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All the vocal scores have English text together with the foreign text men- tioned below. Unless otherwise specified, these books are bound in paper.

Prices include postage.


AIDA Giuseppe Verdi 1.50

In four acts. Italian text

BOHEMIAN GIRL Michael W. Balf e 1.50

In three acts

CARMEN Georges Bizet 2.00

In four acts. French text

CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA ..Pietro Mascagni 1.50 In one act. Italian text

FAUST Charles Gounod 1.50

In five acts. French text




In three acts


William Vincent Wallace


In three acts


Ambroise Thomas


In three acts. Italian text


In three acts Camille Saint-SaSns 2.00

TROVATORE, IL Giuseppe Verdi 1.00

In four acts. Italian text


BELLS OF CORNEVILLE, THE; or, THE CHIMES OF NORMANDY In three acts Robert Planquette 1.50


VIRTUE Edward Solomon 1.00

In two acts

BOCCACCIO ; or, THE PRINCE OF PALERMO Franz von Suppé 2.00

In three acts


In two acts Julius Eichberg 1.50

FATINITZA Franz von Suppé 2.00

In three acts. German and Italian text

LITTLE DUKE, THE Charles Lecocq 1.00

In three acts

MARTHA Friedrich von Flotow 1.50

In four acts. German and Italian text

MASCOT, THE Edmond Audran 1.00

In three acts

MUSKETEERS, THE Louis Vamey 1.00

In two acts

OLIVETTE Edmond Audran 1.00

In three acts

PINAFORE, H. M. S. ; or, THE LASS THAT LOVED A SAILOR Sir Arthur Sullivan 1.00

In two acts

SORCERER, THE Sir Arthur Sullivan 1.00

In two acts

STRADELLA Friedrich von Flotow 1.00

In three acts

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Cbe Pnsk of all i\t f rinrì]^ %tn



New York, Chicago,

Chas. H. Ditson Co. Lyon & Healy.


University of California Berkeley


id:rj^Js/lj^tx& i^ES.so3sr-aB

The COUNT RODOLPHO. Lord of the Bf anor.

TERESA. Proprietress of the mill. AMINA. Her foster-daughter. LISA. Proprietress of the village iiUL filiVlNO. A yoxmg Farmer. AXiESSIO. A village rustic.








rhe Mene of this Yfllmge-dnma is laid in a qoiet hamlet ■itoated in a valley in Switzerland. The story opens with the i^oicings of the inhabitants, who are all abroad and astir with the morning sun, to celebrate a nnptial contract between Amina, an orphan brought up under the fostering maternal care of Theresa, the mistress of the Village mill, and Elvino, a young land owner of the neighborhood. These preparations for festivity, however, appear to give little pleasure to the heart of Lisa, the propnetress of the hostelof the hamlet, as Elvino had in former days been engaged to herself Though r^ected by Elvino, Lisa has stìll cherished her inclinations towards him, and now she gives vent to expressions of the bitterest jealousy ; nor is her bad humor much improved by Alessfo's ill-timed en- deavors to please her. Amina quits her dwelling, under the care of Theresa, to return her thanks to her neighbors for their good wishes. As yet, the proceedings have been await- ing the necessary presence of the Village Notary, and also that of Elvino ; they both shortly appear, however, the lat- ter having stayed to offer up a filial prayer at his mother's tomb. The contract is then signed and attested, when the Tillage is startled by the crack of whips and the rumble of wheels without. Dusty and travel-worn, a handsome and elegant stranger in undress officer's uniform appears amongst them, and is desirous of stopping to refresh his horses and of proceeding forthwith to the castle : the road, however, is bad, and the night, moreover, approaching; so that counselled by the villagers, and at the solicitations of Lisa, the stranger consents to remain a night at the hamlet. He evinces an interest in the events just taking place, and with the gallantry of his profession pays marked attention to the bride elect, much to the cha^n of Elvino, who be- comes extremely jealous thereat. The night darkens, and Dame Theresa warns all present to retire, as the Village is said to be haunted by a phantom, which the exaggerations of report have swelled to a monstrosity beyond the bounds of probability. The stranger treats the superstitious fears of the peasants respecting it most cavalierly ; bidding them a kind farewell, especially the bride, and ushered in by the officious Lisa, he retires to the Village inn. All present then wend their several ways homeward, Elvino and Amina ex- cepted; who, with coy diffidence and mutual upbraiding», censure each other slightly, and finally wind up their diflfer- ences by the usual concessions and forgivenesses incidental to a lover's quarrel.

We are now shovra the stranger's sleeping apartment m the Inn ; conducted there by his hostess, he learns from her lips that his real rank and identity as the long-absent lord of their manor, have been discovered by the curiosity of the Villagers, and that he is to be troubled with their importu- nate and officious congratulations. Vexed at this, he repays the respect which Lisa shows him by venturing to take free- doms with her, which the places— the opportunity— and her own coquettishness of manner do not entirely check: his gailantnes, however, are suddenly Interrupted by a noise without. Lisa seeks concealment in a closet, dropping her kandkeichibf u she flies thither; and the Connt, taming to

examhie into the cause of this intemptfcm, perceives a tal

white figure standhig in the moonlight outside his case- ment. At first be fancies it may be the phantom spoken of by the Villagers, but he soon sees that it is Amina, who is a somnambulist, and in her sleep-walking trance has wan- dered over the roofs of the houses to his apartment. His astonishment is at first very great, but well knowing the danger of suddenly awaking her, he desists from doing so, and is reflecting upon what coarse he had l)etter pursae, when Liza flies unseen from her concealment, dropping ex pressions which intimate that she conceives Amina's pre» enee there indicative of guilty purpose. The Count reso- lutely discarding the evil thoughts which press upon him at the sight of this young and beautiful creature so com- pletely in his power, quits the room, and Amina, fìmcyine in her trance that she goes through the various portions or the marriage ceremony, at length falls wearied and fotigaed upon the bed After a slight pause, the Villagers present themselves with the address of congratulation, and their astonishment at the sight of Amina on the Count's bed is interrupted by the entry of Lisa, who drags Elvino to the spot and triumphantly exposes to the distracted young man her rival's supposed shame and perfidy. Amina just then awakes, receives no explanation, and is severally spumed by lover and friends, the only hand that sustains her in this dreadftil emergency being that of Dame Theresa, who bears her senseless and exhausted from the chamber. The Villa- gers, confident of Amina's true innocence, go up to the cas- tle the next day, in a body, to solicit the Count's explana- tions and interference in behalf of Amina; Elvino the mean- while having been prevailed upon by the designing Lisa to re-accept her hand. These, on their very road to the church, are met by the Count, who in vain endeavors to explain the phenomena of somnambulism to the incensed and incredulous Elvino- Providence at this moment inter- poses to ratify the nobleman's assertion, for the window in the distant mill-roof is seen to open, and Amina emerges thence in her night dress, bearing a lamp in her hand; to the sm^rise and terror of all, she crosses a rotten plank bridge, beneath which the rushing and foaming waters act upon the large wheel of the mill; thence descending a slip- pery and insecure flight of stone steps, she advances stead- ily into the midst of her assembled neighbors, and from the expressions uttered in her state of trance, evidentlv dreams that her love and affection for Elvino are still undi- minished; the Count prevents her being awakened until her lover has restored to her finger a ring snatched thence in the first transport of his anger; and then, in the arms of Theresa, with Elvino at her feet, by a shout from the Villa- gers, she is at once restored to consciousness and happi- ness : the crest-fallen Lisa being driven from the scene by the untimely discovery of her handkerchief in the Count's room. Tenderly forgiving Elvino for his unkind belief in her supposed guilt, and assured of the warmest fYiendship and patronage from the unwitting cause of her misfortunes, Amina is happily reinstated in her original innocence of heart and affection




SCENA L— Piazza d' un VUlagto. Da un lato, un Osteria; dall' altro un mulino, in fonde colline practicayile. Suoni pastorali e voce lontane che gridano ; ' Viixi Amina,' sono gli Abitanti del Villaggio che vengono a festeggiare gli tpousali di lei.


Viva Amina, la, la, la, la ! Amina bella, la, la, la, la ! Viva ! viva ! viva !

Entra Lisa e Poetano.

ACT 1.

SCENE I. A Village Green. On one side an Inn. A'- Water-Mill in the background. Mountains in the et»- tance. While the curtain is rising. Peasants are heard' singing ' Vive Amina,' as they approach the


Viva Amina, la, la, la, la ! All hail Amina, la, la, la, la ! Long live Amina !

Enter Lisa, and Peasants in Groups.

TUTTO E GI0JA—B0miD6 80 JOYFUL. Li»i..


Tutto è gio - ja tut - to è fe - Sounds so joy - fui, notes of glad -

Sol por me non v'ha, non v'ha con - ten - to : E per their senses, all their senses steal - ing ; Give to


col - mo di tor - men - to my heart bit - ter feel ing,

Son 00 - stret Tho' a bright


li il mio te - 80 - ro, Mentre io

ty they are sing - - ing, As an

Bof - fro, mentre mo - ro. Pur ti ad - der through me sting - ing. Nurse in

gio ac - ca - rez - zar, ah, lence a deep de - spair, ah.



Più vivo.

Por ti Nurse in

deggio ac - ca silence a deep


Care. Viva Amina 1 viva ancor 1

Entra ALESSIO dalle

Tutti. Lisal Lisa!

lisa. {Per partire.] Oh l' importano 1

Alea. Tu mi foggi I

tÀM. Fuggo ognono



I hail again! Enter Albsbio.

Ale*. Lisa! Lisa!

Idaa. \ Turns to go.\ Now to be worried I

Ales. So you would fly me I

Lisa Bores are honid.


J!e» Ah non sempre, o bricconcella, Fuggirai da me così. Per te pure, o Lisa bella. Giungerà di nozze il dì. Suoni si sono fatti più vicini. VtUani e mUaneUe, vestiti da festa, con stromenti viUereci e Jiroi. Coro Viva Amina ! Ales. Viva ! ancor ! jlÀsa. [Aparte.] Anch'esso! oh dispetto! .Ales. Qui schierati piìi d' appresso. ylÀsa. \AfMirte.\ Ah ! la rabbia mi divora. . Alea. I La canzone preparata Caro. S Intuonar di qui si può. lÀta. \Aparte\ Ogni speme è a me troncato ;

La rivale trionfò. Ala. ) In Elvezia non v'ha rosa, Con», j Fresca è cara al par d' Amina, Euna stella mattutina, Tutta luce tutta amor. Ma pudica, ma ritrosa. Quanto e vaga, quanto è bella, E innocente tortorella, E r emblema del candor. lÀiO. Ah ! per me lieti canti Destinati un credei ; Crudo amor, che sian per lei Non ho cor di sopportar. J3m. Lisa mia, lieti canti [AmiÒMmdim i

Risonar potran per noi, Se pietosa alfin tu vuoi Dare ascolto al mio pregar.

\Bicamneiaiic gii Coro. Te felice e avventurato

Pili d' un prence e d' im sorrano. Bel garzon, che la sua mano Sei pur giunto a meritar 1 Tal tesoro amor t' ha dato

Di bellezza e di virtìi. Che quant' oro il mondo chiude, Che niun re potria comprar. Viva 1 viva !

Entra Ah INA e TvMunà..

.Ami Care compagne, e voi,

Teneri amici, che alla gioja -VMs.

Tanta parte prendete, oh come

Dolci scendon d' Amina al core

I canti che v' inspira il vostro amore.

A te, dilletta.

Tenera madre, che a lieto giorno

Me orfanella serbasti, a te favelli

Questo, dal cor piìi che dal ciglio è Dolce pianto di gioja, e quest amplesao.

AU». Ah, my darling, dainty hussey. Vainly my suit deride.

One day, pouting, peevish pussey, Dawns on thee a wish'd for bride. [Again sounds from behind the scenes are hecira. ViSo'

qers of both sexes, clad in festive garments, Meat

from the hills with baskets and wrecdhs of floturt Cho. Hail Amina ! Alea. Hail again ! Lisa. [Aside.] Again, too ! oh, madness ! Alea. Stand in order near to this side. Lisa. [Aside.] Inward envy nigh devours me. Ales. I Let us well attune our voices, Cho, S Each their ablest skill to show.

Lisa. [Aside.] Ev'ry heart but mine rejoices ;

Shall a rival triumph so ? AUi. ) Switzer soil, tho' crown'd with roses, Cho. S Bears no blossom like Amina ;

All proclaim her, that have seen her.

Morning star of light and love.

Beauty on her cheek reposes,

Blushing at its brighter owner ;

Holy innocence doth cro^vn her

Purer than the spotless dove. Liaa, [Aside.] Ah, can such a note of blensiug

Ever break my troubled slimiber 1

Tears of peace shall others number,

While I not one moment share ■? AUa. [To Lisa.] Lisa, equal joy expressing.

Shall their carol fill the air,

When thy little heart, relenting.

Deigns to hear and grant my praVr. [Con Cho. He possesses greater riches

Than the sov^eignty of Caesar,

Whose endearing smile can please her,

Whose true faith her truth doth share.

Love this sacred lesson teaches.

When these virtues are its portion.

While creation boasts no fortime

With its bliss to half compare. Viva ! viva !

Enter Amina and Tebbsa.

Am*. [To the Females.] Dearest companions, ye alio, My earliest friendships, making joy too joyou, Thus partaking its bounties ;

How sweetly graceful unto Amina's bosom [som. The welcome, with whose flowrets your carols bio»- To thee, my guardian,

Tend'rer than mother, who thro' orphan childhood Trainedst my steps in virtue, how can I Picture thanks that can thank thee for such kind

protection, Save by the full tear of rapture, and this affection.




Co - me per me 0 Love, for me


Co -me il ter-ren flo-ri co And tweeter smela oackjio«fr.

bel- lo








Ma-i mai di piìi lieto a-spet - to True love can bid our anguish per-ish,

Nsrtu - ra, na-ta - ra non All nature, all nature owtis.

non bril- owns his


1Ò, non bril - : A - mor a-mor la co - lo - A mor del

might di - vine. Then Love, then Love, for ev- er, Ah, let us cher

mio del mio di- ish. Ah, let us

let - to. eher-ish

A-mor, amor la co - lo - ro, A

Then Leve, then Love for ev - er. Ah, .

mor del mjodi - let-to cherish, let us cherish !

[Amina abbraccia Teresa « prendendole una mano, se V

CW». Sempre, o felice Amina, Sempre per te cosi. Li fiori il cielo i di Cheti destona !

[Amina embraces Teresa, and, taking her hand, place» H on her heart.

Charui of Villager». May bliss in such ftdl power, Aye, be to thee allow'd, Fah- heav'n without one cloud. Spring without shower.



So-rrail sen la man

While this heart its jop

ml po - sa, Pal pi - tar, bai - zar bai - zar re - veal-ing. Beats, O.... beats urith grate -fui, grate


ti: Eg-lièil cor che 1 suol con - ten-ti Non ha for-zaa so - /ed - ing,Stinmv lips in vain ap - pealing Can-not speak my soul's


za a 80 - 8te-ner a so - ste

not speak my soul's de - light my soul's de


ner ah no, ah no, ah

light, ah no, ah no, ah


So-vraUi WhOe this heart iU joy

mi po-sa Pal - pi - re - vealing, Beats O....

0 at:. r ^ ~*^ '^ 1 '' ^^ -—- f-T~1 m I- t-0—ì '-> I ^-»

tar bal-zar, bai - zar lo sen - ti ; Egliè {1 cor che i suoi con-ten-ti Non ha for-za a so - - ste - ner. beats with grateful, grateful feel ing ; Still my lips in vain ap-pealing Cannot speak my soul's.... dt - light.



Coro. Di tua sorte avventurosa

Teco esulta il cor materno :

Non potea favor superno

Riserbarlo a ugual piacer.

Io più di tutti, o Amina,

Teco mi allegro. Io preparai la festa

Io feci le canzoni ; io radunai.

De' vicini villaggi i suonatori.

E grata a' tuoi favori, buon Alessio, SQO io.

Fra poco io spero ricambiarteli tutti,

Allor che sposo tu di Lisa sarai,

Se come è voce, essa a farti felice

Ha il cor disposto.

La senti, o Lisa !

Non sarà si tosto.

Sei pur crudele !

E perchè mai ?

L' ignori ? Schiva son io d' anuHV ;

Mia libertà mi piace.

Ah ! tu non sai quanta felicità

Riposta sìa in un tenero amor.

Sovente amore ha soave principio

E fine amaro. Ter. [Aparte.] Vedi l' ipocrisia ! Coro. Viene il Notare 1



Alea. Lisa.

Ales. Ter. Lisa.



Entra Notaro.

Ami. H Notaro ? ed Elvino

Non è presente ancor. Not. Di pochi passi io lo precedo,

In capo al bosco lo mirai da Coro. Eccolo !

Entra Elyino.

Am. Caro Elvino I Alfin tu giungi !

Elv. Perdona, o mia diletta, U breve indiigk>. In questo solenne Ad implorar ne andai Sui nostri nodi, d'un angelo il favor : Prostrato al marmo dell^estimta mìa mat Oh, benedici la mia sposa, le dissi ! Ella possiede tutte le tue virtute : Ella felice, render il tuo figlio Qual rendesti il padre ;

10 lo spero, ben mio, m' udì la i Ami. Oh ! fausto augurio ! Tutti. E vanno esso non fia. Eh. Siate voi tutti, o amici.

Al contratto presenti. Nat. Elvino, che rechi

Alla tuo sposa in dono 1 Elv. I miei poderi la mia casa

11 mio nome ogni beni Di cui son possessore.

Nat. E Amina ? Ami. L cor sol tanto, fib. Ah 1 tutto è il core I

[Mentre la Madre i

presenta V anello ad Amina.

i UMtmom, Bxmo

Cho. Thou wert rear'd to joy, dear flower,

Bless'd by gentleness maternal.

All experience bliss internal

Echo to thy brighter light. Ales. I give thee greeting, Àraina,

More than these others. I have prepar'd thii festal,

Compos'd the songs of welcome, and have imported

From the neighboring village these our musidanfl. Ami. Most grateful for the kindness, good Alessio, I hold me,

With hopeful prospect to return it with int'rest

When I may look on little Lisa, your helpmate.

If (as report says) she be of disposition

To make thee happy. Ales. Dost hear her, Lisa ? LÀM. Count not upon 't too nearly. AUs. Why so cruel ? Ter. And thus relentless ? Lisa. You know not ■? I am no slave of cupid,

For freedom stands my motto. Ami. Sooth, you must learn yet how much of calm deligiM

Reposes softly 'neath his tenderest chain. Lisa. A sweet beginning, and a bitterest ending

Reward his vot'ry. Ter. [Aside.] See one the hypocrite I

Cho. Our notary cometh.

Enter Notary.

The notary » And Elvino,

Why has he not arrived ?

By sundry paces I but precede him ;

Along the woodland he hastes him to our meetinc.

Here he is I

ErOer ELViiro.

Dear Elvino ! how late thou comest 1

Pardon me, O dear Amina, my sad delaying.

This sweetly solemn morning

Forgive me, that I pray'd for

Upon otir union, an angel's holy grace

Before the gravestone of that seraph, my mother.

" Oh, give 5iy blessing to my young bride," I attend

" She repossesses all thy sincerest virtues.

May she as happy render thy ofl'spring

As thou didst make my father."

Let us hope, pretty dovelet, my mother heard ma.

'Twere brightest omen !

Such praVrs, they fall not idle.

Are ye all present, my comrades,

To attest this our contract ■?

Elvino, with what now

Do ye endow Amina 1 [Handing the pen to Elvm».

With fdl my fortune, with my cottage,

With my fair name, with the wealth

My broad acres lawfrdly measure.

[Signing the contraeL And Amina ? [Handing the pen to Amino.

This poor heart only. What greater treasure ! While his mother and witnesses affix their signatura t$

the contract, Elvino takes a ring from his finger ami

places it upon Amina's.

Not. Cho.

Ami. Cho.



Not. Ami.


Pren - : I'a nel Take now this ring,

do - thine, .


Che un dì, che un di re-ca - va all' 'Ttoia make thee before the al-tar.







L'alma bea-ta e ca - - ra Che arride al no May fortune ever look doum love, And this bright morn

atro, al no-stro amor, al itig, and this bright tnom, this

atro a ap


Co - me fh sacro a Vows hy it pure - ly

le spok


Sia de tuoi vo-ti e mie - Like un to hers, e'en un-brok

Fi-do ca-8to Cement our mu AMINA.

de, fi - do CQ ' tuaì, cement our

sto - de, cu - sto mu tuoi, our mu

Sposi or noia sia-mo. Sposi ! Yes, thou art mine, now. Thine now !




Pu-ro in-no-cen-te fiore. Ei mi rammenti a

- ro-lal Ca-ra! cara nel sen - ti po-si Que-sta gentil vi-o-la. surance! Dearest, placein thy breast this fow'ret,Emblem of fond endurance. Innocent lovely flower. Emblem my dove of


te. Ah ! non no ha da'o-po thee. There be for ev-er

il CO re, Ah ! non ne ha d'uo-po thy bower, There be for ev-er

-r^ y=^^=ip=p=p:


il thy



co-re. Ah non ne ha d'uopa il

bower. There be for ev-er thy




ELV. Ei mi ram-men-tia te, Emblem, my dove, of thee.

Ei mi ram-men-ti a te, Emblem, my dove, of thee.

mi rammenti dove, emblem of




Ca - ro dal di che n - ni Fain, then, our hearts to se




I no - stri, I no - stri co ri u WiU be now, will be now all en


■9 P" «

U-A V^

a te>> the».

Ca-ra dal che u - ni Vain, then, our hearts to aei

I no - stri, i no - stri co ri ni WiU be now, will be r /w all en



Con ten ri - ma-se We, to each other

U mi -

for ev

II tuo con

Are bound by





Con ten ri - ma-se We, to each otha

U mi for «V

n tuo Are bound






res - tò, H tuo con me, il tuo con me, sì, re

)/ love, Are bound by ties, are bound by tie», by lies.

- sto con me. tie» of love.



me ties

res - tò. Il tuo con me, il tuo con me, re sto con mo<

of love, Are bound by tie»,arebound by ties, by ties, tiesoflove

Tvtti. Scritti nel Ciel già sono

Come nel vostro cor. Ami. Ah ! vorrei trovar parole

A spiegar com' io t' adoro !

Ma la voce, o mio tesoro.

Non risponde al mio pensier. Ufo. Tutto ah ! tutto in questo istante

Parla a me del foco ond' ardi :

Io lo leggo ne' tuoi sguardi.

Nel tuo riso lushinghier !

L' alma mia, nel tuo sembiante,

Vede appien la tua scolpita,

E a lei vola, è in lei rapita.

Di dolcezza, e di piacer ! Tutti. Ah ! così negli occhi vostri

Core a core ognor ai mostri :

Legga ognor qual legge adesso

L' un neir altro un sol pensier. Lfisa. (Il dispetto in sen ripresso

Piìi non valgo a trattener.) Elv. Domani, appena, aggiorni.

Ci recheremo al tempio,

E il nostro imene sarà compiato

Da più santa rito. Qual rumore !

I Odessi Slum di sferza, e calpeitio tU cavjUi. Tutti. [AccorcTido.] Cavalli! Ami. Un forestiere.

Entra Rodolph.

Rod Come nojoso e lungo, il cammin mi sembrò I Distanti ancora dal ca.stello siam noi 1

Lisa. Tre miglia ; e giunti non vi sarete

Fuor che a notte oscura, tanto alpestre è la ' Fino a domani qui posar vi consiglio.

Rod. E lo desio avvi albergo al viliagio 1

lÀ»i. Eccovi il mio.

Rod. Quello ?

Tutti. Quello.

Rod. Ah ! lo conosco.

Lisa. "Voi, signor ì

Tuta. (Cc^itui chi fia?)

Rod. Il mulino ! il fonte !

H bosco ! e vicin la fattorìa '

TuttL Del rillagio è conscio assai : Quando mai costui vi fd ?

Cho. Now are these vuws forever

Written in heav'n above. Ami. Oh, I cannot give expression

To my bosom's deep impression.

Yet, O yet, the soft confession

You can feel in ev'ry tone. Eh. Yes, ah yes, those tones so feeling.

Still to me thy truth revealing.

Fount of other pleasures sealing.

Bid me live for thee alone.

Yes, thou art, love, this heart's treasuv,

And for me, love, of earth's pleasure.

Yon can only complete the measure.

Since I live now for thee alone. Cho. View them thus on hope relying,

Mark them heart to heart replying.

Each their equal bUss expressing.

Thus let love the moment crown. lÀsa. [Aside.] Outward show of rage suppressing,

I a double face must own. Elv. To-morrow, at early dawning,

I bid thee to the altar.

And there our nuptials shall be perfected

By the holy ritual. But what noise this * [The smack of whips and trampling of horses is htard Alt. [Running to see.] Horses I Ami. Perhaps a huntsman.

Enter Rodolph.

How unreliev'd and tiresome has my journey «p-

pear'd ! Is this, our halting, distant from the castle ?

[To the Villageit. Three miles, yet, tho' longer I fear 'twonld seem, Sir, So dark the nights are, and so tortuous the roadway. Until the morning let me counsel your staying. I do accept it ; have you inns in the village ? Look upon mine. Sir. This one ? That one. Ah ! I remember 1 Yon, Signor? (Who can he be'?)

Yes, the mill there, the fountain ! [newly I

Yon brave oak, with its spring-leaves blooming That he knows the village well. And has been here before, is plain.



Rod. Lisa. Rod. Cho. Rod. Lisa. Cho. Rod.



Vi rav - vi - so, o luogbil » - me

As I vitvcnow these scenes so charm


ni, ing.

In cui lie - ti. in cui se - re - ni trai All my pulses and heart are warm tu y , With. »«


TaiWo 1 dipas-sa-i, Dei-la prima, dei-la prl-ma gio-ven - th. Ca - n luop:hi,


qaiWo i dipa«-8a-i, uei-ia pnnm.uoi-i» i/n-m» g.», tv^ -- •---—' J*',^-*"*'

membrance of day, long mnish'd ; But my bosom, my bosom fiO, with pain. Findn,y objects that stiU re -

^- vai Cft-rl luo-ghi, iovitro-vai, Ma quei di non trovo p'n VI vi - so, e luoghi » -

. main Finding ob-jects that re- main, Whilethose daps comenota-gu.u. - . mew.... ,ww mese scenes so

In cui lie - With re mem

ti i di paa - sa - i, Del - la pri - ma, gio - ven

trance of days long vanish'd; Ali my bo - som fills with


Ino - ghi ob-jectM

io vi tro - vai, Ca - ri luo - ghi io vi tro - that stia re - main. Finding db - jects that re-



var Ma quei non tro - vo piU Ca - ri luoghi io vi tro - vai. Ma quei di non tro - vo mai-n Whilethcse days come not a - gain, Finding objects that re- main, WhUe tho^e days come not a-





pin gain I

non tro vo piU, nontro '^o. non tro -vo più!

comenot a - gain, come not, <=ome not a - gain!

Ma fra voi, se non m' inganno,

Oggi ha luogo alcuna festa. Tutti. Fauste nozze qui si fanno. Rod. E la sposa ? [Accennando Lisa.] E qneUa 1 Tutti. [Additando Ami.] E questa. Red. E gentil, leggiadra molto. ^^^.^^ ^.^.

Ch' io ti miri. Oh il vago volto 1

Rod. But how come ye so blithely idle ■? This is surely some happy festal ■? Cho. We prepare a merry bndal.

Rod. And the fair bride f Is this she ? [Pointing to Lisa.. AU. No, this, Sir. [Pointing to Amina.

Rod. She is fair, as snow fresh driven

But one look, child oh ! that smile was heaven !

[Approaching Amii lO. mile




To non sa - i, Maid, those bright eyes,

con quel beg - li oc - chi, my heart im - press - ing.

Co - me do' - ce 11 cor mi Fin Diy breast with thoughts dis


5:^—* «tH^^^ ^z-ji

chi, Lnai ri chi a-mi ing. By re

_ _ ai pen-sier mie - i A do - ra - bili, a - do - rabi -11 bel

caU'ing an earthly bleuing Long since dead and pass' d away, pass d a-


dea -sa Ah qual tn se - l Sul mat -ti -no, sul mat - 1: -no deU' e

She was like thèe, ere Death op - press ing. Sunk the flow - er, SunV the flow- er in de



80 - i, Sul mat - ti no dell' e - ta,

p.-ass-iV/y, Slink the flow - er in de - cap,

(Klhi sola è vagheggiata!) (Da <iuei detti è lusingata!) (Son cotesi, son galanti, Gli al tifanti di città. Contezza del paese avete voi,

Eli: Tutti

Bnd. Vi fui da gio\'inetto col signor del castello.

Ter. Oh ! il liuon signor : E morto

Or 8on quattr* anni ! Rod. E ne ho dolore !

Egli mi amò qual figlio. Ter. Ed un figlio egli avea ;

Ma dal castello sparve il giovane na di.

Ne pi il novella n' ebbe 1' afflitto padre. Rod A' suoi congiunti

Nuova io ne reco, e certa. Ei vive. Lisa. E quando alla terra natia

Farà ritomo ■? Coro. Ciascun lo brama. Rod. Lo vedrete un giorno.

[Odesi il tuono delle comamuao che ridvcono glt all' ovile. Ter. Ma il sol tramonta :

E d' uopo prepararsi a partir. Caro. Partir'' Ter. Sapete che 1' ora si avvicina

In cui si mostra il tremendo fantasma. Coro. E vero, é vero ! Rod. Qual fastasma ? Tutti. E un mistero on oggetto d' orror. Rod Follie.

Con,. Che dite '> se sapeste, signor t Rad. Narrate. Coro. Udite.

Rod. Ter.

lÀaa. [Aside.] 'Tis she alone receives attention ! Elv. [Aside.] She seems pleased with his addresses. Cho. 'Sooth, your gallant from the city

Hath a most seducing way. Elv. [To the Count.] You have a seeming knowledge of thii our country, Sir ? I liv'd here in my childhood with the lord of yon

castle. Oh, his noble worship has been deceas'd These four years.

Ah ! bitt'rest tidings. He was to me a father.

A dear son was his issue. Who from the castle disappear'd without cause ; Nor after tidings reach'd the afflicted parent. I bring his welfare

To the few friends remaining ; he liveth. , To shortly rejoin those connections Where birth enroU'd him ?

Pray deign an answer. You'll soon behold him. [The sound of the shepherd's pipe is heard on the hUla, t calling me herds to their folds.

See, the sun is setting. 'Twere prudent to retreat to our rest. To rest?

Remember, the hour is fast approaching In which appeareth that dread phantom. Aye, truly, truly.

What dread phantom 1 'Tis a source of trouble we all deplore I Oh, folly ! You sneer. Sir ? Learn the story.

Narrate it Then hear. Sir !




Cho. Rod.


Cho. Ter.

Cho. Bod. Cho. Rod. Ter. Rod. Cho.


Aadante. Vl) [h -^-^^ -N-r N N zui

Di tuon Ion Where dittarux



U - no; Dal colle al piano, Un'ombra appar. Un'ombra appar, si In bianco

taonuih ; FL^it ing on mist, A thade appears, A shade ap-peart, yes. In fit m$



*s Ni ^ h ^ {; ^ r-T

Lenzuol ca - den 0/ pai - lid white

Col crin di - sciol The eye once gen

Con oc - chic

Now glar - ing


ardente, Qnal den-sa neb-bia brìghinest. Like cloud o'er heatten

Dal ren-to mossa, A - vanza, ingrossa, Immensa par, Immenza par. By tempest driven, Plaitdy conf est The phantom wears, The phantom wear».





"V« la dipinge, ve la figura

La vostra cieca credulità.

Ah ! non è fola, non è paura ;

Ciascun la vide : è verità.

Dovunque inoltra a passa lento

Silenzio regna che fa spavento ;

Non spira fiato, non move stelo ;

Quasi per gelo il rio si sta

I cani stessi accovaciati,

Abbassan gli occhi, non han latrati.

Sol tratto, tratto, da valle fonda,

La strigge immonda urlando va.

Credulità ; vorrei vederla,

Scopri che fa.

Dal ricercarla il ciel vi guardi !

Saria soverchia temerla.

Basta così. Ciascuno si attenga

AI suo parer. Vena stagione che di liffatte larve

ria purgato il villaggio.

D ciol lo voglia ! questo, o signore,

E universal desio.

Ma dal viaggio mio riposarmi vorrei.

Se mei concede la mia bella e cortese albergstrìce.

Coio. Buon riposo, signor. Notte felice. Rod. [Ad Amina.] Addio, gentil fanciulla.

Fino a domani, addio.

T' ami il tuo sposo come amarti io saprei Elv. Nessun mi vince in professarle amore.

Rod. Felice te se ne possiedi il core 1

[Parte con Lita U Cero U disperde.

Ami. Elvino ! E me tu lasci

Senza un tenero addio ? Elv. Dallo straniero ben tenero

L' avesti. Ami. E ver ; commosso in lasciarmi

Ei sembrò. Da quel sembiante

Ottimo cor traspare. Elv. E cor d' amante. Ami. Parli tu il vero, o scherzi *

Qual sorge dubbio in te ■» Elv. T' infingi ivano.

Ei ti stringea la mano '

Ei ti facea carezze. Ami. Ebben ? Elv. Discare non ti eran esse,

E ad ogni sua parola

S' incontrovano i tuoi

Negli occhi suoi. Ami. Ingrato ! e dir mei puoi T

Occhi non ho, core ; fuor che per te.

Non ti giurai mia fede ■?

Non ho r anello tuo ^ Eh. Sì. Ami Non t' adoro ' H mio ben non sei tu.

Rod. You all are dreaming ; 'tis some creation

Of mere gossips, to frighten youth. Cho. Ah, no such folly in our relation ;

We all have seen it, in very truth.

And wheresoever its pathway falleth

A hirlpons silf^" n all things ap'< h ;

No leatiet tn u los, no zephyr k. cs,

As 'twere a frost the brook congeals.

The fiercest watchdog can nought but cower,

A mute true witness of its fell power.

The screech-owl shrieking, her haunt reseeking,

Far from the ghost her dark wing wheels. Rod. 'Tis fright for youth. I will discover

What hidden mystery your tale conceals. Cho. You then will suffer ; for he who braves it

His wilful rashness severely feels. Rod. It is enough ! Let each one have the tale

As he wiltó. Your village shortly shall be, I wem.

Delivered of this dread apparition. Ter. ìl&j heaven grant so ! That, O Signor,

Chimes with the wish we aH bear. Rod. [To Lisa.] After the toilsome journey, sweet repost were a blessing ;

I would retire now with my hostess's permission. Cho. Fair good night, O Signor ; bright be each vision. Rod. [To Amina.] Adieu then, my gentle flower,

Until the mom adieu, then, [thee.

And may he love thee, e'en as I could have lov*»! Elv. [Interposing.] No man can outdo my love in true pro- tection. Bod. You happily possess one treasure affection !

[Rodolpho enters the inn ; Lisa, Teresa and villagers re- tire. It is now quite dark. Elvino draws off to a distance, as tf aboiU quitting the scene with the rest Ami. Elvino ! and can you leave me

Without tenderer partings 1 Elv. [Coldly.] Now from yon stranger, methought.

Ye had the tenderest. Ami. 'Tis true ; there shone in his fareweU

A grace, that did bespeak him

Noble in all his nature. Elv. A noble lover Ami. Whether art serious or jesting '

And whence this cruel doubt 1 Elv. You skill in feigning.

Did he not press thy hand, then *

Did he not nigh cares» thee 1 Amt. Well, well ? Elv. Such actions gave you some pleasure ,

When his smooth tongue address'd you,

Did not those furtive glances

Echo his passion ? Ami. Unkind one, to thus accuse uie *

O, have I thought, or eyesight, except for thee f

Is not our one faith plighted 1

And thy ring on this finger ? Elv. Yes

Ami. My affection, is it not all thy own ^ Elv. Yes but




" ' tu filoso?


Elv. Ah ! sì, k) sono

Ami. Di chi ?

Elv. Di tutti.

Ami Ingiuste ccr

Elv. Perdono !

Son geloso del zefiro amante, Che ti scherza col crine, col velo. Fin del sol che ti mira dal cielo, Fin del rivo che specchio ti fk.

Ami. Son, mio bene, del zefiro amante.

Perchè ad esso il tuo nome confido ; Amo il sol, perchè 'teco il divido. Amo il rio, perchè 1' onda ti dà.

E^v. Ah ! perdona all' amore il sospetto !

Ami. Ah ! per sempre sgombrarlo dei tu.

Elv. Si, per sempre.

Ami. Il prometti !

Elv. Il prometto.

Elv. ì Mai più dubbi ! timori mai pia.

Ami. S Ah ! mio bene !

Ah costante nel tuo, nel mio «eno Sia la fede che amore avvalora . E sembiante a mattino sereno. Per noi sempre la vita sai^.

Ami. Mio bene addio !

E^v. Mia cara, addio !

A me pensa.

Ami. E tu ancora.

A S. Por nel sonno il mio cuor ti vedrà.



SCENA I.— Sitonai nell' osteria. Di fronU ima grande Ji- Da un lato porta cT ingresto, dall' attn un q(Aì- Awi un letto e un tavolino.

Entra Rodolpho.

Rod. Dawer, non mi dispiace D' essermi qui fermato ; D luogo è ameno, l'aria eccellente, Gli nomini cortesi, amabili le donne Oltre ogni cosa.

Quella giovine sposa è assai leggiadra E quella cara ostessa ? E un po' rìtroca, Ma mi piace anch' essa.

Entra Ll8A.

Eccola ; avanti,

Avanti, mia bella albergatrice. Lùa. Ad informarmi veniva io stessa

Se 1' appartamento va a genio al Signor Conte. Rod. Al Sigtijor Conte ! Diarain !

Son conosciuto ! [À.'ia. Perdonate,

Ma il Sindaco lo accerta, e a farvi festa

Tutto il villaggio aduna.

Io ringrazio forma che a me prima di tutti

Ha conceduto il favor di offrirvi il mio rispetto Rod. Nelle belle, mi piace

Un altro affetto. E tu sei bella, o Lisa,

Bella davvero Liaa. Oh ! 'l signor Conte scherza.


Elv. Ami. Elv. Ami.


Elv. Ami. Elv. Ami. Elv. Elv. Ami.



Ami. Elv.

What more tliei. Dost stili continue jealoas ' Ah, yes, believe me

Of what ? Of all men.

[Bursting into tear».] This is too much '. Fallina at her feet.] Forgive me ! I am jealous of innocent zephvr. For he pleases to tov with thy tress ss, Of the sun, for his beam thy cheek kisses. Of the streamlet : it mirrors thy smile. That I love them I pray you to suffer ; For to zephyr is thy dear name confided ; Is the sun not with thee, love, divided 1 Does the streamlet not thy leisure beguile ? Be such fancies banish'd henceforth ever from vu i You are jealous, I trust then, no more ? No more jealous.

Do you promise ? I do promise.

} Foolish doubtings, and fond fears are o'er,

> Ah, mine angel ! E'er constant to thee, in this bosom Be the fealty which love hath created. And more pure than the spring rose's blossom Shall the mom of our happy life be. My soul, adieu, now.

Bright sylph, adieu, then ! Wilt thou think, love—

Of thy dear self.

I And in slumber, my dream shall be thee 1




SCENE I. Sleeping apartment in the inn. A bed on mm side of the room ; toilet table and chairs on the other. Th» Count's valise and carpet-bag stand resting against one of tit chairs. Through an open unndow the full moon is seen.

Enter Rodolpho.

In faith ; 'tis not unlucky.

That I should pitch my tent here.

The place is pretty ; excellent the country ;

All the men seem courteous ; the women

Fair and lovely, e'en to perfection.

Beauty lavishes treasures down on that young brid».—

And this my hostess, tho' somewhat backward.

Pleases, notwithstanding.

Enter Lisa.

Here she is ; Draw hither, my blooming, blushing maiden. [Hesitatingly.] I come to ask due information Whether this apartment did suit your noble lordship

Lisa. Rod. Lisa

Did suit your lordship ? (.flsit/e.) O the deuce,

I am discover'd !

Pray Sir, pardon ;

Our crier doth assert so, and for your welcome

Now hath conven'd the village.

I am grateful to fortune, in that she, o'er the others,

Haply concedes nio the grace »o offer my first tribute, Rod. I repay thy sweet sex, child.

With other triliute. And yon are lovely, oh Lisa,

Lovely as sunshine fÀsa. [Coglg.] Ah, 'twill please my Ioni r jest so.



Rod No, non ischerzo.

Questi furbi occhietti,

Quanti, coni han sorprosi s lÀaa. Non conosco finora innamorati. Rod. Tu menti, o briconcella.

Io ne conosco. Lisa. [Avvicinandosi l\ Ed è ! Rod Se quel foss' io, che diresti,

O carina?

[Àta. Io che direi ? Noi crederei.

In me non è beltà degna di tanto

Un merito ho soltanto : quello di un cor sincero.

Rod. E questo è molto ma qnal romore ascolto ?

f Odesi strepito dalla finestra.

Limi. Mal venga all' importuno !

Rod. Donde provien ? [Si spalanca la finestra.

Iam. [Fugge nd gabinetto. \ Che non mi vegga alcuno.

Nella fretta perde il fiizzdetto ; Rudolph lo raccoglie, e lo getta sul letto.

Cimparisce Amina ; è coperta di una semplice veste bianca ; t si tede alla finestra V estremità della scala per cui e salita. Ella dorme é sonnambida ; e s' avanza lentamente

Rod. Che veggio ? saria questo

E notturno fantasma ? ah ! non m' inganno

Quest è la villanella che dianzi

Agli occhi miei parve si bella. Ami. Elvino ! Elvino ! Rod. Dorme. Ami. Non rispondi ! Rod. A sonnambula. Ami. Geloso saresti ancor

Dello straniero ?

Ah ! parla ! se tu geloso ancor t Rod. Degg io destarla ? Ami. Ingrato !

A me t' appressa amo te solo,

Il sai. Rod. Destisi.

Ami. Prendi la man ti stendo

Un bacio imprimi in essa.

Pegno di pace. Rod. Ah ! non si desti

Alcuno a turbarmi non venga in tal momento.

[Va a cJéiudere la finestra.

Lita. [Afiaccianaosi dal gabinetto.] Aminai 0 traditrice!

SCENA II. RoDOLPuo, Am ina.

Oh, Ciel ! che tento ! [Per correre ad Amina silenzio. Amina sogna il momento della i Oh ! come lieto e il popolo Che al tempio ne fa scorta.


Ami Rod. Ami


In sogno ancor quell' anima E nel suo bene assorta. Ardon le sacre tede. Essa air aitar si crede. 0 madre mia, m' aita ; >on mi sostiene il pie ! No, non sarai tradita, AlciS i;9::til, da me.

\ Amina nhn In destra come se fosse all' aitare.

Rod. [Passionately.] Nay, 'tis no j'^^ting.

For that eloquent glance there

Many hearts hath bewildered and disti acted. Lisa. No ; love indeed is a stranger to mj young bosom Rod. A falsehood, you pretty gipsey.

I know of some one Lisa. [With affected surprise.] His name f Rod. [Putting his arm round her ivaist.]

Were he myself now, what wouldst say.

Little darling ? Lisa. What should I say then ? That you -ere jcking.

My humble beauty calls not such a worship ;

One merit have I only : 'tis a sincere heart. Sir. Rod. Couldst name a greater ? But, doubtless,

I heard something

[A noise is heard vnthout in the direction of the ufindow. Lisa. [Aside.] Sure some ill chance to grieve me. Rod. Whence may it come ? [ Goitig to the window.

Lisa. Let not an eye perceive me.

[She flies to an inner apartment ; as she runs her neckhand' kerchief blows off; the Count picks it up, and throw» it across the lop of the bedpost.

Ahiita appears upon the roof outside the uindow, walking m her sleep. She undoes the latch, and stepping down from the settee to the flooi; moves rigid and erect straight to tht centre of the room.

Rod. What see I ? This must be

That nocturnal phantom. Ah! not mistaken

This is the village damsel, who an hour since

Unto mv liking appear'd so lovely. Ami. [In her sleep.] Elvino ! Elvino ! Bod. Sleepmg 1

Ami. Dost not answer 1

Rod. A soimambidist ! Ami And dost thou remain

As jealous of yonder stranger ?

Ah, speak now ? art thou still jealous ? Rod. Shall I awake her ? Ami. [Sorrowful.] Ungrateful

At least draw near me I only love thee,

Thou know'st. Rod. She awakes.

Ami. [Putting forth her hand.] Take then the hand extends^

Imprint there holy kisses that pledge

Affection. Rod. Nay, she awakes not.

Let nought be present to disturb me

In such a moment.

[ Goes towards the window, to cUme it Lisa. [Slipping out of the cabinet and escaping bi/ the aUm

door, loithout the Count observing her.]

Amina ! O worthless woman.

SCENE II.— RoDOLPHO, A:!ifiKA. Rod. [Contemplating her.] Great heav'n ! what do I*

Ami. [Dreaming she goes through the various parts of the mar

riage ceremony.]

See, by that joyful populace

To church we are escorted ! Bod. In slumber, her very visions are

With pure faith consorted. Ami. Brightly each taper bumeth. 22orf. She tow'rd the altar tumeth. Ami. Mother, this heart delighted

Falters with ecstasy. Rod. No, thou shalt ne'er be bhgntea,

Beauteous flow'r, by me.

[Amina ìcnetìs down (u oer^'i^ in^ aUat





Ami. Rod. Ami.

Cielo, al mio sposo io giuro

Eterna fede e amore !

Giglio innocente e puro,

Conserva il tuo candore.

Elvino ! Alfin sei mio.


Elvino ! già tua son io,


Oh ! contento che non si può spiegar ? Rod. Ah, se piU resto, io sento La mia >'irtìi mancar.

[Ode ramare di gente parte per la finestra donde, i Amina e la chiude. Élla sempre dormendo, n letto.

Coro di Dentro. Osservate ; 1' uscio è aperto.

Senza strepito inaltriamo.

SCENA III. Contadini d' ambo i «usi,


Ttitti. Tutto tace ; ei dorme certo. Lo destiamo, o noi destiamo ? Perchè no l ci vuol coraggio ; Presentarsi, o uscir di qiòà. Dell' ossequio del villaggio Mal contento ei non sarà. Avanziam ^v*è! v'è! mirate, A dormir colà si è messo. Appressiam, ah fermate ; Non è desso, non è desso. Al vestito, alla figura, E una donna. Come entro 1 Che mai fa qui ^

SCENA lY.— Entra Teresa, Elvhto, « Lisa.

Elv. E menzogna. [Da lontano.

Caro. Alcun s' appressa.

Usa. [Additanto AvUna.] Mira, e credi agli occhi tuoi.

Elv. Cielo ! Amina ! Ter. Amina! dessa! ^jBt. Dove son ■? chi siete voi t Ah ! mio bene.

Ami. Read in my innermost bosom

Eternal love and truth ! Rod. Innocent, holy blossom,

Heav'n guard thy spotless youth ! Ami. Elvino, at length art mine love. Rod. Let me fly !

Ami. Elvino, I now am thine, love. Embrace me

Joys too ample mv longing senses hail. Rod. If I remain here, 1 tremble. Lest resolution fail. [He puts aut the candles, and taking his cap and ridittg whip, steps out of the window and closes it lightly afia him. Amina falls upon the bed in the attitude ofuut»' ber. Steps are heard upon the stairs and the smother^ ed hum of the xnllagers outside. Chorus. [Outside.] Be observant ; 'tis his number. Due advantage let us take.

SCENE m.— Villagers, headed by Alessio. the bed, sleeping. )

Amiba (m

[Amina si tvegUa al romore.

tlv. Traditrice I

Atni. Io ?

Elv. Ti scosta.

Ami. Oh ! me infelice! che mai fed »

Elv. E ancor lo chiedi 1

Coro. Dove sei tu ben lo vedi.

Ani. Qui !— perche ? chi mi v* ha spinta

Elv. H tuo core ingannator.

Ami. Madre ! oh, madre !

[ Corre nelle braccia di tua madre.

Coro Ah, sei conN-inia.

Elv. Va spergiura !

Ami. O, me infeUce ! Che feci io mai? O mio dolor !

Cho. Ali is silent, in steady slumber.

Shall we break, or not now break ?

Wherefore no 1 Who moot dissention 1

Let them quickly budge from hence.

If the village show attention, -

Can my lord take aught offence 1

Let us near. So, so we venture

To approach a little further.

What is liere ? oh, strange adventtire .

'Tis not he. Sir, but another.

Bv the garment, and by the feature

"Tis a female. How she came here

Who can guess *?

SCENE IV.—The same, Lisa, Elvino, then Te«»»a

Elv. Cho. Lisa.

Elv. Ter. Ami


Ami. Elv. Cho. Ami. Elv. Ami.

Cho. Elv. Ami.

[ Without.] 'Tis a falsehood !

Some one draws near, too. [Entering with Elvino, and pointing out Amina on tkt

bed.] See the proof, I ne'er dissemble !

Heavens ! A mina !

Amina here? [ Waking from her sleep at the noise, rises.]

Where am I ? Who thus assemble ?

Ah, my own one !

[Perceimng Elvino site runsfonvard tohs^s.

Hence, falsest traitor ! [Endeavoring to fling her arms roujni ms neck.]

Traitor ? [Repulsing her.] Unhand me !

Oh, most unhappy ! How am I guilty " [Bitterly.] Canst ask such question ?

Oh, thy base mind can give suggestion. [ Wildly.] Here ! For why 1 oi wnat suspected ?

Search that black heart ; it well doth knc». [Throwing herself into Teresa's arms.]

Mother, dear mother I

Ah, you're convicted.

Hence, hence, thou lost one !

[Sinking to the ground.]

O mis'ry ! mis ry I how am I guilty ? Bitterest woe


Dunpon-sie - ro, /vot in Thought'»

cen-to Bea non sono, rea non son, ne il fai giamma re-motest dreaming. Was a crime now.wasa crime hy me in tend

i; Ab! se ed: It thè



Fe-de in me it -tu faitì

Ut - ae faith

in me non ha - I, Ah se fe-de in me . . . . non ha-i, Mal ri - spondi a tan - to » the faith now granted, It the lit -tie faith.... now granted, Fit return for so much

Ah mei ere di Not in Thought*!



Ahi rea non so.... no, md re - mot est dream ing, Waa

Vo-gliU Cie 'nfor - give

che il daol ch'io sen this guilt re - deem


to ing;

Tn pro- Maythff




cre-di, rea non son, ne il fui giam-ma crime now, was a crime by me in tend

i; ed;


Ah se - de in me non Is the Ut . tie faith


var.. tu pro-varnon beb - ba ma breast, may thy breast be ne'er thus rend

i; Ah tei mo - stri ed; With what love now


ha - i, Mai ri - spon-di a tan - - to a - mor. granted. Fit re-turn for so much lovef

ma - i, Ah, tei mo -stri se t'a - ma-i

haunted, With what love my soul was haunted,

Qae sto pian - to del mio cor. Let these burn-ing tear - drops prove.



Ales. Coro.

D tuo nero tradimento E palese, è chiaro assai. Deh ! l'ndite nn sol momento ; H rigore eccede o mai.

In qua! cor fidar più mai, se quel cor ta menti- tor? [In questo frattempo Teresa ha raccolto sul letto U fiuxih lato di Lisa e lo ha posto al collo di Amina. Non pih nozze ; Sconoscente, io t' abbandono.

Tutti. Non piil nozze. Ami. Oh ! crudo istante I

Deh ! m'udite io rea non sono. Eh. Togli a me la tua presenza,

La tua voce orror mi f &. Avù. Nume amico all' innocenza.

Svela tu la verità. [Àaa. \ Non piil nozze, non pih imene ; Alea. I Sprezzo, infamia a lei conviene. Coro. ) Di noi tutti ali' odio etemo,

AI rossor la rea vìtA. Ter. Ah ! se alcun non ti sostiene,

Se fevor nessun t'ottiene

Sventurata, il san materno

Chiuso a te non resterà.



Ales. Cho.


Ami. Lisa.


Revelation o'er thee glancing Hideous shows thyself presented. Though her fault have likely seeming. Hold your jud^ent still suspended.

! Where may faith henceforth be placed, Since thjr step fix)m truth can rove ? [During this scene, Teresa has taken Lisa's handhercki^

frim, the bedpost, and placed it round Amina's neck. [Stemlt/ repulsing Amina, who again flies to him.] No more marriage ; I forswear now my ev'ry fealty. No more marriage !

Oh, cmel accents ! Deign to hear me I am not guilty. Shame and mis'ry thine now are. Take from me thy hateful presence ! Thou of truth the soul, the essence. Bear not now Thine aid afar I No more marriage : all disdain thee ; Infamous the world proclaims thee ; Loathings, scorn and hate eternal All thy future on earth shall mar. Let the world her vilest name thee. Let them slander and disclaim thee Cling thou to this heart maternal, 'Gainst all storms 'twill prove a bar.



Mio. ) Non è questa, ingrato core, Ami. I Non è questa la mercede

Ch' io sperai per tanto amore,

Che aspettai per tanta fede,

Ah ! m' hai tolto in un momento,

Ogni speme di contento.

Ah ! penosa ritnomi branza

Sol di te me resterà.

[Tutti escono minacciando Amina ella cade fra cid di Teresa

riNB dell' atto secondo.


BCENA l.— Ombrosa Valletta fra il tello.

ViOaggio * fl Ctu-

Con. Qui la selva è più folta ed ombrosa ; Qui posiamo, vicini al ruscello. Lunga ancora, scoscesa, sassosa, E la via che conduce al castello. Sempre tempo per giungere avremo, Pria que sorga dal letto il Signor. Riflettiam ijuando giunti saremo Che direm pentoc-cire il suo cor. Eccelenza ! direm con corraggio Signor Conte la povera Anuna Era dianzi l'onor del villaggio, D desio d'ogni villa vicina— Dogni villa èra dianzi l'onor. In un tratto, è trovata dormente Nella stanza che voi ricettò Difendetela, s' ella e iimocente, Aiutatela s' ella fallò. A tai detti, a siffatti argomenti, Ei si mostra commosso, convinto ; Noi preghiamo, insistiam riverenti, Ei CI affida, ei promette, abbiam Consolati al villaggio torniamo ; In due passi, in due salti slam qnà. Alla prova ! Da bravi ! partiamo— La meschima protetta sarà.

Entra Amina e Tebbsa.

A»u. Reggimi, o buona madre ;

A mio sostengo sola rimani tu. TV. Fa core. H Conte dalle lagrime

Tue sarà commosso.

Andiamo. Amh, Ah ! no non posso ;

Il cor mi manca e il pie.

Vedi, Siam noi presso il poder d' EItìbo.

Oh ! quante volte sedemmo insieme

Di questi faggi all' ombra.

Al mormorar del rio !

L' aura che spira de' giuramenti oostri

Ancor risuona gli obliò crudele !

Ei m' abbandona I fW. Esser non puote.

Il credi eh' ei pih non t* ami.

Afflitto e forse anch' esso, afflitto al par di te,

Miralo ; ei viene solitario e pensoso.


Elv. Ami

) Where the promis'd, pure affection, . I Where the life that knows no sorrow, Of all which, in thy affection Some faint glimpse I hop'd to borrow * Fallen, faded as a flower, Blooms and dies on Mayday bower, Mem'ry would secure one blossom. Finds but thorns and keeps a scar. [Elvino rushes from the room ; the rest stand and rtgarà Amina with execration in their looks ; tittering a Unm shriek, she falls hack into Teresa's, arms, a* the em- tain descends.


A lui mi


SCENE I. A shady valley between the milage and tht coMti»

Villagers enter and form in groups.

C5b. With the snn-shelt'ring canopy o'er us.

Let us rest where this cool spring reposes : Long and tedious our road lies before us, Ere we master yon castle's approaches. Though the morning-tide visibly lessens. Perhaps the Count has not yet left his conch ; Let us think, when we stand in his presence. How his heart to successfully touch ! " Grood your Lordship," we thus will address him, Count Rodolpho, " that poor girl. Amina, Once the pride, and the boast of our v-illage. All the communes around that have seen bar For her goodness and beauty can vouch In the room for your honor selected She was found to be sleeping one night. O defend her, if wrongly suspected. Or assist, if conjecture prove right." Sure such argument can but have power- Since its purpose is most meritorious ; Our respectful entreaties we'll shower. If acceding he do promise we're victorious To the hamlet retracing our way then. With a light heart our step is soon there. To the trial, up and away then ! The unfortunate call for our care. \Excmtl

Enter Amina and Teresa.

Ami. Bear me up, tenderest mother ;

Thro' this affliction thou art mine only stay. Tar. Have courage. His Lordship will assuredìv

Yield him to thy sweet pleadings.

Then forward. Ami. Ah I no, I cannot ;

My heart, my footsteps, both fail.

Look now, are we not near to Elvino's farmKtmi ?

O yes how often we sat together

'Neath yonder spreading beach-tree.

Or by the murm'ring streamlet !

Zephyr around me with his repeated vowings

Still seems impregnate. Are they so forgotten !

Can he forsake me ! Ter. Think not a moment

He ever ceases to love thee ;

He suffers deep affliction affliction deep as thiM.

Look on him ; he cometh, and his grief seemeA stronger ! Ami. How can 1 face him, or remain here longer !



Entra KiTiiro.

Vedi o madre—* afflitto e mesto^ Porse, ah ! forse ci ? m' ama ancor.

Eh. Tutto e sciolto. Oh fianesto 1

Ru per me non v' ha conforto.

U mio cor per sempre è morto

Alla gioja ed all' amor. .1^1. {Avvicina. Egli scuote, la vede, a

M'odi, Elvino ! Xlv. Tu— e tant' osi ?

Ami. Deh ! ti calma. Xlv. Va, spergiura.

Ami. Credi

Colpa alcuna in me non è. Xlv. Tu m'hai tolto ogni conforto. Ami. Sono innocente, io tei giura El». Va, va, ingrato !

Pace il sguardo, e appaga 1' aim*

Dell' eccesso de' miei mali ;

Il pili triste de mortali sono crad» !

E il son per tè. Voà lontane. Vira il Conte ! Elv. [Per uscire.] il Conte !




Tutti. Elv.



le dice.]

Ah ! resta.

No : fugga.

Per pietade I Va, mi lascia !

Buone nuove ! Dice il Conte eh' ella è onesta. Ch' è innocente ; e o noi già moTe. Egli ! oh ! rabbia ! ebben si fugga. Ah ! placa l' ira. L' ira mia piìi fren non ha.

[Lt toglie f aneOo. n mio anello ! oh ! madre !

[Li abbandona fra le braccia di Tereaa.

( [Ad Elvino.] Mira ! A tal colpo morirà. Cmdel I

EtUer Elviho to the background.]

See him, my mother, bow'd dovm by sorrow,

Doth he still love me ! ah, can it 1)© ' E^v. All is lost now, and for me

Love's Sim is set forever.

This poor heart in future, never

Faintest ray of bliss may see. Ami. [Approaching him timidly.] List, Elvino !

Elv. Thou ! such presumption !

Ami. Deign to calm thee

Elv. Hence, forsworn one.

Ami. Hear me !

Crime so great comes not of me ! Elv. Thou hast banish'd ev'ry comfort. Ami. That I am guiltless I still swear it. Elv. Gk>, go, nngratefiil !

See these looks so fraught with sadness.

Once this breast was fill'd with gladness.

Now 'tis goaded into madness.

Made nnhappv, girl, by thee. Chorus of Villagers. {Entering.] Vive his lordship I Elv, [Turning away?] His lordship!

j^' I Stay one moment !

Elv. Nay, I fly ye.

Ami. Stay in mercy !

Elv. Hence, and leave me !

Cho. Goodly news now,

For the lord who speaks her faultless Comes to prove it with will and power.

Elv, He comes ! O ftiry ! at thoughts of meeting

Cho. Yet stay thine anger.

Elv. Anger through each vein does thrill.

[He snatches the ring from Amina's fingm

Ami. Ah ! he has ta'en it, O mother \

[Falling back into Teresa's armg.

Ter. ( [To Elvino.] See there 1 This last blow will surely kill

Cho. ) Unkind !


Ah! per-chènon pos - so o - diar - ti, In - fb - del com io vor - re - i! Ahi del tut-toan - cor Stili so gen-tly o'er me steal-ing, Mem'ry wiU bring back the fed-ing. Spite of all my grief



eel - la - to can-cel-la - Ut dal mio cor. Poswsa un al-tro ah ! possa a-mar - ti Qual fa I love thee, that I dear4y lavi ihee stili. Though some other stvain may charm thee. Ah,


mo quest' in - - li - ce I Al-tro To-to, o tra - di - tri-ce, ah ! Non te - mer non te-mer dal mio ( oth-er e'er can warm me! Yet, ne' erf ear, I wiU not harmthee,No,thoufalseone,no,no, I fondly lovei

- lor. Al - tro vo-to. Non te - mer non te-mer, dal mio do-lor, Al-tro voto ah I non te-mer, non te-mer dal mio dolor. stai. Ah, ne'erfear,Iurillnotharmthee,ne'erfearJunUnotharmthee,NoJ'alseone,no,I love thee, I fondly love thee stili.



Ah per me non v'ha confòrto, Il mio cor per sempre è morto Alla gioja ed all' amor. Ter. \ Ah ! crudel pria di lasciarla Coro. \ Vedi il Conte, al Conte parla. Ei di rendere è capace A te pace a lei l'onore. \Elmno parte, disperato, Teresa traqge altro parte.

atea Amina da xaC

SCENA n. VUlaggio. Infonda al Teatro n acorgé di Tereaa ; un torrente ne /a girare la ruolo.

Entra Lisa e Alessio.

ùita. Lasciami : aver compreso

Assai dovresti che mi sei nojoso. AUt. Non isperar che sposo Elvin ti sia.

Dell' onestà d' Amina sarà convinto in

E allora [À$a. E allora mio sarai

Più rincrescioso ancora. Ale». Deh I Lisa, per pietà cambia consogli,

Non mi trattar cosi : che far d'un nomo

Che ti sposa soltanto per dispetto f

Làmi. Mi è più caro d' nn sciocco, io te l'ho detto. àia. No, non lo sposerai.

Porrò sossopra tutto il villaggio .

Invocherò del conte l'autorità

Pria eh' io sopporti in pace

D'esser da te schernito in questo gìos». Voci di dentro. Lisa è la sposa.

&.I «»'

Voà di dentro. La sposa è Lisa.

Entra Paeaani.


A rallegrarci con te veniamo, Di tua fortuna ci consoliamo. A te fra poco, d'Amina in loco, La man di sposo Elvin darà.

Liaa. De lieti angari a voi son grata ; Con gioja e veggo ; che son' E la memoria del vostro amore Giammai dal cor non m'useirà.

CSar*. La bella scelta a tutti, è cara ;

Ciascun ti loda, t' esalta a gara : A farti festa ciascun si appresta. Ognun ti prega prosperità.

Entra Elviwo.

Uta. E fia pur vero, Elvino,

Che alfin dell' amor tao degna mi cravi 1

Eh. Sì, List

Si rinnovi il bel nodo di pria

L' averlo sciolto perdona

A un cor sedutto da mentita virtù. Lita. Perdono t

Ora che a me ritomi

non penso al passato ;

Altro non veggo che il rìdente

Che alfin mi aspetta. fib. Vieni ;

Tna, mia diletta, mia compagne sarai.

La sacra pompa già nel tempio si appretta,

Non si ritardi f^ti. Andiam.

AH Ì8 lost to me forever ! This poor heart in future never Faintest ray of bliss may see ! Ter. ) Ere this utmost vengeance wreaking, Cho. ) See the Count, and with him speakmg Learn that yet to make both happy He possesses pow'r and will. [Elvino rushes uivat/, Teresa gently draws Amina apmt from the resi.

SCENE H.— Apart of the MUage. In the foreground Te- resa's mill. The large wheel is turning rapidly. A slight wooden bridge spanning it gives access from some dormer lights in the mill-roof to an old stone flight of step», leadittg down to the foreground.

Enter Lisa and Alessio.


Leave me then ; had yon but sense

One half as others, you'd see that this annoys me. AleM. Foster no phantom wishes toVrd Elvino.

Honesty in Amina will clearly soon be prov'd him.

And then, dear lÀta. And then, Sir, will you become

Ten thousand times more odious. Ales. Nay, Lisa, have some heart, and change intention ;

Lower this high disdain. What wouldst with ooc now.

One who gives you hi» heart thro' disappointment 1 Ijua. Love him more than an idiot, as I oft tell thee. Alea. Zounds ! you shall never wed him.

I'll turn the village house-out-of-window,

I'll submit to his lordship my cruel case,

Then shall my dainty madam

Have me her only bridegroom, please or displease Voices without. Lisa is chosen !

Voices without Bridal for Lisa !

Enter ViUagen.

Cho. O with all welcome we now surround thee,

Happiness spreadeth blessing around thee ;

That hand, the fortune once of Amina,

Thy better portion Elvino transfers. Liaa. Most duly grateful for this glad tiding

I fain would prove me ; he still doth love voM.

Your gentle kindness shall mem'ry cherish

Whene'er my heart to this refers. Cha. This matter meeteth our full approbation,

Ev'ry one praises thy exaltation.

Every one joins this celebration,

Wismng thee joy and prosperity.

Enter Elvino.

Lua. [Extending her hand, which he slight^ iktcw».] ft tfaM

is true, Elvino,

That at length ye do find me

Worthy of affection ? £3v. Tes, Lisa.

Can the flower of our former love blossom f

Though left neglected, forgive

That virtue's semblance long delighted my heait Lisa. I pardon freely.

Well have ye bought experience ;

Let the past be forgotten.

Whelm 'd by the presence of the fatare

Smiling all brightness. Elv. Come then :

Thou, O beloved, be my faithful companion,

Solemnest ritual they prepiu-e in yon temple.

Be not thou tardy. Cho. Away I [Elvino is leading Lua to the dwcA





tlod. Elvino, airesiH.

lÀM. [Aparte. | 11 Conte !

Ala. (A tempo giuii|^.)

Rad. Ove t' affretti ?

Elv. \Fieram€nte.\ Al tempio.

Rod. Odimi pnm&.

Degna d' amor, di stima o Amina Ancor :

Io della riua vinude, come de preggi suol

Mallevador esserti vo^'lio. Eh. Voi! Signor!

Signor conte, agli occhi miei

Negar fede non poso' io ' Rod. Ingannato, illuso sei :

Io ne impegno 1' onor mio. Elv. Nella stanza a voi serbata

Non la vidi addormentata 1 Rod. La vedestii. Amina eli' era—

Ma svegliata non ventrò. 7Wft. Come dunque ' in qual maniera « Rod. Tutti udite. Coro, Udiamo un pò. Rod. V'han cenuni che dormendo

Vanno intorno come desti.

Favellando rispendendo,

Come vengono richiesti.

E chiamati son sonnambuli

Dall' andar e dal dormir. Tutti. E fia vero ? E fia possibile « Rod. Un par mio non può mentir. Elv. No, non fia : di tai pretesti

La cagione appien si vede. Rod. Sciagurato ! e tu potresti

Dubitar della mia fede ? Elv. [Sema bardare a Rodolph.] Vieni LiM- Lùa. Andiara Coro. Andiam.

A tai fole non crediamo

Un che dorme è che cammina !

No non è ; non si può dar.

Entra T

Ter. Piano, amici : non gridale ;

Dorme alfin la stanca

Ne ha bisogno, poverina,

Dopo tanto lagnmar. liuti. Si tacciamo non dobbiamo

I suoi sonni rispettar. Ter. Lisa ! Elvino ! che vegg' io *

Dove andate in questa ginsa ' Imo. a sposarci. Ter. E la sposa è Lisa ^

Elv. E Lisa.

£ÌM. E lo raeito ; io nuii fui colu

Sola mai, di notte, in volta,

Ne troviita io fui rinchiusa

Nella stanza di un Signor. Ter Menzognera ! a questa acctisa

Piìi non freno il mio furor !

Questo vel fu rinvenuto

Nella stanza del Signore.

Tutti. Di chi è mai ' chi 1' ha perduto 1 Ter. [As-endo Lisa.l Ve lo dica il suo rOMOre. Tutti. Lisa 1 I Elvino l»u(da la mano di Lisa,

Ter. Lisa. Il Signor Conte

Mi smentisca se lo può Lua. Ilo non oso alzar la fronte !) Tktti. (Che pensar, che dir non so. ) Elv. Li8\ ! mendace anch' essa !

Kea doli' isteiso orrore '

Enter Rodolpbo.

Rod. Lisa. Ales. Rod. Elv.

Elvino, stay thee I

Hi8 lordship.



AU. Rod. AU. Rod.

AU. Rod.

[Elv. I Rod.

Lisa Cho.

[Aside. I A ripe arrival !

Say wnere ye hasten. [Bluntly.] To marriage !

Hear me one moment

Still may ye give Amina esteem and love ;

I for her purest virtue, unknown by bldmish,

Pledge you aiv word. Will yon accept it [Disdainfully You pledge ! my Lord !

Count Rodolpho, did not this vision

See the proof of guilt upon her *

Most mistaken in that decision

You then we-e, upon mine honor.

In a chamber for you selected

Fast asleep she was detected.

But she enter'd (from what I gather**!)

Just as fast asleep, I swear.

Enter'd sleeping "? and by what method t

All give audience.

Pray make it clear.

In their slumber certain people

Cro about as though waking ;

You address them, they are able

To reply, due answer making.

Such are rightly nam'd " Sonnambalistt,"

Since they walk the while they sleep.

Is this true. Sir ? Can this be possible *

Falsehood never hath pass'd my lip.

No ; 'tis nonsense ; of such a story

All can see the drift and matter.

Wretched doubter, I adjure ye

To believe each word I utter. ( Without regarding Am.] Come, my Lisa !


Away now !

Idle tales are easy told now.

Walking sleeping who hath seen her ^

No, the pill will not go down.

Enter Terkba.

Ter. [PoitUinp to the mill.] Gently, neighbors, len of taaall ,

Yondor sleeps the poor Amina ;

She has need of quiet slumber,

Who so much of grief has known.

We will stay then

This song of joy.

Lisa ! Elvino ! whither gir'n ?

What new phantasy may please her f

To be married.

You ! great heaven I

And his partner * Is it Lisa 1

Aye, Lisa.

Yes, I deserve it ; was I discover'd

All alone too, by nighttime, tmcorer'd t

Did they ever find me sleeping

In the chamber of a Lord ?

I shall not spare thee, still longer keeping

My convicting gall unpour'd. ( Taking Lisa's handkerchief from her bosom, and hold» M ifh

This same 'kerchief was found hanging

In the chamber of m_v lord there. Elv. and Cho. Who possesses and who hath lost it * Ter. [Pointing to Lisa.] See that blush attest my word them Elv. and Cho. Lisa ! [Elnno drops Lisa's hand, abruptif Ter. Lisa would not his lordship

Contradict me, if he could ^ Lisa [Aside.] I don't dare to look aroiud me. All. Shame and doubt congeal our blcod. Elv Lisa, of equal faiUng

Prov'd guilty by detection !

AU. Ter.

Lisa Ter

Elv. Lisa




Spento è nel monde amore

Piìi fé, pia onor, non rTia. Tv. In qnelia fVonte impressa

Chiara è la colpa, è certa.

Soffra pietà non merta

Chi altrui negò pietà. [Àia- Cielo ! a tal colpo oppressa

Voce non trovo, e tremo,

Quanto al mio scorno

La mia rivai, godrà, fifo. Signor ' che creder deggio '

Anch' ella mi tradi ! Rod. Quel eh' io ne pensi

Manifestar non vo.

Sol ti ripeto, sol ti sostengo,

Che innocente è Amina,

Che la stessa virtù offendi in essa. Eh. [StrcUuìiato.] Chi fia che il provi 1 Rod. Chi niira ; ella stessa.

[ Vedesi Amina uscire da una Jìnettra del mulino ; dia passeggia, dormendo, suW orlo del tetto ; tatto di lei la ruota del mulino, che gira velocemente, minnaccta di frangerla se pone il piede in fallo. Tutto, [pon un yn'do. J Ah ! Rod. Selenzìo ; un sol passo

Uri sol grido l'uccido. Ter. Oh figlia 1

EHv. [Trattenuto da Rodolfo.] Oh Amina) Con. Scende !

[ Tutti te volgomo a la tpaoerUati.

Teliti. Bontà divina, guide l'errante pie. Trema vacilla Ahimè !

[/Imtna giunge presso alla ruota, camminando àopra una trave mezzo fracida che piega tetto di là.

Rod. Corraggio— -e salva!

Tutti. E salva 1

^imt. \Amina si avanza in mezzo ed Teatro.]

Oh ! se una volta sola

Rivederlo io potessi.

Anzi che all' ara altra sposa ei goidasM ) Rod. [AdElvino.] Odi? Ter. A te pensa, parla di te. Ami. Vanna speranza !

Io sento suonar la sacra squilla

Al tempio già move

Io l' ho perduto— e pur—

Rea non son io. Tutti. Tenero cor ! Ami. \Ingirwcchiandosi.\ Gran Dio, non mirar il mio pianto ;

Io gliel perdono quanto infelice io sono

Felice ei sia. Questa d' oppresso core

E r ultima preghiera.

Tutti Oh detti ! oh amore !

Ami. {Si guarda la mano come cercando /' aitdb <F E!ìmMO.\

L' anello mio 1' anello

Ei me l' ha tolto

Ma non può rapirmi 1' immagin sna.

Sculta ella è qui nel petto.

[5» toglie dal iena i fiori ricevuti da Ebrim.

tè, d' etemo affetto.

Tenero pegno, o fior te perdeL

Ancor ti baccio ;

Ma inandito sei.

Banish'd from the world is affectioa. All faith and truth are dead. Ter. Look on her brow, revealing Evident shame so clearly. Let her smart, too, severely Another's doom she read. Ijiaa. O I could deem this railing Merely a bitter trifle ; But the meek smile of my rival More than their scorn I dread. Eb) My Lord, in whom to trust then ?

She can betray as well ! Rod. How this thing strikes me I do not choose to say ; But I repeat you, but I assure yon If you doubt Amina, it is Flat disbelief of ev'ry virtue. E^v. {In an agonizing tone.] Who so can prove it » Rod. Who ? see there ! she herself can.

{Amina, in her night dress, lamn in hand, emerges from m voindow in the mill roof; she passes along sleeping, to a slight and rotten bridge, spanning the mill tcked, whiai is turning round quickly. Cho. Ah! Rod. Be silent ; slightest movement,

Merest rustle might kill her. Ter. My daughter ! Elv. {Held back by the Count.] Amina ! Cho. Mark her !

{Amina now sets foot on the wooden bridge. All fidi v^ their knees in prayer. Rodolpho stands in the middle^ head uncovered. AO. Pow'r almighty, guide now her falt'ring step ! It trembles it quivers ah ]ln crossing the bridge a plank breaks under Aminola weight ; the lamp falls from her hand into the tonrml beneath ; she, however, crosses in safety, and gains the stone steps, which she descends. Rod. Be thankful, she's saved ! AM. She's saved !

Ami. {Advancing, still in her sleep, to the middle of the ttag».^ Oh, were I but permitted Only once more to see him, Ere'that another he doth lead to the altar !

Rod. {To Elvino.\ Hear her- Ter. She is thinki

ing, speaking of thee. Ami. Vainly I hope this !

0 hear it swell forth, that solemn music He moves tow'rd the temple

Ah ! I have lost him ! and why I

For I am guiltless. Cho. How pure her heart !

Ami. [Kneeling.] Great heaven, pass this cup from my tor- row;

1 do forgive him. Tho' joy forsake this bosom, May he be happy. Grant to a heart that dieth Its last poor supplication.

Cho. What sweetness 1 what affection !

Ami. {Rising, and regarding her hand as if in search of Elvmo't

ring.] My nng is gone too, my ring, yes

Why hath he taken it 1

But he cannot deprive me of his dear image,

Firmly fix'd it is, here, unfaded. {Clasping her hands on her bosom, she takes from U flowers given her by Elvino in the first Act.

Sweet flowers, tenderest emblems.

Pledging his passion, from ye ne'er will I mtmt.

Still let me kiss yon

But your bloom is fled forever.







Ah ! non crede a mi-rar - - ti Si pre-sto estin - to, o fio - rcouidi be -lieve thee To wither $o shortly, 0 bios -

re, Paa-sa sti al par d'a - som : Thus love rprings within Ou

re Che on giorno so-lo, che nn gior - no sol dn rò.. Che un gior-no so - lo, ah sol da-rò. som. And dies the s^-eawu, and diei the »^ - $awu hour— And dies the $e{f-sanu, the self-same hour.

Eh. \Al Conte.] Io pih non reggo.

[Pimgi mm Jìori.

Potrio novel vigore

Il pianto mio recarti.

Ma ravvivar l'amore

n pianto mio non pao.

Nò, pili non reggo.

E, 8* egli a me tornasse 1 Oh, tomo, EItIdo.



Rad. [Ad Elvino.] Seconda il suo Ami. A me t' appressi * oh, gioja !

L' anello mio mi rechi 1 Rod. [Ad Elmno.] A lei lo rendi.

[EMmìm Ami. Ancor son tua ; tn sempre mio. M' abbraccia, tenera madre Io son felice appieno. [Teresa l' abraccta, Elvino si proatra è i


piedi aia

Bed. De' suoi diletti in seno,

Ella si desti. Cor». [Ad alta voce.] Vìva, Amina ! Asmi. [Svegliandosi.] Oh, cielo ! dove aca io f

Che veggo ! Ah ! per pietà.

Non mi svegliate voi !

[iS^i eoprt gii «eeJb* eoQc wumi.

Eh. H tuo amante^

D tuo sposo è a te vicino. Ami. [Amina alla voce di Elvino si scopre gli ocaU h guarda,

indi si getta fra le sue braccia.

Oh, gioja I oh, gioja !

Io ti ritrovo Elvino !



Rod. Ami

Rod. Ami

[Weeps over tìu [To the Count.] No more restrain me ! Tho' blight thy bloom hath sufiFered, These tears may yet revive thee ; To bring back love when wither'd An angel's tear lacks pow'r. [Breaking from the Count.] No more restrain me I O, should he yet look on me ! Turn thee, Elvino !

[To Elvino.] Quick, follow up each thought Art thou then near me t how joyous I That little rini^ restore me. At once replace it !

[EAvino placet the ring again on Amma's Jbtgm I'm thine again, love ; thou, mine forever. Embrace me, tenderest mother.

[ Teresa approaches with extended anm. Now I at last am happy. [Falling back into Teresas embrace. Elvino faOs om ha knees before her. Within those dear embraces itot her be wakened. [ Gailj/.'j Viva Amina 1 . [Starting and ttfaking.] Oh, heav'n I what ii thii vision* Whom see I ? If ye have hearts Wake me not now, in mercy !

[ Covering her face with her hcmd$ No, 'tis no vision, but thy lover, But thy husband, who kneels before thee. . [ With a wild ay of delight, as she falls into hit arm». | Oh gladness ! oh gladness ! I have regain'd Elvino !



Ah I non ginn uman pen-iie-ro.. Do not min - gle one human fed-ing

Al con - ten to ond' io son pie - na : With the rap-ture o'er each sense steal - ing ;



tA io cr»-do ap - pe - na; bates, to me re - veai - ing

Tu miaf-fl - da, o My El-vi no,


brae - da.

e sempre in


ne, Sempre u

- nl -


In u - na spe


Del -la

brace mm.

and thus for


ing. Each a



is new re - ceiv


On this



•' :_ : _i _j_ _^ ni «X- ...:„ _- _, i j'_ rv^i i-

ter - ra in cui vi - via bright earth, while we are Kv - ing

Ci for - mia mo. L«f u( form here

^g^ gr ^^^




IT— V=?

ol d'a - mor: Del la

ii^av'n of love. On thi*


ra in cai vi - via Lriflht earth, while we are liv

mo, CI for - mia ing. Let farm .

mo, an del d'a-mor, d'a hereaheav'noflove, of..

J\t0i. bmocente, è a noi piti cara, Etella pih dal tao soffirir Vieni al tempio, e a pie daD' ara

da. Qentle niff'rar, thy example

More than aU endears thee to u ; 'Ncadi thj Ood't diviner Qe ths da* riwwd to Hv



•d Opera Li


All librettos have English text. Additional texts are indicated by Italic letters, as follows: |

/, Italian; G, German

; F, French. Those marked with (*) contain no music and are 15 cents 1

a copy. All the others

have the music of the principal airs and are 25 cents each.

G— Z





T«»t Composer

Grand Duchess of


/. Giuseppe Verdi

Gerolstein, The


Jacques Offenbach

PagUacci, I

I. R. Leoncavallo


Ambroise Thomas


G. Richard Wagner

Jewess, The


Jacques F. Halévy

Pinafore (H.M.S.)

Sir Arthur S. Sullivan

Konigin yon Saba

(Queen of Sheba) Lakmé Lily of Killamey, The

G. L

Karl Goldmark

Leo Delibes

Sir Jules Benedict

Prophète, Le Puritani, I Rheingold, Das (The


/. Giacomo Meyerbeer I. Vincenzo Bellini

G. Richard Wagner

Linda di Chamounix


Gaetano Donizetti


I. Giuseppe Verdi

♦Little Duke, The

Charles Lecocq

Robert le Diable

/. Giacomo Meyerbeer



Richard Wagner

Romeo et Julietta

F. Charles Gounod




Romeo e Giulietta

I. do.

♦Lovely Galatea, The

Franz von Suppé

Samson et Dalila

F. Camille Saint- Saens

Lucia di Lammermoor


Gaetano Donizetti


I. Gioacchino A. Rossini

Lucrezia Borgia




G. Richard Wagner

♦Madame Favart

Jacques Offenbach

*Sleeping Queen, The

Michael Wm. Balje



Jules Massenet

Sonnambula, La

I. Vincenzo Bellini


Wm. Vincent Wallace

♦Sorcerer, The

Sir Arthur S. Sullivan

Marriage of Figaro Martha ♦Mascot, The Meistersinger, Die (The Mastersingers)

I. W.A. Mozart

I. Friedrich von Flotow

Edmond Audran

G. Richard Wagner

♦Spectre Knight, The ♦Stradella


Traviata, La

Alfred Cellier

Friedrich von Flotow

G. Richard Wagner

I. Giuseppe Verdi



Arrigo Boito

Tristan und Isolde

G. Richard Wagner

Merry Wives of

Trovatore, Il

Ir Giuseppe Verdi

Windsor, The

Otto Nicolai

Ugonotti, Gli (The



Ambroise Thomas


J. Giacomo Meyerbeer

Mikado, The

Sir Arthur S. Sullivan

Verkaufte Braut, Die

♦Musketeers, The

Louis Varney

(The Bartered Bride)

G. Friedrich Smetana


Richard Genée

Walkiire, Die

G. Richard Wagner



Vincenzo Bellini

WiUiam Teli

I. Gioacchino A. Rossini


Edmon d A udran

Zauberflote, Die (The


C. W, von Gluck

Magic Flute)

G. W.A. Mozart



I Son^s from the Operas 1!

Edited by H. E. KREHBIEL

Bound in paper, cloth back, $i.J5 each, postpaid In full cloth, gilt, . .. . $^. CO each, postpaid

In these volumes of THE MUSICIANS LIBRARY the editor has presented in chronological order the most famous arias from operas of every school. Beginning with songs from the earliest Italian productions, a comprehensive view of operatic development is given by well-chosen examples from German, French, and later Italian works, down to con- temporary musical drama.

411 Each song or aria is given in its original key with the original text, and

a faithful and singable English translation.

C^Each volume contains an interesting preface by Mr. Krehbiel with

historic, descriptive and interpretative notes on each song.

€t Portraits of the most noted composers represented are given in each


€t Size of each volume, 9K x I2>^ inches.

Soprano Son^s from the Operas

Contains twenty-three numbers by nineteen composers. The music covers 188 pages, the prefatory matter 25 pages. Portraits are given of Beethoven, Bellini, Gluck, Gounod, Meyerbeer, Mozart, Rossini, Verdi and Weber.

Mezzo-Soprano Son^s from the Operas

Contains thirty numbers by twenty-five composers. The music covers 186 pages, the prefatory matter 29 pages. Portraits are given of Auber, Bizet, Donizetti, Handel, Massenet, Saint-Saens, Spontini, Thomas and Wagner.

Alto Son^s from the Operas

Contains twenty-nine numbers by twenty-two composers. The music covers 176 pages, the prefatory matter 20 pages. Portraits are given of Glinka, Gluck, Handel, Lully, Meyerbeer, Purcell, Rossini, Thomas and Verdi.

Tenor Son^s from the Operas

Contains twenty-nine numbers by twenty-one composers. The music covers 192 pages, the prefatory matter 27 pages. Portraits are given of Beethoven, Bizet, Gluck, Gounod, Mascagni, Massenet, Verdi, Wagner and Weber.

Baritone and Bass Son^s from the Operas

Contains twenty-seven numbers by twenty-four composers. The music covers 188 pages, the prefatory matter 20 pages. Portraits are given of Bellini, Bizet, Cheru- bini, Gounod, Halévy, Handel, Mozart, Ponchielli and Tchaikovsky.




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