Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/beginnersbotany0Obailuoft pate - oe ne BEGINNERS’ BOTANY \ *; THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK + BOSTON + CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO,, Limitep LONDON + BOMBAY + CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Lp, TORONTO BOUQUET OF BEARDED WHEAT BEGINNERS BOTANY BY Eh BALLEY. AUTHORIZED BY THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR ONTARIO TORONTO tHE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED 1921 3) Sol CopyRIGHT, 1921 By THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA LTD. | PREFACE In all teaching of plants and animals to beginners, the plants themselves and the animals themselves should be made the theme, rather than any amount of definitions and of mere study in books. Books will be very useful in guiding the way, in arranging the subjects systematically, _ and in explaining obscure points; but if the pupil does not know the living and growing plants when he has completed his course in botany, he has not acquired very much that is worth the while. It is well to acquaint the beginner at first with the main features of the entire plant rather than with details of its parts. He should at once form a mental picture of what the plant is, and what are some of its broader adaptations to the life that it leads. In this book, the pupil starts with the entire branch or the entire plant. It is sometimes said that the pupil cannot grasp the idea of struggle for exist- ence until he knows the names and the uses of the different parts of the plant. This is an error, although well estab- lished in present-day methods of teaching. Another very important consideration is to adapt the statement of any fact to the understanding of a beginner. It is easy, for example, to fall into technicalities when dis. cussing osmosis; but the minute explanations would mean nothing to the beginner and their use would tend to con- fuse the picture which it is necessary to leave in the pupil’s mind. Even the use of technical forms of expression would probably not go far enough to satisfy the trained physicist. v vi PREFACE It is impossible ever to state the last thing about any proposition. All knowledge is relative. What is very elementary to one mind may be very technical and ad- vanced to another. It is neither necessary nor desirable to safeguard statements to the beginner by such qualifica- tions as will make them satisfactory to the critical expert in science. The teacher must understand that while accuracy is always essential, the degree of statement is equally important when teaching beginners. The value of biology study lies in the work with the actual objects. It is not possible to provide specimens for’ every part of the work, nor is it always desirable to do so; for the beginning pupil may not be able to interest himself in the objects, and he may become immersed in details before he has arrived at any general view or reason of the subject. Great care must be exercised that the pupil is not swamped. Mere book work or memory stuffing is useless, and it may dwarf or divert the sympathies of active young minds. The present tendency in secondary education is away from the formal technical completion of separate subjects and toward the developing of a workable training in the activities that relate the pupil to his own life. In the natural science field, the tendency is to attach less im- portance to botany and zoology as such, and to lay greater stress on the processes and adaptations of life as expressed in plants and animals. Education that is not applicable, that does not put the pupil into touch with the living know- ledge and the affairs of his time, may be of less educative value than the learning of a trade ina shop. We are begin- ning to learn that the ideals and the abilities should be developed out of the common surroundings and affairs PREFACE Vil of life rather than imposed on the pupil as a matter of abstract unrelated theory. It is much better for the beginning pupil to acquire a real conception of a few central principles and points of view respecting common forms that will enable him to tie his knowledge together and organize it and apply it, than to familiarize himself with any number of mere facts about the lower forms of life which, at the best, he can know only indirectly and remotely. If the pupil wishes to go farther in later years, he may then take up special groups and phases. CHAPTER ie 1 CONTENTS No Two PLANTS OR PARTS ARE ALIKE , 4 THE STRUGGLE TO LIVE . ; A 5 A SURVIVAL OF THE FIT : F . : A PLANT SOCIETIES ‘ 5 , - : ° THE PLANT Bopy ; 5 : ; 5 SEEDS AND GERMINATION THE Root — THE ForRMS oF Roots . THE ROOT— FUNCTION AND STRUCTURE THE STEM — KINDS AND FORMS — PRUNING THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE . : LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION LEAVES — STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY LEAVES — FUNCTION OR WORK DEPENDENT PLANTS . . : : : : WINTER AND DORMANT Bubs. % F Bub PROPAGATION A : : - f : How PLaAnts CLIMB THE FLOWER —ITs PARTS AND FORMS THE FLOWER — FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION FLOWER-CLUSTERS FRUITS : q . . A F A ; DISPERSAL OF SEEDS . 5 : : : . PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS . : 3 A STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS . ° A ; . ON fF H BEGINNERS’ BOTANY CHAPTER 1 NO TWO PLANTS OR PARTS ARE ALIFE FIG. 1.— NO Two BRANCHES ARE ALIKE. (Hemlock.) IF one compares any two plants of HOS: the same kind ever so closely, it will be found that they differ from each other. The . difference is apparent in size, form,’colour, mode of branching, number of leaves, number of flowers, vigour, season of maturity, and the like; or, in other words, all plants and animals vary from an assumed or standard type. If one compares any two branches or twigs on a tree, it wili be found that they differ in size, age, form, vigour, and in other ways (Fig. 1). If one compares any two Jeaves, it will be found that they are unlike in size, shape, colour, veining, hairiness, markings, cut of the margins, or other small features. In some cases (as in Fig. 2) the differences are so great as to be readily seen in a small black-and-white drawing. B I 2 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY If the pupil extends his observation to animals, he will still find the same truth; for probably xo two living objects are exact duplicates. If any person finds two objects that he thinks to be exactly alike, let him set to work to Fic. 2.— No Two LEAVES ARE ALIKE. discover the differences, remembering that xothing im nature is so small or apparently trivial as to be overlooked. Variation, or differences between organs and also be- tween organisms, is one of the most significant facts in nature. SuGcEsTions.—The first fact that the pupil should acquire about plants is that no two are alike. The way to apprehend this great fact is to see a plant accurately and then to compare it with NO TWO PLANTS OR PARTS ARE ALIKE 3 another plant of the same species or kind. In order to direct and concentrate the observation, it is well to set a certain number of attributes or marks or qualities to be looked for. 1. Suppose any two or more plants of corn are compared in the following points, the pupil endeavouring to determine whether the parts exactly agree. See that the observation is close and accurate. Allow no guesswork. Instruct the pupil to meas- ure the parts when size is involved. (1) Height of the plant. (2) Does it branch? How many secondary stems or from one root? (3) Shade or colour. (4) How many leaves. ‘fsuckers’ (5) Arrangement of leaves on stem. (6) Measure length and breadth of six main leaves. (7) Number and position of ears; colour of silks. (8) Size of tassel, and number and size of its branches. (9) Stage of maturity or ripeness of plant. (10) Has the plant grown symmetrically, or has it been crowded by other plants or been obliged to struggle for light or room? (11) Note all unusual or interesting marks or features. (12) Always make note of comparative vigour of the plants. Note To TEACHER. — The teacher should always insist on fer- sonal work by the pupil. Every pupil should anadle and study the object by himself. Books and pictures are merely guides and helps. So far as possible, study the plant or animal just where it grows naturally. Notebooks. — Insist that the pupils make full notes and preserve these notes in suitable books. Note-taking is a powerful aid in organizing the mental processes, and in insuring accuracy of obser- vation and record. The pupil should draw what he sees, even though he is not expert with the pencil. The drawing should not be made for looks, but to aid the pupil in his orderly study of the object ; it should be a means of self-expression. CHAPTER II THE STRUGGLE TO LIVE Every plant and animal is exposed to unfavourable con- ditions. It is obliged to contend with these conditions in order to live. No two plants or parts of plants are identically exposed to the conditions in which they live. The large branches FIG. 3.—A BATTLE FOR LIFE. in Fig. 1 probably had more room and a better exposure to light than the smaller ones. Probably no two of the leaves in Fig. 2 are equally exposed to light, or enjoy identical advantages in relation to the food that they re- ceive from the tree. Examine any tree to determine under what advantages or disadvantages any of the limbs may live. Examine similarly the different plants in a garden row (Fig. 3); or the different bushes in a thicket; or the different trees in a wood. THE STRUGGLE TO LIVE 5 The plant meets its conditions by succumbing to them (that is, by dying), or by adapting ttself to them. The tree meets the cold by ceasing its active growth, hardening its tissues, dropping its leaves. Many her- baceous or soft-stemmed plants meet the cold by dying to the ground and withdrawing all life into the root parts. Some plants meet the cold by dying outright and provid- ing abundance of seeds to perpetuate the kind next season. Fic. 4.— THE REACH FOR LIGHT OF A TREE ON THE EDGE OF A WOOD. Plants adapt themselves to light by growing toward it (Fig. 4); or by hanging their leaves in such position that they catch the light; or, in less sunny places, by expand- ing their leaf surface, or by greatly lengthening their stems so as to overtop their fellows, as do trees and vines. The adaptations of plants will afford a fertile field of study as we proceed. 6 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Struggle for existence and adaptation to conditions are among the most significant facts in nature. The sum of all the conditions in which a plant or an ani- mal is placed is called its environment, that is, its surround- ings. The environment comprises the conditions of climate, soil, moisture, exposure to light, relation to food supply, contention with other plants or animals. Zhe organism adapts itself to its environment, or else tt weakens or dates. Every weak branch or plant has undergone some hardship that it was not wholly able to withstand. SuGGESTIONS.—The pupil should study any plant, or branch of a plant, with reference to the position or condition under which it grows, and compare one plant or branch with another. With animals, it is common knowledge that every animal is alert to avoid or to escape danger, or to protect itself. 2. It is well to begin with a branch of a tree, as in Fig. 1. Note that no two parts are alike (Chap. T). Note that some are large and strong and that these stand far- thest toward light and room. Some are very small and weak, barely able to live under the competition. Some have died. The pupil can easily determine which of the dead branches perished first. He should take note of the position or place of the branch on the tree, and determine whether the greater part of the dead twigs are toward the centre of the tree top or toward the outside of it. Determine whether accident has overtaken any of the parts. 3. Let the pupil examine the top of any thick old apple tree, to see whether there is any struggle for existence and whether any limbs have perished. 4. If the pupil has access to a forest, let him determine why there are no branches on the trunks of the old trees. Examine a tree of the same kind growing in an open field. 5. A row of lettuce or other plants sown thick will soon show the competition between plants. Any fence row or weedy place will also show it. Why does the farmer destroy the weeds among the corn or potatoes? How does the florist reduce compet on ¢o ats iowest terms? what is the result? CHAPTER, IIT THE SURVIVAL OF THE FIT Tue plants that most perfectly meet their conditions are able to persist. They perpetuate themselves. ‘Vheir off- spring are likely to inherit some of the attributes that enabled them successfully to meet the battle of life. Zhe fit (those best adapted to their conditions) Zend zo survive. Adaptation to conditions depends on the fact of varia- tion; that is, if plants were perfectly rigid or invariable (all exactly alike) they could not meet new conditions. Conditions are necessarily new for every organism. /¢ is impossible to picture a perfectly inflexible and stable succes- sion of plants or animals. Breeding. — A/an 7s able to modify plants and animals. All our common domestic animals are very unlike their original ancestors. So all our common and _long-culti- vated plants have varied from their ancestors. Even in some plants that have been in cultivation less than a century the change is marked: compare the com- mon black-cap raspberry with its common wild ances- tor, or the cultivated black- Fic. 5.—DestraBLE AND UNDESIRABLE berry with the wild form. TYPES OF COTTON PLANTS. Why? By choosing seeds from a plant that pleases him, the breeder may be able, under given conditions, to produce 7 8 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY on tion. A some- what similar process pro- ceeds in wild nature, and it is then known as natural se- lection. SUGGESTIONS. —6. Every pu- pil should un- dertake at least FIG. 6.— FLAX BREEDING. A ‘sa plant grown for seed production; one simple ex- Why? DP for fibre production. periment in se- lection of seed. He may select kernels from the best plant of corn in the field, and also from the poorest plant,—having reference not so much to mere incidental size and vigour of the plants that may be due to accidental conditions in the field, as to the apparently constitutional strength and size, number of ears, size of ears, perfectness of ears and kernels, habit of the plant as to sucker- ing, and the like. The seeds may be saved and sown the next year. Every crop can no doubt be very greatly improved by a careful process of selection extending over a series of years. Crops are increased in yield or’ efficiency in three ways: better general care; enriching the land in which they grow; attention to breeding. numbers of plants with more or less of the desired quali- ties; from the best of these, he may again choose; and so until the race becomes greatly improved (Figs. 5, 6, 7). This process of continu- ously choosing the most suita- ble plants is known as selec- FIG. 7.— BREED- ING. A, effect from breed- ing from smallest grains (after four years), average head; 3B, result from breeding from the plumpest and heaviest grains (after four years), average head, CHAP PER BY. PLANT SOCIETIES In the long course of time in which plants have been accommodating themselves to the varying conditions in which they are obliged to grow, hey have become adapted to every different environment. Certain plants, therefore, may, live together or near each other, all enjoying the same general conditions and surroundings. These aggre- gations of plants that are adapted to similar general con- ditions are known as plant societies. Moisture and temperature are the leading factors in determining plant societies. The great geographical societies or aggregations of the plant world may con- veniently be associated chiefly with the moisture supply, as: wet-region societies, comprising aquatic and bog vegetation (Fig. 8); arid-region societies, comprising desert and most sand-region vegetation; wm7zd-region soctettes, comprising the mixed vegetation in intermediate regions (Fig. 9), this being the commonest type. Much of the characteristic scenery of any place is due to its plant societies. Arid-region plants usually have small and hard jieaves, apparently preventing too rapid loss of water. Usually, also, they are characterized by stiff growth, hairy covering, spines, or a much-contracted plant-body, and often by large underground parts for the storage of water. Plant societies may also be distinguished with reference to latitude and temperature. There are “vopical socteties, temperate-region societies, boreal or cold-region socteties. 9 IO BEGINNERS’ BOTANY With reference to altitude, societies might be classified as lowland (which are chiefly wet-region), zx/ermediate (chiefly mid-region), szbalpine or mid-mountain (which are chiefly boreal), a/pine or high-mountain. The above classifications have reference chiefly to great geographical floras or societies. But there are soczetzes within societies. There are small societies coming within the experience of every person who has ever seen plants Fic. 8.— A WET-REGION SOCIETY. growing in natural conditions. There are roadside, fence- row, lawn, thicket, pasture, dune, woods, cliff, barn-yard societies. Lvery different place has its characteristic vegeta- tion. Note the smaller societies in Figs. 8 and 9g. In the former is a water-lily society and a cat-tail society. In the latter there are grass and bush and woods societies. Some Details of Plant Societies. — Societies may be com- posed of scattered and intermingled plants, or of dense clumps or. groups of plants. Dense clumps or groups are usually made up of one kind of plant, and they are then PLANT SOCIETIES II called colonies. Colonies of most plants are transient: after a short time other plants gain a foothold amongst them, and an intermingled society is the outcome. Marked exceptions to this are grass colonies and forest colonies, in which one kind of plant may hold its own for years and centuries. In a large newly cleared area, plants usually first estab- lish themselves in dense colonies. Note the great patches FIG. 9.—A MID-REGION SOCIETY. of nettles, jewel-weeds, smart-weeds, clot-burs, fire-weeds in recently cleared but neglected swales, also the fire-weeds in recently burned areas, the rank weeds in the neglected garden, and the ragweeds and May-weeds along the re- cently worked highway. The competition amongst them- selves and with their neighbours finally breaks up the colonies, and a mixed and intermingled flora is generally the result. In many parts of the world the general tendency of neg- lected areas is to run into forest. All plants rush for the 12 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY cleared area. Here and there bushes gain a foothold. Young trees come up; in time these shade the bushes and gain the mastery. Sometimes the area grows to poplars or birches, and people wonder why the original forest trees do not return ; but these forest trees may be growing unob- served here and there in the tangle, and in the slow pro- cesses of time the poplars perish — for they are short-lived —and the original forest may be replaced. Whether one kind of forest or another returns will depend partly on the kinds that are most seedful in that vicinity and which, therefore, have sown themselves most profusely. Much depends, also, on the kind of undergrowth that first springs up, for some young trees can endure more or less shade than others. Some plants associate. They grow together. This is possible largely because they diverge or differ in charac- ter. Plants asso- ciate in two ways: by growing side by side; by growing above or beneath. In sparsely popu- lated societies, plants may grow alongside each other. In most cases, however, FIG, I0.— OVERGROWTH AND UNDERGROWTH IN thereis overgrowth THREE SERIES, — trees, bushes, grass. and wudergrowth : one kind grows beneath another. Plants that have be- come adapted to shade are usually undergrowths. In a cat- tail swamp, grasses and other narrow-leaved plants grow in the bottom, but they are usually unseen by the casual PLANT SOCIETIES 13 observer. Note the undergrowth in woods or under trees (Fig. 10). Observe that in pine and spruce forests there is almost no undergrowth, partly because there is very little light. On the same area the societies may differ at different times of the year. There are spring, summer, and fall soci- eties. The knoll which is cool with grass and strawber- ries in June may be aglow with goldenrod in September. If the bank is examined in May, look for the young plants that are to cover it in July and October; if in Septem- ber, find the dead stalks of the flora of May. What suc- ceeds the skunk cabbage, hepaticas, trilliums, phlox, violets, buttercups of spring? What precedes the wild sunflowers, ragweed, asters, and goldenrod of fall ? The Landscape.— To a large extent the colour of the land- scape is determined by the character of the plant societies. Evergreen societies remain green, but the shade of green varies from season to season; it is bright and soft in spring, becomes dull in midsummer and fall, and assumes a dull yellow-green or a black-green in winter. Deciduous societies vary remarkably in colour—from the dull browns and grays of winter to the brown greens and olive-greens of spring, the staid greens of summer, and the brilliant colours of autumn. The autumn colours are due to intermingled shades of green, yellow and red. The coloration varies with the kind of plant, the special location, and the season. Even in the same species or kind, individual plants differ in colour ; and this individuality usually dstinguishes the plant year by year. That is, an oak which is maroon red this autumn is likely to exhibit that range of colour every year. The au- tumn colour is associated with the natural maturity and death of the leaf, but it is most brilliant in long and open 14 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY falls — largely because the foliage ripens more gradually and persists longer in such seasons. It is probable that the autumn tints are of no utility tothe plant. Autumn colours are not caused by frost. Because of the long, dry falls and the great variety of plants, the autumnal colour of the American landscape is phenomenal. Ecology. — The study of the relationships of plants and animals to each other and to seasons and environments is known as ecology (still written @co/ogy in the dictionaries). It considers the habits, habitats, and modes of life of liv- ing things—the places in which they grow, how they migrate or are disseminated, means of collecting food, their times and seasons of flowering, producing young, and the like. SuGGESTIONS. — One of the best of all subjects for school instruc- tion in botany is the study of plant societies. It adds definiteness and zest to excursions. 7, Let each excursion be confined to one or two societies. Visit one day a swamp, another day a forest, another a pasture or meadow, another a roadside, another a weedy field, another a cliff or ravine. Visit shores whenever possible. Each pupil should be assigned a bit of ground — say 10 or 20 ft. square — for special study. He should make a list showing (1) how many kinds of plants it contains, (2) the relative abundance of each. The lists secured in different regions should be com- pared. It does not matter greatly if the pupil does not know all the plants. He may count the kinds without knowing the names. It is a good plan for the pupil to make a dried specimen of each kind for reference. The to discover why the plants grow as they do. Note what kinds of plants grow next each other; and which are undergrowth and which overgrowth ; and which are erect and which wide-spreading. Challenge every plant society. CHAPTER V THE PLANT BODY The Parts of a Plant. — Our familiar plants are made up cf several distinct parts. The most prominent of these parts are voot, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed. Familiar plants differ wonderfully in size and shape, — from fragile mushrooms, delicate waterweeds and pond-scums, to float- ing leaves, soft grasses, coarse weeds, tall bushes, slender climbers, gigantic trees, and hanging moss. The Stem Part.— In most plants there is a main central part or shaft on which the other or secondary parts are borne. This main part is the plant axis. Above ground, in most plants, the main plant axis bears the branches, leaves, and flowers ; below ground, it bears the roots. The rigid part of the plant, which persists over winter and which is left after leaves and flowers are fallen, is the framework of the plant. The framework is composed of both root and stem. When the plant is dead, the frame- work remains for a time, but it slowly decays. The dry winter stems of weeds are the framework, or skeleton of the plant (Figs. 11 and 12). The framework of trees is the most conspicuous part of the plant. The Root Part. — The root bears the stem at its apex, but otherwise it normally dears only root-branches. The stem, however, dears leaves, flowers, and fruits. Those living surfaces of the plant which are most exposed to light are green or highly coloured. The root tends to grow downward, but the stem tends to grow upward toward light 1b 16 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY and air. The plant is anchored or fixed in the soil by the roots. Plants have been called “ earth parasites.”’ The Foliage Part. — The leaves precede the flowers in point of time or life of the plant. Zhe flowers always precede the fruits and seeds. Many plants die when the © seeds have matured. The whole mass of leaves of any plant or any branch is known as its /olzage. In some cases, as in crocuses, the flowers ° seem to precede the leaves; but the leaves that made the food for these flowers grew the preceding year. The Plant Generation. — The course of a plant’s life, with all the events through which the plant naturally passes, is known as the plant’s life-history. The life-history em- FIG. 11.— PLANT OF A FIG. 12.— FRAME- braces various stages, WILD SUNFLOWER. WORK OF FIG, II. or epochs, as dormant seed, germination, growth, flowering, fruiting. Some plants run their course in a few weeks or months, and some live for centuries. The entire life-period of a plant is called a generation. It is the whole period from birth to normal death, without reference to the various stages or events through which it passes. A generation begins with ¢he young seed, not with germi- THE PLANT BODY 17 nation. Jt ends with death — that is, when no life is left in any part of the plant, and only the seed or spore remains to perpetuate the kind. In a bulbous plant, as a lily or an onion, the generation does not end until the bulb dies, even though the top is dead. When the generation is of only one season’s duration, - the plant is said to be annual. When it is of two seasons, it is biennial. Biennials usually bloom the second year. When of three or more seasons, the plant is perennial. Examples of annuals are pigweed, bean, pea, garden sun- flower; of biennials, evening primrose, mullein, teasel; of perennials, dock, most meadow grasses, cat-tail, and all shrubs and trees. Duration of the Plant Body. — Plant structures which are more or less soft and which die at the close of the season are said to be herbaceous, in contradistinction to being ligneous or woody. A plant which is herbaceous to the ground is called an herb; but an herb may have a woody or perennial root, in which case it is called an herbaceous perennial. Annual plants are classed as herbs. Examples of herbaceous perennials are buttercups, bleed- ing heart, violet, waterlily, Bermuda grass, horse-radish, dock, dandelion, goldenrod, asparagus, rhubarb, many wild sunflowers (Figs. 11, 12). Many herbaceous perennials have short generations. They become weak with one or two seasons of flowering and gradually die out. Thus, red clover usually begins to fail after the second year. Gardeners know that the best bloom of hollyhock, larkspur, pink, and many other plants, is secured when the plants are only two or three years old. Herbaceous perennials which die away each season to bulbs or tubers, are sometimes called pseud-annuals (that c 18 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY is, false annuals). Of such are lily, crocus, onion, potato, and bull nettle. True annuals reach old age the first year. Plants which are normally perennial may become annual in a shorter- season climate by being killed by frost, rather than by dying naturally at the end of a season of growth. They are cli- matic annuals. Such plants are called plur-annuals in the short-season region. Many tropical perennials are plur- Ties IN h'y; Ka FD a TACs ST Zi Fic. 13.—A SHRUB OR BUSH. Dogwood osier, annuals when grown in the north, but they are treated as true annuals because they ripen sufficient of their crop the same season in which the seeds are sown to make them worth cultivating, as tomato, red pepper, castor bean, cotton. Name several vegetables that are planted in gardens with the expectation that they will bear till frost comes. Woody or ligneous plants usually live longer than herbs. Those that remain low and produce several or THE PLANT BODY 19 many similar shoots from the base are called shrubs, as lilac, rose, elder, osier(Fig. 13). Low and thick shrubs are bushes. Plants that produce one main trunk anda more or lesselevated head are trees (Fig. 14). All shrubs and trees are perennial. Every plant makes an effort to propagate, or to perpetuate its kind; and, as far as we.can see, this is the end for which the plant itself lives. Zhe seed Ss the final pr LOSES je Ewe, oduct of Fic. 14.—A TREE. The weeping the plant. birch, % o Sys? So atta ~ SUGGESTIONS. — 8 The teacher may assign each pupil to one plant in the school yard, or field, or in a pot, and ask him to bring out the points in the lesson. 9. The teacher may put on the board the names of many common plants and ask the pupils to classify into annuals, pseud-annuals, plur-annuals (or climatic annuals), biennials, perennials, herbaceous perennials, ligneous perennials, herbs, bushes, trees. Every plant grown on the farm should be so classified: wheat, oats, corn, buckwheat, timothy, strawberry, raspberry, currant, tobacco, alfalfa, flax, crimson clover, hops, cowpea, field bean, sweet potato, peanut, radish, sugar-cane, barley, cabbage, and others. Name all the kinds of trees you know. CHAPTER VI SEEDS AND GERMINATION THE seed contains a mniature plant, or embryo. The embryo usually has three parts that have received names: the stemlet, or caulicle; the seed-leaf, or cotyledon (usually I or 2); the bud, or plumule, lying between or above the cotyledons. These parts are well seen in the common bean (Fig. 15), particu- larly when the seed has been soaked for a few hours. One of the large cotyledons — FIG. 15.- PARTS ae Z OF THE Bean, COMprising half of the bean —is shown at R, cotyledon; 0, A. The caulicle is at O. The plumule is setae shown at A. The cotyledons are attached ee: to the caulicle at /’: ¢hzs point may be taken as the first node or joint. ; The Number of Seed-leaves..— All plants having fo seed-leaves belong to the group called dicotyledons. Such seeds in many cases split readily in halves, e.g. a bean. Some plants have only ove seed-leaf in a seed. They form a group of plants called monocotyledons. Indian corn is an example of a plant with only one seed-leaf: a grain of corn does not split into ha'ves as a bean does. Seeds of the pine family contain more than two cotyledons, but for our purposes they may be associated with the dicoty- ledons, although really forming a different group. These two groups-—the dicotyledons and the mono- cotyledons — represent two great natural divisions of the vegetable kingdom. The dicotyledons contain the woody 20 SEEDS AND GERMINATION 21 bark-bearing trees and bushes (except conifers), and most of the herbs of temperate climates except the grasses, sedges, rushes, lily tribes, and orchids. The flower-parts are usually in fives or multiples of five, the leaves mostly netted-veined, the bark or rind distinct, and the stem often bearing a pith at the centre. The monocotyledons usually have the flower-parts in threes or multiples of three, the leaves long and parallel-veined, the bark not separable, . and the stem without a central pith. Every seed is provided with food to support the germinat- ing plant. Commonly this food is starch. The food may be stored zz the cotyledons, as in bean, pea, squash ; or owt- side the cotyledons, as in castor bean, pine, Indian corn. When the food is outside or around the embryo, it is usually called endosperm. Seed-coats; Markings on Seed. —The embryo and en- dosperm are inclosed within a covering made of two or more layers and known as the seed-coats. Over the point of the caulicle is a minute hole or a thin place in the coats known as the micropyle. This is the point at which Fy. 16,—ExTeR- the pollen-tube entered the forming ovule chp ai oe and through which the caulicle breaks. in germination. The micropyle is shown at J/ in Fig. 16. The scar where the seed broke from its funiculus (or stalk that attached it to its pod) is named the hilum. It occu- pies a third of the length of the bean in Fig. 16. The hilum and micropyle are always present in seeds, but they are not always close together. In many cases it is difficult to identify the micropyle in the dormant seed, but its loca- tion is at once shown by the protruding caulicle as germi- nation begins. Opposite the micropyle in the bean (at the other end of the hilum) is an elevation known as the raphe. 32 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY This is formed by a union of the funiculus, or seed-stalk, with the seed-coats, and through it food was transferred for the development of the seed, but it is now functionless. Seeds differ wonderfully in size, shape, colour, and other characteristics. They also vary in longevity. These characteristics are peculiar to the species or kind. Some seeds maintain life only a few weeks or even days, whereas others will “keep” for ten or twenty years. In special cases, seeds have retained vitality longer than this limit, but the stories that live-seeds, several thousand years old, have been taken from the wrappings of mummies are un- founded. Germination. — The embryo is not dead; it is only dor- mant. When supplied with moisture, warmth, and oxygen (azr), zt awakes and grows: this growth is germination. The embryo lives for a time on the stored food, but gradu- ally the plantlet secures a foothold in the soil and gathers food for itself. When the plantlet is finally able to shift for itself, germination ts complete. Early Stages of Seedling. — The germinating seed first absorbs water, and swells. The starchy matters gradually become soluble. The seed-coats are ruptured, the caulicle and plumule emerge. During this process the seed vespires freely, throwing off carbon dioride (CO,). The caulicle usually elongates, and from its lower end roots are emitted. The elongating caulicle is known as the hypocotyl (“below the cotyledons’’). That is, the hypocotyl is that part of the stem of the plantlet lying between the roots and the cotyledon. Zhe general direc- tion of the young hypototyl, or emerging caulicle, is down- wards. As soon as roots form, it becomes fixed and its subsequent growth tends to raise the cotyledons above the ground, as in the bean, When cotyledons rise into the SEEDS AND GERMINATION 23 air, germination is said to be epigeal (“ above the earth es Bean and pumpkin are examples. When the hypocotyl does not elongate greatly | and the cotyledons remain under ground, the germin- ation is hypogeal (‘‘be- Heath ‘the’ earth’). Pea and scarlet runner bean are examples (Fig. 48). When the germinating seed lies on a hard sur- FIG. 17. — PEA. Grotesque forms assumed face, as on closely com- when the roots cannot gain entrance to the soil, pacted soil, the hypocotyl and rootlets may not be able to secure a foothold and they assume grotesque forms (Fig. 17). Try this with peas and beans. The first internode (‘between nodes’’) above the coty- ledons is the epicotyl. It elevates the plumule into the air, and the plumutle-leaves expand into the first true leaves of the plant. These first true leaves, however, may be very unlike the later leaves in shape. Germination of Bean. — The common bean, as we have seen (Fig. 15), has cotyledons that occupy all the space == inside the seed-coats. When the hy- CBs, pocotyl, or elongated caulicle, emerges, I) the plumule-leaves have begun to en- pee eae es large, and to unfold (Fig. 18). The or Germinatinc hypocotyl elongates rapidly. One end Set agi of it is held by the roots. The other ING Cauticte anp is held by the seed-coats in the soil. che It therefore takes the form of a loop, and the central part of the loop “comes. up” first (a, Fig. 19). Presently the cotyledons come out of the seed-coats, 24 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY and the plant straightens and the cotyledons expand. These coty- ledons, or “‘ halves of the bean,” persist for some time (4, Fig. 19). They often become green and probably perform some function of foliage. Because of its large size, the Lima bean shows all these parts well. Dey og Bes Germination of Castor Bean. — BEAN. In the castor bean the hilum and micropyle are at the smaller end (Fig. 20). The bean “comes up” with a loop, which indicates that the hypocotyl FIG. 20. — SPROUT. greatly elongates. On examining germin- ING OF CASTOR : : : BEAN. ating seed, however, it will be found that the cotyledons are contained inside a fleshy body, or sac (a, Fig. 21). This sac is the endosperm. Against its inner surface the thin, veiny coty- ledons are very closely pressed, ab- FIG. 22.— CASTOR FIG. 21.— GERMINA- BEAN. FIG. 23. — GERMINATION TION OF CASTOR BEAN. Endosperm at a, a: coty- COMPLETE IN CASTOR Endosperm at a. ledons at 4. BEAN. sorbing its substance (Fig. 22). The cotyledons increase in size as they reach the air (Fig. 23), and become func- tional leaves. SEEDS AND GERMINATION 25 Germination of Monocotyledons.— Thus far we have stud. ied dicotyledonous seeds ; we may now consider the mono- cotyledonous group. Soak kernels of corn. Note that the micropyle and hilum are at the smaller end (Fig. 24). Make a longitudinal section through the narrow diameter; Fig. 25 shows it. The FIG, 25.— KERNEL FIG. 24.—SPROUT- OF INDIAN CORN. FIG. 26.—INDIAN ING INDIAN CORN, Caulicleat 6: couple: CORN. . Hilum at 4; micro- don at a; plumule Caulicle at c; roots emerging at pyle at @. at Z. m; plumule at Z. single cotyledon is at a, the caulicle at 6, the plumule at p. The cotyledon remains in the seed. The food is stored both in the cotyledon and as endosperm, chiefly the latter. The emerging shoot is the plumule, with a sheath- ing leaf (f, Fig. 26). The root is emitted from the tip of , the caulicle, c. The caulicle is held in a sheath (formed mostly from the seed-coats), and some of the roots escape through the upper end of this sheath (m, Fig. 26). The eee epicotyl elongates, particularly if Uitn the seed is planted — yi -deep’or if it-as kept for a time Fic. 27. — INDIA} : : ear ee confined: In Fig. o, plumule; x to J, epicotyl. 5 27 the epicotyl has elongated from 7 tog. The true plumule-leaf is at 0, but other leaves grow from its sheath. In Fig. 28 the roots are seen emerging from the two ends of the caulicle- 26 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY sheath, c, #; the epicotyl has grown to /; the first plu. mule-leaf is at a. In studying corn or other fruits or seeds, the pupil should note how the seeds are arranged, as on the cob. Count the rows on a corn cob. Odd or even innumber? Always the same number? The silk is the style: find where it was attached to the kernel. Did the ear. have any coverings ? Explain. Describe colours and markings of kernels of corn; and of peas, beans, castor bean. Gymnosperms. — The seeds in the pine cone, not being inclosed in a_ seed-vessel, readily fall out when the cone dries and the scales separate. Hence it is difficult to find cones with seeds in them after autumn has passed (Fig. 29). The cedar is also a gymno- sperm. Remove a scale from a FIG, 28.— GERMINATION IS COM- pine cone and draw it and PLETE. . ee i the seeds as they lie in place A; top of epicotyl; 0, plumule-leaf; m, roots; c, lower roots. on the upper side of the scale. Examine the seed, preferably with a magnifying glass. Is there a hilum? The micropyle is at the bottom or little end of the seed. Toss a seed upward into the air. Why does it fall so slowly? Can you explain the peculiar whirl- ing motion by the shape of the wing? Repeat the ex- SEEDS AND GERMINATION 2) periment in the wind. Remove the wing from a seed and toss it and an uninjured seed into the air together. What do you infer from these ex- periments ? SUGGESTIONS. — Few subjects con- nected with the study of plant-life are so useful in schoolroom demonstrations as germination. ‘The pupil should prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water them, and care for the plants. 10. Plant seeds in pots or shallow boxes. The box should not be very wide or long, and not over four inches deep. Holes may be bored in the bottom so it will not hold water. Plant a number of squash, bean, corn, pine, or other seeds about an inch deep in damp sand or pine sawdust in this box. The depth of planting should be two to four times the diameter of the seeds. Keep the sand or sawdust moist but not wet. If the class is large, use several boxes, that the supply of speci- mens may be ample. Cigar boxes and chalk boxes are excellent for individual pupils. It is well to begin the planting of seeds at least ten days in advance of the lesson, and to make four or five differ- ent plantings at intervals. A day or two Fy, 29.—ConEs oF HEM- before the study is taken up, put seeds LOCK (ABOVE), WHITE to soak in moss or cloth. The pupil PINE, PITCH PINE. then has a series from swollen seeds to complete germination, and all the steps can be made out. Dry seeds should be had for comparison. [If there.is no special room for laboratory, nor duplicate apparatus for every pupil, each ex- periment may be assigned to a committee of two pupils to watch in the schoolroom. 11. Good seeds for study are those detailed in the lesson, and buckwheat, pumpkin, cotton, morning glory, radish, four o’clock, oats, wheat. It is best to use familiar seeds of farm and garden. Make drawings and notes of all the events _in the germination. Note the effects of unusual conditions, as planting too deep and too shallow and different sides up. For hypogeal germination, use the garden pea, scarlet-runner, or Dutch ab BEGINNERS’ BOTANY ease-knife bean, acorn, horse-chestnut. Squash seeds are excellent for germination studies, because the cotyledons become green and leafy and germination is rapid. Onion is excellent, except that it germinates too slowly. In order to study the root development of germinating plantlets, it is well to provide a deeper box with a glass side against which the seeds are planted. 12. Observe the germina- tion of any common seed about the house premises. When elms, oaks, pines, or maples are abundant, the germination of their seeds may be studied in lawns and along fences. 13. When studying germina- tion the pupil should note the differences in shape and size between cotyledons and plumule leaves, and between plumule leaves and the normal leaves (Fig. 30). Make drawings. 14. Make the tests de- scribed in the introductory experiments with bean, corn, the castor bean, and other seed for starch and proteids. Test flour, oatmeal, rice, sunflower, four o’clock, various nuts, and any other seeds obtainable. Record your results by arranging the seeds in three classes, 1. Much starch (colour blackish or purple). 2. Little starch (pale blue or greenish), 3. No starch (brown or yellow). 15- Rate of growth of seedlings as affect- ed by differences in tempera- ture. Pack soft wet paper to the depth of an inch in the bottom of four glass bottles or tumblers. Put ten soaked peas or beans into each. Cover each securely and set them in places having different temperatures that vary little. (A furnace room, a room with a stove, a room without stove but reached by sunshine, an unheated room not reached by the sun). Take the temperatures occasionally with the thermometer to find difference in temperature. The tumblers in warm places should be covered very tightly to prevent the germination from being retarded by drying out. Record the number of seeds which sprout in each tumbler within 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, etc. 16. Is air necessary for the germination and growth of seed- lings? Place damp blotting paper in the bottom of a bottle and fill it three-fourths full of soaked seeds, and close it tightly with a rubber stopper or oiled cork. Prepare a ‘‘check experiment’’ by having another bottle with all conditions the same except that it is covered loosely that air may have access to it, and set the bottles side by side (why keep the bottles together?), Record results as in the FIG. 30. — MUSKMELON SEEDLINGS, with the unlike seed-leaves and true leaves. SEEDS AND GERMINATION 29 preceding experiment. 17. What is the nature of the gas given off by germinating seeds? Fill a tin box or large-necked bottle with dry beans or peas,then add water; note how much they swell. Secure two fruit jars. Fill one of them a third full of beans and keep them moist. Allow the other to remain empty. In a day or two insert a lighted splinter or taper into each. In the empty jar the taper burns: it contains oxygen. In the seed jar the taper goes out: the air has been replaced by carbon dioxide. The air in the bottle may be tested for carbon dioxide by removing some of it with a rubber bulb attached to a glass tube (or a fountain-pen filler) and bubbling it through lime water. 18. Temperature. Usually there is a percep- tible rise in temperature in a mass of germinating seeds. This rise may be. tested with a thermometer. 19. Interior of seeds. Soak seeds for twenty-four hours and remove the coat. Distinguish the embryo from the endosperm. Test with iodine. 20. Of what utility is the food in seeds? Soak some grains of corn overnight and re- move the endosperm, being. careful not to injure the fleshy cotyledon. Plant the incomplete and also some complete grains in moist sawdust and measure their growth at intervals. (Boiling the sawdust will destroy moulds and bacteria which might interfere with experiment. ) Peas or beans may be sprouted on damp blotting paper; the coty- ledons of one may be removed, and this with a normal seed equally advanced in germination may be placed on a. perforated cork floating in water in a jar so that the roots extend into the water. Their growth may be observed for several weeks. 21. Effect of darkness on seeds and seedlings. A box may be placed mouth downward over a smaller box in which seedlings are growing. The empty box should rest on half-inch blocks to allow air to reach the seedlings. Note any effects on the seedlings of this cutting off of the light. An- other box of seedlings not so covered may be used as a check. Lay a plank on green grass and after a week note the change that takes place beneath it. 22. Seedling of pine. Plant pine seeds. Notice how they emerge. Do the cotyledons stay in the ground? How many cotyledons have they? When do the cotyledons get free from the seed-coat? What is the last part of the cotyledon to become free? Where is the growing point or plumule? How many leaves appear at once? Does the new pine cone grow on old wood or on wood formed the same spring with the cone? Can you always find partly grown cones on pine trees in winter? Are pine cones when mature on two- year-old wood? How long do cones stay on a tree after the seeds have fallen out? What is the advantage of the seeds falling hefore the cones? 23. Home experiments. If desired, nearly all of the fore- 30 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY going experiments may be tried at home. The pupil can thus make the drawings for the notebook at home. Be ee toward the rind at certain places? Compare their course with the strands shown in Fig. 70. The woody strands consist chiefly of tough fibrous cells that give rigidity THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 61 and strength to the plant, and of long tubular interrupted canals that serve to convey sap upward from the root and to convey food downward from the leaves to the stem and the roots. Monocotyledons, as shown by fossils, existed before dicotyledons appeared, and it is thought that the latter were developed from ancestors of the former. It will be interesting to trace the relationship in stem structure. It will first be necessary to learn something of the structure of the wood strand. Wood Strand in Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. — Each wood strand (or 7477 DIAGRAM OF fibro-vascular bundle) consists of two — FIBRO-vascuLAR parts —the bast and the wood proper. ia aaa RooT, showing the The wood is on the side of the strand wood (*) and bast (/) separated. toward the centre of the stem and con- tains large tubular canals that take the watery sap upward from the roots. The bast is on the side toward the bark, and contains fine tubes through which diffuses the dense sap contain- ing digested food from the leaves. In the root (Fig. 71) the bast and the wood are separate, so that there are /¢wo kinds of strands. In monocotyledons, as already said, the strands (or bundles) ave FIG. 72.— PART OF CROSS-SECTION OF ROOT- STOCK OF ASPARAGUS, showing a few fibro- vascular bundles. An endogenous stem. usually scattered in the stem with no definite arrangement (Figs. 72, 73). In dicotyledons the strands, or bundles, ave arranged in a 62 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY FIG. 74. — DICOTYLEDONOUS STEM OF ONE YEAR AT LEFT WITH FIVE BUNDLES, and a two-year stem at right. o, the pith; c, the wood part; 6, the bast part; @, one year’s growth, ving. As the dicotyledonous seed germi- Fic. 73.— Tur nates, five bundles are usually formed in SCATTERED BUNDLES OR : SrRanps, in interposed monocotyledons between at a, and the bun- dies ina circle in them, and dicotyledons at 4. the multi- plication continues, in tough plants, until the bundles touch (Fig. 74, right). The inner parts thus form a ring of wood and the outer parts form the inner bark orbast. A new ring of wood or bast is formed on stems of di- cotyledons each year, and the age of a cut stem is easily determined. When cross-sections of monocotyledonous and di- cotyledonous bundles are examined under the mi- croscope, it is readily seen its hypocotyl (Fig. 74); soon five more are FIG. 75.— FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLE OF INDIAN CORN, much magnified. A, annular vessel; A’, annular or spiral vessel ; TT", thick-walled vessels; W, tracheids or woody tissue; /, sheath of fibrous tissue sur- rounding the bundle; 7, fundamental tissue or pith; S, sieve tissue; P, sieve plate; C, companion cell; /, intercellular space, formed by tearing down of adjacent cells; W’, wood parenchyma. THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 63 why dicotyledonous bundles form rings of wood and mono- cotyledonous cannot (Figs. 75 and 76). The dicotyledon- ous bundle (Fig. 76) has, running across it, a layer of brick- shaped cells called cambium, which cells are a specialized form of the parenchyma cells and retain the power of FIG. 76. — THE DICOTYLEDONOUS BUNDLE OR WOOD STRAND. Upper figure is of moonseed : ¢c,cambium; d, ducts; 1, end of first year’s growth; 2, end of second year’s growth ; bast part at left and wood part at right. Lower figure (from Wettstein) is sunflower: 4, wood- cells; g, vessels; c,cambium; Z, fundamental tissue or parenchyma; 4, bast; 6%, bast parenchyma; s, sieve-tubes. growing and multiplying. The bundles containing cam- bium are called open bundles. There is no cambium in monocotyledonous bundles (Fig. 75) and the bundles are called closed bundles. Monocotyledonous stems soon cease to grow in diameter. The stem of a palm tree is almost 64 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY as large at the top as at the base. As dicotyledonous plants grow, the stems become thicker each year, for the delicate active cambium layer forms new cells from early spring until midsummer or autumn, adding to the wood within and to the bark without. As the growth in spring is very rapid, the first wood-cells formed are much larger than the last wood-cells formed by the slow growth of the FIG. 77.— WHITE PINE STEM, 5 years old. The outermost layer is bark. late season, and the spring wood is less dense and of a lighter cclour than the summer wood; hence the time between two years’ growth is readily made out (Figs. 77 and 78). Because of the rapid growth of the cambium in spring and its consequent soft walls and fluid contents, the bark of trees ‘‘peels’’ readily at that season. Medullary Rays.— The first year’s growth in dicotyle- dons forms a woody ring which almost incloses the pith, and this is left as a small cylinder which does not grow THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 65 larger, even if; the’ tree should live’a icentury.. It sis’ not quite inclosed, however, for the narrow layers of soft cells separating the bundles remain be- tween them (Fig. 78), forming ra- diating lines called medullary rays or pith rays. The Several Plant Cells and their Functions,— In the wood there are some parenchyma cells that have thin walls still, but have lost the power of di- vision. They are now storage cells. FIG. 78. — ARRANGEMENT OF TISSUES IN ‘TWO-YEAR- There are also op Stem oF MoonsEED. wood fibres which 4, pith; 4 parenchyma. The fibro- are thick-walled vascular bundles, or wood strands, are very prominent, with FIG. 79.— MARKINGS and rigid (h, Fig. thin medullary rays between. IN CELL WALLS or Woop Fisre (6), and serve to support the sap-canals ) spiral: an annular, OF. WO0d Vessels’ (or, tracheids) ‘that. are sey sealaniorn: formed by the absorption of the end walls of upright rows of cells; the canals pass from the roots to the twigs and even to ribs of the leaves and serve to transport the root water. They are recognized (Fig. 79) by the peculiar thickening of the wall on the inner surface of the tubes, occur- ring in the form of spirals. Sometimes the whole wall is thickened except in spots called gzts (.¢, Fig. 76). These thin spots (Fig. 80) allow the sap to pass to other 4, 9.—prrs in cells or to neighbouring vessels. THE CELL WALL. The cambium, as we have seen, consists Longitudinal section of wall at 4, showing of cells whose function is growth. These _ pitborders ato, 0. F 66 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY cells are thin-walled and filled with protoplasm. During the growing season they are continually adding to the wood within and the bark with- out; hence the layer moves out- ward as it deposits the new woody layer within. The bark consists of inner or fibrous bark or new bast (these fibres in flax become linen), the green or middle bark which func- tions somewhat as the leaves, and the corky or outer bark. The common word “bark” is seen, therefore, not to represent a homogeneous or simple struc- ture, but rather a collection of FIG. 8r.— SIEVE-TUBES, 5, 5; several kinds of tissue, all sepa- pf shows a top view of a sieve-plate, ; with’ afcompanion celll aeanthes, Taune (trom sthe. wooumbenearm nies gions Sremines © by means of cambium, The new plasm is shrunken from the walls bast contains (1) the szeve-tubes cibina ae (Fig. 81) which transport the sap containing organic substances, as sugar and proteids, from the leaves to the parts needing it (s, Fig. 76). These tubes have been formed like the wood vessels, but they have sieve-plates to allow the dense organic-laden sap to pass with sufficient readiness for purposes of rapid distribu- tion. (2) There are also thick-walled dast fibres (Fig. 82) in the bast that serve for support. (3) There is also some MU parenchyma in the new bast; it is FIG. 82—THICK- WALLED BasT now in part a stcrage tissue, Some- Grits THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 67 times the walls of parenchyma cells in the cortex thicken at the corners and form érace cells (Fig. 83) (collenchyma) for support, sometimes the whole wall is thickened, form- ing grit cells or stone cells (Fig. 84; examples in tough parts of pear, or in stone of fruits). Some parts serve for Fic. 83.— CoLien- Secretions (milk, CHYMA IN WILD yosin, etc.) and JEWELWEED OR ‘TOUCH-ME-NOT (IM- PATIENS). tubes. The outer bark of old shoots consists of covky cells that protect from mechanical injury, and that contain a fatty sub- stance (suberin) impermeable to water and of service to kecp in moisture. There is sometimes a cork cambium (or phellogen) in the bark that serves to extend the bark and are called latex FIG. 84. — GRIT CELLS, keep it from splitting, thus increasing its power to protect. Transport of the ‘‘ Sap.’?—We shall soon learn that the common word “sap” does not represent a single or simple substance. We may roughly distinguish two kinds of more or less fluid contents: (1) ce voot water, sometimes called mineral sap, that is taken in by the root, containing its freight of such inorganic substances as potassium, calcium, iron, and the rest; this root water rises, we have found, zz the wood vessels, —that is, in the young or “sapwood” (p. 96); (2) the elaborated or organized materials passing back and forth, especially from the leaves, to build up tissues in all parts of the plant, some of it going down to the roots and root-hairs; this organic material is transported, as we have learned, 22 the steve-tubes of the inner bast, — that is, in the “inner bark.” Removing the bark from a trunk in 68 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY a girdle will not stop the upward rise of the root water so long as the wood remains alive; but it will stop the passage of the elaborated or food-stored materials to parts below and thus starve those parts; and if the girdle does not heal over by the deposit of new bark, the tree will in time starve to death, It will now be seen that the common practice of placing wires or hoops about trees to hold them in position or to prevent branches from falling is irrational, because such wires interpose barriers over which the fluids cannot pass; in time, as the trunk increases in diameter, the wire girdles the tree. It is much better to bolt the parts together by rods extending through the branches (Fig. 85). These bolts should fit very tight in their holes. Why? Wood.— The main stem {s ? \ /\ any NY, \ pi : or trunk, and sometimes Fic. 85.—THE WRONG WAY TO Sy Gi Ge Coen | NE larger branches, are the sources of lumber and tim- ber. Different kinds of wood have value for their special qualities. The business of raising wood, for all purposes, is known as forestry. The forest is to be considered as a crop, and the crop must be harvested, as much as corn or rice is harvested. Man is often able to grow a more pro- ductive forest than nature does. Resistance to decay gives value to wood used for shingles (cypress, heart of yellow pine) and for fence posts (szd- berry, cedar, post oak, bots a@arc, mesquite). Hardness and. strength are qualities of great value in building. Live oak is used in ships. Red oak, rock maple, THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 69 and yellow pine are used for floors. The best flooring is sawn with the straight edges of the annual rings upward; tangential sawn flooring may splinter. Chestnut is common in some parts of the country, being used for ceiling and inexpensive finishing and furniture. Locust and bors dare (osage orange) are used for hubs of wheels; bois d’arc makes a remarkably durable pavement for streets. /dony is a tropical wood used for flutes, black piano keys, and fancy articles. Ash is straight and elastic; it is used for handles for light implements. A7zckory is very strong as well as elastic, and is superior to ash for handles, spokes, and other uses where strength is wanted. Hickory is never sawn into Jumber, but is split or turned. The “second growth,” which sprouts from stumps, is most useful, as it splits readily. Fast-growing hickory in rich land is most valuable. The supply of useful hickory is being rapidly exhausted. Softness zs often important. White pine and sweet gum because of their softness and lightness are useful in box- } making. “Georgia” or southern pine is harder and stronger than white pine; it is much used for floors, ceilings, and some kinds of cabinet work. White pine is used for window- sash, doors, and moulding, and cheaper grades are used for flooring. Hemlock is the prevailing lumber in the east for the framework and clapboarding of buildings. Redwood and Douglas spruce are common building materials on the Pacific coast. Cypress is soft and resists decay and is superior to white pine for sash, doors, and posts on the outside of houses. Cedar is readily carved and has a unique use in the making of chests for clothes, aS its odour repels moths and other insects. W2z//ow is useful for bas- kets and light furniture. Passzwood or linden is used for light ceiling and sometimes for cheap floors. Whitewood 7O BEGINNERS’ BOTANY (incorrectly called poplar) is employed for wagon bodies and often for house finishing. It often resembles curly maple. Beauty of grain and polish gives wood value for furni- ture; pianos, and the like. Jahogany and white oak are most beautiful, although red oak is also used. Oak logs which are first quartered and then sawn radially expose the’ beautiful silver grain (medullary rays). Fig. 86 shows one mode of quartering. The log is quartered on the lines a, a, 6,0; then succeeding boards are cut from each quarter at I, “Hae es Say ® 2 3ete. Thencarer t\ be ), WAS AS eee the heart the better “ OO) 5 ? AS SS Se Wii bd the pen why? SS Saar gaas Ordinary boards are SS See sawn tangentially, SE PEP as c,c. Curly pine, b Jegone curly walnut, and FIG. 86.— THE MAKING CF ORDINARY BOARDS, i Sp Ki = G AND ONE WAY OF MAKING “ QUARTERED” bird's CHET ple are BOARDS. woods that owe their beauty of grain to wavy lines or buried knots. A mere stump of curly walnut is worth several hundred dollars. Such wood is sliced very thin for veneering and glued over other woods in making pianos and furniture. If the cause of wavy grain could be found out and such wood grown at will, the discovery would be very useful. JZaf/e is much used for furniture. Birch may be coloured so as very closely to represent mahogany, and it is useful for desks. Special Products cf Trees.—Cor:: from the bark of the cork oak in Spain, latex from the rubber, and sap from the THE STEM—ITS GENERAL STRUCTURE 7% sugar-maple trees, turpentine from pine, tannin from oak bark, Peruvian bark from cinchona, are all useful products. Succestions. — Parts of a rootand stem through which liquids vise. 49. Pull up a small plant with abundant leaves, cut off the root so as to leave two inches or more on the plant (or cut a leafy shoot of squash or other strong-growing coarse plant), and stand it in a bottle with a little water at the bottom which has been coloured with red ink (eosine). After three hours examine the root; make cross sections at several places. Has the water coloured the axis cylinder? ‘The cortex? What is your conclusion? Stand some cut flowers or a leafy plant with cut stem in the same solution and examine as before: conclusion? 50. Girdle a twig of a rapidly growing bush (as willow) in early spring when growth begins (a) by very carefully removing only the bark, and (4) by cutting away also the sapwood. Under which condition do the leaves wilt ? Why? 51. Stand twigs of willow in water; after roots have formed under the water, girdle the twig (in the two ways) above the roots. What happens to the roots, and why? 52. Observe the swellings on trees that have been girdled or very badly injured by wires or otherwise: where are these swellings, and why? 53. Kinds of wood. Let each pupil determine the kind of wood in the desk, the floor, the door and window casings, the doors themselves, the sash, the shingles, the fence, and in the small implements and furniture in the room; also what is the cheapest and the most expensive lumber in the community. 54. How many kinds of wood does the pupil know, and what are their chief uses? Nore To TEAcHER. — The work in this chapter is intended to be mainly descriptive, for the purpose of giving the pupil a rational conception of the main vital processes associated with the stem, in such a way that he may translate it into his daily thought. It is not intended to give advice for the use of the compound micro- scope. If the pupil is led to make a careful study of the text, draw- ings, and photographs on the preceding and the following pages, he will obtain some of the benefit of studying microscope sections without being forced to spend time in mastering microscope technique. If the school is equipped with compound microscopes, a teacher is probably chosen who has the necessary skill to manipulate them and the knowledge of anatomy and physiology that goes naturally with such work; and it would be useless to give instruction in such work in a text of this kind. The writer is of the opinion that the introduction of the compound microscope into first courses in botany has been productive of harm. Good and vital teaching demands first that the pupil have a normal, 72 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY direct, and natural relation to his subject, as he commonly meets it, that the obvious and significant features of the plant world be explained to him and be made a means of training him. ‘The beginning pupil cannot be expected to know the fundamental physiological processes, nor is it necessary that these processes should be known in order to have a point of view and trained intelligence on the things that one customarily sees. Many a pupil has had a so-called laboratory course in botany without having arrived at any real conception of what plants mean, or without having had his mind opened to any real sympathetic touch with his environment. Even if one’s knowledge be not deep or extensive, it may still be accurate as far as it goes, and his outlook on the subject may be rational. Fic. 87. — THE MANY-STEMMED THICKETS OF MANGROVE OF SOUTHERN- MOST SEACOASTS, many of the trunks being formed of aérial roots, CHAPTER) Xt LEAVES —FORM AND POSITION LEAVES may be studied from four points of view, — with reference to (1) their /inds and shapes; (2) their poszdzon, or arrangement on the plant; (3) their avzatomy, or structure ; 3: Oo s BSS T ae FIG. 88.— A SIMPLE NETTED-VEINED LEAF. (4) their function, or the work they perform. This chapter is concerned with the first @ two categories. FIG. 89.—A SIMPLE PAR- ALLEL-VEINED LEAF. Kinds. —- Leaves are simple or un- branched (Figs. 88, 89), and compound or FIG, 90.— COMPOUND OR BRANCHED LEAF OF BRAKE (a common fern). branched (Fig. 90). 73 74 BEGINNERS? BOTANY The method of compounding or branching follows the mode of veining. The veining, or venation, is of two gen- eral kinds. In some plants the main veins diverge, and there is a conspicuous net- work of smaller veins; such leaves are netted-veined. They are characteristic of the dicotyledons. In other plants the main veins are parallel, or nearly so, and there is no conspicuous network; these are parallel-veined leaves (Figs. 89, 102). These leaves are the rule in monocoty- ledonous plants. The venation of netted- veined leaves is pinnate or feather-like on micor when the veins arise from the side of a PLETE LEAVES OF continuous midrib (Fig. 91); palmate or ere digitate (hand-like) when the veins arise | from the apex of the petiole (Figs. 88, 92). If leaves were divided between the main veins, the former would be pinnately and the latter digitately compound. It is customary to speak of a leaf as compound only when the parts or branches are completely separate blades, FIG. 92. — DIGITATE-VEINED PEL- FIG. 93. — PINNATELY COMPOUND TATE LEAF OF NASTURTIUM. LEAF OF ASH. as when the division extends to the midrib (Figs. 90, 93, 94,95). The parts or branches are known as leaflets. LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION 75 Sometimes the leaflets themselves are compound, and the whole leaf is then said to be bi-compound or twice-com- FIG. 94.— DIGI- TATELY COMPOUND LEAF OF RASP- BERRY. FIG. 95.— POISON Ivy. LEAF AND FRUIT. pound (Fig. 90). Some leaves are three-compound, four- compound, or five-compound. Decompound is a general term to .expressany degree of compounding beyond twice-com- pound. Leaves that are not divided as far as to the midrib are said to be: lobed, if the openings or sinuses are not more than half the depth of the blade (Fig. 96); cleft, if the sinuses are deeper FIG. 96. — LOBED LEAF OF than the middle; SUGAR MAPLE, 76 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY parted, if the sinuses reach two thirds or more to the midrib (Fig. 97); divided, if the sinuses reach nearly or quite to the midrib. The parts are called lobes, divisions, or seg- ments, rather than leaf- Fic. 97.—DiciTaTeLy Partep Leaves lets. The leaf may be Qe SCONES, pinnately or digitately lobed, parted, cleft, or divided. A pinnately parted or cleft leaf is sometimes said to be pinnatifid. Leaves may have one or all of three parts — blade, or expanded part; pe- tiole, or stalk ; stip- ules, or “TA ~S SIN 5 SRN NS appendages Seas at the base of the ~ petiole. A leaf that hasallthreeof these parts is said to be complete (Figs. 91, aS, 106). The stipules are often green and leaflike and per- form the function Fic. 98.—Ostonc- \ ovaTE SESSILE LEAVES OF of foliage as in the Tee pea and the Japanese quince (the latter common in yards). Leaves and leaflets that have no stalks are said to be sessile (Figs. 98, 103), z.¢. sitting. Find several examples. LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION a7 The same is said of flowers and fruits. The blade of a sessile leaf may partly or _ wholly surround the stem, when it is said to be clasping. Examples: aster (Fig. 99), corn. In some cases the leaf runs down the stem, forming.a wing; such leaves are said to be decurrent (Fig. 100). When i opposite sessile leaves are joined by their Fic, 99.— Crasp- bases, they are said to be connate (Fig. 101). ING Tees WILD ASTER. Leaflets may have one or all of these three parts, but the stalks of leaflets are called petiolules and the stipules of leaflets are called stipels. The leaf of the garden bean has leaflets, peti- Hig» 2002. DE ‘olules; atid:stipels. CURRENT LEAVES OF The blade is usually attached MULLEIN. to the petiole by z¢s lower edge. In pinnate-veined leaves, the petiole seems to continue through the leaf as a midrib (Fig. 91). In some plants, however, the petiole joins the blade inside or beyond the margin (Fig. 92). Such leaves are said to be pel- tate or shield-shaped. This mode of attachment is par- ticularly common in float- ing leaves (e.g. the water lilies). Peltate leaves are usually digitate-veined. How to Tell a Leaf. —It is often difficult to distin- guishcompound leaves from FIG. to1.— TWO PAIRS OF CONNATE leafy branches, and leaflets LEAVES OF HONEYSUCKLE. 78 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY from leaves. As a rule leaves can be distinguished by the following tests: (1) Leaves are temporary structures, sooner or later falling. (2) Usually duds are borne in their axils. (3) Leaves are usually dorne at joints or nodes. (4) They arise on wood of the current years growth. (5) They have a more or less definite arrangement. When leaves fall, the twig that bore them remains; when leaflets fall, the main petiole or stalk that bore them also falls. Shapes. — Leaves and leaflets are infinitely variable in shape. Names have been given to some of the more definite or regular shapes. These names are a part of the language of bot- any. The names represent ideal or typical shapes; there are no two leaves alike and very few that perfectly con- form to the definitions. i The shapes are likened to those of familiar ob- T pe MES jects or of geometrical FIG. 102. — figures. Some of the LINEAR- commoner shapes are as ACUMINATE Lear or ‘follows (name original yy. 103. — SHORT-OBLONG Grass. = examples in each class): LEAVES OF Box. Linear, several times longer than broad, with the sides nearly or quite parallel. Spruces and most grasses are examples (Fig. 102). In linear leaves, the main veins are usually parallel to the midrib. Oblong, twice or thrice as long as broad, with the sides parallel for most of their length. Fig. 103 shows the \ short-oblong leaves of the box, a plant that is used for permanent edgings in gardens. LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION 79 Elliptic differs from the oblong in having the sides gradu- ally tapering to either end from the middle. The European beech (Fig. 104) has elliptic leaves. (This tree is often planted in this country. ) Lanceolate, four to six times longer than broad, widest below the middle, and tapering to either end. Some of the narrow-leaved willows are examples. Most of the willows and the peach have oblong-lanceolate leaves. F ELLIPTIC LEAF Spatulate, a narrow leaf that is broadest Guaeieent toward the apex. The top is usually BEECH, q rounded. FIG. 105. — OVATE SERRATE LEAF OF HIBISCUS. Fic. 106.—LeEar or APPLe, showing blade, petiole, and small narrow stipules. Ovate, shaped somewhat like the longitudinal section of an the base to the apex. This is one of the commonest egg: about twice as long as broad, tapering from near leaf forms (Figs. 105, 106). So BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Obovate, ovate inverted,— the wide part towards the apex. Leaves of mullein and leaflets of horse-chestnut and false indigo are obovate. This form is commonest in leaflets of digitate leaves: why? Reniform, kidney-shaped. This form is sometimes seen in ap wild plants, particularly in root-leaves. Leaves of wild ginger are nearly reniform. Orbicular, circular in general outline. Very few leaves are ) perfectly circular, but there are many that are nearer circular than of any other shape. (Fig. 107). FIG. 107. —ORBICULAR FIG. 108. — TRUNCATE LOBED LEAVES. LEAF OF TULIP TREE. The shape of many leaves is described in combinations of these terms: as ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate-oblong. The shape of the base and the apex of the leaf or leaflet is often characteristic. The base may be rounded (Fig. 104), tapering (Fig. 93), cordate or heart-shaped (Fig. 105), truncate or squared as if cut off. The apex may be blunt or obtuse, acute or sharp, acuminate or long-pointed, trun- cate (Fig. 108). Name examples. The shape of the margin is also characteristic of each kind of leaf. The margin is entire when it is not in- dented or cut in any way (Figs. 99, 103). When not LEAVES—FORM AND POSITION 81 entire, it may be undulate or wavy (Fig. 92), serrate or saw-toothed (Fig. 105), dentate or more coarsely notched (Fig. 95), crenate or round-toothed, lobed, and the like. Give examples. Leaves on the same plant often differ greatly in form. Observe the different shapes of leaves on the young zrowths of mulberries (Fig. 2) and wild grapes; also on vigorous squash and pumpkin vines. In some cases there may be simple and compound leaves on the same plant. This is marked in the so-called Boston ivy or ampelop- 3is (Fig. 109),.a vine that 1s used to cover brick and stone build- ings. Different degrees of cempounding, even in the same leaf, may often be found in honey locust. Remarkable dif- Fic, 109, —DirFERENT FORMS OF LEAVES ferences in forms are FROM ONE PLANT OF AMPELOPSIS. seen by comparing seed-leaves with mature leaves of any plant (Fig. 30). The Leaf and its Environment.— The form and shape of the leaf often have direct relation to the place in which the leaf grows. Floating leaves are usually expanded and fiat, and the petiole varies in length with the depth of the water. Submerged leaves are usually linear or thread- “ike, or are cut into very narrow divisions: thereby more surface is exposed, and possibly the leaves are less injured by moving water. Compare the sizes of the leaves on the ends of branches with those at the base of the G 82 BEGINNERS* LOTANY branches or in the interior of the tree top. In dense foliage masses, the petioles of the lowermost or under- most leaves ¢end to elongate —to push the leaf to the light. On the approach of winter the leaf usually ceases. to work, and dies. It may drop, when it is said to be decidu- ous; or it may remain on the plant, when it is said to be persistent. If persistent leaves remain green during the winter, the plant is said to be evergreen. Give examples in each class. Most leaves fall by breaking off at the | lower end of the petiole with a d¢stinct joint or articula- tion. There are many leaves, however, that wither and hang on the plant until torn off by the wind; of such are the leaves of grasses, sedges, lilies, orchids, and other plants of the monocotyledons. Most leaves of this char- acter are parallel-veined. Leaves also die and fall from lack of light. Observe the yellow and weak leaves in a dense tree top or in any thicket. Why do the lower leaves die on house plants? Note the carpet of needles under the pines. All ever- greens shed their leaves after a time. Counting back from the tip of a pine or spruce shoot, determine how many years the leaves persist. In some spruces a few leaves may be found on branches ten or more years old. Arrangement of Leaves. — Most leaves have a regular position or arrangement on the stem. This position or direction is determined largely by exposure to sunlight. In temperate climates they usually hang in such a way that they receive the greatest amount of light. One leaf shades another to the least possible degree. If the plant were placed in a new position with reference to light, the leaves would make an effort to turn their blades. When leaves are opposite the pairs usually alternate. That is, if one pair stands north and south, the next pair LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION 83 stands east and west. See the box-elder shoot, on the left in Fig. 110. One pair does not shade the pair beneath. The leaves are in four vertical ranks. There are several kinds of alternate arrangement. Inthe elm shoot, in Fig. 110, the third bud is vertically above the finst=i) cubis’ is\, true “no matter which bud is taken as the starting point. Draw a thread around the stem until the two buds. are joined. Set a pin at each bud. Ob- serve that two buds are passed (not counting the last) and that the thread makes one circuit of the stem. Representing the number of buds by a de- nominator, and the num- ber of circuits by a numerator, we have the FIG. 110. — PHYLLOTAXY OF Box ELDER, fraction 3, which expresses EIM, APPLE. the part of the circle that les between any two buds. That is, the buds are one half of 360 degrees apart, or 180 degrees. Looking endwise at the stem, the leaves are seen to be 2-ranked. Note that in the apple shoot (Fig. 110, right) the thread makes two circuits and five buds are passed: (wo fifths represents the divergence between the buds. The leaves are 5-ranked. Every plant has tts own arrangement of leaves. For opposite leaves, see maple, box elder, ash, lilac, honey- suckle, mint, fuchsia. For 2-ranked arrangement, see all grasses, Indian corn, basswood, elm. For 3-ranked 84 BEGINNERS’? BOTANY arrangement, see all sedges. For 5-ranked (which is one of the commonest), see apple, cherry, pear, peach, plum, poplar, willow. For 8-ranked, see holly, osage orange, some willows. More complicated arrangements occur in bulbs, house leeks, and other condensed plants. The buds or “eyes” on a potato tuber, which is an underground stem (why ?), show a spiral arrangement (Fig. 111). The arrangement of leaves on the stem ts known as phyllotaxy (literally, “leaf arrange- ment”). Make out the phyllotaxy on six different plants nearest the schoolhouse door. In some plants, several leaves occur at one level, being arranged in a circle around the stem. Such leaves are said to be verticillate, or whorled. Leaves arranged in this way are usually narrow: why? | Although a definite arrangement of leaves is the rule: in ‘most plants,“ wsssubpecrazo . modification. On shoots that receive the Fic. 11.— light only from one side or that grow in dif- eee ficult positions, fhe arrangement may not be Tato TuBER. definite. Examine shoots that grow on the Work itout under side of dense tree tops or in other par- on a fresh ; : longtuber. tially lighted positions. SuccEstions. — 55. The pupil should match leaves to determine whether any two are alike. Why? Compare leaves from the same plant in size, shape, colour, form of margin, length of petiole, venation, texture (as to thickness or thinness), stage of maturity, smoothness or hairiness. 56. Let the pupil take an average leaf from each of the first ten different kinds of plants that he meets and compare them as to the above points (in Exer-, cise 55), and also name the shapes. Determine how the various leaves resemble and differ. 57. Describe the stipules of rose, apple, fig, willow, violet, pea, or others. 58. In what part of the world are parallel-veined leaves the more common ? 59. Do LEAVES— FORM AND POSITION 85 you know of parallel-veined leaves that have lobed or dentate mar- gins? 60. What becomes of dead leaves? 61. Why is there no grass or other undergrowth under pine and spruce trees ? 62. Name several leaves that are useful for decorations. Why are they useful? 63. What trees in your vicinity are most esteemed as shade trees ? What is the character of their foliage P 64. Why are the internodes so long in water-sprouts and suckers ? 65. How do foliage characters in corn or sorghum differ when the plants are grown in rows or broadcast ? Why? 66. Why may removal of half the plants increase the yield of cotton or sugar- beets or lettuce ? 67. How do leaves curl when they wither ? Do different leaves behave differently in this respect? 68. What kinds of leaves do you know to be eaten by insects? By cattle? By horses? What kinds are used for human food? 69. How would you describe the shape of leaf of peach? apple? elm? hackberry? maple? sweet-gum? corn? wheat? cotton? hickory? cowpea? strawberry? chrysanthemum ? rose? carnation? 70. Are any of the foregoing leaves compound? How do you describe the shape of acompound leaf? 71. How many sizes of leaves do you find on the bush or tree nearest the schoolroom door? 72. How many colours or shades? 73. How many lengths of petioles? 74, Bring in all the shapes of leaves that you can find. ! “ iQ \ ub\y lig Nein Ni He ar Ses nN Aa AN a SSE PF \ Oe FIG. 112. — Cow- PEA. Describe the leaves. For what is the plant used ? CHAPTER XII LEAVES —STRUCTURE OR ANATOMY BesipEs the framework, or system of veins found in blades of all leaves, there is a soft cellular tissue called mesophyll, or leaf parenchyma, and an epidermis or skin that covers the entire outside part. Mesophyll.— The mesophyll is zot all alike or homoge- neous. The upper layer is composed of elongated cells placed perpendicular to the surface of the leaf. These are called palisade cells. These cells are usually filled with green bod- ies called chlo- rophyll grains. The grain con- tains a_ great number of chlo- & 5) yee, a © METAR) rophyll drops heh AG Oh imbedded in FIG, 113.— SECTION OF A LEAF, showing the air spaces. the protoplasm. Breathing-pore or stoma ata. The palisade cells which chiely Below the pali- contain the chlorophyll are at 6. Epidermal cells at c. sade cells is the spongy parenchyma, composed of cells more or less spher- cal in shape, irregularly arranged, and provided with many intercellular air cavities (Fig. 113). In leaves of some plants exposed to strong light there may be more than one layer of palisade cells, as in the India-rubber plant and the oleander. Ivy when grown in bright light will develop two such layers of cells, but in shaded places it may be 86 LEAVES— STRUCTURE OR ANATOMY 87 found with only one. Such plants as iris and compass plant, which have both surfaces of the leaf equally exposed to sunlight, usually have a palisade layer beneath each epidermis. Epidermis. —-The outer or epidermal cells of leaves do not bear chlorophyll, but are usually so transparent that the green mesophyll can be seen through them. They often become very thick-walled, and are in most plants devoid of all protoplasm except a thin layer lining the walls, the cavities being filled with cell sap. This sap is sometimes coloured, as in the under epidermis of begonia leaves. It is not common to find more than one layer of epidermal cells forming each surface of a leaf. The epi- dermis serves to retain motsture in the leaf and as a general protective covering. In desert plants the epidermis, as a rule, is very thick and has a dense cuticle, thereby pre- venting loss of water. There are various outgrowths of the epidermis. Hairs are the chief of these. They may be (1) simple, as on primula, geranium, negelia; (2) once branched, as on wall- flower; (3) compound, as on verbascum or mullein; (4) disk-like, as on shepherdia; (5) stellate, or star-shaped, as in certain crucifers. In some cases the hairs are glandular, as in Chinese primrose of the greenhouses (Przmula Sinensis) and certain hairs of pumpkin flowers. The hairs often protect the breathing pores, or stomates, from dust and water. Stomates (sometimes called breathing-pores) ave small openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves and soft stems thet allow the passage of air and other gases and vapours (stomate or stoma, singular; stomates or stomata, plural). They are placed near the large intercellular spaces of the mesophyll, usually in positions least affected by direct 88 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY sunlight. Fig. 114 shows the structure. There are two guard-cells at the mouth of each stomate, which may in most cases open or close the passage as the conditions of the atmosphere may require. The guard-cells contain FIG. 114. — DIAGRAM OF STOMATE FIG. 115. —STOMATE OF Ivy, OF IRIS (Osterhout). showing compound guard-cells. chlorophyll. In Fig. 115 is shown a case in which there are compound guard-cells, that of ivy. On the margins of certain leaves, as of fuchsia, impatiens, cabbage, are openings known as water-pores. Stomates are very numerous, as will be seen from the num- bers showing the pores to each square inch of leaf surface: Lower surface Upper surface CODY? sur etuine to hie gone, ate G7 OO None Elly ct eer wemesely carewiiks | Keto aaks (SOOO None Eta Cheeta epctete s30 Coen edness leat OOOO None Mistletoe series onritit) atin ven won Setliens 200 200 Tradescanitiayer yas ale alee em ee Wie; OOO 2,000 Gardeni Flag (vis). *25..9.9 2 11,572 The arrangement of stomates on the leaf differs with each kind of plant. Fig. 116 shows stomates and also the outlines of contiguous epidermal cells. The function or work of the stomates is to regulate the passage of gases into and out of the plant. The directly active organs or parts are guard-cells, on either side the opening. One FIG. 116, — STOMATES 5: 5 OF GERANIUM Lear, method of opening is as follows: The LEAVES— STRUCTURE OR ANATOMY 89 thicker walls of the guard-cells (Fig. 114) absorb water from adjacent cells, these thick walls buckle or bend and part from one another at their middles on either side the opening, causing the stomate to open, when the air gases may be taken in and the leaf gases may pass out. When moisture is reduced in the leaf tissue, the guard-cells part with some of their contents, the thick walls straighten, and the faces of the two opposite ones come together, thus closing the stomate and preventing any water vapour from pass- ing out. When a leaf is actively at work making new organic compounds, the stomates are usually open; when unfavourable condt- tions arise, they are usually closed. They also commonly close at night, when growth (or the utilizing of the new materials) is most likely to be active. It is sometimes safer to fumigate greenhouses and window gardens at night, for the noxious vapours are less likely to enter the leaf. Dust may clog or cover the stomates. Rains benefit plants by washing the leaves as well as by provid- ing moisture to the roots. FIG. 117. — LEN- Lenticels. — On the young woody twigs Sane Tae of many plants (marked in osiers, cherry, OF RED OsIER birch) there are small corky spots or eleva- ee tions known as lenticels (Fig. 117). They mark the loca- tion of some loose cork cells that function as stomates, for green shoots, as well as leaves, take in and discharge gases; that is, soft green twigs function as leaves. Under some of these twig stomates, corky material may form and the opening is torn and enlarged: ¢he Jlenticels are successors to the stomates. The stomates lie in the epi- Lote) BEGINNERS’ BOTANY dermis, but as the twig ages the epidermis perishes and the bark becomes the external layer. Gases continue to pass in and out through the lenticels, until the branch be- comes heavily covered with thick, corky bark. With the growth of the twig, the lenticel scars enlarge lengthwise or crosswise or assume other shapes, often becoming char- acteristic markings. Fibro-vascular Bundles. — We have studied the fibro- vascular bundles of stems (Chap. X). These stem bun- dles continue into the leaves, ramifying into the veins, carrying the soil water inwards and bringing, by diffusion, the elaborated food out through the sieve-cells. Cut across a petiole and notice the hard spots or areas in it; strip these parts lengthwise of the petiole. What are they? Fall of the Leaf. —In most common deciduous plants, when the season’s work for the leaf is ended, the nutritious matter may be withdrawn, and a /ayer of corky cells ts com- pleted over the surface of the stem where the leaf ts attached. The leaf soon falls. It often falls even before it is killed by frost. Deciduous leaves begin to show the surface line of articulation in the early growing season. This articula- tion may be observed at any time during the summer. The area of the twig once covered by the petioles is called the leaf-scar after the leaf has fallen. In Chap. XV are shown a number of leaf-scars. In the plane tree (sycamore or buttonwood), the leaf-scar is in the form of a ring surround- ing the bud, for the bud is covered by the hollowed end of the petiole; the leaf of sumac is similar. Examine with a hand lens leaf-scars of several woody plants. Note the number cf bundle-scars in each leaf-scar. Sections may be cut through a leaf-scar and examined with the micro- scope. Note the character of cells that cover the leaf- scar surface. LEAVES—STRUCTURE OR ANATOMY Ol Succestions. — Zo study epidermal hairs: 75. For this study, use the leaves of any hairy or woolly plant. A good hand lens will reveal the identity of many of the coarser hairs. A dissecting micro- scope will show them still better. For the study of the cell structure, a compound microscope is necessary. Cross-sections may be made so as to bring hairs on the edge of the sections; or in some cases the hairs may be peeled or scraped from the epidermis and placed in water ona slide. Make sketches of the different kinds of hairs. 76. It is good practice for the pupil to describe leaves in respect to their covering: Are they smooth on both surfaces? Or hairy? Woolly? Thickly or thinly hairy? Hairs long or short? Standing straight out or lying close to the surface of the leaf ? Simple or branched? Attached to the veins or to the plane surface? Colour? Most abundant on young leaves or old? 77. Place a hairy or woolly leaf under water. Does the hairy surface appear silvery? Why? Other questions: 78. Why is it good practice to wash the leaves of house plants? 79. Describe the leaf-scars on six kinds of plants: size, shape, colour, position with reference to the bud, bundle-scars. 80. Do you find leaf-scars on mono- cotyledonous plants—corn, cereal grains, lilies, canna, banana, palm, bamboo, green brier? 81. Note the table on page 88. Can you suggest a reason why there are equal numbers of stomates on both surfaces of leaves of tradescantia and flag, and none on upper surface of other leaves? Suppose you pick a leaf of lilac (or some larger leaf), seal the petiole with wax and then rub the under surface with vaseline ; on another leaf apply the vaseline to the upper surface ; which leaf withers first, and why? Make a similar experiment with iris or blue flag. 82. Why do leaves and shoots of house plants turn towards the light? What happens when the plants are turned around? 83. Note position of leaves of beans, clover, oxalis, alfalfa, locust, at night. CHAPTER XIII LEAVES — FUNCTION OR WORK WE have discussed (in Chap. VIII) the work or function of roots and also (in Chap. X) the function of stems. We are now ready to complete the view of the main vital activities of plants by considering the function of the green parts (leaves and young shoots). Sources of Food. — The ordinary green plant has but zo sources from which to secure food,— the air and the soil. When a plant is thoroughly dried in an oven, the water passes off ; ti7s water came from the soil. The remaining part is called the dry substance or dry matter. If the dry matter is burned in an ordinary fire, only the ash remains; this ash came from the soil. The part that passed off as gas in the burning contained the elements that came from the air, it also contained some of those that came from the soil —all those (as nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorine) that are transformed into gases by the heat of a common fire. The part that comes from the soil (the ash) is small in © amount, being considerably less than 10 per cent and sometimes less than 1 per cent. Water is the most abundant single constituent or substance of plants. Ina corn plant of the roasting-ear stage, about 80 per cent of the substance is water. A fresh turnip is over 90 per cent water. Fresh wood of the apple tree contains about 45 per cent of water. Carbon. — Carbon enters abundantly into the composition of all plants. Note what happens when a plant is burned 92 LEAVES— FUNCTION OR WORK 93 without free access of air, or smothered, as in a charcoal pit. A mass of charcoal remains, almost as large as the body of the plant. Charcoal is almost pure caréon, the ash present being so smali in proportion to the large amount of carbon that we look on the ash as an impurity. Nearly half of the dry substance of a tree is carbon. Carbon goes off as a gas when the plant is burned iu air. It does not go off alone, but in combination with oxygen in the form of carbon dioxide gas, CO,. The green plant secures its carbon from the air. In other words, much of the solid matter of the plant comes from one of the gases of the air. By volume, carbon dioxide forms only a small fraction of 1 per cent. of the ar. It would be very disastrous to animal life, however, if this percentage were much increased, for it excludes the life- giving oxygen. Carbon dioxide is often called ‘‘foul gas.”’ _Tt may accumulate in old wells, and an experienced person will not descend into such wells until they have been tested with a torch. If the air in the well will not support com- bustion,—that is, if the torch is extinguished,—it usually means that.carbon dioxide has drained into the place. The air of a closed schoolroom often contains far too much of this gas, along with little solid particles of waste matters. Carbon dioxide is often known as carbonic acid gas. Appropriation of the Carbon.—The carbon dioxide of the air readily diffuses itself into the leaves and other green parts of the plant. The leaf is delicate in texture, and when very young the air can diffuse directly into the tissues. The stomates, however, are the special inlets adapted for the admission of gases into the leaves and other green parts. Through these stomates, or diffusion-pores, the out- side air enters into the air-spaces of the plant, and is finally absorbed by the little cells containing the living matter. 94 BEGINNERS’.BOTANY Chloronyll (‘‘leaf green’’) is the agent that secures the energy by means of which carbon dioxide is utilized. This material is contained in the leaf cells in the form of grains (p. 86) ; the grains themselves are protoplasm, only the colouring matter being chlorophyll. The chlorophyll bodies or grains are often most abundant near the upper surface of the leaf, where they can secure the greatest amount. of light. Without this green colouring matter, there would be no reason for the large flat surfaces which the leaves possess, and no reason for the fact that the leaves are borne most abundantly at the ends of branches, where the light is most available. Plants with coloured leaves as coleus, have chlorophyll, but it is masked by other colouring matter. This other colouring matter is usually soluble in hot water: boil a coleus leaf and notice that it becomes green and the water becomes coloured. Plants grown in darkness are yellow and slender, and do not reach maturity. Compare the potato sprouts that have grown from a tuber lying in a dark cellar with those that have grown normally in the bright light. The shoots have become slender, and are devoid of chloro- phyll; and when the food that is stored in the tuber is exhausted these shoots will have lived useless lives. A plant that has been grown in darkness from, the seed will soon die, although for a time the little seedling will grow very tall and slender. Why? Light favours the production of chlorophyll, and the chlorophyll is the agent in the mak- ing of the organic carbon compounds. Sometimes chloro- phyll is found in buds and seeds, but in most cases these places are not perfectly dark. Notice how potato tubers de- velop chlorophyll, or become green, when exposed to light. Photosynthesis —Carbon dioxide diffuses into the leaf; during sunlight it is used, and oxygen is given of. How LEAVES—FUNCTION OK WORK 95 the carbon dioxide which is thus absorbed may be used in making an organic food is a complex question, and need not be studied here; but it may be stated that carbon dioxide and water are the constituents. Complex compounds are built up out of simpler ones. Chlorophyll absorbs certain light rays, and the energy thus directly or indirectly obtained is used by the living matter in uniting the carbon dioxide absorbed from the air with some of the water brought up from the roots. The ultimate result usually is starch. The process is obscure, but sugar is generally one step; and our first definite knowledge of the product begins when starch is deposited in the leaves. The process of using the carbon dioxide of the air has been known as carbon assimilation, but the term now most used is photosynthesis (from two Greek words meaning light and placing together.) Starch and Sugar.—All starch is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (C,H,,0;)n. The sugars and the substance of cell walls are very similar to it in composition. All these substances are called carbohydrates. In making fruit sugar from the carbon and oxygen of carbon dioxide and from the hydrogen and oxygen of the water, there is a surplus of oxygen (6 parts CO, + 6 parts H.O — C,H,,0, + 6 O,). It is this oxygen that-is given off into the air during sunlight. Digestion.—Starch is in the form of insoluble granules. When such food material is carried from one part of the plant to another for purposes of growth or storage, it is made soluble before it can be transported. When this starchy material is transferred from place to place, it is usually changed into sugar by the action of a diastase. This is a process of digestion. It is much lke the change of starchy foodstuffs to sugary foods effected by the saliva. 96 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Distribution of the Digested Food. — After being changed to the soluble form, ¢#zs material is ready to be used in growth, either in the leaf, in the stem, or in the roots. With other more complex products it is then dvstriduted throughout all the growing parts of the plant; and when passing down to the root, it seems to pass more readily through the zuzzer dark, in plants which have a defi- nite bark. This gradual down- ward diffusion through the inner bark of materials suitable for growth is the process referred to when the “descent of sap”’ is men- tioned. Starch and other products are often stored in one growing season to be used in the next sea- son. lf) axtree is constricted gor FIG. 118.—TRUNK GirpLED strangled by a wire around its By a Wines “See 8-5" trunk (Fig. 118), the digested food cannot readily pass down and it is stored above the girdle, causing an enlargement. Assimilation. — Zhe food from the air and that from the soil unite in the living tissues. The “sap” that passes upwards from the roots in the growing season is made up: largely of the soil water and the salts which have been absorbed in the diluted solutions (p. 67). This upward- moving water is conducted largely through certain tubular canals of the young wood. These cells are never continu- ous tubes from root to leaf; but the water passes readily from one cell or canal to another in its upward course. The upward-moving water gradually passes to the grow- ing parts, and everywhere in the living tissues, it is, of LEAVES— FUNCTION OR WORK 97 course,in the most intimate contact with the soluble carbo- hydrates and products of photosynthesis. In the build- ing up or reconstructive and other processes it is therefore available. We may properly conceive of certain of the simpler organic molecules as passing through a series of changes, gradually increasing in complexity. There will be formed substances containing nitrogen in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Others will contain also sulphur and phosphorus, and the various processes may be thought of as culminating in protoplasm. Pvotoplasm zs the living matter in plants. It is in the cells, and is usually semifluid. Starch is not living matter. The complex process of building up the protoplasm is called assimilation. Respiration. — Plants necd oxygen for respiration, as animals do. Ne have seen that plants need the carbon dioxide of the air. To most plants the nitrogen of the air is inert, and serves only to dilute the other elements; but the oxygen is necessary for all life. We know that all animals need this oxygen in order to breathe or respire. In fact, they have become accustomed to it in just the proportions found in the air; and this is now best for them. When animals breathe the air once, they make it foul, because they use some of the oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Likewise, a// living parts of the plant must have a constant supply of oxygen. Roots also need it, for they respire. Air goes in and out of the soil by diffusion, and as the soil is heated and cooled, causing the air to expand and contract. The oxygen passes into the air-spaces and is absorbed by the moist cell membranes. In the living cells it makes possible the formation of simpler compounds by which energy is released. This energy enables the plant to H 98 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY work and grow, and the final products of this action are carbon dioxide and water. As a result of the use of this oxygen by night and by day, plants give off carbon dioxide. Plants respire; but since they are stationary, and more or less inactive, they do not need so much oxygen as animals do, and they do not give off so much carbon dioxide. A few plants in a sleeping room need not disturb one more than a family of mice. It should be noted, however, that germina- ting seeds respire vigorously, hence they consume much oxy- gen; and opening buds and flowers are likewise active. Transpiration. — Much more water is absorbed by the roots than is used in growth, and ¢his surplus water passes Jrom the leaves into the atmosphere by an evaporation process known as transpiration. Transpiration takes place more abundantly from the under surfaces of leaves, and through the pores or stomates. A sunflower plant of the height of a man, during an active period of growth, gives off a quart of water per day. A large oak tree may transpire 150 gallons per day during the summer. For every ounce of dry matter produced, it is estimated that 15 to 25 pounds of water usually passes through the plant. When the roots fail to supply to the plant sufficient water to equalize that transpired by the leaves, the plant wilts. Transpiration from the leaves and delicate shoots is in- creased by all the conditions which increase evapora- tion, such as higher temperature, dry air, or wind. The stomata open and close, tending to regulate transpiration as the varying conditions of the atmosphere affect the moisture content of the plant. However, in periods of drought or of very hot weather, and especially during a hot wind, the closing of these stomates cannot sufficiently prevent evaporation. The roots may be very active and yet fail to absorb sufficient moisture to equalize that given LEAVES— FUNCTION OR WORK 99 off by the leaves. The plant shows the effect (how ?). On a hot dry day, note how the leaves of corn “roll”’ tow- ards afternoon. Note how fresh and vigorous the same leaves appear early the following morning. Any injury to the roots, such as a bruise, or exposure to heat, drought, or cold may cause the plant to wilt. Water is forced up by root pressure or sap pressure. (Exercise 99.) Some of the dew on the grass in the morn- ing may be the water forced up by the roots; some of it is the condensed vapour of the air. The wilting of a plant ts due to the loss of water from the cells. The cell walls are soft, and collapse. In Pig: 172, the common wild clematis A é FIG. 171. — LEAVES OF PEA, or ‘old man vine,” this 4 — very large stipules, op- mode is seen. posite leaflets, and leaflets Meiners She entire represented by tendrils. plant or shoot may wind about a support. Such a plant is a twiner. Examples are bean, hop, morning-glory, moon- flower, false bittersweet or waxwork (Ce/as¢rius), some honeysuckles, wistaria, Dutchman’s pipe, dodder. The free tip of the twining branch sweeps about in curves, much as the tendril does, until it finds support or becomes old and rigid. Each kind of plant usually coils 2 only one direction. Most plants coil against the sun, or from the observer’s left across his front to his right as he faces the plant. 132 : BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Examples are bean, morning-glory. The hop twines from the observer’s right to his left, or with the sun. FIG, 172. ~. CLEMATIS CLIMBING BY LEAF-TENDRIL. SUGGESTIONS.—136. Set the pupil to watch the behaviour of any plant that has tendrils at different stages of maturity. A vigorous cucumber plant is one of the best. Just beyond the point of a young straight tendril set a stake to compare the position of it. Note whether the tendril changes position from hour to hour or day to day. 137. Is the tip of the tendril perfectly straight? Why? Set a small stake at the end of a strong straight tendril, so that the tendril will just reach it. Watch and make drawing. 138. If a tendril does not find a support what does it do? 139. To test the movement of a free tendril draw an ink line lengthwise of it, and note whether the line remains always on the concave side or the convex side. 140. Name the tendril-bearing plants that you know. 141. Make similar observations and experiments on the tips of twining stems. 142. What twining plants do you know, and which way do they twine? 143. How does any plant that you know shoot up? 144. Does the stem of a climving plant contain more or less substance (weight) than an erect self-supporting stem of the same height? Explain, GHAPRTER. XVIIE THE FLOWER—ITS PARTS AND FORMS Tue function of the flower is to produce seed. It is probable that all its varied forms and colours contribute to this supreme end. These forms and colours please the human fancy and add to the joy of living, but the flower exists for the good of the plant, not for the good of man. The parts of the flower are of two general kinds — those that are directly concerned in the production of seeds, and those that act as covering and protecting organs. The former parts are known as the essential organs; the latter as the floral envelopes. Envelopes. — The floral envelopes usually bear a close resemblance to leaves. These envelopes are very com- monly of two series or kinds — the outer and the zzner. The outer series, known as the calyx, is usually smaller and green. It usually comprises the outer cover of the flower bud. The calyx is the lowest whorl in Fig. 173. FIG. 173.— FLOWER OF The inner series, known as the A BUTTERCUP IN SEC- TION. corolla, is usually coloured and more special or irregular in shape than the calyx. It is the showy part of the flower, as a rule. The corolla is the second or large whorl in Fig. 173. The calyx may be composed of several leaves. Each leaf is a sepal. If it is of one piece, it may be lobed or divided, in which-case the divisions are called calyx-lobes. 133 134 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY In like manner, the corolla may be composed of petals, or it may be of one piece and variously lobed. A calyx of one piece, no matter how deeply lobed, is gamosepalous. ~ A corolla of one piece is gamopetalous. When these series are of separate pieces, as in Fig. 173, the flower is said to be polysepalous and polypetalous. Sometimes both series are of separate parts, and sometimes only one of them is so formed. The floral envelopes are ho- mologous with leaves. Sepals and petals, at least when more than three or five, are in more than one whorl, and one whorl stands below another so that the parts overlap. They are borne on the expanded or thickened end of the flower stalk ; this end is the torus. In Fig. 173 all the parts are seen FIG. 174. — FLOWER OF as attached to the torus. This FUCHSIA IN SECTION. part is sometimes called the ve- ceptacle, but this word is a common-language term of several meanings, whereas torus has no other meaning. Sometimes one part is attached to another part, as in the fuchsia (Fig. 174), in which the petals are borne on the calyx-tube. Subtending Parts. — Sometimes there are /eaf-like parts just below the calyx, \ooking like a second calyx. Such parts accompany the carnation flower. These parts are bracts (bracts are small specialized leaves); and they form an involucre. We must be careful that we do not mistake them for true flower parts. Sometimes the bracts are large and petal-like, as in the great white blooms of the THE FLOWER—ITS PARTS AND FORMS 135 flowering dogwood: here the real flowers are several, small and greenish, forming a small cluster in the centre. Essential Organs. — The essential organs are of two series. The outer series is composed of the stamens. The inner series is composed of the pistils. Stamens bear the pollen, which is made up of grains or spores, each spore usually being a single plant cell. The stamen is of two parts, as is readily seen in Figs. 173, 174, the enlarged terminal part or anther, and the stalk or filament. The filament is often so short as to seem to be absent, and the anther is then said to be sessz/e. The anther bears the pollen spores. It is made up of two or four parts (known as sporangia or spore-cases), which burst and discharge the pollen. When the pollen is shed, the stamen dies. The pestil has. three parts: the lowest, or seed- bearing part, which is the ovary; the stigma at the upper extremity, which is FIG. 175. — THE STRUCTURE OF A a flattened or expanded PLUM BLossoM. surface, and usually rougn- se, sepals; #, petals; sta, stamens; 0, ovary; s, style; st, tigma. The pistil consists of ened or sticky; the stalk- the ovary, the style and the stigma. It contains the seed part. The stan:ens are like part or style, connect- g;,5ed with anthers, in which the pollen is ing the ovary and the stig- borne. The ovary, o, ripens into the fruit. ma. Sometimes the style is apparently wanting, and the stigma is said to be sessile on the ovary. These parts are shown in the fuchsia (Fig. 174). The ovary or seed vessel is at a. A long style, bearing a large stigma, projects from the flower. See also Figs. 175 and 176. Stamens and pistils probably are homologous with leaves. A pistil is sometimes conceived to represent anciently a 136 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY leaf as if rolled into a tube; and an anther, a leaf of which the edges may have been turned in on the midrib. FIG. 176. — SIMPLE PISTILS OF BUT- TERCUP, one in longitudinal sec- tion. The pistil may be of one part or com- partment, or of many parts. The different units or parts of which it is composed are carpels. Each carpel is homologous with a leaf. Each carpel bears one or more seeds. A pistil of one carpel is simple; of two or more carpels, compound. Usu- ally the structure of the pistil may be de- termined by cutting horizontally across the lower or seed- bearing part, as Figs. 177, 178 explain. A flower may contain a simple pistil (one carpel), as the pea (Fig. 177); several simple pis- ti/s (several separate carpels), as the buttercup (Fig. 176); or a compound pistil with carpels united, as the Saint John’s wort (Fig. 178) and apple. How many carpels in an apple? A peach? An okra pod? A bean pod? The seed cavity in each carpel is called a locule (Latin /ocus, a place). In these locules the seeds are borne. FIG. GARDEN PEA, the stamens being pulled down in order to dis- close it; also a section 177. — PISTIL OF showing the compartment pare Fig. 188). single (com- Fic. 178. —COMPOUND PISTIE DS ORPWAT OE: JOHN’S Wort. has 5 carpels. Conformation of the Flower.—A flower that has calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils is said to be complete (Fig. 173); all others are incomplete. In some flowers both the floral envelopes are wanting: such are naked. When one of the floral envelope series is wanting, the remaining series is said to be calyx, and the flower is therefore apetalous (without petals). The knot- It THE FLOWER—ITS PARTS AND FORMS 137 weed (Fig. 179), smartweed, buckwheat, elm are examples. Some flowers lack the pistils: these are stami- nate, whether the envelopes are missing or not. Others lack the stamens: these are pistillate. Others have neither stamens nor pistils: these are sterile (snowball and hydrangea). Those that have both stamens and pistils are per- fect, whether or not the envelopes are missing. Those that lack eitherstamens or pistils are imper- fect or diclinous. Staminate and FIG. 179. — KNOTWEED, a very common but inconspicu- pistillate flowers ous plant along hard walks and roads. Two flowers, ' enlarged, are shown at the right. These flowers are are imperfect or very small and borne in the axils of the leaves. diclinous When staminate and pistillate flowers are borne on the same plant, ¢.g. oak (Fig. 180), corn, beech, chestnut, hazel, walnut, hickory, pine, begonia (Fig. 181), watermelon, FIG. 181. — BEGONIA FIG, 180.—STAMINATE CATKINS OF FLOWERS. Oak. The pistillate flowers are in the Staminate at 4; pistil- | leaf axils, and not shown in this pic- late below, with the ture, winged ovary at B. 138 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY gourd, pumpkin, the plant is monecious (‘in one house’’). When they are on different plants, e.g. poplar, cottonwood, we 57S ay PEE SII My FIG. 182. CATKINS OF A WILLOW. A staminate flower is shown at s, and a pistillate flower at #. The staminate and pistillate are on different plants. are irregular. bois d’arc, willow (Fig. 182), the plant is dicecious (“in two houses”). Some varieties of strawberry, grape, and mul- berry are partly dicecious. Is the rose either monoecious or dicecious ? Flowers in which the parts of each series are alike are said to be regular (as in Figs. 1735. )174,. 175). paehose san which some parts are unlike other parts of the same series Their regularity may be in calyx, as in nasturtium (Fig. 183); in corolla (Figs. 184, 185); in the stamens (compare nasturtium, catnip, Fig. 185, sage); in the pistils. Irregu- larity is most frequent in the corolla. Fic. 183. — FLOWER OF GARDEN NASTURTIUM. The calyx is produced into a spur. Separate petal at a. FLOWER OF CATNIP. FIG. 184.— THE FIVE PETALS OF THE PANSY, detached to show the form. THE FLOWER—I1ITS PARTS AND FORMS 139 Various Forms of Corolla.— The corolla often assumes very definite or distinct forms, especially when gamopet- alous. It may have a long tube with a wide-flaring limb, when it is said to be funnelform, as in morning-glory and pumpkin. If the tube is very narrow and the limb stands at right angles to it, the corolla is salverform, as in phlox. If the tube is very short and the limb wide- spreading and nearly circular in outline, the corolla is rotate or wheel-shaped, as in potato. A gamopetalous corolla or gamosepalous calyx is often cleft in such way as to make two prominent parts. Such parts are said to be lipped or labiate. Each of the lips or lobes may be notched or toothed. In 5-membered flowers, the lower lip is usually 3-lobed and the upper one 2-lobed. Labiate flowers are characteristic of the mint family (Fig. 185), and the family therefore is called the Labiate. (Lit erally, labiate means merely “lipped,” without specifying the number of lips or lobes; but it is commonly used to desig- nate 2-lipped flowers.) Strongly 2-parted polypetalous flowers may be said to be labiate; but the term is often- est used for gamopetalous co- rollas. Labiate gamopetalous flowers that are closed in the throat (or entrance to the tube) are said to be grinning or personate (per- g0mate means washed)« Snap: 21S 185---PERSoNATE FLOWER 5 , OF TOADFLAX. dragon is a typical example; also toadflax or butter-and-eggs (Fig. 186), and many related plants. Personate flowers usually have defin- ite relations to insect pollination. Observe how an insect forces his head into the closed throat of the toad- ai 168X. I40 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY The peculiar flowers of the pea tribes are explained in Figs. 187, 188. Spathe Flowers.—In many plants, very simple (often naked) flowers are borne in dense, more or less fleshy spikes, and the spike is inclosed in or attended. by a leaf, sometimes corolla-like, known as a spathe. The spike of flowers is technically known as a spadix. This type of flower is characteristic of the great arum family, which is Fic. 188. — DIAGRAM OF ALFALFA FLOWER IN SECTION: C, calyx, D, standard; W, wing; K, keel; 7, sta- men-tube; /, filament of tenth stamen; X, stigma; Y,style; O, ovary; the dotted lines at FIG. 187. FLOWERS OF THE COMMON BEAN, with one flower opened (2) to show E show position of stamen-tube, when pushed the structure, upward by insects. Enlarged. chiefly tropical. _ The commonest wild representatives are Jack-in-the-pulpit, or Indian turnip, and skunk cabbage. In the former the flowers are all diclinous and naked. In the skunk cabbage all the flowers are perfect and have four se- pals. The common calla is a good example of this type of inflorescence. Composite Flowers.—The head (anthodium) or _ so- called “flower” of sunflower (Fig. 189), thistle, aster, dandelion, daisy, chrysanthemum, goldenrod, zs com- posed of several or many little flowers, or florets. These THE FLOWER—ITS PARTS AND’ FORMS I4I florets are inclosed in a more or less dense and usually green zxvolucre. In the thistle (Fig. 190) this involucre is prickly. A longitudinal section discloses the flo- rets, all attached at bot- tom to a common torus, and densely packed in the involucre. The pink tips of these florets con- stitute the showy part of the head. Each floret of the this- tle (Fig. 190) is a com- plete flower. Ata is the ovary. At 6 is a much-divided plumy calyx, known as the pappus. The corolla is long- tubed, rising above the pappus, and is enlarged and 5-lobed FIG. 189. — HEAD OF SUNFLOWER. at the top, c. The style pro- jects:at.z. “The five anthers are united about the style in a ring at @. Such anthers are said to be syngenesious. These are the various parts of the florets of the Com- positz. In some cases the pappus is in the form of barbs, bristles, or scales, and sometimes it is wanting. The pappus, as we shall see FIG. 190. — LONGITUDINAL SECTION later, assists in distributing OF THISTLE HEAD; alsoa FLorer the seed. Often the florets F THISTLE. : OR ere are notallalike. Thecorolla of those in the outer circles may be developed into a /ong, straplike, or tubular part, and the head then has the ap- 142 BEGINNERS’? BOTANY pearance of being one flower with a border of petals. Of such is the sunflower (Fig. 189), aster, bachelor’s button or cornflower, and field daisy (Fig. 211). These long corolla- limbs are called rays. In some cultivated composites, all the florets may develop rays, as in the dahlia and the chry- santhemum. In some species, as dandelion, all the florets naturally have rays. Syngenesious arrangement of an- thers is the most characteristic single feature of the composites. Double Flowers. — Under the stimulus of cultivation and increased food supply, flowers tend to become double. True doubling arises in two ways, mor- phologically : (1)s¢a- mens or pistils may produce petals (Fig. 191); (2) adventt- tious Or accessory petals may arise in the circle of petals. Both these cate- gories may be pres- FIG. 191. — PETALS ARISING FROM THE STAMI- NAL COLUMN OF HOLLYHOCK, and accessory ent in the same petals in the corolla-whorl. flower. In the full double hollyhock the petals derived from the staminal col- umn are shorter and make a rosette in the centre of. the flower. In Fig. 192 is shown the doubling of a daffodil by the modification of stamens. Other modifications of flowers are sometimes known as doubling. For example, double dahlias, chrysanthemums, and sunflowers are forms in which the disk flowers have developed rays. The snow- ball is another case. In the wild snowball the external flowers of the cluster are large and sterile. In the culti- THE FLOWER—ITS PARTS AND FORMS 143 vated plant all the flowers have become large and sterile. Hydrangea is a similar case. FIG. 192. — NARCISSUS OR DAFFODIL. Single flower at the right. SuGGcEsTIONS.—145. If the pupil has been skilfully conducted through this chapter 4y means of careful study of specimens rather than as a mere memorizing process, he will be in mood to chal- lenge any flower that he sees and to make an effort to understand it. Flowers aré endlessly modified in form; but they can be understood if the pupil looks first for the anthers and ovaries. How may anthers and ovaries always be distinguished? 146. It is excellent practice to find the flowers in plants that are commonly known by name, and to determine the main points in their struc- ture. What are the flowers in Indian corn? pumpkin or squashP celery? cabbage? potato? pea? tomato? okra? cotton? rhubarb? chestnut? wheat? oats? 147. Do all forest trees have flowers? Explain. 148. Name all the moncecious plants you know. Dicecious. 149, What plants do you know that bloom before the leaves appear? Do any bloom after the leaves fall? 150. Ex- plain the flowers of marigold, hyacinth, lettuce, clover, asparagus, garden calla, aster, locust, onion, burdock, lily-of-the-valley, crocus, Golden Glow, rudbeckia, cowpea. 151. Define a lower. Notre TO THE TEACHER.—It cannot be urged too often that the specimens themselves be studied. If this chapter becomes a mere recitation on names and definitions, the exercise will be worse than useless. Properly taught by means of the flowers themselves, the names become merely incidental and: a part of the pupil’s language, and the subject has living interest. GHAPTER? XTX THE FLOWER—FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION Fertilization. — Seeds result from the union of two ele- ments or parts. One of these elements is a cell-nucleus eee A ° o FIG. 193. — B, POLLEN escap- ing from anther; J, pollen germinating on a stigma. Enlarged. or union of a nucleus of the pollen and the nucleus of the egg-cell in the ovule, takes place. The ovule and embryo within then develops into a seed. The growth of the pollen-tube is often spoken of as germination of the pollen, but it is not germination in the sense in which the word is used when speaking of seeds. Better seeds — that is, those that produce stronger and more fruitful plants — often re- Fertilization effected between different flowers of the pollen-grain. The other ele- ment is the cell-nucleus of an egg- Cell, sborne sine the jovanyer uae pollen-grain falls on the stigma (Fig. 193). It absorbs the juices exuded by the stigma, and grows by sending out a tube (Fig. 194). This tube grows downward through the style, absorbing food as it goes, and finally reaches the egg-cell in the interior of an ovule in the ovary (Fig. 195), and fertilization, FIG. 194. — sult when the pollen comes from another flower. —& PoLiEN- GRAIN AND THE GROW: is cross-fertilization; that resulting from the ine Tusr, 144 THE FLOWER— FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 145 application of pollen to pistils in the same flower is close- fertilization or self-fertilization. It will be seen that the cross-fertilization relationship may be of many degrees— between two flowers in the same cluster, between those in different clusters on the same branch, between those on different plants. Usually fertilization takes place only between plants of the same species or kind. In many cases there is, in effect, an apparent selection of pollen when pollen from two or more sources is applied to the stigma. Sometimes the foreign pollen, if from the same kind of plant, grows, and fertiliza- tion results, while pollen from the FIG. 195.— DIAGRAM TO . : REPRESENT FERTILIZA- tive. If, however, no foreign pol- TION. same flower is less promptly effec- len is present, the pollen from the © s,stigma; s¢,style; ov, ovary; 0, ovule; %, pollen-grain; Z2, same flower may finally serve the pollen tubes ves eee cellot aa same purpose. miccopyle. In order that the pollen may grow, ¢he stigma must be ripe. At this stage the stigma is usually moist and some- times sticky. A ripe stigma is said to be receptive. The stigma may remain receptive for several hours or even days, depending on the kind of plant, the weather, and how soon pollen is received. Watch a certain flower every day to see the anther locules open and the stigma ripen. When fertilization takes place, the stigma dies. Observe, also, how soon the petals wither after the stigma has received pollen. . Pollination.—The transfer of the pollen from anther to stigma is known as pollination. The pollen may L 146 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY fall of its own weight on the adjacent stigma, or it may be carried from flower to flower by wind, insects, or other agents. There may be self-pollination or cross-pol- lination, and of course it must always precede fertilization. Usually the pollen is discharged by the burst- é ing of the anthers. The commonest method of discharge is through a s/¢¢ on either side of the anther (Fig. 193). Sometimes it discharges Pra Ue through a fore at the apex, as in azalea (Fig. Antuer or 196), rhododendron, huckleberry, wintergreen. gee In some plants a part of the anther wall raises terminal OF falls asa Zd, as in barberry (Fig. 197), blue pores. -cohosh, May apple. The opening of an anther (as also of a seed-pod) is known as dehiscence (de, from ; hisco, to gape). When an anther or seed pod opens, it is said to dehisce. Most flowers are so constructed as to increase the chances of cross-pollination. We have seen that the stigma may have the power of choosing foreign pollen. The commonest means of necessitating cross-pollina- tion is the different times of maturing of stamens and pistils in the same flower. In most cases the stamens mature first: the flower is then proterandrous. When the pistils mature first, the flower is proterogynous. (Azer, andr, is a 3 ‘ FIG. 197.-—- Greek root often used, in combinations, for sta- Barperry men, and gyze for pistil.) The difference in STAMEN, time of ripening may be an hour or two, or it Sagas may be a day. The ripening of the stamens nde. and the pistils at different times is known as dichogamy, and flowers of such character are said to be dichogamous. There is little chance for dichogamous flowers to pollinate themselves. Many flowers are zmperfectly dichogamous — THE FLOWER—FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 147 some of the anthers mature simultaneously with the pistils, so that there is chance for self-pollination in case for- eign pollen does not arrive. Even when the stigma receives pollen from its own flower, cross-fer- tilization may result. The hol- lyhock is proter- androus. Big: 198 shows a flower recently expanded. The centre is occupied. by the column of sta- mens. In Fig. 199, showing an older flower, the long FIG. 198.— FLOWER OF HOLLYHOCK; proterandrous, styles are conspicuous. Some flowers are so constructed as to prohibit self-pollt- nation. Nery irregular flowers are usually of this kind. With some of them, the petals form a sac to inclose the anthers and the pol- len cannot be shed on the stigma but is retained until a bee forces the sac open; the pollen is rubbed on the hairs of the bee and transported. FIG, 199. —OLDER FLOWER OF HOLLYHOCK, Regular flowers usu- ally depend mostly on dichogamy and the selective power of the pistil to insure crossing /lowers that are very 148 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY irregular and provided with nectar and strong perfume are usually pollinated by insects. Gaudy colours probably at- tract insects in many cases, but perfume appears to be a creater attraction. The insect vzszts the flower for the nectar (for the making of honey) and may unknowingly carry the pollen. Spurs and sacs in the flower are necta- ries (Fig. 200), but in spurless flowers the nectar is usually secreted 7” the bottom of the flower cup. This compels the insect to pass by the anther and Fic, 200.— FLower oF rub against the pollen before it reaches Bee the nectar. Sometimes the anther is a = SB ‘ SA sins G \\\ Z ZAN\\\\ a AY ut long lever poised on the middle point and the insect bumps against one end and lifts it, thus bringing the other end of the lever with the pollen sacs down on its back. Flowers that are pollinated by insects are said to be entomophilous (‘‘ insect lov- ing’). Fig.200showsa larkspur. The envelopes are separated in Fig. 201. The long spur at once suggests insect pollination. The spur is a sepal. Two hollow petals project into this spur, ap- FIG. 201. — ENVELOPES OF A parently serving to guide the LARKSPUR. There are five ’ wide sepals, the upper one be- bee’s tongue. The two smaller ing spurred. There are four petals, in front, are peculiarly small petals. coloured and perhaps serve the bee in locating the nectary. The stamens ensheath the pistils (Fig. 202). As the insect stands on the flower and thrusts its head into the centre, THE FLOWER—FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 149 the envelopes are pushed downward and outward and the pistil and stamens come in contact with its abdomen. Since the flower is proterandrous, the pollen that the pistils receive from the bee’s abdomen must come from another flower. Note a somewhat similar ar- rangement in the toadflax or butter-and- eggs. In some cases (Fig. 203) the stamens are longer than the pistil in one flower and shorter in another. If the insect visits such flowers, it gets pollen on its head from the long-stamen flower, and deposits this pollen on the stigma in the long-pistil flower. Such flowers are di- FIG. 202. — STAMENS OF LARKSPUR, sur- rounding the pistils. morphous (of two forms). If pollen from its own flower and from another flower both fall on the stigma, the proba- bilities are that the stigma will choose the foreign pollen. < N ui A FIG. 203.— DIMORPHIC FLOWERS OF PRIMROSE. Many flowers are pollinated by the wind. They are said to be anemophilous (‘‘ wind loving”’), Such flowers pro- 150 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY duce great quantities of pollen, for much of it is wasted. They usually have broad stigmas, which expose large surfaces to the wind. They are usually lacking in gaudy colours and in perfume. Grasses and pine trees are typical examples of anemophilous plants. In many cases cross-pollination is assured because the stamens and the pistils are in different flowers (diclinous). Monececious and dicecious plants may be ~ polli- ify nated by wind or . Age insects, or other < _ agents (Fig. 204). They are usually wind - pollinated, REX PD wens pa us TaN ut: LP >. although willows are often, if not mostly, _insect- pollinated. The Indian corn is a monececious plant. The staminate FIG. 204.— FLOWERS OF BLACK WALNUT: two pis- flowers are in a tillate flowers at 4, and staminate catkins at 5. f , terminal panicle (tassel). The pistillate flowers are in a dense spike (ear), inclosed in a sheath or%husk. Each “silk” is a style: Each pistillate flower produces a kernel of corn. Some- times a few pistillate flowers are borne in the tassel and a few staminate flowers on the tip of the ear. Is self-fertili- zation possible with the corn? Why does a “volunteer” stalk standing alone in a garden have only a few grains on the ear? What is the direction of the prevailing wind in summer? If only two or three rows of corn are THE FLOWER— FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 151 planted in a garden where prevailing winds occur, in which direction had they better run? Although most flowers are of such character as to insure or increase the chances of cross-pollination, there are some that absolutely forbid crossing. These flowers are usually borne beneath or on the ee ground, and they lack feo ee Ses showy colours and _ per- i \ fumes. They are known as cleistogamous flowers (meaning self-fertilizing flowers). The plant has normal showy flowers that may be insect-pol- linated, and in addition is provided with these simplified flowers. Only a few plants bear cleis- togamous flowers. Hog- peanut, common _ blue violet, fringed winter- green, and dalibarda are FIG. 205.—CoMMON BLUE VIOLET. The familiar flowers are shown, natural size. The corolla is spurred. Late in the season, this country. Fig. cleistogamous flowers are often borne on 4 the surface of the ground. A small one is 205 shows a cleistoga- shown at a. A nearly mature pod is shown mous flower of the blue at 6. Both a and @ are one third natural : size. violet at a. Above the true roots, slender stems bear these flowers, that are the best subjects in provided with a calyx, and a curving corolla which does not open. Inside are the stamens and the pistils. Late in the season the cleistogamous flowers may be found just underneath the. mould. ‘They mever vice above ground. m ne a3 en lls : ‘ The following summer one may find a seedling plant, in 152 BEGINNERS’? BOTANY some kinds of plants, with the remains of the old cleistog- amous flower still adhering to the root. Cleistogamous flowers usually appear after the showy flowers have Fic. 206.— PODS OF PEANUTS RIPENING UNDERGROUND, passed. They seem to insure a crop of seed by a method that expends little of the plant’s energy. The pupil will be interested to work out the fruiting of the pea- FIG. 207. —STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE AMONG THE APPLE FLOWERS. nut (Fig. 206). Unbaked fresh peanuts grow readily and can easily be raised in Canada. in a warm sandy garden. SUGGESTIONS. — 152. Wot all the flowers produce seeds. Note that an apple tree may bloom very full, but that only rela- tively few apples may result (Fig. 207). ore poilen is produced than ts needed to Jertilize the flowers; this increases the chances that sufficient THE FLOWER—FERTILIZATION AND POLLINA7/0N_ 153 stigmas will receive acceptable pollen to enable the plant to perpetuate its kind. At any time in summer, or even in fall, examine the apple trees carefully to determine whether any dead flowers or flower stalks still remain about the apple ; or, examine any full-blooming plant to see whether any of the flowers fail. 153. Keep watch on any plant to see whether insects visit it. What kind? When? What for? 154. Determine whether the calyx serves any purpose in protecting the flower. Very carefully remove the calyx from a bud that is normally exposed to heat and sun and rain, and see whether the flower then fares as well as others. 155. Cover a single flower on its plant with a tiny paper or muslin bag so tightly that no insect can get in. If the flower sets fruit, what do you conclude? 156, Remove carefully the corolla from a flower nearly ready to open, preferably one that has no other flowers very close to it. Watch for insects. 157. Find the nectar in any flower that youstudy. 158. Remove the stigma. What happens? 159. Which of the following plants have perfect flowers: pea, bean, pumpkin, cotton, clover, buckwheat, potato, Indian corn, peach, chestnut, hickory, watermelon, sunflower, cab- bage, rose, begonia, geranium, cucumber, calla, willow, cotton- wood, cantaloupe? What have the others? 160. On wind- pollinated plants, are either anthers or stigmas more numerous ? 161. Are very small coloured flowers usually borne singly or in clusters? 162. Why do rains at blooming time often lessen the fruit crop? 163. Of what value are bees in orchards ? 164. Zhe crossing of plants to improve varieties or to obtain new varieties. —It may be desired to perform the operation of polli- nation by hand. In order to insure the most definite results, every effort should be made rightly to apply the pollen which it is desired shall be used, and rigidly to exclude all other pollen. (a) The first requisite is to remove the anthers from the flower which it is proposed to cross, and they must be removed before the pollen has been shed. The flower-bud is therefore opened and the anthers taken out. Cut off the floral envelopes with small, sharp- pointed scissors, then cut out or pull out the anthers, leaving only the pistil untouched ; or merely open the corolla at the end and pull out the anthers with a hook or tweezers ; and this method is often the best one. It is best to delay the operation as long as possible and yet not allow the bud to open (and thereby expose the flower to foreign pollen) nor the anthers to discharge the pollen. (4) The flower must next be covered with a paper bag to prevent the access of pollen (Figs. 208, 209). If the stigma is not receptive at the time (as it usually is not), the desired pollen is not applied at once. The bag may be removed from time to time to allow of examination of the pistil, and when the stigma is mature, which is told by its glutinous or roughened appearance, 154 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY the time for pollination has come. If the bag is slightly moist- ened, it can be puckered more tightly about the stem of the plant. The time required for the stigma to mature varies from several hours to a few days. (c) When the stigma is ready, an unopened anther from the desired flower is crushed on the finger nail or a knife blade, and the pollen is rubbed on the stigma by means of a tiny brush, the point of a knife blade, or a sliver of wood. The FIG. 208.— A PAPER BAG, FIG. 209.— THE BAG TIED with string inserted. OVER A FLOWER. flower is again covered with the bag, which is allowed to remain for several days until all danger of other pollination is past. Care must be taken completely to cover the stigmatic surface with pollen, if possible. ‘The seeds produced by a crossed flower pro- duce hybrids, or plants having parents belonging to different varieties or species. 165. One of the means of securing new forms of plants is by making hybrids. Why Pe Fic. 210. — The fig is a hol'!ow torus with flowers borne on the inside, and pollinated by insects that en er at the apex. CHAPTER. 2x FLOWER-CLUSTERS Origin of the Flower-cluster.— We have seen that branches arise from the axils of leaves. Sometimes the leaves may be reduced to bracts and yet branches are borne in their axils. Some of the branches grow into long limbs; others be- come short spurs; others bear flowers. In fact, a flower is it- self a specialized branch. Flowers are usually borne near the top of the plant. Often they are produced in great num- bers. It results, therefore, that flower branches usually stand close together, forming a clus- ter. The shape and the arrange- ment of the flower-cluster affer with the kind of plant, since each plant has its own mode of branching. Certain definite or well-marked types of flower-clusters have re- ceived names. Some of these names we shall discuss, but the FIG, 211. — TERMINAL FLOWERS OF THE WHITEWEED (in some places called ox-eye daisy). flower-clusters that perfectly match the definitions are the exception rather than the rule. 155 The determining of the 156 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY kir 4s of flower-clusters is one of the most perplexing stb- jects in descriptive botany. We may classify the subject aronnd three ideas: solitary flowers, centrifugal or deter- minate clusters, centripetal or indeterminate clusters. Solitary Flowers.—In many cases flowers are borne singly; they are separated from other flowers by leaves. They are then said to be solitary. The solitary flower may be either at the end of the main shoot or axis (Fig. 211), when it is said to be terminal ; or from the side of the shoot (Fig. 212), when it is said to be lateral or axillary. Centripetal Clusters. — If the flower-bearing axils were rather close together, an open or leafy flower-cluster might result. If the plant continues to grow from the tip, the older flowers are left farther and farther behind. If the cluster were so short as to be FIG. 212.— LATERAL FLOWER OF AN ABUTILON. A greenhouse flat or convex on top, the out- plant. ermost flowers would be the older. A flower-cluster in which the lower or outer flowers open first is said to be a centripetal cluster. It is some- times said to be an indeterminate cluster, since it is the result of a type of growth which may go on more or less continuously from the apex. The simplest form of a definite centripetal cluster is a raceme, which is an open elongated cluster in which the flowers are borne singly on very short branches and open from below (that is, from the older part of the shoot) FLOWER-CLUSTERS 157 upwards (Fig. 213). The raceme may be zermznaé to the main branch; or it may be /azera/ to it, as in Fig. 214 Racemes often bear the flowers on one side of NG NANNY AXP 7 ~ AW Wie),s ‘ is EAN wW HD the stem, thus form XM ing a single row. When a cen- tripetal flower- yn cluster is long Ay" and dense and the flowers are sessile or nearly so, it is called a spike (Fig. 215). Common examples of spikes are plantain, migno- “| | SA Cd PASS QQ . ANN \\\ Sy) SSA) <\ I OSs nette, mullein. A very short and dense spike is a head. Clover. (Fig? '216)°1s a goodexample. The sunflower: and related FIG, 213.— RACEME OF CURRANT. plants bear many Terminal or lateral ? small flowers in a very dense and often flat head. Note that in the sunflower (Fig. 189) the outside or exterior flowers FIG, 215.— SPIKE OF Fic. 214. — LATERAL RACEMES (in fruit) OF BARBERRY. PLANTAIN, 158 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY open first. Another special form of spike is the catkin, which usually has scaly bracts, the whole cluster being deciduous after flowering or fruiting, and the flowers (in typical cases) having only stamens or pistils. Examples are the “pussies” of willows (Fig. 182) and flower-clusters of oak (Fig. 180), walnuts (Fig. 204), poplars. FIG. 216.— HEAD OF CLO- FIG. 217.—-CORYMB OF CANDY- VER BLOSSOMS. TUFT. When a loose, elongated centripetal flower-cluster has some primary branches simple, and others irregularly branched, it is called a panicle. It is a branching raceme. Because of the earlier growth of the lower branches, the panicle is usually broadest at the base or conical in outline. True panicles are not very common. When an indeterminate flower-cluster is short, so that FLOWER-CLUSTERS [59 the top ts convex or flat, it is a corymb (Fig. 217). The outermost flowers open first. Centripetal flower-clusters are sometimes said to be corymbose in mode. When the branches of an indeterminate cluster arzse from a common point, like the frame of an umbrella, the cluster is an umbel (Fig. 218). Typical umbels occur in carrot, parsnip, caraway, and other plants of the parsley family: the family is known as the Umbelliferae, or umbel-bearing FIG. 218. — REMAINS OF A LAST YEAR’S UMBEL OF WILD CARROT. family. In the carrot and many other Umbelliferz, there are small or secondary umbels, called umbellets, at the end of each of the main branches. (In the centre of the wild carrot umbel one often finds a single, blackish, often aborted flower, comprising a 1I-flowered umbellet.) Centrifugal or Determinate Clusters. — When the ter- minal or central flower opens first, the cluster is said to be centrifugal. The growth of the shoot or cluster is deter- minate, since the length is definitely determined or stopped by the terminal flower. Fig. 219 shows a determinate or centrifugal mode of flower bearing. 160 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Dense centrifugal clusters are usually flattish on top because of the cessation of growth in the main or central axis. These com- pact flower-clusters are known as cymes. Centrifugal clusters are sometimes said to be cymose in mode. Apples, pears (Fig. 220), and elders bear flowers in cymes. Some cyme-forms are like umbels in general appear- ance. A head-like cymose clus- ter is a glomerule; it blooms from the top downwards rather than from the base upwards. Mixed Clusters. — Often the cluster is mixed, being determi- FIG. 219.— DETERMINATE OR ; : ; CYMOsE ARRANGEMENT.— Nate in one part and indeterminate eae in another part of the same clus- ter. The main cluster may be indeterminate, but the branches determinate. The cluster has the appearance of a panicle, and is usually so called, but it is really a thyrse. Lilac is a familiar example of a thyrse. In some cases the main cluster is determinate and the branches are indeterminate, as in hydrangea and elder. Inflorescence. — The mode or method of flower arrangement is known as the inflorescence. That ie. oo0.—CymeE or PEAR. is, the inflorescence is cymose, co- Often imperfect. rymbose, paniculate, spicate, solitary, determinate, inde- terminate. By custom, however, the word “inflorescence ” FLOWER-CLUSTERS 161 ms eran har 2 oA FiG. 221.— FORMS OF CENTRIPETAL FLOWER-CLUSTERS, I, raceme; 2, spike; 3, umbel; 4, head or anthodium; 5, corymb. FIG, 222, — CENTRIPETAL INFLORESCENCE, continued. 6, spadix; 7, compound umbel; 8, catkin. 9 > FIG, 223. — CENTRIFUGAL INFLORESCENCE. 1,cyme; 2, scirpioid raceme (or half cyme), t62 BEGINNERS’ BUTANY has come to be used in works on descriptive botany for the flower-cluster itself. Thus a cyme or a panicle may be called an inflorescence. It will be seen that even solitary flowers follow either indeterminate or determinate methods of branching. The flower-stem.— The stem of a solitary flower is known as a peduncle; also the general stem of a flower- cluster. The stem of the individual flower in a cluster is a pedicel. In the so-called stemless: plants the peduncle may arise directly from the ground, or crown of the plant, as in dandelion, hyacinth, garden daisy; this kind of peduncle is called a scape. A scape may bear one or many flowers. It has no foliage leaves, but it may have bracts. SUGGESTIONS. —166. Name six columns in your notebook as follows: spike, raceme, corymb, umbel, cyme, solitary. Write each of the following in its appropriate column: larkspur, grape, rose, wistaria, onion, bridal wreath, banana, hydrangea, phlox, China berry, lily-of-the-valley, Spanish dagger (or yucca), sorghum, tuberose, hyacinth, mustard, goldenrod, peach, hollyhock, mul- lein, crépe myrtle, locust, narcissus, snapdragon, peppergrass, shepherd’s purse, coxcomb, wheat, hawthorn, geranium, carrot, elder, millet, dogwood, castor bean ; substitute others for plants that do not grow in your region. 167. In the study of flower- clusters, it is well to choose first those that are fairly typical of the various classes discussed in the preceding paragraphs. As soon as the main types are well fixed in the mind, random clusters should be examined, for the pupil must never receive the impres- sion that all flower-clusters follow the definitions in books. Clus- ters of some of the commonest plants are very puzzling, but the pupil should at least be able to discover whether the inflorescence is determinate or indeterminate. Figures 221 to 223 illustrate the theoretical modes of inflorescence. The numerals indicate the order of opening. CHAPTER (XX! FRUITS THE ripened ovary, with its attachments, is known as the fruit. /¢ contains the seeds. If the pistil is simple, or of one carpel, the fruit also will have one com- partment. If the pistil is compound, or of more than one carpel, the fruit usually has an equal number of com- partments. The com- partments in pistil and fruit are known as lo- cules (from Latin /ocus, meaning “a place’’). The simplest kind of fruit is a rzpened 1-loculed ovary. “The first stage in complex- ity is a ripened 2- or FIG. 224.— DENTARIA, OR TOOTH-WORT, in fruit. many-loculed ovary. Nery complex forms may arise by the attachment of other parts to the ovary. Sometimes the style persists and becomes a beak (mustard pods, dentaria, Fig. 224), or a tail as in clematis; or the calyx may be attached to the ovary; or the ovary may be embedded in the receptacle, and ovary and receptacle together consti- tute the fruit: or an involucre may become a part of the 163 I 64 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY fruit, as possibly in the walnut and the hickory (Fig. 225), and the cup of the acorn (Fig. 226). The chestnut and the beech bear a prickly involucre, but the nuts, : a, y FIG, 225. — HICKORY-NUT. FIG, 226.— LIVE-OAK ACORN. The nut is the fruit, con- The fruit is the “seed” part; tained in a husk. the involucre is the ‘‘ cup.” or true fruits, are not grown fast to it, and the involucre can scarcely be called a part of the fruit. A ripened ovary is a pericarp. A pericarp to which other parts adhere has been called an accessory or reénforced fruit. (Page 169.) Some fruits are dehiscent, or split open at maturity and liberate the seeds; others are indehiscent, or do not open. A dehiscent pericarp is called a / pod. The parts into which such a pod breaks or splits are known as valves. In inde- hiscent fruits the seed is liberated by the decay of the envelope, or by the rupturing of the envelope i - FIG, 228. — KEY FIG. 227. KEY OF by the germinating seed. oF COMMON SUGAR MAPLE, Indehiscent winged peri- AMERICAN ELM, carps are known as samaras or key fruits. Maple (Fig. 227), elm (Fig. 228), and ash (Fig. 93) are examples. FRUITS © 165 Pericarps.— The simplest pericarp is a dry, one- seeded, indehiscent body. It is known as an akene. A head of akenes is shown in Fig. 229, and the structure is explained in Fig. 230. Akenes may be seen in buttercup, hepatica, anemone, smartweed, buckwheat. Ree A t-loculed pericarp which eee Axenrsor dehisces along the front edge one in longitudi- BO TER CUES (that is, the inner edge, next nal section. the centre of the flower is a follicle. The fruit of the larkspur (Fig. 231) is a follicle. There are usually five of these fruits (sometimes three or four) in each larkspur flower, each pistil ripening into a follicle. If these pistils were united, a single compound pistil would be formed. Columbine, peony, ninebark, milk- weed, also have follicles. FIG. 231.— A t-loculed pericarp that de- FOLLICLE : : or Lark- hisces on both edges is a legume. SPUR. Peas and beans are typical exam- ples (Fig. 232); in fact, this character gives name to the pea family, — Leguminose. Often the valves of the legume twist forcibly and expel the seeds, throwing Fic. 232.—A them some distance. The BEAN PoP: word “pod” is sometimes restricted to legumes, but it is better to use it generi- FIG. 233. — CAPSULE OF : : Gicionomli@ean cally forall dehiscent pericarps. AFTER DEHISCENCE. = A compound pod —dehiscing peri- carp of two or more carpels — is a capsule (Figs. 233, 234, 166 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY 236, 237). Some capsules are of one locule, but they may have been compound when young (in the ovary stage) and the partitions may have vanished. Sometimes one or more of the carpels are uniformly crowded out by the exclusive growth of other carpels (Fig. 235). The seeds or parts which are crowded out are said to FIG. 234.— Cap- be aborted. SULE OF MORN- There are several ways in which cap- ING GLORY, sules dehisce or open. When they break along the partitions (or septa), the mode is known as septi- cidal dehiscence (Fig. 236); In septicidal dehiscence the fruit separates into parts representing the original carpels. These carpels may still be entire, and FIG. 235. — THREE-CARPELED FRUIT they then dehisce individu- OF HORSE-CHESTNUT. Two locules are closing by abortion of the ovuies, ally, usually along the inner edge as if they were follicles. When the compartments split in the middle, between the partitions, the mode is loculicidal dehiscence (Fig. 237). In some cases the dehiscence is at the top, . when it is said to be apical (al- though several modes of dehis- FIG, 236. — FIG, 237.— i 5 Shc récunion ~ cence: are hereuncluded) a Wien Wort. Sep- DAL Popor the whole top comes off, as in purs- ticidal. DAY-LILY. lane and garden portulaca (Fig. 238), the pod is known as a pyxis. In some cases apical dehiscence is by means of a hole or clefts. The peculiar capsule of the mustard family, or Cruci FRUITS 167 ferze, is known as a silique when it is distinctly longer than broad (Fig. 224), and a silicle when its breadth nearly FIG. 238. — PYXIS OF PORTU- FIG. Ee eomrRnG OF GOOSE- LACA OR ROSE-MOSS. BERRY. Remains of calyx atc. equals or exceeds its length. A cruciferous capsule is 2-carpeled, with a thin partition, each locule containing seeds in two rows. The two valves detach from below upwards. Cabbage, turnip, mustard, water-cress, radish, . rape, shepherd’s purse, sweet alyssum, wall- flower, honesty, are examples. FIG. 240.— BERRY OF THE GROUND CHERRY OR HUSK TOMATO, contained in the inflated calyx. The pericarp may be fleshy and indehiscent. A pulpy pericarp with several or many seeds is a berry (Figs. 239, 240, 241). To the horticulturist a berry is a ; ‘ : Fic, 241.— ORANGE; example small, soft, edible fruit, without of a Lerry. 168 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY particular reference to its structure. The botanical and horticultural conceptions of a berry are, therefore, unlike. In the botanical sense, gooseberries, currants, grapes, to- matoes, potato-balls, and even eggplant fruits and oranges (Fig. 241) are berries; strawberries, raspberries, black- berries are not. A fleshy pericarp containing one relatively large seed or stone is a drupe. Examples are plum (Fig. 242), peach, cherry, apricot, olive. The walls of the pit in the plum, peach, and cherry are formed from the inner coats of the ovary, and the flesh from the outer coats. Drupes are also known as stonefrutts. Fruits that are formed by the sub- FIG. 242.— PLUM; exam- sequent union of separate pistils are Bicone erie. aggregate fruits. The carpels in aggregate fruits are usually more or less fleshy. In the rasp- berry and the blackberry flower, the pistils are essentially distinct, but as the pistils ripen they co- here and form one body (Figs. 243, 244). FIG, 243. — FRUIT OF RASP- BERRY. Each of the carpels or pistils in the raspberry and the blackberry is a little drupe or drupelet. In the raspberry the entire fruit separates FIG, 244. — AGGREGATE from the torus, leaving the torus on FRUIT OF MULBERRY; and a separate fruit. the plant. In the blackberry and FRUITS 169 the dewberry the fruit adheres to the torus, and the two are removed together when the fruit is picked. Accessory Fruits.— When the pericarp and some other part grow together, the fruit is said to be accessory or reenforced. An example is the straw- berry (Fig. 245). The edible part is a greatly exlarged torus, and the pericarps are akenes embedded in it. These akenes are commonly called seeds. Various kinds of reénforced fruits have received special names. One of these is the hip, characteristic of roses. In this eke meg case, the torus is deep and hollow, like an torus inwhich akenes urn, and the separate akenes are borne are embedded. inside it. The mouth of the receptacle may close, and the walls sometimes become fleshy; the fruit may then be mistaken for a-berry. The fruit of the pear, apple, and quince is known as a FIG. 246.— SECTION OF FIG. 247. -— CROSS-SECTION AN APPLE. OF AN /.PPLE, pome. In this case the five united carpel; are completely buried in the hollow torus, and the torus makes most of the edible part of the ripe fruit, while the pistils are repre- sented by the core (Fig. 246). Observe the sepals on the top of the torus (apex of the fruit) in Fig. 246. Note the outlines of the embedded pericarp in Fig. 247. 170 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Gymnospermous Fruits. —In pine, spruces, and their kin, there is no fruit in the sense in which the word is used in the preceding pages, because ¢here zs no ovary. The ovules are naked or uncovered, in the axils of the scales of the young cone, and they have neither style nor stigma. The pollen falls directly on the mouth of the ovule. The ovule ripens into a seed, which is usually winged. Because the ovule is not borne in a sac or ovary, these plants are called gymnosperms (Greek for ‘“‘naked seeds’’). All the true cone-bearing plants are of this class; also certain other plants, as red cedar, juniper, yew. The plants are moncecious or sometimes dicecious. The staminate flowers are mere naked stamens borne beneath scales, in small yellow catkins which soon fall. The pistillate flowers are naked ovules beneath scales on cones that persist (Fig. 29). Gymnospermous seeds may have several cotyledons. SUGGESTIONS.—168. Study the following fruits, or any five fruits chosen by the teacher, and answer the questions for each: Apple, peach, bean, tomato, pumpkin. What is its form? Locate the scar left by the stem. Bv what kind of stem was it attached? Are there any remains of the blossom at the blossom end? De- scribe texture and colour of surface. Divide the fruit into the seed vessel and the surrounding part. Has the fruit any pulp or flesh? Ts it within or without the sced vessel? Is the seed vessel simple or sub-divided? What is the number of seeds? Are the seeds free, attached to the wall of the vessel, or to a support in the centre? Are they arranged in any order? What kind of wall has the seed vessel? What is the difference between a peach stone and a peach seed? 169. The nut fruits are always available for study. Note the points suggested above. Determine what the meat or edible part represents, whether cotyledons or not. Figure 248 is suggestive. 170- Mention all the fleshy fruits you know, tell where they come from, and refer them to their proper groups. 171. What kinds of fruit can you buy in the market, and to what groups or classes do they belong? Of which fruits are the seeds only, and not the pericarps, eaten? 172. An ear of corn is always available for study. What is it—a fruit or a collection of fruits? How are the grains aranged on the cob? How many rows do you count on each of several ears? Are all the rows on an ear FRUITS 17 equally close together? Do you find an ear with an odd number of rows? How do the parts of the husk overlap? Does the husk serve as protection from rain? Can birds pick out the grains? How do insect enemies enter the ear? How and when do weevils lay eggs on corn? 173. Study a grain of corn. Is it a seed? Describe the shape of a grain. Colour. Size. Does its surface show any projections or depressions? Is the seed-coat thin or thick? Transparent or opaque? Locate the hilum. Where is the silk scar? What is the silk? Sketch the grain from the two points of view that show it best. Where is the embryo? Does the grain have endosperm ? What is dent corn? Flint corn? How many kinds of corn do you know? For what are they used? FIG. 248.— PECAN FRUIT. Note TO TEACHER.—There are few more interesting subjects to beginning pupils than fruits,—the pods of many kinds, forms, .and colours, the berries, and nuts. This interest may well be utilized to make the teaching alive. All common edible fruits of orchard and vegetable garden should be brought into this dis- cussion. Of dry fruits, as pods, burs, nuts, collections may be made for the school museum. Fully mature fruits are best for study, particularly if it is desired to see dehiscence. For com- parison, pistils and partially grown fruits should be had at the same time. If the fruits are not ripe enough to dehisce, they may be placed in the sun to dry. In the school it is well to have a collection of fruits for study. The specimens may be kept in glass jars. Always note exterior of fruit and its parts; interior of fruit with arrangement and attachment of conients. CHAPTER XXII DISPERSAL OF SEEDS It is to the plant’s advantage to have its seeds distributed as widely as possible. Jt has a better chance of surviving in the struggle for existence. It gets away from competi- tion. Many seeds and fruits are of such character as to increase their chances of wide dispersal. The commonest means of dissemination may be classed under four heads: explosive fruits ; transportation by wind; transportation by birds ; burs. FIG. 250.— EXPLOSIVE FRUITS OF OXALIS. An exploding pod is shown at c. The dehiscence is FIG. 249.—~ EXPLOSION OF shown at 2, The structure THE BALSAM POD. of the pod is seen at a. Explosive Fruits. — Some pods open with explosive force and discharge the seeds. Even beans and everlasting peas do this. More marked examples are the locust, witch hazel, garden balsam (Fig. 249), wild jewel-weed or impa- tiens (touch-me-not), violet, crane’s-bill or wild geranium, bull nettle, morning glory, and the oxalis (Fig. 250). The (72 DISPERSAL OF SEEDS 173 oxalis is common in several species in the wild and in cultivation. One of them is known as wood sorrel. Figure 250 shows the common yellow oxalis. The pod opens loculicidaily. The elastic tissue suddenly contracts when dehiscence takes place, and the seeds are thrown violently. The squirting cucumber is easily grown in a garden (pro- cure seeds of seedsmen), and the fruits discharge the seeds with great force, throwing them many feet. Wind Travelers. — Wind - transported seeds are of two general kinds: those that are provided with wings, as the flat seeds of catalpa (Fig. 251) and cone-bear- ing trees and the samaras of ash, elm, tulip-tree, ailanthus, and maple; and those which have feathery buoys or para- chutes to enable them to float in the air. Of the latter kind are the fruits of many composites, in which the pappus_ is copious and soft. Dandelion and thistle are examples. The silk of the milkweed and probably the hairs on the cotton seed have a similar office, and also the wool of the cat-tail. Recall the cottony seeds of Fic. 251. — WincED the willow and the poplar. tae pe aba Dispersat by Birds. — Seeds of berries and of other small fleshy fruits are carried far and wide by birds. The pulp is digested, but the seeds are not injured. Note how the cherries, raspberries, blackberries, June-berries, and others spring up in the fence rows, where the birds rest. Some berries and drupes persist far into winter, when they supply food to cedar birds, robins, and the winter birds. Red cedar is distributed by birds. Many of these pulpy 174 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY fruits are agreeable as human food, and some of them have been greatly enlarged or “improved ” by the arts of the cultivator. The seeds are usually indigestible. Burs.— Many seeds and fruits bear spines, hooks, and hairs, which adhere to the coats of animals and to clothing. The burdock has an involucre with hooked scales, contain- ing the fruits inside. The clotbur is also an involucre. Both are composite plants, allied to thistles, but the whole head, rather than the separate fruits, is transported. In some com- posite fruits the pappus takes the form of hooks and spines, as in the “Spanish bayonets” and “ pitch- forks.”’ Fruits of various kinds are known as “stick tights,’ as of the agrimony and hound’s-tongue. Those who walk in the woods in late sum- mer and fall are aware that plants have means of disseminating them- selves (Fig. 252). Ifit is impossible to iden- tify the burs which one finds on clothing, the seeds may be planted and specimens of the plant may then be grown. FIG. 252.—STEALING A RIDE. SUGGESTIONS. —174. What advantage is it to the plant to have its seeds widely dispersed? 175. What are the leading ways in which fruits and seeds are dispersed? 176. Name some explosive fruits. 177. Describe wind travelers. 178. What seeds are car- ried by birds? 179. Describe some bur with which you are familiar. 180. Are adhesive fruits usually dehiscent or indehis- cent? 181. Do samaras grow on low or tall plants, as a rule? 182. Are the cotton fibres on the seed or on the fruit? 183. Name the ways in which the common weeds of your region are disseminated. 184. This lesson will suggest other ways in which DISPERSAL OF SEEDS a YA seeds are transported. Nuts are buried by squirrels for food ; but if they are not eaten, they may grow. ‘The seeds of many plants are blown on the snow. ‘The old stalks of weeds, standing through the winter, may serve to disseminate the plant. Seeds are carried by water down the streams and along shores. About woollen mills strange plants often spring up from seed brought in the fleeces. Sometimes the entire plant is rolled for miles before the winds. Such plants are “tumbleweeds.”” Examples are Russian thistle, hair grass or tumblegrass (fanicum capillare), cyclone plant (Cycloloma platyphyllum), and white amaranth (Amarantus albus). About seaports strange plants are often found, having been introduced in the earth that is used in ships for ballast. These plants are usually known as “ ballast plants.” Most of them do not persist long. 185. Plants are able to spread themselves by means of the great numbers of seeds that they produce. How many seeds may a given elm tree or apple tree or raspberry bush produce ? FIG, 253.— THE FRUITS OF THE CAT-TAIL ARE LOOSENED BY WIND AND WEATHER. CHAPTER XXIII PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS THE plants thus far studied produce flowers; and the flowers produce seeds by means of which the plant is prop- FIG. 254.— CHRISTMAS FERN. — Dryopteris acrostichoides; and sometimes are not visible to known also as Aspidium. Prominent among the _ spore- propagated plants are ferns. The agated. There are other plants, however, that produce no seeds, and these plants (including bac- teria) are probably more numer- ous than the seed-bearing plants. These plants propagate by means of spores, whichare generative cells, usually simple, containing no em- bryo. These spores are very small, the naked eye. b common Christmas fern (so called because it remains green during winter) is shown in Fig. 254. The plant has no trunk. The leaves spring directly from the ground. The leaves of ferns are called fronds. They vary in shape, as other leaves do. Some of the fronds in Fig. 254 are seen to be narrower at the top. If these are examined more closely (Fig. 255), 176 Fic. 255. — FRUITING FRonD OF CHRISTMAS FERN. Sori at a. One sorus with its in- dusium at 4. = PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS r77 it will be seen that the leaflets are contracted and are densely covered beneath with brown bodies. These bodies are collections of sporangia or spore-cases. FIG. 257.—SORI AND Spo- RANGIUM OF POLYPODE. A chain of cells lies along the top of the sporangium, which springs back elasti- FIG. 256.—COMMON POLYPODE FERN. cally on drying, thus dis- Polypodium vulgare. seminating the spores, The sporangia are collected into little groups, known as sori (singular, sorus) or fruit-dots. Each sorus is covered with a thin scale or shield, known as an indusium. This indusium sepa- rates from the frond at its edges, and the sporangia are exposed. Not all ferns have indusia. The polypode FIG. 258. — THE BRAKE FRUITS UNDERNEATH (Figs. 256, 257) does not; the sori THE REVOLUTE are naked. In the brake (Fig. 258) pee FIG. 259.— FRUITING PINNULES OF MAIDENHAIR FERN. N and maidenhair (Fig. 259) the edge of the frond turns over and forms an indusium. The nephrolepis or sword fern of greenhouses is allied to the polypode. The sori are in a single row on either side the midrib (Fig. 260). The indu- sium is circular or kidney- shaped and open at one edge 178 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY FIG. 260.— PART OF FROND OF SworD FERN. To the pupil: Is this illustration right side up ? or finally all around. The Boston fern, Washington fern, Pierson fern, and others, are horticultural forms of the common sword fern. In some ferns (Fig. 261) an entire frond becomes contracted to cover the sporangia. The sporangium or spore-case of a fern is a more or less globular body and usually with a stalk (Fig. 257). /¢ con- tains the spores. When ripe it bursts and the spores are set free. In a moist, warm place ¢he spores germinate. They produce a small, flat, thin, green, more or less heart- shaped membrane (Fig. 262). This is the prothallus. Sometimes the prothallus is an inch or more across, but oftener it is less than a ten cent piece in size, Although easily FIG. 262.— PROTHALLUS OF A FERN. Enlarged: Archegonia at @ ; antheridia at 3, sree FIG. 261, FERTILE AND seen, it 1S commonly unknown ex- STERILE FRONDS OF THE cept to botanists. Prothalli may Sd SCENES USE often be:found in greenhouses where ferns are grown. Look on the moist stone or brick walls, or on the firm soil of undisturbed pots and beds; or spores may be sown in a damp, warm place. On the under side of the prothallus two kinds of organs are borne.. ‘These ““arery the archegonium (containing egg- cells)and the antheridium (con- & PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS 179 taining sperm-cells). These organs are minute specialized parts of the prothallus. Their positions on a particular prothallus are shown at a and @ in Fig. 262, but in some ferns they are on separate prothalli (plant dioecious). Ze sperm-cells escape from the antheridium and in the water that collects on the prothallus are carried to the archegonium, where fertilization of the egg takes place. Yrom the ferti- lized egg-cell a plant grows, becoming a “fern.” In most cases the prothallus soon dies. The prothallus is the gametophyte (from Greek, signifying the fertilized plant). The fern plant, arising from the fertilized egg in the archegonium, becomes a perennial plant, each year pro- ducing spores from its fronds (called the sporophyte) ; but these spores— which are merely detached special kinds of cells — produce the prothallic phase of the fern plant, from which new individuals arise. A fern zs fertilized but once in its lifetime. The “fern” bears the spore, the spore gives rise to the prothallus, and the egg-cell of the prothallus (when fertilized) gives rise to the fern. A similar alternation of generations runs all through the vegetable kingdom, although there are some groups. of plants in which it is very obscure or apparently wanting. It is very marked in ferns and mosses. In alge (includ- ing the seaweeds) the gametophyte is the “plant,” as the non-botanist knows it, and the sporophyte is incon- spicuous. Thereis a general tendency, in the evolution of the vegetable kingdom, for the gametophyte to lose its rela- tive importance and for the sporophyte to become larger and more highly developed. In the seed-bearing plants the sporophyte generation is the only one seen by the non- botanist. The gametophyte stage is of short duration and the parts are small; it is confined to the time of fertiliza. tion. 180 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY The sporophyte of seed plants, or the “plant” as we know it, produces two kinds of spores -— one kind becom- ing pollen-grains and the other kind embryo-sacs. The pollen-spores are borne in sporangia, which are united into what are called anthers. The embryo-sac, which contains the egg-cell, is borne in a sporangium known as an ovule. A gametophytic stage ts present in both pollen and embryo sac: fertilization takes place, and a sporophyte arises. Soon this sporophyte becomes dormant, and is then known as an embryo. The embryo is packed away within tight-fitting coats, and the entire body is the seed. When the condi- tions are right the seed grows, and the sporophyte grows into herb, bush, or tree. The utility of the alternation of generations is not understood. | The spores of ferns are borne on leaves; the spores of seed-bearing plants are also borne amongst a mass of specially developed conspicuous leaves known as flowers; therefore these plants have been known as the flowering plants. Some of the leaves are developed as envelopes (calyx, corolla), and others as spore-bearing parts, or spo- rophylls(stamens, pistils). But the spores of the lower plants, as of ferns and mosses, may also be borne in spe- cially developed foliage, so that the line of demarcation between flowering plants and flowerless plants is not so definite as was once supposed. The one definite distinction between these two classes of plants is the fact that ove class produces seeds and the other does not. The seed-plants are now often called spermaphytes, but there is no single coordinate term to set off those which do not bear seeds. It is quite as well, for popular purposes, to use the terms phenogams for the seed-bearing plants and cryptogams for the others. These terms have been objected to in recent years because their etymology does not express literal facts PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS 181 (phenogam signifying “showy flowers,” and cryptogam “hidden flowers’), but the terms represent distinct ideas in classification. The cryptogams include three great series of plants—the Thallophytes or alge, lichens, and fungi; the Bryophytes or mosslike plants; the Pteridophytes or fernlike plants. SUGGESTIONS. —186. Zhe parts of a fern leaf. The primary complete divisions of a frond are called pinnz, no matter whether the frond is pinnate or not. In ferns the word “pinna”’ is used in essentially the same way that leaf- let is in the once-compound leaves of other plants. The secondary leaflets are called pinnules, and in thrice, or more, compound fronds, the last complete parts or leaflets are ultimate pinnules. The dia- gram (Fig. 263) will aid in making the subject clear. If the frond were not divided to the midrib, it would be simple, but this diagram represents a compound frond. The general outline of the frond, as bounded by the dotted line, is ovate. The stipe is very short. The midrib of a compound frond is known as the rachis. In a de- compound frond, this main rachis is called the primary rachis. Seg- pig. 263.— DIAGRAM TO EXPLAIN ments (not divided to the rachis) Mee TB IOLOG “OE. ae are seen at the tip, and down to FROND, f# on one side and to m on the other. Pinne are shown at 7,%, 2,0, . The pinna a is entire ; m is crenate-dentate ; zis sinuate or wavy, with an auricle at the base ; & and Zare compound. ‘The pinna & has twelve entire pin- nules. (Is there ever an even number of pinnules on any pinna?) Pinna 7 has nine compound pinnules, each bearing several entire ultimate pinnules. Zhe spores. —187. Lay a mature fruiting frond of any fern on white paper, top side up, and allow it to remain in a dry, warm place. The spores will discharge on the paper. 188. Lay the full-grown (but not dry) cap of a mushroom or toadstool bottom down on a sheet of clean paper, under a venti- lated box in a warm, dry place, A day later raise the cap. CHAPTER XXIV STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS TuE pupil who has acquired skill in the use of the com- pound microscope may desire to make more extended ex- cursions into the cryptogamous orders. The following plants have been chosen as examples in various groups. Ferns are sufficiently discussed in the preceding chapter. BACTERIA If an infusion of ordinary hay is made in water and allowed to stand, it becomes turbid or cloudy after a few days, and a drop under the microscope will show the presence of minute oblong cells swimming in the water. perhaps by means of numerous hair- like’ appendages, that project through the cell wall from the pro- toplasm within. At the surface of the dish containing the infusion the cells are non-motile and are united in long chains. Each of these cells or organisms is a bacterium (plural, bacteria). (Fig. 135-) Bacteria are very minute organisms,—the smallest known — consisting either of separate oblong or spherical cells, or of chains, plates, or groups of such cells, depending on the kind. They possess a membrane-like wall which, unlike the cell walls of higher plants, contains nitrogen. ‘The presence of a nucleus has not been definitely demonstrated. Multiplication is by the fission of the vegetative cells ; but under certain conditions of drought, cold, or exhaustion of the nutrient medium, the protoplasm of the ordinary cells may become invested with a thick wall, thus form- ing an endospore which is very resistant to extremes of environ- ment. No sexual reproduction is known. Bacteria are very widely distributed as parasites and sapro- phytes in almost all conceivable places. Decay is largely caused by bacteria, accompanied in animal tissue by the liberation of foul-smelling gases. Certain species grow in the reservoirs and pipes of water supplies, rendering the water brackish and often undrinkable. Some kinds of fermentation (the breaking down or decomposing of organic compounds, usually accompanied by the 182 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 183 formation of gas) are due to these organisms. Other bacteria oxidize alcohol to acetic acid, and produce lactic acid in milk and butyric acid in butter. Bacteria live in the mouth, the stomach, the intestines, and on the surface of the skins of animals. Some secrete gelatinous sheaths around themselves; others secrete sulphur or iron, giving the substratum a vivid eclour, Were it not for bacteria, man could not live on the earth, for not only are they agents in the process of decay, but they are concerned in certain healthful processes of plants and animals. We have learned in Chapter VIII how bacteria are related to nitro- gen-gathering. Bacteria are of economic importance not alone because of their effect on materials used by man, but also because of the dsease- producing power of certain species. ws is caused by a spherical form, ¢efanus or lock-jaw by a rod-shaped form, diphtheria by short oblong chains, ¢aberculosts or “ consumption” by more slen- der oblong chains, and “typhoid fever, cholera, and other diseases by other forms. Many diseases of animals and plants are caused by bacteria. Disease-producing bacteria are said to be pathogenic. The ability to grow in other nutrient substances than the natu- ral one has greatly facilitated the study of these minute forms of life. By the use of suitable culture media and proper precau- tions, pure cultures of a particular disease-producing bacterium may be obtained with which further experiments may be con- ducted. Milk provides an excellent collecting place for bacteria coming from the air, from the coat of the cow and from the milker. Dis- ease germs are sometimes carried in milk. If a drop of milk is spread on a culture medium (as agar), and provided with proper temperature, the bacteria will multiply, each one forming a colony visible to the naked eye. In this way, the number of bacteria originally contained in the milk may be counted. Bacteria are disseminated in water, as the germ of typhoid fever and cholera; in milk and other fluids; in the air; and on the bodies of flies, feet of birds, and otherwise. Bacteria are thought by many to have descended from algze by the loss of chlorophyll and: decrease in size due to the more specialized acquired saprophytic and parasitic habit. ALG The alge comprise most of the green floating “ scum” which covers the surfaces of ponds and other quiet waters. ‘The masses of plants are often called “ frog spittle.” Others are attached to stones, pieces of wood, and other objects submerged in streams 184 BEGINNERS’? BOTANY and lakes, and many are found on moist ground and on dripping rocks. Aside from these, all the plants commonly known as seaweeds belong to this category ; these latter are inhabitants of salt water. The simplest forms of alge consist of a single spherical cell, which multiplies by repeated division or fission. Many of the forms found in fresh water are filamentous, ze. the plant body consists of long threads, either simple or branched. Such a plant body is termed a “tadlus. ‘This term applies to the vegetative body of all plants that are not differentiated into stem and leaves. Such plants are known as ¢hadlophy/es (p. 181). All algee contain chlorophyll, and are able to assimilate carbon dioxide from the air. This distinguishes them from the fungi. LVostoc. —On wet rocks and damp soil dark, semitransparent irregular or spherical gelatinous masses about the size of a pea are often found. These consist of a colony of contorted filamentous algee embedded in the jelly-like mass. The chain of cells in the filament is necklace-like. Each cell is homogeneous, without apparent nucleus, and blue-green in colour, except one cell which is larger and clearer than the rest. ‘The plant therefore belongs to the group of d/ue-green alee. The jelly probably serves to maintain a more even moisture and to provide mechanical protec- tion. Multiplication is wholly by the breaking up of the threads. Occasionally certain cells of the filament thicken to become vesting- spores, but no other spore formation occurs. Oscillatoria. —The blue-green coatings found on damp soil and in water frequently show under the microscope the presence of filamentous algee composed of many short FIG, 264.—FILAMENT OF OSCILLATORIA, showing one dead cell where the strand will break. FIG. 265. — STRAND OF SPIROGYRA, showing the chlo- homogeneous cells (Fig. 264). If watched closely, some filaments will be seen to wave back and forth slowly, showing a peculiar power of movement characteristic of this plant. Multiplication is by the breaking up of the threads. There is no true spore formation. Spirogyra. — One of the most common forms of the green algz is spirogyra (Fig. 265). This rophyll bands. There is a nu- cleus ata. How many cells, or parts of cells, are shown in this fig- ure ? STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 185 plant often forms the greater part of the floating green mass (or “ frog spittle”) on ponds. The threadlike character of the thallus can be seen with the naked eye or with a hand lens, but to study it carefully a microscope magnifying two hundred diameters or more must be used. The thread is divided into long cells by cross walls which, according to the species, are either straight or curiously folded (Fig. 266). The chlorophyll is arranged in beautiful spiral bands near the wall of each cell. From the character of these bands the plant takes its name. Each cell is provided with a nucleus and other profoplasm. ‘The nucleus is suspended near the centre of the cell (a, Fig. 265) by delicate strands of protoplasm radiat- ing toward the wall and terminating at certain points in the chlorophyll band. The remainder of the protoplasm forms a thin layer lining the wall. The interior of the cell is filled with cell-sap. The protoplasm and nucleus cannot FIG. 266.-—Con- be easily seen, but if the plant is stained with INGATION: (OR a dilute alcoholic solution of eosine they become Se ea clear: Ripe zygospores : 3 < on the left; a, Spirogyra is propagated vegetatively by the Sbainecuine breaking off of parts of the threads, which con- tubes" tinue to grow as new plants. Resting-spores, which may remain dormant for a time, are formed by a process known as comjugation. ‘Two threads lying side by side send out short projections, usually from all the cells of a long series (Fig. 266). The projections or processes from opposite cells grow toward each other, meet, and fuse, form- ing a connecting tube between the cells. The protoplasm, nucleus, and chlorophyll band of one cell now pass through this tube, and unite with the contents of the other cell. ‘The en- tire mass then becomes surrounded by a thick cellulose wall, thus completing the vest#ng- spore, or zygospore (2, Fig. 266). Zygnema is an alga closely related to spiro- Ret Ssianp co and found in similar places. Its life oR FILAMENT op -Distory is practically the same, but it differs ZYGNEMA, freed {fom spirogyra in having ‘wo star-shaped from its gelatinous Chlorophyll bodies (Fig. 267) in each cell, in- covering. stead of a chlorophyll-bearing spiral band. 186 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY Vaucheria is another alga common in shallow water and on damp soil. The thallus is much branched, but the threads are not divided by cross walls.as in spirogyra. ‘The plants are attached by means. of colourless root-like organs which are much like the root hairs of the higher plants: these are vAzzo/ds. ‘The chloro- phyll is in the form of grains scattered through the thread. Vaucheria has a special mode of asexual reproduction by means of swimming spores or swarvm-spores. ‘These are formed singly in a short enlarged lateral branch known as the sporangium. When the sporangium bursts, the entire contents escape, forming a single large swarm-spore, which swims about by means of numerous.lashes or cilia on its surface. The swarm spores are so large that they can be seen with the naked eve. After swimming about for some time they come to rest and germinate, producing a new plant. The formation of resting-spores of vaucheria is acomplished by means of special organs, odgonia (0, Fig. 268) and antheridia (a; Big: 268). These are both specially devel- oped branches from the thallus. The antheridia are nearly cylindrical, and curved toward the odgonia. The upper part of an an- theridium is cut off by a cross wall, and within it numerous ciliated spevm-cells are formed. These escape by the ruptured apex of the antheridium. ‘The odgonia are more en- larged than the antheridia, and have a beak-like projection turned a little to one side of the apex. They are separated from the thallus thread by a cross wall, and contain a single large green cell, the ege-ce/7. The apex of the odgonium is dissolved, and through the opening the sperm-cells enter. Fertilization is thus accomplished. After fertilization the egg-cell becomes invested with a thick wall and is thus converted into a resting-spore, the oo0spore. FIG. 268. — THREAD OF VAUCHERIA WITH OOGONIA AND ANTHERIDIA. fucus. — These are rather large specialized algz belonging to the group known as brown seaweeds and found attached by a disk to the rocks of the seashore just below high tide (Fig. 269). They are firm and strong to resist wave action and are so attached as to avoid being washed ashore. They are very abundant alge. In shape the plants are long, branched, and multicellular, with either flat or terete branches. They are olive-brown. Propagation is by the breaking off of the branches. No zodspoyes are produced, as in many other seaweeds ; and reproduction is wholly sexual. » STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 187 The antheridia, bearing sperm-cells, and the odgonia, each bearing eight egg-cells, are sunken in pits or conceptacles. ‘These pits are aggregated in the swollen lighter coloured tips of some of the branches (s, s, Fig. 269). The egg-cells and sperm-cells escape from the pits and fertilization takes place in the water. ‘The matured eggs, or spores, reproduce the fucus plant directly, FIG. 269,— Fucus. Fruiting branches at s,s. On the stem are two air-bladders. FIG. 270, — NITELLA. Nitella. — This is a large branched and specialized fresh-water alga found in tufts attached to the bottom in shallow ponds (Fig. 270). Between the whorls of branches are long ¢éernodes consisting of a single cylindrical cell, which is one of the-largest cells known in vegetable tissue. Under the microscope the walls of this cell are found to be lined with a layer of small stationary chloroplastids, within which layer the protoplasm, in favourable circumstances, will be found in motion, moving up one side and down the other (in rotation). Note the clear streak up the side of the cell and its relation to the moving current. FUNGI Some forms of fungi are familiar to every one. Mushrooms and toadstools, with their varied forms and colours; are common in fields, woods, and pastures. {fn every household the common moulds are familiar intruders, appearing on old bread, vegetables, and even within tightly sealed fruit jars, where they form a felt- like layer dusted over with blue, yellow, or black powder. The strange occurrence of these plants long mystified people, who 188 BEGINNERS’ BOTANY oht they were productions of the dead matter upon which they sre, but now we know that a mould, as any other plant, cannot criginaté spontaneously; it must start from something which is analogous to a seed. The ‘‘seed’’ is this case is a spore. A spore may be produced by a vegetative process (growing out from the ordinary plant tissues), or it may be the result of a fertilization process. Favourable conditions for the growth of fungi.—Place a piece of bread under a moist bell jar anc another in an uncovered place near by. Sow mould on each. Note the result from day to day. Moisten a third piece of bread with weak copper sniphate (blue vitriol) or mercuric chloride solution, | sow mould, cover with bell jar, note results, and explain. Expose pieces of different kinds of food in a damp atmosphere and observe the variety of organisms appearing. Fungi are saprophytes or parasites, and must be provided with organic matter on which to grow. They are usually most abundant in moist places and wet seasons. FIG. 271. — MUCOR Mould.—One of these moulds (Mucor mu- MUCEDO, showing habit. cedo), which is very common on all