he. ign ‘w an WAY fe)" 4 a ‘ets ie Po Sa NR HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. / 7 GIFT OF U ALEX. AGASSIZ. 4) (|/ [ ‘) W /) 9 a a N25) | / / “4 L / / ly’ OLD SERIES, CONTINUATION OF THE fs New Series, VoL. XXII BULLETIN OF THE NUTTALL ORNITHOLOGICAL CLuB. (| VoL. XIV ‘The Auk 4 Muarterly Fournal of Mruitholoay EDITOR fey Ae At EN, ASSOCIATE EDITOR FRANK M. CHAPMAN PUBLISHED FOR The American Ornithologists’ Union SNEW YORK Lu. Ss. FosTtTiaRrn 1897 ayn oO CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIV. NUMBER I. Notes on A CapTivE Hermit THrRusH. By Daniel E. Owen RECENT INVESTIGATIONS OF THE FoopD OF EUROPEAN Birps. By Vie, J Tl, SEAMS, t SoME NOTES ON THE NESTING Hasres OF THE Wuite- TAILED KiTe. By Chester Barlow REPORT OF THE A. O. U. CGonmmrnnnr ON PROTECTION OF Nor rn AMERICAN Birps. By Welliam Dutcher : ‘ ‘ EVIDENCE SUGGESTIVE OF THE OCCURRENCE OF ‘ INDIVIDUAL DICHROMATISM’ IN Be OES asto. By Arthur P. lat M.D. (Plate I.) : ZAMELODIA AGAINST HABIA. By ay Elliott hues 3 , : : PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW Birps FRoM MEXICO AND GUATEMALA IN THE COLLECTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. By E. W. Nelson DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SUBSPECIES OF Dendroica. ie Harry C. Oberholser . ; : ON THE NOMENCLATURE OF CERTAIN FORMS OF THE Downy WOODPECKER (Dryobates pubescens). By William Brewster FOURTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISLS’ Union. By John H. Sage GENERAL NOTES. The Nostrils in Young Cormorants, 87; Labrador Duck, 87; Nesting of the Larger White-cheeked Goose (Branta canadensis occiden- talvs) in Okanogan County, Washington, 87; A New Bird for the Virginias, 88; Asarcta spinosa, 88; The Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) i in Lewis County, N. Y., 88; AMJelopelia leucoptera in Osceola County, Florida, 88; The California Vul- ture in Alberta, 89; Golden Eagle (Aguila chrysaétos) taken near New Haven, Conne 89; Abundance of Owls on the Coast of Brit- ish Columbia, 89; The Cuculide of the A. O. U. List, 90; Broad- tailed Hummingbird in California, 91; Authority for the Name Myiarchus mexicanus, 92; Hepburn’s Leucosticte (Leucosticte tephrocotis lttoralzs) in Summer in Okanogan County, Wash- ington, 92; Ammodramus (Passerculus) sanctorum, 92; Occur- rence of Baird’s Sparrow (Ammodramus batrdiz) in Washington, 93; Acadian Sparrow in Yates County, N. Y., 93; Note on Funco annectens Baird and $. ridgwayz Mearns, 94; Rectifications of Synonymy of the Genus $unco, 94; Spiza americana near King- ston, N. Y., 95; Correct Nomenciature of the Texas Cardinal, gs. Natural ‘Breeding Haunts of the Barn Swallow (Chelidon ery- iv Contents of Volume XIV. throgaster), 95; Characters of Dendrota cerulescens carust, 96 ; Dendroica cerulea vs. Dendroica rara, 97; Note on the Genus Lucar of Bartram, 97; Breeding of the Carolina Wren (Thry- othorus ludovicianus) on Long Island, N. Y., 97; A remarkable Nest of the Tufted Titmouse (Parus bicolor), 98 ; The Whistled Call of Parus atricapillus common to both Sexes, 99; Passer domesticus at Archer, Fla., and other Florida Notes, 99; Records of Two Birds rare on Long Island, N. Y., 99; Unusual Visits of Birds in Western Massachusetts during 1806, 106; The Michigan Ornithological Club, rot. RECENT LITERATURE. Sharpe’s Catalogue of the Limicole, 102; Bendire’s ‘ Life Histories of North American Birds,” 104; Bird-Nesting with a Camera, 106; Thompson's Art Anatomy, 106; Miss Merriam’s ‘A-Birding on a Bronco’, 107 ; ‘Papers Presented to the World’s Congress of Ornithology’, 108; The Revised New Nuttall, 109; Millais on Change to Spring Plumage without a Moult, 109; Wintle’s ‘ Birds of Montreal,’ 112; Oberholser’s Birds of Wayne County, Ohio, 112; Publications Received, 113. NOTES AND NEWS. Obituary, Howard Gardiner Nichols, 115; Amendments to the A. O. U. By-Laws, 115; New Publications, 115; Velocity of Flight of Ducks, 116; A. O. U. Committee on Bird PROUECHIOD, 116. A Were Va ee . es > he NUMBER II. THE SPRING PLUMAGE OF THE BOBOLINK, WITH REMARKS ON ‘CoLoR-CHANGE’ AND ‘ MOULTING.’ Be mam M. D. (Plate Ia). é REMARKS ON THE SPRING Pamnaers OF THE BOBOmmNic| By Frank M. Chapman. DESCRIPTIONS OF TEN NEW SteonEs OF Brame Diccounnnt BY Dr. W. L. ABBOTT IN THE KILIMANJARO REGION OF EAST AFrica. By Charles W. Richmond. : New BirRDS FROM THE ISLANDS AND PENINSUL, LA OF bowinr CALIFORNIA. By A. W. Anthony. : A Pretiminary List oF THE BIRDS OF Omanocant County WASHINGTON. By William Leon Dawson. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW PINE GROSBEAK FROM Cinmmomisin, By Wilitam W. Price CRITICAL REMARKS ON Cistothorus palustris (Wits. Nes AND ITS West- ERN ALLies. By Harry C. Oberholser. THE UNUSUAL OCCURENCE OF BRUNNICH’S MURRE (Gee Za lomvia) FAR INLAND, WITH NOTES ON OTHER RARE BIRDS. By A. W. Butler. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW Simense 6 OF Gummer FROM THE ae IsLtanps. By Leonhard Stejneger. 5 Contents of Volume XTV. GENERAL NOTES. Murres in Western New York, 202; Unusual Occurrence of Briinnich’s Murre at Beverly, New Jersey, 202; Briinnich’s Murre (Ura lomvia) at Newberne, N. C., 202; Briinnich’s Murre and King Eider at Cape Charles, Virginia, 202; Uréa lomvia in South Carolina, 203; The Terns of Dyer’s and Weepecket Islands, 203; The Nostrils of Young Cormorants, 205; The Canvas-back Duck in Massachusetts, 206; Type Locality of Fuligula collaris, 206; Dafilula, a new Subgenus, 206; The Lesser Snow Goose in New England, 207; Branta bernicla glaucogastra, 207; The Wood Ibis in Virginia and Maryland, 208; A North American Snipe New tothe A. O. U. List, 209; The Occurrence of Tryngites subruficollis in the New England States, 209; Status of Helodro- mas ochropus in the A. O. U. List, 210; Status of the Redshank as a North American Bird, 211; The Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) at Ipswich, Mass., 212; The 1896 Migration of Charadrius dominicus and Numenzus boreal’sin Massachusetts, 212; Validity of the Genus Lophortyx, 214; Notes on the Mexican Ground Dove, 215; Another Golden Eagle in Connecticut, 215; Northern Hawks in Massachusetts, 217; Swainson’s Hawk in Michigan, 216; Note on 2lanus glaucus, 216; The Roadrunner as a Destroyer of Caterpillars, 217; How the Chimney Swift secures Twigs for its Nest, 217; Probable First Description of Empidonax flaviventris, 218; Two New Birds for Maine, 219; The Redpollin Maryland, 219; Bachman’s Sparrow in Maryland, 219; The Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus) at Middle- town, R.I., 219; Henslow’s Bunting (Ammodramus henslow?) found Breeding at Plymouth, Michigan, 220; Occurrence of Zonotrichia albicoll’s in California, 221; How about the Genus Pipilo now? 221; The Bahaman Swallow in Florida, 221; Geo- thlypis agitlz’s a possible Breeder in Northern Minnesota, 222; Utenability of the Genus Sylvanza Nutt., 223; The Carolina Wren (Tkryothorus ladovicianus) at Inwood-on-Hudson, New York City, 224; The Mockingbird at Portland, Maine. in Winter, ‘224; Turdus lawrencit Coues, 225; Some New Records for Central New York, 226; Lake Michigan Bird Notes, 227; Sun- dry Notes, 228; The most General Fault of the A. O. U. Check- List, 220. RECENT LITERATURE. Ridgway’s ‘ Manual of North American Birds,’ Second Edition, 232; Goode’s ‘The Published Writings of Philip Lutley Sclater,’ 233; Newton’s Dictionary of Birds: Part IV, 234; Bates’s ‘ The Game Birds of North America,’ 244; Butler on a Century of Changes in the Aspects of Nature in Indiana, 245; Elliot’s Cata- logue of a Collection of Birds from Somali-Land, 245: Ander- son’s Birds of Winnebago and Hancock Counties, Iowa, 246; Ricker’s Notes on the Birds of Hull, Mass., 246; Howe’s Birds of Brookline, Mass., 246; Tegetmeier’s ‘ Pheasants,’ 246; Bird- Nesting with a Camera, 247; A List of the Birds of Florida, 247; Cory’s List of the Birds of Eastern North America, 248; Scha- low’s the Published Writings of Anton Reichenow, 248; Publica- tions Received, 248. yal © Contents of Volume XIV. CORRESPONDENCE. Captive Wild Birds, 251; A Desirable Substitute for Carbon Disul- phide as an Insecticide, 251. NOTES AND NEWS. Obituary, Charles E. Bendire, 353; Heinrich Gatke, 254; Platte M. Thorne, 254; New Publications, 255; Protection of Birds, 257; Errata, 258. NUMBER It. A Sruby OF THE PHILADELPHIA VIREO ( Wee aban By Jonathan Dwight, Jr., M.D. (Plate II.) : 6 250 THE TURKEY QUESTION. By Dr. Elliott Coues . 6 0 a2 SomME ABNORMAL COLoR MARKINGS. By Gerrit S. Miller ’ ies > QS THe TERNS OF PENIKESE rae MASSACHUSETTS. i George Hi. Mackay b 5 ATS A List OF THE SPECIES OF ANSERES, PALuDICoL. =, AND Limcon ZB OCCURRING IN THE STATE OF LouISsIANA. By &. A. MclIlhenny 285 NESTING OF THE PARULA WARBLER (Comfpsothlypis americana) IN Cape May County, NEW JERSEY. By Mark L. C. Wilde . 289 DESCRIPTION OF A NEw TOWHEE FROM CALIFORNIA. By Foseph Grinnell. 4 : ; : . 6 BISA AN ADDITION TO NORTH ‘AMERICAN PETRELS. By William Palmer. 297 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW Emfpidonax, WITH Notes ON LAO dificil’s. By Harry C. Oberholser 6 : 300 A NoTrewortTHy PLUMAGE OBSERVED IN THE _ Anmeronss roe DRAKE (Somaterda dresser’). By Arthur H. Norton . . 5 ROR THE SUMMER HOME OF BACHMAN’S WARBLER NO LONGER UN- KNOWN. By O. Widmann . . 305 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTIONS OF New Birps FROM | NiEmeo AND Arizona. By frank M. Chapman : : ‘ : 6 . 310 GENERAL NOTES. The Proper Generic Name of the Loons, 312; Urza lomvza, an Addition to the Avifauna Columbiana, 312; Note on Pagophila alba, 313; Arrival of Terns at Penikese Island in 1897, 313; Onychoprion, not Haliplana, 314; Remarks on certain Procella- riide, 314; Rectrices of Cormorants, 316; Concordance of Wer- ganser americanus, 316; The Scarlet Ibis in Colorado, 316; ‘Little Blue Heron in New Hampshire, 316; Bob-white in North- western New York, 316; Additional Records of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), 316; Aguila chrysaétos “in Contents of Volume XIV. Central Minnesota, 317; Breeding of the Goshawk in Pennsy|- vania, 317; Peculiar Nest of the Great Horned Owl, 318; Dis- gorgement among Song Birds, 318; An Unusual Song of the Red-winged Blackbird, 319; Spring Moult in Spcnus Pinus, 320; An earlier name for Ammodramus lecontezz, 320; The Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritiémus) in Massachusetts, 320; What is fréngilla macgillivrayz, Aud? 320; The Seaside Spar- row (Ammodramus maritinus) at Middletown, R. I., 322; Breed- ing of the Seaside Sparrow in Massachusetts, 322; Bachman’s Sparrow in Virginia, 322; Breeding of the Rose-breasted Gros- beak at Beverly, INT Mon Bag. Odsal the Status of Lanius robustus Baird as a North American Bird, 323; Véreo flavoviridis in Nebraska —a correction, 323; Reappearance of the Mocking- bird at Portland, Maine, 324; A Mockingbird at Worcester, Mass., 324; Breeding of Sztta canadensis in Pennsylvania 324; A Novel Idea of a Tufted Titmouse, 325; Absence of Turdus aonalaschke pallasii at Tadousac, Quebec, in 1896, 325; A Great Flight of Robins in Florida, 325; Rare Birds in the Vicinity of Philadelphia, 326; A Few Notes on the Avifauna Colum- biana, 326; Northern New Jersey Notes, 326; Bird Notes from Massachusetts, 326; Three Birds rare in Framingham, Mass., 327; Biblographical Note, 327. RECENT LITERATURE. Ridgway’s Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago, 329; Cooke’s Birds of Colorado, 331; Miller on Construction of Scientific Names, 332; Chapman’s Notes on Birds observed in Yucatan, 333; ‘Upon the Tree-Tops,’ 333; The Sharp-tailed Sparrows of Maine, 334; The Story of the Haralloncss 334; Bird-Nesting with a Camera, 335; Birds of Wellesley, 335; Nehrling’s Birds, Wolks lie 35i5 Chapman’ s ‘ Bird-Life,’ 336; Publications Received, 340: CORRESPONDENCE. The A. O. U. Check-List, 340. NOTES AND NEWS. Obituary: Robert Hoe Lawrence, 342; Bird Protection, 342. NUMBER IV. THE WESTERN FIELD SPARROW (Sfézella pusilla arenacea CHAD- BOURNE). By Charles W. Richmond. (Plate III.) : : NovrEs ON THE Birps OF Fort SHERMAN, IpaHo. By j. C. Aler- _ rill, Major and Surgeon, U. S. Army Birps OBSERVED ON A COLLECTING TRIP TO " BERMUDEZ, VENE- ZUELA. By William Henry Phelps. WitH CRITICAL NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF Two New Species, by Frank M. Chap- Man . . Tue HorNep Larks OF Marne. “By O. W. Knight viii Contents of Volume XIV. NOTES ON THE AMERICAN BARN OWL IN EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. By J. Harris Reed 6 Tue TERNS OF MuSKEGET IsLAND, MassacHuserts, Parr IIL. By George H. Mackay CRITICAL NOTES ON THE GeNUS AuRIP ARUS. By Harry C. Ober- holser . ; 6 ‘ ; Directive CoLoRATION OF Birps. By Ernest Seton Thompson. (Plate IV.) 5 9 : ; NEw Race oF S#enus tristis FROM THE Pactric Coast. By Joseph Grinnell 0 ; : | Tue SItKAN KINGLET. By William Palmer GENERAL NOTES. Early notice of Gavia adamst, 402; The Least Tern Breeding on Martha’s Vineyard Island, Massachusetts, 402; The Terns of Penikese —a correction, 402; Capture of the Little Blue Heron in Connecticut, 402; @gvaltt?s ntvesa in Florida, 402; Buteo albicaudatus in Arizona, 403; Additional Records of the Flam- mulated Owl (Megascops flammeola) in Colorado, 403; Nesting of the Short-eared Owi in Southern California, 404; Partnership Nesting of Valley Partridge and Long-tailed Chat, 404; Nesting Habits of Empidonax tnsulicola, 405; The White- throated Spar- row Breeding at Hubbardston, Mass., 406; Henslow’s Sparrow in 376 - 383 390 395 oS oe Michigan —a Correction, 406; Nesting of Cardinalis cardinalis © at Nyack, N. Y., 406; Notes on the Moult and Certain Plumage Phases of Piranga rubra, 406; Purple Martins (Progne subs) Breeding in Electric Arc-light Caps, 407; The Tree Swallow Breeding in Virginia, 408; Rough-winged Swallows (Stelg¢dofp- teryx serripennts) in Greene and Ulster Counties, N. Y., 408; Peculiar Nesting of the Maryland Yellow-throat, 408; The Names of two Mexican Wrens, 409; Rare Birds in the Vicinity of Philadelphia, 410; Notes on Some Ontario Birds, 410; Rare Birds taken in Toronto and Vicinity, 411; Disgorgement among Song-birds, 412; Disgorgement of Cherry Stones again Noted, 412; Birds’ Tongues in Pictures, 413. RECENT LITERATURE. ‘ Citizen Bird,’ 413; Birds of Maine, 414; Winge on Birds at the Danish Lighthouses, 415; Cory’s Shore Birds of North America, 418; Chapman’s ‘Handbook,’ 4th Edition, 419; Hartert on the SOSA NCIS Caprimulgide and Macropterygide, 419; Mearns on the ‘Ornithological Vocabulary of the Moki Indians,’ 420; Papers on Economic Ornithology, 420; Whitlock’s Review of Herr Gitke’s Views on the Migration of Birds, 422; Suchetet on Hybrids among Wild Birds, 424; Publications Received, 425. CORRESPONDENCE. The Treatment of ‘ Nomina Nuda,’ 427. NOTES AND NEWS. Meeting of the Fifteenth Congress of the A. O. U., 430; Obituary, Sir Edward Newton, 431; Memorial to Henry D. Minot, 431; Audubon Monument Association of New Orleans, 432; The Col- lection of Birds Eggs in the British Museum, 432. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION. 1896-97. Expiration of Term. BREWSTER, WILLIAM, President.cecccsse corcseceeces November, 1897. MeErRRIAM, C. Hart : : , ; \ Vice-Presidents .++++++++++. os 1897. RipGWway, ROBERT, J MAGE, JOHN H., Secretary. ..ccesccccccerscacssecccces ot 1897. DuTcHER, WILLIAM, Treasurer, .---...seseeeeeeeees ce 1897. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. ASLIDBIN, Io loa $59 boaoco ooconomoHenece poba sues oo Sedaaao November, 1897. Ip. NipCIaDDIE IBN (Ca Me 5505 006000060000 bognan cuccoOdO SDs oc 1897. ipInWRIn, (QEUNRIDOS IBisnon 0060 060000 6oGd00I05 0 DoGdaGd560n oS 1897. ROE HPAES VACNg LU ERVAGNXCCHIN tay stele) «! sso} oha/xta)aiafatate fevalavefaiaers/cve!s\e\ ala og 1897. ‘CORW, (CRUARIEIS 18a5 cn0onedu0 5005 co00 90645000 o55000dKb0 te 1897- COMES, DTH EIOsNiR aso 508 b0ndoou Gobo deod EHOnsboc aon beer oS 1897. POW VAGHE, PONG TEAN, Iilpy) -'e)<8)-\e = «i-le) eeleleieiele ls\-iaeve sae a 1897. IDLEIOMP, ID3(Gacaogobscccue0pod00s0 c9G0 40000000 GucG ddan uC 1897. Mien, An Ke cood odagosneabdosdspounouducoccuoogc00000 ue 1897. SOMOEN PAGE: Gi Reply ofale atelaieielele\s)siel=i-1) © «lel 1883 Do.Le, SANFORD B., Honolulu, Hawaiian Ids...-.-..---+---+eeeeeeee 1888 Dusors, Dr. ALPHONSE, Museum Nat. History, Brussels.....--..-- 1884 Ducks, Prof. ALFREDO, Colegio del Estado, Guanajuato, Mexico..--1884 Ecut, ApDoLPH BACHOFEN VON, Nussdorf, near Vienna..-...------ 1883 Fario, Dr. Vicror, Geneva, Switzerland.....--+---e-ese creer eenes 1884 FEILDEN, Lieut.-Col. H. W., West House, Wells, Norfolk, Eng....-- 1884 FERRARI-PEREZ, Prof. FERNANDO, Naturalist Mexican Geol. Expl. Commission, Pueblo, Mexico.......--....-- Sie oeeee ees 1885 FREKE, Percy Evans, Rosemount, Dundrum, Co. Dublin, Ireland. .1883 FURBRINGER, Dr. MAx, Jena, Germany....--.++2+ceeeee cee eeeeeees 1891 Gapow, Dr. Hans, Zoédlogical Museum, Cambridge, England..... 1884. GIRTANNER, Dr. A., St. Galle, Switzerland..........-+eseee eee eeee 1884 Corresponding Members. xiii Gopman, F. Du Cang, 10 Chandos Street, Cavendish Sq., London. .1883 Gopwin-AusTeENn, Lieut-Col. H. H., Shalford House, Guilford, Eng- Haya cl evevorausieterciorsvatever crete evoteteroticiere le: svareiie isle oliclley sic) n:s (0) oleae aise oe si eile’ 1884. GRANDIDIER, ALFRED, 6 Rond-Point des Champs Elysees, Paris.---- 1883 Gurney, JoHN Henry, Keswick Hall, Norwich, England........-.-. 1883 HarTeErRT, Ernst, Zodlogical Museum, Tring, England.........-.-- 1891 HARTING, JAMES EpmunND, Linnean Society, Burlington House, Pic- cadilly, London..... 2... .scceeceee cece cece cece ence cee ences 1883 Harvie-Brown, JoHN A., Dunipace House, Larbert, Stirlingshire, SCotilanctecreloretecieicteteterctensletcteteletisteter citer clercicr esol slclielelsicleleiele\eielaleie. sere 1883 JeLsiare, IDes (GUS AVI, WalebI0RS 660060 0an0000c0Dmedo UoboddoodGnbdde 1884 HENSON, HARRY V., Yokohama... 0.0.50. c0cc cece cece ce ences cesesccs 1888 HGR, IDR, tings WiGinihicccag Gopedaoobo5oe cobine GecobucDo Udo BOOr 1884 Hupson, WiLi1Am Henry, Tower House, St. Luke’s Road, West- DOMPAS JAM, ILomelom, WVoococsSco06 ooenoDocoDoCKOGoGadadens 1895 KNUDSON, VALDEMAR, Kauai, Hawalian Ids.......----.seceececrees 1888 KRUKENBERG, Dr. E. F. W., Wiirzburg, Germany...--..--++-+++++-+- 1884 Krurer, Dr. THEOBALD J., University Museum, Athens, Greece-...-1884 Layarp, E. L., Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire, England.......... 1884 LEGGE, WILLIAM V., Cullenswood House, St. Mary’s, Tasmania....1891 ILEVERKUHN, PAUL, Sophia, Bulgaria......-...--22.-..00-+0eceeeees 1890 MACFARLANE, ROBERT, Winnipeg, Manitoba........ Re cecccenccscas 1886 MaparAszZ, Dr. JuLius von, National Museum, Budapest, Hungary. 1884 MALMGREN, Dr. A. J., University, Helsingfors, Finland............. 1884 MENzBIER, Dr. M., Imperial Society of Naturalists, Moscow......-. 1884 Meyer, Dr. A. B., Director of the Royal Zool. Museum, Dresden..-- 1884 Mojsisovics, Dr. A. von, Gratz, Austria.......--+-+sseeeeeeeeeee 1884 INGA TEE BVI be Oati@) Arcueverereseuieicotsra:cusliotecle slr sieeve eielelal vtere/e ieceicters wlelelatetleve/sxe-s 1886 NICHOLSON, FrRANcIs, Oakfield, Ashley Road, Altrincham, England. 1884 OaTEs, EUGENE WILLIAM, Mandalay, Burma........--+------+-++-- 1884 OusTa.c_et, Dr. Emite, Jardin des Plantes, 55 Rue de Buffon, Paris.1888 PALEMEN, Prof: J. A., Helsingfors, Finland..-.......-............-- 1883 Pyetimi, IDins IR6 Wo, Sebolreveo, (Chuilligoo5qccacasaca coon sooo G0uDDoOGE 1884 PRENTISS, Dr, D. WEBSTER, Washington, D. C..-............------ 1895 RappE, Dr. GuSTAV FERDINAND, Tiflis, Russia........--.....22+6- 1884 Ramsey, E. P., Sydney, New South Wales.......---..+-+-+e---0e-- 1884 RINGER, FREDERIC, Nagasaki, Japan.....---.....seseeee cece eeecee 1888 ScHALOw, Dr. HERMAN, 105 Rathenowerstrasse, Berlin.........----- 1884 SELys-LONGsScHAMpsS, Baron EpMoNnD DE, Liége, Belgium.......... 1884 SHELLEY, Capt. G. E., 10 Thurloe Square, London, S. W.......-.-- 1884. THEEL, Dr. HJALMAR, University of Upsala, Upsala, Sweden..--.---- 1884 TRISTRAM, Rey. Canon H. B., The College, Durham, England...... 1884 TscHUSI ZU SCHMIDHOFFEN, Count Vicror RITTER voN, Hallein, (Villa Tannenhof), Salzburg, Austria.......--+-.---.22--++- 1884 WATERHOUSE, F. H., 3 Hanover Square, London, W...........---- 1889 ZELEDON, Don JosE C., San José, Costa Rica.........- SasossooNSgs 1884 xiv Assoctate Members. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. LUD AMIS, Sinaia past lies COmmigln. Mi@sc0csqsnddedconaodeduonddcc0Ks05 G0 1892 INDI, Iho, Iog IMiwSaNtiner, ING Wo coco cocadousd0Gauasoodabo00d00C0nD05 1885 ALLEN, CHARLES ANDREw, San Gone: Manin Gon Callalerenreier 1893 ANGI, PUNCHES Jalo, WYOSE IReOsdottin INIFISS, Go5se5060do0005n0000000c 1888 Jere oisK, (Corona Niles INGO, WESSoqd0cd sagGGocDSbdonaannoondoness 1896 ALLEN, WILLIAM G., 1 Edward St., Worcester, Mass..........e2.- 1894 ALLENDER, HENRY, Bridgeport, Conn..............----secccssccees 1896 JANIS No Jalon G5 Js Sting) WoOroMmO, Cainecoossadosccousbdooa0csce 1895 INROADS Wo (Gop Ay (Clmaiimloxsiws Stkog Ile M6 oobocoacas acca de 6o00dd0KNse 1888 ARNOLD, EDWARD, 126 Van Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich......... 1894 ATHERTON, FRANK IRVING, Los Gatos, Cala.........ceeeseseeceee 1894 ANTEGIIS, |Orsons Won INMeyy WES; TNO MIC Hic 5.5 50150 ba s5 008 00uGbD Dado 60006 1887 ATKINSON, GEORGE EpGAr, 81 Borden St., Toronto, Can........-1894 ARIWATER Gil. Pee oan AnitOmMOsslNexalsemmicie circ erciseiel rachel eee 1891 INANE (Co lay |e, liralclexejrordtt, (CO@ibl,ooas de oacs coca scagqocgobosco5 1885 BABBIEAy PANIES) Pen aun tom Vlas Smey-etedclereisrecielereciserleirstel beer 1891 BACON, CARRINGTON C., Imboden, Arkansas..-....-.....2+-2es00-> 1890 BAGG, EGBERD 101 Genesee) Sits) Uiticas Neier se elector 1883 IBAMtib, (NDE PITON Tee, ICalttle IRoxelk, Wonwladcoacactoacoccungd svcd hooves 1891 BALL, Miss HELEN AUGUSTA, Worcester, Mass....-.-.e+e+cccecseces 1893 BAILEY, VERNON, Elk River, Minn................ tava yees ec Mae 1887 BATE. CHAREES OE Niall demi Mass scisssecsamieie ctcrocreleniacl aera ete 1890 BAILy, WILLIAM L., 421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa............. 1885 BAR, (ARI 185, Zul wirin, VARDaomc Goocod ooo oboodaSoogDOOODD OOO 1893 BAKER, FRANK COLLINS, Acad. Sci., Lincoln Park, Chicago, Ill...... 1894 BANGS, EDWARD APPLETON, 22 Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass....... 1884 BANGS, Ourram, 22 Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass.......... Smee 1884 BAUS) PANTIES Wo, Sis Olniny INio Io ooassnncocoo cosa060o0d0n nna OODS 1887 BarBour, Prof. ERwin H., Univ. of Neb., Lincoln, Nebraska....... 1892 BARCLAY, ROBERT COCHRANE, Cazenovia, NSN Geen RAIA FOr oid 5 1896 BARLOW CHESTER Samitan Claas © allcieyeralelerorterelarislelloreier ilar 1894 BARNARD, JOB, 500 5th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.............. 1886 IRNRINIDSS) JBWoNing IR IMIs5 Ibevoom, Mill ooodoccsooounvosconadcughHouoouoSS 1889 BARNEY, EVERETT H., Springfield, Mass........................... 1891 BarTSCH, PAUL, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C........ 1896 BASKETT, JAMES IND DWATOINTs IMeseieOs IWMIOsoolss Gadbcacobocoasuodduudaodds 1892 BASSERT, HENRY FRANKLAND, Taunton, Mass............2...-...+ 1895 Bates, ABBY FRANCES CALDWELL, Waterville, Maine............. 1894 Baur, Dr. G., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, INE SH ERO eea nw oe oo 1892 BAXTER, GEORGE STRONG, Jr., Montclair, N.J---.............-+0- 1894 BEAL, F. E. L., 1516 Kingman Place, N. W., Washington, D. C...- 1887 BEAN, |) BELERIELD, Nicollet y Minin 2-\- tq) ot=) ho lereyele oletey=iat-)e)s\lelele peril 1892 Assoctate Members. XV BEARD, DANIEL C., 110 Fifth Ave., New York City........cccceees 1887 Beck, RoLtto Howarp, Berryessa, Santa Clara Co., Cala........-..- 1894 Beers, Henry W., Bridgeport, Conn.......------2eeeececeeees >. .1895 BEHR, Epwarp A., 428 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y.....--+-.5+- eee. 1892 BELLOWS, EDWARD ID)., 2154 4th St., Jersey City, N. J.--..sceccceee 1889 BENNERS, Geo. B., 122 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa................ 1889 BENT, ARTHUR CLEVELAND, Taunton, Mass......--0ee+escececes .. 1889 BerGTrotp, Dr. W. H., 3213 Champa St., Denver, Colo............. 1889 BeRIER, DELAGNEL, Ridgewood, N. J.++--+.ee ee ce ee ce eee eeeee cece 1885 BIGELOW, JOSEPH SMITH, Jr., 251 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. 1896 BIN CHARLES. SO plimotiellids Mass. \e\clerslsc/s)eis+icle\a\le/e)eieialcle|a» sje 010 © « 1889 BILL, GuRDON, Springfield, Mass....-..--.++eeeescececccsccesceees 1896 BIRCHFIELD, Dr. CHARLES EDWARD, St. Joseph, Mich............. 1895 BisHop, Dr. Louis B., 77 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn........ 1885 BLACKWELDER, Exviot, Morgan Park, Cook Co., Ill......+---.e+-- 1895 BLATCHLEY, W. S., State Geologist, Indianapolis, Md...... Ae eh eea ter’ .« 1895 BOARDMAN. GEORGE.A., Calais, Maines... .. 2... +. scence acces cscs 1883 Bonn, FRANK, Cheyenne, Wyoming...-.seesesseseeccceccccecces 1887 Bonpb, Harry L., Meriden, lowa........020scecee one SOU Sue ODD EOee 1890 Bowers, Lionert F., Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa.-.... be ais erevece: ay sis 1894 Bow.es, JOHN Hooper, Tacoma, Wash...---...eeeseeceeccececcees 1895 BRACKETT, Foster H., Box 2148, Boston, Mass............-0--00% 1895 BRADEOR DA I\LOSES bw las. Conconds Ma'sstcerejecieicic)s sisvsieleelete cic sys « «10 1889 BrRAISsLIN, Dr. WILLIAM. C., 217 St. James Place, Brooklyn, N. Y....1894 BRANDON, JOHN A., 739 28th St., Milwaukee, Wis......... ooo0 CGE 1896 BRANDRETH, FRANKLIN, Sing Sing, N. Y..---ee ee eeee cece ce ccec cons 1889 BREWSDERGG ee iron | Mourmbarms MUCH ee «112) ale 1890 Hircucock, FRANK Henry, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1891 HoacG, JOHN BENJAMIN, Woburn, Mass......-.-02.0. scceeccescccees 1896 HopGpon, Miss Mary JOSEPHINE, Nashua, N. H...........2--205- 1896 OMEVMANT PECAIE PH eliimomity Mass. 6 «sc sccters cya atsisic c/s sche e si alevsie oie 1893 HoLpEN, EDWARD FREEMAN, Melrose, Mass.......-...-++e+ee0: -- +1896 FOMERSRERG ENED Delavan WiaiSiecretersiete dis sie tvereteree 0leye) bieteles ele cis avers - 1894 In(@LNIBS, 15 Ieley Iberinvessel, (Callens coas5cocccacaubccocuoooCocoDUUo0OG 1893 IHIOLARIBIRG IMAI Oc5 Sele IDicem, (Calais scabs cand counbaceoo cabo Heer 1893 InlONARS 1S Jsy WSSESItebRoMinettoNols (loves 050000 coonuo Dood nn BOODDOr 1893 ENOOPES MO SUE m WiGSt © eS telpy bala etel-l--felelele el clelis cleleiere) ale ciel ale 1s --- 1889 TUOOVWERE VW EATEDERS Wisely VV eliliswalllles DP aiaicevcterces!stsicctevere eve ere:e 6 a1 creie,c/s arene 1895 HorNaAbAy, W. T., 69 Wall St., New York City...................-- 1888 PLOUGH N OMEN-NG 5 SL OWevalllles SINIe Visio a. cie e's ciel eois, cholic, sisiels class ee siaislelelsc 1883 Elionvvieony Gea co NVUTIICS Snial sili tanatevelersee cie'eie ei etacr st suciert et cisrers, eveisie sine .s/s ayers 1891 Howe, REGINALD HEBER, Jr., Longwood, Mass.........--..2-++-+-- 189. HowE LL, ArrTuuR H., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C...... 1885 Hoyt, WiLtti1Am ApaAms, North Brookfield, Mass........... «seeees 1896 lO vale Vib LANiaLLenS tam ford © Ominkvese cree sheleis'ye.c'e ells aii siels| eels cies ote 1888 HUBBARD, Mrs. SARA A., 39 33rd St., Chicago, Ill.................. 1891 Hueues, Dr. WiLtiAM E., 3726 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa........ 1891 HIGER VALTER b., box47, Milwaukee, Wises. .ca sce qne0cscescs-e 1889 Hunn, JOHN T. SHARPLEsS, Plainfield, N. J..-------.--seeeceee seen 1895 Hunter, Miss Susan Morrison, Newport, R. I.-.....---..2-2-0-- 1894 FVOS@E HD) |) Gen leanesbonro.) Minn) cirs 01 clei aclele viel cele = sles eos 1885 XOX Associate Members. INGALLS, CHARLES E., East Templeton, Mass..-..--.--sseeceeserees 1885 INGERSOLL, ALBERT M., 818 5th St., San Diego, Cala............... 1885 INGERSOLL, JOSEPH CARLETON, Bowie, Md........... 5! Shares quate Ree eRe 1895 THEREIN, ID), IRs, SUM, (COl@gossascacodsccsosascabnodoedcsonoco 1889 IrRvING, JOHN, 550 Park Ave., New York City........0205.--22-00-es 1894 Isuam, C. B., Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York City...------.---..-- 1891 Jackson, THomas H., West Chester, Pa....-...e sees ee ee eee eeeeees 1888 Jacoss, J. WARREN, Waynesburg, Pa..-.-+-+eeeee cece cece cence eens 1889 James, Howarp K., Rockville, Conn...- see. seeece se eecece cece 1888 JeFFrrRies, WILLIAM AuGustus, 78 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass..... 1883 Jesurun, Dr. Mortimer, Douglas, Wyoming.......++2--sececeenes 1890 Jos, Rev. Hersert K., North Middleboro, Mass.....-.....-. ..02++ 1896 Jounson, ALBERT I., Des Moines, Iowa......+--++ese cece ceeceeenes 1885 Jounson, A. W., Upper Lake, Lake Co., Cala......... BES a Gna 1893 Jounson, EvERETT Epwin, East Hebron, Me....-......------ aedeerere 1896 JouNnson, FRANK E., Parkville, Kings COnUNG VO sewer eee aeeleleae 1888 Jounson, JAMES Howarp, Mansfield, Mass....- 599009000900000 000¢ 1894 Jounson, WALTER A., Galesburg, Ill...-see esses cece cere ee eeeenees. 1895 Jonnson, Wo. S., Boonville, N. Y..--- ese cece ee ceed ee cece cece eens 1893 JoHNsTON, CHARLES HAVEN Lapp, Cambridge, Mass..........-.-. 1894 Jones, Lynps, College Museum, Oberlin, Ohio........... nae 1888 Jones, Prof. Marcus E., Salt Lake City, Utah...-.-..-2+--s-eseeeeee 1890 Jorpan, A. H. B., Johnsonburg, Pa...--- +. ese .e eee ee cece eee e ee eee: 1888 JorDAN, Prof. Davip STARR, Stanford University, Cala.............. 1885 Jupp, Ermer T., Cando, No. Dak........ alder duasiel Guareialecguave Catan ee ea 1895 Jupp, SytvestER D., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C...... 1893 Justice, WILLIAM W., Jr-, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.......... 1895 KeLKer, WILLIAM A., Harrisburg, Pa.----.------+--++-ceeeeeseeees 1896 KELLOGG, VERNON L., Stanford University, Cala....-....---.seee-- 1888 KENDALL, Dr. W. C., U. S. Fish Commission, Washington, D. C...1886 KENNARD, FREDERIC HEDGE, Brookline, Mass.----..--+---+--- eee 1892 Keyser, Rev. LEANDER S., Dayton, Ohio..........---..---.--0-. 1891 KIMBALL, R. E., 631 G St., N. W., Washington, D. C............ «+ 1892 Kinc, GEoRGE GorDoNn, Newport, R. 1...---- +--+ eee eee eee eee eee 1888 KirRKPATRICK, Harry C., Meadville, Pa..-..-.-+seeeeeeeeececeeeeee 1891 KirKWwoopD, FRANK C., P. O. Box 364, Baltimore, Md.............. 1892 KNIGHT, ORA WILLIS, Bangor, Me...----ee sees eee cece cece eee eee 1893 Know ton, F. H., U. S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D. C............ 1883 Kocn, Prof. AuGusT, Williamsport, Pa...--.---.eseeee sees cece eee 1891 Kocu, Freperic W., Univ. Cala., Berkeley, Cala............-....-. 1891 Koun, Gustave, 14 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La..........---. 1886 KoumLy, Rev. PIRMINE M., St. Benedict’s College, Atchison, Kansas. 1892 KRAEMER, FREDERICK L., Box 198, Williamsport, Pa......--.... - -- 1893 Krom, STEPHEN ARTHUR, Plainfield, N. J. .------++-+--eeeeeeee eee 1894 KuMLIEN, LupwiG, Milton, Wis.....-.---- cesses cere cece ee eee eeee 1895 Lapp, SAMUEL B., West Chester, Pa...---.---+---seeee cece cece eee 1889 Associate Members. Xxi SNE EUGENE) Elis AutOM Dlllgjeyeleisils ale\eisieye)- shale slalc cic eiclevjslccleleisie ois's\sie 1893 ILANO, Aan sis YN Riboly Wut nod oo dono unocoopo nae duonoD ObloU bbUOomok 1890 Lanvz, Prof. D. E., State Agl. College, Manhattan, Kansas........-1885 Lawrence, Hiram V., 203 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, 'N. Y...----++++ 1895 LAWRENCE, ROBERT B., Flushing, N. Y...-+.-2 cece cee cece ccec cece 1883 LAwreENcE, RoBert Hog, 45 William St., New York City.....------ 1890 Lemmon, WiLxuiAM P., Englewood, N. J------ 02+ ee eee certs cece cere 1896 LeuTLoFFr, HERMAN C. A., 611 E. 136th St.. New York City...-.-. 1896 Lewis, WILLIAM H., Pawtucket, R. I... 2.0.2 -s eee e cece cece ce eeee 1890 LinskILL, Davin J., Plymouth, Pa.....-+.- +s ee eeee cece cece cece cere 1891 TAOON GoTo Se MAVVONCESCEE Vass ejs\stenearcistel eleva cle cielicle elev svelieidl ofa e sic]e) «'elain\clels 1889 Loomis, JoHn A., Paint Rock, Concho Co., Texas..-++.+++++++++++5 1887 Lorine, J. ALpEN, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.......--1889 Lowe, WILLOUGHBY P., Goodpasture, Colo.......-. +++ see eeeee ence 1893 LuHRMAN, JOHN, Jr., 158 Pacific Ave., Jersey City, N. J-------++--++- 1893 Lusk, RICHARD D., Tucson, Ariz. ....s. eee e eee eee e eter cece cess 1894. MacDouGaLt, Geo. R., 112 Wall St., New York City.-..-.---+--+: 1890 Mackay, Dr. A. H., Halifax, Nova Scotia......-...-.eee eee e eens 1885 Mackay, GrorGe H., Nantucket, Mass......... 2.0. cee cee cece ccece 1890 Macoun, Prof. Joun, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv., Ottawa, Ontario. .1883 MAGuiIrE, Dr. J. R., Lewistown, Ill... 0... 25. ee edd es cece ee ec eees 1896 MAILLIARD, JOHN W., 323 California St., San Francisco, Cala....-., 1895 MAILLIARD, JOSEPH, San Geronimo, Cala...-..-.-+-.+-seeeee cece 1895 MAITLAND, RoBertT L., 10 E. 35th St., New York City...........-- 1889 Mati, CHARLES M., 93 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y..-.-.-+-+-+++-- 1889 IMIAREN?, JEIRon, Oli, IBavehaistoinls WWleaoo5 cade oocooacodD OoobonoooOoO 1892 MarsH, DANIEL J., Springfield, Mass.--...-- ees eeeeeeseeeeerccees 1894 Mason, EDWARD CAMPBELL, 76 Johnsons Park, Buffalo, N. Y...---- 1888 MASTERMAN, ELMER ELLSwortH, New London, Ohio.......------- 1895 Maxon, WILLIAM RALPH, 132 Main St., Oneida, N. Y..------+0---> 1894 May, FRANK DwiGhut, Jr., 17 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn.....-. 1894 MayNarD, COoLToNn, 1407 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C......-. 1895 McCook, Puiuip JAMES, Cambridge, Mass....--+-.++ esse cece ee eees 1895 PvicCormick, ours MeiGlen’ Island, Nie Yioc lcs c- oe celel @ ovieeei~ >< 1892 MCGREGORS Rs ©. Palo Altos Callacrcicielcle oly ce nie le retells elsle weleleie «ie 1889 McILHENNY, EpwarpD Avery, Avery, La...---...----sseeee rere es 1894 McKEnziz, PETER, 4492 St. Catharine St., Montreal, Can.....------ 1896 McLain, RoBertT Barrpb, Palo Alto, Cala.......-- +2. ee eeee cece ee 1893 MELZER, JAMES P., Milford, N. H....-.-..--- sees ee cree cece ec eeeees 1891 MERRIAM, Miss FLORENCE A., 1919 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.1885 MERRILL, Harry, Bangor, Maine.....--.---- esse eee eee eee ceees 1883 METCALFE, WILLIAM C., 21 Cortlandt St., New York City....------ 1886 MILLER, GERRIT SMITH, Jr., Peterboro’, N. Y.------+++-e+ee-eee eee 1886 MILLER, Harry EDWARD, Derby Conn.....--+-+---+ sees cere eee 1892 MILLER, JAMES Henry, Lowville, N. Y....-------eeeeeeeeeeeerees 1894 MILter, Mrs. OLive THORNE, 628 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y.---- 1887 XX11 Associate Members. MILLER, WALDRON Dewitt, Plainfield, N. J.----..-.-..:.eees0eee 1896 MES ReWAE TER aViebsteim Growess Ml Orictelsilelrrelletlererstetertetetelteeite 1893 MITCHELL, WALTON I., 534 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn.......... 1893 Moore, J. Percy, Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.................... 1886 Morcom, G. FREAN, 330 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cala......... 1886 Morison, GrorGE ABBOT, 34 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass....... 1896 Morris, GEORGE SPENCER, Olney, Philadelphia, Pa............... 1887 Morris, RosBertT O., Springfield, Mass...........0..2-e+seceeeccees 1888 Morrison, GEorGe A., Fox Lake, Wis...--...--sscccecccsceccccce 1891 IMU IMIMERGYe) WEARER (S15) lias Mincllite rereretiever sterol eles feleveietisionetons BSS a,5%0 1895 MURDOCH, | JOHN ROCK Miaissie eiaiciatee!.e/ ale 5 =) obeleva) o/o1-tale)aitelotateNelate eletate ietetete 1883 NACHTRIEB, Prof. Henry F., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. ...1892 INJAGEG) IED Wen Jemelo, (ColloimcloOsodcoasdcccoosodu 504 cngoddb0Od 6000 1892 NEAL, ALBERT EDWARD, 98 Exchange St., Portland, Me............ 1896 NEAL, HERBERT VINCENT, Brookline, Mass.....-.......-.+-e. +++ 1894 NICHOLS, BUGENE) C7, PilusiaiimonpN aye eireleole)elckelalsvelelatelsietehorit niente 1895 INOS 5 |/5 Wiley ltemloaelivy, IMIS cbc 000 c00nd0009nG00000. O500000000000 1890 Norris, Guy BRuNAuUGH, Garden City, Kansas......-....2220+e00. 1894 Norris, Rev. JAMES Avery, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y..........-- 1894 Norris, J, PARKER, 723 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa................ 1886 NORTON, ARTHUR He, Westbrook, Matinee cre:- etre) el slelelel-lelereletoiietaiene 1890 Norton, ARTHUR HENRY WHITELEY, Hanover, N. H:....-....-.... 1894 Norton, RICHARD, Cambridge, Mass...-----+ceeeesseeeecee seccnes 1888 OBERHOLSER, Harry C., Dept. of Agriculture, SWeeiineon, D. C...1888 O’Connor, HALDEMAN, 25 No. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa........... 1896 O’NEIL, EDWARD, Sewickley, Allegheny Co., Pa............2....... 1893 OrtH, GrEorGE S., 406 S. Hiland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.............. 1892 OSBORN, CHASE SALMON, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.................. 1893 OSBORNE, JOHN LANG, Manchester, N. H...-....'.-25--+.-eeeeneee 1894 OSBURN, Reva, WirLrAme INashivaliles ierinel-r-is 1-1: 2 ote) ale lolons) -leereeieerereets 1890 OsGcoop, WILFRED H., Willcox, Cochise Co., Ariz.......-.....2...5 1893 Oxia (Cenc Co Weise Olmiea, ING |laocacovpao docq0d500900b0006 1896 Owen, VIRGIL WILLIAMS, P. O. Box 774, Los Angeles, Cala........ 1894 Pace, Mrs. ALICE WILSON, g Riedesel Ave., Cambridge, Mass...... 1896 PAINE, AuGustTus G., Jr., 47 W. 45th St., New York City.......... 1886 PALMER, Dr. THeEoporES., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C..1888 PaLMErR, WILLIAM, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington, D.C............. 1888 PALMER, WILLIAM M., 515 W. 130th St., New York City............ 1896 Pare, CHARLES WesLEy, Manhattan, Kansas................0..-.. 1896 PARK) J. De) Jackson,” Mulsse.r - eie asec eine oles -ie) nlel~ = (0 a olnelei eaten oho 8900000 1890 PARKER, J. GRAFTON, Jr., 100 Washington St., Chicago, Ill........ 1894 PATONIa, 135 Bog Catlin, Ills concndocnd coocdG nada oDooDaGb aonb 0000 DDO 1896 Peasopy, Rev. P. B., St. Vincent, Minn............... icicle stebeweters 1891 Peasopy, WILLIAM RopMaN, Cambridge, Mass...--...+-+-+-++-..- 1890 IPNeCoK, Visit ID (Clinco,; Irie Cos, Callcosossoauso0ssq0cc0cde 1888 PENNOCK, CHARLES J., Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa........... 188s Associate Members. XXifi PERKINS, \CMARLES E.,, Hartford, Conn. «sic. sdences ocsevcceveveve 1888 PETERSON, J. P., West Denmark, Polk Co., Wis......+++++++eseeeee 1885 PHELPS, WILLIAM Henry, Cambridge, Mass........22seessseorceess 1895 Puiuuirs, A. H., Princeton, N. J.....0sesecccee cece ces ecccctccecces 1891 iPrinereim, ING Tks IRVeiVoo), IEins oooup GH OOUOnD OOO UU Ould Dolo It nOnOCos 1891 Prers, Harry, ‘‘Stanyan,” Willow Park, Halifax, N. S.-............ 1891 Pomeroy, Harry KirKLAND, P. O. Box 575, Kalamazoo, Mich..... 1894 PopPENOE, Prof. E. A., Manhattan, Kan..... SOOO COC OO ICICI Cir Cree 1886 PortTeR, Louris H:, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn...-.26..-0..0.3. 1893 PoTTeR, RAYMOND B., Nyack, N. Y..------eeeee eres cece cee ecee eens 1895 POWERS, WILLIAM LINCOLN, Gardiner, Maine.............+-.-.e--- 1895 FIRIAENG He V VATE oD AUVOn Hye WCCO Ket key wll Onyietyelolelelelslalietslel=lalellals evel slolielelel® «)s\\1s) = 1892 PRATT, Rev. GeorGe B., 61 Laflin St., Chicago, Ill...... Rasa abs 1895 PREBLE, EDWARD A., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C...... 1892 PRENTISS, D. W., Jr., 1218 9th St., N. W., Washington, D. C...... 1890 PRICE, WILLIAM W., Stanford University, Cala.........--..-...-.. 1893 PurbDy, JAMES B., Plymouth, Mich............--+------seeeeecscees 1893 RAINE, WALTER, 181 Bleeker St., Toronto, Ontario................. 1889 AGH re Vile EOAN io 2OCOuUntiotes Witicasy Nie) Newel et alee «oe «106 1888 IVAINING Wise) MIAR Ys 10.) ManchestermsLowar- secicceclcle cc + cele csecc csnssc 1893 RATHBUN, FRANK R., 424 Franklin St., Auburn, N. Y.............. 1883 ROATRSOROINIS SYNGE, 1s 5 Serie, WeiS)omas ooonocbooc0Db OD OUOU OuOEnG asue 1893 RAW SONG GAT Vinee LAUER) NOGWwialClis) Comittee -llsielelslel + 1883 Assoctate Members. XKV SPRAGUE, JOHN C., 257 W. 74th St., New York City.....++-.+.+0-- 1891 SPRATT, CHESMAN CHADWICK, Richmond, Maine........+-++-++++- 1894 STANTON, Prof. J. Y., Bates College, Lewiston, Me...-+...+++++-0+5 1883 STEERE, JoSEPH H., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich......--sesesseesesevees 1894 STEPHENS, F., Witch Creek, San Diego Co., Cala.........sse-seee 1883 STEPHENSON, Mrs. Lourse McGown, Helena, Ark......+.+++++e0+5 1894 STICKNEY, MyrRoN WILDER, 62 George St., Providence, R. I.----.-. 1895 STOBY, W. W., Harrisburg, Pa... -...5..ccccecccccccscecseccccecece 1891 STONE, CLARENCE FREEDOM, Branchport, N. Y..---+-+++-+++++++ 05. 1894. Stone, Dwicut D., Lansing, N. Y.-----.-- ee ee cece eect cece ceeee 1891 STroneBURN, Frep H., Newark, N. Passe eattoeialeie! sisietshaleleid wieie\/de.cie'dd sie 1893 STREATOR, CLARK P., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C....-. 1889 STRECKER, JOHN KERN, Jr., Waco, Texas.-...---eeeeeeeeeceeeeee. 1894 STRONG, REUBEN M., Oberlin, Ohi0......-. eee cece ee eee e eee eee 1889 STUDER, JAcoB HENry, 114 Fifth Ave., New York City..-.-----+++-. 1888 STURTEVANT, Epwarp, Inst. of Tech., Boston, Mass...-+-+-+++-++++: 1896 Sutton, GEorRGE Byron, Newark Valley, N. Y...--++-+20+ + eeeeeee- 1896 SWINBURNE, JOHN, Guernsey, England............ A OS aT OOO R oto 1887 TALLEY, Prof. THoMAS WASHINGTON, Tallahassee, Fla....--.°****" 1896 TATLOCK, JOHN, Jr., Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York City.--------- 1887 TayLor, ALEXANDER O’DRISCOLL, 124 Bellevue Ave., Newport, R. I. 1888 Taytor, H. H., 63 Park Place, Bridgeport, Conn.........+--+++++-- 1893 Test, Dr. FREDERICK CLEVELAND, Lafayette, Ind.......-++..+-.- +» + 18Q2 THAYER, ABBOTT H., Scarborough, N. Y.-----+ sees eee eee e eee eeee 1896 THOMAS, JOHN, Sharon, Pa....-..eeceeecce ccc ee ccceccecccececcee 1895 THompson, Ernest E., Tappan, N.Y.-.----es ee ee ee eee e eee eres 1883 Tuomson, Prof. GEorGE S., Walden, Colo.......----seeeeessee eres 1892 THORNE, Capt. PLATTE M., 22d Inf. U. S. A., 161 Troup St., Roch- GSE, INs Sos odeoodpcoobe do enbsocce poGcndos Uo dOoDEoebGoeaD 1885 shOD DP BOUTSE MIs) Galatsi Meters claicis eleyiaterst tal -)-rsclsieielel cieieleymieieiels ale)= 1s 1887 Topp, W. E. Crype, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.-....-. 1890 Toppan, GEORGE L., 294 Newbury Si., Boston, Mass.....--------- 1886 TorREY, BRADFORD, Wellesley Hills, Mass......-------+-e2seeeeeee- 1883 TowNSEND, Cuar-es H., U. S. Fish Comm., Washington, D. C....-1883 TOWNSEND, WiLMmoT, Bay Ridge, N. Y.--------+ sees ee eee eeeeeeees 1894 MREAT, WILLARD E., Silver Lane, Conn..----..4-.......0..-0.00-- 1885 TREMBLAY, Dr. JosepH EuciipeE, Esquimaux Point, Quebec, Can. -.1895 TROMBLEY, JEROME, Petersburg, Mich.....------+++++-+ ee eeeeeeeeee 1885 Trotter, Dr. SPENCER, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa..--- 1888 TuTtLe, Dr. Cart, Berlin Heights, Ohio.....-.---.-..+eeeeeeeees 1890 VAN CORTLANDT, Miss ANNE S., Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y...------- 1885 Van DENBURG, JOHN, Acad. Sci.. San Francisco, Cala....--...---- 1893 VAN SANT, Miss ELIZABETH, City Hall, Omaha, Neb..--.---.--+++- 1896 VAN WINKLE, EpMuND, Vans Harbor, Mich.........---...++-+--+: 1894 VAUGHAN, CLIFFORD WHEATON, 47 W. 83d St., New York City.---- 1894 VELIE, Dr..J. W., St. Joseph, Mich..----..---------2 ee eeee cece cree 1886 XXV1 Active Members. VMICKER'S SE RNEST Wis ENS worth © hilon-enssciee cisier icicle cieeiieaneieiereiee 1896 Vivaro, Dr. JUAN, Tampa, Fla..... Sonn goonen Spies) <1) sie el slslelaaaierote tenets 1888 Watcorr, RoBERT, 11 Waterhouse St., Cambridge, Mass.......-.-5 1893 WON DES, JdioyyANyo) lalog lalyelo lobia, ING Wo 6oG0dsc000 po0G6G06 C000 bondoc 1896 MONE TBIRG ID yes Rn Mian (Cerneerie, JPM coco acoadscuo055K00baDDD CONE seeless WALL, EDWARD, San Bernardino, Cala). 5. <=). --\- er -iaeeeeenrtae 1894. Warren, Dr. B. H., Dept. of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa...... Della LOSS WARREN OSCARS DIR. saline ne vdichiner ce -ertiietsieie ein Selene 1892 WATERMAN, WILLIAM, Hay Springs, Neb.............. srevea) 5 Uae eee 1896 WATERS, EDWARD STANLEY, Holyoke, Mass....:..............---- 1894 WATKINS, L. WHITNEY, Manchester, Mich didieie is le ehere tele See eee 1894 IWIEBBs WALTER Es3 -AullbtomisndNin Yat (olevoieteveie sieretevelievetale Vercieeyeval ele toe enero 1891 Weeks, Davip FRANKLIN, Portland, Oregon...........---. 3 Sea 1894 WADIOD MONS, NOx, MMNES, MOWls 6 oc000 can DUonGA acoooKbOnODdod0GDOSOdS 1893 WBS JAMIES Zio, Bi@oramimettoin, Woo sceonboocotdoadocopcnnooncocde 1896 IWiESay om wast.) WoOshymy Queens (Corn) Na eeceicneilclicllell einer 1887 WHuiteE, Francis BEACH, Cambridge, Mass............022.200ecceee 18gI WHITAKER, WILLIAM LINCOLN, Cedar Grove, Philadelphia, Pa...... 1894 WHITMAN, Prof. CHARLES Oris, Univ. of Chi., Chicago, Ills....... 1896 \Wineoininse, WiYV6 Nios 9fe) (Gitayoxe Shing INoelnesitair Wo Sfoobe6gqe0 000000050006 18g1 WOS5 Wile Wisp |fiten LOS “ANoexsllos, (Calc coce oabosuccodcddoguancncond 1890 WicsBur, ADDISON P., Canandaigua, N. Y....... sicica Maverelaehe ah eee 1895 WiLcox, IT. FERDINAND, 115 W. 75th St., New York City......... 2.) 1895 WVidoios, MUNI IL, (Coy Canleins INio |Joootacgodcsccoasdcocncc4c0d 222-1893 WILLIAMS, J. BICKERTON, 116 University St., Montreal, Can........ 1889 WILLIAMS, ROBERT S., Columbia Falls, Montana...-.......,0..ece0- 1888 WLIO NAVs lb 1Bs5 lelolilenoGl IPaieintts IN[, Wocon occas cobedacdosanoocc 1893 WHLSOM, Simms; Sho Sito Ose olbis WlOséacoosvocbosod00cc00000 04000 Soe 1895 Wicson, WILLIAM EDWARD, 387 Olney St., Providence, R. I........ 1894 WiINDEE, HE RNESID sn lellospital ot. lonthealen@aniyrersereroriteeerre 1887 Woop, NELSON R., Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C...... 1895 WooprufF, FRANK M., Acad. Sci., Lincoln Park, Chicago, IIl..-..1894 WoopruFF, Lewis B., 14 East 68th St., New York City............. 1886 WoobpwortH, Mirs. NELEY HARD, St. Albans, Vtao-..--2- ice seers 1894 WORCESDER, Ero DEAN Ch, Atm Arbors Minchineericieleeieeie iene 1895 WORTHENS | CHARTESH Ke, oWiasaiwe Milileretlecileieie ee) selene eeieperaraiee 18g WORT STHETROIN, 186 IBo, IDYScllngn, IMINSSo00c06ccccGodcnaaooooboCK OOOO 1893 WoRTHINGTON, WILLIS W., Shelter Island, Suffolk Co., N. Y........ 1889 WRIGHT, FRANK? S50 Genesee st.) Aubunny Ny Y4eecncectll tae 1894 WriGut, Mrs. MABEL OsGoopD, Fairfield, Conn..................0:. 1895 WriGHT, Miss NorA GiRALDA, Olneyville, R.I-...:............... 1896 WRIGEAN, SAnioimbs CoOmsi@liockkein, Paiosos 6400 000g b000000b0000 40000 1895 WAaANTON, ARIE (Cenc Ss, IDeeinine, MiSs ccqc5escpcaccooddG0 bonbDOS 1895 WOR, IDEs Py Ialinimay, MoOosinel, Wlsebccceococobosasccoonsadcbe bor 1891 YounGc, CurTis Ciay, 395 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.......... ISgI Deceased Members. XXV1i DECEASED MEMBERS. / AcTIVE MEMBERS. Date of Death, BAIRD, SPENCER FULLERTON ...... sienepeterereusiote saute ices ee Aug. 19, 1887 (GOGS, INE Shecepeeroeraoert: sod@auucepaod DgsnaD AC AiaO HEOOe March 10, 1891 HOLDER, JOSEPH B............ Alnbomoolacn sroleieteisvelistelsrers A.caccold Feb. 28, 1888 JEFFRIES, JOHN AMORY......--- ote eee cree cece seeeeeee+sMarch 26, 1892 WVPEIEVACE ON JOHN, Mic eiei «oti, 10,0070 0 cieicje,e oo ee oooaponodsoodour Jan. 28, 1887 HonorARY MEMBERS. SURIVOUS aR lie RIVEASNINGG ©) s\clalele'e\iele’s sleiclelsisiciaieiels « o doooopoae --May 1, 1892 GUNDLACH, JUAN....-.---e eee Jogon ata oe Sicla/o okeielsvejateh ate cus March 14, 1896 REHUIRENTNG, POEUN) ELM Yicie\e ce cjclelss clels)e cle es alee cpaptio sbdcesdes April 20, 18go0 Huxrey, Tuomas H............. Sectors avert Riana aicvevets seeeeee-June 29, 1895 KRAUS, FERDINAND.....-+.------0- poongdoadd0nODaGG00G0N Sept. 15, 1890 LAWRENCE, GEORGE N....... wi schasegiiave.ersa Bret orareretel onarae: are ----Jan.17, 1895 IPA, WCU RIG ROls IaSiog5 6006 opooLU OCOD oonb0e UbUOOGE July 3, 1890 BEEZEDN. AUGUST VON: es ce + + Daddd dono douDbedo Oogda0KC Sept. 2, 1891 SCHLEGEL, HERMANN......---. siete netehe alcoves Serereyatetoval aleve siete (aver Jan. 17, 1834 SEEBOHM, HENRY...... eieana stove cVelepeiersrener selenite aie sicreielievciare Nov. 26, 1895 TACZANOWSKI, LADISLAS..... pdd0ngouDAUOOSHHOOOCOCUOdodEUE Jan. 17, 1890 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. BI NEDANTU Ss (BAD UA