State of Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin No. 2 A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE PROTOZOA OF THE FRESH WATERS OF CONNECTICUT By HERBERT WILLIAM CONN, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in Wesleyan University Med K5796 ^Sfalc of (Sormecticui PUBLIC DOCUMENT No. 47 State Geological and Natural History Survey COMMISSIONERS Henry Roberts, Governor of Connecticut (Chairman) Arthur Twining Hadley, President of Yale University Bradford Paul Raymond, President of Wesleyan University Flavel Sweeten Luther, President of Trinity College (Secretary) Rufus Whittaker Stimson, President of Connecticut Agricultural College SUPERINTENDENT William North Rice Bulletin No. 2 Hartford Press The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company WBJLCmii ’: STITUTE LIBRARY Coll welMOmec cin Wo. au A PRELIMINARY REPORT THE PROTOZOA OF THE FRESH WATERS OF CONNECTICUT By HERBERT WILLIAM CONN, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in Wesleyan University {^artforb pre# The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company 1905 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 . A Preliminary Report on the Protozoa of the Fresh Waters of Connecticut. By H. W. Conn, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Wesleyan University. INTRODUCTION. In connection with the State Geological and Natural His- tory Survey, I have been requested to undertake the study of the microscopic life in the waters of the State. This part of the State Survey is naturally a very extensive piece of work, and at the present time only the beginnings of the task can be reported. The work, as it has come into my hands, has divided itself into three parts. 1. The Protozoa. 2. The Algae and allied plants. 3. The Bacteria common in the waters of the State. Work upon all three of these divisions of the subject has been undertaken, and is progressing satisfactorily. Up to the present time most of my own attention has been given to the study of the Protozoa. This part of the work has been carried on extensively since its assignment to me, and has reached a point where it is deemed wise to present a preliminary report upon the work already done. Hitherto a comparatively small amount of study has been given to the Protozoa in American waters. The only exten- sive contributions to the studies of our Protozoa have come from Stokes* and Leidy.f In addition there hav£ been a number of isolated publications upon the various genera and * A Preliminary Contribution toward a History of the Fresh Water Infusoria of the United States. Journ. Trent. Nat. Hist. Soc., I, 1888. •j- Fresh Water Rhizopoda of North America, Washington, 1879. 6 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. species. Prof. Stokes’ valuable papers are, at present, some- what difficult to obtain, and very difficult to follow, because of the lengthy and somewhat obscure descriptions that are given of his different species. His figures, however, are usually satisfactory, and make it possible for a student to identify his species, comparing them with forms which may be under ex- amination. Besides the works of Stokes and Leidy there are only a few scattered papers describing isolated genera and species found in America. This dearth of work makes the study and description of American types of Protozoa especially de- sirable, in order that there may be in the hands of microscopic students a complete description of the types of Protozoa which are liable to be found in American waters. Such a publication does not, at present, exist. Prof. Stokes’ papers have de- scribed only newly discovered species, and have never at- tempted to give any descriptions of forms which he simply identified and which have been described elsewhere. The literature upon Protozoa is in general so widely scattered that it is not accessible in any convenient form to the student- of American microscopy. It is, therefore, a great desideratum that the description of all types of American Protozoa should, if possible, be collected and published together for the use of American students. A description of Connecticut species will not, of course, completely fill this need, but will come nearer to it than any previous publication. For these reasons it has seemed to me that before it is pos- sible to attempt a study of the distribution of Protozoa in the waters of the State, or of any problems associated with their economic relation to the purity of drinking waters, consider- able preliminary work must be done which shall include a study and description of the genera and species found in this region. This part of the work has occupied most of my atten- tion during the past year. The time that it has been possible to put upon the work during the last year has been sufficient to accumulate a large amount of data upon this general subject, and it is probable that I have now obtained and had an opportunity of studying most of the genera of Protozoa liable to be found in Connecti- cut. This is certainly true of the two groups, Flagellata and Infusoria. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 7 Upon the rarer groups, Rhizopoda, Heliozoa, and Suc- toria, my work is less complete, and the forms already found probably do not constitute so large a proportion of the whole as in the other two groups. It is, of course, perfectly evident that even this prelimi- nary work is not yet complete. It will require a long-continued study of the waters of the State before a complete list and description of all the Protozoa can be given. Before this can be regarded as complete it will doubtless be necessary to obtain the cooperation of microscopists in other localities in collecting material and possibly studying the same. The com- pletion of the work can therefore only be made after some years of study. For this reason it is thought to be wise to publish at the present time a preliminary report upon the Protozoa already found, in order that such a report may be used to stimulate the study of this group by other microscopists in the State, and thus increase the amount of work that can be done and the territory that can be covered. The present report is designed, therefore, simply as introductory, and its purposes are, ist, to state the progress that has been made in the study of the Protozoa, and 2d, to elicit the cooperation of other microscopists so far as possible. It is hoped, therefore, that microscopists into whose hands this preliminary report may fall and who may be interested in the study of the micro- scopic life of our waters, will communicate with the author of this paper, in order that, if possible, cooperative work may be started in various parts of the State. The author would be very glad to receive communications from any one within the limits of the State who is interested in microscopic study, and especially to obtain material for study that anyone will be kind enough to send to his laboratory in Middletown. It is expected that, at a later time, a more complete report of the Protozoa of the State will be published, which, it is hoped, may take the form of a general scientific study of the unicellular animals and their evolution, as illustrated by the forms found in our own waters. Such a study is not feasible at present. The present report is planned with the object of making it as useful as possible to microscopists. Therefore it has been regarded as wise to illustrate carefully all species 8 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. found. In the study of Protozoa careful figures are always of more value to the microscopist than specific descriptions, because of the difficulty in studying the animals and tracing out minute details. It frequently happens that one can easily recognize a species from its appearance, when it would be impossible to determine the characters upon which the species or even the genus is based. In the study of a rapidly moving microscopic animal it is often impossible to make out minute details, and points in internal structure, — like the nucleus and vacuoles — cannot, in many cases, be decided upon in the living specimens. In all such cases the general appearance of the animals is of more use in determination than specific descriptions. For this reason there is given, in the present report, a figure of every species of animal thus far thoroughly identified, and, in some cases, two or three figures of the same type are given where specimens show considerable variations from each other. The figures are all original, and drawn by the author from the actual specimens. The key printed in this preliminary report is designed for the use of working students, and is not intended to indicate any real relations of the organisms in question. The problem of the general relations of the groups will be discussed when a more complete report of the Protozoa may be prepared. This key is based upon one which has been found most useful to the author, namely, the one published by Kirchner and Bloch- mann.* The key, as printed in the following pages, follows in general the one devised by these authors. It has, how- ever, been much modified, to make it clearer and more useful to a beginner. Inasmuch as quite a number of genera are clearly present in our waters which are not included in the above-mentioned key, it has been found necessary to add these new genera to the key. It is believed, therefore, that our key is an improvement over any before published. This key in- cludes all the genera known to occur in fresh water, whether they have yet been detected in Connecticut or not, and, conse- quently, all that are likely to be found in our State. * Die Mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Thierwelt des Susswassers, Braun- schweig, 1886. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 9 Following the key I have given brief diagnostic descriptions of the determined genera. In these descriptions I have also followed the plan of Kirchner and Blochmann, in including only the essential characters, leaving out the subordinate de- tails which are liable to confuse the student rather than aid in identification. In the description of the genera only those are described in this preliminary report which have already been actually identified by myself, as occurring in our waters. There are doubtless other genera in Connecticut, which will be found later, and their descriptions will be given in subsequent reports. I have found several types of Protozoa existing in our waters, sometimes in considerable abundance, that do not agree with any described genera. Whether to regard these as new genera or modified forms of described genera I am as yet un- certain. In this preliminary report they are called new genera , and descriptions are then given. No attempt is made at present to give them names, for I regard it preferable to reserve the final descriptions and the naming of such types until a later report, when a longer period of study may enable me to de- termine more accurately whether these genera are connected by intermediate grades with any of the types already described^ or whether they should be regarded as really new. Descriptions of species are wholly omitted in this report The Protozoa are known to be widely variable, and it is, there- fore, always a matter of great difficulty to determine where to draw the limits between species. Two different attitudes toward this question may be adopted. One is to describe each distinguishable type as a separate species, and the other to group large numbers of closely allied forms together under the name of one species, even though they show wide varia- tions. The latter method appears to me, on the whole, pref- erable ; but if it is to be done, it can only be done after a long study of the different varieties that may be found, a study much more extended than it has been possible as yet to give to the subject. Moreover, the specific descriptions of Protozoa are so widely scattered in literature that it is a great task to obtain them all. Up to the present time I have not been able to search all this literature, in order to identify all the species IO CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. / which I have found. Wherever I have been able clearly to identify the specific naipes, or the probable specific names, of the animals described, I have given these names in the follow- ing report, but in cases where I have not yet determined the species I have always indicated it by the sign sp (?). Some of the species thus marked are doubtless new species. It has been evident in the course of the study that it is possible to create many nezv species out of the types found in Connecticut, if it is so desired. But in the present report it is not thought wise to do this. In the later report the discussion of the ques- tion of species will be given more thoroughly. The figures which accompany this report are drawn to scale, so as to be directly comparable in size. In the Rhizopoda and Infusoria, Plates I-V and Plates XI-XXXIV, the figures are all magnified 500 diameters, except in a few cases where otherwise noted. In the Flagellata, Plates VI-X, the figures are magnified 1,000 diameters, unless otherwise stated. A few very large animals could not be so highly magnified, and where such is the case the amount of magnification is stated on the figure. There is a certain disadvantage in drawing to, the same scale figures of animals differing so widely in size, since it makes it impracticable to arrange figures on the plates in their proper order in all cases. Using the same scale, also, makes some figures unnecessarily large and others too small for the best results. But the practical advantage to the student of learning directly from the figures the relative size of all the animals figured is very great. This advantage of being able to determine the relative sizes at a glance, rather than needing to make a calculation for the purpose, has appeared to me to offset very decidedly the disadvantages that come from using figures of such varying sizes. Nearly all the specimens described in this paper have been found in the waters of Middletown. Collections of materials have also been made from other localities in the State, and many of the species described have been identified elsewhere. A few of the specimens described have been found in other towns, but not yet in Middletown, although probably nearly all types of Protozoa will be found more or less uniformly dis- tributed over the State. This question of distribution will not, No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. I I however, be considered in this preliminary report. The waters which have furnished the specimens have been largely drinking waters of Middletown and other cities, although a considerable amount of material has been obtained from brooks and rivers, road-side pools, and even watering troughs. THE PROTOZOA. The Protozoa are divided into classes, as follows : 1. Animals partly free, partly attached, with pseudo- podia, flagella, or cilia 2 Animals, when adult, attached usually by a stalk; the free portion provided with a small number of stiff knobbed projections, which can be withdrawn, called tentacles SUCTORIA p. 65 2. Adult animals with pseudopodia 3 Adult animals with flagella or cilia 4 3. Pseudopodia of variable form; sometimes with a shell either homogeneous or made of plates, sand grains, etc RHIZOPODA p. 11 Pseudopodia stiff, finely thread-like, seldom branched or anastomosing, arranged radially around the spherical body; sometimes -with an envelope of jelly, or a skeleton of silicious needles HELIOZOA p. 1 7 4. With 1-2, rarely 3-4, long flagella,, and one nucleus MASTIGOPHORA p. 19 With a large number of cilia and one or more nuclei CILIATA p. 39 CLASS RHIZOPODA. Key to Genera. - 1. No shell 2 With a shell 9 2. Pseudopodia lobe-like 3 Pseudopodia fine, reticular, arising in groups ...... Gymnophrys 3. No nucleus 4 With nucleus 5 12 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 4. Without contractile vacuole Protamccba?\ With contractile vacuole Gloidium?\ 5. One pseudopodium directed forwards Hyalodiscus* Pseudopodia more than one 6 6. Pseudopodia finger-like, from the border only, or from one or few parts of the spherical body 7 Pseudopodia various but from all sides of the body . . 8 7. Discoidal^ pseudopodia radiating from all sides .... Dactylosphcerium Spherical ; pseudopodia from one spot ; commonly violet Amphizonella 8. Pseudopodia many, lobe-like, from all sides of the body Amoeba * Pseudopodia many, fine, membrane-like ; ectosarc reddish ' Plakopus Pseudopodia few, very broad ; animals large Pelomyxa* 9. Pseudopodia finger-like 10 Pseudopodia thread-like 18 10. Shell chitinous, colorless or yellowish, with a struc- ture only visible with high powers *. . 11 Shell with evident structure, either secreted by the animal or made of foreign bodies 15 11. Shell watch-glass shape; pseudopod opening on under side 12 Shell ellipsoidal, compressed, structureless Hyalosphenia 12. Shell hyaline 13 Shell showing hexagonal markings 14 13. Pseudopod opening large, not closed by a mem- brane; pseudopods many Cochliopodium Pseudopod opening closed by a membrane as far as the pseudopodia; shell flexible Pseudochlamys Pseudopod opening narrowed by an evident border Pyxidicula 14. With a variable number of spines Centropyxis* Without spines ; shell yellow or brown Arcella* 15. Shell made of sand grains, diatom shells, etc DiMugia * * Genera already found in Connecticut and described in the following pages, f Doubtful genera. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 13 Shell chitinous with a few grains of sand at one end Heieopera Shell with no sand grains 16 16. Body spiral Lecquereusia* Body not spiral 17 1 7. Shell made of four-sided plates; pear-shaped. .Quadrula* Shell of round, irregular, chitinous plates ; com- pressed; with a two-lipped mouth Neb da 18. Shell with one pseudopod opening 19 Shell 'with two pseudopod openings 27 19. Shell with evident structure 20 Shell without evident structure 23 20. Shell made of grains of sand 21 Shell chitinous but encrusted with sand grains; re- tort-shaped, with two lateral processes above .... Campascus Shell chitinous, without sand grains 22 21. Pseudopodia of one kind Pseudo diiUugia Pseudopodia of two kinds Diaphoropodon 22. Shell circular, compressed ; mouth irregularly notched Assulina Shell pear-shaped or spherical ; compressed ; made of rounded, spirally arranged plates, giving an hexa- gonal appearance ; mouth with toothed plates .... Euglypha* Shell as above, but with mouth excentric Trinema Shell with finer markings ; neck bent to one side .... Cyphoderia* 23. Solitary 24 Mostly colonial 25 24. Mouth lateral; shell thin, flexible; pseudopodia aris- ing from a stalk in the mouth Lieberkuhnia Mouth terminal ; shell ovate to spherical, or flattened ; pseudopodia partly reticular, partly branched, slightly anastomosing, and extending around the body Gromia Mouth terminal ; shell very delicate ; pseudopodia not extending around the body Pamphagus* 25. Shell close to the body; spherical Lecythium Shell not close to the body 26 14 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 26. Shell delicate ; body with a granular central zone ; individuals united by the pseudopodia Platoum Shell delicate ; body without central zone ; with a short neck and a lateral mouth Microgromia* 27. Shell of sand grains Amphitrema Shell without sand grains 28 28. Shell delicate ; two lateral pseudopod openings ; with yellow to red oil drops Diplophrys* Shell chitinous ; with two terminal pseudopod open- ings Ditrema Shell chitinous, spherical ; with many pore-like open- ings Microcometer Description of Genera. Hyalodiscus H. & L. Round to elongated disk-shaped ; without evident pseudopodia ; moving without much change in shape. Nucleus and contractile vacuole always present. Hy. Umax Duj., Figs. 2, 8. Hy. guttula Duj., Figs. 3, 4. Amoeba Ehrbg. Usually a sharp differentiation of ectoplasm and ento- plasm. One large nucleus or many small nuclei present,, and also one or more contractile vacuoles. Pseudopodia generally lobe-like, seldom branched. Reproduction by division in motile stage. Am. proteus Leidy, Fig. 1. Am. verrucosa Ehrbg., Figs. 5 and 6. Pelomyxa Greeff. With broad, sack-like pseudopodia; ectosarc apparent only in places; hyaline; entosarc vacuolated. Nuclei numerous. With fine hyaline rods, which often form a covering over the body. Fig. 7 is, with some doubt, referred to this genus, its small size rendering its identification uncertain. It is, per- haps, only a species of Hyalodiscus. Dactylosphaerium H. & L. Body round ; pseudopodia ray-like, arising from all sides of the disk-formed body; short lobe-like pseudopodia,. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. IS frequently arising after the withdrawal of the ray-like pseudopodia. Nuclei and contractile vacuoles always present. Dac. radiosum Ehrbg., Fig. 9. Arcella Ehrbg. Shell yellow to dark brown, watch-glass shape, curved or polyhedral. The side bearing the psudopodia flat, with central opening. The shell shows a fine hexagonal lattice- work, due to its being made of hexagonal prisms. Body substance does not completely fill the shell. Nuclei and vacuoles usually numerous. Reproduction by fission and budding. Arc. dentata Ehrbg., Figs. 10 and 10a. Arc. vulgaris Ehrbg., Fig. 11. Centropyxis Stein. Like Arcella, but armed with a variable number of spines. This genus is closely related to Arcella, and is commonly regarded as the same. Cent, aculeata Stein, Fig. 13. Quadrula F. E. Sch. Shell pear-shaped, slightly compressed ; composed of quadrilateral (silicious?) plates. Posterior end sometimes armed with spines. Q. symmetrica Schul., Fig. 20. Difflugia Leclerc. Shell formed of foreign bodies, grains of said, diatom shells, etc., united by a chitinous connecting substance. Form spherical to pear-shaped; frequently with spines at the posterior end. Mouth occasionally excentric., Body not completely filling the shell ; with fingeolike pseudo- podia. Nucleus and contractile vacuoles variable. Dif. globosa Duj., Fig. 14. Dif. lobostoma Leidy, Fig. 16. Dif. pyriformis Perty, Fig. 17. Dif. cratera Leidy, Fig. 19. Dif. acuminata Ehrbg., Fig. 22. Dif. corona Wall., Fig. 27. Lecquereusia Schlumbg. Shell of sand or specially formed bodies. Shell spirally coiled, laterally compressed, but the neck cylindrical. 1 6 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Lee. ( Difflugia ) spiralis Ehrbg., Fig. 12. Euglypha Duj. Shell of round, oblique rows of plates, whose edges cross to make hexagonal areas. Shell spherical to pear- shaped. Spines frequently present. Mouth surrounded by regular teeth. Body differentiated into a finely granu- lar posterior portion and a coarsely granulated anterior portion. Pseudopodia fine and frequently branching. Eug. alveolata Duj., Fig. 24. * Cyphoderia Schlumbg. Shell retort-formed, with an oblique opening, composed of five six-sided plates. Body differentiated into two di- visions, the anterior containing the vacuole and the pos- terior the nucleus. Cy. ampulla Ehrbg., Fig. 15. Microgromia H. & L. Usually united in colonies. Shell colorless, flask- formed, with short neck. Pseudopodic openings slightly to one side. Body incompletely filling the shell. Base of pseudopodia slightly lateral, with contractile vacuole at its base. Pseudopodia delicate, anastomosing, with streaming granules. Commonly forming colonies. Fig. 21 is, with some doubt, referred to this genus. Pamphagus Bai. ( Lecythium , H. and L.) Much like Microgromia. Shell delicate, flexible, and lying closely upon the body. Body not evidently divided into two regions. Pseudopodia delicate, without granules. Pam. ( Lecythium ) hyalinum H. & L., Fig. 30. Diplophrys Barker. Shell spherical to ellipsoidal, with two pseudopodic openings, not exactly in the body axis. A nucleus and many contractile vacuoles present. Usually with one large, or with two or more small yellow to red fat glob- ules. Pseudopodia in two groups, delicate, slightly branched, and not anastomosing. Dip. archcri Barker, Fig. 29. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 1 7 CLASS HELIOZOA. Key to Genera. 1. No outer envelope 2 Outer envelope present 6 2. Body commonly amoeboid ; pseudopodia either from all sides or from one place; no axial fiber 3 Spherical ; pseudopodia from all sides, with axial fiber 5 3. Ectoplasm and entoplasm not differentiated; color- less 4 Ectoplasm and entoplasm differentiated ; the first hyaline, and the latter red or brown. Commonly red cysts on algae Vampyrella* 4. Nuclei one or more; several slowly pulsating vacu- oles ; solitary Nuclearia * Colonies of eight or less; pseudopodia with spindle swellings Monobia 5. The vacuolated ectoplasm not sharply separate from entoplasm; central nucleus Actinophrys* Ectoplasm with large vacuoles, sharply separate from entoplasm; many nuclei; 1 mm. in size A ctinosphcerium 6. Envelope jelly-like; streaked, punctured, or folded. . 7 Envelope of isolated silicious pieces, or a silicious shell 8 7. Envelope punctured, with fine radiating spines be- tween the pseudopodia Heterophrys Envelope of streaked appearance, lobe-like surface; colonial Sphcerastrum 8. Envelope of many layers of silicious globules P ompholyxophrys Envelope of loose and more or less bent silicious needles; commonly colonial Raphidiophrys* Envelope of leaf-like, pointed silicious plates Pinaciophora Envelope of radiate spines, with a basal plate Acanthocystis Envelope of silicious shell, with rounded openings. . Clathrulina* 2 1 8 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Description of Genera. Vampyrella Cienk. Ectoplasm hyaline, entoplasm usually brown or red ; frequently vacuolated. Form amoeboid, changeable, spherical, disk-formed, or elongated. Pseudopodia ray- like, either arising on all sides or at one point. One or more nuclei; contractile vacuole not definitely made out. Frequently there is found a gelatinous covering through which the pseudopodia protrude. Vamp, lateritia Fres., Fig. 25. Nuclearia Cienk. Body spherical, disk-formed or elongated. Pseudo- podia from all sides, or arising only in one place; some- times branching. One or more nuclei, and many con- tractile vacuoles. Sometimes surrounded by a gelatinous envelope. Nu. simplex Cienk., Figs. 18 and 23. Actinophrys Ehrbg. Usually spherical with pseudopodia on all sides, whose axial thread can be traced to the nucleus lying in the granular entosarc. The colorless ectoplasm not sharply differentiated from the entoplasm. Usually a single con- tractile vacuole. Multiplication by division. Occasion- ally colonial. Act. sol Ehrbg., Fig. 26. Rhaphidiophrys Arch. Solitary or colonial. Spherical with delicate pseudo- podia uniform over the body. No sharp differentiation of the body substance. Nuclei, one or more, and several contractile vacuoles. Skeleton composed of irregular, loosely bound, straight or slightly bent silicious needles, mostly tangential to the body surface and frequently raised around the bases of the pseudopodia. Colonies have a common shell. Sometimes with chlorophyll bodies. Rhap. elegans H. & L., Fig. 31. Clathrulina Cienk. Animals like Actinophrys, without differentiation into body regions, with numerous contractile vacuoles, central nucleus, and many delicate pseudopodia frequently forked No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. I9 at the end. Skeleton a silicious shell nearly spherical, con- taining numerous round or polygonal openings. Attached by a long, tubular stock, whose root-like base is fastened to other objects. The young shell colorless, but later brown. The animal moves freely in its shell by means of its pseudopodia. Clath. elegans Cienk., Fig. 28. CLASS MASTIGOPHORA. The classification of the Mastigophora adopted below is essentially that of Butschli. It does not represent genetic re- lationship so well as a classification adopted by Senn (Engler and Prantl, Pflanzenfamilien) based upon the type of meta- bolism. But the older classification, based upon the flagella, is more convenient to use and is of more practical value in the identification of types. For this reason it has been adopted in this preliminary report. Key to Orders. With one or more flagella, without a collar, and without a transverse furrow FLAGELLATA, p. 19 With one flagellum whose base is surrounded by a collar. . CHOANOFLAGELLATA, p. 38 With two flagella, one of which lies in a cross furrow, and the other in a longitudinal furrow directed backwards. Sometimes naked and colorless; sometimes with a tabulated armor, colored green, yellow, or brown by chromatophores DIN O FLAGELLATA, p. 39 ORDER FLAGELLATA. Key to Sub-Orders. 1. One flagellum, or several flagella, mostly directed forward 2 Usually two flagella of different sizes, one of which is directed forwards and the other backwards .... HETEROMASTIGODA, p. 29 2. Mostly small, with one large flagellum and frequently one or more smaller secondary flagella MONADINA, p. 20 20 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Larger animals, commonly with one large flagellum, sometimes with two such flagella, or with a single large flagellum and a secondary one. Mouth and commonly a pharynx at the base of the flagel- lum EUGLENOIDINA, p. 24 With two or more equal flagella ISOMASTIGODA, p. 32 6. 7- 8. SUB-ORDER MONADINA. Key to Genera. Possessing both flagella and pseudopodia ; readily passing into a Heliozoid stage 2 Commonly without pseudopodia; with one flagellum 3 Without pseudopodia; with one flagellum, and one or two secondary flagella 8 One evident flagellum and lobe-like or pointed pseu- dopodia Mastigamceba* In flagellate stage, with one or two flagella ; in Helio- zoid stage, without flagella Ciliophrys Two flagella in both stages; pseudopodia simple, with axis fiber Dimorpha Two flagella in both stages ; pseudopodia various, without axis fiber Cercobodo* Without lorica 4 With lorica 6 Posterior end elongated into a tail ; sometimes amoe- boid Cercomonas * No tail, although sometimes narrowed posteriorly; free or attached; flagellum vibratile Oikomonas* Body ovate, flattened, free ; flagellum usually carried obliquely forward and vibratile only at its end. . . Notosolenus* Solitary 7 Colonial ; daughter-individuals attached to inner wall of lorica Poteriodendron With a peristome process Bicosoeca Without a peristome process Codonoeca Without chromatophores 9 With yellow to brown chromatophores 13 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 21 9. Forming branching colonies 11 Solitary 10 10. Free, or attached by an attenuated posterior end; moderately flexible; one or two secondary fla- gella Monas * Free, attenuated in front; very flexible; no secondary flagellum Leptomonas* With the anterior flagellum replaced by a flexible tentacle Rhynchomonas* 11. Many individuals upon the end of each branch 12 One individual on the end of each branch. .Dendromonas 12. Stalk short, branching dichotomously once or twice Cephalothamnium* Stalk well developed ; the older animals brown, gran- ular Anthophysa * 13. Colonial 14 Solitary 15 14. Lorica horny with pointed posterior end; colonies formed by growth from rim of lorica ; colonies free Dinobryon* Colonies of numerous individuals in a gelatinous sphere Uroglena* 15. Without lorica Ochromonas* With horny lorica Epipyxis With a shell made of overlapping plates bearing long spines Mallomonas* Description of Genera. Mastigamoeba F. E. Sch. Form amoeboid. Ectoplasm sometimes differentiated. Pseudopodia finger-like to acute, rarely branching. A nucleus and one or more contractile vacuoles present. One prominent flagellum. Upon assuming the free swimming stage the pseudopodia disappear. M. reptans Stokes, Fig. 32. M. longidlum (?) Stokes, Fig. 33. Cercobodo Krass. Body spherical to spindle-formed, amoeboid. Two flagella, of which one is trailing. Motion free or creeping 22 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. in flagellate stage, and by pseudopodia in the amoeboid stage. One or two contractile vacuoles, one lying in front and the other behind ; nucleus anterior. C. mutabilis ( ?) Stokes, Fig. 36. Cercomonas Duj. Form spherical to spindle-shaped, colorless. A single long anterior flagellum. Body prolonged posteriorly into a caudal process. Pseudopodia frequently seen, particu- larly near the caudal process. Nucleus in anterior half of body; one or more vacuoles. C. longicaudata Duj., Fig. 34. C. crassicauda Duj., Fig. 35. Oikomonas S. K. Very small. Free swimming or attached by a proto- plasmic filament. Spherical, oval, or amoeboid. With one flagellum on anterior end and near by frequently a pro- jecting lip which serves for taking food. Nucleus and contractile vacuole present. O. sp (?), Fig. 40. O. sp ( ?), Fig. 40a. Notosolenus Stokes. Oval or angular; flattened dorso-ventrally with dorsal side concave. Rigid. One long flagellum carried ob- liquely and stiffly in front, and a shorter one only the length of the body directed backwards and commonly not visible. Mouth near base of flagellum. Contractile vacuole double. N. orbicidaris Stokes, Fig. 37. N. sp ( ?), Fig. 38. N. sp ( ?), Fig. 39. Monas Ehrbg. Stein. Solitary; spherical to ovate. Occasionally fastened by a delicate stalk-like posterior end. With one chief flagel- lum and one or secondary flagella. A mouth projection and occasionally an eye-spot present. A nucleus near the flagellum and one or two contractile vacuoles. M. ( Physomonas ) elongata (?) Stokes, Fig. 41. Attached and free. No. 2.] FRESH- WATER PROTOZOA. ‘ 23 Leptomonas Kent. Solitary, attenuated in front, very flexible, and carry- ing one long flagellum. Usually parasitic. Fig. 42, representing an animal found in the water of a watering trough, is with some doubt referred to this . genus. Rhynchomonas Klebs. Ovate, slightly compressed, the anterior end prolonged into a movable process. Slightly contractile. The single flagellum trailing. Mouth near the anterior end. Con- tractile vacuole anterior; nucleus central. Motions slow. R. nasula Klebs, Fig. 65. Cephalothamnium .Stein. Body elongated, with an obliquely truncated anterior end that forms an acute projection on one side. One chief flagellum about as long as the body, at whose base is a small secondary flagellum and a mouth. Nucleus and con- tractile vacuole anterior. Forming colonies in groups upon the end of a stalk, either simple or branching twice or three times. C. ccespitosa ( ?) S. K., Fig. 46. * Anthophysa Bory de Vine. Animals as in Cephalothamnium. Forming spherical colonies upon the ends of a much branched stalk, the older portions of which are brownish and the younger por- tions colorless. A. vegetans Stein, Fig. 4 7. Dinobryon Ehrbg. Free swimming colonies, yellow to brown. A beaker- like lorica, with an acute posterior end. The younger individuals are mostly attached with their posterior end inside of the mouth opening of the older individuals. With two chromatophores and an eye-spot. Central nucleus and one or two anterior contractile vacuoles. One primary and one secondary flagellum. D. sertularia Ehrbg., Fig. 44. Uroglena Ehrbg. Free swimming, nearly spherical colonies, made of many individuals embedded on the surface of a jelly-like 24 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull mass. Individuals like Dinobryon, usually with two yel- low chromatophores and an eye-spot. Nuclei central and an anterior contractile vacuole. One primary and one secondary flagellum. U. americana Calk., Fig. 49. The cause of a fishy taste frequently found in reservoirs. Mallomonas Perty. Oval to enlongated, solitary, with a shell made up of overlapping plates bearing long spines. One prominent flagellum. Two yellowish green chromatophores, but no eye-spot. Many posterior contractile vacuoles, and an elongated anterior nucleus. M. acaroides Perty, Fig. 58. M. sp ( ?), Fig. 60. Cross section, Fig. 60a, 3- 4- 5* 6. SUB-ORDER EUGLENOIDINA Key to Genera. One evident flagellum (two similar flagella in Eu- treptia) 2 One chief and one secondary flagellum 15 Typically colored 3 Typically uncolored 12 Naked, or with very thin cuticle 4 With cuticle usually striated ; flexible or rigid ; some- times with lorica or shell 7 Numerous small green chromatophores 5 Two yellow or green chromatophores 6 Without trichocysts Coclomonas With trichocysts Goniostomum Two lateral brown chromatophores, each with one eye-spot ; mouth opening and vacuole system present Micro glena One or more yellow chromatophores; one eye-spot and many contractile vacuoles at base of flagellum Chromulina * Two green chromatophores; one eye-spot Cryptoglena* Flexible; free swimming, with a delicate shell, or fixed in a lorica, or on a stalk 7- 8 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 25 13- W- 15. Not flexible or only slightly so ; with a thick cuticle n Without a lorica 9 With a lorica 10 With one flagellum; both ends contracted Euglena* With one flagellum; anterior end rounded; usually in a jelly-like envelope, and attached by a branched stalk ; ectoparasites Colacium With two flagella Eutreptia* In a beaker-shaped or tube-like lorica Ascoglena In a hard, smooth or spiny, spherical or cylindrical, brownish shell T rachelomonas* Ellipsoidal or slightly flattened ; pharynx in body axis, and a short, pointed caudal process. .Lepocinclis* Ellipsoidal, not flattened; with rows of tubercles and a pointed caudal process Chloropeltis* Usually asymmetrical, flattened. Mouth on back; pharynx oblique; evident, pointed caudal process Phacus* Not flexible 13 Flexible 14 Elongated, somewhat crescentic ; rounded posterior end Menoidium Straight, spindle-formed; acute posterior end Atractonema* Cylindrical, slightly bent; both ends rounded Rhabdomonas Much flattened, with one or more keels upon dorsal surface; large mouth at base of flagellum. Petalomonas Long, needle-shaped; frequently spiral Astasiopsis Oval, flattened ; mouth at base of flagellum ; an evi- dent pharynx and a rod-like organ Peranema* Flask-shaped; neck-like anterior end, with pharynx extending to middle; rod-like organ present Urceolus* Like Urceolus, but covered with sand grains Urceolopsis Flexible 16 Not flexible 17 26 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 16. Like Euglena in shape and method of contraction; secondary flagellum small, close to chief flagellum Astasia * Oval or elongated; secondary flagellum commonly directed backwards Zygoselmis 17. Elongated or crescentic; with four acute, longitu- dinal ridges, and hence nearly four-sided Sphenomonas* Like the above, but without the longitudinal ridges . . Clostonema* Nearly ellipsoidal, with many slightly spiral ridges. . Tropidoscyphus Description of Genera . Cryptoglena Ehrbg. = Chloromonas S. K. Rigid, flattened, with two lateral green chromato- phores, a single eye-spot, a mouth, and vacuole system. Nucleus posterior. C. pigra Ehrbg., Fig. 93. Euglena Ehrbg. Large flagellates, spindle-formed or elongated, widely variable; usually with a strong, spirally marked cuticle. Frequently the whole animal moves with a screw-like motion. Body very flexible. Chromatophores green, either disk-shaped and numerous, or star-shaped or rib- bon-like, and in small numbers; commonly without pyre- noids. In many species the animals are colored red ; less frequently there are found quite colorless individuals. Mouth and pharynx evident, and a long flagellum arising from the mouth which, however, frequently drops off. At the lower end of the pharynx is a vacuole system with an eye-spot close by. Nucleus present, as well as paramylum bodies. Eu. viridis Ehrbg., Fig. 45. Eu. sp. (?), Fig. 50. Eu. deses Ehrbg., Fig. 51. Eu. spirogyra Ehrbg., Fig. 56. Eu. sp. (?), Fig. 57. Eu. sp. (?), Fig. 52. This animal is sufficiently flexible to bend from side to side, but does not show the peculiar No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 2 7 euglenoid movements of this genus. I place it here with some doubt, although it does not agree with any other genus known to me. Eutreptia Perty. Like Euglena, but with two equal flagella. When ex- tended, body is spindle-formed and very flexible. A deli- cately marked cuticle. The body contains disk-formed chromatophores without pyrenoids ; paramylum bodies- cylindrical. Eut. viridis Perty, Fig. 48. Trachelomonas Ehrbg. Animals like Euglena; free swimming, with a rigid spherical to ovate or cylindrical lorica which is either smooth, sculptured, or spiny. Lorica colorless, or colored red to brown. The flagella three to four times as long as the body. Disk-formed chromatophores with pyrenoids and paramylum bodies present. Tr. lagenella ( ?) Stein, Fig. 53. Tr. hispida Stein, Fig. 54. Tr. volvocina Ehrbg., Fig. 59. Lepocinclis Perty. = Chloropeltis Stein. Ellipsoidal, round or slightly compressed, with promi- nent longitudinally or spirally marked cuticle, sometimes armed with spines. Near the flagellum a short tube, or a short pharynx. Posterior end acute. Paramylum bodies sometimes large and snake-like. Lep. sp. (?), Fig. 61. This animal, found abundantly, is with some doubt referred to this genus, the short caudal extremity being unlike the typical forms of Lepocinclis. Phacus Nitzsch. Usually much flattened, asymmetrical, round to oval or pear-shaped. Commonly with a sharply differentiated, colorless, caudal process which is sometimes oblique. Mouth on the back ; cuticle thick and marked by longi- tudinal or spiral stripes. Chromatophores and paramylum bodies disk-shaped. One flagellum, with the vacuole sys- tem and eye-spot, as in Euglena, and a posterior nucleus. Ph. pyrum Ehrbg., Fig. 62. Ph. pleuronectes Nitzsch, Fig. 63. Ph. sp. ( ?), Fig. 64. 28 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Chloropeltis Body as in Lepocinclis, but with the longitudinal spirals armed with spines. Ch. hispidnla Stein-Eichwald, Fig. 55. Menoidium Perty. Colorless, sickle-form, with posterior end rounded; anterior end prolonged into a neck and obliquely trun- cated. The short side of the body thin and sharp, the long side rounded. Pharynx and vacuole system present, and a posterior nucleus. M. tortuosa Stokes, Fig. 87. This is Atractonema tortuosa of Stokes, but it appears to differ from Menoidium only in having an acute posterior end. Peranema Duj. In the extended condition the body is oval, with a broad, rounded posterior end. Very flexible. A fine spirally marked cuticle. Flagellum very long, broader at its base, and vibrating chiefly at its tip. A mouth opening behind the flagellum which extends into a short, tube- shaped pharynx. A peculiar rod-like organ back of the mouth. Vacuole system at base of the flagellum, and a central nucleus. Only one species of this genus has been hitherto described, but the different forms shown below evidently belong to this genus, and show too great variations to warrant putting them under one species. P. trichophorum Ehrbg., Fig. 74. P. sp. ( ?), Fig. 70. P. sp. ( ?), Figs. 71 and 71a. P. sp. ( ?), Fig. 72. Urceolus Meresch. In an extended condition body somewhat flask-shaped, with a contracted neck ; posterior end rounded ; anterior end forming a funnel-shaped peristome from which the flagellum protrudes and which extends into a pharynx reaching to the posterior third of the body. A rod-like organ present as in Peranema. Nucleus and contractile vacuole present. U. cyclostomus ( ?) Stein, Fig. 69. FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 29 No. 2.] Astasia Stein. Body elongated, spindle-formed, very flexible, spirally striated or smooth. Mouth and pharynx evident, as in Euglena. Close beside the large flagellum a very small secondary flagellum. Nucleus and contractile vacuole present. As. sp. ( ?). Fig. 73, is probably Astasia, although the sec- ondary flagellum was not evident. As. contorta (?) Duj., Fig. 103. Sphenomonas Stein. Not flexible; body ellipsoidal with four strong keels, giving the body a somewhat four-sided cross section. A chief and a secondary flagellum and a pharynx present. See Clostonema below. Clostonema Stokes. Fusiform to elongate, not contractile. Two unequal flagella, one carried forward and the other backward. Pharynx present. Contractile vacuole double; anterior nucleus central. Cl. socialis Stokes, Figs. 88 and 90. This is regarded by Senn as belonging to the genus Sphenomonas of Stein, but the absence of keels seems to separate the two, and I have, therefore, retained Stokes’ genus, Clostonema. SUB-ORDER HETEROMASTIGODA Key to Genera. Small animals sometimes showing amoeboid motions ; no evident cuticle 2 Larger and possessing a cuticle; body frequently flattened 7 Flagella two 3 Flagella three Elvirea* Both flagella directed forwards Dinomonas* One flagellum directed backwards, trailing 4 Anterior end oblique ; mouth at base of flagella .... Phyllomitus* Body spiral Spiromonas * Body neither oblique or spiral 5 30 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 5. Trailing flagellum in a furrow; motile flagellum ter- minal Colponema Trailing flagellum not in a furrow 6 6. Food taken in by a dorsal vacuole Pleuromonas* Food not taken in by a dorsal vacuole Bodo* 7. Trailing flagellum in a mouth furrow, extending in a curve around the end and passing backwards on the right side of body; body not flexible. .Anisonema* Like Anisonema, but with flexible body Metanema * Like Anisonema, but with trailing flagellum more posterior Heteronema* Like Anisonema, but with the trailing flagellum close to the motile flagellum, and with a very evident, partly protrusible pharynx Entosiphon * Description of Genera. Bodo Ehrbg. = Heteromita Stokes. Small, without a lorica ; pear-shaped to spindle-shaped, with one flagellum directed forward, and a trailing fla- gellum. Mouth at base of flagellum. Pharynx frequently developed. Nucleus and contractile vacuole present. Many species assume an amoeboid stage. Stokes has described a large variety of forms under the name Heteromita, that must be classed with this genus. Many of his species I have identified as very common in our water. B. ovata Stokes, Fig. 77. B.sp. ( ?), Fig. 78. B. globosa Stokes. Figs. 79 and 96 perhaps represent dif- ferent species. B. variabilis Stokes, Figs. 82-85. B. acus Stokes, Fig. 86. Pleuromonas Perty. Kidney-shaped to spherical, slightly amoeboid. One anterior flagellum and a second in the middle of the ventral depression. Contractile vacuole anterior, nucleus pos- terior. Frequently attached by the posterior flagellum. Food absorbed by a dorsal vacuole. PI. jaculans Perty, Fig. 66. 3i No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Dinomonas Kent. Agreeing with Bodo in most respects. In moving both flagella are carried forward. t D. vorax ( ?) Kent, Fig. 67. Phyllomitus Stein. Ovate, elongate, very flexible. A prominent mouth opening in front ; with two flagella, one directed forward, the other backward. One anterior, contractile vacuole; nucleus anterior. Motions quick. Ph. amylophagus (?) Kleb., Fig. 68. Spiromonas Perty. Body elongated and spirally twisted. Both flagella arise in front, one of them trailing. The genus Spiromonas of Perty is insufficiently de- scribed for identification. Our specimen is certainly not the one described by Perty, but would seem to be properly placed in the genus Spiromonas. S. sp. ( ?), Fig. no. Elvirea Parona. Ovate to elongate, laterally compressed. Three flag- ella, the middle one the shortest, the other two trailing. Mouth and nucleus anterior. El. donee Parona, Fig. 100. Anisonema Duj. Body generally nearly oval, flat and asymmetrical, rigid. The ventral side with a depression extending toward the right, which is guarded by a lip on its right- hand border. The motile flagellum arises from the middle of the anterior end, and behind it is a mouth-opening leading into a long pharynx. The prominent trailing fla- gellum arises on the left side in the mouth depression, and extends around the front end in a curve, to pass backward upon the right side of the above-mentioned lip. Vacuole system anterior and nucleus further back. A. adnus Duj., Fig. 80. A. sp. (?), Figs. 75, 76. Metanema Klebs. Like Anisonema , but with body flexible. M. sp. ( ?), Fig. 81. 32 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Heteronema Duj. Like Anisonema, but with second flagellum larger and point of origin somewhat more posterior; body with ob- lique mouth depresison. H. sp. (?), Fig. 94. Fig. 94a is side view. Of the generic identification of this animal I am in doubt. Entosiphon Stein. Similar to Anisonema. Ventral side with a strong medial furrow. Both flagella arise in a slight depression in the anterior end. The trailing flagellum is directed backwards and is not so well developed as in Anisonema. Pharynx very long, extending to the hind end of the body ; protrusible. Contractile vacuole, secondary vacuoles, and a nucleus present. En. sulcatns Duj., Fig. 89. 6. SUB-ORDER ISOMASTIGODA Key to Genera. Solitary 2 Colonial < . 19 Uncolored 3 Colored 1 1 With two flagella 4 With four flagella 7 Body laterally expanded into two wings, each with a flagellum Trcpomonas* Body not laterally expanded 5 Body sometimes attached by a stalk; not flattened, and with no cuticle Amphimonas * Body never attached by a stalk; with a cuticle 6 Body much flattened, anterior end oblique; pharynx not evident Cyathomonas * Body less flattened, and with an evident pharynx. . . . Chilomonas* Body ellipsoidal, not flattened ; pharynx not evident, but with a well-developed cuticle Polytoma * With a deep ventral furrow Collodictyon Without ventral furrow 8 No. 2.] FRESH- WATER PROTOZOA. 33 8. Body in a lorica, oval Tetraselmis Body not in a lorica 9 g. With an evident peristome Tetramitus Without evident pharynx io 10. With three flagella carried forward, the other trailing T richomastix* With four anterior flagella and two flagellum-like processes at posterior Hexamitus* 11. With two flagella 12 With four flagella Carteria 12. Attached to a stalk, or in a lorica 13 Free swimming 14 13. Upon a long stalk, with two brown chromatophores Stylo chrysalis Urn-shaped lorica ; attached to algse Chryso pyxis 14. With band-shaped, brown chromatophores 15 With green chromatophores 16 15. Broad kidney-shaped; flagella in an anterior fur- row ; one chromatophore ; movement lateral .... Nephroselmis Elongated, acute posteriorly ; two chromatophores and a thick cuticle ; pharynx not evident Ockromonas* Elongated, laterally compressed, with evident pharynx Cryptomonas* 16. Spherical 17 Not spherical 18 1 7. With delicate, closely attached cuticle; spherical to elliptical; one chromatophore.. Chlamydomonas* With delicate cuticle, separate from the mass of the body Hcemotococcus* With rough cuticle, separate from the mass of the body Coccomonas 18. Lenticular, with a two-valved cuticle Phacotus Elongated, spindle-shaped; two ribbon-like chroma- tophores Chlorangium* < Spindle-shaped; body uniformly green. . . .Chlorogonium 19. Uncolored 20 Colored 21 3 34 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- Colonies gelatinous, thread-like, discoidal or round, hollow or sack-like Spongomonas Colonies of dichotomously branching tubes. .Cladomonas Colonies of many closely approximating, jelly-like tubes Rhipidodendron With two brown, band-like chromatophores 22 With green chromatophores 23 Spherical swimming colonies ; cuticle sometimes spiny Synura* Like the above but with a common jelly covering. . . Syncrypta Colonies commonly spherical 24 Colonies not spherical 25 Colonies of sixteen (rarely thirty-two) radially ar- ranged individuals, their inner ends reaching the center Pandorina* Colonies of sixteen individuals, separate from each other, and lying near the wall of the jelly sphere. . Endorina Colonies of very numerous individuals in a sphere. . Volvox f Colonies of eight equatorially arranged individuals. . Stephanosphcera Colonies somewhat ellipsoidal, of sixteen individuals, in four rows around a longitudinal axis Spondylomorum * Colonies of four to sixteen individuals in a flat plate Gonium Description of Genera, Amphimonas Duj. Spherical to oval, or triangular. Posterior end elon- gated into a thread-like stalk, which may be attached. Two equal flagella arise at the anterior end close together t Volvox is frequently included among the Flagellata, and certainly shows resemblances to some of the genera belonging to this class. I have, therefore, included it in this key, although I regard it as more closely related to the ALG/E. Its description will be reserved for the paper upon the ALG-®, which will appear later. No. 2.] FRESH- WATER PROTOZOA. 35 or far apart. One or two contractile vacuoles and a nucleus. Am. sp. (?), Fig. 1 1 7. This is a form found very abun- dantly, but, so far as seen, never attached as in the typical species of Amphimonas. The two equal flagella would seem to place it here. Trepomonas Duj. Somewhat spherical, or flattened, with two mouths on opposite sides of the body. The two sides are prolonged into wings projecting posteriorly. These wings are con- tracted near the body so that a cross section of the animal is in the form of an S. In the anterior end of each wing arises a long flagellum directed forward; also three very small secondary flagella. Nucleus anterior, contractile vacuole posterior. T. agilis Duj., Fig. 115. Cyathomonas From. Much flattened, somewhat oval, with an obliquely truncated anterior end, bearing two equal or nearly equal flagella. Parallel with the anterior border is a row of highly refracting bodies. Contractile vacuole anterior, nucleus central. Cy. truncata From., Fig. hi. Cy. sp. ( ?), Fig. 1 12. The lower figure shows a side view. Chilomonas Ehrbg. Somewhat oval, contracted posteriorly; laterally com- pressed. Anterior end obliquely notched. Upon the upper side of the notch arise two flagella. The mouth leads into a tube-like pharynx extending to the middle of the bbdy. Colorless, with an anterior contractile vacuole and a pos- terior nucleus. Ch. paramecium Ehrbg., Fig. 91. An extremely common species. Ch. sp. ( ?), Fig. 95. A smaller type with differently shaped body, far less common than the first species. It may be only a variety of the more common species. Polytoma Ehrbg. Mostly ellipsoidal, with a delicate shell and two fla- gella; colorless; occasionally a slightly colored eye-spot. 36 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. At the base of the flagellum two contractile vacuoles. Nu- cleus posterior; usually with many starch grains in the posterior part of the body. Multiplication by fission (in- side of the shell) into four or eight parts which then be- come free. P. uvella Ehrbg., Fig. 101. Hexamitus Duj. Body ellipsoidal, somewhat flexible. The anterior end rounded or acute, with two flagella. The posterior end either truncated or prolonged into two thread-like caudal processes. The animals appear very variable in form. Nucleus near the flagella and contractile vacuole posterior. H. inflatus Duj., Fig. 97. Fig. 98 is probably a variety of the same, and also Fig. 113. H. spiralis ( ?) Stokes, Fig. 105. Trichomastix Biitsch. Pear-shaped to elongated, rounded in front, acute be- hind. In front four flagella, of which three are usually carried close together, appearing as one, while the other is commonly carried behind as a trailing flagellum. The anterior flagella may be separated as shown in the figure. The animal figured in Fig. 118 does not appear to re- semble any described genus, but I place it here as being more like Trichomastix than any other genus. Tricho- mastix is described as parasitic. Our animal was found in great numbers in a watering trough. Ochromonas Wys. Oval to pear-shaped, amoeboid. One long and one secondary flagellum. Mouth at base of flagellum. One or two yellowish chromatophores and an eye-spot. An- terior contractile vacuole and central nucleus. Free swim- ming or attached. Och. sp. (?), Fig. 43. Cryptomonas Ehrbg. Identical in anatomy with Chilomonas, but with two brown or green chromatophores. Crypt, ovata ( ?) Ehrbg., Fig. 99, a, b, c. Three varieties, possibly different species. 37 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Chlamydomonas Ehrbg. Spherical to cylindrical, with a delicate shell and prominent chromatophores, which form the chief mass of the body, and contain one or more spherical or ribbon-like pyrenoids. Two flagella, a nucleus, and an eye-spot, and two contractile vacuoles present. Multiplication by di- vision, usually in a resting stage. Chi. sp. ( ?), Fig. 116. Chlorangium Stein. In the motile condition, spindle-shaped, with two fla- gella, a delicate shell, and two green, ribbon-shaped chromatophores. Two contractile vacuoles at base of flagellum with a central nucleus, but no eve-spot. In passing into a resting stage it attaches itself by its an- terior end and loses its flagella, but secretes a short stalk. While in resting condition, body divides into four parts which burst the shell and secrete stalks, so that a small colony arises. Chi. sp. ( ?). Fig. 1 14 I place with doubt in this genus. Synura Ehrbg. Spherical colonies of about fifty radially arranged in- dividuals. Individuals ellipsoidal with a delicate cuticle which is often covered with spines. Two brown chromato- phores. Nucleus central and many contractile vacuoles. Eye-spots at the base of the flagellum. The single indi- viduals either united by their hind end or held loosely to- gether by means of the shell. Sy. uvella Ehrbg., Fig. 104. Spondylomorum Ehrbg. Colonies of sixteen individuals which are arranged in four alternating rows. Multiplication by the division of the individuals into sixteen cells. Each individual of the colony bears four flagella. Sp. quaternarium Ehrbg., Fig. 108. Shown in condition of multiplication at Fig. 10805. Pandorina Ehrbg. Spherical colonies (thirty-two cells) on the inside of a spherical shell. The individuals are remote from the outer shell, and each bear two flagella. Eu. elegans ( ?) Ehrbg., Fig. 109. 38 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. ORDER CHOANOFLAGELLATA. Key to Genera. 1. Solitary 2 Colonial 3 2. No lorica Monosiga* With lorica Salpingceca * 3. Individuals inclosed in an irregular jelly. . .Protospongia Colonies rotund, or arising in a mass from a funnel- like, open jelly tube Phalansterium Colonies free, of several individuals in an irregular row Hermidium Many individuals on the end of a simple stalk Codonosiga* With branched stalk, and single individuals or groups on end of each branch Codonocladium* Description of Genera. Monosiga S. K. Solitary. Attached either directly or by means of a short stalk. Collar expanding in front and changeable in form. M. ovata Kent, Fig. 106. Salpingoeca J. Cl. Solitary individual in a lorica which assumes a variety of shapes ; generally cup-shaped. .S'. Steinii S. K., Fig. 92. Codonosiga J. Cl. Similar to Monosiga , but forming colonies upon the end of a simple, rather long stalk. Twenty or more in- dividuals unite, forming a spherical group. C. botrytis Clark, Fig. 107. Codonocladium Stein. Body spherical to ovate. The long stalk forming colonies with single individuals on each stalk. Co. umbellatum Tat., Fig. 102. No. 2.] FRESH- WATER PROTOZOA. 39 ORDER DINOFLAGELLATA. Key to Genera. I. Without membrane surrounding the body 2 With membrane surrounding the body 3 2. Cross furrow extending only around left side Hemidinium Cross furrow extending wholly around body Gymnodinium* 3. Membrane delicate, structureless, no processes.... Glenodinium * Membrane of polygonal plates ; processes, where present, small Peridinium* Membrane of plates with long horn-like processes Ceratium Membrane showing a cross furrow near anterior end, but no processes Amphidinium The genera Gymnodinium, Glenodinium, and Peridinium have been found abundantly, but I have, as yet, made no fig- ures of them, and their description is, therefore, reserved for a later publication. CLASS CILIATA. Key to Orders. Mouth in a spiral zone of large cilia 3 4 Mouth without a definite spiral zone HOLOTRICHA, p. 39 Adoral zone wound to the left; body also uniformly ciliate HETEROTRICHA, p. 53 Adoral zone wound to the left ; ventral surfaces with characteristically arranged large cilia, while the dorsal surface carries only fine cilia or none HYPOTRICHA, p. 56 Adoral zone wound to the right, usually forming an almost complete circle PERITRICHA, p. 62 ORDER HOLOTRICHA. Key to Genera. Solitary 2 Colonial Maryna 1. 2. 3- 40 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Without shell 3 With sculptured shell made of numerous pieces : ellipsoidal Coleps* Cilia uniform over body . 4 One or two bands of cilia 25 Cilia only on ventral surface 26 With delicate, uniform cilia only 5 With tentacle-like processes among the cilia Actinobolus Mouth without protruding undulating membrane.. 6 Mouth with protruding undulating membrane 18 Mouth wanting Anoplophrya* Mouth terminal or nearly so ; no proboscis 7 Mouth somewhat posterior to anterior end, on the ventral surface; sometimes with a proboscis 10 No evident pharynx 8 With more or less evident pharynx 9 Ellipsoidal to ovate Holoplirya * Like the above, but with a posterior bristle. . . Urotricha* Elongated, cylindrical Chcrnia* Elongated, anterior end oblique, neck-like. . . .Enchelys* Like the above, but with neck shorter and flattened . . Spathidium * Short, purse shaped ; mouth covering the whole ob- lique anterior end Leucophrys With a long neck, not much flattened, not contractile New genus With a long neck, much flattened Trachelophyllum* With a long neck, not flattened, sometimes telescopic and highly contractile Lacrymaria* Without a neck ; body spherical to ovate ; pharynx long and evident Prorodon * With proboscis in front of mouth, very flexible 11 Without proboscis 14 Mouth always open, pharynx rod-like 12 Mouth commonly closed, no pharynx 13 Spherical to ovate, proboscis short, slightly flexible . . Trachelitis* Long, band-formed, long proboscis, very flexible .... Dileptus* No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 41 13. Much flattened; with broad, clear border, which may be wanting on the right side ; with trichocysts . . Loxophyllum* Somewhat flattened, but with no hyaline border, and commonly no trichocysts Amphileptus* 14. Mouth anterior to middle 15 Mouth in middle, or posterior 17 15. Pharynx basket-like; body cylindrical to ovate. .Nassula* Pharynx not basket-like 16 16. Mouth crescentic ; a watch-glass-shaped pigment spot near by; a ciliated lobe in pharynx Ophryoglena* Mouth surrounded by a furrow extending far back- wards Fontonia* Mouth bearing a few long cilia on its posterior left side; body slightly compressed and ovate. . . . Colpoda * 1 7. Mouth near middle; short pharynx; peristome ob- lique; cilia uniform Paramecium* Mouth in middle or posterior half of right side; pharynx evident; long cilia behind the mouth. . . . Concho pthirus 18. Peristome not evident; mouth near the front 19 Peristome evident 22 19. Mouth in front of middle 20 Mouth near the middle 21 20. One undulating membrane ; body ovate with anterior end slightly curved to the right ; mouth lateral . . . Colpidium* Two undulating membranes, body ovate Glaucoma* Two- undulating membranes, body elongated. . . Dallasia * 21. With two membranes; body ovate, slightly com- pressed, broader behind, and with a long posterior bristle Uronema* Like Uronema, but with an anterior spiral row of long cilia D exio tricha * 22. Peristome posterior to middle 23 Peristome not posterior to middle 24 23. With an evident membrane ; a tuft of long bristles at the posterior end Cinetochilum* Membrane less evident, and without the long bristles Microthorax * 42 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3i- 32. 33- Peristome covering the whole right side, with a large membrane Lembadion* Peristomial furrow parallel to the right side ; a very large projecting membrane in a depression on the posterior half of peristome Pleuronetna * Like the above but smaller, with a shorter peristome and one or more long posterior bristles . . . Cyclidium* Like Pleuronema but inclosed in a lorica. .Calyptotricha With a single row or large cilia Mesodinium* With two, many-rowed crowns of free cilia. . . .Didinium With a broad, ring-like band of cilia Ur 0 centrum* Pharynx not basket-like or tube-like 27 Pharynx basket-like or tube-like 28 With a long neck; body oval ending in a short tail. . Lionotus* With the anterior end hook-like and showing an evi- dent peristome and pharynx; brownish Loxodes* Pharynx smooth ; small : 29 Pharynx basket-like 30 Only the anterior end and the right border ciliated. . Eruilia With a middle, swollen, ciliated zone Trochilia Body flat 31 Body not flat 33 Mouth in the anterior half 32 Mouth in the posterior half Opisthodon Without a movable tail Chilodon* With a movable tail JEgyria Body crenate in cross section ; without a movable tail Nezv genus* Body purse-shaped Phascolodon Body ovate; six rows of cilia Nezv genus * Description of Genera. Coleps Ehrbg. Barrel-shaped, but not always symmetrical ; rigid, pro- vided with an armor composed of single plates. The plates, arranged in zones around the body, are almost rec- tangular, sculptured upon their surface, on the one side No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 43 straight, and on the other side indented so as to produce openings through which cilia protrude-. The anterior row of plates is toothed ; the posterior row triangular, pressed together like a roof. Mouth terminal, surrounded by a row of strong cilia. Pharynx with a longitudinal striated wall, a spherical nucleus, a secondary nucleus, and a sub- terminal anus. C. hirtus Ehrbg., Fig. 153. Anoplophrya Stein. Mouthless, free swimming, ovate to elongate. Nucleus band-like. Contractile vacuoles well developed. Cilia very long and uniform over the body. The animals are parasites in the intestines of various animals. An. sp. (?). Fig. 226 represents a species of this genus found freely swimming in a watering trough. Its host being unknown, it is impossible to (determine the species. Holophrya Ehrbg. Ovate to cylindrical; rounded at both ends. Mouth on the anterior end leading into a slightly developed pharynx. Anus terminal, body striate, with a uniform ciliation, A large number of minute ciliates have been found be- longing apparently to this genus. Their great variability makes the specific determination difficult and uncertain. Figs. 1 19-123 represent some of these common types, but no attempt has been made, at present, to determine the species. The genus Holophyra is in many cases hardly distinguishable from Enchelys, since the mouth is some- times slightly excentric. Fig. 132 represents a spiral ciliate with terminal mouth that is tentatively placed here. Urotricha CL & L. Like Holophyra , except that it possesses a terminal posterior bristle. U. farcta Cl. & L., Fig. 127. Balantozoon agile of Stokes, Fig. 130, really belongs to this genus. Chaenia Duj. Elongated, narrowed in front, contractile. Mouth ter- minal or sub-terminal, usually closed. No pharynx. Uni- 44 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. formly ciliate, but with longer cilia at the anterior end. One terminal contractile vacuole. Nucleus divided into small pieces. Ch. teres Duj., Fig. 140. This is the only species described, but I have found several other forms that apparently must be classed under this genus. Figs. 138 and 139 represent two of these forms. Fig. 141 is perhaps a small specimen of Ch. teres. Fig. 142 represents a very common animal whose relations have appeared doubtful to me. I place them in this genus provisionally, although they may be young forms of some other genus. Enchelys Ehrbg. Differing from Holophyra chiefly in having an ob- liquely truncated neck-like prolongation with the mouth slightly on one side. No pharynx, a terminal anus, and a uniform ciliation. Nucleus spherical to ellipsoidal. Enchelys is another genus that presents great difficulty in specific determination, and is frequently hardly dis- tinguishable from Holophyra. Fig. 128 I regard as, per- haps, En. pupa , Ehrbg., while Figs. 124, 125, 126, and 134 are, with hesitation, placed in this genus, the evident lateral mouth apparently excluding them from Holophyra . More study is required before the limits of these two genera can be drawn. Spathidium Duj. Elongated, sac-shaped, flexible, with anterior end nar- rowed and flattened into a neck which is obliquely trun- cate. The mouth occupies the whole of the oblique sur- face and is usually surrounded by lips and closed. Pharynx sometimes with rods. Uniform ciliation, ter- minal vacuole, nucleus elongated and bead-like. Spathidium is difficult to distinguish from Enchelys. Fig. 128, which I have called Enchelys, shows such an elongated neck as to suggest that it may be classed with Spathidium. Figs. 129 and 13 1 are clearly the latter genus. ■S', sp. ( ?), Fig. 129. S’. spathula (?) Duj., Fig. 131. 45 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Prorodon Ehrbg. Ellipsoidal to ovate, with rounded ends, and occasion- ally somewhat flattened. The terminal mouth leads into a short or a long pharynx which is covered with a rod- like or a smooth membrane. Anus terminal ; one or more contractile vacuoles ; nucleus ovate to ribbon-like. Lon- gitudinal striations; uniform ciliation, except that fre- quently there is a tuft of longer posterior cilia. Pr. niveus Ehrbg., Fig. 136. Pr. armatus C. & L., Figs. 137 and 137a. Pr. griseus C. & L., Fig. 144. The genus Prorodon presents wide variations in shape and size. Figs. 136 and 137 represent two extreme types that I have associated with specific names as above shown. Many intermediate forms between these are found. Trachelophyllum Cl. & L. Body much flattened, appearing flask-shaped upon the broad side, with an elongated neck-like anterior end. A small retractile proboscis in front, upon which is the mouth leading into a pharynx extending through the neck. Ciliation uniform, with longer cilia around the mouth. Contractile vacuole terminal and many nuclei. Fig. 156 represents a very large infusorian that does not seem to agree exactly with any described genus. It differs from Trachelophyllum in not showing the proboscis, and in having the vacuole divided into many parts. For similar reasons it cannot be placed with Lacrymaria, while the other flattened infusorian, Trachelocera , is described as being only marine. I therefore place it provisionally with this genus. Lacrymaria Ehrbg. Form flask-shaped but changeable; with a short or a long, highly contractile neck, and a rounded posterior end ; not flattened; with a plug-like projection carrying the mouth, which is surrounded with a crown of long cilia. Pharynx, a long or short tube frequently longitudinally striped. Body striped longitudinally or spirally ; anus terminal or sub-terminal. L. olor Miill., Fig. 149. Fig 149a is the same animal with its neck contracted. 46 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. L. sp. ( ?), Fig. 150, appears to be an undescribed form. Trachelius Shrank. Spherical to elliptical ; the anterior end with a dorsally projecting proboscis, at whose base is the closed mouth, which leads into an armed pharynx. Contractile vacuoles numerous ; nucleus central and commonly single. Cilia- tion uniform. Tr. sp. (?). The animal shown in Fig. 148 does not agree with any described form, but it comes nearest to this genus. Dileptus Duj. Elongated, slightly compressed, with a long proboscis. Mouth at base of proboscis; pharynx short. Upon the ventral side of the proboscis a row of large cilia extending around the open mouth. Numerous contractile vacuoles along the back. Nucleus ribbon form to bead-like. Stria- tion and ciliation uniform. D. monilatus Stokes, Fig. 157. D. gigas C. & L., Fig. 158. D. sp. (?), Fig. 160. Loxophyllum D u j . Flat, leaf-like, with broad hyaline border (sometimes wanting on the left side). Proboscis only slightly devel- oped; mouth on the left, commonly closed. Trichocysts on the right border either scattered or in papilla-like groups. Contractile vacuole posterior, nucleus ribbon or bead-like. Longitudinally striate. Lox. rostratum Cohn, Fig. 161. Lox. sp. ( ?), Fig. 162. Lox. lamella Ehrbg., Fig. 163. Lox. sp. ( ?), Fig. 165. Amphileptus Ehrbg. Body elongated, somewhat flattened, prolonged in front into an acute proboscis at whose base lies the mouth, which is commonly closed and not visible. Numerous contractile vacuoles scattered over the surface, or a single terminal vacuole. Nucleus single or double. Am. gutta Clap., Fig. 143. Am. sp. (?), Fig. 145. 4 7 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Nassula Ehrbg. Ovate to cylindrical ; rounded posteriorly. Mouth ventral, about one-third of the way from the anterior end. On the left side, at the top of the mouth, is a depression. From the mouth, extending forward to the left, is a zone of stronger cilia. Pharynx armed with rods straight or curved. Anus terminal. The animals usually contain yellowish, brownish or violet drops, which are derived from the Oscillaria which serve as their food. N. ornata Ehrbg., Fig. 169. Fig. 170 shows the animal in the art of feeding upon a long filiamentous alga. N. sp. ( ?), Fig. 164. A much smaller type with more evi- dent trichocysts. Ophryoglena Ehrbg. Ellipsoidal, with the posterior end somewhat acute. Ciliation and striation regular. Mouth a third of the dis- tance behind the anterior end, commonly closed, a cres- cent-shaped or spiral slit, surrounded by a lip and lead- ing into a short pharynx. Upon the left of the mouth is a black homogeneous watch glass-shaped body. One or more contractile vacuoles with well developed vessels. Nucleus single, ellipsoidal or ribbon-shaped, and a spindle- shaped secondary nucleus. Op. sp. (?), Fig. 221. The placing of this animal in this genus is, tentative. Frontonia Ehrbg. Ellipsoidal to elongated, somewhat acute behind. Mouth not far from the anterior end, surrounded by ele- vated ridges which extend backward and gradually vanish. Pharynx short, with rods and two undulating membranes, the left one serving as a grasping organ. Ciliation and striation regular. Nucleus ellipsoidal. One or more sec- ondary nuclei and usually one contractile vacuole. Trich- ocysts present except in the groove extending from the mouth. Fr. sp. (?), Fig. 185. This is the largest holotrichous in- fusorian I have seen, reaching a length of 400-500 ft. It is found somewhat abundantly in New Haven and Mid- dletown. 48 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Fr. sp. ( ?), Fig. 1 86. Our most common species. Fr. sp. (?), Fig. 198. This is a new type of Frontonia, with a body very much flattened, its dorso-ventral diam- eter being less than one-third of its lateral diameter. It is abundant in our waters. Colpoda Mull. Laterally compressed, with the dorsal surface rounded and the ventral surface straight. Mouth on the ventral surface one-third of the distance back of the anterior end. Upon the posterior edge of the mouth is a number of long cilia. Multiplication by division into four or more parts in an encysted condition. There is a large number of species of this genus found in our waters. Stokes has described many of them. He divides the genus into two, one of which he names Til- lina; but this division is not generally accepted. The spe- cies described by Stokes that I have found, up to the present time, are in the following list : C. sp. (?), Fig. 187. C. campy la, Fig. 188. C. saprophila , Figs. 189 and 190. C. sp. (?), Fig. 191. C. inflata, Fig. 192. C. sp. (?), Fig. 193. C. gigas, Figs. 195 and 205. C. cucullus O. F. Mull., Fig. 196. Paramecium Mull. Elongated, slightly flattened. Rounded at both ends or obliquely truncated in front. Mouth in the middle of the ventral surface or further back, in the bottom of a three-cornered peristome depression, extending toward the left side. Anus ventral between the mouth and the end, or terminal. Ciliation regular; nucleus ellipsoidal, central; secondary nuclei, close by, short and spindle- formed. Numerous trichocysts. Par. caudatum Ehrbg., Fig. 203. Par. bursaria Ehrbg., Figs. 201 and 202. Par. trichium Stokes, Fig. 206. 49 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Colpidium Stein. Similar to Colpoda, but less compressed, and with an undulating membrane in front. Mouth oblique, three- cornered. A small peristome a third of the distance from the front. Pharynx short ; nucleus spherical, central. Contractile vacuole posterior and dorsal. C. striatum Stokes, Fig. 176 and Fig. 177. C. sp. ( ?), Fig. 183. Referred with doubt to this genus. C. sp. (?), Fig. 194. A very large form, larger than any described species of Colpidium. It may not belong to this genus; but at present I am unable to locate it elsewhere. It is a moderately abundant animal. Glaucoma Ehrbg. Somewhat ovate, flattened. Mouth a quarter of the distance from the anterior end, a little to the right; tri- angular to crescent-shaped, with two undulating mem- branes. Striation and ciliation regular. Nucleus spheri- cal, central, and a secondary nucleus. Gl. scintillans Ehrbg., Fig. 182. Gl. scintillans (?) Ehrbg., Fig. 171. Fig. 207 represents a common minute infusorian that appears to be Trichoda pura (Ehrbg.), which Biitschli places with Glaucoma. I can detect no membranes in our specimens, and prefer to retain the name Trichoda. Dallasia Stokes. Elongated, rounded in front and contracting into a tail behind. One side somewhat flattened, the other con- vex. Mouth near the front and somewhat triangular, with two membranes much like those of Glaucoma. Contractile vacuole single ; nucleus single and central. D. frontonia Stokes, Fig. 175. In the specimens found here the vacuole is posterior instead of anterior as described by Stokes. Uronema Duj. Ovate, acute, anteriorly compressed, with the ventral surface straight and the dorsal curved. Mouth in the middle of the ventral surface or somewhat more forward, surrounded by one or more undulating membranes. From the mouth forward extends a furrow in which the 4 50 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. cilia are densely arranged. Pharynx wanting; striation and ciliation regular. On the posterior end a bristle. U. marinum (?) Duj., Fig. 181, two varieties. Dexiotricha Stokes. Similar to the above, but with a spiral row of cilia. D. plagia Stokes, Fig. 197. Cinetochilum Perty. Rigid, flattened, oval, with deeply spiral furrows. Upon the ventral side, beginning at the posterior end, is a peristome slightly widening in front, where the mouth is found, surrounded by an undulating membrane. Cilia- tion uniform. At the posterior end, upon the right and left, a few long, thread-like cilia. Contractile vacuole posterior, upon the right. C. margareticum Ehrbg., Fig. 199, ventral and lateral views. Microthorax Engelm. Small, nearly oval, the left side straight and the right curved. Ventral surface flat, with two furrows parallel to the right side; dorsal edge curved. Mouth in a flat peristome, posterior, upon the left side, with an undulating membrane on the right. Cilia few, uniform. Nucleus central ; contractile vacuole in front of the mouth. M. sulcatus ( ?) Ehrbg., Fig. 200, is our common form, but it appears to be smaller than the species sulcatus. Lembadion Perty. Rigid ; oval when seen from the back. Posterior end somewhat acute, anterior end oblique. Ventral surface flat, dorsal convex. A large peristome, which almost covers the whole of the right side of the body, and which carries on its left side an undulating membrane, almost filling the peristome. Striation longitudinal ; ciliation uni- form, but with a tuft of posterior, longer cilia. Nucleus short, cord-like. One contractile vacuole. L. bullinum Perty, Fig. 204. Pleuronema. Duj. Somewhat oval and flattened dorso-ventrally ; both ends rounded ; left side more curved than right side. Upon the right side of ventral surface is a large, furrow- No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 51 like peristome, from which protrudes a large undulating membrane. Cilia long ; striation regular ; nucleus spher- ical, and contractile vacuole terminal. Trichocysts some- times present. Cyclidium Ehrbg. Very similar to Pleuronema and frequently united with it. Differs in being smaller, having a shorter peristome and one or more long bristles at posterior end. Figs. 208 a , b, and c, represent three types of Cyclid- ium, perhaps Cy. glaucoma. Fig. 209 is Stokes’ species, Cy. limetosum. Figs. 21 1 to 215 are undetermined spe- cies, apparently referable to the genus Pleuronema . Mesodinium Stein. Small, pear-shaped, with a furrow in the middle; an- terior end conical ; the mouth at anterior end leads into a long pharynx. Posterior end spherical. In the furrow is a crown of strong cilia, which is occasionally wanting. Four small knob tentacles around the mouth. Nucleus spherical to kidney-shaped, central. Anus and contrac- tile vacuole terminal. M. sp. (?), Fig. 135. In this specimen the knobs were not seen. Urocentrum Nitzsch. Somewhat cylindrical, with a constriction slightly be- hind the middle. Mouth posterior, surrounded by a flat- tened area, with a furrow extending backwards ; a row of closely arranged cilia, extending as a girdle around the body. A short pharynx. The anterior part of the body uniformly ciliated, with a broad zone of cilia near the mid- dle and posterior end. A prominent tuft of fused cilia at posterior extremity. Nucleus worm-shaped, in the hinder part of the body, with round, secondary nuclei. Anus and contractile vacuole terminal. Ur. turbo Mull., Fig. 210. Lionotus Wrz. Elongated, with a flattened, ciliated, ventral (right side) surface, and a convex, dorsal (left side) surface; commonly with an evident proboscis, which is hyaline, as is also the short caudal extremity. On the left side of pro- 52 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. boscis a row of long cilia with trichocysts. Mouth a long slit, upon left side at base of proboscis, commonly not visible. Usually two nuclei and a contractile vacuole at beginning of the tail, near the dorsally opening anus. L. wrzesniowskii Kent, Fig. i SS- L. sp. ( ?), Fig. 146. L. fasciola Ehrbg., Fig. 147. Fig. 133 represents a form which I have provisionally placed with this genus. New Genus (?). Body elongated and uniformly ciliate, with a proboscis resembling Lionotus. The mouth, however, is terminal, and leads into a pharynx armed with rods. Nucleus double, and several contractile vacuoles. Fig. 159. Only a single specimen of this peculiar form has been found. Loxodes Ehrbg. Inflexible, flattened, elongated, and leaf-like, the an- terior end hook-like and bent to left. Ventral surface flat, with ciliated ribs, dorsal surface smooth, curved, and without cilia. The edge of the body with somewhat longer cilia. Mouth on the left anterior edge, at the bot- tom of a slit-like peristome and leading into an evident pharynx. Many nuclei and secondary nuclei. Contrac- tile vacuoles uncertain. Lox. rostrum Mull., Fig. 154. Chilodon Ehrbg. Much compressed, with a flat or slightly hollowed ven- tral surface, and a convex dorsal surface. A thin, flexible hyaline border prolonged in front into a projection di- rected forward and to the left. Mouth in the middle of the body, with a basket-like pharynx of ten to sixteen rods ; its inner end frequently spirally rolled. Ventral surface regularly striated and ciliated. Dorsal surface without cilia. A band of stronger cilia extending from the mouth to the end of the elongated projection. Nu- cleus ellipsoidal, of peculiar structure. One or more con- tractile vacuoles. Ch. cucullulus Miill., Fig. 174. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 53 Ch. vorax Stokes, Fig. 180. Ch. caudatus Stokes, Figs. 166 and 173. t Ch. megalotrocha Stokes, Fig. 168. An extremely com- mon species in infusions. Ch. sp. (?), Fig. 172. New Genus (?). Body nearly spherical in outline, with a slight lip at anterior end, at bottom of which is found a mouth. Six prominent rows of cilia on ventral surface, extending from pole to pole. Nucleus and contractile vacuole pres- ent, posterior. Motions slow. No evident pharynx. Fig. 184. This peculiar animal has been found several times in our water. It cannot be placed in any genus known to me. ORDER HETEROTRICHA. Key to Genera. 1. With undulating membrane 2 Without undulating membrane 3 2. Flattened ; narrowed in front, peristome long, on left Blepharisma* Cylindrical or purse-shaped ; not flattened ; peristome short, inclosing the wide anterior end. .Condylostoma* Body more or less spiral ; peristome furrow-shaped . . Metopus* 3. Membranellse evident and somewhat spiral 4 Membranellse not spiral, feather-like ; body in a lorica 5 4. Long, thread-shaped, or somewhat flattened Spirostomum* Purse-shaped; oblique in front, peristome funnel- shaped, sunken in the body Bursaria* Purse-shaped; peristome flat, inclosing whole ante- rior end of body. Climacostomum Purse-shaped ; peristome broad in front but not in- closing whole anterior end of the body, extending obliquely to the right Balantidium f This is Chilodon caudatus of Stokes, but should perhaps more properly be placed under the generic name Aigyria because of its caudal appendage. A Igyria is said to contain one species only and to be found only in salt water, and that species is certainly not the one described above. 54 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Body funnel-shaped to ovate, peristome inclosing an- terior end and surrounded by ciliated zone. . . Stentor * 5. Lorica tubular, gelatinous Tintinnidium Lorica various, chitinous Tintinnus Description of Genera. Blepharisma Perty. Much flattened; anterior end acute, somewhat hook- like, and bent to the left. Peristome a deep furrow close to the left-hand border in front, and extending to the mid- dle of the body, where is found a short, slightly bent pharynx. On left wall of peristome is a row of strong membranellse, but upon its right side an undulating mem- brane. Body spirally striate. Bl. sp. ( ?), Fig. 216. Bl. undnlans (?), Fig. 217. Bl. ovata ( Apgaria of Stokes), Fig. 218. Bl. sp. ( ?) , Fig. 228. Condylostoma Duj. Sometimes contractile, sometimes not, with a body either elongated or rounded. Peristome extending one- third of the distance behind the anterior end. Mouth broad, pharynx slightly developed. An evident undulat- ing membrane on right side of peristome. Nucleus bead- like on the right side. Contractile vacuole and anus ter- minal. Con. sp. (?), Fig. 220. The identification of this animal is doubtful. Metopus Cl. & L. Cylindrical, somewhat acute at both ends. Peristome a long furrow extending from the left anterior end, in a spiral direction, to the mouth, which lies near the middle of the ventral side. Pharynx short. Anterior end of body bent toward the ventral surface and toward the left so that the anterior portion of the peristome is covered. On left side of peristome is a row of membranellse. On right side an undulating membrane. Striations regular; ciliation uniform, but with a tuft of longer cilia on the an- terior and posterior ends. Nucleus cylindrical, with a No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 55 secondary nucleus. Anus and contractile vacuole termi- nal. Body very contractile, assuming a variety of forms, as shown in Figs. 223, 224, and 225, which may, however, be regarded as separate species. M. sigmoides Cl. & L., Figs. 223-225. Spirostomum Ehrbg. Very contractile, elongated, cylindrical or thread- formed. Peristome a long furrow reaching to the middle of the body and leading into a short pharynx. Strong membraneltae on the left side of the peristome, but no un- dulating membrane. Striation spiral. Nucleus ellipsoidal or bead-like. Anus terminal; a contractile vacuole ex- tending almost to the anterior end. Sp. teres Cl. & L., Fig. 222. Sp. ambigmim Ehrbg., has also been found, but no figure of it is given. Bursaria O. F. Mull. Inflexible, somewhat purse-shaped. In front obliquely truncate. Behind broadly rounded. Ventral surface flat. Dorsal surface convex. Peristome extending from the anterior backwards into a deep funnel, which opens on the ventral side by a slit reaching as far as the middle of the body, and passing imperceptibly into a pharynx-like tube. Adoral zone on the left side of the peristome composed of small membranelbe. Striations regular ; nucleus long and ribbon-like and many secondary nuclei. Many small con- tractile vacuoles and a terminal anus. B. truncateila Mull, Fig. 231. Stentor Ehrbg. Fixed, or free swimming. When attached the body is elongated and trumpet-formed, with a more slender pos- terior end, sometimes inclosed in a jelly-like lorica. When free swimming, pear-shaped to ovate. A spiral row of strong cilia extending around the truncated anterior end, beginning on the ventral side with an inwardly projecting curve, and extending from there over the right dorsal and left side again to the ventral side, where it ends in a mouth leading into a short pharynx. Striations evident; cilia- tion fine and regular ; nucleus ellipsoidal, thread-formed or 56 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. bead-like. Many small secondary nuclei. Anus near the left end of the adoral spiral. The contractile vacuole, lying in the same region, has a long canal reaching to the posterior end of the body. S. cceruleus ( ?) Ehrbg., Fig. 240. •S'. polymorphus Ehrbg., Fig. 246. Fig. 245 represents the same species, possibly. The species is highly variable. Fig. 245 shows the animal in process of division. Balantidium Cl. & L. This is a parasitic genus. Fig 219 found free swim- ming is provisionally referred to this genus. Possibly Bal. coli. ORDER HYPOTRICHA. Key to Genera, 1. Body flattened 2 Body not flattened 13 2. Cilia bristle-like, in groups 3 Ventral side uniformly ciliate except sternum; a group of stronger cilia behind peristome and near posterior end Trichogaster 3. Many border cilia 4 Few or no border cilia 12 4. Ventral cilia many, in rows 5 Ventral cilia few, rows not evident 10 5. Ventral cilia all bristle-like, two or more rows 6 Ventral cilia style-like, sometimes with two addi- tional rows of cilia parallel to right border, or with three such rows of which the inner has only a few cilia 9 6. Five or more longitudinal rows of ventral cilia ; per- istome on ventral surface U rostyla* Five nearly straight rows of ventral cilia ; peristome lateral Nczv genus * Six oblique rows of ventral cilia ; body kidney-shaped Kerona Two or three rows of oblique cilia; body elongated in front into a neck Stichotricha* Two rows of ventral cilia ; body not elongated in front 7 No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 5 7 One row of about seven large ventral cilia ; no sternal cilia and with long border and anal cilia. . . .Belladina 7. Body flask-shaped Platytrichotus* Body not flask-shaped 8 8. With no sternal cilia Holosticha* With five sternal cilia and fifteen to seventeen anal cilia upon the left side Amphisia With three sternal and no anal cilia ; body narrowed behind Uroleptus* With the two rows of ventral cilia wide apart, and no sternal cilia Psilotricha 9. Five ventral cilia and two or three rows of bristle- like cilia on either side, of which the inner rows have only a few cilia Pleurotricha* Three of four oblique rows of cilia, and three rows parallel to the peristome border Onychodromus * One somewhat irregular oblique row of bristle-like cilia and five or six sternal cilia Gastrostyla 10. Peristome wholly lateral, very small; usually two ventral cilia in front and five anal cilia. .Gonostonum Eight ventral cilia and five anal cilia at the base of the tail Urosoma* Five ventral cilia 11 11. Inner wall of peristome bent toward outer wall; without caudal bristles ; body usually flexible .... Oxytricha* Inner wall of peristome bent toward the outer wall ; without caudal bristles ; body not flexible .... Histrio* Inner wall of peristome bent away from outer wall ; usually with three caudal bristles Stylonychia* 12. Four border cilia at posterior end; adoral zone sur- rounding the front Aspidisca* No border cilia ; adoral zone confined to the left side Euplotes* 13. Bearing outside the adoral zone, near the middle, a simple or double crown of long bristles PLalteriaP Like the above but without the crown of bristles .... Strombidium* 58 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Urostyla Ehrbg. Elliptical to ovate, both ends rounded. Ventral sur- face flat, dorsal surface curved ; body flexible. Three or more bristle-like sternal cilia and five or more longitudi- nal rows of ventral cilia, those on the sternum especially developed, while those on the rest of the body are smaller. Commonly five to twelve anal cilia in an oblique row, ex- tending to the left. Peristome an elongated triangle with an undulating membrane. Two or more nuclei. U. trichota ( Hemiclostyla of Stokes), Fig. 237. U. vernalis (?) Stokes, Fig. 239. U. trichogastra Stokes, Fig. 241. Perhaps all of these are only varieties of U. grandis Ehrbg. New Genus Elongate, rounded at both extremities, not flexible. Peristome on the right hand margin and extending back of the middle, marked by a row of long cilia or mem- branellse, that bends to the left to lead to the mouth. Be- sides border cilia there are four oblique rows of cilia upon the ventral surface. Nuclei, four in number ; contratile vacuole single. The interesting animal shown in Fig. 279 does not agree with any described genus. Two specimens have been found. Stichotricha Perty. Elongated, narrowed in front, rounded behind, with a body nearly cylindrical and very contractile. Peristome narrow, upon the left side, extending to the middle or even back of it. Membranellse long, the two or three anterior ones extending over the front end of the body as bristles. The border cilia extend uninterruptedly around the posterior end. Sternal and anal cilia wanting. St. secunda Perty, Fig. 236. Uroleptus Ehrbg. Sometimes contractile, sometimes not ; elongated, nar- row, cylindrical or flattened. Anterior end rounded, pos- terior end prolonged into a caudal projection. Three sternal cilia, two rows of ventral cilia, but no anal cilia. The border cilia pushed on to the ventral surface. Peri- stome about one-third the length of the body. No. 2.] . FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 59 U. longicaudatus Stokes, Fig. 232. U. musculus Ehrbg., Fig. 233. U. musculus (?), Fig. 234. U. dispar Stokes, Fig. 243. Platytrichotus Stokes. Like Ur ole plus, but body flask-shaped. Frontal styles five ; two rows of ventral cilia, and no anal cilia. Border cilia uninterrupted. PI. opisthobolus Stokes, Fig. 238. Pleurotricha Stein. Not contractile, rounded at both ends ; somewhat oval in outline, with eight sternal cilia. Ventral cilia arranged in two rows ; five anal cilia, of which the two on the right side are near the end of the body. Border cilia an un- broken row. Between the border cilia and the ventral cilia, upon one or both sides, are one to three accessory rows of bristle-like cilia. Upper lip developed ; peristome broad, one-third the length of the body. PI. sp. (?), Fig. 235. Onychodromus Stein. Not flexible. In outline somewhat rectangular, with slightly rounded ends. Ventral surface flat, dorsal sur- face convex. Peristome broad, three-angled, reaching to the middle of the body. Upper lip present. On the right anterior end three strong cilia behind which are three rows of cilia parallel with the right edge of the peristome. Three or four oblique rows of ventral cilia, running from right to left ; five or six strong anal cilia ; border cilia un- interrupted. Upon the dorsal surface two processes. Four to eight nuclei and one contractile vacuole. On. grandis Stein, Fig. 247. Urosoma Kow. Similar to Oxytricha, but with eight ventral cilia. Posterior extremity prolonged, with five to eight cilia at the beginning of the prolongation. U. cienkowski Kow., Fig. 248. This is provisionally re- ferred to this genus. Only one specimen yet found. Oxytricha Ehrbg. (Stein, Sterki). Narrow elliptical, rounded at both ends. Ventral sur- 6o CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. face flat, dorsal surface convex ; flexible. Right border of the peristome bending toward the left. Eight sternal cilia ; five ventral and five anal cilia. Without caudal ap- pendages; border cilia often crowded on to the ventral surface. Ox. pellionella Mull., Fig. 249. Ox. bifaria Stokes, Figs. 250, 256, and 257. Ox. fallax Stein, Fig. 251. Ox. parvistyla Stein, Figs. 252 and 253. Ox. hymenostoma Stokes, Fig. 254. Ox. sp. (?), Fig. 255. Ox. agilis Stokes, Fig. 260. Ox. sp. ( ?), Fig. 261. Holosticha Wrz. This genus is frequently united with Oxytricha , but is here separated by the absence of the regular eight sternal cilia and the presence of two uninterrupted rows of ven- tral cilia. H. sp. (?), Fig. 242. H. vernalis Stokes, Fig. 244. H. setigera (?), Fig. 265. Histrio Sterki. Inflexible, similar to Stylonychia, but with a nar- rower peristome, which has its right border turning some- what toward the left. The caudal bristles are wanting. H. sp. ( ?) , Fig. 262. H. erethisticus Stokes, Fig. 263. H. complanatus Stokes, Fig. 264. Stylonychia Ehrbg. Inflexible, rarely flexible, with flat ventral and convex dorsal surface. Peristome broadly three-angled, reaching to the middle of the body, or shorter ; its right border not bent toward the left. Eight sternal, five ventral and five anal cilia arranged as in Oxytricha. The middle of the three sternal cilia is immediately behind the right edge of the upper lip. Commonly three large caudal bristles in- terrupting the border cilia. St. pustalata Ehrbg., Fig. 258. Not exactly like the de- scribed species. Fig. 266. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 6 1 St. notophora Stokes, Fig. 259. St. sp. ( ?), Fig. 267. Perhaps a variety of St. mytilis. St. putrina Stokes, Fig. 269. St. mytilus Miill., Fig. 273. St. Ussieta C. & L., Fig. 282. Euplotes Ehrbg. (Stein). Armored, inflexible, round to oval outline, with ven- tral surface flat, and dorsal surface convex ; ribbed. Per- istome large, broad, three-angled, reaching the middle of the body or still further back. The right edge of the peristome slightly drawn out to partly cover the peris- tome. Nine or ten large cilia upon the sternum; five large anal cilia and four border cilia, two of which are usually at the hind end and two at the posterior left lateral border. Nucleus ribbon-like on the left side, bending in front and behind toward the right. Secondary nuclei near the left front end of the nucleus. Contractile vacuole on the right border. Eu. sp. ( ?), Fig. 268. Eu. carinata Stokes, Fig. 270. Eu. plumipes Stokes, Fig. 271. Eu. charon Miill., Fig. 272. Aspidisca Ehrbg. Inflexible, round or short oval in outline. Left side slightly and right side strongly curved; ventral side flat, dorsal side convex. Right border thickened. Adoral zone not extending around the anterior end, but reaching backward beyond the middle of the body. The right bor- der of the peristome extends over the peristome so that it is open only by a narrow opening on the left side. An- terior border with a bay-like depression, or sometimes drawn out into a hook-like process. Hind end of the peristome border with one or more teeth from which a transverse channel extends over the ventral surface in front of the anus. Seven scattered ventral cilia, and com- monly five anal cilia. Nucleus thread-like, sometimes describing a complete circle. Contractile vacuole simple. Asp. costata Duj., Fig. 281. Asp. sp. ( ?), Fig. 280. 62 CONNECTICUT GEOL.. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Halteria Duj. Inflexible, spherical. Upon the anterior end an adoral ciliated zone which extends from the right over the dorsal surface to the left, and then leads to a ventral mouth. The part of the body surrounded by the spiral zone slightly protruding. Near the middle of the body is a crown of simple long bristles, but otherwise it is without body cilia. Spherical nucleus; contractile vacuole near the left side. H. grandinella Mull., Fig. 227. Fig. 227a shows the same species in process of division. Another view of probably the same animal is shown in Fig. 230. Strombidium Cl. & L. Like Halteria, but without the bristles. The part of the body surrounded by the ciliated zone is protrusible; frequently with trichocysts. Upon the ventral surface a few single cilia or groups of cilia ; colorless or yellowish ; nucleus and contractile vacuole as in Halteria. Str. sp. ( ?), Fig. 229. 6. ORDER PERITRICHA. Key to Genera. No lorica 2 With lorica 8 No stalk 3 With stalk; simple or branched, with or without an axial fibre 5 Posterior ciliated ring persistent; the disk-shaped posterior end with a chitinous ring Trichodina* Posterior ciliated ring found only in the swimming stage 4 Posterior ciliated ring wholly absent ; never at- tached; posterior end with two bristles. . . .Astylozoon Posterior end elongated; usually attached Scyphidia Posterior end not elongated; body conical; attached or free; when contracted acorn-shaped. Gerda Stalk branched 6 Stalk simple 7 Stalk retractile; each zooid contracting separately. . Carchesium * No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 63 Stalk retractile ; all zooids contracting together .... Zodthamnium* Stalk not retractile ; peristomial disk broad .... Epistylis* Stalk not retractile ; peristomial disk long-stalked . . Opercularia* 7. Stalk retractile V orticella* Stalk not retractile ; without an operculum. . Rhabdostyla* Stalk not retractile; with operculum Pyxidium* 8. Lorica gelatinous Ophrydium Lorica chitinous 9 9. Cylindrical to ovate, unstalked or with a short cylindrical stalk Cothurnia Ovate, cup-shaped or flattened, with an ear-shaped projection bearing the mouth; a short, thick ringed stalk Cothurniopsis Flattened, with the whole of one side attached to the support; animal attached to the lorica by a stalk- like outgrowth Vaginicola Flattened, with posterior flattened end attached to the support; with the peristome process attached to the edge of the mouth Lagenophrys Description of Genera. Trichodina Ehrbg. Solitary, short, cylindrical or barrel-form, with a pos- terior row of cilia, over which lies a ring-like fold run- ning around the body. The circular flat base with which the animal attaches itself forms a sucker. It is covered by a chitinous membrane whose peripheral zone is ra- dially striated. Adoral zone extends spirally around the flattened anterior end. Nucleus ribbon-shaped and one contractile vacuole. Animals all parasitic. P. pediculus Ehrbg., Fig. 301. On Hydra. Vorticella Linn. Body bell-formed, with a more or less evident, out- wardly extending peristome; cuticle often ringed. With a contractile stalk, frequently longer than the body, by which the animal is attached. Adoral zone describing more than a circle. Nucleus simple, ribbon or horse-shoe 64 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. shape. Secondary nucleus near the primary nucleus. One contractile vacuole. The animals frequently live in companies but are never colonial. Figs. 274-277, 283-286, 291-294, 296 and 298 repre- sent a number of separate types of V or tic ell a found in our waters. It is difficult to arrange them satisfactorily into species, and no attempt will be made in the present paper to attach specific names to the forms described. Rhabdostyla S. K. Solitary, upon a short, not contractile stalk. In other respects like Epistylis. R. brevipes Cl. & L., Fig. 278. R. sp. (?), Fig. 295. Pyxidium S. K. Solitary, with a short stalk ; in other respects agreeing with Opercularia. P. ramosa Stokes, Fig. 290. Epistylis Ehrbg. Colonial, the single individuals of the colony standing about the same height. With a stiff branched stalk con- taining a canal, but no muscles; hence, not contractile. Animals narrow to broad bell form, mostly with a ringed cuticle. E. Havicans Ehrbg., Figs. 287, 288, 289. The last figure shows that the spiral band makes four circles around the disk. Carchesium Ehrbg. Forming richly branched colonies in which the stalk muscles of the single individual are not attached, but end abruptly at the base of the individual stalks, enabling the individuals to contract independently. Animals all alike in size and structure. Ciliated spiral forming about one and a half circles. Nucleus horse-shoe shape, with a small secondary nucleus near by. One contractile vac- uole. C. polypinum Linn., Fig. 299. Zoothamnium Ehrbg. Much like Carchesium, but with a common muscle in the stalk, causing all individuals of the colony to contract together. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 65 One species of Zodthamnium has been found, but no figure of it has yet been made. Opercularia Stein. Colonial, with stiff branched stalks which are often ringed. Animals not bell-shaped, but ellipsoidal to ovate, with a peristome not expanded. The ciliary disk upon a long, thin stalk, around which a vestibule extends on either side, closing like a lid. Nucleus short or ribbon- like. One contractile vacuole. Op. sp. ( ?), Fig. 297 a , b, c. CLASS SUCTORIA. Key to Genera. 1. Tentacles simple 2 Tentacles branched; not retractile Dendrocometes 2. No shell 3 With shell 6 3. No stalk 4 Stalked, tentacles on all sides or in bundles. . Podophrya * 4. Solitary 5 Colonial, base branched with branching offsets whose swollen ends constitute the individuals. . .Dendrosoma 5. Spherical; tentacles on all sides Sphoerophrya* Irregular, fixed by a broad base ; tentacles in bundles Trichophrya With a single movable anterior process instead of tentacles; parasitic on Cyclops Rhyncheta 6. Shell unstalked, posterior end prolonged into a pro- jection; attached to Epistylis; two to five long movable tentacles Urnula Unstalked; disk-formed, tentacles in bundles Solenophrya Stalked, frequently enclosed by lobes in front. . . .Acineta Description of Genera. Sphaerophrya Cl. & L. Without stalk; somewhat spherical, covered with knobbed tentacles. Nucleus round or ellopsoidal. One contractile vacuole. 5 66 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. S. magna Maup., Fig. 303. Podophrya Ehrbg. Spherical to pear or club-shaped, upon a stalk. Ten- tacles usually knobbed, either in groups or scattered over the surface. Nucleus simple with a secondary nucleus. One or more contractile vacuoles. In some species the ' animals may become detached from the stalk and live in a free condition. P. sp. ( ?), Figs. 300, 302. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. 67 Index. Acanthocystis, 17. Acineta, 65. Actinobolus, 40. Actinophrys, 17, 18. Actinosphserium, 17. yEgyria, 42. Amoeba, 12, 14. Amphidinium, 39. Amphileptus, 41, 46. Amphimonas, 32, 34. Amphisia, 57. Amphitrema, 14. Amphizonella, 12. Anisonema, 30, 31. Anoplophrya, 40, 43. Anthophysa, 21, 23. Arcella, 12, 15. Ascoglena, 25. Aspidisca, 57, 61. Assulina, 13. Astasia, 26, 29. Astasiopsis, 25. Astylozoon, 62. Atractonema, 25. Balantidium, 53, 56. Belladina, 57. Bicoscoeca, 20. Blepharisma, 53, 54. Bodo, 30. Bursaria, 53, 55. Calyptotricha, 42. Campascus, 13. Carchesium, 62, 64. Carteria, 33. Centropyxis, 12, 15. Cephalothamnium, 21, 23. Ceratium, 39. Cercobodo, 20, 21. Cercomonas, 20, 22. Chcenia, 40, 43. Chilodon, 42, 52. Chilomonas, 32, 35. Chlamydomonas, 33, 37. Chlorangium, 33, 37. Chlorogonium, 33. Chloropeltis, 25, 28. Choanoflagellata, 19, 38. Chromulina, 24. Chrysopyxis, 33. Ciliata, 11, 39. Ciliophrys, 20. Cinetochilum, 41, 50. Cladomonas, 34. Clathrulina, 17, 18. Climacostomum, 53. Clostonema, 26, 29. Coccomonas, 33. Cochliopodium, 12. Codonocladium, 38. Codonoeca, 20. Codonosiga, 38. Ccelomonas, 24. Colacium, 25. Coleps, 40, 42. Collodictyon, 32. Colpidium, 41, 49. Colpoda, 41, 48. Colponema, 30. Conchopthirus, 41. Condylostoma, 53, 54. Cothurnia, 63. Cothurniopsis, 63. Cryptoglena, 24, 26. Cryptomonas, 33, 36. Cyathomonas, 32, 35. Cyclidium, 42, 51. Cyphoderia, 13. Dactylosphserium, 12, 14. Dallasia, 41, 49. Dendrocometes, 65. Dendromonas, 21. Dendrosoma, 65. 68 CONNECTICUT GEOL. AND NAT. HIST. SURVEY. [Bull. Dexiotricha, 41, 50. Diaphoropodon, 13. Didinium, 42. Difflugia, 12, 15. Dileptus, 40, 46. Dimorpha, 20. Dinobryon, 21, 23. Dinoflagellata, 19, 39. Dinomonas, 29, 31. Diplophrys, 14, 16. Ditrema, 14. Enchelys, 40, 44. Elvirea, 29, 31. Entosiphon, 30, 32. Epipyxis, 21. Epistylis, 63, 64. Ervilia, 42. Eudorina, 34. Euglena, 25, 26. Euglenoidina, 20, 24. Euglypha, 13, 16. Euplotes, 57, 61. Eutreptia, 25, 27. Flagellata, 19. Frontonia, 41, 47. Gastrostyla, 57. Gerda, 62. Glaucoma, 41, 49. Glenodinium, 39. Gloidium, 12. Gonium, 34. Gonostomum, 24, 57. Gromia, 13. Gymnodinium, 39. Gymnophrys, II. Hsemotococcus, 33. Halteria, 57, 62. Heleopera, 13. Heliozoa, 11, 17. Hermidinium, 39. Hermidium, 38. Heteromastigoda, 19, 29. Heteronema, 30, 32. Heterophrys, 17. Heterotricha, 39, 53. Hexamitus, 33, 36. Histrio, 57, 60. Holophrya, 40, 43. Holosticha, 57, 63. Holotricha, 39. Hyalodiscus, 12, 14. Hyalosphenia, 12. Hypotricha, 39, 56. Isomastigoda, 20, 32. Kerona, 56. Lacrymaria, 40, 45. Lagenophrys, 63. Lecquereusia, 13, 15. Lecythium, 13. Lembadion, 42, 50. Lepocinclis, 25, 27. Leptomonas, 21, 23. Leucophrys, 40. Lieberkuhnia, 13. Lionotus, 42, 51. Loxodes, 42, 52. Loxophyllum, 41, 46. Mallomonas, 21, 24. Maryna, 29. Mastigamoeba, 20, 21. Mastigophora, 11, 19. Menoidium, 25, 28. Mesodinium, 42, 51. Metanema, 30, 31. Metopus, 53, 54. Microcometes, 14. Microglena, 24. Microgromia, 14, 16. Microthorax, 41, 50. Monadina, 19, 20. Monas, 21, 22. Monobia, 17. Monosiga, 38. Nassula, 41, 47. Nebela, 13. Nephroselmis, 33. New genera, 40, 42, 52, 53, 56, 58. Notosolenus, 20, 22. Nuclearia, 17, 18. Ochromonas, 21, 33, 36. Oikomonas, 20, 22. Onychodromus, 57, 59. Opercularia, 63, 65. Ophrydium, 63. No. 2.] FRESH-WATER PROTOZOA. Ophryoglena, 41, 47. Opisthodon, 42. Oxytricha, 57, 59. Pamphagus, 13, 16. Pandorina, 34, 37. Paramecium, 41, 48. Pelomyxa, 12, 14. Peranema, 25, 28. Peridinium, 39. Peritricha, 39, 62. Petalomonas, 25. Phacotus, 33. Phacus, 25, 27. Phalansterium, 38. Phascolodon, 42. Phyllomitus, 29, 31. Pinaciophora, 17. Plakopus, 12. Platoum, 14. Platytrichotus, 57, 59. Pleuromonas, 30, 42. Pleuronema, 42, 50. Pleurotricha, 57, 59. Podophrya, 65, 66. Polytoma, 32, 35. Pompholyxophrys, 17. Poteriodendron, 20. Prorodon, 40, 45. Protamoeba, 12. Protospongia, 38. Protozoa, 11. Pseudochlamys, 12. Pseudodifflugia, 13. Psilotricha, 57. Pyxidicula, 12. Pyxidium, 63, 64. Quadrula, 13, 15. Rhabdomonas, 25. Rhabdostyla, 63, 64. Rhaphidiophrys, 17, 18. Rhipidodendron, 34. Rhizopoda, 11. Rhyncheta, 65. Rhynchomonas, 21, 23. Salpingoeca, 38. Scyphidia, 62. Solenophrya, 65. Spathidium, 40, 44. Sphaerophrya, 65. Sphaerastrum, 17. Sphenomonas, 26, 29. Spiromonas, 29, 31. Spirostomun, 53, 55. Spondylomorum, 34, 37. Spongomonas, 34. Stentor, 54, 55. Stephanosphaera, 34. Stichotricha, 56, 58. Strombidium, 57, 62. Stylochrysalis, 33. Styl onychia, 60. Suctoria, 11, 65. Syncrypta, 34. Synura, 34, 37. Tetramitus, 33. Tetraselmis, 33. Tintinnidium, 54. Tintinnus, 54. Trachelius, 40, 46. Trachelophyllum, 40, 45. Trachelomonas, 25, 27. Trepomonas, 32, 35. Trichodina, 62, 63. Trichogaster, 56. Trichomastix, 33, 36. Trichophrya, 65. Trinema, 13. Trochilia, 42. Tropidoscyphus, 26. Urceolopsis, 25. Urceolus, 25, 28. Urnula, 65. Urocentrum, 42, 51. Uroglena, 21, 23. Uroleptus, 57, 58. Uronema, 41, 49. Urosoma, 57, 59. Urostyla, 56, 58. Urotricha, 40, 43. Vaginicola, 63. Vampyrella, 17, 18. Volvox, 34. Vorticella, 63. Zoothamnium, 63, 64. Zygoselmis, 26. Plate I; Figs, i to 9 ; All Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 1. Amoeba protons Ehr p. 14 Fig. 2. Hyalodiscus Umax Dnj p. 14 Fig. 3. Hyalodiscus guttula Duj p. 14 Fig. 4. Hyalodiscus guttula Duj p. 14 Fig. 5. Amoeba verrucosa Ehr p. 14 Fig. 6. Amoeba verrucosa Ehr . .p. 14 Fig. 7. Pelomyxa (?) p. 14 Fig. 8. Hyalodiscus Umax Duj p. 14 Fig. 9. Dactylosphccrium radiosum Ehr p. 14 PLATE Plate II; Figs, io to 16; All Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 10. Arcclla dentata Ehr. Fig. 10a side view .p. 15 Fig. II. Arcclla vulgaris Ehr .p. 15 Fig. 12. Lecqmcreusia ( Diffhigia ) spiralis Ehr. . .p. 15 Fig. E3- C entropy .vis aculcata Stein .p. 15 Fig. 14. Diffhigia globostoma Leidv .p. 15 Fig. T5- Cvplwdcria ampulla Ehr •P- 16 Fig. 16. Diffhigia lobo stoma Ehr .p. 15 PLATE II. 15 Plate III; Figs. 17 to 21 ; All Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 17. Difflugia pyriformis Perty p. 15 Fig. 18. Nuclearia simplex Cienk p. 18 Fig. 19. Difflugia cratera Leidy p. 15 Fig. 20. Quadrula symmetrica Ehr p. 15 Fig. 21. Microgromia (?) p. 16 PLATE III. Plate IV; Figs. 22 to 26; All Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 22. Difflugia corona Wall p. 15 Fig. 23. Nncle aria simplex Cienk p. 18 Fig. 24. Euglypha alveolata Duj p. 16 Fig. 25. Vampyrella latcritia Fres p. 18 Fig. 26. Actinoplirys sol Ehr p. 18 PLATE IV. ^ 3 -d Plate V ; Figs. 27 to 31 ; All Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 27. Diidugia acuminata Ehr. Fig. 27a rep- resents the outline of a quite differently shaped variety p. 15 ig. 28. Clathrulina clcgans Cienk p. 18 ig. 28. Diplophrys archeri Bark p. 16 ig. 30. Pamphagus ( Lecythium ) hyalinum H. & L p. 16 Fig. 31. Rhaphidiophrys clcgans H. & L p. 18 PLATE V. Plate VI; Figs. 32 to 49; Magnified 1000 Diameters. Fig. 32. Mastigameeba reptcins Stokes p. 21 Fig. 33. Mastigamoeba longiiilum (?) Stokes.... p. 21 Fig. 34. Cercomonas longicaudata Duj p. 22 Fig- 35- Cercornonas crassicauda Duj p. 22 Fig. 36. Cercobodo ( Dimorpha ) sp. ( ?) p. 21 Fig. 37. Notosolenus orbicularis Stokes p. 22 Fig. 38. Notosolenus sp. ( ?) p. 22 Fig. 39. Notosolenus sp. ( ?) p. 22 Fig. 40. Oikornonas sp. ( ?) p. 22 Fig. 40a. Oikornonas sp. ( ?) p. 22 Fig. 41. Physomonas elongata (?) Stokes p. 22 Fig. 42. Leptomonas sp. ( ?) p. 23 Fig. 43. Ochromonas sp. ( ?) p. 36 Fig. 44. Dinobryon sertularia Ehr p. 23 Fig. 45. Euglena viridis Ehr p. 26 Fig. 46. Cephalothamnium cccspitosum (?) S. K. .p. 23 Fig. 47. Anthophysa vegetans Stein p. 23 Fig. 48. Eutrcptia viridis Pertv p. 27 Fig. 49. Uroglena americana Calk p. 23 PLATE VI. Plate VII ; Figs. 50 to 71 ; Magnified 1000 Diameters. Fig. 50. Euglena sp. ( ?) p. 26 Fig. 51. Euglena dcscs Ehr p. 26 Fig. 52. Euglena ( ?) p. 26 Fig. 53. Trachclenionas lagenclla Stein p. 27 Fig. 54. Trachclenionas hispida Stein p. 27 Fig. 55. Chloropcltis hispidula Stein-Eichwald. . . p. 28 Fig. 56. Euglena spirogyra (?) Ehr p. 26 Fig. 57. Euglena sp. ( ?) p. 26 Fig. 58. Mallomonas acaroides Pertv p. 24 Fig. 59. Trachelomonas volvocina Ehr p. 27 Fig. 60. Mallamonas sp. ( ?) Fig. 60a is a cross section p. 24 Fig. 61. Lepocinclis sp. ( ?) p. 27 Fig. 62. Phacus pyruni Ehr p. 27 Fig. 63. Phacus pleuronectes Nitz p. 27 Fig. 64. Phacus sp. ( ?) p. 27 Fig. 65. Rhynchomonas nasuta Klebs p. 23 Fig. 66. Pleuromonas jaculans Pertv p. 30 Fig. 67. Dinonionas vorax S. K p. 31 Fig. 68. Phyllomitus amylophagus Klebs p. 31 Fig. 69. Urccolus sp. ( ?) p. 28 Fig. 70. Pcranenia sp. ( ?) p. 28 Fig. 7 1. Pcranenia sp. (?). Fig. yia is probably the same showing variation in appear- ance of the cell contents p. 28 PLATE VII Plate VIII; Figs. 72 to 96; Magnified 1000 Diameters. Fig. 72. Peranema trichophora ( ?) The figures at the right show the peculiar motions of the body, all of the contortions shown following each other in a few seconds, .p. 28 Fig. 73. Astasia sp. ( ?) p. 29 Fig. 74. Peranema trichophora Ehr p. 28 Fig. 75. Anisonema sp. ( ?) p. 31 Fig. 76. Anisonema obliqua (?) Stokes p. 31 Fig. 77. Hetcromita ( Bodo ) ovata Stokes p. 30 Fig. 78. Heteromita sp. ( ?) p. 30 Fig- 79- Hetcromita globosa Stokes p. 30 Fig. 80. Anisonema acinus Duj .p. 31 Fig. 81. Metanema sp. ( ?) p. 31 Figs. 82 to 85. Hetcromita variabilis Stokes p. 30 Fig. 86. Hetcromita acus Stokes p. 30 Fig. 87. Atractonema tortuosa Stokes. . p. 28 Fig. 88. Clostonema socialis Stokes p. 29 Fig. 89. Entosiphon sulcatus Duj p. 32 Fig. 90. Clostonema socialis (?) Stokes p. 29 Fig. 91. Chilomonas paramecium Ehr p. 35 Fig. 92. Salpingocca stcinii S. K p. 38 Fig- 93- Cryptoglcna pigra Ehr p. 26 Fig. 94. Hetcronema globiformis ( ?) Ehr. 94a a side view p. 32 Fig- 95- Chilomonas sp. ( ?) p. 35 Fig. 96. Bodo globosus Duj. Perhaps the same as Fig- 79 P 30 Fig- 97- Hexamitus inflatus Duj p. 36 Fig. 98. Hexamitus inflatus p. 36 Fig. 99. Crj/ptomonas ovata Eher. a, b, and c dif- ferent varieties p. 36 Fig. 100. Elvirea douce Parona p. 31 PLATE VIII Plate IX ; Figs, ioi to ii8 ; Magnified iooo Diameters. Fig. ioi. Polytoma uvella Ehr p. 35 Fig. 102. Codonosiga botrytis Clark p. 38 Fig. 103. Astasia contorta (?) Duj p. 29 Fig. 104. Synura uvella Ehr p. 37 Fig. 105. Hexamitus spiralis (?) Stokes p. 36 Fig. 106. Monosiga ovata S. K p. 38 Fig. 107. Cladonocladium umbellatum Tat p. 38 Fig. 108. Spondylomorum quaternarium Ehr. Fig. shows method of division p. 37 Fig. 109. Pandorina elegans Ehr p. 37 Fig. no. Spiromonas volubilis (?) Perty p. 31 Fig. in. Cyathomonas truncata From p. 35 Fig. 1 12. Cyathomonas sp. (?) The lower figure shows a side view p. 35 Fig. 1 1 3. Hexamitus inflatus ( ?) p. 36 Fig. 1 14. Chlorangium sp. (?).... p. 37 Fig. 1 15. Trepomonas agilis Duj p. 35 Fig. 1 16. Chlamydomonas sp. ( ?) p. 37 Fig. 1 17. Amphimonas (?) The two figures are perhaps the same p. 34 Fig. 1 18. Trichomastix sp. ( ?) p. 36 PLATE IX. Plate X; Figs. 119 to 135; Magnified 500 Diameters. Figs. 1 19 to 123 are varieties of the genus Holophrya for which no specific determinations have been made p. 43 Figs. 124 to 126 are provisionally placed in the genus Enchelys p. 44 Fig. 127. Ulotricha farcta C. & L p. 43 Fig. 128. Enchelys pupa (?) Ehr p. 44 Fig. 129. Spathidium sp. ( ?) p. 44 Fig. 130. Balantozoon agile Stokes p. 43 Fig. 13 1. Spathidium spathula Duj p. 44 Fig. 132. Holophrya ( ?) p. 43 Fig- I33- Lionotus sp. ( ?) p. 51 Fig. 134. Enchelys sp. ( ?) p. 44 Fig. 135. Mesodinium sp. ( ?) p. 51 PLATE X. Plate XI; Figs. 136 to 148; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 136. Prorodon niveus Ehr p. 45 Fig. 137. Prorodon armatus (?) C. & L. Fig. 137a shows the same animal in a different condition of food absorption p. 45 Fig. 138. Chccnia sp. ( ?) p. 43 Fig. 139. Chccnia sp. ( ?) p. 43 Fig. 140. Chccnia teres Duj p. 43 Fig. 141. Chccnia teres ( ?) p. 43 Fig. 142. Chccnia (?) p. 43 Fig. 143. Amphileptns gutta (?) Clap p. 46 Fig. 144. Prorodon griseus C. & L p. 45 Fig. 145. Trachelitis ovum Ehr p. 46 Fig. 146. Lionotus sp. ( ?) p. 51 Fig. 147. Lionotus fasciola Ehr p. 51 Fig. 148. Trachilius sp. ( ?) p. 46 PLATE XI. Plate XII ; Figs. 149 to 155; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 149. Lacrymaria olor O. F. Mull. Fig. 149a is the same animal contracted p. 45 Fig. 150. Lacrymaria sp. ( ?) p. 45 Fig. 1 5 1 . Amphileptns sp. ( ?) p. 46 Fig. 152. Lacrymaria lagenula C. & L p. 45 Fig. 153. Coleps hirtns O. F. Mull p. 42 Fig. 154. Loxodes rostrum O. F. Mull p. 52 Fig. 155. Lionotus wrzesmozvsky S. K p. 51 PLATE XII. \/r;.p- \r.' 3- ^ ", 1 J c‘: ,g%i' ;;■>•■' 'V-: -.„“T ... 155 Plate XIII; Figs. 156 to 160; Magnified 450 Diameters. Fig. 156. Trachelophyllum sp. ( ?) p. 45 Fig. 157. Dileptus monilatus Stokes p. 46 Fig. 158. Dileptus gigas (?) C. & L p. 46 Fig. 159. New genus p. 52 Fig. 160. Dileptus sp ( ?) p. 46 PLATE XIII, Plate XIV ; Figs. 161 to 173; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 161. Loxophyllum rostratum Cohn p. 46 Fig. 162. Loxophyllum sp. ( ?) p. 46 Fig. 163. Loxophyllum lamella Ehr. a, dorsal view ; b, side view p. 46 Fig. 164. Nassula sp. ( ?) p. 47 Fig. 165. Loxophyllum sp. ( ?) p. 46 Fig. 166. Chilodon caudatus Stokes p. 52 Fig. 167. N czv genus (?) 167a end view Fig. 168. Chilodon megalotrocha Stokes p. 52 Fig. 169. Nassula ornata Ehr p. 47 Fig. 170. Nassula ornata in the act of feeding p. 53 Fig. 17 1. Glaucoma scintillans Ehr p. 49 Fig. 172. Chilodon sp. ( ?) p. 52 Fig. 173. Chilodon caudatus (?) Stokes p. 52 PLATE XIV. £);o. Plate XV; Figs. 174 to 184; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 174. Chilodon cucullus Mull p. 52 Fig. 175. Dallasia frontinia Stokes p. 49 Fig. 176. Colpidium striatum Stokes p. 49 Fig. 177. Colpidium sp. ( ?) p. 49 Fig. 178. Colpidium sp. ( ?) p. 49 Fig. 179. Colpidium sp. ( ?) p. 49 Fig. 180. Chilodon vorax Stokes p. 52 Fig. 181. Uronema marina Duj p. 49 Fig. 182. Glaucoma scintillans Ehr p. 49 Fig. 183. Colpidium sp. ( ?) p. 49 Fig. 184. New genus (?). Upper figure as seen from the end, lower figure from the side p. 53 PLATE XV. Plate XVI; Fig. 185; Magnified 400 Diameters. Fig. 185. Frcntonici sp. ( ?) p. 47 PLATE XVI sliH ; ■ r». 185 ssr ' ■ y ! -A 1 || , * v ■'/ /; ■ : ,.V>v, ;'K J ■ < ' ■' .' ■ . '• ■■ •' , V ■''■ "If •ff' r ■ •■ ... ■ ,, . . . ' , <‘i' “ ■, V i '-■< . . • . . ■ V ; ' • '7-' ■■; :p ' v - : r'' • . ■ '■■■ ■' 7 'yy ■: -oy 7 v .y 7 ■ 7 : : : ■ y ; i •>'# • r!-k jv^ply y y;; r;yy7.>&'^ ■r'rr yyyyyyy^ -fs'p®,#'''' Plate XYII ; Figs. 186 to 193: Magnified 500 Diameters Fig. 186. Frontonia sp. ( ?) p. 47 Fig. 187. Colpoda sp. ( ?) p. 48 Fig. 188. Colpoda campyla Stokes p. 48 Fig. 189. Colpoda saprophylla Stokes p. 48 Fig. 190. Colpoda saprophylla ( ?) p. 48 Fig. 191. Colpoda sp. ( ?) p. 48 Fig. 192. Colpoda inHata Stokes p. 48 Fig. 193. Colpoda sp. ( ?) p. 48 PLATE XVil 187 , ? ; ^ l8£ ^1§ §m iff p- . * vHv I 189 Plate XVIII; Figs. 194 to 200; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 194. Colpidium sp. ( ?) p. 49 Fig. 195. Colpoda sp. ( ?) p. 48 Fig. 196. Colpoda cucullulus Ehr p. 48 Fig. 197. Dexiotricha plagia Stokes p. 50 Fig. 198. Frontonia sp. ( ?) p. 47 Fig. 199. Cinetochilum margareticum Ehr p. 50 Fig. 200. Microthorax side at us Ehr p. 50 PLATE XVIII - ' H : v vvft' P H bjo bio Plate XIX; Figs. 201 to 207 ; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 201. 202. 203. Fig. 204. Fig. 205. Fig. 206. Fig. 207. Paramecium bursaria Ehr p. Paramecium bursaria p. Paramecium caudatum Ehr p. Lambadion bullinum Pertv p. Colpoda sp. ( ?) p. Paramecium trichium Stokes p. Triclioda pura Ehr p. 48 48 48 50 48 48 49 PLATE XIX, Plate XX; Figs. 208 to 221; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 208. Cyclidium. a, b and c are different forms of perhaps the same species p. 51 Fig. 209. Cyclidium limetosum Stokes p. 51 Fig. 210. Urocentrum turbo Miill p. 51 Figs. 21 1 to 215 are different varieties referred to the genus Pleuronema p. 50 Fig. 216. Blepharisma sp. ( ?) p. 54 Fig. 217. Blepharisma undulans Stein p. 54 Fig. 218. Blepharisma ovata. ( Apgaria ovata of Stokes) p. 54 Fig. 219. Balantidium coli (?) C. & L p. 56 Fig. 220. Condylostoma (?) p. 54 Fig. 221. Ophryglena sp. ( ?) p. 47 PLATE XX. Plate XXI ; Figs. 222 to 230; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 222. Spirostomum teres C. & L p. 55 Fig. 223. Metopus sigmoides C. & L p. 54 Fig. 224. Metopus sigmoides p. 54 Fig. 225. Metopus sigmoides sp. ( ?) p. 54 Fig. 226. Anoplophrya sp. ( ?) p. 43 Fig. 227. Halteria grandinella O. F. Mull. Fig. 227a is the same animal in process of division p. 62 Fig. 228. Blepharisma sp. ( ?) p. 54 Fig. 229. Strombidium sp. ( ?) p. 62 Fig. 230. Halteria grandinella Mull p. 62 PLATE XXI. Plate XXII; Figs. 231 to 236; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 231. Bursaria truncatella Miill p. 55 Fig. 232. Uroleptus longicaudatus Stokes p. 58 Fig. 233. Uroleptus musculus Ehr p. 58 Fig. 234. Uroleptus musculus ( ?) p. 58 Fig. 235. Pleurotricha sp. ( ?) p. 59 Fig. 236. Stichotricha secunda Perty p. 58 PLATE XXII or. or Plate XXIII ; Figs. 237 to 239; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 237. Urostyla ( Hemicycliostyla ) trichota Stokes p. Platytrichotus opisthobolus Stokes p. Urostyla vernalis Stokes p. 58 59 53 PLATE XXIII, Plate XXIY; Figs. 240 to 244; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 240. Stent or cceruleits Ehr p. 55 Fig. 241. Urostyla trichogaster Stokes p. 58 Fig. 242. Holosticha sp. ( ?) p. 60 Fig. 243. Uroleptus dispar Stokes p. 58 Fig. 244. Holosticha vernalis Stokes p. 60 PLATE XXIV. Plate XXV ; Figs. 245 to 246; Magnified 450 Diameters. Fig. 245. Stentor polymorphic in the state of di- vision p. 55 Fig. 246. Stentor polymorphus Ehr. A widely different variety from Fig. 245 p. 55 PLATE XXV. 2^6 Plate XXVI ; Figs. 247 to 249 ; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 247. Onchodromns grandis Stein p. 59 Fig. 248. Urosoma cienkozvski (?) Kow p. 59 Fig. 249. Oxytricha pellionella Mull p. 59 PLATE XXVI. Plate XXVII ; Figs. 250 to 257; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 250. Oxytricha bifaria Stokes p. 59 Fig. 251. Oxytricha fallax Stein p. 59 Fig. 252. Oxytricha parvistyla Stokes p. 59 Fig. 253. Oxytricha parvistyla p. 59 Fig. 254. Oxytricha hymenostoma Stokes p. 59 Fig. 255. Oxytricha sp. ( ?) p. 59 Fig. 256. Oxytricha bifaria Stokes p. 59 Fig. 257. Oxytricha bifaria p. 59 PLATE XXVI! ,kjo bio .bic bjc cl _ bio 'cl .'CL Plate XXVIII ; Figs. 258 to 262 ; Magnified 500 Diameters. 258. Stylonychia pustulata, var. Ehr p. 60 259. Stylonychia notophora Stokes p. 60 260. Oxytricha agilis Stokes p. 59 261. Oxytricha sp. ( ?) p. 59 262. Histrio sp. ( ?) p. 60 263. Histrio erethisticus Stokes p. 60 264. Histrio cornplanatus (?) Stokes p. 60 265. Holosticha setigera ( ?) p. 60 PLATE XXVIII. Plate XXIX; Figs. 266 to 272; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig*. 266. Sty! onychia pustulata Ehr p. (>o Fig*. 267. Stylonychia sp. ( ?) p. 60 Fig. 268. Euplotes sp. ( ?) p. 61 Fig. 269. Stylonychia putrina Stokes p. 60 Fig. 270. Euplotes carinata Stokes p. 61 Fig. 271. Euplotes plumipes Stokes p. 61 Fig*. 272. Euplotes charon Ehr p. 61 PLATE XXIX. Plate XXX; Figs. 273 to 279; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 273. Stylonychia mytilis Mull p. 60 Figs. 274 to 277 are different forms of Vorticella. . . . p. 63 Fig. 278. Rhabdostyla brevipes ( ?) C. & L p. 64 Fig. 279. Nezv genus p. 58 Fig. 280. Aspidisca sp. ( ?) p. 61 Fig. 281. Aspidisca costata Duj p. 61 PLATE XXX. Plate XXXI; Figs. 282 to 286; Magnified 500 Diameters. Fig. 282. Stylony chia Ussieta C. & L p. 60 Figs. 283 to 286 are different forms of Vorticella. . . .p. 63 PLATE XXXI, Plate XXXII ; Figs. 287 to 292 ; Magnified 500 Diameters.* Fig. 287. Epistylis Havicans Ehr. A piece of col- on}- slightly magnified p. 64 Figs. 288 and 289 are different members of the colony of Epistylis magnified 500 diameters. Fig. 290. Pyxidium ramosum Stokes p. 64 Figs. 291 and 292 are forms of Vorticclla p. 63 * Except Fig. 287. PLATE XXXII. Plate XXXIII Figs. 293 to 298; Magnified 500 Diameters. Figs. 293 and 294 are forms of Vorticella p. 63 Fig. 295. Rhabdostyla brevipes (?) C. & L. This is certainly a different species from Fig. 278 p. 64 Fig. 296. Vorticella ' p. 63 Fig. 297. O per cul aria sp. ( ?) a is a single individ- ual, and b is the form assumed when contracted p. 65 Fig. 298. Vorticella p. 63 PLATE XXXIII. Plate XXXIV; Figs. 298 to 303; Magnified 500 Diameters.* Fig. 299. Carchcsium poly pi mini Linn. a is an expanded colony, b is a piece of a sin- gle branch magnified so as to show the ending of the individual muscles at the base of each stalk, c represents two individuals magnified 500 diameters . . . p. 64 Fig. 300. Podophrya sp. ( ?) Showing terminal cilia p. 66 Fig. 301. Trichodina pediculus Ehr p. 63 Fig. 302. Podophrya sp. ( ?) p. 66 Fig. 303. Sphccrophrya sp. ( ?) p. 65 * Except Fig. 299 a and b. PLATE XXXIV.