be | u > LL. 9 Site LL vel, AR | T2 0 | Br ie D. \ 46 M | ut à :Ÿ AR PPT RE PTE ER ER Pet LE Lin © MR LI | ALT ’ EN \ Ti ge fs | ; %. I II ce BELLE TEL Vwd SEE nun 2 1 6 er, en 4 % y Le D è 3 TH : de y! Le + CORTE 4 u | = LAC Se | Ds Dep, Li RE HERR ar DES x à ei Ex Es See 1 WU. ES un [LE a 2 ei 4. Hal anf z VON: — vbs hs 14 m Br 56e ML AUT M LA PR PRE FSU me NAN re Kal UMA m EM LITT | wo BUTTER RT PILLS. 5 Ih LLLPRRSS Wayı + a RRPEITITTETLE 4 ah. u mer nn AS : = | JL LE LS ON \ LEE | ATELIER D : Br N \ NN Senn, % 1 & AÉ f NN RATS | Lait | à BT Tele he | La : se rt d RER -ÉR- À VW = A a Da yy y À N | ! gs ug MS) A Hd M CUP Lee EEE EL nun ER Et ; LE à \ > \ [ 3 : È PSY EE € w Un “x ne Ih JR GE: rl: de à Nu I- EISESSIG an a à tal { 4 € : f # \ A. PU À 5 x SS M” & =w + =E 4 SEEN Mug | LE ATI FIRE CREER EEE EEE IA KR KK u JA LU AM we u: #4 AE PTT Sun 1 LE TS e ES 1 17 1 uS PTS SCT > = a sul ip} ng es pds HUE sie | | 5 € £: 5 , mont en CTI AAN werner | | 2 HERE ’ wur IEFR 4 AAA ÈA EL LT a vert ten ® RS US 8 Lee LA PLUS weh Eau LA ALU \v pas LUS NU OR wen! ur aan. a De | À Lattes, vanne “ : ee” | rare st Tux EPL LR Ÿÿ 15 AN || 111 LENS en | [ll ALllA2: 4. J° 5 ac | ! cd RI MM 5 En. "9 PC ti Vy: W Ay AT # fl “BE win | m... | LT LL ë IFTrH L am, siens DUR ia... a I EAST 3 1 | EEG * „u, SE RL EF FES PS Er SESZmZE à d I lu Re BETTEN MA |: Se à SEE u. um n | ET TTLPRR LE ne MALE UT A A, ELEND run LE de : All He “ N" “Vus he ALLEN, OR TH it V æ * NY st bdtt vw. 119 | Vu KERSERSLCLL, y CL \ LTE fi JE EE ARE FH | | “TU REAL AAN A A N ER RR 5 um AL EU" HAL | Ueuyrs és 1 | MM SIRERESAR N, fü MS TN AU" EE RES 3 9 eV. A vu VW AMEL = vy AU LL | Je Li ll à 4 ; Loeb Ca ont nl Br MES Li: en Wuy AS RAA Hi \n ” aA, À FIR Ars 1 3 own m AU “ ere AUS CON NE TRE Ee rte , Des NE, 1/7 FAT AU MOT À À L u. N} SR a ET MA TA V EN brin ATI LIED en “run a | N VS u BEL TH BESTELLEN | SS | Pi) | vw | Wurr EL = w,” > fé I} et Ei TE LL, x EL RAPPORTS is u À Ex Ar Ne: dE BOX | ë { AN rh 23 a BEE ER X LI RAR | À id: VYV.. | [| Nu Listes 2 v Vuvs “ ul N vd 4 | Man NAT cet AU Eu: L FU: HAT uw Vo AAA CARTE Li AT SUR mit TN ne Pre NN \ AAA Le À LL (A EEE I f SA eat. ENT ESS tee A tre = 1 u. Ve MANS u REN en Ze A AE AA TEN, | | ; 4 » Se CEE SS À vb A : k À CES ww“ ‚von 12 + Wu EU \ à = , dès À ete THE MM Te ALU remote dl Les | ASUS TA Er > ITEM LU TON AI LUE SAIT ETUI MELLE EL EE PRIRENT? LL LT on | LS ts \ m “u 0 SD IERRDIOREN wur ©... "ELLE wrSé: anne vv ] JR à à de ” v° AT UN. a. Yu = u» PL AR Re LAS tte 1 2 ASSET ES AL Nu Win. u ARE A Tirlesses ch 1 1- TILL 2 +” vi PTT" v Ve ART Zu ya Le ho ve | | Vase M Bibliographie Zoologica (antea Zoologischer Anzeiger : Bibliographia Zoologica) { | ZÜRICH, CONCILIUM BIBLIOGRAPHICUM. CONCILIUM BIBLIOGRAPHICUM | | a ie pl 0. on Wichtige Anzeige. 253 23 3 Nach einer Pause von 5 Jahren (Bd. 29 on 1916 heraus) geht Bd. 30 der Bibliographia Zoologica in die Welt. Wie so . viele Institute idealer Natur hat auch das Concilium Bibliographicum durch den Krieg in starkem Masse gelitten, so dass wir genötigt waren, die Publikationen einzustellen und uns darauf zu be- schränken, für die Zukunft zu sorgen, d. h. möglichst viel Manus- kript vorzubereiten, um bei Eintritt besserer Zeiten sogleich mit. der Ausgabe eines neuen Bandes und damit auch der Zettelform beginnen zu können. | Diese Zeit schien endlich gekommen, da — mitten in der Aus- gabe des 30. Bandes — traf uns der herbste Verlust. Der Mann, | der die Seele des Ganzen gewesen, musste die Feder aus der | fleissigen Hand legen und sein Werk verlassen. "Noch haben sich die Verhältnisse am C. B. nicht geklärt, doch besteht gegründete Hoffnung, dass Dr. Field’s Lebenswerk fortgesetzt werde. Material für den nächsten Band der Biblio- graphia Zoologica ist genügend vorhanden, auch wird tüchtig an neuem Manuskript gearbeitet. = In diesem 30. Band haben wir die Literatur bis zu dem "Jahre 1920 berücksichtigt, soweit sich dieselbe in die in ihm ent- . „haltenen ‚Kapitel einfügen liess. Alles was vom Jahr 1921 schon * bearbeitet ist, kommt in Band 31 mit zur Publikation; wir wollten auf einen gewissen Zeitpunkt einen Abschluss machen. — Dem | Leser wird die grosse Zahl älterer Literatur-Hinweise auffallen ; diese fehlten bisher unserer. Sammlung. Um eine möglichste Voll- "ständigkeit zu erhalten, benützten wir die ruhigere Zeit der letzten “Jahre, um das Fehlende nachzuholen, wozu wir in normalen Zeiten » nié gekommen wären. | >. So lassen wir den Band 30, auf dessen Erscheinen so Viele seit langem gewartet haben, hinaus in der Hoffnung, in abseh- * barer Zeit Bd. 31 folgen lassen zu können. Ob dessen Ausgabe wie früher in Heften oder als Band erfolgen wird, ist heute noch * nicht zu ‚entscheiden. Avis important. Le 2 bolunge 30 de la Kiblfneraphii Soie el ner um de ai de cinq années (le volume 29 avait ete publié en 1916), Le Concilium Bibliographicum comme tant d'autres institutions au. Service de la Science avait fortement souffert de la guerre. Toute x Bi na publication avait dü étre arrêtée et on avait dû y limiter ses efforts ia ER depouiller autant de périodiques que possible, afin d'être prêt à MOREL publier à la fois un nouveau volume et le a sur DR des ne le retour de temps meilleurs. | N ve ER le moment semblait enfin arrive, qe en _pleine prépara- ae - ration du volume 39 nous fimes la perte la plus grave qui pouvait |. fe frapper notre institution. L'homme qui en 2 l'âme CAE re tâche et abandonner son œuvre. LR Ne Au A l'heure actuelle il n’est pas possible encore de se prononcer le | a l'avenir du Concilium Bibliographicum, mais nous espérons _ pouvoir continuer l'œuvre créée par le Dr. Field. En tous cas des maintenant nous disposons de matière suffisante peur un nouveau . volume de la Bibliographia Zoologica et le PROPRIETE des pe Le ‘ riodiques continue. nn a: Dans le volume 50 ül est tenu comple de travaux publiés jus-' “ » ER qu'à la fin de 1920 pour autant du moins qu ‘ils se rapportent aux. a 0... chapitres contenus dans ce volume. ‚Le prochain volume contiendra sou également des travaux de 1921. Le lecteur ne manquera vas de | remarquer dans le présent volume de nombreux titres relativement anciens. Il s'agit là de titres qui ne figuraient pas dans nos biblio- à POUR * graphies jusqu'à present et que les loisirs. dorer des dernières : années nous ont permis de rassembler alors qu'en temps normal . il ny eut guère été possible de pröceder à à cette tentative de com Re péter nos series. RR, Nous esperons de pouvoir publier bientôt le volume 31 soit due en fascicules soit comme volume. so... es DRE D Fer Æ NR TE Bibliographia Zoologica (adhuc diario „Zoologischer Anzeiger“ adnexa) | condita ab |. Victor Carus edidit, sub cura doctoris Herbert Haviland Field, Concilium Bibliographicum. Volumen XXX. | À Dal EEE : LD # À IH A A 8 u : à 5 I: N ÿ sa, ui | ii L : u" ZÜRICH sumptibus Concilii Bibliographici 1921 ht N DEEE Ai Conspectus methodicus Palæontologia. . . . . . . . Biologia generalis . . , . . . Microscopium ; Conservatio Scripta generalia Scripta societatum Musea, Stationes, Aquaria, Sub. sidia technica Scripta collecta, Historia Ehysiolagia ........... . Teratologia, Pathologia . Embryologia Organologia TEE) a Zoologia @conomica. . . . . Bestwlogia 0.1... . . . . . Zoogeographia Invertebrata Protozoa Spongiæ Cnidaria Miscellanea, elite ser ee, HAS (air He, Ve 42 106 140 142 144 157 162 164 196 197 Echinoderma . . Mollusca Bryozoa Brachiopoda Tunicata . Vermes (incl. Mesozoa, Teiche: plax) Arthropoda . . Crustacea . . . . . . Arachnida (incl. ane de et Tardigrada) . Onychophora . Myriapoda Insecta . . Thysanura Orthoptera Pseudoneuroptera . Neuroptera . Hemiptera . Coleoptera Diptera "0. eye ed el t'elle te 204 210 236 237 238 239 264 267 281 293 294 295 811 312 323 330 333 375 467 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 209742 210025 210078 211302 211961 212155 213290 214636 214651 214770 215142 215643 215651 215653 215661 215673 215769 214794, 214811, 214818, 216002 Corrigenda CE Vol. XXX. 1915, recte: 1916 Mitotinetism, recte: Mitokinetism Notncectidae, recte: Notonectidae Damam, recte: Daman 37.1, recte: 37.1 Stromatoporidae (469), recte: (46.7) Vol. 49, recte: Vol. 9 57.6, recte: 57.62 (’1,3, recte: (71.3) (97.8, recte: (67.8) Ochodaeinae, recte: Aphodiidae (74.4), recte: (74.8) Jahrg. 76, recte: Jahrg. 77 No. 24, recte: No. 34 lacordeirai, recte: lacordairei 1918, recte: 1915 (74.4, recte: (74.7) recte: 215794 recte: 215811 recte: 215818; 57.71 Bibionidae (81), recte: 57.71 Bibionidae - CONSPECTUS METHODICUS. Cap. I. 56 Palaeontologia. 0 Generalia 06 Scripta societatum 01 Philosophia, Classificatio 07 Subsidia studii, Musea. 02 Compendia 08 Scripta collecta, Miscellanea 03 Lexica 09 Historia 04 Scholae 091 Bibliographia 05 Scripta periodica 092 Biographiat (11) Stratigraphia (1161) Triassicum (111) Archaicum (1162) Jurassicum (112) Palaeozoicum (117) Cretacicum (1121) Cambricum (118) Neozoicum, Tertiaericum. (113) Siluricum (1181) Eocaenicum (114) Devonicum (1182) Miocaenicum (115) Carbonicum, Permicum. (1183) Rliocaenicum (116) Mesozoicum (119) Quataericum (4) Europa? (7) America septentrionalis? (5) Asia? (8) America australis ? (6) Africa? (9) Oceania? Cap. II. 575; 577 Biologia generalis. 575 Evolutio 577 Substantia animata .1 Hereditas | .2 Vita .2 Variatio .4 Conditiones vitae .3 Effectus »mediorum ambientium« .6 Vis vitalis 4 Selectio naturalis .7 Mors .5 Selectio sexualis .8 Sexualitas .1 Degeneratio Cap. III. 578; 579 Microscopium; Collectio; Conservatio. 578 Microscopium 678.68 Praeparatamicroscopicaquomodle .1 Varietates disponuntur .2 Partes opticae .69 Reconstructio .3 - mechanicae 579 Collectio; csnservatio 4 - accessotiae .1 Confectio sceletorum 49 Microphotographia .2 Fluida conservantia, durantia .5 Partes illuminantes ‚3 Injectio vasorum .6 Subsidia technica 4 Taxidermia 61 Conservatiohistologica, cf. 579.2 5 Expositio rerum praeparatarum .65 Coloratio «6 Collectio, Cultura .67 Microtomia .1 Dispositio in Museis ‚8 Tutela collectionum 1 Paläontologische Biographien werden der Bequemlichkeit halber unter der entsprechenden Rubrik (Cap. VII) für Zoologie zitiert. 2 Für die Unterabteilungen siehe S. 5—7. Zool. Bibliogr. XXX VII 1916 1 Generalia — Physiologie, 59. Zoologia. . Cap. IV. 01 Philosophia, Classificatio 02 Compendia 59.01—04 Scripta generalis. 03 Lexica 04 Scholae Cap. V. 59.05—06 Scripta periodica et societatum. 05 Scripta periodica | 06 Scripta societatum Cap. VI. 59.07 Musea; Subsidia studii. 07 Subsidia studii, horti, stationes, aquaria, musea Cap. VII. 59.08—092 Scripta collecta; Historia. 08 Scripta collecta, Miscellanea 09 Historia 091 Bibliographia 092 Biographia Cap. VIII. 59.11 Physiologia. 11 Physiologia. 11.0 Fhysiologia generalis 04 Physica et chemia cellularum et organismorum in genere .041 Functiones nuclei et plasmatis (Irritabilitas in genere ete.) — vide etiam 11.81 «044 Effectus mediorum ambientium {virium physicarum et chemi- carum) in cellulas et organismos. — vide etiam 11.85. «05 Chemia physiologica (incl. meta- bolismus in genere — vide etiam 11.33 et 11.49) .06 Organa et media agressionibus et defensionibus inservientia — vide etiam 15.7. | 11.1 Sauguis, Circulatio Haemolympha, Lympha inverte- bratorum e11 Proprietates generales chemicae et physicae sanguinis etc. e12 Circulatio 11.2 Respiratio 21 Physiologia generalis respirati- onis: Motus, chemia «22 Respiratio per totam superficiem «23 Respiratio per vasa aquifera «25 Respiratio per branchias «26 Respiratio per tracheas 11.27 Respiratio per pulmones «28 Calor animalis 11.3 Nutritio «31 Prehensio, physiologia stomodaei (masticatio, salivariae glandulae etc.) .32 Digestio, physiologia intestini medii «33 Chemia physiologica alimento- rum et nutritionis (metabolismus syntheticus) «54 Incrementum 36 Proctodaeum, defecatio .39 Longaevitas, Necrobiosis 11.4 Secretio et excretio, Lympha 41 Secretio cutanea .44 Systema lymphaticum (vertebra- torum) .45 Venena 46 Secretio organorum sexualium, lae | .49 Excretio, urina, Metabolismus analyticus | 11.5 Variatio 51 — polymorphica 52 — geographica 53 — heterophagica .55 — mimetica | 6 — sexualis «8% — colorativa 411.58 Formae hybridae 59 — monstrosae 11.6 Generatio «61 Abiogenesis .62 Parthenogenesis +63 Paedogenesis, nutrices .64 Fissura 65 Gemmatio +66 Fecundatio «67 Hermaphroditismus .68 Viviparitas .69 Regeneratio 1.7 Motus, Integumentum e71 Itus 072 Reptatio .73 Natatio „74 Volatus +15 Musculorum physiologia in genere (nervi et musculi vide 11.82) +751 Organa electrica do 2 D LA A ER Physiologia — Embryologia. 11.76 Integumentum (substantiae colorantes etc.) .77 Sceleton (incl. Exosceleton) 11.8 Systema nervorum +81 Irritabilitas et Physiologia nerverum in genere (sine muscvlis) Electro-physio- logia ete. — vide etiam 11.041. +82 Nervi et musculi (Tonus, motus reflexus ete.) — vide etiam 11.75 et 11.81 .85 Sensus (Tropismi vide etiam 11.044) .852 Tactus .853 Sensus chemicus (chemotaxis vide etiam 11.044} 353.1 Gustatus .s54 Odoratus .355 Auditus, sensus staticus. .856 Visus 11.99 Functio photogenica Cap. IX. 59.12 Pathologia et Teratologia. 42 Pathologia et Teratologia! (Vide etiam 11.59) el Organa circulationis etc. +2 Organa respirationis etc. +3 Organa nutritionis etc. Cap. X 59.13 43 Embryologia? el Ovum, Segmentatio e1l Maturatio cf. 14.65.1 +13 Fecundatio ovi „15 Segmentatio - «16 Morula +17 Blastula e2 Laminae germinis, Gastrula e3 Embryo, primordia e3l Primordia ectodermalia +33 — entodermalia 12.4 Systema lyınphaticum etc. «6 Organa urogenitalia etc. e7 Organa motus etc. .8 Systema nervosum etc. «9 Somatologia etc. Embryologia. 13.35 Primordia mesodermalia «39 Adnexa embryonis 4 Metamorphosis „41 Larvae 45 Metagenesis .b Juvenes .6 Productio sexuum °7 Hybridisatio (vide 11.58) 8 Incestus 9 Embryologia experimentalis 1 Wird wie 14 Organologia eingeteilt (S. 4). 2 Allgemeines. Die Entwicklung eines bestimmten Organs findet man unter #4 Organologia (S. 4). Anatomia — Mores. 4 Cap. XI. 59.14 Organologia, Anatomia. 14 Organologia, Anatomia .i Organa eireulationis, cf. 18.5 ‚il Pericardium .12 Cor .13 Vase ın genere, Arteriae .14 Venae .15 Vasa capillaria 14.2 Organa respirationis .21 Nasus .22 Larynx 23 Trachea (Vert.); bronehi .24 Pulmo .25 Pleuro .26 Diaphragma .28 Branchiae +29 Organa alia, Tracheae Vesica natatoria 14.3 Organa nutritionis al Os «31.3 Lingua .31.4 Dentes 081.6 Glandulae .32 Pharynx, oesophagus .33 Ventriculus +34 Intestinum .35 Rectum, cloaca «36 Hepar +354 l’ancreas «38 Peritoneum, coeloma .39 Corpora adiposa, etc. 14.4 Systema lymphaticum 41 Lien. 42 Vasa lymphatica .43 Thymus «44 Glandula thyreoidea 45 — suprarenalis «46 — lymphaticae 14.6 Organa urogenitalia, cf. 14.35 .61 Ren, ureter .62 Vesica, urethra .63 Testis, vas deferens .63.1 Sperma, spermatogenesis (Ins.), | | | 14.64 Organa copulationis «65 Ovarium, oviduetus «65.1 Ovum, oogenesis cf. 13.11 «66 Uterus +67 Vagina .69 Mammae si +7 Organa motus (Musouli, Integue mentum) «71 Sceleton — cf. 18.3, 18.4 .72 Articulationes «73 Musculi — cf. 18.6 .13.9 Organa electrica +14 Tendines, Fasciae «76 Tela conjunctiva — cf. 18.2 .77 Integumentum — cf. 18.7 .78 Pili, ungues, plumae etc. .78.1 Pili a .78.5 Squamae, Exosceleton .18.6 Ungues .78.7 Plumae .18.8 Cornua 14.8 Systema nervosum — cf. 18.5 .81 Systema centrale, Encephalon: .82 Medulla spinalis .83 Systema nervos. periphericum. .84 Organa visus | .85 — auditus .86 — olfactus 87 — gustus .88 — sengus in genere, tactus. .889 — lateralia .89 Ganglia sparsa 14.9 Somatologia «91 Personae cormorum .92 Antimera, metamera +93 Caput «94 Cephalothorax, collum. «95 Thorax «96 Abdomen «97 Cauda, telson .98 Extremitates +99 Appendices corporis Cap. XII. 59.15 Mores; vitae ratio. 15, Mores, vitae ratio . .1 Instinctus — cf. 11.8 .2 Locus, migratio 5 Alimentum -4 Annitempore, Hibernatio 15.5. ‚Soeialitas Een 6 Neomelia, Oologis 7 Tutamenta «8 Cantus ee 5 Zool. oeconom. — Distrib. ge, Cap. XIII. 59.16 Zoologia oeconomica. 16 Zoologia oeconomica (ad res dome- sticas, rusticas etc. se referens) +1 Usus .b Noxae .‘ Animala morbum efficienti Cap. XIV. 18 Histologia? .1 Cellula — ef. 13.1, 14.63.1 «11 Proteplasma +13 Nucleus .15 Divisio cellularum .i6 Centrosoma °18 Membrana, cilia, etc. | | | 16.9 Parasita! :57 Parasita insectorum :82 — avium :9 — mammalium :9.32 — rodentium, etc., etc. 59.13 Histologia. | 18.2 Tela conjunctiva Cap. XV. 59.19 DISTRIBUTIO {21) Terrae continentes (212) Regiones temperatae (213) Regiones intertropicae (22) Insulae (23) Montes {24) Cavernae 125) Plana, deserta (26) Maria, oceani5 (26.01) Plancton _ (26.02) Fauna pelagica (26.03) — abyssalis (26.1) Atlanticum {26.12) Germanicum (26.13) Balticum {26.2) Mediterraneum 126.23) Adria © (26.25) Pontus Euxinus (26.28) Mare caspium (26.3) Atlanticum tropicale (26.35) Mare caraibicum (26.4) Mare australe | | Ä .3 Cartilago 4 Os «5 Sanguis, Lympha .6 Musculus «7 Epithelium .8 Tela nervosa GEOGRAPHICA® — cf. 15.2. (26.5) Pacificum septentrionale (26.6) Pacificum orientale (26.7) Indo-pacificum (26.75) Mare rubrum (26.78) Mare persicum (26.8) Oceanus arcticus — v. (98) (26.9) Oceanus antarcticus — v. (99) (28) Aquae dulces (2801) Limnoplancton (281) Flumina (285) Lacus (29) Fontes, putei, aqua solo cont nta 4) EUROPA (403) Regio palaearctica® (405) — mediterranea 6 (41) Scotland ; (41.5) Ireland (42) England, British Isles 43) Beutschland (43.59) Luxemburg (43.6, Österreich-Ungarn 1 Die Parasiten werden hier nach dem Wirt geordnet. Letzterer wird durch einen der taxonomischen Klassifikation entlehnten Zusatz bezeichnet. Beispiel 9.725 „cibt Solipedes (Pferd), folglich 16.9:9.725 = Parasiten des Pferdes. Die Histologie eines bestimmten Organs 2 Gewebelehre im allgemeinen. suche man unter 14 Organologia. 3 Bloß die Hauptzahlen werden hier wiedergegeben. Für solche, die sich für die detaillierte Klassifikation interessieren, verweisen wir auf den vollständigen à Fee der den Anfang des 10. Bandes der Bibliogr. Zool. bildet. 4 Die Zeichen (22)— (2 29) lassen sich’mit den die einzelnen Länder bezeichner- € Ziffern vereinigen, z. B. 19 (24:43.72) Mährische Höhlen. 5 Hier werden selbstredend nicht alle Aufsätze über marine Tiere angeführt 5 Im allgemeinen. Distributio geographica. 43.7) Böhnien, Galizien ete. i43.9) Ungarn 144) France 445) Italia {46) España 1469) Portugal 469.8) Madeira (469.9) Acores i47) Russland (48) Norge, Sverige, Danmark (49) Divisiones minores i491) Island, Faroë 492) Nederland 498) Belgique, België Luxemburg v. (43.59) 494) Suisse, Schweiz 496) Griechenland 496) Europäische Türkei {497) Serbien, Bulgarien, Montenegro !#98) Romania (£99) Griechischer Archipel (6) ASIEN — cf. (403) (502) Regio orientalis! (503) — indo-sinica! (504) — indo-malayicai 51) China 52) Japan (53) Arabien {54 India {55 Persia (66, Asia minor, Syria (57) Asiatisches Russland {58) Afghanistan {58.4) Buchara, Chiva {58.8) Belutschistan 459) Farther India. Indochine {6) AFRIKA 61) Nordafrika — cf. (403) i61.1) Tunisie {61.2) Tripoli, Barca 62) Egypt 463) Abyssinia, Eritrea {64) Maroc, Rio de Oro {65) Algérie (66) Centralafrika, Norävrest 167) Centralafrika, Süd {68) Südafrika (69) Madagascar (2) NORTH AMERICA (701) KRegio nearctica (71) British North America —. 2 Umfaß ! Im allgemeinen, i | | | | i | | | | | | | | ! | | | | | | | | | | { t'( we IN (72) Mexico — cf. (801) (428) America centrale — cf. (801) (429) West Indies, Antilles — cf. (801}: (73) United States (74) North Eastern (New England) (75) South Eastern (76) South Central or Gulf (77) North Central or Luke 78) Western or Mountain (79) Pacific 8) SÜDAMERIKA (801) Regio neotropicai { ) ) (81) Brasil (82) Argentina (82.9) Patagonia (82.99) Falkland, Malouines : (838) Chili (84) Bolivia (85) Peru : (86) Columbia (86.6) Ecuador (86.69) Galapagos, Clipperton (87) Venezuela S8) Guiana | (89) Paraguay (89.6) Uruguay | (9) OCEANIA® (902) Regio australica ! (903) — austro-malayica ! (91) Malaysia® — cf. (502)—(504) (92) Sunda — cf. (502)—(504), (91) (93) Australasia (931) New Zealand (932) Nouvelle Calédonie (933) Loyalty Islands (934) N. Hebrides, Santa Cruz (935) Salomon-Inseln (936) N. Pommern (N.Britain),Bismarck- Archipel, N. Hannover (937) Admiralitäts-Inseln, Echiquier (938) Lord Howe, Norfolk, Kermadee (939) Chatham, Bounty, Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell, Macquarrie. — vide etiam (99) (94) Australia (95) N. Guinea, Trobriand, Louisiade- Archipelago, Woodlark Island (96. Polynesia (98) Regiones arcticae — cf. (26.8) (69, Regiones antarcticae — cf. {26.9} 91)—(96.9). 3 Umfaßt (91)—(92). 7 Invertebrata — Mallnecz, Cap. XVI. 59.2 INVERTERRATA. Cap. XVII. 59.31 Protozoa. 81 Protozoa 31.75 Suctoria e1 Rhizopoda «I Sporozoa «2 Foraminifera .91 Gregarinidae eö Heliozoa «92 Coccidia «4 Radiolaria «926 Haematozoa eb Infusoria «93 Sarcosporidia «6 Flagellata «34 Myxosporidia 7 Ciliata .95 Microsporidia Cap. XVIII. 59.33 Coelenterata. Cap. XIX. 59.34 Spongiae, Porifera. 84 Spongiae, Porifera 34.4 Lithospongiae Tetractinellida el Myxospongiae «d Hyalospongiae, Hexactinellida «2 Ceratospongiae +6 Calcispongiae «3 Halichondriae, Monactinellida Cap. XX. 59.35—38 Cridaria. 37.1 Hydromedusae, Graptolitha +2 Siphonophors «3 Acalephae «2 Alcyonaria, Octocorallia «4 Calycozoa +3 Zoantharia, Hexacorallia .DB Rhizostomidss «4 Antipatharia Le Marsupialida «5 Actinaria Er Discophora | 85 Cnidaria 86 Actinozon .1 Rugosa, Tetracorallia. .6 Madreporaria 58 an 87 Hydrozoa Cap. XXI. 59.88 Echinoderma (incl. Enteropneusta), 89 Echinodernia 39.5 Echinoidea el Crinoidea, Pelmatozoa «6 Holothurioidea .2 Asterozoa «7 Pedata, Elasipoda «3 Asteroidea | .S Apoca «4 Cphiuroidea «3 Enteropneusta Cap. XXII. 59.4—4.5 Moliusca. 4 Moliusca 4.38 Pulmonsta «1 Lamellibranchia 4 Pteropoda «2 Scaphopoda «5 Cephalopoda «3 Gastropoda bi Tetrabranchia «51 Ariphineura .bZ Nautiloidea +32 Prosobranchia .53 Ammonitse «34 Heteropoda «55 Dibranchia «35 Opisthobranchia | .56 Octopoda «36 Nudibranchia 58 Decapoda +37 Tectibranchia iolluscoidea — Crustacea. 8 Cap. XXTII. 59.46 Molluscoidea (Brachiostoma), Cap. XXIV. 59.47 Bryozoa. &7 Lryozoa 47.3 Pterobranchia «1 Gymnolaemata «et Entoprocta +2 Phylactolaemata Phoronis v. 51.76, Cap. XXV. 59.48 Brachiopoda, Cap. XXVI. 59.49 Tunicata. 49 Tunicata | 49.4 Synascidiae .l Ascidiae | «5 Pyrosoma +2 Copelatae .6 Salpae «3 Monascidiae | «7 Doliolum Cap. XXVII. 59.5 ARTICULATA. Cap. XXVIII. 59.51 Vermes (incl. Mesozoa, Trichoplax), 51 Vermes 51.6 Oligochaeta «1 ilelminthes, Parasitit «7 Polychaeta «2 Platyhelminthes .14 Gephyrea «21 Cestodes .76 Phoronis .22 Trematodes y +78 Myzostomum .23 Turbellarii .3 Kotifera .24 Nemertini .85 Kchinoderes 3 Nematodes «88 Gastrotricha 5! Gordiacei | «39 Dinophilus <> Acanthocephali «9 Orthonectida +35 Chaetognathi «35 Dicyemida «4 Annelida «39 Trichoplax, etc. «9 Hirudinea Cap. XXIX. 59.52 ARTEROPODA,. Cap. XXX. 59.53 Crustacea (incl. Pantopoda et Xiphosura). 55 Crustacea 3.72 Isopoda ‘1 Eintomostraca .8 Thoracostraca «15 Pantopoda .81 Cumacea 2 lhyllopoda +52 Stomapoda 23% Branchiopoda .8> Schizopoda «24 Cladocera «84 Decapoda +5 ‘Jstracoda «541 Macrura, Anomura e4 Copepoda 842 Brachyura 49 Parasita ed Cirripedia eb Malacostraca, Leptostraca °7 Arthrostraca 11 Amphipoda «9 Gigantostraca «91 Eurypterida «92 Xiphosura «93 Trilobita CESR VER EHER 1 Im allgemeinen. 9 Arachnida — Hemiptera. Cap. XXXI. 59.54 Arachnida (incl. Linguatulida, Tardigrada). 64 Arachnida 54.5 Pedipalpi «1 Linguatulida .& Scorpiones .12 Tardigrada .7 Pseudoscorpiones «2 Acarina ‚3 Solifugae «3 Phalangida «9 Anthracomarthi +4 Araneae Cap. XXXII. 59.55 Onychophora. Cap. XXXIII. 59.56 Myriopoda. 56 Myriopoda 56.3 Symphyla «1 Chilognatha, Diplopoda 4 Pauropoda .2 Chilopoda «9 Archipolypoda Cap. ZXXIV. 59.57 INSECTA1. Cap. ZXXV. 59.57.1 Thysanura. 57.1 Thysanura 57.15 Poduridae «11 Campodeidae | «15 Lepismatidae Cap. XXXVI. 59.57.2 Ortkoptera (incl. Dermaptera). 57.2 Orthoptera? 57.25 Mantidae .21 Dermaptera .26 Saltatoria .22 Cursoria (et Protoblattoidea) «27 Acrididae .23 Gressoria | 28 Locustidae .24 Phasmidae | «29 Gryllidae Cap. XXXVII 59.57.3 Pseudo-Neuroptera (incl. Palaeodictyoptera). 57.3 Pseudo-Neuroptera | 57.35 Perlidae .31 Thysanoptera +56 Palaeodictyoptera, Mixotermi- «52 Corrodentia toidea, Hadentomoidea, Hapalo- .33 Odonata(et Protodonata) [roidea) pteroidea .34 Ephemeridae (et Protepheme- Cap. XXXVIII. 59.57.4 Noursptera (incl. Strepsiptera). 57.4 Neuroptera 57.44 Panorpidae 41 Planipennia .45 Trichoptera .42 Megaloptera .46 Strepsiptera .43 Sialidae Cap. XXXIX. 59.57.5 Hemiptera (incl. Aptera). 57.5 Hemiptera (et Palaeohemiptera) 57.92 Phytophthires .o1 Aptera «33 Homoptera .512 Pediculidae | .54 Heteroptera (et Protohemiptera) «514 Mallophaga 1 Hierher als 57... die Gattung Recula. 2 Hierher als 57.2. Protorthoptera. Coleoptera — Amphibıa. 10 Cap. XL. 59.57.6 Coleoptera. 57.6 Coleoptera 57.65 Sternoxia .6i Pentamera «66 Malacodermata .62 Adephaga «67 Heteromera «63 Ciavicornia .68 Tetramera .6& Lamellicornia «69 Trimera Cap. XLI. 59.57.7 Diptera (incl. Aphaniptera). 57.7 Diptera 57.74 Pupipara .«1 Nematocera «75 Aphaniptera «72 Brachycera Cap. ZLII. 59 57.8 Lepidoptera. 57.8 Lepidoptera | 57.86 Noctuina «81 Heterocera «87 Bombycina «82 Microlepidoptera «88 Sphingina «83 Macrolepidoptera «89 Rhopalocera 8 Geometrina Cap. XLIII. 59.57.9 Hymenoptera. 57.9 Hymenoptera 57.95 Chrysididae «391 Terebrantia «96 Formicidae «32 Entomophaga +37 Fossoria «33 Phytophaga «98 Vespidae «94 Aculeata «99 Apidae Cap. XLIV. 59.6 VERTEBRATA. Cap. XLV. 59.7—7.5 Pisces. 7 Pisces | 7.44 Chonérostei e1 Pharyngobranchii | «45 Pycnodontidei «2 Marsipobranchii 46 Crossopterygii «3 Elasmobranchii (Pleuropterygii, «47 Euganoidei, iletero 'erei Ichthyotomi, Ichthyodorulitha) 48 Dipnoi «31 Selachoidei «d Teleostei «35 Rajae +53 Lophobranchii «38 Holocephali «54 Plectognathi 4 Ganoidei .55 Physostomi «41 Amioidei | «56 Anacanthini .42 Acanthodidei | «57 Pharyngognathi «43 Placoderma, Cephalaspidae .58 Acanthopteri Cap. XLVI. 59.76—79 Amphibia. 76 Amphibia 79 Urodela 47 Gymnophiona 49.5 Stegocephala 48 Anur® = Reptilia — Bimana.. Cap. XLVII. 59.81 Reptilia. Zoe Crocodilia 5 Ichthyopterygia 6 Sauropterygia 7 Theromorpha, Anomodontia- .8 Pterosauria «9 Dinosauria 81 Reptilia el Sauria «2 Ophidia .21 Serpentes innocui +26 Serpentes venenosi «3 Chelonia | | | Cap. XLVIII. 59.82 89 AVES. 82 AVES | ; 85.5 Aepyornithes .9 Saururae | 6 Odontocolcae 83 Grallatores 86 Rasores | i e1 Fulicariae (Rallides) | .b Columbae 2 Alectorides 87 Scansores 3 Limicolae el Psittaci 4 Ciconiae «2 Picariae scansores 84 Natatores «3 Trogones ei Lamellirostres | 4 Coccyges e2 Longipennes Coliidae sub 88.9 «3 Steganopodes | 88 Insessores 4 Impennes | el Acromyodi (Oscines) .b Odontotormae | 6 Mesomyodi 85 Ratitae «9 Picariae (Scansores, Coccyger, Tro=- el Struthiones gones sub 87) «2 Rheae ı 89 Raptores .3 (Casuarii | 1 Falcones _.4 Apteryges | .7 Striges Cap. XLIX. 59.9— 9,8 MAMMALIA (excl. Bimana).. 9 MAMMALIA ı 9.64 Toxodontia el Monotremata «65 Litopterna «2 Marsupialia «66 Amblypoda _.81 Edentata | .71 Ungulata vera «52 Rodentia +12 Perissodactyla .33 Insectivora +125 Solipedes .34 Tillodontia «129 Ancylopoia 4 Chiroptera +13 Artiodactyla .b Cetacea .735 Ruminantis dl Mysticete +74 Carnivora .53 Denticete .743 Creodontia .55 Sirenia .745 Pinnipedia «6 Subungulata. «8 Quadrumans «61 Proboscidea .81 Prosimii .62 Hyracoidea «82 Pitheci «63 Typotheria «88 Antbropomor; ns Car. L. 59.9.9 Bimana, —N.dr —— Palaeortologia 12 56 Palaeontologia 209375 Abel, 0. 0 1914. Paläontologie und Paläozoologie. Kultur der Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 76 Bassler, Ray 8. 091 (113) 1915. Bibliographie Index of American Ordovician and Silurian Fossils. Vol.1. Bull. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 92 p. 1—718. — Vol. 2. p. 719— 1521. 77 Malcolm, Wyatt. 091 (71) 1916. Bibliography of Canadian Geology for 1914. Trans. R. Soc. Ca- a.» 091 Choffat 1911. Publications géologiques de Pauz Cnorrar. 1874—1910. Comm. Serv. géol. Portugal T. 8 p. 143 —177. 79 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 052 1915. The Anniversary Address of the President. Quart, Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. LIII—LXII [Biographies: Suess, Fısuer, Juxes-BRowNE, Hrzz, Lavis, Runter, Mezzo, Casa, Hunt, Darwin, SENGHENYDD, Dazron, JsAACSON, STEPHENS.] ‘209380 Holmberg, E. L. 092 Ameghino 1906. Presentaciön del Doctor Auscuıno. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 62 p. 131—156. öl Barabino, Santiago RE. 092 Ameghino 1911. Amecnmo. + el 7 de Agosto de 1911. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 72 p. 161—163, portr. 82 Rojas, Ricardo. 092 Ameghino 1912. Amurenino. Conferencia dada en la Sociedad cientifica Argentina con motivo del Aniversario de la Muerte del Sabio. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 74 p. 241-255. 83 Ibarguren, Carlos, Santiago E. Barabino y | Ricardo Rojas. 092 Ameghino 1913. Amrénro. Homenaje püblico en el {20 aniversario de su falleci- miento. Anal. Sec. cient. Argentina T, 76 p. 349 —365. Bien. 092 Auer 1915. Dr. rer. nat. Erwin Auer. Jahresh. Ver. vaierl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. LAXXIX—XC. BD. LE 092 Böhm 1913. Grorc Bönm. Centralbl. Min, Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 289—295. 86 Etzold, Franz. 092 Credner 1914. Zu Hermann Oreoxer’s Gedächtnis. Centralbl. Min. Geel. Pal. 1914 p. 577-5922. 209337 Sauer, Ad. 092 Finckh 1915. Dr.-Ing. Arrkep Fıscku. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Würtiemberg Jahrg. 71 p. XCIV—XCVIIL 13 Palaeontologia 209388 Hohenstein, Viktor. 092 Fischer- 1915. Dr. rer. nat. Ernst Fischer. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württem-. berg Jahrg. 71 p. XCVIII—C. - 89 Pompecky, J. F. 092 Fraas 1915. Zur Erinnerung an EseruArnp Fraas und an sein Werk. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. XXXIII—LXXX, portr. 90 Richardson, L. 092 Gallaway 1915. Crarcxs Garraway. Born 1838. Died September 29, 1915. Geol.. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 2 p. 525—528, portr. Lois.é 092 Hall 1916. Tomas Sereeant Harr. Victorian Natural. Vol. 32 p. 128—132, portr. 92 Leidhold,. Cl. 092 Holzapfel. 1914. "Nachruf auf E. Horzarrer. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 97 —10L. 93 Mingaud, Galien. 092 Jeanjean- 1897. Notice biographique sur M. Aporıen Jeansean. Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat, Nîmes T. 25 p. 25—30. 94 Newton, R. Bullen. . 092 Jukes-Browne : 1915. Obituary Notice. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 11 p. 247—248. [A. J. Juxes-Bxowxr.] Bee : 092 Koken .1912. Enxsr von ‚Koren. Leopoldina Heft 48 p. 109—111. 96 Jonas, B. H; Lehnann, Vlad. 092 Peetz 1915. Hexpoaors T. I. fomt-Ilerna. , Notice nécrologique sur HERMANN DE Prerz, . TpYAbI Teod., Yacra Ka6. HMI. Bexuu. Herporp. — Tray. Sect.. géol. Cabinet de sa Majesté Petrograd Vol. 8 p. 181—182, portr., 3 figg, 209397 Termier,, Pierre. 092 Suess 1915... Sketch. of the life of Enuarp Suxss (1831—1914). Ann. Rep. Smith-- son. Inst. Washington 1914 p. 709—718. 092 Valentin " 1898. Juan Varextın. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 45 p. 129—134,. 99 « nei, 092 Vaughan. 1916. . ARTHUR V'AUGHAN. Born March, 1868. Died December 3, 1915, Geol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 92—96, portr. ‘209400 « « »; 092 Watts. 4915. Eminent Liying Geologists: Wiccram Wamairemean Warrs. Geol.. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 2 p. 481—487, portr. 01 Vaughan, Arthur. . (112 : 4). 1915. Correlation of Dinantian and Avonian. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc.. Vol. 71, pe 1—52, 6 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Syringopora, Zaphrentis, Spirifer, . Chonetes, Productus, Eostrotion n. g. pro Lophophyllum tortuosum.] (114, 115) (41.83, 42.99, 44.28, 493) 31.2, 36.1,.6, 48, 53.93 02 Nignolas, Tressilian Charles. (112 : 42.92): ‚1915. The Geology of the St. Tudwal’s Peninsula (Carnarvonshire). Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 83—143, 5 pls., 8 figg. (1121, 113) 37.1, 48, 53.93 03 Houghton, Frederick. (112 : 74. DE 1914. The Geology. & er County. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat, Sc. Vol. 11 p. 3—92, 1 map. 45 (113—115) FU à er, 39.1, 4.1,.32,.4,.52, 83, 47, 53.3,.91, ce 04 Udden, J. A. (112, : 77.3). 1914. Some Deep Borings in, Illinois. Bull, 24 State. 1. geol. Surv.,. 141 pp., % p!s. (114, 115) 48, 53.6, 7.35,:38 209405 Ces: Arthur Hubert. (1121 : 42.99). 1916. The Geology ‚of the. ‚District, between, Abereiddy. ‘and. Aberenstie- (Pembrokeshire). Quart. Joarn. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 73— 342, 5 pls., figg. 37.1, 39.1, 432,.52, 48, 53.93 Palacontologia 14 209406 Marr, John Edward. (113 : 42.72) 1916. The Ashgillian Succession in the Tract to the West of Coniston Lake. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 189—204, 3 figg. 4.32, 48, 53.93 07 Born, Axel. (113 : 47.4) 1913. Ueber neuere Gliederungsversuche im estländischen höheren Un- tersilur. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 712-720. 4.32, 48, 53.93 08 Reed, F. R. Cowper. (113 : 59.4) 1915. Supplementary Memoir on New Ordovician and Silurian Fossils from the Northern Shan States. Palaeontogr. indica N. S. Vol. 6 p. 1— 122, 12 pls. [37 nn. spp. in: Graptodictya, Coeloclema, Rhopalonaria, Po- rambonites, Modiolopsis, Ctenodonta, Shanina n. g. Hyolithes 4, Platyceras, Dionide, Ogygites, Ptychopyge 2, Illaenus 2, Holometopus 2, Calymene 2, Chei- rurus 2, Phacops 2 (1 n. var.), Palaeocyclus, Orthis (2 nn. varr.), Scenidium, Stropheodonta 2, Schuchertella, Callonema, Acidaspis, Bollia, Kloedenella, Pri- mitiella. — 1 n. var. in Ampyx. 36.1, 37.1, 39.1, 4.1,.32,.52, 47.1, 48, 53.3,.5,.93 ‘09 Parks, W. A. (113 : 71). 1915. Palaeozoic fossils from a region southwest of Hudson Bay. A Description of the Fossils collected by Joszra B. Tyreezr, in the District of Patricia, Ontario, and in Northern Manitoba during the Summer of 1912. Trans. Canad. Inst. Vol. 11 p. 3—95, 7 pls., 1 map. [19 nn. spp. in: Aulocopium, Streptelasma, Strophomena, Hormotoma, Holopea, Maclurea, Huronia 2, Discoceras, Pycnostylus, Barrandella, Eotomaria, Euomphalus 2, Pychomphalus, Liospira, Pentameroceras, Phragmoceras, Ooceras.] (71.2,.3) 34.4, 36.1.6, 37.1, 4.1,.32,.52,.53, 47.1, 48, 53.93 10 Kindle, E. M. (113 : 71.2) 1915. Notes on the Geology and Palaeontology of the Lower Saskat- chewan River Valley. (Canada Dept. Mines Ottawa geol. Surv. Mus. Bull. No. 21 geol. Ser. No. 30, 17 pp., 4 pls. [Leptaena sinuosus and parvula nn. Spp.] 36.1,.6, 37.1, 4.1.32,.52, 48, 53.3,.93 :209411 Williams, M. Y. (113 : 71.3) 15. An Eurypterid Horizon in the Niagara Formation of Ontario. Canada Dept. Mines Ottawa geol. Surv. Mus. Bull. No. 20 geol. Ser. No. 29, 21 pp., 5 pls. [Eusarcus logani n. sp.] 48, 53.91 12 McLearn, F. H. (113 : 71.5) 1915. The Lower Ordovician {Tetragraptus Zone) at St. John, New Brunswick, and the New Genus Protisiograptus. Amer. Journ. Sc. ic Vol. 40 p. "49-59, 2 figg. [Protistograptus n. g. pro Cyrtotheca minuta. — 1 n. var. in Didymogr aptus.] 37.1, 4.4,.52, 48, 53.93 13 Coryell, H. N. (113 : 77.2) 1915. Correlation of the Outcrop at Spades, Indiana. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1914 p. 389—393. 36.6, 39.1, 4.1, 47.1, 48, 53.93 14 Leidhold, CI. (114 : 43.42) 1913. Ueber ein Vorkommen von Fossilien in den Hunerückschiefern der Gegend nördlich von Oberstein. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 652—655. 36.6, 48, 53.93 15 Döring, A. (114 : 43.42) 1914. Die Caiqua-Schicht im Paffrather Stringocephalerkalk. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Centraibl. Min. Beh 1% 1914 p- 142 —760. 36.1, 4 16 Meyer, Hermann L. F. (114 : 43.58) 1914; Der Lahnporphyr bei Diez und eine begleitende Fauna. Central- bl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 469—473, 503—511. 36.1, 39.5, 4.32,.52, 47.1, 48, 58.93 . :209417 Gortani,. Michele. (114 : 43.66) 1911. Contribuzioni allo studio del Paleozoico carnico. IV. La fauna 15 Palaeontologia mesodevonica di Monumenz. Palaeoniogr. ital. Vol. 17 p. 141— 228, 5 tav. [22 nn. spp. in: Fenestella 2, Orthis, Scenidium, Strophomena, Atrypa (3 nn. varr. — 1 n. mut.), Spirifer à, Meristina, Pentamerus 2 (2 nn. varr.), Rhynchonella 3, Mytilus, Nucula, Platyceras 2, Platyostoma, Horiostoma, Ten- taculites.] 4.1,.32,.4,.52,.53, 47.1, 48, 53.3,.93 209418 Leithold, CI. (114 : 56.1) 1912. Mitteilung über devonische Fossilien von der bithynischen Halb- insel. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1912 p. 715 —722. 36.1.:6, 4.1, > 45.1, 48, 51.7, 53.93 19 Hoabnuoss, B. K. Polénoff, B. K (114 : 57.6) 1915. Teonormueckoe onucauie sarannoh HOJH0BHEBI 15-ro JIncra IX mama ACCATHBEPCTHOË kaprsı Tomcroü ry6epain Description géologique de la partie ouest de la 15-me feuille du IX zone de Ja carte généraie du gouvernement Tomsk (feuilles Aginka et Tomsky zavode). TpyAkI reox, Yayra Kaô. HMO. Beauu. Perporp. — Trar. Sect. geol. Cabinet de sa Majesté Peirograd Vol. 8 p. 235—597. 80.1,.6, 4.1,.32,.52, 48, 53.3,.93 20 Tomauer5, H. I. Toimatchoff, :. P. (114 : 57.6) 1915. BepxHeneBonckaa DayHa CR: p. YCHI BB AnTaCKOMB l'OpHoMB O- Kpyr'&. Faune devonienne supérieure du fleuve Oussa (Altai). TpyAtı reoï. Macrn Ka6. AM. Beanu. Herporp. — Trarv. Sect. geol. Cabinet de sa Majesté Petrograd Vol. 8 p. 193—226, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in: Piy- chodus, Pleuronotus, Retzia, Stigmatella.] 36.6, 59.:, 4.1,.82, 48, 53.93, 7.35 21 Stauffer, Clinton R. (114 : 71.3) 1915. The Devonian of Southwestern Ontario. (Canada Dept. Mines Ottawa geol. Surv. Mem. No. 34 (geol. Ser. No. 63), 341 pp., 20 pls., 1 map. 31.2, 34.4, 35.1,.6, 37.1, 39.1,.3, 4.1,.32,.4,.52, | : 47.1, 48, 517, 53.3,.93, 743,47 209422 Wright, Charles Will. (114 : 79.8) 1315. Geology and Ore Deposits of Copper Mountain and Kasaan Peninsula, Alaska. U. S. geol. Surv. profess. Pap. No. 87, 110 pp., 22 pls., 11 figg., 1 map. [Devonian fossils.] 36.1, 4.1.32,.52, 48, 53.3,.93 23 Wright, James, jun. (115 : 41.33) 1914. Additions to the Fauna of the Lower Carboniferous Limestones of Leslie and St. Monans, Fife. Trans. Edinburgh geol. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 132—147. _ 36.1, 39.1.5, 4.1, 2, ‚32,4,.52, 47.1, 48, 51.7, 53.3,.93, 7.35,.46 24 Provan, David. (115 : 41.33) 1914. Note on the Occurrence of Carboniferous Fossils and Chalk Flints in the Superficial Deposits of Tiree. Trans. Edinburgh geol. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 129—131. 25 Tait, D. (115 : 41.44) 1916. On Bores for Water and Medicinal Wells in the Wardie Shales, near Edinburgh. Trans, Edinburgh geol. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 316—325, 1 fig. 4.1,.32, 48, 51.7 26 Day, Henry. (115 : 42.51) 1916. A Brief Criticism of the Fauna of the Limestone Beds at Treak Cliff and Peakshill, Castleton, Derbyshire. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Ady. Sc. p. 428-429, 36.1,.6, 48 209427 Diener, Carl. (115 : 54.6) 1903. Permian Fossils of the Central Himalayas. (Collection made by the Geological Survey of India during the Years 1898—1500.) Palaeont. indica Ser. 15 Vol. 1 Pt. 5, 204 pp., 10 pls. [13 nn. spp. in: Nautilus, Cyclolobus 4, Notothyris, Pleurotomaria, Orthothetes, Spirifer 2, Dielasma, Nomismoceras, Myophoriopis. — Lilinthiceras n.g] — Appendix, Note on Spirifer curzoni, Dixner,. by H. H. Haynes, 3 pp. 34.6, 36.1 39.1, 4.1,.52,.52,.53, 47.1, ‘48, 53.93 : Palaeontologjä 16 209428 Diener, Carl. (115 : 54.6): 1915. The Anthracolithie Faunae of Kashmir, Kanaur and Spiti. (Col- lections made by the Geological Survey of India during the years 1903. —1909.) A. Anthracolithie Faunae of Kashmir. Palaeont. indica N. S, Vol. 5 No. 2, 135 pp., 11 pls. [2l nn. spp. in: Modiola, Aviculopecten, Productus 4, Aulosteges, Derbyia, Uncinella, Spirifer 3, Camarophoria, Die- lasma 2, Pseudomonotis, Marginifera, Spiriferina, Spirigera, Conularia, Cho- netes.] 4.1,.32,.4,.52,.53, 47.1, 48, 53.93, 7.35 29 Girty, George H. (115 : 76.6) 1915. Fauna of the Wewoka Formation of Oklahoma. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 544, 353 pp. 35 pls. [l n. var. in Productus.] 31.2, 34.4, 36.1,.6, 39.1,.5, 4.1,.2,.32,.52,.53, 47.1, 48, 51.7, 53.3,.93 30 Girty, George H. (115 : 76.7). 1915. The Fauna of the Batesville Sandstone of Northern Arkansas. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 593, 170 pp, 11 pls. [14 nn. spp. in: Endo- thyra, Sphenotus 3, Leptodesma (1 D. var.), Myalina 2, Schizodus (1 n. var.),. Myoconcha, Allerisma, Pleurotomaria, Strophostylus, Aptychus, Glyptopleura. — 4 nn. varr. in: Orthotetes, Camarotoechia, Edmondia, Schizodus.] 31.2, 36.1, 4.1,.2,.32,.52,.53, 47.1, 48, 51.1, 53.93 31 6irty, George H. (115 : 76.7). 1915. Faunas of the Boone Limestone at St. Joe, Arkansas. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 598, 50 pp., 3 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Productella 3, Rhynchopura, Cypricardinia, Cardiomorpha, Brachymetopus, F'istulipora,k Cama- rophoria. — 1 n. var. in Chonetes] 36.1, 4.1..32,.52, 47.1, 48, 53.93 82 Girty, George H. (115 : 76.7). 1915. Fauna of the so-called Boone Chert near Batesville, Arkansas. Bull. U. S, geol. Surv. No. 595, 39 pp., 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Spirifer,, Martinia. — 1 n. var. in Conocardium.] 36.1, 4.1,.32, 48, 53.3 1914. Palaeontological Contributions to the Geology of Western Austra-. lia. Series V. X. Western Austraiian Carboniferous Fossils chiefly from Mount Marmion, Lennard River, West Kimberley. Bull. geol. Surv.. Western Australia No. 58, 59 pp., 3 pls., 1 fig. |3 nn. spp. in: Calceoli-. spongia n. g., Favosites, Monilopora.] 34.4, 36.6, 4.1,.32, 48 34 Spitz, Albrecht, and Günter Dyhrenfurth. (116 : 494): 1915. Monographie der Engadiner Dolomiten zwischen Schuls, Scanfs. und dem Stilfserjoch. Beitr. geol. Karte Schweiz N. F. Diet. 44, 235. pp., 3 Taf., 1 Karte, 72 figg. (1161, 1162) 36.6, 39.1, 4.1,.32,.53,.58, 4 85 Tommasi, A. (1161 : 45.2). 1911. I Fossili della lumachella triasica di Ghegna in Valsecca presso- Roncobello. Parte I. — Algae, Anthozoa, Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchia- - ta. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 17 p. 1—36, 3 tav, [15 nn. spp. in: Wald- heimia 6, Pecten 5, Terquemia, Badiotella, Gonodus, Mytiliconcha n.g. — 1 n. var. in Myophoria.] 36.6, 4.1, 48 86 Airaghi, Carlo. (1161 : 45.2): 1916. Sulla posizione stratigrafica degli scisti bituminosi di Besano in. Lombardia. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 54 p. 179— 187, 2 Egg. 4.1,.53, 7.3,.31,.47 37 von Arthaber, Gustav. (1161 : 56.1)- 1915. Die Eutwicklung der Trias in Anatolien. Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien: Bd. 8 p. 47—61. 36.1, 37.1, 4.1,.32,.52,.53,.58, 48 209438 Lull, Richard Swann. (1161 : 74.6), 1915. Triassic Life of the Connecticut Valley. Bull. State geol. nat.. Hist. Survey Connecticut No. 24, 285 pp. 12 pls., 125 figg. [3 on. -spp.. in : Otouphepus, Otozoum, Ammopus.] ’ | 4.1, 51.7, 57.43, 7.46,.47, 79.5, 81.4,.9 17 Palaeontologia 209433 Smith, Philip S. (1161 : 79.8; 1916. Notes on the Geology of Gravina Island, Alaska. U. S. geol. Surv. profess. Pap. No. 95 H p. 97—105, 1 pl., 2 figg. 36.1, 4.1,.32, 48 40 Woodward, Horace B. (1162 : 41.21) 1914. Notes on the Geology of Raasay. Trans. Edinburgh geol. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 164—195. 39.5, 4.1,.53,.58, 48 41 Schöndorf, Fr. (1162 : 48.53) 1913. Ueber positive Strandverschiebungen im oberen Jura des südöst- lichen Deisters. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 438—448. 39.5, 4.1, 48 42 Krenkel, E. (1162 : 47.6) 1916. Die Kelloway-Fauna von Popilani in Westrussland. Palaeonto- graphica Bd. 61 p. 191—368, 10 Taf., 26 figg. [18 nn. spp. in: Quen- stedtoceras, Perisphinctes 5 (1 n. var.), Proplanulites, Peltoceras, Cosmoceras 4 (6 nn. varr.), Aucella 2, Ctenostreon, Exogyra, Pleuromya, Waldheimia. — 8 nn. varr. in Hecticoceras, Gryphaea, Trigonia.] 39.1,.5, 4.1,.2,.32,.52,.53, 48, 51.7 43 Gerber, Ed. (1102 : 494) 1916. Revision der Liasversteinerungen von Bodmi und Zettenalp am Nordwestabhang des Sigriswilergrates. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1915 p. 248 —262. 39.1, 4.1,.53,.58, 48 1915. Invertebrate Fauna of the Morrison Formation. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. Vol. 26 p. 343—348. (78.6—.8, 79.2) 4.1,.32,.38, 53.4 45 Hill, William. | (1i7 : 41.25) 1915. Chalk Boulders from Aberdeen and Fragments of Chalk from the Sea Floor off the Scottish Coast. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol, 35 p. 263—296. 31.2, 34.5, 39.3,.5, 4.1,.58, 48, 53.5 209433 Bellini, Raffaello. (117 : 45.73) 1916. Studio sintetico sulla geologia dell’Isola di Capri. Atti Soc. ital. Se. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 55 p. 73—38. 37.1, 39.5, 4.1,.32,.37,.53, 48 Parona, C, F. (117 : 45.75) 1916. Cenni sulle faune sopracretaciche a rudiste del Monte Gargano. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 271—274. 31.2, 36.6, 4.1,.82 48 48 Silvestri, A. (117 : 45.8) 1912. Nuove notizie sui fossili cretacei della contrada Calcasacco prezso sein inereee (Palermo). Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 18 p. 29—56, 2 tav., figg. 49 Bowen, C. F. (117 : 78.6) 1915. The Stratigraphy of the Montana Group with Special Reference to the Position and Age of the Judith River Formation in North-Central Montana. U. S. geol. Surv. profess. Pap. No. 90 I p. 93—153, 1 map. 4.1,.2,.32,.38,.53, 7.31,.44,.47,.48, 79.5, 81.1,.8,.4,.6,.9, 9.2 50 Beekly, A. L. (117 : 78.8) 1915. Geology and Coal Resources of North Park, Colorado. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 596, 12 pp., 1: pls., 1 fig, 1 map. [ÜCretaceous fos- sils.] 31.2, 4.1,.2,.53 51 Packard, Earl Leroy. (117 : 79.4) 1916. Faunal Studies in the Cretaceous ot the Santa Ana Mountains of Southern California. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vol. 9 p. 137—159, 1 map. 39.3,.5, 4.1,.2,.32,.37,.52,.53, 48, 7.31 1 4 209452 Fabiani, Ramiro. (118 : 45.3) 1905. Studio geo-paleontologico dei colli berici. (Nota rreventiva.) Zoo!. Bibliegr XXX „VIII :1916 9 209453 64 56 57 202458 59 6C 61 62 209463 Palacontologia 18 La Atti Ist. vencto Sc. Leit. Arti T. 64 Pte. 2 p. 1737 —1839. (1181— 1153) 31.2, 36.6, 37.1, 39.1,.5, 4.1,.32, 47.1, 45, 53.72,.822, 7.31,.45,.55, 81.3,,4, 81.3, 9.73—.74,.9 Fabiani, Ramiro. (118 : 45.5) 1909. Nuovi giacimenti a Lepidocyclina elephantina nel Vicentino e osser- vazioni sui cosidetti strati di Schio. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 68 Pte. 2 p. 821-828. (1151, 1182) 31.2, 89.5, 4.1,.32 Checchia-Rispoli, G. (118 : 45.75) 1916. Osservazioni geologiche sull’Aprennino della Capitanata. Parte IV. Boll. Soc. geol. ital. Vol. 85 p. 31—42, 1 fig. (1181—1183) 31.2, 4.1,.2,.32 Chapman, Frederick. (118 : 94.5) 1914. Description of New and Rare Fossils obtained by Deep Boring in the Mallee. Part III. Ostracoda to Fishes. With a complete list of Fossils found in the Borings. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 27 p. 28—71, 5 pls. [14 nn. spp. in: Bythocypris, Bairdia, Cythere 2, Krithe, Cytherura 2, Cytheropteron 4 (1 n. var.), Cytherella 2, Scalpellum.] (1182, 1185) 31.2, 36.2,.6, 39.1,.5, 4.1—.32, 47.1, 48, 51.7, 53.8,.5, 7.31,.35,.58 Wittich, E. (1181 : 43.41) 1912. Ueber ein Vorkommen von mitteloligocänem Meeressand bei Hillesheim-Dorndürkheim, Rheinhessen. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1912 p. 626—632, 1 fig. 21.2, 36.6, 4.1,.32, 7.31 Stefanini, Giuseppe. (1181 : 45.3) 1916. Sull’esistenza dell’Oligocene in Friuli e sulle mutazioni del Poéa- mides margaritaceus, Br. Atti Accad. scient. veneto-trent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 68—93, 1 tav. [2 nn. spp. in Cyrena. — 1 n. var. in Meretrix] 39.1, 4.1,.32 Cooke, Charles Wythe, (1181 : 73) 1916. The Age of the Ocala Limestone. U. S. geol. Surv. profess. (75.9 — 76.2) 31.2, 36.1, 89.5, 4.1,.2,.37,.35,.52 Stephenson, Lloyd William. (1181 : 76) 1915. The Cretaceous-eocene Contact in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. U. S. geol. Surv. Prefess. Pap. No. 90 J p. 153—182, 8 pls., 20 figg, 1 map. (76.1,.4) 36.1, 4.1,,32,.52, 48 Dickerson, Roy E. (1181 : 79.4) 1916. Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Tejon Eocene cf California. Uuir. California Public. Geol. Vol. 9 p. 363—524, 11 pls., 14 figg. [42 nn. spp. in: Acila, Arca, Crassatellites, Glycimeris 3, Leda, Lucina 2, Marcia, Phacoides, Tivela, Tellina, Architectonica, Actaeon, Acmaea, Crepidula, Ceri- thiopsis 2, Drillia 2, Epitonium, Galeodea, Ficopsis, Fasciolaria, Fusinus, Mo- nodonta, Metula, Mitramorpha, Murex, Natica, Nyctilochus, Perissolax, Odo- stomia, Strepsidura, Surcula, Turris, Turritella 4, Xenophora.] 31.2, 36.6, 39.5, 4.1,.2,.82,.37, 52 Moos, August. (1182 ; 43.47) 1915. Neue Aufschlüsse in den brackischen Tertiärschichten von Grim- melfingen bei Ulm. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl, Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. 270-343. 31.2, 39.5 Fabiani, Ramiro, (1182 : 45,3) 1907, Sulla costituzione geologica delle colline di Sarcedo nel Vicentino. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 66 Pte. 2 p. 407—424, 31.2, 39.5, 41 Siefanini, Giuseppe. (1182 : 45.3) 1916. Specie nuove del Miocene venelo. Atti Accad. scient. veneto- irent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 151—162. [7 nn. spp. in: Clavatula, Neritina, Cyrena, Terebratula, Clypeaster, Scutella, Brissopsis. — 1 n. var. in Unio.] 39.5, 4.1,.29, 49 19 Palaeontologia - Biologia generalis 209454 Canavari, Igino. (1182 : 45.6) 1910. La fauna dei calcari marnosi da cemento deile vicinanze di Fa- briano. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 16 p. 71—118, 7 tav., 2 fige. 31.2, 36.6, 39.5, 4.1,.32,.52, 58.3,.5, 7.31 65 Dalloni. (1182 : 65) 1915. Le Miocène supérieur dans l’ouest de l’Algerie; couches à Hip- parion de la Tafna, ©. R. Acad, Se. Paris T. 161 p. 639—641. 4.1,.32,.38,. 9.725 66 Nomland, Jorgen ©. (1182 : 79.4) 1916. Relation of the invertebrate to the Vertebrate Faunal Zones of the Jacalites and Etchegoin Formations in the North Coalinga Region, California. Univ. California Public. Gesl. Vol. 9 p. 77-88, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Calliostoma, Purpura, Natica.] 39.5, 4.1.32, 53.5, 9.725 67 Martin, Bruce. (1183 : 79.4) 1916. The Pliocene of Middle and Northern California. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vol. 3 p. 215—25°. 39.5, 4.1,.32, 53.5 68 Nomland, Jorgen 0. (1183 : 79.4) 1916. Fauna from the Lower Pliocene at Jacalitos Creek and Waitham Canyon, Fresno County, California. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vol. $ p. 199 —214, 3 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Astralium, Chrysodomus, Fissuridea, Murex, Mytilus, Natica, Tivela, Trophon, Turriteila.] 39.5, 4.1,.32, 53.5 69 Kormos, Th. (119 ; 43.9) 1913. Kleinere Mitteilungen aus dem ungarischen Pleistocän. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 13—17. (43.91,.94) 4.38, 83.1,.3, 84.1, 86, 89.1, 9.32,.735,.74 209470 Kormes, T. (!19 : 43.91) 1913. Zur Kenntnis der Pleistocänablagerungen in der Umgeburg von Tata (Ungyarn,) Centralbl. Min. &eol. Pal. 1913 p. 109—112. 4.1,.32,.38, 9.32,.72,.73—.74 71 Welsch, Jules. (119 : 44.6) 1916. Constitution géologique du Marais poitevin. ©, R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 354—357. (44.61,.62,.64) 4.1,.2,.32,.38, 9.725,.735 72 Kober, Leopold. (56.8) 1915. Geologische Forschungen in Vorderasien I. Teil A. Das Taurus- d gebirge B. Zur Tektonik des Libanon. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 91 p. 379—427, 3 Taf., 18 figg. [Fossilien.] (14, 115, 1182) 36.1,.6, 59.5, 4.1, 48 75 Ameghino, Florentino. (82.9) 1900/02. L'âge des formations sédimentaires de Patagonie. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 50 p. 109—130, 145—165, 209—229, 2 figg. — T. 51 p. 20—39, 64—91. [13 nn. spp. in: Palaeospheniscus, Paraptenodytes 3, Apterodytes n. g., Portheus, Galeocerdo, Oxyrhina, Oxyprinichthys n. g. 2, Carcharoides n. g., Carcharodon, Notidanus.] — T. 52 p. 189—197, 244— 250. — T. 54 p. 161—180, 220—249, 283—542. (117—1183) 39.5, 4.1,.2,.32, 47.1, 48, 51.7, 53.5, 7.31—.38,.47,.48,.55,.98, 78, 81.1,.3,.4,.6,.7,.9, 83.4—84.2,.4, 85.1, 86, 89.1, 9.2—.32,.34,.51,.53,.61—.729,.81,.88 575; 577 Biologia generalis. “209474 Duerst, J. Ulrich. 575 1911. Selektion und Pathologie. Studien über die Vererbung durch Krankheit verursachter Heilbildungen, sowie an sich krankhafter Ver- Biologia generalis 20 änderungen, Missbildungen und Krankheiten der Organe als Ursuche vieler Gattungs-, Art- und Rassenmerkmale in der Tierwelt und ihre Be- deutung für die praktische Tierzucht. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 12, 54 pp., 12 Taf. 575.1,.2,.4 209475 Goldscheid, R. 575 1911/13. Höherentwicklung und Menschenökonomie. Grundlegung der Sozialbiologie. I. Philosophisch-soziologische Bücherei. Leipzig: W. Klinkhardt 8° XXVI, 664 pp. M. 15.— — Höherentwicklung und Menschen- ökonomie, von W. Scuarımaver. Zeitschr. Sozialwiss. N. F. Bd. 4 p. 151 —167, 236— 244. 975.1.2,.4 76 Schmucker, 8. €. 575 1913. The Meaning of Evolution. New York: The Macmillan Co. London: Macmillan & Co. 298 pp. (Review, Nature London Vol. 93 p. 582.) 77 Hertwig, Richard. 575 1914. Die Abstammungslehre. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 4 p. 1—91, 16 fige. 78 Johannsen, W. 575 1914. Falske Analogier med Henblik paa Lighed, Slægtskab, Arv, Tra- dition og Udvikling. Kjosbenhavn 8°, 114 pp. — Inexact Analogies in Biology, by F. A. Baruxr. Nature LE Vol. 95 p. 178—179. 575.1 79 Kammerer, Paul. 575 1914: Hôherentwicklung und Biologie. (Kritik und Antikritik der Menschenökonomie.) Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 222— 233. — Antwort auf P. Kıumerers Plaidoyer für R. GorpscaEi, von W. SCHALLMAYER. D. 233—240. 575.1,.2,.4 80 Lotsy, John P. 575 1914. On the Origin of Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 73—89. [Result from cross between already existing species. Intraspe- cific selection impossible.] — Discuss. p. 89—98. 575.1,.2,.4 209481 Pearl, Raymond. 575 . 1914. Improving Egg Production by Breeding. 30th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 231 p. 217—236, 3 figg. 82 Schwabe, W. 0. 575 1914. Die Wissenschaft als biologisches Problem. Verh. nat. Ver. Eee (3) Bd. 21 p. LXXIII—LXXV. [Begriffe als Produkt der Evo- ution. 83 Bonhöte, J. L. 575 1915. Vigour and Heredity. London: West, Newman & Co. XII, 263 pp. 10s. 6d. (Review, Nature ae Vol. 96 p. 561.) 75.1,.3 84 Coulter, John M. 575 1915. A Suggested Explanation of „Orthogenesis* in Plants. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 859—863. [Response to persistent change in condi- tions.] 575.3 85 Emerson, R. A. 575 1915. Anomalous Endosperm Development in Maize and the Problem of Bud Sports. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre Bd. 14 p. 241—259, 1 fig. [Somatic mutation rather than segregation.] 575.1,.2 86 Henslow, George. 575 1915. Darwm’s Alternative. Knowledge Vol. 38 p. 307. [Origin of species.] 87 Johannsen, W. 575 1915. Experimentelle Grundlagen der Deszendenzlehre; Variabilität, Vererbung, Kreuzung, Mutation. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 1 p. 597—660, 2 figg. 209488 Koehler, 0. 575 1912/16. Ueber die Ursachen der Variabilität bei Gattungsbastarden von 91 Biologia generalis Echiniden, insbesondere über den Einfluss des Reifegrades der Gameten auf die Vererbungsrichtung. Experimentelle Untersuchungen an vier- armigen Fı-pluteis der Kreuzung Sérongylocentrotus lividus S' >< Sphaere- chinus granularis 9. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre Bd. 15 p. 1—163, 177—295, 7 figg. [Bei zunehmendem Alter periodische Schwankung der vererbenden Kraft (Valenz) und der Entwicklungsfähig- keit.] 575.1,.2 209489 Moore, Charles N. 575 1915. On the Coefficient of Correlation as a Measure of Relationship. 90 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 575 1915. The Origin of New Adaptive Characters. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 284—285. — Remarks. p. 285—286. [Reply to reviewer.] 91 Pearl, Raymond. 975 1915. Seventeen Years Selection of a Character Showing Sex-linked Mendeliau Inheritance. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 595-608, 1 fig. [Selection based upon performance of progeny extremely and quickly effective, mass selection not. Egg production in poultry.] 75.1,.4 92 Rosa, D. 575 1915. La dissimmetria dei Phyla gemelli. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 128—131. 93 Saunders, Edith R. 575 1915. A Suggested Explanation of the Abnormally High Records of Doubles quoted by Growers of Stocks (Matthiola). Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 137—143 [Correlation of vigour and preponderance of doubles.] 75.1,.2 94 Sumner, Francis B. 575 1915. Genetic Studies of Several Geographic Races of California Deer- mice. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 688—701, 1 fig. [Change of habitat fails to produce perceptible re the mean of varietal characters.] 575.1,. 209495 Toenniessen, Erich. 575 1915. Ueber Vererbung und Variabilität bei Bakterien. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungslehre. Zusammenfassende Darstellung der eigenen experi- mentellen Untersuchungen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 281—330, 1 Taf. [Schleimbildungsvermögen des Frrepcinperschen Pneumonie- Bazillus. Retrogressive Variationen durch Einwirkung von Stofiwechselprodukten. Progressiver Reiz durch Aufenthalt im Tierkörper. Beharrungsvermögen., Modifikation, Mutation, Fluktuation.] 575.1—.3 96 v. Wiesner, J. E75 1915. Naturwissenschaftliche Bemerkungen über Entstehung und Ent- wicklung. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. ee Bd. 124 Abt. 1 p. 231—254. 5. 97 Castle, W. E. 579 1916. Can Selection Cause Genetic Change. Amer. Natural. Vol, 50 p. 248—256. [Progressive variation and selection, compared with the dis- continuous change postulated by pure-linist. Answer to JeEnnınas.] 575.2,.4 98 Cauliery, M. 575 1916. The Present State of the Problem of Evolution. Science N. 8. 99 Gerschler, M. Willy. 575 1916. Evolution — Mutation — Pendulation. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 209500 Howerth, I. W. 575 Tg Did Srencex Anticipate Darwin? Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 462— 209501 Jeffrey, Edward C. 575 1916. Hybridism and the Rate of Evolution in Angiosperms. Amer. Biologia generalis 22 Natural. Vol. 50 p. 129—143, 8 figg. [Hybridism has played large rôle in acceleration of processes of evolution. Case of Oenothera a mani- festation of natural hybridism.] 575.2 209502 Nutting, C. C. 575 1916. The Advancing Pendulum of Biological Thought. (Amer. Soc. Zool.} Science N. S, Vol. 43 p. 182-183, 403—408, 03 Pearl, Raymond. 575 1916. Fecundity in the Domestic Fowl and the Selection Problems. (Pap. biol. Lab. Me. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 94.) Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 89--105. [Discussion of divergent interpretations of selectionists and advocates of pure-line concept.] 575.1,.2, 4 04 Schönland, Selmar. 575 1916. A criticism of Lorsy’s thenry of evolution. South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 12 pP» 257 —205. 05 Stockard, Charles R., and George Papanicolaou. 375 1916. A Further Analysis of the Hereditary Transmission of Degeneracy and Deformities by the Descendants of Alcoholized Mammals. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 65—8S, 144—177, 10 fizg. [Fs generation more afiect- ed than immediate offspring. Inferiority of female offspring from treat- ed males and of male offspring from treated females shown.] 575.1,.3 06 Toyama, K. 979.1 1907. Studies on the Hybridology of Insects. I. On some silkworm crosses, with special reference to MexpeL’s law of heredity. Bull. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Vol. 7 p. 259—343, 6 ple.. [Some characters (colour of cocoon and egg, larval markings) follow Menper’s law, others not.] 07 Peters, J. 579.1 1909. Ueber Blutlinien und Verwandtschaftszuchten nach Erhebungen der Ostpreussischen Holländer Herdbuchgesellschaft. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 3, 13 pp., 30 Taf., 6 Stammtaf, 2 Stammbäume. 209528 Massalongo, Roberto. et 1910. Il problema ereditario. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 69 Pte. 2 p. 827—852. [Profilassi generativa.] 08 Hesse, Gottfried. 575.1 1915. Inzucht- und Vererbungsstudien bei Rindern der Westpreussischen Herdbuchgesellschaft. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 18, 215 PP. 10 Schmidt, Bruno. 575.1 1913. Vererbungsstudien im Königlichen Hauptgestüt Trakehnen. Ark. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 16, 363 pp., 22 Tat. 11 Stockard, Charles R. 575.1 1913. The Artificial Production of Structural Arrests and Racial Dege- neration. Proc. N. York path. Soc. N. S. Vol. 13 p. 85—89. [Alcoho- lizing guinea pigs. Defective offspring through action on male germ cells.] 12 Artom, Cesare. 575.1 1914. Principi di genetica. Riv. Antrop. Atti Soc. Romana Antrop. Vol. 19 p.381—410, 11 figg. [Linee pure. Eredita mendeliana in rapporto colla citologia delle celluie sessuali. Genetica e Mendelismo. Eredita- rietà del sesso. Mendelismo ed ereditarietà dell’uomo. Genetica e mu- tazioni. 13 Cole, L. J., and L. J. Bachhuber. 519.1 1914. The effect of lead on the germ cells of the male rabbit and fowl as indicated by their progeny. (Pap. Dept. exper. Breed. Wisc. agric. Exper. Stat.) Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 24—29. [Poisoning of male parent results in offspring of much reduced. average vitality.] 209514 Dettori, Giovanni. 575 1914. Di alcuni caratteri dei neonati seconda l’ordine di u @ l’eta della madre. Riv. Antrop. Atti Soc. Romana Antrop. Vol. 19 p. 33 Divlogia generalis 443—572. [Condizioni favorevoli fino ai terzo geniti, poi sempre pit sfavorevoli. Influenza dell’età meno sensibile e regolare.] 209515 Evvard, John M., Arthur W. Dox and 8, C. Guernsey. 575.1 1914. The Effect of Calcium and Protein Fed Pregnant Swine upon the Size, Vigor, Bone, Coat and Condition of the Offspring. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 269—278, 5 pls. JRation fed pregnant mother markedly affects general development of fetus. Complex organic protein more effective than inorganic calcium ] 16 Foot, Katharine, and E, ©. Strobell. 575.1 1914/15. Results of Crossing Euschistus variolarius and Euschistus servus with reference to the Inberitance of an Exclusively Male Character. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Voi, 32 p. 337—373, 7 pls., 2 figz. — Results of Crossing two Hemipterous Species, with reference to the In- heritance of two Kxclusively Male Characters, p. 457—493, 7 pls. (Euschistus variolarius X E. servus.] 17 Ghigi, Alessandro. 575.1 1914. Sulla ereditä dell’ernia cerebrale dei polliin correlaziono ad altri caratteri. Ricerche. Arch. zool. Napoli Vol. 8 p. 49-88, 3 tav., 5 figg. [Unione dell’ernia (presente in una grande razza) alla statura minore propria ad un’altra razza con maggiore prolifñcità, mantenendo inalterata attitudine a covare.] 18 Ghigi, Alessandro. 575.1 1914. Ricerche sulla eredità nei piccioni domestici. I. Ereditä di caratteri granici in rapporto alla origine delle razze domestiche. Mem. Accad, Sc. Bologna (7) T. 1 CI Sc. fi. — Sez, Se. nat. p. 301—329, 2 tav., 5 figg. — If. Eredità di caratteri vari nell’ibridismo reciproco dop- piamente reciproco e nel reincrocio. T. 2 p. 1—46, 2 tav. :9 Jennings, Herbert 8. 575.1 1914. Table for Computing the Results of the Distribution of Chromo- somes, and Inheritance of Mexprrian Factors, in Biparental Reproduction, John Hopkins Univ. Cire. 1914 No. 10 p. 73—17. 209520 Jennings, Herbert S. 575.1 1914, Development and Inheritance in Relation to the Constitution of tbe Germ. John Hopkins Univ. Circ. 1914 No. 19 p. 21—72, 8 figg. 21 Jewett, F. G. 575.1 1914. The Next Generation: a Study in the Physiology of Inheritance, Boston and London: Ginn & Co. XI, 235 pp. 3s. 64 (Review, Nature London Vol. 95 p. 173—174.) 22 Martius, F. 575.1 1914. Konstitution und Vererbung in ihren Beziehungen zur Pathologie. Berlin: Juiius Springer. VIII, 258 pp. M. 12. — 23 Kayser, B. 575.1 1914. Ueber den Stammbaum einer Familie mit Vererbung von Megalo- cornea nach dem Hornesschen Vererbungstypus. Arch. Rassen- Gesell- sch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 170—173, 1 Tabelle. <4 Morgan, T. H. 575.1 1914. Mosaics and gynandromorphs in Drosophila Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 11 p. 171—172. [Origin of gynandromorphs and mosaics through mitotie dislocation of sex chromosomes.] 25 Pearl, Raymond, and John W. Gowen. 575.1 1814. On the refractive index of serum in a guinea-chicken hybrid, Proc. Soc. exper. Biol, Med. Vol. 12 p. 48. [Gallus JS‘ X Numida 2 Latter dominant.] 25 Sergi, 6. 575.1 1914. L’Eugenica. Dalla biologia alla socioiogia. Riv. Antrop. Atti Soc. Romana Antrop. Vol, 19 p. 351—579. 2095:7 Sommer, Georg. 019.1 1914, Das Talent im Lichte der heutigen Vererbungslehre. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 21 p. LXVII—LX VIII. Biologia generalis 94 209523 Wentworth, Edward N. 575.1 1914. Sex-Linked Factors in the Inheritance of Rudimentary Mammae in Swine. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc, Vol. 21 p. 265—268. 20) diente 575.1 1915. W: F. R. Wxcponws Mice Breeding Experiments. Kecords of Matings. Biometrika Vol. 11 Append., 60 pp., 1 pl., 7 figg. 30 Barrier, 6. 575.1 1915. Les viols et la télégonie. Ann. Gynéc. Obstetr. (2) T. 11 p. 501 —505. 81 Barrows, W. M., and J. Mel. Phillips. 575.1 1915. Color in Cocker Spaniels. Study of Eigthy-nine Matings Shows Numerous Correlations in Color and Indicates That Inheritance Is Along Same Lines as in Pointer Dogs. — Analogies in Other Breeds. (Contrib. Ohio State Univ. Dept. Zool. Entom. No. 41.) Journ. Heredity Vol. 6 p. 387—397, 6 figg. 82 Bateson, W., and Caroline Pellew. 575.1 1915. On the Genetics of “Rogues“ Among Culinary Peas (Pisum sati- vim.) Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 13—36, 6 pls. [Possible process of somatic segregation preventing type-elements from reaching germ-cells of cross-bred plant.] 33 Belling, John. 575.1 1915. Linkage and Semi-sterility. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 582—584. [Stizclobium.] 34 Belling, John. 575.1 1915. Inheritance of Length of Pod in Certain Crosses. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 5 p. 405—420, 1 pl. [Single genetic difference segregating in normal Mendelian fashion.] 35 Bridges, Calvin B. 575.1 1915. A Linkage Variation in Drosophila. Journ. exper; Zool. Vol. 19 pP» 1—21. = 209536 Cushing, Harvey. 575.1 1915. Hereditary Anchylosis of the Proximal Phalangeal Joints (Sym- phalangism.) Proc. nation. Acad. Sc; Vol. 1 p. 621—622. [Simple Mendelian dominant.] 87 Cutler, D. W., and L. Doncaster 575.1 1915. On the Sterility of the Tortoise-shell Tom Cat. Journ.:Genetics Vol. 5 p. 65—73, 1 pl. [Large proportion infertile. Abnormal hereditary constitution.] 38 Davenport, Charles B. 975.1 1915. The Feebly Inhibited. I. Violent Temper and its Inheritance. Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 42 p. 593—628, 11 figg. [Inheritance as positive (dominant) trait, tendir.g to appear in half the offspring.] — Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol.’1 p. 37—38 [Dominant trait with segrega- tion.] — II. Nomadism or the Wandering Impulse, with Special Refe- rence to Heredity. p. 120—122. [Paralysis of the control of nomadic impulse a sex-linked trait.] (Review, by Epwarn L. Tuornvıre. Science N. S. Vol. 48 p. 427—429.) 39 Drinkwater, H. 575.1 1915. Brachydactyly as an Illustration of Mendelian Inheritance. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 127 p. 40—42. . 40 Frost, Howard B. 575.1 1915. The Inheritance of Doubleness in Matthiola and Petunia. I. The Hypotheses. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 623—636, 1 fig. 41 Haldane, J. B. S., A. D. Spruut and N. M. Haldane. 575.1 1915. Reduplication in Mice. (Preliminary Communication.) Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 133—135. 7 208542 Hesse. ‚575.1 1915. Inzucht und Vererbung. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 14 Heft 1 p. XVIII—XIX,. [Populär.] 95 Biologia generalis 209543 Howard, Albert, and Gabrielle L. C. Howard. 575.1 1915. On the Inheritance of some Characters in Wheat. II. Mem. Dept. Agric. India bot. Ser. Vol: 7 p. 273—285, 8 pls. 44 Lashley, K. 8. 575.1 1915/16. Inberitance in the asexual reproduction of Hydra. Journ. ex- per. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 157—210, 10 figg. [Populations consist of heredi- tarily distinct strains, which remain distinct in absence of selection. Correlations seem due to similar äction of environment on parent and offspring.] — Results of continued selection in Hydra. Vol. 20 p. 19— 26. [Interaction of constant reaction-norm of clone with fluctuating en- vironment.] 2 45 Laughlin, Harry H. 575.1 1915. The Fı Blend Accompanied by Genic Purity. A Description of Mechanical Charts for Illustrating Mendelian Heredity in Each of Three Well-known Cases of Blending Inheritance in the First Hybrid Genera- tion. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 741—751, 6 figg: 46 Little, C. C. 575.1 1915. The Inheritance of Black-eyed White Spotting in Mice Amer. 47 Eoeb, Leo. | 519.1 1915. Heredity and Internal Secretion in the Spontaneous Development of Cancer in Mice. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 912—914. 48 MacDowell, Edwin Carleton. 579.1 1915. Bristle Inheritance in Drosophila. I. Extra Bristles. Journ. ex- per. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 61—98, 6 figg. [Number of extra bristles by se- lection for 6 generations. Mendelian factor with extra as recessive. Influence of environment (food). Hypothesis of accessory restricting factors.] 49 Metz, C. W. 575.1 1915. Cytological Studies on Heredity. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington No. 13 p. 126—129, 1 fig. [Chromosomes in Diptera. Crossing of Drosophila having different chromosome groups.] 209550 Middleton, Austin Ralpn. 575.1 1915. Heritable Variations and the Results of Selection in the Fission Rate of Séylonychia pustulata. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 616— 621. [Cumulative effects of selection.] 5l Morgan, T. H. 575.1 1915. The Röle of the Environment in the Realization of a Sex-linked Mendelian Character in Drosophila, Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 385 —429, 3 figg. 52 Morgan, T. H., A. H. Sturtevant, H. J, Muller, and 6. B. Bridges. 575.1 1915. The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. London: Constable & Co. XIII, 262 pp. 12s. (Review, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 117—118.) 53 Norton, John B. 575.1 1915. Inheritance of Habit in the Common Bean. Amer. Natural. Vol, 49 p. 547—561. [Presence or absence of 3 factors postulated.] 54 Pearl, Raymond. 575.1 1915. Studies on Inbreeding. VI. Some Further Considerations re- garding Cousin and Related Kinds of Mating. (Pap. biol. Lab. Me. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 85.) Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 570—575, 1 fig. [Studies of coefficient values.] 55 Pearl, Raymond. 575.1 1915. Modes of Research in Genetics. New York: The Macmillan Co. London Macmillan & Co. VII, 182 pp., $ 1.25. — 5s. 6d. (Review, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 399—400. — by H. E. Warrer. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p- 501.) 209556 Pinard, A. 575.1 1915. Les viols et la télégonie. Ann. Gynéc. Obstétr. (2) T. 11 p. 506 —508. [Aucun fait publié permettant d’atfirmer l’influence de la télé- gonie.] Biologia gereralis 26 209557 Pintner, Theodor. 575.4 1915. Die Mexsperregeln und der Mensch. Schrift. Ver. Verbr. nat. Kenntn, Wien Bd. 55 p. 1—31. [Unter Berücksichtigung Eugen Fischzr’s Forschungen über Bastardierung.] 53 Rabaud, R. 575.1 1915. A propos des viols allemands. Ann. Gynéc. Obstétr. (2) T. 11 p. Pe 569—%12. [Absence de télégonie.] 59 Rietz, H. L., and Eimer Roberts. 575.1 1915. Degree of Resemblance of Parents and Offspring with Respect to Birtn as Twins for Registered Shropshire Sheep. Journ. agric. Research Vol 4 Pe 479 —510. 50 Schaffner, John H, 575.1 1915. The Chromosome Mechasism as a Basis for Mendelian Pheno- mena. (Contrib. botan. Lab. Ohio State Univ. No. 88.) Ghio Natural. SI Schultz, Walter. 575.1 1915/16. Schwarzfärbung weisser Haare durch Rasur und die Entwick- lungsmechanik der Farben von Haaren und Federn. I. Abhandlung. Arch, Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 535—557, 1 Taf. [Nachahmung von Natur- mustern bei Russenkanizchen.] — II. Abhandlung. Bd. 42 p. 139—167, 2 Taf. [Für alle Eigenschaften, für welche trennbare mendelnde Vererbungs- faktoren festgestellt sind, existieren auch trennbare entwicklungsmecha- nische Einflüsse.] — III. Abhandlung. p. 222—212, 1 Taf. 62 Sirks, M, J. 575.1 1915. Waren Cie Salix-Hybriden Wicauras wirklich konstant? Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre Bd. 15 p. 164-166. [Keines- wegs.] 63 Steiger, Adolf. 575.1 1915. Ueber Erbeinheiten am menschlichen Auge. Zeitschr. Augenheil- kde. Bd. 34 p. 1—25, 209554 Stocking, Ruth J. 575.1 1915. Variation and Inheritance in Abnormalities Occurring after Con- jugation in Paramecium caudatum. Proc. nation. Acad. Se. Vol. 1 p. 608 — 611. [Some lines constant in hereditary character, others with herita- ble variations open to selection.] 65 Thom, D. A. 575.1 1915. The Relation between the Genetic Factors and the Age of Onset in one Hundred and Fifty-Seven Cases of Hereditary Epitepsy. Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 173 p. 469—473, i fig. 66 Wilson, James Alexander. 575.1 1915. Nystagmus and Allied Conditions. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 913—916, 2 fige. [Inheritance, Etiology.] 67 Woolsey, Carrie I. 575.1 1915. Linkage of Chromosomes Correlated with Reduction in Numbers among the Species of a Genus, Also within a Species of the Locustidae. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 163—186, 6 pls. 63 Wrzosek, Adam, und Adolf Maciesza. 575.1 1915. Ueber die Entstehung, den Verlauf und die Vererbung der durch Rückenmarksverletzung hervorgerufenen Meerschweinchen-Epilepsie. (Drit- ter Teil der experimentellen Untersuchungen über die Vererbung er- worbener Eigenschaften.) Are. Rassen- &esellsch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 289 —298. 59 Ziegler, H. E. 575.41 1915. Ueber die Vererbungslehre. Jahresh, Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württem- berg Jahrg. 71.p. VII—X. 70 Ackert, James E. 575.1 1916. On the Inheritance of Size in Parameciun. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N, 8. Vol. 43 p. 177. [Negative results.] 2095’1 Bagg, Halsey J. MS. 1216. Individual Differences and Family Resemblances in Animal Be- havior. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 222—236, 10 figg. [Marked difference 97 Biologia generalis in individual behavior among albino and colored mice. Resemblance among individuals of same litter. Considerable difference among dif- ferent strains. Sex differences, if any, very slight.] 209572 Bateson, W., and Caroline Pellew. 575.1 1916. Note on an Orderly Dissimilarity in Inheritance from Different Parts of a Plant. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol, 89 B p. 174—175. 73 Castle, W. E. 575.1 1916. New Light on Blending and Mendelian Inheritance. Amer. Na- tural. Vol. 50 p. 321—334. 74 Castle, W. E. 575.1 1916. Size Inheritance in Guinea-pig Crosses. Proc. nâtion. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 252—264, 4 fisg. [No evidence of numerous, few, nor single Mendelian factors affecting size, Clear evidence of physio- logical factor] k 75 Clausen, R. E., and T. H. Goodspeed. 575.1 1916. Hereditary Reaction-System Relations. — An Extension of Mende- lian Concepts. Proc. nation. Acad. Se. Washington Vol. 2 p. 240 - 244. 76 Correns, C. 575.1 1916. Individuen und Individualstoffe. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 185—187, 193—198, 210--213. [Bestimmte für das Individuum charakteristische Kombination von chemischen Stoffen, die bei der Ent- stehung des Individuums (Befruchtung) entsteht und mit ihm zugrunde geht. Die Stoffe sind jedoch nicht Individual, sondern vielmehr Linien- stoffe. ] 77 Danforth, C. H. 575:1 1916. The Inheritance of Congenital Cataract. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50- p. 442—448. [Disproof of contention that congenital cataract is due to single recessive character.] 718 Detlefsen, J. A. 575.1 1916. Pink-eyed White Mice, Carrying the Color Factor. Amer. Na- tural. Vol. 50 p. 46—49. 209579 Emerson, R. A. 575.1 1916. The Calculation of Linkage Intensities. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 411—420, 1 fig. 80 Gerould, John H. 575.1 1916. The Irheritance of Seasonal Polymorphism in Butterflies. Amer. Natural. Vol, 50 p. 5310—316. 81 Goeldi, E. A. 575.1 1916. Ueber das Geschlecht in Tier- und Pflanzenreich, insbesondere im Lichte der neueren Vererbungslehre. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1915 p. 140 —203, 12 figg. 82 Goldschmidt, Richard. 575.1 1916. Genetic Factors and Enzyme Reaction. Science N. S. Vol. 45 p: 98—100. [Hereditary factor a determiner for given mass of ferments.] 83 Goldschmidt, Richard. 675.1 1916. Vorläufige Mitteilung über weitere Versuche zur Vererbung und Bestimmung des Geschlechts. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 565—570. [Versuch mit japanischen Lokalformen von Lymantria dispar.] 84 Guyer, Michael F. 575.1 1916. Being Well-Born: An Introduction to Eugenics. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co. 374 pp. 8 1.— (Review, by Wu. E. KezricoTT. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 606.) 85 Hancock, Joseph L. 575.1 1916. Pink Katy-Dids and the Inheritance of Pink Coloration. (Part One.) Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 70—82. 209536 von Hansemann, D. 575.1 19:16. Bemerkungen über die Beziehungen der Bastardierung zur Trans- plantation. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 126—127. [In Souurrz Arch. Bd. 41 p. 120. Hinweis auf eigene Publikation: Descendenz und Patho- logie] Biologia generalis 28 209537 Holden, R. 575.1 1916. Hybrids of the Genus Epilobium. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 243 — 247, 4 figg. 88 Heiberg, K. A. 575.1 1916. Bemerkungen zum erblichen Diabetes. Deutsche med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 42 p. 255—256. [Erbliche geringe Inselzahl (?).] 89 Jennings, H, 8. 575.1 1916. The Numerical Results of Diverse Systems of Breeding. Genetics Princeton Vol. 1 p. 95—89. 90 Jones, D. F. 575.1 1916, Inheritance of Congenital Cataract. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 119 —126. [Recessive character. Single unit factor.] 91 Jones, W. Neilson, and M. Chevely Rayner. 575.1 1916. Mendelian Inheritance in Varietal Crosses of Bryonia dioica. Journ. Genetics Vol, 5 p. 203—224, 3 pls. 5 figg. 92 Kroeber, A. L. 575.1 1916. The Cause of the Belief in Use Inheritance. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 367—370. [Reasoning by analogy.] 93 Lehmann, Ernst. 575.1 1916. Art, Reine Linie, Isogene Einheit. II Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 595 —560. |Erwiderung an Lorsy.] 94 Little, C. C. 575.1 1916. The Occurrence of Three Recognized Color Mutations in Mice. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 335—349. [Transmission of tendency to ger- minal instability.] 95 Lutz, Frank E. 575.1 1916. Heredity and Sex. Mendelism and some of its recent develop- ments. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 229—242, 1 portr., 10 figg. 96 MacBride, E. W. 575.1 1916. Discussion on the Relation of Chromosomes to Heredity. Rep. Söth Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 469—470. 209597 MacCurdy, Hansford. 575.1 1916. A Case of Sex-Linked Inheritance in Man. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol, 43 p. 183. 98 Morgan, T. H. 575.1 1916. The Eucsrer Gynandromorph Bees. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 89—45. 99 Muller, Hermann J. 575.1 1916. The Mechanism of Crossing-Over. Amer, Natural. Vol. 50 p. 193 — 221, 284—305, 350—366, 421—434, 13 figg. 209600 Pellew, Caroline, and Florence M. Durham. 575.1 1916. The Genetic Behaviour of the Hybrid Primula Kewensis, and its Allies. Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 159—182, 5 pls. [Diploid plant ex- hibiting segregation has also been crossed successfully with Kewensis tetraploid.] 01 Quinn, Charles W. 575.1 1916. Svientific Queen Rearing. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 939—941. [Be- havior of color factor in transmission (segregation). Elimination of fac- tors for femaleness eliminated at parturition.] 02 Rabaud, Etienne. 575.1 1916. Les races physiologiques de Mus musculus L. et l’uniformité des hybrides de première génération. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 318— 8321. — Sur une race stable de souris jaunes; sa genèse, sa signification. p. 386--388. [Gamètes impurs (accolement de deux substances dont l’une reste inactive, tandis que l’autre donne à l'organisme son appa- rence). Mélange durable] — Production d'une race intermédiaire et stable par croisement entre Souris. p. 436—439. [Mélange véritable et durable des substances des 2 gamètes.] 209603 Robertson, Wm. Rees B. 575.1 1916. Chromosome Studies. I. Taxonomic relationships in the chromo- 29 Biologia generalis somes of Tettigidae and Acrididae: V-shaped chromosomes and their significance in Acrididae, Locustidae, and Gryilidae: chromosomes and variation. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 179—330, 26 pls. 209694 Saunders, Edith R. 575.1 1916. On the Relation of Half-Hoariness in Matthiola to Glabrousness and Full Hoariness. Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 145—15S, 1 Table. [5 factors, inter-acting as 3 distinct pairs.] 05 Slye, Maud. ° 575.1 1916. Cancer and Heredity. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 135—136. — [Trans- mission of spontaneus cancer at will in mice.] 06 Stockard, Charles R. 575.1 1916. Experimental modification of the chromatin within the germ cells of one generation and the resulting hereditary transmission of degene- racy and deformities. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10: p. 246—249. [Differences in behavior of male and of female offspring from alcoholized male parents and from alcoholized female parents. Attempted explanation.] 07 Wasmann, E. 575.1 1916. Nachtrag zum Mendelismus bei Ameisen. (219. Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Myrmekophilen.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 561—564. [Ent- stehung der Männchen aus unbefruchteten Eiern häufig beobachtet, wohl regelmässiger Vorgang. Bedeutung für Mendelismus.] 03 Wentwortü, Edward N. 575.1 1916. A Sex-Limited Color in Ayrshire Cattle. (Pab. No. 3 Lab. anim. Technol. Kansas agric. Exper. Stat.) Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 141—147. [Black-and-white a simple allelomorph of red-and-white. In. male former dominant, in female latter.] 09 Wentworth, Edward N., and C. E. Aubel, 575.1 1916. Inheritance of Fertility in Swine. [Preliminary Paper.] (Pap. No. 1 Lab. animal Technol. Kansas Exper. Stat.) Journ. agrie. Research. Vol. 5 p. 1145—1160, 4 figg. [Small degree of inheritance. Possibly se- gregation of fertility factors.] 209610 Werneke, Fritz. j 575.1 1916. Die Pigmentierung der Farbenrassen von Mus musculus und ihre: Beziehung zur Vererbung. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 72—106, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Wirkungsweise der Erbfaktoren im Sinne der „presence and. absence“-Theorie.] 11 White, Orland E. 575.1 1916. Studies of Teratological Phenomena in their Relation to Evolu- tion and the Problems of Heredity. II. The Nature, Causes, Distribu- tion and Inheritance of Fasciation with Special Reference to its Occur- rence in Nicotiana. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre- Bd. 16 p. 49—185, 29 figg. 12 Woodlock, J. M. 575.1 1916. Some Experiments in Heredity with Adraxas grossulariata and two: of its Varieties. Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 183—187, 1 pl. 13 Zanolli, Velio. 979.1 1916. La Memoria organica nelle teorie di R. Semon. Atti Accad. scient. veneto-trent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 3—53. [Principi fondamentali dell’en- grafia, dell’ecforia e dell’omofonia.] 14 Boldrini, Marcello. 575.2. 1914. Sulle famiglie con pazzi e sulla variabilità del primonato. Ricer- che statistiche. Riv. Antrop. Atti Soc. Romana Antrop. Vol. 19 p. 411 —431. [Maggiore variabilità dei primonati. Situazione fisiologica ma- terna. ] 209615 Curtis, Maynie R. 575.2: 1914. A Biometrical Study of Egg Production in the Domestic Fowl. IV. Factors influencing the Size, Shape, and Physical Constitution of Eggs. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 39 p. 217—327, 5 pls., 18 figg. [Individ-- Biologia generalis 30 ualitr of eges of same bird shown in each physical character (yolk most constant part). Individuals less variable than race. Correlation of egg characters. Intra-individual variation in relation to age, season, state of health, location in litter cycle, interval between layings.] — Factors Influeneing the Size, Shape and Physical Constitution of the Egg of the Domestic Fowl. 30th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 228 p. 105 —1836. 209616 Cool, C., and A. N. Koopmans. 575.2 1915. Variation and Correlation of the Number of Umbel Rays of some Umbelliferae. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 38—49, 1 pl. 5 figg. 17 Davis, Bradley Moore. 575.2 1915. Additional Evidence of Mutation in Oenothera. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 702—706. 18 Duncan, F. N. 575.2 1915. An Attempt to Produce Mutations through Hybridization. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 575—682, [No influence] 19 Gates, R. Ruggles. 575.2 1915. An Anticipatory Mutationist. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 645—648. [|Tuomas Meenan.] 20 Gates, R. Ruggles. 575.2 1915. On Successive Duplicate Mutations. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 204—220. [In Oenothera.] 21 Gates, R. Ruggles. 575.2 1915. On the Modification of Characters by Crossing. Amer. Natural. Vol, 49 p. 562—569. 22 Gates, R. Ruggles. 575.2 1915. The Mutation Factor in Evolution with Particular Reference to Œnothera. London: Macmillan & Co. XIV, 353 pp. (Review by Brapzey M. Davis, Science N, S. Vol. 42 p. 648—651. 23 Harris, J. Arthur. 575,2 1915. The Value of Inter-annual Correlations. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 707—712. | 209624 Isserlis, L. 573.2 1915. On the Partial Correlation-Ratio. Part II. Numerical. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 50-66, 5 figg. 25 Köhlisch, 575.2 1915. Bakteriologische Befunde bei einem Fall von Meningokokken- sepsis; gibt es eine Mutation bei Meningokokken ? Zeitschr. Hyg. In- tektionskr. Bd. 80 p. 404—439, 1 Taf., 10 figg. [Erklärung der verschie- denen Symptome (Meningitis, Kniegelenkentzündung, kryptogenetisches Fieber) durch ebensoviele Mutationen.] Orensteen, Myer M: 575.2 1915. Correlation of Anthropological Measurements in Cairo-born Na- tives. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 67—81, 6 fige. 27 Pearson, Karl. 575.2 1915. On certain Types of Compound Frequency Distributions in which the Components can be individually described by Binomial Series. Bio- metrika Vol, 11 p. 139—144. 28 Ritchie-Scott, A. 575.2 1915. Note on the Prebable Error of the Coefficient of Correlation in De at Difference Correlation Method. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 136 —1 e 209629 Walion, L. B. 575.2 19i5. Variability and Amphimixis. A Comparative Study of the Varia- bility in Zygospores of Spirogyra inflata (Vaucx.) formed by Lateral (Close breeding) and by Scalariform (Cross breeding) Conjugation, and its Bearivg on the Theory of Amphimixis and Correlated Problems. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 649—687, 6 figg. [Close breeding yields great- er variability. Amphimixis deereases variability (cumulability) although amphimutability may be temporarily increased.] 26 wi 2096 30 36 2096 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 > © 31 Biologia generalis Castle, W. E. 575.2 1916. Variability under Inbreeding and Cross-breeding. Amer. Natural, Vel. 80 p. 178—183. [Notwithstanding utility of inbreeding in securing variation, cross-breeding is also an important source (isolation and maintainance uf desired combinatiozs).] Gates, R. Ruggles. 579.2 1916. Huxzey as a Mutationist. Amer. Natural. Vol. 59 p. 126—128. Harris, J. Arthur. 575.2 1916. A Contribution to the Problem of Homotyposis, Data from the Legume Cercis canadensis. Biometrika Vol. il p. 20i—214, 4 figg. Harris, J. Arthur. 575.2 1916. An Outline of Current Progress in the Theory of Correlation and Contingeney. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 53—G4. Isserlis, L. 579.2 1916. On Certain Probable Errors and Correlation Coefficients of Mul- tiple Frequency Distributions with Skew Regression. Biometrika Vol, 11 p. 185—190. Lehmann, Ernst. 579.2 1916. Bakterienmulationen. Allogonie. Klonumbildungen. Centralbi. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 289 —800. Luiz, Anne M. 15.2 1916. The Production of 14 (4+)-Chromosome Mutants by 14-Chromosome Oenothera Lamarckiana. (Botan. Soc. Amer.) Science N. 8. Vol. 43 p. 291—292, Pearson, Karl. 575.2 1916. On some Novel Properties of Partial and Multiple Correlation Coefficients in a Universe of Manifold Characteristics. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 231—238. / Pearson, Karl. 575.2 1916. On the Application of „Goodness cf Fit“ Tables to Test Regres- sion Curves and Theoretical Curves Used to Describe Observational cr Experimental Data. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 239—261. Pearson, Karl. 919.2 1916. On the General Theory of Multiple Contingency with Special Reference to Partial Contingency. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 145—158. Pearson, Karl, and J. F. Tocher. 575.2 1916. On Criteria for the Existence of Differential Deathrates. Bio- metrika Vol. 11 p. 159 —184. Schmitz, K. E. F. 575.2 1916. Die Verwandlungsfähigkeit der Bakterien. Experiinentelles und Kritisches mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Diphtkeriebacillengruppe. Centraibl. Bakt, Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 369—417, 8 Tat. Smith, Kirstine. 570.2 1916. Ou the „Best* Values of the Constants in Frequency Distribu- tions. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 262—276, 2 figg. de Vries, Hugo. 575.2 1916. The Origin by Mutation of the Endemic Plants of Ceylon. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 785— 787. Young, Andrew W. 575.2 1916. Note on the Standard Deviations cf Samples of Two or Three. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 277—280. Young, Andrew W., and Karl Pcarson. 575.2 1916. On the Probable Error of a Coefficient of Contingency Without Approximation. Biometrika Vol. 11 p. 215—230. 209616 Parker, George H. 575.3 1915. The Problem of Adaptation as Illustrated by the Fur Seals of the Pribilof Islands. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 54 p. 1—6. [Maladjust- ment of sex ratio to environment.] Biologia generalis 32 209617 Metalnikov, S. 575.3 1916. Le réflexe en tant qu’acte créateur. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 82—83. [Toute manifestation de la vie laisse une trace dans l’organisme. Croissance de l’individualite.] 45 Paulsen, J. 575.4 1914. Die Herrschaft der Schwachen und der Schutz der Starken in Deutschland. Kritische Betrachtungen eines Arztes über soziale Fürsorge. 2. Teil. Einwirkung der sozialen Fürsorge auf den Volkskörper. 3. Teil. Besserungsvorschläge. Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 145 — 169. [Kontraselektion.] 49 Johannsen, W. 575.4 1915. Tilsyneladende arvelig Selektionsvirkning. Overs. dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Forli. 1915 p. 285—306. [Einleitendes über reine Linien. Selek- tionsversuch (Pflanzen).] 50 Lutz, Frank E. 975.4 1915. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila Concerning Natural Selec- tion. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 34 p. 605—624. [Proof of its influence on mean, variability and correlation.] 51 v. Ehrenfels, Christian. 575.4 1916. Biologische Friedenrüstungen. Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 580-613. [Intraspezialkampf und Normaldichte.] 52 Weinberg, Wilhelm. 575.4 1916. Auslesewirkungen der Sterblichkeit. Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.- Biol. Bd. 11 p. 425—433. 53 Weinberg, Wilhelm. 575.4 1916. Zur Korrektur des Einflusses der Lebensdauer und Todesauslese auf die Ergebnisse bestimmter Kreuzungen. Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.- Biol. Bd. 11 p. 434—444, 1 Tabelle. 209654 Weinberg, Wilhelm. 575.4 1916. Nachträge zu meiner Arbeit: Auslesewirkungen bei biologisch statistischen Problemen. Arch. Rassen- Gesellsch.-Biol. Jahrg. 11 p. 569—573. [Mathematische Behandlung.] 55 Sturtevant, A. H. 575.5 1915. Experiments of sex recognition and the problem of sexual selec- tion in Drosophila. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 351—366. [Olfactory and tactile senses involved. Rôle of wings ir courtship. No selection in mating.| 56 Loew, ©. 577 1897. Lability and Energy in Relation to Protoplasm. Bull, Coll. Agric. Tokyo Vol. 2 p. 393—405. [Lability of living protoplasm caused by presence of aldehyde and amido-groups.] 57 Jennings, Herbert S. 577 1914. Life and Matter from the Standpoint of.Radically Experimental Analysis. John Hopkins Univ. Circ. 1914 No. 10 p. 3—20. [No need to postulate differential action of non-physical agent.] 577.2 58 Lehmann, 0. 577 1914. Flüssige Krystalle und Biologie. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 63 p. 74—86. [Einwandfreier Beweis der Existenz flüssiger Krystalle. Spon- tane Homöotropie. Analogie mit den Eigentümlichkeiten belebter Ma- terie.] — Liquid Crystals and Biology. Discovery of New Properties of Matter Assist the Study of the Secret of Life. Scient. Amer. Suppl. 209659 Becquerel, Paul. 577 1915. Latent life: its nature and its relation to certain theories of contemporary biology. Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Washington 1914 p. 527—551. [Translated from Rev. gén. Sc. Vol. 25.] 577.4 33 Biologia generalis 2C9C60 Child, C. M. 577 1915. Senescence and Rejuvenescence. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. XI, 481 pp., 201 figg. (Review, by Cnarces ZELeny. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 28—29.) 61 Johnson, John C. 577 1915. The Cultivation of Tissues from Amphibians. Univ. California Public, Zool. Vol. 16 p. 55—62, 2 figg. [Nerve-outgrowth by pseudopod- like processes. Gill-like structures on tissues from head region. Me- thods.] 62 Krausse, Anton. 577 1915. Das principium causalitatis und die moderne Naturwissenschaft. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. S1A Heft 2 p. 105—119. 63 Küster, W. 577 1915. Vom Werden und Vergehen organischer Körper. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. 125—144 [Wesen der Assimila- tion, Aufbau der Kohlehydrate. Fixierung des N. Mineralassimilation. Synthesen im Tierleib. Abbau organischer Stoffe. Katalyse.] 64 Pictet, Amé. 577 1915/16. La structure moléculaire et la vie. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève (4) T. 40 p. 181—198. [Chaines ouvertes caractérisent les composés propres à entretenir la vie, composés cycliques sont des déchets ou re- présentent une transformation léthale.] — Actes Soc. helvet. Sc, nat. 65 Pütter, A. 577 1915. Die Kennzeichen des Lebens. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 3 p. 409—713. [Produktion neuer lebendiger Substanz im Wachstum oder der Zellteilung, Erregbarkeit, Stoffwechsel bei Intaktheit der Struktur.] 66 Röder, Ferdinand. 577 1915. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Energien in der belebten Natur, Biol. Centralbi. Bd. 35 p. 475—480. [Abhängigkeit der chemischen Energie der Zellen von ihrer Volumenergie.] 209667 Driesch, Hans. 577 1916. Gibt es harmonisch-äquipotentielle Systeme? Eine Erwiderung. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 545—555. [Gegen Scuaxer: Die Leistungen der Zellen bei der Entwicklung der Metazoen. Veränderung des Fur- chungstypus durch Temperaturerhöhung und Seewasserverdünnung (Echi- nodermen) sowie durch Druckwirkung und nachträgliche Verlagerung von Zellen. Isolierte Blastomeren und Blastomerengruppen. Aufzucht kleiner Ganzbildungen aus Bruchstücken des Kiemenkorbes bei Olavellina.] 68 Grasset. 577 1916. La loi d’opposition ou de réaction de la nature dans les pheno- mènes physicochimiques, les phénomènes vitaux et les phénomènes humains. Bull. Acad. Sc. Lettr. Montpellier 1916 p. 93—112. 69 Meyer, Arthur. 577 1916. Die in den Zellen vorkommenden Eiweisskörper sind stets er- gastische Stoffe. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Beförd. Nat. Marburg 1915 p. 53—54. [Kein Beweis für die Auffassung der Eiweisskörper als Bestandteile der lebenden Substanz.] 70 Bastian, H. Charlton. 577.2 1914/15. The Production at Will of Either Fungus-Germs, Flagellate Monads, or Amoebae from the Ultimate Segments of Small Masses of Zoogloea. Nature London Vol. 94 p. 462—468, 10 figg. — Experiments on Hay Infusions, by Hucx RıcaArnson. p. 553. — The Forms of Lower Organisms as Dependent upon Molecular Constitution and Environmen- tal Conditions. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 624—625. — by J. OC. T. Nasu. p. 209671 Roux, Wilhelm. 577.2 1914. Die Selbstregulation ein charakteristisches und nicht notwendig vitalistisches Vermögen aller Lebewesen. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. Zool. Bibliogr. XXX VIII. 1916 3. Biologia generalis 34 Halle Bd. 100 No. 2, 91 pp. [Funktionelle Definition des Lebens. Ab- leitung der Notwendigkeit der Selbstregulation aus der Dauer der Lebe- wesen im Wechsel der Umstände. „Gestaltende* Regulationen. Psycho- morphologie.] — (Auszug von Aıserr Orrst. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 25 p. 393—395.) 209672 Gurwiisch, A. 5772 1915. On Practical Vitalism. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 765— 170. 73 Dickel, Otio. 577.8 1914. Zur Geschlechtsbestimmungsfrage bei den Hymenopteren, ins- besondere bei der Honigbiene. Biol. Gentralbl. Bd. 34 p. 719--745, «49 — 800, 1 fig. — Berichtigungen. p. 802. [Befruchtung allein nicht mass- gebend.] 74 Boveri, Th. 577.8 1915. Ueber die Entstehung der Eussterschen Zwitterbienen, Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 264—311, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Durch sogen. partielle Befruchtung.] 75 Cockayne, E. A. 577.8 1315. „Gynandromorphism“ and kindred problems. With Descriptions and Figures of some hitherto undescribed examples. Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. ?5—131, 4 pls. [Difference in potency of sex-factors, behaving as simple Mendelian dominants and recessives, failure in normal fusion of sex chromosomes of sperm and ovum, irregular distribution of chro- mosome carrying sex factors.] 76 Lipschütz, Alexander, 571.8 1915. Der Ursprung des Geschlechts. (Untersuchungen von WooDRUFF und Erpmann, New-Haven, U. S. N. A) Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 30 p. 417 —425, 7 figg. [Rolle der Konjugation bei Infusorien. Ausschaltung der Wirkungen einer Ueberladung mit Stoffwechselprodukten. Ableitung von der Endomixis.] 209677 Morgan, T. H. 571.8 1915. The predetermination of sex in Phylloxerans and Aphids. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 285—321, 2 pls., 5 figg. [History of chromoso- mal cycle. Sex ratios.] j 73 Nachtsheim, Hans. 577.8 1915. Die Eucsrerschen Zwitterbienen und ihre Entstehuug. Nat. Wo- chenschr. Bd. 30 p. 769—777, 15 figg. — Turovor Boverr+, Pr 77% [Entstehung durch partielle Befruchtung.] 79 Regnault, Jules. 577.8 1915. Le determinisme du sexe (Rôle de la nutrition et des sécrétions internes). C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 554—557. [Sexe est une fonction du métabolisme des parents. A l’anabolisme correspond sexe femelle; au catabolisme, le sexe mâle. Influence de l’opothérapie par extraits de glandes endocrines.] 80 Wedekind, W. 571.8 1915/16. Die hermaphroditische Zusammensetzung der Partheno-Eier. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 126—141. — Berichtigung. p. 256. [Jedes Lebe- wesen ein versteckter Zwitter, wobei das unterdrückte Geschlecht die Fortpflanzungstoffe liefert. Partheno-Eier zwittrig mit vorwiegend männ- lichem oder weiblichen Charakter.] 81 Ash, F. W. 577.8 1916. The Explanation of Secondary Sex Characters as Characters of Abandoned Function, with Observations on the Insufficiency of the Hor- mone Theory. Rep. 'S5th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 471—472. a 82 Goeldi, E. A. 971.8 1916. Ueber das Geschlecht in Tier- und Pflanzenreich, insbesondere im Lichte der neueren Vererbungslehre Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1915 p. 140 — 203, 12 figg. 209683 Goldschmidt, Richard. ; 577.8 1916. Vorläufige Mitteilung über weitere Versuche zur Vererbung und 35 Biologia generalis - Microscopium Bestimmung des Geschlechts. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 565-570. [Versuch mit japanischon Lokalformen von Lymantria dispar.] 209684 Goodale, H. D. 577.8 1916. A femin ized cockerel. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 421—428, 7 figg. [Castration. Rôle of internal secretion and of genetic basis in determining secondary se xual characters.] 85 Lillie, Frank R. 577.8 1316. The Theory of the Free-Martin. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 611— 615. [Twin pregnancy of opposite sex. Hormone action.] 86 Lutz, Frank E. 577.8 1916. Heredity and Sex. Mendelism and some of its recent develop- ments. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 229—242, 1 portr., 10 figg. 87 Quinn, Charles W. 577.8 1916. Scientific Queen Rearing. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 939—941. [Be- havior of color factor in transmission (segregation). Elimination of fac- tors for femaleness, eliminated at parturition.] 88 Riddle, Oscar. 517.8 1916. Sex Control and Known Correlations in Pigeons. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 385—410. [Seasonal reversal of sex dominance and its corre- lations. Modifiable metabolic levels of germs (males higher), Quantita- tive rather than qualitative differences.] 89 Schneider, Wilh. 577.8 1916. Ueber die Frage der geschlechtsbestimmenden Ursachen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p, 49—53, 695 — 71, 6 figg. 90 Shull, A. Franklin, and Sonia Ladoff. 577.8 1916. Male-production in Hydatina Favored by Oxygen. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 177. 91 Whitney, D. D. 577,8 1916. Sex Controlled by Food. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 16—177. [Rotifers.] 209692 Whitney, D. D. 571.8 1916. Parthenogenesis and Sexual Reproduction in Rotifers. Experi- mental Research upon Brachionus pala. Amer, Natural. Vol. 50 p. 50— 52. [Production of male-producing or female-producing females can be regulated by environment] 93 Whitney, David Day. 571.8 1916. The control of sex by food in five species of rotifers. Journ. | exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 263—296, 6 figg. [Poor or scanty diet causes only female-producing females to be produced, but a plentiful diet of | right kind causes nearly all male-producing females to be produced. 578; 579 Microscopium; Conservatio. 94 Damm, 0. 578 1915. Das Ultramikroskop und die moderne Biologie. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 398—600. 95 Cobb, N. A. 578 1916. A System for Locating Objects on Microscope Slides. Trans. ‚Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 189—190, 1 fig. [System of coordinates.] 203696 Gage, Simon H., and Benjamin F. Kingsbury. 578 1915. Somo apparatus for the microscopical laboratory. Anat. Record - Vol. 10 p. 527—536, 15 figg. [Movable stand for slide trays and reagent boards. Slide tray. Electric paraffin melter, spreading plate and infiltra- ting oven. Gas-heated leveling table. Drying oven. Artificial daylight.] 578.4,.5,.67,.68 Microscopium; Conservatio 36 209697 Heron-Allen, Edw., and Charles F. Rousselet. 578.09 1916. Prolegomena towards a Study of the Progress and Development of Vision and Definition under the Microscope. — (1673—1848.) Journ. 98 Ainslie, M. A. 578.2 1915. An Addition to the Objective. Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 12 p. 561—576, 2 figg. [Adjustment of tube length to suit thickness of cover-glass.] 99 Purkis, J. W. . 578.2 1916. Some Suggestions regarding Visual Efficiency in the Use of the Microscope and other Optical Instruments. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 272—277. 29700 Scheffer, W. 578.2 1916. Beziehungen zwischen numerischer Apertur und Brennweite der Mikroskopobjektive. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 394—400, 1 fig. 01 Begg, Alexander 8. 578.4 1915. A simpie form of drawing apparatus. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 715 — 117, 1 63. 02 Heusner, Hans L. 578.4 1915. Ein neuer Behälter zum Aufheben der Objektivträger. München. med, Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1608, 1 fig. 03 Isaacs, Raphael. 578.4 1915. A mechanical device to simplify drawing with the microscope. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 711—713 3 figg. 04 Wychgram, E. 578.4 1915. Ueber zwei allgemein verwendbare Kameramodelle Zeitschr. wiss, Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 160—163, 2 figg. 05 Ewell, Marshall D. 578.4 1916. Ansturz Optical Micrometer. Journ. R. miser. Soc. London 1916 pe. 158—159. 209706 Gage, Simon H. 578.5 1915. Artificial Daylight for the Microscope. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 534—536, 1 fig. [Glass filter by Henry PueLrs Gace.] 07 Luckiesh, M. 578.5 1915. Artificial Daylight. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 764—765. 08 Ghiron, M, 578.6 1912. Di un nuovo metodo di indagine microscopica degli organi viventi. (Accad. med.-fis. fiorent.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 258—262. 09 Kendall, Oliver, jr. 518.6 1915. Method of Preparing Ely’s Tongue as Microscopic Object. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 52—53. 10 La Rue, George R. 578,6 1915. Notes on Methods of Laboratory Technique from the Zoological Laboratory, University of Michigan. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 275—278. [Neutral red as indicator of reaction of Protozoan digestive fluids. Demonstrating difference in function of skin glands in frog. Staining cephalic glands of immature trematodes. Fastening wax in dissecting pans. Celluloid-acetone cement. Blackening millings. Revival of Ameba cultures.] 578.65,.68 11 Malone, Edward F. 578.6 1915. Application of the Casaun method to tissue previcusly sectioned. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 791—795. 578.61,.65 i 209712 Petrone, A. 578.6 1915. La nouvelle réaction du sang pour la fixation du sesquioxyde de chrome, sec. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 63 p. 107—112, 2 pls. [Utilité pour des recherches médico-legales.] 37 Microscopium; Conservatio 209713 Stuurman, F. J. 578.6 1915. Die Herstellung und Färbung von Serienpräparaten der Gehirne kleiner Tiere. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 152—159. 14 Van Cleave, H. J. 578.6 1915. Notes on Biological Methods from University of Illinois. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 195—199. [Clearing difficult objects, mount- ing in damar, penetration of animals with cuticula, oil immersion, safety razor blades for microtome, slide boxes, microtome table, remov- ing balsam, modeling, seal for museum jars, slide marker, insect mount, double demonstrating eye piece, sealing vials, ripening hematoxylin.] 578.61,.05,.68 15 van Walsem, 6. C. 578.6 1915. Ueber quantitative Angaben in histologischen Vorschriften, zu- gleich nachträgliche Bemerkung zu meinem Aufsatz: „Beiträge zur kli- nisch-morphologischen Hämatechnik“. {Diese Zeitschr. Bd. 31 p. 310.; Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 144—151, 1 fig. 16 Wieman, H. L. 578.6 1915. Notes on Microscopic Technique. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 50-52. 578.65,.68 17 Zoth, ©. 578.6 1915. Herstellung mikroskopischer Dauerpräparate von Hämoglobin- kristallen. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 159—141. 18 Brodersen. 578.6 1916. Verhalten der Knorpelzellen des Frosches gegen Aqua destillata, Natronlauge, Salzsäure, und Kochsalz in fliessenden Lösungen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 225—253, 2 figg. [Körnelung des Kerns. Schrumpfung der Zelle usw.] 19 Enescu, I. 578.6 1916. Nouveau procédé pour mettre en évidence les canalicules osseux. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 95. 578.65,.68 209720 Maximow, A. 578.6 1916. Sur les möthodes de fixation et de coloration des chondriosomes. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 73 p. 462—465. [Me- thode de fixation de Cuamrer avec postchromisation. Fuchsine acide, puis thionine et differenciation dans solution d’aurantia.] 578.61,.65 21 Hirschler, Jan. 578.61 1915. Ueber einen Apparat, der als Fixierungsmeliorator und Entwäs- serungsbeschleuniger wirkt. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 164—167, 3 figg. 22 Latham, Vida A. CALE 578.61 1915. Hennme’s Solution for Fixing Flies for Sectioning. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 56. ae 23 Isaacs, Raphael. 1916. Properties of colloids in relation to tissue structure. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 517—522. [Any change in refraction in tissue under exami- nation indicates dehydration, gelation or solution.) 24 Simons, Hellmuth. 578.61 1916. Histologische und chemische Untersuchungen über Chromoform “Methylformindichromat) als Fixationsmittel, Zeitschr, wiss, Mikr. Bd. 25 Rocchi, 6. SR 0" DIR0O 1911. Sul metodo Craccro per la colorazione dei lipoidi. Lo Sperimen- tale Anno 65 p. 441—446. 209726 Pari, 6. A. 578.65 1913. Su alcune granulazioni intracellulari che si colorano con metodi intravitali. Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 632—642, 1 tav. [Granulazioni di protoplasma morto.] Microscopium ; Conservatio 38 209727 Höber, Rudolf. 578.65 1914. Beitrag zur physikalischen Chemie der Vitalfärbung. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 67 p. 420—430. [Färbevermögen, Giftigkeit, Umladefähig- keit und Tropfenzahl der wässerigen Lösungen saurer und basischer Farbstoffe hängen nicht mit einander zusammen. Opalinen durch be- liebige basische oder saure Farbstoffe vital gefärbt.] 28 Herxheimer, Karl, 578.65 1915. Ueber die Darstellung membranartiger Bildungen im menschlichen Gewebe. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 1040. 29 Hirschler, Jan. 578.65 1915. Ueber ein Verfahren zur gleichzeitigen Darsteilung des Golgischen Apparates und der Mitochondrien des Zellenplasmas in differenten Far- ben. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 168—170. 30 Hollande, A. Ch. 578.65 1915. Coloration vitale par le ,carmin soluble“ chez les Insectes. C. R. Acad, Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 578—580. [Comportement different des com- binaisons acides et alcalines. Action selective. Séjour prolongé des carbinates (transformation en carmin pur). 31 Lemchen, 5. 578.65 1915. Picrie Acid and Benzidin Stain; a Transitional Cell in General Paralysis. Med. Rec. N, Y. Vol, 88 p. 78% 32 Martin, W. B. 578.65 1915. Neutral Stains as applied to the Granules of the Pancreatic Islet Cells. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 475—481. 33 Meyer, Arthur W. 578.65 1913. Laboratory and Technical Miscellany. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 465—473, 6 fige. [Staining of elastic tissues, mordanting with iodine for Mazrory’s connective tissue stain.] 84 Poliak, kugen. 578.65 1915. Beitrag zur Färbungstechnik der Neuroglia. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 137—138. 209735 Weltmann, Oskar. 518.65 1915. Die „Vitalfärbung* zum raschen Nachweis der Spirochaete ober- meieri. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 28 p. 1257. 36 Colosi, &iuseppe. 578.65 1916. Un nuovo metodo di colorazione con l’alizarina. Monit. zooi. ital. Anno 26 p. 248—251. 37 Diettrich, P. 578.65 1916. Die direkte Färbung von Paraffinschnitten. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr, Bd. 32 p. 266—287. 38 Eneseu, I. 578.65 1916. Ein reues Verfahren zur Darstellung der Knochenhöhlen und der Knochenkanälchen. Zeitschr, wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 297. [Gieusa-Fär- bung.] 39 es Herbert M. 278.65 1916. On the behavior of the ovary and éspecially of the atrectic fol- licle towards vital stains of the azo group. (Proc. Amer, Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 264. 40 Heidenkhaïin, Martin. 078.65 1916. Ueber die Marrorysche Bindegewebsfärbung mit Karmin und Azo- karmin als Vorfarben. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 361—372. A1 Laserstein, 578.65 1916. M eee Gewebsreaktionen mit Triketohydrindenhydrat. Zeit- schr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 288—293. 42 Lux, Fritz. | 578.65 1915. Ein neues Färbegestell für bakteriologische Präparate. Zeitschr. 209743 Mayer, P[aul]. 578.65 1916. Ueber Beizen und Beizenfarbstoffe. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 39 Microscopium; Conse rvatio 209744 Pötter, Eduard. 578.65 1916. Ueber eine neue Modifikation zu den Färbungsmethoden von Gliastrukturen. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. #73—378, 1 Taf. 45 Scott, Katharine J. 578.65 1916. A cytological study of connective tissue cells of animals stained vitally with acid azo dyes. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 263. |[Mitochondria not stained vitally.] 45 Shipley, P. G. 578.65 1916. The Vital Staining of Mitochondria in Trypänosema lewisi with Janus Green. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 439—445, 8 figg. 47 Tribondeau, L. 578.65 1916. Nouvelle technique de coloration des coupes par l’hémalun-éosine. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 288—289. 48 Tribondeau, L., M. Fichet et J. Dubreuil. 578.65 1916. Procédé de coloration des liquides organiques et de leurs para- sites. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 282—287. 49 van Walsem, 6. €. 578.65 1316. Panoptische Färbung von Bluttrockenpräparaten und panarith- mische Kammerfärbung. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 198 50 Latham, Vida A. 578.67 1915. A Clearing Fluid for Celloidin. Trans. Amer. mier. Soc. Vol, 34 p. 55. 51 Stewart, Alban. 578.67 1915. The Mounting of Celloidin Sections in Series. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 872—873. 52 Hance, Robert T. 578.67 1916. A simple paraffin ribbon winder. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 523— 026, 2 figg. 209753 Allen, Bennet M. 578.68 1915. Some Methods of Embryological Technique. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 210.) Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 105—108, 1 fig. [Mounting small opaque objects in gelatine.] 54 Latham, Vida A. 578.68 1915. Mounting Zoopbytes and Polyzoa. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 84 p. 55—56. 55 Pawlowsky, E. 578.68 1915. Sur une méthode permettant l’obteniion de coupes d’organes ren- ferment de la chitine. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.) €. R. Soc. Biol, Paris hs 18 p. 631—632 [Collage sur la lame moyennant pellicule de collo- ion.] 56 Lewis, Warren H. 578.69 1915. The use of guide planes and plaster of paris for reconstructions from serial sections: some points on reconstruction, Anat, Record Vol. 9 p. 719—729, 5 figg. 57 Kappers, €. U. Ariëns. 578.69 1916. Ueber ein neues billigeres Gemisch für Wachsrekonstruktionen. Zeitschr. wisse. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 294—296. 58 Snyder, J. O. 579.2 19i5. Chloretone, a Killing Agent. Cepeia No. 25 p. 65—64. 202759 Scala, Augusto C. 579.3 9307. Una nueva masa de inyecciön 4 base de albümina. Anal, Soc. eient. Argentina T. 63 p. 169—171. Scripta generalia . 40 ZOOLOGIA 59.01—04 Scripta generalia. 209760 Carazzi, Dav. ol 1907. Proposte di modificazioni alla classificazione sistematica del reg- no animale. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Leit. Arti T. 66 Pt. 2 p. 697—710. 61 Teza, E. vi 1903. Intorno al Nomenclator di Haprranus Iunius. Brevi osservazioni. i e e e 01 1915. The International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, with Appen- dix and Summaries of Opinions No. 1 to No. 56 Washington: T. ©. Smallwood, 3216 N St. 4° 28 pp. (Review, by Wu. H. Darr. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 805.) ‘63 Allen, J. A. 01 1915. Convenience Versus Fitness. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 492—494, [Question of genus limits.] 64 Apstein, C. 01 1915. Anträge an die Internationale Nomenklatur-Kommission. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 P°. 29—832. 65 Cabrera, D. Angel. 01 1914/15. Code de Nomenclature zoologique actuellement en vigueur pré- cédé d’une Introduction historique. Insecta Ann. 4 p. 317—326, 337— 340. — Ann. 5 p. 24—36, 75—80. 209766 Colton, Harold 8. 01 1915. Another Reason for Saving the Genus. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 307—308. [Value in cataloguing.] 67 Enriques, Paolo. 01 1915. La classificazione degli organismi viventi. Bios Genova Vol. 2 p. 339—356, À fig. [Porre alla base della classificazione il tipo del ciclo evolutivo.] 68 Henderson, Junius. 01 1915. The Publication of New Species. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 725 — 726. [Avoid general magazines and ephemeral publications or leaflets.] 69 de Joannis, J. 01 1915. Reflexiones sobre la ley de prioridad. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 16 p. 220—225. 70 Mehely, Lajos. 01 1916. A zoologia helye tudäsunk rendszerében, Âllatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 1—31, 4 figg. — Die Zoologie im System unseres Wissens. p. 195 — 196. 71 Metcalf, Maynard M. OL 1915. Genus and Subgenus. Science N. 8. Vol. 42 p. 796—797. [Keep the broader old name as genus and use subgenera to call attention to niceties.] 72 Mitchell, P. Chalmers. 01 1915. An Application of the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 480. [Piltdown jaw, never seen by G. S. MırLer, as type of his Pan vetus.] 9.88,.9 209773 Pic, M. 01 1915. Diagnose latine obligatoire. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 93 41 _Scriptageneralia-Scripta societatum 209774 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 01 1915. On some Enigmatical Names in Conchology and Pycnogonology. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 16 p. 328—331, 4.32, 53.15,.71 75 Stiles, C. W. 01 1915. Circulaire. Liste officielle des noms zoologiques. Bull. Soc. zoo!. France T. 40 p. 86—88. 51.21,.22,.33, 54.2,.4, 57.71—.74 76 Timm, R. O1 1915. Das Fremdwort in der Naturwissenschaft. Verh. nat. Ver. Ham- burg (3) Bd. 22 p. LXVI—LXVIIL 77 Valenti, Giulio. 1915. Compito sociale delle Scienze biologiche. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 92—102. 78 Caudell, A, N. vi 1916. Nomenclatorial Consistency. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 852—853. 79 Dvornikovic, Vladimir. 01 1916. Pregledni izvjestaj o njemaëkoj literaturi iz filozofije prirode (Na- turphilosophie} u godinama 1914 i 1915. Glasnik hrvatsk. prirodosl. Drustva God. 28 p. 27—38. 80 Pic, Maurice. O1 1916. Remarques à propos de l’emploi du latin. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 28—29. 81 Trouessart, E. O1 1916. A propos de la diagnose latine en zoologie. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 201—202. 209782 Parker, G. H. 04 1913. A Biological Forecast. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 83 p. 300 —306. 59.05—06 Scripta societatum. 83 Stitz, H. 96 (43.15) 1916. Aus der Geschichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde (1773—1815). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 17—40. 84 Soös, Lajos. ! 06 (43.91) 1916. Visszapillantäs az Allattani Szakosztäly eddigi mükôdésére. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 31—43: — Rückblick auf die bisherige Tätigkeit der Zoologischen Sektion. p. 196. 85 Csiki, Ernö. , £ 06 (43.91) 1916. Az Allattani Szakosztäly huszonöteves multja. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 43—47. — Aus der 25 jährigen Geschichte der Zoologischen Sektion. p. 196—197. 209786 Yung, Emile, et J. Carl. 06 (494) 1915. Centenaire de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Jahr- hundertfeier der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Notices historiques et Documents réunis par la commission historique institutée à l’occasion de la session annuelle de Genève (12.—15. septembre 1915) I. Coup d’eil historique sur l'activité de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles pendant le premier siècle de son existence. Neue Denkschr. schweiz. nat. Ges. Bd. 50, VI, 316 pp. [Il Rapports sur l’activité des Commissions et des sections par les différents auteurs.] Musea; Stationes 42 53.07 Musea; Stationes; Aquaria; Subsidia techniea. 209787 Krüss, Hugo. 07 1913. Neue Wege und Ziele naturwissenschaftlicher Arbeit, Verh. mat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 20 p. 14—43, | 88 Schmitt, R. . 07 1914. Durchsichtige anatomische Präparate aus dem Gebiete des Menschen wie vom Tierreich. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 21 p. LXXXII— LXXXVI 89 Eastman, Charles R. 07 1915. Beginnings of American Natural History. Amer. Musa. Journ. Vol. 15 p. 417—421, 5 figg. 00 Farrington, Oliver Cummings. 07 1915. ‘The Rise of Natural History Museums. Science N. S. Yol. 42 p. 197—208. 01 Göldi, E. A. 07 1915. Entspricht der gegenwärtige Unterricht in Zoologie an unseren Hochschulen den Anforderungen der Zeit? Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 12 92 Miller, Newton. 07 1915. A Satisfactory Dissecting Board. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 54 p. 292—293, 1 fig. [For rather small animais.] 93 Mueller, Herman ©. 07 1915. Animals of Blown Glass, Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 15 p. 599—494, 7 figg. 209794 Akeley, Carl E 07 1916. Reproduction of African Photographs. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 167—182, 16 figg. 5 Cook, J. T. 07 1916. A Simple Trough for Pond Life. Journ. Quekeit micr. Club (2) Vol. 13 p. 85—86, 2 figg. 95 Dawkins, W. Boyd. 07 1916. The Place of Museums in General Education. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass, Adv. Sc. p. 746. > © 97 Duncan, F. Martin. 07 1916. Studies in Marine Biology. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 251—261, 3 figg. [Photomicrographs.] 37.1, 39.5, 53.841 98 Givler, Js P. 07 1916. A Plan for Cooperation Among the smaller Biological Laborato- ries. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 279—280. 39 Haldy, B. 07 1916. Kieintieraufnahmen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 81 p. 103—106, 4 figg. | 209800 Heydenreich, L. 07. 1916. Un thermorégulateur à eau. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 69-73, 1 fig. 01 Isaacs, Raphael, 07 1915. The Use of the Injection Process in Class-Work in Zoology. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 208—209. 209802 Miner, Roy W. 07 1916. Ihe Work of Ianaz Marauscx and its Significance to the Museum. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 125—127, 3 figg. [Models.] 43 Musea; Stationes 209893 Reisinger, Ludwig. 07 1916. Zoologie und Physiologie. Eine Anregung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 231—233. [Zur engeren Zusammenarbeit.] 04 Naumann, Einar. 67 (28.01) 1915/16. En enkel anordning för provtagning av djupvatten i sjöar. Skrift. södra Sveriges Fiskerifören. No. 13 p. 102—107, 3 figg. — Eine einfache Methode zum Studium des Nanoplanktonlebens des Süsswassers. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 180—183, 5 figg. [Darminhaltuntersuchun- gen.] 53.24,.4 05 Plummer, Henry, and W. M. Tattersall. 07 (42.72) 1916. Report of the Museum Committee for the Year Ending July 31st. 1915. Manchester Mus. Public. 78, 10 pp. 06 Eckstein, K. 07 (43.15) 1914. Aus den zoologischen Sammlungen der Forstakademie Eberswalde. I. Zeitschr. Forst-Jagdwesen Jahrg. 46 p. 209—221. 07 v. Jezewski, S. 07 (43.23) 1915. Bilder aus der Industrie. Das Zeisswerk in Jena. III. Blicke in die Werkstätten. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 39—42, 5 figg. — IV. Die Abteilung für Mikroskopie. p. 248—252, 6 figg. 08 Hentschel, Ernst. 07 (43.51) 1915. Das Naturhistorische (Zoologische) Museum zu Hamburg und seine Bedeutung für die Schulen. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bü. 9 p. 33—40, 5 figg. 09 Lohmann, H. 07 (43.51) 1915. Naturhistorisches (Zoologisches) Museum. Bericht für das Jahr 1914. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 32 Beih. 2 p. I—XX. 10 Baudrimont, A. 07 144.36) 1914. Compte rendu de la visite faite le i mars 19:4 par la Société Linnéenne au Musée d’Ethnographie et d’études coloniales de la Faculté de Médecine de Bordeaux. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux T. 68 p. 42—51, 3 figg. [Musée d'Histoire natureile.] 2098:1 Topsent, E. . 07 (44.42) 1915. Les études de biologie des eaux douces et la Station Aquicole Grimaldi. C. KR. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 537—0538. 12 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 07 (45.3) 1900. Catalogo delle Collezioni d’Anatomia Comparata del R. Istituto veneto di scienze lettere ed arti. (Gennajo 1867 all’aprile 1900). Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett: Arti T. 59 Pt. 1 Annessi p. 63—261. kr C2 . 07 (494) 1914. Die schweizerischen landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs- und Unter- suchungsanstalten in Zürich, Bern und Lausanne. Landwirisch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 28 p. 257—8307, 11 figg. 14 Fehlmann, J. W. 07 (494) 1915. Die erste hydrobiologische Station in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 23 p. 332—334. 15 Mark, E. L. 07 (729.9) 1916. Increase in Opportunities for Work at the Bermuda Biological Station. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8. Vol, 43 p. 182. 4 16 Hildebrand, Samuel F. 07 (75.6) 1916. The United States Fisheries Biological Station at Beaufort, N. C., during 1914 and 1915. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 305— 807. 17 Mayer, Altred G. 07 (75.3) 1915. Department of Marine Biology. i4th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 185—193. 13... 07 (77.1) 1915. The Lake Laboratory, Summer 1916. Ohio State Univ. Buil. Voi. 20, 15 pp., 3 figg., 1 map. le 07 (94.3) 1915. New „Room“ Show-Cases in Queensland Museum. Mem. Queens- land Mus. Vol. 3 p: 1—2, 4 pls. Seripta collecta; Historia 44 59.08— 092 Scripta collecta; Misceilanea; Historia. 209820 rındv. 08 1916. The Completion of a Great Work. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 193 —197, 2 portr. [Biologia Centrali Americana. Portraits of the founders: Freoveric Ducane Gopman and Ossert Sarvın.] 21 De Toni, 6. B. 09 1903. La Biologia in Leonarno va Vıncı Discorsa letto nell’ Adunanza solenne dei R. Istituto Veneto il 17 Maggio 1903. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 62 Pte. 1 p. 171—196. 22 Poulton, E. B. 09 1914. Presidential Address, 1914. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 23—45. [Account of pamphlet by Geo. W. SLEEPrER, a forgery.] 23 Schelenz, Hermann. 09 1915. Naturwissenschaftliches bei SxaxesPeare. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 545—548, 561—565. — von Epmunn O. von Liıppmann. p. 734, 24 Sleeper, Geo. W. 09 1914. Shall we have Common Sense? Some Recent Lectures. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 Suppl., 36 pp. 25 Kathariner, L. 09 1916. Das Tier in Sprichwörtern und Redensarten in der Historia ani- malium von Konkap Gesner. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 119—121. 26 Rudio, Ferdinand, und Carl Schröter. 09 (494) 1915. Notizen zur schweizerischen Kulturgeschichte. Hundert Jahre schweizerischer Naturforschung. ae nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 60 p. 621—649, portr. :209827 Helbling, C. 09 (494) 1916. Fischerei und Jagd im alten Rapperswil. Böhrreie) Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 24 p. 147—159. 28 Walker, E. M. 091 (71) 1916. Bibliography of Canadian Zoology, 1914. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 9 Sect. 4 p. 307—318. 29 Heuscher, H. 091 Heuscher 1916. Verzeichnis der veröffentlichten Arbeiten von Prof. Dr. J. Heuscasr. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Tl. 1 Nekrol und Biogr. p. 40—43. 80 42 082 1916. The Completion of a Great Work. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 193 —197, 2 portr. [Biologia Centrali Americana. Portraits of the founders: Frederic Ducane Gopman and OsBerT SALvix.] 31 v. Hanstein, R. 092 1916. Drei Vorkämpfer des biologischen Unterrichts. Ein Gedenkblatt. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 9 p. 10-23, “4 portr. [K. KrarPezi, K. Frıckz und B. Lanpsserc.] 32 Ernst, Paul. 092 Arnold a Jurivs ArnoLpd. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 379— 33 20% 092 Assheton 1915. Dr. R. ASSHETON. Nature London Vol. 96 pe 266. 34 Driesch, Hans. 092 Assheton 1916. + Rıczarn Assaeron. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 267. 209835 Keibel, Franz. 092 Assheton 1916. RicHarp Assurron. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 59—61. 45 Historia. 209836 Grinnell, George Bird. 092 Audubon 916. Some Aupuson Letters. Auk N. S. Vol. 33 p. 119—130. Te 092 Avebury 1913. Lord Avesury (Sir Joux Lussock.) Leopoldina Heft 49 p. 61. 88... 092 Avebury 1914. The Right Hon. Sir Joux Lussock, 4th Baronet and 1st Baron Avegury. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 53— 56. 39... 092 Barrington. 1915. Rıcaard ManLirre Bareınaron. Scottish Natural. 1915 p. 337—338. 40... 092 Barrington 1916. Rıc#arp ManLirre BarrinGron. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p 155—157. dl... 092 Bastelberger 1916. Max BAsTELBERGER. Mitt. Münchner entom. Ges. Jahrg. 7 p. 3— 7, portr. 42. 092 Bastian 1915. Dr. H. Cuaruron Basrian, F. R. S. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 347 — 348. 430 092 Bastian 1915. Obituary. Henry CHARLTON Basrıan, M. A, M. D. Lond., Hon. M. D.R.U.LE.R.C. P., FR: S: Lancet Vol. 18% p. 1220 — 12%4, portr. — Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 795 — 796. 4... 092 Bastian. 1916. Henry Omartron Basrıan (1837—1915). Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. XXI—XXIV. 45 Hellmayr, C. E. 092 Berlepsch 1915. Hans Graf von Berrrrsch. Eine Lebensskizze. Journ. Ornith. Jahrg. 63 p. 557 —568, portr. 46... 092 Billet 1915. Azserr Bircer (1858—1915), Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 49, 3 pp., portr. F 8 092 Boveri. 1915. Dr. Tueopor Boverr. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 372—373. 209848 Hertwig, Richard. 092 Boveri 1515. Tueopor Bover.. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1643 —1645. 49 Baltzer, F. 092 Boveri 1916. Turonor Boverr. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 69—75. 50 Goldschmidt, Richard. 092 Boveri 1916. Tuaropor Boverı. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 263—270. 51 Greschik, Jené. 092 Boveri 1916. Boverr Tıvavar. Allatt. Közlem. Kôt, 15 p. 95—103 — Turopor Bovert. pe. 200—201. 52 Kathariuer, L: 092 Boveri 1916. Erinnerungen an Tueonor Boverr. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 151—152. 53 Nachtsheim, Hans. 092 Boveri 1916. Turopor Boverı. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 81-87, portr. 54 Spemann, H. 092 Boveri. 1916. Nekrologe. + Turopor Boverr. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 243. — 260. Die 092 Brunner de Wattenwyl 1915. Karı Brunner DE WartenwyL. 1823—19i4. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève Vol. 38 p. 217—219. 56 v. Schulthess, A. 092 Brunner- von Wattenwyl. 1916. Dr. Karz BRUNNER- von Wartrenwyz. 1823—1914. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 TI. 1 Nekrol. und Biogr. p. 52—62. Deo. 092 Cameron. 1916. Ewen SomERLED Cameron. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 157. 209858 Lioy, Paolo. 092 Canestrini. 1902. Commemorazione di Giovanni Canesteinı. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 62 Pt. 1 p. 45—67. Historia 46 209859 Marchiafava, E. 092 Celli 1915. La vita e l’opera di Axgero Ceruı. Ann. Igiene sper. Vol. 25 p. 60 Solignac, Marcel. 092 Chatanay 1915. Notice nécrologique sur JEAN CHarTanay. Mort au champ d’honneur. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 7 p. 123—127. 51 Calman, W. T. 092 Chun 1914. CARL Caux. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess, 126 De 46— 47. 62 Pfeffer, Wilhelm. 092 Chun 1914. Caxz Caux. Nekrolog gesprochen in der öffentlichen Gesamtsitzung beider Klassen der königlichen sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Leipzig am i4. November 1914. Ber. Verh. sächs. Ges. wiss. math. phys. Kl. Bd. 66 p. 179—193. 63 Lohmann, H. 092 Chun 1915. Nachruf für Carz Caux. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 22 p. 1—4. 64 Steche. 092 Chun 1915. Carr Caux. Mitt. Ges. Erdkde. Leipzig 1914 p. 44—89, 2 portr. 65 e. e e 092 Clarke 1916. Cora H. CLarxe. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 9. 66. | 092 Cooke 1916. Wezzs WoopgripGe Coore. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 498. 67 Bethune, C. J. S. 092 Croft 1916. Professor H. H. Crorr. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 1—5, portr. 1916. Cuartes Lees Currıes. 1861—1916. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 278. 69 Ragnisco, Pietro. 092 Darwin 1901. Nota allo scritto di Lure: Luzzarrı. Scienza e fede nella mente di Darwin nella Nuova Antologia del 16 gennaio 1901. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pt. 2 p. 497—510. 209870 Bailey, H. D. 092 Davison 1916. Auvın Davıson. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 307. 71 Piers, Harry. 092 Downs 1913. Anprew Downss, C. M. Z. S., ornithologist. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sc. Vol. 13 p. XCVII—XCIX. 12.0. 092 Dresser 1916. Obituary. Henry Exres Dresser. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 340—342. 73... 092 Dresser 1916. Henry Eetes Dresser, Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 3—4. 74 Rothschild, Walter. 092 Dresser 1916. Henry Ertes Dresser. Brit. Birds Vol. 9 p. 194—196, porir. Dame 092 Edinger 1915. [Dedication to Professor Lupwıs Epıncer.] Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 25 p. 1, 1 poitr. 76 Kappers, U. U. Ariens. 092 Edinger 1915. Lupwıs Eopmeer. 1855—1915. Deutsche Zeitschr. Nervenheilkde. Bd. 53 p. 425—448. 77 Rothmann, M. 092 Edinger 1915. Lupwie Epvınger zur Vollendung seines 60. Lebensjahres. Neurol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 34 p. 210—212 78 Wallenberg, Adolf, [Kurt] Goldstein, und C. U. Ariens Kappers. 092 Edinger 1915, An Herrn Professor Epımeer in Frankfurt a. M. Zum 15. April 1915. Deutsche Zeitschr. Nervenheilkde. Bd. 53 p. 423—424, portr. 79 Oppenheimer, Carl. 092 Ehrlich 1914. Pauz Esrzicx. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 2 p. 243—260, 1 Portr. 2209330...» 092 Ehrlich 1915. Professor Pavur Euszricnh. Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 173 p. 637 — 640. 47 Historia 209881 . . . 092 Ehrlich 1915. Professor Pauz Earıich, N. York med, Journ. Vol. 102 p. 468, portr. 82 Gonder, Richard, 092 Ehrlich 1915. Pauvr Exrzica und die Tropenmedizin. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.- Hyg. Bd. 19 p. 505-517. 83 Joannevics, Georg. 092 Ehrlich 1915. PAauvr EurzicH. 1854—1915. Wien. klin. Wocheuschr, Jahrg. 28 p. 937— 942, 1 portr. 84 Lichtwitz, Alfred. 092 Ehrlich 1915. Pauz Ensuica +. Deutsche Monatsschr. Zahnheilkde, Jahrg. 33 p. 433 —436. 85 Pinkus, Felix. 092 Ehrlich 1915. Pauz Exruicus Wirken. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 11 p. 116—117, 1143 86 von Wassermann, A. 092 Ehrlich 1915. Pauz Eurzicx +. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 1103 — 1106, 1135—1136, 1 portr. 87 Sachs, H. 092 Ehrlich 1915. Paur Eusticah. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1357 — 1361. 88 Sachs, Hans. 092 Ehrlich 1916. Die Bedeutung Pau Exruicus für die biologischen Naturwissen- schaften. Die Naturwissenschafien Jahrg. 4 p. 137—143, 149 —154. 89... 092 Elliot 1915. Daniez Giraup ELzrior, A brief Biographical Sketch on the Oc- casion of his Eightieth Birthday to Emphasize his lorg Devotion to Scientific Work and his Services to the Museum. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 15 p. 133—141, 4 portr., 1 pl. 209890 . » © | 092 Elliot 1916. Danıen Gisaup Ezzior. Ibis (10) Vol, 4 p. 342-345. 91 Allen, J. A. 092 Elliot 1916, Danrez Giraup Errior. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 159—162. 2... 092 Fabre 1915. Jean-Hexri Fasre. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 204—205. 93... 092 Fabre 1915. J. H. Fazre, 1823—1915: An appreciation. Entom. monthly Mag, (3) Vol. 1 p. 332—333. 94 Bouvier, E. L. 092 Fabre 1915. La vie et l’œuvre de J.-H. Fapre. Rev. gén. Se. T. 26 p. 631— 639. 95 Coustet, Ernest. 092 Fabre 1915. J.-Henr: Fasre. La Nature Ann. 43 Sem. 2 p. 286—287. 96 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 092 Fabre 1915. Jean-Henr: Fasre. Canad. Entom. Vol. 47 p. 381—383, portr. 97 Perrier, Ed. 092 Fabre 1915. Henri Fapre, ©, R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 451—454. 98 Plissonneau, F. 092 Fabre 1915. L’entomologiste Fasrze. Natural. canad. Vol. 42 p. 81—94. 99 Azara, Jose Maria. 092 Fabre 1916. Juan Enrique FaBre, Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 15 p. 26— 31, portr. 209900 Standfuss, M. 092 Fabre 1916. J. H. Fabre. (1823—1915). Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 121—198. 01 Wheeler, William Morton. 092 Fabre 1916. Jeran-Heneı Fagre. Journ. Anim. Behav. Vol. 6 p. 74—80. 2099)2 Calvert, Philip P. 092 Fielde 1916. Miss ADELE Marion Fıerpe. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 191—192. Historia 48 209993 ... 092 Finlay 1915. Cnartes Jon Fixzay, M. D. N, York med. Journ. Vol. 102 p. 468. [Discoverer of agency of Stegomyia in carrying yellow fever.] 4... 092 Finlay 1915. Carcos Fincay. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 626—627. 05 Reuter-Chomé, Fr. 092 Fontaine 1897. Nécrologe de M, ALPHONSE DE LA Fontane, ancien Garde g@neral des forêts, ancien Commissaire de district, Commissaire du Gouvernement près de la Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. Public. Inst. Grand- duc. Luxembourg T. 25 p. IH—VII, portr. 06 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 092 Fuss 1915. Hermann Fuss gestorben. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1915 p. 577 —518. 07 „as 092 Gessner 1916. Zum Gedächtnis des Zürcher Naturforschers Conrap ÜGESSNER, Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 24 P:» 83-91. 03 Barabino, S. E. 092 Giard 1908. Arrrepo Grarp. Anal. Soc. eient. Argentina T. 66 p. 91—92, portr. 09 Iches, Lucien. 092 Giard 1908. Aurrepo Marmiecx Girarp. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 66 p. 92— 93. 10 Piers, Harry. 092 Gilpin 1913. Jon Bernarp Gien, M. A., M. D., M. KR, S. C. F. R. $. C., zoo- logist and ethnologist. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sc. Vol. 13 p. LXXXH —LXXXIW. il Graeïte, Eduard. 092 Graeffe 1916. Meine Biographie in meinem 80. Lebensjahre geschrieben. Viertel- jahrsschr. nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 61 p. 1—39, portr. 209912 Stapf, 0. 092 Günther 1914. Dr. Aısert Karz Lupwiıs GortaıLr (Güntuer Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 48—50, portr. — by A. Arcock. p. 50—52. 13 Kemner, N. A. 092 Hackwitz 1915. G. O. D. von Hackwırz. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 36 p. 74—75, portr. ld... 092 Harington 1916. Herperr Hastınas Harınaron. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 499—500. 15 „ax 092 Harington. 1916. The late Lieut.-Col. H. H. Hasınaron. Brit. Birds Vol. 10 p. 19. 16 Soldanski, H. 092 Hartwig 1916. Wicuezm Harrwic. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr, 1916 p. 1—2. 17% 092 Herman 1916. Orro Harman. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 157—158. 18 Knopfli, W. 092 Heuscher 1916. Prof. Dr. J. Hruscnzesz. 1858—1912. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Tl. 1 Nekrol. und Biogr. p. 32—39. — Verzeichnis der veröffent- lichten Arbeiten von Prof. Dr. J. Heuscaer, von H. Heuscarr. p. 40-43, 19 Reitter, Edmund. 092 Heyden 1915. Professor Dr. Lucas von Heypen. Ein Nachruf. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 4 p. 253 —267, portr. 20 Sattler, Wilh. 092 Heyden 1915. Lucas von Heypen, Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 11 p. 193—203, portr. 21 Kunz, George F. 092 Holder 1915. Dr. Cnarres Frepexkicx Horver. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 823— 825. - 22 7. 092 Holdsworth 1915. Epwarp Wıruıam Hunt Hozpsworrx Proc. Linn. Soc, London 209923 Assheton, Ric. 092 Hubrecht 1915. Dr. Amsrosıus ArnoLp Wiccem Husrecat. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 127 p. 28—31. 49 Historia 209924 Nierstrasz, H. F. 092 Hubrech 1915. In memoriam Prof. Dr. A. A. W. Husrecur. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. 180—186. 25 Gates, R. Ruggles. 092 Huxley 1916. Huxrry as a Mutationist. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 126—128. ab u... 092 Hyatt 1915. Jonaruan Deuezz Hyatt. Trans. Amer. mier. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 306, portr. 27 Piers, Harry. 092 Jones 1913. Jomn Marraew Jones, F. L. S., F. R. S. C., zoologist. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sc. Vol. 13 p. LXXXI—LXXXI, 28 Poggi, Tito. 092 Keller © 1900. Commemorazione di Antonio Ketrer Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 66 Pt. 1 p. 93—107. 29 092 Klunziuger 1915. Der alte Krunzıneer. Nat, Wochenschr. Bd. 30 p. 574. 80 Ziegler, H. E. 092 Klunzinger 1915. Zum Gedächtnis an C. B. Kiunzincer. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. XXIH—XXXII, portr. 3l Mollison, Th. 092 Klaatsch En Hermann Kraatsch. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 263 — 264. 32 Wegner, N. 092 Klaatsch 1916. Hermann Kraaïscx 7. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 611—623, Portr. 33 Fürbringer, Max. 092 Koch 1915. Gorrzres von Kocx. Leopoldina Hett 51 p. 67—72. | 34 Bertelli. 092 Kölliker 1905. Arserr von Körtıker. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 65 Pt. 1 pP» 59—52. Er a 092 König von und zu Warthausen 1911. Dr. Frhr. Rıcaarp Kônie von und zu WarraAusen Leopoldina Heft 47 p. 15—16. 209936 Aurivillius, Chr. 092 Lampa 1915. Sven Laura. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 36 p. 268—281, portr, al eye 092 Lang 1915. Arnorp Lane. (1855—1914). Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Geneve Vol. 38 p. 204—207. 38 Hescheler, Karl. 092 Lang 1916. Prof. Dr. Arnozp Lane. 1855—1914 Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Tl. 1 Nekrol. und Biogr. p. 1—31, portr. 39 e © e 092 Legge 1916. Gerazo Lecce. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 158—160. 40 Battista de Toni, Giovanni. 092 Lioy 1911. Commemorazione del m. e. Senatore Paoro Lio. Atti Ist. veneto 41 Spengel, J. W. 092 Ludwig 1914. Huserr Lupwıc, Leopoldina Heft 50 p. 10—16, 31—82. ARE 092 Lydekker 1915. Rıcmarp Lyverker, F. R. S. Nature London Vol, 95 p. 234—235. 43 Winslow, C. E. A. 092 Matausch 1916. Ienaz MaArausch His Contributions to the Hall of Public Health. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 57, portr. 4... 092 Meade-Waldo 1916. Grorrrey Meape-Warpo. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 117 —118. 45 Keyes, Charles. 092 Meek 1914. Memorial Note on Serx Eugene Meer. Proc, lowa Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 11-16. 209946 Gauckler, H, 092 Meess 1916. Avoır Meess. Entom. Rundsch, Jahrg. 33 p. 5. Zool. Bibliogr. XXX VIII. 1916 4 209959 60 61 62 63 69 209970 Historia 59 .. | 092 Meidola 1915. Prof. Rapmaez Mervora, F. R,S. Nature Londen Vol. 95 p. 343— 347. ie 032 Meldola 1916, Professor RarsaezL Merpora. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 21. Er: 092 Heldoia 1916. Prof. Raraaez Mervora, Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 46—47. LE 092 Minchin 31315. Prof. E. A. Mixcu. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 148—150. . 992 Hinchin 1915. Epwarp Azrrep Mincahm, M. A, F.R.S. (Born February 26th, 1866; died September 30th, 1915.) Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 12 p. 669-671. Lewis. Frederic T. 092 Minot 1916. Cnartes Sepgwick Minor, Anat, Record Vol. 10 p. 133—164, portr,, 4 fieg. [Chronological list of publications.] Cummings, Bruce F. 092 Montagu 1915. Colonel Monracv, Naturalist. Proc Linn. Soc. London Sess. 127 p. 45—48, portr. Piers, Harry. 692 Morrow 1913. Rosert Morrow, comparative anatomist and zoologist. Proc, Neva Scotian Inst. Sc. Vol. 13 p. LXXXV—LXXX VII BEE 092 Mühlberg 1916. Dr. Frirz Müareerc. 1840—19]5. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Ti. 1 Nekrol. und Biogr. p. 112—156, portr. Joilos, V. 092 Mulsow 1915, Nachruf. Warrter Muisow +. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 324. Kerr, J. Graham. 092 Murray 1915. Sir Joan Murray. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 85 p. 305-317, S[hipley], A. 8. 092 Murray 1916. Sir Jonmn Murray, K. C. B., 1841—1914. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. VI-XV. Escherich, K. 092 Nüsslin 1915. Orro Nüssuın. Forstwiss. Centralbl. Jahrg. 59 p. 105 —108. Bonnet, R. 692 Nussbaum 1915. Moritz Nusssaum +. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 489-495. Eisler, P. 092 Oppel 1915. Ausert Orren +. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 414—415. Roux, Wilhelm. 092 Oppel 1916. + Ausert Orrer. Arch. Entw.-Mech, Bd. 42 p. 261—266. Stone. Witmer. 092 Peale 1916. Tırıan Ramsey Prare. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley ornith. Ciub Vol. 19 p. 1—13, portr. Gibson, Arthur. 092 Pergande 1916. Tuaeopore Perganpz, Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 213—214. > Jourdain, F. €. R. | 692 Prector 1916. The late Major F. W. Procror. Brit. Birds Vol. 10 p. 38—39. Die le 092 Prowazek 1915. Professor S. von Prowazex. Mem. Inst. Oswalido Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 3—4, portr. PAT 092 Prowazek 1915. Professor von Prowazex. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 51—53, portr. Halbersiaedter, L. 092 Prowazek 1915. v. Prowazer +. Deutsche med, Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 407 — 408. Hartmann, Max, 092 Prowazek 1915. S. von Prowazer +. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. I—XIX, Portr. Jollos, V. 092 Prowazek 1915. SrtasısLaus v. Prowazer. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 337—341. ol Historia 209971 Joseph, Heinrich. 092 Prowazek 1915. Kriegsverluste unter den Naturiorschern Deutschböhmens, I. Sr. V. PROWAZEK. Lotes Prag Bd. 65 p. 68—70. 12 Mayer, M. 052 Prowazek 1915. Professor S. v. Prowazer +. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 19 p. 157—159. 73 Koch, Rud. 092 Reeker 1915. Dr. Heumann Reexker. 43. Jahresber. westfäl. Provinz.-Ver. Zool. He... 092 Rücker 1915. Sir Arraux Wirzram Rücker. Ibis (40) Vol. 4 p. 160-161. 75 Keibel, Franz. 092 Schwalbe 1916. Gustav Auserr Schwarze +. Anal. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 210-221, 1 Portr. 76 Fycraft, W. P. 092 Sciater 1914. Paire Lurtey Scorarter. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 61 —65. j 77 Andersson, Gunnar. 092 Steensirup 1914. Jarerus Stesenstrup och torfmossfcrskningen. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 1. Halvbd. No, 6, 15 pp., 3 figg. 73 Jungersen, Hector F. E. 092 Steenstrup 1914. Tale hoidt ved Naturhistorisk Forenings Mindefest den 8. Marts 1313 i Anledning af Hundredaaret for Jarstus Steenstrups Fodsel. Mine deskrift Japetus Steenstrup 1. Halvbd. No. I, 11 pp, 4 portr. 79 Nathorst, A. & 092 Steenstrup 1914. Minnen frän samarbete med Jarerus Sreensrrur 1871 och frän en därpä följande tjugofemärig korrespondens. Mindeskrift Japetus Steen- strup 1. Halvbd. No. 5, 22 pp., 1 portr., 4 figg. 209980 Rordam, K. 092 Steenstrup 1914. JaPerus Strensteup og Kokkenmoddingerne, en historisk Redegs- reise. Mindeskrift Japetus “Steenstrup 1. Haivod, No. 7, 20 pp 81 Rordam, K. 092 Steenstrup 1914. Et hidtil utrykt Arbejde vedrerende Toervemoser af Jarerus Srernsrrur. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 1. Halvbd. No. 3, 45 pp. 4 figg. . 82 Steenstrup, Johannes. 092 Steenstrup 1914. JAPETUS STEENSTRUP i DUB une 1813—1845. En Skildring. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 1. Halvbd. No. 2, 68 pp., 4 portr., 2 figg. 83 Thoroddsen, Th. 092 Steenstrup 1914. Jarerus Sreexsrrurs Rejser og Underssgelser paa Island i Aarene 1839—1840. Mindeskrift Japetus Steensirup 1. Halvbd. No. 4, 20 pp., 1 fig. 84... 092 Stonham 1916. Cuarzes Sronuau. Brit. Birds Vol. 9 p. 317 —318. 85 Pfeffer, Georg. 092 Strebel 1915. Zum Tode Hermann STREBELS, Gedenkrede, gehalten am 11. No- vember 1914. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 22 p. 8—16. 86 Richardson, E. W. 092 Tegetmeier 1916. A Veteran Naturalist: Being the Life and Work of W. B. Tecer- MEIER. With an Introduction by the iate Sir Water Giusey, Bart. Lon- don: Witherby & Co. XXIV, 232 pp. 10s. (Review, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 399.) 87 Poulton, E. B. 092 Wallace en: Aırrenp Russen Warracz. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 126 p. 63— de 209988 Marchant, James; 092 Wallace 1916. Arrrep Russen Warrack: Letters and Reniniscences. London: - Cassell & Co. 8° Vol. 1: XI, 320 pp., Vol. 2: VI, 292 pp. 25s. net. (Re- view, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 337.) Historia - Physiologia 52 . 203989 Moffat, C. B. 092 Warren 1916. Roserr Warren. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 33—44, portr. — Brit. Birds Vol. 9 p. 299 —29%. 90... 092 Waterhouse 1916. EpwıArnp ALEXANDER WATERHoUSE. Entom. monthiy Mag. (3) Vol. 2 . 70 91 Paibes. Stephen A. 094 Webster 1916. Francis Marion Wegsrter. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 239—241, ortr. 99 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 092 Webster 1916. Francis Marion Wegster. Ganad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 735 —74. 93 Osborn, Herbert. 092 Webster 1916. Frances Marion Wegster. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol, 9 p. 104— 105, portr. 94 Walton, W. R, 092 Webster 1916. Francis Marion Wegssrer. Science N. S. Vol, 43 p. 162—164, De es 092 Weismann 1915. Aucusr Frienricm LeoroLp Weısmann. Proc. Linn. Soc. London Sess. 127 p. 33—37. 96 Conklin, Edwin 6. 092 Weismann 1915. Aucusr Weısmann. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 54 Obituary No- tices p. IUL— XII, portr. 97 Lohmann, H. 092 Weismann 1915. Zum Tode Aucusr Weısmanss. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 22 pP» —1. Sn 092 Whitehead 1916. Cuarces Hucx Tempesr Woıtesean. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 161—162. 99 Piers, Harry. 092 Willis 1913. Joux Rorerr Wırrıs, conchologist. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sc. Vol. 13 p. XCIII—XCIV. 210000 Burns, Frank L. 092 Wilson 1908. ALexAnper Wırson. I. The Aupuson Controversy. Wilson Bull. Vol, 20 pe 5—18. 01 Lampert, K. 092 Wurm 1915. Hofrat Dr. Wırn. Wurm. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 71 p. LXXXV— LXXXTIIL, portr. 59.11 Physiologia (incl. Variatio). 92 Conklin, Edwin G. 11 1913. The size of organisms and of their constituent parts in relation to longevity, senescence and rejuvenescence. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 83 p. 178—198. [Body size, cell size and cell number. Cell size and nuclear size. Longevity, senescence and rejuvenescence.] 11.34,.39,.6 4.32 05 Lipschütz, Alex. 11 : 07 1916. Ueber die Bedeutung der Physiologie für die Entwicklungsge- schichte und über die Aufgaben des physiologischen Unterrichts an der Universität, Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Tl. 2 p. 235—2356. [Wich- tigkeit der Disciplin in der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät.] 04 Strohl, J. 11:2 1914. Revue générale de Physiologie des Invertébrés. Rev. gen. Sc. T. 210005 Heron-Allen, Edward. 11 : 31.2 1915. Contributions to the Study of the Bionomics and Reproductive Processes of the Foraminifera. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London Vol. 206 B p. 227—279, 6 pls., 1 üg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 295547.) 11.31,.34,.64,.65,.66,.72,.77 53 | Physiologia 210006 Sondheim, Maria. 11: 31.3 Actinophrys 1915. Ueber Actinophrys oculata Sreix. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 52 —65, 2 Taf. 11.31,.6,.7 07 v. Prowazek, 8. 11 : 31.7 Colpidium 1915. Zur Morphologie und Biologie von Colpidium colpoda, Arch. Pro- tistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 72—80, 14 figg. [Frage der Mutabilität.] 11.51,.6,.66 08 Pütter, August. 11 : 34.3 Suberites 1914. Der Stoffwechsel der Kieselschwämme. Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 65—114, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205732.) 11.21,.51,.33 09 Harvey, E. Newton. 11 +39 1914. Report of Researches conducted at Murray Island, Torres Strait, during September and October 1913. 13th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 204—207. [Permeability of cells for acids and for alka- lies. Chemistry of pigment of Linckia.] 11.044,.05,.76 39.3.7 10 Crozier, W. J. 11 : 39.9 Ptychodera 1915, The Behavior of an Enteropneust. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N, S. Vol. 41 p. 471—472. [Orderly progression of peristaltic waves de- pendent on continuity of dorsal and ventral nerve cords. Response to mechanical and chemical stimulation. Generalized receptors.] | 11.044,.7,.82 11 Kepner, Wm. A., and Arnold Rich. 11 : 51.23 Planaria 1915. Food Reactions of the Proboscis of Planaria. (Amer. Soc. Zool,) Science N. S. Vol. 4i p. 473. [Ingestion of food by amputated probos- cis. Tendeney under inhibitory control of ganglia near base of probos- cis.] 11.31,.81 12 Turner, C. H. 11 282 1915. Literature for 19i4 on the behavior of spiders and insects other than ants. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 415—445. 11.044,.85, 54, 57 210013 Smith, Geoffrey. li : 53.842 Carcinus 1914. The Effect of Reproductive Cycle on Glycogen and Fat Mota- bolism in Crustacea. Rep. 854 Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 670—671. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206345.) 11.33,.56,.6 14 Schwartz, Benjamin, and Shelley R. Safir. 11 : 53.842 Uca 1915. The Natural History and Behavior of the Fiddler Crab. Cold Spring Harbor Monogr. No, 8, 23 pp. 11.044,.69,.7,.81 15 Essenberg, Christine. 11 : 57754 Gerris 1915. The habits of the water-strider Gerris remiges. Jouru. anim. Beharv. Yol. 5 p. 397—402. [Food habits. Positive phototaxis, thigmotaxis and rheotaxis. Negative geotaxis. Sense of smell and of sight, Detection of jar.] 11.044,.8514,.855,.856 16 Cole, L. J., and L. J. Bachhuber. 11:6 1914. The effect of lead on the germ cells of the male rabbit and fowl as indicated by their progeny. (Pap. Dept. exper. Breed. Wisc. agric. Exper. Stat.) Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 24—29, [Poisoning of male parent results in offspring of much reduced average vitality.] 11.044,.53,.6, 86, 9.32 17 v. Boetticher, Hans. | 116 1915. Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Klima und Körpergrösse der homöothermen Tiere. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 1—56. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 207996.) 11.044,.28,.52 | 83.3,.4, 84.1, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7, 9.1,.2,.32,.725 — .74,.82 210018 Kuiper, K., jr. 177.5 1914/15. De physiologie van de zwemblaas der visschen. Versl. wis- nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 23 p. 855—862. — The physiology of the air-bladder of fishes, Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 17 p. 1088—1095. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208147.) 11.2,.7 1.55,.58 Physiologia 54 210013 Le Jacques. ils 1915. The Blindness of the Cave Fauna and the Artificial Production of Blind Fish Embryos by Heterogeneous Hybridization and by Low Temperatures. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 50—67, 3 figg. (Ab- stract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208148.) 11.044,.5,.58 20 Romeis, Benno. 11:78 1914/15, Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung innersekre- torischer Organe. II. Der Einfluss von ‘Jhyreoidea- und Thy musfütterung auf das Wachstum, die Entwicklung und die Regeneration von Anuren- larven. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 571-652, 3 Taf., 4 fige. — Bd, 41 p. 5°—119, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208322.) 11.044,.33,.34,.4,.69 21 Harms, W. li: 78 Bufo 1915. Ueber die innere Sekretion des Hodens und Binpper’schen Organe von Bufo bulgaris Laure. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Beförd. ges. Nat. Marburg 1914 p. 37--48, 1 fig. [Wirkung des Hodens auf Geschlechtscharaktere. Bıppkr’- sches Organ löst psychische Brunsterscheinungen aus.] 11.46,,56,.6 22 Hoskins, E. R, 11 : 9.32 Mus 1916. On the growth of the albino rat as affected by environment and by feeding various ductless glands (thyroid, ‘thymus, hypophysis, and pineal). (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 199—201. [Little effect of thyroid on growth rate of whole body, hypertrophy of neart, liver, spleen, suprarenals, kidneys. No constant results from thymus, hypophysis or pineal.] 11.044,.34,.4,.53 11.0 Physiologia generalis. (Vide etiam: 210009, 210010, 210012, 210014—210017, 210019, 210020, 210021.) 210023 Budington, Robert A., and Helen F. Harvey. 11.04 : 81.7 1915. Division Rate in Ciliate Protozoa as Infiuenced by Thyroid Con- stituents. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 304—314, 6 figg. |Increas- ed rate. Indifferent from what class of Vertebrates thyroids are taken.] 11.041,.044 24 Lidforss, B. 11.941 1915. Protoplasma. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 1 p. 218— 264, 11 figg. [Morphologie. Chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften. Bewegungen. Reizbarkeit. Funktionelle Arbeitsteilung.] 25 Hartog, Marcus. 11.041 1916. The Discession of the Chromosomes and Mitotinetism. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 470—471. [Separation of sister-chromgsomes and migration as result of action of aual force in non-uniform field, Path of chromosome determined by spindle-fibres assumed to be more permeable to the force than their surroundings. Chromosomes also more permeable (flexible inductors).] 26 Meyer, Arthur. 11.041 1916. Die in den Zellen vorkommenden Eiweisskörper sind stets ergas- tische Stoffe Siiz.-Ber. Ges. Beförd. Nat. Marburg 1915 p. 53—54. Kein Beweis für die Auffassung der Eiweisskörper als Bestandteile der lebenden Substanz.] 27 Painter, Theophilus 8. 11,041 : 39.5 1916. Contributions to the study of cell mechanics. I. Spiral asters. Journ. exper. zool. Vol. 20 p. 509—526, 2 pls., 7 fige. [2 centers. Dis- placement primarily in cytoplasm outside the centrosphere.] 210028 Gicklhorn, Josef. 11.044 1914, Ueber den Einfluss photodynamisch wirksamer Farbstofflösungen auf pflanzliche Zellen und Gewebe. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 55 Physiologia 123 Abt. 1 p. 1221—1276, 1 Taf. [Photodynamische Schädigung in fluo- reszierenden Farbstofflösungen. Pflanzen resistenter wie Tiere (Zellmem- bran). Chiorophyllführende Gewebe am resistentesten. Beschleunigte Giftwirkung.] 31.7, 37.1 210029 Mast, S. 0. 11.944 1914. Orientation in Æuglena with some Remarks on Tropisms. Biel. Centralbi. Bd. 34 p. 641—664. [Uhange of intensity theory. No proof | that Bunsen-Roscor iaw holds for all forms. Trial and error plays a | large part in primitive reactions. Definition of tropism.] 31.6 | 30 v. Buddenbrock, W. 11.044 | 1915. Die Tropismentheorie von Jacques Lore. Ein Versuch ihrer Wider- | legung. Biol. Centralkl. Bd. 35 p. 481—506. [Tropismentheorie hat für verschiedene Tropismen keine Geltung. Diese sind vielmehr individuelle Handlungen, die im Laufe der Zeiten mechanisch und zwangsmässig ge- worden sind.] 31 Coiwell, H. A., and S. Russ. 11.044 1315. Radium, X-Rays and the Living Cell. With Physical Introduc- tion. London: G. Bell & Sons. X, 324 pp. 12s. 64. (Review, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 137—138.) 32 Dubois, Raphael, 11.044 1915. Sur lanticinèse rotatoire. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 617— 619. [Tendance des organismes à résister ou à se mouvoir en sens in- verse d’un mouvement rotatoire. Phénomène très général. Remplacement par l’homocinèse à la suite de la fatigue ou de l’empoisonnement. Mi- grations par rapport à la rotation de la terre.] 39.3, 7.55, 81.1, 82, 9.32 83 George, W. C. 11.044 1915. The Influence of Radium Rays on Germ Cells and Embryonic Tissues. Journ. Elisha Mitchell scient. Soc. Vol. 31 p. 150—155. 84 Grein, Klaus. 11.044 1915. Ueber das Licht im Meer. Bergens Mus. Aarb. 1914115 No. iS p. 4—8. [Lichtwirkung auf Organismen.] 210035 Loeb, Jacques. 11.044 1915. Electromotive Phenomena and Membrane Permeability. Seience N. $. Vol, 42 p. 643—646. [No necessity to assume increased permea- bility to explain phenomena. Effect of substances formed in active part of tissue.] 36 Loeb, Jacques. 11.044 1915. The Mechanism of Antagonistie Salt Action. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 1 n. 473—417. [Whenever the influence of another seit is such as to diminish the concentration of the poisonous salt at boundary between membrane and outside solution antagonistic action ensues.] 7.55 37 Loeh, Jacques, and Hardolph Wasteneys. 11.044 1915. The Relative Efficiency of Various Parts of the Spectrum for the Heliotropie Reactions of Animals and Plants. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 23—35. [In the blue je lies the effective wave length] 7.1 88 Loeb, Jacques, aud Hardoïph Wasteneys. 11.044 1955. On the Identity of Heliotropism in Animals and Plants. Frec. nation. Acad. Se. Vol, 1 p. 44—47. [Identical relative efficiency of dif- ferent parts of spectrum for producing heliotropic curvatures in Æuden- drium and in seedlings of Avena.] 37.1 39 Mast, 8. 0. 11.044 1915. The Relative Stimulating Efficiency of Spectral Colors for the Lower Organisms. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 622—625. [Stimu- lation depends on wave-length. Differences in various forms. Irrever- sible change.] 31.6, 51.6 210040 Packard, Charles. 11.044 1915. The effects of the beta and gamma rays of radium on protoplasm. Physiologia 56 Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 323—3532, 3 pls, 2 figg. [Mild radiation with gamma rays accelerates cell division in Arbacia without causing ab- normalities, no effect on development of Nereis or Drosophila. Moderate radiation with beta rays retards without causing abnormalities. More intense radiation with either yields abnormal development (Nereis proto- plasm liquified).] 395, 541, 57,:72 210041 Popoff, Methodi. 11.044 1915. Ueber stimulierende Einwirkungen auf Zell- und Geweberegene- ration, Deutsche med. Wochensehr. Jahrg. 41 p. 1253—1255. [Durch Befruchtung oder durch Einwirkung der Agentien der künstlichen Par- thenogenese werden Geschlechtszellen vor ihrem drohenden Absterben gerettet. Aehnliche Wirkungen nur graduell verschieden sind bei allen Gewebszellen zu konstatieren. Wirkung von hypertonischen Lösungen von Spermaextrakt usw.] 42 Richards, A. 11.044 1915. Recent Studies on the Biological Eïffects of Radioactivity. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 287—300. 43 Schantz, Fritz. 11.044 1915/16. Ueber die Beziehungen des Leheus zum Licht. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1315 —1316. [Photokatalytische Wirkungen (Hä- matoporphyrin). Negative Photokatalysatoren im Integument.] — Be- merkungen von F. Srezzwaa. p. 1642—1643, — Zum Farbensinn der Bienen. Zugleich Erwiderung zu dem Artikel von Dr. SterLwaac in Nr. 48 d. Wochenschr., von Frırz Scaassz,. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 11. — Zum Farbensinn der Bienen, von F. Srezrwaac. p. 195. 57.99 44 True, Rodney H. 11.044 1915. Toxicity and Malnutrition. Science N. 8. Val, 42 p. 195—196. [Toxicity defined as productive of function derangement due to chemical reaction. Toxieity of distilled water.] 1.38 . 210045 Bethe, Albrecht. 11.044 1916. Kapillarchemische (kapiliarelektrische) Vorgänge als Grundlaga einer allgemeinen Erregungstheorie. Arch. ges. Physiol, Bd. 163 p. 147 —178, 8 figg. [Ursache der Erregung in einer Veränderung der H-Ionen- konzentration zu suchen.] | 46 Loeb, Jacques, and Hardolph Wasteneys. 11.044 1916 The relative efficiency of various parts of ths spectrum for the heliotropic reactions of animals and plants. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 217—236, 7 figg. [Validity of Bunszn-Roscor law suggests chemical action of light. 2 types of photosensitive substances with maxima in yellow-green and in blue respectively. Distribution independent of boundaries between animals and plants.] 81.6, 58%1, 91.7, 53.5 47 Mast, 8. ©. 11.044 1916. The Relation Between Wave-length and Stimulation in the Lower Organisms. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. NS. Vol. 43 p. 143 —144, [Stimulation depends on wave-length. Great specific differences even with forms closely related.] 31.6, 51.6,.7, 57.72 48 Osterhout, W. J. V. 11.044 1916. Permeability and Viscosity. Science N. 8. Vol. 43 p. 857-859. [Objections to Sparrm’s contention that changes in permeability are de- termined by changes in viscosity.] 49 Prät, 8. 11.044 1916. Einige neuere Versuche über die Wirkung des Lichtes auf die lebenden Organismen. Biol, Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 571—574. 210050 Spaeth, R. A. 11.044 Ä 1916, The Vital Equilibrium. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 502-509, 2 figg. [Analysis of the conditions determining the viscosity of cell surfaces and their importance in producing changes in permeability and in „an- tagonisms“. surface-solution equilibrium, Permeability determined by viscosity.] 57 Physiologia 20051 Torrey, Harry Beal. 11.044 1916. The physiologica! analysis of behavior. Journ. anim. Behav. Yel. 6 p. 150—159. [Interpretation of tropisms.] | 52 Korschelt, RE. 11.044 :'3 | 1914. Ueber das Verhalten verschiedener wirbelloser Tiere gegen riedere | Temparaturen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 106—120. [Versuche unter möglichst | natürlichen Lebensbedingungen.] | 4.1, 51.23,.3,.5,.6,.8, 53.3,.4, 54.2, 57.71 53 Schultz, Eugene, et Anna Zingol. 11.044 : 2 | 1914. Quelques observations et expériences sur l’anabiose. (Reun. | biol. St-Pétersbourg.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 76 p. 692—693. [Dessi- | cation et revivifaction des Tardigrades, des Rotifères et des Nématodes. | Gonflement n’est pas un processus purement physique.] | 51.3,.8, 54.12 | 54 Pick, Ernst P., und R. Wasicky. 11.044 : 31 1915. Ueber die Wirkung des Papaverins und Emetins auf Protozoen. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahre. 28 p. 890-591. [Intensive Giftwirkung.! 312.6,.1 55 de Magalhäes, A. 11.044 : 31,6 Trypanosoma 1907. De l’action des composés arsénicaux et du vert brillant sur le Trypanosoma gambiense et le Trypanosoma brucei, Arch. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 1 p. 319—328. 56 Motolese, Francesco. 11.014 : 51.7 1910. Sulle proprieta farmacologiche dell’acido pierico. Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff. Vol. 9 p. 77—122, 2 figg. [Azione su Paramæcium e Balan- tidium. Veleno del protoplasma. Potere astringente. Difusibilita. Per- meabilita delle membrane. Tensione superficiale. VisCOsrEe] 210057 Koltzoff, N. K. 11.044 : 31.7 Carchesinm 1914. Ueber die Wirkung von H-Ionen auf die Phagozytose von Car- chesium lachmani. Intern, Zeitschr. phys.-chem, Biol. Bd. 1 p. 82—107. (Reterat, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 205656.) 58 Weyland, Helene. 11.044 : 51.7 Colpidium 1914. Versuche über das Verhalten von Colpidium colpoda gegenüber reizenden und lähmenden Stoffen. Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 123—162, 4 figg. [Saisonschwankung der Resistenz. Positiv chemotak- tisch, narkotisch und zellschädigend wirkende Agentien. Vermehrung befördernde Mittel.] 59 Pecker, Sophie. 11.044 : 31.7 Colpidium 1915. Die Aenderung von Colpoden und deren Cysten unter dem Ein- fluss von Blutserum. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd, 163 p. 101—146, 1 Taf., 39 figg. [Gewöhnung an Vollserum. Polymorphismus. Aenderung der sexuellen und der asexuellen Fortpflanzung (lytische Wirkungen).] 60 Browder, Aline. 11.044 : 31.7 Paramaecium 1915. The Effect of Lecithin and Cholesterol upon the Division Rate of Paramecium. Univ. California Public. Physiol. Vol. 5 p. 1-3. 61 Budington, R. A., and Helen F. Harvey. 11.044 : 31.7 Paramaecium 1915. Influence of Thyroid Ingredients on Division-rate in Paramecium. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 41 p. 470—471. [Acceleration. Found throughout vertebrate phylum. Similarity of function.] 62 Mayer, Alfred G. 11.044 : 36.6 1915. The Lower Temperature at which Reef Corals Lose their Ability to Capture Food. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 212. 153 65 Loeb, Jacques, und Wolfgang F. Ewald. 11.044 : 87.1 1914. Ueber die Gültigkeit des Bunsex-Roscorschen Gesetzes für die heliotropische Erscheinung bei Tieren. Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 27 p. 1165—1168. [Versuch an “Eudendrium : Heliotropischer Krümmungseïfect —Lichtintensität >< Belichtungsdauer.] 210054 Drzewina, A., et G. Bohn. 11.044 : 37.1 Hydra 1916. Intervention de la température, dans les expériences sur les Physiologia 58 Hydres. €. KR. Soc. Biel, Paris T. 79 p. 512—514. [Bourgeonnement comme manifestation de la sensibilité thermique.] 210065 Gray, J. 11.044 : 39.5 1914, The Permeability of Echinoderm Ezgs to Electrolytes. Nature Lendon Vol. 92 p. 8 [increase in electrical conductivity after fertilisa- tion.] ; Kepner, Win. A., and W. H. Taliaferro. 11.044 : 51,28 1915. Preliminary Report on the Relations Between the Reactions of Rhabdocoeles and Their Envirorments. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 4i p. 475—474 [Loweriug of physiological condition in labora- tory due to accumulation of bacterias absent in forms having a habitat in which bacteria normally abound.] * 67 Alien, George lelwin. 11.044 : 51.23 Planaria 1915. Reversibility of the Reactions of Planaria dorotocephala to a Cur- rent cf Water. Biol. Buil. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 111—128, 2 pls. [Ab- stract, vide B, Z. Vol. 29 No. 206099.) & Schmidt, P. J., A. Ponomarer, et F. Sarvelier. 11.044 : 51.3 Trichinella 1915. Sur la biologie de la Trichine. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) Ü. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 306—807. [Températures basses mortelles (— i9— 16° toujours). Cultivation in vitro pendant 48 heures.] 69 Ransom, B. H. 11.044 : 51.8 Trichinella 1916. Effects of Refrigeration upon the Larvae of Trichinella spiralis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 5 p. 819— 854. 10 Abonyi, A. 11.044 : 53.23 Artemia 1915. Experimentelle Daten zum Erkennen der Artemia-Gattung. Zeit« schr. wiss. Zool,. Bd. 114 p. 95—168, 3 Taf, 13 figg. [Einheitliche Va- rietätsreihe, deren jedes Glied, mit den umgebenden Einwirkungen, sich eine Gleichgewichtssituation gesichert hat.] 210071 Hartmann, Otto. 11.044 : 58.24 Bosmina 1916. Ueber den Einfluss der chemischen Beschaffenheit des Mediums auf die Gestalt von Bosmina longirostris OÖ. F. M. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 208—221, 1 Taf. [Leichte und charakteristische Beeinflussbar- keit der Gestalt.] 72 Banta, A. M. 11.044 : 53.24 Daphnia 1915. Selection of Strains of Daphnia with reference to Reaction to Light. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 13 p. 131. 73 Crawshay, L. R. 11.044 : 53.4 1915. Notes on Experiments in the Keeping of Piankton Animals under Artificial Conditions. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth X. S. Vol. 10 p. 855—516. [Rôle of constant temperature. Effect of quality of water, light, food, air-supply. Influence cf bacteria.] 74 Phipps, ©. F\ 11.014 : 53.71 19i5. An Experimental Study of the Behavior of Amphipods with Re- spect to Light Intensity, Direction of Rays and Metabolism. Biol. Buil. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 210—223. [Negative to intensity and to direction. Reversed reaction induced by certain depressing Bee No evidence of orientation to light.] 75 Dewitz, J. 11.044 ; 57 1913. Die Bedeutung der Physiologie für die Schädlingsforschung. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 11 p. 129— 143, 451—440. [Tropis- men. Einfluss äusserer und innerer Faktoren auf Leben und Entwick- lung der Insekten. Wirkung der Insektiziden. Wachstumshemmungen bei Insektenlarven.] 57.27,.72,.82,.85,.87,.89,.93 219975 Pictet, Arnold. 11.044 : 57 1915. A propos des Tropismes. Recherches expérimentales sur le com- portement des Insectes vis-à-vis des facteurs de l’ambiance. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vel. 59 p. 435—550, 12 figg. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol, 22 No. 206461.) 57.712,85 — .89 6 ar] AD 59 Physiologia | 210077 Cameron, Alfred E. 11.044 : 57 | 1916. The Insect Association of a Local Environmental Complex. Rep. | S5th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adr. Sc. p. 468—469, 15.2 | 78 Essenberg, Christine. 11.044 : 57.54 Netncectidae 1915. The habits and natural history of tke backswimmers Notonectidae. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. & p. 881—890. [Voraciousness. Protective air layer. Positive phototaxis increasing with temperature and light intensity. Positively rheotactic. Young. 15.3 79 Kramer, 8. D. 11.044 : 57.7 1915. The Effect of Temperature on the Life Cycle of Musca domestica- and Culex pipiens. Science N. S. Vol. 41 p. 874—877 [General agree- ment with physical law of van ’rHorr and Arrnentus in duration of stages.] 57.71,.72 80 Back, E. A., and ©. E. Pemberton. 11.044 : 57.72 Ceratitis. 1916. Effect of Cold-Storage Temperatures upon the Mediterrancan Fruit: Fly. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 5 p. 657—666, 81 Pictet, Arnold. 11.044 : 57.83 1915. Influence de la pression barométrique sur le développement des Lépidoptères. (Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève.) Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Ge- nève (4) T. 40 p. 74-77. — Le développement des Lépidontères: le rôle de la température en relation avec la pression baromeötrique. p. 161 —164. [Eclosions produites par la baisse barom6trique. Remplacement de la diminution de la pression dans quelques cas spéciaux par une élévation de température.] 82 Meder, ©. 11.044 ; 57.87 Arctia. 1916. Unempfindlichkeit der Arctia caja L. gegen Nikotingeruch. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 124. 83 Winn, Albert F. 11.044 : 57.89 1916. Popular and Practical Entomology. Heliotropism in butterfies; or, Turxing Towards the Sun. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 6—9. 210034 Cornetz, V. 11.044 : 57.96 Messor 1913. Ueber die Rolle des Lichtes bei der Orientierung der Ameise. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 196 —197. 85 Wiliberg, M. A. 11.044 : 6 1914. Die natürliche Resistenz einiger Tiere dem Atropin gegenüber. Biochem. Zeitschr, Bd. 66 p. 889 —407. 84.1, 86,.5, 88,1, 9.32,.33,.74 85 Pierce, C. C., and M, T. Clegg. 11.044 : 6. 1915. Strychnine sulphate. Its effect on California Valley Quail. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 80 p. 3601—3604. [Quail can be fed with considerable amounts, without showing toxic symptoms. Used for pois- oning Citelus.] 86, 9.32 87 Shelford, Victor E., and Edwin B. Powers. 11.044 : 7,5 1915. An Experimental Study of the Movements of Herring and Other Marine Fishes. Biel. Buil Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 315—534, 2 figg. [Detection of minimal variations in water (temperature, chemistry). De- sertion of localities because of contamination of sea.] 7.55,.56,.58 88 Strodimann, 8. 11.044 : 7.b. 1915. Anpassung der pelagischen Fischeier an den sinkenden Saizgehalt des Meeres. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 22 p. L—LI. 89 Wells, Morris M. 11.044 : 7.9. 1915. The reactions and resistance of fishes in their natural environ- ment to salts. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 242—%84, 3 figg. — Re- actions and Resistance of Fishes in their Natural Environment to Acid-- ity, Alkalinity and Neutraiity. Biol. Bail. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 221. —257, 3 figg (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208151.) 7.55,.58 210030 Roule, Louis. : 11.04£ : 7.58 Mugil 1916. La biologie migratrice des Poissons du genre Mugil, dans l’étarg Physiologia 60 de Thau. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 522—525. [Migration géné- tique. Tropisme dans le sens d’un déplacement vers milieu plus riche en oxygène dissous.] 210091 Brunacci, Bruno. 11.044 : 78 Rana 1914. Sull’adattamento degli Anfibi all’ambiente liquido esterno, medi- ante la regolazione della pressione osmotica dei loro liquidi interni: III. Proprietà chemiche e fisico-chemiche dei liquidi interni di animali tenuti in acqua distillata ed in soluzioni Ringer ipertoniche. Rend, Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 2 p. 645—651. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. . 208338.) 92 Brunacci, Bruno. 11,044 : 78 Rana 1915. Sull’adattamento degli Anfibi all’ambiente liquido esterno, medi- ante la regolazione della pressione osmotica dei loro liquidi interni: IV. 11 tempo entro il quale avviene la regolazione osmotica. Rend. Acead. peel (5) Vol. 24 Sem. 1 p. 272—276. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 08339.) 93 Stockard, Charles R. 11.014 : 9.32 1914. A study of further generations of mamınals from ancestors treated with alcohol. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 11 p. 156—139. [Trans- mission of acquired defects through subsequent generations.] 94 Stockard, Charles R. 11.044 : 9.32 1916. Experimental modification of the chromatin within the germ cells of one generation and the resulting hereditary transmission of degene- racy and deformities. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 246—249. [Differences in behavior of male and of femaie offspring from alcoholized male parents and from alcoholized female parents. Attempted explanation.] 95 Siockard, Charles R., and George Papanicolaou. 11.044 : 9.32 1916. A Further Analysis of the Hereditary Transmission of Degeneracy and Deformities by the Descendants of Alcoholized Mammals. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 65—88, 144—177, 10 figg. [Fs generation more af- fected than immediate offspring. Inferiority of female offspring from treated males and of male offspring from treated females shown.] ‘210096 Stockard, Charles R. 11.044 : 9.32 Cavia 1913. The Artificial Production of Structural Arrests and Racial Dege- neration. Proc. N. York path. Soc. N. 8. Vol. 13 p. 83—89. [Alco- holizing guinea pigs. Defective offspring through action on male germ cells.] 97 Takahashi, Eiji. 11.05 19i5. Ueber das Vorkommen von Betain in einigen Meerestieren. Journ. Coll. Agric. Sappsro Vol. 6 p. 303—309, 4,1,.56, 53.841,.842 95 Takahashi, Eiji. | 11.05 1915. Ueber die Stickstoffbestandteile von Paralithodes camtschatica und Polypus punctatus. Journ, Coll. Agric. Sapporo Vol. 6 p. 289—302. 4,56, 53.842 99 Yan Ingen, Gilbert, and A. H. Phillips. 11.05 1915. Examination of Marine Organisms to determine their Capacities for Storing or Accumulating Metals. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington p. 193—194. 56.2,.6, 37.1, 47.1, 48 210100 Ciarke, F. W., and W. C. Wheeler. 11,05 : 36.2 1915. The Inorganic Constituents of Alcyonaria. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 552—556. [Percentages of CasP20s and MgCO:.] 01 Kossel, A., und S, Edibacher. 11,05 : 39 1915. Beiträge zur chemischen Kenntnis der Echinodermen. Zeitschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 94 p. 264—283. [Dissoziation des Spermakerns. Ex- traktivstoffe. Stellasterin und Astrol.] 39.3,.5 210102 Cavalcaselle, C. 11.05 : 43 1910. Sulla ,Mucina“ del piede della chiocciola. Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff, Vol. 9 p. 206—210. 61 Physiologia 210103 Henze, M. 11.05 : 4.5. 1914. Ueber das Vorkommen des Trimethylaminoxyds bei Cephalopoden. Zeitschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 91 p. 230—232. [Muskelextraktivstoff.] 04 Clarke, F. W., and W. C. Wheeler. 11.05 : 48 1915. The Composition of Brachiopod Shells. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 262—266. [2 groups, with CaCOs and little organic matter and with CasP20s and much organic matter.] 05 Kutscher, Fr. 11.05 : 53.841 Astacus 1914. Ueber einige Extraktstoffe des Flusskrebses. Zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der Kreatinbildung im Tier. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 64 p. 240—246. [Fehlen des Kreatins bei Astacus, das durch beträchtiiche Mengen Arginin ersetzt ist. Entstehung von Kreatin aus Arginin im Stoffwechsel.] 06 Gal, Jules. 11.05 : 9.32 Castor 1897. Le Castoréum du Gardon. Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 25- p. 1-12. [Etude du castor&um frais au point de vue zoologique. Com- posi.ion chimique.] 07 Hatai, S. 11.05 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Changes in the chemical composition of the entire body of the albino rat during the life cycle. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 198. [Growth of solids. Gradual diminution of protein, ex- tractives and salt during lactation, rise in fat content.] 08 Welten, Heinz. 11.06 1915. Natürliche Heilkräfte. Eine biologische Studie. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 653—655, 668—670. 08 Paul, J. Herbert. 11.06 : 53.84 1915. A Comparative Study of the Reflexes of Autotomy in Decapod Crustacea. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 35 p. 232—262, 29 figg. [Seat of election. Evasion and hæmostasis as aims. Unisegmental reflex.] 33.841,.842 210110 Paul, J. Herbert. 11.06 : 55.84. 1915. Some New Points on Autotomy among the Decapod Crustacea. Rep. Dove Marine Lab. Cullercoats N. S. No. 4 p. 44—52, 4 pls. 53.841,.842 11.1 Sanguis, Circulatio 11 Cälugäreanu, D. 11.11 : 4.1 Anodonta 1915. Etudes physico-chimiques sur le sang de l’Anodonte et sur la perméabilité des membranes de cet animal, (liéun. biol. Bucarest.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 209—211. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205903.) 12 Thompson, William R. 11.11 : 52. 1915. Les rapports entre les phagocytes et les parasites chez les Arthro- podes. Bull. Soc. zool. France .T. 40 p. 63—68. [Réaction phagocytaire généralement nulle.] 53.5, 57.72,.92 15 Pawlowsky, E. 11.11 : 54.6 Scorpio 1915. Sur la phagocytose chez Scorpio maurus L. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 748—750. 14 Aoki, Kaoru. 11.11 : 57.37 Bombyx 1915. Beobachtungen über die Präzipitationsreaktion bei Seidenraupen. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 14 p. 81—109. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol, 29 No. 207577.) 210115 Pearl, Raymond, and John W. Gowen. 11.11 : 86. 1914. On the refractive index of serum in a guinea-chicken hybrid. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol, Med. Vol. 12 p. 48. [Gallus JS X Numida © Latter dominant] Physiologia 62 210116 Lühning, Alfred. 11.11 29.75 Sus 1914. Versuche einer Diagnostik von Schweinerassen mit Hilfe der bio- logischen Eiweissdifferenzierungs-Methoden. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Bd. 47 p. 443 —475, 6 figg. [Sus scrofa deutlich von S. vittatus zu trennen. Sub- fossiles Torfschwein mit vittatus-Gruppe verwandt] 17 Jordan, H. KE. 11.12 : 53.92 Limulus 1916. A comparative microscopic study of cardiac and skeletal muscle of Limulus. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 210—213. [Close structural similarity. Continuity of telophragma with nuclear wall across perinuclear sarcoplasm. Intercalated discs. Impulse conduc- tion in heart reurogenic.] 18 Buguion, E. 11.12 : 57 1911. Le cœur (vaisseau dorsal) et la circulation chez les insectes. Bull. Murith. Soc. valais. Sc. nat. Fasc. 37 p. 13—25, 1 pl. 57.32,.33,.64,.71 19 Polimanti, Osvaldo. 11.12 : 87.87 Bombyx 1915. Physiologische Untersuchungen über das pulsierende Gefäss von Bombyx mori L. I. Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Rhythmus des pulsierenden Gefässes. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 143—145, [Giltigkeit des Gesetzes von ÄARRHENIUs und van ’THorr.] 20 Polimanti, Osw. 11.12 : 57.87 Bombyx 1915. Untersuchungen über das pulsierende Gefäss von Bombyx mori L. Il. Der Pulsrhythmus als Index der Wahrnehmung der Farben betrach- tet. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 65 p. 391—400. [Larve verhält sich wie ein total farbenblinder Mensch.] 21 Alves, Osorio. 11.12 : 6 1915. Contribution à l’étude des oscillations du tonus, cardiaque. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. T. 7 p. 77—105, 4 pls. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol, 29 No. 207999.) 18679, CES «210122 Hemmeter, John C. 11.12 : 7.31 1914, Vagushemmung und die anorganischen Salze des Herzens. I. Mit- teilung. Untersuchungen am Herzen von Elasmobranchiern. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 63 p. 118—139. — Zur Biochemie des Vagusproblems. II. Mitteilung. Wechseiseitige oder gekreuzte Zirkulation zwischen zwei Selachierherzen zur Entscheidung der Frage, ob Vagushemmung des einen Herzens Verlangsamung oder Aufhehung der Funktion des anderen durch Leitung des Blutes von ,A“ nach „B“ verursachen kann. p. 149 —150, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208126.) 23 Loeb, Jacques, und W. F. Ewald. 11.12 : 7.55 Fundulus 1913. Die Frequenz der Herztätigkeit als eindeutige Funktion der Tem- peratur. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 58 p. 177—185. [In Beziehung zum Massenwirkungsgesetz.] -24 Kozawa, S. 11.12 : 81.3 1915. The Mechanical Regulation of the Heart Beat in the Tortoise, Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 49 p. 233—245, 8 figg. [Energy of con- traction a function of length of muscle fibres. 25 Buglia, G. 11.12 : 81.3 Emys 1915. Sur la fonction auriculaire du cœur d’Emys europaea Note III. Influence des produits de scission des substances albumineuses sur la fonction auriculaire du cœur isolé d’Emys europaea. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 63 p. 49—60, 2 pls. [Pas d’action attribuable à la fraction peptonique.] — Note IV. Influence des produits de la putréfaction sur la fonction auriculaire du cœur isolé d’Emys europaea. p. 61—S4, 4 pls. [Action d’abord excitante ensuite déprimante de la fonction tonique (présence d’amines à double fonction).] “210126 Kahn, R. H. 11.12 : 82 1915. Das Vogel-Ekg. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 162 p. 67—93, 17 figg. [Allgemeine Erscheinungsweise und Potentialwerte des Vogel-Ekg. Zeit- liche Werte. Querableitung, Curarisierung. Supraaurikuläre Zacke. In- nervierung des Herzens.] 84.1, 86,.5 | 63 ; Physiologia | 210127 Kent, Stanley. 1112:9 1916. The Structure and Function of the Mammalian Heart. Report of the Committee. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 226-228. [Existence of alternative paths of eonduction.] 11.2 Respiratio, Calor animalis, (Vide etiam: 210008, 210017, 210018.) 28 Warbarg, Otto. 11.2 : 29.5 1914. Ueber die Rolle des Eisens in der Atmung des Seeigeleies nebst Bemerkungen über einige durch Eisen beschleunigte Oxydationen. Zeit- schr. physiol. Chen. Bd. 92 p. 251—256, 7 figg. [Sauerstoffatmurg im Ei eine Eisenkatalyse. Der im Atmungsprozess verzehrte Sauerstoff wird von gelöstem oder adsorbiertem Ferroion aufgenommen.) 29 Warburg, Oito. 11.2 : 39.5 1914. Zellstruktur und Oxydationsgeschwindigkeit nach Versuchen am Seeigelei. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 158 p. 189—208, 1 Taf., 1 fig, (Re- ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205815.) 30 Stephenson, J. 11.2 : 51.4 1913. On intestinal Respiration in Annelids: with Considerations on the Origin and Evolution of the Vascular System in that Group. Trans. R. Soc, Edinburgh Vol. 49 p. 785—829. [Original inhalant function of anus.] 51.6,.7 81 Wallengren, Hans. 11.2 : 57.33 Aeschna 1913. Physiologisch-biologische Studien über die Atmung bei den Ar- thropoden, I. Die Atmung der gehirniosen Aeschnalarven, Lunäs Univ. Ärsskr. N. F. Afd. 2 Bd. 9 (K. fysiogr. Sällsk. Handl. N. F. Bd. 24) No. 16, 30 pp., 1 Tafl., 14 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206637.) 210132 Kanitz, Aristides. 11.2 1915. Bezüglich der Temperaturabhängigkeit des Sauerstofiverbrauchs tierischer Organismen. Intern. Zeitschr, phys.-chem. Biol. Bd. 2 p. 272 — 278, 1 fig. [Kein Fallen von @ıo mit steigender Temperatur, vielmehr Konstanz.] 51.11, 7.90, 718 33 Tashiro, Shiro. 11.21 1915. Further Studies on CO2 in Sea Water and CO2 Production in Tropical Marine Animals. 14ih Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 217—219. 37.9 34 Warburg, Otto. 11.21 : 395 1915. Notizen zur Entwicklungsphysiologie des Seeigeleies. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 160 p. 324—332, 1 fig. [Atmungsgrösse der Spermatozoen und der unbefruchteten Eier. Anstieg im Lauf der Entwicklung. Res- piratorischer Quotient.] 35 Flattely, F. W. | 11.21 : 51.7 Cirratulus 1916. Notes on the Oecology of Cirratulus (Audouinia) tentaculatus (Mox- TAGU). Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N, S. Vol. 11 p. 60—%0, 7 figg. [Respiratory function of filaments. Method of feeding.] 15.3 36 Krogh, August. 1.212,57 1914. Ein Mikrorespirationsapparat und einige damit ausgeführte Ver- suche über die Temperatur-Stoffwechselkurve von Insektenpuppen. Bio- chem. Zeitschr. Bd. 62 p. 266279, 5 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206462.) 57.67 210137 Ellinger, Tage. 11.21 : 57.71 Culex 915. Ueber den Ruhestoffwechsel der Insekten (Culiciden) und seine Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur. Intern. Zeitschr. physik.-chem. Biol. Bd. 2 p. S5—93, 2 figg. [Bisherige Ergebnisse durch Muskelarbeit be- einflusst. Temperatur-Ruhestoffwechselkurve von Culex annulatus iden- tisch mit der von Krocux für Kaltblüter gefundenen.] Physiologia 64 210138 Polimanti, Oswald. LOL 1914. Ueber dis Asphyxie der See- und Süsswasserfische an der Luft und über die postrespiratorische Dauer der Herzpulsationen. II. Abhand- lung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1914 physiol. Abt. p. 436—519. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208088.) 7.31,.35,.53,.55,.56,.58 39 Gardner, John Addyman, and Constance Leetham. 11.21 : 7.55 Trutta 1914. On the Respiratory Exchange in Fresh Water Fish, Part I: On Brown Trout. Biochem. Journ. Vol. 8 p. 374—390, 2 tigg. [Influence of temperature and of size. Respiratory quotients.] — Part II: on Brown Trout. p. 991—597, 1 fig. [Effects of diminishing oxygen tension. Oxy- gen content at asphyxial point greater at higher than at lower tempera- tures.] 40 von Hansemann, D. 11.21 : 81.3 1915. Die Lungenatmung der Schildkröten. Sitz.-Ber. preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1915 p. 661—672, 2 Taf. [Mechanismus der 1n- und Exspiration. Beteiligung der Körpermuskulatur.] 41 Nikolaides, R. 11.21 : 82 1914. Untersuchungen über die Regulierung der Atembewegungen der Vögel. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1914 physiol. Abt. p. 553—564, 5 figg. [Im Vagus hauptsächlich inspirationsanregende Fasern (abweichend ’von Säu- gern).] 86.5 11.3 Nutritio. (Vide etiam: 210002, 210005, 210006, 210008, 210011, 210013, 210020, 210022.) 43 Pringsheim, Erust 6. 11.3 : 31.7 Paramaecium 1915. Die Kultur von Paramaecium bursaria. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 375—379. [P. d. kann von seinen Zoochlorellen ganz und gar ernährt werden.] 210143 Morgulis, S., Paul E. Howe and P. B. Hawk. 11.3:9 1915. Studies on Tissues of Fasting Animais. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 397—406, 1 pl. N vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208358.) .74 44 Hatai, Shinkishi. 11.3 : 9.32 Mus 1915. On the influence of exercise on the growth of organs in the al- bino rat. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p: 647—665. [Average increase of 20 °,, in heart, kidneys and liver, in brain of 4°/,, in ovaries of 84°,,, in testes of 12°/,, decrease in spleen of 20°/,.] 11.34 45 Jackson, C. M. 11.3 : 9.82 Mus 1915. Changes in the relative weights of the various parts, systems and organs of young albino rats held at constant body weight by underfeed- ing for various periods. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 99—156, 2 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209053.) 11.33,.34 46 Stewart, C. A. 11.3 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Growth of the body and of the various organs of young albino rats upon refeeding after inanition for various periods. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. A DB as [Return to normal.] 11.33,. 47 Fingerling, G., A. Köhler, und Fr. Reinhardt. 11.3: 9.75 Sus 1914. Untersuchungen über den Stoff- und Energieumsatz wachsender Schweine. Fütterungsversuche, ausgeführt im Jahre 1912/13 an der Königl. landwirtschaftlichen Versuchsstation Möckern, unter Mitwirkung von E. BrerscHh, G. Arnpr und R. Diersıca. Landwirtsch. Versuch-Stat. 210148 Davidson, J. 11.31 : 57.52 Schizoneura 1914. On the Mouth-Parts and Mechanism of Suction in Schizoneura lanigera Hausmann. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 32 p. 307 —330, 2 pls., 2 figg. 65 Physiologia 210149 Gysi. Alfred. 11.31: 9 1915. Der neue verstellbare Gysr-Artikulator 1914 mit der Runrperschen Schablonenführung. Schweiz. Vierteljahrsschr. Zahnheilkde. Bd. 25 p. 199—229, 25 figg. [Vergleichende Physiologie des Kiefergelenks.] 9.32,.735,.74,.9 50 Burge, W. E., and E. L. Burge. 11.32 1915. The Protection of Parasites in the Digestive Tract against the Action of the Digestive Enzymes. Journ. Parasitol. Vol, 1 p. 179—183, 3 figg. [Not digested in activated pancreatic juice so long as alive. Oxydation of enzyme in contact with them.] 51 Clementi, A, 11.32 1916. Ricerche sulla scissione enzimatica dei polipeptidi per azione di estrati di tessuti e di organi animali. Nota I. Rend. Accad. Lincei (9) Vol, 25 Sem. 1 p. 183-188. [Nel fegato dei vertebrati e dei molluschi fermenti capaci di idrolizzare il dipeptide d-l:leucilglicina.] 4, 6 52 Löhner, Leopold. 11.32 : 51.5 Hirudo 1915. Ueber künstliche Fütterung und Verdauungsversuche mit Blut- egeln. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 385—393. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206169.) 53 Gautier, CI, 11.32 : 5% 1915. Sur l’action anticoagulante du suce hépatopancréatique des Cru- stacés. U. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 732—734. [Feut agir en présen- ce de thrombine.] 54 Churchill, E. P., Jr. 11.33 : 4.1 1915. The Absorption of Fat by Freshwater Mussels. Biol: Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 25 p. 68-86, 3 pls. [Quadrula and Anodonta. Absorption by epithelium of intestine and most probably by that of gills, mantle and foot. Transported by blood corpuscles and plasma.] 210155 Hollande, A. Ch. 1152457 1914. Les cérodécytes ou „anocytes“ des Insectes considérés au point de vue biochimique. Arch. Anat. micer. T. 16 p. 1--66, 4 pls., 3 figg. [Relation étroite avec alimentation. Eléments formateurs de cire (sub- stance de réserve).] 57.28,.45,.62,.64,.66,.68,.71,.72,.52,.86,.89,.93,.99 56 Coghill, George E. 11.33 : 79 1915. Preliminary Studies on Intracellular Digestion and Assimilation in Amphibian Embryos. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 347—350. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208348.) 57 Fingerling, Gustav. 11.33 : 9.735 Bos 1915. Beiträge zur Frage der Verwertung von Kalk- und Phosphorsäure- verbindungen durch den tierischen Organismus. Iil. Verwertung der hauptsächlichsten Phosphorverbindungen durch Wiederkäuer. 2. Ver- suche mit Lämmern. Landwirisch. Versuchs-Stat. Bd. 86 p. 75—114. [Unterschiede in der Verwertung beruhen nicht auf unterschiedliche Ver- wertbarkeit der P-Verbindungen.] 58 Przibram, Hans, und Adolf Walther. 11.34 : 57.25 Sphodromantis 1914. Keine Grössenzunahme der frischgeschlüpften Sphodromantis mit dem Alter der Mutter. (Zugleich: Aufzucht der Gottesanbeterinnen. V, Mitteilung.) Arch. Entw.-Mech., Bd. 40 p. 416—428, 3 figg. 59 Sztern, Henryk. 11.34 : 57.25 Sphodromantis 1914. Wachsturmsmessungen an Sphodromantis bioculata Burn. II. Länge, Breite und Höhe. (Zugleich: Aufzucht der Gottesanbeterinnen, VI. Mit- teilung.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 429—495, 8 Taf., 5 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206576.) 210160 Thompson, D’Arcy W. 11.34 : 7.55 Clupea 1914. The Age of a Herring. Nature London Vol. 94 p: 60—61. — by Jouan Hsorr and Emar Lea. p. 255—256, 2 figg. — by D’Arcy W. Taonr- SON. pP» 363. Q1 | Zoo), Bibliogr. XXX IX. 1916 Physiologia 66 210151 Storrow, B. 11.34 : 7.55 Clupea 1915. Herring Investigations. Size, Age and Maturity. Rep. Dove Ma- rine Lab. Cullercoats N. S. No. 4 p. 16-37, 3 pls. — The Age and Growth of the Pilchard. p. 54—56. 62 King, Helen Dean. 11.34 : 9.32 Mus 1915. The growth and variability in the body weight of the albino rat. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 751—776, 5 figg. 63 Duncker, Georg. 11.39 : 81.1 Anguis 1916. Lebensdauer einer Blindschleiche (Anguis fragilis L.) in Gefangen- schaft. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 240—241. 11.4 Secretio et excretio; Lympha. ; (Vide etiam : 210020— 210022.) 64 Larrimer, W. H. 11.4 : 57.53 Draecuiacephala 1915. Liquid Excretion by Draeculacephala reticulata. Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 8 p. 430. 65 Clark, Eleanor Linton. 11.44: 86 Gallus 1915. Observations of the lymph-flow and the associated morphological changes in the early superficial lymphatics of chick embryos. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 399—440, 9 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208727.) 66 Weismann, Robert. 11.45 : 37 1915. Accidents graves consécutifs aux piqûres de Meduses. Interven- tion de l’anaphylaxie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 391—392. — par Nrrrer. pe. 393—394. 210167 Dajurric de la Riviere, R. 11.45 : 37.5 Rhizostoma 1915. Sur l'existence d’une Médusocongestine.. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 596—600. J]Déterminant chez Cobaye et Lapin lésions caracté- ristiques. Anaphylaxie.] . 68 Baglioni, S. 11.45 : 4.5 1909. Sull’azione fisiologica del veleno dei cefalopodi, Atti Soc. ital. Prog. Sc. Riun. 2 ». 399—400. [Composto fenolico, che attacca sistema nervoso centrale dei crostacei.] 69 Walbum, L. E. 11.45 : 54.4 Epeira 1915. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Gifte der Kreuzspinne (Epeira diadema Wazcx.). Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. exper. Therap. Bd. 23 Orig. p. 565—622, 2 figg. — Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Gifte der Kreuzspinne (ÆEpeira diadema Wauck.). p. 623—684, 10 figg. [Epeiralysin, -Toxin und -Trypsin.] 70 Kellogg, Vernon L. 11.45 : 54.4 Latrodectes 1915. Spider Poison. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 1 p. 107—112 [Can be serious in its effects on man.] 71 Quade, Fritz. 11.45 : 57 1914. Insektenstiche. Resultat der Rundfrage. Prometheus Jahrg. 25 p. 387—391. 57.512,.54,.71,.72,.75,.98,.99 72 Dewitz, J. 11.45 : 57.52 Aphidae 1915. On the Poisons of Plant-Lice Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 8 p. 343—346. [Translated from German by W. W. WHEELER.] 210173 Lamson, G. H. jr. | 11.45 : 07.64 Macrodactylus 1915. The Poisonous Effects of the Rose Chafer upon Chickens. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 8 p. 547—548. [15—20 chafers are sufficient to cause the death of a chicken a week old.] 67 Physiologia 310174 Clark, A. H. 11.45 : 7.31 Somniosus 1915, Shark Intoxication. Science N. S. Vol. 41 p. 795—197. [Flesh ci Somniosus microcephalus poisonous when fresh. Toxin destroyed by boiling. Symptoms similar to acute alcohol poisoning.] 75 Burnier, R. 11.45 : 81.26 1914. Bites of Venomous Serpents and Their Treatment. Wherever Serum is Employed the Mortality Has Become Almost Zero. Scient,. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 77 p. 135—134, 4 figg. 76 Raveret-Wattel, C. 11.45 : 81.26 1915. La défense contre l’Ophidisme, par le Dr. Brazir. Bull. Soc. na- tion. Acclimat. France Ann. 62 p. 309—320. 77 Stolc, Antonin. 11.49 : 31 1914. Ueber das Verhalten der Harnsäure zum lebenden Protoplasma von Protozoen. Sitz.-Ber. böhm. &es. Wiss. math.-nat. Cl. 1914 No. 22, 6pp. [Harnsäurepartikeln werden unverändert aus Pelomyxa-Körper aus- geschieden. Endprodukt des Stoffwechsels. Einfluss auf Vitalfärbung bei Ciliaten.] 1 78 Hardy, A. D. 11.49 : 31.1 en Note on the Contractile Vacuole. Victorian Natural. Vol. 32 p. 7—48. 79 Freitag, Carl. 11.49 : 4.38 Helix 1916. Die Niere von Helix pomatia. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 586—649, 31 figg. [Physiologie des Nierensackepithels. Molekulare Auf- nahme der Harnstoffe aus dem Blute. Kondensation des Harns in den .. Vacuvien. Entleerung der Nephrocyte.] 80 Szalägyi, Kornelius, und Alexander Kriwuscha, 11.49 : 82 1914. Untersuchungen über die chemische Zusammensetzung und die physikalischen Eigenschaften des Enten- und Hühnerharnes. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 66 p. 122—158. 84.1, 86 210181 Wells, Gideon H., and George T. Caldwell. 11.49: 9 1914. The purine enzymes of the anthropoids and marsupials. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 11 p. 153—154. [Anthropoids agree with man in having no uricase nor adenase demonstrable (guanase present). Opossum has uricase, xanthine oxidase, guanase, but no adenase.] 9.2,.82,.88,.9 82 Gal, Jules. 11.49 : 9.32 Castor 1898. L’urine du Castor. Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 26 p. 29 —33 [Elimination totale faible. Urine pauvre en uree.] JLe ,y° 11.5 Variatio (cf. etiam Biologia generalis.) (Vide etiam: 210007, 210013, 210016, 210017, 210019, 210021, 210022.) 83 Pieron, Henri. 11.5 : 2 1914. Recherches sur le comportement chromatique des Invertebres et en particulier des Isopodes. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 48 p. 30—79, 3 pls. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205485.) 11.53,.57 53.71,.72,.33,.84 84 List, Theodor. 11.5 : 31.6 Ceratium 1913. Ueber die Temporal- und Lokalvariation von Ceratium hirundinella O. F. M. aus dem Plankton einiger Teiche in der Umgegend von Darm- stadt und einiger Kolke des Altrheins bei Erfelden. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkde. Bd. 9 p. 81—126, 8 figg. 210135 Pearson, Karl. 11.5 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1914. On the Probability that two Independent Distributions of Fre- quency are Really Sam;les of the Same Population, with Special Refe- rence to Recent Work on the Identity of Trypanosome Strains. Biome- trika Vol. 10 p. 85—143, 15 figg. Physiologia 68 210185 Erdmann, Ph. 11.5 ; 31.6 Trypanosoma 1915. Ueber die Forınveränderungen von Trypanosoma brucei im Plasma. (Berlin. verein. ärztl. Ges.) München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 458—954. — Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 812—814. 87 Hance, Robert T. 11.5 : 31.7 Paramaecium 1915. The Inheritance of Extra Contractile Vacuoles in an Unusual Race of Paramæcium caudatum. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 461-462. 83 Stocking, Ruth J. 11.5 : 31.7 Paramaecium 1915. Variation and Inheritance in Abnormalities Occurring after Con- jugation in Paramaecium caudatum. Proc. nation. Acad, Sc. Vol. 1 p. 608--611. [Some lines constant in hereditary character, others with he- ritable variations open to selection.] 83 Middleton, Austin Ralph. 11.5 : 81.7 Stylonychia 1915. Heritable Variations and the Results of Selection in the Fission Rate of Stylonychia pustulata. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 616— 621. [Cumulative effects of selection.] 90 Lashley, K. S. 11.5 +: 37.1 Hydra 1915. Inheritance in the Asexual Reproduction of Hydra viridis. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 298—301. [No cumulative inheritance of va- riations.] 91 Gross, J. 11.5 : 4.38 Tachea 1913. Was sind Artmerkmale? Eine Antwort an Herrn Prof. A. Lane. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre Bd. 10 p. 154—158. [Tachea-Spezies ein ungünstiges Material für Vererbungsexperimente.] 92 Whitney, David D. 11.5 : 51.8 Hydatina 1914/15. The Production of Males and Females Controlled by Food Conditions in Hydatina senta. Science N. S. Vol. 29 p. 882—833. [Male- producing females can be made to appear at any time by sudden change from continuous diet of Polytoma to one of green Dunaliella.] — The Production of Males and Females Controlled by Food Conditions in the English Hydatina senta. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 41—45. [Uni- form diet of Polytoma for Z2 months (288 generations) suppressed males. Change to Chlamydomonas diet induced production of male-producing daughters.] 11.53,.56 210193 Abonyi, A. 11.5 : 53.23 Artemia 1915. Experimentelle Daten zum Erkennen der Arlemia-Gattung. Zeit- schr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 95—168, 3 Taf., 13 figg. [Einheitliche Va- rietätsreihe, deren jedes Glied, mit den umgebenden Einwirkungen, sich eine Gleichgewichtssituation gesichert hat.] 94 Robinson, L. E. 11.5 : 54.2 Amblyomma 1915. A Note on the Variability in Size of Amblyomma hebraeum Koca. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 11—16, 3 figg. 95 Kleine, R. 115 : 57.64 Oxysternon 1914. Ueber Variationserscheinungen am Thorax von Oxysternon conspi- cillatum Faser. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 47—51, 105—111, 147—150, 179—183, 228—234, 297—302, 30 figg. 96 King, Helen Dean. 11.5 : 9.52 Mus 1916. Inbreeding Experiments with the Albino Rat. (N. Engi. pediatr. Soc., Phila. pediatr. Soc., Sect. Pediatr. N. Y. Acad. Med.) Med. Re- cord N. Y. Vol. 89 p. 170—171. [Inbreeding alone does not appreciably alter sex ratio. Altered by er No tendency to sterility.] 5 97 Lühning, Alfred. 11.5 : 9.73 Sus 1914. Versuche einer Diagnostik von Schweinerassen mit Hilfe der bio- logischen Eiweissdifferenzierungs-Methoden. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Bd. 47 p. 443 —475, 6 figg. [Sus scrofa deutlich von $. vittatus zu trennen. Sub- fossiles Torfschwein mit vätatus-Gruppe verwandt.] 210158 Kronacher, C. 11.5 : 9.735 Bos 1909. Körperbau und Milchleistung. Untersuchungen über die Bezie- hungen vom Körperbau und Milchleistung beim grossen Fleckvieh, aus- 69 Physiologia geführt an den Herden des K. Staatsgutes Weihenstephan und des | Schlossgutes Erching. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 2, 162 | pp, 5 Taf. 210199 Schmidt, Jonas. 11.5 : 9.735 Bos % 4 1909. Beziehuugen zwischen Körperform und Leistung bei den Milch- wat) kühen. Arb. deutsch. &es. Züchtungskde. Heft 1, 132 pp. 310200 Hooper, J. J. 11.5 : 9.755 Capra 1916. A Peculiar Breed of Goats. Science N, $. Vol. 43 p. 571. [Stiff- legged.] 01 Schmehl, Rudo. 11.5 : 9.735 Ovis 1912. Inzuchtstudien in einer deutschen Rambouillet-Stammschäferei. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft 15, 94 pp., 19 figg. 02 van Giffen, A. E. 11.5 : 9.74 Canis 1915. De statistische methode in het huisdiervraagstuk. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. XLVITII—LX. 03 Külbs. 11.5 : 9.74 Canis 1915. Weitere Beiträge zur Frage: Arbeitsleistung und Organentwick- lung. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1454—1456. [Kräftige Entwicklung von Herz, Leber, Skelettsystem, Muskulatur bei westfland- rischen Hunden.] 04 Verhoeff, Karl W. 11.51 : 56.1 1915. Polymorphismus bei Chilognathen und seine Abhängigkeit von äusseren Einflüssen. {Ueber Diplopoden, 78. Aufsatz) Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 378—382, 3855—290. 05 Springer, Fritz. 11.51 : 57.71 Miastor 1915. Ueber den Polymorphismus bei den Larven von Miastor metraloas. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 57—118, 2 Taf. [Typisch pädogeneti- sche Larve entsteht unter Lichtabschluss. Unter Lichteinwirkung entstehen Wanderer und Puppenlarven (letztere aus Puppenmüttern).] 210236 Donisthorpe, H. St. J., and W. C. Crawley. 11.51 : 57.96 1914. lolymorphism in Ants. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. X— XIV. | 07 Sumner, Francis B. 11.52 : 9.32 Peromyscus 1915. Genetic Studies of Several Geographic Races of California Deer- mice. Amer. Natural. Vol, 49 p. 688—701, 1 fig. [Change of habitat fails to produce perceptible shifting of the mean of varietal characters. 03 Maas, Otto. 11.53 : 57.37 Bombyx 1914. Versuche über Umgewöhnung und Vererbung beim Seidenspinner. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 672—727. [Elterliche Belastung durch Schwarzwurzellaubfütterung. Verhalten bei Kreuzungen.] 09 Evvard, John M., Arthur W. Dox and S. C. Guernsey. 11.53 : 9.73 Sus 1914. The Effect of Calcium and Protein Fed Pregnant Swine upon the ' Size, Vigor, Bone, Coat and Condition of the Offspring. Proc. Iowa Acad, Sc. Vol. 21 p. 269—278, 5 pls. [Ration fed pregnant mother markediy affects general development of fetus. Complex organic protein more effective than inorganic calcium.] 10 Pichot, Pierre Amédée 11.55 | 1916. Mimétisme. Bull. Soc. nation, Acclimat. France Ann. 63 p. 190. 11 Poulton, E. B. 11.55 : 57 | 1915. Discussion on Mimiery in Australian Insects. Rep. Sith Meet, Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 402. 57.54,.12,.89,.93,.97 —.99 12 Poulton, E. B. 11.55 : 57.89 1914. The Misleading Resemblance between Mimetic Butterflies and their Models. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. XXIV—XXV. 210213 Poulton, E. B. 11.55 : 57.85 1915. The First Statement (1878) of Müllerian Mimiery Trans. entom. Soc. London 1915 p. XXII—XXXII, — A Brief Preliminary Statement Fhysiologia 70 of a Few of the Results of Five Years’ Special Testirg of the Theories of Mimicry, by ©. F. M. Swynxerton. pe XXXII—XLIV. 210214 Punnett, Reginald Crundall, 11.55 : 57.89 1915. Mimicry in Butterflies. London; Cambridge Univ. Press; New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 8° 159 pp., 16 pls. 15 sh. (Review by Jon H. GerouLp, Amer. Naiural. Vol. 50 p. 184—192. — by E. B. Pfourron]. Nature London Vol. 97 p. 237—238.) 15 Skinner, H. | 11.55 : 57.89 Neophasia 1914. The Pierine Neophasia terlotti, Benr., Female, a New North Ameri- can Mimic of Danaida plexippus, L., (archippus, L.). Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. VIII—IX, 16 Poulton, E. B. 11.55 : 57.89 Papilio 1914. Some Details in the Relationship between the Mimetic and the Non-mimetic Patterns of Papilio polytes, L. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. XXY—XXVI. 17 Wilson, Diana R. 11.55 : 57.89 Papilio 1914. Mimicry among Swallowtails and other Notes on Butterflies at Säo Paulo, Brazil. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1913 p. CXIX—CXXII. 18 Carpenter, G. D. Hale. 11.55 : 57.89 Pseudacraea 1914. Pseudacraea eurytis hobleyi, Neuve, its forms and its models on Bu- galla Island, Lake Victoria, with other members of the saıne combina- tion. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1913 p. 606—645, 3 pls. — Pseudacraea boisduvali, Dousr. and its models, with especial reference to Bugalla Island. p. 646-655, 2 pls. 15 Ash, F. W. 11.56 1916. The Explanation of Secondary Sex Characters as Characters of Abandoned Function, with Observations on the Insufficiency of the Hor- _ mone Theory. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 471—472. 210220 Baltzer, F. 11.56 : 51.74 Bonellia 1914. Die Bestimmung des Geschlechts nebst einer Anaiyse des Ge- schlechtsdimorphismus bei Bonellia. Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel Rd. 22 p. 1—44, 9 figg. [Geschlecht teilweise prädeterminiert, teilweise epigene- tisch, Rolle des Parasitismus.] 2] Shull, A. Franklin. 11.56 : 51.8 Hydatina 1915. Periodicity in the Production of Males in Hydatina senta. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 187—197. [Regular rhythm in some lines, but not the same in all lines simultaneously reared.] 22 de la Yaulx, R. 11.56 : 53.24 Daphne 1915. Sur des Daphnies androgynes. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 102—104. [Concentration, sur un seul œuf, d’influences mâles et femelles.] 23 Thallwitz, J. 11.56 : 58.4 Canthocamptus 1916. Ueber Dimorphismus der Männchen bei einem Süsswasserharpac- ticiden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 238—240. 24 Geyer, Kurt. 11.56 : 57 1914. Die geschlechtliche Differenzierung des „Soma“ bei den Insekten. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 2 p. 601—605. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206466.) 25 Walker, E. M. 11.56 : 57.33 Staurophlebia 1915. Notes on Staurophlebia reticulata Burm. Canad. Entom. Vol. 47 p. 387—393, 1 pl. — Note by E. B. Wiccrausox. pe 393—39. 26 Morgan, T. H. 11.56 : 57.52 1915. The predetermination of sex in Phylloxerans and Aphids. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 285—321, 2 pls., 5 figg. [History of chromoso- mal cycle. Sex ratios.] 27 MacGillavry, D. 11.56 : 57.63 Thanatophilus 1915. Een opvallend onderscheid tusschen de wijfjes van Thanatophilus Sinuatus F. en dispar Hessr. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 159—160. 210228 Lameere, Aug. 11.56 : 57.68 Prionidae 1915. Les caracteres sexuels secondaires des Prionides. Bull, scient. France Belgique (7) T. 49 p. 1—14, 71 Physiologia | ; | 210229 Duncan, F. N. 11.56 : 57.72 Drosophila | 1915. A Note on the Gonads of Gynandromorphs of Drosophila ampelo- | phila. Amer. Natural. Vok 49 p. 455--456. [Gonads do not follow sex of lateral gynandromorphs, but are same on both sides.] £0 Meder, 0. 11.56 : 57.8 1916. Gibt es Geschlechtsunterschiede bei Schmetterlingseiern ? Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 118—119. 31 Fassl, A. H. 11.56 : 57.83 1916. Drei Schmetterlings-Zwitter aus Süd-Amerika. Iris Bd. 29 p. 189 —192, 1 Taf. 57.87,.89 32 Verson, Enrico. 11,56 : 57.87 Bombyx 1905. Dei segni esterni atti a rivelare nel Bombyx m. il sesso della larva. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 64 Pt. 2 p. 497—501, 2 figg. 33 Keller, Ernst. 11.56 : 57.39 Euchloë 1913. Hermaphroditismus bei Euchloë cardumines L. Zeitschr. wiss. In- sektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 271. 34 Uffeln, K. 11.56 : 57.89 Parnassius 1914. Ein Zwitter von Parnassius apollo. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 71. 85 Arnold, Eugen. 11.56 : 57.89 Parnassius 1915. Zwitter von Parnassius mnemosyne L. Mitt. Münchner entom. Ges, Jahrg. 6 p. 45—46, 2 figg. 55 Wheeler, G. 11.56 : 57.89 Plebeius 1915. Gynandromorphous Plebeius argyrognomon, etc., from Switzerland. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. LXXX, 37 Doncaster, L. 11.56 : 57.92 Neuroterus 1214 The Determination of Sex in the Gall-fly, „Neuroterus lenticularis“ („Spathegaster baccarum“). Nature London Vol. 94 p. 115—116. [Given sexual female produces either only male-producing or only female-pro- ducing parthenogenetic offspring. Grandchildren of same sex.] 2102 8 Doncaster, L. 11.56 : 57.92 Neuroterus 1916. Gametogenesis and Sex-Determination in the Gall-Fly, Neuroterus lenticularis (Spathegaster baccarum). — Part III. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. 183-200, 2 pls., 1 fig. [No certain cytological evidence of maturation differences in correlation wıth male-producing and female-pro- ducing offspring.] 59 Brèthes, Jean. 11.56 : 57.96 1915. Sur les formes sexuelles de deux Dolichodérines. Anal. Mus. nas cion. Hist. nat. Buenos Ayres T. 26 p. 231—254, 4 figg. [Dorymyrmex planidens et Forelius nigriventris.] 0 Mann, William M. 11.56 : 57.97 Dasymutilla 1915. A Gynandromorphous Mutillid from Montana. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 94.) Psyche Vol. 22 p. 178—180, 1 fig. [Dasymutilla euchroa.] 41 Bischoff, H. 11.56 : 57.97 Myrmosa 1913. Ein interessanter Hymenopterenzwitter. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. Bd. 9 p. 53—54, 3 figg. [Myrmosa melanocephala.] 42 Pickel, Otto. 11.56 : 57.99 1914. Zur Geschlechtsbestimmungsfrage bei den Hymenopteren, insbe- sondere bei der Honigbiene. Biol. Centtalbl. Bd. 34 p. 719—745, 749— 800, 1 fig. — Berichtigungen. p. 802. [Befruchtung allein nicht mass- gebend.] | ) 3 von Engelhardt, V. 11.56 : 57.99 Apis 1914. Ueber den Bau der gynandromorphen Bienen (Apis mellifica L.). Zeitschr. wiss. Iusektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 161—167, 215—222, 9 fige. 44 Boveri, Th. 11.56 : 57.99 Apis 1915. Ueber die Entstehung der Evsster’schen Zwitterbienen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 264—311, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Durch sogen. partielle Befruchtung.) 21025 Nachtshkeim, Hans. 11.56 : 07.99 Apis 1915. Die Evester’schen Zwitterbienen und ihre Entstehung. Nat. Wo- Physiologia 72 chenschr. Bd. 30 p. 769—777, 15 figg. — Turonor Boverr + pm 77% [Entstehung aurch partielle Befruchtung.] | 21.246 Morgan, T. H. 11.56 : 57.99 Apis nn The Euester Gynandromorph Bees. Natural. Vol, 50 p. 39 TER >» 47 Pittet, [Leon]. 11.506 : 7.55 1914. Contribution à l’etude de la répartition des sexes chez les pois- sons. Bull. Soc. fribourg. Sc. nat. Vol, 22 p. 41—42. 48 Herrmann und Christian Brüning. 11.56 : 7.57 Pterophyllum 1916. Geschlechtsunterschiede bei Pterophyllum scalare. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 177—179, 3 figg. | 49 Vutskits, György. 11.56 : 7.58 Lucioperca 1915. A kösüllö faji bélyegei és a fogassüllö ivari kétalaküsäga, Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 14 p. 197—207, 2 figg. — Ueber die Artmerkmale von Lu- Baperte volgensis und den Sexualdimorphismus von Lucioperca sandra. p. 7 50 Mertens, Rob. 11.56 : 81.1 Lacerta . 1915. Das Zahlenverhältnis der Geschlechter bei Lacerta serpa typ. und Er on subsp. quadrilineata. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 6 p. 28 51 Te H. D. 11.56 : 82 1914. Dependence of Secondary Sex-Characters on the Germ:giand in Poultry. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 12 p. 101—102. 84.1, 86 52 Manommnkopb, X. Schaposchnikov, Ch. 11.56 : 82 1914. Bozsmoxxoe 3RayeHie TAKE Ha3bIBAeMbIXB ,ÿKpalieHiä* y HBKOTOPBIXD ITHNB („DoeBaa okpacka“)., HapbcrTia KaBkask. Mys. Bull. Mus. Caucase js 8 p: 19—35. [Le sens probable des ornements sexuels chez quelques seaux.] 85.1, 86, 88.1 210253 Horn Yuta, 11.56 : 86 Gallus 1915. Zum Studium des Stimmorgans beim Kapaun. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 14 p. 475—488, 4 Taf. ([Jugendliches Aussehen der Gewebe. Kleinheit des Stimmorgans.] 54 Duncker, Georg. 11,56 : 9 1915. Die Frequenzverteilung der Geschlechtskombinationen bei Mehr- linggeburten des Menschen und des Schweins. Eine biostatistische Untersuchung. Biol. Centratbl. Bd. 35 p. 806—539. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208861.) 9.73,.9 55 Young, R. T. 11,57 1916. Some experiments on protective coloration. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol, 20 p. 457—506, 3 pis., 8 figg. [Protective resemblance is effective in protecting motionless animals from attacks by caged birds Stillness probably of more importance than color.] 56 Grabe, Albert. 11.57 : 54.81 1915. Melanismus. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 55-54. 57.85,.86 57 King, Helen Dean, and J. M. Stotsenburg. 11.56 : 9.32 Mus 1915. On the Normal Sex Ratio and the Size of the Litter in the Albino Rat (Mus norvegicus albinus), Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 403—420, 1 fig. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209063.) 58 Pearl, Raymond, and Frank M. Surface. 11.56 : 9.735 Bos 1915. Sex Studies. VII. On the Assumption of Male Secondary Cha- racters by a Cow with Cystic Degeneration of the Ovaries. (Pap. biol. Lab. No. 82.) 31st ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper, Stat. Bull. No. 237 p. 65—80, 3 pls. [No corpora lutea formed. Rôle of luteal internal secretion in maintaining in full development female secondary sex cha- rac{ers.] 210259 Ewing, H. E. 11.57 : 57.68 Rhynchites 1915. A Case of Persistent Melanism. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 224—228, [Rhynchites pullatus n. sp. sive var, (bicolor).] 1h 73 Physiologia N | apa: de Meijere, J. C. H. 11.87 : 51,4 1915. Over de teekening der Dipteren-vleugels. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 58 | p. XXX VIII —XLIL 57. LTÉE 61 Slevogt, U. D. B. 11.57 : 57.83 1912. Scheinbare und wirkliche Farbenveränderungen bei RAR PESTE Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 8 p. 188—189. 97.86,.8 62 Stichel, H. 11.945957 “ Cucullia 1913. Melanismus bei Cucullia artemisiae Hurx. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. Bd. 9 p. 381. 63 Reinberger. 11.57 : 57.88 Mimas 1913. Zur Färbung des Lindenschwärmers (Mimas tiliae L.). Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 511—312. 64 Fischer, E 11.57 : 57,89 Argynnis 1915. Eine schwarze Aberration von Argynnis paphia — valesina Ese. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 30 p. 48—49. [n. forma eudora durch Frost-Experi- ment erhalten.] 65 Reinberger, J. 11.57 : 57.89 Papilio 1912. Zur Dunkelfärbung von Papilio machaon L, Zeitschr. wiss. In- sektenbiol. Bd. 8 p. 234-235, 358. 66 Bethune-Baker, G. T. 11.57 : 57.89 Ruralidae 1914. The Scales of the Ruralidae, with some Observations on their Colour Problems. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1913 p. CXLII—CXCIII, 67 Girault, A. A. 11.57 : 57.92 Chalcididae 1915. The Occurrence of Striking Peculiarities of Pattern in Unrelated Chaleidoid Hymenoptera. Entom. News Vol. 26 p. 417—418, 68 .v. Natzmer, 6. 11.57 : 57.96 1913. Variationserscheinungen bei den Ameisen, Zeitschr. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 132—133. 69 Latter, Oswald ki, 11.57 : 57.88 Vespa 1914. Clypeal Markings of Queens, Drones and Workers ot Vespa vul- garis. Biometrika Vol. 10 p. 201—207, 1 fig. 210270 Mertens, Rob. 11.57.36 1915. Albinismus und Melanismus bei Amphibien und Reptilien. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde, Jahrg. 12 p. p. 602—605, 78—81.3 71 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 11.57 : 7.5 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza di forme di metacromatisıno osservate in pesci raccolti nella laguna di Venezia. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 68 Pt. 2 p. 113—115. 7.53,.55 72 Longiey, W. H. 11.57. 3.45 1915. Coloration of Tropical Reef Fishes. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst, Washington p. 208. 7.57, 58 73 Murisier, P. 11.57 : 7.5 1915. La signification biologique de l’argenturè des poissons. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 50 Proc.-Verb. p. 95—97. [Adaptation à la vie pélagique.] 1.09 74 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 11.57 : 7.55 Anguilla 1905/07. Nota sopra un caso di metacromatismo nell’ Anguilla. Att. Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 64 Pt. 2 p. 1347. — Nota sopra un’esemplare d’Anguilla di uno spiccato metacromatismo, regalata alle coliezioni dell’ Istituto dal Sign. Avv. G. B. VorroLma. T. 67 Pt. 1 p. 65—66. 75 Festa, Enrico. 11.57 : 7,55 Barbus 1915. Un caso di icterismo nel Barbus plebejus, Varenciennxs. Boll. Mus, Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 696, 2 pp. 76 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 11.57 : 7.56 Pleuronectes 1968. Nota sopra una forma di metacromatismo osservata in un esem- plare di Pleuronectes italicus, Günrx. preso nella Laguna di Venezia. Atti 210277 Reighard, Jacob. 11.57 : 7,58 Haemulon 1915. A Peculiar Color Display in the Yellow Grunt. Copeia No. 22 p. 33— 39. Physiologia 74 210273 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 11.57 : 7.588 Lophius 1908. Sopra l’anormale colorazione della pelle, osservata in un’esemplare mutilato di Lophius piscatorius, proveniente dalle pescherie di Arcachon. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 68 Pt. 2 p. 43—45. ‘9 Deckert, Richard F. 11.57 : 78 Rana 1915. An Albino Pond Frog. Copeia No. 24 p. 53—54. 80 Banta, Arthur M., and Ross Aiken Gortner. 11.57 : 79 Spelerpes 1915. An Albino Salamander. Spelerpes bilineatus. Proc. U. S. nation. Kammerer, Paul. 11.57 : 81.1 Lacerta 1915. Die Schwarzfärbung der Inseleidechsen und ein neuer Erklärungs- SRE von Roserr Mertens. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrz. 26 p. 82 Mertens, Rob. 11.57 : Si.1 Lacerta 1915. Das Zustandekommen des Farbkleides der Mauereidechsen. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 12 p. 498—499. QD pus 83 Bangs, Outram. 11.57 : 82 1915. Notes on Dichromatic Herons and Hawks. Auk N. S. Vol. 32 p. 481—484. 83.4, 89.1 84 Beichling, Hermann. 11.57 : 82 1915. Die Flügelfederkennzeichen der nordwestdeutschen Vögel. Journ. Ornith. Jahrg. 63 p. 229—267, 305—340, 513—548, 7 Taf. 83.1—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9—89.7 55 Swynnerton, C. F. M. 11.57 : 82 1915/16. ‘The Coloration of the Eggs of Birds and of the Mouths of Nestlings. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 35 p. 108—110. — Note by Stuart Barker. pe 110—111. — On the Coloration of the Mouths and Eggs of Birds. I. The Mouths of Birds. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 264—294, 1 pl, 1 fig. 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9 85 Baxter, Evelyn V., and Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul. 11.57 : 84.1 Bucephala 1916. Some Notes on the Eclipse Plumage of the Young Male Goldeneye. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 93—94. 210257 Ingram, Collingwood. 11.57 : 84.2 Sterna 1916. The difference in the colour-pattern of nestlings of the Common and Lesser Ternes. Bull. Brit. Orrith. Club Vol. 36 p. 68—70. 58 Ticehurst, Claude B. 11.57 : 88.1 Loxia 1915. On the Plumages of the Male Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Ibis (10) Vol. 3 p. 662—669. 59 Angelini, @. 11.57 : 88.1 Miliaria 1915. Strana anomalia di piumaggio in una Miliaria calandra L. Boll. 50 Rieder, Fritz. 11.57 : 88.1 Turdus 1916. Albinotische Amsel. Ornitli. Beobachter Jahrg. 13 p. 62. 91 Heiser, Victor G., and Rafael Villafranca. 11.57 : 9.9 1913. Albinism in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 8 B p. 493—497, 7 tables, 1 pl. 423 Jenks, A. E. 11.57 : 9.9 1916. The Failure and Revival of the Process of Pigmentation in the Human Skin. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 164—167, 1 fig. [Progressive character.] 33 Poulton, E. B.. 11.58 : 57.54 Dysdercus 1915. A Family raised by W. A. Lamsorn from Parents belonging to Two Forms of West African Pyrrhocorid Bugs. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1914 p. LXXVII. [Dysdercus melanoderes X D. superstitiosus.] 210234 Foot, Katharine, and E. C. Strobell. 11.58 : 57.54 Euschistus 1914/15. Results of Crossing Euschistus variolarius and Euschistus servus With reference to the Inheritance cf an Exclusively Male Character. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 32 p. 337—813, 7 pls., 2 figg — Results of Crossing two Hemipterous Species, with reference to the In- 75 Physiologia heritance of two Exclusively Male Characters, p. 457—493, 7 pls. [Euschistus variolarius X E. servus.] 210295 Bandermann, F. 11.58 : 57.87 Lymantria 1916. Rassenmischlinge von Lymantria hybr. dispar >< japonica. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 11—12. 96 Dannenberg. 11.58 : 57.88 1913/14. Stammbaumfragen der Smer. ocellata L.- und Am. populi L.- Gruppe. — Zwei neue sekundäre Bastarde dieser Gruppen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 239—242, 294—300. — Ein neuer Smerin- thus-Bastard. Bd. 10 p. 213—215. [Amorpha populi austauti J >< Sme- rinthus plana 9 = n. hybr. bertae.] 97 John, Kurt. 11.58 : 57.88 1914. Ueber einige neue Sphingidenbastarde. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. BG. 10 p. 63—67, 6 figg. [3 nn. hybr.] 98 Turati, E. 11.58 : 57.88 Deilephila 1912. Incroci e reincroci tra la Deilephila dahlii H. G. e la D. euphorbiae L. (Kreuzungen und Rückkreuzungen zwischen Deilephila dahlii H. G. und D. euphorbiae L.) Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 8 p. 313—316, 345 —348, 3 figg. [10 nn. hybr.] 99 Ehinger, K. 11.58 : 57.85 Deilephila 1915. Meine Hybridenzuchten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 pe 14—75, 84, 92. 210300 Dannenberg. 11.58 : 57.88 Smerinthus 1912. Smerinthus ocellata ocellata L. 9" X S. ocellata atlantica Aust. 2 und die reciproke Gegenkreuzung, mit Ausblick auf das verwandtschaft- liche Verhältnis von Sıner. ocellata atlantica Arsır. zu Smer. ocellata ocellata L. und zur Smer. populi-Gruppe. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 8 p. 27—31. [n. Hybr. gertrudis.] 01 Szulczewski, A. 11.58 : 57.99 Bombus 1916. Ein Fall von Kreuzung zwischen zwei Hummelarten. Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg 22 Heft 3 p. 29—31. [Bombus muscorum x terrestris.] 210302 Brüning, Christian. 11.58 : 7.55 Cyprinidae 1916. Der „schwarze“ Xiphophorus. Eine Kreuzungsgeschichte. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 117—120, 9 figg. [Platypoecilus maculatus var. pulchra >< Xiphophorus helleri.] 03 Moore, Robert Thomas. 11.58 : 88.1 Vermivora 1916. Another Hybrid Warbler from Northern New Jersey. Auk N. 8. Vol. 33 p. 202—203. [Vermivora chrysoptera X pinus.] 04 Philiptschenko, Inr. 11.58 : 9 1915. Sur les crânes de quelques hybrides entre des espèces sauvages et domestiques. (Réuv. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 636—638. 9.725,.735 05 °° 11.58 : 9.32 Lepus 1915. Zur Leporidenfrage. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 12 p. 159—160. [Bastarde.] 06 Iwanow, E., und Jur. Philiptschenko. 11.58 : 9.735 Bovidae 1916. Beschreibung von Hybriden zwischen Bison, Wisent und Hausrind im Tierpark Askenia-Nova des Herrn F. E. Fırz-Feın. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungsiehre Bd. 16 p. 1—48, 22 figg. 07 Boecker, Eduard. 11.59 : 37.1 Hydra 1915. Ueber eine dreiköpfige Hydra, nebst einer Bemerkung über den Sitz der Hoden bei H. vulgaris Par. (—arisea D.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 607 —610. 210305 Semmill, James F. 11.59 : 39.3 Luidia 1915. Twin Gastrulae and Bipinnariae of Luidia sarsi, Düren, and KorEn. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 10 p. 577—588, 3 pls. (Ab- stract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205307.) Physiologia 76 210309 Foster, Winthrop D. 11.59 : 51.21 1915. Two New Cases of Polyradiate Cestodes, with a Summary of the Cases Already Known. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 7-19, 3 figg. 10 Korscheit, E. 11.59 : 51.6 1915. Peculiarities of Earthworms. Compound Forms That Are Hard to Explain. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 79 p. 23, 2 figg. [Translated from Umschau.] 11 Perrine, C. D. 11.59 : 6 1915. A Chicken with Four Legs. Science N, S. Vol. 42 p. 90. — Ani- mal Malforinations, by D. S. Laws. p. 189, [Dipyges in birds and mam- mals.] 84.1, 86, 9.74 12 Werber, E. I. 11.59 : 7.55 1915/16. Further Experiments Aiming at the Control of Detective and konstrous Development. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 240—241. [Change in osmotic pressure and toxicity of medium respon- sibie for blastolysis.] — Blastolysis as a morphogenetic factor in the development of monsters. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 258—262. [Artificial production of monsters in fish by treatment with butyric acid and acetone explained as blastolysis.] 13 Bürgi, Oskar. 11.59 : 9.725 1915. Ueber angeborene Spaltbildungen des Kopfes. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkde. Bd. 57 p. 261—271, 1 fig. 11.6 Generatie, Regeneratio. (Vide etiam: 210002, 210005—210007, 210013, 210014, 210016, 210020, 210021.) 210314 East, E. M. 11.6 1915. An Interpretation of Self-Sterility. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 95—100. [Studied in plants with reference to case of Ciona. Small differences in germ plasm constitution stimulating growth of pollen tube.] 49,3 15 Child, €. M. 11.6 1916. The Basis of Physiological Individuality in Organisms. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 511—523. 11.64,.65,.66,.69 16 Conklin, Edwin 6. 11.6 1916. The Basis of Individuality in Organisms from the Standpoint of Cytology and Embryology, Science N. 8. Vol. 43 p. 523—527. 11.64,.65,.66 17 Thanpeen D’Arcy W. 11.6 : 31 1915. S. T. Cozrringe and the Immortality of the Protozoa. Nature London Vol. 34 p. 562. i 13 Hogue, Mary J. 116 : 31.1 Amoeba 1914. Studies in the Life Lie of an Amoeba of the Limaæ group. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 154—163, 3 Taf. 19 Carter, Lucy Agnes. 11.6 : 31.1 Amoeba 1915. The Cyst of Amoeba proteus. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol, 19 p. 204—212, 1 pl. 20 Mackinnon, Doris L. 11.6 : 31.6 1915. Studies on Parasitic Protozoa. III (a) Notes on the Flagellate Embadomonas. (b) The Multiplication ru of a Trichomastigine. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 105—118, 1 pl. [Division, encystment and affinities of E.] 210321 de Zulueta, Antonio, 11.6 : 31.6 Dinenympha __ 1915. Sobre la Reproducciôén de Dinenympha gracilis Lex. Trabajos Mus. nac. Cienc. nat. Madrid Ser. zool. No. 23, 25 pp. 1 Läm., 6 figg. @ 77 Physiologia 210322 Kofoid, Charles Atwood, and Elizabeth B. Christiansen. 11.6 : 31.6 Giardia 1915. On the Life-History of Giardie. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 547—502, 1 fig. |Binary and multiple fission in both free and encyst- ed stage. Mitosis. Maturation in so-called conjugation cysts.] 23 Cavina, Cesare. 11.6 : 31.6 Spirochaete 1915. Morfologia e riproduzione della Spirochaeta pallida (ScHAuDinn) e loro importanza nella evoluzione clinica della sifilide nell’uomo. Mor- gagni Anno 57 Pie. 2 Riv. p. 625—654, 5 figg. [Rivista sintetica.] 94 Franea, €. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1908. Le cycle évolutif des Trypanosomes de la Grenouille. Remarques à propos du travail de MM. W. S. Parron & C. Srricxcanp. Arch, Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 2 p. 381—384, 25 França, C. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1968. Le cycle évolutif des Trypanosomes de la Grenouille (7° costatum, T. rotatorium et T. inopinatum). Arch, Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 2 p. 89—93, 3 figg. 26 França, C. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1908. Le Trypanosome de l’Anguilie (7, granulosum Laveran & Mesnır). Arch. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 2 p. 113—121, 1 pl., 12 figg. [Multiplication.] 27 Woodeock, H. M. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1914. On the Occurrence in certain cases of a definite transmissive phase of a Trypanosome in the Vertebrate host. Arch. Pretistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 197—198. [Observations overlooked by NöLLer.] 28 Coles, Alfred €. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1915. Muitiplication-forms of Trypanosoma lewisi in the Body of the Rat. Parasitoiogy Vol. S p. 184—189, 2 pls. 210329 Erdwann, Rh. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1915. The Life Cycle of Trypanosoma brucei in the Rat and in Rat Plas- ma. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol, 1 p. 504—512, 7 figg. [Latent round forms and crithidia-like forms outside the invertebrate host.] 30 Franca, Carlos. 11.6 : 51.6 Trypanosoma 1915. Le Trypanosoma inopinatum. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 1—12, 1 pl. [Culture. Relation ontogénétique entre Tr. inopinatum, elegans et undulans.] 31 Minchin, E. A. 11.6 : 31.6 Trypanosoma 1915. The Development of Trypanosomes in the Invertebrate Host. * Rep. 84th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 404. [Constant and uniform part of cycle (crithidial) and inconstant and variable part.] 32 Russo, Achille. 11.6 : 31.7 Cryptochilum 1914, Sul ciclo di sviluppo dei Cryptochilum echini Mauras. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mem. 19, 10 pp:, 1 tav. ([Coniuga- zione principale (gameti diversi) e coniugazioni accessorie (gameti im- puri).] 11.66 33 Calkins, Gary N. 11.6 : 31.7 Didinium 1915. Didinium nasutum. I. The life history. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 225—240, 1 pl., 4 figg. [Feeding habits, structure of proboscis and. seizing organ, structures of endoplasm, conjugation and encystment.] 11.66 34 Brumpt, E. 11.6 : 31.7 Opalina. 1915. Cycle évolutif des Opalines. Bull. Soc. Path, exot. T. 8 p. 397 — 404. ÿ 35 Caullery, M., et F. Mesnil. 11.6 : 31.7 Trichodina. 1915. Sur Trichodina patellae Cuénor. (Symbiose avec des zooxanthelles, structure, division, conjugaison.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 674— 677, 14 figg. [Anisogamie.] 11.64,.66 210336 Root, F. M. 11.6 : 31,75 Podophyra 1914. Reproduction and Reactions to food in the Suctorian, Podophyra. collini n. sp. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 164—196, 11 figg. Physiologia 78 210337 Strickland, C. 11.6 : 31.91 Agrippina 1915. The Nuclear Changes in pe bona SrxkicxLanp. Parasitology Vol. 7 p. 380—382. [Comparison of author’s account with that of Lewın. Karyosome in young trophozoite a close-wound skein. Chromatin in spherules. Disappearance of nucleus in cyst.] _ 38 Léger, L., et 0. Duboscq. 11.6 : 31.91 Spirocystis 1914/15. Sur une nouvelle Schizogrégarine à stades épidermiques et à spores monozoiques. Ann. Univ. Grenoble T. 26 p. 187—189. [Spirocystis nidula.] — Etude sur Spirocystis nidula Léa. et Dos. Schizogrégarine du Lumbriculus variegatus Müzr. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 199—211, 1 pl., 4 figg. [Cycle évolutif. 39 Stevenson, À, C. 11.6 : 31.92 Klossiella 1915. Klossiella muris. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 127—135, 1 pl. [Schizogony.] 40 Franca, C. 11.6 : 31.926 Haemogregarina 1908. Quelques notes sur l’Haemogregarina splendens (Laser). Arch. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 2 p. 123—151, 1 pl., 12 figg. [Pro- cessus de multiplication.] 41 Perekropoff, 6. J. 11.6 : 31.926 Plasmodium 1914. Ueber Kulturen der Plasmodien des tropischen Fiebers (Malaria tropica). Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 138—153, 3 Taf. [Entwicklungs- phasen.] 42 Brug, S. L. 11.6 : 31.95 Octosporea 1914. Octosporea monospora (Cuarron U. Krewrr). Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 127—138, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Vegetative Formen. Sporenbildung. Reifung der Sporen.] 43 Hargitt, Chas. W. 11.6 : 37.1 1915. Regenerative Potencies of Dissociated Cells of Hydromedusae. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 370—384. [Massing of cells to mo- rula-like embryo, encystation, polyp formation with some species, not with others.] — (Amer. Soc. 2 rc N. S. Vol. 41 p. 439. 11.64,.6 210344 Springer, Fritz. 11.6 : 57.71 Miastor 1915. Ueber den Polymorphismus bei den Larven von Miastor metra- loas. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 57—118, 2 Taf. [Typisch pädo- genetische Larve entsteht unter Lichtabschluss. Unter Lichteinwirkung entstehen Wanderer und Puppenlarven (letztere aus Puppenmüttern).] 45 Kirkham, W. B. 1i.6 : 9.32 Mus 1916. The prolonged gestation period in nursing mice. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat, Record Vol. 10 p. 219. [Largely due to delayed implan- tation.] 45 Cutler, D. W., and L. Doncaster. 11.6 : 9.74 Felis 1915. On the Sterility of the Tortoise-shell Tom Cat. Journ. Genetics Vol. 5 p. 65—73, 1 pl. [Large proportion infertile. Abnormal hereditary constitution.] 47 Wedekind, W. 11.62 1915/16. Die hermaphroditische Zusammensetzung der Partheno-Eier. Zooi. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 126—141. — Berichtigung. p. 256. [Jedes Lebe- wesen ein versteckter Zwitter, wobei das unterdrückte Geschlecht die Fortpflanzungstoffe liefert. Partheno-Eier zwittrig mit vorwiegend männ- lichem oder weiblichen Charakter.] 48 Nachtsheim, Hans. 11.62 : 31.7 1915. Parthenogenese bei Infusorien. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 30 p. 519 —524, 2 figg. [Nach Woopkrurr.] 210349 Delage, Y., et M. Goldsmith. 11.62 : 39.5 1915. Le tannin et le sucre dans la Parthénogénèse des Oursins. Ré- ponse à Dororay Jorpan Lroyv. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 306, 11 pp. [Les auteurs n’admettent pas qu’il soit une simple question d’hy- pertonie du véhicule sucré.] 79 Physiologia 210350 Dustin, A. P. 11.62 : 39.5 | 1915. Le procédé de parthénogenèse expérimentale de DeLaGe et son mode d'application. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 336—359 [Rôle essentiel non seulement du tannate d’ammoniaque, mais aussi des sels de l’eau de mer. 51 Morris, Margaret. 11.62 : 4.1 Cumingia 1916. Artificial parthenogenesis in Cumingia. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 228. [Use of heat followed by hypertonic sea- water.] 52 v. Dalla Torre, K. W. 11.62 : 57.8 1916. Die Erforschungsgeschichte der Parthenogenesis bei den Schmet- terlingen. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 25 p. 101—118. 53 Wasmann, E. 11.62 : 57.96 1916. Nachtrag zum Mendelismus bei Ameisen. (219. Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Myrmekophilen.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 561—564. [Entsteh- ung der Männchen eus unbefruchteten Eiern häufig beobachtet, wohl re- gelmässiger Vorgang. Bedeutung für Mendelismus.] 54 McClendon, J. F. 11.62 : 78 Rana 1915. Pathenogenesis of the Frog’s Egg. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 622. [Momentary electric shock. Increase in permea- bility.] 55 Pavillard. 11.64 : 31.6 Peridinidae 1915. Accroissement et scissiparité chez les Péridiniens. (C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 160 p. 372—375, 2 figg. 56 Gravier, Ch. 11.64 : 36.6 Schizocyathus 1915. Note préliminaire sur {es Madréporaires recueillis au cours des croisières de la Princesse-Alice et de l’Hirondelle II, de 1893 à 1913 in- clusivement. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 304, 22 pp., 11 figg. — Sur un phenomene de multiplication par scissiparit& longitudinale chez un Madreporaire (Schizocyathus fissilis an): C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 160 p. 103—105. 210357 Boecker, E. 11.64 : 37.1 Hydra 1915. Zur Biologie der Hydra. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 12 p. 575—576. — Nochmals zur Biologie der Hydra, von Frienr. Kau- MERZELL. P. 18—19. 58 Prell, Heinrich. 11.65 : 34 1915. Zur Kenntnis der Gemmulae bei marinen Schwämmen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 97—116, 14 figg. [Ausbildung in präformierten Hohlräumen. Histologischer Bau.] 34.2—.4 59 Eichenhauer, Ernst. 11.65 : 34.4 Donatia 1915. Die feineren Bauverhältnisse bei der Knospenentwicklung der Donatien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 360—377, 21 figg. 60 March, Lucie M. 11.65 : 37.1 Corymorpha 1915. A Study of Germ Cells of Corymorpha palma. (Contrib. zool. Lab, No. 217.) Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 247—258, 3 »ls. "[Including development of medusa bud with „glockenkern“. Early migration of germ cells from ectoderm into entoderm and then into „glockenkern“ (17—32 cells).] 61 Braem, F. 11.65 : 47.1 Paludicella 1914. Die Knospung von Paludicella. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Arch. Hy- drobiol. Planktonkde. Bd. 9 p. 527—548, 3 Taf., 6 figg. 62 Lillie, Frank R. 11.66 1916. The History of the Fertilization Problem. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 39—53. [3-body reaction between sperm-receptors, fertilizin and egg- receptors.] 210358 Lipschütz, Alexander. 11.66 : 31.7 1915. Der Ursprung des Geschlechts. (Untersuchungen von Wooprurr und Erpyaxx, New-Haven. U. S. N. A.) Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 30 p. 417 Physiologia 80 —495 7 figg. [tolle der Konjugation bei Infusorien. Ausschaltung der Wirkungen einer Ueberladung mit Stoffwechselprodukten. Ableitung von der Endomixis.] 210364 Kaltenbach, R. 11.66 : 31.7 Ophrydiam 1915. Die Conjugation von Ophrydium versatile. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 67— 71, 8 figg. 65 Gray, James. 11.66 : 39 1915. Note on the Relation of Spermatozoa to Electrolytes and its bear- ing on the Problem of Fertilization. Quart. Journ. micr. Se. Vol. 61 p. 119—126. [Behaviour of spermatozoa towards ,agglutin“ identical with that towards a trivalent kat-ion.] 39.3,.5 66 Warburg, Otto. 11.66 : 39.5 1914. Zellstruktur und Oation seen kr nach Versuchen am Seeigelei. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 158 p. 189—208, 1 Taf., 1 fig. (Re- ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205815.) 67 Weisensee, Heinrich. 11.66 : 4,1 Anodonta 1916. Die Geschlechtsverhältnisse und der Geschlechtsapparat bei Ano- donta. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 262—335, 27 figg. [Bei A. cygnea sind die im Flusse lebenden Formen getrenntgeschlechtlich, die im Teich lebenden zwittrig. Vorkommen eines Reservoirs am Ausführungs- gang. Art der Befruchtung.] 65 Tretjakoff, D. 11.66 : 91.3 Ascaris 1914. Die intrauterine Umbildung der Spermien bei Ascaris, Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 85 Abt. 2 p. 135—203, 3 Taf., 1 tig. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 206118.) 69 Chappellier, A. 11.66 : 82 1915. Pendant combien de jours les spermatozoides gardent-ils leur pouvoir fécondateur, dans l’oviducte de la poule ou de la cane? C.R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 519—526. [Poule 10—18 jours, cane 7— 11 jours.] 84.1, 86- 210370 Correns, C. , 11.67 1916. Ueber den Unterschied von tierischem und pflanzlichem Zwitter- tum. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 12—24, 1 fig. [Zytologische Unter- suchung. Verhalten tierischer Zwitter nicht auf Verhalten gemischtge- schlechtiger höherer Pflanzen zu übertragen.] 711 Wasmann, E. 11.68 ; 57.62 Staphylinidae 1915. Neue Beiträge zur Biologie von Lomechusa und Atemeles, mit kri- tischen Bemerkungen über das echte Gastverhältnis. [205. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen.] Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 233—402, 2 Taf, 2 fisg. [Kritische Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit Jorpans (Anatomie, Histologie und Biologie). Physogastrie, Ent- wicklung der Symphilie, Fortpflanzung von Lomechusa. Eigene kritische Beiträge. Viviparität. Entwicklungsstände.] 72 Wasmann, E. 11.68 : 57.62 Staphylinidae 1915. Viviparität und Entwicklung von Lomechusa urd Atemeles (216. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Wien. entom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 34 p. 382—593. 73 Burrows, Montrose T. 11.69 1913. Grafting of Normal Tissues as Dependent on Zoological or Indi- vidual Affinity: Autoplastic, Isoplastic, Heteroplastic. Tissue Culture in Vitro. 17th internat. med; Congr. Sect. 3 p. 217—237, 7 figg. 74 Damm, 0. 11.69 1915. Lebende Magnete. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 333—335, 349—351, 8 figg. [Polarität bei Tieren.] 51.6, 78 210375 Rand, Herbert W. 11.69 : 36.5 1915. Wound Closure in Actinian Tentacles with Reference to the Prob- lem of Organization. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 159—214, 13 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205748.) 81 Physiologia 210376 Gravier, Ch. J. 11.69 : 36.6 1915. Sur les phénomènes de réparation après mutilation chez les Co- raux des grandes profondeurs sous-marines. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 160 p. 718—720. [Réparation incomplète, sans régulation. Plasticité sur- prenante.] à 77 Runnström, J. 11.09 : 39,5 1915. Analytische Studien über die Seeigelentwicklung. II. Arch. Entw.- Mech. Bd. 41 p. 1—56, 47 figg. [Regeneration und bilaterale Symmetrie. Polarität.] 78 Zucco Cucagna, Andraea, et Joseph Nusbaum-Hilarowicz. 11.69 : 4.36 Hermaea 1915. La régénération (restitution) chez Hermaea dendritica (A. et H.) (Nudibranches.) (Note préliminaire). Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 312, 4 pp. — Fragmente über Restitutior bei den Nudibranchiern, (Her- maea dendritica ALver et Hancock.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd, 41 p. 558— 578, 11 figg. [Regeneration von Körperteilen, die leicht abgeworfen werden können, sowie von solchen die nie spontan abgeworfen werden (also allgemeine biologische Funktion). Abhängigkeit von histologischen Eigentümlichkeiten.] 79 Hirschler, Jan. 11.69 : 49.3 Ciona 1914. Ueber die Restitutions- und Involutionsvorgänge bei operierten Exemplaren von Ciona intestinalis Frem. (Teil I) nebst Bemerkungen über den Wert des Negativen für das Potenzproblem. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 85 Abt. 2 p. 205—227, 6 figg. [Negatives nicht sicher und eindeutig zu verwerten.] 80 de Selys Longehamps, Marc. 11.69 : 49.3 Polycarpa 1915. Autotomie et régénération des visceres chez Polycarpa tenera Lacazx et Derace. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 160 p. 566-579. [Evisceration eutêtre renouvellement des glandes sexuelles épuisées).] 210381 Lloyd, Dorothy Jordan. 11.69 : 51.23 Gunda 1914. The [Influence of Osmotic Pressure Upon the Regeneration of Gunda ulvae Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 88 B p. 1—20, 16 figg. (Ab- stract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206095.) 82 Zweibaum, Jules. 11.69 : 51.23 Polycelis 1915. La regeneration des ovaires chez Polycelis nigra (Eurxns.). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 430—471, 2 pls. [Regeneration auf Kosten einer Keimzelle. Wirkung von Wärme, Lieht und salzigem Milieu.] 88 Hunt, H. R. 11.69 : 51.6 Enchytraeus 1915. Regeneration Posteriorly in inbhifrhales albidus Amer, Natural. Vol. 49 p. 495-503, 3 figg. [Regeneration between limits of 8 segments in front or behind cut. Rate seems to increase directly from posterior end to middle.] 84 Krizenecky, Jar. 11.69 : 57 1914. Analytische Bemerkungen über die Restitution der Insektenflügel. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 157 p. 326—336, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206468.) 85 Bordage, Edmond. 11.69 : 57.2 1915. Phénomènes histolytiques observés pendant la régénération des appendices chez certains Orthoptères. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 155—159, 1 fig. [Transformation graisseuse du tissu musculaire vraisem- blablement opérée par une enzyme.] — Sur les différences d’aspect du tissu adipeux produit par histolyse chez certains Orthoptères. p. a 252, 1 fig. [Transformation des nerfs en cordons adipeux.] 57.24,2 86 v. Ubisch, Leopold. 11.69 : 57.34 Cloe 1915. Ueber den Einfluss von Gleichgewichtsstörungen auf die Regene- rationsgeschwindigkeit. (Versuche an Cloe diptera.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 257—250. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206650.) 210387 Shelford, Victor E. 11.69 : 57.62 Cicindela 1915. Abnormalities and Regeneration in Cicindela. (Contrib. zool. Lab: Univ. Illinois No. 46.) Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol.8 p. 291—294, 1 pl. Zool. Bibliegr. XXX IX. 1916 6 Physiologia 82 210388 Verson, Enrico. 11.69 : 57.37 Bombyx 1905. Manifestazioni rigenerative nelle zampe toracali del D. mors, Atti ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 64 Pt. 2 p. 431—469. | 89 Salzer, Fritz. 11.69 : 6 1915. Vergleichend-anatomische Stüdien über die Regeneration und Wundheilung an der Hornhaut. Arch. Augenheilkde. Bd. «9 p. 61—98, 1 Taf., 12 figg. [Entstehung der Keratoblasten aus dem Epithel.] 7.55, 78, 79, 86,.5, 9.32 90 Schultz, Walther. 11.69: 6 1915. Parallele von Bastardierung und Transplantation und Rückschlüsse auf die Vererbung, besonders bei mendelnden und Geschlechtscharak- teren. (Hase, Kaninchenrassen, Ratte, Fasan, Moschusente, Mendeln und neugezüchtete Geschlechtscharaktere bei Girlitz >< Kanarie >< Kanarie.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 120—158, 2 Taf. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208001.) 84.1, 86, 88.1, 9.32 91 Clarke, William Cogswell. 11.69 : 6 1916. Experimental mesothelium. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 301—316, 11 figg. [Formation of flattened pavement cells on free surfaces of acciden- tal spaces. Possibility of regeneration of serous membranes and of cells lining blood vessels from deep connective tissue cells.] 86, 9.32,.74,.9 92 von Hansemann, D. 11.69 : G 1916. Bemerkungen über die Beziehungen der Bastardierung zur Trans- plantation. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 42 p. 126—127. [In Scauzrz Arch. Bd. 41 p. 120. Hinweis auf eigene Publikation: Descendenz und Patho- logie.] 93 Lupu, Helene. 11.69 : 7.59 Cobitis 1909. Regeneration de l’épithélium intestinal du Cobitis es. Ann, scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 182—247. 210394 baitsell, George A. 11.69 : 78 1916. The origin and structure of a fibrous tissue formed in wound healing. (Proc. Amar. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 175—176. [Direct transformation of fibrin net.] 95 :iooker. Davenport. 11.69 : 78 Rana 1915. Studies on Regeneration in the spinal cord. 1. An analysis of the processes leading to its reunion after it has been completely severed in frog embryos at the stage of closed neural folds. Journ. comp. Neu- rol. Vol. 25 p. 469—495, 8 fizg. [Elements entering into regenerated portion of cord derived entirely from original cord. Connective tissue and epidermis not concerned.] 96 Dürken, Bernhard. 11.69 : 78 Rana 1916. Das Verhalten transplantierter Beinknospen von Æana fusca und die Vertretbarkeit der Quelle des formativen Reizes. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 58—128, 3 Taf., 12 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208342.) 97 Hooker, Davenport. 11.69 : 78 Rana 1916. Some results from reversing a portion of the spinal cord end for end in frog embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 198—199. [Complete fusion. Even where this failed, fair coordination in swimming reflexes (possibility of early mechanical, non-nervous coordi- nation).] 98 Burr, H. Saxton. 11.69 : 79 Amblystoma 1916. The regeneration of the forebrain of Amblystoma. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.\ Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 188—189. [Regeneration from epen-- dyma, Connection with functional end organ necessary.] 99 Harrison, Ross G. 11.69 : 79 Amblystoma 1916. On the reversal of laterality in the limbs of Amblystoma embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 197—198. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208353.) 210400 en Eduard. 11.69 : 79 Salamandra 1915. Are Function and Functional Stimulus Factors in Producing and \ Ä 83 Physiologia Preserving Morphological Structure? Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 138—147. [Complete regeneration of transplanted eye of Sa/amandra, | even in the dark.] 210401 Nageotte, J. 11.69 : 9 1915. Développement de la gaine de myéline dans les nerfs périphéri- ques en voie de régénération. Ü. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 611—614, 1 fig. [Gaine de myéline est un grain de sécrétion composé, à structure très complexe, dont l’enveloppe reste formée de substance mitochondriale.] 02 Nageotte, J. 11.69 : 9 1916. Substance collagène et névroglie dans la cicatrisation des nerfs. C. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 79 p. 322—327, 4 figg. [Cloisonnement des travées névrogliques. Envahissement des cloisons par substance colla- gène.] 9.32,.74 03 Valle, Vittorio. 11.69 : 9.32 1900. Annotazioni intorno alla rigenerazione dei muscoli volontarii. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Leit. Arti T. 59 Pte. 2 p. 677-681. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208952.) 04 Durante, L. 11.69 : 9.32 1915. Histopathologie de la replantation cérébrale partielle. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 63 p. 26—32. [Substance nerveuse cérébrale ne possède aucune aptitude à la replantation.] 05 Hanke, Viktor. 11.69 : 9.32 1915. Studien über die Regeneration des Hornhautgewebes und die wahre Natur der Keratoblasten. Arch. Ophthalm. Bd; 89 p. 350—385, 3 Taf. [Keratoblasten stammen von den mesodermalen fixen Hornhaut- körperchen ab. Beteiligung des Endothel der Descemet am Aufbau des neuen Hornhautgewebes.] 210405 Nageotte, J. 11.69 : 9.32 1915. Troubles apportés à la croissance des neurites, dans les cicatrices nerveuses, par certaines modifications provoquées de la névroglie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 679—683, 3 figg. [Hypertrophie provoquée des travées névrogliques gêne sensiblement pénétration des neurites et exerce action néfaste sur myélinisation.] 07 Nageotte, J. | 11.69 : 9.32 1915. Action à distance exercée par les macrophages sur le developpe- ment des travées névrogliques et sur la myélinisation des neurites dans les cicatrices nerveuses. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 711—714, 2 figg. [Changement de l’évolution morphologique des éléments nerveux sous l'influence des ferments des macrophages agissant sur le métabolisme de certains lipoïdes.] 08 Greenman, J. 11.69 : 9,32 1916. Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves. (Phila. neurol. Soc; Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 43 p. 62—68. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208870.) 09 Bassani, Enrico. 11.69 : 9.32 Lepus 1912. Ricerche sulla riparazione delie ferite delle sinoviali articolari del coniglio. Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 211—232, 2 tav. [Strati super- ficiale e profondo assumono caratteri di un connettivo a tipo embrio- nale.] 10 Pezzolini, Pietro. 11.69 : 9.74 1901. Sugli innesti cutanei alla Krausz. Ricerche istologiche. (Nota preventiva). Atii Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 587—590, (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208864.) ıl Retterer, Ed., et S. Voronoff. 11.69 : 9.74 1915. Evolution des greffes articulaires. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 8 p. 705—708. [Au bout de 5 mois dans une phase de dégénérescence.] 210412 Voronoff, >. 13.69 : 9.74 1915. Contribution expérimentale à l'étude des greffes articulaires. €, R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 700—701. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol, 29 No. 208869.) Physiologia 84 210413 Kirk, Edwin G., and Dean D. Lewis. 11.69 : 9.74 1916. Studies in peripheral nerve regeneration. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 216—217. |Myelin laid down in situ.] 11.7 Motus; Integumentum. (Vide etiam: 210005, 210007, 210009, 210010, 210014, 210018.) 14 Schultz, Eugen. 11.7 : 31.2 Astrorhiza 1915. Die Hyle des Lebens. I. Beobachtungen und Experimente an Astrorhizà limicola, Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 215—236, 4 Taf. (Re- ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 203554.) 15 Parker, 6. H. 11.7 : 36.5 1915. Locomotion in Actinians. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8. Vol. 41 p. 471. 16 Trappmann, Walther. 11.7 : 4.38 Helix 1916. Die Muskulatur von Helix pomatia L. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Locomotion unserer einheimischen Pulmonaten. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 489—585, 42 figg. [Locomotion beruht ausschliess- lich auf Arbeit von kontraktiler Muskulatur, die als longitudinal und transversal gerichtete Fasern die Sohle überspannt. Locomotionswelleng 11.75 17 Stellwaag, Friedrich. 11.7 : 57.65 Elateridae 1915. Das Springen der Schnelikäfer (Elateriden). Nat. Wocheuschr. Bd. 50 p. 635—637, 3 figg. [Nach Procanow.] 18 Thilo, Otto. 11.7 : 57.65 Semiotus 1914. The Mechanism of the Spring-Beetle. An Investigation of Its Method of Operation. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 78 p. 85, 4 figg. [From Umschau.] 210419 Wintrebert, P. . 11.7:6 1914. Sur le déterminisme des premiers mouvements et spécialement leur adaptation au volume et à la forme de l’œuf chez les vertébrés in- férieurs. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 76 p. 256—259 (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208001.) 7.31,.9, 79 20 Porstmann, W. 11.7: 7 1915. Ein Problem aus der physikalischen Zoologie: Einfluss physika- lischer Momente auf die Gestalt der Fische. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 267— 270, 284—286, 300—303, 7 figg. [Nach Hovssar.] 21 Arey, Leslie B. . 11,73 : 7.1 1915. The Orientation of Amphioxus during Locomotion. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 37—44. [Burrows in sand tail first. Normal orienta- tion in continued swimming is with anterior end in advance. Backward leaps possible.] 22 Hankin, E. H. 11.74 1914. Animal Flight. A Record of Observation. London: Iliffe & Sons 405 pp. 125. 64 (Review, Nature London Vol. 94 p. 172—174, 4 figg.) 57,33, 7.5, 84.2, 89.1 ; ; 23 Voss, Friedrich, 11.74 257 1914. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Flugwerkzeuge der In- sekten 2. Abhandlung. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Flügel- schlag und Flug der Insekten. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers: 24 p. 59 —90, 2 Taf. [Methodologisches. Frequenz, Amplitude, Flügelstellungen, Bahn des Flügelschlages.] 97.27,.29,.33,.34,.42,.45,.58,.54,.64,.66,.69,.71,.72,.82—.86,.88—.89,.98,.99 210424 A mans. 11.74 : 57.55 Cicada 1915. Sur le vol des Cigales. Bull. Acad. Sc. Lettr. Montpellier 1915 p. 183—192, 2 figg. [Excision de diverses parties des ailes.] 35 Physiologia 210425 Bay, 6. 11.74 3 57.64 Heliocopris | 1915. Le vol de l’Heliocopris isidis et l'Aviation. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 6 p. 144—149. 26 Ahlborn, Fr. 11.74: 7,5 ‘1916. Der Flugmechanismus der fliegenden Fische. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 368—381, 5 figg. [Exvcoetus und Dactylopterus. Brust- und Bauchflossen dienen beim Flug als passive Drachenflächen. Leben- dige Kraft vorher im Wasser gewonnen (Pfeilflug).] 1.95,.58 27 Dinelli, Luis. 11.74 : 82 1911. Estudio sobre el vuelo plano de las Aves. Posible Simplificaeiön de las mäquinas volantes. Fa pue cient. Argentina T. 72 p. 79—91. 8.9, 89.1 28 Stellwaag, F. 11.74 : 82.9 Archaeopteryx 1916. Das Flugvermögen von Archaeopteryx. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 pP» 33—4l, 10 figg. 29 Jordan, H. 11.75 : 39.6 '1914. Eine neue Art von Muskein. (Congr. intern. Fisiol). Arch, Fi- ie Firenze Vol. 12 p. 117. [Tonussperrmuskeln der Holothurien- aut.] 30 Jordan, Hermann. 11.75 : 39,6 1914. Ueber „reflexarme“ Tiere. IV. Die Holothurien. Erste Mitteilung. Die Holothurien als hohlorganartige Tiere und die Tonusfunktion ihrer Muskulatur. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. allg. Zool. Physiol. Bd. 34 p. 365—436, 9 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205840.) 81 Meigs, E. B. 11.75 : 4.1 Venus - 1914. The osmotic properties of clam’s muscle. (Amer. physiol. Soc.) Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 33 p. XXII—XXIIL fAdductor muscles nearly or quite impermeable to NaCl] 210432 Trendelenburg, Paul. 11.75 : 51 1915. Ueber die Wirkung des Santonins und seiner Derivate auf die Wurmmuskulatur, und Bemerkungen zur Wirkung des Oleum Chenopodii. Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd. 79 p. 190—217, 18 figg. [Starke Erregung der Wurmmuskulatur: Steigerung des Tonus, Zuckungen, Laktoncharak- ter.] 51.3,.6 33 Hoffmann, Paul. 11.75 : 53 1914. Die Hemmungs- und Förderungsfasern der Arthropodenmuskeln. Die Natarwissenschaften Jahrg. 2 p. 941—944. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206242.) 34 Spaeth, R. A. 11.76 1916. A disguised type of smooth muscle cell. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 244—245. [Melanophores.] 4.5, 7, 76, 81 35 Spaeth, Reynold A. 11.76 1916. Evidence proving the melanophore to be a disguised type of smooth muscle cell. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 193—215, 2 figg. [Morphological, embryological and physiological evidence relating to fish, amphibia and reptiles. In contraction, aggregation of melanin gra- nules comparable with that of colloidal particles during contraction in smooth muscle. Extension of conclusion to crustaceans and cephalo- pods.] ° | 4.58, 55, 7.55, 78, 79, 81 36 Piéron, Henri. 11.76 : 2 1914. Recherches sur le comportement chromatique des Invertébrés et en particulier des Isopodes. Buli. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 48 p. 30—79, 3 pls. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205485.) 53.71,.72,.83,.84 210437 Holt, A. 11.76 : 49.4 1915. The Colouring Matters of certain Marine Organisms. Rep. 84th Meet: Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 312. [Green pigment in Diazona and Synte- thys very similar to chlorophyl (symbiotic alga?).] Physiologia "86 210438 Holt, Alfred. 11.76 : 49.4 Diazona 1914. The Colouring Matters in the Compound Ascidian Diazona viola- cea, Savıcry. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 88 B p. 227—236, 1 fig. [Chlo- rophyll masking a violet pigment (dibromindigo ?), present in living ani- mal in reduced condition as chromogen.] 39 Künckel d’Herculais, J. . 11.76 : 57 1899. De la mue chez les insectes, considerée comme moyen de défense contre les parasites végétaux ou animaux. — Rôles spéciaux de la mue trachéale et de la mue intestinale. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 47 p. 100—103. 57.27 40 Willers, Wilhelm. 11.76 : 57 1916. Celluläre Vorgänge bei der Häutung der Insekten. Herausgegeben von Bernaarp Dürkex. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 116 p. 43—74, 1 Tat. 17 figg. [Bildung von Plasmavacuolen und deren Bedeutung für die 1. Chitinbildung. Beteiligung des Kerns. Häutungsdrüsen bei Lepidopteren.] 57.13,.24,.33,.67,.72,.89 41 Boyer, A. 11.76 : 57.15 Machilus 1913. La Mue chez un Thysanoure du genre Machilis. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 46 p. 92—98, 3 figg. 42 Macbride, E. W., and A. Jackson. 11.76 : 57.24 Carausius 1915. The Inheritance of Colour in the Stick-Insect, Carausius morosus. Proc. R, Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. 109—118, 2 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206571.) 48 Schäffer, C. 11.76 : 57.24 Dixippus 1915. Experimentelle Untersuchungen, betreffend Färbung und Farben- wechsel der Stabheuschrecke Prisomera amanrops (Dixippus morosus). Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 22 p. XLVII—XLIX. 44 Versou, Enrico. 11.76 : 57,87 Bombyx 1911. Le appendici ghiandolari del seritterio bombicino e il significato di esse nei processi esuviali. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 70 Pt, © Pe 363—372, 1 tav. 210445 Nehl, Fritz. 11.76 : 6 1914. Ueber den ists des Nervensystems auf den Pigmentgehalt der Haut. Zeitschr. klin. Med. Bd. 81 p. 182—196. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 208008.) 7, 76, 9.9 46 Banta, A. M., and R. A. Gortner. 11.76 : 79 1914/15. Inhibition of Pigmentation. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington No. 12 p. 108—109. — by A. M. Banra. No.13 p. 123. [Preven- tion of black pigment formation by phenols (inhibition of oxydation of tyrosin).] 47 Laurens, Henry. 11.76 : 79 Ambiystoma 1914/16. The reaction of the melanophores of Amblystoma larvæ. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 31—32. — The reactions of the mela- nophores of Amblystoma larvae. — The supposed influence of the pineal organ. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 237—261, 6 figg. (Abstract, vide _ B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208054, 208055.) 48 Barrows, H. R. 11.76 : 86 Gallus 1914. The Histological Basis of the Different Shank Colors in the Do- mestic Fowl. (Pap. biol. Lab. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. No. 72.) 30th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 232 p. 237 —252, 6 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208719.) 49 Schultz, Walther. 11.76 : 9.32 Lepus 1915. Schwarzfärben weisser Haare durch Rasur und die Entwicklungs- mechanik der Farben von Haaren und Federn. I. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 535-557, 1 Taf. [Nachahmung von Naturmustern bei Rassen- kaninchen.] 210450 Clarke, F. W., and W. C. Wheeler. 11.77 248 1915. The Composition of Brachiopod Shells. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 262—266. [2 groups, with CaCO; and little organic matter and “ with CasP20s and much organic matter] 87 Physiologia 210451 Pottorf, J. L. 11.77 : 9.74 Canis 1916. An experimental study of bene growth in the dog. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 234—235. [Limb bone relieved of stress and strain will increase in length at same rate, but thickness of compacta will be far less.] 11.8 Systema nervosum. (Vide etiam: 210010—210012, 210014, 210015.) 52 Hoffmann, Paul. 11.8 : 53.841 1914. Zur Frage der Gültigkeit des Alles- oder Nichtsgesetzes für die Nervenfasern der Krebs- und Hummermuskeln. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 64 p. 247—262, 5 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206321.) 53 Kühn, A. 11.8 : 53.841 Astacus 1914. Versuche über die reflektorische Erhaltung des Gleichgewichts bei Krebsen. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers. 24 p. 262—277, 7 fige. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206326.) 11.82,.852,.855,.856 54 Reisinger, Ludwig. 11.5 : 7.55 1915. Die zentrale Lokalisation des Gleichgewichtssinnes der Fische. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 472—475. [Zentrum der groben Gleichge- wichtserhaltung im Mesencephalon. Cerebellum das Organ des feineren Statotonus.] 11.81,.855 55 Cary, Lewis R. 11.81 : 38.5 Cassiopea 1915. The Isfluence of the Marginal Sense Organs on Functional Acti- vity in Cassiopea ramachana. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 611—6i6, 2 figg. 210456 Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. 11.81 : 37.5 Cassiopea 1915. The Nature of Nerve Conduction in Cassiopea. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 270—274, 1 fig. |Chemical reaction involving adsorbed Na, Ca and K cations. Rate proportional to their concentration.] 57 Hoffmann, Paul. 11.81 : 53 1914. Die Hemmungs- und Fôrderungsfasern der Arthropodenmuskeln. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 2 p. 941—944. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206242.) 98 Tashiro, Shiro. 11.81 : 53 1914. The metabolic gradient in the nerve fibre. (Amer. physiol. Soc.) Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 33 p. XXXVII—XXX VIII [Efferent nerve of spider crab, shows greater metabolism (CO2 production) in central than in peripheral portion. In afferent optic nerve of Limulus reverse condition.] 53.842,.92 59 Tashiro, Shiro, and H. S. Adams. 11.81 : 53 1914. The action of anaesthetics on carbon dioxide production in the nerve fibre. (Amer. physiol. Soc.) Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 35 p. XXXYVIH. [Stimulating concentrations increase, anesthizing concentra- tions decrease.] 53.842,.92 60 Bretschneider, F. 11.81 : 57 1914. Ueber die Gehirne der Küchenschabe und des Mehlkäfers. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 52 p. 269—362, 3 Taf., 12 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205476.) 57.22,.67 61 Polimanti, Osv. 11.81 : 7.35 Trygon 1915. Ricerche sulla Fisiologia comparata del cerveletto. I. Trygon — (sp. div.). Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 31 p. 305—358, 18 figg. [Centro generale per la orientazione.] 210462 Hoffmann, Paul. 11.82 : 53.841 Astacus 1914. Ueber die doppelte Innervation der Krebsmuskeln. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis nervöser Hemmungen. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 63 p. Physiologia 88 411—442, 13 figg. [Anatomie. Physiol. Versuche. Verlegung des Hem- mungsmechanismus an die Nervenendigungen.] 210463 Clementi, A. 11.82 : 57.27 1911. Sull’esistenza negli Acridi di un peculiare riflesso in rapporto alla sensibilità tattile del timpano. Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff. Vol. 12 — Boll. Ass. Cultori Sc. med. nat. Roma p. 299 —297. 64 Rabaud, Etienne. 11.82 : 57.27 1915. Sur quelques réflexes des Orthopteres acridiens. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 668—671. [Réflexes du jabot et du saut.] 65 Hooker, Davenport. 11.82 : 78 Rana 1916. Some results from reversing a portion of the spinal cord end for end in frog embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 198—199. [Complete fusion. Even where this failed, fair coordination in swimming reflexes (possibility of early mechanical, non-nervous coordi- nation).] 66 Brown, T. Graham. 11.82 : 9.82 1915. On the Occurrence of a Plastic Flexor Tone in the Monkey. Journ. Physiol, London Vol. 49 p. 180—1814, \ fig. [Raising the state of maintained contraction by passive shortening of flexor. Passively strotched flexor tending to remain in state in which it is put.] 67 Brown, T. Graham. 11.82 : 9.88 1915. On the Effect of Artificial Stimulation of the Red Nucleus in the Anthropoid Ape. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 49 p. 185—194, 4 figg. — Note on the Physiology of the Basal Ganglia and Mid-Brain of the Anthropoid Ape, Especially in Reference to the Act of Laughter. p. 196 —207, 3 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209299.) 68 Kepner, Wm. A., and W. H. Taliaferro. 11.85 : 51.23 Prorhynchus 1916. Organs of special sense of Prorhynchus applanatus KexneL. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 163—176, 2 pls., 3 figg. [Specialized ciliated pit, with sensory, accessary and glandular regions.] 210469 Roberts, E. W. 11.85 : 52 1915. The Olfactory Sense in Insects. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol, 34 p. 284—290, 1 pl., 5 figg. [Structure.]| 53.72, 57.81,.89,.98,.99 70 Brun, Rudolf. | 11.85 : 52.96 1914. Die Raumorientierung der Ameisen und das Orientierungsprovwlem im aligemeinen. Eine kritisch-experimentelle Studie; zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Theorie der Mneme. Jena: Gustav Fischer VIII, 234 pp,, 51 figg. (Review, Nature London Vol. 95 p. 38—40.) 71 Vincent, Stella B. | 11.85 : 6 1915. Literature for 1914 on the behavior of vertebrates. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 446—46i. 11.853—.856 72 Coghill, & E. 11.85 : 79 Amblystoma 1915." Correlated anatomical and physiological studies of the growth of the nervous system of Amphibia. Il The afferent system of the head of Amblystoma. Journ. comp. Neur. Vol. 26 p. 245—340, 77 figg. [Ana- tomy in non-motile, early flexure, coiled-reaction and early swimming larval stages. Response to mechanical, chemical, luminous and olfactory stimulation. Auditory and lateral line organs.] 11.853—.856 73 Lane, H. H. 11.85 : 9 1916. Structure and Function in the Development of the Special Senses in Mammals. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8. Vol. 43 p. 179 —180. [Predetermination rather than development in response to needs of embryo.] 11.852 —.856 210474 Crozier, W. J. 11.853 : 6 1916. Regarding the existence of the „common chemical sense* in Ver- tebrates. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 1—8. [Dependence on group of sense organs distinct from those sensitive to mechanical stimulation.] NT PT A | 210475 Löhner, Leopold. 11.853.1 : 51.5 Hirude 1916. Ueber geschmacks-physiologische Versuche mit Blutegeln. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 163 p. 239—246. [Abstossungsreaktion bei wässrigen Lösungen von 9°/o NaÜl, 5° Ruhrzucker 0,08—0.1°jo Chininsulfat, 0,09— 0.1°/0 HCl, und 0,08—0,09 KOH. Abschwächung der Empfindung bei gleichzeitiger Einwirkung mehrerer Geschmacksqualitäten.] 89 Physiologia 76 Dubuisson, Maurice. 11.854 1915. L’olfaction et les ions gazeux. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 574—577. [Variations de l'intensité des odeurs en rapport direct avec ionisation.] 77 Burr, Harold Saxton. 11.854 : 79 Amblystoma 1916. The effects of the removal of the nasal pits in Amblystoma em- bryos. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 27—56, 3 pls., 2 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208056.) 78 Salze. 11.854 : 9.74 Canis 1915. Ueber eine Methode zur Prüfung des Geruchssinns des Hundes. (Nach Versuchen der Herren Herrzenrôper und Serrrin.) Ber. oberhess, Ges. Nats-Heilkde. Giessen N. F. med, Abt. Bd. 10 p. 3. 79 Regen, Johann. 11.855 : 57.27 Thamnotrizon 1914. Untersuchungen über die Stridulation und das Gehör von Tham- notrizon apterus Far. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 344—545. [Widerlegung der Kritik von Mancozn.] 80 Hardesty, Irving. 11.855 : 9 1915. A model to illustrate the probable action of the tectcrial mem- brane. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 471—514, 7 figg. [Chief vibratory organ,] 210481 Barber, Alda Grace. 11.855 : 9.32 Mus 1915. The localization of sound in the white rat. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 292—311, 3 figg. [Probably due to relative intensity of sound to two ears.] 82 Hunter, Walter S. 11.855 : 9.32 Mus 1915. The auditory sensitivity of the white rat. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol.5 p. 312—329, 1 fig. [Practical insensitivity to many pitches in lower region of scale. Röle of accompanying noises considerable in sensitivity to tonal stimuli.] 83 Pieron, Henri. 11.356 1915. Les sensations comparatives. C. R. Ass. frauc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 590—593. [Outre les sensations élémentaires de vision (intensité de la lumière) il existent des sensations comparatives nous renseignant sur le pouvoir diffusif des corps. ng des chromobiastes.] 53.72 84 Hess, C. 11.856 1915. Messende Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Pupillenspieles. Arch. Ophthalm. Bd. 90 p. 382—39, 1 fig. 4,55, 86,.5, 89.7, 9.32,.74,.82 85 Klingelhöffer. 11.856 1916. Der Farbensinn bei Mensch und Tier. Wochenschr, Aquar.-Ter- rar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 5—1, 86 Hess, C. 11.856 : 39 1914. Untersuchungen über den Lichtsinn bei Echinodermen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 160 p. 1—26, 6 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No 205792.) 39.3,.9,.7 210437 Colgan, Nathaniel. 11.856 : 51.24 Lineus 1916. Observations on Phototropism and the Development of Eye-spots in the Marine Nemertine Lineus gesserensis. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 7 —12. [Sensitive to light at a stage when eye-spots are quite rudimen- tary.] Physiologia 99 210458 van Herwerden, M. A. 11.356 : 53.24 Daphnia 1914. Ueber die Perzeptionsfähigkeit des Daphnienauges für ultraviolette Strahlen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 34 p. 213—216. [Negativer Phototropis- mus fehit nach Erblindung. Augen perzipieren ultraviolette Strahlen.] 89 Mossier, M. Adelina. 11.856 : 53.841 Palaemon 1915. Die Pigmentwanderung im Auge von Palaemon squilla. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 91 p. 579—608, 3 Taf., 6 figg. [Für kleine Produkte der Lichtmenge ist Pigmentwauderung der einstrahlen- den Energiemenge proportional (innerhalb bestimmter Grenzen).| 90 Martin, Edward A. 11.856 : 57 1915. A Mistaken Butterfiy. Nature London Vol. 95 p. 318. [Endeav- our to reach artificial scarlet poppy behind piate-glass.] — A Mistaken Wasp, by W. A. Guns. p. 345. 57.89,.38 91 Seitz, A. 11.856 : 57 1915. Gesichtssinn bei Insekten. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 30 p. 59—61, 69 — 10. [ÜUebersetzung aus dem Englischen von J. Rôser.] 92 Tümpel, R. 11.856 : 57.27 Acridium 1914. Bau und Wirkungsweise der Punktaugen bei Acridium aegypticum L. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 275—282, 5 figg. [Jedes Punktauge giebt 2 Bilder, die zur Lokalisation dienen. Ausgleich der Fehler der Netzaugen.] 33 Oudemans, A. C. 11.856 : 57.62 Carabus 1916. Hypostoom bij Acari, springende Acari, Heterotrichus inaequarma- tus, gezichtsvermogen van Carabus nemoralis, springen der Elateridae. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p. VII—-XYVl. 94 Polimanti, Osw. 11.856 : 57.87 Bembyx 1915. Untersuchungen über das pulsierende Gefäss von Bombyx mori L. II. Der Pulsrhythmus als Index der Wahrnehmung der Farben be- trachtet. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 65 p. 391—400. [Larve verhält sich wie ein total farbenblinder Mensch.] 210495 Barnard, E. E. 11.856 : 57.89 1915. A Mistaken Butterfly. Nature London Vol. 95 p. 174. [Guided by sight in search of food. Drawn by brightly-coloured „eye* of peacock’s teather.] — by Henry OÖ. Forres. p. 204. — by G. H. Brrax. p. 281. 86 Dolley, William L., Jr. 11.856 : 57.89 Vanessa 1916. Reactions to light in Vanessa antiopa, with special reference to circus movements. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 357—420, 1 table, 21 figg. [Positive reaction. In direct sunlight come to rest with head away from source of light. With one eye biackened circus movements may ensue. Orientation however not wholly dependent upon relative inten- sities of light on the two eyes.] — Negative Orientation in Vanessa antiopa. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 144. 37 v. Frisch, Karl. 11.856 : 57.99 Apis 1914. Der Farbensinn und Formensinn der Biene. Zool. Jahrb. Bd. 35 Abt, allg. Zo0l. Physiol. pP» 1—182, 5 Tai., 12 figg. (Referat, vide D..2. Vol. 29 No. 207975.) 98 Hess, C. 11.856 : 57.99 Apis 1916. Messende Untersuchung des Lichtsinnes der Biene. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 163 p. 289—320, 12 figg. [Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit für Helligkeit ist jener beim Menschen ähnlich. Sehqualitäten ähneln den- jenigen des total farbenblinden Menschen.] 99 Moffat, C. B. 11.856 : 57.99 Bombus 1915. Bees and Colour Selection. Irish Natural. Vol. 24 p. 171—172. 210500 Arey, Leslie B. 11.856 : 6 1916. The movements in the visual cells and retinal pigment of the lower vertebrates. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 121—200, 5 pls., 1 fig. [In fishes light and dark adaptations in 30 min. to 1 hour. Effect of temperature (direct physical}. In Urodeles limited changes. Special features in Frog.] 7.55, 78, 79 91 Physiologia 210591 Brüning, Christian. 11.856 : 6 1916. Bemerkungen zur Anpassung und zum Farbensinn bei Lurchen und Fischen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 94—96. 7.56,.58, 78 02 Johnson, H. M. 11.856 : 6 1916. Visual nattern-discrimination in the Vertebrates. — III. Effective differences in width of visible strıae for the monkey and the chick. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 6 p. 169—221. [Discriminative ability of mon- key 10 times, visual acuity 4—5 times that of chick.] 86, 9.82 03 Klingelhôffer. 11.856 : 6 1916. Der Farbensinn der Säugetiere, Vögel, Reptilien und Amphibien, Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 25—27. 78, 79, 81.3, 86,.5, 89.1, 9.8 04 Milewski, A. 11.856 : 7 1915. Ueber den Gesichtssinn der Fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.- Kde. Jahrg. 12 p. 503—506. 05 Klingelhôffer. 11.856 : 7 1916. Der Farbensinn der Fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde, 06 Coupin, Henri. 11.856 : 7.5 1915. Ce que voient les poissons. La Nature Ann. 43 Sem. 2 p. 200— 201, 2 figg. 7.55,.58 07 Detwiler, Samuel R. 11.856 : 81 1916. The effect of light on the retina of the tortoise and the lizard. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 165—190, 1 pl., 5 figg. — The effects of light on the retina of the turtle and of the lizard. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 193—194. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208379.) 81.1,.3 210598 Kohlrausch, Arnt, und Alessandro Brossa. 11.856 : 82 1914. Die photoelektrische Reaktion Aer Tag- und Nachtvogelnetzhaut auf Licht verschiedener Wellenlänge. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1914 physiol. Abt. p. 421—431, 3 figg. [Bei dunkeladaptierten Augen Aktionsstrom- gleichung für bestimmtes Intensitätsverhältnis; bei möglichst reiner Za- pfenretina spielt die Wellenlänge a Ds mie Rolle.] 86.5, 1. 11.99 Functio photogenica. - 09 Kawamura, Seiichi. 11.99 1915. Studies on the Luminous Fungus, Pleurotus japonicus sp. nov. Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 35 Art. 3, 29 pp., 3 pls. [Optimum tempe- rature 10—15° C. Luminosity fades in nitrogen, hydrogen, ether or chlo- roform vapor.] 10 Blair, K. 6. 11.99 : 52 1915. Luminous Insects. Proc. S. London entom. nat. Hist. Soc. 1914/15 p. 31—45. — Nature London Vol. 96 p. 411—415. 53.71, 57.34,.58,.62,.65,.66,.68,.71,.72,.96 11 Pierantoni, Umberto. - 11.99 : 57.66 Lampyris 1914. La luce degli insetti luminosi e la simbiosi ereditaria. Rend. Accad. Sc. fis. mat. Napoli (3) Vol. 20 p. 15—21, 2 figg. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No, 207039.) 12 Harvey, E. Newton. 11.99 : 57.66 Photinus 1914. On the Chemical Nature of the Luminous Material of the Firefly. Science N. S. Vol. 40 p. 33—34. [Most likely an insoluble protein.] 210513 Trojan, E. 11.99 : 7.5 1914. Das Leuchten und der Farbensinn der Fische. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 29 p. 785—787 [Allgemeine Uebersicht der Literatur.] Physiologia - Teratologia 92 210514 Trojan, Emanuel. 11.99 : 7.55 Cyclothone 1915. Die Leuchtorgane von Cyclothone signata Garman. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 124 Abt. 1 p. 291—316, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [Kugelige ge- schlossene Hautdrüsen. „Reflektor“ in Wirklichkeit der Rest einer Ring- muskulatur und eine Art fazettierte Cornea. Rückbildung.] 12 Teratologia, Pathologia. (Vide etiam supra 11.59 Monstra) 15 Chapman, J. W., and R. W. Glaser. 12 : 57.87 Lymantria 1916. Further Studies on Wilt of Gipsy Moth Caterpillars. (Contrib. UV. S. Bur. Entom. — Bussey Inst. No. 210.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 143 —169. 16 Schiemenz, P. 12:7 1915/16. Die Krankheitserscheinungen bei den Fischen im allgemeinen. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 1142—1144. — Die Krankheits- erscheinungen bei den Fischen im allgemeinen, von von HERRMANN. WoO= chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 120—122. e 17 Festa, Enrico. 12 : 7.55 Barbus 1915. Un caso di icterismo nel Barbus plebejus, VALENCIENNES. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Yol. 30 No. 696, 2 pp. 18 Kielreuter, Anton. 12 : 7.57 Pterophyllum 1916. Eigenartige tötliche Erkrankung bei Pferophyllum scalare. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 86. ‘210519 Watt, James Crawford. 12.12 : 78 Rana 1915. An abnormal frog’s heart with persisting dorsal mesocardium. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 703—710, 6 figg. 20 Chaussé, P. 12.12: 9 1916. Recherches sur la persistance du trou de Botal chez quelques animaux domestiques. C. R. Acad. ï > Paris T. 162 p. 480—481. 9.725—.74 21 Michl, Eduard. 12.8 : 78 1914. Ueber die Invagination des Oesophagus mit Prolaps des Magens bei Anuren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1914 anat. Abt. p. 313—318, 3 figg. 4 12.32,.33 22 Lyon, Marcus Ward, 12.31.4 : 9.32 Acanthion - 1916. A Poing Skull with a Pair of Supernumerary Well Developed Incisors in the Upper Jaw. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 459 —462, 1 fig. [Probably persistent milk incisor.] 23 Ramme, Willy. 12.31.4 : 9.82 1915. Zwei Gebissunregelmässigkeiten bei amerikanischen Affen. Sitz.- Dan AE nat. Freunde Berlin 1915 p. 392—394, 2 figg. [Mycetes und ebus. 24 Oguma, Kan. 12.35 : 57.33 Somatochlora 1915. A Case of Prolapsus Recti in Dragonfiy. Annot, zool. Japon. Vol. 9 p. 63—66, 1 fig. [Somatochlora viridiaenea.] 210525 Chapin, Catharine Lines. 12.6 : 79 Spelerpes 1915. A Case of Hermaphroditism in Spelerpes bislineatus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 129—134, 3 figg. [Both kinds of germ cells in both gonads.] 12.63,.65 93 Teratologia 210526 Lillie, Frank R. 12.6 : 9.735 Bos. 1916. The Theory of the Free-Martin. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 611— 615. [Twin pregnancy of opposite sex. Hormone action.] 12.63,.65 27 Castiglioni, Giovanni. 12.6 : 9.9 1912. A proposito di un caso di anömalia congenita dell’apparato uro- genitale. Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 585—600, 6 figg. [Presenza di un utero e di una vagina ben sviluppati con un’ otricolo prostatico. Sviluppo dell’otricolo indipendentemente dai dotti di Müller.] 12.62,.63,.64,.66,.67 28 Prell, Heinrich. 12.63 : 53.841 Astacus: 1915. Ueber einen Flusskrebs mit unvollständigem Geschlechtsapparat. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 470—475, 4 figg. [Fehlende linkseitige Geschlechts- öffnung beim A. leptodactylus-Männchen.] 1915. Genital Armature of the Male Ant. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1915 p. L—LII. 80 Wentworth, Edward N. 12.69 : 9.73 Sus. 1914. Sex-Linked Factors in the Inheritance of Rudimentary Mammae in Swine. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 269 —268. 31 Wentworth, Edward N. 12.69 : 9.73 Sus 1916. Rudimentary Mammæ in Swine a Sex-limited Character. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 648. 32 Collinge, Walter E. | 12.71 : 7.38 Chimaera. 1915. Note on an Interesting Abnormality in the Mandibular Arch of Chimaera monstrosa, L. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 16 p. 110—113, 4 | figg. ; 220 533 Kormos, Tivadar. 12.71 29: 1915. Fossilis scontokon &szlelhetö köros elvältozäsokröl. -Ällatt. Köz- lem. Köt. 14 p. 244—262, 1 täb., 18 fige. — Ueber krankhafte Verände- rungen an fossilen Knochen. p. 277—278. 9.32,.735,.74 34 Pader, Jean. 12.73 : 9.795. 1898. Dissertation sur un cas de „bouleture“ chez le cheval (Histoire d’une lésion.) Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 26 p- 105—109, 5 figg. [Adjonction de deux muscles lombricaux particulièrement développés.] 85 Shelford, Victor E. 12.9 : 57.62 Cicindela. 915. Abnormalities and Regeneration in Cicinidela. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 46} Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol 8 p. 291—294, 1 pl. 12.98,.99 36 Heikertinger, Franz. 12.94 : 57.68 Chrysomelidae- 1915. Ueber das Auftreten abaormer, symmetrisch angeordneter Grüb- chen auf dem Halsschilde von Käfern. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 34. p. 394—396, 2 fige. 37 Krausse, Anton. 12.96 : 57.64 Anoxia: 1915. Eigenartige Missbildungen am Abdomen einer Anoxia sardoa M. (Col.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 029—530, 3 figg. ... ' 12.97 : 81.1 Cnemidophorus- 1915. A Two-tailed Lizard. Seient. Amer. Vol. 112 p. 479, 1 fig. [Cne- midophorus sexlineatus.] 210539 Conrow, Sara B. 12.97 : 9.32 Mus- 1915. Taillessness in the rat. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 777 — 784, 3 figg.. [Congenital deformity with absence of caudal vertebrae.] l'eratologia - Embryologia 94 210540 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. 12.98 : 57 1915. Descrizione di alcuni Insetti anomali. Redia Vol. 10 p. 7—13, 3 figg. 57.29,.64 41 Green, E. Ernest. 12.98 : 57.52 Monophlebus 1914. Dichotomy of Anterior Limb in a Coccid. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. XV— XVII, 1 fig. [Monophlebus crawfordi.] 42 Ellis, H. Willoughby. 12.98 : 57.6 1915. Teratological Specimens of Coleoptera. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1915 p. XLVI. 43 Natvig, L. Reinhardt. 12.98 : 57.68 Cerambycidae 1915. Zwei interessante Missbildungen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 11 p. 109, 2 figg. [Pachyta lamed mit deformirtem Hinterbein, Trachyderes succinc- tus mit gespaltetem rechten Fühler.] 44 Heikertinger, Franz. 12.98 : 57.68 Podagrica 1915. Eine Podagrica mit einem dritten, zwischen Clipeus und Labrum eingelenkten Fühler. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 34 p. 335—336, 1 fig. 45 d’Almeida Rocha, A. 12.98 : 78 Discoglossus 1315. Inclusion sous-tegumentaire d’une membre antérieur chez un Dis- coglossus pictus simulant une monobrachie. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. T. 7 p. 13—16, 2 figg. 46 Johnson, Charles Eugene. 12.98 : 84.1 Nettion 1915. A Four-winged Wild-Duck. Auk N. S. Vol. 32 p. 469—480, 3 pls. [Nettion carolinense.] 47 Barfurth, Dietrich. 12.98 : 86 Gallus 1914. Experimentelle Untersuchung über die Vererbung der Hyperdac- tylie bei Hühnern. V. Mitteilung: Weitere Ergebnisse und Versuch ihrer Deutung nach den Mendelschen Regeln. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 279—809. [Bei Berücksichtigung der Fälle von partieller Hyperdactylie stimmt die Beobachtung mit der Berechnung in Fı—F4.] 210548 Kirkham, W. B., and H. W. Haggard. 12.98 : 9,74 Felis 1916. The anatomy of a three-legged kitten. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 03—042, 3 figg. 49 Arkell, A. J. 12.99 : 4.38 Helix 1915. Tentacular Abnormality in Helix nemoralis. Journ. Conch. Lon- don Vol. 14 p. 363, 1 fig. 50 Kröber, 0. 12.99 : 57.72 1913. Flügelabnormitäten der Dipterenfamilien Therevidae und Omphra- lidae. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 329—333, 26 figg. 51 Giacomelli, Eugenio. 12.99 : 57.83 1908. Pot-Pourri lepidopterolégico. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 65 De 220—334e 57.86 —.89 52 Lindner, E. 12,99 : 57.87 Lymantria 1913. Fühlerhypertrophie bei Lymantria. Zeitschr. wiss Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 376—379, 1 fig. 59.13 Embryoiogia. 210553 Bütschli, 0. 15 1915. Bemerkungen zur mechanischen Erklärung der Gastrula-Invagi- nation. Sitz.-Ber. Heidelberg Akad. Wiss. math.-nat. Kl. Abt. B Abi. No. 2, 13 pp. [Stärkeres Wachstum des Ektoderms, Schwinden der Blastocoelflüssigkeit und vielleicht damit verbundenes Aufquellen der inneren Fläche der Entodermzellen. Aktive Gestaltsveränderung der letzteren unwahrscheinlich.] 13.2,.9 05 . Embryologia 210554 Geeldi, E. A. 13 1916. Vergleich zwischen dem Entwicklungsverlauf bei der geschlecht- lichen Fortpflanzung im Pflanzen- und im Tierreich und Vorschlag zu einer Verständigung zwischen Zoologen und Botanikern auf Grund einer einheitlichen biologischen Terminologie. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges Vers. #7 Tl. 2 p. 295— 311, 3 Taf. [Ausgehen von Cnarrxs Janer: Sporophyte et gamétophyte, soma et germen.] 13.45 55 Kathariner, L. 13 1916. Die Polyembryonie. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 302—305. 57.92, 9.31 56 Schaxel, Julius. 15 | 1916. Die Leistungen der Zellen bei der Entwicklung der Metazoen. | Jena: Gust. Fischer 8° VII, 336 pp., 49 figg. M. 9.— (Autoreferat: Arch, mikr. Anat. Bd. 86 Abt. 2 p. 123—127.) 13.11,.13,.15,.2 | 57 Pohlmann, A. 6. 13 : 07 | 1916. The use of a graph in teaching embryology. (Proc. Amer, Ass. | Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 233—234. 9,73 | 58 Brachet, A. 13 : 09 | 1915. L'évolution d’une science: l’Embryologie. Rev. gén. Sc. T. 26 p. | 512—517. [Tendances morphologique, phylogénétique et causale. Avenir | est à l’embryologie causale.] | 59 Heider, K. 13 : 2 1913. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologie der Wirbellosen. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 2 TI. 2 p. 175—332, 135 figg. 60 Loeb, Jacques. 13 : 39 _1914. On some Non-specific Factors for the Entrance of the Spermato- zoon into the Egg. Science N. S. Vol. 40 p. 316—318. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205793.) 13.13,.9 61 Leeb, Jacques. 13 : 39 1915. On the Nature of the Conditions which Determine or Prevent the | Entrance of the Spermatozoon into the Egg. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. | 257—285. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205794.) | j 13.13,.9, 39.8,.5 | 210562 Gemmill, James F. 13 : 39.3 Porania | 1915. The Larva of the Starfish Porania pulvillus (O. F. M). Quart, Journ. mier. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 27—50, 2 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205898.) 13.2,.41 63 Masing, Ernst. 13 : 39.5 1914. Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von T. Brarzsrorp RoBertson und Har- DOLPH Wasrsneys: „On the Changes in Lecithin-Oontent which accompany the Development of Sea-Urchin Eggs“. (Arch. f. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 37 8. 485.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 666—667. [Hält an frühere Schluss- folgerungen über präformierte Nucleinsäure im Eiplasma fest.] 64 Runnstrôm, J. 13 : 39.9 1914. Analytische Studien über die Seeigelentwicklung. I. Arch. Entw.- Mech. Bd. 40 p. 526—564, 20 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205818.) 13.15,.2,.9 65 Warburg, Otto. 13 : 39.5 1914. Ueber die Rolle des Eisens in der Atmung des Seeigeleies nebst Bemerkungen über einige durch Eisen beschleunigte Oxydationen. Zeitschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 92 p. 231—256, 7 figg. [Sauerstoffatmung im Ei eine Eisenkatalyse. Der im Atmungsprozess verzehrte Sauerstoff wird von gelöstem oder adsorbiertem Ferroion aufgenommen.] 66 Fischel, Alfred. 13 : 39.5 1915. Ueber chemische Unterschiede zwischen frühen Entwicklungs- epochen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 41 p. 312--322, 4 figg. [Erste Periode mechanischer Differenzierung (Aufteilung des Eies) und zweite Periode (von Bildung des Urdarmes an) der chemischen Differenzierung.] 210567 Wharton, Lawrence D. 13 : 51.3 Ascaris ‘1915. The Development of the Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. Philippine Journ. Sc. B Vol. 10 p. 19—23. [Time, conditions, hatching.] | Embryologia 96 210568 Walker, Ernest Linwood. 13 : 51.3 Oesophagostomum 1913. The Life History of Oesophagostomum apiostomum : J. Development Outside the Host. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 8 B p. 501—507, 4 pls. 13.41 69 von Linden, Maria, und L. Zenneck. 13 : 51.3 Strongylus 1915. Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der freilebenden Genera- tionen der Lungenwürmer. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 76 p. 147—178, 4 Taf. [Im Freien sich vermehrende Geschlechtsgene- rationen.] 13.45 70 Tannreuther, George W. 13 : 51.6 Bdellodrilus 1915. ‘The embryology of Bdellodrilus philadelphicus. Journ. Morph. Vol. 26 p. 143—216, 8 pls., 26 figg. [Cleavage. Formation of germ bands.] 13.13,.2, 14.61,.8 71 Strindberg, Henrik. 13 : 57.21 Forficula 1915. Embryologisches über Forficula auricularia. L. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 624—631, 4 figg. 13.3 14.31,.34 2 Sikora, H. 13 : 57.512 Pediculus 1915. Beiträge zur Biologie von Pediculus vestimenti. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 76 p. 523—537. [Entwicklung der Eier.] 73 Hase, Albrecht. 13 : 57.512 Pediculus 1916. Ueber die Entwicklungsstadien der Eier und über die Larven der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis DE GEER — vestimenti Nirzscu.) Nat. Wochen- schr. Bd. 31 p. 1—8, 17 figg. 13.41 74 Phillips, W. J. 13 : 57.52 Toxoptera 1915. Further Studies of the Embryology of Toxoptera graminum. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 4 p. 403—404, 2 pls. [Polar organ. Revolution of embryo.] 13.3 - 75 Thompson, William R. 13 : 57.72 Fortisia 1915. Sur le cycle évolutif de Fortisia feda, Diptere parasite d’un Li- thobius. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 413—416, 7 figg. [Trimorphisme larvaire.] 13.41, 14.33,.34 210576 Strindberg, Henrik. 13 : 57.87 Bombyx 915. Ueber die Bildung und Verwendung der Keimblätter bei Bombyx mori. 2001. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 577—597, 11 figg. 13.2,.3 77 Prell, Heinrich. 13 : 57.89 1914. Die Beteiligung des Darmes an der Entfaltung der Flügel bei Schmetterlingen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 345—349, 5 figg. [Mechanische Druckwirkung (Luftaufnahme im Kropf).] 13.4,.9 73 Patterson, J. T. 13 : 57.92 Copidosoma 1915. Observations on the Development of Copidosoma gelechiae. (Contr. 127 zool. Lab. Univ. Texas,) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Yol. 29 p. 333— —372, 6 pls. [1 generation a year, polyembryonic development.] 79 Keibel, F. 13:6 1913. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. Kultur d. Gegen- 80 Cotronei, Giulio. 13 : 78. 1916. Influenza della temperatura sull’azione della tiroide sui girini. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 48-54. [Accelerazione tiroi- dica della metamorfosi. Temperatura elevata favorisce azione.] ‚13.4,.9 81 Coghill, George E. 13: 79 1915. Preliminary Studies on Intracellular Digestion and Assimilation in Amphibian Embryos. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 347—350. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208348.) 82 von Alten, Hans. 13 : 81.3 Chrysemys 1916. Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Kiemendarms einer Schildkröte (Chrysemys marginata). Ein Fragment aus dem Nachlasse. Mit einem Vorwort von Franz Kerıser. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 86 Akt. 1 p. 585— 610, 2 Taf., 12 figg. 14.28,.32,.45,.44 210583 Boyden, Edward A. 13 : 86 Gallus 1916. A topographical study of the 13 mm. chick embryo. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 185. 97 Embryologia 210581 Semon, Richard. 13:9 1916. K. Torors Untersuchungen vorgeschrittener Entwicklungsstadien von Säugetieren. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 287—288, 9.39,.61,.72,.73,.74,.9 85 Hartman, Carl Gottfried. 13 : 9.2 Didelphys 1916. Studies in the development of the opossum Didelphys virgiana L. I. History of the early cleavage. II. Formation of the Blastocyst. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 1—82, 11 pls., 6 figg. 13.11,.15,.2 86 Spuigeon, Charles H., and Ralph J. Brooks. 13 : 9.2 Didelphys 1916. The implantation and early segmentation of the ovum of Didel- phis virginiana. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 385—395, 15 figg. 13.13,.15,.39 87 Fernandez, Miguel. 13 : 9.31 1915. Ueber einige Entwicklungsstadien des Peludo (Dasypus villosus und ihre Beziehung zum Problem der spezifischen Polyembryonie des Genus Tatusia. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 305—327, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [Polyembryonie bei Tatusia abgeleitet.] 13. RE 88 Fernaudez, Miguel, und Kati Fernandez-Marcinowski. 13 : 9.31 Tatusia 1915. Die Entwicklung der Mulita. La Embriologia de la Mulita (Ta- tusia hybrida Dzsm) von Miquez FERNANDEz. — Centralnervensystem, von K. F.M. Rev. Mus. La Piata T. 21 p. 1—516, 19 pls., 139 figg. [Be- schreibung der Keimblasen. Polyembrycrie, Embryonalorgane. Organo- genie.] 15.2—.39, 14.12,.13,.14,.21,.22,.24—.26,.31,.314,.316,.32, ‚33, .34,.39,.86,.37,.33,.43 — 45 „61, .62,.63, .64, 09,715 185, 81, 82) 34— 86 89 Huber, 6. Carl. 13 : 9.32 Mus 1915. The development of the albino rat, Mus norvegicus albinus. I. From the pronuclear stage to the stage of mesoderm anlage; end of the first to the end of the ninth day. Journ. Morph. Vol. 26 p. 247—358, 82 fige. — II. Abnormal ova; end of the first to the end of the ninth day. p. 359 —386, 10 figg. 13.13—,2 210530 Danforth, C. H. 13 : 9.32 Mus 1916, The use of early developmental stages in the mouse for class work in embryology. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 355 — 358. 13.11,.13,.15,.2 91 Kirkham, W. B. 13 : 9.32 Mus 1916. The proionged gestation period in nursing mice. (Proc. Amer. Ass, Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 21%. [Largely due to delayed implan- tation.] 13.39 92 Ewart, J. Cossar. 13 : 9.725 1915. Studies on the Development of the Horse. I. The Development during the Third Week. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 287—329, 10 pls., 21 figg. 13.39, 14.12,.13,.14,.32,.34,.35,.65,.66,.31,.82 93 Matthes, E. 13 : 9.55 Halicore 1915. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Sirenen. I. Die äussere Körperfiorm eines Embryos von Halicore dugong von 15 cm Rückenlänge. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 557—580, 1 Taf. 94 Haig, Harold Axel. 13 : 9.745 Stenorhynchus 1914. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition: A Description of the Systematic Anatomy of a Fœtal Sea-Leopard (Stenorhynchus lepionyx), with Remarks upon the Microscopical Anatomy of some of the Organs, Trans. R. Soc, Edinburgh Vol. 50 p. 225—251, 4 pls. 3 figg. 13.39, 14.12,.24,.313,.33,.34,.36,.37,.41,.43—.45,.61,.62,.69,.66,.81 95 Kingsbury; B. F. 13 : 9.9 1915. The development of the human pharynx. I. The pharyngeal deri- vatives. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 329—596, 5 pls., 15 figg. [En- docrine organs. Products of branchial pharynx in regressive metamor- phosis.}, 14.22,.32,.43,.44 | 210596 Levi, 6. 13.:9.9 1915. A propos d’une fissure labio-maxillo-palatine chez un embryon 1 Zool. Bibliogr. XXX IX. 1916 Embryologia 98 humain. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 63 p. 6—25, 16 figg. [Hyperplasie du processus maxillaire d’un côté. Développement normal des lames pala- tines. 210597 Waterston, David. 13 : 9.9 1915. Development Changes in the Pericardium, the Mesocardia, and ‘the Pleural Sacs in the Human Embryo. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 50 p. 24—29, 5 figg. 24.11,.25 98 Bujar, Bug. 13 : 9.9 1916. Remarques sur le modelage de la tête de l’embryon humain. (Note préliminaire.) (Soc. Phys. Sc. nat. Genève) Arch. Se. phys. nat. Genève (4) T. 41 p. 158—161. [Segmentation. Glissements tectoniques.] 14.81,.89,.93 13.1 Ovum, Segmentatio. (Vide etiam: 210556, 210560, 210561, 210564, 2105-0, 210585, 210586, 210589, 210590.) 99 van Herwerden, Marianna. 13.1 : 37.1 Hydractinia 1915. Comment on Miss Beckwırn’s paper on „The genesis of the plas- ma-structure in Hydractinia echinata“, Journ. Morph. Vol. 26 p. 387 — 388. — Reply by Cora Jırson BECKWITH. Pa: 388—389. 910600 Cort, William Walter. 13 1 : 51.22 Pneumonoeces 1915. Egg Variation in a Trematode Species. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 25—26. 01 Toedtmann, W. 15.1 : 51.23 Gyratrix 1914. Die Bildunz der Eischale bei Gyratric hermaphroditus Enarc, Arch. Hyärobiol. Planktonkde. Bd. 9 p. 411—414, 1 Tat. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206096.) 210602 Wharton, Lawrence D. 15.1 : 51.3 Ascaris 1915. The Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 10 p. 111—115. 03 Doncaster, Leonard. 13.1 : 57.85 Abraxas 1915. The Relation between Chromosomes and Sex-determination in „Abraxas grossulariata“. Nature London Vol. 95 p. 39. [Existence cf male- and female-determining not yet finally demonstrated.] 04 Versen, Enrico. 13.1 : 57.87 Bombyx 1911. Sul fenomeno di mancata colorazione, in uova feconde del Filu- gello. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 70 Pt. 2 p. 547-555, 1 Reg. (Particularita esclusiva di razze polivoltine. Deficienza di cromogeno 0 corrugamenti del guscio.] 05 Athias, M. 13.1 : 9.82 Cercopithecus 1915. Cristalloïdes dans l’œuf de Cercopithecus callitrichus et de Cercopi- thecus sabaeus. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. T. 7 p. 67—76, 1 pl. [Nature protéique (?). Formations inconstantes.] 06 Grunewald, Marta, 13.11 : 53.24 Moina 1915. Ueber Veränderung der Eibildung bei Moina rectirostris. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 341—374, 8 figg. (Reterat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 206263.) 07 Elkind. 13.11 : 57.24 Carausius 1916. Les tubes ovariques et l’ovogenese du Carausius hilaris. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Fol. 51 Proc. Verb. p. 5—6. 210608 Hegner, Robert W. 13.11 : 57.9 1915. Studies on Germ Cells. IV. Protoplasmic Differentiation in the Oocytes of Certain Hymenoptera. Journ. Morphol, Vol. 26 p. 495—561, 13 pls., I fig. [Differentiation of oocytes and nurse cells in bee ovaries. Bacteria-like rods and secondary nuclei in oocytes of Camponotus. His- tory of nuclei and germ-line determinants in oocytes of Copidosoma, Apanteles, Gall-flies.] ‘ 57.92,.96,.99 | | 99 Embryologia 210609 Doncaster, L. 13.11 : 57.92 Neuroterus 1916. Gametogenesis and Sex-Determination in the Gall-Fly, Neuroterus lenticularis (Spathegaster baccarum). — Part IIL Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. 183—200, 2 pls., 1 fig. [No certain cytological evidence ot maturation differences in correlation with male-producing and female producing offspring.] 10 Athias, M. 73.11.59 1912. Sur les divisions de maturation de l’œuf des Mammifères. Arch. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 3 p. 287—3:0, 4 pis. 9.32,.35,.4,.74 11 Conklin, Edwin 6. 13.13 1915. Why Polar Bodies do Not Develop. Proc. nation. Acad. Se. Washington Vol. 1 p. 491—496. [Because of not being fertilized. For- mation after entrance of spermatozoon into egg has rendered it imper- vious to other spermatozoa.] 39.5, 4.32 12 Lecaillon, A. 13.13 1915. Sur le rôle du spermatozoide dans la fécondation de l'œuf des animaux. ©. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess, 43 p. 514—519, [Spermato- zcide sauve l’œuf pas d’une mort immédiate mais d’une mort plus ou moins lointaine (parthénogenèse naturelle rndimentaire). Fécondation régularise développement en évitant la production d'éléments dégéneres- cents.) | 13 Delage, Y., et M. Goldsmith. 13.13 : 39.5 1915. Le tannin et le sucre dans la Parthénogénèse des Oursins. Ré- ponse à Dororny Jorpan Lroyp. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 306, 11 pp. [Les auteurs n’admettent pas qu’il soit une simple question d’hy- pertonie du véhicule sucré.] 210614 Glaser, Otto. 13.13 : 39.5 Arbacia 1915. Can a Single Spermatozoön Initiate Development in Arbacia. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 23 p. 149—153. [Single sperm can not effect those changes in egg-coverings which will permit it to reach protoplasmic surface film beneath.] 15 Lillie, Frank R. 13.13 : 39.5 Arbacia 1915. Studies of Fertilization. VII. Analysis of Variations in the Ferti- lizing Power of Sperm Suspensions of Arbacia. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 229—251, 4 figg. (Concentration and time factors. Variability of reproductive elements.] 16 Meves, Friedrich. 13.13 : 4.1 Mytilus 1915. Ueber den Befruchtungsvorgang bei der Miesmuschel. (Mytilus edulis 1.). Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 87 Abt. 2 p. 47—62, 1 Taf. [Eintreten der Plastosomen der Samenzelle als geformte Elemente in das Ei.] 17 Meves, Friedrich. 13.13 : 51.3 Filaria 1915. Ueber Mitwirkung der Plastosomen bei der Befruchtung des Eies von Frlaria papillosa. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 87 Abt. 2 p. 12—46, 4 Tat. — Einige Bemerkungen zu der Veröffentlichung von F. Mevzs „Ueber Mitwirkung der Plastosomen bei der Befruchtung des Eies von Filaria papillosa“, von J. Soporra. Abt. 1 p. 493—495. — Entgegnung, von F. M. | LE Gil —616. e 18 Just, E. E. 13.13 : 51.7 Platynereis 1915. ‘The morphology of normal fertilization in Platynereis megalops. Journ. Morph. Vol. 26 p. 217—232, 3 pls. [Middle-piece plays no paıt in heredity nor in dynamics of fertilization.] 210619 Cameron, J., and R. J. Gladstone. 13.15 - 1916. Structural continuity of the cell-elements in the blastoderm. ‚Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 50 Proc. anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. p. 12 —13. [Plasmodial relations.] — The Structure of the Blastoderm, and the Continuity of the Celi-elements during the Early stages of Develop- ment. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Vol. 50 p. 207—227, 15 figg. [Nuclei rather Embryologia 100 than cell-elements as whole as structural units. Primary gr a continuity.] 39.5, 78, 86, 9.32,.74,.9 - 210620 Rohde, E. 13.15 1916. Histogenese, Furchung und multiple Teilung. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 129—154, 18 figg. [Alle Gewebszellen gehen histogenetisch aus vielkernigen Plasmodien hervor. Aehnliches bei Entstehung der Blastomeren nicht nur bei superficieller und discoidaler sondern. y ci bei totaler Furchung.] 13.2 Laminae germinis, Gastrula. (Vide etiam: 210553, 210556, 210561, 210564, 210570, 210576, 210585, 210587 —210590.) | 21 Keibel, Franz. 13.2 1916. Zu Carr Ragr’s ,Epouarp van BENEDEN und der gegenwärtige Stand der wichtigsten von ihm behandelten Probleme“. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd: 89 Abt. 1 p. 1—13, 3 figg. [Erwiderung betr. Gastrulation.] 22 Fuchs, Hugo. 13.2 : G 1914. Bemerkungen über die Gastrulation der mesolecithalen Chordaten- eier, sowie über die Gastrulation und die Eier der Chordaten überhaupt. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 18 p. 629—670, 1 Taf., 1 fig. [Geschlos- sene Reihe mit einer primär oligolecithalen Ausgangstufe (Amps 1 7.1.3,.5,.76,.81, 82 13.3 Embryo, primordia. 13.39 Adnexa. (Vide etiam: 210571, 210574, 210576, 210586210588, 210591, 210592, 210594.) 2106 3 Gemmill, James F. 13.35 : 39.3 Asterias 1915. Double Hydrocale in the Development and Metamorphosis ‘of the pire of Asterias rubens, L. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 pe 51 —80, 2 pls. 24 Hatta, S. 13.35: 7.9 Pokromyibn 1915. The Fate of the Peristomal Mesoderm and the Tail in Petromyeon. Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 49—62, 4 figg. [Growth of dorsal. and lateral lips of blastopore in posterior direction. Tail bud formed from hindermost portion of peristomal mesoderm. New formation.] 25 Reagan, Franklin Pearce. 13.35 : 7.9 1916. Experimental studies on the origin of intraembryonie endothelium and of blood cells. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol: 10 p. 235—237. [Development of endothelium and blood cells in loco in and from mesenchyme. Mesenchyme of various origins. Differentiation of divergent types from apparently indifferent tissue-complexes] 26 Stockard, Charles R. 13. 35 : 7.55 1915. An Experimental Analysis of the Origin and Relationship‘of'’Blood Corpuscles and the Lining Cells of Vessels Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 556—562. — The Origin of Blood and Vascular Endothelium in Embryos without a Circulation of the Blood and in the Normal Em-- bryo. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 227—327, 49 figg. — Differentiation of Wandering Mesenchymal Cells in the Living Yolk-Sac. Science N.'S. Vol. 42 p. 5357—541. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208914, 208157.) 210627 Br:mer, John Lewis. 13.39 : 9 1916: The interrelations of the mesonephros, kidney, and placenta in different classes of, animals. (Proc. : Amer. Ass: Anat.) - Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 185—187.. [Vicarious rôle of placenta ‘in exeretion.] — Amer. ‚Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 179—208, 2 pls. [Excretion by glomeruloid ap- paratus in placenta in those forms in. ‘which: Mesonephros: degererates prior to functional ability of kidney.] 9.32,.73—.74,.9 101 Embryologia 210628 Jordan, H. E. ® 13.39 : 9.73 Sus 1916. ‘he microscopie structure of the yolk-sac of the pig embryo, with special reference to the origin of.the erythrocytes. Amer. ‚Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 277—302, 2 pls. [Angioblast arises from mesenchyma, which may differentiate directly into endothelium or into hæmoblasts. Occur- --rence of giant hæmoblasts.] | 29 Keibel, Franz. 13.39 : 9.9 1915. Ueber die Grenze zwischen mütterlichem und fetalem Gewebe. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 255—260, 1 fig. [Durchaus scharfe durch Verhalten der Bindegewebsïfasern zu beurteilende Grenze vorhanden.] 30 Hedenberg, Mauritz, und Lars Strindberg. 13.39 : 9.9 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anatomie und der Funktion der mensch- lichen Plazenta. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 41—46, 2 figg. [Sekretion von den Chorion-Villi in die intervillösen Räume (histologischer Nachweis), Ge- rinnungshemmende Wirkung.] 31 de Kervily, Michel. 13.39 : 9.9 1916. Les mitochondries du syncytium des villosités placentaires chez la femme. C. KR. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 226—228. — L'origine des cellules vacuolaires libres du stroma des villosites placentaires chez la femme. p. 281—282. [Modification sur place des cellules conjonctives qui peuvent encore se multiplier par division directe.] — Les modifica- tions des cils du syncytium des villosités placentaires chez la femme. p. 329—330. [Bordure ciliée contingente. Transformation en prolonge- ments protoplasmiques.] — La fonction sécrétrice des cellules vacuolaires des villosités du placenta humain. p. 443—444. [Modification de cel- lules conjonctives, comme adaptation à la sécrétion.] — Le chondriome des cellules de Langhans du placenta humain. p. 839—590. 13.4 Metamorphosis. (Vide etiam: 210554, 210561, 210568, 210569, 210573, 210575, 210577, 210580.) 210632 Schmalz, P . 13.4 : 53.841 Coenobita 4915. Zur Häutung des Landeinsiedlerkrebses (Coenobita.) Blätt. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 26 p. 362— 363. 83 Boyer, A. - 18.4 : 57.15 Machilus 1918. La Mue chez un Thysanoure du genre Mackilis. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 46 p. 92—98, 3 figg. 3 84 Döhler, Walter. 13.4 : 57.45 1915. Beiträge zur Systematik und Biologie der Trichopteren. Sitz.-Ber. mat. Ges. Leipzig Jahrg. 41 p. -3—102, 33 figg. 13.41 35 Lloyd, J. T. 13.4 : 57.45 Brachycentrus 1915. Notes on Brachycentrus ae Bangzs. Journ. Entom. 2001. 36 Ledhard, M. D. 13.4 : 57.53 Idiocerus 1915. The Titiitire Stagés of the Black Apple Leafhopper (/diocerus lard id van Duzee.) Journ. er, Entom. Vol. S p. 415—419, 6 figg. 4l 97 Eiokeibaum) F, | 13.4 : 57.6 1913. Käferlarven a Käferpuppen aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 12—15, 44—47, 77—82, 114—116, 14 fige. 13.41 57.64,.67,.68 38 mann, E. 13.4 : 57.62 Staphylinidae 1915. Viviparität und Eriwiekläng von Lomechusu und Atemeles. (216. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Wien. entom. Delle, JAM 34 p: 3882-393. 13.41 210639 Chapin, Edward A. 13.4 : 57.62 Xantholinus 1915. Early States of SE pivinidne. I, Xantholinus cephalus Sax, Psyche Vol. 22 p. 157—161, 2 pls. 13.41 210640 41 42 43 di 46 4 à 2106:8 49 54 210655 Embryologia 102 de Meijere, J. ©. H. , 13.4 : 57.7 1916. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Dipteren-Larven und -Puppen. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 177—322, li pls. 13.41 57.71,.12 Potthast, Anton. 13.4 : 57.71 Chironomidae i915. Ueber die Metamorphose der Orthocladius-Gruppe. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chironomiden. Arch. Hydrobiol. Pianktoukde. Suppl. Bd. 2 p. 243—367, 109 figg. 13.41 Rieth, J. Th. 13.4 : 57.71 Chironomidae 1915. Die Metamorphose der Culicoiden (Ceratopogoninen.) Arch. Hydro- biol. Planktonkde. Suppl. Bd. 2 p. 877—442, 94 figg. 13.41 Davis, F.L. 13.4 : 57.89 Caligo: 1915. The larva and pupa of Caligo memnon, Feıv. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1915 p. 198—200, 1 pl. 13.41 xöornleid, Werner. 13.4 : 79 Salamandra 1914. Abhängigkeit der metamorphotischen Kiemenrückbildung vom Ge- samtorganismus der Salamandra macuiosa. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 369— 415, 2 Taf., 3 figg. [Degenerative Rückbilduxg der homöoplastischen Kiementransplantate bis zum Stillstand. Davon zu unterscheiden die Rückbildung, die synchron mit der Metamorphose erfolgt.] Dunn, BE. R. 13.4 : 73 Spelerpes. 1ÿio. The Transformation of Spelerpes ruber (Daupin). Copeia No. 21 p. 28—30. 13.41 Moser, Fanny. 18.41 : 87.2 1919. Neue Beobachtungen über Siphonophoren. Sitz.-Ber. preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1915 p. 652—660. [Neue Larven und ihre Beobachtung.] Gemmiil, James À. 13.41 : 39.5. 1915. On a New Brachiate Asteroid Larva and on the Advanced Bipin- naria of Luidia ciliaris (Pauwrppr) Gray. Proc. KR. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Voi. 19 p. 191—199, 1 pl. [Brachiolaria hibernica n. sp. Seurat, L. G. 13.41 : 51.3: 1915. Sur les premiers stades évolutifs des Spiroptères. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 561—565, 5 figg. Sund, Oscar. 13.41 : 53.841 1915. Zryonicus-Polycheles. Nature London Vol. 95 p. 372. [Evidence in favour of Eryonicus being larvae of P.] Qudemans, A. C. 13.41 : 54.2 1915. Eenige bijzonderheden mede over Acari, Suctoria, Hypoderma, Bran- chipus en Apus. Tijäschr. Entom. D. 58 p. XLYII—LYVII. Neander, Alvar. 13.41 : 57.33. 1913. Zur Morphologie der Stigmen bei Aeschniden- und Libeiluliden- Larven. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 8 No. 14, 6. . pp, 2 figg. Calvert, Philip P. 13.41 : 57.85 1915. Studies on Costa Rican Odonata. VI. The Waterfall-Dwellers: ‘he: Transformation, External Features and Attached Diatoms of Thaumato- neura Larva. Entom. News Vol. 26 p: 295—303, 1 pl. — VII. The Internal Organs of Thaumatoneura Larva and the Respiration and Rectal 'Trachea- tion of Zygopterous Larvae in general. p. 385—395, 435 —447, 3 pls., 2 gs. Krafka, Joseph, jr. 13.41 : 67.45, 1915. A Key to the families of Trichopterous larvae. Canad. Entom. Vei. 47 p. 217—225, 37 figg. $ Leonard, M. D. | 13.41 : 57.5 1916. The Immature Stages of two Hemiptera — Empoasca obtusa W aLsu.. (Typhlocybidae) and Lopidea robiniae Unzer (Oapsidae). Entom. News. Vol. 27 p. 49—54, 2 pls. 57.53,.54 Craighead, F. €. 13.41 : 57.63 Cerambyeidae: 1915. Contributions toward a Classiïcation and Biology of the North 2106 56 57 bQ 103 Embryologia American Cerambycidae. Larvae of the Prioninae U. 8. Dept. Agric. Rep. Ser. No. 107, 24 pp., 8 pls. Garb, Gerson. 13.41 : 57.68 Melasoma 1915. The Eversible Glands of a Chrysomelid Larva, Melasoma lapponica. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 7 p. 88—97, 12 figg. Springer, Fritz. 13.41 : 57.71 Miastor 1915. Ueber den Polymorphismus bei den Larven von Miastor metraloas. Zool, Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 57—118, 2 Taf. [Typisch pädogeneti- sche Larve entsteht unter Lichtabschluss. Unter Lichteinwirkung ent- stehen Wanderer und Puppenlarven (letztere aus Puppenmüttern).] Komärek, Julius. 13.41 : 57.71 Blepharocera 1914. Die Morphologie und Physiologie der Haftscheiben der Biepharo- ceridenlarven. Sitz.-Ber. böhm. Ces. Wiss. math..nat. Ci. 1914 No. 25, 28 pp., 10 figg. [Hochorganisierte Saugnäpfe. Deren Mecharisnıus.] Thompson, William R. 13.41 : 57.72 Digsnichaeta 1315. Sur les formes larvaires de Digonichaeta setipennis Farc, Diptère parasite de Forficula aurieularia. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 602— 605, 5 figg. Thompson, William R. 13.41 : 87.72 Plagia 1915. Sur les caracteres anatomiques et &thologiques des Tachinaires du genre Plagia ia. ©. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 78 p. 671—674, 5 figz. 14.31,.33—.85,.77,.78,9 61 Fracker, Stanley Black. 13.41 : 57.8 1915. The Classification of Lepidopterous Larvae. Illinois biol. Monogr, Vol. 2 p. 1—169, 10 pls. 57.81—.89 62 Mitterberger, K. 13.41 : 57.82 1916. Eigentümlichkeiten im Bau und in der Lebensweise einiger Mikro- lepidopteren-Raupen, Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 25 p. 139 —144. 63 Gillmer, M. 13.41 : 57.83 1915. Die Schmetterlingsraupen und ihre Stadien. Intern. enioin. Zeit- schr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 81--84, 8 figg. 57.85 —.89 210654 Versen, Enrico. 13.41 : 52.57 Bombyx 1901. Sull’armatura delle zampe spurie nella larva del filugello. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 719— 7838, 1 tav. [Cosidetta papilla adhesiva e ventosa.] 65 de la Baume-Pluvinel, 6. 13.41 : 47.92 65 67 so Qu 210659 1915. Sur les formes iurvaires de certains Hyménoptères parasites in- ternes des larves de Dipteres. (C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Bess. 43 p. 510 — 014, 6 figg. [Diversité et complication des formes] Middleton. William. 15.41 : 57.93 Dimorphopieryx 1915. Notes on some Sawfly Larvae belonging to the Genus Dimorphop- teryx. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 43 p. 497— 501, 1 pl, 4 fige. Sauzo, L. 13.41 : 7.55 1915. Notizie ittiologiche. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 131—133. [Ar- profondimento delle uova in sviluppo. Stadi larvali.] 13.5 Juvenes. Fage, Louis. 13.5 : 7.58 Uranoscopus 1915. Sur les stades post-larvaires de l’Uranoscopus scaber L. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 495 —499, 4 figg. Toidt, K. jr. 13.5 : 9.73 Hippopotamus 1915. Aeusserliche Untersuchung eines neugebornen Hippopotamus am- phibius L. mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Integuments und Be- merkungen über die fetalen Formen der Zehenspitzenbekleidung bei Säu- getieren. Ausgeführt mit Subvention aus der Ponr-Widmung. Lenkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bü. 92 p. 653—707, 6 Taf, 2 fieg — Anz. Jahrg. 52 p. 219—220. Embryologia 104 13.8 Incestus. 210670 King, Helen Dean. 13.8 : 9,32 Mus 1916. Inbreeding Experiments with the Albino Rat. (N. Engl. pediatr. Soc., Phila. pediatr. Soc., Sect. Pediatr. N. Y. Acad. Med.). Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 89 p. 170— 171. [Inbreeding alone does not appreciably alter sex ratio. Altered by selection. No tendency to sterility.] 13.9 Embryologia experimentalis. (Vide etiam: 210553, 210560, 210561, 210564, 210577, 210580.) ‘1 Lillie, Ralph S. 13.9 : 39.3 1915. On the Conditions of Activation of Unfertilized Starfish Eggs under the Influence of High Temperatures and Fatty Acid Solutions. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 260—303. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205800.) 72 Gray, J. 13.9 : 39.5 1914. The Permeability of Echinoderm Eggs to Electrolytes, Nature London Vol. 92 p. 8. {Increase in elvctrical conductivity alter fertilisa- tion.] 73 Herlant, M. 15.9 : 39.5 1914. Sur l'existence d’un rythme périodique das le déterminisme des premiers phénomènes du développement parthénogénétique expérimentai chez l’Oursin. (C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 158 p. 1531—1533. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205821.) 74 Warburg, Otto. 13.9 : 39.5 1914. Zellstruktur und Oxydationsgeschwindigkeit nach Versuchen am Seeigelei. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 153 p. 189—208, 1 Taf., 1 flg: [Nach Strukturzerstörung atmen die (abzentrifvgbaren) Körnchensuspensiöhen stärker als die entsprechende Menge intakter unbefruchteter Eier. Um- gekehrtes Verhältnis bei befruchteten Eiern. Unterschied betrifft nür die intakten Eier. Rolle der Grenzschicht in der Oxydationsbeschleunigung bie beim Eintritt des Spermatozoons erfolgt.] 210675 Brachet, A. 15.9 : 39.5 1915. Sur l’évolution cyclique du cytoplasme de l’œuf activé. ©. K. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 359—361. [Œufs d’oursin activés par acide butyrique subissent, dans composition de leur cytoplasme, des changements d’allüre cyclique et de nature plutôt physique que chimique.] 76 Delage, Y., et M. Goldsmith. 13.9 : 39,5 1915. Le tannin et le sucre dans la Parthénogénèse des Oursins. Ré- ponse à Dororuy Jorpan Lioyp. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco Nö, 306, 11 pp. [Les auteurs n’admettent pas qu'il soit une simple question d’hÿ- pertonie du véhicule sucré.] 77 Dustin, A. P. 13.9 : 39.5 1915. Le procédé de paithénogenèse expérimentale de DxLace et son mode d'application. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 356—359. [Rôle essentiel non seulement du tannate d’ammoniaque, mais aussi des sels de l’eau de mer.] 78 Heilbrunn, L. V. 13,9 : 39.5 1915. Studies in Artificial Parthenogenesis. II. Physical Changes in the Egg of Arbacia. Biol, Bull. Woods Hole Vol; 29 p. 149-203, 1 fig. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205825.) | 79 Loeb, Jacques. 134 2 39:3 1915. Concerning' Bracuxr’s Ideas of the Rôle of Membrane‘ Formätion in Fertilization. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol: 28 p. 87—92 [Essential feature chemical (enhancement of oxidations).] 210680 Loeb, Jacques. 13:9 : 39.5 1915. Reversible Activation and Incomplete Membrane Formation of: gs Unfertilized Eggs of the Sea Urchir. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 2 p. 103—110, 2 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 205827.) 105 Embryologia 210631 Moore, Arthur Russell. 13.9 : 39.0 1915. On the Rhythmical Susceptibility of Developing Sea Urchin Eggs to Hypertonic Sea Water. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 253—259, 2 figg. [Maximal susceptibility just after fertilization and immediately before and during each cytoplasmic division. Similar rhythm after fatty acid treatment.] 82 Richards, A., and A. E. Woodward. 13.9 : 39.5 1915. Note on the Effect of X-Radiation on Fertilizin, (Contrib. zool. Dept. Univ. Texas No. 123.) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 140— 147, 4 pls. [Weak radiation accelerative, strong inhibitive.] 83 Woodward, Alvalyn E. 13.9 : 39.5 1915. Note on the Nature and Source of „Purple X“. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 135—137. [Purple color of boiled suspension of Arbacia sperm and its inhibitory effect. Chemical nature unknown, not echino- chrome.] 84 Goldfarb, A. J. 13.9 : 39,5 Arbacia 1915. Experimentally Fused Larvae of Echinoderms with Special Refe- rence to their Skeletons. Part 2. Arbacia punctata. Arch. Entw.-Mech, Bd. 41 p. 579—604, 7 pls. [By means of isotonic or hypotonic NaCl solutions in sea-water. Suppressed and dominant larvae. Regulative processes.] 85 Pictet, Arnold. 13.9 : 57.83 1915. Influence de la pression barométrique sur le développement des Lépidoptères. (Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève.) Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Ge- nève (4) T. 40 p. 74—77. — Le développement des Lépidopteres: le rôle de la température en relation avec la pression barométrique. p. 161 —164. [Eclosions produites par la baisse barométrique. Remplacement de la diminution de la pression dans quelques cas spéciaux par une élé- vation de température.] 86 Fischer, E. 12.9 : 57.89 1915. Berichtigungen zu O. Procanvw's analytischer Methode bei Tem- peraturexperimenten mit Schmetterlingen. Biol. Centraibl. Bd. 55 p. 145—153. se 210687 Fischer, E. 13.9 : 57.89 Argynnis 1915. Eine schwarze Aberration von Argynnis paphia — valesina Esr. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 30 p. 48—49. [n. forma eudora durch Frost-Experi- ment erhalten.] 88 Hertwig, Paula. 13.9:6 1916. Durch Radiumbestrahlung verursachte Entwicklung von halbker- nigen Triton- und Fischembryonen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 86 Abt. 2 p. 63—112, 3 Taf., 13 figg. 1.597,58, 79 89 Werber, E. I. | 13.9 : 7.59 1915/16. Further Experiments Aiming at the Control of Defective and Monstrous Development. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 240—241. — Blastolysis as a morphogenetic factor in the development of monsters. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 258— 262. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 25 No. 208003, 208004.) 90 Banta, Arthur M., and Ross Aiken 6ortner. 13.9 : 76 1914/15. The production of accessory appendages and other abnormali- ties in amphibian larvae through the action of centrifugal force. Proc. Soc. exper, Biol. Med. Vol. 11 p. 177—178. — Abnormalities in Deve- lopment Resulting from Centrifuging Eggs. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 13 p. 122. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No, 208311.) 78, 79 91 Cotronei, Giulio. ie 13.9 : 78 1915: Correlazioni e differenziazioni: ricerche sullo sviluppo degli Anfi- bii Anuri. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 24 Sem. 1 p. 1248—1253, [Azi- one elettiva dei sali come metodo.] nn. 210692 Brachet, A. | 13.9 : 78 Rana 1916. Variations individuelles précoces au cours du dévéloppement em- Embryologia - Organologia 106 bryonnaire ©. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 79 p. 27?—29. [Modifications en plus ou en moins Gans un domaine déterminé à l’activité métabolique de l’œuf fécondé. Crête ganglionnaire.] 210693 Barr, Harold Saxton, 13.9 279 Amblystoma 1916. The eïfects of the removal of the nasal pits in Amölystoma em- bryos. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 27—56, 3 pls, 2 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 205056.) 94 Aggazzotti, A. 13.9 : 86 Gallus 1915. Influence de l’air raréfié sur l’ontogenese. Note III. — Les mu- difications qui ont lieu dans les gaz de ia chambre d’air de l’œuf durant le deveioppement. Arch. ital. Bivi. T. 62 p. 367—394. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208722.) 95 Grüter, Max. 13.9: 86 Gallus 1916. Ueber die Zerstörung von Morphin und Morphinderivaten bei der Entwicklung von Hühnerembryonen. Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd. 79 p- 357 — 360. [Zerstörung auf oxydativem Wege von Morphin und Heroin, nicht aber von Kodein. Abhängig von Entwicklungstute.] 59.14 Organoiogia. 95 Hertwig, 0. 14 1813. Allgemeine und experimentelle Morphologie und Entwicklungsge- schichte der Tiere. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 2 Ti. 2 p. 94 —175, 51 figg. 97 Emch, Hermann. 14 1916. Geometrie im Tierkörper. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 22—25, 34 fiag. 14.9 210698 Cole, F. J., and Nellie B. Eales. 14 : 09 13916. Materials for a Graphic History of Comparative Anatomy. Rep. Söth Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 464— 468, 2 figg. [Census of papers published in various periods.] 091 99 Heider, K. l4: 2 1914. Phylogenie der Wirbellosen. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 4 p. 453— 529, 25 figg. 210700 Cavina, Cesare. 14 : 31.6 Spirochaete- 1915. Morfoiogia e riproduzione della Spirochaeta pallida (ScHAUDInN) © loro importanza nella evoluzione clinica della sifilide nelluomo. Mor- gagni Auno 57 Pie. 2 Kiv. p. 625—654, 5 figg. [Rivista sintetica.] 01 ABepuaner, €. Awerinzew, 5 14 : 31.7 Halterina 1501, Mopdosorix Hu CucTeMaTuka ceM. Halterina Crar. et Lacum. TpyAtbr Cu6. G6m. Ecrecrs. T. 31 Brin, 2 Orabı. 30014. ®asier. p. 1-59. — Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Familie Halterina Crar. et Lacam. Trav. Soc. Nat. St-Pétersbourg Vol. 31 Livr. 4 Zooi. et Physiol. p. 59 —63. 02 Moroff, Theodor. 14 : 31.93. 1915. Zur Kenrtnis der Sarkosporidien. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 256—315. 03 Schimbke, G. Oskar. 14 : 36.2: 1915. Studien zur Anatomie der Gorgonaceen. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 80 A Heft 11 p. 1—81, + Taif., 22 figg. 14.3,.63,.69,.77 04 Rees, Olwen M. | 14 : 36.5 1915. Contributions to the Comparative Anatomy of some British Ac- tiniae. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 10 p. 521—554, 16 fige. 14.5,.77 210705 ee 1. 14 : 4.36 Bathydoris 1914. The Anatomy of a New Species of Bathydoris, and the Affinities of the Genus: Scottish National Antarctie Expedition. Trans. R. Soc. 107 Organologia Edinburgh Vol. 50 p. 191—205, 2 pls. [B. brown: n. sp.] 14.12,.13,.28,.31 —.34,.61,.63,.64,.65,.67,.81,.83,.89 210706 Wagner, A. J. 14 : 4.38 1915. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Systematik der Stylomatophoren aus dem Gebiete der Monarchie und der angrenzenden Balkanländer. Denk- schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. CL Bd. $1 p. 429—498, 24 Tat. [5 nn. spp. in: Schistophallus, Phenacolimax 2, Semifruticicota n. g., Monacha. — 4 nn. subspp. in: Aegopis Hyalinia, Fruticicola 2. — Testacelloides, Mor- lina, Cellariopsis nn. subgg. — Cibinia n. g. pro Daudebardia transsilvani- ca, Schistophallus pro Hyalina oskari.] 14.313,.314,.32,.63,.64,.65,.77,.78 07 Davies, Olive B. 14 : 4,33 Caryodes 1314. The Anatomy of Caryodes dufresnyi, Leacu Proc. EB. Soc. Vic- toria N. S. Voi. 27 p. 19—2%4, i pl. 14.11,.12,.31—.38,.61,.63,.64,.65,.67,.77 08 Connolly, M, 14: 4.38 Marinula 1915. Notes on South African Moilusca. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 13 p. 99—178, 4 pls., 7 figg. [Anatomy of Marinulu tristanensis by M. C. Rogsox.] 08 Ariola, V. 14 : 51.21 1902. Ricerche Anatomo-Zoologiche sui Cestodi Parassiti del Centrolophus pompilus ©. V. Atti Univ. Genova Vol. 17 p. 117—170, 5 tav. 10 Ebersbach, Albin. 14 : 4.56 1915. Zur Anatomie von Cirroteuthis umbellata Fiscuer und Stauroteuthis sp. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 113 p. 361—483, 2 Taf., i8 fige. 14.11—.14,.28,.31—.36,.33,.61,.63,.64,.71,.73,.81,.84,.85,.86,.83,.99 il Cobn, Ludwig. 14: 51.22 Epibdella 1916. Zpibddeila steingröveri n. sp. Zeitschr. wiss. Zooi. Bd. 115 p. 460 —488, 7 figg. [Wirt nicht näher bekannt. Anatomie.] 14.31,.32,.34,.61,.63,.64,.65,.67,.73,.76,.77,.83,.89 210712 Cort, William Walter. 14 : 51.22 Pneumonœces 1915. North American Frog Lung Flukes. (Conir. zool. Lab. Univ. Ill No. 53.) Trans. Amer. mier. Soc. Yei. 34 p. 203—240, 5 üge. [6 spp., n.: Pneumonœces coloradensis.] 14.3,.63,.65 —.67 13 Lang, Paul, | 14 : 61.238 1915. Experimentelle und histologische Studien an Turbellarien. III. Mitteilung. Arch. mikr. 4nat. Bd. 87 Abt. 2 p. 1—11, 9 Gigg. [Hetero- morpher Kopi und Sinnesgrübchen der Planaria polychroa. Kegeneratisn bei Polycelis nigra.) - 14.3,.77,.81,.84,.68,.95 14 issel, Kaffzele. 14 : 01.3 Strougylus 1915. A Morphological Study of Strongylus douglasi, Copsozn, ‘Trans. KR, Soc. South Africa Voi. 4 p. 299—272, li figg. 14.3:,.82,.34,.85,.61,.68,.6n,.77,.83 15 Stephenson, J. 14 : 51.4 1913. On intestinal Respiration in Annelids: with Considerations on the Origin and Evolution of the Vascular System in that Group. ‘Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 49 p. 735—829. [Original inhalant function of anus.] 721,.2.9, 01.0.1 16 Nelson, Edward M. 14 : 92 1915. Various Insect Structures. Jouru. Quekeit micr. Club (2) Vol. 12 p. 095—096, 1 fig. [Wing of Agrıon. Hairs on bee’s wing, on wing of Tenthredo and Trichopteryx, on ovipositor of Phalangia. Teeth on man- dibles of Tabanus, and of Haematspoda. Sting of Vespa. Fiea pygidium.] 54.3, 27.33,.03,.72,.75,.93,.98,.99 17 vom Berg, Mia. 14 : 92.24 1915. Morphologische und physiologische Untersuchungen an Oladoceren über Pigment, Haitorgane und Darınkanal. Arch, Nat. Jahrg. 804 Heft 12 p. i—33. 3 Taf., 20 ügg. [Pigmente als Zwischen» oder Endprodukte des Stoffwechseis.] 14.52,.34,.35,.77 210718 Chatton, Edouard, et Ernest Brement. 14 : 53.4 Ascidicolidae 1915. Les OVosiegites, ies ptéroerégites et la cavité incubatrice des As- 210719 20 21 22 23 24 210725 26 27 28 29 210730 Organologia 108 cidicolidae (Copépodes); développement, homologies, valeur phylogéné- tique et taxonomique. Note préliminaire, Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 143—155, 4 figg. 14.67,.77,.78 Caullery, M., et F. Mesnil. 14 : 53.45 Xenoca@loma 1915. Sur la structure d’un Copépode parasite (Xenocæloma brumpti, n. g., n. sp.) et ses rapports avec son hôte {Polycirrus arenivorus Cauzr.). ©. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 709—712, 1 fig. [Trouvé dans une hernie du ca@lome de l’Annélide.] 14.63,.69 Prell, Heinrich. 14 : 57.13 Eosentomon 1913. Das Chitinskelett von Eosentomon, ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Insektenkörpers. Zoologica Bd. 25 Heft 64, 58 pp., 6 Taf. 14.785,.93,.95,.96 Marshall, Wm. S. 14 : 57.33 Libellula 1914. On the Anatomy of the Dragonfiy. Libellula quadrimaculata, Lanxé. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. Vol. 17 Pt. 2 p. 755—790, 4 pls. 14.31,.316—,35,.61,.63,.69,.67 Teodoro, 6. 14 : 57.52 Coccidae 1915/16. Alcune osservazioni sulle Cocciniglie. Atti Accad. scient. ve- neto-trent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 147—149. — Osservazioni sulla ecologia delle Cocciniglie con speciale riguardo alla morfologia e alla fisiologia di questi insetti. Redia Vol. 11 p. 129—209, 4 tav., 3 figg. [Presenza di funghi simbiotici.] 14.29,.77,.78,.81,.83,.84,.89 Benick, Ludwig. 14 : 57.62 Stenus 1915. Mikroskopische Studien über die Gattung Stenus Larr. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1915 p. 235—247, 8 figg. [Grundskulptur der Körper- oberfläche.] Wasmann, E. 14 ; 57.62 Staphylinidae 1915. Neue Beiträge zur Biologie von Lomechusa und Atsmeles, mit kri- tischen Bemerkungen über das echte Gastverhältnis. [205. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen.] Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 233—402, 2 Taf, 2 figg. [Kritische Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit Jorpans (Anatomie, Histologie und Biologie). Physogastrie, Ent- wicklung der Symphilie, Fortpflanzung von Lomechusa. Eigene kritische Beiträge. Viviparität. Entwicklungsstände.] A eee Hewitt, C. Gordon. 14 : 57.72 Musca 1914. The House-fiy Musca domestica Lanx.: Its Structure, Habits, Deve- lopment, Relation to Disease, and Control. London: Cambridge Univer- sity Press: 8° XV, 382 pp., 1 map, 104 figg. 15s. (Review, Canad. En- tom. Vol. 47 p. 197—198. — Nature London Vol. 95 p. 30—31.) [Struc- - ture (external and internal) and habits of imago and larva.] Eltringham, H. 14 : 57.89 Danaidae 1915. Further Observations on the Structure of the Scent Organs in certain male Danaine Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1915 p. 152—176, 10 pls. 14.781,.96,.99 Gaupp, E. 14:6 191%. Morphologie der Wierbeltiere. Kultur d. &egenwart Tl: 3 Abt. 4 Boas, J. EV. . | 14:6 1914.. Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 ‚Bd. 4 p. 530—605, 47 figg. 4 Moodie, Roy L. Se | 14:6 1915. The Coal Measures Amphibia and the Crossopterygia. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 637—644. [Absence of fish-like forms. Problem of .derivation of Amphibians from Crossopterygians.] 7.46, 79.5 Favaro, Giuseppe. » | ” Te Ent 1906. Ricerche intorno alla morfologia ed allo sviluppo dei vasi, seni e cuori caudali nei Cielostomi e rei Pesci. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 65 Pt. 2 Appendice, 279 po. 153 figg: 14.13,.14,.42, 7.2, 31—.38,.44,.48,.53,.55,.56,.58 109 Organologia 210731 Nichols, J. T. 14 : 7.5 1915. On One or Two Common S:ructural Adaptations in Fishes. Co= peia No. 20 p. 19—21. [Foıking of caudal fin. Gills as food sifters.] 32 Leuba, J. 14 : 79 Spelerpes 1916. Sur les épithéliums respiratoires et l’appareil lingual de Spelerpes adspersus, Perersox. (Soc. Phys. Sc. nat. Genève.) Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève (4) T. 41 p. 333— 337. [Respiration cutanée et bucco-pharyngienne.. Réseau capillaire.] 14.15,.31,.32 83 Carisson, Albertina. 14 : 9.2 Dendrolagus. 1914. Ueber Dendrolagus dorianus. Zovl. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 36 p.. 947—617, 3 Taf. [Stammt von einem primitiven Känguruh ab, bei welchem hinteie Extremität kein besonderes Uebergewicht gewonnen hatte.] 14.22,.24,.31—.316,.33,.34,.36,.37,.41,.71,.73,.77,.98 34 Blanc, il. | 14 : 9.31 Chlamydophorus. 1916. Contribution à l’anatomie du Chlamydophorus truncatus Hart. Actes Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 97me Sess. T. 2 p. 251—232. 14.781,.785,.81 35 Heuser, Chester H. 14 : 9.32 Mus. 1916. Demonstration of dissections, eleared specimens showing the in- jected vascular system, and stereoscopic photographs made from dissec- tions and injections, of albino rat embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 266. 36 Amendsen Hein, S. A. 14 : 9.53. 1915. Contributions to the Anatomy of Monodon monoceros (II). Verh. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam (2) D. 18 No. 4, 35 pp., 5 pls., 10 figg. [Also. stomach of Tursiops.] 14.33,.34,.36,.37,.38,. 41 910737 Hoyer, H. 14 : 9.72 Rhinoceros 1915. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse am Kopfe des in Starunia in Gali- zien ausgegrabenen Kadavers von Rhinoceros antiquitatis Brum. Zeitschr.. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 19 p. 419—492, 3 Tat. 14.21,.22,.31,.313,.32,.71,.84,.85 14.1 Orgara circulationis (Vide etiam: 210588, 210592, 210594, 210597, 210705, 210707, 210710, 210715, 210739, 210732.) 38 Verson, Enrico. 14.1 : 57.87 Bombyx 1908. Sul vaso pulsante della Sericaria. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 67 Pt. 2 p. 1291—1321, 2 tav., 2 figg. [Embriologia.] 14.12,.13 39 v. Schumacher, Siegmund. 14.1 : 82 1915. Arterio-venöse Anastomosen in den Zehen der Vögel. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 87 Abt. 1 p. 309—340, 2 Taf. [Wohl wärme- und blut- druckregulatorische Einrichtungen.] 14.13,.14 84.1, 86, 87.4, 88.1, 89.7 40 Squier, Theodore L. 14.1 : 86 Gallus. 1916. On the Development of the Pulmonary Circulation in the Chick. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 425—436, 2 pls., 3 figg. 14.13,.14 _41 Barge, J. A. J. 14.11: G 1914. Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Pericardiums. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 17 p. 381—432, 49 fige. 7.31,.48,.58, 78, 79, 81.1—.4, 84.1, 86.5, 88.1, 89.1, 9.2,.735,.9 210742 Ziegler, H. E. 14.12 : 6. 1915. Das Herz des Menschen in seiner phylogenetischen und ontoge- netischen Entwicklung. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd, 30. p. 593—599, 16 figg. 1.31,.9, 16, 81.4, 9.32,.9, Organologia 110 210743 Laurens, Henry. 14.12 : S1 1915. he Uonnecting Brei of the Reptile Heart. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 427—444, 2 pls. 8].1,.3 44 Mosca, Annibale. 14.12:9 1914. Sulla conformazione della valvola del foro ovale nel cuore di al- cunı animali domestici. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena (5) Vol. 1 p. 10 —24, 1 tav. [Moito più larga di quanto l’apertura del foro comporterebbe.] 9.725—.735 45 Kent, A. F. Stanley. 14.12:9 1915. Iilustrations of muscular tissue in the auriculo-ventricular valves of the mammal’s heart. (Proc. physiol. Soc.) Journ. Physiol. London Voi. 49 p. XXXIX—XLI, 1 fig. [Striated muscle forıning more than hait tie thickness of Hap.] 9.32,.74,.9 46 Bullard, H. Hays. 1412 :9 1916. On the occurrence and physiological significance of fat in the muscle fibres of the normal myocardium and atrio-ventricular system. Interstitial granules {mitrochondria) and phospholipines in cardiac mus- cle. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol, 19 p. 1—34, 2 pis. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 206880.) 9.32,.13—.74,.9 47 King, M. R. 14.12 : 9.735 1916. The sino-ventricular system as demonstrated by the injection method. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 149 — —176, 5 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208881.) 48 Schulie, H. von W. . 14.12 : 9.74 Felis 1916. The fusion of the bilateral anlagen of the heart and the forma- tion of the bulbo-ventricular loop in embryos of the cat. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 212—245, 49 Allis, Edward Phelps, jr. 14.13 : 7.31 1916. ‘lhe so-called mandibular artery and the persisting remnant of the mandibular aortic arch in the adult Selachian. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 99—118, 2 figg. 210750 Bremer, John Lewis. 14.13 : 9 1915. The Origin of the Renal Artery in Mammals and its Anomalies. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 179—200, 10 figg. [Periaortic plexus in wnich channel for renal artery is mechanically selected.] 9,32,.73—.14,.9 51 Emmel, Victor E. 14.13 :9 1916. The cell clusters in the dorsal aorta of mammalian embryos. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 401—420, 2 pls. [Arise from vascular endothelium. Relation to atrophy of certain aortic rami and establish- ment of permanent intestinal arteries.] 9.32,.13 - 52 Celestino da Costa, A. 14.18 : 9.32 1915. Note sur une formation embryonnaire préaortique. Bull. Soc. poriug. Sc. nat. T. 7 p. 106—112, 1 pi [Composée de cellules mésen- chymateuses différenciées en méme temps que les fibres lisses de l’aorte.] 53 Haffer!, Anton. 14.13 : 9.81 Tarsius 1916. Zur Entwickiungsgeschichte der Aortenbögen und der Kopfarte- rien von Tarsius spectrum. Morph. Jahrk. Bd. 50 p. 19—48, 2 Taf., 1 ‚Sg. 54 Heim, H. M. 14.13 : 9.9 1915. The gastric Vasa brevia. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 637—645, 37 figg. [Usually 5—6 in adult arising from superior and inferior divisions of splenic artery or from accessory splenice branches.] 55 Stracker, 0. 14.14 : 86 Gallus 1916. Entwicklung der Kopfvenen beim Huhn bis zur Ausbildung der Vena capitis lateralis; Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 50 p. 49—%1, 2 Taf., 8 figg. -210756 Begg, Alexander 8. 14.14 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Ihe origin of the posterior portion of the vena cava inferior in 111 Organologia the white rat. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 181— 182. 210757 v. Schumacher, Siegmund. 14.14 : 9.73 Hippopotamus 1916. Ueber eigentümliche Verhältnisses an den Venen der Ünrmuschel eines neugeborenen Niipierdes. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 12—81, 5 figg. [Wandverdünnungen.] 58 Versari, R. 14.15 : 9.9 1915. La morfogenesi dei vasi sanguiferi nell’ emisfero anteriore dell’ occhio umano. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 156. 14.2 Organa respirationis "(Vide etiam: 210582, 210588, 210594, 210595, 210597, 210705, 210710, 210715, 210722, 210733, 210737.) 59 Blochmann, F. 14.2 : 53.3 Cypris 1915. Das respiratorische Epithel bei Ostracoden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 391. [Grosse respiratorische Epithelzellen auf der Schaleninnenseite. Bestäugung der Befunde von BxRNECKER.] 60 Fiebiger, J. 14.2 : 9.55 Delphinus | 13916. Ueber Eigentümlichkeiten im Aufbau der Delphinlunge und ihre | physiologische Bedeutung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 540—565, 13 figg. (Re- | ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 209116.) 14.23—.24 51 Lichal, Franz. 14.21 : 9 1915. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Histologie des Tränennasenganges einiger Haussäugetiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 296—303, 341—352, 6 figg. [Unterbrechung bei Schwein und Hund erst nach Geburt, Becherzellen bei Pferd, Rind, Ziege und Schwein. Schleimdrüsen beim Pferd. Um- gebende Bindegewebsknorpel beim Schwein.] 3.725 —.14 210762 Zimmermann, Agoston. ; 14.21 : 9,71 | 1915: A 16 es a marha paranasalis sinusai. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 14 p. 226—240, 8 figg. — Ueber die Nebenhöhlen der Nasa des Pferdes und des Rindes. p. 275—276. 9.125,.735 63 Kollmann, Max. 14.21 : 9.81 1915. Les fosses nasales des Lémuriens, C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 491—495. [Groupe hétérogène.] 64 Schaeffer, J. Parsons. 14.21 : 9.9 | 1916. ‘The embryology and anatomy of the nasofrontal region in man. | (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 16 p. 238—241. [Ethmoidal infundibulum rarely in direct continuity with nasofrontal duct.] 65 Conrad, Richard, 14.22 : 82 1915. Untersuchungen über den untern Kehlkopf der Vögel. I. Zur Kenntnis der Innervierung. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 532—5%76, 6 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208521.) 83.1, 84.2,.4, 85,.5, 88.1, 89.1 66 Hosoya, Yuta. 14.22 : 86 Gallus 1915. Zum Studium des Stimmorgans beim Kapaun. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 14 p. 475—488, 4 Taf. [Jugendliches Aussehen der Ge- webe. Kleinheit des Stimmorgans.] 67 Friedrich, Paul. | 14.22 : 9.725 1915. Die Verknöcherung der Kehlkopf- und oberen Luftröhrenknorpel des Pferdes. Monatschr. prakt. Tierheilkde. Bd. 27 p. 1—40, 5 Tar. [Physiologischer reparatorischer Vorgang. Histologie.] 210768 Huntington, Geo. S. 14.23 : 9 1916. Ihe significance of different and distinctive types of bronchia! Organologia 112 architecture within the same order of mammals. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 202—206. [Adaptation and phylogeny.] 9,32,.61,.72,.73,.74,.745 210769 Reese, A. M. 14.24 : 81.4 Alligator 1915. The Development of the Lungs of the Alligator. Smithson. mis- cell. Coll. Vol. 65 No. 2, 11 pp., 9 pls. 70 Bertelli, Dante. 14.26 : 76 1907. Il diaframma degli anfibi. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 66 Pt. 2 p. 341—348. [Invece della cavità addominale e della cavità pleu- riche esiste negli anfibi la cavità pleuro-peritoneale.] 18, 79 71 Braus, H. 14.28 : 6 1914. Ueber die Entstehung der Kiemen, ein Beitrag zur Homolngiefrage. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 18 p. 65—72, 1 Taf. [Dasselbe Organ kann durch Homogenie und Homoplasie entstehen.] 78 72 Harrison, Launcelot. 14.29 : 57.514 1915. The Respiratory System of Mallophaga. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 101-127, 21 figg. 73 Shelford, V. E. 14.29 : 57.62 Cicindelidae 1915. Elytral Tracheation of the Tiger Beetles (Cicindelidae). (Contr. zool. Lab. Univ. Ill. No. 54.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 241— 52, 59 fige. 14.3 Organa nutritionis (Vide etiam: 210575, 210582, 210588, 210592, 210594, 210595, 210703 — 210707, 210710—2107i5, 210717, 210721, 210732, 210733, 210736, 210737.) 219774 Struck, Wilhelm. 14.3: € 1915. Ersatzeinrichtungen für das fehlende Kiefergebiss im Bereiche der Wirbeltierreihe. Deutsche Monatsschr. Zahnheilkde, Jahrg. 33 p. 271—280, 9 figg. [Schnabel und Kaumagen der Vögel. Schlundzähne der Fische, usw.] 14.314,.32,.33 1.31,.55, 81.26,.3, 84.1 75 Fahrenhoiz, Curt. 14.3: 7.8 1915. Ueber die Verbreitung von Zahnbildungen und Sinnesorganen im Vorderdarm der Selachier und pre phylogenetische Beurteilung. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 389—444, 2 Taf., 7 figg. [Bedeutung für den Emfang des Stomodaeums.] 14.31, 814, 32,33, 7.31,.35,.38 76 Nusbaum-Bilarowicz, Joseph. 14.3 : 7.5 1912/16. Ueber den Bau des Darmkanals bei einigen Tiefseeknochen- . fischen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 474—484, 497—506, 7 figg. 14.32,.33, en .39,.36,.37, 7,55,.58 77 Giannelli, Luigi. 143 : 9.785 Bos 1915. Alcune considerazioni sulla memoria del Prof. Pensa „Lo sviluppo del pancreas 6 delle vie biliari estraepatiche in Bos taurus“. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 41—49. — Risposta alle considerazioni del prof. Gran- NELLI Sulla mia memoria „Lo sviluppo del pancreas e delle vie biliari estraepatiche in Bos taurus“, di Antonio Pensa. p. 157—160. [Territorio di formazione delle isole dal Langerhans.] 14.36,.37 - 78 Bowell, E. W. 14.31 : 4.38 Hygromia 1915. Note on Hygromia hispida, var. nana, Jerr. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 11 p. 275, 2 figg. 210779 Bowell, E. W. 14.51 : 4.38 Polita 1915. On the Mounting of Radulae for Microscopic Examination: Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 11 p. 272—274, 1 pl. 113 Organologıa 910730 Favaro, Giuseppe. 14.31 : 9 1:00. Le pieghe laterali del solco vestibolare inferiore della bocca nei mammiferi. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 59 Pte. 2 p. 919—929,. 9.32— .4,.1725—.74,.31,.82 81 Stadelmann, F. 1431 :9 1916. Die sog. Gaumenfortsätze und die Umlagerung des Gaumens. Kritische Studien an Embryonen des Schafes (Ovis aries) und des Schwei- nes (Sus domesticus) und an einem Hundeembryo mit Liprenkiefergaumen- spalte. (Freıscamann: Die Kopfregion der Amnioten. XXI) Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 50 p. 115-165, 3 Taf., 14 figg. 9.73 —.74 82 Schulze, F. E. 14.31 : 9.2 1916. Die Erhebungen auf der Lippen- und Wangenschleimhaut der Säugetiere. III. Marsupialia. Sitz.-Ber. preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1916 p. 43 65, 6 fige. 83 Görs, Erich. 14.31.3 : 9.32 Mus 1915. Beiträge zur Entwickelung der Zunge. Entwicklung der Zunge der weissen Maus (Mus musculus var, alba). Anat. Hefte Bd. 52 p. 649— 698, 24 figg. 84 Tomes, C. S. 14.31.4 : 6 1914. A Manual of Dental Anatomy, Human and Comparative Seventh Edition. Edited by H. W. Marerr Tıus and A. HorewerrL-Suırtua London J. & A. Churchill VI, 616 pp. 9, 85 Struck, Wilhelm. 14314 :6 1915. Die wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der Dichtigkeit der Zahngwebe, der Mehrreihigkeit und dem Ersatz der Zähne im Bereich der Wirbeltierreihe. Deutsche Monatsschr. Zahnheilkde. Jahrg. 33 p. 386-392, 9 tige. 1.35,.55,.56,.58, 76, 81.1,.21,.26,.4,.5, 9.53,.74 85 Dahms, Paul. 14.31.4 : 7.81 1915. Notizen über fossile Haifischzähne in den Wirtschaftsbüchern des Haupthauses des preussischen Ordensstaates. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 14 Heft 1 p. 60-72. 2107 ;7 Bolk, L. i 14.31.4: 9 1916. Problems of human denttion. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 91 —148, 28 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208889.) 9.82 —-.2 83 Bolk, L. 14.31.4 : 9.2 Phascolarctos 1915. Ueber ein Gebiss mit vaskularisierten Schmelzorganen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 328—355, 6 figg. [Bei lhascolarctos cinereus.] 89 Stefanescu, Sabba. 14.31.4 : 9.61 Elephas 1915. Sur l’origine de quelques accidents de la couronne des molaires c’elephants: champ de dentine, lames pseudocunéiformes, figures gémi- nées, et pseudogéminées, îlots géminés. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 100 —103. 90 Daleau, François. 1431.4 : 9.735 1913. Etudes d’Ethnographie. Dents de Ruminants cochées. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux T. 67 p. 209—215, 1 pl. 91 Schwalbe, &. 14.31.4 : 9.88 Oreopithecus 1915. Ueber den foseilen Affen Oreopithecus Bambolii. Zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Morphologie der Zähne der Primaten. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 19 p. 149— 254, 26 figg. — Nachtrag. p. 501—504. |Bestimmt als Anthropoid aufzufassen.] 92 Boik, L. 14.31.4 : 9.9 1915. Das Osriserrische Höckerchen. Schweiz. Vierteljahrsschr. Zahn- heilkde. Rd. 25 p. Si—104, 12 figg. |: 210793 Adlofr, P. 14.31.4 : 9,9 1916. Einige Bemerkungen über das Gebiss des Ehringsdorfer Unter- kiefers, Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 Pe 9 51—56, 2 figg. Zool. Bibliogr. XXX IX, 1916 8 210794 95 97 98 99 à 210800 01 02 03 04 05 06 210807 Organologia 114 Adloff, FE. i 14.31.4 : 9.9 1916. Ueber Wurzelvariationen an menschlichen unteren Molaren. Anat. Anz. Ba. 49 p. 166—222, 5 figg. [Ueberzählige Wurzein an der Innen- seite. Verwechselung von Boık.] Yoschida, Schin. 14.32 : 86.5 Colu::9a 1915. Ueber den Kropf der Taube während der Brutzeit. Journ. Cell. Agric. Sapporo Vol. 6 p. 1%1—199, 1 pl. (Referat, vide B. Z Vol. 29 No. 208741.) Bordas, L. 14.33 : 57.6 1813/14. Sur les variations du gésier chez les Coléoptères. U. BR. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess, 42 p. 168. — Sur les variations morphologiques du gésier chez les Coléoptères. Notes er Mém. p. 355—364. [Fonctionne- ment. 57.6i—.68 Heiderich, Friedr. 14.33 :6 1914. Der Glykogengehalt des Magenoberflächenepithels. (Niederrhein. Ges. Nat.-Heilkde., Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 40 p. 1598. (Re- ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208026.) 75, 9.52,.74 Yoschida, Schin. 14.33 : 9.32 1915. On the Stomach Glands of the Rat and Rabbit. Journ. Coll. Agrie. Sapporo Vol. 6 p. 201—227, 2 pls. [3 kinds of glands (cardiac, fundus and pyloric), with 5 types of cellular elements.] Harris. I. Frasert. :4.33 : 8.735 Altes 1913. Note on a Gastrolith found in a Moose. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Se. Vol. 13 p. 24&— 243. Zimmermann, Ägoston. . 14.33 : 9.756 Camelus 1916. A teve gyomränak ügynevezett viztartôi. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 174—180, 3 figg. — Die Wassersäcke des Magens der Kameliden. pe 205. 5 Helm. H. NM. 11.53 : 9.9 1915. The gastric Vasa brevia. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 637—645, 37 figg. [Usually 5--6 in aduit arising from superior and inferior divisions of splenic artery or from accessory splenic branches.! Livini, FE. 14.33 : 9.9 1915. Contribuzione alla conoscenza della istogenesi dello stomaco uma- no. La secrezione vescicolare nelle cellule epiteliali della mucosa gas- trica. Nota preliminare. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 49—58. Greschik., Jen. 14.34 : 57.93 Tenihredinidae 1915. À leveldaräzs-lärväk kôzépbelének hämja; a mag szerepe a hölya- galakü secretiéban. Ällatt. Közlem. Köt. 14 p. 207—225, il figg. — Das Mitteldarmepithel der Tenthrediniden-Larven: die Beteiligung des Kerns an der blasenförmigen Sekretion. p. 274—275. — Das Mitteldarmepithel der Tenthrediniden-Larven; die Beteiligung des Kerns an der blasentôr- migen Sekretion. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 427—448, 11 figg. 18.11,.13,.15,.18 Jacobshagen, Eduard. 14.54 : 7 1915. Untersuchungen über das Darmsystem der Fische und Dipnoer. Teil III. Ueber die Appendices pyloricae, nebst Bemerkungen zur Ana- tomie und Morphologie des Rumpidarmes. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 58 p. 445— 556, 68 figg. 7.2,.31,.35,.41,.44,.47,.48,53—.58 Jacobshagen, Eduard. 14.34 : 7 1915. Zur Morphologie des Spiraldarms. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 188— — 201, 220-235, 241—254, 16 figg. 7.2,.81—.88,.41,.44,.47,.48,.5 Lupu, Hélène. 14.34 : 7.59 Cobitis 309. Regeneration de l’épithélium intestinal de Cobitis fossilis. Ann. scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 182— 247, 14.34 : 81.3 Trionyx Jacobshagen, E. 1915. Eine spiralfaltenförmige Reliefbildung im Mitteldarm der Schild- 119 Oryauoiogia krötenfamilie Trionyx und ihre Stellung zur echten Spiralfalte. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 353-365, li figg. 2108 8 MacKenzie, W. Colin. 14.34 : 9 1916. À Contribution to the Biology of the Vermiform Appendix. Lancet Vol. 199 p. 183—187, 6 figg. [Maximum formation in Phascolomys.] 9,1,.2,.51,.9 08 Schaeppi, Th. 14.34 : 9.32 1915. Ueber die Anheftungsweise nnd den Bau der Darmepithelzellen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 87 Abt. 1 p. 541—363, : Taf. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 203890.) 10 Lineback, P. E. 14.34 : 9.73 Sus 1916. The longitudinal muscle in the colon of the pig embryo. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 262 —263. 11 Frazer, J. Ernest, and R. H. Robbins. 14.34 29.9 1915. On the Factors Concerned in Causing Rotation of the Intestine in Man. Journ. Auat. Physiel. London Vol. 50 p. 75—110, 18 figg. [Great influence of liver.] 12 Mayer, Anäre, Fr. Rathery et Georges Schaeffer. 14.36 1915. Les granuiations ou mitochondries de la cellule hépatique. Journ. Physiol. Path. gen. T. 16 p. 3581-596, 607—622, 2 pls. [Elément per- manent du protoplasma. Lipoides phosphorés. Réaction des mitochon- dries et son parallélisme avec modications chimiques de la cellule hépa- tique.] 53.811, 7.35,.59,.28, 78, 81.3, 84.1, 86.5, 9.32,.4,.74,.9 13 Peruzzi, Mario. 14.36 : 6 1911. La cellula del Kupffer nelle eirrosi epatiche intralobulari. Parte I. — Le cellule stellare nel fegato dei vertebrati. Lo Sperimentale Anno 65 p. 35—60, 1 tav. [Istogenesi. Le sole cellule endoteliali dei capil- lari venosi corrispondono alle cellule stellate.] 8i.1, 84.1, 9.74 210314 Berg, W. 14.36 : 6 1914. Ueber den mikroskopischen Nachweis der Eiweissspeicherung in der Leber. Biochem. Zeitschr, Bd. 61 p. 428—433, 2 Taf. [Eiweisstro- pfen bei gut genährten Tieren.] 79, 9.32 15 Scammon, Richard E. 14.86 : 6 1916. The development of the biliary system in animals lacking a gall- bladder in post-embryonic life. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 237— 238. 7.2, 86.5, 9.32 16 Baug, Ivar, und Einar Sjôvali. 14.36 : 78 Rana 1916. Studien über Chondriosomen unter normalen urd pathologischen Bedingungen, Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Path. Bd. 62 p. 1—%0, 2 Taf. [Fadenform der Froschleberchondriosomen. Variationen infolge verschie- denen Wassergehaltes der Zellen. Keine zyklische Aktivitätsveräuderung. Degenerative Veränderungen durch Einwirkung von Gaile auf überle- bende Leber.] 17 Wetmore, Alex. 14,86 : 88.9 Uhordeiles 1915. An Anatomical Note on the Genus Chordeiles Swarmson. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 28 p. i7%5—176, 1 fig. [Gall-bladder pre- sent.] 18 Mannu, Andrea. 14.36 : 9 1915. Sui legamenti del fegato. Nota preventiva. Monit. zcol. ital. Auno 26 p. 66—67. 9.725,.14,.9 19 Key, J. Albert. 14.37 : 78 Bufo 1916. On the relation of mitochondria to zymogen granules. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 215-216. [Pancreas. Zym- ogen granules not formed directly hy mitochondria.] 2108 Cagnetto, Giovanni. 1427 : 9,9 1309. Note istologiche su di un pancreas accessorio nell’uomo. Ati Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 68 Pie. 1 p. 121—122; Pte. 2 p. 191—815, 4 figg. [Ocrrispondenza di struttura ira organo normale ed accessario.} Organologia | 116 2.0821 Bertelli, Dante. 14.38 :176 1907. Il diaframma degli anfibi. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 66 Pt. 2 p. 341—348. [Invece della cavità addominaie e della cavità pleu- riche esiste negli antibi la cavità pleuro-peritoneale.] 78, 79 22 Lewis, Frederic T. 14.38 : 9.9 1916. On the Mesenterium commune of human embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 220—221. [Factors involved in primary rotation of intestinal loop. Series of models.] | 23 Caullery, M., et F. Mesnil. 14.39 : 51.7 Eunice 1915. Sur des corps cœlomiques multinucléés de l’Eunice harassii Aur. et Erw. (©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 593—596, 7 figg. [Servent à l'élaboration et à l’emmagasinement de réserves dans la période qui précède formation des produits génitaux.] — Addendum. p. 745. 24 Dehorne, Armand. 14.39 : 51.7 Nereilepas 1915. Sur le corps graisseux de Nereilepas fucata et sur un cas de Blas- tomycose généralisée des grandes cellules adipeuses. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 529—534, ı fig. [Tissu cellulo-graisseux. Grands elements à vacuoles. Inclusiors graisseuses et alburninoides.] 14.4 Systema lymphaticum, lien, thymus, thyreoidea, gl. suprarenalis. (Vide etiam: 210582, 210588, 210594, 210595, 210730, 210733, 210736.) 25 Pawlowsky, E. 14.4 : 54.6 Scorpio 1915. Sur la structure des organes phagocytaires chez Scorpio maurus L. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.) C. KR. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 746 —748. 210826 Michl, Eduard. 14.4 : 78 1915. Ueber die sogenannten Kiemenreste der Anuren. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 405—423, 2 Taf., 1 fig. [Brutstätte von weissen Blut- körperchen.] 14.43,.45 27 Dantschakoff, Wera. 14.4 : 81.21 Tropidonotus 1916. Ueber die Entwicklung des Blutes in den Blutbildungsorganen (Area vasculosa, Dottersackanhänge, Knochenmark, Thymus, Milz und lockeres Bindegewebe) bei Tropidonotus natrix. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 86 Abt. 1 p. 497—584, 3 Taf. 14.41,.43 28 Job, Thesle T. 14.4 : 9.32 Epimys 1915. The Adult Anatomy of the Lymphatic System in the Common Rat (Epinys norvegicus). Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 447—458, 4 figg. 14.42,.46 | 29 Retterer, Ed. 14.41: 9 1915. Du röle hématiformateur de la rate du chien, du chat et du cheval. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 551—535. [Chez le mammifère adulte, noyaux cellulaires du tissu splénique subissent transformation hémo- globique et après fonte du corps cellulaire, ils deviennent hématies libres.] 9.725,.74 30 Retterer, Ed. 14.41 : 9 1916. De l’origine, de la structure et de l’évolution des corpuscules spléniques, dits de Malpighi. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 181—184. [Debute sous forme d’un tissu plein, d’un syncytium. Fonte de certaines portions cytoplasmiques rendant libres les noyaux. 9.31,53,.73—.74,.81,.9 31 Retterer, Ed. 14.41 : 9 1916. Du cycle du fer dans la rate. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 14 —18. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208894.) 9.735,.74,.9 210832 Retterer, Ed. 14.41: 9 19i6. Du réseau vasculaire et des espaces caverneux de la rate. C. R. 210833 38 39 2108 ı0 41 42 43 44 46 We —] 210845 117 Organologia Soc. Biol. Paris T. «9 p. 124—128. [Idenrtiques, quant à origine et structure, aux sinus et aux cavernes des ganglions lymphatiques. Ca- vernes sans paroi propre intercalées dans réseau vasculaire.] 9.2,.31,.5,.73— .74 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41: 9 1916. Remarques sur les variétés de connexions de la rate des Mammi- fères. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 185—189. [Manque de connexion avec mésogastre chez la plupart des Ruminants.] 9.735,.74,.9 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 ; 9.2 1915. De la forme et de la structure de la rate des Marsupiaux. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 535—538. [Même structure que chez chien, chat et cheval. Développement des hématies.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.31 1916. De la rate des Edentés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 18—22. Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville, 14.41 : 9.32 1916. De la rate de plusieurs Rongeurs. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 417—421. ketterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.52 1916. De la rate et des hématies des Caviadés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 305—308. [Configuration et connexions (variables), structure et fonction (identiques) de la rate. Dimensions des h&maties.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.53 1916. De la morphologie de la rate des Cétacés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 60-64. [Lobes multiples complémentaires.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville, 14.41 : 9.72 1916. De la rate du Rhinocéros et du Tapir. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 267—270. [Structure de la rate du Tapir rappelle de très pres celle des Equidés.] vetterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 1441 : 9.723 1916. De la morphologie et de l’évolution histogénétique de la rate des Equidés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 222—226. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209146.) Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.73 1915. De la rate des Suidés et de l’Hippopotame. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 75 p. 658—662 [Valeur hémoglobique du porc moindre que celle des espèces sauvages.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.735 1916. De la rate des Camélidés, des Girafides et des Cervidés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 128—131. — De la rate des Ruminants cavi- cornes. p. 164—168. [Rôle sanguiformateur. Contractilite.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.74 1915. De la forme et de la structure de la rate des carnivores, ainsi que de l’évolution du parenchyme splénique. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 557—561. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209230.) Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.745 1915. De la rate des Carnivores pinnipèdes. (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 584—588. [Syncytium qui produit: réseau cellulaire et éléments libres contenus dans ses mailles (leucocytes et hématies).] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville, 14.41 : 9.8 1916. Forme et connexions de la rate des singes catarrhiniens. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 490—495. 9.82,.88 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 14.41 : 9.82 1916. De la rate des Singes Platyrrhiniens. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 49 p. 974—576. Sabin, Florence R. 14.42 : 6 1916. The Method of &rowik of the Lymphatic System. N, York med. Journ. Vol. 103 p. 25—26. [Origin from endothelial buds. Centrifugal ei. . growth.] 76, 86, 9.73,.9 McClure, Charles F. W. 14.42 : 7 1913. The development of the lymphatic system in fishes. 7th internat. Organologia 118 Congr. Med. London Sect. I Anat. Embr. p. 31—32. [Differentiation t# situ.] 7.41,.47,.55 210849 MecClurs, Charles FE, Me 14.42 : 7.55 1915. The Development of the Lymphatie System in Fiskes with Espe- cial Reference to its Development in the Trout. Mem. Wistar Inst. Anat. Biol. Philadelphia No. 4, 136 pp., 31 pis. [Origin in situ from mesenchyme. Existence of closed endothelial- lined tube in adult pos- sible but not certain. 50 McCiure, Charles F. W. 14.42 + 7,55 1916. Experimental confirmation of the view that Iymphatie endotheli- um arises in loco from intraembryonic mesenchymal cells and that it is not derived from the endothelium of the veins. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 222-924, [Under influence of KCN develop- ment of blood vascular system in Erimyzon can be arrested. Formation of an entirely independent endothelial-lined subocular lymph sac.] 51 Clark, Eliot R. 14.42 : 76 1916. A study of the reaction of mesenchyme cells in the tadpole’s tail toward injected oil globules. (Proc. Amer, Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 191—192. [No indication of a mechanical stimulation of the mesenchyme to forın epithelioid membranes, as postulated in theory of origin of lymphatics.] 78 52 Clark, Eleanor Linton. 14.42 : 86 Gallus 1915. Observations of the lymph-flow and the associated morphological changes in the early superficial lymphatics of chick embryos, Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 399—440, 9 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 203727.) 210853 Adler, Leo. 14.44 : 76 1916. Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der Amphibienneotenie. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Amphibienschilddrüse. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 164 p. 1—101, 7 Taf. [Veränderung der Merkmale durch Einwirkung exogener Lebensbedingungen (Hitze-Kulturen, Kälte- Hitze- und Hitze- -Kältekulturen). Morphologische Veränderungen der Thyreoidea, Regulierungsmechanismus.] 11.044,5 78 54 Frias, Moraes. | 14.44 : 9 1913. Contribution à l’étude des glandes parathyroïdes. Arquiv. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 4 p. 75—91, 1 pl. [Indépendance des thyroïdes.] 9.32,.4,.74,.9 Der 55 Bensley, R. R, 1444:9 1916. The normal mode of secretion in the thyroid gland. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 87—54, 1 pl. [Secretion into vascular channels from outer pole of cell without passing through follicular cavity. Storage role of colloid.] 9.2,.74 56 Bensley, R. R. 14.44 : 9.2 Didelphys 1916. The influence of diet and iodides on the hyperplasia of the thyroid gland of opossums in captivity, Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 57—66. [Hyperplasia controlled by diet alone. No inhibition per se by iodine. lodıdes cause storage of infrafollicular colloid.] 57 Jackson, C.M. | 14.41 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Effects of inanition upon the structure of the thyroid and para- thyroid glands of the albino rat. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 208—209. — Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 305—352, 14 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209075.) 58 Badertscher, J. A. 14.44 : 9.73 Sus 1916. On the fate of the „Ultimobranchial bodies“ in the pig. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 173—175. [Apparently contri- bute to formation of structural elements of thyroid.] 210859 Magath, Thomas Byrd. 14.45 : 76 1915. The Presence of Acidophilous Cells in the Adrenals of Certain Dr. Herbert Haviland Field Direktor des Goncilium Bibliographicum 25. April 1868—5. April 1921. & Ein volles, reiches Menschenleben bat in der Morgenfrübe des 5. April mitten aus rastloser Tätigkeit heraus seinen vorzeitigen Abschluss gefunden. Ohne jede Rücksicht auf eigenes Wohlbefinden und eigenes Bebagen hatte sich der Verstorbene seit Jahren eine solch ungeheure Arbeitslast aufgebürdet, dass das herz den Dienst schliesslich versagte und er lächelnd, im Schlaf, seinen letzten Seufzer aushauchte. Was Dr. Field für die Wissenschaft und das £oncilium Bibliograpbicum bedeutete, ist bekannt, aber nur die, welche um ihn waren und die mit ihm arbeiteten, wissen, was er wirklich geleistet hat — übermenschliches ! Seit Jahren mussten wir mit steigender Besorgnis machtlos zuseben, wie sich ein wertvoller Mensch, welchem dem Alter nach vorbehalten schien, noch so viel @utes und Bleibendes zu schaffen, im Dienste Anderer aufrieb. Zu all den durch den Krieg bedingten Sorgen um den Bestand und die Zukunft des Institutes, die ihn Beistand heischend in alle zivilisierten Länder führten, die ihn meist Nachts reisen liessen, um die Tage zur Arbeit frei zu bekommen, kam die Tätigkeit im Dienste des Friedens und der Versöhnung zwischen den feindlichen Staaten, im Dienste der Wobltätigkeit in den bungernden Gebieten, die ihn wiederum von Land zu Land führte. Die Zahl der Einzelpersonen und Familien aus allen Dationen, die seit 1914 bei ihm Rat und Bülfe suchten, ist kaum an- näbernd zu schätzen. Auch deren Sache machte er zu seiner eigenen; kaum einige Tage beimgekebrt, finden wir ibn schon wieder auf dem Wege in irgend eine Stadt, zu irgend einer Behörde, im Interesse seiner Schützlinge. Was in diesem seltenen Mann verkörpert war — Wissenschaft und Praxis — der weitausschauende Organisator, der eine Reihe von Sprachen spielend beherrschte, im Verein mit dem ganzen feinen, liebenswürdigen Wesen — es wird sich kaum in einer zweiten Persönlichkeit wieder ver- einigt finden — und so ist sein Hinschied für die Wissenschaft, das Institut und seine Mitarbeiter, sowie für seine zahlreichen Freunde ein unersetzlicher Verlust. Er hat sich ein bleibendes Andenken gesichert. Berbert Baviland Field erblickte am 25. April 1868 in Brooklyn, N. v., U.$. A., das Licht der Welt und studierte unter Prof. €. L. Mark an der Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., Zoologie. Goncilium Bibliographicum, Zürich, Mai 1921. | Marie Rübl. 119 Organologia Amrvhibians. (Contrib. biol. Lab. James Millikin Univ. No. :2). Trans, Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 154-158, 2 fige. [Present all the year round. Absent in many species] 18, 79 210869 Retterer, Ed. 14.46 : 9.74 1916. Du fer des ganglions Iymphatiques et de la lymphe. €. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 79 p. 219—%22. [Transformation des noyaux en hématies. Fer employé à la formation de l’hémoglobuline.] 14.6 Organa urogenitalia. (Vide etiam: 210570, 210588, 210592, 210594, 210703, 210705—210707, 210710—210712. 210714, 210718, 210719, 210721.) 61 Weissensee, Heinrich. 14.6 : 4.1 Anodenta 1916. Die Geschlechtsverhäitnisse und der Geschlechtsapparat bei 4no- donta. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 262—335, 27 fiag. [Bei A. cygnea sind die im Flusse lebenden Formen gatrenntgeschlechtlich, die im Teich lebenden zwittrig. Vorkommen eines Reservoirs am Ausführungsgang. Art der Befruchtung.] 14.63,.65,.67 62 Giese, Martin. 14.6 : 4.32 1915. Der Genitalapparat von Calyptraen sinensis Lin, Crepidula ungui- formis Lam. und Capulus hungaricus Lam. Zeitschr, wiss. Zool. Bd, 114 p. 169—231, 4 Taf., 27 figg. |Calyptraea- und Crepidula-Weibchen be- sitzen Gonopericardialgang (rechten Nierentrichter) der sich erst beim Uebergang von männlicher zu weiblicher Funktion (Protandrie) anlegt.] 14.61,.63,.64,.65,.66,.67 210863 Fruhstorfer, H. 14.6 : 57.89 Kallima 1916. Ein verkanntes Organ der Rhopaloceren. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 17—18, 3 figg. [Bucina. Funktion noch unbekannt] 64 Reverdin, J. L. 14.6 : 57.89 Teracolus 1914. Armures génitales mâle et femelle et écailles androconiales de Teracolus daira var. nouna Luc. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekienbiol. Bd. 10 p. 15—16, 4 fige. 14.63,.67 65 Kirkham, W. PB. 14.6 : 9.32 Mus 1916. The germ cell cycle in the mouse. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 217--219. [Sexual cycle completed in about 60 days. Oogonia direct descendants of primordial germ celis, spermatogonia from what appear to be epithelial cells] 14.63,.65 66 Warren, John. 14.6 : 9.9 1916. The position and relations of the sex gland in early human em- bryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 19 p. 254—256. [Re- lations to Wolffian bodies, to primitive kidneys and to other viscera.] 14.61,.63,.65 87 Teodoro, 4. 14.61 : 57.52 Coceidae eue Sui tubi malpighiani dei Lecanini. Redia Vol. 10 p. 15—19, 1 658 Nusbaum-Hilarowicz, Joseph. 14.61 : 7,55 1915. Sur quelques points intéressants dans la structure des reins chez Gastrostomus bairdi (Girz et Ryper), Argyropelecus hemigymnus (Cocco) et Chauliodus sloanei (Bi.ocn). (Résultats des Campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. Arserr ler Prince de Monaco} (Note préliminaire.) Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 307, 5 pp. | 210859 Huber, G. Carl. 14.61 : 86 Gallus 1916. Tbe renal tubules of birds. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Re- cord Vol. 10 p. 201-202. [Transition between reptilian and mammalian type (latter with long medullary loop having distinctive epithelium).] Organologia 120 210870 Chevallier, Paul, et H. Chabanier. 14.61 : 9 : 1915. Sur la localisation de l’urée dans le rein. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 689—692. [Urée existe dans tout le rein mais plus abondante dans la meödullaire. Chez le vivant l’urée corticale occupe les cellules des tubuli contorti. Passage par les bätonnets de Heidenheim.] 9.32,.74 71 v. Frisch, Bruno. 14.61 : 9 1915. Zum feineren Bau der Membrana propria der Harnkanälchen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 284—296, 1 Tai., 5 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208901.) 9.32,.74,.3 72 Bremer, Johu Lewis. 14.61:9 1916. The interrelations oi the mesonephros, kidney, and placenta in different classes of animals. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat) Anat. Record Voi. 10 p. 185—187. [Vicarious rôle of placenta in excretion.] — Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 179—208, 2 pls. [Excretion by glomeruloid apparatus in placenta in those forıns in which Mesonephros degenerates prior to fuuctional ability of kiduey.] 9.32,.73—.74,.9 73 von Môllendorf”f, Wilhelm. 14.61 : 9.92 1915. Die Dispersität der Farbstoffe, ihre Beziehungen zu Ausscheidung und Speicherung in der Niere. Ein Beitrag zur Histophysiologie der Niere. Anat. Hefte Bd. 53 p. 81-324, 4 Tat., 11 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208902.) 74 Zimmermann, K. W. 14.61 : 9.74 1915. Ueber das Epithel des glomerularen Endkammerblattes der Säu- gerniere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 335 —341, 2 fizg. [Interzellularspalten- system.] 75 Versari, R. 14.61 : 9.9 1915. Sulla costante presenza di una formazione ganglionare del simpa: tico periferico in vicinanza della porzione intramurale dell’uretere uma- no. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 116. [Azione sulla valvola ureteri- ca (?).] 210876 Loewenthal, N. 14.62 : 9.9 3915. Note sur les valvules de la fosse naviculaire du canal de l’uretre chez l’homme. Rev. med. Suisse romande Ann. 36 p. 297—304, 1 pl. B valvuies dont certaines manquent souvent. 77 Retterer, Ed. 14.62 : 9,9 1916. De l’évolution morphologique de l’uretre masculin. (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 569—574. 73 Boecker, Eduard. 14.63 : 37.1 Hydra 1915. Ueber eine dreiköpfige Hydra, nebst einer Bemerkung über den Sitz der Hoden bei H. vulgaris Parr. (—grisea D.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 607 —610. 79 Boycott, A. E. 14.63 : 4.38 Hyalinia 1915. Note on the Duct of the Spermatheca of Hyalinia excavata. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 11 p. 327—328, 1 pl. 80 Pawlowsky, E. 14.63 : 34.6 Buthus 1915. Sur la structure et sur le développement postembryonnaire des . organes génitaux mâles du Buthus australis L. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 633—636. 81 Muir, F. 14.63 : 57.6 1915. Notes on the Ontogeny of the Genital Tubes in Colevptera. Psyche Vol. 22 p. 147 —152. 57.63,.67 | 210832 Bethune-Baker, G; T. 14.63 : 57.83 1914. Notes on the Taxonomic value of Genital Armature in Lepidop- tera. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. 314—337, 11 pls. — „Notes on the Taxonomic Value of the Genital Armature in Lepidoptera“, by F. N. Pisrece. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 27 p. 7—10. — „Notes on the Taxonomic Value of the Genital Armature in Lepidoptera“. A Reply 121 Organologia by G. T. Berause-Baker. p. 10—13. — What are the Tegumen and Val- vae in the Armature of the Lepidoptera? by G. T. Beraune-Barer. p. 31 —39. — Notes on the Taxonomic Value of the Genital Armature in Le- pidoptera, by ©. R. N. Burrows. p. 40-43, — A Reply to the Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, by G. T. Beraune-Baxer. p. 56. 57,37 —.89 210833 Zykoff, W. 14.63 : 57.87 Phalacropteryx 84 85 86 88 89 210830 91 92 93 210834 1913. Psychiden-Studien. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 141— 143, 2 fieg. !Männlicher Genital-Apparat von Phalacropteryx praecellens.] Giacomelli, Eugenio. 14.63 : 57.89 Euryades 1910. Observaciones y notas sobre el Zuryades doroncheli Lucas. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 70 p. 436—444, 2 figg. Frubstorfer, H. 14.63 : 57.89 Lycaenidae 1916. Ein neues Organ bei den Gerydinae (Lycaeniden). Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 2. Suschkin, P. 14.63 : 87.89 Melitaea 1913. Zur anatomischen Begründung einiger paläarktischer Arten der Gattung Melitaea F. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 169—175, 285— 289, 321—325, 30 figg. Frubhstorfer, H. 14.63 : 57.89 Nymphalidae 1915. Beitrag zur Morphologie der Prepona und Agrias-Arten. Entom. kundsch. Jahrg. 32 p. 45—47, 7 figz. Huber, G. Carl. 14.63 : 86 Gallus 1916. T'eased preparations of the seminiferous tubules of birds (Chick- en). (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 266—267. [Branch- ing and anastomosis. Retention of rete-cord.] Hague, Florence 8. 1463: 9 1915. Numerical Relation of Spermatozoa to Serrour Ceils. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 213.) Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 131—159. [In rat number varies from 6 to 12.] 14.631 9.32,.74,.9 Myers, Burton L. 14.63 : 9.32 1916. Histological changes in testes following vasectomy (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 228—229. [Disintegratiou of sper- matogenetic elements. Interstitial cells and internal secretion unaffected.] Kyrle, J., und K. I. Schopper. 14.63 : 9.74 1915. Ueber Regenerationsvorgänge im tierischen Nebenhoden. (Eine experimentelle Studie) Arch. path. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 220 p. 1-19, 3 Taf. [Grosse Proliferations- bzw. Regenerationsfähigkeit des Epithels des Canalis epididymidis. Bildung neuer Kanälchen.] Perna, Giovanni. 14.63 : 9.9 1916. Sullo sviluppo della vescichetta seminale, della ampoila del canale deferente e del canale ejaculatore nell’uomo. Nota preventiva. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 27 p. 45—49. Zeleny, Charles, and E. C. Faust. 14.631 1915. Dimorphism in Size of Spermatozoa and its Relation to the Chro- mosomes. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 91—94, 1 fig. [Very gene- ral existence of size dimorphism among completed spermatozoa, probab- ly resulting from chromosomal dimorphism in spermatids. Possibie re- . lation to sex determination.] } 57.27,.29,.33,.54,.68,.72, 78, 81.3, 9.735,.74 Yoïnor, D. 14.631 1916. Sur l'existence d’une chondriodiérèse. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 451—454, 4 figg. [Dans la prophase ; les mitochondries spermatogoniales fusionnent en un filament qui se fragmente transversalemeut en segments, qui par condensation devien- nent des unités de division (chondriosomes). Dans la métaphase, mise au fuseau et division sous influence attractive des centrioles. Mécanisme précis de distribution.] 57.29 Organologia 122 210895 Leissling, Richard. 14.63.12 51.8 Rotifer 1915. Ueber eine Beobachtung von Spermatozoen bei Zuotifer sulgaris Scark. Arch. Hydrobiel. Planktonkde. Bd. 19 n. 241—247, 1 fig. — Be- merkurgen zu dem Aufsatz von RıcHarn Leissuina: „Ueber eine Beob- achtung von Spermatozoen bei Rotifer vulg. Scurk., von Avsust THıENe- MANN. Be 399—400. [Die Spermatozoen-ähnlichen Gebilde sind Sporen einer Mikrosporidienart, deren Polfäden sich unter der Einwirkung der . Kalilauge ausgestülpt haben.] 36 Meek, C. F. U. 14.63.1 : 57.21 Forfieula 1915. A Further Study of the Mitotie Spindle in the Spermatocytes of Forficula auricularia. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 1—14, 2 pls. |Length of spindle at conciusion of primary spermatocyte metaphase not proportional to cell volume.] 37 Morgan, T. H. 14.631 : 97.92 1915. The predetermination of sex in Phylloxerans and Aphids. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 285—321, 2 pls., 5 fige. [History of chromosomal nv eyele. Sex ratios.] 98 Kernewitz, Bruno. 14.631 : 57.8 1915. Spermiogenese bei Lepidopteren mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chromosomen. Arch, Nat. Jahrg. SIA Heft 1 p. 1—3534, i4 figg. [Zahl der Chromosomen. Kein Heterochromusom. Apyrene Spermien (degeneriert, Nährmasse). Mitochondrienkörper in Schwanzfaden.] 57.81—.89 39 Doncaster, Leonard. 14.63.1 : 57.85 Abraxas 1915. ‘The Relation between Chromosomes and Sex-determination in „Abraxas grossulariata“. Nature London Vol. 95 p: 3%. [Existence of male- and female-determining not yet finally demonstrated.] 210909 Szombathy, Col. 14.64 : 54.4 1915. Ueber Bau und Funktion der männlichen Kopulationsorgane bei Agalena und Mygele. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 13 p. 252—276, 2 Taf., 3 ige. [Auch Entwicklung.] 01 Bethune-Baker, &. T. 14.64 : 57 1915. „The Development of Clasping Organs in Insects“. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1914 p. CXX—CLXVIH, 12 pls. 57.15,.22,.33,.45,-62,.63,.60,.71,.72,.82,.88,.96,.98 02 Burr, Malcolm. j 14.64 : 57.21 1815/16. On the Male Genital Armature of the Dermaptera. Part I.: Pro- todermaptera (except Psalidae). Journ. R. mier. Soc. London 1915 p. _413—447, 5 pls., # figg. — Part IL: Psalidae. p. 521—546, 3 pls., 7 figg. [Taxonomy based on form of armature] — Part IIL.: Eudermaptera. 4916 p. 1—18, 4 pls. Ä k 03 Harnisch, Wilhelm. 14.54 : 57.68 Chrysomelidae 1915. Ueber den männlichen Begattungsapparat einiger Chrysomeliden. Ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie des Copulationsapparates der Käfer. Zeit- schr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 1—94, 1 Taf., 71 figg. |Copulatiousapparat wird aus den 8 fehlenden Sterniten zusammengesetzt. Penis selbst wird „aus 9. Sternit gebildet.] le 04 Jones, Frederic Wood, | | 14.64 : G 1915. The Explanation of a Recto-urethral Anomaly, and some Points in normal Anatomy. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 860— 861, 3 figg. [Backward „extension of the plicae rectourethrales.] 81.3, 9.9 5 05 Retterer, Ed. 14.64 : 9.61 Elephas 1916. Du tissu érectile du pénis d’un elephant d’Asie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 362—365. [Aréoles érectiles représentant réservoirs, ca- vernes vasculaires intercalées aux radicules veineuses et aux veines _ efférentes.] Ä 210906 Retterer, Ed., et H. Nenrille. 14.64 : 9.61 Elephas 1916. Du pénis d’un Elephant d’Asie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 398-361. [Même type architectural que celui des autres Mammifères.] 123 Organ ologia 210907 Age Ed. 14.64 : 9.735 Camelus 1916. Du tissu érectile du pénis de Dromadaire. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 414—417. 08 Zotta, 6. 14.65 : 57.54 Hydrocores 1915. Les parasomes des cellules folliculeuses des tubes ovariens des Hemipteres hydrochores. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) 0. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 469—471, 1 fig. [Existence intimement liée à l’activité secretrice.] 09 Aschner, B. 14.65 : G 1914. Ueber den Kampf der Teile im Ovarium. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 565—070. [Verdrängung der interstitiellen Gewebe durch geiben Körper onto- und phylogenetisch.] 76, 81, 82, à 10 Nusbaum-Hilarowiez, Joseph. . 14.65 : 7.59 Gastrostomus 1915. Quelques remarques sur les organes génitaux femelles de Gastro= stomus bairdit (Gizz et Ryper). Note préliminaire.) Bull. Inst. oc&anogr. Monaco No. 313, 4 pp. [Existence d’oviductes, qui se réunissent en arrière en canal impaire et qui s’ouvre au dehors.] 11 Swift, Charles H. 14.65 : 86 Gallus 1915. Origin of the definitive sex-cells in the female chick and their relation to the primordial germ-cells. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 15 p. . 441—470, 8 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208729.) 1915. Sur les cellules interstitielles ovariques de la lapine et sur les éléments de la theque interne de l’ovaire humain hors de la gestation et durant celie-ci. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 62 p. 353—366, 3 pls. [Durant la gestation augmentation d’activité fonctionnelle.] 9.32,.9 13 Evans, Herbert M. 14.65 : 9 1916. On the behavior cf the ovary and especially of the atrectic ftoilicle towards vital stains of the azo group. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 264, 210914 Monterosso, Bruno. 14.65 : 9.32 Cavia 1914. Su i Corpi di Carr e Exner mel follicolo de ne GraAr della Cavia. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mem. 21, 14 pp. 1 tav. [Rısultano essenzialmente dalla degenerazione di un elemento follico- lare.] | 15 Athias, M. 14.65 : 9.4 Vesperugo 1911. Le chondriome des cellules interstitielles de l’ovaire de Chauve- souris (Vesperugo serotinus). Bull. Soc. Portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 5 p. 46— 49, [Chondriosomes se transformant probablement en corps lipoides (processus sécrétoire).] 16 Strakosch, Werner. 14.65 : 9.9 1915. Das Schicksal der Follikelsprungstelle. Arch. Gynaek. Bd. 104 Pe 259—277, 1 Taf. [Ränder der Rissstelle gebildet von den Formationen des Corpus luteum. Verschiuss provisorisch durch intra vitam entstehen- den Fibrinpfropf, nach 9—10 Tagen bindegewebiger Verschluss.] 17 Schochet, 8. 8. 14.65 : 9.9 1916. A Suggestion as to the Process of Ovulation and Ovarian Oyst Formation. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 241. A Preliminary Report. p. 447—457. [Rupture of Graafian tollicie in part due to digestion of theca by liquor follieuli.] 18 Vercesi, C. 14.66 : 9 1915. Sur le tissu interstitiel de l'utérus (Glande myométriale „monster cells“). Arch. ital. Biol. T. 62 p. 421—437, 2 pls. [Fonction endocrine, Augmentation dans la grossesse et apparition des monster cells.] 9.32,.9 210319 Fox, Carroll, 14.67 : 57.75 1914. I. Some New Siphonaptera. Ball. 97 hygien. Lab. publ. Health Organologia 124 Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S. p. 7—17, 5 pls. — IL A Further Report on the Idei tification of some Siphonaptera from the Philippine Islands. p. 18. — Ill. The Taxonomic Value of the Copulatory Organs of the Females in the Order Siphonaptera. p. 19—25, 17 pls. 2109.0 Reiterer, Ed. 14.67 29.32 1916. Causes des variations évolutives de l’épithélium vaginal. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 161—164. [Pavimenteux stratiñé, dans l’inter- valle des gestations, il devient muqueux au cours de la gestation, A la suite d’irritations chroniques Kératinisation.] 21 Mobilio, Camillo. 14.67 : 9.73 1915. L’imene nella vitella e nella scrofa. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 12—22, 1 tav. [Forma.] 9.73,.135 22 Wahl, H. M. 14.69 : 9.32 Lepus 1915. Development of the blood vessels of the mammary gland in the rabbit. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 515—524, 6 figg. [Progressive liberation from blood supply to skin during development and during functional activity in adult. Retrograde metamorphosis after weaning.] 23 Myers, J. S. 14.69 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Growth and distribution of the milk-ducts and development of the nipple in the albino rat from birth to ten weeks of age. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 230. — Studies on the Mammary gland. I. The growth and distribution of the milk-ducts and the development of the nipple in the albino rat from birth to ten weeks of age. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 353— — 388, 4 pls., 6 figg. [Gross development. Reconstructions. Normally 6 pairs. Anastomoses. Varia- tion.] 14.715 14.72 Sceleton; Articulationes. (Vide etiam: 210588, 210710, 210733, 210737.) ‘210921 Yérouard, Edgard. 14.71 : 39.5 1915. Les unités architectoniques et les homologies de la lanterne d’ Arısrore. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 117—123, 4 figg. 25 Fioderus, Björn. 14.7126 1915. Studien in .der Biologie der Skelettgewebe mit besonderer Berück- sichtigung der Pathogenese der histoiden Gelenkgewebsgeschwülste. Sven- sk. Vet -Akad. Handl. Bd. 53 No. 5, 415 pp., 20 Taf. [Ontogenese des Skelettsystems der Extremitäten, insbesondere der synovialen ns Arthrome als Relikte arthrozenen Skelettgewebes.] 7.31, 78, 86, 9.32,.9 26 Gregory, William K. 14.71 : 6 1915. Present Status of the Problem of the Origin of the Tetrapoda, with Special Reference to the Skull and Paired Limbs. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 26 p. 317—383, 1 pl, 15 figg. [Comparative study of skulls and paired limbs of primitive Fishes and Stegocephali. A history of suc- cessive improvements in the locomotive apparatus.] 7.41,.42,.44,.46,.48, 79.5 27 Daniel, J. Fraxk. 14.71 : 7.31 Heterodontus 1915. The Anatomy of Heterodontus francisci II. The Endoskeleton Journ. Morphol. Vol.'26 p. 447—492, 8 pls. 2 figg. 25 Day, Henry. 14.71 : 7.47 Rhadinichthys 1915. A Note on the Parasphenoid of a Palæoniscoid. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 16 p. 421—434, 3 figg. [Primitive Teleostome derivation of Tetrapoda indicated.] 210929 Schufeldt, R. W. 14.71 : 7.5 1916. On the osteology of the fishes of Bermuda. (Proc. Amer. Ass. ‚Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 245—244. [Statement regarding work in progress. No details.] 1.55—.58 195 Organologia 210930 Broili, F. 14.71 : 81.7 Varanosaurus 1914. Ueber den Schädelbau von Varanosaurus acutirostris. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 26—29, 1 ug. 31 Hoiland, W. J. 14.71 : 81.9 19 5. Heads and Tails: A Few Notes Relating to the Structure Fr the Sauropod Dinosaurs. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 9 p. 275—278, 1 pl. | 32 Gilmore, Charles W. 14.71 281.9 AHosaurus 1915. On the Fore Limb of Adosaurus fragilis. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 49 p. 501— 513, 7 figg. 33 Lebedinsky, N. G. 14.71 : 82 1916. Ueber die eigenartige Krümmung des embryonalen Mecker’schen Knorpels der Sauropsiden. Anat. Anz, Bd. 49 p. 33—40, 8 figg. 81.1,.21, 83.1, 84.1, 86, 88.1 » 34 Shuteldt, RB. W. 14.71 : 83 1915. Comparative osteology of certain rails and cranes, and the syste- matic positions of the supersuborders Gruiformes and Ralliformes. Anat, Record Vol. 9 p. 731—750, 9 figg. 83.1,.2 35 Shufeldt, R. W. 14.71 : 88.1 Aramus 1915. On the comparative osteology of the Limpkin (romun vociferus) and its place in the system. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 591—606, 16 figg. (Family Aramidae distinct from Rallidae.] 36 Lowe, Percy R. 14.71 : 83.3 1915/16. Studies on the Charadriiformes. — I. On the Osteology of the Chatham Island Suipe (Coenocorypha pusilla Burzer). Ibis (10) Vol. 3 p. 60—716, 1 pl., 3 figg. — III. Notes in Relation to the Systematic Po- sition of the Sheathbills (Chionididae.) Vol. 4 p. 122—155, 4 figg. — 1V. An Additional Note on the Sheath-bills: Some Points in the Osteo- logy of the Skull of an Embryo of Chionarchus „minor“ from Kerguelen. — V. Some Notes on the Crab-Plover (/)romas ardeola PırzuLr). p. 313 —337, 5 figg. 210937 Cohn, Ludwig. 14.71 : 9 1915. Der Processus frontalis des Schläfenbeins. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 19 p. 591—418, 7 figg. 9.82—,9 38. Cohn, Ludwig. 14.71:9 1915. Die orbitale Frontomaxillarsutur beim Menschen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 365—384, 7 figg. 9.32,.74,.82—.9 33 Lustig, Walter. 14.71: 9 1915. Die Retroversion und Retroflexion der Tibia bei den Europäor- Neugeborenen in ihren Beziehungen zu den prähistorischen Menschen- rassen. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 581—596, 28 figg. [Vergleich mit anderen Primaten.] 9.82,.88,.9 40 Robinson, Louis. 14.715359 1915. The story of the chin. Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Washington. 1914 p. 599—609, 12 pls. [Reprinted from Knowledge 1913.] 9.55,.61,.74,.71,.81—.9 41 Black, Davidson. 14.71 : 9 1916. Endocranial markings of the human occipital bone and their re- lations to the adjacent parts of the brain, with special reference to the. so-called „vermiform fossa“. (Proc. Amer, Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 182—185. 9.1—.55,.74,.88,.9 42 Cohn, Ludwig. 14.71 : 9: 1916. Notizen über den Menschenschädel. 1. Die orbitale Sphenoma- xillarnaht. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 519—525. [Verschiedene Wachstums- richtungen beim Abschluss der Orbita bei Menschen und Affen] — 2. Stenokrotaphie und Ala-Parietale-Naht. Bd. 43 p. 46—51, 1 fig. 9,31—.9 2109:3 Watermann, T. T. 14.71 : 9. 1916. Evclution of the Chin. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 237—242, 7 figg. [Due to reduction. Presence in man and in elephant.] 9.61,.88,.9 210924 45 49 a 56 210951 52 53 54 55 210957 Organologia 126 äe Burlet, H. M. 14.71 : 9.5 1916. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Walschädels. V. Zusammenfas- sung des über den Knorpelschädel der Wale Mitgeteilten. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 50 p. 1—18, 7 figg. 9.51,.53 Uamerauo, Lorenzo. 14.71 : 9.73 1915. Osservazioni intorno alla bipartizione del lacrimale nei mammiferi ungulati artiodattili. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 707, 7 pp., 4 tav. 2.735 i Chandler, Asa C. 14.71 : 9.735 Bison 19516. A Study of the Skull and Dentition of Bison Re Lerpy, with Special Reference to Material from the Pacific Coast. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vel, 9 p. 121-135, 12 figg. ’ Naglieri, Francesco. 14.71 : 9.759 Bus 1915, Aicune osservazioni sopra i seni frantali ed i seni delle cavicchie ossee nel Bos Taurus e nel Bos bubalus. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 201—213, 4 figg. : Pocock, R. I. 14.71 : 9.74 1916. On the Cuurse of the Internal Carotid Artery and the Foramina connected therewith in the Skulls of the Felidae and Viverridae Ann. Mag. nat. Bist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 261—269, 2 pls. Pottorf, J. L. 14.71 : 9.74 Canis 1916. An experimental study of bone growth in the dog. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 19 p. 234—235. [Limb bone relieved of stress and strain will increase in length at same rate, but thickness of compacta will be far less.] Brown, Alfred J. 14.71 : 9,74 Felis 1916. The development of the vertebral column in the domestie cat, from the membranous to the completion of the cartilaginous stage. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 187—188. [Conden- sation of mesenchyme and chondrifcation.] Kernan, John D., Jr. 14.71 :9.74 Felis 1916. The development of the occipital region of the domestic cat with an interpretation of the paracondyloid process. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat, Record Vol. 10 p. 215—215. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209256.) ; Gregory, William K. 14.71 : 9.81 1915. On the Relationship of the Eocene Lemur Notharctus to the Adapidae and to Other Primates Il. On the Classification and Phylo- geny of the Lemuroidea. Bull. geol, Soc. Amer. Vol. 26 p. 419—446. Schwalbe, &. 14.71 : 9.88 Oreopithecus 1915. Ueber den fossilen Affen Oreopithecus Damboliü. Zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Morphologie der Zähne der Primaten. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 19 p. 149—254, 26 fige. — Nachtrag. p. 501—50t. [Bestimmt als Anthropoid aufzufassen.] Toldt, C. 14.71:99 1914. Brauenwülste, Tori supraorbitales, und Brauenbögen, Arcus su- perciliares, und ihre mechanische Bedeutung. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 31—35. [Abhängigkeit von Verteilung des Kieferdruckes auf Schädeldach.] Falk, Edmund. 14.71 : 9.9 1915. Zur Entwickelung der Halsrippen. Berlin. klin. Wechenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 715—718, 3 figg. [Stillstand auf einer frühzeitigen Entwick- lungsstufe in den meisten Fällen,] > Grunewald, Julius. 14.71: 9.9 1915. Ueber den Einfluss der Muskelarbeit auf die Form des mensch- Femur. (Selbstbericht.) Arch. Anthrop. Bd. 42 p. 273— 283, 14 Meder dy, George Grant. 14,11 : 9.9 1315. Neandertal Man in Spain: The Lower Jaw of Baïñolas. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 84—85. 197 Organologia 210955 Miller, Gerrit S. jr. 14.71 : 9.9 1915. u Jaw of the Piltdown Man. Sivithson. miscell. Collect, Vol. 65 No. 12, 31 pp., 5 pls. [Skull belonging to a man, jaw to a chimpauzee.] 59 Srdinko, N Ve 14,71 : 9.9 1915. Piispevek k seznäni dosahu mechanickÿch vlivü pfi vyvoji ske- lettu. Z üstavu pro histologii a embryologii @esk® university v Praze. Sitz.-Ber. böhm. es. Wiss. math.-nut. Ci. 1915 No. 7, 12 pp. 6 fige. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tragweite mechanischer Einflüsse bei der Eat- wicklung des Skeletts.] 60 Bandouin, Marcel. 14.71 : 9.9 1916. Sur lantériorité de la mächoire trouvée a La Naulette. CO. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 16% p. 519—520. [Appartient à l’époque pliocène.l 6i Cohn, Ludwig. 14.71 : 9.9 1916. Notizen über den Menschenschädel. 3. Das Tuberculum articulare am menschlichen Kieferselenk und seine Entstehung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 109— 116. [Rein hominide Bildung ohne Zwischenstadium bei den Anthropoiden.! 62 Thomson, Arthur. 14.71 : 9.9 1916. On the Presence of Genial Tubercles on the Maudible of Man, and their Suggested Association with the Faculty cf Speech. Journ. Anat. Physiel. London Vol. 50 p. 45—74, 17 fige. 63 Robin. Pierre. 14.72 : 6 1914. La circumduction ne peut pas exister dans l’articulation temporo- maxillo-dentaire. ©. R. Acad. Se. Paris T, 158 p. 1920—1921. 54 Floderus, Björn. 14.72 : 6 1915. Studien in der Biologie der Skelettzswebe mit besonderer Berück- sichtigung der Pathogenese der histoidan Gelenkgewebsgeschwülste. Sven- sk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 53 No. 5, 419 pp., 20 Taf. [Ontogenese des Skelettsystems der Extremitäten, insbesondere der synovialen Organe. Arthrome als Relikte arthrogenen Skelettgewebes.] 7.31, 78, 86, 9.32,.9 210065 Bassani, Enrico. | . 14.72 : 9.82 Lepus 1912. Ricerche sulla riparazione delle ferite delle sinoviali articolari del coniglio. Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 211—232, 2 tav. [Strati super- ficiale e profondo assumono caratteri di un connettivo a tipo embrio- nale.] 66 Retterer, Ed. 14.72 : 9.74 1915. De la structure et de l’évolution des extrémités articulaires. Ü. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 701—705. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208920.) 67 jetterer, Ed., et S. Voronoff. 14.72 : 9.74 1915. Evolution des greffes articulaires. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 705—708. [Au bout de 5 mois dans une phase de dösenerescence.] 63 Yoronoff, S. 14.72 : 9.74 1915. Contribution expérimentale à l’étude des greffes articulaires. €, R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 78 p. 700—701. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208869.) 14.73; 14.74; 14.75 Masculi; Tendines; Bursae (Vide etiam: 210710, 210711, 210716, 210733.) 69 "zombathy, Kâlmän. 14.73 : 54.4 1915. A pökok potrohänak izomrendszereröl. (Elözetes kôzlemény.) Allatt. Közlem. Kôt. 14 p. 126—147, 10 fieg. — Ueber die Muskulatur -des Abdomens der Spinnen. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) p. 193—194. 210970 Forster, A. 14.73 : 9 1915. Beitrag zur Morphologie des Scalenussystems und des M. sterno- costalis. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung. Zeitschr. Morph. Organologia 128 Anthrop. Bd. 19 p. 27—148, 271-352, 8 Taf., 27 figg. [Sterno-costalis ein Abkömmling des Obliquus abdominis externus.] 9.1—.4,.74,.81—.9 21097! Riebesell, P. 14.73.9 : 7.55 Malapterurus 1913. Die elektrischen Organe der Zitterfische. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 20 p. XLY—XLVL 14.775 14.78 Integumentum; Exosceleton. {Vide etiam: 210588, 210699, 210703, 210704. 210706, 210707, 210711, 210713, 210714, 210717, 210718, 210720, 210722, 210726, 210:33, 210734.) 72 Sule, Karel. 14.77 : 57.42 Chrysopa 1914. Ueber die Stinkdrüsen und Speicheldrüsen der Chrysopen. Sitz. Ber. böhm. bes. Wiss. math:-nat. Cl. 1914 No. 11, 50 pp., 27 figg. [Im Prothorax sich befindende Stinkdrüse. Feinerer Bau. Mandibulardrüse. Dislocierte Kruraldrüsen. Speicheldrüse.] 73 Verson, Enrico. 14.77 : 57.87 Bombyx 1901. Sull’armatura delle zampe spurie nella larva del filugello, Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 719—738, 1 tav. ([Cosidetta papiila adhesiva e ventosa.] 74 Verson, Enrico. 14.77 : 57.87 Bombyx 1911. Le appendici ghiandolari del seritterio bombicino e il significato di esse nei processi esuviali. Atti Est veneto Sc, Lett. Arti T. 70 Pt. 2 pe 363— 372, 1 tav. 75 Fielde, Adele M. "4.77 : 57.96 Stenamma 1915: On certain Vesicles found in the Integument of Ants. Proc. Acad, nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 36—40, 1 fig. 210976 Ballowitz, E. 14.77 : 7.5 1916. Ueber die Rotzellen und ihre Vereinigungen mit anderen Farb- stoffzellen in der Haut von Knochenfischen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 24- 30, 8 figg. 1.35,.91,.58 77 Saguchi, Sakaye. - 14.77 : 46 1915. Ueber Sekretionserscheinungen an den Epidermiszellen vor Am- phibienlarven nebst Beiträgen zur Frage nach der physiologischen De- generation der Zellen. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 14 p. 299—415, 4 Taf., 10 figg. 78 Metcalf, Herbert Edmond. 14.17 : 78 Rana 1915. Cell Changes in the Epidermis During the Early Stages of Re- generation in the Tail of the Frog Tadpole, with Special Reference to the Nucleus-Plasma Relation. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 54 p. 167— 184, 10 figg. [Migration of epidermal cells in which nucleus-plasma re- lation is temporarily decreased (starvation?). Rejuvenescence, Later mitosis.] L; 79 Barrows, H. R. 14.77 : 86 Gallus 1914. The Histological Basis of the Different Shank Colors in the Do- mestic Fowl. (Pap. biol. Lab. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. No. 72.) 30th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 232 p. 227—252, 6 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 208719.) 80 Monterosso, Bruno. 14.77 : 88.1 Linota 1915. Contributo alla conoscenza dell’Uropigio degli Uccelli (Linota can- nabina L.) Ricerche istologiche. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 183—200, 214—227, 1 tav., 7 figg. 210981 Toldt, K., jr. 14.17 : 9.73 Hippopotamus 1915. Aeusserliche Untersuchung eines neugebornen Hippopotamus am- phibius L. mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Integuments und Be- merkungen über die fetalen Formen der Zehenspitzenbekleidung bei Säu- getieren. Ausgeführt mit Subvention aus der Ponrı-Widmung. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 92 p. 653—707, 6 Taf., 2 tigg. — Anz. Jahrg. 52 p.. 219— 220. 129 Organologıa 210982 Pezzolini, Pietro. 14.77 : 9.74 1901. Sugli innesti cutanei alla Krause. Ricerche istologiche. (Nota preventiva). Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 587—590. [Conservazione e proliferazione dell’ epitelio di rivestimento, di molti follicoli ed di alcune ghiandole sebacee. Anche buona parte del derma perdura tale e quale.] 83 Hietel, Franz. 14,77 : 9.74 Canis 1916. 2 urL.ulormigs ee der Hautoberfläche des Hundes. 84 Wailes, George Herbert. 14.78 : 31.1 1915. Notes on the Structure of Tests of Fresh-water Rhizopoda. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1915 p. 105—116, 2 pls. 85 Jameson, H. Lyster. 14.78 : 4.1 1914. Artificially Induced Pearl Production. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 77 p. 205, 3 figg. [From Knowledge.] 86 Chidester, F. E. 14.78 : 4.1 1915. The Artificial Production of Pearls. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 79 p. 140, 1 fig. 87 Coates, Henry. 14.78 : 4.32 Litorina 1916. Occurrence of a Pearl in Littorina littorea Luxe. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 10. 88 Flössner, Wilhelm. 14.78 : 4.38 Helix 1915. Die Schalenstruktur von Helix pomatia. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 113 p. 546—577, 33 figg. [Schliesst sich derjenigen der Meeresgzastropo- den an. Mechanische Verhältnisse. Schalenperlenartige Bildungen.] — Zur Biologie, Struktur und Bildungsweise des Winterdeckels von Helix pomatia. 7001. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 337—346, 10 figg. 89 Leigh-Sharpe, W. Harold. 14.78 : 51.7 1915. Families of the Polychaeta Recognisable by their Possessing Characteristic Chaetae. Knowledge Vol. 38 p. 211, 1 fig. 210990 Oudemans, A. C. 14.78 : 54.2 1916. Hypostoom bij Acari, springende Acari, Heterotrichus inaequarma- tus, gezichtsvermogen van Carabus nemoralis, springen der Elateridae. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p. VII—XVI, 91 Bastin, Harold. 14.78 : 57 1914. The ,Ears“ and Sound-Producing Mechanisms of Insects, Curious Substitutes for Vocal Organs. Scient. Amer. Vol. 111 p. 527, 4 figg. 57.27,.29,.53 92 Bethune-Baker, G. T. 14.78 : 57.89 Ruralidae 1914. The Scales of the Ruralidae, with some Observations on their Colour Problems. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1913 p. CXLII—CXLIH. 93 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. 14.78.1 : 57.87 Euproctis 1915. Osservazioni intorno alla struttura dei peli addominali (peli copri- tori delle uova) della Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. Redia Vol. 10 p. 1—6, 2 figg. 94 Toldt, K., jun. 14.78.1 : 9 1916. Bemerkungen über das lokale Auftreten von Sinushaaren am Säugetierkörper. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 300-311, 2 figg. 9.2,.32,.62,.74 95 Onslow, H. 14.78.1 : 9.32 1914. Hairs and Hair-Pigments. Physical Structure and Chemical Cha- dee] Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 77 p. 356—357, 5 figg [From Know- ledge. 96 Rekoul, J. 14.78.1 : 9.9 1898. A propos d’un homme velu (Rham-à-Sama). Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 26 p. 110—112. 210997 Turner, William. ' 14.78.1 : 9.9 1914. The Aborigines of Tasmania. Part II. The Hair of the Head Zool, Bibliogr. XXX II. 1917 9 Organologia 130 el with that of otber Ulotrichi and with Australians and Polyne- sians. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 50 p. 309 —347, 34 figg. 210998 Martinotti, Leonardo. 14.78.1 : 9.9 1916. Della corneificazione del pelo. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 32 p. 1—21, 1 tav. [Strato basale dell’epidermide — sostanza mi- dollare, strato spinosa — sostanza corticale, strato lucido = cuticola del pelo.] 99 Cockerell, T. D. A. 14.78.5 : 7.5 1915. Scales of Panama Fishes. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 28 pP» 151—160. 171.55 —.58 211000 Evans, Arthur T. 14.785: 7.5 1915. A Study of the Scales of Some of the Fishes of the Douglas Lake Region. (Contrib. Univ. Michigan biol. Stat. No. 16.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 255—268, 2 figg. 7.55,.58 01 Rosen, N. 14.785 : 7.5 1915. Wie wachsen die Ktenoidschuppen? Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 9 No. 20, 6 pp., 1 Tat., 3 figg. 02 Chandler, Asa C. 14.78.7 : 82 1916. A Study of the Structure of Feathers, with Reference to their Taxonomie Significance. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 13 p: 243 —446, 25 pls., 7 figg. 83.1—89.7 03 Rintoul, Leonora Jeffrey, and Evelyn V. Baxter. 1916. Some Notes on Birds Moulting in their Winter Quarters. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 5—11. 83.3, 84.2, 87.4, 88.1 04 Shufeldt, R. W. 14.78.7 : 82 1916. A Fossil Feather from Taubaté. Auk N. S. Vol. 33 p. 206—207. 211005 Ticehurst, Claud B. 14.18.7 : 82 1916. Notes on Migrants and Moult, with Special Reference to the Moults of some of our Summer Visitants. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 29 —38. 83.1, 84.1,.2,.4, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 06 Haviland, Maud D. 14.78.7 : 83.3 Charadrius 1915. Note on the Nestling Plumage of the Asiatie Golden Plover (Charadrius dominicanus fulvus). Ibis (10) Vol. 3 p. 716—717. 07 Elmhirst, Richard. 14.78.7 : 84.1 Anas 1915. Faunistic Notes. I. — Habits of Cottus bubalis. II. — Records of Lernaea cylcopterina. Abnormal Anas boscas, Colymbus arcticus, Tetrabothri- us macrocephalus, and Parachordodes violaceus. Glasgow Natural. Vol. 7 p. 43—47, 3 figg. 08 Smalley, F, W. 14.78.7 : 84.1 Anatidae 1915. Further Notes on the Moults and Sequence of Plumages in some British Ducks. Brit. Birds Vol. 9 p. 137—141. — Notes on the Moults and Sequence of Plumages in some British Ducks, by Annie C. Jackson: p. 190—191. 09 Evans, William. 14.78.7 : 84.2 Larus 1915. The Spring Moult of the Black-headed Gull. Scottish Natural. p. 286—287. 10 Rintoul, Leonora Jeffrey, and Evelyn V. Baxter. 14.78.7 : 84.2 Larus 1915. Spring Moult of Common and Black-headed Gulls. Scottish Na- 11 Witherby, H. Fr 14.78.7 : 88.1 1915/16. The Moults of the British Passeres, with Notes on the Sequence of the Plumages. Part I. Brit. Birds Vol. 9 p. 148—151. — II p. 167 " 6 176. — 1IL p. 239—248. -- IV. p. 314—316, 1 fig. 211012 Sammereyer, Hans. 14.78.8 : 9.735 Cervus br ‚Das Hirschgeweih. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 12 p. 8576-379, 6 BB. 131 Organologia | 211013 Rhumbler, Ludwig. 14.78.8 : 9.735 Cervus 1916. Der Arterienverlanf auf der Zehnerkolbenstange von Cervus elaphus L. und sein Einfluss auf die Geweihform. Zeitschr. wiss. Zocl. Bd. 115 p. 337—367, 1 Taf., 12 fige. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209210.) 14 Lankester, E. Ray. 14.78.8 : 9.735 Okapia 1915. Supposed Horn-Sheaths of an Okapi. Nature London Vol. 95 p. 64—65. 14.8 Systema nervosum. (Vide etiam: 210570, 210588, 210592, 210594, 210598, 210705, 210710, 210711, 210713, 210714, 210722, 210734, 210737.) 15 Parker, 6. H. 14.8 1914. The Origin and Evolution of the Nervous System. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 84 p. 118—127. [Appropriation of effectors and receptors by nervous systeın. 3 types of receptor mechanisms of genetic value.) 16 Brüel, L. 14.8 : 4.34 Pterotrachea 1915. Ueber das Nervensystem der Heteropoden. I. Pterotrachea. Zeool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 530—548, 11 figg. [Echte Pleurovisceralconnective.] 14.81,.83,.89 17 Keim, Wilhelm. 14.8 : 53.841 Astacus 1915. Das Nervensystem von Astacus fluviatilis (Potamobius astacus L.) Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Dekapoden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 113 p. 485—545, 28 figg. 14.81,.83,.39 18 Bretschneider, F. 14.8 : 57 1914, Ueber die Gehirne der Küchenschabe und des Mehlkäfers. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 52 p. 269—362, 3 Taf., 12 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208476.) 14.81,.83,.84,.89, 57.22,.67 211019 &oodrich, Edwin 8. 14.8 : 6 1915. The Chorda Tympani and Middle Ear in Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 137—160, 3 pls., 5 figg. [Post-trematic branch of facialis behind first gill slit. Proximai region of columella corresponds to stapes, quadrate to incus, articular to mai- leus.] . 14.83,.85 81.1, 84.1, 86, 9.2 20 Allen, William F. 14.8 : 7.2 1916. Studies on the spinal cords and medulla of cyclostomes with special reference to the formation and expansion of the roof plate and the flattening of the spinal cord. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol, 26 p. 9— 76, 16 pls. 14.81,.82 21 Brookover, Charles. 14.8 : 81.3 1915. Address of the President for 1914. Some Points in the Develop- ment of the Nose. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 7—20, 5 figg. [Nervus terminalis a component of olfactory.] .83,.86 22 Soprana, F. 148 : 86.5 Columba 1907. Ulteriori contributo alla conoscenza dell’ atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva da lesione dei canali semicircolari. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 67 Pt. 2 p. 161—171, 1 tav. [Consequenza diretta della lesione delle fibre del vestibolare. Propagarsi della degenerazione alle cellule delle corna anteriori] 14.81,.82 23 Weed, Lewis H. 14.8 : 9.78 1916. The establishment of the circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 256—258. [Passage of cerebro-spinal fluid from ventricular system into pericerebral and perispinal spaces from 2 localized areas in 2 portions of rhombic roof.] 14.81,.82 211024 Johnson, Franklin P. 14.8 : 9.9 1916. Notes on the neuromeres of the brain and spinal cord, (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 209—210. [Whole medul- Organologia 132 lary tube showing neuromeres in human embryo of 23—24 segments. Relations to nerves. 9 ne aus to rhombencephalon.] 4,81,.82 211025 Sterzi, Giuseppe. 14.81 : 6& 1901. Ricerche intorno all’ anatomia comparata ed all’ cntogenesi delle meningi e considerazioni sulla filogenesi. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti. T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 1101-1372, 5 tav. 7.1—.35,.44,.48,.55,.56, 78—81.21,.3, 84.1,.2, 86, 89.7, 9.2—.33,.725—.74,.9 -25 Dubois, Eug. 14.81 : 6 1914. Die gesetzmässige Beziehung von Gehirnmasse zu Körpergrösse bei den Wirbeltieren. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 18 p. 323—350. [Correlationsexponenten.] 7.55,.58, 78, 79, 81.1,.26,.3, 84.1,.2, 80,5, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1,.7, 9.2—.53,.61,.725— .74,.82,.88,.9 27 Lloyd, James Hendrie. 14.81 : 6. 1915. The Morphology and Functions of the Corpus Striatum. Journ.. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 42 p. 370—382, 8 figg. [Vestigial organ, repre- re original fore-brain mass of earliest ancestral types of Verte- rates.] 2€ Stuurman, F. J. 14.81 : 6 1915. Die Herstellung und Färbung von Serienpräparaten der Gehirne, kleiner Tiere. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 152—159. 25 Wallenberg, [Adolf.] 14.81 : 6 1915. Ueber die Entwicklung des Zentralnervensystems in der Wirbel- tierreihe. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 14 Heft 1 p. XIH—XIV. [Unterscheidung von Palae- und Neencephalon usw. Populär.] 31 Tilney, Frederick. 14.81 : 6 1916. The supra-optic canal, its morphology and anatomical relation to choked disc. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 250— 253. [Dilatation of canal in internal hydrocephalus.] . 7.51,.47, 78, 79, 81.1, 83.4, 86, 9.2,.32,.735—.9 2110:1 Röthig, P., en C. U. Ariëns Kappers. 14.81 : 7.2 Myxine 1914. Verdere bijdrage tot de studie van de hersenen van Myrine gluti- nosa. Versi. wis- nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 22 p. 1200—1212, 19 figg. — Further contributions to our knowledge of the brain of My- xine glutinosa. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 17 p. 2—12, 2 pls., 5 figg. [Eye-muscle nuclei absent, incomplete division of motor V nucleus. Motor VII nucleus. Position of posterior viscero-motor and spino-occipital motor columns.] 32 Baumgartner, E, A. 14.81 : 7.31 Squalus 1915. The Development of the Hypophysis in Squalus acanthias. Journ. Aoroanl. Vol. 26 p. 391—446, 43 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208136.) 33 Neal, H. V. 14.8: : 7.31 Squalus 1916. Neuromeres and metameres. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Re- cord Vol. 10 p. 230—232. [Difficulty of reconciling present relations of rhombomers to motor nerves in Squalus with any scheme of primitive metamerism.] 34 Dahlgren, Ulric. * 14.81 : 7.35 Torpedo 1915. Structure and Polarity of the Electric Motor Nerve-Cell in Tor- pedoes. Public. Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 212 p. 213—256, 6 pls., 6 figg. |Settling of plasmosome through action of gravity.] 1915. Zur Morphologie der Sehzentren der Knochenfische. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 49 p. 509—535, 14 figg. [Asymmetrischer Bau. Charakte- ristische Verteilung der Nervenbahuen. Nervenfibrillenkaskaden inner- halb der Sehzentren.] 211036 Reisinger, Ludwig. 14.81 : 7.55. 1915. Die zentrale Lokalisation des Gleichgewichtssinnes der Fische. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 35 p. 472—475. [Zentrum der groben Gleichge- wichtserhaltung im Mesencephalon. Cerebellum das Organ des feineren. Statotonus.] 133 Organologia 211037 Deganello, Umberto. 14.81 : 78 906. Degenerazioni nel nevrasse della rana consecutive all’ asportazione del labirinto dell’orecchio. Contributo sperimentale alla connoscenza delle vie acustiche centrali della rana e alla fisiologia del labirinto non acustico. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 65 Pt. 2 p. 829—849, 1 tav. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208327.) 88 Burr, H. Saxton. 14.81 : 79 Amblystoma 16. The regeneration of the forebrain of Amblystoma. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 188—189. [Regeneration from epen- dyma. Connection with functional end organ necessary.] 39 Burr, H. Saxton. 14.81 : 79 Amblystoma 1916. Regeneration in the brain of Amblystoma. I. The regeneration of the forebrain. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 203—211, 4 figg. [Re- generation if nasal placode is not removed. Ingrowth of olfactory nerve. Forward growth of axones from lower centers in brain and cord. 40 Unger, L. 14.81 : 81.1 Hatteria 1914. Untersuchungen über die Morphologie und Faserung des Reptilien- gehirns, III. Das Vorderhirn der Hatteria punctata (Sphenodon punctatum). Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 123 Abt. III p. 293—318, 3 Taf., 3 figg. [Bulbus und Tractus olfactorius. Sekundäre Riechbahn. Hirnmantel und Rinde. Striatum. Septum. Commissura anterior. Faserzüge im Vor- derhirn.] 41 Kunkel, B. W. 14.81 : 81.21 Thamnophis 1915. The paraphysis and pineal region of the garter snake. Anat. Re- cord Vol. 9 p. 607—636, 41 figg. [Independence of parietal organ and epiphysis.] 42 Baumgartner, E. A. 14.81 : 81.3 1916. The development of the hypophysis in turtles. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 179—180. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208435.) 211043 Johnston, J. B. 14.81 : 81.3 Cistudo 1915. The cell masses in the forebrain of the turtle, Cistudo carolina. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 25 p. 393—468, 60 figg. [Morphological re- lations of chief cell masses.] 44 Soprana, F. 14.81 : 86.5 Columba 1906. Ulteriori ricerche sulla degenerazione dei centri nervosi dei co- lombi in seguito a lesioni dei canali semicircolari. Ricerche sperimen- tali. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 66 Pt. 2 p. 59—72, 1 tav. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208743.) 45 de Noronha, J. 14.81 :9 1913. Contribution à l’étude histologique de l’hypophyse. Arquiv. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 4 p. 57—73, 8 figg. [3 types de cellules constituant des variantes d’une seule espèce cellulaire.] 32,.74 46 Fedeli, F. 14.81 : 9 1915. Recherches histologiques sur la dure-mère. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 63 p. 220—228. [Formation et elimination de gouttes sécrétoires, résul- tant de la transformation des granules.] 9.32,.735,.74,.9 47 Mills, Charles K. 14.81 : 9 1915. Concerning Cerebral Morphology in its Relation to Cerebral Lo- ‚ Calization. Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 42 p. 322—357. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208926.) 9.82,.88,.9 48 Gierlich, Nic. 14.81 : 9 1916. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der aus dem Grosshirn stammen- den Faserung. 1. Der Anteil des Pes pedunculi am Pedunculusquer- schnitte bei verschiedenen Säugetieren. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 24—98. [Ausbildung von Lebensweise abhängig.) 9.2—.4,,53,.61,.62,.725—.745,.82,.9 211049 Stuurman, F. J. 14.81 : 9.32 1916. Die Lokalisation der Zungenmuskeln in Nucleus bypoglossi. Anat. Organologia 134 Anz. Bd. 48 p. 593—610, 16 figg. [Grosse Verschiedenheiten bei den einzelnen Tieren.] 211050 Donaldson, Henry H., S. Hatai, and H. D. King. 14.81 : 9.32 Mus 1915. Postnatal Growth of the Brain under Several Experimental Con- ditions. Studies on the Albino Rat. Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 42 p. 797—801. [High degree of regulation.] — (Amer. neurol. Ass.) p. 629 —630. [Mainly discussion.] 51 Addison, William H. F. 14.81 : 9.32 Mus 1916. Cell changes in the hypophysis of the albino rat, after gonadec- tomy. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 171—172. [Va- cuolation of large cells, with formation of colloid-like substance.] 52 Addison, William H. F. 14.81 : 9.53 Delphinus 1915. On the rhinencephalon of Delphinus delphis, L. Journ. comp. or) Vol. 25 p. 497—522, 15 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 2 5 53 Antore, P. 14.81 : 9.73 Sus 1915. Morfologia e sviluppo del nucleo dorsale del vago in Sus scropha. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 134. 54 Dentici, S. 14.81 : 9.78 Sus 1915. Ricerche morfologiche e morfogenetiche sull’ oliva bulbare in Sus scropha. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 134. 55 Miller, M. M. 14.81 : 9.73 Sus 1916. A study of the hypophysis of the pig. (Proc. Amer. Ass, Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 226—228. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209175.) 56 Black, Davidson. 14.81 : 9,735 1915. A study of the endocranial casts of Ocapia, Giraffa and Samothe- rium, with special reference to the convolutional pattern in the family of Giraffidae. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 25 p. 329—360, 25 figg. [Early specialization of convolutional pattern.] 211057 Vermeulen, H. A. 14.81 : 9.735 Camelidae 1915. Over het vagusareal van Cameliden. Vers. wis- nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 23 p. 994—1010, 14 figg. — The vagus area in Ca- melidae. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 17 p. 1119—1134, 14 figg. [Dorsal motor vagus nucleus in relation to size and structure of stomach. Nuclei accessorius and ambiguus.] 58 Grey, Ernest 6. 14.81 : 9.74 Canis 1916. On Localization of Function in the Canine Cerebellum. Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 43 p. 105—120, 1 fig. 59 Anthony, R. 14.81 : 9.88 Gorilla 1915. Sur un cerveau de fœtus de Gorille. C. R, Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 153—155, 1 fig. 60 Ayala, Giuseppe. 14.81 : 9.9 1915. A Hitherto Undifferentiated Nucleus in the Forebrain (Nucleus subputaminalis), Brain Vol. 37 p. 433—448, 1 pl. 7 figg. À 51 Bailey, Percival. 14.81 : 9.9 1916. Morphology of the roof plate of the forebrain and the lateral cho- roid plexuses in the human embryo. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 79—120, 31 figg. Jenkins, George B. 14.81 : 9.9 1916. A study of the morphology of the inferior olive. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 317—334, 6 figg. 65 Mellus, E. Lindon. 14.81 : 9.9 1916. A plea for the more critical study of the intimate structure of the cerebral çortex as furnishing the probable anatomical basis of mental development. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 225— 226. 211054 Hooker, Davenport. . 14.82 : 78 Rana 1916. Some results from reversing a portion of the spinal cord end for end in frog embryos. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 [a 7} [RW] 135 Organologia p. 198—199. [Complete fusion. Even where this failed, fair coordination in swimming refiexes (possibility of early mechanical, non-nervous coor- dination).] 211055 Conrad, Richard. 14.83 : 82 1915. Untersuchurgen über den untern Kehlkopf der Vögel. I. Zur Kenntnis der Innervierung. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 532—516, 6 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208521.) | 83.1, 84.2,.4, 86,.5, 88.1, 89.1 66 Agduhr, Erik. 14.83 : 9 1915. Anatomische, statistische und experimentelle Untersuchungen über N. medianus und N. ulnaris, besonders deren motorisches Innervations- gebiet im Vorderarm von Equidae, Cervidae, Bovidae, Ovidae, Suidae, Canidae und Felidae, speziell von Haustieren, nebst einigen Bemerkun- gen über die Muskulatur desselben Gebietes und über N. musculo-cuta- neus. Anat. Hefte Bd. 52 p. 497—647, 10 Taf., 3 figg. 9,725—.74 67 Kummer, E. 14.83 : 9 1915. Note sur la branche descendante du nerf hypoglosse. Rev. med. Suisse romande Ann. 35 p. 361—372, 13 figg. [Filets (centrifuges et centripètes) de la branche descendante exclusivement destinés aux muscles abaisseurs du larynx.] 9.74,.9 68 Agduhr, Erik. 14.83 : 9.74 1916. Morphologischer Beweis der doppelten (plurisegmentalen) moto- rischen Innervation der einzelnen quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Säugetieren. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 1—13, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208963.) 211069 Dusser de Barenne, J. 6. 14.83 : 9.74 Canis 1911. L’azione della stricnina sul sistema nervoso centrale. Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff. Vol. 12 p. 129—158, 29 figg. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209244.) 70 Hunt, J. Ramsay. 14.83 : 9.9 1916. The Cutaneous Zone of the Facial Nerve. (N. Y. neurol. Soc.) Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 43 p. 156—159 (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209353.) 71 Glockauer, Arno. 14.84 : 4.55 1915. Zur Anatomie und Histologie des Cephalopodenauges. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool: Bd. 113 p. 325—360, 37 figg. 4.56,.58 72 Kornfeld, Werner. 14.84 : 51.7 Spinther 1915. Ueber die Augen von Spinther miniaceus. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 316—523, 2 figg. 73 Spurgeon, Charles H. 14.84 : 53.841 Cambarus 1915. The Eyes of Cambarus setosus and Cambarus pellucidus. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Indiana Univ. No. 146.) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 385— 396, 1 pl., 9 figg. [Conditions of arrested development rather than de- generation.] 74 Bugnion, E., et N. Popoff. 14.84 : 57 1914. Les yeux des Insectes nocturnes. (Mémoire détaillé.) Arch. Anat. micr. T. 16 p. 261—304, 17 figg. 57.64,.86—,89 75 Lindahl, C. 14.84 : 6 1915. Die Entwickelung der vorderen Augenkammer. Anat. Hefte Bd. 52 p. 195—276, 8 Taf. [Keine einfache Spaltenbildung im Mesenchym vor der Linse.] 1.35, 78, 81.1,.2i, 84.4, 9.32,.74,.9 76 Busacca, A. 14.84 : 78 1915. Sulle modificazioni dei plastosomi nelle cellule dell’epitelio pig- : mentato della retina sotto l’azione della luce e dell’oscuritä. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 134—135. [Diminuzione dei plastosomi sotto azione della luce.] 211077 Detwiler, Samuel R. 14.84 : 81 1916. The effect of light on the retina of the tortoise and the lizard. Organologia 136 Journ. exper, Zool. Vol. 20 p. 165—190, 1 pl., 5 figg. — The effects of light on the retina of the turtle and of the lizard. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 193—194. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208379.) 81.1,.3 211078 Stübler, Hans. : 14.84 : 88.1 Parus 1916. Der Spiegelfleck am Meisenauge. Abh. nat. Ges. Isis Bautzen 1913/15 p. 68. | 79 Petronio, Giovanni. 14.84 : 9 1914. Contributo allo studio della circolazione linfatica dell’occhio. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mem. 13, 12 pp., 1 tav. [Iniezioni sul vivente.] 9.32,.74 80 Lichal, Franz. 14.84 : 9 1915. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Histologie des Tränennasenganges einiger Haussäugetiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 296—303, 341—352, 6 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208932.) 9.725—.74 81 Loewenthal, N. 14.84 : 9 1916. Weitere Beobachturgen über die Entwickelung der Augenhöhlen- drüsen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 13—23. [Erstes Auftreten der Tränen- drüse beim Rind. Entwickelung der Drüse beim Kaninchen. Augen- höhlendrüsen des Maulwurfs (gl. infraorbitalis).] 9.52,.33,.735 82 Reisinger, Ludwig. 14.84 : 9.32 Mus 1915. Einige Eigentümlichkeiten des albinotischen Auges der weissen Ratte. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 1—5, 4 figg. [Histologie der Choroidea, der Retina und der Iris. Geringe Sehschärfe. Schwache Entwickelung des Ciliarkörpers.] 83 Arey, Leslie B. 14.84 : 9,9 1915. Do Movements occur in the Visual Cells and Retinal Pigment of Man? Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 915—916. [No evidence of migration.] 211084 Versari, R. 14.84 : 9.9 1915. La morfogenesi dei vasi sanguiferi nell’ emisfero anteriore dell’ occhio umano. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 136. 85 Fineman, 6Gösta. | 14.55 : 6 1915. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung des Ductus endolympha- ticus bei dem Menschen und einigen Wirbeltieren. Anat. Hefte Bd. 55 p. 1—80, 11 Taf. [Selbständige Ausstülpung der Labyrinthanlage mit wechselnder Ectodermverbindung. Der „Ductus endolymphaticus“ des Torpedo ist mit demselben nicht homolog.] 7.35,.47, 78, 81.3, 84.1, 86, 9.32,.73,.9 86 Okajima, K. 14.85 : 81.26 1915. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologie des Gehör- knöchelchens boi den Schlangen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 53 p. 325—349, 2 Taf. 5 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208428.) 87 Keibel, Franz. 14.85 : S1.3 1915/16. Der Ductus endolymphaticus (Recessus labyrinthi) bei Schild- kröten. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 466—474, 5 figg. — Bemerkung zu dem Artikel F. Kmisxcs: „Der Ductus endolymphaticus (Recessus labyrinthi), bei Schildkröten“, von F. Hocusrerrer. Bd. 49 p. 29—50. 88 Pohlmann, A. 6. 14.85 : 86 Gallus 1916. The muscle of Breschet in birds — a possible forerunner of the tensor tympani in mammals. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 268. 89 Ruhwandl, Gottfried. 14.85 : 88.1 Fringilla 1916. Die Entwicklung der Paukentasche beim Kanarienvogel (Fringilla canaria). (Freiscamans: Die Kopfregion der Amnioten. XVIII) Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 50 p. 75—102, 2 Taf., 17 figg. 211090 Vasticar, E. 14.85 : 9.32 1915/16. Les formations nucléaires des cellules auditives externes et de Deiters. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 58—60, 3 figg. — Sur la struc- 137 Organologia ture de la cellule auditive. p. 501—503, 1 fig. — Sur les terminaisons du nerf acoustique. p. 649—652, 10 figg. [Corpuscule sphérique ou ovoide isolé intracellulaire.] — Sur les terminaisons du nerf acoustique. p. rue 7 figg. [Corpuscules intra-cellulaires multiples.] — T. 162 p. 93—97, 1 fig. [Fibrilles nerveuses émanant directement du noyau.] 211091 de Burlet, H. M., und A. de Kleijn. 14.85 : 9,32 Lepus 1916. Ueber den Stand der Otolithenmembranen beim Kaninchen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 163 p. 321—324, 1 fig. 92 Ruhwandl, Gottfried. 14.85 : 9.74 Felis 1916. Bemerkungen über die Entwicklung der Paukentasche bei der Hauskatze (Felis domestica). (Freiscunann: Die Kopfregion der Amnioten.) Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 50 p. 108—112, 2 Taf. 93 Perovic, D., and 0. Aust. 14.85 : 9.9 1915. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Ductus endolymphaticus beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 52 p. 699—716, 1 Taf., 5 figg. 94 Streeter, George L. 14.85 : 9.9 1916. Development of the scala vestibuli and scala tympani and their communications in the human embryo. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 250. — The vascular drainage of the endolymphatic sac and its topographical relation to the transverse sinus in the human embryo. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 67—89, 6 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209357.) 95 MecIndoo, N. E. 14.86 : 57.6 . 1915. The Olfactory Sense of Oheantere Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 407—460, 2 pls., 3 figg. [Location of olfactory pores. Antennae carry no olfactory organs.] 57.61—.69 211096 Kepner, Wm. A., and J. R. Cash. 14.88 : 51.23 Stenostoma 1915. Ciliated pits of Stenostoma. Journ. Morph. Vol. 26 p. 235—245, 4 figg. [Arise from general epithelium much as does olfactory epitheli- um in Vertebrates.] 97 Metcalf, H. E. 14.88 : 7.31 Acanthias 1915. The Ampullae of Lorexzımı in Acanthias vulgaris. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 151—148, 2 pls., 1 fig. [Primarily sense organs responding to pressure (currents of water, depth, possible response to vibration of deep notes). Mucus secretion secondary.] 98 Ruud, Gudrun. 14.88 : 7.31 Spinax 1914. Om mie hos Spinax niger, Bonaparte. Nyt Mag. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 52 p. 285—352, 1 pl., 11 figg. [Sanselinjer, Spalte- papiller. le ampuller, Topografi, Innervation, ur! 114.889 99 Stefanelli, Augusto. 4.88 : S1 1916. Nuovo contributo alla conoscenza delle espansioni en dei Rettili, e considerazioni sulla tessitura del sistema nervoso periferico. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 32 p. 22—38, 10 figg. 81.1,.2 211100 Moodie, Roy L. 14.88.9 : 79.5 1915. A further contribution to a knowledge of the lateral line system . in extinct Amphibia. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 25 p. 317—328, 7 figg. 01 Speciale, F. 14.89 : 85.1 Struthio 1915. Sulla fine struttura dei gangli spinali nello Struzzo. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 135. [Cellule uni- e multipolari.] 02 Speciale, F. 14.89 : S6 Gallus 1915. Sulla fine struttura dei gangli simpatici nel poillo. Monit. zool, ital. Anno 26 p. 135. [Nessuni elementi unipolari.] 211103 Versari, R. 14.89 : 9.9 1915. Sulla costante presenza di una formazione ganglionare del simpa- tico periferico in vicinanza della porzione intramurale dell’uretere uma- no. RER zool, ital. Anno 26 p. 116. [Azione sulla valvola ureteri- ca (?).] Organologia 138 14.9 Somatologia. (Vide etiam: 210598, 210697, 210699, 210710, 210713, 210720, 210726, 210733.) 211104 Werner, F. 14.9 1915. Asymmetrie im Tierreich. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 30 p. 785—791, 13 fige. 05 Hérouard, Edgard. 14.9 : 39 1915. L’hemiplexie et la phylogénie des Echinodermes. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 301, 13 pp., 2 figg. 39.5,.6 06 Handlirsch, Anton. 14.9 57 1913. Terminologie der für die Systematik wichtigsten Teile des Haut- skelettes. Handbuch Entom. (Schröder) Bd. 3 p. 100—112, 22 figg. 07 Woodworth, C. W. 14.9 : 57 1916. A New Descriptive Formula. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 57—58. 08 Dohanian, S. M. 14.9 : 57.44 Boreus 1915. Notes on the External Anatomy of Boreus brumalis Fire. (Con- trib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 97.) Psyche Vol. 22 Pe 120—123, 1 fig. 09 Houssay, Frederic. 149 : 7 1914. The Effect of Water Pressure Upon the Form of Fishes. A Study of Evolution of Form Resulting from Conditions of Life and Habits. Scient. Amer. Suppl, Vol. 78 p. 376—878, 11 figg: 10 Crozier, W. J. 14.92 : 39.3 Asterias- 1915. On the Number of Rays in Asterias tenuispina Laux. at Bermuda. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 28—36, 14 figg. [Modal no. 7, range 2—9. In autotomy, division into 3-ray and 4-ray portions, each regenerating 4- rays.] 211111 Zander, Richard. 14.92 : € 1914. Ueber Metamerie am Rumpfe der Wirbeltiere. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 18 p. 407—478. [Keine den ganzen Organismus beherr- schende als Grundprinzip des Bauplanes anzunehmende Metamerie.] 2 Eycleshymer, A. C. 14.92 : 6: 1915. The Origin of Bilaterality in Vertebrates. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 504—517, 21 figg. [Area of increased cellular activity located with advent of 1st cleavage groove indicates position of head. Area of forth- coming blastopore fixes posterior portion of embryo.] 18, 79 13 Neal, H. V. 14.92 : 7.31 1916. Neuromeres and metameres. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Re- cord Vol. 10 p. 230—232. [Difficulty of reconciling present relations of rhombomers to motor nerves in Squalus with any scheme of primitive metamerism.] >» 14 Davidson, J. 14.93 : 57.52 Schizoneura 1914. On the Mouth-Parts and Mechanism of Suction in Schizoneura lanigera Hausmanx. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 32 p. 307 —330, 2 pls, 2 figg. 15 de Meijere, J. C. H. 14.33 : 57.7 1916. Zur Kenntnis des Kopfbaues der Dipterenlarven und -imagines. 16 Ziegler, H. E. 14.53 : 6 1915. Das Kopfproblem. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 449—465, 7 figg. [l. Seg- ment — Prämandibular-, 2. — Kiefersegment, 3. — Hyoid-, 4. = Glosso- pharyngeus-, 3 Vagussegmente.] 1.31,.44,.47,.48,.5, 76, 81, 9 211117 Cummings, Bruce F. 14.95 : 57.51 1916. Note on the Thorax in Anoplura and in the Genus Nesiotinus of the Mallophaga. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 171-174. 57.512,.514 139 Organologia 211115 Kleine, R. 14.95 : 57,64 Oxysternon 1914. Ueber Variätionserscheinungen am Thorax von Oxysternon conspi- cillatum Farr. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 47—51, 105—111, 147—150, 179-— 183, 228—234, 297—302, 30 figg. 19 Eichelbaum, F. 14.96 : 57.62 Staphylinidae 1913/14. Untersuchungen über den Bau des männlichen und weiblichen Abdominalendes der Staphylinidae. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 9 p. 247—250. — Bd. 10 p. 25—28, 94—98, 223—228, 331—839, 84 figg. 20 Brölemann, Henry W. 14.93 : 56.1 Spirostreptidae 1916. Les gonopodes des Spirostreptes, Note préliminaire. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 51—53, 1 fig. [Metagonozonia, Progonozonia nn. groupes.] 21 03 14.98 : 57 1915. Insects’ Lancets. Knowledge Vol. 38 p. 210—211. [Mouth-organs. of blood-sucking insects.] 57.71,.72,. 22 Borden, Arthur D. 14.98 : 57.31 1915. The Mouthparts of the Thysanoptera and the Relation of Thrips to the Non-setting of Certain Fruits and Seeds. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 8 p. 354—360, 7 figg. 23 Harrison, Launcelot. 14.98 : 57.512 1916. A preliminary account of the structure of the mouth-parts in the Body-louse. Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. Vol. 18 p. 207—226, 1 pl. 7 figg. [Close relation to those of Mallophaga, which are of orthopterous origin.] 24 Pauly, Maria. 14.98 : 57.62 1915. Die Mundwerkzeuge der Caraboiden, Arch, Nat. Jahrg. S1A Heft 2 p. 1—102, 57 figg. 211125 Bugnion, E. 14.98 : 57.66 Lampyris. 1915. L’anatomie du Lampyre ou ver-luisant, Bull. Soc, vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 50 Proc.-Verb. p. 92—94. [Canaux mandibulaires.] 26 Röhrl, A. 14.98 : 57.68 Polygraphus 1914. Zur Polygraphusfühlerfrage. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 12 p. 189—193, 11 figg. 27 Verson, Enrico. 14.98 : 57.87 Bombyx 1903. Evoluzione postembrionale degli arti cefalici e toracali nel filu- gello. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 63 Pt. 2 p. 49—87, 3 tav. 25 Fielde, Adele M. 14.98 : 57.96 Stenamma 1915. On certain Vesicles found in the Integument of Ants. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 36—40, 1 fig. 29 Jaekel, Otto. 14.98 : 6 1915. Die Flügelbildung der Flugsaurier und Vögel. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 1—19, 6 figg. 81.8, 82.9 30 Brüning, Christian. 14.98 : 7 1916. Wozu der Fisch seine Flossen gebraucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 141—143, 155—155, 18 figg. 7.55,.58 81 Backman, Gaston. 14.98 : 7.88 1915. Die Bauchflosse der Selachier. Zweite Abteilung. Die Bauchflosse der Holocephali. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 53 No. 3, 63 pp., 4 Taf. [Muskulatur, Nerven, Arterien.] 32 Harrison, Ross G. 14.98 : 79 1915. Experiments on the Development of the Limbs in Amphibia. Proc. nation. Accad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 539—544, 3 figg. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208350.) | 211133 Beebe, C. William. 14.98 : 82 1915116. A RAD Stage in the Ancestry of Birds. Zoologica New York zool. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 39—52, 3 pls. — The Beginnings of Flight, by Freperic A. Lucas. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 5—11, 9 figg. [Indi- cations of pelvic wing.] 82.9, 83.3, 80.5, 89.7 Organologia - Mores 140 211134 Holliger, Charles Daniel. 14.98 : 9.32 916. Anatomical Adaptations in the Thoracic Limb of the California Pocket Gopher and other Rodents. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 13 p. 447—494, 2 pls., 20 figg. [Adaptations of levers for force at cost of speed and vice versa. Cursorial, arborial and fossorial modifica- tions.) 85 Yoschida, Schin. 14.98 : 9.725 1915. On the Ergot of Equidae. Journ. Coll. Agric. Sapporo Vol. 6 p. 171—190, 2 figg. [Not rudimentary pads, but rudimentary des 86 Klecka, Rudolf. : 07 1914. Vyvoj kïidel hmyzu. Vestn. Ceské Spol. Nauk Trida Du rod. 1914 No. 24, 32 pp., 23 figg. [Entwicklung des Insektenflügels.] 1.52,.92,.93,.99 37 Naväs, Longinos. 14.99 : 57 1915. Particularidades sobre las alas de los insectos. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 14 p. 108—116, 5 figg. 57.42,.43,.68 88 Marshall, Win. S. 14.99 : 57.45 Platyphylax 1915. The Development of the Hairs Upon the Wings of Platyphylax ‘designatus Warx. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 8 p. 153—160, 2 pls. 39 Marshall, William S. 14.99 : 57.45 Platyphylax 1915. The Formation of the Middle Membrane in the Wings of Platy- phylax designatus War. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 8 p. 201—216, 3 pls., 1 fig. 40 Schulze, Paul. 14.99 : 57.62 Cicindela . 1915. Die Flügeldeckenskulptur der Cicindela hybrida-Rassen. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1915 p. 247—255, 1 Taf., 2 figg. 59.15 Mores 211141 sudo“ 15 1914. „Schiessende Tiere“. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 32 p« 327 —329. 57.42,.62, 7.58, 78, 81.1, 87.2, 9.735,.74 42 Coupin, Henri. 1915. Les animaux qui construisent des tranchées. La Nature Ann, 43 Sem. 2 p. 377—381, 8. figg 54.4, 57. 29 „32,96, 88.1, 9.32,.33,.74 43 Doflein, Franz. 15 1915. Das Verhalten der Tiere bei Gefahr. Himmel und Erde Jahrg. 27 p. ARE 11 figg. [Aus: Das Tier als Glied des Naturganzen.] 15.1 53.841, 54.4, 57.87,.88,.93, 7.56, 85.2, 9.32,.735 44 Gruenberg, Benjamin C. 15 1915. Some Protective Activities of Organisms, How Nature. Protects Its Weaker Creations. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 80 p. 404—406, 9 fige. 15.7 86.5, 39.5, 57.53,.86,.89, 81.3, 9.31,.33 45 Philippsen, H. 15 1915. Das Treibsel der Nordsee. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. = D. 570—573, 2 figg. [Angeschwemmte tierische Organismen.] 46 Entz, Géza, sen. 15 1916. A "biologia fogalma. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 47-64. — Der Begriff der Biologie. p. 197—198. 47 Milewski, A. 15 1916. Verüben en Kg Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 23—28. 211148 Szymanski, J. S. 15° 1916. Die Haupt-Tiertypen in bezug auf die Verteilung der Ruhe- und Aktivitätsperioden im 24-stündigen Zyklus. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 537—541, 2 figg. 7.55, 78, 81.21, 88.1, 9.32 141 Mores nue Torrey, Harry Beal. | | 15 1916. The physiological analysis of behavior. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 6 p. 150—159 [Interpretation ot tropisms.] 50 Delage, Yves, et Marie Goldsmith. 15.1 916. L’argument de la continuité et les nouvelles méthodes en physio- psychologie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 251—260. [Théories des tro- pismes et des réflexes conditonnels. Même des invertebrés ont cepen- dant des états de conscience et un hyatus n’est pas possible.} 51 Mach, Ernst. 15.1 1916. Einige vergleichende tier- und menschenpsychologische Skizzen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 241—247, 8 figg. [Beobachtungen an zahmen Spatzen.] 88.1 52 Macnamara, N. C. 15.1 1915. Instinct and Intelligence. London: Henry Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton. 216 pp. 6s. (Review, Nature London Vol. 96 p. 561—562.) 53 Müllegger, S. 15.2: 1915. Schutz und Anpassung bei Seetieren. Lichtbildervortrag. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 26 p. 205—208, 5 figg. 36.2,.5, 39.5, 4.56, 53.841, 7.56 54 Dubois, Raphael. 15.2 1916. L’anticinese rotatoire et les émigrations animales. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 2—4. [Emigrations des animaux par rapport à la rotation de la terre.] 9.32 55 Lutz, Frank E. 15.2. 1916. Faunal Dispersal. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 374—384. 211156 Heikertinger, Franz. 15.3. 1915. Gibt es einen ,befugten“ und einen „unbefugten“ Tierfrass ? Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 13 p. 273—288. [Weder den einen noch den anderen.] 57 Meixner. 15.3. 1916. Einiges über die wichtigsten Fischfeinde. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 36—40, 46—49, 60—63, 70—71, 20 figg. 31.6,.7,.95, 51.22,.83,.5, 53.23, 54.2, 57.33,.34,.54,.62, 7.55, .96, 258, 19, 81.21, 83.1, 4, 34.1, .3,4, 88.9, 89.1, 9.32, 28. 74 58 Sokolowsky, Alexander. 15.3 1916. Studien über die Nahrung der Tiere. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 12 p. 126—728. ps | 59 Wenzel. 15.3 1916. Einige der unseren Fischen schädlichen Wasserinsekten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 125. PT: 37.1, 4.1, 51.5, 53.23, 54.4, 57.33,.54,.62 60 Moore, Benjamin, Edmund Brydges Rudhall Prideaux, and George Andrew Herdman. 15.4 1915. I. Seasonal Variations in the Reaction of Sea-Water in Relation to the Activities of Vegetable and Animal Plankton. II, The Limitations of Photo-Synthesis by Algae in Sea-Water. Studies of certain Photo- Synthetic Phenomena in Sea-Water. 23d Rep. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Lab. 1914 p. 171—202, 1 pl. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 29 p. 233— 264, 1 pl. 211161 Sédidezbl, W. 15.4 1915. Die Ethologie der Tierwelt des Buchenwaldes. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 41 p. 24—50, 102—130, 193—217 — Berichtigungen.. p. 320. 4.38, 54.4, 57.21,.29,.42,.44,.52— .54,.64— .66, 68—. 71,.81—.89,.93,.96,.98,.99, 78 ‘81.21, ‘86, 5, 37.2, 88.1, 89.1,. 7,9.32, 4, 3, ‚735, T4 Mores - Zoologia oeconomica . 142 211162 Herrmann. 15.4 1916. Sachgemässe Ueberwinterung von Pflanzen und Fischen. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 429—430, 436—1438. 63 Baldasseroni, Vincenzo. 15.5 1915. Due interessanti casi di commensalismo. Bios Genova Vol. 2 p. 317—320, 1 tav., : fig. [Serupocellaria, Membranipora, Gammarini e Myti- lus galluprovincialis ospitate da un solo esemplare di Pachygrapsus infetto da Sacculina.] 4.1, 47.1, 53.5,.842 64 Damm, 0. 15.7 1915. Die Artillerie im Tierreich. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 796—799. 39.7, 57.27,.42,.62,.63,.67,.87,.96, 7.58, 78, 81.26, 84.4, 9.32,.735,.74 59.16 Zoologia œconomica. 65 Schwangart, Fr. 16 1914. Die biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung und ihre Bedeutung für die Forstwirtschaft. Antrittsrede, gehalten am 25. Mai 1914. Tharandt. forstl. Jahrb. Bd. 65 p. 318—345. 16.1,5,9 54.4, 57.62,.69,.72,.92, 9.33,.4 66 Wülker, 6. 16 1916. Die Aufgaben der angewandten Zoologie. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 393—398, 418—421. 16.1,.5,.9 211167 De Gregorio, A. 16.1 1915. Sulla protezione della flora e della fauna indigena e proposte varie sullo stesso argomento ed affıni. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 137 — 142. 68 Daudt. 16.1 1916. Anregungen zur Feststellung und zum Schutz der einheimischen Tier- und Pflanzenwelt. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 374—376, 385 —386, 396—398. . 69 Riehm, E. 16.5 1915. Getreidekrankheiten und Getreideschädlinge. Eine Zusammen- stellung* der wichtigeren, im Jahre 1914 veröffentlichten Arbeiten. Cen- tralbl. Pat Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 2 Bd. 44 p. 385—407. ‚38, 51.3, 54.2, 57.27,.31,.54,.68,.71,.72,.86,.92,.33, 88.1, 9.32 70 Robkäträh, 16.5 1915. Mitteilungen über Waldbeschädigungen durch Insekten oder an- dere Tiere, Naturereignisse, Hitze usw; Jahrb. schles. Forstver. 1914 p. 39—52. — Diskuss. p. 52—57. 57.52,.64,.68,.82—.86,.93, 88.1, 9.32,.735 71 Vayssiere, P. 16.5 1915. Revue de phytopathologie. Rev. gen. Sc. T. 26 p. 51—60. [En- nemis des plantes.] 57.52,.82,.87, 9.32 2 Stift, A. 16.5 1916. Ueber in den Jahren 1912, 1913 und 1914 erschienene bemerkens- werte Mitteilungen auf dem Gebiete der tierischen und pflanzlichen Feinde der Kartoffelpflanze. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 45 p. 305—367. 51.3, 57.52,.68,.82 211173 Surface, H. A. 16.5 1916. Pests of it Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 59—117, 5 pls., 28 fi 94.2, 57.24, 2 29, .92,.53,.65,.68,.71,.82,.85,.87,.92,.93, 9.32 143 Zoologia oeconomica 211174 Surface, H. A. 16.5 1916. Insect Pests. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 121—149, 6 fig 88: 51.3, 54.5, 56.2, 57.22,.29,512—.54,.63,.64,.67,.72,.82—.86,.88,.93,.96, 9.32,.4 75 Stephens, J. W. W. 16.7 1915. Presidential Address on the Mode of Transmission of some Tropical Diseases. Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 29 p. 3—19. 54.2, 57.71,.72,.75, 9.32 76 Harrison, Launcelot. 16.9 1916. The Relation of the Phylogeny of the Parasite to that of the Host. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 476-477. 51.21,.22, 57.512,.514 77 Smith, Harry Scott. 16.9 : 57 1916. An Attempt to Redefine the Host Relationships Exhibited by Entomophagous Insects. (Occas. Contrib. California State Insect. No. 2.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 477—486. 57.52,.92 73 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 16.9 : 57.72 1914. The House-fly Musca domestica Linn.: Its Structure, Habits, Deve- lopment, Relation to Disease, and Control. London: Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 8° XV, 332 pp., 1 map., 104 figg. 155. (Review, Canad. En- tom. Vol. 47 p. 197—198. — Nature London Vol. 95 p. 30—31.) [Natural enemies and parasites. ] 79 Bouilliez, Marc. 16.9 : 6 1916. Contribution à l’étude et à la répartition de quelques affections parasitaires au Moyen Chari (Afrique Centrale). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 143—167, 1 carte, 6 figg. [Trypanosomiases humaine (Tr. gum- biense type ou bien Tr. nigeriense) et animales (T7. pecaudi, cazalboui, di- morphon), Leishmaniose, Paludisme, Plasmodium kochi, Piroplasmose, Fi- larioses.] 16.9 : 81.1, : 9.725,.735,.82,.9, 31.6,.926, 51.3 211180 Migone, L. L. 16.9 : 6 1916. Parasitologie de certains animaux du Paraguay. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 359—364. 16.9 : 7.31,.35,.55, : Re 1,.21,.26,.4, : 83.4, : 84.1, : 9.32,.74 6,.926, 94, 51. 3, 54.1 81 Schmidt. 16.9 : 6 1915. Wildparasiten und Wildpflege. Jahrb. schles. Forstver. 1914 p. 148—179. — Diskuss. p. 179—180. 16.9 : 86, : 9.32,.725—.735 31.6,.92, 51.22,.3, 54.2, 57.72, T4 82 Schiemenz, P. 16.9 : 7 1915/16. Die Krankheitserscheinungen bei den Fischen im allgemeinen. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 1142—1144. — Die Krankheits- erscheinungen bei den Fischen im allgemeinen, von von Heremann. Wo- chenschr. Eu USA Jahrg. 13 p. 120 —122. 1.6,.94, 51.21,.22,.3,:33 83 Carini, A., et J. Maciel. 16.9 : 82 1916. Quelques hémoparasites du Brésil. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 247—265. 16.9 : 83.4, : 85.2, : 86,.5, : 87.2, : 88.1,.6, : 89.1 31.6,.926, 51.3 84 Walker, James. 16.9 : 85.1 1916. Ostrich chick diseases. (Abstract), South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 12 p. 558—560. 31.926, 51.21,.3 85 Stroh. 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Jahresergebnis an Funden von Ascaris megalocephala und von Ga- strophilus-Larven bei der Pferdefleischbeschau in Augsburg. München. tierärztl. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 67 p. 337—342. 51.3, 57.72 211186 Kehoe, D. 16.9 : 9.735 1916. The Influence of the Climatic and Tellurical Factors on the Zoologia oeconomica - Histologia 144 Distribution and Spread of certain Animal Diseases, with Special Refe- rence to the Conditions occurring in South Africa. South African Journ. Sc. Vol. 12 p. 474—501. 31.926, 51.22,.3, 54.2, 57.72 211187 Hall, Maurice C. 16.9 : 9.74 1915. The Dog as a ss Parasites and Disease. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 260, 27 pp- 19 fi 1,.6, SLT ‚22, 3, 54.1,.2, 57.72,.75 88 Breinl, A. 16.9 : 9.9 1915. On the Occurrence and Prevalence of Diseases in British New Guinea. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 285—334, 8 pls. [List of Papuan Mosquitos.] 31.926, 51.3 89 Blanchard, R. 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Quelques cas de pseudo-parasitisme et de xéno-parasitisme. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 922—541, 2 figg. 4.38, 51.3, 56.2 90 Fantham, H. B. 16.9 : 9,9 1916. Remarks on the Nature and Distribution of the Parasites Observ- ed in the Stools of 1305 Dysenteric Patients. Lancet Vol. 190 p. 1165 —1166. 31.1,.6,.7,92, 51.21,.3 91 Fantham, H. B., J. W. W. Stepbens, and F. V. Theobald. 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Animal Parasites of Man. London: John Bale, Sons & Danielsson. XXXII, 900 pp., fügz. (Review, Nature London Vol. 98 p. 305.) 31.1,.6,.92,.226, 51.1,.21,.22,.3, 54.2, 57.512,.54,.71,.75 | 92 Fischer, Walther. 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Blutbild und Darmparasiten bei Chinesen in Schanghai. Deutsche med. Wocheuschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 850—852. 31.1.6475 51.21, | 93 Noc, F. 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Parasitisme intestinal en Cochinchine (Nouvelle contribution à l'étude des dysenteries indochinoises). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 15 —20. [Rôle étiologique de l’Anguillule intestinale à côté de celui des associations amibo-bacillaires.] 31.1, 51.3 211194 Thézé, J. 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Pathologie de la Guyane française. (Paludisme. Fièvres continues et eaux de Cayenne. Dysentérie. Helminthiase intestinale.) Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 376—402, 5 figg. — (Lèpre, Filariose, etc.) p. 449—469. 31.6,.926, 51.21,.22,.3, 57.71 95 Vialatte, Ch. 16.9 (65) 1916. Rapport sur le fonctionnement du laboratoire de microscopie de Beni-Abbès (Sahara-Oranais) en 1915. (Paludisme, Fièvre récurrente, Trypanosomiase, Microfilariose, Myiase, etc.) Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 469—486. 16.9 : 57.71, : 81.1, : 9.725,.735,.9 31.6,.926, 51.3, 54.2, 57.71,.72 96 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 16.9 (66.9) 1914. Notes on some Blood Parasites collected in Nigeria. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 439—468, 2 pls., 8 figg. _ [Paraplasma cobayae n. sp.] 16.9 : 57.72, : 78, : 81.1, : 9.32,.735 31.6,.926, 51.3 59.18 Histologia. 97 Burrows, Montrose T. 18 1913. The Tissue Culture as a Rn Method. Trans. Congr. Amer, Physic. Surg. Vol. 9 p. 77—90, 4 pls. [Cell division. Automatieity of heart muscle cell. Cell metabolism.] 211198 Burrows, Montrose T. 18 1913. Wound Healing in vitro. Proc. N. York path. Soc. N. S. Vol. 13 p. 131—137. [Active movement and proliferation. Influence of surface tension.] 145 Histologia 211199 Studnicka, F. K. 18 1915. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Zellverbindungen (Cyto- desmen) und der netzartigen (gerüstartigen) Grundsubstanzen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 396—413, 417—427, 8 figg. [Chordagewebe von Belone. Mesostroma (Glaskörpergewebe). Glattes Muskelgewebe, usw. Eigentüm- lichkeit von tierischem Gewebe.] 18.1,.2,.6 7.55 211200 Burrows, Montrose T. 18 | 1916. The functional relation of intercellular substances in the body to certain structures in the egg cell and unicellular organisms. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 189—190. [Analogies be- tween organization of environment suitable for growth of body cells in cuiture and certain structures peculiar to egg and unicellular organ- isms.] 18.1,.2 01 Dobrowolsky, N. A. 18 1916. Sur la culture des tissus des poissons et d’autres animaux infé- rieurs. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 789— 192, 2 figg. 53.842, 7.35,.58 02 Isaacs, Raphael. 18 1916. Properties of calloids in relation to tissue structure. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 517—522. [Any change in refraction in tissue under exami- nation indicates dehydration, geiation or solution.] 93 Isaacs, Raphael. 1916. An interpretation of connective tissue and neurogliar fibrillae. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 206-207. [Origin of fibrillae by coagulation of jelly-like ground substance.] 13.2,.8 04 Rohde, Emil. 18 1916. Histologische Differenzierung, Zellbildung und Entwicklung bei Protozoen, bzw. Protophyten und Metazoen bzw. Metaphyten. Ein Ver- gleich. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 155—200, 30 figg. [Metazoen- körper stellt dauernd eine einheitliche Plasmamasse dar, die in toto je einem Protozoenkörper entspricht.] 18.1 211.05 Spaeth, Reynold A. 18 1916. A disguised type of smooth muscle cell. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 244—245. 18.6 06 Ziegler, H. E. 18 1916. Amöboide Bewegung bei Gewebezellen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 225—232, 17 figg. [Neuroblasten. Mesenchym. Bildung von Ge- fässen.] 18.2,.8 07 Lewis, M. R 18 : 07 1916. Sea water as a medium for tissue cultures. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 287—299, 4 figg. [Dilution of sea water yields isotonic medium with necessary salts in same proportion as does plasma.] 36.5, 53.842,92 57.27, 7.39, 86 08 Caullery, M:;, et F. Mesnil. 18 : 31.7 Trichodina 1915. Sur Trichodina patellae Cuxnor. (Symbiose avec des zooxanthelles, structure, division, conjugaison.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 674— 677, 14 figg. [Anisogamie.] 18.11,.13,.18 09 Topsent, E. 18 : 34,3 1915. La provenance des particules incluses dans les fibres des Cerati- na. C. R. Ass. france. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 539—541. [Réellement des corps étrangers.] — Réponse à la communication précédente de M. Tor- sEnT sur les Eponges, par Rarnazı Duos. p. 541—545. 10 Hollande, A. Ch. 18 : 57 1915. Coloration vitale par le „carmin soluble“ chez les Insectes. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 578—580. [Comportement différent des com- binaisons acides et alcalines. Action selective. Séjour prolongé des carbinates (transformation en carmin pur).] | 211211 Bordage, Edmond. 18 : 57.2 1915. Phénomènes histolytiques observés pendant la régénération des Zeol. Bibliogr. XXX III. 1917 10 Histologia 146 appendices chez certains Orthoptères. Ü. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 155—159, 1 fig. [Transformation graisseuse du tissu musculaire vraisem- biablemeut opérée par une enzyme.] -— Sur les differences d’aspect du tissu adipeux produit par histolyse chez certains Orthoptères. p. 248 — 252, i fig. [Transformation des nerfs en cordons adipeux.] 18.2,.6,.8 97.24.25 211212 Spaeth, Reynold A. 18 : 6 1916. Evidence proving the melanophore to be a disguised ip of smooth muscle cell. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol, 20 p. 193—219, 2 fige. [Morphological, embryological and physiological evidence relating to fish, amphibia and reptiles. In contraction, aggregation of melanin granules comparable with that of colloidal particles during contraction in smooth muscle. Extension of conclusion to crustaceans and cephalopods.] 18.2, 6, 4.58, 53, 7.55, 18, 79, 81 13 Levaditi, C., et F. Gabrek. 18 : 6 1914. Sur la vie et la multivlication in vitro des cellules préalablement coiorées. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 77 p. 417—420. (Analyse, viae 8. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208053.) 18.2, 86, 9.32 14 Schreiner, K. E. 18 : 7.2 1915. Ueber Kern- und Plasmaveränderungen in Fettzellen während des Fettansatzes. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der Natur der sogen. Chro- midien und Plastosomen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 145—171, 24 figg. [Nu- kleärer Ursprung der vegetativen Fäder. Fettansatz an Plasmagranula gebunden.] 18.11,.2 15 Johnson, John C. 18 : 76 1915. The Cultivation of Tissues from Amphibians. Univ. California Pubiic. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 55—62, 2 figg. [Nerve-outgrowth by pseudopod- like processes. Gill-like structures on tissues from head region. Me- thods.] 16.8 18,19" 211216 Danchakoff, Wera. 18 : 86 1916. The loose connective tissue, as seat of lympho-granuilopoesis. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 192—193. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208055.) 18.2,.5 18.1 Cytologia. (Vide etiam: 211199, 211200, 211204, 211208, 211214.) 17 Minchin, E. A. 18.3 1915/16. The British Association Section D. Zoology Opening Address. The Evolution of the Cell. Nature London Vol. 96 p. 185—192. — Rep. S5th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. np. 437—464 — Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 5—38, 106—118, 271—283. [Protocyte, cytode, biococeus. Evolution of karyokinesis.] 18.11,.13,.15, 31 ; 18 Cameron, J., and R. J. Gladstone. 18.1 1516. Structural continuity of the cell-elements in the blastoderm Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 50 Proc. anat. Soc. tr. Brit. p. 12 —13. [Plasmodial relations.] — The Structure of the Blastoderm, and the Continuity of the Oell-eiements during the Early stages of Develop- ‘ment. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Vol. 50 p. 207—227, 15 figg. [Nuclei rather than cell-elements as whole as structural units. Primary plasıno- dial continuity.] 39.5, 78, 86, 9.32,.74,.4 4 19 Chasihers, Robert, jr. ni 18.1 1916. Microdissecaion dudtés on ceil structures. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 190 — 191. 211220 Galeotti, 6. 18.1 1916. La costituzione del lot nelle cellule viventi. Rend, Ac- cad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 798-802. [Coiloide liquido senza struttura veruna, nel quale sono sospesi dei condriosomi, che cambiano !: eontinuamente di sede e di forma. Strutture (filare od alveolare) hanno il valore di differenzazioni funzionali ] Bm ROT 141 Histoiogia 211221 v. Hansemann, D. 18.1 1916. Der Vergleich der Einzelligen mit den Metazoen. Nat. Wochen- schr. Bd. 31 p. 441—442. [Aehnlichkeit der einzelnen Metazoenzellen und den Protozoen nichts anderes als Konvergenzerscheinung. Proto- zoen entspricht ganzem Metazoonkörper.] 22 Macklin, C. C. 18.1 1916. Binucleate and multinucleate cells in tissue cultures. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 16 p. 225. [Nuclear amitosis. In further division mitosis with fusion of two nuclear parts, culminating in two new separate cells.] 18.13,.15, 86 23 Bélaï, K. 18.1 : 31 1915. Protozoenstudien. L. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 18-54 3 Taf., 3 figg. [Amoeba diplogena n. sp. Kernteilung von Astasis levis, Bau und Teilung von Rhynchomonas nasuta. Versuch einer Phylogenie des Blepharoblasten.] 18.11,.13,.15,.18 31.1.6 24 Sondheim, Maria. 18.1 : 31.3 Actinophrys 1915. Ueber Actinophrys oculata Srem. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 52—65, 2 Taf. [Eigene Art. Mit ihr ist Monobia confluens A. ScusEiDEr identisch.] 18.11,.13,.15,.18 25 Kühn, Alfred. 18.1 : 31.6 Bodo 1915. Ueber Bau, Teilung und Encystierung von Bodo edax Kurses. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 35 p. 212—255, 1 Taf. 18.11,.13,.15,.18 26 Comes, Salvatore. 18.1 : 31.6 Monocercomonas 1914. Notizie sulla Morfologia e riproduzione di Monocercomonas termitis. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 33 p. 15—27, 5 figg. [Forma, rivestimento, flagelli, apparato scheletrico, nucleo, blefaroblasto, centrosoma. Scissione, riduzione e conjugazione, conitomia.] 18.11,.13,.15,.16,.18 211227 v. Prowazek, S. 18.1 : 31.7 Colpidium 1915. Zur Morphologie und Biologie von Colpidium colpoda. Arch. Pro- tistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 72—80, 14 figs. [Frage der Mutabilität.] | 11.51,.6,.66, 18.11,.13,.15 28 Greschik, Jenö. 18.1 : 57.93 Tenthredinidae | 1915. A leveldaräzs-lärvak kôzépbelének hämja; a mag szerepe a hölya- galakü secretiéban. Ällatt. Közlem. Köt. 14 p. 207—225, 11 figg. — Das Mitteldarmepithel der Tenthrediniden-Larven; die Beteiligung des Kerns aa der blasenförmigen Sekretion. p. 274—975. — Das Mitteldarmenithel der Tenthrediniden-Larven; die Beteiligung des Kerns an der blasen- förmigen Sekretion. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 427—448, 11 figg. 18.11,.13,.15,.18 29 von der Malsburg, Karoi. 18.1:6 . 1911. Die Zellengrösse als Form- und Leistungsfaktor der landwirt- schaftlichen Nutztiere. Ein histobiologisches Problem in der Züchtungs- kunde. Arb. deutsch. Ges. Züchtungskde. Heft, 10, 363 pp., 27 Tat. [Fein- und grobzellige Modalitäten unterschieden.]| 86, 9.32,.725 —.74 30 Kreibich, C. 18.1: : 1 1916. Zur Anatomie des Tigroids. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 56—59, 3 figg. [Austritt von Nukleolin unter Führung des Chromatins.] ) 18.11,.13 9.725,.735 211231 Vasticar, E. 18.1 : 9.32 1915/16. Les formations nucléaires des cellules auditives externes et de Deiters. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 58—60, 3 figg. — Sur la struc- ture de la cellule auditive. p. 501—503, 1 fig — Sur les terminaisons du nerf acoustique. p. 649—652, 10 figg. [Corpuscule sphérique ou ovoide isolé intracellulaire.] — Sur les terminaisons du nerf acoustique. p. 748—%51, { Le [Corpuscules intra ceilulaires multiples] — T. 162 p. 93—97, 1 fig. [Fibrilles nerveuses émanant directement du noyau.] 18.11,.13. LL 4 Histologıa 148 211232 Mayer, Andre, Fr. Rathery et Georges Schaeffer. 18.11 1915. Les granulations ou mitochondries de la cellule hépatique. Journ. Physiol. Path. gen. T. 16 p. 381—59%, 607-622, 2 pls. [Element per- manent du protoplasma. Lipoides phosphorés. "Reaction des mitochon- dries et son parallélisme avec modications chimiques de la cellule hépa- tique.] 53.841, 7.35,.55,.58, TE, 81.3, 84.1, 86.5, 9.32,.4,.74,.9 33 Schultze, 0. 18.11 1915. Altes und Neues über den Bau und die formative Tätigkeit des Protoplasmas. Sitz.-Ber. phys.-med. Ges. Würzburg 1915 p. 81—94. 34 Cowdry, E. V. 18.11 1916. The general functional significance of mitochondria. Amer. Jour N. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 423—446. [General review.] 35 Guilliermond, A. 18.11 1916. Sur une methode permettant de colorer dans la cellule vegetale les grains d’amidon au sein des mitochondries. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris ih 79 p. 806—S09, 1 fig. 36 Levi, Giuseppe. 18.11 1916. Dimostrazione deila natura condriosomica degli organuli cellulari colorabili col bleu-pirrolo in cellule coltivate „in vitro“. Bend. Accad. 37 Maximow, A. 18.11 1916. Sur la structure des chondriosomes. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 465—466. [Organoides constants jouant rôle actif dans différents processus métaboliques.] 38 Maximow, A. 18.11 1916. Sur les méthodes de fixation et de coloration des chondriosomes. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 462—465. [Me- thode de fixation de Cuamry avec postchromisation. Fuchsine acide, puis thionine et différenciation dans solution d’aurantia.] 39 Mottier, D. M. 18.11 1916. What are Chondriosomes? (Botan. Soc. Amer.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 286—287. [Granules in plant tissue in addition to leuceplasts and chloroplasts. Not identical with chondriosomes of animal cells.] 211240 Meves, Friedrich. 18.11 1917. Historisch-kritische Untersuchungen über die Plastosomen der Pflanzenzellen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. S9 Abt. 1 p. 249—323, 4 Taf. [Fundamentalstruktur des Protoplasmas.] 41 Doflein, F. 18.11 : 31 1915. Aenderungen des Aggregatzustandes im lebenden Protoplasma. Ber. nat. Ges. Freiburg i. Br. Bd. 21 p. XV—XXI. [Festigkeit der Pellikula. Festere Achsensubstanz der Pseudopodien (Phase des Proto- plasmas). Stereo- und Rheoplasma.] 31.1,.2,3 42 Payne, F. 18.11 : 57.29 Gryllotalpa 1916. The Mitochondria in the Germ Cells of the Male of Gryllotaipa borealis. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 178. 43 Zotta, 6. 18.11 : 57.54 Hydrocores 1915. Les parasomes des cellules folliculeuses des tubes ovariens des. Hémiptères hydrochores [sic!]. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 469—471, 1 fig. [Existenee intimement liée à l’activité sécrétrice.] 44 Vickery, Robert K. 16.11 : 57.87 Bombyx 1915. Evidence of a Protoplasmic Network in the Oenocytes of the Silkworm. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 285—290, 6 figg. 45 Luna, E. 18.11 : 6 1915. Sulle modificazioni alle quali vanno incontro i plastosomi deile cellule nervose in condizioni normali e patologiche. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 136. [Scomparsa Pare: cellule nervose dei gangli trapiantati.] 8, 9.32 211246 Kolmer, Walter. 18.11 : 6 1916. Ueber einige durch Rawon x Casar’s Uran-Silbermethode darstell- 149 Histologia bare Strukturen und deren Bedeutung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 506—519, 929—640, 20 figg. [Mitochondrien und Netzapparat. Ihre physiologische Bedeutung.] ’8, 88.1, 9.32,.74,.9 211247 Dentici, 8. Lots. 1915. I plastosomi nelle cellule nervose dei pesci. Monit. zool. ital. 48 Busacca, A. 18.11 : 78 1915. Sulle modificazioni dei plastosomi nelle cellule dell’epitelio pig- mentato della retina sotto l’azione della luce e dell’oscurità. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 134-135. [Diminuzione dei piastosomi sotto azione della luce.] 49 Key, J. Albert. 18.11 : 78 Bufo 1916. On the relation of mitochonris to zymogen granules. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 215—216. [Pancreas of toad. Zymogen granules not formed directly by mitochondria.] 50 Coghill, George E. 18.11 : 79 1915. Preliminary Studies on Intracellular Digestion and Assimilation in Amphibian Embryos. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 347—350. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208348.) 51 da Costa, A. Celestino. 18,11: 9 1911. Notes sur le chondriome des cellules de la capsule surrénale. Bull, Soc. Portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 5 p. 63—67. [Rôle adipogénique.] 9.32,.4,.735,.9 52 Athias, M. 18.11 : 9.4 Vesperugo 1911. Le chondriome des cellules interstitielles de l’ovaire de Chauve- souris (Vesperugo serotinus). Bull. Soc. Portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 5 p. 46— 49. [Chondriosomes se transformart probablement en corps lipoides (processus sécrétoire).] 211253 de Kervily, Michel. 18.11 : 9.9 1916. Les mitochondries du syncytium des villosités placentaires chez la femme. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 226—228. 54 Liebreich, Emil. 18.11 : 9.9 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Leukocytengranula im strömenden Blut des Menschen. Die säurefesten Granula oder a!-Granula. Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Path. Bd. 62 p. 71—120, 1 Taf. [2 vollständig verschiedene Arten von Granula.] 55 de Kervily, Michel. 18.11 : 9.9 1916. L'origine des cellules vacuolaires libres du stroma des villosités placentaires chez la femme. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 281—282. [Modification sur place des cellules conjonctives qui peuvent encore se multiplier par division directe.] — Les modifications des cils du syncy- tium des villosités placentaires chez la femme. p. 329—330. [Bordure ciliée contingente. Transformation en prolongements protoplasmiques.] — La fonction sécrétrice des cellules vacuolaires des villosites du pla- eenta humain. p. 443—444. [Modification de cellules conjonctives, eomme adaptation à la sécrétion.] — Le chondriome des cellules de Langhans du placenta humain. p. 389—590. 56 Schaffner, John H. 18.13 1915. The Chromosome Mechanism as a Basis for Mendelian Pheno- mena. (Contrib. botan. Lab. Ohio State Univ. No. 88.) Ohio Natural. Yol. 15 p. 509-518. 57 Prresmycki, A. M. 18.13 : 31 1915. Sur la coloration vitale du noyau. 1I. — Coloration avec la base libre du Rouge neutre. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 169—171. [Chez Protozoaires.] 31.5,.7 311258 Dobell, Clifford, and A. Pringle Jameson. 18.13 : 31.9 1915. The Chromosome Cycle in Coccidia and Gregarines. Proc. B. Soc. London Vol. S9 B p. 83—94, 2 figg. [Haploid number throughout life-history except zygote nucleus. Reduction division. 31.91,.92 Histologia | 150 211259 Strickland, C. 18.13 : 31.91 Agrippinz 1915. The Nuclear Changes in Agrippina bona SısickLann. Parasitology Vol. 7 p. 380—382. [Comparison of author’s account with that of Lawın. Karyosome in young trophozoite a close-wound skein. Chromatin in spherules. Disappearance of nucleus in cyst.] -60 Kunze, Helene. 18.13 : 4.38 Helix 1916. Das Auftreten kristallähnlicher Gebilde in den Nucleolen der Ganglienzellen des Nervenzystems der Weinbergschnecke. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Beförd. Nat. Marburg 1915 p. 12—13. [Bis zu 20 Kristalloide in einem Kern.] 61 Woolsey, Carrie I. 18.13 : 57.28. 1915. Linkage of Chromosomes Correlated with Reduction in Numbers among the Species of a Genus, Also within a Species of the Locustidæ. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 28 p. 163—186, 6 pls. 62 Metz, C. W. 16.13 : 57.7 ‘1915. Cytological Studies on Heredity. Year Book Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington No. 13 p. 126—129, 1 fig. [Chromosomes in Diptera. Crossing of Drosophila having different chromosome groups.] 63 Dehorne, Armand. 18.13 : 57.71 Corethra 1915. Sur les chromosomes de „Corethra plumicornis“ (Diptère némo- dee C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 43 p. 527—529, 1 fig. [Au nombre e 3. 64 Richards, À. 18.13 : 7.9 1916. Chromosome Individuality in Fish Eggs (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vel. 43 p. 178. [Chromosomes of 2 parents recognizable in Fundulus eggs fertilized with Ctenolabrus sperm.] 211265 Goldschmidt, R. 18.15 1915. A New Mitotic Structure. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 727. [Bead- like chromatin extensions observed by E. Suxrpanp not new.] 65 Hartog, Marcus, 18.15 1916. The Discession of the Chromosomes and Mitokinetism. Rep. Söth Meet. Brit. Ass. Adr. Sc. p. 470—471. [Separation of sister-chromosomes and migration as result of action of dual force in non-uniform field. Path of chromosome determined by spindle-fibres assumed to be more permeable to the force than their surroundings. Chromosomes also more permeable (flexible inductors).] 1916. Amitosis in Cells Growing in Vitro. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 80 p. 445—466, 3 pls., 27 figg. [Nuclear amitosis, a pathological condi- tion. Proper cell division mitotic.] 86 68 Painter, Theophilus 8. 18.15 1916. Some phases of cell mechanics. (Proc. Aimer. Ass. Anat., Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 232—233. [Spiral asters due to movements in cyto- ‘plasm outside centrosphere. In living monaster eggs, when aster retreats to one side of egg, there is flow of superficial protoplasm towards 00- _ posite side. Separation of centrosomes, formation of spindle and divi- ‘sion of chromosomes in spite of inhibition of cytoplasmic radiations by narcotics.] Ä 39.5 | 2 69 Rohde, #. | 18.13 1916. Histogenese, Furchung und multiple Teilung. Zeitsehr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 129—154, 18 figg. [Alle Gewebszellen gehen histoge- netisch aus vielkernigen Plasmodien hervor. Aehnliches bei Entstehung ‘ der Blastomeren nicht nur bei superficieller und discoidaler sondern bei totaler Furchung.] a du 211210 Kühn, Alfred. | . 18.15 : 81.t ‘1915. Analyse der Chromatinverhältnisse und der Teilungsméchanik des Amöbenkerns mit Hilfe mehrpoliger Teilungen. Zoel. Anz. Bd, 45 p. 664—576, 17 figg. | Mani) 151 Histologia 211271 Kofoid, Charles Atweod, and Olive Swezy. 18.15 : 31.6 Trichomonas 1915. Mitosis in Trichomonas. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 315— 321, 1 fig. [Longitudinal splitting of differentiated chromosomes. Persis- tence of nuclear membrane. Extra-nuclear paradesmose between mi- grating blepharoplasts does not give rise to axostyle. Lougitudinal split- ting of axostyle (intracellular homologon of flagella).] 72 Prenant, A. 18.18 1915. Les cils et leurs dérivés. Rev. gén. Se. T. 26 p. 41—5l, 10 figg. [Morphologie de la différenciation cellulaire.] 18.2 Tela COngRLSUNG {Vide etiam: 211199, 211200, 211203, 211206, 211211— 211214, 211216.) 73 Nageotte, J. 18.2 1916. Les substances conjonctives sont des coagulums albuminoides di: milieu intérieur. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 833—839, 2 figg. [Dans cicatrices substance fondamentale résulte de transformation sur place d’un exudat fibrineux préalablement épanché, puis envahi par cellules conjonctives.) 9.32 74 Scott, Katharine J. 18.2 ‚1916. A cytological study of connective tissue cells of animais stained vitally with acid azo dyes. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 263. [Mitochondria not stained vitally.] 75 Dehorne, Armand. 18.2 : 51.7 Nereilepas 1915. Sur le corps graisseux de Nereilepas fucata et sur un cas de Blas- tomycose généralisée des grandes cellules adipeuses. (C. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 48 p. 329—584, 1 fig. [Tissu cellulo-graisseux. Grands éléments à vacuoles. Inclusions graisseuse et albuminoïde.] 211276 Laguesse, E. 18.2 : 7.35 Torpedo 1914. La structure lamelleuse du tissu conjonctif lache chez la Torpille. Arch. Anat. micr. T. 16 p. 67—131, 2 pls, 12 figg. [Lamelle élémentaire derivee de la transformation exoplasmique partielle d’une cellule de mesenchyme aplatie. Symplasme lamellaire hyalin.] 77 Baitsell, George A. 18.2 : 5 ‘1916. The origin and structure of a fibrous tissue formed in wound _healing. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 175—176. | [Direct transformation of fibrin net.] 18 Stockard, Charles R. 18.2 : 7.55 Fundulus 1915. A study of wandering mesenchymal cells on the living yolk-sac and their deveiopmental products : Chromatophores, vascular endothelium and blood cells. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 525—594, 35 figg. [Ear- 'ly outwandering into subgerminal cavity from embryonie shield (mainly caudal region). 4 types of cells differentiated indicative of 4 different potentialities.] 73 v. Schumacher, Siegmund. 18.2:82 1915. Ueber eine besondere Form des blasigen Stützgewebes vom chor- doiden Typus mit Fetteinlagerung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 385-396, 7 figg. [In den Zehen verschiedener Vogelarten.] | 1, 86, 87.4, 88.1, 89.7 18.3 Cartilago. 211280 Reiterer, Ed., et S. Voronofl. 18.3 : 9 1916. Evolution éloignée des greffes articulaires. C. RB. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 918—921. [Apres un an, revêtement cartilagineux complet dont la zone profonde est vasculaire, la zone moyenne normale et la zone superficielle hérissée de prolongements de cartilage en voie de régression.] ‚. 9.14 Histologia 152 18.4 O3, 18.46 Medulla ossium. 211281 Enescu, I. 18.4 : 6 1916. Ein neuss Verfahren zur Darstellung der Knochenhöhlen und der Er VOD Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr. Bd. 32 p. 297. [Greusa-Fär- ung. 82 Smith, Franklin D. 18.4 : 9 1916. Regeneration of Bone, Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 152 p. 95— 116, 1 fig. [Osteogenesis not a specific attribute of any tissue or layer, limited to scattered osteoblasts. No mitosis in mature bone cells. In re - generation differentiation of osteoblast to bone cell. Influence of en- vironment.] 9.32,.735,.74 83 Lefas, E, 18.46 ; 9 1911. Sull’ identità e la natura endoteliale delle cellule giganti del mi- dolio osseo e dei tumori. Lo Sperimentale Anno 65 p. 253—264. [Tras- formazione in emazie nucleate.] 9.74,.9 | 18.5 Sanguis. (Vide etiam: 211216.) 84 Marchesini, Rimaldo. 18,5 : 6 1911. Clasmatociti: derivazione, secrezione interna, funzione fagocitaria e colorazione intravitale. Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff. Vol. 12. — Bell. Ass. Cultori Sc. med. nat. Roma p. 289—-294. [Derivazione da speciali forme leucocitarie granulocitarie. 'T'rrasformazione in vere celluie secre- torie. Origine comuue dei cromatofori e dei clasmatociti.) 85 Galati Mosella, R. 18.5: 6 1915. Osservazioni su alcune formazioni paraplastiche e sulla struttura zonare negli eritrociti dei vertebrati. Monit. zool. ital. Anne 26 p. 116 —119. 1.99.08, 18, 81.1,.80, 87.1, 88.1 211286 Drury, Alan N. 18.5 : 7.5 1915. The Eosinophil Cell of Teleostean Fish. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 49 p. 349—366, 1 pl, 2 fige. [Coarsely granular eosinophil cell formerly overlooked because of absence from blood and of instability of its granules.] 87 Stockard, Charles R. 18.5 27.95 Fundulus 1915. A study of wandering mesenckymal cells on the living yolk-sac and their developmental products: Chromatophores, vascular endothelium and blood cells. Amer, Journ. Anat. Vol. 18 p. 525—594, 55 figg. (Ab- stract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208210.) 88 Dantschakoff, Wera. 18.5 : 81.21 Tropidonotus 1916. Ueber die Entwicklung des Blutes in den Blutbildungsorzanen (Area vasculosa, Dottersackanbänge, Knochenmark, Thyrus, Milz und lockeres Bindegewebe) bei Zropidonotus natrix. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 86 Abt. 1 p. 497—584, 5 Taf. | 89 Lefas, E. 185 : 9 1911. Sull’ identità e la natura endoteliale delle cellule giganti del mi- dollo osseo e dei tumori. Lo Sperimentale Anno 65 p. 253—264. [Tras- formazione in emazie nucleate.] 9.74,.9 90 Ruffo, Albino. 18.5 : 9 1918. Contributo allo studio delle cellule rhagiocrine in rapporto ad altri elementi del connettivo, le cellule granulose di Exericx (Mastzellen) ed i clasmatociti di Rasvıer. Lo Sperimentale Anno 67 p. 169—188, 1 tav. [Caratteri differenziali delle cellule rhagiverine. Episodio nell’evo- luzione di un medesimo elemento ?] 211291 Petrone, Angelo. 18.5 :9 1914. Otto anni ancora di ricerche sull’esistenza di un nucleo nell’ema- sia dei mammiferi. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mom. 1, 10 pp., 1 tar. [Nucleo ridotto fatto da paranucleina. Metodi.] 9.32,.74,.9 153 _ Histologia 211292 Cesaris-Demel, A. 18.5 : 9 | 1915. Sulla presenza e sulla genesi delle piastrine nella milza dei mam- miferi. Atti Soc. toscana Sc. nat. Pisa Vol. 30 Mem. p. 156—176, 2 tav. [Proprietà piantrinocinetica dei megacariociti della milza.] 9.74 93 Hayem, Georges. 18.5 : 9 1915. Sur le noyau de l’hematoblaste des Vivipares, à propos du tra- vail de M. Ep. Rerrerer, intitulé: „Du rôle hématiformateur de la rate du chien, du chat et du cheval“. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 579— 980. — par En. Rerterer. p. 580. 9.725,.74 94 Retterer, Ed. | 18.5 : 9 1915. Du rôle hématiformateur de la rate du chien, du chat et du cheval. C. B. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 531—535. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208946.) 9.725,14 95 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 185 :9 1915. Des hématies de l’Eléphant, du Chameau et du Lama. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 500—503. [Portion hémoglobique au centre, zone anhémoglobique et contour net hematoxylinophile.] 9.61,.735 96 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9 1916. Des hématoblastes de M. Harzw, ainsi que de l’origine cytoplas- mique ou nucléaire des éléments figures du sang. C. R, Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 57—60. [Hématoblastes sont dues à désintégration du cytoplasma de cellules, à l’origine fixe et sont incapables d'évolution progressive.] 9.725,.74 97 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9 1916. De l’origine et de l’étatpdu fer dans les hématies des Mammifères. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 . 263—266. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208950.) 9,61,.735,.74 211298 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9: 1916. Du cycle du fer dans la rate. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 14 —18. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208894.) 9.735,.74,.9 99 Retterer, Ed. 18,5 : 9.32 1916. Des constituants de l’hematie des Mammifères adultes. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 301—804. [Exclusivement des dérivés nuclé- aires.] 211300 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 18.5 : 9.82 1916. De la rate et des hématies des Caviadés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 305—808. [Configuration et connexions (variables), structure et fonction (identiques) de la rate. Dimensions des hématies.] 01 Bingoen, A. KR. 18.5 : 9.32 Lepus 1915. Observations on the differentiation of the granules in the eosino- philic leucocytes of the bone-marrow of the adult rabbit. Anat. Record Vol. 9 p. 683—701. [Real manifestation of protoplasmic activities, gra- dually differentiated in cytoplasm of mononuclear cells, at first induii- nophilic becoming eosinophilic. Progressive evolution.] Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 18.5 : 9,62 1916. De la rate et du sang du Damam. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 751—3%60. [Caractères intermédiaires entre rongeurs, proboscidiens, __ suidés et carnivores.] 03 Jerdan, H. E. 18.5 : 9.73 Sus 1916. Evidence of Hemogenic Capacity of Endothelium. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 417—420. — The microscopic structure of the yolk-sac of the pig embryo, with special reference to the origin of the erythrocytes. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 277—8302, 2 pls. [Angioblast arises from mesenchyma, which may differentiate directly into endothelium or into hæmoblasts. Occurrence of giant hæmoblasts.] 211304 Retterer, Ed., et H. Neuville. 18.5 : 9.74 1915. De la forme et de la structure de la rate des carnivores, ainsi que de l’évolution du parenchyme splénique. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. © 1°) Histologia 154 48 p. 557— 561. [Par désagrégation restes cellulaires deviennent libres ste ou par dégénérescence hémoglobinique hématies, Ours, ion. 211305 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9.74 1916. Du fer des ganglions lymphatiques et de la lymphe, C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 219—222, [Transformation des noyaux en hématies. Fer employé à la formation de l’hémoglobuline.] 06 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9.74 Canis 1915. Des hématies du chien. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 496 —500. (Analyse, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 209247.) 07 Modica, Orazio. 18.5 : 9.9 1911. Sul diametro dei globuli rossi del sangue fissato dell’uomo e sulle percentuali delle varie grandezze globulari nei primi tre mesi di vita nenne Arch. Farm. sper. Sc. aff. Vol. 12 p. 325—384, 2 tav., 2 88- 05 Pisani, 8. 18.5 : 99 1912; Di un particolare reperto istologico cel sangue. (Prima comuni- cazione.) {Accad. med.-fis. fiorent.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 811— 313. [Eiementi di forma ovoidale, di grandezza fra microcita e grosso mielocita, e di spessore tenuissimo.] 98 Retterer, Ed. 18.5 : 9.9 1915. De la nature et de l’origine des plaquettes sanguines. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 654—658. [Fragments du réticulum cytoplasmique revêtus encore d’une mince enveloppe d’hyaloplasma.] 18.6 Musculus. (Vide etiam: 211199, 211205, 211211, 211212.) 211310 Boeke, d. 18.6 : 7.35: 1915. Over den samenhang tusschen spiervezels en peesvezels bij de dwarsgestreepte spieren der vertebraten. Versl. wis- nat. Afd. Akad, Wet. Amsterdam D. 23 p. S83—889. — On the mode of attachment of the muscular fibre to its tendonfibres in the striated muscles of the ver- tebrates. Proc. Seet. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 17 p. 959—998. [Insertion of homogeneous ends of myofibrillae on sarcolemma, on the outside of which corresponding tendonfibrillae arise.] ii Bullard, H. Hays. 18.6 : 9: 1916. On the occurrence and physiological significance of fat in the muscle fibres of the normal myocardium and atrio-ventricular system Interstitial granules (mitrochonidria) and phospholipines in cardiac mus- ele. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 19 p. 1—34, 2 pls. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 23 No. 208880.) 9,32,.73—.14,.9 12 Valle, Vittorio. 18.6 : 9.82 1900. Annotazioni intorno alla rigenerazione dei muscoli volontarii. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 59 Pte. 2 p. 677—681. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208952.) à 13 Schiefferdecker, P. 18.6 : 9.9: 1916. Untersuchungen des menschlichen Herzens in verschiedenen ebensaltern in bezug auf die Grössenverhältnisse der Fasern und Kerne. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 165 p. 4993—564. [Gross- und kleinkernige Ur- rassen.] a CA 18.8 Tela nervosa. (Vide etiam: 211203, 211206, 211211, 211215.) 211314 Göthlin, &. F. 18.8 1913. Die Doppelbrechenden Eigenschaften des Nervengewebes. Ihre Ursachen und ihre biologischen Konsequenzen. Srensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 51 No. 1, 92 pp., 3 Taf,, 1 fig. [Glycerophosphatide des Markscheideninhalts verantwortlich. Verhältnis zur Flinkheit der Be- 155 Histologia wegungen der Tiere. Neurofibrillenapparat zeigt schwache proteotrope Doppelbrechung (Gerüst von Proteidnatur).] 36.5, 37.1,.7, 38, 39.3,.5,.7, 4.1,.37,.38,.58, 49.3, 51.21,.5,.6,.7, 53.5,.71,.83,.841,.842, 7.2—,35,.55, 78, 9.32,.735,.74 211315 Bayliss, W. M. 18.8 1916. The Spelling of „Neuron“ and „Axone“. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 774. — The Terminology of the Neurone. Vol. 2 p. 438. [Cen- tron (central part with nucleus), axon and dendrons.] 16 Edinger, Ludwig. 18.8 1916. Ueber die Regeneration durchschnittener Nerven. Die Naturwis- senschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 226—230, 2 figg. [Nerven entstehen weder aus peripheren noch ganz aus zentralen Elementen, bleiben aber in ihrer Existenz viel mehr von den letzteren als den ersteren abhängig. Anteile der Ursprungszelle denen durch periphere Elemente ein Längenwachs- tum ermöglicht wird.] i7 Levi, Giuseppe. 18.8 1916. Sull’origine delle reti nervose nelle colture di tessuti. Rend. Ac- ead. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 663—668, 2 figg. 86 18 Wallenberg, [Adolf]. 18.8 1916. Eiemente des Nervensystems und ihre Verbindungen. Sehrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 14 Heft 2 p. XI—XIIL. 19 Verne, J. 18.8 : 6 1914. Contribution à l’étude des cellules névrogliques spécialement au point de vue de leur activité formatrice. Arch. Anat. mier. T. 16 p. 149 — 192, 2 pls., 2 figg. [Renflement cauda! de la moelle des poissons. Glande pinéale, Cellule névroglique sœur mineure de la cellule nerveuse. Activité formatrice.] 7.55, 9.9 20 Holmgren, Emil. 18.8 : 6 1915. Die Trophospongien spinaler Ganglienzellen. Arkiv Zool. Stock- holm Bd. 9 No. 15, 26 pp., 2 Taf., 2 figg. 744, 86.5, 9.32 21132! Luna, EF. 18.8 : 6 1915. Sulle modificazioni alle quali vanno incontro i plastosomi delle cellule nervose in condizioni normali e patologiche. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 136. [Scormparsa nelle ceilule nervose dei gangli trapiantati.] 18, 9.32 22 Dentici, 8. 18.8 : 7 1915. I plastosomi nelle cellule nervose dei pesci Moeonit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 133—134. 23 Dahlgren, Ulric. 18.8 : 7.35 Torpedo 1915. Structure and Polarity of the Electric Motor Nerve-Cell in 'Tor- pedoes. Public. Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 212 p. 213—256, 6 pls., 6 figg. [Settling of plasmosome through action of gravity.] 24 Fischel, Alfred. 18.8 : 56 1914. Ueber das Differenzierungsvermögen der Gehirnzellen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 40 p. 653—665, 2 Taf. [In regenerativ neugebildeten Gehirnzellen Auftreten von bei der normalen Entwicklung ihrer Mutter- zellen nicht vorhandenen linsenfaserartigen Differenzierungsweisen.] 25 Stuebel, H. 18.8 : 78 1914. Der Bau und die funktionellen Veränderungen der Markscheide. {Congr. intern. Fisiol.). Arch. Fisiol. Firenze Vol. 12 p. 115. — Mor- phologische Veränderungen des gereisten Nerven, III. Mitteilung. Unter- suchungen über Struktur und chemische Beschaffenheit des Netzwerkes der Markscheide. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 155 p. 391—419, 7 Tat. (Re- ferat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208063.) 311335 Hooker, Davenport. 18.8 : 78 Rama 1915. Studies on Regeneration in the spinal cord. 1. An analysis of the processes leading to its reunion after it has been completely severed in frog embryos at the stage of closed neural folds. Journ. comp. Neu- rol. Vol. 25 p. 469—495, 8 figg. [Elements entering into regenerated “portion of cord derived entirely from original cord. Connective tissue and epidermis not concerned.] 211327 28 29 30 31 211332 38 35 37 Histologia 156 Stefanelli, Augusto. 18.8 : 81 1916. Nuovo contributo alla conoscenza delle espansioni sensitivi dei Rettili, e considerazioni sulla tessitura del sistema nervoso periferico. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 32 p. 22—38, 10 figg. 811,2 Athias, M. 18.8 : 9 1908. Sur certains corpuscules colorables du cytoplasma des cellules des ganglions spinaux des Mammifères. Arch. Inst. bacter. Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 2 p. 1—17, 1 pl. [A comparer avec les corps énig- matiques rencontrés par Cesa-Brancui.] 9.82,.33,.74 Boeke, J. 18.8 : 9 1915. Over den samenhang tusschen zenuweindiging en gladde spiercel, in verband met de accessorische (autonome) innervatie der dwarsge- streepte spieren. Verel. wis- nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 23 p. 878—883, 1 pl., 1 fig. — On the termination of the efferent nerves in plain muscle-cells, and its bearing on the sympathetic (accessory) inner- vation of the striated muscle-fibre. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam Vol. 17 p. 982—989, i pl., 1 fig. [Intraprotoplasmatic neurofibrillar reticulum.] 9.74,. | Shionoya, Fujio. 18.8 : 9 1915. Zur Kenntnis der Lipoide im Zentrainervensystem (Nervea- und Gliazelle, Gefässwand). Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 14 p. 121— 189, 1 Tab., 1 Taf. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208962.) | 9.725,.735,.74,.9 " Nageotte, J. 18.8 : 9 1916. Substance collagene et névroglie dans la cicatrisation des nerfs. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 322—327, 4 fige. [Cloisonnement des travées névrogliques. Envahissement des cloisons par substance colla- gène.] 9.32,.74 Aguglia, Eugenio. 18.8 : 9.82 1914. Le alterazioni nucleari delle cellule radicolari in seguito a rese- zione delle sciatico. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mem. 8, 7 pp., 6 figg. [Zolle jaline del cariopiasma e zolle basofile di Levi.] Biondi, Giosue. 18.8 : 9.32 1914. Degenerazioni primarie ed alterazioni postmortali delle fibre ner- vose del midollo spinale. Nota preliminare. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Se. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 33 p. 42—53, 3 figg. [Molte „digenerazioni pri- marie“ sono pure alterazioni postmortali.] Biondi, Giosuè. 18.8 : 9.82 1914. Trapianto, sopravvivenza „in vitro“ ed autolisi dei nervi periferici. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (5) Vol. 7 Mem. 10, 20 pp., 4 figg. Loredan, Lorenzo. 18.8 : 9.32 1915. Sugli organi nervosi terminali sensitivi nei muscoli cutanei dei mammiferi. Atti Accad. Sc. Torino Vol. 50 p. 515—519. (Sunto, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208959.) Nageotte, J. 18.8 : 9.82 1915. Action à distance exercée par les macrophages sur le développe- ment des travées névrogliques et sur la myélinisation des neurites dans les cicatrices nerveuses. (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. ?11—714, 2 figg. [Changement de l’évolution morphologique des éléments nerveux sous l'influence der ferments des ınacrophages agissant sur le métabo- lisme de certains lipoides.] Nageotte, J. 18.3 ; 9.32 1915. Développement de la gaine de myeline dans les nerfs périphéri- ques en voie de régénération. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 611 —614, i fig. [Gaine de myéline est un grain de sécrétion eomposé, à structure nt complexe, dont l'enveloppe reste formée de substance mitochon- riale.] 211338 Nageotte, J. 18.8 : 9.32 1915. Troubles apportés à la croissance des neurites, dans les cicatrices 1372 Histologia - Zoogeographia nerveuses, par certaines modifications provoquées de la névroglie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 78 p. 679—683, 3 figg. [Hypertrophie provoquée des travées névrogliques gêne sensiblement pénétration des neurites et exerce action néfaste sur myélinisation.] 211539 Greenman, J. 18.8 : 9.32 1916. Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves. (Phila. neurol, Soc.) Journ. nerv. ment. Disease Vol. 43 p. 62—68. (Abstract, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208870.) 40 Thurlow, M. DeG. 18.8 : 9.32: 1916. Observations on the mitochondrial content of the cells of the nu- clei of the cranial nerves. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 253. [No differences capable of serving to distinguish sensory and motor cells.] 41 Dnnn, Elizabeth H. 18:8 :.9.32 Mus 1916. The size of the medullated axons of the Purkinje cerebellar neu- rons in the albino rat. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record. Vol. 10: p- 196. [Meduliated process appears to be correlated with size of neuron body which is the largest in cerebellar cortex.] +2 Stefani, U. . 18.8 : 9,74 1901. Se all’atropinizzazione dell’occhio RE modificazioni nelle cellule del ganglio ciliare. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 60 Pte. 2 p. 395—408, 1 tav. [Dopo atropinizzazione non si manifesta reaziune eromolitica ma bensi dopo mutilazione della cellula nel suo prolunga- mento cilindrasse.] 43 Agduhr, Erik. 18.8 : 9.74 1916. Morphologischer Beweis der doppelten (plurisegmentalen) moto- rischen Innervation der einzelnen quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Säugetieren. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 1—13, 2 figg. (Referat, vide B. Z. Vol. 29 No. 208963.) 44 Kirk, Edwin %., and Dean D. Lewis. 18.8 : 9.74. 1916. Studies in peripheral nerve regeneration. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 216—217. [Myelin laid down in situ.] 211345 Dolley, David H. 18.8 : 9.74 Canis 1 916. The development of function in the Purkinje cell of the dog and its relation to growth. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 194—196. (Abstract, vide B.'Z. Vol. 29 No. 209248.) 46 Pacheco, Arthur. 18.8 : 9.9 1910. Sur les types cellulaires des ganglions spinaux de l'Homme à l’état normal et dans quelques états pathologiques. Arch. Inst. bacter: Camara Pestana Lisbonne T. 3 p. 59—97, 24 figg. 47 Edinger, Ludwig. 18.8 : 9.9. 1916. Ueber die Vereinigung getrennter Nerven. Grundsätzliches und Mitteilung eines neuen Verfahren. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 2235 —228, 2 figg. [Rolle des Widerstands beim Auswachsen der Fasern.] 59.19 Zoogeographia. 48 Adams, J. | 19 1915. A Simple Method of Indicating Geographical Distribution. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 366-368, 1 fig. [Division of earth’s surface into series of areas bounded by parallels and meridians.] 49 Ekman, Sven. 19: 1915. Vorschläge und Erörterungen zur Reliktenfrage in der Hydrobio- logie. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 9 No. 17, 35 pp. [Definition des Be- griffs. Erkennungszeichen. Eiszeitliche Faunenreste.] : 211350 Simroth, Heinrich. 19: 1915. Ein paar neue Gesichtspunkte zur Pendulationstheorie. Nat. Wo-- chenschr. Bd. 30 p. 609—615, 2 figg. [Aenderung von Stromrichtung im Donaugebiet durch Verbreitung der Unioniden bewiesen.], 4.1 211351 52 38 211359 60 61 62 63 64 Zoogeographia 158 Barbour, T. 19 1916. Some Remarks upon Marrxew's „Climate and Evolution. With supplementary note by W. D, Mırruew. Ann, N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 27 De 1—15. Dubois, Raphaël. 19 1916. L’anticinèse rotatoire et les émigrations animales. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 2—4. [Emigrations des animaux par rapport à la rotation de la terre. 9.32 Lutz, Frank E. 19 1916. Faunal Dispersal. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 374-884, May, Walter. 19 : 09 1917. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biogeographie. Die Natur- wissenschaften Jahrg. 5 p. 86—39. [Nach Nırs vos Horsteın.] 5 Brehm-Eger, V. 19 (24 : 496) 1917. Dr. Axsoron’s zoologische Höhlenforschungen auf der Balkanhalb- insel. (Ein Sammelreferat.) Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 49--53. . Kükenthal, W. 19 (26) 1916. Die geographische Verbreitung mariner Bodentiere. Die Natur- wissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 657 —663. (25.03) Philippsen, H. 19 (26.01) 1915. Das Treibsel der Nordsee. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 50 p. 570-575, 2 figg. |Angeschwemmte tierische Organismen.] (26.12) Moore, Benjamin, Edmund Brydges Rudhall Prideaux and George Andrew Herdman. 19 (26.01) 1915. I. Seasonal Variations in the Reaction of Sea-Water in Relation to the Activities of Vegetable and Animal Plankton. II The Limita- tions of Photo-Synthesis by Algae in Sea-Water. Studies of certaln Photo-Synthetice Phenomena in Sea-Water. 23d Rep. Lancashire Sea- Fish. Lab. 1914 p. 171—202, 1 pl. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol, 29 p. 233—264, 1 pl. | Herdman, W. A., and Andrew Scott. 19 (26.01) 1916. Account of the Plankton collected during Traverses of the Great Oceans on the journey to Australia and back, by several routes, in 1914. Rep. 8öth Meet. Brit. Ass. Adr. Sc. p. 473—475. 63.4 Lohmann, H. 19 (26.01) 1916. Neue Untersuchungen über die’ Verteilutig des Planktons im Oze- an. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 73—125, 2 Taf, 10 fige. Lücke, Fr. 19 (26.01) 1916. Regionen des Hochseeplanktons. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 9 p. 108—113, 1 fig. Herdman, W. A., Andrew Scott, and H. Mabel Lewis. 19 (26.01 : 42.89) 1915/16. An Intensive Study of the Marine Plankton around the South End of the Isle of Man. Part VII. 23d Rep. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Lab. 1914 p. 222—240, 6 figg. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 29 p. 284 —302, 6 figg. — Part IX. 24th Rep. 1915 p. 35—37, 1 fig. — Trans. Vol. 30 p. 133—135, i fig. ‚3. 6, 49.2, 51.35, 53.24,.4 McMurrich, J. Playfair. 19 {26.01 : 71.1) 1916. Notes on the Plankton of the British Columbia Coast. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 10 Sect. 4 p. 75—89, 14 figg. I, nn. spp. in: Gary caeus, Paralabidocera n. g.] 31.6,.7, 37.1, ‚2, 49.2, 53.24,.4, Al: Hensen, Y. 19 (26.03) 1916. Die Bewohnung des Meeresbodens. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schleswig- Holst. Bd. 16 p. 350-352. 211365 Nordgaard, 0. m: 19 (26.1) 1915. Havstremmene og den Norske Marine Fauna. (Meddels. Trond- hjems biol. Stat. No. 9) Kgl. norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. 1914 No. 5, 34 pp., 9 figg. 36.1, 39.1,3—.5, 4.1-—.32,.37, 53.841 159 Zoogeographia 211366 Auerbach, M. 19 (26.1) 1916. Bericht über die Expedition des „Armauer Hansen“ in den Atlan- tischen Ozean im Jahre 1913. Verh. nat. Ver. Karlsruhe Bd. 26 p. 1— 53, 1 Taf., 10 figg. 36.5, 4.4, 53.4, 7.31,53—.56, 84.1 —.4 67 Philipvsen, H. 19 (26.12) 1916. Das Tierleben auf den Muschelbänken der Nordsee. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 337— 342, 10 fige. 34.6, 37.1, 39.5, 4.1,.32, 51.7, 58.5,.842, 7.58 68 Maluguer, Josep. 19 (26.2) 1916. Treballs oceanogräfics en la costa del Empurda. Junta de Ciènces naturals Barcelona An. 1916 p. 221—261, 1 pl., 10 figg. 31.1, 34.2.3, 37.1, 39.1—.5,.7, 4.1—.32,.36,.37,.96,.28, 49.3,.6, 91.7, 53.841,.842 69 Odôn de Buen. 19 (26.2) 1916. Première campagne de l’Institut espagnol d’Oc6anographie dans ‘la Méditerranée. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 318, 23 pp., 1 fig. 70 Townsend, Charles Haskins. 19 (26, 6) 1916. Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Gulf of California in Charge of C. H. Towxsenp, by the U, S. Fisheries Steamship „Albatross“ in 1911. Commander G. H. Burragk, U. S. N. Commanding. I. Voyage of the „Albatross“ to the Gulf of California in 1911. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 35 p. 399—476, 45 figg., 1 map. (26.6, 72.1—.3) 39.3—.5, 4.1,.2,.32, 53.841, 7.35,.41,.55,.56,.58, 81.1,.26,.3, 9,32,.53,.74,.745 71 Boysen-Jensen, P. 19 (28) 1915. Hydrobiologie (Skizze ihrer Methoden und Ergebnisse). Kultur d. Gegenwart Tl. 3 Abt. 4 Bd. 1 p. 587—596. 72 Sehermer, Ernst. 19 (281 : 43.17) 1916. Biologische Untersuchungen in der Untertrave bei Lübeck zwischen der Struckfähre und der Herrenbrücke. Mitt. geogr. Ges. nat. Mus. Lübeck (2) Heft 27 p. 25—61, 1 Taf., 1 Karte. 31.6,.7, 37.1, 4.1,.32,.38, 51.8, 53.5,.71,.841, 7.2,.55,.56,.58 211373 Unger, Emil. 19 (281 : 43.91) 1916. Adatok a Duna faunajanak és oekologiäjänak ismeretéhez. (El6- leges jelentés a Budapest kürnyéki Dunaszakasz biologiai vizsgälatänak eredmönyeiböl.) Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 262—281. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna und Oekologie der Donau auf der Strecke Nagy- _maros-Ercsi. (Umgebüung von Budapest. Vorläufige Mitteilung.) p. 340. 41,32, 53.71, 57.54, 7.2,.44,.55,.96,.98 74 Paravicini, Eugen. 19 (285 : 47.9) 1915. Notizen zur Flora und Fauna des Goktschasees in Hocharmenief. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkde. Bd. 10 p. 414--416. 31.6, 4.38, 53.24,.4, 78 75 Alm, Gunnar. 19 (285 : 48.7) 1916. Faunistische und biologische Untersuchungen im See Hjälmaren (Mittelschweden). Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 18, 47 pp., 10 figg. 31.6, 34.3, 37.1, 4.1, .32,.38, 47.2, 51.21—.3,.5,.6.8, 53.24—.4,.71,.72, 83, .841, 54. 2, 57.34,.45,.71, 7.55,. 58 76 A G. 19 (43.47) 1916. Die Pflanzenwelt zweier oberschwäbischer Moore mit Berücksich- tigung der Mikroorganismen. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 72 p. 37—120. Hi | 34.1,3,.6,.7, 51.8,.88, 54.12, 83.1—84.2 211377 Hentschel, Ernst. 19 (43.51) 1916. Biologische Untetéuéhyaèn: über den tierischen und pflanzlichen Bewuchs im Hamburger Hafen. Mitt. zoo). Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 33 Beih. 2 p. 1—172, 2 Taf., 16 figg. [Trichophrya rotunda n. sp.] — Nach- trag über Cartes polypinum (L.) und Carchesium lachmanni Kent. p. 173—176. 15.2 31.1,.6,.7,. ñ5, 34,8, 3 U, 41, ‘32, ‚38, ara, VA 51.23, 3.9.6, 57.71 Zoogeographia 160 9% 33, .54,.62—.69,.72,.89,.92,.96,.99, 83.3, 84.2, 88.1 79 Bode, W. 19 (43.53) 1916. Allerlei aus dem Wilselder Naturschutzpark. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 185—187. 84.3, 89.1, 9.52,.73—.74 30 Werner, F. 19 (43.66) 1915. Zoologische Beobachtungen am Ossiacherses. Carinthia II. Jahrg. 105 p. 4—10. [Fauna. Umbeliuferenbesucher unter den Insekten.] 4.32,.38, 51.23,.5, 93.71, 57.27,.28,.33,.34,.45,.64,.65,.67,.68,.72,.93,.95,.97,.38 31 @inzberger, A. 19 (43.69) 1916. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Scoglien und kleineren Inseln Süddalmatiens. Ergebnisse von zwei im Mai und Juni 1911 und im Juli 1914 ınit Unterstützung aus der Erbschaft Teeır. ausgeführten Reisen, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 92 p. 261—404, 8 Taf., 7 figg. — Oligochaeta von W. Michaersen. — Isopoda von A. Rocenxoree. [Armadilidium verhoeffi n. sp. (1 n. subsp. — 1 n. var.).] — Scorpionidea. und Orthoptera von F. Werner. — Myriopoda von K. Arreus und K. W. Vernoxrr. — Lepidoptera von E. Gazvacnr und H. ReBez. — Diptera von H. Zerny. — Coleoptera von Joser Müzccer. — Hymenoptera von A. Mayer. — Rhynchota von F. Raas und F. Werner. — Mollusca von R. Srurany. [1 n. subsp. in Clausilia. (Wacner).] 4.38, 51.6, 53.72, 54.6, 56.1,.2, 91.21,.22,.61— .72,.82— 87,.89,.92,.97 —.99 32 Arldt, Th. 19 (45) 1915. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der apenninischen Halbinsel. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 8 p. 542—553. [Geographische Verbreitung von Tier- und Pflanzenformen.] 83 Haas, F. 19 (46) 1916. Spanischer Brief. III. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 32--44. [Faunistische Notizen.] (46.5,.7) 4.1,.32, 53.23, 78, 81,1,.21 °11334 Wahlgren, Einar. 19 (48.6; 1915. Det öländska alvarets djurvärld. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 9 No. 19, 135 pp., 4 tafl. [2 nn. varr. in: Hemiteles (Roman i. l.}, Erythra- carus (Träcärpn).] 4.32,.58, 51.5,.6, 53.23,.3,.72, 54.2—.4, 56.1,.2, 57.11,.13,.21,.22,.27,.28,.31—.33,.42,.41,.45,.52— .74,.82—.93,.96—.,99, 7.58, 78, 81.21, 83.3, 84.1,.2,4, 88.1,.9, 89.1, 9.32,.33 85 Johansen, A. C. 19 (48.9) 1914. Om Forandringer i Ringkobing Fjords Fauna. Mindeskrift Japetus " Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 22, 1/4 pp., 29 figg. 31.6, 36.5, 37.1,.7, 38, 39.1,.5, 4.1,.31,.32,.38, 47.1, 51.5—.7, 53.4,.5,.72,.83,.84:,.842, 57.33,.54,.62,.71, 7.2,.35,.98,.55,.56,.58, 9.745 86 Plate, L. 19 (54.87) 1916. Fauna ceylanica, Untersuchungen zur Fauna Ceylons nach den Sammlungen von L. Psıre. 11. Tr en, biologische Studien auf Ceylon. Jena. Zeitscur. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 1 ‚9 Taf., 4 figg. [Tierwelt des Galle-Riffs. Farbwechsel und ph “von Salarias und Perioph- thalmus. Biologie von Anabas scandens. Schutzfarbe bei.Epizoen der Holothuria atra. Polynoe freudenbergi n. sp. Katalepsie und Mimicryver- suche bei Plasmiden und Zhyllium. Biologie von Ph. Papilio hector für Eidechser. unschmackhaft. Rhythmik des Leuchtens bei Luciola sinensis. Afterklauen von Python molurus.] i1.55,.57,.81,.855,.29 36.2,.5,.6, 37.1, 39.1,.3,.5—.8, 4.32,.37, 51.7, 53.841, ‚812, 57. 24, .66, 89, 7.58, 81.21 211?.7 Ghigi, Alessandro. 19 (61.2) 1913. Materiali per lo studio della fauna Libica. Mem. Accad. Sc. Bo- logna (6) T. 10 Cl. Sc. fis. Œ Sez. SC. nat. . Pe 253—296. 4.38, 54.2,.4,.6,.8, 56.1,.2, 57.21,.22,.24—,29,.85,.54,.61—.69,.72— 17e 82— 93,96 —. 99, 7.55,.58, 78, 81.1—.3, 83.4, 86, 88.1,.9 — DT, 932.4, .13—.74 | 161 ' Zoogeographia 211388 Werner, F. 19 (62) 1914. Bericht über die mit Unterstützung der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aus der Erbschaft Trerrz unternommene z00lo- gische Forschungsreise nach dem angloägyptischen Sudan (speziell Kor- dofan und Nuba-Provinz). Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. ol p. 278—283. 4.1,.38, 54.6, 97.25,27,.82,.89, 7.46,.05,.58, 81.1, 26, ‚3, 88.1, 9.74 89 Baker, Frank Collins, 19 (7) 1916. North American Faunal Areas. Science N. S. Vol, 44 p. 273—275. 4.1,.32,.38 % Morris, Francis J. A. 19 (71) 1916. Popular and Practical Entomology. Fresh Woods and Pastures New. I. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 145--149. — IL p, 197—201. — Ill. A Few Days in Newfoundland. p. 217—221, 257— 261. (71.3,.8) 4.1,.38, 57.27,.29,.33,.34,.68,.71,.72,.89,.92,.93,.98,.99 91 Townsend, Charles Haskins. 19 (72) 1916. Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Gulf of California in Charge of C. H. Townsexv, by the U. S. Fisheries Steamship „Albatross* in 1911. Commander G. H. Burrase, U. S. N. Commanding. I. Voyage of the „Albatross“ to the Gulf of California in 1911. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 35 p. 399—476, 45 figg., 1 map. (72.1—.3) 81.1,.26,.3, 9.32,.53,.74,.745 92 Dury, Charles. 19 (72.1) 1916. Natural History Notes of Southern Arizona. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 22 p, 4—13. 93 Osgood, Wilfred H. 19 (8) 1916. General Aspects of Zoologicai Exploration in South America. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 250. M Scott, W. B. 19 (801) 1916. The Isthmus of Panama in its Relation to the Animal Life of North and South America. Scienee N. S. Vol. 43 p. 113—124. (86) 211335 Beehe, C. William. 19 (81) 1916. Fauna of Four Square Feet of Jungle Debris. Zoologica New York zool. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 107—119, 2 pls. 57.96 96 Doering, Adolfo, y Pablo G. Lorentz. 19 (82) 1916. Recuerdos de la Expediciön al Rio Negro (1879). Bol. Acad. nac. Cienc. Cordoba T. 21 p. 301—386. [Fauna.] 4.38, 57.22,.27,.62,.64,.68,.96,.99, 78, 81.21, 83.1,.3— 84.2, 87.1, 88.1— 89,1, 9.32 97 Matthew, W. D. 19 (9) 1916. The Origin of Pacific Island Faunas. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 686. 4.38 98 Wolf, E. 19 (9) 1916. Die Hanseatische Südsee- Expedition im Jahre 1909. Reisebericht. Abh. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p. 109—164, 12 Taf,,, 87. figg,,.i Karte. [Allgemeine taunistische Bemerkungen.] (334— 937, 95, 96.1—.3) 99 Koningsherger, J. C. 19 (922) 1914/15. De Fauna der Boschranden. Java Zoöl. en Biol. Afl. 10 p. 476—499. 54.4, 57.54,.64,.68,.69,.72,.82,.89,.97,.99, | 81.21,.26, 86.5, 87.2, 88.1, 9.74 211400 Koningsberger, J. C. 19 (922) 1915. De Boschfauna in het algemeen. Java Zoöl. en Biol. Afl. 11—12 pP» 300-521. 57.29,.33,.89,.92,.96, 86.5, 87.2, 88.9, 89.7, 9.735,.74,.82 211401 Koningsberger, J. C. 19 (922) 1915. De Boschfauna der lagere streken. (0—2500 voet.) Java Zoöl. en Biol. Afl. 11—12 p. 522—539. 54.2, 57.24,.62,.65—.68,.89,.96, 86.5, 87.2, 88.1, 9.74,.81 Zeel. Bibliogr. XXX Vs: 1917 11 Zoogeographia - Invertebrata 162 211492 Keningsberger, J. C. 13 (922) 1915. De Boschfauna van 2500—5000 voet boven ze. A. Gewerve lde Dieren. Java Zoôl, en Biol. Afl. 11—12% p. 540-559. B. Ongewervelde Dieren. p. 560—586. 4.38, 543, 57.25,.53.,54,.62..64,.65,.65,.85—. 89, 78, 81.1, 86.5, 87.3.4, 83.1,.9, 89.1, 9.32,.82, 88 03 Keningsberger, d. C. 19 (922) 1915. De Boschfauna van 5000 -7500 voet boven zee. Java Zoöl. en Biol. Afl, 11—12 p. 587—595. 57.99, 83.3, 88.1, 9.74 24 Koningsberger, J. C. LATE) 1915. De Detritus-fauna der Bosschen. Java Zoöl. en Biol. All. 11—12 p. 996—612. 51.23,.6, 08.71,.72, 56:4, 57.21,.22,.29,.54,.62,.63,.66,.71,.72 05 Koningsberger, J. C. 19 (922) 1915. De Fauna van het Hooggeberste. Java Zoöl, en Biol. Afl, 11—12 p. 613—618. 57.72,.89,.98, 84.1, 88.1, 9.74 59.2 Invertebrata. 06 Siromer, Ernst. 2 1910. Ueber Relikten im indopazifischen Gebiete. Centralbl. Min. Geol. : Pal. 1910 p. 798— 802. 07 Scharff, R. F. 2 1916. On the Irish Names of Invertebrate Animals. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 140 —152. 08 Latham, Vida A. 2:07 1915. Mounting Zoophytes and Polyzoa. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 395 —56. 37, 47 211408 Dickerson, Mary Cynthia. 2207 1916. Photographs from the Beaches and Shallow Waters of the Mas- sachusetts Coast during the Month of September. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 367—378, 12 figg. 10 Wilhelmi, Julius. e.07 1916. Technische Hilfsverfahren zur Anfertigung von Zeichnungen natur- wissenschaftlicher Objekte. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 153 —159, 7 tigg. 11 Nick, L. 2 : 07 (43.58) 1914. Unser Planktonschrank. III. Ctenophoren und Anueliden. 43, Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 129—151, 6 figg. 38, 51.7 12 J'osse, R. 3 : 11.05 1916. Origine et distribution de l’urée dans la nature. Application de nouvelles méthodes d’anaiyse de l’urée basées sur l’emploi du xanthy- drol. Deuxième partie. L’albumine et l’urée. Troisième partie. Synthèse de l’urée par oxydation de l’ammoniaque et des hydrates de carbone ou de la glycérine. Participation vraisemblable des hydrates de carbone et des graisses au phénomène de l’uréogenèse. Quatrième partie. Demon- stration de la présence de l’urée chez les Invertebres. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 642—676, 1 fig. 36.5, 39.3, 41,.38, 51.5, 53.71,.841 13 Leitch, I. Se ıT V 1916. The function of hæmoglobin in invertebrates with special refe- rence to Pianorbis and Chironomus larvæ. Journ. Physiel. London Vol. 30 p. 570—379. [Binding of oxygen permitting uilisation of low ion of the gas.] 4.38, 57.71 211414 Przibram, Hans. ave 117 1915. Ueber die ungeordnete Bewegung ger Tiere. (Mitt. No. 12 biol. Versuchsanst. kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien. y Anz Akad. Wiss. Wien 163 Invertebrata math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 165. [Proportionalität zwischen mittlerem Verschiebungsquadrat und Zeitintervall. Diffusionskoeffizient.] 31.7, 51.3 21145 Lewis, Howard B., and Minna E. Jewell. 2.2,11.32 1916. The occurrence of lichenase in the digestive tract of invertebrätes. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 14 p. 59—60. 34, 89.3,.5, 4.1,.51,.38, 49, 51.5,.0, 53.71,.842, 57.27 16 Kafka, Gustav. 2:11.85 1914. Einführung in die Tierpsychologie auf experimenteller und etho- logischer Grundlage. Erster Band. Die Sinne der Wirbellosen. Leipzig : J. A. Barth. 8° XII, 954 pp. figg. M. 18. — 11.35 —.856 17 Kiingelhöffer, W. 2: 11.856 1916. Der Farbensinn der Wirbellosen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.- Kde. Jahrg. 15 _P- 122—124, 181—182. ‚ [Untersuchungen von v. Hess.] 39.3,.5, 4.1,.58, 51.7, 53.23,.24,.5,.83, 57.69,.71,.87,.99 18 Bode, Claudius. 2215 1915. Ueber die Entstehung der Detritus-Masse im Schlick. a) Der Wattwurm {Arenicola marina oder piscatorum). b) Die Miesmuschel (My- tilus edulis). Festschr. nat. Ges. Emden p. 90—100. 4.1, 517 19 Collins, Percy. 2:15 1915. Burrowing Animals. Borers That Wend Their Way Even Through Rock. un Amer. Vol. 113 p. 99, 10 figg. 4.1, 57.68 20 Holmes, 8 J. 2:15 1915. Literature for 1914 on the behavior of the lower invertebrates. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 407 —414. 21 Reinhardt, L. 015 1915. Die Aufarbeitung des Bodens durch die winzige Lebewelt. in metheus Jahrg. 26 p. 381—382. 51.6,.8, 54.12 22 Baudys, Ed. 2:15 1916. Neue Gallen und Gallenwirte aus Böhmen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 45—49, 6 figg. (43.71) 51.3, 54.2, 57.52,.68,.71,.72,.82,.92 211423 Cozzi, Carlo. Bee 15 1916. Zoccecidi della flora milanese. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 54 p. 268—280. 513, 54.2, 57.68,.71,.72,82,.92 24 Moreillon, M. 2 245 > 1916. Seconde contribution au catalogue des zoocécidies de la Suisse. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 51 p. 143—171. 51.3, 54.2, 57.52,.68,.71,.82,.92 25 Lauterborn, Robert. 2 : 195.2 1916. Die sapropelische Lebewelt, Ein Beitrag zur Biologie des Faul- schlammes natürlicher Gewässer. Verh. nat.-med. Ver. Heidelberg N. FE. Bd. 13 p. 39%5—481, 1 Taf. [Amoeba chlorochlamys n. sp.] ’ (48. 41,.43) 31.1,.6, 51.8,.88 26 Storey, 6. 2 2.16.5 1916. Report on the First Two Years’ Working of the Plant Protection Law. (Law No. 5 of i9i3). Bull. techn. scient. Serv. Minist. Agric. Egypt entom. Sect. No. 1, 37 pp. [njnrions animals.] | 51,3, 54.2, 57.52,.67,.68,.72,.82,.87 27 Ramön Cajal, 8. 218.8 1915. Sigmficaciôn probable de la morfologia de las neuronas de los invertebrados. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Ano > p. 144—157, 5 lam. [Ac- eiöa combinada de dos 6rdenes de factores: exigenciäas nutritivas y adaptaciones funcionales & la asociaciön y conducciôn. Ambiente nutri- tiv 2114’8 H: “ae 2,::18.8 1916. : Relations de la névroglie avec l'appareil vasculaire chez les In- vertébrés. €, R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 568—570. [Cellules névro- gliques protoplasmiques en relation intime avec la paroi des vaisseaux.] 4,38, 51.6 Invertebrata - Protozoa 164 211429 Hundt, Rudolf. 2 (113, 1913. Eine Ergänzung zu „Organische Reste aus dem Untersilur des Hüttchenberges bei Wünschendorf an der Elster“. Centralbl. Min. &eol. Pal. 1913 p. 180—181. [2 nn. spp. in: Dictyodora, Palaeodictyum.] 30 Rübenstrunk, Ernst. 2 (115) 1913. Ueber riffbauende Tiere und andere erdgeschichtliche Beobacht- ungen im Thüringischen Zechstein-Riffgebiet. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 85 p. 10—32, 6 figg. (43.26,.27) 37.1, 47.1, 48 31 Dall, Wm. H. 2 (26.5} 1916. On the Distribution of Pacific Invertebrates. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 424. 32 Adams, Charles C. 2 (77.3) 1915. An Ecological Study of Prairie and Forest Invertebrates. Bull. Illinois Lab. nat. Hist. Vol. 11 p. 33—280, 63 pls., 13 figg. 4.38, 53.841, 54.2—.4, 56.1, 57.22,.24,.27 —,29,.33,.42,.44,.52—,62,.64—.72,.81—.92,.96—.99 33 Hilton, W. A. 2 (9.4) 1916. Notes on Coeienterates and Echinoderms from Laguna Beach. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 88—93, 8 figg. 36.5, 31.2, 39.3,.5 34 Beebe, C. William. 2 (81) 1916. Notes on the Birds of Parä, Brazil. Zoologica New York zool. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 55—106, 3 pls., 1 fig. [And some Invertebrates.] 4.38, 54.4, 57.88,.09,.96 59.31 Protozoa. (Vide etiam: 209401, 209421, 209429, 209430, 209445, 209447, 209448 , 209450, 209452— 209456, 209458, 209460—209462, 209464, 210028, 210029, 210039, 210046, 210047, 211157, 211159, 211179—21:184, 211186—211188, 211190—211196, 211204, 211217, 211362, 211363, 211368, 211372, 211374— 211377, 211385, 211414, 211425.) 331485 Parker, J. B. 81 : 07 1915. A Method of Maintaining a Supply of Protozoa for Laboratory Use. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 727. 31.1,.6,.7 36 Pascher, A. 51 : 07 1916. Drei Anregungen für die Darstellung der Protistenuntersuchungen, Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 195—203, 1 fig. [Bildliche Darstellung. Hervorheben des vegetativen Stadiums. Unterscheidung in Schematis von sichergestellten und hypothetischen Stadien.] 37 Strong, R. M. 81 : 07 1916. Culture Media for Paramecia and Euglena. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 238. 31.6,.7 88 Behrend, Kurt. 31: 11.044 1916. Ueber die Wirkung des Glycerins auf Protisten- und Pflanzen- zellen. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 174—187. [Schädigung des nicht chromatischen Materials durch stärkere Konzentrationen. Schwache Konzentration kann als Anreiz zur Erhöhung der Assimilation dienen. Unempfindlichkeit der meisten filtrierbaren Vira.] 31.6,.7 39 Bovie, W. T. 31 : 11.044 1916. The Action of Scuusmann Rays on Living Organisms. Botan. Gaz. Vol. 61 p. 1—29. [Direct action. Strong absorption. Stimulation of Amoeba and Infusoria. Final disintegration.] 311,7 211440 Moore, Benjamin. 31 : 11.044 1916. The History of Organic Compounds of Arsenic in the Treatment of Protozoan Diseases. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 616—6G18. [Atoxyl the starting point.] 31.6 165 Protozoa 211441 Gonder, R. 81 : 11.5 1916. Ueber Vererbung bei Protozoen. 46. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 106-107. 31.6 42 Entz, Géza, jun. 81: 11.57 1916. A véglények szineröl. Ällatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 65—95. — Ueber Färbung der Protisten. p. 1985—200. 31.1,.3,.4,.6,.7 43 Calkins, Gary N. 81 : 11.6 1916. General Biology of the Protozoan Lite Cycle. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 257—270, 7 figg. [Encystment and conjugation phases.] 31.7 44 Wedekind, W. 31: 11.6 1916. Teilung und Tod der Einzelligen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 1839-19. [Tod eine ganz natürliche Erscheinung auch bei den Einzelligen. Bei jeder Teilung sind Mutter und Kind auseinanderzuhalten. Sexualismus in der Natur.] 45 Pascher, A. 31:14 1916. Studien über die rhizopodiale Entwicklung der Flagellaten. (Ein- leitung und I. Teil) Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. S1—92. — Ueber einige rhizopodiale, Chrornatophoren führende Organismen aus der Fla- gellatenreihe der Chrysomonaden. p. 92—117, 3 Taf., 14 figg. P nn. | spp. in: Rhieaster n. g., Chrysocrinus n. g., Chrysothylakion n. g] — | Ueber eine neue Amöbe — Dinamoeba (varians) — mit dinoflagellaten- artigen Schwärmern. p. 118—136, 1 Taf., 4 figg. [n. g., n. sp. abzuleiten von Dinoflagellaten.] — Rhizopodialnetze als Fangvorrichtung bei einer plasmodialen Chrysomonade. Bd. 37 p. 15-30, 1 Taf., 6 figg. [Chrysa- rachnion insidians n. g. n. ep.] — Fusionsplasmodien bei Flagellaten und ihre Bedeutung für die Ableitung der Rhizopoden von den Flagellaten. p. 31—64, 1 Taf., 20 fige. [Myxochrysis paradoxa n. g. n. sp.] 11.3,.6,.7 31.1,.6 45 Pittaluga, 6. 31:15 1911. Variaciones de los Protozoos en las aguas de Madrid. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Ano 1p. 55 —57. 31.1,.6,.7 1211417 Kofoid, Charles A. 31:15 1915. On the Relative Numbers of Rhizopods and Flagellates in the Fauna of Soils. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 987—949, 1 fig. [Flagellate | stages of Amoebau must be considered.] 31.1,.6 45 Kopeloff, Nicholas, H. Clay Lint, and David A. Coleman, 31:15 1915. Protozoology Applied to the Soil. Trans. Amer. mier. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 149 — 154. 31.0,.7 49 Fred, E. B. 31:15 1916. Effect of Grinding Soil on the Number of Microorganisms. Science N. S. Vol, 44 p. 282—283. [Injury of mieroorganisms.] 50 Goodey, T. 31:15 1916. Further Observations on Protozoa in Relation to Soil Bacteria. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. SI B p. 297—314, 5 figg. [Multiply and depress numbers of bacteria.] 31. 1,.6,.7 51 Heron-Allen, E. 81 : 15 1916. A Statement upon the Theory and Phenomena of Purpose and Intelligence exhibited by the Protozoa, as illustrated by Selection and Behaviour in the Foraminifera. Rep. Sôth Meet. Brit. Ass. Adr. Sc. p. 471. [Adaptation to special environment, defence against enemies. No reason to postulate discontinuity in development of intelligence.) 15.1, 31.2 52 Jomes, Henry N. 51 : 19 1916. A Simple Method for the Elimination of Protozoa from Mixed Cultures of Bacteria. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 68—69. 31.6,.7 ‚211453 Kopeloff, Nicholas, H. Clay Lint, and David A. Coleman. 31:15 | 1916. A new Method for Counting Soil Protozoa and a Comparison of | Media for their Development. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 45 pr Protozoa 166 p. 230—244, 2 figg. [10°/, hay infusion. Order of appearauce: small flagellates, mal ciliates, large flagellates, large ciliates.] 31.6,.7 211454 Koneloff, Nicholas, H. Clay Lint, and David A. Coleman. 81:15 1916. A Review of Investigations on Soil Protozoa and Soil Sterilization. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 46 p. 28—74, 2 figg. 31.1,.6,.7 55 Gemünd, Wilh. 31 : 16.1 1916. Ueber die Selbstreinigung des Wassers durch Protozo&n mit be- sonderer Berücksichtigung des biologischen Klärprocesses. Hyg. Rund- schau Jahrg. 26 p. 489—496, 521—528. 31.1.7 56 Clarke, J. J. 31 : 16.7 1915. Rhizopod Protozoa. The Cau:es of Cancer and Other Diseases, being Part IV. of „Protozoa and Disease“. London: Ballière, Tindall & Cox. XIV, 157 pp. 7s. 64 (Review, Nature London Vol. 97 p. 380.) 57 Glaser, R. W., and J, W. Chapman. die com: N a SL 1916. The Nature of the Polyhedral Bodies Found in Insects. (Contr. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. No. 115.) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 39 p. 367—-390, 3 pls. [Nucleoprotein crystal-like degeneration-products, not organisıns.] 58 Markoff, Wladimir N. 31: 16.9: 6 1916. Piroplasmose und andere blutparasitäre Krankheiten der Haustiere am Balkan. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 3153—535, 5 figg. [Pferde-, Rinder- und Schafpiroplasmose. Beschälseuche. Hühnerspirochätose.] 16.9 : 86, ; 9.725,.735, 31.6,.926 59 Yakimoff, W. L. 31: 16.9: 6 1917. Parasites du sang des animaux en Transcaucasie. I. Grahamella chez les rongeurs du Caucase. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 98-99. [Gr. ninae kohl-yakimovi n. sp.] — Theileria chez le campagnol; par W. L. Yaximorr et R. A. SırHroxowItsch. p. 99. [Th. rossica n. sp.1 — Leucocy- togregarina d’un poisson, par W. L. Yaximorr. p. 99—100. [L. ninae kohl- yakimovi n. sp.] 16.9 : 7.5, : 9.32 ab. m d 2 211460 Mavor, J. W. Sn M à Le ACTA 1916. Studies on the Protozoan Parasites of the Fishes of the Georgian Bay. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 10 Sect. 4 p. 63—73, 6 figg. [M y- æobolus notatus n. sp.] (71.3) 31.6,.94 61 Smith, Theobald. 81 : 16,9 : 86. 1916. Aberrant intestinal protozoan parasites in the turkey. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 23 p. 293—300, 1 pl. 31.92 62 Rodhain, J. 31 : 16.9 : 9.71 1916. Note sur les Trypanoses et les Piroplasmoses des grands animaux de l’Ouellé. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 95 —109, 1 fig. — A propos de la note de M. Ropnam sur Theileria ovis, par W. L. Yarımorr. p. 201. [Priorité.] 169 : 9.72—.785, 31.6,.92€ 63 Gräub, E. De se 0 De 1915. Unsere Kenntnisse über den Erreger der Brustseuche der Pferde. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkde. Bd. 57 p. 449—457. [Körner die vielleicht als Parasiten zu deuten sind.] 64 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 31:16.9 :9 ‘1915. Babesiasis and Trypanosomiasis at Accra, Gold Coast, West-Afrika. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 457—494, 2 pls., 6 figg. [ Nut- tallia decumani n. sp. 1 n. var. in Trypanosoma.] 16.9 : 9.32,.725—.74 31.6,926 (66.7) 65 du Toit, P. J. 31. » : 1097 0.785 1916. Ueber das Kontagium der Rinderpest. Ein kritisches Sammelre- ferat. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. paras. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 18 p. 181—216, i fig. [Nicht filtrierbar. Nach Bxranpon parasitär.] 211466 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 51.: 10.9: 982 1915. A Case of Dysentery in a Monkey, in which Amoebae and Spiro- chaetes were found. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 507 — 012, 1 pl. [Entamoeba cercopitheci n. sp.] (66.7) à 93 Dr. us 167 Protozoa 211467 Amato, Alessandro. 3... 31600 1913. Su di un nuovo reperto morfologico nel sangue degli scarlattinosi. Lo Sperimeutale Anno 67 p. 455—460, 1 tav. [Protozoo specifico pato- geno?] 68 Paparcone, E. S1412216.9:: 9.9 1913/15. Dimostrazione di „corpuscoli del tracoma“ e di inclusioni cel- lulari in differenti forme di congiuntivite e nella congiuntiva normale. (Accad. med.-äs. fiorent.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 67 p. 512—514. [Natura parassitaria?] — Tentativi di culture dei cosi detti „corpi del tracoma“. Anno 68 p. 685—699, 2 tav. [Isolare delle formazioni descritte da Nocucur.] 69 Ledingham, J. €. @., and W. J. Penfold. 31 : 16.9:::9.9 1915. Recent Bacteriological Experiences with Typhoidal Disease and Dysentery. With Notes on the Protozoan Parasites in the Excreta, by H. M. Woopcocx. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. © p. 704—711, 4 figg. 31:1,.6,.92 70 Lew, George C. 81 : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Two Chronic Amoebic Dysentery Carriers Treated by Emetine, with some Remarks on the Treatment of Lamblia, Blastocystis and E. coli Infections. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 29—34. 31.1,.6 71 Low, George ©. 81 :16:9: 9.9 1915. The Treatment of Amoebie Dysentery. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 714— 116. [Protozoa of intestine.] 31.1,.6 2 Phillips, L. P. 31 : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Amoebiasis and the Dysenteries. London: H. K. Lewis XI, 147 pp. 6s. 6d. 31.1,.6,.7 73 Wenyon, C. M. %81.2.109819,9 1915. Observations on the Common Intestinal Protozoa of Man: Their Diagnosis and Pathogenicity. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 1173—1185, 56 figg. 31.1,.6,.7 211474 Michie, Henry C., and Houstou H. Parsons: 31: 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Rocky Mountain Spotted (Tick) Fever. Report of an Investigation ‘in the Bitter Root Valley of Montana. Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 8% p. 265— 277, 2 fige. [Trypanosoma and Piroplasma hominis theories.] 31.6,.926 15 Russell, B. R. G. 31: 16.9 : 9.9 1916, Intestinal Disorders Arising from Protozoal Infection. Lancet Yol. 190 p. 1161 — 1163. 31.1,.6 76 Woodcock, H. M., and W. J. Penfold. 81.::10,9 : 9.9 1916. Further Notes on Protozoan Infections occurring at the King George Hospital. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 407—409, I fig. 31.1,.6,.92,.926 77 Carter, Heury F., Doris L. Mackinnon, J. R. Matthews, and A. Malins Smith. 81 2:16:9:,9.9 1917. The Protozoal Findings in Nine Hundred and Ten Cases of Dysentery Examined at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine from May to September, 1916. (First Report). Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 411—426, 1 fig. 31.1,.6 73 Smith, A. Malins, and J. R. Matthews. 81: 16.3 :9.9 1917. The Intestinal Protozoa of Non-Dysenteric Cases. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 361—390. 31.1,.6m 79 Swezy, Olive. 81 : 18 1816. The Kinetonucleus of Flagellates and the Binuclear Theory of Harrmanx. Univ, California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 185—210, 58 figg. [Kinetonucleus in Trypanosomes not composed of nuclear chromatin and without mitosis. An accessary part of motor apparatus, arising ftom basal granule. Haemosporidia not afliliated with Hakıhalingakkare:| 18.13, 31.6,.926 211480 Alexeieff, A. 31 : 15.1 117. Mitrochondries et rôle morphogene du noyau. (Reun. biol. Petro- Protozoa 168 grade.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 361—363. [Origine nucléaire des mitochondries.] 18.11,.13 31.6,.7 211481 Kofoid, Charles Atwood. 51 : 18.13 1915. The Evolution of the Protozoan Nucleus and Its Extranuclear Connections. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 658. [Bi- nuclearity hypothesis unfounded.] 31.1,.6,.7 82 Metcalf, Maynard M. | 31:18.13 1915. Chromosomes in Protozoa. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol, 42 ». 658. 31.7 83 da Cunha, Aristides. 51 (81) 1916. Contribuicäo para o conhecimento da fauna de protozoarios do Brazil. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. S D. 66—73, 1 Est. [4 nn. spp. in: Tropidomonas n. g., Metopus 2, Spirorhynchus n. g.] 31.6,.7 84 Gillies, C. D. 31 (94.3) 1915. A List of the Recorded Freshwater Protozoa of Queensland, with a Number of New Records. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland Vol. 27 p. 100— 102. 31.1,.3,.6,.7 85 Sanfelice, Francesco. 31. . . Chlamydozoa : 16.9: 9 1916. La genesi delle inclusioni cellulari (clamidozoi) in alcuni processi patologici. Ann. Igiene Anno 26 p. 65—76, 153 — 166, 234— 245, 2 tav. [Reazione cellulare. Rabbia, eimurro.] 16.9 : 9.14,.9 86 Sanfelice, Francesco. 31. . . Chlamydozoa : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. La riproduzione sperimentale dei corpi inclusi (clamidozoi) del cimurro. Ann. Igiene Anno 26 p. 691—704. [Cocco-bacillo dotato del potere di riprodurre lesioni caratteristiche con relative inclusioni.] 87 Chatton, Edouard, et Georges Blanc. 31. . . Cryptoplasma : 16.9 : 54.2 1916. Un pseudo-parasite Cryptoplasma rhipicephali Cnatrox et Bzanc. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 402. [Spcrmatozoide même du Rhipi- céphale.] 211488 Cropper, John Westray, and Aubrey Howard Drew. 31. . . Paraplasma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Occurrence of Bodies resembling „Seiweuın Bodies“ (Para- plasma flavigenum?) in Anaemic and Foetal Biood, with some Remarks on their Probable Nature. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. Vol. 19 p. 20—24, 1 pl. 89 Doflein, F. 31... . Rhizochrysis : 18.1 1916. Khizochrysis. Aool. Anz. Bd, 47 p. 153-158, 2 fisg. [Üebergang von Flagellaten zu Rhizopoden und vom pflanzlichen zum tierischen Or- ganısmus. Kernteilung heliozoenähnlich.] 18.13,.15 31.3,.6 90 Stempell, W. 31. . . Strickeria : 16.9 : 57.512 1916. Ueber einen als Erreger des Fleckfiebers verdächtigen Parasiten der Kieiderlaus. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 439 —442, 3 figg. (Strickeria n. g. jürgensi n. 8d.] — Ueber Leukozyteneinschlüsse bei Fleckfieber. p. 809512. — Der mutmassliche Erreger des Fleckfiebers, von Ausert Koca. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 417 —419, 1 Taf. [Strickeria jürgensi Sreurecc.] 91 Kofoid, Charles A. 31.1 : 07 1915. A Reliavle Method for Obtaining Amoeba for Class Use. Trans. Amer, micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 269—274. [Culture of Næœgleria gruberi.] 211492 Ochler, Rud. 31.1 : 07 1916. Amöbenzucht auf reinem Boden. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 175—1%, 1 Taf. [Wachstumform. Nur junge Bakterien werden ange- griffen. Hefen als Nahrung. Pilzfäden, -Sporen, einzellige Algen, Os- cillarien, Diatomeen nicht aufgenommen. Gebalite nicht-bakterielle Nah- rung meist abgelehnt. Kleinamöben von grösseren verzehrt. Abgetötete Bakterien werden verzehrt, gelöste Nahrung nicht. Peptisches Ferment nachzuweisen.] 11.31,.32 211493 94 96 97 98 99 211500 01 02 03 211506 169 Protozo2 Mast, S. 0., and F. M. Root. 31.1: li 1916. Ofservations on Ameba Feeding on Infusoria and Their Bearing on the Surface Tension Theory. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 188—189. [Force exerted in feeding at times far greater than that involved in surface tension. Infusoria cut in two by pseudopods.] 11.044,31 Mast, S. O., and F. M. Root. 31.1:11 1916. Observations on ameba feeling on rotifers, nematodes and cili- ates, and their bearing on the surface-tension theory. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 33—49, 5 figg. [Surface tension probably an insignificant factor in cutting paramecia in two by pseudopodia.] 11.044,.31 Schaefler, A. A. 31.1 : 11.31 1917. On the reactions of Ameba to isolated and compound proteins. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 22 p. 53—86, 6 pls. [Ingested. Globulin con- sumed. Attraction due possibly to soluble impurities. Mechanism.] Lister, @ulielma. 31.1: 11.64 1916. The Life-history of Mycetozoa, with special Reference to Ceratio- myxa. Journ, R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 361—365, 2 pls. Dearman, W. A., ana others. 31.1: 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Etivlogy of Pellagra with Reference to Amebic Invasion. (South. med. Ass.) Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 89 p. 82—84. [Amebae in centrifuged urine of patients.] Kühn, Alfred. 31.1: 18.15 1916. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Plasmateilung und Kernteilung bei Amöben. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 193—203, 10 figg. [Plasmateilung durch Wirkungen, die vom Kern während der einzelnen Phasen der Kernteilung ausgehen.] Schaeffer, A. A. 31.1 Amoeba 1916. Concerning the Species Amoeba proteus. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 468 —469. Schaeffer, A. A. 51.1 Amoeba 1916. Notes on the Specific and Other Characters of Amoeba proteus Parras (Leipv), A. discoides spec. nov., and À. dubia spec. nov. Arch. Pro- tistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 204—228, 8 figg. [A. discoides n. sp. A. dubia n.nom. pro À. proteus Prnarp non Lreipy.] Willis, d. 8. 31.1 Amoeba : 11.041 1916. The Influence of the Nucleus on the Behavior of Amoeba. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol, 30 p. 253—270, 3 figg. [Jerky and slow move- ment and absence of orientation to light in segments without nucleus. Regulatory influence.] Schaeffer, Asa A. 31.1 Amoeba : 11.31 1916. On the feeding habits of Ameba. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 929 678, 6 pls. [Formation of food cups. Reaction to various.objects. Carmine grains taken up readily by ectoplasm, but repelled by endo- plasm.] Job, E., et L. Hirtzmann. 31.1 Amoeba : 11.6 1916. Le cycle évolutif de l’Amibe dysentérique. C. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 79 p. 421—424, 8 figg. [Scissiparite. Schizogonie. Sporogonie.j Moreau, M., et Mme. Fernand. 31.1 Amoeba : 15.5 1916. Une amibe à pellicule, commensale d’un lichen. Ann. Inst. Pas- teur T. 30 p. 677—680, 21 figg. [Forme naine de A. sphaeronucleolus.] Swellengrebel, N. H., and Raden Mas Mangkoe Winoto. 31.1 Amoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. The Life History of Amoeba of the Zimax Type in the Human Intestine. larasitology Vol. 9 p. 266—273, 1 pl., 1 fig. Yonwiller, Paul. 31.1 Amoeba : 18.11 1915. Die Sphäroplasten von Amoebu proteus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 485 .—488, 3 figg. [Reichliche typische Sphäroplasten in leicht kenntlicher Ansammlung um kontraktile Blase und verstreut im ganzen Zelleib.] Protozoa 170 211507 Breuer, Rudolf. 31.1 Chlamydophrys : 16.9 : 81.1 1916. Fortpfianzung und biologische Erscheinungen einer Chlamydophrys- Form auf Agarkulturen. Arch. Protisienkde. Bd. 37 p. 65—92, 3 Taf. 2 figg. [Chl. grata n. sp.(?;] 08 Jennings, H. $. 31.1 Difflugia : 11.5 - 1916. Heredity, Variation and the Results of Selection in the Uniparent- al Reproduction of Difflugia corona Genetics Princeton Vol. 1 p. 47 — 534, 19 figg. [Gradual differentiation into diverse strains which cau be utilized by selection. Explanation.] 09 Goette, 4. 31.1 Difflugia : 11.6 1916. Ueber den Lebenscyclus von Difflugia lobostoma. Arch. Protisten- kde. Bd. 37 p. 93—158, 3 Taf., 2 fige. [Verschiedene Vereinigungen: Plasmogamie, Conjugation, Copulation der Reifeformen und der Sporen.] 11.66 10 Mathis, C., et L. Mercier. 31.1 Entamoeba 1917. Existe-t-il kystes à plus de quatre noyaux chez Entameba dysen- teriæ? Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 165—1:0, 2 figg. [Existence nul- lement démontrée.] 11 Kühl, Hugo. 51.1 Entamoeba : 07 1917. Fixierung und Färbung der Dyenterieamöben. Pharmae. Zentral- halle Jahrg. 55 p. 13—15. 12 Mathis, C., et L. Mercier. 31.1 Entamoeba : 11.6 1916. Les kystes d’Entamoeba dysenterie. €, R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p- 980—982. — La division simple chez Entamæba dysenteriæ. p. 982— 984, [Multiplication uniquement par division simple.] 13 Penfold, W. J., H. M. Woodcock, and A. H. Drew. 31.1 Entamoeba : 11.6 1916. The Excystation of Entamoeba histolytica (tetragena) as an Indica- tion of the Vitality of the Cysts. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 714 — 715, 5 figg. 211514 Keilin, D. 31.1 Entameba : 16.9 : 57.71 1917. Une nouvelle entamibe, Entamæba mesnili n. sp., parasite intestinal d’une larve d’un diptère. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 pe. 133—136, 25 figg. 15 Swellengrebel, N. H., et J, R. Schiess. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.74. 1917. Quelques remarques sur la morphologie de l’Entamoeba histolytica et la valeur diagnostique de l'infection rectale des chats. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 15—17, 4 figg. [Aucun parallélisme entre évolution dans intestin humain et celle dans intestin télin.] 16 Fischer, Walther. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Ueber die Amöbendysenterie in Shanghai. Deutsch. Arch. klin. Med. Bd. 118 p. 129—147, 2 figg. [E. histolyticu, eine Degenerationsform von Æ, tetragena, einzige pathogene Amôbe.] 17 Fernändez Martinez, Fidel. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Hallazgo de la Amoeba histolytica, protozoo paräsito de la disen- teria tropical en España. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol, Año 5 p. 126—132. 18 Hartmann, Max. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Zur Aetiologie der Amoebenruhr. Berichtigung zu dem Artikei von Prof. W. Kause : „Die Ruhr im Krieg und Frieden“ in Nr. 36 dieser Wochenschrift. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 1424. — Ueber Ruhramoeben. Erwiderung auf vorstehende „Berichtigung von Prof. Hartmann, von W. Kruse. p. 1424—1425. |Entamoeba histolytica oder E. coli.] 19 Smith, Allen J., and M, T. Barrett. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. ‘lhe Parasite of Oral Endamoebiasis. Endamoeba gingwulis (Gros). (Amer. Soc. Bacteriol.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 354. 20 Smith, Allen J., and M. T. Barrett. 31.1 Eutamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Further Note upon Comparison of Entamoeba gingivalis (Gros) and Entamoeba histolytica ScuauDinx. Journ. Parasitel. Vol. 2 p. 51-56. 211521 Bates, J. P. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Treatment of Amoebic Dysentery. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Voi. 19 p. 210—212. [From Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1916.] 121 Protozoa 211522 Brug, S. L. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Pigment und andere Einschlüsse in Dysenterieamöben. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 433—436, 4 figg. [Phagozytose (auf Um- wegen) von Erythrozyten.] 23 Dobell, Clifford. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Incidence and Treatment of Entamoeba histolytica Infection at Walton Hospital. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 612-616. 24 Evans, J. S., Wm. S. Middleton, and Allen J. Smith. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Tonsilar Endamebiasis and Thryroid Disturbances. Amer. Journ. med, Sc. Vol. 151 p. 210—222. [E. gingivalis found in 97°,, of infective eryptic tonsillar lesions. Relation to goitre.] 25 Fantham, H. B, 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 2.9 1916. Amoebae in Urine in a Case of Infectious Jaundice Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 553—554. [Entamoeba urogenitalis.] 26 Goodrich, Helen Pixell, ard M. Moseley. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. On Certain Parasites of the Mouth in Cases of Pyorrhæa. Preli- minary Communication. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 513—527, 6 pls. [Entamoeba gingivalis and Leptothrix.] 27 Jepps, Margaret W. 31.1 Yntamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Note on Some Examinations and Treatments for Entamoeba histo- lytica Infections. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. % p. 616-617. 28 Jollos, V. ; 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Neuere Untersuchungen über die Darmamöben des Menschen. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 364—371. [Sammelreferat.] 29 Justi, K. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Amöbenruhr und Amöbenabszess der Leber mit Durchbruch in die Lunge. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg, Bd. 20 p. 268—274, 2 figg. 211530 Low, George C. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 916. A Case of Amoebic Abscess of the Liver Occurring Twenty Yrars after the Original Attack of Dysentery. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 867—868, 1 fig. 31 Low, George C., and Clifford Dobell. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Three Cases of Entamoeba histolytica Infection Treated with Emetine Bismuth Jodide. Lancet Vol. 191 p. 319—321. 32 Lynch, K. M, 81.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. An Amochba in Suppurative and Hyperplastic Osteoperiostitis of Inferior Maxilla. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 36-37. [From Journ. Amer. med. Assoc. 1915.] 83 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 81.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Observations on Urinary Amoebiasis. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 291—304. [Entamoeba histolytica.] 84 Mendel, Joseph. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Les amibes de la bouche, à l’état normal et pathologique. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 395—394. [Aucune influence sur l’évolution de la carie dentaire.] 35 Mendel, Joseph. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9: 1916. Recherches sur les amibes dans la pycrrhée alvéolaire et les autres stomatopathies. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 286—298, i pl. [Nullement caractéristique exclusive de pyorrhée alvéolaire. Amibes dans la moitié des bouches bien entretenues. Symptomique d’une cer- taine prédisposition.] 36 Noc, F. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Parasitisme intestinal en Cochinchine (Diagnostic de l’amibiase intestinale chronique). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 3 p. 125—126. [Lavage thymolé, à faible dose. 211537 Noc, F. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Amibiase intestinale, &metine, novarsénobenzol. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 325 —340. ‘211538 39 49 Protozoa 172 Orticoni, A., et Nepveux. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Sur l’Etiologie de quelques diarrhées et dysenteries rebelles. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 295-299. Ravant, Paul, et Georges Krolunitzky. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. L'emploi du novarsénobenzol dans le traitement de la dysenterie amibienne. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 510—6522. Williams, Anna W. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Amoebie Mouth Infections. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 37—39. [From Journ. Amer. med. Assoc. 1915.] 4i Worster-Drought, C,. and D, D, Rosewarne. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Amoebic Dysentery in a Man who had never left England. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 715—716. 42. {rare 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9,8 1917. Entamoeba histolytica: Possibility of Spread. Journ. trop. nied. Hyg. London Vol. 20 p. 29—530. 43 Dobell, Clifford. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Amoebic Dysentery and the Protozoological Investigation of Cases and Carriers. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 20 p. 55—60. 44 Escomel, E. 31.1 Eutamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. A propos du meilleur traitement actuel des amibiases intestinale et hépatique. Buil. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 23—28. [Chlorhydrate d’emetine.] 45 Frouin, Albert. 31.1 Entamoeba : i6.9 : 9.9 1917. Action des sels de thorium sur la dysenterie amibienne (Note préliminaire). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 136—138. 45 Grall, Ch. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Amibiase hépatique a l’Armée d’Orient (Formes frustes). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 17—22, 6 figg. 47 Lebenf, A. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Le traitement de l’amibiase intestinale par l’iodure double d’6- métine et bismuth. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 247—253. 211515 Löw, Johann. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Das Vorkommen der Amöbenenteritis im Küstengebiete aer Adria. Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 6: p. 452 —453. 49 Stephens, J. W. W., and Doris L. Mackinnon. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. A Preliminary Statement on the Treatment of Entamoeba histoly- tica Infections by „Alcresta ipecac“. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 397 —410. 50 Yakimoff, W. L. 31.1 Entamoeba : 16.9 : 9,9 1917. La dysenterie amibienne en Russie, Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 125— 136. — Discussion par F. Mesniz. p. 136—137. 51 Wilson, Charlie Woodruff. 31.1 Naegleria : 11.6 1916. On the Life-History of a Soil Amoeba. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 241—252, 6 pis. [Naegleria gruberi.] 52 Gudger, E. W. 31.1 Ouramoeba (75.6) 1916. On Leipy’s Ouramoeba and its Occurrence at Greensboro, N. C. Journ. Elisha Mitchell scient. Soc. Chapel Hill N. C. Vol. 32 p. 2432. 53 Lankester, Edw. Ray. 31.2 : 15 1916. The Supposed Exhibition of Purpose and Intelligence by the Foraminifera Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 133—157. — Reply by Enwann Heronx-ALLEN. Pe 137—140. 54 v. Gallenstein, Hans. 31.2 (117) 1915. Ein örtliches Massenvorkommen von Foraminiferen in den Car- ditaschichten Mittelkärntens. Carinthia IL Jahrg. 105 p. 25—27. 211555 Rutten, L. 31.2 (118) 1915. Beiträge zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Australiens. Studien über Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. Samml. geol. Reichsmus. Leiden Bd, 10 p- 1—18, 2 Taf., 1 fig. [1 n. var. in Or tophragnum.] (1181, 1182) (91.1, 922) 173 Protozoa. 211556 Ravagli, Maria. 31.2 (1181) 1910. Nummuliti e Orbitoidi eoceniche dei dintorni di Firenze. Palae-- ontogı. ital. Vol. 16 p. 205—239, 2 tav. [Gümbelia etrusca n. sp. — 1 n. var. in Paronaea.] 57 Klänn, Hans. 31.2 (1182) 1915. Die Geologie der Umgebung von Colmar. Ein Beitrag zur Geolo- gie zwischen Lauch und Fecht nebst einem palaeontologischen Anhang: Die tertiären Fossilien zwischen Lauch und Fecht. I. Foraminifera I. Teil. Mitt. nat. Ges. Colmar N. F. Bd. 13 p. 1—9291, 4 Taf., 11 figg. [Lingulina holzapfeli n. sp.] — Nachtrag. p. 5935— 601. 58 Geiniiz, E. 31.2 (119)- 1914. Foraminiferen in Diluvialschichten. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 101-105. 59 Pirie, J. H. Harvey. 31.2 (26) 1913. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902—04: Deep-Sea De- posits. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 49 p. 645—686, 1 map. [Fora- minifera.] (26.3,.4,.9) 60 Pearcey, F. Gordon. 31.2 (26): 1914. Foraminifera of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Trans, R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 49 p. 991—1044, 2 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Miliolina, Syringammina, Peiosina, Technitella, Reophax, Hormosina, Haplophragmoides,, Cyclammina, Lagena, Polymorphina. 1 n. var. in T'hurammina.] (26.3,.4,.9) 61 Cushman, Joseph A. 31.2 (26.7): 1917. Scientific Results of the Philippine Cruise of the Fisheries Steamer „Albatross“, 1907—1910. — No. 35.) New Species and Varieties of Fo- raminifera from the Philippines and Adjacent Waters. Proc. U. S. na- tion. Mus. Vol. 51 p: 651—662 [29 nn. spp. in: Bathysiphon 2 (ln. var.), Dendrophyra, Haplophragmoides, Cyclammina 2, Nodosaria 39 (4 nn. varr.), Lingulina, Cristellaria ı0 (11 nn. varr.), Vaginulina 2, Chilostomella. — 7 nn. varr. in: Rhabdammina, Saccammina, Ammodiseus, Siphogenerina 2, Globigerina, Anomalina 2.] 211562 Heron-Allen, Edward, and Arthur Earland. 31.2 (42.37): 1916. The Foraminifera of the Shore-sands, änd Shallow Water Zone of the South Coast of Cornwall. Journ. R, micr. Soc. London 1916 p.. 29-55, 5 pls. [1 n. var. in Haplophragmium.] 68 Regè, Rosina. 31.2 (43.68, 1916. Nummuliti ed Orbitoidi di alcune localita istriane. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 55 p. 193—234, 1 tav. [1 n. var. in Assilina.] 64 Heron-Allen, Edward, and Arthur Earland. 31.2 144.64). 1917. Presidential Address, 1916—17: Arcıpr d’Orsıeny, his Life and his. Work. To which is appended a Study of the Foraminifera of the Bis- cayan Coast of France in the Neighbourhood of La Rochelle, by A. E.. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1917 p. 1—105, 11 pls., 2 portr. 65 Dettmer, Friedrich. 31.2 Aschemonia (117) 1915. Neues zum Fueoidenproblem. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p.. 285—287, 1 fig. [Titanorhizidae n. subfam. Aschemonia n. g. gigantea n. 8p.] 66 Emerson, B. K. 31.2 Globigerina : 07 1916. Polarization of Globigerina. Scienee N. S. Vol. 43 p. 316. 67 Douvillé, H. 81.2 Orbitoides. 1915. Les Orbitoïdes du Danien et du Tertiaire: Orthophragmina et Lepidocyclina. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 421—728, 14 figg. [Iso- ‚lepidina, Pliolepidina nn. subgg.] 211568 Douville, H. 31.2 Orbitoides (117 1915. Les Orbitoides: développement et phase embryonnaire; leur évo- lution pendant le Crétacé. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 664—670, 18 figg. [Orbitella, Clypeorbis nn. subgg.] 211553 12 73 ‘74 ‘211575 77 78 79 80 ‚211582 Protozoa 174 Douville, H. 31.2 Orbitoides (118) 1915. Les Orbitoïdes de l’île de la Trinité. C. RB. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 87—-93. (1181, 1182) Deuville, H. 31.2 Orbitoides (1:81) 1915. Les Orbitoides de la presqu'île de Californie. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 161 p. 409—410. | Fi:chli, H. 81.4 (1182) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der fossilen Radiolarien in der Riginagel- tlulı. Mitt. nat. Ges. Winterihur Heft 11 p. 41—47, 78 figg. kopeloff, Nicholas, H. Clay Lint, and David A. Coleman. 31.5 : 15 1915. New Methods in Soil Protozoology. Science N. 8. Vol. 42 p. 254 —286. [Cultivation in 10°/, hay solution, soil extract, 5°/, chicken ma- aure.] 31.6,.7 Krause, Paul. 31.5 : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Vorkommen von Balantidium coli und Trichomonas intestinalis bei einem Darmkranken mit choleraähnlichen Erscheinungen. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1058—1060. 31.6,.7 Fantiam, H. B. 31.6 : 16.9 : 57 1915. Insect Flagellates and the Evolution of Disease, with Remarks on the Importance of Comparative Methods in the Study of Protozoology. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 335—348. 16.9 : 57.54,.71,.72 Yantham, H. B. 31.6 : 16.9 : 57 1916. The Significance of Certain Natural Flagellates of Insects in the es, of Disease in Vertebrates. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 149 — 66, 2 figg. 16.9 : 57.512,.54,.71,.72, : 7.58, : 78, : 81.1,.21, : 88.1, : 9.32,.74 Sivezy, Olive. 31.6 .: 16.9 : 57 1916. The Genera Monocercomonas and Polymastix. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 127—138, 2 pls., ı fig. 16.9 : 57.64,.71 Ribeiro da Fonseca, Olympio Oiiveira. 31.6 : 16.9: 9 1916. Estudos sobre os flajelados parasitos do mamiferos do Brazil. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 8 p. 5—40, 2 Est., 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Trichomonas, Enteromonas n. g., Chilomitus n. g.] 16.9 : 9.2,.31,.32,.4,.725,.735,.74,.9 (81) Castellani, Aldo. 31.6 : 16,9 : 9.9 19:5. Treatment of „Flagellate-Diarrhoea* and of Kala-Azar. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 779—1780. [Flagellates in small numbers probably harmless. In great numbers can cause intestinal symptoms.] Bèlaï, Karl. 31.6 : 18.1 1916. Protozoenstudien. Il. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 241—302, 9 Taf., 5 figg. [Monocercomonas orthopterorum. Octomitus periplanetae n. sp. Entwicklungsgeschichte von Trypanoplasma helicis. Kernbau und -Teilung von Chilomonas paramaecium.] '18.11,.13,.15,.18 Aleseiefi, A. 31.6 : 18.11 1917. Mitochondries et corps parabasal chez les Flagelles. (Réun. biol. Petrograde.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 358—361, 1 fig. [Octomastix n. g. pro Hexamitus parvus.] Kofoid, Charles Atwood, and Olive Swezy. 81.6 : 18.15 1915. Mitosis and Multiple Fission in Trichomonad. Flagellates. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sc. Vol. 51 p. 289—378, 8 pls., 7 figg. [Multinucleate plasmocium.] af Pascher, A. 31.6.: 18.18 1916. Undulierende Saumgeiïsseln bei einer ‚grünen Flageliate. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 191— —197, 8 füge. 211583 88 89 90 211591 92 93 94 96 … 211597 175 Protozoa Pavillard, J. 31.6 (26) 1916. Flagellés nouveaux, épiphytes des Diatomées pélagiques. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 65—68, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Solenicola n. g., Bicoeca.] (26.1,.2) de Toni, G. B., ed Achille Forti. 31.6 (48.6) 1900. Contributo alla conoscenza del plancton del lago Vetter. Atti. ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 59 Pi. 2 p. 537 —561, 779--829. Forti, Achille. 31.6 (496) 1902. Primi appunti per uno studio sul Phytoplancton del Lago di Sentari d’Albania. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 61 Pt. 2 p. 705— «08. | Stauffacher, Heinrich. 31.6 Aphthomonas : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Der Erreger der Maul- und Klauenseuche. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 1—57, 2 Taf. [Aphthomonas n. g. infestans n. sp.] Hartmann, Max. 31.6 Chlorogonium : 18.15 1917. Die Kernteilunz von Chlorogonium elongatum Dang. Vorläufize Mit- teilung. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 347—351, 8 figg. ıIntranukleäre Mitose.] Brumfiel, D. M, 31.6 Colacium (77.7) 1915. Occurrence of the Protozoan, Colacium multoculata Kent, in Iowa. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 430. Yivanti, Anna. 31.6 Crithidia : 16.9 : 57.54 1917. Sulla Crithidia inflata n. sp. parassita nel tubo digerente del Hy- grotrechus najas. Struttura e ciclo di sviluppo. Nota I. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 26 Sem. 1 p. 132—140, 1 tav. — Nota II. p. 174—1580, 1 tav. Turner, Clarence L. 31.6 Euglena : 07 1917. A Culture Medium for Euglena. Science N. S. Vol. 45 p. 239. [Quince seed jelly.] Wulton, L. B. 31.6 Euglena : 18.15 ' 1915. Cell Division and the Formation of Paramylon in Euglena oxyuris ScamArpA. Ohio Natural. Vol. 15 p. 449—451, 8 figg. Tschenzoff, Boris. 31.6 Euglena : 18.15 1916. Die Kernteilung bei Euglena viridis Eure. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 137—173, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Spaltung der Chromosomen in der Anaphass oder Telophase der vorherigen Teilung. Auseinanderwandern in der Metaphase. Binnenkörper. „Haplomitose“.] kofoid, Charles Atwood, and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. 31.6 Giardia : 11.64 1915. On Binary and Multiple Fission in Giardia muris (Gaassı.) Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 30—54, 4 pls., ı fig. Kofoid, Charles Atwood, | and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. 31.6 Giardia : 16.9 : 9.32 1915. On Giardia microti sp. nov., from the Meadow Mouse. Uniy. Ca- lifornia Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 23 -29, 1 fig. (79.4) 5 Porter, Annie. 31.6 Giardia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. En Enumerative Study of the Cysts of Giardia (Lamblia) intesti- | May in Human Dysenteric Faeces. Lancet Vol. 190 p. 1166—1169, 7 88 Mast, S. 0. 31.6 Gonium : 11.044 1916. The process of orientation in the colonial organism, Gonium pec- torale, and a study of the structure and function of the eye-spot. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 1—17, 6 figg. [Opaque cup-shaped and hyaline _ lens-shaped parts. Latter sensitive to light. Direct orientation (inereäse in flagella activity of zoöids with shaded hyaline part).] Moore, A. R. 31.6 Gonium : 11. 044 1916. The mechanism of orientation in Gonium. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 431—432, 2 fisg. [Factor of inequality in beating of the two flagella of each cell overlooked by Masr.] Protozoa 1261 211598 Fantham, H. B., and Annie Porter. 31.6 Herpetomonas : 16.9 : 88.1 1915. Some Experimental Researches on Induced Herpetomoniasis in Birds. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 5 p. 543—558, 1 pl. 99 Balfour, Andrew. 31.6 Herpetomonas : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. On the occurrence of Herpetomonads (?) in Gerbils. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 260—261. (62) | 211600 Schiller, J. 31.6 Heterodinium (26.23) 1916. Die neue Gattung Heierodinium in der Adria. {Ergebnisse der .vom „Verein zur Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Ertorschung der Adria in Wien“ unternommenen Fahrten in der Adria. Nr. 7 der bota- nischen Publication.) Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 209—214, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp.] 01 Swezy, Olive. 31.6 Hexamitus : 11.64 1915. Binary and Multiple Fission in. Hexamitus. Univ. California Pub- lic. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 71—88, 3 pls. [H. ovatus and batrachorum nn. spp.] 16:9: : 78; ::79 (77.3, 19.4) 02 Detre, Ladislaus. 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 : 2.9 1916. Ein Fall von Lambliainfektion des Darmes. Wien. klin. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 29 p. 1010—1012, 4 figg. — von Jonanx HANMMERSCHMIDT. Per 1464— 1465. — Erwiderung, von L. D. p. 1465. 08 Dobell, Clifford, and George C. Low 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 ; 9.9 1916. A Note on the Treatment of Lamblia Infections. Laucet Vol: 191 p. 1053—1054. | 04 Fantham, H. B. 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 : 9 1916. The Pathogenieity of Giardia (Lamblia) intestinalis to Men and to Experimental Animals. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 139—141. [Rodents as reservoirs.] 16.9 : 9.32,.74,.9 05 Kennedy, Alex. Mills, and D. D. Rosewarne. 31.6 Lamblia : 16,9 : 99 1916. ZLamblia intestinalis Infections from Gallipoli. Lancet Vol. 1% ». 1163—1165. 211606 Low, George C. 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Treatment of Zamblia Infections. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vel. 1 p. 450. 07 Schilling, V. > 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Ein Cholera-ähnlicher Fall von Lamblien-Diarrhoe. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 524—526. a 08 Smith, A. Malins, and J. R. Matthews. 31.6 Lamblia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. ZLamblia Infections in Men who have Never Been Out of England. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 389. 09 Iuspa, Vincenze. 31.6 Leishmania : 11.044 1915. Azione di alcuni alcaloidi sulla Leishmania infantum in vitre. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 34/35 p. 40—44. 10 Laveran, A. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9 1914/15. Les Leishmanioses chez les animaux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 28 p. 823—838, 885—912; T. 29 p. 1—21. 16.9 : 9.32,.74,.82 11 Basile, Carlo. 51.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9 1916. Leishmaniosi interna. Ann. Igiene Anno 26 p. 248—268, 6 figg. [Rivista generale.] 16.9 : 9.74,.9 12 Laveran, A. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9 1916. Leishmaniose cutanée expérimentale chez les macaques et chez le chien. Conditions de l’immunité. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 265 —275, 1 pl. 16.9 : 9.74,.82 13 Bouilliez, Marc. | 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9 1917. Recherches expérimentales sur Leishmania tropica Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 66—86, 1 fig. [Description du parasite. Inoculations à divers animaux. Action pathogène.] 16.9 : 9.32,.74,.82 211614 Laveran, A. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9 32 1916. Infections expérimentales de la souris par la Leishmania tropica ; un cas d'infection par la voie digestive. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 1717 Protozoa 21i6i5 Laverau, A. 51.6 Leisimania : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Au sujet de l’évolution des infections expérimentales des petits Rongeurs par Leishmania tropica. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T.10 p. 110—118, 16 Pittaluga, G. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.74 1913. Leishmaniosis espontanea del perro en la comarca de Tortosa. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Ano 3 p. 132—133, 17 Heckenroth, F. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. Deux nouveaux cas de Leishmaniose canine à Dakar. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 696—69%. 18 Finzi, Guido. 31.6 Leishmania : 16,9 : 9.74 1916. Leishmaniose et tuberculose chez le chien. Bull, Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 429--432. 19 Lignos, Antoine. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. La Leishmaniose canine a Hydra. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 302. 20 Pringault, E. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. La Leishmaniose canine a Marseille. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p- 697 —698. 21 Goldberg, L. 31.6 Leisimmania : 16.9 : 9.82 1916. Experimentelles über die Jerichobeule. a) Uebertragung auf Ma- cacus rhesus. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 78 p. 15-17, 2 fige. 22 Laveran, A. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.82 1916. Singe patas infecté de bouton d'Orient. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 749— 750. 23 Laveran, A, 51.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.82 1917. Boutons d’Orient expérimentaux chez un Cercopithecus mona et chez un Cercocebus fuliginosus. Bull, Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 291 —29%. 24 Pacchioni, D., e & Menabuoni. 31,6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1911. Due casi di anemia da Leishmania. (Accad. med.-fis. fiorent.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 65 p. 326—327. 2116:5 Pittaluga, G. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1912. ,Kala-azar“ infantil y paräsitos del genero „Leiskmania“ en la costa de Levante de España. Bol. Soc. espaü. Biol. Año 2 p. 283—289. 25 Christopherson, J. B. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1914. On a Case of Naso-oral Leishmaniasis (Corresponding to the Description of Espundia); and on a Case of Oriental Sore, both origi- nating in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. S p. 485—496, 2 pls. [Leishmania tropica var. americana.] (62) 27 Pulvermacher, L. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Ueber einen Fall von Orientbeule (Leishmaniosis cutanea). Berlin. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 52 p. 504—506, 1 fig. 28 Aravandinos, Anast. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Beobachtungen über die innere Leishmaniosis in Griechenland. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 193—208, 29 d’Utra, e Silva Oscar. 31.6 Leislimania : 16.9: 9.9 1915. Sobre a Leishmaniose tegumentar e seu tratamento. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 213—248, 2 Est., 2 figg. 20 Aravandinos, Anast. 31.6 Leislimania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Contribution à l'historique de la leishmaniose interne. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 10—18. [Découverte par des médecins grecs] — Au sujet de l'historique de la leishmaniose viscérale, par A. LAverAN. p. 74—75. [Découverte à attribuer à Leısuman et Donovan.] 31 Ata, Arif, L. Goldberg, und Neschat Omar: 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Experimentelles über die Jerichobeule. b) Reinkultur des Para- siten der Beule. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. i Orig. Bd. 79 p. 25— 26, 1 fig. 211632 Canaan, T. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 Die Jerichobeule. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 109—119, 88. | Zool. Bibliegr. XXX V. 1917 12 Protozoa 178 211633 Escomel, E. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Contribution à l'étude de la Leishmaniose américaine (LAvERAN et Nırran-LAreıer). Formes et variétés cliniques. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 215—219. 34 Escomel, E. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Le traitement actuel de la Leishmaniose américaine. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 699— 102. 35 da Matta, Alfr. 31.6 Leiehmania ; 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Sur les leishmanioses tégumentaires. Classification générale des leishmanioses. Bull. Soc. Path, exot. T. 9 p. 494 —503, 1 pl. 36 da Matta, Alfr. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Tableau synoptique de la classification des leishmanioses. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 761— 762. 37 Nicolle, Charles. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Chronique du Kala-Azar en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 126-129, 1 fig. [Cultures des Leishmania.] 88 Bouilliez, Marc. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9: 9.9 1937. Auto-observation d’un cas d’inoculation accidentelle de Bouton d’Orient sur la conjonctive. Bull, Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 1—2. 39 da Matta, Alfr. 31.6 Leishmania : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Emeticotherapie dans la leishmaniose tegumentaire. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 34—37, 1 pl. 40 Migone, L. E. 31.6 Leptomonas (89) 1916. Un nouveau flagellé des plantes: Leptomonas Elmassiani. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 356—8359. [n. sp. 4] ABepunnerr, C. B. Averinzeff, S. V. 31.6 Mycodinium : 16.9 : 53.71 1916. On a new organism of the type of Protozoa. Rev. zo0l. russe T. 1 p. 180—184, 6 figg. — O HOBOMB OPrAHU3MB H3D THIla POCTBÂAIMHXE. Pycer. 3001. &ypx. T. 1 p. “ele [Mycodinium n. g. fucatum n. sp.] (26.23) 211612 Harvey, Ethel Browne. 31.6 Noctiluca : 11 1917. A Physiological Study of Noctiluca, with Special Reference to Light Production, Anaesthesia and Specific Gravity. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 3 p. 15—16. [Plasma membrane semipermeable. Regulatory mechanism. Light flashes require stimulation. Steady glow from anesthetics, cold, heat, acids, alkalies, fresh water, electricity. Oxygen required.] 11.044,.99 43 Chalmers, Albert J., and Wäinö Pekkola. 31.6 Octomitus : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. A New Human Intestinal Flagellate in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 142—146, 3 figg. [Octomitus hominis n. sp.] 44 Doflein, F. 31.6 Polytomella : 11.33 1916. Zuckerflagellaten. Untersuchungen über den Stoffwechsel farb- loser Mastigophoren. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 439—447. [Imstande, sich mit Zucker in der für grüne Algen im Dunkeln nachgewiesenen Weise zu ernähren.] 45 Doflein, F. 31.6 Polytomella : 18.1 1916. Polytomella agilis. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 273—282, 5 figg. [Organi- sation. Kernteilung. Phytomonadine.] 18.15 46 Yakimoff, W. L. 31.6 Prowazekia (47) 1917. Prowazekia nine kohl-yakimovi n. sp. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 101. 47 Novaes, Eucario. 31.6 Schizotrypanum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. La trypanosomiase brésilienne et son rapport avec le corps thy- roide. Rev. med. Suisse romande Ann. 56 p. 592—614, 2 pls. [Hyper- plasie du corps thyroide.] 211648 . .. 31.6 Schizotrypanum : 16.9 : 3.9 1917. Brazilian Trypanosomiasis — Chagas’s Disease. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. Vol. 20 p. 84. [Abstract from Journ. Amer. med, Assoc. 1917. — Schizotrypanum eruzi.]. 119 Protozoa 211649 Levin, Ernst. 31.6 Spirochaete 1916. Neuere Forschungsergebnisse über Darstellungsmethoden, Kultur und Morphologie der Spirochaeta pallida. Krıtisches Referat. Dermat. Wochenschr. Bd. 63 p. 1163—1181, 1199—1213, 50 Bronfenbrenner, J. 81.6 Spirochaete : 07 1915. A new prineiple in isolation of spirochetes in pure culture. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 136—137. [By use of media containing salvarsan.] 51 Coles, Alfred C. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1915. An Easy Method of Detecting S. pallida and other Spirochaetes. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 777. 52 Lloyd, Henry D. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1915. A Chemical Aid in Securing the Spirocheta pallida trom Syphilitic -Lesions. Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 173 p. 925. 53 Stalkartt, W. H. 8. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1915. Method for Quick Detection of S. pallida. Brit. med. Journ. 1915 Vol. 2 p. 895 —896. 54 Weltmann, Oskar. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1915. Die ,Vitalfäroung“ zum raschen Nachweis der Spirochaete ober- meieri. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 28 p. 1257. 99 Martin, Louis, Auguste Pettit, et Albert Vaudremer. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1917. Culture du Spirochaeta icterohemorragiae, C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 50 p. 197—200, 1 pl. 56 Renaux, Ernest., et Albert Wilmaers. 31.6 Spirochaete : 07 1917. Coloration du spirochète ictéro-hémorragique. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 55—56. [Mordancage par le tanin.] 211657 Fantham, H. B. 31.6 Spirochaete : 11.6 1914]16. The Granule Phase of Spirochaetes. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 471—484, 2 figg. — Spirochaetes and Their Granule Phase. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 409—411. [Coccoid bodies. Cytoryetes probably to be explained as shed granules:] 58 Meirowsky, E. 31.6 Spirochaete : 11.6 1916. Spirochaeta pallida (Scuauvınn) und Spirochaeta nodosa (Hüsener- Rerrer). Med. Klinik Jahrg. 12 p. 1181—1182, 1 fig. [Analogien. Knos- pung. Granuiäres Stadium. Pflanzliche Natur.] 59 Levy, Fritz. 31.6 Spirochaete : 11.66 1916. Ueber Copulationsvorgänge (?) bei Spirochaeta obermeieri. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd, 36 p. 362—363. 60 Töpfer, H. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 57.512 1916/17. Die Uebertragung der Rekurrens durch Läuse. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1571—1572, 1 fig. — Bemerkung von Prüssıan. p. 1683. [Uebertragung wohl nicht durch den Stich, vielmehr Zerquetschen und Einreibung in die durch Kıatzen verletzte Haut. Vermehrung der Spirochäten in Läusen.] — Die Uebertragung der Rekurrens durch Läuse, von Martın Mayer. Bemerkungen zu der gleichnarnigen Arbeit von H. Törrsr in Nr. 44, 1916 dieser Wochenschrift, Feldärztl. Beilage. Jahrg. 64 p. 70—71. : 61 Hadley, Philip B. 51.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 86 1916. The Rôle of the Flagellated Protozoa in Infective Processes of the Intestines and Liver. Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Rhode Island State Coll. No. 166, 40 pp., 3 pls. — The Avenue and Development of Tissue- infection in Intestinal Trichomoniasis. No. 168, 64 pp., 11 pls. [Irruption into connective tissue after penetration from crypts of Lieberkühn into goblet cells. Multiplication in tissues by autogamous reproduction. | Ameboid stage.] 211652 Yakimoff, W. L., N. J. Schokhor, | et P. M. Koselkine. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9: 96 | 1916. Spirochétose des poules au Turkestan russe. Bull. Soc, Path. || exot. T. 9 p. 227— 228. Protozoa 180 211::53 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9: 9 1916. The Morphology of Certain Spirochaetes of Man and other Animals. A trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 305—343, 8 figg. [3 nn. p.] 16.9 : 9.32,.73—.74,.82 (66.7,. 54 Dont P., und Fromme. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9 1916. Untersuchungen über die Aetiologie, Immunität und spezifische Behandlung der Werzschen Krankheit ([cterus infectiosus) Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. exper. Therap. Bd. 25 Orig. p. 317—483, 6 Taf., 14 ügg. [Spirochaete icterogenes n. sp. als Erreger.] 16.9 : 9.32,.9 t5 Futaki, Kenzo, Itsuma Takaki, Tenji Taniguchi, and Shimpachi Osumi. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9 1917. Spirochaeta morsus muris, n. Sp the Cause of Rat-bite Fever. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 25 p. 33-44, 3 pis., 1 fig. 16.9 : 9.32,.9 66 Garnier, Marcel, et J. Reilly. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9 1917 La recherche du spirochète ictérigène dans l’urine de l’homme et ze cobaye. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 38—41, 1 fig — Erraturn. p. 108. 16.9 : 9.32,.9 67 Ishiwara, Kikutaro, Toyoitsiro Ohtawara, and Kataro Tamura. 81.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9 1917. Experimental rat-bite fever. First Report. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 25 Pe 45—64, 1 pl., 7 figg. 16.9 5 9.32,.9 68 Seidelin, Harald. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1915. Experiments with Salvarsan-Copper in Trypanosomiasis. Anm, trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 197—200. [Powerful action.] 69 Martin, Louis, et Auguste Pettit. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Présentation de préparations microscopiques et de pieces anatomo- pathologiques, relatives à la spirochétose ictérohémorragique. ©. R, Soc. Biol, Paris I. 49 pP» 697. 2116 0 Marlin, Louis, et Auguste Pettit. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Réaction hématophagique dans les ganglions lymphatiques du cobaye, au cours de la spirochétose ictéro-hémorragique. Ü. R. Soc. Bicl. Paris T. 79 p. 946—947. 71 Cosia, S., et J. Troisier. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Mort du lapin et survie du cobaye dans la spirochétose ictérohé- morragique expérimentale. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 27—28. 72 Courmont, J., et P. Durand. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Pénétration transcutanée du Svirochète de l’ictère hémorragique. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 277—278. 78 Garnier, Marcel, et J. Reilly. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Action de la bile sur la virulence de Spirochaeta icterohemorragae. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. so pP» 41—42, 74 Martin, Louis, et Auguste Pettit. 81.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Présence de Sp. icterohemorragiae chez le Surmulot de la zone des armées. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 10—11. 75 Leger, André. 81.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.33 1917. Spirochète de la musaraigne (Crocidura Stampfliüi Jexrux). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 280—281. [Sp. crocidurae n. sp.) 36 Kolmer, W., und R. J. Wagner. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. Ueber eine im Magenfundus des Hundes vorkommende saprophy- jeans Spirochäte. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 78 p. 383 77 Courmont, I et P. Durand. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.74 1917. La spirochétose ictérohémorragique chez le chien. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 275—277. [Infection par inoculation ou ingestion.} ‘8 Fantham, H. B. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.5 1916. Observations on Spirochaeta euryyyrata, as Found in Human Fae- 21163 Futaki, Kenzp‘ Itsuma Takaki, Tenji Taniguchi, and Shimpachi Osumi. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The cause of rat-bite fever. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 23 p. 249 —250, 1 nl fSpirochaete.) 181 Protozoa 211630 Ido, Yutaka, Rokuro Hoki, Hivoshi Ito, and H. Wani. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The prophylaxis of Weil’s disease (Spirochætosis icterohæmor- rhagica). Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 24 ». 471—483. 81 Inada, Ryokichi, Yutaka Ido, Rokuro Hoki, Hiroshi Ito, and H. Wani. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The serum treatment of Weil’s disease (Spirochætosis icterohæ- morrhagica). Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 24 p. 485—496. 82 Inada, Ryokichi, Yntaka Ido, Rokuro Hoki, Renjiro Kaneko, and Hiroshi Ito. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16,9 : 9.9 1916. The etiolegy, mode of infection, and specific therapy of Weil’s disease (Spirochætosis icterohæmorrhagica) Journ. exper. Med. Voi. 23 pp 377—402, 7 pls. 83 Inada, Ryokichi, Yutaka Ido, Renjiro Kaneko, Rokuro Hoki, Hiroshi Ito, Hidetsune Wani, und Kikuzo Okuda. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Eine kurze Mitteilung über die Entdeckung des Erregers (Spiro- chaeta ictero-haemorrhagiae nov. sp.) der sogenannten Weıir’schen Krank- heit in Japan und über die neueren Untersuchungen über die Krankheit. Gorr.-Bl. Schweiz, Aerzte Jahrg. 46 p. 93 — 1002, 1 vl., 15 figg, 84 Ito, Tetsuta, and Haruichiro Matsuzaki. 31.6 Spir déhasté à : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The pure cultivation of Spirocheta icterohæmorr hagiæ (Inapa). Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 23 p. 557—562, 2 pls. 85 Kersten, H. E. 31.6 Spirochaete : 10.9 : 9,9 1916. Ueber Ulcus tropicum in Deutsch-Neuguinea. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.- Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 274—284. — Einige Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit Dr. Kerstens „Ueber Ulcus tropicum in Deutsch-Neuguinea“, von Dr. Harren- BERGER. P. 439—442, 1 fig. [Ob immer eine Spirochätenkrankheit?] 86 Legroux, R. 81.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Recherche de Spirocheta icterohemorragiæ. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 991—992, 1 fig. 211687 Mayer, Martin. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9,9 1916. Zur Symbiose von Spirochäten und fusiformen Bazillen bei ge- schwürigen Prozessen. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd, 20 p. 442 —444. 88 Mühlens. 51. 6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Der Wert der Dicken-Tropfenmethode für die Rekurrensdiagnose. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 119—122, 2 figg. [Oft Spirochäten- knäuel in der Krise.] 89 Reiter, Hans. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Beiträge zur Aetiologie der Weilschen Krankheit. IV. Mitteilung. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 1282—1284. 90 Reiter, Hans. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Ueber eine bisher unerkannte Spirochäteninfektion (Spirochaetosis artbritica). Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 1535 —1536, 1 fig. [Spirochaete forans n. sp.] — (Berlin. med. Ges.) Berlin. klin. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 53 p. 1352. 91 Renaux, Ernest. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Note sur la spirochétose ictéro-hémorragique. C. B. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 947—949. [Spirochète en grande abondance dans le rein.] Simvson, W. J. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Memorandum on Spirochaetes in the Gold Coast. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 9. 93 Stokes, A., and J. A. Ryle. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. A Note on Wen’s Disease (Spirochaetosis ictero haemorrhagica) as it has Occurred in the Army in Flanders: Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 258—259. 94 Wagner, Gerhard. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Spirochaete scarlatinae Dorurr. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 999, 5 figg. 211695 Warthin, Aldred Scott. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Persistence of Active Lesions and Spirochetes in the Tissues © (No) Protozoa 182 of Clinically inactive or ,Cured“ Syphilis. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 152 p. 508—521. [Spirochete carriers with latent infection of very low virulence.] 211696 Carter, Henry F. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Remarks on the Spirochaetes occurring in the Faeces of Dysen- teric Patients. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 391—396. 97 Galli-Valerio, B. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. La bronchite à spirochètes ou Spirochaetiasis bronchialis (bronchite de Casrrzrant). Corr.-Bl. Schweiz, Aerzte Jahrg. 47 p. 169—175, 1 fig. [Sp. bronchialis Casr.] 98 Jacobsthal, E. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9: 9.9 1917. Die Agglomeration der Spirochäte der Weilschen Krankheit durch Rekonvaleszentenserum. (Aerztl. Ver. Hamburg.) Deutsche med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 43 p. 349—350. 99 Kolle, W. . 31.6 Spirochaete : 16,9 : 9.9 1917. Spirochätenbefunde und Salvarsan bei Alveolarpyorrhöe. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 13 p. 59—60. 211700 Macfie, J. W. Scott. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Urethral Spirochaetosis. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 274—292, 4 fige. [Spirochaeta urethrae n. sp.] (66.7) 01 Reiter, H. 81.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Eine bisher unerkannte Spirochäteninfektion. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 43 p. 302—303. [Sp. forans weicht deutlich von Sp. pallida ab.] 02 Riemer. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Beitrag zur Frage des Erregers des Fünftagefiebers. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 92—93. 03 Salomon, Maurice, et RK. Neveu. 31.6 Spirochaete : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Néphrites de guerre à Spirochètes. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 'T. 80 p. 272—274. 211704 Hollande, A. Ch. 31.6 Treponema : 07 1917. Imprégnation argentique, sans précipité du Treponema pallidum dans les frottis. (©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 7—9. 05 Zinsser, Hans, and Joseph Gardner Hopkins. 31.6 Treponema : 16.9 : 9 1915. Antibody Formation against Treponema pallidum-Agglutination. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 21 p. 576—583, 3 pls. [Agglutinating substances in serum of rabbits treated with emulsions of 77. p.] 16.9 : 9.32 06 Zinsser, Hans, and J. & Hopkins. 31.6 Treponema : 16.9 : 9 1916. Studies on Treponema pallidum and syphilis. II. Spirochæticidal Antibodies Against Treponema pallidum. Journ. exper. Med. Vol, 23 p. 323—328. [Spirochæticidal serum of rabbits and sheep immunized with cultures of 7”. p.] 16.9 : 1.32,.735,.9 07 Zinsser, Hans, J. G. Hopkins, and Malcolm McBurney. 31.6 Treponema : 16.9 : 9 1916. Studies on Treponema pallidum and syphilis. III. The Individual Fluctuations in Virulence and Comparative Virulence of Treponema. palli- dum Strains Passed through Rabbits. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 23 p. 329 —340, 5 figg. — IV. The Difference in Behavior in Immune Serum be- tween Cultivated Non-Virulent Treponema pallidum and Virulent Trepo- nemata from Lesions. p. 841—352. 16.9 : 9.32,.9 08 Kolmer, John A., Stuart Broadwell Jr., and Toitsu Matsunami. 31.6 Treponema : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Agglutination of Trezonema pallidum in human syphilis. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 24 p. 333—344. | 211709 Pfeiffer, J. A. F. 31.6 Treponemi. :16.9 : 9.9 1916. A note concerning strains of Treponema pallidum obtained from De al of paretics at autopsy. Proc. Sec. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 14 pP» — de j 183 Protozoa 2117:0 Zinsser, Hans, J. G. Hopkins, and Malcolm McBurney. 31.6 Treponema : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Studies on Treponema pallidum and Syphilis. V. Further Studies on the Relation of Culture Pallida to Virulent Pallida and on Reinfec- tion Phenomena. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 24 p. 561—581. il Swezy, Olive. 31.6 Trichomitus : 16.9 : 76 1915. On a New Trichomonad Flagellate, Trichomitus parvus, from the Intestine of Amphibians. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p, 89 —94. [n. g. n. sp. 16.9 : 78, : 79 (77.3, 79.4) 12 Acunmors, B. A. Jakimov, V. L. 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 51.5 1916. Trichomonas BE KHIEIHOMR KkaHaïlB TypkecTanckof miABKU (Limnatis turkestanica). (IlpenBapntenpuoe cooömenie.) Pycck. 8002. Kypn. T. 1 p. 305. — Le Trichomonas dans l’intestin de la sangsue du Turkestan (Lim- natis turkestanica). (Communication préliminaire.) Rev. zool. russe T.1 p- 305—306. 13 Yakimoff, W. L. 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 51.5 1917. Trichomonas de l'intestin de la sangsue du Turkestan (Limnatis turkestanica). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 295—294. [Tr. ninae kohl- yakimovi n. sp. 14 Hoenne, ©. 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 9,9 1916. Trichomonas vaginalis als häufiger Erreger einer typischen Colpitis purulenta. Zentralbl. Gynäk. Jahrg. 40 p. 4—15, 2 Taf, 1 fig — Die Behandlung der Trichomonas-Kolpitis. p. 113—118. 15 Lynch, Kenneth M. 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Dauercystformation of Trichomonas intestinalis. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 28—33, 2 figg. 16 Macaskill, D. C. i 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Flagellate Infection in Oaries of the Jaw. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 146. [Trichomonas hominis.] 2117i7 Ridlon, J. R. 31.6 Trichomonas : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Pellagra. Laboratory examinations in connection with the disease. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. #1 p. 1231—1242. [Trichomonas intestinalis.] 18 Franca, Carlos. 31.6 Trichonymphidae : 16.9 : 57.32 1916. Quelques observations sur les Trichonymphidae. Ann. Inst. Pas- teur T. 30 p. 195—204, [Leidya n. g. metchnikovi n. sp] 19 Hoffmann, George L. 81.6 Trypanosoma : 11.044 1915. Chemotherapeutische Studien über die intravenöse Verwendung von Antimontrioxyd bei experimentellen Trypanosomeninfektionen. Zeit- schr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 80 p. 261—279. [Bei Kaninchen Therapia sterilans magna möglich.] | 29 Mesnil, F., et M. Blanchard. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 11.044 1916. Sensibilité au sérum humain normal de Trypanosomes d’origine humaine. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 81—85. [5 souches à sensibilité différente.] 21 Platau, Lilli. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 11.044 1916. Untersuchungen über die trypanozide Substanz des menschlichen Serums bei Gesunden und Leberkranken. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 81 p. 401—431. 22 Rodhain, »., et F. Van den Branden. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 11.044 1916. Action comparative des mstieres colorantes: tryparosan et try- panobleu et des arsénicaux: salvarsan cuprique, sur les trypanosomes animaux Africains des groupes congolense et angolense ,cazalboui-virax*, Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 236—241. 23 Pittaluga, G. 21.6 Trypanosoma : 1i.6 1911. Observaciones morfolögicas y biolögicas sobre el Trypanosoma gam- biense. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Año 1 p. 1—2. [Existence del ciclo endo- globular dudosa. Formas sexuadus. Hipötesis de conjugaciön de dificil comprobaciön.] 211724 Maggio, C., und F. Rosenhusch. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 57.54 1915. Studien über die Chagaskrankheit in Argentinien und die Trypa- Protozoa 184 nosomen der „Vinchugas“ (Wanzen, Triatoma infestans Kıvuc.; Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 40—46, 2 Taf. [Try- panosomen im Darmkanal, die auf bestimmte Tiere übertragbar sind und sich vorzugsweise im Herzen und in den gestreiften Muskeln als Leishinania und Trypanosomen lokalisieren.] 211725 Kofoid, Charles Atwood, and Irene McCulloch. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 57.54 1916. On Trypanosoma triatomae, a New Flagellate from a Hemipteran Bug from the Nests of the Wood Rat Neotoma fuscipes. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 113—126, 2 pls. [n. sp. (79.4) 26 Teichmann, E. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9: 57.72 1916. Glossinen und Trypanosomen. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 1437 —1440. [Echter Parasitismus bei geringer Schädigung des Wirts.] 27 Schilling, Claus, e Pietro Rondoni. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1913. Tossine trinanosomiché e immunita di fronte ai tıipanosomi. Lo Sperimentale Anno 67 p. 595—613. [Dai tripanosomi del nagana si pud ottenere veleno e anche immunoantigene mediante riscaldamento delle emulsioni tripanosomiche.] 28 Bondoni, Pietro, e Fernando Rietti. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1914. Ricerche sperimentali sul Nagana. V Comunicazione. Le altera- zioni istologiche della milza e delle ghiandole linfatiche nella infezione sperimentali da Trypanosoma Brucei. Lo Sperimentale Anno 68 p. 379 — 403, 2 tav. — Le alterazioni istologiche della milza e delle ghiandoie linfatiche nella tripanosomiasi sperimentale. (Accad. med.-fis. fiorent.) p. 497—499. 29 Teichmann, Ernst. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16. : 9 1914. Die tierischen Trypanosomen (,Tsetsekrankheiten“) Deutsch-Ost- afrikas. 45. Ber. Senckenberg nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 184-199, 9 figg. 16.9 : 9.725,.785 211720 Wöltel, K. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1915. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tsetse (Glossina morsitans) und der Try- panosomiasis. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. paras. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 17 p. 19—36, 1 Taf. 16.9 : 9.32,.725—.735 31 Bouet, G. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Existence d’un petit foyer de trypanosomiase humaine à la Basse Côte d'Ivoire. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 168-186. [Aussi Trypa- nosomiasis chez les animaux.] 16.9 : 9.135,.74,.82,.9 32 Duke, H. Lyndhurst. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Trypanosomiasis in Northern Uganda. Journ. Hygiene Vol. 15 p. 372—387, 1 map. [Presence of 7. vivax, uniforme, nanum, pecorum, grayi, brrucei.] 33 Fiori, C., et Mme. P. Delanoë. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Au sujet du dimorphisme du Trypanosome Mazagan. Deuxieme Note. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 130—133, 19 figg. 16.9 : 9.32,.725,.74 | 34 Lanfranchi, Alessandro. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Sul possibile passaggio dei tripanosomi nel latte. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 369—373. [Resta dimostrato come sia pos- sibile il passaggio, nel latte, dei tripanosomi brucei, rhodiense, gambiense. Trasmissione mediante allattamento.] 16.9 : 9.14 211735 Lanfranchi, Alessandro. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 :9 1916. Ulteriori ricerche sulla possibile trasmissione delle tripanosomiasi animali nell’ uomo: le reazioni biologiche nelle tripanosomiasi umane ed animali nella identificazione dei virus. Nota I. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 1 p. 195—198. [Per il potere agglutinante, il virus Lan- .franchii & da riportarsi a quello della surra.] — Nota LE p. 230—234. [Identità di Tr. evansi e gambiense.] — Nota III. p. 601—605. — Nota IV. p. 669-672, — Nota V. p. 704—708. 16.9 : 9.32,.725,.739,.9 185 Protozoa 211736 Laveran, A. 31.6 Trypanesoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Diminution de virulence chez des trypanosomes ayant subi.un grand nombre de sssages par animaux de même espèce. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 169—117. 15.9.5 492 37 Teichmann, Ernst, 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 :9 1916. Mischinfektionsversuche mit Trypanosomen. Zeitschr. Hyg. In- fektionskr. Bd. 82 p. 511—526. [Entmischung im Laufe weniger Passagen durch Mäuse von 2 gleich virulenten Nagana-Stämmen, nicht aber bei Mischinfektion mit bei Mäusen chronischen Krankheitsverlauf erzeugenden Stämmen.] 16.3: 3.32 88 Van Saceghem, R., et E. Nicolas. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 169 :9 1916. L’émétique dans le traitement des trypanosomiases. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 813—825. [Des résultats excellents par voies sous- cutanée, intraveineuse et intramusculaire.] 10 00 120 100,0 89 Velu, H., et R. Eyraud, 81.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9 1916. Trypanosomiase des chevaux du Maroc. Infestation d’un jeuno chien par l'allaitement. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 567-568. 16.9 : 9.725,.74 40 Greggio, 6. 51.6 Trypanosoma : 169 :9 1917. Trypanose des porcs; relations des porcs avec la trypanose hu- maine dans la vallée de l’Inkissi (Moyen Congo belge). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 113—11%. [77, congolense.] 16.9 : 9.73,.9 41 Rieckenberg, H. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9: 9 1917. Eine neue Immunitätsreaktion bei experimentelier Trypanosomen- Infektion: die Biutplättchenprobe. Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. exper. Therap. Orig. Bd. 26 p. 53—64. |[Trypanosomen einer Ratte oder Maus werden in einer Zitratblutaufschwemmung dieser Tiere mit Blutplättchen ‚beladen.] 16.9 : 9.32 211742 Morgan, J. Franklin. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1914. Incubation Period and Duration of Infection in Rats and in Gui- nea Pigs, Inoculated with Trypanosome Gambiense. 15th ann, Rep. Mi- chigan Acad. Sc. p. 104—108. Todd, John L. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 ; 9.32 1914. The Trypanosome of Gambian Mice. Ann. tro». Med. Parasit, Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 469—470, 1 fig. 44 Hintze, K. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1915. Versuche zur Immunisierung gegen Trypanosomenintektion. Zeit- schr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 80 p. 377—398. [Bei Protozoenkränkheiten bedarf es grosser Dosen, wenn es überhaupt zu einer Immunisierung kommt.] 45 Chalmers, Albert J., and W. R. O’Farrell. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Measurements of Durrox and Tonp’s Gambia Strain of Trypano- soma gambiense Durron 1902. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 ». 189—194, 1 pl., 5 figg. 46 Ritz, Hans. 31.6 Trypanosoma.: 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Ueber Rezidive bei experimenteller Trypanosomiasis. II. Mitteilung. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 397—420. [Fähigkeit der Parasiten, sich der Antikörperwirkung durch Bildung neuer Rassen zu entziehen.] 41 Kodhain, J., et F. Van den Branden. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16,9 : 9.4 1916. Sur la réceptivité de la roussette, Cymonycteris straminea, aux dif- ferents virus de trypanosomes africains. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 4 QU __. 984936. | 211748 Stühmer, A. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Ueber lokale („primäre“) Krankheitserscheinungen an der Stelle der Iufektion bei der Nagana-Erkrankung des Kaninchens (, Trypano- somenschanker“). Ihre Bedeutung für die Beurteilung des Verlaufes der Kaninchentrypanosomiasis. Uebergang des „primären“ in das „sekundäre“ 211749 52 53 54 56 211757 58 59 60 61 62 211763 Protozoa 186 Krankheitsstadium (Rezidivstammbildung). Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. exper. Therap. Bd. 24 Orig. p. 315—335. Tower, R, W., and C. F, Herm. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. The White Rat and Sleeping Sickness. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 249—250, 2 figg. [Sick from Trypanosoma sp] Velu, H. 81.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.725 1917. La Trypanosomiase des cheyaux au Maroc (Etude experimentale). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 253— 260. 1 Bouet, G. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Contribution à l’étude des zones à glossines du Sénégal (Région du chemin de fer de Thiès à Kayes). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 802—813, 1 fig. [G. morsitans, convoyant 7. dimorphon.] Laveran, A. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Surra, nagana ferox, nagana de l’Ouganda et infections dues au Trypanosoma rhodesiense. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 731—738. Van Saceghem, H. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Contribution à l’etude de la transmission du Trypanosoma Cazal- boui. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 569—573. [Agent propagateur prin- cipal Hæmatopota perturbans.] Yakimoff, W. L., et N. J. Schokhor. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. A propos du Trypanosoma theileri au Turkestan russe. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 229. Yakimoff, W. L., et W. J. Wassilewsky. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Le traitement de la trypanosomiase des chameaux du Turkestan russe. Bull, Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 230. Macfie, J. W. Scott, and G. H. Gallagher. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1914. Sleeping Sickness in the Eket District of Nigeria. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 379—410, 5 pls, 1 map. 1 fig. — Appendix I. Notes and Observations on Sleeping Sickness in the Eket District by W. C. W. Eaxin. p. 411-416. — Appendix Il. Trypano- somes found Infecting Wild Glossina tachinoides, by J. W. Scorr Macrız, p. 417—430. | Chaves, Leocadio. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. FProcessos distrosicos na molestia de Caros Omacas. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 200—212. Blin, 6., et J. Kernéis. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Note concernant le premier cas de maladie du sommeil constaté chez un Européen en Guinée Française. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 231—234. Heckenroth, F. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. La Trypanosomiase humaine au Sénégal. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 723—731. Kuhn, Philalethes. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Die Geschichte der Schlafkrankheit in Kamerun und ihre Lehren. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 81 p. 69—137, 2 Taf. Mayer, Martin. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Klinische Beobachtungen aus der Krankenabteilung des Instituts für Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten. I. Trypanosomiasis (Schlafkrankheit). Arch, Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 471—482, 1 fig. Rodhain, J. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. La maladie du sommeil dans l’Ouellé (Congo belge) à la fin de 1914. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 38—72, 1 carte. [Repartition dee Glossines et de la maladie. Prophylaxie.] Macfie, J. W. S. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 16,9 : 9.9 1917. Preliminary Note on a Monomorphic Trypanosome found in the Blood of a Native of the Gold Coast. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 20 p. 17. 187 Protozoa 211764 Manca, Gregorio. 31.6 Trypanosoma (45.9) 190€. Diffusione dei tripanosomi in Sardegna. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Leit. Arti T. 65 Pt. 2 p. 823—827. 16:9 : 81.1,3,,: 26.5,.: 88.1, ;, 9,32,.738 65 Shipley, P. G. 31.6 Trypanosoma : 18.11 1916. The Vital Staining of Mitochondria in Trypanosoma lewisi with Janus Green. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 439—445, 8 fige. 66 Janet, Charles. 31.6 Volvox : 11.6 1914. Note préliminaire sur l’œuf du Volwox globator. Limoges, Ducour- tieux et Gout, 8°, 12 pp., 2 figg. 67 La Rue, George R. 31.6 Volvox : 11.6 1916. Notes on the Collection and Rearing of Volvox. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 150—154. 68 Tagliani, Giulio. 31.7 1913. Studi critico-sistematici sugl’ Infusori. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 6, 26 pp., 6 figg. [Dysteria quinquecostata u. sp.] (45.73) 69 Jennings, H. 8. 31.7 : 11 1912. Age, Death and Conjugation in the Light of Work on Lower Or- ganisms. Popul, Sc. Monthly Vol. S0 p. 568—977. 11.64,.66 70 Koch, Albert. 31.7 : 11 1916. Moderne Probleme der Tierphysiologie. I. Die Funktion der pul- sierenden Vakuole. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 101—105, 2 figg. — Il—III Der natürliche Tod und seine Bedeutung für die Ent- stehung des Geschlechts. p. 109—114. [Die der Konjugation ähneinde Kernreorganisation, ohne Kernverschmelzung.] 11.2,.49,.6 71 Metalnikov, S. 81.7:: 11 1916. Les réflexes chez les Protozoaires. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 80—82. [Réactions liées à l’englobement de la nourriture. Réaction négative vis-à-vis des substances nuisibles.] 11.044,.31 211772 Woker, 6. 31.7 : 11.04 1916, Arbeiten, die im Laboratorium für physikalisch-chemische Biologie ausgeführt worden sind. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1915 p. XXII—XX XI. [Katalysatoren in der Biologie. Osmotischer Druck bei der Infusorien- zelle. Einwirkung von Chemikalien auf Colpoden, Beeinflussung der Pulsationsfrequenz der Vortizellenvacuole.] 11.041,.044 73 Metalnikov, S. 31.7 : 11.32 1916. Sur la digestion intracellulaire chez les Protozoaires (La Birch lation des vacuoles digestives). Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 427—445, 2 pls., 3 figg. [Matieres nutritives circulent 2—4 heures, simples matieres colorantes 20—60 min. Grande individualité. Facteurs extérieurs et interievrs.] 74 Erdmann, Rh. 31.7 : 11.6. | 1915. Endomixis und ihre Bedeutung für die Infusorienzelle. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1915 p. 277—300, 2 figg. 75 Calkins, Gary N. 31.7 : 11.6. 1916. Observations on Regeneration and Division in Ciliates. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 147. 11.64,.69 76 Jollos, Victor. 31.7 : 11.6 1916. Die Fortpflanzung der Infusorien und die potentielle Unsterblich- keit der Einzelligen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 497—514, 8 figg. [Auch bei Protisten sind Tod und Fortpflanzung grundverschieden. Partialtod bei Einzelligen.] 77 Metalnikoff, S. 31.7 : 11.6 1917. Sur l’immortalité des Protozoaires. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 241—244, 1 fig. [Reproduction potentielle in- definie, sans besoin de conjugaison.] 211773 da Cunha, Aristides Marques. 31.7 : 16.9 : 9.785 1915. Sobre os ciliados intestinaes dos mamiferos. II. Men. Inst. Os- Protozoa 188 waldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 139—145, 1 Est. [5 nn. spp. in: Cycloposthium 3, Paraisotricha 2.] (81) 211779 Roskine, 6. 31.7: 18.11 1917. La structure des myonèmes. (Reun. biol. Petrograde.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 365-364. [Tige cylindrique de plasma contractile, revêtu d’une fine membrane solide.] 80 Kissa, Helene. 31.7 Colpidium : : 1.044 1914. Die Wirkung kombinierter Narkotica der Fettreihe auf Colpidien. Zeitschr, allgem. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 320—340. [Additive Wirkung von Urethanen und Alkoholen unter sich, ferner von Aether und Chloroform.) 81 Woker, Gertrud, und Helene Weyiand. 31.7 Colpidium : 11.044 1214 Untersuchungen über die Mischnarkose der freibeweglichen Zelle. Zeitschr. allgem. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 265—319, 6 Taf. [Stoffe, die der pämlichen Reihe angehören, wie solche verschiedener Gruppen können so- wohl Verstärkung als auch Addition oder Abschwächung hervorrufen. Chemische Konstitution und narkotische Wirkrng.] 82 Klitzke, Max. 81.7 : 18.15 1916. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kernentwicklung bei den COiliaten. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 215—235, 3 figg. [Kein prinzipieller Unterschied zwischen Macro- und Micronucleus. Pseudocaryosom Sitz des generativen Chromatins.] 83 Leegaard, Caroline. 31.7 (26.1) 1915. Untersuchungen über einige Planktonciliaten des Meeres. Nyt Mag. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 53 p. 1—27, 24 figg, 2 Kart. [17 nn. spp. in: Laboea 12, Woodania n. g., Strombidium 3, Ciliospina n. g. -- Lohmaniella n. g. pro Lohmannia spiralis.] (25.12) 84 Smith, Inez Frances. 31.7 (78.1) 1915. A Preliminary Report on the Infusoria of Kansas. (Contrib. zoo!. Lab. No. 215.) Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 14 —174, 17 pls. 31.75 211785 Watson, Minnie E. 31.7 Balantidium : 16.9: 53.71 1916. A New Infusorian Parasite in Sand Fleas. (Contrib, zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 61) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 145—146, 1 fig. [Ba- lantidium orchestium n. sp.] (74.7 86 Léger, L., et ©. Duboscq. 31.7 Balantidium : 18.11 1916. Sur les mitochondries du Balantidium elongatum Srris. U. R. Soc. Biol, Paris T. 79 p. 46—48, 3 figg. [Mitochondries concentrées dans l’exo - plasme.] 87 Lund, E. J. 51.7 Bursaria : 11.69 1916. Differentiation and De-differentiation in Bursaria and its Signifi- cance. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 145. 88 Russo, Achille. 31.7 Cryptochilum : 11.6 1916. Il differenziamento dei gameti in Cryptochilum echini Mavrıs. Mo- nit. zool. ital. Anno 27 p. 74—77, 1 tav. [Differente forma e costituzione del micronucleo.] 89 Calkins, Gary N. 31.7 Didinium : 11.6 1916. Encystment of Didinium nasutum. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) ‚Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 148. ; 90 Calkins, Gary N. 31.7 Didinium : 15.3 1915. Didinium nasutum. I. The life history. Journ, exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 225—240, 1 pl., 4 figg. [Feeding habits, structure of proboscis and seizing organ, structures of endoplasm, conjugation and encystment.] 11.66 91 La Monica, L. 31.7 Discophrya : 18.11 1915. Nota preventiva ad uno studio eu la Discophrya gigantea: (Srerx.) Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 119—122. [Apparato escretore.] 211792 Andrews, E. A. 31.7 Folliculina : 15.2 1915. Distribution of Folliculina in 1914. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 373—880, 5 figg. [Inroads into brackish water.] 189 Protozoa : 211723 Sahrhage, Heinrich. 31.7 Folliculina : 18.1. 1916. Ueber die Organisation und den Teilungsvorgang des Flaschen- tierchens (Folliculina ampulla). Arch, Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 139—174, 2 Taf. [Quergerichtete Zweiteilung.] 18.11,.13,.15,.18 94 Shumway, Waldo. 31.7 Frontonia : 11.65- 1915. A Process of Temporary Chain Formation by Frontonia. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 258—261, 1 fig. [Chains of great length. Tersinal budding.] ‘ 95 Coxonosr, A. ®. Sokolov, D. F. 31.7 Gastrostyla : 11.6- 1917. O6pasoBaHiu BTOPHYHBIXB UMCTB y Gastrostyla steini Exc. Pycer.. 8001. sRypx. T. 1 p. 321—324, 5 figg. — On the formation of secondary cysts in Gustrostyla steini Ense. Résumé. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 321— 325. 96 Dustin, A. P. 31.7 Licnophora : 16.9 : 4.37 1916. Sur une variete nouvelle de Licnophora, endoparasite de Bulla hy- datis Linn. (Note préliminaire.) Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 179 —- 184, 3 £gg. [dullae n. sp.) (26.12) 97 v. Prowazek, 8. 31.7 Loxocephalus : 11.66 1916. Zur Conjugation von Loxocephalus. Aus dem Nachlass herausge-- geben von Kurr Beurenr, Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 1—5, 1 Taf. GS Darling, Eiton R. 31.7 Loxodes (74.4) 1916. Notes on a New Species of Loæodes (Eurse.)? Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 64—65. [Unnamed.] | 53 de Zulueta, Antonio. 31.7 Nyctotherus : 16.3 : 57.22 1916. Sobre la estructura y biparticiôn de Nyctotherus ovalis Leıpy. Tra- bajos Mus. nac. Cienc. nat. Madrid Ser. zool. No. 26, 16 pp., 6 figg. 211809 Grier, N. M. 31.7 Opercularia (77.8): 1916. A New Species of Opercularia. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 138—139, 1 pl. [9. wallgreni.] C1 Row, R. W. Harold. 31.7 Paramaecium : 07 1915. Simple Device for Controlling the Movements of Paramececia, Na-- ture London Vol. 96 p. 286. C2 Hance, Robert T. 81.7 Paramaecium : 07 1916. Notes on Handling Protozoa in Pure Line work. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 135—137, 2 figg, 03 Hargitt, Geo, T., and Walter W. Fray. . 31.7 Paramaecium : 07 1917. The growth of Parameeium in pure cultures cf bacteria. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 22 p. 421—455. [Mixed cultures a far superior diet.] Of Woedruff, Lorande Loss and Frank P. Underhill. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.044- 1913 Pırotozoan Protopiasm as an Indicator of Pathological Changes. I. In Nephritis. Journ. biol. Chem. Vel. 15 p. 385 -400. [Depression of division rate of Paramecium when placed in kidney extracts of rabbits with tartrate nephritis.] 05 Fernändez Galiano, E. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.044 - 1914. Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Chemotaxis der Paramäcien. Zeit-- schr. allgem. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 359—372, 10 figg. 06 Hutchison, Robert H. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.044 - 1915. The effects of certain salts, and of adaptation to high tempera- tures, on the heat resistance of Paramecium caudatum. Journ. exper. Zeol. Vol. 19 p. 211—224, 1 fig. [Protective action of NaCl, CaCl; and KNOs: also of distilled water on pure line from alkaline medium, reverse - " on pure line from acid medium. Inconstant effect of continued exposure | to moderately high temperatures.! 211857 Elrington, 6. A. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.044 1916. Osservazioni sulia tigmotassi nei Parameci. Rend. Accad, Lincei (5) Vol. 24 Sem. 2 p. 539—542. [Lievi variazioni termiche bastano a interrompere reazione positiva, producendo tigmotassi negativa. Dipen- denza da certe condizioni interne o stati fisiologiei. Reazione positiva. di un certo numero soltanto.] Protozoa 190 211808 Fischer, Hans, und G. A. v. Kemnitz. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.044 1916. Ueber die Einwirkung einiger Porphyrine auf Paramaecien. Zeit- schr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 96 p. 309—313. [Mesoporphyrin löst intensivere Lichtwirkung aus wie Hämatoporphyrin. Kotporphyrin bedeutend licht- empfindlicher wie Urinporphyrin.] 09 Ackert, James E. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.5 1916. On the Inheritance of Size in Paramecium. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 177. [Negative results.] 10 Erdmann, Rhoda, and Lorande Loss Woodruff. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.6 1916. The periodic reorganization process in Paramaecium caudatum. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 59—96, 7 pls., 7 figg. [Endomixis com- mon to all 4 examined races of P. aurelia and is a normal periodic pro- cess also in F. caudatum, coincident with low points between 2 rhythms. Endomixis distinct from conjugation, no syncaryon being formed.] 1.66 11 Woodruff, Lorande Loss. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.6 1916. Endomixis in diverse races of Paramaecium aurelia. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 15 p. 161—162. [Normal phenomenon.] 12 Mast, S. 0., and K. S. Lashley. 31.7 Paramaecium : 11.7 1916. Observations on ciliary current in free-swimming Parameecia. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 281—293, 6 figg. [Feeding cone not present in unhindered movement.] 13 Geidies, H., und W. Wolterstorff. 31.7 Stentor 1916. Stentor polymorphus MürL., das Trompetentierchen in Vergesell- schaftung mit Kugelalgen. Bilätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 346 —349, 1 fig. 14 Penard, E. 31.7 Strombidium : 18.1 1916. Le Sirombidium mirabile. Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève Vol. 38 p. 227—251, 1 pl. 18.11,.13,.15,.18 211815 Hyde, Ida H., and Christine Spreier. - 81.7 Vorticella : 11 1915. The Influence of Light on Reproduction in Vorticella. Bull. Kan- sas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 183—184. [Stimulating effect on reproduction up to optimum. Yellow and green more effective than red or blue rays.] 11.044,.6 16 Galina, Rachil. 31.7 Vorticella : 11.044 1914. Ueber den Einfluss äusserer und innerer Faktoren auf die Pulsa- tionsfrequenz der kontraktilen Vakuole von Vorticella nebulifera mit be- sonderer Berücksichtigung der narkotischen Agentien. Zeitschr. allgem. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 419—473. 17 Lapage, Geoffrey, and J. T. Wadsworth. . 81.75 Dendrocometes : 11.65 1916. Jendrocometes paradoxus (Stein). Part II. -- Reproduction (Bud- formation). Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 357—382, 2 pls., 16 figg. [Internal budding. i bud at each reproductive act. Brood-chamber formed by linear dissolution of parental cytoplasm. Amitosis of mega- : nucleus, primitive mitosis of micronuclei.] 18 Konsuloff, St. + Se 109009 1916. Untersuchungen über die Rotatorienparasiten. Arch. Protisten- kde. Bd. 36 p. 353—361, 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Ber tramia, Monocystis.] .91,,95 19 Negri-Luzzani, Lina. 31.9 . . Neuroryctes : 16.9 : 9 1913. La diagnosi della rabbia colla dimostrazione del parassita speci- fico. (Soc. ital, Patol) Lo Beer Anno 67 Suppl. p. 327—338. .9 : 9.74 211820 Carini, A., und J. Maciel. 31.9 . . Pneumocystis : 16.9 : 9 1915. Ueber Pneumocystis Carinii. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 46—50, 1 Taf. [Lungencysten stehen in keinerlei Zusammenhang mit Trypanosomen.] 16.9 : 9.32,.74 | 191 Protozoa 211821 Pixell-Goodrich, Helen L. M. 31.91 : 16 9 : 51.7 1916. The Gregarines of Glycera siphonostoma. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 205—216, 1 pl. [Gonospora glycerae n. sp.] 22 Watson, Minnie Elizabeth. 31.96 5; 169: 52 1916. Studies on Gregarines Including Descriptions of Twenty-one New Species and a Synopsis of the Eugregarine Records from the Myriapoda, HARENEEES and Orthoptera of the World. Illinois biol. Monogr. Vol. 2 p. 213—468, 15 pls. [5 nn. SPP. in : Steinina, Hirmocystis, Gregarina 3.] 16.9 : 56.1,.2, : 57.21,.22,.27—.29,.61—.69 (43.12,.15,.21,.42. 46, 44.11 „27,.33,.36,.39,.54,.58,.61--.63,.84,.91, 45.1,,13,.99, 52.1, 65, 728, 74.4,7,8, 15.5,.6, 76.3, 77,2—.4, 78.2,.8, 81, 82) 23 Watson, Minnie E. 31.91, % 16.9.:,57 1916. Observations on Polycystid Gregarines from Arthropoda. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 79.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 65—75, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in: Bulbocephalus n. g. 2, Pyxinia, Gregarina.] 16.9 : 57.22,.63,.66—.69 (74.7, 77.3) 24 Trégouboff, 6. 31.91 Cystobia : 16.9 : 4.32 1916. Cystobia testiculi, n. sp., Grégarine parasite du testicule d’un Mol- lusgue Gasteropode Prosobranche, Ceritnium tuberculatum L. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris. T. 79 p. 652--655, 8 ige. 25 Watson, Minnie E. 31.91 Frenzelina : 16.9 : 53.6 1916. Three New Gregarines from Marine Crustacea. (Contrib. zoo. Lab. Univ., Illinois No. 60.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 129—136, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp in: Frenzelina.] 16.9.: 53.71,.842 (74.7) 26 Schöppler, Hermann. 31.91 Gregarina : 16.9 : 81.1 1916. Uebar eine pemphigusartige Erkrankung bei Lacerta agilis L., durch Gregarinen hervorgerufen. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 79 p. 27—29, 2 flgg. [Gregarinenenteritis mit Verschleppung durch Blut- oder Lymphbahnen. Gr. polymorpha.] 211827 Poche, Franz. 31.91 Microtaeniella 1916. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der vermeintlichen Gregarine Microtaeniella clymenellae Carx. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 6—14. [Ge- hört zur Gruppe von Haplozoon Docıeı, die aber zu den Protozoen zu rechnen ist.] 28 Trinci, Giulio. 31.91 Orcheocystis : 16,9 : 81.1 1916. „Orcheveystis lacertae“, nuovo Telosporidio (Aggregatario ?) paras- sita del testicolo di Laceria: fasi schizogoniche; nuclei polienergidi; du- plicità cromatica nucleare. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 311—352, 1 tav. [n. g. n. sp.] 29 Fuhrmann, 0. 31.91 Rhynchocystis : 16.9 : 51.23 1916. Eine in Geoplana parasitierende Gregarine. Centralbl. Bakt. Pa- rasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 482-485, 7 figg. [Rh. geoplanae n. sp] 30 Saul, E. 31.92 : 16.9.9 1916. Untersuchungen zur Aetiologie und Biologie der Tumoren. XIX. Mitteilung. (Die Morphologie der Coccidiose. — Das übertragbare Hüh- nersarkom. — Das Riesenzellengrarulom.) Centralbi. Bakt, Parasit. In- fektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 255—262, 13 figg. 31 Schellack, C., und E. Reichenow. 31.92 Adelea : 11.6 1915. Coccidien-Untersuchungen III. Adelea ovata A. Scan. Arb. Ge- sundh.-Amt Berlin Bd. 48 p. 425—460, 3 Taf., 6 figg. [Schizogonie und Sporogonie. Infektionsversuche.] 11.66 : 32 Wenyon, C. M. 31.92 Coccidium : 11.6 1915. The Development of the Oöcyst of the Human Coccidium: An Ad- dendum. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 1296, 4 figg. 211833 del Rio, Eduardo. 31.92 Coccidium : 16.9 : 9.9 1900. Un caso de neoplasia sarcomatosa humana provocada por cocidias. Rev. trim. microgrâf. T. 5 p. 37—44, 2 figg. [Coccidium giganteus hominis n. sp.] ( Protozoa 192 2:18 4 Guillebeau, Alfred. 31.92 Eimeria : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. Parasitisches Vorkommen von Eimeria stiedae (L:NpemaAnx) in der Leber des Hundes. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkde. Bd. 58 p. 596—602, 6 figg. 35 Wenyon, €. M. 31.92 Eimeria : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Another Human Coccidium from the Mediterranean War Area. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 1464, 1 fig. [Similar to mouse parasite, possibly dis- tinct from it.] 36 Seidelin, Harald. 31.92 Klossiella : 16.9 : 9.32 1914. KAlossiella sp. in the Kidney of a Guinea-pig. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vel, 8 p. PR 2 pls. IK. cobayae n. sp.] (66.9) 57 Pearce, Louise. 31.92 Klossiella : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Klossielia infection of the guinea pig. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 28 p. 431—442, 8 pis. 38 Pettit, Auguste. 31.92 Klossiella : 16,9 : 9.32 1916. Sur un Sporozoaire parasite du Cobaye, appartenant au genre Klossiella Suirn et Jounson. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 168—170. 211659 Yakimoff, W. L., N. S. Schokhor, P. M. Koselkine et P. 8. Paroïsky. 31.926 : 16.9 : 9 1917. Maladies animales du Turkestan russe à parasites endoglobulaires. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T.10 p. 302. — Piroplasmose des bovidés, par W. L, Y., N. J. S. et P. M. K. p. 302—303 — Piroplasmose des chevaux, par W. L. Y, N. J. S. et P. M. K. p. 303-305. — Piroplasmose des moutons, par W. L. Y. p. 305. — Piroplasmose des chèvres, par W. L. Y. et N. J. S. p. 305. — Piroplasmose des loups, par W. L. Yet N. J. 8. p. 305—307. -- Theilériose des bovidés, par W. L. Y. et N. J. S. p.307 — 308. — Theilériose des moutons, par W. L. Y. et P. S. P. p. 308. — Tkeileriose des chameaux, par W. L. Y. p. 308. [Th. camelensis n. sp.] — Theilerisse des renards, par W. L. Y. et N. J.S. p. 309. — Nuttalliose des chevaux, par W. L. Y., N. J. S. et P. M. K. p. 309—310. — Nuttal- liose des ânes par W. L. Y. p. 310, — Anaplasmose des bevidés, par W. L. N. J. S. p. 310. — Anaplasmose des chevaux, par W. L. Y. et P. M. K. p. 311 — Anaplasmose de chiens, par W. L. Y. p. 811. 16.9 : 9.725,.735,.74 49 Walker, James. 31.926 : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Some Observations in connection with the Immunization of Cattle, against South African Redwater and Genuine Gallsickness (Anaplasmo- sis). 3d and 4th Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 501—526. 41 Fedorovitch, A. I. 31.926 : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Hémoparasites trouvés dans un cas de fièvre chronique, Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 50 p. 249—250. [Voisins de Toxoplasma.] 42 Vegiia, Frank. 31.926 Anaplasma : 07 1915. The Cultivation of Anaplasma marginale in Vitro. 3d and 4th Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 527—532. — Coltura dell’ Anaplasma marginale in vitro. Ann. Accad. Agric. Torino Vol. 58 p. 116—122. [In sangue defibrinato. Nessuna transizione in Babesia.] 43 Finzi, Guido, et Antonio Campus. - 31.926 Anaplasma : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Anaplasmosi. Sul significato dei „corpi endoglobulari“ „punti mar- ginali“ ,anaplasmi“ trovati nel sangue degli ovini della Sardegna e del Piemonte. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 143—150. [Malattie protozo- arie a parassiti a tipo speciale.] 211644 Chatton, Edouard, et Georges Blanc. 31.926 Cryptoplasma : 16.9 : 54.2: 1916. Cryptoplasma rhipicephali n. g., n. sp., protiste endoparasite de la Tique, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, du Gondi: Ctenodactylus gundi. €. R. Sce.. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 134—138, 2 figg. [Place systématique indéterminée. _ Comparaison avec hémogrégarines et piroplasmes.] 193 Protozoa 211845 Leger, M., et P. Mouzels. 31.926 Haemogregarina : 16.9 : 81.i 1917. Hémogrégarine intraleucocytaire d’un saurien, Tupinambis nigro- punctatus. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 283—284. [H. weinbergi n. sp.]| 46 Gonder, Richard. 31.9326 Haemoproteus : 16,9 : 57.74 1915. On the Transmission of Haemoproteus columbae. 34 and 4th Rep. NT veter. Research Pretoria p. 625—632. |Develops in Lynchia ca- pensis. 47 Pittalnga, 6. 31.926 Haemoproteus : 16.9 : 81.8 1911. Un nuevo hemoparäsıto de tortugas africanas dei sénero „Clemmys* („Haemoproteus cajali“ n. ep) Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Año 1 p. 89-91. (66.99) 48 fknmorr, B. A. Yakimov, W. L. 31.926 Leucocytogregarina : 16.9 : 7.55 1916. ‚lefkomntorperapuna y phéb. Pycer. 3004. SKypu. T. I p. #7 — 98. -- UneLeucocytogrégarine du poisson. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 98— 99. [L. ninae kohl-yakimova n. sp.] (47.9) 49 Yakimofr, W. L., et N, 4, Schokhor. 51.926 Leucocytogregarina : 15.9 : 9.32 1917. Leucocytogregarina musculi A. Porrer à Pétrograde., Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 100 —101. 50 Yakimoff, W. L., et N. J. Schokhor. 31.926 Leuvocytogregarina : 16.9 : 9,74 1917. Leucocytogrégarine des chiens au Turkestan russe. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 pı 281—282. [ZL. canis.] 51 Leger, Marcel. 31.926 Leucocytozoon : 16.9 : 82 1917. Observations sur quelques Zencocytozoon d’Oiseaux de la région de Reims. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 28-33. 16.9 : 88.1, : 89.7 52 Chatton, Edouard, et Georges Blanc. 31.926 Pirhemocyton : 16.9 : 81.1 1916. Précisions sur la morphologie de l’hématozoaire endoglobulaire de la Tarente: Pirhemocyton tarentolae Cuartron et Branc. C. R. Soc. Biol, Paris T. 79 p. 39—43, 1 fig. 211853 Crawley, Howard. 31.926 Piroplasma : 16.9 : 54.2 1915. Note on the Stage of Piroplasma bigeminum which Occurs in the Cattle Tick, Margaropus annulatus. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 87—92 4 figg. 54 Carpano, Matteo. 31.926 Piroplasma : 16.9: 9.735 1915. La febbre della costa mediterranea Piroplasmosi tipo „parvum* nei bovini del basso bacino Mediterraneo. Ann, Igiene sper. Vol. 25 p. 343—410, 2 tav., i8 figz. [Morfologia dell’ematozoario. Trasmissione dal Hyalomma aegyptium.] 55 Kübitz, H. 31.926 Piroplasma : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Ein Fall von Pferde-Piroplasmose in Bulgarien. Arch. Schifis- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 386-337, 1 fig. 56 Strickland, C. 31.926 Piroplasma : 16.9 : 9.735 1915. Observations on the blood in East Coast Fever of Cattle. Para- sitology Vol. 8 p. 244—248, | 57 Stradiotti, 6. 31.926 Plasniodium : 07 1912. Di un processo per la ricerca nel sangue degli ematozoi della malaria. (Accad. med.-fis. fiorent.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 66 p. 80—81. 58 Hallenberger. 31.926 Plasmodium : 07 1916. Ein Verfahren zum Nachweis spärlicher Malariaparasiten. Mün- chen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1600—1601. 59 Lipp, Hans. 51.926 Plasmodium : 07 1916. Zur Technik der Blutuntersuchung bei Malaria. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1715. 211860 Swellengrebel, N. H. 31.926 Plasmodium : 11.6 1916. Ueber die sogenannte „intraglobuläre Konjugation“ bei dem Tro- pikaparasiten. Arch. Scniffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 423—432, 3 Taf. [Deutung der sich aneinanderschmiegenden Ringe noch zweifelhaft. Viel- leichteher Teilung als Verschm elzung.] Bibliegr. Zool. XXX VI. 1917 13 Protozoa 194 211851 King, W. V. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 57.71 1915. The Role of Anopheles punctipennis Say in the Transmission of Malaria. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 873—874, 934—935. 62 Brug, S. L. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 57.71 1916. Die schwarzen Sporen („black spores“) bei der Malariainfektion im Mückenkörper. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 36 p. 185—197, 6 figg. [Chitin- gebilde.] 63 King, W. V. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 57.71 1916. Experiments on the development of malaria parasites in three American species of Anopheles. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 23 p. 793— 716, 8 pls. |Plasmodium vivar and falciparum in A. punctipennis, crucians and quadrimaculatus.] 64 Leger, M., et P. Mouzels. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.4 : 81.1 1917. Plasmodium de Iguana nudicollis. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 95—98. [PI carinii n. sp.] 65 Lawson, Mary R. 31.926 Plasmodium : 15.5 : 9.9 1915. Adult Tertian Malarial Parasites Attached to Peripheral Corpus- cular Mounds. The Extracellular Relation of the Parasites to the Red Corpuscles. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 21 p. 584—592, 4 pls. [When not free in serum, attached by pseudopodia to red corpuscles.] 66 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 31.926 Plasmodium : 19 9 : 9.9 i915/16. Anopheles as a Winter Carrier of Plasmod’um. 'Uhe Mosquito as a Prophylactic Indicator. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 50 p. 2117 —2121. — Anopheles punctipennis Say. Its relation to the transmission of malaria — Report of experimental data relative to subtertian malarial fever. Vol. 31 p. 301-307. 67 Riegel. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Halbmondfieber (Malaria tropica), erworben in Nordpolen. Mün- chen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 1534--1535, 1 fig. 211858 Stephens, J. W. W. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. On the Peculiar Morphological Appearances of a Malaria Parasite. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 9 p. 169 —172, 1 pl. [Status of Pl. tenue.] 69 Geiger, J. C., and F. L. Kelly. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Plasmodium malarise (quartan). Report of two cases in California. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 31 p. 159—170. 70 Lawson, Mary R. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Distortion of the Malarial Parasite. An Interpretation of „Plas- modium tenue“ (Sreraens). Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 24 p. 291—314, 9 pls. 71 Marzinowsky, E. J. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. De différentes espèces du parasite de la malaria. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 243—248, 3 pls. [Pl. caucasicum n. sp.] 12 Stein, Benno. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Malariaparasiten und Neosalvarsan. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 29 p. 1071—1072. [Imstande die Tertiana-Plasmodien aller Ent- wicklungsstadien anzugreifen.] 73 Strickland, C. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 929 1916. Considerations regarding an outbreak of Malaria at Morib, Fede- rated Malay States. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 249—254, 74 Brauer, Gregor. 51.926 Plasmodium : 16.9: 99 1917. Ueber Mobilisierung von Malaria Parasiten im Blute. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 30 p. 105—107. [Durch Injektion von Normalpferde- serum oder von Milch.] 75 Armand-Delille, P., &. Paissean, et H. Lemaire. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Note sur les constatations positives d'hémazoaïires au laboratoire de bacteriologie de l’armée d'Orient pendant l'année 1916. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 284—287. [Graphiques des relevés mensuels. Pi. falciparum et vivax.] 211876 Grall, Ch. 31.326 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Paludisme ,épidémié“. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 184—208, 195 Protozoa 11 figg. [Infection de Pl. vivax avec à la période intermédiaire P/. prae- E08.) 211877 Roubaud, E. 31.926 Plasmodium : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Cas de Paludisme autochtone contracté dans l'Aisne. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 171. 73 Brug, S. L. 31.926 Proteosoma : 11.6 1916. Morphologische Studien an Proteosoma praecox. Arch. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 289—306, 2 Taf. [Schizonten (Doppelkernigkeit), Gametozyten, „Geisselung“, Mikrogameten, Reduktion des Makrogameto- zyten, Befruchtung, Ookineten, Sporozoiten.] 79 Carini, A. 31.926 Rangelia : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. Ueber die Hundekrankheit Nambi-uvu und ihren Parasiten, Ran- gelia vitalii. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 265—271, 2 Taf. [n. g.n. sp] 80 Priestley, Henry. 31.926 Theileria : 16.9 : 9.1 1915. Theileria tachyglossi (n. sp.) a Blood Parasite of Tachyglossus acule- atus. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Linenbeol Vol. 9 p. 233—238, 1 pl. (94 81 Van Saceghem, Rene. 31.926 Theileria : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Cas suspects d’East coast fever au Congo. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 D. 172—173. 82 Plimmer, H. 6. 31.926 Toxoplasma : 16.9 : 6 1916. Notes on the Genus Toxopläsma, with a Description of Three New Species. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B p. 291—296, 2 pls. [Un-named.] 16.9 : 81.21, : 86.5, : 88.1, : 9.74 83 Sangiorgi, G. 31.926 Toxoplasma : 16.9 : 9.32 1915. Un nuovo protozoo parassita del Mus musculus. (Soc. ital. Patol.) Lo Sperimentale Anno 67 Suppl. p. 194-195. [Toroplasma museuli n. sp. 84 Carini, A., et L. Migliano. 31.926 Toxoplasma : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Sur un Toxoplasme du cobaye (Toxoplasma caviae n. sp.) Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 435—436. 211885 Van Saceghem, R. 31.926 Toxoplasma : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Observations sur des infections naturelles par Toxoplasma cuniculi, Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 432—434, 1 fig. 86 Blanc, Georges. 31.926 Toxoplasma : 16.9 : 9.74 1917. Sur un cas de Toxoplasmose canine observé en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 377—878. 87 Galli-Valerio, B. 31.93 1916. Are Sarcosporidia Aberrant forms of Cnidosporidia of Inverte- brates? Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 126—198, 38 van de Wall de Kock, tilles. 31.93 1916. Sarcosporidia. South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 12 p. 200-212, [Ge- neral review.] 89 Crawley, Howard. 31.93 Sarcocystis : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. The sexual evolution of Sarcccystis muris. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 68 p. 2—43, 5 pls. 90 Georgévitch, Jivoin. 31.94 : 16.9 : 7.5 1916. Note sur les Myxosporidies des poissons de la baie de Villefran- che et de Monaco. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 322, 7 pp., 4 fige. [2 no. spp. in Ceratomyxa.] (26.2) 16.9 : 7.53,.55,.57,.58 91 weorgévitch, Jivoïn. 31.94 : 16.9 : 7.3 1917. Note sur les Myxosporidies recueillies à Roscoff. Bull. Soc. z00l. France T. 41 p. 86—95, 23 figg. [Myxidium gadi et Sphaeromyza gaste- rostei nn. spp.] (44.11) 16.9 : 7.53,.56,.58 2311892 Kudo, Rokusaburo. 81.94 : 16.9 : 7.55 1916. Contributions to the Study of Parasitic Protozoa. III. Notes on Protozoa — Spongiae 196 Myxosporidia Found in Some Fresh-Water Fishes of Japan, with the zum of Three New Species. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 3—9, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Zschokkella, Chloromyzum 2.] (52) 211898 Georgevitch, Jivoin. 31.94 Ceratomyxa : 11.5 1916. Sur les diverses formes de Ceratomyxa Herouardi Georeiv. C. R. 94 Georgevitch, Jivoin. 31.94 Ceratomyxa : 11.6 1916. Sur le cycle évolutif de Ceratomyxa Herouardi Grorcév. (C. R. 95 Milewski, A. 31.94 Myxobolus : 16.9 : 7.55 1917. Myxoboliasis tuberosa, die Barberseuche oder Beulenkrankheit der Barbe, Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 14—17. 96 Davis, H. S. 31.94 Sphaerospora : 16.9 : 7.58 1916. The structure and development of a Myxosporidian parasite of the squetegue, Cynoscion reaahs. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 333—516, 7 pls., 7 figg. [Sph. dimorpha n. sp. 97 Léger. L., et A. Ch. Hollande. 31.95 Chytridiopsis : 16.9 : 4.1 191%, Sur un nouveau protiste à facies de Chytridiopsis, parasite des ovules de l’huître. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 61—64, 4 figg. [Ch. ovicola n. Sp.] 98 Léger, L., et E. Hesse. 31.95 Mrazekia : 16.9 : 51.6 1916. Mrazekia, genre nouveau de microsporidies à spores tubuleuses. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 545—548, 1 pl., 1 fig. [4 nn. spp.] 99 Fantham, H. B., and Annie Porter. 31. 95 Nosema : 16.9 : 57.93 1914. The Morphology, Biology, and Economic Importance of Nosema bombi, n. sp., Parasitic in various Humble Bees (Bombus spp.) Ann. trop: Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 623—638, 1 pl. 4) 211900 . .. 51.95 Nosema : 16.9 : 57. e 1916. The Recent Mortality among Bees. Nature London Vol. 97 p. 7 —$, 01 Beuhne, F. R. 31.95 Nosema : 16.9 : 57.99 1916. Nosema apis in Victoria. Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 14 p. 629—632. (94.5) 02 Ritchie, James. 31.95 Nosema : 16.9 : 57.99 1916. Isle of Wight Disease in Bees. Nature London Vol. 97 p. 160— 161. [Researches of Anpexson and Resnie. Non-infectious.] 03 Delphy, J. 31.95 Pleistophora : 16.9 : 7.58 1916. Scoliose abdominale chez le Mugil auratus Rısso et presence d’une myxosporidie parasite de ce poisson. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 71—73, 2 figg. [Pleistophora destruens n. sp.] — Errata. p. 212. 04 Léger, L., et E. Hesse. 31.95 Thelohania : 16.9 : 53.71 191‘. Sur les Microsporidies de la crevette d’eau douce. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 12—15, 6 figg. [Thelohania giraudi n. sp.] 59.34 Spongiae. (Vide etiam: 203409, 209421, 209427, 209429, 209433, 209445, 211367, 211368, 211375, 211377, 211415.) : 05 Dendy, Arthur. 34 : 14 1916. The President’s Address Some Factors of Evolution in Sponges. Journ. Quekett mier. Club (2) Vol. 13 p. 2—46. 06 Topsent, Emile. 34.3 (26} 1916. Spongiaires recueillis par la „Scotia® dans l'Antarctique (1903 — 1904). Supplément. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 35—43, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Eumastia, Homoeodictya, Bsperiovsis.] 26.4,.9 211907 Stephens, Jane. schien 34.3 (41.5) 1916. Preliminary Notice of some Irish Sponges. — The Monaxonellida (Suborder Sigmatomonaxonellida) obtained by the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Agriculture and ‘l'echnical Instruction, Ireland. Ann. 197 Spongiae — Cnidaria Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 232—242. [14 nn. spp. in: Tylodesma, Esperiopsis 2, Iotochota, Hymedesmia 3, Ictyodoryx, Ectyodoryx, Eurypon 4, Axinella]) (41.96) 211908 Jaffé, 6. 34.3 (67.5) 1916. Zwei Schwämme aus dem Tanganjikasee. {Spongilla moorei Evans und Potumolepis stendelli n. sp.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 5—14, 7 figg. 09 Annandale, Nelson, and Tamiji Kawamura. 34.3 Spongillidae (52.1) 1916. The Sponges of Lake Biwa. Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 39 Art. 1, 27 pp., 2 pls. [Heteromeyenia kawamurae n. sp.] 10 Dendy, Arthur. 34.4 Collosclerophora (94.5) 1916. On the Occurrence of Gelatinous Spicules, aud their Mode of Origin, in a New Genus of Siliceous Sponges. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 89 B pe 315—322, 1 pl. [Collosclerophora n. g. arenacea n. sp. 11 Vosmaer, 6. 6. J. 34.4 Hymeniacidon : 14.71 1915116. Over het voorkomen van desma’s of desmoiden in Hymeniacidon sanguinea. Versi. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 24 p. 1084—1100, 3 figg. — On the Occurrence of desmas or desmoids in Hymeniacidon sanguinea, Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 18 p: 1159—1173, 3 figg. 12 Babié, K. 34.4 Thenea (26) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Theneen. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd, 40 p. 389—408, 3 Taf. (26.1,.2) 13 Ijima., Isao. 34.5 Aphrocallistes (26) 1916. Notes on Aphrocallistes beatrix Gray, particularly with reference to the form occurring in East Asiatic seas. Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 173—183. [4A. à. orientalis n. subsp.] (20.5..7) 211914 Etheridge, R. jr. 34.3 Hyalostelia (114) 1916. Hyalostelia australis, the Anchoring Spicules of an Hexactinellid Sponge from the Ordovician Rocks of the MacDonnell Ranges, Central Australia, Trans. R. Soc. Sonth Australia Vol. 40 p. 148—150, 1 pl, [n. sp.] 15 Breitfuss, L. L. 34.6 (26.8) 1898. Kalkschwaramfauna des weissen Meeres und der Eismeerküsten des europäischen Russlands. Mém. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.= math. (8) Vol. 6 No. 2, II, 41 pp., 4 Taf. [5 nn. spp. in: Leucosolenia, Grantia, Amphoriscus, Ebnerella, Sphenophorina n. g. — 1 n. var. in Sycon.] 16 Hozawa, Sanji. 31.6 Heteropiidae (52.i) 1916. On some Japanese Calcareous Sponges belonging to the Family Heteropiidae. Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 38 Art. 5, 41 pp., 2 pls., 7 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Grantessa 3, Heteropia, Amphiute.] 59.35—38 Cnidaria (Vide etiam: 209401—209403, 209405, 209408—209410, 209412 —209416, 209418— 209423, 209426, 209427, 203429—209435, 209437, 209439, 209446, 209447, 209452, 209455, 209456, 209458—209460, 209464, 209472, 209797, 210028, 210037, 210038, 210046, 210099, 210133, 211144, 211155, 211159, 211207, 211514, 211363, 211365—2113€8, 211372, 211375, 211377, 211385, 211386, 211408, 211412, 211430, 211433.) 17 Will, Ludwig. 85:11 1914. Kolloidale Substanz als Energiequelle für die mikroskopischen Schusswaffen der Coelenteraten. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Ber'in physik.-math. Cl. Jahrg. 1914 No. 1, 28 pp. 10 figg. 11.041,.06,.76 211918 Dawydoff, C. 35 Hydroetena (26.7) 1903. Hydroctena salenskii (Etude morphologique sur un nouveau Coe- lentéré pélagique). (Trav. Lab. zool. et Stat. biol. Sebastopol Asad, Sc. . St. Petersbourg No. 4.) Mém. Acad. Se. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) Vol. 14 No. 9, 17 pp. 1 pl. [u. g., n. sp. 14.3,.77,.8 31.1, 38 Cnidaria 198 211919 Wulff, R. 36 : 07 1916. Ein Beitrag zur Präparation fossiler Korallen. Centralb!. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 445 —446. 20 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland. 36 (26.35) 1916. The Corals and Coral Reefs of the Gulf of Mexico and the Ca- ribbean Sea. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 250-251. 9] Fanawarth. 36 (26.75) 1914. Biologische Riff-Untersuchungen im Golf von Suez. Abh. Sencken- berg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. ro Le p. 41—50, 1 fig. [Korallen.] 36.2,. 22 Richter, Rudolf. .. 86.1 Calceola (114) 1916. Znr stratigraphischen Beurteilung von Calceola (Calceola sandalin« Lau. n. mut. /ata und alta). Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 Bd. 2 p. 31-44, 4 Taf., 37 figg. — Ueber die Verbreitung der Calceola-Formen in Asien. Nachwort von F. Freca. p. 45—46. (43.42, 44.31, 47.9, 498, 51.3, 59.4,.9) 28 Smith, Stanley. 36.1 Clisiophyllidae (115) 1916. The Genus Lonsdaleia and Dibunophyllum rugosum (McCoy.) Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 218—272, 5 pls., 6 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Lonsdaleia (3 nn. subspp.)] | (41.42,.43, 42.51,.74,.82,.85,.88—.91) 24 Cary, L. RB. 36.2 : 11.05 1915. Studies on Alcyonaria. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 200—201, [As factor in reef limestone formation.] 25 Nielsen, K. Brünnich. 36.2 (117% 1914. Moltkia isis Srrensrrur, og andre Octocorallia fra Danmarks Kridt- tidsaflejringer. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 1. Halvbd. No. 18, 1% pp., 4 pls., 2 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Graphularia 3, Primnoa, Gorgonella 3, Isis, Moltkia.] 211926 Kükenthal, W. 36.2 (26) 1916. System und Stammesgeschichte der Scleraxonier und der Ursprung der Holaxonier. Zool. Auz. Bd. 47 p. 170—185. [3 nn. spp. in!: Erythro- podium, Solenocauion, Stereogorgia nu. g — Erythropodiinae, Briareinae. Paragorgiinae nn. subfam. — Solenopodium n. g. pro Ærythrupodium. part., Pseudosuberia pro Suberia genthi, Machaerigorgia pro Iciligorgia orientalis.] (26.7) 27 Kükenthal, W. Ä . 36.2 (26.8; 190% Résultats scientifiques de l’Expedition polaire russe en. 1909 — 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Torr. Section E: Zoologie. Volume I, Livr. 15. Zur Kenntnis der Alcyonarien des sibirischen Eismeeres. Mem. Acad. Sc, St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-matlı. (8) T. 18 No. 15, 7 pp- 28 Molander, Arvid R. 36.2 (26.8) 1915. Northern Arctic Invertebrates in the Collection of the Swedish State Museum (Riksmuseum) VII. Alcyonacea. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 51 No. 11, 94 pp., 3 pls., 14 figg. |Eunephthya groenlandica n. sp. — 4 nn. varr. in: Alcyonium, Gersemia 5 (1 n. forma.)] 29 Hartmeyer, R. 86.2 Alcyonium 1916. Zur Deutung einiger Alcyonium-Arten. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 245—259. 30 Kükenthal, W. 36.2 Melitodidae 126.7) 1916. System und Stammesgeschichte der Melitodidae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. S8— 97. 211931 Kükenthal, W. 36.2 Primnoidae 1915. System und Stammesgeschichte der Primnoidae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 142—158. [Stachyodes bellissima n. ep. — Primnoinae, Callozostro- ninae, Calyptrophorinae nn. subfam. — Pseudoplumarella n. g. pro Pluma- rella thetis, — KEuthouarella, Parathouarella, Epithouarella nn. subgg. — Thouarella tenuisquamis n. nom pro Ih. regalis KÜkENTHAL]] 199 Cnidaria 211932 Parker, 6. H. | | 86.5 : 11 1917. Pedal locomotion in Actinians. (Contrib. zuöl. Lab. Mus. comp. Zoöl. Harvard Coll. No. 286. — Contrib. Bermuda biol. Stat. No. 55.) Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 22 p. 111—124, 1 fig. [Wave-like movement progressing over pedal disc dependent upon neuromuscular mechanism contained in pedal portion.] 11.7,.81 83 Parker, 4. H. 865: 11 1917. Actinian behavior. (Contrib. zoöl. Lab. Mus. comp. Zoöl. Harvard Coli. No. 29). Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 22 p. 193—229. [Feeding in relation to neuromuscular apparatus. Retraction following strong illu- mination and high temperature; expansion produced by food and water currents; normai oxygen fluctuations without direct effect. Tidal and nychthemeral rhythm. Locomotion.] 11.044,.31,.7,8 84 Parker, G. H. 36.5 : 11.8 1916. Types of Neuromuscular Mechanism in Sea-Anemones. Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. Vol. 55 p. 340—343. [Reactions ranging from direct muscle response to true reflexes.] 11.81,.82 35 Parker, G. H. 36.5 : 11.8 1917. The movements of the tentacles in Actinians. (Contrib. zoöl. Lab. Mus, comp. Zoöl. Harvard Coll. No. 285. — Contrib. Bermuda biol. Stat. No. 54.) Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 22 p. 95—110, 1 fig. [Contraction of infiated severed tentacles. Independent neuromuscular mechanism res- ponding to local stimuli.] 11.81,.82 36 Gravier, Ch. J. 36.5 (66.99) 1916. Sur la faune actinienne de l’île San Thomé {golfe de Guiuee). €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T, 162 p. 847—849. 87 Gravier, Ch. J. 36.5 Actinia : 15.6 1916. Sur l’incubation chez lActinia equina L. à l’ile de San Thomé (golie de Guinée.) (C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 986—988. 211938 Müllegger, S. 36.5 Alicea 1916. Alicea (Cladactis) costae Panc. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 234— 236, 1 fig. 39 Bourue, Gilbert C. 36.5 Edwardsia (95) 1916. A Description of Five new Species of Edwardsia, Quarr., from New Guinea, with an Account of the Order of Succession ot the Micro- . mesenteries and Tentacles in the Edwardsidae. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- don Vol. 32 p. 513—530, 1 pl., 2 figg. 46 Parker, b. H. 36.5 Metridium : 11.81 1917. Nervous transmission in the Actinians. (Contrib. zoöl. Lab. Mus, comp. Zoûi. Harvard Coll. No. 284). Journ. exper. Zool. Vol, 22 p. 8 — 94, 3 figg. [Difiuse transmission, but evidence of primitive transmission tracts.] A1 Parker, 6. H., and E. G. Titus. 36.5 Metridinm : 14 1916. The structure of Metridium (Actinoloba) marginatum Micne-Enwaxps with special reference to its neuro-muscular mechanism. (Contrib. zool. „ab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coil. No. 281.) Journ. exper. Z00l. Vol. 21 p. 433—459, 1 pl. [4 types of neuro-muscular organization distinguish- ed: independent effectors, simple receptor-effector systems, specialized receptor-effectors and complex receptor-effectors as developmental stages.] 11.75.01, 14.3,.73,.76,.77,.83,.88,.89 42 Parker, 6. H. 36.5 Metridium : 14 1916. ‘Ihe effector systems of actinians. (Contrib. zoul. Lab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. No. 282.) Journ. exper. Zvuol. Vol. 21 p. 461—484. (Mucous, nematocyst, ciliary and muscular systems. Progressive depen- dence of muscular effectors on nervous control ] 11.75,.81 14.3,.73,.77,.83,.89 211943 Scott, 6. 6. 36.5 Sagartia : 11 1916. Oxygen consumption in regenerating tissue. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 13 p. 121—122. [First fall below uormal, then rise. Return to normal some time after completed regeneration.] 11.21,.69 : Cnidaria 200 211944 .oo k 36.6 1915. The Coral Reef Group. Brooklyn Mus. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 363 — 366, 1 fig. 45 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland. 36.6 1915. On Recent Madreporaria of Florida, the Bahamas, and the West Indies, and on Collections from Murray Island, Australia. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 220--231. (729.5, 75.9, 94.3) 46 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland, and Eugene Wesley Shaw. 36.6 1915. Geologie Investigations of the Florida Coral Reef ‘'Cract. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 232—238, 1 fig. 47 Cumings, E. R. and J. J. Galloway. 36.6 : 14 1915. Studies of the Morphology and Histology of the Trepostomata or Monticuliporoids. Bull. geol. Soc. Amer. Vol. 26 p. 349—374, 6 pis. 48 Mayer, Alfred 6. 36.6 : 15 1915. The Lower Temperature at which Reef Corals Lose their Ability to Capture Food. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 212. 15.3 49 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland. 36.6 : 15 1916. The Results of Investigaticus of the Ecology of the Floridian and Bahaman Shoal-Water Corals. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 95—100. [Adaptation. Depth. Cleaning surface. Catching of food. Relations to light, temperature, salinity. Growth rate.] 15.2,.3 , 50 Oppenheim, Paul. 36.6 (1181) 1914. Alttertiäre Korallen vom Nordrand der Madonie in Sizilien. Cen- ï tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 687—703, 1 fig. [Porites checchiae n. sp.] 211951 Gregory, J. W., and Jean B. Trench. 36.6 (1181) 1916. Eocene Corals from the Fly River, Central New Guinea. kevl. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 481—488, 529-536, 2 pls., 1 fig. [8 nn. spp. in: Stylophora, Stylina, Leptoria, Dachiardia, Plesiastruea, Kobya, Actinacis, Mon- tipora. — 1 n. var. in Porites.] 52 Krumpholz, Franz. 36.6 (1192) 1916. Miozäne Corallen aus Bosnien. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 54 Abh. p. rue 1 fig. 53 Gravier, Ch. J. 36.6 (26.03) 1516. Sur les Madréporaires recueillis par S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco dans les grandes profondeurs de l’Atlantigue septentrional. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 268-271. (26.1) 54 Nomland, Jorgen 0. 36.6 (79) : 1916. Corals from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of California and Ore- gon. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vol. 9 p. 59—76, 4 pls. [15 nn. spp. in: Turbinolia 2, Flabellum, Trochocyathus 3, Madrepora, Astrangia, Siderastrea, Balanophyliia, Stephanophyllia, Dendrophyllia 2, Thamnasteria, __ Goniopora.] (117, 1181, 1183) (79.4,.5) 55 Oppenheim, Paul. 36.6 Eupsammidae - 1917. Ueber Balanophyllia ponteni n. sp. aus dem Quartär der Strophaden und Stephanophyllia schweinfurthi n. sp. aus der obersten Kreide von Ober-Aegypten. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 Bd. 1 p. 1—8, 1 Taf. [Nochmalige Beschreibung.] 56 Stephenson, Lloyd William. 36.6 Micrabacia (117V 1916. North American Upper Cretaceous Corals of tne Genus Micraba- cia. U. S. geol. Sury: ES. Pap. sa 98 J p. 115—131, 4 pls. [+ nn. _ 8ppJ (75.2,.6, 76.1,.2,.4, 78.3,.6,.7) 91 Haas, F, 36.6 Stylophora 1914. Eine eigenartig ausgebildete Kolonie von Slylophora pistillata Esr. : 45. Ber. Senckeuberg- nat. Ges. Frankturt a. MI. Sonderh. p. 3l— 54, 2 figg. né 211958 Ewald, August. SIEÉPETT 1916. Weber den Bau, die RE und die Entwicklung der Nessel- PES 201 Cnidaria kapseln von Hydra und Porpita mediterranea nebst einigen histologischen Bemerkungen über die letztere Form. Verh. nat.-med. Ver. Heidelberg N. F. Bd. 13 p. 305—354, 2 Taf., 7 fieg. [Intracapsuläre Anlage des Fadens aus in Schraubenlinien verlaufenden Fäden. Einschichtige Kapsel- wand. Cnidocil reizleitend.] 31.1.2 211959 Neppi, Vaierias 37 (26.23) 1915. Ueber die während der Terminfahrten auf S, M. Schiff ,Najad“ gesammelten adriatischen Medusen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 2—5. [3 un. spp. in: Melicertissa, Solnissus, Paraphylli- na.] 37.1,.2,.7 60 Müller, Wolfg. 37.1 1913. Medusen oder Scheibenquallen. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 54 p. 1—3. 61 Heinrich, M. 37.1 1914/16. Ueber den Bau und das System der Stromatoporoidea. Central- bl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 732—756. — On the Structure and Classifi- cation of the Stromatoporoidea. Journ. of teol. Vol. 24 p. 57—60. [Translated from the German by CLara Max LuVene.] 62 Bedot, M: 37.1 1916. Matériaux pour servir à l’Histoire des Hydroïdes. 5€ période (1881 a 1890). Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 24 p. 1—349. 63 Goelte, A. 37.1: 14 1916. Die Gattungen Podocor yne, Stylactis und Hydractinia. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 39 p. 443—510, 3 Taf., 3 figg. |Hydrorhizen. Stachein. Gonanthen. Ontogerese.] 14.63,.65.,, 64 Freund, Ludwig. 37,1 : 16.9 : 7 1916. Polypen auf Fischen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 248-249, 16.9 : 7.31,.54—.56,.58 211955 Hartlaub, C1, und L. Scheuring. 37.1 26.3) 1916. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Untersuchungsfahrt des Deutschen Seefischerei-Vereins nach der Bäreninsel und Westspitzbergen, ausgeführt im Sommer 1898:auf S. M. S. „Olga“. Bearbeitet nach Sammlungen von Dr. Cr. Harrzaus. III. Teil. IX. Die Hydroiden. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Abt. Helgoland N. F. Bd. 11 p. 65—90, 1 Taf., 2 fige. 66 Fraser, C. McLean. 37.1 (71.1) 1915. Les Hydroïdes de l’île de Vancouver. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commem. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 167—1%8. 67 Fraser, C. MicLean. 37.1 (71.6) 1915. Les hydroides de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, Canada Minist. Mines : Comm. géol., Mus. commém. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 179—208, 3 pis. [2 un. spp. in: Campanularia, Cryptolaria.] 68 Fraser, C. McLean. 37.1 Aequorea : 13 1916. On the Development of Aequoreu forskalea. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vel. 10 Sect. 4 p. 97—102, 2 pis. [3 first series of radial canais. . Further series. Corresponding tentacies. Lithocysts. Folds of lips. Ex- cretory pores. Gonads.] 69 Dehorne, Yvonne. 37.1 Burgundia (1162) . 1916. Sur un Stromatopore milléporoïde du Portlandien. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 430-433, 1 fig. [B. trinorchü Munırr-Cuaruas 1 litt.) 70 Hargitt, George T. 37.1 Clava : 14.6 1916. Germ cells of Coelenterates. il. Clava leptostylu. Journ. Morphoi. Vol. 27 p. 85—96, 2 pls. | 14.631,.651 71 March, Lucie M. 37.1 Corymorpha : 14.6. 1915. A Study of Germ Cells of Corymorpha palma. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 217.) Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Buil. Vol. 9 p. 247— 258, 3 pls. [Ineluding development of medusa bud with „glockenkern“. Early migration of germ cells from ectoderm into entoderm and then into „glockenkern* (17—32 cells).] 14.63,.69 211972 Garman, Harrison. 37.1 Craspedacrista {76.9) 1916. The Sudden Appearance of Great Numbers of Fresh-water Medusae Cnidaria 202 in a Kentucky Creek. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 858—860. 211973 Ashworth, J. H., aud James Ritchie. 31.1 Dicoryne : 11.6 1516. The Morphology and Development of the Free-swimming Sporo- sacs of the Hydroid Genus Dicoryne (including Heterocordyle). Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 257—285, 3 pls., 3 figg. 11.65 74 Loeb, Jacques, and Hardolph Wasteneys. 37.1 Eudendrium : 11.044 1917. A reexamination of the applicability of the Buxsen-Roscoe law to the phenomena of animal heliotropism. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 22 p. 187—192. [Law expresses correctiy influence of light on heliotropic re- actions of Eudendrium.] 75 Harris, W. J. 37.1 Graptolithidae (113) 1916. The Paleontological Sequence of the Lower Ordovician Rocks in the Castlemaine District. Part I. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 29 p. 50—72, 2 pls. [Graptolithidae.] 76 Hundt, Rudolf. 37.1 Graptolithidae (113} 1916. Die ostthüringer Graptolithen, ihre Erhaltung und Bedeutung für die Zonenforschung. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 86 p. 184—1%4. 77 Jones, Owen Thomas, and Wiliiam John Puglı. 37.1 Graptolithidae (113) 1816. The Geology ofthe District around Machynileth and the Llyfnant Valley. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 343—385, 11 figg., 1 map. (42.94,.95) 78 Bigelow, Henry B. 37.1 Halimedusa (71.1) 1916. Halimedusa, a New Genus of Anthomedusae. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 10 Sect. 4 p. 91—95, 1 pl. [£ypus n. sp.] 79 Drzewina, A., et &. Bohn. 37.1 Hydra : 11.044 1916. Sensibilité et variations chez les Hydres. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris. T. 79 p. 591—593. [Sensibilité aux variations brusques du milieu ex- térieur. Depression par privation d’oxygene.] 211990 Drzewina, A. et G. Bohn. 37.1 Hydra : 11.014 1916. Phénomènes de réduction et d’activation chez les Hyures, à la suite de variations de la teneur de l’eau en oxygène. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 429—431. [Désagrégation complète ou partielle (réduction du corps, perte ou altération des tentacules) ou activation (poussee de bras supplémentaires). Polarité chimique. Expériences sur des Hydres ns des tubes hermétiquement clos. Epuissement de l’U par pyrogallate K.] — Atténuation des effets nuisibles de l’asphyxie sur les Hydres- a la durée du traitement. p. 431—434. 81 Lashley, K. S. 37.1 Hydra : : 115 1915/16. Inheritance in the asexual reproduction of Hydra. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 157—210, 20 figg. |Populations cousist of heredi- tarily distinct strains, which remain distinct in absence of selection. Correlations seem due to similar action of environment on parent and offspring.] — Results of continued selection in Hydra. Vol. 20 p. 19— 26. [Interaction of constant reaction-norm of cione with fluctuating environment.] 82 Boecker, Eduard. 37.1 Hydra : 11.6 1916. Ueber die neueren Ergebnisse der Hydraforschung. Nat. Wochen- schr. Bd. 31 p. 281—285. 11.64,.65 83 Ross, L. S. 37.1 Hydra : 11.64 1914. An Observation of MESA Division of Hydra. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. Vol, 21 p. 349—351, 1 pl. I fig. 84 Boecker, Eduard. 87.1 Hydra : 11.65 1916. Ueber Vermehrung und geschlechtliche Fortpfiauzung der Hydra Wocheuschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 229—230, 235—289, 211985 Drzewina, A., et &. Bohn. _ 87.1 Hydra : 11.65 1916. Intervention de la température, dans les expériences sur Îles Hydres. U. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. öl2—514. [Buurgeonnement comme manitestation de la sensibilité thermique.] 211986 211994 203 Cnidaria Drzewina, A., et G. Bohn. 87.1 Hydra : 11.65 ‚1916. Production expérimentale d’hydres doubles. (©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 8097—512, 6 figg. [Régulation progressive des bourgeons.] Roskine, @. 37.1 Hydra : 18.6 „1917. La structure des prolongements musculaires de la cellule épithélio- musculaire de l’hydre. (Réun. biol. Pétrograde.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 865—366. [Très longue tige plasmatique liquide de kinoplasme entourée d’une fine membrane. Filament squelettique élastique solide a l’ictérieur.] . Bedot, M. 37.1 Kirchenpaueria 1916. Sur le genre Kirchenpaueria. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 24 p. 6357 — 648. [Synonymie.] Hundt, Rudolf. 37.1 Monograptus 1915. Die Entwicklung der Monograpten. Palaeont. Zeitschr. Bd. 2 p. 75—80, 28 figg. Volz, W. 37.1 Myriopora (1162) 1913. Oberer Jura in West-Sumatra. Centraibl. Min. weoi. Pal. 1913 p. 733— 1758, 5 figg. Bedot, M. 87.1 Nemertesia 1916. Le genre Nemertesia. Mém, Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève Vol. 39. p. 15—52. [N. dellini n. sp.] Manck, Elfried. 87.1 Retiolites (115) 1914. Retiolites macilentus Tönng. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 85 p. 101 —104, 7 tigg. [R. eiseli n. sp.] Drzewina, A., et &. Bohn. 7.1 Stauridium : 14.3 1916. Sur un changement du type de symétrie (symétrie métabolique) chez un Hydraire, Stauridium productum. C. BR. Soc. Biol, Paris T. 79 p. 131—134, 1 fig. [Forme trimère.] Kilian, M. W. 37.1 Stromateporidae (117) 1916. Notes de géologie alpine (4me article). Ann. Univ. Grenoble T. 28 p. 41—47, 2 pls., 1 fig. [Formation recifalé à Stromatopores.] Hartlaub, Cl. 37.1 Syncoryne : 11.65. 1916. Ueber das Altern einer Kolonie von Syncoryne und damit ver- bundene Knospungen am Hydranthenköpfichen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Abt. Heigoland N. F. Bd. 11 p. 91—125, 2 Taf., 46 fige. Broch, Hjalmar. 37.1 Tubularidae : 14- 1915. Hydroiduntersuchungen. IV. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gono- phoren der 'Tubulariiden. (Meddels. Trondhjems biol. Stat. No. 7, Kgl. norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. 1914 No. 2, 17 pp., 4 Tat., 1 fig. [Bestätigung der Deuturg als reduzierte Medusen.] 14.63,.65,.91 97 Murencr, T. Mietens, H. 34.2 : O7 # 1916. O KoncepBapoBanix cHÿonobopr. Pycek. 3001. sRyp. T. Ip. 297—301. — Sur la conservation des Siphonophores. Rev. zool. russe ê. 1 p. 304 98 Nick, L. 37.2 : 07 (43.58). 1914. Unser Planktonschrank. II. Siphonophoren. 45. Ber. Senckeuberg: nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 16-40, 7 figg. 99 Heyne, Hermann. 87.2 : 14 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Siphonophoren. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 67—100, 2 Taf. 14.63,.65,.91 212000 Sokolowsky, Alexander. 87.2 Physalia 1916. Biologische Betrachtungen über die ,Galeerenqualle“. Wocheuschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 277—278, 1 fig. 212001 Cary, Lewis R. 37.9 Cassiopea : li 1915. The Influence of the Marginal Sense Organs on Functional Acti- vity in Cassiopea zamachana. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Vol. 1 p. 611—616, 2 figg. [Half of disk with sense organs regenerates more rapidly, also CO2 exchange greater.] 11.2,.69,.81 Cnidaria — Echinoderma 204 212092 Goldfarb, A. J. 37.5 Cassiopea : il 1915. The CO: Factor in the Regeneration of Cassiopea xamachana. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 206. [No definite influence shown.] 11.044,.21,.69 03 Gary, Lewis R. 37.5 Cassiopea : 11 1916. The influence of the marginal sense organs on the rate of regene- ration in Cassiopea æamachana. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 1—32, 11 figg. [Rate of regeneration an expression of general metabolic activity, and as such subject to influence of nerve centers.] 11.69,.81 04 Mayer, Alfred 6. 87.5 Cassiopea : 11.81 1915. The Chemistry of Nerve Conduction in Cassiopea. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 210. [Possible conduction by adsorbed cations of Na, K and Ca, influenced by any OH or H ions present.] 05 Cary, L. R. 37.5 Cassiopea : 11.82 1915. Studies on the Physiology of the Nervous System of Cussiopea. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 202—204. [Acceleration of rate of regeneration under influence of marginal sense-organs. Control of rate of metabolism. Relation between area of tissue inrervated by single sense-organ and rate of pulsation.] 06 Krumbach, Thilo. 38 Pleurebrachia (26.23) 1916. Die Ctenophorengattung Pleurobrachia in der nördlichen Adria. Notizen über die Fauna der Adria bei Rovigno. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 63—83, 102—115, 14 figg. 59.39 Echinoderma (incl. Enteropneusta). (Vide etiam: 209403, 209405, 209408, 209413, 209416, 209420, 209421, 209423, 209427, 209499, 209440—209443, 209445, 209446, 209448, 209451 — 209453, 209455, 209457, 209458, 209460209464, 209466— 209468, 209472, 209473, 209797, 210032, 210040, 210611, 210619, 211144, 211153, 211164, 211218, 211268, 211314, 211365, 211367, 211368, 211370, 211385, 211386, 211412, 211415, 211417, 211433.) ‘212007 Clarke, F. W., and W. C. Wheeler. 89: 11.05 1915. The Inorganic Constituents of Echinoderms. TU. S. geol. Surr. Profess. Pap. No. 90 L p. 189—199. 39.1,.3—.5 08 Kossel, A., und 8. Edibacher. 39 : 11.05 1915. Beitiäge zur chemischen Kenntnis der Echinodermen. Sitz.-Ber. Heidelberg Akad. Wiss. math.-nat. Kl. Abt. B Abh. No. 3, 13 pp. [Ein Histon aus den Testikeln, Amidosäuren aus den Organen von Astropecten aurantiacus. Stellasterin und Astrol (neue Glieder der Sterinreihe mit den Formeln C:5H4:0 und C23H1805).] 39.3 09 Mortensen, Th. 39 : 13.41 1915. Studies on Echinoderm Larvae (illustrated with lantern slides). (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. 8: Vol. 42 p. 621—622. [Family cha- racters.] 39.3,.9 10 Clark, Austin H. 39 (26) 1917. Four New Echinoderms from the West Indies. Proc. bivl. Soc. Washington Vol. 30 p. 63—70. [4 nn. spp. in: Neocomatella, Nemaster, Plinthaster, Ophiocnida.] -(26.35,.7) 39.1,.3,.4 11 Clark, Austin H. 39 (26.3) 1916. One new Starfish and Five new Brittle Stars from the Galäpagos Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 115—122. [6 nn. spp. in: Freyellu, Rp Ophiacantha 2, Ophiolebes, Ophiophyllum.] 39.3,.4 212012 Kalischewskij, M. 39 (26.8) 1907. Résultats scientifiques de l’Expedition polaire russe en 1900— 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Toi. Section E: Zoologie. Volume t, Livr. 4 Zur Kenntnis der Echinodermenfauna des sibirischen Eis- meeres. Mém. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 18 No. 4, 67 pp., 3 Taf., 3 figg. [1 n. var. in _Asterias.] 39.1,.3,.4,.7,.8 205 Echinoderma 212013 Clark, William Bullock, and Mayville W. Twitchell. 39 (73) 1915. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States. U. S. geol. Surv. Monogr. Vol. 54, 341 pp., 108 pis. [Crark: 43 nn. spp. in: Isoerinus 2, Encrinus, Aspidura, Cidaris 7, Pentacrinus 2, Ophioglypha, Holectypus 2, Hypodiadema, Leptarbacia n. g., Orthopsis, Heterodiadema, Cot- taldia, Micropsis, Echinobrissus, Cassidulus, Curdiaster, Hemiaster 3, Orthe- chinus, Hemipatagus 2, Schizaster 3, Linthia 2, Eupatagus 2, Macropneustes, Sarsella, Coelopleurus 2, Gagaria, Echinocardium. — Twircuerz : 30 nn. spp. in: Echinocyamus 2, Scutella 3, Periarchus, Echinanthus, Cassidulus 8, Brey- nella, I,aganum 5, Amdlypygus, Oligopygus, Echinolampas, Sismondia 2, Den- draster 2, Astrodapsis, Diplothecanthus.] (1161 —11%) (74.4,.9, 75.2,.5-—76.2,.4,.7, 78.3,.6—.9, 79.2,.4,.6) 39.1,.4,.5,.8 14 Wanner, J. 39.1 1916. Eifelocrtnus und Peripterocrinus, nom. nov. (Synonymische Be- merkungen). Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 B p. 200. [Eifeloerinus n. nom. pro Pfilocrinus Wanner non CLarx, Peripterocrinus pro Thalasso- crinus WANNER non CLARK. 15 Clark, Austin Hobart. 39.1 : 14 1915. A Monograph of the Existing Crinoids. Volume 1. The Comatu- lids. Part 1. Bull. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 82, VI, 406 pp., 17 pls, 513 figg. [Structure and anatomy.] 13.1,.15,.41, 14.31,.34,.35,.61,.63,.67,.7,.78,.83,.84,.88,.89,.92 16 Clark, Austin H. 39.1 : 14 1915. A Phylogenetic Study of the Recent Crinoids with Special Re- ference to the Question of Specialization through the Partial or Complete Suppression of Structural Characters. Swmithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 65 No. 10, 67 pp. 212017 Clark, Austin H. 39.1 : 14.92 1915. A Study of Asymmetry, as Developed in the Genera and Families of Recent Crinoids. Amer. Natnrai. Vol. 49 p. 521—546, 6 figg. [Devia- tions from true pentamerous symmetry from internal (type-senescance) or externai (phylogenetically excessive cold or warmth) unfavorable con- ditions.] 18 Schmidt, W. E. 39.1 (114). 1915. Arthroacantha H. S. Wicrramus — Platyhexacrinus W. E. Scasipr.. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 119—125, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Arthroacanthe.] (43.42,.52,.56) 19 Wright, James, jun. 39.1 (115) 1914. On the Occurrence of Crinoids in the Lower Carboniferous Lime- stones of Fife. Trans. Edinburgh geol. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 148—163, 4 pls. 20 Clark, Austin H. 39.1 (52.1) 1916. Three Interesting Additions to the Crinoid Fauna of Sagami Bay and Suruga Gulf, Japan. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 105 — 108. [3 nn. spp. in: Comantheria, Dichrometra, Prometra.] 21 Williams, S. R. 39.1 Agelacrinites : 14- 1916. The Structure of Agelacrinites, a Fossil Echinoderm (Cistoid) of the Richmond. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 180. 22 Clark, Austin H. 39.1 Comanthus (931). 1916. The First New Zealand Crinoid. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 48. [Comanthus trichoptera n. var. benhami.] 23 Raymond, Percy E, 39.1 Cyclocystoïdes (115). 1915. Notes sur les Cyclocystoïdes. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. géol. Mus. commem. Victoria Buil. No. 1 p. 29—39, 24 Wanner, J. 39.1 Lodanella (114) 1915. Neues über Lodanella mira E. Kays. Palaeont. Zeitschr. Bd. 2 p.. 81—87, 1 fig. 212025 Bather, F. A. 39.1 Merocrinus (113) 1915. Note sur le genre Merocrinus Warcort. Canada Minist. Mines. Comm. geol. Mus. commém. Victoria Bull. No. L p. 13—17. 212026 27 25 29 50 212033 34 36 37 88 212039 Echinoderma 206 Bather, F. A. 39.1 Ottawacrinus (113) 1915. Le crinoide du Trenton, Oftawacrinus W. R. Biırrınes. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commém. Victoria Ball. No. 1 p. 1—12, 1 pl. Wanner, J. 89.1 Ptilecrinus (114) 1916. Ptilocrinus, eine neue Krinoidengattung aus dem Unterdevon der Eifel. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 A p. 345—359, 1 Taf., 3 figg. [Pt. n. g. dohmi n. sp.] Raymond, Percy E. 39.1 Tetradium (113) 1915. Deux espèces nouvelles de Tetradium. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. géol. Mus. commém. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 59—60. [T. halysi- toides et racemosum.] (71.3, 34.1) Fischer, Waiter K. 39.3 1916. Notes on the Systematic Position of Certain Genera and Higher Groups of Starfishes. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 1—6. [Craspidasterinae n, subfam. — Mimastrella n. g. pro Mimaster cognatus. — Radiasteridae n. nom. pro Mimasteridae Vearıtrr.] Zirpolo, &. 39.3 : 11.59 1916. Di uca rara anomalia delle braccia di Astropecten aurantiacus, L. Public. Staz. zool. Napoli Vol. 1 p. 31—58, 3 tav., 10 figg. [4 braccia. Elenco dei casi di anomalia del numero delle braccia degli Asteroidi registrati finora.] Hilton, William A. 39.3 : 14.81 1916. Some Remarks on the Central Nervous System of the Starfish. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 123—127, 6 figg. 2 Milligan, H. N. 89.3 : 15.3 1916. Asteroids Feeding upon Living Sea-Anemones. Nature London Döderlein, L. 39.3 (26) 1915. Die Arten der Asteroiden-Gattung Anthenea Gray. Jahrb. Nassan. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 68 p. 21—55, 9 Taf. [5 nn. spp. in Anthenea. — Anthaster n. g. pro Anthenea valvulatus. — Anthenea australiae n. nom. pro A. tuberculosa Prrrier non Gray. (26.4,.7) Döderlein, Ludwig. 39.3 (26) 1916. Ueber die Gattung Oreaster und Verwandte Zool Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 409—440, 13 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Goniodiscus, Bothri- aster n. g., Pentaceräster (n. g. pro Oreaster mamillatus). — FProtoreaster r. g. pro O. nodulosus, Poraster pro 0. productus.] (26.6,.7) Clark, Austin H. 39.3 (26.6) 1916. Six New Starfishes from the Gulf of California and Adjacent Waters. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 51—62. [6 nn. spp. in: Sideriaster, Saraster n. g., Anthenea, Narcissia, Echinaster, Cyllaster n. g. Fisher, Walter K. 39.3 (26.7) 1916. New East Indian Starfishes. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 27—36. [lo nn. spp. in: Asterina, Pteraster (1 n. subsp.), Hyme- naster 2, Zoroaster 2 (1 n. subsp.), Bythiolophus n. g., Odinia, Brisinga 6, Freyella. — i n. subsp. in Diplopteraster, — Craterobrisinga, Stegnobrisinga nn. subgg.] Clark, Austin H. | 39.3 Brisinga 1916. Identification of a Supposediy Anomalous Echinoderm. Proc. biol. Soe. Washington Vol. 29 p. 49—50. [Brisinga sp.] Nusbaum, J., und M. Oxner. 39.3 Echinaster : 11.69 1915. Zur Restitution bei dem Seestern Echinaster sepositus Lau. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 161—167, 4 figg. [Querschnitte und Horizontaleinschnitte (Regeneration des Ventralabschnittes) an Armen. Histologische Vorgänge der Heilung und der Regeneration. Veränderungen an den Muskeln und den Skelettplatten.] Clark, Austin H. 39.3 Odontaster (26.4) 1917. A New Starfish from the Magellanic Region. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 30 p. 7. [Odontaster propinguus n. sp.) 207 Echinoderma | 212040 Fisher, Walter K. 39.3 Trophodiscus (26.5) 1917. Trophodiseus, a New Sea Star from Kamchatka. Proc. U. 8. na- tion. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 367-371, 3 pls. [n. g. almus n. sp.] 41 Hilton, William A. 392.4 : 14.81 1916. The Central Nervous System of Serpent Stars. Journ. Entom. Zoo, Claremont Vol. 8 p. 171—175, 1 pl. 42 Mortensen, Th. 39.4 (26.7) 1914. On the alleged primitive Ophiuroid Ophioteresis elegans Bsıu; with description of a new species of Ophiothela. Mindeskrift Japetus Steen- strup 1. Halvbd. No. 10, 18 pp., 2 pls., 3 fisg. [Ophiothela vin:ula n. sp.] 43 Clark, Austin H. 39.4 i26.7) 1917. Two New Ophiurans from the China Sea. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 30 p. 13—16. [Ophiopteron alatum and Ctenamphiura sinensis nn. Spp.] 44 Hilton, W. A. 39.4 Gorgonocephalus (79.4) 1916. An Interesting Basket Star from Laguna Beach. Journ. Entom. Z00l. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 17—18, 1 fig. (Gorgonocephalus eucnemis.] 45 Clark, Austin H, 39.4 Ophiomitra (52) 1916. A New Brittle-star of the Genus Ovhiomitra from Southern Japan. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 225—226. [O. matsumotoi n. sp.] 46 Grave, Caswell. 39.4 Ophiura : 13 1916. Ophiura brevispina. II. An embryological contribution and a study of the effect of yolk substance upon developinent and developmental processes. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 413—450, 1 pl., 4 fige. [Later development (blastula and gastrula) mechanically interfered with.] 13.15,.2 212047 Deecke, W. 39.5 1913. Paläontologische Betrachtungen. III. Ueber Echinoiden. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 498—507, 526-534. [Letensverhältnisse fossiler Formen.] 48 Schultz, Eugène. WHyıpne. Es. 39.5 : 11 1916. Nouvelles expériences sur la survivance des parties détachées d’un organisme. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 7%—85, 3 figg. — HoBbte OnBITEI Halb IepexXHBaAHieMR dactTen. Pycck. 3001. sRypn. T. 1 p. 85—88. [Trans- formation des pieds ambulacraires détachés en boules revêtues d'épithélium et encombrées de cellules mésenchymateuses. Formation d’une vaste cavité.] 11.64,.69 49 Schultz, Fug. 39.5 : 1i 1916. Nouvelles expériences sur la survie des fragments tissulaires. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 59 p. 207. [Pieds ambulacraires d’un oursin survivent plus d’un mois.] 50 Lillie, Ralph S. 39.5 : 11.04 1916. The physiology of cell-division. VI. Rhythmical changes in the resistance of the dividing sea-urchin egg to hypotonic sea water and their physiological sıgnificance, Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 369 —402: [Decline in resistance to cytolysis during formation of cleavage furrow. Membrane change associated with increased permeability to water-soluble substances and decreased electrical polarization.] 11.041,.044 51 Packard, Charles. 39.5 : 11.04 1916. The effect of radium radiations on the rate of cell division. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 199—212. [Save in resting stage, brief intense radiation accelerates. Effect on activity of enzymes.] 11.041,.044 212052 Child, C. M. 89.5 : 11.044 1916. Axial Susceptibility Gradients in the Early Development of the Sea Urchin. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 30 p. 391—405, 29 figg. [Especially apico-basal gradient.] Echinoderma 208 212053 Heilbrunn, L. V. 39.5 : 11.21 1915. The Measurement of Oxidation in the Sea-Urchin Egg. Science: N. S. Vol. 42 p. 615—616. [Partial or complete cytolysis produced by dilute sea-water causes decrease of oxidations.] 54 Koehler, 0. 39.5 : 11.58: 1915/16. Ueber die Ursachen der Variabilität bei Gattungsbastarden von Echiniden, insbesondere über den Einfluss des Reifegrades der Gameten auf die Vererbungsrichtung. Experimentelle Untersuchungen an vier- armigen Fı-pluteis der Kreuzung Stirongylocentrotus lividus SJ >< Sphaere- chinus granularis 9. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstammungs- Vererbungslehre Bd. 15 p. 1—163, 177— 295, 7 figg. [Bei zunehmendem Alter periodische Schwankung der vererbenden Kraft (Valenz) und der Entwicklungsfähig- keit.] 55 Nusbaum-Hilarowicz, Jozef, et Mieczyslaw Oxner. 39.5 : 11.69: 1917. Contributions à l’etude de la régénération chez les Echinides. (Note préliminaire.) Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 525, 8 pp. 5 figg. 56 Danchakoff, Vera. 39.5 : 13.1 1916. Studies on cell division and cell differentiation. I. Development. of the cell orgars during the first cleavage of the sea-urchin egg. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 559—603, 5 pls. [Iuflow of basophilic chromatie substance into nucleus aiter £.rtilizatiou. Development of true chromatin within nucleus. Union of pronuclei. Differentiation of chromosomes and formation of spindle. Mitosis.] 13.13,.15 57 Child, C. M. 89.5 : 13.9 1916. Experimental control and modification of larval development in the sea urchin in relation to the axial gradients. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 28 p. 65—133, 8 pls. [Differential inhibition by various agents. Gradients in metabolic rate. Analytic teratogenesis.] - 212058 Painter, Theophilus S. 39.5 : 18:15 1916. Contributions to the study of cell mechanics. I. Spiral asters. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 509—526, 2 pls., 7 figg. [2 centers. Dis- placement primarily in cytoplasm outside the centrosphere.] 59 Bather, F. A. 39.5 (1162) 1916. A Cidarid from the Hartwell Clay. Geol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 302— 304. 60 Lambert, J. 39.5 (1162) 1916. Note sur quelques Echinides de la grande oolithe (bathonien) et. du callovien du massif de Porto-de-moz (Portugal). Comm. Serv. geol. Portugal T. 11 p. 85—96, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Hemicidaris, Acrocidaris, Psephechinus, Stomechinus, Clitopygus.] 61 Lambert, J. 39.5 (117) 1910. Description des Echinides crétacés de la Belgique, principalement. de ceux conservés au Musée royal de Bruxelles. Il. Echinides de l'étage senonien. Mém. Mus. Hist. nat. Belgique T. 4 No. 4, 81 pp., 3 pls, [I nn. spp. in: Micraster 2, Echinoconus 2 (3 nn. varr.), Phymosoma, Hetero- pneustes, Typocidaris, Echinogalerus 3, Balanocidaris, Hemiaster, Cassıdulus, Salenia, Salenidia.] 62 Lambert, J. 39.5 (118) 1915. Description des Echinides des terrains néogènes du bassin du Rhône. Mém. Soc. paléont. Suisse Vol. 41 No. 3 p. 153—240, 5 pls. [?0 nn. spp. in: Hemiaster, Schizaster 4, Prenaster, Brissopsis, Brissus 2, Bris- soides, Prospatangus 3, Amphidetus, Psammechinus, Scutella 3, Amphiope, Echinolampas.] (1182, 1183) (44.18,.44, 58,.83,.84,.89—.92,.94,.95,.98,.99) 68 Checchia-Rispoli, 6. 39.5 (1131) 1916. Su alcuni Echinidi eocenici del Monte Gargano. Boll. Soc. geol. ital. Vol. 35 p. 81—9%4, 1 tav. [3 nn. spp. in: Schizaster, Hemiaster, Bris- sopsis.] 212064 Fourtau, René. bs, 39.5 (1181) 1916. The Divisions of the Eocene of Egypt as determined by the Suc- cession of the Echinid Faunas. Geol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 64—68. 209 Echinoderma 212055 Lovisato, Domenico. 39.5 (1182) 1910. Una parola sul Clypeaster lovisatoi Correau e specie nuove di C{y- peaster ed Echinolampas. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 16 p. 137—145, 3 tav. {3 nn. spp. in: Clypeaster 2, Echinolampas.] 66 Lovisuto, Domenico. 39.0 (1182) 1911. Note di paleontologia miocenica della Sardegna, Specie nuove di Clypeaster e di Amphiope. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 17 p. 37—47, 3 tav. [4 nn. spp. in: Clypeaster 3, Amphiope.)] 67 Vadäsz, il. E. 39.0 (1182) 1914. Kegenerationserscheinungen an fossilen Echinoiden. CentralbL Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 283—288, 3 figg. 68 Foartau, R. 39.5 (1182) 1916. On the Echinid Fauna of the Neogene Formations. Geol. Mag. N. 5. (8) Vol. 3 Pe 899 — 300, 69 Clark, Hubert Lyman., 39.5 (26) 1914 Hawaiian and other Pacific Echini. The Clypeasteridae, Arach- noididae, Laganidae, Fibulariidae, and Scutellidae. -Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. Vol. 46 No. 1, 78 pp., 22 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Clype- aster 3, Echinoeyamus 4. — in, var. in Echinarachinius. — Clypeaster lamprus n. nom. pro C. latissimus Acıssız 1883 non 1872.] (26.3— .4,.6,.7) 70 Krumbach, Thilo. 39.3 (26.23) 1916. Formyariationen felsenbewohnender Seeigel der nördlichen Adria. Notizen über die Fauna der Adria bei Rovigno. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 311—522, 7 figg. — Berichtigung. Bd. 48 p. 32. 212071 Goldfarb, A. J. 39.5 Arbacia : 13.9 1915. Experimentally fused embryos with special reference to giant larvæ formation, changes of symmetry, and changes of synchrony. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 108—109 [Asymmetrical fusion may produce giant larvae, unequal growth of members the rule. Change of axes, but none of polarity proven.] 72 Oppenheim, Paul. 39.5 Clypeaster (118) 1916. Gebôren die C{ypeaster führenden Schichten des kilikischen Taurus wirklich der Kreide an? Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 A p. 426 —439. [Teilweise wahrscheinlich dem Neogen.] (1182, 1183) 73 Lovisato, Domenico. 39.5 Clypeaster (1182) 1912. Da Cagliari a Thiesi — Altre specie nuove di Clypeaster miocenici, Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 18 p. 129—139, 3 tav. [5 nn. spp.] 74 North, Frederick J. 39.5 Discoidea (117) 1915. On the Periproctal Plates of Discoidea cylindrica (Lamarcx). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 16 p. 499—501, 5 figg. 75 Seward, A. C., et E. A. N. Arber. 39.5 Echinocoris (117) 1903. Les Nipadites des couches éocènes de la Belgique. Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. Beigique T. 2 No. 4, 151 pp., 6 pls., 23 fig. [2 nn. spp. — 5 nn. varr.] 76 Hawkins, Herbert L. 39.5 Lovenia (1182) 1916. A Remarkable Structure in Lovenia forbesi from the Miocene of Australia. Geol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 100-105, 2 figg. 77 Goldfarb, A. J. 39.5 Toxopneustes : 11.6 1915. Experimental Studies upon Stale Germinal Products. 14th Year- book Carnegie inst. Washington p. 205 —206. 73 Checchia-Rispoli, &. 39.5 Zuffardia 1917. „Zuffardia* nuovo genere di Echinide del Senoniano deila Tripoli- tania. "Rend. Accad. Lincei (8) Vol. 26 a 1 p. 492-494. |Z.n. g. pro Pseudocatopygus sanfilippoi.] 212979 Crozier, W. J. 39.7 : 11.21 | 1916. The rhythmic pulsation of the cloaca of Holothurians. (Contr. | zool. Lab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. No. 27i.) Journ. exper. Zool. | Vol. 20 p. 297—356, 31 figg. [Continuous generation of stimuli ‘within | cloaca. Pulsation in amputated parts, Interruption by complete con- Bibliogr. Zool, XXX VII, 1917 14 | Echinoderma — Mollusca 210 strietion of anal sphincter or during spouting. Temperature coefficient. Effect of chemical agents. Röle of Ca.] 212080 Crozier, W. J. 39.7 Actinopyge (728.9) 1917. Occurrence of a Holothurian new to the Fauna of Bermuda. (Contrib. Bermuda biol. Stat. for Research No. 61.) Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 405—406. [Actinopyga agassizi Ser.] 81 Crozier, W. J. 39.7 Holothuria : 11.044 1916. Behavior of Holothuria captiva toward Balanced Illumination. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 148. [Direct action of light and not change of intensity or angle of incidence effective.] | 82 Ohshima, Hiroshi. 39.7 Pseudocucumis : 15 6 1916. A New Case of Brood-Caring in Eolothurians. Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 121—124, i fig. [Pseudocucumis africanus.] 83 MaBbIX0B%B, K. H. Davidoff, K. 39.9 : 11.69 1908. HaGioreni4 Halb HpoMeccoMB pereHepaniu y Enteropneusta. Etudes sur la régéneration des Enteropneusta. Sam. Arax. Haykr Cn6. Men. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 22 No. 10, 120 pp., 7 figg. 84 Caullery, Maurice, et Felix Mesnil. 39.9 Dolichoglossus (26.12) 1917. Sur un Entéropneuste (Dolichoglossus kovalevskii Ac.), trouvé dans la région de la Hague et nouveau pour les côtes de France. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 125—127. 212085 Dakin, W. J. 39.9 Ptychodera (94.11 1916. A new Species of Enteropneusta, Ptychodera pelsarti from the Abrolhos Islands. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 33 p. 85—98, 2 pls. 59.4—4.5 Mollusca (Vide etiam: 209403, 209405—209410, 209412, 209413, 209416—209423, 209425; 209427— 209447, 209449209460, 209462— 209473, 209774, 210002, 210097, 210098, 210151, 210434, 210435, 210484, 210611, 211153, 211159, 211161, 211163, 211169, 211189, 211314, 211350, 211365—211368, 211370, 211372— 211375, 211377, 211381, 211383211390, 211396, 211397, 211402, 211412, 211413, 211415, 211417— 211419, 211428, 211432, 211434.) 86 De Gregorio, A. 4:01 1915. Su taluni nomi di generi (principalmente linnani) passati erro- neamente in sinonimia e ripristinati recentemente. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 113—116. 4,1,.32 87 Thiele, Joh. . Tr)! 1917. Bemerkungen über das „Tierreich“ und den Nomenclator Generum Animalium. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 19— 24. (Notodiaphana n. nom, pro Diaphanella Tureze non Cressın, Geodıa- phana pro Diaphanella Hesse, Pagodinella pro Payodina Hesse non Monre- ROSATO. | 4.37 88 Sterki, Victor. 4 : 07 1916. Some Directions and Suggestions for Collecting the Sphaeriidae and Aquatic Gastropods. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Public. Mus. No. 90) p. 478—486, 1 fig. 4.1,.32,.38 89 Bofilli Poch, A. 4:07 1917. Musei Barcinonensis Scientiarum Naturalium Opera. Series zoo- logica. V. Instruccions per a la recolleccié de Moluscs terrestres i d’aigua dolca. Public. de la Junta de Cienc. nat. de Barcelona, 17 pp., 3 figg. ; 4.1,.32,.38 90 Nick, L. 4 : 07 (43.58) 1916. Unser Planktonschrank. IV. Mollusken und Tunikaten. 46. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 5—42, 12 figg. 212091 Iredale, Tom. 4 : 091 1916. On Two Editions of Duwrrir’s Zoologie analytique. Proc. mala- col. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 79—84. 211 Mollusca 212092 Reynell, Alexander. 4 : O91 1916. Bibliographical Notes. I. On a set of the plates prepared by the Rev. Tnos. RacxerT (?) to illustrate the Shells described in the second editinn of Hurcnns’ History . . . of the county of Dorset. II. On Lover Rerve’s Intiamenta Conchologica, or Elements of Conchology, with the ascertained dates of publication of the parts. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 43—46. 93 Freund, Ludwig. 4 : 091 (43.71) 1917. Die Literatur über die Mollusken Böhmens. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 85 —94. 2 94 Shirley, Joan. 4 : 091 (94) 1915. A Review of Recent Australian Conchology. (Presidential Ad- dress.) Proc. R. Soc. Queensland Vol. 27 p. 1—10. 95 Buchner, Otto. 4 : 11,5 1916. Konchologische Mitteilungen I—III. Jahresh. Ver, vaterl. Nat. Württemberg Jahrg. 72 p. 1—32, 1 Taf, ı fig. [Lokalvarietäten und Schalenformen von Limnaea stagnalis in Württemberg. Abnormes Gehäuse von Helix hortensis, Schalendeformationen bei Anodonta und Unio.] 11.59 4.1..38 96 De Gregorio, A. 4 : 14.78.5 1915. Sulla terminologia delle parti delle conchiglie dei Molluschi. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 142—143. 4.1,.3 97 Schermer, Ernst. 4 : 15.2 1916. Wandernde Mollusken. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 108—110, 2 figg. jVerschleppung.] 4.1,.32 212098 Seale, Alvin. A3 161 1916. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, II: Pearls, pearl shells, and button shells. Philippine Journ. Se. D Vol. 11 p. 245—265, 3 pls. [Margaritifera maxima, Trochus niloticus, Turbo marmoratus.] 4.1,.32 99 Foerste, Aug. F. 4 (113) 1912. Strophomena and Other Fossils from Cincinnatian and Mohawkian Horizons, Chiefly in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Bull. scient. Lab. Denison Univ. Vol. 17 p. 17—139, 18 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Strophomena 2 (4 nn. varr.), Plectambonites, Clitambonites, Helicotoma, Orthoceras. — 1 n. var. in Lingula. — Schizoramma n. g. pro Schizonema fissistriata, Pionodema pro Bathycoelia subaequata, Encuclodema pro Cyclocoelia sordida.] (71.3, 76.9, 77.1..2,.4) 4.52, 48 212100 Frech, Fritz. 4 (114) 1914. Beiträge zur Geologie Chinas. I. Ein neues Vorkommen des Stringocephalenkalkes in Hunan (Südchina). Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal, 1914 p. 193—202, 8 figg. [1 n. var. in Pleurotomaria.] 4.32, 48 01 Schindewolf, 0. H. . 4 (114) 1916. Ueber das Oberdevon von Gattendorf bei Hof a. S. Vorläuäge Mitteilung. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 B p. 30-39, 1 fig. 4,53, 48 02 Lupton, Charles T. 4 (116) 1916. Geology and Coal Resources of Castle Valley in Carbon, Emery, and Servier Counties, Utah. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 628, 86 pp., 12 pls., 1 fig. (115—117) 4.1,.2,.32,.52 03 Diener, Carl. 4 (1161) 1916. Japanische Pen Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. KI. Bd. 92 p. 1—30, 7 Taf., 2 figg. [5 nn. spp- in: Ceratites, Trachyceras, Sturia, Ptychites, Monophyllites 2 (52.1,.3) 4.1,.53 | 212104 Di Stefano, Giovanni. 4 (1161) | 1912. La Dolomia principale dei dintorni di Palermo e di Castellam- mare del Golfo (Trapani). Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 15 p. 57—103, 10 tav. [10 nn. spp. in: Myophoria, Cardita, Megalodus 3, Dicerocardium, Pleuromya, Solenomya, Purpuroidea, Turritella.] 4.1,.32, 48 Moliusca | DID 212105 MacKeuzie, J. D. 4 (1161) 1915. Le centre sud de l’île Graham. Rapp. somm. Comm. géol. Mini- stère lines Ottawa 1913 p. 3i—5l. [Mollusques fossiles] 4.1,.32,.53,.58, 45 06 Kitt}, E. 4 (1161) 1316. Halorellenkalke vom vorderen Gosausee. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 30 p. 51—54, 1 Taf. [3 nn. spp. in: Rhynchonellina (1 n. var.), Tra- chynerita, Oonia.] 4 2,.32, 48 07 Hoffmann, Guido. 4 (1162) 1915. Vergleich des unteren Dogger im Schwäbischen Jura mit dem von Hannover. Centraibl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 470—474, 1 fig. (43.47,.53) 4.1,.53 (8 Renz, Carl, und Fritz Frech. 4 (1162) 1913. Beiträge zur Geologie von Hellas und der angrenzenden Gebiete. 22, Geologische Untersuchungen in Epirus. von Carr Rexz. Centralbl. Min. &eol. Pal. 1913 p. 534—501. 4.1.,53 09 Hennig, Edw. 4 (1162) 1916. Die geologıschen Verhältnisse des Pindiro-Tals im südlichen Deutsch-Ostafrika, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 B p. 181—200, 1 fig. [Moilusken ] 4.1,.38, 48 10 Stromer, Erust. 4 (117) 1914. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Srromers in den Wüsten Aegyptens. I. Die Topographie und Geologie der Strecke Gharaq-Baharije nebst Ausiührungen über die geologische Geschichte Aegyptenrs. Abh. Akad. Wiss. München math.-physik. Kl. Bd. 26 Abh. 11, 78 pp., 7 Taf. |Kreide-Moliusken.] 4.1,.32 212111 Rodighiero, Andrea. 4 (117) 1916. Il Neocomiano dei diutorni di Gallio (Sette Comuni). Nota pre- ventiva. Atti Accad. scient. veneto-trent.-istriaua (3) T. 8 p. 119—124. 4.1,.53, 48 12 Newton, R. Bullen. 4 (117 1917. Oe some Cretaceous Brachiopoda and Mollusca from Angola, OEngue.e West Africa. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 561—580, 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Neithea, Akera.| 4.1.32, 48 13 Cockerell, T. D, A. 4 (118) 1910. Fossil Tertiary Mollusca of the Rocky Mountain Region. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 660. (1181— 1185) (78.7,.9) 4.1,.38 14 Oppenkeim, Paul. 4 (118) 1916. Ueber das marine Miocän im Nordseebecken. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 396—408. [Eigenartige Tertiärfauna im Bükkgebirge in Nordungarn.] (1181, 1182) 4.1,.32,.37 15 Dickerson, Roy E. 4 (1181) 1915. Fauna of the Type Tejon: Its Relation to the Cowlitz Phase of the Tejon Group of Washington. Proc. California Acad. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 33—98, 11 pls., 2 figg. [37 nn. spp. in: Leda 2, Glycimeris, Macrocallista 2, Tellina, Semele, Corbula 2, Neverita, Lunatia, Nerita, Neritina, Melania 2, Pseudoliva 2, Triforis, Ny ctilochus, Canthar us, Chrysodomus, Siphonalia, Mo- lopophorus, Hemifusus, Brilia, Murex, Urosalpinæ, Surcula 2, Drillia, Turris, Fusus, Fasciolaria, Conus, Mitra, Voluia 2. — 2 nn. varr. in Turritella. — Meretrix tejonensis n. nom. pro M. uvasana Gaz non Coxrap.] 4.1,32, 48 16 Dumble, E. T. 4 (1181) 1915. Probiem of the Texas Tertiary Sands. Bull. geol. Soc. Auer. Vol. 26 p. 447—4%6, 3 pls., 1 map. 4.1,.2,.32,.37 212.17 Dall, William Healey. 4 (1:81) 1916. A Contribution to the Invertebrate Fauna of the Oligocene Beds of Flint River, Georgia. Proc. U. S. nation. Mas, Vol. 51 p. 487—524 6 pls. |36 nn. spp. in: Glycymeris, Spondylus, Lima, Arcoperna, a: tes, Phacoides, Chione, Pitaria, Psammobia, Conus 2 Marginella 2, Lyria, 219 Moliusca Murex, Epitonium, Cymatium, Bursa, Bittium, Diastoma, Cerithium 9, Ceri- thiopsis, 7 urritella, Margarites, Teinostoma, Liotia 2 , Dentalium.) 4. 12 . a ; 212118 Weaver, Charles E. ; 4 (1181) 1916. : Eocene of Lower Cowlitz ae Valley, Washington. Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sc, Vol. 6 p. 1—17, 1 pl. 4.1,.2,.32,52, 48 19 Weaver, Charles W. 4 (1181) 1916. The Post-Eocene Formations of Western Washington. Proc. California Acad. Sc. Vol. 6 p. 19—40. 4,1,2,.32,52, 48 20 Weaver, Charles E. 4 (1181) 1916. The Oligocene of Kitsap County, Washington. Proc. California Acad. Sc. Vol. 6 p. 41—52, 1 fig. 4.1,.2,32,52, 48 21 Stefanini, 6. 4 (1182) 1911. Osservazioni sul Miocene del Friuli. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 70 Pi. 2 p. 751-755. 4.1,.32 22 von Pävai-Vajna, Franz. 4 (1182) 1913. Ueber sarmatischen Dacittuff in der Umgebung von Nagyenyed nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Arbeit des Herrn Sr. +GAäl. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 164—172, 209—215, 3 figz. — Kurze Antwort auf den Pävar’schen (?) Artikel (Sarmatischer Dacittuff etc.) von ST. v. Gaz. p. 405—498. 4,1,.32,.37, 47.1 23 Gottschick, F., und W. Wenz. 4 (1132) 1916. Die Sylvanaschichten von Hohenmemmingen und ihre Fauna. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 43 p. 17—31, 55—74, 97 —113, 1 Taf, 4 figg. [2 nn. varr. in: Pyramidula, Leucochila ] 4 1,.32,.38 24 Gregory, J. W. 4 (1182) 1916. The Age of the Norseman Limestone, Western Australia. Geol. Mas. N. 8. (6) Vol. 3 p. 320—321, 1 fig. 4.32, 47.1 212125 Gripp, Karl. 4 (1182) 1916. Ueber das marine Altmiocän im Nordssebecken. Neu. Jahrb. Min. &eol. Pal. Beil.-Bd. 41 p. 1—59, 2 Taf. 4.1,.2,.32,.87 25 Kraus, Ernst. 4 (1182) 1916. Geologie des Gebietes zwischen Ortenburg und Vilshofen in Niederbayern an der Donau. Geogn. Jahreshefte Jahrg. 28 p. 91—168, 1 Karte, 14 figg. 4.1,.32 27 Lecointre, 6. 4 (1182) 1916. Sur la geologie du Djebel Outita et des environs de Dar bel Hamri (Maroc occidental). C. R. EB Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 556 —559. 4.1,.32 28 Wenz, W. 4 (1182) 1916. Die Hydrobienschichten von Hochstadt bei Hanau und ihre Fauna. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 69 p. 56—68, 1 fig. 4.1,.32,.38 29 Cerulli-Irelli, Serafino. 4 (1183) 1910. Fauna malacologica mariana. Parte quarta. Scaphopoda: Denta- liidae — Gastropoda:Stenogyridae, Gadiniidae, Actaeonidae, Tornatinidae, Scaphandridae, Bullidae, Ringiculidae, Philinidae, Umbreilidae, Couidae, Pleurotomidae. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 16 p. 23— 40, 4 tav. [3 nn. spp. in: Tornatina, Bullinella 2 (1 n. var.). — 2 nn. varr. in: FHugseuig; Mangi- dia.] 4.2,.32,.31,.38 30 Patrini, Plinio. 4 (1183) 1916. Banchi di calcari conchigliari e corallini del golfo pliocenico padano. Rend. Ist. Lombardo (2) Vol. 49 p. 563—576, 1 fig. [Molluschi.] 4.1,.32 31 English, Walter A. 4 (1183) 1916. Geology and Oil Prospects of Cuyama Valley, California. Bull. U. S. geol. Surv. No. 621 M p. 191—215, 3 pls., 1 fig. 4.1,.32 212132 Moody, Clarence L. 4 (1183) 1916. Fauna of the Fernando of Los Angeles. Univ. California Public. Mollusca 214 Geol. Vol. 10 p. 39—62, 2 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Siphonalia, Trophon, Columbella, Turris, Borsonia, Mangilia, Cancellaria, Pecten, Maerocallista, Corbula. — 1 n. var. in Chrysodomus.] 4.1,.32 212133 Newton, R. Bullen. 4 (1183) 1916. On the Conchological Features ofthe Lenham Sandstones of Kent and their Stratigraphical Importance. Journ. Couch. London Vol. 15 ». 06—84, 97—118, 137—149, 4 pls. 4.1,.2,.32,.37, 48 | 34 Koch, Ferdo. 4 (1183). 1917. Levantinska fauna Vukomerlkih gorica. @lasnik hryatsk. priro- dosl. Drustva God. 29 p. 7—17. [Pliozän-Mollusken bei Zagreb. — Am- phimelania heckneri n. sp.] 4.1,.32,.38 35 Fischer, H. 4 (119) 1896. Note sur les coquilles récoltées par M. E. Pırrrz dans la grotte du Mas-d’Azil (Ariège). Anthropologie Paris T. 7 p. 633 —652. 4.1,.2,.32,.38 36 Gifford, Edward Winslow. 4 (119) 1916. Composition of California Shellmounds. Univ. California Public. Amer. Archeol. Ethnol. Vol. 12 p. 1—29, 1 map. 4.1,.32 87 Tomlin, J. R. le B. 4 (119) 1916. Note on some Holocene Marine Shells from the Aran Isles, Co. Galway. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 63. 4,1,.82, 37 38 Antevs, Ernst. 4 (119 1917. Post-glacial marine shell-beds in Bohuslän. Geol. Fören. Stock- holm Forh.. Bd. 39 p. 247—425, 2 pls., 6 figg. 4.1,.31,.32,.37, 48 39 Leschke, M. 4 (26): 1915. Verzeichnis der von Dr. Eunsr HentscaheL im Nördlichen Eismeer (Franz-Joseph-Land) und bei Tromsö gesammelten Moilusken. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 32 Beih. 2 p. 1—8. (26.1,.8) 4.1,.2,.32,.37,.38 212140 Massy, Anne L. 4 (26.1) 1916. Mollusca and Brachiopoda of the irisb Atlantic Slope, between 50 and 1000 fathoms. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 48—5l. 4.1,.2,.38, 48 41 van der Sieen. 4 (26.12) 1915/16. De Moiluskenfauna van onze Noordzeekust. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. LXIV—LXVYL, LXXXVIII—LXXXIX. 41,32 42 De Gregorio, A. 4 (26.2) 1916. Sesta nota su talune conchiglie mediterranea viventi e fossili. Natural. sicil. Vol. 23 p. 64—71. 4.1,.32 43 Preston, H. B. 4 (26.9) 1916. Descriptions of Eight new Species of Marine Mollusca from the: South Shetland Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 269—272, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Limacina, Lunatia, Laevilitorina, Pellilitorina 2, Lima- tula, Lissarca, Tellimyia.) 4.1,.32,.38 44 Baker, H. Burrington. 4 (29 : 77.4) 1914. Physiographic and Molluscan Succession in Lake Pools. i5th aun. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 15—45, 7 figg. 15.2 4.1,.32,.38 45 Roebuck, W. Denison. 4 (41.2) 1916/17. Easterness: The Vice-County and its Molluscan Fauna. Scottish, Natural. 1916 p. 107—113. — Additions. p. 282. — Unio margaritifer in Easterness. 1917 p. 95—96. (£1.21 —.23) 4.1,.38 46 Roebuck, W. Denison. 4 (41.23) 1917. Elgin: the Vice-County and its Molluscan Fauna. Scottish Na- tural. 1917 p. 79—89, 1 map. 4.1,.32,.38 47 Roebuck, W. Denison. 4 (41.38) 1916. Main Argyll and its Inland Molluscan Fauna. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 229—239, ! fig. 4.1,.32,.38 212148 Roebuck, W. Denison. 4 (41.19) 1916. Wigtownshire and its Inland Mollusean Fauna. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 253—256, 271—274, 295— 298. 4.1,.32,.38 215 Mollusca 212149 Roebuck, W. Denison. 4 (41.49) 1917. "The Stewartry of Kirkeudbright and its ae Molluscan Fauna. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 7—12, 27—33. 4 1,,32,38 50 Marshall, J. T. 4 (42) 4914/15. Additions to „British Conchology“. Part VII, (cont.) Jonrn. Conch. London Vol. 14 p. 182—190, 200—213, 324—329. [1 n. var. in Pholas.] 4.1,.32 . 51 Metzner, P. 4 (48.21) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mollusken der Oberlausitz. Fundliste zusammengestellt aus dem Nachlass des Kriegsfreiwilligen Jomannes SENDz 242/6 (Bautzen) und Bericht über die hinterlassene Sammlung. Abh. nat. Ges. Isis Bautzen 1913/15 p. 43—45. 4.1,.32,.38 52 Schermer, Ernst. ,° 4 (43.51) 1916. Verzeichnis der Land- und Süsswassermollusken von Schleswig- Holstein. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schleswig-Holst. Bd. 16 p. 319 —337. 4.1,.82,.38 53 Leege, Otto. 4 (43.53) 1915. Die Land- und Süsswassermollusken der Ostfriesischen Inseln. Festschr. nat. Ges. Emden p. 115—148. 4.1,.32,.38 54 Zimmermann, Fritz. 4 143.72) 1916. Die Fauna und Flora der Grenzteiche bei Eisgrub. I. Teil: Gastropoda et Acephala. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 54 Abh. p. 1—25, 1 Taf. 4.1,.32,.38 55 de Samä, Antoni. 4 (469) 1916. Mollusca marina in Littora Calafell et Vilanova. Junta de Ciences naturals Barcelona 1916 p. 47—62. 4.1—.32,.56,.58 , 56 Geyer, D. 4 (47.5) 1917. Zur Molluskenfauna Polens. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakvzool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. S0—85. 4.1,.32,.38 212157 Hilbert, R. 4 (47.5) 1917. Die Molluskenfauna der Rokitnosiimpfe, Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. bes. Jahrg. 49 p. 75—80. 4.1,.32,.38 8 Stauffer, Ed. 4 (494) 1908. Liste d'espèces de Mollusques récoltés dans les environs de Genève. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 214. 4,1,.32,.38 59 Kampimann, A. 4 (494) 1909. Catalogue des Moliusques du Canton de Genève et des régions voisines. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 226—252. [2 nn. varr. in: Fruticicola, Pupilla.) 4,1,.32,.38 60 Hesse, P. 4 (497) 1916. Mollusken von Varna und Umgebung. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malak0zo0l. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 145--157. [Assemania rufostrigata n. sp.] 4.1,.32,.38 61 Israel. 4 (497) 1916. Aus dem Felde. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 125—130. [Serbische Mollusken.] 4.1,.38 62 Sowerby, &. B. 4 (5) 1916. Descriptions of Seven New Species of Mollusca belonging to the Genera Driluia, Clavatula, Epitonium, Cantharidus, Bittium, Fissurella, and Cardium. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 74—76, 1 pl. (52.1, 54.87, 66.4, 75.9, 91.4, 932) 4.1,.32 63 Preston, H. B. 4 (52.1) 1916. Descriptions of new Freshwater Shells from Japan. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 159 —163, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Jathotis, Choa- nomphalus (1 n. subsp.), Planorbis, Valvata 2. — 1 n. forma in Pisidium.] 4,1,.32,.58 64 Lecointre, Georges. 4 (64) - 1916. Quelques résultats d’une mission dans le Gharb (Maroc occiden- tal) en 1914. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 719—722. (1181—119) 4,1,.32 | 212165 Bartsch, Paul. 4 (68.7) 1915. Report on the Turron Collection of South African Marine Mol- Mollusca 216 lusks, with Additional Notes on other South African Shells contained in the United States National Museum. Bull. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 91, XII, 305 pp. [234 nn. spp. in: Styliola, Acteocina, ‚Cylichna, Haminea, Ringicula 2, Cylindrobulla, Conus 2, Clionella 4, Clavatula 3, Drillia 3, Mangilia 10, Cythara, Daphnella, Donovania, Cancellaria, Marginella 7, Mitra 3, Fasciolaria, Cominella (1 n. subsp.), Euthria, Colubraria, Bullia 4, Co- lumbella 2, Murex, Sistrum, Epitonium 2, Acrilla, Graphis, Melanelia 10, Subeulima, Niso, Pyramidella 7, Turbonilla 14, Odostomia 13, Nyctilochus, Amphiperas, Triphoris 12, Cerithiopsis 5, Seila 3, Eumeta, Turritella, Cithna, Alabina 2, Diala 3, Heliacus, Nodulus, Sabanaea 2, Amphithalamus 2, Alwa- nia 4, Rissoina 2, Microsotia 4, Barleeia, Fenella, Assiminea, Natica 5, Va- nikoro, Phasianella, Leptothyra 3, Clanculus, Gibbula 5, Calliostoma 2, Cy- nisca 3, Teinostoma, Vitrinella 5, Cyclostrema, Cyclostremella 2, Caporbis n. g., Pondorbis n. g., Discopsis 3, Leptogyra, Haliotis, Puncturella, Barbatia 2, Atrina, Hochstetieria 2, Philobrya, Lima, Crenella, Modiolaria 2, Cuna, Ve- nericardia, Condylacardia, Carditopsis, Digitaria, Diplodonta 2, Feluniella, Ungulina, Scintilla. Erycina 4, Bornia 3, Rochefortia 6, Lasea, Circe, Ano- malocardia, Abra, Theora, Solen, Eastonia, Mactra, Pnolas. — 4 nn. subspp. in: Eugyrina, Littorina, Dinoplax, Tellina. — Pyramidella agnnea n. nom. pro Eulimella nivea Smıru non Übeliscus niveus Mörcn., Turbonilla secura pro 7. obeliscus GouLn non Chemnitzia obeliscus Avans.] 4.1—.32,.37,.56,.58 212156 Henderson, John B. 4 (729.1) 1916. A List of the Land and Fresh-water shells of the Isle of Pines. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) pP» 315 —324. 4.1,.32,.38 67 Walker, Bryant. à 4 (73) 1915. A List of Shells Collected in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma by Dr. E. ©, Oase. (Scient. Pap. Univ. Michigan No. 16.) Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan No. 15, il pp. (76.4,.6, 78.9, 79.1) 4.1,.38 68 Walker, Bryant. 4 (79.3) 1916. The Mollusca collected in Northeastern Nevada by the Warkuwr- Newcoms Expedition of the University of Michigan. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan No. 29, 8 pp. 4.1,.38 212159 Staub, Walther. 4 (91.1) 1916. Ueber die Verbreitung einiger lebender und versteinerter Lamelli- branchier und Gastropodena:ten am Ausgange der Sangkulirangbai (Ost Bornev), einem Aestuarium der tropischen Zone. Vierteijahrsschr, nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 61 p. 120—135, 1 Taf. 4.1,.32,.37 70 Gatliff, J. H., and C. J. Gabriel. 4 (945) 1916. Additions to and Alterations in the Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 29 p. 106—113. 4.1,.52 71 Gatliff, J. H., and C. J. Gabriel. 4 (94.5) 1916. Description of a New Genus and two New Species of Victorian Marine Mollusca. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. 8. Vol. 29 p. 104—105, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Marginella, Lepton. — Larinopsis n. g. pro Larina tur- binata.] 4.1,.32 72 Grieg, James A. 4 (98) 1916. Malacologiske notiser. III. Mollusker fra Grenlands nordsstkyst. Nyt Mag. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 54 p. 7—10. 4.1,.32,.37 73 kedfield, Elizabeth S. P. 4.1 : 11.21 1917. The rhythmic contractions in the mantle of lamellibranchs. (Con- trib. zoöl. Lab. Mus. comp. Zoöl. Harvard Coll. No. 29:). Jours. exper. 20öl. Vol. 22 p. 231—239, 4 figg. [Muvements accelerated by sufloea- tion. 212174 Kellokn, James L. 4.1 : 117 16. Opinions on some Ciliary Activities. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 852—855. [Question of food selection ar.d reversul uf ciliary action.) Mio Mollusca 212175 Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 4.1 : 14.78 1916. The Geographical Distribution of the use of Pearls and Pearl-sheli. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 60 No. 12, 53 pp., 1 fig. 76 Martell, P. 4.1 : 14.78 1917. Zur Geschichte der Perlenfischerei in Sachsen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 5— 7. 77 Reis, Otio M. 4.1 : 14.78.5 1914. Zur Morphologie der Austernschale. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 169—110. 78 Raymond, Percy E. 4.1 (113) 1916. The Pelecypoda of the Chazy Formation. Ann, Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 325343, 2 pls. [Modiotopsis exanimis n. Sp.] 72 Lotti, B. 4.1 (115) 1916. Il permiano de! Monte Pisano e i suoi tipi mesozoici di fossili. Boli. Soc. gevl. ital. Vol. 35 p. 303—313. [Molluschi.] 80 Reich, Herm, 4.1 (1161) 1912. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von Fossilien im Servino des Luganer Sees. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1912 p. 792— 7014. 81 Wagner, Georg. 4.1 (1161) 1913. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des oberen Hauptmuschelkalks in Elsass- Lothringen. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 551—559, 581—585, 1 Karte. (/3.44,.45) 82 Rollier, L. 4.1 (1162) 1915. Fossiles nouveaux ou peu connus des terrains secondaires (méso- zoïques) du Jura et des contrées environnantes. 5me Partie. Mem. Soc. paléont. Suisse Vol. 41 No. 1 p. 447—500, 4 pls. [13 nn. spp. in: Hin- nites 2, Pecten 4, Lima 4, Ctenostreon 3.] (43.32,.44, 44.27,.46,.47, 494) 2121833 Andrussofi, N. 4.1 (118) 1905. Studien über die Brackwassercardiden. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.- Petersbonrg Gl. phys.-math. (8) T. 13 No. 3, 82 pp., 7 Taf., 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Limnocardium.] (1182, 1183) (43.61,.91—.94, 45.5, 47.7,.9, 497, 498) 84 Teppner, Wilfried. 4.1 (1131) 1914. Plagivstoma frauscheri nov. spec. et Vulsella woodi nov. spec. Cen- tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 500-503, 2 figg. (42) 85 Mansfield, Wendell C. 4.1 (1182) 1916. Mollusks from the Type Locality of the Choctawhatchee Mari. Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 299—607, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in: Leda, Phacoides, Astarte, Diplodonta. — 1 n. subsp. in Arca.] 86 Johansen, A. C. 4.1 (119) 1912 Nogle Bemærkninger om Muslingerne paa Vaderne ved Graadyb. Viden:k, Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 63 p. VII—X. [Lamellibran- chiaten aus dem Quarternär.] 87 Dall, William Healey. 4.1 (26; 1915. A Review of some Bivalve Shells of the Group Anatinacea from the West Coast of America. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 49 p. 441— 456. [15 nn. spp. in: Thracia 4, Cyathodonta 5, Kennerlyia 3, Coelodon, Foveadens, Lyonsia.. — Lyonsia gouldii n. nom. pro Osteodesma nitidum Gourp non Mya (L.) nitida Fasr.] (26.35 — .7,.8) be 33 Dali, William Healey. 4.1 (26) 1916. Diagnoses of New Species of Marine Bivalve Mollusks from the Northwest Coast of America in the Collection of the United States Na- tional Museum. Proc. UT. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 393—417. [78 on. sop. in: Nucula 5, Leda 8, Yoldia 7, Malletia 2, Tindaria 6, Glycymeris 2, Limopsis 2, Pieria, Vulsella, Pseudamusium 2, Limatula, Modiolus, Dacrydium, Musculus (2 nn. varr.), Li enella, Dermatomya 3, Cetoconcha, Myonera, Cu- spidaria, Cardiomya, Calyptogena, Miodontiscus, Milneria, Thyasira 2, Erycina 6, Anisodonta, Rochefortia 4, Pseudopythina, Trigonivcardia, Protocardia, Car- dium, Psephidia, Macoma 2 (1 n. var.), Ervilia, Sphenia 2, Corbula 2, Pano- Mollusca 218 mya (1 n. var.), Saxicavella. — 2 nn. varr. in: Septifer, Protothaca. — Ma- comba brota n. nom. pro T'éllina edentulz Broverır and SowerBy, non SPENGLEX.] (26.5—.8) 212185 Praus Franceschini, Carlo. 4.1 (26.2) 1914. Elenco delle conchiglie del Golfo di Napoli e del Mediterraneo esistenti nel Museo Zoologico di Napoli. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 11, 40 pp. be 90 Smith, Edgar A. 4.1 (21.4). 1916. On a Collection of Pelecypoda from the Philippine Islands. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 12—19, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: Psammobia, Petricola, Dosinia, Antigona Lucina 2, Glycimeris.] 491 Schröder, Otto. 5 4.1 Amphidesma : 14 1916. Beiträge zur Anatomie von Amphidesma solidum. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 101—132, 15 figg. 14.11,.12,.13,.14,.31,.32—.36,.61,.73,.77,.81,.83,.85,.88,.89 92 Galli-Valerio, B. 4.1 Anodonta : 11.11 1915. Präzipitine und Trichotoxine für Albumine und Flimmerepithel von Anodonta anatina L. Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. exper. Therap. Orig. Bd. 24 p. 311—314. [Behandlung von Kanınchen mit Kiemen- flimmerepithel und Körperbestandteilen von A. anatina führt zur Ge- winnung eines präzipitierenden und eines trichotoxischen Serum .] 93 Koch, Walter. 4.1 Anodonta : 11.12 1917. Der Herzschlag von Anodonta unter natürlichen una künstlichen Bedingungen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 166 p. 281—371, 6 figg. [Bei 15° C, 2—4 Schläge in der Minute, bei 0° ein Schlag: 2 Min. 17 Sek. Tem- peraturmaximum für rhythmische Kontraktionen 30°, für Schläge über- haupt 40°. Geringe Reize bedingen Arhythmie. Oeffnen der Schalen wirkt beschleunigend. Einfluss von Sauerstoff, von Salzen.] 212194 Weisensee, Heinrich. 4.1 Anodonta : 11.56 1916. Die Geschlechtsverhältnisse und der Geschlechtsapparat bei Ano- donta. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 262—335, 27 figg. [Bei A. rygnea sind die im Flusse lebenden Formen getrenntgeschlechtlich, die im Teich lebenden zwittrig. Vorkommen eines Reservoirs am Ausführungs- gang. Art der Befruchtung.] 95 ®Baycerp, BukTopp Faussek, V. 4.1 Anoüonta : 16.9 : 6- 1903. Ilapasurusmb Am4uHorp Anodonta. Parasitismus der Anodonta- Larven. San. Aka. Haysp Cn6. — Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg CI. phys.-math. (8) T. 13 No. er V, 141 pp., 8 Taf., 1 fig. 6.9 : 7 96 di Monterosato, T. A. 4.1 Arca (26.2) 1916. Note sull ’Arca noea. Natural. sicil. Vol. 25 p. 61—63. [13 nn. varr.] (26.23) 97 Coen, 6. S. 4.1 Cerastoderma (405) 1916. Nota sui Cardium della Sezione Cerastoderma. Atti Accad, scieut. veneto-trent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 54—62, 4 tav. [2 nn. spp. 4 nn. varr.] (45.8, 495, 499, 61.1,.2) 98 Koch, Ferdo. 4.1 Congeria (!185)- 1917. Die pliozänen Kongerienschichten von Drvar in Westbosnien. Glasnik hryatsk. prirodosl. Drustva God. 29 p. 54—60, 1 Taf. 99 Lamy, Edouard. 4.1 Crassatellidae (26) 1917. Révision des Crassatellidae vivants du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. Journ. Conch. Paris Vol. 62 p. 1%- 270, 1 pl., 10 figg. [Cras- satella digueti n. nom. pro C. undulata Sowerex non Lauwarcx non Say, C. sowerbyi pro C. acuminata Sowergy non Kosecr.] (26.1,.2,.3—.4,.7) à 212200 Morris, Margaret. 4.1 Cumingia : 13.9 1916. Artificial parthenogenesis in Cumingia. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 228. [Use of heat followed by nypertonic sea- water. 2122)1 Morris, heilt: | 4.1 Cumingia : 13.9 1917. A cytological study of artificial parthenogenesis in Cumingia. 219 Mollusca: Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 22 p. 1—51, 8 pls., 4 figg. [Heat followed by hypertonic sea-water. Chromosomes of first polar spindle divide, forminz 2 nuclei, which fuse to form cleavage nucleus. In clesvage 50—60 small chromatin rods instead of 36 threads. Chromosomes of 2nd.polar spindie may also divide forming 2 nuclei which fuse. 18 chromosomes in rare cleavages.] 2122)2 Wepfer, E. 4,1 Cyprina (119). 1913. Ueber das Vorkommen von Cyprina islandica im Postpliocän von Palermo. Centralbi. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 173—177. | 03 Verco, Jos. C. 4.1 Edenttellina (94 5) | 1916. Note on Edenttellina typica, GATLIFF and Gagniez. Trans. R. Soc. | South Australia Vol. 40 p. 596—597. . 04 Krumbeck, Lothar. 4.1 Exogyra. 1915. Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit:. Beiträge zur Geologie und Palä- ontologie von Tripolis. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 188. [Ueber Exogyra rohlfsi.] 05 Andert, Hermann. 4.1 Inoceramus (117), 1913. Inoceramus inconstans Woops und verwandte Arten. Ceutralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 278—285, 2995 —305, 2 figg. (43.21,.56,.71) 06 Cate, Margaret L. 4.1 Lima (79.4) 1916. Lima dehiscens at Laguna Beach. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 94, 1 pl. 07 Fischer, Richard. 4.1 Mactra :.14- 1915. Ueber die Anatomie von Mactra Cm) coquimbana Puiziprr. _ Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 597—662, 28 tigg. 14.11,.12,.13,.28,.31,,32—.30,.61,.63,.65,.73,.77,.185,.81,.83,.85,.88,.89 2122)8 Packard, Earl L. 4.1 Mactridae (79), 1916. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Mactrinae of the Pacific Coast of North America. Univ. California Public. Geol. Vol. 9 p. 261—360, 24 pls.,. 2: tigg. [7 nn. spp. in: Mactra, Spisula 5 (1 n. var.), Mulinia. — Spisula. chicoensis n. nom. pro Lutraria truncata GAB. non MonraGt.] ’ (117-— 119) (26.0,.7) 09 Wüst, E. 4.1 Margaritana (43): 1916. Ueber das ehemalige Vorkommen von Margaritana sinuata Lam. in Deutschland. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schleswig-Holst. Bd. 16 p. 352? —353. [Bis zum Jahre 1500 nachweisbar.] 10 Meissner. 4.1 Margaritana (43.31). 1914. Die Perlenmuschel in Oberfranken. — Margaritana margaritifera. 2. Ber. nat. Ges. Bayreuth p. 1—42, 6 Taf. 16.1 11 Haas, F. 4.1 Margaritana (46.5): 1916. Sobre una concha fluvial interesante („Margaritana auri.ularia“). SPGEr. y su existencia en España. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 15 p. 35 —44, 1 läm. [Traduccion del original aleınän.] | 212212 Bispinghoff, Wilhelm. 4.1 Modiolarca : 14. 1914. Ueber die Anatomie von Modiolarca trapezina Lamarcx nebst | Bemerkungen zu ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 3 p. 341—388, 16 figg. 14.11—. In .28,.31,.32—.35,.61,.63,.65,.73,.77,.765,.81,.83,.85,.89 13 Field, Irving A. 41 Mytilus : 15 1916. A Community of Sea Mussels one of the Greatest Organizations in Nature for Making Flesh Food by a Short and Rapid Process and in Palatability Sea Mussels Rank second to no Knowr. Shellfish. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 357—366, 10 figg. . 15.2—.6 i4 Johnstone, James. 4.1 Mytilus : 16.1 1915. he Methods of Cleansing Living Mussels from Ingested Sewage Bacteria. 23d Rep. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Lab. 1914 p. 9 —108, 3 pls., 2 figg. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 29 p. 119—170, 3 pis., 2 figg. 212215 Hilbert, Richard. 4.1 Mytilus (26.1): 1913. Ueber Mytilus edulis L. und seine Formen. 35. Ber. westpreuss.. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 63—72, 1 Tat. [2 nn. varr.] 15 (26.12,.13) | | | | | | 212216 18 19 212222 23 24 :212229 Mollusca 220 Grave, Caswell. 4.1 Ostrea : 11.31 1916. The Process of Feeding in the Oyster. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 18-181. [Evidence of selection in ciliary feeding mechanism.] Dantan, J. L. 4.1 Oxtrea : 13.41 1916. Observations sur la larve de l’Osfrea edulis L. C. R. Acad, Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 259—9%42. [Partie supérieure de la larve et extrémité céphalique de la trochophore ont structure identique, appareils ciliaires et système nerveux comparables. Existence de reins céphaliques chez les deux.] Houlbert, C., et C. Galaine. 4.1 Ostrea : 14.78.5 1916. Sur le chambrage des huîtres et sur l’infection possible des chambres par le fait d’une Annelide tubicole parasite de la coquille. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 54—56. [Chambrage est dû à la persi- stance d’une propriété ancestrale.] Hagmeier, A. 4.1 Ostrea : 16.1 1916. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Auster und die fiskalischen Austern- bänke. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Abt. Helgoland N. F. Bd. 11 p. 215— ‘218, 1' Tar., 2 Digg. 11.34 156 Houlbert, C., et C. Galaine. 4.1 Ostrea : 16.1 1916. Sur les causes du chambrage et sur l’entretien raisonné des bancs d’Lhuitres naturels. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 301—304. Kiüpfer, Max. 4.1 Pecten : 14.84 1915. Entwicklunesgeschichtliche und neuro-histologische Untersuchungen an Sehorganen am Mantelrande der Pecten-Arten mit anschliessenden vergleichend-anatomischen Betrachtungen. YVierteljahrsschr. nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 60 p. 568—591. [Vom Ramus distalis austretende Fibrillen stehen in direkter Verbindung mit Fortsätzen der distalen Bürstenzellen der Retina. Letztere sind nervöse Elemente.] Küpfer, Max. 4.1 Pecten : 14.84 1916. Die Sehorgane am Mantelrande der Pectenarten. Entwicklungs- geschichte und neuro-histologische Beiträge mit anschliessenden ver- gleichend-anatomischen Betrachtungen. Jena: Gust. Fischer 8° V, 312 pp., 8 Taf., 18 figg. M. 20.— Die Sehorgane am Mantelrande der Kammuscheln, von Rıcuarp Hesse. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 239—240, 2 figg. Oppenheim, Paul. 4.1 Pecten (1131) 1914. Ueber Unteroligocän im nordöstlichen Tunesien. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 279—283, 1 fig. [Pecten semiradiatus.] Paris, E. Talbot, and 'Linsdall Richardson. 4.1 Pectinidae (1162) 1916. Some Inferior-Oolite Pectinidae. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. ‘1 p. 521—535, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Pecten. — 2 nn. varr. in Chlamys.] (42.29,.31,.28,.38,.41,.57) Walsingham. 4.1 Pholas (42.25) 1916. Note on Pholas costulata, Goopazz. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 61-62, 4 figg. Stenta, Mario. 4.1 Pinna : 15 1908. Osservazioni sul genere Pinna. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 67 Pt. 2 p. 495 —518. 15.2 Phillips, R. A. 4.1 Pisidium (119) 1916. On two Species of Pisidium (Fossil) New to Ireland. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 101—105, 1 pl. [P. supinum Scauinr and P. parvulum Cusssin.] (41.91, 94) Woodward, B. B. 4.1 Pisidium (119) 1916. Pisidium supinum, A. Scaminr, and P. parrulum, Cuessın fossil in Ireland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 346 —348. (41.88,.91,.94) Sierki, Victor, 4.1 Pisidium (79.8) 1916. A New Mollusk of the Genus Pisidium from Alaska, with Field Notes by G. Darzas Hanna. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 475— 477, 2 figg. [P. hannai n. sp.] FT Mollusca 212230 Diener, C. 4.1 Pomarangina 1915. Zur systematischen Stellung der Pelecypodangattung Pomarangina. Fais tbe Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 129—131. — von L, Krumssck, p. 419 — 422. 31 Churchill, E. P., Jr. 4.1 Quadrula : 11.3 1916. The absorption of nutriment from. solution by freshwater mussels. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 403—429%, 2 pls. [Absorption by outer epithelial cells (in small measure) and. by intestinal cells. Mechanism of fat, albumin and starch sbsorption. Phagoeytic action.]’ 11.31,.32 32 Sterki, Victor. 4.1 Sphaeriidae (7) 1916. À Preliminary Catalog of the North American Sphaeriidae. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 429 —477. [10 nn. spp. in: Sphaerium {5 nn. vaır.), Musculium 2 (1 n. forma, 5 un. varr.), Pisidium 7 (16 nn. varr.)] (71.1—.4,.9 74.1,.3,.4,.7—.9, 75.2,.4,.9,.8, 76.7,.9, 77.1—.8, 73.3,.6, 79.2—.8) 33 Nordmann, V. 4.1 Tapes (119). 1913. Tapes senescens DornerLeın 0g Tapes aureus Gm. var. eemiensis Norvm.. Vidensk. Meddel., Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 65 p. 287—300, 2 Tav. 34 Kuhimann, W. 4.1 Teredo : 14.78.5 1916. Der Bohrapparat des Bohrwurms T'eredo navalis. Die Naturwissen- schaften Jahrg. 4 p. 710—713, 6 figg. 85 Haas, F. 4.1 Unio. 1913. Bemerkungen über SrexsLers Unionen, Vidensk. Meddel. Dausk. nat. Foren. Bd. 65 p. 5l—66, 1 Taf, 3 figg. [Identifizierungen.] 36 Rich, Stephen G. 4.1 Uuio : 11.5 1915. An Aberrant Ecological Form of Unio complanatus Dirzwyn. Science N. S Vol. 42 Pe. 319—580. 212237 Vanatta, E. G. 4.1 Unionidae: 1916. Rarınzsque’s types of Unio. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 849—559 [Unio rafinesquei n. nom. pro U, fuscatus Lea, non Rar.| 38 Haas, F: 4.1 Uuionidae (4) 1917. Estudios sobre las Nayades de! Ebro. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 16 p. «1-82. (46.3,.5) 39 Meigs, Edward B. 4.1 Venus : 11.05: 1915. The ash of clam muscle in relation to its osmotic properties, Journ. biol. Chem. Vol. 22 p. 493—498. 40 Hesse, P. 4,8 : OL 1916. Kritische Fragmente. XVI. Zur Nomenklatur. Nachrichtsbl.. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 122—124, [Wregmannia n. nom. pro Gaetulia KoseLr non Stau. non Simon, Deaphanella pro Hydatina WstLo. non Enzee., Eduardia pro Martensia Semper non Acass., Helle pro Medea. Brrer. non Escascx., Pagodula pro Pagodina StasıLz non Ben, Vestia pro Uncinaria Vest. non FrosrL., Olympicola pro Olynipia Vest non Rısso, Thra- c'ella pro Wagneria Hesse non Dasv. non Arer, Rosenia pro Thalestris. LınpuoLm non CLaus, Pallarya pro Striatella Bror non Acarpa ] 4.32,.37,.38 41 Deecke, W. 4.3 : 14.78.5 1#16. Paläontologische Betrachtungen. (Schluss). IX. Ueber Gastro- poden. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. Beil.Bd. 49 p. 759 —788. 4.31—.33 42 Merkel, E. 4.3: 14.78.5° 1917. Gesetzmässigkeiten im Bau des Sehneckengehäuses. Eine kon- chyliologisch-architektonische Studie. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 31—37. 4.32,.38 212243 Müller, Eug. 4.3 315.3 1916. Benagen die Weichtiere gegenseitig ihre Gehäuse? Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 23 Heft 1 p. 26-30. [Sie weiden die Algen. Mollusca 229 von diesen ab und verletzen dabei die Oberhaut, dann löst das kalkarme Wasser die Schale weiter auf.] 4.32,.38 ‘212244 Chapman, Frederick. 4.3 (113) 1916, New or Little-known Victorian Fossils in the National Museum. Part XIX. — The Yeringian Gasteropod Fauna. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 29 p. 75—103, 5 pls. [16 nn. spp. in: Helcionopsis, Temnodiscus, Bellerophon, Carinaropsis, Pleurotomaria, Mourlonia, Coelocaulus, Cyrtostropha, Euomphalus, Liomphalus n. g., Straparollus, Orthonychia, Platyceras, Dia- phorostoma 2, Hercynella. — 1 n. var. in Loxonema.] 4.32,.38 45 Robinson, W. I. . 4,3 (1162) 1915. ‘Two New Fresh-water Gastronods from the Mesozoic of Arizona. Amer. Journ. Sc. (4) Vol. 40 p. 649—651, 1 fig. [YalWwata gregorii and Limnea hopii nn. spp.] s 4.32,.38 45 Vayssiere, A. 4.3 (26.9) 1916. Sur un Amphineure et sur quelques Gastéropodes opisthobranches et prosobranches de la deuxième expédition du Dr. Onarcor. ©. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 271—273. 4.31,.32,.36,.37 47 Geyer, David. 4.3 (44.31) 1916. Kriegsschnecken. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg; 48 p. 44—46. [Aus der Champagne.] 4.32,.38 48 Hesse, P. 4,3 (497) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna vor Ostrumelien. IV. Nach- richisbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 113—122. [Agardkia macrodonta n. sp. 1 n. subsp.] 4.32,.38 49 Pollonera, Carlo. 4.3 (56.2) 1916. Escursioni Zoologiche del Dott. Enrico Festa nell’Isola di Rodi. XIII. Moiluschi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 31 No. 716, 9 pp. [+ nn. spp. in: Zonites, Clausilia 3 (2 nn. varr.)] 4.32,. x 212250 Robson, Guy C. 4.3 (69) 1914. On a Collection of Land and Freshwater Gastropoda from Mada- gascar, with Descriptions of new Genera and new Species. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 32 p. 375—389, 1 pl., 6 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Urocyclus, Rhysota, Kalidos, Hemiplecta, Bathia n. g., Veronicella, Helico- phanta. — Methvenia n. g. pro Hemiplecta oleata.] 4,32,.38 51 Clapp. George H. 4.3 (7) 1916. Notes on the Land-shells of the Islands at the Western End of Lake Erie and Descriptions of New Varieties. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pitts- burgh Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 532— 540, 5 pls. [6 nn. varr. in: Pyramidula 4, Polygyra 2. (71.3, 77.1,.4) 4.32,.38 52 Fueini, A. 4.31 (1162) 1912. Polyplacophora del Lias inferiore della montagna di Casale in Sicilia. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 18 p. 105—127, 2 tav. [7 nn. spp. in: Pterygochiton 2, Ileterochiton (n. g. pro Chiton giganteus) 2, Allochiton n. 53 rule, Tom, and W. L. May. 4.31 Chitonidae (94.6) 1916. Misnamed Tasmanian Chiton. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 94—117, 2 pls. [8 nn. spp. in: Heterozona, Ischnochiton 4, Callisto- chiton, Sypharochiton, Rhyssoplax. — Anisoradsia n. subg. — ÆEudoxeoplax n. g. pro Chiton inornatus.] 54 Iredale, Tom. 4.32 1916. On some new and old Molluscan Generic Names. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 27—37. [Anarithma n. g. pro Columbella lachryma, Zafronia pro C. isomella, Bartschella pro Dunkeria subangulata.] 212255 Sowerby, G. B. 4.32 1916. Descriptions of Two new Mollusca of the Genera Leptothyra and Mitra. An. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 P 491—492, n figg. [Leptothyra fultoni and Mitra fidis nn. spp.] (53.4, 68.7) 223 Mollusca 212256 Tomlin, J, R. le B. 4.32 1916. Note on the Erato guttula of Sowersy and on Marginella schepmani, n. n. for. M. abyssicola. Scarrman. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 64. [Marginella pericalles n. nom. pro M. guttula Rerve non Sow.] 57 Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 4.32 : 16.1 1916. Shell-Trumpets and their Distribution in the Old and New World. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 60 No. 8, 22 pp. 1 fig. 58 Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 4,32 : 16.1 1916. The Geographical Distribution of the Shell-Purple Industry. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 60 No. 7, 29 pp, 1 fig. 59 Cerulli-Irelli. Serafino. 4.32 (1183) 1911/12. Fauna ınalacologica mariana. Parte quinta. Cancellariidae, Marginellidae, Mitridae, Fusidae, Chrysodomidae, Buccinidae, Nassidae, Columbellidae, Muricidae, Tritonidae, Cassididae, Cypraeidae, Chenopodi- dae. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol, 17 p. 229—275, 6 tav. [3 nn. spp. in: Mitra (2 nn. varr.), Fusus, Cypraea {2 nn. varr.) — 1 n. var. in Æuthria.] — Parte sesta. Cerithiidae, Cerithiopsidae, Triforidae, Diastomidae, Ver- metidae, Turritellidae, Mathildidae, Caecidae. Vol. 18 p. 141—169, 3 tav. [3 nn. spp. in: Triphora (1 n. var.), Turritella, Caecum. — 1 n. var. in Cerithiopsis.] 60 Bartsch, Paul. 4.32 (26) 1917. Descriptions of New West American Marine Mollusks and Notes on Previously Described Forms. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 637—681, 6 pls. [53 nn. spp. in: Pyramidella, Turbonilla 32, Odostomia 8, Cerithiopsis 4, Bittium 5, Alvania 3. — ÜUgartea n. subg. — Odostomia . andersoni n. nom. pro Eulimella (Evalea) californica Anverson and Marrın non Dar and Barrscn.] (1181—1183) (26.5—.7) (79.8,.4) 212261 Dall, Wm. H., et Paul Bartsch. 4.32 (26.5) 1915. Espèces nouvelles de Mollusques du littoral canadien de l’At- lantique et de celui du Pacifique. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commém. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 159—166, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Turbonilla, Odostomia 4.] 62 Dall, William Healey. 4.32 Alectrionidae (26) 1917. Summary of the Mollusks of the Family Alectrionidae of the West Coast of America. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 ». 575-579. [il nn. spp. in: Alectrion 4 (1 n. var.), Arcularia, Phos 4, Nassarina, Gouldia.] (26.4—.7) 63 Sowerby, 6. B. 4.32 Ampullariidae (6) 1916. Notes on the Family Ampullariidae. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 65—73. (59.1,6, 62, 66.3,.9, 67.2,.3,.5,.0,.8,.9, 69) 64 Frech, Fritz. 4.32 Bellerophon (114) 1914. Ueber einige mitteldevonische Bellerophon-Arten. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 161—169, 7 figg. 65 Kirchner, Hch. Sylv. 4.32 Bellerophon (114) 1915. Ueber Bellerophon striatus Bronx. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 348—331, 2 figg. 66 Hedley, Charles. 4.32 Bursa 1916. Further Notes on Bursa rubeta L. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 P- 41—42. 67 Cooke, A. H. 4.32 Bursa : 14.78 1916. The Operculum of the Genus Bursa (Ranella.. Proc. malacol, Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 5—11, 6 figg. 212268 Conkiin, Edwin 6. 4.32 Crepidula : 13.9 1916/17. Effects of Centrifugal Force on the Polarity of the Egg of Crepidula. Proc. nation. Acad: Sc. Washington Vol. 2 ps 87—-90. [Per- sistence of polarity. Protoplasmic frame-work.] — Effects of centrifugal force on the structure and development of the eggs of Crepidula. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 22 p. 311—419, 23 pls. [Displacement of yolk and consequently of nuclei and cytoplasm, leaving strands of spogioplasm, however, and consequent persistent polarity. Effect on mitosis. Contrac- &lity of spongioplasm. Formation of polar bodies. Cleavage.] Mollusca 224% 212269 Robson, 6. C. 4.32 Crepidula (25.12) 1815. On the Extension of the Range of the American slipper-Limpit on the East Coast of England. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 16 p.. 496—499. 70 Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 4.32 Cypraea. 1916. The Money Cowry (Cypraea moneta L.), as a Sacred Object among North American Indiaus. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 60 No. 4, 10 pp. 71 Jackson, J. Wiifrid. 4,32 Cypraea. 1916. The Use of Cowry-shells for the Purposes of Currency, Amulets,. and Charms. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 60 No. 15,. 72 pp.. 6 figg. 72 Tayior, J. Kidson. 4.32 Cypraea (26). 1916. Some Varietal Forms in the Genus Cypraea. Journ. Conch.. London Vol. 15 p. 122—123. [7 nn. varr.] (26.4,.7) 73 Gatliff, J. H. 4.32 Cypraea (94) 1916. Descriptions of Two New Australian Varieties of Cowries. Victorian: Natural. Vol. 32 p. 147—149, 3 figg. (94.1,.2) 74 Cooke, A. H. 4.32 Eugyrina (26.1) 1916. The Occurrence of Eugyrina gigantea (Lam) in British. Waters.. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 3. 75 Schulz, Fr. N. 4.32 Haliotis : 11.76. 1914. Ueber einen blaugrünen Farbstoff aus dem Gehäuse von Haliotis. californis. (Deutsche physiol. Ges.) Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 28 p. 747— «48. [Optische Eigenschaften.] 76 Meivill, James Cosmo. 4.32 Harpa (26): 1916. Notes on the Genus Harpa. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15: p. 25 —40. [1n. var. (26.3,.6,.7) 212277 Brüning, Christian. 4.32 Littorina 1916. Die Strandschnecken. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 369— 370, 1 fig. [Littorina spp.] 78 Kanda, Sakyo. 4.82 Littorina : 11.044. 1916. Studies on the Geotropism of the Marine Snail, Littorina littorea. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 30 p. 57—84, 3 figg. [Negatively geotropic. Physiological not mechanical cause. Statolith theory favored.] 79 Tomlin, J. R. le B. 4.32 Marginella 1916. Notes on Marginella. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 43. [#. abyssorum n.nom. pro M. seminula Darr non GouLp, M, bucca pro M. ven- tricosa Hrpıry non Fischer non Hurrox, M. fracta pro M. ventricosa Hurrox non Hepzey non Fiscuer.] 80 Shalkleford, Lewis J. 4.52 Marginella (68.7). 1916. Two New Species of Marginella from South Africa. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 13 p. 193—194, 4 figg. [M. tomlini and taylori] lise 4,32 Marisa. 1316. Marisa rotula. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 99, 2 figg. S2 Heritsch, Franz. 4.32 Melongena (113) 1912. Melongena deschmanni RB. Hoerrszs — Melongena rotkyana J. Kerr. Cen- tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 303—304. 83 v. Bukowski, Gejza. 4.32 Melongena (118) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Conchylienfauna des marinen Aquitanien von Davas in Karien (Kleinasien). Erster Teil. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 125 Abt. 1 p. 353—369, 2 Taf. [Melongena leinei Basr.] (1181, 1182) 84 Tomlin, J. R. ie B. 4.32 Microsetia (68.4) 1916. Description of a New Rissoid Shell from South Africa. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 119, 1 fig. [Microsetia durbanensis n. sp.] 212285 Müllegger, 8. 4,32 Murex : 15.3 1917. Einiges über Murex brandaris L., die Stachelschnecke. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 28 p. 60—61, 1 fig. 295 Mollusca 212286 Müllegger. S. 4.32 Nassa: 156 1916. Nassa reticulata L. und ihre Eiablage im Seeaquarium. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 317—320, 3 figg. 87 Strübin, Karl. 4,82 Nerinea (1162) 1916. Nerinea basileensis, Tuuru., aus dem untern Hauptrogenstein der Umgebung von Basel. Verh. nat. Ges. Basel Bd. 27 p. 5—10, 6 figg. 88 Sogs, Lajos. ‚4.32 Neritina : 14.6 1916. A magyarorszägi Neritinäk ivarkészülékérél. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 185—157, 8 fgg. — Ueber den Geschlechtsapparat der ungarischen Neritinen. p. 204. 14.63,.65 89 Melvill, J, Cosmo, and R. Standen. 4.32 Onoba (26.9) 1916. Description of a New Rissoid Shell from the Antarctie Region. Journ. Coneh. London Vol. 15 p. 120—121, 1 fig. [Onoba cymatodes n. 3p.] 90 Kennard, A. S. and B. B, Woodward. 4,32 Paludestrina (42) 1917. On the Occurrence in the British Isles of Paludestrina minuta (Torrex). Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol, 12 p. 124. (41.65, 42.23,.64) 91 Wilson, Alice E. 4.32 Parastrophila (113) 1916. Etude préliminaire sur la variation des plis chez Parastrophia hemi- plicata, Harz. Canada Minist. Mines Ottawa Comm. géol. Bull. Mus. No. 2 (Serie géol. No. 18) p. 139—148, 1 pl. 92 Cooke, A. H. 4.32 Patella : 14.31 1917. Patella vulgata, Linxarus, and its so-called Variety, Patella depressa, Pennast. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol, 12 p. 135-137. [Radula.] 33 Krumbach, Thilo. 4.32 Patella (26.23) 1917. Napfschnecken in der Gezeitenwelle und der Brandungszone der Karstküste. (Biologische Küstenstudien an der Adria.) Notizen über die Fauna der Adria bei Rovigno. Zool. Anz. Bd 49 p. 96—123, 5 figg. 34 Boycott, A. E. 4.32 Pomatias : 11.56 1917. On Sexual Characters in the Shell and Radula of Pomatias ele. gans (Mürzer). Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 127—132. 212295 Reinke, Edwin E. 4.52 Strombus : 11.66 1915, Report upon the Behavior of the Dimorphic Spermatozoa of Strombus. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 212—218. [Some- thing lacking in artificial sea-water, but present in natural sea-water, which causes full activation] 96 Colton, Harold S. 4.32 Thais : 11.57 1916. On Some Varieties of Thais (Purpura) lapillus and their Relation to the Environment, (Ecolog. Soc. Amer.) Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 760 — 1761. 97 Friedrich, Hans. 4.32 Toxoglossa : 14.31 1916. Giftige Schnecken. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p- 313— 314, 3 figg. [Radula.] 98 Melvill, J. Cosmo, and R. Standen. 4.22 Triehotropis 1916. Note on Trichotropis antarctica Mxıv. & Sr. (non TaIELE). Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 90. [T. bruceana n. nom. pro T. antarctica Merv. & St. non Turere.] 99 Smith, Edgar A. 4.32 Triphora 1916. Note on Triphora smithi, Sowexsv, and T, gracilior Surrn. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 60. ‚212300 Melvill, James Cosmo. 4.32 Turridae (26.7) 1917. A Revision of the Turridae (Pleurotomidae) Occurring in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and North Arabian Sea, as Evidenced | Mostly through the Results of Dredgings carried out by Mr. F. W. | Towxsenn, 1893—1914. Proc. malacol. Soc: London Vol. 1? p. 140 —186, | 3 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Drillia (1 n. var.), Mangilia 5 (1 n. var.), Clethurina | . (1 n. var.) — 2 nn. varr. in: Turris, Surcula. — Tylotia n. nom. pro Clavus Auct. non Montrort, Clathurina pro Clathurella Carpenter, Defran- cia Mirrer.] (26.78) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX VII. 1917 15 212301 02 03 05 212306 07 08 09 10 11 12 212313 Moilusca 226 Evans, William, and W, Edgar Evans. 4.36 (41) 1917. Some Nudibranchs, Including Hermaea dentritica, and Lamellkloris aspera from tne Forth Area. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 105-110. (41.33,.36,.44,.45) Gude, G. K. ; 4.36 Angasella (94) 1916. Description of two new species of Angasella. Proc. malacol. Ses London Vol. 12 p. 41—42, 2 figg. EE lemani and hinsbyi.] (94.2,.4) Evans, T. J. 4.36 Bathydoris (26.9) 1914. The Anatomy of a New Species of Bathydoris, and the Affinities of the Genus; Scottish An. Antarctic Expedition. Trans. R, Soc. Edinburgh Vol. &0 p. 191-209, 2 pls. [B. browni n. sp.] 14.12,.13,.28,.31—.34,.61,.63,.64,.65,.07 .81,.83,.89 Crezier, W. J. 4.36 Chromodoris : 11.044 1915/16. On Cell Penetration by Acids. Preliminary Note. (Contr. Bor- muda biol. Stat. Research No. 39.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 735 — 736. [Lipoid theory not even approximately complete as an explanation.] — On Loss of Cell Pigment as an Index of Permeability Changes. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Vol. 48 p. 145—146. — The Physiology of Chemoreceptors. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) p. 148. — On Cell Penetration by Acids: The Effects of Anesthetics and of Stimulation by Induction Shocks. (Amer. Soc, Zool.) p. 148. Foderä, E. 4.36 Doris : 18 1915. Sulla funzione di secrezione dell’epitelio ghiandolare della vesci- cola di Swaunernam in Doris verrucosa L. Monit. zool. Anno 26 p. 112— 1!3. [Ergastonlasma e condrioma (formazioni equipotensiali).] 18.11 | Krumbach, Thilo. 4.36 Tethys (26.23) 1917. Ueber die adriatische Kiemenschnecke Tethys leporina L. Notizen über die Fauna der Adria bei Rovigno. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 267 —272, 2 fige. 3, Cockerell, T. D. A. 4.36 Triopha (79.4) ' 1915. The Nudibranch-Genus Triopha in California. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 7 p. 228—229, 2 figg. [T. scrippsiana n. sp.) Flury, Ferdinand. 4.37 Aplysia : 11.45 1915. Ueber das Aplysiengift. ‘Arb. pharm. Inst. Univ. Würzburg 20.) Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd. 79 p. 250—263, 2 figg. [Hauptträger der Wirkung ein N-freies, mit Wasserdämpfen flüchtiges den Terpenen nahe- stehendes Oel. Nerven- und Muskelgift.] Jordan, Hermann. 4.37 Aplysia : 11.85 1917. Das Wahrnehmen der Nahrung bei Aplysia limacina und Aplysia depilans. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 37 p. 2—9. [Weder Licht- noch chemische Empfangsorgane, die das Tier durch Fernreize locken.] Rizzi, Marco. 4.37 Apiysia : 14.31 1908. Sullo sviluppo della Radula nel genere Aplysia. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 68 Pte. 2 p. 261—274, 1 tav. Reinhardt, 0. 4.38 1916. Einige Bemerkungen über Pupa minutissima und Verwandte. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 158—167. Hedley, Charles. 4.38 1917. Has Lymnaea an Auriculoid Amcestry? Proc. malacol. Soc. Lon- don Vol. 12 p. 125—126, 2 figg. [General correspondence to the pattern ot Phytia ornata, chief distinction being the longer and narrower tenta- cles of Phytia.] Kanda, Sakyo. 4.85 : 11.044 . 1916, The Geotropism of Freshwater Snails. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol, 30 p. 85—97. [Physa naturally positively geotropic. Internal factor, possibly controlled by statoliths.] : 291 Mollusca 212314 Schermer, Ernst. 4,38 : 11.2 1917. Die Atmung der Süsswasserlungenschnecken, Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 96—97, 105—106, 15 Galati Mosella, Rosario. | 4,88 : 11.85 1916. Osservazioni sulla sensibilità chimica dei Molluschi. La sensi- bilità olfattiva nei Molluschi Gasteropodi. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 27 pe 1—32, 1 tav, 6 figg. [Anche struttura istologica dell’estremitä tentacolare. Struttura dell’orlo cuticolare del grande tentacolo. Cellule nervose di senso e loro prolungamenti periferici.] | 11.853,.854, 14.86,.88 16 v. Buddenbrock, W. 4.38 : 11.856 1916. Einige Bemerkungen über den Lichtsinn der Pulmonaten. Sitz- Ber. Heidelberg. Akad. Wiss. math.nat: Kl. Abt. B 1916 Abh. No. 1, 23 pp., 4 figg. [Strenggültiger Beweis für gegenständliches Sehen.] 17 Frankenberger, Zdenko. 4.38 : 14 1916. Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Clausilien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 221—236, 5 fige. [2 nn. varr. in Clausilia.] 14.31,.63,.64,.78 (47.9, 497) 18 Galati Mosella, Rosario. 4.38 : 14.84 1915. Osservazioni sulls sviluppo e sulla struttura della lente deli’ oechio di alcuni Gasteropodi pulmonati. Monit. Zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 19—88, 2 tav. [Si origina per secrezione in prevalenza delle cellule corneali prive di pigmento della vescicola ottica. Addensamento.] 19 Zaunick, Rudolph. I 4.38 : 15 1916, Die Befruchtung der Pflanzen durch Schnecken. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 74—91. 2123% Ehrmann, P. 4.38 : 15 1917. Zur Frage der Bestäubung von Blüten durch Schnecken. Nach- richtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 49—75. [Pflanzen werden von den Schnecken durch Pollenraub geschädigt. Pollenübertragung findet nicht statt, höchstens gelegentlich.] 21 Krausse, Anton. 4.38 : 16.1 1917. Schneckenrezepte. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 126—128, 145—146, 157—159. 22 Hoffmann, Phil. 4.38 : 16.5 1915. Schneckenbekämpfung im Garten. Prakt. Blätt. Pflanzenbau & Pflanzenschutz, Jahrg. 13 p. 134—136. 23 Engelhardt, H., und W. Schottler. 4.38 (1182) 1914. Die tertiäre Kieselgur von Altenschlirf im Vogelsberg. Abh. grossherz, hess. geol. Landesanst. Darmstadt Bd. 5 pe 259-337, 18 Tat. [Mollusken.] 24 den Doop, Jan. 4.38 (119) 1916. Vorläufige Mitteilung über inselartiges Vorkommen von Land- schnecken im diluvialen Rhein-Maas-Hochterrassen-Abschnitte N imwegen- Crefeld, Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. 373—382. 25 von Post, Lennart. 4.38 (119) 1916. Einige südschwedische Quellmoore. Bull. geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala Vol. 15 p. 219—278, 4 Taf., 14 figg. [Mollusken.] 26 Simroth, Heinrich. 4.38 (24 : 43.96) 1916. Ueber einige von Herr Dr. Assorox in der Herzegowina erbeutete höhlenbewohnende Nacktschnecken. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 1—16, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Amalia, Agriolimaz.] 212327 Sturany, R., und A. J. Wagner. 4.38 (4) 1914/15. Ueber schalentragende Landmollusken aus Albanien und Nach- bargebieten. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 10 — 198. — Denkachr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 91 p. 19—188, 18 Taf, 1 Karte. [Waaxze: 16 nn. spp. in: Paraegopis 2, Campylaea (3: nn. subspp.), Helicigona 2, Chondrula 2 (2 nn. subspp.), Aspasita, Alopia 2, Serbica (1 n. subsp.), Delima 2, Alinda 2, (5 nn. subspp.), Pirostoma, — 4 nn. spp. in: Helicodonta, Agardhia, Auritus 2, — Campylaeopsis, Napas- '0p8is, Rhytidochasma (W.) nn. subgg. — Sruranr: 2 nn. Spp. in Orcula.] (43.69,.95,.96, 495—497) Mollusca 228 212328 Wagner, Anton )J. 4.38 (4) 1914/15. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Systematik der Stylommatophoren aus dem Gebiete der Monarchie und der angrenzenden Balkanländer. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 3338—338. [3 nn. spp. in: Schistophallus (n. g. pro Testacella oskari), Semifruticicola n. g., Mo- nacha. — 1] n. subsp. in Aegopis. — Testacelloides, Cellariopsis nn. subgg.| — Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien matlı.-nat. Ci. Bd. 91 p. 429—498, 24 Taf. [5 nn. spp. in: Schistophallus, Phenacolimax 2, Semifruticicola n. g.,. Monacha. — 4 nn. subspp. in: Aegopis, Hyalinia, Fruticicola 2. — Testacelloides, Morlina, Cellariopsis nn. subgg, — Cibinia n. g. pro Daudebardia transsil- vanica, Schistophallus pro Hyalina oskari.] 14.313,.314,.32,.63,.64,.65,. 77,.78 (43.42,.61,.62,.64—.69,.74,.91,.92,.94—.96, 496— 499) 29 Caziot, E. 4.38 (44.59) 1916. Notice sur la malacologie des environs de la Bourboule (Puy-de- Döme). Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 205—207. 30 Blanchet, Emile. 4.38 (494) 190%/11. A propos des coquiiles terrestres et fluviatales du bassin du Léman. Quelques vieux souvenirs. L Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 267—269. II. p. 355—857. 31 Paravicini, Eugen. 4.38 (494) 1916. Einige für den Kanton Zürich neue Funde. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 92—93. — Berichtigung. p. 192. 32 Counolly, M. 4.38 (68.7) 1916. Notes on South African Non-marine Mollusca. (Cont.) Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 13 p. 179—192, 3 figg. [I n. var. in Dorcasia. — Intro- duced Land-Mollusca.] 212383 Goodrich, Calvin. 4.38 (7) 1916. A Trip to Islands in Lake Erie. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 527—531. [Mollusca.] (71.3, 77.1) 84 Pilsbry, Henry A. 4.35 (75) 1915. Mollusca of the Southwestern States, VI: The Hacheta Grande, Florida, and Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Voi. 67 p. 323—350, 3 pls., 7 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Oreo- helix 2 (2 nn, subspp.), Vallonia. — 5 nn. subspp. in: Holospira 3 (1 n. forma), Sonorella 2.] (75.9, 78.9) 35 Pilsbry, Henry A., and James H. Ferriss. 4.38 (79.1) 1915. Mollusca of the Southwestern States, VII: The Dragoon, Mule, Santa Rita, Baboquivari, and Tucson Ranges, Arizona. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 363—418, 8 pls. [16 nn. spp. in: Sonorella 13 (7 nn. subspp.), Holospira 3 (4 nn. subspp.).] 36 Berry, S. Stillman. 4.88 (79.4) 1916. Three New Helices from California. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 107—111. [2 nn. spp. in: Epiphragmophora (1 n. subsp.), Polygyra.| 37 Fulton, Hugh C. 4.38 (95) 1916. Notes on a Small Collection of Helicoid Land Shelis from the Shouten Islands, Dutch New Guinea, with Descriptions of Two New Species of Papuina. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 77—78. [?. subcostata and lepıda nn. spp.] 38 Kobelt, W. 4.88 (95) 1917. Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna von Neuguinea. Aus dem Hinter- grunde des Huongolfes. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jalırg. 49 p. 1—8, 1 Taf. [6 nn. spp. in: Hemiplecta, Chloritis 2, Geotrochus, Pa- puina 2.] 39 Schreitmüller, Wilhelm. _ 4.38 Achatina : 15 1916. Achatina marginata (Achatschnecke.) Wochenschr. Aquar, -Terrar.- Kde, Jahrg. 13 p. 314—315. 15.3 212340 Baker, Frank Collins. 4.38 Agriolimax : 16.6 1916. A Mollusk Injurious to Garden Vegetables. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 136. [4. agrestis.] 229 Mollusca 212341 Boecker, Eduard. 4.35 Ancylus : 15 1917. Napfschnecken im Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrir.-Kde. Jahre. 14 De 37—39. 15.3,.6 42 Dall, William Healey. 4.38 Bulimulus (8) .. 1917. New Bulimulus from the Galapagos Islands and Peru. Prec. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 30 p. 9*-11. [3 nn. spp. — B. cinerarius n. nom. pro B, cinereus Rrrsiscu non Rezve.] (83, 86.69) 43 Schmid, Günther. 4.38 Clausilia : 11.044 1917. Die Lichtflucht der Clausilien. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 8-19. [Nur im trockenen Raum, sonst indifferent.] 44 Steenberg, C. M. 4.38 Clausilia : 14.6 1914. Anatomie des Clausilies danoises. Les organes génitaux. Minde- skrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 29, 44 pp., 1 pl, 25 figg. 14.63,.64,.65,.67 45 Preston, H. B. 4,38 Ennea (66.9) 1916. Descriptions of a new Species and Subspecies of Ennea from Northern Nigeria, and a Correction in the Original Description of Æ. reesi, Preston. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 259—260. 1 fig. [£. cadmanni n. sp. 1 n. subsp.] 46 Bartsch, Paul. 4.38 Epiphragmophora (79.4) 1916. The Californian Land Shells of the Epiphragmophora traskii Group. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 609—619, 4 pls. [8 nn. subspp. 47 Kennard, A. S., and B. B. Woodward. 4.33 Eulota (42.23) 1917. On the Occurrence of Aulota fruticum (Mürr.) in Kent. Proc. mala- col. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 124. 212348 Kennard, A. S., and B. B. Woodward. 4.38 Helicella (42.23) 1917. On the Occurrence in England of Helicella neglecta (Drar}, — With es noton the Anatomy by A. E. Boycorr, and on the Radula by E. W. Bow. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p.133—134,3 figg. 14.31,.63 49 Caziot, [E.] 4.88 Helix 1916. Note sur l’Heliz ericetorum Gxorrror. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 53—55. — Sur l’identitö des. Helix simplicula MoreLer et annai PALADILHE. Pe 99—56. 50 Cantacuzène, J. 4,38 Helix : 11.11 1916. Production expérimentale d'hémo-agglutinines et de précipitines chez Helix pomatia. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. «9 p. 528—580. [Besoin d’un temps infiniment plus long que chez Vertébrés.] 51 Zaunick, Rudolph. 4.38 Helix : 11.12 1916. Zum Herzschlag der Helix pomatia L. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 133—134. [Nach Arısrınzs Kawrrz. Giltig- keit der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit-Temperatur-Regel.] 52 Dhéré, Ch., et G. Vegezzi. 4.38 Helix : 11.3 1916. Sur la composition pigmertaire de l’hépatochlorophylle. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 399—401. [Mélange de chlorophyllines & et # modifiées et de carotinoïdes. Introduction par la nourriture végé- tale.] 53 Schmid, Günther. 4.38 Helix : 11.57 1316. Ueber die Bänderung O. O. O. 4. 5. bei Helix nemoralis L. Nach- richtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 167—177. 54 Trueman, A. E. 4.88 Helix : 11.57 1916. Shell-banding as a Means of Protection. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 18 p. 341—342. 55 Schmidt, Georg. | 4.88 Helix : 14 1916. Blutgefässystem und Mantelhöhle der Weinbergschneke (Helix po- matia). Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 201—261, 38 figg. [Anhang über | Nierenkreislauf.] 14.12—.14,.24,.61 212356 Freitag, Carl. 4.88 Helix : 1461 1916. Die Niere von Helix pomatia. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 5S6—649, 31 figg. [Physiologie des Nierensackepithels. Molekulare Auf- nahme der Harnstoffe aus dem Blute. Kondensation des Harns . Vacuolen. Entleerung der Nephrocyte.] Mollusca 230 212357 Trappmann, Walther. 458 Helix : 14.7 1916. Die Muskulatur von Helir pomatia L. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Locomotion unserer einheimischen Pulmonaten. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 489—585, 42 figg. [Locomotion beruht ausschliese - lich auf Arbeit vom kontraktiler Muskulatur, die als longitudinal uni transversal gerichtete Fasern die Sohle überspannt. prop äh LA 58 Flössner, W. 4.38 Helix : 14.7 1915. Zur Bildung des Epiphragmas von Helix pomatia. Zool. Anz. Bu. 46 p. 221—224. [Kristallisationsprozess.] 59 Bang. Th. 4.38 Helix : 14.8 1917. Zur Morphologie des Nervensystems von Helir pomatia L. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 281i—292, 7 figg. 14.81,.83,.89 60 Kunze, Helene. 4.88 Helix : 14 8 1917. Ueber den Aufbau des Centralnervensysiems von Helix pomatia L. und die Struktur seiner Elemente. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 232—240. 14. 81, ‚83, .89 51 Roos, Heinrich. 4.88 Helix : 15.4 1917. Ueberwinterungsversuche mit Helix pomatia L. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 29—31. 62 Marquart. 4.38 Helix : 16.1 1909. Schnecken. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 50 p. 112—114. [Verwertung bereits um 1748.] 63 Kunze, Helene. 4.38 Helix : 19.8 1916. Das Auftreten kristallähnlicher Gebilde in den Nucleolen der Ganglienzellen des Nervensystems der Weinbergschnecke. Sitz.-Ber… Ges. Beförd. Nat. Marburg 1915 p. 12—13. [Bis zu 20 Kristalloide in einem Kern.] 64 Kunze, Helene. 4,38 Helix : 18.3 1917. Ueber das ständige Auftreten bestimmter Zelielemente im Cen- tralnervensystem von Helix pomatia L. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der Konstanz histologischer Elemente. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 123—137. 212365 Cooke, A. H. 4.35 Helix 142.97} 1916. A New British locality for Helix (Euparypha) pisana, Mürı. Proc. 'malacol. Soc. London Yol. 12 p. 4. 66 Bean, J. Davy. 4.38 Helix (42.87) 1916. Notes on Helix pisana Mürzer and its Occurrence at Porthcawl. Journ. Conch. London Vol; 15 p. S5—86. 67 Müller, Eugen. 4.38 Helix (43.1). 1917. Helix (Fruticicola) rubiginosa (Zeı.) A. Schu. var. ehrmanni n. var. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakezool. &es. Jahrg. 49 p. 27—29. (43.13,.14) 68 Torka, V. 4.38 Helix (43,13). 1916. Helix obvia (Zixcr.) Harım. Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 23 Heft 1 P- 30—31. 69 Caziot, [E.] 4.8 Helix (44.9) 1917. Étude et revision des Helix du groupe pyramidata des côtes françaises. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 100—106, 5 figg. (44.91,.94) 70 Caziot, [E.] 4.38 Helix (45) 1917. Note sur les Campylaea de la Sardaigne et des îles de Capraia, de Pianosa et de Corse. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 65—16. (45.5,.9,.99) 71 Caziot, [E.] 4.88 Helix (45.9) 1917. Macularia de la Sardaigne et de la Corse. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 1Pe 16—83 -(45. 99) 72 Musy, M. 4.38 Helix (49+) "1916. Un mollusque nouveau pour Fribourg (Helix aspersa Mürr.) Bull. Soc. fribourg. Sc. nat. Vol. 28 p. 109—110. 212373 O’Connell, Marjorie. : 4.38 Hercynella (115) 1914. Description of Some Siluric Gasen Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Sc. Vol, 11 No. 1 p. 93—101, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in sr oo 231 Mollusca 212374 Bartsch, Paul. 4.38 Ligaus : 16.1 1915. An Attempt to Colonize the Tree Snail, Liguus fasciatus, at Tor- tugas. 14th Yearbook Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 196—197. 75 Oldham, Chas. 4.38 Limax (42 45) 1916. Limax tenellus in Shropshire. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 118. 76 Shackleford, L. J., and 6. C. Spence. 4.38 Limicolaria (66.9) 1916. On a Supposed New Species of Limicolaria. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 127—128, 2 figg. [L. abinsiensis. — 1 n. var.] 77 Rajat, H. 4.38 Limnaea : 11.044 1917. La vie des mollusques {Limnaea limosa) dans les milieux artifi- ciellement colorés. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 173—174. [Adapta- tion facile. Coloration passagere.] 78 Rajat, H. 4.28 Limnaea : 11.044 1917. L’action du chlorure de sodium sur les mollusques aquatiques. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 172. [Acclimatisation dans l’eau salée jusqu’à 5%.] 79 Dewitz, J. 4.38 Limnaea : 11.5 1916. Ueber die Erblichkeit der Inversion der Molluskenschale Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 1—3. [Die Zucht links gewundener Limnaea palustris ergab rechts gewundene.] 80 Reitmayer, Carl Aug. 4.38 Limnaea : 15 1916. Unsere grosse Schlammschnecke (Limnaea stagnalis L.) im Aqua- rium. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 192—194, 1 fig. 15.3,.6 81 Schermer, Ernst. 4.38 Limnaea : 15 1917. Die glatte Schlammschnecke (Limnaea glabra Mürr.) Blätt. Aquar.= Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 28 p. 9—10, 2 figg. 82 Jooss, Carlo H. 4,88 Limnaea (119) 191%. Ueber Limnaea (Limnaea s. str.) turrita Kuem emend. Jooss. Ten» . tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 58—64, 8 figg [1 n. mut. — In, var. 212383 Bartsch, Paul. 4.38 Oreohelix (73) 1916. Two New Land Shells from the Western States. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 331—333, 1 pl. [2 nn. subspp. in Oreohelix.] (78.6, 79.6) 84 Cawston, F. 6. 4.38 Physopsis : 16.7 1919. Bilharziosis. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 1427. 85 Soffel, Karl. 4.38 Planorbis : 15.6 1906. Fortpflanzung von Planorbis corneus. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 47 p. 84-85. 86 Vanatta, E. G. 4.38 Praticolella : 14.63 1915. Praticolella. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 154— 198, 10 fieg. [P. bakeri n. sp. 2 nn. varr.] (75.9) 87 Kolasius, Helmuth. 4.38 Pupilla (43.18) 1917. Beitrag zur Verbreitung von Pupilla sterri Voir Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakoz00l. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 37—40. 88 Wille, Johannes. 4.88 Stenogyra : 14 1%15. Untersuchungen über den anatomischen Bau der Lungenschnecke Stenogyra decollata L. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 717—804, 2 Tat., 38 figg. 14.12 .13,.24,.31—.86,.61,.63,.64,.65,.67,.73,.75,.77,.785,.81,.83—.85,.88,.89 85 Wenz, W. 4.38 Strobilops (7) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Strobilops Pırs. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 48 p. 178—192. (59.3, 71, 72.6, 728, 729.2, 74.7, 75:8,.9, 76.1,.4, 77.1,.2,.6,:18:4 9. 90 Schermer, Ernst. 4.38 Tachea : 15 1917. Unsere einheimischen Schnirkelschnecken. Wochenschr. Aquar.- ‚ Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 P- 79— 18, 84— m 2 figg. 15.2— .4 212391 Franz, V. 4 38 Tachea (44.34) 1917. Zur Farben- und Bändervariabilität von Tachea nemoralis L. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 292—299. [n. var. tricolor.] Molluscä 232 212392 Boycott, A. E. 4.38 Theba : 14.64 1916. Note on the Genitalia of Theba canthiana Mont. Journ. Conch. London Vol. 15 p. 124—125, 6 fige. 93 Reinhardt, 0. 4.38 Vertigo 1916. Vertigo unidentata Stuver. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch. malakozool. es. Jahrg. 48 p. 131—138. 94 Frankenberger, Zdenko. 4.38 Zonites (43 69) 1917. Zur Kenntnis der dalmatischen Zonites-Arten. Nachrichtsbl. deutsch, malakozool. Ges. Jahrg. 49 p. 24—27. [Z. obenbergeri n. sp.] 95 Kwietniewski, Casimiro. 4.4 (26.2) 1903. Contribuzioni alla c>noscenza anatomo-zoologica degli Pteropodi gimnosomi del Mare Mediterraneo. Ric. Lab. Anat. norm. Univ. Roma Vol, 9 p. 245—282, 235—343, 2 tav., 2 figg. 14.11—.14,.28,.31,.314—.36,.61—.67,.73.71,.81,.85,.86 96 Zarnik, B. 4.4 Creseis : 14.88 1915. Zur Kenntnis der statischen Organe. Sitz.-Ber. phys.-med. Ges. Würzburg 1915 p. 42—47. [Bau. Mechanismus.] 97 Bonnevie, Kristine. 4.4 Cuvierina : 14.6 1916. Mitteilungen über Pteropoden. I. Beobachtungen über den Ge- schlechtsapparat von Cuvierina columnella Ranc. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 245 —276, 5 Taf., 2 figg. 14.63,.631,.64,.65,.67 98 Frech, Fritz. 4,5 : 14.78.5 191%. Loses und geschlossenes Gehäuse der tetrabranchiaten Gephalo- poden. Centralbl. Min. Geol, Pal. 1915 p. 593—606, 4 figg. 4.52,.53 212399 Diener, Carl. 4.5 (1161) 1895, Himälayan Fossils. The Cephalopoda of the Muschelkalk. Palae- out. indica (15) Vol. 2 Pt. 2, 118 pp., 31 pls. [44 nn. spp. in: Ceratites 13, Acrochordiceras 2, Sibirites 2, Meekoceras 6, Gymnites 5, Ptyohites 8, Nau- tilus, Monophyllites 4, Xenodiscus. Sturia, Procladiscites.] 4.52,.93,.98 212400 Horn, Max. 4.5 (1161) 913. Vorläufige Mitteilung über den ladinischen Knollenkalkkomplex der Südalpen. Ceniralvl. Min, Geol. Pal. 1913 p. 508—512. 4.22,.53 01 Failot, Paul. 4.5 (117) 1916. Sur la présence de l’Aptien dans la Sierra de Majorque (Baléares). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 338—840. 4.53,.58 02 Naef, Adolf. 4.9 (26.2) 1916. Systematische Uebersicht der mediterranen Cephalopoden. Pubblic. Staz. zool. Napoli Vol. 1 p. 11—19. 4.56,.58 03 Berry, S. Stillman. 4.5 (238) 1916. Cephalopoda of the Kermadec Islands. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 68 p. 45—66, 4 pls., 22 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Lampa- dioteuthis n. g., Megalocranchia. — Lampadioteuthidae n. fam. — Eurleo- teuthss n. g. pro Symplectoteuthis luminosa. — Moschites challengeri n. nom. pro Eledone verrucosa Hoyız non VeRRILL.] 4 52,.06,.58 -04 Crick, &. C. 4.52 Nautilus (1162) 1916. Note on a Gigantic Cephalopod Mandible. Geol. Mag. N. 8. (6) Vol. 3 p. 260—264, 2 figg. [Nautilus butleri n. sp] 05 Sprengler, Erich. 4,52 Nautilus (117) 1913. Zur Systematik der obercretacischen Nautiliden. Centralbl. Min. 212406 Böhın, Joh. 4.52 Temnocheilus (115) 1912. Temnocheilus (Conchorhynchus) freieslebeni Gumız sp. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1912 p. 698— «02, 1 fig. 233 Mollusca 212407 Diener, C. 4.53 1915. Ueber Ammoniten mit Adventivloben. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 297 —298. 08 Diener, C. 4.53 1916. Einige Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Triascephalopoden. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 97—105. [Silesiacrochordiceras n. nom. pro Acrochordiceras damesi Noutuins, Edmundites pro Arpadites rimkinensis Moss., Gangadharites pro Beyrichites gangndhara Dien., Otoceltites pro Cel- tites perauritus Dıen., Paradidymites pro Didymites sp. iud. Waucen, Timo- rodidymites pro Didymites malayicus Weuter, Epigymnites pro Gymnites ecki Moss.. Parahauerites pro Hauerites ashleyi Hyarr et Smirtu, Arctohungarites pro Hungarites triformis, Spitisculites pro Isculites hauerinus SToL., indojuvarites pro Juvavites anguiatus Dıen., Acanthophiceras pro Ophiceras gibbosum Griess., Pinacoplacites pro Placites meridianus Werrer, Pachyprop- tychites pro Proptychites otoceratoides Dırn., Parapinacoceras pro Pınacoceras «spidoides Dien., Discoptychites pro Ptychiles megalodiscus Bsvr., Aristopty- chites pro Piychites gerardi Branrorn, Malletoptychites pro Ptychites malle- tianus StoL., Vredenburgites pro Sirenites vredenburgi Dien., Psilosturia pro Sturia mongolica Dirn., Trmorotropites pro Tropites dubiosus Werrer, Mar- garitropiles pro Anatropites margaritiformis Dirn., Arietoc:ltites pro Tro- piceltites arietitoides Dıen., Paradistichites pro Distichites ectoleitiformis Dırx., Indoclionites pro Clionites gracilis Dien, Xenodrepanites pro Drepanites schucherti Dien.] 09 Wedekind, R. 4.533 : 01 1916. Zur Systematik der Ammonoidea. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 pe 929— 538, 4 fige. 10 Coömme, S. 4,53 : 07 1916. Sur un nouveau procédé de reproduction des Cloisons d’Ammo- noïdes. ©. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 769—771. [Galvanoplastie avec tirage direct.] il Diener, C. 4.53 : 14.78.5 1916. Einiges über Terminologie und Entwicklung der Lobenelemente in der Ammonitensutur. Centralbi. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 593 —563, 578-592, 12 figg. “219412 Diener, C. 4,53 : 14.78.5 1916. Bemerkungen über die Inzisionen der Suturlinie als Grundlage einer natürlichen Klassifikation der Ammoniten. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 374—381. 13 Diener, Carl. 4,53 : 14.78.5 1916. Untersuchungen über die Wohnkammerlänge als Grundlage einer natürlichen Systematik der Ammoniten. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 125 Abt. 1 p. 253—309. (Ref. von F. Traurx. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 p. 267—272.) 14 Dietz, A. 4.53 : 14.78.35 1916. Ueber bipolare Lobenzerschlitzung einiger Liasammoniten. Cen- tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 195 —199, 6 figg. 15 Haas, Otto. 4.53 : 14.78.5 ‘1915. Ueber den Internlobus bei Arisetites und Arieticeras Sesurnza, über seinen Wert als Gatwingsmerkmal und über die obere Grenze der strati- graphischen Verbreitung von Arietites s. l. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 27—31, 1 fig. 16 Wedekind, R. 4.53 : 14.78.5 1916. Ueber Lobus, Suturallobus und Inzision. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal, 1916 p. 185—195, 6 figg. 17 Heinrich, A. j 4.53 (1161) 116. Kurze Mitteilung über den Nachweis der Subbullatuszone am Feuerkogel des Röthelsteines bei Aussee. Mitt. geol. Ges. Wien Bd. 8 p. 246--247. 212418 Oppenheimer, Jos. 4.53 (1162) 1914. Der Malm von Freistadtl in Mähren. Verl. nat, Ver. Brünn Bd. 52 Abh. p. 277—288, 1 fig. [Fossilien.] Mollusca 23% 212419 Uhlig, Victor. 4.53 (1162; 1903. Himalayan Fossils. The Fauna cf the Spiti Shales. Palaeont. indica (15) Vol. 4 p. 1—132, 18 pls., 10 figg. [29 nn. spp. in: Phylloceras, Haploceras 2, Hecticoceras, Oppelia 14, Aspidoceras, Holcostephanus 10, — Spiticeras n. subg.] 20 de Grossourre, A. 4,53 (117) 1508. Description des Ammonitides du crétacé supérieur du Limbourg belge et hollandais et du Haïnaut. Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. Belgique T. 4 No. ?, 38 pp., li pls., 13 fige. (492, 493) 21 Fallot, Paul. 4.53 (117) 1916. Sur la présence de l’aptien dans la Sierra de Majorque (Baléares). Ann. Univ. urenoble T. 25 p. 481—49i, 1 fig. 22 Kegel, Wilhelm. 4.53 Amaltheus (1162) 1915. Ueber Diluvial-Geschiebe mit Amaltheen. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 67 B p. 269 —271. (43.15 —.17,.51) 23 Crick, 6. C. 4,53 Ammonitoceras (117) 1916. On Ammonitoceras tovilense from the Lower Greensand (Aptian) of Kent. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 11S—120. 1 pl. [n. sp.] 24 Salfeld, Hans. 4.53 Cardioceras (1162) 1915. Monographie der Gattung Cardioceras Neumayr et Uurtıe. Teil I. Die Cardioceraten des oberen Oxford und Kimmeridge. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 67 A p. 149 —204, 5 Taf., 7 figg. (8 nn. spp.] (41.15, 42.33,.54,.56,.61, 43.11, 1e 31,.42 „46, .47,.50,.72, 41.27, 47.3, 494) 25 Tornquist, Alexander. 4.53 Ceratites (i161} 1916. Die nodosen Ceratiten von Olesa in Katalonien. Sitz.-Ber. Akad; Wiss. Wien Bd. 125 Abt. 1 p. 229--250, 1 Taf. [3 nn. spp.] 26 Wiugrave, Wyatt. 4.53 Coeloceras (1162) 1916. A New Variety of the Ammonite Coeloceras davaei, from the Lower Lias, Dorset. Geol. Mag. (6) Vol. 5 p. 196—198, 1 pl. [rectiradiutum.] 212427 Dourillé, Henri. 4.53 Cosmoceratidae 1916. Les Cosmocératidés, histoire d’une famille d’Ammonıtes, d’après un Mémoire posthume de M. Rorerr Douvirzé. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 112—115. [Mémoire publié par le Service de la Carte géolo- gique.] 25 Crick, &. C. 4.53 Crioceratites (117) 1917. Note on the Type-Specimen of Crioceratites bowerbankü, J. DE C. SowerBy. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol, 12 p. 138—139, ı pl. 29 Douville, H. 4.53 Desmoceratidae 1916. Une famille d’Ammonites, les Desmoceratides; essai d’une classi- fication rationnelle, valeur et subordination des caractères. C. R. Acad.. Se. Paris T. 162 p. 369—373. 80 Crick, G. C. 4.53 Glyphioceras (115) 1916. Note on the Carboniferous Goniatite Glyphioceras vesiculiferum, DE Konınck sp. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 47—52, 1 fig. (42.74,.89, 493) 81 Diener, C. 4.53 Gymnites (1161) 1917. Ueber eine neue Art des Genus Gymnites (G. spiniger) aus dem. Rare Muscheikalk. Centralbl. Min. &eol. Pal. 1917 p. 110 —114, 1. 32 Sala, Hans. 4,58 Ringsteadia (1162): 1917. NORosrApe der Gattung Ringsteadia (gen. nov.) -Palaeontogra-- phica Bd. 62 p. 69—84, 6 Taf., 1 fig. [6 nn. spp.] (42. 31, ‚33, 43. 47,.53, 44.25,.27, 33) 33 Diener, C. 4,53 Scaphites: 1916. Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Gattung Scaphites Park. (Cen-- tralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 525—528. 34 Frech, Fritz. 4.58 Scaphites : 14.78.5 1915. Ueber Scaphites II. Ueber die Rückbildung der Skulptur bei: fes jüngsten Scaphidenart. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 617—621,. fige. 212435 Frech, Fritz. 4.53: Scaphites (117): 1915. Ueber Scaphites. Die Bedeutung von Scazhites für die Gliederung. 255 Mollusea: der Oberkreide. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 553—568, 14 figg. [1: n. var.] (43.14,.53,.56, 47.5, 78.3,.4,.6,.7) 212436 Epstein, Leopold H. 4,55. 1917. Zur Frage der Genese von Spirula und anderer Tintenfische. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 232—234. 4.56,.58 37 Milewski, A. 4,56. 1916. Die Tintenfische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 468—471, 480—481, 3 figg. 88 Thiele, Joh. 4.56 1916/17. Bemerkungen über die Systematik der achtarmigen Cephalo- poden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 3—4. [Hymenoteuthis n. subg.] — Zur Systematik der achtarmigen Cephalopoden. von G. Game. p. 320—329. 39 Bottazzi, Fil. 4.56 : 11.45 1916. Ricerche sulla Ghiandola salivare posteriore dei Cefalopodi. Pabblic. Staz. zool. Napoli Vol. 1 p. 59—146, 33 fige. [Secreto provoca forte contrattura muscolare, La p- -ossifeniletilamina, non & il suo veleno specifico.] 40 Pfefferkorn, Alfred. 4.56 : 14.8 1915. Das Nervensystem der Octopoden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zoo. Bd. 114 p. 425—531, 2 Taf., 13 ägg. [Verschiedenartige Konzentration der Gehirn- ganglien. Commissurensystem in phylogenetischer Hinsicht.) 14.81,.83,.89 41 Grimpe, Georg. 4.56 Chunioteuthis (26.1) 1916. Chunioteuthis. — Eine neue Cephalopodengattung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 349—359, 3 figg. [Chunioteuthis n. g. ebersbachti n. sp. — Incirrata Cirrata nn. subord. — Cirroteuthinse, Stauroteuthinae nn. subfam. — Palæopolypodidae n. nam. pro Palæoctopodidae Dorro.] 42 Georgi, Fritz. 4.56 Octopus- 1915. Das „Chamäleon“ des Meeres. Kosmos Stu@gart Jahrg. 12 p.- 268-270, 1 fig. [Octopus vulgaris.) 212443 Berry, S. S. | 4.56 Ocythoe (79.4) 1916. The Octopod Ocythoe in California. Journ. Entom. Zool. Clar emont. Vol. 8 p. 1—4, 1 fig. 44 Massy, Anne L. 4.58 (26.1) 1916. Notes on the Co Slob ot ‘of the Irish Atlantis Slope. Ann. Mag.- nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 114. 45 Naef, Adolf. | 4.58 (45.73): 1916. Ueber neue Sepioliden aus dem Golf von Neapel. Public. Staz. zool. Napoli Vol. 1 p. 1—10, 2 figg. [2 un. spp. in: Sepietta, Rondeletia n. g. pro Sepietta minor.) 46 Sasaki, Madoka. 4,58 (52) 1916. Notes on Oegopsid Cephalopods found in Japan. Annot. zool.. japon. Vol. 8 p. 89—120, 1 pl. [/dioteuthis latipinna n. sp. — Idioteu-- thinse n. subfam.] (92.1,.4,.7) 47 Loescher, W. 4.55 Actinocamax (117) 1916. Zum Bett des Actinocamax plenus BLraixv. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 B p. 39—41. 48 v. Bülow, E. U. 4.58 Aulacoceras (1161)- 1916. Ueber einen Phragmokon von Aulacoceras sulcatum v. Hauer aus der alpinen Trias, Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 91—94, 1 fig. 49 Joubin, L. 4.58 Chirotenthis (es. 1) 1916. Études Préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes recueillis au cours des croisières de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. 4€ Note: Chiroteuthis portieri nov. Sp. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 317, 10 pp., 3 figg. 212450 Ishikawa, C. 4.58 Enoploteuthis (26.7) 1914. Ueber eine neue Art von Enoploteuthis, Enoploteuthis chunit spec. 'nov., aus Uwodu, Japänisches Meer. Journ. Coll. Agric. Univ. Tokyo- Vol. 4 p. 401—418, 2 Taf. Mollusca — Bryozoa 236 212451 Ishikawa, C., and Yojirô Wakiya. 4.58 Moroteuthis 1914. Note on a Gigantic Squid obtained from the Stomach of a Sperm Whale. Journ. Coll. Agric. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 4 p. 435—443, 2 pls. [Moroteuthis robusta.] Ishikawa, C., and Y. Wakiya. 4.58 Moroteuthis (52.1) 1914. On a New Species of Morofeuthis from the Bay of Sagami, M. lünnbergi. Journ. Coll. Agric. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 4 p. 445—460, 2 pls. 55 Winkler, Arthur. 4,58 Rossia : 14 1915. Untersuchungen über das Nervensystem und das Biutgefässystem von Rossia macrosoma D'Ors. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 657—737, 1 Taf., 11 figg. [Was die Nerven angeht, steht Rossia dem Loligo be- deutend näher als Sepia.] 14.12,.13,.14,.81,.83,.89 54 Zeitler, H. 4.58 Sepia : 07 1915. Kleine Schulversuche. Ein Modell zur Erläuterung der Rück- stossbewegung des Tintenfisches. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 8 p. 279, 1 fig. 55 Craifaleanu, Aurel D. 4.58 Sepia : 11.32 1916. Studies on the ferments of sea animals. Mollusca. Proteolytic ferments in the liver of Sepia officinalis. Pubblic. Staz. zool. Napcli Vol. 1 p. 155—208. [2 ferments at least, one active in acid, the other in ‚ alkaline medium. The former more intense.] 56 Comes, Salvatore. 4.58 Sepia : 18 1916. Il condrioma e l’esistenza di un reticolo mitocondriale nella cel- lula cartilaginea dei cefalopodi. (Nota preventiva.) Boll. Accad. Gio- enia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 38 p. 5—12, 2 figg. 18.11, 3 212457 Sith, Edgar A. 4.58 Sepiidae (6) 1916. On the Shells of the South African Species of the Sepiidae. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 20—26, i pl. [4 nn. spp. in Sepia.] (66.4,.9, 67.8, 68.4,.7) t 59.47 Bryozoa (incl. Ptervbranchia). (Vide etiam: 209403, 209408, 209409, 209413, 209416—209418, 209421, 209423, 209427—209431, 209452, 209455, 209473, 210099, 211163, 211375, 211377, 211385, 211409, 211430, 212122, 212124.) 58 Lang, W. D. 47 1916. Calcium Carbonate and Evolution in Polyzoa. Geol. Mag. N. 8. 59 Rousselet, C. F. 43.1 : 11.65 1916. Statoblasts of Fresh-water Polyzoa. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 141—142. — Discussion (S. J. F. Hırmer, Artaur EanrLanp, D. J. SCOURFIBLD). pe 143—146. 212460 Lang, W. D. 47.1 (117) 1916. A Revision of the „Cribrimorph“ Cretaceous Polyzoa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 81—112, 381 —410. [190 nn. spp. in: Baptopora n. g., Kelestoma (n. g. pro Cribrilina elongatum), Morphasmopora (n. g. pro C. jutes-brownei), Tricephalopora (n. g. pro C. triceps) 7, Haplocephalopora n. g., Phractopora (n. g. pro C. costrata) 4, Polycephulopora n. g. 5, Antro- pora n. g. 4, Pnictopora n. g. 4, Anornithopora n. g. 2, Carydiopora n. g. 3, Castanopora n. g. 5, Rhiniopora n. g. 5, Phrynopora n. g., Hesperopora n. g. 2, Stichocados (n: g. pro Cribrilina verruculosus) 3, Diacanthopora n. 8., Pelmatopora n. g. 28, Sandalopora n. g. 6, Ichnopora n. g. 7, Batra- chopora n. g. 6, Pachydera, Andriopora n. g. 9, Corymbopora n. g., Argopora n. g. 3, Nannopora (n. g. pro Réptescharella pygmea) 2, Distansescharella, Angelopora n. g., Eucheilopora n. g. 5, Kankopora n. g., Oligotopora n. g., Tricolcopora n. g., Monoceratopora n, g. 3, Hybopora n. g., Hippiopora n. g., Aeolopora n. g. 2, Auchenopora n. g., Pancheilopora n. g., Holostegopora n. g., Pliophloea 4, Trilophopora n. g., Schistacanthopora n. g., Hexacanthopora n. g. à, Prodromopora n. g., Lagynopora n. g. 7, Leptocheilopora n. g. 4, 231 Bryozoa — Brachiopoda Rhacheopora n. g. 4, Histricopora n. g., Prosotopora n. g. 2, Diancopora n. 8, Diceratopora n. g., Dishelopora n. g. 6, Geisopora n. g., Anaptopora n. g. 3, Anoropora n. g., Otopora n. g., Ctenopora n. g., Calpidopora n. g. 4, Rhabdopora n. g. 3, Graptopora n. g., Myagropora n. g. 2, Taractopora n. g. 2, Thoracopora n. g. 2. — Pelmatoporidae, Andrioporidae, Lagynopori- dae, Rhacheoporidae, Otoporidae, Ctenoporidae, Calpidoporidae, Myagro- poridae, Taractoporidae, Thoracoporidae nn. fam. — Francoporinae, Ke- lestominae, Tricephaloporinae, Pnictoporinae, Castanoporinae, Diacantho- porinae, Pelmatoporinae, Andrioporinae, Pliophloeinae, Schistacantho- porinae, Lagynoporinae, Leptocheiloporinae, Rhacheoporinae, Dishelo- porinae nn. subfam. — Francopora n. g. pro Cribrilina canui, Opisthor- nithopora pro Reptescharella flabellata, Polyceratopora pro Lepralia euglypha.} (42.21,.23,.25,.27,.29,.51—.61, 43.16,.53,.71, 44.17,.25,.28,.36,.37,.49,.54,.63,.64,.71, 48.9, 492, 74.9) 212461 Canu, Ferdinand, and Ray S. Bassler. 47.1 (1181) 1917. A Synopsis of American Early Tertiary Cheilostome Bryozoa. Buli. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 96, 86 pp., 6 pls. [45 nn. spp. in: Mem- braniporina, Adenifera (n. g. pro M. armata), Otionella n. g., Vibracellina n. g., Hincksina 2, Ogivalina n. g., Membrendoecium n. g., Periporosella n. g., Elhsina, Grammella, Membraniporidra n. g., Stamenocella n. g., Diplo- pholeos n. g., Floridinella n. g., Dacryonella n. g., Aechmella n. g., Metracol- posa n. g., Acanthocella (n. g. pro Cribrilina tubulifera), Cribrendoecium n. g.. Gastropella n. g., Metroperiella (n. g. pro Schizoporella lepralioides), Hippozeugosella (n. g. pro Bactridium hagenowi), Didymosella (n. g. pro Po- rina larvalis, Stomachetosella n. g., Enoplostomella n. g., Schizemiella n. g., Metradoliun n. g., Leiosella n. g., Metrocrypta n. g., Ochetosella n. g., Pla- grosmittia n. g., Cystisella (n. g. pro Porella saccata), Schizaropsis n. g., Tremotoichos n. g., Hippopodina, Tubucella (n. g. pro Eschara mamillaris), Catenicella, Adeonella, Phylactellu, Perigastrella (n. g. pro Lepralia labiata), Hemicyclopora, Schizobuthysella n. g., Kleidionella n. g — Stomachetoselli- dae, Phyllactellidae nn. fam. — Membraniporae n. group. — Ooontionella n. g. pro Membranipora hians, Rectonychocella pro Onychocella sordida, Schi- zopodrella pro Lepralia unicornis, Stephanosella pro L. biaperta, Schizoma- vella pro L. auriculata, Hippomenella pro L. muronelliformis, Bathosella pro Mucronella aspera, Kymella pro Cyclicopora polaris, Hippadenella pro Flustra margaritifera, Hippellozoon pro Retepora novezelandiae, Schizellozoun pro R. imperati, Triphyllozoon pro R. moniliferum, Semihaswellia pro Porina proboscidea, Acanthionella pro Escharifora typica, Schizorthosecos pro Orbi- tolites interstitia.] (75.6— 76.2,.4,.7) 212462 Herwig, Ernst. 47.1 Bugula : 1499 1916. Die Avicularien von Bugula flabellata. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 7 p. 156—159, 1 Taf. | 63 Waters, Arthur Wm. 47.1 Crisia (26) 1916. Some Species of Crisia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 469 —477, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp.] (26.1,.2,.7) 64 Metzner, P. | 47.2 (43.21) 1916. Die Bryozoen (Moostierchen) der sächsischen Oberlausitz. Abh. nat. Ges. Isis Bautzen 1913/15 p. 46—58, 2 Taf., 3 figg. 59.48 Brachiopoda. (Vide etiam: 209401, 209402, 209404—209423, 209425—209435, 209437, 209433— 209143, 209445 — 209447, 209451, 209452, 209455, 209459, 209463, 209472, 209473, 210099, 211430, 212099—2:2101, 212104—212106, 212109, 212111, 212112, 212115, 212118—212120, 212133, 212138, 212140.) 212465 Ashworth, J. H. 48 : 13.41 1916. On Larvae of Lingula and Pelagodiscus (Discinisca). Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 45—69, 2 pls. | Brachiopoda — Tunicata .. 238 "212465 Braun, E. Lucy. 48 (113) 1916. The Cincinnatian Series and its Brachiopods in the Vicinity of Cincinnati. sourn. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 22 p. 18—44. 67 Haynes, W. P. 48 (114) 1916. The Fauna of the Upper Devonian in Montana. Part 2. The Stratigraphy and the Brachiopoda, Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 p. 13-54, 6 pls. (Public. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh No. 88). [5 nn. spp. in: Lingula, Spirifer (2 nn. varr.), Leiorhynchus 3 (2 nn. varr.).] 68 Rollier, Louis. 48 (1162) : 1915. Synopsis des Spirobranches (Brachiopodes) jurassiques Celto- Souabes. Meın. Soc. paléont. Suisse Vol. 41 No. 2, 69 pp. 3 figg. 69 Wilson, Alice E. 48 Oxoplecia (113) 1915. Un Brachiopode nouveau, provenant de la base de l’Utica. Canada Minist. Mines. Comm. géol. Mus. commem. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 93— 98, 1 pl., 1 fig. [Oxoplecia n. g. Calhouni n. sp.] 70 Scalia, 8. 48 Richthofenia 1915. Sul significato biologico dell’involuero calcareo e dell’apparecchio sopradorsale delle Richthofenia. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 34/85 p. 22—27. [Adattamento analogo a quello delle Rudiste. F'enomeni di convergenza.] 11 Williams, Henry Shaler. 48 Spirifer (113) 1916. New Brachiopods of the Genus Spirifer from the Silurian of Maine. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 73—80, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp] 72 Thomson, J. Allan. 48 Terebratellidae 1916. On the Classification of the Terebratellidae. @eol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 8 p. 496—505, 1 fig. [Aldıngia n. g. pro Terebratella furculifera, Diestothyris pro Terebratula frontalis.] ‘212478 Percival, F. 6. 48 Terebratula : 14.78.5 1916. On the Punctation of the Shells of Teredratula. Geol. Mag. N. 8. (6) Vol. 3 p. 51—56, 1 pl., 2 figg. 74 Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 48 Terebratulidae 1916. Brachiopod Morphology: Notes and Comments on Dr. J. Arran l'aomson’s Papers. Geol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 21—26. [Thomsonia n. g. pro Terebratula grayi.] 59.49 T'unicata. (Vide etiam: 210314, 211314, 211362, 211363, 211368, 2114i5) 75 Nick, L. 49.: 07 (43.58) 1916. Unser Planktonschrank. IV. Mollusken und Tunikaten. 46, Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 5—42, 12 figg. ‘76 Hyde, Ida H. 49 : 18.9 1915. The Development of a Tunicate Without Nerves. Bull. Kansas Univ. Vol. 16 Science Bull. Vol. 9 p. 175—179. [The cells giving rise to the heart, siphon and digestive tract continue to develop after nervous system has been removed. Heart will beat and muscles differentiate without nervous control.] 49.4 77 Hartmeyer, R. 49 (26.1) 1912. Ascidien aus dem Skagerrak, dem Trondhjemsfjord und ven den Fär Ver. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 63 p. 261—286, 3 figg. [Tethyum mortenseni n. sp.] (26.12) 49.3,.4 8 Hartmeyer, R. 49 (26.75) 1915. Ueber einige Ascidien aus dem Golf von Suez. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. er 14 figg. [Ascidia savignyi n. ep.) 9.3,.4 ‘212479 Hilton, Willam A. 49 (79.4; 1917. Littoral Ascidiaus Collected at Laguna Beach. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 36—31. 49.3,.4 239 Tunicata — Vermes 242480 Salensky, W. 92:14 1903/04. Études anatomiques sur les Appendiculaires. I. irn vanhoeffeni Lonmann. (Trav. Lab. zool. Stat. biol. Sebastopol No. 1) Men. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. ($) T. 13 No. 7, 42 pp., 5 pls. — Etudes anatomiques sur les Appendiculaires. II. Oikopleura rufescens For. — III. Fritillaria pellucida Busch. — IV. Fritillaria borealis Louuwanx, T. 15 No. 1, 106 pp., 12 pls. 14.11,.12 "8, 316. 35,.63,,69,.77,.81,.83—.85,.88,.89 81 Grimpe, Georg. 49.3 1915. Die Manteltiere Ciona intestinalis und Cynthia papillosa. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 26 p. 228—230, 2 figg. 82 de Selys-Longchamps, Marc. 49,3 : 11.65 1917. Sur le bourgeonnement des Polystyélinés Stolonica et Heterocarpa avec quelques notes sur l’anatomie de ces deux genres. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 50 p. 170—276, 3 pls., 22 figg. 83 Soubbotine, O. 49,3 : 11.69 \ 1916. Sur le pouvoir régulateur de l’embryon des Ascidies, (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 736—%98. [Mosaïque au cours de la période de segmentation, l’organisme manifeste pouvoir régu- lateur du moment où la larve devient libre. Ceci ne dépend pas de la différenciation.] 84 Hirsehler, Jan. 49,3 : 14.65 1916. Ueber die Plasmakomponenten (Golgischer Apparat, Mitochon- drien u.a.) der weiblichen Geschlechtszeilen (zytologische u Elze am Ascidien-Ovarium.) Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 89 Abt. 2 p. 1—58, 4 Taf. [Permanenter Golgischer Apparat. Dotterkerne. Mitochördzien‘ Dotterbildung. Grundplasma. Glykogengehalt. Fettmangel. Follikel- und Testazellen.] 14.651 212485 Hecht, Selig. 49,3 Ascidia : 11.21 1916. The water current producea by Ascidia atra Lesuxur. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 423—434, 1 fig. [Water pressure of 1,. mm. of sea-water attained. Measure of volumes of water. Efficient ciliary action.] 86 Hartmeyer, R. 49.3 Ascidia (26.7) 1916. Notiz über Ascidia perfluxa Suvm. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 159—161, 1 fig. 87 Jackel, 0. 49.3 Permosoma (115) 1915. Ueber fragliche Tunicaten aus dem Perm Siciliens. Palaeont. Zeitschr. Bd. 2 p. 66—74, 1 Taf. [Permosoma n. g. tunicatum n. sp] 88 de Selys-Longchamps, Marc. 49.3 Stolonica : 11.65 1916. Sur un mode nouveau de bourgeonnement chez un Tunicier du groupe des Polystyelides; les statoblastes de Stolonica socialis Harımavyar (1903). Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 6—15, 5 figg. 59.51 Vermes (incl. Mesozoa, Trichoplax). Vide etiam: 209418, 209421, 209423, 209425, 209429, 209430, 209438, 209442, 209455, 209473, 209775, 210039, 210040, 210046, 210047, 210374, 211157, 211159, 211169, 211172, 211174, 211176, 211179—211196, 211314, 211362, 211367, 211368, 211372, 211375— 211377, 211380, 211381, 211384— 211386, 211404, 211408, 211412, 211414, 211415, 211417, 211418, 211421— 211426, 211428.) 212489 Harmer, Sidney J. 51 1916. The Group Vermidea. Nature London Vol. 88 p. 2% [Use in Zoological Record unscientific and at variance with that proposed by DxLacx and Hénrouarp.] Vermes. 240 212490 Trendelenburg, Paul. 51 : 11.044- 1915. Ueber die Wirkung des Santonins und seiner Derivate auf die Wurmmuskulatur, und Bemerkungen zur Wirkung des Oleum Chenopodii. Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd. 79 p. 190—217, 18 figg. [Starke Erregung der Wurmmuskulatur : Steigerung des Tonus, Zuckungen. Laktoncharakter.]; 51.8,.6 91 Baylis, H. A. 51 (82.99) 1316. Some Nemertinea, Free-living Nematoda and Oligochaeta from the Falklands, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 288—298, 4 figg. [2 nn. sppp. in: Stenolaimus, Dolicholaimus.] 51.24,.3,.6 92 Parona, Corrado. 51.1 : 09 1914. L’Elmintologia italiana dai suoi primi tempi all’anno 1910. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 25 p. 201—217. 51.21,.22,.3 93 Lebonr, Marie V. 51.1 : 16.9 : 51.35 1917. Some Parasites of Sagitta bipunctata. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Ply=- » mouth N. S. Voi. 11 p. 201—206, 6 figg. 51.22,.3 94 von Linstow, 0. 51.1,..168: 6 1905. Résultats scientifiques de l’Expédition polaire russe en 1900— 1903, sous la direction du Baron E Torr. Section E: Zoologie. Volume I, livr. 1. Helmintnen der russischen Polar-Expedition 190)—1903, Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg (8) T. 18 No, 1, 17 pp., 3 pls. [16 nn. spp. in: Ascaris, Echinorhynchus 2, Hymenolepis 3, Diorchis 2, Aploparaksis 2, Dilepis, Scorihowıa n. g., Aporina, Tetrabothrium, Notobothrium n. g., Bothrıocepha- lus.] 16.9 : 83.3, : 84.1,.4, : 9.745 ; 95 Cooper, A. R. 51.1 : 16.9: 7 1915. Trematodes from Marine and Fresh-Water Fishes, including one Species of Ectoparasitic Turbellarian. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol, $ Sect. 4 p. 181—205, 3 pls. 16.9 : 7.35,.55,.56,.58 91.22,.23 212496 Barker, Franklin D. 511.2269.:932 1912/16. Parasitesfof the Muskrat. Science N. S. Vol, 42 p. 570. — Vol. 43 p. 208. 51.21,.22,.3 97 Coureur, Ch. 51.1 : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Cachexie osseuse des équidés. Cachexie vermineuse des équidés. Cylicostomose. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 600—633. 51.21,.3 98 Schlegel, M. 51.1 : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Mitteilungen aus dem Tierhygienischen Institut der Universität Freiburg i. Br. im Jahre 1915. Zeitschr. Infektionskrankh. paras. Krankh. Hyg. HARBUETE Bd. 18 p. 49—80, 1 fig. [Tierische Parasiten.) 51.21,.22 99 Kitt, Th. 51.1 : 16.9 : 9.74 1915. Hakenwurmkrankheit, Lungenegel und Blutwürmer bei Tigern. Monatshefte prakt. Tierheilkde. Bd. 26 p. 324-349, 16 figg. »1.22,..3 212500 Rosenberger, Randle C. 51.1 : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Filariasis Associated with Schistosomiasis. N. York med. Journ. Vol. 102 p. 883— 884. 51.22,.3 01 Brüning, Hermann. 51.1 : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Die kindlichen Darmschmarotzer, ihre Störungen und ihre Be- handlung. Fortbildungsvortrag. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 pe 685—688. 51.21,.3 02 Lyon, M. W., Jr. 51.1: 16.9: 9.9 1916. The Animal Diet of Early Man. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 426— 427. [Shown by host relation to animal parasites.] 212503 Maxwell, James L. 51.1: 16.3: 9.9 1916. The Diseases of China. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 . 237—239. [Caused by worms.] 51.21,.22,.3 241 Vermes 212554 Sonlie, Henri, et G. Derrieu. 3141°310.9.:.9,9 1916. Parasitisme intestinal des enfants des écoles maternelles d’Alge- rie. Détermination d’un indice parasitaire. Application de cet indice à la mesure de la pureté des eaux de boisson. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 195—802. [49°/, parasités. Propagation des Nématodes par voie hydrique.] 51.21.38 05 Bardachzi, Franz, und Zoltän Barabas. Hits 10.9. 9,9 1917. Auffallend häufiges Vorkommen von Eingeweidewürmern bei Kriegsteiinehmern. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 570—572. 91.213 08 Barker, Franklin D. N 18:6. Polvradiate Cestodes, Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 170-171. 07 Gutberlet. John E. 51.21 : 14 1916. Morphology of Adult and Larval Cestodes from Poultry. (Contr. zool. Lab. Univ. Ill. No. 57.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol, 35 p. 23— 44, 4 pls. 14.61,.63,.65,.73,.76,.77,.83,.9 08 Boycott, A. E. 01.21 : 16.9 : 4.83 1916. The Occurrence of the Larva of a Cestode Worm in Polita rogersi. Proc. malacol. Soc. London Vol. 12 p. 59 09 Joyeux. Ch. 51.21 : 16,9 : 57 1916. Sur le cycle évolutif de quelques Cestodes. Note préliminaire. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 578-583. [Infestation de la puce à l’état larvaire par Dipylidium caninum. Infestation d’insectes par Hymelolepis diminuta. Gontagion interhumaine par J1. nana] 16.9 : 57.21,.67,.75,.89, : 9.32,.74,.9 i0 Johnston, T. Harvey. 51.21: 10.9.0 1916. Helminthological Notes. Mem. Queensland Mus. Vol. 5 p. 186— 36, 18 fige. age longmant n. sp.] 16.9: :"81.1,.21, : 9.32 (94.3 —.5) 212511 Yoshida, Sadao. 51.21.28 10.9: Tai 1917. Some Cestodes from Japanese Selachians, including five New Species. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 560-592, 1 pl, 4 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Orygmatobothrium, Acanthobothrium, Calliobothrium 2, Rhynchobothrium.] (82. 1,.2) 12 Linton, Edwin. 51,21": 10,9 : 7.95 1916. Notes on Two Cestodes from the Spotted Sting-Ray. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 34—37, 1 pl. [Tylocephalum marsupium and Oncho- bothrium tortum nn. spp.] (26.3) 13 Wagner, Oskar. 51.21 :16.9: 7.5 1916. Ueber die Taenien der Süsswasserfische. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 421—423, 3 figg. 14 Meggitt, F. J. 51.21 : 16.9 : 82 1916. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Tpeneins of Fowls and of Sparrows. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 3930-410, 3 pis., 1 fig. [Da- vainea dubius n. sp.] (42.41,.45— 48,53) 15 Gutberlet, John E. 51.21 : 16,9 : 86 1916. Studies on the Transmission and Prevention of Cestode Infection in Chickens. (Contr. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 62.) Journ. Amer. veter, med. Assoc. 1916 p. 218—237. 16 Cholodkovsky. N. 51.21 : 16.9 : 86 1917. Contribution à la connaissance des cysticerques d'oiseaux. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 89 p. 219—222, 1 fig. [Cy- sticerque du coq de position systématique douteuse.] 17 Meggitt, F. J. 51.21 Anoplocephala : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. A Tri-Radiate Tapeworm (Anoplocephala perfoliata Gorzx) from the Horse. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 379—389, 1 pl., 2 fige. 212518 Leon, N. 51.21 Bothiriocepnätusl! ° 10.9.:,9.9 1916. :Bothriocephalus taenioides. Centraibl. Bakt. Parasitenkde, Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 78 p. 503— 504, 3 fige. Bibliogr. Zool. XXX viii. 1917 16 Vermes 242 212519 Rubenstone, A. I. 91.21 Bothriocephalus : 16.9 : 99 1916. Bothriocephalus latus Infestation. Report of a Multiple Case. NX. York med. Journ. Vol. 104 p. 599—600. 20 Singer, J. Je 51.21 Bothriocephalus : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. A Case of Bothriocephalus latus Infection. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol, 19 p. 163. 21 Yoshida, Sadao. 51.21 Bcthriccephalus : 16.9 : 9 1917. The Occurrence of Bothriocephalus liguloides Leucrarr, with Especial Reference to its Development. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 171—176, 1 fig. 16.9 : 9.73,.74,.9 22 Jewell, Minna E. 51.21 Cylindrotaenia : 16.9 : 78 1916. Cylindrotaenia americana nov. spec. from tne Cricket Frog. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 67.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 181-192, 1 pl., 2 figg. f (77.3,.4, 78.2) 23 Ranson, B. H. 51.21 Cystieercus : 16,9 : 9.735 1914. Measles in Live Stock and its Relation to Rural Savitary Con- ditions. 1.ih ann. Rep. U. 8. Live Stock Sanit. Assoc. p. 24—27, 1 fig. [Cysticercus spp.] 24 Blanchard, :R. 51.21 Davainea : 14 1916. Tête de Davainea madagascariensis. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 413. [Rostre armé et ventouses.] 25 Paxman, Dalton G. »1.21 : Dilepis : 18.15 1915. Cell Multiplication in the Sub-cuticula of Dilepis scolecina. Biol, Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 339 —398, 1 pl. [Tissue growth by deve- lopment of protoplasmic masses ratrer than by mitotic or amitotic division. Chromidıal extrusions. Degenerate character of nucleus in Cestodes.] 26 Mendoza-Guazon, Maria Paz. 51.21 Dipylidium : 16.9: 9.9 1916. A Case of Infestation with Dipylidium caninum. Philippine Journ. Sc. B Sol. 11 p. 19—30, 5 figg. 212527 de Buen, Sadi. 51.21 Hymenolepis (46.75) 1914. Sobre una tenia nueva en España. Bol. Soc. espaü. Biol. Año 4 pe. 83—87. [Hymenolepis diminuta.] 28 Rudin, Eduard. 51.21 Oochoristica : 16.9 : 81.1 1916. Oochoristica truncata Krasee. Zuol. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 35—%8, S1—85, 3 figg. 29 La Rue, George R. 91.21 Ophiotaenia : 16.9 : 79 1914. A New Cestode, Ophiotaenia cryptobranchi nov. spec., from Crypto- branchus allegheniensis (Daunix). (Zool. Lab. Univ. Michigan No. 142). 15th ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 11—17, 1 pl. 30 Fuhrmann, 0. 51.21 Protevcephalidae : 16:9: 7.55 1916. Eigentümliche Fischcestoden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 385—398, 9 figg. [Goezeella n. g. siluri n. sp. — Kudolphiella r. g. pro Callobothrium lobosum ] ! 31 Râtz, Istvan. Ù 51.21 Sparganum : 16.9 : 9.73 1916. Üj Sparganum-faj. Ällatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 129—135, 3 fige — Eine neue Sparganum-Art. p. 203—204. [fp. raillieti] 32 Foster, Winthrop D. 31.21 Taenia : 11.59 1916. A Further Note on Polyradiate Cestodes. Science N. 8. Vol. 44 pe 355 —389. 83 Duri, Rud. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Die Untersuchung auf Rinderfinnen (Cysticercus bovis s. inermis) in der Fleischschau. Corr.Bl. Schweiz. Aerzte Jahrg. 46 p. 552—560. 34 Schenkl. . 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Kurze Mitteilungen aus der Praxis. I. Oncosphären der Taenia inermis in den Kaumuskelr eines Jungrindes. München. tierärztl. Wo- chenschr. Jahrg. 68 p. 21—22. 35 Schimitchek, Ed. 51.21 Taenia : 16.5 : 9.74 1908. Der Hundebandwurm. Diana Jahrg. 26 p. 141—144. (Taenia spp.] 212536 Deve, F. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. L’échinococcose viscérale métastatique chez l’homme. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T, 79 p. 697—699. ; 243 Vermes 12537 Deve, F. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9,9 1916. L’&chinococcose secondaire locale du cœur. (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. a an 88 Deve, F. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 0.9 1916. House chez l'enfant. Intérêt doctrinal de son étude. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 911—913. [Dans la règle le kyste hyda- tique de l’adulte ost un kyste déjà âgé. Infection chez l’enfant.] 39 Dévé, F., et Mme M. Boppe. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. L’échinococcose pulmonaire métastatique dans ses relations avec l’âge des malades et le siège du kyste primitif. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 913—914. [Manifestation secondaire exigeant développement et rupture d’un kyste cardiaque primitif.] 40 Dévé, F., et Mlle M. Dumont. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. L’&öchinococcose cérébrale, dans ses rapports avec l’âge des malades. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 1000—1001. [Germes originels contractés dans la jeunesse] A1 Dupont, V. 51.21 Taenia : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Spasme laryagé et Tenia. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 180— 151. [D'origine réflexe dû à la présence de T. saginata] 42 Nybelin, 0. 51.21 Tetrabothriidae : 16.9 : 84 1916. Neue Tetrabothriiden aus Vögeln. «Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 297—301. [7 nn. spp. in: Tetrabothrius 6, Chaetophallus n. g.] 16.9 : 84.2 —.4 (48.6, 67.3, 68.7) 43 Monticelli, Fr. Sav. 51.22 : 14 1914. Ricerche sulla Cercaria setifera di Jon. Mürrzer. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 5, 49 pp., 5 tav., 7 fing. 14.31,.82,.34,.61,.63,.65,.73,.76,.77,.83,.89 44 Cawston, F. 6. 51.22 : 16,9 : 4.38 1916/17. „The Cercariae of Natal.“ Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. Louden Vol. 19 p. 201—£02, 1 fig. — Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 1831—135. [3 nn. spp.) (68.4) 2545 Fahrmann, 0. 51.22 : 16.9 : 4.38 1916. Notes helminthologiques suisses. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 24 p. 389—396, 1 pl. [Cercaria letifera, Cercariaeum squamosum nn. spp.] 46 Faust. Ernest Carroll, 51.22 : 169; 4.38 1917. Notes on the Cercariae of the Bitter Root Valley, Moutana. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 80,) Journ». Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 105—123, 1 pl. [14 nn. spp.] (78.6) 47 Yoshida, Sadao. 51.22 : e 16. 9% 53. 342 1916. On a Trematode Larva Eneysted in a Crab, Helice tridens (ve Haan). Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 76—81, 2 figg. 48 Ciurea, J. 51.22 : 16.9: 6 1915. Nachträg zu meiner Arbeit: „Ueber einige neue Distomen aus dem Darme uuserer Haustiere und des Pelikans“ usw. Zeitschr. Infek- tionskr. paras. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 17 p. 108—112. [Metago- nimus verschieden von Loossia.] 49 Ciurea, J. 51.22 : 16.9 : 6 1916. Prohemistomum appendiculatum, eine neue Holostomiden-Art aus Hunde- und Katzendarm, dessen Infektionsquelle in den Süsswasser- fischen zu suchen ist. Nebst einer Bemerkung zu der Arbeit Prof. Karsurapas: „Studien über Trematodenlarven bei Süsswasserfischen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Elb- und Alsterfische.“ Zeitschr. Iu- fektionskr. parasit. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 17 p. 309— 328, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Pr. a. n. sp. Paracoenogonimus ovatus Karsurapa eine Frohemi- stomum-Art.] 16.9 : 7.55, : 9.74 50 Stankard, Horace W. 51.22 : 16.9 : 81.3 1916. On the Anatomy ‘and Relationships of Some North American Trematodes. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 72.) Journ. Para- sitol. Vol. 3 p. 21—27. [7 nn. spp. in: Polystoma 4, Allassostoma n. g. 2, Zygocotyle n. g.] (75.6, 76.4, 77.3,.7, 78. 2) Vermes 244 212551 Perroncito, E. 51.227 100: 9 1916. Distomatosi nelle lepri e nei daini. Ann. Accad. Agric. Torino. Vol. 58 p. 221. 16.94:49.32,,735 52 Ward, Henry B. 1.22 (77) 1916. Notes on Two Free-Living Larval Trematodes from No America. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 71.} Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 10—19, 1 pl. [Cercaria anchoroides and gorgonocephala nn. spp.] (77.1,.4) 53 Mac Callum. G. A. 51.22 Acanthocotyle : 16.9 : 7.56 1916. Acanthocotyle bothi n. sp. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 486—487, 3 figg. [Correction of description published in 1913] 54 Fuhrmann, ©. 51.22 Aporchis : 16.9 : 84.2 1915. Description d’un nouveau Trématode (Aporchis segmentatus n. sp.) parasite de SIterna bergii Licur. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 209— 294,,1 pl. (932) 56 Jegen, 6. 51.22 Collyrielum : 16.9 : 88.1 1915. Zur Kenntnis von Collyriclum faba [Breus] Kossacx. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 216—219. 56 Fehlmann, J. W. 51.22 Diplostomum : 16.9 : 7.55 1916. Eine unangenehme Beobachtung. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 24 p. 68—69. [Massen-Erkrankungen von Trüschen des Zürichsees in- folge Befalls mit Diplostomum volvens.] — Sind wirklich die Lachmöven die Schuldigen? von Ans. Hxss. p. 19$—195. [Kommen als Ueberträger kaum in Betracht.] — Bemerkungen zur vorstehenden Entgegnung des Herrn A. Hkss, von J. W. FRHLMANN. p- 195—196. — Von der gemeinen Möve, von A. Hess. p. 218. 57 Shaffer, Elmer. 51.22 Discocotyle : 16.9 : 7.55 1916. Discocotyle salmonis nov. spec., ein neuer Trematode an den Kiemen der Regenbogenforelle (Salıno irideus). Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 257—271, 10 fig 8: (26.1) 212558 Arial Ve 51.22 Distoma : 169 : 99 1214. Distoma sinense e D. felineo nell’uomo. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 25 p. 84—88. 59 Yoshida, Sadao. 51.22 Enodiotrema : 16.9 : T8 1916. On a New Species of Frog Trematode (Enodiotrema rugocaudatum n. sp.) Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 73—79, 1 pl. 60 Cohn, Ludwig. 51.22 Epibdella (68.8) 1916. Æpibdella steingrüveri n. sp. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 460 —488, 7 figg. [Wirt nicht näher bekannt. Anatomie.] 14.31,.32,.34,.61,.63,.64,.65,.67,.73,.76,.77,.83,.89 61 Ariola, V. 51.22 Fasciola : 169: 9.735 1914. Osservazioni sulle Fasciole dei Ruminanti. Atti-Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 25 p. 73—83. "We Ä 62 Gota, Seitaro, and Hajime Kikuchi. .22 Gyrodactrlidae : 16.9 : 7.58 1917. Two New Trematodes of the Family Gyrodactylidae. Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 39 Art. 4, 22 pp., 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Dactylo- gyrus inversus, Tetraneistrum n. g. Sigani n. ép.}a rh » (26.7) and W. G. MacCallum. 91.22 Koellikeridae : 16.9 ::7.58 1916. The family ‚Koeliikeridae (Didymozoidae «Monr.); Zool. Jahrh. Abt. Syst. Bd, 39 p. WMi1188, 3 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: "Koellikeria 2, Ne- matobothrium.] Ä (26.1 64 Barker, Franklin D. »1.22 Nudacotyle : 14 168: 9:82 1916. A new Monostome Trematode Parasitic in the Muskrat with a Key to. the Parasites of the American Muskrat. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska No. 115.). Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 175—18#, 1 pl. [Nudacotyle n. g. novicia n. u — Nudacotylinae n. subfamı] (77.6) 212565 Ciurea, J. 51.22 Opisthorchiidae : 169: 6 1917. Die Auffindung der Larven von ‘Opisthorchis felineus, Pseudamphi- stomum danubiense und Metorchis albidus und die morphologische Entwick-" lung dieser Larven zu den geschlechtsreifen Würmern. Zeitschr. Infek= 212566 [er] _ 69 70 71 79 245 Vermes tiouskr. paras. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 18 p. 301—333, 315 —337, 5 Taf., 1 Tabelle. 13.41 er 7.901 T4:9 Ciurea, J. 1.22 Opisthorchidae : 10.9 :.7.9 1915. Weitere Versuche über die Infoktionsa allé des Menschen und der Tiere mit Leberdistomen aus der Familie Opisthorchiiden. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. parasit. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 17 p. 209—214, i Taf. |[Fische.] 16.9: 7.55,.56,.58 Yeshida, Sadao. 91.22 "Paragonimus : 16.9 : 53.842 : 1916. On the Intermediate Hosts of Ihe Lung Distomb, P. westermani Kerserr. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p; 111—118, 4 pl. Yoshida, Sadae. 91.22 Paragonimus : 16.9 : 53.842 1916. Some Notes on the Encysted Larva of the Lung Distome. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 175—1S0. Ward, Henry B., and Edwin F. Hirsch. 51.22 Paragonimus : 16.9 : 9 1915. The Species of Paragonimus and their Differentiatior. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 34.) Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool vol. 9 p. 109—162, 5 pls. 16.9 : 9.73,.74 Lebour, Marie V. 51.22 Pharyngora : 1097 ST 1916. Meausae as Hosts for Larval Trematodes. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 11 p. 87—59, 1 fig. [Pharyngora bacillaris.] Cort, William Walter. 51.22 Pneumonœces : 16.9 : 78 1915. North American Frog Lung Flukes. (Contr. zool. Lab. Univ. Ill. No. 53.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 205—240, 3 figg. [6 spp., n.: Pneumonoeces coloradensis.] 14.3,.63,.65—.67 Cawston, F. G. 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 4.38 1916. Some Observations on the possible intermediary hosts of Schisto- soma in Natal. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 154, 3 figg. Iiurbe, Juan. 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 4.38 1917. Intermediate Host of Schistosomum mansoni in Venezuela. Journ. «trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 20 p. 130—131. [Planorbis guadelupennis.] Cawston, F. 6. 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Bilharziosis. Lancet Vol. 189 p. 1427. Cawston, F. G. 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. : The Duration of Bilharziosis in South Africa. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 144. | Cawston, FE, G. 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. The Prevention of Bilharzia Infection. Lancet Vol. 190 p. 537. Clapier, : N° 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Les bilharzioses ans la Region a de la Guinée. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 739—747. Leiper, R. T. 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. On the Relation beiwkon the Terminal-spined and Lateral-spined Eggs of Pilharzia. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol, 1 p. 411. [Manson’s in- testinal and vesical bilharziosis etiologically distinct.] Strauss, H. | 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Fall von Bilharzia-Erkrankung. (Berlin. med. Ges.) Berlin. klin. Wocheuschr. Jahrg. 53 p. 1316-1377. Leger, Marcel. 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Schistosomum Mansoni Sausox à la Guyane Française. Bull. Soc. ‚Path. exot. T. 10 p. 464—467. 81 Leiper, Robert T. 91.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Rapport sur les travaux de la mission britannique pour l'étude de la bilharziose en Egypte en 1915. Bull. mens. Office intern. Hyg. publ. T. 9 p. 722—139. 82 Potts, J. L. 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9': 9.9 1917. A Case of Recurrent Bilharziosis. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London ‚Vol. 20 p. 110. | 212588 Strauss, H. 51.22 Schistosomum : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Zur Pathologie der Bilharziaerkrankung. Berlin, klin. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 54 p. 47747 8, 2 figg. Vermes 246 912584 Monticelli, Fr. Say. à 51.22 Temnocephaloidez 1914. Di alcune pretese forme del gruppo delle Temnocefale e nota critica sull’ordine dei Dactyloda. Bend. Accad. Sc. fir. mat. Napoli (8) Vol. 20 p. 285—293. [Non pertinenza di Scutariella, Caridinicola e Mono- discus ai Dactyloda.] 85 Wendt, Albert. . 51.23 1916. Ueber Strudelwürmer (Planaria). Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 120—121, 1 fig. 86 Rappeport, T. 61.28 : 14.631 1915. Zur Spermatogenese der Süsswasser-Tricladen. Arch. Zellforsch. Bd. 14 p. 1—25, 1 Taf., 4 figg. 87 Æxy6o8a, J. Jakubowa, L. 51.23 (26.25) 1909. Polyclada ceBacTouonbcKoß GyxTH. — Les polyciades de la baie de Sebastopol. (Trav. Lab. zool Stat. biol. Sebastopol Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg.) San. Akax. Hayxr Cu6. Mém. Acad. Sc. St.-Pétersbourg CI. phys.-math. (8) T. 24 No. 2, 31 pp., I pl., 13 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Stylochus 2, Stylochoplana, Cryptocelis. — 1 r. var. in Zeptoplana] 88 Steinmann, 'P., und E. Bresslau. 51.23 (45) 1913. Die Strudelwärmer (Turbellaria) Monograpbien einheimischer Tiere. Herausgegeben von H. E. Zreccer und R. Worrergex. Band 5. Leipzig: Klinkhardt 8° 380 pp., 2 Taf., 156 figg. M. 9.— (Referat, von P. Bucaxes. Biol. Ceutralbl. Bd. 36 p. 237 —239.) 89 Ijima, Isao, and Tokiö Kaburaki, 51.23 (5) 1916. Preliminary Descripsions of some Japanese Triclads. Annot. z001. japon. Vol. 9 p. 153—171, 24 fieg. [12 nn. spp. in: Procerodes 3, Bdello- cephala 2, Plunaria 4, Sorocelis, Polycelis 2.] (52.1,.2,4, 57.1) 212590 Fulinski, Beredykt. 51.23 Dendrocoelum : 13 1916. Die Keimblätterbildung bei Dendrocoelum lacteum Orrsr. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 380—400, 1: figg. [Beteiligung von Ektoderm und Meso- derm im Avfbau des Schlundes.] 13.15,.2,.3, 14.32 91 Redfield, Elizabeth S. P. - 51.23 Dendrocoelum : 15 1915. The grasping organ of Dendrocoelum lacteum. (Contr. zool. Lab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. No. 262.) Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 375—380, 3 figg. [Primarily employed in feeding.] 15.3 92 Ball, Stanley C. 51.23 Paravortex : 13 1916. The development of Paravortex gemellipara (Graffilla gemellipara Linxron). Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 453—556, 9 pls., 16 figg. 13.11—3 14.32,.34,.63,.65,.73,.77,.81,.83,.84,.89 98 Child, C; M. 51.23 Planaria : 11 1916. Studies on the dynamics of morphogenesis in experimental re- production and inheritance. IX. The control of head-form and head frequency in Planaria by means of potassium :cyanide. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 101—126, i0 fige. [Head-frequency varies directly with metabolic rate of cells concerned and inversely with that of other parts.] | 11.044,.69 94 Sell, Hanns. 51.23 Planaria : ]5 1916. Zur Biologie der Planarien. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 315— 316. 15.8,.6 95 Sell, Hanns, ' 51.28 Planariadae : 11.85 1916. Zur Biologie der Planarien. II. Sinnestätigkeit. Blätt. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 329—331. 11.853,.856 9% Kepner, Wm. A., and W. H. Taliaferro. 51.23 Prorhynchus : 14.88 1916. Organs of special sense of Prorhynchus applanatus Kexxez. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 163—176, 2 pls., 3 figg. [Specialized ciliated pit, with sensory, accessory and glandular regions.] 212597 3a6yco8r, H. Zaboussoff, H. 51.23 Rjabuschinskya (57.1) 1916. Rjabuschinskya schmidti n. g. n. Sp., HOBblä BHXE U poxe Tricla- dida paludicola u3p Kamyarkn. Pycck. 30041. #ypn. T. 1 p. 273—285, 5 figg. — Rjabuschinskya schmidti n. g. n. sp., espèce et genre nouveau des Tricladida paludicola du Kamtchatka. Rev. z00l. russe T. 1 p. 285—286, 247 Vermes 212598 Kaltenbach. 51.23 Thysanozoon : 18.16 1915. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Centrosomenbildung bei Thysanozoon Brocchii. Arch. Zellforsch. Bd. 13 p. 525—529, 6 figg. [Abstammung vom ,filament lisse“ aus dem primären Nukleolus der Ovocyten. Ersteres rundet sich zum Centrosom ab.] 99 Delsman, H. C. 51.24 Emplectonema : 13 1915. Eifurchung und Gastrulation bei Emplectonema gracile Srımpson. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. 68—114, 4 Taf., 2 fige. [Spirale Furchung. Starke Entwicklung der animalen Hälfte. Verwischung des Grössenunterschieds durch rapidere Teilung. Verwischung der Zell- grenzen nach Gastrulation. Ausgesprochene Metamorphose.) 13.15,.2 212600 Stiasny-Wijnhoff, Gerarda. 51.24 Zygonemertes (68.8) 1916. Die Gattung Zygonemertes. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 14—18, 1 fig. IZ. africana u. lüderitzi nn. spp.] 01 Cobh, N. A. 51.3 1916. Notes on New Genera and Species of Nematodes. Journ. Para- sitol. Vol. 2 p. 195—196. [Prionchulus, Mylonchulus, Iotonchus, Anatonchus nn. subgg.] 02 Ward, Henry B. 51.3 a Nematoda. Reference Handbook med. Sc. 1916 p. 676— 704, 42 _figg. 08 Magath, Thomas Byrd. 91.8 : 07 1916. Nematode Technique. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 77.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 245—256, 6 figg. 04 Stefanski, Witold. 51.3 : 11.49 1917. Contribution à l’étude de l’excrétion chez les Nématodes libres. Note préliminaire. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 37 p. 294—311, 9 figg. [Rhaë- ditis ‘enucraudata Menzez et Srxraxski n. sp. Excretion émonctorielle, athrocytaire et excrétophore.] 212605 Seurat, L. &. 51.3 : 13.41 1916. Contributions à l’&tude des formes larvaires des Nematodes para- Se Hetéroxènes. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 49 p. 237—377, 188. 16.9 : 4.1,.38, : 51.31,.6, : 53.24,.4,.841,.842, : 57.22,.514,.64..67,.71,.72,.75, : 7.58, : 18—81.26, : 54.2, : 88.1, : 89.1, : 9.32 —.4,.725,.735,.74 06 Steiner, ®. 51.3 : 15.2 1917. Ueber das Verhältnis der marinen freilebenden Nematoden zu denen des Süsswassers und des Landes. Biol, Zentralbl. Bd. 37 p. 196 —210. [Land und Süsswasser besitzen in grosser Zahl dieselben Spezies, fast durchgehends dieselben Genera (terrikole Herkunft). Gemeinsame ‘Gattungen im Meer und im Süsswasser. Bedeutung des Berührungsgebie s für Entstehung der Arten.] 07 Maupas, E., et L. 6. Seurat. 51.3 : 156 1916. Sur le mécanisme de l’accouplement chez les Nématodes. C. KR. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 614—618. 08 Nicoll, William, 01.3 : 16.5 1917. Observations on the Influence of Salt and other Agents in modi- fying the Larval Development of the Hookworms: Ankylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 155—189. [Decidedly injurious effect of salt and sunlight and of thick covering of sand.] 09 Davis, John J. 51.3 : 16.9 : 57.52 1916. A Nematode Parasite of Root Aphids. Psyche Vol. 25 p. 39—49, 1 fie. 212610 Ward, Henry B., and Thomas B. Magath. 51.3 : 16.9 : 7 1916. Notes on Some Nematodes from Fresh-Water Fishes. (Contrib. zoel. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 78.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 57—63, 1 pl. {9 nn. spp. in: Camallanus 2, Cucullanus, Dacnitoides n. g., Hap!onema 0. g. 2, Spinitectus, Ichthyonema, Hysterothylacium n. g.] 16.3 : 7.44,.55,.58 (77.4,.7) Vermes 248 En 212611 Schmidt, Ph. 51.3 : 16.9 : 81.1 1916. Die Wurmkrankheit der Chamäleone. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.- Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 106—108, 1 fig. [Nematoden.] 12 Skrjabin, K. I, 51.3 : 16.9 : 82 1917. Sur quelques Nematodes des oiseaux de la Russie. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 460—481, 2 pls., 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in; Habronema, Diplotriaena. — Diplotriaeninae n. subfam.] | 16,9 7,83,2/,:.84.2..: 85.1.2, : 87.1, 51881, : 89,1 (47.7, 57.1,.0) x 13 Seurat, L. €. 01.35 : 16.9 : 9 1916. Sur les Oxyures des Mammifères. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 64—68, 3 figg. [Syphacia n. g. pro Oxyuris obvelata, Fusarella pro 0. vermicularis.] 16.9 : 9.32 14 Hall, Maurice. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Nematode Parasites of Mammals of the Orders Rodentia, Lago- morpha, and Hyracoidea. Proc. U. $. nation. Mus. Vol. 50 p. 1—208, 1 pl, [14 nn. spp. in: Trichuris, Heteroxynema n. g., Oxyuris 2, Ransomus n. 8., Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus, Citellinema n. g., Warrenius n. g., He- ligmosomum, Heligmosomoides n. g., Rictularia, Microfilaria, Protospirura. — Angiostomoidea, Trichinelloidea nn. superfam. — Trichosmoidinae, Seu- ratinae, Oxyurinae, Ollulalinae, Gongyloneminae nn. subfam. — Ranso- meae n.tribus. — Hepaticola n. g. pro Trichocephalus hepaticus, Seuratum pro Ophiostomum tacapense, Rictularıoides pro Rictularia amphiacanthum. — Filaria linstowi n. nom. pro F. sciuri von Linsrow non Morın.] (41, 42, 43.11,.14,.42,.61,.68, 44.15,.36, 45.8,.5, 47.8, 54.87, 56.5, 59.1, 61.1, 62, 63—65, 66.8,.9, 67.8, 68.8, 69, 128, 74.4,.5,.8, 15.2,.3, 76.6, 77.1,.4,.%, 78.2,.8, 79.4, 81, 921, 931, 94.4) 212615 Boulenger, Charles L. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Sclerostome Parasites of the Horse in England. I. The Genera Triodontophorus and Oesophagodontus. Parasitology Vol. 8 p. 420—439, 1 pl., 7 figg. [T. tenwicollis and drevicauda nn. spp.] (42.47,.48) 16 Ihle, J, E. W. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. Twee Ascariden von den Hond, (Îsté Bijdrage tot een naamlijst van de in Nederland voorkomende parasieten der huisdieren). Tijdschr. Diergeneeskde. D. 43 p. 276 —278. [2 nn. spp. in: Belascaris, Toxascaris.] (492) 17 Seurat, L. G. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.74 1317. Sur les Spircpteres des Carnivores du Nord-Africain. Bull. Soc. Kup nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 21—24. [Streptopharagus numidicus n. sp.] (61.1, 65) 18 Mäyer, Martin. 51.3 : 16.9:9.9 1916. Ueber die Verbreitung von Clonorchis sinensis und anderer Hel- minthen unter chinesischen Schiffsmannschaften. Arch, Schiffs- Trop.- Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 209—215. 19 Clapier, N. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Notes sur le Parasitisme Intestinal par les Nématodes dans la zone frontière du Liberia et de la Guinée. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. Ann, 10 p. 560-563. 20 Leger, Marcel. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Parasitisme intestinal à la Guyane fıancaise dans la population locale et dans l'élément pénal. Bull. Soc. Path, exot. Ann, 10 p. 557— 260. 21 Rice, F. 51.3 : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Notes on a Case of Helminthic Infection associated with Para- LUE in a European. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. Vol. 20 Colon. med. Rep. No. 72 Nigeria p. 57—58. — Notes by E. L. Siecer. p. 58%. — by ER. p. 58. — by Neazz. p. 98-60. 22 Brakenhoff, H. 51.3 (43,5, 1913. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nematedenfanae des nordwestdeutschen ra Hr Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 267-311, 3 Taf. [2 nn. p. in: Tribolus, Tylencholaimus.] Ç 212623 Micoletzky, Heinrich. 51.3 (43.6) 1914. Freilebende Süsswasser-Nematoden der Ost- Alpen mit besonderer 249 Vermes Berücksichtigung des Lunzer Seengebietes. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 86 p. 331—546, 11 Taf., 1 Karte, [Purarchromadora n. subg.] 15.2.3 (43.61,.63,.65,.66) 212624 Stefanski, W. 51.3 43.64) 1915116. Die freilebenden Nematoden des Inn, ihre Verbreitung und Systematik (kurze Mitteilung). Zeitschr. Ferdinandeum Innsbruck (3) Heft 59 p. 262—264. — Die freilebenden Nematoden des Inn, ihre Ver- breitung und Systematik. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 363—385, 4 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Chromodora, Rhabditis, Aphelenchus, Criconema.] 25 Micoletzky, Heinrich. 51.3 (43.75) 1917. Freilebende Süsswasser-Nematoden der Bukowina. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 40 p. 441—586, 4 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in: Aulolaimoides n. g. Criconema, Rhabditis 2. — 1 n. var. in Aphelenchus.] 15.2,.4 = ' 26 Mizeäneps, [suno. Schneider, Guido. 51.3 (47.1) 1917. KB nosHanilo hayHbI CBOÖ00NHO :KUBYIINXb KPYTibIXb YepBeä PDuuuanain. Pyeck. 3001. #Kypx. T. 2 p. 40—43 — Quaedam ad cog- nationem nematodarum Finlandiae liberarum. Rev. zool. russe T. 2 p. 44—45. [Triloous medius n. sp.] 27 Ditlevsen, Hjaimar. 51.3 (48.9) 1912. Danish freeliving Nematodes. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 63 p. 21%—9%56, 4 pls. [8 nz. spp. in: Monohystera, Monon- chus 2, Oncholaimus, Cylindrolaimus, Dorylaimus 3.] 28 Micoletzky, H. 51.3 (6) 1916. Ergebnisse einer botanischen Forschungsreise nach Deutsch-Ost- airıka und Südafrika (Kapland, Natal und Rhodesien.) Süsswasser- Nematoden aus Südafrika. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.nat. Kl. Bd. 92 p. 149—171, 4 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in: Plectus, Diplogasteroides, Chro- madora, Tylenchus.] (67.8, 68.4,.9) 212629 Steiner, G. »1.3 (6) 1916. Beiträge zur geographischen Verbreitung freilebender Nematoden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 311—335, 337—349, 11 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Dory- laimus 3, Plectus. — 1 n. var. in Cephalobus.] (43.62, 43.4, 494, 61.1, 69.4, 922, 94.1, 98, 99) 80 Steiner, G. 01.3 (6) 1916. Neue und wenig bekannte Nematoden von der Westküste Afrikas. I. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 322—336, 337 —351, 24 figg. [23 nn. spp. in: Desmoscolex 19 (2 nn. varr.), Tricoma 10, Trichoderma 3 (1 n. var.)] (66.3,.7, 67.1, 68.5) 31 Cobb, N. A. 91.3 (73.3) 1916. Notes on Filter-Bed Nematodes. Journ. Parasitol. Vol: 2 p. 198 —900, 1 fig. [Cylindrolaimus cbtusus n. sp.] 15.2 32 Cobb, Margaret V. +." 91.8,.477.4) 1915. Some Fresh-water Nematodes of the Douglas Lake Region of Michigan, U. S. A. (Public. No. 30 biol. Stat. Univ. Michigan.) Trans. Amer, mier, Soc. Vol. 34 p. 21—47. [Descriptions by N. A. Coss. 11 nn. spp. in: Tylencholaimellus n. g., Actinolaimus, Dorylaimus, Ironus, Monon- chus, Cyatholaimus, Chromatora, Ethmolaimus, Aphanolaimus 2, Prismato- laimus.] 33 Steiner, (. 51.3 (98) 1916. Freilebende Nematoden aus der Barentssee. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 39 p. 511—676, 21 Taf. [31 nn. spp. in: Spilophora, Chroma- dora 5, Desmodora 2, Monoposthia, Chaetosoma, Eudesmoscolex n. g., Richter- sia n. g., Cyatholaimus, Microlaimus, Sabatieria, Enchelidium, Anoplosioma, Dermatolaimus n. g., Dolicholaimus, Thoracostoma 2, Enoplolaimus, Dipeltis, Chromagaster, Araeolaimus, Monohystera 3 (1 n. var.), Thalassoalaimus, _Acoma n. g., Anticoma.] 3 Steiner, G. 51.3 (98) om Freilebende Nematoden von Nowaja-Semlja. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 50--74, 22 figg, [2 nn. spp. in Oyatholarmus.] 212635 Seurat, L. G. 91.3 Acuaria : 16.9 : 84.1 1916. Sur la quatrième mue d’un Dispharage du Flanımant. C. kB. Soc. Vermes 250 Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 439—441, 4 figg. [Acuaria (Hamannia) phoenicopteri n. Sp. 2126 36 Seurat, L. G. 51.3 Acuaria : 16.9 : 84.2 1916. Sur un nouveau Dispharage des Palmipèdes. (C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 785—788, 5 figg. [4. pelagica n. sp. 37 Seurat, L. 6. 51.3 Acuaria (65) 1916. Dispharages d’Algerie. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 934— 938, 4 figg. [Acuaria tarentole n. sp.] 16.9 : 81.1, : 86,5 88 Seurat, L. 6. 51.3 Acuariidae : 14 1916. Sur la morphologie et la physiogénie des Acuariidae (Nematodes). C. R. Acad, Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 141—143, 14.65—.67 39 Yorke, Warrington, and B. Blacklock. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.74 1917. The Occurrence of Ankylostoma ceylancium in West African Dogs. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 11 p. 69—74, 6 figg. 40 Siccardi, P. D. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1905. Per lo studio dell’Anchilostomiasi (da Ancylostoma americanum Stıres.) Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 65 Pt: 2 p. 69—172. 41 Highet, H. Campbell. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Ankylostomiasis in Siam. Lancet Vol. 188 p. 202. 42 Jürss, Fritz. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 99 1916. Ueber die Behandlung der Ankylostomiasis mit Oleum Chenopodii. Arch. Schiifs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 215—216. 43 Keith, R. D. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Ankylostomiasis: Diagnosis and Treatment. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 130—131. 44 White, 6. Duncan. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.5 1916. Ankylostomiasis : Simplified Diagnosis and ‘Treatment. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 10 p. 79—84. 212645 Bonardi, Edoardo. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Nuovo centributo alla conoscenza dell’Anchilostomiasi nella pro- vincia di Milano’ Rend. Ist. lombardo Sc. Lett. (2) Vol. 50 p. 516—535.. 48 Field. E. E. 51.3 Ankylostoma : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Preliminary Report on the Amelioration and Control of Ankylo- stomiasis in the Perer’s Hall District of British Guiana. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 20 Colon. med. Rep. p. 16. 47 Skrjabin, K. 8. 31.3 Aprocta : 16.9 : 88.1 1917. Aprocta microanalis nov. sv., nouvelle filaire des yeux d'oiseaux. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 303—306, 3 figg. 48 Zavadovsky, M. 51.3 Ascaris : 11.044 1916. Le développement des œufs d’Ascaris megalocephala dans un milieu putréfié. (Reun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 798— 802, 1 fig. [Concurrence aux bactéries.] 49 André, Emile. 51.3 Ascaris : 12 31 1916. Anomalie de l’appareil buccal d’Asearis megalocephala. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol, 24 p. 351—353, 2 figg. [3 lèvres remplacées par 4 appendices en forme de languettes.] 50 Zavadoysky. M. 51.3 Asearis : 13 1916. Rôle de l’oxygène dans le processus de segmentation des œufs de l’Ascaris megalocephala. (Note preliminaire.) {(Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 595—598, 1 fig. [Inhibition dans un milieu privé d’oxygene.] : 13.15,.9 51 Geinitz, Bruno. 5i.3 Ascaris : 13.11 1915. Ueber Abweichungen bei der Eireifung von Ascaris. Arch. Zeli- forsch. Bd. 13 p. 588—633, 3 Taf., 1 fig. [4 Dyaden statt 2: Tetraden. Letztere entstehen durch Conjugation, die also ausbleiben kann. Vo:-- kommen von freien Heterochromosomen.] 212652 Fauré-Fremiet, E. 51.3 Ascaris : 13.11 1916. Composition et morphologie des lipoides ovulaires. I. Oouyte de l’Ascaris megalocephala. Jonrn. Physiol. Path. gén. T. 16 p. 808—820. [21—22°/, du poids sec, comportant: lipoides phosphorés, corps gras et ether formique de l'acide ascarylienne. Tant de phases distinctes: mito- ehondries, gouttelettes graisseuses et cristalloides.] + 951 Vermes 212653 Held, Hans, 51.3 Ascaris : 13.13 1916. Untersuchungen über den Vorgang der Befruchtung. I. Der Anteil des Protoplasmas an der Befruchtung von Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 89 Abt. 2 p. 59—224, 6 Taf. [Struktur der Geschlechts- zellen. 54 Baer Thbopiilius S. 51.3 Ascaris : 13.9 1914/15. The effect of carbon dioxide on the eggs of Ascaris. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 12 p. 62—64. [Chromatin of somatic but not ofthe „Urgeschlechtszellen“ affected. Abnormalities.] — Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 35% —385, 3 pls., 15 figg. [Some eggs affected (abnormal cleavage) others not.] 55 Goodrich, H. B. 51.3 Ascaris : 14.6 1916. The germ cells in Accaris incurva. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 61—99, 3 pls., 11 figg. [Sex chromosoıne complex consisting of 8 X- chromosomes and 1 Y-chromosome, mated by definite component of X- group. History in oogenesis and spermatogenesis.] 14.631,.651 56 Baylis, H. A. 91.3 Ascaris : 16.9: 6 1916. The Types of the Species of Ascaris described by Bai. Para« sitology Vol. 8 p. 411—419, 3 figg. 16.9 : 81.21, : 86, : 89.1, : 9.745 57 Stewart, F. H. 91.3 Ascaris : 16.9: 9 1916. On the Life-history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 5—7, 4 tigg. — The Life-history of Ascaris lumbricoide‘, by Roxazn Ross. p. 60—61, [Rat an intermediary host.] — Further Experiments on Ascaris Infection. p. 486—488. [Rats and mice inter- mediate hosts. Infection of man and pig by food coutaminated by rats or mice.] — On the Life-History of Ascaris lumbricoides. p. 153—754, [Late stages in mouse as intermediate host.) 16.9 : 9.32,.73,.9 212658 Stewart, F. H., and Angus Macdonald. 51.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. The Life-History of Ascaris lumbricoides. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Yol. 2 p. 474—475. [Rat and mouse as intermediate hosts.] 59 Stewart, F. H. 01.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. On the Development of Ascaris lumbricoides Lin. and Ascaris suilla Dos. in the Rat and Mouse. Parasitology :Vol. 9 p. 213—227, 1 pl., 9 nee 7 60 Walton, A. C. 1.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9.74 1916. A Case of the Occurrence of Ascaris triquetra Scaraxx in Dogs. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. No. 283.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol, 3 p. 39—41, 6 fige. 61 Condorelli Francaviglia, M. 51.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Epilessia rıflessa da elmirtiasi intestinale (Ascaris lumbricoides L.) Boll. Accad. Givenia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 34/35 p. 18—21. 62 Izumi, 6. 51.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Klinisches und Experimentelles über die Pankreatitis verminosa und Pankreasnekrose. Mitt. med. Fakult. Kyushu Fukuoka Bd. 2 p. 61 — 151, 4 Taf., i fig. [Eindringen der Ascaris-Eier ins Pancreasgewebe (durch den Ductus pancreaticus eingedrungene weibliche Würmer). Fer- mentativer Ursprung der Nekrose.] 63 Perret, J. Maxime, and H. Theodore Simon, 51.3 Ascaris : 16.9 : 9,9 1917. Intestinal Obstruction due to Ascaris lumbdricoides. Journ. trop. 1917] Hyg. London Vol, 20 p. 71—12. [Abstract from Journ. med. Asscc. 17. | 212664 Travassos, Lauro. 51.3 Capillaria : 16.9 : 6 | 1915. Contribuicöes para 0 conhecimento da fauna helmintolojica brasi- | leira. V. Sobre as especies bras:leiras do genero Capillaria Zeper, 1800. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 146—172, 4 Est. [C. droummondi n. sp.) (81) 16.9 : 7.44,.55—,57, : 78, : 79, : 81.21,.26,.4, : 83.2—.4, : 84.1,.2,.4, : 86,.5, : 87.2, : 88.1, : 89.1,.7, : 9.2,.32 —.4,.53,.730,.74 212665 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 212673 74 75 76 77 18 212679 Vermes an) Ouaunsesr, U. H. Filipjev, I. 91.3 Chromadorissa (26.25) 1917. Ho»ast CBo601HasI HeMaTola u3b Kacmiäckaro mopa Chromadorissa gen. nov. (Chromadoridae, Uhrumadorini), Pycck. 3004. Æypx. T. 2 p. 24—29, 7 figg. — Un Nematode libre nouveau de la mer Caspienne, Chromadorissa gen. nov. (Chromadoridae, Chromadorini.) Rev. zool. russe T. 2 p. 29—31. |deklemishevi n. sp.] Boulenger, Charles L. 51.3 Cylichnostomum : 16.9 : 9.725 1917. Sclerostome Parasites of the Horse in England. II. New Species of the Genus Cylichnostomum. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 203—212, 5 figg. [3 nn. spp.] (42.47) komanovitch. 91.3 Deraïopaoronema : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Deraiophoronema cameli (n. g., n. sp... €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 745 —746. Merrill, J. 4. and A. L. Ford. 91.3 Diplogaster : 16.9 : 57 1916. Life History and Habits of Two New Nematodes Parasitic on Insects. (Preliminary Paper.) {Coutrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State agric. Coll. No. 17.) Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 115—127, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Diplogaster.] Steiner, fr. 91.2 Dorylaimus : 11.56 1916, Das Männchen des Dorylaimus lugdunensis pe Max. Zool. Anz. bd. 47 p. 99—100, 1 tig. Piérantonui, Umberto. 51.3 Derylaimus (61.2) 1915. Sopra un nuovo nematode di Bu-Cheilan (Tripolitania) (Dorylaimus Hi A n. sp.) Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 20, 4 pp. er Pittaluga, Gustavo. 01.3 Filaria : 13.41 1904. Observaciones morfolögicas sobre los embriones de las filarias de los perros (Filaria immitis, Lurnx). Trab. Lab. Invest. biol. Univ. Madrid T. 3 p. 17—34, 1 fig. Pittaluga, 6. 51.3 Filaria : 13.41 1912. Estructura de los embriones de la Filaria loa. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Aïño 2 p. 230— 236, 1 lam. Yakimoff, W. L., et autres. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 6 1916/17. Microfilaires des animaux au Turkestan russe. Bull, Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 219—226, 1 pl. [I. Microtilaires des ânes, par W. L. Y., N. J. Scuoxnor et collaborateurs. — II. M. des mulets, par W. L. Y. et A. N. Karporr. — III. M. des chameaux, par W. L. Y., N. J. S., J. A. Iwanorr et collaborateurs.] — T. 10 p. 102—105. [I. Microfilaire des chiens, par W. L. Y. et N. J. &. — II. M. des Bovides, par W. L. Y., N. J. S. et P. M. Koszıxıne. — 111. M. des grenouilles, par W. L. Y. et N. J. S.] 16.9 : 78, : 9.725,.735,.74 Railliet, A. 91.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 56 1916. Sur les Filaires de Batraciens. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p- 37—140. [Fiaria leiperi n. nom. pro F. bufonis Leiırer non M. C. V., F, cochleata pro F. spiralis Ozeıry non von Lixsrow.] 10414778, 779 Bouilliez, M. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 78 1916. Sur une Filaire du Crapaud de la région du Chari. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 133—137, 1 fig. Leger, Andre. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 32 1917. Microfilaires d’oiseaux du Sénégal. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 pe 106—199. 16,9 : 83.3,.4, : 88.1 Railliet, A., et A. Henry. : 61.5 Filaria : 16.9 : 89 1916. Les Filaires des Rapaces (Falconiiformes et Strigiformes). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 864—369. 16.9 : 89.1,.7 | Seurat, L. 6. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. Une nouvelle Filaire péritonéale des Rongeurs. U. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 354—357, 1 fig. [F. numidica n. sp] KRomanovitch, 01.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Microfilaire hémorragique du cheval. (. RB. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 544-745. [Pond des œufs embryonnés dans le sang où les em- bryons éclosent et continuent à vivre.] 253 Vermes 2+2680 Wirth, D. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.725 1917. Filariosen bei einheimischen Pferden. (Vierte Mitteilung.) Zeit- Bar Infektionskr. paras. Krank. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 18 p. 380-412, 2 af. 81 Kleine, F. K. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Die Uebertragung von Filarien durch Chrysops. Zeitsehr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 80 p. 345— 349. 82 Rodenvwaldt, E. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Bumätklıhg Izu dem Artikel von Dr. M. Bocknorn „Ueber bisher unbekannte Fidariabefunde bei gefangenen Russen.“ Med, Klinik Jahrg. 1t p. 1212. — Schlusswort von M. Bocksorn. p. 1212. 58 Laveran, 4. 01.8 Filaria : 16.9 : 99 1916. Sur un cas de filariose due à F. loa d’une durée de 14 années. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 436 —438. 84 McNaughton, James Garvie. 51.3 Filaria : 16.9 : 9,9 1916. Treatment of Filariasis and Elephantoid Conditions by Intramus- cular Injections of Salvarsan. Journ, trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 + 249— 250. 85 Rodhain, J., et F. Van den Branden. 91,3 Filaria : 16.4: 99 1916. Recherches diverses sur la Filaria (Onchocerca) volvulus. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 186—198. 86 Yamada, Motoi, und Tatsu Yamamoto. 51.8 Filaria : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. In weichem Blute — in mit Kohlensäure versetztem oder in sol- chem mit Sauerstoff — können die Larven von Filaria bancrofti länger überieven? Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 17 p. 87—93, i fig. [In mit CO2 versetztem.] 87 Rosenbusch, F. 91.3 Filaria (82) 1916. Beitrag zur Einteilung der Mikrofilarien in Argentinien. Central- bl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 78 p. 43—45, 1 af. 112688 Ward, Heury B. 51.83 Gongylonema : 16.9 : 99 1916. Gongylonema in the Rôle of a Human Parasite. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 39.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 119—125, i pl. &9 Ransom, Brayton H., and Maurice C. Hall. 51.3 Gongylonema : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. A Further Note on the Life-History ot Gongylonema scutatum.. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 177 — 181. 90 Seurat, L. 6. 51.3 Gongylonema (65) 1916. Sur les Gongylonèmes du Nord-Africain (Contributions à l’&tude de la variation chez les Nématodes.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris Te 79 p. 717—142, 5 figg. [G. mucronatum n. sp] 16.5 : 9.82,.83,.725—.735,.82 91 Seurat, L. G. 51.3 Habronema : 16.9 : 83.4. 1916. Sur un nouvel Habronema du Bubulcus lucidus Rar. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 29 —297, 3 figg. [H. ficheuri n. sp.) 92 Seurat, L. G. 51.3 Hadjelia : 16.9 : 82 1916. Sur un nouveau type de Spiruridae. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 517—519, 3 figg. [H. n. g. lhuillieri n. sp. 16.9 : 86, : 88.1 98 Veglia, Frank. 51.3 Haemonchos : 15 1916. The Anatomy and Life-History of the Haemonchus contortus (Run). 3d and 4th Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 347—500, 28 pls. [Egg. Hatchirg. Cultivation and deveiopment of larva. Influence vt ambient. Infection and parasitic life. Anatomy.) 14.81,.32,.34,.35,.61..63,.64,.65,.67,.73,.77,.83,.89, 15.2,.4,.6 94 Seurat, ix 6. 51.3 Maupasina : 14 1917. Sur les affinités du genre Maupasina (Heterakidae). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 350354, 2 figg. 95 Stiles, C. W. . 51.3 Necator : 16.9 : 9.9. 1915: The Rocrerezcer Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease. 5th ann. Rep. Rockefeller Sanitary Comm. Erad. Hookworm Disease (Public. No. 9), 130 pp., 26 pls., 12 figg. 112696 Condorelli Francaviglia, M. 51.3 Necator : 16.9 : 9.9. 1917. Anemia du Necator americanus (W. Sries) in una recluta prove- | | | Vermes 25% niente dal Paraguay. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sc. nal. Catania (2) Fasc. 41 p. 18—23. 212697 Leger, Marcel. 51.3 Necator : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Resistance globulaire dans l’ankylostomiase. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. -177—180. [Augmentation.] Nicoll, William. 51.3 Onchocerca : 15.2 1914. On the Migration of the Larvae of Onchocerca aibsoni through the Capsule of the Worm Nodule. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 8 p. 609-621. 99 Commes, Ch., et P. Devanelle. 51.8 Onchocerca : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. L’Onchocercose aortique bovine dans le Haut-Sénégal-Niger. Bull. 212700 Clapier, N. 51.3 Onchocerca : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Les porteurs de Kystes filariens (Onchocerca volvulus) et de Nodo- sites Juxta-Articulaires en pays Toma (Région militaire de la Guinée), 01 Dubois, A. 51.3 Onchocereca : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Le rôle pathogène de Onchocerca voloulus Leuckarr. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 305—309. 02 Dubois, A. 51.3 Onchocerca : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Onchocerca volvulus et l'Eléphantiasis dans le Haut-Ouellé (Congo 03 Railliet, A., et A. Henry. 51.3 Oxyuridae 1916. Sur les Oxyuridés. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 113—115. [Exposé synoptique de la famille.] -- Nouvelles remarques sur les Oxy- urides. p. 247—250. (Nomenclature. Aplecta n. g. pro Ascaris acuminata, Oxysomatium longespiculum n. nom. pro O. Ödrevicaudatum SCHNEIDER non ZxDeEr.] 04 Hassall, Albert. 51.3 Oxyuris 1916. The Synonymy of Oxyuris vermicularis, the Pin Worm of the Human Intestine. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 66. [Earliest name Entero- bius vermacularis.] 05 Seurat, L. 6. 51.3 Physaloptera : 16.9 : 81 1917. Physalopteres des Reptiles du Nord-Africain. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 50 p. 43—58, 4 figg. [Ph. pallaryi n. sp] 16.9: 81.1,:26 212706 Scurat, L. 6. 51.3 Physaloptera : 16.9: 9 1917. Physalopteres des Mammifères du Nord-Africain. C. R, Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 210—218, 1 fig. [4 nn. spp.] 16-9 : 9.32 — .4 (61.1, 64, 65) 07 Seurat, L. G. 51:3 Porrocæcum : 16.9 : 78 1917. Sur une Ascaride de la Grenouille. C. R. Soc. Biel. Paris T. 80 p. 94—97, 2 figg. [Porrocecum numidicum n. g. (?) n. sp.] 08 Scurat, L. 6. 51.3 Protospirura : 16.9 : 9 1916. Sur l’habitat normal et les affinités du Protospirura numidica SEuB. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 143—146, 5 figg. [Dans l’estomac de Arvicanthis barbarus, pseudoparasite chez Felis ocreata.] 16.9 : 9.32,.74 09 Condorelli Francaviglia, M. 51.3 Rhabditis : 16.9 : 9.9 : 1917. Zhabditis pelho (Scax.) nell’urina di un nefritico. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sc. nat. Catania (2) Fasc. 41 p. 12—18, 1 fig. [Vita pseudo- parassitaria.] 10 Maupas, E. 51.3 Rhabditis (65) 1916. Nouveaux Rhabditis d'Algérie. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 607—613, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp.] 11 Seurat, L. G. 51.3 Rictularia : 16.9 : 9 1916. Sur l'habitat et les affinités du Rictularia proni Srur. C. R, Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 146—149, 2 figg. [Chez Arvicanthis barbarus (habitat normal), pseudo-parasite chez Herpestes ichneumon.] 16.9 : 9.32,.74 242712 Skrjabin, K. J. 51.3 Seuratia : 16.9 : 82 1316. Seuratia n, g., nouveau genre da Nématodes d'oiseaux. C. R. Soc. & 255 Vermes Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 91-973. [S. n. g. pro Gnathosioma shipleyi Sross — Rictularia puradoxa Linstow — Acuaria pelagica SEurar.] 3713 Fibiger, Johannes and Hjalmar Ditlevsen. 51.3 Spiroptera : 16.9 : 9.32 1914. Contributions to the Biology and Morphology oft Spiroptera (Gon- gylonema) meoplastica n. sp. Méndeskrift Japetus Steenstrap 2, Halvbd, No. 25, 28 pp., 4 pls., 3 figg. 14.31,.32,.34,.35,.61, 63,.65,.67,.77 14 Fibiger, Johannes. 51.3 Spiroptera : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Ueber Disposition der Ratten und Mäuse für die Wirkungen der Spiroptera neoplastica. Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 27 p. 569 — 18e 15 Ihle, J. E. W. 51.3 Strongylidae : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Eenige Strongyliden uit bet darmkanaal van Herkauwers (2de Bijdrage tot een naamlijst van de in Nederland voorkomende puarasieten der huisdieren). Tijdschr. Diergeneeskde Deel 44 p. 164 —178. 16 Ihle, J. E. W. 51.3 Strongyloides : 16.9 : 9.725 1917. Beschrijving van 'Strongyloides westeri n. sp. Tijdschr. Diergenees- kde. Deel 44 p. 71—73. (492) 17 Arnstein, Alfred. 51.3 Strongyloides : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Ueber Anguillula-Erkrankung. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 28 p. 1345 — 1346. | 18 Keller, 0. 51.3 Strongylus : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Strongylidenkrankheit bei Ziegen. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkde. Bd. 58 p. 73—75. 19 Baylis, H. A. 51.3 Tanqua : 16.9 : 81 19i6.. The Nematode Genus Tangua, R. Braxcuarr. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 223—232, 4 figg. |[T. diadema n. sp] 26.9.2. .81.2,.21 (54.87, 66.7,.9, 68.4, 921, 95) 720 Railliet, A. 51.3 Thelaziidae : 16.9 : 6 1916. La Famille des Thelaziidae. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 99—105. [n. tam. — Schistorophus n. g. pro Ancyracanthus longicornis, Serticeps pro Spiroptera vulvoinflata, Galeiceps pro Ancyracanthus cucullus, Rhabdochona pro Dispharagus denudatus.] 16.9 : 7.55,.58, : 83.3, : 94.2, : 86, : 87.4, : 88.1,.9, : 89.1,.7, : 9.81,.33,.725,.735 21 Tyzzer, E. E., and James A. Honeij. 51.3 Trichinella : 13.9 1916. The Effects of Radiation on the Development of Trichinella spi- ralis with Respect to its Application to the Treatment of other Parasitic Diseases. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 45—56, 1 pl. [Retardation of development.] 22 Ransom, B. H. o1.8 Trichinella : 16.9 : 9 1915. Trichinosis. 18th ann. Rep. U. S. Live Stock Sanit. Assoc. p. 1 — 19. 16.9 : 9.73,.735,.1) 23 Lintz, William. 51.3 Trichinella : :6.9 : 9 1916. Researches in Trichinosis. Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 90 p. 987 — 988. [Not found in feces of rats, nor in their large intestine. Absence from liver in spite of store of glycogen. Occurrence in cerebro-spinal fluid ] 16.9 : 9.32,.9 24 Sänchez de Val. 51.3 Trichinella : 16.9 : 9.9 1914. Tratamiento de la triquinosis. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Año 4 p. 45—54. 25 McNertliney, J. B., and W. B. McNerthney. 51.3 Trichinella : 16.9: 99 _ 1916. Trichinosis: Immediate Result following Intravenous Injection of Neosalvarsan. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Yol. 19 p. 250. 26 Wohl, Michael 6. 51.3 Trichinella : 16,9 : 9.9 1916. Trichiniasis, Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 89 p. 98—101, 3 figg. 27 Kahn, Max. 51.3 Trichinella : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Thymol Treatment of Trichinosis. N. York med. Journ. Vol. 105 p. 1137 — 1138. '98 Maase, C., und Hermann Zondek. 51.3 Trichinella : 16.9 : 9.9 | 1917. Bemerkenswerte Befunde bei Trichinose. München. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 64 p. 968-969. [Feinkörnige basophile Granulation sämt- Vermes 256 licher polynukleärer Leukozyten. Toxische Vasomotorenwirkung (Blut- drucksenkung).] 212729 Theiler, Arnold, and W. Robertson. 51.3 Trichostrongylus : 16.9 : 85.1 1916. Investigations into the Life-History of the Wire-Worm in Ost- riches. 3d and 4tiı Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 291 —345, 8 pls. ; 30 Kitamura. Katsuzo. 51.3 Trichostrongylus : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Ueber Trichostorongylus (sie!) orientalis Jınzo. einen weit verbreiteten tierischen Darmparasiten des Menscken in Japan. Mitt. med. Fak. Kyushu Fukuoka Bd. 2 p. 1—59, 6 Taf. 31 Boeker, Eduard. 51.51 1516. Gordiiden. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 407 — 408. 32 Steiner, 6. 51.31 Mermithidae 1917. Ueber die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse nd die systematische- Stellung der Mermithiden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 263—267. 53 Van (leave, H. J. 51.34 : 16.9: 6 #16. Seasonai Distribution of some Acanthocephala from Fresh-Water Hosts. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 58) Journ. Parasitol.. Vol. 2 p. 106—110. 15.4 16.9 : 7.56, : 83.3 84 Porta. Antonio. 51.83 : 16.9: 82’ 1913. Acantocefali della Nuova Caledonia e delle isole Loyalty. Nora Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 1 p. 165—1%0, 1 tav. [2 nn. spp. in: Echino- rhynchus, Chentrosoma.] 16,9 .: 88.1,.3.:: 804 (932,. 933). 212735 Van Cleave, H. J. 51.33 : 16.9 : 82° 1916. Acanthocephala of the Genera Centrorhynchus: and Mediorkynchus (New Genus) from North American Birds. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 76.) Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 221—232, 3 pls. [?- nn. spp. in: Centrorhynchus. Mediorhynchus n. g: 2.] | 16.9 : 83.4, : 881,6 36 Van Cleave, I, J. 51.33 Arhythmorhynchus : 16.9 : 83.4: 1916. A Revision of the Genus Arhythmorkynchus with Descriptions ot Two New Species from North American Birds. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 66.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 2 p. 167—174, 2 pls. [4A. drevis: and pumilirostris nn. spp.] (75.2,.3) | 87 Van Cleave, H. J. 51.33 Filicollis : 16.9 : 84.1 1916. Füicollis botulus n. sp., with Notes on the Characteristics of the : Genus. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 63.) Trans. Amer. mier.. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 131—134, 1 pl. (74.1) ’ 35 Ward, Henry B. 51.33 Hormorhynchus- 1917. Echinorhynchus moniliformis in North America. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Illinois No. 91.) Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 5 p. 141. [Hormorhynchus: n. g. pro E, m.] 39 Schlechtinger, Hermann. 51.5 : 14.631: 1914. Das Verhalten der Plastosomen in der Spermatogenese von Hirudo- medicinalis und Aulastomum vorax. Sitz.-Ber. math. physik. Kl. Akad. Wiss. München 1914 p. 13—52, 2 Taf. [Kappen- oder halbmondförmige Gruppierung um die von den Polstrahlungen freien Enden der Aeoua- torialplatte. In der Metaphase treten sie zwischen Tochterplatten und verteilen sich so gleichmässig auf Tochterzellen. Plastosomenkörper der Spermatide bildet fertiges Mittelstück.] | 40 Sanchez, D. | : 51.5 : 14.8- 1909/12. El sistema nervioso de los hirudineos. Trab. Lab. Invest. biol.. Univ. Madrid T. 7 p. 31—187, 7 läm., 51 figg. — T. 10 p. 1—143, 44 figg. | 14.81,.83,.89 212741 Sanchez, D. 51.5 : 14.89 1912. Sobre los ganglios simpäticos de los hirudineos. Bol. Soc. españ.. Biol. Año 2 p. 155—158, 2 figg. To Vermes 212742 Härting. | 51.5 : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Blutegel im Kehlkopf. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 pe 1505. | 43 Dequal, Lidia. 91.5 (45) 1916. Nuovi dati sulla distribuzione degli Irudinei in Italia. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 31 No. 713, 8 pp. | : (45.1,.4,.5,.71,.72,.77,.8,.9) 41 Dequal, Lidia. 51.5 (801) 1916. Viaggio dell Dott. E. Fesra nel Darier, nell’Ecuador e regioni vicine. XXV. Irudinei. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 31 No. 717, 20 pp., 1 tav. {5 nn. spp. in: Podoclepsis n. 8, Diplobdella, Blan- chardiella 3.] (728, 86.6) 45 Badham, Charles, 51.5 Austrobdella : 16,9 : 7.58 1916. On an Ichthyobdellid parasitic on the Australian Sand Whiting (Sillago ciliata). Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 62 p. 1—41, 2 pls., 6 figg. [4. n. g. translucens n. sp. 14.12, 13,.31,.316 —.35,.38,.61,.63,.65, 77 46 Leigh-Sharpe, W. Harold. 51.5 Branchellion (94.2) 1916. A New Species of Leech from South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 40 p. 42—55, 9 figg. [Branchellion australis n. sp.] 47 Blanchard, R. 51.5 Gnathobdellidae 1917. Monographie des Hémadipsines (Sangsues terrestres). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. Ann. 10 p. 640—675, 17 figg. [Cardea n. nom. pro Macro- bdella Preirrppr non Verrirr, Philippia Aparur non Gray, Bibula pro Blanchardiella Wxsser non Blancharäella Monızz. 9 nn. Spp. in Philaemon 2, Haemadipsa 7.] (69, 95, 96.1) 48 Weber, M. 51.5 Helobdella (85) 1916. Hirudinées péruviennes. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 95—96, 115 —122, 7 figg. [4 nn. spp. in Helobdella.] 212749 Seyfarth, Carly. 51.5 Limnatis : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Tropische und subtropische Süsswasserblutesel als Parasiten im Menschen. Centralbl. Bakter. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 19 p. 89—96, 1 Tat. 50 Delano£, P. 91.5 Limnatis (64) 1917. Au sujet de l'existence dans le Cercle des Doukkala (Maroc Oc- cidental! de Ja sangsue de cheval, Limnatis nilotica Savieny. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 458—459. 51 Schoubine, J. Iy6uxr, M, 51.5 Pontobdella : 14.8 1916. Le systeme nerveux du somite chez Pontobdella muricata L. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 16—24, 4 figg. — Crpoenie HEBPOCOMATA Pontobdella muricata L. Pyccr. 8001. &ypn. T. 1 p. 24—26, 14.83,.89 52 Mero.iegBt, T. T. Schegoleff, G. 51.5 Whitmania (57.1) 1916. Kr dayat viaso@b Amypckoï o6nacın. Pycek. 3004. sRypa. T. 1 p. 250—251. — About the fauna of the leeches in the Amour region. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 251—252. 53 Hyman, Libbie H. 91.6 : 11.66 1916. An analysis of the process of regeneration in certain Microdrilous Oligochaetes. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 99—163, 24 figg. [Axial Gradients in metabolism are primary integrative with highest rate in head and secondary non-integrative with rate increasing towards poste- rior region. Gradual becoming independent of zoids as to gradient. Re- generation of head and tail from intermediate segments. Change of gradient of pieces altered by stimulus of cutting. Head formation in- hibited in proportion to metabolic rate of old piece {influence on attain- ment of independence and isolation).] 212754 Bovard, John F. 51.6 : 11.81 1915. Giant Fiber Action and Normal Transmission by the Nerve Cord o? Earthworms. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc) Science N. 8. Vol. 42 p. 620. [Transmission in cord in spite of anesthetizing peripheral nerves in certain number of segments. Rate 22 mm. per second. Giant fibers Bibliegr. Zool. XXX_ 1X. 1917 17 Vermes 258 concerned with contractions in rapid end-to-end movements Rate 1,509 mm. per second. Locomotor fibers regenerate and recover from drugs more quickly than giant fibers.] 212755 Michaelsen, W. 51.6 (403) 1916. Oligochäten aus dem Naturhistorischen Reichsmuseum zu Stockholm. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 9, 21 pp. [Mesenchytrueus konyamensis n. sp. — 2 nn. varr. in: Megascolex, Pheretima.] (47.2, 52, 54.87, 62, 67.1, 69, 729.7, 79.4, 82,.9, 83, 84, 921, 922, 94.1.2 56 Michaelsen, W. 81.6 (6) 1913. Oligochäten vom tropischen wu südlich-subtropischen Afrika. II. Teil. Zoologica Bd. 27 Neft 6°, 61 pp., 2 Taf., 11 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Kerria, Gordiodrilus 4, Pygmasodrilus 2, Platydrilus, Metadrilus, Chuniodrilus n. g., Ludriloides, Eudrilus (1 n. var.), Neumanniella, Eupols ytoreutus, Poly- toreutus, Alma. — 1 n. forma in Callidrilus. (63, 66.6,.7,.9, 67.5,.6,.8, 68.2,.9) 57 Heimburger, H. V. 31.6 (77.2, 1915. Notes on Indiana Earthworms. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1914 p. 281-285. 58 Friend, Hilderic. 51.6 (80°) 1916. Alien Oligochæts in England. Kerria rubra n. sp. Journ. R. mier. Soc. London 1916 p. 147 —157, 6 figg. [Neotropie form found in lily house in Oxford Botanic Garden] 59 Michaelsen, W. 51.6 (93) 1913. Die Oligochäten von Neu-Caledonien und den benachbarten Insel- gruppen. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 1 p. 171—280, 2 Taf., 6 figz. [25 en. spp. in: Acanthodrilus 16, Plutellus 6, Megascolex, Pheretima 2. (932 — 934) 60 Schmidt, P. J.. et F. V. Stchepkina. 51.6 Allolokophora : 11.014 1917. Sur l’anabiose des vers de terre. (Note preliminaire.) (Réun. bio!. Petrograde.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. SO p. 366-368. [Température mortelle entre — 1°2 et — 2° C. Entre O° et cette température anabiose. Desséchement jusqu’à 30 à 40°/, du volume d’eau.] 212761 Michaelsen, W. 51.6 Alma : 14.28 1916. Ein Kiemen tragender Regenwurm. Verb. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 23 p. LIX. 62 Despax, R. 51.6 Branchinra (44.8 i) 1916. Une nouvelle station française de Branchiura sowerbyi Brpparo. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 46—48. 68 Friend, Hilderic. 91.6 Dichogaster 3916. Alien Oligochaets in England. Das lageniformis n. sp. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 262—271, 3 figg. [Habitat unknown] 64 Baylis, H. A. 51.6 Dichogaster (67.5). 1915. A new African Earthworm, collected by Dr. C. Ce for the Congo Museum; with a Note on its Spermathecae and Spermatophores. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol, 16 p. 449 —465, 7 figg. [Dichogaster jacu- latrix n. sp] 14.63.1 65 Cognetti de Martiis, L. 51.6 Dichogaster (68.9) 1914, Oligocheti raccolti da S. A. R. la Duchessa »ı Aosra nella regione dei grandi laghi dell’Africa equatoriale. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 17, 3 pp., 2 figg. [Dichogaster monticellii n. sp.] 66 Krizenecky, Jaroslarv. 51.6 Enchytrxeidae : 11.044 1916. Eın Beitrag zum Studium der Bedeutung csmotischer Verhältnisse des M:diums für Organismen. Versuche an Würmern Enchytraeiden. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 163 p. 325—354, 2 figg. [Enchytraeiden passen sich ans Leben im Salzwasser an, sofern dieses gelüftet ist. Höhere Konzentrationen giftig (physikalische Wirkung). In destilliertem Wasser gehen die Würmer zugrunde. Auch hier Einfluss der Lüftung.] 67 Friend, Hilderic. 51.6 Enchytraens : 165 1916. Are White Worms Injurious? Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 44--47. 212758 Stephenson, 7. 51.6 Hacmonais (54.5) 1916. On Haemonais laurentü, n. sp., a Representative of a little-known 259 Vermes Genus of Naïdidae, Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 50 p. 769—781, 1 pl., 5 figg. 212769 Szüts, Andor. 51.6 Lumbricidae : 18.8 1915. A földi giliszta idegrendszerének finomabb szerkezete. Math. term. Közlem. K. 33 Sz. 2. 61 pp., 2 tab. [Ueber den feineren Bau des Nerven- systems der Regenwürmer.] 70 Smith, Frank. 51.6 Lumbricidae (7) 1917 North American Earthworms of the Family Lumbricidae in the Collections of tho United States National Museum. Proc. U. $. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 157 —182. (Helodrilus welchi n. sp.) (718,8, 72, 728, 74.1,6—.9, 75.2,.8..8..8.9, 752,4, 17.1—.4, 6, 16.1,6,8, 79,1:4,5,.7) 71 Baldwin, Francis Marsh. 51.6 Lnmbriens : 15 1917. Diurnal activity of the Earthworm. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol 7 p. 187—190, 1 fig. [Definite periods of activity (early hours of night) Effect of food.] 12 Ramon y Cajal 8. 91.6 Lumbricus : 18.3 1904. Neuroglia y neurofibrillas del Lumbricus. Trab. Lab. Invest. biol. Univ. Madrid T. 3 p. 277—285, 4 figg. 78 Welch, Paul S. 91.6 Mesenchytraeus (79.7) 1916. Glacier Oligoch&'a from Mt. Rainier. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8. Vol. 43 p. 143. — Snow-field and Glacier Oligochaeta from Mt. Rainier, Washington. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State agric. Coll. No. 18.) Trans. Amer. mier. Soc. Vol, 35 p. 85—124, 4 pls. [Mesenchy- traeus gelidus n. sp. 1 n. var] 74 Nomura, Ekitaro. 51.6 Monopylephorus : 14 1915. On the Aquatic Oligochaete Monopylephorus limosus (Harar.) Journ. - Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 35 Art. 9, 45 pp. 30 figg. [Anatomy and histology.] 14.12,.13,.31,.316,.32,.34,.38,.6:, 63,.65,.73,.77,.78,.81..83,.89 212775 Michaelsen, W. 51.6 Propa;pus (43.51) 1916. Ein eigentümlicher neuer Enchyträide der Gattung Propappus ans der Niederelbe. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 23 p. 51-55. [ooiti n. sp. 76 Boecker, Eduard. 51.6 Stylaria : 15 1916. Zur Fischfutterfrage. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde, Jahrg. 13 p. 467—468. [Zucht von Stylaria lacustris.] 77 Dixou, Gertrude C. 51.6 Tubifex : 14 1915. Memoir, No. XXIII. „Tubifer.“ Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 29 p. 305 --402, 7 pls., 2 figg. 73 Meyer, Frieda. 51.6 Tubifex : 14.1 1915/16. Untersuchungen über den Bau und die Entwicklung des Blut- gefässsystems bei Tubifex tubifex (Mürr.). Vierteljahrsschr, nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 60 p. 592—596. [Entstehung aus Spalträumen zwischen Darmepithel und Splanchnopleura und zwischen Wänden der einzeln:.n Coelomsäckchen. Wandungen durch Coelothel gebildet, welches durch Delamination Muskulatur und Chloragogen liefert] — Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 203—244, 5 Taf., 12 figg. [Mesodermaler Ursprung.) 14.13 79 Gatenby, J. Bronte. 91.6 Tubifex : i4.6 1916. The Development of the Sperm Duct, Oviduct, and Spermatheca in Tubifex rivulorum. Quart, Journ. mier. Sc, Vol. 61 p. 317—336, 1 pl, I dig. 14.63,.631,.65 80 Treadwell, Aaron L. 51.7 1917, A New Species of Polychaetous Annelid from Panama, with Notes on an Hawaiian Form. Proc. U. $. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 427—4530, 5 figg. [Phyllodoce panamemis n. Sp. — Eunice silciensis Treanwezr changed to Leodrce dubia Woopwaup.] ‘212781 Caullery, M., et F. Mesnil, 51.7 : 11.6 1916. Viviparité et parthénogenèse chez les Annélides polychetes: nn nouveau Syllidien vivipare (Ehlersia nepiotoca n. sp). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163% p. 576-579. 11.52,.68 Vermes 260 213782 Salensky, W. 51.7 : 14 1907. Morphogenetische Studien an Würmern. Il. Ueber die Anatomie der Archianneliden nebst Bemerkungen über den Bau einiger Organe des Saccocirrus papillocercus. — III. Ueber die Metamorphose des Polygardius ponticus n. sp. mihi. — IV. Schlussbetrachtungen. Mém. Acad. Sc. St.- Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 19 No. 11, III, 349 pp., 12 Taf. [The- orie des Mesoderms.] 13.2,.3,.35 14.12,.13,.31,.32— .35,.38,.61,.63,.65,.73,.77, = nn .86,.88,.89,.9 ; 83 M’Intosh. 51.7 : 14 1917. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. — No. XL. On the Nervous System and other Points in the Structure of Owenia and Myriochele. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 233—265, 6 pls., 1 fig. 14.54,.61,.83,.89 84 Mesnil, F., et M. Caullery. 51.7 : 14.63.1 1916. Notes biologiques sur les mares à Lithothamnion de la Hague. III. — Sur une émission spontanée de spermatozoïdes observée le 18 août 1915. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 198—200, 2 figg. [Produits par des Polychètes.] 85 Müller, Wolfgang. 51.7 : 15 1913. Annulata oder Ringelwürmer. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 54 p. 250 — 252, 2 fige. 86 Högbom, A. 6 51.7 (1121) 1915. Zur Deutung der Scolithus-Sandsteine und „Pipe-Rocks.* Bull. geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala Vol. 13 p. 45—60, figg. [Wahrscheinlich keine Organismen, sondern mechanisch entstandene Gebilde.] 87 Reis, Otto M. »1.7 (1161) 1916. Geologische Studien aus der Umgegend von Bad Dürkheim. Mitt. Kerliohla Jahrg. 70 p: 65—119, 5 Taf., 2 figg. [Tätigkeit mariner Bohr- ürmer.] 212788 RARE di, I. 51.7 (26) 1914. Policheti raccolti dal Capitano G. Cnıercaıa durante il viaggio di circumnavigazione deila R. N. „Vettor Pisani“ negli anni 1882—83—84— 8. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 8, 8 pp., 1 tav. (26.3,.4,.6,.7) 89 Bergström, Erik. 51.7 (26) 1916. Die Polynoiden der schwedischen Südpolarexpedition 1901—1903, Zool. Bidrag Uppsala Bd. 4 p. 269 —504, 4 Taf., 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Harmothoe 2, Austrolaenilla n. g. — Gorekia n. g. pro Malmgrenia crassi- eirris, Barr ukia pro Gattyana cristata.] (26.3,.4,.9) 90 Fauvel, Pierre. 51,7 (26) 1916: Deux Polychètes nouvelles (Disoma watsoni n. sp. et Hyalinoecia brementi n. sp.) Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 316, 10 pp., 3 figg. (26.1,.2) 91 M’Intosh. 51.7 (26.1) 1916. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. — No. XXXIX. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 161—199, 1 pl. [Polychaeta from the Porcupine Expeditions in British and Norwegian Waters. Co- loration. Spirorbis caulleryi n. sp. 11.57 (26.12,.13) 92 Frickninger, Hans Walter. 51.7 (52) 1916. Japanische Polychäten aus der Sammlung Dore. Amphinomi- dae. Aphrsditidae. Polynoidae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 233—238. [7 nn. spp. in: Chloeia, Lepidonotus 2, Evarne, Cervilia n. g., Halosydna 2.] (52.1,.4) 93 Essenberg, Christine. 51.7 Aphrodite (79.4) 1917. On some New Species of Aphroditidae from the Coast of Cali- RE Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 401—430, 7 pls. [6 nn. pp. in Aphrodite.] 212794 Wwerdochiboh, Michael. 51.7 Aphroditidae : 14.1 1916. Topographie und Histologie des Blutgefässystems der Aphrodi- tiden. Vierteljahrsschr. nat. Ges. Zürich Jahrg. 61 p. 204—214. [Ab- leitung der Haemocoelwand vom Coelothel bestätigt.] 261 Vermes 212795 Hamilton, William F. 51.7 Aracoda : 148 1917. The Nervous-System of Aracoda semimaculata and the Description of a Method of Stereographic Reconstruction. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 73—85, 2 pls. 14.81,.83,.89 95 Ashworth, J. H. 51.7 Arenicola (94.2) 1916. On the Occurrence of Arenicola lovem, Kınzers, on the Coast of South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 40 p. 38—41. 97 Flaitely, F. W. 51.7 Cirratulus : 15 ' 1916. Notes on the Oecology of Cirratulus (Audouinia) tentaculatus (Monraau). Journ, mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 11 p. 60—70, 7 fieg. |Respiratory function of filaments. Method of feeding.] 15.3 98 Hamilton, W. F. 51.7 Halosydna (79.4) 1915. On Two New Polynoids from Laguna. Journ. Entom. Zool. Clare- mont Vol. 7 p. 234—240, 10 figg. [Halosydna succiniseta and lagunae nn. SPP.) 99 Galaine, C., et C. Houlbert. 51.7 Hermella : 15 1916. Les récifs d’Hermelles et l’assechement de la baie du Ment-Saint- Michel. C. R. Acad. Sec. Paris T. 163 p. 613—616. L[H. alveolata.] 212800 Caullery, M., et F. Mesnil, 51.7 Labrorostratus : 16.9 : 51.7 1916. Notes biologiques sur les mares à Lithothamnion de la Hague. I. — Présentation d’un ZLabrorostratus parasiticus S. J., parasite interne Die ctenostoma Car. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 160—161, 8. 01 Treadwell, A. L. 51.7 Leodicidae (75.9) 1915. Report on Systematic Study of the Leodicidae in 1915. 14th Year- beok Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 219—220. 02 Houlbert, C., et C. Galaine. 51.7 Sclerocheilus : 16.) : 4.1 1916. Sur le chambrage des huîtres et sur l'infection possible des chambres par le fait d’une Annelide tubicole parasite de la coquille. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 54—56. 03 Delsman, H. C. 51.7 Scoloplos : 13 1916. Eifurchung und Keimblattbildung bei Scoloplos armiger O. F. Mürzær. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. 383—498, 5 Taf., 5 figg. 3.15,.2 04 Müllegger, S. 51.7 Serpula 1916. Eine Serpula-Kolonie. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 13 p. 96—98, 1 fig. | 212805 Mesnil, F. 51.7 Spio : 15.6 1916. Sur la ponte d’une Annélide Polychète, Spio martinensis Mesn. 1896. Ball. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 32—35, 1 fig. 06 Haswell, W. A. 51.7 Stratiodrilus : 13 1916. On the Embryology of Stratiodrilus (Histriobdellidae). Quart. Journ. mier. Sc. Vol. 61 p. 301—312, 1 pl., 4 figg. [No metamorphosis. Complete unequal segmentation. Secondary yolk formed by cell ceasing to segment at early stage. Large immersed vegetal cell giving rise, in part at least, to endoderm. Syneytium prior to organogenesis.] 13.15,.2,.3 07 Watson, Arnold T. 51.7 Terebella : 15 1916. On the Tube of a Rare Polychaete Worm, Terebella (Lanice) seti- cornis, McIntosa, Dredged West of the Isle of Man. Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol; 30 p. 161—162, 1 fig. 08 Watson, Arnold T. 51.7 Terebella : 15 1916. A case of Apparent Intelligence exhibited by a Marine Tube- building Worm, Terebella conchilega. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 253—256, 2 figg. [Skillful use of a stone fragment in tube building.] 15.1 212809 Caullery, M. 51.7 Terebellidae (26) 1916. Sur les Térébelliens de la sous-famille Polycirridae MaArner. I. — Délimitation des genres. II — Polycirrus arenivorus n. sp. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 239—248, 2 figg. (26.1,.12,.2,.35,.4) Vermes 262 212S10 Apstein, C. 51.7 Tomopteris : 13.41 1916. Die Larve von Tomopteris. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 69—71, 5 figg. 11 Jaworski, E. 51.7 Torlessia (1161) 1916. Die systematische und stratigraphische Stellung von „Torlessia mackayi“ Baru. (= Terebellina) von Neuseeland. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1915 p. 504—512, 1 fig. | 12 Fischer, W. 51.74 (26.7) 1916. Die Gephyreenausbeute der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition (1898 — 1899). (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 14—20. [2 nn. spp. in: Phascolion (1 n. var.), Aspidosidhon.] 13 S:lensky, W. 51,74 Echiurus : 15.41 1905. Morphogenetische Studien an Würmern. I. Ueber den Bau der Echiuruslarve. (Trav. Lab. zool. et Stat. biol. Sébastopol Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg No. 6.) Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Pétersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 16 No. 11, 102 pp., 10 Tat. 14.31,.32,.34,.35,.38,.61,.73,.76,.7 (,.81,.83,.89..3 14 Hilton, William A. 51.74 Phascolosoma : 14.81 1917. The Central Nervous System of a Sipunculid. Jonrn. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 50—35, 6 figg. 15 Kunstler, J., et A. Gruvel. 51.74 Phymosoma : 11.11 1859. Recherches sur les ,Coupes cilides» du Phymosoma granulatum. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1898/99 p. 29—32. 16 Kunstler, J., et A. Gruvel. 51.74 Sipunculus : i1.11 1897. Sur le développement d’éléments particuliers de la cavité générale du Siponcle. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1896/97 p. 57 —60. 212817 JLorear, B. A. Dogiel, V. A. 51.74 Sipunculus : 11.11 1916. O d$u3ioNoTMYecKoMB 3Ha%eHIH „saTal04YHbIXb AHCKOBE* KPOBH Sivun- culus nudus. Pycck. 8002. #Aypa. T. 1 p. 1—6, 2 figg. — Sur la fonction des „vesicules énigmatiques“ du sang de Sipunculus nudus. Rev. z001l. russe T. 1 p. 6—8, [Servent d’emplätre pendant réparation de l'intestin endomimagé.] 18 Roule, L. 51.76 : 13 1899. Considérations sur le développement embryonnaire des Phoroni- diens, Bull. Acad. Sc. Toulouse T. 2 p. 159—176. [Formation et struc- ture de la larve actinotroque. Métamorphose. Physiologie et embryologie générales.] 13.15,.2,.3,.41 . 19 Rousselet, Charles F. 51.8 1916. Fifth List of New Rotifers since 1889. (Period i912—1915). Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1916 p. 19—28. 30 Schmidt, 6. 51.8 1917. Einiges über die Planktonrädertiere. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 28 p. 183—186, 6 figg. 21 Mendoza, A. 51.8 : 07 1911. Sobre un nuevo procedimiento de matar y fijar los Rotiferos. Bol. Soc. españ. Biol. Año 1 p. 129—130. 2% Whitney, David Day. 51.8 : 11.5 1916. Sex Controlled by Food. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 176—177. [Rotifers.] 11.53,.56 23 Whitney, David Day. 51.8 : 11.5 1916. The control of sex by food in five species of rotifers. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 20 p. 263—296, 6 figg. [Poor or scanty diet causes only female-producing females to be produced, but a plentiful diet of right kind causes nearly all male-producing females to be produced.] 11.53,.56 212824 Montet, &. 91.8 (494) 1915. Contribution à l’étude des Rotateurs du bassin du Léman. Rer. 212825 26 27 28 212835 Bil 32 83 34 212836 263 | Vermes suisse Zoo!. Vol. 23 p. 251—360, 7 pls. [3 nn. spj. in Habroiochu, Rotifer, Pleurotrocha. Formation de l’œuf durable chez Pedalium mirum.] Milne, W. 51.8 (68.7) 1916. On the Bdelloid Rotifera of South Africa. Part I. Journ. Qnekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 13 p. 47- 84, 5 pls., i fig. {14 nn. spp. in: Monoceros n. g., Diaymodactylos n. g., Philodina 9 (2 nn. varr.), Macrotrachela 3. — Monocerotidae n. fam.] — Pt. Il. p. 149—184, 5 pls. [20 na. spp. in: Macrotrachela 4 (2 nn. varr.), Habrotrocha 10, Otostephanos n. g. 2 (ln. var.), Pleuretra, Scepanotrocha, Mniob:a, Adineta. — Henoceres n. nom. pro Monoceros Mir, Henocerotidae pro Monocerotidae Mırnk.] Harring, Harry K. 51.8 (7) 1916. A Revision of the Rotatorian Genera Zepadella and Lophocharis with Descriptions of Five New Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol, 51 p. 527—568, 9 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Lepadella.] (728,:14.9, 75,218, 5, 70.8,.4;\ 77.1) Myers, Frank J. 51.8 (19.4) 1917. Rotatoria of Los Angeles, California, and Vicinity, with Descrip- tions of a New Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mas. Vol. 52 p. 473—478, 2 pls. [Lecane aspasia n. sp.] Whitney, David D. 51.8 Brachionus : 11.044 1916. The Transformation of Brachionus pala into Brachionus amphiceros by Sodium Silicate. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 31 p. 113 —120, 2 figg. [Polymorophism.] Whitney, D. D. 51.8 Brachionus : 11,6 1916. Parthenogenesis and Sexual Reproduction in l‘otifers. Experimen- tal Research upon Brachionus pala. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 50—52. [Production ot male-producing or female-producing females can be re- gulated by environment.] 11.62,.66 Shull, A. Franklin, and Sonia Ladoff. 51.8 Hydatina : 11 1916. Factors affecting male-production in Hydatina. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 127—161, 1 fig. [Oxygen increäses male-yroduction. Effect of nutrition. Neither osmotic pressure, acidity, alkalırity, nor delay of certain processes determining factors.] 11.044,.3,.56,.6 Shull, A. Franklin, and Sonia Ladoff. 51.8 Hydatina : i1.56 1916. Male-production in Aydatina Favored by Oxygen. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 177. illgen, Horst. 51.8 Scison : 16.9 : 53.6 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Biologie und Anatomie der parasitischen Rota- torienfamilie der Seisoniden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 1—9, 7 figg. Greuter, A. 51.88 (494) 1917. Beiträge zur Systematik der Gastrotrichen in der Schweiz. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 25 p. 35—76, 2 Taf. [18 nn. spp. in: /chthydium, Lepi- doderma, Chaetonotus 12 (2 nn. varr.), Setopus, Dasydytes 2, Stylochaeta.] Lameere, Aug. 01.95 : 13 1916. Contributions à la connaissance des Dicyémides. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) 2. 50 p. 1—35, 24 figg. [Phase nouvelle du Dicyema truncatum. — Les premières phases du Microcyema vespa. — Signification de la cellule axiale.] Lameere, Aug. 01.95 : 13 1916. Une phase nouvelle des Dicyémides. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 16—18. |Phase à 3 cellules internes. Rapports génétiques avec Orthonectides.] Poche, Franz. 51.99 Haplozoon 1916. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der vermeintlichen Gregarine Microtaeniella clymenellae Carx. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 37 p. 6—14. [Ge- hört zur Gruppe von Haplosoon jDocızL, die aber zu den Protozoen zu rechnen ist.] Arthropoda 264 59.52 Arthropoda 212837 Krausse, Anton. 53:07 1915. Ein automatischer, quantitativ arbeitender Fangapparet zum Stu- dium der Insekten- und Milbenfauna des Bodens, speziell für pflanzen- pathologische und bodeukundliche Untersuchungen. Ceniraibl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 2 Bd. 44 p. 663— 665, 2 figg. 54.2, 57.13,.6 58 v. Buddenbrock, W. 92 : 11.82 1915. Ueber das Vorhandensein des Lichtrückeurefl-xes bei Insekten sowie bei dem Krebse Branchipus grubei. Sitz.-Ber. Heidelberg Akad. Wiss. math.-nat. Kl. Abt. B Abh. No. 1, 10 pp. [Herumschwimmen von Agubus und von Insektenlarven in verkehrter Lage bei Beleuchtung von unten. Negative Ergebnisse bei fliegender Musca.] 53.24, 57.6 ?,72 39 Rabaud, Etienne. 12 : 11.82 1916. Le phénomène de la „simulation de la mort.“ C, R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 7#—77. [Contracture physiologique, sans utilité sélective évidente. 56.1, 57.24,.54,.63,.68, 95 40 Rabaud, Etienne. 52: 11.82 1916. Généralité du réflexe d’immobilisation chez les Arthropodes. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 823-826, [Excitation d’une zone dermique déterminée produit chez un grand nombre d’Arthropodes immobilisation.] — Nature et mécanisme de l’immobilisation réflexe des Arthropodes. p. 826—8.9. [Contracture physiologique prolongée. Rôle de l’excitation antagoniste.] — Immobilisation réflexe et immobilite simple chez les Arthropodes. p. 930—934. [Chez les Arthropodes l’état normalement inactif à l'abri de la lumière n’a aucun rapport avec l’immobilisation réflexe. Resultat final de la réaction lucifuge. Même phénomène chez la Mante.] 56.2, 57.21,.25—.29,.33,.42,.44, 54,.62,.68,.72,.87,.09,.96,.99 212841 Roberts, E. W. 92 : :48 1915. The Olfactory Sense in Insects. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 284—290, 1 pl. 5 figg. [Structure.] 53.72, 57.87,.89,.98,,93 42 Kieffer, J. J. 52:15 1902. Notice critique sur le Catalogue des Zoocécidies de MM. Daxsorx, Houarr et Giarv. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (2) T. 10 p. 79—S8. — A propos de la notice critique sur le Catalogue des zoocecidi s de MM. Darsoux, Houarp et Giarp. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1902 p. 52—53. — Remarques à propos d’une notice critique de M. l’abbé J. J. Kırrrur, par G. Daxsoux et C. Houarr. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 80 p. 15—23. 43 Turner, C. H. 92 : 15 1915. Literature for 1914 on the behavior of spiders and insects other than ants. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 415 —445. 11.044,85, 15.1—4,.6—.8, 54, A7 44 Brandza, Marcel, | 92 : 15 1916. Deuxième contribution à l’étude des Zoocécidies de la Roumanie. Ann. scient. Univ. Jassy T. 10 p. 94--120, 7 figg. 54.2, 57.92,.68,.71,.82..92 45 Cockerell, T. D. A. 52: 15 1916. Sunflower Insects in California and South Africa. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 76—79. [Halictus helianthi n. sp.] (68.2, 79.4) 54.4, 61.52,.54,.68,.85,.86,.99 45 Hedicke, Hans. 52:15 1916. Neue deutsche Zoocecidien. Entem. Rundsch. Jahrg. 33 p. 9-10, 15. (43.15) 94.2, 57.52,.53,.68,.71,.72 212847 Oudemans, A. C. 52:15 1916. Hypostoom bij Acari, springende Acari, Heterotrichus inaequarmatus, gezichtsvermogen ‚van Carabus nemoralis, springen der Elateridae. Tijd- 212848 49 50 51 52 212854 55 56 97 58 59 212860 265 Arthropoda schr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p. VII—XVI [Heterotrichus inaequarmatus — middelstuk met 4 paar buikpooten van een Lithosia rupsje.] 54.2, 57.62,.65,.87 Schulze, Paul. 52 : 15 1916. Mitteilungen über märkische Gallen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 217— 241, 20 figg. (43.15) 54.2, 57.52,.68,.71,.92,.93 Wel!s, Bertram W. 52 : 15 1916. The Comparative Morphology of the Zoocecidia of Celtis occiden- talis. (Contrib. Dept. Botany Ohio State Univ. No. 95.) Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 219—290, 8 pls. 54,2,:51:52,.71;:82 Tavares, J. 8 22 : 15 1917. As Cecidias do Brazil que se criam nas plantas da familia das Melastomataceae. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 18—49, 4 est., 8 figg. [2 un. spp. in: Eudiplosis n. g., Rochadiplosis n. g.] 54.2, 57.71,.82,.92 Hedicke, H. 92 : 15 1917. Neue Gallensubstrate aus dem Arboretum des Kgl. Botanischen Gartens zu Berlin-Dahlem. Sitz.-Ber. &es. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 174— 177. 54.2, 57.52,.71,.92 Arndt, Charles H. 52 : 15.2 1915. Some Insects of the Between Tides Zone Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1914 p. 323— 356, 3 pls. 54.4, 57.53,.62,.63 Collins, €. W. 92 : 15.2 1917. Methods Used in Determining Wind Dispersion of the Gipsy Moth and Some Other Insects. Journ. econ. Entom, Vol. 10 p. 170—177, 2 pls. 04.2, 57.52,.86,.87 Goeldi, E. A. 92.: 15.8 1917. Einfluss der Blutnahrung bei den blutsaugenden Insekten und Gliedertieren u. s. w. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 98 Tl. 2 p. 178— 180. [Beziehung zur Entwicklung ihrer Nachkommenschaft.) 54.2, 57.512,.71 Enslin, E. 52 : 12.4 1917. Insektensarnmeln im Winter. Eutom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 59—75. 54.2,.7, 57.15,.22,.27, 29,.33—.35,.42,.44,.53,.54,.62—,64,.06—.12,.82,.92— .95,.97--,99 MeColloch, James W. 92 : 19.4 1917. A Method for the Study of Underground Insects. (Contrib. en- tom. Lab. Kansas State agric. Coll. No. 24) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 183—188, 1 fig. 56.1, 57.27,.62,.64,.65,.67,.71,.86 Wasmann, E. 52 : 15.5 1915. Eine neue Pseudomyrma aus der Ochsenhorndornakazie in Mexiko, mit Bemerkungen über Ameisen in Akaziendornen und ihre Gäste. Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Pflanzen-Myrmekophilie. (212. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen). Tijdschr. Entom. D. 58 p. 296-325, 4 Taf. [P. canescens n. sp.] — Nachtrag zu „Eine neue Pseudomyrma aus der Ochsen- dornakazie in Mexiko.“ (220. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Suppl. p. 125—131. 54.4, 57.13,.52,.53,.62,.63,.82 Fawcett, Howard 8. 52 : 16.5 1915. Citrus Diseases of Florida and Cuba Compared with Those of Calıfornia. Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. California No. 262 p. 153—210, 24 figg. [Insects.] 54.2, 57.52,.68,.96 Quayle, H. J. 52 : 16,5 1915. The Control of Citrus Insects. Cire. agric. Exper. Stat. California No. 129, 35 pp., 18 figg. 54.2, 57.31,.52,.68,.82 Altheimer, K. 82 : 16.5 1916. Ueber im Jahre 1913 erschienene Mitteilungen über Schädlinge und Krankheiten der Obstbäume. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Rd. 46 p. 112—139. — Obstbaumkrankheiten und Obstbaumschädlinge. Zu- sammenstellung wichtigerer, im Jahre 1914 erschienener Arbeiten. p. 347— 364. 54.2,.4, 57.21,.52,.5 4,.65,.67,.68,.71,.72,.82,.85,.87,.89 212861 63 64 65 67 Arthropoda 266 French, €. jr. 92 : 16.5 1916. Insect Pests of the Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Garden. And how to Treat Them. Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 14 p. 213—218, 314-317, 433—4335, 495 —498, 604—611, 27 fige. 54.2, 57.31,.32,.52,.54,.64,.68,.72,.82,.86—.89 2 Smith, Loren B. 52 : 16.5 1916. Relationship between the Wetting Power and Efficiency of Nico- tine-Sulphate and Fish-Oil-Soap Sprays. Jeurn. agric. Research. vol. 7 p. 3859—349, 1 fig. 54.2, 51.92 Surface, H. A. 52 : 16.5 1916. Pests of Truck, Farm Crops and Livestock. Zool. Bull, Pennsyl- vaniz Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 1—58, 5 pls., 19 figg. 54.2, 57.27,.31,512—.52,.54,64,.65,.67,.68,.71,.72,.82,.36,.89 Blau. 52 : 16.5 1917. Die planmässige Insektenbekämpfurg bei den Russen. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 83 p. 343—388. 16.7 94.2, 97.22,.512,.54,.71,.72,.75,.96 Copeland, E. B. 52 : 16.5 1917. Diseases and Pests of Sugar Cane in the Philippines. Philippine Agric. & Forester Vol. 5 p. 343—346. 54.2, 57.52 — .54,.64,.65,.68,.82 Morrill, A. W. 52 : 16.5 1917. Cotton Pests in the Arid and Semi-Arid Southwest. Journ. econ. Eniom. Vol. 10 p. 807—317. 54.2, 57.27,.31,.52,.54,.68,.82,.86 Versluys, J. 52 ; 16.7 "1915. Die Verbreitung von Seuchen durch Insekten und andere Glieder- füssier im Kriege. Ber. oberhess. Ges. Nat. Heilkde. Giessen N. F. natur- wiss. Abt. Bd. 6 p. 170— 219. 54.2, 57.29,.512,.54,.71,.72,.75 212858 Patton, Walter Scott, and Francis William Cragg. 52 : 16.7 1913. A Textbook of Medical Entomology. London, Madras and Cal- cutta: Christian Literature Society for India, XXXIII, 764 pp., 89 pls. £ 1/:/— (Review by Frank Barrour Browse, Nature London Vol. 94 p. 84.) 54.1,.2, 57.512,.54,:71,.72,.75 62 Graham-Smith, 6. S. 52 : 16.9 : 57.72 1316. Observations on the Habits and Parasites of Common Flies. Para- sitology Vol. 8 p. 440—544, 8 pls., 26 figg. 54.2,.7, 57.92 70 Roubaud, E., et R. Van Saceghem. 52 : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Observations sur quelques insectes et acariens parasites du bétail au Congo Belge. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 763—767. 54.2, 57.512,.72—.75 71 Stehli, Georg. 52 : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. Die Ungezieferplage im Felde. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 12 p. 104 —108, 6 figg. 54.2, 57.512,.54,.75 72 Gruvel, A. 92 : 18.6 1897. Contribution à l’histologie des muscles. Proc.-Verb. Sec. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1896/97 p. 70—75. 53.5, 57.62 75 Dahms, Paul. 52 (1181) 1916. Einschlüsse in Bernstein. 38. Ber. westpreuss. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 55—68. 54.2,.4, 57.13,.2,.31,.4,.5,.6,.7,.82,.9 : 74 Cockerell, T. D. A. 52 (119) 1917. Arthropods in Burmese Amber. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 40—45, 6 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Polyxenus, Cheyletus, Winnertziola, Dermestes, Scleroderma, Apenesia.] 54.2, 56.1, 57.63,.11,.92 76 Geyr von Schweppenburg, H. 52 (43.42) 1907. Ephippigera ephippigera (F.) und Eresus niger Psra“xa am Mittel- rhein. Zool. Beohachter Jahrg. 48 p. 153—157. 54.4, 57.28 212876 Kieffer, J. J. 52 (43.45) 1908. Quatrième ee la Faune et à la Flore de Bitche. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (6), T. 1 p. 9—45. 54.2, 57.13,.52,.61—.74,.82,.85,.87,.88,.92—.95,.97,.99 261 Anthropoda - Crustacea 212877 Kohn, F. 6. 92 (43.61) 1911. Die Insektenbesiedlung Wiens. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 52 p. 54.3.4, 57.15,.21,.22,.27,.32—.35,.42,.512,.52,.54— .72,.75,.82—.92,.95— .99 78 Kraepelin, K. Ä 52 (94) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Moôürerce’s Swedish Scientife Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 4. Scolopendriden und Skorpione. Arkiv Zool, Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 2, 43 pp. 17 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Cupipes, Cormo- cephalus, Arthrorhabdus, Lychas 2 (4 nn. varr), Urodacus 2.] (94.1,.3,.4) * 54.6, 56.2 59.53 Crustacea (Vide etiam: 209401—209403, 209405—209414, 209416—209423, 209427 — 209432, 209444, 209445, 20452, 209455, 209464, 209466209468, 209473, 209774, 209727, 209304, 210046, 210097, 210098, 210435, 210433, 210812, z11i43, 211153, 211157, 211155, 211201, 21127, 211232, 211314, 211359, 211362, 211363, 211365—211368, 211370, 211372 —211375, 211380, 211 381, 211383—211336 211404, 211412, 211415, 211417, 211432, 212838, 212841. 212872.) 79 Meixner. 55 1916. Einiges von den niederen Krebsen. Wochenschr. Aqunar.-Terrar.- Käde. Jahrg. 13 p. 416-420. 53.23—.72 212830 Nageotie, J. #53 : 15.8 1916. Note sur les fibres à myéline et sur les étranglements de Ranvier chez certains crustacés. C. R. Soc. Biol, Paris T. 79 p. 259—263, 3 figg. [Toutes les fibres, sauf celles des nerfs vasculaires et intestinaux, pour- vues de myéline, qui ne s’interrompt pas au niveau des étranglements. L’etranglement est complètement inclus dans un corps cellulaire creux.] 53.83,.841 81 Ekman, Sven. 3 (26) 1916. Systematische did tiergeographische Bemerkungen über einige glazialmarine Relicte des Kaspischen Meeres. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 258 —269. (26.13,.28) 53.4,.71 82 Björck, Wilhelm. 53 (26.13) 1916. Bidrag till kännedomen om Kattegatts fauna. 1. Crustacea. Arkiv Zocl. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 16, 14 pp., 1 Taf. 53.5,.71,.81, 83, 841 83 Parisi, B. 93 (26.2) 1915. Note su alcuni Crostacei del Mediterraneo. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 62—66, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Calianassa, Nika.] 93.4,.841 84 Thienemann, August. 53 (43.56) 1916. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der westfälischen Süsswasserfauna. VI. Ueber einige Krebstiere der westfälischen Fauna. 44. Jahresber. west- fäl. Provinz.-Ver. zool. Sekt. p. 182—191, 2 figg. 53.28,.4,.71,.72 85 Farwick, Bernhard. 93.1 (43.42) 1917. Zur Verbreitung des Cyclops bisetosus Rensere und der Moina rec- tirostris Lxvpie. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 219—221. 03.24,.4 86 Paris, P. 63.1 (44.42) 1917. Note sur quelques Entomostracés récoltés dans le département de la Côte-d'Or. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 112—117. 53.24,.3 212837 Juday, C. 53.1 (728) 1915. Limnological Studies on some Lakes in Central America. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. Vol. 18 Pt. 1 p. 214—250, 4 figg. 53.24,.4 Crustacea 268 212888 Haberbosch, Paul. 33.1 (98) 1916. Ueber arktische Süsswassercrustaceen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 134 —144, 1 fig. | (491) 53.23—.4 89 Loman, J. C. C. 53.15 1915. Les Pycnogonides et les Règles de la Nomenclature zoologique. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 14 p. 187—223, 8 figg. 90 Hilton, William A, 53.19 : 14.6 1916. The Nervous System of,Pychnogonids. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 463—473, 2i figg. [Simple arthropod arrangement without special bruin. Develupinent. Histology ] 14.83,.89 91 Schimkewitsch, W. 53.15 (26.8) 1907. Résultats scientifiques de l’Expédition polaire russe en 1£00— 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Torr. Section E: Zoologie. Volume 1, Livr. 6. Zur Pantopoden-Fauna des sibirischen Eismeeres. Mém. Acad. : Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 18 No. 6, 9 pp., 1 Taf. 92 Lebour, Marie Y. 53.15 Anaphia : 16.9 : 37.1 1916. Notes on the Life History of Anaphia petiolata (Kröyzr). Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 11 p. 51—56, 3 figg. |Carried about by Medusae | 93 Hilton, William A. 53.15 Anoplodactylus : 15 1916. The Life History of Anoplodactylus erectus Core. Journ. Entom. Zool. Glaremout Vol. 8 p. 25—34, 3 pls. 15.6 94 Jordan, H. E. 53.15 Anoplodactylus : 18.6 1916. The microscopie structure of the leg muscle of the sea-spider, Anoplodactylus lentus. Anat. Record Vol. 10 p. 493—508, 7 figg. 95 Hilton, William A. 53.15 Eurycyde (74.4) 1916. A Remarkable Pycnogonid. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 19—24, 2 pls. [Eurycyde spinosa n. sp.] &12696 Babic, K. 53.23 (43.94) 1917. Zur Fauna Kroatiens. Branchipodidae. Glasnik hrvatsk. priradosl. Drrstiva God. 29 p. 47—48. 97 Dostal, Karl. 53.23 Apus : 15 1916. Zur Zucht des Apus cancriformis. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 123. — von W. WOoLTERSToRFF. p. 123. 35 Venzmer, 6. 53.23 Branchipus 1913. Ueber Branchipodiden oder Kiemenfüsse. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 54 p. 346-347. 99 Lundblad, 0. 53.23 Limnadia (48.7) 1916. Om ett fynd av Limnadia lenticularis (L.) i Sverige, jämte nâgra iakttagelser över artens biologi. Zool. Ridrag Uppsala Bd. # p. 249— 265, 5 figg. — Ueber die Verbreitung und Biologie der Limnadia lenticu- laris. pP. 266— 268. 15 212900 Hartmann, Otto. 53.94 : 11.5 1915. Studien über die Cyclomorphose bei Cladoceren. Arch. Hydro- biel. Planktonkde. Bd. 10 p. 436—519, 2 Taf., 21 fieg. [Auflälliger Grössenunterschied der im Sommer und Winter gefangenen Tiere.] 15.4 (43.65) 01 Farwick, Bernhard. | 53.24 (4) 1916. Neuere Untersuchungen über die Verbreitung der Cladoceren am Niederrhein und ihre Biologie. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. S1 A Heft 8 p. 50— 67. - 15.4 (43.42, 492) | 02 Arevalo, Celso. 93.24 (46.7) 1917. Cladöceros de la Albufera de Valencia. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 16 p. 133—143, 164—176, 10 figg. [Extracto de los Anal. inst. gen. tecn. Valencia 1916. — 4 nn. spp. in: Ceriodaphnia (1 n. var.), Macro- thrix, Alonella, Pleuroxus.] 212908 Almeroth, Hans. _ 63.24 (494) 1916. Ueber drei für den Genfer See noch nicht bekannte Cladoceren. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 pe. 42—43. 269 | Crustacea 212994 Yung, Emile. 03.24 (494) 1917. Les Cladocères du lac de Genève. (Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève.) Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève (4) T. 43 p. 252—253. 05 Delachaux, Théodore. 53.24 (67.8) 1917. Cladocères de la région du lac Victoria Nyanza. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 25 p. 77—93, 21 figg. 06 Sars, &. 0. 53.24 (68.7) 1916. The Fresh-water Entomostraca of Cape Province (Union of South Africa). Pt. I. Cladocera. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 15 p. 303—5591, 13 pls. [11 nn. spp. in: Daphnia 3, Ceriodaphnia (1 n. var.), Echinisca, Leydigia 2, Alona 4.] 07 Stingelin, Th. | 53.24 (932) 1915. Cladoceren von Neu-Caledonien. Nova Caledonia A Zoo}. Vol. 2 p. 195—208, 1 Taf. [1 n. var. Diaphanosoma. — 1 n. forma in Daphnia.] 08 Hartmann, Otto. 53.24 Bosmina : 11.5 1916. Ueber den Einfluss der chemischen Beschaffenheit des Mediums auf die Gestalt von Bosmina longirostris O. F. M. Arch. Entw.-Mech, Bd. 42 p. 208—221, 1 Taf. [Leichte und charakteristische Beeinflussbarkeit der Gestalt.] Theiler, Alfred. 53.24 Bosmina (494) 1917. Beiträge zur Planktonkunde des Sempacher- und Baldeggersees. Mitt. nat. Ges. Luzern Heft 7 p. 309—357, 7 figg. [Bosmina coregoni Bar und Abarten.] 10 de la Vaulx, R. 53.24 Daphnia : 12.98 1916. Anomalies antennulaires de quelques Daphnies gynandromorphes. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 194—197, 4 figg. 11 Wolterstorff, W. 53.24 Daphnia : 15 1915. Ueber die Aufbewahrung und Zucht von Daphnien. Blätt. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 26 p. 232—233. 212912 De-Marchi, Marco. 53.24 Macrothrix (45.3) 1916. Notizia sulla presenza di Macrothrix hirsuticornis, Norman & Brany nel Trentino. Rend. Ist. Lombardo (2) Vol. 49 p. 525—541. 13 Banta, Arthar M. 53.24 Simocephalus : 11.55 1916/17. A sex-intergrade strain of Cladocera. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 14 p. 3—4. — Sex Intergrades in Crustacea. Year Book No. J5 Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 128—139. — Sex Intergrades in a Species of Crustacea. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 578—583. 0 Ne; 14 Leidhold, CI. 53.3 (114) 1917. Ueber die Verbreitung der Ostrakoden im Unterdevon rheinischer Fazies. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pai. 1917 p. 163—168. 15 Fyan, E. C. 53.3 (1183). 1915/16. Eenige jong-pliocene Ostracoden van Timor. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 24 p. 1175—1186, 1 pl. — Some young-pliocene Ostracods of Timor. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 18 p. 1205—1217, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Nesidea 2, Cytheridea.\ 16 Granata, Leopoldo. 53.3 (26.7) 1915. Nuove specie di Ostracodi (Diagnosi preliminari.) Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 46 p. °6—30, 5 figg. [bd nn. spp. in: Cypridina 2, Philomedes, Asterope, Cyclasterope |] 17 Alm, Gunnar. 533.3 (43.5) 1916. Monographie der Schwedischen Süsswasser-Ostracoden nebst syste- matischen Besprechungen der Tribus Podocopa: Zool. Bidrag Uppsala Bd. 4 p. 1—247, 1 Taf., 95 figg. [1 n. var. in Potamocypris.] 10.2,.4,.6 (48.6 —.8) 18 Paris, P. 53.3 Sphæromicola (44.42) 1916. Spheromicola topsenti n. g. n. sn., Ostracode commensal d’Isopodes troglobies du genre Cæcosphæroma. ©. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 163 p. 30% 9. 212919 Esterly, Calvin O. 58,4 : 15.3- 1916. The Feeding Habits and Food of Pelagic Copepods and the Crustacea 210 Question of Nutrition. by Organic Substances in Solution in the Water. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p: 171—184, 2 fige. 21292) Sars, 6. 0. 53.4 (26) 1916. Liste systématique des Cyclopoidés, Harpacticoides et Monstril- loidés recueillis pendant les campagnes de S. A. S. le Prince ALBERT px Monaco, avec descriptions et figures des espèces nouvelles. Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco No. 523, 15 pp., 8 ple. [8 nn. spp. in: Neopontius, Macrocheiron, Pseudomolgus (n. g. pro Lichomoigus arenicola), Oncaea 2, Psamathe, Setella, Aegisthus.] (26.1,.2,.3,.7,.8) 21 Brian, Alessandro. 53.4 (26.2) 1914. Copepodi pelagici del golfo di Genova proveniente dalle raccolte del Laboratorio Marino di Quarto dei Mille. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 25 p. 133—143. 22 Farwick, Bernhard. 53.4 (4) 1916. Neuere Untersuchungen über die Verbreitung der freilebenden Covepoden am Niederrhein und ihre Biologie. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. SL A Heft 8 p. 7—27. 15.4 (43.42, 492) 23 Esterly, Calvin 0. 53.4 Acartia : 11.044 1917. The Occurrence of a Rhythm in tbe Geotropism of Two Species of Plankton Copepods when certain Recurring External Conditions are absent. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 393—400. 24 Lebour, Marie V. 53.4 Calanus : 13.4 1916. Stages in the Life History of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus), Experimentally Reared by Mr. L. R. Crawsuay in the Plymouth Labora- tory. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 11 p. 1—17, 21 figg. 13.41 25 Thallwitz, J. 53.4 Canthocamptus : 14.98 1916. Ueber Canthocamptus typhlops Meräzek und einige verwandte Arten. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 159 —167, 9 figg. 212926 Farwick, B. 93.4 Cyclops (43.42) 1916/17. Zur Verbreitung des Cyclops crassicaudis Sars. Zool. Anz. Bd, 47 p. 378-380. — Eine weitere Fundstelle von Cyclops bisetosus Sans. Bd. 48 p. 304. 27 Brehm, V. 53.4 Diaptomus 1915. Zur zoogeographischen Stellung des Diaptomus tatrieus. Arch. Hydrobiol, Planktonkde. Bd. 10 p. 405—406. [Kein Glacialrelikt.] 28 Marsh, C. Dwight. 95.4 Diaptomus (75.5) 1915. A New Crustacean, Diaptomus virginiensis, and a Description of Diaptomus tyrelli Porez. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 49 p. 457 —462, 7 figg. [D. virginiensis n. sp] 29 Chappais, P. A. 53.4 Harpacticidae : 13.4 1916. Die Metamorphose einiger Harpacticidengenera. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 20--31, 3 figg. 13.41 30 van Douwe, Carl. 53.4 Harpacticidae (43.36) Ea1T. Zur Kenntnis der Süsswasser-Harpacticiden Deutschlands. Zool. al Korsleh, Erich. 53.4 Harpacticidae (4°) 1914. Zur Kenntnis der Harpacticidenfauna Mittelitaliens. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 16, 3 pp. (45.6,.73) 82 Menzel, R. 53.4 Harpacticidae (85) 1916. Ueber das Auftreten der Harpacticidengattungen Epactophanes Mräzex und Parastenocaris KessLer in Surinam. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 145 —152, 16 figg. [P. staheli n. sp.] 33 Mesnil, F., et AM. Caullery. 53.4 Mesnilia : 15.2 1916. Notes biologiques sur les marss à Lithothamnion de la Hague. II. — Sur l'habitat d’un copépode semiparasite, Mesnilia martinensis Caxu 1898. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 176—178, 3 figg. 212954 Vanhöffen, E. . 53.4 Mesochroa 1916. Mesochroa rapiens (Scuueıt), ein alter Harpactide unter neuem Namen. Sitz.-Ber. Res. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 215—216. [Apsteinia rapiens u. Mesochroa hirticornis.] 241 Crustacea 212935 Rosendorn, Ilse; 53.4 Oithona (26) 1917. Neue Osthona-Formen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 201-303. [2 nn. spp. 1 n. var. 36 Schmaus, P. Heinrich. 53.4 Rhincalanus (25) 1917. Die Rhincalanus-Arten. ihre Systematik, Entwicklung und Ver- breitung. (Vierte Mitteilung über die Copepoden der Valdivia-Expedition). Zoo], Anz. Bd. 48 p. 305—319, 356—368, 24 fige. [1 n. forma. 13.41 (201,321) 37 Chappuis, P. A. 53.4 Viguierella (494) 1916. Viguterella coeca Maupas. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Crustaceen (unter Benützung eines Manuskriptes von E. Mavras). Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 24 p. 521—564, 2 Taf. 15.6 38 Brian, Alessandro. »2.45 : 16.9: 7 1914. Nuove Aggiunte al Catalogo dei Copepodi parasiti dei pesci vi- venti nel mare ligustico. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vel. 25 p. 144—148, 169 : 7.31,.58 (26.2) 39 Brian, A. 93.45 : 16.9 : 7.53 1917. Note sur trois Copépodes parasites provenant des collections du Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bull. Inst. oceanogr. Monaco No. 324, 8 pp., 3 fige. (26.1,.2,.7) 40 Jungersen, Hector F. E. 93.45 Chordeuma : 16.9 : 39.4 1914. Chordeuma obesum, a new Parasitic Copepod, endoparasitie in Asteronyx loveni M. Ts. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrap 1. Halvbd. No. 16, 18 pp., 2 pls. [n. g. n. sp.] (26.12) 41 Wilson, Charles Branch. 53.45 Lernseidae : 16.9: 6 1917. North American Parasitie Copepods belonging to the Lernaeidae with a Revision of the Entire Family. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 53 p- 1—150, 2i pls, 4 fgg. [12 nn. spp. in: Penicutus, Lernaeenirus 8, Sar- cotretes, Phrixocephalus 2, Collipravus n. 8., Haemobuphes 2, Trifur n. g., Pennella. — Lernaeinae, Lernaeenicinae, Lernaeocerinae n. subfam. — Cardiodectes n. g. pro Lernaeenicus medusaeus.] 16.9 : 7.31,.54—.56,.58, : 9.51 (26.1,.2,.4,.5,.7,.8) 212942 Vanhöffen, E. 53.45 Lonchidiopsis : 16.9 : 49.3 1917. Lonchidiopsis hartmeyeri, ein neuer Ascidienparasit. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 224—229, 1 Taf., 7 figg. [n. g. n. sp.] 43 Sars, G. 0. ; 63.45 Thaumatopsyllus (26.1) 1913. T'haumatopsyllus paradoxzus G. O. Sars. A Remarkable Copepoi from the Norwegian Coast apparently referable to the Monstrilloid Group. Arch. Math. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 33 No. 6, 11 pp, 1 pl. [n. g. n. sp.] 44 Gruvel, A. 53.5 1899. Essai de classification des Cirrhipèdes thoraciques. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1898/99 p. 132—137. 45 Grurel, A. 53.5 : 14.78 1899. Note sur la morphologie des formations cuticulaires des Cirrbi- pèdes pédonculés. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1898/99 p. 118—124.,— Note sur la morphologie des pièces du test chez les Cirrhı- pèdes sessiles (Balanides). p. 140—147. 46 Facciolla, Nicola. 53.5 (26) 1914. Cirripedi raccolti dal Cap. G. Cmiercura nel viaggio di eireumnavi- gazione della R. Corvetta „Vettor Pisani“ (1832—1885). Ann. Mus. zoo. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 4, 17 pp., 8 figg. [Platylepas conica n. sp.] (26.1,.3,.4, 6,.7) 12947 Pilabry, Henry A. 53.5 (26) 1916. The Scssile Barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the Collections of tie U. 8. National Museum; Including a Monograph of the American Spe- cies. Bull. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 93, 366 pp., 99 figg. [23 nn. spp. in: Verruca 6 (4 nn. subspp.), Balanus 7 (20 nn. subspp. — In. forma}, Cylindrolepas n. g., Chthamalus 8 (3 nn. subspp.), Hexelasma. — 4 nn. subspp. Crustacea 212 in Tetraclita. — Semibalanus, Metabalanus, Austrobalanus, Tesseropora nn. subgg.] (26.1,.12,.3,5—.7) (75.2,.5) 212348 Crozier, W. J. 53.5 Conchoderma : 15 1916. On a Barnacle, Conchoderma virgatum, Attached to a Fish, Diodon hystrix. Amer. Natural. Vol. 50 p. 636—640. 49 Gruvel, A. 3.5 Scalpellum : 11.56 1898. Note sur le mâle complémentaire du „Scalpellum vulgare.“ Proc. Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1897/98 p. 233 —236. 50 Stephensen, K. 53.6 (26.8): 1913. Report on the Malacostraca collected by the „Tjalfe*-Expedition, under the direction of cand. mag. An. S. Jensen, especially at W. Green- land. Vidensk. Meedel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 64 p. 57—134, 36 figg. [£ nn. spp. in: Cleonardo, Eusirus, Munneurycope n. g., Holophryxus.] — Corrections to tbe paper on the Malacostraca from the Tjalfe-Expedition. p. 329—330. 53.71-5.81,.83--.842 51 Tait, John. 53.7 : 11 : 1917. Experiments and Observations on Crustacea: Part I. Immersion Experiıaents on Ligia. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 37 p. 50—58. [Evidence of marine origin. Lives in apparent comfort in sea-water.] — Part II. Moulting of Isopods. p. 59—68, [Cyclic change.] — Part III. Limb-Flexures and Limb-Taxis in the Peracarida. p. 69—94, 4 figg. [Relation to clinging, reptant and swimming habits.] 11.044,.7,.76, 53.71,.72 52 Moll, Friedrich. 53.7 : 16.5. 1915. Holzzerstörende Krebse. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst- Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 13 p. 178—207, 12 figg. 53.71,.72 212653 Walker, Alfred ©. 53.7 (8) 1916. Edriophthalma from South America. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 343—346, 1 fig. [1 n. var. in Elasmopus.] (81, 83) 53.71,.72 54 von der Brüggen, Ernst. 53.71 (26.8): 1909. Résultats scientifiques de l’Expedition polaire russe en 1900— 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Torr. Section E: Zoologie. Volume,. I, Livr. 16. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Amphipoden-Fauna der russischen Arctis. Mém. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 18 No. 16, 56 pp., 3 Taf., 4 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Onisimus, Orchomene, Ampelisca Erichtonius.] 55 Brehm, V. 58.71 (4) 1915. Ueber ostalpine Niphargiden. (Mitteilung aus der biologischen Station Lunz.) Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkde. Bd. 10 p. 407—413, 2 Taf. (43.62,.65,.67—.69,.91,.95, 498) 56 Vanhöffen, E. 53.71 (4): 1916. Die Anomostraken. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p.- 137 — 152. (43.71, 494, 94.6) 57 Barnard, K. H. 53.71 (6)- 1916. Contributions to the Crustacean Fauna of South Africa. Ann.. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 15 p. 105—302, 3 pls. [56 nn. spp. in: Trischi- zostoma, Stomacontion, Paravalettia n. g., Cyphocaris, Aristias, Uristes, Stego- cephaloides 2, Ampelisca 3, Triodos n. g., Gitanopsis, Peltocoxa, Leucothoe,. Stenothoe, Plioplateia n. g., Temnophlias n. g., Bathymedon, Halicreion, Bru- zelia, Epimeria 2, Cleonardopsis n. g., Rhachotropis 2, Eriopisa, Elasmopus, Gammarus 4, Talorchestia 3, Chiltonia, Parorchestia, Hyale 2, Lembos, Lem- boides 2, Cheiriphotis, Eurystheus 2, Grubia, Macropisthopous n. g., Ischyro- cerus, Isaeopsis n. g., Laetmatophilus 2, Podocerus 2, Caprellina, Orthoprotella, Cystisoma.] (67.9, 68.4,.7) 212958 Shoemaker, C. R. 53.71 (79.1)- 1916. Descriptions of Three New Species of Amphipods from Southern California. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 157—160. (3 nn. spp. in: Aruga, Ampelisca, Podoceropsis.] | 249 Crustacea 212959 Chevreux, E. 93.71 (93) 1915. Anphipodes de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des iles Loyalty. Nova ' Caledonia A Zooï. Vol. 2 p. 1-14, 3 pls [3 nn. spp. in: Tulorchestie, Parorchestia 2.] (932, 933) 60 Shaw, M. 53.71 Caprella (79.4) 1916. Caprellidae from Laguna Beach. Jeurn. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 86—87, 3 figg. [Caprella tuberculata n. sp. 61 Chevreux, Ed. 83.71 Cyphocaris (26) 1916. Sur les Amphipodes du genre Cyphocuris Borcx recueillis par la Princesse-Âlice au moyen du filet Ricnarn à grande ouverture. Bull. Iust. océanogr. Monaco No. 319, 6 pp., 2 figg. [C. bouvieri n. sp.) (26.1,.2) 62 Sexton, E. W., and M. B. Wing. 53.71 Gammarus : 11.57 1916. Experiments on the Mendelian Inheritance of Eye-colour in the Amphipod Gammarus chevreuxi. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 11 p. 18—50, 1 pl., 1 fig. [Normally black with superficial reticu- lation of opaque white. Black dominant, red recessive.] 63 Wolterstorff, W. 53.71 Gammarus : 15 1917. Der Bachflohkrebs, Gammarus pulex L. im Aquarium. Blätt. Agquar.- Terrar.-Kde, Jahrg. 23 p. 85—87, 2 figg. 64 Chilton, Chas. 53.71 Hyale (931) 1916/17. A new Species of the Amphipodan Genus Hyale from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 362—366, 5 figg. [H. gren- felli.] — Further Notes on the New Zealand Amphipod Hyale grenfelli, Caivron. Vol. 19 p. 273-276, 3 fige. 65 Hilton, William A. 53.71 Orehestia : 14.81 1917. The Central Nervous System of the Amphipod Orchestia. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 83—90, 1 pl. 66 Chilton, Chas. 53.71 Parapherusa (94.4) 1916. Parapherusa crassipes (HısweLL), an Amphipod of Australasian Seas. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 199—207, 3 pls. 212957 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 93.41 Talitriater (68.4) 1917. South-African Talitridae Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 330 —391. [Talitriator africanus Bare.] 68 Nusbaum-Hilarowicz, Joseph. 93.72 : 11.32 1917. Studien über die Physiologie der Verdauung bei den Landasseln ‚(Isopoda). (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 37 pe 49—55, 1 fig. [Zellen der Mitteldarmdrüse können zu verschiedenen Zeiten sowohl absorbieren wie auch sezernieren. Rolle der Cilien bei der Absorption.] 69 Verhoeff, Karl W. 83.72 : 14.29 1317. Zur Kenntnis der Atmung und der Atmungsorgane der Isopopa- Oniscoidea. (Ueber Isoroden 20. Aufsatz.) Biol. Zentralbl. Bd. 37 p. 113—127. [Kapillares Wasserleitungssystem dient mitunter zu vorüber- gehender Kiemenatmung. 3 Typen: Hypotracheata, Atracheata, Pleuro- tracheata.] 70 Verhoeff, Karl W,. 93.72 : 14.29 1917. Zur Kenntnis der Ertwickelung der Trachealsysteme und der Untergattungen von Forcellio und Tracheoniscus. (Ueber Isopoden, 22. Aufsatz.) Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 195—223, 7 fige. [P. medionotatus n. sp] 71 Sanchez, Domingo. 233.72 ; 14.34 1904. Un sistema de finisimos conductos intraprotopläsmicos hallado en las células del intestino de algunos isöpodos. Trab. Lab. Iuvest. biol. Univ. Madrid T. 3 p. 101—111, 6 figg. 212972 Verhoeff, Karl W. 93.72 (4) 1917. Germania zoogeographica: Die Verbreitung der Isopoda terrestria im Vergleich mit derjenigen der Diplopoden. (Zugleich über Isopoden, 18. Aufsatz.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 347—355, 369—389. [Porcellio graevei n. sp. — 1 n. subsp. in Trichoniscus]. (43.36,.42,.44,.46,.47,.58,.61—.65,.92,.95, 494) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX X 1917 18 212973 74 75 76 77 18 22979 80 81 82 83 84 86 212996 Crustaceu 274 Verhoeff, Karl W. 53,12 (4) 1917. Zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Trichoniscus und Mesoniscus, (Ueber Isopoden, 19. Aufsatz.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 40—57, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Zrichoniseus (4 nn. varr.j. — 2 nn. varr. in Mesoniscus.] (43.36,.37,.42,.46,.47,.63,.64, 494) Collinge, Walter FE. 53.12 (41.37) 1917. Some Remarks Upon the Occurrence of Two Rare Woodlice in Scotland. Scottish Natural. Du De 137—139. [Porceilio rathkü and Haplophthalmus danicus.] Collinge, Walter E. 53.42 (42) 1917. A Check-list of the British Terrestrial Isopoda (Woodlice). Scot- tish Natural. 1917 p. 111—116. [i n. var. in Armadillidium.] Collinge, Walter E. 53.72 (46) 1917. On a Small Collection of Terrestrial Isopoda from Spain, with Descriptions of Four New Species. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 461—466, 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Porcellio 2, Armadillidium, Cubaris.] (46.5,.8, 469.8) Hay, W. P. 53.12 (79.6) 1917, A New Genus and Three New Species of Parasitic Isopod Crusta- ceans. Proc. U. NS. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 569—574, 3 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: l’hryxus, Synsynella n. g., Pseudione.] 16.9 : 53.841 Allee, W. C. 93.42 Asellus : 11.044 1916. Chemical control of rheotaxis in Asellus. Jouru. exper. Zoûl. Vol. 21 p. 163—198, 10 figg. [Action of various cations and anions in relation with their toxicity and their preliminary stimulation, No exact paral- lelism. A chemical, nct a mere osmotic influence] — The Effect of Certain Ions on Rheotaxis in Asellus. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8, Vol. 43 p. 142—143. [K and Rb cause strong increase in positive re- action. Cl among anions most effective. Decrease alter a certain time, CaCl2 decreases from beginning.] Chilton, Chas. 53.72 Cubaris (931) 1917. A new Tuberculate Terrestrial Isopod from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 19 p. 327-329, 1 pl. [Cubaris milleri n. sp. Tait, John. 33.72 Glyptonotus : 14 1917. Experiments and Observations on Crustacea: Part IV. Some Struc- tural TS to Glyptonotus. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol, 37 p. 246— 303, 22 Agg. 14.31,.32—.36,.78,.84,.94 —.98 Ishii, Shigemi. 58.7 2 Ichthyoxenus : : 16.9 : 7,35 1916. On a New Zchthyoxenus (I. opisthopterygium sp. nov.) from Lake Biwa. Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 125—131, 10 figg. _ Collinge, Walter E, 53.72 Idotea (26.2) 1916. Description of a new Species of Idotea (Isopoda) from the Sea of Marmora and the Plack Sea. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 33 p. 197—201, 1 pl. |J. stephenseni.] (26.25) ; Collinge, Walter E. 53.12 Idoteidae (42) 1917. A Revision of the British Idoteidae, a Family of Marine Isopoda. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 51 p. 721-760, 11 pls. [Jdotea sarsi n. sp. — Synisoma n. g. pro Stenosoma lanciferum.] (41.11,.13,.14,.33, 42.23,.25,.28,.33 —.39.61, ‚64, .67,.74,.82,.89) Collinge, Walter B. 52.72 Ligidium (42) 1917. Note on an Apparently Rare British Woodlouse (agidium hyp- norum, Cuv). Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 94—95. {42.48,.71) | Hilton, William A. 53.12 Ligyda : 13 1915. Tue Early Development of Ligyda with Reference to the Nervous System. Journ. Entom. Zool. en Vol. 7 p. 211—227, 49 figg. 14.81,.89 Chilton, Chas. 53.72 Limnoria : 16.5 1916. The Gribble (Lünnoria lignorum, Raruxe) attacking a Subinarine Cable in New Zealand. Ann. mus nat. Hist. (> Vol. 18° p- 208. 215 Crustacea 212987 Pierantoni, U. 53.12 Munna (45.73) 1916. Sopra un nuovo Isopode murino del Golfo di Napoli (Munna me- diterranea n. sp.). Pubblic. Staz. zool. Napoli Vol. 1 p. 147—153, 1 tav. 88 Collinge, Walter E. 53.72 Oniscus 1916. On the Specific Identity of the Wood-Louse Oniscus fossor, Kocx. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 143—144. [— immature example of 0. asellus L ] 89 Cooper, W. Omer. 98.72 Paragnathia (26.1) 1916. On Paragnathia, a Genus of the Crustacean Family Gnathiidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 18 p. 122—125, 1 pl. (26.1,.2) , 90 Evans, William. 93.12 Trichoniscoides (41.33) 1917. Trichoniscoides sarsi, a Woodlouse new to the Scottish Fauna, on the Isle of May. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 39 —36. 91 Issel, Raffaele. 53.72 Zenobiana 1913. Nota sulla Zenobiana prismatica Rısso ({dotea chelipes Cosra) e sulla identità del gen. Zenobiana Russo col. gen. Cleantis Dana. Ann. Mus. zoo. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 1, 8 pp, 9 fige. 92 Roux, Jean. 33.8 (95) 1917. Crustacés. (Expedition de 1903). Nova Guinea Res. Expéd. scient. neerl. N. Guinea Vol. 5 Zool. p. 589— 621, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Palaemon, Scopimera, Ptychognathus.] 53.82,.541,.842 93 Petricevic, Paul. 93.82 Squilla : 14.3 1915. Der Verdauunestrakt von Squilla mantis Roxp. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 186-192, 193—198, 1 fig. 14 31,.32,.33,.34,.35 312994 Calman, W. T. 3.852 Squilla (6) 1916. A new Species of the Crustacean Genus Squilla from West Africa, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 18 p. 373—3176, 2 tigg. [S. africana.] (66.3,.9, 67.2) 95 Colosi, Giuseppe. 23.83 : 14 1917. Un caso di parallelismo morfologico negli Eufausiacei. Monit. z08l. ital. Anno 28 p. 41—48. 96 Zimmer, C. 53.83 (26) 1915. Schizopoden des Hamburger Naturhistorischen (Zoologischen) Museums. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 32 Beih, 2 p. 159— 182, 41 fige. [7 nn. spp. in: Anchialina 2, Gastrosaccus, Droptromysıs n. 3., Dia- mysis, Lycomysis, Euphausia.] (26.1,.35,.5,.7) 97 Colosi, Giuseppe. 33.83 (26,2) 1916. Contributo alla conoscenza degli Euphausiacei dello Stretto di Messina. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 27 p. 61—74, 9 figg. [Euphausia mes- .. Sanensis n. sp. — 1 n. var. in Thysanopoda.] 98 Colosi, Giuseppe. 53.83 Caesaromysides (26.4) 1916. Caesaromysides liguriae n. gen., n. sp. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 27 p. 136—139, 1 fig. 99 Taube, Erwin. 93.83 Euphausidae : 13 1915. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Euphausiden. II, Von der Crastrula bis zum Furciliastadium. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 114 p. 317—656, 7 Taf., 7 figg. [Bildung des Entoderm und der Urgenitalzelle, Mesodermbildung.] 13.2, 3,.41, 14.12,.31,.32— .36,.63,.65,.73,.81,.83,.89 213000 Colesi, Giuseppe. - 53.33 Lycomysis (26.7) 1916. Nuova diagnosi e posizione sistematica di Lycomysis spinicauda Hansxn., Monit. zool. ital. Anno 97 ps 195—200, 1 fig. 01 Depdolla, Ph. 95.83 Praunus : 15 1916. Biologische Notizen über Praunus fleruosus (Mirr.). Zool, Anz. Bd. 47 p. 43—47, 15.3,.6 213092 Trois, Enrico Filippo. 23.84 : 11.57 1910. Sopra alcuni casi di colorazione ancrmale osservata Sopra COrso- stacei adriatici. Atti Ist. veneto Sc. Lett. Arti T. 69 Pt. > p. 1327 —1323. 33.841,.842 Crustacea 276 213905 Paul, J. H., and J. S. Sharpe. 93.84 : 11.76 1916. Studies in calcium metabolism. I. The deposition of lime salts in the integument of decapod crustacea. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 56 p. 183—192, 1 fig. [Rapid deposition after moult. in crab prior storage of calcium phosphate. Great increase in blood circulation after moulting. Biood contains Ca probabiy as salt of fatty acid.] 53.841,.842 04 Sharpe, J. Smith. 53.84 : 11.81 1317. The Action of Guanidine on the Neuro-Myal System of Decapod Crustacea. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 51 p. 159—163, 5 figg. [Stimulant of central nervous system, no peripheral effect.] 53.841,.842 05 Bauminn, H. 93.84 : 14.18 1917. Das Cor frontale bei decapoden Krebsen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 137—144, 9 figg. [Morphologie besonders bei Astaciden.] 53.841,.842 06 Balss, Heinrich. 53.84 (26.75) 1916. Expeditionen S. M. Schiff „Dolassi in das Rote Meer nördliche und südlıche Hälfte 1895/1896 — 1897/98. Zoologische Ergebnisse. XXXI. Die Decapoden des Roten Meeres II. Anomuren, Dromiaceen und Oxystomen. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 92 Suppl., 20 pp., 9 6gg. [3 nn. spp. in: Cestopagurus, Ebalia, Nursia.] 53.841.842 07 Ferrer i Yort, Felip. 53.84 (46.7) 1916. Algunes especies de Crustacis Podoftalmis de Catalunya. Junta Ciènces nat. Barcelona An, 1916 p. 117—128. 53.841,.842 08 Hilton, W. A. 53.84 (79.4) 1916. Crustacea from Laguna Beach. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. S p. 69— 73, 19 figg. 53.841,.8412 213039 Tait, John. | 53.841 : 14.96 1917. Experiments and Observations on Crustacea: Part V. A Functional Interpretation of certain Structural Features in the Pleon of Macrurous Decapods. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 37 p. 304. [Change from fuli extension to full flexion involves no change of volume.] 10 Pesta, Otto. 03.841 (26.23) 1914. Die auf den Terminfahrten S. M. S. „Najade“ erbeuteten Deca- poden Sergestes, Lucifer und Pasiphaea. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.- nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 106—107. 11 Pesta, Otto. 53.841 (26.23) 1916. Sind die Dekapoden der Adria gut bekannt? Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 30 p. 226—229, 1 Taf. 12 de Man, J. G. 53.841 (26.7) 1916. Diagnoses of New Species of Macrurous Decapod Crustacea from the Siboga-Expedition. Zool. Mededeel. D. 2 p. 147—151. [3 nn. spp. in: Pasiphaea, Leptochela, Acanthephyra (1 n. var.). — 1 n. var. in Systel- laspis.] 13 Baiss, Heinrich. 93.841 (26.75) 4914/15. Ueber einige interessante Decapoden der „Pola“-Expeditionen in das Rote Meer. Anz. Akad. Wisl. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 133 —139. [8 on. spp. in: Parapandalus, Haliporus, Bathymunida n. g] — Expeditionen 3. M. Schiff „Pola“ in das Rote Meer, nördliche und süd- liche Hälfte 1895/96—1897/98, Zoologische Ergebnisse. XXX. Die Deca- poden des Roten Meeres. I. Die Macruren. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien wathenat. Cl. Bd. 91, 38 pp., 30 figg. [Paratypton n. g. siebenrocki n. sp.] 14 Parisi, Bruno. 53.841 (52) 1917. I Decapodi giapponesi del Museo di Milano. V. Galatheidea e Reptantia. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Vol. 56 p. 1—24, 7 figg. [3 no. spp. in: Uropiychus, Nephrops, Oxyrhynchaxius n. g.] 213015 Hay, W. P. 05.541 (75.6) 1917. Preliminary Descriptions of Five New Species of Crustaceans from the Coast of North Carolina. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 30 p. "71-74, [5 nn. spp. in: Coralliocaris, Gnathophyllum, Automate, Pagurus, Paguristes.] 213016 17 18 19 "2 20 213024 28 29 31 213032 2711 Crustacea Bartolini Baldelli, C. - 53.841 Alpheus (26 2) 1915. Alpheus cristidigitus S. Barz pescato per la prima volta nel Medi- terraneo. Bnll. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 46 p. 23—25. | Brüning, Christian. 53.841 Astacus 1917. Der Fiusskrebs. Wochenschr, Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 345—346, 1 fig. Hoffmann, Paul. 53.841 Astacus : 11.82 1914. Demonstration der Durchschneidung der hemmenden und fôrderu- den Fasern die zum Oeffnermuskel der Krebsschere ziehen. (Deutsche physiol. Ges.) Zeutraibl. Physiol. Bd. 28 p. 472—773, v. Uexküll, J. 53.811 Astacus : 11.82 1914. Ueber die Innervation der Krebsmuskeln. (Deutsche physiol. Ges.) Zentraihl. Physiol. Bd. 28 p. 764—765. [Diverse Bahnen für Hemmung der Erregung und Hemmung des Tonus.] Lucas, Keith. 33.8541 Astacus : 11.82 1917. On Summation of Propagated Disturbances in the Claw of Astacus, and on the Double Neuro-Muscular System of the Adductor. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 51 p. 1—35, 15 figg. [In recovery of excitability after passage of nervous itipulse, supernormal phase follows relative refractory phase. Optimum time for summation of second impulse slightly later than height of supernormal phase.] Roux, Jean. 93,841 Atyidae 1916. La ïfamille des Atyidae, Actes Soc. helret. Se. nat. S7me Sess. T. 2 p. 225—226. 2 Barford. 93.841 Callianassa (67.1) 1917. Der Kamerunkrebs. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 14 p. 80, 1 fig. [Callianassa turnerana] Monaghan, T. 53.841 Crangon : 16.1 1915. Report on the Periodic Samples of Shrimps from the Mersey Estuary. 23d Rep. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Lab. 1914 p. 162—170, 2 figg. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 224—232, 2 figg. Clark, Ernest D., and Leslie MacNauglıton. 53.841 Crangon : 16.1 1917. Shrimp: Handling, Transportation, and Uses. Bull: T. S. Dept. . Agric. No. 538, 8 pp., 2 pls. Balss, Heinrich. 53.841 Galatheidea (4) 1913. Ueber fossile Galatheiden. Centralbl. Min. teol. Pal. 1913 p. 199—169, 1 fig. (48.47,.72,.93, 45.8,.9, 48.6, 493) Knight, A. P. 53.841 Homarus : 16.1 1916. Lobster Mating: A Means of Conserving the Lobster Industry Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 828— 832. Storrow, D. 53.841 Homarus : 16.1 1916. Lobster Culture. Rep. Dove Marine Lab. Cullercoats N. S. No. 5 P» 27—30. Philippsen. 53.841 Homarus (25.13) 1916. Hummer in der Ostsee. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 66. Gilchrist, J. D. F. 53.841 Jasus : 13.4 1916. Larval and Post-Larval Stages oi Jasus lalandii (Mirxe Epw.), Orr- MANN. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 33 pe 101—125, 6 pis., 12 üigg. 13.41 de Man, J. G. 53.841 Leander (26) 1915. On some European species of the Genus Leander Drsu., also a contribution to the fauna of Duten waters. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Yereen. (2) D. 14 p. 119—179, 3 pls. [1 n. var. (26,1,.12,.2—.25) Altmann, P. 53.841 Pagurus : 15 1909. Aus dem Aquarium. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 50 ». 372—374 [Der Einsiedier-Krebs.] Mossler, M. Adelina. 93.841 Palaemon : 14.34 1915. Die E Pigmentwanderung im Auge von Palaemun squila. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd, 91 p. 579—608, 3 Taf., 6 fige. [Für kleine Produkte der Lichtmenge ist Pigmentwanderung der einstrahlen- den Energiemenge proportional (innerhalb bestimmter Grenzen).] Crustacea 278 213038 Franck, P. 93.841 Palaemonidae (82) 1916. Berichte aus Argentinien. XI. Ueber die südamerikanischen Süss- wassergarneelen. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 115—114, 1 fig. 84 Allen, Bennet M. 93.841 Panulirus (79.4) 1916. Notes on the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) of the Califor- nia Coast. Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 139—152, 2 figg. #5 Stephensen, K. 53.841 Sergextes : 14.64 1914. The Copulatory Organ (Petasma) of Sergestes vigilax (Srimpson) H. J. H. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 26, 6 pp., 6 £gg. 86 Richters, Ferd. 58.842 : 15 1906. Gibt es ein Tier, das ein Werkzeug benutzt? Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 47 p. 225—228, 3 fige. [Krebse, die Seerosen in den Scheeren tragen.] 37 Meek, Alexander. 58.842 : 15.2 1916. Migration of Crabs. Rep. Dove Marine Lab. Cullercoats N. S. No. 5 p. 7—10. 38 kathbun, Mary J. | 53.842 (117) 1917. New Species of South Dakota Cretaceous Crabs. Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 385—391, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Dacoticancer n. g., Homolopsis, Campylostoma. — Dakoticancroideae n. superfam. — Daco- ticancridae n. fam.] 39 Szonbathy, Kalman. 93.842 (1182) 1916. A Potamon (Telphusa)-mem harmadkori alakjai és palearktikus utodaik. — Die tertiären Formen der Gattung Potamon (Telphusa) und ihrer paläarktischen Nachkommen. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 381—421, 1 Taf., 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Potamon, Pseudotelphusa ] (43.91, 45.5) 40 Kathbuu, Mary J. 53.842 (26.7) 1916. New Species of Crabs of the Families Inachidae and Partenopi- dae. (Scient. Res. Philippine Cruise of the Fisheries Steamer, „Albatross“, 1907—1910. — No. 34.) Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vel. 50 p. 527—559. [33 nn. spp. in: Achaeus, Platymaia 3, Cyrtomaia 2, Achaeopsis, Peltinia, Antilibinia, Pugettia 2, Sphenocareinus 3, Hyastenus 8, Chorilia, Na:.vioides, Phalangipus 2, Mcja 3, Leptomithrax, Parthenope 2, Cryptopodia.] 213041 Parisi, Bruno. 53.842 (52) 1916. I Decapodi giapponesi del Museo di Milano. III. Oxyrhyncha. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 54 p. 281—296, 1 tav., 4 figg. (92.1,.2) 42 Misuri, A. 58.842 Acauthonyx : 11.57 1915. Sopra un caso di pigmentazione anomala in Acanthonyx lunulatus Laie. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 109-111. 43 Weymouth, F. W. 33.842 Cancer (79) 1915. ‘he Crab Problem of the Pacific Coast. (Amer, Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 619—620. [C. magister. Depletion under persis- tant fishing.] (79.4) 44 Parisi, B. 53.542 Chionoecetes (26) * 1916. La distribuzione geografica del Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fan.) Moni- tore zool. ital. Anno 27 p. 189—190. (26.1,.5,.7,.8) 45 Parisi, Bruno. 53.842 Cyclometopa (5) 1916. I Decapodi Giapponesi del Museo di Milano. IV. Cyclumetopa. Atti Soc. ital. Se. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 55 p. 153% —1%0, 5 tav., 4 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Potamon 5, Charyldis, Lophoæanthus ] (51.2, 52.1,.8,.9) 46 Ihle, J. E. W. 53.842 Dorippidae (26.7) 1916. Ueber einige von der Siboga-Expedition gesammelte Tiefsee-Bra- chyuren aus der Familie der Dorippidae und ihre geographische Ver- breitung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 359—363. [Coryrodus bouvieri n. sp. — 1 n. subsp. in Cymonomus.] 213047 Mead, Harold Tupper. 58.842 Enierita : 15 1917. Notes on the Natural History and Behavior of Emerita analoga (Srıurson). Univ. California Public. Zool. Vol. 16 p. 431—438, 6 figg. 219 Crustacea 213048 Przibram, Hans. 53.542 Gelasimns : 11.69 1915. Transitäre Scheienformen der Winkerkrabbe, Gelasimus pugnax Smith. (Mitt. Nr. 17 biol. Versuchsanst. Akad. Wiss. Wien.) Anz. Akad. . Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 343. [Langsam im Verlaufe mehrerer Häutungen sich ausbildende Regenerate.] 49 Rathbun, Mary J. 83.342 Osachila (25.3) 1916. Description of Three Species of Orabs (Osachila) from the Eastern Coast of North America, Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vol. 50 p. 647—652, 1 pl. [C. antillensis and semileris nn. spp.] (26.35) 60 Matsui, Hidesaburo. 93.8542 Paralithodes : 16.1 1916. Studies in the Chemical Composition of „Tarabazani“ (Paralithodes camtschatica). Journ. Coll. Agrie., Tokyo Vol. 5 p. 595 —400. 51 Misuri, A. 53.842 Pisa (26.2; 1915. Revisione delle specie mediterranee del gen. Pisa. Monit. z00l. ital. Anno 26 p. 111—112. 52 Duncan, F. Martin. 93.542 Portunus : 15.6 1917. A Note on Fertilization and Deposition of Ova in Portunus depu- rator, Journ. KR. micr. Soc. London 1917 p. 379—876. [Repoated depo- sitions of ova, as the result of one impregnation.] 63 Parisi, B. 53.842 Portunus (26.2) 1915/16. Il genere Portunus nel Mediterraneo e descrizione di una nunva specie. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 26 p. 256—260. [P. parvulus n. sp.] — À proposito delle specie di Portunus Farr. viventi nel Mediterraneo, di Lüiar Facciozà. Anno 27 p. o1—52. 54 Parisi, Bruno. 93.842 Potamen (52) 1917. 11 palpo mandibolare nei Potamonidi Giapponesi. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 55 p. 287 —238. 65 Koux, Jean. 53.842 Potamonidae (54.87) 1915. Sur les Potamonides qui habitent l’ile de Ceylan. Rev. suisse Zool. Vol. 23 p. 361— 3884, 2 figg. [Paratelphusa soror n. var, ornatipes.] 213056 Ghigi, Alessandro. 93.8542 Telphusa : 16.1 1913. L’industria della Telphusa fluviatilis a Sesto Fiorentino. Atti Cons vegno naz. Pesca lac, e finv. 1913, 6 pp., 2 figg. 57 Vanhöffen, E. 93.842 Uen : 15 1916. Die Lebensweise der Winkerkrabben. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 209—214, 5 figg. 15.4,.6 58 Alsberg, Carl L. 53.92 Limulus : 11.11 1914. Note on the proteins of the blood of Limulus polyphemus L. Journ. biol. Chem. Vol. 19 p. 77—82. [Mostly haemocyanin and also cell fibrin.] b ; 59 Alsberg, Carl L., and William Mansfield Clark. 53.92 Limulus : 11.11. 1914. The solubility of oxygen in the serum of Limulus polyphemus L. and in solutions of pure Limulus haemocyanin. Journ. biol. Chem. Vol. 19 p. 508—510, 1 fig. [Oxyhaemocyanin a true oxygen carrier.] 60 Wilhelmi, J. 53.92 Limulus : 15 1999, Zur Biologie der Limuliden. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 50 p. 335 — 338. 61 Grimpe, Georg. 53.92 Limulus : 15 1916. Zur Biologie des Pfeilschwanzkrebses. (Limulus polyphemus L.). Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 269— 278, 2855 —287, 4 figg. 15.3,.4,.6 62 Jordan, H. E. 53.92 Limulns : 18.6 1916. A comparative microscopic study of cardiac and skeletal muscle Limulus. (Proc. Amer, Ass. Anat.) Anat. Record Vol. 10 p, 210—218. Oiose structural similarity. Continuity of telophragma with nuclear wall across perinuclear sarcoplasm. Intercalated discs. Impulse conduction in heart neurogenic.] 213088 Ruedemann, Rudolph. 53.93 : 14.81 | 18216. On the Presence of a Median Eye in Trilobites. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 234-— 237. Crustacea 280 213054 Richter, R. 33.93 (12 , 1914. Von unseren 'Trilobiten. 45. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frauk- furt a. M. Sonderk. p. 50—62, 22 figg. (1121—114) 65 Illing, Yincent Charles. 533.95 (1121) 1916. The Paradoxidian Fauna of a Part of the Stockingford Shales. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 386—450, 11 pls., 1 fig. [13 nn. spp. in: Agnostus 8 (4 nn. varr.), Hartshillia (n. g. pro Holocephalina inflata), Holocephalina, Centropleura, Corynexochus, Liostraeus.] 66 Nicholas, Tressilian Charles. 03.95 (1121) 1916. Notes on the Trilobite Fauna of the Middle Cambrian of the St. Tudwal’s Peninsula {Carnarvonshire). art, Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 71 p. 451—472, 1 pl. |3 nn. spp. in: Agnostus 2, Corynexochus.] 67 Walcott, Charles D. 53.93 (1121) 1916. Cambrian Geology and Palaeontology. III. No. 3. Cambrian Tri- lobites. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 64 No. 3 p. 157—258, 15 pls. [45 nn. spp. in: Millardia n. g. 2, Dresbachia n. g., Norwoodia n..g. 5, Agrau- los, Acrocephalites 9, Alokistocare 4, Lonchocephalus 5, Saratogia (n. g. pro Conocephalites calciferous) 4, Crepicephalus 10 (3 nn. varr.), Vanuxemella n. g., Hanburia n. g., Tsinania. — Menomonidae, Norwoodidae nn. fam. — Menomonia n. g. pro Conocephalites calymenoides.] — Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 101. (711,2, 74,8, 75.9,.8, 70.1,.8, 77,9,.6, 78.6,.7, 79.1.3) 68 Walcott, Charles D. 03.93 (1121) 1916. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology. 1iI. No. 5. Cambrian Trilo- bites. Smithson. miscell. Collect. Vol. 64 No. à p. 303 —456, 23 pls. [54 nn. spp. in: Corynexochus 4, Bathyuriscus 14, RE ge 6, Orria n, g., Asaphiscus 15, Blountia n. g. 7, Maryvillia n. g. 2, Marjumia n. g., Lisania, Pagetia n. g. 9, — Bonnia, Poliella, Housia, Blainia on. subgg.] (44.84, 48.6,9, 51.1,.5, 71.1,.2,.5,.8,.9, 74.7,.8, 75.5,.8, 76.1,.8, 78,6, 79.1—.3,.6) 213769 Schmidt, Fr. 53.93 (113) 1907. Revision der ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. Abt. IV. All- gemeine Uebersicht mit Nachträgen und Verbesserungen. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (5) T. 20 No. 8, XV, 104, 5 pp., 3 Taf., 18 figg. [6 nu. spp. in: Lichas, 2, Chalymmene, Proetus, Ampyæx, Niobe, 2 nn. varr. in: Acidaspis, Cybele.] 70 Chapman, Frederick. 53.93 (113) 1918, New or Little known Victorian Fossils in the National Museum. Part XVIII — Some Yeringian Trilobites. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol, 2S p. 157—171, 3 pls. [+ nn. spp. in: Goldius 2, Cyphaspis, Ca- Iymene.] 71 Raymond, Percy E. 53.93 (113) 1915. Notes sur quelques trilobites nouveaux et anciens de la collection du Musée commémoratif Victoria. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. géol. Mus. commem. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 41—47, 2 pls. [Holasaphus moorei n. sp. «2 Raymond, Percy E. 33.93 (113) 1915. Revision des espèces qui sont rangées dans le genre Pathyurus. Etude préliminaire, Canada Minist. Mines Comm. géol. Mus. comméim. Victoria Bull. Ne. 1 p. 61--99, 6 pls. [£ nn. spp. in: Bathyurus 3, Go: niurus (nu. g. pro B. perspicator). — Petigurus n. g. pro B. nero, Hystri- curus pro B. conicus, Haploconus pro B. smithi, Platycolpus pro B. capax, Plethopeltis pro Agrauios saratogensis, Leiostegium pro Bathyurus quadr atus.] (71.3,.4, 74.3,.7) 73 Richter, Rudolf. 53.93 (114) 1914. Das Uebergreifen der. pelagischen Trilobitengattungen Tropidoco- ryphe und Thysanopeltis in das normale Rheinische Mitteldevon der Eifel (und Belgiens). Centraibl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 85—96, 2 figg. (43.42, 493) 213074 Klein. W. C. 53.93 (114) 1915/16. Een vermoedelijk Devonische Trilobietenfauna in Nederlandsch- ‘Indië nabij Kalceë (afd. Tamiang, Z.-O. Atjeh.) Versl. Akad: Wet, Am- 261 Crustacea - Arachnida Sterdam D. 24 p. 1080--198S4. — On a Trilobite Fauna of presumably Devonian age in the Dutch East Indies near Kalooë (Tamiang district, FA Atjeh}. Proc. Sect, Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 18 p. 1632— 213075 Perner, J. 53.93 Arethusina : 4.93 1916. Ueber das Hypostom der Gattung Arethusina, Centraibl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1916 p. 442—444, 3 figg. 76 Schmidt, Fr. 53.93 Asaphidae (112) 1904. Revision der ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. Abt. V. Asa- phiden. Lief. 3 enthaltend die Gattungen Piychopyge (Pseudasaphus, Basili- cus und Plychopyge sens. str.), Ogygia und Nüileus. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.- Pétersbourg CI. phys-math, (8) Vol. 14 No. 10, 68 pp-, 8 Tai., 6 figg. [5 un. Spp. in Piychopyge (3 nn. varr.). — 2 nn. varr. in Ogygie.) 77 Raymond, Percy E. 53.93 Asaphidae (113) 115. Description de quelques nouveaux Asaphidae. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. géol. Mus. commem. Victoria Bull. No. 1 p. 45—57, 1 pl. [2 na. spp. in: Hemigyraspis, Isotelus ] 73 Richter, Rudolf, 53.93 Cyphaspis (114) 1914. Ueber das Hypostom und einige Arter der Gattung Cyphaspis. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1914 p. 306-317, 5 figg. [C. veratophthalmoides and stigmatophthalnus nn. spp.] (43.58,.71) 73 Richter, Rad., und E. Richter. 53.93 Homalonotus 1917. Bemerkungen über das Schnauzenschild (Scutum rostrale) bei Homalonoten. Centraibl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 p. 114—120, 3 figg. 80 Richter, Rud., und E. Richter. 53.93 Lichas (114) 1917. Die Lichadiden des Eifler Devons. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 Bd. 1 p. 50—72, 2 Taf., 12 figg. [Lichas caudimirus n. sp. — Eifli- arges n. subg.] 213081 Schmidt, Fr. 53.93 Megalaspis (113) 1966. Revision der Ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. Abteilung V. Asaphiden. Lief. 5 enthaltend die Gattung Megalaspis. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 19 No. 10, VI, 62, 16 pp., 8 Taf. 33 figg. mt 82 Field, Richard M. 53.93 Plethopeltis 1915. On the Validity of the Genus Plethopeltis (Rıymoxp). Ottawa Na- tural. Vol. 29 p. 37—43, 5 fige. 83 Reed, F. R. Cowper. 53.93 Trinucleus 1916. Sedgwick Museum Notes. Notes on the Genus Trinucleus. Part IV. feol. Mag. N. S. (6) Vol. 3 p. 118—123, 169 —176. 59.54 Arachnida (incl. Linguatulida et Tardigrada. gr Xiphosura vide supra 53.92.) (Vide etiam: 203775, 211142, 211143, 211157, 211159, 211161, 2:1165, 211169, 211173— 211175, 211180, 211181, 211186, 211187, 211191, 211195, 211375, 211375, 211381, 211384, 211387, 211888, 211399, 211401, 211402, 211421— 211424, 211426, 211432, 211434, 212837, 212843212855, 212857 — 912871, 212873— 212878.) | 84 Strand, Embrik. ._. 64: 091 1917. Coilectanea Arachnologica. Beiträge zur Bibliographie und Ge- ‚schichte der Arachnologie. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heti 1 p. 42—69. 85 Placzek, B. | " 54 : 16.1 1916. Bekämpfung der Chermes-Schädlinge unserer Nadelwälder durch Phalanzien und verwandte Insekten. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 34 p. 233—254, 11 figg. .. D4.3,.4 | 4 à 113086 Strand, Embrik. da à 24 (405) 1917. Arachnologica varia. XIX—XX. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p- 155—167. [Philaeus corrugatulus n. sp.] (495, 496, 499, 56.2, 65) 54.3,.4 Arachnida 282 213037 Werner, F. 54 (5) 1916. Ueber einige Skorpione und Gliederspinnen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wiesbaden. Jahrb. Nassau Ver, Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 6% p. 79—97. [6 nn. spp. in: Parabuthus (1 n. var.), Lychas, Isometrus, Pan- dinus, Bothriurus, Mastigoproctus.] (51 1, 54.7, 55, 56.7, 57.9, 63, 67.1,6—.8, 68.8, 81, 85, 921, 922, 95; 54.3,.06,.8 88 Strand, Embrik. 54 (5) 1917. Arschnolozica varia. XIV—XVIII Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 2 p. 0-16, 2 figg. [Aranea randiae n. nom. pro 4. similis Bösse. & Lexz. non Taczaxowskı, A. astıidae pro A. sagana Bösse. & Strap non Krvskr- LIAG, A. ragnhildae pro A. gracilis Hocs non KeysEerLine, A. margitae pro A. cinerea Lexz non Ewxrr., Ariamnes birgitae pro A. gracillima THoreLı non CamsrinGr, Chiracanthium turiae pro Ch. mcntanum TuorkLı non Koch, Drassodes kariae pro D. similis Nossk non Kocn, Lycosa josrandae pro L. aspersa Nicozxr non Hexrz, Tarentula sigridae pro 7. hirsuta Causr. non Bösse & Lenz, 7. barboae pro T. pulchella TuoreLn non Keyseruixe, T. cursor var. dordeiae pro T. cursor var. insignis Nossk non T. insignis Camrr, Theridium torandae pro Th. lepidum Causr. non Warck., Th. guri- ae pro Th. mirabile Keyskrzixée non Horusere, Lycosa anneae pro L. furva Bössc. non Tuorezr.] (51.2, 52.9, 54.87, 59.3,.5, 62, 67.1,.8,.9, 68 8, 9i.1,.2,.4—922) 54.2,4—.6,.8 89 Banks, Nathan. 54 (71.1): 1916. Report on Arachnida collected by Messrs, Currie, Caupezr, and. Dyar in British Columbia. Proc. U. NS. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 67—72. 54.2 —.4 680 Kraepelin, K. 54 (9) 1914. Die Skorpione und Pedipalpen von Neu-Caledonien und den be- nachbarten Inselgruppen. Nova Caledonia A Zoel. Vol. 1 p. 325 —337, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Hormurus (1 n. var.).] (91.4, 932—934, 936, 95) 54.5,.6 213091 Job, Thesle T., and A. R. Cooper. 54.1 Porocephalus : 16.9: 81.21 1917. Notes on Porocephalus globicephalus.. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 8 p. 138. 92 Keinis, F. 54.12 (45,68): 1917. Tardigraden aus der Umgebung von Triest. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49- p. 4—96, 1 fig. [Eehiniscus menzeli n. sp.) 93 Hay, W. P. 54.12 Batillipes (75.6): 1917. A New Species of Bear-Animalcule from the Coast of North Carolina. Proc. -U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 53 p. 251—254, 1 pl. [Butillipes caudatus n. 8p.] 94 Oudemans, A. C. 54.2. 1915. A carologische Aanteekeningen. LVIII. Entom. Berichten D, 4 p. 210—212 — LIX. 296—299. 95 Romijn, 6. 54.2: 1916. UOupenans’ Hydracarina. Entom. Beriehten D. 4 p. 269—271. 96 Nagayo, Mataro, Yoneji Miyagawa, Tokushiro Mitamura, and Arao Imamura. 54.2 : 13.41 1917. Is Trombidium holosericerum the parent of Leptus autumnalis ? Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 25 p. 275—276, 1 pl. [Not the case.] 97 Trouessart, E. 54.2 : 14.29 1917. Les Sarcoptides conservent des traces de trachées atrophiées. Bull, Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 61—64, 2 figg. 213008 Banks, Nathan. 54.2 : 16 1915. The Acarina of Mites. A Review of the Group for the Use of Economie Entomologists. U. S. Dept. Agric. Rep. Ser. No. 108, 153: pp... 294 fige. 16.5,.7,.9 213099 213100 01 02 03 04 213185 07 C8 213109 283 Arachnida Trägärdh, Ivar. 54.2 : 16.5 1916. Nära vanligaste spinnkvalster och deras bekämpande. Fiygblad No. 58 Centralanst. Jordbruksförsök. entom. Avd. No. 13, 4 pp., 3 figg. [Acariden und ihre Bekämpfung.] Brittain, W. H. 54.2 :16.5 1917. Popular and Practical Entomology. Two Apple Leaf Mites of Economic Importance. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 185—189, 1 pl. [Phyl- locoptes schlechtendali and Eriophyes malifoliae.] McCaffrey, D. 54.2 : 16.7 1916. The Effect of Tick Bites on Man. Journ. Parasitol. Vol, 2 p. 193 —194. Ewing, H. E. 54.2 : 10.9 : 37.6 1917. A Synopsis of the Genera of Beetle Mites with Special Reference to the North American Fauna. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 117 — 132, 6 fieg. [Tegorsbates n. g. subniger n. sp. — Eupelops n. g. pro Pelops uraceus, Neogyninobates pro Gymnobates multipilosus, Neoribatula pro Ori- bates brevisetosa, Heterodumaeus pro Damaeus bicosticus, Gymnonothrus pro Nothrus sylvestris, Arthrochthonius pro Hypochthonius pallidulus, Steganacarus pro Hoplophora anomala, Tropacarus pro H. carinatum, Atropacarus pro H, stricula, Ginglymacarus pro Hoploderma dasypus, Euphthiracarus pro Phthiracarus flavus.] Yakimoff, W. L. 4.2 : 16.9 : 6. 1917. Les tiques des animaux domestiques du Turkestan russe. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 298S—301. [Liste des espèces en Russie.] (47.1,.3,5—.9, 57.1—.9) Hirst, Stanley. 94,2 : 16.9 : 81.1 1917. On some new Mites of the Suborder Prostigmata living on Lizards. Aun. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 19 p. 136—143. [10 nn. spp. in: Pterygo- soma 2, Geckobia 7, Pimeliaphilus. — Geckobiella n. g. pro Geckobia texana.] (51.3, 54.7,.87, 55, 59.5, 67.7,.9, 86, 94.4, 95) Trouessart, E. L. 94.2 : 16.9 : 82 1916. Révision des genres de la sous-famille des Analgesinae ou Sar- coptides plumicoles. Buil. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 207—223, [F«- vettea n. g. heteroclyta n. sp. — Microchelys n. g. pro Freyana delicutula, Ceratothrix pro Pterolichus corniger, Anoplonotus pro Thecarthra samaphora, Protohyssus pro Paralges larva, Buchholzia pro Pterolichus fusca, Giebelia pro Pteronyssus puffini, Hyperalges pro Hemialges magnifica. — Kramerella n. nom. pro Krameria Hrirer, Neumannel'a pro Neumannia Tnr.] 16.9 : 83.2—.4, : 84.1—.3, : 85.1, : 86,.5, : 87.2,.4, : 88,1,.9, : 89.1 Thor, Sig. 54.2 (403) 1909. Résultats scientifiques de l’Expédition polaire russe en 1900— 1903, sous la direction du Baron E. Tor. Section E: Zoologie. Volume I, Livr. 14. Ueber die Acarina der russischen Polar-Expedition 1£00— 1903. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-mati. (8) T. 18 No. 14, 22 pp., 1 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in Rhagidia, 2 aus Norwegen.] (48.2,.3, 57.1) Ondemans, A. C. 54.2 (403) 1916. Acarologische Aanteekeningen. LX. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 308 —816. [7 nn. spp. in: Hypoaspis, Laelaps 2, Halarachne 2, Cilliba, Disco- poma. — Scutacaridae n. nom. pro Disparipedidae.] — LXI. p. 331—332. {Pedieuloides setosus n. sp.] — LXII, p. 341—848. [8 nn. spp. in: Dino- thrombium, Hannemannia, Hypochthonius, Hericia, T'yroglyphus 4] — LXIII. p. 391—396. [4 nn. spp. in: Vidia, Tortonia, Anoetus 2.) 169 : 57.64,.67,.99, : 9.32,.745 (43.51 —.53,.64, 492, 54.87, 57.6, 67.8, 8, 921, 922, 932, 933) Oudemans, A. C. 54.2 (43.42) 1916. Acari, verzameld bij Bonn. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 250-201, 261—266. [3 nn. spp. in: Schwiebea n. g., (rarsaultia n. g., Sancassania n. g.] Paoli, Guido. 54.2 (67.7) 1916. Ixodidi raccolti nella Somalia italiana meridionale Redia Vol. 11 p. 269— 297, 2 tav., 5 figg. Arachnida 284 213110 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 54.2 (71) 1915. A Contribution to a Knowledge of Canadian Ticks. ‘Trans. B. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 9 Sect. 4 p. 295229, 3 pls., 1 map. 10.9,: 88.1,,:,89.1, : 9,32; 12588 74, 9 (71.1—.4) li Ewing, H. E. 54.2 (73) 1917. New Acarina, Part Il. — Descriptions of New Species and Va- rieties from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Bist. Vol. 37 p. 149—172, 4 pls. [25 nn. spp. in: Bdella (1 n. var.), Scirus, Eupalus, Rapkygnathus, Tenuipalpus, Erythraeus 2, Atomus 2, Eutrombidium, Enemothrombium 2, Allothrombium, Tr achyuropoda, Tegori- bates n. 8., Trachyoribates, Peloribates, Oribata, Liacarus, Oribatula, Tegeo- cranus, Damaeus 2, Phthiracarus, Pigmeophorus. — 2 nn. varr. in: Oriba- tella, Cultror ibula.] (77.1—.3,.1,9, 79.5) 12 MeGregor, E. À. 54.2 (73) 1#17. Descriptions of Seven New Species of Red Spiders. Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 981-590, 7 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Tetranychus 6, Tetranychina.] (73.7,,9, 79.5, 85) 18 Weiss, Harry B. 54.2 (74.9) 1916. Additional Records of Naw Jersey Acarina. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 109—110. 14 Banks, Nathan. 2 (79.4) 1916. New Californian Mites. Journ. Entom. Zool. Pan Vol. 8 p. 12—16, I pl. [5 na. spp. in: Trombidiun, Erythraeus, Tarsotomus 2, Eupodes.] 15 Hilton, W. A. 54.2 (79.4) 1916. Mites from the Claremont Laguna Region. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 35—36. 16 Oudemans, A. C. 54.2 (922) 1916. Myrmekofile Acari uit Salatiga. Entom. Berichten Fe 4 p. 266 — 268. [3 nn. spp. in Zyroglyphus.] 34.2, ET 213117 Banks, Nathan. 2 (94) 1916. Acarians from Australian and Tasmanian Ants and er Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 40 p. 224—240, 8 pls., 1 fig. [36 nn. spp. in: Bdella, Fessonia, Rhyncholophus 2, Trombidium, Celaenopsis, Myrmonyssus, Hypoaspis 2, Cyrtolaelaps 2, Parasitus 3, Paramegistus, Anten- nophorus, Trachyuropoda 2, Uroplitella 2, Uropoda 14, Galumna, Tyrogly- phus.) (94.4—.6) 54.2, 57.96 18 Cunningham, William P. 51.2 Acarus : 16.9 : 9.9 1915. The Artful Acarus, Scabies Exposed. N. York med. Journ. Vol. 102 p. 1042—1044. 19 Marshall, Ruth. 54.2 Atractides (77.5) 20 21 213124 1915. American Species of the Genus Atractides. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 185—188, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp.] Doane, R. W. 54.2 Bryobia : 16.5 1917. Notes on Mites Attacking Orchard and Field Crops in Utah. Science N. 3. Vol. 46 p. 192. Hirst, Sianley. - 54.2 Cheletiella : 16.9 : 9.74 1917. On the Occurrence of a Pseudoparasitic Mite (Cheletiella ZERO voraz, MÉGxix) on the Domestic Cat. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 20 p. 182—135, 1 fi Walker, James. 54.2 Cytodites : 16.9 : 86 1915. A Short Note on the occurrence of Cytodites nudus (VızıoLı) in the Domestic Fowl in South Africa. 3d and 4th Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 575—581, 1 pl. " N Fred D. 54.2 Cytoleichus : 16.9 : 9.32 1916. Oytoleichus penrosei, a New Arachnoid Parasite Found in the Di- seased Lungs of a Prairie Dog, Cynomys ludovicianus. Journ. Parasitol. Vol. 3 p. 82—89, 2. pls. Urbain, Gaston. 54.2 Demodex : 16.9 : 9 1916. Un cas de gale démodectique du cheval. Contagion à l’homme. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 576—578. 16.9 : 9.725,39 285 Arachnida 213125 Hirst, Stanley. 54.2 Demodex : 16.9 : 9 1917. Remarks on certain Species of the Genus Demodex, Owen (the Demodex of man, the Horse, Dog, Rat, and Mouse). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 20 p. 232—235, 1 pl, 2 fige. | 16:9::9.52/735,:74,,9 26 Van Saceghem, R. 54.2 Demodex : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Dermatose et gale démodectique des bovidés. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 117—120. [Lesions de dermatose produites par Dermo- Seal congolensis coexistant avec celles produites par Demodex follieu- orum.] 27 Michie, Henry C., and Houston H. Parsons. 54.2 Dermacentor : 16.7 1916. Rocky Mountain Spotted (Tick) Fever. Report of an Investigation in the Bitter Root Valley of Montana. Med. Record N. Y. Vol. 89 p- 265—277, 2 fige. 28 King, W. V. 54.2 Dermacentor : 16.9 : 9 1516. Report on the Investigation and Control of the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick in Montana during 1915—1916. %4 bien. Rep. Mon»- tana State Board Entom. p. 13—23. 16.9 : 9.32,.725,.735 29 Parker, R. R., and R. W. Wells. 54.2 Dermacentor : 169 : 9 1916. Some Facts of Importance concerning the Rocky Mountain Spot- ted Fever Tick, (Dermacentor venustus Banks), in Eastern Montana. 24 bien. Rep. Montana State Board Entom. p. 45—56. 16.9 : 9.32,.735,.74,.9 30 Wolbach, S. B. 54.2 Dermacentor : 16.9: 9 1916. The Etiology of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. ?2d bien. Rep. Montana State Board Entom. p. 35—44, 8 figg. 16.9 : 9.32,.723,.735,.82 213151 Hirst, Stanley. 54.2 Dermacentor : 16.9 : 9.75 1916. On a new Variety of European Tick (Dermacentor reticulatus, var. aulicus, var. nov.). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 308. (44) 32 Fricks, L. D. 54.2 Dermacentor : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Review of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Eradicative Work con- ducted by the United States Public Health Service in the Bitter Root Valley, Montana, 1915—1916. 2d bien. Rep. Mentana State Board En- tom. p. 24—27. 33 Wood, H. P. 94.2 Dermanyssus : 16.9 : 86 1917. The Chicken Mite: Its Life History and Habits. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 553, 14 pp., i pl., 2 figg. [Dermanyssus gallinae.] Ä 34 Jegen, 6. 54.2 Eriophyes : 15 1917. Zur Biologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Eriophyiden nebst systematischen Bemerkungen. Chur, Bischofberger & Hotzenköcherle, 8°, 32 pp., 2 Taf. 11.62, 13.41, 15.2—.4,.6 35 Nalepa, A. 54.2 Eriophyes (4) 1914. Neue Gallmilben. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Ki. Jahrg. öl p. 552—555. [3 nn. spp. in Eriophyes.] 15 (43.53,.61) 86 Cotte, J. 54.2 Eriophyes (44.21) 1916. Nouvel Eriophyes, parasite des Euphorbes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 204—207, 2 figg. [E. hispidus n. sp.] 16.5 37 Trabut. 4.2 Eriophyes (64) 1917. La galle du Tamarix articulata dite Tak’out au Maroc. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 29—30, 5 figg. [Eriophyes tlaiae 15 n. sp.] 68 0’Gara, P. J. 54.2 Eriophyes (96.9} 1916. A New Mite from the Hawaiian Islands. Seience N. S. Vol. 44 p. 142. [Unnamed.] 39 Corti, Aifredo. 54.2 Eriophyidae (82) 1917. Specie nuove di Eriofidi cecidiogeni del territorio argentino. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 108—112, 5 figg. [3 nn. spp. in; Eriophyes 2, Fhyllocoptes.] 213140 Walter, C. 54.2 Feltria 1917. Ueber die Identität von Feltria circularis Pıessıs und Feltria kul- Arachnida 286 zynskii SchEcHteL mit Feltria composita Tuor. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 158— 170, 6 figg. 213141 Williamson, William. 54.2 Huitfeldtia : 1157 1916. The Cclour of Huitfeldtia rectipes Sia Tuor. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 92. 42 Zimmermann, C. 94.2 Hydrachna : 15 1917. Wassermilben und Gewitter. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 357—358, 43 Romijn, G. 54.2 Hydrachnidae 1916. Hydracarina. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 149—157. [gg. & spp.] 44 Walter, C. 94.2 Hydrachnidae 1916. Kongsbergia materna Tuor, die Nymphe der Hydracarine Hjartdalia runcinata Tuor. Zool. Anz. Bd. 45 p. 145—151, 3 tige. 45 Williamson, William. 54.2 Hydrachnidae 1917. Water Mites. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 37—47, 6 figg. 45 Koenike, F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (4) 1913. Neue und neubenannte Wassermilben. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 383—404, 17 tigg. [10 nn. spp. in: Thyas 2, Hydıryphantes, Hydrarachna (2 nn. varr.), Lebertia, Unionicola 3, Piona 2] (43.14,.21,.52,.53, 48.6,.9, S1, 94) 47 Koenike. F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (4) 1913. Ueber die Artberechtigung einiger serbischer und mazedonischer Wassermilben, Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 315—317. (496, 497) 48 Koenike, F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (4) 1913. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wassermilben-Untertamilie Aturinae. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 244—258, 12 figg. jNeobruchypoda n. g. pro Axonopsis ekmani.] (43.56, 48.2,.3, 494) 49 Williamson, William. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (41.32) 1916. Hydracarina from Strathearn. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. S9—91. 213150 Viets, Karl. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (43) 1913. Hydracarinologische Beiträge. VIII. Neue Arten aus den Gattungen Sperchon, Megapus und Arrhenurus nebst Bemerkungen zu Sperchon. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 336—345, 10 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Sperchon, Megapus, Arrhenurus.] (43.15,.21) 51 Viets, K. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (67.1) 1913. Diagnosen neuer Hydracarinen. Abh, nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 22 p. 221—240, 15 figg. [29 nn. spp. in: Mamersa, Diplodontus, Atractides 2, Hygrobates, Megapus, Oxus, Unionicola 3, Neumania 3, Koenikea, Leptoptero- trichophorus n. g., Piona, Albia, Subalbia n. g., Aronopsalbia n. g, Aronopsis 4, Mamersopsis, Platymamersopsis n. g., Arrhenurus 4 — 1 n. var. in Djeba. — Thoracophoracarus n. subg. — Mamersopsinae n. subfam.] 52 Viets, Karl. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (67.1) 1917. Diagnosen neuer Wassermilben. Zool. Anz. Bd, 49 p. 20—40, 32 figg. |27 nn. spp. in: Mamersopsides n. g., Oxus, Atractides 3 (1 n. subsp.), Megapus 3, Unionicola, Encentridophorus, Neumania 4, Koenikea (i n. subsp.), Pionatax n. g., Aturus, Axonopsis 5 {1 n. subsp.), “thinophoracarus n. g., Wuria n.g., Arrhenurus 3. — Subaturus n. subg.] 53 Walter, €. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (932) 1915. Les Hydracariens de la Nouvelle-Oaledonie. Nova Caledonia 4 Zool. Vol. 2 p. 95 —122, 3 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Eylais, Oxus, Unionicola 2, Encentridophorus, Neumania, Piona, Arrhénurus 3.] 54 Koenike, F. 54.2 Hydryphantes (43:53) 1916. Ueber wenig bekannte und neue Wassermilben der Gattung Hydryphantes von Borkum, Juist und Ostfriesland. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. SL A Heft S p. 6S—10S, 40 figg. [lC nn. spp.] 55 Neumann, 'bL. 6 94.2 Ixodidae : 01 1502. La determination des espèces en zoologie à propos des Ixodides. _ Mém. Acad. Sc. Toulouse (10) T. 2 p. 329—338. 213156 Nagayo, Mataro, Yoneji Miyagawa, Tikushiro Mitamura, | and Arao Imamura. 54.2 Leptotrombidium : 16:9 : 9.9 1917. On the nymph and :prosopon of the tsutsugamushi, Leptotrombi- 281 Arachnida dium akamushi,n. sp. (Trombidium akamushi Bruurr), Carrier of the tsutsu- . gamushi disease. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 25 p. 259 —272, 4 pls. [Recte : Leptotrombidium n. g. pro Trombidium akamushi.] 213157 Giovanoli, G. 54.2 Leptus : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Zeptus autumnalis — Herbstgrasmilbe — bei der Ziege. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkde. Bd. 55 p. 66—71. 58 Hirst, Stanley. 54.2 Liponyssus : 16.9 : 6 1916. On the Occurrence of the Tropical Fowl Mite (Liponyssus bursa, Berzesx} in Australia, and a new instance of its attacking Man. Ann, Mag. pat. Hist. (S) Vol. 18 p. 243—244; 16.9:: 66,:::88,1, 1919 59 Goosmann, Fr. 54.2 Microtrombidium (43.52) 1917. Ueber ein neues Microtrombidium (M. oudemansi Gsm). Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 337—340, 6 figg. 60 Krausse, Anton. 54.2 Microtrombidium (43.94) 1916. Ueber eine neue kroatische Samtmilbe (Microtrombidium langhoffer: . m.). Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 97—98, 6 figg. 61 Koenike, F. 94.2 Neumania (43.5) 1916. Zwei neue Wassermilben der Gattung Neumania. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 86—88. [N. agihs und sinuata nn. s,p.] (43.52,.53) 62 Herms, William 3. 54.2 Ornithodorus : 16.7 1916. The Pajaroello Tick (Ornithodorus coriaceus Kocu) with Special Reference to Life History and biting Habits. Journ. Parasitol. Vol, 2 p. 137 —142, 2 figg. 63 Herms, William B. 54.2 Ornithodorus : 16.9 : 9.735 1917. Contribution to the Life-History and Habits of the Spinose Ear Tick, Ornithodorus megnini. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 407-411. + 64 Sergent, Etienne, et A. Alary. 54.2 Pediculoïdes : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Petite épidémie d’acariose en Algérie. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 771-773. [P. ventricosus.] 213165 Qudemans, A. C. j 54.2 Phthiracaridae 1915/16. Overzicht der tot 1808 beschreven Phthiracaridae. Entom. Be- richten D. 4 p. 212—220, 230—234, 245—249. [Phthiracarus undatus n. sp. — Hummelia n. 3. pro Acarus siro. -- Phthiracarus berlesei n. nom. pro Hoplophora strieula Bear. non Koch, Ph. seanisloi pro H. arctata Szan. non Rırry, Tritia banksi pro T°, glabrata Banks non Say, Hummelia karpellesi pro Hoplophora ardua Karr. non Koch.) (44) 66 Cotte, J. 54.2 Phyllocoptes (44.94) 1916. Note sur une acrocécidie du Thymus vulgaris L. et description d’un nouvel Eriophyide thymicole. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 159—162, 1 fig. |[Phyllocoptes nicaeensis n. sp. 15 67 Koenike, F. 34.2 Piona 1913. Ueber die Wassermilbe Piona coacta (Kornx.) Abh. nat. Ver, Bremen Bd. 22 p. 312—314. [Unterart von ?. conglobata.] 68 Bedford, G. A. H, 54.2 Psoroptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1915. Experiments and Observations carried out with Psoroptes communis at Onderstepoort. 3d and 4th Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pretoria p. 101- 107, 2 ple., 5 figg. 69 Shilston, A. W. 54.2 Psoroptes : 16.9 : 9.745 1915. Sheep Scab. Observations on the Life-history of Psoropfes com- munis, Var, Ovis, and some points connected with the epizootiology of the disease in South Africa. 3d and 4ıh Rep. Direct. veter. Research Pre- toria p. 69—98. 70 Imes, Marion. 04,2 Psoroptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Sheep Scab. U. S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bull. No. 713, 36 pp. 21 figg. [Caused by Psoroptes communis ovis.] 213171 Saul, &. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 86 1917. Untersuchungen zur Aetiologie und Biologie der Tumoren. XX. Mitteilung. (Der Pflanzentumor Suırn. — Das Epithelioma contagiosum des Huhnes. -— Das Kalkbeinepitheliom des Huhnes. — Das Molluscum eontagıosum des Menschen.) Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. Arachnida 288 «9 p. 871—883, 20 figg, [Kalkbeinepitheliom durch Sarcoptes mutans her- vorgerufen.] 213172 Sammereyer, Hans. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1509. Adler und Gemsenräude Diana Jahrg. 27 p. 66—68 [Adler Vertilger kranker Gemsen.] 73... 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1911. Zur Pathologie der Gemsräude. Oesterr. Forst- Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 29 p. 354—355, 1 fig. [Sarcoptes rupicaprae.] : 74 Pick, Walther. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Ueber Pferderäude beim Menschen. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 30 p. 849 —850. 75 Reif. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9: 9.8 1917. Das Vorkommen der Pferderäude beim Menschen und ihre Be- kämpfung bei der Truppe. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 13 p. 735 —739. 16 Krausse, Anton. 54.2 Sericothrombium (43.15) 1916. Eine neue Milbe von Eberswalde: Sericothrombium kneissli m. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 7 p. 128—129, 77 Mozuette, & F. 54.2 Tarsonemus : 16.5 1917. The Cyclamen Mite. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 10 p. 373-390, 2 pls, 6 figg. 75 Mc®or, E, 4. 54.2 Tenuipalpus : 16.5 1916. The Privet Mite in the South. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 856—561, 1 pl, 2 figg. (75.6,.7, 76.3) 79 McGregor, E. A. 54.2 Tetranychus (75.9) 1916. ‘The Citrus Mite Named and Described for the First Time. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 284—988, 2 pls. [Tetranychus eitri n. sp] 80 Krausse, Anton. 54.2 Trombidiidae 1916. Eine neue Allothromdbium- und eine neue Eutrombidium-Art. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 47—49, 8 figg. [A. franklini-muelleri und E, diecki nn. spp.] (439, 67.6) 213131 Oudemans, A. C. 54.2 Trombidiidae 1916. Notizen über Acari 24. Reihe. (Trombidiidae, sensu lato.) Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 18—54, 154 figg. [Beschreibungen.] 82 Kaupp, B. F. 54.2 Trombidium : 16.5 1916. Some Experiments with Agents Calculated to Kill the Trombi- dium holosericeum. Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 83—35. [Parasiticides must be in solution or give off volatile destructive substances.] 83 Krausse, Anton. 54.2 Trombidium (6) 1916. Ueber die grossen afrikanischen Trombidien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 34—39. [T. zarniki n. sp. (66.3,.4,,7, 67.8,.9, 68.8) 64 Oudemans, 4. C. 54.2 Tyroglyphus : 16.5 | A onden als dek voor bollevelden. Entom. Berichten D. Ps e 85 Ditlevsen, Christian. 54.2 Tyroglyphus : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Acarodermatitis e copra. Areh. Schiffs- Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 503 — 511, 2 figg. [T. longior var. castellani.] 85 Roewer, C. Fr. 54.3 (4) 1917. 52 neue Opilioniden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. S2 A Heft 2 p. 90—158, .47 figg. [52 nn. spp. in: Beloniscus, Parazalmoxida n. g., Chilon, Cynort« 3, Cynortellina, Proërginus n. g., Poecilaema 4, Poecilaemuia, Eupoecilaema n. g., Sibambea n. g., Progyndes n. g., Parapucrolia n. g., Proampycus n. g., Discocyrtus 3, Pachyloides 2, Metapachyloides n. g., Bunistygnellus n. g., Pro- gonyleptoides n. g., Gonyleptes 3, Pachylibunus, Allogonyleptes n. g., Weyhia, Metagonyleptes, Acrogonyleptes n. g., Paragonyleptes, Metagoniosoma n. g., Ancistrotus, Sphaerobunus n. g., Parampheres, Procranaus n. g., Ventripile n. Holocranaus 2, Inezia, Ischyropsalis 2, Pr osclerosoma, ns | 1 1 2, Guruia, Cristina, Embrikia.] (43.92, 45.79, 4.94, 59.5, 67.1,.8,.9, 68.2, 729.4, 81, 82, 86.6, 87, 88, 96.8) 213187 Babic, Krunoslav. 54.3 (43. 94} 1916. Opilionidi hrvatskog zemaljskog zooloskog muzeja u Zagrebu. Glasnik hrvatsk. prirodosl. Drustva God. 28 p. 169— es 3 fige. 89 Arachnida 215188 Müller, Adolf. 4.3 (8) 1917. Einige neue Gonyleptidsn. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 89—94, 2 figg. [3 no. spp. in: Pachyloidellus n. g., Pachyloides 2.] (82, 89) 89 Roewer, F. C. 54.3 (801) 1916. 7 neue Opilioniden des Zoolog. Museums in Berlin. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 12 p. 6—18, 7 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Miopsalıs, Prosco- tolemon n. g., Inezia, Eucynortoides, Neocynortoides n. 8-, Euerginus, Cos- metigryne n. g.] (52.1, 729.8, 81, 86, 87) 90 Müller, Adolf. 54.3 Heteromarthana (91.4) 1916. Ein neuer Opilionide, (Heteromarthana nıgerrima nov. gen. et nov. spec.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 46—48, 3 figg. 31 Müller, Adolf. 54.3 Liobunum (4) 1916. Zur Kenntnis des ® von Liobunum hassiae Av. Mürn. Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 399— 400. (43.58,.61, 494) 92 Newman, H. H. 54.3 Liobunum : 15 1917. A Case of Synchronic Behavior in Phalangidae. Science N. S. Vol. 45 p. 44. [Rhythmic dance of members of colony.] 93 Müller, Adolf. 54.3 Liobunum (43.58) 1916. Eine neue Opilionidenart aus Frankfurts Umgebung. 46. Ber. arechenberg, nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 183—188, 1v figg. [Liodbunum assiae.] 94 Cockerell, T. D. A. 54.3 Ortholasma {72.2) 1916. A new Phalangid from the Coronados Islands. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 158. [Ortholasma coronadensis n. sp.] 95 Müller, Adolf, 54.3 Phalangium : 15 1916. Ueber den Bau und die Lebensweise der Weberknechte. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 78—79, 2 figg. 15.2,.3,.6 213196 Müller, Adolf. 54.3 Sitalces (95) 1917. Ein neuer Opilionide von Neuguinea. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 29 — 301, + figg. [Sitalces bacilliferus n. sp] 97 Oudemans, A. C. 54.3 Trogulus (492) 1916. Trogulus tricarinatus L. Entom. Berichten D. 4 pe 277 98 Müller, Adolf. 54.3 Zalmoxis (93) 1917. Eine neue Zalmoxis-Art nebst Beschreibungen der ihr nahver- wandten Formen Zulmozis austerus Hırsr und Zalmoxıs granulata (Loman). Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 251—258, 5 figg. [Z. neoguinensis n. sp.j (936, 95) 99 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 1917. Arachnologica varia XXI—XXIV, Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p. 89—44, 2 fig. [Deskriptive Notizen. — Caloctenus abyssinicus n. sp. — Aranea cururbitina L. 2. — Bemerkungen zur Type von Lycosa simonüi Bossc.] (63) 213200 Daycesr, B. A. Faussek, V. A. 54.4 : 11.05 1909. Orroxenix TYAHHHA y IaykoBb (Araneina), — Sur le depöt de gouanine chez les araignées. San. Akan. Hays Cn6. Mem. Acad. Sc. St.-Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 24 No. 3, 58 pp., 4 pls., 2 figg. 01 Houssay, B. A. 04.4 : 11.45 1916. Contribution à l’tude de l’hémolysine des araignées. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 658- 660. [Pouvoir le plus fort dans les œufs et dans l’abdomen des femelles avant la ponte. Immunisation.] 02 Lévy, Robert. 04,4 : 11.45 1916. Sur les toxines des Araignées et particulièrement des Tégénaires. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 83-86. [Toxine de Tegenaria nettement différente de l’arachnolysine des Epeires.] 08 Werner, F. 54,4 : 11.57 1916. Farbenwechsel bei Spinnen. Blätt, Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 44. 218204 Roberts, E. W. 54.4 : 14.24 1916. The Possible Nature of the ,Book Lungs* of Spiders. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 156, 1 pl. [Membranous character. Relation to ancestral external gills.] Bibliegr. Zool.XXX XI. 1917 19 Arachnida 299 213205 Hamburger, Clara, 54.4 : 14.34 1916. Zur Kenntnis des Mitteldarmes der Spinnen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 39—46, 8 figg. 06 Johansson, Björn. 54.4 : 14.77 1914. Zur Kenntnis der Spinndrüsen der Araneina. Acta Univ. Lund. N. S. Afd. 2 Bd. 10 No. 5, 12 pp., 8 figg. [Histologie von 5 Drüsen- typen.] 07 Buczk6, Emil Jözsef. 894.4 : 14.77 1916. A pökok szövöszemölcseiröl. Allatt. Közlem. Kôt. 15 p. 207—231, 3 Taf., 8 figg. — Ueber die Spinnwarzen der Aranaeen. p. 339, 08 Cruden, Frank. 54.4 : 15 1916. Notes on the habits of a few trap-dcor spiders found in Alice- dale, Cape Province. South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 12 p. 601—611. 2 ple. 15.6 09 Moies, Margaret L. 54.4 : 15.6 1916. The Growth and Color Patterns in Spiders. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 129—151, 8 pls. 11.98 10 van Dam, 6., and Austin Roberts. 54.4 : 15.6 1917. Notes on Nests of some Trapdoor Spiders and the Nest of Ca- lommata transvaalicus Hwrr. Ann. Transyaal Mus, Vol, 5 p. 218—233. (68.2) 11 Brites, Geraldino. 54.4 : 18.8 1916. Sur les terminaisons des nerfs moteurs dans les muscies céphalo thoraciques des Aranéides dipneumones. Buil. Sec. portug. Sc. nat. T. 7 p. 151—153, 2 fige. 12 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (4) 1917. Arachnologica varia X—XIII Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 1 p. 117—120. (43.47, 47.1, 495, 494) 213213 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (403) 1916. Systematisch-faunistische Studien über paläarktische, afrikanische und amerikanische Spinnen des Senckenbergischen Museums. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. SL A Heft 9 p. 1—153. [26 nn. spp. in: Tructicus, Ariadna, Hersiha 2, Gasteracantha (1 n. var.), Thanatus, Olios 4, Ceto, Tarentula 2, Leucauge, Chrysometa, Eustala, Aranea 2, Gasteracantha (1 n. var.), Micra- thena, Oxyptila, Chiracanthium, Ctenus 3, Enoploctenus.] (43.41,.42,.46,.58, 46.8,.85, 47.1, 494—496, 53, 56.8, 62, 64, 66.7, 67.1,.5, 69,.6, 729.2,.4,.8,.9, 75.6, 76.9, 77.3, i9.1,.7, 81, 83, 87, 921, 922) 14 Simon, E. 54.4 (44) 1916. Descriptions de plusieurs espèces d’Arachnides récemment dé- couvertes en France (Troisiéme note). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 pe 209—211. [7 nn. spp. in: Misumena, Thanatus, Tegenaria 4, Cicurina.] (44.79,.89,.93,.94) 15 Johansson, Karl Erik. 54.4 (48.6) 1916. Zwei für Schweden neue Spinnen. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 42 —43, [Tetragnatha groenlandica, Phoeocedus braccatus.] 16 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (5) 1915. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Hanseatischen Südsee-Expedition 1909. III. Indoaustralische, papuanische und polynesische Spinnen des Senckenbergischen Museums gesammelt von Dr. E. Worr, Dr. J. ELBERT u. a. Abh. Seuckenkerg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p. 179—274. [16 nn. spp. in: T'etragnatha, Nephia, Argiope 3, Aranea 2, Caerostris 3, Beteropoda 2 (1. n. var.), Tarentula, Lycosa, Helpis, Pseudamyceus. — 10 nn. varr. in: Leucauge 8, Cyrtophora, Gasteracantha.] (54.87, 59.1, 91.2,.3, 921—925, 9:34— 987, 95, 96.1—-.3,.6) 17 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (502) 1916. Zehn neue äthiopische Lycosiden nebst Bemerkungen über einige weitere exotische Araneae. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 69 p. 98—118. [7 nn. spp. in: Lycosa (4 nn. varr.), Tarentula 6 (1 n. var.)] 54.87, 67.1,.6,.8, 68.2,.8, 922, 95) 213218 de Lessert, R. 04.4 (6) 1915/16. Araignées du Kilimandjaro et du Mérou. Rev. suisse Zool. 291 Arachnida Vol. 23 p. 439—533, 60 figg. [14 nn. spp. in: Oxyopes 11 (1 n. subsp.), Oxyopedon, Agelena (1 n. subsp.), Hahnia (ln. var). — In. subsp, in Peucetia. — et Catalogue des Oxyopidae et Agelenidae d’Afrique.] — Vol. 24 p. 565—620, 26 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Euprosthenops, Cispius, Dolomedes, Voraptus. — 1 n. var. in Spencerella. — Tetragonophthalma simoni n. non. pro T. phylla Sımox non Karscn non Pocock — et Catalogue des Pisauri- dae d'Afrique] (61.1—65, 66.3,.4,.6,.7,.99 —67.6,8, 68.2,.4,.7—69.6) 213219 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (6) 915. Neue oder wenig bekannte äthiopische Spinnen aus dem Natur- historischen Museum in Wiesbaden. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 68 p. 85—100. [7 nn. spp. in: Scytodes, Scotophaeus, Theuma, Olios 2, Clubiona, Oxyopes.] (67.1,.6, 68.8) 29 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (67.1) 1916. Ueber einige Arachniden aus Buea in Kamerun. Gesammelt von Herrn E. Hınrz. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 11 p. 139-149, [# na. spp. in: Mnesitheus, Pseudopsyllo n. 8., Thomisus, Ctenus.] 54.4,.6 21 Hewitt, John. 94.4 (63) 1916. Descriptions of New South African Spiders. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Vol. 5 p. 180—213, 2 pls., 9 figg. (17 nn. spp. in: Calommata, Acanthodon (2 nn. varr.), Galeosoma 3, Pelmatorycter 5 (ln. var.), Stasimopus 2, Mog- gridgea, Microstigma n. g., Drassodella n. 8., Xerophaeus, Cydrela.] (68.2,.7) 22 Emerton, J. H, 54.4 (7) 1917. New Spiders from Canada and the Adjoining States. Canad. En tom. Vol. 45 p. 261—272, 12 fige. [17 nn. spp. in: Lophocarenum, Arae- oncus, Gongylidium 3, Microneta 3, Diplostyla 3, Pardosa 2, Poecilochroa, Philodromus 2, Chalcoscirtus.] (71.1,3—,5, 74,2,.7, 77.1) 28 Emerton, J. H. 54.4 (71) 1917. Recent studies of Canadian Spiders. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 D. 13—16, 1 fig. (71.3,.4) 213224 Banks, Nathan. 84.4 (74.7) 1316. Revision of Cayuga Lake Spiders. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Phila- delphia Vol. 68 p. 69—84, 2 pls. 25 Emerton, J. H. 54.4 (74.7) 1917. Spiders in the Adirondacks (Araneina). Entom. News Vol. 2, pe 59—60. 26 Moles, Margaret L. 94.4 (79.4) 1915. Three Common Spiders of Laguna. Journ. Entom. Zool. Clare- mont Vol. 7 p. 209—210, 3 pls. 27 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (801) 1916. Arachnologica varia I-IX, Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 11 p. 112—123. [5 nn. spp. in: Tarentula, Lycoctanus, Gasteracantha, Caerostris, Nephila. — 1 n. var. in Cienus.] (59.3, 69.4, 728, 81, 98) 28 Leitäo, Mello. 54.4 (81) 1917. Notas Arachnologicas. V, Especies novas ou pouco conhecidas do Brasil. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 74—102, 24 figg. [27 nn. Spp. in: Lasiodora, Neodiplothele n. 8, Aebutina, Oecobius, Calheirosia n. g. 2, Ariad- na, Leprolochus, Argyrodes, Araneus 3, Gea, Gasteracantha, Misumenops, Misumena, Olos, Polybetes, Chiracanthium, Ctenus, Architis, Chinoscopus.] 29 Rainbow, W. J. 54.4 (94.4) 1916. Some New Araneidae from the County of Cumberland. Austral. Zoologist Vol, 1 p. 98—61, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Uloborus, Phylarchus, Carepalxis.] Simon, Eug. 54.4 Argiope : 15 1916. L’Argiope bruennichi Scoroui. Bull. Soc. nation. Acclimat. France Ann. 63 p. 187—188, 1 fig. 218231 Stadler, [Hans]. 54.4 Argyroneta : 15 | 1916. Die Pflege der Wasserspinne (Argyroneta aquatica). Blätt. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 87—38, 1 fig. Arachnida 292 213232 Stadler, Hans. 54.4 Argyroneta : 15 1917. Zur Haltung der Wasserspinnen. (Argyroneta aquatica). Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 28 p. 133—136, 4 fige. 33 Kryger, J. P. 54.4 Atypus (48.9) 1912. Om Forekomsten af en Fugleedderkop, Atypus piceus (Surz.) L. ze i Danmark, Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 63 p. 109 —111. 34 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 Clubionidae (61) 1916. Zentralafrikanische Olubioniden. (Wissenschaftliche Ergebrisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907—1908 unter Führung AvoLr Friepricus, Herzog zu Mecklenburg.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 11 p. 79—98. [14 nn. spp. in: Olios 2. Heteropoda, Chiracanthium 3, Clubiona 2, Anahıta, Castianeira 2, Copa 2, Mednassa.] (67.5,.6,.8) 35 Moles, Margaret L. 54,4 Dipneumones (79.4) 1916. Crab-Spiders of the Claremont-Laguna Region. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 8 p. 112—118, 6 figg. 86 Schreitmüller, Wilhelm. 54.4 Dolomedes : 15 1917. Etwas von der Flossspinne (Dolomedes fimbriatus CLexck). Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 280—281, 1 fig. 37 Barrows, William Morton. 54.4 Epeira : 15 1915. The Reactions of an Orb-weaving Spider, Epeira sclopetaria Crercx, to Rhythmic Vibrations of its Web. (Contr. No. 42 Dept. Zool. Entom. Ohio State Univ.) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 316—332, 3 pls. [Orientation, forward response and attack (Vibrotaxis). Probably per- ceived by sense hairs on tarsi.] 189.3 38 Hutcheon, James. 54.4 Latrodectus : 11.45 1916. Effects of a Spider Bite. Entom; News Vol. 27 p. 464. [Probably Latrodectus mactans.] 213239 Macnamara, Charles. 54.4 Lycosa 1917. On the portrait of a Wolf Spider. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 39 —45, 1 pl. 40 Biragni, Ada. 54.4 Pholens : 13,1 1915. Sulla deformazione amebiforme della vescicola germinativa delle uova di Pholcus phalangioides. Bios Genova Vol. 2 p. 357—384, 1 tav. [Deformazioni passive.] 41 Prell, Heinrich. 54.4 Pisaura : 15.8 1916. Ueber trommelnde Spinnen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 61—64, 1 fig. |Pisaura mirabilis J'.] 42 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 Prodidomus (6) 1915. Ueber afrikanische Arten der Spinnengattung Prodidomus Hentz. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 68 p. 76—86. [P. lampei n. sp.] (62, 65, 66.3, 67.5, 68.7,.8) | 43 Poljugan, Dragutin. 54.4 Stalita (24 : 43.91) 1915. O pauku Stalita gracilipes Kurcz., a napose o njegovom muZjaku. Glasnik hrvatsk. prirodosl. DruStva God. 27 p. 176—181, 6 figg. 44 Hewitt, John. 54.4 Stasimopus : 14.86 1917. Note on the Occurrence of a Pedal Nose in the Male of a Trap- Door Spider (Stasimopus.) South Afric. Journ. Sc, Vol. 13 p. 335 —341. 45 Mertens, Rob. 54.4 Tegenaria : 15.6 1916. Die Hausspinne (Tegenaria domestica). Biätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 141. 46 Weiss, Harry B. 54.4 Tenthecoris (74.9) 1916. Tenthecoris bicolor Scorr. in New Jersey Greenhouses. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 419. 47 Girault, A. A. 54.4 Uloborus : 15 1916. Proportion of the Sexes in Uloborus geniculatus Warcx. with a Few Notes. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 181. 15.8,.6 213248 Strand, Embrik. 54.5 Damon (63:8) 1915. Bemerkungen über eine afrikanische Pedipalpenart. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 68 p. 87. [Damon variegatus.] 293 Arachnida - Onychophora 213249 Wilson, Edmund B. 54.6 : 14.631 1916. The Distribution of the CHONALGSOTIER to the Spermatozoa in Scorpions. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 2 p. 321—324, 11 figg. [Definite process of division alongside of mere segregation.] 56 Petrunkevitch, Alexander. 54.6 : 14.95 1916. The Shape of the Sternum in Scorpions as a Systematic and a Phylogenetic Character. Amer. Natural. Vol, 50 p. 600—608, 3 figg. 51 Borelli, Alfredo. 54.6 (72.1) 1915. Scorpioni nuovi o poco noti del Messico. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. sans Torino Vol. 30 No. 703, 7 pp. [3 nn. spp. in: Centruroides, Vae- joris 2.] 52 Pawlowsky, E. 54.6 Buthidae : 15 1916. Quelques observations biologiques sur des scorpions de la famille des Buthidae. (Réun. biol. Petrograd.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 243—246, 2 fig. [Attitudes de repos, de mouvement et de défense.] 15.7 53 Brauer, August. 54.6 Euscorpius : 11.9 1917. Ueber Doppeibildungen des Skorpions (Æuscorpius car pathicus L.). Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1917 p. 208—221, 12 figg. [Wohl 2 völlig getrennte Keimscheiben als Ausgangsstadium.] 54 Hasıosckiä, EL. À. Pawlovrsky, E. 54.6 iIsometrus : 14.65 1917. Opuscula scorpiotomica. 1. O MYÆCKOMB H010BO0OMB annaparb H ero aHuoManim y Jsometrus maculatus (Fam. Buthidae). Pycck. 30041. 3B&ypa. T. 2 p. 45—52, 4 figg. — Opuscula scorpiotomica. 1. Sur l’appareil génital mâle et sur un cas d’anomalie de cet appareil chez {sometrus maculatus fam. Buthidae). Rev. zool. russe T. 2 p. 53—53. — (Réun. biol. Petro- grad.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris. T. 80 p. 502—505, 3 figg. 12.64 > Hilton, William A. 54.6 Trithyreus : 14.8 1916. The Central Nervous System and Simple Reactions of a Rare Whip Scorpion. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. S p. 74--79, 9 füge. 213256 Moles, M. L. 54.6 Trithyrens (9.4) 1917. Another Record of a Small Whip Scorpion in California. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 1—7, 9. figg. ot En 57 Kew, H. Wallis. 54.7 (42) 1916. An Historical Account of the Pseudoscorpion-fauna of the British Islands. Journ. Bun mier. Club 2), Vol. 13 p. 117—136, 2 figg. (41.45,.61,.84,.95, 42.1,.21,.23,.27,.35) 58 Moore, Winifred T. 54.7 (79.4) 1917. Record of Two Pseudoscorpions from Claremont-Laguna Region. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 26—29, 4 figg. 59 Nisbet, J. 54.8 (79.4) 1917. Solpueids from the Claremont-Laguna Region. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 22—25, 10 figg. 60 Turner, C. H. 54.8 Eremobates : 15 1916. Notes on the feeding behavior and oviposition of a captive American false spider (Eremobates formicaria Koca). Journ. anim. Behar. Vol. 6 p. 160—168, 1 pl. 15.3,.6 61 Hirst, Stanley. 54.8 Solpuga (67,5) 1916. On a new Species of Solpuga from the Belgian Congo. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 206—308, i fig. [S. hewitti.] 59.55 Onychophora. 213262 Bouvier, E. L. 59 (94) | 1916. Results of Dr. E. Moôgrkras Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Onychophora - Myriapoda 294 Australia 1910—1913.. 3. Onychophora. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 1, 23 pp., 1 pl., 13 figg. [Ooperipatus paradoxus n. sp. (S4.1—.3) 213268 van Kampen, P. N. 55 Peripatopsis : 14.65 1916. On the female reproductive organs and the first stages of deve- lopment of Peripatopsis dewaali (M. Weser). Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 15 p. 1—15, 1 pl, 1 fig. [Eggs free in coelom and in ovaries. Older embryos in uterus. Formation of blastula, gastrulation.] 13.15..2,.3 64 Fuhrmann, 0. 55 Peripatus (85 1915. Ueber eine neue Peripatus-Art vom Oberlauf des Amazonas. Abh. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p. 275—283, 1 Taf., 1 fig. [P. dluntschlii.] 59.56 Myriapoda (Protura vide infra 57.13.) (Vide etiam: 211174, 211189, 211381, 211384, 211387, 211401, 211432, 212839, 212840, 212856, 212874, 212878.) 65 Carpenter, Geo. H. 56 1916. Centipedes and Millipedes. A Systomatic Note. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p. 164—168. 56.1—.3 66 Chalande, Jules. 56 : 13 1910. Le développement post- embryonnaire des Myriopodes et ses rap- ports avec la systématique. Mem. Acad. Sc. Toulouse (10) T. 10 p. 339 —547. [Développement direct, accroissement gemmalre et types de transition.] 56.1—.4 213267 Voges, Ernst. 96 : 14 1916. Myriapodenstudien. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 116 p. 75—135, 3 Taf. [Tracheensystem, Morphologie des Diplopodenkopfes.] 14.23,.93 56.1,.2 68 Attems, Carl. 96 (95) 1917. Myriopoden von Neu-Guinea gesammelt während der Expedition 1903. Nova Guinea Rés. Exped. scient. néerl. N. Guinea Vol. 5 Zool. p. 567—587, 4 Taf. [10 nn. spp. in: Orthomorpha, Akamptogonus n. g., Aga- strophus, Trigoniulus 2, Polyconoceras, Dinematocricus 4.] 96.1,.2 69 Brôlemann, Henry W. 56.1 : 11.5 1916. Un processus évolutif des Myriapodes Diplopodes. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 645—647. [Condeusation du corps d'ordre néoté- nique.] 70 Lôühner, Leopold. 56.1 : 11.8 1214. Untersuchungen über den sogenannten Totstellreflex der Arthro- poden. Zeitschr. allgem. Physiol. Bd. 16 p. 373—418, 5 Taf. 1 fig. [Spiralreflex der Diplopoden. Erhöhte tonische Erregung der Körper- muskulatur, nicht Lähmungserscheinung. Zentrum im Antangsstück des Bauchstranges. Biologische Bedeutung.] 11.82 71 Verhoeff, Karl W. 56.1 (4) 1916. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Macheiriophoron und Craspe- dosoma. (Ueber Diplopoden 76. und 77. Aufsatz.) Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 39 p. 273—416, 2 Taf. [7 nn. subspp. in: Macheiriophoron 2, Craspe- dosoma 5 (39 nn. varr.}] (42, 43.21,.33,.36,.42,.44,.46,.47,.58,.61,.63, 494) 213272 Verhoeff, Karl W. 56.1 (4) 1916. Germania zoogeographica. (Ueber Diplopoden, 90. Aufsatz.) An- hang: Diplopoden aus der Tatra. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 100—123. (43,.74,.91,.92) 295 Myriapoda - Insecta 213273 Verhoeff, Karl W. 56.1 (43.64) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Diplopoden-Fauna Tirols und Vorarlbergas, ein zoogeographischer Beitrag. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 86 p. 81—151. 15.2 74 Brade, Hilda K., and 8. Graham Birks. 56.1 Cylindroiulus (42.46) 1917. Notes on Myriapoda. — V. On Cylindroiulus (Leucoiulus) nitidus (Vernorrr). Ann. Mag. nat. Bist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 417 —424, 8 fige. 75 Verhoeff, K. W. 56.1 Glomeridae : 15.6 1916. Ist die physiologische Bedeutung der Glomeriden-Telopoden ge- klärt? (89. Diplopoden-Aufsatz.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 167—174, [Kopulation. Samenübertragung durch Mundwerkzeuge.] 76 Veges, Ernst. 56.1 Julus : 14.64 1916. Zum Copulationsapparat der Juliden. Zool. Auz. Bd. 47 p. 162 — 170. 77 Brölemann, H. W. 36.1 Macroxenus 1917. Macroxenus, nouvean genre de Myriapodes Pselaphognäthes. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 114—118, 1 pl. [n. g. pro Polyxenus rubromarginatus.] 73 Chamberlin, Ralph V. 06.1 Parajulus (76.4) 1916. Two New Texan Parajuli. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 33—36. |[P. texanus and vietorianus nn. spp.] 79 Brölemann, H. W. 56.1 Polydesmidae : 14.67 1917. Les vulves des Polydesmiens {Myriapodes). Noté préliminaire. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 60-62. 80 Voges, Ernst. 96.1 Polydesmus : 15.6 1916. Der Nestbau der Polydesmiden. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 515— 687. [Betrachtungen über Instinkt.] 213281 Brölemann, H. W. 56.1 Schizophyllum : 12.98 . 1917. Une monstruosité chez un Myriapode (Schizophyllum sabulosum (L.) Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 50 p. 277-283, 7 figg. [Dedouble- . ment de membre.] 82 Brölemann, Henry W. 56.1 Spirostreptus : 14.98 1917. Le stylet prostatique des Spirostreptes. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 151—152. 83 Brade, Hilda K., and 8. Graham Birks. 56.2 (41.5) 1916. Notes on Myriapoda, Lil. Two Irish Chilopods. Lithobius duboscqui Bröuzmann and Lithobius lapidicola Mrınerr. Irish Natural, Vol. 25 p. 121 —135. (41.61,.64,.65,.75,.83, 84,.96) 84 Roberts, F. M. 56.2 Geophilus : 11.99 1916. Luminous Centipedes. Nature London Vol. 98 p. 269. [Geophilus electricus.] 85 Laveran, A., et E. Roubaud. 56.2 Geophilus : 16.9 : 9.9 1916. Sur un Myriapode ayant séjourné dans les fosses nasales d’un homme. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 3 p. 244—246. 59.97 Insecta. (Vide etiam: 212843.) 86 Geoffroy, M. 57 1914. Histoire abrégée des Insectes, dans laquelle ces Animaux sont rangés suivant un ordre méthodique. Insecta Ann. 4 p. 261—268, 285— 292. ne 213237 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 1915. Fossil Inseets and Evolution. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 624. [Liassic Coleoptera. Tertiary insects.] (1162, 1181, 1182) 57.6,.72, 96 Insecta | 296 213238 Crampton, G. C. 57 1916. The Lines of Descent of the Lower Pterygotan Insects, with Notes on the Relationships of the other Forms. Entom. News Vol. 27 p 244 07.15,.21—.32,.84,.42—.54,.68,.71—.82,.8,.93 89 Dow, R. P. 27 1916. Popular and Practical Entomology. From the Editor’s Office Chair. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 329—335. 90 Herrick, Gienn W. 97 1916. The President’s Address. The Need of a Broad, Eiern Training for an Economic Entomologist. Journ. econ. Enten. Vol 49 p. 15—98. 91 Stehli, Georg. 97 191%. Insektenbewohnende Pilze. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 245— 246, 2 fige. 92 Weiss, Harry B. LA à 1916. A State’s Insects and Their Activities. Canad, Entom. Vol. 48 p. 255—256, 1 fig. 93 Lameere, A. 97 1917. Paleodictyopteres et Subulicornes. (Ins. Fossil.). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 101—104. 57.35,.34,.36,.44,.54 94 Strand, Embrik. 57 191%. Neue Gattungsnamen in der Hymenopterologie und Lepidoptero- logie nebst einigen allgemein entomologischen Bemerkungen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 157. [Dinocryptiella n. nom. pro Dinoeryptus SzéPLicer: non Cameron, Pseudomesocryptus pro Mesocryptus Sz. non Taous., Aplomiana pro Haplomus Sz. non Aplomus Ericus., Pachyso- moides pro Pachysoma Sz. non Mac Lay, Bieryptella pro Cryptella Sz. non Wesg & Burn, Allochapmania pro Chapınania Spuzer non Monrıc., Heringiola pro Heringia Sr. non Ronv., Theresimima pro Theresia Sr. non “Ros.-Desv., * Tubuliferola pro Tubulifera Sr. non Har.] 57.82,.92 213295 Van Duzee, E. P. 57 : O1 1916. Priority in Family Names and Related Matters. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 89—93. 95 Gillmer, M. 97 : 01 1917. Zu den entomologischen Sprachdummheiten. Intern. entom. Zeit- schr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 151 —152. 97 Oudemans, J. Th. 57 : 07 1915. Opheffing der Lijkverstijving bij Insecten. Eutom. Berichten D. 4 p. 205—206. 98 Beamer, R. H. 57 : “à 1916. An Easy Method of making Insect Labels. Entom. News Vol. 2 p. 418—419. | 99 Bishopp, F. C. 54 : 07 1916. A Method of Re dE Alcoholic Specimens. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 94—96, 1 fig. 213300 Brown, Kearn B. 57 : 07 1916. Microtechnical Methods for Studying Certain Plant-Sucking Insects in situ. soupes N. S. Vol. 44 p. 7588-759. 57.92 01 Bryan, 6. H. | 57 : 07 1916. Elasticity and Entomology. Nature London Vol. 97 p. 340. [En- tomological pins.] — by R. J. Tırryarnp. Vel, 98 p. 128—129, 1 fig. 02 Devoli, Guido. 57 : 07 1916. Dichlorbenzol als Insekten-Tôtungsmittel. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 224—225. | 03 DeWolfe, L. A. 57 : 07 1916. How to Collect and Preserve Insects, Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 12—15, 2 pls. 213304 Hegner, R. W. 57:07 1916. Some Methods of Preparing Insects for Demonstration Purposes. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 55 p. 185—186, 2 pis. 297 Insecta 213505 Heikertinger, Franz. 57 : 07 1916/17. Der Streifsack und seine Handhabung. (Aufsatz 6 und Schiuss der Reihe: Zur Praxis des Käferfanges mit dem Kätscher.“) Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 189—214, 6 fige. — Ueber die Herkunft des Wortes „Kätscher“. Jahrg. 36 p. 18. 57.6 06 Ljungdahl, D. 57 : 07 1916. En puppbur. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 60—61, 1 fig. 07 Moore, Wim. 57 : 07 1916. A New Killing Bottle. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 311—312, (8 Tullgren, Alb. 673.07 1916. Om blyarseniat och dess användning yentemot skadeinsekter. Flygbl. No. 59 Centralanst. Jordbruksförsök. entom. Ard. No. 14, 2 pr. 09 Weiss, Harry B. | 57 : 07 1916. A Recently-Patented Collecting Net. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 145 —146, 1 pl. 10 Woglum, R. 8. 57 : 07 1916. A Handy Field and Laboratory Binocular Magnifier. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 370—371, 1 fig. 11 Crosby, C. R., and M. D. Leonard. 57:0 1917. The Farm Bureau as an Agency for Demonstrating the Control of Injurious Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 20—25. 12 Huie, L. H. 57 : 07 1917. Some Notes on the Microscopical Preparation of Insects. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 219—229. 13 Mertens, Rob. 57 : 07 1917. Das Insektarium. I—VI. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 262— 264, 271—273, 278—280, 287—289, 314—317, 335-337. 14 Walden, B. H. 57 : 07 1917. Simple Apparatus for Insect Photography. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 25—30, 1 pl. 13315 Wilcox, A. M. 57 : 07 1917. Notes on Rearing Insects for Experimental Purposes and Life- History Work. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. No. 121.) Psyche Vol. 24 p. 7—12, 2 pis. 16 Meyer, Paul. 57 : 07 (43.15) 1917. Vorschläge für die Zukunft des Deutschen Entomologischen Mu- seums in Dahlem. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 224—238. 17 Seitz, Adalb. 57.207 (43.58) 1906. Das Frankfurter Insektenhaus im Jahre 1905. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 47 p. 70—74. 18 Kanngiesser, E. 07 : 07 (43.58) 1912. Insektenhaus des Frankfurter Zoologischen Gartens. Zool. Beo- bachter sahrg. 53 p. 41—48. | 19 Bryk, Felix. 57.207 (49.6) 1917. Die entomologische Schausammlung des Stockholmer Riksmuseums, uebst Bemerkungen über das Geäder der Acraeen, über Homogryphismus der Lepidoptera, Symbiose der Flötenakazie mit Ameisen usw. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p. 104—111, 1 Taf., 2 figg, 20 Brittain, W. H. 97 : 07 (11.6) 1916. The Nova Scotia Division of Entomology. Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 15—17, 2 pls. 21 Bethune, €. J. 8. 87 : 091 71) 1916/17. Bibliography of Canadian Entomology for the year 1914. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 9 Sect. 4 p. 263—278. — For the year 1915. Vol. 10 Sect. 4 p. 169-187. (3372 Mc Indoo. N. E. 97 : 11.044 1916. Effects of Nicotine as an Insectieide. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 7 p. 89—122, 3 pls. [Fumes enter via tracheæ. Paralysis passing along ventral cord. Physical rather than chemical action on cells.] 91.27,.92,.68,.72,.82,.87,.89 213328 DD =] 213328 32 83 34 2133 35 Insecta 298 Pictet, Arnold. 97 : 11.044 1916. Réactions des Insectes vis-à-vis des facteurs de l’ambiance (Intro- duction.) €. R. Soc. lépidopt. Geuève Vol. 3 p. 43. [Actes volontaires, plutôt que des tropismes.] — Réactions des Insectes vis-à-vis de la lumière solaire. p. 44. par Marcez Renrous et A. P. p. 45. — Réac- tions des Insectes vis-à-vis de la lumière artificielle. p. 46—47. — In- fiuence de la pression barométrique sur l’éciosion des Papillons. p. 48 —49. — Réactions des Insectes vis-à-vis de la température. p. 57—58. 57.87,.89 Headiee, Thomas J. 7 : 11.044 1917. Some Facts Relative to the Influence of Atmospheric Humidity on Insect Metabolism. Journ. ecen. Entom. Vol. i0 p. 31—38. 57.58,.82 Brocher, F. 57 : 11.12 1916. Observations sur la circulation du sang dans les ailes des In- sectes. ©. R. Soc. lepidopt. Genève Vol. 3 p. 59. 57.88 Brocher, Frank. 57 : 11.12- 1916. Etude anatomique et physiologique de deux organes pulsatiles — agissant par aspiration —, destinés à faciliter la circulation centripète du sang dans les ailes et dans jes élytres, chez les Dytiques. Constatation de la présence de semblables organes chez divers insectes. Actes Soc, helvét. Sc. nat. 97me Sess. T. 2 p. 275—275. 57.21,.84,.44,.62,.71,.72,.86,.37 Brocher, F. 57 : 11.26- 1908. Recherches sur la Respiration des Insectes aquatiques adultes. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 181—195, 1 pl. 57.54,.62,.63 Lochhead, W. 57 : 11.5 1917. Insects as Material for Studies in Heredity. 47th ann. Rep, entom.- Soc. Ontario p. 66—72. [Review of literature.] 57.92.58 1,.6.6,.08,.72,.85,.87 Berlese, Antonio. 57 : 11.51 1915. Sul Polimorfismo degli Insetti. Redia Vol. 11 p. 211—238, 3 figg. } Botke, J. 87 : 11.57 1915117. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de phylogenie der vleugelteekening bij de Lepidoptera. Versi. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 24 p. 1702—1710.. — A contribution to the knowledge of the phylogeny of the wing-pattern iu Lepidoptera. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 18 p. 1557 —1563. [Relation to features of Trichoptera.] — Les motifs primitifs du dessin des ailes des Lépidcptères et leur origine phyletique. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 15 ». 115—260, 4 pls., 12 ügg. [Comparé avec les ailes des Trichoptères.] 57.45,.82, 87—.89 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57 : 11.57 1916. Evolutie van kleur en teekening der Lepidoptera en Tenthredi- nidenlarven. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p. IIL--IV. 57.85 —.88,.93 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57 : 11.57 1916. Zur Zeichnung des Insekten-, im besonderen des Dipteren- und Lepidopterenflügels. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 55—147. 57.42 — ,44,.71,.72,.82— .89 Pic, ie 97 H 11.57 1917. De la couleur en matière descriptive. Bali. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 121—122. Stellwaag, F. 57 : 11.74 1916. Wie steuern die Insekten während des Fluges? Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 50—44, 9 figg. [Weder Beine noch Hinterleib werden als Steuer gebraucht. Kombination der verschiedenen Fiügelschkläge.] 57.33,.12,.88,.98,.99 Stellwaag, F. 57 : 11.74 1916. Wie steuern die Insekten im Flug? Die Naturwissenschaften 57.33,.6,.7 2,.88,.92,.98,.99 399 Insecta 213336 Kahn, KR. H. 87.2.1177 1916. Zur Physiologie der Insektenmuskeln. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 165 p. 285—336, 32 fige. [Einzelzuckuug bei direkter Reizung. Einfluss der Temperatur auf Zuckungskurve. Einzelzuckung bei indirekter Reizung. Latenzzeit der Endplatte. Superposition. Ermüdung. Tetanus. Aktions- ströme.] 51.28 37 Paillot, A. 096 8 12 1917. Microbes nuuveaux, parasites du Hanneton. Actinn pathogène sur chenilles de Vanessa urticae, Lymantria dispar et sur vers à soie, U. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 56—58. 87.27,.87,.89 88 Picard, F. 57:12 1917. Sur quelques laboulbéniales d’Europe. Bull. scient. France bel« gique (7) T. 50 p. 440—460. [Parasites d’insectes.] 57,62,.63,.96 39 Hase, Albrecht. 87 : 13.4 1916. Vergleichende Beobachtungen an den Eiern und Larven des Menschenfiobes (Pulex irritans L.), der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis DE Geer) und der Battwanze (Cimex lectularius L.). Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 649—656, 26 figg. 13.41 57.512,.54,.75 40 Choiodkovsky, N. Xozoxxoncrif, H. A. 57 : 14 1916. Miscellanea entomotomica. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 215— 219. 1 pl. [Glandes odoriferes de l’appareil génital féminin des Lépidoptères. — Papilles éversibles des larves du genre Nematus Jür.] — SHTOMOIO- Tuyeckia 8aMBTKH Pycck. 3001. sRypn. T.1p. 220— . 14.67,.77 97.88, 89,.93 4] Bugnion, E. 97 : 14.12 1911. Le cœur (vaisseau dorsal) et la circulation chez les insectes. Bull. Murith. Soc. valais. Sc. nat. Fasc. 37 p. 13—23, 1 pl. 57.32,.33,.64,.11 213342 Supino, Felice. 57 : 14.34 1915. Osservazioni sopra la struttura del mesenteron in alcuni insetti, Rend. Ist. Lombardo (2) Voi. 48 p. 316— 8321. [Fibre muscolari disposte fra loro parallele nei Ditteri. Nel Oryctes fasci muscolari immersi in una membrana elastica fondamentale.] 57.64,.71 43 Willers, Wilhelm, 07 : 14.77 1916. Celluläre Vorgänge bei der Häutung der Insekten. Herausgegeben von BernHarD Dürken. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 116 p. 43—74, | Taf., 17 figg. [Bildung von Plasmavacuolen und deren Bedeutung für die 1. Chitinbildung. Beteiligung des Kerns. Häutungsdrüsen bei Lepidopteren.] 57.13,.24,.33,.67,.72,.89 44 Ramôn y Cajal, S., y Domingo 'Sänchez. 27 : 143 1915. Contribuciôn al conocimiento de los centros nerviosos de los in- sectos. Parte I. Retina y centros öpticos. Trab. Lab. Invest. biol. Univ. Madrid T. 13 p. 1—164, 2 lam., 85 figg. 14. 82. 84,.89, 57.27— 99, .33,.72,.88,.99 45 Ramôn y Cajal, S. 57 : 14.84 1915. Pian fundamental de la retina de los insectos. I. Bol. Soe. españ. Biol. Aüo 5 p. 105—115, 3 lam. 57.12,.99 46 Martin, J. F. 57 : 14.9 1916. The Thoracic and Cervical Sclerites of Insects. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 35—83, 4 pls. 14.94,.95 47 Janet, C. 57 : 14.92 1916. Constitution métamérique de l’Insecte. Résumé. Bull. Soe. entom. Suisse Vol. 12 p. 354—367, 1 pl., 2 figg. 48 Crampton, 6. C. 57 : 14.94 1917. The Nature of the Veracervix or Neck Region in Insects. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 187—197, 4 figg. 57.11,.21,.32,.35,.43 213349 Crampton, 6. C. 57 : 14.08 | 1917. A Comparison of the Antennae of the Grylloblattidae and Embii- | dae to Demonstrate the Relationship of these Two Groups of Insects. | Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 213—217, 2 figg. 57.2.,.32 Insecta 300 213350 Crampton, G. C. 57 : 14.99 1916. The Phylogenetic Origin and the Nature of the Wings of Insects According to the Paranotal Theory. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 1—39, 2 pls. [The wings of all insects have a common origin, they canuot be derived from tracheal gills. The paranota are homodynamous with the wings which are doubtless derived from them. The embryolo- gical evidence would indicate that wings are of a tergal origin.] 51 Fleur, E. 1 67 : 19 1405. Mélanges par un amateur naturaliste. Etudes incomplètes: Le Bupreste, les Philantes. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (2) T. 12 p. 22—925. 57.65,.97 52 McAtee, W. L. 57 : 15 | 1915. A Remarkable flight of caddis flies and chironomids. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 694— 698. 57.45,.71 53 Werner, F. 57 : 15 1915. Zoologische Beobachtungen am Ossiachersee. Carinthia II Jahrg. 105 p. 4—10. [Umbelliferenbesucher unter den Insekten.] 57.27 .28,.33,.34,.45,.64,.6,.67,.68,.72,.93,.95,.97,.98 54 Allen, H. W. 57:15 1916. Notes on the Relation of Insects to the Spread of the Wilt Disease. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 233—255. 55 Cameron, Alfred &. 57:15 19:16. The Insect Association of a Local Environmental Complex. Rep. 85th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 468 — 469. 15.2 56 Dodd, F. P. 52 ; 19 1916. Observations on Various Insects in N. Queensland. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1916 p. XX V—X XVII. 57.54,.64,.65,.88 213357 Krausse, Anton. 57:15 1916. Hexapodologische Notizen. (II: 19—37.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 9 p. 157 —166. 15.8,.4,.6 (43.15, 45.99) 57.18,.28,.42,.54,.71,.72,.81—.89,.96,.97 58 Pictet, Arnold. 97 : 19 1916. Réactions individuelles et héréditaires chez les insectes. Actes Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 97me Sess. T. 2 p. 275—276. 58 Rau, Phil., and Nellie Rau. 67 : 15 1916. The Sleep of Insects; an Ecological Study. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 227—9274, 57.27,.28,.33,.62,.64, 65,.67,.72,.87,.89,.91,.97 —.99 60 Sahlberg, John. 57:15 1916. „Kan nägot ytterligare göras för studiet av den svenska insekt- faunan ?* Ett diskussionsinlägg. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 37 p. 55—59. Schulze, P. 97 : 15 1916, Diastrophus rubi Hra. an schwachen Himbeertrieben in Finkenkrug. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 223--225, 3 figg. [Und Dipteren- (br) je Gallen.] 57.71,.92 62 Toldt, K. jr. 57 : 15 1916. -insektenfährten im Ladenstaub naturwissenschaftlicher Samm- lungen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 122—138, 7 figg. (Ausz. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 303.) 57.63,.60,.82 63 Wells, Morris M. 57:15 1916. Literature for 151% on ants and myrmecophils. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 6 p. 400—466. 51.96 64 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57:15 1917. Sunflower Insects in Virginia and Connecticut. Canad. Entom. _ Vol. 49 p. 212. (74.6, 75.5) 57.53,.54,.72,.86,.88,.89 65 Criddle, Norman. 55 3 i5 1917. Precipitation in Relation to Insect Prevalence and Distribution. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 57—80. 218365 DuPorte, E. Melville. 57 : 15 1917. Popular and Practical Entomology. The Death-Feigning Instinct. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 221—226. 57.62,.62,.66,.68,.87,.95 301 Insecta 213367 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 57 : 15 1917. Insect Behaviour as a Factor in Applied Entomology. Journ. econ. Entom. Voi. 10 p. 81—94. 63 Reum, W. 57 : 19 1917. Insekten als Nahrungsquellen von Pilzen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 27—28, 4 figg. 57.27,.52,.62,.71,.72,.86— .89,.93,.96,.99 69 Wolft, P. 57 : 15 1917. Sackträger und Kôcherjungfer. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 14 p. 212—214, 2 figg. [Gehäuse.] 87.45,.87 70 Alfieri, Anastase. | 57 : 15.3. 1916. Les Parasites de la Sesbania aegyptiaca Pers. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 9 p. 22—24. 57.68,.89,.98: 71 Hetschko, Alfred. 87 ::15.3 1916. Beobachtungen über den Insektenbesuch bei einigen Papilionaceen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 295 —291. 57.86,.88,.98,.99 72 Heischko, Alfred. 57.: 15.3 1916. Ueber den Insektenbesuch bei Vicia faba L. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 123—125. 57.72,.86,.96,.99 73 Schütze, K. T. 57: 15.3 1916. Insektenbesuch auf Petersilienblüte. Abh. nat. Ges. Isis Bautzen: 1913/15 p. 41—42. , 51.71,.72,.82,.95—.99 74 Oudemans, J. Th. 57 : 15.4 1916. Zachte Winter. Entom. Berichten D, 4 p. 275—277.. 57.85,.89,.99 75 Baumberger, J. P. d 54 : 15.4. 1917. Hibernation: A Periodical Phenomenon. Ann. entom.. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 179—186, 1 fig. 57.172,.82,.86,.87,.93 213376 Crawley, W. C. 57.2: 15.5 1916. Ants from British Guiana. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8): Vol. 17 p. 366-377. [2 nn. varr. in: Odontomachus, Crematogaster.] — Appendix. p. 377—378. [Myrmecoptilie.] 57.62 77 Lameere, Aug. 57 : 15.5 1915. L'origine des sociétés d’insectes. Leçon faite au Muséum d’His- toire naturelle de Paris. Rev. gén. Sc. T. 26 p. 459—464. 57.22,.96,.98,.99 78 Stephan, Julius. 57 : 15.6 1908. Geschlechtliche Irrungen bei Schmetterlingen und anderen Insekten, Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 49 p. 172—180. 57.45,.53,.66—.68,.72,.32—.89 73 Sjöstedt, Yngve. 57.:15.6- 1915/16. La construction des nids chez les insectes. Rev. gén. Sc, T.. 26 p. 85—90, 5 figg. — Insects’ Nests. Ingenious Methods of Construc- tion and Curious Materials Empluyed. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. S0 p. 212—213, 5 figg. — Construction of insect nests: Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Washington 1915 p. 341—347, 8 pls. |Translated from Rev. gen. Sc. 1915.] 57.53,.64..07,.96— .99 | 80 Escherich, K. 97.216 1915. Zur Reform der deutschen Forstentomologie: Forstwiss. Central- bl. Jahrg. 59 p. 161—171. 81 Escherich, K. 57 :.16- 1915. Die Bedeutung der „Angewandien Entomologie“ für unser Kultur- und Wirtschaftsleben, Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 8 p. 515—539, 4 figg. 16.1,.5,.9 82 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 57 : 16. 1916. A Review of Applied Entomology in the British Empire. Ann, entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 1—34. 213388 Ferrière, Ch. es À 57 1916. De l’utilisation des insectes auxiliaires entomophages. Actes Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 97me Sess. T. 2 p. 270—272. 57.69,.72,.92 Insecta 302 213334 Berner, Ulrich. 57 : 16.1 1917. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Insekten als Befruchter. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 10 p. 184—186. 85 Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 57 : 16.5 1907. The More Important Insects Injourious to Indian Agriculture. Mem. Dept. Agric. !ndia entom. Ser. Vol. 1 p. 115—252, 80 figg. (54.1 —.5,.7—.87, 59.1,.5, 91.1, 922) 57.27 —.29,.32,.52—.94,.64,.69,.67,.68,.82,.80,.88,.89,.93,.96 86 Sediaczek, Walther. 94 : 16.5 1910/11. Theorie und Praxis im Forstschutze. Oesterr. Forst- Jagd- Zeitg. Jahrg. 28 p. 435. — Ueber Irrtümer und Trugschlüsse auf dem Gebiete des Forstschutzes, von F. A. Wacurz. Jahrg. 29 p. 255 —257. — Erwiderung von W. Ss. p. 271—274, 2 figg. [Forstinsekten.] Sr 97 : 16.5 1914. Der Leimriug. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 40 p. 95—102. 88 Jordan, W. H. 97 216.5 1914. Director’s Report for 1914. Bull, N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 3935 p. 627 —657. [Injurious insects.] 07.29,.52,.53 89 Slingerland, M. V., and C. R. Crosby. 51 : 16.5 1914. Manual of Fruit Insects. New York: The Macmillan Co.; London: Macmillan & Co. XVI, 503 pp. (Review, Nature London Vol. 94 p. 446 —447.) 90 Britton, W. E., and Quincy S. Lowry. 07 : 16.5 1915. Insects Attacking Cabbage and allied crops*in Connecticut. Bull. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. No. 190, 23 pp. 17 figg. — Entom. Ser. No. 25. 57.52,54,.72,.82,.86,.89 213391 Cole, C. F. . 57 : 16.5 1915/16. The Walnut. Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 13 p. 76—80, 146—153, 246—248, 307—309, 437—439, 469—473, 593—600, 684—687, 144— 747, 21 figg. [Injurious insects] — Vol. 14 p. 194—161, 3 fige. 57.52,.63,.82 92 Weiss, Harry B. "87:16.5 1915. Notes on the Occurrence of Some Economic Insects not Hereto- fore Recorded from New Jersey. Psyche Vol, 22 p. 105—106. 57.52,.72,.82,.93 | 93 Woods, William Colcord. 97 : 16.5 1915/16. Blueberry Insects in Maine. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 83.) — S31st ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. — Bull. No. 244 p. 249—288, 4 pls., 3 figg. [Lasioptera fructuaria n. sp. (Ferr).] (74.1) 57.52,.54,.68,.71,.82 94 Beeson, C. F. C. 97 : 16.5 1916. Forest Entomology. Ann. Rep. Board scient. Advice India 1914/15 p. 162—166. 57.52,.68,.87 95 Boyer, Jacques. 57 : 16.5 1916. Les ennemis de l’intendance. La Nature Ann. 44 Sem. 1 p. 241— 245, 3 figg. 57.66—.68,.82 96 Coad, B. R., and R. W. Howe. 97 : 16.5 1916. Insect Injury to Cotton Seedlings. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 129—139, 5 pls. 51.21,.68,.85 —.87 97 Craighead, F. C. 57 : 16.5 1916. Insects in their Relation to the Chestnut Bark Disease, Science N. S. Vol. 45 p. 183—1535. 57.52,.53,.608,.38,.96 98 Creel, R. H., and F. M. Faget. 57 : 16.5 1916. Cyanide gas for the destruction of insects. With special reference to mosquitoes, fleas, body lice and bedbugs. Public. Health Rep. Wash- ington Vol. 31 p. 1464—1475. 57.512,.94,.71,.75 99 Dutcher, R. Adams. 57 : 16.5 1916. Some Effects of Freezing Arsenate of Lead Pastes. (Preliminary Paper). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 561—566, 3 pls. 213400 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57 : 16.5 1916. 31st Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other 303 Insecta Insects of the State of New York. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 186, 215 pp., 18 pls., 39 figg. [Biol. Observations by E. P, F. and H. H. Srace. — A Study of Gall Midges. IV.] (71.3, 72.1, 129.2,.8, 74 2,.4,.7,.8, 75.3.9, 76.4, 77.2--.4,.8, 78.8—79.1,.4) 57.22,.27,.31,.33,.43,.914—.62,.64,.65,.68,.71,.72,.82,.86,.87,.89,.32,.93,.98 213401 Howard, L. ©. 57 : 16.5 1916. On the Hawaiian Work in Introducing Beneficial Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 172—179. 57.53,.68,.72,.92 ‘02 Kemner, N. A. 57 : 16,5 1916. Nägra mya eller mindre kända skadedjur pä fruktträd. Jämte en biologisk översikt av fruktträdens gren- och stamskadedjur. Meddel. No. 133 Centralanst. Försöksväs. pa Jordbruksomrädet entom. Avı. No. 25, 20 pp, 11 figg. [Schädlinge aus der Klasse der Insekten.] 57.66,.68,.87,.88,.93,.98 03 Kinloch, J. Parlane. 97: 16.5 1916, An Investigation of the Best Methods of Destroying Lice and other Body Vermin. II. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 789-793, | 57.512,.75 04 Marcovitch, 8. 57 : 16.5 1416. Insects Attacking Weeds in Minnesota. 16th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 135—152. : 57.64,.68,.71,.72, 82,.85,.89,.98 05 Ruggles, A. G. 57 : 16.5 ‘ 1916. Miscellaneous Notes on Economic Work; Orchard and Shade Tree Insects, Spraying, Truck and Field Crops. 16th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 59—64. 57.65,.68,.86,.92 06 Sanders, &. E. 57 : 16.5 1916. Biting Insects Irjuring the Fruit of the Appie in Nova Scotia. Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 31—33, 2 pls. 57.82,:86,.87,.92,.93 213407 Sasscer, E. R. 57 : 16.5 1916/17. Important Foreign Insect Pests Collected on Imported Nursery Stock in 1915. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 3 p. 216—219. — Important Foreign Insect Pests Collected on Imported Nursery Stock in 1916. Vol. 10 p. 219—225, 57.21..29,.52,.63,.82,.87,.%3 08 Somes, M. P. 57 : 16.5 1916. Some Insects of Solanum carolinense L., and their Economic Relations. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 39—44. 57.54,.68,.88 09 Supino, Felice. 57 : 16.5 1916. Osservazioni sopra alcuni insetti delle risaie. Rend. Ist. Lombardo (2) Vol. 49 p. 198—114. 57.45,.72,.82 10 Weiss, Harry B. 57 : 16.9 1916. Notes on some Miscellaneous Econoinic Insects found in New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 141—143. | (74.9) 57.52—.54,.68,.71,.72,.86,.92 11 Bishopp, F. C. 57 : 16.5 1917. Some Problems in Insect Control about Abattoirs and Packing Houses. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 269—277, 1 pl. 57.22,.72 12 Britton, W. E. 57 : 16.5 1917. Miscellaneous Insect Notes. 16th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. | Stat. p. 133—146, 4 pls. 57.13,.32, 92,.54..67,.63,.82,.86,.87,.93, 98 13 Britton, W. E. 55 : 16.5 1917. Sixteenth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut. 16th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 65—115, 9 pls., 3 figg. [Con- trolling the Gipsy and Brown-tail moths, by W. E. B. and Irvma W. Davis.] 57.52,.64,.57 213414 Britten, W. E., and Quincy S. Lowry. 57 : 16.5 1917. Experiments in Controlling the Striped Cucumber Beetle and the Squash Borer. 16th Rep. ma NL. agriee Exper. Stat. p. 116—118. Insecta 304 213415 Burrill, A. C. 97 : 16.5 1917. Are Bees Responsivle for most Fire Blight Epidemies. 6th ann. Convent. Idaho Honey Prod. Assoc. p. 29—67. [Insect visitors of flowers which also could be responsible.] 57.45,.92,.54,.62— .64,.66,.68,.72,.92,.96,.98,.99 16 Caesar, L. 57 : 18.5 1917. Notes on some Insects of the Season. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 106—110. 57.52,.54,.63,.69,.72,.82,.66,.87,.93 17 Claude, Daniel. 57 : 16.5 1917. La lutte contre les ennemis des plantes aux Etats-Unis et en France. La Nature Ann. 45 Sem. 1 p. 241—247, 6. fgg. [D’après Paur MarcHaL.] 57.092,.54,.68,.87 18 Garman, H. 87 : 16.5 1917. A Few Notes from Kentucky. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10: p. 413—415. [Injurious insects.] 57.67,.68,.71,.72 19 Gibson, Arthur. 57 : 16.5 1917. Three Important Greenhouse Pests recently Introduced into Canada. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 111—122, 11 figg. [Callopistria: floridensis, Diarthronomyia hypogaea, Dasyneura rhodophaga.] 57.71,.86 20 Keller, 0. 57 : 16.5 191%. Zur Biologie von Chrysomela aenea L. und Coleophora fuseedinella: Zerı, Vierteljahrsschr. nat. tes. Zürich Jahrg. 62 p. 103—124, 1 Taf. 51.63,.82 21 Lovett, A. L. 57 : 16.5. 1917. Nicotine Sulphate as a Poison for Iusects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 333-337. 213422 Lovett, A. L., and R. H. Robinson. 57:: 16,5: 1917. Arsenic as an Insecticide. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 5345— 348. 23 Sasscer, E. R., and A. D. Borden. 57 : 16.5. 1917. Fumigation of Ornamental Greenhouse Plants with. Hydrocyanic- Acid Gas. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 513, 20:pp. [Insects fumigated.] 24 Spencer, G. J. 57::.16.5/: 9.9 1917. Camp Hygiene. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 87—89.. [Lice and flies.] 51.512,.72 25 Swaine, J. M. 57 : 16.5. 1917. Some Features of Interest in Connection with our Studies of Forest and Shade Tree Insects. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 95—106, 17 ngg. 57.65,.68,.93 26 Weiss, Harry B. 57 : 16.5. 1917. Some Unusual Orchid Inseuts (Hem., Lep., Dip., Col). Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 24—29, 2 pls. — A Correction in Spelling. p. 106. 57.54,.68,.71,.88 27 Willcocks, F. C. 57 : 16.5- 1917. Miscellaneous Insect Notes. I. A Sound produced by the Larva. of the Death’s Head Moth. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 9 p. 100— 101. — II. A Note on the Rice Field Fly, Ephydra macellaria Esser. Ps. 102-105. — What effect has Flooding of a Cotton Field by Infiltration from high Nile on the Numbers of the Pink Bollworm in that field? p.- 105—108. 57.72,.86,.88 2, Wüst, V. 57 : 16.5 1916. Sammlerkniffe. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 82—84. [Weidenfeinde- und ihre Verpflanzung in andere Gebiete.] 57.68,.71,.72,.88,.93 213429 Kehoe, D. 97 : 16.7. 1916. The Influence of the Climatic and Tellurical Factors on the- Distribution and Spread of certain Animal Diseases, with Special Rete- rence to the Conditions occurring in South Africa. South African Journ.. Sc. Vol. 12 p. 474—501. 57.72 305 Insecta 213430 de Valin, Hugh, ot 16.1 1917. Public Health Aspects of Pcliomyelitis. Philippine Journ. Sc. B Vol. 12 p. 109—112. [Insects may be carriers of disease] — A Summary _of the Present Knowledge of the Bactericlogy of Epidemie Poliomyelitis and the Cytology of the Spinal Fluid, by Joux A. Jonxsron. p. 112—115. 67.22,,512,.54,.72 31 Hunziker, W. 57 : 16.9 : 57 1915. Etwas von Jen Schmarotzerinsekten. Prakt. Forstwirt Jahrg. 51 p. 182—184, 57.72,.92 32 Treherne, R. C. 57 : 16.9 : 57 1916. A Preliminary List of Parasitic Insects Koown to Occur in Canada. 46th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 178—198. 16.9 : 57.52,.68,.72,.82—.89,.93 (71.1—.7) 57.12,.32 33 Wolff, Max. 87 : 16.9 : 57.81 1915. Neue Studien über die Biologie von Forstinsekten, Zeitschr. Forst-Jagéwesen Jahrg. 47 p. 290-308, 16.9 : 57.x5,.86 07.12,.92 34 Johnson, C. W. 07 : 16.9 : 57.82 1916. Parasites of Archips cerasivorana Fırcn. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 81. 57,72,.92 45 Silvestri, F. : 57 : 16.5 : 57.85 1911. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi e dei loro simbionti II. Plusia gamma (L). Ann. R. Scuola sup. agric. Portici (2) Vol, 10 Ko. 2, 35 pp., 26 fige. 57.72,.92 36 Tothill, J. D. 57 : 16.9 : 57.87 1913. Progress of the Introduction of the Insect Eremics of the Brown- tail Moth, Eupro_tis chrysorrhoea Linx, into New Brunswick and some Biological Notes on the Host. 48d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 57-61. 57.72,.92 213437 Rabaud, Etienne. à 57 : 16.9 : 57.8 1917. Les chenilles parasitées de Zygaena occitanica Vizz. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 40 p. 284— 286. [Parasitisme ne produit pas des variations du comportement.] 57.72,.92 33 Rau, Phil, and Nellie Ran. 57 : 16,6 : 57.97 1916. The biology of the mud-daubing wasps as revealed by the contents of their nests. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol, 6 p: 27—63, 5 pls. [Parasites and house-renters. Contents of nests.] 57.63,.67,.72,.92,.98,.59 39 Rudow, Fr. 57 :16.9:99 1916. Die sechsbeinigen Feinde im Schützengraben. Intern. entom. Zeit schr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 3—4. 87.512,.54,.75 40 Goldschmidt, Richard. | 57 : 18 1916. Notiz über einige bemerkenswerte Erscheinungen in Gewebekul- turen von Insekten. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 160—167, 9 figg. [Wuche- rungen der Follikeizellen aus dem Hoden von Lamia. Blastuluartige Strukturen. Amitosen. „Gewebebildung“ seitens der Blutzellen.] 57.68,.8 41 Sänchez y Sänchez, Domingo. 57 : 18.8 1913. Sobre terminaciones motrices en los insectos. Trab. Lab. Invest. biol. Univ. Madrid T. 11 p. 113—118, 2 figg. 57.99 42 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (112) 1917. Fossil Insects. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 1—22, 6 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Protofoenus n. 8., Hyptiogastrites n. g., Sciara, Trichomyia, Anthomyia, Electrocyrtoma n. g., Myodites.] - (113—115, i181, 1182, 119) (59.1, 78.8) 57.67,.71,.72,.92 218443 Handlirsch, Anton. 57 (115) | 1904. Ueber einige Insektenreste aus der Permformation Russlands. Mém. Acad. Sc. St..Petersbourg Cl. phys.-math. (8) T. 16 No. 5, 8 pp., 1 Taf. [12 on. spp. in: Presbole n, g., Scytinoptera n. g., Palaeomantis n. 8., Petromantıs, Limmatoblatta n. g., Aissoblatta n. g. 2, Phthartus n. g. 2, Dyadentomum n. g., Thnetus n. g., Dyadozoarium n. g. — Palaeohemiptera n. gruppe.] 57.22,.25,.34,.35 Bihliegr. Zool.XXX XII. 1917 20 Insecta 306 213444 Handlirsch, A. 57 (115) 1904. Les Insectes houillers de la Belgique. Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. Belgique T. 3 No. 1, 20 pp., 7 pls. [!2 nn. spp. in: Progonopteryx n. g.. Anthracentomon n. g., Mecynoptera n. g., Palaeopalara n. g., Anthracopalara n. g., Archimylacris 2, Palorthopteron n. g., Symballophlebia n. g., Palaeo- mastax n. g., Anthrocomastax n. g., Distasis n. g.] 57.2.,22,.35,44 45 Lameere, Aug. 57 (113 1917. Holométaboliques du Houiller. Ins. foss. Bull. Soc. eutom. France 1917 p. 268—270. 1.22,.35,.42,.44 46 Lameere, Aug. 57 (115) 1917. Note sur les insectes houillers de Commentry. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 42 p. 27—37. . D7.22—,25,.33,.84,.86,.44,.53,.54 47 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (118) 1917. New Tertiary Insects. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 873— 384, i pl. [18 nn. spp. in: Riphidia, Mongoma, Tipula, Bibio 2, Plecia 2, Acreotrichites n. g., Mesomyites n. g., Rhamphomyia, Urortalis n. g., Melieria, Protoseinis n. g., Anthomyia, Aeolothrips, Sisyra, Taeniurites n. g., Heriades.] (1181, 1182) 97.31,.42,.71,.72,.93 48 Meunier, Fernand. 54 (1182) 1915. Ueber einige fossile Insekten aus den Braunkohlenschichten (Aquitanien) von Rott (Siebengebirge.) Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 67 A p. 205—217, 5 Taf., 6 fisg. [10 un. spp. in: Gymnopternus, Plecia 2, Helomyza, Apis, Myrmica, Formica, Bibio 2, Lasıosoma.] — p. 219—230, 2 Taf., 8 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Cossonus, Sphenoptera, Bracon, Protomyia, Cladoneura, Cyttaromyella n. g. — Cyttaromini n. gruppe.] 57.65,.66,.68,.71,.72,.92,.96,.97,.99 49 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (1182) 1916. Colorado a Million Years Ago. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 16 p. 443 —450, 17 figg. [Insects.] 57.33,.72,.89 218450 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (1182) 1917. Some Fossil Insects from Florissant, Colorado. Proc. U. S. na- tion. Mus. Vol. 53 p. 389—392. [5 nn. spp. in: Tenthredella, Paleotaxonus, Eriocampoides, Plecia, Dioctria.] 57.45,.54,.71,.72,.93 51 Henriksen, Kai L. | 57 (119) 1914. Den Senglaciale og Alluviale Insektfauna i Femsglyng Mose i Nord Sjælland. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 35, 43 pp. . 57.22,.45,.54,.62—.63,.68—.72,.92,.96 52 Horn, W., G. Ulmer, und E. Strand. 57 (4) 1916. Eine kleine Insekten-Ausbeute auf Lazarettschiffen des östlichen Kriegsschauplatzes, Entom. Mitt, Bd. 5 p. 201—209. [1 n. var. in De- pressaria (STRAND) ] (43.11,.12, 47.5) 57.32—.35,.43,.45,.53,.62,.65,.68,.72,.82,.85,.86,.92,.96,.98,.99 53 Naväs, Longinos. 57 (403) 1913. Neuröpteros del R. Museo Zoologico de Näpoles. Ann. Mus. z00l. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 8, 11 pp., 4 figg. [Raphidini n. trib.] (43,.64,.91, 44.9, 45.1,.2,.4,.5,.71,.73,.76,.79,.8,.99, 46, 494, 55, 56.8) | 57.35,.42, 43 54 Klapälek, Fr. 57 (405) 1917. Ueber die von Herrn Prof. A. Hrerscako in Korsika gesammelten Neuropteroiden nebst Bemerkungen über einige ungenügend bekannte Arten. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 193—208, 11 figg. (43.96, 45.79,.9,.99, 46.4,.7,.8, 495—497, 56.4,.6,.8, 65) 57.34,.35,.42,.45 55 Evans, William, 57 (41) 1916. Lepidoptera and other Inserts at Scottish Lighthouses in 1915. : Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 129—133. (41.11,.16,.33,.42,.49) 57.21,.45,.64,.71,.81—.92,.98 213456 Evans, William, and Percy H. Grimshaw. 97 (41.21) 1916. Notes on lnsects captured in the Island of Raasay. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 239 — 300. ' 57.33,.53,.54,.62,.63,.68,.71,.72,.82..85,.89,.92,.93,.99 307 Insecta 218457 Morton, Kenneth J. 57 (41.21) 1916. Neuroptera (in the Lınnaran sense) from Invernessshire. Scottish. Natural. 1916 p. 133. — Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 114—116. 57.33,.35,.42, 44,.45 58 Ritchie, Walter. 57 (41.25) 1916. Some Forest Insects in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 301 — 302. 16.5 57.68,.93 59 Walker, James J. b7 (42.27) 1917. The New Forest, June 1917. Entom. ‘monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 169—173. [Insects.] — Xiphydria dromedarius in the New Forest: a Cor- rection. p. 212. 57.53 —.63,.65—.68,.88,.89,.93 60 Nicholson, C. 57 (42.41) 1917. Notes from the Stroud District (Glos.). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) : Vol. 3 p. 116—122. [Insects.] 97.52,.54,.66,.67,.68,.72,.86,.89,.92, 93, .98,.99 61 Morton, Kenneth J. 57 (42.45) 1916. Chartley Moss and its Neuroptera. Entom. monthly Mag, (3) Vol. 2 p. 237-259. 57.33—.35,.42,.44,.45 62 Rudow, Fr. 57 (43.18) 1917. Massenhaftes Auftreten einiger Insekten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 11 p. 183—134. 57.21,.28,.58,.54,.62,.68,.82,.93,.99 68 Rahm, Gilbert. 57 (43.42) 1917. Ein un melaueflug zum Laacher See. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 76—81. 57.33,.62—.64,.68,.89 | 64 Reinartz, Fr. 57 (43.42) 1917. Einige interessante Fangresultate aus Aachen und Umgegend. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 126-127. 97.64,.85 —.89 213465 Lacroix, J. L. 57 (44) 1916. Notes révroptérologiques. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 15 p. 151—157, 1 fig. (44.35,.62,.64,.89) 57.32,.42 66 Lacroix, J. L. 57 (44) 1916. Notes névroptérologiques. VI. Captures diverses et formes nouvelles. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 15 p. 211—216. [3 nn. varr. in Chrysopa. — 1 n. ab. in Chrysotropia.] (44.18,.35,.6 2,.64) 57.32,.33,.42,.44,.45 67 Lacroix, J. L. 57 (44) 1917. Notes névroptérologiques. VII. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 16 p. 183—188. [Neuroptères de la France. — 2 nn. varr. in Chrysopa.] (44.34,.62,.63,.17—.79) 57.32,.33,.35,.42,.45 68 Lacroix, J. 57 (44.64) 1915. Notes uévroptérologiques II. Excursions en Charente-Inférieure. Insecta Ann. 5 p. 106—118. [9 nn. varr. in: Calopteryx, Chrysopa 8 (2 nn. abb.).] 57.32— .34,.42,.43 69 Silvestri, F. 57 (45.78) 1911. Di una nuova specie di Aleurodes viveute sull’olivo. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 10 No. 3, 14 pp., 13 figg. [A. olivinus — Amitus minervae nn, Spp.] 57.52,.92 70 Andres, Adolf. 57 (33.827 1916. Verzeichnis der während meiner Kriegsgefangenschaft von mir auf Malta gesammelten Lepidoptera, Hemiptera und Coleoptera. Entom. Rundsch. Jahrg, 33 p. 43—45, 48—49, 51—52, 57—59. 51.54,.61—.69,.81 —.89 71 Tavares, J. S. 57 (46) 1916. Espécies e Variedades novas de Cynipides e Cecidomyias da Peninsula Ibérica e descripcäo de algumas ja conhecidas. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 14 p. 65—156, 17 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Andricus (1 n. subsp.), Alethediplosis n. g., Ametrodiplosis (1 n. var.), Blastodiplosis, Contarinia 3,. Dryomyia. — 2 nn. subspp. in Neuroterus.] 15 (46.1,.0, 459) 57.71,.92 213472 Naväs, Longinos. | 57 (46.7) 1916. Notas Entomolögicas. 2. Serie. 13. Excursiön al valle de Arän Insecta 308 ‘ (Lerida) 17—28 de Julio de 1915. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 15 p. 159—194. [Insectos.] 57.32—.45 213473 Naväs, Longinos. 57 (46.7) 1917. Notas entomolögicas. 2.a. Serie. 14. Neuröpteros de Andorra. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 16 p. 36—46. 57.32 —.39,.42—.45 74 Lakowitz. 57 (47) 19135. Nach dem Kaukasus und der Krim. Vereinsexkursion im Juli 1912. 35. Ber. westpreuss. bot.zool. Ver. p. 155—194, [Insektenaus- beute.] - 51.62 — .64,.67,.85—.89 75 Nordenström, H. 57 (48.6) 1916. Anteckningar om nägra insektfynd frän 1915. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 59—60. 57.68,.92,.97—.99 76 Petersen, Esben. 57 (48.9) 1914. En Reliktfauna Knyttet til Midtjyllands Baekke og Aaer, Trichop- tera, Ephemerida og Plecoptera. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 31, 9 pp. 57.34,.35,.45 77 MacGillavry, D. 57 (492; 1916. Verwaarloosde kleinere orden. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versi. p. XVI—XX. 57.21,.29,.33,.42,.43,.45,.54 73 Oudemans, J. Th. 57 (492) 1916. [lbalia leucospoides. Chrysophanus dispar nieuw voor de Nederl. fauna.] Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p, XXV—XX VE. 57.89,.92 79 Schmitz, H. 57 (492) . 1916. Formica picea in Limburg. Chionea lutescens. Termitoxeniiden in een termietennest te Buitenzorg. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 Versl. p. XX VIE —XX VIIL. 57.71,.72,.96 213480 de Joannis, J. 57 (495) - 1916. Lepidoptères et Névroptères recueillis par le Dr. Lanprieu à l’île de Lesbos (Mytilène). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 247—248. [Nothochrysa polemia n.sp.] 57.33,.42,.85—.89 81 Dixey, F. A. 57 65) 1916. Notes of a Voyage to Australia, Ceylon, and the Malay Archi- pelago, July-November, 1914. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 10-13, 46—51, 119— 125. (46.8, 53.4, 54.87, 62, 94.2—.4) . 57.27,.33,.66— .68,.82,.85,.89,.97—.99 82 Fletcher, T. Bainbrigge. 57 (54) 1916/17. Agricultural Entomology. Ann. Rep. Board scient. Advice India 1914/15 p. 148—162. — 1915/16 p. 152—173. (54.1.3 —.5,. 1,.8) 57.27,.29,.32,.52,.53,.62—.65,.67,.68,.71,.72,.82,.86—.83 83 Chatterjee, N. C. 9: (54) 1917. Forest Entomology. Ann. Rep. Board scient. Advice India 1915/16 p. 173 —177. 57.52,.64,.68,.86,.87 84 Champion, H. 6. .. 67 (54.2) 1917. First impressions of a North Indian Station in the Rains. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 81-84. [Insects.] 57.27,.42,.64,.67,.68,.87—.89,.97—.99 85 Silvestri, F. i 57 (54.5) 1916. Prima notizia sulla presenza della mosca delle olive e di un parassita di essa in India. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 25 Sem. 2 p. 424—427. [Opius ponerophagus n. sp. Dacus oleae asiatica n. var.] 57.72,.92 (84.5, 213486 Nuväs, Longinus. 57 6) 1915. Neuroptera Nova Africana. IV Series -IV Series. Mem. pontif. Accad. romana Nuovi Lincei (2) Vol. 1 ». 9—37, 18 figg. [24 nn. spp in: Palpares 3, Formicaleo, Polancus 2, Neuroleon 2, Nelees, Chrysopa 2, . Necyla, Iisparomitus, Palpares, Palparellus, Acanthaclisis, Neoclisis, Cueta 2, Myrmecaelurus, Cintameva, Donzella n. g., Diplacodes, Leriha, Nemeura n. g., Nelebrachys n. g. — Nemeva n. g. pro Nemopterella africana, Nemia pro Nemopterella costalis. à (46.85, 62—-64, 66.6,.9, 67.3—.7, 68.9, 69) 57.33,.42 309 Inseeta 213437 Champion, G. C. 67 (6) 1917. Notes on the Coleoptera etc. recorded from „Resin Animé“ by the Rev. F. W. Hors. I. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 7—8. [Resin Animé a recently formed product, akin to gum copal.] — IL. p. 244—246. (67, 69) 57.53,.54,.62,.65 —.69,.92 88 Naväs, Longin. 57 (61.1) 1916. Quelques Névroptères de Tunisie recueillis par le Dr. Tatovore Srecx. Bull. Soc. entom. Suisse Vol. 12 p. 367—371, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Stenorrhachus, Chrysopa 4.] 57.32,.42,.45 Sb Alfleri, Anastase. 57 (62) 1916. Notes et observations sur divers insectes trouvés en Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 52—55. 57.64,.67,.87 30 Boehm, Rudolf. 57 (62) 1916. Quelques observations sur la faune entomologique des étangs de Tourah. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 46—48. 57.29,.54,.62 91 Storey, 6. 57 (62) 1916. List of Egyptian Insects in the Collection of the Ministry of Agriculture. Bull. techn. scient. Serv, Minist. Agric. Egypt entom. Sect. No. 5, 52 pp. 57.21,.22,.25—.29,.32 — .34,.42,.46—.74,.81—.99 92 Alfieri, Anastase. 57 (62) 1917. Coleopteres et Hemipteres de la faune aquatique d’un étang d’Abou-Zaabal et observations diverses sur certaines especes. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 9 p. 98—95. 57.94,.62 %3 Strand, Embrik. 57 (67) 1917. Ueber einige von Herrn E. Hınız gesammelte äthiopische Hy- menoptera und Lepidoptera. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 34—43. [5 nn. spp. in: Odontomutilla, Dolichomutilla 2, Mutilla, Enicospilus.] (67.1,.8) 57.88,.92,.95—.97,.99 94 Fyles, Thomas W. 87 (71) 1912. Notes on the Season of 1911. 42d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 86—38, 1 fig. [In Quebec—Gnorimoschema septentrionella n. sp.] (71.3,.4) 57.62,.63,.82,.87,.22 95 Gibson, Arthur. 57 (71) 1912/14. The Entomological Record, 1911. 42d aun. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 89—112. — 1913. 44th ann. Rep. p. 106—129. .. . (71.1—.4,.6) 57.13,.32—.35,.42,.43,.45,.52— .54,.61—.72,.81—.89,.93—.99 313495 Swaine, J. M. 57 (71) 1913. Notes on some Forest Insects of 1912. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 87—91. 16.5 (713,4) 57.52,.65,.68,.82,.88,.93 97 Walker, Edmund M. 57 (71) 1913. Annual Address of the President. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 26—33. [Ihe faunal zones of Canada. 98 Criddle, Norman. 57 (71.2) 1913. Insect pests of Southern Manitoba during 1912. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 91—100. 16.5 57.27,.67,.68,.71,.72,.93 99 Caesar, L. 57 (71.3) 1913. Some New or Unrecorded Ontario Insect Pests. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 100-105, 7 figg. 16.5 57.54,.72 2.3500 Gibson, Arthur, and A. Cosens. 57 (71.3) 1913. Reports on Insects for the Year. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 11—20, 13 figg. 16.5 57.52—.54,.64,.68,.72,.82,.86,.87,.89 0 Caesar, L. 57 {71.3) 1915. Insects of the Season in Ontario. 45th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 42 —49, 6 figg. 16.5 57.27,,52—.54,.64,.65,.68,.82,.86,.87,.92,.93 213502 Gibson, Arthur, A. Cosens, Francis J. A. Morris, and William A. Ross. 37 (11.3) 1916. Reports on Insects of the Year. 46th ann. Bep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 11—24, 1 äg. 16.5 57,27,.52,.54,.66--.68,.72,.85,.306,.88,.89,.98 Insecta 310 213503 Lochhead, Wm. | 57 (71.4) 1913. Injurious Insècts of Quebec in 1912. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 85—86, 4 figg. 16.5 57.52 .53,.63,.71,.87,.93 04 Petch, C. E. 57 (71.4) 1913. Insects of Quebec for the Year 1912. 43d ann. Rep. eutom. Soc. Ontario p. 72—75, 3 figs. 16.5 57.29,.52—,54, 65,.67,.58,.82,.87 © Lochhead, W. 57 (71.4) 1915. Brief Notes on some uf the Injurious Insects of Quebec, 1914. 45th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 59—61. 16.5 57.52,.54,.68,.72,.82,.66,.92,.93 06 Petch, C. E. 57 (71.4) 1915. Insects Injurious in Southern Quebec, 1914. 45th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Onterio p. 70—71. 16.5 57.92,.93,.63,.65,.68,.72,.82,.85,.87,.89 07 Ouellet, Jos. 57 (71.4) 1917. L’Entomologie printanière dans la région de Montreal. Natural. canad. Vol. 43 p. 164—167. [Liste des insectes qui ont été pris.] 57.62— .64,.67—.69,.92 08 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (72.2) 1916. Insects of the Coronado Islands, Lower California. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 469. 57.27,.54,.63 09 Kahl, Hugo. 57 (729.1) 1916. A List of the Odonata Collected on the Isle of Pines by Mr. J. L. Grar in 1910, and by Mr. G. A. Linx in 1912—1913, Now Contained in the Carnegie Museum. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 16 (Pub- lic. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 519—526. [Also Chrysopidae and Asca- laphidae.] 57.33,.42 213510 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (73) 1916. Some American Fossil Insects. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 61 p. 89—106, i pl. 9 figg. [20 nn. spp. in: Plecia Oxycera, Empis, Protolo- matia, Protepacmus n. g., Pachysomites n. g., Tabanus, Chilosia, Sciara, Cor- dylura, Chironomus, Tortrix, Dolophilus, Danielsiella n. g., Lithragion, Aula- cites, Eriocampoides, Saperda, Calandrites, Ophryastıtes.] (115, 117—1182) (76.8, 77.3, 78.2,.8, 79.2) 57.2,.33,.45,.68—.72, 82,.92 11 Johnsen, Harry L. 57 (74.6) 1916. Insect Notes for the Season of 1915 (Lep., Col, Dip.) Entoın. News Vol. 27 p. 154—157. 15.3 07.62,.72,.87,.89 12 Weiss, Harry B. 57 (74.9) 1916. Foreign Pests Recently Established in New Jersey. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 212—216. 57.29,.53,.69,.68,.72,.82 18 Weiss, Harry BD. 57 (74.9) 1916. The Insect Fauna of New Jersey Green-houses Exclusive of the Coceidae. Journ. N; Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 144—150. 15.2 57.13,.21.. 22,.31,.52,.54,.68—.72,.82,.86,.87 14 Weiss, Harry B. 97 (74.9) 1ÿ16. Additions to Insects of New Jersey, No. 4 Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 162—166. 57.29,.31,.42,.44,.53,.54,.68,.71,.72,.86,.92,.93 15 Weiss, Harry B. 57 (74.9) 1917. Additions to Insects of New Jersey, No. 5. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 214—221. 51.22,.27,.28,.45,.53, 54,.62,.63,.65—.68,.71,.72,.82,.85,.86,.89,.92,.93,.96,.98,.99 16 Weiss, Harry B. 07 (74.9) 1917. Notes on Several Insects not Heretofore Recorded from New Jersey. Journ. econ. Eutom. Vol. 19 p. 224. 57.22,.72,.93 Ä 213517 Weiss, Harry B. 57 (74.9) . 1917. Popular and Practical Entomology. Undesirable Insect Immigration into New Jersey. Cunad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 293—298, 1 pl. 57.22,.29,.52,.68 311 Insecta- Thysanur 213518 Needham, James G. 57 (17.3) 1917. The Insect Drift of Lake Shores. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 129 — 137. 57.27 ,.33,.34,.42,.45,.34,.62,.64,.68,.09—72,.92,.93,.99 19 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (78.8) 1917. The Fauna of Boulder County, Colorado IV. Univ. Colorado Bull. Vol. 17 p. 21-25. 57.22,.25,.32,.34,.35,.42,.45,.512,.514,.75 20 Giffard, Walter M. 57 (79.4) 1916. Notes and List of Insects Trapped in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, Califoinia, During a Short Auto Trip Whilst Speeding Along the Main Roads. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 227— 231. 57.54,.62,.63,.67— .69,.52,.97—,99 21 Navas, Longinus. 57 (8) 1917. Neue Neuropteren. 3. Serie. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 274—282, 5 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Vella, Formivaleo, Hemerobius, Chrysopa, Leucochrysa, Neula n. g., Oligotoma. — 1 n. var. in Vineta. — Nodita n. g. pro Leuco- _ chrysa varia.] (44.14,.62, 493, 81, 88) 57.32,.42 22 Roman, A. 8% (81) 1916. Entomologiska naturförhällanden i brasilianska Amazonomrädet. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 131—144, 196—209, 9 figg. 57.22,.53,.54,.62,.88,.89,.95 —.u9 28 Bruner, Lawrence. 57 (91.4) 1915. Preliminary Catalogue of the Orthopteroid Insects of the Pinlip- pine Islands. Univ. Stud. Nehraska Vol. Lo p. 195—281, 57.21—,29,.32 213524 Banks, Nathan. 57 (91.4) 1916. Neuropteroid Insects of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 195—216, 2 pls. [i6 nn. spp. in: Myopsocus, Epipsocus, Amphipsocus 2, Tagalopsocus n. g., Kolbea, Caecilius 3, Dypsocus, Myrmeleon, Distoleon, Asotocerus, Macronema, Dipseudopsis, Nyctiophylax. — 1 n. var. in Psocus.] 57.32,.35,.42,.45 25 Lea, Arthur M. 57 (938) 1916. Notes on the Lord Howe Island Phasma, and on an Associated Longicorn Beetle. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 40 p. 145— 147 7 pls. 15 57.24,.68 26 Hacker, Henry. 57 (94.3) 1915. Notes on the Genus Megachile and some rare Insects collected during 1913/14. Mem. Queensland Mus. Vol. 3 p. 137—141. 57.32,.42,.92,.98,.99 59.57.1 Thysanura (incl. Protura). (Vide etiam: 211384, 212837, 212355, 212857, 212878, 212876, 212877, 213288, * 213343, 213348, 213357, 213412, 213495, 213513.) 27 Crampton, G, C. 97.1 1916. The Orders and Relationships of Apterygotan [nsects. Jeurn. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 267—3901, 2 figg. 57.11—.15 28 Bartholin, Thomas. 57.1 (48.9) 1916. Forelebig Forteznelse over danske Apterygoter. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren, Bd. 67 p. 155—209, 5 figg. 97.11—.id 29 Silvestri, F. 57.11 (4) 1912. Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Campodeidae (Thysanura) d’Europa. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 10 No. 4, 40 pp. 81 figz. [13 nn. spp. in: Campodea 19 (3 nn. subspp. i n. var.), Plusio- campa n. g. 3.] (42.57,,58, 43.64, 41.78, 493, 45.73,.75,.79,.8) 213530 Shoebotham, John W. 57.13 . 1917. Notes on Cullembola. — Part 4. The Classification of the Collem- Thysanura-Orthoptera 312 bola; with a List of Genera known to occur in the British Isles. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 425—436. [Willowsia n. g. pro Sira nigro- maculata.] 213531 Caroli, E. 57.13 (61.2) 1914. Primi Collemboli raccolti nella Libia italiana. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol, 4 No. 7, 10 pp., 7 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Beckerella, Xenilla, Friesea, Proisotoma, Lepidocyrtus.] : 32 Folsom, Justus W. 97.13 (1) 1916. North American Collembolous Inseets of the Subfamilies Acho- rutinae, Neanurinae, and Podurinae Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 50 p. 477—525, 19 pls. [ 3 nn. spp. in: Achorutes 7, Xenylla 2, Pseudachorutes, Odontella, Paranura, Neanura.] (711,8, 729.1, 74.1,.4,.7—.9, 75.2,9, 76.4,.8, 77.1—.6,.8, 78.8, 79.4,.5,.7,.8) 83 Folsom, Justus W. 57.13 (7) 1917. North American Collembolous Insects of the Subfamily Onychi- urinae, Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 53 p. 637-659, 12 pls. [6 nn, spp. in Onychiurus.] (71.1, 744,7,8, 71.3,0, 79.4,.5,7,8) 34 Silvestri, F. 57.15 (93) 1915. Thysanura della Nuova-Caledonia e delle Isole Loyalty. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 73—81, 8 fieg. [3 nn. spp. in: Machiloides (2 un. varr.), Isolepisma, Trinemura.] (932, 933) 59.57.2 Orthoptera. (Vide etiam: 210893, 210894, 211142, 211161, 211164, 211169, 211173, 911174, 211207, 21138), 2113“1, 211384, 211386-—211388, 211390, 211396, 211400—211402, 211404, 211415, 211432, 212839, 212840, 212855, 212856, 212860, 212863, 212864, 212865, 212867, 212873, 212875, 212877, 213286, 213322, 213326, 213336, 213337, 213313, 212344, 213348, 213349, 213338, 213357, 213359, 213368, 213385, 213388, 213396, 213:00, 213407, 213411, 213430, 213443 —213446, 213451, 213455, 213462, 213477, 213481, 213492, 213484, 213490, 21341, 213498, 213501, 213502, 213504, 213508, 213512— 213519, 213522, 213524.) 218535 l'ordage, Edmond. 57.2 : 11.69 1916. Phénomènes histologiques de la régénération des appendices autotomisés chez les Orthoptères pentamères. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 49 p. 199—235, 2 pls., 13 figg. 57.22,.24,.25 36 Crampton, 6. C. 57.2 : 14.98 1916. A Comparative Study of the Maxillae of the Acridiidae (Oedipo- dinae and Tettiginae), Phasmidae aud Phylliidae. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 83 —87, 1 pl. 57.24,.27 37 Turner, Clarence L. 57.2 : 15.6 1916. Breeding Habits of the Orthoptera. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 117—135, 6 figg. 57.22—.29 88 Wolff, Max. 57.2 : 16.5 1916. Ist Diestrammena marmorata or Haan ein Schädling? (Cenutraibl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 45° p. 255 -262. [Nein.] — Ergänzende Be- merkungen speziell über das phagische Verhalten von Decticinen und Mantis-Arten, von A. H. Krausse. p. 262—263. 51.25.28 39 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.2 . (115) 1917. Descriptions of Fossil Insects. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 30 p. 79-82, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Trigonalys, Palaeocarria n. g., Genen- tomum. 213540 Leonhardt, Wilhelm. 37.2 (43) 1917. Kleine Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren Deutschlands. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. @uben Jahrg. il p. 12—15, 21—22. [1 n. forma in Omorestus.] (43.16,.18, 44,.54,.58) 57.21,.22,.25—.29 42 43 44 r ya 1 213548 32 31% Orthoptera Zacher, Friedrich. 57.2 (43) 1917. Kleine Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Geradflügler. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 172—177. 15.4 (43.14,.15,.58) 57.21,.27—.29 La Baume, Wolfgang. 57.2 (43.12) 1913. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der westpreussischen Geradflügler- fauna (O:thoptera). Gliederung der Fauna nach Lebensgemeinschaften. 35. Ber. westpreuss. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 149—154. 15.2 57.22,.27—.29 Ne Ion Ermanno. 57.2 (45.71) 915. Escursioni Zoologiche del Dr. Enrico Festa sui monti della Vallata del Sangro (Abruzzi). II. Dermatteri e Ortotteri. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Turino Vol. 30 No. 693, 4 pp. 57.21,.22,.27—.29 Ragazzi, Ÿ. 07.2 (45.73) 1955. 1. Contributo alla conoscenza degli Ortotteri del Napoletano. Mantodea-Phasmodea-Acridiodea-Locustodea. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 19, 8 pp. 57.24—.23 Maerky, Charles. 07.2 (494) 1907. Notes de chasse sur quelques Orthoptères suisses. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 49—50. 57.21,.22,.25—.29 ; SBax0BB., B. LE. Uvarov, B. P. 37.2 (55) 1914, Kp daya& NpAaMOoRpkMEIXB [lepcin. HarbcTia kasrasck. Mys. Bull. Mus. Caucase Vol. 8 p. 138—146, 2 figg. [Zur Orthopterenfauna Persiens. Heliopteryx n. g. satunini n. sp. Derocorys roseipennis lazurescens n. subsp.] 57.25,.27,.29 7 Siglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.2 (63) 1916. Ortotteri raccolti nell’Eritrea dal Dott. Anpreini. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Ann. 48 p. 131—138. [Anallacta andreinü n. sp.] 57.22—.29 Rehn, James A, G. and Morgan Hebard. 57.2 (7) 1916. Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Region of the south-eastern United States. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 68 p. 87—314, 3 pls., 3 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Neotettix, Orphulella, Melaroplus 5, Belocephalus, Scapteriscus.] (71.2,.5, 74.2,.4,.6— 75.3.5 —76.4,8, 77.1,.2,.4) 57,21—.29 Holland, W. J,, and Hugo Kahl. 57.2 (729.1) 1916. A List of the Orthoptera Collected in the Isle of Pines by J. L, Grar, 1910, and G. A. Ling, 1912—1913. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Ar Vol. 10 (Public. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 541—545. 57.2 FE —.29 Fox, Henry. 2 (75.5) 1917. Field Notes on Virginia Orthoptera. Proc. U. 8. Helen: Mus. Vol. 52 p. 199— 234. D7.21,.22,.25—.2ÿ Fox, Henry. 57.2 (77.2) 1915. Notes on Orthoptera and Orthopteran Habitats in the Vicinity of Lafayette, Indiana. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1914 p. 287 —321. 15.2 57.24,,27—.29 Rehn, James A. G. 57.2 (öl) 1917. On Orthoptera from the Vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Trans, Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 335—363, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Hypnor- noides n. g., Chorisoneura, Symphyloxiphus.] 57.22,.25—.29 Rehn, James A. % 57.2 (82) 1915. A further contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Argentina. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 270-292, D figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Ceratinoptera, Latindia, Nemobius.] 57.21—.29 Bruner, Lawrence. 57.2 (26.1) 1916. Notes on the Orthopteroid Insects of the Fiji Islands. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p: 148-168. [3 nn. spp. in: Temnopteryx, Cutilia, Paratettix.] 57.21—.29 :> Reichert, Alex. 97.21: 15 1917. Ohrwürmer. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 178—185, 1 Taf., 1 fig. 15.2—.6 (43.21) 213556 57 58 60 51 213563 64 65 67 68 69 213570 Orthoptera 314 Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 (51) 1915. Di aicuni Dermatteri della Cina. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 698, 6 pp. |3 nn. spp. in: Forficula, Timomenus 2.] (51.1,.3) Hebard, Morgan. 97.21 (7) 191% Notes on the Earwigs (Dermaptera) of North America, north of the Mexican Boundary. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 311—323, 5 figg. [Labia rehna n. sp. (71.2,.3, 74.1,4,.5,.7—75.1,.5—76.4,.9, 77.5, 78.2, 79.1,.4) Borelli, Alfredo. 97.21 (72.6) 1915. Dermatteri nuovi o poco noti del Messico. Boll. Mus. Zöol. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 699, 4 pp. [Praos uncinatus n. sp. — 1 n. var. in Prolabia.] ; Rehn, James A. G., and Morgan Hebard. | 57.21 (729) 1917. Studies in West Indian Earwigs. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 37 p. 6385 —651, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Formicilabia n. g., Prolubia 2.} (729.1—.8) Hebard, Morgan. 57.21 (301) 1917. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Dermaptera of Panama. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 301—334, 1 pl. 2 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Prosparatta, Labia, Geracodes n. g., Barygerax n. g., Gerax n. g., Eu- gerax n. g. — Microvostox n. g. pro Spongovostox alter.) (728, 86) Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 (91.4) 1915/16. Dermatteri delle Isole Filippine. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 697, 7 pp. 12 on. spp. in: Forcipula, Kosmetor.) — Nota Il. No. 705, 7 pp. |3 nn. spp. in: Anisolabıs, Auchenomus 2.] — Nota Ill. Vol. 81 No. 715, 6 pp. [2 nr. spp. in: Spongovostox, Chaeto- spania.] Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 (93) 1914. Les Dermapteres de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyalty. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 1 p. 513—324, 1 pl, 1 fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Spondox n. g., Brachylabis, Antisolabis 3, Nannisolabis. (932, 933) Fritze, A, 57.21 Forficula : 11.74 1916. Zur Flugfähigkeit des gemeinen Ohrwurms (Forficula auricularia L.) Entom. Rundsch. Jahrg. 33 ». 39. ; Olufsen. 57.21 Forficula : 15.3 1917. Neue Untersuchungen über die Nahrung des Ohrwurmes. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 82 p. 291—293. Jones, D. W. 57.21 Forficula : 16.5 1917. The European Earwig and its Control. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 566, 12 pp., 8 figg. # Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 Forficula (45.71) 1916. Escursioni Zoologiche del Dr. Enrico Frsra nella vallata del Sangro (Abruzzi). Di una nuova specie del genere Forficula Lin. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 31 No. 711, 3 pp, 1 fig. [F. adru- tiana.] Illingworth, J. F. 57.22 : 11.69 1917. Regeneration in Cockroaches. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. & p. 266. Mertens, Rob. 57.22 : 15 1916. Die Schaben und ihre Zucht. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 301—303. Bolton, Herbert. 57.22 (115) 1917. The „Mark Srimeur“ Collection of Fossil Insects from the Coal ..Measures of Commentry (Allier), Central France, Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 61 No. 2, 32 pp., 5 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Megagnatha u. g., Sycopteron n. g., Necymylacris 2, Phylloblaita 2.] Hebard, Morgan. 57.22 Blaberus (801) 1916. Critical Notes on certain Species of the Genus Blaberus. Eutom. News Vol. 27 p. 289—296, 1 pl. (728, 729.2,.3,.5, 86, 87, 88) 219571 77 78 213572 80 83 84 213585 315 Orthoptera Bugnion, E. 51.22 Blatta : 14.93 1916. Les pièces buccales de la Blatte (Blatta americana et australasiae). Bull. Soc. entum, Suisse Vol. 12 p. 383—400, 1 pl., 4 fige. Bugnion, E. 97.22 Blatta : 14.99 1917. L’accroissement des antennes et des cerques de la blatte (Blatta americana). ©. BR. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 80 p. 317—324, 5 fige. Mebard, Morgan. 57.22 variblatta (801) 1916. A New Genus, Cariblatta, of the Group Blattellites. Trans, Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 42 p. 147—186, 3 pls. [n. g. pro Blatta punctulata. — 6 no. spp. 1 n. subsp.] (728, 729.1—.3,.5—.8, 75.6.9, 86) Hebard, Morgan. 57.22 Ceratinoptera (801) 1916. The Genus Ceratinoptera. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 42 p. 125—134, 4 figg. |C. tropaia n. sp. (72.6, 728, 729.8, 85, 86) Hebard, Morgan. 57.22 Eurycotis (7) 1916. Two new dark-colored Species of the Genus Eurycotis. FEntom. News Vol. 27 p. 263—266, 1 pl., i fig. [E. abdomainalis and tibialis.] (728, 729.3, 74.1) Dlingworth, J. F. 57.22 Holocompsa (96.9) 1916. A New Cockroach to the Hawaiian Islands (Holocompsa fulva Bururisrer.) Proc. Hawaiian entem. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 254—255. Shaw, Eland. 57.22 Ischnoptera (94.5) 1916. Australian Blattidae. — Part Il. On the Type of Ischnoptera brun- neonigra, Terren, with a Description of the Male Insect. Victorian Na- taral. Vol. 33 p. 86—88. Hebard, Morgan. 87.22 Myrmeeoblatta 1917. A new Species of Myrmecophilous Blattid. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 560—863, 2 figg. [Myrmecoblatta wheeleri.] 57.22,.96 Hebard, Morgan. 07.22 Neohiattella (728) 1916. A new Species of the Genus Neoblatella from Costa Rica. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 159--161, 2 fisg. [N. fratercula.] Hebard, Morgan. À 57.22 Panchlora (801) 1916. Certain Features Found in the Genus Panchlora, with other Ob- servations and the Description of one new Species. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 217—222, 1 fig. [P. bidentula n. sp] 14.63,.65 (729.8, 81) i Szymanski, J. Se 57.22 Periplaneta : 11.8 1917. Die sogenannte tierische Hypnose bei einer Insektenart. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 166 p. 528—580, 1 fig. [Periplaneta orientalıs] 2 Holt, Joseph J. H. 57.22 Periplaneta : 16.5 1916. The Cockroach: Its Destruction and Dispersal. A Comparison of Insecticides and Methods. Lancet Vol. 190 p. 1136—1137. — The De- struction of Cockroaches, by E. Howarrx and G. Burron-Browx. p. 1192, — by G. Buxtox-Brown. Vol. 191 p. 42. Sasap3unp, A. Zavarzin, À. 57.22 Periplaneta : 18.8 1916. HS5KOTOpbIN AAHHBIA O CTPOCHIH KHIIeYHOR HePBO CHCTEMHI HaCB- KOMbIXb. Pycczk. 8001. #RypH. T. 1 p. 161—175, 1 Taôz. — Quelques données sur la structure du système nerveux intestinal des insectes. Rev. zool. russe T. 1 p. 176—180. [Submersion des cellules sensorielles de la périphérie dans les tiges nerveuses et les ganglions.] Foucher, %. 57.24 : 15 1916/17. Etudes biologiques sur quelques Orthoptères. Bull, Soc. nation. Acclimat. France Ann. 63 p. 89—98, 116—122, 166—173, 201—210, 263 — 278, 329—53142, 369—379, 414—425, 468—474, 3 pls., L fig. — Les Phyilies. Etudes biologiques de M. l'abbé Foucuer, par Rent Mxrce. La Nature Ann. 45 Sem. 1 p. 98—96, 11 figg. — Le Cyphocrane géant Etudes biologiques de M. l’abbé Foucusr, par KR. M. p. 113—117, 11 figg. 15.2..8, 6 Meissner, Otto. 01.24 : 1916. Kurze Zusammenstellung meiner Phasmidenbeobachtungen. ie entom. Zeitschr. Gubeu Jahrg. 10 p. 4. 2135%5 87 88 89 90 91 92 213593 Ja 95 96 218597 Orthoptera 316 Somes, M. P. 97.24 (77) 1916. The Phasmidae of Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 269—271. (77.6—.8) Carl, J. 57.24 (93) 1915. Phasmiden von Neu-Caledonien und den Loyalty-Inseln. Nova Caledenia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 169—194, 4 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Cladomimus n. g, Asprenas 2, Lapidiophasma n. g., Brachyrhamphus n. g. 2, Cladomimus n. g. — 2nn. subspp. in: Megacrania, Hermarchus. — Paracanachus n. g. pro Canachus circe.] (932 — 934) Meissner, Otto. 97.24 Carausius : 13.1 1916. Weshalb entwickeln sich bei der Zucht von Carausius morosus Br nur Weibchen ? Entom. Rundsch. Jahrg. 33 p. 25. [Die Geschlechts- zellen enthalten ein unpaares Chromosom, degenerieren aber meist ehe sie zur Entwicklung gelangen, Zur Entwicklung gelargte ergeben (f#] Plkind. 57.24 Carausius : 1465 1916. Les tubes ovariques et l’ovogénèse du Carausius hilaris. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 51 Proc. Verb. p. 5—6. Hirschler, Jan. 57.24 Dixippus : 11.34 1914. Ein Versuch, Wachstumskorrelationen und Wachstumsautonomien quantitativ zu bestimmen. (Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Insekten- [Dixippus-]Larven.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 34 p. 707 —119, 2 fieg. Schmit-Jensen, H. ©. 57.24 Dixippus : 11.69 1915. Homoectic regeneration of the antennae in a Phasmid or walking- stick. Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Washington 1914 p. 523—536, 2 pls. [Translated from the Danish.] Heidenreich, W. 57.24 Dixippus : 15 1917. Die Stabheuschrecke als Terrarientier. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 28 p. 24—25, 2 figg. Plate, L. 57.24 Phyllium : 14.99 1916. Fauna ceylanica, Untersuchungen zur Fauna Ceylons nach den Sammlungen von L. Prare. Ill. Die rudimentären Hinterflügel von Phyllium pulchrifolium Serv. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 54 p. 43—66, 1 Taf., 2 igg. [Ueberflüssige für das Leben bedeutungslose Organe. Zu- sammenhang mit Erwerb der Mimicry. Vererbung scmatischer Ver- änderungen.] Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 97.25 1915. Mantidi Esotici. VIII. Acromantinae Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 30 No. 702, 16 pp. [21 nn. spp. in: Anaxarcha, Rho- mantis n. g., Oligomantis n. g. 2, Acromantis 8, Phyllothelys, Sigerpes 5, Anasigerpes (vn. g. pro Sigerpes heydeni) 3. — Heliomantis n. g. pro Polyspilota elegans, Psychomantis n. g. pro Mantis borneensis, Theomantis pro Mantis ocellaria.] (54.1,.87, 59.1,.5, 62, 66.7,.9, 67.1,.2,5—.,, 68.4, 91.1, 921, 922) Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.25 1916. Note al Catalogo dei Mantidi di Kirer. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Ann. 48 p. 139—163. [Tarachodula n. g. pro Tarachodes pantherina, Hoplo- coryphella pro Hoplocorypha grandis, Eumusonia pro Thespis livida, Diamu- sonia pro Oligonyx parva. — Oligonicella n. nom. pro Oligonyx Sräz ® Kırsy non Saussure.] Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.25 (6) 1914. Mantidi Esotici. VI. Perlamantinae. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 45 p. 8—60, [Amorphoscelis abyssinica n. sp. (54.1,.87, 63, 65, 66.3,.7,.,399—61.2,8, 91.1, 94.1—.6) Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.25 (6) 1915. Mantidi esotici. Generi e specie nuove. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 46 p. 31—108. [82 nn. spp. in: Phthersigena, Amorphoscelis 2, Ta- rachina 2, Bolbe, Bolbula n. g. 2, Bolbena (n. g. pro Gonypeta hottentotta), Bolbira (n. g. pro Entella minima) 2, Diacathomantis n. g., Hyulomantis (n. g. pro Miopteryx madayascariensis), Cryptomantis n. g., Negromantis n. g., Chiromantis n. g., Ormomantis n. g., Mimomantis n. g., Xanthomantis n. g., >12 Oithoptera La Pilomantis n. g., Fulciniella n. g. 2, Diafulcinia n. g., Calofuleinia n. g. 2, Oxyfulcinia n. g., Ciulfina (n. x. pro Fuiciniola biseriata), Coptopteryx 10, Brunneria 2, Metriomantis 2, Photina 2, Photinella (n. g. pro Photina brevis. 2, Iris, Acontista 3, Liturgusa 2, Caliris (n. g. pro Iris masoni), Gilda n. &., Leptomantis (n. g. pro Mantis albella) 2, Parasphendale 4, Sibylla 3, Majanga, Majangella n. g. 2, Mellierelia n. g., Acanthups 2, Odontomantis 2, Hestiasula 2, Catestiasula (n. g. pro Pachimantis nitida), Otomantis 2, Chryso- mantis n. £., Propanu ‘gica n. g., Creobroter, Pseudoharpax 5, Anabomistria n. g. — In. var. in Theopropus. — Bolbella n. g. pro Gonypeta punctigera, Bolboda pro G. minutissima, Eubolbe pro Entella rhombochir, Hapalopezella pro Hapalopeza : maculata, Spilomantis pro H. occipitalis, Hi yalomantis pro Miopteryx madagascariensis, Ilomantis pro Tropidomantis thalassina, Epso- mantis pro Mantis torticoides, Eomuntis pro Tropidomantis guttatipennis, Neomantis pro T. australis, Melomantis vro T. africana, Miromantis pro Moopteryx miranduia, Tylomantis pro Hapalomantis fuliainosa, Profulcinie pro Musonia variipennis, Fuiciniola pro Nanomantis snelleni, Paraphotina pre: Cardioptera reticulata, Phiseocmantis pro Liturgusa orientalis, Gonatistella pro . Theopompa nigropicta, Liturgusella vro Liturgusa malagassa, Opsomantis pro Compsomantis tumidiceps, Ephestia sula pro Hestias pictines.] (47.9, 51.4, 54.1,.7,.87, 59.5,.7, 63, €6 3,.4,.7,.9—67.1,.5—.8, 68.7-—.9, "81, 82, 83— 86.6, 88— 89.6, 91 1, 921, 94.2, 95) 113598 Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.25 (6) 1915. Mantidi esotici. Generi e specie nuove. Bull. Soc. eutom. jital. Anno 46 p. 154—200. (63 nn. spp. in: Oxypilus, Euoxypilus n. g., Promiop- teryx n. g. 2, Miovteryx 2, Euiniopteryx n. g, Gonypetella n. g. 5, Dystac- tella n. g., Achlaena, Ameles, Amantis n. g. 6, Cimantis n. g., Gonypeta 2, Armeniola n. g., Eumantis n. g., Elmantis n. g., Chroicoptera, Ligariella rn. g. 5, Ligaria 2, Ligariona n. g., Parentella n. g., Metentella n. g, 6, Micren- tella n. g., Rhach'mantis n. g., Diabantia n. g., Pseudomiopteryx 3, Anamiop- teryx n. g., Bantiella n. g. 4, Mionicella n. g., Thespro:iella n. g., 2, Thes- protia 5, Haunia, — Anoxypilus n. g. pro Sibylla polyacantha, Pseudoxypilus pro Mantis hemerobius, Chloromiopteryx pro Mantis thalassina, Telomantis pro Entella lamperti, Achlaenella pro Entella adolphi-frederici, Bimantis pro Ame- les malaccana, Dimantis pro Mantis punctata, Gimantis pro Gonypeta authae- mon, Memantis pro Mantis fuliginosa, Alphamantis pro Gonypeta delalandi,. Betamantis pro Mantis marginella, Eubantia pro Bantia fusca, Oligonicella pro Oligonyx scudder:i.] (54.1,.37, 56.8, 59.1, 66.7, 67.1: —.6,.8—69.2,.7—69, 729.8, 81, 84, 786,6, 87, 89, 91,1,.4, 921) 99 Giglio-Tos, Ermauno. 57.25 (6) 1916. Mantidi esotici. Generi e specie nuove. Bull. Soc. eutom ital. Anno 47 p. 1—44. [42 nn. spp. in: Husoniella n. g. 2, Diamusonia n. g. 2, Eumusonia n. g., 1 Hoplocorypha n. g. 17, Geomantis, Geothespis n. g.,. Fischeria, Severinia, Deiphobe 2, Ischnomantis 4, Omomantis, Pseudempusa, . Agrionopsis, Stenopygeila n. g., Leptocola, Thespis 2, Oxyothespis 2, Acithespis D. g. — Promusonia n. g. pro Musonia surinama, Hoplocoryphella pro Hoplo- coryphe grandis, Deiphobella pro Deiphobe laticeps, Mythomantis pro Eucho- mena confusa, Euchomenella pro E. heteroptera, Agriomantis pro Agrionopsis modesta, Deromantis pro Tenodera limbalicollis.] (54.4, 56.8, 62, 63, 66.2,.3,.6,.7,.9, 57.1,.5,.6,.8, 68.8,.9, 69, 723.8, 81, 85, 87, 88, 94) 18600 Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. 57.25 (6). 1916. Mantidi esotici. Generi e specie nuove. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Aun. 48 p. 43—108. [75 nn. spp. in: Archimantis, Trachymantis n. g., Calidomantis 10, Stagmomantis 3, Stauromantis n. g., Auromantis n. g., Uromantis n. g. 2, Bisanthe, Calospilota n. g., Plistospilota 5, Sphodromantis. 2, Hiercdula, Camelomantis (n. g. pro Hierodula giraffa) 4, Empusa, Ble- ph.r,psis, Danuria, Popa, Miobantia n. g., Musoniola n. g., Promiopteryx, Co; dopteryx, Metall: ylieus 2. Eremiaphila 4, Oxyelaea n. g., Humbertiella 2,, Theopompa, Theupompella (n. g. pro Humbertiella heterochroa) 3, Taracho- della n. g., Tarachodula n. g. 5, Galepsus 2, Paroxyophthalmus, Pyı “gom antis: Orthoptera 318 6, Orthodera 2, Deroplatys. — Rheomantis n. g. pro Fischeria quinquelobata, Coenomantis pro FPseudomantis kraussiana, Rhodomantis pro P. pulchellus, Taumantis pro Calidomantis sigiana, Isomantis pro Stagmomantis domingen- sis, Oromantis, pro St. nahua, Tauromantis pro Phasmomantis championi, Cataspilota pro Calospilota part., Atalomantis pro Hierodula muta, Phigo- mantis pro Sphodropoda medioconstricta, Tisma pro Stagmatoptera part., Phlaebarodes pro Blepharodes sudanensis, Theopompula pro Humbertiella ocu- laris, Oxyophthalmellus pro Oxyophthalmus gracilis.] (53.3,.4, 54.2,.87, 56.9, 59.5, 62, 63, 66.6, 7,.9—67.1,.5—.9, 68.9, 72, 728, 75.5, 76.4, 81, 86.6, 88, 89, 91.1, 921, 936, 94.1,.2) 213601 Adair, E. W., and E. E. Adair. 57.25 Ameles : 15 1917. Le développement de la Mante Ameles aegyptiaca, Werner. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. © p. 81—91. 02 Adair, E. W. 57.25 Empusa : 13 1916. Notes on the Early Stages in the Post-embryonic Development of Empusa egena Caarr. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 76—80. 03 Dvornikovié, Vladimir. 57.25 Mantis : 15 1916. Mantis religiosa L., bogom.oljka (Gottesanbeterin, Fangheuschrecke) u okoliei Sarajeva. @lasnik hrvatsk. prirodosl. Drustva God. 28 p. 25—26. 04 Przibram, Hans. 97.25 Sphodromantis : 11.044 1915. Temperaturquotienten für Lebenserscheinungen bei Sphodromantis bioculata Burm. (zugleich: Aufzucht von Gottesanbeterinnen, VIII. Mittei- lung.) Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 224. [Entwick- lungsgeschwindigkeit im Bereiche von 35 bis 25°C. für 10° Temperatur- differenz verdoppelt. Ueber 30° war Temperaturguotient für Eierentwick- lung kleiner, unter 30 ° grösser. Abwechselnd 35° und 25° wirkt wie 30° konstant.) 05 Sztern, Henryk. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 11.34 1914. Wachstumsmessungen an Sphodromantis bioculata Burm. Il. Länge, Breite und Höhe. (Mitt. Nr. 5 biol. Versuchsanst. Akad. Wiss. Wien.) Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 314—315. 218606 Przibram, Hans, und Adolf Walther. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 11.5 1914. Keine Grössenzunahme der frischgeschlüpften Sphodromantis mit dem Alter der Mutter (zugleich: Aufzucht der Gottesanbeterinnen, V. Mitteilung). (Mitt. biol. Versuchsanst. Akad. Wiss. Wien Nr. 4.) Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien muth.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 132. 07 Przibram, Hans. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 11.69 1915. Wachstumsmessungen an Sphodromantis bioculata Bunu. III. Länge regenerierender und normaler Schreitbeine (zugleich: Aufzucht der Gottes- anbeterinnen, VII. Mitteilung). Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 164—165. [Regeneration stellt sich als Beschleunigung des normalen Wachstums dar.] 08 Przibram, Hans. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 11.69 1915. Fühlerregeneration halberwachsener Sphodromantis-Larven. (Mit- teilung No. 18 aus der Biologischen Versuchsanstalt der Kaiserl. Akade- mie der Wissenschaft in Wien (zoologische Abteilung). Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 52 p. 344. [Abnorme Regeneration wenn Gangliengruppe an der Basis auch selbst erst regeneriert werden muss). 09 Adair, E. W. and E. E. Adair. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 15 1916. Le developpement de la Mante, Sphodromantis bioculata Burn. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 90 —99, 10 Williams, C. B. and P. A. Buxton. 57.25 Sphodromantis : 15 1916. On the Biology of Sphodromantis guttata. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1916. p. 86—100, 4 pls., 3 figg. 15.6 11 Allard, H. A. 87.26 : 15.8 1916. Some Musical Orthoptera at Clarendon, Virginia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 Pe 356—398. 57.28,.29 È 213612 Du Porte, E. Melville, and J. Vanderleck. 57.26 : 16.5 1917. Experiments on the Control of Locusts with Coccubacillus acri- diorum p’Herezzx. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 91—9. . 57.27,.28 319 Orthoptera 213613 Robertson, Wm. Rees B. 57.26 : 18.13 1916. Chromosome Studies. I. Taxonomic relationships in the Chromo- somes of Tettigidae and Acrididae: V-shaped chromosomes and their significance in Acrididae, Locustidae, and Gryllidae: chromosomes and variation. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 179—330, 26 pls. 57.27—.29 14 Willemse, C. J. M. 57.26 (192) 1916. Neerlandsch Orthoptera. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. LI—LITI. 57.27—.29 15 Peringuey, L 51.26 (€; 1916. Descriptions of New or Little-known Orthoptera in the Collection of the South African Museum. Pt. I. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 15 p. 401—452, 1 pl, 8 figg. [4t nn. epp. in: Bulla 3, Pneumora, Cystocoelia, Shortridgea n. g., Maxentius, Nasidius 4, Henicus, Bochus n. g, Faku n. g.. Spelaeiacris n. g., Onosandrus, Onosandridus n. g. 3, Platysiagon, Hetrodes 2, Acanthoplus 4, Enyaliopsis 3, Arytropteris 7, Umtata n. g., Aroegas n. g.. Zitsikama n. g., Xiphidion 5. — Libonasidus n. g. pro Libanasa vittatus.] (67.3,.9, 68.4,.7,.9, 57.27,.28 16 Rehn, James A. G. 87.26 (81) 1917. The Stanford Expedition to Brazil, 1911. J. C. Brunner, Director. Trans, Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 89—154, 2 pls., [15 nn. spp. in: Hy- perophora 2, Ceraia 2, Anaulacomera 3, Coelophyllum, Teleutias, Oecanthus, Paroecanthus, Amblyrhethus 2, Aphonomorphus 2.- Gryllotalpella n. g. pro Gryllotalpa minor). 57.28,.29 (88) 17 Rabaud, Etienne. 57.27 : 11.82 1916. Le degorgement réflexe des Acridiens. Ball. Soc. zool. France T. 40 p. 223—238. [Caractère réflexe evident dont l’intensité dépend de l’excitation de la surface thoracique. Etude de l’arc réflexe. Signification biologique problématique] 213618 NHopunnckiä, I. A. Portchinsky, I. A. 97.27 : 16.5 1914. Ilapasurpı capaHyn, IpyCcHka U BPeiHbIXb BHAOBB KOGHIIOKB H3B ' Mipa HaCBKOMBIXB, OTKPbITbBIE AO CHXb MopBb BB Poccin. Ilapasurbı 43T OTPAAA KECTKOKPEINbIX’b. CEeIIBCKOXO3AUCTBEHHAA MOHOTpadin. TacTb MepBan. Tpyan Biopo 8HTon. yueH. Kom. TIaBH. SeMmaeycrp. Semex. T. 11 No. 1, 68 pp., 2 Tabl., 22 figg. — Les insectes parasites des criquets nuisi- bles en Russie. Premiere partie: Les parasites col&opteres.] 19 Gibson, Arthur. 57.27 : 16.5 1918. Experiments with Poisoned Bran Baits for Locust Control in Eastern Canada. 45th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 97 —102, 1 fig. 20 Gibson, Arthur. 57.27 : 16.5 1916. Locust Control Work with Poisoned Baits in Eastern Canada in 1915. 46th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 156—162, 3 figg. (71.3,.4) 21 Parks, T. H. 57.27 : 16.5 1217. A Device for Sowing Grasshopper Poison. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 524—525, 1 pl. [Seeder.] _ 22 Kraus, Rudolf. 57.27 : 16.5 1916. Zur Frage der Bekämpfung der Heuschrecken mittels des Cocco- bacillus acridiorum »’Herezze. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 45 p. 594—599. [Künstliche Verfütterung ruft keine Infektion hervor. Nor- maler Darmbewohner.] 23 Webster, F. M. 57.27 : 16.5 1916. Recent Grasshopper Outbreaks and Latest Methods of Controlling Them. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1915 p. 263—272, 6 pls., 3 figg. 24 Ball, E. D. 57.27 : 16,9 1917. Efficiency and Economy in Grasshopper Control. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 135—139, 1 fig. 213625 Du Porte, E. Melville, and J. Vanderleck. 57.27 : 16.5 1917. Studies on Coccobacillus acridiorum p’HerkLre, and on Certain In- testinal Organisms of Locusts. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 47—62. Orthoptera 320 213625 Carl, J. 57.27 (502) 1916. Acridides nouveaux ou peu connus du Muséum de Genève, Ber. suisse Zocl. Vol. 24 p. 461—518, 1 pl. [26 nn. Tapesia, Monistria 2, Pseudomorphacris (n. g. pro Mestra notata), Macroquilta n. g., Oxya, Tau- chira 3, Racilia, Hieroglyphus 3, Parahieroglyphus n. g., Tesatodes, Tonkina- cris n. g., Parallaga n. g., Thisoicetrus 3 (1 n. var.), Munatia 2, Diponthus, Arnilia, Dellia, Dichroplus.] (54.1,.8, 58.8,.9, 66.3, 67.8, 68.7, 69, 723, 729.1, 81, 88, 89,.6, 91.2, 34.3,.4) 27 Gooderham, C. B. 57.27 (21.6) 1916. The Acrididae of Nova Scotia. Proc. entem. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 21—30, 6 figg. 1916. Some Northern Georgia Acridiidae Canad. Eutom. Vol. 48 p 274—279. 29 Tümpel, R. 07.27 Acridium : 14.84 1514 Bau und Wirkungsweise der Punktaugen bei Jeridium aegypticun: L. Zeitschr. wiss, Inseitenbiol. Bd. 10 p. 275282, 5 figg. [Jedes Punkt- auge gibt 2 Bilder, die zur Lokalisation dienen. Ausgleich der Fehler der Netzaugen.] SUR 57.27 Acridium : 16.5 1916. Report on tne Great Invasion of Locusts in Egypt in 19:5 and the Measures Adopted to Deal with it. Cairo, Government Press, 8°, 72 pp. 14 pls. [Notes on Acridium peregrinum by W. CartTwriGur.] 31 Cros, A. 57.27 Pamphagus : 15.6 1517 Une extraordinaire aberration génitale chez Pamphagus numidicus Pomer. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 41. [o’ accouplé aveé le cadavre de la 9.] ñ 213632 Harman, Mary T. 57.27 Paratettix : 14.63.1 1915. Spermatogenesis in Paratettix. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Kansas State agric. Coll. No. 7.) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 262—276, 3 pls. [13 spermatogonial ch:omosomes, 4 large, 9 short. No equal sized pairs. Large chromosomes and 1 short one bent, others straight. Accessory chro- mosome in 1st spermatocyte.] 33 Ebner, R. 57.27 Poecilocerus : 11.0 1914. Ein eigentümliches Verteidigungsmittel bei Poecilocerus hieroglyphi- cus Kiuc. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien meltennt Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 395—397. [Ausspritzen eines weissen Saftes.] 34 Béguet, M. 1 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1916. Campagne d’expérimentation de la méthode bioiogique contre les Schistocerca peregrina en Algérie, de décembre 1914 à juillet 191E et en particulier dans la région de Barika (département de Constantine). Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 225—242, 1 fig. [Pulvérisation sur les pâtures d’une culture virulente de Coccobacillus acridiorum. Propagation par cannibalisme. Epizotie d’une valeur pratique.] — Quatrième campagne contre les Acridiens (Schistocerca peregrina Or.) en Algérie au moyen du Coccobacillus acridiorum p’He£rkı.e. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 679 _ — 682, 35 Küuckel d’Herculais, J. 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1916. La guerre contre les Sauterelles. Les dernières invasions dans l’Afrique du Nord. Moyens de défense et de destruction. Bull. Soc. nation. Acclimat. France Ann. 63 p. 460—467, 508—513. 36 Musso. 57.27 Schistocerca 3 16.5 1916. Campagne d’experimentation de la as biologique contre les Schistocerca peregrina dans la region de Bouczoul-Msiline, commune mixte - de Boghari (département d’Alger). Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 319—329, 3 fieg. [Methode d'Herezre utile.] 213637 Sergent, Etienne. 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1916. Camjagne d’expérimentation de la méthode biologique contre les Schistocerca peregrina dans la vallée la Haute Tafna, commune mixte de Sebdou (departement d'Oran). Existence d’une épizootie autochtone 321 Orthoptera ‚vaceinante. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 209—224, 10 figg. [Vitesse de marche, Direction de marche. Moments de la marche, Instinct de péré- grination plutôt que besoin de nourriture. Voracité.] 15.1,.2,.3 213638 Velu. H. 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1916/17. La lutte contre Schistocerca reregrina au Maroc en 1916 par la méthode bioiogique. Deuxième campagne d’exprrimentation. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 682—684. — Deuxième campagne d’expérimentation de la méthode p’H&rerLrEe au Maroc contre Schistocerca peregrina OLIVIER, Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 31 p. 277—290. 39 Velu, H., et A. Bouin. 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1916. Essai de destruction du Schistocerca peregrina au Maroc par le „Ooceobacillus acridiorum, du Dr. »'Hérezzx. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 30 p. 389 —421, 7 figg. [Résultats encourageants.] 40 Regen, Johann. 97.27 Thamnotrizon : 15.8 1914. Untersuchungen über «ie Stridulation und das Gehör von Tham- notrizon apterus Far. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 51 p. 344— 245. [Widerlegung der Kritik von Mancorp.] 41 Rich, Stephen G. 97.27 Zonocerus (68.4) 1916/17. Notes on Zonocerus elegans Burm. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 420 —421. — A Further Note on Zonocerus elegans. Vol. 28 p. 2. 42 MeuısanorueBp, 4. U. Stschelkanovtzev, J. P. 97.28 (47.9) 1914. SamBTKH 0 HBKOTOPHXR Locustodea BR KOXIEKHIAXE KaBka3CKaro Mysea. HsBbcria raBkasck. Mys. Bull. Mus. Caucase Vol. 8 p. 95— 126, 3 figg. [Notes sur quelques Locustodea de la collection du Musée du Caucase. 3 nn. spp. in: Paradrymadusa, Platycleis, Psorodonotus.] 218643 Enderlein, Günther. 97.28 (5) 1917. Orthopterologica I. Neue neotropische Pseudophyllinen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 17—20, 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: T'anusiella n. g., Mimetica, Typophyllum.] (81, 84, 86) 44 Bruner, Lawrence. 97.28 (801) 1915. Nctes on Tropical American Tettigonoidea (Locustodea). Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 9 p. 284—404. [58 nn. spp. in: £urenica n. g., Aniarella, Oxyprorella 2, Dysonia, Uberaba n. g., Callinsaria, Enthe- phippion n. g., Symmetropleura 2, Parascudderia, Parableta, Posidippus, Stei- rodonopsis, Grammadera 3, Tomeophora 2, Phylloptera 2, Hyperphrona, To- pana, Diplcphyllus, Orophus, Anonistus, Acanthodis, Pristes, Leurophyllum 3, Platyphyllun, Jamaicana, Meroncidius, Anchiptolis, Liparoscelis, Cocconotus, Nannotettix, Diophanes, Phlugis 3, Macrometopon n. g., Euxiphidion n. g., Conocephalus 2, Copiphora 2, Eriolus, Grygorhynchus, Caulopsis 2, Neocono- cephalus 3, Hyperbaenus, Neanias, Licodia.] | (729.1,.2, &1, 84, 86) 45 Rehn, James A. G. 97.28 ( 01) 1917. Some Critical Notes on the Giant Katydids Forming the Group Steirodontia (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phanervpterinae). Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 107—122, 1 pl. [Cnemidophyllum n. g. pro Posidippus lineatus.] (728, 729.1,.2,.8, 81, 85, 86, 88) 46 Rehn, James A. G. 57.28 Coelophyllum (801) 1917. On Coelophyllum simplex aud certain of its Allies. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 152—161, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp.] (728, 85) 47 Fritze, A. 97.28 Decticus (43.53) 1918. Eine neue Varietät von Decticus verrucivorus L. Entom. Rundschau Jahrg. 35 p. 11—12, 1 fig. [deliae.] 48 Ebuer, R. 57.28 Diestrammena : 15 1916. Die sogenannten „japanischen* Heuschrecken unserer Gewächs- hauser (Diestrammena-Tachycines). Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 45 p. 987 —594. 15.2.8 213649 Chopard, L. | 57.28 Dolichopoda 1916. Synopsis du genre Dolichopoda Bor. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 175-177. Bibliogr. Zool. XXX V. 1918 21 Orthoptera 322; 218650 Chopard, L. 57.28 Dolichopoda : 15 1917. Notes sur la biologie de Dolichopoda _palpata Suzz. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 ». 287— 289. 91 Chopard, L. 97.28 Dolichopoda (4) 1917. Notes sur deux especes du genre Dolichopoda Bor. Bull. Soc. enton. France 1917 p. 265—268. |D. palpata, araneiformis et euxina.) (43.69,.96, 44.94, 45.8, 47.9, 495, 499) 52 Geisenheyner, Ludwig. 57. 28 Ephippigera (43.42) 1906. Die Sattelschrecke bei Kreuznach. Zool. Beokachter Jahrg. 47 ie 48 —49. 53 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacridae (502) 1915. Note sopra altri Grillacridi dell’Indian Museum di Calcutta. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 46 p. 5—22. [Neanias canillii n. sp. 1 n. subep.] (51.3, 54.1,.8, 59.7, 922, 95) 54 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacris (5) 1914. Descrizione di due nuove Gryllacris appartenenti all’Indian Museum di Calcutta. Bull. Soc. entom, ital. Anno 45 p. 130—138. [@. kempiana n. sp. — 1 n. var. (54.87, 59.1) 55 Mohr, Otte L. 57.28 Leptophyes : 13.1i 1915. Siud die Heterochromosomen wahre Chromosomen ? Untersuckun- gen über ihr Verhalten in der Ovogenese von Leptophyes punctatissima. Arch. Zellforsch. Bd. 14 p. 151—176, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [Die beiden weib- lichen Heteruchromosomeu verhalten sich in den somatischen Zellen wie in den Ovogonien durchaus so wie die Autosomen.] 56 MacGillavry, D. 07.28 Lecusta : 15 1916. Het loopen van Locusta viridissima L. tegen glas. Entom. Berichten - D, 4 p. 323—325. 313657 Chopard, L. 57.28 Stenopelmatidae 1916. Tableaux de determination des formes des genres Diestrammena Br. et Tachycines Ave. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 154—159. 58 Chopard, L. 97,28 Stenopelmatidae (24 : 5) 1916. Diagnoses d’Orthopteres cavernicoles nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p- 113—116. [5 nn. spp. in: Diestrammena 2 (1 n. subsp.), Rhaphidophora 3.) (94.1,.87, nn 9) 59 Griffini, Achille. 28 ehe (67. 8) 1914. Osservazioni sopra alcuni generi di Re e su due specie africane del Museo di Berlino. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 45 p. 163 —183. |Dyscapna pulchriventris n. sp.] 60 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Stenopelmatidae (932) 1914. Stenopelmatidae della Nuova-Caledonia. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 1 p. 281—811. [5 nn. spp. in: Aöstus 2 (1 n. var.) Carcinopsis 3.] 61 Hebard, Morgan. 57.28 Stenopelmatus (73) 1916. A Study of the Species of the Genus Stenopelmatus Found in the United States. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 70—86, 1 pl. (78.2,.6— 79.7) 62 Relın, James A. G., and Morgan Hebard. 57.28 Tettigoniidae (7) 1914/16. Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) I and II. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 40 p. 271—344, 4 pls. [2 un. spp. in Scudderia (1 n. subsp.), Amblycorypha (1 n. subsp.)] — IIL p. 365—413, 2 pls., 13 tigg. — IV. Vol, 41 p. 11—83, 4 pls. [5 nn. spp. in Ra, — Sbe- norhoptrum, Metarhoptrum nn. subgg. — Thyridorhoptrum n. g. pro Orche- limum senegalense.) — V. p. 155—2 34, 6 pls. [4 nn. spp. in ee — Dicellum, Anasthropus nn. subeg.] — VI p. 225-290, 4 pls. [3 nn. spp. in Conocephalus. — Opeastylus, Perissacanthus, Aphauropus nn. subgg.] — VII. Vol. 42 P 33—99, 3 pls. [2 nn. spp. in Atlanticus.] (71.2—.4, 72.1—.4,.6,.7—729.3,6—.8, 74.1—79.1,;4—,7, 8, '82, 83, 85, 86, 87 89) 213553 Fulton, Bentley B. 57.29 (14.7) 1915. The Tree Crickets of New York: Life History and Bionomics. Techn. Bufl. No. 42 N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat., 47 pp., 6 pls., 21 figg. 15.3,.4,.6,.8 od Orthoptera-Pseudoneuroptera 213664 Bruner, Lawrence. 57.29 (801) 1916. South American Crickets, Gryllotalpoidea, and Achetoidea. Ann, Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 10 (Publie. Carnegie Mus. No. 90) p. 344 —428. [35 nn. spp. in: Neocurtilia, Tridactylus 4, Ellipes, Rhipipteryx 3, Nemobius 5, Hygronemobius, Gryllodes 2, Luzara, Dyscophogryllus, Endecous, Phalangopsis, Arachnomimus, Neoxabea 2, Cyrtoxipha 4, Phylloseyrtus, Tafa- lisca, Diatrypa, Paroeacanthus, Aphonomorphus 3.] (12.3, 128, 729.1,.2,.6,.8, 81, 82, 88, 84, 86, 88, 89) 65 Chopard, L. 37.29 (93) 1915. Gryllidae de la Nouvelle-Calödonie et des iles Loyalty. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 125—167, ! pl, 98 fieg. [10 nn. spp. in: Pronemobius, Gryllus, Notosciobia n. 8. 2, Endacusta, Eurepa, Pseudotrigoni- dium n. g., Podoscirtus 3. (932—93 1) 66 Payne, Fernandus. 57.29 Gryllotalpa : 14.6 1916. A study of the germ cells of Gryllotälpa borealis and Gryllota lpa vulgaris. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 28 p- 287—317, 4 pls., 5 figg. |[Chromo- somes in maturation, mitochondria, acrosome and middle-piece.] 14.631,.651 67 Payne, F. 57.29 Gryllotalpa : 14.631 1916. The Mitochondria in the Germ Cells of the Male of Gryllotalpa borealis. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 178. 68 Voinov, D. 97.29 Gryllotalpa : 14.631 1916. Sur une formation juxta-nucleaire dans les el&ments sexuels du Gryllotalpa vulgaris, caduque à la fin de la spermiogenese. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) C. R. Soc. Bioi. Paris T. 79 p. 942—544, 2 figg. 69 Dudinszky, Emil. 37.29 Gryllus : 15.3 1906. Ujabb tabasztalataim a tücsökröl. — Neuere Beobachtungen über die Grille. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 192—193. [Speisezettel.] 213670 Rehn, James A. G., and Morgan Hebard. 97.29 Gryllus (7) 1915. The genus Gryllus (Orthoptera) as fonnd in America. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 67 p. 293—322, 1 pl. (71.1,.2, 72.1—.6, 728--729.3,.5— .9, 14.4—.9, 75.2,.5—76.2,.4,8, 17.2—4,.7,8—79.1,38—.7, 81, 82, 83, 85— 89) 71 Morse, Albert P. 57.29 Hapithus (729.2) 1916. A New England Orthopteran Adventive. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 178— 150. [Hapithus vagus n. sp.] 12 Szabé-Patay, Jözsef. 54.29 Myrmecophila : 15 1916. Adatok a hangyäsztücsök életmédjänak ismeretehez. Allatt. Köz- lem. Köt. 15 p. 157—162, 1 fig. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lebens- weise der Ameisengrille. p. 204—205. 73 Chopard, L. 57.29 Nemobius : 15.2 1917. Note sur la biologie d’un Gryllide de France Nemobius heydeni Fischer. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 237—238. 213674 Gloyer, W. O., and B. B. Fulton. 94.29 Oecanthus : 16.7 1916. Tree Crickets as Carriers of Leptosphaoria coniothyrium {Foxr) Sıcc. and other Fungi. Techn. Bull No. 50 N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. Geneya, 23 pp., 4 pls. 99.97.3 Pseudoneuroptera. (Vide etiam: 210422, 210893, 211142, 211:57, 211159, 211169, 211375, 211318, 211380, 211384, 211385, 211387, 211888, 211390, 211400, 211422) 212840, 212855, 212859, 212861, 212863, 212866, 212873, 212877, 213288 219293, 213326, 213331, 213335, 213341, 213343, 213544, 213348, 218349, 213353, 213359, 213377, 213385, 213400, 213412, 213441, 215443 — 213447, 213449, 213452 —213454, 213456, 213457, 213461, 213463, 213463213488. 213472, 213473, 213476, 213477, 213480213182, 213486, 213488, 213491, 218495, 213509, 213510, 213513, 213514, 213518, 213516, 213591, 213523, 213524, 213526.) Peeudoneuröptera 324 213675 van Eecke, R. 94.91 : 15 1916. Buit van Thysanoptera. Tijdschr. Entom, D. 59 p. LX—LXII. : 76 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 27.81 : 16.5 1912. Thrips Affecting Oats. 424 ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 6% —65, 1 fig. [Anaphothrips striatus and Euthrips nervosus.] 77 Bagnall, Richard 8. 97.31 (403) 1916. Brief Descriptions of new Thysanoptera. VIII. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 397—412, 3 6gg. [15 nn. spp. in: Orothrips 2, Pseudo - thrips, Physothrips 4, Dendrothrips, Thrips 2, Docessissophothrips, Oedemothrips, Cephalothrips, Rhopalothrips 2. — Euchaetothrips n. g. pro Thrips kroli, Egchocephalothrips pro Docessissophothrips monstrosus.] (46.5, 469.8, 52.1,.8, 54.87, 94.2,.4,.5) 73 Tullgren, Alb. 97.31 (48.5) 1917. Dr. Frzip Trysous efterlämnade faunistiska anteckningar om svenska Thysanoptera. Entom. Tabs Ärg. 83 p. 33-61. (48.6—.8) 79 Hood, J. Douglas. 57.31 (67.1) 1916. Two New Thysanoptera from West Africs, with a Note on the Synonymy of the Phloeothripidae Psyche Vol. 23 p. 6—12, 1 pl. f2 nn. spp. in: Podothrips, Pselaphothrips n. g.] 80 Hood, J. Douglas. 57.31 (73; 1916. Descriptions of New Thysanoptera. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 29 p. 109—124, 2 pls. [11 nn. spp. in: Aeolothrips, Heterothrips 2, Sericothrips, Frankliniella, Physothrips, Odontothrips, Pseudothrips, Chilothrips n. g., Haplothrips, Trichothrips.] (66.9, 729.1, 74.7,.9, 15.3,.5, 78.9, 86) 81 Watson, J. R. 57.31 (75.9) 1916. New Thysanoptera from Florida. — III. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 126 +133, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Aeolothrips, Anthothrips, Liothrips (1 n. subsp.)] 213632 Bagnall, Richard 8. 57.31 (94) 1916. Brief Descriptions of new Thysanoptera. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 17 p. 213—223. [10 nn. spp. in: Heliothrips, Australothri;s n. g., Taeniothrips, Odontothrips, Physothrips 5 (1 n. var.), Pseudothrips.] (43.71, 52.1, 54.6, 94.2,.3,.5) 83 Shull, A. Franklin. 97.51 Anthothrips : 11.6 1917. Sex Determination in Anthothrips verbasci. Genetics Vol. 2 p. 480—488. [Virgin females produce only males, females that mate may produce both sexes. Alteration of the sex ratio in families of females that mate once.] 11.62,.68 &4 Shull, A. Franklin. 97.31 Anthothrips : 11.62 1914. Parthenogenesis in Anthothrips verbasci. 15th ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 46—48. 85 White, Wm. H. 57.51 Heliothrips : 16.5 1916. The Sugar-beet Thrips. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 421, 12 pp., 2 pls., 8 figg. [Heliothrips femoralis.] 86 Hood, J. Douglas. 57.31 Heterothrips (75) 1916. A New Species of Heterothrips (Thysanoptera) from Eastern United States. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. ae [Heterothrips vitis n. sp.] (75.2,.3,.5) S7 Hood, J. Douglas. 57.31 Physethrips (67.6) 1916. A New Physothrips (Thysanoptera) from Uganda, with a Note on Physothrips antennantus Bacnazz. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 130-132, 1 fig. [Physothrips xanthocerus n, Sp.] 88 Horton, J. KR. ‘57.31 Scirtothrips : 16.5 1918. The Citrus Thrips. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 616, 42 pp. 3 pls., 10 figg. [Seirtothrips eitri.] 213684 Hiltner, L. 57.31 Thrips : 16.5 1916. Der Kornfrass, verursacht durch den Getreideblasenfuss. Prakt. Blätt. Pflanzenbau & Pflanzenschutz Jahrg. 14 p. 68—70, i fig. 325 Pseudoneuroptera 213690 Enderlein, Günther. 57.32 Embia (67.5) 1917. Einige Notizen zu einem Männchen von Embia aethiopieorum Kırsch 1900 aus dem Kongogebiet. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 308—309, 1 fig. 91 Krauss, H. A. 57.32 Embidae 1917. Ueber Embia rochai Navés. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 816-317. [= Oligotoma hoea.] | 92 ‘Thompson, Caroline Burling. 57.82 Leucotermes : i4.8 1916. ‘lhe Brain and the Frontal Gland of the Castes of the ’White Ant’, Leucotermes flavipes, KorLzar. Journ. comp. Neurol. Vol. 26 p. 593 —603, 5 pls., 7 figg. [Little differentiation in castes (size of optic lobes, mushroom bodies and antenary lobes). Great similarity to ant brain. Frontal gland may have arisen phylogenetically from median ocellus.] 14.81,.83,.89 98 Snyder, Thomas E, 57.32 Leucotermes (73) 1916. Termites, or „White Ants,“ in the United States: Their Damage, and Methods of Prevention. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 333, 32 pp., 14 pls., 5 figg. 16.5 (74.2,.4,.6—.9, 75.2—.5,8—76.6,.8, 77.1—4,.8—78.2,.8, 79.1,.4,.6) 94 Strand, Embrik. 97.32 Psocidae : 15 1916. Psociden-Gespinste aus Paraguay. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. S1A Heft 12 p. 135—136, 1 Taf. 95 Huie, LH. 27.32 Stenopsocus : 15 1916. Observations on the Hatching of Stenopsecus cruciatus. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 61—65, 1 pl. 96 Bugnion, E. 57.32 Termitidae : 07 1917. Instructions destinées aux collectionneurs de Termites. Bull. Soc. nation. Acclimat. France Ann. 64 p. 451—457. 213697 l’erez, J. 97.32 Termitidae : 13.41 1896. Sur les termites. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Se. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1395/96 p. 6o—66. [Nymphes.] 98 liozawa, Sanji. 91.32 Termitidae (52) 1915. Revision of the Japanese Termites. Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo Vol. 85 Art. 7, 161 pp. 4 pls., 39 figg. [Eutermes kinoshitai n. sp.] (52.1—.4,.8,.9) 9% Holmgren, Karin, and Nils Holmgren. 57.32 Termitidae (54) 1917. Report on a Collection of Termites from India. Men. Dept. Agric. India Entom. Ser. Vol. 5 p. 137—171, 1 fig. [23 nn. spp. in: Hodotermes, Calotermes 2, Stylotermes n. g., Odontotermes 8 (1 n. forma) Eutermes 4, Hamitermes, Eremotermes, Mirotermes 2, Capritermes 2, Micro- cerotermes. — Stylotermitinae n. subfam.] (34.1,.3,.5,.7,.8) 313700 Silrestri, F. 97.32 Termitidae (6) 1914. Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Termitidi e Termitofili dell’ Africa occidentale. — I. Termitidi. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici 42) Vol. 12 p. 475—616, 1 tav. [46 nn. spp. in: Cryptotermes, Allodon- termes, Microtermes 3 (1 n. var.), Hoplognathotermes n. g. 2 (ln. var.) Apicotermes, Allognathotermes n. g., Eutermes 2 (1 n. var.), Mimeutermes n. g. 2, Anoplotermes 6, Microcerotermes (1 n. subsp. — 1 n. var.), Hamitermes 2 (2 nn. varr.), Megagnathotermes n. g., Thoracotermes, Euchilotermes n. g. (2 nn. varr.), Cubitermes 8 (1 n. var.), Procubitermes (n. g. pro Eutermes arboricola) 5 (1 n. var.), Basidentitermes 3 (1 n. var.), Orthotermes n. g, Ceratotermes n. g., Mirotermes 2, Pericapritermes n. g — 5 nn. varr. in: ‚Coptotermes 2, Ancistrotermes, Tuberculitermes, Promirotermes (n. g. pro : Mirotermes holmgreni.)] (66.3,.7—.9, 67.1,.3,5, 68.2,.7) 01 Oshima, Masamitsu. 97.32 Termitidae (91.4) 1916. A collection of termites from the Philippine Islands. Philippine : Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 351—366, 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in Æutermes.] 213702 Oshima, Masamitsu. 57.32 Termitidae (9i.4) 1917. Notes on a Collection of Termites from Luzon, obtained by R. C. McGazcor. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 12 p. 221—225. [3 nn. spp. in: Calotermes, Eutermes 2.] Pseudoneuroptera | 326 213703 Holmgren, Nils, und Karin Holmgren. 97.32 Termitidae (98) 1915. Termiten aus Neu-Caledonien und den benachbarten Inselgruppen. Nova Caledenia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 83—93. [8 nn. spp. in: Calotermes 6, Microcerotermes, Eutermes.] (932—934) 04 Oshima, Masamitsu. 57.32 Termitidae (96.6) 1917. Three New Species of Termites from Caroline Islands. Annot. z001. japon. Vol. 9 p. 195—200, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Calotermes, Ar- rhinotermes, Eutermes.] 05 Campion, Herbert. 37.33 1917. On Fasricrus’s Types of Odonata in the British Museum Ejatoral History.) Aun. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 19 p. 441-450. 06 Wanach, B. 51. 3% 1917. Bemerkungen über Odonaten. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 12—80. [Grössenverhältnisse und Struktur.] 07 Gericke, H. 97.33 2112 1917. Atmung der Libellenlarven mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zygopteren. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. allg. Zool. Physiol. Bd. 36 p. 157—195, 2 Taf., 1 fig [Atmung durch den Enddarm.] 08 Stephen, G. Rich. 37.83 : 14.29 1916. Some Respiratory Structures of Dragonfly Larvae. Journ. N. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 306-307. 09 Tillyard, R. J. 57.33 : 14.29 1916. A Study of the Rectal Breathing-Apparatus in the Larvae of Anisopterid Dragonflies. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Zool. Vol. 33 p. 127 —196, 5 pls., 21 ägg. 10 Ballowitz, E. 57.33 : 14.631 1916. Spermiozeugmen bei Libellen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 36 p. 209 — 216, 13 figg. 218711 Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton. 57.33 : 14.64 1917. Notes on the Penes of Zygoptera (Odonata). No. 3. The Penes in Neoneura and Related Genera. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 239—294, 3 pls. 12 Ris, F. | 21.33 : 14.99 1916. Ueber Ontogenese der Flügeladerung bei den Libellen. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Bd. 12 p. 328—332. 13 Needham, J. 6. 57.33 : 14.99 1917. Notes on some recent studies of Dragonfly Wing Tracheation. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 169—173. 14 Sack, P. 57.83 : 15 1914. Aus dem Leben unserer einheimischen Libellen. 45. Ber. Sen- ckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. p. 110—125, 2 Taf., 14 figg. 15 Friedrich, Hans. 57.33 : 19 1915. Libellen. Himmel und Erde Jahrg. 27 p. 218—224. ' 16 Osburn, Raymond C. 57.33 : 15.2 1916. A Migratory Flight of Dragonflies. Journ. Ne entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 90—92, 17 Walker, E. M. 87.33 : 15.2 1916. A Curious Trap for Dragonflies. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 414— 415. [A ditch at Lake Simcoe.] 18 Rabes. 67.38 : 15.2 1917. Wandernde Libellen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 531—532. 19 Walker, E. M. 05.53 : 15.4 1917. Seascnal Irregularities in the Occurrence of Dragonflies. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 171—178. 20 Cockerell, T. D. A., and Hazel Andrews. 57.33 (1181) 1916. Dragon-flies from the English Oligocene. Proc. biol. Soc. Waslı- ington Vol. 29 pP» 89—92, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Oligoaeschna, Oplonaeschna, Enallagma.] 213721 Rahm, P. Gilbert. 57.33 (43.42) 1918. Libellenfang am Laacher See. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 178— 177. SLI Pseudoneuroptera 213722 Scheffner, Jerzy. 531.33 (43.74) 1916. Odonata aus der Umgebung Lembergs. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 51-57, ! fig. 15.4 25 Bodocs, Isträn. 57.33 (43.91) 1908. Kecskemet környekenek szitakötö-faunaja. — Die Odonatenfauna der Umgebung von Kecskemét. Rovart. Lapok. K. 15 p. 97—99, 24 Csada, Imre. 57.33 (43.91) 1908. Ujabb adatok Masyarorszäg szitakötö-faunajahoz. — Neuere Bei- träge zur Odonatenfauna Ungarns. Rovart. Lapok K. 15 p. 49. 25 Bentivoglio, F. 51.33 (45.2) 1915. Libellulidi di Crespi d’Adda e Trezzo. Atti Soc. Natur. Modena (5) Vol. 2 p. 9—10. 26 Koocogr, 10. M. Kolossoff, J. M. 91.33 (47.3) 1915. PJHTOMOJIOTHYeckia 3amBTKn. Il. Honpie BHIH CTpeKk03B (Odonata) aa hayuzı HoBropozckoë ry6. Notices entomologiques. II. Espèces de libellules (Odonata) nouvelles pour la faune du gouvernement de Nov- gorod. San. Yparser. O6m. JIroönut. Ecrects. Bull, Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 35 p. 105—107. 27 Kpyaukoscriü, J. K. Kroulikovsky, L. 91.33 (47.8) 1907. So0oA10Tngeckin sambrku. VI. Crpekospt Ma:IMPIKCKArO u YpikyMckaro yb310oBB Bartcrof Työepnim. Notices zoologiques. VI. Libellules des districts . de Malmyje et d’Ourjoum, gouv. de Wiatka. Sam. Yparrer. 06m. Jıosurt, Ecrecrs. Bull. Soc. oural. Amat, Sc. nat. T. 26 p: 179—185. 28 Baprener5, A. H, Bartenef, A. N. 37.33 (47.8) 1909. SamMbTKa Oo CTPeKO3axb 30010rH4eCKaro OTIbAa My3ea Ypaıpckaro O6mecrtBa Jlwmönreined EcrecrBosxania. Notice on the Odonata of the Museum of the Uralian Society of Natural Sciences, Ekaterinburg. 3au. Ypaurck. 06m. „Iro6urt. Ecrecrs. Bull. Soc. oural. Amat. Sc. nat. T. 29 p. 142 —144. | 213729 Jensen, Fritz. 07.33 (48.3) 1916. Stavanger Amts Odonater. Stavanger Mus. Aarsh. Aarg. 26 No. 2, 28 pp, 1 pl. 30 Welander, E. 97.33 (48.6) 1917. Bidrag till kännedomen om Odonatfaunan i norra Kalmar län. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 38 p. 101—102. 81 Sjöstedt, Yngve. 37.33 (6) 1917. Odonaten aus Abessinien, Ost- und Westafrika. Arkiv Zool, Stockholm Bd. 11 No. 14, 27 pp., 5 Tav., 2 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Thü- themis n. g., Umma, Sapho, Mombagrion, Enallagma 2, Agriocnemis.) (63, 67.1,.5,.6, 68.2,.4) 32 Ris, F. 31.33 (57.8; 1917. Libellen aus Deutsch-Ostafrika und Uganda. Rev. suisse Zool. T. 25 p. 1455-151. 83 Sjöstedt, Yngre. 57.33 (09) 191% Odonaten aus Madagaskar eingesammelt von Dr. W. Kıarvpearn. 1911—1912, Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 11 No. 13, 12 pp., 1 Taf., 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in: Ischnura, Ciliagrion n. g.] 34 Whitehouse, F. C. 57.33 (71.2) 1917/18. The Odonata of the Red Deer District, Alberta. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 96—103. — Vol. 50 p. 95— 100. 35 Walker, E. M. 57.33 (1.7 1917. Some Dragonflies from Prince Edward Island. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 117—119. 86 Howe, R. Heber. 91.933 (14) 1917. Distributional Notes on New England Odonata. Pr I. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 45—59. (74.1—.6) 37 Howe, R. Heber. 07.85 (74.4) 1916. A Preliminary List of the Odonata of Concord, Mass. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 12—15. 218758 Williamson, E. B. 97.83 (801) : 1917 Some Species of Leptagrion with Descriptions of a new Genus 213739 40 41 42 43 215744. 4) 47 48 49 50 213751 Pseudoneureptera 328 and a new Species. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 241-255, 2 pls. 2 figg. [Aeolagrion in. g. pro Agrion dorsale) demararum n. sp.] (729.8, 88) Ris, F. 37.33 (91.2) 1916. Zwei Notizen über Calopterygiden (Odonata) vom Malaiischen: Archipel. Entom. Mitt. Bd. > p. 302—318, 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Miero- merus, Dispirocypha n. g.] Ris, F. 91.33 (93) . 1915. Libellen (Odonata) von Neu-Caledonien und den Loyalty-Inseln. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 55—72, 11 figg. [5 on. spp. in: Argio- lestes 3, Trineuragrion n. g., Isosticta.] (932, 933) Tillyard, R. J. 97.33 (94) 1916. Life-Histories and Descriptions of Australian Aeschninae; with a Description of a New Form of Telephlebia by Hersert Cauriox. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 33 p. 1-83, 9 pls., 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: T'ele- phlebia (3 nn. subspp. Caurion.), Dendroaeschna n. g., Austroaeschna (1 n. subsp.) — 2 nn. varr. in Aeschna. — Austropetalia n. g. pro Phyllopetalia patricia, Austrophlebia pro Planaeschna costalis, Notoaeschna pro Austroaeschnu sagittata.] (94.1 —.6) Sjöstedt, Yngve. 87.33 (94) 1917. Results of Dr. Moôsxre’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Austra- ‚ia 1910—1913. 16. Odonaten. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 11 No. 11, 44 pp, A Taf, 1 fig. [8 nn. spp. in: Cordulephya, Austrogomphus, 2, Austroaesrhna, Agriolestes, Austrosticta, Amphisticta n. g., Agriocnemis. — 1 n. subsp. in Telephlebia. — Hemiphlebia n. leg.] (94.1,.3,.4) Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton. 97.33 Acanthagrion : 14.64 1916. Notes on the Penes of Zygoptera. No. 1. Species Limits in the Genus Acanthagrion. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 325—330, 1 pl, 1 fig. Williamson, E. B. 57.35 Acanthagrion (801) 1916. On certain Acanthagrions, Including ‘Three New Species. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 313—325, 349—358, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp.) (728, 729.8, 88) Wallengren, Hans. 91.338 Aeschna : 11.21 1914. Physiologisch-biologische Studien über die Atmung bei den Ar- thropoden. II. Die Mechanik der Atembewegungen bei Aeschnalarven. A. Das Chitinskelett. B. Die Muskelatur des Abdomens. Acta Univ. Lund. N. S. Afd. 2 Bd. 10 No. 4, 24 pp., 1 Taf, 4 figg. — lil. Die Atmung der Aeschnalarven. Die Ventilationsgrösse des Respiratorischen Darmes. Ist der Rhytmus der Atembewegungen von Wasserströmungen bedingt? Die Notatmung. No. 8, 28 pp., 16 figg. [Ventilationsgrösse 0,05 ccm, bis zum 3fachen bei Dyspnöe. 3 Atmungstypen: Normale Wasseratmung (mässig grosse Amplituden, mittelhohe Frequenz), Notatmung (Wasser :: und Luft im Darm. — grosse Amplituden, Frequenz gering), Atmung auf dem Trocknen (geringe Amplitude, grosse Frequenz). Sauerstoff- mangel eher als vermehrte CO, Spannung empfunden.] Ris, F. 37.33 Aeschna (494) 1916. Aeschna coerulea in der Schweiz. Mitt. schweiz. eutom. bes. Bd. 12 p. 348-354, 1 Taf. Fulmek, L. 51.538 Agrionidae : 15 1916. Zygoptereneier (Odonata) in Birnzweigen. Centralbl. Bakt. Para- sit. Infektionskr. Abt. 2 Bd. 44 p. 702—707, 14 figg. 15.6 Calvert, Philip P. 97.33 Calopteryx (74.9) 1917. Calopteryx dimidiata apicalis. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 266. [In New Jersey.] Williamson, E. B. 91.35 Cyanogomphus (88) 1916. A new Cyanogomphus. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 167—172, 2 pls. [C. eonchinus n. sp.] Walker, E. M. 97.33 Enallagma : 13.41 1916. The Nymphs of Enallagma cyathigerum and E. calverti. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 192—196, 1 pl. Ris, F. 91.33 Erpetogomphus (72) 1917. Ueber drei Arten Erpetogomphus. Arch. Nat, Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p. 152—158, 6 figg. [E. constrictor n. sp.) (72.6, 728} 213752 53 55 56 60 213761 63 64 213766 329 Pseudoneuroptera Stont, Alice L. 57.83 Gomphus : 13.41 1918. Variation in Labial Characters in the Nymph of Gomphus spicatus. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 68—70, 8 figg. Ro010C0R%, 0. M. Kolossoff, I. M. 57.33 Gomphus (47.8) 1915. S3HTOMOANOTH4eckia 3aMBTKH. III. Haxoxzenie BL Barcxoï ry6epuix Gomphus flavipes Cuxr. Notices entomologiques. III. Découverte au gou- vernement de Viatka du Gomphus flavipes Curr. San. Ypaazck. 06m, JIm6uT. Ecrecrs. Bull. Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 35 p. 145 —146. Currie, Bertha P. 57.33 Gomphus (75.2) 1917. Gomphus parvidens, a New Species of Dragonfiy from Marylard. Proc. U. NS. nation. Mus. Vol. 53 p. 223—226, 2 pls. Walker, E. M. 57.83 Leucorrhinia : 13.41 1916. The Nymphs of the North American Species of Leucorrhinia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 414—422, 11 figg. Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton. 97.33 Megalagrion : 14.64 1917. Notes on the Penes of Damselflies. No. 2. The Close Relations inter se of the Hawaiian Agrionines. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 9—14, 2,pls. : à Williamson, E. B. 04.33 Metaleptobasis 1917. Correction of the Specific Name of a Dragonfiy. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 8. [Metaleptobasis byrsonima n. nom. pro M. brysonima.] Calvert, Philip P. 57.33 Miocora (728) 1917. Studies on Costa Rican Odonata. VIII A New Genus Allied to Cora. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 259—263, 4 figg. [Miocora n. g. peraltica n. sp.] 9 Williamson, E. B. 57.33 Neoneura (801) 1917. The Genus Neoneura. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 211— 246, 11 pls. [5 nn. spp.] (728, 729.1,.8, 81, 85, 88) Navas, Longinos. 97.33 Pseudagrion (67.9) 1917. Paraneuröptero (Odonato) nuevo del Africa meridional. Broteria s. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 72—75, 2 figg. [Pseudagrion zumbense n. sp.] Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton. 57,33 Somatochlera (7) 1917. A New Species of Somatochlora with Notes on the cingulata Group. Canad. Entom. Vol, 49 p. 229—9236, 27 figg. [S. walkeri.] (71.2,.3,.8,.9, 79.7,.8) 2 Walker, E. M. 57.33 Sympetram : 13.41 1917. The Known Nymphs of the North American Species of Sympstrum. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 409—418, 21 figg. Campion, Herbert. 57.33 Triaeschna (1181) 1916. Triaeschna gossi, a new Genus and Species of Odonata from the Eocene of Bournemouth. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol, 18 p. 229—234, l pl. Lameere, Aug. 57.34 1917. Etude sur l’évolution des Ephémères. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 42 ». 41—59. [Apopappidae, Mesephemeridae, Paedephemeridae nn. fam. —Protereismidae n. nom. pro Protereismephemeridae.] — 2e partie, p. 61—8S1. [Prosopistomidae n. fam, — Caeninae, Hexagenitinae, Proso- _pistominae nn. subfam. — Siphlurini, Baëtini, Ephemerellini, Caenini, . Baetiscini, Prosopistomini nn. trib. — Siphlurina, Oniscigastrina, Oligo- neuriina nn. subtrib.] 13.41 Krecker, F. H. 91.34 : 11.044 1915. Phenomena of Orientation Exbibited by Ephemeridae. (Contr. Dept. Zool. Entom. Ohio State Univ. No. 43) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole ‘| Vol. 29 p. 381—388, 2 figg. [Reactions to air currents (positive orien- tation in response to tension exerted on muscles of attachment), to grav- ity (negative, also in response to muscular tension), to light (positive).] einer, Heinrich. 97.34 : 14 1914. Zur Biologie und Anatomie von Cloëon dipterum L., Baetis binocu- latus L. und Habrophlebia fusca Cuxr, Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 53 p. 289 — 340, 43 figg. [Lebensgeschichte von Larvula zu Imago.] 14.28,.29,.34,.63,.69,.78,.93,.95,.96,.98,.99 C9 1 Pseudoneuroptera-Neuroptera 330 213767 Bengtsson, Simon. 37.34 (48.5) 1917. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der nordischen Eintagsfliegen, Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 38 p. 174—194. [7 nn. spp. in: Leptophlebia, Ephen- erella (4 nn. varr. — 1 n. forma), Caenis 3, Buëtis 22 — 3 nn. varr. in: Heptagenia, Ecdyurus 2. — Eurycaenis n. g. pro Caenis harrisella.] (48.6 —.8) 68 Ulmer, Georg. 97,34 (6) 1916. Ephemeropteren von Aquatorial-Afrika. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 7 p. 1—19, 23 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Euthyplocia, Adenophlebia, Trico- rythus 2, Centroptilum 2.] (62, 66.2,.3,.7, 67.1,.5,.6) 69 Ulmer, Georg. 97.34 (91) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Msösere’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910—1913. 6. Ephemeroptera. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10: No. 4, 18 pp., 14 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Atalophlebia 2, Thraulus, Euphyurus 3.] (94.1,.3) 70 Smith, Lucy Wright. 97.85 (7} 1917. Studies of North American Plecoptera (Pteronarcinae and Perlo- dini). Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 433—489, 6 pls., 5 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Pteronarcys, Pteronarcella 2, Protarcys 2, Arcynopteryx 5, Diciyagenus (NeEepHau).] . (71.1,.2,.9, 74.1,.3..4,.7,.8, 75.3,.9,.6,.8, 76.8, 77.2,.4,.6—78.1,.7—.9, 79,2—.5,.7) 2187:1 Needham, James G., and Lucy W. Smith. 57.35 Peltoperla (73) 1916. The Stoneflies of the Genus Peltoperla. Canad. Entom. Vol, 48 p. S0—SS, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp.] (74.4,.7, 75.8, 79.3) 59.57.4 Neuroptera (incl. Strepsiptera). (Vide etiam: 207297, 209438, 211141, 211161, 211164, 211375, 211380, 211334, 211432, 212840, 212855, 212873, 212877, 213288, 213293, 213326, 213330, 213332, 213348, 213352, 213353, 213357, 213369, 213378, 21340), 213409, 213415, 213444— 213447, 213450— 213455, 213457, 213461, 213465- - 213468, 213472, 213473, 213476, 213177, 213480, 213434, 213486, 213483,. 213491, 213495, 213509, 213510, 213514, 213515, 213518, 213519, 213521,. 213524, 213526.) 72 Wanach. 54.4 (43.15): 1916. Zur Neuropterenfauna Potsdams. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 10 pP» 9, Ts 57.41—.45 73 Navas, Longinos. 97.41 1914. Algunos Neuröpteros exöticös del R. Museo de Näpoles. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 13, 4 pp., 3 figg. [? nn. spp. in: Ululodes, Proctarrelabris.] (68.4, 81) 57.42,.44 74 Esben-Petersen, P. | 27.41 1915. New Species of Neuropterous Insects in Danish Collections. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 66 p. 175—181, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Sisyra, Rapisma, Gymnocnemia.] (48.9, 54, 63) 57.42.43 213175 Stitz, H. 57.42 (402) 1913. Mantispiden der Sammlung des Berliner Museums. Mitt. zoo]. Mus. Berlin Bd. 7 p. 1—49, 41 figg. [25 nn. spp. in: Mantispilla 11 (2 nn. varr.), Mantispa 7 (2 nn. varr.), Climaciella 2 (6 nn. varr.), Euclimacia 3, Symphrasis, Culomantispa. — 2 nn. varr. in Eumantispa. — Stenoman- tispa n. subg.] (43.14,.15,.19, 45.99, 47.8, 495, 52.9, 54.87, 57.9, 59.3,.9, 63, 65, i 66.7,.99, 67.1,.8, 68.7, 72.6,.7, 76.4, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89.6, 91.1,.2,.4, 935, 94.2—.4,.6, 95) 331 Neuroptera 213776 Navas, Longinos. 97.42 (46.1) 1917. Algunos Crisopidos de los alrededores de Marin (Pontevedra). Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 69—71, 1 fig. [Nineta alvesi n. sp.] 77 Esben-Petersen, P. 57.42 (5) 1916. Eirige Neuropteren des Deutschen Entomologischen Museums. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 300—303, 1 fig. [Chrysopa hoffmanni n. sp.] | (51.1, 52.9) 78 Stitz, H. 87.42 (6; 1912. Palpares aus der Sammlung des Berliner Museums. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 6 p. 103—116, 10 fige. [7 nn. spp. in: Palpares 6 (6 nn. varr.), Tomatares.] (56.8, 62—64, 66.7, 67.1,.6,.8, 68.8,.9, 69) 79 Esben-Petersen, P. 37.42 (6) 1917. Neue und wenig bekannte Mantispiden. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 11 No. 10, i5 pp., 2 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Mantispa 4, Euclimacia 4, Anisoptera. Austromantispa n. subg. (67.5, 68.2,.4,.7, 81, 91.2, 921, 94.3,.4) 80 Navas, Longinos. 97.42 (68. )) 1914. Neurotteri Planipenni raccolti da 8. A. R. la Duchessa d’Aosıı sulla regione dei grandi laghi dell’Africa equatoriale. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 12, 4 pp., 3 figg. [Sogra aostae n. sp.] 81 Soldanski, H. 97.42 Ascalaphidae (6) 1912. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition des Herrn C. TEssMann nach Süd-Kamerun und Spanisch-Guinea. Die Ascalaphiden. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 6 p. 117—128, 2 figg. (66.99, 67.1) 82 Zaki, Mohamed. 97.42 Ascalaphus : 15 1917. Note on a species of Ascalaphus. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 10 p. 21—22. 88 Wildermuth, V. L. 57.42 Chrysopa : 13.4 1915. California Green Lacewing Fly. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 ps 815—525, 7 figg. 13.41 16. 213784 Ripley, L. Bradford. 57.42 Chrysopa : 15.3 1917. Notes on the Feeding Habits of Adult Chrysopidae. Entom. News er 28 p. 35—37. — Adult Chrysopidae Do Eat, by Wırron T. Gor. p. 184. 85 Lacroix, J. L: 97.42 Chrysopa (44.62) 1916. Formes nouvelles de Chrysopides et captures récentes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 248—250, 3 figg. [In.var. — In. ab.] 86 Arrow, Gilbert J. 91.42 Conwentzia : 15 1917. The Life-history of Conwentzia psociformis Cuur. Entom. mouthly Mag. (3) Vol. 8 p. 254—257, 1 fig. 87 Doflein, Fr. 05.42 Myrnreleon : 11.8 1916. Der Ameisenlôwe. Eine biologische, tierpsychologische und reflex- biologische Untersuchung. Jena: Gust. Fischer. 8° 138 pp: 10 Taf., 43 figg. M. 9.— (Referat von P. Because. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 37 p. 46—48.) 11.81,.82 88 Turner, C. H. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 15 1915. Notes on the Behavior of the Ant-lion with Emphasis on the Feeding-Activities and Letisimulation. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 277—8307, 13 figg. [Construction of pit. Feeding. Locomotion. Emer- gence. Mutilation with sharp scissors does not put an end to letisimu- | lation. This a terror paralysis made hereditary.] 15.8,.7 89 Krausse, Anton. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 15 1916. Beiträge zur Biologie von Myrmeleon europaeus Mach. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. SI A Heft 7 p. 125—198, 1 Taf. 30 Krüger, Leopold. 67.42 Myrmeleonidae : 14.99 1916. Myrmeleonidae. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Neuropterenfamilie der Myrmeleoniden. I. Geäder-Untersuchungen. Stettin. entom. Leitg. Jahrg. 77 p. 138—162. 213791 Navas, Longin. 97.42 Myrmeleonidae (4) 1915/16. Les Myrméléonides d’Europe. Insecta Ann. 5 pe 97—62, 119— 219192} 93 da 95 96 97 218738 99 213800 01 02 218806 Neuroptera 332 127, 165—175, 26 figg. — Ann. 6 p. 12—18, 79— 84, 5 pls., 18 figg. [Neu- roleon naxensis n. 8p. — Nisteus n. g. pro Myr meleon poecilopter us.] (43.69,.91, 44, 45.82,.99, 46.4,.75,.8, 469, 47.7, 495, 496, 499) :sben-Petersen, P. 97.42 Myrmeleonidae (6) 1916. Notes concerning African Myrmeleonidae. I. Arkiv Zool. Stock- holm Bd. 10 No. 15, 22 pp., 10 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Creagris, Cymothales, Gandulus, Formicaleo.] (63, 66.3, 67.2,.5—.9, 68.2,.7, 69) SAR, D. A. Zaitzer, Ph. A. 57.42 Nemopteridae (47.9) 1914. Ilpeıcrasnreun cem. Nemopteridae (Neuroptera) BR dayat 3arap- kaapa. Masbcria KaBkasck. Mya. Bull. Mus. Caucase Vol. 8 p. 147—150, 2 figg. [Les représentants de la fam. Nemopteridae dans la faune de la Transcaucasie.] Navas, Longinos. 57.42 Osmylidae (5) 1917. Musei Barcinonensis Scientiarum Naturalium Opera. Series z00lo- gica XI. Notas sobre la familia de los Osmilidos. Public. de la Junta de Cienc. nat. Barcelona, 21 pp., 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Centrolysmus n. g. — Porismini, Kempynini nn. trib.] (51.3, 39.7) Esben-Petersen, P. 57.42 Osmylidae (94) 1917. New and little-known Australian Osmylidae. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 68 p. 1—5, 2 figg. [Stenosmylus australiensis, and Eidoporismus pulchellus nn. spp.] (94.4) Mac Gillavry, D. 57.43 Rhaphidia (492) 1916. De in Nederland voorkomende soorten van het genus Rhaphidia. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 254—257. Mac Gillavry, D. 57.43 Rhaphidia (492) 1916. RAaaphidia ophiopsis L. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 302—303. [In Nederland.] Strindberg, Henrik. 57.43 Sialis : 13 1915. Hauptzüge der Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sialis lutaria L. (Eine embryologische Untersuchung.) Zool. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 167—185, 10 figg. [Furchung und Blastodermbildung. Embryonalhüllen. Verhalten des extra- embryonalen Biastoderms (Dorsalorgan). Meso- und Entodermbildung. Organogenie.] 13.15—.39, 14.31,.32—.35,.61,.78,.89 Williams, Francis X. | 57.44 Boreus : 13.4 1916. The Pupa of Boreus prumalis Frreu. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 36—39, 1 fig. Stäger, R. 97.44 Panorpa : 15 1917. Beitrag zur Biologie der Skorpionsfliege. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 pe. 15—17, 20—22, 25 —26, 1 fig. KRoepke, W. 97.44 Panorpa (922) 1916. Panorpa’s auf Java (Panorpa augustipennis Wesrw.). Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 170—154, 2 figg. Pongrâcz, Sändor. \ 97.45 : 14.64 1916. A rovarok faji criteriuma. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 119—129, 6 figg. — Das Artkriterium der Insekten. p. 202—208. 3 Alm, Gunnar. 57.45 : 15 1917. Till kännedomen om de nätspinnande Trichopterlarvenas bio- logi. 2. Eutom. Tidskr. Ärg. 38 p. 285—297, 1 pl. Schepfer, Eduard. 57.45 : 15 1917. Larvengehäuse der Trichopteren. Iris Bd. 30 p. 214—215. | Navas, Longinos. 57.45 (46) 1916/17. Tricöpteros nuevos de España. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 14 p. 139—146, 6 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Silo, Polycentropus 2, Cyrnus 3, Tinodes.] Vol. 15 p. 5—17, 21 figg. [9 nn. spp. in Rhyacophila, Allotrichia, Lepto- cerus, Stenophylax, Micropterna, Halesus, Silo, Sericostoma, Cunia n. g. 2. _p. 65—68, 4 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Stenoph ylaz, Larcasia n.g., Leptocerus Agraylia. -- Larcasini n. trib.] (46.1,.3,.4,.5,.7, 469) Navas, Longinos. 57.45 (46) 1918. Tricöpteros nuevos de España. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 7—20, € « 399 Neuroptera-Hemiptera 12 fige. [10 nn. spp. in: Khyacophila 3, Halesus 2, Hydropsyche, Neurocen- tropus n. g., Lithas, Brachycentrus, Micrasema. — 1 n. var. in Sericostomu. — Ulmeria n. g. pro Hydropsyche lepida.] (46.3—.5,.7,.8, 469) 213807 Ericson, Isaac B. 57.45 (48.6) 1917. Neue Trichopterygidenfunde in Schweden. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 35 p. 207 — 208. 08 Naväas, Longin. 57.45 (6i) 1917. Deux Trichopteres nouveaux de l’Afrique du Nord. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 118—120, 5 figg. [Hydropsyche in- flata et Polycentropus variatus nn. spp.] (64, 65) 09 Ulmer, Georg. 57.45 (94) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Moüsera’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Au- stralia 1910—19i5. 10. Trichoptera. Arkiv Zoo]. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 15, 23 pp., 26 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Hydrobiosis, Chimarrha, Stenopsychodes n.g. Ecnomus, Oecetis, Setodes.] (94.1,.3) 10 Navas, Longin. 97.45 Enoicyclopsis (65) 1917. Trichoptere nouveau de l’Algerie. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique, du Nord Ann. 9 p, 15—17, 4 figg. [Ænoicyclopsis n. g. peyerimhoffi n. sp.!. il Banks, Nathan. 57.45 Limnephilidae 1916. A Classification of our Limnephilid Caddice Flies. Canad. Entom. Voi.48 p. 117—122. [Hesperophylax n. g. pro Platyphylax occidentalis, Alle- gophylax pro Platyphylax subfasciata, Eustenace pro Stenophylax limdatus, Clistoronia pro Halesus magnus, Psychoronia pro Psilopteryx bræipennis, Allo- myia pro Apatania tripunctata, Hylepsyche pro Halesus indistinctus, Algonquin« pro Parachiona parvula, Apolopsyche pro Stenophylax minusculus.] 12 Puschnig, R. 97.45 Phryganea : 11.57 1917. Schutzfärbung bei Phryganea striata L. Carinthia II Jahrg. 106/07 pP» 27 —?9. 213813 Fischer, Rhabanus. 57.45 Synagapetus : 13.4 1916. Die Metamorphose von Synagapetus ater Kıar. 44. Jahresber.. westfäl. Provinz. Ver. zoel. Sekt. p. 180—182, 1 fig. 13.41 59.57.5 Hemiptera (incl. Aptera) (Vide etiam: 210893, 211144, 211157, 211159, 211161, 211169--211174, 211176, 211177, 211191, 211373, 211378, 211384, 211385, 211387, 211399, 211402, 211404, 211422, 211424, 211426, 211432, 212839, 212840, 212844 — 212846, 212848, 212849, 212851—212855, 212857212868, 212870, 212871, 212873, 212976, 212877, 213288, 213293, 213300, 213322, 213327, 213328, 213339, 213356, 213357, 213364, 218368, 213378, 213379, 213385, 213388, 213390—213394, 213397, 213398, 213400, 213401, 213403, 213407, 213408, 213410, 213412, 213413, 213415—213417, 213424, 213426, 213430, 213432,. 213439, 213446, 213450—213452, 213456, 213459, 213460, 213462, 213460, 213470, 213477, 213482, 213483, 213487, 213490—213492, 213495, 213496. 213499213506, 213508, 213512— 213515, 213517— 213520, 213522.) 14 Schumacher, F, 04.9 1917. Synonymische Bemerkungen über einige Hemipteren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 11 p. 147 —148. 57.52,.54 15 Schumacher, F. 31.9- 1918. Deutung der von Contarını als neu beschriebenen Hemipteren- Arten. Eniom, Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 32—34. 57.52,.54 16 Schmidt, Hugo. 97.9 : 15 1917. Neue zoocecidiologische Beiträge aus der Umgebung von Grun- berg i. Schles. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 23-—30. 57.52—.54 :13817 Schumacher, F. 07.9 (4) 1917. Referat über den hemipterologischen Anteil einer Arbeit von N. Hemiptera 334 Divac, die Fauna Alt-Serbiens und Mazedoniens betreffend. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 562—563. (496, 497) 57.53,.54 213818 Haupt, H. 97.9 (43.22) 1912. Verzeichnis der bis jetzt in Thüringen beobachteten Homopteren. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 82 p. 446—457. 57.52,.53 19 Szilady, Zoltän. 57.5 (43.9) 1908. Magyarorszägi rovargyüjtesem jeyzeke. — Verzeichnis meiner In- sektenansammlungen in Ungarn. I. Hemiptera. Rovart. Lapok K. 15 p. 59—66. — II. p. 113—120. (43.91,.92) 97.52—.54 20 Lörinez, Albert. 57.5 (43.91) 1906. Adalék Magyarorszäg Hemiptera-faunäjähoz. — Beitrag zur Hemi- pteren-Fauna Ungarns I. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 167—170 — II. p. 189 199, 57.53.54 21 Horväth, Géza. 57.5 (496) 1916. Albäânia Hemiptera-faunäja. (Fauna Hemipterorum Albaniae.) Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 1—16. [3 nn. spp. in: Athysanus, Omma- tidiotus, Eurysa.] 57.53,.54 22 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.5 (64) 1916. Liste de quelques Hémiptères recueillis au Maroc. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. S p. 303—519. 57.53,.54 23 Schumacher, F. 57.5 (67.1) 1912. Ueber eine Hemipterenausbeute, gesammelt von Herrn Hinrz im Kamerungebirge. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 6 p. 313—323. [4 nn. spp. in: Paranotus, Tomaspis, Locris, Tremupterus. — 3 nn. varr. in: Phyllon- tocheila, Ptyelus 2.] 57.53,.54 213824 Yan Duzee, Edward P. 57.5 (7) 1917. Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America North of Mexico Excep- ting the Aphidiae, Coccidae and Aleurodidae. Univ. California Public. Entom. Vol. 2, XIV, 902 pp. (71.1—.9, 74.1—79.8) 97.52—.54 25 Yan Duzee, Edward P. 57.5 (19.4) 1916. Notes on some Hemiptera taken near Lake Tahoe, California. Univ. California Public. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 229—249. [13 nn. spp. in: Aradus 2, Dichrooscytus, Deraeocoris 2, Largidea, Dicyphus, Microphylellus, Apo- cremnus, Boltera, Elidiptera, Catonia 2.] 57.55,.54 26 Distant, W. L. 57.5 (93) 1914. Rhynchota from New Caledonia and the surrounding Islauds. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 1 p. 366—390, 2 pls. [17 nn. spp. in: Tea- booma n. g., Halyomorpha, Stenozygum, Maruthas, Pamera, Baladedna n. g., Lachnophoroides n. g., Lethaeus 2, Dysdercus, Microvelia, Gardena, Anisups, Plea, Melampsalta 2, Perinoia. — Neocypus n. nom. pro Ocypus Moxre.] (332 — 934) 57.53,.94 27 Ferris, 6. F. 57.51 : 169 :9 1916. Notes on Anoplura and Mallophaga from Mammals, with Des- eriptions of Four New Species and a New Variety of Anoplura. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 97—120. [4 nn. spp. in: Fahrenholzia, Enderleinellus 2, Hoplo- plura — À n.var. in: Neohaematopinus.] 16.9: 3.32,.74 (75.8, 77.2, 78.8, 79.1,.3,4,8) 57.512, 514 28 Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, and Gordon Floyd Ferris. 57.51:16.9:9 1915. The Anoplura and Mallophaza of North American Mammals. Leland Stanford jun. Univ. Public. Univ. Ser. No. 20, 74 pp., 5 pls., 18 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Polyp'ax, Hoplopleura 2 (1. n. var.), Linognathoides, Haemo- dipsus, Fahrenholzia n. g., Neohaematopinus, Enderleinellus 2 (1 n. var.), An- tarctophthirus, Trichodectus.] 16.9 : 9.32,.33,.725—.74,.9 (71.1, 72, 728, 77.7, 18.2,.8, 79.4,.5,.7, 84, 85, 98, 99) 57.512.514 213829 Fahrenholz, H. 57.912 : OL 1916. Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 De 269—9272. 335 Hemiptera 213830 Nuttall,. George H.F. 91.912 : 091 1917. Bibliography of Pediculus and Phihirus including Zoological and Medical Publications dealing with Human Lice, their Anatomy, Biology, Reiation to Disease, etc., and Prophylactic Meassures directed against them. Parasitology Vol. 10 p. 1—42. 31 Felix, Arthur. 57.512:: 36.5 1915. Zur Methodik der Läusevertilgung durch Dämpfe chemischer Agentien. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 28 p. 647—648. 32 Frickhinger, Hans Walter. | 7.912 : 16.5 1915. Ein Beitrag zur Beseitigung der Läuseplage. Deutsche Viertel- jahrsschr. öffentl. Gesundheitspfl. Bd. 47 p. 266—276, 1 fig. [Lausol em- pfohlen.] 33 Kisskalt, Karl, und Alexander Friedmann 87.912 : 16.5 1915. Die Bekämpfung der Läuseplage. I]. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 397 —398. 34 Ku!ka, Wilhelm. 91.912 : 16.5 1915. Ein neues Mittel zur Läusevertilgung. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 630—631. [Trichloräthylen.] 35 Meltzer, Otto. 57.512 : 16.5 1915. Die Bekämpfung der Läuseplage im Felde. Deutsche med, Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 532 —523. 56 Nocht, B., und J. Halberkann. . 54.512 : 16.5 1915. Beiträge zur Läuseplage. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 pe 626—627. 37 Wulker, Gerhard. 01.912 : 16.5 1915. Zur Frage der Läusebekämpfung. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 628—630, 1 fig. [Stufen der Entwicklung des Eies abgebildet.] 38 Bacot, A. W. 817.912 : 16.5 1916. The Temperature Necessäry for the Destruction of Lice and their Eggs. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 167. [55° C©.] 213839 Baerthlein, Karl. 57.912 : 16.5 1916. Der Vonpran’sche Heissluftapparat und seine Wirkungsweise gegen- über Läusen, Nissen und bakteriellen Keimen. Centralbl. Bakt. Para- sitenkde. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 78 p. 527—557, 13 figg. 40 Ekstein, Emil. 07.912 : 16.5 1916. Zur Bekämpfung der Läuseplage im Kriegsgefangenenlager in Rei- chenberg. Fortschr. Med. Jahrg. 33 p. 94—96. 41 Gaili-Valerio, B. 57.812 : 16.5 1916. Erfahrungen über den Schutz gegen den Läusestich, Centralbl. jakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. p. 7 p. 262—?64. [Von 40 aus- probierten Stoffen war keine imstande, dagegen zu schü..en.} 42 Hase, Albrecht. 57.012 : 16.5 1916. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Frage der Läusebeki:npfung. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 81 p. 319—378. 43 Hase, Albrecht. 37.912 : 16.5 1916. Weitere Beobachtungen über die Läuseplage. Centralbl, Bakt. Parasit. Intektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 153 —163. [Gewöhnung an Läusestiche. Wirkung und Wert der sog. prophylaktischen Abwehrmittel (kein dauernder Schutz). Entlausung eine ständige Aufgabe.] 44 Muto, Alfonso. 57.012 : 16.5 1916. Nuovo metodo di sterilizzazione entomo-parassitario. Aun. Igiene Anno 26 p. 495—508, 5 figg. 45 Muto, Anselmo. 57.912 : 16.5 1916. Nuovo metodo per la distruzione dei parassiti cutanei. Ann. Igiene ‚Anno 26 p. 21-22. [Creolina.] 46 Riegel. 57.912 : 16.5 1916. Bekämpfung der Läuseplage. Ergänzungen zu den Bemerkungen von Dr. Hans L. Hrusxer in Giessen [d.xW. Nr. 50, Feldärztl. Beil, S. (823) 17431. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 65 p. 69. 213847 Seitz. 97.912 : 16.5 1916. Zur Läusevertilgungsfrage. München, med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 03 p. 1538 —1939. Hemiptera | 336 213848 Hall, Horace C. 87.512 : 10.5 1917. The Louse Problem. N. York med. Journ. Vol. 105 p. 1071— 1075, 5 figg. 49 Süssmann, Ph. 0. 56.912 : 16.5 1917. Lausol Lane, ein neues Läuseabtôtungsmittel. Münehen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 204—206. 50 Teichmann, Ernst. 57.512 : 16.5 1917. Entlausung durch Zyanwasserstoff. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. ‘Jahrg. 43 p. 303—304. [Sehr wirksam, aber gefährlich wegen Gittigkeit.] — Cyanwasserstoff als Mittel zur Entlausung. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. S3 p. 449—466. [Bei gebotener Vorsicht ungefährlich.] 91 Martini, Erich. 94.012 : 16.5 1918. Körperentläusung durch Enthaarungspulver zwecks Fleckfieber- bekämpfung, München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. Go p. 404. 52 Töpfer, H. 57.512 : 16.7 1916/17. Die Uebertragung der Rekurrens durch Läuse. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1971—1572, 1 fig. — Bemerkung von Prüssıan. p. 1683. lUcbertragung wohl nicht durch den Stich, vielmehr Zerquetschen und Einreibung in die durch Kratzen verletzte Haut. Vermehrung der Spirochäten in Läusen.] — Die Uebertragung der Rekurrens durch Läuse, von Marti Mayer. Bemerkungen zu der gleichnamigen Arbeit von H. Törrer in Nr. 45, 1416 dieser Wochenschrift, Feldärztl. Beilage. Jahrg. 64 p. 70—71, 53 Goldberg, L. 87.512 : 16.7 1917. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Uebertragung des Typhus recurrens durch die Läuse. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 30 p. 1135. [Mecha- nisch aus dem Leibe der Läuse sich frei machende Spirochäten.] 54 Jungmann, Paul, und M. H. Kuczynski. 27.012 : 16.7 1917. Zur Klinik und Aetiologie der Febris wolhynica (Hıs-Werxer’sche Krankheit). Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 43 p. 359—362, 6 figg. [Durch Läuse übertragen.] 213855 Stargardt. 97.912 : 16.7 1917. Phthiriasis der Lider mit Follikularkatarrh. Zeitschr. Augen- heilkde. Bd. 38 p. 288—295. 56 Fahrenholz, H. 97.912 : 16.9: 9 1916. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. SL A Heft 11 p. 1—34, 1 Taf., 22 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Pediculus 3, Neupedieinus n. g., Linognathus, Haematopinus 4, Enderleinellus. — Micro- thoracıus n. g. pro Haematopinus praelongiceps, Neumanelius pro Aulacodes aulacodi, Ratemia pro Haematopinus squamulatus, Lutegus pro H. pectinifer.] 16.9 : 9.32,.735,.74,.82,.88,.9 (43.92, 51.8, 52, 66.7, 67.1, 68.8) 57 Fahrenholz, H. 57.512 : 16.9 : 9 1916. Diagnosen neuer Anopluren. III. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 87—9. [!2 nn. spp. in: Pediculus (4 nn. subspp.), Neopedicinus n. g., Haematopinus 4 (2 nn. subspp.), Linognathus 3, Enderleinellus. — 3 nn. subspp. in: Pedicinus, Hoplopleura 2.] 16.9 : 9.32,.725—.735,.82—.,9 (43.53, 51, 52, 67.1, 68.7, 8) 58 Ferris, G. F. 57.512 : 16.9: 1916. A Catalogue and Host List ofthe Anoplura. Proc. California a. Sc. Vol. 6 p. 129— 213. [Pediculus mjöbergi n. nom. pro P. affinis Moüsrre non Burueister.] 16.9 : 9.31—.33,.61,.62,.725— .745,.82,.88,.9 59 Grimshaw, Percy H. 57.512 : 16.9:9 1917. The British Lice (Anoplura) and their Hosts. Scottish Natural. 1917 p. 13-17, 65—68. 16.9 : 9.32,.33,.725 —.745,.9 60 Ferris, 6. F. 57.512 : 16.9 : 9.745 1916. Anoplura from Sea-Lions of the Pacific Ocean. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 366—370, 4 figg. [Echinophthirius fluctus n. sp.] (79.4,.5,.7,.8) 213861 Ferris, 6. F. 57.512 Cervophthirius : 16.9 : 9.735 1916. Cerrophthirius crassicornis (N.) (Anoplura.) Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 197—200, 1 fig. 79.4) 331 Hemiptera 218862 Mayr, L. 57.512 Haematopinus : 16.9 : 9.725 1916. Die Bekämpfung der Pferdelaus mit Ikaphthisol. München. tier- ärztl. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 67 p. 569—575. 63 Popoff-Tscherkasky, Dora. 57.512 Pediculus 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Differentialcharaktere zwischen Pediculus capitis DE Grer und Pediculus corporis px Gerr. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 79 p. 29—33, 4 figg. 64 Frickhinger, H. W. 57.512 Pediculus : 07 1916. Die Kieiderlaustafel der Deuischam Gesellschaft für angewandte Entomologie. Monatsh. naturw. Unterr. Bd. 9 p. 433—434, 1 fig. 65 Bacot, A. W. 57.912 Bedieuins : 11.58 1916. Cross Breeding of Pediculus capitis and P. humanus. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1916 p. V—VI. — Second Generation of Hybrid Pediculus humanus and P. capitis. p. XIY—XV. 66 Frickhinger, Hans Walter. 57.512 Pediculus : 11.854 1916. Ueber das Geruchsvermögen der Kleiderlaus. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 1254—1256. [Imstande, die Nähe bestimmter Menschen wahrzunehmen.] 67 Kisskalt, [Karl.] 57.312 Pediculus : 14 1916. Zur mikroskopischen Anatomie von Ped. vestimentorum. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 57 p. 338—339, 1 Taf. [Technik und Tafelerklärung.] — Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Prof. Kissxazr: „Zur mikroskopischen Anatomie von Ped. vestimentorum“ in Bd. 77. Heft 4 dieser Zeitschr., vou H. Sırora. Bd. 78 p. 159. [Speicheldrüsen.] 14.31,.316,.32,.34,.35,.36,.73,.89 213868 Sikora, H. 57.912 Pedicnlus : 1/ 1916. Beiträge zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Biologie der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus vestimenti Nırzsca). I. Anatomie des Verdauungstraktes. Arch. Schiffs-Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 Beih. 1 p. 1—76, 3 Taf., 24 fige. 14.31,.316—.35,.61 69 Sikora, H. 57.512 Pediculus : 14 1916. Bemerkunger zu der Arbeit: „Zur Bekämpfung der Kleiderläuse* von Dr. A. Zucker in Heft 4 Bd. 76 dieser Zeitschrift. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 163—164. [Anatomie und Biologie (Verhungern).] 14,31,.316,.34,.36,.65 10 Harrison, Launcelot. 97.512 Pediculus : 14.31 1916. A preliminary account of the structure of the mouth-parts in the Body-louse. Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. Vol, 18 p. 207—226, 1 pl, 7 figg. [Close relation to those of Mallophaga, which are of orthopterous origin.] 71 Nuttall, George H. F. 57.012 Pediculus : 14.6 1917. Studies on Pediculus. I. The copulatory apparatus and the process of copulation in Pediculus humanus. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 293—324, 2 pls., 12 figg. 14.63,.65 D 72 Hase, Albrecht. 57.512 Peäiculus : 15 1915/16. Beiträge zu einer Biologie der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis DE GeER — vestimenti Nirzscn). Zeitschr. angew. Entom. Bd. 2 p. 265 — 309, 47 figg. (Referat von Hans Warrer FricxuiNéer. Biol. Centralbl. Bd.36 p. 44—48.) — Die Biologie der Kleiderlaus. (Deutsch. Kongr. inn. Med.) Zentralbl. inn. Med. Jahrg. 37 p. 417—419. — Zur Naturgeschichte der Kleideriaus. BDermat. Zeitschr. Bd. 62 p. 251—273, 14 figg. [Art, Ei- ablage. Entwicklung. Bewegungen. Widerstandsfähigkeit.] 15.2,3,.6 73 Bacot, A. W. 57.512 Pediculus : 15 1916/17. Notes on Pediculus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitis. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 788—789. — A Contribution to the Bionomics of Pediculus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitis. Para- sitology Vol. 9 p. 228-258, 4 figg. 15.2,.6 213874 Galli-Vallerin, 1% 97.912 Pediculus : 15 1916. Neue Beiträge zur Biologie und zur Bekämpfung der Läuse, Cen- tralbl. Bakı. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 75 p. 37—43, 5 figg. [Kopfläuse- Bibliogr. Zooi. XKX VIT, 1919 22 213875 76 90 213891 Hemiptera 330 stich. Verhalten beim Hungern. Wanderungen (ausgehungerte Läuse suchen das Licht, vollgesogen meiden es). Widerstandsfähigkeiten gegen. Agentien.] | LA Koch, M. 57.612 Pediculus : 15 1916. Zur Biologie der Kleiderlaus. (Kriegspath. Tagung Berlin.) Cen- tralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 27 Beih. p. 58—59. [Nur Demonstration.] Legendre, Jean. 97.912 Pediculus : 15 1916. Sur un nouveau mode d’elevage de Pediculus vestimenti C. RS Soc. Biol. Paris T. 79 p. 203— 204. Reibisch, J. 57.512 Pediculus : 15 1916. Die Biologie der Kleiderlaus. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schleswig-Holst. Bd. 16 p. 346—349. | 3 Schaefer. 37.512 Pediculus : 15 1916. Zur Bıclogie der Kleiderlaus. Bemerkung zum Artikel von Stabsarzt Dr. V. Scaıuına in Nr. 32 der Feldärztl. Beilage. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 1507. [Uebertragung durch die Luft.] 15.2 Stellwaag. 57.512 Pediculus : 15 1916. Die Kleiderlaus. Eine Besprechung neuer Veröffentlichungen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 113—119, 5 figg. Hindle, E. 57.912 Pediculus : 15 1917. Notes on the Biology of Pediculus humanus. With a Foreword by Geo. H. F. Nursarı. Parasitology Vol. 9 pı 259—265. Dornis. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Zur Bekämpfung der Läuseplage mit ,Lausofan.“ Zeitschr, Vete- rinärkde. Jahrg. 27 p. 359—362. Eckes. 57.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Zur Vertilgung der Kleiderläuse. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 62 p. 731. [Wasserdampf.] Heymann, Bruno. 94,512 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Die Bekämpfung der Kleiderläuse. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Hönck. 97.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Die Bekämpfung der Kleiderläuse. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 41 p. 368—369, 2 figg. Widmann, Eugen. 97.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Biologie der Kleiderlaus und deren Be- kämpfung, Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskr. Bd. 80 p. 289—298. Wülker, Gerhard. 57.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1915. Zur Biologie und Bekämpfung der Kleiderlaus. Monatsh, natarw. Unterr. Bd. 8 p. 337—344, 1 Taf. Alessandrini, &iulio. 91.912 Pediculns : 16.5 1916. 1 pidocchi ed i mezzi per distruggerli. Ann. Igiene Anno 26 p. 92—108, 3 figg. [Uaratteri specifici. Note morfologiche. Biologia. Mezzi per la distruzione.] Bacot, A. W. 57.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. The Use of Insecticides against Lice. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 2 p. 447 —450, 2 figg Flusser, Emil. 57.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Zur Läusefrage, insbesondere über das Carbolineum als Entlaus- ungsmittel. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 12 p. 420—421, 4 figz. Friedmann, Alexander. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Beiträge zur Bekämpfung der Kleiderläuse in Kleidern. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 77 p. 320—338, 4 fige. &alli-Valerio, B. 27.912 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Beiträge zur Biologie und zur Bekämpfung der Läuse. 8. Mittei- lung. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 79 p. 33—35, [Zucht auf weissen Mäusen. Schutz gegen Stich durch pulveriertes basisahes Ni- kotin, Tötung durch fette Oele, Saprol, Petroleum, Nikotin in Pulver- form, usw.] 339 Hemiptera 213892 Grubbs, S. B. 57.512 Pediculns : 16.5 1916. Destroying lice on typhus fever suspects. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 31 p. 2918—2923, 1 pl. 1 fig. R 93 Halberkann, J. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Chemische und physikalische Methoden zur Bekämpfung der Kleiderläuse. Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung ihrer Wirksamkeit. Arch. Schiffs-Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 Beih, 2 p. 77—148. Ja Kaufmann, Ludwig. 55.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Zur Bekämpfung der Läuseplage Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 53 p. 1152 — 1154. 95 Labbé, Henri, et M. Wahl. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Recherches eur l’intoxication des insectes du genre Pediculus par les vapeurs de âifférents corps minéraux ou organiques. Journ. Physiol. : Path. gén. T. 16 p. 872—88S8, 2 figg. 9b Mayer, Konrad. 52.512 Pedienlus : 16.5 1916. Beiträge zur Bakämpfung der Kleiderlausplage. Sitz.-Ber. phys.- med. Sox. Erlangen Bd. 47 p. 132—173, 2 fisg. [Bau, Ernährung, Ent- wicklung. Prüfung von schädigenden Mitteln chemischer und physikali- scher Art.] 97 Peacock, A. D. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. The Louse Problem at the Western Front. Brit. med. Journ. 1916 Vol. 1 p. 745—749, 784—789, 10 fige. 98 Swellengrebel, N. H. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1916. Quelques remarques sur la façon de combaätire le pou des vête- ments. Arch. néerl. Se. exactes nat. Ser. 3 B p. 1—31, 1 pl., 22 figg. 213399 Gunn, J. A. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1917. A Note on the Prevention of Pediculosis. Brit. med. Journ. 1917 Vol. 1 p. 579—580. 213900 Unna, P. 6. 57.512 Pedicuius : 16.5 1917. Aphorismen. IIL Entlausung durch Gleitpuder. Dermat. Wochenschr. Bd. 64 p. 281—284. 01 Bacot, A. W., and L. Lioyd. 87.512 Pediculus : 16.5 1918. Destruction of Nits of the Clothes Louse by Solutions of Cresol- Soap Emulsion and Lysol. Brit. med. Journ. 1918 Vol. 1 p. 49—450. 02 Baertlein und Seiffert, 37.512 Pediculas : 165 1918. Eutläusung mit Tetrachlorkohlenstoffgas. München. med. Wochen- schr. dahrg. 65 p. 255—237, ! fig. 03 Arneth. 57,512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Ueber Fleckfieber und Entlausung. Berlin. klin. Wocheuschr. Jahrg. 53 p. 1187 —1191, 3 figg. 04 Fonyö, Johann. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Zur Epidemiologie und Prophylaxe des Fleckfiebers. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 29 p. 1821—1328, 1369—1372, 1397 — 1402, 18 fige. [Rolle der Kleiderläuse.] 05 Heymann, Bruno. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Beiträge zur Frage von der Beteiligung der Kopflaus an der Fleck- fieber-Verbreitung. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 12 p. 485—438, 511—512. [Ex- perimentelle Beweise dafür fehlen. £nidemiologische Erfahrungen sprechen dagegen. 05 Koch, Albert. 57.912 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Das Fleckfieber. Nat. Wochensehr. Bd. 31 p. 542-545, 10 figg. [Rolle der Läuse.] 07 Koch, Jos. 97.912 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Zur Üebertragung des europäischen Rückfalitiebers durch die Kleiderlaus. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 43 p. 1066— 1069, 6 figg. 05 Mayer, Martin. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Die Ergebnisse der experimentellen Fiecktyphusforsenung. Die Naturwissenschaften Jahrg. 4 p. 537 —562. [Kieiderlaus als Ueberträger.] 213909 Müller, J., und KR. Pick, 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Experimentelie Untersuchungen über Typhusbazillen und Kleider- läuse. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 29 p. 4il Hemiptera 340 — 412. [Züchtung von Typhusbazillen aus Darminhalt von Läusen, die an infizierten Meerschweinchen gesogen hatten.] 213910 da Rocha-Lima, H. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Beobachtungen bei Flecktyphusläusen. Arch. Schiffs-Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 17—31, 1 Taf. [Starke Ansiedelung von winzigen bazillenartigen Körperchen in den Magenzellen.] 11 Spier. . 67.012 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Der Flecktyphus und seine Bekämpfung. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 103—104, 2 fige. 12 Tôpfer, H. 57.012 Pediculus : 16.7 1916. Der Fleckfiebererreger in der Laus. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 42 p. 1251—1254. [Positive Befunde.] 13 Bordoni-Uffreduzi, 6. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Sul metodo di lotta contro i pidocchi. Contributo alla profilassi del tifo esantematico. Rend. Ist. lombardo Sc. Lett. (2) Vol. 50 p. 8330—332. 14 Jungmann, Paul und Max H. Kuczynski. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Wolhynischen Fiebers und: des Fleckfiebers. Zeitschr. klin. Med. Bd. 85 p. 251—272, 2 Taf., 4 fige. [Uebertragung der Erreger aus dem Darm der Laus ins menschliche Blut.]; 15 Mayer, Martin. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Zur Uebertragung des Erregers des europäischen Rückfallfiebers (Febris recurrens) durch die Kleiderlaus. Deutsche med. Wochenschr.. Jahrg. 43 p. 1231. — Zur Uebertragung des europäischen Rückfallfiebers- durch die Kleiderlaus. Bemerkungen zu den Ausführungen des Herrn Prof. M. Mayer, von Jos. Kocu. Deutsche med. Wochensehr. Jahrg. 45 p. 1394. 213916 Munk, Fritz und H. da Rocha-Lima. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Klinik und Aetiologie des sogen. , Wolhynischen Fiebers“. (Wernkr- Hissche Krankheit. II. Ergebnis der ätiologischen Untersuchungen und: deren Beziehungen zur Fleckfieberforschung, von H. oa Rocxa-Lima. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 1422—1426, 3 figg. [Die bei: der Laus intrazellulär vorkommende ickettsia prowazeki, nicht aber die extrazellulär lebende R. pediculi ist der Erreger. Bakteriennatur (?).] 17 Nuttall, George H. F. 57.912 Pedicnlus : 16.7 1917. The Part played by Pediculus humanus in the Causation of Disease. Parasitology Vol. 10 p. 43—79, 1 pl. 18 Venema, T. A. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1917. Gedanken zur Bekämpfung durch niedere Tiere übertragener Krank- heiten (namentlich des Fleckfiebers). München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg.. 64 p. 1230—1231. [Ob die Möglichkeit besteht, durch Injektion vom Ex- trakt aus zerriebenen Läusen, Antikörper zu erzeugen, die die Laus ver- anlassen auf Beissen zu verzichten.] 19 Kuczynski. 07.012 Pediculus : 16.7 1918. Bacterium proteus X 19 (Werr-Fezix) in der Kleiderlaus. Arch. Protistenkde. Bd. 38 p. 376—391, 4 figg. 20 Töpfer, H. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.7 1918. Zur Uebertragung des Erregers des europäischen Rückfallfiebers- durch die Kleiderlaus. Bemerkungen zu der gleichnamigen Arbeit von Jos. Koca in Nr, 34. Deutsche med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 44 p. 239—240.. 21 Dross. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.9 : 9.725- 1917. Erfahrungen über die Läusetilgung bei Pferden mit Sublimat.. Berlin. tierärztl. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 33 p. 534. 22 Enslin, E. | 57.512 Pediculus : 16.9 : 9.4 1917. Etwas über Läuse. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 186—192. 23 Nuttall, George H. F. 57.512 Pediculus : 16.9 : 9.9: 1917. The Biology of Pediculus humanus. Parasitology Vol. 10 p. 80—185, 2 pls., 13 figg. 213924 Nuttall, George H. F. 57.512 Phthirus : 16.9 : 9.9: ne The Pathological Effects of Phthirus pubis. Parasitology Vol. 10: De b—882. 341 | Hemiptera 213925 Nuttall, George H. F. 57.512 Phthirus : 16.9 : 9.9 Les a The Biology of Phthirus pubis. Parasitology Vol. 10 p. 333—405, 88- 26 Waterston, James. 57.512 Rolyulax : : 16.9 : 9.32 1917. A new African Louse (Polyplaz calva n. sp.) from Cricetomys Parasitology Vel. 9 p. 199—202. 2 figg. (66.7, 67.8) 27 Strindberg, Henrik. 57.514 : 113 16. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie der Mallophagen, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 115 p. 382—459, 38 tigg 15.2—.39, 14.31,.316— .35,.61,.63, 64, .65, 67 “73, .18,,93,.98 28 Strindberg, Henrik. 57.514 : 14.6 1916. Studien über die ectodermalen Teile der Geschlechtsorgane einiger Mallophagengattungen. Zool. Anz. Bd, 48 p. 34—87. 14.63,.64,.67 29 Strindberg, Henrik. 57.514 : 15.3 1917. Können die Mallophagen sich auch vom Blut ihrer Wirtstiere er- nähren ? Zuol. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 228—231. [Vielleicht nur ausnahmsweise.] 39 Harrison, Launcelot. 57.514 : 16.9 : 6 1916. The Genera and Species of Mallophaga. Parasitology Vol. 9 p. 1—155. [Paroncophorus n. 8. pro Oncophorus cephalotes, Esthiopterum pro Lipeurus ebraeum. — Menopon fasciaferum n. nom. pro M. fasciatum Rupow non ScoroLı, M. pteropsittacus pro M. psittacus Le Souër and BuLLen non Gurir., M. intermissum pro M. intermedium Piacer 1880 p. 497 non 430, M. substitutum pro M. subaequale Pıager non Lyvoner, Colpocepha- lum majesticum, pro C. majus Pracer 1880 p. 538 non 519, C. pectiniventre pro C. pectinatum Nrumanx non ÖOsporn, C. trichosum pro C. setosum Pracer 1880 p. 521 non 519, C. umbrosum pro C. umbrinum Praaxr non Nrrzscu, Myrsidea piageti pro M. pallida Pracer non Nirzscu, Laemobothrion gracilentum pro L. gracile Gıesxı non Nırzsca, Ricinus tinctus pro R. thora- cicus Pracer non Packarn, Philopterus acutior pro Ph. acutus Piacer non _Rupow, Ph. dilatatior pro Ph. dilatatus Pracer non Runow, Degeeriella cras- sipedalis pro D. crassipes Pıacer non Denny, D. marginatula pro D. margi- nata Ossorn non BukRMEISTER, D. Subsellata pro D. sellata Rupow non Bur- MEISTER, Esthiopterum distinctum pro E. dispar Pracer 1885 non 1880, E. ibidis pro E. ibis Le Souër and Burren non Gurcr., E, quadripustulosum pro E. quadripustulatum Pıacer non Nrrzscu, E. rheae pro E. asymmetricum Pracer non Rurow 16.9 : 83.1—.4, : 84.1 —.4, : 86,.5, : 87.1,. 2,4, : 88.1,.9, : 89.7, "02, 32, 62.725, .135,.174 213931 Hansen. Launcelot. 57.514 : 16.9 : 82 1916. Bird-parasites and Bird-phylogeny. Ibis (10) Vol. 4 p. 254—263. 82 Uchida, Seinosuke. 57.514 : 16.9 : 82 1916. Bird-infesting Maliophaga of Japan (II). (Genera Goniodes and Go- niocotes.) Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 De 81—88, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Goniodes (1 n. var.), Goniocotes.] 16.9 : 86,.5 (52.1,.9, 57.1) 33 McGregor, E. A. 57.514: 16.9 : 82 1917. Eight New Mallophaga of the Genus Lipeurus from North Ameri- can Birds. Psyche Vol. 24 p. I 117, 3 pls. 16.9 : 83.2, : 84.1, : 86,.5, : 87.2,.4 (72.1, 76.2,.4, 77.1,.6) 34 McGregor, E. A. 57.514 : 16.9 : 82 1917. Three new Mallophaga from North American Birds. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 433—437, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Goniodes, Laemobothrium, Physo- tomum.] 16.9 : 86.5, : 88.1, : 89.1 (76. 4, 77.6, 73.3) 35 Waterston, James. 67.514 Docophoroides : 16.9 : 84.2 1917. On a New Species of Docophoroides Graz. (Eurymetopus Tasca.) from an ts (Diomedea melanophrys). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 99, 1 fig. [harrisoni.] 218936 pi William, 57.514 Laemobothrium : 16.9 : 89.1 1916. Laemobothrium tinnunculi (L), from a Kestrel in the Forth Area. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 120. Hemiptera 349 213937 Uchida, Seinosuke. 57.014 Lipeurus : 16.5: 82 1917. Bird-infesting Mallophaga of Japan (III). (Genus Lipeurus). Annot. zool. japon. Vol. 9 p. 201—215, 3 figg. [L. annuliventris and turturis nn. spp-] 16.3: 83.1, : 84.1,.2, : 86,.5 (52.1.,8,.9) 38 Ferris, 6. F. 57.514 Menoponidae : 16.9 : 82 1916. Some Generic Groups in the Mallophagan Family Menoponidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 301—311, 6 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Heleonomus (n. g. pro Colpocephalum truncatum), Dennyus. — Actornithophilus n. g. pro ©. uniseriatum.] 16.9 : 83.1, : 84.2,.4, : 88.1,.9 39 Paine, John Howard. 57.514 Philopterus : 12.93 1917. An Asymmetrical Bird-louse found on Three Different Species of Troupials. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 53 p. 231—232, 1 pl. [Philop- terus ambiguus.] 40 Mc Gregor, E. A. 57.514 Trichodectes : 16.9: © 1917. Six New Species of Mallophaga from North American Mammals. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 167—175, 2 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Tri- chodectes.] 16.9 : 9.32,.735,. 14 (75.9, 78.6,.8, 79.4) 41 Morgan, T. H. 57.52: 13.11 1915. The predetermination of sex in Phylloxerans and Aphids. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 19 p. 285—321, 2 pls., 5 figg. [History of chromosomal cycle. Sex ratios.] 42 Brown, Kearn B. 57.52 : 16.5 1916. The Specific Effects of Certain Leaf-feeding Coccidae and Aphi- didae upon the Pines. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 414-422, 2 pls. 43 Burton, James. 57.52 Aleurodes (42} 1916. On a Species of Aleurodes. Journ. Quekett micr. Cinb (2) Vol. 13 p. 7—14. [A. proletella.] | 213944 Quaintance, A. L., and A. C. Baker. 97.52 Aleyrodidae : 16.5 1916. Aleyrodidae, or White Flies Attacking the Orange, with Descriptions of Three New Species of Economic Importance. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p.459—472, 3 pls., 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Aleurocanthus, Aleuro- thrizus. 16.5 (54.5,.87, 72, 729.1,.2,.6, 75.6,.9, 76.2,.3, 79.1,.4, 81, 83, 91.4, 922) 45 Back, E. A., and S. S. Crossman. 57.92 Aleyrodidae : 16.5 1917. Miscible Oil versus Fish Oil Soap Sprays for the Control of Florida Aleyrodids. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 453--458. 46 Quaintance, A. L., and A. C. Baker. 57.52 Aleyrodidae (5) 1917. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the White Flies of the Sub- family Aleyrodinae (Aleyrodidae). Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 335—445, 46 pls., 10 figg. [35 nn. spp. in: Aleurocanthus 4, Aleurocybotus, Aleurolobus 4, Aleuroparadoxus, Aleuroplatus 14, Dialeurodes 11. — Aleuro- platus, Orchamus, Philodamus, Rusostigma, Dialeuronomada, Rabdostigma, Gigaleurodes, Rhachisphora, Dialeuropora, Dialeuroplata nn. subgg.] 153 _ (51.1, 52.1, 54.1,.2,.5,.7,.87, 59.1, 67.8, 68.7, 71.1, 728, 729.1,.2,.8, ÿ 75.3,.6,.8—76.4, 77.2,.3, 78.8, 79.4, 81, 83, 86, 91.4, 922, 931, 94.4,.5, 96.1) 47 Shinji, G. 0. | 57.52 Amphrophora (79.4) 1917. A new species of Amphrophora from California. Canad. Entom. . Vol. 49 p. 51—52, 1 fig. [4. cicutae.] 48 Carpentier, L. 57.52 Aphalara : 12.99 1904. Nervations anormales de l’Aphalara picta Zerr. Mem. Soc. Linn. Nord France T. 11 p. 11—24, 1 pl, 1 fig. : 49 Baker, A. C. 57.92 Aphidae 1916. The Identity of Eriosoma querci Fırca. Entom. News. Vol. 27 p. 309—366, 10 figg. [= Anoecia querci.] 50 Wilson, H. F. . 57.52 Aphidae 1916. Additional Notes on the Genus Pterocomma. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol 9 p. 105. | 213951 Gillette, C. P., and L. C. Bragg. | 57.02 Aphidae 1918. Aphıs saliceti (Kaurenzach), Siphocoryne pastinacae (Linx.), and 343 Hemiptera Allied Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. S9—94, 20 figg. [Aphis theo- baldi and Siphoouryne essigi nn. spp.] (74.4,.1, 17.4, 78.8) 213952 Dewitz, J. 57.52 Aphidae : 11.45 1916. Ueber die Einwirkung der Pfianzensrhmarotzer auf die Wirtpflanze. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 14 p. 285—294. [Hämolysierend: Gifte aus zerriebeuen Blattläusen.] | 55 Dewitz, J. 57.52 Aphidae : 11.45 1917. Ueber Hämolysine (Aphidolysine) bei Pflanzenläusen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 389—396. — Serobiologische Studien über Blattläuse und deren Wirtspflanzen, von Tuırm. Nat. Wochenschr. Rd. 32 p. 257 — 260. .54 Baker, A. C. 7.52 Aphidae : 14.5= 1917. Some Sensory Structures in the Aphididae. Canad. Entom. Yol. 4% p. 378—384, 48 figg. | 55 Zweigelt, Fritz. 57.52 Aphidae : 15 1917. Blattlausgallen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anatomie und Aetiologie. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskr. Abt. 2 Bd. 47 p. 408--535, 32 figg. 56 Patch, Edith M. 91.92 Aphidae : 15.5 1914, Food Plant Catalogue of the Aphidae of the World. Part IV. (Par. Maine ‚agrie. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 72.) 30th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 225 p. 61—68. 57 Patch, Edith M. 57.52 Aphidae : 19. 1916. Concerning Problems in Aphid Ecology. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper, Stat. Entom. No. 84) Jéurn. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 44—51. [Host- ‘ plants.] 58 Mocker. 57.52 Aphidae : 16.5 1914. Biattläuse. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 32 p. 260. [Und ihre Bekämpfung.] 213959 Allard, H. A. 57.52 Aphidae : 16.5 1917. Further Studies of the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 10 p. 615—632, 1 pl. [Plant-lice may become active car- riers of the disease.] 60 Merrill, J. H. 37,92 Aphidae : 16.5 1917. Further Data on the Relation between Aphids and Fire Bligbt {Bacillus amylovorus Bur. TRrev.) (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll. No. 21.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 45—46, 1 pl. [By hatching from eggs laid in blight cankers, the aphids come in contact with the fire-blight organism, they can and do inocuiate trees with the bacteria of fire-blight.] 61 Ross, William A. 57.52 Aphidae : 16.5 1917. General Notes on Aphides which Occur on Apple Trees. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontärio p. 43— 49. 62 Jackson, Dorothy J. | 57.52 Aphidae (41.16; 1918. Notes on the Aphides of Ross-Shire, with Descriptions of Two Species New to Science. Scottish Natural. 1918 p. S1—91. [Macrosiphun: allii (Licarexsrein) and Pemphigus glebae nn. spp.] ER 63 Theobald, Fred. V. 07.92 Aphidae (42) 1916. Aphididae found on the Apple in Britain and the Description of a New Species from Africa. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 169—177, 202— 213. 233—242, 261--26%, 6 figg. [Aphis pomonella n. sp. — A nigra n. nom. pro A. oxyacanthae Koch non ScHRANK.] (67.6) 213964 Matsumura, Shonen. 57.92 Aphidae (52) 1917. A list of the Aphididae of Japan, with Description of New Species and Genera. Jounrn. Coll. Agric. Sapporo Vol. 7 p. 351—414, 2 pls. [57 nn. spp. in: Nıppocallis, n. g., Yamatocallis n. g., Acanthocallis n. g., Yezo- eullis n. g. 2, Myzocallis 3, Takecallis n. g., Arakawana n. g., Chaitophorus, Hannubura n. g., Fter ochlorus 2 , Lachnus 2, Todolachnus n. g., Nippolachnus n. g. 2, Aphis 10, Hyalopterus, Y« ezabura n. 8., Macrosiphum 11, Myzus 3, Phoro- don, Arimakia n. g. 2, Abura n. g., Siphocoryne 2, Melanozanthus, Nipposi- phumn.g., Yezaphis n. g. 2, Yamataphis n. g., Toxoptera.] 16.5 (52.1—.4,.9) Hemiptera 344 213966 Wilson, H. F. 57.52 Aphidae (7) 1915. Miscellaneous Aphid Notes, chiefly from Oregon. Trans. Amer entom. Soc. Vol. 41 p. 85—108, 7 pls. [15 nn. spp. in: Chaitophorus, Microsiphum 3, Aphis 6, Amphorophora, Lachnus 4.] 16.5 (72.1, 75.3, 79.5) 66 Gillette, C. P. and L. C. Bragg. 97.52 Aphidae (73) 1916. Two new Aphids, Capitophorus shepherdiae and Siphocoryne aquatica. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 445—448, 2 pls. [nn. spp.] (76.6, 78.8) 67 Baker, Arthur C. 57.52 Aphidae (73) 1917. Eastern Aphids, New or Little Known, Part II. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 420—433, 1 fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Myzocallis, Euceraphis 3, Chaitophorus, Pterocomma.] 16.5 (74.1,.6, 75.5, 77.5, 59.4,.7) 68 Patch, Edith M. 57.92 Aphidae (73) 1917. Eastern Aphids, New or Little Known, Part I. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 416—420, 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Aphis 2, Prociphilus. — Aphis davisi n. nom. pro A populifoliae Fırcn.] 16.5 (74.1,.6, 75.2,.5, 77.3) 69 Patch, Edith M. 57.92 Aphidae (74.1) 1914. Maine Aphids of the Rose Family. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 77). 80th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 233 p. 25%—280, 3 pls., 6 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Aphis 4, Macrosiphum.] 70 Paddock, F. B. 57.52 Aphidae (76.4) 1918. Texas Aphid Notes. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 29—32. 71 Gillette, C. P. 57.52 Aphidae (78.8) 1917. Two New Aphid Genera and some New Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 193—199, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Thripsaphis (n. g. pro Brachy- colus ballii) 2, Aspidaphis n. g.] ‘2 Davidson, W. M. 57.52 Aphidae (79.4) 1917. Little Known western Plant Lice. IL Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 290—297, 28 figg. [Myzus ribifolii n. sp.—1 n. var. in Aphis.] 16.5 213273 Essig, E. O. 57.52 Aphidae (79.4) 1917. Aphididae of California, New Species of Aphididae and Notes from Various Parts of the State, but Chiefly from the Campus of the University of California, Berkeley, California. Univ. California Public. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 301— — 346, 30 figg. [4 nn. Myzocallis, Symydobius, Myzus, Aphis.] 16.5 74 Shinji, 6: 0. 57.52 Aphidae (79.4) 1917. New Aphids from California. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 61—64, 1 pls, 10 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Thomasia, Myzocallis 2.] 75 Shinji, G. 0. 57.52 Aphidae (79.4) 1917. Notes on Aphids. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 84—86. [Chaitophorus cole- optis n. sp.] 6.5 76 Swain, Albert F. 57.52 Aphidae (72.4) 1918. New Aphididae from California. (Pap. Univ. California Grad. School trop. Be and Citrus Exper. Stat. No. 41.) Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 44 p. 1—23, 2 pla. f an. spp. in: Myzocallis 2, Symydobius, Nectarosinhon, Lachnus 2, Aphis 2,Cerosipha.] 77 Ross, William A. 57.52 Aphis : 11.044 1916. The Susceptibility of theEggs of Aphis pomi and Aphis avenae to Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Formation. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 367. 73 Ewing, H. E. 57.52 Aphis : 11.5 1916. Eighty-seven Generations in a Parthenogenetic Pure Line of Aphis avenae Fas. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Vol. 31 p. 53—112, 19 figg. [No summation by ee of fluctuating variations.] 79 Baker, A. C., and W. F. Turner. 57.52 Aphis : 15 1916. Morphology and ae of the Green Apple Aphis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 5 p. 955 —994, 7 pls., 3 figg. 15.3,.4,.6 213980 Peterson, Alvar. 57.52 Aphis : 15.6 1917. Studies on the Morphology and Susceptibility of the Eggs of Aphis avenae Fır., Aphis pomi Deserr, and Aphis sorbi Kart. Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 10 p: 556-560. [Outer coverings.] 213981 82 218990 95 96 73 313998 345 Hemiptera Forbes, Stephen A. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1915. Recent Illinois Work on the Corn Root-aphis and the Control of its Injuries. 28th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 1—62, 18 figg. — Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Illinois No. 178, p. 405—466, 18 figg. Parrott, P. J., and H. E, Hodgkiss. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1915. The Status of Spraying Practices for the Control of Plant Lice in Apple Orchards. Bull. N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. No.402 p. 193—210, 2 pls., 2 figg. Baker, A. C., and W. F. Turner. 57.92 Aphis : 16.5 1916. Rosy Apple Aphis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 7 p. 321—344, 6 pls. Brittain, W. H. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1916. Notes on the Rosy Aphis (Aphis malifoliae Fırcn) in Nova Scotia. Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Seotia 1916 p. 51—55, 1 fig. Parrott, P. J., H. E. Hodgkiss, and F. H. Lathrop. 57.92 Aphis : 16.5 1916. Plant Lice Injurious to Apple Orchards. I. Studies on Control of Newly-Hatched Aphides. Bull. N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 415 p. 11—53, 8 pls., 6 figg. Paddock, F. B. 67.52 Aphis : 16.5 1916. ‘+ sida on the Turnip Louse. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 67 — 71 del Guercio, Giacomo. 57.52 Aphis (67.7) 1916. Afidi raccolti nella Somalia italiana meridionale. Bedia Vol. 11 p. 299—303, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Aphis.] Hollinger, A. H. 57.52 Aspidiotus : 15.3 1916. Aspidiotus ulmi Jouns. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 143—144. (77.8) Forbes, Stephen A. 57.92 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1915. Observations and Experiments on the San José Scale. 28th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 63—79, 3 figg. — Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Illinois No. 180 p. 545—561, 3 figg. Glenn, Pressley A. 57.52 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1915. The San José Scale. (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comstock.) 28th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 87—106, 4 pls., 2 figg. Sanders, G. E. 57.52 Aspidiotus (71.6) 1913. San Jose Scale in Nova Scotia. 48d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. On- tario p. 61—66, 3 figg. 16.5 Parker, J. R. 57.52 Brachycolus : 16.5 1916. The Western Wheat Aphis (Brachycolus tritici Girr). Journ. econ. Entom, Vol. 9 p. 182—187, 1 pl. Steven, H. M. 57.92 Chermes : 16.5 1918. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Family Chermesidae. No. 1 : The Biology of the Chermes of Spruce and Larch and their Relation to Forestry. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 37 p. 356—381. 19.2 Chrystal, R. N. 57.52 Chermes (71.1) 1916. The Life History of Chermes cooleyi Gircerre in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B. C. 46th ann. Rep. an Soc. Ontario p. 123—130, 9 figg. 16. Martelli, Giovanni. 57.52 Chrysomphalus : 16.5 1914. Il polisolfurimetro. Suo scopo, sua descrizione, suo uso. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 683—685. del &uercio, Giacomo, ed Ettore Malenotti. 57.52 Chrysomphalus : 16.5 1915. Ricerche ed Esperienze nuove contro la Bianca-Rossa degli A- grumi in Sieilia nel 1914. Redia Vol. 11 p. 1—125, 1 tav., 25 figg. Ferris, 6. F. 57.52 Coccidae : : 14.29 1918. A Note on the Occurrence of Abdominal Spiracles in the Cocci- dae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 85—S88. Hollinger, A. H. 97.32 Coccidae : 14.98 1917. Taxonomic Value of Antennal Segments of Certain Coccidae. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 264—271, 4 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Ex- uerctopus, Phenacoccus 3, Eriococcus.] 15.3 (77.8) Hemiptera . 346 213998 Teodoro, 6. | 57.52 Coccidae : 15 1915/16. Alcune osservazioni sulle Cocciniglie. Atti Accad. scient. veneto- trent.-istriana (3) T. 8 p. 147—149. — Osservazicni sulla ecologia delle Coceiniglie con speciale riguardo alla morfologia e alla fisiologia di questi insetti. Redia Vol. 11 p. 129—209, 4 tav., 3 figg. [Presenza di funghi simbiotici.] 214000 Quaryle, H. 4. 57.92 Ceccidae : 15.2 1916. Dispersion of Scale Insects by the Wind. (Paper Citrus Exper. Stat. Coll. Agric. Univ. California Riverside No. 36). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 486--493, 1 ie. 01 Boyer, Jacques. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.1 1917. L’industrie des carmins de cochenille et des laques végétales pen- dant la guerre. La Nature Ann. 45 Sem. 1 p. 43—45, 3 figg. 02 Künze, Fritz. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.1 1917. Nutzbringende Schildläuse. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 11 p. 159—160, 170-175, 189—191, 63 Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.5 1908. Notes on Indian Scale Insects {Coccidae.) Mem. Dept. Agric. India entom. Ser. Vol. 2 p. 111—137, 3 pls., 1 fig. (54.1,.3,.7,.8) 04 Drago, Antonino. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.5 1914. Sulla lotta contro il Chrysompkalus dictyospermi var. pinnulifera Mask. (Bianca-Rossa) e contro la Icerya purchasi Mask. in provincia di Messina. (Studii ed osservazioni) Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portiei (2) Vol. 12 p. 711—717. | 05 Walden, B. H. 57.92 Coccidae : 16.5 1915. Fumigating a Grapery with Hydrocyanie Acid Gas to Kill Mealy Bugs. 15th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 136-137. | 214006 Fentou, F. A. 57.92 Coccidae : 16.5 1917. Observations on Lecanium corni Boucaz, and Physokermes piceae Scan. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 309—820, 1 pl., 13 figg. 07 Malenotti, Ettore. 37.52 Coccidae (495) 1916. Specie nuove e critiche di Diaspiti. Redia Vol. 11 p. 309—320, 1 tav. [2 nn. spp. in: Adiscodiaspis, Chrysomphalus.] (62, 921) (18 Green, E. Ernest. 97.52 Coceidae (42) 1917. Observations on British Coccidae; with Descriptions of New Specie:. No. III. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 201-210, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Lecamum 2 (1 n. subsp.), Lecanopsis.] — No. IV. p. 260—269, 4 figg. {2 nn. spp. in: Pseudococcus (1 n. var.), Lepidosaphes.] — Additional locali- ties for Eriococcus devoniensis Greex, by J. W. Hescop Harmison. Vol, 4 p. 17. (42.1,.21..35,.71—.74,.81,.82,.85,.92) 09 Paoli, Guido. 57.52 Coceidae (45.9) 1915. Contributo aila conoscenza delle Cocciniglie della Sardegna. Redia Vol. 11 p. 239— 268, 22 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Micrococcus, Lecanium.] 10 Kuwana, 8. I. 57.52 Coccidae (52) 1916. Some New Scale Insects of Japan. Annot. zool. japon. Vol. % p. 145—152, i pi. [7 nn. spp. in: Protopulvinaria, Asterolecanium 5, Nippo- northezia n. g.] (52.1,.2) 11 Leonardi, 6. 57.92 Coccidae (6) 1914. Contributo alla conoscenza delle Coceiniglie dell’Africa occiden- tale e meridionale. Ann. R. Scuola sup, Agric. Portiei (2) Vol. 12 p. 185—222, 33 figg. [17 nn. spp. in: Howardia, Diaspis 2, Hemichionaspis, Aspidiotus 2, Chrysomphalus 2, Aonidiella, Aonidia, Lepidosaphes, Dinaspis 5, Ischnaspis. — 1 n. Pseudoaonidia.] (66.3,.7,.8, 67.2,.3, 68.2) 12 Malenotti, Ettore. 57.52 Coccidae (67.7) 1916. Diaspiti raccolti nella Somalia italiana meridionale. Redia Vol. 11 p. 321—358, 3 tav. |7 nn. spp. in: Chrysomphalus (1 n. var), Pseudao- nidia, Dinaspıs 2 (1 n. var.), Chionaspis 2, Lepidosaphes.—1 n. var.'in Hemi- berlesia] 214013 Comstock, John Henry. | 57.52 Coccidae (7) 1916. Reports on Scale Insects. Report ‘of the Entomologist, United States Department of Agriculture. Bull. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 372 p. 501—506, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in Carteria 2, Cercococcus n. g.} 347 Hemipter: Reports on Scale Insects. Report of the Department of Entomology. p. 507 —603, 4 pls., 15 figg. [13 nn. spp. in Aspidiotus 7, Diaspis, Chionaspis- 4, Poliaspis.—1 n. var. in Parlatoria.] 16.5 (72.1, 729.1, 74.4,.7, 75.8,.5,.9, 79.1,.4) 214014 Comstock, John Henry. 57.52 Coccidae {73} 1916. Report on Scale Insects. Bull. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 372 p. 425—500, 20 pls. [23 nn. spp. in: Aspidiotus 10, Chionaspis 4, Mytilaspis, Parlatoria, Fiorinia, Ceroplastes 2, Eriococcus, Rhizococcus, Dacty- lopius 2.] 16.5 (74.4,.7, 75.3,.5,.6,.9, 76.3, 77.2.7, 79.4,.7) 15 64:8 57.52 Coccidae (74.6) 1915. Three Species of Scale Inserts New to Connecticut. 15th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 139—140, 1 pl. L 16 Weiss, Harry B. 57.92 Coccidae (74.9) 1916. The Coccidae of New Jersey Greenhouses. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 22—24. 17 Leonardi, 6. 55.02 Coccidae (52) 1911. Contributo alla conoscenza della Cocciniglie della Repubblica Ar- gentina. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. !0 No. 5, 50 pp., 27 figg. [25 nn. spp. in: Icerya, Orthezia, Cerococcus 2, Birchirpia, Erio- coccus 2, Gymnococeus, Pseudococcus 2, Tachardia 2, Pulvinaria, Luzulaspis, Ceroplastes 4, Eulecanium, Saissetia, Hemiberlesia, Targionia, Protargionie n. g., Dinaspis n. g. 2.] 18 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.52 Coccidae (91.4). 1916. Two New Monophlebine Coccidae from the Philippine Islands. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. $ p. 235—236. [2 nn. spp. in: Llaveia, Drosicha.) 19 Robinson, Elizabeth. . 57.52 Coccidae (91.4] 1917. Coccidae of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 12 p. 1—47, 6 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Phenacaspis 3, Lepidosaphes.] 16.5 20 Ehrhorn, Edw. M. 57.52 Coccidae (96.9): 1916, Annual Address: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Dactylo- piinae of Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 231— 247. [8 nn. spp. in: Pseudococcus 4, T'ylococcus, Trionymus, Ripersia, Nesococcus.] 214021 Quayle, H. J. 57.52 Cocens- 1917. Some Comparisons of Coccus citricola and C. hesperidum. (Pap. No. 42 Univ. California, Grad. School Trop. Agric. & Citrus Stat. Riverside.): Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 10 p. 373—376. 22 Rhumbler, L. 57.52 Cryptococcus : 16.5 1915. Verfügung des Ministers für Landwirtschaft pp. vom. 19. Dezbr. 1913 — ILL. 12102 — betr. Buchenwollaus. Jahrb. schles. Forstver. 1914 p. 189—199. [Lebensgeschichte von Cryptococcus fagi.] 25 Wellhouse, Walter. 57.02 Dactylopius : 11.044 1916. Results of Experiments on the Use of Cyanide of Potassium as an Insecticide. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 169—171, pl. 24 Baker, A. C., and W. M. Davidson. 57.52 Eriosoma : 16.5 1916/17. Woolly Pear Aphis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 351—360.. 1 fig. [Eriosoma pyricola n. sp.]— A Further Contribution to the Study of Eriosoma pyricola, the Woolly Pear Aphis. Vol. 10 p. 65—74, 2 pls., 1 fig. 25 Jablonowski, Jözsef. 57.52 Eucalymnatus (43.91) 1917. A rakottnätü paizstetüröl és hazai elöforduläsäröl. Ällatt. Közlem. Köt. 16 p. 55—75, 4 figg. — Über das Vorkommen des Eucalymnatus. tessellatus (Sc.) in Ungarn. p. 141—142, [— Levanium perforatum Newsr. E. t. hat Gültigkeit.] 26 Simanton, F. I. 57.52 Eulecanium : 16.5 1916. The Terrapin Scale : An Important Insect Enemy of Peach Or- chards. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 351, 96 pp-, 2 ple., 19 figg. [Eulecanium nigrofasciatum.] 214027 Pierantoni, Umberto. 57.52 Icerya : 13 | 1914. Studii sullo sviluppo d’Icerya purchasi Mask. Parte II. — Origine ed evoluzione degli organi sessuali maschili. — Ermafroditismo.. Arch. 2001. Napoli Vol. 7 p. 27—49, 2 tav. — III. Osservazioni di embriologia. p. 248-274, 3 tav., 6 fige. 13.15,.2 14.3,.63,.65 214028 29 35 36 37 214038 89 40 41 42 43 44 Hemiptera 348 Shinji, &. 0. 57.52 Icerya : 15.6 APS ARE Habit of the Cottony Cushion Scale. Entom. News Vol. 28 pP» 1 STE de De Gregorio, A. 57.92 Icerya : 16.5 1916. Appunti biologici dell’Icerya purchasi Mask. e del suo predatore Novius cardinalis Mus. Natural. sicil. Vol. 23 p. 5—17, 4 tav. ; Giillette, C. P. 57.52 Lachnus (78.8) 1917. Some Colorado Species of the Genus Lachnus. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 133—144, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp.] 16.5 Meissner, Otto. 57.52 Lecanium (43.15) 1917. Massenauftreten von Schildläusen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 34. [Lecanium sp. bei Potsdam.] | Weiss, Harry B. 57.52 Lecanium (74.9) 1917. The Status of Lecanium corni Boucak in New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Patch, Edith M. 57.92 Livia : 15 1916. A Psyllid Gall on Juncus (Livia maculipennis Fırca). (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 82.) Psyche Vol. 23 p. 21—22, 1 pl. Patch, Edith M. 57.52 Macrosiphum : 16.5 1915/16. Pink and Green Aphid of Potato. (Macrosiphum solanifolii Asaumeap.) (Pap. Maine agric. Exner. Stat. Entom. No. 81.) 31st ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. — Bull. No. 242 p. 205—223, 3 pls. Phillips, W. J. 57.02 Macrosiphum : 16.5 1916. Macrosiphum granarium, the English Grain Aphis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 7 p. 463—480, 3 pls. ' Baker, A. C. 57.52 Macrosiphun : 16.5 1917. Life History of Macrosiphum üllinoisensis, the Grapevine Aphis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 11 p. 83—90, 2 pls. Baker, A. C. 57.52 Melaphis : 15.1 1917. On the Chinese Gall. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 385—3%, à pl. [Melaphis chinensis.] | Lizer, C. 57.52 Mesolecanium (82) 1917. Une nouvelle coccidocécidie de l’Argentine et description du céci- dozoaire qui la produit. (Mesolecanium deltae n. sp.) Broteria 8. Fiel Vol. 15 p. 103—107, 5 figg. À Richardson, Chas. H. 57.52 Myzus : 14.1 1918. The Pulsatile Vessels in the Legs of Aphididae. Psyche Vol. 25 p. 15—17. [Myzus persicae.] Gillette, ©. P., and L. C. Bragg. 57.52 Myzus : 15.2 1917. The Migratory Habits of Myzus ribis (Lısw.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 10 p. 338—340, 17 figg. Ross, W. A. 57.52 Myzus : 15.3 1917. The Secondary Host of Myzus cerasi. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 434. [Lepidium apetalum.] Shinji, 6. 0. 57.52 Myzus (79.4) 1917. The California Species of Myzus, with the description of a new Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 49—51, 1 fig. [M. godetiae n. sp.] Maxson, Asa C. 57.52 Pemphigus : 15 1916. Some Unpublished Notes on Pemphigus betae Doanz. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 500-505. 15.4 Dietz, Harry F., and Harold Morrison. 57.52 Phenacaspis (77.2) 1916. Phenacaspis spinicola n. sp.; an apparently new Coccid from In- diana. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 101—102, 1 fig. Hollinger, A. H. 57.52 Phenacoceus (71.8) 1917/18. A New Species of Phenacoccus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 281— 284, 4 figg. [Ph. pettiti.] — Phenacoccus siachyos Eur. (= P. pettit# Houcım- ser.) Vol. 50 p. 23—24. Srassi, B., e M. Topi. 587.52 Phylloxera : 11.5 1917. Esistono diverse razze di fillossera della vite? Bend. Accad, Lincei (5) Vol. 26 Sem. 1 p. 265—273. [Biotipi di vitigno predetermi- nato.] 349 | Hemiptera 214047 Rosen, Harry R. 57.52 Phylloxera : 15 1916. The Development of the Phylioxera vasatrix Leaf Gall. S cience- N. S. Vol. 43 p. 216—217. 48 Dewitz, J. 57.52 Phylloxera : 15.4 1915. Ueber das Verhalten der Reblaus im Boden während der kalten Jahreszeit. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 13 p. 367—369. 49 Carlucci, Michele. 57.52 Phylloxera : 16.5 1914. La Viticoltura italiana e la Fillossera. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 141—170. 60 Faes, H. 82.52 Phylloxera : 16.5. 1915. Le Phylloxéra gallicole dans le Vignoble vaudois. Terre vaudoise Ann. 7 p. 269—270, 1 fig. 51 Schneider-Orelli, 0. 97.02 Phylloxera : 16.5 1916. Zur Biologie von Phylloxera vastatrix, Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 97 Tl. 2 p. 265—267. 52 Schumacher, F. 97.52 Porphyrophora : (43.15) 1916. Vorkommen der polnischen Cochenille, Porphyrophora polonica Les. in Brandenburg. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 84. 53 Baker, A. C. 57.52 Prociphilus 1916, Identity of Erisoma pyri. Journ. agric. Research Vol, 5 p. 1115. —1129, 1 fig. [=Proeiphilus pyri.] 54 Ferris, G. F. 57.52 Pseudococcus : 07 1917. Methods for the Study of Mealy-Bugs. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 ;. 321—325, 55 Clausen, Curtis P. 57.52 Pseudococcus : 16.5. 1915. Mealy Bugs of Citrus Trees. (Pap. No. 5 Citrus exper. Stat. Coll. Agric. Univ. California.) Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. California No. 258 p. 19—48, 8 figg. (79.4) 14056 Mally, Charles William. 97.52 Pseudococeus : 16.5 1917. A Convenient Type of Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Generator for Fumi- sating Viueyards for the Destruction of the Mealy Bug, Pseudococcus ca- pensis Bram. South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 13 p. 621, 2 pls. 57 Schumacher, F. 57.52 Pseudococcus (43.1£) 1517. Pseudocoecus vovae Nassonow, eine für Deutschland neue Schildlaus Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 346-347. 58 Jablonowski, Jözsef. 97.02 Pseudococcus (43.91) 1916. Egy delszaki paizstetü hazänkban. Allatt. Közlem. Köt. 15 p. 232 —247, 4 figg. — Eine tropische Aphide in Ungarn. p. 339. [Pseudococcus nipae Masx.] 59 Hollinger, A. H. 57.52 Pseudococcus (77.8) 1916/17. The Shell-bark Hickory Mealy-bug. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 411-413. [Pseudococcus jessica n. sp.] — Vol. 49 p. 19—21, 2 figg. 16,5 60 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.32 Pseudococcus (79) 1516. Some Grass-feeding Mealy-bugs (Coccidae). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 312—313, [Pseudococcus timberlakei D. sp. — 1 n. var.] (79.2,.4) 61 Krausse, Anton. 57.02 Psyllidae 1916. Zur Systematik und Naturgeschichte der Psylliden (Springläuse) und speziell von Psyllopsis fraxini L. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 46 p. 80—96, 1 Taf., 30 figg. 62 Zacher, Friedrich. 57.52 Psyllidae : 15 1916. Die Literatur über die Blattflöhe und die von ihnen verursachten Gallen, nebst einem Verzeichnis der Nährpflanzen und Nachträgen zum „Psyllidarum kr Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 46 p. 97 —111. 15. 63 Essig, E. 0. 57.52 Psyllidae : 165 1917. The Tomato and Laurel Psyllids. Journ. ecen. Entom. Vol. 10 | p. 483—444, i pl. 2 figg. 1064 Crawford, D. L. 57.52 Psyllidae (91.4) | 1917. Philippine and Asiatie Psyllidae, Philippine Journ, Sc. D Vol. 12 p- 163—175, 1 pl. [14 nn. spp. in: Paurowsylla, Homotoma, Carsidarosda D. 8, Rhinopsylla, Strogyiocphala n. &, ÆEpipsylla, Arytaine 2, Psylla 2, ‘214065 66 67 68 69 72 ‘214073 14 75 76 17 79 80 214081 t Hemiptera RN 390, Baker, A. C. 97.52 Pterocomma 1916. A Review of the Pterocommini (Aphididae Hom.).‘ Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 250 —289, (laser, R. W. 57.92 Pterocomma : 11.76 1917. Anthocyanin in Pterocomma smitniae (Mox.). Psyche Vol. 24 p.30. Davidson, W. M. 97.92 Rhopalosiphum : 16.5 1917. The Reddish-Brown Plum Aphis (Rhopalosiphum nymphaea Linn.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 350—353, 12 figg. — by A.C. Baker. p. 003—504. Portale, F, 97.92 Saissetia ; 16.5 1914 Studi ed osservazioni intorno alla lotta contro la fumaggine degli agrumi e dell’olivo con i polisolfuri di calcio in Provincia di Messina durante il 1911. Ann. R. Seuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 719— 720. Daker, A. €, 57.02 Saltusaphis (73) 1917. Synopsis of the genus Saltusaphis. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 1—9, 3 pls. [3 nn. spp. (74.9, 75.5, 78.1,.8) Schneider-Orelli, O. 97.92 Schizoneura 1916. Untersuchungen über die Blutlaus (Schizoneura lanigera Hausu.) Mitt. schweiz. eutom, Ges. Bd. 12 p. 336—338. [Unter den geflügelten Blut- läusen sind sexupare und virginopare Typen zu unterscheiden.) Morpæenxiñ, C. Mokrzecki, S. 57.82 Sehizoneura : 11.6 1896. H'BKOTOpHA HAGHIOIEHIA HAAb IIMKAOMB NONOBaro pasBnria Schizo- neura lanigera Hausm. Einige Beobachtungen über den Cyclus der Ge- schlechts-Entwicklung der Schizoneura lanigera Hausm San, HoBopocc. Oôm. Ecrecrs. T. 20 Brin, 2 Mém. Soc. Nat. Nouv. Russie T. 20 Pt, 2 p. 23—25S, 1 Taf. Patch, Edith M. 57.92 Schizoneura : 16.5 1915/16. Woolly Aphid of Elm and Juneberry. (Schizoneura americana in part, of authors.) (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat, Entom. No. 79). 31st ann. Bep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. — Bull. No. 241 p. 197—204, 2 figg. Yingling, Hal C. 57.52 Schizoneura (76.4) 1917. Aphid Eggs in Texas (Lat, 30°, 30’) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 pe 223—224. [Probably Schizoneura corni.] Ferris, 6. F. 57.52 Stomacoccus (79.4) 1917. A New Genus and Species % Coccidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 375— 378, 4 figg. [Stomacoceus n. g. platani n. sp.] 16.5 nie 91.92 Tachardia : 16.1 1915. The Lac Insect. The Curious Insect That is the Source of Lac Varnishes. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 80 p. 281—282, 2 figg. [Tachardia lacca.] Somes, M. P. 57.92 Targionia (7) 1916. Targionia dearnessü Cxur. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 281—282. (71.3, 75.2,.5,.6, 77.5,.7,8, 78.2, 79.4) Webster, F. M, 87.02 Toxoptera : 16.5 1916. The Spring Grain Aphis or ,Green Bug“ in the Southwest and the Possibilities of an Outbreak in 1916. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Entom. Circ. No. 55, 3 pp., 3 figg. Kelly, E. 0. &. . 57.52 Toxoptera : 16.5 1917. The Green Bug (Toxoptera graminum Ronp.) Outbreak of 1916. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 233—248. Weiss, Harry B. 57.92 Trioza : 16.5 1917. The bay flea-louse, Trioza alacris FLor as a new pest in New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 pP» 135—75. Bagnall, Richard S. 54,52 Trioza (42) 1916. Trioza proxima Fror as a British insect. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 229. Florence, Laura. 57.52 Xylococens : 16.5 1917. The Pacific Coast Species of Xylococcus. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 147—162, 3 pls. [X. alni n. sp.] (79.4.7) 351 Hemiptera 214082 Melichar, L. 57.53 (4) 1915. Monographie der Tropiduchinen (Homoptera). Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 53 Abh. p. S2—224, 35 fige. [39 nn. spp. in: Peggioga, Lep- tovanua n.g.3, Thymbra n.g., Daradax, Thaumantia n. 8., Oechalinan.g. 2, Mulucha n.g., Varma, Tropiduchus 4, Numicia 2, Haliartus n. g., Eporiella n. 8., Alcestis 4, Athestia n. 2, Amapala n. g. 2, Tambinia 3, Taxilana (n. nom. pro Taxila Star non Dousı.) 3, Garumna n. 8., Pseudoparicana (n.g, pro Paricana eurvifera), Sogana 2, Purasthesa n. 8., Habrotasa n. g., Chio- tasa n. 8. — Tangiopsis n. g. pro Tangia kraatzi, Neotangia pro Tangia angustata, Diagrynia pro Grynia africana.] : (43.68,.69,.91, 45.73, 46.8, 497, 51.2, 52,1,.2,.8..9, 94.1,.7—.88, 59,1,.5, 66.3,.4,,9—67.1,.8,.9, 69, 72.6, 728, 729.1 —,5,.7,8, 75.9, 81, 86,.6, 89, 91.1—922, 935, 936, 94.3) 83 Haupt, H. 07.53 (403) 1917. Neue paläarktische Homoptera nebst Bemerkungen über einige schon bekannte, Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 229—262, 12 figg. [27 nn. spp, in: Cryptotympana, Tettigia, Cicadatra 2, Enneaglena n. g., Tom- aspis, Triecphora (1 n. var.), Lepyronia, Philaenus (1 n. var.,, Macropsis, Symphypyga n. g. 3, Phiepsius, Deltocephalus, Athysanus 4, Stenometopiellus n. 3., Thamnotettix 4, Oliarus 5.] (43.12,.53,.54, 47.1,.6,.7,.9, 494, 51.1, 55, 96.4,.43, 57.1,.6,.9, 58.4, 65) 84 Melichar, L. 57.93 (47.9) 1914. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der kaukasischen Homopterenfauna. Hasbcria kapzascr. Mys. Bull. Mus. Caucase Vol. 8 p. 127—137, 1 fig. [4 on. spp. in: Conosimus, Hysteropterum, Phantia, Allygus.] 85 Matsamura, Shonen. 57.93 (52) 1916. Synopsis der Issiden (Fulgoriden) Japans. Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 85-118, [23 an. spp. in: Conocaliscelis n. g. 2, Hemi- Sphaerius 3, Gergithus 7, Daruma n. g., Okissus n. 8., Tonga, Sarima 7, Sa- rimodes n, g.} (92.1-—.3,.8,.9) 14085 Distant, W. L. 57.53 (59) 1917. The Homoptera of Indo-China. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 20 D. 8319—325. [10 nn. spp. in: Cryptotympana 2, Dundubia, Cosmopsaltria, Haphsa 3, Terpnosia, Gaena, Seieroptera.) (99.4,.9) 87 Cogan, Eric 8. 37.93 (6) 1916. Homopterous Studies. Part I. Contribution towards Our Knowledge of the Homoptera of South Africa. Ohio Journ, Se. Vol. 16 p. 161 — 290, € pls. [21 nn. spp. in: Philaenus, Pediopsis, Idiocerus, Agallia 2, Deltoce- Phalus 2, Athysanus 4, Thamnotettir 4 (1 n. var.), Cicadula, Empoasca 2, Typhlocyba 3.—In. var. in Rhinaulaz.) (6 7.8—63.2,.4,.7,.9) 88 Distant, W. L. 97.33 (6) 1917. Descriptions of some Ethiopian and Australian Homoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 20 p. 186191. [12 nn. spp. in: Hilda, Temban- dumba n.g., Dardus, Privesa, Eurymeloides, Ledropsis 2, Gudwana n. g., T'etti- goniella 3, Hecalus.] (52, 63, 67.1.3, 94.3,.4) 89 Jacobi, A. 95.93 (6) 1917. Die Zikadenfauna Madagascars und der Comoren. Voeitzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 3 D. 919—552, 2 Taf. [43 nn. spp. in: Trismarcha, Abroma, Achaemenes 3, Oliarus 2, Nesomyndus n. g., -Ani- grus, Brixia, Delphax 2, Numicia, Teutberga n. g., Privesa, Siopa n. g., Or- menis, Phalaenomorpha 2, Literna 3, Amberana 2, Dauphina 2, Clovia 3, Coloborrhis, Bythoscopus 2, Prosopoxys n. g., Teitigoniella 8, Agropona 2, — Nesaulax n. g. pro Rhinaulax vêitipennis.] (67.8, 69,.4,.6) 90 Ball, E. D, 57.08 (7) | 1916. Some new Species of Athysanus and Related Genera. Entom. News Voi. 27 p. 173—176, 204— 208, [13 nn. spp. in: Athysanus 4, Platy- metopius 3 {1 n. var.), Chlorotettix, Neocoelidia 5.] (728, 79.1, 2,.4,.5) 091 Osborn, Herbert. 57.58 (74.1) 1915/16. Leafhoppers of Maine. (Pan. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entomo- logy No. 78.) 31st ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. — Bull. No. 238 p- 81—160, 35 figg. (12 nn. spp. in: Pediopsis, Xestocephalus, Parabolocratus, Deliocephalus, Athysanus 3, Thamnotettiæ 2 (l'n. var.), Phlepsius, Cicadula 2.] Hemiptera 352 214092 Horsfall, J. L. 87.53 (77.8) 1916. Additions to the Jassoidea ef Missouri. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vel. 16 p. 854—555. | 93 Ball, E. D. 57.53 (79) 1916. New Species of Eutetiix and Phlepsius. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 124—130. [5 nn. spp. in: Eutettix 3 (2 nn. varr.), Phlepsius 2.] (79.2—.4,.7) 94 Baker, C. F. 57.93 (91.4) 1915. Studies in Philippine Jassoidea, IV: The Idiocerini of the Philip- pines. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 10 p. 317—342, 23 figg. [17 nn. spp. in: Iposcopus n. g. 2, Ipocerus n. g., Busonia 2, Balocha, Pedioscopus |, ‘ Idioscopus n. g. 2, Idiocerinus n. g. 2.--3 nn. varr. in Chunra.] 95 Scammell, H. B. 57.03 Amphiscepa : 15 1917. Amphiscepa bivitiata Say, in its Relation to Cranberry. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 552—556, 1 pl. [Of no importance as a cranberry pest but essentially one of secondary classification.] 96 Schmidt, Hugo. 57.53 Aphrophora : 15 1915. Weitere Bemerkungen zu „Die Larve der Schaumzikade (Aphro- phora spumaria L.) als gallenbildendes Tier.“ (Prometheus, XXV. Jahrg., Heft 16.) Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 90—92. 97 Walden, B. H. 57.53 Aphrophora : 16.5 1917. The Parallel spittle-insect on Pine. 16th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 125—126, 1 pl. 98 Boring, Alice M., and | Raymond H. Fogler. 57.58 Cercopidae : 14 63.1 1915. Further Notes on the Chromosomes of the Cercopidae. Biol. Bali. Woods Hole Vol. 29 p. 312—315, 17 figg. [Chromosome number (reduced) varies from 7 to 15. Typical odd chromosome dividing only in 2nd spermatocyte division, also a particularly large chromosome present | 214099 Metcalf, Z. P. 57.53 Cercopidae : 14.99 1917. The Wing Venation of the Cercopidae. (Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entom. North Carolina agric. Coll. and Exper. Stat. No. 6.) Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 27—32, 2 pls. 214100 Brittain, W. H. 57.53 Ceresa : 16.5. 1916. Notes on two Species of Tree-hoppers (Meınbracidae) ovipositing in the Apple. Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 34—39. [Ceresa taurina and bubalus.] 01 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.53 Chanitus (64) 1916. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Chanitus Kırı. (Hémiptère Cixiidae, subfamille des Dictyopharinae) du Maroc sud-occidental. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 8 p. 42—45, 1 fig. [Ch. infumatus n. Sp.] 02 Haupt, H. | 57.53 Cicada : 14.99: 1913. Ueber Bau und Mechanik des Flugorgans der Zikaden. Zeitschr. Nat. Leipzig Bd. 55 p. 5° —58. 03 Fabre, J. H. 57.53 Cicada ::15 1912. Die Zikade und ihre Feinde. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 53 p. 177 —184. [Aus dem Französischen übersetzt.] 57,28,.92 04 Davis, Wm. T. 57.53 Cicada (73) 1916. Notes on Cicadas from the United States with Descriptions of Several New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vel. 24 p. 42—65, 4 pls., 10 figg. [6 nn. spp. in Cicada.] . (74.9, 75.6,.8,.9, 76.1—.4,.7, 78.1, 79.1,.2,.4) 05 Gossard, H. 4. 57.53 Cicada (77.1) 1916. The Distribution of the Periodical Cicada in Ohio. Journ. econ. ._ Entom. Vol. 9 p. 53—59, 3 figg. 06 Lathrop, Frank H. 57.53 Cicadellidae (75.7) 1917. A Preliminary List of Cicadellidae (Homoptera) of South Carolina, with Descriptions of New Species. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 17 p.119—131, 7 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Agallia, Platymetopius 2, Phlepsius 4.] 214107 Sanders, J. &., and D. M. De Long. 57.53 Cicadellidae (77.5) 1917. The Cicadellidse (Jassoidea — Fam. Homoptera) of Wisconsin, with 353 Hemiptera 214107 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.53 Cicadellidae (77.8) 1917. Additions to the list of Missouri Cicadellidae (Jassoidea). Canad. 08 Krumbach, Thilo. 57.958 Cicadidae : 15 1917. Zur Naturgeschichte der Singeicaden im Roten Istrien. Erster Bei- trag der Zoologischon Station Rovigno zur „Faunistik des Roten Istriens.* Zool. Anz. Bd. 48 p. 241—250; 15.2, 4 8 09 Taschenberg, 0. 57.53 Cicadidae : 15.8 1916/17. Ein Wort über die sog. „Zikaden“ in der Darstellung nicht zünftiger Entomologen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 641—643. — Noch einige historische Betrachtungen über die Singzikaden. Leopoldina Heft 10 von Tubeuf, Elisabeth. 51.08 Cicadidae : 16.5 1916. Die Weisspunktkrankheit und ihre Erreger. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst- Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 14 p. 436—446, 5 figg. [Cicaden-Arten.] 11 Edwards, James. 57.53 Cicadidae (42) 1920. New or Little-Known Sheres of British Cicadina. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 53—58, [6 nn. spp. in: Aphrophora, Oncopsis 2, Macropsis, Anoscopus, Limotettix.] (42 21—.25,.37,.41) 12 Distant, W. L. 67.53 Cicadidae (502) 1917. The Homoptera of Indo-China. Ann. Mg. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 100—104. [6 nn. spp. in: Terpnosia 3, Calcagninus, Mogannia, Huechys.] (51.1, 59.9, 91.4) 13 Matsumura, Shonen. 57.53 Cicadidae (52) 1917. A List of the Japanese and Formosan Cicadidae with Description of New Species and Genera. Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. Vol, 6 p. 186—212. [14 un. spp. in: Platypleura 2 (2 nn. varr.), Pycna, Leptosemia (n. g. pro Purana sakati), Cosmopsaltria, Meimuna 3, Euterpnosia n. g. 3 (1 n. var.), Mogannia 2, Cicadetta.- Formosemia n. g. pro Leptopsaltria apicalis, Taiwanosemia pro L. hoppoensis, Semia pro L. watunabei, Yezoterpnosia pro Terpnosia nigricosta.] (61.3, 52.1—.4,.8,.9, 57.1) 214114 Davis, Wm. T. 57.58 Cicadidae (7) 1919. Cicadas of the Genera Okanagana, Tibicinoides and Okanagodes, with Descriptions of Several New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 179—223, 2 pls. 8 flgg. [7 nn. spp. in: Okanagana 6, Okanagodes n. g.] (71.1—.4,.6, 72.2, 74.1,.2,.4,.7,8, 76.2.4, 17.3,5—.7, 78.1,.2,.6—79.7) 15 Davis, Wm. T. 97.53 Cicadidae (7) 1920. North American Cicadas belonging to the Genera Platypedia and Melampsalta. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 95—135, 1 pl., 17 figg. (71.1, 75.8,.9, 76.4.,6, 78.2,.6,.8— 79.7) 16 Davis, Wm. T. 57.93 Cicadidae (72.2) 1917. Two New Cicadas from Lower California, Mexico. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 6—10, 1 pl., 2 figg. [Clidophleps astigma and Okanagana aurantiaca nn. spp.] 17 Davis, Wm. T. 57.53 Cicadidae (73) 1918. Mississippi Cicadas, with a Key to the Species of the Southeastern United States. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 141—155, 2 pis. 1 fig. [Okanagana viridis n. sp.--l n. var. in Tibicen.| (74.4,.9, 75.9,.6,.8— 76.8, 77.2,.4,.8, 78.1,.2) 18 Deletang, Luis F. 57.53 Cicadidae (82) 1919. Contribuciön al estudio de los Cicädidos (Cicadidae) argentinos. Ensayo filogenetico. Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 88 p. 25—94, 17 figg. [2 on. spp. in: Tettigades, Fadylia n. g.— Dorisia n.g. pro Fidicina drewseni, Edholmbergia pro Tettigades lebruni.] 19 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.83 Criopaca (67.5) 1919. Criopaca bequeaerti, eine neue afrikanische Ricaniiden-Gattung und Art. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 376-877. 214120 Muir, F. 57.03 Delphacidae 1919. Notes on the Delphacidae in the British Museum Collection. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 ps 6—8. — Erratum p. 146. Bibliogr. Zool. XXX XII. 1920 23 Hemiptera 354 214121 Muir, F. 87.935 Delphacidae (502) 1917. Homopterous Notes. Proc. Hawaïian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 311 —338. [26 nn. spp. in: Dicranotropis 3, Phyllodinus 3, Smicrotatodelphax, Stenocranus 6, Perkinsiella, Anectobia, Megamelus 2, Sardia, Kelisia 2, Del- phacodes 6.] (52.9, 54.87, 91.3,.4, 922, 931, 94.3, 96.1) 22 Muir, Frederick. 57.58 Delphacidae (504) 1919. Some Malayan Delphacidae, Philippine Journ, Se. Vol. 15 p. 521 —531, 1 pl. [13 nn. spp. in: Furohita, Upachara, Malara 4, Acrofacies 2, Sogata, Eumetopina 3, Stenocranus.] (59.5, 91.1,.4, 922) 23 Spooner, C. 8. 57.53 Delphacidae (73) 1920. Some Notes on the Occurrence of Delphacinae. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Univ. Illinois Nc. 60.) Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 44—46. 15.2 (74.7, 75.8, 77.6) 24 Muir, F. 97.93 Delphacidae (8) 1919. Some New American Delphacidae. Canad. Entom. Vol, 51 p. 35— 39, 12 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Columbiana n. g., Pissonotus, Hornet Chlo- riona, Delphacodes 2.1 (86, 88) 25 Muir, Frederick. 57.53 Delphacidae (21.4) 1916. Additions to the known Philippine Delphacidae, Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 369-385. [17 nn. spp. in: Melanesia 2, Punana 2, Cono- eraera n. g., Tropidocephala 3, Purohita, Brachycraera n. g., Perkinsiella 5, . Stenocranus, Phyllodinus.] | 26 Muir, F. 57.55 Delphacidae (96.9) 1916/17. Review of the Autochthonous Genera of Hawaiian Delphacidae. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 168—221, 79 figg. [27 nn. spp. in: Nesodryas 3, Aloha 7, Nesosydne 17.—3 nn. subspp. in Leialoha.] — New Hawaïian Delphacidae. p. 298—311. [13 nn. spp. in Nesodryas 2, Notho- restias n. g., Nesosydne 9 (1 n. subsp.), Kelisia. — 1 n. subsp. in Leialoha.) 27 Giffard, Walter M. 57.55 Delphacidae (96.9) 1917. Reference Tables of the Hawaiian Delphacids and of Their Food- Plants. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 339—348. 15.3 214128 Giffard, Walter M. 57.53 Delphacidae (96.9) 19 18. Notes on Delphacids Collected on a Short Visit to Portions of the Intermediate Forests in Olaa and in North and South Kona, Island of Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian eutom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 407—412. 29 Muir, F. 57.58 Delphacidae (96.9) 191% New Hawaiiar Delphacidae Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 84—108, 32 figg. [18 nn. spp. in: Kelisia, Iburnia 17 (1 n. subsp. —2 nn. varr.)— I. neowailupensis n. nom. pro Nesodyne waïiupensis Mure.] 30 De Long, Dwight M. 57.53 Deltocephalus (77.5) 1918. A New Species of Cicadellidae from Wisconsin. Ohio Journ. Sc Vol. 18 p. 228. [Deltocephalus marginatus.] | 31 Muir, Frederick. | 57.53 Derbidae (502) 1918. Notes on the Derbidae in the British Museum Colleetion.—I. Zo- raidinae. Entom. monthly Mag. (5) Vol. 4 p. 173—177, 202—207. [10 nn. spp. in: Diospolis, Proutista, Pamendanga 3, Zoraida 5. Pseudohelcita n. g pro Zoraida walkeri, Neodiostrombus pro Thracia basalis.] (54.87, 59.5, 66.7,.9, 67.6,.9, 68.4, 91.3, 94.2) 32 Muir, Frederick. 57.53 Derbidae (801) 1918/19. Notes on the Derbidae in the British Museum Collection. II. Der- binae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 228—243. [5 nn. spp. in: Derbe, Patara, Symidis n. g., Phenice, Herpis, Pyrrhoneura, Robigus, Proutista.] A correction. Vol. 5 p. 89 (52.9, 66.7, 68.9, 728, 86, 88) 214133 Muir, Frederick. 57.53 Derbidae (91.4) 1917. The Derbidae of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 12 p. 49—105, 1 pl, 4 figg. [63 nn. spp. in: Neocyclokara n. g., Phaciocephala 2, Herpis 3, Vekunta, Lamenia 4, Neolamenia n. g., Pyrrhoneura, Phantasmatocera, Neodendrokara n. g., Nesokaha 2, Kaha 3, Eosaccharissa 3, Kamendaka 6, Nicerta, Megatropis, Banksiellan.g., Leptaleocera 2, Mysidioides, Zeugma, Zor«ida 4, Losbanosia n. g. 2, Peogia, Peggiopsis 6, Mindana n. g, Proutista, Paraproutista 4, Sikaiana, Muiria, Leomelicharia 4, Distantinia n. g., Levu.—Mecynorhynchus nigropunctus n.nom, pro M. hyalinus Mvır non Mecicxar.] 355 Hemiptera 214134 Bridwell, J. C. 57.55 Dictyophorodelphax : 15.3 1917. Notes on Dietyophorodelpha: mirabilis. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 279—280. 35 Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.55 Dictyophorodelphax (96.9) 191$. Dictyophorodelphaæ praedicta sp. nov. Proc. Hawaïian entom. Soc. 36 de Bergevin, Ernest. 97.55 Doumerguella 1918. Note rectificative à propos de la description du genre Doumerguella BEercev. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 9 p. 117—118. [Syno- nyme du genre Cyphopterum.] 37 Olæn, Chris E. 57.53 Draeculacephala (73) 1917. Notes on Draeculacephala inscripta Van Duzer. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 215—218, 1 pl. (74.7,9, 15.8,.9, 76.4,.8) 38 Brittain, W. H., and L. G. Saunders. 57.58 Empoa : 16.5 1916. Notes on the Rose Leaf-hopper (Empoa rusae Linn.) ia Nova Scotia. Proc. entom. Soc. Nova Scotia 1916 p. 48—51, 1 pl, 1 fig. 39 Becker, George 6. 57.53 Empoasca : 15 1918. Empoasca mali Les. Attacks Man. Psyche Vol. 25 p. 101. 40 Weiss, Harry B., and Edgar L. Dickerson. 57.53 Empoasca : 15 1918. The Early Stages of Empoasca trifasciata Gizr. Canad. Entem.. Vol. 50 p. 201—205, 1 fi 4] Lathrop, Frank H. 97.55 Empoasca : 16.5 1918. Leaf-Hoppers Injurious to Apple Trees. Bull. N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 451 p. 185—200, 4 pls., 2 figg. [Empoasca spp.] 42 Ball, E. D. 57.53 Empoasca : 16.5 1919. The Potato Leafhopper and its Relation to the Hopperburn. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 149—155, 2 pls. [Empoasca mali.[ 43 Fluke, Charles L. 57.53 Empoasca : 16.5 1919. Does Bordeaux Mixture Repel the Potato Leafhopper? Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 256—257. 214144 Ball, E. D., and F. A. Fenton. 97.08 Empoasca : 16.5 1920. Wbat Per Cent of Tipburn is Caused by the Potato Leafhopper ? Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 218—221, 1 pl. 45 Parrot, P. J., and R. D. Olmstead. 854.58 Empoasca : 16.5 1920. The Work of Empoasca mali on Potato Foliage. Journ. econ. 46 Matausch, Ignaz. 51.95 Enchenopa : 13.41 1916. Notes on a Peculiar Nymph-Variation of Enchenopa binotata Say. Jouin. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 151—152. 47 de Bergevin, Ernest. 97.53 Erythroneura (65). 1919. Une variété nouvelle de l’Erythroneura parvula des environs d’Al- ger. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 10 p. 72. [uigericus.] 48 Edwards, James. 57.53 Eupelix (42) 1919. On the British Species of Eupelix Grruar. Entom. mouthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 105—106. 49 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.53 Eupterygidae 1918. Genera of the RL A Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 31 P» 109—124. 50 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.53 Eupterygidae (71.6) 1919. Report on a Second Collection of Nova Scotian Leaf- -Hoppers, in- cluding Descriptions of New Varieties. Canada. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 225— 226. (3 nn. varr. in Typhlocyba.] 51 Laing, F. 57.58 Eupteryx (42.1) 1920. Two Species of Eupteryx New to Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 196—197, 2 figg. [E. loewii and stellulata.] 52 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.53 Eupteryx (73) 1919. Preliminary Key to the Nearctic Species of Eupteryx. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 182—186. [2 nn. varr.] (74.1,.7,.8, 75.2,3,.5, 77.1) 214153 Severin, Henry H. P. 57.53 Eutettix : 152 919. Notes on the Behavior of the Beet Leafhopper (Eutettix tenella Baxie). ‚Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 12 p. 303—308. [Swarming.] Hemiptera 356 214154 Boncquet, P. A., and C, F. Stahl. 57.53 Eutettix : 16.5 1917. Wild Vegetation as a Source of Curly-top Infection of Sugar Beets. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 392—397, 2 pls. 55 Severin, Henry H. P., and William W. Thomas. 57.53 Eutettix : 16.5 1918. Notes on the Beet Leafhopper, Eutettix tenella Baker. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 308—312. 56 Stahl, C. F., and Eubanks Carsner. 57.98 Eutettix : 16.5 1918. Obtaining Beet Leafhoppers Nonvirulent as to Curly-Top. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 14 p. 393—394. 57 Severin, Henry H. P. 57.53 Eutettix (79.4) 1919. Investigations of the Beet Leafhopper (Eutettix tenella Baker) in Cal- ifornia. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 312—326, 1 pl. 58 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.053 Falcidius (65) 1919. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Falcidius de la province de Constantine. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 10 p. 157—161, 5 figg. [diphtheriopsis.] 59 Muir, F. 57.58 Fulgoridae 1917. On the Synonymy of Delphax maidis Asım. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 147 [= Peregrinus maidis.] 60 Metcalf, Z. P. 57.53 Fulgoridae 1920. A Suggestion for a Better Popular Name for the Fulgoridae. En- tom. News Vol. 31 p. 57—58. [Plant hoppers.] 61 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Fulgoridae (801) 1916 Die Dictyopharinen des Stettiner Museums. (Hemiptera Homoptera). Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 345--358. [? nn. spp. in: Aluntia, Plegmatoptera. — Lyncidini n. nom. pro Bursini Mxrrcaar.] (44.36, 45.73, 469.8, 47.8, 52.9, 54.1, 59.3,.5, 63, 65.99, 67.1,.3,.8, 68.2, 69, 72.9, 72.8, 81, 83, 84, 86.6, 91.1, 921, 922, 94.2,.3) 214162 Schmidt, Edmund. 97.98 Fulgoridae (801) 1919. Zur Kenntnis der Ricaniinae. I. und II. Stettin. entom. Zeitung Jahrg. 80 p. 132—175, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Paravarcia n. g.. Indogae- tulia (n. g. pro Gaetulia nigrovenosa). — Paradetya n. g. pro Detya pallidi- pennis, Convarcia pro Varcia apicata, Neovarcia pro V. aequata, Orthothyreus pro Sassula apicalis]) (54.1,.87, 59.1,.5,.9, 72.6, 728, 81, 86.6, $1.1, 921, 922, 94.4, 95) 63 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.58 Gouiagnathus (65) 1920. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Goniagnathus d'Algérie. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 11 p. 77—79, 3 figg. [Goniagnathus algiricus.] 64 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.93 Gypona (7) 1919. A Review of the Leafhoppers of the Genus Gypona North of Mexico. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 56 p.87—100. [8 nn. spp.] (728, 74.4,.7,.8, 75.2,.5,.6,.8,.9, 77.3,.4,.6,.7, 78.1,.2,.8—79.1) 65 Schumacher, F. 57.53 Huechys (5) 1917. Ueber eine orientalische Zikadenart, Huechys sanguinea Grer, und ihre Rolle in der chinesischen Medizin. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat; Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 368—382, 3 figg. 16.1 (51.1,.2,.4, 52.9, 59.9) 66 Horväth, G. 97.53 Hymenogaster (62) 1916/17. Description d’une nouvelle Cigale d’Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 6—9. [Hymenogaster planiceps n. sp.] — Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 15 p. 445—447. 67 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.03 Hymenogaster (64) 1917. Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hymenogaster du Maroc occi- dental. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 232—236, 2 figg. [H. mairei.] 68 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.53 Hymetta (73) 1919. A New Genus for Tettigonia trifasciata Say. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 32 p. 121—124, 2 figg. [Hymetta.—3 nn. varr.] (75.2,.3,.5,.6, 76.4, 78.1) 214169 de Bergevin, E. 54.98 Hysteropterum (64) « Description d’une nouvelle espère d’Hysteropterum du Maroc orien- tal. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 286—290, 2 figg. [H. evanescens.] 351 Hemiptera 214179 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.53 Hysteropterum (65) 1917. Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum de la province d'Oran. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann.9 p. 107—111, 7 figg. [H. melanostictum.] — Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum de la province de Constantine. p. 203--207, 7 figg. [?. leucodictyon.] — Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum (Hemipt. Issidae) des provinces d’Alger et de Constantine. p. 50—54, 7 figg. [H. trapezoidale.] — Description d’une rouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum de la province d'Oran (Algérie). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 338—342, 6 figg. [H. paludum.] — Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum des hauts plateaux constantins (Algérie). p. 574—377, 3 figg. [H. issifrons. 71 de Bergevin, Ernest. 97.93 Hysteropterum (65) 1919. Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hysteropterum des provinces d'Alger et d'Oran. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 260—263, 6 figg. [H. candidum.] 72 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.53 Idiocerus : 15 1917. Idiocerus scurra Germar, a Poplar Leafhopper. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 218-224, 1 pl. 15.4.6 (71.5, 74,6,7,.9) 13 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.53 Idiocerus : 15 1919. Notes on the Early Stages and Life History of Idiocerus cognatus Fiesr., in New Jersey. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 129—132. 74 Brittain, W. H., ard L. G. Saunders. 57.93 Idiocerus : 16.5 1917. Popular and Practical Entomology. Notes on the Black Apple Leaf-Hopper. (Jdiocerus fitchi Van D.) Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 149 —153, 1 pi, — Erratum Plate IX. p. 19. 75 Olsen, Chris E. 57.53 Idiocerus (74) 1919. Idiocerus cognatus Kieser, Established in North America. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 126—128, 1 pl. (74.7,.9) 76 Muir, F. 57.93 Ilburnia (86.69) 1919. On the Genus Zburnia Wuaire. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 Pe 48—50. 214177 Osborn, Herbert. 57.093 Jassidae : 16.5 1916. Studies of Life Histories of Leafhoppers of Maine. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 85). 32d ann. Rep. — Bull. No. 248 Maine agric. Exper. Stat. p. 53—80, 5 pls., 8 figg. 78 Lathrop, Frank H. 57.53 Jassidae : 16.5 1918. Notes on Three Species of Apple Leaf-Hoppers. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 144—148, 2 figg. 79 Baker, C. F. 07.53 Jassidae (504) 1919. The Genus Krisna. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 209—220, 5 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Krisna 8 (1 n. var.), Gessius 2 (3 nn. varr.)] (51.2, 59.5. 91.1,.4) 80 Me Atee, W. L. 97.53 Jassidae (71.6) 1918. Notes on Nova Scotian Eupterid Leafhonpers including Descrip- tions of Two New Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 360-361. [Typhlo- cyba cymba and Erythroneura ador nn. spp.] 81 Gibson, Edmund H. | 97.53 Jassidae (728) 1919. Five New Species of Jassoidea from Honduras. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 32 p. 25—28. [5 nn. spp. in : Tettigonia, Draeculacephala, Deltocephalus, Athysanus 2.] 82 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.53 Jassidae (73) 1916. Some 1915 Notes on a few common Jassoidea in the Central Mississippi Valley States. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 177—179, (76.7—.9, 77.3,.9) 83 Gibson, Edmond H. j 57.53 Jassidae (77.8) 1917. ‘ihree New Species of Jassoidea from Missouri. Ganad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 183-184. [3 un. spp. in: Tinodbregmus, Euscelis, Typhlocyba.] 214184 Cogan, Eric S. 57.53 Jassoidea : 14 1916. Homopterous Studies. Part II. Morphological Studies of the Super- family Jassoidea. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 299—322, 3 pls. 14.1,.29,.316,.32,.61,.63,.65,.81,.93,.95,.96 Hemiptera 358 214185 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.063 Kervillea (56.3) 1918. Description d’un nouveau genre et d’une nouvelle espèce d’Hyste- ropterinae d’Asie Mineure. Bull. Soc. entum. France 1918 p. 104—108, - 5 figg. [Aervillea n. g. ancyrana n. sp.] 86 Weiss, Harry B., and Edgar L. Dickerson. 07.53 Macropsis : 15 1919. The Life History and Early Stages of Macropsis virescens var. gra- mina (Fasr.), a Poplar Leaf Hopper in New Jersey. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 437—440. 87 Edwards, James. 57.53 Macropsis (42) 1919. A Note on the British Represeutatives of the Genus Macropsis Lewis, with Descriptions of Two New Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 55—58. [M. decoratus and populi nn. spp.] (42.38,.57) 88 Davis, Wm. T. 57.95 Melampsalta (73) 1919. A New Cicada of the Genus Melampsalta. Journ. N. Y. entom. - Soc. Vol. 27 p. 340—341. [M. kansa n. sp. (76.4, 78.1) 89 Distant, W. L. 57.98 Membracidae (502) 1916. Rhynchotal Notes.— LXI. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 288 —294. [7 nn. spp. in: Telingana, Leptocentrus 2, Arimanes n.g., Centrotypus, Polonius n. g., Centrotus.] (54.8, 59.3,.5, 91.1) 90 Funkhouser, W. D. 57.03 Membracidae (59.5) 1918. Malayan Membracidae. Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. No. 79 p. i—14. [12 nn. spp. in : Xiphistes, Nilautama, Anchonoides, Tricentrus 3, Centruchus, Gargara 5.] 214191 Distant, W. L. 57.55 Membracidae (6) 1916. Rhynchotal Notes.—LIX. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 313—330, 1 fig. [22 nn. spp. in: Xiphistes, Centrochares 2, Leptocentrus 2, Centrotypus 5, Emphusia, Dacaratha n. g., Periaman, Tricoceps, Centrotus 5, Tshaka, Platybelus 4, Amitrochates n. g. Lestarches n. g. pro Üentrotus for- ticornis, Otinotoides pro C. pallipes, Gondopharnes pro C. piceus, Maurya pro C. gibbosulus, Antialcidas pro C. trifolaceus, Pantaleon pro C. montifer. — Centrotypus perakensis n. nom. pro C. alatus Bucxr. non Farrm.] — LX. Vol. 18 p. 19—44, 1 fig. [39 nn. Oxyrhachis 4, Xiphistes, Goddefroyinella n. g., Leptosentrus 2, Sertorius 3, Aspasiana n. g., Acanthusus 2, Centrotu- soides n. g., Beaufortiana n. g. 2, Godingella n. g., Sextius 4, Eufairmairia (n. g. pro Centrotus decisus) 6, Cebes (n. g. pro Centrotus transiens), Otinotus 2, Otinotoides 4, Tshaka, Crito n.g., Spalirises n. g. pro Centrotus alticornis. — Congroneura confusa n. nom. pro C. delalandei Jacosı non Faırm. — Anzac n. g. pro Membracis 2-punctata] (53.4, 59.3,.5, 63, 66.4,.7, &7.1,.5,.6, 68.2,.4,.7,9, 91.1,.4, 922, 935, 936, 94.1—.4, 95) 92 Funkhouser, W. D. 57.53 Membracidae (68.2) 1919. Four New African Membracidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 220— 224, 8 figg. [4 nn. spp. in : Anchon, Anchonoides, Otinotus 2.] 93 Ball, E. D. 57.53 Membracidae (73) 1918. A New Genus and Three New Species of North American Mem- ere Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 31 p. 27—30. [3 nn. spp. : Telonaca n. „8 Heliria, Platycentrus.] (78.8, 79.4) 94 rnbhluset, W. D. 57.53 Membracidae (74.7) 1917/18. Biology of the Membracidae of the Cayuga Lake Basin. 30th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Coll. Agric. Part 1 (Mem. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 11) p. 911—1183, 32 figg. 15.2 —.4,.6 95 Funkhouser, W. D. 57.53 Membracidae (3) 1919. New Neotropical Membracidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 267--277. [10 nn. spp. in : Leioseyta, Centrogonia 2, Stictocephala 3, Atymna, Ophiderma, Vanduzea, Lycoderes.—1 n. var, in Membracis.] (81, 84—86.6) 214196 Goding, Frederick. 57.53 Membracidae (86.6) 1920. The known Membracidae of Ecuador. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 135 —136, 155—159. (6 nn. epp. in : Centrogonia, Ecuatoriana n. g., Tomo- gonia, Umbonia, Membraeis, Guayaquila n. g.] 359 Hemiptera 214197 Funkhouser, W. D. 57.03 Membracidae (91.4) 1916. Review ci the Philippine Membracidae. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 10 p. 365—405, 2 pls., & figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Pyrgonota, Emphusis, Periaman, Tricentrus 2, Ebhul.] 98 Funkhouser, W. D. 57.95 Membracidae (91.4) 1918/19. Notes on the Philippine Membracidae. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 13 p. 21—38, 1 pl. [12 nn. spp. in : Pyrgonota, Tricentrus 3, Sipy- lus, Dentrotoscelus 2, Gargara 4, Cryptaspidia.| New Records and Species of Philippine Membracidae. Vol. 15 p. 15—29, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in: Tricentrus, Gargara, Cryptaspidia 2.] 99 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.95 Mulucha (6) 1919. Mnlucha castigatoria, eine neue Fulgoride aus dem tropischen Afrika. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 ps 874-365. [Chikai.] 214200 Timberlake, P. H. 27.53 Nesosteles (96.9) 1918. Note on the Non-Identity of a common Hawaiian Jassid with Ne- sosteles hebe Kırkarpy of Fiji. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 381. [N. hospes n. sp. not var.] 01 Muir, F. 57.95 Nesosydne (96.9) 1918. Two New Species of Nesosydne. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 405-407, 2 figg. [N. phyllostegiae and cyrtandricola nn. spp.] 02 Davis, Wm. T. 57.53 Okanagana (79) 1916. Two New Cicadas belonging to the Genus Okanagana. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 233—236, 1 pl., 1 fig. [O. oregona and rotundi- frons on. spp.] (79.1,.5)) 03 Woodrufi, Lewis B. 97.53 Ophiderma (73) 1919. A Review of Our Local Species of the Membracid Genus Ophi- derma Faırm. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 249—260, 1 pl. [2 nn. Spp.—2 nn. varr.] (74.6,.7, 75.6,.9, 76.4, 77.3) 04 Schumacher, F. 57.55 Opsius (43.15) 1916. Auftreten einer Tamariskenzikade in Brandenburg. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 241—244. [Opsius heydeni Fırser.] 214205 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.53 Orgerius (65) 1919. Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Orgerius du Sud-Constantinois. Bull. Soc. Hist., nat. Afrique du Nord T. 10 p. 51—54, 3 figg. [C. ru- picola.] 05 Schumacher, F. 57.53 Philaenus 1919. Nomenklatorisches über die Schaumzikade, Philaenus spumarius L. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 191-195. 07 Stäger, R. 57.98 Philaenus : 15 1917. Versuche mit Schaumzikadenlarven. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 31—33, 35— 87. [Das Erzeugen der Schaumballen an den verschiedensten Pflanzen.] 08 Stearns, Louis A. 57.53 Philaenus (77.5) 1918. Description of a new Species of the Family Cercopidae from Wis- cousin. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 3—4. [Philaenus parallelus.] 09 Ball, E. D. 97.58 Phlepsius (7) 1918. The Phlepsids of Mexico And Central America. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 11 p. 381—389, 2 pls. [6 un. spp. in Phlepsius.— Towanus, Texananus, Dixianus, Zioninus nn. subgg.] (72.1,.2,.4,.6,.7, 78.8, 79.2,.4,.5) 10 Donovan, C. 57. 53 Phrynomorphus : 16.7 1920. A “Froghopper“ as a Blood-Sucking Insect. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 23.p. 212. [Phrynomorphus indicus.] 11 Dezier, H. L. 57.03 Platycotis (7) 1920. Notes on the Genus Platycotis Star. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 20 p. 209—212, 1 pl. (71.1, 74.8,.9, 75.2,.3,.6,.8,.9, 76.4, 79.1,.4) 12 Schmidt, Edmund. 57,55 Platypleura (921) 1919. Platypleura frontalis, eine neue Singzikade von Sumatra. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 378. 214213 Muir, Frederick. 57.98 Purohita (32.9) 1916. A new Formosan Purohita (Delphacidae). Philippine Journ, Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 311. |P. maculata n, sp.] Hemiptera 360 214214 Misra, C. 8. 57.53 Pyrilla : 16.5 1917. The Indian Sugarcane Leaf-hopper Pyrilla aberrans, Kirey. Mem. Dept. Agric. India entom. Ser. Vol. 5 p. 73—133, 2 pls., 9 figg. (54.1—.5,.7,.8) 15 de Bergevin, Ernest. 67.03 Rileyopsis (65) 1917. Descriptions d’un nouveau genre et d’une nouvelle espèce d’Issi- dae (Hem. Homoptera) des hauts plateaux algériens. Bull. Soc. entom. France 191% p. 309—312, 2 figg. [Rileyopsis n. g., peyerimhoffi n. sp;] 16 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Scieroptera (91) 1919. Zur Kenntnis des Genus Scieroptera Stäl. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 277—296. [10 un. spp.—1 n. var.] (51, 52.9, 54.1, 59.5,.9, 91.1,.2, 921, 922) 17 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.95 Semisssus (61) 1917. Remarques à propos du genre Semissus Mericx. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 102—106, 2 figg. (64, 65) 18 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.53 Sfaxia (61.1) 1917. Description d’un nouveau genre et d’une nouvelle espèce d’Issidae (Hémiptère-Homoptère) de Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 8—11, 4 figg. [Sfaxia n. g. inermipes n. sp.] 19 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.53 Sfaxia (65) 1918. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Sfaxia des environs de Bis- kra. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 9 p. 190—194, 4 figg. [S. deserticola.] 20 Funkhoaser, W. D. 57.58 Stictolobus (76.3) 1918. A New Membracid on Cypress. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 185— 187, 1 pl. [Stictolobus trilineatus n. sp. 21 de Bergevin, Ernest. 97.55 Tettigometra (64) 1920. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Tettigometra du Maroc orien- tal. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 11 p. 102—104. [T. tafra- tensis.] 214222 Kornhauser, S. I. 57.53 Thelia : 11.56 1916. Changes in Thelia bimaculata (Fasricius) Induced by Insect Para- sites, (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 43 p. 144—145. [Assumption of female secondary characteristics by parasitized males.] 23 Haseman, L. 57.53 Tibicen : 15.2 19319. Brood X of the Periodical Cicade in Missouri. Journ. econ. Entom. Yol. 12 p. 467. 24 Hadley, C. H., jr., and R. Matheson. 57.53 Tibicen (74.7) 1917. The Seventeen-year Locust in Western New York. Journ. econ. 25 Weiss, Harry B. 57.53 Tibicen (74.9) 1916. The Distribution of the Periodical Cicada in New Jersey. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 337—340, 1 pl. 25 Dallas, W. T. 57.53 Tibicen (76.4) 1919. Tibicen inauditus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 108. [From Texas.] 97 Davis, Wm. T. 57.53 Tibicina : 15.4 1919. A belated Tibieina cassinü. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 341—342. 28 Scott, Hugh. 57.53 Triecphora : 15 1920. Note on the life-history of Triecphora vulnerata Iirieer. Entom. monthly Mag. &) Vol. 6 p. 136—137. | 29 Baker, €. F. 57.53 Trobolophya (504) 1919. Notices of Fulgoroidea, II : The Genus Zrobolophya. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 301—204, 6 figg. [5 nn. spp] (59.5, 91.4) 80 Funkhouser, W. D. 67.53 Tylocentrus (79.1) 1919. A New Tylocentrus from Arizona. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 217— 219. [T, quadrıcornis n. sp. 214231 Tullgren, Alb. 57.53 Typhlocyba : 16.5 1916. Rosenstriten (Zyphlocyba rosae L.) och en ny Aggpara sit pä den- samma. Meddel. No. 132 Centralanst. Försöksväs. pâ Jordbruksomräd, entom. Avd. No. 24, 13 pp., 7 figg. [Anagrus bartheli n. sp.] 361 Hemiptera 214232 Tullgren, Alb. 57.53 Typhlocyba (48.1) 1916. En ny strit-Typhlocyba bergmani n. sp. — frän Norge. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 65—69, 1 fic. 33 Malloch, J. R. 57.53 Typhlocyba (77.3) 1920. A New Species of Typhlocyba. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 95. [ap- pendiculata.] 34 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 1915. Systematic Papers on New England Hemiptera. I. Synopsis of the Families. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 91.) Psyche Vol. 22 p. 88—94, 2 pls. 35 Schumacher, F. 57.54 1916. Kleine hemipterologische Mitteilungen. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 80—81. 36 de la Fuente, Jose Maria. 57.54 1918. Nota Hemipterologica. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 17 p. 236—238, 1 fig. [1 n. var. in Graphosoma.— Homoeocoris n. g. pro Dimor- phocoris tristis.] (46.4) . 3° Parshley, H. M. 57.04 1918. Hemipterological Notes. Psyche Vol. 25 p. 64—65. [Anasa repetita on Sicyos angulatus, Melanolestes picipes var. abdominalis ] 58 Tullgren, Alb. 57.04 : 14.78.1 1918. Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Hemipteren I. Ueber das Vorkommen von s. g. Trichobothrien bei Hemiptera-Heteroptera und ihre mutmassliche Bedeutung für das Heteropterensystem. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 39 p. 113—133, 11 figg. 32 Schumacher, F. 57.54 : 15 1917. Eisprenger bei Wanzen aus der Gruppe der Pentatomoiden. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 438—444. 40 Schumacher, F. 57.54 : 15 1917. Die Bedeutung der Hemipteren als Blütenbestäuber. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Frennde Berlin 1917 p. 444 —446. 214241 Butler, E. A. 07.04 : 15 1918. On the Association between the Hemiptera-Heteroptera and Ve- getation. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 132—136.— The association between the Hemiptera-Heteroptera and vegetation : an addendum. p. 184. 15.3 42 Müller, Georg. 57.54 : 15 1919. Die Heteropteren der Juniperus-Sträucher in Nordthüringen. In- tern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 12 p. 169—173. (43.22) 15.2—.4 43 Parshley, H. M. 07.54 : 15.2 1917. Insects in Ocean Drift. I. Hemiptera Heteroptera. (Contrib. entom , Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ, No. 123). Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 45—48, 44 Hungerford, H. B. 57.04 : 15.6 1918. Notes on the Oviposition of some Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera (He- brus, Salda, Lamprocanthia). Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 12—18, 1 pl. 45 de Bergevin, Ernest, et Elienne Sergent. 97.94 : 16.7 1916. A propos de l’hypothèse de la transmission du goître endémique par un insecte piqueur. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 9 p. 345. 46 Schumacher, E. 07.04 (4) 1914. Verzeichnis der Hemipteren des Niederelbgebietes. I. Heteroptera (Wanzen). Verh. Ver. nat. Unterhaltg. Hamburg Bd. 15 p. 194—359. {2 nn. varr. in : Gorizus, Gomanotus. — Tabellarische Zusammenstellung der Heteropteren der Grenzgebiete.] 15.2,4 (43.15,.17,—.19,.51—.654, 48.9) 214247 Horväth, G. 57.94 (403) 1915: Heteroptera palaearctica nova vel minus cognita. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 15 p. 365—381. [6 un. spp. in : Odontotarsus (1 n. var.), Psa- casta, Microporus, Podcdus, Pseudophloeus, Coriomeris. — 9 nn. varr. in: Eurygaster, Eurydema 6, Jalla, Rhopalus.] (42, 43.69,.91,.96, 44.93, 45.79,.8, 46.4,.7, 47.6—.9, 495--497, 499, 51.2,.8, 52.1,.2, 56.2—.43,.6,.9, 57.1—.6, 62, 65) Hemiptera | 362 214248 Butler, E. A. 57.04 (42) 1917. Two Additions to the List of British Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entom. mosthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 251—252. [Orthotylus virens Farz and Acalypta platychila.] (42.64, .85) 49 Butler, E. A. 57.04 (42.34) 1919. Hemiptera in Jersey. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 137—138. 50 Müller, Georg. 57.54 (43) 1919. Beiträge zur Rhynchotenfauna Thüringens. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 142—149, 2 figg. 15.2 (43.18,.27,54) 51 Benick, Ludwig. 57.54 (43.17) 1916. Verzeichnis einiger in der Umgebung Lübecks gesammelter Wanzen. (Hemiptera heteroptera). Mitt. geogr. Ges. nat. Mus. Lübeck (2) Heft 27 p. 1—8. 15.2,.4 ! 52 Schumacher, F. 57.54 (43.17) 1918. Verzeichnis einiger in der Umgebung Lübecks gesammelter Wanzen. (Hemiptera Heteroptera) nebst Bemerkungen zu einem gleichnamigen Bei- trag von L. Benicx. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 80— 87. 53 Guérin, J., et J. Péneau. 57.54 (44) : 1915. Faune entomologique armoricaine T. 2. Premier volume Hétérop- tères. Tableaux analytiques des familles et 6e, 7e, 8e, Ye, 10e et 12e fa- milles Phymatides, Aradides, Hebrides, Gerridides, Réduvides, Cimicides, Trav. scient. Univ. Rennes T. 18 p. 201—301, 38 ige. (44.11—.18..21,.28) 54 Ronoco8r, I. M. Kolossoff, J. M. 57.54 (47.8) 1914/16. Marepialbı Kb 108HaHIi0 OHTOMOŸayHB Ypala. I. Kzonpbr (Hemip- tera-Heteroptera). Matériaux touchant l’Entomofaune de l’Oural. I. Pu- naises (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). San. Yparrck. 06m. Jr6HT. Ecrecrs. Bull, Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 34 p. 81—102. — II. IlepBoe xonox- HeHie Kb CIIHCKY KIONOBB. Il. Premier supplément à la liste des Hémip- tères-Hétéroptères. T. 53 p. 9—16. — IV. Bropoe xonoïHenie Kb CIHCKY IONYKECTKOKPHIIRIXB. Deuxième supplément à la liste des Hémiptères- Hétéroptères. T. 36 p. 61—64. 214255 Jansson, Anton. 97.94 (48.5) 1916. Hemipterologiska meddelanden. Entom. Tidskr. Ârg. 37 p. 33—41. (48.6—,8) 56 MacGillivry, D, 97.54 (492) 1920. Heteroptera uit Nederland. Tijdschr. Entom. RD. 64 Versl. p. XXVII—XXIX. 57 Schouteden, H. 57.94 (433) 1919. Contribution à la faune des Hémiptères aquatiques de Belgique. Bull, Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. 21—25. 58 Bergroth, E. 57.94 (5) 1916. New and Little Known Heteropterous Hemiptera in the United States National Museum. Proc. U. 8. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 2195 —239. [16 nn. spp. in: Spudaeus, Coenomorpha, Eurymenida n. g., Lanopis, Acro- phyma n. g., Urostylis, Typhlocolpura, Heteropinus, Stenolaemus, Schidium n. 2., Archnocoris, Henicocephalus, Montandoniola, Jx n. g., Limnogonus, Cylin- drostethus.] (51:2,:54:6,166:%6,,07.3, 72.1, 729.8,.829, 91.4, 95) 59 Bergroth, E. 97.94 (5) 1919. Neue oder wenig gekannte Heteropteren. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 2 p. 1—6. [5 nn. spp. in: Halya, Menida, Henestaris, Togo, Rhypara- chromus.] (1.8, 52.1, 55, 57.6,.9) 60 Schmidt, Edmund. 97.04 (502) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Genera Suceseurus Brepvın und Cylindrostethus Freper. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 359-364. an nn. spp. in: Saceseurus, Cylindrostethus 4] (54.87, 59.6, 81, 91.1,.2, 921) 214261 Bergroth, E. 57.54 (68) 1914. Heteropterous Hemiptera from Natal and Zululand. Collected by Dr. I. Tricarpn. Gôteborgs Vetensk. Vitterhetssamhäll. Handl. F. 4 Häft 16 No. 2 (Meddel. Göteborgs Mus. zool. Afd. No. 4) 16 pp. |’ nn. spp. in : Neuroctenus, Aethalotus, Ectrichodia, Phalantus, Ploeariolu, Bobba n. g., Henicocephalus.] (68.3,.4) 363 Hemiptera 214262 Hart, Charles Arthur. 57.94 (7) 1919. The Pentatomoidea of Illinois with Keys to the Nearctic Genera. Bull, Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. Vol. 13 p. 157—228, 21 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Euschistus, Galgupha, Corimelaena 6 (2 Mc Axe), Thyanta.—Cydnoides n. g. pro Corimelaena ciliata.] (71.1,.4, 72.2, 728, 74.1,.2,4—.9, 75.2—.6,.8—76.1,.3—.6,.8—78.2,.8—79.5,.7,.8) 63 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 (7) 1920. Hemiptera from Peaks Island, Maine, Collected by Mr. G. A. Moore. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 80—87. [3 nn. spp. in : Corythucha, Tetra- phleps 2.] (71.3, 74.1,.2) 64 Stoner, Dayton. 97.04 (71.1) 1920. Notes on Scutelleroidea from Vancouver Island. Canad. Entom, Vol. 52 p. 12—13. 65 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 (73) 1916. New and Noteworthy Hemiptera from New England. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 109.) Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 103—106, 3 figg. [Gerris argenticollis n. sp] (74.1,.2,.4,.6, 75.6) 66 Parshley, H. M. 57.04 (74) 1919. New England Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Canad. Entom. Vol 51 p. 70—72, | (74.1—.4..6) 67 Osborn, Herbert, and Carl J. Drake. 57.54 (77.1) 1916. The Tingitoidea or “Lace-Bugs” of Ohic. Ohio State Univ. Bull. Vol. 20 p. 217—251, 2 pls., 11 figg. [il nn. spp. in: Fenestrella n. g, Corythucha 7, Leptostyla, Physatochila, Alveotingis n. g.] 68 Stnner, Dayton. 57.54 (77.7) 1917. Distributional Notes on some Iowa Pentatomoidea. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. Vol. 23 p. 303—307. 69 Stoner, Dayton. 57.54 (77.7) 1917. The Pentatomoidea of the Lake Okoboji liegion. Bull. Lab. nat. Hist. Univ. Iowa Vol. 7 p. 39—47, 2 pls. 214270 Breddin, G. 57.94 (8) 1914. Neue oder wenig gekannte neotropische Hemiptera. Abh. Senkenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p.53—59. [Aus den hinterlassenen Manu- skripten mitgeteilt von E. Bererora. — 10 nn. spp. in Polytes, Lobothyreus, Thyreocoris 2, Euschistus, Acledra 3, Tibilis, Rhiginia.] (81, 83—85, 86.6) 71 Lehmann, Hans. _ 57.54 (9) 1920. Zwei neue exotische Heteropteren. Entem. Rundschau Jahrg. 37 p. 23—24, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Lampromicra, Embolosterna.] (91.1, 936) 72 Bergroth, E. 57.34 (91.4) 1918. Studies in Philippine Heteroptera, I. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 13 p. 43—73, 75—126. [60 nn. spp. in: Colpura, Homalocolpura, Di- corymbus n. g., Xenoceraea n. g., Marcius, Astacops 3, Rhiobia n.g. 2, Khio- phila n. g., Cymoninus, Cymus, Macropes, Pirkimerus, Rhabdomorphus n. g., Anisosoma n. g., Teracrius, Pachygrontha, Tachytatus n. g., Bedunia, Pame- rana 3, Narbo, Poeantius, Cligenes 2, Antillocoris, Mizaldus, Faelicianus 2, Lethaeus 5, Ptychoderrhis n. g., Lemnius, Rhodiginus, Lispochroa, Agunga, Dudia n. g., Sadoletus 6, Artemidorus, Henicocephalus, Systelloderes, Aristo- nabis 2, Peritropsis, Hebrus 2, Microvelia, Acanthia, Helotrephes.— Astacops melampus n. nom. pro A. nigripes Disr., Oxycarenus bicoloratus pro 0). bico- lor Dist., Harmostica pro Edulica Disranr non Hampson.] 13 Bergroth, E. 97.94 (54) 1916. New Genera and Species of Australian Hemiptera. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 29 p. 1—18. [ll nn. spp. in: Eumecopus 2, Poecilo- metis 2, Paramenestheus, Getes n. g., Dieuches, Paradrymus n. g., Taphropeltus, Systelloderes, Oncocephalus. Myocara n. g. pro Rhyparochromus acuminatus.] 214274 Bergroth, E 55.0) 57.54 (94) 1918. Hendecas Generum Hemipterorum Novorum vel Subnovorum. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 16 p. 298—314. [7 nn. spp. in: Opophylax n. g. Amphidexius n. g., Dysnoëtus n. g., Cradia n. 8. Stictochilus n. g., Glottas, pis n. g., Ocrioessa n. g.—Zorcadium n. g. pro Euschistus truncatus, Udeocoris pro Pachymerus nigro-aeneus, Thysanuchus pro Velinus pilipes.] (69, 81, 88, 94.2,.5,.6) Hemiptera 364 214275 Bergroth, E. 537.54 (94.2) 1916. Heteropterous Hemiptera collected by Professor W. Barpwın Spescer during the Horn Expedition into Central Australia. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 29 p. 19—39, 1 fig. [12 nn. spp. in: Oncocoris, Eume- copus 2, Poecilometis, Cephaloplutus, Hypolcus n. g., Petalaspis n. g., Lepto- coris 2, Germalus, Stenophyella, Microrelia. — Nesogermalus n. g. pro Ger- malus dissidens.] 76 Gibson, Edmund H., and Abby Holdridge. 57.54 Acanthocephala (801) 1918. Notes on the North and Central American Species of Acanthoce- phala Lar. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 237—241. (72, 728, 74.7, 75.9, 76.4, 77.3,.8, 78.9, 79.1, 86) 77 Jones, Thos. H. 57.54 Anasa : 16.5 1916. Notes on Anasa andresii Guér., an Enemy of Cucurbits. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol 9 p. 431—434. 78 Parshley. H. M. 57.54 Anasa : 16.5 1918. Three Species of Anasa Injurious in the North, Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 11 p. 471. 79 Jansson, Anton. 97.04 Aneurus (48.6) 1919. Sveriges Aneürus-arter. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 184-185. 80 Whitmarsh, R. D. 57.54 Apateticus : 15 1916. Life-History Notes on Apateticus cynicus and maculiventris. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 51—53. 81 Stoner, Dayton. 97.54 Apateticus (76.3) 1917. A new Species of Apateticus from Louisiana. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 462—463, 1 fig. [A. ludovicianus n. sp.] 82 Butler, E. A. 57.54 Aphelocheirus (42) 1917. The British Species of Aphelochirus. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 180—182. — Note on Aphelochirus aestivalis Far, by E. Bercrorx. p. 252—253. — A Further Note on Aphelochirus, by E. A. B. p. 278-279. 214283 Kryger, J. P. 53.04 Aphelocheirus (48.9) 1916. Aphelocheirus montandoni fra Varde Aa. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 67 p. XXII—XXIII. 84 Abbott, J. F. 57.54 Arctocorisa (73) 1916. New Species of Corixidae. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 340—348. [7 nn. spp.] (74.1.,2,.4—7, 75.3) 85 Barber, weorge W. 57.54 Arilus : 15 1919. On the Bite of Arilus cristatus. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 466. 86 Barber, Geo. W. 57.54 Arilus : 15.6 1920. Notes on the Oviposition and Food ot the Wheel-bug (Arilus rris- tatus Lınn.) Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 107—108. 87 Gunn, D. 57.54 Bagrada : 16.5 1918. The Bagıada Bug. {Bagrada hilaris;. Bull. Dept. Agric. Union South Africa 1818 No. 9, 16 pp., 3 pls. 88 Chickering, A. M. | 57.54 Belostoma : 14.631 1916. A-Preliminary Study of the Spermatogenesis of Belostoma (Zaitha) fluminea. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 35 p. 45—56, 3 pls. [24 sperma- togonial chromosomes. 12 chromosomes delivered to each spermatid in second division, including in one half an x- and in the other half a y- chromosome.] 89 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Belostoma (43.91) 1920. Belostoma (Lethocerus) cordofanum Mayr in der ungarischen Tief- ebene. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1919 p. 433—435. 90 Mcätee, W. L. 57.54 Berytidae (7) . 1919. Key to the Nearctic Genera and Species of Berytidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 79-22. [2 nn. spp. in: Aknisus n. g., Sau- rocoris n. g.] (711,3,.4, 74.9, 76.3,.4, 79.1,4) 214291 Yuasa, Hachiro. 57.04 Blissus : 15 1918. An Extra Molt in the Nymphal Stages of the Ching Bug. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 238-234, 365 Hemiptera 214292 Forbes, Stephen A. 57.54 Blissus : 16.5 1916. The Chinch-bug Outbreak of 1910 to 1915. 29th Rep. State En- tom. Illinois p. 71—122, 5 pls., 7 figg. 93 Flint, Wesley P. 57.54 Blissus : 16.5 1918. Suggestions for a New Method of Destroying Chinch Bugs. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 186—188. 94 Hudson, H. F. 57.54 Blissus (71.3) 1913. The Chinch Bug in Ontario. 43d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 46—50, 1 fig. [Blissus leucopterus.] 16.5 95 Barber, Geo. W. 57.54 Blissus (74.4) 1920. The Occurrence of the Chinch-Bug (Blissus leucopterus) in Eastern Massachusetts. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 18 p. 369— 310. 96 Parker, J. R. 57.54 Blissus (78.6) 1920. The Chinch Bug in Montana. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 18 p. 318-322. | 97 Lameere, Aug. 57.94 Breyeria (115) 1919. Breyeria borinensis, un protohémiptère. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 59 p. 18-19. 98 Hungerford, H. B. 57.54 Buenoa : 15.6 1917. The Egg Laying Llabits of a Back-swimmer. Buenoa margaritacea Buexo, and other biological notes concerning it. Entom. News Vol. 28 _ p. 174—183, 1 pl. 99 Kozuocosr, 10. M. Kolossofl, J. M. 57.54 Capsidae 1916. Juaromororndeckia 3aMBTKu. V. Uro Takoe Cyllocoris collaris Eversn.? Notices entomologiques. V. Où rapporter le Cyllocoris collaris Eversm.? 3au. Ypauscx. O6m. Jlio6urt. Ecrecrs. Bull. Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 85 p. 237—238. [>= Globiceps fulvicollis Jac.] 214300 Corporaal, J. B. 57.54 Capsidae : 16 919. Notiz über die beiden Rorrze’schen Gambirschädlichen Capsiden. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 p. 107—108. [Helodeltis sumatranus und Hyalope- plus uncariae.] 01 Van Duzee, Edward P. 57.54 Capsidae (73) 1916. New or Little known Genera and Species of Orthotylini (Hemip- tera). Univ. California Public. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 217—227. [5 nn. spp. in: Hyalochloria, Labopidea, Macrotyloides (n. g. pro Macrotylus vestitus), Argy- rocoris, Parthenicus.— Pseudopsallus n. g. pro Macrotylus angularis.] (78.8, 79.3,.4) 02 Roepke, W. 57.54 Capsidae (921) 1916. Zwei neue Gambir-schädliche Capsiden aus Sumatra. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 180—183, 3 figg. [Helopeltis sumatranus und Hyalopeplus uncariae nn. spp.] 16.5 03 Bergroth, E. 57.54 Carcinochelis (504) 1917. Notes sur le genre Carcinochelis Fızs. et description d’une espèce nouvelle des îles Philippines. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 282—9284. [C. lappacea.] (59.5, 91.1) 04 Caffrey, D. J., and Geo. W. Barber. 57.54 Chlorochroa : 16.5 1919. The Grain Bug. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 779, 35 pp., 13 fige. [Chlorochroa sayi.] 05 Hase, A. 57.54 Cimex : 15 1917. Ueber das Leben der Bettwanze (Cimex lectularius L.). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 103—106. PS 06 Hase, A. 57.54 Cimex : 15.6 1918. Beobachtungen über den Kopulationsvorgang bei der Bettwanze (Cimex lectularıus L.). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1918 p. 311— 322, 6 figg. 07 Ross, W. A. 57.54 Cimex : 16.5 1916. Popular and Practical Entomology. Eradication of the Bedbug by Superheating. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 74—76. 214303 Illingworth, s. F. 57.54 Clerada : 15.3 1917. Clerada apieicornis Sucking Blood. Proc. Hawaiian entom.- Soc. Yol. 3 p. 274. Hemiptera . 866 214309 Schumacher, F. 57.94 Clinocoris : 15.6 ° 1917. Brutpflage bei der Wanze Clinvcoris griseus L. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 243—249. 10 Butler, E. A. 57.54 Coranus : 15 1918. Note on Coranus subapterus De G. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 16—1?. 15.3,.6 11 Howard, L. 0. 57.54 Coreidae (23) 1918. A Note on Insects found on Snow at High Elevations. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 375—377. [Observations by WırLıam O. Coxe, on Coreidae. 12 Malloch, J. R. 57.54 Coreidae (77.3) 1918. Pyrrhotes haematoloma H. S., and Leptocoris trivittatus Say in Illinois. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 284. 13 Horväth, 6. 57.54 Corisiae (5! 1919. Analecta ad Cognitionem Cydnidarum. Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. na- tion. hungar. Vol. 17 p. 205—273. [76 nn. spp. in: Canopus 5, Cyrtaspis 2, Eucoria 2, Galphula ‘7, Pericrepis n. g., Godmania n. g., Acrotmetus n. g. 4, Euryscytus n. g. 6 (1 n. var.), Alkindus, Scoparipes 3, Putonisca n. g., Ma- croscytus 7, Colobophrys n. g., Geocnethus n. g. 9, Endotylus n. g., Parachilo- coris n. g., Chilocoris 11, Centrostephus n. g. 2, Nishadana 3, Amaurocoris, Sehirus 2, Pullneya n. g., Brachysolen n.g., Ochetostethus 3. — Amyssonotum n. g. pro Corimelaena rastrata, Astiroderma pro Scutellera albipennis, Micro- compsus pro Tetyra daldorfii. — Hangaeus rugiceps n. nom, pro H. os Sıan. non H.-£cx.] (51.1, 52.1, 53.4, 54.1,.6,.7,.87, 56, 57.1, 59.7,.8, 63, 66.3, 67.1,.8,.9, 68.4, 69, 72.3,.7, 728, 729.8, 81, 82, 84, 86, 89, 91.1, 2, 921, '935, 936, 95) 14 Fracker, S. B. 57.54 Corisiae (7) 1918. The Alydinae of the United States. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 11 p. 255—280, 2 pls. [Alydus tomentosus n. sp. (1 n. var.)—1 n. var. in Stachyocnemus.] (71.1, 72.2,.4, 728, 74.1,.2,.4, 128, 74.1,.2,.4—75.3,.5,.6,.8,.9, 76.3—.7, 77.1—78.6.,8—79.7) 214315 Hagemann, Johannes. 57.04 Corixa : 15 1916. Zur Biologie der Ruderwanzen. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 213—215, 3 figg. 5.2,.6,.8 16 Mac Gillavry, D. 57.54 Corixa (492) 1919. Wederom een Noordelijke (sc. alpine) wants in Nederland gevon- den (Glaenocorixa cavifrons Tuoms.) Entom. Berichten D. 5 p. 105—109. 17 Hungerford, H. B. 57.54 Corixidae : 15.3 1917. Food Habits of Corixids. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 1—5, 1 pl. 18 Horväth, 6. 57.54 Corizus (403) 1917. Species generis Corizus Far. (Therapha Am. Serv.) Ann. Mus, na- tion. hungar. Vol. 15 p. 166—174. [4 nn. spp.—4 nn. varr.] (45.2,.99, 46.4,.7,.85, 469, 47.9, 496, 499, 51.2, 54.4,.5, 55, 56.8, 57.1—.6, 61,1,65) 19 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Corizus (7) 1919. Notes on the North American Species of Corizus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 89— 32. (71.1, 72, 76.4, 77.7, 78.2,.7—78.7) 20 Weiss, Harry B., and Edgar L. Dickerson. 57.54 Corythucha : 15 1918. The early Stages of Corythucha pergandei Hem. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 205—209, 2 figg. 21 Weiss, Harry B. 57.54 Corythuca : 15 1919. Notes on Corythuca bulbosa O. & D. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 20 p» 17—20. [The different stages.] | 2 Wellhouse, Walter H. 57.54 Corythucha : 16.5 1919. Lace Bug on Hawthorn, Corythucha bellula Gisson. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 441—446, 2 figg. 23 Weiss, Harry B., and Edgar L. Dickerson. 57.54 Corythucha (73) 1918. The Life-History and Early Stages of Corythucha parshleyi GiBson. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 401—406. 15 (74.9, 75.5,.6) 214324 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 'Corythucha (79.4) 1918. A New Corn Insect from California. {Heteroptera.) one econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 385. [Corythucha essigi n. sp] 361 Hemiptera 214325 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Corythuca (79.7) 1917. A new Species of Corythuca from the Northwest. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 258 [C. pura.] 26 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Cydnidae : 15 1916. Die faunistischen und biologischen Verhältnisse der einheimischen Cydniden, Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 210--215. 27 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Dicyphus (729.5) 1917. Two New Species of Dicyphus from Porto Rico. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 218—219. [D. prasinus and luridus nn. spp;] 28 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.54 Dimorphocoris (61) 1916. Note sur le genre Dimorphocoris Reur. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 8 p. 61—62. (61.1, 65 29 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 57.54 Elasmostethus : 15.6 1917. Brutpflege bei einer Wanze (Elasmostethus griseus L.) Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 187—188. 30 Weiss, Harry B. 57.94 Gargaphia : 15 1919. Notes on Gargaphia tiliae Wausa, the Linden Lace-Bug. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 32 p. 165—168. [The different stages.] 31 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 Gargaphia (701) 1917. Key to the Nearctic Species of Gargaphia with the Description of a New Species. Entom. News re p. 227—228. [G. albescens n. sp.! (79.4) 32 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 targaphia (391) 1919. The Genus Gargaphia Srär. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 45 pe 187—201. [5 nn. spp.] (72.6, 728, 74.2,.4,.6,.7,.9, 75.2,.5,.6, 76.1,.4,.8, 77.3,.5..8, 79.1,.4, 81, 86, 89) 33 Essenberg, Christine. 57.54 Gerris : :5 1915. The habits of the water-strider Gerris remiges, Journ. anim. Be- hav. Vol. 5 p. 397—402. [Food habits. Positive phototaxis, thigmotaxis and rheotaxis. Negative geotaxis. Sense of smell and of sight. Detection of jar.] 11.044,.854,.855,.856 15.3 214334 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 97.04 Gerris : 15 1917. Life-history and Habits of the Larger Water-strider, Gerris remigis Say. (Hem.). Entem. News Vol. 28 p. 201--208. | 85 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 Gerris : 15 1917. Life. History and Habits of the Margined Water Strider, Gerris marginatus Say. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 295—301. 15.4,.6 56 Lundbeck, William. 57.54 Halobates : 15.6 1914. Some Remarks on the Eggs and Egg-Deposition of Halobates. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 27, 13 pp, 1 pl. 37 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Harmostes (801) 1917. The Genus Harmostes Burm. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 439—450. [H. croceus n. sp.] (72, 728, 76.4, 17.2, 78.8.9, 79.4,.5, 81, 82,.9, 83, 86,.6, 89) 38 Mann, Harold H. 57.94 Helopeltis : 11.5 1907. Individual and Seasonal Variations in Helopeltis theivora, WATER- House With Description of a New Species of Helopeltis. Mem. Dept. Agric. India entom, Ser. Vol. 1 p. 275—337, 1 pl., 5 figg. [H. cinchonae n. sp.] 39 Roepke. W. 57.54 Hyalopeplus (922) 1919. Hyalopeplus smaragdinus n. sp., cine neue Thee-Capside aus Java. Treubia Batavia Vol. 1 p. 73-81, 5 figg. [Und i n. subsp. 16.5 40 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.94 Hydrocores : 14.9 1916. Aquatic Hemiptera. A Study in the Relation of Structure to En- vironment. Ann. entom. Sec. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 353—365. 41 Hungerford, H. B. 57.54 Hydrocores : 15.3 1917. Notes concerning the Food Supply of some Water Bugs. Science N. S. Voi. 45 p. 336 —337. 214342 Ussing, Hj. 57.54 Hydrocores : 15.6 1915. Gerris lacustris Lınn. og Nepa cinerea Linn. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. nat. Foren. Bd. 66 p. 77—80, 2 figg. [Æg.} Hemiptera 368 214343 Horvâth, Géza. 57.54 Hydrocores (29 : 43.91) 1916. Adalék a nagyväradi Püspökfürdö faunäjähoz. Allatt. Közlem. Kôt. 15 p. 103—107. — Beitrag zur Fauna der Thermen von Grosswardein. p. 201. [Wasserwanzen. Mesovelia thermalis eine Reliktenart.] 44 Lundblad, 0. 57.54 Hydrocores( 48.6) 1916. Anteckningar om vära vattenhemipterer. II. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 87 p. 21:—232, 1 pl. 1 fig. 15 | | 45 Mac Gillavry, D. 57.54 Hydrocores (492) 1919. Medeleden op de waterwantsen van ons land. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. IX— XII 46 Horväth, 6. 57.54 Hydrocores (8) 1918. De Hydrocorisis nonnullis extra Europaeis. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 16 p. 140—146, fieg. [7 nn. spp. in: Aphelochirus 2, Plea 4, Micronecta.] (45.99, 51.2, 54.87, 59.1,.8,.9, 63, 67.6, 82, 86, 89, 922, 94.4, 95) 47 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 Hydrocores (77.1) 1920. Water Striders New to the Fauna of Ohio, Including the Descrip- tion of a New Species. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 20 p. 205--208. [Micro- velia hinei n. sp.] ' 48 Marré, Ernst. 57.54 Hydrometra : 15 1917. Etwas vom Wasserschneider. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 14 p. 327—329, 2 figg. [Hydrometra. 15.6 49 Butler, E. A. 57.54 Lasiacantha (42.37) 1919. Lasiacantha capucina Germ. A Tingid Bug New to the British List. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 203—204. 50 Dickerson, Edgar L. 57.54 Leptobyrsa : 15 1917. Notes on Leptobyrsa rhododendri Horv. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 105—112, I pl. 15.3,.4,.6 5l Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 57.54 Leptocorisa : 16.5 1908. The Rice Bug (Leptocorisa varicornis, Far.) Mem. Dept. Agric. India entom. Ser. Vol. 2 p. 1—13, 1 pl. (54.1,.3,.7,.8, 59.1) 214352 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Leptoglossus (7) 1917. Key to the Species of Leptoglossus Gute. Occurring North of Mexico. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 69—73. (71.1, 74.9, 75.2.,9, 78.2,.3—79.1,.4,.5) 53 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 Leptostyla (76.8) #16. A New Tingid from Tennessee. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 326— 328, 1 fig. [Leptostyla costofasciata n. sp. e 54 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.54 Leptoypha : 15 1916. Notes on Leptoypha mutica Say. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 308— 310, 1 pl. 55 Becker, Geo. 6. 57.54 Lopidea : 16.5 1918. Lopidea media, a persistent pest of phlox. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 431. 56 Knight, Harry H. 57.54 Lopidea (7) 1917. New Species of Lopidea. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 455—461, 5 figg. [5 nn. spp.—1 n. var. (71.8, 74.8,.4,.6—.9, 75.2,.3,.5,.6, 77.1,.8) 57 Knight, Harry H. 57.54 Lopidea (73) 1918. New Species of Lopidea from Arizona. Enton. News Vol. 29 p. 172—176, i pl. [7 on. spp.] (78.9, 79.1) 58 Knight, Harry B. 57.54 Lopidea (73) 1918. Old and New Species of Lopidea from the United States. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 210—216, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp.] (74.1,.2,.4,.6, 75.2,.8,.5—.8, 76.1,.4, 57.:,8,.7,.8, 78.4,.6, 79.2) 59 Barber, H. G. 57.54 Lygaeidae 1918. Concerning Lygaeidae. No. 1. Journ. N. York entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 44—46. [Caenopamera n. g. pro Pseudopamera forreri, Zeridoneus pro Perigenes costalis.] 214360 Barber, H. 6. 57.54 Lygaeidae (7) 918. Concerning Lygaeidae. No. 2. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 49—66. [11 nn. spp. in: Valonetus n. g., Esuris, Ozophora, Malezonotus (n. g. pro Trapezonotus rufipes), Trapezonvtus 2, Sphragisticus, Peritrechus, Cryphula, Togolentus n. g., Scolopostethus. — Kolenetrus n. g. pro Rhyparo-chromus plenus, Valtissius pro Petissius diversus.] (71.1,.2,.4, 74.7, 76.4, 78.9, 79.1,.4) 369 Hemiptera 214361 Barber, H. G. 57.54 Lygaeidae (73) 1918. Synoptic Keys to the Lygaeidae of the United States. Part II Rhyparochrominae. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 71—88. [2 nn. spp. in: Valonetus n. g., Togodolentus.— Caenopamera n. g. pro Pseudopamera forreri, Zeridoneus pro Perigenes costalis, Kolenetrus pro "Rhyparochromus plenus, Pseudocnemodus pro Cnemodus canadensis, Malezonotus pro Trapezonotus rufipes, Vaitissius pro Petissius diversus.] 62 Brittain, W. H. 67.04 Lygus : 16.5 1917. The Green Apple Bug in Nova Scotia. Bull. Dept. Agric. Nova Scotia No. 8, 56 pp., 10 pls., 1 fig. (71.6) 63 Brittain, W. H. 57.54 Lygus : 16.5 1918. Popular and Practical Entomology. Practical Results in Spraying a Commercial Orchard for the Green Apple Bug. Canad. Entom. Vol. 59 p. 393-397. [Lygus communis var. novascotiensis.] 64 Knight, Harry H. 57.04 Lygus (7) 1916. Remarks on Lygus invitus Sax, with descriptions of a new species and variety of Lygus (Hemiptera Miridae). Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 345—349, 2 figg. [L. communis n. sp.—1 n. var.] (71.6, 74.7) 65 Knight, Harry H. 07.54 Lygus (7) 1917/18. A Revision of the Genus Lygus as it Occurs in America North of Mexico, with Biological Data on the Species from New York. 80th ann.. Bep. N. Y. State Coll. Agric. Part 1 (Bull. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 391) p. 643—737, 1 pl., 50 figg. [34 nn. spp.—11 nn. varr.] 15.2— .4,.6 (71.1—.4,.6, 72.1, 74.1—.9, 75.2—.6,.8— 70.4, 77.4,.8, 18.3,.7—79.2,.4,.7) 66 Brittain, W. H. 57.54 Lygus (11.6) 1916. The Green Apple Bug (Lygus invitus Say.) in Nova Scotia. 46th ann. Rep. entom; Soc. Ontario p. 65— 78, 14 figg. 16.5 214367 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 Macrotracheliella (74.4) 917. A Species of Macrotracheliella found in New England. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 37—38. [M. nigra n. sp.] 68 Van Duzee, E. P. 57.54 Macrotylus (7) 1916. Review of the Genus Macrotylus Fres. Journ. Entom. Zool. Clare- mont Vol. 8 p. 5--11. [4 nn. spp.] (71.3, 74.8, 75.9, 79.4) 69 Horväth, &. 57.54 Melanocoryphus (405) 1916. Species palaearcticae generis Melanororyphus. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 459—470. [3 nn. spp., 7 on. varr,] (44.92, 46.1,.3,.4, 47.9, 497, 56.4,.8, 61.1, 62, 65) 70 Drake, Carl J. 57.34 Merragata (73) 1917. A Survey of the North American Species of Merragata. Obi» Journ. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 101—105, 1 fig. [M. foveata and brunneu nn, spp.l (75.1, 77.1, 78.9) 71 Hungertord, H. B. 57.54 Mesorelin : 15 1917. The Life-History of Mesovelia mulsanti Ware. Psyche Vol, 24 n. 73—84, 1 pl. 15.2,.3,.6 72 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Mesovelia : 15 1919. Notiz über Mesovelia furcata Mıs.-Rer. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 195 —196. 73 Horväth, 6. 57.54 Micronecta (43.91) 1916. *Micronectae duae novae ex Hungaria. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 591—503. [M. nanula et episcopalis nn. spp.] 74 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 5.54 Microvelia : 15 1917. Life History of the Northern Microvelia— Microvelia borealis Burno. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 354—359, 1 pl. 214375 Horväth, @. 57.54 Microvelia (403) 1916. Note sur les deux Mierwelia d'Europe. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 68—71, 2 figg. [M. pygmaea et reticulata.] (42, 43. 15, .64,.91,.95, 44.77,.78,.84,.92,.95, 45.1,.2,.8,.99, 46.4, 47.1,.9, 48.5, 492— 494, 497, 498, 56.8, 57.6, "AlEL, 62, 64) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX. XI, 1920 24 Hemiptera 370 214376 Van Duzee, Edward P. 57.54 Miridae 1916. Note on Genus Hyoidea Puron (Hemiptera). Psyche Vol, 23 p. 141. [Identifications.] 77 Van Duzee, Edward P. . 57.94 Miridae 1916. Synoptical Keys to the Gexera of the North American Miridae. Univ, California Public. Entom. Vol. 1 p:199— 216. [Ceratocapsarıa, Lopidearia, Orthotylaria, Leptotylus, Oligctylus, Strophopoda nn. ge.— Pseudopsallus n. g. pro Macroïylus angularis, Macrotyloides pro Macrotyloides vestitus.] 78 Knight, Harry H. 57.54 Miriäae 1918. Synoptic Key to the Subfamilies of Miridae. Journ. N. York en- tom, Soc. Vol, 26 p. 40-44, ipl. 79 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Miridae 1918. Systematische Steilung der Miriden-Gattungen Apollodotus Disr. and Angerianus Disr. ÆEntom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 34—35. 80 Poppius, B. 57.54 Miridae (6) 1914. Die Miriden der äthiopischen Region. II. Macrolophinae, Hetero- tominae, Phylinae. Acta Soc. Sc. fennica T. 44 No. 3, 138 pp. [100 nn. spp. in: Haematocapsus n 2., Campyloneuropsis n. g., Dicyphopsis n. g., Or- thotylidea n. g., Hyalosomella n. g., Dicyphus 2, Bukobia n. g., Engytatus 4, Macrelophidea n. g., Cychrocapsus n. g., Hildebrandtiella n. g., Lasiolabops n. g., Bebundiella n. g, 2, Bibundia n. g., Megacoeloides n. g., Ecmetocranum n. g, Myrmicopsella n. g., Chaetocapsus n g., Glossopeltis, Formicopeltis n. g., Systellonotopsis n. g., Trichophthalmocapsus n. g., Pangania n. g., Systellono- tidea n. g., Tyraquellus, Plegrorhamma 2, Opistocyclus n. g., Eucompsella n. g., Lasiomimus n. g., Rhodesiella n. g., Pseudorthotylus n. g., Orthotylus, Nyc- ticapsus n. 2., Marshalliella n. g. 9, Melanotrichiella n. g., Troitskiella n. g., Nanniella, Schroederiella n. g., Cephalocapsus v. g. 4, Lamprosthenarus n. g., Sthenarus 5, Allaudiella n. g., Pseudosthenarus n. g. 2, Plagiognathidea n. g., Campylomma 2, Lepidocapsus n. g., Parasciodema n. g., Tuponia, Creontiades, Volumnus, Burystylus, Stenotus 4, Linocerocoris, Acanthocranella n. g., Lygus 7, Deraeocoris 3, Proboscidocoris 4, FPoeciloseytus, Nabidomiris n. g., Physopho- ropterella n. g., Odontiella 2, Chamus.] (63, 66.53,.7,,9—67.2,.8, 68.7—69) 214381 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Miridae (6) 1917. Neue äthiopische Bryocorinen. Silz.-Ber. Ges. nat: Freunde Ber- lin 1917 p. 447—453, 1 fig. [5 nn. spp. in: Lycidoris, Pantilioforma n. g., Mandragora n. g., Odoniella, Bryscoropsis n. g.] (66.9, 67.1,.8) 82 Me Atee, W. L. 57.94 Miridae (7) 1919. Notes on two Miridae, Camptobrochis and Paracalocoris. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 246--247. [C. poecilus n. sp. (Reuter i. 1.)—1 n. var. in PF] (12.2, 75.5) 83 Knight, Harry H, 97.54 Miridae (73) 1917. Records of European Miridae Occurring in North America. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 248—252. (74.1,.7,9, 78.8) 84 Knight, Harry H. 57.34 Miridae (73) 1917. New and Noteworthy Forms of North American Miridae. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 3—8, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Sericophanes, Clivinema, Largidea.] (74.7, 76.4) 85 Bergroth, E. 57.54 Miridae (801) 1920. List of the Cylapinae. With Descriptions of New Philippine Forms. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 67—83. [5 nn. spp. in: Tröchofulvius, Xenofulvius n. g., Peritropis 3. (52.9, 53, 54,87, 59.1,.3,.5,.7, 69,.6, 72, 728, 729.7,.8, 81, 84—86.6, | 87, 89, 91.1,.3—922, 934, 95, 96.9) 214386 Osborn, Herbert. 57.54 Miris : 16.5 1918/19. The Meadow Plant Bug, Miris dolabratus. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 59. — Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entem. Ohio State Univ. No. 53.) Journ. agric. Research Vol. 15 p. 175—200, 1 pl., 5 fige. — The Meadow Plant Buz. 34th ann. Rep. Maine agrie. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 275 p. 233—234.—The Meadow Plant Bug. (Pap. Maine agric. . Exper. Stat. Entom. No. :01.) Bull. No. 276 Maine agric. Exper. Stat. p. 1—16, ! pl., 5 figg. [Miris dolabrata.] 371 Hemiptera 214387 Tullgren, Albert. 57.54 Miris : 16.5 1919. Axsugaren Miris dolobratus L. (Leptopterna dolobrata L.). Ett h ttills föga beaktat skadedjur pä sädesslagen och gräsen. Meddel. No. 182 Cen- tralanst. Försöksväs. pa Jordbruksomräd. entom. Avd. No. 33, 19 pp. 18 figg. [Im Sommer 1917 ais Schädling an Getreide und Gräsern auf- getreten.] 88 Carpenter, G. D. H. 57.54 Mononyx : 15.3 1915. A Uganda Bug Devouring a Lycaenid Butterfly. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1915 p. LXIII—LXIV. [Mononyx grandicoliis.} 89 Chittenden, F. H. 97.04 Murgantia : 16.5 1920. Harlequin Cabbage Bug and its Control, U. S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bull. No. 1061, 16 pp., 5 figg. [Murgantia histrionica.] 90 Bergroth, E. 97.94 Myodochidae (6) 1916. Neue Myodochidae Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 85 p. 215—221. [5 nn. spp. in: Chauliops, Ischnodemus, Blissus, Omacrus n. g., Taphropeltus.— Cryptocara n. nom. pro Rhodesia Disr, non WARREN.] (66.3, 67.8, 69, 922) 91 Barber, [George W.] 57.54 Nabidae (7) 1916. On Nabidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 308. (72, 74.7—.9, 75.2,.3,.6,.9, 76.4, 77.5,.8, 78.2,.8, 79.1,.4) 92 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 67.54 Neoborus : 16.5 1916. The Ash Leaf Bug, Neoborus amoenus Reur. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 302—306, 1 pl. 93 Wirtner, M. 57.54 Neobothynotus (73) 1917. A New Genus of Bothynotinae, Miridae {Heter.). Euatom. News Vol. 28 p. 33—34. [Neobothynotus n. g. modestus n. Sp.] (74.6,.8, 17.3) 94 Takahashi, Ryioichi. 57.54 Nepidae : 15 1919. Notes on Ranatra chinensis and Laccotrephes ruber. Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soe. Vol. 7 p. 185—193, 1 fig. [Flight and death attitudes.] 214395 Crawford, H. 6. 57.54 Neurocolpus : 16.5 1916. A Capsid Attacking Apples. (Neurocolpus nubilis Say.) 46th ann, Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 79—88, 6 figg. (71.3) 96 Jones, Thos. H. 57.94 Nezara : 165 1918. The Southern Green Plant-Bug. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 689, 27 pp., 14 figg. [Nezara viridula.] 97 Rich, Stephen Gottheil. 57.54 Notonecta : 14.29 1918. The Respiratory Organs of a Notonectid. South African Journ. Sc. Vol. 14 p. 455—455, 2 figg. 98 Browne, Ethel Nicholson. 57.54 Notonecta : 14.63.1 1916. A comparative study of the chromosomes of six species of Noto- necta. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 27 p. 119—160, 7 pls. [XY pair in all, com- ponents dividing sej arately in ist division and going to opposite poles in 2nd. Components frequently side by side ın 2nd metaphase. !4- and 13-chromosome species. No correlation of somatic characters with differ- ences in chromosome number or arrangement, although 13-chromosome species are the large ones.] 214399 Hungerford, H. B. 57.54 Notonecta : 15 1917. The Life History of the Backswimmer, Notonecta undulata Say. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 267—278, 2 pls. 15.2—.4,.6 214400 Hungerford, H. B. 57.54 Notonecta : 15.6 1918. Concerning the Oviposition of Notonecta. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 241—245, 2 pls. 01 Edwards, James. 57.54 Notonecta (42) 1918. On the British species of Notonecta, Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 56—59. [N. halophila n. sp.] (42.23,.25) 02 Hutchinson, 6. E 57.54 Notonecta (42.37) 1919. Notonecta halophila Epw. in Cornwall. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 261. 214403 Essenberg, Christine. 57.94 Notonectidae : 15 1915. The habits and natural history of the backswimmers Notonectidae. Journ. anim. Behav. Vol. 5 p. 381 390. [Voraciousness. Protective air layer. Positive phototaxis increasing with temperature and light intensity. Positively rheotactic. Young.] 15.3 Hemiptera 372 214404 Hagemann, J. 57.54 Notonectidae : 15 1919. Ueber die Biologie der Ruderwanzen Corixa geoffroyi und Sigara. Sitz.-Ber. nat. Ges. Isis Dresden 1918 p. 4—5. 15.2,.6,.8. 05 Milliken, F. B. 57.54 Nysius : 15 1918 Nysius ericae, the False Ching Bug. Journ. Agric. Research Vol. 13 p. 571—578, 2 pls., i fig. [Life history.) 06 Hugues, Albert. 57.54 Nysius : 15.2 1920. Les Insectes dans le Gard en 1913. Buil. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 41 p. 154—156. [Eclosion ou émigration de larves de Nysius cymoides. 07 French, 6. 57.54 Nysius : 16.5 1918. The Rutherglen Bug (Nysius vinitor.) A Destructive Pest to Po- tatoes, Tomatoes, Grapes, Peaches, etc. Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 16 p. 788— 740, 5 figg. 08 Van Duzee, Edward P. 57.54 Orthotylus (7) 1916. Monograph of the North American Species of Orthotylus. Proc. California Acad. Sc. Vol. 6 p. 87—128, 1 fig. [24 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp.] (71.3,.4, 74.1,.2,.4,.7,.9, 75.3,.5,.6, 76.4, 77.1, 78.1,.8, 79.4) 09 Hawley, I. Myron. 57.54 Paracalocoris : 16.5 1917. The Hop Redbug (Paracalocoris hawleyi Knısart.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 545—552, 1 pl., 7 figg. 10 Me Atee, W. L. 07.04 Paracalocoris (73) 1916. Key to the Nearctic Species of Paracalocoris. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 366—390. [4 nn. spp. (1 Knieur), 22 nn. varr. (1 Kw). (74.3,.4,.7—.9, 75.2—.5,.8, 76.4, 77.3,.8 —78.2,.4,.8,.9) | 11 Stoner, Dayton. 57.54 Pentatomidae (77.7) 1916. Additional Iowa Pentatomoidea. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 182—183. 12 Horvath, G. 57.54 Pentatomidae (801) 1916. Revisio Cyrtocorinarum. Aun. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 219-224, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Cyphothyreu n. g., Cyrtocoris.— Ceratozy- gum n.g. pro Cyrtocoris horridum.] (728, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89) 214413 Horväth, 6. 57.54 Phaenacantha (51.1) 1916. Colobathristidarum species nova. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar, Vol. 14 p. 422. [Phaenacantha lobulifera n. sp.] 14 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Phatnoma (801) 1919. The Genus Phatnoma Fısuer. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 45 p. 181—185. [2 nn. spp.] (59.1, 72.5, 728, 86) 15 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Phimodera (43.15) 1920. Phimodera galgulina n. forma bollowi. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 13 p. 19. 16 Vuillet, Alice. 57.94 Pieromerus : 16.1 1919. Note sur Picromenus bidens. I. Hémiptère prédateur des larves de Chrysomélides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 118—119. 17 Butler, E. A. 57.84 Piezodorus : 15 1917. A contribution to the life-history of Piezodorus lituratus L. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 34—39, 2 figg. 18 Butler, E, A. 57.34 Plagiognathus (42) 1920. Plagiognathus (Neocoris) nigritulus Zxrr. and bohemani Far. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 92. [P. n. to be deleted from the British catalogue.] 19 Schumacher, F. 57.54 Prionostirina (56.9) 13. Eine neue paläarktische Gattung und Art aus der Familie der Tingitiden. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 6 p. 455—458. [Prionostirina n. g. nana n. sp.) 20 Morley, Claude. 57.54 Pseudophloeus (42.61) 1920. A second British specimen of Pseudophloeus waltli H. S.° Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 232. 214421 Heikertinger, Franz. 57.54. Pyrrhocoris : 11.57 1919. Zur Lösung des Trutzfärbungsproblems. Der Fall Pyrrhocoris ap- terus und das Prinzip der Ungewohntfärbung. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 179—196. 373 Hemiptera 214422 Schumacher, F. 57.94 Pyrrhocoris : 15 1917. Samenverschleppung durch die Feuerwanze (Pyrrhocoris apterus TE), Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 581. 23 Kozxocozr, I. M. Kolossoff, J. 57.54 Pyrrhocoris : 15.3 1914. IlpersapurezpHve Cooômenie Kb BONpocy 0 nuranin Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Notice préliminaire sur la nourriture du Pyrrhocoris apterus L. oau. Ypaurcx. 06m. Jro6uTr. Ecrecrse. Bull. Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 34 p. 146—147. [Attaque l’homme du moins après être resté sans nourriture pour quelque temps.] 24 Schulze, Paul. 57.54 Pyrrhocoris (43.15) 1917. Das Abändern der Zeichnung auf den Flügeln der Feuerwanze (Pyrrhocoris apterus L.) Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1917 p. 385 —3%5, 27 figg. [4 nn. formae. 25 Chickering, A. M. 57.54 Ranatra : 14.63.1 1918. Chromosomes of Ranatra sp? Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 37 26 Jeannel, R. ° 57.94 Reduviidae (6) 1917. Diagnoses préliminaires de Reduviidae nouveaux d’Afrique (deux- ième note). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 49—53. [14 nn. spp. in: Cethera, Cetheromma n. g., Eriopreda n. g., Microvarus n. g., Acanthaspis 5, Mardania, Recicolus n. g., Platymeris 3.— Leptacanthaspis n. subg.] (66.6,.99, 67.2-—.6,,8) 27 Jeannel, R. 57.54 Reduviidae (67) 1916. Diagnoses préliminaires de Reduviidae nouveaux d’Afrique (pre- mière note). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 800—304. [16 nn. spp. in: Paramphibolus, Harpactor 6, Haematochares, Margasus 2, Androclus, Ec- tomocoris 2, Pirates, Pachysandalus n. g. 2.] (67.2,.6,.8) 28 Bergroth, E. 57.54 Reduviidae (69) 1919. Eine verschollene und eine neue Reduviiden-Gattung aus Mada- gaskar. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 207—211. [Hammatoscelis Sıcn. und Hendecacentrus n. g. adulterinus n. sp.] 214429 Malloch, J. R. 57.54 Reduviidae (77.3) 1920. Additions to the Recorded Illinois Reduviidae. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 240. [To Van Duzer’s recent catalogue.] 30 Hungerford, H. 6. 97.04 Rhamphocorixa : 15 1917. Life History of a Boatman. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol, 25 pe. 112—122, 1 pl. [Rhamphocorixa acuminata.] 31 Stoner, Dayton. 57.54 Sciocoris (77.4) 1920. Sciocoris microphthalmus Fror. in Northern Michigan. Entom, News Vol. 31 p. 141, 32 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 87.54 Scolopostethus (7) 1917/18. New York Scolopostethi (Family Lygaeidae : Heter.). Entom. News Vol. 23 p. 65—68. — Corrections to the “New York Scolopostethi“ (Family Lygaeidae : Heter.), by H. G. Barser. Vol. 29 p. 51—52. (71.8, 74.4,,9, 78.8,.9, 79.4,,8) 33 Parker, H. L. 87.94 Sinea : 15.3 1916. Feeding habits of Sinea diadema Fagr., Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 280 —281. 34 Reuter, E. 57.54 Stagonomus (47.1) 1915. Siagonomus pusillus H.S., ny för Fennoskandis. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 41 p. 9—10. 35 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 97.54 Stephanitis : 16.5 1917. The Azalea Lace-Bug, Stephanitis pyrioides Scorr. Entom, News Vol. 28 p. 101—105, 1 pl. 36 Weiss, Harry B. 57.94 Stephanitis (74.9) 1916. A Japanese Bug New to New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 255. [Stephanitis azaleae Horv.] 214437 Schumacher, F. 57.94 Stethoconus (403) 1917. Ueber die Gattung Stethoconus FLor. (Hem. Het. Caps.). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 344-346. [iaponicus n. sp.] (43.9, 44.9, 45,547.1,.9, 52.1) Hemiptera 374 214438 Leonard, Mortimer D. 57.54 Strongylocoris : 15 1919. The Immature Stages of the Goldenrod Leaf-Bug, Strongylocoris stygica Say. Canäd. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 178—180, 7 fige. 39 Drake, Carl J, 97.94 Teleonemia (7) 1918. The North American Species of Teleonemia Occurring North of Mexico. Ohio Journ. Sc» Vol. 18 p. 323—332. [3 nn. spp.] (72.8,.7, 728, 729.1,2,4,8, 75.6.9, 76.4,.7, 77.8, 78.1.9, 79.1,2, 4). 40 Eutler, E. A. 55.04 Teratoceris (42) 1916. Notes on the genus Teratocoris Fres. (Capsidae). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vel. 2 p. 255—257, 3 fige. [British records. —Genital armature of the g.] 14.63 (42.23,.27,.33,.35,.52,.61,.64) 41 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 Tingidae (7) 1916. On Some Tingidae from New England. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 163— 168. [2 nn. spp. in: Physatocheila, Melanorhopala.—1 n. var in Dictyonota.] (71.6, 74.1,.4,.5,.7, 75.4) 42 Osborn, Herbert, and Carl J. Drake, «+ 57.54 Tingidae (7) 1917. Notes on American Tingidae with Descriptions of New Species. (Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entom. 50.) Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 295 — 307, 2 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Atheas 2, Corythucha 5 (1 n. var.), Corythaica, Alveotingis 2] (71.1, 72, 729.6, 74.1,.4,.7—.9, 75.2,.3,.5,.7—.9, 76.3—77.1,.3—.5,.7, 18.2,.3,.0—79.2,.4,.5,.7) 43 Drake, Carl J. 57,54 Tingidae (7) 1919. On some Tingidae New to the Fauna of Canada. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 159—160. [Corythucha hewitti n. sp.] (71.1—.3, 74.4,7,.9, 77.4,.5, 78.6,.8, 79.5—.7) 44 Drake, Carl J. 57.04 Tingidae (7) 1919. On some North American Tingidae. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 19 p. 419—491. [3 Corythucha, Monanthia, Leptoypha.] (72.1, 74.7, 75.2,.7—.9, 76.4,.8—77.1,.8, 78.6,.8—79.1,.7) 214415 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 Tingidae (7) 1920. Descriptions of New North American Tingidae. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 20 p. 49—54. [7 nn. spp. in: Corythucha 4 (1 n. var.), Teleonemia 3.] (729.4, 79.4,.7) 48 Drake, Carl J. 97.94 Tingidae (729) 1918. Two New Tingids from the West Indies. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol, 18 pe 174—176. [Leptodictya bambusae and Leptostyle moelfreshi nn. spp.] (729.4,.5) 47 Osborn, Herbert, and Carl J. Drake. 57.54 Tingidae (73) 1916. Some New Species of Nearctic Tingidae. (Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entom. No. 49.) Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 9—15, 3 fige. [7 nn. spp. in: Acalypta, Cerythucha 5, Melanorhopala.] (14.2, 76.4,.8, 77.4, 78.8, 79.4) 48 Drake, Carl J. 57.54 Tineidae (73) 1917. New and Noteworthy Tingidae from the United States. Ohio Journ. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 213—216. [3 nn. spp. in: Acalypta, Dolichocysta, Corythucha.] (78.6,.8, 72,5) 49 Osborn, Herbert, and Carl J. Drake. 57.54 Tingidae (73) 1917. Notes on Tingidae Psyche Vol. 24 p. 155—161, 1 pl, 2 fige. [Physatocheila major n. sp. — Physatocheila parshleyi n. nom. pro P. plexa PArsa. non Say, Uster, Heıpemann, Ossors & Draxe.] (74.7, 75.5, 77.3—5,.7, 78.1—.3, 79.5,.6) 50 Parshley, H. M. 57.54 Tingidae (73) 1917. Notes on North American Tingidae (Hemiptera). (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 127.) Psyche Vol. 24 p. 13—25, 2 fige. [A nn. spp. in: Leptoypha, Melanorhopala, Hesperotingis n. g. 2.] (74.6,.7, 75.2,.5, 78.8) 214451 Gibson, Edmund H. 57.54 Tingidae (73) 1919. The Genera Corythaica Sräz, and Dolichocysta Caampiox. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 32 p. 97—104. [3 nn. spp. in: Corythaica, Dolicho- cysta 2.] (729.5,.7,.8, 74.7, 76.4, 78.2,.3,.6,.8, 79.4, 85) 915 Hemiptera-Coleoptera 214452 Durante, Domenico. 34,54 Tingis : 16.5 1917. Contributo alla conoscenza biologica della Tingis pyri F. Ann.R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 14 No. 8, 11 pp. 53 Chaves, Leocadio. 97,94 Triatoma : 16.7 1915. Processos distrosicos na molestia de Carcos Cracas. Mein. Inst. Oswaido Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 7 p. 200—212. | 54 de Bergevin, Ernest. 57.54 Triphleps : 15 1917. Remarques à propos des galles provoquées sur le Tamarix articu- lata par l’Eriophyes tlaiae Trısur. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 94—95. [Occupées par Triphleps albipennis.} 55 Malloch, J. KR. 57.54 Triphleps : 15.3 1916. Triphleps insidiosus Sax Sucking Blood. Entem. News Vol. 27 p. 200. | 56 Hyslops, J, A. 57.54 Triphleps : 16.5 1916. Triphleps insidiosus as the Probable Transmitter of Corn-Ear Rot (Diplodia sp., Fusarium sp.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 435—438. 57 Leonard, M. D. 57.54 Tropidosteptes : 13.4 1916. The Immature Stages of Tropidosteptes cardinalis Unter. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 1-3, 1 pl. 13.41 59.97.65 (Coleoptera. (Vide etiam : 210893, 211141, 211157, 211159, 211161, 211164, 211165, 211169, 211170, 211172—211174, 211378, 211380, 211381, 211384—211387, 211390, 211396, 211398, 211401, 211402, 211404, 211417, 211419, 211422—211424, 211426, 211432, 212837 —212840, 212844—212848, 212852, 212855 —212861, 212863, 212865, 212866, 212872—:12874, 212876, 212877, 213287, 213288, 213305, 213322, 213324, 213326—213328, 213335, 213338, 213341— 213343, 123351, 213353, 213356, 213359, 213362, 213366, 213368, 213370, 213376, 213378, 213379, 213383, 213385, 213391, 213395—213397, 213400 -213402, 213404, 213405, 213407, 213408, 213410, 213412—213418, 213420, 213425, 213426, 213428, 213492, 213438, 213440, 213442, 213448, 213451, 213452, 213455, 213456, 213458—213460, 213462 —213464, 213470, 213474, 213475, 213481 — 213484, 213487, 213489 — 213492, 213494— 213496, 213498, 213500— 213508, 213510— 213515, 213517, 213518, 213520, 213522, 213525.) 214458 Houlbert, C. 57.6 1914/15. La loi de la taille et l’évoiution des Coléoptères. Insecta Ann. 4 p. 304—316, 331—336, 347—348, 4 figg. — Ann. 5 p. 5—11, 63--68, 128—136, 141—155, 14 fige. 57.61—.69 59 Everts, Ed. 91.6 1916. Eenige Opmerkingen omtrent vroegere mededeelingen. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 273—275. [Thiasophila pexa Morsca en Pelonium meieri, SCuxKkL, | 57.62,.66 60 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 97.6 1916. Ueber nur einmal gefundene, verschollene und zu streichende deutsche Käferarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg, 12 p. 59—75. — Nachträge, betreifend verschollene und zu streichende deutsche Käferarten. p. 244, 57.61—.69 61 Reïitter, Edm. 97.6 1916. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 49. [identifizierungen.] 57.63,.68 62 Howard, L. ©. 31.6 1917. An Interesting Manuscript. Psyche Vol. 24 p. 87—88. [Copy of Orıvıers North American Coleoptera, 283 pls.] 63 Bickhardt, HA. 97.6 1918. Orrviersche Typen im Wiesbadener Naturhistorischen Museum. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 26, 97.63,.67,.68 214464 Greene, George Hi. 57.6 1918. A Rare Coleoptera Paper of T. W. Harrıs, Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 44 p. 251—261. [Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Hartford No. 1, 1836 p. 65, “Characteristics of some previously described North American Insects, and descriptions or others which appear to be new.“] Coleoptera 376 214465 Leng, Charles W. 97.6 1918. Notes on some Changes in the List of Coleoptera. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 201-211. [Attalusinus n. g. pro Attalus submar- ginatus.— Bembidion caseyi n. nom. pro B. pugetanum Casey non Faux, Elaphrus caseyi pro E. politus Casey non Leconte, Platynus fallianus pro P. deplanatus Men. non CUnauo., Mycetoporus horni pro M. tenuis Horn, Me- galopsidia pro Megalops Ericasox non Lacer., Cryptohypnus lecontei pro C. planatus Lrc. non Escn., Melanotus blatchleyi pro M. longicornis BLATCHLEY non Caxp., Ludius candezei pro L. elegans Can. non Kazvy., Monocrepidius caseyi pro M finitimus Casey non (Say) Lxc., Eciomenogonus melsheimeri pro E. hepaticus Mersa. non GErm, (is dunedinensis pro C. pusillus Dury non Gornam, C. duryi pro C. bicolor Durr non Saarp, Aphodius cockerelli pro A. v. nıger Csırn., non A, niger Pınz. Monachulus pro Monachus SuFFR. non Kaur, Eudociminus pro Eudocimus Scaonasre non Wactr.] 57.61—.69 66 Fall, H. © 97.6 1919. A Change of Names. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 26. [Bledius phila- delphicus n. nom. pro B. dissimilis Farr, B. transitus pro B. fratelius Far, Pachybrachys hector pro P. instabilis Fazr.] 57.62,.68 67 Lucas, Robert. 57.6 1920. Catalogus alphabeticus generum et subgenerum orbis terrarum totius. Famil, trib., subtr., sect. incl. Pars I. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 1—5, XXXI, 696 pp. [Fachus n. nom. pro Byrrhodes Lec., Shangaia pro Holotrochus Brexsxr non Er., Krollus pro Homoeogenus Warerx. 1882 non 1880, Loedelia pro Necroboiides Gau. non Faırm., Loensus pro Pedinopsis Gx=BIEN non Rarrr, Megatracheloides pro Megatrachelus Fsr. non As. DE Perrin, Strickerus pro Microdera Srepx. non Escasca., Mulsenella pro Sidis Muzs. non Pasc., Synclytus pro Paraclytus Casey non Bares, Sikllicus pro Phoberus Rarre. non Kırsca., Pocadionta pro Pacadiopsis Grouv. non Farru., Wollastonella pro Ptinodes Worr. non Lec., Schlinkus pro Cyphonotus Guée. non Fiscaer, Wolcotella pro Prionodera Worcorr non Er., Hagedornus pro Trigonogenius Haceporn non Sor., Wollastonella pro Ptinodes Wort. non Lec.] 57.61—.69 214468 Warda, Arthur. 97.6 1920. Ein nachgelassener Aufsatz von Oberlehrer LxonnArp Leutz. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 49—60. [Das Kuastann-Herwissche Manuskript als Grund- lage des nicht erschienenen zweiten Bandes von IrLıcer Käfer Preussens.] 69 Reitier, Edm. 57.6 : O1 1917. Ueber entomologische, spcziell koleopterologische Systematik. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 221—228, 70 Jullien, J. 57.6 : 07 1914. La chasse et la préparation des Coléoptères. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 2 p. 593—55, 2 figg. 71 Kleine, R. 57.6 : 07 1917. Meine Präparationsmethode des Kopulationsorganes. Entom, Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 251—252. 72 Andreae, H. 57.6 : 07 1920. Klebekarten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 14 p. 39—40. [Für Kleinkäfer.] — Bemerkungen zu vorstehenden Ausführungen, von Eu Ress. p. 40. 73 Cadina, Ascensi. 97.6 : 07 (46.7) 1916. La collecciö „Mu:rer“. Junta de Ciences naturals Barcelona An. 1516 p. 201—210. [Coleoptera.] 74 Sasscer, E. R., and H. L. Sanford. 97.6 : 11.044 1918. Effect of Hydrocyanic Acid Gas under Vacuum Conditions on Subterranean Larvae. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 15 p. 133—136. 57.64,.65 214475 Weber, L. 97.6 : 11.3 1916. Die Lebenserscheinungen der Käfer. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 211—236. [Errährung.] — Jahrg. 13 p. 1—17, 143—161, 1 fig. [Atmung, Kreislauforgane, Temperatur, Fettkörper, Leuchtorgane.] 14.29,.39, 15.3 377 Coleoptera 214476 Sharp, D. 97.6 : 11.62 1918. On Gynarchy in Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 154—155. De nc of the female sex. Parthenogenesis.] — By Horace Donisraorpr. p. 225. 57.62,.66—.68 77 Verhoeff, Karl W. 57.6 : 14.98 1916. Das Scapobasale der Coleopteren-Antennen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 62—68, 6 fige. 73 d’Orchymont, A. 57.6 : 14.99 1918. Note préliminaire sur la nervation alaire des Coléoptères. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 170—172. 73 Lovell, John H. 87.6 : 15 1915. The Origin of Anthophily among the Colesptera. Psyche Vol. 22 p. 67—84. 57.61 —.69 80 Lichtenstein, Jean L. 97.6 : 15 1918. Notes biologiques sur quelques Coléoptères de l'Hérault. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 91—95. — Rectifications. p. 134. 15,2—.4 57.62,.65,.68 81 Weber, L. 57.6 : 15 1918. Die Lebenserscheinungen der Käfer. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 1—19. [Metamoıphose, Wachstum, Lebensdauer, Tod.] 13.41 82 Weiss, Harry B. 87.6 : 15 1919. Notes on Sulcacis lengi Dury, and Orchesia castanea Mer.s., Breeding in Fungi. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 205-204. 57.66,.67 83 Bickhardt, H. 87.6 : 15 1920. Biologische Erfahrungen beim Käferfang. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 14 p. 7—8. 57.62,.64,.68 84 Drexler, Bela. 57.6 : 15 1920. Kleine Entomologische Mitteilungen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 35 p. 85—36. [Beobachtungen über die Lebensweise einiger Colsopteren.] 97.67,.68 214485 Speiser, Ferencz. 97.6 : 15.2 1908. Bogaräszati kiränduläs. — Coleopterologische Ausflüge. Rovart. Lapok K. 15 p. 24—30. [Mit Streifsack und Schirm.] 57.61—.69 86 van Roon, G. 57.6 : 15.2 1917/18. Gnathoncus buyssoni, Trox haroldi en Heterocerus aureolus. Entem, Berichten D. 5 p. 23—24. [Se trouvent d’après une lettre de René ÖBEr- raur dans des nichées d’oiseaux.] — door En. Events. p. 35-36. — door G. v. R. p. 41—42. 57.63,.64 87 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.6 : 15.2 1918. Popular and Practical Entomology. The Heart of a Wood-pile. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 37—48. [Coleoptera taken] 57.62,.68,.69 88 Wradatsch, G. 57.6 : 15.2 1918. Wo ist zu sammeln ? Eine koleopterologische Plauderei. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 135—142. 57.61-—.69 $S5 Doane, R. W. 57.6 : 15.2 1919. Weevils in Australian Wheat in California. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 308-312. 57.63,.66—.68 90 Everts, Ed. J. &. 57.6 : 15.2 1920. Het dierlijk leven in eea komposthoop. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. XXXVIII—XL. [Coleopteren.] 57.62,.63,.67 91 Rosewall, 0. W. 97.6 : 15.2 1920. Wood-Boring Bsetles of Black Locust. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 203. [In dead or partly dead trees.} 57.69,.68 92 Krausse, Anton. 57.6 : 15.3 1917. Ueber das phagische Verhalten einiger Coleopteren. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 2 p. 76—79, 4 figy. 57.62,.69 93 Kopf, W. 57.6 : e 15.4 | 1916, Das Sammeln von Käfern im Vorfrühling. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. | Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 36. 57.62,.68,.69 214494 Wradatsch, G. 07.6 : 15.4 1917. Die Käfer am und unter dem Scheunentoden, Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 128—183, 57.62 —.64,.07—-.69 Coleoptera 378 214495 Krancher, 0. 57.8 4 15.4 1918. Monatliche Anweisungen für Sammler. Ccleoutera. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. ü—S, 10—12, 14—16, 18—21, 24—30, 34—39, 42—45, 48—50, 54—56, 60—62, 64—65, 68—69, 57.51—.69 95 Krancher, 0. 67.6 : 15.4 1920. Monatliche Anweisungen für Sammler. Coleoptera. Entom. Jahrh. Jahrg. 29 p. 6—8, 10—12, 14—16, 18—21, 24-50, 34— 39, 42--45, 48—50, 54—56, 60-62, 64—65, 68—69. 57.61—.69 97 Bellevoye, Ad. 57.6 : 16.5 1906. Insectes nuisibles dans la Ville de Reims. Bull. Soc. Etnd. Sc. nat. Reims T. 15 p. 29—33, 2 figg. [Coléoptères.] (44.32) 57.63,.68 98 Ghosh, C. C. 87.6 : 16.5 1912. Life-Histories of Indian Insects-—-IlIl. The Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) and the Red or Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugi- neus). Mem. Dept. Agric. India a Ser. Vol. 2 p. 193—217, 4 pls. 57.64, 68 214499 Clainpanain, Joseph. 97.6 : 16.5 1917. Notes sur certains Coléoptères xylophages d'Egypte et leurs abon- dance à certaines époques. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 10 p. 72—77. 57.65,.66,.68 214500 Hartzell, F. Z, 87.6 : 16.5 1918. The Influence of Molasses on the Adhesiveness of Arsenate of Lead. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 11 p. 62—66. [Effect on beetles.] 57.64,.68 01 Herbert, Frank B. 57.6 : 16.5 1920. Western Twig Pruners. Journ. econ, Entom, Vol. 13 p. 360-363. | 57.65,.68 02 Meyer, Paul. 57.6 : 19 1917. Einige Worte zugunsten der genaueren Feststellung des Verbrei- tungsgebietes aller nachweislich im Eeutschen Reiche aufgefundenen Kä- ferarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13. p. 183—189. 214503 Wickham, H. F. 35.6 (1181) 1917. New Species of Fossil Beetles from Florissant, Colorado. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 52 p. 463 —472, 3 pis. [14 nn. spp. in: Platynus, Cratacanthus, Harpalus 2, Anatis, Brachyspathus n. g., Podabrus, Vrilletta, Spondylis, Callidium, Bruchus, Pandeleteinus, Tychius, Baris.— Malachius im- murus u. nom. pro M. pristinus Wıckaam non Farr.] 57.62,.65,.66,.69 04 Wickham, H. FE. 57.6 (1182) 1914. Twenty New Uoleoptera from the Florissant Shales. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 40 p. 257—270, 4 pls. [20 nn. spp. in : Lithocoryne, Corticaria, Pactopus, Melanophila, Necrobia, Gastrallanobium n. g., Aphodius, Serica, Scaptolenopsis n. g., Palaeosmodicum n. g., Hylotrupes, Acanthoderes, Lema, Luperodes, Ulus, Proteleates, Isomira, Mordellistena 3.] .97.63—-.68 05 Wickham, Henry Frederick. 57.6 (1182) 1916, New Fossil Coleoptera from the Florissaut Beds. Bull. Univ. Iowa Vol. 7 No. 3 p. 1—20, 4 pls; [21 nn. spp. in: Tritoma, Cryptophagus, Miophenolia n. g., Malachius, Oligomerus, Lachnosterna, Saperda, Rhynchites 2, Eugnamptidea, Apion 2, Ceutorhynchus, Baris 3, Miogeraeus n. g, Centrinus, Pityophthoridea n. g., Adipocephalus n. g., Phloeotrious.] 57.63,.64,.66,.08 06 Gadeceau, Emile. 57.6 (119) 1919. Les forêts submergées de Belle-Ile-en-Mer. Bull. biol. France Bel- sique T. 53 p. 276—807, 1 pl., Sfigg. [Insectes des tourbes.] 57.62,.64 07 Wickham, H. F. 54.6 (119) 1919. Fossil Beetles from Vero, Florida. Amer. Journ. Se, (4) Vol. 47 p. 385—857. 57.62,.64 | 214508 Müller, Josef. 57.6 (24:4) 1917. Systematisch-faunistische Studien über Blindkäfer. Weitere Bei- träge zur Höhlen- und Subterranfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkarhalb- insel. Sitz.-Ber, Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 126 Abt. 1 p. 607—656, 3 Taf, 4 figg. [3 nn. epp. in : Trechus (1 n. subsp.). Proleonhardella (1 n. subsp.) 2. — 1 n. subsp. in Haplotropidius. — Sphaerohathyscià n. g. pro Bathys- ciotes hoffmanni, Neobathyscia pro Speonesiotes antrorum.] (43.64—.69,.94—.96, 45.2,.3, 495—497, 499) 57.62,.63 379 | Coleoptera 214509 Müller, Josef. 57.6 (24 : 43.6) 1917. Systematisch-faunistische Studien über Blindkäfer, Beiträge zur Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math-.nat. Kl. Jahrg. 54 p. 188--190. [Anisoscapha n. subg.] (43.67,.96,,95,.96) 57.62,.63 10 Bewick, L. 97.6 (29 : +) 1920. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tierwelt norddeutscher Quellgebiete. Il. Coleoptera. Mit einem Anhang : Schwedische Quellkäfer. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 2 p. 299—320. (43.17,.51, 48.6,.7) 57.62,.63,..67—69 11 Warnier, Ad. | 57.6 (4) 1905. Supplément au Catalogue des Coléoptères de la faune Ga!lo-Rhé- nane. Bnil. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 14 p. 71—90, (43.44.45, 44.38,.89) 57.61—.69 12 Scherdlin, Paul. 97.6 (4) 1915. Supplément au Catalogue des Coléoptères de la Chaîne des Vosges et des Régions limitrophes. Bull. Soc. Hist, nat. Colmar N. S. T. 18 p. 293—590. (43.44, 44,35) 57.61—.69 13 Müller, Josef, 81.6 (4) 1916. Coleopterologische Beiträge zur Fauna der Österreichischen Karst- provinzen und ihrer Grenzgebiete. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 v. 73—109, 6 figg. (9 nn. spp. in : Molops (3 nn. subspp.), Neuraphes, Helodes, Di- chillus, Donacia, Chrysomela, Pogonochaerus, Otiorrhynchus 2 (1 n. subsp.) — 2 nn. subspp. in : Laemostenes, Athous. — 2 nn. abb. in : Nacerdes, Chrysochloa.] (43.64,.66—.69,.91,94—,96, 495, 496) 57.62,.63,.65 —.68 14 Frisendahl, Axel. 87.6 (4) 1917. Nya svenska Coleoptera. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 38 p. 298-301. (47.1, 48.4,.6,.8) 57.62,.63 15 Obenberger, Jan. 57.6 (4) 1917. Einige neue palaearktische Käferarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 75—77. [5 nn. spp. in : Peinella, Rhizophagus, Thori:tus (1 n. var.) — 1 n. subsp. in Anophthalmus.] (43.69, 499) 57.62,.63 2:4516 Roubal, Jan. 87.6 (4) 1919. Sechs neue palaearktische Coleopteren. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 7 p. 36—39. [7 nn. spp. in : Cryptophagus 2, Agrilus, Lasioderma. — 2 nn. abb. in : Pissodes, Trichius.] (43.92,.96, 47.9, 495) 57.63—.66,.68 17 Scherdlin, Paul. 57.6 (4) 1919. Deuxième Supplément au Catalogue des Coléoptères de la Chaîne des Vosges et des Régions limitrophes. Bull. Soc; Hist. nat. Colmar N. S. T. 15 p. 1-25. (43.44,.45, 44.39) 57.61—.69 18 Reitter, Edm. - 51.6 (403) 1916. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 294. [i n. var. in Zytta. — Identifizierungen. — Geogr. Notizen.] (43.91,.94,.96, 497, 64) 57.62,.67 19 Roubal, J. 57.6 (403) 1916. Neue Coleopteren paläarktischer Provsrienz. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 184—186. [Notiophilus bodemeyeri n. sp. — 1n. subsp. in Platynus. — In. ab in Choleva. — 1 n. var. in Fhytoecia.] (43.65, 47.9, 51.6) 57.62,.63,.68 -20 Fleischer, A. 37.6 (403) 1917. Bemerkenswerte Aberrationen einiger Üoleopteren- Arten. Wien. entom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 121—122. [6 nn. abb. in: Anoncodes, Stran- galia, Chrysomela 2, Carabus, Chaetocnema. — 1 n. var. in Capnodis.] (43.64,.71,.72,.94, 57.6) 57.62,.65,.67,.68 214521 Obenberger, Jan. 57.6 (403) 1917. IL Beitr:g zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Käferfauna. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 4 p. 9—45, 2 Taf. [46 nn. spp. in: Enthobiomor- pha n. g., Colon, Catops 3, Protobracharthron, Liodes 2 (1 n. var.), Cyrtusu, Arthrolips, Atomaria, Oryptophagus, Airaphilus, Laemophloeus 2, Cerylon, Cybocephalus 3, Sphaerosoma 3, Hylaia, Limnichus, Simplocaria, Curimus 2, Anthrenus, Danacaea, Meliboeus, Hedobia, Dryophilus, Stagetus 2, Xyletinus, Mycetochara 2, Hymenalia, Omophlus 2, Xylitella, Ammobius, Lichenum, Hy- Coleoptera 380 pophloeus, Rhipiphorus, Chrysochloa (3 nn. subspp.) — 12 nn. subspp. in: Elaphrus, Nebria, Pterostichus, Platynus, Molops 2, Silpha 2, Aslagobius, Syn- calapta, Dermestes, Tropinota. — 1 n, var. in Anemadus. — 1. n. ab. in Clambus. (43.64,.69,.91,.04,.95, 45.5,.79, 46.1,.5, 47.9, 495—497, 499, 51, 57.4,.6, 58.4) 57.62—.64,.66,.67 2145922 Roubal, Jan. 57.6 (403) 1917/19. Coleopterologische Notizen. I. Soe. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 9—19. [Liodes fleischeriana n, nom. pro L. fleischeri Jor. non JacoBs.] — IL p. 38— 34. [Amara matitsi n. nom. pro À. diversa Marirs non Putz; Endomychus coceineus ab. gallicus pro E. c. ab. thoracica Bierie non E. th. Caare.] — III. Jahrg. 33 p. 22—23. [Chrysomela fastuosa fleischeriana n. nom. pro Ch. fastuosa obscura Fueiscuer non Ch. obscura Puirirr.] — IV. Jahrg. 34 p. 2. (43.71—74,.93,.95,.96, 45.1,.6,.8, 46.7,.85, 47.7—.9, 495, 496, 499, 52.1, 56, 62, 64, 65) 57.62—64,.66— .69 23 Reitter, Edmund. 57.6 (403) 1919. Bestimmungs-Takelle der Coleopterenfamilien : Nitidulidae und Byturidae aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern. Verh, nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 59 p. 1—104. [9 nn. spp. in: Brachypterolus 3, Meligethes 3 (1 n. subsp.), Epuraea 2, Stelidota. — 1 n, ab. in Xenostrongylus. — Prianella, Megacarpolus nn. subgg. (43.14,.36,.44,.58,.64,.65,.683— .74,.91—.96, 41.78,.94, 45.1,.3,.2,.99, 46.75,.8, 469,.8, 47.1,,8, 494—497, 499, 51.1,.2, 52, 55, 50.2,.4,.43,.7,.8, 57.1,.6,.9) 57.63,.65 24 Roubal, J. 57.6 (403) 1920. Beschreibung von vier neuen paläarktischen Coleopteren. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 78—79. [2 nn. spp. in: Trechus (1 n. subsp.), Pterostichus. — 1 n. var. in Stethorus.] (43.71, 496, 497, 51.6) 57.62,.6% 214525 Obenberger, Jan. 57.6 (405) 1518. Vier neue palaearktische Coleopteren. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 58—61. [4 nn. spp. in: Harpalus, Agelandia, Airaphilus, Prionocerus.] (45.79, 499, 54.6, 64) 57.62,.63,.68 26 Evans, William. 97.5 (41) 1916/17. Scolytids (including Hylastes cunicularius and Pityophthorus ramu- lorum) and other Coleoptera (including Metableius truncatellus) taken in the Forth Area. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 303—308.—1917 p. 19— 24, (41.32—.36,.44,.45) 57.62—.66,.68 27 Fergusson, Anderson. 57.6 (41) 1919. Additions to the List of Scottish Coleoptera, Scottish Natural. 1919 p. 167—169. — Aspidiphorus orbiculatus, Gyr. in Scotland. p. 200. (41.36—.3 9,43 — 45,43) 57.62,.63,.66,.68 28 Beare, T. Hudson. 57.6 (41.11) 1916. Coleoptera from Fair Isle. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 297 —258. 57.62--.65,.68 29 Beare, T. Hudson. 27.6 (41.21) 1916. Notes on Coleoptera from St. Kilda. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 238— 260. 57.62— .64,.68 30 Nicholson, G. W. 57.6 (41.5) 1917. Additional Coleoptera from Meath and Cavan. Irish Natural. Vol. 26 p. 28-31. (41.69,.82) 57.62,.63,.65,.67—.69 31 Bonaparte-Wyse, L. H. 57.6 (41.91) 1916. New Beetle Records for Co. Waterford. Irish Natural. Vol. 25 p» 68. 57.62,.64,.66,.68 32 Jansen, Oliver E. 57.6 (41.96) 1920. Coleoptera in Co. Kerry. Irish Natural. Vol, 29 p. 1—6. 57.61—.69 214533 Box, Harold RE. 57.6 (42) 1917. Coleoptera collected near London during 1914—1916, Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 109—111. [Also in Essex and Hertfordshire.] (42.1,.58,.67) 57.62,.64,.65,.68 381 Coleoptera 214534 ae: George B. 57.6 (42.25) 1918/19. Coleoptera on the Downs and Country round Brighton. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 209—211.—Coleoptera of the Brighton Dis- trict. Vol. 5 p. 178--179.—A correction. p. 232. 57.61—.69 35 Tottenham, Charles E. 57.6 (42.25) 1920. Coleogtera in Sussex: A supplement to the Victoria County History” list. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 225—231. 57.61—.68 36 Sharp, W. E. 51.6 (42.29) 1916/18. Notes on the Coleoptera of Crowthorne. (A Parish of Berkshire.) Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 86—89, 131—134. — Some further Notes on the Coleoptera of Crowthorne. (A Parish of Berkshire.) Vol. 4 p. 23—380. 57.61—.09 37 Champion, G. C. 57.6 (42.3) 1918. The Coast-frequenting Coleoptera of S. Devon and S. Cornwall. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 208. (42.35,.37) 57.62,.68 38 Keys, James H. 97.6 (42.3) 1918. A List of the Maritime, Sub-Maritime and Coast-frequenting Co- leoptera of South Devon and South Cornwall, with especial reference to the Plymouth District. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymonth N. 8. Vol. 11 p. 514—518, 7 figg. (42,35,.37) 57.62—.64,.66—.68 39 Haines, F. H. 97.6 (42.33) 1917. Dorset Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vel. 3 p. 162—164. 57.61—.09 40 Mitchell, A. Vincent. 57.6 (42.35) 1917. Notes on Coleoptera in Devonshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 40—41.—A Correction p. 84. 57.62—,65,.66,.69 4] Keys, James H. 57.6 (42,37) 1919. ARTE at the Lizard, Cornwall. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) 214542 Blair, K. G. 57.6 (42.31) 1920. Further Additions to the Coleoptera Fauna of the Scilly Islands. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol, 6 p. 13—14. 57.62 — .64,.66,.68 43 Black, James E. 90.6 (42. 38) 1919. Coleoptera at Dunster, Somerset. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 231. 57.62-—,65,.67,.68 44 Walker, James J. 57.6 (42.57) 1918. Recent Captures of Coleoptera in the Oxford district. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 182—183. 57.62,.63,.68 45 Walker, James J. 57.6 (42.57) 1920. Early spring Coleoptera in the Oxford district. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 6 p. 109—110. 15.4 57.62—.65,.68 46 Gimingham, C. T. 07.6 (42.58) 1919. Some Coleoptera taken in Hertfordshire in 1918. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 157-158. 57.62,.63,.65,.66,.68,.69 47 Bedwell, E, C. 57.6 (42.64) 1918. Some notes on Suffoik Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 159—162. 57.61-—.69 48 Potter, W. 07.6 (42.72) 1919. Notes on the occurrence of some Ptinidae and Dermestidae in old cotton mills at Droylsden, near Manchester. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 88-839, 57.63,.66 49 Kolbe, W. 57.6 (43. 14) 1916/18. Beiträge zur schlesischen Käferfauna. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 253—257. [Agabus scholzi n. sp.] — Bd. 7 p. 200-211. [1 n. var. in Actobius (GasrieL). — 6 nn. abb. in: Bembidion, Tachyporus, Aphthona (G.), Gymnetron (G.) 2, Aphodius.] 57.61—.68 214550 v. Scheidt, C. 97.6 (43.14) 1919. Beiträge zur schlesischen Käferfauna. Entom. Mitt. Bd. S p, 163— 165. 97.62,.63,.65—.68 Coleoptera 382 214551 Delahon, Paul. 97.6 (43.15) -1916. Nachträge zu ScaıLskys Systematischem Verzeichnis der Käfer Deutschlands von 1909 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Formen der Mark Brandenburg, sowie einige sonstige Bemerkungen über Käfer aus Deutschland. Deutsch. entom. Zeitsch. 1916 p. 34—36. 57.62,.64,.68 52 Neresheimer, J., und H. Wagner. 57.6 (43.15) 1916/20. Beiträge zur Coleopterenfauna der Mark Brandenburg III. En- tom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 156-163. — IV. Bd. 5 p. 223—228. [W. 2 nn. abb. in : Bembidium, Quedius.] — V. von H. W. Bd, 6 p. 259—273. [1 n. var. in Stenus. — 1 n. ab. in Elaphrus.] — VI.—VII von J. N. und H. W. Bd. 7 p. 17—30, 180134, 4 figg. [Actidium neresheimeri n. sp. (W.). — 1 n. ab. in Ceuthorrhynchus.] — VIIL Bd. 8 p. 65—65. [8 nn. abb. in: Cryptocephalus (W.), Coeliodes (N.), A (W.).] — IX. von J,N. Bd. 9 p. 16— 18. — X. von J. N. und H. W. p. 172—179, 4 fige. 57.61—.69 53 Poutiers, R. 57.6 (43.15) 1918. Notes entomologiques. Bull. Soc. Etudes scient. Angers N. 8. Ann. 47 p. 5%—61. [Coléoptères pris dans la province de Brandenbourg.] 61—.68 54 Lüllwitz, Albert. 57.6 (43.16) 1916. Verzeichnis der im Regierungsbezirk Köslin aufgefundenen Käfer. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 205—264, 57.61—.69 55 Gusmann, Paul. 57.6 (43.17) 1914. Beiträge zur Käferfauna der Untertrave und ihrer Umgebung, ein Nachtrag zu dem Verzeichnis der in der Umgebung vou Hamburg gefun- denen Käfer von W. Korrze. Verh. Ver. nat. Unterhaltg. Hamburg Bd. 15 p. 85 —19. [1 n. var. in Quedius.] — Nachtrag zur Fauna der Unter- trave. p. 362. 15.2,.4 57.61—.69 56 Jänner, C. 57.6 (43.18) 1919. Die Sachsenburg. Ein Beitrag zur Thüringer Käferfauna. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 12 p. 175—176, 177—181. 57.61—.68 214557 Pröbstle, Leonhard. 57.6 (43.37) 1919. Verzeichnis der in der Umgegend von Rieden in den Jahren 1893 mit 1902 und in der Umgegend von Fellheim in den Jahren 1903 mit 1918 von mir gesammelten Käfer. 42, Ber. nat. Ver. Schwaben-Neuburg Pe 187 — 230. 57.61—.69 58 Eigen, P. 57.6 (43.42) 1920. Die Käferfauna der belgischen Talsperren. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 29 p. 137—144. 57.61—.69 59 Scherdlin, Paul. 57.6 (43.46) 1916. Beiträge zur badischen Coleopterenfauna. Verzeichnis der im Som- mer 1915 in Griesbach (Bad. Schwarzwald) beobachteten Käfer. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 129—130, 137—140. — Jahrg. 10 p. 1-3, 11—12. 15.2,.4 57.61—.69 60 Stern, C. 57.6 (43.51) 1914. Neue und seltene Käfer des Niederelbgebiets. Verh. Ver. nat. Unterhaltg. Hamburg Bd. 15 p. 57— 84. 15.2,.4 57.61—.69 61 Benick, Ludwig. 57.6 (43.51) 1916. Beitrag zur Käferfauna der Insel Föhr. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 197—205. [1 n. var. in Cercyon.] 57.61—.69 62 Schubart, ©. 57.6 (43.52) 1920. Die Coleopterenfauna einer neu entstehenden Nordseeinsel. En- tom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 193—196. 57.62 — .64,.67—.69 63 Rahm, P. Gilbert. 57.6 (43.56) 1917. Coleopterologisches aus den Baumbergen des Münsterlandes. Kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntnis der geographischen Verbreitung der Käfer. . Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 140—145. 57.61—.69 214564 Eigen, P. 57.6 (43.56) a ni} Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 72-79. [Westfälische äfer. 383 Coleoptera 214565 Scherdlin, Paul. 57.6 (43.64) 1916. Vorariberg, nicht Vogesan! Einige Berichtigungea zu den Kunwr- schen Bestimmungestabellen der Käfer Deutschlands. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 191— 261. [Unrichtige Verwendung von geogr. Abkür- zungen.| 57.51-—.69 66 Kral, Hans. 57.6 (43.71) 1915. Die Käfer aus dem Gebiete des Kummergebirges. Mitt. Ver. Nat. Reichenberg Jahrg. 42 p. 49-109, 1 Tat. 57,61—.69 67 Roubal, Jan. 97.6 (43.71) 1919. Drei Käferneuheiten aus Böhmen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 34 p. 15. [3 un. abb. in; Agabus, Othius, Cantharis.] 57.62,.66 68 Fleischer. Ant. 57.6 (43.72) 1917. Biologische Notizen über mährische Käfer. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 263-266, 15.2,.4 57.62,.64,.66 —.69 69 Fleischer, A. 57.6 (43.72) 1918. Neue Aberrationen mährischer Coleopteren. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 76. [2 nn. abb. in: Acidota, Chrysomela.] 57.62,.68 70 v. Wanka, Theodor. 37.6 (43.73) 1917. Zweiter Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna von Oesterr.-Schlesien. Wien. entom. Zeiig. Jahrg. 56 p. 276—282. [1 n. ab. in Coceinella.] 57.61--.69 71 Reitter, Ein. 57.6 (43.74) 1917. Kine unter Lupwıe Mirrers Leitung ausgeführte coleopterologische Reise in die ostgalizischen Karpathen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 127 — 154, 57.61—.69 72 Wängel, Jenö. 57.6 (43.9) 1906. Adatok Magyararszäg rovar-faundjähoz. — Beiträge zur Insekten- fauna von Ungarn. IV. Coleoptera. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 10-42, — [1158 Arten mit 4267 Fundort-Daten aus allen Teilen Ungarns.] (43.91 — .94) 57.61—.69 214573 Bolkay, Istvän. 57.6 (43.91) 1907. Rimaszombat bogär-faunäja. — Die Coleopteren-Fauna von Rimas- zombat, Rovart. Lapok K. 14 p. 162—171. 57,61—.69 74 Franesik, Kärely. 57.6 (48.91) 1907. Adalék TVrencsenvarmegye Coleoptera-faunäjähoz. — Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Komitates Trencsen. Bovart. Lapok K. 14 p. 85—65. 57.61—.69 15 Wachsmann, Ferenez. 57,6 (43.91) 1307. Pära és videkönek bogarfaunäja. — Die Käferfauna von Päpa und Umgebung. Kovart. Lapok K. 14 ». 11—93. 97.61-—.69 76 Depoli, Guide, 57.6 (43.94) 1917. Neue Käferformen aus der Liburnischen Karst. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 190-192, 1 fig. [4 nn. abb. in: Hyphydrus, Syste- nocerus, Onthophagus, Gnorimus.) 97.02,.64 | 77 Chobaut, A. 57.6 (44) 1900. Espèces nouvelles d’insectes Coléoptères trouvées en ces dernières années dans le département de Vaucluse et dans les départements limi- trophes. Mém. Acad. Vaucluse T. 19 p. 215—220. (44.83,.91,.92) 57.62,.63,.66— .69 78 Houlbert, C. 97.6 (44) 1914/18. Faune entomologique armoricaine. Tableaux génériques illus- trés des Coiéoptères de France. (Supplément à la faune entomologique armoricaine.) (Suite) Buil. Soc. scient. med, Ouest Rennes T. 23 Suppl. p. 81—128, 128 fige. — T. 24 Suppl. p. 129—144, 44 figg. — T. 25 Suppl. p. 145—160, 42 fige. — T. 26 Suppl. p. 161—176, 65 fige. — T. 27 Suppl. p. 177—192, 55 figg. (44.11—.18,.21—,23,.61,.62) 57.62—,66 79 Sainte-Claire Deville, J. 57.6 (44) 1919. On the Capture in France of Several Recertly Described British Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 196-200. (44.11,.14,.15,.23— ..25,.27,.32— .34,.39,.46,.55,.56,.61,.85,.94) 57.62,.63,.67,.68 214580 Carpentier, L. 57.6 (44.26) 1908. Catalogue des Coléoptères du Département de la Somme. Mém. Soc. Linn. Nord France T, 12 p. 171—472. 15.2—.4 57.61—.69 Coleoptera 384 214581 Lajoye, A. 57.6 (44.32) 1907. Catalogue des Coléoptères des environs de Reims. Supplément. Bull. Soc. Etnd. Se. nat. Reims T. 16 p. 12—40. 57.61—.69 82 Bedel, L. 57.6 (44.32) 1909. Liste de quelques espèces de Coléoptères récoltées à Sainte-Méne- hould. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 18 p. 3—5. 57.61—.69 85 Bettinger. 97.6 (44.32) 1909. Compte Rendu entomologique de l’excursion de Châlons-sur-Vesle en commun avec la Société des Naturalistes parisiens. (Juillet 1909.) Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat, Reims Te 18 D. 31—24. 57.62,.65 —.68 84 Bettinger. 07.6 (14.32) 1910. Contribution à la faune entomologique de la région (Coléoptères). Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 19 p. 7—8. 57.62,.68 85 Villain. 57.6 (44.32) 1912. Compte Rendu de l’excursion du 9 juillet 1911 4 Jonchery, Tres- lon, Tramery. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 20 p. 81—83. [Coléop- tères.] 57.63,.66—,69 86 Peschet, R. 57.6 (44.36) 1919. Liste de Coléoptères recueillis à Paris. ler supplément. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 212—214. 57.62—.64,.66—.69 87 Garnett, Richard T. 57.6 (44.42) 1920. Popular and Practical Entomology. A Soldier’s Collecting Day in France. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 49—50. [Coleoptera.] 57.62,.64,.68 88 Normand, H. 57.6 (44.84) 1916. Deux Coléoptères nouveaux de la Faune française. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 137—139. [Leptotyphlus lavagnei et Cephennium lavagnei nn. spp.] 57.62,.63 214589 Rapp, 0. 57.6 (44.9) 1918, Meine Käferausbeute in Südfrankreich im Juli 1914. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 45—54. (44.91,.93,.94) 57.61—.69 90 Chobaut, A. 57.6 (44.91) 1902. Excursions entomologiques a Faraman (Camargue). Mém. Acad. Vaucluse (2) T. 2 p. 431—444. [Coléoptères.] 57.61—.69 91 Chobant, A. 57.6 (44.91) 1905. Excursions entomologiques au bois des Rièges en Camargue. Mem. Acad. Vaucluse (2) T. 5 p. 3—9. [Coléoptères.] 57.61—. 92 Stolz, H. 57.6 (45.3) 1915. Ueber die Käferfauna des Monte Cavallo in den Venetianer Alpen. (Mit einem Beitrage von Herrn R. Hıcker, Wien.) Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd: 65 p. 238— 254, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Euconnus, Malthodes (H).] 57.62,.53,.65,.66,.68 98 Luigioni, Paolo, e Adelchi Tirelli. 57.6 (45.8) 1913. Una Settimana in Sicilia. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 44 p. 148— 167. [Coleoptera.] 27.61 —.69 94 Krausse, Anton. 07.6 (45.9) 1916. Ueber einige neue Coleopterenvarietäten von Sardinien. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 11 p. 109, 1 fig. [4 nn. varr. in: Phytonomus, Ste- nichnus, Apion 2.] 57.63,.68 95 de la Fuente, José Maria. 57.6 (46) 1520. Nota sobre Coleöpteros españoles. Bol. Soc. Ibérica Cienc. nat. T. 19 p. 149—151. [i n. var. in Cardiophorus.] (46.48) 57.63,.65,.68 96 Corrêa de Barros, José Maximiano. 57.6 (469) 1916. Notas entomologicas.’ Broteria S. Fiel Val. 14 p. 147—154. [Co- leopteros de Portugal.] 57.62,.63,.68 97 Frey, Richard. 57.6 (47.1) 1915. Coleopterologiska notiser. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 41 p. 13—14. 57.62,.68 214593 Lindberg, Hakan. 97.6 (47.1) 17. Tvä för faunan nya skalbaggar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fen- nica Häft 43 p. 138—140. [Coleopterologische Notizen.] 57.62,.68 385 | Coleoptera 214599 Frey, Richard. 7.6 (47.1) 19'8. Om pä senaste tid företagna entomologiska exkursioner i Äbo- trakten. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 44 p. 43—44. [Auf en- tomologischen Exkursionen erbeutete Coleopteren.] 57.62,.63,:65,.67,.68 214600 Hellen, W. 57.6 (47.1) 1918. Tvä för landet nya skalbaggar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 44 p. 118-119. [Zwei für das Gebiet neue Käfer: Bledius bicornis und Apion sedi.] 57.62,.68 01 Hellén, W. 57.6 (47.1) 1918. Coleopterologiska meddelanden. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fen- nica Häft 44 p. 40—41. [Einige in Finland gefangene Coleopteren.] 57.68,.69 02 Krogerus, Rolf. 57.6 (47.1) 1920. Takttagelser rörande skalbaggsfaunan i ekstubbar och döda ek- stammar i sydvästra Finland. Meddel. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 45 p. 190—192. [Beobachtungen über die Coleopterenfauna in Eichenstrünken und in toten Eichenstämmen im südwestlichen Finland.] 15.2 57.64—.68 03 Lindberg, Bäkan. 57.6 (47.1) 1920. Nykornlingar för finlänska skalbasgsfaunan. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 45 p. 70—73. [Für das Gebiet neue Coleopteren- | Arten.] 57.62,.63,.68 04 Stenius, Gunnar. À 57.6 (47.1) 1920. Sällsynta skalbaggar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 45 p. 140. [Einige finnische Coleopteren.] 57.63,.66,.67 05 v. Varendorff. 57.6 (47.4) 1917. Eine Schützengrabenausbeute. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 85—85, [Käfer aus der Gegend von WilnaJ _ 57.61—.69 06 v. Varendorff. 57.6 (47.5) 1917. Entomologische Forschungen in Polen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 196198. [Käfer] 57.61—.69 214607 Natvig, L. Reinhardt. 57.6 (48.2) 1916. Coleopterfaunaen i Larvik og omegn. Nyt Mag. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 54 p. 11-56, 1 fig. 57.61—.69 08 Helliesen, Tor. 57.6 (48.3) 1916. Stavanger Amts Coleoptera. Stavanger Mus. Aarsh. Aarg. 26 No. 1, 38 pp. 57.61.69 09 Frisendahl, Axel. 57.6 (48.5) 1919. Coleopterologiska notiser. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 49—52. (48.6—.8) 57.62,.63,.68 10 Ostrand, Carl Herman. 57.6 (48.5) 1919. Nya fyadorter för skalbaggar. Entem. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 180— 182. [Neue Fundorte für Käfer.] (48.6— .8) 57.62,.63 11 Hermanson, Sigurd. 57.6 (48.6) 1916. Nägra för Halland nya Coleoptera. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 164—165. 57.61 —.68 12 Jansson, Anton. 57.6 (48.6) 1918. Coleopterologiskt frän Hjalmarstränderna. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 39 p. 10-80. 57.61— .89 .13 Hermanson, Sigurd. 57.6 (48.6) 1919: Nägra för Halland nya Coleoptera. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 188—189. 67.62,,66—.68 14 Frisendahl, Axel. - 57.6 (48.7: 1916/19. Nägra coleoptera frän Jämtland. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 30 —32. — Coleoptera frän Jämtland. Ârg. 39 p. 202—205. 57.62,.63,.67,.69 15 Mjöberg, Eric. 57.6 (491) 1917. Die Käferfauna der Färöer. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 27, 21 pp., 6 figg. [i n. var. in Hydroporus.] 57.61—.69 214616 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1915. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleopteren-faura. En- tom. Berichten D. 4 p. 222—225, 210—243, 258--260, 271—273, 288 —293. 57.62—.64,.66,.68 Bibliogr. Zool. XXX XII. 1920 25 Coleoptera 386 214617 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1916. Coleoptera in Juni 1915 bij Doorn en Maarsbergen verzameld. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 245. 57.62,.63,.67 : 18 Uyttenboogaart, D. L. 57.6 (492) 1916. Coleoptera uit Pakhuizen. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 237—239. 15.2 57.63,.66,.68 19 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1916/17. Interessante vondsten, op de excursies bij Ommen, Juni 1910, gevangen. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 330-331. [Coleoptera.] — Nog bij te voegen interessante vondsten op de excursies bij Ommen. p. 359. 57.62,.65,.67,.68 20 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1916/20. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleopteren-fauna, VI. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 303—305. — VII. p. 327—330. — VIII p. 339 — 838. [1 n. ab. in Hygrobia (Dixow).] — IX. p. 349—356. [1 n. ab. in M- tidula.) — X. p. 366—371. [2 nn. abb. in Phaedon.] — XI. p. 383—390. [Stichoglossa uyttenboogaarti n. sp. — 2 nn. abb. in Brachypterus.] — XII. D. 5 p. 4—10. [1 n. ab. in Bembidium] — XIII. p. 17—21. [Atheta devosi n. Sp. — 1 n. ab. in Cicindela.] — XIV. p. 37. [3 nn. abb. in: Carabus Omophron, Dyschirius.] — XV. p. 43—47. [1 n. var. in Polydrosus. — 4 nn. abb. in: Notiophilus, Dromius, Haliplus, Aleochara.] — XVI. p. 64—68. [2 nn. abb. in: Bradycellus, Bidessus.] — XVII. p. 69—74. [4 nn. abb. in: Agabus, Brachypterus, Pytho, Rhagium.] — XVIII p. 82--86. — XIX. p. 91-97. — XX. p. 119—120. — XXI. p. 126—130, — XXI. p. 146--149. — XXI. p. 160-164. [1 n. ab. in Chalcoides.] — XXIV. p. 172-175. [2 nn. abb. in: Crepidodera, Phyliotreta,] — Corrigenda. p. 196. — XXV. p. 197—199. [2 nn. abb. in Bembidion.] — Corrigenda. p. 206. — XX VI. p. 207--209. [2 nn. abb. in: Cicindela, Bembidium.] — XXVIL p. 226— 231. [5 nn. abb. in: Omalium, Nargus, Meligethes, Silis, Crioceris] — XXVII. p. 241—243. [4 nn. abb.] — XXIX. p. 254—258. [1 n. ab. in Ani- sosticta.] 57.61—,69 214621 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1917. Zeldzame en minder algemeene Coleoptera, op de excursies in Juni verzameld. Entom. Berichten D. 5 p. 21-22, 57.62,.63,.65,.67,.68 22 Uyttenboogaart, D. L. 97.6 (492) 1917. Overzicht van de Coleoptera, welke in Limburg waargenomen wa- ren. Tidschr. Entom. D. 60 Versl. p. V—XIII. 57.61—,69 . 23 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1919. Coleoptera, in Juni 1918 bij Ommen verzameld. Entom. Berichten D. 5 p. 131. 57.62,.68,.69 24 Everts, Ed. 97.6 (492) 1920. Lijst van zeldzame en minder algemeene Coleoptera, op de excur- sies, Juni 1919, in Zuid-Limburg verzameld. Entom. Berichten D. 5 p. 244 — 245. 57.62,.63,.65,.68 25 Rüschkamp, F. 57.6 (492) 1920. Die Limburger Coleopterenfauna und biologische Notizen. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. LIX—LXIV. 15 57.61—.69 26 Dorn, K. 57.6 (493) 1917. Ein Kriegsherbst und -winter in Flandern. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26. p. 134-139. [Coleopteren-Ausbeute.] 57.62—.64,.67,.68 27 Frennet, L., et F. Guilleaume. 57.6 (493) 1919. Notes sur la faune des Coléoptères de Belgique. Bull. Soc. en- tom. Belgique T. 1 p. 13—15. 57,67,.68 28 Frennet, L. 37.6 (493) 1919. Coléoptères capturés à Londerzel les 19 et 20 avril 1919. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. 50—52. 57.62,.63,.68 29 Frenuet, Lucien. 57.6 (493) 1920. Note sur les Coléoptères de la région jurassique Belge. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 47—50. 57.61—.69 214630 Guilleaume, F. 57.6 (493) 1920. Coléoptères belges intéressants. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 78. 57.63,.68 387 Coleoptera 214631 Gaud, A. 57.6 (494) 1914. Col&opteres. Dispersion de quelques espèces: nouvelles stations. Bull. Murith. Soc. valais. Sc. nat. Fasc. 38 p. 44—49. 32 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (496) 1918. Einige neue Coleopteren aus Albanien. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p- 42—45. [4 nn. spp. in: Anomalu 2, Elater, Coptocephala. — 1 n. var. in Nargus. — 1 n. ab. in Nacerdes.] 57.63—.65,.67,.68 33 Beitter, Edmund. 57.6 (496) 1918. Vier neue Coleopteren aus Albanien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 pe. 155—155. [3 nn. spp. in: 'Bathyscia 2, Othius. — 1 n. subsp. in Phaleria.] 57.62,.63,.67 34 Apfelbeck, Viktor. 87.6 (427) 1918. Koleopteren aus dem nordalbanisch-montenegrinischen Grenzge- biete. (Ergebnisse einer von der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien veranlassten naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise in Nord- albanien.) Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 127 Abt. 1 p. 159-176. [12 nn. spp. in: Calosoma 2, Trechus, Deltomerus, Pterosti- chus, Molops 2, Otiorhynchus 5 (1 n. subsp. — 1. n. var.) — 1 n. subsp. in Carabus. — Microcallisthenes n. subg.] 57.62,.68 35 v. Bodemeyer, E. 57.6 (5) 1916. Neuheiten der paläarktischen Coleopterenfauna. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 111—112. [3 nn. spp. in: Oryctes, Ptomascopus, Crypto- cephalus (1 n. var.) — 3 nn. varr. in Zonabris.] (52.1, 55, 56.7, 57.1) 57.64,.67,.68 36 Wasmann, E. 82.6 (502) 1918. Myrmekophile und termitophile Koleopteren aus Ostindien, ge- sammelt hauptsächlich von P. J. Assuuta S. J. und J. B. Corroraar. I. Paussidae und Clavigerinae. (222. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmeko- philen und Termitophilen.) Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 382—408, 3 Taf. [5 on. spp. in: Platyrhopalus, Fustiger, Fustigerellus n. g., Paliger n. g., Fossiger u. g. — Stenorhopalus, Platyrhopalidus nn. subgg.] 15.5 (54.4, 922) 57.32,.96 214637 Pic, M. 57.6 (54) 1917. Quatre nouveaux Coléoptères exotiques. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 42 p. 25—27. [4 nn. spp. in: Cantharis, Silis, Synallecula 2.] (54.1, 67.2,.6) 37.66,.67 38 Champion, &. C. 57.6 (54) 1919/20. Some Indian Coleoptera. (3.) Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 256—246, 1 fig. [13 nn. spp. in: Epimetopus, Spercheus 3 (Rrcrmearr i. 1.), Hydnobius, Thymalus, Teredolaemus, Mycetophagus, Stagetus, Xylophilus, Cnopus, Bruchus 2.] — Vol. 6 p. 68-77, 165—175, 194—196, 5 fige. [32 nn. spp. in: Hydraena 8, Eubolonyx 2, Enneboeus 2, Osphya, Chrusanthia 3, Pentaria 3, Ochthebius 6, Iaeliaena, Hydroscapha, Stenus 6, Hypostenus 3, Psephenoides.) (54.7,.2,.7,.8) 57.62,.63,.66—.68 39 Champion, 6. C. 57.6 (54.2) 917. Some Coleoptera from Northern India. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 52—55. [3 nn. spp. in: Mycetophagus 2, Penthe.] 57.63,.67 40 Champion, H. G. 57.6 (54.2) 1918, A Note on the Habits of a Melanophila and Other Indian Coleop- tera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 199—200. [M. ignicola n. sp.] 57.65,.68 41 Demaison, Ch. 57.6 (56) 1909. Quelques notes sur la faune entomologique de l'Asie mineure Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 18 p. 37—42. [Coléoptères.] 57.62:64,.65,.67,.68 214642 Holdhaus, Karl. 06.6 (56.7) 1920. Koleopteren aus Mesopotamien. Ann. nat.-hist. Mus. Wien Bd. 33 p. 39—58, 1 fig. [7 nn. spp. in: Caniharis, Ochthebius (Breir), Julodis, Tentyria, Scarabaeus, Amphicoma (B), Coniatus. — Notiz über Epicometis hirtella luraniea von L. GAngLBAUrR.] 97.61— .69 Coleoptera 388 1914. Beitrag zur Koleopteren-Fauna von Buchara in Zentral-Asien (Ex- pedition Kücazer.) Abh. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p. 68—70. 57.61—.69 44 Weise, J. 27.6 (6) 1919. Afrikanische Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 4 p. 174—207. [45 nn. spp. in: Lema, Crioceris, Sigrisma, Kuilua, Leucastra 3, Sphondylia 2, Protoclytra, Peploptera 3 (1 n. var.--1 n. ab.), Cryp- tocephalus 4, Lefevrea, Pseudomalegia, Colasposoma 4, Euryope, Dermoxanthus, Chrysomela, Colaphellus, Plagiodera, Arimetus, Nisotra 2, Blepharida, Physo- nychis, Erivtica, Escaleriella, Eugonotes, Perichilona n. g., Hoplionota, Aspi- domorpha, Cassida 2, Solanophila 2, Ortalia. — 3 nn. abb. in: Meniellus, Hispostoma, Phytodecta.] (63, 66.3, 67.1,.3,.8) 57.68,.69 45 Normand, H; 57.6 (61.1) 1916. Nouveaux Coléoptères de la faune tunisienne. 10. note. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 283—287, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Aleochara, Dellamora n. g.] 57.62,.67 46 Ferrante, 6. 57.6 {62) 1916. Notes entomologiques. Bull, Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 62— 64. [Coléoptères de l’Egypte.] 57.66,.61,.68 47 Pic, Maurice. 57.6 (62) 1916. Sur divers Col&opteres des chasses de M. A. Arrıerı. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 118—122. 57.63,.66 —.68 48 Alfleri, Anastase. 57.6 (62) 1917. Une liste d’insectes Coléoptères recueillis par feu Arısrınz LETOCR- neux en Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 10 p. 69—71. 57.62,.63,.65,.67,.68 214649 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.6 (64) 1916. Nouveaux Coléoptères du Nord-Africain. Vingt-troisième note: Récoltes de M. le Lt. Nıcroux dans le Sud-Ouest Marocain. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. S82—84, 1 fig. [Tentyronota semiopaca n. sp.] 57.67,.68 50 Bedel, L. 57.6 (64) 1917. Diagnoses de Coléoptères nouveaux du Maroc oriental. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 362—364. [5 nr. spp. in: Microlestes, Polyphylla, Asida, Hoplarion, Diaphorocera.] 57.62,.64,.67 51 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.6 (65) 1916/19. Nouveaux Coléoptères du Nord-Africain, Vingt-quatrième note: Faune de Djurdjura. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 318—319. [2 nn. spp. in: Helops, Pogonochaerus.] — Vingt-sixieme note: Faune du Cèdre et du Sapin de Numidie. 1917 p. 329—332, 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Nemo- soma, Marolia, Callidium. — 1 n. subsp. in Leptura.] — Vingt-septième note: Faune du massif des Mouzaia p. 371—374, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Sym- plocaria, Eucinetomorphus.] — Virgt-huitieme note: Faune du Pin d’Alep. 1918 p. 141—144, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Pityocis n. g., Xanthochroa. — 1 n. subsp. in Pogonochaerus.] — Vingt-neuvieme note: Faune du Djurd- jura. 1919 p. 257—260. [3 nn. spp. in: Heliotaurus, Trachyphloeus, Phlceo- sinus.) — Trentieme note: Faune de l’Aurös. p. 276—278, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Colon, Cis. Dimerocis n. subg.] — Trente et unième note : Röcoltes de M. R. pe Borpe à Böne et dans le massif de l’Edough. p. 71—75, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Ocyusa, Machaerites, Raymondionymus.] 15.2 57.62,.63,.66-—.68 214652 Fall, H. C. 57.6 (7) 1919/20. New Coleoptera VIIL Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 212—216. [6 nn. Ochthebius, Saprinus 3, Telephorus, Pedilus.] — IX. Vol. 52 p. 211 — 215. [7 nn. spp. in: Omophron, Heterocerus 4, Oligomerodes, Hadrobregmus.] (71.2, 74.4, 76.4, 78.1, 79.4) 57.62,.63,.66,.67 389 Coleoptera 214653 er Jos. I. 57.6 (71) 15/20. Les Coléoptères du Canada. Quelques notes bibliographiques à distribution géographique des différentes espèces. Partie II. (Suite.) Natural, canad. Vol. 41 p. 189—192. — Vol. 42 p. 13—15, 29—31, 45—47, 39—63, 158—160, 187—191. — Vol. 43 p. 10—15, 22—26, 78—80, 90 —-96, 105—111, 138 — 141, 156—159, 172—175. — Vol. 44 p. 14—16, 110—111, 123—128, 159—160, 171—176, 187—191. — Vol. 45 p. 76—79, 93—95, 110—112, 127—128, 140—143, 157—160, 173—175, 186—191. — Vol. 46 p. 45—48, 69—72, 94— 96, 117— 119, 136— Fe 164—167, 181—185, 212— 216, 235—289, 260— 263, 274—284. (71.1—9) 57.62,.63 54 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.6 (71.3 1316. Popular and Practical Entomology. A Visit to Niagara Glen. Ca- nad. Entom. Yol, 48 p. 293—300. [Beetles.] 57.64,.68 55 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.6 (71.3) 1917. The Wood of Desire. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 62—66. [Coleoptera near Peterborough.] 57.65,.6 56 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.6 (71.3) 1919. Popular and Practical Entomology. Dog Days. Canad. Entom. Vol, o! p. 49—53%3 [Coleoptera taken.] 57.65,.68 57 Noiman, Howard. 57.6 (71.3) 2419. Coleoptera collected at Cochrane, Northern Ontario, August 22— 30, 1918, with Descriptions of Six New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 92—102, 1 fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Bembidium, Colon, Lathro- bium 2, Scopaeus, Epuraea.] 07.61—.69 58 Blatchley, W. S. 57.6 (73) 1916. A new genus and species of Nitidulini, with descriptions of other new species of Coleoptera from Indiana and Florida. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 91—96. [T nn. spp. in: Quadrifrons n. g., Anogdus, Brachycantha, Onthophagus, Haltica, Rhynchites 2.] (74.4, 75.8,.9, 77.2) 57.63,.64,.68,.69 214659 Fall, H. ©. 57.6 (73) 1917. New Coleoptera. — VI. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 163—171. [9 nn. spp. in: Lathrobium, Tribalister, Hetaerius 2, Saprinus 8, Bactridium, Sphindocis n. g.] (74:5, 75.6, 79.3,.4) 57.62,.63 60 Schaeffer, Charles. 97.6 (73) 1918. Miscellaneous Coleopterological Notes and Descriptions. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 211—214. [2 nn. spp. in: Chrysobothris, Masto- genius.—1 n. var. in Acropteroxys.—Trigonogyga n. g. pro Mastogenius reticu- laticollis.— Languria denticulata n. nom. pro L. apicalis Scuasr. non Morsca.] (75.9, 76.4, 79.1) 57.65,.68 61 Notman, Howard. 57.6 (73) 1920. Coleoptera Collected at Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y., 26th May to 5tn June 1918, with Notes and Descriptions. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 178—194. [11 nn. spp. in: Bembidium, Amara, Cercyon 2, Decar- thron, Trogophioeus 2, Stenus 3, Oxypoda.—1 n. var. in Typophorus.] (74.7, 78.8) 57.61—.69 62 Frost, C. A. 57.6 (74.1) 1916. Coilecting Notes and Random Observations on the Maine Coleop- tera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 381—390. 57.62--.66,.68 63 Frost, C. A. 97.6 (74.4) 1920. Popular and Practical Entomology. A Day’s Beating. Canad. Entom. Vol, 52 p. 25—29. [Coleoptera.] 57.61—69 64 Johnson, Harry L. 97.6 (74.6) 1916. Additions to the Coleoptera of Meriden, Connecticut. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 112—124. 57.61—.69 65 Slosson, Annie Trumbull. | 57.6 (74.6) 1918. Connecticut Coleoptera. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 126. 57.62,.63,.65,.67,.68 214666 Robinson, Wirt. 97.6 (75.5) 18. Beetles collected on a Dead Black Oak in Virginia, Jourm N. Y, entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 30—38. 15.2 57.,6i-—-,69 Coleoptera 390 214667 Blatchley, W. S. 57.6 (75.9) 1917/18. On some New or Noteworthy Coleoptera from the West Coast of Florida. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 137—143. [5 nn. spp. in: Philhy- drus, Scymnus, Tritoma, Tenebroides, Telephorus.—1 n. var. in Disonycha.]— I. p. 236—240. [4 on. spp. in: Biocrypta, Ischyrus, Soronia, Neoclytus.]— III. p. 272—279. [4 nn.spp. in: Monowia, Blapstinus, Mycetochares, Cono- trachelus.]—IV. Vol. 50 p. 52—59. [4 nn. spp. in: Copris, Epitrix, Hyme- norus, Epicanta.] 57.61-—.69 68 Blatchley, W. 8. 57.6 (75.9) 1918/19. Some New or Scarce Coleoptera from Western and Southern Flo- rida. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 416—424. [4 nn. spp. in: Loxandrus 2, Hyperaspis, Anamorphus.]—II. Vol. 51 p, 28-32. [3 nn. spp. in: Taphro- cerus, Phengodes, Onthophagus J-III. p. 65—69. [5 nn. spp. in: Longitarsus, Hymenorus 2, Andrimus, Tyloderma.] 57.61—69 69 Dozier, H. L. 57.6 (75.9) 1918. An Annotated List of Gainesvill, Florida, Coleoptera. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 295 —298, 331—335, 310—374. 57.61—-.69 70 Holland, W. J., and E. A. Schwarz. 07.6 (75.9) 1917. List of the Coleoptera Collected on the Isle of Pines by Gustav A. Lin, Sr., 1912—1913. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 11 (Public. No. 96) p. 333—345. 51.61—.69 71 Blatchley, W. S. 57.6 (75.9) 1920. Notes on the Winter Coleoptera of Western and Southern Florida, with Descripjions of New Species, Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 42—46, 68—72. [10 nn. spp. in: Hister, Melanotus 2, Ptinus, Heteracthes, Exema, Metachroma, Galerucella, Longitarsus, Metriona.--1 n. var. in Neoharmonia.] 57.61— .69 72 Dury, Charles. 57.6 (77.1) 1916. Two New Beetles from Cincinnati, Ohio. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 22 p. 14—15. [Nanosella atrocephala and Phloeophagus variolatus nn. spp.] 57.63,.68 214673 Andrews, A. W. 57.6 (77.4) 1918. Coleopterological Studies at Whitefish Point, Michigan. 29th ann. Rep. Michigan Acad, Sc. p. 134—185. 74 King, Inez Naomi. 57.6 (77.7) 1914. The Coleoptera of Henry County, Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 317—340. 57.61—.69. 75 Andrews, A. W. 57.6 (79.3) 1917. Coleoptera collected in Northeastern Nevada by the Wazxer-NEew- com Expedition of the University of Michigan. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan No. 48, 3 pp. 57.62,.63,.68,.69 76 Myers, Lea. 57.6 (79.4) 1918. Coleoptera from the Claremont-Laguna Region. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 10 p. 43—53. 57.61—.69 77 Champion, 6. C. 57.6 (3) 1918. Notes on Various South American Coleoptera Collected by CHARLES Darwin during the Voyage of the ”Beagle”, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 43—55. [ll nn. spp. in: Bembidiomorphum n. g., Microgyrtes n. g., Hydnobius, Philother- mus, Elmis, Docemina n. g., Aulonodera n. g., Listroderes 2, Antarctobius 2.] (82,.9, 83, 89.6) 57.62,.63,.68 78 Catrand, Ch. T. 57.6 (82) 1919. Skalbaggsfynd i majsiast frän Argentina. Entom. Tijdskr. Ärg. 39 p. 343 —344. 57.53,.67,.68 79 Bodkin, C. E. | 57.6 (88) 1919. Notes on the Coleoptera of British Guiana. Enten: monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 210—219, 264—272. 9 7.01—.69 214680 von Heyden, Lucas. 57.6 (9) 1915. Coleoptera gesammelt von Dr. Even Wozr und Dr. Georg Frir- pericı. Abh. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. Bd. 36 p. 165—178. [Loxomerus wolfi n. sp. 1 n. var. in Alaus. (934-937, 95, 96.1—.3) 57.61—.,69 391 Coleoptera 214681 Bryant, 6. E. 57.6 (91.1) 1919. Entomology in Sarawak, Borneo. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 70-76. [Coleoptera.] 57.61—.68 82 Schultze, W. 57.6 (91.4) 1916. A Catalogue of Philippine Coleoptera Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 1—94. 15.3, 16.5 57.61—.69 83 Schultze, W. 57.6 (91.4) 916. II. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna der Philippinen. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 291—299, 2 Taf. [6 nn. spp. in: Monopaussus n. g., Pseudopaussus n. g., Proteuclea, Astraea, Protaetia, Trox. — Cyclomatus fuller-bakeri FlsLLer synonym zu C. zuberi Warxenouse.] — Ill. Beitrag. p. 347—850. [4 nn. spp. in: Callirhipis, Pseudobryna n. g., Abryna, Coe- nochilus.] 97.62,.64,.66,.68 84 Schultze, W. 57.6 (81.4) 1918. Sixth Contribution to the Coleoptera Fauna of the Philippines. Philippine Jeurn. Sc. D Vol. 13 p. 371—381, 1 pl. [12 nn. spp. in: Proapocyrtus n. g., Fseudapocyrtus, Macrocyrtus, Metapocyrtus 3, Homalocyr.- tus, Polycatus, Calidiopsis, Doliops, Callirhipus 2.] 57.66,.68 85 Schultze, W. 57.6 (91.4) 1920. Eighth Contribution to the Coleoptera Fauna of the Philippines. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 191—208, 2 pls. [lé nn. spp. in: Me- gopis, Pachyieria, Aphrodisium 2, Bicon, Clytelus, Neocollyrodes n. g., Phar- salia, ÆEuclea 2, Chlorisanis, Pachyrrhynchus, Calidiopsis, AÄylotrupes. —ın. subsp. in Nemophas.] 57.64,.68 014888 Heller, K. M. 57.6 (93) 1916. Die Käfer von Neu-Caledonien und den benachbarten Inselgruppen. Nova Caledonia A Zool. Vol. 2 p. 225—364, 2 Taf., 22 figg. [82 nn. spp. in: Anomophaenus 4 (1 n. var.), Adelopomorpha n. g., Abacoleptus, Colepatus, Pinophilus, Noumea 4, Formicocephalus n. g., Tarsostenosis n. g., Tritesus n. g., Psilonitidula n. g., Isotarphius n. g., Paniegena n. g., Stenotarsus, Drylichus n. g., Isopus 4, Episopus, Enicodes, Lepturoschema n. g. (1 n. var.), Toxoto- mimus n. g., Otenis n. g. 2, Anomonotes n. g., Micronotes n. g., Enotogenes n. g., Monochammus, Thasycle 6, Taophila n. g. 2, Bronthispa, Acanthopygus, Praolepra, Psepholax, Oreda, Acanthopterus, Pterapion 4, Griphosternus n. g., Lasiotylodes n. g., Trigonopterus 6, Lifucolonus n. g., Nothoperissops n. g., Heteroballus n. g., Calcus 2, Nechyrus, Eunechyrus n. g. 4, Conopsis, Bana- rachos n. 2., Cantorhynchus 2, Sphinctocephalus n. g., Ochronanus 2, Aulaeo- cyclus, Tristorthus, Ignambia n, g., Alophyllus, Elytrurus. — 4 nn. subspp. in: Celeuthetes, Poecilopharis 3. — Pseudomelactus n. g. pro Melactus acutus, Nothoballus pro Anaballus uniformis, Siropetis pro Petosiris conifer.] (932 —934) 57.62—.64,.66—.69 87 Lea, Arthur M. 57.6 (94) 1916. Notes on some Miscellaneous Coleoptera, with Descriptions of New Species.—Part II. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 40 p. 272—436, 8 pls. [128 on. spp. in: Nepkaris, Eutermicola n. g., Lissapterus, Bolboce- ras 8, Parashopaea 2, Lepidiota, Diphucephala 4, Cunderdinia n. g., Phylloto- cidium, Microrhagus 4, Entomophthalmus, Hemiopsida 2, Dyscodocerus 2, Ari- sus 2, Fornax 6, Galbocerus n. g., Laius, Mandalotus 7, Leptops 11 (1 n. var.), Polyphrades 6, Stenocorynus, Onesorus 6, Meripherellus, Micraonychus 2, Eup- salis, Uracanthus 14, Scolecobrotus 2, Earinus 2 (1 n. var.), Porithea 2, Gas- trophacodes n. g., Chrysomela 3, Calomela 5, Stethomela 3, Augomela 2, Cy- clomela, Chalcomela, Lamprolina 2, Phyllocharis 2, Chalcolamrra 2, Porop- teromela n. g., Grammicomela n. 8. Ethomela n. g., Johannica, Geomela n. g. 4, Oomela n. g. 4. — 1 n. var. in Aterpus. — Eucolaspinus n. nom. pro Eucolaspis Lra non Suarp.] (94.1—.6) 57.63— .66,.68,.69 | 214688 Mjöberg, Eric. 57.6 (94) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Msöperg’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Aus- tralia 1910—1913. 9. Cicindelidae, Gyrinidae, Lucanidae, Paussidae. Arkiv Zool. Stockhoim Bd. 10 No. 10, :6 pp., 11 figg [5 nn. spp. in: Mega- cephala, Distipsidera, Maerogyrus, Figulus, Arthropterus.] (94. 1,8) 57.62,.64 Coleoptera 392 214689 Lea, Arthur M. 57.6 (94) 1917. Notes on some Miscellaneous Coleoptera, with Descriptions of New Species. Part III. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 41 p. 121— 322, 4 pls. [161 nn. spp. in: Cicindela, Distypsidera, Diphucephala 2, Phillotoci- dium, Laius 13, Atractocerus, Ptinus 2, Polyplocotes 3, Paussoceros, Diphobia 4, Mesotretis, Notosalpingus 3, Neosalpingus 3, Scraptia 5 (1 n. var.), Paromarteon, Trichosalpingus, Orchesia 2, Ctenoplectron 2, Dircaea, Lagria 4, Trichananca 2, Xylophilus 30, Mordella 20, Tomoxia 4, Mordeilistena 11, Rhipidius, Emenadia 5, Euctenia 2, Pelecotomoides 2, Zonitis 2, Pseudolycus 3 (1 n. var.), Morpho- lycus (n. g. pro Pseudolycus apicalis) 3, Techmessa, Dohrnia, Copidita 10, Oxa- cis 6, Oricopis 3, Brachacyptera n g. 2, Halticorcus n. g. — Xylophilus in- cisus n. nom. pro Syzetonellus humeralis Lra, X. interruptus pro Syzeton lateralis BrLacke.] (938, 94.1—.6) 97.62,.64,.66—.68 90 Lea, Arthur M. 57.6 (94) 1917. Results vf the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki. and Cooper Creeks. September and October, 1916. Insecta. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 41 p. 485—630, 5 pls. jColeoptera. 122 nn. spp. in: Lathrobium 2, Haplonycha 14, Maechidius 7, Caulobius, Sciton, Oc- nodus 5, Liparetrus 29, Automolus 4, Pseudoryctes 6, Cavonus, Aneurystypus 3, Cheiroplatys 2, Novapus, Cryptodus 2, Helaeus 2, Anthicus 2, Myllocerus 8, Polyphrades, Essolithna, Oxyops 2, Misophrice, Epacticus 3, Belus 15 (1 n. var.), Pachyura 2, Aphanasium, Microtragus 2, Jhtromdus, Psylliodes, Mega- merus, Monolepta. — 1 n. var. in: Nephrodopus.] | (94.1—.5) 57.61—.69 91 Mjöberg, Eric. 57.6 (94) 1917. Results of Dr. E. Moüsere’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australla 1910—1913. 14. Cetonidae, Rutelidae, Passalidae, Chrysomeli- dae: Subfam. Sagrinae, Cassidinae, Hispinae Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 11 No. 3, 19 pp. 12 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Aulacocylus, Austropassalus n. g., Sagra, Pseudotoxotus, Psalidonota, Eurispa. — Austropassalinae n, group.] (94.1,.3—.5) 57.64,.68 214692 Lea, Arthur M. 57.6 (94) 1918/19. Note on some Miscellaneous Coleoptera, with Descriptions of New Species.—Part IV. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 42 p. 240— 275, 3 pls. [7 nn. spp. in Articerus.—1 n. var. in Anodontonyx.]—Part V. Vol. 43 p. 166—261, 3 pls., 5 figg. [73 nn. spp. in: Pseudohydrobius, Lea- nymus, Articerus 3, Rodwayia, Chlamydopsis 4, Euclarkia n. g., Bolboceras 3, Rhopaea 2, Paralepidiotu, Systellopus, Haplonycha 3, Glossocheilifer, Stethaspis, Colymbomorpha, Phyllotocus 5 (7 nn. varr.), Cheirrhamphica 3, Cheiragra 2, Telura, Odontotonyx, Platydesmus, Anodontonyx 3, Pseudoheteronyx 3, Byrr- homorpha 2, Frenchella 3, Engyops, Haplosis, Maechidius 2, Maechidinus n. g. 2, Cryptodus 3, Aneurystypus, Corynophyllus, Metanastes, Anoplognathus, Calloodes, Mimadoretus 2, Adoretus, Saulostomus, Macrohelodes, Sclerocyphon, Carphurus, Polyplocotes, Diphobia, Thorictosoma n. g. 2.—2 nn. varr. in: Lepidiota, Repsimus.] (94.1—.6) 57.62 —.64,.66—.68 93 Elston, Albert H. 57.6 (94) 1919. Australian Coleoptera. Part !. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia Vol. 43 p. 342—348, 7 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Arthropterus, Lemidia 4 (2 nn. varr.), Diethusa, Edusa.] (94.2,.3) 57.62,.66,,58 94 Weise, J. 57.6 (94.1) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Msöszre’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910—1913. 11. Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden aus West- Australien. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 20, 5i pp». 1 Taf., 1 fig. [33 nn. spp. in: Lema, Elaphodes 3, Bucharis 4, Terillus, Kimberleya n. g., Cylindromela n. g., Rhyparida 6, Calomela, Chrysophtharta, Trachymela 2. Rhaphidopalpa, Arthaulaco, Poneridia, Monolepta 5, Nisotra 2, Arsipoda, Lon- gitarsus.] 57.68,.69 214695 Goudie, J. C. 57.6 (94.5) 1919/20. Notes”on the Coleoptera of North-Western Victoria. Victorian Natural. Vol. 36 p. 117—120. Vol. 37 p. 28—34. 57.63 —.65 393 Coleoptera 214696 Weise, J. 57.6 (95) 1917. Chrysomeliden und Coccinelliden aus Nord-Neu-Guinea gesam- melt. von Dr. P. N. van Kamren und K. Gorzrerur, in den Jahren 1910 und 1911. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 192—224. [33 nn. spp. in: Aspido- lopha, Rhyparide, Deretrichia, Aesernia, Chalcomela, Stethomela 2, Paropsides, Oides 3, Ceratia, Sastra 3, Prası yptera 2, Ceratotrix n. g., Arsipoda 3, Xent- dea, Sutres 2, Licylcus, Sphaeroderma, Epilachna, Scymnodes 3, Orcus, Rhi- zobius 2.] (91.3, 929) 57.68,.69 97 Schneider, Heinrich. 87.62 : 15 1917. Breitleibschwimmer und Kolbenwasserkäfer. Blätt. Aquar.-Ter- rar.-Kde, Jahrg. 28 p. 53—55. 98 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 (4) 1918. Bemerkenswerte Coleopterenfunde von Enpre Dunricm in Südtirol und Norditalien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 159 —160. [Bythinus dudichi n. sp. — 1 n. subsp. in Goerius. — 1 n. ab. in Harpalus.] (43.64, 45.8) 214699 Scholz, M. F. Richard. 57.62 (403) 1916. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Bearbeitung von O. LeonuArp’s Sammlungen. 8. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung paläark- tischer Wasserkäfer (Halipidae, Dytiscidae). Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 163 — 182. [Coelambus leonhardi n. sp. — in, var. in Hydroporus (1 n. ab.) — 1 n. ab. in Agabus.] (41, 13.14,.64,.69, 45.9,.99, 46.85, 469.8, 47.8,.9, 494, 496, 499, 55, 56.8, 57.6,.9, 58, 65) 214700 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 (403) 1917. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 192. [Trimium raffrayi Guirrer., eine selbständige Art. — Astilbus alutaceus Bernux.— Drusilla alutacea Rerrr.] (43.67,.94, 57.6) 1920. Coleoptera from County Cavan. Irish Natural. Vol. 29 p. 34. 02 Wallis, H. H. 57.62 (42.5) 1919. On the Aquatic Coleoptera, ete. of the Trent Valley in the Neigh- bourhood of Long Eaton. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. & p. 127—128. (42.51,.52,.54) 03 Houlbert, C. 57.62 (44) 1912/13. Tableaux génériques ıllustres des Coléoptères de France (Sup- plément à la faune entomologique armoricaine). Bull. Soc. scient. med, Ouest Rennes T. 21/22 Suppl. p. 35—80, 115 fige. (44.11—.16,.18,.21— .23,.61,.62) 04 Uyttenboogaart, D. L. 5.62 (492) 1920. Rectificatie. Entom. Berichten D, 5 p. 202. [Zweifelhaftes Vor- kommen von Carabus monilis var. interruptus und Atheta contristata in den Niederlanden.] 05 Ball, Ant. 57.62 (493) 1919. Notice sur les Dytiscides et Gyrinides des environs d’Alost (Fl. Or.) Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T: 1 p. 60-63. 06 Van Dorsselaere, R. 57.62 (493) 1919. Les Haliplides et Hygrobiides de Belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. 68—73. 07 Zimmermann, A. 57.62 (52.9) 1919. H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute: Haliplidae et Dytiscidae. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 75—77. [Copelaius subfasciatus n. sp.] 08 Leng, Charles W., and Andrew J. Mutchler, 57.62 (73.9) 1918. Insectes of Florida. V. The Water Beetles. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. ist. Vol. 38 p. 73—116, 2 figg. [Bidessus shermani and Celina slossoni nn. Spp.] 214709 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.62 (79.4) 1918. New Inter-Tidal Rock-Dwelling Coleoptera from California. En- tom. News Vol. 29 p. 303—308. [3 nn. spp. in; Thalassotrechus n. g., Ochthebius, Eurystethes.] Coleoptera 394 214710 Blair, K. 6. 57.62 Abax (42.37) 1920. Abax (Pterostichus) parallelus Durrs., a Beetle New to Britain. En- tom. monthiy Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 7—®. il Murphy, J. &. 57.62 Anchomenus (41.41) 1918. Re-Occurrence of Anchomenus (Agonum) sahlbergi Cuau». in Scot- land. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 53—534, 3 figg. 12 Kemmer, N. A. 57.62 Anchomenus (48.6) 1918. Anchomenus thoreyi Des. — ny för Sverige. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 39 p. 36—97. 13 von Gspan, Alfons R. 57.62 Anophthalmus (43.67) 1918. Notizen über Krainer Anophthalmen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 155 —156. 14 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Anophthalmus (43.67) 1918. Anophthalmus schmidti Sturm subsp. gspani nov. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 57 p. 24. 15 Fleischer, A. 51.62 Anophthalmus (43.96) 1916. Ein neuer Anophthalmus aus der Herzegowina. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 80 [Anophthalmus vasiceki n. sp. 16 Reitter, Edm. 52.62 Anophthalmus (43.96) 1916. Anophthalmus speluncarius. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 297 — 298. 17 von Wanka, Theodor. 97.62 Anthracus 1916. Ueber Anthracus consputus Durtschm. und wimmeli Rerrr. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 121—122. [Wimmeli wahrscheiilich nur eine Form des consputus.] 18 Reitter, Edm. Ê 57.62 Aphaenops 1916. Ueber die blinde Trechiden-Gattung Aphaenops Bonvourz. Wien. entem. Zeitg. Jahrg. 55 p. 291—294. 214719 Jeannel, R. 97.62 Aphaenops (44) 1916. Trois nouveaux Aphaenops des Pyrénées. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 312—315. [A. hustachei n. sp. 2 nn. subspp.] (44.78,.83) 20 Hauser, W. G. 57.62 Apotomopterus (51) 1919, Weitere Beiträge zur Gattung Apotomopterus. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 84 p. 25--26. [3 nn. spp.] . (51.2,.3) 21 Hauser, G. 57.62 Apotomopterus (51.2) 1918. Zur Kenntnis des Apotomopterus davidis Dzvr. et Farrm. und seiner Varietäten. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 75—76. [2 nn. varr. — 2 nn. abb.] 22 von Varendorff. 57.62 Atheta (43.53) 1918. Ein Wink für die Entomologen, die die Nordseeküste besuchen. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 148—145. [Atheta varendorffi auf Langeoog.] 23 Bedel, L. 57,62 Atranus (44) 1918. Localités françaises de l’Atranus collaris Mrn. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 206—207. (44.71,.75,.77,.83—.88,.93,.94) 24 Casey, Thos. L 57.62 Baryodma (71) 1916. A new species of Baryodma. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 70—71. LB. ontarionis.] (71.3,.4) 25 Bernhauer, Max. 5.62 Belonuchus {72.6) 1917. Vier neue Beionuchus aus Mexiko. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 67 p. 223—226. [4 nn. spp.] 26 Kleine, R. 57.62 Bembidion : 15.2 1917. Ueber Bembidion stephensi Grorca. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 233. 27 Netolitzky, Fritz. 57.62 Bembidion (4) 1916. Die Verbreitung des Bembidion fulvipes Stusm. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 Suppl., i p, 1 Karte. (43.36,.62,.64,.66, 44.44,.48,.49,.58,.97,.99— 45.2, 494) 214728 Netolitzky, Fritz. 57.62 Bembidion (403) 1917. Die Verbreitung des Bembidion ephippium Mans. Entom. Bilätt. Jahrg. 13 Suppl., 4 pp., 1 Karte. (42.23,.27,.61, 43.51,.53,.68,.69,.91, 44 13,.14,.22,.26,.61,.64,.71,.78,.83,.84,.87,.89,.91,.93, 45.5,.8,.9,.99, 46.75, 47.7,.9, 492, 493, 495-498, 61.1, 64, 65) 395 Coleoptera 214729 Netolitzky, Fritz. 57.62 Bembidion (403) 1917. Die Verbreitung des Bembidion eques Sturm. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 Suppl., 4 pp., 1 Karte. (43.64,.65,.68,.94,.96, 44.48,.49,.57,.58,.78,.81,.83,.84,.86,.87,.91--.99, 45.1,.2,.4,.5,.71,.73,.77,.79,.8, 46.1,.2, 41.9, 494—496, 55, 56.1,.45,.8) 30 Netolitzky, Fritz. 57.62 Bembidion (403) 1917. Die Verbreitung des Bembidion laticolle Durr. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 Suppl., 4 pp., 1 Karte. (43.12,.86,.41,.58,.6:,.62,.64,.65,.72,.31—.94, 44,43, 45.1,.2,.6, 47.5,.6.,8,.9, 494, 497, 498) 31 Notolitzky, Fritz. 57.62 Bembidion (43.74) 1916. Bembidion testaceum var. Comnickii mov. subsp. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 260-261. | 32 Chapman, W. 57.62 Bembidion (44.36) 1918. Nouvelle capture du Bembidion inustum Duv. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 150. 33 Hellen, Wolter. 57.62 Bembidion (47.1) 1920. Bembidion (Peryphus) monticola Srurm. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 45 p. 274-275. [Bembidion monticola neu für ganz Nerd- europa.] 34 Notman, Howard. 57.62 Bembidium (74.7) 1919. Notes and New Species of Bembidium. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 292—297. [3 nn. spp.] 35 Reitter, Edm. 97.62 Bergrothia (46) 1918. Bergrothia bicarinata n. sp. Wien, entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 53— 54. 36 Sharp, D. 57.62 Bibloplectus (42.33) 1916, Diagnosis of à New Species of Bibloplectus (Coleoptera, Pselaphi- dae). Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 2 p. 177. [Bibloplectus margaretae.] 214737 Fink, Nikola. 57.62 Bidessus : 11.044 1917. O djelovanju temperature na kornjasa Bidessus geminus F. Glasnik hrvatsk. prirodesl. Drustva God. 29 p. 157—168, 2 figg. — Ueber des Ver- halten von Bidessus geminus F. bei verschiedener Temperatur. jp 169—170. 38 Rapp. 57.62 Biedius : 15 1917. Lebensweise und Vorkommen von Bledius procerulus Er. Entom. Bläit. Jahrg. 13 p. 316--317. 39 Handschin, Eduard. 57.62 Boreaphilus (494) 1920. Boreaphilus birostratus sp. nov. Entom. Rundschau Jahrg. 37 p. 5—6, 1 fig. 40 Notman, Howard. 87.62 Boreaphilus (74.9) 1918. Bereaphilu, a Genus of Staphylinid Coleoptera New to North America. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 182—188, 1 üg. [ameri- canus n Sp.] 41 d’Orchymont, A. 57.62 Brachynus : 15 1920. Remarques au sujet des”premiers états du genre Brachynus. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 59—61, 42 Bridwell, J. C. 57.62 Brosconymus : 152 1918. Notes on the Habits ef Brosconymus optaius Suarp. Proc. Hawai- ian entom. Soc. Vel. 3 p. 891—592. 43 Stolz, H. 57.62 Bythinus (4) 1917. Neue Bythinusarten aus Oberitalien und Südtirol. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 86 p. 19—81, 2 Taf. [6 nn. spp.] (43.64, 45.1-—.3) 44 Burgess, A. F., and €. W. Collins. 57.62 Calosoma : 16.1 1915. The Calosoma Beetle (Calosoma sycophanta) in New England. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 251, 40 pp., 7 pls, 1 map, 3 figg. 45 Born, Paul. 57.62 Calosoma (469.8) 1918. Calosoma azoricum EHrer. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 21—22. 214746 Burgess, A. F,, and C. W. Collins. 57.62 Calosoma (7) 1917. The Genus Calosoma : Including Studies of Seasonal Histories. Habits, and Economic Importance of American Species North of Mexico and of several Introduced Species. Bull. U, 5. Dept. Agric. No, 417, 124 pp., 19 pls., 5 figg. 15.2— .4..6, 16.1 (71.1—.4,.6, 72,4, 74.1—75,3,.9—79.7) Coleoptera 396 214747 Hauser, 6. 57.62 Carabidae 1920. Coptolabrus smaragdinus subsp. pinganensis (subsp. nova). Soc. en- tom. Jahrg. 35 p. 19. [Coptolabrus montigradus n. nom pro C. subsp. mon- tanus Hauser, Isiocarabus orphniopterus pro I. castanopterus Hauser.] (51.9) 48 van Emden, Fritz. 57.62 Carabidae : 13.41 1920. Beschreibung der Larve von Ophonus diffinis Des. nebst Nachtrag zu meiner Beschreibung der Larve von Pheropsophus hispanicus Des. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 10 p. 150—156, 7 gg. 49 Bordas, L. 57.62 Carabidae : 14.33 1914. Structure anatomique du gésier des Carabides. Bull. Soc. scient. med. Ouert Rennes T. 23 p. 46—51, 3 figg. 50 Notman, Howard. 57.62 Carabidae : 14.98 1920. Legs in the Carabidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 80-89. 51 Laurent, Philip. 57.62 Cirabidae : 15 1917. Collecting Insects by the aid of Molasses Traps. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 81—82. [Carabidae.] 52 Alluaud, Ch. | 57.62 Carabidae (4) 1919. Contributions à l’étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagas- car. XXI. Note sur diverses espèces des Canaries et des Açores, dont deux nouvelles, et description d’un genre nouveau. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 251—254. [2 nn. spp. in: Bradyceilus, Licinopsis. — Azor- anchus n. g. pro Anchomenus aptinoides.] (46.85, 464.9) 53 Roubal, J. 57.62 Carabidae (403) 1917. Bemerkungen über einige Harpalini. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 24, [2 nn. varr. in: Ophonus, Harpalus.] (43.53,.58,.71,.73,,96, 56.4) 214754 Netolitzky, F. 57.62 Carabidae (403) i 1920. Versuch einer neuartigen Bestimmungstafel für die asiatischen Testediolum nebst neuen palaearktischen Bembidiini. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 61—69, 112—119. [6 nn. spp. in: Bembidion (3 nn subspp. — 2 nn. abb.) — Pamirium, Pseudometallina nn. subgg.] (47.9, 5i.1,.2, 54.2, 55, 57.1,.6,.9, 58.4) 55 Koester, W. 57.62 Carabidae (43.55) 1917. Blomberger Sammelbericht 1913/14. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 146—148. [Laufkäfer.] 56 Bierig, Alexander. 57.62 Carabidae (43.74) 1918. Ueber einige galizische Carabenformen. “oc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 13—15, 2 figg. [1 n. subsp. in Phricocarabus.] 57 Szombathy, Kalmân. 57.62 Carabidae (43.91) 1908. Bogaräszati jegyzetek. — Celeopterologische Notizen. Rovart. La- pok K. 15 p. 75—76. [Einige ungar. Carabidae.] 58 Jeannel, R. 57.62 Carabidae (44) 1919. Diagnoses préliminaires de Trechinae cavernicoles nouveaux de France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 255—255. [Geotrechus n. g. fuxeensis n. sp. (1 n. subsp.) — 2 nn. subspp. in Trechus.] (44.73,.77,.82—.84,.86,.88) 59 Lambertie, Maurice. 57.62 Carabidae (44.71) ‘ 1918. Anophthalmus lespesi Farmm. et Atranus collaris Men. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 206. 60 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabidae (494) 1316. Ueber die von Oswazr Heer beschriebenen Caraben der Schweiz. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Bd. 12 p. 572—383. 61 Andrewes, H. F. | 57.62 Carabidae (502) 1920. Notes sur les Carabiques orientaux, 1. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 22-98, [5 nn. spp. in: Chlaenius 3 (1 n. var.), Pericallus, Gidda.] (59.4,.7, 921, 922) 214762 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabidae. (51.3) 1918. Ueber einige chinesische Caraben. Soc, entom, Jahrg. 33 p. 10—11. 397 Coleoptera 214763 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Carabidae (6) 1916/19. Contributions à l’étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. XI. Descriptions de quatre espèces et d’une race nouvelles, de l’Afrique tropicale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 182—185. [4 nn. spp. in: Diory.he, Macrochilus, Planetus, Pheropsophus.—1 n. subsp.* in Drypta.] — XXIII. Observations sur divers Clivinides; descriptions d’une race, d’une espèce et d’un genre nouveaux. 1919 p. 99—102, 1 pe [Halocor; ya ı n: g. maindroni n. sp., 1 n. subsp. in Ckvina.] (63, 67.2 13 69.4) 64 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Carabidae (67) 1916. Contribution à l’etude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagascar. — XIII. Descriptions de deux Oodides et d’un Thyreopterus nouveaux de l’Afrique tropicale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 294-296, 1 fig. [3 on. spp. in: Oodes, Sphaerodes, Thyreopterus.] (67.1,.8) 65 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Carabidae (69) 1917/19. Contributions à i’ètude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. XV. Descriptions de quatre especes nouvelles du Sud de Mada- gascar. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 136—138. [4 nn. spp. in: Oodes, Colliuris, Lasiocera, Brachynus.]) — XVI. Descriptions des _4noploge- nius de Madagascar et d’un genre voisin. p. 243—246. [4 nn. spp. in.: Anoplogenius 3, Thaumastonyx n. g.] — XVII. Descriptions de cinq espèces nouvelles de Madagascar, p. 318—321. [5 nn. spp. in: Tachys, Aniso- dactylus, Harpalus, Hypolithus, Flatymetopus.] — XIX. Descriptions d’un Lo- bocephalus et de deux Brachynides nouveaux de Madagascar. 1918 p. 127 130, 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Loboceghalus, Brachynus, ‚Stypholomerus.] — XXII. Descriptions de quatre espèccs et d’un genre nouveaux de Chlé- niens. p. 50—53. [4 nn. spp. in: Chlaenius 2, Dacrochlaenius (n. g. pro Ch. rudicollis).] 66 Bänninger, M. 57.62 Carabidae (7) 1919. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oarabinae. Gattungen Omophron und Elaphrus. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 7 p. 142-150. [E. laevis- culptus n. sp. (Reïrrer i. L.).] (43.72, 47.8, 51.6, 57.1,.7, 72.1, 79.1,.4,.5,.7) 214767 Notman, Howard. 57.62 Carabidae (7) 1919. Records and New Species of Carabidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 225—237, 2 figg. [13 nn. spp. in: Pachyteles, Bembidium 2, Ta- chys 2, Patrobus, Pterostichus, Platynus 2, Plochionus, Harpalus 2, Anisodac- tylus.] (71.1, 72.2, 74.7,.9, 75.9, 76.4, 78.8,.9—79.3,.5) 68 Wille, N., E. Csiki, F. Stephani und K. Rechinger. 57.62 Carabidae (96.1) 1915. Botanische und zoologische Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoainseln, dem Neuguinea-Archipel und den Salomonsinseln von März bis Dezember 1905. VI. Teil: Bearbeitung der Süsswasseralgen der gesamten bereisten Inseln. Nachträge zu den vor- hergehenden Teilen, sowie ein Register des gesamten hiermit abgeschlos- senen Werkes, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 91'p. 139— 213, 3 Taf. [Nachtrag von E. Csızı: Carabidae der Samoainseln: 4 nn, spp. in: Chlaenius, Dioryche, Celaenephes, Thyreopterus.] 69 Perkins, R. C. L. 57.62 Carabidae (96.9) 1917. New Hawaiian Caraboidea. Entom. BL Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p 246—250. [10 nn. spp. in: Atelothrus 4, Metromenus 2, Mecyclothorax, Thris- cothorax, Metrothorax, Nesocidium.] 70 Csiki, E. 57.62 Carabomorphus (97.8) 1916. Calosominarum Species nova Africana. Ann. Mus. nation. hun- gar. Vol. 14 p. 122. [Carabomorphus africanus n. sp.] 71 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 57.62 Carabus 1916. Bemerkungen über Carabus, Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 110—111. 72 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Carabus : 12.98 1916. Note sur un Carabe & huit pieds. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 122—123. [Carabus dufouri.] 214773 Burkart. 57.62 Carabus : 12.99 1917. Carabus auronitens L. v. escheri Parro. mit abweichender Flügel- deckenskulptur. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 136, 3 figg. Coleoptera 398 \ 214774 Schwicker. 57.62 Carabus : 14.99 1918. Flügeldecken-Skulptur bei Carabus auronitens v. vindobonensis. En- tom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 86—87. 75 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (4) 1918. Carabus lineatus Des Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 64—68. (44.79, 46.1,.2,.6, 469) 76 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (4) 1920. Carabus Fabricii Panz. und depressus Bon. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 35 p. 1—2. (2 nn. subspp.] ‘43.63, 494) 77 Schumacher, F. 57.62 Carabus (43) 1918. Zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung des Goldlaufkäfers, Carabus aura- tus L., innerhalb Deutschlands. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1918 p. 202—208, 1 Karte. (43.11,.14—.22,.27,.31,.32,.36,.37,.41,.42,.44,.46,.51—.54,.56,.58) 18 Bierig, Alexauder. 57.62 Carabus (45.46) 1918. Carabus violaceus bei Karlsruhe. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 37—38, 3 figg. 79 Csiki, Ernö. 57.62 Carabus (43.91) 1906. Uj Carabus Osik-värmegy&böl. — Ein neuer Carabus aus dem Ko- mitat Csik. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 175, [C. hampei n. var. méhelyanus.] 80 Bellevoye, Ad. 57.62 Carabus (44) 1907. Les variétés de Carabus auratus (Linx£) et variations des élytres. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 16 p. 41—49, 7 fige. (44,32,.36,.31,.82,.84,.86,.89,.92,.25) 81 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (46) 1917, Interessante Carabus-Formen aus Spanien. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 23—24. (46.6,.7) 214782 Everts, Ed, 57.62 Carabus (492) 1913. lets over de in Nederland bekende vormen van Carabus violaceus L. Entom. Berichien D. 4 5. 206 —210. 83 Born, Pau!. 57.62 Carabus (494) 1917. Neue bemerkenswerte Formen von Carabus violaceus L. aus der Schweiz. Soc, entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 1—2, 7—8. 84 Leng, C. W. 57.62 Cardiola (74.7) 1917. Cardiola obscura Grav. on Staten Island. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 80-81. 85 Sharp, D. 57.62 Cercyon (42) 1918/19. {On some Species Hitherto Assigned to the Genus Cercyon. Entom. menthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 274—277. [2 nn. spp., 1 n. var.] — Cercyon sternalis Suarp at Oxford, by J. Corzıns. Vol. 5 p. 68. (42.1,.21,.23,.27,.29,.35,.57) 86 Andrewes, H. E. 57.62 Chlaenius (5) 1920. Notes on Oriental Carabidae. J. Genus Chlaenius. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 235—240. [5 nn. spp.—1 n. race.-—-Ch. luculentus n. Sp. pro Ch. opacipennis Axpr. non Onau».] (51.8,.9, 54.2, 56.7, 59.19) 87 Alluaud, Ch, 57.62 Chlaenius (6) 1916. Contribution à l'étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagascar. X. Révision du sous-genre Mecochlaenius Maınpron et description d’un nouveau sous-genre de Chléniens. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 146 —149 [2 nn. spp. in Chlaenius. 2 nn. varı.— Campsochlaenius n. subg.] (66.3,.7, 67.2) 88 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Chlaenius (66.6) 1918. Contribution à l’étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagascar. XVIII. Description de quatre Chlaenius nouveaux de la Côte d'Ivoire. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 71—73 [3 nn. spp.—i n. subsp.] 89 Born, Paul. 57.62 Chrysocarabus (44.79) Dr Chrysocarabus lineatus hochstetteri nov. subspec. Soc. entom. Jahrg. np. 19. 214790 Caider, Edwin E. 57.62 Cicindela 1916. Cicindela hirticollis var. rhodensis new var. Jeurn. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 93—94. [n. nom. pro Cicindela hirticollis var. nigrita Davis.] 399 Coleoptera 214791 Blair, K. 6. 57.62 Cicindela : 13,41 1920. Cicindela germanica L. aud its Larva. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 210--211. 92 Dow, R. P. 87.62 Cicindela : 15 1916. Plaster-Casting Insect Burrows. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 69—74, 1 pl. [Cicindela.] 93 Huie, Lily H. 57.62 Cicindela : i5 1916. The Bionomics of the Tiger Beetle (Cicindela campestris). Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 20 p. 1—11. 15.2— .4,.6 94 Stossmeister, Karl. 57.62 Cieindela : 15 1918. | von Cicindela hybrida im Zimmer. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 39—40. 95 Vitalis de Salvaza. 57.62 Cicindela : 15 1918. Sur les mœurs de quelques Cicindela du littoral de ’Annam. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 207. [C. tenuipes et copulata.] 15.3 96 Pégoud, G. 57.62 Cicindela : 15.2 1918. Influence du contact de la neige sur les Cicindela. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1918 p. 230. 97 Leng, Charles W. 57.62 Cicindela (7) 1918. A New Race of Cicindela with Notes on Other Races and Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 138—141. [C. longilabris novaterrae n. var.] (71.8, 729.3) 98 Davis, Wm. T. 57.62 Cicindela (75.6) 1916. Notes on Tiger Beetles from North Carolina. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 154—155. 214799 Goldsmith, William M. 57.62 Cieindela (77.2) 17. Field Notes on the Distribution and Life Habits of the Tiger Beetles un of Indiana. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1916 p. 447 2. 15.2 214800 Mason, Frank R. | 57.62 Cicindela (79.3) 1920. Cicindela nevadica Le Conte. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 221. 01 Shelford, Victor E. 57.62 Cicindelidae : 11.57 917. Color and Color-Pattern Mechanism of Tiger Beetles. Illinois biol. Monogr. Vol. 3 ps 397—528, 32 pls. 02 Codina, Amicensi. 57.62 Cicindelidae (403) 1917. Catälog de la collecciö de Cicindelinae dispositada en el Museu de Catalunya. Junta Ciènces nat. Barcelena An. 2 p. 327—529. (43.11,.14,.18,.21,.36,.42,.59,.61,.64,.65,.69—.73,.91,.92,.95,.96, 44.14,.21,.27,.41,.48,.57,.59,.84,.89,.91,.94,.399—45,2,.4,.5,.77—46.1,.3,.7,.8, 47.1,.5,.7, 9493— 52.4, Seas, 3, A 54.1,.3,5—.87, 55,56.2, .4,.43,.6, 8— 59.6.8,9, 61. 1-68, 66.3, .4,.7—67.5,.7— 68.2, A 69.60 TI, 1.. 9,4, 6, 721, 8, de 74.2,.4,.5,.7 —.9, 75.2,5—.76.1,8—77.1,3,.5,.7,8—78.2,6.- 79.7, 81, 82,9, 84—86.6, 87-929, 932, 934, 936, 94.1—.5. 95) 03 Fleutiaux, E. 57.62 Cieindelidae (59) 1917. Enumération des Cicindelidae récoltés en Indo-Chine française par M. Vırarıs De Sauvaza, de 1914 à 1916. Bull. Soc. entom, France 1917 p. 48—49. — Nouvelle liste de Cieindelidae de l’Indo-Chine. p. 368—370. (59.4,.6,.8,.9) 04 Fleutiaux, E. 57.62 Cicindelidae (59.4) 19. Sur quelques Cicindelidae du Laos. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 126—128. [2 nn. spp. in: Cicindelu, Heptodonta.] — Sur quelques Cieindelidae d’Indo-Chine (rectifications). p. 252 —253. [C. salvazai n. sp.] 05 Leng, Charles W., and Andrew J. Mutchler. 57.62 Cicindelidae (729) 1916. Descriptive Catalogue of West Indian Cicindelinae. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 35 p. 681—699, 1 pl. 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Cicindela, — 2 nn. varr. in Teiracha.] (729.1-—.8, 75.9) 06 Leng, C. W. 57.62 Cicindelidae (83) 1918. Cicindelidae of Chile. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 110. 214807 Tomlin, J. R. le B. 57.62 Colpodes (42.29) 1919. Colpodes splendens Morawirz, a Japanese Carabid in Berkshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 159. Coleoptera 400 214808 Van Dyke, Edwin 0. | 97.62 Comstockia (76.4) 1918. A New Genus’ and Species of Cave-Dwelling Carabidae from the United States. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 179—182, 1 fig. [Comstockia n. g. subterranea n. sp. 09 Hauser, G. 57.62 Coptolabrus (51) 191% Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coptcladrus-Arten. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 34 p. 5—7. [4 nn. varr.—1 n. ab. (51.41.23 10 Hauser, G. 57.62 Coptolabrus (51.2) 1916. Zur Kenntnis des Coptolabrus augustus subsp. ertli Born. Soc. en- tom. Jahrg. 31 p. 41—42. [4 nn. abb.] 11 Born, Paul. 57.62 Coptolabrus (51.2) 1913. Coptolabrus augustus lüshanensis nov. subsp. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 38. 12 Born, Paul. 57.62 Coptolabrus (51.3) 1916. Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der südchinesischen Coptolabrus. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 12—13. — Nachtrag zu meinen Bemerkungen über die südchinesischen Coptolabrus. p. 19—20. 13 Alluaud, Ch. 97.62 Crossoglossa (6) 1917. Contribution à l’étude des Osrabiques d’Afrique et de Madagascar. XIV, Sur le genre Crossoglossr Cuaunoir et descriptions de deux espèces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 85—88. [C. africana et mada- gascariensis.] (67.1,.8, 69) 14 Wilke, Siegfried. 57.62 Cybister (403) 1920. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Cybister Curris. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 2 p. 243—276. [5 nn. spp.—8 nn. subspp.—C. aubei n. nom. pro C. costalis Ausé non F.] (43.15,.69, 45.8,.9, 46, 469, 47.7,.9, 48.9, 495, 496, 51.1,.2,.9, 52.1,.9, 53, 54.1,.8,.87, 55, 56.4,.7,.8, 57.6, 98.4,.8, 59.1,.19,.5,.8,.9, 61.2—65, 66.3,.4,.6,.7,.9—67.8, 68.2,.4,.9, 69,.4,.5, 72.1,.5,.6, 729.1,.5,.8, 75.9, 78.6, 79.4,.5, 81, 82, 83—86, 87, 88, 89.6, 91.1,.2,.4—922, 929, 931, 932, 936, 94.1—.3,.5, 95, 96.1,.6,.7) 214815 Zimmermann, Alois. 97.62 Cybister (6) 1917. Einige neue afrikanische Cybisterarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 98—103, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp., 1 n. var. (67.2,.6,.8,.9, 68.9, 69) 16 Champion, 6. C. 57.62 Dianous (5) 1919. The Genus Dianous SamourLıe, as Represented in India and China. Eniom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 41—55, 9 figg. (14 na. spp.] — Ad- ditional Notes on the Indian Species of Dianous. [3 nn. spp.] (51.1, 584.1,.2) 17 Derivaux, R. C. 57.62 Dineutes : 16.1 1916. A Note on the Predacious Habits of Dineutes (* Whirligig Beetles”) Toward Anopheles Larvae. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 31 p. 1228 —1230. 18 Boehm, Rudolph. 57.62 Dyschirius (62) 1916. Note sur les Dyschirius égyptiens. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 45. 19 Bordas, LL 57.62 Dytiscidae : 14.33 1915. Structure anatomique du „gesier de quelques Dytiscides. Bull. Soc. scient. med. Quest Rennes T. 24 p. 75—80, 4 fige. 20 Bordas, L. 57.62 Dytiseidae : 1435 1915. Nouvelles observations sur l’ampoule rectale des Dytiscides. Bull. Soc. scient. med. Ouest Rennes T. 24 p. 71—74, 3 fige. 21 Scholz, M. F. Richard. 527.62 Dytiscidae (4) 1917. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Bearbeitung von O0. LEoxHARDS Sammlungen. 9. Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung paläark- tischer Wasserkäfer (Dytiscidae). Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 250-258, I Taf. [Zlybius lapponicus n. sp.—1 n. var. in Hydroporus.—2 nn. abb. in Agabus.] (47.1, 495) 214822 Scholz, M. F. Richard. 57.62 Dytiscidae (403) 1917. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung paläarktischer Was- serkäfer (Dytiscidae). Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 178—181. (43.53, 45.8, 61.1, 65) 401 Coleoptera 214823 Zimmermann, Alois. 57.62 Dytiscidae (403) 1918. Einige neue und wenig bekannte paläarktische Hydroporiden. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 57— 71, 8 figg. [2 nn. spp.—1 n. subsp. in Hydro - porus.] — Verbesserungen zu dem Catalogus synonymicus der Bidessus - Arten auf Seite 61 des vorigen Heftes der „Ent. Mitteil.* p. 176. (41.5, 42, 43.61,.68,.69,.91,.95, 44.94, 45. 9,. 99, 46, 469, 47.7,.8, 495, 7499, 56, 61 >, 64, 65) 24 Sainte-Claire Deville, J. 57.62 Dytiscidae (44) 1920. Captures de Coleopteres aquatiques dans le Nord de la France. Bull. Soc. Entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 51-56. (44.24 — .27,.34—.36) 25 Van Dorsselaer, KR. 57.62 Dytiscidae (493) 1919. Les Dytiscides de Belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. «S—92. — 2me Partie. p. 104—119. [1 n. ab. in Agabus.] 26 Fall, H. C. 57.62 Dytiscidae (7) 1917. New Dpytiscidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 163—182. [24 nn. spp. in: Laccophilus 2, Bidessus 5, Caelambus, Hydroporus 16 (1 n. var.).] (71.1,.2,.4, 7.42—.4,7—.9, 715.2,.5,.6,.8,.9, 76.3,.6, 17.1,8—.5, 8, 78.8, 79.1,.4,.5) Blunck, Hans. 57. 62 Dytiscus : : 13.4 1916. Die Metamorphose des Gelbrands (Dytiscus marginalis L.) Vorläu- fige Mitteilung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 47 p. 18-31, 38—42. 13.41 28 Speyer, W. 57.62 Dytiscus : 13.41 1920. Die lokomotorischen Extremitäten der Larve von Dytiscus margi- nalis L. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Studie. Schrift. physik.-ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 61/62 p. 43—54, 1 fig. 29 Schreitmüller, Wilh. 57.62 Dytiscus : 15 1916. Dytiscus punctulutus F. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 239— 240, 1 fig. 50 Main, Hugh. 55.02 Dytiscus : 15 nn The Pupation Cell of Dytiscus marginalis. Essex Nataral. Vol. 18 (Le) 1 86. 214831 GlAdnAten F, E. 97.62 Dytiscus : 15.3 1917. Dytiscus as a Destroyer of Mosquito Larvae. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 454. 52 Ostrand, Carl Herman. 57.62 Emus (48.6) 1919. Intressanta skalbaggfynd. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 182—188. [Emus hirtus.] 33 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Eacamptognathus (C9) 1916. Contributions à l’étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagas- car. IX. Description d’un Eucamptognathus nouveau. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 98—100, 1 fig. [E. tshitsherini n. sp.] 34 Roubal, Jan. 57.62 Eucephalus : 15 1919. Aus dem Leben des Eucephalus complicans Westw. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 34 p. 14. 15.2 35 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Eunostus (6) 1919. Contributions à l'étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagas- car. XXIV. Sur le genre Zunostus Lar.-Casr. Descriptions d’espèces et de variétés nouvelles. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 278—281. [5 nn. spp.—2 nn. subspp.] (63, 66.3,.9, 67.2,.5, 69) 36 Gallardo, Angel. 57.62 Fustiger (82) 1916. El mirmecöfilo sinfilo Fustiger elegans Rarrkar. Bol. Soc. Physis Buenos Ayres T. 2 p. 254—257, 1 fig. 57.96 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.62 Geostiba (44.83) 1917. Description d’un nouveau Geostiba français. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 352. [G. lavagnei n. sn.] 38 Andrewes, E. 57.62 Gnathaphanus (502) 1920. Notes sur les Carabiques orientaux. — II. Le genre rer ri Ann, Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 106-111. [2 nn. spp.] (54.1,.2,.4,.7,.87, 59.1,.3,.6,.7, 91.1,.2,.4, 921, 922, 932, 94, 95) 214839 de la Por te, L 87.62 Gynandromorphus (44.63) 1916. Sur un vol de Gynandromor;hus observè dans la Vienne. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 82. Bibliogr. Zool. XXX. XII. 1920 26 3 si Coleoptera 402 214840 Zimmermann, Alois. 57.62 Gyrinidae : 07 (43.15) 1917. Der derzeitige Bestand der Gyrinidensammlung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museums in Berlin-Dahlem und die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse ihrer Durcharbeitung. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 135—170, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [2 un. spp. in: Gyrinus, Orectochilus. — i n. var. in Aulonogyrus.] (67.3, 728, 91.1) 4l Wendt, Albert. 57.62 Gyrinidae : 15 1916. Taumelkäfer (Gyrinidae). Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kde. Jahrg. 27 p. 340—342, 1 fig. i 42 Van Dorsselaer, R. 57.62 Gyrinidae (492) 1920. Les Gyrinides de Belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 116—119. 43 Zimmermann, À. 57.62 Gyrinidae (52.9) 1917; H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute : Gyrinidae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 122. 44 Zimmermann, Alois. 57.62 Gyrinidae (6) 1916. Zwei neue afrikanische Gyriniden. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 242—243, 3 fige. [2 nn. spp. in: Dineutes, Orectogyrus.] (67.1, 68.9) 45 Brocher, Frank. 57.62 Gyrinus : 13.41 1907. Quelques mots sur une larve de Gyrin. Bull. Soc. zool. Genève T. 1 p. 62—65, 2 figg. 46 Janson, 0. E. 57.62 Harpalus (41.84) 1920. Harpalus 4-punctatus var. montivagus Rerrt. in Ireland. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 14. 47 Mc Dermott, F. Alex. 57.62 Harpalus (77.1) 1916. The Unusual Prevalence of Ground Beetles (Harpalus) during the Summer of 1913, at Ashland, Ohio. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 179. 48 d’Orchymont, A, 57.62 Hydraena : 15 1919. Les premiers états d’Hydraena. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 59 Pe 84—85. 214849 d’Orchymont, A. 57.62 Hydrophilidae 1916. De la place que doivent occuper dans la classification les sous- familles des Sphaeridiinae et des Hydrophilinae. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 235—240, 2 figg. [Rygmodini n. tribu.] 50 @Orchymont, A. 57.62 Hydrophilidae : 14.29 1916. Observations sur le mode de respiration de quelques Palpicornia aquatiques. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 139—141. 51 Richmond, F. Avery. 57.62 Hydrophilidae : 15 1920. Studies on the Biology of the Aquatic Hydrophilidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 42 p. 1—94, 16 pls. 13.41 15.6 52 Kniz, A. 57.62 Hydrophilidae (403) 1914. Neue paläarktische Hydrophiliden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (114)—(117). [2 nn. spp. in: Hydrous (1 n. ab.), Laccobius.—1 n. var. in Helophorus.] (46.8, 56.7, 57.6, 58.4, 64) | 53 d’Orchymont, A. 57.62 Hydrophilidae (54) 1920. Palpicornia de l’Indoustan. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 18—20. [2 nn. spp. in: Hydraena, Chaetarthria.| (54.7,.8) 54 Vandevelde, C. 57.62 Hydrophilus : 14.65 1919. La construction de la coque ovigere de l’Hydrophile. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. 9—12, 1 fig. 55 Scholz, Eduard J. R. 57.62 Hydroporus 1917. Hydroporus seidlitei Gern.==H. incognitus Suarr. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 137. 56 Peschet, R. 57.62 Hyphydrus (63) 1916. Description d'un Hyphydrus nouveau d’Abyssinie. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1916 p. 202—203. [H. abyssinicus n. sp.] 57 Galibert, H. 57.62 Laccobius (44.8) 1916. Stations du Laccobius purpurascens News. en Languedoc. Bull. 8oc. entom. France 1916 p. 270— 271. | (44.84,.85) 214858 Peschet, R. 57.62 Laccodytes (88) 1919. Description d’un Dytiscidae nouveau de l’Amörique du Sud. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 145—147. [Laccodytes americanus n. sp.] 403 Coleoptera 214859 Nicholson, &. W. 57.62 Lamprinus : 15.5 1919, Note on the occurrence of Lamprinus Saginatus Gr. with ants. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 136—137. 57.96 60 Fagniez, Ch. Fa] 57.62 Lathrobium (44.81) 1916. Description d'un Lathrobium nouveau de France. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1916 p. 511—312. [L. gallienü n. sp.] | 61 Sainte-Claire Deville, J. | 57.62 Leptusa (45.99) 1919. Description d’un Leptusa nouveau de France. Bull; Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 262—263. [L. serullazi n. sp,] 62 Reitter, Edmund. 57.62 Lomechusa (47.9) 1918. Lomechusa wasmanni n. sp. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 148. 63 Lavagne, H. 57.62 Mayetia (44.85) 1916. Description d’un Mayetia nouveau. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 100—102. [M. galiberti n. sp.] 64 Newbery, E, A. 57.62 Medon (42.21) 1920. Medon obscurellus Erıcas., an Addition to the British List of Co- leoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 8—9. 65 Alluaud, Ch. 57.62 Melanodes (6) 1916. Contributions à l'étude des Carabiques d'Afrique et de Madagas- car. XII. Observations sur le genre Melanodes Caaur. et descriptions de deux espèces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entom. France p. 226—230. [M. me- cynonotus et decorsei nn. spp.] (67.2,; 69) 66 Britten, H. 57.62 Meotica 1917. Meotica exiliformis Joy, a good species. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) 214867 Keys, J. H. 57.62 Metaxya (42.74) 1920. Plagiarthrina fordhamiana : A New Subgenus and Species of Sta- phylinidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 131—133, 3 fige. [Meiaxya Pl. n. subg. fordh. n. sp.] 68 Timberlake, P. H. 57.62 Metromenus : 15 918. Note on Rearing of a Native Carabid Larva. Proc. Hawaïian en- tom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 380—381. [Metromenus palmae.] 69 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.62 Mimocete (51.1) 1918. Not:s sur Mimocete punicum Norm. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 Pe 130 —132, 1 fig. 10 Raffray, A. 57.62 Mirus : 14.98 1917. Sur le genre Mirus Sauter (Imirus Reıtr.) Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 108—110, 2 figg. [Mirini n. trib.] 71 Müller, Josef. 57.62 Molops (4) 1917/18. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Molops. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 347 —354. [2 on. spp. —7 nn. subspp.] — Bd. 7 p. 1—12. [1 n. sp.—4 an. subspp.] (43.€4,.69,.91,.94,.95, 496, 497) 12 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Nebria (43.17) 1919. Ueber eine für Deutschland neue Nebria : N. klinckvwströmi Msö- BerG. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 14—17. — Nachtrag zu meinem Artikel „Ueber eine für Deutschland neue Nebria“, p. 124. 73 Obenberger, Jan. 57.62 Nebria (43.68) 1917. Zwei neue subterran lebende, von Dr. Assozox am Balkan gesam- melte Nebriaarten. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 4 p. 45—47. [N. abso- loni n. sp., 1 n. subsp.] 74 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Nebria (43.94) 1917. Nebria (Alpaeus) fasciatopunctata Mrzr.. n. subsp. weingärtneri. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 292. 75 Peschet, R. 57.62 Neptosternus (921) 1916. Description de deux espèces nouvelles de Neptosternus Suarr. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 315—317. [N. regimbarti et africanus nn. spp.] (67.2) 214876 Galibert, M. H. 57.62 Octavius : 15.2 1917. Note sur l'habitat d’Octavius pyrenaeus Fauv., subsp. lichtensteini Lavaene. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 166. 214877 78 79 80 83 214881 85 86 87 88 89 90 214891 Coleoptera 404 Morley, Claude. 57.62 Ocypus (42. wi 1919. Ocypus eyaneus Payx. in Suffolk. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 159. Netolitzky, F. 57.62 Ocys (403) 1916. Die Verbreitung von Days harpaloides Serv. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 Suppl, 4 pp. (41,.5, 49, 43.14,.22,.25,.32,.37,.44— .47,.51—.54,.56,.64,.65,.69,.73,.51,.92, 44.11,.18,.21,.22,.24—.26,.28,.32,.36,.39,.41— .43,.54,.55,.57 —.99,.63,.66,.71,.72,.76—79,.84— .87,.89,.91—.94,.99, 45.1,.5,.6,.73,.82,.9,.99, 46.3,.1—.8, 432—497, 499, 61.1, 64, 65) Blaisdell, F. E., and L. R. Reynolds. 57.62 Omus (79.4) 1917. A New Omus. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 49—55, 1 pl. [O. cupreo- nitens n. sp.] — A Correction. p. 284. Broun, Thos. 57.62 Orchymontia (931) 1919. A New Genus of Hydraeninae from New Zealand. Ann. Soc. en- tom. Belgique T. 59 p. 108—109. [Orchymontis n. g. spinipennis n. sp.] Black, James E. 57.62 Orochares (41.46) 1920. Orochares angustatus Er. in Scotland. Eutom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 6 p. 14. Wasmann, E. 57.62 Orthogonius (54.7) 1920. Ein neuer termitophiler Orthogonius (O. assmuth:) aus Vorderindien. (236. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen und Termitophilen, Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 86—82. 57.32 Verhoeff, K. W. 57.62 Oxytelidae : 13.41 1920. Studien über die Organisation und Biologie der Staphylinoidea. V. Zur Kenntnis der Oxyteliden-Larven. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 6 De 48—111, 2 Taf., 2 figg. Nicholson, 6. W. 57.62 Oxytelus : 15.5 1919. Oxytelus insecatus Gr., in ants’ nests. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 136. 57.96 Ross, Philip H. 57.62 Paederus : 16.7 1916. Dermatitis Due to the Secretion of a Beetle in British East Africa. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 y. 202. [Paederus crebripunctatus Err.| d’Orchymont, A. 57.62 Palpicornia 1919. Les genres Enochroides Kuw., Neohydrobius Bracre. et Hygrotrophus W. McLear. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 226—230. @’Orchymont, A. 57.62 Palpicornia (59) 1919. Matériaux pour servir à l'étude de la faune entomologique de l’Indo-Chine. Palpicornia. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 59 p. 70—83, [4 nn. spp. in: Coelostoma, Helochares 2, Hydrophilus.] (59.4,.6,.8,.9) Warren, Ernest. 57.62 Paracorotoca : 14 1920. Observations on the Comparative Anatomy of the Termitophilous Aleocharine Paracorotoca akermani (Warren). Ann. Natal Mus. Vol. 4 p. 297 —366, 6 pls., 5 figg. [Paracorotoca n. g. pro Corotoca akermani.] 13.41, 14.29,.31,.32,.35,.33,.77,.81,.86,.93 —.96,.98 Cameron, Malcolm. 57.62 Paractocharis (59.5) 1917. Description of a New Genus of Staphylinidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 3 p. 154—155. [Paractocharis n. g. fucicola n. sp.] Wasmann, E. 57.62 Paussidae 1920. Ueber unsere Kenntnis der fossilen Paussiden. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. XL—XLIV. [Kritische Uebersicht der Literatur.] Wasmann, E. 57.62 Paussidae (6) 1920. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral: Afrika-Expe- dition 1907—1908, unter Führung Anvorr Friepricus, Herzogs zu Mecklen- burg. (225. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen.) Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 p. 109—130, 2 Taf. [5 on spp. in: Cerapterus 2, Pentaplatarthrus 2, Paussus, — Scaphipaussus n. subg.—Eohomopterus n. g. pro Homopterus aequatoriensis.] 15.5 (67.5,.6,.8, 68.4,.5,.7—.9) 57.96 405 Coleoptera 214892 Kolbe, H. 57.62 Paussidae (8) 1920. Die Paussıden Südamerikas. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 131—141, 145—156. [4 nn. spp. in: Arthropteropsis n. g., Homopterus 2, Paussus.— Edaphopaussus n. subg.] (81, 84, 66.6) 93 Margier, E. 57.62 Paussus (405) 1917. Notes zoologiques. Le Paussus favieri Fainmaire. Bull. Soc. Etudes Sc. nat. Nimes T. 40 Mém. 2me Pt. p. 13—15. 15.5 (44.39, 46.8, 64, 65) 57.96 94 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Phucobius (51.2) 1917. Ein neuar Phucobius aus China. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 125. [P. tricolor n. sp.] 95 Viehmeyer, H. 57.62 Piochardia (496) 1918. Piochardia schimmeri n. sp. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 71—74. 57.96 96 de Peyerimhoff, P. 97.62 Placusa : 15 1918. Mœurs de Placusa nitida Fauv. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 225—226. 15.2,8 97 Champion, eorge C. 57.62 Planeustomus (54 1) 1919. On some New Species of the Staphylinid-Genus Planeustomus Duv. from India, with Notes on Certain Allied Forms. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 154—156. [3 nn. spp.] 98 Roubal, J, 57.62 Platynus (47.9) 1916. Notiz zu meinem Artikel „Neue Coleopteren paläarktischer Pro- venienz* bezüglicn des Plaïynus assimilis Pavx. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 257--258. 214899 Perkins, R. €, L. 57.62 Platynus (96.9) 1920. Note on Hawaiian Platynus. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 276—277. 214900 Wasmann, E. 97.62 Pleuropterus (6) 1918. Ueber Pleuropterus dohrni Rırs. und lujae Wasu. und die Larve von Pleuropterus dohrni. (228. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekopnilen.) Tijdschr. Entom. D, 61 p, 76—87, 1 Taf., 4 figg. [P. !ujae n. sp. pro P. dohrni subsp. lujae. — Pleuropterinus n. subg.] 15.41 (54.1,87, 59.5, 66.3,.7, 67.1,.5,.8,.9, 68.4, 922) 01 Bordas, L. 97.62 Procrustes : 14 1914. Sur l'appareil digestif des Procrustes (Procrustes coriaceus L.) Bnll. Soc. scient. méd. Ouest Rennes T. 23 p. S4—87, 1 fig. 14.,32--.34,.61 02 Garnett, Richard T. 57.62 Promecognathus (79.4) 1920. Notes on the Habits of Promecognathus laevissimus Drszan. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 138. 15.2 03 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Pselaphidae 1918. Ueber die Gattungen der paläarktischen Pselaphini s. str. Wien. entom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 73—75. 04 Blattny, W., und C. Blattny. 57.62 Pselaphidae (45) 1914. Neue Pselaphiden aus Italien. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (118)— (124), 5 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Faronus, Bythinus 3.) (45.6,.71,.79 03 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Quedius (403) 1918. Neue Quedius-Arten der paläarktischen Fauna. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 68 p. 92—96. (46.1, 55, 57.6, 58.4) 06 Leng, Charles W. 57.62 Scaphinotus (74.8) 1917. A New Variety of Scaphinotus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol, 25 p. 34—36. [S. ridingsii monongahelae.] 07 Alluaud, Cu. 57.62 Selina (6) 1918. Contributions à l'étude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Madagas- car, XX. Sur le genre Selina Morscn., 1857 (= Pselaphanax Warker, 1859—Sphinctodera Fairmaire, 1201). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 222—224, L fig. (67.6,.9, 68.4, 69) 214908 Sainte-Claire Deville, J. 57.62 Sphaeridium (4) 1919. Notes sur les espèces françaises du genre Sphaeridium F. Bull, Soc. entom, France 1919 p. 230—233, 1 fig. (44.39, 45,99) Coleoptera 406 214909 Sharp, D. 57.62 Sphaeridium (42) 1919. A Note,on the British Species of Sphaeridium. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 124--126. (41, 42) 10 Leng, Charles W. 57.62 Sphaeroderus (74) 1916. Notes on Cychrini. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol 24 p. 39—42. [Sphaeroderus canadensis blanchardi n. subsp.] (74.2,.4) 11 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.62 Staphylinidae 1916. Description d’un nouveau Medon francais et tableau des espèces du groupe Hypomedon. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p, 240—242. [M. fagniezi n. sp.] 12 Cameron, Malcolm. 57.62 Staphylinidae 1917. Note on the Subgenus Pseudopasilia Gaxais. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 8 p. 156. [Belongs near the genus Leptusa.] 13 Cameror, Malcolm. 57.62 Staphylinidae 1917/19. Description of a new genus of Staphylinidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 125. [Paraphytosus n, g. pro Phytosus atriceps] — The genus Paraphytosus mihi : synonymical note. p. 233 —234. [= Antarctophy- tosus EnperL.] — Paraphytosus: a correction. Vol. 5 p. 32. 14 Cameron, M. . 57.62 Staphylinidae 1918. Note on Alianta pictipennis Fauv. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 183—184 [To be placed in Heterota.] 15 Cameron, M; 57.62 Staphylinidae 1919. Note on the genera Phucobius Saarr and Orthidus Rey. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vor. 5 p. 207. [The same, Phucobius having priority.] 16 Cameron, M. 57.62 Staphylinidae 1919. Notes on the Staphylinid genera Hoplandria Ke. and Coenonica Kr. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 250—231. [Position in system.] 214917 Uhmann, Erich. 57.62 Staphylinidae : 12.98 1919. Zwei N RER mit anormalen Bildungen. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 214—216, 5 fige. 18 Verhoeff, K. W. 57.62 Staphylinidae : 13.41 1920. Studien über die Bieknieation und Biologie der Staphylinoides. IV. Zur Kenntnis der Staphyliniden-Larven. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 6 p. 1—48, 2 Taf. [Staphylininae, Quediinae, Xantholinininae nr. subfam. — Creophilini, Staphylinini nn. trib.] 19 Bickhardt, H. 57.62 Staphylinidae : 15 1916. Käfer in Maulwurfnestern im Felde. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 49. 20 Dorn, K. 57.62 Staphylinidae : 15.2 1920. Einiges über Trichophya pilicornis Gyuıs. und Deleaster dichrous Gsav. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 29 p. 135—136. [Fundorte.] 21 Scott, Hugh. 57.62 Staphylinidae : 16.9 : 57.72 1920. Notes on (1) the Parasite Staphylinid Aleochara algarum Fauve, and its Hosts, the Phycodromid Flies; (II) A Case of Supposed Parasi- tism in the Genus Homalota. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 148— 157, 2 figg. 22 Roubal, J. 97.62 Staphylinidae (405 1917. Eine neue Leptusa und zwei neue Athetenaberrationen, Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 122—123. [L. storkani n. sp. — 2 nn. abb in Atheta.] 23 Harez. 57.62 Staphylinidae” (44.32) 1906. Staphylinides de la faune rémoise appartenant au genre Calodera et aux genres voisins. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 15 p. 16—19. 214924 Lavagne, H. 57.62 Staphylinidae (44.8) 917. Quatre’ variétés nouvelles de Staphylinidae. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 138—139. [in: poupe Octavius (1 n. subsp), Oma- lium.] (44.83.84) 407 Coleoptera 214925 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (502) 1915/20. Neue Staphyliniden der indo-malaiischen Fauna, insbesondere der Sunda-Insel Borneo. (9. Beitrag.) Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 65 p. 134—158. [31 nn. spp. in: Priochirus 2, Phloeonomus, Bledius, Pinophi- lus 3, Paederus 2, Lathrobium, Thyreocephalus 2, Philonthus, Hesperus 2, On- tholestes 2, Disanellus, Cyrthothorax, Coproporus, Pronomaea, Coenonica, Ta- chyusa, Astilbus 6, Termitochaena, Compsoglossa n. g.—Pseudopaederus, Enal- lagium, Deroleptus, Tropignorimus nn. subgg.] — Neue S'aphyliniden des indo-malaiischen Faunengebietes, besonders der Philippinen. (13. Bei- trag.) Bd. 66 p. 418-431. [16 nn. spp. in : Stilicopsis, Dibelonetes, Medon, Pachycorinus, Spaniolinus n. g., Leptacinus 2, Neobisnius, Coenonica, Astil- bus 4, Zyras, Thamiaraea, Atheta. — 1 n. var. in Cryptobium. — Allocota n. subg.] — Neue Staphyliniden des indo-malayischen Gebietes. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 10 p. 177—188. [15 nn. spp. in: Stenus, Puederus, Lo- bochilus n. g., Leptacinus, Philonthus 6, Staphylinus 2, Eucibdelus, Wasman- nellus n. g., Tachyporus.] (54.1,.8, 59.1, 91.1,.2,.4, 922) 26 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Staphylinidae (502) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopinen und Steninen. Entom, Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 238—252. [15 nn. spp. in: Megalops, Stenus 14. — Stenus amis- sus n. nom. pro St. cylindricollis Saarp non Bou. — St. paramensis pro St. placidus Suarp non Cas.] (59.8, 67.1,.8, 81, 84, 91.2, 921, 95) 27 Cameron, Malcolm. 57.62 Staphylinidae (502) 1318. New Oriental Staphylinidae. (1). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 102—105. [5 nn. spp. in: Platystethus, Stenus, Hesperus, Staphylinus, Rhynchocheilus.] — (2). p. 169 —172. [6 nn. spp. in: Thoracochirus 2, Phi- lonthus, Leucitus, Quedius, Acylophorus.] — (3). p. 214—219. [6 nn. spp. in: Acylophorus 2, Eucononosoma n. g., Conosoma, Olophrinus, Leucocraspe- dum.] (54.2,,87, 91.1, 922) 214928 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (51) 1916. Kurzflügler aus dem deutschen Schutzgebiete Kiautschau und China. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 8 p. 27—34. [14 nn. spp. in: Dia- nous 2, Stenus 2, Paederus 2, Philonthus 2,, Tolmerus, Staphylinus 2, Eucib- delus, Quedius, Silusa.] (51.1—.3) 29 Cameron, Malcolm. 97.62 Staphylinidae (54) 1920. New Species of Staphylinidae from India. Entom. montaly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 141—148, 214—220. [23 nn. spp. in: Priochirus 3, Planeu- stomus, Apocellagria n. g., Bledius, Osorius, Dianous, Astenus, Gauropterus, Metolinus n. g., Mitomorphus, Actobius, Philonthus 6 (1 n. var.), Staphylinus, Amichrotus, Acylophorus, Quedius.] (54.3,.5,.8) 30 Cameron, Malcolm. 7.62 Staphylinidae (54.87) 1919/20. New Species of Staphylinidae from Ceylon. — PartI. Enton. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 224—228, 251—255. [15 nn. spo. in: Tro- gophloeus 3, Oxytelus 2, Antenus 2, Medon 3, Neobisnius, Philonthus 3, Cono- soma] — Part II. Vol. 6 p. 49—55, 94—99. [17 nn. spp. in: Coproporus, Leucocraspedum (1 n. var.), Gyrophaena, Diestota, Neobrachida n. g., Pseu- doërachida n.g., Tachychara n. g., Falagria 2, Tachyusa, Atheta, Pelioptera, Orphnebius 2, Orphnebiota n. g., Mirmedonia, Apimela.] 214931 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (6) 1915. Neue Staphyliniden des tropischen Afrika. (10. Beitrag.) Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 65 p. 287—321. [51 nn. spp. in: Lispinus, Ste- nus, Oedichirus, Paederus (Fauv. i. 1.) 4, Stilicus, Medon, Perierpon, Lathro- bium 2 {1 n. forma), Scimbalium, Cryptobium, Metoponcus, Eulissus 3, Acto- bius, Philonthus 3, Hesperus, Diatrechus, Staphylinus 3, Pammegus, Amelinus n. g. 2, Algon, Conosoma 2. Coproporus 2, Pronomaea 4, Heterotaxus n. g., Phytosus, Homalota, Leptusa, Falagria 2, Atheta 2, Zyras.—Pseudophilonthus n, subg.] (63, 66.3,.99-—67.2,.5,.8, 68.2,.7, 69) Coleoptera 408 214932 Wasmann, E. 57.62 Staphylinidae (6) 1916. Neue dorylophile Staphyliniden Afrikas. (217. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 92—109, 134—147, 1 Taf. [22 nn, spp: in: Myrmechusa, Myrmedonia (Fauv. i. 1), Trichodonia n. g. 3, Acanthonia n. g., Dromanomma n. g., Dorylocratus n. g., Dorylogaster 2, Phyllodinarda n. g. 2, Trilobitideus, Eupygostenus n. g, Dorylobactrus n.g., Ocyplanes, Astilbides n. g. 2, Eupolemon n. g. 2, Micropolemon n. g. 2. — Anapolemon, Hemipolemon nn. subgg. — Dorylomimini, Phyllodinardini nn. trib. — Dorylonanus n. g. pro Dorylomimus lujae, Nannostenus pro Pygoste- nus pusillus.] 15.5 (63, 67.1,.5, 68.5,.7) 57.96 33 Bernhauer, Max. 87.62 Staphylinidae (6) 1917. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna des tropischen Afrika. (12. Bei- trag.) Entom. Biätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 46—49. [5 nn. spp. in: Philonthus, Moeocerus, Quedius, Acylophorus 2.—Philonthus adversarius n. nom. pro Ph. kamerunensis Bernn.] (63, 67.8, 68.7) 34 Ferrante, 6. 57.62 Staphylinidae (62) 1916. Contributo al Catalogo dei caleotteri dell’ Egitto. Seguito. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 157 —116. 35 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (7) 1917. 8. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna Nordamerikas. Entom. Bläti. Jahrg. 13 p. 249—250, [3 nn. spp. in: Quedius, Mycetoporus 2.] (71.2, 75.4, 79.4) 36 Bernhauer, Max. 97.62 Staphylinidae (8) 1917. Neue Arten der Tribus Quediini aus Süd-Amerika. (19. Beitrag zur südamerikanischen Staphylinidenfauna.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 6 p. 84-94. [17 nn. spp. in: Heterothops 1, Leptoparius n. g., Que- dius 9.— Cyrtoquedius n. subg.] (81, 82, 84, 86, 87) 214937 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (801) 1908. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 40 p. 225—251. [29 nn. spp. in: Lispinus, Lispinodes, Rhopalopherus n. g, Trogophloeus 3, Bledius, Stenus, Megalops 4, Palaminus 2, Pınophilus 5, Paederus, Medon 2, Cyrptobius 2, Philonthus, Euvira, Palagria, Gnypeta, Zyras, Dinusina n. g. 2.] + (729.8, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89.6) 38 Bernhauer, Max. à 57.62 Staphylinidae (801) 1916. Zur Staphyliniden-Fauna von Südamerika. (13. Baitrag.) Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 291—301, 2 figg. [13 nn. spp. in: Trogophloeus, Paredaphys n. g., Taenodema 5, Scitalinus, Paederomimus, Selma, Staphylinus, Paraxenopygus, Ctenopeuca n. g.] (72.3, 729.8, 8i, 82, 85, 89) 39 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (80!) 1916/17. Neue Staphyliniden aus Südamerika. (:4. Beitrag.) Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 173—188. [22 nn. spp. in: Stenus 10, Aulissus, Agerodes 6, Thyreocephalus, Sterculia 2, Philonthus, Lampropygius.] — Neue südamerikanische Staphyliniden. (18. Beitrag.) Jahrg. 36 p. 102-116. [23 nn. spp. in: Philonthus 2, Belonuchus 6, Staphylinus +4, Isanopus, Pha- nolinus 5 (2 nn, subspp.), Trigonopselaphus, Styngetus 2 (2 nn. varr.), Bra- chydirus, Lampropygus.] (72.6, 728, 729.7, 81, 82, 84-85, 87, 89) 40 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (801) 1916/17. Neue Staphyliniden aus den columbischen Cordilleren und dem übrigen Südamerika. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg, 12 p. 265--273. [30 nn. spp. in: Cryptobium 2, Baryopsis, Xantholinus, Holisus, Belonuchus 25.] — Jahrg. 13 p. 17—24. [12 nn. spp. in: Belonuchus 5 (1 Fauver i. 1), Brachydirus 4, Plociopterus 2, Xanthopygus (F. i. 1.).] (729.7, 81, 82, 84—86) 214941 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Staphylinidae (801) 1917. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopinen und Steninen. En- tom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 189—195, 291-314, 6 figg. [18 nn. spp. in: Megalops 4, Stenus 14, Perostylus, Stylopodus nn. subgg.—Stenus lucens u. nom. pro St. smaragdinus Benicx non Bern. (72.6, 729.7, 81, 85—86.6, 85, 921) 409 i Coleoptera 214942 Cameron, Malcolm. 57.62 Staphylinidae (82.99) 1917. On a new group of Staphylinidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 123—125. [Arpediopsini. — Arpediopsis n. g. falklandica n. sp.] — Syno- nymic note on the group Arpediopsini. p. 277. [Arpediomimi n. nom. pro Arpediopsini, Arpediomimus pro aa on: CAMERON non GANGLBAUR.] 43 Bernhauer, M. 97.62 Staphylinidae (94) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Moürere’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910—1913. 7. Staphyliniden. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 5, 7 pp, 1fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Edaphus 2, Cryptobrum, Philonthus, Sternotoæus n. g., Atheta.] (94.1,.3,.5) 44 Hajôss, Jözsef. 57.62 Staphylinus : 15 1906. A Staphylinus pubescens biologiäjähoz. — Zur biologie von Staphy- linus pubescens.. Kkovart. Lapok K. 18 p. 175. 45 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Stenus 1917. _ Ueber Sienus cautus Er., vafellus Er. und macrocephalus Aust (cor- sicus Bxnicx), eine bibliographische und Typen-Studie. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 D. 382—841. 46 Blair, K. G. 57.62 Stenus : 15 | 1917. A Note on the Biology of Stenus similis Herssr. Entom. monthly \ Mag. (8) Vol. 3 p. 175. | 47 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Stenus (4) 1920. Ueber Stenus geniculatus Guav., flavipalpis Tous. und subditus nov. spec. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 10—15, 3 figg. [und 1 n. ab.] — Eine ex- plizierende Berichtigung von J. Rousar. p. 123. (43.74,.96, 47.9) 48 Benick, Ludwig. 57.62 Stenus (43.15) | 1916. Stenus glabellus Tous. (subglaber Tuons.), ein für die deutsche Fauna neuer Staphylinide. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 287—241, 2 figg. 214949 Benick, Ludwiz, 57.62 Stenus (45.1) | 1917. Stenus künnemanni nov. spec. aus Italien. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. | 182—184, : fig. 50 Benick, L. 97.62 Stenus (67.1) 1920. Ein neuer Séenus aus Kamerun. (Mit synonymischen Bemerkun- gen.) Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 180—181. [St reticulatus n. sp. — St. adul- terinus n. nom. pro St. gracilis Er. non Stern., St. kumerunensis pro St. tropicus Bern. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 65 non Philippin. Journ. Se. Vol. 19 D.] 51 Ohaus, F. 57.62 Tetracha : 15 191$. Die Lebensweise von Tetrachra (Megacephala) klugi Cup. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 jp, 219—220. 52 Cameron, Malcolm, 57.62 Thinobius (59.5) 1917. Description of a New Species of Thinobius. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 8 p. 155. [Th. marinus.] 53 Jeannel, R. 57.62 Trechus (4) 1916. Deux rouveaux Trechus cavernicoles de France et d’Espagne. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 280—283, 3 figg. [T. sollaudi et breu- ilianus nn. spp.—Trichaphaenops, Paraphaeneps nn. subgg.] (44.46, 46.7) 54 Jeannel, R. 52.62 Trechus (4) 1919. Deux Trechus aveugles nouveaux de l’Europe orientale. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 102--105. [T: macedu et jonescoi nn. spp.] (456, 498) 55 Jeannel, R. 57.62 Troglorites (46.5) 1919. Troglorites breuli, nouveau Carabique cavernicoie des Pyrénées ne Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 273—276, 1 fig. [n. g, n. Sp. 56 Newbery, E. A. 97.62 Trogophloeus (42.1) 1918. Trogophloeus impressus Lac.: An Addition to the List of British Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 198-199. 114957 Cameron, Malcolm. 57.62 Trogophloeus (42.61) 1917. On the Occurrence of Trogophloeus schneider! Ganau». in Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 156—157, Coleoptera | 410 214958 Kessler, Alfred. 57.62 Velleius : 15 1916/17. Ueber den Fang von Velleius dilatatus F. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 261—262. — Velleius dilatatus F. von Enuarp Scuozz. Jahrg. 13 p. 138. — von W, Huszentaar. p. 138. 15.2 59 Hellen, Wolter. 57.63 (47.1) 1920. Tvenne för landet nya skalbaggar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 45 p. 140—141. 60 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 (95) 1917. Coleoptera. Clavicornia et Determestidae. Nova Guinea Res. Ex- péd. scient. neerl. N. Guinea Vol. 5 Zool. p. 565. 61 Bickhardt, H, | 57.63 Acritus (68.7) 1916. Ein neuer myrmecophiler Acritus aus Südafrika. (28. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeriden.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 1—2. [A. megapo- nerae n. Sp] 62 Wheeler, William Morton. 57.63 Antherophagus : 15 1919. The Phoresy of Antherophagus. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey In- stit. Harvard Univ. No. 162.) Psyche Vol. 26 p. 145 —152, 1 fig. 63 Felt, F. P. 57.63 Anthrenus : 15 1919, Anthrenus verbasci Linx., a Seventeen-Year Breeding Record. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 273. 64 Newbery, E. A. 57.63 Atomaria 1917. On the Atomaria versicolor of British Collections. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 126—127. [Probably belong to A. apicalis Er. or E. gibbula Er.] 65 Champion, G. C. 57.63 Atomaria (42.57) 1918. Atomaria zetterstedti Zeit. (= salicicola Kraarz), a British Insect. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 155—156. 214966 Illingworth, J. F. 57.63 Attagenus : 16.5 1917. Notes on Life History of Attagenus plebius Suarr. Proc. Hawaiian 67 Ilingworth, J. F. 07.63 Attagenus : 16.5 1917. A Troublesome Household Pest (Aitagenus plebius Suanr) of Ha- waii. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 340—344, 7 figg. 68 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Axyra (66.3) 1917. Description d’un A:xyra du Dahomey. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 107—108. [4. tibialis n. sp.] | 69 Kemner, N. A. 57.63 Blitophaga : 16.5 1917. Gulhäriga Skinnarbaggen. (Blitophaga opaca L.) Filygkl. No. 62 Centralanst. Jordbruksförsök, entom. Avd. No; 15, 4 pp., 2 figg. 70 Champion, 6. C. 57.63 Byrrhus : 13.41 1917/18. The Larva of Byrrhus pilula L. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 269—270, 1 fig. — Further notes on the larva of Byrrhus pilula L. by Micuaer, G. L. Perxins. (3) Vol. 4 p. 15—16. 71 Beitter, Edm. 57.63 Byrrhus (51.6) 1916. Byrrhus nigrosignum n. sp. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 221. 72 Beitter, Edm. 57.63 Cephennium (43.69) 1918. Zwei neue Cephenniumarten aus der Herzegowina. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 157—158. [C. matronulum und jablanicense.] 73 Müller, Josef. 57.63 Ceuthmonocharis (43.67) 1919. Ueber Ceuthmonocharis robici Geue. und freyeri L. Mırr. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 197—199 [C. r. staudacheri n. subsp.] 74 Britten, H. 57.63 Choleva (42) 1918. Choleva angustata F. and its Allies. Entom. montnly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 30-33, 5 figg. [Ch. glauca n. sp.] (41.38, 42.23,.57,.85) 214975 Arrow, 6. 57.63 Circopes (67.1) 1916. Circopes philippinensis Grouv. [Col. Nitidulidae], rectification. Bull. Soc. entom. France p. 226. [Provient du Cameroun, pas des Philippines.] 411 Coleoptera 214976 Scott, Hugh. 97.63 Corylophidae (69.6) 1917. Corylophidae from the Seychelles and Rangoon. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 1-33, 5 pls. [11 nn. spp. in: Sacium 4, Arthrolips, Meioderus, Sericoderus, Daubania u. g., Lewisium, Rhypobius, Orthoperus.] 77 Champion, 6. C. 57.65 Cryptophagus : 15.2 1918. Note on the habits of Cryptophagus populi Paye. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 207—208. [Associated with Colletes and Dasypoda.] 78 Donisthrope, H. St. J. 57.63 Cryptophagus (42.1) 1918. Cryptophagus lövendali Ganazsauer in Richmond Park. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 14—15. 79 Wickham, H. F. 57.63 Cylidrella (78.8) 1916. A New Brachyelytrous Trogositid Beetle from Colorado. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 146-148. [Cylidrella championi n. sp.) 80 Illingworth, J. F. 57.63 Dermestes : 15.3 1916. Notes on Life History of Dermestes cadaverinus Far. Proc. Ha- waiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 255—257. 81 Illingworth, J. F. 57.63 Dermestes : 16.5 1918. The Leather Beetle (Dermestes vulpinus Far.), a Troublesome Pest of Dried Fish in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p 375 —378. 82 Frennet, L. 57.63 Dryopidae (493) 1920. Les Dryopides de Belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 120—127, 13 figg. 83 Sharp, D. 57.63 Dryops (42) 1919. On the British Species of Dryops. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. > p. 16-79. (42,21,.27,.59,.61,.72) 84 Sahlberg, John. | 57.63 Eicolyctus 1919. Vad är O Reha brunneus Gyun? Entom. Tidsk. Ärg. 40 p. 1—8. |[Eicolyetus n. g. pro C. b.] 214985 Kleine, R. 57.63 Epuraea :° 15.3 1917. ÆEpuraca depressa an Falcaria rivini. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 235. 86 Allen, J. W. 57.63 Epuraea (42.97) 1919. Epuraea distincta Grimmer, a Beetle New to Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 128. 87 Thery, Andre. 67.63 Eretmotus (64) 1917. Description d’un Zretmotus nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 332—333. [Z. peyerimhoffi n. sp.) 88 Auzat, V. 57.63 Gnathoncus (44) 1917. Revision des Gnathoncus français. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 206—208. 89 Auzat, V. 57.63 Gnathoncus (44.57) 1917. Description d’un nouveau Gnathoncus de France. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1917 p. 184—185, : fig. [G. buyssoni n. sp. 90 Blair, K. G. 57.63 Henoticus (42.1) 1920. Henoticus germanicus Rerrr. in London. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 279. 91 Martin, J. C. 57.63 Hetaerius (73) 1920. Notes on the Genus Hetaerius and Descriptions of three New Species. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 222—225, 245—248. [3 nn. spp.] (74.4,.6, 77.1, 78.7,.9, 79.4,.6,.7) 92 Claycomb, 6. B. 57.63 Heterocerus : 15 19. Popular and Practical Entomology, Notes on the Habits” of Hete- rocerus Beetles. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 25, 1 pl. [H. pallidus and H. tristis.] — Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 pe 107—108. 93 Bickhardt, H. 57.63 Hister (496) 1918. Eine bemerkenswerte paläarktische Histerform. Ein Beitrag zum Kapitel der Arten-Macherei. (33. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeriden.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 62—63. [H. solskyi Scam.] 214994 Desbordes, H. 97.63 Hister (54) 1919. Description d’un nouvel Hister de l'Inde. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 89—90. [H. indiicola n. sp.] (54.4,.6) Coleoptera 412 214995 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Hister (67.2) 1916. Description d’un Hister nouveau du sous-genre Peranus Lew. (Atho- lister Rerrr.) et tableau des espèces de ce sous-genre. Bull. Soc. entom, France 1916 p. 123—125. [H. chariensis n. sp.] 96 Wasmann, E. 57.63 Histeridae 1918. Die Histeridae der Genera Insectorum von Heinrica Bickxarpr. (224. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 37—41. 97 Lewis, George. 97.63 Histeridae 1919. On the Taxonomy of the Histeridae. Entom, monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 173-174. 98 Bickhardt, H. 57.63 Histeridae : 07 (43.58) 1917. Die Histeriden der Gernine’schen Insektensammlung im Naturhi- storischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. (Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der En- tomoiogie.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 18 p. 256-261. 214999 Bickhardt, H. 87.63 Histeridae : 15 1916. Biologische Notizen über paläarktische Histeriden. (29. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeriden.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 49—54. 215000 Auzat, V. 97.63 Histeridae (44) 1919. Captures de Gnathoncus buyssoni Auz. et Hololepta plana Fuzssı. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 159. (44.32,.35,.35,.46) 01 Bickhardt, H. 57.63 Histeridae (6) 1919. Die Histerini des aethiopischen Faunengebiets. Abh. Ber, 53 Ver. Nat. Cassel p. 1—158, 2 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Contipus, Hister 7, Zabromorphus, Atholus.] (63, 64, 66.3,.4,.7,9—67.8, 68.2,.4,.7—69) 02 Normand, H, 57.63 Histeridae (61.1) 1919. Nouveaux Coléoptères de la faune tunisienne. (lle note.) Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 221—225, 5 fig. [2 nn. spp. in: ÆEpieropsis n. g., Onthophilus.] 215003 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Histeridae (67.5) 1917. Liste des Histeridae secdités en 1917 par M. L. Bureron au Congo belge central, à Kindu (Maniéma), et description des espèces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 211—215. [5 nn. spp. in: Hololapta 2, Apobletes, Pachycraerus, Hister.] 04 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Histeridae (67.5) 1919. Liste d’Histeridae récoltés en 1917, 1918 et :919 par M. L. Bur- &son au Congo belge. Avec description d’un genre nouveau et d’especes nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 183—188, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Apobletodes n. g., Carcinops, Abraeus.] 05 Germain. 57.65 Histeridae (71.5) 1916/17. Histéridés capturés à Ottawa et dans les environs. Natural. canad. Vol. 42 p. 105—105. — Histérides d'Ottawa et des environs. Vol. 43 p. 125 —128, 136—138. 06 Carnochan, F. G. 57.63 Histeridae (73) 1917. Hololeptinae of the United States. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 134) Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 367 — 899, 14 pls. [4 nn. spp. in Hololepta (2 nn. subspp., 3 nn. varr.) — Ilio- tona n.g. pro H. cacti.] (74.7, 75.4,.5, 76.3,.4, 77.3,.4, 78.1,.9, 79.1,.2,.4,.7) 07 Bickhardt, H. 57.63 Histeridae (95) 1918. Neue Histeriden aus dem Ungarischen National-Museum und Be- merkungen zu bekannten Arten. (35. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeri- den.) Ann. Mns. nation. hungar. Vol. 16 p. 283—297. [8 nn. spp. in: Teretriosoma, Epiechinus 2, Bacanius, Acritus 2, Nicotikis, Hister.] (63, 67.8, 729.7) 08 Auzat, V. 57.63 Hololepta (44.36) 1919. Notes sur les variétés et la nomenclature d’Hololepta plana. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 199—200. [2 nn. varr] 215009 en: J. R. Le B. 57.63 Laemotmetus (42.71) 1920. An Oriental Cucujid beetle in Cheshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 46. [Laemotmetus rhizophagoides.] 413 Coleoptera 215010 Ferris, 6. F. 57.63 Leptinillus (79.4) 1918. An Apparently New Species of Leptinillus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 125—128, 3 fieg. [L. aplodontiae.] 11 Sainte-Claire Deville, J. 57.63 Limnius (44.89) 1919. Description d’un Limnius nouveau de France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 263—264. [L. thermarius n. sp.] 12 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Litargus (67.5) 1916. Description d’un Zitargus nouveau d’Afrique Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 273—280. [L. nobilis n. sp.] 13 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Loberus (932) 1917. Description d’un Loberus nouveau, de Nouyeile Calédonie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 122—123. [L. fauveli n. sp.] 14 Newberry, E. A. 57.63 Lophocateres (42.1) 1918. Lophocateres pusillus Kiue, a cosmopolitan beetle, in London. En- tom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 162—163. 15 Wolff, Max, und Anton Krausse. 57.63 Meligethes : 16.1 1920. Bemerkungen über den Rapsglanzkäfer und seine angebliche Schädlichkeit. Entom. Rundschau Jahrg. 37 p. 30—31. [Meligethes aeneus ist Blütenbestäuber, nicht Zerstörer.] 16 Kemner, N. A. 57.63 Meligethes : 16.5 1917. Rapsbasgen. Meligethes aeneus F. (= brassicae, Reırr.) Flygbl. No. 64 Centralanst. Jordbruksförsök. entom. Avd. No. 17, 4 pp. 3 figg. 7 Pasquet, Oct. 57.63 Necrophorus (4) 1916. Necrophores d'Europe et du Caucase. Insecta Ann. 6 p. 120—183, 23 fige. [2 nn. varr. (43.44, 44.11,.12,.14,.15,.17,.18,.21—.28,.32—.36,.39,.42, 43,.48,.51,.52,.54,.57 — .59,.63,.65,.76—.78,.83,.84,.86,.87,.89,.91—.95,.98,.99, 45.99, 47.9) 215018 Angell, John W. 57.63 Necrophorus (7) 1920. Necrophorus guttula Morscn and its color Varieties. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 89—90. [n. var. van dykei.] 19 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Nitidulidae (91.4) 1916/17. Nitidulidae (Coléoptères) des îles Philippines recoltés par C. F. Baker, II. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 313—316. [2 nn. spp. in: Stelidota, Amystrops.| — Vol. 12 p. 329-344. [9 nn. spp. in: Brachype- plus 3, Ithyphenes, Platynema, Amystrops, Carpophilus 2, Prometopia.] 20 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Orphinium (8) 1916. Description d’un Orphinium Lew. nouveau et tableau des espèces de ce genre. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 200—202. [O. dentifrons n: sp.] (81, 84, 86, 88) 21 van Eecke, R. ; 57.63 Oryzaephilus : 16.5 1917. Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. schadelijk voor bloembollen. Entom. Berichten D. 4 p. 840. 22 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.63 Ostomidae (7) 1918. On some Genera and Species of the Family Ostomidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 190—201. [10 nn. spp. in: Nemosoma, Cor- ticotomus (1 n. var.), Stenodema n. g., Airora, Temnochila 3, Tenebroides 2, Ostoma.) (71.9, 75.6, 76.1,.4, 79.1,.4) 23 Desbordes, H. 97.63 Pachylopus (61) 1918. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Pachylopus d'Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 58—5% [P. chobauti.] — Le Pachylopus cho- bauti Dess. en Tunisie. p. 101—102. (61.2, 65) 24 Champion, 6. C. 57.63 Pediacus : 16.5 1917. Pediacus depressus Hersst, a Species frequenting Pines in the Woking District. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 173-171. 25 Britten, H. 57.63 Ptilium (42.%5) 1917. A new British species of Ptilium (Coleoptera). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 126, 3 figg. [P. asperum.] 215026 Fagniez, Ch. 57.63 Royerella (44.9) 1917. Etude sur les Royerella Jzans. du Dauphiné. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 90-93. [R. argodi n. sp. 4 nn. subspp.] (44.98,.99) hs _ Coieoptera 414 215027 Auzat, V. 57.63 Saprinus 1916. Saprinus calatravensis La Furnte. Rectification syponymique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 196—198. [Espèce propre.] 28 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Saprinus 1916. Sur les Saprinus (Hypocaccus) radiosus Mars. et interpunctatus Scaupr. Bull. Soc. entom. France p. 230—231. |S. radiosus Mars. = S. rugifrons Payx. Caractères pas encore signalés de S. interpunctatus.] 29 Bickhardt, H. 57.63 Saprinus 1917. Saprinus laetus Er. (Zugleich ein Kapitel über den Wert mancher Fundortangaben.) (32. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeriden.) Entom. 30 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Saprinus 1918. Synonymie du Saprinus (Pachylopus) chobauti Drse. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1918 p. 157—158. [S. syphax.] 31 Desbordes, H. 57. 63 Saprinus (22 : 26.3) 1919. Le Saprinus (Euspilotus) gnathoncoides Brcxu. à l’île de Saint-Hélène. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 99. 32 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Saprinus (66.3) 1917. Description de deux Saprinus nouveaux du Haut-Sénégal. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 325—326. [S. nodieri et supmetallescens nn. spp.] 33 Auzat, V. 57.63 Saprinus (94.2) 1916. Description d’un Saprinus nouveau d'Australie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 132—133, 1 fig. [S. desbordesi n. sp.] 34 Csiki, Ernö. 57.63 Scaphidiidae (403) 1908. Catalogus Scaphidiidarum. Rovart. Lapok. K. 15 p. 151—174. (43.69, 44, 45.8—.99, 46, 47.9, 51.2, 52, 54.1,.87, 57.1,.6,.9, 59.19, 63, 65. 66.7, 67.8, 68.2,.7, 69, 72, 728, 729.1,.3, 74.8, 75.6,.7,.9, 76.4,.7, 77.2.7, 73,8, 79.1,.4, 81, 85, 55, 86, 87, 88, 91.1—.4, 921, 931, 932, 94.3,.5, 95) 215035 Achard, Julien. 57.63 Scaphidiidae (502) 1920. Notes sur les Scaphidiidae de la faune indo-malaise. Ann. Soe. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 123—136. [14 nn. spp. in: Scaphidium 2, Ypa- ricum n.g., Cyparium, Amalocera, Scaphosoma 2 (1 n. var.), Morphoscapha n. 8. 6, Toxidium. 2 nn. varr. in: Diatelium, Pseudoscaphosoma.] (51.3, 54.1,.8, 59.1,.19,.4,.5,.9, 91.1, 2, 921, 922, 95) 36 Achard, Julien. 2. 63 ‘Scaphidiidae (59) 1920. Les Scaphidiides de la Péninsule de Malacca. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 47—58. [5 nn. spp. in: Scaphidium 4, Scaphosoma.] — Note sur divers Scaphidiides, par M. Pic. p. 188—189. eng de quelques espèces. — Scaphidium feai n. sp.] (59.1,.5) 37 Heller, K. M. 57.63 Scaphidiidae (91.4) 1917. Scaphidiidae von den Philippinen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 86 p. 41—50, 3 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Scaphidium 3, Scaphosoma 3, Arach- noscaphula n. g., Tuxidum.] 38 Achard, Julien. 57.63 Scaphidium (94.4) 1916. Descriptions de trois nouveaux Scaphidium d'Australie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 87—89. [3 nn. spp.] 39 Harwood, Philip. 57.63 Scaphium (42.23) 1918. Scaphium immaculatum Ouıy. an Additional Genus and Species to our List of British Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 131 —132. 40 Maire, René. 57.63 Scaphosoma 1916. Sur une nouvelle Laboulbéniale parasite des Scaphidiidae. Bull. scient. France Belgique (7) T. 49 p. 290 — 296, 1 fig. [Rickia peyerimhoff n. sp. sur Scaphosoma agaricinum et flavonotatum à Alger.] 41 Goe, Milton T. 57.63 Silpha : 15 1919. Life History and Habits of Silpha inaequalis Fas. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 253—255. 15.3,.6 215042 Cooley, R. A. 57.63 Silpha : 16.5 1917. The Spinach Carrion-Beetle. Silpha bituberosa Lxc. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 94—102, 1 pl. 415 Coleoptera 215043 Margier, E. 57.63 Silphidae (44.83) 1920. Les Bathysciinae du département du Gard. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 41 p. 160—163. 44 Bolivar y Pieltain, Cändido. 57.63 Speocharis (46.3) 1911. Observaciones sobre algunas cuevas del Norte de España y des- cripciön de una nueva especie de Speocharis. Bol. Soc. espaü. Hist. nat. T. 11 p. 567-571, 2 figg. [Sp. mierensis n. sp] 45 Leng, Charles W. 57.63 Syncalypta (74) 1917. Syncalypta spinosa in North America. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 128—129, 1 fig. (74.6,.7) 46 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Telephanus (729.2) 1916. Descriptions de deux Telephanus de la Jamaïque. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1916 p. 84—87. [T. strictus et cribratus nn. spp.] 47 Day, F. H. 57.63 Thalycra (42.85) 1919. Thalycra sericea in Cumberland. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 16. | 48 Weiss, Harry B. 57.68 Thymalus : 15 1920. Notes on Thymalus fulgidus Er, and Its Fungus Hosts in New Jersey. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 1—3. 49 Donisthorpe, Horace. 57.63 Tiresias : 15 1920. Tiresias serra F. and its Larva. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 206—209. 15.2,3 . 50 Joy, Norman H. 97.63 Tiresias : 15.2 1920. A curious habit of the larva of Tiresias serra F. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 163. [Lives among cobwebs.] 51 Wradatsch, &. 57.63 Trinodes : 15.2 1917. Etwas Neues über Trinodes hirtus F. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 290-291. 215052 Arrow, Gilbert J: 57.63 Trogoderma (54.7) 1917. The Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma khapara, sp. n.), an Indian Grain- pest. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 19 p. 481—482. — Note on Trogo- derma khapra Arrow, a recently described Dermestid granary pest, by James J. Warxer. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 165. [Found in Kent.] 53 Desbordes, H. 57.63 Xestipyge (56.4) 1919. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Xestipyge d'Asie Mineure. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 206—207. [X. puncticulata.] 54 Marcus, Ernst. 57.64 : 15.2 1920. Waldverbreitung koprophager Lamellicornier in Afrika. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1919 p. 382—394. 55 Forbes, Stephen A. 97.64 : 16.5 1916. The Influence of Trees and Crops on Injury by White-Grubs. Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Illinois No. 187 p. 261—263. 56 Houlbert, C., et F. Monnot. 57.64 (44) 1915. Faune entomologique armoricaine. T. 2. Coléoptères Lamellicor- nes. 43e famille: Platycérides. 44e famille: Scarabaeides. Trarv. scient. Univ. Rennes T. 13, VI, 199 pp., 217 figg. [Catalogue des Scarabaeides gallo-rhénans. par E. M., C. H., et L. Barıs.] (44.11—.18,.21,.23) 57 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 (925) 1916. On the Lamellicorn Coleoptera of Larat Island. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 492—498. 15 nn. spp. in: Onthophagus, Idiapogonia n. g., Lepidoderma, Glycyphana, Clinteria.—1 n. var. in Bolboceras.] 58 Walsh, Geo. B. 57.64 Anomala : 12,98 1916. Teratology of Anomala aenea De G. (frischi Fas.). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 117. 215059 Ohaus, F. 57.64 Anomala (504) 1916. XVIII. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 77 p. 59—113, 60 figg. [81 nn. spp. — 1 n. subsp. — 4 nn. varr. in Anomala.] (59.5, 91.1—.3, 921—925, 934, 936, 95) Coleoptera 416 215060 Schmidt, Adolf. 57.64 Aphodiidae (5) 1917. Namensänderungen und Beschreibung neuer Aphodiiden. (Col.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 1 p. 95—116, 6 figg. [17 nn. : Odon- tolochus, Rhyparus 2, Psammobius, Ataenius 5, Aphodius 8 (3 nn. varr.). — Erytodes n. subg. — Aphodius angulatulus n. nom. pro A. angulatus Scauivr non A. scrutator var. angulatus laLra Torre, À. biguttatus var. discoloratus pro A. b. var. apicalis Scairsx. non À. luridus var, apicalis Murs., A. fime- tarius var. bicoloratus pro A. f. var. bicolor Murs. non A. bicolor Say, A. montivagus var. cingulatus pro A. m. var, brunneus ScHiLsk. non À. brun- neus Tuuns., A. tenebricosus pro A. caminarius Reırr. non A. depressus var. caminarius FaLverm., A. spadix pro A. concolor Har. non A. granarius var. concolor Murs., A. copulatus pro A. connexus Kiua non A. luridus var. con- nexus Murs., A. costatellus pro A. costulatus Reırr. non Farrm., À. cribratu- lus pro A. cribratus Lec. non A. granarius var. cribratus Murs., À. obscurus var. purpureus pro A. 0. var. dichrous ReıtT. non A. scybalarius var. dich- rous SCHMIDT, A. mixtus var. commaculatus pro A. m. var. discus Scamipr non A. discus Wiepeu., A. plagiatus var. discoides pro A. p. var. discus Rærrr. no: A. discus WiepEm., A. suffertus pro A. dilatatus Reıcar et Saurcr non A.d. SCHMIDT, A. alienus pro A. fallax Har. non A. f. Murs, À. biguttatus var. petulans pro A. 6. var. fallax ScuiıLsk. non A. fallax Muns., A. maculatus var. brevijascia pro A. m. var. fusciatus Darra Torre non A, fasciatus F., A. nemoralis var. ferruginus pro À. n. var. ferrugineus ScuiLsk. non A, fer- rugineus Murs., A. atratellus pro A. fimicola Rricux et Saurcy non A. fimi- cola GEBLER, A. häemorrhoidalis var. crudus pro A. h. var. rubidus Mus. non A. rubidus OLıv., A. fucosus pro À. rubidus Lxc. non Orıv., À. tragicus pro A. humeralis Lxc. non À. haemorrhoidalis var. humeralis Muus., A. depressus var. koloeanus pro A. depressus var. humeralis Korse non A. haemorrhoidalis var. humeralis Murs., A. luridus var. pellidus pro À. 1. var. lateralis Mus. non A. lateralis BRruLLÉ, À. erraticus var. circumclusus pro À. erraticus var. li- neatus Darra Torre non À. lineatus Wirprum., A. peculiosus pro A. longitar- sis Fazz non Har., A. longevittatus pro À. luridipennis SAHLBERG non Murs., A. depressus var. circumlineatus pro A. depressus var. murginatus Dazza Torzr non A. marginatus Fiscuer, A. intactus pro A. monticola Mus. non A. fime- tarius var. monticola Hrer, A. foetens var. obscuriellus pro A. f. var. nigri- collis Mus. non A. scrutator var. nigricollis Muzs., A. langyidulus pro A. obsoletus WATERH. non F., A. maculatus var. involutus pro A. m. var. obsoletus Darrı Torre non A. obsoletus F., A. noxius pro A. orophilus Muıs. et Rey non CHarp., À. ater var. mediocris pro 4. ater var. pusillus Marsu. non Hasr,, A. ignotus pro A. quisquilius Rotu non Scarank., A. suturinigra pro À. su- turalis Repr. non A. granarius var. Suturalis Farpxru., A. finitimus pro A. terminatus Mars. non Har., A. granarius var. Signatus pro À. g. var. thora- cicus Dazza Torre non A. thoracicus Fıscner, A. mixtus var. protectus pro A. m. var. unicolor Scuitse. non A. unicolor Oriv., À. variipennis pro À. varie- gatus Morsca non À. luridus var. variegatus Hpsr., À. lineolatus var. virgatus pro À. L. var. vittatus Mus. non A. vittatus Sax, Rhyssemus sculptipennis pro Eh. reitteri CrLouër non Kosuunt, Rh. crispus pro Rh. caelatus Périxa non Lec., Platyderides pro Platyderus Schmipr non Srerxens, Stenobronchus pro Stenothorax Scauipr non Scupper, Apsteiniella pro Jacobsonia KosHanr non Bertese, Odontolechus pro Odontoderus CLouör non Scuwarz.] (51.1,.3,.7, 54.7, 57.6, 67.1,8, 729.4, 81, 82, 86,.6, 89, 921, 96.1) 61 Cabanès, G. 57.64 Aphodius : 15 1920. Contribution à l’Etuda de la Biologie de l’Aphodius bonnairei Reırr. (cuniculorum Mayer). Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 41 p. 137 —142. 15.2,.4 62 Roubal, Jan. 57.64 Aphodius (47.9) 1918. Aphodius kluchoris sp. n. m. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 53 p. 7. 63 Théry, A. 57.64 Aphodius (64) 1918. Description d'un Aphodius nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 144—145. [4. Goiteli n. sp. 215064 Garnett, Richard T. 57.64 Aphodius (71.1) 1920. A New Aphodius from British Columbia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 139—141. [A. canadensis n. sp. 417 Coleoptera | 215065 Osborn, H. T. 97.64 Apterocyclns (96.9) 1920. A Note on Apterocyclus. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 875—376. 66 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Bombodes (59.9) 1916. Note rectificative sur Bombodes vitalisi Bovreoıs et description d’une nouvelle espèce de Bombodes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 254—955. [B. nigellus n. sp.] 67 Heller, K. M. | 57.64 Cantholethrus (85) 1918. Cantholethrus peruvianus sp. n. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 74—77, 1 fig. 68 Bedel, L. 97.64 Cetonia 1916. Notes sur le Cetonia delagrangei Boucarp et ses synonymes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 218—220. 69 Bordas, L. 57.64 Cetonia : 14.61 1917. Morphologie et contenu des tubes de Malpighi de quelques Ce- toninae. Insecta Ann. 7 p. 25—27, 2 figg. 70 Blair, K. 6. 97.64 Cetonia : 15 1919. Notes on Cetonia aurata. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 200 —203. [Life-history.] 71 Everts, J. 6. 87.64 Cetonia (492) 1918. Cetonia (Potosia) cuprea Fare. in Nederland. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 61 Versl. p. II—VY. 72 Curti, M. 57.64 Cetonia (51.1) 1914. Cetonia (Eucetonia) kolbei nov. spec. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (125)—(126), 1 fig. 73 Janson, Oliver E. 57.64 Cetonidae 1917. Descriptions of two new species of Cetoniidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 8 p. 5—6, 1 fig. [Mycteristes tibetanus and Ischiopsopha vio- lacea nn. spp.] (51.5, 95) 1215074 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Cetonidae (59) | 1916/17. Diagnoses préliminaires de Cétonides nouveaux recueillis par M. R. Vırarıs pe Sarvaza en Indo-Chine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 pP» 297—299. [6 nn. spp. in : Macronota 2, Rhomborrhina, Protaetia, Thauma- stopeus, Trichius.] — 2e note. 1917 p. 68—70. [7 nn. spp. in: Macronota 2, Ingrisma, Rhomborrhina 3, Cetonia 2, Protaetia.] — 3e note. p. 231—9238. [4 nn. spp. in: Bombodes, Clinteria, Glycyphana, Trichius.] (59.4,.9) 75 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Cetonidae (59) 1917. Description d’un genre nouveau et de trois espèces nouvelles de Cétonides de l’Indo-Chine française. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 365—368. [3 nn. spp. in: Cosmiorrhina, Ingrisma, Coryphocera. (59.4,.9) 76 Ponillaude, I. 87.64 Cetonidae (59.9) 1916. Trigonophorus riaulti Fam. et Trigonophorinus lemeei Pıuoe. Insecta Ann. 6 pP» 184—185, 2 figg. 5 77 Moser, J. 57.64 Cetonidae (6) 1916/18. XV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jaürg. 77 p. 139—157. [18 nn. spp. in: Daedycorhina, Taurhina, Ingrisma, Trichocephala n. g., Callophylla n. 8., Cosmiophaena, Discopeltis 2, Porphyro- nota, Diplognatha, Pseudinca, Genuchus, Heterogenius, Incala, Calometopus, Dasyvalgus, Synistovalgus, Stenovalgus.] — Jahrg. 79 p- 168—190. [12 nn. spp. in: Smicorhina, Coryphocera, Gymnetis 3, Macronota, Protaetia 3, Gly- cosia, Pachnoda 3, Sisyraphora, Leucocelis, Anthracophorides n. g., Diplo- gnatha, Pseudopilinurgus n. g., Coenochilus 2, Clastocnemis, Synistovalgus.] (52.9, 59.8, 63, 67.1,.2,.3,.5,.8, 81, 84, 86.6, 91.4, 921) 78 Moser, J. 57.64 Cetonidae (67) 1916. Einige neue afrikanische Cetoniden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 332—338. [6 nn. spp. in: Dymusia 2, Pachnoda 2, Podopholis n. g., Coenochilus.] (67.1,.2) | 15079 Ondiej, Aug. 97.64 Cetonidae (6) 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. S3 A Heft 4 p. 136—142, 6 fige. [Pachnoda oberländeri n. sp.—3 nn. varr. in : Por- Phyronota, Charadronota 2.] (66.7, 67.1,.5,.6) Bibliogr. Zeei. XXX XII. 1920 27 Coleoptera 418 215080 Pouillaude, I. 57.64 Cetonidae (69) 1915. Diagnoses de quelques Cétonides de Madagascar. Insecta Ann. 5 p. 156—161. [14 nn. spp. in: Euchroea, Heterophana, Tetraodorrhina 2, Pseudepixanthıs, Liostraca, Heterosoma, Euchilia, Anochilia, Coptomia 5] 81 Bourgoin, A. EYE 64 Cetonidae {69) 1917. Description du mâle d’Euchroea spininasuta Fıırm. et de deux autres Cétonides nouveaux de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 246—249. [Heterophana mira et Coptomia consobrina nn. spp.] 82 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Cetonidae (69) 1919. Description d’un genre nouveau et de trois espèces nouvelles de Cétonides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 218—221. [3 nn. spp. in: Macronota, Parachilis, Heterocranus n. g.] (59.8) 83 Quellet, Jos. 57.64 Chalepus : 15.3 1919. Note on Chalepus nervosa Panz. and its Probable Food Plant. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 118—119. 84 Culbertson, Glenn. 57.64 Chalepus : 16.5 1915. A New Enemy to the Black Locust. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1914 p. 185—186. [Chalepus dorsalis.] 85 Nicolay, Alan S., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.64 Chalepus : 16.5 1918. Notes on Chalepus rubra We»., in New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 398—400, 1 pl. .9) 86 Kriesche, R. 57.64 Cheirotonus (59.5) 1919. Eine neue Euchirine, Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 77-78. [Cheirotonus peracanus n. sp.] 37 Fahre, J. H. 57.64 Copris : 15.6 1912. Brutpflege bei Mistkäfern. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 53 p. 289 — 297, 3 figg. [Aus dem Französischen übersetzt.] 88 Clement, A. L. 57.64 Copris : 15.6 1918. Les pilules des Copris. Bull. Soc. nation. Acclimat. France Ann. 65 p. 79—81. 215089 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Coptomia (69) 1918. Description de trois Coptomia nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 134—137. [3 nn. spp.] 90 Woodruff, Lewis B. 57.64 Cremastochilus : 15.2 1918. A Note on Cremastochilus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 110-111. [Flying round ant-nests and being seized by the ants.] 91 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Diceros (5) 1917. Description de deux Diceros nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 277—279. [D. nigrocyaneus et inermiceps nn. spp.] (51.3, 59.9) 92 Minck, Paul. 57.64 Dynastidae 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastiden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 2 p. 37—67, 21 figg. [Rykanoryctes, Rykanes nn. subgg. — Phylo- genie. — Entwicklung der Gliedmassen.] 93 Minck, Paul. 57.64 Dynastidae (502) 1920. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastiden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 8 p. 194—221, 26 figg. [7 nn. spp. in Xylotrupes (1 n. subsp.).— Try- poxylus n. g. pro Xylotrupes partim.] 51.2, 54.1,.2,.6,.8, 59.3,.8,.9, 91.1, 922, 929, 934, 936, 95) 94 Schultze, Arnold. 57.64 Dynastidae (67.1) 1917. Ueber die in den Steppen und Urwaldungen Westafrikas während der Jahre 1903/04 sowie 1905|06 von mir beobachteten Melitophilen. Ein Verzeichnis mit biologisch-zoogeographischen Anmerkungen. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 2 p. 50-67, 1 Taf. 15 95 Thielcke, Paul. 57.64 Geotrupes : 15 1920. Etwas vom Rosskäfer (Geotrupes stercorarius L.). Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 29 p. 145—146. [Verhalten vor einem Erdbeben.] 96 Oudemans, A. C. 57.64 Geotrupes : 15.2 1920. Een Geotrupes-leger. Entom. Berichten D. 5 p. 258—259. [Massen- hattes Vorkommen von Geotrupes.] 215097 Bedel, L. 57.64 Gnorimus (65) 1919. Notes sur l’espèce de Gnorimus qui se trouve en Algérie. Bull. Soc. entum. France 1919 p. 247—248. [G. baborensis n. sp.] 419 Coleoptera 215098 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Gymnetis (81) 1916. Description de deux Gymnetis nouveaux du Brésil. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 198—200. [G. Zuctuosa et rugosa nn. spp.] 215099 Zirk. 57.64 Heptaulacus (47.5) 1917. Zeichnungsvariabilität bei Heptaulacus sus Herpsr. Entom. Blätt. D . Jahrg. 13 p. 136—137. 215100 Griffini, Achille. 57.64 Homoderus (6) 1919. Studi sui Lucanidi. VI. Sul genere Homoderus e specialmente sull’ A. mellyi Parr. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Milano Vol. 58 p. 188-215, 2 fige. (66.9—67.2,.5} 01 Rousseau. 57.64 Hoplia (493) 1919. Hoplia graminicola, espèce nouvelle pour la faune belge. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 59 p. 114. 02 Fisher, W. S. 57.64 Hoplia {75.9) 1918. A New Hoplia from Florida. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 140 —142, [Æ. floridana n. sp. 03 Hayes, William P. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 15 1919. The Life-Cycle of Lachnosterna lanceolata Say. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansae State Agric. Coll. No. 35.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p» | 109—117, 2 fige. 04 Hayes, William P. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 15 1920. The Life Histories of some Kansas Lachnosterna. (Contrib. No. 39 entom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p» 303—318, 2 figg. 1 05 Howard, L. 0. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 16.1 1916. Lachnosterna Larvae as a Possible Food Supply. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 389-392. 21516. , . 87.64 Lachnosterna : 16.5 1915. White Grub Injury in 1915. 15th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 179—181, 2 pls. 07 Davis, John J. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 16.5 1916. A Progress Report on White Grub Investigations. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol: 9 p. 261—981, 3 pls. 08 Forbes, Stephen A. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 16.5 1916. The Influence of Trees and Crops on Injury by White-Grubs. 29th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 66—70. 09 Sanders, J. G., and $. B. Fracker. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 165 1916. Lachnosterna Records in Wisconsin. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 253—261, 3 figg. (77.5) 10 Illingworth, J. F. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 16.5 1919. Investigation of Control Measures for White Grubs Affecting Sugar Cane in Queensland. Journ. econ. Entem. Vol. 12 p. 451-455. 11 Vickert, R. A., and T. S. Wilson. 57.64 Lachnosterna : 16.5 ® 1919. Observations on Wingless May Beetles. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 238—247, 2 pls. 12 Hayes, Wm. P. 57.64 Ligyrus : 16.5 1917. Studies on the Life-history of Ligyrus gibbosus Dee. (Contrib. en- tom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll. No. 25.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 253—261, 1 pl. 13 Houlbert, C. 57.64 Lucanidae 1915. Note sur le Dorcus derelictus Parry, comme type d’un nouveau genre (Durelius) de la tribu des Cladognathinae. Insecta Ann. 5 p. 89— 98, 3 figg. [Auteur: Orerraër.] 14 Oberthür, R., et C. Houlbert. 57.64 Lucanidae (922) 1914. Catalogue systématique des Lucanides considérés comme ayant été trouvés dans l’île de Java. Insecta Ann. 4 p. 231—236. 15 Schneider, Wilh. 57.64 Lucanus : 15.6 1916. Beobachtungen am Hirschkäfer. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 31 p. 575 — 576. 15116 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.64 Macrodactylus : 11.45 1916. The Rose Beetle Poisonous to Young Birds. Auk N. S. Vol. 38 D. 205—206. Coleoptera 420 215117 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Macronota (5) 1916. Description de trois Macronota nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 133—137, 2 figg. (51.2, 59.9, 921) 18 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Macronota (5) 1917. Trois espèces nouvelles de Macronota. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 321—325. (51.3, 59.4) 19 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Macronota (59.9) 1918. Notes sur Macronota flavofasciata Moser et sur les espèces voisines. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 56—57. 20 re 57.64 Melolontha : 11.56 1916. Ein zwittergestaltiger Maikäfer. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 166—167, 1 fig. 21 Fleischer, A. 57.64 Melolontha : 11.58 1916. Zur Bastardierung der Melolontha-Arten. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 172. 22 Fleischer, A. 57.64 Melolontha : 12.98 1916. Eine Missbildung von Melolontha pectoralis Germ. . Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 188. [An einem Bein 3 Schienen und 3 Tarsenreihen.] 23 Hetschko, Alfred. 57.64 Melolontha : 14.61 1917. Ueber die Malpighischen Gefässe der Larve von Melolontha vul- garis L. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 293—295. 24 Musy, M. 57.64 Melolontha : 15.6 1916. Curieuses mœurs du hanneton. Bull. Soc. fribourg. Sc. nat. Vol. | 23 p. 29—30. [Accouplement.] 25 Silvan, C. B. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1909. Der „Engerling* als Waldverderber. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 194. 215126 . 57.64 Melolontha 16.5 1910. Zur Abwehr gegen Maikäfer und Engerling. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd- Zeitg. Jahrg. 28 p. 182--183. 27 Decoppet, M. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1912. Lebensweise des Maikäfers. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 30 p. 125, 1 fig. 23 von Mitscha, Hermann R. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1914. Zur Frage der Engerlingsbekämpfung mit Schwefelkohlenstoft. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 32 p. 134. 29 Escherich, K. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 916. Der Maikäferkrieg in der Pfalz. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 13 p. 100 168, 2 figg. (Ref. von H. W. Farıckumneer. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd, 31 p. 509—510.) 30 v. Mülinen, H. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1917. Der Maikäfer. Der grösste gemeinsame Feind der Forst-, Land- und Garten-Kultur. Prakt. Forstwirt Jahrg. 53 p. 158—162, 171—175. * 31 Schuster, Ludwig. 57.64 Melolontha (43.41) 1906. Die Maikäferflugjahre seit 1890 in den Grossherzoglich Hessischen Oberförstereien. Zool. Beobachter Jahrg. 47 p. 26—28. 16.5 32 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae 1916. Bemerkungen zu Reırrzrs Bestimmungstabelle der Melolonthidae, Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 188—190. 33 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (5) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Melolonthiden. Beutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1916 p. 123—188, [55 nn. spp. in: Autoserica 21, Lasioserica, Neo- serica 12, Microserica 5, Hyposerica, Euphoresia 4, Apogonia 4, Schizonycha 4, Holotrichia 2, Hoplia.] (51.2, 52, 54.1,.8, 59.9, 63, 66.7,.8, 67.1—.6,.8, 69, 91.3,.4, 922) 215134 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (54.87) 1916. The Melolonthine Beetles of Ceylon. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 429—444. [15 nn. spp. in: Periserica, Selaserica 3, Serica 2, Au- toserica 2, Apogonia 4, Stephanopholis 2, Holotrichia. — Idiochelyna n. g. pro Ison ychus pectoralis.] 421 Coleoptera 215135 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (6) 1916. Neue Trochalinen. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 77 p. 3-38. [36 nn. spp. in : Phyllotrochalus, Cyrtotrochalus, Pseudotrochalus 8, Trocha- lus 26.] (62, 63, 66.3,.8, 67.1—.6,.8) 36 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (6) - 1919. Neue Melolonthiden aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Entomo- logischen Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 209—247. [39 nn. spp. in: Serica, Ophthalmoserica, Autoserica 7, Neo- serica, Hyposerica, Euphoresia 2, Corynoserica n. g., Trochalus 8, Pseudotrocha- lus 2, Ablaberoides, Heterotrochalus n. g., Apogonia 6, Schizonycha 5, Leuco- pholis, Cyphochilus, Microtrichia 4, Hoplosternus. — Phyllocamenta n. g. pro Camenta pilosa.] (51.1,.2, 52.9, 54.1,.7—.87, 59.1, 66.3,.7,.9, 67.3—.6, 68.8,.9, 41.1) 37 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (6) 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Melolonthiden. VIII Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 297 —349. [57 nn. spp. in: Diplotaxis 22, Holotrichia, Brahmina 4, Pachrodema 4, Anisonyx, Peritrichia, Eriesthis, Pareriesthis n. g., Heterochelus, Lepisia, Macroplia, Microplidus 6, Hoplorida n. g., Hoplia :2.] (51.3, 54.1,.8, 67.1—.3,.8, 68.8, 72.1,.3,.6, 728, 82, 91.1) 38 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (68) 1917. Some Systematic Notes on Melolonthine Coleoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 59—65. [6 nn. spp. in : Sparrmannia 2, Heter- ochelus, Gouna, Dicranocnemus, Nematoserica n. g.] (68.7,.8, 91.1) 39 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (8) 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Melolonthiden. IX. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 80 p. 1—64. [74 nn. spp. in: Melanocamenta, Heteronyx 4, Symmela 4, Liogenys 9, Harpodactyla 3, Philochlaenia 20, Isonychus 2, Cor- minus 5, Anomalochilus, Macrodactylus, Manodactylus n. g., Chariodactylus n. g. 2, Plectris, Apogonia 8, Schizonycha 5, Encya 3, Pegylis 2, Tricholepis 2.] (54.1,.8, 59.1,.4,.9, 66.3, 67.2,.6,.8, 69, 8i, 82, 84—86.6, 87, 89) 215140 Moser, J. 57.64 Melolonthidae (801) 1918. Neue amerikanische Melolonthiden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 95—167. [83 nn. spp. in: Dasyus (1 n. var.), Calodactylus 2, Liogenys 14, Harpodactyla 6, Agaornemis n. g., Blepharotoma, Anoplosiagum 2, Clavi- palpus 3, Philochlaenia 18, Isonychus, Macrodactylus 2, Chariodema, Barybas 3, Hercitis, Ctilocephala 6, Plectris 15, Lachnosterna 4.] (72.1, 81, 82,.9, 84—86.6, 87—89) 41 Heller, K. M. 57.64 Nigidius (91.4) 1917. Ueber Nigidius-Arten von Formosa und den Philippinen. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 170—171, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp.] (52.9) 42 Benderitter, L. 57.64 Ochodaeinae (6) 920. Descriptions d’un genre et de deux espèces nouvelles d’Ockodae- inae. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 112—113, 1 fig. [2 na. spp. in: Enodognathus n. g., Ochodaeus.] (63, 69) 43 Bedel, L. 57.64 Onthophagus (44) 1919. Notes sur divers Onthophagus du Sud-Ouest de la France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 271—273. (44.18,.63— .65,.86,.88—.91,.03,.94,.99) 44 Minck, Paul. 57.64 Oryctes : 15 ° 1917. Der Einfluss der Kultur auf die Daseinsbedingungen des Nashorn- käfers (Oryctes nasicornis L.) in Deutschland. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A 45 Schulz, Arthur. 57.64 Oryctes : 16.5 1915. Der indische Nashornkäfer, ein Feind der Kokospalmen, und seine Bekämpfung. Prometheus Jahrg. 26 p. 507—508. 15146 Minck, Paul. 07.64 Oryctes (403) 1918. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastiden. 8. Palaearctische Oryctiden. (ad nasicornis-grypus-Gruppe.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 12 p. 9—38, 5 figg. [3 nn. subspp. in Oryctes.] (43.71,.91, 47.6,9, 57.6, 61.1, 65) Coleoptera 422 215147 Beitter, Edm. 57.64 Peritryssus (45.8) 1918. Eine neue Lamellicornien-Gattung aus Sizilien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 77 — 78. [Peritryssus n. g. excisus n. sp] 48 Frickhinger, H. W. 57.64 Phyllopertha : 16.5 1917. Massenhaftes Auftreten des Gartenla bee in einigen Bezirken Oberbayerns. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 32 p. 688—689. [Phyllopertha hor- ticola.] 49 Glasgow, Robert D. 57.64 Phyllophaga 1916. Phyllophaga Harris (Lachnosterna Hope) : A Revision of the Syn- onymy, and one New Name. Bull. Illinois Lab. nat. Hist. Vol. 11 p. 365—8379. [Ph. forbesi n. sp.] (77.3) 50 Ley, R. 57.64 Phyllophaga (69) 1917. Révision du genre Tricholepis Branchanp et description d’un genre voisin. Insecta Ann. 7 p. 28—35, 11 fige. [3 nn. spp. in : Tricholepis.— Leptolepis n. g. pro Empecta major. 51 Davis, John J. 57.64 Phyllophage. (73) 1920. New Species and Varieties of Phyllophaga. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. Vol. 13 p. 329—338, 6 pls., 7 figg. [5 nn. spp. —-3 nn. varr.] (75.5—.7,.9, 76.2,.4--.9, 77.2) 52 Forbes, Stephen A. 57.64 Phyllophaga (77.3) 1916. A General Survey of the May-beetles (Phyllophaga) of Illinois. 29th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 23—65. — Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Illinois No. 186 p. 215—257, 1 map. 53 Moser, J. 57.64 Phyllophaga (801) 1918. Neue Arten der Gattungen Lachnosterna Horz und Phytalus Er. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 79 p. 19—74. [52 nn. spp. in : Lachno- sterna 43 (1 Cnevrozar i. 1. 2 nn. subspp.), Phytalus 9.] (72.6, 728, 729.1—.5,.7, 81, 84, 86, 87, 89) 215154 Dickerson, Edgar L., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.64 Popilia : 16.5 1918. Popular and Practical Entomology. Popilia japonica Newm., a Re- cently Introduced Japanese Pest. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 217—221, 1 fig. 55 Goodwin, W. H. 57.64 Popillia : 16.5 1919. Japanese Flower Beetle, Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 247— 252. [P. japonica.] 56 Davis, John J. 57.64 Popilia : 16.5 1920. The Green Japanese Beetle Problem. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 185—194. (74.9) 57 Hadley, C. H. 57.64 Popilia : 16.5 1920. The Green Japanese Beetle Quarantine. Journ. econ. Entom. 58 Davis, John J. 57.64 Popilia (74) 1920. The Green Japanese Beetle (Popilia japonica.) Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 13 p. 432. (74.8,.9 59 Marcus, Ernst. 57.64 Proagoderus (6) 1919. Studien zur Kenntnis der coprophagen Lamellicornia. Untersu- chungen über System, Morphologie, Phylogenesis und Verbreitung der Proagoderus auf Grund des Materials des Zoologischen Museums zu Ber- lin. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 10 p. 1—122, 12 Taf. [3 nn. spp. — 1 n. subsp.] (54.1,.8, 63, 66.2,.3,.7, 67.1—68.2,.4,.7,.9, 91.1, 921) 60 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Pygora (69) 1918. Deux Pygora nouveaux de Mae Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 121—122. [P. cyanea et earına nn. spp.] 61 Ryle, George B. ‚57.64 Rhizotrogus : 12.98 1920. Curious Monstrosity of a male of Rhizotrogus solstitialis Linn. Entom. monthly Mag. 2 Vol. 6 p. 211, 1 fig. [Antenna.] 215162 Lamb, C. 6. 57.64 Rhizotrogus : 15 917. A Note on FR ochraceus Kxocn. Entom. monthly Mag. (5) Vol. 3 p. 210—212. 493 Coleoptera 215163 Ohaus, F. 57.64 Rutelidae (403) 1916. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der paläarkt. Anomala-Arten. Stettin. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 302—331, 5 figg. [8 nn. spp. in Anomala (3 nn. subspp.—34 nn. varr.)—1 n. subsp. in Phyllopertha.] (43.15,.36,.44,.64,.66,.69,.91, 44.71,.91, 45.1,.2,.5,.6,.8, 46.4,.7, 469, 47.1, 9, 494, 51.1,.7,.9, 52.1,.2,.4,.9, 55, 56.8, 57.1,.6, 61.1, 65) 64 Ohaus, F. 57.64 Rutelidae (52.9) 1917. H. Saurez’s Formosa: Ausbeute : Rutelinae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 4 p. 1—8, 2 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Popillia, Anomala 4 (3 nn. varr.).] 65 Ohaus, F. 52.64 Rutelidae ‘6; 1917. Neue afrikanische Ruteliden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p. 1—7, 4 figg. [S nn. spp. in: Anomala, Anodontopopillia, Prodoretus, Rham- phadoretus, Psiladoretus, Adoretus 2, ee (65, 66.3, 67.1,.5,.8, 68.7) 66 Ohaus, F. 57.64 Rutelidae (91.4) 1916. Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der Philippin. Ruteliden. Stettin. entom. ARILE Pas 76 p. 339—344, 3 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Anomala 3, Rute- rcha. 67 Minck, Paul, 57.64 Scarabaeidae : 09 1920. Documenta Historiae Scarabaei nasicornis L. Scarabaeorumgue ve- terum. Wiedergabe der Originaltextstellen alter Werke der Zeit vor Lanxé als Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entomologie und ihrer Literatur. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 4 p. 88-114, 2 figg. 68 Warren, J. C. 57.64 Scarabaeidae : 15 1917. Habits of some Burrowing Scarabaeidae. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 412—414. 69 Hayes, Wm. B. 57.64 Scarabaeidae : 15 1918. Studies on the Life-history of Two Kansas Scarabaeidae (Con- trib. entom. Lab. Kansas Agric. Coll. No. 31.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 136—144. [Cyclocephala villosa and Anomala binotata.] 215170 Wasmann, E. 57.64 Scarabaeidae (54) 1918. Myrmecophile und termitophile Coleopteren aus Ostindien, haupt- sächlich gesammelt von P. J. Assmura S. J. II. Scarabaeidae (223. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen und Termitophilen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 1—23, 2 Taf. [12 nn. spp. in : Cyclotrogus n. g. 2, Termito- trox n. g., Stenocorythoderus n. g., Eurycorythoderus (n. g. pro Corythoderus gibbiger) 2, Termitopisthes (n. g. pro Chaetopisthes wasmanni) 2, Chaetopisthes, Podovalgus, Coenochilus 2.—Chaetopisthides, Neochaetopisthes nn. subgg.—Ter- mitotrogini n. trib.— Paracorythoderus n. g. pro Corythoderus marschalli.] 15.5 (54.2— .4,.7,.8) 57.96 71 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Scarabaeidae (59) 1916. Diagnoses préliminaires de Cétonides nouveaux de l’Indo-Chine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 109—112. [9 nn. spp. in: Cosmiomor- pha, Rhomborrhina 2, Macronota, Clinteria, Cetonia 3, Glycyphana.] (59.6,.7,.9} 72 Grosclaude, M. 97.64 Scarabaeidae (59.9) 1917. Liste de Coléoptères Coprophages recueillis par M. L. Durorr au Tonkin en avril, juin et juillet 1912. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 106. 73 Bourgoin, A. 57.64 Scarabaeidae (6) 1917. Descriptions de deux Trichiini nouveaux de l’Afrique tropicale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 117—121. [2 nn. spp. in: Calometopus, Calometopidius n. g.] (67.5) 74 Blatchley, W. $S. 57.64 Serica 1919. Change of Name. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 153. [Serica evidens n. nom. pro S. carinata BuarcaLeyr non Burmeister. ] Ä 215175 Dawson, R. W. 57.64 Serica (7) | 1919. New Species of Serica. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 32 | — 39, 4 pls. [4 nn. spp.] — New Species of Serica. II. p. 223--225, 1 pl. [S. sponsa.] (71.1—.4,.6, 74.1,.2,,6,.7,9, 75.3,.6,.8, 76.3, 77.1—.5,.7, 78.1.,2) Coleoptera 42% 215176 Benard, 6. 97.64 Trichiorhyssemus (54.8) 1917. Description d’une nouvelle espèce du genre Trichiorhyssemus. Buil. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 167—168, 1 fig. [T. babaulti.] 77 Bordas, L. 57.64 Tropinota : 14 1916. Caractères généraux de l'appareil digestif de Tropinota squalida L. Insecta Ann. 6 p. 118—119, 1 fig. 14.32,.34,.35,.61 | 78 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 1916. Notes synonymiques. [Col. Elateridae et Melasidae.] Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 231. [Psephus chatanayi n. nom. pro P. rufinus Heer non Can». — Monocrepidius vuilleti pro M. flavobasalis HeLLer non Scaw., Fornax garretai pro F. longicornis Herner non Bracke.] 19 Hyslop, J. A. 97.65 (81) 1916. Elateridae and Throscidae of the Sranrorp University Expedition of 1911 to Brazil. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 16—21, 1 pl., 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Drasterius, Monocrepidius 2.] 80 Van Dyke, Edwin €. 97.65 Acmaeodera (73) 1919. New Species of Buprestidae from the Western United States, with Supplementary notes concerning others. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 151—156, 186—190. [5 nn. spp. in Acmaeodera.] (75.9, 76.4, 79.1,.4) 81 Frost, C. A., and H. B. Weiss. 97.65 Agrilus : 091 1920. A Bibliography of the Literature on the Described Transform- ations and Food Plants of North American Species of Agrilus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 204—210, 220-223. — An Addition to Bibliography on Agrilus. p. 247. 82 Ruggles, A. G. 57.65 Agrilus : 16.5 1918. Life History of an Oak Twig Girdler Agrilus arcuatus Say and var. torquatus Lec. (Pap. No. 169 Journ. Ser. Minnesota agric. Exper. Stat.) 17th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 15—20, 1 pl., 3 figg. 83 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Agrilus : 16.5 1920. The Pacific Oak Twig-Girdler. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 379 — 384. [Agrilus angelius.] 215184 Obenberger, Jan. 07.65 Agrilus (7) 1917. Neue exotische Agrilusarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 178— 183. [4 nn. spp.] (66.99, 71, 728) 85 Fisher, W. S., and Alan 8. Nicolay. 97.65 Agrilus (79.1) 1920. A Mexican Species of Agrilus found in Arizona. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 100—102. [4. restrictus.] 86 Fisher, W. S. 57.65 Agrilus (79.4) 1917. A New Species of Agrilus from California. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 287—289. [4A. durkei.] 87 Fall, H. C. 57.65 Ampheremus (79.4) 1917. A New Genus and Species of Buprestidae. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 68—70. [Ampheremus n. g. cylindricollis n. sp] 88 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Anthaxia (4) 1917. Holarktische Anthaxien. Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Gat- tung. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 8, 187 pp., 1 Taf., 53 figg. [45 nn. spp.—12 nn. varr.] (43.14,.15..18,.19,.21,.32,.41,.42,.44,.46,.47,.58,.61,.62,.64—.73,.91—.96, 44.36,.43,.77,.84,.91—.95,.98, 45.2,.4,.5,.71,.79,.8,.9,.99, 46.2—.5,.7,.8—469, 47.5—.9, 48.5, 494—499, 51.6,.7, 52.1, 53, 54.5,.6, 55, 56.1—.43,.7,.8, 57.1,.6,.9, 58.4, 59.9—65, 66.3, 67.5,.8, 68.7, 69, 74.1,.8, 75.6—.8, 76.4, 18.7,.8, 79.1—.6, 81, 83, 94.3) 89 Weiss, Harry B., and Alan S. Nicolay. 57.65 Brachys : 16.5 1919. Notes on the Life-History and Early Stages of Brachys ovatus Si and Brachys aerosus Marsn. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 86—88, 2 pls. 215190 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Buprestidae : 16.5 1917/18. Flat-headed Borers affecting Forest Trees in the United States. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 437, 8 pp., 9 pls. — Notes on some South- western Buprestidae. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 209—211. (76.4, 78.3,.8, 79.1,.2) 425 Coleoptera 215191 Obenberger, J. 57.65 Buprestidae (403) 1916/18. Studien über paläarktische Buprestiden. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 235—278, 1 fig. [35 nn. spp. in: Acmaeodera 6 {3 nn. abb.— 3 nn. varr.). Sphenoptera 14 {1 n. var.), Anthaxia (2 nn. abb.), Pusilloderes n. g., Coroebus (1. n. ab.), Meliboeus 5 (2 nn. abb.—2 nn. varr.), Agrilus 7 (1 n. subsp.—6 nn. varr.—2 nn. abb.).—1 n. subsp. in Capnodis (1 n. ab.), —4 nn. varr. in: Phaenops, Chrysobothris 3 (1 n. ab.)—1 n. ab. in Buprestis. —Meliboeus kerremansi n. nom. pro Meliboeus oeneicollis KeksEmans non Vırzers.] — IL. Teil. Jahrg. 36 p. 209—218. [9 nn. epp. in: Agrilus 6 (1 n. subsp.—2 nn. varr.—7 nn. abb.), Habroloma, Trachys 2. — 1 n. ab. in Cylindromorphus. — Agrilus calcicola n. nom. pro À. ater F. non L, A. fügneri pro À. betuleti ab. tristis Fücenxr non A. tristis H. Derr.] — Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Buprestiden. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 19—25. [5 nn. spp. in: Acmaeodera 2, Agrilus 3 (1 n. ab.) 1 n. subsp. in Perotis. — 3 nn. varr. in: Cyphosoma, Anthaxia 2 (2 nn. abb.) — Anthaxia perrini n. nom. pro A. hirticollis AseıLıe non Rey, Trachys horniana pro T. horni Kanremans, aus Formosa nicht die von Ceylon.] (43.86,.61,.64,.66,.68,.71,.91,.92,.94—,96, 44.36,.58, 45.1,.8, 469, 47,7—.9, 495—-497, 51.1,.7, 55, 56.2,.4,.8, 57.1,.0..9, 59.9, 62—65) 93 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Buprestidae (403) 1918. Revision der paläarktischen Trachydinen mit Einschluss einiger Beschreibungen exotischer Arten. Arch. Nat. Jahre. S2 A Heft 11 p. 1— 73, 30 figg. [24 nn. spp. in: Aphanisticus 4, Trachys 20 (3 nn. subspp.— 6 nn. varr.--12 nn. abb.] (43.1,.21,.3,.61,.66,.71,.91,.96, 44.86,.84,.92, 45.5,.6,.8, 46.8, 469, 47.6,.9, 48.5, 498, 499, 51.1,.8—52.2,.9, 54.1,.6, 56.45,.8, 57.6,.9, 58.4, 61.2, 63—65, 66.7) 93 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Buprestidae (403) 1919. Buprestides nouveaux de la région paléarctique. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1919 p. 142—145. [3 nn. spp. in: Chrysochroa, Anthaxia, Trachys.—2 nn. subspp. in Julodis.—1 n. var. Buprestis.) (493, 51.1,.9, 52.2, 56.4, 62) 215194 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Buprestidae (6) 1919. Neue exotische Agrilini. Eutom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 17—2%. [6 na. spp. in: Gassneria n. g., Pseudagrilus, Cisseis 2, Paragrilus 2.] (63, 68.7, 728, 94.3, 95) 95 Thery, A. 57.65 Buprestidse (61) 1919. Buprestides paléarctiques nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 233—236. [3 nn. spp. in; Acmaeodera, Agrilus, Trachys.—1 n. ab. in Cyvhosoma.] (62, 64, 65) 96 Obenberger, Jan. 57:65 Buprestidae (67) 1917. Neue Buprestiden. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 85—91. [8 nn. spp. in: Chalcogenia, Anthaxia 2, Paradora, Cryptodactylus, Sambus, Micrasta 2.] (502, 67.5,.8,.9, 729.7) 97 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Buprestidae (61) 1918. Neue Formen aus der Gruppe Acfenodites. (Coleontera: Bupre- stidae, Chrysobothrini.) Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 12-17. [3 nn. spp. in: Pseudactenodes, Megactenodes, Actenodes.—1 n. var. in Belionvta.] (67.1,.8, 72, 929) 98 v. Hoschek-Mühlheim, Artur. 57.65 Buprestidae (67) 1918. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Buprestiden. I. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 123—127. [4 nn. spp. in: Psiloptera 3, Anadora.] (67.3,.6) 215199 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Buprestidae (67) 1920. Ueber neue Buprestidengattungen. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 157 — 172. [7 nn. spp. in: Polycestaxis n. g., Pygichaete n. g., Strandiola n. g., Archaeozodes n. g., Angolia n. g., Kerremansia n. g., Meliboeithon n. g.] (59.1, 67.5,.8,.9, 81, 94) 215200 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Buprestidae (73) 1917. Notes on some Western Buprestidae. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 325—332. (75.5—.7, 76.3, 78.3,.6,.8—79.2,,4—.7) Coleoptera 426 215201 Chamberlin, W. J. 57.65 Buprestidae (73) 1920. Description of One New Buprestid with Notes on Other Little Known Species. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 241—244, 6 figg. [Cinyra ro- busta n. sp.] (76.4, 78.8,.9 —79.2,.4,.5) i 02 Nicolay, Alan S., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.65 Buprestidae (73) 1920. The Group Traches in North America. Part I. The Genera Pa- chyschelus and Taphrocerus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 136— 150, 1 pl. [Taphrocerus schaefferi n. sp.] (74.7,.9, 75.8,.9, 76.1,.4, 77.2..3,.7, 79.1) 03 Knull, Josef N. 57.65 Buprestidae (74.8) 1920. Notes on Buprestidae with Descriptions of New Species. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 4—12. |3 nn. spp. in Agrilus.] 04 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.65 Buprestidae (79) 1916. New Species of Buprestidae from the Pacific States, With Notes Concerning a Few Others. Entum. News Vol. 27 p. 405—412, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Anthaæia, Chrysobuthris 2 (1 n. subsp.).] (79.4,.5) 05 Chamberlin, W. J. 57.65 Buprestidae (79) 1920. Notes on Two Little-Known Wood-Boring Beetles Chrysobothris sylvunia Fax and Melasis rufipennis Horn. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 151—157, 2 pls. 16.5 (79.3— .5,.7) 06 Chamberlin, W. J. 57.65 Buprestidae (79.4) 1917. Notes on some Buprestidae of Northern California. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 129—139, 166 —169, 6 figg. — A Correction. p. 234. 07 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.65 Buprestidae (79.4) 1918. New Species of Buprestidae from the Pacıfic States. No. 2. En- tom. News Vol. 29 p. 53—58. [3 nn. spp. in: Poecilonota, Melanophila, Chrysobothris.] 215208 Kerremans, Ch. 57.65 Buprestidae (801) 1919. Descriptions de Buprestides nouveaux. Ann. Soc. entom. Bel- gique T. 59 p. 41—62. [27 nn. spp. in: Hippomelas 3, Iridotaenia, Chryso: dema 5, Paracupta 4, Cyphogaster 7, Dicercomorpha, Ectinogonia 6.] (72.4, 82, 83, 85, 86, 91.2—.4, 921, 932—936, 94.3, 95, 96.2) 09 Carter, H. J. 57.65 Buprestidae (94) 1916. Revision of the Gerus Stigmodera, and Descriptions of some New Species of Buprestidae (Order Coleoptera). Trans. R. Soc. South Austra- lia Vol, 40 p. 58—144, 2 pls. [36 nn. spp. in: Stigmodera 32 (1 n. var.), Chrysodema, Chalcotaenia, Fseudotaenia, Cyphogastra.] (94.1—.5) 10 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Buprestis : 16.5 1918. Biological Notes on some Flatheaded Wood-borers of the Genus Buprestis. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 334—338. (75.2—.9, 76.4, 78.3,.6,.8—79.2,.4—.7) 11 Nicolay, Alan S., and Harry B. Weiss. 57.65 Buprestis (7) 1918/19. A Review of the Genus Buprestis in North America. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 75—109, 2 pls., 2 figg. [B. viridisuturalis n. sp.—1 n. var.] — Additions and Corrections to the Review of the Genus Buprestis in North America. Vol. 27 p. 241. (71.1—.4,.6,.8, 74.1,.2,.4,.5,.8,.9, 75.2,.4—.6,.8-—76.1,.3,.4,.7—79.8) 12 Garnett, Richard T. 57.65 Buprestis (79.4) 1918 Notes on the Genus Buprestis Lixné in California. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 11 p. 90—92, 13 Clermont, J. 57.65 Cebrio 1919. Description de la femelle de Cebrio carbonarius Cuevr. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 210—211. 14 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Chrysobothris : 16.5 1919. Biological Notes on the Flatheaded Apple Tree Borer (Chrysobo- thris femorata Far.) and the Pacific Flatheaded Apple Tree Borer (Chry- Sobothris mali Horn). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 326—330. 215215 Snyder, Thomas E. 57.65 Chrysobothris : 16.5 1919. Injury to Casuarina Trees in Southern Florida by the Mangrove Borer. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 16 p. 156—164, 2 figg. [Chrysobothris tränquebarica.] 421 Coleoptera 215216 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Chrysobothrys (801) 1917. Neue Chrysobothrysarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 123—127, 5 figg. [5 nn. spp.] (502, 67.2, 728, 81, 89) 17 Fleischer, A. 57.65 Chrysochroa (43.72) 1916. Bemerkungen über einige Chrysochroa-Aberrationen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 100. [Chrysochroa polymorpha n. var. bohuslavi.] 18 Burke, H. E. 57.65 Chrysophana : 16.5 1917. A Buprestid Household Insect (Chrysophana placida Lec.). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p..406--407. (78.8, 79.2,.4,.5,.7) 19 Mingaud, Galien. 57.65 Coraebus (44.83) 1898. Le Coraebus bifasciatus dans les environs de Nîmes, en 1898. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 26 p. 36—38. 20 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Cyphogastra (9) 1917. Neue Cyphogastren. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 253—256. [4 nn. spp.] (929, 95) 21 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Dima (5) 1916. Descriptiens de deux espèces nouvelles d’Elateridae,appartenant au genre Dima. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 256--257. [D. indica et yunnana nn. Spp.] (51.3, 54.1) 22 Fleischer, A. 57.65 Dolopius (43.91) 1919. Eine neue Aberration des Dolopius marginatus L. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 200. [laczoi.] 23 Reitter, Edmund. 57.65 Elater (403) 1918. Bestimmungstabelle der paläarktischen Ælater-Arten. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 81—105. [5 nn. spp.—4 nn. varr.—10 nn. abb.] (43.12,.14,.65,.72,.91,.93—.95, 44, 45.5,.99, 46.5, 47.7—.9, 495, 496, 51.6, 56.2,.43,.8, 57.1—.9, 65) 24 Dounisthorpe, Horace St. J. K. 57.65 Elater (41.96) 1917. Elater praeustus F., an Irish Beetle. Irish Natural. Vol. 26 p. 99— 100. 215225 Hysiop, S. A. 57.65 Elateridae : 13.41 1917. The Phylogeny of the Elateridae based on Larval Characters. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 241—263, 10 figg. 26 Verhoeff, K. W. 57.65 Elateridae : 15 1919. Zur Biologie der Elateriden. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat, Freunde Berlin 1918 p. 352—359. [Das Schnellvermögen und sein Zustandekommen.] 27 Du Buysson, H. 57.65 Elateridae (64) 1918/19. Contributions a la faune du Maroc : Elatérides. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 9 p. 109—112. [2 nn. spp. in: Jonthadoce- rus n. g., Cardiophorus. — 1 n. var. in Melanotus.]—(2e note.).T. 10 p. 114 —-116. [Cardiophorus vaucheri n. sp: {l n. var.).| 28 du Buysson, H. 57.65 Elateridae (65) 1917. Etude sur le Megathous algirinus Cann. (Col. Elateridae) et des- cription d’une espèce nouvelle. Bull. Soc. Hist, nat. ne“ du Nord Ann. 9 p. 11—15. [Meg. peyerimhoffi n. sp. 29 du Buysson, H. 57.69 Elateridae (61) 1920. Contribution à la faune du Maroc et du Nord de l'Afrique. Elate- rides. (3e Note.) Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 11 p. 12—15 [Hemicleus nermandi n. sp.] (61. 30 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Elateridae (67) 1918. Espèces nouvelles d’Elateridae rapportées d’Afrique Orientale par MM. Azcuaup et JeAanner. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 138—141. [13 nn. spp. in: Psephus 3, Aeolus, Drasterius, Anchastus 2, Hypnoidus, Car- diophorus 5.) | 31 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Elateridae (67) 1918. Elaterides nouveaux du voyage de M. G. Basauzr en Afrique Orientale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 167—170. |8 nn. spp. in: Agrypnus 2, Tetralobus, Hypnoidus 2, Cardiophorus 2, Pachyelater.] 215232 Schaeffer, Chas. 7.65 Elateridae (73) 1916. New Species of the Family Elateridae. Jonrn. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 256—267. [13 nn. spp. in: Aptopus 2, Elater 2, Megapenthes 3, Diplostethus, Trichophorus 4, Orthostethus, Agriotes, Glyphonyz 8, Plastocerus.] (75.6,.9, 76.4, 79.1,.2,.5) Coleoptera 428 215233 Fleutiaux, Ed. 57.65 Elateridae (91.4) 1916. Elateridae des Iles Philippines, II. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 219—233. [28 nn. spp. in : Laron 2, Monocrepidius, Melanoxanthus 8, Anchastus 2, Hemirrhaphes 2, Cardiophorus 4, Diploconus, Luzunicus n. g., Agonischius, Glyphonyx.—i n. var. in Melanotus.] 34 Banks, Charles S. 57.65 Endelus (9:.4) 1919. Two Philippine Leaf-Mining Buprestids, One being New. Philip- pine Journ. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 289—299, 3 pls. [Endelus bakeri Kerr. and calligraphus n. sp.] 16.5 35 Heller, K. M. 57.65 Langnrioscython 191.4) 1917, Eine neue Eucnemiden-Gattung von den Philippinen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 161—163, 2 fige. [Langurioscython n. g. bakeri n. sp. 36 du Buysson, H. 57.65 Megathous 1917. Observations nouvelles sur le Megathous algirinus Cann. Interpre- tation de certaines expressions latines dans les descriptions entomolo- giques. Buil. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 9 p. 123—125. 37 Nicholson, 6. W. 57.65 Melanophila : 15 1919. Melanophila acuminata De G. at fire in June. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 156—157. — Another note on the habits of Melano- phila acuminata De Grer, by G. C. Cuampion. pe 177—178. 38 Burke, H. E. 55.65 Melanophila : 16.5 1919. Biological Notes on some Flatheaded Bark-borers of the Genus Melanophila. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 105—108. (74.1,.2, 75.4,.6,.8,.9, 76.4, 77.2,.4,.5, 78.3,.6,.8—79.2,.4—.7) 39 Sharp, W. B. 57.65 Melanophila (42.29) 1918. Meianophila acuminata De G. in Berkshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 244—245. 215240 Hyslop, J. A. 57.65 Melanotus : 13.41 1916. Prothetely in the Elaterid Genus Melanotus. Psyche Vol. 23 p. 3—6, 2 pls., 1 fig. 41 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Melanoxus 1918. Genre nouveau d’Elateridae de l’Afrique équatoriale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 194—195. [Melanoxus n. g. pro Pachyderes afri- canus.] 42 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Melasidae 1918. Noms nouveaux pour quatre genres de Melasidae. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1918 p. 59. [Galbites n. nom pro Galba Guee. non SCHRANK, Modius pro Diomus Bonv. non Muzs., Cladidus pro Dicladus Bonv. non Ra- rın., Cassolenis pro Soleniscus Boxv. non Meck et Worru.] 43 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Melasidae (502) 1920. Etudes sur les Melasidae. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 93—104. [Temnus n. g. pro Temnillus alnus. — Balgus n. nom. pro Galba LATREILLE NON SCHRANK.) (54.1, 59.1,.19,.4,.5,.8,.9, 66.7, 67.5, 72, 728, 81, 85—86.6, 87, 88, 89.6, 91.1,.4, 921, 922, 932, 95) 44 Fleutiaux, Ed. 57.65 Melasidae (504) 1919. Melasidae nouveaux récoltés par C. F. Baker. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 445—450. [9 nn. spp. in: Subpr'otelater, Dromaeolus 3, For- nax 4, Discolocerus.] (59.5, 91.1) 45 Fleutiaux, Ed. 57.65 Melasidae (91.4) 1916. Melasidae (Coléoptères) des îles Philippines récoités par C. F. Baxer. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 11 p. 387—398. [18 nn. Subprotelater n. g., Dromaeolus 3, Ceratus 3, Fornax 7 (1 n. var.), Entomoph- thalmus (1 n. var., Microrhagus 2, Xylobius.] 46 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Meliboeus (502) 1919. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Meliboeus Derr. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 208-213. [7 nn. spp.] (63, 91.1) 215247 Pic, Maurice. 57.65 Phaenops (4) 1918. Notes sur quelques insectes du genre Phaenops Lac. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 59-60. (44.98, 494) 429 Coleoptera 215248 Bedel, L. 57.65 Phaenops (44.84) 1917. Une deuxième espèce française du genre Phaenops Lac. dans les Cévennes de l'Hérault. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 275—277. [aerea Fonx.] 49 Iconomopoulos, L. 57.65 Polycesta (62) 1916. Sur l'habitat de Polycesta”aegyptiaca. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 133—134. 50 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Psiloptera (69) 1917. Neue Polybothrysarten. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 18 p. 278—285. [8 nn. spp. in: Psiloptera.] 51 Alfleri, Anastase. 57.65 Sphenoptera : 16.5 1916. Observations sur Sphenoptera trispinosa Kıuc. (Col. Buprantidan.) Bull. Soc. entom.’ Egypte Ann. 9 p. 15—17. 52 Obenberger, Jan. 57.65 Sphenoptera (403) 1920. Studien über die Buprestidengattung Sphenoptera Lars. I. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 8 p. 101--138. [35 nn. spp.—5 nn. subspp.—7 nn. varr.— 3 nn. abb.] (47.7,9, 499, 51.6, 55, 56.7,.8, 57.6,.9, 58, 61.1, 65, 66.7, 67.1,.5..8, 9, 69.9) 53 Hass, W. 57.65 Sternocera : 11.76 1917. Ueber Metallfarben bei Buprestiden. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1916 p. 332—343, 5 figg. [Sind sog. Oberflächenfarben, die nicht durch bes. Strukturen, sondern durch Körnchen stark absorbierender Pigmente hervorgerufen werden, die in einem nicht chitinigen Oberflächensekret eingelagert sind. Die darunterliegenden Chitinschichten sind verschieden stark pigmentiert und lichtundurchlässig ; sie dienen zur Hervorhebung und zur Modifizierung der primären Schillerfarben.] 54 Garnett, Richard P. 57.65 Sternocera (6) 1918. African Buprestidae of the Genus Sternocera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 346—318. [2 nn. subspp.] (62, 66.3,.9, 67.9, 68.8) 55 Blanchard, Frederick. 57.65 Throscidae (7) 17. Revision of the Throscidae of North America. Trans. Amer. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 48 p. 1—26. [7 nn. spp. in: Aulonothrocus.] (71.1, 72.2, 74.2— .4,.6,.7,.9, 75.2,.5—76.4,.7, 77.1—78.1,.6, 79.1—.7) 215256 Moll, Friedrich, 57.66 : 16.5 16. Ueber die Zerstörung von verarbeitetem Holz durch Käfer und is Schutz dagegen. Nat. Zeitsch. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 14 p. 482 — 6503. 57 French, C. jun. 57.66 Anobiidae : 16.5 1918. Furniture and Timber boring Insects. Journ. Dept. Agric. Vic- toria Vol. 16 p. 214—221, 6 figg. 58 Roubal, Jan. 57.66 Anobiidae (4) 1917. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Bearbeitung von O. LxronHARDs Sammlungen. 8. Eine neue Gattung, zwei neue Arten und eine neue Subspecies aus der Familie Anobiidae der europäischen Fauna. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 3 p. 50-53. [3 nn. spp. in : Episernomorphus n. g., Ernobius, Priartobium.—1 n. subsp. in Stategus.] (43.61,.95,.96, 45.9, 495) 59 Lambrecht, Kalmän. 57.66 Anobium : 15 1906. A felelem szerepe a rovarviläeban. — Die Bedeutung des Schre- ckens bei den Insekten. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 185—186. [Totstellen ‘eine in Folge des Schrecks eintretende Erstarrung.] 60 Pie, Maurice. 97.66 Astylus (8) 1919. Notes sur lie genre Astylus Casr. et description de deux espèces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entum. France 1919 LS 188—190. [A. luteocinctus et viridivittatus nn. spp.] (81, 82) 61 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Atractocerus (52.9) 1917. H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute : Lymexylonidae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 118—119. [Atractocerus niger SrrouM.] 215262 Fleischer, A. 57.66 Attalus (51.1) 1919. Attalus chinensis n. sp. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 87 p. 211. Coleoptera 430 215263 Crosby, C. R., and M. D. Leonard. 57.66 Byturus : 15.6 ur The Egg of Byturus unicolor Say. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 488, lfi 64 Boßiefhorpe, Horace. 5 97.66 Caenocara (42.64) 1918. Cuenocara subglobosa Murs., a species of Celeoptera New to Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 55—56. 65 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Calochromus (92) 1917. Deux nouveaux Calochromus Gutr., de Malaisie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 89—90. [C. armitagei et nigrocinctus nn. spp.] (921, 922) 66 Verhoeff, Karl W. 57.66 Cantharidae : 13.41 1919. "Zur Entwicklung, Morphologie und Biologie der Vorlarven* ‚und re der Canthariden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg.“S3 A Heft 2 p. 102 —104, 1 Ta 67 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Cantharis (51.1) 1917. Deux nouveaux Cantharis L. de Chine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 160—161. [C. podabriformis et subaeneipennis nn. spp.] 68 Weiss, Harry B. 57.66 Catorama (73) 1919. Catorama nigritulum Lec., and its Fungus Host. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 255 —256. (74.4,9, 75.3—.5, 76.2,.4,.6,.8-—78.2,.4) 69 Champion, 6. C. 57.66 Chalchas (8) 1919. Notes on Various Species of the Genus Chalchas Branch. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 1—8. (86, 87) 70 Lesne, P. 57.66 Chondrotheca (85) 1910. Notes sur les Coléoptères Terediles. 5. Un hôte des tubercules alimentaires d’Aroidées provenant des sépultures anciennes du Pérou. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1910 p. ab 1 fig. [Chondrotheca n. g. gen n. sp.] 16.5 71 Lesne, P. 57.66 Cissidae (403) 1917. Notes sur divers Cisides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 190 —192. [Rhopalodontus harmandi n. sp] (44.25,.37,.45, 52.1, 65. 68.7, 69,.5,.6) 215272 Dury,” Charles. 57.66 Cissidae (7) 1919. A New Ciside Genus with New Species from Manitoba. Canad. Entom. Vol 51 p. 158. [2 nn. spp. in: Dolichocis n. g., Cis.] : (71.2,.3, 77.1) 73 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Cleridae 1917. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cleriden. VI. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 282—9283. [Pelonium fossipenne n..sp.] (68.9, 82, 935) 74 Lesne, P. 57.66 Cleridae : Ol 1917. Notes sur la nomenclature des Clörides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 148—149. 75 Böving, Adam 6., and A. B. Champlain. 57.66 Cleridae : 13.41 1920. Larvae of North American Beetles of the Family Cleridae. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol 57 p. 575—649, 12 pls. 16 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Cleridae (5) 1915/16. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cleriden. II—III. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 4 p. 245—248, 310—322. [12 nn. spp. in: Orthrius 3, Clerus 7 (1 n. ab.), Cyclotomocerus. Phaeocyclotomus. — Homalopilo n. subg. — 1 n. ab. in Trichodes. — Phlogistus remotus n. nom. pro Ph. episcopalis Brick. non SPINOLA non Hıszz.] — IV. Bd. 5 p. 147-156. [8 nn. spp. in: Eleale 2, Tenerus 2, Ichnea, Pelonium (1 n. ab.), Pyticeropsis n. g., Tarsostenodes.] (54.1, 56.1, 59.9, 66.7, 81, 82, 85, 86.6, 94.3, .4) 17 Chapin, Edward A. 57.66 Cleridae (502) 1919. New Species of Coleoptera (Fam. Cleridae) from the Philippine and Neighboring Regions, Collected by Prof. Cxarces F. Baxer. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 32 p. 225—234. [17 nn. spp. in: Tillus 2, Melanoclerus n. g., Callimerus 14.] (59.5, 91.1,.4) 215278 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Cleridae (504) 16. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cleriden. V. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 219—222. |2 nn. SPP: in: Pseudopallensis, Thanerocherus.] (69.5, 68.9, 69, 922) 431 Coleoptera 215279 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Cleridae (52.9) 1917. H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute : Cleridae II. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 117—118. [2 nn. spp. in: Gastrocentrum, Stigmatium.] 80 Schaeffer, Charles. 57.66 Cleridae (7) 1917 On some North American Cleridae Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 129—134. [4 nn. spp. in: Cymatodera, Aulicus, Cregya, Chari- essa.—2 nn. varr. in Ülerus.] (72.2, 75.5,.9) 81 Mc Atee, W. L. 57.66 Callops : 15 1916. Note on use of antennae in Callops vittatus. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 182. 82 Merrill, D. E. 57.66 Cymatodera : 16.1 1917. A Clerid Larva Predaceous on Codling Moth Larvae. (Second Note.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 461—464. [Cymatodera aethiops.] 83 Rp 6. C. 57.66 Dascillidae (502) 1918/19. New and Little-Known Dascillidae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 93—102, 139—149, 188—198, 219—225, 256—273. [65 nn. spp. in: Prionoseirtes, Ora 16, Scirtes 58.] —- New and Little-Known Dascilli- dae : Supplementary Note. Vol. 5 p. 26-27. [2 nn. spp. in Scirtes.] (51.2, 54.1,.7—.87, 59.1,.19,.5,.7, 62, 66.4.7, 67.1,.6, 684,.9, 69, 729.7,.8, 81, 86,.6, 88, 91.1,.3, 921, 922, 925, 94.1, 96.1) 84 Grouvelle, A. 57.66 Derodontus (45.71) 1916. Description d’un Derodontus nouveau d'Italie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p, 296—297, 1 fig. [D. raffrayi n sp.] 85 Garnett, Richard T. 57.66 Dinapate : 16.5 1918. Notes on Dinapate wrightii Horn. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 41—44, 1 pl. 86 Schmitz, H. 57.66 Drilus : 15 1920. Larve von Drilus. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. LVIII—LIX. 215287 Everts, Ed. 57.66 Drilus (492) 1916. Drilus concolor Aur. Tijdsch. Entom. D. 59 p. LII—LIII. _ 88 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Ernobius 1917. Notes sur divers Ernobius Tuous. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 pP: © 98—94. 89 Sharp, D. 57.66 Ernobius (4) 1916. Additions and corrections in the genus ÆErnobius, with notes on the copula. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 219—9294, [3 nn. spp.] (42.27,.33, 44.8,.9) 90 Sharp, D. 97.66 Ernobius (42.33) 1916. Additional British Species of Ernobius. Entsm. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 178—180. [E. oblitus n. sp.] 91 Britten, H. 37.66 Gibbium : 11.56 1919. Secondary sexual character of @ibbium scotias F. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 88. 92 Champion, 6. C. 57.66 Heteracrius 1919. A note on the Melyrid-genus Heteracrius Kırscah. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 279. 93 Chapin, Edward A. 57.66 Hydnocera (79.4) _ 1918. A New ÆHydnocera. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 31 p. 107 — 108. [H. binotata n. sp.] 94 v. Bronsart, H. 57.66 Lampyridae : 11.99 1916. Das Problem des Leuchtkäfers. Entom. Rundsch. Jahrg. 33 p. 35-37, 41—43. | 95 Mc Dermott, F. Alex. 57.66 Lampyridae : 11.99 1917. Observations on the Light-emission of American Lampyridae: The Photogenic Function as a Mating Adaptation, 5th Paper. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 53—61, 1 fig. 215296 Williams, Francis x: 57.66 Lampyridae : 15 1917. Notes on the Life-History of some North American Lampyridae. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ, No. 124.) Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 11—33. 15.2— .4,.6 Coleoptera: 432 215297 Runner, G. A. 57.66 Lasioderma : i6.5 1919. The Tobacco Beetle : An Important Pest in Tobacco Products. With Technical Descriptions of Coleopterous Larvae, by Avau C. Büvina. Bull. U. S. Dept.;Agric. No. 737, 77 pp., 4 pls., 16 fige. 98 Roubal, Jan. 57.66 Lasioderma (43.71) 1918. Eine weitere Lokalität von Lasioderma aterrimum mihi. Soc. en- tom. Jahrg. 33 p. 7. Ä 215299 Lesne, P. 92.66 Luciola (44.36) 1917. Capture accidentelle du Luciola lusitanica Caarr. aux environs de Paris. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 242. 215300 Pic, M. 57.66 Lycidae (92) 1916. Trois Lycides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 24—25. [3 nn. spp. in: Calochromus 2, Libnetis.] (921, 922) 01 Snyder, Thomas E. 57.66 Lyctus : 15.6 1916. Egg and Manner of Oviposition of Lyctus planicollis. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 273—276, 4 pls. 02 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Malachiidae (68) 1917. Trois Malachides nouveaux de l’Afrique australe. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1917 p. 234—235. [3 nn. spp. in: Hedybius 2, Ebaeomorphus. — Ebaeus natalensis n. nom. pro E. ramicornis Pic non Bonzn.] 68.2,.4) 03 Woodruff, Lewis B., and Wm. ah Davis. 57.66 Malachiidae (73) 1916. Notes on Malachidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol, 24 p. 158 — 154. (74.7,.9, 75.3,.5,.8, 77.1) 04 Fall, H. C. 57.66 Malachiidae (73) 1917. Short Studies in the};Malachiidae. Trans. Amer.“entom. Soc. Vol. 43 p. 67—88. [24 nn. spp. in: Tanaops 9, Microlipus 3, Attalus 12.] (76.1,.4, 78.8—79.2,.4,.5) 215305 Schulze, P. 57.66 Malachius : 11.57 1916. Ueber einen eigentümlichen Fall von ,Schutzfärbung“ bei Mala- chius aeneus L. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 225. 06 Champion, 6. C. 57.66 Malthodes 1917. Malthodes atomus Tuaoms. : synonymical note. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 41. [= M. pumilus Brégisson.] 57.66 Niptus : 16.5 1917. Der Messingkäfer (Niptus hololeulus From.) Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 14 p. 109—110, 1 fig. 08 Faes, H. 57.66 Niptus (494) 1919. Sur l’apparition du coléoptère Niptus hololeucus dans le canton de Vaud et les moyens de le détruire. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. Proc.- Verb. p. 68—70. 16.5 09 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. | 57.66 Opilo 1916. Ueber Opilio germanus CaxvroLar. Entom. Blätt. Jahrz. 12 p. 258 —260. 10 Liebmann, W. 57.66 Phloeoyhilus (43.27) 1919. Zum Vorkommen des Phloeophilus edwardsi Srepx. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 13 p. 75—76. — von Jänner. p. 76—77. 15.2 11 Hess, Walter N. 57.66 Photuris : 14.39 1917. Origin and Development of the Photogenic Organs of Photuris pennsylvanica De Geer. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 304—310, 4 figg. 12 Scholz, M. F. Richard. 57.66 Ptilinus (43.14) 1916. Ptilinus fissicollis Rerrr., ein für Deutschland neuer Käfer. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 252. ‚13 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Ptilodactyla (59.9) 1916. Trois nouveaux Ptilodactyla. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 299— 300. [3 nn. spp. in Ptilodactyla.] (84) 215314 Fisher, W. 8. 57.66 Ptinidae (73) 1919. Five New Species of Ptinid Beetles. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 55 p. 295—299. [5 nn. spp. in: Ptinus (Scuwarz i. 1.), Oligomerus, Ernobius 3. (75.9, 78.8, 79.4) 433 Coleoptera 215315 Mjöberg, Eric. 57.66 Ptinidae (94) 1916. Results of Dr. E. Moüprea’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910—1213. 8. Ptinidae. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 6, 15 pp., 6 figg. [5 nn. spp. in : Ptinus 2, Polyplocotes, Paussoceros n. g., Ectrephes.] (94.1,.3) 16 Sahlberg, J. 57.66 Ptinus (47.1) 1914. Ptinus tectus BoıeLo., en till Finland importerad coleopter. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 40 p. 12—15. [Piinus tectus, ein in Fin- land eingeschleppter Käfer.] 17 Kraatz, Walter. 87.66 Seiries : 15 1918. Scirtes tibialis, Guer. With Observations on its Life History. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 11 p. 395—400, 1 pl. 18 Champion, 6. C. 57.66 Scirtes (6) 1919. New and Little-Known Saltatorial Dascillidae : Second Supple- mentary Note. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 129—183. [6 nn. spp. in Scirtes.] (67.6, 68.9) 19 Champion, 6. C. 57.66 Scirtes (68.9) 1917. A Remarkable New Species from Nyasaland, Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 270—271. [Scirtes giganteus n. sp] 20 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Silidius (67) 1917. Deux nouveaux Silidius Goru. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 123—124. [S. nolensis et nitidior.) (67.1,.5) 21 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.66 Silis (7) 1918. A Review of the Species of the Coleopterous Genus Silis Larr. which are found in America North of Mexico. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 161—179, 1 pl. [6 nn. spp.—2 nn. varr.] (71.1, 78.8, 79.1,.2,.4—.8) 215322 Wradatsch, 6. 57.66 Trichodes : 15.3 1918. Was Hunger vermag. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 82. [Trichodes apiarius die Eingeweide von Oedemera ustulata verzehrend.] 23 Green, J. Wagener. 57.66 Trichodes (76.4) 1917. A New Trichodes. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 367. [T. bicinictus n. sp.] 24 Roubal, Jan. 87.66 Xyletinus (43.71) 1917. Drei neue Xyletinus-Formen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 32 p. 11. [X. megatomoides n. sp.—i n. var.—1 n. ab.] 25 v. Krekich-Strassoldo, Hans. 57.67 (403) 1919. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anthiciden und Hylophiliden. Entom. Mitt. Bd. S p. 166—175, 11 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Nototus, Formicomus 4, Anthicus, Euglenes.] (47.9, 51.1, 54.1,.5,.8, 62) 26 Borchmann, F. 87.67 (52.9) 1917. H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute : Alleculidae und Othnidae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 101—108, 12 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Cistelina 2, Othnius 3.] 27 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 (59) 1916. Trois nouveaux Coléoptères Hétéromères de l’Indo-Chine Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 220—221. [3 nn. spp. in: Macratria, Mor- della 2.] (59.6,.9) 28 Champion, George Charles. 57.67 (69) 1917. Coleoptera, Heteromera (excluding Tenebrioridae) from the Sey- chelles Islands and Aldabra. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 161— 187, 1 pl., 6 figg. [21 nn. spp. in: Monomma, Cacoplesia 2, Stictodrya n. g., Mycteromymus n. g., Ananca 3, Eurygenius 2, Xylophilus 3, Mordella 2, Mor- dellistena 6.] (69.4,.6) 29 Innes, W. 57.67 Adesmia (62) 1917. Les Adesmies égyptiennes d’après la classification d’Ernest Ar- LARD. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 10 p. 51—68. 215330 Blaisdell, Frank F. 57.67 Alaudes (79) 1919. Studies in Alaudes. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 45 p. 307—313. [3 nn. spp.] (79.3,.4) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX. XII. 1920 28 215331 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 215340 41 42 44 45 46 47 215348 Coleoptera 434 Leng, Charles W. 57.67 Alleculidae 1916. Notes on Alleculidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 142— 143. [Errors in citation.] Chittenden, F. H. 57.67 Alphitophagus : 16.5 1917. The Two-banded Fungus Beetle. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 282—287, 1 fig. Davis, Wm. T. 57.67 Ammodonus (74.7) 1917. 4Ammodonus fossor on Staten Island. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 23 Pe 126-127. Gabriel. 57.67 Anaspis (43.13) 1916. Eine neue Anaspis-Art. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 183—184, 1 fig. [A. silvatica.] v. Krekich-Strassoldo, H. 57.67 Anthicidae (5) 1914. Neue Anthiciden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (108)— (112), 2 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Notoxus, Formicomus 2, Anthicus, Endoma.] (4.1,.5, 57.6, 59.1) v. Krekich-Strassoldo, H. 57.67 Anthicidae (502) 1914. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anthiciden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (215)— (228), 4 figg. [9 nn. varr. in : Notoæus, Anthicomorphus 2, Alloeoceras n. g. 2, Ischyropalpus, Pseudoleptaleus, Anthicus, Formicomus.] (54.1,.8,.87, 85, 91.1, 921) Cros, Auguste. 97.67 Apalus (65) 1917. Apalus bimacutatus L. var. comtei Prc. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afri- que du Nord Ann. 9 p. 125 —182. 15 Müller, Josef. 57.67 Asida (4) 1917. Die ostadriatischen Asida-Arten. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 1—17. [4 nn. subspp.] (43.64,.67—.69,.94—.96, 44.36, 45.1, 494, 497) Innes, W. 07.67 Blaps (62) 1916. Les Blaps d'Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 10 —44. Heller, K. 57.67 Blatticephalus (66.7) 1918. Eine neue aberrante Eustrophinen-Gattung. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 376--381, 1 Taf. [Blatticephalus n. g. adelotopus n. sp.] Heller, K. M. 57.67 Cadogenius (86.6) 1918. Eine neus Pediliden-Gattung aus Ecuador. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 212—214, 2 figg. [Cadogenius n. g. ohausi n. sp. Pic. Maurice. 57.67 Camaria (81) 1919. Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Camaria Gern. du Brésil. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 117—118. [C. longipennis et punctulata nn. spp.] Netalitzky. Fritz. 57.67 Cantharidae : 11.45 1916. UÜeber die Behandlung der Tollwut mit Kantharidin. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 287 —290. Roe:ke, W. 57.67 Cantharidae : 16.5 1917. Eenige opmerkingen over twe Javaansche Canthariden : Mylabris pustulata Tauns. en Epicauta ruficeps Izr. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 252 —267, 2 pls., 4 figg. Schlapp, W. F. 57.67 Cantharidae : 16.5 1920. Mylabris Beetles. RE Dept. Agric. Pretoria Vol. 1 p. 741— 749, 3 figg. Blair, K. 6. 57.67 Catobleps (68.9) 1918/19. A Remarkable New Genus of Tenebrionidae from Tropical Africa. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 143—152, 2 figg. [Catobleps n. g. blattoides and chatanayi nn. spp.] — A Synonymic Note. Vol. 5 p. 101—103. [Catobleps Brarr—F'alsocossyphus Pic—Blatticephalus Heıer. — Also synonymy of species. Cros, A, 57.67 Cerocoma : 15 1919. Biologie des Cerocoma. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 248 —252. Blaisdell, Frank E. 57.67 Coelus (79.4) 1919. Synopsis and Review of the Species of Coelus. Trans. Amer. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 45 p. 315—8334, 1 pl. [1 n. var.] 435 Coleoptera 215349 Borchmann, F. 57.67 Colparthrum (801) 1916. Die Gattung Colparihrum Kirscu. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 223—237. [7 nn. spp., 2 nn. varr.— Pseudocolparthrum n. subp.] (72, 728, 81, 84—86) 50 Blaisdell, Frank E. 57.67 Coniontis (79) 1918. Studies in the Tenebrionidae. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 7—14. {Coniontis hoppingi n. sp.—1 n. var. (19.4,.5) 51 Roubal, Jan. 57.67 Cteniopus (47.9) 1917. Cteniopus expulsus nova species. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 4 P- 47— 48. 52 Mc Colloch, James W. 57.67 Eleodes : 16.5 1918. Notes on False Wireworms with Especial Reference to Eleodes tri- costata Say. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll. No. 32.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 212—224, 1 pl. — Notes on Eleodes tri- costata Say. by H. B. Pırzs. p. 888. 53 Mc Colloch, James W. 57.67 Eleodes : 16.5 1919. ZEleodes opaca Say, an Important Enemy of Wheat in the Great Plains Area. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State agric. Coll. No. 38.) 54 Somes, M. P. 57.67 Eleodes (77.9) 1916. Eleodes tricostatus Sax in Missouri. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 234. 55 Wickham, H. F. 57.67 Eleodes (78.9) 1918. An Interesting new Species of Eleodes. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 255—257. [darbata.] 215356 Blaisdell, F. E. 57.67 Eleodes (79; 1917/18. Studies in the Tenebrionid Tribe Eleodiini, No. 2, Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 221--227. [2 nn. spp. in Eleodes.—4 nn. varr.] — No. 3. Vol. 29 p. 162—169. [2 nn. spp. in Eleodes.—4 nn. varr.—1 n. forma.] — No. 4 p. 380-887. [7 nn. varr. in Eleodes.] (79.1—.7) 57 Weiss, Harry B. 57.67 Eustrophus : 15 1919. Notes on Eustrophus bicolor Fasr., bred from Fungi. Psyche Vol. 26 p. 132—133. 58 Cros, A. 57.67 Hornia 1920. Hornia nymphoides Escar. (Note complémentaire.) Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 11 p. 76. 59 Blair, K. 6. 57.67 Ischalia (91.4) 1920. Notes on the Coleopterous Genus Ischalia Pascor, with Descrip- tions of Two New Species from the Philippine Islands. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol, 6 p. 133—135. : 60 Wagner, H. 57.67 Isomira 1917. Ueber Isomira semiflava Küst, und icteropa Küsr. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 341—346. [2 gesonderte Arten.] 61 Schuster, Adrian. 57.67 Laena (403) 1916. Monographie der Coleopterengattung Laena Larerizze. Verh. z001.- bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 66 p. 495—629. [9 nn. app. (1 APrrruseck i. 1.).] (43.61,.62,.64—.69,.74,.91,.92,.94—.96, 45.3, 47.7,.9, 495—499, 51.5, 52.1,.2, 54,5,.6,.87, 55, 56.1—.43,.8,.9, 57.6, 58.4) 215362 Borchmann, F. 57.67 Lagriidae (4) 1916. Die Lagriinae (Unterfamilie der Lagriidae). Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 6 p. 46—186. [106 nn. spp. in: Adynata 8, Lagria 17, Acritola. gria n. g. 2, Allogria n. g., Ctenogria n. g. 3, Gronophora n. g., Oroptera n. g., Bothrichara n. g. 5 (1 n. var.), Calogria n. g., Helogria n. g., Cerogria T, Lagriocera, Bothynogria n. g., Auristira n.g. 2, Arthromacra 3, Lagriopsis n. g. 4, Ecnolagria n. g. 2, Nothogria n. g., Chrysolagria 25, Entypodera 5, He- terogria 3, Eutrapela 4 (3 nn. varr.), Allocera n. g. 8.—Lagriella, Derolagria nn. subgg. — Lopholagria n.g. pro Adynata amoena, Physogria pro Physo- lagria gibbosa.] (43.91,.92, 44, 46, 47.8, 51.1—,3, 52.8, 54.2,.6,.8,.87, 57.1, 59.1,.3,.9, 63--65, 66.3,.4,.7,.99—68.2,.4,.7,.9, 69, 91.1,.4, 921, 922, 94.1,.3—.5, 95) 215363 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 215371 17 78 215379 Coleoptera 436 Champion, 6. C. 57.67 Lagriidae (801) 1917. Notes on Tropical American Lagriidae, with descriptions of new species. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 8 p. 138—154, 188—195, 218— 223, 1 pl. [35 nn. spp. in: Colparthrum 12, Disema 15, Meniscophorus 2. Uro- platopsis {1 n. var.), Pseudolagria n. g. 5.1 (72, 728, 81, 84—86.6, 87, 88) Champion, 6. €. 57.67 Lagriomorpha (95) 1916. A new Genus of Anthicidae (Coïeoptera) from the Islands of My- sol and Waigiou. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 395—896. [La- griomorpha n. g. semicaerulea n. sp.] Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Lederia (56.1) 1916. Lederia seidlitzi n. sp. Wien. entum. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 290. Drexler, Bela. 52.67 Lytta (43.93) 1921. Lytta vesicatoria v. maculata DrexLer. Eine neue Varietät von Lytta vesicatoria Lan. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 36 p. 4, 1 fig. Cros, Auguste. 57.67 Macrosiagon : 15 1920. Contribution à l’étude des Rhipiphorides Algériens. Macrosiagon tricuspidata Lerecuın (Emenadia bimaculata F.) Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afri- que du Nord T. 11 p. 56—68, 70 —375. 15.2—.4,.6 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Melandryidae 1917. Sur la nomenclature de quelques Melandryidao exotiques. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 149—151. |Serropapimorpha n. subg.—Micro- conomorphus n. g. pro Conomorphus partim.] Schaeffer, Charles. 57.67 Melandryidae (79) 1917. On some New and Known Malandryidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 357—360. [4 nn. spp. in: Carebara, Scraptia, Allopoda 2.] (79.1,.4) Boehm, Rudolf. 57.67 Melasoma (62) 1916. Sur les caracteres spécifiques des Tentyria et Tentyrina d'Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 49—51, 7 figg. Cros, Auguste. 07.67 Meloë : 15 1918/20. Le Meloë foveolatus Guérin. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 9 p. 38—50, 70—80, 87—96, 95—104, 6 figz. — Note rectifica- tive. T. 11 p. 70. 13.41 15.2,.3 Cros, A. 57.67 Meloë : 15 1916. Triongulins d’un Meloë inconnu. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 70—-72, Walsh, G. B. 57.67 Meloë : 15.6 1918. The embryonic period of Meloë proscarabaeus Linn. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 162. Blair, K. ©. 57.67 Meloidae 1917. Sitarida Wuire — Nephrites Saucxarp (Fam. Meloïdae). Eutom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 122—123. Gibson, Arthur. 57.67 Meloidae : 16.5 1912. Blister Beetles. 42d ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 83—88, 8 fisg. (71.3) Blair, K. 6. 57.67 Meloidae (94) 1920. Notes on the Australian Coleopterous Genera Palaestra Cusr., Tmesidera Wrsrw., and Palaestrida Wuaire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 28—32. [Tmesidera a synonym of Palaestra.— Palaestra foveicollis n. sp.] (94.1—.6) Weiss, Harry B. 57.67 Mordella : 15 1920. Mordella marginata Musa, Bred from Fungus. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 67 -68. Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 57.67 Mordella (403) 1916. Ueber Mordella aculeata L. und Verwandte. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 118—119. (43.15,.19,.21,.22,.61,.63—.65,.69,.72,.91,.92, 44.94, 45.5, 47.8, 494, 195, 498, 55, 56.8, 57.1, 6, 61.1) Liljeblad, Emil. 57.67 Mordellidae (73) 1918. Descriptions of Fight New Species of Coleoptera in the Family of Mordellidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 153—158. [7 nn. spp. in: Di- clidia 2, Anthobates 2, Mordellistena 3.] (74.1.9, 76.4, 78.9, 79.4,.5) 437 Coleoptera 215380 Liljeblad, Emil. 57.67 Mordellistena (73) 17. New Species of Coleoptera of the Genus Mordellistena. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 9—13. [8 nn. spp.] (76.4, 77.3,.7,.8) 81 Landrock, Karl. 57.67 Mycetophila (45.73) 1918. Eine neue Mycetophila aus Osterr.-Schlesien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 34, 2 figg. [M. hetschkoi n. sp.] 82 Cros, Auguste. 57.67 Nemognatha : 15.4i 1919. Nemognatha chrysomelina F. La Larve primaire. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 10 p. 55—61. 83 Boehm, Rudolf. 97.67 Ocnera 1916. Sur les caractères spécifiques des Ocnera égyptiens. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 64—69, 5 figg. 84 Fleischer, A. 57.67 Pedilus (57.6) 1919. Eine neue Pedilusart. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 200. [P. signatipennis.] 85 Fleischer, A. 57.67 Pelecotoma (43.95) 1916. Neue Varietät der Pelecotoma fennica Pıyk. aus Bosnien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 120. [zoufali.] 86 Lesne, P. 97.67 Philorea (85) 1917. Notes sur les Philorea, Col&opteres Ténébrionides de la Faune des Andes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 71—-72. 87 Denier, Pierre. 57.67 Picnoseus (83) 1918. Sur le genre Picnoseus Sorrer. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 208—210. [1 n. var.] | 88 Champion, G. C. 57.67 Platamops (8) 1916. New Species of the Genus Platamops, Rerrr. [—Spithobates CaaMr.] (Coleoptera), from Tropical South America. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 470—474, [4 nn. spp.] (81, 86) 215389 Weiss, Harry B. 57.67 Platydema : 15 1919. Notes on Platydema ellipticum Fas. and its Fungus Host. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 276—277. 90 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Poecilesthus (81) 18. Deux nouveaux Poecilesthus Branca. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 123. [P. rugulosus et cyaneipennis nn. spp.] 91 Champion, &. C. 97.67 Poophylax (82.99) 1916. A new Genus of Pythidae (Coleoptera) from the Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 17 p. 311—318. [Poophylax n. g. falklan- dica n. sp. 92 Wradatsch, G. 57.67 Pyrochroa : 15 1916. Von der Puppe zum Käfer Pyrochroa coccinea L. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 205-207. 93 Reum, Walter. 57.67 Pyrochroa : 15 1918. Pyrochroa coccinea Lınv. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 27 p. 146—147. 94 Champion, 6. C. 57.67 Pyrochroidae (502) 1916. On new exotic Scraptiina. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 253—258, 265—275, 1 pl. [39 nn. spp. in: Scraptia 36, Biophida 3.— Bio- phidina n. g. pro Biophida minor.) (51.2, 04.1,.8,.87, 59.1, 66.7, 67.6,.8, 68.4,.7,.9, 72.7, 81, 91.1, 921, 94.3,.4) 95 von Seidlitz, Georg. 57.67 Pythidae 1916. Die letzten Familien der Heteromeren. Deutsch. entom. Zeitsch. 1916 p. 113-128. [Pythidae.] 215396 Blair, K. G. 57.67 Pythiäae (502) 1919. Notes on the Pythidae with Descriptions of New Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 5 p. 112—124. [9 nn. spp. in: Lissodema 4, Pluty- salpingus (n. g. pro Rhinosimus wallacei) 2, Notosalpingus, Trichosphaeriestes n. g., Oncosalpingus n. g.—Platylissodema n. g. pro Lanthanus rouyeri.] (54.8,.87, 59,5, 81, 83, 91.1,.8, 922, 94.1, 95) 215397 98 215399 215400 01 02 03 04 215405 06 07 08 09 10 215411 Coleoptera 438 van der Wiel, P. | 57.67 Pytho : 15 1918. Mededeelingen over Pytho depressus L. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 61 Everts, Ed. J. @. 57.67 Pytho (492) 1919. Pytho depressus n. ab. chloropterus. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 61 Versl. De LIiI—LIY. Chobaut, A. 57.67 Rhipidius (44.92) 1919. Description des deux sexes, de l’œuf et de la larve primaire d’un nouveau Rhipidius de Provence. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 200 — 9206, 2 figg. [Rh. denisi n. sp.] 13.41 ; Heller, K. M. 57.67 Rhipidius (86) 1918. Notiz über Fragmente eines Rhipidius aus Kolumbien. Wien. en- tom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 128. Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Scraptia (69) 1917. Trois nouvelles espèces de Scraptia Larr. de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 72— 74. Gebien, Hans. 57.67 Seienis (502) 1918/19. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Setenis. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 121—130, 215—221, 1 pl., 10 figg. [7 nn. spp.] — Bd. 8 p. 1—14, 3 figg. [11 nn. spp.] (51.2, 54.8,.87, 59.4,.5,.8,.9, 91.3, 922, 935, 936, 95) Beare, T. Hudson. 57.67 Sphaeriestes (41) 1916. Sphaeriestes (Rabocerus) gabrieli Geru., a British Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 254—255. (41.23,.24,.44) Blair, K. 6. 57.67 Sphaeriestes (42) 1918. Notes on the British Species of Sphaeriestes Sterz. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 77—84, (41.23, 42.21,.27,.57) Pic, Maurice. 97.67 Statira (8) 1918. Espèces nouvelles du genre Siatira Serv. et notes synonymiques. Bull. Soc, entom. France 1918 p. 95—96. [2 nn. spp., 1 n. var.—S. mul- tifenestrata n. nom. pro S. vageguttata Cnampion non Pıc.] (81, 88) Blaisdell, Frank E. 97.67 Tegrodera (7) 1918. Synopsis of the Genus Tegrodera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 533 —335. [1 n. var.] (72.2, 79.1,.4) Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Tenebrionidae 1917. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien, entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 262. [Diaclina von Alphitobius generisch verschieden.] Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Tenebrionidae 1917. Bestimmungs-Schlüssel für die Unterfamilien und Tribus der pa- läarktischen Tenebrionidae. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 51—66. — Berichtigung. p. 296. Blair, K. 6. 57.67 Tenebrionidae 1918. A Note on the Systematic Position of the Genus Tretothoraz Lxa. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 152—154. [Belongs to the Dacode- rinae. — Dacoderus acanthomma n. sp.] (86) Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Tenehrionidae (403) 1916. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Tenebrioniden-Abteilung der palaearc- tischen Epitragini. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 139—149. [8 nn. spp. in: Aprosphaena n. g. 3, Sphenaria 2, Trichosphaena 2, Himatismus. — Tricho- sphaena n. nom. pro Himatismus Suwen. non Er. (499, 51.3,.6,.7, 54.1, 55, 56.8, 57.6,.9, 58.4, 59.1, 62, 63, 65, 67) Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (403) 1916. Bestimmungstabelle der Tenebrioniden-Unterfamilie Zophosini aus der paläarktischen Fauna. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 81—99. [% nn. spp. in: Zophosis (2 nn. varr.) — Zophosis pharaonis n. nom. pro Zo- phosis rotundata Sor., Derr. non Mix.] (46,.85, 469, 47,9, 495, 499, 55, 56.1,.4,.6—.8, 57.6,.9, 58.4, 61,1—65, 66.3) 439 Coleoptera 215412 Beilter, Edm. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (403) 1916. Bestimmungstabelle der Tenebrioniden, enthaltend die Zopherini, Elenophorini, Leptodini, Stenosini und Lachnogyini aus der paläarkti- schen Fauna. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 129—171. [7 nn. spp. in: Leptodes, Stenosis (4 nn. varr.), Dichillus 5 (1 n. subsp., 4 nn. varr.) — Dichillocerus, Dichillomessor, Dichilles'hes, Dichillinus, Dichillodontus nn. subgg. — Tagenostola n. g. pro Stenosis part. Mitotagenia pro Tagenia arabs. — Eutagenia cribricollis n. nom. pro E, smyrnensis Rerrr. non “oz. (43.69,.96, 44.9, 45.79—.99, 46.8,.85, 469, 47.7—.9, 495, 496, 498, 499, 51.4,.0,.7, 53.2, 55, 56.3—.48,.6—.8, 57.6,.9— 58.4, 61.1—65) 13 Reitter, Edm. 97.67 Tenebrionidae (493) 1916. Bestimmungstabelle der Tenebrioniden-Gruppe der Phaleriini, aus der palaearktischen Fauna. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 3—10. [3 an. spp. in Phaleria.— Phaleromela n. g. pro Phaleria subnumeralis.] (43.96, 45.3,.9,.99, 46.85, 469, 47.7, 51.7, 52, 53.1,.4, 56.8, 57.6, 61.1, 62, 64, 65, 67.8) 14 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (403) 1917. Bestimmungstabelle der Cossyphini und Misoiampini. (Tribus der Tenebrionidae.) Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 129—150. [15 nn. spp. in: Cossyphus 3 (1 n. subsp.), Endostomus 11, Cybopiestes n. g.] (45.5,.6,.8,.9,.99, 46.4,.75,.8,.85, 469, 47.7,.9, 495, 496, 499, 54.1,.8,.87, 55, 56.43,.8, 57.9, 59.1,.7,.8, 61.1, 62—65, 66.3, 67.1—.5,.7,.8, 68.4,.5,.9, 69, 91.4, 922, 94.4) 215415 Reitter, Edmund. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (403) 1917. Bestimmungstabelle der palaearktischen Arten der Tenebrioniden- Abteilung Asidini. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 55 Abh. p. 1—74. [43 nn. spp. in: Alphasida 25 (1 Dopero i. 1., 5 Escauera i. 1, 1 Rams. i. 1. — 3 nn. subspp.—3 nn. varr.), Asida 18 (5 EscauerA i. 1, 2 Dopero 1.1. — 3 nn. subspp.—3 nn. varr. (1 Dopero i. 1.) — Petasida, Granasida, Dura- sida, Aulonasida, Mimelasida, Melambasida, Gymnetasida, Pedarasida, Apla- nasida, Cribrasida, Peltasida, Polasida, Trachasida, Eurasida, Dolichasida, Leptasida, Trachasida nn, subgg.] (43.44,.64,.68,.69,.93,.94,.96, 44.83, 45.2,.5,.71,.73,.75,.79— 46.1,.3—.5, ‚7489, 9, 47.7, 494-499, 61.1, 62, 64, 65) 16 Kuutzen, H. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (6) 1916. Kritische Bemerkungen und Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Adesmii- nen des tropischen und südlichen Afrika. I. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 8i A Heft 7 p. 129—155. Le nn. spp. in: Macropoda 31, Kirn (n. g. pro Me- triopus platynota) 2, Onymacris.] (63, 66.3,.7, 67.1, ‚3,9--.9, 68.7,.8) 17 Chobaut, A. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (61.2) 1918. Description de trois Ténébrionides nouveaux de la Tunisie méri- dionale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 74—76. [2 nn. spp. in: Hion- thisoma, Helops (1 n. subsp.).] 18 Chatanay, J. 97.67 Tenebrionidae (69) 1914. Nouveaux Asidides de Madagascar. Insecta Ann. 4 p. 1—13, 13 fige. [3 nn. spp. in: Leptasida n. g., Oxyge n. g., Scotinesthes, — Eurypro- sternum n. g. pro Andremius parallelus.] 215419 Gebien, Hans. 57.67 Tenebrionidse (801) 1919. Monographie der südamerikanischen Camarien nebst einer Ueber- sicht über die indischen Gattungen der Camariinen. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft s p. 25—167, 2 Taf., 38 figg. [65 nn. spp. in: Campsia, Acan- thocamaria n. g., Maracia (n. g. pro Camaria femoralis), Camaria 46 (2 nn. varr.), Blapida $, Priocamaria n. g. 2, Camarimena 5, Hoploedipus, — 1 n. var. in Eucamarıa (n. g. pro Camaria spectabilis). — Cerocamptus u. g. pro Camaria malayana, Meihistamena pro C. clavipes, Pigeus pro Camarimena nitidipes.] (51.2, 54.3,.8, 728, 81, 82, 84—86,6, 37,.89, 91.1, 922) Coleoptera 440 215420 Carter, H. J. 57.67 Tenebrionidae (94) 1914. Revision of the Subfamily Tenebrioninae, Family Tenebrionidae. ‘Australian species: With Descriptions of New Species of Tenebrioninae and Cyphaleinae.) Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 39 p. 44—86, 6 figg. {23 nn. spp. in: "Brises, Hypaulax 3, Enyalesthus, Promethis 3, Teremenes, Menephilus 3, Meneristes 3, Toxicum 2, Platyphanes 2, Opigenia, Olisthaena, Prophanes, Chariothes.] (94.1—.6) 21 Parker, H. L. \ 57.67 Tribolium : 16.5 1916. Tribolium confusum Duvaz as a Museum Pest. Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 284. 22 Chapman, RB. N. 57.67 Tribolium : 16.5 1918. The Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum Duvar). (Pap. No. 154 Journ. Ser. Minnesota agric. Exper. Stat.) 17th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 73—93, 1 pl., 3 figg. 23 Chapman, R. N. 57.67 Tribolium : 16.5 1919. Insects in Relation to Wheat Flour and Wheat Flour Substitutes. Journ, econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 66—67. [Tribolium confusum.] 24 Champion, George Charles. 57.67 Xylophilidae (5) 1916. On new or little known Xylophilidae. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1916 p. 1—64, 2 pls. [68 nn. spp. in: Hylobaenus 2, Xylophilus 66.] (51.1,.2, 54.1,.5,.7—.87, 59.1—.3, 68.4,.9, 729.8, 81, 921, 925, 931, 94.2—.4) 25 Champion, 6. €. 57.67 Xylophilus (502) 1917. New Xylophilus from Australia, India and Borneo. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. > pP» 1—4. [5 nn. spp.] (54.8, 91.1, 94.4) 26 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Zonabris (5) 1916. Nouveaux Zonabris de l'Inde et de Cochinchine. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1916 p. 125—126. [2 nn. spp., 1 n. var.] (54.8, 59.7) 215427 Csiki, Ernö. 57.68 : 16.5 1906/08. Magyarorszag szü-féléi. — Die Borkenkäfer Ungarns. DT, Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 47—53, 71—79, 154—156, 170—174, 187—188, 208—211, i6 fige. — VII—X. K. 14 p. 7—10, 153-157, 176—178, 217— 221. — XI—XII K. 15 p. 535—39, 88—90, 129—130. [Ipidae and Pla- typodidae.] ; 28 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 : 16.5 1918. Weevils which Affect Irish Potato, Sweet Potato, and Yam. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 12 p. 601—612, 7 pls. [Trypopremnon sanfordi and Palaeopus dioscoreae nn. spp.) (728, 729.2,.8, 76.4, 82, 83—85, 91.4, 921) 29 Back, E, A. 587.68 : 16.5 1919. How Weevils Get into Beans. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 19518 p. 327—334, 3 pls. 30 Blackman, M. W. 57.68 : 16.5 1919. Notes on Forest Insects. I. On Two Bark-Beetles Attacking the Trunks of White Pine Trees. Psyche Vol. 26 p. 85—96, 1 pl., 1 fig. [Ips longidens and Hylurgops pinifex.] 31 Pic, Maurice. 57.68 (67. 2) 1916. Phytophages nouveaux. [Col. Megalopidae and Crioceridae.] Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 186—187. [3 nn. spp. in: Mastostethus 2, Bra- dylema.—1.n. var. in Lema.] 32 Maulik, S. 57.68 (69) 1917. Cassidinae and Bruchidae (Coleoptera) from the Seychelles Islands and Aldabra. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 144—147, 1 fig. [Ho- plionota lila u. sp.] (69.4,.6) 215433 Champion, 6. C. » 57.68 (728) 1920. Some New Coleoptera from Costa Rica. Eutom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 220—227, 1 fig. [5 nn. spp. in: Hypocoslioides, Diabrotica, Epi- trig, Homalispa, Cephalodonta.] 441 Coleoptera 215434 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 (73) 1916. Studios on Weevils (Rhynchophora) with Descriptions of New Ge- nera and Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 461—478, 2 fige. [2 on. spp. in: Leiomerus, Eisonyx. — Psallidiidae, Orobotidae, Crypto- rhynchidae nn. fam. — Rhininae, Carciliinae, Orchestinae, Orobitinae, Eurhininae nn. subfam. — Loncophorini n. trib. — ÆExophthalmudes n. 8. pro Exophthalmus Cnamrion non LArkeıLLe.] (76.4,.6, 79.4, 728, 729.1, 81, 89) 35 Schultze, W. 57.68 (91.4) 1917/19. Fourth Contribution to the Coleoptera Fauna of the Philippines. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 12 p. 249—259, 1 pl. [11 nn. spp. in : Acronia, Pachyrrhynchus 4, Eupachyrrhynchus, Macrocyrtus (1 n. var.), Nothapocyrtus, Artapocyrtus, Metapocyrtus 2.] — Seventh Contribution toithe Coleoptera Fauna of the Philippines. Vol. 15 p. 545-561, 1 pl, 1 fig. [18 nn. spp. in: Euclea (1 n. subsp.), Doliops, Acronia, Pachyrrhynchus 3 (1 n. subsp.), Metapocyrtus 7 (1 n. subsp.), Rhinoscapha, Alcides 4.] 36 Perkins, R. C. L. 57.68 (96.9) 1916/20. Some New Hawaiian Coleoptera. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 247—251. [6 nn. spp. in: Plazithmysus 2, Acalles, Dryotribus, Heteramphus, Proterhinus.] — Vol. 4 p. 341—359. [18 nn. spp. in: Nesith- mysus n. g. Plagithmysus 2, Clytarlus, Proterhinus 14.] 37 Lichtenstein, Jean L. 57.68 Acalles : 16.5 1919. L’sthologie d’Acalles punctaticollis Luc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 254— 257, 1 fig. 38 Bartlett, Charles. 57.68 Acanthocinus (42.35) 1918. Acanthocinus aedilis L. in Devon. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 4 p. 137—138. 39 Manter, J. A. 57.68 Acanthoscelides : 16.5 1917. Notes on the Bean Weevil (Acantnoscelides (Bruchus) obtectus Sar.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 190—193. 215440 Razzauti, Alberto. 57.68 Acanthoscelides : 16.5 1917. Contributo alla conoscenza del Tonchio del Fagiuolo (Acanthosce- lides obtectus Say.) Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 12 p. 94 — 122, 16 figg. 41 Lo Priore, 6. 57.68 Acanthoscelides : 16.5 1918. Un nuovo brucco del fagiuolo. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena (5) Vol. 4 p. 17—80, 14 figg. [Acanthoscelides obtectus.] 42 Caillol, Henri. 57.68 Acanthoscelides (66.3) 1919. Description d’un Acanthoscelides nouveau, de Timbouctou. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 53. [À. trabuti n. sp.] 43 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 57.68 Acicnemis (502) 1919. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden-Gattung Acienemis Lacor- paire. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 8 p. 92—160. [26 nn. spp. (2 Favsr i. 1).] — Heft 9 p. 58-165, [76 nn. spp.] (52.9, 54.8,.87, 59.1,.19,.4,.5,.8,.9, 91.1— 028, 934, 935, 94.3, 95, 96.1,.2) 44 Kleine, R. 87.68 Agriorrhynchus (502) 1918. Die Gattung Agriorrhynchus Power. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 11 p. 118—148, 22 figg. (54.1, 59.1,.5, 91.1, 921, 922) 45 Heller, K. M. 57.68 Alcides (91.4) 1917. Die philippinischen Arten der Rüsselkäfergattung Alcides Scnôxu. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 78 p« 209—245. [23 nn. spp., 5 nn. varr. (1 Faust i. l.), Cylindralcides, Sternuchopsis, Robustaleides, Granosalcides, Ornatalcides, Metallalcides nn. subgg.] 46 Woods, William Colcord. 57.68 Altica : 14.5 1918. The Alimentary Canal of the Larva of}'Altica bimarginata SAY. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol, 11 p. 283—318,\4 pls. 215447 Woods, William Colcord. 97.68 Altica : 16.5 1917. The Biology of the Alder Flea-Beetle, Altica bimarginata Sax. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 93.) 33d ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. — Bull. No. 265 p. 249—284, 4 pls. Coleoptera 442 215448 Woods, William Colcord. 57.68 Altica (74.2) 1918. The Biology of Maine Species of Altica. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 100.) 34th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 273 p. 149—204, 4 pls. [3 nv. spp.) 16.5 49 Kleine, R. 587.68 Amorphocephalas : 15 1916. Amorphocephalus coronatus F. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 281—282. 50 Sharp, D. ” 57.68 Amycteridae (94) 1920. Studies in Rhynchophora. VIIL On Phalidura. Amycteridae. Entem. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 1—7. |2 no. spp. in: Eustatius n. g., Prophalidura n. g.—Aphalidura n. g. pro Phalidura impressa.] (94.4) 51 Keys, James. 57.68 Anchonidium (42.35) 1916. Anchonidium unguiculare Aux : A Genus and Species of Coleop- PE À er to the British List. Entom. monthiy Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 112— „+ pl. 52 Sharp, D. 87.68 Angianus (95) 1919. Studies in Rhynchophora. 4. An Aberrant New Genus and Tribe from New Guinea. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 151—153. [An- gianides n. tribus.—Angianus n. g. pratti n. sp.] 53 Schneider-Orelli, O0. 97.68 Anisandrus : 16.5 1917. Ueber die Bekämpfung des ungleichen Borkenkäfers. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 81 p. 463. 54 Kleine, R. 57.65 Anocamara (921) 1920. Ein neues Brenthidengenus aus dem Deutschen Entomologischen Museum. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 120—123, 1 fig. [Anocamara n. g. pro- portionalis n. sp.] 55 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 Anthonomus : 11.044 1916. A New Interpretation of the Relationships of Temperature, and Humidity to Insect Develupment. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 5 p. 1185 —1191, 2 figg. [Based on studies of Anthonomus grandis and A. g. thun- beriae.] 215456 . . . 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1915. Der Apfelblütenstecher (Anthonomus pomorum). Schweiz. land- firtsch. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 48 p. 524—528, 2 figg: 97 Coad, B. R. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1915. Recent Studies of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 231, 34 pp. 1 fig. 58 Schneider-Orelli, O. 55.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1915. Zur Bekämpfung des Apfelblütenstechers. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 29 p. 534—535. | 59 Coad, B. R. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1916. Cotton Boll-weevil Control in the Mississippi Delta, with Special Reference to Square Picking and Weevil Picking. Bull. U. $S. Dept. Agric. No. 382, 12 pp. 60 Headlee, Thomas J. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1916. Sulphur-arsenical Dusts against the Strawberry Weevil (Anthonomus signatus Sar.). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 84—89, 1 fig. 61 Howe, R. W. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1916. Studies of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil in the Mississippi Valley. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 358, 32 pp., 2 figg. 62 Rockwood, L. P. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1916. Sporotrichum globuliferum Srec., a Natural Enemy of the Alfalfa Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 495—499. 63 Coad, B. R., and T. F. Mc Gehee. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1917. Collection of Weevils and Infested Squares as a Means of Con- trol of the Cotton-boll Weevil in the Mississippi Delta. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 564, 51 pp., 2 pls., 1 fig. 215464 Headlee, Thomas J. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1917. Further Trial of Sulphur-Arsenate of Lead-Dust against the Straw- berry Weevil. (Contrib. No. 2 entom. Lab. Rutgers College and the N. J. Agric. Exper. Stat.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 287—290. 443 Coleoptera 215465 Stehli, Georg. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1917. Der Apfelblütenstecher, Anthonomus pomorum. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 14 p. B 12, 6 figg. 66 Higgins, L. A. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1918. How the Dairy Cow brought Prosperity in the Wake of the Boll Weevil. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1917 p. 303—810, 2 pls. 67 Schulz, Ulrich K. T. 5.68 Anthonomus : 16,5 1919. Beiträge zur Biologie des Apfelblütenstechers (Anthonomus pomo- ei voue Mitteilung.) Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1918 p. 363—371. 68 Coad, B. R., and T. P. Cassidy. 97.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1920. Cotton Boll Weevil Control by the Use of Poison. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 875, 31 pp. 69 Newell, Wilmon, and Eli K. Bynum. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1920. Notes on Poisoning the Boli Weevil. Results of an Investigation to Determine Whether the Presence of Dew or Rain Water on Cotton Plants is Necessary to the Effective Use of Arsenates. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 123—136, 1 pl., 5 figg. 70 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1920. The Greatest Economical Agricultural Problem in America To-Day. I. A Second Statement Regarding the Plan to Eradicate the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil from the United States. II. A Catechism on Boll Weevil Eradication, Gage-Pierce Res. Lab. Denver Bull. No. 2, 16 pp. 71 Marcovitch, S. 57.68 Anthonomus (77.6) 1916. The Strawberry Weevil in Minnesota. Anthonomus signatus Sar. 16th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. i09—134, 4 pls. 16.5 72 Nicolay, Alan 8. 67.68 Anthophilax (7) 1917. Synopsis of the Anthophilax of North America. Journ. N. Y. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 38—44. (71.5, 74.1,.2,.7,.8, 75.5,.6, 77.4, 78.€,.8, 79.4—.6) 215473 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.68 Anthophilax (79.5) 1917. A New Species of the Genus Anthophilaæ Leo. Journ. N. Y. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 36-37. [4. nigrolineatus.| 74 Jordan, Karl. 57.68 Anthribidae (502) 1916. On the Oriental Anthribid Genus Apolecia. Novitat. zool. Vol, 23 p. 342—349. [7 nn. spp. in: Apolecta 6 (1 n. subsp.), Apolectella (n. g. pro A. minori).] (54.8, 59.5, 91.3,.4, 921) 75 Jordan, Karl. 97.68 Anthribidae (59) 1916. Anthribidae Collected by Monsieur I. Vırarıs DE Sauvaza in French Indo-China. Novitat. zool. Vol. 25 p. 359—363, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Mecocerus (1 n. subsp.), Xenocerus, Basitropis.—1 n. subsp. in Mecotropis.] (59.6,.8,.9) 76 Jordan, Karl. 57.68 Anthribidae (6) 1920. Some African Anthribidae Novitat. zool. Vol. 27 p. 260—264. [8 nn. spp. in: Mecocerus 4, Physopterus 2, Xylinades, Cylindroides.] (66.9—-67.2,.8) 77 Heller, K. M. 57.68 Anthribidae (91.4) 1919. Philippinische Anthribidae. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 61 p. 242—265. [17 nn. spp. in: Mecotropis, Aecocerus 2 (1 n. subsp.), Sintor 3, Acorynus 2, Litocerus (1 n. subsp.), Sympaector, Habrissus, Xenocerus‘4, Xylinades, Apo- lecta,—1 n. var. in Mycteis.] 78 Jordan, Karl. 57.68 Anthribidae (92) 1916. Anthribidae (Coleoptera) collected by J. B. Corporaaz on Java and Sumatra. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 161—162. [1 n. subsp. in Mecocerina.] — Note by H. J. Vera. p. 162. (921, 922) 79 Kaufmann, Ernö. 57.68 Apion 1907. Az Apion aestivum-csoport fajainak meghatärozasa.—Bestimmungs- tabelle der Apion aestivum Gruppe. Rovart. Lapok K. 14 p. 215—216. 215480 Wagner, Hans. 57.68 Apion (403) 1920. Zwei neue Apion-Arten der paläarktischen Region. (43. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Subfam. Apioninae. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 196—199. [A. curtii und semisericeum.] (45,8, 52,1) Goleoptera 444 215481 Evans, William. 57.68 Apion (41.37) 1918. Apion (Erythrapion) miniatum Gern, in Scotland. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 4 p. 64. Di 57.68 Apion (44) 1916. Stations nouvelles ou peu connues de l’Apion variegatum Wencx. Ball. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 310—311. (44.15,.16,.22,.24,.25,.32,.33,.35,.52,.57,.58,.63,.64,.92,.95) 83 Chobaut, A. ÿ 57.68 Apion (44) 1918/19. Habitat de l’Apion aragonicum Events. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 90—91. — Rectification à propos de l’Apion aragonicum Everrs. 1919 p. 182—183. 15.2 (44.83,.92,.95) 84 Clermont, J. 57.68 Apion (44.86) 1917. L’Apion variegatum Wener. dans la Haute-Garonne. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 106. 85 Fall, H. C. 57.68 Apion (73) 1918. New North American Species of Apion. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 218—223. [7 nn. spp.] 15 (74.9, 76.4, 79.1,.4) 86 Drexler, Bela. 57.68 Aromia (43.91) 1920. Eine neue Färbungsvarietät von Aromia moschata ServiLLe. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 85 p. 5, 1 fig. 87 Kinnwark, Folke. 57.68 Aromia (43.6) 1919. Meddelande om myskbockens, Aromia moschata, vistelseort, Entom. Tidekr. Ärg. 40 p. 189-190. 88 Tomlin, J. R. le B. 97.68 Bagous (42) 1919. Bagous lutulosus in Glamorgan and Berks. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 260. 215489 Chobaut, A,, et L. Puel. 97.68 Bagous (44.91) 19. Captures de Bagous denticulatus Hust. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 182. 90 Chobaut, 2. 57.68 Baris (44.92) 1917. Description. d’un Baris nouveau de la faune française et notes sur quelques Baris de cette möme faune. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 209—211. [B. erysimi n. sp.] 91 Kleine, R. 57.68 Baryrrhynchus (5) 1916. Die Gattung Baryrrhynchus und ihr Verwandtschaftskreis. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 121—137, 150—19%, 48 figg. [6 nn. spp.— Eupsalomi- mus n. subg.] (51.2, 52.1,.9, 54.1,.8,.37, 59.1—.6,.9, 91.1—922, 529, 936, 95) 92 Dammerman, K. W. 57.68 Batocera : 11.58 1919/20. Bastaarden van Batocera albofasciata en B. gigas. Tijdschr. En- tom. D. 62 Versl. p. XXI— XXIII. — On hybrids of Batocera OONREITe and gigas. p. 157—160, 2 pls. 93 Stehli, Georg. 57.68 Bostrychus : 16.5 1912. Der ungleiche Borkenkäfer. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jalırg. 30 p. 210, 2 fige. 94 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae 1918. Mastax, ein neues Brenthidengenus aus Queensland. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 12 p. 162—168, 8 figg. [dardatus n. sp.] — Anmerkung von Eusrix Srranp. p. 167. [Kleineella n. nom. pro Mastax Kızınz non Fiscu.] 94,3) 95 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae : 14.78 1920. Ueber den Stridulationsapparat der Brenthidae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 10 p. 1—84, 67 figg. 215496 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae (502) 1917. Drei neue interessante Brenthiden-Gattungen des Deutschen Ento- mologiechen Museums. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 317—332, 16 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Anepsiotes n. g., Subdysmorphorhynchus n. g., Suborychodes n. g.] (54.87, 921, 94.3) 445 Coleoptera % 215497 Kolbe, H. 57.68 Brenthidae (6) 1916. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Taphroderinen (Fami- lie der Brenthiden) Afrikas. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 50—67. [43 nn. spp. in: Podozemius n. g. 2, Autosebus n. g. 2, Megalosebus n. g. 5, Opisthozemius n. g. 2, Protoproctus n. g., Synsebasius n. g. 2, Sebasius, Nan- nobrenthus n. g., Hesperobius n. g. 3, Oxybasius n. g. 6, Metusambius n. g. 3, Adidactus 2, Protusambius n. g., Usambioproctus n. g., Cormopus n. g. 3 (1 n. var.), Plesiobolbus n. g. 2, Bolbocephalus (n. nom. pro Isognathus Kousr) 4, Bolbocranius n. g. 2. — 3 nn. varr. in Zemioses, — Neoxybasius n. subg.] (66.6,.7,.99—67.2,.5,.8) 93 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae (6) 1918. Die Gattung Amorphocephalus ScMoENHERR und ihr Verwandtschafts- kreis. (Die Gattungen Amorphocephalus Scuoenn., Eusystellus Kı., Leptamor- phocephalus Kr., Hadramorphocephalus Kr., Acramorphocephalus Ki, Micra- morphocephalus Kı., und Kleineella Srranp.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 12 p. 52—156, 23 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Amorphocephalus 2, Acramorphoce- phalus n. g., Micramorphocephalus n. g. 3, Leptamorphocephalus n. g. 2, Klei- neella. — Hadramorphocephalus n. g. pro Amorphocephalus calwei.] (45.2, 57.1,.9, 59.5. 62, 65, 66.3,7,.5, 67.1,.5—.S9, 68.2,.8,.9, 91.1, 921, 922, 95, 96.2) 215499 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae (67) 1916. Neue Taphroderini (Brenthidae, Col.) Entom. Mitt. Bd. 5 p. 1— 92, 1 Taf., 38 figg. [46 nn. spp. in: Cyphagogus 7 (1 n. forma), Cormo- pus 3, Schizoadidactus n. g. 3, Xestocoryphus n. g. 4, Phobetrum n. g., Phobe- tromimus n. g. 2, Diplohoplizes n. g., Microsebus, Caenosebus n. g., Rhytidop- terus n. g., Anablyzostoma n.g., Dysmorphorhynchus n. g., Thrasycephalus n. g., Isomorphus n. g. 4, Dyscheromorphus n. g., Dactylobarus 2, Tetanocepha- lus n. g. 2, Anomalopleura n. g. 2, Stibacephalus n. g., Dictyotopterus n. g., Stilbonotus n. g., Bolbocranus, Glaucocephalus n. g. 2, Asaphepterum n. g, Exostenus n. g.] (52.9, 67.1,.3, 91.1, 921, 922, 94.3, 95) 215500 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae (67.5) 1918. Einige Bemerkungen über die Taphroderini des Belg. Congo. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 14 p. 55—57. [Diplohoplizes unicolor n. sp.] O1 Kleine, R. | 57.68 Brenthidae (91) 1917. Systellus n. g., ein neues Brenthidengenus mit neun Fühlergliedern. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 6 p. 174—178, 2 figg. [rex n. sp.] — Namensänderung. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 316. [Zusysteilus n. nom. pro Systellus Kuaın«.] 02 Kleine, R. 57.68 Brenthidae (95) 1919. Neue Brenthiden der papuauischen Fauna aus dem Museum von „Natura artis magis'ra* zu Amsterdam, Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 p. 43— 51, 1 Taf. [2 nn. spp. in: Baryrrhynchus, Pseudophocylides n. g.] 03 Skaife, S. H. ' 57.68 Bruchidae : 16.5 1918. Pea and Bean Weevils. Bull. Dept. Agric. Union South Africa 1818 No. 12, 32 pp. 17 figg. [Bruchidae.] 04 Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Bruchidae (96.9) 1918. Note: on the Bruchidae and their Parasites in the Hawaiian Is- lands. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 465—505. [2 nn. spp. in: Sclerederma, Charitopodinus (n. g. pro Eupelminus swezeyi.).] 15.6 (51.2) 05 Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Bruchidae (96.9) 1919. Some Additional Notes on Bruchidae and their Parasites in the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 15—20. 06 Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Bruchidae (96.9) 1920. Notes on the Bruchidae and their Parasites in the Hawaiian Is- lands, 3rd Paper. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 403—409. 07 Metcalf, Z. P. 57.68 Bruchus : 16.5 1917. Lime as an Insecticide. (Contrib. Dept. Zoöl. Entom. North Caro- lina Coliere Agric. and Exper. Stat. No. 7.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 74—78, 2 pls. [In experimentation with Bruchus spg.] 215508 Campbell, Roy E. 57.68 Bruchus : 16.5 1920. The Broad-Bean Weevil. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 807, 22 pp. 1 pl., 6 figg. [Bruchus rufimanus.] Coleoptera 446 215509 Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Bruchus (94.4) 1919. Bruchidae of the HeLus Golibetion: Proc, Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 41. | 10 Alma 57.68 Calandra : 16.5 1917 Commonwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry. Exe- cutive Committee. First Progress Report of the Special Committee on the Damage by Insects to Grain in Store. Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 15 p. 494—498. [The grain weevils Calandra granaria and oryzae and their destruction.] 11 Satterthwait, A. F. 57.68 Calandra : 16.5 1920. Notes on the Habits of Calandra pertinax Orivier. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 15 p. 280—295, 2 pls. 12 Swezey, 0. H. 57.68 Calandra (96.9) 1920. The Tahiti Coconut Weevil, Calandra taitensis Gurkın, in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p..333—335. 16.5 13 Swezey, 0. H. 57.68 Callithmysus (96.9) 1920. Notes on Callithmysus microgaster (Suarr\. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 264—268. 14 Kleine, R. 97.68 Calodromus (922) 1916. Ein neuer Calodromus aus Java. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p.;111 —114, 3 figg. [C. amabilis n. sp] 15 Brooks, Fred E. 57.68 Capronius : 16.5 1918. The Grape Curculio. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 730 p. 1—19, 2 pls. [Capronius inaequalis.] 215516 Kleine, R. 57.68 Cassida : 15 1916/17. Cassidenstudien. I. Ueber die Generationsfrage von Cassida nebulosa. (Der Einfluss der Wetterlage in den Jahren 1915—1916.) En- tom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 245—258. [Einjährige Generation.] — II. Cassida murraea L. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer Biologie und ihrer Stand- pflanzen.) Jahrg. 13 p. 24—43, 1 Taf., 1 fig. — III. Ueber Cassida rubi- ginosa Mürt. p. 63—73, 1 Taf., 1 fig. — IV. Ueber Cassida chloris Surre. p. 78—82. — V. Ueber Cassida flaveola Tuaunszec. p. 91—97, 1 fig. — Berichtigungen. p. 142. 11.044 15.2,.4,.6 17 Kleine, R. 97.68 Cassida : 15.3 1917. Cassidenstudien VI. Die Entwicklung des Larvenfrassbildes von Cassida viridis L. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 163-178, 1 Taf. 18 Kleine, R. 57.68 Cassida : 15.4 1917. Cassidenstudien VII. Das diesjährige Erscheinen von Cassida vi- ridis L. (Ein Beitrag zur Bewertung der meteorologischen Faktoren, na- mentlich der Bodentemperaturen.) Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 269—277. 19 Jablonowski, Jozsef. 57.68 Cassida : 16.5 1906. A r&palevelet pusztitö paizsos bogarak. — Die Schildkäfer als Schädlinge der Rüben. I. Rovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 135-140, 2 figg. — II. p. 157—162, 1 fig. 20 Jones, Thos H. 57.68 Cassida : 16.5 1916. The Eggplant Tortoise Beetle. Bull. U. $. Dept. Agric. No. 422, 8 pp., 3 figg. [Cassida pallidula.] 21 Spaeth, F. 57.68 Cassididae (403) 1914. Uber die palaearktischen Cassiden mit besonderer Berücksichti- gung jener von Arien. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (128) —(147). [7 nn. spp. in: Stenoprioptera n. g., Pilemostoma, Cassida 3 (1 n. ab.), Is- chyronota, Coptocycla. Odontionycha hemisphaerica heydeni n. nom. pro 0. h. nigriventris Hzyo. non Bo»., Cassida flaveola atrodorsalis pro C. f. dor- salis Dessr. non H., (atrata Gera. non F.)]. (45.61, 47.9, 51.1—.3,5-—.7,.9, 52.1, 55, 56.8,.4, 57.1—.9, 58.4, 65) 215522 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Cassididae (6) 1917. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ost- und Zentralafrikanischen Cassidinen. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 15 p. 422-444, 2 figg. [21 nn. spp. in: Aspidomorpha 9 (3 nn. abb.), Conchyloctenia, Cassida 3, Cocas- sida, Fornicocassis n. g., Chirida 6. — Ischiocassis n. g. pro Cassida umbrata.] (63, 67.1—.6,.8, 68.2,.4,.7—.9) 4477 Coleoptera 215523 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Cassididae (6) 1919. Neue Cassidinen aus der Sammlung von Dr. K. Brancsx, dem Ungarischen National-Museum und meiner Sammlung. Ann. hist.-nat. Mas. nation. hungar. Vol. 17 p. 184—204. [16 nn. spp. in: Psalidoma, Laccoptera 3, Colaspidea 2, Crexita 2, Cassida, Chirida 2 (1 n. subsp.), Me- triona 5 (1 n. subsp.) — 1 n. subsp. in Aspidomorpha. — Mahatsinia n. g. pro Laccoptera nodulosa]. (54.1,.8, 59.19,.3,.7—.9, 67.3, 68.9, 69, 84—85, 86.6, 91.2,.4, 922, 935) 24 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Cassididae (69) 1918. Neue Czssidinen aus Madagascar. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 16 p. 27—80. [3 nn. spp. in: Hoplionota (1 n. subsp.), Cassida 2.] 25 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Cassididae (8) 1919. Ueber die von Kırsch beschriebenen amerikanischen Cassidinen. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 8 p. 23—29. (84— 86.6) 26 Ainslie, George G. 57.68 Centrinus : 16.5 1920. The Cornpith Weevil (Centrinus penicellus Hssr.). Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 13 p. 271—277, 2 figg. — Description of Last Instar Larva by A. G. Bevme. p. 277—280, 1 fig. 27 Lameere, Aug. 57.68 Cerambycidae 1916. Trois Prioninae nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 238— 255. [3 nn. spp. in: Titanus, Macrotoma, Eurypoda.— Pseudoplites n. subg.] (59.7, 89, 94.3,.5) 28 Lameere, Aug. 57.68 Cerambycidae 1917. Description de deux nouveaux Prioninae Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 146—148. [2 nn. m in: Hystatoderes n. g., Closterus.] (59,9, 69) 215529 Hess, Walter N. 57.68 Cerambycidae : 13.41 1917. The Chordotonal Organs and Pleural Discs of Cerambycid Larvae. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 63—74, 4 pls. 30 Kriesche, Rudolf. 57.68 Cerambycidae (502) 1920. Neue Batoceriden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 5 p. 192—198. [8 on. spp. in: Apriona 5, Rosenbergia 3. — 3 nn. subspp. in Batocera.] (59.9, 91.4, 929, 935, 986, 95) 81 Lameere, A. 57.68 Cerambycidae (51.3) 1916. Notes sur quelques Prioninae du Yunnan. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 257—259. 32 Pic, Maurice. 57.68 Cerambycidae (51.3) 1917. Nouveaux Cerambycides de la Chine méridionale, III. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 853—854. [3 nn. spp. in: Clytus, Mesosa, Pachyosa.| 33 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (6) 1916. Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 16. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 19, 25 pp., 1 Taf., 4 figg. [34 nn. spp. in: Lasiophanes n. g., Anatinomma, Aprosictus, Hoplomeces n. g., Holosphaga n. g., Rhaphuma, Hexarhopala, Diastellopterus, Megalobrimus n. g., Hepomidion, Oxyhammus, Haplohammus, Aristobia, Idactus 2, Tragocephala, Homelix, Mul- ciber, Orinoeme 2, Leptodocus n. g., Frea, Zygocera, Pterolophia, Platyomopsis, Philomecyna, Eunidia, Phelipara 2, Scleronotus 3, Dyrphia, Hilarolea (1 n. var.)—2 nn. varr. in: Chlorophorus, Anandra. (59.9, 63, 67.3.8, 68.9, 69, 72, 81, 85, 921, 922, 936, 95) 34 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (6) 1916. Neue Cerambyciden aus der Sammlung G. van Roos. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 214—224, 1 pl. [13 nn. spp. in: Pachydissus, Apheloga- ster, Prothema, Pseudagnia n. g., Sternotomiella, Poemenesperus, Gymnostylus n. g., Docohammus, Anacasta n. g., Prosoplus, Apomecyna, Synnupserha, Ari- stobia.] (67.1,.5,.8, 91.1, 921, 922) 215535 Lameere, Aug. 57.68 Cerambycidae (6) 1920. Prioninae nouveaux ou peu connus. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 60 p. 187—145. [12 nn. spp. in: Mecosarthron, Macrotoma 2, Hoplode- res 4, Megopis, Prionomma, Prionus, Closterus 2. (51.3, 67.2, 69, 72.1, 81, 91.4, 95) Coleoptera AA 215556 Alfleri, Anastase. 57.68 Cerambycidae (62) 1917. Catalogue des Cerambycides de l'Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 9 p. 63—76. 87 Hintz, E. 57.68 Cerambycidae (67.5) 1916. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition R. Graver nach Zen- tralafrika, Dezember 1909 bis Februar 1911. Coleopteren aus Zentral- afrika. VI. Cerambyeidae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 30 p. 230-238. [9 nn. spp. in: Mecosaspis, Rhopalizus, Apomempsis, Melanoplia, Phrystola, He- cyrida, Nitocris, ‘Obereopsis, Nupserha.—ı n. subsp. in Diastell»pterus.] 38 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.68 Cerambycidae (7) 1917. On Merium and some Blue Callidium. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 25 p. 183—187.%[C. schotti and texanum nn. spo.] (71.4, 74.1,.3,.4,.7, 75.6, 76.4, 77.5, 78.8, 79.4,.5) 39 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.68 Cerambycidae (71.3) 1920. Popular and Practical Entomology. Familiar Haunts. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 73—76. [Cerambycidae taken.] 40 Garnett,"Richard T. 57.68 Cerambycidae (79.4) 1918. An Annotated List of the Cerambycidae of California. Canad. Entom. Vol. 50 p. 172—177, 205—213, 248—252, 281-284; 41 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (81) 1919. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen entomolngischern Reise des Herrn Dr. A Roman in Amazonas 1914—1915. 2. Cerambyciden. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 12 No. 11, 7 pp., 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in : Smo- dicum, Ommata, Hemilophus.] 42 Bruch, Carlos. 57.68 Cerambycidae (82) 1919. Cerambicidos argentinos nuevos o poco conocidos. Rev. Mus. La Plata T. 24*Pt. 2?p."5—27, 9 eg. [7 nn. spp. in: Holopterus 4, Methia, Parepimelitta"'n. g., Pasiphyle.— Holopteridius n. subg.] (82.9) 215543 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (93) 1917. Results of Dr. E. Msögere’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Austra- lia 1910—1913. 12. Cerambyeidae. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm Bd. 10 No. 23. 50 pp., 3 Taf., 3 figg. [41 nn. spp. in: Coptocercus 3, Porithodes, Bethelium 3, Coccothoraz n. g., Ceresium 3, Tessaromma, Piesarthrius, Strongylurus, Uracanthus, Stenoderus, Aphiorhynchus, Phalota, Chlorophorus, Obriomorpha n. g., Aridaeus, Microtragus, Athemistus 2, Ancita, Orinoeme 2, Trigonoptera, Hathliodes, Prosoplus, Platyomopsis 5, Sybra, Faressicus n. g., Didymocentrus n. g., Cyrtillus n. g., Brachyrhabdus n. g, Haplorhabdus n. g.—Essisini n. trib.—2 nn. varr. in Pachydissus, Zygrita.—1 n. ab in Rhipidocerus.— Hopla- themistus n. subg.] (94.1,.3, 95) 44 Hintz, E. 57.68 Ceroplesis (6) 1920. Die Cerambycidengattung Ceroplesis Serv. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 10 p. 162—176. [8 nn. spp.—14 nn. subspp.] (63, 66.4,.7,.8, 67.1,.5—68.2,.4,.7—.9) 45 Forst, S. W. 57.68 Ceutorrhynchus : 15 1916. Biological Notes on Ceutorrhynchus marginatus Payrucc. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 243—253, 3 pls. 15.3 46 Hyslop, J. A. 57.68 Ceutorhynchus : 16.5 1917; Notes on an Introduced Weevil (Ceutorhynchus marginatus Park). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 278—282, 10 figg. 47 Künnemann. 57.68 Ceuthorrhynchus (403) 1920. Die mitteleuropäischen Ceuthorrhynchus-Arten aus der Gruppe des chalybaeus Germar. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 70—77, 124—130. (42, 43.14,.15,.17—.19,.23,.31,.32,.41,.43,.51,.52,.58,.66—.92,.94, 44.25,.94, 45.1,.6,.75,.8,.9,.99, 46.8, 47.8, 48.6, 494—497, 56.2, 64, 65) 48 Hustache, A. 57.68 Ceuthorrhynchus (44.95) 1916. Description d'un nouveau Ceuthorrhynchus de la faune française. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 232—233. [C. Zycoctoni n. sp.] 215549 Györffy, Eug. | 57.68 Chalcocybebus (95) 1917. Analecta ad Cognitionem Apioninarum. — I. Species quatuor no- vae generis Chalcocybebus Vorz. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 15 p: 276— 282, 4 figg. 449 Coleoptera 215550 Wildermuth, V. L. 97.68 Chaetocnema : 16.5 1917. The Desert Corn Flea-Beetle. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agrie. Na. 456, 23 pp., 1 pl., 7 figg. [Chactocnema ectypa.! 51 Achard, Julien. 57.68 Chlamys (51.2) 1919. Description de deux especes nouvelles du genre Chlamys. Ann. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 59 p. 36—40. [Ch. clermonti et fulwitarsis.] 52 Champion, H. & 57.68 Chioropkorus (54.2) 1919. A Cerambycid Infesting Pine Cones in India. Chlorophorus stro- bilicola n. sp. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 219-224, 2 pls., 1 fie. 16.5 5 53 Kleine, R. 57.68 Chrysomela : 15.6 1917. Das Ei von Chrysomela aurichalcea Mannn. var. asclepiadis VıLı. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 261—264, 1 fig.. 54 Roubal, Jan. 57.68 Chrysomela (4) 1917. Beschreibung drei neuer Chrysomela-Formen. Entom. Rundschau Jahrg. 34 p. 3. (43.96, 47.9) 55 Holdhaus, Karl. 57.63 Chrysomela (43.66) 1914. Eine neue Chrysomela aus den Ostalpen. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 64 p. (126)—(127). [Ch. norica n. sp.] 56 Wradatsch, @. 57.68 Chrysomela (43.66) 1916. Ein Beitrag zum Fundorte der Chrysomela marcasitica Germ. und einiger anderer. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 31 p. 15—16. 57 Weise, J. 57.68 Chrysomelidae 1916. Synonymische Mitteilungen. Deutsch; entom. Zeitschr. 1916 p. 87—41. [Lasiochila n. nom. pro Anisodera Barv, Bruchiella pro Bruchia Weıs# non ScHwaAEGRICHEN, Dercetes taeniata pro Antipha bifasciata Jac. non Dercetes bifasciata Crarx, Diepharidula pro Calotheca von Hxypzn non Pa- LIsoT DE Beauvois.] 215558 Maulik, 8. 57.68 Chrysomelidae 1917. Note on the Subgenus Paradownesia Gestro. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 20 p. 130—132, 6 figg. [Synonym of Leptispa.] 59 Hegner, Robert W. 57.68 Chrysomelidae : 13.1 1914. Experimental Studies on the Relation between the Structure and Development of the Eggs of Chrysomelid Beetles. 15th ann. Rep. Mi- chigan Acad. Sc. p. 49-54, 9 figg. 60 Verhoetf, Karl W. 57.68 Chrysomelidae : 13.4 1919. Ueber Organisation und Entwicklung der Chrysomeliden Melasoma popuk und Phyllodecta vitellinae. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 33 A Heft 4 p. 142 — 173, 1 Taf. [Larven urd Nymphen.] 13.41 15.2,.4,.6 61 Fieischer, A. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (52.1) 1916. Neue Chrysomeliden aus Japan. Wien. entom, Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 222—228. [3 nn. spp. in: Crepidodera, Gynandrophthalma, Luperus.] 62 Reineck, Geor Le 57.68 Chrysomelidae (6) 1915. Ueber dié äthiopischen Vertreter der Gattungen Cryptocephulus und Melixanthus (Anteriscus) des Königl. Zoolog. Museums in Berlin und eini- ger anderen Museen und Sammlungen, Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd 7 p. 891—469, 149 figg. [40 nn. spp. in: Oryptocephalus 28 (3 nn. varr.—22 nn. abb. 3 Wrier i. 1.), Melixanthus 3 (3 nn. abb.), Anteriscus 8 (13 nn. abt.) — Cryptocephalus moliroensis n. nom. pro C. sirigieollis Jac. non Surre.] (62, 63, 66.3,.4,.7,.8,.99-—68.2,.4,.7—.9) 63 Laboissiere, V. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (6) 1917. Diagnoses de Galerucini nouveaux d'Afrique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 327—329. [4 nn. spp. in: Mahutia n. g. 2, Idacantha 2 (1 on. var.).] (63, 67.6) 215564 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (67) 1916. Wissenschaftliche Ersebnisse der Expedition R. Graver nach Zen- tralafrika, Dezember 1909 bis Februar 1911. Coleopteren aus Zentral- afrika. V. Cassidinae. Ann. k.k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 80 p. 40-50, [10 nn. spp. in: Aspidomorpha 3 (3 nn. ESP —3 nn. abb.), Cassida 6, Chi- rida,] (67.2,.5,.6,.8) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX XII. 1920 RUN 29 450 Coleoptera 215565 Laboissiere, V. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (67) 1919. Diagnoses de Galerucini nouveaux d’Afrique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 281—288. [5 nn. spp. in: Exosoma 4, Ruwenzoria n. g. — 1 n. var. in Megalognatha.] (67.6,.8) 66 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (7) 1919. Synonymical and Other Notes on some Species of the Family Chrysomelidae and Descriptions of New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 807--340. [30 nn. spp. in: Donacia 6 (1 n. var.), Zeugo- phora, Lema 2, Anomoea, Chlamys, Urodera, Cryptocephalus 3, Metachroma 2, Colaspis (1 n. var.), Nodonota, Melasoma (1 n. var.), Zygogramma, Oediony- chis, Disonycha 5, Phyllotreta. — Poecilocera n. subg. — Pseudolina n. g. pro Plagiodera californica.] (71.1,.8, 72.2, 74.1,.4,.7—.9, 75.9, 76.4, 71.3, Fi .7.9—79.2,.4,.6,.7) 67 Morris, F. J. A. 7.68 lp à (71.3) 1914. Chrysomelians of Ontario. 44tlı ann. en entom. Soc. Ontario p. 83—94. 15 68 Spaeth, Franz. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (801) 1916. Neue Cassidinen. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 76 p. 265—290. [23 nn. spp. in: Hoplionota 3 (1 n. subsp.), Hemisphaerota, Calliaspis, Vul- pia, Agenysa 2, Pseudomesomphalia, Poecilaspis 3, Hadraspis n. g., Omaspides, Physonota 2, Cistudinella, Batonota, Heteronychocassis n. g., Hybosa, Scaeocas- sis, Thlaspidosoma, Elpinora.] (67.2, 72, 728, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86.6, S8) 69 Weise, J. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (94) 1917. Ueber australische Chrysomelinen. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 124—141. [16 nn. spp. in: Chalcomela, Rhaebosterna n. g., Dicrano- sterna (1 n. ab.), Trochalodes 3 (1 n. ab.), Paropsis 2, Trachymela, Parop- sides 3, Faex, Pyrgo 3.—1 n. var. in Paropsisterna (1 n. ab.).—1 n. ab. in Chrysophtharta.] (94.1—.5, 95) 215570 Verhoeff, Karl W. 57.68 Cionus : 13.41 1919. Zur Kenntnis der Morphologie und Biologie der Cionus-Larven, als Vertreter eines eigenartigen Larventypus der Coleopteren. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 88 A Heft 1 p. 52—69, 1 Taf. 71 Teodoro, C. 57.68 Clytus : 13.41 1918. Ricerche morfologiche sulla larva del’ „Olytus arcuatus“ L. Redia Vol. 13 p. 99—104, 4 figg. 72 Escherich, K. . 57.68 Clytus : 16.5 1916. Clytus arcuatus L. als schlimmer technischer Eichenschädling. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 14 p. 272--273. 73 Back, E. A. 57.68 Clytus : 16.5 1918. Clytus devastator, a New Pest of the Florida Orange. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 411—414, 1 pl. (75.9) 74 Silvestri, F. 57.68 Coeliodes : 16.5 1917. Contributo alla conoscenza del Celiode del Nocciuolo (Coeliodes ruber Mazsn.). Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 12 p. 155—174, 14 figg. 75 Sharp, D. 57.68 Conotrachelus : 11.56 1920. Studies in Rhynchophora. IX. The Sexes of en brevi- setis CHaur. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 De 74—78, 1 76 Caesar, L. 57.68 RR : 16.5 1916/17. The Plum Curculio in Ontario, Nature and Extent of the Inju- ries, Conditions Favoring the Insect, and Means of Control. Part I. Nature of the Injuries. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 397—400, 1 pl. — IL. Conditions Favoring the Insect, Amount of Damage done, and Means of Control. Vol. 49 p. 17—19. 77 Fleischer, A. 57.68 Coptocephala (43.69) 1918. Eine neue Aberration der Coptocephala scopolina Lis. Wien. entom. Zeitg. ARE: 57 p. 106. [inornata.] 78 Moznette, 6. F. 57.68 Cosmopolites : 16.5 1920. Banana Root-Borer. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 19 p. 39—46, 4 pls., 1 fig. [Cosmopolites sordidus.] 215579 Lécnoc ns. S. 57.68 Crioceris : 16.5 919, Levenswijze van een aan Orchideeën schadelijke Crioceris spec. (subpolita Morsca ?). Treubia Batavia Vol. 1 p. 82—89, 1 Taf., 2 figg. ) Coleoptera 451 215580 Kae, J. M. 57.68 Cryphalna (42.2) 1920. Cryphalus eroporu) fagi Nonpu. in Fo etc. Entom. mont!ly Mag. (8) Vol. 6 p. 257. (42.21,.27) 81 Sharp, W. E. 57.68 Cryptocephalus : 15 1917. Cryptocephalus bipunctatus L., and C. biguttatus Scor. (= bipustulatus F.) Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Yol. 3 p. 76—79, 2 figg. — A Note on Cryptocephalus bipunctatus L., etc., by. Horace Donistuorre. p. 128. 82 Breit, Josef. 57.68 Cryptocephalus (403) 1918. Beitrag zur Kenutnis der Arten des Genus Cryptocephalus Grorre. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 87 p. 35—52, 14 fige. [3 nn. spp.—1 n. var. —9 nn. abb.] (43.64,.67,.68,.96, 45.5,.71,.72, 46.1, 47.9, 494, 497, 498, 51.5,.6, 55, .2,.4, 57.1—.6) 83 Veth, H. J. 57.68 Cryptoderma (921) 1916. A new Curculionid belonging to the Genus Cryptoderma. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 158—159. [C. mac-gillavryi n. sp. 84 Caesar, L. 57.68 Cryptorhynchus : 16.5 1916. The Imported Willow and Popiar Borer or Curculio. (Crypto- rhynchus lapathi L.) 46th ann. a un Soc. Ontario p. 33—40, 3 figg. (71.3) 85 Matheson, Robert. 57.68 Cryptorhynchus : 16.5 1917. Experiments in the Control of the Poplar and Willow borer (Cryp- eus lapathi Linn.). 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 122—132, 88- 86 Matheson, Robert. 57.68 Cryptorhynchus : 16.5 1917/18. The monlar and Willow Borer. 30th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Coll. Agric. Part 1 (Bull. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 388) p. 345—576, 1 pl, 18 figg. [Cryptorhynchus lapathi L.] 215537 Sharp, D. 57.68 Curculionidae 916. Re-arrangement of the Bagoini. Preliminary List of the British Members. Entom. montuly Mag. (8) Vol. 2 p. 275. [Probagous n. g. pro Bagous part.] 88 Sharp, D. 57.68 Curculionidae 1917. Studies in Rhynchophora. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 3 p. 26 —32. [2 nn. spp. in: Pseudobagous (n. g. pro Bagous longulus), Abagous (n. g. pro B. lutulentus). — Pseudobagoini n. trib. — Parabagous n. g. pro Bagous frit.] (42.85, 67.9) riet. 57.68 Curculionidae : 07 1912. Krssec’sche Rüsselkäfer-Falle. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 80 p. 169, 1 fig. 90 Schmidt, Hugo. 57.68 Curculionidae : 1918. Neue Käfergallen aus der Umgebung von Grünberg i. Sollen, Soc. entom. Jahrg. 33 p. 80. (43.14) 91 Rossi, Romolo. 57.68 Curculionidae : 16.5 1911. Alcune notizie intorno la cleonini Conorrhynchus luigionii SoLarı 0 Lixus junci Bou. (Coleoptera-Curculionidae) dannosi alla barbabietola da zucchero nelle Campania. Ann. R. Scuola super. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 10 No. 7, 19 pp., 1 tav. 92 Herrick, Glen W., and J. D. Detwiler. 87.68 Curculionidae : 16.5 1919. Notes on some Little Known Pests of Red Clover. Journ. econ. 93 Poirson, Henri. 57.68 Curculionidae : 16.9 : 9.9 1917. Un cas de pseudo-parasitisme intestinal par larves de charançon. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 385. 215594 Reitter, Edm. 57.68 Curculionidae (403) 1914. Nachträge und Verbesserungen zur Bestimmungstabelle der euro- päischen Coleopteren. Heft 67, enthaltend: Curculionidae 18. Teil: Un- tergattungen Arammichnus Gosıs und Tyloderes Scaönz. der Gattung Otior- rhynchus Geru. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 52 Abh. p. 243—251. [3 nn. spp. in Otiorrhynchus.] (45.8,.82, 498, 499, 56.8, 61.2) 452 Coleoptera 215595 Reitter, Edmund. 57.68 Curculionidae (403) 1914. Bestimmungstabellen der Oéiorrhynchus-Arten rnit gezähnten Schen- keln aus der palaearctischer Fauna. Abteilung: Dorymerus und Tour- nieria. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 52 Abh. p. 129—242, [40 nn. spp. in: Metopiorrhynchus 3 (2 nn. varr.), Lixorrhynchus (n. g. pro Otiorrhynchus gra- cilis), Advenardus, Normotionus, Mierginus (n. g. pro O. clathratus), Prova- dilus 6, Prilisvanus, Otiolehus (n. g. pro O. rugosogranulatus) 2, Bodonebistus, Zariedus 5, Rimenostolus 4, Pidunchus 2, Podoropelmus 2, Eprahenus 2, Plia- donus 4, Tourniert “ia, Melasemnus 2 (1 n. var.), Pendragon. —! n. var. in Obior- rhynchus. — Dialonedus n. g. pro 9. cribrirostris, Anchorrh ynchus pro 0. ex- cellens, Duphahastus pro ©. apfelbecki, Usipoconus pro ©. eremicola, Necota- leus pro ©. croaticus.— Tournieria teucrus n. nom. pro O. erroneus Fsr. 1890 non Arammichnus erroneus Fer. 1886.] (43.12,.41,.64—.71,.74,.91,.92,.94—.96, 44.89,.95, 45.1,.71,.79,.8,.9,.99, 46.8, 47.4,.6,.7,.9, 494—499, 51.7, 56.2—.43,.8, 57.1—.6, 58.4, 65) 96 Hustache, A. 57.68 Curculionidae (403) 1917. Notes sur Otiorrhynchus caesipes Rey et sur Gymnetron hıspidum Bruze. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 280--282. (44.58,.98, 61.1, 65) 97 Kleine, R. 37.68 Curculionidae (403) 1917. Die Gattung Eupsalis uad ihr Verwandtschaftskreis. Arch, Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 4 p. 55--153, 48 fige. [4 nn. spp. in Hupsalis.— Platy- strophus n. g. pro Eupsalis minutus.] (499, 54.1,.87, 56.8,.9, 59.1, 63, 66.5,.4,.6,.9, 67.1,.2,.5—.8, 68.2,.4,.7—.9 69, 71, 72, 748, 75.5, 76.1, à, 4, Mes as "86.6, 91.2,.3, 995, 929, 936, 95) 98 Kemner, N. A. 97.68 Curculionidae (48.5) 1919. Die schwedischen Eremotes- und Rhyncolus-Arten mit Beschreibung von Rhyncolus thomsoni. Entom. Tidskr. Ârg. 40 p. 166-169. (48.6— .8) 215599 Guilleaume, F. 57.68 Curculionidae (493) 1919. Quelques Curculionides intéressants pour la faune belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 1 p. 103. 215600 Reitter, Edm. 57.68 Carculionidse (5) 1916. Zwei neue Piochus-Arten aus Zentral-Asien. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 119—120. [Piochus marquardti und Ptochella gudini nn. spp.] (51.7, 57.9) 01 Marshall, Guy A. K. 57.68 Curculionidae (5) 1917. On New Species of Indian Ourculionidae. — Part III. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 188-198. [il nn. spp. in: Peltotrachelus (n. g. pro Platytrachelus pubes) 4, Meionops n. g. 2, Onychocnemis n. g., anne n. g. 2, Phaenomerus 2.] (54. 1,.2,.8, 59.1) 02 Hustache, A. 57.63 Curculionidae (67.6) 1916. Diagnoses de Ceuthorrhynchini recueillis par MM. ArruauD et JEAnneL dans l’Afrique orientale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 168 —170. [5 nn. spp. in: Rhinoncus, Micrelus 4.] 03 Fall, H. C. 57.68 Curculionidae (7) 1917. New Coleoptera. VII. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 385—391. [7 nn. spp. in: Conotrachelus 2, Ceutorhynchus 5.] (71.2, 75.8.,9, 79.5) 04 Blatchley, W. 8. 57.68 Curculionidae (73) 1920. Some New Rhynchophora from Eastern North America with Ad- ditions to and Corrections of the “Rhyrchophora of Northeastern Ame- rica.“ Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol..28 p. 161—178. [11 nn. spp. in: Hyperodes 2, Smicronyx, Bagous, Baris, Pseudobaris, Barilepton, Tyloderma, Acalles, Pseudoacalles, Sphenophorus.] (75.2,.8,.9, 76.1,.4, 77.2) 05 Green, J. Wagener. 57.68 Curculionidae (73) 1920. Notes on American Rhynchophora. Entom. News Vol. 31 p. 123 —201. [7 nn. spp. in! Ehynchites, Minyomerus, Pandeleteius 2, T LE" Aulobaris, Zygobaris.—1 n. var. in Ofidocephalus.] (75.6, 76.4, 78. 9 215606 Nicolay. Alan 8. 57.68 Curculionidae (74.1) 1916. Rhynchophora in Maine. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 307. 215607 08 09 14 15 215616 17 18 19 20 21 22 215624 Coleoptera 453 Champion, &. C. 57.68 Curculionidae (801) Su On some Weevils attacking Orchids. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 200—202. [2 nn. spp. in: Cholus, Diorymellus.] Marshall, Guy 4. K. 57.68 Curculionidae (801) 1916. On New Neotropical Curculionidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 449—469. [16 nn. spp. in: Diaprepes (1 n. subsp.), Pachnaeus 2, Eustylus 12, Styracopus n. g.] (729.2, 1,8, 81, 84, 86, 879.89) da Costa Lima, A. 97.68 Curculionidae (81) 1916. Sobre alguns Curculionidas que vivem nos bambüs. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 8 p. 41—43. [Astyage punctulata n. sp. 9 Schultze, W. 57.68 Curculionidae (91.4) 1918. Fifth Contribution to the Coleoptera-Fauna of the Philippines. Philippine Jourm Sc. D Vol. 13 p. Jar. 1 pl. [9 nn. spp. in Alci- des. 1 n. subsp.] Fiint, Wesley P. 57.68 Cyllene : 16,5 1915. The Effect of Cyanide on the Locust-borer and the Locust-tree. Science N. 8. Vol, 42 p. 726—727. Craighead, F. €. 57.68 Cyllene : 16.5 1919. Protection from the Locust Borer. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 787, 12 pp., 3 pls. [Cyllene robiniae.] Kleine, R. 97.68 Cyphagogus (922) 1919. Ein neuer Cyphagogus aus Java. Tijdschr. Entom. D, 60 p. 177— 180, 2 figg. [C. corporaali n. sp.] Kleine, R. 57.68 Cyriodontus (8) 1917. Einige Bemerkurgen zur Gattung Cyriodontus Kırscn. Entom. Biätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 227—232, 2 figg. [C. guitatus n. sp.] (86,.6, 87) Kleine, R. 97.68 Debora (6) 1919. Die Gattung Debora Power. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 2 p. 18—57, 9 figg. (66.4,.7, 67.1,.2) Hubenthal. Wilhelm. 57.68 Desmidophorus (5) 1917. Die indomalaiischen Arten der Curculionidengattung Desmidophorus SCHÖNBERR. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 105—123, 199—227, 5 figg. [ia nn. spp.—1 n. var.— Desmidophorinus vw. subg.] (51.2, 52.9, 54.1,.7,.8,.87, 59.1—.4,.6,.9, 91.1,.3, 922, 95) Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 87.68 Desmidophorus (59.9) 1917. Desmidophorus bickhardti nov. spec. aus Tonkin. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 264— 266. Sell, R. A. 97.68 Diabrotica : 15.4 1918. Notes on the Hibernating of the Belted Cucumber Beetle. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 93—99. [Diabrotica balteata.] Forbes, Steplten A. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1915. Life History and Habits of tbe Northern Corn Root-worm. (Dia- brotica iongicornis Say.) 28th Rep. State Entom. Illinois p. 80-86, 1 fi Fink, David BR. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 3916. Injury to Peanuts by the Twelve-spotted Cucumber Beetle. (Dia- brotica 12-punctata Or.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 366—368, 1 pl. Seil, R. A. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1916. Notes on the Twelve-Spotted Cucumber Beetle. Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 9 p. 551—556. Carsner, Eubanks. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1918. Angular-Leafspot of Cueumber: Dissemination, Overwintering, and Oontrol. Cooperative Investigations between the University of Wisconsin and the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agricul- tur>. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 15 ». 201-220, 4 pls, 3 figg. [Dia- brotica vittata and duodecimpunctata, agents of dissemination.]} Howard, Neale F. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1918. Insecticide Tests with Diabrotica vittata. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 75—79. Lowry, Qniney 8. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1918. The Striped Cucumber Beetle, Diabrotica vittata Fasr. 17th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat, (Bull. No. 203), p. 262 —273, 2 pls. 1 fig. 1710) Coleoptera 215625 Britton, W. E., and M. P. Zappe. 57.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 26 27 215634 35 36 37 38 215639 1919. Record of Treatments in an Attempt to Control the Striped Cu- cumber Beetle. Diabrotica vittata Fauz. Bull. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. No. 211 p. 290—292. David, H. E 57.68 Diabrotica (42.97) 1919. Diabrotica soror, Lxc. in Glamorganshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 88. Champion, 6. C. 57.68 Diastethus (728) 1917. A: New Barid from a Costa Rican Bromeliad. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 3 p. 223—224. [Diastethus bromeliarum n. sp.] Heikertinger, Franz. 57.68 Dibolia : Ol 1916. Zur Kritik der strikten Anwendung des Prioritätsprinzips in der Nomenklatur. Der Gattungsname Dibdolia. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 108-116. Morley, Claude. 57.68 Donacia : 15.2 1918. Donacia clavipes at home. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 188. Schirmer, Carl. 57.68 Dorcadion (43) 1916. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung des Dorcadion fuliginator L. in Deutschland. Intern. eutom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 59—60. (43.18,.22,.24,.25,.33,.37,.41— .44,.46,.47,.58) ' Davis, Wm. T. 57.68 Dorcasta (7) 1919. Dorcasta obtusa. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 108. (729.1, 75.9) Faes, H. 57.68 Doryphora : 16.5 1913. Un dangereux ennemi de la Pomme de terre, le “Doryphora du Colorado“. Terre vaudoise Ann. 7 p. 263—264, 1 fig. 3 Keys, James H. 57.68 Dorytomus : 15 1916. A note on the habits of Dorytomus tortriae L. and D. dejeani Faust (costirostris Gyr.) Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 116—11?. Munro, James W. 54.68 Dryocoetes (41.44) 1916. Dryocoetes autographus, Rarz., near Harelaw, Midlothian. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 9. 16.5 al Martelli, Giovanni. 97.68 Eccoptogaster : 16.5 1914. Alcuni esperimenti con l’Eecoptogaster (Scolytus) amygdali Gun. l'E, rugulosus Rarz. e l'E, pruni Rarz., ritenuli rispettivamente parassiti determinanti la morte del mandorlo, pesco e prugno. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 677—682. Kleine, R. 57.68 Elytracantha (93) 1919. Ueber die Gattung der Elytracantha Kırıne. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 1 p. 37—42, 8 figg. [E. cerberus n. sp.] (936, 95) Bedel, L. 57.68 Episcapha (5) 1918. Cinq espèces nouvelles du genre Episcapha Lac. Bull. Sec. entom. France 1918 p. 118—120. [5 nn. spp.] (51.2,.3, 59.4,9, 91.3) Metcalf, Z. P. 57.68 Epitrix : 16.5 1920. Dipping Tobacco Plants at Transplanting Time for the Control of the Tobacco Flea Beetle (Epitrix parvula Fame). Journ. econ. Entom. Heller, K. M. 57.68 Erotylidae (5) 1920. Beitrag zur Kenutnis der Erotyliden der indo-australischen Regicn mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der philippinischen Arten. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 A Heft 8 p. 1—121. [84 nn, spp. in: Aulacochilus 5 (1 n. var.), Encaustes, Micrencaustes 8 (5 nn. subspp.—1n. var.—1 n. ab.), Metallen- caustes u. g. 2, Cyrtomorphoides n. g., Libatomorpha n. g., Titora n. g., Tri- toma 8 (1 n. var.), Rhopalotritoma n. g., Trimota n. g., Tritomophasma n. g., Neotritoma n. g., Camptotritoma n. g. 2, Triplax 3, Thallis 3, Tamboria n. g., Subana n. g., Coptengis 2, Nesitis, Episcapha 10 (2 nn. subspp.—l n. var.), Simocoptengis n. g., Episcaphula 26 (2 nn. subspp.), Microsternus 2, Macrodacne (n. g. pro Megalodacne luteoguittata).—1 n. var. in Triplatoma. — Mimencaustes, Pseudotriplax, Ogcotriplax, Psiloscapha, Tropidoscaphula, Ore- tylus, Isoscaphula nn. subgg.— Ortitma n. g. pro Cyrtotriplax cebana, Para- coptengis pro Coptengis lineola, Libycodacne pro Megaloäacne grandipennis.] (51.2,.3, 52.9, 54.1,.7—.87, 59.1— .3,.5,-8,.9, 91.1—929, 935, 986, 94.3, 95, 96.1) Coleoptera 455 215640 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57,68 Erotylidae (6) 1917. A Systematic Revision of the African Species of the Coleopterous Family Erotylidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 20 p. 137—156. [23 nn. spp. in: Megalodacne 2, Encaustes, Micrencaustes, Petaloscelis 3, Ambly- opus 3, Tritoma 6, Palaeolybas 6, Euxestus.] — A Note on the Coleopterous Genus Eu:estus. p. 368. (66.7,.9, 67.1,.5,.6, 68.9) 4l Heller, K. M. 57.68 Erotylidae (91.4) 1918. Philippinische Languriinae. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 37 p. 25 —33, 2 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Coenolanguria, Callilanguria, Chirolanguria n. g., Ganluria n. g., Gurilana n. g., Platycladoxena.] 42 Sharp, D. À 57.68 Erythrapion (42) 1918. Studies in Rhynchophora. 8. The British Red Apions. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 1—7. [3 nn. spp. in Erythrapion.] (41.24,.39,.48, 42.27,.83,.57,.59) 43 Knull, Josef N. 57.68 Eupogonius (74.4) 1918. A new Species of Eupogonius from Pennsylvania. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 132-133. [E. fraxini n. sp. 44 Lecaillon, A. 57.68 Galeruca : 11.51 1916. Sur l’existence de deux générations annuelles chez la Galéruque de l’Orme (Galeruca luteola F. Mürzer), et sur la manière dont elles se succèdent. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 162 p. 481—484. [Une génération se ae surtout aux mois de mai et juin, l’autre en juillet et août. 45 Bellevoye, Ad. 07.68 Galeruca : 16.5 1906. La Galéruque de l’Orme, Xanthomelaena Liwné—calmariensis Fass. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Reims T. 15 p. 34—41, 2 figg. 46 Schulze, Paul. 57.68 Galerucella : 11.5 1920. Geschlechtliche Färbungsunterschiede bei den Larven und Puppen von Galerucella calmariensis L. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1919 p. 394—397, 2 fige. 11.56,.57 215647 Weiss, Harry B., and Erdman West. 57.68 Galerucella : 15 1920. Notes on Galerucella nymphaeae L., the Pond-Lily Leaf-Beetie. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 237 —239. 45 Van Dyke, Edwin C. 57.68 Galerucella : 15.3 1918/19. A Second Food Plant for the Cherry Leaf-Beetle. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 11 p. 431. [Rhododendron calendulaceum.] — A Correction. Vol. 12 p. 219. |The beetle mentioned above was Galerucella rufosan- guinea Sıar.] 49 Cusham, R. A. and Dwight Isely. 57.68 Galerucella : 16.5 1916. The Cherry Leaf-Beetle, a Periodically Important Enemy of Cher- ries. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 352, 28 pp., 5 pls,. 9 figg. 50 Goe, Milton T. 57.68 Gastroidea : 15 1918. Life History and Habits of Gastroidea eaesia Roa. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 224—226. 15.6 51 Kleine, R. 57.68 Gyalostoma (91.2) 1916. Die Gattung Gyalostoma Krems und ihr Verwandtschaftskreis. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. «6 p. 175—186, 4 figg. [@. elegans n. sp.] 52 Woods, William Colcord. 05.68 Haltica : 14.61 1916. The Malpighian Vessels of Haltica bimarginata Sax. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 391—406, 5 figg. 53 Kemner, N. A. 57.68 Haltica : 15 1919. Studier over jordlopporna. I. Allmänna eller bl& jordloppan (Hal- tica oleracea L.), Ett Landtbruksentomologiskt misstag. Meddel. No. 185 Centraianst. Försöksväs. pâ Jordbruksomrädet entom. Avd. No. 24, 17 pp., 12 figg. [Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Haltica oleracea, der kein Schäd- ling ist.] 54 Sahlberg, J. 57.68 Haltica : 15.3 1914. Om Haltica engströmi J. Sauce. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Läft 40 p. 37—38. [H. e. auf Spiraea ulmaria.] 215655 Ujhelyi, Jözsef. 97.68 Haltica : 16.5 1906. A molyhos tölgy egyik rovarellensege.—Ein Schädling an Quercus pubescens. Bovart. Lapok K. 13 p. 212. [Haltica quercetorum.] 215656 97 60 68 215678 REG Coleoptera Moznette. &. E. 57.68 Haltica : 16.5 1917. The Rose Flea-Beetle [Haltica probata Farr. Journ. Entom. Zool. Claremont Vol. 9 p. 15—18, 7 figg. Kenner, N. A. 57,68 Haltica (48.5) 1919. De svenska arterna av släktet Haltica. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 ». 143—165, 10 figg. [Haltica sandini n sp.—1 n. var. 16.5 (48.6— .8) Fall, H. C. 57.68 Haltica (73) 1920. On Certain Species of Haltica, Old and New. Psyche Vol. 27 p. 101—111. [4 nn. spp.] (74.1,.2,.8, 75.2,.5,.9, 76.4,,6,.8—79.1,.4,.6) 9 Pic, M. 57.68 Halticidae (62) 1916. Observations concernant certains Altisides et renseignements sur coux d'Egypte. Bull, Soc. entem. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 123—130, Bowditch, F. C. 97.68 Halticidae (8) 1915. Notes on Some South American Haltieidae. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 41 p. 487—509. [41 nn. spp. in: Rhinotmetus 5, Tetragonotes 6, Physimerus, Phylacticus, Homotyphus 5, Panchrestus, Loxoprosopus 5, Zeteti. cus 2, Octogonotus 3, Hapolotrius 3, Cerichrestis 3, Metriotes 5, Ptinomorpha.] (81, 82, 84, 85, €6.6, 87, 88) ;! Tomlin, J. RB. le B. 57.68 Hammaticherus (42.97) 1918. Hammaticherus lacordeirai Gaman at Swansea. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 4 p. 225. Dietz, H. F., and H. S. Barber. 57.68 Heilipus (86) 1920. A New Avocado Waevil from the Canal Zone, Journ. agric. Re- search Vol. 20 p. 111—116, 2 pls. [Heilipus perseae (B.).] 16.5 Kleine, R. 57.68 Heterobiysmia (91.1) 1917. Heteroblysmia genus novum, Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 285—289, 5 ügg. [borneensis n. sp.] 4 Heller, K. M. 97.68 Hispidae (91.2) 1916. Ueber Hispidae aus Celebes. Entom. Biäit, Jahrg. 12 p. 114—117, 1 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Hispodonta 2, Platypria (1 n. subsp.).] 3 Blatchley, W. S. 57.68 Hormops (75.9) 1918. The Home of Hormops and its Proper Position among Other Rhyn- chophora. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 155—161, Munro, James W. 87.68 Hylastes : 16,5 1916. Hylastes cunicularius, Er. and its Relation to the Forest. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 275—281, 3 figg. Munro, James W. 97,68 Hylastes : 16.5 1917. The genus Zylastes, Er, and its Importance in Forestry: a Study in Scolytid Structure and Biology. Proc. R. phys. Soc. E‘inburgh Vo). 20 p. 125—158, 5 pls., 6 figg. Muxrro, d. W: 57.68 Hylastes (42.2) 1920. Hylastes aitenuatus Er. in Britain. Entom. monthly ‘ag. (5) Vol. 6 p. 25%. (42.21,.27,.29) Sharp, 2. 57.68 Hylastes (42.27) 1920. Hylastes attenuatus Fr. a British Insect, Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol, 5 p. 205— 206. | Hunziker, We 57.68 Hylesinus : 16.5 1915. Frassfiguren von Hylesinus oleiperd«e F. Prakt. Forstwirt Jahrg. sl P. 83—835, 2 figg. Keller, ©. 57.68 Hylesinus : 16.5 1916. Beobachtungen über abnorm frühes Brüten des Eschen-Bastkäfers (Hyiesinus fraxini). Schweiz. Zeitschr. Forstwesen Jahrg. 67 p. 144—145. Petraschek, Karl. 57.68 Hylokius : 16.5 1914, Zur Bekämpfung des grossen braunen Rüsseikäfers. Hylobius abie- ii; L. (Curculio pini der Alten.) Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg: Jahrg. 82 ». »78—877. | Schneidter, Franz. 57.68 Hylobius : 16.5 1218. Ueber die Bekämpfung des grossen braunen Rüsselkäfers, Hylo- bius abietis. Forstwiss. Centralbl, Jahrg. 59 p. 113—125, 270—284, Coleoptera | 451 215674 Nechleba. 57.68 Hylurgus : 16.5 1916. Anomalie in der Entwicklung und Lebensweise des grossen Kie- fornmarkkäfers (Hylurgus piniperda). Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 34 p. 159. 75 Rockwood, L. P. 57.68 Hypera (7) 1920. Hypera nigrirostris Fas. in the Pacific Northwest. Canad. Eutom. Vol. 5% p. 38-39 (71:1, 78,6, 739,7) 76 Webster, R. L. 57.68 Hypera (77.7) 1917. The Clover Weevil in Hoi Journ. econ. Entem. Vol. 10 p. 225. 77 Wichmann, Heicrich. 57.68 Ipidae (43.68) 1916. Borkenkäfer Istriens. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 11—29, 10 figg. [4 nu. spp. in: Phloeophthorus, Phloeosinus, Kissophagus, Liparthrum. — RuscakA : 2 nn. spp. in: Ecphylus, Wichmannic n. g.] 78 Swaine, J, M, 37.68 Ipidae (7) 1916. New Species of the Family Ipidae. Part III. Canad, Entom. Vel. 48 p. 181—192, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: dene 2, a 2, Ips 2, Leperisinus.] 16.5 (71.1—.4, 74.7, 79.1,.4,: 19 Clemens, Wilbert À, Ds Ins : 16,5 191618. The Pine Bark Beetle. 30th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Coll. Agric. Part 1 (Bull. Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat, No. 383) p. 3358338, 4 figg. [Ips pini Say.] 60 Weiss, Harry D. 57.68 Ischyrus : 15 1320. Notes on Ischyrus quadripunetatus Oriv., Brod from Fungus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 14—15, 81 Sharp, D. 57.68 Iihycerus (74.7) 1918. Studies in En chophors, VI. „Ihe New York Weevil.“ Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 215—218, 1 pl. [Ithycerus noveboracensis.] 215682 Kleine, R. 57,68 Ithystenus (0) 1919/20. Die Gattung Ithystenus Pascor, Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 88 A Heft 7 p. 40— 136, 87 figg. {18 nn. spp. (1 Harrer i, 1) —Ithystenomorphus, Syg- genithystenus nn. subgg.] — I. Nachtrag zu meiner Arbeit über die Gat- tung Iihystenus Pascos. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 5 p. 69—71, 2 figg. [I barbi- rostris n. Sp.] (91.2.3, 929, 9384—-936, 9.3,.4, 95, 96.1) «8 Vayssière, P. 57.68 Labidostemis : 16.5 1919. Ravages causés par le Labidostomis hordei F. dans un vignoble du Maroc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 190-191, 84 Sarbey, A. 57.68 Lamia : 16.5 1918. Evolution d’un Cérambycide xylophage. Bull. Soc. vand, Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 51 p. 577—582, 6 pls. [Lamia aedilis] Proc. Verb. p. 147--149. 85 Campbell, Roy E. 57.68 Laria : 16.5 1919. A Suggestion of a Possible Control of Pea and Bean Weevils. Jeurn. econ. Entom. Vol, 12 p. 284—258, 86 Metealf, C. & 57.68 Lentinotarsa : 12,99 1919. A Malformed Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Psyche Vol. 26 p. 9—10, 1 fig. 87 Faes, I. 57.68 Leptinotarsa : 16.5 1915. Un dangereux ennemi de la pomme de terre, le „Doryphora du Colorado“. La terre vaudoise Ann. 7 p. 263-264, 1 fig. 33 von Tubeuf, Carl. 57.68 Leptinotarsa : 16.5 1915. Einschleppung des Koloradokäfers in Deutschland. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch, Jahrg. 13 p. 41—44, 89 Brick, C. 57.88 Leptinotarsa (43.53) 1916. Das Auftreten des Koloradokäfers bei Stade im Juli 1914. VYerh, nat. Ver, Hamburg (5) Bd. 23 p. LXXVH- LXX VIN. 99 Thonless, H. J. 57.68 Leptura (42.51) 1919. Leptura rubra L. in Norfolk. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 174—175: 215691 Ross, Emil. 57.68 Lixus : 16.5 1916. Zur Biologie von Lixus bardanae F. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Gus ben Jahrg. 10 p. 45—44. 458 Coleopter 215692 von Wanka, Theodor. 57.68 Longitarsus (43.14) 1917. Ein neuer Longitarsus aus Schlesien. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 74—75, [L. hubenthali n. sp.] 93 Laboissière, V. 57.68 Luperus (45.8) 1919. Description d'un ZLuperus nouveau de Sicile. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 116—117. [L. ragusai n. sp.] 94 Laboissière, V. 57.68 Luperus (64) 1917. Description d’un Luperus nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 159—160, 1 fig. [L. mercurini n. sp] 95 Berlioz, J. 57.68 Lymidus (66.99) 1919. Description d’une espèce nouvelle d’Eumolpide nuisible aux ca- caoyers de l’île San Thomé. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 88—89. [Lymidus variicolor.] 96 Pouillaude, I. 57.68 Macrodontia 1918. Note synonymique. Insecta Ann. 7 p. 185. [Macrodontia baiesi.] 97 Klefbeck, Einar. 57.68 Macroplea : 15 1916. Bidrag till kännedomen om Macroplea curtisit Lac. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 37 p. 111—114, 2 figg. 98 Moznette, G. F. 57.68 Magdalis : 16.5 1919. Notes on the Bronze Apple-Tree Weevil. Journ. econ. En‘om. Vol. 12 p. 426—429, 1 pl. [Magdalis aenescens.] 215699 Marshall, Guy A. K. 57.68 Mecysmoderes (5) 1917. On new Weevils of the Genus Mecysmoderes from India. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 19 p. 395—404. [7 nn. spp.] (54.1,.8, 59.1) 215700 Mickel, Clarence F. 57.68 Megacheuma (78.7) 1919. A new Genus of Cerambycidae from Wyoming. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 198—201, 3 figg. [Megacheuma n. g. melanosticum n. sp.] 01 Bedel, L. 57.68 Megalodacne 1919. Le Silpha indica Linwe, considéré comme énigme, est un Megalo- dacne de l'Amérique du Sud. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 114—116. 02 Bedel, L. 57.68 Megalodacne (69) 1918. Description d’un Megalodacne nouveau de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 193—194. [M. dominula n. sp.] 03 Penecke, Karl A. 57.68 Mesagroicus (498) 1917. Mesagroicus hofferi sp. nov. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 86 p. 219 —221. 04 Kleine, R. 57.68 Mesitogenus (921) 1919. Mesitogenus gen. nov. Brenthidarum (Arrhenodidarum). Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 2 p. 6—11, 6 figg. [amorphocephaloides n. sp.] 05 Martin, J. 0. 57.68 Methia (79.4) 1920. A New California Methia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 215—216. [M. failli n. sp.] 06 Morris, Francis J. A. 57.68 Microclytus 1918. A Comedy of Errors. 48th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 68 —75. [On Microclytus gazellula.] 07 Leng, Charles W. 57.68 Microclytus {7) 1918. Microclytus. — A Correction. Journ. N. York entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 8—10. (71.3, 74.1,.7,.8, 77.1) 08 Achard, Julien. 57.68 Microtheca (8) 1917. Descriptions de deux Chrysomélides nouveaux de l’Amerique du Sud. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 230—231. [Microtheca punctigera et boliviana nn. spp.] (82, 84) 09 Trägärdh, Ivar. 57.68 Monochammus : 16.5 1918. Tallbocken (Monochammus sutor L.). En viktig teknisk skadegörare bland länghorningarna. Meddel. Statens Skogs-Försöksanst. Häft 15 p. 221—232, 7 ügg. — Der Schusterbock. Monochammus sutor L. Mitt. forstl. N Versuchsanst. Schweden Heft 15 p. XX VI—XX VIII. 215710 French, C. jr. 57.68 Monochammus : 16.5 1919. The Passion Vine Longicorne Beetle. (Monochammus fistulator.) Journ. Dept. Agric. Victoria Vol. 17 p. 117—119, 4 figg. 215711 12 13 14 15 16 19 215720 21 23 23 24 25 215729 Coleoptera 459 Montandon, A. L. 57.68 Mononychidae (95) 1917. Rhynchota I. Mononychidae Nova Guinea Res. Exped. scient. néerl, N. Guinea Vol. 5 Zool. p. 666. Weiss, Harry B. 87.68 Mycotretus : 15 1920. Notes on Mycotretus pulchra, Sax and its Fungous Host. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 18—19. [Polyporus chioneus.] Ritchie, Walter. 57.68 Myelophilus : 16.5 1917. The Structure, Bionomics, and Forest Importance of Myelophilus minor Hart. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Yol. 52 p. 213—234, 2 pls. Laing, F. 51.68 Myelophilus (41) 1920. Myelophilus minor Hra. in Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 6 p. 258. (41.25,.26,.31,.32) Mc Gregor, E. A. 67.68 Myochrous : 16.5 1917. Scientific Note ön Beetles Causing Damage to Cotton in Yuma Valley, Arizona. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 504. [Myochrous lon- gulus.] Chobaut, A. 57.68 Nanophyes : 15 1914. Une graine sauteuse (Biologie du Nanophyes tamaricis GYLLENHAL). Mém. Acad. Vaucluse (2) T. 14 p. 173—186, 2 figg. Formänek, R., und L. Melichar. 57.68 Nanophyes (403) 1916. Die Rüsslergattung Nanophyes und ihre Arten. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 65—79. [2 nn. spp. (1 Desse. i. 1.).] (42, 43.6, 44, 45.8,.9, 46.8,.9, 469, 47.8, 9, 495, 499, 56.4,.8, 57.6. 64, 65) Heller, K. M. 07.68 Nemophas (929) 1919. Allgemeines und Spezielles über die Lamiidengattung Nemophas I. Tous. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 p. 98-108. [2 nn: spp. Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Neoclytarlus (96.9) 1920. A New Lowland Plagithmysine Cerambycid from Oahu with Notes on its Habits. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. yo 4 p. 814-823. (New- clytarlus euphorbiae.) Bridwell, John Colburn. 57.68 Nesotocus : 16.5 1920. Notes on Nesotocus giffardi Perkins. Proc. Hawaïian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 260—256, 2 figg. Stear, J. R. 57.68 Nodonota : 16.5 1920. Flea-Beetle Injury to Apples. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 438. [Vodonota puncticollis.] Kemner, N. A. 57.68 Nothorrhina : 15 1919. Ueber die Gattung Nothorrhina Rapr. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 39 p. 822—328, 7 figg. [Lebensweise und Entwicklung.) Galibert, H. 57.68 Obrium : 15 1917. Conditions d’existence de l’Obrium brunneum Fasr. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 191: p. 183—184. Laboissière, V. 57.68 Oides (59.9) 1919. Descriptions de deux Oides nouveaux, du Tonkin. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1919 p. 160—161, 1 fig. [O. duporti et elegans nn. spp.] Laboiïissière, V. 57.68 Oïdes (67.1) 1919. Descriptions d’une espèce et d’une variété nouvelles de Galeru- cini, du Cameroun (Afrique occidentale). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 140—141, } fig. [Oides fleutiauxt n. sp.—! n. var.] Pic, Maurice. 57.68 Olenecamptus (54.1) 1916. Nouveau Cérambycide d'Asie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 141. [Olenecamptus multinotatus n. sp.] Bilsing, S. W. 57.68 Oncideres : 165 1916. Life-History of the Pecan Twig Girdler. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 110—115. Hubenihal, Wilhelm. 57.68 Orchestes (43.18) 1920. Orchestes foliorum Müzz. und angustifrons Wusr. in Thüringen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 18 p. 205 —206. Planet, Y. 57.68 Otiorrhynchus : 15.2 1918. Notes et ta sur Otiorrhynchus caesipes Rey. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 226—227. 215730 31 35 37 38 215739 40 460 | Coleoptera Sedlaczek, Walter. 57.68 Otiorrhynchus : 16.5 1912. Ueber die Schäden durch den grossen schwarzen Rüsselkäfer (Otiorrhynchus niger Fazr.). Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 30 p. 20. Treherne, R. C. 57.68 Ötiorrhynehus : 16.5 : 19:7. Popular and Practical Entomology. The Strawberry Root Weervil in British Columbia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 257—260. (71.1) Nicholson, &. W. 57.68 Otiorrhynchus (41.82) 1916. Otiorrhynchus porcatus Hesssr, in Ireland. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 2 p. 202— 203. Fail, H. C. 57.68 Pachybrachys (7) 1915. /A Revision of the North American Species of Pachybrachys. Trans. Amer. enlom. Soc. Vol. 41 p. 291—486. 173 nn. spp.—13 nn. varr.] (71.1—.3, 72.12, 74.1,.3-—-.9, 75.2,.3,5—.9, 76.2—.4,.8—77.1,.8,.4,.7—78.4,.1) Weigel, €. A. and E. L. Chambers, 57.68 Paria : 16.5 1826. The Strawberry Root-Worm Injuring Roses in Greenhouses. Journ. ecen. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 226—232. » Matlieson, Robert. 57.68 Pelenomus : 15 1519, Notes on Pelenomus suleicollis Faurs. Canad. Entom. Vol. 51 p. 199—201, 1 pl, i fig. [The different stages.] Kleine, R. 57.68 Perisymmorphocerus (6) 1915. Perisymmorphocerus gen. nov. Trachelizidarum. Arch. Nat. Jahre. 83 A Heft 2 p. 12—18, 6 iigg. [4 nn. spp.] (66.7, 67.6,.8) Kleine, R. 07.68 Philopedon : 15.3 1918. Zur Kenntnis der Standpflanzen von Philopedon geminatus FaBr.— Cneorrhinus plagiatus ScasrL. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg, 12 p. 129—120. | | Seitner, M. 57.68 Phloeosinus : 16.5 1914. Phlocosinus henschi Rerrrer. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik und Bio- logie dieses Borkenkäfers. Centralbi. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 40 n. 268 —271, 4 figg. Gun», D. 57.68 Phryneta : 16.5 1913. The Fig and Willow Borer. (Phryneta spinator.) Bull. Dept. Agric. Un. South Africa 1919 No. 6, 21 po., 15 figg. Simmol, Rud. 57.68 Phthorophloeus : 16.5 1916. Zur Lebensweise des Phthorophloeus spinulosus Rey. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 191—196, 1 fig. Ai Edwards, James. 57.68 Phyllobius 191%. Note on Phyllobius calcaratus F. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 Ds 195 —107. 42 Chittenden, F. H., and Neale F. Howard. 57.68 Phhyllotreia : 16.5 1917. ‘The Horse-radish Flea-beetle : Its Life History and Distribution. Bull. U. 8 Dept. Agric. No. 535, 16 pp. 6 fizg. [Phyllotreta armoraciae.] (74.7,9, 77.1—.5,.7, 78.2) 43 Fleischer, A. 57.68 Phyllotreta (43.94) 1917. Eine neue Phyllotreia aus Kroatien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 17. [Ph. hochetlingeri n. sp.) 44 Wickham, H. F, 57.68 Phymatinus (71.i) 1920. An Interesting Otiorhynchide Weevil from Vancouver Island. Canad. Eniom. Vol. 52 p. 134—135. [Phymatinus sulcirostris.] 45 Winn, Albert F. - 67.68 Physonota : 16.5 1917. Note on Physonotæ unipuncta. 47th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario pe 50—51. 46 Kemner, N. A. 57.68 Phytoecia : 16.5 1916. Stjälkbocken (Phytoecia cylindrica L.) ett skadedjur pä flockblom- striga växter Bl. A. pä morotplantor för fröskörd. Meddel. No. 139 Cen- tralanst. Försöksväs. pä Jordbruksomrädet entom, Avd. No. 26, 8 pp, 8 figg. |Ph. cyl. Schädling der Mohrrüben.] 215747 Luigioni, Paolo. 57.68 Phytoecia (45.6) 1913. Descrizione di un nuovo „Cerambycidas“ dell’ Italia centrale. Buli. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 44 p. 168—170. [Phytoecia tirellü n. sp.) - 215748 49 50 5 52 93 54 55 56 215757 58 59 60 61 64 215765 Coleoptera 461 neeves, Geo. I. 57.68 Phytonomus : 16.5 1917. The Alfalfa Weevil Investigation. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 123—131. Leng, Charles W. 57.68 Piezocorynus (75.5) 1918. Description of a New Species of Piezocorynus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 26 p. 11—1% [P. virginicus.] Misek, H. 57.68 Pissodes : 16.5 19i% Der braune Kiefernkultur - Rüsselkäfer (Pissodes notatus Fagr.). Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 50 p. 169. Walden, B. RA. 57.68 Pissodes 16.5 1915. Experiments in Conirolling the White Pine Weevil in 1915. 15th Rep. Connecticut agric. Exper. Stat. p. 134—136. Graham, S. A. 57.68 Pissodes : 16.5 1916. Notes on the Control of the White Pine Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 549— 551, Trägärdh, Ivar. 57.68 Fissodes : 16.5 1918. Tailvivein {Pissodes pini L.), en allmän, men i värt land hittils fôga beaktad skogsinsekt. Flygbl. No. 12 Statens Skogs-Försöksanst. Stockholm, 7 pp. [Der Schädling Pissodes pini L.] Hopping, Ralph. 51.68 Pissodes (79.4) 1920. A New Species of the Genus Pissodes. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 v. 132—134, 1 fig. IP. terminalis.] Fergusson, A. 57.68 Pityogenes (41.4) 1920. The Ciyde Record cf Pityogenes chalcographus L. Scottish Natural. 1920 ». 195 —909. (41.41,.43) Sedlrczek, Walter. 57.68 Pityogenes (43.61) 1912. Ueber das Vorkommen von Pityogenes bistredentatus im Wienerwald. Oesterr. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 30 p. 65, 2 figg. Blackman, M. W. 57.68 Pityophthorus : 16.5 1919. Notes on Forest Insects. II. Notes on Several Species of Pityoph- thorus Breeding in the Limbs and Twigs of White Pine. Psyche Vol, 26 p. 134—142, 3 pls. Blackman, M. W. 57.68 Pityophthorus (78.8) 1920. Notes on Forest Insects. III Two New Species of Pityophthorus from Colorado. Psyche Vol, 27 p. 1-5, 1 pl. 1 fig. [P. bassetti and occidentalis nn. spp.] 165 Weiss, Harry B. 57.68 Plagiodera : 16.5 1916. A New Enemy of Poplars and Willows in New Jersey. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 105—106. [Plagiodera versicolora.] (79.4) Weiss, Harry B,, and Edgar L. Dickerson. 57.68 Plagiodera : 16.5 1917. Plagiodera versicolora Laïca.—An Imported Poplar and Willow Pest. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 104-109, 1 pl. Ro1ocort, K0. M. Kolossoff, I X. 57.68 Plateumaris (47.8) 1915. QuroMornornuyeckia 3amBbreku. IV. JIBa HOBHIXB MÉCTOHAXOXJeHIA Plateumaris braccata Scor. Notices entomologiques. IV. Deux stations nouvelles de Plateumaris braccata Scor. Sau. Ypaxrcr. Oôur. JImöur, Ecrecrs. Bull. Soc. oural. Amis Sc. nat. T. 35 p. 156. ; Strohmeyer, Heinrich. 57.68 Platypodidae : 14.9 1920. Die Morphologie des Chitinskeletts der Platypodiden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 84 Heft 7 p. 1—42, 34 figg. 14.93— .96,.98,.99 Swaine, J. M. 57.68 Platypus (71.1) 1916. Platypus wilsoni — a new species of Platypus from British Colum- bia (Platypodidae, Coleoptera). Canad. Entom. Vol. 45 p. 97—100, 2 pls. 16.5 Milliken, F. B. 57.68 Plectrodera : 16.5 1916. The Cottonwood Borer. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agric. No. 424, 7 pp., 1 pl, 3 figg. RP 57.68 Polydrosus (56.43) 1919. La vraie provenance du Polydrosus rhodiacus ScaıLskr. Bull. Soc. entom. Frauce 1919 p. 159. [Chypre.] 462 Coleoptera 215766 Parrott, P. J., and H. Glasgow. 57.68 Polyärosus : 16.5 16. The Leaf-Weevil. (Polydrosus impressifrons Gyır.) Tech. Bull. N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. No. 96 p. 1—22, 8 pls., 5 figg. (74.7) 67 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 Polydrosus : 16.5 1916. Notes on the Habits of a Dangerous Genus of Weevils. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 424—431, 3 figg. [Polydrosus spp.] | 68 Bayford, E. G. 57.68 Polydrosus (42.74) 1920. Polydrosus flavipes Da G. in Yorkshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 6 p. 110-111. 69 Parrot, B. J., and Hugh Glasgow. 37.68 Polydrosus (74.4 1916. The leaf-weevil (Polydrosus impressifrons Gyr.) in New York. 46th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 60 —-65. 16.6 70 Walsh, Geo. B. 57.68 Prasocuris : 12.98 me UE Rica of Prasocuris junci Braum. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) ol. 3 p. 41. 71 Kleine, R. 57.68 Prasocuris : 15.6 1917. Eiablage bei Prasocuris junci Br. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 18 p. 236 72 Lameere A. 57.68 Prionus 1917. Notes sur les Prionus besicanus Farm. et P. lefevrei Mans. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 233. ALT 78 Champion, 6. C. 57.68 Psylliodes : 16.5 1917. A Halticid-beetle, Psylliodes affinis Park. (= Macrocnema exoleta Cvar.), damaging the foliage of potatoes. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 98. — Psylliodes affinis as a Potato-pest. by Gero H. Currenter. p. 129. 74 Heikertinger, Franz. 57.68 Psylliodes (403) 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Halticinengattung Psylliodes. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 29—47. [5 nn. spp. (43.61,.91, 45.8, 47.9, 53.1, 57.1,.6, 61.1,.2, 64) 215775 Strohmeyer. 57.68 Pteleobius : 16.5 1916. Ulmen-Rindenrosen verursacht durch die Ueberwinterungsgänge des Pteleobius vittatus Fasr. Nat. Zeitschr. Forst-Landwirtsch. Jahrg. 14 p. 116—121, 6 figg. 76 Horton, J. R. 57.68 Ptychodes : 16.5 1917. Three-lined Fig-tree Borer. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 11 p. 871 —882, 3 pls. [Ptychodes triline. tus.) 77 Loos, Kurt. 57.68 Purpuricenus (43.71) 1919. Purpuricenus kaehleri Lixx. in Liboch a. d. E. Lotos Prag Bd. 66 P- 71—18. 78 Adair, E. W. 57.68 Pycnodactylus (62) 1916. Note sur Pyenodactylus tomentosus Faurs. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 7 p. 81—95. : 79 Sawyer, Wesley S. 57.68 Rhabdopterus : 16.5 1920. The Cranberry Rootworm Beetle (Rhabdopterus picipes) as an Apple Pest. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 265, 1 pi. 80 Wegewitz, W. 57.68 Rhagium : 12.98 1916. Unnatürliche Fühlerbildung bei Rhagium inquisitor L. Intern. en- tom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 69, 2 figg. 81 Ericson, Isaac B. 57.68 Rhagium (48.6) 1916. Rhagium iberonis I. B. Erıcs, n. sp. Entom. Tidsk. Ärg. 37 p. 240. 82 van der Wiel, P. 57.68 Rhagium (492) 1919. Rhagium bifasciatum met de in Nederland voorkomende aberraties. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 62 Versl. p. XII. 83 Bordas, L. 57.68 Rhynchites : 16.5 1919. Considérations générales sur la biologie du Rhynchites conicus et anatomie de sa larve. Insecta Ann. $ p. 196—201, 3 figg. 13.41 215784 Edwards, James. 57.68 Rhynchites (42) 1917. On Rhynchites ophthalmicus Srepuens, with a table of the British species of that genus. Entom. monthly Mag. (8) Vol. 3 p. 22—26. — Remarks on the Table of the British Species of Rhynchites by Mr. J. Ev- wanD8. by E. Nuwserar. p. 79—80. — A few notes on Rhynchites. by Hozacz Doxisruczrs. p. 85. (42.1,.21,.67) Coleoptera 463 215786 Perkins, R. C. L. 57.68 Rhyncogonus (95.9) 1919. A New Species of Otiorrhynchine Beetle of ths Genus Rhynco- gonus Snasp from Laysan Island. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 4. [Rhyncogonus bryani] 86 Sharp, David. 57.68 Rhyncogonus (96.9) 1919. Studies in Rhynchophora. V. The Genus Rhyncogonus. Proc. Ha- waiian entom. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 77—182, 1 fig. [Rh. gifferdi n. sp. — Rhyn- cogonides n. trib.] 87 Kriesche, Rudolf. 57.68 Rosalia (5) 1920. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Rosalia. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 6 p. 111—113. [R. sondaica n. sp.—2 nn. subspp.] (51.2, 52.9, 59.1,.9, 92) 88 Becker, Geo. G. 57.68 Saperda : 15 1919. A One Year Life Cycle for Saperda candida Fas. Reared in an Apple. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 24. 89 Becker, Geo. 6. 57.68 Saperda : 16.5 1917. The Control of the Round-headed Apple-Tree Borer. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 66— 71. 90 Brooks, Fred E. 57.68 Saperda : 16.5 1919. The Roundheaded Apple-Tree Borer. U. S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bull. No. 675, 20 pp., 19 figg. [Saperda candida] 91 King, J. L. 57.68 Saperda : 16.5 1920. Round-Headed Apple Tree Borer Injuring Apple Fruits. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 432—433. [Saperda candida.] 92 Martin, J. 0. 57.68 Schizax (79.4) 1919. Notes on the Occurrence of Schizax seneæ in California. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 231— 232. 93 Schneider-Orelli, 0. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1915. Zur Bekämpfung der Obstbaumborkenkäfer. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 29 p. 47. 214794 Apfelbeck, V. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1916. Biologische Forschungen über Borkenkäfer in den bosnischen Nadelholzforsten 1916. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 42 p. 429—439. (43.95) 95 Trägärdh, Ivar. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1917. Vära vanligaste barkborrar och deras gängsystem. Statens Skogs- försöksanst. Flygbl. No. 8, 28 pp., 27 figg. [Frassgänge von Scolytiden.] 96 Kemner, N. A. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1919. Notizen über schwedische Borkenkäfer. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 40 p. 170—176, 4 figg. (48.6,.7) 97 Saalas, Uunio. 57.68 Scolytidae (47.1) 1914. Suomen haarnakuoriaiset (Scolytidae eli Tomicidae). Tutkimus- kaavoja kaarnakuoriaisten sekä niidenden syömäkuvioiden määräämistä varten. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 40 p. 64—102, 36 figg. [Finnische Borkenkäfer.] 16.5 98 Saalas, U. 57.68 Scolytidae (47.1) 1917. Suomelle uusia kaarnakuoriaisia; lisäyksiä ja oikaisuja kaarna- kuvria istutkimuskaavoihini. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 48 p. 40—45. [Verbreitung von Borkenkäfern in Finland und Lappland.] 125739 Spessivtsev (Spessiwzeff), Paul. 67.68 Scolytidae (57.1) 1919. New Bark-Beetles from the Neighbourhood of Vladivostock (East Siberia). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 246—251, 2 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Eccoptogaster 2, Hylesinus, Xylechinus, Myelophilus. — Hylastinoides n. subg.] — A Correction. p. 279. [Hylastinoides— Alniphagus Swaine.] 215800 Chamberlin, W. J. 57.68 Scolytidae (79.5) 1917. An Annotated List of the Scolytid Beetles of Oregon. Canad. Entom. Vol. 49 p. 321—328, 353—356. [2 nn. spp. in: Cryphalus, Eccop- togaster.] 16.5 21580: Krausse, Anton. 57.68 Scolytus : 16.5 1916. Zur Biologie dcs Scolytus rugulosus Rırzes. und des Seolytus mul- tistriatus Marsa. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 81 A Heft 9 p. 156. Coleoptera 46% 215802 Plänet, L. 57.68 Sermylassa (44.59) 1917. Sur le Sermylassa halensis var. picea LaBorss. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 192—193, 2 figg. 03 Kemner, N. A. 57.68 Sitona : 16.5 1917. Artvivein. Sitona lineatus, L. Fiygbl, No. 63 Centralanst. Jord- bruksförsök, entom. Avd. No. 16, 4 pp. 5 figg. 04 Cotton, Richard T. 57.68 Sitophilus : 16.5 1920. Rice Weevil, (Calandra) Sitophilus oryza. Journ. agric. Res. Vol. 20 p. 409—422, 1 pl. [Damage caused.] 05 Cotton, Richard T. ; 57.68 Sitophilus : 16.5 1929. Tamarind Pod-Borer, Sitophilus linearis (Hsrzsr). Journ. agric. Res. Vol. 20 p. 439446, 1 pl. [Nature of Injury.] 06 Reitter, Edm. 57.68 Spartophila (43.72) 916. Spartophila fornicata Brüce. ab. nov. sequensi. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 234. 07 Pie, Maurice. 57.68 Spermophagus (8) 1917. Trois nouveaux Spermophagus Scaoenx. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 302—303. [3 na. spp.] (82, 88, 91.4) 08 Berlioz, J. 57.68 Sphaerostola (65) 1916. Notes sur un Coléoptère Phytophage de Madagascar, le Sphaero- stola rufopicea Farrmarrs. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1916 p. 271—273, 2 figg. 09 Mr F. H. 57.68 Sphenophorus (73) 1919. Notes on Sphenophorus. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 82 p. 2693 —270. [9 costicollis n. sp.—2 nn. varr. — S$. glyceriae n. nom. pro S. recticulaticollis Carrx. non BonemaAn. (76.3, 77.8) 10 Bakcock, 0. &. 57.68 Sphenophorus (17.6) 1916, Minnesota Bill Bugs. 16th ann. Rep. State Entom. Mitinesota p. 153--15%. 214811 Everts, Ed, 57.68 Stenopelmus 1916. Nog iets over Stenopelmus rufinasus Gyr. (= Degorsia champenoisi Bzver.) Entem. Berichten D. 4 p. 244. 12 Heller, K. M. 57.68 Styanax (502) 1920. Die mir bekannten Séyanaæ-Arten. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 9 p. 83— 86. [2 nn. spp.] (54.8, 59.6, 91.4, 921, 922) 13 Moznette, ©. F. 57.68 Syneta : 16.5 1916. The Fruit-tree Leaf Syneta, Spraying Data and Biological Notes. Journ. econ. Entom. Vel. 5 p. 458—461. 2 pls. 14 Champion, G. C. 57.68 Sysciophthaimus (8) 1918. Notes on the Curculionid-Genus Sysciophthalmus Hezzer, with a Deseriptioa of a New Species from Tierra del Fuego. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 n. 85. [S. crawshayi n. sp.] — Sysciophthalmus erawshayi Craur. Synonymical note. p. 64. [= Anomophthalmus insolitus Faırm.] (82.9, 83) 15 Janson, 0. KE. 57.68 Tapinotus (42.61) 1917. Rediscovery of Tapinotus sellatus F. Eutom. monthly Mag. 6) Vol. 3 p. 233. 16 Roepke, W. 57.68 Thamnurgides (922) 1919. Thamnurgides myristicae Eine neue javanische Ipide aus Muskat- Nüssen. Treubia Batavia Vol. 1 p. 23—23, 7 figg. 16.5 17 Kuntzen, H. 57.68 Tizarcha (403) 1919. Skizze zur Verbreitung einiger flugunfähigen Biattkäfer (Metallo- timarcha). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. ae Berlin 1919 p. 228—250. (1 ». subsp.) 15.2 —.4 (43.14,.18,.21,.22,.31,.33,.37,.42,.43,.44,.46,.47,.51,.53—.56,.58,.61—.92,.94 —.96, 44, 31, 45. LL 47.9, 493, 194, 196— 498, 55) 214818 Newberry, E. A. 57.68 Tychius 920, Is Tychius haematopus GyırL. a British Beetle? Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 130—121. — Tychius junceus Reıcaz and T. haematopus Grir. by J. Enwarns. p. 168. 465 Coleoptera 15819 Du Porte, E. Melville. 57.68 Tychius : 15 1916. Death feigning reactions in Tychius picirostris. Journ. anim. Be- hay. Vol. 6 p. 138—149, 1 fig. 20 Du Porte, E. Melville. 57.68 Tychius : 16.5 1916. The Occurrence of Tychyius pivirostris on Clover at Ste. Anne’s, Que. 46th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 50—52, 1 fig. (71.4) 21 Reitter, Edm. 57.68 Urodon (43.71) 1916. Urodon rufipes Oriv. var. nigritarsis nov. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 35 p. 126. ; 22 Pouillaude, 1. 57.68 Vanapa (95) 1915. Vanapa oberthüri nouveau genre et nouvelle espèce de Curculio- nide. Insecta Ann. 5 p. 101—105, 4 fige. 23 Wellhouse, Walter H. 57.68 Xanthonia : 16.5 1919. Xanthonia villosula Mersx. Injuring Forest Trees. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 396—397. 24 Roeske, W. 57.68 Xyleborus : 16.5 1919. Xyleborus destruens Brorv. schädlich für Djati (Tectona grandis). Treubia Batavia Vol. 1 p. 68—71, 15 figg. 25 Speyer, FE. R. 57.68 Xyleborus : 16.5 1919. Shot-Hole-Borer. (Xyleborus fornicatus, Eıca.) Treatment of Prun- ings on Infected Estates. Bull. Dept. Agric. Ceylon No. 43, 16 pp., 2 pls. 26 Speyer, E. R. 57.68 Xyleborus (5) 1918. The Distribution of Xyleborus fornicatus, Eıca. (Shot-hole Borer of Tea.) Bull. Dept. Agric. Ceyion No. 88, 84 pp. 16.5 (54.8,.97, 59.5) 27 Hunziker, W. 57.68 Xyloterus : 16.5 1915. Nutzholzborkenkäfer an Buchen. Prakt. Forstwirt Jahrg. 51 p. 145—147, 2 figg. [Xyloterus signatum.] 215828 Urban. | 57.68 Zeugophora : 13.41 1917. „ein Larve der Zeugophora flavicollis Mesa. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 236. 29 Strickland, E. H. 57.68 Zeugophora : 16,5 1920. Popular and Practical Entomology. The Cotton-wood Leaf-Mining Beetles in Southern Alberta. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 1—5, 4 fige. [Zeugophora scutellaris and abnormis.] 30 Weiss, Harry B., and Alan S. Nicolay. 57.68 Zeugophora (74.9) 1919, Notes on Zeugophora scutellaris Surrr, a European Poplar Leaf- mirer, in New Jersey. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 124—127, 1 fig. 16.5 31 Cosens, A. 57.69 Adalia : 15.4 1916. Notes on Hibernating Ladybird Beetles. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 pe 104—105. [Adalia bipunctata.] 32 Palmer, Miriam A. 57.69 Adalia : 15.6 1917. Additional Notes on Heredity and Life History in the Coccinellid Genus Adalia Mursanr. Ann, entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 10 p. 289—302, 21 figg. 11.58 33 Reineck, Georg. 57.69 Coccinella : 11.57 1919. Ueber die Aberrationsfähigkeit von Coceinella 10-punctata L. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 1 p. 43—49, 109 figg. 84 Nachtsheim, Hans. 57.69 Coccinella : 15.2 1919. Massenversammlungen und Massenwanderungen von Marienkäfer- chen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 34 p. 21—22. [Coccinella VIl-punciata.] 85 Fuchs, Robert. 57.69 Coccinella (4) 1916. Zwei neue Coccinellenaberrationen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 12 p. 47—49. [C. trifasciata ab. soluta und C. quadripunctata ab. bisnoviespunctata.] (43.21, 48.4) Ä 215836 Taschenberg, 0. 57.69 Coccinella (43.1) 1918. Auffällige Häufigkeit von Coccinella septempunctata L. im Sommer 1918. Entom. Mitt. Bd. 7 p. 214—215, (43.17,.18) Bibliogr. Zool. XXX. XII. 1920 30 Coleoptera 466 215837 Kiinnemann. 57.69 Coccinella (498) 1917. Eine neue Coccinella-Art (C. klingenbergi m.) aus den Karpathen. Entom. Blätt. Jahrg. 13 p. 266 --267. 38 Reineck, Georg. 57.69 Coceinellidae : 11.57 1919. 2. Beitrag zur Variabilitätsfrage bei Coccinelliden. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 83 A Heft 6 p. 7—11, 86 figg. 39 Böving, Adam. 57.69 Coceinellidae : 13.41 1917. A Generic Synopsis of the Coccinellid Larvae in the United States National Museum, with a Description of the Larva of Hyperaspis binotata Say. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 51 p. 621—650, 4 pls. — (Abstract by Huex Scorr. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 p. 130.) 40 Martelli, Giovanni. 57.69 Coceinellidae : 15 1914. Notizie su due Coccinellidae micofagi. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 663—672. [Thea 22-punctata e Vibidia 12-guttata Popa.] 15.3 | 41 Clausen, Curtis P. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15 1916. Life-History and Feeding Records of a Series of California Coc- cinellidae, (Paper No. 14 Citrus Exper. Stat. Coll. Agric. Univ. California, Riverside, Cal.) Univ. on Fr Entom. Vol. 1 p. 251—299. 5.3,.4,.6 42 Nachtsheim, Hans. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15 1919. Nochmals: Massenversammlungen und Massenwanderungen von Marienkäferchen. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 34 p. 753—754. — Notiz über Massenauftreten von Marienkäfern im Ussurigebiet Ende September 1916, von W. Arnpr. p. 754-755. on 43 Lichtenstein, Jean L. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15.3 1917. Observations sur les Coccinellides mycophages. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 298-302. 215844 Fink, David E. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15.4 1919. Hibernating Habits of Two Species of Lady-birds. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 12 p. 393—395, 1 pl. [Megilla maculata and Epilachna borealis.] 45 Mally, Charles William. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 16.1 1916. On the Selection and Breeding of Desirable Strains of Beneficial Insects. South African Journ. Sc. Vol. 13 p: 191—195. [Coccinellidae.] 46 Lestage, J. A. 57.69 Coccinellidae (493) 1920. Contribution à l'étude des Coccinelles de Belgique. Bull. Soc. entom. Belgique T. 2 p. 71—73. [10 nn. Adalia.] 47 Takizawa, Masumi. 57.69 Coccinellidae (52) 1917. Some New Species of Coccineliidae in Japan. I. Trans. Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 220—224, 3 fige. [3 nn. spp. in: Ptychanatis, Chilomenes, Scymnus.] (52.1,.2) 48 McIndoo, N. E: 57.69 Epilachna : 11 1916. The Reflex „Bleeding” of the Coccinellid Beetle, Epilachna borealis. Ann. Soc. entom. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 201—223, 2 pls. [Ejection of hypo- dermal glandular secretion by true reflex. Function.] 11.4,.82 49 Chittenden, F. 57.69 Epilachna : 16.5 1919. The Bean Ladybird and its Control. U. S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bull. No. 1074, 7 pp., 3 figg. 50 Hinds, W. E. 57.69 Epilachna : 16.5 1920. Bean Ladybird. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 430-431. [Epi- lachna corrupta and its injury.] — Mexican Bean Beetle Situation. p. 486—488, 51 Chittenden, F, H., and H. O0. Marsh. 57.69 Epilachna : 16.5 1920. The Bean Ladybird. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. No. 843 p. 1—2i, 6 pls., 5 figg. [Epilachna corrupta. — Life history and habits, injury.] -— The Bean Ladybird in Colorado in 1919. by A. C. Marrorr. p. 21—24. 215652 Timberlake, P. H. 57.69 Hippodamia (7) 1919. Notes on the North American Species of Hippodamia. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 162—174. (71.3, 74.4, 75.2, 77.4,.6, 78.2—.7,8, 79.2,4—.7) 461 Coleoptera-Diptera 215853 Simanten, F.L. 57.69 Hyperaspis : 16.1 16. Hyperaspis binotata, a Preöktöty Enemy of the Terrapin Scale. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 197—203, 2 pls. 1 fig. 54 Nicholson, 6. W. 57.69 Lycoperdina (42.64) 1916. CPAS A succincta L. in Suffolk. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) 55 De Gregorio, A. 57.69 Novius : 16.1 1916. Appunti biologici dell’ Fi purchasi Mask. e del suo predatore Novius cardinalis Murs. Natural. sicil. Vol, 23 p. 5—17, 4 tav. 56 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.69 Scymnus : 15 1918. The Life-History of Scymnus capitatus F. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 4 p. 8—9, 1 fig. — The Larva of Scymnus. p. 39—40. 57 Smit, C. W. H. 57.69 Scymnus : 15.3 1917. Note on the Feeding Habits of a Ladybird Larva. South Afric. Journ. Sc. Vol. 13 p. 302—305. [Scymnus casstromi.] 58 Sahlberg, J. 57.69 Scymnus (47.1) 1914. Scymnus triangularis, en ny finsk coleopterart. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 40 p. 39—41. [S. i. eine neue Art aus Finland.] 59 Grandi, 6. 57.69 Serangium (6) 1914. Descrizione di un nuovo Coccinellide africano (Serangium giffardi n. sp.) Ann. R. Scuola sup. a er (2) Vol. 12 p. 223—236, 8 figg. ) 60 Apfelbeck, Viktor. 57.69 Sphaerosoma (403) 1916/17. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Sphaerosoma Lxacu. Revision der Arten von der Balkanhalbinsel. Ann. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 14 p. 471—500, 17 figg. [2 nn. spp.] — Eine neue Studie über die Arten der Coleopterengattung Sphaerosoma Leacn. (Alexia Stern.) von Evu. Rerrrer. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 36 p. 271—275. (43.66,.69,.92,.95,.96, 45.1,.79, 496, 497, 499, 56.1) 215861 Roepke, W. 57.69 Trochoideus (922) 1919. Een termitophile Trochoideine van Java: Trochoideus termitophilus n. sp.? Treubia Batavia Vol. 1 p. 34—45, 12 figg. 57.32 59.57.7 Diptera (incl. Aphaniptera). (Vide etiam: 209775, 210040, 210047, 210132, 210893, 211161, 211165, 211169, 211173—211175, 211178, 211:81, 211185—211187, 211191, 211194, 211195, 211375, 211377, 211378, 211380, 211381, 211384, 211335, 211887, 211390, 211399, 211404, 211405, 211413, 211417, 211422--211424, 211496, 211432, 212838, 212840, 212844, 212846, 2128498—212R51, 212854—212856, 212860, 212861, 212863, 212864, 212867, 212868, 212873, 212874, 212876, 212877, 213287, 213288, 213322, 213326, 213328, 213332, 213334, 213335, 215339, 213341—213345, 213352, 213353, 213357, 213359) 213361, 213364, 213368, 213372, 218373, 213375, 213378, 213383, 213390,- 213392, 213393, 213398, 213400, 213401, 213403, 213404, 213409213411, 213415, 213416, 213418, 213419, 213424) 213426-—213439, 213442, 213447— 213452, 213455, 213456, 213460, 213471, 213479, 213482, 213485, 213491, 213495, 213498 — 213500, 213502, 213503, 213505, 219506, 213510 —213516, 213518, 213519.) 62 Grimshaw, Percy H. 87.7 1916. The Study of Diptera. Scottish Natural 1916 p. 85—88. 63 Grimshaw, Percy H. 57.7 : 07 1919. The Collection and Preservation of Diptera. Scottish Natural. 1919 p. 55—61, 151—156. 215864 in Percy H. 57.7 : 091 1917. A Guide to the Literature of British Diptera. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 20 De 18—117. Diptera 468 215865 v. Kemnitz, Gustav Adolf. 57.7 : 1916. Untersuchungen über den Stoffbestand und Stoffwechsel der pe ven von Gastrophilus equi (CLarx), nebst Bemerkungen über den Stoffbe- stand der Larven von Chironomus (spec.?) L. (Physiologischer Teil.) Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 67 p. 129—244, 2 Taf, 5 figg. [Hämoglobin und Tra- cheenzellen. Stoff- und Gaswechsel.] . 11.05,.11,.21,.33 57.71,.72 66 von Buddenbrock, W. 57.7 : 11.74 1917. Einige Bemerkungen über den Schwirrfiug der Insekten mit be- sonderer Berücksichtigung der Halteren der Zweiflügler. Verh. nat.-med. Ver. Heidelberg N. F. Bd. 13 p. 497—515, 4 figg. 4.99 67’Malloch, J. R. 57.7 : 13.4 1917. A Preliminary Classification of Diptera, exclusive of Pupipara, based upon Larval and Pupal Characters, with Keys to Imagines in cer- tain Families. Pt. 1. Bull. Illinois Lab. nat. Hist. Vol. 12 p. 161—409, 29 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Bug 2; La 7 Xylomyia.] 13.41, 19 (7471—.9, 75.2, 77.2—.4,.8, 78.7,.9) 57.71,.72 68 Metcalf, C. L. 57.7 : 13.41 1919. A Proposed Nomenclature for the Parts of the Posterior Respira- tory Apparatus of Dipterous Larvae and a Micro-Protractor Useful in their Description. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ. No. 160.) Psyche Vol. 26 p. 53—68, 1 pl. 69 Imms, A. D. 57.7 : 14.9 1920. Recent Research on the Head and Mouth-Parts of Diptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 106—109. 14.98,.98 57.71.12 70 Peterson, Alvah. 57.7 : 14.93 1916. The Head-Capsule and Mouth-Parts of Diptera. Illinois biol. Mo- nogr. Vol. 3 p. 173—282, 25 pls. 57.71—.74 215871 Kieffer, J. J. 57.7 : 15 1909. Contributions à la connaissance des insectes gallicoles. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (3) T. 2 p. 1—85. [Meunieriella n. nom. pro Meunieria Rüss. nou Kırrr., Pristocerella pro Pristocera Raa. non Kıuc.] 57.71,.72 72 Engel, E. ©. 57.7 : 19 -_ 1916. Beiträge zur Kenntnis einiger Dipterenlarven. Mitt. Münchner entom. Ges. Jahrg. 7 p. 68—76, 10 figg. 57.71,.72 73 Keilin, D. 57.7 : 15 1918. Sur quelques modes particuliers de résistance des larves de Dip- tères contre la dessiccation. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 102—104. > 74 Stellwaag, F. 57.7 : 15 1917. Tanzende Fliegen. Nat. LA ONE Bd. 32 p. 281—283. 71,.72 75 Parker, R. R. 57.7 2 15.2 1918. Data Concerning Flies that Frequent Privy Vaults in Montana. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 143—146. 97.711,72 76 Gaskell, T. K. 57.7 : 15.4 1916. The Hibernation of Flies in a Fifeshire House. Scottish Natural. 1916 p. 139. 57.71,.72 77 Howard, C. W. 87.7 : 16.5 1916. Notes on Parasitic and Household Insects. 16th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 65—67. [Flies.] 57.71,.72 78 Scott, J. W. 57.7 : 16.7 1915. Insect Transmission of Swamp Fever. (Amer. Ass. Ady. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 659. . 57.71.,72 215879 James, Walter B. 57.7 : 16.7 1917. Weird Diseases of Africa. The Story of Strange Parasites which travel from Man to Man through the Agency of Tsetse Fly, Mosquito, or Other, “Intermediate Host.“ Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 17 p. 319—821. 31.6, 51.3 57.71,.72 469 Diptera 215880 Noguchi, Hideyo, and Rokusaburo Kudo. 57.7 : 16.7 1917. The Relation of Mosquitoes and Flies to the Epidemiology of Acute Poliomyelitis. Journ. exper. Med. Vol. 26 p. 49—57. [Negative results.] 57.71,.72 81 Francis, Edward. 57.7 : 16.7 1919. Deer-Fly Fever, or Pahvant Valley Plague. A Disease of Man of Hitherto Unknown Etiology. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 34 p. 2061—2062. [No name given.] i 82 Metz, Charles W. 57.7 : 18.13 1916. Chromosome studies on the Diptera. II. The paired association of chromosomes in the Diptera, and its significance. Journ. exper. Zoöl. Vol. 21 p. 213—279, 8 pls. [Uniformly associated in pairs in diploid cells, somatic and germinal and in all stages. Selective pairing of ma- ternal and paternal chromosomes.] 57.71, 63 Metz, C. W. 57.7 : 18.13 1917. Comparative Study of the Chromosome Groups in Diptera. Year- book No. 15 Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 122. [Likeness of members of pairs. Definiteness of associations formed.] 57.71,.72 84 Meunier, Fernand. 57.7 (1181) 1916. Sur quelques diptères (Bombylidae, Leptidae, Dolichopodidae, Conopidae et Chironomidae) de l’ambre de la Baltique. Tijdschr. En- tom. D. 59 p. 274—286, 16 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Palaeoamictus, Leptis, Nematoproctus, Palaeosicus n. g., Cricotopus 2, Cricotopiella n. g.] 57.71,.72 85 Meunier, Fernand. 57.7 (1181) 1917. Ueber einige Mycetophiliden und Tipuliden des Bernsteins nebst Beschreibung der Gattung Palaeotanypeza (Tanypezinae) derselben Forma- tion. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 Bd. 1 p. 73—106, 10 Taf. [17 nn. spp. in: Syntemna 3, Phronia, Brachypeza, Cordyla 2, Allodia, Boletina, Archaemacrocera n. g., Platyura, Dziedzickia, Diomonus, Ceratocheilus, Em- peda, Macromastix, Palaeotanypeza n. g.] 57.71.72 215886 Bezzi, Mario. 57.7 (28 : 45) 1918. Studi sulla Ditterofauna nivale delle Alpi italiare. Mem. Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Milano Vol. 9 No. 1, 164 pp, 2 tav., 7 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Bicellaria, Prodiamesa, Tachista, Chortophila (1 n. var.), Chirosia.— Rhynchocoenops n. g. pro Hoplogaster obscuricula. BR marinelli n. nom. pro Ph. chalinata Steın non Panp] 13.41 15.2,.4 {45.1—.6) 57.71—.74 87 Riedel, M. P. 57.7 (403) 1918. Zlephantomyia westwoodi Osten-SAcKENn aus Ungarn. Ann. Mus. na- tion. hungar. Vol. 16 p. 137—139. [Sowie andere durch ihre Vaterlands- angaben beachtenswerte Dipteren.] (43.91, 57.1, 61.1) 57.71,.72 88 Grimshaw, Percy H. 87.7 (41) 1914/16. Diptera Scotica: VI.—The Western Isles. Scottish Natural. 1914 p. 205—213, 234—236, 258—262, 1 fig. — 1915 p. 276—2S1. — 1916 p. ' 115—119, 134—138. (41.16,.21,.88,.39) 57.71— .74 89 Carter, A. E. J. 57.7 {41) 1920. Notes on Diptera in the Forth District, with Additions to the List. Scottish Natural. 1920 p. 49—53. (41.33,.36,.44,.45) 57.71,.72 90 Evans, William. 57.7 (41) 1920. Fumerus strigatus and Other Diptera in the Forth Area. Scottish Natural. 1920 p. 21—27. (41.32—.34,.44,.45) 57.71—.74 91 Grimshaw, Percy H. 67.7 (41) 1920. Further Additions to the Diptera of the Forth Area. Scottish Natural. 1920 p. 165—167. (41.33,.36,.44,.45) 57.71,.72 215892 Evans, William. 57.7 (41.4) 1918. Tabanus (Therioplectes) montanus, Ma., and Anisomera nigra, WALk., in the Lothians. Scottish Natural. 1918 p. 78. (41.44,.45) 57.71,.72 Diptera 410 215893 Charbonnier, H. J. 2.0.8467 (42) 1912. The Diptera of the Bristol District. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. (4) Yol. 3 p. 51—75. (42.38,.41) 57.71—.75 94 Audcent, H. 57.7 (42.58) _ ur Feine at Dunster (Somerset). Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 3 pP» 1— e PL ! à 95 Bury, Herbert. 57.7 (42.45) 1920. Diptera in South Shropshire, 1913—1920. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 6 p. 249—256. -—- A Note on Lydella nigripes Ma. by Corsran J. WAïNWRIGHT: PD. 278. 57.11—.74 96 Riedel, M. P. 57.7 (43.26) 1918/19. Dipteren aus der Umgebung von Pössneck (Thüringen). Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 12 p. 134, 137—138, 145—146, 155—159, 165—168, 173—175. 57.71,.72 97 v. Dalla Torre, K. W. 57.7 (43.64) 1917/18. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Dipteren Tirols. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 26 p. 149—166. — Jahrg. 27 p. 148—163. 57.71,.72,.74 98 Zerny, H. 57.7 (43.69) 1920. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Dalmatiens, besonders der Insel Brazza. Bericht über die zweite zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins an der Universität Wien nach Dalmatien. Juli 1912. C. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesammten Materials. IV. Diptera. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 42 p. 205—212, 57.71—.74 225899 Bartal, Alajos. 57.7 (43.91) 1906. Adatok Magyarorszäg légy-faunäjähoz. — Beiträge zur Dipteren- er von Ungarn. I, Rovart. kt + 13 p. 119—123. — II. p. 140— . 1-. 215900 Mercier, L. 57.7 (44.22) 1920. Diptères marins et maritimes de la côte du Calvados, Ann. Soc. 01 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57.7 (492) 1916/18. Tweede Supplement op de Nieuwe Naamlijst van Nederland- sche Diptera. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 293—320. — Rectificaties. D. 60 pe XXXVI—XXX VIII. 57.71—.74 02 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57.7 (492) 1918. Neue holländische Dipteren. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 61 p. 128—141. [17 nn. spp. in: Dicranomyia 4, Rhypalophus 2, Molophilus 5, Limnophila, Empis, Rhamphomyia 2, Oscinella 3.] 97,71,.72 03 de Meijere, J. €. H. 57.7 (492) 1920. Derde Supplement op de Nieuwe Naamlijst van Nederlandsche Diptera. Tijdschr. Entom. D. ee — Versl. p. LI—-LIII. 57.71,.72 04 de Meijere, J. C. H. 97.7 (502) 1918. Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren XIV. Verzeichnis der von mir behandelten Arten. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 275-369. (54.1, 91.1—.3, 921, 922) 57.71—.74 05 Bezzi, Mario. 57.7 (6) 1914. Ditteri raccolti da S. A. R. la Duchessa d’Aosra nella regione dei grandi laghi dell’ Africa equatoriale. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 4 No. 14, 7 pp., 2 figg. [Microstylum helenae n. sp.] (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) 57.71—.74 215906 Johnson, C. W. 57.7 (729.2) 1919. A Revised List of the Diptera of Jamaica. Phoridae by CxARLes T. Brurs. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 41 p. 421—449. [15 nn. spp. in: Mycetophila, Dilophus, Microchrysa, Psephiocera, Pipunculus 2 (B), Pla- gia, Stenodexia, Clinopera, Physogenna, Mınettia, Acidia, Nerius, Milichiella, Ochthiphila.—1 n. subsp. in Paraspiniphora (B).--3 nn, varr. in: Cerotainia, - Paraphiochaeta (B), Euxesta, — Tabanus townsendi n. nom. pro T. angusti- frons Townsenp non"Macgarr.] 57.71,.72 411 Diptera 215907 Malloch, J. R. 57.7 (77.3) 1915. Some Additional Records of Chironomidae for Illinois and Notes on other Illinois Diptera. Bull. Illinois Lab. nat. Hist. Vol. 11 p. 305 —363, 5 pls. [12 nn. spp. in: Forcipomyia, Euforcipomyia n. g. 2, Johann- senomyia, Probezzia, Platyphora, Pogonomyia, Aphaniosoma, Agromyza, Gau- rax 3.— Neoceratopogon n. g. pro Ceratopogon bellus.] 57.71,.72 08 Parker, R. R. 57.7 (78.6) 1917. Seasonal Abundance of Flies in Montana. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 278— 282. 15.4 57.71,.72 09 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.7 (78.8) 1917. The Fauna of Boulder Coünty, Colorado, III. Univ. Colorado Bull. Vol. 17 p. 5—20. 57.11.74 10 Jones, Frank Morton. 57.7 (79.4) 1916. Two Insect Associates of the California Pitcherplant, Darlingtonia californica (Dipt). Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 285—392, 2 pls. [Metriocnemus edwardsi and Botanobia darlingtoniae nn. spp.] 15 57.71,.72 11 Enderlein, Günther. 57.7 (8) 1917. Dipterologische Studien. XVI. Dipterologische Notizen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 49 p. 57—72, 10 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Dirhipis n. g., Systegnum n. g., Cyrtonotum, Diplocentra 2.—Scepasma n. g. pro Ctedonia bipunctatum.] (43.17, 45.1, 52, 61.1, 63, 67.8, 81, 83, 85, 66.6, 88) 57.71,.72 12 Bezzi, M. 57.7 (91.4) 1917. Studies in Philippine Diptera, II. Philippine Journ. Sc. D Vol. 12 p. 107—161, 1 pl. [34 nn. spp. in: Culicoides, Pselliophora 2 (1 n. var.), Eriocera 2, Trentepohlia, Libnotes 2, Atherix, Schizella n. g., Chrysopilus, Saropogon 2, Pogonosoma, Systropus, "Tylopterna n. g., Xenaspis, Elassogaster, Scotinosoma, Rivellia, Naupoda, Fterugenia 6, Euprosopia 5, Nothybus, Styloga- ster. — 2 nn. varr. in: Campylocera, Lozoneura. — Epholchiolaphria partialis n. nom. pro E. partita Warxer 1860 non 1857.] 57.71—.74 215913 de Meijere, J. 6. H. 57.7 (921) 1919. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sumatranischen Dipteren. Bijdrag Dierkde. Afl. 21 p. 13—39, i Taf. [36 nn. spp. in: Dicranomyia, Limno- bia, Libnotes, Acyphona, Gnophomyia, Mongoma, Epiphragma, Agastomyia n. g., Sphaerivnotus n. g., Pachyrrhina, Tipula, Rosapha, Cyphomyia, Ptecticus, Solva, Ceratosolva, Chrysopilus, Hybos 2, Tachytrechus, Argyra, Callicera, Arctophila, Milesia, Helomyza, Nerius 2, Plagiostenopterina, Naupoda, Ptero- genia, Strongylophthalmia, Formosina, Loxotaenia, Meroscinis, Dactylothyrea, Oscinella. — 1 n. subsp. in Spaniocelyphus.] 57.71,.72 14 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57.7 (922) 1916. Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren XI. Zur Biologie einiger javanischen Dipteren nebst Beschreibung einiger neuen javanischen Ar- ten. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 59 p. 184—213, 1 Taf., 1 fig. [23 nn. spp. in: Crytochaetum 2, Limnophila, Libnotes, Pselliophora, Formicosepsis n. g., Ptero- genia, Loxocera, Lauxania 2, Trigonometopus, Drosophila 5, Amygdalops 2, Steleocerus, Chalcidomyia, Oscinella, Paramyia, Limosina.] 57.71,.72 15 de Meijere, J. C. H. 57.7 (922) 1917. Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren XIII. Ueber einige merk- würdige javanische Dipteren. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 60 p. 238—251, 5 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Coccodiplosis n. g., Paramicrodon, Gymnosoma, Pentatomo- phaga n. g., Agromyza.] 57.71,.72 16 Taylor, Frank H. 57.7 (94.2) 1920. Australian Phlebotomic Diptera. : — New Culicidae, Tabanidae and Synonymy. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria Vol. 32 p. 164—167. [3 nn. spp. in: Uranotaenia, Silvius, Tabanus.—Phibalomyia n. nom. pro Elaphromyia Tayror non Bicor.] 57.11,.72 215917 Raebiger. 57.71 1917. Das Auftreten der Kriebelmücke in den Kreisen Dessau, Zerbst (Anhalt) und Wolmirstedt (Reg.-Bez. Magdeburg). Deutsche tierärzt!. Wochenschr, Jahrg. 25 p. 219. Diptera 472 215918 Pierre, C. 57.71 : 12.99 1918. Nervulations anormales de quelques Diptères Tipuliformes. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 60—62, 4 figg. 19 Keilin, D. 87.71 : 13.41 1919. On the Alimentary Canal and its Appendages in the Larvae of Scatopsidae and Bibionidae, with some Remarks on the Parasites of These Larvae. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 92—96, 2 fige. 31.91,.95, 51.3 20 Knab, Frederick. 57.71 : 14.99 1916. Mycetobia and the Classification of the Diptera. Entom. News Vol. ) 27 p. 259—262, 2 figg. | 21 Wesenberg-Lund, C. 07.41 : 15 1914. Bidrag til nogle Myggeslaegters, saerlig Mochlonyx og Corethra’s Biologi. Mindeskrift Japetus Steenstrup 2. Halvbd. No. 34, 24 pp., 16 figg. A 97.01 : 15.2 1916. Mosquitoes, An unusual breeding place. Public: Health Rep. Wash- ington Vol. 81 p. 3159. [Of Mosquito-larvae in water resulting from mel- ting ice.] 23 Puschnig, Roman. 57.71 : 15.2 1918. Beobachtungen von Fliegenschwärmen. Carinthia II. Jahrg. 108 p. 83—85. [Simulia und Chironomus ] 22 » 24 Parrott, P. J. 97.71 : 16.5 Au ER Radish Maggot and Screening. Journ. econ. Entom. Vel, 10 P- 7 —8 ® ù 25 Meunier, Fernand. 57.71 (1181) 1916. Beitrag zur Monographie der Mycetophiliden und Tipuliden des Bernsteins. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 68 A p. 47:—493, 36 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Palaeoempalia, Docosia 8, Exechia, Allodia, Boletina, Dicra- nomyia 2.—1 n. var. in Limnophila.] 215926 Villeneuve, J. 57.71 (403) 918. Première note sur quelques Nématocères vulnérants. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 96—99. [1 n. var. in Simulium.] (43.65, 44.36,.48,.89,.93,.94, 45.99, 46, 56 8, 61.2) 27 Riedel, M. P: 57.41 (43.15) 1919. Die bei Frankfurt (Oder) vorkommenden Arten der Dipteren- (Nematocera polyneura-) Gattungen der Limnobiidae, Tipulidae und Cy- lindrotomidae. Entom. Rundschau Jahrg. 36 p. 1—2, 8, 12—13, 17—18, 21—22, 24—25, 30, 36, 40—41, 3 figg. 28 Langhoffer, Aug. 57.71 (43.94) 917. Beiträge zur Dipteren-Fauna Kroatiens. Glasnik hryatsk. priro- 29 Villeneuve, Je : 57.71 (44) 1919. Deuxième note sur les Nématocères vulnérants. (Espèces fran- çaises.) Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 54—60, [Culex jugorum n. sp. (in. var.).] — Addition à la liste des Nématocères vulnérants de France. p. 198. (44.11—.99) 30 Riedel, M. P. 57.71 (502) 1920. Ausländische Nematocera. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 85 A Heft 4 p. 82 —88, 5 figg. [Lecteria hirsutipes und Clytocosmus lichtwardti nn. spp.] (54.1,.87, 67.8, 68.7, 91.2, 931, 936, 94.1,.3,.5, 95) 31 Riedel, M. P. 57.71 (52.9) 1917. H. Saurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute: Nematocera polyneura. III. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 82 A Heft 5 p. 109—116, 3 figg. [6 nn. spp. in : Dieranomyia, Limnobia 2, Taseocera, Oropeza, Tipula.] 215932 Riedel, P. 57.71 (52.9) 1918. H. Sıurer’s Formosa-Ausbeute : Liriopidae (Ptychopteridae) und Nematocera Polyneura iV. des Ungarischen National-Museums in Buda- pest. Ann, Mus. nation, hungar. Vol. 16 p. 815—820, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Teucholabis.] 413 Diptera 215933 Kieffer, J. J. | 07.71 (6) 1919. Microdiptères d'Afrique. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord T. 10 p. 191—206, 14 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Perrisia, Cryptolanthia, Phaenolan- thia, Synaptella, Cedrocrypta n. g., Camptomyia, Rubsaamenia, Tricampylo- myza n. 8., Peyerimhoffia 2, Bradysia, Sciara 2, Geosciara n. g. Trichocla- dius, Orthocladus.] (65, 67.1) 34 Alexander, Charles P. 57.71 (7) 1919. New Nearctic Crane-Flies and Tipulidae. Part VII. Canad. En- tom. Vol. 51 p. 162—172. [15 nn. spp. in: Trichocera, Conomyia, Limno- phila 3, Eriocera, Tricyphona, Tipula 7, Nephrotoma.] (71.5,.9, 74.1,.7, 75.2,.6, 78.8, 79.4,.7,.8) 35 Alexander, C. P., and W. L. Mc Atee. 57.71 (75) 1920. Diptera of the Superfamily Tipuloidea found in the District of Columbia. Proc. U, S. nation. Mus. Vol. 58 p. 385—435, 1 pl. [And vicinity.] (76.2,.8,.5) 36 Alexander, Charles P. 57.71 (79.4) 1918. Now Species of Crane-flies from California. Entom. News Vol. 29 p. 285—288. [4 nn. spp. in: Protoplasa, Erioptera, Phyllolabis, Limnophila.] 37 Salm, A. J. 57.71 (922) 1918. Nématocères hématophages de Java. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 42 p. 185—139, 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Culicoides.— Ceratopogon raphadlıs n. nom. pro C. blanchardi Icazs non Saru.] 88 Edwards, F. W. 57.71 (94.2) 1916. Two new Australian Diptera, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 18 p. 498—502, 2 figg. [Asphondylia hilli and Palpomyia flagellata nn. spp.] 215939 Timberlake, P. H. 97.71 (96.9) 1918. Note on Occurrence of an Endemic Itonidid on Oahu. Proc. Ha- waiian entom. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 380. 40 Chidester, F. E., and Raymond Patterson. 57.71 Aedes : 11.044 ‘1916. The Influence of Various Concentrations of Sea Water on the Via- bility of the Salt Marsh Mosquitoes Aedes sollicitans and Aedes cantator.] Entom. News Vol. 27 p. 272 —274. 41 Zetek, James. 57.71 Aedes : 16.7 1920. The Control of Breeding of Yellow Fever Mosquitoes in Ant- Guards, Flower Vases and Similar Containers. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 13 p. 344—350. 42 Bezzi, Mario. 57.71 Alfredia (45.2) 1918. Un nuovo genere di Ditteri subatteri scoperto dal Prof. A. Corrı sulle somme Alpi della Valtellina. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Milano Vol. 57 p. 19—28, 2 figg. [Alfredia n.g. acrobata n. sp.] 43 Dunn, L. H. 57.71 Anopheles 1917. A Simple Method of Identifying the Anopheles Mosquitoes of the Canal Zone. Entom: News Vol. 28 p. 14—19. 44 Marchand, Werner. 57.71 Anopheles : 13.41 1918. First Account of a Thermotropism in Anopheles punctipennis, with Bionomic Observations. Psyche Vol. 25 p. 130—135, 2 figg. 11.85, 15 45 Carter, Henry F. 57.71 Anopheles : 14.68 1920. Descriptions of the Male Genital Armatures of the British Ano- pheline Mosquitoes. Ann, trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 13 p. 468 —457, 4 figg. 215946 Carter, H. R., J. A. A. Le Prince, and T. H. D. Griflitts. 57.71 Anopheles : 15 1916. Impounded Water. Surveys in Alabama and South Carolina dur- ing 1915 to Determine its Effect on Prevalence of Malaria. Public. Health Bull. No. 79, 34 pp., 3 figg. [Behaviour of Anopheles sp. in house and ponds.] 15.4 Diptera 4714 215947 Le Prince, J. A. A., and T. H. D. Griffitts, 57.71 Anopheles : 15 1917. Flight of Mosquitoes. Studies on the Distance of Flight of Ano- pheles quadrimaculatus. Public, Health Rep. Washington Vol. 82 p. 656 —659, 3 figg. 48 Werner, H. 57.71 Anopheles : 15 1917. Die Malaria im Osten und ihre Beeinflussung durch die Beson- derheiten des Krieges nebst Bemerkungen über Anophelenbiologie und Malariatherapie. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 1375—1377, 2 figg. [Neigung sich auf Latrinen aufzuhalten. Kälteresistenz.] 49 Metz, C. W. 57.71 Anopheles : 15 1918. Anopheles crucians. Habits of Larvae and Adults. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 33 p. 2156-2169, 1 fig. 15.2,.4,.6 50 Ludlow, C. 8. 57.71 Anopheles : 15.2 1916. Mosquitoes and Man Again. Science N, S. Vol. 44 p. 788—790. [Question of malarial mosquitoes following man.) 51 Carter, H. KR. 57.71 Anopheles : 15.2 1918. Breeding of Anopheles quadrimaculatus in Deep Water and at a Distance from Shore. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 33 p. 571—512. 52 Metz, €. W. 97.71 Anopheles : 15.3 1919. Observation on the Food of Anopheles Larvae. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 34 p. 1783—1791. 53 Griffitts, T. H. D. 57.71 Anopheles : 15.4 1918. Winter Hibernation of Anopheles Larvae. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 33 p. 1996—1998. * 54 Royer, Maurice. 57.71 Anopheles : 15.6 1918. Note sur la ponte d’Anopheles maculipennis Meıc. Bull, Soc. entom. France 1918 p. 211. 215955 Herms, William B., and Stanley B. Freeborn. 87,11 Anopheles : 15.6 1920. The Egg Laying Habits of Californian Anophelines. Journ. Para- 56 Vogel, R. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.5 1917. Bemerkungen über das Vorkommen von Anophelesmücken in Pferde- ställen und über die Vertilgung von Anopheleslarven. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 64 p. 1509. 57 Garin, Ch. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.5 1918. Etude sur un bacille parasite des larves d'Anophèles: le B. de Lourraz. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 81 p. 41—43. [Moyen efficace de lutte,] 58 Rossi, Giacomo. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1911. Paludismo ed Anofelismo nella Provincia di Macerata. Nota Pre- liminare. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 10 No. 17, 10 pp., 1 tav. 59 Rossi, Ge 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 . 1914 Agricoltura e Malaria della Valle dell’ Enza. — Studi e ricerche. Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. Portici (2) Vol. 12 p. 391—418, 2 tav., 14 figg. 60 King, We Ve 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1915. The Role of Anopheles punctipennis Say in the Transmission of Malaria. Science N. S. Vol. 42 p. 873—874, 934—935. 61 Jennings, Allan H. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Mosquitoes and Man. Science N. S. Vol. 44 p. 201—203. [Spe- cification of malaria transmitters.] 62 Kunze, Fritz. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Etwas über Malaria und Anopheles. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Gu- ben Jahrg. 10 p. 108. 215963 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Tertian malarial fever. Transmission experiments with Anopheles punetipennis. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 81 p. 1172—1177. HIS Diptera 215964 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Anopheles crucians. Their infectibility with the parasites of tertian malaria. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 81 p. 764—765. 65 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. .Anopheles infectivity experiments. An attempt to determine the number of persons one mosquito can infect with malaria. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 31 p. 2325—2335, 2 pls. 66 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Anopheles punctipennis, Say: its Relation to the Transmission of Malaria. Report of Experimental Data Relative to Subtertian Malarial Fever. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 19 p. 83—84. 67 Nocht, B., und M. Mayer. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Merkblatt zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung der Malaria sowie zur Bekämpfung ihrer Ueberträger, der Stechmücken. München. med. Wo- chenschr. Jahrg. 63 p. 623—625. 63 Orenstein, A. J. 97.11 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. The Problems and Principles of Malaria Prevention. South Afric. 69 Schröder, Hermann. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Anopheles und Betriebsunfall. Arch. Schiffs-Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 445. 70 Werner, H. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Beobachtungen über Anophelenvorkommen in der Nähe mensch- licher Fäkalien. Arch. Schiffs-Trop.-Hyg. Bd. 20 p. 444—445. 71 Zetek, James. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1916. Reducing Malaria by Reducing the Number of Anopheles Within Buildings. Ann. entom. Soc. Amer. Vol. 9 p. 275—283, 3 figg. 215972 Delanoë, P. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. Contribution à l'étude du Paludisme au Maroc occidental. 1. L’épi- demie palustre des Oulad Hassoun. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 10 p. 586 —611, 2 figg. [Surtout Pl. vivax et falciparum., Gamétogonie précoce. Ano- pheles maculipennis.] 73 Derivaux, R. C., H. A. Taylor, and T. D. Haas. 97.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. Malaria Control: A Report of Demonstration Studies Conducted in Urban and Rural Sections, Public Health Bull. Treas. Dept. No. 88, 57 pp., 18 pls., 28 figg. 74 Freeborn, Stanley B. 67.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. The Rice Fields as a Factor in the Control of Malaria. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 10 p. 354—359. 75 Léger, L., et G. Mouriquand. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. Sur la répartition des stations d’Anopheles dans le secteur medi- cal Grenoble, Gap, Briançon et indications prophylactiques qui en dé- coulent. Ann. Univ. Grenoble T. 29 p. 85—96, 1 pl. 76 Mitzmain, M. Bruin. 57.71 Anôpheles : 16.7 1917. Anopheline Mosquitces. Their Distribution and Infection under Field Conditions. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 32 p. 536—540. 17 Niclot. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. L’anophélisme macédonien dans ses rapports avec le paludisme au cours de 1916. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. T. 325—328, 1 fig. [Faune anophélienne.] 78 Rückle. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. Die Fiebermücke und ihre Bekämpfung. Kosmos Stuttgart Jahrg. 14 p. 158—162, 5 figg. 215979 Sergent, Edmond, et Etienne Sergent, 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1917. Etudes épidémiologiques et prophylactiques du paludisme, Trei- zième et quatorzième campagnes en Algérie en 1914 et 1915. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 31 p. 253—268, 6 figg. Diptera 416 215980 . . » 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Reflections upon the Recent Appearance of Malaria in some of the Eastern Counties of England. Journ. en Med. Hyg. London Vol. 21 p. 4—6. (42.64,.67) 81 Barber, Marshall A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Some Observations and Experiments on Malayan Anopheles with Special Reference to the Transmission of Malaria. I. Experimental and Natural Infection of Insects with Malaria, with some Notes on the Mor- phology and SET of certain une of Anopheles rossi. Philippine _82 Carter, H. R. . 567.71 ee : 16.7 1918. Effect of Anopheles punctipennis on the Natural Conveyance of Mal- arial Fever. Public. Health Rep. Washington Vol. 33 p. 572—575. 83 Doflein, Franz. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Ueber mazedonische Anophelinen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verbreitung der Malaria. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 65 p. 17—18. (495) 84 Lassalle, C. F. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Malaria Report, including Reports on Spleen Census, 1914; Anopheles Survey, 1914—1915; Trinidad Mosquitoes, 1915. Journ. trop. Med. Hyg. London Vol. 21 Colonial med, Rep. p. 14—16. 85 Niclot. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. A propos de la densité anophélienne, en matière de paludisme. (Réun. biol. Athènes.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 81 p. 271—272. 86 Roubaud, E. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Anophélisme et Paludisme. La question du danger palustre en France. Rev. gén. Sc. T. 29 p. 597—604. 215987 Schaedel, Albert. | 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Biologische Betrachtungen zur Frage der Malariarezidive und der Malariaverbreitung. Biol. Zentralbl. Bd. 38 p. 143—160, 2 figg. 88 Schaedel, A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1918. Bericht zur Frage der Weiterverbreitung der Malaria im Bereiche der Festung Metz. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 33 p. 572—573. 89 Herms, William B. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1919. Occurrence of Malaria and Anopheles Mosquitoes in Northern. Car- olina. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 34 p. 1579—1587. [Anopheles quadrimaculatus and punctipennis.] (75.6) 90 Mayne, Bruce. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1919. The Ultimate Seasonal Infection of Malariai Fever, with the Mos- quito Carrier as the Indicator. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 34 p. 1969 —1972. 91 Metz, €. W. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1919, Infectivity of Anopheles crucians in Nature. Anopheles crucians Miro. as an Agent in Malaria Transmission. Public Health Rep. Washington Vol. 34 p. 1357—1860. 92 Blacklock, B., and Henry F. Cartes, 57.71 Anopheles (42.72) 1920. Observations on Anopheles (Coelodiazesis) plumbeus, STEPHENS, with Special Reference to its Breeding—Places, Occurrence in the Liverpool Distriet, and Possible Connection with the Spread of Malaria. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool Vol. 13 p. 421—452, 3 pls., 1 fig. 15.2 93 Enslin, E. 57.71 Anopheles (43) 1913, Ueber das Vorkommen der Malariamücke Anopheles in Deutschland. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 10 p. 12. (43.15,.52,.53) 215994 Martin, E. 57.71 Anopheles (4351) 1920. Anopheles in der näheren und weiteren Umgebung von Hamburg und ihre voraussichtliche Bedeutung nr die Volksgesundheit. Abh. nat. Ver. Hamburg Bd. 21 Heft 2, 32 pp., 4 Taf. 16.7 411 | | Diptera 215995 Peacock, A. D. 57.71 Anopheles (493) 1920. The Anopheline Waters of Southern Flanders. Being a Report on the Area Occupied TE the British Second Army in France. Parasitology Yol. 12 P- 234— 252, 1 fig., 1 map. 96 Ludlow, C. S. 57.71 Anopheles (57.1) 1920. Siberian Anopheles. Psyche Vol. 27 p. 74—78. [2 nn. spp. 97 Legendre, Jean. 57.71 Anopheles (69) 1918. Biologie des Anophélines de Tananarive. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 81 p. 493—495. 15.2,.4 98 Brues, Charles T. 57.71 Anopheles (74) 1919. The Occurrence of Anopheles punctipennis in Northern New England. Psyche Vol. 26 p. 143. (74.1,.2,.4) 215999 Malloch, J. R. 57.71 Anthracophaga (79.4) I à enge distichliae sp. n. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 216000 Davis, John J. 57.71 Aphidoletes : 16.1 1916. Aphidoletes meridionalis, an Important Dipterous Enemy of Aphids. Journ. agric. Research Vol. 6 p. 883—888, 1 pl., 4 figg. 01 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Asphondylia (79.1) 1917. Asphondylia websteri n. sp. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 562. 02 Speiser, P. 57.71 Bibionidae (81) 1920. Ueber einige Scatopsiden. Schrift. physik.-ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 61—62 p. 82--84, 1 fig. [Holoplagia brauni und Aldrovandiella phaconeura nn. spp.] (67.8, 81) 03 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.71 Bittacomorpha (78.8) 1919. Bittacomorpha clavipes. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 22. 04 Bezzi, Mario. 57.71 Blepharoceridae (45) 1913. Blefaroceridi italiani con descrizione di una nuova forma e di due specie esotiche. Bull. Soc. entom. ital. Anno 44 p. 3—114, 18 figg, [3 on. spp. in: Paltostoma, Apistomyia, Liponeura.] (72, 94.3) 216005 Lutz, Adolpho. 57.71 Blepharoceridae (81) 20. Dipteros da familia Blepharoceridae, observados no Brazil. — Blepharoceriden aus Brasilien. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro T. 12 p. 21—43. [16 nn. spp. in: er n. g. 5, Curupira 11.] 13.41 06 Bezzi, Mario. 57.71 Blepharoceridae (931) 1914. Sui Blefaroceridi della Nuova Zelanda con aggiunte alla prece- dente memoria. Bull. Soc. er ital. Anno 45 p. 115—129, 1 fig. 3.41 07 Patch, Edith M. 57.71 Camptocladius : 16.5 17. An Infestation of Potatoes by a Midge. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 92.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 472—473, 1 pl. [Probably Camptocladius sp.] 08 Bezzi, Mario. 57.71 Cataliptus, (24 : 65) 1916. Sur un genre nouveau de Diptère subaptère des cavités souter- raines du Djurdjura. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afrique du Nord Ann. 8 p. 90—99, 1 pl. 3 figg. [Cataliptus n. g. peyerimhoffi n. sp.] 09 Mec Colloch, James W. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 15.2 1917. Wind as a Factor in the Dispersion of the Hessian Fly. (Con- trib. entom. Lab. Kansae State Agric. Coll. No. 22.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 162—170, 1 fig. 10 Dean, Geo. A. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1916. The Hessian fiy Train. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 139—141, 1 pl. 11 Gossard, H. A. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1916. County Coöperation to Reduce Hessian Fly Injury. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 142—145. 216012 Haseman, L. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1916. An Investigation of the Supposed Immunity of some Varieties of er to the Attack of Hessian Fly. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 9 p. 91—294. Diptera 418 216013 Dean, Geo I. A. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1917. Results of Ten Years of Experimental Wheat Sowing to Escape the Hessian Fly. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll. No. 23.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 10 p. 146—162, 1 fig. 14 Mc Colloch, James W. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1919. Variations in the Length of the Flaxseed Stage of the Hessian Fly. (Contrib. entom. Lab. Kansas State Agric. Coll. No. 40.) Journ. 15 Tavares, J. S, 57.71 Cecidomyidae ) 1920. O genero Bruggmanniella Tav. com a descripçäo de uma espécie nova e a clave dichoiömica dos generos das Asphondyliariae. Broteria Braga Ser. zool. Vol. 18 p. 33-42, 3 figg. [Bruggmanniella oblita n. sp.] (81) 16 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae : 15 1914. Adaptation in the Gall Midges. 44th ann. Bep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 76—82, 2 figg. 17 Picard, F. 57.11 Cecidomyidae : 15 1919. Sur deux Cécidomyies du midi de la France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 207—208. [Putoniella marsupialis et Perrisia affinis.] 18 Chapais, J. C. 57.71 Cecidomyidae : 16.5 1920. Una courte étude concernant quelques Cecidomyies. Natural. ca- nad. Vol. 46 p. 247—253. [Dommage.] 19 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae : 19 1917. Distribution of Gall Midges. Proc. nation. Acad. Sc. Washington Vol. 8 p. 349—354. [Means of dissemination discussed.] 216020 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (4) 1901. Description de quelques Cecidomyies nouvelles. Bull. Socs Hist. nat. Metz (2) T. 9 p. 167—174. [9 nn. spp. in : Dasyneura, Perrisia, Bremia, Contarinia, Clinodiplosis 3, Mycodiplosis, Coprodiplosis,] | 15 (43.45,.61,.91, 45, 469) 21 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (4) 1901. Suite à la Synopse des Cécidomyies d'Europe et d'Algérie. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (2) T. 9 p. 9—43. [26 nn. spp. in: Perrisia 2, Da. syneura, Arnoldia, Oligotrophus 3, Hormomyia 2, Mycodiplosis, Dicrodiplosis, Contarinia 4, Clinodiplosis 2, Lestodiplosis, Epidosis, Colomyia, Joannisia 2, Prionellus 4.] 15 (42, 43.15,.45,.65, 44, 45.8, 469, 498) 22 Rübsaamen, Ew. H. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (4) 1915/17. ’Cecidomyidenstudien IV, Revision der deutschen Oligotropha- rien und Lasiopterarien nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1915 p. 485—567, 18 figg. [25 nn. spp. in: Macro- labis 2, Jaapiella n. g., Dasyneura 9, Lathyromyza (n. g. pro Cecidomyia schlechtendali), Rhabdophaga 5, Wachtlielia 2, Misopatha, Cecidophila n. g., Oliyotrophus, Trotteria 2, Asphondylia.—Giraudiella n. g. pro Cecidomyia in- clusa, Prolauthia pro C. circumdata, Helicomyia pro C. saliciperda, Bremiola, pro C. onobrichidis, Pemphigocecis pro Mayetiola ventricola, Caulomyia pro Po- omyia radicifica.] — Cecidomyidenstudien V. Revision der deutschen As- phondylarien. 1916 p. 1—12, 9 figg. [Gisonobasis (n. g. pro Asphondylia tournefortiae) ignorata u. sp. — Placochela n. g. pro Schizomyia nigripes, Isch- nonix pro Asphundylia verbasci.] — Cecidomyidenstudien VI. 1917 p. 56 — 99, 21 figg. [38 nn. spp. in: Macrolabis 3, Janpiella 4, Dasyneura T, Tricholaba n. g. 2, Anabremie, Aschistonyx n. g., Trigonodiplosis D: 8, Ch. nodiplosis 5, Syndiplosis, Harmandia, Contarinia 6. — Paurosphondylus n. g. pro Hormomyia rosenheueri, Diplolaboncus pro H. tumorificus.] 15 (43.15,.18,.22,.23,.25,.34,.42,.43 .45, 51..61,.69, 44.25, 469, 494) 216023 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (4) 1920. Cécidomyies habitant les fruits des Conifères. Broteria Braga Ser. zool. Vol. 18 p. 14—22. [5 nn. spp. in: Coprodiplosis, Lestodiplosis, Clinodiplosis, Camptomyia, Winnertzia.] 15 (43.1,.36,.45,.91) 419 Diptera 216024 Kieffer, J. J. 07.71 Cecidomyidae (403) 1913. Glanures Diptérologiques. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (8) T. 4 p. 45—55. [12 nn. spp. in: Dibaldratia n. g., Prolasioptera n. g., Trötteria 2, Phaenobremia 2, Monobremia, Miastor 2, Peromiastor n. g., Synaptella n. g., Synarthrella n. g. — Stefaniola n. g. pro Stefaniella salsolae, Baldratiella pro Baldratia hyalina, Baldratiola pro Baldratia houardi, Prolasioptera pro La- sioptera niveocincta, Tetrasphondylia pro Polystepha terminaliae, Monasphon- dylia pro Asphondylia phlomidis, Misospatha pro Rhopalomyia globifex, Pante- liola pro Rh. haasi, Arceuthomyia pro Rh. valerii, Phegomyia pro Oligotro- phus fagicola, Calopedila pro Rhopalomyia herbsti, Sitodiplosis pro Cecidomyia mosellana, Misocosmus pro Epidosis ceylanicus, Tricopoldia pro Colpodia ano- mala, Semudobia pro C. betulae, Zygiobia pro Cecidomyia carpini, Craneiobia pro Cec. corni, Iteomyia pro Cec. caprae, Diplecus pro Coprodiplosis incon- spicuus, Plagiodiplosis pro C. nanus, Nanodiplosis pro Lestodiplosis squamosus, Ischnodiplosis pro Coprodiplosis longiforceps. — Asphondylia salsolarum n. nom. pro A. salsolae Kıerr. non Ruzssaamen, Lasiodiplosis pro Lepidodiplosis Kierr., Leptosyna quercicola pro L. quercus Ferr non Kırrr.] (43.45, 45.5, 46, 61.1) 25 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (403) 1919. Chironomides d’Europe conservés au Musée National Hongrois de Budapest. Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nation. hungar. Vol. 17 p. 4—160, 60 figg. [94 nn. spp. in: Ceratopogon 12, Atrichopogon 6 (5 nn. varr.), Culicoides 9, Dasyhelea ‘7, Apelma n. g. 2, Psilohelea 2, Serromyıa 4 (1 n. var.), Xylocrypta, Stilobezzia 3, Palpomyia 19, Bezzia 15, Probezzia 2, Prodiamesa 2, Syndiamesa, Protenthes, Trichotanypus, Macropelopia 5, Tanypus 2.—5 nn. varr. in: Sphaeromias 3, Diamesa, Psectrotanypus.—Ceratopogon nigrimanus n. sp. pro C. brevipennis var.— Atrichopogon setosus n. nom. pro À. setosipennis Kıerr. 1913 non À. (Forcipomyia) setosipennis Kıerr. 19:1.] (43.14,.15,.42,.44,.56,.58,.69,.71,.74,.91,.94, 44.84, 45.2,.3, 46.8, 47.5,.8, 48.1,.4,.9, 493, 494, 498, 499, 56.4) 216026 Tavares, J. S. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (46) 1920. Espécies novas de Cynipides e Cecidomyias da Peninsula Ibérica e descripçao de algumas ja conhecidas. III. Série. Broteria Braga Ser. zool. Vol. 18 p. 43—81, 2 Läm, 12 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Arnoldia, Eu- dictyomyia (n. g. pro Rhopalomyia navasi), Navadiplosis.— Kiefferiola n. y. pro Arnoldia panteli. — Observacöes sôbre a reticulacäo dos articulos das an- tennas nas Cecidomyinae.] 14.98, 15 (46.1,.4,.5, 469) 27 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (54) 1916. New Indian Gall Midges. Canad. Entom. Vol. 48 p. 400 —406. i4 nn. spp. in: Colpodia, Harpomyia n. g., Indodiplosis n. g., Streptodiplosis n. g.] (54.2,.6) 28 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (54.8) 1917. New Indian Gall Midges. Entom. News Vol. 28 p. 73—76. [3 nn. spp. in: Lasioptera, Pseudhormomyia 2.] — Indian Gall Midges (Cecido- myidae). p. 369-372. [Dyodiplosis andropogonis n. sp.] 29 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (67) 1913. Cecidomyies de l’Afrique orientale. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Metz (3) T. 4 p. 87?—114. [41 nn. spp. in: Lasioptera 2, Baeomyza n. g. 3, Asphon- dylia 5, Parasphondylia n. g., Trisopsis, Lamprodiplosis, Coprodiplosis 7, Le- stodiplosis, Perodiplosis n. g., Trissodiplosis n. g., Conodiplosis n. g., Chaeto- diplosis n. g., Holodiplosis n. g. 2, Plecophorus n. g., Aplecus n. g., Triste- phanus n. g., Microplecus n. g., Pachydiplosis n. g., Orthodiplosis n. g., Cteno- diplosis n. g. 2, Clinodiplosis, Baedodiplosis n. g., Cacoplecus n. g. (1 n. var.), Epidosis 3.] (67.6,.8) 30 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (7) [3 nn. spp. in: Lasioptera, Janetiella, Feltiella.] (729.5, 77.3, 79.5) 216031 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (7) 1919. Five Non-gall-making Midges. Entom. News Vol. 30 p. 219 — 223. [5 nn. spp. in: Prionellus, Hormosomyia n. g., Porricondyla 2, Colpodia.] (71.3, 74.7, 78.8, 79.5) Diptera 480 £’ 216032 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (73) 1916. New North Kerns Gall Midges. Entom. News. Vol. 27 p. 412 —417. [4 nn. spp. in: Asynapta, Dasyneura, Asphondylia, Retinodiplosis.] (75.2, 77.8, 78.8, 79.4) 33 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (73) 1916. New Western Gall Midges. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 175—196. [21 nn. spp. in: Onodiplosis n. g., Hormomyia, Asphondylia 2, Asteromyia, Lasioptera 2, Rhopalomyia 9, Phytophaga 2, Diarthronomyia 2, Monardia.] 15 (76.8, 77.1, 78.3,.8, 79.2,.4) 34 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (73) 1918. New Gall Midges. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 11 p. 380—384. [5 ) nn. spp. in: Allomyia n. g., Asphondylia, Thecodiplosis, Mycodiplosis, Retino- diplosis.] (78.8, 79.2,.4)- 35 Rübsaamen, Ew. H. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (8) 1915. Beitrag zur Kenntnis aussereuropäischer Gallmücken. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1915 p. 431—481, 63 figg. [13.nn. spp. in: Gi- sonobasis n. g. 2, Macroporpa n. g. 2, Schizomyia, Machaeriobia n. g. Dac- tylodiplosis n. g., Sphaerodiplosis n. g., Meyaulus n. g., Schismatodiplosis n. g., Haplopalpus n. g., Alycaulus n. g., Dasyneura. — Schismatodiplosis n. g. pro Clinodiplosis lantanae, Iatrophobia pro C. brasiliensis.] 15 (67.8, 81, 85, 94.1,.5) 36 Tavares, J. 8. 57.71 Catieupilis (81) 1918. Cecidomyias novas do Brazil. Secunda série. Broteria S. Fiel Vol. 16 p. 68—S4, 2 Lam., 6 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Asphondylia, Eudiplosis, Di- cholabis n. g., Dialeria n. g., Charidiplosis n. g.] 15 87 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.71 Ceratopogon : 15 1917. Ceratopogon et Meloë. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1917 p. 250—253. [C. pipueurs de Meloë.] 216038 Hamm, A. H. 57.71 Ceratopogon : 15.6 1919. A Ribbon-Making Fly: The Oviposition of Ceratopogon nitidus Mac. Entom. monthly Mag. (3) Vol. 5 p. 66-67. 39 Salm, A. J. 57.01 Ceratopogon (922) 1917. Description du Ceratopogon blanchardi n. sp. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 41 p. 106—108, 6 figg. 40 Strickland, C. 57.71 Chaetomyia : 15.6 1917. A curious adaptation of habit to its environment of a Malayan mos- quito. Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc. No. 75 p. 89, 1 pl. |Chae- tomyia flava ovideposits on its own leg.] 41 Marchand, Werner. 57.71 Chionea : 15 1917. Notes on the Habits of the al or Psyche Vol. 24 p. 142—153, 2 pls., 1 fig. 5.2,.4 42 Treherne, R. C. 57.71 Chionea (71.1) 1920. A Note on the Wingless Tipulid Chionea ; Harrıs. Canad. Entom. Vol. 52 p. 201—202. 15.2,.4 216043 Kieffer, J. J. . 57.71 Chironomidae 1919. Observations sur les Chironomides décrits par J. R. MaArrocn. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1919 p. 191—194. [Chironomus mallochi n. nom. pro Ch. abbreviatus Mazr. non Kırrr., Ch. tetrastictus pro Ch. quadripunc- tatus Kigrr. non Marr., Orthocladius mallochi pro O. lacteipennis Mar. non Lanpsrrôm, Tanypus infortunatus pro T. inconspicuus Krerr. non Marr., Cu- licoides meijereri pro C. guttipennis Mers. non Mar, Heteromyia caloptera pro H. rufa Kierr, non Marc, Atrichopogon setosus pro À. setosipennis Kırrr. 1913 non 1911.] Typographia Concilii Bibliographici. F PR es De of five) years 4 Vol. 29 soma 1916) a 0 iR ; es un BppEaS, en Like ae off $ 7 we Have ob ne that the are a will continue. material is at hand ae the next. 001010 OT KK RE ‘| 2100 EEE a a am | zu haben im CONCILIUM BIBLAOGRAPIICEN SODEIDE DEC pourosrouros SONO OSEO OSEO On RO Os RO Os OO RO Os 08 + 0 ‚9% Va Koi TE 8 Li à LORS Le) 20% É = ©" Bibliographische Zettelkasten | ! _ für Bibliotheken, Museen und Privatgelehrte. Vorrätig in Mahagoni oder in amerikanischem Satinholz. : Ë Bestellungen übermittelt CONCILIUM BIBLIOGRAPHICUM. Ÿ Fe Te Tr ESS | — ner. Po, « % [TMS ORLEEE PREBCRERCTENEELES IRAAJAR alpins SEM CAES an. AAA) | r AAA? | ale | aa: Mu: na an | NOT long PU TT Le LT ang rn R R LE D np mA Er ATEN SECTE If or ar Ba apte < ptet entones PATTERN LI | TT NR mr AS 22”! ih x \ Dan Ana) - ED TTSE DELPECE CRE 222! LE ap?! TEN Yi ; Am ma j" 8 THEIR LE A aa Aa 1 AAN WARE 5 h p dm” Na "NA ‘a « SR NeL CRETE THOBRE P IH PR LECRAL TE à DB 7e "+ me * CTP RTL TIRE \ATAU A LEE ET OL in É 2, Se NE TERN RAA dal ann Ta “Ja FARRIN CN RER m. gr 224% A sas Sa LEE eh | PRET Ay M0 ALLEN FRANS LEE Tr WEN du, an PS VAL à ALS, | pal | . Ar) \ aan 31 A LM lesn 20e an N à ep ar. a0 au: > m ala) a Be Fri, ss TH, [ a à LUTSLSPN 4 LIT ne Ne Vrais RAN: aaman SA LE u N 53 4 Wan An. ran. va” EL? A MLD x: | "1522990 Ma Ur «2. 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