not appear unlike that of the Bac. subtilis. In the gelatin stab the growth sinks in, with the form of a saucer, and then cylindric liquefaction occurs. The liquefied zone is slightly cloudy. The growth upon agar is jagged, undulating, fairly luxuriant; in the center, pale rose color; at the edges, yellowish-brown, with a fatty luster. The water of condensa- tion is clear with a yellowish-brown sediment. The growth upon po- tato is at first entirely reddish-white, faintly shining to dry; later it becomes intensely brownish-yellow. Milk is not coagulated, and is alkaline in reaction. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. It forms but little indol. Bouillon becomes cloudy. Isolated by Zimmermann from water (I, p. 28). Our description is from one of Zimmermann’s cultures, 270 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. Bacterium ochraceum. (Zimmermann, i, p. 60.) Lehm. and Neum. ~ Short rods, 0.5-0.8 1 thick, 1.2-3.6 u long, actively motile from polar flagella, staining by Gram’s method. Gelatin plates at first pre- sent forms like those of the Bact. coli and typhi; later the borders are fringed, while the gelatin becomes liquefied. Pellicles varying in color from gray to grayish-yellow float upon the liquefied medium, and they may be of a tougher or more delicate character. The more delicate pellicles often appear as a net with irregular meshes. The gela- tin stab culture presents a yellowish-gray surface growth, but it sinks in at once. Later there is a cylindric, turbid liquefaction, with grayish-yellow sediment. The agar growth is dirty, light grayish- yellow, then spreads out. The water of condensation is clear, with moderate precipitate. Bouillon becomes lightly cloudy, with moder- ate sediment and slight pellicle. Indol and H,S are formed in abun- dance. Milk is not coagulated, and becomes somewhat slimy. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. The growth on potato is yellowish. This organism, isolated by us from gastric contents, corresponds in all the main points with Zimmermann’s description. We isolated a very similar but non-motile bacillus from Secale cornutum. From this we cannot distinguish a Bacillus plicatus Zimm. (I, p. 54), which we obtained from Zimmermann, but it did not form folds any more. Also Bacterium carnosum (Tils, Zimmermann, I, p. 4) is very closely related. We were unable to find the spores, seen by Tils ; also, the color of the culture obtained from Zimmermann could not be distinguished from that of the Bact. ochraceum. Bacterium fulvum. (Zimmermann.) L. and N. Rods, 0.3-0.5 » thick, with a length varying from 1.0 # to long threads. Non-motile, without flagella, staining by Gram’s method, sometimes liquefying, sometimes not. Gelatin plates: Shining, orange-yellow colonies, sometimes more drop-like, sometimes more spreading, with moderate or no liquefaction. The non-liquefying, superficial colo- nies, when magnified 60 times, are at first very much like those of Bact. coli; they are irregularly roundish to leaf- shaped, somewhat transparent, grayish-yellow, homo- geneous, often having furrows and markings resembling the Bact. coli. The liquefying colonies present an essen- tially different appearance: The yellow, superficial disks have a threaded border resembling subtilis (compare 40, 11); later the colonies break up into a crumbly mass which lies at the bottom of the liquid. BACTERIUM FULVUM. 271 In the gelatin stab there is no striking growth. The sur- " face growth is leather-brown to orange and reddish-orange. - When liquefaction occurs, there is formed a funnel, filled _ with turbid fluid ; later the liquefaction became cylindric "and sometimes there isa pellicle. _ Agar stab: Succulent orange-yellow to yellowish brown- _ish-red. (Compare, for example, 5, v.) Potato growth is the same. _ Mik: It is not coagulated, but both of our liquefying 4 forms changed it into a yellowish turbid fluid, with an - orange sediment, upon which the yellowish cream floated. mA non-liquefying form coagulated milk (original culture - of Bact. tremelloides Schottelius). No gas is formed from ‘sugar. Littleindoland noH,Sare produced. Found by us in water and milk. _ We consider that the following varieties, which we have _ ourselves investigated, belong here : Bacterium bruneum _ Schroéter, which we obtained from A. Fischer ; Bacterium _tremelloides Schottelius, obtained from the discoverer himself. The description of Zimmermann’s Bacillus _ fuscus Fliigge corresponds completely. ? _ The Bacterium mycoides roseum Scholl appears _ very closely related, although deviating somewhat in color (Fort. d. Med., vn, 46). _ What we obtained from Hauser as Bacillus arbores- _ cens Frankland is also the same, and neither corresponds with Frankland’s original description (Z. H. vt, 3879) nor with that of Zimmermann. The deviation from Frank- land consists in the loss of liquefaction (absence of bun- ‘dles); in Zimmermann’s description it is said not to stain by Gram’s method. We have never been certainly con- _ vinced regarding motility, and so far have been unable to stain flagella. * The description given by Schréter himself of his Bact. bruneum _ corresponds very poorly, as does the description of Fliigge of his Bacil- lus fuscus. Therefore we select the oldest of the newer names, which ‘ischaracteristic, and the description of which corresponds well with - our cultures, 272 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. Bacterium chrysogloea. Zopf.! According to Zimmermann’s description (1, p. 12), it is only distinguished from the preceding by active motility. We found in gastric contents an exactly corresponding form with peritrichous flagella and active motility, which stained by Gram’s method. Chrysoglcea and fulvuam may be related, as Forma mobilis and immobilis. Proof is still wanting. Bacterium latericium. (Adametz.) Lehm. and Neum. (Plate 20, I-VI.) Short rods, somewhat pointed at both ends (0.8-1.6 ~ long, 0.4-0.6 # thick), non-motile, and stained by Gram’s method. Upon the gel- atin plate the deep colonies appear as roundish, reddish-brown, opaque — disks with smooth edges. The deep ones are jagged, sinuous, trans- parent at the edge, very crumbly, and reddish (20, m1). In the gel- atin stab no liquefaction occurs, the surface growth is from vermilion to reddish-brown (20, 11). The growth upon the agar streak is the same (20, 1). The growth upon the agar plate is not especially char- acteristic; round disks, coarsely crumbly, border granular, and in the deep ones smooth (20, v). Upon potato the bacterium grows very slowly only and very scantily (20, Iv). Bouillon remains clear. Milk is not coagulated. Neither gas nor acid is formed from sugar. No H,S, and only traces of indol are formed. Isolated by us from the air; corresponds, so far as can be judged from Eisenberg, with the descrip- tion of Adametz. The organism does not belong here, according to its natural relationship, but more properly with the Bact. acidi lactici. Catiano has described two other bacilli, which are motile, beauti- fully provided with flagella, produce red pigment, and do not possess spores: Bac. rubiginosus and coccineus (Cohn’s Beitr., Bd. vu, 1896, H. 111, 537). We could not study these. Bacterium prodigiosum. (Ehrenberg.) Lehm. and Neum. (Plates 21 and 22.2) Synonyms.—Monas prodigiosa Ehrenberg, Micrococ- cus prodigiosus Cohn, Bacillus prodigiosus Fliigge. 1 Migula places Bact. chrysoglceea with the non-motile varieties, and designates Bact. aureum Frankland, Bact. aurescens Frank- land, and Bact. egregium Zopf as closely related. 2 The plate drawn for Bact. kiliense has forms which also occur ATER BACTERIUM PRODIGIOSUM. 273 _ Most Important Literature.—Schottelius (C. B. 11, 439); Wasserzug (A. P., 1888); Kiibler (C. B. v, 383); Scheurlen (A. H. xxvI, 1). q _Microscopic Appearance.—From solid nutrient me- lia, very short bacilli, often looking like cocci. The ends are somewhat pointed or rounded. The greatest diameter is 1 » (21, xr; 22, 1x). In bouillon, especially if it is faintly acid, there occur longer forms, distinct rods, and shorter and longer threads. _ Motility.—In young bouillon cultures there is active “motion, produced by from 6 to 8 long, peritrichous flagella (21, xr; 22, x1). On the contrary, older agar and bp otato cultures appear non-motile, and in them the bacil- tus produces abundant slimy material, which limits mo- ‘tion. Scheurlen attributes the mucous formation to the abundant production of alkali. _ Staining Properties. — Easily stained, but not by Gram’s method. _ Relation to Oxygen. — Facultative anaerobe; grows better as anaerobe. Alsoas an anaerobe it liquefies gelatin (also with the addition of 2 per cent. sugar), but forms “no pigment. _ Requirements as Regards Temperature and Com- position of Nutrient Media.—Optimum at 22°-25° ; in the incubator, especially at 38°-39°, the formation of sae ment is suspended. A more prolonged cultivation at a higher temperature permanently lessens the formation of ‘pigment.! It grows also, with production of pigment, upon non-albuminous nutrient media. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size: At first the super- ficial colony is a grayish-white point, and the gelatin is Piquefied at once. The area of liquefaction is shaped like a plate. The peripheral zone is lighter than the central “zone. Original colonies are often colored reddish, but often , ere) the Bact. prodigiosum, since both are identical (compare p. 276 _ 14Itmay be here remarked that, without known cause, chromo- genesis by the Bact. prodigiosum is often much reduced. As is often seen, of 20 cultures made at the same time and from the same origi- nals upon the same nutrient media, many form pigment abundantly and others very feebly. Also, upon plates fainter and more deeply - colored ere always occur side by side. 8 274 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. they remain white and disappear with the increasing size - of the area of liquefaction. Thus the paler zone disap- pears, and the entire liquefied area becomes colored uni- formly gray (21, v1; 22, mr). : (6) Magnified seventy times: Superficial colonies, at first delicate, granular, roundish, with a smooth border ; later the central zone is colored rosy red, is delicately crumbly, and sometimes has a faint suggestion of streaking. The peripheral zone consists of continuous little tufts of hairs, which terminate externally in very fine points (21, vir; 22, Iv). Besides this form, there are often atypical ones with a brownish center, the separate zones being lost, and the whole colony appearing covered with extremely deli- cate hairs. One form passes into the other. The deep colonies are uncharacteristic, yellowish-brown, granular, whetstone-shaped. Gelatin Stab.—After six hours liquefaction begins at the surface of the gelatin in a saucer shape. The liquefaction extends along the stab canal, forms a tube- or cone-shaped funnel, and continues to possess a funnel form in the advanced stage. Only after a very long time does the liquefaction become cylindric. The funnel of liquefaction is filled with whitish or rose-red floceuli, among which more deeply stained clumps are swimming. When liquefaction has advanced very far, a cloudy, red- dish to deep red precipitate is at the bottom and the supernatant fluid remains red. When the culture grows atypically, no red color is seen. The form of the funnel of liquefaction is most variable (21, 1; 22, 1). Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size: The colonies appear as minute red points even after thirty-six hours. Those lying upon the surface increase in size perceptibly and become colored from rose-red to dark red. Also, uncolored colonies occur together with these. They are irregularly roundish, sometimes lobed, often with alternating paler and darker zones and distinct cloudy center (21, v; 22, v1). (b) Magnified seventy times : Both the deep and superficial colonies at first are roundish, of irregular form, pale yel- low with smooth border. Later the deep colonies take on - -a brownish color with a reddish luster, the border remain- BACTERIUM PRODIGIOSUM. 275 ing smooth and the structure coarsely granular. On the contrary, the superficial colonies are transparent, pale rose-red to red, very finely punctated, with borders almost _or entirely smooth (21, vI; 22, vir). Agar Stab.—Stab: Thread- like, without nodules, white to reddish. After keeping longer, a whitish cloudy zone forms about the stab canal (21, 11). Surface growth: Al- ready after forty-eight hours completely covered with a smooth, shining growth, the color of which varies from atypical white to typical purple (21, Iv). . Often it is _whitish-gray, shaded with red. The agar, especially be- _ neath the surface growth, after a Jonger time becomes colored a garnet-red. Agar Streak.—The growth remains limited to the streak; compare agar stab. The water of condensation presents a reddish cloud with a red sediment (21, 0; 22, 1). - Bouillon Culture.—Diffuse, marked turbidity, with a _ more or less red-colored, delicate pellicle upon the surface. _ The bouillon becomes of a gelatinous or oily consistency. _ Milk Culture.—After twenty-four hours it is firmly coagulated; later the coagulum is dissolved and a yellow- _ ish color produced. Potato Culture.—At first a rosy red, moist, flat growth, _ limited to the inoculation streak. Later it becomes darker in color, is elevated, with a wavy, smooth border, and after _ five or six days has attained its dark purple color (21, 1x; _ 22, x). Sometimes the surface then exhibits a greenish- golden reflex, similar to dry fuchsin. Also the potato _ culture develops atypically at times, as does that upon _ agar, and becomes only whitish-gray, orange, or rose-red, instead of dark red (21, x). Chemical Activities.— _ (a) Thered pigment (prodigiosin): Develops best upon _ agar and potato, is insoluble in water, and only externally in color and golden luster is it like fuchsin ; according to Scheurlen, it is apparently also free from nitrogen besides containing no sulphur nor phosphorus. The pigment is readily soluble in alcohol and ether, is turned orange-yellow _ by alkalis, and from carmine to violet-red by acids. With zine and hydrochloric acid the pigment, notwithstanding 276 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL contrary statements, is decolorized, as are all red pigments of this group. In light it fades rapidly as well when dry as when in solution. The pigment, spectroscopically, is sharply characterized; more detailed communications thereon will soon follow from this laboratory. (b) Olfactory and gustable materials: Especially upon potato it forms methylamin and ammonia. According to Schottelius, the odor is proportional to the pigment pro- duction, but we found also colorless cultures with a marked odor, as of herring. (c) Production of gas and acid from grape-sugar: Fairly active, according to Schottelius and other authors; on the contrary, our prodigiosum culture formed acid without gas (but our kiliense formed gas). A prodigiosum iso- — lated by Cramer from the tap-water of Heidelberg also formed no gas. Scheurlen demonstrated the production of formic and succinic acids. (d) Urea is converted into carbonate of ammonia, but not by all cultures. (e) Traces of indol, no H,S. Distribution.—Upon cooked potatoes, moist bread, paste, especially upon starchy substances, occurring epi- demically often, especially in the late summer and autumn. (Compare Scheurlen. ) Cause of the ‘‘ bleeding host. ag Sometimes found in water-pipes. Pathogenic Significance.—If injected alone, is not pathogenic, but may be when combined with other bac- teria. The proteins of the prodigiosum have been studied many times and found to be poisonous. Varieties Identical with or Closely Related to the Bact. prodigiosum. Bacterium kiliense. (Fischer and Breunig.) L. and N. (Plate 22.) Compare Kieler Wasserbacillus, Breunig, Dissertation, Kiel, 1888. Laurent (A. P., 1890, 465; C. B. 1x, 105). The culture which we used for preparing illustrations (Plate 22) is distinguished from the Bact. prodigiosum (Plate 21) by more of a 497 BACTERIUM VIOLACEUM. 277 _brick-red or orange-red color. This, however, according to our more recent observations, is not constant; prodigiosum may grow with - orange, and kiliense with bluish-red color. The formation of alkali _is most important as to the color: with abundant production of alkali it is yellowish-red; in other cases, bluish-red. We also found to be absolutely identical Bacterium miniaceum ! (Zimmermann, L. and 'N.) and the Bacterium indicum (Koch, L. and N.), isolated by Koch from an Indian monkey, of which we obtained beautiful red cultures from Kral and carefully studied them. It is very probable that these are also identical: Bacterium of red pus Ferchmin (C. B. x11, 103), which differs in _ being non-motile and staining by Gram’s method. Red water-bacillus Lustig (C. B. vim, 33). Bacterium plymuthicum Fischer. (L. and N.) Compare Voges »(C. B. xtv, 301). Bacillus fuchsinus Boekhout and Otto de Vries (C. B. L. Iv, 4}, The following is, at any rate, closely related. Bacterium piscatorum. Lehm. and Neum. Microbe rouge de la sardine of the French. Causes, in combination with an anaerobic bacillus, panaritium in fishermen, apparently originating in spoiled bait. In boxes of sardines it causes a red color (Du Bois Saint Severin, A. P., 1894, 152). The pigment is soluble in water (?), usually poorly developed upon agar, and is produced at 37°- 39°. More extensive studies are required to establish the constancy of these characteristics. Bacterium violaceum. (J. Schréter.) L. and N.? (Plate 23.) Synonym.—Compare page 279. Bact. janthinum Zopf. - Schriter’s name is older. Microscopic Appearance.—Thin rods, 1.6-5 4 long, _ 0.5-0.8 » thick, with rounded ends; the smallest are often _ oval; sometimes threads form. In the interior unstained - areas sometimes remind one of chicken cholera. 1 What we obtained from Kraél as Bac. rosaceus metalloides Dowdeswell is entirely different. We have called this Bact. rosaceum, and found it to be a fine, small, motile rod, which something grows _ like the Bact. coli on ordinary media, but with a brick-red color. _ The pigment is not prodigiosin. Milk and bouillon present brick-red pellicles. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. Milk is not coagulated. _ Not stained by Gram’s method. * Twice in cultures, according to Migula’s method, upon quince- _ juice we have seen pictures which may have been spores. 278 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. 7 Motility.—Active, serpentine motion. We found the flagella to be sometimes peritrichous (3-4, long, tortuous), sometimes polar (1-2) (23, x1 and xm). Staining Properties.—Stains by Gram’s method. Growth is moderately rapid, and best at ordinary tem- perature. ; Gelatin Plate.—WNatural size: At first, small, yellow points, later violet. If the liquefaction is rapid, then there — is a gray saucer-shaped depression with violet, alternating concentric rings (23, vit). Where colonies do not liquefy, — or do so late, they appear as lobulated, fringed, shining, yellowish to violet growths (compare 23, vill). Magnified siaty times : In both weakly and actively liquefying colonies, they almost always at first resemble those of the typhoid. When sunken in, the colonies become crumbly, have a — streaked peripheral zone consisting of little hairs, and finally disintegrate into crumbly masses (23, vimt). Colo- nies which liquefy very late are internally of a darker, ~ yellow, finally bluish color and opaque, with a crumbly structure. - Gelatin Stab.—In freshly isolated varieties the lique- faction after two or three days is funnel-shaped; and along the stab canal, tube-shaped. The contents of the funnel are grayish-violet with colored fragments (23, 1). After longer cultivation (as in our culture, after two years) liquefaction is almost entirely lost. The surface growth now is shining, lobulated, dirty yellow to violet. Only after two to three months is there a very shallow saucer- shaped depression. Agar Culture.—Moist, shining, somewhat elevated, of the same color as the colonies upon gelatin. In the plate, when slightly magnified, the colonies resemble those of the Bact. coli, and are yellowish-gray and faintly granular (23, v). Potato Culture.—Wavy, somewhat elevated growth, moist, shining, violet to violet-black. We have also observed, in numerous potato cultures, dirty yellow to brownish- -green growths, resembling those of Bact. coli . and fluorescens (23, x). Bouillon.—Faintly or strongly turbid, sometimes pro- vided with a thick, sometimes with a delicate pellicle. In BACTERIUM VIOLACEUM. 279 favorable cases the pellicle may assume a pale violet color. Milk.—In some cases it is coagulated, but it usually re- mains fluid and is violet in color, at least forms a violet cream layer. | Chemical Activities.—In grape-sugar bouillon there is formed little acid and no gas. It produces abundant HS and a moderate amount of indol. Regarding the pigment (janthin), see page 67. From the one just described we are unable to dis- _ tinguish, by any peculiarities worth mentioning, the _ Bacterium janthinum Zopf (Sweden and America), obtained from Zimmermann, and a similarly named _ bac- -terium from Kral, and a bacterium isolated during the summer of 1894 from the well of the local fort. _ A beautiful chromogenic culture obtained in 1898 from -Hohnl (Prague) corresponds entirely with the description except that the liquefaction was prominently punched-out in appearance and it did not stain by Gram’s method. Also, it seems to us, from a study of the literature, that it is scarcely possible to differentiate a Bacillus violaceus _ Laurentius (Lustig, p. 103), cultivated from the water of a 7 filter basin of Lawrence, a Bacillus violaceus Macé (Ann. : d’ hygiéne, 1887), and the Bacillus violaceus (Lustig, p. j -— 75), from tap-water of Berlin and London. The latter, _ according to Voges, is identical with the Bacillus lividus _ of Plagge and Proskauer (Z. H. 1, 463), except that the _ latter is differentiated from the violaceum by growing less well upon potato and by rapid liquefaction. All these _ characteristics, as follows from what has already been said, _ are not sufficient for determining a separation of species. _ Also closely related is the Bacillus membranaceus amethystinus (Eisenberg, 1891, 421), cultivated by _ Jolles from well-water. It produces large violet pel- licles upon gelatin and is non-motile. Germano likewise _ cultivated a membrane-forming organism (C. B. x11, 516), _ which he named the Bacillus membranaceus amethyst- -inus mobilis. It agrees with the preceding except in - being motile. Also here it is probable that two identical _ varieties are found, the one motile, the other non-motile. _ This is in accord with Ward’s discovery of an organism 280 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL. 4 . = which belongs here, and which sometimes was motile and — sometimes not (C. B. L. tv, 902). Bacterium indigonaceum. (Claessen, Schneider.) L. and N. - Obtained from Kral, from Prague. Rods, 1.6-3y long, — 0.8-0.9» thick, somewhat thicker than violaceum, some- — times curved. Upon the gelatin plate, which is not lique-_ fied, there appear, macroscopically, small, blue, drop-like growths. When slightly magnified, they are sharply — rounded, yellowish disks, slightly granular and _ later becoming indigo-blue from the center outward. Upon the © agar plate they are similar. The surface growth in the q gelatin stab is sky-blue, moist, sometimes also remaining — white. The growth upon potato is deep indigo-blue, somewhat granular; later it presents a coppery-red, metallic luster, very similar to solid indigo. It renders bouillon cloudy and forms a pellicle upon it. Milk is not coagulated, but is colored bluish-green. The bacterium is © not motile. We have not examined it for flagella. Re- garding the pigment, see page 67. The original description of Claessen (C. B. viz, 18) and — the description of Voges of the Bacillus indigoferus, which was obtained from tap-water in Kiel, differ only in the statement that the latter organism is actively motile, and that this depends upon a polar flagellum. We ex- amined a culture from Kral and verified all the statements of Voges, so that here also are two varieties which differ only as regards flagella, and which really belong together. Bacterium ceruleum. Voges. (L. and N.) Literature.—Voges (C. B. xtv, 301). Our description is from a — culture from Kral. Microscopically, longer and shorter motile bacilli, resem- : bling the Bact. coli. Do not stain by Gram’s method. They grow well also anaerobically. Gelatin stab : surface growth thin, with a dull luster ; deep blue, slowly becoming depressed. Stab, thread-like, ‘with little nodules. The surface growth in agar has a (de eae ab em), 2 ey et a er ee BACTERIUM PYOCYANEUM. 281 poist luster, is scarcely at all elevated, with a gray zone at the periphery, and a sky-blue one at the center, and with ‘some diffusion of the pigment intothe agar. Upon bouil- lon there is a thick, tough, somewhat wrinkled, deep blue pellicle, the bouillon becoming moderately turbid. Milk is unchanged, the surface light blue. Upon potatoa layer ‘is formed, which is light blue at first, and later becomes dark blue to dark blackish-green. Potato becomes gray- _ish-green throughout. No gas is formed from grape-sugar. We found a trace of the pigment soluble in glacial acetic _ acid, but it is entirely insoluble in all ordinary solvents. Bacterium pyocyaneum. (Gessard, Fliigge.) L. and N. (Plate 24.1) _ Synonyms.?—Bacillus pyocyaneus Fliigge, Pseudo- _monas pyocyanea Migula, Bacillus of greenish-blue pus, _ “green or blue pus.”’ Literature to 1893 by Jakowski (Z. H. xvi, 475). _ Microscopic Appearance.—Slender rods, often grow- ing into threads. Thickness, 0.4; length, 1.4 to 6 uz. _ Other authors have also observed transition forms, from _ slender rods to short, plump, even almost round forms » (24, rx). _ Motility.—Actively motile by means of a polar flagel- _ lum (24, x). Stains with anilin dyes and by Gram’s method. Requirements as Regards Nutrient Media, Tem- _ perature, and Oxygen.—Usually is a strict aerobe, but is also cultivated from closed abscess cavities. Jakowski _ (Z. H. xv, 474) has cultivated from an intestinal fistula a _ form growing anaerobically and in carbonic acid. It is _ not very particular as to nutrient media and grows rapidly _ at room and incubator temperature. 1 Our plate is painted from a culture which was not entirely typical, _ as it only forms a little pyocyanin. The color may be much more bluish-green. 2 See page 285, et seqg., for related forms. 282 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. { Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, yellowish-white to greenish-yellow. Sometimes also there is a roundish, spreading, transparent, greenish-yellow extension with the original colony in the center. Superficial: At first roundish, uneven, delicately — spreading, but immediately saucer-shaped liquefaction — occurs. There is often a lighter peripheral zone. The — liquefied material is cloudy, and gray to greenish-gray. — The original colony appears as a crumbly mass at the — center (24, v). There is intense fluorescence about the colony. (b) Magnified fifty times: Both the superficial and deep colonies are yellowish, roundish, with smooth border, and — delicately punctate at first. After twelve to twenty-four hours the superficial colonies have a transparent, ragged border (like Bact. coli), and are also sometimes beset with little hairs or fringes. Then immediately begins the de- pression of the colony (24, m1). The color becomes brown- — ish, the irregular form and ring of hairs are partly lost, the contents of the liquefied area are uniformly crumbly. The periphery and the structure of the colony appear with the greatest variations, sometimes ragged, sometimes gran- — ular, sometimes punctate, sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, until the colony falls entirely apart. The middle portion of the colony usually survives and is darker in color (24, Iv). (Compare also 25, v and x.) Gelatin Stab.—Liquefaction begins very early, is at first cup-shaped, later cylindric, and more rarely is shaped like a pointed funnel. The liquefied material is slightly cloudy, with a greenish-yellow to bluish-green fluorescence. There is gradual liquefaction along the stab canal, the con- tents being yellowish and crumbly (24, 1). Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size. Deep: TRoundish to © whetstone-shaped, non-characteristic, yellowish. Super- ficial: Roundish, smooth-bordered, with a moist luster, — greenish-white to yellowish. There is intense greenish-yel- _ low fluorescence of the surrounding medium (24, vt). i (b) Magnified fifty times. Deep: Roundish to whetstone- shaped, with a border partly smooth, partly delicately wavy, delicately punctate or granular (like Bact. coli), light yellow to greenish-yellow. Superficial: Usually BACTERIUM PYOCYANEUM. 283 round disks, with border almost smooth, more or less strongly granular, very often also moruloid, light yellow to sreenish-yellow. Except for the color, it is not distin- “guishable from Bact. fluorescens, putidum, and coli (24, ‘ym). (Compare also 25, v1; 26, vu. ) | Agar Stab.—Stab: Non-characteristic, thread-like, and a little nodular. Surface growth : Whitish- -gray to greenish, dull to moistly shining. In forty-eight hours it is uni- formly spread over the entire surface. The agar has a yel- _lowish-green to bluish-green fluorescence. _ Agar Streak.—Somewhat spreading growth, with a “moist luster, wavy, smooth border, yellowish-green in color. The agar shows marked blue to yellowish-green BE cacence. The water of condensation is almost clear; ‘there is a white precipitate and a whitish pellicle on the surface (24, 11). _ Bouillon Culture.—Marked yellowish-green fluores- cence. Very turbid. Moderate quantity of sediment, which is broken up with difficulty upon shaking. Pellicle “upon the surface. _ Milk Culture.—Milk is coagulated, and later again liquefied. The liquefied portion presents yellowish-green fluorescence. Reaction is always alkaline. _ Potato Culture.—At first a yellowish growth, with a moist luster, wavy irregular border, and but slightly elevated; later, brownish-yellow to brown or reddish- ‘brown. Often there is a fluorescent zone about the growth (24, vit). According to the character of the potato, there is very great variation in the luxuriance, fluores- cence, and color, and so the growth cannot be distin- guished at any time with certainty from that of other fluorescent varieties. (See also 25, rx.) Sensitiveness to Injurious Agencies.—Drying kills rapidly. The action of the sun’s rays for four hours does not entirely suspend chromogenesis. Chemical Activities.— (a) Chromogenesis: In its typical cultures the Bact. pyocyaneum ; forms two pigments: a green-yellow, fluorescent bacteriofluorescein, ‘Soluble in water, and the beautiful blue, crystalline pyocyanin, soluble in chloroform (see p. 68). There are cultures, however, “like the one represented in our plate,—which produce scarcely any pyocyanin, only much bacteriofluorescein. We have often seen cultures which form 284 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. I upon wafers abundant pyocyanin, which can be easily extracted with - chloroform from nutrient media containing water. There are also. cultures which, at least on certain nutrient media (it is recommended to employ 1% peptone, 1.5% agar boiled in water, and, finally, 5% gelatin added), produce only pyocyanin, and, finally, there are thom which produce no pigment. The brown color of old cultures comes from a changing of pyocyanin into a reddish-brown pigment. Pyo- cyanin is easily changed into yellow pyoxanthose. Regarding pyocy- : anin, see also Borland, C. B. xxv, 897. Regarding interference with the formation of pigment brought about by other bacteria (for example, Micr. pyogenes, Bac. anthracis), see Miihsam and Schimmelbusch (C. B. xv, 430). (b) Other products: Upon all nutrient media there is present at first a delicate aromatic odor (compared to linden blossoms). We have also often perceived this odor in other cases; for example, in Sarcina lutea, Micro- coccus luteus. Old cultures smell disagreeably ‘of am- monia. It forms neither indol nor H,S, and from grape- sugar little acid and no gas are produced. Even the boiled bouillon cultures are strongly poisonous. They contain, besides proteins, toxic metabolic products. Nitro- gen is liberated from nitrates and nitrites (Lehm. and Neum.). Weissenberg has, in our institute, demonstrated this property in all the. four cultures of B. pyocyaneumt examined (A. H. xxx, 274). Experimental Observations with Animals.—It is usually weakly pathogenic for animals; when injected, it causes suppuration. Schtirmayer found in mice, after subcutaneous injection, clear edema and serous exudate into the body cavities. Virulent cultures kill guinea-pigs when injected subcutaneously and intraperitoneally. Immunity.—The very interesting studies of Wasser- mann (Z. H. xxi, 263) are mentioned on page 110. For more details the original must be consulted. Distribution.— (a) Outside the body: So far, has not been certainly found. : (b) In healthy body : Sometimes in the mouth and intes-_ tine and upon the skin of healthy persons. (c) In diseased body: Not infrequently (espociallall formerly) in pus from open wounds, also in the dressings - from wounds, sometimes in epidemics i in the rooms of the : sick. Usually the organism appears only in association — aS on er BACTERIUM FLUORESCENS. 285 with the suppurative process in combination with the rell-known causes of suppuration. Through its pigment it colors the pus blue, bluish-green, or green. In a series ~f cases the organism has occurred alone in connection with disease processes (otitis media, pericarditis, bursitis reepatellaris), so that it may very properly be looked ipon as pathogenic for man, especially for children (Kossel). General septic infections are but rarely caused by this organism alone. Krannhals has collected some such cases (C. B. xv, 481); recently Escherich has de- scribed a small pyocyaneum epidemic among infants (C. B. xxv, 117). Its relation to diseases of children, where it is only found in the stools, remains doubtful (Baginsky). _ Related Varieties.—According to our conviction, it is impossible to sharply separate this organism from the bacterium fluorescens. Closely related also is a disagree- ably smelling organism, cultivated by Galtier from a pig dead of a septic disease, and pathogenic for rabbits (C. a. IV, 109). _ Schiirmayer observed, as descendants of original cultures, forms which scarcely liquefy any more, representing short rods, forming tough coherent gelatin growths and a firm covering upon the liquefied gel- atin. Many colonies in gelatin plates present marked, radiating stri- ation (observed by us in Bact. fluorescens). Bacterium fluorescens. ! (Fliigge.) Lehm. and Neum. a (Plate 25.) ; Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Fliigge. Literature.—Ruzicka (A. H. xxxtv, 148). Kurt Wolf: Die fluo- Tescierenden Bacterien des Dresdner Ell- und Leitungswassers, Zeit. f. sewasserkunde, 1898. Not accessible to us and only known to us through an abstract. After the detailed description of the Bact. pyocyaneum itis unnecessary to also describe the Bact. fluorescens in detail, since we found it identical in all essential prop- erties. : 1 A transitional form to the following variety occurs in an organism Which we obtained from A. Fischer as ‘‘ termoiahnlichen Bacillus.’”’ At irst the gelatin remains solid, and liquefies very slowly after eight to ‘ourteen days. 286 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. 5 At first sight, absence of production of pyocyanin and of denitrifying action (very many cultures were investigated in vain in these respects by Weissenberg) appear suffi- cient to separate the organism from the Bact. pyocyaneum; but this is not the case, for the following reasons: 1. Ruzicka has’ also obtained Bact. fluorescens with formation of pyocyanin. 2. We and other writers have had cultures of Bact. pyocyaneum which no longer produce any trace of pyocy- anin, and Ruzicka has observed, in aerated cultures of Bact. pyocyaneum, a marked reduction in the formation of pyocyanin (possibly transformation into pyoxanthose?). 3. Not only have Stutzer and Burri found a non-lique- fying, fluorescent, denitrifying organism, but Kiinnemann” claims to have cultivated from the soil, besides a denitri- fying Bact. pyocyaneum, also a denitrifying Bact. fluores- cens (C. B. L. 1v, 906). Most recently Kurt Wolf has— found the Bact. fluorescens to be frequently denitrifying (H. R., 1899, rx, 538). 4. The more restricted growth of the Bact. fluorescens in the stab canal as compared to Bact. pyocyaneum may be explained by acclimatization to higher temperatures; thereby also the pigment produced by the fluorescens” takes on a bluer tone (Ruzicka). 5. Also the difference that the Bact. pyocyaneum, when introduced into the animal body, remains alive there very well, while the Bact. fluorescens after three days at the latest is dead, is not conclusive. | In short, the methodic investigations of Ruzicka agree absolutely with the impression which we obtained from our most careful comparison of the cultures, and which we advanced in the first edition. ; We have studied most minutely four different cultures. of the Bact. fluorescens isolated from water and soil. Microscopically we found rods which were partly plump, ~ and partly slender, with polar flagella. Threads were rareg ly wanting. In Plate 25, vill, a plump form is reproduced. — It stains poorly or not at all by Gram’s method. Upon ; 1 We are not acquainted with the non-motile Bact. butyri fluores-_ : cens, Lafar (A. H. x11, 1), constantly present in Munich in butter. . It does not change the color of agar, PW ton cs BACTERIUM PUTIDUM. 287 the nutrient media, we are unable, either microscopically ‘or macroscopically, to see any difference between it and the Bact. pyocyaneum, except that milk is never coagu- lated, but rather clears up gradually, with a yellowish- green coloration. The yellowish-green ring about the owth on potato we have rarely seen. Usually a slight Bi rmation of indol is observed, but no H,S. We have not ‘conducted any experiments upon animals. The organism, with different variations of chromogenesis _ and fluorescence’(yellowish-green, bluish-green, abundant, ; slight), is one of the most common inhabitants of water _ and soil, also it is very often found in milk, gastric contents, ‘ete. The literature contains descriptions of a number of varieties claimed to be specific. We have not been able to study them, but are very skeptical regarding them because _ of the great variability of the Bact. fluorescens. E. Klein has cultivated from lupin tubercles a form which belongs here (Jour. of Path. and Bact., m, 1893, 205). (See p. 83.) Also Bact. viridans Symmers, from the vesicles _ of herpes (C. B. xu, 165), is entirely identical, in spite _ of its ability to grow also anaerobically. _ Bacterium ranicida. (P. Ernst.) Lehm. and Neum. ‘a Bacillus ranicida Ernst. (Ziegl. Beitraige, vi11, 203.) Bac. hydro- _ philus fuscus Sanarelli (C. B. rx, 193). (See also F. H. Russeil, Jour. of Amer. Med. Assoc., June 18, "1898. —ED.) Judging from the description and illustration of this organism, it t appears to belong here. It is pathogenic for cold-blooded animals (frogs, fish), but, according to Sanarelli, also for warm-blooded animals. The rods are actively motile, and on many nutrient media _ grow into long threads. The cultures upon agar and gelatin exhibit _@ bluish fluorescence. Potato cultures are brown. They liquefy _ gelatin and ferment sugar, which was not done by any of the eleven fluorescent forms studied by us. The arrangement of the flagella ; may perhaps give further light upon their relationship. { Bacterium putidum. (Fliigge.) Lehm. and Neum. $ (Plate 26. ) | _ Synonyms.—Bacillus fluorescens putidus Fliigge, Bac. fluorescens non liquefaciens Autorum. Compare also ; remarks on page 285. ’ 288 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. Microscopic Appearance.—Small, slender rods, often — growing into exceedingly long threads. Thickness, 0.4—— 0.8 #; length, 1.6-5 » (26, vi, rx). i Motility.—Actively motile, dependent upon one, rarely — two polar flagella. . Staining Properties.—Not by Gram’s method. Requirements as to Temperature, Oxygen, and — Nutrient Media.—Strict aerobe, not particular as to media, grows fairly rapidly and best at 25°-30°. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Deep: Roundish to whetstone-shaped, yellowish. Superficial: At first like - the deep ; after forty-eight hours, 2 or 3 mm. wide, trans- — parent, lobulated, ragged, shining, yellowish-green. The ~ gelatin shows yellowish-green fluorescence (26, tv). It gradually enlarges until its size is 1 sq. cm. Fi (b) Magnified fifty times. Deep: Roundish, smooth- — bordered, light yellow, homogeneously shaded, usually — with a somewhat darker concentric ring (26, 11). Swper-— . ae oi ficial: Both in the early and later stages it is indistin- — guishable from the colonies of Bact. typhi and coli except — from the fluorescence (26, 11). There are here also mani- fold variations. ; Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Not characteristic, thread-like. — Surface growth : Lobulated, jagged, transparent, dull or with — a fatty luster, whitish-gray to yellowish-green. The © gelatin shows yellowish-green fluorescence (26, I). Upon agar, potato, milk, and bouillon it is indistin- — guishable from Bact. fluorescens. Remarks.—Aside from the liquefaction of gelatin, the Bact. putidum and Bact. fluorescens are scarcely different, and it appears entirely justifiable to place them together under a Bact. fluorescens, with — forms a liquefaciens and § non liquefaciens. We have also reached the conclusion that the Bacillus fluorescens albus Zimmermann and fluorescens longus Zimmermann, which we received directly from Zimmermann and studied carefully, do not deserve to be desig- nated as varieties. Both forms were identical with one isolated by us from soil ; another, obtained from water, which we have cultivated for years in our institute, now forms very long threads almost exclusively, which we do not remember it to have done previously. A third form, isolated by us from soil, corresponds somewhat with the Bacillus fluorescens aureus Zimmermann, and is distinguished by a dirty yellow growth upon agar and gelatin, but this characteristic is not I iy SPS Pa al ig NN ay A AS lI oN BACTERIUM SYNCYANEUM. 289 constant. Compare also Lesage (C. B. 111, 8, and Iv, 135) regarding the Bacterium of green diarrheas. The same experience occurred to us with the Spirillum fluorescens of Kral. It corresponded exactly upon all nutrient media with the Bact. putidum ; microscopically it presented rods with a single flagel- lum, 0.4-0.6 « thick and 0.8-3 “ long. We may here add that it may pmetimes be very difficult to reach a certain decision as to whether we have to deal with a vibrio with a single flagellum, or a member of _ the fluorescent group with single flagella, since there occur almost “Straight vibrios as well as bent rods. At any rate, the fluorescent ‘group forms the transition to the vibrios. The following appears to _ belong in this connection : Bacterium denitrificans. Stutzer and Burri. (L. and N.) Bacillus denitrificans I. Stutzer and Burri. Liberates gaseous ni- trogen from nitrite, and from nitrate only when reducing bacteria (Bact. coli and others) are present. For details regarding this inter- ‘ ig organism, see C. B. L. I, 257, and Weissenberg (A. H. xxx, Bacterium syncyaneum. (Ehrenb.) Lehm. and Neum. (Plates 27 and 28.) Literature.—Hiippe (Mitt. a. d. Gesundheitsamt 0, 355), Heim (A G. A. v, 518), Thum (A. K. 1, 291). _ Synonyms.—Bacillus cyanogenes Fltigge, Pseudomo- nas syneyanea Migula. Bacillus of blue milk. Microscopic Appearance.—Small rods, with blunt or pointed ends, 0.5 thick, 1.2-3 » long. Threads could not be seen (27, vit). _ Motility.—Active motion dependent upon from 1 to 5 flagella at one pole, rarely (before division) upon bipolar flagella (27, vim). _ Staining Properties.— With anilin dyes and by Gram’s “method. In staining plasmolysis sometimes occurs, so _ that the bacteria have stripes like a zebra. Requirements as to Temperature, Nutrient Media, _and Oxygen.—Obligate aerobe, grows best at room tem- perature, perceptibly less at 30°, and at 40° it soon dies. Tt grows with moderate rapidity. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Deep: Roundish 19 4 i : & a —. eee’ = 290 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. 7 to whetstone-shaped and yellowish. Superficial (after — three days): Irregularly jagged lobulation, with a moist luster, a little elevated, sharply outlined from the surround- ing medium, yellowish to grayish-white (28, v1). Later they become grayish to brownish-lavender. The gelatine is variously colored. (See also 28, vu.) (6) Magnified fifty times. Deep : Round or roundish, ; yellowish, delicately granular (28, vu i). Superficial : In the youngest stages are not distinguishable from those of Bact. typhi and coli. Also later they are still very — similar to them, only the colonies appear much more delicately granular. Often the original colony appears at_ the middle as a yellowish-brown nucleus. Every possible variation of form, structure, and color is observed. The color usually is yellowish and the form irregularly lobu-— lated (28, vim e). Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Not characteristic, thread-like. | © Surface growth: From whitish and bluish-gray to greenish-_ yellow, with a moist luster, slimy. The color of the gela-— tin varies exceedingly. A culture obtained from Berlin | in the summer of 1895 usually furnished light to dark blue growths, while a culture of our own, which had been cultivated in the institute for about six years, exhibited, upon the same nutrient medium, brownish-green, dark brown, and light yellowish-green growths with more or less — fluorescence. A Bact. syncyaneum # cyaneofluorescens Zangemeister (C. B. xvi, 321) behaved very similarly. — A year later also the Berlin culture produced no blue color upon either acid or alkaline nutrient media, but only dirty colors, from light or dark brown to light yellowish-green — and deep brownish-green (27, I, J, I). (Compare also” 27, Iv.) ee RETTING OF FLAX AND HEMP 351 ee) oy ‘| Anaerobic Bacilli as Causes of Fermentation of | Cellulose. | _ While van Senus designated, as the cause of fermenta- tion of cellulose, an anaerobic variety (Bacillus amylo- -bacter v. Tieghem, according to van Senus) which operates ‘ . . E ° F : : ‘ “only in symbiosis with an aerobic variety, Omelianski (C. B. L. 1, 358, and v, 433) isolated a thin, anaerobic bacillus, which is not turned blue by iodin and forms _ polar spores, and which alone in a nutrient saline solu- tion with peptone very readily causes fermentation of cellulose, with resulting formation of considerable quanti- ties of volatile fatty acids (among them, normal butyric acid), CO, and H, We might give a large number of organisms causing decomposition of cellulose. The litera- ture is given by Herfeldt (C. B. L. 1, 114). As Amylobacter navicula Wehm., Wehmer has described a facul- tative anaerobic bacillus, when sporulating assuming a clostridium form, which is motile when young, is partially stained blue with iodin, dissolves cellulose, and plays an important réle in the wet-rot of potatoes. Wehmer has not carried out a sharp separation of this _ variety from related ones (C. B. L. 1v,734). He here also describes a second sporulating variety, but gives it no name. _ Anaerobic Bacilli in the Retting of Flax and Hemp. _ According to Winogradski and Fribes, the retting of _ flax (isolation of the bast fibers by softening in water) de- _ pends upon an anaerobic bacillus with terminal spores, which breaks up the cementing material (calcium pec- tate), with the production of butyric acid. Also the ret- ting of hemp is brought about by an anaerobic bacillus, but it presents central spores and a blue color after iodin. Gerstner (A. K. 1, p. 152) has collected numerous anae- _ robic, sporulating varieties in addition to these, and has attempted—a perfectly thankless task—to arrange them ina scheme according to the descriptions found in the literature. 352 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Ill, FAMILY SPIRILLACEAE (MIGULA). SCREW BACTERIA, 4 (For family and genus diagnosis, see p. 125.) We have adopted the improved definition of genus as originating from Léffler instead of those of Miiller, Cohn, and Ehrenberg for vibrio and spirillum. 4 1. Spirals rigid: (a) With one (rarely two or three) polar flagellum; very rarely without flagella. Vibrio. (6) With a polar bunch of flagella. Spirillum. 2. Spirals flexible: Spirocheete. . Other writers have retained the somewhat older (1889) classification of J. Schréter, which is as follows: 1. Cells, bent into more or less pronounced screw forms, rigid, in the vegetative form actively motile, forming en- — dogenous spores. Spirillum. 2. Vegetative cells slightly bent, rigid, usually with — half a turn (comma form), actively motile, with arthro- 1 spores. Microspira. . This seems to us to have no advantages, but, indeed, — great disadvantages, since spores are entirely unknown in © most spirilla, arthrospores in microspira are denied by most authors, and, besides, the name microspira has been used by no one for ten years. 1Tt certainly does not appear possible to make a sharp separation of the genera vibrio and spirillum according to whether they are pro- vided with one or several polar flagella, and thus there is furnished a new proof of the necessity of-great caution in establishing classifica- tions upon the number and arrangement of flagella. According to Giinther, his Vibrio terrigenus has a flagellum on each end, and often bunches of flagella! Kutscher has found some bent forms which pre- sent horny outgrowths, forkings, ete. Since Zettnow (Z. H. XxIv, 72) has photographed beautiful bunches of flagella upon the out- growths, one cannot conclude that here involution forms are being dealt with. Severin has made similar observations in the case of his Vibrio denitrificans (C. B. L. m1, 504). Here, however, the formation ~ of branching forms is not under consideration, but triradiate forms (resembling a uterus). Compare the remarks in connection with the actinomyces. - a ee paeen VIBRIO CHOLERZ. 303 1. Vibrio. (F. 0. Miller, emend. Loffler.) Cells short, slightly bent, rigid, comma-shaped, some- times united in screw-like forms, usually only one, excep- tionally two, polar flagella. There are no endospores. According to Hiippe, arthrospores are formed. Key to the Recognition of the Most Important Varieties. ! 1. Motile without phosphorescence. (a) Gelatin slowly liquefied. Nitroso-indol reaction. Young gelatin plate colonies coarsely granular. (a) Usually not pathogenic for pigeons. Vibrio cholerz (Koch) Buchner, page 353. (8) Very pathogenic for pigeons. Vibrio Metschnikovii Gama- leia, page 366. (6) Gelatin rapidly liquefied. No nitroso-indol reaction. Young gelatin plate cultures finely granular, brownish-yellow. Vibrio Pro- teus Buchner, page 367. (ec) Gelatin not liquefied. Vibrio terrigenus Giinther and Vibrio tonsillaris Stephens and Wood Smith (C. B. x1x, 929), page 371. 2. Motile with phosphorescence. Vibrio albensis Lehm. and Neum., page 370. 3. Non-motile. (Spirosoma Migula). Vibrio nasalis Weibel, Vib- tio lingualis Weibel, pages 375, 376. Vibrio cholerz * (Koch). Buchner. (Plates 47-51.) Synonym.—Spirillum cholerze Koch. Common Names.—Comma bacillus, cholera bacillus, ** Bacille virgule’’ of the French. Literature.—Petri, der Cholerakurs, Berlin, 1893. It contains all bacteriologic literature up to 1893. Voges has collected critically 139 more recent works (C. B. x1x, 466). Microscopic Appearance.—Bent rods (about 2 » long, 0.4 » thick), the ends not lying in the same plane. The bending is often slight, scarcely perceptible; at other. times pronounced (51, 1, m1), so that they are almost in 1 Because of the close relationship of the varieties, the brief state- ments in the key can only point toward a diagnosis, and not furnish a complete description. , 2In the description illustrations of related varieties are és 3 re- ferred to, when similar pictures occur exceptionally in cholera. 23 354 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. the form of a semicircle. By the adhering together of two vibriones there occur such forms as these: ( and Under unfavorable conditions of growth (lack of oxygen, lack of albumin, etc.) the vibriones grow into true screw forms, which often cannot be recognized as composed of — separate vibriones. According to Cramer, under espe- cially favorable conditions (soda bouillon in a thin layer) there occur especially short oval or cocci-like formations. In old cultures there are manifold involution forms (51, Iv). | Motility.—Very distinct, rapid, turning motion, de- pendent upon one, rarely two, long, terminal flagella which are somewhat spiral in form (51, 11). Staining Properties.—Stains with the ordinary anilin dyes, but not especially easily; not by Gram’s method. Usually carbol-fuchsin diluted ten times is employed for staining, it being allowed to act for a few minutes when — warm. Relation to Oxygen.—Aerobically, and much more slowly anaerobically, it forms powerful toxins. Intensity of Growth.—Optimum at 37°, but also very well at 22°. The lower limit of growth has been found to be 10°-12°, sometimes 8°. Gelatin Plate.—At first small, yellowish-white to yel- low, roundish colonies, which as early as twenty-four to thirty-six hours sink into the gelatin in holes, and later in saucer-shaped areas of liquefaction. (a) Natural size: The rapidly enlarging zone of lique- faction at first remains clear (48, v1); later it becomes cloudy, and usually gray, from the colonies disintegrating more and more (48, vu). In many cases after a longer time there are present in the liquefied zone concentric rings (48, Ix), which increase from day to day (48, vm). (6) Magnified sixty times: After sixteen to twenty-four hours the colonies are visible as minute, pale-yellowish, roundish, coarsely granular disks with more or less of a crumbly character at the border (49, 1). Often at this stage a beautiful, intensely red reflex appears at the per- iphery of the colonies. The older the individual colonies become, the more the granular character increases, and a pitta t Atha hii . gan Ome. — yori. VIBRIO CHOLERZ:. 300 stage is soon reached where the colonies appear to con- sist entirely of most minute, strongly reflecting fragments, looking, according to Koch, as if covered with broken glass (49, 1). This is the most characteristic stage. The | liquefaction now rapidly advances. The peripheral parts of the colonies disintegrate more and more (49, II, v), the structure appears fragmented and very granular, and sometimes a hairy border is formed at the periphery (54, Vv) or a gray transparent zone (53, 1), until finally the entire colony is broken up into single fragments and small portions (49, vu). Sometimes also the colonies may per- sist as compact masses in the areas of liquefaction (49, Ix), when they are dark yellow to brown (50, Iv), and there even occur forms which have absolutely no resem- blanee to cholera (50, 1, 1, v). In general, the varia- _ bility is extraordinarily great, as is sufficiently shown in the illustrations (49, rv, vit; 50, m1; 53, v; 54, v, v1). On one occasion in a gelatin plate of vibrio aquatilis - irregularly formed secondary colonies, resembling those of _ the Bact. coli, were observed, and similar ones of the _ vibrio cholerse (53, viz) may also occur. Gelatin Stab.—At first thread-like and not character- istic (47, 1; 53, 1; 54,1). After a short time—twenty-four to thirty-six hours—there occurs upon the surface of the gelatin a very small perforating depression, which soon extends further in the form of a large air-bubble (47, 1). In the depth the liquefaction extends in the form of a flattened funnel until the wall of the tube is reached (47, mi, Iv). Later the liquefaction becomes cylindric. The area of liquefaction is sometimes cloudy (47, 11), some- times only filled with the finest fragments (47, Iv). In the stab canal granular, yellowish-white masses are usually implanted. It has been demonstrated by many observers that freshly isolated cultures of cholera vibriones are able to liquefy gelatin more vigorously than old laboratory cultures; therefore one must guard against recognizing rapid liquefaction of gelatin as evidence against the diag- nosis of cholera. (See p. 61.) Such liquefactions as shown in Plate 54, m, m1; Plate 53, 1, 1; Plate 52, 1, 1, are very unusual, but do occur. _ Agar Plate.—(a) Natural size: Roundish, light brown- 856 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. ish to white growths, with a moist luster, smooth borders, a little elevated, transparent (47, vill, Ix), sometimes resembling the colon colonies. (Compare also 18, vim.) (b) Magnified sixty times. Deep colonies: Irregular roundish and whetstone-shaped, with smooth or slightly roughened borders, with delicate or medium-sized granules, | and pale yellow (48, 1, um, 1, right). Only after standing a very long time do they become darker colored (48, vy) or present a brown central point with gray or greenish zones — (48, 1v). Superficial colonies : Roundish, faintly yellowish, transparent, at first extremely finely punctated (48, 1, 1), later coarsely crumbly (48, m1). The picture after twenty — days is shown in Plate 48, Iv. Agar Stab.—Stab: Whitish-gray, not characteristic, thread-like; later rough (47, v1). Surface growth: At first light brownish-gray, with a moist luster, wavy, — smooth border, a little elevated, and after a longer time — becoming colored a yellowish-brown (47, vit). The agar streak corresponds to this (47, v). Serum Culture.—Solidified blood-serum at incubator temperature is rapidly liquefied. Bouillon.—At incubator temperature after ten to six- teen hours there is a diffuse cloudiness, very often with the formation of a distinct, more or less rigid or friable pelli- cle. In cultures freshly isolated from the body, pellicle formation may sometimes be entirely absent; when the reaction is strongly alkaline, the pellicle becomes thicker and firmer (Cramer). Sometimes we have met with very compact, wrinkled pellicles, but in a subsequent culture upon the same nutrient medium nothing striking was ob- served. Milk.—Koch described the vibrio cholere as having no particular effect upon milk. More recently many writers have isolated cholera vibriones from typical cases of cholera which coagulate milk. The formation of acid appears to most of the authors to be sufficient explanation of the coagulation; a rennet ferment: has not been demon- strated. For details, see Schoffer (A. G. A. x1, 262). Potato Culture.—Upon faintly acid potato there is either no growth or it occurs only at incubator tempera- ture. According to Krannhals (C. B. xm, 338), there are ne oe VIBRIO CHOLERZ. | | 357 acid potatoes which become alkaline after standing and then become a good nutrient medium. The acid reaction may be gotten rid of by washing the sterile pieces of potato in sterile 0.25% to 0.5% soda solution or 0.5% to 0.75% solution of sodium hydroxid until the fluid becomes yellowish. If inoculation is made after washing off the fluid, the cholera vibrio will surely grow; also 2%-3% sodium chlorid solution performs the same service, although the reaction of the potato remains acid. Upon potatoes impregnated with sodium salts the cholera vibrio grows at 20°, not only at 87°. (Voges, C. B. xin, 543.) Upon ordinary potatoes not thus prepared the growth is as follows: At first a dirty white to yellow growth, scarcely - at all elevated, with a moist luster, not sharply outlined from the surrounding medium (50, v1). After standing longer, the yellow color is transformed into a brownish- red, while the culture spreads over the whole potato (50, vit). Nutrient Media More Rarely Employed.—In sterile eggs the cholera vibrio grows very well, and here many varieties (also when every contamination is excluded) form abundant H,S, while others form little, and still others none. Thus the long contest regarding this is settled. (See Abel and Drier, Z. H. xrx, 61.) A solution of 1% peptone and 0.5% chlorid of sodium in water (peptone-water) is much employed, especially for the demonstration of the formation of pellicle and indol. (See p. 371 regarding preliminary culture. ) The cholera vibrio grows very well upon Uschinsky’s nutrient medium; according to Voges, with pellicle forma- tion; but indol is never formed in it. | Spore-formation.—The formation of arthrospores as described by Hiippe (compare illustration on p. 25) has been verified by most subsequent investigators at the most in a botanical sense, and it appears to have no practical significance as far as the resistance of the vibrio isconcerned. Also, Friedrich could never observe germin- ation of the ‘‘ arthrospores.’’ Viability.— (a) In the sick: The vibrios have usually disappeared from the intestinal contents of the sick after four to eight or ten days, rarely 358 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-PUNGT. sixteen days; in rare cases living vibrios have been found after forty- seven days (Rommelaire). (6) In cholera stools the vibrios are usually alive after one or two days; more rarely, twenty to thirty days; still more rarely, longer; in one instance they were alive for one hundred and twenty days. Very similar results obtain in the case of clothing which is kept moist. (c) In cultures: The cholera vibrio belongs among the varieties which die out easily. According to Gottschlich and Weigang, the number of living individuals in agar streak cultures very rapidly diminishes (Z. H. xX, 376). Yet living individuals are usually found in cultures three months old, still frequently in those six months old, and now and then in those one year of age, if only too extreme drying i is avoided. Morpho- logically such cultures consist almost entirely of involution forms. (Compare 51, Iv.) According to Hiippe, also arthrospores. __ (d) In water: Very different results have been obtained by writers as regards the viability of cholera vibrios when introduced into unsterilized water, varying from one day to one year. Low tempera- ture, exclusion of light, and the presence of salts favor preservation; now and then, also, an increase is undoubtedly demonstrable. Most often in well- and river-water death of the cholera vibrios is observed in three to eight days. For more details see Ficker (Z. H. Xxr1x, 1). Anaurding to Hankin, the water of many Indian rivers kills cholera vibriones very promptly; these waters are said to contain ‘‘ certain volatile, acid substances. ry (e) Upon foods, usually a few days; coffee, one hour; beer, one or two hours; red wine, ten minutes. For further details compare Uffelmann (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1892, 1209) and Friedrich (A. G. A. VIII, 87). Resistance to: (a) Desiccation: Some statements are found on page 41; the entire literature is given by Ficker. Uffelmann upholds and William contests the possibility that currents of wind occasionally may dis- tribute living cholera vibriones in a partially dried state. (b) Moist heat: Killed in ten minutes at 60°. (c) The resistance to cold is given very differently by various authors. All German investigators found them to withstand even very low temperatures for a short time, but our winter cold (5°-10°) was found sufficient to destroy them, often even in three, always in eight, days (Renk, Uffelmann, etc.). Others, especially Russian writers, found greater resistance. Thus, Kasansky claims that neither a short exposure to a temperature of 30°, nor the operation of four months of Russian winter and repeated freezing and thawing, completely destroys the cholera vibrio. Similar results were yielded by experiments with Vibrio Proteus, tyrogenes, etc. (C. B. xv, 184). (d) For the effects of disinfecting agents see Kasansky (C. B. XVII, 506). The resistance is slight; especially acids are poorly borne. Todoform vapor injures the cholera vibrio more than the other vibrios (Buchner, Bujwid). VIBRIO CHOLERZ. 359 (e) According to investigations by Palermo, cholera vibrios in bouillon are robbed of their virulence, but not killed in three to four hours by sunlight, and in six to seven hours become non-motile. Chemical Activities.— (a) Chromogenesis: Slight upon potato only. For chol- era-red reaction see below (54, Iv). (6) Odoriferous and gustative substances: The disagree- able odor of cholera bouillon cultures, which is difficult to describe, was pointed out by Laser as of diagnostic value, but it is not sufficiently specific. (c) Formation of gas and acids from carbohydrates: Dex- trorotatory lactic acid is formed in abundance from sugar (grape-, cane-, and milk-sugar) without perceptible pro- duction of gas (Kuprianow, A. H. x1x, 282). In 10c.c. of litmus milk the cholera vibrio forms a blue pellicle on top, the following layer is red, the deepest part is decolor- ized (reduction); thus the formation of alkali is favored by the entrance of oxygen, and the fermentation of sugar and formation of acid by anaerobiosis (Hellin). (d) Production of ferments: Besides bacteriotrypsin, some inyertin; also, according to Sclayvo, rennet ferment. (e) H,S: In peptone bouillon rather abundant. (See ege culture, p. 357.) (f) Phosphorescence: According to the statements of Rumpel, two cholera cultures (‘‘ Oergel’’ and ‘‘ Elwers’’) were photogenic. R. Pfeiffer assumes that there is here a mistake, and denies that these photogenic cultures belong to cholera, basing his conclusion upon his immun- ity reaction described below (p. 373). It is also consid- ered by most authors—for example, Dunbar—to be a photogenic vibrio from water, etc., and not a cholera vibrio at all. But recently Weleminsky, in Htippe’s institute, has observed two cultures of cholera vibrios become photogenic after passage through the body of pigeons, which were not so previously (C. B. xvitt, 285). (g) Indol: Usually abundant production of indol upon nutrient media containing albumin or peptone. Accord- ing to the number introduced, sufficient indol for demon- stration is formed in peptone-chlorid of sodium solution in three to six or nine to twelve hours. Since simultane- ously, from the small amount of nitrate contained in the 860 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. peptone and chlorid of sodium,! ete., some nitrate is produced (Petri), indol can be demonstrated by the addi- — tion of sulphuric acid alone: ‘‘ cholera reaction of Dun- — ham and Bujwid,’’ nitroso-indol reaction of the authors. After keeping the culture longer the intensity of the reaction increases somewhat up to twenty-four or forty-eight hours; — later the nitrite gradually decreases, and, in order to demonstrate the quantity of indol, which increases for : some days, some nitrite solution must be added (p. 78), when a dark violet-red color is obtained. A large loopful of an old agar culture will carry sufficient indol into 10 c.c. of peptone water for demonstration. The indol reaction rarely fails. (See p. 372.) (h) Toxins: Manifold poisons have been produced from cholera cultures, but all are much less poisonous than the original material. According to R. Pfeiffer, these poisons are to be conceived as secondary, altered ‘products from the disturbing action of reagents. Much more powerful but qualitatively similarly acting poisons are obtained from the bodies of the vibrios by very careful killing of the pure culture upon agar with chloroform or by brief heating, but the filtrate of young cultures is not poison- ous.2. Three times the quantity (about 0.5 mg. agar cul- ture) of the minimum fatal dose of living bacteria, after being killed, also kills a guinea-pig in sixteen to eighteen hours. By longer heating the toxicity rapidly decreases. The effects of all these poisons when injected intraperi- toneally are exactly the same as those following the intro- duction of living vibrios into the peritoneum : rapidly 11f the peptone and sodium chlorid are absolutely free of nitrate, then a weak solution of nitrate must be added. According to Bleisch, 40 drops of a 0.08% solution of saltpeter to 100 of nutrient solution was the proper quantity. If the nutrient medium contains too much nitrate, too much nitrite is supplied and interferes with the nitroso- indol reaction. 2 Metschnikoff, Roux, and Taurelli-Salimbeni have obtained by means of all sorts of devices, fluid cultures of highly virulent cholera organisms, the filtrates of which were very poisonous. With such toxins also cholera antitoxins can be produced. While Pfeiffer’s anti- bacterial serum protects animals very well from intraperitoneal infec- tion, it is entirely without effect against infection through the sone against which the antitoxic serum affords some protection (C. B XX, 627). VIBRIO CHOLERZ. 361 developing algid stage, muscular weakness, sleep, falling of temperature to 30°, death in sixteen to eighteen hours. Yet it must be emphasized that various proteins (from Bact. prodigiosum, Bact. coli), when introduced into the peritoneal cavity of guinea-pigs, produce the same symp- toms (Hiippe, Klein, and others); also Voges obtained similar results with papain. Regarding the theory of Emmerich and Tsuboi (Mtinch. med. Wochenschr., 1893, _ 473, 497), that cholera is a poisoning by nitrite origi- nating in the intestine, see page 94. Distribution.— (a) Outside the body: Recently they have been found not infrequently in water (wells, tap-water, rivers, har- _ bors, canals), which had been contaminated with dejecta from cholera cases, yet their presence is only valuable if _ the differential diagnosis from the ‘‘ water bacteria resem- bling cholera’’ is carried out with great caution. (Com- _ pare p. 378, etc.) (b) In the healthy body: Not infrequently, in times of cholera, cholera vibriones have been found in healthy persons without any pathologic symptoms (‘‘ Cholerage- sunde’’). For example, Abel and Claussen, upon re- peated examination, found cholera vibriones present at ~ some time in 14 out of 17 healthy persons who were mem- bers of 7 families in which there were cases of cholera; in _ many, for as long as fourteen days. Negative days inter- _ yvened between the ones when positive results were ob- tained. In Hamburg 28 such cases of ‘*cholera in health ”’ with absolutely normal feces were demonstrated. (ce) In diseased human organism: Found only in cases of cholera, and in no other disease. The principal location is in the intestinal contents, especially in the mucous floc- culi of the rice-water stool. There the cholera vibrio is often in pure culture; usually at the height of the attack they are present in large numbers, and generally decrease after four tofourteen days. In fresh cholera cases the organism is not usually found in the organs, except in the intestinal glands, where sometimes the epithelial layer is broken through. In exceptional cases, however, both in man and experimental animals, the vibrios are also found in the internal organs, as lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, and most 362 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. rarely in the heart’s blood. The more virulent the organisms, the more they spread into the organs. (d) In animals: Spontaneous cholera in animals caused — by cholera vibrios is unknown. (Compare Vibrio Met-— schnikovii, p. 866.) Our domestic animals, etc., appear to be immune to cholera infection, as it occurs in natural — ways. (See below.) Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic . Effects.—(a) In anvmals: According to Sabolotny (C. B. — xv, 150), the Spermophilus guttatus, a rodent of southern — Russia, dies after being fed cholera vibrios with symptoms ~ and section findings resembling those of cholera. Positive — results per os were also obtained by Metschnikoff in young — rabbits, by Wiener in sucking kittens and young (five © days’ old) rabbits, and by Karlinski in young dogs. (See Wiener, C. B. xx, 205, 595.) In adult guinea-pigs by the ~ natural channels, only an approximation to the picture of a case of cholera can be produced. Usually, following ~ Koch’s method, 5 c.c. of a 5% solution of soda is first introduced into the stomach, and shortly afterward 10 c.c. of a cholera culture in bouillon; at the same time 1 c.c. of tincture of opium to each 200 gm. of body-weight is injected intraperitoneally to quiet the intestinal peristalsis. Death occurs in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, preceded by a falling of temperature and extreme prostration: The intestine is reddened and contains abundant fluid, rich in cholera vibrios. Other vibrios, Vibrio proteus, etc., pro- duce similar but not so pronounced effects. It is easier to kill animals (rabbits, guinea-pigs) by the introduction of the organisms into the blood-vessels or serous cavities. Death in peritoneal infection occurs in twelve to sixteen hours, usually after a primary multiplication, from the action of absorbed toxins originating from the dead vibrios (R. Pfeiffer). In the peritoneum (and eventually in the blood and organs) of the dead animal, living vibri- ones are usually found only when the infection has been produced with very large quantities. Many other bacteria operate exactly the same. (See p. 360 regarding the poi- sons of cholera.) If an animal withstands a single intra- peritoneal infection with a small dose of living vibriones, it becomes immune to larger doses, because the bacterici- VIBRIO CHOLERZ. 363 dal power is heightened, but the animal is not really more resistant to cholera toxin than it was originally. See below - concerning R. Pfeiffer’s biologic cholera reaction. See also R. Pfeiffer (Z. H. xv1, 258), M. Gruber, and Wiener (A. H. xv, 241). One principal difficulty in the animal investigation of cholera is the variable, easily reduced virulence of the cholera vibrio. Many methods are recommended to in- - erease the virulence; for example, the anaerobic cultiva- tion in hens’ eggs (Hiippe), which is contested by Wes- brook (H. R., 1896, 241), also passage through pigeons (Gamaleia, Salus, etc.). W. Rindfleisch, however, insists _ that no example of the cholera vibrio can be cultivated which is distinctly pathogenic for pigeons when injected _ subcutaneously (Z. H. xxi, 247). ‘‘Young’’ cultures, - upon which many writers place great value, are only _ apparently more virulent, because they contain many more living individuals than older ones (Gottschlich and Weigang, Z. H. xx, 376). According to Blachstein, the virulence of cholera vibriones is en- tirely dependent upon the nutrient medium. It is said that a cholera culture which is no longer virulent may be rendered virulent by culti- vating it as follows: 1. Two days in a 2% peptone solution, which contains besides only 0.5% disodium phosphate and is cleared up with a little ammonium citrate solution. 2. Nine days in a 2% peptone solution containing also 3% potas- sium nitrate. 3. One day upon the solution given in 1, with the addition to each 100 c.c. of 1 ¢.c. of a cold saturated solution of ammonium-ferro- sulphuric acid. (6) In man: In a considerable number of cases, follow- ing the example of v. Pettenkofer and Emmerich, previ- ously healthy men, after swallowing small quantities of pure cultures of the cholera vibrio, have developed the symptoms of cholera of slight or medium severity. The persons on whom the experiments were conducted usually had previously taken some soda solution to counteract the acidity of the stomach. Several severe and one fatal case of ‘‘laboratory cholera’? have been known to occur in men who were working with cholera vibrios. (See Reincke, C. B. xvu, 202.) According to R. Pfeiffer, cholera in 364 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. man arises, after destruction of the epithelial lining of the intestinal canal, by the enormously multiplied vibrios and the accompanying intoxication and absorption of poisons” from the dead vibrios. We cannot here enter into a dis- cussion of the teachings of Buchner, Nencki, and Metsch- nikoff, that the immunity against cholera in many localities is always or often dependent upon the absence of a synergetic or upon the presence of an antagonistic micro-organism in the intestine of the host. Immunity and Immunization.— Recovery from cholera or an artificial cholera infection is followed by a certain immunity. In the peritoneal cavity of such an immunized animal cholera vibrios become granular and ~ die (p. 374). The serum of the animal contains agglu- — tinin (p. 374). With the cholera immune serum no con- — siderable passive immunity in other creatures can be — obtained, the conditions being very similar to those in — pest. : On the contrary, Haffkine has obtained very good results — in India in the production of active immunity by means of devitalized cultures. Kolle (Deut. med. Wochenschr., 1897) has repeated the experiments in the institute for infectious diseases, and found them confirmed in so far ~ that the serum of the experimental persons contained bac- tericidal substances after about five days, which were most abundant on the twentieth day, but could also be demon- strated after a year. Various materials were injected; for example, one-tenth of an agar culture suspended in bouillon and heated for one hour to 56°. Virulent cultures operate similarly to non-virulent ones. For two or three days there is quite a painful infiltration at the point of injec- tion. For the entire literature regarding cholera immu- nity see Voges (C. B. xrx, 466). Varieties and Variations of the Vibrio cholerz. Since first D. Cunningham (C. B. x, 763, also xxi, 854) demon- strated a considerable variation in cholera vibrios which he cultivated from typical cases of cholera, many writers have described forms which in part deviate very much. We can here only mention a few of these experiences, and only those where it appears certain that vibrios from true cases of cholera were in question. A series of forms have been accurately described and photographed | _ by Friedrich (A. G. A. vitt, 87), yet they do not deviate very widely from the typical organism. VIBRIO CHOLERZ. 365 _ More interesting than the reports regarding varieties are _ the observations regarding variability: For example, the experiments made by Claussen in v. Esmarch’s _ institute are very instructive. Vibrios freshly isolated from cholera _ stools presented upon plates a tendency for the colony to disintegrate - and exhibit a border asif eaten away. The nitroso-indol reaction was absent. A guinea-pig did not die after the injection of 1c.c. ofa bouillon culture. The stab cultures grew slowly and were not char- acteristic. After repeated transfers in bouillon, a guinea-pig died after _ the injection of 1 c.c. of the bouillon, and in the peritoneal exudate, and even in the blood, cholera vibrios were found which possessed all _ the characteristic peculiarities, including the nitroso-indol reaction » (C. B. xvi, 325). Vibrio romanus of Celli and Santori, isolated from numerous typical cases of cholera in Rome in 1893, was cultivated from the _ stool, was not pathogenic for animals, gave no indol reaction, did not coagulate milk,and at 37° grew neither in bouillon nor on agar. After being culvtiated for eight months it gave the indol reaction and grew at 37°, but was still almost perfectly non-pathogenic (C. B. xv, 789). Bordoni-Uffreduzzi and Abba cultivated from a typical case of cholera a very rapidly liquefying, short vibrio, which grew atypically upon gelatin and formed a yellow growth upon potato. After being cultivated for nine months upon gelatin it was constantly like the ea vibrio, both macroscopically and microscopically (C. B. XvI, 201). The Varieties Most Closely Related to the Cholera _ Vibrio. When the cholera vibrio was discovered, its peculiarities seemed so characteristic that its differentiation from other bacteria was thought to be easy. Since then there have been found in the environs of man first a few, then more, and finally such an immeasurable series of vibrios that for a long time they have no longer been designated by separate names. The richest results have been yielded by the methodic examination of certain rivers. Thus, Dun- bar (Z. H. xxi, 295) has published an entire series of Elbe water vibrios isolated from the water of Hamburg. Abbot and Bergey have collected 110 cultures of vibrios from the American Schuylkill River, on whose banks no cholera has prevailed for a very long time. Part of these 366 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. are very similar to the cholera vibrio, and correspond most closely to the Vibrio Metschnikovii (Journal of Experimental Medicine, m1, 535). A detailed repetition of these descriptions would be senseless +; the description of the individual forms which are known by names is not even of much value, but in a_ measure serves to demonstrate the difficulty ‘of differ- entiating ‘‘ varieties.’’ We give again a short description of the varieties which were carefully studied for the first edition, and, in connection with the same, refer continu- ally to our illustrations. Vibrio Metschnikovii. Gamaleia. Principal Literature.—Gamaleia (A. P., 1888, 11, 482), R. Pfeiffer — (Z. H. vit, 347). It is the cause of a disease of fowls occurring in southern Russia with symptoms resembling those of chicken cholera. Since its original discovery it has been also found by R. Pfeiffer in the north harbor of Berlin, and once by Kutscher in the Lahn. (See also above.) In the affected animals the vibrios are found in the intestine, and almost always also in the blood (Vibrio septiczemia). This exceedingly interesting micro-organism can not be distinguished from the Vibrio choleree by any morphologic peculiarities, therefore we have not made any illustrations of it. The vibrios are often a little more sharply bent and shorter than those of cholera (51, v). The liquefaction of gelatin varies exactly as in the case of the Vibrio cholere. It yields the nitroso-indol reaction without the addition of nitrite, and, according to Kuprianow, forms levorota- tory lactic acid from sugar (like the V. cholere). The Vibrio Metschnikovii is remarkable for being highly pathogenic for pigeons and young chickens. If a trace of the culture is inoculated by a prick in the breast muscles, it causes death with local and general symptoms like those in chicken cholera (p. 210), only the intestinal findings are more like those of cholera than in the latter, and the spleen is rather shrunken than enlarged. The organisms 1The forms known before 1894 are found together: Dieudonné (C. B. XVI, 363) and Brix (Hyg. Rundschau, 1894, Iv, 913). + he 1 VIBRIO PROTEUS. 367 are present in quantity in the blood and in the edema at the necrotic point of moculation. According to the statements of Gamaleia, cholera vibrios behave similarly toward pigeons, but Pfeiffer could verify this only by using very large quantities of cultures. “Weibel (A. H. xxi, 22), Salus (A. H. xix, 342), Wlajeff (C. B. xvu, 619), and others, on the contrary, obtain inoculation results similar to those of Gamaleia with cultures which are originally virulent or rendered so artificially. The possibility of immunizing pigeons with the Vibrio Met. against the Vibrio cholerz is advocated from many- sources, and denied by R. Pfeiffer, who also finds a reason for considering the Vibrio Met. a separate organism in its refusal to give Pfeiffer’s serum reaction. (See p. 373.) Vibrio Proteus. (Finkler and Prior.) Buchner, A. H. iii, 1885, 361. (Plate 52.) Vibrio ‘‘ Finkler and Prior ”’ of authors; ‘‘ Finkler.’’ Literature.—Finkler and Prior, Erganzungshefte z. Centralblatt f. allg. Ges.-Pflege., Bd. 1, 279; Koch (Z. H. xiv, 329). Microscopie Appearance.—More or less bent rods; on an average, 2.4 long and 0.4-0.6 4 thick, usually a little thicker than the Vibrio cholerz (51, vr). . Gelatin Plates.—With the unaided eye it only differs from the Vibrio _cholerz in more rapid liquefaction and in the formation of larger _ disks (52, 111). Magnified sixty times, the colonies are yellow, with almost smooth borders, only slightly and finely granular (colonies of the Vibrio cholerz are coarsely granular with finely pectinate or crumbly borders). The surface colonies usually sink in rapidly and : a a darker peripheral zone, sometimes with a row of hairs (52, DLV). . Gelatin Stab Culture.—Tube-shaped liquefaction along the stab, without formation of any air space, and with marked turbidity of the contents (52, I, It). Agar Plate.—A little more luxuriant growth than in the Vibrio cholerz (52,1x). When magnified sixty times, the colonies look like those of Bact. coli (52, vit and vit). (See also 18, vi; 12, Iv.) Chemical Activities.—Milk is coagulated, and later again liquefied; faint acid formation; no gas formed from grape-sugar; indol reaction faint and frequently absent; very little H,S developed. | Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Claimed to have been once found - in surface water (Héricourt). (6) In body: In the intestinal contents or dejecta of some healthy 368 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. persons, of some cases of diarrhea, and of men suspected of hav cholera. Since its discovery by Finkler, in 1884, in the evac of persons said to be suffering from cholera nostras which had been. kept a long time, this organism has been found but very rarely. Pathogenic Significance in Man.—lIt is not the cause of the so-called cholera nostras; at any rate, in the great majority of the cases. Sin its discovery, although much sought for, it has searcely once been found in cholera nostras. : - In experimental animals it produces in general the same, nominally somewhat milder, disease symptoms as the cholera vibrio. B. Fischer found, in a case of suspected cholera, the Vibrio helco- genes Fischer, which was pathogenic for animals and resembles the Vibrio Proteus (C. B. XIv, 73). According to Chantemesse, the Vibrio lissabonensis is identical with or very closely related to the Vibrio Proteus. It was discovered by Pestana and Bettencourt (C. B. xvi, 401, photographs) in the spring of 1894 in numerous cases of an epidemic, widely distributed, mild, choleriform disease in Lisbon, and was also found in the _ citys water aqueducts. It is a slightly bent vibrio with polar flagella, giving no nitroso-indol reaction, and without pellicle formation upon bouil- lon. It produces liquefaction of gelatin in the upper part of the stab culture in the form of a broad, flat funnel. In the gelatin plates there’ appear upon the surface colonies, which at first are round, smooth, and only slightly granular; later they have a gray center surrounded by a scarcely transparent, granular zone, which is limited externally by a thick circle of fine radiating threads of considerable length. Because of progressing liquefaction the characteristic appearance is lost by the third day. Upon ordinary potato it grows very poorly, but upon alkalinized potato very well as a shining gray growth. The organism is slightly pathogenic for animals. It does not immunize against cholera. Vibrio tyrogenes. (Deneke.) Lehm. and Neum. Synonyms. — Deneke’s cheese spirillum; Spirillum tyrogenum Deneke (Deut. med. Wochen., 1885, 338). Isolated by Deneke from an old cheese, but since then it has been very rarely found. As regards intensity of liquefaction, it stands midway between the Vibrio cholerze and Vibrio Proteus, and also in other respects its peculiarities are usually so intermediate between these two varieties that we have not illustrated them. The peculiari- ties mentioned by Giinther (Bakteriologie, tv. Aufl., p. 361)—a thick mold-like scum upon the gelatin stab culture and a marked yellow color of the same—were not observed in our cultures, Our cul- ture gives the nitroso-indol reaction like the Vibrio cholere. Accord- ing to Kuprianow, it forms dextrorotatory, and the Vibrio cholere levorotatory, lactic acid. Our old laboratory culture grows well at 37°, fe . VIBRIO BEROLINENSIS. 369 Vibrio danubicus. Heider. (C. B. xiv, 341.) (Plate 53, I, U1, IV.) ‘ Nothing peculiar microscopically (53, Iv). Gelatin is powerfully liquefied. Stab cultures remind one of very actively liquefying cholera cultures. In our cultures the form of liquefaction was always _ more like a saucer than a flattened funnel. Upon very thick plates it __ is very similar to the cholera vibrio; upon thinner plates, after twenty- _ two hours at 22°, the surface colonies spread out exceedingly thin, are irregular, and have a border which is wavy or provided with coarse outgrowths. They are almost colorless and very delicately and uni- formly marked with fine striations. Our illustration corresponds with this in general (53, 011). Milk is coagulated; upon potato there oceurs in the incubator a brownish, miserable growth. It gives the indol reaction well. Pathogenic for guinea-pigs, less for pigeons. Cul- tivated by Heider from the water of the Vienna canal of the Danube _ at a time when no cholera was known to exist in Vienna; later _ detached cases of cholera occurred. ¢ ger r Vibrio aquatilis. Giinther. (Deut. med. Woch., 1892, 1124.) (Plate 53, 11, VII, VIII, 1X.) Microscopically not specially different from the cholera vibrio (53, vit). The colonies in gelatin plates, however, are easily distin- _ guished from those of the cholera vibrio by the smooth or slightly _ wavy border (never with granular irregularities) and very fine granules _ (53, 1x). In Plate 53, vil, we have reproduced a quarter of a very _ remarkable deep picture in a thinly sown gelatin plate. The sur- _ rounding, numerous, secondary colonies are to be explained by soften- ing of the gelatin (too high temperature). Older gelatin plate cul- tures are similar to the cholera vibrio; the liquefaction is slow. There is no nitroso-indol reaction, but a strong odor of sulphuretted hydro- gen. Itis not pathogenic. Weibel found a similar vibrio in a well which had been infected with cholera vibrios a long time before (C. B. xi, 117). Vibrio berolinensis. Rubner. (Neisser, A. H. xix, 194.) (Plate 53, v, VI.) Microscopically like the Vibrio cholerz (53, v1). We also found the gelatin plate cultures very similar to those of cholera. There is a tendency to the formation of coarser lobulations, and a finer granula- tion of the colony is striking. Liquefaction of gelatin is minimal. Strong nitroso-indol reaction. Considerably pathogenic for guinea- pigs. 24 370 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. Vibrio albensis. Lehm. and Neum. (Plate 54.) Synonyms.—Phosphorescent Elbe vibrio of Kutclem Dunbar. A detailed description is unnecessary in the face of the fact that the - best judges of the photogenic vibrios do not presume to differentiate them morphologically from those of cholera. Our cultures show very . constantly—as they are usually described—luxuriant growth, vigorous liquefaction in the stab eanal, pellicle formation on bouillon, and vig- orous indol reaction. The gelatin plate colonies we were unable to certainly distinguish from cholera (54, v1). We often observed in old superficial gelatin plate colonies a pretty circle of hairs, as is pre- sented by many vigorously liquefying varieties, but which we have > never met with in the cholera vibrio. In the six cultures of photo-— - ' genic Elbe vibrios obtained, the phosphorescence was vigorous, but often, through insufficiently frequent transfer to fresh nutrient media, it was completely lest, and in some experiments it could not be re-— gained by employing herring nutrient medium. Marpmann refers the ~ phosphorescence to the formation of phosphoretted hydrogen. 7 Judging from the descriptions, a number of photogenic. | inhabitants of the sea, described as bacilli or photobac- teria, appear very closely related to the Vibrio albensis. We may place them here, naturally without expressing ourselves as to how far they are different ‘‘ species.”’ Vibrio indicus (Beij.) Lehm. and Neum. Bacillus phosphores- cens Fischer (non Bacterium phosphorescens Fischer, which is found on page 231). Photobacterium indicum Beijerinck (non Bacillus indicus Koch, which is found on page 274). West Indian photogenic bacillus. The gelatin plate and stab cultures are described as like cholera throughout; the liquefaction is intense. Microscopically: small rods, two or ‘three times as long as thick, very often in pairs, more rarely threads. In chlorid of sodium milk, screw forms occur. Active serpentine motion. The light is bluish-white and intense. Minimum, 15°; optimum, 30°-35°; maximum not much higher. According to Beijerinck, it is also able to emit light upon non-sacchar- ine nutrient media, but also does so with the addition of a little su Katz considers the Bac. cyaneophosphorescens Katz, obtained from Australian seas, to be closely related (C. B. rx, 156 od Pree cording to Katz, however, this organism occurs as straight motile rods and curved non-motile threads. 1 In the same place Katz has also described completely four other ‘¢ varieties’’: Bacillus argenteophosphorescens I, II, III, and arg.- phosphorescens liquefaciens. They appear in part to be also vibri- ones. DEMONSTRATION OF CHOLERA VIBRIO. 371 a? hae Vibrio luminosus (Beij.) L. and N. (Photobacterium luminosum Beijer.), obtained from the North Sea. It is very closely related to _ the Vibrio indicus, according to Beijerinck. It liquefies vigorously and presents vibrios and spirilla. According to Beijerinck, it also is : photogenic without the addition of sugar. Slight addition of sugar favors photogenesis; a little more (1% or more of dextrose) inhibits it. __-Vibrio balticus (Beij.) L. and N. (Phot. balticum Beijer., C. B. yur, 616). ‘‘ Native phosphorescent bacillus’’ Fischer (C. B. “Ht, 105), from the Baltic Sea. Described by Fischer as very similar to the Vibrie indicus. Light, bluish-white. In the description of the - microscopic character and the appearance of the cultures, Fischer him- self often compares it to the Vibrio cholere. Minimum, below 5°. _ It produces light, according to Beijerinck, only upon nutrient media _ which contain sugar. It bears very well a large proportion of sugar (3%-5% of cane-sugar). The freshly isolated cultures liquefied very little. Beijerinck finally obtained very vigorously liquefying cultures _ by longer cultivation on gelatin. It does not ferment sugar. Vibrio Fischeri (Beij.) L. and N. (Photob. Fischeri, Beijerinck; _C. B. vit, 616). According to Fischer, it stands very close to the _ Vibrio balticus. When freshly isolated, it liquefied very vigorously, and gradually almost completely lost this property. Traces of cane- _ sugar favor the photogenesis ; 0.5% or more lessens it. It does not ferment sugar. yo a 7 et 29 Vibrio terrigenus. Giinther (C. B. xvi, 746). Does not liquefy gelatin at all, forms a delicate pellicle upon gela- tin. It is interesting, from the standpoint of classification, that it _ possesses either a single flagellum or a bunch of flagella at each end. _ Gelatin colonies are smooth-edged and structureless; the superficial - _ ones form little heaps. Older deep colonies are brownish and studded. __ It produces a good yellowish-white growth upon potato. Sugar is not _ fermented, milk not coagulated. It is not pathogenic for animals, _ and is an obligate aerobe. Obtained from Berlin soil. The Vibrio ie a, 8, y Weibel appear to be similar (C. B. Iv, 225, 257, 289). _ Special Methods for the Demonstration of the Cholera Vibrio. The examination should usually be completed in twenty-four to thirty-six hours. A. In the evacuations of cases of cholera or suspected cholera.! 1. Microscopic preparation (usually from a flake of mucus !): The presence of abundant vibrios (especially if arranged parallelly like 1 The demonstration is conducted in the same manner in the case of milk and other foods, soiled linen, old dried laboratory cultures, etc. Here often the direct microscopic observation can be omitted. 372 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. a school of fish, according to Koch) speaks strongly in favor of cholera, for vibrios resembling those of cholera, if present in the stools at all, are usually only scanty. If the stool is of nearly nor- mal consistency, the direct microscopic examination may be omitted. — One should avoid mistaking the thin spirilla (Sp. hachaizze) for vibrios. — 2. Testing of a fresh, minimal specimen of the stool which con- tains living vibrios in great number with serum, as on page 373. 3. Infection of an alkaline peptone chlorid of sodium solution? — (about 50 ¢.c.) with a flake of mucus or with 1 to 5 ¢.c. of the stool. This is to be kept at incubator temperature. (Preliminary cholera — culture.) (a) Observation of the pellicle formation. After three hours indica- tion of pellicle formation may be present. After about sixteen to twenty-four hours the pellicle does not become more distinct. (Many micro-organisms form pellicles ! ) (6) Microscopic demonstration of vibrios in pellicles. Here the i 1 i occurrence of vibrios demonstrates much less the presence of true ~ cholera vibrios than does a large number in the stool. Also vibrios — resembling cholera may develop into pellicles. (ec) Agar plates from the pellicle (37°) after eighteen hours must not be phosphorescent. (d) Gelatin plates from the pellicle (22°). After sixteen to twenty- four hours, when magnified sixty times, the characteristic shining and coarsely granular colonies are found. The form of the growth in elatin is one of the principal characteristics. The suspicious colonies if not numerous, all are considered ) are inoculated as soon as practic-. able into gelatin (flattened funnel-shaped liquefaction) and tubes of peptone chlorid of sodium solution (indol reaction). (e) Indol reaction (without nitrite being added) with part of the tubes after three hours. The indol reaction is usually certainly present in cholera after eighteen hours. By rapid transformation: of the nitrite into ammonia, various water bacteria can frustrate the direct cholera reaction. See page 359 regarding the failure of the indol reaction in pure cultures of certain cholera. (f) Potato cultures from the pellicle. Chlorid of sodium potato (p. 357) at 37°. Yellowish-brown to brownish-red color is in favor of cholera. 4, Gelatin plates prepared directly from the stool (3 dilutions). Abundant colonies of vibrios with a form like those of cholera speak very strongly for cholera even if the liquefaction appears too vigor- ous. 5. Agar plates smeared over very thinly with very much diluted stool and kept at 37°. Photogenic colonies are not looked upon as cholera. 6. All vibrios isolated in these ways must be examined with the 1 For the preliminary cholera culture, in order to produce energetic alkalinization, there is always added to 100 c.c. of nutrient medium, neutralized with phenolphthalein, 2 c.c. of normal sodium hydroxid or 1% crystalline or 0.3% anhydrous soda, in which way many water bacteria are eliminated. an, aT DEMONSTRATION OF CHOLERA VIBRIO. 373 Gruber-Durham test, which is to be looked upon as the most certain reaction which we possess up to this time (see below). With a negative result in these examinations cholera may still be “present, for in very rare cases the occasional absence of vibrios from ‘the stools of undoubted cases of cholera has been proved. Thus, for example, Rumpel failed to demonstrate the vibrios in the first 50 c.c. of rice-water stool from a fresh typical case of cholera. _ B. In suspected water. (4a ate The water in question is placed in half-filled flasks in quantities of 500 c.c. to 1 liter, together with so much of a strong peptone chlorid of sodium solution (20% peptone, 10% NaCl) that the water contains 1% of peptone; and to this is added also alkali in excess (26 c.c. normal sodium hydroxid, 1% crystalline or 0.3% anhydrous soda). _ The further examination is carried out exactly asin A, 2-6. Great ek art skepticism is demanded in water examinations. As especially shown by the detailed work of Dunbar, we may from the first exclude a great number of vibrios resembling cholera in the diagnosis of cholera by means of gelatin plates, potato cultures, photogenesis, etc.; but there were a considerable number of cultures, _ in which all morphologic and biologic means of separation were lack- _ ing, which were pointed out by the serum reaction, exactly analo- -gously to the typhoid-coli diagnosis. This was carried out according to Pfeiffer’s method (Z. H. xrx, 75; XX, 198), since at the time of the last active interest in cholera _ the Gruber-Durham reaction was still undiscovered. Here, unfor- tunately, all the cultures were excluded which proved to be non-patho- genic for experimental guinea-pigs, and which could not be rendered _ viulrent by means of the introduction of definite, large doses into animals. (Compare p. 95.) The cholera serum which is used for these investigations is obtained as follows: A rabbit weighing 1.5 to 2 kilos is injected subcutaneously with the culture substance from three slanted agar cultures (twenty- four hours, 37°), together with about 5 to 6.¢.c. of bouillon. The animal becomes somewhat feverish, and on the sixth day is bled, and yields, following the directions on page 105, an active serum, which keeps for months in a dark ice-box if 0.5% phenol is added. Pfeiffer indicates the working strength of serum as follows: He designates as a titer of serum the smallest quantity of serum which certainly suffices to cause solution of 2 mg. of living normal culture inside of an hour, if it is mixed with 1c.c. of bouillon and injected into the abdominal cavity of a young guinea-pig weighing 200 gm. The most active guinea-pig serum had 0.5 mg. to the titer. (Serum from i convalescent cholera cases in man had 2.5 to 20 mg. to the titer. Of this serum, now, about 10 to 30 mg. (ten times the minimum efficient dose), together with 1 c.c. of bouillon and a loopful of viru- lent cholera vibrios, are introduced into the peritoneal cavity of a 1 Tf cholera serum is generally introduced as a diagnostic aid, then reliable firms or State institutes must undertake its preparation. _ 374. IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGL young guinea-pig (200 to 300 gm.). This is accomplished by a slight cut into the corium with scissors and gently forcing a bl Koch’s syringe through the abdominal muscles. After twenty mi utes one removes little drops through the opening with a capi glass tube. The actively motile vibrios become motionless, swell, dissolve, and in twenty to thirty minutes are dead, or a few may still be alive. According to the extensive publications of Dunbar (Z. H. xxi, 295), Pfeiffer has the satisfaction of knowing that, by the ‘experiments of himself, Dunbar, Sobernheim, and others, cholera serum has been proved active against eighty- six different true cholera cultures from all parts of the world. With three cultures from cases in man which were considered as cholera by clinicians, R. Pfeiffer ob- tained negative results, and Dunbar, in subsequent exam- — ination, obtained positive ones ; he ‘assumed that Pfeiffer. had received different cultures. Two other cases could - not be reexamined by Dunbar, since the cultures in Ham-— burg had died. J Negative results were obtained with Pfeiffer’s cholera serum in nine cultures from suspected cholera stools (among — them three were photogenic), in many vibrios (all photo- genic ) from water isolated during the prevalence of cholera, and in all varieties found in the Hamburg water since cholera ceased. Dunbar concludes: One may now assert that all varieties which do not react to cholera: serum are not cholera vibrios, and it is hoped that we may also some day declare that all varieties reacting to cholera serum are true cholera vibrios. Gruber and Durham (Miinch. med. Wochenschr., 1896, 206, 285) have taught how to make the diagnosis actually more certain in cholera by means of observing the aggluti- nating power of the serum. Serum is prepared as al- ready described, and it is determined in what dilution with bouillon it agglutinates known cholera vibrios. It is usually still active when diluted from 100 to 200 times. (See p. 105.) Then it is determined whether the organisms which have been isolated and are to be diagnosticated as cholera vibrios are agglutinated by a similar concentration. Gruber and Durham found the reaction rather strongly specific; only a few cultures analogous to the cholera vibrio were agglu- | bad a Se ea VIBRIO NASALIS. 375 tinated, and of these, it is at least questionable whether they may not be looked upon as cholera vibrios, as in the _ ease of the Vibrio berolinensis. Also here the negative result of the test (absence of effect by a serum in dilution of 100, which produced a posi- - tive effect against true cholera vibrios when diluted 120 to - 150 times) allows an exclusion of cholera vibrios ; a posi- _ tive marked result makes the diagnosis more sure. Witha positive but weak reaction the diagnosis of cholera, on the contrary, is not entirely certain ; for example, with a tardy ~ action in dilution of 50 times, while true cholera vibrios are promptly agglutinated by dilutions of 80 to 100. It would be best to place no dependence at all upon reactions which _ only oceur in concentration above one in fifty and after _ halfan hour. Compare also Mann (A. H. xxxtvy, 179). : Occasionally also the testing of the agglutinating action of the serum upon true cholera vibrios in a case of cholera during the disease or convalescence may make the diag- nosis more certain. Some Other Vibrios Which Are Not to be Confounded with the Vibrio cholere. Vibrio spermatozoides. Loffler (C. B. vii, 637). This remarkable variety, occasionally found in turnip-cabbage _ infusion by Loffler, and photographed by him, is characterized by _ powerful terminal flagella (56, v1) ; the latter disappear or are very delicate upon turnip-cabbage gelatin, but return partially upon rein- oculation into turnip-cabbage infusion. The organism presents Y- shaped forkings! (See the note, p. 352.) Vibrio nasalis. Weibel! (C. B. ii, 466; iv, 225). (Plate 56.) According to Weibel, a very interesting variety. We have not studied it. Microscopically : In nasal mucus, thick vibriones (56, II); in 1 Also of interest are the following closely related organisms, which have been described by Weibel (1. c.) and grow upon gelatin with a yellow color and without liquefaction: Vibrio flavus Weibel, aureus Weibel, and flavescens Weibel. Regarding these varieties, which do not come seriously into question in the differential diagnosis of the Vibrio cholerz, the original must be consulted. 376 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. bouillon, short, straight rods which stain like the chicken cholera bacteria ; upon agar, beautiful screws and bizarre threads (56, 11) ; upon gelatin, almost only the latter are produced (56, Iv). They are always without motility. With further cultivation the tenacity of the cultures is rapidly reduced. Upon gelatin plates, when magnified — eighty times, there occur minute, yellowish-brown, finely granular colonies with sharp borders. Gelatin stab cultures resemble Strept. pyogenes, the surface growth being minimal. There is no liquefac- tion. Upon agar the growth is somewhat more luxuriant, and little characteristic; there is a luxuriant growth in nutrient bouillon and bouillon-agar mixture. There is no growth upon potato, and no marked odor. It has no decided pathogenic action. Found in nasal mucus and coating on tongue. Vibrio lingualis. Weibel (C. B. iv, 227). According to Weibel, this variety corresponds to the former in ab- sence of motility and liquefaction of gelatin. Microscopically: Vibriones and threads wavy in one plane, spiral forms do not seem to occur. Gelatin stab culture is somewhat more luxuriant than in the preceding. Upon gelatin plates the deep col- onies present a finely threaded border, the threads being coiled and matted, and the colony resembling anthrax to a certain extent. In bouillon there is a flocculent precipitate. It is distinguished from all other known vibrios in that it stains by Gram’s method. 2. Spirillum. Ehrenberg, emend. Loffler (C. B. Vii, 634). Long cells, bent into spirals, corkscrew-like, rigid, with usually a unipolar (often bipolar) bunch of flagella.? For a long time only two true spirilla were obtained in pure culture and easily cultivated: Spirillum rubrum v. Esmarch and Sp. concentricum Kitasato. Kutscher (Z. H. xx, 46, and C. B. xvi, 614) and Bonhoff (H. R. vi, 351) have widened our knowledge of the spirilla species very much, by cultivating from fluid manure and the feces of swine an entire series of spirilla which were already partially known through E. O. Miller, Ehrenberg, 1 Zettnow (Z. H. xxiv, 72, and C. B. L. Iv, 389) has made careful studies regarding the structure of this organism, through which he was led to entirely different results from those of A. Fischer and Migula, which we related on page 20. His results, on the contrary, correspond with those of Biitschli, founded upon many low o isms: lack of a distinct membrane, honeycomb structure of the entire cell, with numerous granules lying within. a ee — F } 3 SPIRILLUM CONCENTRICUM. 377 and F. Cohn, but were never previously cultivated. "Kutscher himself described part of the same with a flat bend to the spiral as vibriones, in spite of the fact that he had stained the terminal, thick bunches of flagella. The isolation was accomplished by means of agar plates, after a preliminary culture had been prepared which fur- - Pnished a surface pellicle containing spirilla, according to the _ method employed in cholera diagnosis. The colonies sus- _ pected of being spirilla were torn with a fine platinum wire under the microscope and then it was noticed whether _upon slight magnification motion could be observed in the _ drop of fluid which collected in the rent. If this was the case, it could be conjectured that spirilla (or vibrios) were 7 being dealt with, since the ordinary micro-organisms of " manure were almost all non-motile. 3 _ Kutscher employed as nutrient medium, meat infusion agar, neu- tralized with soda, without any further addition. Zettnow finds the _ additions of 0.1% ammonium sulphate and 0.1% potassium nitrate _ to be practical, and gives detailed descriptions for the preparation of F “spirilla-agar ”? (C. B. xx, 393). ; ‘Spirillum concentricum.! Kitasato (C. B. iii, 72). 3 ; (Plate 55, VI-Ix.) _ Short, more or less winding spirals, 1-8 » long and 0.5 » thick, actively motile,? staining by Gram’s method (55, IX). _ Upon gelatin plates delicate, transparent growths, finely punctated (55, vit). In the gelatin and agar stab a _ spindle-shaped growth below the surface, similar to the Spirillum rubrum, but yellowish. Upon the agar plate, _ delicate (according to Kitasato, firmly adherent) colonies, _ opaque and yellowish in the center, and at the border trans- _ parent and finely granular (55, v1). Bouillon is rendered __ ?The name was given by Kitasato on account of the very charac- _ teristic cockaded growth in gelatin cultures ; our plates show nothing of it. ; 2 In spite of every precaution our cultures never showed the active _ motility observed by Kitasato. We have never tried to stain flagella. _ Lofiler has described terminal bunches of flagella. 378 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. moderately turbid. Milk is not coagulated. There is neither formation of gas, nor H,S, nor indol. On one occasion it was cultivated by Kitasato from putrid blood. Spirillum rubrum. v. Esmarch (C. B. i, 225). (Plate 55, I-v a.) Beautiful threads, more or less elongated or winding, like a corkscrew, often as long as 16”; on an average, 1-3.2 » long and 0.6-0.8 » thick (55, v). They are motile because of terminal bunches of flagella, and stain by Gram’s method. Upon gelatin plates the colonies are at first roundish, almost smooth-bordered, and later they usually have concentric rings with a yellowish-gray cen- tral part. The peripheral zones usually appear greenish or reddish. The gelatin and agar stabs grow below the surface in a spindle or cylindric form, being at first gray- ish-yellow, later rusty brown to red (55, 1). In the agar streak there is a very scanty surface growth (55, 1). Upon the agar plate the colonies are transparent and slightly crumbly (55, m1). Bouillon is rendered faintly cloudy. Gelatin is not liquefied. No formation of gas nor of H,S. Indol is produced in traces. On one occasion cultivated by v. Esmarch from a dead mouse. At first it was preferably an anaerobe; after con- tinued culture in bacteriologic collections, it now also grows well at times as an aerobe. Spirillum rugula. (Cohn.) Lehm. and Neum.? We may add to our remarks upon page 126 in accordance with the investigations of Bonhoff. It is a true spirillum, with thick threads, 8-16 u long and 1.5-2, thick, and is provided with terminal bunches of flagella. Prazmowski’s ‘‘spores’’ could not be demonstrated with certainty as such by Bonhoff. Zettnow is convinced that Prazmowski was deceived. Gelatin plate colonies resemble very much those of an- thrax; gelatin is never liquefied. 1 There appears to be a certain similarity in the cultures to the Vibrio III of Kutscher, which is a thick vibrio provided with bunches of flagella. 1h Bs SPIRILLUM TENUE. 379 Spirillum tenerrimum. Lehm. and Neum. Spirillum I Kutscher (Z. H. xx, 46). Description according to _ Kutscher: Short S-forms, very fine and thin, as a rule with three or _ four turns. Flagella have not been stained. Gelatin plates present characteristic colonies with a compact center; then a finely granular, thinner zone, which carries a row of anastomosing rays at the edge. In the gelatin stab the growth resembles that of mouse septicemia, ' ; and also a gradual liquefaction occurs from above. Upon agar plates the colonies are like dewdrops. Slight cloudiness of nutrient media without pellicle formation. Similar to this is the organism Kowalski has called Spirillum hachaize.! It is a fine spirillum, sometimes seen in the intestine of cholera cases, but also in human dejecta in masses (also often by our- selves in the stools of cases of suspected cholera). Regarding it, there is a large amount of literature, but it is not of much value. Kowalski (C. B. Xvi, 321). Spirillum serpens. (E. O. Miiller.) Zettnow (C. B. x, 689). (Vibrio serpens O. F. Miiller, emend. Cohn and Kutscher.) Quite large spirilla, thin, with usually three or four slight, abrupt turns (the length of two turns is 5-6 “), and with a terminal bunch of flagella containing as many as fourteen. In the gelatin plate culture are formed macroscopically small starlets which resemble somewhat micro- scopically those of symptomatic anthrax, but the rays at the periphery are arranged more in a radiating manner, and are only slightly matted. The growth gradually settles down, and in the stab some- times is accompanied by the formation of an air space. Both upon potato and agar it resembles Bact. coli. The nutrient solution is ren- dered very turbid, sometimes with a delicate pellicle. Vigorous indol reaction. Our picture (56, 1), magnified 1000 times, copied from Zett- now, makes the organism appear very much larger than Cohn’s description indicates. Our own descriptions correspond to this. Spirillum tenue. Ehrenberg, emend. Cohn and Kutscher. Thin (0.8), markedly winding threads, usually with two to five turns (4-15 ), with terminal bunches of very delicate flagella. The 1 Bonhoff makes the very surprising communication that these fine spirilla are degeneration forms (older forms) of a short organism which grows upon gelatin exactly like the Bact. coli, and, in young cultures, presents the picture of the Bact. coli when magnified 1000 times. The rods have two flagella at one end, do not grow on potato, give the nitroso-indol reaction, do not coagulate milk, and form no gas from grape-sugar (Hyg. Rund. vi, 1896, 351). Further communications regarding this interesting organism are expected, but have not yet appeared. 380 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGI. gelatin plates show the deep colonies as yellowish, round, finely granular, and sharply outlined; the superficial are similar, but more spreading, thin films. The gelatin stab culture presents’ a delicate — growth in the stab, and yellowish, abundant surface growth, with gradual liquefaction and formation of an air space. No growth upon potato. Nutrient fluid rapidly becomes turbid with a thick — pellicle. As Kutscher also remarks, Beijerinck’s descriptions of three sa Ni Fig. 19.—Spir. tenue Ehr., after Migula. forms of Sp. tenue (C. B. L. 1, 1) are not sufficient for identification. Bonhoff found one form deviating somewhat from Kutscher’s descrip- — tion; for example, with only two flagella on each side. Spirillum undula. Ehrenberg, emend. Cohn and Kutscher. Relatively large threads; usually 4 to 1, rarely 1} to 3 turns; height and diameter of each turn, 4-5 wu. After longer cultivation there are often scarcely any except straight forms. With terminal bunches of flagella, three to fifteen in number. In gelatin plates there occurs only in the depth a slow growth of sharply outlined, finely granular colonies, beneath which the gelatin sinks a little. In the stab culture development takes place in the upper two-thirds of the stab; the growth on the surfacé of the gelatin is thin, whitish, slightly lobulated, and after ten days sinks slowly into a depression. Grows on potato. Nutrient fluids uniformly cloudy, without pellicle. Recently Zettnow and Kutscher have differentiated from this Spir. undula minus also a Spir. undula majus, which is about one-third larger and grows well on meat-infusion gelatin and agar (C. B. XVIII, 614; XIx, 393). Spirillum volutans. Ehrenberg, emend. Cohn and Kutscher. Not only the largest spirillum, but one of the largest varieties of bacteria. The threads are about 2-3 y thick and spirally wound, the height of a turn being 6.6 “, length 13.2 ~; usually there are 23 to 33 turns. In cultures the forms are smaller, similar to the Spir. rubrum. According to Cohn, they have one large flagellum at each end; accord- ing to A. Fischer and Kutscher, a terminal tuft of three to eight long flagella, which are often plaited together. The colonies in gelatin plates at first resemble those of Bact. coli; later the gelatin sinks in, and the peripheral parts of the colonies break up. Agar plates are SPIROCH ATE OBERMEIERI. 381 ke those of the Bact. coli. In the gelatin stab there is a feeble rrowth; the surface growth is porcelain white, markedly lobulated, and after ten hours sinks into a depression. Upon potato a dry _ growth. Nutrient fluid uniformly cloudy, without a pellicle or with a scanty one. ’ Spirillum stomachi. (Salomon.) L.andN. _ Salomon has described (C. B. xrx, 433, ) a very interesting "beautiful spirillum, which has not been cultivated, and is ' never absent from dogs’ stomachs. It is also found in cats and rats, and can be readily transferred to mice by feeding. . It occurs especially in the glands of the stomach. 3. Spirochete. Ehrenberg. The cells are flexible, and present long, pointed, spirally bent threads. Flagella are unknown. Motility is assigned to an undulating membrane. _ A key for their differentiation may be omitted, since _ only two or three species are known. Spirochzte Obermeieri. F. Cohn.! * ! (Plate 56, vii and 1x.) Literature.—Obermeier (C. f. med. Wiss., 1873, 145); Koch (Mitt. a. d. Ges.-Amte, I, 167); Soudakewitsch (A. P. v, 545); Cohn (Bei- trage, 1, Heft 11, 196); literature by Afanassiew (C. B. xxv, 415). . The personal investigations of these authors are not adapted for use - in a text-book. _ Bacteriologically very little is known. Large, flexible, _ motile threads, coiled like a corkscrew, with pointed ends, 14 to 26 times as long as the diameter of a blood-cell, usually 20-30 4. Flagella and spores are not known. 7 1 Sakharoff discovered, in the blood of geese suffering from an epi- _ zootic disease in Caucasus, a motile but not flexible spirochzte,— _Spirochzte anserina Sakharoff (C. B. x1, 203),—through which the _ disease may be transferred to healthy animals. Details are given re- _ garding it by Gabritschewsky (C. B. xxi, 365). It was not culti- vated. The following may be simply mentioned: Spirochzte plica- _ tilis Ehrenberg from marsh-water and the Spirochete of the saliva, _ which have been often seen but never cultivated. According to F. Cohn (Beitrage, Bd. 1, Heft 11, and Heft m1, pp. 197, 199), these _ varieties are not to be distinguished microscopically from the Spiroch. _ Obermeieri. 382 IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FISSION-FUNGLI. It is typically found in the blood and spleen of recur-— rent fever cases, hardly ever during the afebrile periods” (an exception proved by Naunyn); demonstrated by Kar- linski to be the cause of a part of the cases of febrile icterus (C. B. x1, 26). It stains readily with the usual anilin dyes. Giinther recommends that the dried and fixed preparation be pre- viously freed of part of the albuminous bodies by means of a1% to 5% acetic acid solution. It is not stained by Gram’s method. No cultures have so far been successful. According to Pasternatzky, the spirocheete may be preserved alive for about ten days if a leech is allowed to fill itself from a case of recurrent fever, and then is kept upon ice. Inoculation experiments have succeeded only upon man and monkeys. The monkeys become sick after about three and a half days, but present only the initial attack of fever and no recurrence. Extirpation of the spleen makes the disease more dangerous for the monkey. Em my tage : APPENDIX I. Actinomycetes. For the limitation of this group and its genera, see page 127. We have conscientiously recorded all that is known ie “us in the literature regarding forking, branching, etc., other forms up to this time considered as true bantene: thus, B. pyocyaneum, B. influenz, B. tetani, B. radici- cola, Vibrios,—the cladothrix form of B. murisepticum was ‘immediately retracted by Kitt himself,—and we must naturally acknowledge that these observations make it more difficult to perceive in the branching a distinguish- ing peculiarity between actinomycetes and fission-fungi. - Innumerable similar difficulties are, however, encountered in the definition of higher plant families—some genera _ are often placed with equal propriety in one or another family. If at a later time, because of further investiga- - tions, the significance of branching should be construed in _a manner different from that of to-day, it will still remain true in any case that the actinomycetes of to-day, which _ we have collected in part upon the basis of branching, will _ form a perfectly natural family, even if their family diag- nosis should be essentially remodeled. 1. Corynebacterium. Lehm. and Neum. Cultures having throughout the character of cultures of : true bacteria; soft, lying flat and loose upon the nutrient - media. Stain well with the ordinary bacterial stains, but are not acid proof. Microscopically: Rods, which fre- quently present clubbed swellings at the ends, appear more or less distinctly composed of differently staining 383 384 ACTINOMYCETES. segments, and in many cultures present constantly, an undoubted, true branching. Key to the Recognition of the Most Important Vari- eties of the Genus Corynebacterium. 1. Plate cultures upon gelatin: Colonies like those of Bact. coli or typhi—i. e., roundish, and when magnified sixty times, with distinet lineal markings; upon agar and serum-agar, just like Bact. coli. Potato culture brownish-red. Cause of glanders. Corynebact. mallei L. and N., page 384. 2. Plate cultures pen agar and serum-agar with very characteristic granulation (splintery!). Growth upon potato usually slight. | Colorless to yellowish. (a) Very luxuriant growth upon the nutrient media, even upon potato. Gelatin gradually discolored brown. Growth often yellowish, © sometimes brownish. Not pathogenic for animals. Usually little acid produced in bouillon. Usually no granules in the rods when stained by Neisser’s method. Corynebact. pseudodiphtheriticum (Hofmann-Wellenhof ) L. and N., page 404. (6) Growth of medium intensity upon agar, and best upon serum- agar; poor upon gelatin and potato. Vigorous production of acid in bouillon. Usually granules in the rods when stained by Neisser’s method. Pathogenic for man and animals. Corynebact. diphtheriz Loéffler, L. and N., page 389. (ce) Seanty erowth upon nutrient media. No production of acid in bouillon. No granules staining by Neisser’s method. Not patho- genic. Corynebact. xerosis (Neisser and Kuschbert) L. and N., page 406. The close relationship of Corynebacterium diphtheriz with Coryn. pseudodiphtheriticum and Coryn. xerosis permits no certain recogni- tion from this key alone. (Compare p. 403. ) Corynebacterium mallei. (Loffler and Schiitz.) L. and N. (Plate 57.) Common Names.—Glanders bacillus; German, Rotz; Latin, malleus; French, morve; English, glanders. Bacil- lus mallei Fliigge. Principal Literature.—Loffler (A. G. A. 1, 141). Kranzfeld (C. B. I, 273). Kitt (C. B. m1, 241). Microscopic Appearance.—Slender rods (2-3 u long, 0.4 » thick), sometimes with brightly shining bodies (metachromatic bodies), which may be shown very well a CORYNEBACTERIUM MALLEI. 885 + by means of Neisser’s staining method for diphtheria granules. ‘True endogenous spores are never present ; all “previous positive statements to the contrary are errone- ous. In old cultures clubbed, vesicular enlargements which create the impression of involution forms are often seen; also long threads, which sometimes exhibit true branching (57, x11) in great abundance. See Semmer (C. | B. xvi, 68). Dissertation by Erich Wolf, Wiirzburg, 1898, and Marx (C. B. xxv, 274). Staining Properties.—Somewhat difficultly with ordi- “nary stains; does not stain by Gram’s method. For _ staining the bacteria in sections, Nicolle’s method is to be recommended (Technical Appendix). Pie po Requirements as Regards Composition of Nutrient Media, Supply of Oxygen, and Temperature.—Grows _ best at incubator temperature (minimum, 25°; maximum, ) 40°). Prefers glycerin-agar to ordinary agar, but is not particular. Grows well aerobically, poorly or not at all ~ anaerobically. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size. Superficial and deep ; colonies: Small, whitish, punctiform; also after a long time they do not become essentially larger. The super- ficial ones have a delicate, transparent halo (57, v). (b) Magnified sixty times. Superficial : Irregularly round- ish; scalloped, wavy margin ; shining white, transparent, _ with wavy elevations and marked reflex. Old colonies _ are more yellowish, especially in the center, with linear, depressed markings. They are very similar to colonies of _ B. typhi and putidum in the early stages (57, vu, e). Deep: Roundish or oval; sharply outlined ; in the center _ delicately crumbly, at the outer part streaked. The peripheral zone is sharply marked (57, vr). Gelatin Stab.—Stab: Thread-like ; sometimes faintly granular, sometimes like a string of pearls; gray. Sur- face growth: Exceedingly delicate, perfectly transparent, gray, with a ragged fringe, and of a dull luster (57, 1). Agar.—Not distinguishable from Bact. coli; entirely non-characteristic (57, Iv, vir). Fora year we cultivated a form of the Cory. mallei, which occurred spontaneously and which produces rusty-brown colonies upon agar. This is 25 386 ACTINOMUYCETES. a counterpart to the rusty-colored streptococci mention on page 137. Bouillon Culture. — Almost clear, moderate homo- geneous sediment, which rises up uniformly upon shaking. Milk. —Slowly coagulated. 7 Potato.—At first there is a light yellow or brownish growth, with a moist luster, scarcely at all‘or slightly ele- vated, lighter at the edge, not sharply outlined (57, x). After a longer time: brownish-yellow or brownish-red, smooth, wavy border, sharp outline, the periphery still being paler. The potato becomes discolored (57, 1x)z The culture has much similarity to that of the Vibrio cholere. Cultures upon carrots present a white growth and were employed by Marx (being protected from dry-_ ing) for his studies upon branching. Resistance to Drying.—Slight. At 25° dead in ten days (Bonome). According to Bonome, it withstands 70° for six hours without injury (!) ; 70°-75° kills in five or six minutes ; 90°-100°, in three minutes. . Chemical Activities.— Except for the formation of pig- ment upon the potato and a trace of indol in bouillon, nothing is known beyond the formation of mallein (bac- terioprotein). Forms no H,S. No gas is formed from carbohydrates. Distribution.— ; (a) Outside the body: Never has been found. (b) In healthy body: Never has been found. (c) In diseased human organism: Man is fairly suscep- tible to glanders, almost always the transfer occurring from horses. About 50% of the cases die. The bacteria are found in the secretion from the ulcers of glanders and in the glanders nodules. The principal places of infection are the skin and mucous membranes. The glanders bacilli also enter the uninjured skin through the hair follicles and spread in the lymph-spaces. Chronic glanders also occurs in man, although very rarely. (d) In anwmals : Of our domestic animals the following are attacked : Horse, ass, cat (and the wild canines of the zoological garden); according to infection experiments, also dogs (especially in the young), goats, sheep, rarely swine are susceptible. Cattle and birds are immune. Ac- CORYNEBACTERIUM MALLEI. 387 ording to Schiitz, there is no primary pulmonary glan- ders ; on the contrary, the lungs are always affected secon- a ily from the skin or mucous membrane. The primary jort of entry in the skin or nasal mucous membrane is xiten already healed when the pulmonary glanders begins. According to Nocard, the transparent gray nodules in the lung, which show a tendency to calcify, are due to glan- ders infection. Schititz has (always?) found a small round- worm in them, and denies that they are connected with landers (C. B. xxi, 901). _ Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Effects.1—(a) On animals: For experimental purposes the guinea-pig is best, and next the field mouse (Arvicola arvalis) (L6ffler). "Also the following may be used Kitt): Mus sylvaticus (wood mouse) and Arvicola am- phibius (water rat). The rabbit is slightly susceptible. Immunity exists in the case of gray and white house mice? (Léffler) and rats. Experiments upon cats and dogs have more disadvantages than advantages. _ The most important animal experiment is the injection of 2c.c. (not too little) of a suspension of the pure cul- ture or of the crushed, suspected organ through the median guinea-pig (Straus, Arch. de Med. exp., 1, 1889, 460). After forty-eight to seventy-two hours there is presented a ‘marked swelling, redness, and tenderness of the scrotum . as a pathognomonic symptom of the successful transfer of glanders. The swelling is dependent upon the formation ‘of numerous glanders nodules upon the tunica vaginalis testis, the two layers of which are stuck together by a purulent exudate; and glanders nodules also occur inside the testicle. After twelve to fifteen days, sometimes even four to eight days, the animals die, before which suppura- tion in the testicle may have discharged externally. To expedite the diagnosis, the diseased testicle may be exam- ‘ined even before the death of the animal by means of potato cultures, etc. Subcutaneous injections are not to 1 Experiments are permissible only in well-equipped laboratories and with most extreme precautions _ # According to Shattock, they become sick only at a later time, and die after two or three weeks (C. B. XXvV, 323). 388 ACTINOMYCETES. be recommended in guinea-pigs, as the abscesses whick form primarily imperil the experimenter by opening exter- nally, and death occurs only after twenty-five to thirt days (also here almost always the testicles are diseased). (b) Upon man: No purposeful experiments have been made with glanders bacilli in man. A number of fatal laboratory cases indicate the great danger for man of the pure culture. Special Methods for Demonstration and Cultiva- tion.—Acute cases of glanders in horses are usually noi difficult to diagnose from the clinical symptoms. ‘ diagnosis in subacute and chronic cases is harder and ofter very difficult, even after autopsy and with the additiona help of bacteriologic aids. . 3 (A) In the case of living animals the following is recom mended : 1. Mallein—the protein of the glanders bacillus—is injected subcutaneously. While healthy animals remain: afebrile or show only a slight fever of reaction, those affected with glanders usually show a gradual elevation of the temperature of 1.5°-2° ;! and after it has remained at the highest point for a short time, it gradually falls. At the point of the injection there remains a swelling for several days if the animal is affected with glanders. The method furnishes no absolutely certain diagnostic proof, since sometimes the febrile reaction occurs in healthy indi- viduals, or remains slight in diseased ones. Most authors recommend it highly. ? ; 2. The suspected nasal cavity is wiped out with a cotton swab and 1 c.c. of a suspension of the material thus obtained is injected intraperitoneally into a guinea- pig (see p. 387). 3. One of the swollen, paratracheal lymph-glands | is 1 The elevation of temperature is the more significant, the higher the original temperature. An elevation of more than 2° with a high initial temperature is fairly certain proof. An elevation of temper- ature not over 1.1° indicates an absence of glanders ; 1.2°-1.9° is sus- picious. See Eber (C. B. x1, 20). 2'The experiences of Prof. Schiitz make one especially skeptical. This is particularly true in his latest results with 64 horses: 9 out of 61 healthy horses reacted, while the 3 with glanders did not ! 4 extirpated and smear cultures prepared from the same (incubator) : ~ (a) Upon potato (brown color of the growth). (6) Upon glycerin-agar. Also a microscopic preparation is made, and, further, a guinea-pig is injected. - (B) In the case of living men: The secretions from _ glanders ulcers are best examined by infections of guinea- pigs. j (C) In animals at the autopsy : 1. Cultures and animal investigation with fresh, crushed glanders nodules. 2. Staining of sections of glanders nodules (difficult). _ Kutscher (Z. H. xxt, 156) has described an interesting pseudo- _gilanders bacillus. It grows similarly to cholera upon gelatin, lux- uriantly upon agar, white and dry upon potato. Microscopically it _ resembles the B. mallei absolutely, but stains by Gram’s method. It is interesting that, if injected intraperitoneally according to the method of Straus, it produces a swelling of the testicle in male guinea-pigs, as the B. mallei does. The swelling is due more to _ nodular swelling of the coverings of the testicle than to swelling of its substance. The animals usually die after four or five days, when a peritonitis (often hemorrhagic) dominates the picture. There are no nodules in the other abdominal organs, but the omentum is always rolled up and highly inflamed. CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERLE. 389 Corynebacterium diphtheria. (Loffler.) L.andN.} (Plates 58, 59, and 60. ) Synonym.—Bacillus diphtheriz Loffler. Common Names.—Diphtheria bacillus, Léffler’s ba- cillus. ‘‘ Léffler.’’ ; Literature.—Loffler, Mitt. a. d. Ges. Amt., Bd. 11. Complete list 1 The statement of Zupnik (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1897, No. 50), that the diphtheria bacillus may be separated into two varieties, could not be verified by Slawyk and Manicantide (Z. H. xxix, 181). Zupnik divides them as follows: (a) Relatively large, flat, dull agar colonies, of irregular contour. They stain by Gram’s method, are non-motile, and are fully virulent for guinea-pigs. Bouillon is not cloudy and only presents the forma- tion of a pellicle. (b) Smaller agar colonies; circular, conically elevated, shining. They do not stain by Gram’s method, are sluggishly motile (!), and in guinea-pigs produce only infiltration and necrosis, and never death. 390 ACTINOMYCETES, of literature up to 1894 is found in the thorough work of Escherich Aetiologie und Pathogenese der epidemischen Diphtherie, Wien, 1894, Latest literature: Heinersdorff, Arch. f. Ophth., Bd. 46, p. 1. Espe- cially important also are: Neisser (Z. H. xxiv, 443) and Kurth (Z. H. xxvii, 409). ©. Frankel(Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1897, 1085). Zupnik, J. e. Microscopic Appearance.—Slender, rather long, rods, — often a little bent and usually somewhat swollen at one or both ends. Many times they are arranged in pairs. With — Escherich, the following forms may be distinguished: 1. Wedge-shaped rods, about 1.5-2 » long, about 0.5 » thick (60, 1, Iv). 2. Long cylindric rods (especially upon agar and po- tato) (60, 1), 3-4» long, 0.4-0.5 » thick. 3. Rods with clubbed swellings (especially upon serum), as much as 6-8» long. The clubs reach a diameter of 1.0 » (60, 11). . In 1 and 8 the thin ends are often long and drawn out to a point. Thesame culture upon alkaline bouillon forms: long clubbed rods; upon acid bouillon forms short, wedge- — shaped rods. The short forms are more often parallel in arrangement; the long, more at angles, and arranged in © rosettes like fingers, etc. — 7 According to Kurth, the probability of the form under ~ observation being pathogenic is increased if it can be © established that in contact preparations, from young cul- tures (six hours at 35°) on Léffler’s serum, there are — present at least a number of longer forms (seven times as — long as thick) or V-shaped forms. Further, Kurth attaches value to an appearance of the young rods being © so arranged as to suggest the fingers of two hands, spread — out upon each other. They have recently been often observed to grow into unbranched threads (in part with clubbed swelling at the ends), and even into branched threads (Babés, Klein, C. Frinkel, C. B. xvi, 896). We have also possessed cul- tures which presented striking branching forms in pre- Bouillon is first rendered diffusely cloudy, then becomes clear beneath the pellicle. Slawyk and Manicantide found thirty completely investigated pathogenic cultures to correspond to the plan, only many of them presented more of the smaller, glistening, elevated agar colonies | * CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIA. 391 -ponderance (60, xm). The other forms represented in : Plate 60, v-1x, also occur in true diphtheria, the short forms especially in very young cultures. _ Schiitz found the best formation of branches in different cultures to occur sometimes upon albumin, sometimes on glycerin-agar; also, in distinction to C. Frankel, he often observed beautiful branching in bouillon (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1898, 297). Motility.—Never present. We have never seen any motion at all. Staining Properties.—Stains with all the anilin dyes, especially in young cultures; also by Gram’s method. _ Gram’s method, especially as modified by Czaplewski, is. _ to be recommended for the study of smear preparations _ from diphtheria material; carbol gentian-violet and Gram’s solution of iodin are used. (See Technical Appendix. ) Carbol-fuchsin and anilin gentian-violet solution stain very intensely, without revealing the finer structure. Staining with warm Léoffler’s methylene-blue solution and differentiating in water reveals a very characteristic struc- ture in the bacilli. They consist of alternating sections of intensely and faintly stained substance surrounded by a delicate envelope of faintly stained material. This is most marked in older cultures on blood-serum. Very young bacteria stain uniformly blue. Metachromatic Granules.—Max Neisser has pointed out that the occurrence of metachromatic granules permits the differentiation of the diphtheria bacillus from many related forms. According to Neisser, cultures are employed which are made upon Léffler’s serum and kept at 35° (not warmer) for nine to twenty hours (in older cultures the granules disappear in part). The dried preparation is stained for one to three seconds (Auckenthaler found ten to fifteen seconds to be often better) with acetic acid methyl- ene-blue solution (Technical Appendix), washed in water (tap-water should only be used if it does not contain much free CO,), and then counter-stained three to five seeonds with a weak solution of Bismarck brown (Technical Appendix). There is then observed a blue granule at one or often at both ends in a majority of the brown-stained bacilli; not infrequently there are more than two such 392 ACTINOMYCETES. granules (60, x, x1). Nevertheless virulent diphtheria bacilli without granules occur, although very rarely (see — Kurth, /. ¢.), so that a lack of the granules does not y exclude the diagnosis of diphtheria. (See also p. 402.) Relation to Oxygen.—Optimum growth with entrance _ of air; when oxygen is excluded, the growth is lessened. — Requirements as Regards Temperature, Reaction, _ and Composition of the Nutrient Medium.—lIt grows _ well and abundantly at incubator temperature only. ~ Optimum temperature 33° to 37°; extremes, about 18°-20° and 40°. Glycerin-agar is more favorable for its growth than ordinary agar, but serum or ascitic nutrient medium are much better. Ldoffler’s blood-serum mixture is much — used (Technical Appendix); also Tochtermann’s and ~ (Deyke’s nutrient media are highly recommended (Techni- ~ cal Appendix). Since we have used glycerin-ascites-agar almost exclusively instead of glycerin-agar, we have - obtained excellent results, but one must become accus- — tomed to the relatively luxuriant appearance of the growth. Upon gelatin at 22°-24° the growth is so absolutely with- out characteristics (no liquefaction), and so scanty, that — such cultures are never prepared. Gelatin Stab.—Along the stab canal only a slight growth. The surface growth is yellowish-white, a little elevated, with a smooth wavy border and in part lobulated. It is faintly shining. Glycerin-agar Plates.—(a) Natural size: Circular or roundish colonies, white to dirty yellow. The border is smooth, they are more or less elevated, and with a moist or faint luster. Many cultures present more luxuriant (58, vir a) and many more delicate growths (58, vm 0). (b) Magnified sixty times: The colonies present their char- acteristic form after twenty-four hours at 37°. They are small, roundish, usually exceedingly transparent colonies of a grayish-yellow or brownish color. At the periphery they are usually split or torn, and almost without excep- tion are markedly crumbly. Many colonies appear at the periphery as if raveled out. Still, according to the cul- ture, they are thinner or thicker, lighter or darker, coarsely or finely granular (59,1 @ and 6). After two days the colonies are thicker, somewhat irregular at the periphery, CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERLZ. 393 and, when magnified a little more highly, distinct single rods are seen to project at the edge. The center is opaque -yellowish-brown (59, 1 a and 6). In still older cultures dark irregular spots occur, the colonies become yet more crumbly, the periphery more torn, and the inner part more opaque (59, ur). Colonies occur, however, espe- cially upon better nutrient media (ascites-glycerin-agar), which are rounder, thicker, and therefore more opaque from the first, and finely granular (59, via and 6). After a longer time such luxuriant colonies resemble perfectly those of cocci or sarcine (59, vit). Also all the other forms reproduced in Plate 59 may occur as they are found _ in closely related non-pathogenic forms. Glycerin-agar Streak.—The same may be said of it as of the growth upon glycerin-agar plates. There occur also here more luxuriant and more delicate forms (58, I and m1). Especially upon glycerin-ascites-agar the cultures are sometimes so luxuriant that they resemble those of the Bact. coli or micrococci. (Compare 58, m1 and Iv.) In many cases after two to six weeks the agar shows a brown discoloration. Blood-agar Streak.—Very good growth. In raw hens’ eggs there is abundant growth, and upon cooked white of egg there is a relatively luxuriant growth. Serum Culture.—Léffler’s coagulated blood-serum _ mixture is often employed for cultures. It consists of the serum of calves or sheep (or slightly alkalinized serum of cows) to which is added one-third its volume?! of neutral veal bouillon (containing 1% peptone, 1% grape-sugar, and 0.5% sodium chlorid). We find this nutrient medium to possess about the same advantages as glycerin-ascites- agar. Bouillon.—After twenty hours a cloud is deposited, either in the form of fine, dust-like granules upon the sides and bottom of the tube, or (and what most authors give as most frequent, but Escherich only seldom found in Gratz) fine flocculi form, which are easily precipitated, and, upon shaking, rise again. Both types are connected 1 Escherich recommends one-fourth or one-fifth in order to insure certain solidification of the serum upon heating. “Fh | 394 ACTINOMYCETES. . by transition forms. Young cultures usually present delicate, old ones thick pellicles. Alkaline bouillon first becomes acid, then alkaline © again, the latter change being favored by passing air through it. (See Chemical Activities.) The diphtheria bacilli grow poorly upon bouillon which has been long stored, and in such a case the nutrient value is increased by boiling it (Escherich). Milk.—Luxuriant growth usually occurs without coagu- lation. They live a long time. Reaction amphoteric. According to Schottelins, this is especially true of raw milk, cooked milk being much less favorable (C. B. 897). Potato.—Upon acid potato very poorly or not at all: upon alkaline potato after eight to fourteen days, a very scanty growth. It appears only as a delicate, shining, sharply limited veil, which sometimes may be lifted with a platinum needle. A more luxuriant growth of the diphtheria bacillus upon potato occurs, although only rarely (58, Ix). eee ee ee Special Nutrient Media.—In non-albuminous urine (Guinochet) which has been sterilized and rendered faintly alkaline the diphtheria bacillus grows slowly, but it is pathogenic. Schloffer (C. B. xiv, 657) recommends urine-agar (a meat infusion-peptone agar—2%—is mixed with fresh, sterile urine). According to Gamaleia, a good nutrient medium contains glycerin, 40 parts; meat extract, 5 parts; sodium chlorid, 5 parts; and water, 1000. Spore-formation does not occur. Viability.—(a) In the body: It is found in the throat for weeks or even for two months after convalescence from diphtheria in many cases (Léffler, Abel). (6) In cultures: If kept cool and in the dark, for from six months to one and one-half years. In the incubator they usually die after one to three months because of drying. In well-closed bouillon cultures they remain alive also in the incubator for one year or longer. (c) In water and foods: See Montefusco (C. B. xx1, 352). - Resistance to: (a) Drying: Very considerable. Pure cultures on silk threads in the room remain alive three or four weeks, and under favorable conditions for months. In dried diphtheria membranes they live as long as three ee ee .-o CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIZ. 395 months. Even when dried so that it may be pulverized into dust, the bacteria remain alive and infectious (Ger- - mano). (b) Moist heat: They are rapidly killed at 60°, and ina _ few hours at 50°. (c) Cold: When dried, many individuals bear the cold of the German winter for two and one-half months with- out reduction of virulence (Abel); according to Kasansky, - cultures endure the Russian winter for months. (d) Light: While germs suspended in water are destroyed — in a few hours (two to eight hours) by direct sunlight, agar and especially bouillon cultures stand the sunlight for six hours very well. Chemical Activities.—(a) Formation of gas and acids from carbohydrates: From grape-sugar, even from the minute quantity found in ordinary bouillon, easily demon- strable acid is produced; also similarly from glycerin. The increase of acid produced by typical diphtheria cultures in 5 c.c. of non-saccharine bouillon after twenty hours usually amounts to 1.2-1.5 c.c. of 1:40 normal sodium hydroxid; after forty hours, 2.5-3.0 c.c., phenol- phthalein being used as indicator. In 1% sugar bouillon we found about twice as much acid formed : 2. e., 2.6-3.8 in twenty hours and about 6.0 in forty hours. Kurth, like Spronck, proposes that 0.2% grape-sugar be always added to bouillon, since he often obtained bouillon which contained too little sugar. (6 and ¢) Production of H,S is slight. Indol is always produced. _ (d) In older cultures there is some nitrite, so that the ‘*cholera-red reaction’’ is obtained with sulphuric acid alone (Palmirski and Orlowski). (e) Chromogenesis: Rarely there occur yellow to red cultures. (Zupnik, Frankel. See p. 405.) (f) Toxins: Old bouillon cultures filtered through clay produce symptoms identical with those following inocula- tion of the diphtheria bacillus itself 1! (Roux and Yersin). 1 The fibrinous exudate alone is lacking at the place of inoculation. Often there occurs albuminuria, diarrhea, and very irregular action of the heart. During the course or after the disappearance of the acute symptoms paralyses occur, especially in the more resistant animals: 396 ACTINOMYCETES. According to Dungeren, especially active toxins are ob- tained by the addition of ascitic fluid to bouillon (C. B. xix, 137). The addition of sugar to bouillon is to be avoided (Sprouck, A. P., 1895, 758). So long as bouillon cultures are of acid reaction they contain no toxin ; usu- ally the toxic action corresponds to the increase in alka- linity (Hilbert, Z. H. xxrx, 157), but not always (Mad- sen, Z. H. xxvi, 157). According to Roux and Martin, the formation of toxin is favored by the entrance of oxygen (large surface of bouillon). Regarding this point, see also Hellstrém (C. B. xxv, 217). ‘The toxins are precipitated by alcohol, and are scarcely at all dialyzable. Precipitates of calcium phosphate (from the addition of calcium chlorid to bouillon) carry them down also. Temperatures above 60° rapidly reduce the toxicity. With alcohol and vacuum apparatus the toxins may be obtained asa powder. Toxins are produced not only upon albuminous, but also upon non-albuminous nutrient media, alkaline urine (Guinochet), and Uschin- sky’s nutrient medium (p. 75). According to H. Kossel, the diphtheria toxin is formed in the bodies of the micro- organisms and at once secreted (C. B. x1x, 977). The bodies of the bacteria contain no large quantity of toxin. Regarding the chemistry of the toxins, see page 73; also, regarding their resistance and other properties, see Fermi (C. B. xv, 303). For the most recently advanced division of the diphtheria toxins by Ehrlich—prototoxoid, syntoxoid, epitoxoid—the original article must be consulted (Deut. med. Wochenschr., 1898, 597). In distinction to tetanus, the emulsion of the brain and spinal cord of sus- ceptible animals has no antitoxic action against diph- theria toxin (Bomstein, Aronson). Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: Upon things used by the diphtheria patient (linen, brushes, playthings, walls and floor of room). On the hair of nurses. The air never rabbits, pigeons, dogs, cats, rarely guinea-pigs. Most characteristic are the paralyses which first appear after apparent recovery of the animal from the acute symptoms of intoxication (post-diphtheritic paralyses). The susceptibility of animals to the diphtheria poison is much increased by hunger, exhaustion, ete. (Valagussa and Ranel- letti, C. B. xxXIv, 752). CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERLA. 397 contains living diphtheria bacilli (except from a moment- ary contamination by the coughing of the patient—Fligge). (6) In healthy body: Sometimes found in the mouth and nasal cavities, also in the conjunctival sac of healthy per- sons, especially in those coming in contact with diphtheria eases. In a diphtheria epidemic in a barracks, Aaser found diphtheria bacilli in the throats of 19% of the occu- pants who were healthy. (c) In diseased human organism: Are found without ex- ception on the outer side (the side toward the cavity of the mouth) of the diphtheritic membranes! of recently affected men, and with more difficulty and less regularly in chronic cases. Principal localizations: Throat, nose, larynx, trachea ; more rarely, stomach, defects in skin and muscle (wounds), and vagina. The wide-spread assumption that the diphtheria bacilli are to be found only at the local seat of disease is un- founded. Lately they have been found rather frequently (also in man) in the blood and internal organs, especially the spleen and kidney (Frosch, Z. H. xin, 49; Nowak, C. B. x1x, 982). Recently also rhinitis fibrinosa, conjunc- tivitis crouposa (severe and very mild forms), and many middle-ear suppurations have been traced to the diph- theria bacillus. Almost regularly the Streptococcus pyogenes accom- panies the diphtheria bacillus (Léffler) and in the patho- logic process plays a synergistic role. Regarding the significance of mixed infection, Bernheim has ascertained : 1. The metabolic products of the streptococci favor the growth of diphtheria bacilli and increase the virulence ; also the production of toxin by the diphtheria bacillus is increased (Hilbert, Z. H. xx1x, 157). 1 Diphtheritic angina also occurs without formation of membrane. On the other hand, not rarely clinical ‘‘ diphtheria cases,’’ in spite of a perfectly typical local symptom-complex, present no diphtheria bacilli (according to Escherich, in Gratz about 25%). A number of other organisms (for example, streptococci) can cause the symptoms of diphtheria of mucous membranes. The mortality in these cases is minimal. Also ‘‘ wound diphtheria ’’ may depend upon streptococci or Bact. coli, 398 ACTINOMYCETES. 2. Mixed infection with streptococci and diphtheria bacilli is more dangerous for the animal than pure diph- theria infection. Nevertheless the diphtheria bacillus alone may undoubt- edly produce all the clinical symptoms of sepsis (Gener- sich). (d) In animals: Certain spontaneous disease produced by Loffler’s bacillus has never been observed in any ani- mal. The susceptible guinea-pig is immune to the diph- theria bacillus introduced by feeding, by inhalation, or by swabbing. Spontaneous disease (diphtheric broncho- pheumonia) is said to occur in cats (E. Klein, C. B. vm, 7). Klein claims also to have observed spontaneous diph- theria in milk cows, in which, moreover, the diphtheria bacilli escaped in the milk. rie The spontaneous diphtherias of hens, pigeons,+ and calves always (?) have other causes. (Compare Léffler, Mitt. G. A. m1; Ritter, H. R., 1896, 839). | Still, certain of the causes of ‘‘animal diphtheria’’ appear to be transferred to man. Consult the well-known observation of Gerhard (II. Kong. f. innere Med.), and also Galli-Valerio (C. B..xxu, 500: extensive critical review of literature). Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Effects.—(a) Upon animals: The virulence of freshly iso- lated cultures varies greatly; in general, severe cases fur- nish virulent cultures and mild ones cultures with slight virulence; still, there are exceptions. Experimental and accidental (cultural) attenuation is often observed. Roux and Yersin assert that there occurs a regular, striking re- duction of virulence in the last few diphtheria bacilli demonstrable during convalescence. It was not found so by Escherich, and still other writers cultivated virulent bacilli from convalescents long after the clinical symptoms disappeared. A good standard for the virulence of a cul- 1 Gallez claims to have positively demonstrated in Belgium that, besides the ‘‘ fowl diphtheria,’’ which has nothing to do with human diphtheria, there is also a ‘‘ fowl glanders,’’ which is caused by attenu- ated Loffler’s bacilli (H. R., 1896, v1, 472). TP CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERLE. 399 ture? consists in the toxicity of the filtrate of a culture of _ a certain age. In the interest of rapid work, Escherich recommends for the estimation of virulence a statement of the quan- tity, expressed in percentage of the body-weight, of feebly alkaline twenty-four hours’ bouillon culture which just suffices, when introduced subcutaneously, to kill a guinea- pig with acute diphtheria. With 1.5 ¢c.c = 0.5% of the body-weight, Escherich never obtained a negative result; with his most virulent cultures, 0.1 to 0.3 c.c.—z72. ¢., about 0.05%—sufliced. Aronsohn has cultivated still more virulent bacteria, of which 0.02% to 0.025% of bouillon filtrate was certainly fatal. Also, for infection experiments ? the best animal for use is the guinea-pig. Death is caused by 0.02 c.c. of a viru- lent culture in two days; by 0.01 c.c. in three or four days. Usually 0.5 to 1c¢.c. is injected. About twenty-four hours _ after the subcutaneous injection the following picture _ develops: The animal is weak, without appetite, the hair _ bristling, snout cold and bluish, respiration very harsh. There is infiltration at the place of injection, and often also for some distance beyond. Death occurs after twenty- four to sixty hours. There may be entire absence of special symptoms of disease except loss of weight. Autopsy: At the point of injection a whitish infiltration surrounded by hemorrhagic edema, and, in chronic cases, callosities discolored by hemorrhage. The most important _ changes in the internal organs are: Suprarenal capsules hyperemic; exudate into pleuree, often also into pericar- dium; spleen unchanged; often parenchymatous nephritis and myocarditis. The upper part of the intestine is red- ek i | dened. Escherich observed cultures with which the in- oculation was never followed by pleural exudate. In 1See De Martini (C. B. xxiv, 420) regarding occasional discrepan- cies of toxin formation and infectiousness in the same culture. 2In order to recognize diphtheria bacilli of doubtful and very slight virulence as still virulent, Trumpp injects them simultaneously with a sublethal dose of diphtheria toxin. The animal must die, in contrast to a control animal, and with reinoculation of definite quan- tities into new animals the virulence must constantly increase, so that finally the inoculated animals die without any additional diphtheria toxin (C. B. Ts 721). 400 ACTINOMYCETES. these experiments an increase of the bacteria occurs almost — exclusively locally, and only rarely can they be cultivated — from the internal organs. ; Subchronic and chronic cases (death sometimes occur- — ring only after months) present changes in the internal — organs which are less marked, or no alterations at all are — found. At the point of injection all changes may. be lack- © ing or ulcers may follow necrosis of the skin. The animals — are always emaciated and very much reduced in weight. Escherich never saw postdiphtheritic paralysis in experi- | mental animals; other authors have occasionally. Rabbits are much more resistant to subcutaneous inocu- lation than guinea-pigs; white mice and rats are almost immune. On the contrary, cats, dogs, and cows are sus- — ceptible. Of birds, young pigeons and small birds © (finch, siskin, etc.) are especially susceptible; hens less, and only when young. : Diphtheritic diseases of mucous membranes analogous ~ to those observed in human diphtheria may be produced by rubbing diphtheria bacilli into the slightly injured (not — the uninjured) mucous membrane of the trachea and con- junctiva of rabbits, of the throat of monkeys, of the throat and larynx of pigeons and hens. The disease pro- cess and membrane formation remains local. The best results follow inoculations upon the vaginal mucous mem- brane of guinea-pigs (Léffler): If one pulls apart the vagina, which is always feebly adherent, and places a pin- head-sized quantity of diphtheria bacilli upon the mucous membrane, which has always received a minimal injury — in the manipulation of separation, on the following day there is marked redness and hyperemia, and after forty- eight hours the formation of a thin, closely adherent cover- ing can be demonstrated. This infection may terminate in recovery or death. Roger and Bayeux produced, by the injection of + to 1 drop of diphtheria poison into the trachea of rabbits, beau- tiful diphtheritic membranes, while guinea-pigs die too soon for it to appear. (6) In man there have been no experiments. Immunization.—Animals may be immunized against diphtheria bacilli: me Tee aii i ite eld ; QR a= =a eo ee ee eee ee eC a a see CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIA. 401 1. By treating first with slightly virulent and later with highly virulent cultures of diphtheria bacilli. 2. By the injection of diphtheria toxins in small quan- tities or toxins partially weakened by heat, and following with larger quantities. This is repeated with increasing doses. 3. By injection of serum from an animal immunized against diphtheria. Also, in man, prophylactic injection of immune serum has been employed when there was danger of diphtheria, in part with very good results. See, for example, Slawyk (C. B. xxtv, 396). Regarding the almost universally acknowledged success of the antitoxin injection for thera- peutic purposes in cases of disease, it is not necessary to enter into details here. Special Diagnosis of the Coryn. Diphtheriz.!— From the suspected material the following smear prepara- tions are made : 1. Staining with methylene-blue or dilute fuchsin with a little warmth. 2. A preparation stained by Gram’s method often pre- sents the diphtheria bacilli more plainly, since the con- taminating bacteria are in part unstained. 5. Granule staining by Neisser’s method. If there are found, in this way, abundant and especially long forms stained in segments with characteristic cross arrangement and many granules, then the diagnosis of diphtheria is to be considered as very.probable. To render the diagnosis more secure, delicate smear in- oculations are made upon ascites-agar, by drawing the needle five or six times in succession over fresh parts of the nutrient medium. The cultures thus obtained corre- spond either to the typical picture of the diphtheria bacil- lus, with its growth of moderate intensity, or we obtain meager ‘‘ xerosis-like’’ or luxuriant ‘‘ pseudodiphtheria- like’’ cultures. 1 Bruno (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1898, 1127) attempted to make use of serum diagnosis here also. Diphtheria serum produced aggluti- nation of certain diphtheria cultures, but not all. It was not sufficient to separate diphtheria and pseudodiphtheria. 26 402 ACTINOMYCETES. They are then tested further as follows: 4. Staining of granules in twenty hours’ serum cultures_ according to the method of Neisser. - This is very highly recommended by C. Frinkel (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1897, 1087). 5. Titration of the acid formed in 5 cc. of non- saccharine bouillon in twenty and forty hours. If not less than 0.7 and not more than 1.2—1.5 c.c. of 1:40 normal alkali solution is required for neutralization, this speaks in favor of diphtheria. Itis recommended that a parallel observation be made with known diphtheria bacilli in order to see whether a casual absence of acid production does not depend upon the constitution of the bouillon. (See p. 395.) 6. Animal experiment: If the injection of 1 c.c. of a twenty-four hours’ bouillon culture produces the charac- teristic symptoms and death in about forty-eight hours (see p. 399), the diagnosis of diphtheria appears certain. With lessened virulence only slight local symptoms occur, and eventually only death from marasmus. (See p. 404.) 7. Demonstration of the protective action of antitoxin against the infection in especially difficult or uncertain cases. By following this scheme, a typical diphtheria bacillus is easily diagnosed, usually only the means given in 1 to 4, and perhaps also 5, are required. However, there occur in the mouth in cases of diph- theria, besides diphtheria bacilli which are typical in every way, also most numerous variations. See, especially Kurth (Z. H. xxvit, 409). 1. Non-virulent D. B., typical in all morphologic and © biologic peculiarities. Kurth found 3 non-virulent out of 39 typical cultures. 2. Virulent D. B., typical in everything, except that they exhibit no granule staining (Neisser found 3 without granules out of 39 typical cultures). We found a form with very slight production of granules. This group passes over into the following. 8. Virulent D. B., typical in every way, but without the usual acid production. We found 1 out of 4 cultures examined. S a ee ee ee ee eee —-e - P . ' * em iF fis: Feta pe il cease (gee ples hae > yd eT ee a a CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERLAE. 403 4. Virulent D. B., typical in every way, but with very little tendency to the formation of longer forms. 5. Virulent D. B:, typical in every way, but with such luxuriant growths upon glycerin-agar and potato that they cannot be distinguished macroscopically from the Coryne- bacterium pseudodiphtheriticum. ~ In other words, we speak of a true diphtheria bacillus whenever a bacillus stains in segments and presents a dis- tinct, specific pathogenic action, without taking much ac- count as to whether it corresponds exactly in one of the peculiarities of length, granule staining, appearance of cultures, and production of acid as given in the scheme for the diphtheria bacillus. Even if several of these pecu- liarities are found to differ from those in the scheme for the diphtheria bacillus, still a typically pathogenic organ- ism remains for us a Corynebacterium diphtheria, for clin- icians have formed this species, and the single pathogenic property appears so characteristic that we may build a differential diagnosis upon it alone. It is much more difficult, if pathogenesis fails, to pro- nounce regarding the relationship to the true diphtheria bacillus. If all the morphologic and biologic peculiar- ities are present which belong to the true diphtheria bacillus, and the pathogenic property only is lacking, then it is safe to decide that one is dealing with a non-virulent, true diphtheria bacillus. It is more uncertain if, besides the virulence, still other peculiarities fail; for example, the -production of acid. Here the decision is doubtful, and the uncertainty in- creases the more peculiarities are simultaneously lacking —the more the organism approaches what are now cus- tomarily called ‘‘ bacteria resembling diphtheria.’”? We have devoted the following section to these. The Pseudodiphtheria Bacilli of Writers. Organisms resembling those of diphtheria, but not viru- lent, are found in great numbers in the mouths of diph- theritic and healthy persons, in the conjunctival sacs of healthy and diseased eyes, etc.1 Proof has not been fur- 1 Schiitz very frequently found in the sputum in tuberculosis, bacilli resembling those of diphtheria (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1898, 404 ACTINOMYCETES. nished that these organisms, which in their extreme forms differ widely from the diphtheria bacillus, are connected with it genetically. Therefore there are no essential reasons for regarding these forms simply as atypical diphtheria bacilli in the broader sense. On the other hand, it is not possible to separate them naturally into definite varieties by the side of diphtheria bacilli, any more than this is possible in the forms of the Bact. coli and water vibrios. It is customary at present to dispose of this by designating the luxuriantly, succu- lently, and rapidly growing non-virulent forms as Coryne- bacterium pseudodiphtheriticum (Hofmann-Wellenhof) Lehm. and Neum., the scantily and delicately growing forms as Corynebacterium xerosis (Neisser) Lehm. and Neum., and the other non-virulent forms! are pressed into this scheme as well as possible. Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum. (Léffler.) L. and N. (Plates 58-60, in part.) Pseudodiphtheria bacillus of Léffler. Discovered by von Hofmann-Wellenhof in 1887. Described in detail by Escherich (Aetiol. der epid. Diphth.), Zarniko (C. B. vi, 153), and Prochaska (Z. H. xxiv, 378). Rods, which upon serum are shorter and thicker than true diphtheria bacilli, show less ‘often a tendency to form clubs and segments, but have a tendency to parallel group- ing and are not virulent for guinea-pigs (Escherich). Upon glycerin-agar it grows not.alone upon the inoculation line, but in two to four days spreads out over the surface of the agar. It varies from milky white to dirty yellowish or gray, is succulent, and the border is slightly notched (58, m1). 297). R.O. Neumann (not yet published) found in every case of catarrhal cold, but also in every healthy nose, often very abundant diphtheria-like organisms, sometimes growing luxuriantly, sometimes delicately, mostly producing a little acid and giving only slight granule staining. The virulence has not been investigated. 1 These forms are usually not entirely non-virulent. C. Frankel and others have seen animals die with marasmus a long time after the injection of large doses of bouillon culture. on ete ee ees Die ie el a F \ - ow id ™ eee ee Se oe a CORYNEBACTERIUM PSEUDODIPHTHERITICUM. 405 The glycerin-agar plates appear correspondingly luxuri- ant (58, vi1, a); when magnified sixty times, they present dense, granular, dark colonies with ragged borders and opaque centers (59, Iv, a and 6). Upon potato, fairly abundant white growth. It is dry, elevated, lobulated, often resembling the species of mycobacterium and actino- myces (58, x). In bouillon the acid production (ex- pressed in 1:40 normal alkali to 5 c.c. of bouillon), according to all writers, is usually very slight (7. e., upon ordinary bouillon after twenty hours, 0.3-0.7; after forty hours, not more than 1.2; upon sugar bouillon after twenty hours, 0.6—-1.4; after forty hours as much as 1.3 to 2.1), or there is none at all. After two to four days the alkalinity increases perceptibly. We have observed cultures, nevertheless, which produced upon sugar bouillon in forty hours as much as 3.2. Old agar tubes often exhibit a brownish-red to brown- ish-black discoloration.1 This phenomenon is inconstant, but, according to Escherich, is never present in diphtheria bacteria.2, Upon gelatin there occurs a luxuriant growth, even at 18°; bouillon shows a more rapidly forming tur- bidity and ‘a denser and later forming sediment than occurs with diphtheria bacteria. In Gratz, v. Hofmann found this organism so frequently (26 times ‘out of 45 healthy persons) in the mouth that he considered it a normal inhabitant of the mouth. Other writers found it much more infrequently. Escherich never found it in healthy persons in Gratz, twice in 100 eases of diphtheria, and ten times in association with other diseases of the throat. In Wiirzburg we found it not infrequently in healthy and diseased eyes and noses. Escherich admits the possibility that this organism may 1 An organism, obtained from Honl, of Prague, was very similar in every particular (staining, clubbing, branching, luxuriant growth, staining well by Gram’s method), but presented a reddish tint in all cultures, especially intensely (rose) developed in the surface layer of a milk culture. We have cultivated a similar one from the nose with a luxuriant brownish-yellow growth (58, v). * We obtained a brownish color of glycerin-ascites-agar in one of our cultures in ten to fourteen days, and in three others after a longer time (six weeks). F'or the cultures we are indebted to Dr. Silber- schmidt (Ziirich). 406 ACTINOMYCETES. sometimes be recognized as a form or descendant of the diphtheria bacterium, yet it was impossible by the employ- ment of most various means to render it virulent, not even by the simultaneous injection of streptococci. Important, but lacking confirmation, is the statement of Hewlett and Knight that they have succeeded in the Lon- don Institute of Preventive Medicine in converting the Hofmann-Wellenhof organism into the virulent diphtheria bacterium by passage through animals, and that typical virulent diphtheria bacteria may be changed into the typi- cal Hofmann-Wellenhof organisms by careful heating (C. B. xxi, 793). Corynebacterium xerosis. (Neisser and Kuschbert.) L. and N. (Plates 58-60 in part.) Xerosis bacillus of Neisser and Kuschbert. Grows especially in short forms, yet Heinersdorff, for example, represents a number which differ in no way from diphtheria bacteria, and we have also often observed such forms. According to all writers, the growth on Léffler’s serum is dry and more scanty than that of the diphtheria bacterium, and still slower upon glycerin-agar (58, vil, ¢). Upon potato no growth is to be seen. When magnified sixty times, it is not distinguishable from feebly growing forms of Coryn. diphtherie (60, vu1). When grown on Loffler’s serum at 35° for nine to twenty-four hours, there are none, or only a few, of Neisser’s granules.! Bouillon always remains clear, and acid production usually is absent: d. €., at most, 0.6 in twenty hours, about 1.0 in forty hours; in sugar bouillon in twenty hours, 0.6—1.6; in forty hours usually only 1-1.5, but may be as much as 3.2. In numerous cultures from the eye and nose we usually observed slight acid production parallel with the limited growth, but sometimes, in spite of this, well-marked granule staining. Pathogenesis is lacking, according to all writers, and the organism appears to only accompany and not cause the xerosis processes in the eye which are accom- 1 Not infrequently we found distinct granule staining, also in non- virulent cultures which produced no acid and whose growths were dry and scanty. —_— — ee ae eS ee ee ee ey CORYNEBACTERIUM XEROSIS. 407 panied by atrophy of the conjunctiva. The statement of Spronk (Deut. med. Wochenschr., 1896, 571) that a dif- ferentiation from diphtheria bacteria is possible from the absence of effect of diphtheria antitoxin against the Coryn. xerosis is doubted by most authors, especially since no pathogenic action is observed in the latter (for example, Heinersdorff, Archiv. f. Oph., Bd. 46, p. 1). Kurth found in one-fifth of true diphtheria cases forms, probably belonging here, which were absolutely non-virulent (Bac. pseudo- diphtheriticus alkalifaciens, Kurth), and also three forms which pro- duced acid as actively as the true diphtheria bacteria (Bac. pseudo- diphtheriticus acidumfaciens). Gelpke (see below) found in his cul- tures (in all?) less acid production in ordinary bouillon, nevertheless much greater initial acid production in grape-sugar bouillon than with diphtheria bacteria. Gelpke (Bact. septatum, etc., Karlsruhe, 1898) has recently regularly isolated an organism as the cause of ‘*catarrhal swelling,’’? which is a specific inflammation of the eye characterized especially by bluish-red discolor- ation and swelling of the fold of the conjunctiva, formation of a fibrinous exudate, great pain and photophobia, to- gether with general symptoms. He has called the organ- ism Bacterium septatum Gelpke, considering it a new variety, in spite of great similarity to the short xerosis forms. So far as we see, aside from a not very great pathogenic effect upon the human conjunctiva, as demon- strated by Gelpke in some cases, there is nothing in the ex- haustive description of the organism to distinguish it from the Coryn. xerosis. Other authors appear to have obtained the same impression. What we have said in the preceding pages shows that, as in the case of the virulent (‘‘true’’) diphtheria bacteria, so also in the non-virulent, there is a long series of ex- ceedingly closely related forms, which may be differen- tiated by varying combinations of characteristics, —luxuri- ance, length of rods, granule formation, production of acid, etc.,—and which form a gradational series, into which the true diphtheria bacterium also fits. This is rendered still clearer in the following brief tabu- lation of a part of our findings: VARIETY AND GLYC.-AGAR sounce ov Gut-| atcnesnoete Fromage | Paraoeee ae . SCOPICALLY. 1. | Corynebacte-| Slender rods, clubbed | Guinea- pigs | Whitish-yel- rium diph-| at both ends.| injectedsub-| low, lux- theriz from| Branching. Seg-| cutaneously | uriant, exudate in| mentation distinct;| die after | “ moist. throat (typi-| among them also| twenty-four cal diphthe-| shorter organisms.| hours. ria). Typical diphtheria. 2. | Corynebacte-| Much more luxuriant | Guinea- pigs | Grayish- rium diph-| and thicker. The| injectedsub-| white, deli- theriz from| swellings are more| cutaneously | cate, trans- exudate in| irregular. Many] die after| parent. throat(atyp-| short, thick, wedge-| forty-eight ical diphthe-| shaped organisms.| hours. ria). Segmentation. Branching. 3. | Corynebacte- | Small, thick, wedge-| Not patho- | Grayish- rium pseu-| shaped organisms,| genic. white, del- dodiphther-| oftenin pairs. Part icate, trans- it. from the| in formofovalcocci. parent ; eye. Segmentation in the later more middle. No branch- luxuriant ing. 4. |Corynebacte-| Longer rods, club-| Not patho-| Yellowish, rium pseu-| bing more to one| genic. luxuriant, dodiphther-| side. Segmentation succulent ; it. from the| present. Among later yel- nose. them many short lowish- forms. No branch- brown. ing. 5. | Corynebacte-| Almost without ex- | Guinea- pigs | Grayish- rium xerosis| ception small rods; notkilledby| white, deli- from the| pointedattheends,| 5c.c. bouil-| cate, trans- nose. arranged in pairs.| lon injected/ parent. More rarely thick; intraperi- forms with swell-| toneally. ings. No branching. 6. | Corynebacte-| Regularly segmented | Infiltration at | Whitish,dry, rium xerosis| slender forms with| point of in-| alittlemore from the eye.| clubbed swellings.| jection in| luxuriant Very often also| guinea-pigs| than pre- shorter, wedge-| (subcutane- | ceding vari- shaped rods. No} ous), but do| ety. branching. not die. 408 Fe ‘TURES,GLYCER- eh ae a i alt eel TTeroscohe. | “| SemowatEDNA.| TE Sutton. | “boutons After | After | After | After 20 hrs. | 40 hrs, | 20 hrs. | 40 hrs, Grayish- Slightly|Detached| 0.6 | 1.7 | 0.6 | 5.7} brown; fair-| cloudy.| granulesat ly transpa-| Abundant,} the poles. rent; splin-| sandy pre-|} Atypical. tery appear-| cipitate. ance; torn, _ tagged edge , Like 2 No. 1, | Very cloudy.| Regularly at} 1.2 | 2.3 | 3.8 | 5.8 butthicker! Sediment| the poles, and only} homogene-| numerous, slightly} ous,slight,} also de- transpa-| easily dis-| tached ones rent. tributed. in the mid- dle. Like No. 1. |Almost clear.,; Detached| 0.5 | 1.2 | 0.5 | 1.3 Sediment} granules. slimy, easi- ly distrib- uted. Like No. 2.| Clear. Sedi-/Granulesvery| 0.9 | 0.5 | 2.5 | 3.2 Interior! ment gran-| irregularly verygranu-| ular, abun-| distributed, lar. The} dant, easi-| not very periphery; ly distrib-| few. resembling| uted. Like No. 1. | Like No. 2. | No granule} 0.6 | 1.1 | 0.5 | 0.7 staining. ' Like No. 2. | Like No.3. |Here and| 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.3 | 2.1 there a pol- ar granule, also isolat- ed ones in the middle of rods. ONE OER st ae a he gre PLATE CuL- BovUILLON CUL- GRANULE For- PRODUCTION OF 3; NORMAL ACID, MATION ON 1 At first exceedingly slow acid production! 409 410 ACTINOMYCETES. Supplementarily, we may here mention the following : Bacillus pseudotuberculosis ovis. (Preisz.) The rods are smaller and finer than diphtheria bacteria and stain , a well by Gram’s method. Grows only at incubator temperature, and — upon agar and serum only scantily and dry. Upon bovine serum there is often a striking orange-yellow color. Cultivated from the kidney of a sheep. Injected intravenously into rabbits and guinea-pigs, it produces pseudotuberculosis (A. P., 1894, 231). Bacillus pseudotuberculosis murium. (Kutscher.) Similar in many points to the preceding, but pathogenic for mice only. Cultivated from the lung of a diseased mouse (Z. H. XVII, « 327). The interesting ‘‘sporogenic’’ pseudodiphtheria bacillus of De Simoni (C. B. xxIv, 294) scarcely seems to belong here, in spite of : 3 : certain similarities between it and the diphtheria bacillus (striped — rods). 2. Mycobacterium Lehm. and Neum. Cultures upon solid nutrient medium are elevated, more © or less wrinkled and dry. Microscopically: thin, slen- der rods, often with typical dichotomous branching, sometimes forming unbranched or branched threads. When the rods have been stained with hot carbol-fuchsin, they give up the stain from the action of acids with great difficulty; they are ‘‘acid proof’’—. e., they behave toward stains much like the spores of ordinary bacilli. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (R. Koch.) L. and N. (Plate 61.) Synonyms.—Bacillus tuberculosis R. Koch. Bacillus Kochii Aut. nonnull. Sclerothrix Kochii Metschnikoff (V. A. cxu, 70). See page 128. Common Name.—Tubercle bacilli.1 T. B. Most Important Literature.-—R. Koch (Mitt. aus. d. Gesundheitsamt 11, 1884); Nocard and Roux (A. P. 1, 19); Czaplewsky, Untersuchung des Auswurfs auf Tuberkelbacillen, Jena, 1891; Fischel, Morphologie 1In the following we more often employ the common name of tubercle bacillus (T. B.), but in spite of this we do not consider the further application of the scientific name, Bacillus tuberculosis Koch, to be proper. al a fp tion Sh. « ‘ > . cia i i ian tal AP e TES Rw oes i i i i a a MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. 411 und Biologie des Tuberkuloseerregers, Vienna, 1893; Coppen Jones (C. B. xvu, 1); Hayo Bruns (C. B. xvi, 817); Cornet, Die Tuber- kulose, 1899. Microscopic Appearance.—In sputum and cultures usually unbranched, slender rods, 1.5-4 » long, only 0.4 » thick, which often are slightly bent (61, vu, Ix, x). More recently many writers have observed thread and ~ _ true branched forms—in sputum and in cultures, and in the latter, with careful preparation, they are predominant —which are injured and broken apart by only the rough- est preparation. (Literature, history, and good illustra- tions by Coppen Jones, J. ¢.) Lubinski obtained long threads without branching upon acid potatoes (C. B. xvi, 125). : Inside of the tubercle bacillus from sputum and pure culture there are sometimes found unstained vacuoles, sometimes peculiar structures which give an especially in- tense, dark red color with carbol-fuchsin. Still, these latter bodies do not present the regular form of the true spores of bacilli; also statements regarding resistance and germination are not at hand. Coppen Jones compares them to the chlamydospores of the mucorini. In the same article the same author described very remarkable forms from tubercular sputum resembling the clubs of actinomyces, but which he recognized not as or- ganized forms directly formed by the T. B., but (like acti- nomyces-clubs) as secretions, concrements, etc. Friedrich found T. B. resembling actinomyces—. ¢., clubbed, dense, radiating formations—in sections of or- gans from animals which succumbed to a rapid tubercu- losis infection (see p. 416). Motility.—According to all authors motility is lacking. ’ Schumowski claims to have constantly seen a slow motion of the T. B. (C. B. xxi, 838.) Staining Properties.—The T. B. stains so difficultly and imperfectly with the ordinary aqueous solutions of anilin dyes that these are never employed. Also the stain suggested by Koch, accomplished by prolonged action of alkaline methylene-blue, has only a historical interest. To-day two methods (Tech. Appendix), with innumera- ble (insignificant) modifications, are almost exclusively 412 ACTINOMYCETES. 1 employed. Of these, we always use that of Ziehl- Neelsen. Also, Gram’s method is successful, but is not especially recommended, since it does not possess the advantage of a specific reaction. Relation to Oxygen.—Without oxygen, no growth. Requirements as to Temperature and Reaction of Nutrient Media.—Growth occurs between 29° and 42°, the optimum being 37°. Under all circumstances growth is slow. ; | Preliminary Remarks Concerning Cultures. — ~ Upon the ordinary agar and gelatin nutrient media the T. B. grows scantily or not at all. For its cultivation, be- sides solidified blood-serum, glycerin-agar is almost execlu- sively employed (Nocard and Roux, C. B. 1, 404). Glycerin-agar Plate.—Surface colonies like those on the glycerin-agar streak. Glycerin-agar Streak.— At first there are minute, crumbly growths, irregular in form, white to yellowish- white, fairly elevated, devoid of luster or faintly glistening (61, 1). Later, after three to four weeks, the colonies grow out and have lobulated sinuate borders. The peripheral portions are still thinly transparent, and at intervals there are formed elevations, like mountain ranges, running from the border toward the center, which gradually converge to form a mountain stem in the middle. The elevations are usually yellowish to brownish in color; the depressions, whitish to grayish-yellow. Still later the entire colony becomes brownish (61, 11). We once obtained an orange discoloration. Htippe reports that he has grown cultures which presented a pronounced yellow to reddish-yellow color. (See p. 480.) Kitasato cultivated. a luxuriantly growing variety of Myc. tuberculosis. (Compare Mye. tub. avium, p. 418.) Blood-serum Streak.—A slight growth in the form of light-colored, dry, crumbly scales becomes visible micro- scopically after about six days and macroscopically after ten to fourteen days. Blood-serum is never liquefied. When magnified sixty times, the colonies, especially at the borders, present S-shaped flourishes consisting of nothing but parallelly arranged rods (61, v). it i Ol eee a, B. = ni. MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. 413 Potato.—If potato is inclosed in an air-proof (7. ¢., _ protected from evaporation) reagent glass, there slowly _ develops small, crumbly, yellowish, friable masses, devoid of coherence, much elevated above the surface of the potato, dull or with a faint luster (61, m1). The culture is well developed after about three weeks. (See Pawlow- sky, C. B. tv, 340). The growth is better if air can enter and other precautions are taken to prevent drying of the potato. Fluid Nutrient Media.—If glycerin (up to about 4% ) - is added to the nutrient fluids, the T. B. will grow very well upon most various mixtures; for example, bouillon, potato water, and artificial non-albuminous nutrient media. As an example of such a medium we may men- tion: Mannite, 0.6; citrate of magnesium, 0.25; sulphate of ammonium, 0.2; glycerin, 1.5; diphosphate of potas- - sium, 0.5. See Proskauer and Beck (C. B. xvi, 974). aie 7 , eS ee ee ee Ee Oe ee ee According to Rabinowitsch, the T. B. forms a thick film upon all liquid nutrient media and gives off an odor of flowers. Formation of endogenous spores does not occur, and whether a form of arthrospore is produced is at least very doubtful. (See p. 411 regarding chlamydospores. ) Resisting Powers Against: (a) light: Pure cultures are very susceptible to direct sunlight; are also injured by pale, diffuse daylight (accord- ing to Koch, cultures on a window die in five to seven days). (6) Drying: According to Sawitzky (C. B. x1, 153), human phthisical sputum retains its virulence, when dried at room temperature, for two and one-half months; also sunlight does not here produce injury. Obici (C. B. xix, 314) obtained a series of similar results. On the contrary, Migneco found them dead in the sun after twenty-four to thirty hours if the dried sputum was not in too thick a layer (A. H. xxv, 361). Tubercule bacilli dried on cigars die in ten days; on the contrary, on paper they may live as long as four weeks. (c) Moist heat: 50° does not kill in twelve hours, 55° kills in four hours, 60° in forty-five to sixty minutes, 70° in ten minutes, 80° and 90° in about five minutes, 95° in one minute (Forster, H: R. 1, p. 869). 414 ACTINOMYCETES. (d) Cold: It is borne very well; for example, winter cold for twenty-one days by bouillon cultures. (e) Disinfectants : Injure slowly, especially T. B. which | are found in sputum; 3% carbolic acid, for-example, kills — T. B. only after twenty hours. An extensive survey of the tenacity of the T. B. is given by Schneiderlin, Dis. med., Freiburg, 1897. Chemical Activities —(a) No chromogenesis or pro- duction of odoriferous substances. (6) Cellulose is formed in distinction to many other | investigated bacilli. (c) Indol and H,S production were not observed in our | cultures. (d) Regarding toxins, see page 417. Distribution.—(a) Outside the body: So far, found only” in living rooms (dust of railroad cars, street dust, etc.) In- places where tubercular cases have deposited their sputum. — In the air they are seldom found, and then are isolated. — They are very frequently found in milk. A third of © tubercular cows furnish, even when the udder is healthy, © milk containing T. B. Still there is great variation. While © the butter of a large Berlin dealer contained T. B. in the butter in 100% of the cases (Obermiiller, H. R., 1897, 712), thirteen other establishments in Berlin were proved to furnish butter free from T. B. (Rabinowitsch,.C. B. XXvV, 77). (b) In the healthy body: Very many apparently healthy individuals, men and animals (cows), present at autopsy smaller or larger, often completely healed tubercular foci. Of such men there are said to be 66% with latent or healed tubercular foci; and of these, it is the principal dis- ease in 58%, a secondary affection in 6%, and entirely latent in 41% (Schlenker). Healthy nurses and physi- cians of tubercular patients are said to often show T. B. in the nasal mucus. (c) In diseased human organism:+ It occurs as the ex- clusive and essential cause of miliary tuberculosis, of bone, gland, and joint tuberculosis (caries, fungous inflammation, white swelling, etc.), of lupus (tuberculosis of the skin), 1 Regarding cases of men affected with fowl tuberculosis, see page 419. eae a ee ee r MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. 415 f of intestinal, peritoneal, renal, and meningeal tubercu- { losis, of dry and serous pleuritis, 1 etc. All the organs : may be affected with tuberculous disease. : Part of the tuberculous affections of the lungs are de- . _ pendent upon the T. B. alone; in phthisis, streptococci _ play a very important secondary role as the cause of the _ typical irregular temperature curve and as destroyers of _ the pulmonary tissue with suppuration. ‘‘ Anatomical”’ tubercles are only in part caused by the T. B. _ The port of entry of the T. B. may be in any part _of the body (lung, intestine, skin, wounds of the skin), and is said by many authors to be located especially often in the tonsils. 7 Tuberculous mothers sometimes furnish tuberculous ova, _ or tuberculous fetuses (eventually through placental tuber- _ culosis); tubercular fathers, even with tuberculosis of the - testicle, scarcely ever transmit T. B., but certainly do a disposition to tuberculosis (Gartner, Z. HH. , xr, 101). In the same place are also given many statements from the literature. (d) In animals: Tuberculosis is very frequent in cows (‘‘Perlsucht’”’). In newly born calves tuberculosis (al- ways miliary tuberculosis) is a rarity (according to Klepp, with exhaustive examination, it occurs in about 3% of slaughtered calves!). In slaughtered cattle as high as 35% have been found to be tuberculous; in old milk _ cows, as high as 80%. _ Inplaces tuberculosis occurs frequently also in swine,— _ for example, in the slaughter-houses of Dantzic in 11% ,— _ yet mistakes in connection with the necrotic areas of swine "plague (‘‘Schweineseuche’’) have been observed. Sheep, goats, horses, dogs, and cats sometimes, though rarely, _ present very extensive tuberculosis. Rabbits and guinea- _ pigs sometimes present tuberculosis rather frequently; yet of 3000 guinea-pigs which were killed during 1890-96 in _ the Department of Health of Berlin, not a single instance _ of spontaneous tuberculosis was observed 2 (Petri). >= 1 Pleural exudates, apparently free of bacteria, are very often of a tuberculous nature. 2 Vagedes has isolated twenty-eight different cultures of tubercle bacilli from man and two from animals (‘‘ Perlsucht’’), mostly from — e 416 ACTINOMYCETES. Experimental Observations Regarding Pathogenic Effects.—(a) In animals: With T..B. from man it is very easy to infect cattle, swine, horses, and especially monkeys and guinea-pigs; also dogs are easily infected, especially intravenously. Fowls are immune; in hens, — at most, there occurs a small, local area from inoculation in the comb. | Infection follows the introduction of T. B. by all sorts of methods (also inhalation and feeding), but most cer- tainly by the intraperitoneal. At the place of infection a caseous area is formed, and in the neighborhood (omen- tum, peritoneum) an acute miliary tuberculosis. With © intravenous infection a general miliary tuberculosis de- velops. Tubercle bacilli, attenuated by iodoform, cause — in rabbits, sometimes the picture of chronic phthisis in man, sometimes the typical pearly disease (‘‘ Perlsucht”’) (Troje and Tangl, C. B. x1, 613). I If rabbits are injected subdurally or into the kidneys,—_ according to Friedrich, also into the veins,—then areas are often produced which in from fourteen to fifty days — correspond throughout to pictures of actinomyees: 7. ¢., — a central tangle of genuine branching threads, limited at_ the periphery by clubs. The central structure is acid proof; the clubs are often only feebly so, and sometimes are stained blue with a counterstain of methylene-blue. Both the threads and clubs stain well by the Gram-Wei- gert method, while in the actinomyces the clubs rarely retain the stain in Gram’s method. . The close relationship between tuberculosis and actino- mycosis is constantly demonstrated by these investigations. Details will be found in the literature cited above. For the latest researches, with beautiful illustrations, consult Schulze and Lubarsch (Z. H. xxx1, 153 and 187). In the same place special staining methods are also described. (b) Inman: Experimental tests are lacking. Of the clinical experiences, some cases of disease following infec- the pus of cavities and pulmonary nodules. The virulence for animals proved to vary very much. If aculture was highly virulent for rabbits, it made no difference whether an infection was produced in the eye or subcutaneously or intravenously, and such cultures were also always very virulent for rats. yr, “am MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. 417 tion of a wound of the hand by sputum (injury by a _ broken sputum glass) have the force of experimental demonstration. Toxins, Immunity, Immunization.—From old cul- tures of the T. B. upon glycerin bouillon by means of evaporation and precipitation with alcohol, an albumi- nous body is obtained, formerly known as ‘‘ tuberculin,” and now as ‘‘old tuberculin.’”’ When this is injected in cases of tuberculosis (Koch), it exerts a peculiar influence upon the tuberculous process. Very weak doses call forth a moderate increase of inflammation at the seat of the tuberculous disease, with fever, while healthy persons ex- hibit neither fever nor noticeable local symptoms. As pointed out by Buchner and Rémer, the proteins of other bacteria have an exactly similar effect upon tuberculosis. While Koch and some of his students obtained good, or at least satisfactory, curative and immunizing results with the old tuberculin in man and animals, most investiga- tors, after a brief enthusiasm, abandoned the preparation as very rarely useful, but also as very often injurious. Then Koch sought to improve his preparation, and, under the name of ‘‘ Tuberculin TR,’’ recommended a new pre- . paration, prepared as follows : Virulent T. B. are dried and then pulverized, suspended in water, again pulverized, and then separated by centrifu- gation into a sediment, and a supernatant fluid. The latter is decanted and only the further aqueous extract is em- ployed, which is obtained by pulverizing and by separa- tion of the solid ingredients by centrifugation (Deut. med. Wochenschr., 1897, 209). H. Buchner, following the method of E. Buchner, has obtained a ‘‘ tuberculoplasmine ’? by trituration and com- pression of fresh tubercle bacilli, concerning which no practical results appear to have been published. Koch has completely immunized a series of guinea-pigs with his TR by means of carefully but actively increasing doses. Complete immunity was obtained about two or three weeks after the administration of large doses. Also Koch has obtained a cure in previously infected guinea- pigs, but the treatment must be instituted not later than eight to fourteen days after infection, because of the rapid ee 418 ACTINOMYCETES. course of the disease ia guinea-pigs. Also the absorption of tuberculin in animals already infected is slower, and therefore it acts more unsatisfactorily. It must not be dis- guised, however, that Baumgarten and others arrived at absolutely negative results with the new tuberculin in guinea-pigs, as previously was the case with the old tuber- culin (C. B. xxi, 587); small doses were worthless, and the larger the doses, the greater the disappointment. Re- garding the value of the new preparation in man, there is no unanimity. Spengler (C. B. xxi, 523) gives a favor- able judgment, but unfavorable or skeptical opinions are in the majority. See, for example, Stempel (Mtinch. med. Wochenschr., 1897, No. 48) and Bukovsky (C. B. xxim, 518). Key to Some of the More Important Varieties of the Genus Actinomyces. (A) Pathogenic varieties, with clubbed swellings of the ends of the threads in the animal body. Upon artificial nutrient media the for- mation of clubs is rare; conidia are sometimes produced in cultures, sometimes not. (a) No growth below 22°, no growth on potato, no air mycelium, formation of clubs in artificial cultures very limited. Pathogenic for rabbits. Actinomyces Hofmannj. (Gruber.) Gasperini. Page 447. (b) Grow below 22° and upon potato; formations of clubs in cul- tures scarcely ever observed. 1. Agar cultures, yellowish-orange, knobby, sometimes with air mycelium. Gelatin slowly liquefied. Typical club-formation in the body. Cause of the typical ray-fungus disease in cattle and man. Actinomyces bovis. Gasp. Page 440. 2. Agar growth, dry, granular, scanty. Pathogenic for cattle. Clubs have not been demonstrated in the animal. Actinomyces far- cinicus. Gasp. Page 447. 3. Agar culture, a luxuriant, wrinkled, orange-yellow layer, with 1 For the limitations and naming of this genus, see Lachner-Sando- val, Ueber Strahlenpilze, Bonn, 1898; Sauvageau and Radais (A. P. VI, 242, Sur de genre Oospora); and our discussion on page 127. Re- garding the species, the following articles are also important: Alm- quist (Z. H. viii, 189, 1890), Gasperini (Annales de Micrographie, Bd. It, 449, 1890), and Annal. dell’Istit. d’Igiene di Roma, m1, 1892, 166 (C. B. xv, 684). Rossi Doria (Annal dell’Ist. d’Ig. de Roma, _ Bd. 1, 1892, 399). See also Berestnew (Z. H. xxix, 94). 2 While we ourselves naturally appreciate that this key is not satis- factory, our information does not allow us as yet to prepare a better ; one, a ee ee Te ae ee em en Aen my peer ts 440 ACTINOMYCETES. air hyphe. Pathogenic for rabbits. Typical clubs formed in the animal. Actinomyces asteroides. Gasp. Page 449. 4. Agar growth whitish-red. Conidiaare formed. Beautiful clubs in the animal. Actinomyces madure. Lachner. Page 452. (B) Non-pathogenic varieties : 1. Growth colorless, nutrient medium brown. Actinomyces chromogenes. Gasp. Page 452. 2. Growth colorless, nutrient medium colorless. Act. chromogenes. Gasp. falbaL.and N. Page 455. 3. Growth colorless, nutrient medium colored violet. Act. viola- ceus. Gasp. Page 456. 4, For varieties with other colors, see Gasperini’s Act. carneus, albido-flavus, citreus, etc., pages 451- 456. Actinomyces bovis. Harz. (Plate 65. ) Synonyms.—Actinomyces bovis Harz, Act. bovis sul- phureus Gasp., Nocardia Actinomyces de Toni e Trevisan, Streptothrix Actinomyces Rossi Doria, Oospora bovis Sauy. et Radais. Common Names.—Ray fungi, Actinomyces. Literature.—Israél (Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. 74, 15; and 78, 421); Bostrém ( Ziegler’s Beitrige, Bd. 1x, 1). «« Actinomykosis in Eulen- as s Realencyclopedie, Bd. 1, i894, by Birch-Hirschfeld. Grill (C. B. xvii, 181). Microscopic Appearance.—In the body of men and animals the organism forms sand-like masses, 0.2 to 0.6 or even as large as 1.2 mm. in diameter, of a gray, yellow, red, sometimes also green color, and when young, of a soft, and when older of a tougher consistency. The masses are made up of a ball of threads, the threads being radially arranged at the periphery ‘and provided with characteristic, club-like formations, which are to be considered as derived from the gelatinous membranes of the threads (Bostrém). The threads terminate in the clubs, either free or with slight bud-like enlargements (Fig. 20, a, 6). The threads show true branching, are thin (0.4—0.6 »), partly without division, partly apparently composed of longer and shorter fragments. The sur- rounding ‘‘membrane’’ is very delicate. In the interior of the colonies, there are usually found between the threads, cocci-like formations, which originate from fre- Sa Ahly at! sand aS aS, FANE I A AER RA tA Rate ~ : | and later may be outside of the empty membranes (Fig. ACTINOMYCES BOVIS. 441 quent fragmentation of the contents of the long threads, _ 20, ¢). These are not endospores! Older clubs become notched and cut, so that structures like an asparagus head may occur (Fig. 20, a). Often branched threads reach far beyond the zone with the clubs (Fig. 20, d). _ Sometimes clubs are entirely absent. Many actinomyces PE PPS Re a ET ad a ER NC masses are dead when expelled in pus. In cultures the branching mycelium is easily obtained _ (65, 1x); the clubs are found only in the deepest layers of the nutrient medium. Staining Properties.—The threads, but not the clubs, are best stained by Gram’s method; afterward the clubs may be stained red with saffranin and diffusely staining carmine. According to Berestnew (Z. H. xxx, 94), young actinomyces clubs stain by Ziehl’s method, sometimes also by Gram’s method. Relation to Oxygen.—Grows aerobically and anaero- bically, but better aerobically (Bostrém). The growth is limited. Chromogenesis.—The production of pigment is ex- ceedingly variable; from white to various shades of yellow, orange, rusty, and brown appear to occur upon the various nutrient media; the darker tones at least predominate - upon serum media, the brighter ones on gelatin. Gelatin Plate.—(a) Natural size: After six days the colonies have a very irregular outline, are yellowish- _ gray, shining, sometimes fairly elevated above the sur- _ face of the gelatin, sometimes growing deeply into it (65, IV). (6) Magnified sixty times: Dark yellowish-gray, homo- _geneously shaded colonies, sometimes presenting more _or less distinct concentric rings. The peripheral zone is _ dark and beset with fine, curly hair (65, vir). Gelatin Stab.—Surface growth at first is whitish-yellow, flatly elevated, faintly shining, rather tough; later the growth sinks into the gelatin with the limited liquefaction, leaving an air-space above. In the stab at first there are small yellowish-white clumps, which later have bristly outgrowths (65, m1). Agar Plate.— Macroscopically and microscopically a. Various clubbed forms from b. Clubs with threads fresh preparations. which contain fragments re- sembling cocci. c. Threads with fragments like cocci and d. Line of growth ! club-shaped swellings. with threads extending beyond the clubs. e. Part of a cluster with frag- f. Section through } of a perfectly mentation in the interior. developed cluster. Fig. 20—Formation of clubs in Actinomyces bovis. Harz (after Bostrém). (a, b, and e are highly magnified—about 1000 to 2000 times ; d, e, and f, slightly magnified. ) 442 — ; E | + ied PG ee | ACTINOMYCES BOVIS. 443 ayes _ scarcely distinguishable from those in gelatin plates, ex- cept that the colors are fainter. Agar Streak.—At first delicate, like dewdrops; then there slowly forms (after six to ten days) a whitish to ' whitish-yellow growth with an abruptly scalloped border, faintly lustrous and fairly elevated. This gradually comes to resemble a growth of Mycobacterium lacticola with its _ elevated paddings and ridges. After a very long time (thirty days) the growth gradually becomes dry, sinks in, and the color changes from white to yellow or brown. The culture appears to grow deeper into the nutrient medium, and often becomes surrounded by a more deli- cate zone, but in our cultures, in distinction to Bostrém’s, no air hyphe and no downy appearance was formed. The water of condensation remained clear. Serum Streak Culture (after Bostrém).—At first the colonies are like dewdrops, which first become a little broader and thicker ; then, extending out from some places, a whitish, velvety, dry covering is obtained. While the surface of the colony which is turned toward the serum gradually becomes colored from yellowish-orange to brick- red,—as do the older, puffed portions of the growth,—a delicate border of transparent bristling hairs is formed about the growth, in which later there form anew little but- tons and puffs, which are first whitish and then change to yellowish or reddish. Bouillon Culture.—The bouillon remains clear; at the bottom ball-like masses form, which are broken up with _ difficulty by shaking. Colonies upon the surface were never observed by us and rarely by Afanassiew. Micro- scopically the balls consist of threads with radially arranged fibers. Even in old bouillon cultures we could see no clubs. Milk Culture.—Unchanged after eight days. Potato Culture.—Slightly knobby, yellowish-white layer, closely attached to the potato, strictly limited to the streak. Often there occur distinct white, or yellow, and, according to Bostrém, also red spots (65, vmr). Special Nutrient Media.— a eae a Ee ean ae eA 1000 TS” cb ei igri ieee see eae a 0.5 MPeM METER no oS e's Se eee te 1.0 CCIE 66S 6 eke ae We se, See 486 BACTERIOLOGIC TECHNIC. 2. The Employment of the Different Nutrient Media 4 Depends upon the Following Points of View: I. Fluids (Bouillon, Sugar-bouillon, Milk, Non-albuminous Nutrient Media) are employed: 1. To produce culture en masse. 2. To obtain suspensions of bacteria in which the number can be accurately determined (counting by means of plates). 3. For the study of the formation of pellicles and sediments. 4. For the study of the metabolic products (compare p. 58 and ~ what follows). II. Solid Nutrient Media. 1. Gelatinous Nutrient Media.—The gelatinous, transparent nu- trient media (agar and gelatin) are most extensively employed for the : following reasons: (a) They may be employed as fluid and solid nutrient media: as : fluids, allowing a separation of the bacteria; and as solid substances, — a fixing of the isolated germs and their separate growth into colonies. (b) On account of their transparency they allow a macroscopic as — well as microscopic observation of the cultures; they allowa thorough differential diagnosis of varieties and an early recognition of any con- taminations. They are especially used: (a) For plate cultures—i. e., for demon- stration, for accurate separation and counting of the individuals and varieties. (b) For obtaining characteristic, macroscopic cultures which serve in differential diagnosis. (c) For permanent cultures, or collections of living bacteria. The special advantages of agar and gelatin are: (a) Gelatin. — Advantages: Easily prepared, readily made into plates (at 25°); the property of being liquefied by many bacteria is of great diagnostic value. Disadvantages: Since it melts at 25° it cannot be used in hot weather nor at incubator temperature. (b) Agar.—Advantages: It may be used at incubator temperature (i. e., for the rapid growth of bacteria—spores—and especially thermo- philic bacteria). Disadvantages: Difficulty of preparation, more diffi- cult to make plates from (the agar, melted at 80°, must be cooled to 40° before being inoculated). Colonies are often not characteristic. 2. Blood-serum, glycerin-agar, and glycerin-ascites-agar. — Employed especially for growing pathogenic varieties, which thrive poorly or not at all on other nutrient media. It is only possible to make plate cultures with glycerin-agar and mixtures of agar and serum. 3. Potato.—(a) To obtain macroscopically characteristic cultures of great durability and for differential diagnosis. (b) Sometimes for spore-formation. > : t : : - : 4 F ‘a > ; ee CULTIVATION OF BACTERIA. 487 3. A Few Words Regarding the Technic of Ordinary Cultures. The platinum needle must be heated red-hot each time before it is used and before putting it down. (a) Fluid culture media are inoculated with a loopful of pure culture. (b) Gelatin and agar stab cultures are made with a straight needle, only a single stab being made in each tube, but it should ex- tend almost to the bottom of the tube. (ec) Agar and gelatin streak cultures and potato cultures are inoculated by a gentle superficial stroke over the surface with the platinum loop. It is sometimes necessary to rub the culture into the potato. (d) Gelatin plate cultures: 1. To isolate certain bacteria in pure culture: The gelatin in three tubes is melted, and after it is cooled down to 30°, a loopful of a fluid or a trace of a solid pure culture is introduced into one of them and well mixed. From this first tube one or two loopfuls of gelatin are carried to a second tube, and from this, after mixing, two or three loopfuls are again transferred to the third tube. After anything which may be upon the edge of the tubes has been burned off, the contents of each tube are poured into separate sterile plates, the cover being quickly raised for this purpose, and the plate inclined gently to and fro in order to distribute the gelatin as uniformly as possible. During the transferring from one tube to another it is reeommended that they be held inclined, to prevent the falling into them of foreign germs. The plates thus prepared are then placed in a culture chamber with a constant temperature of 22° (or room temperature is used), and after two or three days the individual colonies which have developed are studied macroscopically and with slight (fifty times) magnification. Usually, of the three plates, only two are useful; at least one has been sown too thick or too thin. 2. If one wishes to ascertain the number of bacteria, for example, in water, 1 c.c., 0.5, and 0.1 ¢.c. of the water is placed in three tubes of liquefied gelatin, well mixed, and poured into plates. To ascertain the number of germs, if they are very numerous, the Wolfhitigel count- ing plate is used; if only a few colonies appear, then the plate is in- verted, the bottom divided into sextents with ink, and each visible colony marked with a dot. Plates made to determine the number of bacteria in drinking-water must be counted several times (on the » second, third, and fifth days). In the case of fluids with very many germs (sour milk, canal-water, etc.), 1 ¢c.c. is first placed in 100 ¢.c. of sterilized water, and this then treated as above. Solid bodies are first rubbed up in water. In the examination of air a definite quan- tity is drawn through a tube filled with sterilized sand, the sand then being washed in sterilized water and plates prepared from it. (e) Agar plate-cultures are prepared in the same way. The agar must not be too cool when poured into the dish or it will solidify at once, forming an uneven surface. On the contrary, if it is too hot, the bacteria are killed by the temperature. Recently it has been much 488 BACTERIOLOGIC TECHNIC. advised that, in making agar (partly also gelatin) plates, the nutrient medium be first allowed to solidify in the dishes, and then the surface be superficially smeared over with the material to be examined by means of a platinum loop, strips of filter-paper, or a platinum brush. Only characteristic surface colonies are obtained in this way. (f) Sugar-agar shake cultures: The contents of a tube are melted in the water-bath and cooled down to about 40°. A loopful of the pure culture is then introduced and thoroughly distributed, and after the medium solidifies the tube is placed in the incubator. 4. Anaerobic Cultures. We have employed almost exclusively the method of H. Buchner: Absorption of oxygen by pyrogallic acid in the presence of potassium hydroxid.* (a) For Stab Cultures.—At the bottom of a glass cylinder, which must be a little longer than the test-tube, is placed a heaping teaspoon- ful of pyrogallic acid and 20 c.c. of 3% potassium hydroxid solution. The inoculated stab culture is then placed in the cylinder, which is closed at one end with a soft rubber stopper or a ground-glass stopper which is sealed with paraffin. According to Kitasato, anaerobes which are less sensitive to oxygen may be cultivated in high stab eul- tures in sugar-agar without pyrogallic acid. A stab 8 to 10 em. deep is made in sugar-agar with a small loop and the needle turned upon its long axis before being withdrawn. 7 (b) For Plate Cultwres.—Instead of the ‘glass cylinder, a wide exsic- cator with a ground cover is used. The lower part is filled with sand (Ar onl Sinezaaes acid mixture, and then the manipulation is as above Arens). If it is desirable to obtain the most perfect anaerobiosis, the pyro- gallic acid method is combined with either the pumping out of the air with a water-pump or the displacing of the air with hydrogen, so that only a slight trace of oxygen remains to be taken up by the pyrogallic acid. We have employed the latter method many years. The cultures are placed in a roomy exsiccator with sufficient pyrogallic acid and potassium hydroxid, and then, by means of a double perforated rubber cork, hydrogen is allowed to flow through for one-half hour. After closing the opening, we sink the whole apparatus, weighted with lead, in water. Kabrhel recommends (C. B. xxv, 555), as a control for the absence of oxygen, that a tube be introduced which contains liquefied nutrient gelatin, to which is added, just before use, 0.3% to 1.0% grape-sugar, and which is rendered a transparent blue with a strong alcoholic solu- tion of methylene-blue. Such an uninoculated tube is completely decolorized in twenty-four to thirty-six hours only in a chamber entirely free from oxygen. This indicator will also point out how essential it is to remove covers, corks, etc., in the case of anaerobic cultures. 1 Sensitive varieties are said to thrive better in an atmosphere of hydrogen. uly: _ mere ire see ele ee ne cnet i ne -r ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS. 489 III. Animal Experiments. (A) Infection. 1. Subcutaneous Inoculation.—After the skin in some part has been washed with 1 : 1000 corrosive sublimate solution, a shallow incision is made with scissors, and inoculating material is introduced beneath the skin by means of a stout platinum wire with a loop. Mice are usually inoculated above the root of the tail, they being simply held by the tip of the tail and allowed to hang into a glass which is covered in great part by a piece of board. Guinea-pigs and rabbits are inoculated on the side of the thorax. 2. Subcutaneous injection is usually carried out with Koch’s rubber-ball injection syringe or with Strohschein’s syringe. A fold of skin is picked up upon some part of the body, and the needle intro- duced in the direction of the fold. If several cubic centimeters are to be injected, it may be simply done as follows : Upon a graduated pipet is fastened a short piece of rubber tubing provided with an injection needle, and the whole sterilized. The pipet is sucked full, and the fluid forced out with the mouth or a rubber bulb. 3. Intraperitoneal injection is made by perloratine the ab- dominal wall at a single thrust with a sterile hollow needle ; then, cautiously advancing the needle, the fluid is injected. Regarding infection by feeding, inhalation, etc., consult more exten- sive works on technic. (B) Observation. Mice may be kept in sterile glass vessels provided with cotton and closed with wire gauze. Larger animals must be kept in sterilized cages or stalls. (C) Autopsy and Disposition of the Body. ‘Autopsies must be made at once after death; at least, the animal must be placed on ice after death. The animal is placed upon a board on its back and nailed or tied by its four legs. The abdomen and chest are thoroughly moistened with sublimate solution and then the abdom- inal cavity first opened with a sterile knife. The abdominal walls are separated, and from the spleen, liver, and kidneys, some blood (or tis- sue juice) is obtained with a sterile platinum loop and smeared at once upon previously prepared agar plates. The organs are carefully cut out, avoiding contact with the intestines, and placed in absolute alcohol for further examination. Then the thorax is opened with scissors, and blood removed from the heart and also the lungs. These organs are also placed in alcohol. Before each operation the instru- ments must be carefully heated to a glow or thoroughly burned. It is better to have numerous sterilized instruments ready. The hands - must be perfectly clean. In interpreting the findings at the autopsy it is to be remembered that often very soon (sometimes during the death agony ) micro-organ- 490 RECOGNITION OF BACTERIA. isms migrate into the organs from the intestine. If living bacteria are injected into the abdominal cavity or trachea of cadavers, they can very often be found in the organs after a time (C. B. x x1, 418). After the autopsy the body is best burned. If this is not practica- ble, the body is wrapped in coverings wet with sublimate and buried at least 0.5 meter deep, and quicklime filled in about it. APPENDIX V. ee Brief Guide to the Recognition of Bacteria. . (Illustrated with an example. ) The case is one of eczematous conjunctivitis in which a number of the bacteria occurring in diseased eyes are present. Purulent or serous material removed from the conjunctival sac or edge of the lid with a platinum loop is made use of. I. Microscopic Examination (Smear upon Slide or Cover-glass). (a) Stained with fuchsin, we see: 1. Cocci, especially diplococci in heaps, usually dis- tinctly ‘‘ biscuit-shaped,’’ many times within cells (per- haps gonococci). 2. Cocci, single or united in irregular clusters (probably Micro. pyogenes). 3. Short chains, of two or three links, of lance-shaped cocci, some with capsules (probably Streptoc. lanceolat. ). 4. Rods, larger or smaller, often very irregular in form, staining in segments, ends rounded or pointed, often of the size of cocci (true diphtheria, pseudodiphtheria, or xerosis bacillus). 5. Rods regular, rather thick, but small (perhaps coli group). 6. Rods, often in pairs, quite large, the ends not rounded (perhaps, although at the time without spores, a bacillus or Bacterium duplex). ore es 2, ee 1 ! PLATE CULTURES. 491 - (b) Gram’s stain: All the organisms in the prepara- tion are stained except the biscuit-shaped cocci and the small, plump regular bacteria. The loss of color speaks in favor of the cocci being gonococci, and the rods Bact. coli. (c) Stain for tubercle bacilli with carbol fuchsin: In the differentiation the preparation is completely decolor- ized with sulphuric acid. After counter-staining with methylene-blue only organisms which are stained blue are seen. Thus, in our case the tubercle bacillus and those resembling it are excluded. If, as sometimes occurs, no micro-organisms can be seen in the fuchsin preparation, then a preparation is also stained by Gram’s method because the stained cocci and bacilli are more readily seen after the mucus and coag- ulum have been decolorized. In any case if the examina- tion of the slide is negative, the plate method is always employed. II. Plate Cultures. In examining an animal body for micro-organisms the nature of which we do not know, we employ ‘‘the best nutrient medium ”’’: 7. e., serum or ascitic fluid-agar, and, as a substitute, glycerin-agar. ! The usual plate method consists in placing the material to be examined in liquefied gelatin or agar in various dilu- tions and pouring it out into double dishes. This is not especially suitable for the examination of materials which contain relatively few germs. In our case we prefer to pour the nutrient medium into plates, and, after it is solidified, to carefully make several streaks over the sur- face with a platinum loop which carries the pus or mucus, etc., to be examined. The double dishes are then turned upside down (so the agar will not dry so rapidly) and placed in the incubator. After forty-eight hours there appear upon the plate: 1. Moist, white, yellow, and orange, roundish, slightly elevated colonies,? which, when magnified sixty times, are 1 On the contrary, many varieties from soil, water, etc., grow only upon nutrient media poor in nutrient substances, like the ordinary nutrient media (see p. 200). 2 The colonies here described are always such as lie on the surface of the medium. 492 RECOGNITION OF BACTERIA. finely granular. In stained preparation, magnified a thou- sand times, they are micrococci (probably Micrococeus pyogenes albus, citreus, and aureus). The examination must be carried further, as indicated on page 163. If there are only one or two colonies,—especially yellow ones,—one may often recognize it as a contamination of the plate by germs in the air, most often sarcine. The edges of the sarcina colonies, when magnified sixty times, are coarsely granular or jagged. When magnified one thousand times, packets of micrococci are seen. 2. Most minute, scarcely perceptible colonies, not ele- vated, half a millimeter in diameter. When magnified sixty times, extremely delicate, transparent, very delicately punctate. The edges practically smooth (recalling gono- coccus, Streptococcus lanceolatus, and Streptococcus pyo- genes). In the last, one often observes upon ascites-agar that chains of cocci grow out from the edge of the colony in the form of the finest curling threads! When the stained preparation is examined under a magnification of 1000, the examination is to be continued according to page 163, if cocci; page 134, if streptococci ; page 195, if bacilli. In order to render still more secure the diagnosis founded upon morphologic and biologic peculiarities, several such small colonies are taken up with a platinum loop and in- troduced beneath the skin of a mouse, or this may be done by employing more abundant infecting material (bouillon culture). If we are dealing with a Streptococcus lanceo- latus, we find in the blood and organs characteristic forms of this variety with capsules. Smears from the blood and organs are to be examined for the characteristic organisms (Strept. pyogenes, Strept. lanceolatus), and also new smear inoculations made upon nutrient media. 3. Tiny white to yellowish-white points, rather dense, and just visible with certainty after twenty-four to forty-eight hours. If the plates are kept longer, there is usually only a slight increase in size, up to about 0.5 mm., and then, with very few exceptions, they become no larger. They are, however, always distinguished from those named before by the tougher consistency. When magnified sixty times, the border is ragged, often as if: gnawed away, and ry pre ee ee ee cee Wt aey « a a a ee ee re a aa eh _ at ey PLATE CULTURES. 493 splintery (see Plate 59, 1) and of a yellowish color. Mag- nified 1000 times : Stained in segments, highly polymor- phous, short, long, thick, thin, clubbed, pointed, also. with the form of cocci (apparently diphtheria or pseudo- diphtheria or xerosis bacilli). In the pseudodiphtheria bacillus the border is often coarsely granular, similar to sarcinee. The further examination is conducted according to page 384. 4, Larger, moist, sometimes slimy, luxuriant colonies, somewhat elevated, whitish to gray, with transmitted light somewhat iridescent. When magnified sixty times, the edge is smooth. Microscopic preparation magnified 1000 times: Small, plump or more slender rods, perhaps also isolated short chains. Not stained by Gram’s method. Belongs to the group of non-sporulating bacteria. Perhaps or probably the Bact. coli or a closely related variety. It is to be further studied regarding motility, gas-formation, indol, coagulation of milk, according to page 169, ete. When transferred to gelatin plates, the colon group pre- sents, upon slight magnification, the characteristic, wavy, smooth-edged, transparent colonies with intersecting lines. 5. Macroscopic: Similar*to the colonies described under 4, but never slimy; grayish-white, often gray. When magnified sixty times, the border is matted or curly. Microscopic preparations magnified 1000 times show sturdy bacilli, of equal length, the ends not rounded, staining by Gram’s method, often united in chains (very probably sporulating organisms of the subtilis, anthrax, and mesentericus group). To be further studied accord- ing to page 304. 6. Essentially the same as under 5, but the periphery is exceedingly delicate and transparent. There is neither observed formation of curls nor irregular breaking up of the periphery into a felty structure. The microscopic preparation magnified 1000 times shows bacilli similar to those described under 5, but usually arranged in pairs (probably Bacterium duplex). It may here be again stated for the beginner that the diagnosis, especially the separation of the bacteria into separate groups, may be much facilitated by paying atten- tion to the periphery of the colonies. In the follow- 494 RECOGNITION OF BACTERIA. ing table are entered the appearances occurring in the most important varieties. Exceptions occur, of course: NUTRIENT ME- BORDER OF SUPERFICIAL COLO- DIuM.? VARIETY, NIES MAGNIFIED SIXTY TIMES, Agar. Streptococcus pyo-|Smooth or only extremely genes. finely granular. Excep- Streptococcus lan-| tions: many Streptococci ceolatus. pyogenes on ascites-agar. Micrococcus gonor- i rhee. Bacterium influenze. Agar. Micrococcus pyo-| Finely granular. genes and all luxu- riantly growing mi- crococci. Agar. Sarcine. Coarsely granular, often as if eaten away. In many varie- ties individual packets are distinctly seen at the peri- phery. Gelatin. Bact. typhi and coli,| Wavy, smooth. In young and related ogee stages, fine lines as if cut in, isms, passing from border toward center. Gelatin. Liquefying air and/ Beset with most delicate little water bacteria. hairs. Agar and gela- tin. Subtilis group and anaerobic bacilli. Periphery broken up into ir- regular, tangled locks. Agar, less in| Anthrax and closely | Regular, beautiful formation gelatin. related organisms. of curls and locks. Gelatin. Vibrios, especially Scalloped to finely lobulated, cholera. in the interior moruloid. Later the periphery is crumbly, until it is finally entirely disintegrated. Gelatin and agar. Diphtheria bacilli and its relatives. Similar to sarcine, but irreg- ularly cut and fringed. Glycerin-agar. Tubercle bacilli. Actinomyces their relatives. and Smooth, very wrinkled, car- tilaginous, distinguished by strong reflex. 1 The nutrient media are cited upon which the variety concerned grows characteristically. a dc INDEX. Asscrss, 184 Acetic acid bacteria, 197, 260 formation, 86 methylene-blue, 476 Acetone formation, 86 Acid addition to Léffler’s mor- dant, 479 formation, 69 Acids from alcohols, 91 from carbohydrates, 85 isolation, 86 obtaining, 86 Actinobacter polymorphus, 173 Actinomyces, 127, 128, 438 albido-flavus, 440, 456 albus, 446 asteroides, 440, 449 bovis, 439, 440; Pl. 65 carneus, 440, 451 chromogenes, 440, 452; Pl. 67 alba, 440, 455 citreus, 440 ‘diagnosis, 439 erysipeloidis, 456 farcinicus, 439, 447; Pl. 66 Hofmanni, 439, 447 Israéli, AAT madure, 440, 452 media for differentiating spe- cies, 485 musculorum suis, 446 necrophorus, 456 violaceus, 440, 456 Actinomycetes, 383 Adenin in bacteria, 30 Aerobes, 304 common characteristics, 306 facultative, 42 Aerobes, further sporulating va- rieties, 330 new, 259 obligate, 41 spore-formation, 51 Aerotaxic figures, 56 Agar, advantages, 486 as medium, 484 plate-cultures, 487 Agglutination, 105 Gruber and Bordet’s theory, 108 in typhoid, 240 phenomena, 109 test in cholera, 374 Agglutinin, demonstration, 105 Albumin, effect on antisepsis, 39 on asepsis, 39 in bacteria, 29 Albumin-dissolving ferments, 59 Albuminous bodies, hydrogen sulphid from, 76 in bacteria, 29 peptone from, demonstra- tion, 60 media, 483 Alcohol, acids from, 91 butyl, formation, 88 ethyl, formation, 86 from carbohydrates, 85 Aldehyd, formation, 86 Alexins, 97 Algee, fission, higher, 457 Alinit, 84 Alkali addition to L6ffler’s mor- dant, 479 formation, 69 495 496 Alkaloids, putrefaction, 71 Alum carmin, 476 American swine plague, 252 Amido-acids, 72 Amins, 72 Ammonia, demonstration, 78 formation, 69 Anaerobe, new pathologic, 344 Anaerobes, 305 as agents in ripening of cheese, carbon dioxid and, 43 facultative, 42 fermentation and, 351 in retting of flax and hemp, 351 obligate, 41 spore-formation, 51 sulphuretted hydrogen and, 44 Anaerobic cultures, 488 producers of butyric acid, 345 Angina, diphtheric, 397 ulcerative, 473 Anilin fuchsin, 475 gentian-violet, 475 Animal experiments, 489 serum, collection, 105 Anthrax, 305, 307; Pls. 34-36 spores, resistance, 52, 53 symptomatic, 340; Pl. 45 Anti-bodies, 94 Antiricin, action, 100 Antisepsis, albumin and, 39 concentration necessary for, definition, 37 Antitoxic sera, value, 102 Antitoxins, 99 action, 101 and toxins, mutual action, 99 normal, 102 origin, 101 Aroma-producing bacillus, 320 Aromatic metabolic products, 79 Arthrospores, 25 staining, 479 Ascitic fluid as medium, 485 Ascococcus Billrothii, 179 cantabridgensis, 179 INDEX. Asepsis, albumin and, 39 Behring’s test, 38 concentration necessary for, 38 definition, 37 test, 38 Attenuation, 37 Autopsy, 489 Baciuuvs, 124, 125, 304 acidi levolactici, 224 acidi paralactici, 224 aerobic, 304 common characteristics, 306 further sporulating varie- ; ties, 330 new, 259 aerogenes sputigenus capsu- — latus, 228 vesice, 255 alvei, 306, 345 amylobacter navicula, 351 v. Tieghem, 351 amylovorus, 471 amylozyme, 348 anaerobic, 305. See also An- aerobes. annulatus, 264 3 anthraci similis, 315 anthracis, 305, 307; Pls. 34— 36 demonstration, 314 . diagnosis, differential, 314 polar germination in, 27 _ spores, 312 sporulation, 26 without spores, 311 anthracoides, 315 aphthosus, 252 . aquatilis communis, 264 arborescens, 271 argenteophosphorescens, 370 liquefaciens, 370 aroma-producing, 320 aterrimus, 305, 328 bernensis, 320 botulinus, 306, 337 butyricus, 305, 322, 346; PI. 38 3 cadaveris butyricus, 345 capsulatus aerogenes, 344 hit di, (thie ee i cow INDEX. 497 Bacillus capsulatus chinensis, capsule, 228 carcinoma, of Scheurlen, 326 Chauveei, 306, 330, 339; PL. 45 cholere, 353 gallinarum, 210 claviformis, 310 coccineus, 272 colon, 243 comma, 353; Pls. 47-51 constrictus, 268 eyaneophosphorescens, 370 cyanogenes, Pls. 27, 28 devorans Zimmermann, 267 diphtheriz, 389 columbarum, 255 dysenteriz Shiga, 251 eclampsia, 300 « nphysematis maligni, 343 e..teritidis, 251 ~ 1orescens albus, 288 aureus, 288 liquefaciens, 285; Pl. 25 lon friburgensis, 432. chsinus, 277 .uscus, 271 gallinarum, 211 gongrene pulpe, 305, $28; Pl. 68 istrophilus, 323 ( austadt, 255 geniculatus, 304, 326 gracilis, 337 -gummosus, 326 hastilis, 473 hay, 317; Pls. 39, 40 hyacinthisepticus, 471 implexus, 320 indigoferus, 280 indigogenes, 252 key to diagnosis, 304 lactic acid, Pl. 14 lacticus, 224 lactis erythrogenes, 268 niger, 328 lepra, 421 leptosporus, 320 liodermos, 305, 328 lividus, 279 32 Bacillus loxiacida, 259 luteus, 268, 305 malariz, 320 mallei, 384 maximus buccalis, 461 megatherium, 305, 321; Pl. 41 melanosporus, 328 membranaceus amethystinus, 279 mobilis, 279 mesentericus, 305, $26; Pl. 43 niger, 328 panis viscosi, 325 ruber, 327 vulgatis, Pls. 38, 42 mycoides, 305, 316; Pls. 37, 38 cedematis maligni, 306, 330, 341; Pl. 46 differential diagnosis, 343 new, 344 of blue milk, 289 of ferret plague, 251 of frog-spawn disease, 23 of greenish-blue pus, 281 of grouse disease, 259 of intestinal diphtheria, 254 of Marseilles swine plague, 252 of mouse plague, 259 of pigeon plague, 255 of pneumonia in rabbits, 204 of spontaneous rabbit septi- cemia, 252 of tuberculosis, 128 of yellow fever, 256 milk, 267 olez, 471 orthobutylicus, 348 oxalaticus, 305, 323 plasmolysis in, 21 phlegmonis emphysemtose, 306, 344 piscidicus, 345 plicatus, 270 pneumoniz, 225, 228; Pl. 15 potato, 323; Pls. 38, 42 pseudanthracis, 315 pseudodiphtheria, 403 pseudodiphtheriticus acidum- faciens, 407 alkalifaciens, 407 pseudo-edema, 343 498 Bacillus pseudoglanders, 389 pseudo-influenza, 202 pseudo-cedematis maligni, 344 pseudopneumonicus, 228 pseudotetanus, 337 pseudotuberculosis murium, 410 ovis, 410 pyogenes filiformis, 461 foetidus, 259 quercifolius, 322 radicicola, 83 radicosus, 316 rosaceus metalloides, 277 rubiginosus, 272 saccharobutyricus, 348 sessilis, 320 smegma, 424 solanacearum, 471 sporogenes, 346 sputigenus crossus, 228 Pansini, 228 subflavus, 268 subtilis, 305, 317; Pls. 39, 40 suipestifer, 252 tenuis, 304, 320 termoidhnlichen, 285 tetani, 306, 330, 332; PI. 44 tracheiphilus, 471 tuberculosis, 410; Pl. 61 fatty acids i in, 29 in sections, 482 in sputum, staining, 480 potato water for, 483 staining, 480 wax in, 29 typhosus, 197, 282; Pls. 16, See also Bacterium typi eus, 279 Tales, 295 vulgatus, 305, $323; Pls. 38, 42 temperature for, 44 water, Kiel, Pl. 22 water-red, 277 zymogenic varieties, 306 Bacteria, acetic acid, 197 activities, 54 chemical, 56, 58 from undulating membrane, INDEX. Bacteria, activities, optical, 56 7 mechanical, 55 thermic, 58 adaptation in, 43 adenin in, 30 aerobic, 41, 42 albumin in, 29 alkali formation by, 69 | ammonia formation by, 69 anaerobic, 41, 42 aromatic metabolic products, | 79 ash, 30 attenuation, 37 black-growing, 68 branching, 19 Brownian motion, 55 capsule, 22 cell, 20 cellulose in, 29 central fluid, 20 chemical composition, 29 cholestearin in, 29 classification, difficulties, 116 cultivation, 32, 482 definition, 17 determination of number, 487 dextran in, 30 distilled water and, 40 dried, life, 40 dry substance, 30 effects of other bacteria on, 48 electrical influences, 46 enantobiosis, 49 envelope, 22 extractive substances in, 29 fat-decomposition by, 80 ferments, 59. See also Fer- ments. fission, 24 flagella, 23 forms, 18 gases and, 41 grape-sugar in, 29 guanin in, 30 guide to recognition, 490 hemicellulose in, 29 inconstancy of species, 117 increase, 32 injury to, by chemicals, 37 isolation of, in culture, 487 > fe 5 Alin he ec oll INDEX. Bacteria, lecithin in, 29 life of, conditions, 32 duration, 32 on media, 40 temperature and, 44 light and, 46 mechanism of action, 48 testing sensitiveness to, 47 mechanical influences, 46 mesophilic, temperature for,44 microscopic examination, 474 molecular motion, 55 morphology, 17 motility, 23 nomenclature, 119 rules, 119 nonmotility, 24 nourishment-deficiency and, 40 nucleus, 21 of acetic acid, 260 outer surface, 23 oxygen and, 41 pathogenesis, 92 pathogenic action on, 92 peripheral appearance of col- onies, 493 phosphorescence, 56 photogenic function, 56, 57 pigment production, 66-69 plasmolysis in, 20 preparation of stained speci- mens, 477 pseudodichotomy in, 19 psychrophilic, | temperature tor, ptomain formation, 71 quantitative composition, 30 resembling diphtheria, 403 resistance, 103 rod, 124, 193 Roéntgen rays and, 46 salts in, 29 screw, 125, 352 shaking and, 46 spherical, 122, 133 spore-formation in, 25 staining with Gram, 478 sulphur in, 30 sulphuretted - hydrogen pro- uction , 76 499 Bacteria, sunlight and, 46 symbiosis, 49 thermophilic, temperature for, 44 toxalbumins, 73 toxins, 71, 73 triolein in, 29 tripalmitin in, 29 tristearin in, 29 urea-fermentation by, 69 vegetative multiplication, 24 virulence of, variation in, 94 water content, 29, 30 water-deficiency and, 40 weakening of, by chemicals, 37 well-water and, 40 xanthin in, 30 Bacteriacee, 124, 193 critical remarks, 125 flagella classification, 125 Bacterial cell, granules, 21 membrane, 22 swelling, 22 metachromatic bodies, 21 sporogenic granules, 21 structure, 20 metabolism, chemical activ- ity, 64 Bactericidal bodies, origins, 108 in sera, demonstration, 107 Bacteridium, 125 Bacterio-fluorescein, 68 Bacteriologic technic, 474 Bacterioplasmin, 73 Bacterioprotein, 73 Bacterium, 124, 125, 193 aceti, 261, 262 lactici, 196, 220, 229; Pl. 14 egyptiacum, 195, 204 aerogenes, 196, 221; 229 agile, 265 alcaligenes, 257 aurescens, 272 aureum, 272 avicidum, 210 bipolare multocidum, 210 brassice acide, 251 bruneum, 271 brunificans, 199, 292 butyri colloideum, 225 fluorescens, 286 500 Bacterium ceruleum, 198, 280 canicule, 197, 260 carnosum, 270 caucasicum, 223 cavicida, 223 cholerz suum, 197, 252 chrysoglea, 198, 272 cloacee, 265 coli, 197, 248; Pls. 18, 19 differentiation of typhosus form, 239 dysentericum, 251 polaris, 252 serum diagnosis, 249 cremoides, 198 nobis ad interim, 267 cuniculicida, 210 denitrificans, 289 disciformans, 197, 263 duplex, 195, 206 egregium, 272 erysipelatos suum, 200, 302; Pl. 33 erythrogenes, 198, 268 ferrugineum, 199, 292 fluorescens, 199, 285; Pl. 25 non-liquefaciens, Pl. 26 putidum, Pl. 26 foetidum liquefaciens, 265 Fraenkelii Hashimoto, 129 fulvum, 270 Guillebeau, 256 Giintheri, 196, 223 hemorrhagicum, 212; Pl. 20 helvolum, 198, 268 Hessii, 231 icteroides, 197, 256 in melzna neonatorum, 259 indicum, 277 indigonaceum, 198, 280 influenza, 195, 202; Pl. 68 janthinum, 279 key to recognition, 195 Kiliense, 276; Pl. 22 Kiitzingianum, 261 lactis acidi, 224 saponacei, 198, 269 viscosum, 196, 230 latericium, 198, 272; Pl. 20 levans, 255 luteum, 198 INDEX. Bacterium miniaceum, 277 morbificans bovis, 255 multocidum, 210 murisepticum, 200, 300; PI. 33 mustelicida, 251 mycoides roseum, 271 neapolitanum, 223 nitrobacter, 195, 200 nitrosomonas, 195, 200 nubilum, 198, 269 ochraceum, 198, 270 of Barbone in buffalo disease, 210 of brick-pock, 304 of calf dysentery, 256 of dermatitis epidemica ex- foliativa, 223 of Giard, 231 of red pus, 277 of septicemia, 223 ozenze, 228 Pasteurianum, 261, 263 pestis, 196, 213; Pl. 13 Pfliigeri, 231 phosphorescens, 196, 231 piscatorum, 277 plymuthicum, 277 pneumoniz, 196, 225, 229; Pl. 15 prodigiosum, 198, 272; Pl. 21 pseudomelanosis, 266 pseudotuberculosis rodentium, 196, 213 ; punctatum, 197, 264 putidum, 199, 287; Pl. 26 pyocyaneum, 199, 281; Pl. 24 rancens, 263 ranicida, 287 rhinoscleromatis, 229 rosaceum, 277 salmonicida, 197, 266 septicemizse hzemorrhagice, 196, 208; Pl. 12 Stutzeri, 258 suicida, 209 suisepticus, 209 syncyaneum, 199, 289; Pls. 28 synxanthum , 267 tholoeideum, 225 Me ee es eR Ee eee INDEX. +r Bacterium tremelloides, 271 turcosum, 197, 267 tussis convulsive, 195, 205; ey 232; Pls. 7 t 197, 16, 1 demonstration, 237 differentiation from bacte- rium coli, 239 murium, 258 serum diagnosis, 240 preparation, 241 ulceris cancrosi, 196, 207; PI. 68 violaceum, 198, 277; Pl. 23 viridans, 285 ~ vitulinum, 197, 264 vulgare, 199, 200, 295; Pl. 31 mirabilis, Pl. 32 xylinum, 263 Zopfi, 199, 293; Pls. 29, 30 Beef bouillon, 483 Beer wort, 483 Beggiatoa alba, 461 nivea, 462 roseo-persicina, 462 Trevisan, 458 Behring’s asepsis test, 38 test for serum, 102 Beijerinck’s water agar, 485 Beri-beri, 468 Bilineurin, 72 Bipolar germination, 27 Bismarck brown, 476 Black pigment, 68 Black-growing bacteria, 68 Bleeding host, 276 -: dele as medium, 485 mployment, 486 Blue itmus, reduction, 77 milk, Pls. 27, 28 bacillus, 289 pigment, 67 Body, disposition after autopsy, 489 Botkin’s method for sections, 481 Botulism, 337 prophylaxis, 98 Bouillon, 483 cultures, descriptive used, 131 employment, 486 terms 501 | Bouillon, Smith’s preparation, 82 | | Brain as medium, 485 Branching, 19 Brick-pock, 304 Brieger’s isolation of ptomains, 72 Broncho-pneumonia, diphtheric, 398 Brownian motion, 55 Bubonic plague, 213 Buffalo disease, 210 Bunge’s granules, 22 method for flagella, 479 mordant, 476 Butter organism, 431, 433 Butyl alcohol, formation, 88 Butyric acid, anaerobic pro- ducers, 345 bacillus, Pl. 38 formation, 86, 88 CADAVERIN, 72 Capsule bacillus, 228 Capsule-bacteria, 22 Capsules, demonstration, 478 Carbohydrates, acids from, 85 alcohol from, 85 gas-production from, 89 Carbol-fuchsin, 475 Carbon dioxid, bacteria and, 43 Carbonic acid from cellulose, 89 from fermentation, 90 Carcinoma bacillus of Scheurlen, 326 Carmin, alum, 476 Carotin pigments, 66 Catarrhal swelling, 407 Cattle plague, 472 pneumonia in, 469 Cellulose decomposition, 88 in bacteria, 29 Cerebral nutrient medium, 485 Cerebrospinal meningitis, 148; Pl. 68 Chancre, soft, 207 Cheese, ripening, 349 Chemical activity of bacteria, 58 Chemotaxic figures, Chemotaxis, negative, 56 502 Chemotaxis, positive, 56 Chicken cholera, 208, 210; Pl. 12 Cholera, 353; Pls. 47-51 agglutination test in, 374 chicken, 208, 210; Pl. 12 culture, preliminary, 372 hog, 252 laboratory, 363 nostras, 368 serum, obtaining, 373 serum reaction in, 373 toxin, 75 vibrio, life, on glass, 41 Cholera-red reaction, 79 Cholestearin in bacteria, 29 Cholin, 72 Chromogenic function, fluctua- tions, 68 Cladothrix, 128, 458 dichotoma, 465 invulnerabilis, 455 liquefaciens, 446 Clearing agents, 477 Clostridium, 125 licheniforme, 349 Coccacez, 122, 133 Collidin, 72 Colon bacillus, 243 Colorless growths, 69 Comma bacillus, 353; Pls. 49-51 Conjunctivitis, 207 epidemic, 205 Corynebacterium, 128, 383 diagnosis, 384 diphtheriz, 384, 389; Pls. 58- 60 immunity against, 400 metachromatic granules,391 mixed infection, 397 special diagnosis, 401 toxins, 395 mallei, 384; Pl. 57 pseudodiphtheriticum, 384, 404; Pls. 58-60 xerosis, 384, 406; Pls. 58-60 > es eet ee yspora, 46 tures, anaerobic, 488 colorless, 69 descriptive terms used, 130 fluid, 487 INDEX. Cultures, plate, 487 stab, 487 streak, 487 technic, 487 Cytoryctes variole Guarnieris, 188 DAHMEN’s concentration of tu- bercle bacilli, 480 Davaine’s septicemia, 211 Deforming synovitis, excitant, 146 Denitrification, 82 Dextran in bacteria, 30 | Dextrorotatory lactic acid, 87 _ Diastatic ferments, 62 Diblastic theory, 50 Dichotomy, 19 Differentiating agents, 476 Diphtheria, 389; Pls. 58-60 animal, 398 bacteria resembling, 403 diagnosis, 401 granules, Neisser’s stain for, 481 ce lf against, 400 intestinal, 254 mixed infection, 397 toxin, 75, 395 wound, 397 Diplococcus, 123 albicans tardissimus, 168 definition, 19 intracellularis meningitidis, 148 pemphigi acuti, 188 pneumoniz, 143; Pl. 2 roseus, 190; Pls. 58-60 Disinfectants, definition, 37 Distilled water, bacteria and, 40 Druse, 142 Drusestreptococcus, 142 Dungern’s specific serum reac- ie tion, 107 ysentery, 251 calf, 256 Ecrampsta bacillus, 300. Eczematous ophthalmitis, 467 Edema, malignant, 341; Pl. 46 Me > ae! MP Te ee a. i gem a ee ee, - sn eyes, INDEX. Ehrlich-Koch’s method for tu- bercle bacilli, 480 Ehrlich’s solution, 475 test for serum, 103 Elsner’s gelatin medium, 484 Emulsin, 63 Enantobiosis, 49 Endocarditis, 186 Endospores, 25 investigation, 26 staining, 479 59. See also Fer- Bacin, “476 Equatorial germination, 27 Ernst’s granules, 21 si swine, 302; Pl. 33 thytalechol. formation, 86 Faminy, definition, 115 Farein du Boeuf, 447 Farcy, Pl. 57 Fats, decomposition, 80 Fatty series, gas-production by, 89 acids in tubercle bacilli, 29 Fermentation, 86 anaerobes and, 31 definition, 64 essential for, 64 in sugar media, 64 lactic acid, 87 oxidation, 66 products, 59 splitting, 65 tube, 90 urea-, 69 Ferments, albumin-dissolving, definition, 59 diastatic, 62 inverting, 63 proteolytic, 59 fluctuation of production, 61 rennet, 63 Fermi’s test for proteolytic fer- ments, 60 Ferret plague, 251 Fibrin, stain for, 482 Fischer’s bacteriacez classifica- tion, 125 503 Fission, 24 Fission-fungi, higher, 457 diagnosis, 458 Flagella, 23 mordants for, 476 staining, 478 Flax, retting, 351 Fluorescent pigments, 68 Foaming liver, 344 Foot-and-mouth disease, 149, 252, 470 Formic acid formation, 86 Fowl tuberculosis, 418 Frankel and Gabbet’s tubercle bacilli staining, 480 Frankel’s pneumococcus, 143 Friedlinder’s bacillus, 225; Pl. 15 Frog-spawn disease, bacillus, 23 fungus, 150 Fuchsin and methylene-blue, aqueous alcoholic, 475 anilin, 475 carbol-, 475 for smear preparations, 477 Fungi, classification, 115 description of varieties, 129 families of, formation, 122 fission, higher, 457 phosphorescent, 56 frog-spawn, 150 genera of, formation, 122 ray, 439, 440 Furuncle, 184 GaBBET and Frinkel’s tubercle bacilli staining, 480 Galtcoccus, 142 Gangrene, hospital, 468 Gas analysis, 91 phlegmons, 344 Bae production from carbohy- drates, 89 Gaustadt bacillus, 255 Gelatin, advantages, 486 as medium, 483 liquefaction, 61 plate cultures, 487 -Gelatinous media, employment, 486 504 ““Gelbe Galt,’”’ 142 Genera, biologic, 119 Gentian-violet anilin, 475 Genus, definition, 115 Glanders, 384; Pl. 57 fowl, 398 Glycerin-agar, 484 employment, 486 Glycerin-ascites-agar, 485 employment, 486 Gonococcus, 164; Pl. 10 Gonorrhea, 164 Gonotoxin, 167 Gram’s method for sections, 481 Kutscher’s modification, 482 solution, 476 stain, bacteria staining with, 478 for smear preparations, 477 Gram-Weigert method for sec- tions, 482 Granules, 21 Grape-sugar agar, 484 in bacteria, 29 Grass organism I, 433 Grass organism II, 429 Greenish-blue pus, bacillus, 281 Gruber and Bordet’s agglutina- tion theory, 108 Gruber-Durham agglutination test in cholera, 374 demonstration of agglutinin, 105 Guanidin, 72 Guanin in bacteria, 30 HAFFKINE’s cholera toxin, 364 prophylaxis, 219 Hair, falling, 189 Hanging drop, 475 Hauser’s method for endospores, 479 Hay bacillus, 317; Pls. 39, 40 decoction as medium, 483 Heat-resisting substances, 98 Hemicellulose in bacteria, 29 Hemp, retting, 351 Hepatitis, 185 INDEX. Hog cholera, 252 Human serum, obtaining, 102 Hydrogen from fermentation, 9 peroxid from light action, 48 Hyphomycetes, 126, 127 Hyposulphites, hydrogen sulphic from, 77 Immunity, acquired, 98 active, 98 congenital, 96 causes, 97 increase in, 98 passive, 99 relative, 96 ' specific, 98 bacterial, 103 poison, 99 Immunproteidin, 111 Indigo, reduction, 77 Indol, 72, 79 demonstration, 79 reaction, 372 Infection, 92 animal, 489 disease of cattle, new, 210 Inflammation, 184 Influenza, 202; Pl. 68 Injection, intraperitoneal, 489 subcutaneous, 489 Intestinal diphtheria, 254 Inverting ferments, 63 Iron in bacteria, 30 JANTHIN, 67 Johne’s method for capsules, 475§ Kepuyr fermentation, 223 Kiel water bacillus, Pl. 22 Kiuhne’s silicic acid medium, 48 Kutscher’s modification 0! Gram’ section method, 482 Lactic acid, dextrorotatory, 87 fermentation, 87 levorotatory, 87 production, 86 INDEX. Laschtschenko’s serum diagnosis of typhoid, 240 Lecithin in bacteria, 29 Legume-tubercles, 84 Leprosy, 421; Pl. 62 Leptothrix, 458 buccalis, 461 epidermidis, 458; Pl. 69 gigantea, 461 innominata, 461 maxima buccalis, 461 ochracea, 465 placoides alba, 461 pyogenes filiformis, 461 Leuconostoc, 123 lagerheimii Ludwig, 151 Levorotatory lactic acid, 87 Lieben’s iodoform reaction, 86 Light, bacteria and, 46 Liquefaction of gelatin, 61 Litmus, blue, reduction, 77 in titration, 35 whey, 483 Léffler’s bacillus, 389 method for flagella, 478 for sections, 481 methylene-blue, 476 mordant, 476 serum mixture, 485 _ Lophotrichia, 24 _ Lysogenic material, 107 Mapura-Foor, 440, 452 Magnification, 474 Malignant edema, 341; Pl. 46 Mallein, 73, 388 Malta fever, 169 Manure organism, 433 Marmorek’s serum, 140 Marsh-gas from cellulose, 89 Maststreptococci, 142 Measles, 469 Meat bouillon, 483 Mechanical activity of bacteria, 55 Media, albuminous, 483 essential constituents, 33 fluid, employment, 486 influence of, on liquefaction, 61 505 Media, nitrogen production in, 89 nonalbuminous, 482 nutrient, 32, 482 acid, 36, 37 alkaline, 35 containing sugar, 37 employment, 486 neutral, 35, 37 reaction, 35 solid, employment, 486 sugar, fermentation in, 64 Meningitis, Pl. 68 cerebrospinal, 148 Mercaptan, 77 Merismopedia, 123 Merista, 123 Mesophilic bacteria, tempera- ture for, 44 Metabolism, bacterial, chemical activity, 64 Methane from fermentation, 90 Methylene-blue, acetic acid, 476 and fuchsin, aqueous alco- ~ holic, 475 for smear preparations, 477 Léffler’s, 476 reduction, 77 Micrococcus, 123, 163 acidi lactis, 175 paralactici, 142 liquefaciens Halensis, 224 agilis Ali-Cohen, 192 albicans amplus, 168 aquatilis, 163, 171 ascoformans, 179 aurantiacus, 164 Cohn, 189 badius, 164, 178 bicolor, 164, 189 biskra Heydenreich, 188 cerasinus, 164, 193 citreus agilis, 178 concentricus, 163, 174 candicans, 163, 169; Pl. 9 candidus, 171 corallioides, 175 coronatus, 164, 175 cremoides, 189 cyaneus, 164, 193 cyanogenus, 193 erythromyxa, 164, 198 506 Micrococcus flavus, 164, 178 conjunctive, 181 Freudenreichii, 174 galbanatus, 177 gonorrheee, 163, 164; Pl. 10 halensis, 224 in variola, 187 key to recognition, 163 latericius, 191 liquefaciens conjunctive, 181 luteus, 164, 176; Pl. 6 melitensis, 163, 168 of bitter milk, 174 pyogenes, 180 albus, 163, 180, 187; Pl. 9 aureus, 181, 187; Pl. 8 citreus, 180, 187; Pl. 9 quadrigeminus, 188 radiatus, 164, 176; Pl. 5 roseo-fulvus, 192 rosettaceus, 163, 174 roseus, 164, 190, 192; typicus, 192 sordidus, 178 Sornthalii, 142 subflavus, 168 sulfureus, 164, 178 tardigradus, 178 tetragenus, 163, 171; Pl. 7 albus, 173 aureus, 173 mobilis ventriculi, 173 subflavus, 173 ures, 171 viticulosus, 163, 174 zymogenes, 144 Microscope, cleaning, 475 Microscopic examination for rec- ognition of bacteria, 490 technic, 474 Microspira, 126, 352 Migula’s bacteriaces classifica- tion, 215 Milk as medium, 483 employment, 486 bitter, micrococcus, 174 Milk-sugar agar, 484 Molecular motion, 55 Monotrichia, 24 Mordants for flagella, 476 Mounting agents, 477 Pl. 11 INDEX. Mouse plague, 259 septicemia, 300; Pl. 33 Mouth-and-foot disease, 149, 252, Muscarin, 72 Mycobacteria growing at room temperature, 428 Mycobacterium, 128, 410 lacticola friburgense, 432 pathogenic effects, 434 perrugosum, 431; Pl. 63 planus, 429; Pl. 64 lepre, 421; Pl. 62 phlei, 433; Pl. 63 pathogenic effects, 434 smegmatis, 424 tuberculosis, 410; Pl. 61 anguicola, 421 avium, 418 differential diagnosis, 436 piscicola, 420; Pl. 62 ranicola, 421 toxins, 417 Myxoma disease, 470 NEGATIVE chemotaxis, 56 Neisser’s stain for diphtheria granules, 481 Neuridin, 72 Nicolle’s method for sections, 481 Nitrates, free nitrogen from, 82 reduction, 78 Nitrification, 81 Nitrites, demonstration, 78 free nitrogen from, 82 Nitrobacter, 81 Nitrogen, 84 assimilation, 83 from nitrites and nitrates, 82 production in media, 89 Nitrosomonas, 81 europcea, 200 Noma, 471 Non-albuminous media, 483 employment, 486 Nuclein in bacteria, 30 Nucleus, 21 Nutrient acti 32, 482. See also M Ot a wi} Sem INDEX. 507 OBLIQUE germination, 27 Plague, 213 Oil-immersion objective, 474 cattle, 472 Old tuberculin, 417 ferret, 251 Oospora, 128 mouse, 259 Ophthalmitis, phlyctenular, 467 pigeon, 255 Optical activity, 56 swine, 252 Osteomyelitis, 184 Ovarian cysts, fluid from, as medium, 485 Oxidation fermentation, 66 Ozena, 228 PackEtT, definition, 151 Panaritium, 277 Paraplectrum, 125 foetidum, 349 Parasites, obligate, 32 Parotitis, epidemic, 471 Parvolin, 72 Pasteuria, 25 Pediococcus, 123 flavus, 177 Pemphigus, 184, 188 Pende’s ulcer, 188 Peptone from albuminous bod- ies, demonstration, 60 water, 483 Pericarditis, 184 Periostitis, 184 Periphery of colonies, 493 Peritrichia, 24 ~ Perlsucht, 415, 416 Pest, 213 Pfeiffer’s cholera-serum test, 373 demonstration by bacterial bodies in sera, 107 preparation of typhoid serum, 241 Phagocytosis, 97 Phenol, 79 demonstration, 79 Phenolphthalein in titration, 35 Phlegmon, 184 chronic, 445 Phlyctenular ophthalmitis, 467 Phosphorescent bacteria, 56 Photobacterium, 57 javanicum, 231 Pigeon plague, 255 Pigment production, 66-69 Planococcus, 123 Planosarcina, 123 Plants, diseases, 471 Plasmolysis, 20 Plate cultures, 487 anaerobic, 488 descriptive terms used, 131 for recognition of bacteria, 491 Pleuritis, 185 Pneumococcus, 143; Pl. 2 Pneumonia, 143, 185, 196, 225 in cattle, 469 in rabbits, 204 Poison, normal, 102 resistance, 99 Polar germination, 27 Polyvalent serum 140 Porcelain coccus, 171 Positive chemotaxis, 56 thermotropism, 56 Potato as medium, 484 employment, 486 bacillus, 323 cultures, descriptive used, 131 water for tubercle bacilli, 483 Predisposition to infection, 96 Preparations, examination, 475 smear, 477 solutions for, 475 Prodigiosin, 275 pigments, 67 Propionic acid, formation, 86 Proteolytic ferments, 59 Proteus, 199 Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, terms hominis 300 capsulatus, 228 mirabilis, 300; Pl. 32 vulgaris, 295; Pl. 30 zenkeri, 300 Pseudodichotomy, 19 Pseudodiphtheria bacilli, 403, 404 508 Pseudo-edema bacillus, 343 Pseudoglanders bacillus, 389 Pseudo-influenza bacilli, 202 Pseudomonas, 125 Pseudotuberculosis, 410 Psychrophilic bacteria, tempera- ture for, 44 Ptomains, 71 isolation, 72 Putrefaction, 80 alkaloids, 71 Putrescin, 72 Pyocyanase, 110 Pyocyanin, 68 Pyridin, 72 Racuitis, 472 Rauschbrand, 340 Ray fungus, 439, 440 Red milk bacillus, 268 pigment, 66 pus bacterium, 277 water-bacillus, 277 Reduction processes, 77 Rennet ferments, 63 Resistance, 96. See also Jmmu- nity. Retting of flax and hemp, 351 - Rheumatic tetanus, 335 Rheumatism, acute, 472 articular, 184, 468 Rhinitis, atrophic, 228 Rhinoscleroma, 229 Ricin, action, 100 Rickets, 472 Rod bacteria, 124, 193 Roéntgen rays, effect on bacteria, 46 SAFRANIN, 476 Saliva spirochete, 381 Salts in bacteria, 29 Sanarelli’s bacillus, 256 Saprophytes, 33 Sarcina, 123, 151 alba, 153, 168 aurantiaca, 154, 160; Pls. 4, 5 aurea, 162 aurescens fusca, 162 fuseescens, 162 canescens, 153, 159; Pl. 5 INDEX. Sarcina cervina, 154, 162; Pl. 5 compacta, 158 definition, 19 diffuens, 158 equi, 154, 158 erythromyxa, 154, 162; Pl. 5 flava, 154, 159; P13 fulva, 154, 156 key to recognition, 153 livido-lutescens, 154, 159 lutea, 154,157; Pl. 5 mobilis, 154, 160 pulmonum, 153, 155; Pls. 5,6 rosea, 154, 162,192; Pl. 5 typica, 158 variabilis, 159 ventriculi Goodsir, 155 Scarlatina, 472 Schizomycetes, 17 Schweineseuche, 209, 252 Sclerothrix, 128 Kochii, 128 Screw bacteria, 125, 352 Scrofulous ophthalmitis, 467 Sections, preparation, 481, 482 Sepsin, 72, 298 Septicemia, 223 hemorrhagic, 254 mouse, 300; Pl. 33 rabbit, 208, 211; Pl. 12 spontaneous, 252 vibrio, 366 Septicopyemia, 184 Serum, animal, collection, 105 effect of oxygen on action,109, 110 human, obtaining, 102 immune, demonstration of bactericidal bodies in, 107 polyvalent, 140 reaction in cholera, 373 Shake cultures, sugar-agar, 488 Silicic acid as medium, 485 Silver method for flagella, 479 Skatol, 72, 79 Smear preparations, 477 Smegma bacillus, 424 Smith’s preparation of bouillon, 482 Species, definition, 115 Spherical bacteria, 122, 133 ew a ~<_ *,* Se id Te ay ee er. Ae INDEX. Spirillacee, 125, 352 - Spirillum, 126, 352, 376 cholerze, 353; Pls. 47-51 concentricum, 377; Pl. 55 endoparagogicum, 126 hachaize, 379 of nasal mucus, PI. 56 rubrum, 378; Pl. 55 rugula, 378 stomachi, 381 tenerrimum, 379 tenue, 379 undula, 380; Pl. 56 volutans, 380 Spirochete, 126, 352, 381 anserina, 381 Obermeieri, 381; Pl. 56 of saliva, 381 plicatilis, 381 Spirosoma, 126 Splitting fermentation, 65 Spore-formation, 25 conditions, 50 of Actinomyces bovis, 444 temperature for, 51 Spore-germination, conditions, Spores, antecedents, 22 attenuation, 95 bipolar germination, 27 degeneration forms, 28 demonstration, 28 equatorial germination, 27 growth, 50 involution forms, 28 mature, 26, 27 oblique germination, 27 polar germination, 27 resistance, 51, 52 against chemicals, 53 test for, 52 to gases, 53 to light, 53 Sputum, tubercle bacilli in, staining, 480 Stab cultures, 487 anaerobic, 488 descriptive terms used, 130 or specimens, preparation, 509 Stains, 475 Staphylococcus, 123, 180 albus, Pl. 9 aureus, Pl. 8 bovis, 189 cereus albus, 170, 187 flavus, 187 citreus, 178, Pl. 9 definition, 19 pemphigi neonatorum, 188 pyogenes albus, 180, 187 aureus, 181 citreus, 180, 187 salivarius pyogenes, 181 Sterilization, definition, 37 Stomatitis, ulcerative, 473 Streak cultures, 487 descriptive terms used, 131 Streptococcus, 123, 133 acidi lactici, 142 agalactize, 142 aggregatus, 142 albidus, 143 brevis, 140, 141 definition, 19 cinereus, 143 conglomeratus, 141 equi, 142 gracilis, 134 granulatus, 143 intracellularis, 148 involutus, 134, 149 key to recognition, 134 lanceolatus, 134, 148; Pl. 2 liquefaciens, 177 longus, 141 definition, 19 magnus, 143 mastitidis sporadice Guill., 142 meningitidis, 148 cerebrospinalis, Pl. 68 mesenterioides, 135, 150 palleus, 143 pallidus, 143 phneumoniz, 143 pyogenes, 134, 135; Pl. 1 stramineus, 143 turbidus, 141 tyrogenus, 143 viscosus, 141 510 Streptothrix, 128 albido-flava, 456 aurantiaca, 456 citrea, 456 Streptotrichee, 127 Strohschein’s concentration of tubercle bacilli, 480 Sugar, hydrogen sulphid pro- duction and, 77 liquefaction of gelatin and, 62 Sugar-agar shake cultures, 488 Sugar-chalk agar, 484 Sulphates, hydrogen sulphid from, 77 Sulphites, sulphid from, Sulphur in bacteria, 30 powder, hydrogen from, 76 Sulphuretted hydrogen, anaer- obes and, 44 production, 76 Suppuration, 184 Susceptibility, 96 Swine erysipelas, 302; Pl. 33 plague, 252 Symbiosis, 49 Symptomatic anthrax, 340; Pl. 45 Syncyanin, 67 Synovitis, deforming, excitant, 146 Syphilis, 426 stain for, 481 hydrogen sulphid TEMPERATURE, effect on bacterial life, 44 Termoahnlichen bacillus, 285 Tetanus, 330, 332; Pl. 44 prophylaxis, 98 rheumatic, 335 toxin, 74 toxicity, 75 Tetrad, definition, 19 Thermic activity of bacteria, 58 Thermophilic bacteria, tempera- ture for, 44 Thermotropism, positive, 56 Thiothrix, 458 Tongue, wooden, 446 INDEX. 1 Toxalbumins, 73 obtaining, 74 Toxin-binding group, 101 Toxins, 71, 73 and antitoxins mutual action, obtaining, 74 Toxophoric side chains, 101 Trichorrhexis nodosa, 473 Triolein in bacteria, 29 Tripalmitin in bacteria, 29 Tristearin in bacteria, 29 T R tuberculin, 73, 417 Trypsin, 60 formation of, influence of me- dia on, 61 Tubercles, lezume-, 84 Tuberculin, 73, 417 Tuberculoplasmine, 417 Tuberculosis, 128, 410; Pl. 61 fowl, 418 placental, 415 te toxins, 417 . Tumor, bony, 445 Typhoid bacillus, 197, 232. See also Bacterium typhi. fever, 232. See so Bacter- ium typhi. Typhus exanthematicus; 43 Tyrosin, 79 Tyrothrix, 304 Utcer, 188 Universal method for sections, 481 Urase, 71 Urea-fermentation, 69 Urine, nitrite reaction i in, 82 Uschinsky’ s solution, 33 Van ERMENGEMW’s silver method for flagella, 479 Variola, micrococci in, 187 Verruga, 424 Vibrio, 126, 352, 353 albensis, 353, 370; Pl. 54 aquatilis, 369; Pl. 53 aureus, 375 balticus, 371 - INDEX. ibrio berolinensis, 369; Pl. 53 cholere, 353; Pl. 47-51 demonstration, 371 } >. Sin evacuations, 371 in water, 373 | resistance, 358 _ toxins, 360 __-varieties related to, 364, 365 viability, 357 vibriosnot to be confounded with, 375 virulence, 363 danubicus, 369; Pl. 53 Fischeri, 371 flavescens, 375 flavus, 375 helzogenes, 368 _ indicus, 370 _ key to diagnosis, 353 lingualis, 353, 376 ; lissabonensis, 368 luminosus, 371 Metschnikovii, 353, 366; Pl. Y- ok _nasalis, 353, 375 proteus, 353, 367; _romanus, 365 -rugula, 126 sa, ~ophiles, 371 serpens, 379 spermatozoides, 375; Pl. 56 terrigenus, 353, 371 tonsillaris, 353 tyrogenes, 368 apayie olin, 72 Pls. 51, 52 511 Violet pigments, 67 Virulence, 94 reduction, 94 restoration, 95 WATER agar, 485 bacillus, Kiel, Pl. 22 red, 277 bacteria and, 40 cholera vibrio in, 373 in bacteria, 29 Wax in tubercle bacilli, 29 Well-water, bacteria and, 40 Whey, litmus, 483 Wooden tongue, 446 Wound diphtheria, 397 XANTHIN in bacteria, 30 Xerosis bacillus, 406 X-rays, effect on bacteria, 46 YELLOW fever, 256 milk, bacillus, 267 pigment, 66 ZIBHL-NEELSEN staining of tu- bercle bacilli, 480 Ziehl’s solution, 475 Zooglea, 23 Zymase, 65 Zymogenic bacilli, 306 - Oy Se ay Ba ae ne Soy AS a Peay 1 carapee one Co Sek 3 Dw (Z.1) (3-40 WD ond +H, O° ea en oT ott ae J pe Wee Dae Que (t Y nw) ye Dod ee a Work, Dacelon is work 9° Py 0 chk Wak. 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