FA Field Columbian Museum Publication 23. Anthropological Series. Vol. II, No. 2. THE LIBRARY OF THE FEB 17 1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF PERU. BY George A. Dorsey, Acting Curator, Department of Anthropology. Chicago, U. S. A. January, 1898. V > ERRATA. Page 59, line 8, for Acuna read Acufla. 67, " 25, " Juncos " Yuncas. 70, " 9, " Akad " (Kon. Akad. der Wis). 76, " \6,/or Hispano-Ulkamarina read Hispano-Ultramina. 84, " 27, " Cy read C. y. U « U a de| a read del|a 95, " 7 (from bottom), read (margin) 1 849 instead of 1 595. 97, " 9, for Cronan read Cronau. " " 18, " Eleroy read Elroy. 100, " 22, " Description read Descripcion. " M " M estaditica read estadistica. 105, " 8, " Ternaux read Ternaux-Compans. 113, " 7, M Giglioli (H.H.) read GigMoM (E). 122, M 6, for Jarma read Tarma. 129, " 5 (from bottom ), for Antiquadades >rW Antigiiedades. M " 3 " u " Antiguidades " Antigiiedades. 134, " \4,for Boudoin read Baudoin. 135, " 4 (from bottom ),for Drognes read Drogues. 140, " 2\,for Quichaus nv&/ Quichuas. " " 22, H Montana read Montafla. 143, " 23, " Acura read Acufla. 147, " 24, M Meigs (J. A.) read (Meigs J. Aitken). " " 27, omit Meigs (J. Aitken) and insert 176, " 6, for Antiguadades read Antigiiedades. " " 35 to end, transfer to Rich (Obadiah). 178, lines 6 and 3, (from bottom) for Indegenas read Indigenas. 184, line 2 from end, for In Mappe read Maps. 191, between lines 23 and 24 imert (Vol. 17. See Fernandez Montesinos (E. L. D.) Memoires. Paris. 1840. 8° ). 193, line 9 (from bottom ), for Chuqu\asca read Chuquisaca. 197, " 7, for Mapotcca read Mapoteca. 198, " 8 (from bottom), for Tourancen read Touranien. " " 7 " " " anciem read anciens. 200, " 24 (in margin), insert 1892. Field Columbian Museum Publication 23. # Anthropological Series. Vol. II, No. 2 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF PERU. BY George A. Dorsey, Acting Curator, Department of Anthropology. THE LIBRARY OF THE FEB 17 1938 UNIVERSITY 0F ILLINOIS Chicago, U. S. A. January, 1898. *>7 1. 05 FA V.fcx Cop. 2. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF PERU. By George A. Dorsey. INTRODUCTION. What was begun in 1893 as a labor of love, has been brought to a finish amid difficulties and the stress of work attendant upon new fields of investigation. While pursuing a special course of study in the Graduate Depart- ment of Harvard University, in 1893-94, I began to form a card cat- alogue of the more important books which treat of the antiquities of Peru. This was done merely for my own benefit and to aid me in the particular line of investigation with which at that time I was occupied. Such a catalogue seemed all the more necessary to me, as I could find no list of books of any value which related to Peru, and my studies led me into all the many interesting problems for which that country is so justly famous. It soon became apparent that the work of making anything like a complete list of books which relate to the Anthropology of Peru would be long and laborious, and at one time I decided to abandon the idea; but with the kindly advice of Dr. Winsor and the cordial assistance of Mr. Kiernan, both of the Harvard Library, I took hold of the work anew, and set out with the deliberate intention of making a complete list of all the books, pamphlets and magazine articles which related in any way to the anthropology of Peru. The aim has been to cover the whole ground, and from the earliest times down to the present day, to include such works as treat of the modern Indians as well of the Peruvians of ancient times, and finally to include all known editions of the early Spanish authorities. To what extent the list here presented falls short of this high aim no one knows so fully as I do. Although having at my command the exten- sive libraries of Harvard and Boston, yet for many titles I have had to refer to the catalogue of the British Museum Library, and to those of Sabine, Harisse, Quaritch, Dufosse, Hierseman, Winsor, etc. On account of the additional interest which is imparted to a book when something is known of the author, I have given short biograph- ical sketches of about fifty of the more important authors of the early Spanish times. Indeed, with many of these early writers the very 55 56 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. facts of their lives are what make their writings of so great import- ance. In the preparation of these biographies I am especially indebted to the two chapters on Peru by Clements R. Markham, in Vols. I and II of Dr. Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America. This is my first attempt at bibliography; it shall be my last as well, although I hope, in a second part, to attempt to compile an index by subjects and topics, which will enable any one to look up such titles as relate to special matters. When that is finished and an index to the literature of the most interesting country in America, as viewed by the anthropologist, is thus rendered available for students, I shall not feel that I have labored in vain. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1578 Acosta (Christoval de) Tractado de las drogas y medi- cinas de las Indias Orientales, con sus plantas debuxadas al vivo por C. A.... en el qual se verifica mucho de lo que escrivo el Dr. Garcia de Orta. Burgos. 1578. 1582 C. or Coste Aromatum et medicatorum in Orientali India nascentium liber. . . . C. Chisii opera ex Hispanico ser- mone Latinus factus in epitomen contractus, etc. 1582. 8° 1619 Traicte" de Christophe de la Coste des drogues et des medicament, qui naissent aux Indes, traduit par de l'Ecluse. Figures. Lyon. 1619. 8C. [Montalvo refers to a speech made by Christoval de Acosta at the third Council of Lima, 1583.] 1588-9 Acosta (Jose de) De Natura Novi Orbis Libri duo et de Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros. Salamanca. 1588-9. 1595 (Second edition.) Salamanca. 1595. 1596 (Another edition.) Colonics Agrippinoz. 1596. 120. 1590 — Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, en que se tratan las cosas notables del Cielo, y Elementos, Metales, Plantas y Animates dellas; y los Ritos, y Ceremonias, Leyes, y Gobierno y Guerras de los Indios. Sevilla. 1590. 40. 1591 (Another edition.) Barcelona. 1591. 8°- 1608 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1608. 1610 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1610. 1792 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Madrid. 1792. 40 . 1596 Historia naturale e morale della Indie novamente tradotta. . . .de Giovanni Paolo Gallacio. Venetia. 1596. 4°- 57 58 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1597 Histoire naturelle et morale des Indes, tant Orient- alles qu' Occidentalles ; traduites en Francois par Robert Regnault, Cauxois. Paris. 1597. 8°. 1600 (Another edition.) Paris. 1600. 8 . 1601 (Another edition.) 1601. Fol. 1606 (Another edition.) Paris. 1606. 8°. 1 616 (Another edition.) Paris. 1616. 8°. 1598 Historie naturall ende morael van de Westorsche Indien . . . .overghent door J. Huyghen van Linschoten. Enckhuysen. 1598. 8°. 1727 Ontdekking Van West Indien ... .door J. D'A.... 1592 nyt het Spaans Verladd P. Van de Aa, etc. Deil 8. 1727. Fol. 1601 (Another edition.) 5« Theodor de Bry. Von Ge- legenheit der Elemente natur de Neuer Welt. J. H. Van Lin- schoten. 1601. Fol. 1602 (Another edition.) & Theodor de Bry. America nova pars. .. .denovis orbis naturae Acosta. America. Pars IX. Francoforti. 1602. Fol. 1624 — (Another edition.) See Theodor de Bry. Parali- pomena Americas, hoe est discursus accurataque Americas descriptio. America. Pars XII. Frankforti. 1624. Fol. 1604 The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies .... written in Spanish .... translated into Eng- lish by E. G. (Edward Grimeston). 1604. 40. 1880 (Another edition.) Reprinted from the English translated edition of E. Grimeston, 1604, with notes by Clements R. Markham. 2 vols. London. 1880. 8°. (Hakluyt Society, Nos. 60 and 61.) [Jose de Acosta, one of the best known writers on Ameri- can history, born 1540, at Medina-del-Campo, Old Castille. Entered Society of Jesus, 1553. Taught theology at Ocana; went to Peru, 1571, and remained fifteen years. In Mexico and Antilles two years. Returned to Spain with MSS. ; became rector of Salamanca. Died, 1600. Of great learning but not well acquainted with native languages.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography 01 Anthropology ok Peru — Dorsey. 59 1848 Acosta (J.) Colonel. Compendio historico del descubri- miento y colonizacion de la Nueva Granada en el siglo de^cimo sexto. Paris. 1848. i860 See Bollaert (D.) Antiquarian .... researches in New Granada, etc. London, i860. 8°. (Acosta's work makes use of two unpublished parts of Pedro Simon's MS.) 1641 Acuna (el Padre Christoval de) Nuevo Descubrimiento der gran Rio de las Amazonas . . . . al qual fue, y se hizo por orden de su Magestad, el ano de 1639, por la provincia de Quito en los Reynos del Peru. Madrid. 1641. 40. (Chaps. XXVI-XLIII describe Indian tribes. Acuna's party were the first whites to traverse the region mentioned.) 1891 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1891. 8°. (Vol. II. Colecion de libros que tratan de America raros y curiosas. ) 1682. Relation de la riviere des Amazons, traduite par de Gomberville sur l'original Espagnol du P. C. d'A. Avec une dissertation sur la riviere des Amazones pour servir de preface. 4 vols. Paris. 1682. i2c- 1698 Voyages and Discoveries in South America. The first up the River of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil, performed at the command of the King of Spain by C. d'A. Done into English from the originals. With Notes and Maps. London. 1698. 8°. 1859 New Discovery of the great River of the Amazons translated (with notes), etc. , by C. R. Markham. Lon- don. 1859. 8°. (Hakluyt Society, No. 24, "Expeditions, etc.'") 1729 Bericht von dem Strom derer Amazonen, erstlich in Spanischer sprach herausgegeben von P. C. de Acunna aus der Gesellschaft Jesu: nachgehends in das Franzosiche iibersetzet, durch Herrn von Gomberville .... Nunmehro alles in Teutschen an das Leicht gestellet durch einen aus gemeldter Gesellschaft. (See Fernandez (J. B.) Erbauliche und angenehme Ge- schichten derer Chiquitos, etc. 1729. 8°.) 1733 Bericht von dem Strom derer Amazonen, etc. {Neuer Welt-Bote. Neurer Welt-Bote, etc. 1733. 8°.) 60 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1747 Reise auf dem Amazonen flusse. 1637-40. (See Schwabe (J. J.) Algemeine Historie der Reisen, etc. , Bd. 16. 1747. 40) [El Padre Christoval de Acuna, bishop of Caracas. The Nuevo Descubrimiento is an account of an expedition, in 1639, to see if treasure could be transported from Peru by the Amazon. It was suppressed that the Portuguese might not know of the navigability of the river to Quito.] 1878 Adam (Lucien) Le Quichua, est il unelanguearyenne? 1878. (Compte- Rendu du Congr^s des Americanistes. Seconde session, page 7.5.) 1890 See Leclerc (Ch.) Arte de la lengua de los Indios o Campas. Paris. 1890. 8°. 1885 Adams (William Henry Davenport) Land of the Incas and the City of the Sun: or the story of Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru. Illust. London. 1885. 8°. 1809-17 Adelung (Johann Christoph). See Vater (John S. ) Mith- ridates, etc. Vols. II and III. Berlin. 1809-17. 1623 Aguilar del Rio. Memorial que ©freer el lie ... .al Rey. .. . assi en lo que toca al bien espiritual como al temporal de los Indios naturales del. Lima. 1623. Fol. (Valuable for history of Pizarro and the administration of the Indians.) 1862 Aguirre (Lope de). See Bollaert (Wm.) Expedition of P. de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua, 1560-61. London. 1862. 8°. (Hakluyt Society, No. 28.) [Lope de Aguirre, companion of Pedro de Ursua, on his expedition down the Amazon in 1560, to discover Eldorado; chief of the conspirators who murdered Ursua on January 1, 1561, near Machiparo, and threw off Spanish allegiance. Became sovereign on murder of his companion, Fernando de Guzman; reached the ocean by the Orinoco or one of the rivers of Guiana. Landed in Venezuela to invade New Granada, but defeated and killed by Spanish force under Gutierrez de la Pena.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 61 1807 Alcedo (Antonio de). Biblioteca Americana. Madrid. 1807. (MS. Jackson (J.) Bibl. g<§og. No. 613.) 1730? Alcedo y Herrara (Dionysio de). Memorial informativo, que pusieron en les reales manos et tribunal del consulado de laCiudad de los Reyes y la junto general del comercio de las provincias" del Peru; sobre differentes puntos tocantes al estado de la real hazienda y del comercio, etc. {Madrid? 1730?) Fol. 1740 Aviso Historico, Politico, Geographico, con.... Noticias. . . .del Peru, Tierra-Firme, Chile y Nuevo Reyno de Granada en la Relacion de los Sucessos, de 205 anos, por la Chronologia de los Adelantados, Presidentes, Governa- dores y Virreyes de aquel Reyno meridional, desde. . . . 1535 hasta .... 1740, y Razon de todo lo obrada por los Ingleses en aquellos reynos. ... 1567 hasta. ... 1739. Madrid. 1740. 40. 1741 (Another edition.) Madrid. (1741.) 8°- 1762? Aviso .... continuada hasta .... 1760. Madrid. (1762?) 40. 1 741 Compendio historico de la provincia. . . . de Guaya- quil, etc. Madrid. 1741. 4°- 1585 Alcobasa (Diego de). Confessionario. Li7na. 1585. (Spanish, Quichua and Aymara. Very scarce. Markham. Roy. Com. ii, 200 note.) 1881 Allen (Frederick H.) Pizarro; or the Discovery and Con- quest of Peru. Edited by F. H. A. Illustrated. Boston. (1881.) 8°. 1580-81 Almendral (Martin de) and Alvarez de Holguin (Pedro). Muy poderoso senor Jorge de Ortega en nombre de dona, etc. 1580-81. (MSS. unedited. Valuable; relates to personal services of M. de A. and P. A. de H. during the discovery, etc. , of Peru.) 1580-1 Alvarez de Holguin (Pedro). See Almendral (Martin de) Muy poderoso, etc. 1 580-1. [Alvarez de Holguin, one of Pizzaro's captains; killed Sept. 16, 1542, on defeat of young Almagro by Vaca de Castro.] 62 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1874 Anchorena (Jose Dionisio). Gramatica Cjuichua o del idioma del Imperio de los Incas. Lima. 1874. Andagoya (Pascual de). Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in Tierra firme or Castilla del Oro, etc. (Original MS. in Spanish in Indian Archives, Seville). 1825 See Fernandez de Navarette (Martin) Colleccion de los Viages. Tom. iii. Madrid. 1825, etc. 40. 1865 ■ Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the provinces of Tierra firme or Castilla del Oro, and of the discovery of the South Sea and the coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Translated and edited, with notes and an Intro- duction, by CI. R. Markham. Map. London. 1865. 8°. (Hakluyt Society. No. 34. Contains the earliest notice of Peru.) 1868 Pascual de Andagoya, um epysodio da historia patria. As quatro derradeiras noites dos inconfid. de minas geraes. (1792). Rio de Janeiro. 1868. [Pascual de Andagoya, born in the province of Alava, Spain; went to Darien, 1514; obtained information respect- ing the empire of the Incas on his expedition to province of Biru in 1522 ; explored further south, but returned to Pan- ama owing to illness and turned the enterprise over to a partnership at Panama composed of Pizarro, Almagro and Luque, for whom he acted as agent until 1536. Died, 1548, at Cuzco.] 1827 Andrews (Joseph) Captain. Journey from Buenos Ayres through the provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta to Potosi ; thence by the deserts of Caranja to Arica and sub- sequently to Santiago de Chile and Coquimbo in the years 1825-26. 2 vols. London. 1827. 8C. 1827 (Another edition). 2 vols. London. 1827. 120. (Chap. VI, Vol. 2, Potosi to Arica — describes Indians en route). 1836-7 Angelis (Don Pedro de). Coleccion de obras y docu- mentos relativos a la historia. .. .del Rio de la Plata. 6 vols. Buenos Ayres. 1836-7. 40. (Vol. 5 contains Sentencia pronunciada por el Visitador Don Jose Antonio de Areche contra Tupac Amaru). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 63 1856 Ensayo de la historia civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman. (Edited by Dr. Don Pedro de Angelis.) 2 vols. (Second edition). 1856. 151 1 Anglerius (PetrusMatyr). LegatioBabylonica. Sevilla. 1511. 1 5 16 (New edition enlarged). Aleala. 15 16. 1530 De Orbe nove decades (8). Prefatio M Antonii Nebrissensis. Apud Michaele (VEgine. Compluti. 1530. Fol. 1533 P. M. ob Angleria de rebus oceanis et orbe nuovo decades tres (IV). . . .ejusdem legationis Babylonicae'libri tres. Basilem. 1533. Fol. 1574 (Another edition). Colonics. 1574. 8°. 1587 De orbe novo Petri Matyris Anglerii Mediolanensis . . . .Decades octo. . . .labore et industria Richardi Hakluyti Parisiis. 1 587. 8° . 1532 Extraict on Receuil des Isles nouvellesment trou- v6es en le grand mer Oceane .... par Pierre Matyr de Millan et depuis translate en language francoys. Pan's. 1532. 3 1537 (Another edition). Part's. 1537. 1554 Somario della Historia dell Indie Occidenti cavato della libri scritti da le Sig. Pietro Martire. 1554. Fol. See Ramusio (G. B.) Prinio Volume .... delle Navigatione et Viaggi. Vol. 3. 1554. 1563 (Another edition). Vol. 3. 1563. Fol. 1606 (Another edition). Somario cavato della sua his- toria del Nuovo Mondo. 1606. Fol. See Ramusio (G. B.) Vol. 3. 1606. 1555 The (three) decades of the new worlde, or West India, conteyning the navigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes with the particular description of the most ryche and large landes and Ilandes lately found in the West Ocean pertayning to the inheritance of the kinges of Spayne.... Written in the Latine tounge by Petrus Matyr, of Angleria, and translated into Englysche by R. Eden. (The histories of the Weste Indies, wrytten by Gonzalus Ferdinandus Ovie- dus. A discourse of the marvellous voyage made by the Spanyardes rounde about the worlde, gathered out of a large 64 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. booke wrytten hereof by Master A. Pygafetta. . . .) B. L. In aedibus Guilhelmi Powell. (End. Rycharde Jug). Lon- don. 1555. 40. 1577 The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies. .. .Gathered in parte, and done into Englysche by R. Eden. Newly set in order, augmented and finished by R. Willes. B. L. R. Jugge. London. 1577. 4°- 1582 (Another edition). Three Decades. Basle. 1582. Pol. 1809 The Historie of the West Indies. . . .Published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and translated in English by M. Lok. 1809, etc 4°. See Hakluyt (R. ) Rev. Collection of the early voyages, etc. Vol. V. 1812 The Historie of the West Indies (The. . . .Decades of the Ocean) translated by M. Lok. 18 12. 40. See Hakluyt (R. ) Rev. A selection of . . . .voyages, etc. [Petrus Matyr Anglerius, or Peter Matyr d'Anghiera, born about 1456, a reporter at the Spanish Court. Wrote many letters, of which about 30 relate to America. Knew Columbus personally. Began the Decades, 1493. Died, 1526.] 1866 Angrand (Leonce) Antiquit^s Americaines ; les Antiquit^s de Tiahuanaco et l'origine presumable de la plus ancienne civilization du Haut Perou. Plates. Paris. 1866. 4°- 1879 Anonymous. See Jimenez de la Espada (Marcos). Tres relaciones de antigiiedades peruanos. Edited by M.J. de la E. Madrid. 1879. 8°. [Markham says the author was evidently a Jesuit who went to Peru at an early date. Refers to lost works on Peruvian civilization ; mentions ancient Incas in Montesinos' lists and explains origin of erroneous statement that human sacrifices were used.] 1783 Antonio (D. Nicholas). Bibliotheca Hispana Nova sive hispaniorum scriptorum qui ab anno M. D. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere notitia . . . . Tomus primus. Madrid. 1783. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsev. 65 1893 Anvers (A. D.) See Du Pouget (J. F. A.) Marquis dc Nadaillac. Prehistoric America. Trans, by H. D. A., etc. New York. 1893. 8°. 1575 Apianus (Petrus). La Cosmographia. Pt. I. See Lope/ de Gomara (Frans.). El sitio y descripcion de las Indias y Mundo Nuevo. Anvers. 1575. 4°- 1565 Apollonius (Levinus). De Peruviae Regionis inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberrimae, inventione, et rebus in eadem gestis. Map. Antverpice. 1565. 8°. (Divided into five parts: The Expedition of Pizarro and Amalgro into the interior ; Pizarro and Atabila ; Siege of Cuzco ; arrival of Alvarado ; and the mission of Gasca.) 1566 (Another edition). Aniverpitc. 1566. 8 . 1567 (Another edition). Antverpice. 1567. 120. 1582 De Peruviae regioni — inventioni et rebus in eadem gestis. Basle. 1582. Fol. (Third part of a German translation of Benzoni). [Levinus Apollonius was a native of Ghent. His work embraces the period from the discovery of Peru to the death of Gonzalo Pizarro.] 1864 Arana (Don Diego Barros). Colleccion de Historiadores de Chile, edited by D. B. A. 7 vols. Santiago. 1864. See Suarez de Figueroa (Don Chris.) Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, etc. 1873 Proceso de Pedro de Valdivia i otros documentos in^ditos concernientes a este conquistador, reunidos i ano- tados por D. B. A. Santiago de Chile. 1873. 8°. (Gasca's despatch to the Council, describing the defeat and execution of Gonzalo Pizzaro, etc. , dated Cuzco, May 7, 1548, and other despatches of Gasca. Markham describes the document quoted by Prescott as " Relacion del Licenciado Gasca MS." as a mutilated copy of this despatch). 1881 Histoire de la Guerre du Pacifique 1879-80. Maps. 2 vols. Paris. 1881. 8°. (General Map of Littoral (Pacific) and maps of littoral of Northern Peru and environs of Lima). Ariaga (Pablo Jose de). See Arriaga (Pablo Jose de). 66 ' Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1849 Aribau (B.* C.) Biblioteca de autores Espanoles, etc., edited by B. C. A. 1849. 8°. Vol. XXIV. Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonz.) Oviedo; de la natural historia de las Indias ; Castellanos (Juan de) Elegias de Varones illustres de Indias ; Xeres (Fran, de) Verdadera Relacion de la Conquista del Peru. Vol. XXVI. Zarate (Aug. de) Historia del descubrimi- ento y conquista del Peru y de los guerras y cosas sendades en ella ; Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) La Chronica del Peru. 1883 Arona (Juan de). [pseud. Pedro Paz Soldan y Unanue). Diccionario de Peruanismos (Kechua) ; ensayo filologico. Lima. 1883. 8°. 1884 (Another edition). Buenos Ayres. 1884. 8°. 1621 Arriaga (Pablo Josl' de). Extirpacion de la Idolatrie del Peru. Lima. 1621. [Arriaga was a priest ; relates native religious beliefs and practices in minute detail.] 1833 Aspinwall (Thomas) Colone/. Catalogue of Americana. Paris. (1833.) 1617 Atienza (Blas de). Relacion de los Religiosos. Lima. 1617. [Blas de Atienza, a friar, son of Bias de Atienza, who served under Vasco Nunez de Balb6a in 15 13, and settled at Truxillo. His sister, Inez, accompanied Pedro de Ursua, in 1560, on his expedition in search of El Dorado.] 1592 Attabalippa del Peru {pseud Adriano Banchieri) La Nobilta delF Asino di A. dal Peru . . . .Tradotta in lingua Italiana, etc. Venetia. 1592. 8°. 1599 (Another edition). Venetia. 1599. 4°- 1666 Quarta impressioni, con nuova aggionta. Venetia. 1666. 12°. 1602 Avalos y Figueroa (Don Diego d'). Primera parte de la miscelanea austral de Don D. d'A. y F. en varias coloquias, intercolutores Delia y Cilena, con la defensa de Damas. Lima. 1602. (Quichua language, Physical Geography of Peru, etc). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsky. 67 1852 Avecella (Pablo Alonso de la). La conquesta del P6ru. Novela historica original. Vign. Paris. 1852. 8C. 1853 (Another edition). Caracas. 1853. 8°. 1648 Avendano (Hernando de). Sermones de los ministerios de nuestra Santa Fe" catolica, en lengua Castellana, y la general del Inca. Impugnanse los errores particulares que los Indios han tenido. 1648. 5 Kelacion de las Idolatrias de los Indios. (MS.) [Hernando de Avendano, priest; wrote sermons in Quichua]. 1646-8 Avila (Francisco de) of Cuzco. Tratado de losevangelios . . ..y general de los Indios deste reyno del Peru, y. . . .se refutan los errores de la gentilidad de dichos Indios. (Tomo segundo. . . .obra postuma del Dr. Don F. Davila). 2 vols. Lima. 1646-8. Fol. 1873 ■ — A narrative of the errors, false gods, and other superstitious and diabolical rites in which the Indians of the province of Huarochiri lived in ancient times. Translated and edited by CI. R. Markham. London. 1873. 8°. (Hakluyt Society, No. 48. Narrative of the Rites and Laws of the Incas, pages 123-151). [Francisco de Avila, priest in the province of Huaro- chiri. Wrote in 1608. His Relacion taken down in Quichua from the mouths of the natives. Very valuable, but prob- ably does not relate to the Juncos. Thirty-one chapters of de Avila's work still untranslated or unpublished.] 1604 Aymara. Catecisme en lengua Espanolay Aymara. 1604. 8°. See Quichua y Aymara. 1869 Backer (Augustin de). Bibliotheque des ecrivains de la compagnie de Jdsus ou notices bibliographiques .... Nouvelle Edition ... .Tome premier. A. G. Liege. 1869. Fol. 1573 Bacquere (R. de). See Peru. De Wonderlycke ende warachitige Historie vaut Coninskriich va Peru, etc. (Trans- lated from the Spanish by R. de B.) Thantwerpen. 1573. 4°- 68 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1826 Balbi (Adrien). Atlas ethnographique du Globe, ou clas- sification des peuples anciens et modemes d'apres leurs langues. Paris. 1826. Fol. (Langue de la region Peruvienne, Table XXVII, and Table XLI for brief list of words.) Balboa (Miquel Cavello). Miscellanea Austral. MS. (Part III relates to Peru and was translated by M. Ter- naux-Compans. ) 1840 Histoire du Pdrou (in^dite). Paris. 1840. 8°. See Ternaux-Compans (H.), Voyages de l'Amerique, Vol. XV. [Miquel Cavello Balboa, first soldier, then priest; settled at Quito, 1566; began MS. 1576, finished at Quito, 1586. Gives Christoval de Molina as his authority for early Inca traditions, etc. Account of origin of coast people; detailed narrative of war between Huasca and Atahualpa. ] 1872 Baldwin (John D.). Ancient America in Notes on Ameri- can Archaeology. Illustrations. New York. 1872. 12 • (Peru, Chap. X, pages 222-276.) 1887 Ball (John). Notes of a Naturalist in South America. Map. London. 1887. 120. 1685. Ballesteros (Don Thomas de). Tomo primera de las Ordenanzas del Peru. . . .recogldas y coordenadas por Don Francisco de 'Toledo recogldas por el Lie. Don T. de B. Lima. 1685. Fol. 1752 — (Another edition.).. ..Y Nuevamente anadidas las Ordenanzas que para el Nuevo Establecimiento del Tribunal de la Sta. Cruzada Lima. 1752. Fol: 1892 Ballou (Maturin M.). Equatorial America. Descriptive of a visit to.... the principal capitals of South America. Boston and New York. 1892. 8°. (Peru, pages 334~37i-) 1882 Bancroft (Herbert Howe). History of the Pacific States of North America. Central America, 3 vols. San Fran- cisco. 1882, etc. 8°. (Administration of the Indies, Vol. I, Chap. 5 ; Peru, Vol. II, Chap. 7; Mines, Vol. Ill, Chap. 3 (Mexico)). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peri — Dorsey. 69 1749 Barcia (D. Andres Gonzalez de). Historiadores primi- tives de las Indias occidentales, que junto, traduxo en parte, y sac6 a luz, ilustrados con eruditas Notas y copiosos Indices. 3 vols. Madrid. 1749. Fol. (In Vol. I, Relacion Sumaria de la Historia natural de las Indias, by Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo; in Vol. II, Historia de las Indias, by F. Lopez de Gomara; in Vol. Ill, Descu- brimiento del Peru, by Augustin de Zarate, and Conquista del Peru, by Francisco de Xeres.) 1726-30 See Herrera Tordesillas (Ant. de), Historia Gen- eral de los hechos de los Castellanos, etc. Second edition, with notes by A. G. B. 8 vols. Madrid. 1726-30. Fol. 1723 See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia), Segunda impres- sion. . . .la vida de Xuli Cusi Titu Jupanqui, etc. Edited by A. G. de B. Madrid. 1723. Fol. 1622 Barlaeo (G.). See Herrera Tordesillas (Ant. de), Novis orbis . . . . metaphraste G. Barlceo, etc. Amsterdam. 1622. Fol. 186^ Barranca (Jose S.). Ollanta o sece la severidad de un padre y la clemencia de un rey. Drama traducido del Quichua al Castellano. Lima. 1868. 1 1 75 1 Barrere, Bouguer und De La Condamine. Neue Reisen nach Guiana, Peru und durch das Sudl. America. Maps and plates. Goettingeti. 1751. 1862-4 Barros Arana (Diego). Biblioteca Americana. Collec- tion d'ouvrages inddits ou rares sur l'Amerique. (Edited by D. B. A.) 2 pts. (all pub.). Leipzig (printed). Paris. 1862-4. 18 • 1865 Compendio de Historia de America. Santiago. 1865. 8°. (Pt. I., chap. 3, El Peru antique Pt. II., chaps. 14, 15, 16, Conquista del Peru.) 1826 Barry (Don David). See Ulloa (J. J. and Ant. de). Noticias secretas de America, etc. Sacadas a luz por Don D. B. 2 vols. 1826. Fol. Bartlett (John Russell). See Brown (John Carter). 1884 Basadre (Modesto). Riquezas Peruanas, Colleccion de Articulos Descriptivos, escritos para "La Tribuna," por Modesto Basadre. Lima. 1884. 12 • 70 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1873 Bastian (Adolf). Geographische und ethnologische Bil- der (aus Peru, etc.). Jena. 1873. 8°. 1878-89 Die Culturlander des al ten America. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Berlin. 1878-89. 40. (Vol. I, Aus Religion und Sitte des alten Peru. Vol. II, Gesehichte der Inca in Peru. Vol. Ill, Ethnologische Museum.) 1891 Kulturhistorische und sprachliche Beitrage zur Kenntniss des alten Peru. Wien (Vienna). Akad. 1891. 1863 Bates (Henry Walter). The Naturalist on the River Amazons, a record of adventure, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life. . . .during eleven years of travel. 2 vols. London. 1863. 8°. 1873 (Third edition.) London. 1873. 8°. 1874 Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Edited and extended by H. W. B., with Ethno- logical Appendix by A. H. Keane, M. A. I. Maps and illus- trations. London. 1874. 8°. (Part of Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) 1882 (Second and revised edition.) London. 1882. 8°. 1885 (New edition.) London. 1885. 8°. (Chaps. Ill and XV, Peru.) 1632 Baudoin (J.). See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia), Le Com- mentaire Royal, etc., translated by J. B. Paris. 1632. 40. 1650, etc. (Numerous subsequent editions.) Paris and Amsterdam. 1650, etc. 1865 Baxley (H. Willis). What I Saw on the West Coast of South and North America and at the Hawaiian Islands. New York. 1865. 8°. 1808 Beauchamp (Alphonse de). Histoire de la Conquete et des Revolutions du Perou. 2 vols. Paris. 1808. 8°. (Portraits of Pizarro, Manco Inca.) 1835 (Another edition. 2 vols. Paris. 1835. 8°. 1534 Benedetto ( ). Libro di Benedetto. Venice. 1534. (Contains Italian version of Pizarro's letter announcing capture of Atahualpa.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology ok Pkrl — Dorsey. 71 1565 Benzoni (Girolamo). La Historia del Mondo Nuovo, laqual tratta dell' Isoli, et Mari nuovamente ritrovati, et delle nuove Citta di lui proprio vedute, per acqua et per terra in quattordeci anni. Woodcuts. Venetia. 1565. 120. 1572 La Historia, etc. Nuovamente ristampata, et illus- trata con la giunta d'alcune cose notabile dell' Isole di Canaria. (Portrait.) Venetia. 1572. 8°. 1578 Novae novi orbis historia? primum ab H. B. Italico sermone conscriptae, nunc in Latinum translate (by U. Chauveton). {Geneva.) 1578. 8C. 1578 Occidentalis hactenus gestarum .... libri tres, Urbani Calvetonis opera industriaque .... Latini facti .... adjuncta est De Gallorum in Floridam expeditione. . . Brevis Historia. (Geneva.) 1578. 12 • 1581 (Second edition.) (Geneva.) 1581. 8°. 1586 (Third edition.) Historia? Indiae occidentalis, tomis duobus comprehensa, etc. 2 vols. (Geneva.) 1586. 8°. 1586 Historia India? Occidentalis .... Hieronymo Benzone Italo, and Joanne Lerio Burgundo, testibus oculatis, autoribus ... .in latinum sermonem Urbani Calvetonis and G. M. studio conversi. (Genevce.) 1586. 12°. (This is a reissue of the second edition (1581), with a new title.) 1590 (Another edition.) 1590. 1594 (Another edition.) Historia de referta primum occidentali India? a C. Columbo anno 1592. Frankfort. 1594. Fol. (Chauveton's translation. De Bry, pt. IV.) 1594 (Another edition.) Frankfort. 1594. Fol. (De Bry's America, pt. IV. 2d ed.) 1598 (Another edition.) Geneva. 1598. 1600 (Another edition.) Nova? novi orbis historia*.... libri tres. (Geneva.) 1600. 8". 161 2 Nova? novi orbis historia? primam ab A. H. Italico sermone conscripta?, nunc in Latinum translata? liber primus ( — tertius). (Geneva.) 161 2. 8°. 1648 (Another edition.) Hamburgh. 1648. 72 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1579 Historie nouvelle du Nouveau Monde, contenant en somme ce que les Hespagnols ont fait jusqu'a pr6s£nt aux Indes Occidentales, et le rude traitement qu ils font a ces poures peuples-la. Extraite de l'ltalien de M. Hierosme Benzoni Milanois, qui ha voyage XIV ans en ces pays-la: et enrichie de plusieurs Discours et choses dignes de mem- oire. Par M. Urbain Chauveton. Ensemble, une petite Histoire, etc. {Geneve.) 1579. 8". j 1589 (Another edition.) 1589. 1579 Der Neuern Weldt und Indianischen Konigreichs newe und wahrhaffte History ... aus dem Latein in das Teusch gebracht durch N. Honiger, etc. Basel. 1579. Fol. 1582-3 (Another edition.) Basel. 1582-3. Fol. (See Apollonius (Levinus) De Peruvian regioni, etc. Basle. 1582.) 1594 Neuere und griindliche Historien von dem Nider- gangischen Indien, etc. , in das Teusch gebracht durch N. Honiger. 1594. Fol. 1 591 Novae Novi Orbis Historiae, Das ist, Aller Gesch- ichten, so in der Newen Welt . . . . wahrhaffter griindlicher Bericht. Deszgleichen .... Durch Abeln Scherdigern .... ins Deudsch gebracht, Anno 1589. Helmstadt. 1591. 40. 161 3 Historia de referta primum occidentali India a C. C. 1613. Fol. (De Bry, America, pt. IV. German. 2d ed. America? pars quartae. ) 1631 Newe Wredt. 1631. Fol. (De Bry, America, pt. XIX. German.) 1610 De historiae van de nieuwe weerelt, te weten de beschryvinghe van West Indien, etc. Haarlem. 1610. 8°. 1663 (Another edition.) Beschryvinghe van West Indien, etc. Amsterdam. 1663. (East Indian Voyages. Dell. I.) 1707 Scherps-togt na West Indien en het jaar 1541, etc. 1707, etc. 8°. (P. Vander Aa, Naaukeurige versameling der Zee en Land Reysen, etc. Vol. 51.) 1727 (Another edition.) 1727. ' Fol. (P. Vender Aa. De Aanverkruswaardigste, etc. Deel 7.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 73 1625 Briefe extracts translated out of Jeroni Benzos three bookes of the new world, touching the Spaniards cruell handling of the Indians and the effects thereof. London. 1625. Fol. (Purchas his Pilgrim. Pt. 4.) 1857 History of the New World by G. B., showing his travels in America. 1541-56. Translated by Admiral Wm. H. Smyth. Facsimiles of old wood cuts. London. 1857. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub. No. 22.) [Girolamo Benzoni, an Italian, born about 1519. Trav- eled in Spanish America, 1541-1556. Not scholarly, and deals in gossip, but confirms Las Casas. Illustrations from his own drawings.] 1875 Ber (Th.) Les Indiens du Perou. Paris and Nancy. 1875. (Compte-Rendu de Congres des Americanistes. Vol. I, pages 449-462.) 1890 Ruines de Tiahuanaco. Paris. 1890. 8°. (Compte-Rendu de Congres de Americanistes. Eighth • session, pages 533-534.) 1843 Berghaus (Dr. Heinrich Carl Wilhelm). Grundriss der Geographie. . . .enhaltend die mathematische und phy- sikalische Geographie, die allgemein Lander — und Volker — so wie die Staatenkunde; erlaiiter durch .... Figuren .... Karten, etc. . Breslau. 1843. 8C • 1845-7 • Die Volker des Erdballs nach ihrer Abstammung und Verwandtschaft, und ihren Eigenthumlichkeiten in Regierungsform, Religion, Sitte und Tracht. 2 Bde. Brussel und Leipzig. 1845-7. 8°. 1845-8 Dr. H. B., physikalischer Atlas, oder Sammlung von Karten auf denen die hauptsachlichsten Erscheinungen der anorganischen und organischen Natur nach der geograph- ischen Verbreitung und Vertheilung bildlich dargestellt sind. 2 Bd. Got ha. 1845-8. Fol. 1848 Die Baudenkmaler aller Volker der Erde. . . .Nach der zweiten Ausgabe von E. Briton's .... Monumens de tous les peuples, herausgegeben von H. B. (1848), etc. 8°. 74 Fikld Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1850 Grundliniender Ethnographic Enthaltend. ..eine allgemeine Volkertafel oder Nachweisung aller Volker des Erdbodens, etc. Stuttgart. 1850. 8°. Bersabita (F.) See Castellani (G.) 1603 Bertonio (P. Ludovico). Arte breve de la lengua Aymara. para introduction del arte grande de la misma lengua. Roma. 1603. 8°. 1603 Arte y Grammatica muy copiosa de la lengua Aymara. Roma. 1603. 120. 1603 (Same title.) Rome. 1603. 8°. 1608 (Another edition.) Arte y Grammatica copiosa de la lengua Aymara. Roma. 1608. (Nueva edicion, aumentada.) 1612 (Another edition.) Arte de la lengua Aymara, con una silva de frases, y su declaracion en Romance. Chucuyto. 1612. 8°. 1879 (Another edition.) Publ. de nuevo por J. Platz- mann. Edicion facsimilar. Leipzig. 1879. 8°. 161 2 Vocabularia de la lengua Aymara. Primera parte. Donde por abecedario se ponen en primar lugar los vocables de langue Espanol para buscar los . . . . la lengua Aymara compresto por el PL. B. Chucuito. 1612. 4°- 161 2 Vocabulario de la Lengua Aymara. Spanish- Aymara and Aymara-Spanish. 2 Pts. Chucuito. 1612. 8°. 1879 (Another edition.) Publ. de nuevo por J. Platz- mann. Edicion facsimilar. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1879. 8 . 1612 Libro de la vida y milagros de nuestro Senor Jesu Christo en dos lenguas Aymara y romance. Chucuyto. 1612. 1612 Confessionario muy copioso en dos linguas Aymara y Espanolo, con una instrucion acerca de las Siete Sacre- mentos de la Sancta Yglesia, etc. Chucuyto. 1612. 8°. 1 760 Historia de los cuatra Evangelios en lengua Aymara, con varias refleciones .... Sacada de un libro antiqua, que avra 160 as. dis a luz el P. L. B....Por el P. Francisco- Mercier y Guzman. 1760. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Perl — Dorsey. 75 [Ludovico Bertonio, an Italian and Jesuit, born near Ancona about 1551. Went to Peru, 1581. Many years at Juli, near Lake Titicaca, where studied Aymara. Died at Lima, 1625, aged 73.] 1885 Bertrand (Alejandro). Memoria sobre las Cordilleras del Desierto de Atacama i regiones limitrofes. . . .por A. B. Maps and illustrations. Santiago. 1885. 40. 1808 Bertuch (Von F. J.) Peru nach seinem gegenwartigen Zustande dargestellt aus dem Mercurio Peruano von Skinner. Nach dem Englischen von Weyland und Er. A. Schmidt. Herausgegeben von F. J. Bertuch. 2 Maps. 2 vols. Weimar. 1808. 8°. (Vol. I, translated from " Present State of Peru," by Joseph Skinner {see) and Vol II from the Mercurio Peruano). 1744 Betagh (William). Observations on the country of Peru and its inhabitants during his captivity. London. 1744. Fol. See Harris (J.) D. D. Navigantium atque Itineran- tium Bibliotheca, etc Vol I. 1813 (Another edition). London. 1813. 4°. Sec Pinkerton (John) Voyages and Travels. Vol. XIX. Pages 1-29. 1880 Betanzos (Juan Jose de). Suma y narracion de los Incas que los Indios llamaron Capaccuna, que fueron senores de la ciudad del Cuzco y de todo lo 6 ella subjeto. Madrid. 1880. 8°. See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) Segunda parte de la Cronica del Peru, sequida de la suma, etc. , por J. de B. , la publico Jimenez de la Espada. [Juan Jose de Betanzos, a soldier of the Conquest; mar- ried a daughter of the Inca Atahualpa; became a citizen of Cuzco and official interpreter to the Royal Audience and Viceroys. His Suma y Narracion, written by order of Vice- roy Don Antonio de Mendoza; finished 1551. Only part of the MS., as referred to by Gregoria Garcia, is preserved. Comes next to Cieza de Leon as an authority]. 1847 Bethune (C. R.) Captain. See Hawkins (Sir Richard). Observations on his Voyage into the South Sea, etc. Edited by Cap. C. R. B. London. 1847. 8°. 76 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. IL . 1862-4 Bibliotheca Americana. Collection d'ouvrages in^dites ou rares sur l'Am^rique. 3 vols. Paris. 1862-4. (I. Puren Indomito. Poema p. F. Alvarez de Toledo. Publ. p. D. B. Arana. II. Voyages dans le Nord du Bresil. 1613-14. p. Yves d'Evreux, publ. p. Denis. III. Memoire s. les moeurs, coustumes et religion des sauvages de l'Am6r- ique Sept. p. N. Perrot, publ. p. Tailhan.) 1847-50 Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles. Madrid. 1847-50. See Castellanos (Juan de) Elegias de Varones illustres de Indias; Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo). Oviedo: de la natural historia de las Indias; Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) La Chronica del Peru. 1 52 1 Biblioteca Colombina. Early voyage to Peruvian coast. Italian tract. 1521. (Tract known only in German version. Winsor.) 1876-82 Biblioteca Hispano-Ulkamarina. 6 vols. Madrid. 1876-82. 8°. {Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, Historia del descubrimiento de las regiones Austriales, publ. p. J. Zaragoza. 3 vols. Cieza de Leon, Tercero libro de las guerras civiles de Peru en cual se llama la guerra de Quito, publ. p. Marcos Jim- enez de la Espada, 1877. Idem, Segunda parte de la cron- ica del Peru que trata del sefiorio de los Incas Yupanquis. 1880. Guerra piraticas de Filipinas, contra Mindanaos y Joloanos, correg. p. Vincente Barrantes). 1873 Bibliotheca Peruviana. London. 1873. (See Soldari, M. P. and M. F.) Bibliotheque Linquistique Americaine. 7 vols- Paris. 1883 Birkedal (Holger). Chile, Bolivia, Peru. San Francisco. 1883. 8°. {Overland Monthly, Vol. Ill, S. S., pages 627-636.) 1884 Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. San Francisco. 1884. 8°. {Overland Monthly, Vol. IV, S. S., pages 76, 177, 319, 411.) {16 — .) Blaen (W.). Peru. Amsterdam. (16 — .) See Maps. Peru. 1862 Blake (Charles Carter). On the cranial characters of the Peruvian races of man. London. 1862. 8°. (Trans. Ethnological Society, N. S. ii.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru— Dorsky. 77 1863 Cranial characters of the Peruvian races of men. London. 1863. 8°. (Journal of the Anthropological Institute of G. B. and Ir. , Vol. II, pages 216-231.) 1878 Blake (John H.). Notes on a collection from the ancient cemetery at the bay of Chacota, Peru. Cambridge. 1878. 8 . (Report: Peabody Museum, 1878, pages 277-305.) 1 75 1 Blancharderie (Abbe Courte de la). Nouveau Voyage fait au P6rou (by Alonzo Carillo Lazo in 1745-49). Illus. Paris. 1751. 160. 1753 A Voyage to Peru; performed by the Conde of St. Malo in the years 1745. . . . 1749. Written by the chaplain (Abbe" C. de la B.), to which is added an appendix contain- ing the present state of Spanish affairs in America, in respect to mines, trade, etc. London. 1753. 16°. BlasValera. (Religion, Language, Institutions, and Chron- ology of the Incas.) (Fragments preserved in Garcia Lasso de la Vega's Com- mentaries. Two fragments of Inca poetry and sayings of Inca sovereigns.) [Blas Valera, son of one of the Conquerors, by Inca woman; born at Chachapoyas, 1551. As Jesuit missionarv, acquired at first hand much information on native history and institutions. Wrote in Latin. Took MS. to Spain; much of it burned on capture of Cadiz by English, 1596. De la Vega preserved the rest and used it for his Com- mentaries.J 1853 Blood (Rev. W.) A mission to the Indians of Orialla, South America. Portrait and plates. London. (1853.) 8". 163 1 Bocanegra (el Bach. Ivan Perez). Ritual, Formulario e Institucion de Curas, para Administrar a los Naturales de este Reyno, los Santos Sacramentos. . . .con advertencias muy necessarias. Lima. (Spanish and Cjuichua.) 1631. 40. 1831 Bollaert (William). Peruvian Drugs. London. 1831. (Paper read at the Medico-Botanical Society of London, 1831; referred to by C. R. Markham, '"Royal Commen- taries" (Part First), Vol. I., page 185, note, where list of drugs from wallet of native itinerant doctor given.) 78 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1 841 Observations on the Geography of Southern Peru, including survey of the province of Jarapaca and route to Chile by the coast of the desert of Atacama. London. 1 841. 8°. (Journal of the Roy. Geographical Society, 1841, pages 99-130.) 1853 The pre-Incarial ruins of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, formerly Upper Peru. Illus. London. 1853. 8°. (The Intellectual Observer. Vol. III., pages 229-237.) 1854 Observations on the History of the Incas of Peru, on the Indians of South America, and on some Indian remains in the province of Tarapaca. London. 1854. 8°. ( Journal of the Ethnological Society. Vol. III., pages 132-164.) i860 Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches in New Granada, Peru, and Chile; with observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial, and other monuments of Peruvian nations. Plates. London, i860. 8°. (Contains a translation of Compendio historico del descubri- 7tiiento . . . .de la Nueva Granada, by Col. Jos. Acosta.) 1862 Expedition of P. de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua, 1560-61. Map. London. 1862. 8°. (Hakluyt Society's Public. No. XXVIII.) 1862 On the Idol Human Head of the Jivara Indians of Ecuador. London. (18th Feb., 1862.) 8°. (Trans. Ethnolog. Soc. N. S. Vol. II., pages 1 12-15.) 1862 Some observations on the Jfvaros (Jibero, Jfvira) from Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches in New Granada, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, etc. London. (18th February, 1862.) 8C. (Trans. Ethnological Society, N. S. Vol. II., pages 1 15-18.) 1863 Antonio Raimondy on the Indian Tribes of the Great District of Loreto in Northern Peru. Transl. from the Spanish by W. B. London. 1863. 8°. (Anthrop. Rev. Vol. I., pages 33-43.) J 863 Observations on the Past and Present Population of the New World. London. (12th May, 1863.) 8°. (Memoirs Anthrop. Society. Vol. I., pages 72-119.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography ok Anthropology ok Peru — Dorsey. 79 [864 Introduction into the Palaeography of America; or Observations on Ancient Picture and Figurative Writing in the New World; on the Fictitious Writing in North Amer- ica; on the Quipu of the Peruvians, and Examinations of spurious quipus. London. (3d May, 1864.) 8°. (Mem. Anthrop. Society. Vol. I., pages 169-194.) 1*^64 Some account of the Astronomy of the Red Man of the New World, including. . . .the Stone Lunar Calendars of the Chibchas of Bogota, and probable use of the Gnomon there ; the recently discovered Gold Calendar of the Peru- vians and Telescope Tube ; their Gnomons, etc. London. (15th November, 1864.) 8'. (Mem. Anthrop. Society. Vol. I., pages 210-280.) 1865 W. R.'s Researches from 1823 to 1865, principally on South American subjects. {London. 1865.) 8°. (A list of various memoirs and articles by W. R.) 1866 Contributions to an Introduction to the Anthropol- ogy of the New World. London. (7th April,' 1866.) 8°. (Mem. Anth. Soc. Vol. II., pages 92-152; Anthrop. Review. Vol'. IV., Jol. Anthr. Soc. pages clxxi-xxv.) 1866 On the ancient or fossil pottery found on the shores of Ecuador. London. (1866.) 8°. (Mem. Anth. Soc. Vol. III., pages 163-66.) 1866 On ancient Peruvian Hieroglyphics, including the recently discovered figurated writing. London. (17th April, 1866.) (Anthropological Review. Vol. IV., page 407.) 1870 On Ancient Peruvian Graphic Records. London. 1870. 8°. (Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Vol. III., pages 351-58.) 1874 Sur les Signes graphiques des anciens Peruvians. Paris. 1874. 8°. (Archives de la Soc. Amer. de France, N. S. Vol. I.) 1775 Bolton ( ). See D'Anville. Map of South America. 1775- 1854 Bonelli (L. Hugh de). Travels in Bolivia, with a Tour across the Pampas to Buenos Ayres, etc. 2 vols. London 1854. 8'. 8o Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1818 Bonnycastle (Richard Henry) Spanish America ; or a Descriptive, Historical and Geological Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Continen- tal and Insular. 2 vols. Maps. London. 1818. 8°. (Peru. Vol. II., pages 7S-T-S5-) 1809 Bonpland (Aime). See Humboldt, F. H. A. Von. Voyages aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent .... 1799- 1804. 14 vols. 1805-34. 4° and fol. (Plantes equinox- iales (regid6 par A. B.) 2 vols. 1809). 1888 Borsari ( ) La Classification chronologique des monu- ments architectonique de l'ancien Pdrou. Berlin. 1888. 8°. (Title only.) (Compte Rendu de Congres internat. des Americanistes. Berlin, 1888, page 753.) 1808 Boucher de la Richarderie. Bibliothique universelle des Voyages, ou notice complete et raisonn^e de tous les Voy- ages anciens et modernes, etc. 6 vols. Paris. 1808. 8°. (5th Part. Critical List of Voyages to America.) 1749 Bouguer (Pierre). La Figure de la Terre, d£termin6e par les observations faites au P6rou. Plates. Paris. 1749. 40. (Acad^mie Royale des Sciences, Paris. La Figure de la Terre, etc. 1749.) 181 3 An abridged relation of a voyage to Peru . . . . to measure the degree of the meridian near the equator, whereby to infer the figure of the earth. London. 1813. 4°. See Pinkerton (John). Voyages and Travels. Vol. XIV., pages 270-312. i860 Bowen (C. C). Visit to Peru. See Galton (F.). Vacation Tourist. Vol. I. i860. 1820 Brackenridge (H. M.). Voyage to South America, per- formed by order of the American government in the years 1817 and 1818 in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols. London. 1820. 8°. (Introd. Vol. I. Marriage of Spaniards with natives of Peru; Vol. II, chap. 2, refers largely to natives of Peru.) 1828 Brand (Charles) Lieut. R. N. Journal of a Voyage to Peru; a passage across the Cordillera of the Andes on foot in the snow, in the winter of 1827, and a Journey across the Pampas. Plates. London. 1828. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology ok Peru — Dorsey. 81 1868 Brasseur de Bourbourg (l'Abbk). Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le systeme graphique et la langue des Mayas. 2 Tom. 1868, etc. (Pflris.) 4°- (Tom. I. p. 18, Quipu). 1573 Braun (Georgius) and Hagenburg (Fran/). Civitatis Orbis Terrarum. Colonic Agrippina'- 1573. Fol. (Map of Cuzco). 1582 (Another edition.) Colonice Agrippiiuc. 1582. 1618 (Another edition.) Colored Plates. 1618. 1885 Brehm (R. B.). Das Inka-Reich. Beitriige zur Staats- und Sittengeschichte des Kaiserthums Tahuautinsuyu. Map and cuts. Jena. 1885. 8 . 1890 (Second edition.) Das Inka-Reich. Beitrage, etc. Nach d. altesten span. Quellen bearb. Jena. 1890. 8 • 1882 Brinton (Daniel Garrison) M. D. American Hero- Myths. A study in the native religions of the Western Con- tinent. Philadelphia. 1882. 8°. (Chaps. I, Introductory. II, Algonkins and Iroquois. Ill, Aztec Tribes. IV, Mayas. V, Qquichuas. VI, Con- clusion.) 1883 Aboriginal American authors and their produc- tions, especially those in the native languages. Philadelphia. 1883. 1890 Races and Peoples : Lectures on the Science of Ethnography. New York. 1890. 8°. (Qquichuas, pages 272-5.) 1 891 The American Race : a linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the native tribes of North and South America. New York. 1891. 8°. (The Peruvian Region, pages 202-28.) 1854-75 British Museum Library. Index to Manuscripts, 1854-75. (P. 31, Spanish MSS. on America.) 1859, etc. See Stevens (Henry). Catalogues of American books, maps, etc. , in the B. M. L. London. 1859, etc. 1848 Briton (E.). Monumens de tous les peuples. See Bekg- haus (Dr. H.). Die Baudenkmaler aller Volker der Erde .... nach der zweiten Ausgabe von E. B.'s. ... Monumens, etc. (1848.) 8°. 82 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1700, etc. Broe (de), Seigneur de Citry et de la Gut'tte. See Zarate (Aug. de). Histoire de la deconverte et de la conquete du Perou. Tr. ad. par S. D. C. (de B. S. de Citry.) Amster- dam and Paris. 1700, etc. 8°. 1865-71 Brown (John Carter). Bibliotheca Americana: A cata- logue of books relating to North and South America in the library of J. C. B. of Providence, with Notes by John Rus- sell Bartlett. 3 vols. 1865-71. (Vol. I, 1493-1600 (1865) ; Vol. II, 1601-1700 (1866) ; Vol. Ill, 1701-1800, (2 pts., 1870-71.) 1875 Enlarged edition of Vol. I. (1482-1600.) 1875. 1882 Enlarged edition of Vol. II. (1601-1700.) 1882. 1873-6 Brown (Robert). The Races of Mankind; being a popu- lar description of the characteristics, manners and varie- ties of the human family. 4 vols. Illustrated. London. 1873-6. 40. (The Peruvians, Vol. II, pages 313-320.) 1881 (Another edition.) The Peoples of the World. 4 vols. London. 1881, etc. 8° ■ 1887 Bruhl (Gustav). Die Culturvolker Alt- Americas. Cin- cinnati. 1887. 8°. 1808-15 Bruun (Malthe Conrad). Annales des Voyages, etc. 25 vols. Paris. 1808-15. 8°. 1590-1634 Bry (Theodore de). Collectiones peregrinatiorum in Indiam orientalem et Indiam occidentalem, XIII partibus comprehenso a Theodoro, Joan-Theodoro de Bry, et a Matheo Merian publicatae. Francofurti. 1590-1634. Fol. (Parts I to VI, edited and illustrated by T. de Bry, parts VII to IX by his sons, Johann Theodor and Johann Israel de B.; parts X to XII by J. T. de B., and part XIII by M. Merian.) 1596 (America. Part VI.) Historiae ab A. Bezono . . . . scriptae, sectio tertio....in hac reperies qua natione His- pani .... Peruani regni provincias occuparint, capto rege Atabaliba, etc. (3d part of G. Benzoni's Historia del Mondo Nuovo.) Map and plates, 2 parts. Frankfurt. 1596. Fol. 1617 (Second edition.) Oppenheimii. 1617. Fol. 1595 —'(German edition.) Frankfurt. 1595. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Pfru — Dorsf.y. 83 1613 (Second German edition.) Frankfurt. 1613. Fol. 1599 (America. Part VII.) Descriptionem trium itin- erum. . . .equitis F. Draken....J. Hauckens. . . .G. Ralegh ... .in Latinum sermonem conversaauctore G. Artus. Maps and plates. 3 pt. Francofurti. 1599. Fol. 1625 (Second edition.) Francofurti. 1625. Fol. 1602 (America. Part IX.) De novi orbis natura (by J. de Acosta). Accessit. . . .S. de Weert and....O. a. Noort ....Plates. 5 pt. Francofurti. 1602. Fol. T^33 (Second edition.) Francofurti. 1633. Fol. 1601 (German edition.) Yon Gelegenheit der elemente natur de Neuer Welt. J. H. v. Linschoten. Frankfurt. 1601. Fol. 1602 (Latin and German edition.) Frankfurt. 1602. 1620 (Latin and German edition.) Frankfurt. 1620. 1624 (America. Part XII.) Descriptio India* Occidenta- lis, auctore A. de Herrera. Accesserunt. . . .J. de More. . . . P. Ordonnez de Cevallos . . . .Paralipomena America' (com- piled from J. de Acostas work " De novi orbis natura"). Francofurti. 1624. Fol. 1623 (German edition.) Frankfurt. 1623. Fol. 1634 Historia America*, sive Novi Orbis, continens in XII distinctis partibus. . . .descriptionem .... India? Occidentalis .... com exegesi ulteriore .... Ornata .... tabulis geographi- cis, et figures. .. .Accessit Elenchus Sectionem et Index capitum, etc. Sumptibus M. Meriani. Francofurti. 1634. Fol. 1763 Bueno (Cos.me). Descripcion del Reyno del Peru, etc. , que. . . .div a luz. . . .Don C. B. (1763, etc. ) 8°. 1763 Descripcion de las Provincias de el Peru, por el cosmografo mayor el Yireynato don C. B. Lima. 1763. 16 . 1786 Coleccion de las descripciones deobiejiados i pro- vincias publicadas en sus almanaques. Lima. 1786. 16 . 1886 Bureau of Ethnology (Washington.) Fourth Report of the B. of E. Washington. 1886. (Quipu, page 79.) 84 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1864 Burgholzhausen (Count Marschall von). On Ethno- graphical Objects presented to the Novara Museum, Vienna. London. 1864. 8°. (Anthrop. Review. Vol. II. Jol. Anth. Soc. p. ccxxxv. — Mummy from Atacarna, Peruvian skulls, etc. ) 1873 Busk (George), F. R. S. Remarks on a collection of 150 ancient Peruvian skulls presented to the Anthropological Institute by T. J. Hutchinson, H. M. Consul at Callao. 2 plates. London. 1873. 8°. (Journal Anthrop. Inst. Vol. III., pages 86-94.) 1863 Bussierre (Marie Theodore Renourd le). Le Perou et Sainte Rose de Lima (Sainte-Rose de Sainte Marie.) Paris 1863. 8°. (Compiled account of Peru, pages 5-167.) 1850 Byam (George). Wanderings in some of the western republics of America. Illust. London. 1850. 120. (Chap. XII. Republic of Peru; Lima and Guayaquil.) 1775-89 Byer (Wolfgang). Aymara cum versione latina. Nilrn- berg. 1775, etc. 8°. See Murr (G. G. von). Journal ftir Kunst und Literature. 17 vols. 1775-89. Vol. I., pages 1 12-21; II., pages 277-334; IH-> pages 55-I04-) 1892 . Byrne (James). General Principles of the Structure of Language. "Grammatical Sketches." 2 vols. London. 1892. 8°. (Quichua, Vol. I., pages 205-8. 1870 Cy Sobron (De Felix). Los idiomas del a America latina. Etudios biografico-bibliograficos. Madrid. 1870. 8°. 1638 Calancha (Fray Antonio de la). Coronica moralizada del orden de San Augustin en el Peru, con sucesos egenplares en esta monarquia. Barcelona. 1638. Fol. 1639-53 Coronica moralizada, etc. 2 vols. Barcelona. 1639-53- Fo1- (Vol. I. is a duplicate of Vol. I. of the edition of 1638, with the date 1639.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 85 l&53 Coronica moralizada, etc., continued by Fray Diego de Cordova. Lima. 1653. Fol. (This continuation forms Vol. II. of the last preceding edition, and is unfinished.) 1 65 1 Coronica moralizada, etc. Latin translation (so- called) under the title of Historia Peruana ordinis ermitarum, S. P. Aitgtistini libri octodecim. Antuerpioz. 1651. 1653 Coronica moralizada, etc. French translation. Toulouse. 1653. [Padre Antonio de la Calancha, an ecclesiastic, wrote between 1638 and 1653. His Coronica Moralizada is " a prec ious storehouse of details respecting the manners and cus. toms of the Indians and the topography of the country." Gives the most accurate Inca calendar, and the "Confes- sion" of Lejesama.] 1825 Caldcleuch (Alexander). Travels in South America, during the years 1819-20-21 ; containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres and Chili. 2 vols. Illus. London. 1825. 8 • (Peru: Lima described, chap. XIV.) 1578 Calveton (Urbanis). See Benzoni (Girolamo). Novae novi orbis, etc. Nunc in Latinum translatae. {Geneva.) 1578. 8'. See Benzoni (Girolamo). Occidentalis hac- tenus gestarum . . . .libri tres, Urbani Calvetonis opera indus- triaque. ... Latini facte, etc. {Geneva.) 1578. 12°. (Numerous editions in various languages.) 1888 Camacho (S. B.) See Paz Soldan (M. F.) Historia del Peru independiente. Edited by C. Paz Soldan, with a biog- raphy of the author by S. B. C. Buenos Aires. 1888. 8°. 1875 Campbell (John). The traditions of the ancient races of Peru and Mexico identified with those of the historical peo- ples of the old world. Nancy and Paris. 1875. 8 . (Compte-Rendu de Congres des Americanistes. Vol. I., pages 348-367.) 1744-.S Campbell (John). See Harris (John) D.D. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, etc. Carefully revised.... by Dr. J. C. 2 yoIs. London. 1744-8. Fol. 1764 (Another edition.) 2 vols. London. 1764. Fol. J775 Cano y Olmedella (J tan de la Crlz.) Mapa geografico de America Meridional. Madrid. 1775. 86 Field Columbian Muslim — Anthropology, Vol. II. x799 (Another edition.) London. 1799. 1614 Canto (Francisco del) See Torres Rubio (Diego de.) Arte y Vocabulario en la lengua general del Peru llamada Quichua, y en la lengua Espanola. . . .En los Reyes. (Lima.) 1614. 4°. (Biblioteca Herberiana, VI., 35; No. 572. X, 18; No. 522.) 1889 Carli (F. Antonio.) Compendio de gramatica quichua. Santiago. 1 889. 1780 Carli (Giovanni Rinaldo.) Delle lettere Americane. Cosmofali. 1780. 120. (Letters VII. and VIII. of Vol. I.) 1785 Briefe fiber Amerika. Transl. by Christian Gott- fried Hennig. 3 vols. Gera. 1785. 160. (Letters VII. and VIII. of Vol. I.) 1787 Lettres Americaines, dans lesquelles on examine l'origine. . . .les moers, les usages des anciens habitans de l'Amerique. . . .pour servir de suite aux memoires de D. Ulloa. Avec des observations et additions du tradacteur — Jean Baptiste Lefebre de Villebrune. 2 vols. Boston, Paris. 1787. 8°. (Letter VII., L'immortalite de Fame chez les divers peuples d'Amerique surtout chez les Incas. Letter VIII., Rits divers : . . . .Simplicity de la religion des Incas.) 1791 (Second edition.) 2 vols. Paris. 1791. 8°. 1857 Carmoy (Paul de). D'Arequipa a Cuzco, souvenirs de voyage dans l'Amerique du Sud. Paris. 1857. (Revue Contemporaine, 1st series, 31, pages 322-361.) 1876 Carrasco (Constantino). Ollanta. Drama quichua en tres actos y en verso. Puesto en verso castellano por C. C. Lima. 1876. 8°. 1644 Carrera (Don Fernando de la). Arte de la lengua yunga de los valles del Obispado de Truxillo del Peru, con un Confessonario, y todas las Oraciones Christiana, traducidas en la lengua, y otras cosas. Lima. 1644. 8°. (Only three copies in existence, one in Madrid, one in London and one in Lima.) 1880 (Another edition.) Edited by Dr. Gonzalez de la Rosa. Reimpresso (bajo la direccion de C. Pas Soldan). Lima. 1880. 8C. (Reprinted in parts in the Revista de Lima.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology 01 Pkru — Dorsky. 87 1856 Carrey (Pierre Em ilk). L'Amazone. Huit jours sous l'Equateur. Paris. 1856. 12 . x875 Le Pdrou. Tableau descriptif, historique et analytique des Etres et des choses de ce Pays. Paris. 1875- 8'. 1877 Cartas de Indias. Publicalas por primera vez el Ministro de Fomento. Facsimile plates and maps. Madrid. 1877. Fol. See Gasca (Pedro de la); Vaca de Castro (Cristobal). (With facsimiles of autograph letters of the early discov- erers, etc. , of America.) Carter-Brown. See Brown (John Carter). 1552 Casas (Bartolomk de las) Bishop of Chiapa. Brevissima relaccion de la destruycion de las Indias, etc. Coligeda por B. de las Casas. .. .G. L. Sevilla. 1552. 4 • 1812 (Another edition.) Breve relacion de la destruc- cion de las Indias Occidentales, etc. Sevilla. 1552. (Reim- presa en Londres.) 1812. 120. 1822 (Another edition.) Breve relacion, etc. (Edited by S. T. de Mier, Noriega y Guerra). Mexico. 1822. 160. 1626 Istoria, 6 brevissima relatione della destruttione dell'Indie Occidentali. . . .Con la traduttione in Italiano di F. Bersabita (/. e. G. Castellani.) Spanish and Italian. I'enetia. 1626. 4°. 1643 (Another edition.) Venetia. 1643. 40. 1579 Tyrannies et cruautez des Espagnols perpetrees es Indes Occidentales. ... descrites en langue Castellane par B. de las Casas. .. .traduites par J. de Miggrode. Anvers. 1579. 8 • 1630 (Another edition.) Rouen. 1630. 40. 1852 (Another edition.) Paris. 1852. 8°. 1583 The Spanish Colonie, or Briefe Chronicle of the Acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies.... written in the Castilian tongue.... by B. de las Casas.... and now first translated into English (from the French translation by J. de Miggrode). By M. M. S. London. I583- \- 88 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1625 A briefe Narration of the destruction of the Indies by the Spaniards. (Translated from the Spanish.) London. 1625. Fol. See Purchas (S). " Purchas his Pilgrimes, etc." pt. IV. 1656 The tears of the Indians: being an historical. .. . account of the cruel massacres. . . .of about twenty millions of innocent people, committed by the Spaniards in the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, etc. , as also in the continent of Mexico, Peru, and other places of the West Indies.... Written in Spanish by Casaus, and made English by J. P[hillips]. London. 1656. 8°. [Bartolome de las Casas, born at Seville, 1474; son of Antoine las Casas, who accompanied Columbus on his first voyage of discovery. Went west with Columbus in 1498 and 1502 ; ordained priest in San Domingo by Bishop of Hispa- niola, 1510 ; accompanied expedition under Velasquez for occupation of Cuba, 151 1, when he began his opposition to Spanish cruelty. Devoted his life to the service of the Indians, crossing the ocean twelve times in his almost fruit- less attempts to ameliorate their condition. Wrote his His- tory of the Destruction of the Indians, while in Spain, about 1540, advising the Council of the Indies on a new code of laws for the government of the colonies then being framed. Consecrated Bishop of Chiapa, 1544, to secure authority to enforce the new code, and went to Hispaniola same year. Resigned bishopric, 1547, and returned to Spain ; resided at Dominican College at Valladolid. Wrote a work on Peru, 1564. Died at Madrid, July, 1566, during visit "in service of the Indians," aged 92. J 1880 Castaing (Alphonse). Les sources de l'histoire du Perou antique. Paris. 1880. 8°. Les Fetes, offrandes et sacrifices dans l'Antiquite' peruvienne. (Archiv. le la'Soc. -Americaine de France. N. S. iii., 239.) Le Systeme religieux dans l'Antiquite peruvienne. (Archiv. de la Soc- Americaine de France. N. S. iii., 86, 145.) 1626 Castellani (G.) See Casas (Bartolome de las). Istoria, obrevissimo relatione, etc. , tradittione in Italiano di F. Ber- sabita (/". e., G. Castellani). Venetia. 1626. 40. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 89 1589 Castellanos (Juan de). Elegias de Varones illustres de Indias. Portrait. Madrid. 1589. (Metrical version of the expedition of Ursua and Aguirre, etc., by a contemporary; made use of by De Bry in eighth part of Grand Voyages. Contains only Pt. 1 of Castellanos' "metrical chronicle.") 1847-50 Elegias de Varones, etc., edited by Buenaventura Carlos Aribau. Madrid. 1847-50. .S^Biblioteca ue Autores Espanoles. (Contains the three first parts of Castellanos' poem; parts 2 and 3 give the adventures of the Germans in search of El Dorado, and refer to the expeditions of Lugo, Belalcazar, etc.; a fourth part of the poem treated of the conquest of New Granada, and is lost, though used by Piedrahita.) 1850-61 Castelnau (Francis de). Expedition dans les parties centrales de l'Amenque du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima et de Lima au Para, 1843-47. Seven parts, in 6 vols., 8°; and 9 vols., 40. Paris. 1850-61. 8° and 4°. (Part I. Histoire du Voyage, 6 vols., 8°.) (Part II. Vues et scenes, avec 60 pi. 40.) (Part III. Antiquitds des Incas et autres peuples anciens, avec 61 pi.' 40.) (Part IV. Itineraires et coupe gdologique, avec 76 cartes. 4-) (Part V. Gdographie, avec 30 cartes. 40.) (Part VI. Botanique, 2 vols., avec 90 pi. 4 .) (Part VII. Zoologie, ou Animaux nouveaux et rares, avec 176 pi. 40.) 1850 (Same work, but without the 40 volumes.) 6 vols. Paris. 1850. 8°. (Vol. I. Histoire du Voyage. France to Rio and to Araguay river.) (Vol. II. To Uliranda near Paraguay.) (Vol. III. To Potosi, La Paz, Tiauhuanaco, Puno, Are- quipa, Callao.) (Vol. IV. Lima, Paseo, Huanca velicae, Cuzco, Ucayli, Nauta.) (Vol. V. To Tabitinga, to Para, to Gugava.) (Vol. VI. Gran Chaco to Cuzco.) (See Weddell (H. Algernon) and D'Osery (M.) ). go Fikld Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1852 Expedition dans les parties centrales de l'Ameriqut du Sud; Itineraires et coupe gdologique a travers le conti- nent de l'Amdrique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima. 76 colored maps. Paris. 1852. Fol. 1852 Antiquites des Incas et autre Peuples anciens. Col. plates. Paris. 1852. 40. 1891 Cezar (F. dp: Oliveira). La vida en los bosques Sud- Americanos. Viaje al oriente de Bolivia. Portrait and plates. Buenos-Aires. 1891. 1853 Chaix (Paul). Histoire de l'Amerique meridionale au seizieme siecle. Premier partie. Perou. Avec cinq cartes geographiques. 2 vols. Geneve. 1853. 120. 1882 Chalon (P. F.). El arte de construir de los antiguos Peruanos. Lima. 1882. 8°. 1 85 1 Chambers (Robert). Papers for the People. 1851. (Vol. XII. Incas.) 1841 Champollion (A.). See Silvestre (Jos. Balt.), Paleographie Universelle, etc. Paris. 1841. Fol. 1841 Champollion-Figeac (M.) See Silvestre (Jos. Balt.), Paleographie Universelle, etc. Paris. 1841. Fol. 1887 Charencey (H. de). Deux poesies peruvien (dans le dia- lect quichua). Paris. 1887. 1823 Chase (Washington). A voyage from the United States to South America, performed during the years 182 1, 1822 and 1823. Portrait. Newbury. 1823. 8 . (Peru ; Arica, Santos and Tumbos, pages 59-72.) Chauveton (Urbanis). See Calveton (Urbanis). Chaves (Francisco de). Narrative of the Conquest of Peru. [Francisco de Chaves, of Truxillo, companion of Pizarro and friend of Atahualpa's brother, tried to save the Inca's life. Slain, 1541, while defending the staircase against Pizarro' s assassins. His MS. went to his relation, Luis Valera, but was lost.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 91 1891 Child (Theodore). The Spanish-American Republics. Illus. Maps. Xew York. 1891. 4 . (Impressions of Porn, pages 183-227.) 1891 Les Republiques Hispano - Americaines. Illus. Maps. Paris. 1891. 1 81 2 Chilton (J.). Voyage to Peru, 1568. London. 181 2. 8 . 1877 Church (George Earl). A Report to the Government of Bolivia and Brazil. The Route to Bolivia via the River Amazon. London. 1877. 8°. (Contains information as to products of Alto-Peru and trade-routes to Bolivia, pages 153-189.) 1732 Churchill (A. and J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, etc. London. 1732, etc. Fol. (Vol. III. An Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Chili. By Al. de Ovalle.) 1744 (Another edition.) London. 1744. Fol. (Vol. V. General Observations, etc. By Antonio de Her- rera Tordesillas.) 1752 (Another edition.) London. 1752. Fol. //. d. Churron (Le Licenciado). Cartilla, Catecismo y Ser- mones traducidos en la lengua general del Peru. Fol. (MS. Vinaza: Bibl. Espan. : No. 1,032.) 1553 Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Parte primera de la chronica del Peru. Cjue tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias: la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de las nuevas cui- dades. Los ritos y costumbres de los indios. Yotras cosas estranas dignas de ser sabidas. Sevilla. 1553. Fol. 1554 (Another edition.) Parte primera de la chronica del Peru. Aimers. (Juan Steelsio.) 1554- 8' ■ 1554 (Another edition.) Map and wood cuts. Anvers. (Juan Bellero.) 1554. 8". (A duplicate of the preceding, with a different publisher's name and device.) 1554 (Another edition.) Anvers. (Martin Nucio.) 1554- 8°. 1849 La Chronica del Peru. Edited by Aribau (B. S.). Madrid. 1849. 8 . (Biblioteca de Autores Espagnoles. Vol. XXVI.) 92 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. I555 La prima parte dell'istorie del Peru; dove si tratta l'ordine delle Provincie, della Citta nuoue in quel Paese edificate, i riti et costumi de gli Indiani, con molte cose notabile, i degne che uengano a notitia. Rome. 1855. 8°. (First Italian edition. Translated by Valiero and Luigi Dorici. ) I55& (Second Italian edition.) Translated by Aug. de Cravaliz. Venetia. 1556. 8°. 1556-7 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Venetia. 1556-7. 120. 1560-4 (Another edition.) Venetia. 1560-4. 8°. (Pt. I. La prima parte. Pt. II. La seconda parte dell historie dell' India. Pt. III. Le Historie di Fernando Cor- tez, by Gomarra.) 1560 (Another edition.) Venetia. (Giord. Ziletti.) 1560. 12°. 1560 (Another edition.) Venetia. (Lor. da Turino.) 1560. 12°. 1564 Cronica del gran regno del Peru, con la descrit- tione di tutte le Provincie, e costumi, e riti, et con le nuova Citta edificate, et altre strane e maravigliose notitie. Parte Prima. Venetia. (G. Bonadio.) 1564. 8°. (Two other volumes containing Secunda Parte delle His- torie dell' India, and Historia di Don Ferd. Cortes.) 1576 (Another edition.) Venetia. (C. Francheschini.) 1576. 1873 Segunda parte de la Cronica del Peru. Edited by Dr. Manuel Gonzales de la Rosa. London. 1873. (Edition of the Escurial MS.; printed, but not published.) 1880 Segunda parte de la Cronica del Peru. . . .sequida de la suma y narracion do los Incas. . . .por J. de Betanzos. La publico M. Jimenez de la Espada. Madrid. 1880. 8°. (Part of the Biblioteca Hispano-Ultramarina.) 1708 Travels of Peter de Cieza through the mighty king- dom of Peru and the province of Popayan, in South America. (By Captain John Stevens.) London. 1708. 40. (Gives only 94 out of 119 chapters.) 1709 (Another edition.) London. 1709. 4° • Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peri; — Dorsey. 93 1711 (Another edition.) London. 1711. 4C . (Stevens (John). A new Collection of Voyages and Travels. Vol. I.) 1864 The Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, 1532-50, contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru, trans- lated and edited, with Notes and Introduction, by CI. R. Markham. Map. London. 1864. 8°. (Hakluyt Society. Pub. No. 33.) 1883 The second part of the Chronicle of Peru. Trans- lated with notes by CI. R. Markham. London. 1883. 8 . (Hakluyt Society. Pub. No. 68.) 1725-6 General History of the vast continent and islands of America. . . .from the first discovery thereof : with the best accounts the people could give of their antiquities, translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. 6 vols. Maps and plates. {London!) 1725-6. 8°. 1842 Guerras' civiles del Peru. Madrid. 1842. 8°. (Vol. LXVIII. Coleccion de documentos ineditos, etc., edited by Navarette.) 1877 Tercero libro de las guerras civiles del Peru, et cual se llama la guerra de Quito (1543-4), y publicadas por M. Jimenez de la Espada. Madrid. 1877. 40. (Vol. II, Bibliotheca Hispano-Ultramarina. The Guerras Civiles is Bk. Ill of Pt. IV of Cieza de Leon's History. Jimenez de la Espada supposes Bk. I and II to exist in MS. The MS. of Bk. IV and V, treating of the War of Huarina and the War of Xaquixaguana, is lost.) [Cieza de Leon, born 1519; in Peru, 1532-50. History written between 1541 (Popayan) and 1550 (Lima). Bk. I relates to the Geography of Peru and its Inhabitants; Bk. II, History of the Incas; Bk. Ill, Spanish Conquest; Bk. IV, Civil Wars of the Conquerors. Cieza de Leon was present at the defeat of Gonzalo Pizarro, 1548; visited Cuzco to obtain information from surviving descendant of Inca Huayna Ccapac; died at Seville, 1560.] Citry (de). See Broe (de) S. de Ciiry. 1891 Clark (E. B.). Twelve Months in Peru. Illus. New York. 1 89 1. 1 6°. 94 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1874 Clarke (Hyde). Researches in Prehistoric and Protohis- toric Comparative Philology, Mythology and Archaeology, in connection with the origin of culture in America, and its pro- pagation by the Sumerian or Akkad families. London. 1874. 8°. (Jol. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. IV, pages 148-214.) 1803 Clarke (J. S.). The Progress of Maritime Discovery, etc. 1803. 40. (Vol. I, Appendix, Galvano's Discoveries of the World, etc.) 1879 Cobo (Father Bernabe). Historia de Lima. Edited by Dr. M. Gonzalez de la Rosa. Lima. 1879. (Written between 1610 and 1629.) 1859 Cochrane (Thomas) Earl of Dundonald. Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, by Thomas, Earl of Dundonald. Vol. I. London. 1859. 8°. 1884 Cole (G. R. Fitz-Roy). The Peruvians at Home. 1884. 8°. .1842, etc. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos para la historia de Espaiia, por de Pidal, de Miraflores y M. Salva. 103 vols. Madrid. 1842, etc. 8 . (Vols. V, XIII, XLIX, L and LI, matter relating to Peru.) 1864, etc. Coleccion de Documentos ineditos relativos al descubri- miento, conquista y colonizacion de las posesiones Espanoles en America y Oceania, sacados, en su mayor parte, del Real Archivo de Indias. Edited by Joaquin F. Pacheco, Fran- cisco de Cardenas, and Luis Torres de Mendoza. 40 vols. Madrid. 1864, etc. .1891-2 Coleccion de Libros que tratan de America raros y curiosos. 7 vols. Madrid. 1891-2. 8C. (Vol. I. Xeres. Conquista del Peru. 1534.) (Vol. II. Acuna. Nuevo descubrimiento del gran Rio de las Amazonas.) (Vol. Ill, IV. Rocha. Tratado del origen de las Indios occidentales del Peru, Mejico, Santa Fe y Chile. 2 vol.) (Vol. V, VI. Fern. Colon. Historia del Almirante de las Indias don Cristobal Colon. Reimpr. c. un extenso estudio acerca del autor y sus obras. 2 vol.) (Vol. VII. Ruir Blanco. Conversion del Piritu, de Indios Cumanagotos y Palenques.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography 01 Anthropology ok Pkru — Dorsey. 95 (Vol. XIII. Varias relaciones del Peru y Chile, etc. 1535- l658- (Vol. XVI. Montesinos. Memorias antiquas del Peru. 1570-2.) 1825-37 Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimiento, etc. 5 vols. Madrid. 1825-37. 4 • See Fernandez de Navarette (Martin). Collahuaso (Jacinto). Historia de las guarras civiles del Inca Atahualpa, con su hermano Atoco comunemente llamado Huascar Inca. (MS. lost — referred to by Juan de Velasco.) 1 619. etc. Collin (M.). Oost-Indische onde West-Indische Voya- gien, etc. 161 9, etc. 4 • See Hawkins (Sir John). Voyagie von . . . .Sir Jan Haw- kins, etc. 1875-6 Congres International des Americanistes (Compte-RENDU de). 2 vols. Maps and plates. Paris and Nancy. 1875-76. 8 • See Zegarra (Gay. Pach.) Alphabet phondtique de la langue Quexhua. 1878 (Compte-Rendu de). Sec. Session. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Luxembourg. 1878. 8 . 1879 (Compte-Rendu de). Trois. Session. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Atlas of 40 colored plates. Bruxelles. 1879. 8 and 4 • See Renaud (J.) La Ceramique pdruvi- enne, etc. Jimenez de la Espada (Marcos) Del hombre bianco, signo de la Cruz precolombianos en el Peru. 1826 Constable (A.). Constable's Miscellany. (Vols. II. and III.) Edinburgh and London. 1826, etc. 12 . See Hall (Basil) Captain. Extracts from a journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, etc. 1595 Cooley (W. D.) See Drake (Sir Francis). His voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde, edited from the original manu- scripts by YV. D. C. London. 1849. 8°. 1630 Cordova y Salinas (Fray DlECO de). Vida del Apostol del Peru el Venerable Fray Francisco Solano. Lima. 1630. 1643 (Another edition). Augmented by Alonzo de Mendista. Madrid. 1643. 96 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1650 Chronica Franciscana. Lima. 1650. 1653 See Calancha (Fray Antonio de). Coronica Moralizada, etc. Continued by F. D. de C. y S. Lima. 1653. Fol. 1893 Cornwallis (Kinaban). The conquest of Mexico and Peru, an historical narrative poem. New York. 1893. 120. 1869 Correa (Caspar). The three voyages of Vasco da Gama and his viceroyalty. From the Lendas da India. Trans, with original documents, notes and introduction, by H. E. J. Stanley. With portrait, plan and facsimile plates. Lon- don. 1869. 8°. (Hakluyt Society's Public. No. 42). 1553? Cortes (Hernando). Copia delle lettere del Prefetto (H. C.) della India, la Nuova Spagna detta, etc. (1553?)- 8°. (Account of the capture of Atabalipa by Pizarro. 1875 Cortes (Jose Domingo). Bolivia apuntes geograficos, estaduticos, de costumbres, descriftivos e historicos. Paris. 1875. 8^. 1660-71 Coste (N. de la). See Herrera Tordesillos (Ant. de). Histoire g^nerale des voyages, etc. , trad. . . .par N. de la C. 3 vols. Paris. 1660-71. 40. 1847 Coulter (John) M. D. Adventures on the Western Coast of South America and the Interior of California. . . .With an account of the Natural Productions and the manners and customs in Peace and War of the various savage tribes vis- ited. 2 vols. London. 1847. 8°. (Tacames. Vol. I., pages 33-87). Courte de la Blancharderie. See Blancharderie (Courte DE LA). 1560 Cravaliz (A. de), See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Cron- ica del gran regno del Peru, etc. Trans, by A. de C. Venetia. 1560. 8°- 1884 Crawford (Robert). Across the Pampas and the Andes. Map and Illus. Londqn. 1884. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 97 Crespillo (Fr. Sebastian). Catecismo y oraciones en lengua general del Peru. (Leon Pinelo: Epitome, t.ii. col. 728 ; Vinaza: Bibl. Espafi. No. 1 147). 1883 Crevaux (Jules). Voyages dans l'Amerique du Sud, con- tenant .... II. de Cayenne aux Andes (1878-9), exploration de S'Oyapoch, du Parou, de 1' lea and du Japura. Maps and Illus. Paris. 1883. 40. 1892 Cronan (Rudolf). Amerika, die Geschichte seiner Entdekung von der altesten bis auf die nueste Zeit. 2 vols. Illus. Leipzig. 1892. 8°- (Vol. I., pages 79-94. Die alten Kultur volker Siidamer- ikas. Vol. II, pages 81-134. Francisco Pizarro und die Eroberung von Peru). l775 Cruz Cano y Almeda (Juan de la). 5^Maps. London. 1775. 1895 Cunow (H.) Die soziale Verfassung des Inkareichs. (See No. 298 review in Petermann's Mittheilungen for 1895). 1888 Curtis (William Eleroy). The capitals of Spanish Amer- ica. Map and Illus. New York. 1888. 8°. (Lima, pages 354-415.) 1572 Cuzco. View of the town of Cuzco (bird's-eye view) from Braun and Hogenburg's Staedtebuch. 1572. Copperplate 27x24 cm. (Sometimes colored.) 1844 Dahlgren (Madelaine Vinton) Mrs. South Sea Sketches. A narrative by Mrs. M. V. D. Boston. 1884. 8°. (Peru, pages 22-90). 1744 Dalibard ( ). See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia). Histoire des Yncas, Rois du P£rou. Translated by Dali- bard. 2 vols. Paris. 1774. 8C. 1893 Dall (W. H.) See Du Pouget (J. F. A.) Marquis de Nadaillac. Prehistoric America. Edited by W. H. D. New York. 1893. 8°. 1897 Dalton (O. M.) An Ethnographical Collection from Ecuador. Illustrated. London. 1897. 8°. (Jol. of Anth. Inst., G. B. and Ir. Vol. 27, No. 1, pages 148-155. g8 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1697-1709 Dampier (William.) A New Voyage Round the World, describing particularly the Isthmus of Panama, several coasts and islands in the West Indies, the Isles of Cape Verd, the Passage of Terra del Fuego, the South Sea coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, etc. 3 vols. Maps and illus. London. 1697-1709. 8°. (Voyage began in 1679. Coast of Equador, California and Peru above Poyta.) 1697 (Second edition, corrected.) 3 vols. London. 1697. 8°. 1698 (Third edition, corrected.) 2 vols. London. 1698. 8°. 1699 (Fourth edition, corrected.) 2 vols. London. 1699. 8°. 1703-09 (Another edition.) 3 vols. London. 1703-09. 8°. 1705 An account of Capt. B.'s Voyage round the World. London. 1705. Fol. (Harris (J.) D. D., etc. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, etc. Vol. II.) l797 (Another edition.) A New Voyage round the World ... .London. 1797. 8°. 1776 The Voyages and Adventures of....W. B., etc. 2 vols. London. 1776. 8°. 1698 ■ Nouveau voyage antour du monde, ou 1' on decrit en particulierl' isthme de 1' Am6rique, plusieurs costes et isles des Indes occidentales, les isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les cotes meridionales du Chili, du P6rou et du Mexique .... 2 vols. Maps and illus. Amster- dam. 1698. 12°. 1701-5 (Another edition.) 4 vols. Amsterdam. 1701-5. 12°. 1698-1700 Nieuwe Reystogt rondom de Werreld. 2 vols. Gravenhage. 1 698-1 700. 40. 1702 Neue Reise um die Welt. Leipzig. 1702. 8°. 1748 D'Anville ( .) See Maps. South America. Paris. 1748. 1775-9 (Other editions.) 1775 and 1779. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology ok Peru — Dorsey. 99 1880 Davis (John.), the Navigator. Voyages and Works of John Davis, the Navigator. With notes and introduction by C. L. Markham. Facsimile map of the world, plates, etc. London. 1880. 8°- (Hakluyt Society's publications, No. 59.) 1873 Davis (Joseph Barnard.) On Ancient Peruvian Skulls and Pottery. Plate. London. (April 1, 1873.) 8°. (Jol. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. III., pages 94-100.) 1867 Thesaurus Craniorum. Catalogue of the skulls of the various races of men in the collection of J. B. D. Lon- don. 1867. 8°. 1875 Supplement to Thesaurus Craniorum. London. 1875- 8°. Decadas abreviadas de los descubrimientos, conquistos, fundaciones y otras cosas notables, acaecidas en las Indias occidentales desde 1492 a 1640. See Documentos ineditos, etc. Vol. VIII., pages 5-52. 1886 Deformities of Bones among the ancient Peruvians. New York. 1886. Fol. {Science. Vol. VII., Feb. 5, 1886, pages 130-31.) (Remarks on bones found by Tschudi near Pachacamac. Said by Virchow to show multiple exostosis.) 1805 Delametherie (J. C.) Reise der Herren v. Humboldt und Bonpland, nach den Wendekreisen in den Jahren 1799-1804. Ein Auszug aus ihren Memorien Von J. C. D. Aus dem Franzosischen. Erfurt. 1805. 8°. Delecluse (Charles.) See L'Ecluse (Charles de). n. d. Delisle (Guillaume.) See Maps. Carte de la terre ferme du Perou, etc. Amsterdam, n. d. 1875 Denis (Jean Ferdinand.) Arte plumaria — Les Plumes dans les Arts au Mexique, au Perou, au Brazil, etc. Paris. 1875. 8°. 1858 Desjardins (E.) Le Perou avant la conquete espagnole, d'apr^s les principaux historiens originaux et quelques doc- uments in^dits sur les antiquitds de ce pays. Paris. 1858. 8°. J835~47 De8Salines d'Orbigny (Alcide.) Voyage dans 1' Am^rique Meridionale (Le Br£sil, Uruguay, 1' Argentine, Chile, Bo- livia, Perou, etc.), executie pendant les annd^s 1823 a 1826. 9 vols. (Vols. VIII. and IX. Plates, chiefly colored.) Paris. 1835-47. 40. ioo Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1853 Voyage dans les Deux Ameriques, augment^ de renseignements exacts jusqu'en 1853 sur les differentes Etats du Nouveau Monde. Nouvelle edition, public sous la direc- tion de M. A. d'O. Paris. 1853. 8°. 1859 — (Another edition.) See Dumont D'Urvtlle (J.S.C. ) Histoire g6n£rale des Voyages, etc. 1859. 8°- 1836 Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Ameriques, resume generale de tous les voyages de Colomb, Las-Casas, Oviedo, Gomara, Garcilazo de la Vega, Acosta, la Condo- mine, etc., public sous la direction de M. A. d'O. Plates and maps. Paris. 1836. 8°. 1841 (Another edition.) Paris. 1841. 8°. ^39 L'Homme Americain (de 1' Am6rique meridi- onale) consider sous ses rapports physiologiques et mor- aux. 2 vols. Atlas and plates, with ethnological map. Paris. 1839. 8° and 40. 1845 Fragment 1' un histoire de 1' Am6rique merid- ionale, contenant des considerations sur la navigation de 1' Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia). Paris. 1845. 8°. 1845 Description geografica, historica y estaditica de Bolivia, etc. Paris. 1845, etc. 8°- 1846 Atlas, Primera entrega. 1846. 8°. (No more published. ) 1879 Dirks (Gervais.) Explorations du fleuve des Amazones, faites par les Franciscains du Perou (1633-1650. ) Bruxelles. 1879. 8°. (Compte-Rendu de troisieme Congr^s des Am£ricanistes. Bruxelles. 1879. D'Ocampo (Baltasar. ) See Ocampo (Baltasar'd'). 1814 Dolores Leceta (Fray Jeronimo de los.) Cuaderno que contiene el Vocabulario en Lengua del Inca, segun se habla en le Obispado de Maynas y Ucayali. Mayo 21, 1814. (MS. del Convento de Santa Rosa de Ocopa, provincia de Jauja ; Vinaza. Bibl. Espagn., No. 408.) 1560 Domingo de San Thomas (Fray.) Grammatica, o Arte de la lengua general de los Indios de los Reynos del Peru. (Impresso por Francisco Fernandez de Cordova.) B. L. Valladolid. 1560. 8°. . . Jan. 1898. Bibliography ok Anthropology of Peru — Dorsev. ioi 1891 (Another edition) Grammatica, o Arte....con- puesta por Fr. D. de S. T. publicado de nuevo por Julio Platzmann. Edicion facsimilar. Leipzig. 1891. 8°. 1560 Lexicon, o Vocabulario de la lengua general del Peru, etc. B. L. Valladolid. 1560. i6°- 1586 (Another edition.) Grammatica o Arte-Lexicon o Vocabulario. Lima. 1586. D'Orbigny (Alcide Des.) See Dessalinf.s d'Orbigny (Alcide). 1850 D'Osery (M.) Itineraire de M. D'Osery d'Arequipa a Lima. Paris. 1850. (By the Coast. Castelnau's "Expedition, etc." Vol. IV., Chap. LXVI.) 1626 Drake (Sir Francis) Baronet. Sir Francis Drake revived .... by this relation of .... a third voyage .... set forth by Sir F. D., Baronet (his nephew), etc. London. 1626. 40. 1628 The World encompassed by Sir F. D., being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. London. 1628. 40. 1854 (Another edition.) The World encompassed. By Francis Fletcher. Edited by Wm. Sandys Wright Vaux. Map. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 17.) London. 1854. 8°. [Mentions end of Lower Chile, Arica and Lima. Sir Francis Drake appeared on the coast of Peru, 1579, during the government of Don Francisco de Toledo.] 1877 Duffield (Alexander James.) Peru in the guano age ; a short account of a visit to the guano deposits. London. 1877. 8°. 1859 Dumont d'Urville (J. S. C.) Histoire gen£rale des Voy- ages, etc. 1859. 8°. See Dessalines D'Orbigny (Alcide). Voyage dans l'Amerique Meridionale, etc. 1707 Du Perier ( ). Histoire Universelle des Voyages faits par mer et par terre dans l'ancien et dans le nouveau monde. (By J. B. Morvan de Bellegarde, edited by Du P.) Paris. 1707. 8°. 1708 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 1708. 12°. 1708 A General History of all Voyages and Travels. .. . made English. London. 1708. 8°. 102 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1711 (New edition.) London. 1711. 8°. (Early Spanish Voyages to America.) 1564 Du Pinet (Ant.) Plantz, Pourtraitz et Descriptions de plusieurs Villes, etc. Lyons. 1564. (Large wood cut map of Cuzco.) 1841 Duponchel (A.) Nouvelles Biblioth^que des Voyages, etc. Vol. XII., 1841, 'etc. 8°. See Hall (Basil) Captain. Voy- age aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionelle, etc. 1893 Du Pouget (Jean Francois Albert) Marquis de Nadaillac. Prehistoric America. Translated by H. D'Anvers. Edited byW. H. Dall. Illus. New York. 1893. 8°. (Peru, chap. VIII.) 1881 Les premiers hommes et les temps prdihistoriques. ....Illus. 2 vols. Paris. 1881. 8°. 1884 Die Ersten Menschen. . . .herausgegeben von W. Schlosser und E. Seler, etc. 1884. 8°. 1720 Durret (Le Sieur). Voyage de Marcille a Lima et dans les autres lieux des indes Occidentales, avec une exacte descrip- tion de ce qu'il y a de plus remarkable tant pour la Geogra- phie, que pour les Mores, les Coutumes, le Commerce, le Gouvernment, et le Religion des Peuples ; avec des notes et des figures. ... Par le Sieur D. ... Maps, illus. and plans. Paris. 1720. 1 6°. 1777 Ebeling ( ) Professor. Amerikanische Bibliothek (2 Stiicke). Leipzig. 1777. 1795-1816 Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von America. 7 vols. Hamburg. 1795-18 16. 1797 Americanisches Magazin. Hamburg. 1797. 1555 Eden (Rycharde). The Decades of the New Worlde or West India .... by Petrus Matyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysche by R. E. London. 1555. 4°- {See Anglerius (Petrus Matyr). London, 1555, etc. 1577 (Another edition,) Newly set in order.... by R. Willis. London. 1577. 4°- 1791 Eder (Franz Xaver). Descriptio provincial Moxitarum in regno Peruano. Map and plates. Buda. 1791. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Pf.ru — Dorsey. 103 1861 Edwards (William H.). A Voyage up the River Amazon, including a residence at Para. London. 1.861. 8°- 1875 Ellis (Robert). Peruvia Sythica, the Quichua language of Peru: its derivation from Central Asia with the American languages in general, and with the Turanian and Iberian lan- guages of the old world, including the Basque,, the Lycian and the Pre-Aryan language of Etruria. London. 1875. 8°. 1816-17 Ensayo de la historia civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman. 3 vols. Buenos Ayres. 1816-17. 1856 (Second edition.) 2 vols. 1856. See Angelis (Dr. Don Pedro de). 1776 Ercilla y Zuniga (Don Alonso de). La Araucana. Parte I. Madrid. 1776. 1872 Estete (Miguel). The Narrative of the journey made by el Sr. Capitan Hernando Pizarro, by order of the governor, his brother, from the city of Coxamalea to Parcama, and thence to Xaixa. Loudon. 1872. 8°. (Markham's Translation of Xeres : Hakluyt Society's Publications, No. 47: Reports on the Discovery of Peru.) [Miguel Estete accompanied Hernando Pizarro to Pach- acamac, which he describes.] 1851-60 Evans (W. W.). Peruvian Antiquities. See School- craft (H. R.). Historical .... Information, ete. Philadel- phia. 1851-60. Series V, pages 657-659. (A letter to Gillis concerning opening of a tomb in Arica.) 1859 Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1549, 1639 (by Pizarro, Orellana and Acuna). Translated and edited with notes by C. R. Markham. Map. London. 1859. 8°. (Hakluyt Society's Publications, No. 24.) 1883. Falb (Rudolf). Das Land der Inca in seiner Bedeutung filr die Urgeschichte der Sprache and Schrift. Leipzig, 1883. 8°. 1888 Die Andes-Sprachen in ihrem Zusammenhange mit dem semitischen Sprachstamme. Leipzig. 1888. 8°- 104 Field Columbian Museum— Anthropology, Vol. II. 1840-44 Falbe (C. T.). Vases antiques du P6rou. Copenhagen. x 840-44. (Mem. de la Soci^te" Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, pages 131-38.) Falcon (Die Licentiate). Apologia pro Indis. Winsor. 1847-59 Faye (H.) See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Cosmos.... trad, par H. F. (Vols. 1 and 3). 4 vols. Paris. 1847- 59. 8°. 1881-90 Featherman (A.) Social History of the Races of Mankind. London. 1881-90. 8°. (Peruvians. Third division. Vol. 1, 1890, pages 373-415.) 1872 Fergusson (James). Rude Stone Monuments in all coun- tries, their age and uses. With two hundred and thirty- four illustrations. London. 1872. 8°. (Chap. XIV., pages 518-19.) 1865-7 History of Architecture. 2 vols. London. 1865-7. 8°. (Peru, Vol. II., page 775, Tiahuanaco.) 1571 Fernandez (Diego). Primera y Segunda Parte, de la His- toria del Peru . . . . Cotiene la primera, lo succedido en le Nueva Espana y en el Peru, sobre la execucionde las nuevas leyes : y el allanamiento, y castigo, que hiro el Presidente Gasca, de Goncalo Picarro y sus sequaces. La Segunda, contiene la tyrannia y alcamiento de los Contreras. 2 Parts. Sevilla. 1 571. Fol. [Only edition. Its original publication prohibited by order of the Royal Council of the Indies. Order revoked in 1729, but reissued in 1731.] 1729 Fernandez (J. B.) Erbauliche und angenehme Gechsichten derer Chiquitos, etc. 1729. 8°. Fernandez Montesinos (El. Lie. Don). Memorias Antiguas Historiales dal Peru Seguidas de los Anales del Mismo Reyno. 2 parts. MS. [MS. in the Archives of the Real Academia de Historia de Madrid. First Part: History of Peru from B. C. 4000 to discovery of America by Columbus. Second Part: the Anales from 1493-1546.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorskv. 105 1882 Memorias antiguas historiales y politicas del Peru por. . . .Fernando Montesinos, seguidas de las informaciones acerca del senorio de los Incas, hechos por mandado de D. Francisco de Toledo, virey del Peru. (1570-72). Edited by Don Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. Madrid. 1882. 8°- 1840 Memoires historiques sur 1'ancien Perou. Paris. 1840 8°. (Vol. 17. Ternaux' Voyages de l'Amerique.) [Licentiate Fernandez Montesinos went to Peru 1629; traveled 1,500 leagues from Quito to Potosi; subsequently chaplain at Lima; afterwards Visitador General at Quito. Gives ancient records acquired from qitipus through learned natives. The "Anonymous" authority edited by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada incidentally confirms Montesinos' statements by referring to ancient Incas given in his lists.] 1825-37 Fernandez de Navarette (Martin). Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espan- oles, desde fines del siglo XV. Con varios documentos ineditos concernientes a la Historia de la marina Castellana y de los establecimientos espanoles en Indias. 5 vols. Por- trait and Maps. Madrid. 1825-37. 4'. [Very important. Extends from 1393 to 1540. Two other volumes were left unfinished at de Navarette's death.] 1837-80 Second edition (of Vols. 1, 2 and 3). 5 vols. Madrid. 1837-80. 40. 1828 French translation of Vols. 1 and 2. Paris. 1828. 1840-41 Italian translation of Vols. 1 and 2. Praia. 1840-41. 1868? Fernandez Nodal (Jose). Los Yncas del Imperio Tahuan- tinsuyo. Paris. (1868?) Fol. 1872 Elementos de Gramatica Quichua 6 Idioma de los Yncas, bajo los Auspicios de la Redentora Sociedad de Filantropos para Mejorar la Suerte de los Aborijenes Peruanos. Cuzco, Aylesbury y Londres. (Printed 1872.) 8°. 1875? Elementos de Gramatica Quichua 6 idioma de los Yncas. Cuzco. (1875?) 8°. 106 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1874 Los Vinculos de Ollanta y Cusi-Kcuyllor. Drama en Quechua. Ayacucho {Londres). (1874.) 8°. 1878 Legislation civile compared des Mexicains sous le Empereurs Aztecs et des Peruviens a l'^poque des Incas. Luxemburg and Paris. 1878. 8°. (Compte-rendu de Congress des Americanistes. Sec. Sess. Pages 235-37.) 1879 Comparaison de l'Aymara du Quichua et du dia- lecte de Quito. Bruxelles. 1879. 8°. (Compte-rendu de Congrds des Americanistes. Trois. Sess. Pages 511-24. Lists of words and bibliography.) 1526 Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo). Oviedo de la natural hystoria de las Indias. 2d Title. Sumario de la natural y general istoria de las Indias. Toledo. 1526. Fol. (The original of the second book of the Italian " Summario della historia delle Indie.") 1749 (Another edition). Relacion sumario de la His- toria natural de las Indias, etc. Madrid. 1749. Fol. (Vol 1 of Historiadores primitivos, etc. of D. Andres Gon- zalez de Barcia). 1534 See Xeres (F. de). Veradera relacion de la con- quista del Peru y Provincia del Cuzco. With stanzas relat- ing to the author by G. F. de Q. y V. ? (1534.) Fol. 1535 La Historia general de las Indias. (Primera parte, siguen una carta missiva, etc.) Sevilla. 1535. Fol. 1557 Coronica de las Indias. La Hystoria general de las Indias. Agora nuevamente impressa corregida y emen- dada. 1547. Y con la conquista del Peru. 1547- (Por Francisco de Xeres). Valladolid. 1557. Fol. 1557 Libro xx de la Segunda parte de la historia de las Indias. Valladolid. 1557. Fol. 1851-55 Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierra-firme del Mar Oceano. Cotejada con el codice orig- inal, enriquecida con las enmiendas y adiciones del autor, 6 ilustrada con la vida del mismo por Jos^ Amador de Los Rios. (Life of Oviedo. Plates and facsimile maps). 4 vols. Madrid. 1851-55. Fol. (First publication of Bks. XXl-L. Historia general y natural). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 107 1858 De la natural hystoria de las Indias. 1858. See Vedia. Hist. prim, de Indias. Vol I. 1554 La historia generale et naturale delle Indie occi- dentali. 1554. Fol. (Ramusio (G. B.) Primo volume delle navigatione et viaggi. Vol. 3. 1554). 1563 (Another edition.) 1563. Fol. (Ramusio. Navigatione et viaggi. Vol. 3. 1563.) 1555 L' Histoire naturelle et generalle des Indes.... Traduicte de Castellane en Francois. (By Jean Polem). Paris. 1555. Fol. 1556 L' Histoire, etc. , translated ... .by Jean Polem. Paris. 1556. Fol. (Duplicate of preceding with new title page.) 1849 (Another edition.) See Aribau (B. C). Biblioteca de autores Espanoles, etc. Tom. 22. 1849. 8°. 1555 The Historie of the West Indies. See Anglerius (P. M.) The (three) decades of the new worlde, etc. 1555- 4C- 1577 : — (Another edition.) See Eden (R.) The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies, etc. 1577. 4°- 1625 Decades of the New World. See Purchas (Samuel) the Elder. Purchas his Pilgrimes, etc. 4 pt. London. 1625. Fol. (A condensed version of Eden's Decades.} [Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, born in Asturia, Spain, about 1478 ; resided 34 years in America; was at Panama when Pizarro and Almagro fitted out their first expedition. Afterwards Chronicler of the Indies. Died, 1557. J 1571 Fernandez de Palencia (Diego). Primera y Secunde Parte de la Historia del Per-u, que se mando escr^tir a Diego Fer- nandez, vecino de la ciudad de Palencia. 2 pts. Seville. 1571. Fol. [Fernandez de Palencia, usually called "El Palentino " from his place of birth, served in Peru against Giron, 1544; Chronicler of Peru under Viceroy Canete.] 108 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1816-34 Ferrario (Giulio). II Costume Antico e Moderno, o storia dell governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, scienze ed usanze di tetti i popoli antichi e moderni provata coi monumenti dell' antichita e rappresentata cogli analoghi designi del dottore, G. F. (assisted by A. Levati, R. Gironi and C. Magnetti). 18 vols. Milano. 1816-34 4°- 1826-8 Edizione seconda. . . accresciuta. 26 vols. Firenze 1826-8. 8°. 1763 Feyzoo de Sosa (Dr. Miguel). Relacion descriptiva de la ciudad, y provincia de Truxillo del Peru, con noticias exactas de su estado politico. Map and plan of city. Mad- rid. 1763. Fol. 1700 Figuerredo (Padre Juan de). Vocabulary of the Chin- chaysuyu Dialect. Lima. 1700. 8°. (Attached to Torres Rubio's Arte de la lengua Quichua.) 1754 Arti i vocabulario de la lengua quichua general de los india del Peru, que compaso el padre Diego de Torres Rubio i analida por P. J. de F., with vocabulary of the Chin- chaysuyu dialect. Lima. 1754. 160. [Juan de Figuerredo, missionary priest, born at Huanca- velica, of Spanish parents, 1648. Died at Lima, 1724.] 1892 Fiske (John). The discovery of America, with some ac- count of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. 2 vols. Maps. Boston. 1892. 8°. (Peru and Conquest, Chaps. IX and X.) 1854 Fletcher (Francis). The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, by F. F. See Drake (Sir Francis), The World encompassed, etc. London. 1854. 8°. 1870 Forbes (David). On the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru. Plates. London. 1870. 8°. (Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, Vol. II, N. S., pages 193-305-) • 1778 Forster (Johann Reinhold). Observations made during a voyage round the world on Physical Geography, Natural History and Ethic Philosophy. London. 1778. 4°- Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 109 1778 Observations faites pendant le second voyage de M. Cook sur la G£ographie, l'histoire naturelle et la phil- osophic moral. (Tom. V of Cook's Voyage dans l'Hemis- phere Austral, etc.) 1778. 4°- 1783 (German edition.) Berlin. 1783 1799 Fraggia, etc. Indice de la Coleccion de manuscritos perti- necientes a la historia de las Indias. Madrid. 1799. (Jackson (J.), Bibl. Geogr., No. 612.) 1577 Frampton (J.). See Monariies (Nicholas), Joyfull Newes out of the newe founde Worlde, etc. Englished by J. F. London. 1577. 4"- 1885 Freuzel (Karl Wilhelm). Der Schuck des Inka. Miinchen and Leipzig. 1885. 160. (Incas are Celts. Neuer Deutcher Novellenschatz, Bd. XII, pages 73-i83-) 1716 Frezier (Amedf.e Francois). Relation du Voyage de la mer du Sud aux cotes du Chily et du Perou fait pendant les annees 1712, 1713 and 1714. With plates and maps. Paris. 1 7 16. 40. (First described the Quippu.) 1717 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1717. 120. 1732 (Another edition.) Paris. 1732. 40. 1 71 7 A voyage to the South Sea and along the coasts of Chile and Peru in. ...171 2, 1713 and 17 14. Cuts. London. 1717. 40. 1747 — Reise an den Kusten von Peru, 1713. 1747. 4°- (Schwabe, Allgemeine Histoire der Reisen, Vol. XV. I747-) 1707 Fritz (Samuel). Map of the Amazons, Quito, 1707. See Stocklein, Reise Beschreibungen; Markham (C. R.), Valley of the Amazons, page xxxiii. 1889 Fry (Carlos). La gran region delos bosquesrios Peruanos navegables Urubamba,Ucayli, Amazonas, Pachitea y Palcaza. Diario deviajes y exploraciones por Carlos Fry en 1886, 1887 y 1888. Maps and illus. Lima. 1889. 40. 1859 Fuentes (Don Manuel). Memorias de los Vireyes que han gobernado el Peru, durante el tempo del Coloniaje Espanol. Edited by Don M. F. 6vols. Lima. 1859. 40. no Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1867 (Another edition.) Relaciones de los Vireyes y Audiencias que han gobernado el Peru. Lima. 1867. Fol. 1866 Lima, or Sketches of the Capitol of Peru; histori- cal, statistical, administrative, commercial and moral. Por- traits and plates. Paris. 1866. 8°. (Part VI (pages 75-219), Natives, with illustrations.) 1568 Fumee (Mart.). See Lopez de Gomara (Francisco), His- toire G6n6rale des Indes occidentales. . . . trad, par M. F. Paris. 1568. 8°. 1868 Gabriac (Comte de). Promenade a travers l'Amerique du Sud. Nouvelle Grenade, Equateur, P£rou, Br6sil. Maps and illus. Paris. 1868. 8°. 1547. Gahory (Jacques). L'Histoire de la terre nueve du P6ru en l'lndie occidentale, trad., par J. G. Paris. 1547. [Pretends to be a summary of Oviedo, but is a translation of Xeres' Relation.] 1880 Gallenga (Antonio), pseud. Mariotti (L.). South America. London. 1880. (Peru and Bolivia, pages 45-143.) 1596 Gallucio (Giovanni Paolo). Historia naturale e morale delle Indie nov. trad.. ..de G. P. G. Venetia. 1596. 40. i860 Galton (Francis). Vacation Tourist. Vol. I. i860. See Bowen (C. C), Visit to Peru. 1865 See Rising {Lieut.). On the artificial eyes of certain Peruvian mummies, with Notes by F. G. London. 1865. 8°. 1847-59 Galusky (C). See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Cosmos ...trad, par C. G. (Vols. II and IV.) 4 vols. Paris. 1847-59- 8°- 1601 Galvano (A.). The Discoveries of the World from their first original unto the yaere . . . . 1 555 .... corrected, quoted and now published in English by R[ichard] H[akluyt]. London. 1601. 40. !862 (Another edition.) Edited by Admiral Bethune. London. 1862. 8°- See Hakluyt Society. No. XXX. Jan. 1898. Bibliography ok Anthropology of Perl— Dorsey. m 1803 See Clarke (J. S.), The Progress of Maritime Dis- covery, etc. Vol. I. Appendix. 1803. 4°- 1729 Garcia (Fray Gregorio). Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occidentales, Averiguado con Dis- curso de Opiniones. Madrid. 1729. Fol. (Peru, the Ophir of Solomon; gives the earliest notice of Betanzo's narrative. Gregorio Garcia traveled extensively in the Spanish Colonies.) — Monarquia de los Incas del Peru. MS. (Lost. Referred to by D. Nicholas Antonio. Bibl. Hist.) Garcilasso de la Vega. See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia.) 1877 Gasca (Pedro de la). See Cartas de Indias. Madrid. 1877. Fol. Letter LXXXVI. Carta del licenciado Pedro de la Gasca al Consejo de Indias, dando cuenta de su llegada al puerto de Santa Marta y de las noticias alii recibedas sobre el esteido de los asuntos del Peru. Santa Marta de Julio de 1546. LXXXVI I. a Miguel Dies Armendariz, dandale notica? de la expedicion que disponia contra Gonzalo Pizarro. Panama, 27 de Feb., 1547. LXXXVIII. al Consejo de Indias, participando que enviaba a Espagna, con personas de confianza, los leyos de Juan y Gonzalo Pizarro, para que cuidar de en educacion los parien- tes que tenian en Castillae. Los Reyes, 15 de Feb., 1549. LXXXIX. al Consejo de Indias, recomendando a Fray Pedro de Ulloa. Los Reyes, 22 de Febro. de 1549. XC. al Consejo de Indias proponiendo dobear el salario a los oidores, para que en todo pudieran proceder con rectitud e inde prudencia. Los Reyes, 20 de Julio de 1549. XCI. al Consejo de Indias, avicando las desposiciones que se habian adaptado respecto al repartimiento de coca, que tuvo Francisco Pizarro. Los Reyes, 16 Septembre de 1549. XCII. From Ondegardo to Gasca. XCIII. al Consejo de Indias, remitiendo alar ordenanza que hizo sobre la presentacion de apelaciones interpuestas ante aquella Chancicdleria, avisando lo acordaba respecto de la tasa de tributos, y del envio de un cargamento de barras de plata y dando cuenta de otros acuntos de aquella gober- nacion. Puerta de la ciudad le Los Reyes, 8 de Noviembre de 1549. ii2 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. XCIV. a los principales de Hungria y Bohemia, Maximil- iano y Maria, gobernadores de Espagna, dandoles cuenta del estado de los asuntos en el Peru. Puerto de Ciudad de Los Reyos, 6 de Deciembre de 1549. XCV. al precidente y sefiores del Conseyo de Indias, sobre lo conveniente que seria anmentar los repartimientos de la Corona en el Peru. Rio de Sevella, 22 de Setiembre de 1550. XCVI. Condition of country on the departure of Gasca. Aug.- 11, 1550. 1873 See Arana (D. B.). Proceso de Pedro de Valdivia i otros documentos, etc. Santiago (Chile). (1873.) 8°. (Gasca's despatch of May, 1548, describing defeat and execution of Gonzalo Pizarro, with other despatches dated Lima, Sept. 25 and Nov. 26, 1548.) 1880 Instructions to Lorenzo de Aldana, Letters to Gonzalo Pizarro, and detailed Report of his agent, Panigua. Revista de Lima. Lima. 1880. [Licenciado Pedro de la Gasca sailed from Spain May 26, 1546, with title of President of the Audencia, to carry out order revoking the "New Laws," which led to Gonzalo Pizarro's rebellion, which he put down with great cruelty. Left Peru suddenly, January, 1550, on receipt of order that all personal service of Indians should be abolished, leaving affairs in great confusion. Many of his papers preserved by the family and made use of by Helps for his Spanish Conquest. Gasca's Report, dated Andahuaylas, March 7, 1548, written on his way to attack Gonzalo Pizarro, has not been pub- lished.] 1620 ' Gavilan (Fray Alonzo Ramos). Historia de Copacabana y de su milagrosa imagen, 1620. i860 - (Another edition.) Edited by Fr. Rafael Sans. La Paz. i860. [Throws light on the movements of the Inca colonists, Mitionaes; gives version of Inca calendar.] 1875 Gayangos (Pasoual de). Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish language in the British Museum. London. 1875, etc. 8°. (America. Vol. II.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 113 J535 Gaztelu (Domingo de). See Xeres (Franc, de). Libro primo de la conquista del Peru, etc. (Translated by D. de G. ) Vinegia. 1535. 40. 1853 Ghillany (F. W.). Geschichte des Seefahrer's Ritter. 1853. Fol. See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Uber die altesten Karten des Neuen Continent, etc. 1 891 Giglioli (H. H.). On two ancient Peruvian masks made with the facial portion of human skulls. Plate. Leiden. 1891. (Internat. Archiv. fur Ethnologic IV, 83-87.) 1891 Maschere fatte colla parte faciale d'crani umani proventienti dal Yunca-Suyu. Firenze. 1891. (Archiv. fur 1' Anthropologic XXI, 41-45.) 1855 Gillis (J. N.). The United States naval astronomical expe- dition to the southern hemisphere during the years 1849-50- 51-52. Maps and plates. Washington. 1855. 40. (Vol. I, Chile; Vol. II, The Andes and Pampas.) 1 85 1, etc. See Schoolcraft (H. R.). Historical and Statisti- cal Information. .. .of the Indian Tribes. Vol. V. Phila- delphia. 1856, etc. 4". See Evans (W. W.). Peruvian Antiquities. 1857 Gliddon (George R.). See Nott (J. C). Indigenous Races of the Earth, etc. Philadelphia. 1857. 40. 1889-90 Goldsmith (E.). See Hakluyt (R.). Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, etc. Edited by E. G. 55 Parts. Edinburgh. 1889-90. (Vol. XII-XVI. America and Voyages of circumnavi- gation.) Gomara (Lopez de). See Lopez de Gomara (Francisco). 1586 Gonzalez Holguin (Padre Diego). Vocabulario de la lengua general de todo el Peru llamada lengua Qquichua, o del Inca. . . .corregido y renovado conforme a la proprie- dad cortesana del Cuzco. Ciudad de Los Reyes. {Lima.) 1586. 8C- 1608 (Another edition.) Ciudad de Los Reyes. 1608. 4". 1603 Gramatica y Vocabulario de la lengua del Peru. Seville. 1603. [Supposed first edition of the Gramatica of 1607 and the Vocabulario of 1608.] ii4 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1607 Gramatica y Arte nueva de la lengua general de todo el Peru, llamada Qquichua, 6 lengua del Inca. Los Reyes del Peru. (Lima.) 1607. 40. 1614 Arte y Vocabulario en la lengua general del Peru llamada Qquichua, y en la lengua Espafiola . . . . en los Reyes. (Lima.) 1614. 120. [Usually ascribed to its publisher, Francisco del Canto.] 1842 (Another edition) Gramatica y Arte, etc. , Afiadida y cumplida. . . .Nueva edicion revista y corregida. Geneva. .1842. 40. 1842 (Another edition) revista y corregida. Lima. 1842. 8°. [Diego Gonzales Holguin, born in Estremadura, Spain, about 1552; became Jesuit, 1568; went to Peru, 1581. Studied Quichua at Juli, near Lake Titicaca, where established print- ing press. Became interpreter. Died at Ascencion, Para- guay, 1618.] 1873 Gonzales de la Rosa (Dr. Manuel). See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Segunde parte de la Cronica del Peru. London. i873- 1879 See Cobo (Father Bernabe) Historia de Lima, edited by Dr. M. G. de la R. Lima. 1879. 1880 See Carrera (Don Fernando de la.) Arte de lengua Yunga, etc. Edited by Dr. G. de la R. Lima. 1880. 8°. 1863 Gosse (L. A.) Dissertation sur les races qui composaient l'ancienne population du Pdrou. Plates. Paris. 1863. 8°. (Mem. Soc. d'Anthropol. de Paris (1860-63). Vol. I, pages 149-176.) 1819 Graham (John) and Rodney (C. A.) See Rodney (C. A.). Report on the present state of the United States of South America, etc. London. 181 9. 1 861 Grandidier (Ernest) Voyage dans PAm^rique du Sud, Perou et Bolivie. Paris. 1861. 8°. 1888 Gratecap (L. P.) Peruvian civilization. Chicago. 1888. 8°. (American Antiquarian. Vol. X, pages 95-115.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 115 Gravaliz (Augustino de). See Craveliz (Agostino). 1604 Grimston (Edward). See Acosta (Jose de). The naturall and morall Historie of the Indies. .. .translated by E. G. 1604. 4°- 1888 Grossi (N.). Le Mummie nell' antico e nel nuovo mondo. Torino. 1888. 161 2 Gualdo (Diego de). Arte de la lengua Aymara con una sylva de frasis de la misma lengua, y su declaracion en romance. 1612. 8°. 1540 Guazzo (Marco) Historie di tutte le cose degne di raemo- ria qual del anno MDXXXIV. Venice. 1540. 1545 (Another edition.) Venice. 1545. 1546 (Another edition.) Venice. 1546. 161 4 Guerro (Lobo) Archbishop. Constituciones Synodales. Lima. 161 4. 1754 (Another edition.) Lima. 1754. Guette (de la). See Broe (de) Seig. de Citry et de la G. 1817 Gueullette (Thomas Simon). See Humphreys (Samuel). Peruvian Tales, etc. London. 1817. 16°. 1888 Guillaume (H.). The Amazon provinces of Peru as a field for European emigration. A statistical and geographical review of the country and its resources, including the gold and silver mines, together with a mass of useful and valuable information, with map and illustrations. London. 1888. 120. 1862 Guzman (Alonzo Enriquez de). Life and Acts of. 1518- 43. Translated by C. L. Markham. London. 1862. 8°. (Hakluyt Society Pub. No. XXIX.) [Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman, friend of Almagro, born about 1500; went to Peru, 1534. A principal actor in events between Almagro's expedition to Chili, 1535, and his execu- tion, 1538. His autobiography extends to 1543; includes letter to the Emperor on the conduct of Hernando Pizarro.] 1582 Hakluyt (Richard). Divers Voyages touching the Discov- ery of America, etc. (by R. H.). B. L. 2 parts. London. 1582. 40. n6 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. r85P (Another edition.) Edited by J. Winter Jones. London. 1850. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub. No. VII.) 1587 See Anglerius (P. M.). De orbe novo decades octo. Annotationibus, illustratse, labore R. H. 1587. 8°. 1620? See Anglerius (P. M.). The Historie of the West Indies. .. .published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, etc. (1620?) (R. H. collection of the early voyages, etc. 1809. Vol. V.) 1589 The principall navigations, voyages and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or over land .... within the cora- passe of these 1500 yeeres; divided into three parts..., Whereunto is added the last most renowned English naviga- tion (/. e. Thomas Cavendish) round the .... earth. B. L. London. 1589. Fol. 1598-1606 The principal navigations, voyages, trafhques and discoveries of the English nation, etc. 3 vols. B. L. London. 1598-1600. Fol. 1809-12 (Another edition.) 5vols. London. 1809-12. 40. (American Voyages, Vol. III.) 1812 A collection of curious, rare and early voyages and histories of interesting discoveries, chiefly published by Hak- luyt, or at his suggestion, but not included in his .... compila- tion, to which, to Purchas, and other general collections, this is intended as a supplement. London. 1812. 40. 1884-90 Principal navigations, voyages, etc., collated by R. H., edited by E. Goldsmid. 55 parts. Edinburgh. 1884- 90. 40. (America and Voyages of Circumnavigation. Vols. XII.- XVI.) 1601 See Galvano (A.) The Discoveries of the World .... corrected .... and now published in English by R. H. London. 1601. 4°- 1803 See Clarke (J. S.). The Progress of Maritime Discovery, etc. Vol. I. Appendix. 1803. 4°- 1862 (Another edition.) The Discoveries of the World by A. Galvano. Edited by Admiral Bethune. London. 1862. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. XXX.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 117 1880 The Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America. Thirteen original narratives from the collection of Hakluyt, selected and edited, with historical narratives, by E. J. Payne. London. 1880. 8°. Hakluyt Society {London.} Publications. 1847 I. Hawkins (Sir Richard). Observations on his Voy- age into the South Sea in 1593, 1622. Edited by Cap. C. R. Bethune. London. . 1847. 8°. 1849 IV. Drake (Sir Francis), his Voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde. Edited from the original manuscripts by W. D. Cooley. London. 1849. 8°. 1850 VII. Hakluyt (Richard). Divers voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent, 1582; edited by J. Winter Jones. Facsimile and two maps. Lon- don. 1850. 8°. 1854 XVII. Fletcher (Francis). The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake; edited by W. S. W. Vaux. Map. London. 1854. 8°- 1857 XXI. Benzoni (Girolamo). History of the New World, Travels, 1541-56. Venice, 1572. Translated and edited by Admiral W. H. Smyth. Facsimile wood-cuts. London. 1857- 8°. 1859 XXIV. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639; translated and edited by C. R. Markham. London. 1859. 8°. 1862 XXVIII. Expedition of Ursua and Aguirre in search of El Dorado. Translated by Wm. Bollaert. London. 1862. 8°. 1862 XXIX. Life of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman. Translated by C. R. Markham. London. 1862. 8°. 1862 XXX. The Discoveries of the World by A. Galvano .... corrected by . . . . Richard Hakluyt. Edited by Admiral Bethune. London. 1862. 8°. 1864 XXXIII. Pedro de Cieza de Leon. Travels, A. D- 1532-50, contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru; translated and edited by C. R. Markham. Map. London. 1864. 8°. n8 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1865 * ' XXXIV. Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya, con- taining the earliest notice of Peru. Translated by C. R. Markham. London. 1865. 8°. 1869. XLI. and XLV. Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated by C. R. Markham. Vols. I. and II. London. 1869. 8°. 1872 XLVII. Reports on the Discovery of Peru. Trans- lated by C. R. Markham. London. 1872. 8°. 1873 XLVIII. Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas. Translated from the Spanish MSS. by C. R. Mark- ham. London. 1873. 8°. 1877 LVII. The Hawkins Voyages. Observations of Sir J. Hawkins on his voyage into the South Sea in 1593, etc., by C. R. Markham. Londofi. 1877. 8°. 1878-80 LIX. Voyages and Works of John Davis, the navi- gator. By Cap. A. H. Markham. Facsimile map of the world, A. D. 1600, called the "Mollineux Map." London. 1878-80. 8°. 1878-79 ' LX. and LXI. Acosta's Natural and Moral History of the Indies, from the English edition of E. Grimston. 1604. By C. R. Markham. 2 vols. London. 1878-79. 8°. 1883. LXVIII. Chronicle of Peru, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon. Second part. Translated with notes by C. R. Markham. London. 1883. 8°. 1844 Hale (Horatio). United States Exploring Expedition. .. . Ethnography and Philology. By H. H. See Wilkes (C.) Comm. U. S. N. Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedi- tion, etc. Vol. 6. 1844, etc. 40. 1824 Hall (Basil) Captain. Extracts from a journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. Map. 2 vols. London. 1824. 8°. 1824 (Second edition.) 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1824. 8°. 1824 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1824. 8°. (Third edition.) 1825 (Fourth edition.) 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1825. 8°. 1826 (Another edition.) 2 vols. See Constable (A.) Constable's Miscellany, vols. 2 and 3. 1826, etc. 120. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. ng 1835 Voyage au Chili, au P6rou et au Mexique, entrepris par ordre du gouvernment anglais. Map. 2 vols. La Haye. 1835. 12°. 1841 Voyage aux Etats-Unis de l'Am^rique septentrion- elle, d'apres B. H., etc. See Duponchel (A.): Nouvelle Biblioth^que des Voyages, etc. Vol. 12. 1841, etc. 8°. 1849 Hall (J. C.) See Pickering (Charles). The Races of Man . . . .New edition, to which is prefixed an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man, by J. C. H. London. 1849. 8°. 1850 New edition (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) London. 1850. 8°. 1705 Harris (John) D.D. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bib- liotheca ; or a compleat collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of about four hundred of the most authentick writers. 2 vols. London. 1705. Fol. (See Betagh (Wm.) I ; Dampier (William.) II.) 1744-48 (Another edition.) Carefully revised, with large additions, and continued down to the present time, by Dr. John Campbell. 2 vols. London. 1744-48. Fol. 1764 (Another edition.) Revised, with large additions, (by Dr. John Campbell). 2 vols. London. 1764. Fol. 1866-72 Harrisse (Henry). Bibliotheca Americana Vetutissima. A description of works relating to America, published between ....1492 and 1551 (additions). New York; Paris. (Addi- tions-Paris). 1866-72. 8°. (Copies of MSS. preserved in New York and Boston, pages 320-22.) 1875 Hartt (C. F.) Amazonian Myths. Rio de Janeiro. 1875. 8°. 1830-34 Harvard College. General catalogue of the College Li- brary. 5 vols. 1830-34. (Includes the American Library of Prof. Ebeling and the Americana collected by David B. Warden.) 1867 Hassaurek (F.) Four years among the Spanish Ameri- cans. New York. 1867. (Chap. XVI, epitome of history of Quito.) 120 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1569 Hawkins (Sir John) Rear Admiral. A true declaration of the troublesome voyage of M. J. Hawkins to the parties of Guyney and the West Indies, in the yeares of our Lord 1567 and 1568. London. 1569. 8°. 1598 The first voyage of Sir J. H made to the West Indies, 1562. The second voyage made by J. H. . . . to the coast of Guinea and the Indies of Nova Hispania, begun in An. Dom. 1564. The third troublesome voyage made. . . .to the parts of Guinea, and the West Indies in the years 1567 and 1568. See Hakluyt (R.) : Collection of Early Voyages. 1598, etc. Fol. (Coast of Chili, Peru and Ecuador.) 1809 (Another edition.) Hakluyt. Vol. 3. 1&09, etc. 40. 1847 Observations on his Voyage into the South Sea in 1 593-1 622. Edited by Capt. C. R. Bethune. London. 1847. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. No. 1.) 1877 (Another edition.) Voyages during the reigns of Henry VIII, Elizabeth and James I. Observations, etc., with introduction by C. L. Markham. Portrait. London. 1877. 8° (Hakluyt Society's publications, No. 57.) 1619 Voyagie von Siere F. Draeck, en Siere Jan Hau- kins, etc. See Collin (M.) Oost-Indesche onde West-In- desche Voyagien, etc., pt. 6. 1619, etc. 40. 1643 Der Schif-Vaert van . . . . F. Draeck en .... J. H . . . . West Indien. Journalen van de Voyagien, etc. 1643. 40. J599 Die letzte Reysz der Edlen....F. Draeck und J. H., etc. See Bry (T. de). (America, Pt. VII. German). Americae achter Theil, etc. 1599. Fol. 1853 Hawks (F. L.) See Rivero y Ustariz (M. Ed. de) and Tschudi (J. D. de). Peruvian Antiquities. Translated.... by F. L. H. New York, 1853. 8°. 1605 Hayus (Juan). De Rebus Japonicis, Indicus et Peruanis Epistolae recentiores. Antuerpioz. 1605. 1878 Heath (E. R.) Peruvian Antiquities. Kansas City Review. Vol. I (1878), pages 455-69. (General account of Peruvian ruins — coast and interior.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 121 1847 Hellwald (Friedrich von) Die Erde und ihre Volker. See Stanford ( ) Compendium of Geography and Travel (based on Hellwald's Die Erde und ihre Volker). London. 1874, etc. 8°. 1798 Helms (Anton Zacharias). Tagebuch einer Reise durch Peru von Buenos Ayres an dem groszen Plataflusse, fiber Potosi nach Lima. Dresden. 1798 8°. 1806 Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima. With notes by the translator, containing topographical descriptions of the Spanish possessions in South America, drawn from the last and best authorities. (Two maps.) London. 1806. 120. 1807 (Second edition.) London. 1807. 8°. 1805 (Another edition.) See A Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels, etc. Vol. 5. 1805, etc. 8°. 1812 Voyage dans l'Amdrique meridionale, commencant par Buenos Ayres et Potosi qusqu' a Lima. Translated from the English. Paris. 181 2. 8°. 1855-61 Helps (Sir Arthur). The Spanish Conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the govern- ment of the colonies, London. 1855-61. 8°. (Inca civilization, Vol. III., Bk. XIII., Chap. III., pages 468-513)- 1869 The Life of Pizarro, with some account of his associates in the conquest of Peru. London. 1869. 8°. 1877 Henry (V.). Le Quichua est-il une langue aryenne ? Examine critique du livre de V. F. Lopez: Les races aryennes du Perou. Paris and Luxemburg. 1877. (Compte-Rendu de Congres des Americanistes, ii, pages 75-I57-) n. d. Heredes (Homanianos). See Maps. Tabula America? spe- cialis geographica regna Peru. n. d. 1652 Hereniite (Jacques d') Admiral. Journal van de Nassau- che Vloot. Amsterdam. 1652. See Madrida (Pedro de) Observations, etc. 1620? Hernandez (Melchior). Memorial de Chirique del padre presentado Fr. M. H. (Madrid? 1620?) Fol. 122 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1853-4 Herndon (Wm. Lewis) and Gibbon (Lardner). Explora- tion of the Valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the Navy Department. Maps and illus. 4 vols. Wash- ington. 1853-4. 8°- (Part I (Herndon) Lima, Pasco, Huallaga. Part II (Gib- bon) Jarma, Cuzco, La Paz, etc.) 1854 (Another edition of Herndon's Report). 1 vol. (Different title page and additional map.) Washington. 1854. 8°. Herrera (Antonio de). See Herrera Tordesillas (An- tonio de). Herrera Tordesillas (Antonio de). Vida y elojio del licen- ciado Vaca de Castro Gobernador del Peru. 1601-15 Historia General de los hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra firme del Mar Oceano. 8 Decads. Descripcion de las Indias Ocidentales. 9 parts. Portraits. 14 Maps. 5 vols. Madrid. 1601-15. Fol. 1726-30 (Second edition.) With notes by A. G. Barcia. 8 vols. Madrid. 1726-30. Fol. (Usually cited as of 1730.) 1728 (Another edition.) Antwerp. 1728. (No maps, and with DeBry's instead of Herrera's engrav- ings.) 1738 (Another edition.) Sigud: a la ultima decada la description de las Indias. 4 vols. Amberes. 1738. Fol. 1852 Historia de la Indias Ocidentalis, etc. (Lib. i-vi. Las Glorias Nacionalis.) Madrid. 1852. 40. 1622 Novus Orbis, sive descriptio India? Occidentalis. . . . metaphraste G. Barlaeo. Accesserunt et aliorum Indiae Occidentalis Descriptiones, et Navigationes nuperae Australis Jacobi Le Maire Historia, uti et navigationum omnium per F return Magellanicum succinta narratio. Amsterdam. 1622. Fol. 1624 Descriptio Insularum et Continentis. . . .quae vulgo India Occidentalis vocantur. (Bry (T. de) America, Part xii. Novi Orbis pars duodecima, etc.) Francofurti. 1624. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 123 1622 Description des Indes Occidentales, qu' on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde. .. .Traduite d'Espagnol en Francois. A la quelle sont adjoustdes quelques antres de- scriptions des raesmes pays. . . . Illustrations and 17 maps. Amsterdam. 1622. Fol. {Journal of Jacques Le Maire; Relation of Cap. Don Jean de More; abridgment of the voyages of Magellan, Gutierres, Carvajal, Fray Garcia de Loaysa, Francis Drake, Pedro Sarmiento, Thos. Candios, Jaques Mahu, Semion de Cordes,t and Olivier du Nort. Particuliere description del' Inde Oc- cidental, par Pedro Ordonnez de Civallos; et description d'Amerique tird des tableaux gdographiques de Petrus Bertonio.) .1660-71 Historie generale des Voyages et conquestes des Castellans, dans les Indes et -Terra-firme des Indes occi- dentales. Traduite de l'Espagnol. . . .par. N. de la Coste. 3 vols. Paris. 1660-71. 40. (Comprises only the first three decades.) 1622 Nieuwe Werelt. Amsterdam. 1622. Fol. 1725-6 The General History of the vast continent and Islands of America, commonly called the West Indies.... with the best accounts the people could give of their antiq- uities ... .Translated by John Stevens. 6 vols. London. 1725-6. 8°. 1740 (Another edition.) Cuts and maps. 6 vols. Lon- don. 1740. 12°. (Same edition as that of 1725-6, with fresh titles.) 1744 General Observations, etc. (Churchill's Collection of Voyages, etc. Vol. 5.) London. 1744. Fol. 1752 (Another edition.) Churchill's Collection. London. 1752. Fol. 1859 See Orellana (Francisco de). Expedition into the Val- ley of the Amazons. 1540. Translated by C. R. Markham. London. 1859. 8C '. [Antonio de Herrera or Herrera Tordesillas, born 1549, died 1625. Appointed by Philip II of Spain historiagrapher, which office he held under the two following reigns. Herrera is regarded as an annalist rather than historian; copied largely 124 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. from Las Casas. His works display great " research, candor, and justness," although his method is considered too strictly chronological. Gives portraits of the Incas supposed to have been copied from those on the pedigree of the Incas, inscribed on cloth, sent to Spain by the Viceroy Don Fran- cisco de Toledo.] 1834 Herrero (Pad. F. Andres). Doctrinay oraciones cristiana en lengua mosetana traducitas en espafiol, palabra por pa- labra. Roma. 1834. (Follows text adopted by the Council of Lima.) 1784 Hervas y Panduro (D. Lorenzo). Catalogo 'delle langue conosciute e notizia della loro affinita e diversita. Cesena. 1784. 40. 1800-5 Catalogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas, etc 6 vols. Madrid. 1800-5. 40. (Vol. II (1801) Lenguas y naciones de las Islas de los mares Pacifico e Indiano austral y oriental, y del continente de Asia.) 1785 Origine, formazione, meccanismo, ed armonia degl' idiomi. Cesena. 1785. 40. (Vol. 18 of Idea del Universo [Cesena), 1778-81. 21 vols. * 40) and also part of Vol. 22 of the same work, published in 1792.) 1786 Aritmetica delle nazioni e divisione del tempo fra l'orientali. Cesena. 1786. 40. (Vol. 19 and part of Vol. 22 (1792) of the Idea del Uni- verso.) 1787 Vocabulario poligloto con prolegomeni sopra piu C. L. lingue dove sono delle scoperte nuove, ed utili all' antica storia dell' uman genere, ad alia cognizione del mecanismo delle parole. Cesena. 1787. 40. (Vol. 20 and part of Vol. 22 (1792) of the Ideal del Uni- verso.) 1787 Saggio pratico delle lingue con prologomeni, e una raccolta di orazione Dominicali in piu di tricento lingue. . . . Cesena. 1787. 4°- (Vol. 21 of the Ideal del Univers6 and contained in Vol. 22 (1792) ). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 125 Gramaticas obreviadas de los diez y ocho lenguas principales de America. (MS. appears to be lost.) i860 Hill (S. S.). Travels in Peru and Mexico. 2 vols. Lon- don. i860. 40. 1890 Hittel (John S.). Looking Backward in Peru. San Fran- cisco. 1890. 8°. (The Overland, Vol. XV, s. s. pages 630-38.) i860 Hoeven (Jan Van der). Catalogus craniorum divers, gen- tium. Lugd. Batavia. i860. 8°. Omtrent eenige menschlijke Schedels. 8°. Holguin (Don Pedro Gonzalez). See Gonzalez Hol- quin (Don P.). 1884 Holmes (W. H.) Burial masks of the ancient Peruvians. Cambridge (Mass.). 1884. (Science. Vol. IV. pages 10-11.) 1889 Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru. Illustrated. Washington. C889. 8°- (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology.) Homer (Arthur). Bibliotheca Americana. 12 vols. (MS. Sir Thomas Phillips' Library, Middlehill (Eng.) Copy in Cornell Library, Ithaca (N. Y.).) J579 Honiger (N.). See Benzoni (G.). Der Neuern Weldt and Indianischen Konigreichs, etc. , auss dem Latein indasTeusch gebracht durch N. H., etc. Basel. 1579. Fol. 1887 Horsley (Victor). Trephining in the Neolithic period. Lotidon. .1887. 8°. (Jol. Anthrop. Inst., November, 1887. Vol. xvii.) 1616 Huerta (Alonso de). Arte de la lengua Quechua general de los Yndios de este Reyno del Peru. Los Reyes {Lima). 1616. 4°- 1844 Hueval (J. A. Van). El Dorado. New York. 1844. (Appendix vi, page 166.) 1 598-1650 HuLSius (Levinus). Collection of Voyages and Travels. Edited by Levinus Hulsius and his successors. (German.) 26 Thle. Franckfurt am Mayn, JVorribergae, Oppenheim, Ha- naw. 1598-1650. 8°. 126 Field Columbian Museum— Anthropology, Vol. II. 1603 Theil VI. Kurtze, warhafftige Relation und Beschreibung der Wunderbarsten vier Schiffarten . . . . F. Megellani .... mit C. de Cano, F. Draconis. . . .T. Candisch. . . O. von Noort .... Maps and Plates. Noribergae. 1603. 40. (Second edition.) 1626 (Third edition.) Frankfurt* 1626. 40. 1623 Theil XVIII. Grundliche volkommene Entdeckung aller der West Indianischen Landschafften . . . .durch A. de Herrera. Frankfurt am Mayn. 1623. 40. j8o5-34 Humboldt (Friedlich Heinrich Alexander von) Baron, and Bonpland (Aime). Voyages aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, faits dans les annees 1799 a. 1804. Redige par A. de H. 14 vols. Maps and plates. Paris. 1805-34. 40 and Fol. (Part I, Sec. 1 (1814-19), Relation Historique; 3 vols., 40. Part I, Sec. 2 (1810), Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de l'Amerique ; 69 col. plates, fol. Part I, Sees. 3 and 4 (1814-19-34), Examen critique de l'Histoire de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent, with Atlas Geographique et Physique; 37 maps, etc., 2 vols., fol. Part III (181 1), Essai politique sur la Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne ; maps, 3 vols., 40 and fol. Part IV (1808-10), Recueil d'Observations Astronomiques, etc. ; 2 vols., 40 . Part V (1808), Essai sur la Geographie des Plantes, with "Tableau Physique des Andes," 40. Part VI, Sec. 1 (1809), Plantes equinoxiales (redige par A. Bonpland). 144 plates. 2 vols. 1809.) 1816-31 (Another edition.) 13 vols. Paris. 1816-31. 8°. 1805 Reise der Herren V. H. and B.'nach den Wende- kreisen in der jahren 1799-1804. Ein Auszug aus ihren. Memorien von J. C. Delametherie. Aus dem Franzosischen. Erfurt. 1805. 8°. 1815-32 Reise en die ^Equinoctial Gegenden des neuen Con- tinent in dem jahren 1799-1804. 6 thle. Stuttgart and Tubingen. 1815-32. '8°. 1822-29 Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1 799-1804, by A. von H. and A. B., translated by Helen Maria Williams. Maps and plates. 7 vols. London. 1822-29. 8C. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 127 1832 The Travels and Researches of A. von H., being a condensed narrative of his journeys in the equinoctial regions of America and in Asiatic Russia. By W. Macgillivray. Edinburgh. 1832. 120. (The Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vol. 10. 1830, etc.) 1840 Humboldt's Travels and Discoveries in South America. London. 1840. 160. 1842 (Another edition.) Travels, etc. New York. 1842. 12°. (Part of Harper's Family Library.) 1847 Personal Narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America. .. .by A. von H. and A. B., written in French by A. von H. Translated and edited by Thomasina Ross. London. 1847. 8°. (Bonn's Scientific Library.) 1852 (Another edition.) Personal narrative, etc. Lon- don. 1852. 8°. 1859 (Another edition.) The life, travels and researches of Baron Humboldt. By W. Macgillivray ... .with continu- ation .... Central Asia, etc. London. 1859. 8°. 181 3 Vues de Cordillidres et monumens des peuples in- digenes de l'Amenque. Plates. 2 vols. Paris. 181 3. Fol. 1816 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Paris. 1816. 8°. « 1814 Researches concerning the Institutions and Monu- ments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descrip- tions and views of some of the most striking scenes in the Corderillas. Written in French by A. von H. and translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. Plates. 2 vols. London. 18 14. 8°. 1815 — (Another edition.) Philadelphia. 1815. 8°. 1836-39 Examen critique de l'historie de la gdographie du nouveau continent. 5 vols. 1836-39. (Stevens' catalogue of Humboldt's Library includes a set of the "Examen Critique,"- with notes for a sixth volume. Humboldt's library burned in London, June, 1865.) 1849 Ansischten der Natur. Stuttgart. 1849. 1849 ■ — Aspects of Nature. Translation by Mr. Sabine. London and Philadelphia. 1849. 128 Field Colombian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1850 Views of Nature. Translation by E. C. OtteV London. 1850. (Inca roads. Vol. II., page 270.) 1853 Uber die altesten Karten des Neuen Continents und den Namen Amerikar, etc. See Ghillany (F.W.) Geschichte des Seefahrer's Ritter. M. Behaim, etc. 1853. Fol. 1817 Humphreys (Samuel). See Gueulette (Thomas Simon). Peruvian Tales related in 1001 hours by one of the select virgins of Cuzco to the Ynca of Peru. .. .interspersed with curious and historical remarks ; explaining the religious and civil customs and ceremonies of the ancient inhabitants of that great empire. Translated from the French by S. H., Esq., and continued' by John Kelly, Esq. London. 1817. 16°. 1873 Hutchinson (Thomas J.). Two Years in Peru, with explora- tion of its antiquities. Maps, by D. Barrera, and illus. 2 vols. London. 1873. 8°. 1874 See Lobo (M.). Un hijo de Inglaterra, etc. 1874. 8°- (Criticism of Hutchinson's work.) 1873 Some fallacies about the Incas. Liverpool. 1873. (Proc. of Literary and Philos. Soc. of Liverpool, 1873-74, page 121.) 1873-4 Explorations amongst ancient burial mounds, chiefly in the sea-coast valleys of Peru. Part I., nth Nov- ember, 1873. Part II., 10th February, 1874. London. 8°. (Part I., Jol. Anth. Inst., Vol. III., pages 311-26; Pt. II., Jol. Anth. Inst., Vol. IV., pages 2-13.) 1873 See Busk (George). Remarks on a collection of 150 ancient Peruvian skulls, presented to the Anthropological Institute by T. J. H., etc. London. 1873. 8°. 1875 Anthropology of pre-historic Peru. London. 1875- 8°. (Jol. of Anthrop. Institute, Vol. IV. (1875), pages 438-57.) 1866 Icazbalceta (Joaquin Garcia). Apuntes para un Catalogo de Escritores en lenguas indigenas de America. Mexico. 1866. 12°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 129 1850 See Prescott (W. H.) Historia de la Conquista del Peru Traducida al Castellana por J. G. I. con un appen- dice del traductor. 2d ed. (Relacion de la Conquista del Peru, escrita por P. Sancho, etc.) 2 vol. Mexico. 1850. 8°. 1868-9 Inman (Thomas). Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names; or an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations, etc. 2 vols. London. 1868-9. 8C. 1872-3 (Second edition.) 2 vols. London. 1872-3. 8°. 1876 Ancient faiths and modern ; a dissertation upon worships, legends and divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe and elsewhere, before the Christian era, show- ing their relations to religious customs as they now exist. New York. 1876. 8°. (Peru, pages 47-62.) 1884 Inwards (Richard). The Temple of the Andes. London. 1884. 40. p. 32. n. d. JAN88ON (Joaun). See Maps. Peru. n. d. 1853 Jenkins (John S.) Voyage of the United States exploring squadron commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes, of the United States Navy, in 1838 1842, together with the explorations and discoveries made by.... other navigators, etc. Illustrated. Detroit. 1853. 8°. (Peru, Chap. VI., pages 108-54.) 1877 Jimenez de la Espada (Marcos). See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Tercero libro de las guerras civiles del Peru el cual se llama la Guerrade Quito. Edited by M. J. de la E. Madrid. 1877. 8°. 1879 See Santa Cruz Pachacuti-Yanqui Salcamayhua (Juan de). Relacion de la Antiquadades deste Reyno del Peru. Edited by M. J. de la E. Madrid. 1879. 8°. 1879 Tres relaciones de antiguidades peruanas. Edited by M. J. de la E. Publicadas el Ministerio de Fomento. Madrid. 1879. 8°. 130 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1879 del hombre bianco, signo de la Cruz precolumbi- anos en el Peru. Atlas of Plates. Bruxelles. 1879. 8°. and Fol. (Compte-rendu de Congres internat. des Americanistes, troisi^me Session.) 1880 See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Segunde parte de la Cronica del Peru, etc. Seguida de la Suma y Narracion de los Incas. . . .por Juan de Betanzos. Madrid. 1880. 40. 1881 Yaravies Quitenos. Madrid. 1881. 8°. (Collection of popular tunes, some with words.) 1881 Relaciones g£ograficos de Indias. Edited, with introduction, by M.J. de la E. El Ministerio de Fomento de Peru. Madrid (printed). 1881. (Vol. I. contains 12 documents of 16th century, now first published.) 1882 See Fernandez Montesinos (El. Lie. Don). Memorias antiguas. . . .del Peru, etc. Edited by Don M. J. de la E. Madrid. 1882. 8°. 1882 See Toledo (Don Fr. de), Viceroy. Informaciones acerca, etc. 1570-72. Edited by Don M. J. de la E. Madrid. 1882. 1850 Jones (J. Winter). See Hakluyt (Richard). Divers voyages touching the discovery of America, etc. 1582. Edited by J. W. J. London. 1850. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 7.) 1868 Kalb (Cortenay de). Possibilities in Eastern Peru. Nation. Vol. VI. (1868), page 48. 1874 Keane (A. H.) See Stanford ( — ). Compendium of Geography and Travel, etc. Translated by A. H. K. Lon- don. 1874, etc. 8°. 1880-7 See Reiss (Wilhelm) and Stubel (Alphonse). The Necropolis of Ancon, etc. Translated by Prof. A. H.K. 3 vols. Illust. Maps, etc. Berlin. 1880-7. F°l- 1894-5 See Reclus (J. J. E.) The earth and its inhabit- ants. South America. Edited by A. H. K. 2 vols. New York. 1894-5. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 131 1713 Kennett (White), Bishop. Bibliothecae Americanae Prim- ordia. London. 1713. 181 1-24 Kerr (Robert). A general history and collection of voy- ages and travels arranged in systematic order .... from the earliest to the present time. 18 vols. Edinburgh and Lon- don. 181 1-24. 8°. (Peru, Vol. IV., pages 328-518; Vol. V., pages 1-217.) 1830 Kino (Edward), Viscount Kingsborough. Antiquities of Mexico, etc. 1830, etc. Fol. (Quipu, Vol. IV.) 1874 Kirk (J. F.) See Prescott (Wm. H.) History of the con- quest of Peru, etc. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1874. 8°. 1889 Koppel(B.) See Stubel (A.), Reiss (W.) and B.K. Kul- tur und Industrie sudamerikanischer volker, etc. 2 Bde. Plates. Berlin. 1889. Fol. 1843 Kulb(P. H.). S^Xeres (Fr. de). Geschichte den Ent- deckung und Eroberung Peru's. Translated by P. H. K. Stuttgart. 1843. 8°. 1803-4 Kutscher (F. J.). America, ein beitrag zur geographie, natur - und Volkergeschichte Von Westindien. 2 vols. 1803-4. 8°. (Mexico and Peru). Labarthe (Charles). La civilisation peruvienne avant l'arriv^e des Espagnols. (Archives de la Soc. Amer. de France, n. s. i.) 1861 Documents in^dits sur l'empire des Incas. Paris. 1861. (Annuaire Ethnographique.) 1751 La Condamine (Charles Marie de). Journal du Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi a l'Equator; Mesure de trois premiers degr^s du Meridien dans l'Austral. Map, etc. 2 vols. Paris. i75i- 4°- *745 Relation abr^gee d'une voyage fait dans l'interieur de l'Am^rique Meridionale. . . .en descendant la riviere des Amazones chart. {Paris?) 1745. 8°« 132 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1778 (New edition.) Relation abr^ge d'une voyage fait dans l'interieur de l'Amerique Mdridionale. Augm. de la relation de l'6meute populaire de Cuenca. Map and plate. Maestricht . 1778. 8 ° * 1779 Relation abr£g6e d'un voyage fait dans l'interieur de l'Amerique Meridionale en descendant la riviere des Ama- zones, depuis la cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu 'aux cotes du Brazil et de la Guyane. Par. M. de la C. de la Academie des Sciences avecune carte du Maraguon, onde la Riviere des Amazones, levee par le raeme: et d'un lettre de M. Godin des Odonais, contenant la Relacion du Voyage de Madame Godin, son espouse, etc. Maps. Frankfort au Mein. 1779. 8°. (Read in Paris before the Academy of Sciences, 1745.) 1747 Succinct abridgement of the voyage made within the inland parts of South America, from the coasts of the South Sea to the coasts of Brazil, etc. Map. London. 1747. 8°. 1813 Abridged narrative of travels through the interior of South America, from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the coasts of Brazil and Guyana, descending the river of Amazons. London. 1813. 4°. See Pinkerton (Wm.) Voyages, etc. Vol. XIV., pages 211-270. 1747 Reise nach Peru. 1735-42. 1747. 4°- See Schwabe (J. J.) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen. Bd. 15. 1747 Reisen in Quito. 1747. 4°- See Schwabe (J. J.) Allgemeine Historie der Reisen. Bd. 16. 1746 Quelques anciens monumens du Perou du temps des Incas. Berlin. 1746. (Berlin Acad, de Wissen. Abh. 1746.) 1 75 1 Histoire des Pyramides de Quito elevens par les Academiciens 6nvoyes sous l'Equateur par ordre du Roy. {Paris.) 1 75 1 40. 1883 Lambert (T. H.). Origin of the name America from the native name for Peru. 1883. (Bull, of the Amer. Geog. Society, No. 1 of 1883.) 1873 Lang (Andrew). The Aryan Races of Peru. Macmillan's Magazine, Vol. 27 (1873), pages 424-27. (Quichua language; criticism of V. P. Lopez.) Las Casas. See Casas (Bartolome de las). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 133 1609 Lasso de la Vega (Garcia), El Inca. Primera. (-Segunda) Parte de los Commentaries Reales que tratan del origin de los Yncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su idolatria, leyes y gobierno . . . . y de todo lo que fue aquel imperio .... autes que los espagnoles pascaron a el. 2 parts. P. Crasbeeck. Lisboa. 1609. (Part I. 1608.) Fol. 1609-17 Primera parte de los Comentarios Reales, 1609. (Segunda Parte) Historia del Peru, 161 7. Cordova. 2 vols. Fol. 1 61 6 Historia general del Peru. Cordova. 1616 (161 7). 1722-3 Primera Parte de los Commentaries Reales de el Origen de los Incas, su idolatria, leies, y govierno, vidas y conquistas, 1723. (Segunda Parte) Historia general del Peru, guerras entre Pizarros y Almagros, 1722. La Florida del Inca, 1723. 3 vols. Madrid. 1722-5. Fol. 1722 Histoire generale del Peru, trata, el descubrim., de el; y como lo Ganaron, los Espanoles: las guerras civiles, que huvo entre Pizarros y Almagros s. la partija de la tierra, etc. Segund impression, enmendada y anaedida. Madrid. 1722. Fol. 1723 Segunda impression, enmendada y anaedida la vida de Xuli Cusi Titu Jupanqui, penultimo Inca (Historia gen- eral). Edited by A. G. de Barcia. 2 parts. Madrid. 1723. Fol. 1800 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1800. 1829 (Nueva edicion.) (Historia de la Conquista del Nuevo Mondo.) Tom. 2-5. Madrid. 1829. 8°. (Part of a series in 9 vols. Conquista del Nuevo Mondo.) 1625 Observations of things most remarkable, collected out of the first part of the Commentaries Royall, written by the Inca G. de la Vega. London. 1625. Fol. (See Purchas (Samuel). Purchas his Pilgrimes. Pt. 4.) 1688 The Royal Commentaries of Peru in two parts. The first part treating of the original of their Incas. . . .The second part describing the manner by which the new world was conquered by the Spaniards, and of their civil wars, written in Spanish by the Inca Garcilasso de la Vega. Ren- dered English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Portrait of Rycaut and ten plates. London. 1688. Fol. 134 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1859 Expedition of Gonzalo Pizarro to the land of cin- namon, translated from second part of Royal Commentaries of Peru. Edited by C. R. Markham. London. 1859. 8°. (Hakluyt Society publications, No. 24.) 1869 First part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. Translated with notes, etc., by CI. R. Markham. Map. 2 vols. London. 1869. 8°. (Hakluyt Society public, Nos. 41 and 45.) 1632 Le Commentaire Royal, ou l'Histoire des Yncasr Roys du Peru ; contenant leur Origine, leur Idolatrie, leurs Sacrifices, leurs Loix, leurs Conquestes ; les Merveilles du Temple du Soleil ; les incroyables richesses, etc. Paris, 1632. 40. 1633 Le commentaire royal. Translated by J. Boudoin, Paris. 1633. 1650 Histoire des Guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes. Mise en francois par I. Baudoin. Suitte des Guerres civiles des Espagnols dans le Peru. Traducion par I. Baudoin. 2 vols. Paris. 1650. 40. 1658 Histoire des Guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, causees par les Soufleuemens des Picarres et des Almagres, escritte en Espagnole par l'Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega, et mise en Francois par I. Baudoin. 2 vols. Paris. 1658. 40. 1672 (Another edition.) Histoire des Guerres Civiles, etc. Paris. 1672. 1706 Histoire des Guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, entre les Picarres et les Almagres qui les avaient con- quises. (Commentarios, pt. a). Traduite de l'Espagnol par J. Baudoin. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1706. 12°. 1715 Histoire des Yncas, rois du Pdrou. Traduite de l'Espagnol, par J. Baudoin. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1715. 8°. 1737 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1737. 4°- 1744 (Another edition.) Translated by Dalibard. 2 vols. Paris. 1744. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 135 1830 (Another edition.) Baudoin's translation. 3 vols. Paris. 1830. 8°. 1704 (Dutch translation.) Amsterdam. 1704. 1798 (German translation.) 1798. [Garcia Lasso de la Vega, usually known as Garcilasso de la Vega, or The Inca, son of one of the early Spanish con- querors, of noble lineage, by an Inca princess, was born at Cuzco, 1539. In 1560 went to Spain, where thirty years afterwards he began the compilation of "The Commen- taries." The work was composed chiefly from memory, aided by information obtained from his surviving half-caste schoolfellows, and from the works of preceding Spanish writers, whose mistakes he corrects. Besides Bias Valera, he quotes from Cieza de Leon, Acosta, Lopez de Gomara and Zarate. Notwithstanding its serious errors, the Com- mentaries is one of the chief sources of our knowledge of the times of the Incas. Garcia Lasso died at Cordova, Spain, 1617.] Lazo (Alonzo Carillo). See Blancharderie (Abbe Courte .de la). 1879 Leclerc (Ch.). Bibliotheca Americana and Supplement. Paris. 1879, etc. 1890 Arte de la lengua de los Indios Antis o Campas, varias preguntas, advertencias i doctrina crist. conf. al MS. orig. hall, en ciudad de Toledo por C. L. Con Vocabulario metod. i una introduccion comparat, par L. Adam. Paris. 1890. 8°. 1619 L'Eclu8e (Charles de). Histoire des simples Medicaments apportes de l'Amerique. 3 vols. 1619. 8°. See Monardes (Nicholas) De Simplicibus Medicam^ntis ex Occidentali India delatis. .. . Antverpia. 1574. 8°- See Orta (G. de) Due libri dell' historia del sem- plici, aromati. . . . 1576. 4°- See Orta (G. de) Histoire des Drognes, Especeries, etc. 1619. 8°. 1619 See Acosta (Christopher de l') Traicte de Chris- tophe de la Coste, etc. traduit par de l'£cluse. 1619. 8°. 136 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1883 Leigh (F. Studdy). Peruvia, Bolivia and Chile. San Fran- cisco. 1883. (Overland Monthly, Vol. III., pages 527-41.) 1589 Lejesama (Mancio Serrade). Confession or Preamble to the Will of M. S. L., dated 15th Sept., 1589. See Miller (N.) General. On the state of the Peruvian Empire previous to the arrival of the Spaniards. 1844. 8°. [Lejesama, or Leguisamo, Alcalde of Cuzco, was the last survivor of the first body of Spanish invaders.] Lenox Library Catalogue. New York. (The Lenox Library is rich in Americana.) 1653 Leon-Pinclo (Don Antonio). Vida del lllustrisimo Rev- erendissimo D. Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo, Urcobispo de la ciudad de los Reyes. 1653. 1557 Levinus (Apollonius). De Peruviae regionis inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberrimae inventione, et rebus in eadem gestis. Libri V. Antverp. 1557. 120. 1863 Liebig (Justus Von). The Natural Laws of Husbandry. (A translation of Part II. of the 7th edition of " Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologic").... Edited by J. Blyth. London. 1863. 8°. (Chapter VII.) 1879 Lilienfeld (P. von). Gedanken iiber die Socialwissenschaft der Zukunft. Thl. IV: Die Sociale Physiologie. Mitau. 1879. 1748 Lima and Callao. A true and particular relation of the dreadful earthquake which happened at Lima, the capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port of Callao, on the 28th of October, 1746, with an account of everything material that passed there afterwards. Published at Lima by command of the Viceroy, and translated from the original Spanish; to which is added a description of Callao and Lima, before their destruction, and of the Kingdom of Peru, with the manners and customs of the inhabitants, etc. Maps and plates. 1748. 8°. 1598 Linschoten (J. Huyghen Van). Historie naturael ende morael Van de Westersche Indien. . . .overghent doo J. H. V. L. Enckhuysen. 1598. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 137 1574 Lobo Guerrero. Constituciones Synodales de Arcobispads de los Reyes (Lima) en el Peru. Lima. 1574. Fol. (Some pages are in Quichua.) 1809 Lok (M.). See Anglerius (P. M.) The History of the West Indies, etc. Translated into English by M. L. London. 1809. 40. (Hakluyt (R.) Collection of the Early Voyages, etc., Vol. V.) Lopez de Caravantes (Francisco). Inedited MS. (Contains Pedro Sancho's note of the distribution of Ata- hualap's ransom, with a list of the conquerors.) I552-3 Lopez de Gomara (Francisco). Primera y segunda parte de lahistoria general de las Indias con todo el descubrimiento y cosas notables, que han acaecido dende que se ganaron ata el aiio de 1551. Con le Conquista de Mexico y de la nueva Espana. 2 vols. Map of the world. Caragoca, Agustin Millan. 1552-3. Fol. 1553 Hispania Victrix. Primera y segunda parte de la historia general. Con la Conquista de Mexico. 2 parts. Medino del Campo. 1553. Fol. 1553 Sa Historia General de las Indias con todos los descubrimientos, y cosas notables que han acaecido dende que se ganaron hasta agora escripta por Gomora Anadiose de nuevo la descripcion y traca de los Indias con una Table alphabetica de los Provincios, Istos, Puereos, Ciudades y nombres de conquistadores y vorones principales que alia bon passado. Anvers. (Steelsio). 1553. 16°. 1554 (Another edition.) La Historia General. Cronica de la Nueva Espana con lo Conquista de Mexico. 2 parts. Caragoca. (A. Millan). 1554. Fol. 1554 (Another edition.) Historia General. Conquista de Mexico. 2 pt. Anvers. M. Nuncio. 1554. 8°. 1554 (Another edition.) La Historia general de las Indias. Anvers. (/. Bellerd). 1554. 8°. 1555 (Another edition.) Carogoca. 1555. 1575 El sitio y descripcion de las India y Mundo Nuevo sacada de la historia de F. Lopez de G. Anvers. 1575. 4° • (La Cosmographia of Petrus Apianus. Pt. I.). i38 1749 1849 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. Historia de las Indias. Madrid. 1749. Fol. (De Barcia's Historiadores primitivos, etc. Vol. II.) Historia general. Conquista de Peru. Madrid. 1849. 8°. (Biblioteca de Autores Espagfioles. Aribau. Vol. 22.) Edited by B. C. 1852 1555- 1560 ^64 1565 1566 i57o 1573 1576 1599 1568 1569 1577 1578 1580 1584 1587 1588 1597 1604 1605 1606 1555 Historia de la conquista del Peru. Madrid. 1852. 4°. (Extracted from pt. I. of La Historia de las Indias y Con- quista de Mexico.) -56 La Historia generale delle Indie Occidentali. Tradotta per A. de Cravaliz. V. & L. Dorici. Roma. 1555-1556. 40. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1560. 12°. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1564. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1565. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1566. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1570. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1573. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1576. (Another edition.) Venetia. 1599. 8°. Histoire generale des Indes occidentales et Terres enlarged.) Paris. 1584. 8C Neuves, qui. ...traduite par Mart. Fum6e. Paris. 1568. 8C (Another edition.) Paris. 1569. 8°. Paris. 1577. 8° Paris. 1578. 8° Paris. 1580. 8° (Another edition, Paris. 1587. 8° Paris. 1588. 8° Paris. 1597. (Another edition.) Paris. 1605. Paris. 1606. General History abridged in Eden's Orcades. 1555. 1604. JAN.1898. Bibliography of Anthropology Of Peru — Dorsey. 139 1577 (Another edition.) Eden's History of Travayle. 1577- 1578 The pleasant Historie of the conquest of the Weast India, now called New Spayne, atchieved by the worthy Prince Hernando Cortes, Marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade, translated. . . .by T[homas] Nich- olas]. London. 1578. 1596 (Another edition.) 1596. [Francisco Lopez de Gomara, born about 1510; became in 1540 chaplain and secretary of Hernando Cortes. The second part of his Hist 'or ia General, entitled La Congjuista de Mexico, appeared in 1552, and the first part, relating the conquest of Peru, which he never visited, the following year. His book suppressed by the Spanish government, and edict maintained until 1729.] 1871 Lopez (Dr. Don Vincente Fidel). Les Races aryennes du Perou, leur langue, leur religion, leur historie. Paris. 1871. 40. (Home of ancient Peruvians in Central Asia.) 1883 Poesia dramatica de los Incas. Ollantay, por CI. R. Markham traducido del Ingles por Adolfo F. Olivares, y seguido de una carta critica del D. Don V. F. L. Buenos Ayres. 1883. i860 Lorente (Don Sebastian). Historia antigua del Peru. Lima. 1 860. 1861 Historia de la conquista del Peru. Lima. 1861. 1863 Historia del Peru bajo la dinastia austrica. 1542- 1598. Lima. 1863. 8°. 1870 (Another edition.) Paris. 1870. 1871 Historia del Peru, bajo los Borbones. 1800-1821. Lima. 1871. 8°. 1876 Historia del Peru desde la Proclamacion de la Independencia. Tomo I. 1821-1827. Lima. 1876. 120. 1880 Historia de la civilization Peruana. Revista de Lima. Lima. 1880. 140 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1851-55 Los Rios (J. A. de). See Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalez). Historia general y natural, etc. , cotejada con el codice original por J. A. de L. R. 4 vols. Madrid. 1851-55. Fol. 1780 Lour (Brion de la). See Maps. South America. Paris. 1780. 1836 Lowe (F.). See Smyth (W.) Lieut. Narrative of a journey from Lima to Para, etc. 1836. 8°- 1733 Lozana (Pedro). Descripcion chorografica del Gran Charco. Cordova. 1733. (Missions to cannibal Chirihuanas.) Lucero (P. Juan). Gramaticas y Catecismos de muchas lenguas de Quito, y principalmente de los idiomas Parana- puro y Cocamo. (Hervas : Cat. de las lenguas, t. i. p. 271 ; Vifiaza : Bibl. Espan. No. 931.) 1858. Ludewig (Herman Ernst). The Literature of American aboriginal languages. With additions and corrections by Professor Wm. M. Turner. Edited by Nicholas Triibner. London. 1858. 8°. (Quichaus, Yuncas, etc. , pages 158-63.) 1864 Lyman (J. Huntingdon). The Montana of the Andes. New York. 1864. (Hunt's Magazine. Vol. 50, pages 261-69.) 1883 Macedo (Dr. ). Comparison of the Inca and Aztec civilizations. Philadelphia. 1883. (Proc. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society.) 1832 Macgillivray (W. ). See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). The travels and researches of A. von Humboldt, being a con- densed narrative, etc. Edinburgh. 1832. 12°. 1859 (Another edition.) With continuation, etc. Lon- don. 1859. 8°. 1878 Mackenna (V ). Historia de la Jornada del 20 de Abril de 1851, una batalla en las calles de Santiago. Con 4 retratos. Lima. 1878. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 141 1850 Madden (Sir Francis). See Silvestre (Joseph Balthazar) Paleographie universelle, etc. Translated .... and edited, with corrections and notes, by Sir F. M. 2 vols. London. 1850. 8°. 1652 Madrida (Pedro de). Observations (appended to "Jour- nal Van de Nassausche Vloot," by Admiral Jacques d'Her- emite). Amsterdam. 1652. Magazine of American History. Record of copies of MSS. preserved in New York. Mag. Am. Hist. I., page 254. 1877 Maldonado (Francisco). Carta de. .. .regidor de la ciudad del Cuzco, al emperador Don Carlos, denunciando la lala administracion de licenciado Vaca de Castro. Cuzco. 9 de Marzo de 1543. Lettre LXXV. of Cartas de Indias. Mad- rid. 1877. 40 Malte-Brun (Conrad). See Bruun (Malthe Conrad). Maps. Peru. Tabula Americae specialis geographica regna Peru per Homarianos Heredes. n. d.* Amstelodami Guiljelmus Blaenco axcudit. n. d. Amstelodami apud Joaunem Janssonium. n. d. Le Peru, par Pierre Vanderaa. Amsterdam. n. d. n. d. Carte de la terre ferme du Perou, etc. By Guillaume Del Isle. Amsterdam, n. d. 1656 Le Perou et le cours de la Riviere Amazone, etc. Par N. Sanson. Paris. 1656. 1814 Charte der Provinz oder Audiencia von Lima oder des alten Konigreichs Peru. Weimar. 1814. (Verlage des Geograph. lnstituts, Weimar.) 1775 (South America.) Mapa geog. de America Merid. By Juan de la Cruz Cano y Almedillo. London. 1775. 1748 Map of South America by D'Anville. Pans. 1748. 1775 (Another edition.) D'Anville. Improved by Bolton. 1775. n. J. n. d. n. d. n. d. 142 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1779 (Another edition.) D'Anville and Bolton. Venice. 1779. 1780 Map of South America. By Brion de la Lour. Paris. 1780. 1807 By Louis G. Da. de la Rochette. 1807. 1825 L'Amerique meridional. By J. B. von Spix and C. F. P. von Martius. Munich. 1825. 1890 - Mapa general del America meridional (con cartons: Parte central de Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador y contornos de Lima....) por Enrique Kiepert. Edicion segunda emendado y publicado por Ricardo Kiepert. Berlin. 1 890. 1564, etc. and Plans. Cuzco. See Ramusio, Vol. III., page 412; DeBry, Pt. VI.; Herrera (1728), Vol. III., page 161; Munster: Cosmographia, 1572 and 1598; Braun and Hog- enberg: Civitates orbis terrarum; Du Pinet: Plantz, Pour- traitz et Descriptions de plusieurs Villes, etc. Lyons. 1564. (Views of Cuzco: See Vanderaa and Rycaut's transl. of Garcia Lasso de la Vega's Commentaries.) 1702 Maraban (Padre Pedro). Arte de la lengua Moxa con su vocabulario i catecismo. Lima. 1702. 160. 1859 Marcoy (Paul). Pseud {i.e., Laurent Saint Cricq.). Une cdr£monie nautique au bord du lac Titicaca. Paris. 1859. 8°. (Revue Contemporaine, 31st Jan. and 15th Feb., 1859.) i860 Scenes et paysages dans les Andes: la derniere ascension de l'Urusayhua. Paris, i860. 8°. (Revue Contemporaine, 15th Sept. and 30th Sept., i860.) 1 861 Scenes et paysages dans les Andes, etc. (Series • 1 and 2.) Paris. 1861. 120. 1863-64 Voyage a travers l'Am6rique du Sud (de l'Oc^an Pacifique a l'Ocean Atlantique). . 1863-64. 40. (Published in parts, Le Tour du Monde. 1863-64.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 143 1869 Voyage a travers l'Amdrique du Sud, de l'Ocean Pacifique a l'Ocean Atlantique. 2 vols. Illustr6 par E. Riou. 20 Maps. Paris. 1869. Fol. 1871-73 A journey across South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Issued in parts. 2 vols. Maps and illust. London, Glasgow. 1871-73. 4°. 1875 (Another edition.) Travels in South America, etc. 2 vols. London. 1875. 40. 1875 (Another edition.) Travels, etc. 2 vols. New York. 1875. 4°- (Vol. I., pages 1-282, Islay to Cuzco.) 1856 Markham (Sir Clements Robert). Cuzco: A Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru, with an account of the History, Language, Literature and Antiquities of the Incas; and Lima: A Visit to the Capital and Provinces of Modern Peru, with a Sketch of its Government, History and Literature. Map and tinted plates. London. 1856. 8°. (Appendix: Grammar, Vocabularies, Dialogue and speci- mens of Quichua.) 1859 Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazon, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited, with notes, byC. R. M. Map. London. 1859. 8°. See Pizarro (G.), Expeditions, etc. ; Orellara (Fras. de), Expedition, etc., 1540; Acura (el Pad! Christ, de), New Discovery, etc. 1 861 The Province of Caravaya in Southern Peru. Lon- don. 1 861. 8°. (Jol. R. Geog. Soc, Vol. XXXI., pages 190-203.) 1862 See Guzman (Alonzo Enriq.) The Life and Acts of A. E. G., etc. Translated and edited by C. R. M. from an original MS. London. 1862. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 29.) 1862 Travels in Peru and India, while superintending the collection of Chinchona plants and seeds in South Amer- ica, and their introduction into India. Maps. Pedigree of the Incas, and woodcuts. London. 1862. 8°. 144 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1880 Peruvian Bark. A popular account of the intro- duction of Chinchona cultivation into British India. . . .with maps and illustrations. London. 1880. 8°. 1865 Zwei Reisen in Peru. Leipzig. 1865. ' 8°. 1864 See Ciezade Leon (Pedro). The Travels of P.C. de L., etc. Translated and edited with notes and introduction by C. R. M. London. 1864. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 33.) 1864 Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary of the Quichua, the language of the Incas of Peru. London. 1864. 12°. 1865 — See Andagoya (Pascual de). Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila, etc. Translated and edited with notes and introduction by C. R. M. London. 1865. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 34.) 1869 See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia). First part of the Royal Commentaries, etc. Translated, with notes, etc., by C. R. M. 2 vols. London. 1869. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., Nos. 44 and 45.) 1 87 1 On the geographical positions of the tribes which formed the empire of the Yncas, with an appendix on the name "Aymara. " London. 1871. 8°. (Jour. Roy. Geogr. Soc, Vol. XLI., pages 281-338.) 1871 Ollanta in Quichua and English, with an introduc- tion and notes, by C. R. M. London. 1871. 8°. 1883 — See Lopez (Dr. Don V. F.). Poesia dramatica de los Incas. Ollantay, por C. R. M. traducido. . . .del Dr. Don V. F. L. Buenos Ayres. 1883. 1890 See Middendorf (E. W.) Die einheimischen Sprachen Perus. Vol 3. Ollanta.... (.... Markham's) Text, etc. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. 1872 Reports on the discovery of Peru. Translated by C. R. M. London. 1872. 8°. See Estete (Miguel). The Narrative of....H. Pizarro, etc.; Pizarro (H.) Letter from H. P., etc. ; Xeres (Fr.) A true account, etc. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 42.) Jan. 1898.' Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 145 1873 Narratives of the rites and laws of the Incas. Translated by C. R. M. London. 1873. 8°. See Avila (Fr. de), a narrative of the errors, etc. ; Molina (Chr. de), an account of the Fables, etc. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 48.) 1877 See Hawkins (Sir John), Rear Admiral. Voyages, etc. Observations of Sir R. H. on his voyage, etc. With an introduction by C. R. M. London. 1877. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 57.) 1878-9 See Acosta (Jos. de). The naturall and morall his- toric of the Indies .... With notes by C. R. M. London. 1878-9. '8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., Nos. 60 and 61.) 1880 Peru. Maps and illustrations. London. 1880. 12°. (Part of "Foreign Countries and British Colonies," edited by F. S. Pulling.) 1882 The war between Peru and Chili, 1879-82. Lon- don. 1882. 8°. 1883 (Another edition). New York. 1883. 12°. 1883 See Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). The second part of the Chronicle of Peru. Translated and edited, with notes and introd. by C. R. M. London. 1883. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 68.) 1889 See Winsor (Justin). Narrative and critical his- tory of America. 8 vols. Boston. 1889. 8°. (Vol. I., ch. 4, the Inca civilization in Peru, by C. R. M.; Vol. II., chap. 8, Pizarro and the conquest and settlement of Peru and Chili, by C. R. M.) 1892 A history of Peru (Latin-American Republics). Maps and illus. Chicago. 1892. 8°. (Chap. 1, Inca Civilization; Chap. 2, Inca Empire.) 1840 Marmochi ( ). Raccolta de Viaggi. 1840. 8°. See Xeres (Frans. de) Relazione del Conquisto del Peru e della provincia de Cuzco, etc. Traduttore O. Piccini. 1777 Marmontel (Jean Francois). Les Incas ou la destruction de l'empire du Perou. 2 vols. Front, and 10 plates. Franc- fort. 1777. 12°. 1778 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Paris. 1778. 120. 146 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1809 Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. Franckfort and Leipzic. 1809. 8°. 1821 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Paris. 1821. 160. 1822 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Paris. 1822. 120. 1777 The Incas ; or, the destruction of the empire of Peru. 2 vols. London. 1777. 120. 1893 Marquez (C. Cuervo). See Reclus (J. J. E.) Colombia (being portion of Nouvelle Geographie Universelle) traducida ... .(With an introduction by C. C. M.) Bogota. 1893. 8°. Marriotti (L.) See Gallenga (Antonio). 1834 Marsden (William), F. R. S. Miscellaneous works. 3 parts. London. 1834. 40. (Page 104.) 1604 Martinez (Fray Juan). Vocabulario en Lengua general del Peru, llamada Quichua y en la Lengua Espanola. Nueva- mente emendado y anadido de algunas cosas que faltaban, por el Padre Mtro. Fr. J. M. Los Reyes. 1604. 8°. 1883 Mason (Theodorus B. M.), Lieut. U. S. N. The war on the Pacific coast of South America between Chili and the allied republics of Peru and Bolivia, 1879-81. Washington. 1883. 8°. (Office of Naval Intelligence. Bureau of Navigation. Information from abroad. War series, No. 11.) Mastrillo (P. Nicholas). Sermones en lengua general de Peru. (Leon Pinelo : Epitome t. ii. col. 731 ; Vifiaza : Bibl. Espan. No. 1,162.) 1879 Mathews (E. D.) Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers through Bolivia and Peru. London. 1879. 8°. 1825 Mathison (Gilbert Farquhar). Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru and the Sandwich Islands during the years 1821 and 1822. London. 1825. 8°. (Chaps. X. and XL, Lima.) Matienzo (Lie. Juan de). Gobierno del Peru. (MS. Additional MSS. 5469, Brit. Mus., folio page 274.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 147 [Matienzo, Judge of the Royal Audience at Lima, and adviser of Viceroy Don Francisco de Toledo, 1556-1561. Treats of the condition of the people, particularly in rela- tion to forced labor and tributes.] 1875 Maury (L. F. Alfred). On the Distribution and Classifi- cation of Tongues, their relation to the Geographical Distri- bution of Races, etc. Philadelphia. 1875. 40. (Chap. I. of Nott (J. C.) and Gliddon (G. R.) Indig- enous Races of the Earth. Quichua of Peru, page 83.) 1752 Mauvillon ( ). See Ulloa (Juan J. and Ant. de). Voy- age historique de l'Ame'rique meridionale, etc., translated by M. 2 vols. Amsterdam and Paris. 1752. 40. 1829 Maw (Henry Lister). Journal of a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the northern provinces of Peru and descending the River Maranon, or Amazon. Map. London. 1829. 8°. 1849 Maynarde (Thomas). See Drake (Sir Francis). His voy- age, 1595, by T. M. Edited, etc. London. 1849. 8°. 1 87 1 Meiggs (Enrique). Los Ferrocarriles del Peru. Lima. 1871. 1873 El Departamento de Ancachs poblic. por E. M. Lima. 1873. Fol. See Raimondi (A.) El Departamento de Ancachs y sus Riquezas minerales. 1857 Meigs (J. A.) Catalogue of Human Crania in the Collec- tion of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. {Philadelphia.) 1857. 8°. 1857 Meigs (J. Aitken). The Cranial Characteristics of the Races of Men. Philadelphia. 1857. 4°. See Nott (J. C.) and Gliddon (G. R.) Indigenous Races of the Earth, etc. Chap. III. (Peruvian Crania, pages 220, 254, 258, 337.) 1681-82 Melendez (Juan). Tesoros verdaderos de los Yndias en la historia de la gran Provincia do San Juan Bavtista del Peru, etc. 3 vols. Portrait, view and plan. Roma. 1681-82. Fol. (Vol. I. general history of Peru in 16th century; II. treats of "religious" subjects ; III. concerns the natives and their customs ) 148 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1690 Melgar (D. Estevan Sancho de). Arte de la lengua gen- eral del ynga llamada Qquechhua. Lima. 1690. 8°. 1823 Mellet (Jullien). Voyage dans l'Amerique meridionale, a l'interieur de la cote-ferme, et aux iles de Cuba et de la Jamaique, depuis 1808 jusqu 'en 1819. 1823. 8°. (Pages 1 10-271. Coast, Callao to Guayagil — Interior of Ecuador to Quito — Cauca Valley to Carthagena.) 1859 Memorias de los Vireyes que han gobernado el Peru durante el tiempo del Coloniaje Espaiiol. Edited by Don Manuel Fuentes. 6 vols. Map and 12 plates. Lima. 1859. 40. 1867 (Another edition.) 6 vols. Lima. 1867. Fol. 1880 Mendiburu (General). Diccionario Historico — Biografico del Peru. Lima. 1880. (Account of the administrations of Viceroys Marquis of Canete and Garcia de Castro. 1556-61, 1564-69. 1643 Mendista (Alonzo de). See Cordova y Salinas (Fray Diego de). Vida del Apostol del Peru, aug. por Al. de M. Madrid. 1643. i860 Menendez (Baldomero Jose). Enciclopedia Hispano- Americana. Manual de Geografia y estadistica del alto Peru 6 Bolivia. Paris, Besanzon (printed), i860. 120. 1861 Enciclopedia Hispano-Americana. Manual de Geografia y estadistica del Peru. Paris, Besanzon (printed). 1861. 12°. Mercado (P. Fr. Juan). Compendio del V. P. Fr. Luis de Grenada, en la lengua general del Peru. (MS. Vinazo : Bibl. Espan. No. 936.) 1760 Mercier y Guzman (P. Francis). See Bertonio (P. Lud.) Historia de lo cuatro Evangelios eri la lengua Aymara.. . . dis a luz el P. F. M. y G. 1760. 8°. X79I_5 Mercurio Peruano de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias pub- licas que da a luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima. 12 vols. Lima. 179 1-5. 40. (Of great rarity ; was suppressed by the Spanish govern- ment. The last volume says, "dado a luz por uno de los individuos de la Sociedad.") Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 149 1590-1634 Merian (Matheo). See Bry (Th. de). Collectiones pere- grinationum, etc. XXV. partibus comprehenso a. . . .M. M. Francofurti. 1 590-1634. Fol. 1634 See Bry (Th. de). Historia Americae, etc., in XII. distinctis partibus. . . .accessit Elenchus Sectionem et Index Capitum, etc. (Part XII. by M.M.) Francofurti. 1634. Fol. 1866-7 Mesa (Pio B.) Los anales de la Ciudad del Cuzco, o las cuatro epocas principales de su historia, narradas breve y seveillamente. 2 vols. Cuzco. 1866-7. 4°. 1648 Mexia y Ocon (De Juan Roxo). Arte de la lengua general de los Yndios del Peru. Lima. 1648. 8°. 1867 Michelena y Rojas (F.) Exploracion oficial. . . .desde el Norte de la America del Sur : siempre por rios. . . .hasta el Atlantico. Comprendiendo . . .de Venezuela, Guyana Inglesa, Nueva Grenada, Brasil, Ecuador, Peru y Bolivia. . . .en los anos de 1855, hasta 1859. Maps. Bruselas. 1867. 8°. 1890-92 Middendorf (E. W.). Die einheimischen Sprachen Perus. 6 vols. Leipzig. 1890-92. 8°. Vol. I. Das Runa Simi oder die Keshua-Sprache, wie sie gegenwartig in der Provinz von Cusco gesprochen wird (Formenlehre, Syntax). 1890. Vol. II. Worterbuch des Runa Simi oder der Keshua- Sprache. 1890. Vol. III. Ollanta, ein Drama der Keshua - Sprache (Tschudi's und Markham's) Text, mit Uebers. und Amerkk. nebst ein Einleit. iiber die religione und Staatl. Einrichtt. der Inkas. 1890. Vol. IV. Dramat. und lyrische Dichtungen der Keshua- Sprache, gesammelt und iibers. 1891. Vol. V. Die Aimara-Sprache. Mit ein Einleit. fiber die fruhere Verbreit. der dieselbe redende Rasse und ihr Ver- haltn. zn der Inkas. 1891. Vol. VI. Das Miichik oder die Chimu-Sprache, mit ein Einleit. iiber die gleichzeitig mit den Inkas und Aimarias in Siid amerika lebend. Kulturvolker und Anhang fiber die Chibka-Sprache. 1892. 1893 . Peru. Beobachtung und Studien iiber das Land und seine Bewohner wahrend eines 25 jahr. Aufenthalts. I. Lima. 32 Taf. and 21 Hobzs. Berlin. 1893. 8°. 150 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1822 Mier Noriega y Guerra (S. T. de). See Casas (Bart, de las) Brevissima relacion, etc. Edited by S. T. de M. N. y G. Mexico. 1822. 1 6°. 1826 Miers (John). Travels in Chile and La Plata. Maps and illus. London. 1826. 8°. (Chap. XXIV. The Indians.) 1579 Miggrode (J. de). See Casas (Bart, de las) Tyraunies et cruautez des Espagnols, etc. Trad, par J. de M. Anvers. 1579. 8°. f 1828 Miller (John), General. Memoirs of General Miller, in the service of the Republic of Peru. 2 vols. 4 portraits, maps and plans of battles. London. 1828. 8°. 1829 (Second edition.) 2 vols. London. 1829. 8°. (Written by a brother of General Miller from the letters and notes left by him.) 1829 Memorias del General Miller al servicio de la Republica del Peru. Trad, del ingles al Castellano por el General Torrijos. 2 torn. Londres. 1829. 8°- 1844 Miller (N.), General. On the state of the Peruvian Empire previous to the arrival of the Spaniards. Edinburgh, 1844. 8°. (Fraser's Magazine, Vol. 30, pages 37-47.) (Gives a translation, probably from Calancha, of Mancio Serra de Lejesama's so-called "Confession.") 1881-2 Milloue ( de). Momie p^ruvienne de la n£cropole d'Ancon au Mus6e Guimet. Lyon. 1881-2. - 8°. (Bull. Soc. d'Anthropologie de Lyon, t. i. (1881-2), page 41.) 1879 Mitre (Bartolome). Las Ruinas de Tiahuanaco. (Nueva Revista de Buenos Ayres.) Buenos Ayres. 1879. 1 88 1 Ollantay: Estudio sobre el drama Quichua. Buenos Ayres. 1881. 1887-8 Historia de San Martin y de la emancipacion Sud- Americana. 3 vols. Portraits and plans. Buenos Aires. 1887-8. 8°. 1890 Historia, etc. Segunda edicion corregida. 4 vols. Buenos Aires. 1890. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 151 1873 Molina (Christoval de). An account of the Fables and Rites of the Yncas. Translated from the original Spanish manuscripts, and edited with notes and introduction by Clem- ents R. Markham. London. 1873. 8°. (Hakluyt Society's Publications, No. 48, pages 3-64.) 1840 History of the Incas. See Balboa (M. C.) (Mis- cellanea Austral) Histoire du Perou. Paris. 1840. 8°- [Christoval de Molina, chaplain to the hospital for natives, Cuzco; wrote between 1 570-1584. Knew Quichua, intimate with native chiefs and learned men, and questioned priests at Cuzco. Next to Bias Valera as authority on native religious ideas and institutions.] 1569 Monardes (Nicholas). Des libros, al uno que trata de todas las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales, que sirven al uso de la medicina, y el otro que trata de la Piedra Bezoar, y de la Yerva Escuerconera, etc. Sevilla. 1569. 8°. 1 57 1 Segunda parte del libro de las cosas, etc. Sevilla. i57i- 4°- 1574 Primera y seguinda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal de las cosas, etc. Sevilla. 1574. 4°- 1580 (Another edition.) Primera y segunda, etc. Sevilla. 1580. 4 • 1574 De Simplicibus Mendicamentis ex occidentali Indie delatis quorum in medicina usus est. . . .interprete C. Clusio. Antverpice. 1574. 8°. 1579 (Another edition.) Simplicium Mendicamentorum ....historia. Antuerpice. 1579. 8°- 1582 (Another edition.) Antuerpice. 1582. 8°. 1576 Delia historia de i semplici, aromati,et altre cose che vengono portare dell' Indie Occidentale, portinenti all' uso della medicina. (See Orta (G. de) Due libri dell' his- toria del simplici, aromati, etc.) 1576. 40. 1582 (Another edition.) 1582. 8°. 1589 (Another edition.) 1589. 8°. 1605 (Another edition.) 1605. 8°. 1616 (Another edition.) 1616. 8°. H » ■ M ^ ■ I 152 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. x577 Joyfull newes out of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singular virtues of diverse and sundrie hearbes, trees, oyles, plantes and stones .... Also the portrait- ure of the said herbes Englished by J Frampton, B. L. London. 1577. 4°- 1580 (Another edition.) Joyfull news. . . .whereunto are added three other books treating of the Bezoar Stone, the herb Escuerconera, etc. B. L. London. 1580. 4°. 1596 (Another edition.) B. L. London. 1596. 40. 1619 Histoire des simples Medicaments apportes de 1' Arnenque desquels on se sert en la medicine . . . .trad, par de 1' Ecluse. 3 vols. (Orta (G. de) Histoire des Drogues, Espiceries, etc. Lyon.) 161 9. 8.° 1683 Montalvo (Dr. Juan Francisco A. de). El Sol del Nuevo Mundi ideado y compucsto en los esclarecidas opera- ciones del Bienaventurado Toribio Arcobispo de Lima. Roma. 1683. 1754 Montenegro (A. de la Pena) Obispo de 3. Frane. del Quito. Itinerario par Parochos de Indios, en que se tratan las materias mas particulares, tocantes a ellos, paru su buena administracion. Amberes. 1754. 4°- (Much valuable information about the Indians.) 1747 Montero (D. Vitorina). Estado politico del reyno del Peru govierno sin leyes, ministros relaxados, thesoros con polreza, fertilidad sin cultivo, sabiduria desestimada, milicia sin honor, cindades sin amor patricii, la justicia sin templo, huertos por comercios, integridad tenida por locura, rey, el mayor de ricos dominos, pabre de thesores. (Madrid, 1747.) Fol. (46 leaves.). (Sabin. Bibl. Amer. 61 124.) Montesinos (Fernandez). See Fernandez Montesinos. 1774 Morghen (Le P.) See Peru. Lettres 6difiantes XXXII. recueil, contient : Relation du Perou par le P. M. Paris. 1774. 12°. 1877 Mortillet (Gabriel de) La Cimitiere d' Ancon au P£rou. Illust. Paris. 1877. 40. (La Nature, No. 200, 31 March, 1877.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 153 1839 Morton (Samuel George) Crania Americana ; or a com parative view of the skulls of various aboriginal nations of North and South America, etc. Colored map and 72 plates. Philadelph ia. 1839. F o 1 . 1840 Crania Americana. (Review by G. Combe.) New Haven. 1840. 8°. (American Journal of Science and Arts, No. 2, Vol. 38.) 1844 An inquiry into the distinctive characteristics of the aboriginal race of America. Second edition. Phila- delphia. 1844. 8°. 1887 Moschen (S. ) See Sergi (Guis.) Crani peruviani antichi. Firenze. 1887. 8°. 1857 M0S81 de Cambiano (Fray Honorio). Gramatica de la lengua general del Peru llamada comunmente Quichua. Sucre. 1857. Fol. x^57 Ensaya sobre las escelencias y perfeccion del idioina llamada comunmente Quichua. Sucre. 1857. Fol. I&57 Gramatica y Ensayo sobre las escelencias y perfec- cion del idioma llamada comunmente Quichua. Sucre. 1857. 40. 1859 Gramatica y Diccionario de la lengua general de Peru, llamada comunmente Quichua. Sucre. 1859. i860 — Diccionario Quichua-Castellano. 2 pt. Sucre. 1 860. Fol. 1864 Clave harmonica, o' demonstracion dela unidad de origen de los idiomas.. ..Segunda edicion,ipublicado por D. F. Garcia Guterriez, etc. Madrid. 1864. 8°. 1889 M08S1 (Don Miguel Angel). Manual del idioma general del Peru ; gramatica razonada de la lengua Quichua, com- parable con las lenguas del antiguo continente ; con notas especiales sobre la que se habla en Santiago del Estero y Catamarca. Cordoba. 1889. 40. 1867 Mueller (F. G.) Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urrelig- ionen. Basel. 1867. 8°. (Die Peruaner, pages 293-413.) 1878 Mulhall (Michael G.) The English in South America. Buenos Ayrez. (1878.) 8°. (Relates chiefly to the wars of independence of Peru and Bolivia.) 154 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1 88 1 (M. G.) Mrs. Between the Amazon and Andes, or Ten Years of a Lady's Travels. . . . Maps and Illustrations. London. 1881. 8°. (Page 1 15-7, Callavayas Indians; pages 137-146, the Inca's Bridge.) 1793 Munoz (Juan Bautista). Historia del nuevo mundo. Madrid. 1793. (Comes down to 1500 ; gives critical review of sources of information. His MS. in the Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid.) 1572-98 Munster Cosmographia. 1572 and 1598. (Map of Cuzco.) I775-8g Murr (G. G. von) Journal fur Kunst und Literature. 17 vols. Nurnberg. 1775-89. See Byer (Wolfgang) Aymara cum versione Latina. 1618 Murua (Friar Martin de). Historia general del Peru, origen y descendencia de los lncas, pueblos y ciudades .... 1618. [Lost. Copied by Dr. Mufioz for his collection. Accord- ing to Leon Pinelo contained portraits of lncas, and colored drawings of insignia, etc. Murua was an eminent ecclesi- astic of Peru, born at Guernica, Biscay.] 1817 Myers {Captain John). The life, voyages and travels of Capt. J. Myers, detailing his adventures. . . .on the coast of South America, etc. London. 181 7. 8°. (Touched at Arica, Tumbes, etc.) Nadaillac (Marquis de). See Du Pouget (J. D.), Marquis de Nadaillac. 1873 Narratives of the rites and laws of the Yncas. Translated from the original Spanish Manuscripts, with notes and intro- duction by CI. R. Markham. London. 1873. 8°- (Hakluyt Society's Publications, No. 48.) Navarette (Martin Fernandez de). See Fernandez de Navarette (Martin). 1671 Navarro (P. Tiburceo). Life of the Ven. Fray Francisco Solano, the apostle of Peru (Latin). Rome. 1671. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 155 1884 Nehring (H). Rassebildung bei den Inka-Hunden. Stutt- gart. 1 884. 1887 Die Todtenfeld von Ancon in Peru. Map and 3 plates. Berlin. 1887. Fol. ^88 Alt-peruan. Hausthiere. Plate. Berlin. 1888. 1578 Nicholas (Thomas). See Lopez de Gomara (Fr.) The pleasant historie, etc.; translated by T. N. London. 1578, etc. 1581 See Zarate (Aug. de). The strange and delectable history of the discoverie and conquest of Peru, etc. ; trans- lated by T. N. London. 1581. 40. Niza (Fray Marco de). Conquista de la Provincia del Quito, ritos y ceremonias de la Indio, etc. (A companion of Pizarro. MS. lost, but referred to by Juan de Velasco.) Nodal (J. F.) See Fernandez Nodal (Jose). 1843 Norris (Edwin). See Prichard (J. C), M. D. The Nat- ural History of Man. 40 ed. Revised and enlarged by E. N. 2 vols. London. 1843. 8°. 1879 Noticias sobre las prov. del Litoral corresp. al depart, de Lima i de la prov. del Callao por la offic. hidogr. Map. Santiago. 1879. 1875 Nott (Josiah Clark) and Gliddon (George R.) Indigenous Races of the Earth ; or new chapters of ethnological inquiry. Illustrated. Philadelphia. 1875. 40. {See Maury (L. F. A.) and Meigs (J. A.) 1782 Nuix y de Perpina (Juan). Reflexiones imparciales sobre la humanidad de los Espagnoles en las Indias, contra los pre- tendidos filosofos y politicos ; para ilustrar las historias de M. M. Raynal y Robertson. Escritas en Italiano por. . . .y traducidas con algunas notas por D. Pedro Varela y Ulloa. Madrid. 1782. 40. 1513 Nunez de Balboa (Vasco). Letter to the Spanish govern- ment, dated January, 1513, Darien. Written six months before his discovery of the South Sia. See Fernandez de Navarette (Martin). Colleccion de Viages, etc. Vol. III. Introd. to Andagoya. 156 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. Ocampo (Baltasar d'). Descripcion de la Provincia de San Francisco de Villcapampa. (MS. Brit. Mus. Lib. Story by eye-witness of capture and execution of Tupac- Amaru by Viceroy Toledo.) 1863 Odriozola (Manuel). Documentos historicos del Peru en las epocas del coloniage despues de la conquista y de la inde- pendencia hasta a presente, colectados y arreglados por el coronel M. O. Lima. 1863, etc. 1857 Oliva (Le P. Arello). Histoire du P6rou, traduite de l'Espagnol sur le manuscrit in^dit par H. Ternaux-Compans. Paris. 1857. 120 • (Part of the " Bibliothique Elz^virrienne." This transla- tion is only of the introductory portion of Oliva' s work in four books, written before 1631.) [Oliva, born at Naples, 1593 ; arrived in Peru, 1597 ; died at Lima, 1642.] 1883 Olivares (Adolfo F.) See Lopez (Dr. Don V. F.) Poesia Dramatica de los Incas. Ollantay . . . . traducida del Ingles por A. F. O., etc. Buenos Ayres. 1883. 1633 Olmos (Fray Diego de). Gramatica de la lengua general del Cuzco. Lima. 1633. 40 . 1878 Onchen '(W.) Allgemeine Geschichte, etc. See Ruge (Sophus). Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen. 1878. 8°. Ondegardo (Polo de). See Polo de Ondegardo. 1685 Ordenanzas del Peru dirig. al Rey por Melchor de Navarra, virrey de estos reynos recog. y coord, por Th. de Ballesteros. Vol. I. Lima. 1685. Fol. (No second volume. The original is of great rarety.) 1752 (Another edition.) Lima. 1752. Fol. 1752 Ordenanzas que para el nuevo establecim. en la distribuc. y recaudac. de la Zimosna de la Santa Bula de Benedicto XIV., formadla J. A. Manso de Velasco, Virrey del Peru y Chile. Lima. 1752. Fol. 1887 Ordinaire (O.) Les Sauvages du Perou. Paris. 1887. 8°. (Rev. d'Ethnographie. Vol. VI. (1887), pages 265-322.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 157 1602 Ore (Fray Ludovicum Hieronimum de). Ritual o' Manual de parracos por el Ilmo. Napoles. 1602. (Hervas : Cat. de las lenguas I., 244-45.) 1607 Rituale seu Manuale Peruanum. . .Et quce indigent versione, vulgaribus idiomatibus Indicis, secundom diversos situs omnium provinciarum novi orbis Peru .... Neapoli. 1607. 4°- 1859 Orellana (Francisco de). Expedition into the valley of the Amazons in 1540. London. 1859. 8°. See Pizarro (G.) Expedition, etc. [Francisco de Orellana accompanied Gonzalo Pizarro to explore forest country eastwards of Quito, Christmas, 1539. Sent forward in small vessel to obtain supplies, he aband- oned Pizarro, and sailing on in search of gold, reached the Atlantic, passing through the "country of Amazons," from whom the river he thus discovered is named. Left mouth of the Napo December 31, 1541 ; reached the sea August 26, 1542. Returned to Spain and sailed May, 1544, with expe- dition to the Amazon, but died after wreck of his vessels about 100 leagues up the river.] 171 1 Orrellana (P. Antonio). Compendio de la Vida del el padre Cypriano Baraze. . . . muerto d manos de los barbaros Moxos en la Provincia del Peru. Madrid. 171 1. 8°. (Account of Moxos Indians.) 1576 Orta (G. de). Due libri dell historia de semplici, aromati, etc. See Monardes (Nicholas). Delia historia de i semplici, aromati. .. .portare dell' Indie occidentali, etc. 1576. 4°. 1619 Histoire des Drogues, Especeries, etc. Comprise en six livres : dont il y en a cinq tires du Latin de C. de L'Ecluse (translations of G. de Orta, C. de la Coste and N. Monard.) 1619. 8°. Ortiquera (Toribio de). MS. National Library, Madrid. [At Nombre de Dios, 1561. Sent forces against Aguirre in Venezuela ; account of expedition of Gonzalo Pizarro and Orellana.] 158 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. Ortiz (P. F. Diego). Doctrina cristiana y sermones en lengua quichua. (Viiiaza: Bibl. Espan. No. 776.) 1870 Orton (James). The Andes and the Amazon; or across the Continent of South America. Map of Equatorial America, etc., and illustrations. New York. 1870. 8°. 1876 Third edition enlarged, etc. New York. 1876. 8°. 1850 Otte (E. C). See Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Views of Nature, translated by C. E. O. London. 1850. 8°. 1646 Ovalle (Alonso de). Historica relatione del regno de Cile, el delle missione e ministerii che esercita in quelle la cam- pagnia di Gesu, etc. (With plates.) Roma. 1646. 8°. 1818 Historica relatione del regno del Chile, etc. Reim- presa con una introducion biografica y algunas notas por J. T. Medina. Santiago. 181 8. (Collec. de Historidores de Chile. T. 12 and 13.) 1732 An Historical relation of the Kingdom of Chili. Translated out of the Spanish. London. 1732. Fol. (Churchill (A.) and (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, etc. Vol. 3, Pt. 1.) 1744 Another edition. (Churchill's Collection of Voy- ages, etc. Vol. 3. London. 1744. Fol. 1752 Another edition. (Churchill. Vol. 3.) London. 1752. Fol. 1808 An historical relation of the Kingdom of Chile. London. 1808. 40. (Pinkerton (J.): Voyages and Travels. Vol. 14, pages 30-210.) 1813 Another edition. (Pinkerton, Vol. 14.) London. 1813. 40. Oviedo (Fernandez de). See Fernandez de Oviedo. Oviedo y Banos. Historia de la Conquista y poblacion de Venezuela. (Aguirre's later career, condensed from Simon.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 159 1650? Palafox y Mendoca (Juande). Virtudes del Indio, 6 natu- raleza y costumbres de los Indios de Nueva Espana. (1650?) (Appeal to the King on behalf of the Indians.) 1878 Palma (R.). Peru : Tradiciones. Lima. 1878. 8°. Palomino (Alfonso). Informacion veridica de la obrado en las provincias de Quito y Popayan. [MS. lost; fragment of the work preserved in the "Breve Informe " of Las Casas. Palomino was a companion of Bel- alcazar.] 1868 Panceri (P.). La Mummia Peruviana del Museo Nazion. ♦ di Napoli. Plates. Napoli. 1868. 4/. 1880 Paniagua ( ). Report to Pedro de la Gasca. See Gasca (Pedro de la) Instructions to Lorenzo, etc. Revistade Lima. 1880. 1862 Pardo ( ). Estudios sobre la provincia de Janga, No. 58. ,1862. 1841 Pardo de Figueroa (Balthazar). M^moire pr£sent£ a Louis XIV. pour l'engager a entreprendre la conquete de Pdrou. See Ternaux-Compans (H.) Archives des Voyages, etc. Tom. 2. (1841, etc.) 8°. 1880 Payne (Edward John). See Hakluyt (Richard) Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America. .. .selected and edited by E. J. P. London. 1880. 8°. 1892 History of the New World called America. (Vol. 1.) London. 1892. 8°. 1829 Pazos-Kanki (V.) and Scio (P.). El Evangdlio de Jesu Cristo segun San Lucas en Aymara y Espafiol. Traducido de la Vulgata Latina. London. 1829. 8°. 1880 Paz Soldan (C). See Carrera (Don Fernando de la). Arte de la lengua yunga, etc. , edited by Dr. Gonzalez de la Rosa. Reimpresso (bajo la direccion de C. P. S.) Lima. 1880. 8°. 1862 Paz Soldan (Mariano Felipe). See Paz Soldan (Mateo) Geografia del Peru, obra postuma corregida y aumen- tada por . . . . M. F. P. S. (compendio de geografia, etc. ) 1 862, etc. 40 • 160 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1865 Atlas geografico del Peru. 68 colored and other plates. Paris. 1865. Fol. 1869 (Nueva edicion.) Paris. 1869. Fol. 1865 (Another edition.) Atlas geographique et pittor- esque de la Republique du Perou. Paris. 1865. Fol. (Published at the expense of the Peruvian government. Pages 76-81, Peruvian bibliography.) 1868 — Historia del Peru independiente. 3 vols. Lima. 1868. 8°. 1870 Historiadel Peru independiente. Secundo Periodo, 1822-27. Tom. 1. Lima. 1870. 8°. '1888 (Another edition.) Historiadel Peru independiente. Edited by C. Paz Soldan, with a biography of the author by S. B. Camacho. Buenos Aires. 1888. 8°. 1868 Dos illustres sabios vridicados. Informe oral de S. D. Er. Desjardins sobre las dos obras del S. Don S. Lorente tituladas: Historia antigua del Peru e historia de la conquista del Peru. Apuntes sobre la provincia de Loreto por An. Raimondi. Lima. 1868. 40. (Spanish and French text side by side.) 1877 Dicionario geografico estadistico del Peru: Con- tiene ademas la etimologia Aymara y Quechua de las princi- pals pobliciones. Li?na. 1877. 40. 1862-3 Paz Soldan (Mateo). Geografia del P£ru, obra postuma D. D. M. P. S., corregida y aumentada por . ..M. F. Paz Soldan. (Compendio de geografia matematica, fiscica, y politica.) 2 vols. Paris. 1862-3. 4°. (Title page of Vol. II. reads: Compendia de Geografia matematica, etc.) 1863 ■ — Geographie du Perou. Corrig^e. . . . M. F. P. S. Traduction francaise par P. Ars£ne Mouqueron. Portrait. Paris. 1863. 8°. (Treats of the history and customs of the Indians.) Paz Soldan y Unanue (Pedro). See Arona (Juan de). 1874 Peabody Museum (Harvard University). Report VII. Cambridge. 1874. 8°. 1876 Report IX. Cambridge. 1876. 8°. (Peruvian skulls.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsky. 161 1848 Pentland (J. B.) La Laguna de Titicaca and the Valleys of Yucay, Collao and Desaguadero, in Peru and Bolivia. Map and plate of Cuzco with key to Inca ruins, by J. B. P., H.M. Consul General to Bolivia. Admiralty. London. 1848. 1859 Perez (F.) El Carnero de Bogota. Edited by F. P. Bogotd. 1859. 8°. See Rodrigruez Frkslf. (Ji'an) Con- quista, etc. 1877 Pertuiset (E.) Le Tresor des Incas a la Terre de Feu. Aventures et voyages dans 1' Amerique du Sud. Paris. 1877. 12°. Peru. La Conquista del Peru. (4 leaves in British Museum Library.) La conquista del Peru llamada la nueva Castilla La gl tierra por diuina vo luntad fue marauillosamente conquis- tada en la felicio sima ventura del Emperador y Rey nuestro senor : y por la prudencia y esfuerzo del muy magnifico y vale roso^cavallero el Capitan Francisco pizarro Gouerna dor y adelanto de la neua castilla y de su herma no Hernando pizarro y de sus animbsos capitans & fieles y esforzados com- paneros q cO el se hallaron. Fol. Title, 1 leaf. 8 unnum- bered leaves. (Sabin : Bibl. Amer. Vol. XIV. says: "The 'Bibliotheca Grerivilliana' states that it is identical with the ' Relatione d' un Capitano Spagnuolo della Conquista del Peru,' pub- lished by Ramusio, but with many variations.") 1795? Le Desespoir d' un Jeune Peruvien sur la destruc- tion de V Empire du Perou. (Paris, 1795?) 8°. (A satire in verse.) 1828 In the Valleys of Peru. Wanderings on Four Con- tinents. 1828. 1840 Lettre sur les superstitions du Perou, par un Reli- gieux Augustin. See Ternaux-Compans (H.) Receuil de documents et m^moires, etc. 1840. 8°. 1534 Nouvelles certaines de Isles de Perou. Lyon. 1534- 8°- (An account of the conquest by Pizarro.) 1 62 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1774 Lettres 6difiantes XXXIIe. recueil, contient: Rela- tion du P6rou par le P. Morghen (description de Lima, de Pisco, monumens de Chinca, Arica, situation d'Ylo, tradi- tions des habitans, etc., etc.) Paris. 1774. 12°. 1786 The History of the Conquest of Peru. Plates. London. 1786. i8°- 1796 Habitans du P6rou, dessines par Grasset St. Sau- veur. 1796. 4°. (16 plates of nobles, warriors, ancient priest, and peasants.) 1838 Peru before and at the Spanish invasion. London. 1838. 8°. (Dublin Review, Vol. V., pages 183-224.) (Review of Vols. 1-6 of Ternaux-Compans' "Voyages.") 1879 ■ — Relacion de las costambres antiguas de los natur- ales del Pirii. See Jimenez de la Espada (M.) Tres relaci- ones de antigiiedades peruanas. 1879. 8°« 1870 Relacion de Todo lo sucedido en la Provincia del Piru desde que Blaseo Nunez Vela fue enviado por S. M. a ser visorey della, que se embarco a primero de Noviembro del ano de MDXLIII. Lima. 1870. 8°. 1753 A voyage to Peru, etc. London. 1753. 12°- See Blancharderie (Abbe Courte de la). 1573 De Wonderlycke ende warachtighe Historie vant Conincruck va Peru, etc. (Translated from the Spanish by R. de Bacquere.) Thantwerpen. 1573. 4°- Superstitions and Rites of the Incas. Report by Chaplain of Hospital for natives of Cuzco to Bishop Don Sebastian de Artaum. (MS. Library of Madrid, B. 35.) (Attabalipa del) pseud. See Attabalippa. 1872 Le Perou et ses derniers eV^nemens. Paris. 1872. 8°. 1873 See Markham (C. R.) Reports on the discovery of Peru. Translated by C. R. M. London. 1873. 8°. 1867 (Anthropology of). Trephining in the days of the Incas. London. 1867. 8°- (Anthropological Review, Vol. V., page 374.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 163 1884 Contributions to North American Ethnol- ogy. Washington. 1884. (Powell's Survey, 1882, Vol. V. Plate of trephined Peru- vian skull.) (Architecture of). Ruins of Tiahuanaco. (Revue d' Architecture de Travaux publies, Vol. 24.) (Art of). Lyoux d'or p^ruviens. 1 Plate. (Archives de la Soc. Am£r. de France. N. S. I. pi. v. Emblems of royalty, colored.) Peruvian Pottery. 2 Plates. (Mem. de la Soc. Antiq. du Nord.) 1868 Ancient Art in Peru. London. 1868. 8°. (Anthrop. Rev., Vol VI., page 120.) 1833 (Languages of). Vocabulario de la lengua de los Campas, en la pampa del Sacramento en le Peru. (" Copia de un Vocabulario de la lengua de Campa 6 Andes (Antis) pertenciente a Don Manuel Ames, gobernadorde Andamarca, en 1833...."). 40. *( ). See Quichua. 1791-95 (Periodical Literature of) Mercurio Peruano de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima. 12 vols. Lima. I79I-95- 1837 Museo Erudito, o los Tiempos y las Cost- umbres Cuzco. 1837, etc. Revista Peruana. Lima. 1752 Phillippe de Pretot (Etienne Andre). Memoires sur 1' Amerique et sur 1' Afrique. 1752. 40. (Article 2, Geography of Peru.) 1656 Phillips (J.) See Casas (Bart, de las). The tears of the Indians, etc., made English by J. P. London. 1656. 8°. 1723 Picart (Bernard). C^rdmonies et coutumes de tous les peuples du monde, representees par des figures dessin^es de la maia de B. P., etc. 1723, etc. Fol. J733 The ceremonies and religious customs of the vari- ous nations of the known world. . . .translated into English, etc. 1733, etc. Fol. 164 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1840 Piccini (O.) See Xeres (Fran, de) Relazione del Conquisto del Peru, etc., traduttore, O. P. Vol. V. of Marmochi's Raccolta de Viaggi. 1840. 8°. 1844 Pickering (Charles). The geographical distribution of animals and plants. See Wilkes (C), Commander U. S. N. A narrative of the United States exploring expedition, etc. Vol. XV. 1844, etc. 40. 1876 The geographical distribution of animals and plants. Part II. Plants in their wild state. Maps. Salem. 1876. 4°. (Different from preceding item. Chap. VI. Peruvian Regions.) 1844 The Races of Man : and their geographical distri- bution. See Wilkes (C.) Narrative, etc. Vol. IX. 1844, etc. 40. 1849 New edition. To which is prefixed an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man. By J. C. Hall. (Illustrated.) London. 1849. 8°. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) 1850 New edition. (Bohn, Illust. Lib.) London. 1850. 8°. 1 85 1 New edition. London. 1851. 8°. 1840 Pickett (James C.) Letters and Dissertations upon sundry subjects. Washington. 1840. 8°. (Ancient ruins in Peru, pages 15-22.) 1688 Piedrahita (Lucas Fernandez). Historia General de las Conquistas del Nuevo Reyno de Grenada. Amberes. 1688. [Piedrahita was of Inca descent and native of Bogota ; became priest, and died at Panama, 1688, aged 70. Only part of his Historia printed ; comes down to 1563. Depends chiefly on Ximenes de Queseda, Castellanos, and Pedro Simon.] 1876-82 Pinart (A. L.) Coleccion de linguisticay etnografica Amer- icanas. Paris, San Francisco. 1876-82. 40 • (Vol. IV. Biblioth^que de Linguistique et d'Ethnographie Am^ricaines.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 165 173S Pinelo (Antonio de Leon). Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental y Occidental, nautica y geografica de Don Antonio de Leon Pinelo. .. .tomo seguendo. Madrid. 1738. Fol. 1802 Pinkerton (John). Modern Geography : a description of the Empires, States and Colonies, with the oceans, seas and islands in all parts of the world. . . .with numerous maps. 2 vols. London. 1802. 40. 1807 A new edition, greatly enlarged. 3 vols. London. 1807 40. 1M7 New edition, with additions and corrections . . 1817. 2 vols. London. 181 7. 4°. 18 ^14 A general collection of the best and most interest- ing Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World, many of which are now first translated into English ... .with plates. 17 vols. London. 1804-14. 4°- (5,^Betaugh(Wm.), Vol. XIX.; Bouguer (P.), Vol. XIV; La Condamine (C. M.), Vol. XIV.: Ovai.le (Al. de), Vol. XIV.; Ulloa (G. J. & Ant. de), Vol. XIV.) 1533 ? Pizarro (Francisco) Marquis. See Cortes (H.) Copia delle lettere del Prefetto (Hernando Cortes) della India, la Nuova Spagna detta, etc. {Venice? 1533?) 8°. (Plaquette of two leaves. Account of the capture of Atabalipa by Pizarro.) 1534 Letter announcing the capture of Inca Atahualpa, November, 1532. Italian translation. See Benedetto. Libro di Benedetto. Venice. 1534. 1534 (German translation.) Newe Zeitung aus Hes- panien. Nuremberg. Feb., 1534. (4 leaves.) 1534 (French translation). Nouvelles certaines des isles du Peru. 1534. (British Museum Library.) 1534? Letera de la nobil cipta, novamente ritrouvata alle Indie. . .data in Peru adi.XXV.de novembre de MDXXXIIII. (1534?) 1535 (Another edition) "data in Zhanal." 1535. See Peru. La Conquista del Peru. (Tractate of 4 leaves.) 166 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1540 See Guazzo (Marco). Historie di tutte le cose degne di memoria qual del ano MDXXXI1II. 1540, etc. 1534 See Xeres (F. de). Verdadera relacion de la con- quista del Peru, etc. (1534). Fol. 1547 (i547)- Fol. 1744 The History of the Discovery of Peru by F. Pizarro .... 1748. See Harris (John) D.D. Navigantium atque Itin- erantium Bibliotheca, etc. Vol. II. 1744, etc. Fol. 1844 ■ Relacion de los primeros descubrimientos de F. Pizarro y Diego de Almagro, sacada del codice numero CXX. de la Biblioteca Imperial de Viena, 1844. See Fernandez de Navarette (M.) Coleccion de documentos, etc., torn. 5. 1842, etc. 8°. 1544 Relatione di un Capitano Spagnuolo del discopri- mento et Conquista del Peru fatta da F. Pizarro et da H. Pizarro suo fratello. Relatione di un secretario di F. Pizarro della conquista .... della Provincia del Peru, etc. See Ramusio (G. B.) Primo Volume .... delle navigatione et viaggi, etc. Vol. 3. 1544, etc. Fol. 1563 Vol. 3. 1563, etc. Fol. [Marquis Francisco Pizarro, illegitimate son of Gonzalez Pizarro, born about 1470 in Estremadura. Could neither read nor write. Went to Darien, 1509, with Alonzo de Ojeda's expedition. Formed partnership at Panama with Almagro and Luque for Southern exploration. Sailed from Panama Nov. 14, 1524, but had to return. Sailed again, 1526, with Almagro and pilot Bartolom6 Ruiz. Returned to Panama after visiting Atacames, Tumbez and other points on coast of Peru. Expedition for conquest of Peru sailed Dec. 28, 1531. Treacherously captured Atahualpa, Novem- ber, 1532; Inca executed 29th August, 1533. Entered Cuzco 15th Nov., 1533. Founded Lima (Ciudad le los Reyes) Jan. 6, 1535. Made written agreement, June 15, 1535, with Almagro, who set out to conquer Chili. War between Piz- arro and Almagro, who seized Cuzco 8th April, 1537. Almagro garotted at Cuzco, July, 1538. Pizarro assassinated at Lima, by adherents of Almagro, 26th June, 1541.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 167 1859 Pizarro (Gonzalo), Orellana (F. de) and Acuna (C. de)). Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons during the 16th and 17th centuries. Edited and translated (from the Royal Commentaries of G. J. de la Vega and the General History of Herrera) by C. R. Markham. London. 1859. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 24.) [Gonzalo Pizarro, illegitimate brother of Francisco Piz- arro, went with him to Panama in 1530, and to Peru Dec, 1531. Led expedition against the Charcas, 1538. Explored forest region eastward of Quito, descending the Coca and Napo rivers, 1539-42. Headed revolt against Viceroy Blasco Nunez Vela, 1544; declared by Audiencia, Governor and Captain-General of Peru. Surrendered to Pedro de la Gasca, 9th April, 1568; a few days afterwards executed at Cuzco.] I535 Pizarro (Hkrnando). La relatione del Vaggio che fece. . . . F. Piccaro . . . . de la terra de Caxamalca fina a Parcama et de li a Xauxa (from the Spanish of M. de Sette). See Xeres (F. de) Libro primo de la conquista del Peru, etc. 1535. 4°- 1872 Letter from H. P. to the Royal Audience of Santo Domingo. Dated November, 1533. Translated by C. R. Markham. London. 1872. 8°. (See Markham (C. R.) Reports on the Discovery of Peru. Xeres' true account of the province of Cuzco, etc. Hakluyt Soc. Publ., No. 47, pages 113-27.) [Hernando Pizarro, eldest and only legitimate brother of Francisco Pizzaro; accompanied his brothers to Panama, Jan., 1530. Went to Peru with Francisco, Dec, 1531. Headed expedition to Pachacamac, 1533. Returned to Spain with treasure, and on the voyage wrote his letter, dated Novem- ber, 1533, to the Audiencia of Santo Domingo, covering the same ground as narratives of Xeres and Estete. Commanded Pizarro's army in the struggle with Almagro, whom he caused to be garroted, July, 1538. Returned, 1539, to Spain, where imprisoned 20 years.] 1639 Pizarro y Orellana (Fernando). Varones illustres del Nuevo Mundo. Madrid. 1639, (Lives of Pizarro and his brothers and of Almagro. The author was a grandson of the daughter of Francisco Pizarro.) 168 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1S42 Pizarro (Pedro). Relaciones del descubrimiento y con- quista de los Reynos del Peru. Madrid. 1842. 8°. See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Espafia. Vol. V., pages 201-388. [Pedro Pizarro, cousin of Francisco Pizarro, attended him as page on leaving Spain for Panama, 1530, when 15. Eye- witness of the conquest and of the civil wars; lived at Are- quipa after assassination of Francisco. His Relaciones com- pleted, 1571.] 1876 Platzmann (Julius). Verzeichniss einer Auswahl Ameri- kanischer Grammatiken, etc. Leipsic. 1876. 1835-6 Poeppig (Eduard). Reise in Chile, Peru, und auf dem Amazonen strome, 1827-1832. 2 vols. Ob. fol. atlas of 16 plates. Leipsig. 1835-6. 4°. I555 Polem (J.). See Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdas (Gon- zales) L'Histoire naturelle et generalle des Indes . . . . trad. ....by J. P. Paris. 1555. Fol. 1561-70 Polo de Ondegardo (Lie.) Relaciones 1561 and 1570. (MS. at the Escurial, Madrid.) 1873 Report ... .on the lineage of the Yncas and how they extended their conquests. Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. London. 1873. 8°. See Markham (C. R.). Narrative of the Rites and Laws of the Incas, pages 151-71. [Polo de Ondegardo accompanied La Gasco in campaign against Gonzalo Pizzaro; Lawyer; Corregidor of Cuzco. Died at Potosi about 1580. Knowledge of native languages lim- ited. .Describes principles of Inca administration.] 1847 Prescott (William Hickling). History of the conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. London. 1847. 8°. Second edition. Third edition. Jan. 1S98. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 169 1*50 Fourth edition. 3 vols. London. 1850. 8°. Fifth edition. Sixth edition. 1854 Seventh edition. .. .revised. London. 1854. 8°- 1855 — (New edition.) 2 vol. London. 1855. 12° • 1872 (New edition.) 1 vol. London 1872. 8°. 1874 New and revised edition, with the author's latest corrections and additions. Edited by J. F. Kirk (Mr. Pres- cott's secretary). 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1874. 12°. 1882 Author's authored version. London. (1882). 8°. [885 Author's edition. London. (1885.) 8°. 1887 New and revised edition, etc. London. 1887. 8°. 1890 (Another edition.) 3 vols. London. (1890.) 8°. 1893 New and revised edition. .. .edited by J. F. Kirk (Biographical and Critical Miscellanies.) London. 1893. 8°. 1N47-8 (Spanish translation.) Madrid. 1847-8. 1848 Geschichte der Erorberung von Peru m.e. Uebers. des Bildungszustandes unter d. Inkas. Aus. d. Englisch. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1848. 1850 Historia de la conquista del Peru. . . .Traducida al Castellano por J. Garcia Icazbalceta. Con un appendice del traductor. Segunda edicion. (Relacion de la conquista del Peru escrita por S. Sancho, etc.) 2 torn. Mexico. 1850. 8°. 1747-80 Prevorst (A. T.). Histoireg^nerale des Voyages. Divers voyages au Perou. Vol. 16. 1747-80. 1873 Price (J. E.). On the Peruvian pottery sent by Consul Hutchinson. London. 1873. 8°. (Journal Anthropological Society, Vol. 3, pages 100-3.) 1883 On objects from ancient grave mounds in Peru. London. 1883. 8°. (Journal of Anthropological Society, Vol. 13, pages 273-75). 170 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1813 Prichard (James Cowles), M. D., F. R. S. Researches into the physical history of mankind. London. 181 3. 8°. 1826 Second edition. 2 vols. Map. London. 1826. 8°. 1836-47 Third edition. 5 vols. Map and plates (some colored.) London. 1836-47. 8°. 1843 The natural history of man ; comprising inquiries into the modifying influences of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. Plates. London. 1843. 8°. 1845 ■ (Second edition.) With supplement. 49 colored plates. London. 1845. 8°. Third edition. 1855 Fourth edition, revised and enlarged by Edwin Norris, etc. 2 vols. 62 colored plates and 100 wood engrav- ings. London. 1855. 8°. 1840-8 Naturgeschichte des Menschengeschlechts. . . . Nach der dritten auflagert des englisches originals, with Amerkungen und Zusatzen herausgegeben von. . . . R. Wag- ner... .(und. .. .J. G.F.Will). 4 vols. Leipzig. 1840-8. 8°. 1825 Proctor (Robert). Narrative of a journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a residence in Lima and other parts of Peru, in the years 1823 and 1824. Map. London. 1825. 8°. 1824 Propriac (Chevalier de). Beaut^s de 1' Histoire du Peru. Plates. Paris. 1824. 8°. 1827 Prospectus of the Quipola, or an explanation of the Quipoes, now open for public opinion. London. 1827. (Reviewed in Westminster Review, Vol. XL, page 228.) 1613 Purchas (Samuel) the Elder. Purchas his pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages. .. .in foure parts. This first containeth a. . . .historie of Asia, Africa and America, with the islands adjacent.... With briefe descriptions, etc. London. 1613. Fol. 1614 (Second edition, enlarged.) London. 1614. Fol. 1617 (Third edition, much enlarged.) London. 1617. Fol. 1626 (Fourth edition, much enlarged with additions . . . .) London. 1626. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 171 1625 Purchas his Pilgrimes. In five bookes. The first contayning the voyages. .. .made by ancient kings .... and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world, etc. 4 pt. London. 1625. Fol. (Vol. V. is the 4th edition of the "Pilgrimage." See Casas (Bartolome de las) A brief narrative of the destruc- tion of the Indies by the Spaniards, 1625. Fol.; Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo) Decades of the new world. 1625. Fol.; Lasso de la Vega (Garcia) Observations.... out of the first part of the Commentaries Royall, etc. Lon- don. 1625. Fol.) 1860-80 Quaritch (Bernard). A general catalogue of Books. 7 1887 Supplement. 1887, etc. 8°- 1873-82 Quatrefages de Breau (Jean Louis Armand de) and Hamy (Ernest T.). Crania Ethnica; les cranes des races humaines demerits et figures d'apres .... les principales collections de la France et de l'etranger, etc. 10 parts. Atlas with 100 plates. Paris. 1873-82. 40. QUE8ADA (XlMENES DE). See XlMENES DE QuESADA. Quichua. Arte de la lengua general del Inca, llamada Quichua. 8°- (MS., Vinaza: Bibl. Epan. No. 1,106.) Arte de la lengua general del Cuzco, Qqui- chua. 40. (MS. Bibl. de Colegio de los Jesuites de Quito. Vinaza: Bibl. Espafl. No. 841.) 1760? Arte de la Lengua General del Inga llamada Qque- chuea (Quichua). (Circa, 1760.) 8°. (MS. Brit. Mus. Lib. Vinaza: Bibl. Epan. No. 998.) 1586 Arte y Vocabulario en la lengua general del Peru llamada Quichua, y en la lengua espaiiola. El mas copioso. . . . . impresso. Por Antonio Ricardo. Los J? eyes. 1586. 4'. 1608 (Second edition.) Los Reyas. 1608. 40. See GONCAI.EZ HOLGUIN (PAD. DlEGO). 172 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1753 Breve instruccion o arte para entender la lengua comun de los Indios, segun se habla en laProvincia de Quito. Lima. 1753. 120. Vocabulario en la langue castellana, la del Ynga y Xebera. 8°. (MS. Brit. Mus. Lib. Vinaza: Bibl. Espan. No. 1,018.) Vocabularios de las lenguas Lul6, Guarani, Caribe y Quichua. 4°. (MS. Bibl. Imp. Berlin. Vinaza: Bibl. Espan. No. 1,081.) 1845 Cartilla y catecismo de la doctrina cristiana en castellano y qquechua. Cuzco. 1845. 4°- 1773 — 1 Catecismo tercero y exposicion de la doctrina cris- tiana por sermones (en quichua yen castellano) .... Conforme a. lo que se proveyo en el Santo Concilio Provincial de Lima, ano de 1583. Mandado reimprimir por el Concilio provin- cial. Lima. 1773. 4° • 1866 (Another edition.) Catecismo breve y exposicion de la doctrina cristiana, etc. Conforme a. lo....de 1,583. Paris. 1 866. 1603 Catecismo en lengua espafiola y Quichua del Peru. Ordenando por auctoridad del concilio Provincial de Lima. Roma. 1603. 120. Confessionario en lengUa Quechua. 4°. (MS. Brit. Mus. Lib. Vinaza: Bibl. Espan. No. 1,003.) 1584 Quichua y Aymara. Doctrina Christiana y catecismo para instruccion de los Indios .... con un confessionario .... tradu- zido en las dos lenguas generales, de este Reyno, Quichua y Aymara. Impreso. .. .por Antonio Ricardo. Los Reyes. 1584 (1583?)- 4°- 1585 Confessionario para los curas de Indios. Con la Instruccion contra sus Ritos: y Exhortacion para ayudar a bien morir: y summa de sus Privilegios: y forma de Impedi- mentos del Matrimonio. Compuesto y traduzido en las len- guas Quichua y Aymara. Impresso. . . .por Antonio Ricardo. Los Reyes. 1585. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 173 Quintana ( ). Vidas de Espanoles celebres. (Best life of Pizarro; text of agreement between Pizarro, Almagro and Luque; Pedro Sancho's Note on the distribu- tion of the ransom of Atahualpa, etc.) 1872-80 Rada y Delgado (Juan de Dios de la). Museo Espanol Antiguedades bajo la direccion del doctor Don J.dela R. y D., etc. 11 vols. Madrid. 1872-80. 8°. Fol. 1883 Les Vases peruviens du Mus^e Archeologique de Madrid. Copenhagne. 1883. 8°. (Compte-rendu der Congres de Americanistes. 5th Ses- sion, pages 236-246.) 1856 Radiguet (M.). Souvenirs de TAmdrique espagnole: Chile, P6rou, Br£sil. Paris. 1856. 120. 1862 Raimondi (Antonio). Apuntes sobre la provincia litoral de Loreto. 2 maps. Lima. 1862. 8°. 1868 See Paz Soldan (M. F.). Dos illustres sabios vindi- cados. Lima. 1868. 40. 1867 On the rivers San Gavan and Ayapata, in the prov- ince of Carabaya, Peru. London. 1867. 8°- (Journ. of the R. Geographical Society, Vol. 37, pages 116-51.) 1873 El Departamento de Ancaches y sus riquezas min- erales. Lima. 1873. Fol. 1874-80 El Peru. 3 vols. Lima. 1874-80. 8°. (Vol. I. (1874), Preliminar; II. and III. (1876-80), His- toria de la geografia del Peru.) 1875-9 Historia de la geografia del Peru. O relacion cronologica de los viajes, descubrimientos, fundaciones de ciudades y pueblos, cambios notables en las divisiones ter- ritoriales que se verificaron en el Peru desde la ipoca de la conquista hasta el dia. 2 vols. Maps and engravings. Lima. 1875-9. 4°. j863 See Bollaert (William). On the Indian tribes of the great district of Loreto in Northern Peru ; translated by W. B. Anth. Rev. Vol. I. (1863), pages 33~43- 174 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1871 Peruvian Inca skulls. Anthrop. Notes and Journal of Anthropology (1871), page 363. 1756 Ralt (Richard). A new and accurate history of South America : containing, etc. London. 1756. 8°. (Peru, Chap. III.) Ramos (Padre Alonzo). See Gavilan (Fray Alonzo Ramos). I554-9 Ramusio (Giovanni Battiste). Navigatione et Viaggi, etc. Edited by G. B. R. Venetia. 1554-9. Fol. (Terzo Volume (1556) forms part of the second edition, and is devoted to American voyages. See Anglerius (P. M.) Sommario, etc., and Fernandez de Oviedo (Al.) 1563 (Another edition. 3 vols.) Vol. 3. Venetia. 1563. Fol. 1565 (New edition. 3 vols.) Vol. 3. Venetia. 1565. Fol. 1590? (Another edition. 3 vols. ) Vol. 3. Venetia. (1590?). Fol. 1606 (Another edition. 3 vols.) Vol. 3. Venetia. 1606. Fol. (Ramusio's Italian translations, in his third volume, were formerly the chief source of information on American voy- ages. Most of them are given in English dress in Richard Hakluyt's Voyages, Navigations, Traffiques and Discoveries, Vol. III.) 1827 Ranking (John). Historical researches of the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talomeco, in the thir- teenth century, by the Mongols, accompanied with elephants; and the local agreement of history and tradition, with the remains of elephants and mastodonites found in the new world : containing invasion of Japan from China. A violent storm. Mongols, with elephants, land in Peru and in Cali- fornia. Very numerous identifications. History of Peru and Mexico, etc. Maps and illust. London. 1827. 8°. 1885-88 Ratzel (Friedrich). Volkerkunde. 1885-88. 1897 The History of Mankind. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler, with Introduction by E. B. Tylor. Colored plates, maps and illustrations. 3 vols. London and New York. 1897. 8°. (The Americans. Vol. II. Book II. D.) 1876, etc. Reclus (Jean Jacques Elisee). Nouvelle Geographie uni- versale. La Terre et les Hommes . . . Cartes et . . gravures sur bois. 13 vols. Paris. 1876, etc. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsky. 175 1876 The Earth and its Inhabitants. English translation of La Terre, etc. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. 13 vols. London. 1876, etc. 8°. 1894-5 The Earth and its Inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane, B.A. 2 vols. Maps and illustra- tions. New York. 1894-5. 8°. (Vol. I. The Andes Region — pages 220-264, Colombia ; pages 265-273, Ecuador; pages 354-96, Peru; pages 397- 477, Bolivia ; pages 478-96, Chile ; Peruvian aborigines, pages 301-16. Vol. II.: Amazonia and La Plata; the Coyos or Coyas, descendants of Quichuas in Argentina, page 408.) 1893 Colombia (being a portion of " Nonvelle G6og. univ.") Traduciday anotada. . . .por F. J. Vergara y Velasco (with an introduction by C. Cuervo Marquez). Bogota. 1893. 8°. 1597 Regnauld (R.). Histoire naturelle et morale des Indes. . . . traduite par R. R. Paris. 1597. 8°. 1600 (Another edition.) Paris. 1600. 8". 1889 Reis8 (Wilhelm). See Uhle (M.) Kultur und Industrie sudamerikanischen Volker, nach dem .... Sammlungen von . . . .W. Reiss, etc. 2 vols. 1889, etc. Fol. 1880-7 Reiss (Wilhelm) and Stubel (A.) Das Todtenfeld von Ancon in Peru. Ein Beitrage zur Kultur und Industrie der Inca-Reiches. Nach dem Ergebnissen eigener Ansgrabung- en. 141 Taf. in Fahbendruch mit Text. 3 Bde. Berlin. 1880-7. Fol. (A monumental work. Vol. III. contains memoirs on the craniology of the ancient Peruvians, by Prof. R. Virchow, and on their alimentary plants and domesticated animals, by Prof. Whittmach and A. Nehring respectively.) 1 880-7 The Necropolis of Ancon in Peru, a contribu- tion to our knowledge of the culture and industries of the Empire of the Incas, being the results of excavations made on the spot. Translated by A. H. Keane. 3 vols. 141 plates in colors. Berlin. 1880-7. Fol. Die Schadel des Todtenfeldes von Ancon in Peru. 9 plates. Berlin. Fol. (Part XIV. of Das Todtenfeld von Ancon.) 176 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1886 Reisen in Sud-Amerika. Berlin. 1886, etc. 4° • 1879 Relacion anonyma de las costumbres antiguas de los natur- ales del Peru. Edited by M. Jimenez de la Espada. Madrid. 1879. 8°. (Pages 135-227 of Tres relaciones de Antiguadades Peru- anas, edited by M. J. de la E.) 1879 RenaudQ.). La c6ramiquep£ruviennedela Soci6t6 d'eHudes am^ricaines de Nancy. Bruxelles. 1879. 8°. Atlas of plates. 40. (Compte-Rendu de la trois. session du Congress interna- tionale des Americanistes. 1883 Reville (Albert). Histoire des Religions. Paris. 1883^ etc. 8°. (Vol. II. Religion du Mexique, de l'Amerique centrale, et du Perou.) 1884 — Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru. Delivered at Oxford and London in 1884. Translated by Philip H. Wicksteed. London. 1884. 8°. 1886 Riccordi (Paolo). Crani e oggeti de gle" antichi Peruviani appartenenti al Museo civico di Modena el al Museo di ana- tonia umana de lar. Universitadi Modena. 3 plates. Firenze. 1886. (Archivio per l'Anthropologia e la Ethnologia di Firenze, XVI., 305-4°5-) 1832 Rich (Obadiah). A catalogue of books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed (1 500-1 700). London. 1832. 1863 Richard (Major F. Ignacio). A Mining Journey across the Great Andes. London. 1863. 8°. (South American Mines and Miners, pages 201-221.) Richarderie (Boucher de la). See Boucher de la Rich- arderie. 1 835-46 Bibliotheca Americana nova. 2 vols. London. 1835-1846. (Supplement to the catalogue of 1832. I. (1701-1800),. 1835. II. (1801-1844), 1846.) Jan. 1S98. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 177 1865 Rising {Lieut.) On the artificial eyes of certain Peruvian mummies, with notes by Francis Galton. London. 1865. 8". (Trans. Eth. Soc, Vol. IV., pages 59-60.) 1827 Rivero y U8TARIZ (Mariano Eduardo de). Memoriasobre las aguas minerales de Yura y otros puntos erranos a Are- quipa. . . .Vargas y Arve. Lima. 1827. 8°. 1851 and Tschudi (Juan Diego de). Antiguedades Peru- anas. Folio Atlas of colored plates. Viena. 1851. 40. (Relations between the two hemispheres before the discov- ery by Columbus : the ancient inhabitants of Peru and their institutions ; the Quichua language.) 1853 Peruvian antiquities translated into English from the original Spanish by F. L. Hawkes, etc. New York. 1853. 8°. 1859 Antiquites P^ruviennes. Paris. 1859. 8°. 1851 La Lengua Quichua. Vienna. 1851. 4°. (Antiguedades Peruanas, Chap. IV., pages 86-115.) 1777 Robertson (William), D.D. The history of America. 2 vols. Map. London. 1777. 4 (Book VII., Mexico and Peru.) 1778 « Second edition. 2 vols. London. 1778. 4 Third and fourth editions. 1788 Fifth edition. 3 vols. London. 1788. 8°. 1790 New edition. 3 vols. Basil. 1790. 8°. 1796 Seventh edition. 3 vols. London. 1796. 8°. 1800-1 Eighth edition. 3 vols. London. 1800-1. 12 1800 Ninth edition, in which is included. . . .the history of Virginia and of New England. 4 vols. London. 1800. 8°. 1803 Tenth edition. 4 vols. London. 1^03. 8°. 1808 Eleventh edition. 4 vols. London. 1808. 8°. Twelfth edition. 4 vols. London. 1817 Thirteenth edition. 4 vols. London. 1S17. 83. 1777 W. Robertson's. .. .Geschichte von Amerika, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von J. F. Schillen. 2 vols. L.P. Leipzig. 1777. 8°. 178 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1845 Histoire de 1' Amerique par W.R. Traduction de J. B. Suard et Morellet. Sixidme edition, avec les notes de Humboldt, Bullock, Warden, Clavigero, Jefferson, etc., receuillies par de la Rouette. 2 vols. Paris. 1845. 8°. 1775 See Roxas (Jos. Ant. de). Descripcion de las provincias del Peru, etc. Madrid. 1775. 12°. 1807 Rochette (Louis G. D. de la). See Maps. South Amer- ica. 1807. 1684 Rodigruez (Manuel), Jesuit. El Maranon y Amazonas: Historia de las descubrimientos, antradas, y reduccion de naciones, tribajos. . . .assi temporales como espirituales en las dilatadas montonas y mayores rios de la America, etc. Madrid. 1684. Fol. 1688? Compendio historial e Indice cronologico Peruana y del nuevo Regno de Granada. Madrid. (1688?) 1819 Rodney (C. A.) and Graham (John). Report on the present state of the United provinces of South America, laid before the Congress of the United States. Map. London. 1819. 1859 Rodrigruez Fresle (Juan). Conquista i descubrimiento del nuevo reino de Granada de las Indias Occidentales del mar oc^ano, i fundacion de la ciudad de Santa Fe de Bogota, etc. (also known as "El Carnero de Bogota, " edited by F. Perez.) Bogotd. 1859. 8°. 1884 Nueva edicion (corregida). Bogotd. 1884. 8°. 1878 Rojas (D. Aristides). Estudios Indigenas. Contribuci- ones a la historia antigua de Venezuela. Caracas. 1878. 40. 1878 La belle frase en las lenguasamericanas. Caracas. 1878. 40. (Estudios Indigenas, pages 67-87.) 1878 La silaba gua 6 hua, como interjeccion, articulo, verbo, adjectivo, radical, afijo y particula en las lenguas americanas. Caracas. 1878. 40. (Estudios Indegenas, pages 89-110.) 1878 ■ Las radicales del agua en las lenguas americanas. Caracas. 1878. 40. (Estudios Indegenas, pages 111-134.) 1 891 Historia patria. Estudios historicos. Origenes Venezolanas. Caracas. 1891, etc. 8°. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 179 Rosa (M. Gonzalez de la). See Gonzalez de la Rosa (Dr. M.). 1870 Rosny (Leon de). Les Ecritures figuratives et hieroglyph- iques des differens peuples anciens et modernes. 2nd edi- tion augmented de planches nouvelles, etc. Parts. 1870. 4°. (Another edition of " Recherches sur 1' dcriture des differ- ens peuples anciens et modernes," published in 1857.) (Figure of a Quipu.) 1882 Les documens Merits de 1' antiquitd americaine. Compte-rendu d' une mission scientifique en Espagne et en Portugal, 1882. Paris. 1882. 40. (Mdmoires. Soc. d' Ethnographie Americaine et Orien- tale. No. 3. 1882. 1847 Ross (Thomasina). See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Per- sonal Narrative, etc. Translated and edited by T. R. Lon- don. 1847. 8C. 1859 (Another edition.) London. 1859. 8°. 1847 See Tschudi (J. J. von). Travels in Peru, etc. Translated by T. R. London. 1847. 8°. 1845 Rouette ( de la). See Robertson (William), D. D. Histoire de 1' Amerique. Sixidme edition, avec notes de Humboldt, etc., receuillids par de la R. 2 vols. Paris. 1845. 8°. 1775 Roxas (Josef Antonio de). Descripcion de las Provincias del Peru que va,n puestas por orden de sus obispados. Faltan los de Buenos Ayres y los dos de Chile. La embia al Sr. Robertson por man del Sr. Lowes. 2 vols. Madrid. 20 de Junio, 1775. 12°. (Spanish manuscript.) 1878 Ruge (Sophis). Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckun- gen. See Onchen (W.) Allgemeine Geschichte, etc. Haupt. ii. The. 9. 1878, etc. 8°. (Tiahuanacu basreliefs, pages 430-31.) 1892 Die Entdeckungs Geschichte der Neuen Welt. (Komitd ftir eine Hamburgische Amerika Feier-Hamburg- ische Festschrift zur Erinnerung an die Entdeckung Ameri- kas, etc. 1892. 8°. i8o Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1892 Die entwickelung der Kartographie von Amerika bis 1570. Zeitschrift zur 400 jahrigen seier der Entdeckung Amerikas. Mit 32 Kartchen auf 2 Tafeln. Gotha. 1892. 40. (Mitteilungun aus Justus Perthes' Geographischen Anstalt, etc. 1892. No. 106.) 1639 Ruiz de Montoya (A.). Arte de la Lengua Guarani (Vocab- ulario de la lengua guarani. Tesoro de la lengua Guarani). 2 pt. Madrid. 1639. 40. 1876 Viena. Paris. 1876. 8°. 1722 (Without Vocabulary and Tesoro). .S. Maria la Maya. 1722. 40. 1724 ■ — (Another edition.) S. Maria la Maya. 1724. 4°- 1890 (Latin version.) Stuttgardice. 1890. 8°. 1892 (Another edition.) Stuttgardice. 1892. 8°. J^93 (Another edition.) Stnttgardia'. 1893. 8°. 1640 Catecismo de lengua Guarani. Madrid. 1640. 8°. 1876 Arte, Bocabulario, tesoro y catecismo de la lengua Guarani (1640). Publ. neuv. sin alteracion alguna por J. Platzmann. 4 vols. Leipzig. 1876. 40. Ruiz (R. Gaspar). Gramatica de la lengua Gorgotoquiense, en le Peru. (L6on Finelo : Epitome, t. ii., col. 721. Vinaza : Bibl. Espan. No. 955.) 1834 Ruschenberger (W. S. W.). Three Years in the Pacific, including Notices of Brazil, Chili, Bolivia and Peru. By an officer of the U. S. Navy (W. S. W. R.) Philadelphia. 1834. 8°. 1835 (Another edition.) 2 vols. London. 1835. 8°. 1890 Russell (William Honvard), L.L.D. Visit to Chile and the Nitrate Fields. Illustrated. London. 1890. 8°. (Peru, pages 268-79 and 289-338.) 1688 Rycaut (Sir Paul). See Lasso de la Vega (Garcia). The Royal Commentaries of Peru, etc. Rendered English by Sir P. R. London. 1688. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 181 1867 Sabin (Joseph). A Dictionary of Books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time. London. 1867, etc. ^68 New York. 1868, etc. 40. 1869 American Bibliopolist. London. 1869, etc. (New Books, with literary miscellanies.) 1S70 A list of the printed editions of the works of Fray Bartolom£ de Las Casas, Bishop of Chiapa, extracted from a Dictionary of Books relating to America. New York. 1870. 8 - 1877 A Bibliography of Bibliography, or a handy book about books which relate to books, being an alphabetical catalogue of the most important works descriptive of the literature of Great Britain and America, etc. New York. 1877. 8°. 1849 Sabine (Mrs.) See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Aspects of Nature, translated by Mrs. Sabine. L.ondon and Phila- delphia. 1 849. 1850 Sahuaraura Ynca (Dr. Juan Justo). Recuerdos de la Monarquia Peruana. 16 portraits. Paris. 1850. (The author, a canon of Cuzco, claims descent from the Incas.) 1870 Samanez y Ocampo (J. B.) Exploracion de los rios per- uanos. Lima. 1870. 8°. 1850 Sancho (Pedro). Relacion de la conquista del Peru Publicada en Italiano traducida al Castellano por J. Garcia Icazbalata. See Prescott (W. H.) Historia de conquista del Peru, etc. Tom. 2. 1850. 8°. 1872 Report on the distribution of the ransom of Ata- hualpa. London, 1872. 8°. See Xeres' Relacion. Hakluyt Society, Pub. No. 48. Reports on the Discovery of Peru, pages 131-143. i860 Sans (Fr. Rafael). See Gavilar (Fray Alonso Ramos). Historia de Capacabanca y de su milagrossa imagen. Edited by Fr. R. Sans. La Paz. i860. 1652 Sanson (Nicholas). L'Ameriqueen plusieurs cartes, et en divers traitds de G^ographie, etc. Paris. 1652. 4°. (Map and description of Peru, No. 13.) 182 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1656 See Maps. Le Perou et el cours de la Riviere Amazone, etc. Paris. 1656. 1667 Tables de Geographie ancienne et nouvelle on methode pour s' instruire avec facility de la Geographie et connoistre les empires, monarchies, royaumes, estats, repub- liques et peuples. . . .de toutes les parties du monde, etc. Paris. 1667. Fol. (Engraved throughout.) 1879 Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamayhua (Juan de). Relacion de Antigiiedades deste Reyno del Peru. Edited by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. Madrid. 1879. 8°. (Pages 230-328 of Tres Relaciones de Antigiiedades Per uanas. Publicadas el Ministerio de Fomento. ) J873 An account of the Antiquities of Peru. Translated from the original Spanish by Clements R. Markham. Lon- don. 1873. 8C. (Hakluyt Society, No. 48 ; Narrative of the Rites and Laws of the.Incas, pages 67-123.) [Don Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcam- ayhua, son a chief of the Callao, wrote about 1620. Had intimate knowledge of native language and preserves tradi- tions handed down to third generation after conquest.] 1879 Santillan (Fernando de). Relacion del origen, descend- encia, politica y gobierno de los Incas por el licenciado F. de S. Edited by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada Publicadas el Ministerio de Fomento. Madrid. 1879. 8°. (Pages 3-135 of Tres Relaciones de Antigiiedades Peru- anas.) [Fernando de Santillan, appointed Judge of the Royal Audience for Peru, 1550, afterwards took orders; died, Lima, 1576, while on way to bishopric of La Plata. His Relacion is an official report on the administrative system of the Incas; relates chiefly to collection of tribute. Shows the evils inflicted by Spanish misrule.] Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 183 Saravia (Melchor Brayo de). AntigUedades del Peru. [Referred to by Juan de Pelasco, but lost or inaccessi- ble. Melchor Bravo de Saravia was Judge of the Royal Audience. Cieza de Leon mentions his work as having been perused by Saravia and Santillan.] 1836 Sardon (Francisco Cipriano). Doctrina cristiana tradu- cida en aymara. Paz de Ayacucho. 1836. 40. Sarmiento de Gamboa (Don Pedro). History of the Incas. (MS. lost). 1572 Memorial (dated at) Cuzco, March 4th, 1572. [Don Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, a distinguished sailor and cosmographer, superintended the preparation of the map accompanying the pedigree of the Incas sent to Spain by Viceroy Don Francisco de Toledo. Accompanied, in 1567, Mandana's Expedition in search of South Sea islands discovered by Tupa Yupanqui; made Report of Voyage to Viceroy. Captured by Sir W. Raleigh, 1586, and taken to England.] 1872. Saunders (Trelawnky). Map of Peru. London. 1872. (Journal R. Geogr. Soc. , Vol. 43 (1872), p. 513. Illustra- tive of Markham's "Empire of the Incas.") 1888 Sawyer (C. M.), Mrs. The Civilization and Religions of Ancient Mexico, Central America and Peru. Boston. 1888. (The Universalist Quarterly, Vol. 25, n. s., pages 479-90.) 1838 Scarlett (Hon. P. Campbell). South America and the Pacific. 2 vols. London. 1838. 8". (Peru, Vol. II., pages 80-173.) 1777 Schillen (von J. F.). See Robertson (William) D. L>., W. R.'s. . . .Geschichte von Amerika, aus dem Euglischen ubersetzt von J. F. S. 2 vols. L. P. Leipzig, 1777. s 1875 Schoebel (Charles). Les Antiques Americaines du Musdeethnographique a Saint Petersbourg. Nancy. 1875. 8°. (Compte-rendu du Congrds des Americanistes, Xancy, 1875, pages 271-74.) 184 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1851-60 Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). Historical and Statistical Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States: collected. .. .by H. R. S. 6 vols. Philadelphia. 1851-60. 40. (Vol. V., Sec. ill. , pages 86-95. Antiquities: Illustrations of houses, implements, etc., by J. N. Gillis.) See Evans (W. W.). Peruvian Antiquities. 1883 Schutz (Damian yon), Freihcrrn. Der Amazones. Wan- derbilder aus Peru, Bolivia und Nord-brasilien. Mit 10 Vollbildern und 31 Textilluste. Freiburg. 1883. (19 years in South America. Bibliography, pages 427-38.) 1895 (Second edition.) Enlarged. Freiburg. 1895. 1747-74 Schwabe (Johann Joachim). Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande, etc., durch eine Gesellschaft gelehrter Manner ... .ins Deutsche iibersetzet. Edited by J. J. S. 21 Bde. Leipzig. 1747-74. 40. Vol. IX. Ulloa (Juan G. and A. de). Reise nach dem Konigreiche Peru. Vol. XV. Frezier (A. F.). Reise an den Kusten von Peru. 1713-47. La Condamine (C. 'M.). Reise nach Peru. I735-42- Vol. XVI. Acuna (Cristoval de). Reise auf dem Ama- zonen flusse. 1637-40. La Condamine (C. M.). Reise in Quito. 1747. 1829 Scio (P.) and Pazos-Kanki (V.). See Pazos-Kanki (V.). El Evangelio de Jesu Christo segun San Lucas en Aymara y Espafiol. Traducida, etc. London. 1829. 8°. 1892 Sears (Alfred E.). The Republic of Peru. Illustrated. Boston. 1892. (New England Magazine, Vol. 7. n. s., pages 441-64.) 1893 Seler (Eduard). Peruanische Altertiimer, insbes. alt- peruanische Gefasse und Gefasse der Chibcha und der Tolima- und-Cauca-Stamme, Goldschmuck, etc. Herausg. von der Verwaltung des Kon. Museums fur Volkerkunde zu Ber- lin. 64 Lichtdrucktafeln mit erlaut. Text. In mappe. Berlin. 1893. Fol. Jan. 1898. Bibliography ok Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 185 1884. See Du Pouget (J. F. H.), Marquis de Xadaillac. Die ersten Menschen herausgegeben von W. Schlosser und E. Seler, etc. 1884. 8°. 1887 Sergi (Guisebpe) and Moschen (L.). Crani peruviani antichi del Museo antropologico nella Universita di Roma. Firenze. 1887. 8°. (Archiv. p. l'Antrop. Firenze, Vol. 17. (1887), pages 5-26.) P2N Setier ( ). See Stevenson (W. B.). Voyage au Perou, etc., traduite par S. 3 vols. Paris. 1828. 8°. i.. 1892. Fol. (Peruvian skulls. Plates 8, 9, 25, 26.) 1886 Ueber Krankhaft verand. Knocken alter Peruaner. Berlin. 1886. 40. 1887 Die Schadel des Todtenfeldes von Ancon in Peru. 9 plates. See Reiss (Wilhelm) and Stubel (A.). Das Todenfeld von Ancon in Peru, Vol. 3 (Pt. 14). Berlin. 1887. FoL 1818 Voss (J. von). Der sterbende Monch in Peru. Ein Geschichte a. der siidamerikanische Revolutionskriege. 2 parts. Berlin. 1818. 120. Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 201 1840-48 Wagner (R.). See Prichard (J. C). Naturgeschichtedes Menschengeschlechts. . . . mit Anmerkungen und Zusiitzen herausgegeben von. . . . R. W., etc. 4 vols. Leipzig. 1840- 48. 8°. 1877 Waitz (Theodor). Anthropologic der naturvolker. 6 vols. Leipzig. 1877. 8°. (Die Peruaner, Vol. IV., pages 378-502.) 1878 Wake (C. Staniland). The Evolution of Morality, being a history of the development of moral culture. 2 vols. London. 1878. 8°. (Peru: Uncivilized tribes, Vol. I., pages 218-22 ; Inca civilization, Vol. II., pages n-21.) 1849 Walpole (Frederick), Lieut. R. N. Four years in the Pacific in her Majesty's ship " Collingwood," from 1844-48. 2 vols. Illustrated. London. 1849. 8°. (Peru, Lima, Pachacamac, Payta. Vol. II., pages 1-81.) 1S20 Warden (David B.). Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrionalis. Paris. 1820. 1869 Warren (Thomas Robinson). Dust and Foam ; or, three oceans and two continents ; being ten years[ wanderings in Mexico, South America, and Sandwich Islands. New York. 1869. 160. (Peru, pages 92-123.) 1884 Watson (Robert Grant). Spanish and Portuguese South America during the colonial period. 2 vols. Maps. Lon- don. 1884. 8°. (Peru, Vol. I., pages 105-141, 169-208 ; Vol II., 126-145. 1850-61 Weddell (H. Algernon). Voyage dans le Sud de la Bolivie. See Castelnau (F. de). Expedition dans les parties centrales de 1' Amerique du Sud. Vol. VI. Paris. 1850-61. 8°. 1853 Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie. Map and illust. Paris. 1853. 12°. [808 Weyland ( ). See Bertuch (von F. J.). Peru nach seinem gegenwartigen Zustande. 2 vols. Weimar. 1808. 8°. 1892 Whymper (Edward). Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Illustrated. London. 1892. 8°. 202 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1897 See Dalton (O. M.). An ethnographical collec- tion from Ecuador. London. 1897. 8°. 1874 Wiener (Charles). P£rou et Bolivie, Rdcit de voyage, suivi d'eHudes arch^ologiques et ethnographiques, et de notes sur 1' £criture et les langues des populations indiennes.. Maps, plans and engravings. Paris. 1874. 8°. 1880 (Another edition.) Paris. 1880. 8°. 1874 Essai sur les Institutions politiques, religienses, economiques, et sociales de 1' Empire des Incas. Paris. 1874. 1874 Notice sur le comunisme des Incas. Paris. 1874. 1879 La Ville morte du Gran-Chimu et la Ville de Cuzco. Plans. Paris. 1879. 12°. (Bulletin de la Soc. de Geographie, October, 1879.) 1844 Wilkes (Charles), Cotnm. U. S. N. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition in the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842. 6 vols, and Atlas. Washington. 1844, etc. 4° '• and fol. 1840-48 Will (J. G. F.). See Prichard (J. C). Naturgeschichte des Menschengeschlechts. . . .mit Anmerkungen und Zuzat- zen herausgegeben von.... J. G. F. W. 4 vols. Leipzig. 1840-48. 1814 Williams (Helen Maria). See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Researches concerning the. . . .ancient inhabitants of Amer- ica... .translated. .. .by H.M.W. 2 vols. London. 1814. 8°. 1822-29 See Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Personal narra- tive of travels, etc., translated by H. M. W. 7 vols. London. 1822-29. 8°. 1835. Windermann ( )and Hauff ( ). Reisen und Lander- beschreibungen. 1835. 8C. See Xeres (Fr. de). Ges- chichte der Entdeckung und Eroberung Peru's. 1889 Winsor (Justin). Narrative and Critical History of Amer- ica. Edited by J. W. 8 vols. Boston. 1889,^. 8°. (Vol. I., chap. 4, The Inca Civilization in Peru, by C. R. Markham ; Vol., II., chap. 8, Pizarro and the Conquest and Settlement of Peru and Chili, by C. R. Markham.) Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsev. 203 1885 Wright (Bryce). Description of the Collection of Gold Ornaments from the " Huacas " or Graves of some Aborig- inal Races of the Northwestern provinces of South America, belonging to Lady Brassey. Illustrations in gold. London. 1885. 8°. 1872 Wuttke (Heinrich). Geschichte der Schrift und des Schrif turns. Leipzig. 1872. (Quipuschrift, pages 79-190.) 1534 Xeres (Francisco de). Verdadera relacion de la conquista del Peru y provincia del Cuzco. Sevilla. 1534. Fol. 1547 (Another edition.) Salamanca. 1547. Fol. 1547 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1547. Fol. (Published with Oviedo y Valdez' Chronica de las Indias. Valladolid. 1557.) 1556 Relatione della conquista fatta de F. Pizarro del Peru. See Ramusio (G. B.). Navigationi et Viaggi. Vol. 3. Venetia. 1556, etc. Fol. 1563 (Another edition.) 1563. Fol. 1749 (Another edition.) Conquista del Peru. See Barcia (D. A. G. de). Historiadores primitivos de las Indias occidentalas. Vol. 3. Madrid. 1749. Fol. 1849 (Another edition). Verdadera Relacion, etc. Ed- ited by B. C. Aribau. Madrid. 1849. 8°. (Vol. 26, Bibliotheca de Autores Espagnoles.) 1891 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1891. (Coleccion de libros que tratan de America, raros y curi- osos.) 1534 Libro Segunda delle Indie Occidentali. Vinegia. 1534- 4°- 1535 Libro primo de la conquesta del Peru et provincia del Cuzco de la Indie Occidentali. (Translated by Domingo de Gaztelu.) Vinegia. 1535. 4°- 1840 Relazione del conquisto del Peru e della provincia del Cuzco, etc. , traduttore D. Piccini. 1840. 8°. (Vol V., Marmochi's Raccotta di Viaggi.) 204 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1547 L'histoire de la terre nueve du Pent en l'lndie occidentale, translated by Jacques Gahory. Paris. 1547. (Pretends to be a summary of Oviedo's work, but is a translation of Xeres.) 1837 Relation veridique de la conquete du Perou et dela province de Cuzco nomm£e Nouvelle Castille, etc. {Sala- manque, 1547). Paris. 1837. 8°. (Vol. IV. Ternaux-Compans, Voyages, etc.) 1836 Geschichte der Entdeckung und Eroberung Piru's. 1836. 8°. (Windermann and Hauff, Reisen und Landerbeschreibun- gen.) 1843 Geschichte der Entdeckung und Eroberung Peru's, translated by P. H. Kulb. Stuttgart. 1843. 8°. 1613 1613, etc. Fol. 1872 A true account of the province of Cuzco, called New Castile, conquered by Francisco Pizarro, captain to his majesty the emperor, our master. {Salamanca, 1547. 2d ed.) Translated by C. R. Markham. London. 1872. 8°- (Hakluyt Soc. Pub., No. 48. Reports on the Discovery of Peru.) [Francisco de Xeres left Spain for America 1530, with Pizarro, whom he accompanied as secretary on Peruvian expedition. His Relacion, written on the spot by Pizarro's order, March, 1533. Returned to Spain 1534. Gives Miguel Estete's narrative of Hernando Pizarro's expedition to Pachacamac] Ximines de Quesada. Compendio (Conquest of New Gran- ada). (Work lost ; made use of by Lucas Fern. Piedrahita in his Historia General de las Conquistas del Nuevo Reyno de Granada.) 1890 Ydiaquez (A. de). Le Perou en 1889. Havre. 1890. 8°- Ynca (Dr. John Justo Sahuaraura). See Sahuaraura Ynca (Dr. John Justo). Jan. 1898. Bibliography of Anthropology of Peru — Dorsey. 205 1555 Zarate (Augustin de). Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Peru, con las cosas naturales que senalada- mente alii se hallan, y los successos que ha avido. Anvers. 1555- «*■ 1557 Second edition. Sevilla. 1557. Fol. 1577 (Another edition.) Sevilla. 1577. Fol. 1749 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1749. Fol. See Barcia (D. Andres Gonz. de). Historiadores primitivos de las Indias occidentales. Vol. 3. 1853 (Another edition.) Madrid. 1853. 8°. See Aribau (B. C). Biblioteca de autores Espanoles. Vol. 26. 1563 Le historic .. .dello scofrimento et conquista del Peru, nelle quali si hapiena et particular relatione delle cose successe in quelle bande, etc. Nuovamente di lingua cas- tigliana tradotte dal S. Alfonso Villoa. Vinegia. 1563. 4°. 1564 De Wonderlycke ende warachtige historie vaut coninck rijck van Peru, etc. Hantwerpen. 1564. 4°. 1573 (Another edition.) Hantwerpen. 1573. 4°- 1596 (Another edition.) Conqueste van Indien, etc. Map. Amsterdam. 1596. 4°. 1598 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 1598. 40. 1623 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 1623. \. 1581 The strange and delectable history of the discov- eries and conquest of Peru, etc. Translated out of the Span- ish tongue by T. Nicholas. London. 1581. 40. 1700 Histoire de la ddcouverte et de la conquete du P6rou (transl. by de Broe?). 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1700. 8°. 1706 (Another edition.) Traduite de V Espagnol d' Aug. de Z. par S. D. C. (de Broe, seigneur de Citry et de la Guette). 2 vols. Paris. 1706. 160. 1716 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Parts. 1716. 160. 1717 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 1717. 1 7 18 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 171 8. 1719 (Another edition.) Amsterdam. 17 19. 1742 (Another edition.) Paris. 1742. 8°. 1752-4 (Another edition.) Paris. 1752-4. 206 Field Columbian Museum — Anthropology, Vol. II. 1774 (Another edition.) 2 vols. Maps and plates. Paris. 1774. 120. 1830 (Another edition.) 2 vol. Paris. 1830. 8°. [Augustin de Zarate went to Peru, in 1543, with Viceroy Blasco Nunez, as royal treasurer, and remained several years. In 1554 went to England with Philip, to whom as "King of England" his work is dedicated. A shrewd observer, but ignorant of the native languages. Gives good description of the Inca roads.] 1875 Zegarra (Gavino Pacheco). Alphabet phonetique de la langue Qu^chua. Nancy. 1875. 8°. (28 pages.) 1878 Ollanai, drame en vers quechuas du temps des Incas. Texte original 6crit avec les caracteres d' un alpha- bet phonetique special pour la langue quechua ; pr^c^de" d' un appendice en deux parties et d' un vocabulaire de tous les mots contenus dans le drame. Trad, et comments par G. P. Z. Portrait. Paris. 1878. 8°. Zeivela (Roque de Cejuelao de). Catecismo en lengua yunga o' quichua y espafiola. (Vinaza : Bibl. Espail. No. 895.) 1884 Zoeller (H.). Pampas und Anden. Sitten-und Kultur- Schilder. Berlin. 1884. (Uruguay, Argentine, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia.) 1874 Zoja (G.) Di un Teschio Boliviano Microcefalo. 4 plates. Milano. 1874. 40. THE LIBRARY OF THE FEB 17 1938 UNIVERSITY 0F ILLINOIS >•>;