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PRINTED BY STKANOEWAYS AND SONS, Tower St., Cambridge Circus, W.C.

776? 7-2


TT is seldom that in the early attempts to compile a catalogue of the literature of a scientific subject, even of limited range, any high degree of completeness has been attained ; still the present Bibliography owes much to the labour bestowed upon previous works of the same description.

One of the first authors to compile a list of books and papers relating to the Foraminifera was Ami Boue', who in 1848 pub- lished his " Bibliographic der Werke und Abhandlungen iiber Nummuliten." This was very creditable to the compiler, for it was more difficult then than now to collect together the scattered notices on any subject. It is to Max Schultze, however, that we owe the first general list, namely, that which appeared in his " Organismus der Polythalamien " in 1854; and within a few years a more extended bibliography was drawn up by W. C. Williamson, for his "Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain." Many other compilations have appeared from time to time, no- tably those of J. L. Neugeboren and Th. Marsson, but these for the most part deal either with limited localities or particular geological formations. In 1884, Henry B. Brady published his " Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H.M.S. Challenger? and with it a long and carefully prepared Bibliography, which has been found exceedingly valuable for reference. The Chal- lenger bibliography, however, was not intended to be exhaustive, and the additions to previous lists consist to a great extent of titles of publications which had found their way into the author's own library. Later, a bibliographic list has been prepared by Anthony Woodward of New York; but this, though supplying

iv Preface.

many references previously overlooked, contains too many errors to be of much scientific service.

The present work, which aims at offering a more exact cata- logue than its predecessors, is based upon the Bibliography in the Challenger Report, already referred to ; but in every case the original papers (except when noted " not seen ") have been con- sulted, and where necessary, the entries have been enlarged or amended. The publications enumerated are arranged under the names of the authors in alphabetical order, that being in practice the most convenient and useful method. A brief explanatory note has in many instances been appended in brackets to the entries, and it is hoped that this will avoid waste of time in making references to papers of little or doubtful value. I have acted on Mr. Brady's view, that it is "not . . . requisite to include the title of every geological treatise in which the mere occurrence of a Nummulitic rock or a Fusulina-limestone happens to be recorded"; nevertheless, I have been careful to examine every paper of this kind noticed by other compilers, and have accepted or rejected it according to its value from a geographical or geo- logical aspect.

Only the more important papers on Eozoon are included, the publication of a complete bibliography of this curious structure being promised shortly by those especially interested in the subject The literature of certain other organisms, classed occa- sionally in times past with the Foraminifera, such as Dactylopora, Receptaculites, and Arch&ocyathus, is omitted from this list in ac- cordance with modern views as to their affinities, except in those instances where the papers recorded expressly discuss their possible foraminiferal nature.

Many papers of interesting character or scientific importance are now recorded for the first time. To the former category belong CAMERARIUS' papers, 1712, 1717; KLEIN'S, 1754; SCHROETER'S, 1803 ; and WULFEN'S, 1791 ; the correction of the hitherto inaccurate references to SPENGLER'S papers ; the original place of publication of MODEER'S letter to Soldani ; and RICCA'S

Preface. v

" Discorso," with the engraved portrait of Soldani ; among those of scientific importance are the earlier issue of FICHTEL and MOLL (which carries back their specific names five years) ; D'ORBIGNY'S list of the Foraminifera of the Vienna Basin, published by J. VON HAUER seven years before the full descriptions appeared; the note on D'ORBIGNY'S "Planches inedites;" BOUE'S paper on the Nummulites ; and SILVESTRI'S rare and interesting paper on Soldani's " Testaceographia."

For the first time, too, an endeavour has been made to enumerate the important memoirs published by the Hungarian authors with some approach to completeness, and the author is indebted to his friend Dr. Gustav Dirner, of Budapest, for copies of many of the originals.

Much and valuable assistance has been received in the communication of information and in the reading of proofs ; especial thanks being due to Prof. T. Rupert Jones, who also placed at my disposal his books and the whole of his notes and memoranda made whilst occupied in conjunction with Professor W. Kitchen Parker on their critical papers in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History. To Mr. H. B. Brady I am indebted for the free use of his library, and for constant kindness and help during the progress of the work ; while Mr, Fortescue W. Millett has kindly put into my hands his own manuscript lists, supplying information with regard to many obscure publications.

Help is also gratefully acknowledged from many friends on the continent. Dr. Carlo Fornasini has favoured me with the sight of some of the rarest of the Italian papers ; Professor Silvestri has made me the fortunate possessor of his rare pamphlet on Soldani; while to Professor E. Renevier, Professor Dr. E. W. Benecke, Professor A. Gaudry, Dr. Fr. von Hauer, Dr. E. Geinitz, and others, I owe much courteous assistance.

Thanks are also due to the Librarians of the British Museum, the Royal Society, the Geological Society, and others; and I especially wish to express my indebtedness to Mr. Bernard B. Woodward of the British Museum (Natural History), from whom

vi Preface.

I have received invaluable assistance for several years while consulting the magnificent collections of periodical and other scientific literature under his care.

Also, I cannot but refer to the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Publications, and to those indispensable volumes, Engelmann's " Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis," with the second (Carus & Engelmann) and third (Taschenberg's "Bibliotheca Zoologica ") issues. As reference books to scientific literature they have never been equalled, and the test of years has proved their accuracy and general reliability. A continuation of Carus & Engelmann's volumes, so far as concerns Protozoa, Coelenterates, and Worms, bringing the literature in part down to 1883, was published in 1884 by D'Arcy W. Thompson, and this, so far as it goes, will be found a serviceable guide to the allied groups of the Rhizopoda.

Finally, sincere thanks are due to Mr. F. Justen (Dulau & Co.), to whose generosity and scientific sympathies I owe the publi- cation of my manuscript.


540 KING'S ROAD, LONDON, S.W, August, 1888.


THE following (chiefly life-dates) have been received too late for insertion in their proper places :

Page 2. ALBERTI, FRIEDRICH VON. 1795-1878.

3. ALTH, ALOJZY. 1819-1886.

12. BOLL, ERNST. 1817-1868.

21. BRUNNER, C.— BRUNNER, CARL [FILIUS]. 1796-1867.

29. CARTER, H. J.— On the Organic and Inorganic Changes of Parkeria, together with Further Observations on the Nature of the Opaque Scarlet Spherules in Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. ii, 1888, pp. 45-55, pi. v. London.

, 31. COLONNA, FABIO. 1567 (circa)-i65o.

,, 32. CORNALIA, EMILIO. 1824-1882.

35. CZJZEK, JOHANN. 1806-1855.

38. DEECKE, W. In the last entry, after "8 pp." add "pp. 16-23."

38. DEECKE, W. Die Foraminiferen - Fauna im Aptien von Carniol (Basse -Alpes). Mitth. nat. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen, Jahrg. 19, 1887 (1888), pp. 40-45. Berlin.

51. FONTANNES, F. 1802-1886.

83. KRAUSE, ARTHUR. Ueber das Vorkommen von Foramini- feren in einem Jurageschiebe. Sitz. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin, 1888, pp. 38, 39. Berlin.



Page 3, ALTH, ALOJZY.— For -1888, read 1819-1886.

4. ANNONE. Delete this entry, the paper De Petrificatis quibusdam minus cognitis, ActaHelvetica,vo\. iv, Basilecz, 1760, pp. 275-287, deals with Echinoderms.

9. BELLARDI, LUIGI.— Omit date after name.

13. BOUE, AMI.— For Bericht u., read Berichte ii.


57. For GINANI mz^GiNANNi.

74. JOLY, N., and LEYMERIE. The second paper is also by both these authors.

87. LEYMERIE (fourth entry). For Sabott, read Saboth.

103. OLSZEWSKI.— After Umiej for , read .





ABICH, HERMANN. 1806-1887.— Vergleichende chemische Unter- suchungen der Wasser des Caspischen Meeres, Urmia- und Van-Sees.— Mem. Acad. imp. Set. [Math. Phys.} St.-Petersbourg, ser. 6, vol. vii, 1859, pp. 1-59, map and plate. St.-Petersbonrg.

Vergleichende Grundziige der Geologic der Kaukasus, wie der

armenischen und nordpersischen Gebirge. Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. [Math. Phvs.~\ St.-Petersbourg, ser. 6, vol. vii, 1858 (1859), pp. 359-534, pis. i-viii. St.-Petersbourg.

Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im russis-

chen Armenien. Palaont. Theil. Mem. Acad. imp. Sci. [Math. Phys.} St.-Petersbourg, ser. 6, vol. ix, 1859, pp. 61-150, pis. i-x.

St. -Petersbourg.

Geologische Forschungen in kaukasischen Landern. II,

Geologic des armenischen Hochlands. I, Westhalfte. 4to. Wien, 1882. [Pp. 229-249, pis. ii, ix, and xi.]

Geologische Forschungen in den kaukasischen Landern.

Theil III.— 410. Wien, 1887. 162 pp., plates (views and fossils). [Nummulites from the Permo-carboniferous of Armenia.]

ACKERMANN, HERMANN. 1827-1876.— Ueber Tiefseeforschungen Sitz. nat. Ges. Isis, Jahrg. 1872 (1873), pp. 168-182; continued as "Die Tiefsee," ibid. Jahrg. 1874 (1874), pp. 177-192. Dresden.

ADAMS, ARTHUR; WILLIAM BALFOUR BAIKIE; and CHARLES BARRON.— A Manual of Natural History, for the Use of Tra- vellers.— 8vo. London, 1854 [pp. 372-374].

ADAMS, GEORGE. 17.. -1773. Micrographia Illustrata ; or the Knowledge of the Microscope explained. 4to. 64 plates. London, 1746 ; ed. 2, 1747 ; ed. 4, 8vo. 70 plates, London, 1771. [Rotalia, Fig. 562 in all editions.]

ADAMS, GEORGE (FILIUS). 1750-1795.— Essays on the Microscope, containing a description of the most improved Microscopes, a general history of Insects, and a description of 379 Animalcula, £c.— 4to. London, 1787. 31 plates, folio. Same Fig. as in previous entry.

2 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

ADAMS, JOHN. Descriptions of some minute British Shells. Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. v, 1800, pp. 1-6, pi. i. London.

ADY, J. ERNEST.— Deep Sea Soundings.— 8vo. London, 1885. Figures. [Only the first 8 pages of this have come under my notice. It is

a lithographed descriptive pamphlet of some microscopical

slides issued to subscribers.]

AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER. A Contribution to American Thalasso- graphy. Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Blake. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vols. xiv and xv, 1888; and 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1888. Foraminifera throughout, and chap. xxii. (vol. ii), figures.

AGASSIZ, Louis. 1807-1873. The Natural Relations between Animals and the Elements in which they live. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. ix, 1850, pp. 369-394 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. vi, 1850, pp. 153-179. New Haven; London.

Report upon Deep-Sea Dredgings in the Gulf Stream during

the Third Cruise of the U.S. Steamer Bibb.— Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. i, 1867, pp. 363-386. [" Greensand," p. 367.]

Cambridge, Mass.

Report upon Deep-Sea Dredgings in the Gulf Stream during ^

the Third Cruise of the United States Steamer Bibb, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent United States Coast Survey. Rept. Superintendent U.S. Coast Survey, for 1869 (1872), pp. 208-219. Washington.

[Chiefly corals, 4 lines on green-sand after POURTALES.]

ALBERTI, FRIEDRICH VON.— Beitrag zu einer Monographie des bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalkes, und Keupers, und die Ver- bindung dieser Gebilde zu Einer Formation (Trias). 8vo. Stutt- gart and Tubingen, 1834, 366 pp., sections.

Ueberblick iiber die Trias mit Beriicksichtigung ihres Vor-

kommens in den Alpen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1864, 853 pp., pis. i-vii [PP- 51, 54

ALCOCK, THOMAS.— [Foraminifera from Connemara.]— Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, ser. 3, vol. iv, 1865, p. 52 [mention only].


On Natural History Specimens recently received from Conne- mara.— Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. iv, 1865, pp. 193-208, figures [of mollusca]. Manchester.

On Foraminifera from Mud washed out from a Shell of Halia

Priamus. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. v, 1866, p. 123.


On Polymorphina tubulosa. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester,

vol. vi, 1867, pp. 85-90. Manchester.

Bibliography of the Foramimfera. 3

ALCOCK, THOMAS.— Questions regarding the Life-History of the Foramimfera, suggested by examinations of their dead shells. Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, ser. 3, vol. iii, 1868, pp. 175-181, pi. iv. Manchester.

On the Structure of the Shells of several Common Species of

Polymorphina. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. xxii, 1883, pp. 67, 68. Manchester.

ALDRICH, T. H.— Notes on the Distribution of Tertiary Fossils in Alabama and Mississippi.— Journ. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. viii, 1885, pp. 256, 257. Cincinnati.

ALDROVANDI, ULISSE. 1522-1607. Musseum Metallicum in libros mi distributum ; B. Ambrosinus composuit ; M. A. Bernia . in lucem edidit— Folio. Bononice, 1648. [Triticites.]

ALL I ON I, CARLO. 1725-1804.— Oryctographiae Pedemontanae Speci- men, exhibens corpora fossilia terrae adventitia. 8vo. Parisiis, 1757. 82pp.

ALLMAN, GEORGE JAMES.— Notes on Polytrema miniaceum. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v, 1872, pp. 372, 373.


Recent Researches among some of the more simple Sarcode

Organisms. Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), vol. xiii, 1876, pp. 261-305, figures ; Second Part, Ibid., pp. 385-439, figures. London.

ALTH, ALOJZY (Alois) -1888.— Geognostisch-palaontologische

Beschreibung der nachsten Umgebung von Lemberg. Haid- inger's Naturw. Abhandl., vol. iii, Abth. 2, 1850, pp. 171-284, pis. ix-xiii [pp. 262-271, pi. xiii]. Wien.

O galicyjskich gatunkach skamienialych Otwornic rodzaju

Gyroporella, Giimb. Rozprawy i Sprawozd. Matem.-Przyrodn. Ak. Umiejet. Krakow, vol. v, 1878, pp. 71-112, pis. vi and vii.


Wapien Nizniovvski i jego skamieliny. Pamietnik Akad.

Umiej. Krakowie, vol. vi, 1 88 1, pp. 1-160, 12 pis. ; in German, Die Versteinerungen des Nizniover Kalksteines. Mojsisovics und Neumayr^s Beitriige zur PalfBont. Oesterreich-Ungarn, vol. i, 1882, pp. 183-332, 12 pis. Krakowie; Wien.

AMICIS, GIOVANNI A. DE. L'Amphistegina del calcare lenticolare di Parlascio. Proc.- Verb. Soc. Tcsc. Sci.Nat.,\o\. iv (10 Maggio, 1885), pp. 222-226. Pisa.

II Calcare ad Amphistegina nella Provincia di Pisa, ed i suoi

fossili. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., Memorie, vol. vii, 1886, pp. 200-248, pi. xi. Pisa.

ANDREAE, A.— Notiz iiber das Tertiar im Elsass.— Neues Jahrbuch fiir Min., Gr*c., 1882, vol. ii, pp. 287-294 [list]. Sttittgart.

4 Bibliography of the Foraininifera.

ANDREAE, A.— Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Elsasser Tertiars. Abhandl. Geol. Special-Karte Elsass-Lothringen, vol. ii, Heft iii, 1884, 331 pp., 12 pis. Strassburg.

ANDRIEN, FERDINAND VON, and KARL M. PAUL.— Die geologi- schen Verhaltnisse der Kleinen Karpathen und die angrenzenden Landgebiete in nordwestlichen Ungarn. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xiv, 1864, pp. 325-366 [list]. Wien.

ANDRUSSOW, H.— Ke geologii Kertcheiskago polouostrova. Zapiski novoross. Obschestva Estest., vol. xi, pt. 2, 1887, pp. 69- 149 [lists]. Odessa.

ANGELL, A. (FILIUS). Notes on a Collection of Foraminifera from the Chalk in the Neighbourhood. Rept. Winchester and Hamp- shire Sci. Sac., for 1870-71 (1872), p. 20. [Abstract.] Winchester.

ANNONE, JOHANNJAC. D'. 1728-1804.— Acta Helvetica. ,1760.

[Not seen.]

ANON. Article "Foraminifera" in Penny Cyclopaedia, vol. x, 1848, PP- 347, 348. London.

Das alteste unter den bekannten Geschopfen der Erde (Eozoon

Canadense). Das Ausland, 1865, pp. 640-644, 8 figs. Augslmrg. [A Translation of Jones, Pop. Sci. Rev., 1864.]

Recent Foraminifera, Science Gossip, 1870, pp. 9-12, figures

17-31 ; Chalk Foraminifera, pp. 81-83, figures 75-94 ; d'Orbigny's Foraminifera, pp. 106-108, figures 103-119, pp. 155-157, figures 138-156. London.

[Woodcuts of all the figures published by D'ORBIGNY in the " Craie

blanche " are here given, of the same size as the originals.]

Unorganischer Ursprung des Eozoon. Verhandl. k. k. geol.

Reichsanst., 1872, p. 58.

[A note on Burbank and Perry's papers.]

Foraminiferes, in Larousse, Grand Dictionnaire universel du

xixe siecle. 4to. Paris, vol. viii (1872), p. 584.

Ueber die Lebensweise der den Meeresgrund bildenden

Globigerinen. Naiurforscher, Jahrg. viii, 1875, pp. 202, 203.


Globigerinae. Amer. Journ. Microscopy, vol. i, 1876, pp. 125-128, 3 figs, and pi. [frontispiece]. New York.

Forminifera [Foraminifera] from Chalk. Amer. Journ. Microsc., vol. ii, 1877, p. 7. New York. [Merely treats of method of mounting.]

Professor Moebius on the Eozoon Question. Nature (July I7th and 24th, 1879), vol. xx, pp. 272-275, 297-301, 19 figures.

[A Review with extracts of " Der Bau," &c.] London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 5

ANON.— The Earliest Known Life-relic.— Chambers? Journal, No. 902, Apl. 9, 1881, pp. 225-227. Edinburgh; London.

Foraminifera" in American Encyclopedia. 8vo. New York,

vol. vii, 1883, p. 311, 2 figures.

Orbulina universa. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol.

1884, pp. 579-580. London.

[F. CHAPMAN] Foraminifera.— Scientific News, April 27th,

May 4th and nth, 1888, pp. 388-390; 413, 414; 451, 452, 16 figures. London.

ANSTED, DAVID THOMAS. 1814-1880.— Geology, &c.— 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Pp. 62-65, v°l- i> and P- 63, vol. ii.

The Ancient World ; or, picturesque sketches of Creation.—

Svo. London, 1847. 408 pp., figs. [ed. 2, 1848].

The Deposits of the North Atlantic in Deep Water,

, and their \ wd.—Pop. I

London. '

Relation to the White Chalk of the Cretaceous Period.- Science Review, vol. ix, 1870, pp. 24-30, pi. Iv.

ARCHER, THOMAS C.— Note on Two Species of Foraminifera, and some Objects from the Nicobar Islands, &c. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., vol. vii, 1872, pp. 353-355. Edinburgh.

\Saccammina and Loftusia exhibited.]

ARCHER, WILLIAM.— On some Freshwater Rhizopoda, New or Little-Known. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n.s. vol. x, 1870 [p. 124, pi. xx]. London.

A New Sarcodine, possibly to be referred to the Genus

Microgromia. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881, pp. 230, 231. London.

ARCHIAC, ETIENNE JULES ADOLPHE DEXMIER DE SIMON, VlCOMTE D'. 1802-1869.— Me"moire sur la formation cretacee du Sud-Ouest de la France. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, vol. ii, 1835, pp. 157-192. Paris.

Essai sur la coordination des terrains tertiaires du nord de la

France et de 1'Angleterre. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, vol. x, 1839, pp. 168-225. Paris.

Description geologique du departement de 1'Aisne. Mem.

Soc. Geol. France, vol. v, pt. 2, 1843, pp. 129-418, pis. [pp. 369, 370, pi. xxv]. Paris.

Description des Fossiles recueillis par M. Thorent dans les

couches a Nummulines des environs de Bayonne. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1846, pp. 189-218, pis. v-viii. Paris.

Extrait d'un Memoire sur les fossiles des couches a Nummu-

lites des environs de Bayonne et de Dax. [With 2 " Listes des Especes nouvelles."]— Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1847, pp. 1006-1013. Paris.

6 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

ARC HI AC, LE VICOMTE D'.— Description des Fossiles du groupe Nummulitique recueillis par M. S. P. Pratt et M. J. Delbos aux environs de Bayonne et de Dax. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 397-456, pis. viii-xiii. Pat is.

Histoire des progres de la Geologic. " Tableau de la Faune

nummulitique."— 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-1859. [Vol. iii, 1850, pp. 230-246.]

In L. BELLARDI'S Catalogue raisonne des Fossiles nummuli-

tiques du Comte de Nice. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1851, pp. 205-300, pis. xii-xxii. v. BELLARDI. Paris.

Description de quelques fossiles nouveaux ou imparfaitement

connus des environs des Bains de Rennes.—jButt. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. xi, 1854, pp. 205-229, pi. ii. Parts.

Observations critiques sur la distribution stratigraphique et

la synonymic de quelques Rhizopodes. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. xviii, 1861, pp. 460-468. Paris.

Sur 1'Eozoon du Canada.— Comptes Rendus, vol. Ixi, 1865,

pp. 192-195. Paris.

Paleontologie— in TCHIHATCHEFF'S Asie Mineure. 8vo. Paris, 1 866, and atlas of pis.

[Faune du Terrain Secondaire, pp. 102, 103 ; Faune Tertiaire Inferieure, pp. 200-232, pi. ix.]

Paleontologie de la France. Recueil Rapports Progres

Lettres Sciences France. 8vo. Paris, 1868, 726 pp. [Rhizopodes, 619-628.]

Note sur le genre Fabularia, Defrance. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, ser. 2, vol. xxvi, 1868-1869 (1869), pp. 454-458. Paris.

ARCHIAC, LE VICOMTE D', and JULES HAIME. Description des Animaux fossiles du groupe nummulitique del'Inde, precede d'un resume geologique et d'une Monographic des Nummulites. 2vols. 4to. Paris, i, 1853 ; ii, 1854 ; 373 pp., 36 plates.

ARGENVILLE, ANTOINE JOSEPH DEZALLIER D'. 1680-1765.— La Conchyliologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles, etc. Ed. 3, par Favanne de Montcervelle. 2 vols. and i of plates, 410. Paris, 1780.

ARMSTRONG, JAMES, and JOHN YOUNG.— Notes on the Fossils of the Orchard Limestone Series.— Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1877 [read in 1875], PP- 250-262. Glasgow.

[List of 5 spp. p. 253.]

ARMSTRONG, JAMES ; JOHN YOUNG ; and DAVID ROBERT- SON.—Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils.— 8vo. Glas- gow, 1876, 164 pp., maps, pis.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 7

ARNOLD, J. W. S. Microscopical Examination of Specimens of Deep-sea Soundings, taken during a Cruise of the Nautical School-ship Mercury, 1871-2. Report Comm. Pub. Charities and Corrections^. 4to. Washington}, 1872, pp. 13-16. [Not seen.]


BACHMANN, ISIDOR. Quelques remarques sur une note de M. Renevier, intitulee, " Quelques observations geologiques sur les Alpes de la Suisse centrale (Schwytz, Uri, Unterwalden, et Berne), comparees aux Alpes vaudoises." Mitth. nat. Gesellsch. Bern, Jahr. 1869, pp. 161-174. Bern.

BACON, JOHN (JUNIOR). Polythalamia in Sand from the Sahara Desert. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. v, 1847, pp. 402-404, pi. [The plate does not seem to have been published.] Boston.


Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. ii, 1848, p. 164. Boston.

[Read Aug. 5, 1846.]

BAILEY, CHARLES.— On a Deposit in Dog's Bay, Connemara, desti- tute of Foraminifera. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc., Manchester, vol. viii, 1869, pp. 199, 200. Manchester.


BAILEY, JACOB WHITMAN. 1811-1857.— [Bailey, J. W.] Note of Discovery of " Fossil Foraminifera in the Green Sand of New Jersey." Amer. Journ. Set., ser. i, vol. xli, 1841, pp. 213, 214.

New Haven.

American Polythalamia from the Upper Mississippi, and also '

from the Cretaceous Formation of the Upper Missouri. Amer. Journ. Set., vol. xli, 1841, pp. 400, 401, 4 woodcuts. New Haven.

On Fossil Foraminifera in the Calcareous Marl from the Cre- >•

taceous Formation on the Upper Missouri. Proc. Acad. Nat. j Sci. Philad., vol. i, 1843, P- 75- Philadelphia.

[Mention only.] \

[On Cretaceous Foraminifera, 1843.] See HITCHCOCK, ED- WARD, same date.

On some New Localities for Infusoria, Fossil and Recent.

Amer. Journ. Science, vol. xlviii, 1845, pp. 321-343, pi. iv.

[2 Rotaline casts.] New Haven.

Microscopical Examination of Soundings made by the U. S.

Coast Survey off the Atlantic Coast of the U. S. Smithsonian Contrib., vol. ii, 1851, art. 3 (1851), pp. 1-15, I pi. Washington. [Reprinted in Report U. S. Coast Survey for 1855 (1856), p. 360.]

8 Bibliography of the Foraininifcra.

BAILEY, J. W.— Miscellaneous Notices; 4. Silicified Polythalamia in Florida. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1851, p. 86.

New Haven.

Examination of some Deep Soundings from the Atlantic Ocean. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. xvii, 1854, pp. 176-178.

New Haven.

- On the Origin of Greensand and its Formation in the Oceans

of the Present Epoch. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. v, 1856,

pp. 364-368 ; Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. xxii, 18^6, pp.

280-284 ; Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. v, 1857, pp. 83-87.

Boston; New Haven; London.


BAILEY, LORINGW. Notes on New Species of Microscopic Organ- isms, chiefly from the Para River, South America. Bostonjourn. of Nat. Hist., vol. vii, 1863, pt. 3 (1862), pp. 329-351, 2 pis. \Biloculina serrata, p. 350, pi. viii.] Boston.

BAILEY, WILLIAM HELIER. Descriptions of Fossil Invertebrata from the Crimea. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv, 1858, pp. 133-163, 3 pis. [Lists.] London.

BAKEWELL, ROBERT. 1768-1843. Introduction to Geology.— Ed. 4, 8vo. London, 1833. pis.

BALKWILL, FREDERICK PRYOR, and FORTESCUE WILLIAM MILLETT.— The Foraminifera of Galway.— Journ. Microsc. and Nat. Sci., vol. iii, 1884, pp. 19-28 ; 78-90, 4 pis. London &•» Bath.

BALKWILL, FREDERICK PRYOR, and JOSEPH WRIGHT.- Re- cent Foraminifera of Dublin and Wicklow. Proc. R. Irish Acad., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1882, pp. 545-550. Dublin.

Report on some Recent Foraminifera found off the

Coast of Dublin and in the Irish Sea. Trans. R. Irish Acad., vol. xxviii, 1885, Science, pp. 317-372, 3 pis. and figures in text.


BARRERE, PIERRE. 1690-1755. Observations sur 1'origine et la formation des Pierres figurees. 8vo. Paris, 1746, pp. 67, 2 pis. [Nummulites.]

BARROIS, CHARLES. Note sur les Foraminiferes arenaces [and other organisms].— Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord., vol. iii, 1876, pp. 18-20.


Recherches sur les Terrains anciens de 1'Asturias et de la

Galice.— Mem. Soc. Geol. Nord.y vol. ii, pt. I, 1882, pp. 1-630, pis. i-xx. Lille.

BARY, HENRY B. Misprint in Jaarb. mijn. ned. Oost- Indie, vol. vii, 1878, v. BRADY.

Bibliography of tJie Foraininifera. 9

BASSI, FERDINANDO -1774.— Tabella Oryctografica Sedimenti

Marini Fossilis ex Agro Bononiensi.

[" Una tavoletta coperta di cera, sulla quali stanno dispositi in bell' ordine minuti fossili del Bolognese, portante il titolo di Tabella &^c." This tablet is described by Fornasini in Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. iii, 1884, pp. 85-94.]

BASTEROT, B. DE. Description gdologique du bassin tertiaire du S.-O. de France. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. ii, 1825, pp. i-ioo, 7 pis. Paris.

BATSCH, AUGUST JOHANN GEORG KARL. 1761-1802. —Verzeichniss der grafl. Reuss.-Plauischen Naturaliensammlung zu Kostritz. 2 vols. 8vo. Jena, 1786. [Nummulites, &c.] [Not seen.]

Sechs Kupfertafeln mit Conchylien des Seesandes, gezeichnet

und gestochen von A. J. G. K. BATSCH. 410. Jena, 1791. Wrapper, with descriptions thereon, 6 plates.

Testaceorum arenulae marinae tabulae VI. priores, ad opus

Testacea minutiora hucusque [? minusque] nota, nondum in scriptis divulgata, accuratius designata complectens elaboratae, speciminis loco secundum naturam delineatae et aeri incisae. Sechs Kup- fertafeln, £c. (Latin and German). 410. Jena, 1791. [Referred to by Schroeter, in 1803, as Testae, arenulae, &c. The

full title is taken from Bibl. Eist.-Nai., Engelmann, 1846. Evi- dently another issue of the very rare " Sechs Kupfertafeln." There is no copy in the library at Jena, nor can I find any trace of it elsewhere than in Schroeter and Engelmann].

BECCARIUS, JACOBUS BARTHELMIUS. 1682-1766.— De Bononiensi arena <3Lua.<\a.m.—Commentarii de Bonon. Scient. et Art. Inst. vol. i, 1731, p. 68. Bononiae.

BEISSELS, IGNAZ -1887.— In vol. ii of Michel Mourlon's

"Geologie de la Belgique," 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879, P- I28> foot-note, we find the following : " Toutes les especes de Foraminiferes marqudes de deux ** ont ete trouvdes par M. J. Beissels dans la craie des environs d'Aix-la-Chapelle, et decrites et figure'es par lui." [M. M. Mourlon has kindly put me into communication with the son of the late M. I. Beissels, who tells me that his father's

work was never published, but is in the hands of Prof. ,

who has consented to see it through the press.]

BELLARDT, LuiGl. 1818-. . . .— Liste des fossiles de la formation nummulitique du Comte de Nice. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. vii, 1850, pp. 678-683. Paris.

Liste des fossiles nummulitiques d'Egypte de la collection du

Musee royal de Mineralogie de Turin. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. viii, 1851, pp. 261-263. Paris.

io Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

BELLARDI, LuiGi.— Catalogo ragionato dei Fossili Nummulitici d'Egitto nella raccolta del Regio Museo Mineralogico di Torino. Mem. R. Accad. Set. Torino, ser. 2, vol. xv, 1854, pp. 171-203, 3 plates [199-203, no figures of Foraminifera.] Torino.

BELLARDI, L. ; A. SISMONDA ; D'ARCHIAC ; and JULES HAIME. Catalogue raisonne des fossiles nummulitiques du Comte" de Nice.— Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv, pt. 2, 1852, pp. 205-300, pis. xii-xxii. Paris.

BEN N IE, JAMES. Note on the Range of Saccammina Carteri (Brady) in the Carboniferous Series. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iii, p. 47. London.

BERGEN, CARL AUGUST VON. 1704-1759.— Classes conchyliorum. Nova Acta Caes. Leop.-CaroL, vol. ii, 1761, Appendix, pp. 1-132. NorimbergcE.

[Classification of authors from Aristotle to Patric Broune, B.C. 334-A.D. 1756, compared.]

BERTHELIN, GEORGES. Liste des Foraminiferes recueillis dans la Baie de Bourgneuf et a Pornichet ; suivie de la Traduction des Renseignements sur la maniere de recolter les Microzoaires marins, publics par M. David Robertson, F.G.S., dans les Trans- actions of the Geological Society of Glasgow. Ann. Soc. Acad. Nantes, ser. 5, vol. viii, 1878, pp. 203-255. [? Reprinted, 8vo. Nantes, 1884, 55 pp.] Nantes.

Foraminiferes du Lias Moyen de la Vendee. Revue et Mag.

ZooL, 1879, PP- 24-4 !> i plate. Parts.

Me'moire sur les Foraminiferes fossiles de PEtage Albien de

Moncley (Doubs). Mhn. Soc. G^ol. France, ser. 3, vol. i, No. 5, 1880, pp. 1-84, pis. xxiv-xxvii. Paris.

Coup d'ceil sur la Faune Rhizopodique du Calcaire Grossier

inferieur de la Marne.— C. R. Assoc. Fran$. (Reims, 1880), 1881, PP- 553-599- Paris.

Sur 1'ouverture de la Placentula Partschiana, d'Orb.,sp. Bull.

Soc. Ge"ol. France, ser. 3, vol. xi, 1882, pp. 16, 17. Paris.

Reponse a la Note de M. Terquem, au sujet de 1'ouverture de

la Placentula Partschiana. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, se"r. 3, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 304-308, figure. Paris.


BERTRAND, ELIE. 1712-1790. Dictionnaire universel des Fossiles propres et des Fossiles accidentels, &c.— 2 vols. 8vo. La Haye, 1763.

BESSELS, EMIL. 1847-1888.— Haeckelina gigantea. Ein Protist der Gruppe der Monothalamien.— Jenaische Zeitschr.fiirNaturw., vol. ix, 1874, pp. 265-279, pi. xiv. Jena.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 1

BEUDANT, FRANCOIS SULPICE. 1787-1850.— Cours eldmentaire d'Histoire Naturelle.— Geologic.— Ed. 8, 8vo. Paris, 1858. 348 pp., figures. Later editions (i7th, 1886), the same figures.


BIGSBY, JOHN JEREMIAH. 1792-1881. Thesaurus Siluricus.— 410. London, 1868 [p. 6.]

Thesaurus Devonico-carboniferus. 4to. London, 1878 [pp.

200-205 .]

BILLINGS, ELKANAH. 1820-1876. Notes on some of the more Remarkable Genera of Silurian and Devonian Fossils. Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. ii, 1865, pp. 184-198, 14 figures ; pp. 405-409, 3 figures. Montreal.

BITTNER, A.— Ueber das Alter des Tiifferer Mergel und iiber die Verwendbarkeit von Orbitoiden zur Trennung der ersten von der zvveiten Mediterranstufe. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1885, No. 9, pp. 225-232. Wien.

BLAINVILLE, HENRI MARIE DUCROTAY DE. 1778-1850.— Traite de Malacologie.— 8vo. Paris, 1825. Plates.

Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. 8vo. Paris,

1825. Plates.

Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie.— 8vo. Paris, 1834.


-, In VIEILLOT, q. v.

BLAINVILLE, HENRI MARIE DUCROTAY DE, & JACQUES Louis MARIN DEFRANCE.— Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. 60 vols. 8vo. Paris and Strassburg, 1816-1830. [ Vide vols. " Conch, et Malac." and " Vers et Zooph."]

BLAKE, J. F.— On the Infralias in Yorkshire.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii, 1872, pp. 132-147. v. TATE & BLAKE. London.

On the Kimmeridge Clay of England.— Quart. Journ. Geol.

Soc., vol. xxxi, 1875, pp. 196-233. London.

Lower Silurian Foraminifera. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iii,

1876, pp. 134, 135. London.

On Renulina Sorbyana. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xv,

1876, pp. 262, 263, figure. London.

BLAKE, WILLIAM PHIPPS. Notice of Remarkable Strata contain- ing the Remains of Infusoria and Polythalamia in the Tertiary Formation of Monterey, California. Proc. Ac. Nat. Set. Philad., vol. vii, 1854-55 (1856), pp. 328-331. [Mention only.]


BLANC, HENRI. Un nouveau Foraminifere de la faune profonde du Lac [Geneva]. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., vol. xvi, 1886, pp. 362-366 \Gromia Brunnerit\. Geneve.

12 BibliograpJiy of the Foraminifera.

BLANC, HENRI.— La Gromia Brunnerii, un nouveau foraminifere. Recueil Zool. Suisse, vol. iv, No. 4, 1888, pp. 497-513, pi. xxiv.


BLANFORD, WILLIAM THOMAS. On the Geology of Sind. Records Geol. Survey India, vol. ix, 1876, pp. 8-22. Calcutta. [Lists and occurrences.]

, i>. MEDLICOTT, H. B.

BLUMENBACH, JOHANN FRIEDRICH. 1752-1840.— Abbildungen naturhistorischer Gegenstande. 8vo. Gottingen, 1796-1810. [There appear to have been several editions of some of the parts. I have seen three copies of the book, one of which, the first edition, 1796-1810, was perfect ; another made up of first edition, and of "Zweyte Auflage 1810 ;" and a third made up of first edition, " Neue Auflage 1827," and " Neue verbesserte Auflage 1830." The plates remain the same in the numbered parts.] [Phacites and Madreporites.]

BOCKH, JANOS [JOHANN].— F6th— Godolld— Asz6d Korn-yekenek fdldtani viszonyai. Fbldtani Kbzlony, vol. ii, 1872 (1873), pp. 6- 1 8. Buda-Pest.


BOLSCHE, H. Ein neues Vorkommen von Versteinerungen in der Rauchwacke des siidlichen Hartz-Randes. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mm., <&-v., Jahrg. 1864, pp. 665-672 \Serpulapusilla, p. 667.]

Stuttgai t.

BOLL, ERNST. Geognosie der deutschen Ostseelander zwischen Eider und Oder. 8vo. Neubrandenburg, 1846, 2 pis.

Geognostische Skizze von Meklenburg als Erlauterung

zu der von der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft herauszuge- benden geognostischen Uebersichtskarte von Deutschland. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. iii, 1851, pp. 436-477. Berlin. [Lists.]

BONNISANT.— Essai ge"ologique surle Departement de la Manche. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, vol. xi, 1865, pp. 221, &c. ; xiii, 1867, pp. 5-34. [List.] Paris and Cherbourg.

BORN, IGNAZ VON. 1742-1791.— Index fossilium quas collegit, et in classes ac ordines disposuit Ignatius Eques a Born. 2 Parts. 8vo. Pragce, 1772-1775. [Nautili nummales, ii, p. 28.]

BORNEMANN, JOHANN GEORG.— Ueber die Liasformation in der Umgegend von Gottingen, und ihre organischen Einschliisse. 8vo. Berlin, 1854, 77 pp., map and 3 pis.

Die mikroskopische Fauna des Septa rienthones von Herms-

dorf bei Berlin. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. vii, 1855, pp. 307-371, pp. xii.-xxi. Berlin.

Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera. 13

BORNEMANN, J. G. Bemerkungen iiber einige Foraminiferen aus den Tertiarbildungen der Umgegend von Magdeburg. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xii, 1860, pp. 156-160, pi. vi.


BORNEMANN [G.] In ERMAN.— Ueber einige bisher nicht beachtete Tertiar-Gesteine aus der Umgegend von Rio de Janeiro. Ermatts Archiv wissensch. Kiinde Russland, vol. xiv, 1855, pp. 144-161, pi. i. [Daua'na.] Berlin.

BORNEMANN, L. G. Ueber die Foraminiferengattung Involutina. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xxvi, 1874, pp. 702-740, pis. xviii, xix. Berlin.

Sopra una specie mediterranea del genere Lingulinopsis.

Atti Soc. Toscana Set. Nat., vol. vi, 1883, pp. 26-28, I pi. Pisa.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Muschelkalks, insbesondere der

Schichte^folge und der Gesteine des Unteren Muschelkalks in Thiiringen.— -Jahrb. k. preuss.geol. Landesanst. Berlin, 1885 (1886), pp. 267-321, pis. vii-xiv (Rock-sections). Berlin.

BOSC, C. Sur deux nouvelles Alveolites. Bull. Sci. Soc. Phil >m., vol. iii, No. 61, 1811, p. 99, pi. v. Paris.

BOSC, Louis AUGUSTE GUILLAUME. 1759-1828.— Histoire naturelle des Coquilles. 5 vols. I2mo. Pan's, 1802.

BOSQUET, JOSEPH AUGUSTIN HUBERT. 1813-1880. Recherches paleontologiques sur le Terrain Tertiaire du Limbourg Neer- landais. Veth. Koninkl. Akad. Wetensch., vol. vii, 1859, pp. 1-30, 2 pis. Amsterdam.

BOUBEE, NEREE. 1806-1863.— Nummulina planospira et crassa. Bull. nouv. Gisements France, livr. i, 1831. ? Paris.

[Not seen.]

[Nummulites mille-caput and N. papyracea.] Bull. Soc. Geol.

France, vol. ii, 1832, pp. 444-445. Paris.


mille-caput. N. Boubee.]— Mag. de Zoologie (14 Juillet, 1832), pt. i, classe v, Mollusques, pi. 15. Paris.

BOUE, AMI. 1794-1881.— Guide du Geologue-Voyageur.— 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836.

Uber die Nummuliten-Ablagerungen.— Haidinger's Bericht

u. d. Miitheilungen, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 446-456. Wien.

Bibliographie derWerke und Abhandlungen iiber Nummuliten

und einiger Werke worin sie beschrieben werden. Haidinger's Bericht u. d. Mittheilungen, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 457-460. Wien.

[This important list is followed by other lists of works on I. The

Nummulitic beds of the Alps ; 2. Leymerie's Epicretacee ; 3. Calcaire pisolitique of Paris ; 4. Maestricht chalk.]

14 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

BOURGUET, Louis. 1678-1742. Lettres philosophiques sur la formation des Sels et des Crystaux, et sur le Generation et le Mechanisme organique des Plantes, et des Animaux a 1'occasion de la Pierre Belemnite, et de la Pierre Lenticulaire.— I2mo. Amsterdam, 1729, plate ; ed. 2, 1762.

[B * * *, L.] Memoires pour servir k PHistoire Naturelle

des Petrifactions dans les quatres parties du monde. 4.10. La Haye, 1742, plates ; and as " Traite des Petrifactions, &c." 4to. Paris, 1742. [The same book with different title-page.]

BOUTILLIER, M. L.— Notice sur un depot alluvial de Saint-Aubin-

sur-mer (Calvados) contenant des Nummulites. Bull. Soc. Amis

Set. Nat. Rouen, ann. xii, 1876, pp. 182-184, section. Rouen.

[The Nummulites occur in a thin bed (25 centimetres) of yellow

quartzose sandy clay, immediately resting upon oolitic beds.]

BOWDICH, THOMAS EDWARD. 1791-1824.— Elements of Con- chology, including the Fossil Genera and the Animals. 8vo. Paris, 1820-1822. Plates.

BOWERBANK, JAMES SCOTT. 1797-1877.— On the London Clay formation at Bracklesham Bay, Sussex. Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1840, pp. 23-25. London.

On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spongiadae. Part iii.

Phil. Trans., vol. clii., 1862, pp. 1087-1135, pis. Ixxii-lxxiv. [Haliphysema.] London.

A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. 8vo. London (Ray

Soc.), vol. iv. (by A. M. NORMAN), 1882 [pp. 33, &c.] \Haliphysema. ]

BRADY, HENRY BOWMAN. Foraminifera in Report on the Dredging of the Northumberland Coast and Dogger Bank, &c. Kept. Brit. Assoc. (Cambridge, 1862), 1863, p. 122. London.

Notes on Foraminifera new to the British Fauna.— Rept. Brit.

3. IOO-


Assoc. (Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1863), 1864, Trans. Sections, pp. 100- lox. Lon

[A List of British Foraminifera.] 4to. Newcastle, January, 1864. A 4-page list for the use of dredging committees, &c., giving types, genera and species, references to Williamson, and columns for depth, frequency, and observations. [Privately printed.]

Foraminifera in Report of Deep-sea Dredging on the Coasts of Northumberland and Durham in 1862-1864. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. Durham, vol. i, 1864, pp. 51-54. Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Contributions to our Knowledge of the Foraminifera. On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Shetlands. Trans. Linnean Soc., vol. xxiv, 1864, pp. 463-475, pi. xlviii. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 15

BRADY, H. B. On Involutina liassica (Nummulites liassicus, Rupert Jones). Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, pp. 193-196, pi. ix. London.

On the Foraminifera of the Upper and Middle lAzs.—Rept.

Brit. Assoc. (Bath, 1864), 1864, Trans. Sections, p. 50. London.

[Notes on Foraminifera from the Valley Deposits of the Nar,

Norfolk.] Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, pp. 306, 307. London.

In C. W. PEACH'S Further observations on, and additions

to, the List of Fossils found in the Boulder Clay of Caithness, N.B.— Report Brit. Assoc., (Nottingham, 1866) 1866, pp. 64, 65.


On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Hebrides. Repot t Brit.

Assoc. (Nottingham, 1866), 1866, Trans, sections, p. 69. London.

Synopsis of the Foraminifera of the upper and middle Lias of

Somersetshire.— In CHARLES MOORE'S— On the middle and upper Lias of the South-west of England. Proc. Somerset Arch. Nat. His. Soc., vol. xiii, 1865-1866 (1867), pp. 220-230, pis. i.-iii.


A Catalogue of the Recent Foraminifera of Northumberland

and Durham. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. i, 1865 (1867), pp. 83-107, pi. xii. Newcastle-on-Tyne.

On Ellipsoidina, a New Genus of Foraminifera [Translation

of part of Seguenza's paper, q.vJ], by Giuseppe Seguenza ; with Further Notes on its Structure and Affinities. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. i, 1868, pp. 333-343, pi. xiii. London.

Notes on the Foraminifera of Mineral Veins and the Adjacent

Strata.—^/. Brit. Assoc. (Exeter, 1869), 1869, p. 381. [See also CHAS. MOORE'S paper, Ibid., p. 360.] London.


and Foraminifera of Tidal Rivers. —Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, pp. 273-306, pis. xi, xii. London.

Catalogue of British Foraminifera in the Edinburgh Museum

of Science and Art. 8vo. [Edinburgh, 1870], 8 pp.

[At the end of Catalogue the date " Newcastle-on-Tyne, October, 1870, H. B. Brady," occurs.]

On Saccammina Carteri, a new Foraminifer from the Carboni- ferous Limestone of Northumberland. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, pp. 177-184, pi. xii ; Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. iv, 1872, pp. 269-278, pi. xi.

London j Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Notes on Brackish-water Foraminifera. Rept. Brit. Assoc.,

(Liverpool, 1870) 1871, pp. 113, 114. London.

On Archaediscus Karreri, a new Type of Carboniferous

Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, pp. 286-290, pi. xi ; abstract, Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Bradford, 1873).

London; London.

1 6 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

B RAD Y, H. B. In Memoirs Geol. Surv Scotland, Explanation of Sheet 23, Lanarkshire, central districts [pp. 94-96]. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873-

On a True Carboniferous Nummulite. Annals Mag. Xaf.

Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 222-230, pi. xii ; transl. by Vanden Broeck, "Une Vraie Nummulite Carbonifere," Traduct. et Repro- duct. publ. par Soc. Malac. Belgique, same plate ; note by M. Miller, Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. ix, Bull., pp. xciii-xcvi.

London ; Bruxelles.

Catalogue des foraminiferes rencontres jusqu'ici dans le golfe

de Gascogne [Janvier, 1872]. Les Fonds de la Mer, 8vo. Paris, vol. ii, 1875, pp. 12, 13.


In McINTOSH'S— The Marine Invertebrata and Fishes of

St. Andrews.— 4to. Edinburgh, 1875, 186 pp., plates. [List, pp.

II, 12.]

On some Fossil Foraminifera from the West-coast district

Sumatra. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. ii, 1875, pp. 532-539, pis. xiii, xiv. Reprinted in Jaarb. Mijn. Ned. Oost- Indie, vol. vii, pt. I, 1878, pp. 157-169, 2 pis. London; Amsterdain.

Notes on a Group of Russian Fusulinae. Annals Mag. Nat.

Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, pp. 414-422, pi. xviii. London.

On some Foraminifera from the Loo Choo Islands. Proc. R.

Irish Acad., ser. 2, vol. ii, 1876, pp. 589, 590 ; Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. xvi, 1876, p. 405. Dublin; London.

Description d'une nouvelle espece de Foraminifere des Couches

miocenes de la Jamai'que.— Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. xi, 1876, p. 309. Bruxelles.

A Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera

(the genus Fusulina excepted). Palaont. Soc., vol. xxx (for 1876), pp. 1-166, 12 pis. ; long reviews by Vanden Broeck in Bull. Soc. Beige Microsc., vol. iv (1877-78), pp. xxxvii-xlv, and Ann. Soc. Geol. Beige., vol. v, 1878, Bibl., pp. 7-12. Lomlon; Bruxelles.

In E. P, WRIGHT'S— Notes on Foraminifera (Seychelle

Islands and Cagliari). Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, PP- 4°-44- London.

Supplementary Note on the Foraminifera of the Chalk (?) of

the New Britain Group. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iv, 1877, pp. 534-536. [See LIVERSIDGE.] London.

On the Reticularian and Radiolarian Rhizopoda (Foraminifera

and Polycystina) of the North- Polar Expedition of 1875-76.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 425-440, pis. xx, xx i. London.

Rhizopoda reticularia in G. S. NARES' Narrative of a

Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 in H.M. ships Alert and Discovery. rSvo. London, 1878 [vol. ii, app. xiii, pp. 295-300].

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 17

BRADY, H. B. Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Challenger Expedition. Part I. On new or little-known arenaceous types. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n. s., vol. xix, 1879, pp. 20-63, pis. iii-v. London.

Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Chal- lenger Expedition. Part II. Additions to the knowledge of Porcellanous and Hyaline types. Quart. Jottrn. Microsc. Science, n. s., vol. xix, 1879, pp. 261-299, pi. viii. London.

Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Chal- lenger Expedition. Part III. i. Classification. 2. Further notes on New Species. 3. Note on Biloculina Mud. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n.s., vol. xxi, 1881, pp. 31-71. London.

Ueber einige arktische Tiefsee - Foraminiferen gesammelt

wahrend der oesterreichisch-ungarischen Nordpol-Expedition in den Jahren 1872-74.— Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xliii, 1881, pp. 91-110, map and pi. Wien.

Transl. (emended), Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881,

pp. 393-418, pi. xxi. London.

Notes on Rhizopoda obtained from Capt. Markham's Sound- ings on the Shores of Novaya Zemlya. In MARKHAM'S A Polar Reconnaissance.— 8vo. London, 1881 [pp. 346-348].

On Keramosphaera, a new type of Porcellanous Foramini- fera.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. x, 1882, pp. 242-245, pi. xiii. London.

In CLEMENT REID'S Geology of the Country around Cromer. Mem. Geol. Surv. England and Wales. 8vo. London, 1882 [p. 65].

Foraminifera in TIZARD and MURRAY'S— Exploration of

the Faroe Channel Ship Knight- Errant.— Proc. Roy.

Soc. Edinburgh, vol. xi, 1882, pp. 708-717, pi. vi. Edinburgh.

Note on Syringammina, a new type of arenaceous Foramini- fera.— Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1883, pp. 155-161, pis. ii and iii.


Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-1876. Reports of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, vol. ix (Zoology). 4to. Lon- don, 1884, pp. 814, figures, with volume of 115 plates. [Contains a Bibliographic List.]

Note on Orbitolites italica, Costa, sp. (Orbitolites tenuissima, Carpenter).— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xvi, 1886, pp. 191, 192. London.

A Synopsis of the British Recent Foraminifera.— Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. vii, 1887, pp. 872-927. London.


1 8 BibliograpJiy of tlie Foraminifera.

BRADY, H. B. Note on the so-called " Soapstone" of Fiji. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, pp. i-io, pi. i. London.



BRADY, H. B., WILLIAM KITCHEN PARKER, and THOMAS RUPERT JONES. A monograph of the Genus Polymorphina. Trans. Linnean Soc. vol. xxvii, 1870, pp. 197-253, pis. xxxix-xlii, and figures in text. London.

On some Foraminifera from the Abrohlos

Bank. Trans. Zool. Soc., vol. xii, pL vii, 1888, pp. 211-239, pis. xl-xlvi, and chart. London.

BRANDT, KARL. Ueber die morphologische und physiologische

Bedeutung des Chlorophylls bei Thieren. Mitth. zool. Station

Neapel, Bd. iv, Heft 2, 1883, pp. 191-302, pis. xix, xx. Leipzig.

The first part of this paper, which does not deal especially with

the Foraminifera, will be found in Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1882,

pp. 125-151, pi. i. Leipzig.

BREE, C. R.— Popular Illustrations in Natural History. The Foraminifera. The Field, March 10, 1866, p. 190, &c, figures (after Williamson). London.

Popular Illustrations of the Lower Forms of Life. 8vo.

London, 1868, 134 pp., figures.

[A reprint of articles which appeared in the Field newspaper, 1866.]

BREYN, JOHANN PHILIPPUS. 1680-1764. Dissertatio physica de Polythalamiis, nova Testaceorum classe, £c. 4to. Gedani, 1732, plates [Cephalopoda].

De quibusdam Conchis minus notis epistolas binas, Ouarum

altera a Joanne Philippo Breynio, altera vero a Jano Planco conscripta. Mem. sopra Fisica Istoria Nat., vol. i, 1743, pp. 147- 194, pi. Lucca.

BROADHEAD, GARLAND C.— Geology of North-western Missouri. Part ii. of Raphael Pumpelly's— Geological Survey of Missouri, 8vo. New York, 1873, pp. 1-441. \_Fusulina, throughout.]

Carboniferous Rocks of Eastern Kansas. Trans. Ac. Sci. St.

Louis, vol. iv, No. 3, 1884, pp. 481-492 [Fusutina occurrences].

St. Louis, Mo.

BROCCHI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. 1772-1826. Conchiologia fossile subappennina, con osservazione geologiche sugli Appennine e sue suolo adiacente. 2 vols., 4to. Milan, 1814; ed. 2, I2mo. Milan, 1843 [vol. ii. pp. 251-258].

BROCKLESBY, JOHN.— Views of the Microscopic World, etc.— 8vo. New York, 1851, 146 pp., figs.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 19

BRODIE, PETER BELLINGER.— Remarks on the Lias at Fretherne, near Newnham, and Purton, near Sharpness ; with an account of New Foraminifera discovered there. [Letter from T. RUPERT JONES.] Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.) ser. 2, vol. xii. 1853, pp. 272-276. London.

BROECK, ERNEST VANDEN.— Observations sur la Nummulites planulata du Paniselien. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. ii, 1874, pp. 559-566. Paris.

Quelques considerations sur la ddcouverte, dans le calcaire

carbonifere de Namur, d'un fossile microscopique nouveau, appartenant au genre Nummulite. -Ann. Soc. Geol. Belg., vol. i, 1874, pp. lix, 16-27. Bruxelles.

Sur les foraminiferes du golfe de Gascogne [Novembre, 1874].

Les Fonds de la Mer, 8vo. Paris, vol. ii, 1875, pp. 146-150 ; an addition to this list appeared in vol. iii (1877), p. 219.

Les foraminiferes dragues au large de Marseille [Decembre, 1875].— Les Fonds de la Mer, 8vo. Paris, vol. iii, 1875-1879, pp. 22-24.

Etude sur les Foraminiferes de la Barbade (Antilles) recueillis

par L. Agassiz, prece'de'e de quelques considerations sur la Classi- fication et la nomenclature des Foraminiferes. Ann. Soc. Belg. Microsc., vol. ii. Annee 1876 (1876), pp. 55-152, pi. ii, iii.


And as " Sur quelques foraminiferes de la Barbade." [Septembre- Octobre, 1876.]— Les Fonds de la Mer, 8vo. Paris, vol. iii, 1875- 1879, pp. 80-102, pis. ii and iii.

Notes sur une Excursion scientifique en Suisse, Aout, Septembre, 1875. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. x, 1876, pp. cxxix-clxiii. Bruxelles.

Note sur les foraminiferes de 1'Argile des Polders. Ann. Soc. Belg. Microsc., vol. iii, Anne"e 1877 (1877), pp. cxiii-cxxii.


Instructions pour la Recolte des foraminiferes vivants. Ann. Soc. Beige Microsc., vol. iii, Annee 1877 (1877), pp. 5-16. Bruxelles.

On some Foraminifera from Pleistocene Beds in Ischia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, pp. 196-198. London.

Note sur les Foraminiferes du Littoral du Card. Bull. Soc. £tude Sci. Nat. Nimes, 6 Annee, 1878, pp. 18-24. Nimes.

v. MILLER, H. J.

BROECK, ERNEST VANDEN, and P. COGELS.— Observations sur les Couches Quaternaires et Pliocenes de Merxem pres d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. xii, 1877, Bull., pp. Ixviii-lxxiii.


2O Bibliography of the Foraminifem.

BROECK, ERNEST VANDEN, and HENRY MILLER.— Nouvelle varietd de la N. planulata, la var. B, d'Archiac et Haime. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. viii, 1873 (.£?#//.), pp. xxxi.-xxxiii. Bruxelles.

separately, under same title, 8vo. Bruxelles; fasc. i, 1876, pp. i-ioi ; fasc. 2, 1878, pp. 102-293. Bruxelles.

[These two parts are purely stratigraphical , those dealing with the Foraminifera have not yet been published.]

BRONGNIART, ALEXANDRE. 1770-1847. Memoire sur les Ter- rains de sediment supdrieurs calcareo-trappeens du Vicentin, &c. 4to. Paris, 1823, 86 pp., 6 plates.

BRONN, HEINRICH GEORG. 1800-1862. System der urweltlichen Konchylien durch Diagnose, Analyse, und Abbildung der Gesch- lechter erlautert.— Folio, Heidelberg, 1824, 56 pp., 7 plates.

System der urweltlichen Pflanzenthiere. Folio, Heidelberg,

1825, 47 pp., 7 plates.

Italians Tertiar-Gebilde und deren organische Einschliisse.

8vo. Heidelberg, 1831, 176 pp. 2 tables and i pi.

Lethaea Geognostica. 2vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837, 1838, with 4to. atlas.

Index Palseontologicus.— 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1848, 1849.

Lethsea Geognostica, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der fur die Gebirgs-Formation bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen. Ed. 3, 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1851-1856.

Die Klassen undOrdnungen des Thier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Band i. Amorphozoen. 8vo. Leipzig and Heidelberg, 1859. Figures.

Etudier les lois de la distribution des corps organises fossiles dans les differents terrains sedimentaires, suivant 1'ordre de leur superposition. Suppl. vol. to Comptes Rendus, vol. ii, 1861, pp. 377-918 [lists]. Paris.

•v. also BUTSCHLI, O.

BROOKES, SAMUEL. An Introduction to the Study of Conchology. 4to. London, plates, 1815. [Figures after Gualtieri.]

Anleitung zu dem Studium der Conchylienlehre. Bevorwortet

und mit einer Tafel liber die Anatomic der Flussmuschel vermehrt von Dr. C. Gust. Carus. 4to. Leipzig, 1823, 124 pp., 12 plates.

BROWN, JOHN. 1780-1859.— List of fossil Shells found in a fluviatile-marine deposit at Clacton, in Essex. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, 1841, pp. 427-429. London.

Bibliography of the Fomminifera. 21

BROWN, JOHN. On the Upper Tertiaries at Copford, Essex.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Sac., vol. viii, 1852, pp. 184-193 [List].


Note on the Artesian Well at Colchester, and remarks on

some of the Microscopic Fossils from the Colchester Chalk. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xii, 1853, pp. 240-242, plates viii, ix. London.

BROWN, THOMAS.— The Conchologist's Text-Book.— Ed. 5. 8vo. Glasgow, 1839. Plates.

Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland.—


4to. Edinburgh and London, 1827. Plates.

[52 plates, with few pages of description to each plate ; v. 1844.]

Elements of Fossil Conchology. 8vo. London, 1843. I2


[Pp. 17-25, pis. ii, iii, and vi.]

Illustrations of the Recent Conchology of Great Britain and

Ireland, with the Descriptions and Localities of all the species. Ed. 2, "greatly enlarged," 410. London, 1844, 145 pp., 59 plates. [Pp. 1-3, pis. i, Ivi, Ivii.]

[Chiefly copied from Walker and Montagu.]

Illustrations of the Fossil Conchology of Great Britain and

Ireland. 410. London, 1849. 273 pp., 98 plates.

BRUECKMANN, FRANCIS ERNEST. 1697-1753.— Specimen phy- sicum sistens historiam naturalem lapidis nummalis Transyl- vaniae. 410. Wolfenbuteliz, 1727. Figures.

Epistola Itineraria. xxxvil, de Fossilibus Blanckenburgicis.

4to. Wolffenbuttelce, 1735. 12 pp., 2 plates. [Lapidis nummalis.]

Animad. ad BOURGUET de lapidibus, &c. Commerdum Litter-

arium Norimbergice, hebd. 20, 1739, pp. 153, 154. Norimbergiiz.

BRUGUIERE, JEAN GUILLAUME. 1750-1798. Encyclopedic Mdthodique. Histoire naturelle des Vers. Tome Premier. A. to Cone. 4to. Paris, 1792.

[The remaining letters of this work never appeared, the Revolution stopping the publication. The "Vers" were revised and pub- lished as a new part in 1830, v. BRUGUIERE, LAMARCK, and DESHAYES.]

BRUGUIERE, DE LAMARCK, AND DESHAYES.— Encyclopedic Methodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Tome Second. A to Myt. (1830). Tome Troisieme, Nac. to Zoo. (1832). 4to. Pan's, 1830-1832. v. BRUGUIERE.

BRUNNER,C. [FlLiUS].— Beitriige zur Kenntniss der schweizerischen Nummuliten und Flyschformationen. Mittheil. Nat. Gesellsch. Bern, 1848, pp. 9-22. Bern.

22 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

BRUNNER C. [FlLius]. [Notes on the Nummulites mentioned in Riitimeyer's paper]. Verh. schweiz. nat. Gesellsch. Solothurn, 1848, p. 29. Solothurn.

[List given, see RUTIMEYER, 1848.]

BUCKLAND, WILLIAM. 1784-1856. Notice of the Discovery of Fossil Foraminifera in the Mountain Limestone of England in 1839, by Messrs. Tennant and Darker. Abstracts Proc. Ashmo- lean Society, vol. i, No. xviii, March 2, 1841, p. 35 ; reprinted, with additions, &c., Edin. New Phil. Joutn., vol. xxx, 1841, pp. 441-444. Oxford; Edinburgh.

BUTSCHLI, O.— In BRpNN'S Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier- Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Bd. i. Protozoa. Neu bearbeitet. 8vo. Leipzig and Heidelberg [Lief. 1-7 (1880); Lief. 8 and 9 (1881).] [See also SCHWAGER, C. 1881.]

Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger mariner Rhizopoden.

Morphol. Jahrbuch, vol. xi, 1886, pp. 78-101, pis. vi, vii. Leipzig.

BUFFON, GEORGE Louis LECLERC, COMTE DE. 1707-1788. Histoire naturelle generate et particuliere des mollusques. Par Denys de Montfort et F. de Roissy. Being vols. iv and v of Sonnini's edition of Buffon's " Histoire Naturelle." 8vo. Paris, 1802, 1805.

BUNZEL, EMANUEL. Die Fauna des marinen Tegels am Portzteich, bei Voitelsbrunn unweit Nicolsburg. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichs- anst., vol. xix, 1869, pp. 202-206. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen des Tegels von Briinn.— Verh. k. k. geol.

Reichsanst., 1870, p. 96. Wien.

BURBACH, OTTO. 1837-1888. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Foram- iniferen des mittleren Lias vom grossen Seeberg bei Gotha. I. Die Gattung Frondicularia , Defr. Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Halle, vol. lix, 1886, pp. 30-53, pis. i, ii. Halle.

Idem. II. Die Miliolideen.— Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Halle, vol. lix,

1886, pp. 493-502, pi. v. Halle.

BURROWS, H. W. ; C. DAVIES SHERBORN ; and GEORGE BAILEY.— The Foraminifera of the Red Chalk.- Journal Royal Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. viii, 1888, pp. 383-385. London.

BURTON, FRANCOIS XAVIER. 1743-1818. Oryctographie de Bruxelles. Fol. Brussels, 1784. Plates.

BUVIGNIER, AMAND.— Statistique geologique, mineralogique, me- tallurgique et paleontologique du departement de la Meuse. 8vo. Paris, 1852, 32 plates, 410. [Pis. xxxi, xxxii.]

CAFICI, IPPOLITO. La formazione miocenica nel territorio di Licodia-Eubea (Provincia di Catania). Atti R. Accad. Line., ser. 3, Mem.., vol. xiv, 1883, pp. 59-95, pis. ii and iii. Roma.

[Lists only.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 23

CAILLIAUD, FREDERIC. 1787- —Voyage a Me"roe, au Fleuve

blanc, &c.— 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827.

CAMERARIUS, ELIAS. 1672-1734. Conchiformia arense granula. Ephem. Ac. Caes. Leop.-CaroL, Cent, i and ii, 1712, pp. 376-380.

Francofurti et Lipsice.

De Arena Conchifera.— Ephem. Ac. Caes. Leop.-CaroL, Cent.

v and vi, 1717, pp. 267-270. Noribergce.

CANAVARI, M. Di alcuni tipi di Foraminifere appartenenti alia famiglia delle Nummulinidas raccolti nel Trias delle Alpi Apuane.— Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., Proc. Verb., vol. v, 1887, pp. 184-187. Pisa.

CAPELLINI, GIOVANNI.— Sul calcare screziato con Foraminifere dei dintorni di Porretta nel Bolognese. Rend. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, 1879-1880 (1880), pp. 31-36. Bologna.

CAPPELLER, MAURITIUS ANTONIUS. 1685-1769. Pilati montis historia in pago Lucernensi Helvetias siti, &c. 4to. Basle, 1757.

CARPENTER, WILLIAM BENJAMIN. 1813-1885.— On the Micro- scopic Structure of Nummulina, Orbitolites, and Orbitoides. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1849, pp. 21-39, pis- "i-viii.


Researches in the Foraminifera. Pt. I. Containing general Introduction, and Monograph of the Genus Orbitolites. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. cxlvi, 1856, pp. 181-236, pis. iv-ix ; and Proceed., vol. vii, 1856, pp. 417-421. London.

Pt. II. On the Genera Orbiculina, Alveolina, Cyclocly-

peus, and Heterostegina. Phil. Trans., vol. cxlvi, 1856, pp. 547- -569, pis. xxviii-xxxi ; and Proceed., vol. viii., 1857, pp. 205-208.

Pt. III. On the Genera Peneroplis, Operculina, and

Amphistegina. Phil. Trans., vol. cxlix, 1860, pp. 1-41, pis. i-vi ; and Proceed., vol. ix, 1859, pp. 334-337. London.

Fourth and concluding Series. [Contains Polystomella,

Calcarina, Tinoporus, Carpenteria, and summary.] Phil. Trans. vol. cl, 1861, pp. 535-594, pis. xvii-xxii ; and Proceed., vol. x, 1860, pp. 506-510. London.

General Results of the Study of Typical Forms of Foraminifera, in their relation to the Systematic Arrangement of that Group, and to the Fundamental Principles of Natural History Classifica- tion.— Nat. Hist. Review, vol. i, 1861, pp. 185-201. Dublin.

On the Systematic Arrangement of the Foraminifera. Nat. Hist. Review, vol. i, 1861, pp. 456-472. Dublin.

On the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon Canadense. [Letter to the President.] Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xiii, 1864, pp. 545-549.


24 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

CARPENTER, W. B.— Additional Note on the Structure and Affini- ties of Eozoon Canadense. [Letter to Sir W. Logan.] Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 59-66, 2 plates. London.

[Reprinted (in part) in Canad. Nat., April, 1865.]

On the Structure, Affinities, and Geological position of Eozoon Canadense. Intellect. Observer, No. xl, 1865, pp. 278-302, 2 plates and figures. London.

The Eozoon Canadense.— The Reader, June iyth, July 8th, September i6th, 1865. London.

Supplemental Notes on the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon Canadense. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, pp. 219-228.


Further Observations on the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon Canadense. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xvi, 1867, pp. 503-508. London.

Preliminary Report of Dredging Operations in the Seas to the North of the British Islands, carried on in Her Majesty's steam- vessel Lightning by Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Wyville Thomson. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xvii, 1868, pp. 168-197. London.

On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Deep Sea. Proc. Roy. Soc.,

vol. xviii, 1868, pp. 59-62 ; Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. ii, 1869, pp. 161-164. London; London.

Descriptive Catalogue of Objects from Deep-sea Dredgings,

exhibited at the Soiree of the Royal Microscopical Society, King's College, April 20, 1870.— I2mo. London, 1870, 11 pp.

On the Shell Structure of Fusulina. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. iii, 1870, pp, 180-182, pi. xlv. London.

Eozoon Canadense. Nature, Jan. 5, 1871, pp. 185, 186 ; Mar. 1 6, 1871, p. 386. London.

Further Researches on Eozoon Canadense. Rept.Brit. Assoc.,

Belfast 1874, p. 73 (title only), and p. 136 (5 lines). .-• London.

Remarks on Mr. H, J. Carter's letter to Professor King on the Structure of the so-called Eozoon Canadense. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 277-284, 2 figs. London.

New Observation on Eozoon Canadense. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 456-470, pi. xix, and 3 figs.


Final note on Eozoon Canadense. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 371, 372. London.

The Microscope and its Revelations.— Ed. 5, i2mo, London, 1875 ' ed- 6, revised and enlarged, I2mo. London, 1881.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 25

CARPENTER, W. B.— On the conditions which determine the Pre- sence or Absence of Animal Life on the Deep-sea bottom. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. ii, 1875, PP- 88-90. London.

[A Lecture to the Geologists' Association.]

Remarks on Prof. Wyville Thomson's Preliminary Notes on

the Nature of the Sea-bottom procured by the Soundings of H.M.S. Challenger. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1875, pp. 234-245, figures ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xv, 1875, PP- 286-297 ; Review and note in Nalurforscher, Jahrg. viii,

1875, pp. 202, 203, under the title of " Ueber die Lebensweise der den Meeresgrund bildenden Globigerinen."

London; London; Berlin.

On the Condition of the Sea-bottom of the North Pacific, as

shown by the Soundings recently taken by the U.S. steamship Tuscarora.—Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Bristol, 1875), ^76, Trans. Sections, p. 64 [Title only]. London.

On the Genus Astrorhiza of Sandahl, lately described as Haeckelina by Dr. Bessels. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n. s., vol. xvi, 1876, pp. 221-224, pi. xix. London.

Notes on Otto Hahn's " Microgeological Investigation of

Eozoon Canadense." Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii,

1876, pp. 417-422. London. [Translated into German, in Corr.-Blatt Ver. Regensburg, Jahrg.

30, 1876, pp. 180-186.] Ratisbon.

Remarks on Mr. Carter's paper " On the Polytremata, espe- cially with reference to their Mythical Hybrid Nature." Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, 1876, pp. 380-387. London.

On the Origin of the " Red Clay " found by the Challenger at great Depths in the Ocean. Rept. Brit. Assoc., Bristol 1875 (1876), Sections, p. 64 (title only) ; Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xiv, 1876, pp. 255-257. London; London.

In JEFFREYS. Preliminary Report of the Biological Results of a Cruise in H.M.S. Valorous to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxv, 1876, pp. 223-227. London.

Foraminifera in Encyclopedia Britannica, ed. 9, vol. ix, 1879, pp. 371-387, figures. Edinburgh.

Researches on the Foraminifera Supplemental Memoir. On an Abyssal type of the genus Orbitolites ; a Study in the Theory of Descent. Phil. Trans., Roy. Soc., vol. clxxiv, 1883, pp. 551-573, pis. xxxvii, xxxviii ; Proceed., xxxv, 1883, pp. 276-279.


Report on the specimens of the genus Orbitolites collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Challenger Reports, Zoology, vol. vii, pt. xxi, 1883, pp. 1-47, pis. i-viii.


26 Bibliography of the Foramimfera.

CARPENTER, W. B.— On the Structure of Orbitolites. Journ. . Quekett Microsc. Club, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1885, pp. 91-104, figures.


•v. DAWSON, J. W. ; and W. E. LOGAN.

CARPENTER, W. B., and H. B. BRADY.— Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic types of arenaceous Foraminifera. Phil. Trans., 1869, pp. 721-754, pis. Ixxii-lxxx, and Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. i, 1869, pp. 299-304. London; London.

CARPENTER, W. B., and J. W. DAWSON.— The Eozoon Cana- dense. Nature (July 13, 1879), vol. xx, pp. 328-330. London.

CARPENTER, W. B., and J. GWYN JEFFREYS. Report on Deep-sea Researches carried on during the months of July, August, and September, 1870, in H.M. Surveying Ship Porcupine. Proc. Roy. Sac., vol. xix, 1870, pp. 146-221. London.

CARPENTER, W. B., W. KITCHEN PARKER, AND T. RUPERT JONES. Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera. Ray Society, 4to., London, 1862, 319 pp., 22 pis.

CARTER, HENRY JOHN. On Foraminifera, their Organisation and their Existence in a Fossilised State in Arabia, Sindh, Kutch, and Khattyawar. -Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. iii. No. xii, 1849, PP- J58-I73, pis. viii, ix. Bombay.

Memoir on the Geology of the South-east Coast of Arabia.

Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. iv, 1852, pp. 21-96.


On the form and structure of Operculina Arabica. Annals

Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol/x, 1852, pp. 161-176, pi. iv ; Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. iv, 1853, pp. 430-445, pi.

London j Bombay.

Description of some of the larger forms of Foraminifera in

Scinde, with observations on their Internal Structures. Annals Mqg. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xi, 1853, pp. 162-177, pi- yii> and Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. v, No. xviii (1853), pp.

124-141, pi. ii. London; Bombay.

Description of Orbitolites Malabarica, illustrative of the Spiral

and not Concentric Arrangement of Chambers in d'Orbigny's Order Cyclostegues. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol. xi, 1853, pp. 425-427, pi. xvi B ; Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. v, No. xviii (1853), pp. 142-144, pi. ii A. London; Bombay.

On the true position of the Canaliferous Structure in the

Shell of Fossil Alveolina. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xiv, 1854, pp. 99-101, pi. iii B. London.

On Contributions to the Geology of Central and Western

India.— Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. v, No. xx, 1857, pp. 614-^638. Bombay.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 27

CARTER, H. J. Geological Papers on Western India, including Cutch, Sind, and the South-east Coast of Arabia, to which is appended a Summary of the Geology of India generally. 4to. Bombay, 1857, with atlas of 32 pis. and maps.

Further Observations on the Structure of Foraminifera, and on

the larger Fossilised Forms of Scinde, &c., including a new Genus and Species.— Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. vi, 1 86 1, pp. 32-96, no pis. ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1 86 1, pp. 309-333, 366-382, 446-47°, pis. xv-xvii.

Bombay j London.

On Contributions to the Geology of Western Asia, including

Sind and Beloochistan.— Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. vi, 1 86 1 [pp. 164-167]. [See also ROGERS, A.] Bombay.

On the Structure of the larger Foraminifera.—- Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, pp. 246-251. London.

Description of a Siliceous Sand-Sponge found on the South- east Coast of Arabia.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii,

1869, pp. 15-17, figure. London. [Note on the spicules of Operculina Arabica.']

On Two New Species of the Foraminiferous Genus Squam-

mulina, and on a New Species of Difflugia. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v. 1870, pp. 309-326, pis. iv. v. London.

On Haliphysema ramulosa[um] (Bowerbank), and theSponge- spicules of Polytrema. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v,

1870, pp. 389-392. London.

Note on the Branched Variety of Squammulina scopula.

Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, p. 346. [Note only.]


On Melobesia unicellularis better known as the Coccolith.

Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, pp. 184-189.


Points of Distinction between the Spongiadae and the Fora- minifera.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xi, 1873, PP- 35 1- 356. London.

Eozoon Canadense not a Foraminifer or Calcareous Rhizopod Secretion. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 3, vol. vii, 1874, pp. 437, 438. New Haven.

On the Structure called Eozoon Canadense in the Laurentian Limestone of Canada. [Letter to Professor Wm. King.]— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, PP- J 89-193. London.

On the Structure called Eozoon Canadense in the Laurentian Limestone of Canada. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii. 1874, pp. 376-378, i fig. London.

28 Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera.

CARTER, H. J. On the Striae of Foraminiferous Tests ; with a Reply to Criticism. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 138-144. London.

Relation of the Canal-System to the Tabulation in the Fora- minifera, with reference to Dr. Dawson's " Dawn of Life." Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvi, 1875, PP- 420-424.


On the Polytremata (Foraminifera), especially with reference

to their Mythical Hybrid Nature.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, 1876, pp. 185-214, pi. xiii. London.

Parkeria inferred to have been a species of Hydractinia.

Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, p. 187 [letter].


On the Close Relationship of Hydractinia, Parkeria, and

Stromatopora, with Descriptions of new Species of the Former, both Recent and Fossil. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 44-74, pi. viii. London.

Description of Bdelloidina aggregata, a new genus and species

of arenaceous Foraminifera, in which their so-called "Imperfora- tion" is questioned. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 201-209, pl- x"i- London.

On the Locality of Carpenteria balaniformis, with Description

of a new species, and other Foraminifera found in and about Tubipora musica. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 209-219, pi. xiii. London.

On the branched form of the Apertural Prolongation from the

summit of Carpenteria monticularis. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, p. 68, figure. London.

On a Melobesian form of Foraminifera (Gypsina melobesioides,

mihi) ; and further Observations on Carpenteria monticularis. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, pp. 172-176.


Description of a new species of Foraminifera (Rotalia spiculo-

testa).— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, pp. 470-473, pi. xvi. London.

Remarks on Prof. Haeckel's Observations on Wyvillethomsonia

Wallichi and Squammulina scopula. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, pp. 337-339. London.

Position of the Sponge spicule in the Spongida ; and Post- script on the Identity of Squammulina scopula with the Sponges. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 170-174.


Notes on Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. iii, 1879, PP- 407-4i4- London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 29

CARTER, H. J. On a new genus of Foraminifera (Aphrosina infor- mis), and on the Spiculation of an unknown Sponge. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., vol. ii, 1879, pp. 500-502, pi. xviitf. London.

Report on Specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar,

and presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. W. H. Cawne Warren. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. v, 1880, pp. 437-457 ; vol. vi, pp. 35-61, 129-156, pis. xviii, xix. London.

Supplementary Report on Specimens dredged up from the

Gulf of Manaar, together with others from the sea in the Vicinity of the Basse Rocks, and from Bass's Straits respectively, pre- sented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. H. Cawne Warren. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vii, 1881, pp. 361-385, pi. xviii; Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liverpool, vol. xxxv, 1881, pp. 271-275.

London j Liverpool.

Note on the assumed Relationship of Parkeria to Stromatopora, and on a microscopical section of Stromatopora mammillata, Fr. Schmidt.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xiii, 1884, pp. 353-356. London.

On two new genera allied to Loftusia from the Karakoram

Pass and the Cambridge Greensand respectively. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. i, 1888, pp. 172-184. London.

On the Nature of the Opaque Scarlet Spherules found in the

Chambers and Canals of many Fossilised Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. i, 1888, pp. 264-270. London.

CARUS, J. VICTOR, and WILHELM ENGELMANN.— Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. [Protozoa.] 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1860.


CATTANEO, GIACOMO.— Prime ricerche sui Protozoi.— 8vo. Pavia, 1879. 12 pp. [Not seen.]

CATULLO, TOMASSO ANTONIO. 1784-. . . .— Discolithen der Kreide. Osservazione geognostiche zoologiche sopra due scritti publicati. 4to. Padova, 1840. [Not seen.]

Sopra le nummuliti delle Alpi Venete. Annali di Fisica (Zan-

tedeschfs], 1849-1850, pp. 241-255. Padova.

Dei terreni di sedimento superiore delle Venezia e dei fossili Bryozoari, Antozoare e Spongiari ai quali danno ricetto.— 4to. Padova, Sicca, 1857. \Orbitoides and Lunulites^\

CHAPMAN, FREDERICK.— The Foraminifera of the London Clay. The Naturalists' Monthly, vol. i. No. 6, Feb. 1888, p. 102. [Report of Lecture.] London.


30 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

CHIMMO, WILLIAM.— Soundings and Temperatures in the Gulf Stream. Proc. R. Geograph. Soc., vol. xiii, 1869. pp. 92-101.

London. [This paper was reprinted at the end of " Bed of the Atlantic."]

Bed of the Atlantic. From one Sounding of 12,000 feet deep

in the Atlantic Ocean, in Latitude 47° North, Longitude 23° West, are taken upwards of One Hundred [Microscopic Drawings of] Minute Organisms, &c. 410. {London, 1870], 40 pp., 14 pis. [Issued to subscribers.]

Natural History of the Euplectella aspergillum ("Venus's

Flower-basket") from the Philippine Islands. Also on a new form of Globigerina ; Phosphorescent Animalcules ; Sea Saw- dust ; new forms of Foraminifera and Polycystina.— 4to. London, 1878, 22 pp, 6 pis.

[The Globigerina is G. digitata (?), Brady.]

CIENKOWSKY, L. Ueber einige Rhizopoden und verwandte Organismen. Archiv fur mikrosk. Anatomie, vol. xii, 1876, pp. 15-50, pis. iv-viii. Bonn.


CIOFALO, SAVERIO. Cenni sul terreno nummulitico dei dintorni di Termini Imerese. [Lettera all' Illmo. Prof. G. G. Gemmellaro.] Annuario Soc. Nat. Modena, Ann. ix, 1875, pp. 151-154.


Enumerazione dei principali fossili che si rinvengono nella

serie delle rocce stratificate dei dintorni di Termini Imerese. Atti Accad. Gioenia, ser. 3, vol. xii, 1878, pp. 115-122. Catania. [List.]

CLARKE, WILLIAM. Observations on the recent Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1849, pp. 380-383, fig.


On the recent Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2,

vol. v, 1850, pp. 161-171. London.

CLARKE, WILLIAM BRANWHITE. 1798-1878. Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales.— Ed. 4, 8vo. Sydney, 1878 [pp. 156-158]. [Brief list.]

CLAUS, CARL. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Svo. Marburg and Leipzig, 1 885 [pp. 1 52-1 56, figs.]

CLEMENS, JOSEPH.— Beitrage zur Kenntniss desalteren Tertiars im oberen Gran-Thale. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. 1874, pp. 332- 334. [List of 3 nummulites.] Wien.

COCKS, W. P.— Contributions to the Fauna of Falmouth.— ijth Ann. Rept. R. Cornwall Poly tech. Soc., 1849, pp. 38-101 [p. 87]. Falmouth.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 3 1

COLLIN, JONAS (JUNIOR).— Om Limifjordens tidligere og nuvaerende Marine Fauna, med saerligt hensyn til Bloddyrfaunaen (Foramini- fererne, p. 24).— 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1884. [Not seen.]

COLONNA, FABIO [Columna., Fabius.]— Fabii Columnae Lyncei 4>TTOBA2ANO2, cui accessit Vita Fabii et Lynceorum Notitia Adnotationesque in $YTOBASANON, Jano Planco Auctore.— 4to.

Florentice, 1744, plates.

CONRAD, TIMOTHY ABBOT. 1803-1877.— Description of new species of Organic Remains from the Upper Eocene Limestone of Tampa Bay.— Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1846, pp. 399-400, figures. New Haven.

Observations on the Eocene formation, and descriptions of

one hundred and five new fossils of that period, from the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi ; with an Appendix. Proc. Acad. Nat. Set. Pkilad., vol. iii, 1846 and 1847 (1848), pp. 280-299. [List.] Philadelphia.

In W. F. LYNCH'S— Official Report of the United States

Expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. 4to. Baltimore, 1852, 235 pp., 30 pis.

In Report of the United States and Mexican Boundary

Survey, vol. i, pt. 2. 4to. Washington, 1857, plates. \Nodosaria Texanal\

Catalogue of the Eocene Anul., Foram., Echin., Cirrip., of the

United States.— Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1865, pp. 73-75. [New species described.] Philadelphia.

Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America.

Eocene and Oligocene. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. vii, No. 200 (May 1866), pp. 34. Washington.

COOKE, MORDECAI CUBITT. One thousand objects for the micro- scope.— 8vo. London, 1869. 500 figures.

On the Estimation of the number of Foraminifera found in J

Chalk.— Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, ser. 2, vol. i, 1883, pp. I 149-152. London. ^

COPPI, FRANCESCO. Frammenti di Paleontologia Modenese. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. vii, 1876, pp. 190-209. Roma.

\Lingulina mutinensis ; Robulina glauca.]

Paleontologia Modenese, o Guida al Paleontologo con nuove

specie.— 8vo. Modena, 1881, 142 pp. [list at pp. 125-135].

Sul Calcare Zancleano ? Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, Rendiconti,

ser. 3, vol. i, 1883, pp. 63-65. Modena.

II miocene medio nei colli modenesi ; appendice alia Paleon- tologia Modenesi.— Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xv, 1884, pp. 171-201 [list]. Roma.

32 Bibliography of the Foramimfera.

CORN ALIA, EMILIO, and LuiGI CHIOZZA.— Cenni geologici sull' Istria. Giornale I. R. 1st. Lombardo, n. s. vol. iii, 1851, pp. 18-44, map, 2 pis. Milano.

CORNET, FRANCOIS LEOPOLD (1834-1881), and ALPHONSE BRIART. Compte-Rendu de 1'Excursion faiteaux environs de Ciply par la Societe malacologique de Belgique le 20 Avril, 1873 Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. viii, 1873, Mem., pp. 21-35. [List]. Bruxelles.

CORNISH, VAUGHAN, and PERCY F. KENDALL.— On the Mine- ralogical Constitution of Calcareous Organisms. Report Brit. Assoc. (Manchester, 1887), 1888, pp. 700, 701 ; Geol. Mag., dec. 3, vol. v, 1888, pp. 66-73. London; London.

CORNUEL, J. Description de nouveaux fossiles microscopiques du terrain cretace inferieur du departement de la Haute-Marne. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 241-263, pis. iii, iv. Paris.

- Catalogues des Coquilles de mollusques entomostraces et foraminiferes du terrain cretace inferieur de la Haute-Marne, avec diverses observations relatives k ce terrain. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, se"r. 2, vol. viii, 1851, pp. 430-456. [List.] Patis.

- Liste des fossiles du terrain cretace inferieur de la Haute Marne. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, ser 3, vol. xiv, 1886, pp. 312-323. [List.] Paris.

COSTA, EMMANUEL MENDES DA. 1717-1791.— Elements of Con- chology, or an Introduction to the Knowledge of Shells.— 8vo. London, 1776, 7 plates.

- The British Conchology. 410. London, 1778.

COSTA, ORONZIO GABRIELE.— Fauna del Regno di Napoli.— 4to. Naples, 1838, " Foraminiferi? 24 pp., 4 pis.

[The " Paleont. del Regno di Napoli " quoted in this book seems to be that printed in 1856 in Atti Accad. Pontaniana ; as Costa also quotes some of d'Orbigny's names (Foram. foss. Vienne, 1846), the "Fauna" must have been published after 1838, although so dated.]

- Descrizione di alcuni specie nuove di Testacei freschi e fossili del Regno delle Due Sicilie.— Atti R. Ace. Sci. Napoli, vol. iv, 1839, PP- I7.5-I9I- Napoli.

- Nota sopra i Foraminiferi discoperti ne' contorni di Lemberg, da Aug. Em. Reuss e Luigi Alth. Rend. Soc. R. Borbonica, Ann. ii, 1853, pp. 116-119. Napoli.

- Paleontologia del Regno di Napoli, Pt. ii. Atti Accad. Pon- taniana, vol. vii, fas. i, 1853, pp. 105-112 ; fas. 2, 1856, 113-378, pis. ix-xxvii. Xapoli. [There are many forms figured but not described in this paper,

and Costa says : " N.B. Tutte le specie precedute da asterisco saranno descritto nella parte terza." He did not describe them in his 3rd Part.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 33

COSTA, O. G. Foraminiferi Fossili della Marna Blii del Vaticano. Mem.Accad. Set. Napoli, vol. ii, 1855 (1857), pp. 113- 126, pi. i.


Foraminiferi Fossili delle Marne Terziarie di Messina. Mem.

Accad. Sci. Napoli, vol. ii, 1855 (1857), pp. 127-147, pis. i, ii ; 367-373, pl- »i- Napoli.

Microdoride Mediterranea, o Descrizione de' poco ben cono-

sciuti od affatto ignoti viventi minuti e microscopici del Medi- terraneo. 8vo. Napoli, 1861 [vol. i, pp. 41-55, pl. viii].

Di un novello genere di Foraminiferi [Pleurostomina.] An-

nuario Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, Ann. i, 1862, art. xi, pp. 94, 95.


Descrizione di alcuni fossili delle colline di Torino. Annali

Aspiranti Naturalisti, ser. 3, vol. iii (anno 1863), 1864, pp. 28-37, pl. v. Napoli.

Sopra i Foraminiferi fossili di Messina e di Calabria estrema.

Rendic. Acad. Sci.-fis. Napoli, vol. v, 1866, pp. 366-371.


CRAVEN and MAFFITT. Recent Discovery of a Deep-Sea Bank on the Eastern Side of the Gulf Stream, off the Coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Cleveland, 1853), 1856, pp. 167-169. \Globig. rubral\ Cambridge.

CREDNER, HERMANN.— Die Kreide von New-Jersey.— Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. xxii, 1870, pp. 191-251, i pl. [No figs, of Foraminifera.] Berlin.

CRESPELLANI, ARSENIC.— Nota geologica sui terreni e sui fossili del Savignanese. Annuario Soc. Nat. Modena, Ann. ix, 1875, PP- 7~35- Modena.


CRICK, W. D. Note on some Foraminifera from the Oxford Clay at Keyston, near Thrapston.— Journ. Northampton Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. iv, 1886-87, P- 232- Northampton.

CRISP, FRANK.— [Remarks on some of Mr. B. W. Thomas' slides of Sand, obtained by washing Boulder Clay of Meeker County, Minnesota.] Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. iv, 1884, p. 504.


CRISTOFORI, JOSEPHUS DE.— Conchylia Fossilia ex formatione telluris tertiaria in collectione nostra extantia. \Mediolani?\ \ 832. [Not seen.]

CROSSKEY, HENRY WILLIAM.— Note on the Ostracoda and Fora- minifera of the Shelly patches at Bridlington Quay. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, 1884, pp. 325-327. London.

CROSSKEY, H.W., and DAVID ROBERTSON.— The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii, 1867, pp. 267-282. Glasgow.


34 Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera.

CROSSKEY ,H.W., and DAVID ROBERTSON.— Notes on the Post- tertiary Geology of Norway. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vi, 1868, pp. 346-362. Glasgow.


The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland.

Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas., vol. iii, 1 868, pp. 1 1 3- 1 29, 32 1 -34 1 . Glasgow.

The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland.—

Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv, 1874, PP- 32~45 > 128-137 ; 241-256. Glasgow.

The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland.

Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, part i, 1875, PP- 29~35- [Lists.] Glasgow.

CROUCH, EDMUND A.— An Illustrated Introduction to Lamarck's Conchology. 4to. London, 1827. 47 pp., 22 plates.

CUNNINGHAM, K. M.— Cleaning Foraminifera.— Amer. Monthly Microsc. Joum., vol. i, 1880, p. 88. New York.

CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT O.— Notes on the Natural History of the Straits of Magellan. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871. 517 pp., plates. [Amphistegina mamillata, p. 28.]

CURNOCK, N.— Foraminifera.— Wesley Naturalist [vol. i], No. 5, 1887, pp. 147, 148. London.

CUVIER, GEORGE LEOPOLD CHRETIEN FREDERIC DAGOBERT. 1769-1832. Sur les animaux auxquels appartenoient les pierres dites Nummulaires ou Lenticulaires, et sur ceux des Cornes d'Ammon. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom.,voL iii, No. 91, 1811, pp. 237, 238. Paris.

Le Regne Animal distribu£ d'apres son organisation. 4 vols.

8vo. Paris, 1817.

The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformity with its organi- sation.— 1 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-1834 [vol. xii].

Le Regne Animal, distribue d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a 1'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a 1'anatomie comparee.— Ed. 2, revue et augm. par P. A. Latreille. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-1830.

Iconographie du Regne Animal, ou representation d'apres nature de 1'une des especes les plus remarquables, et souvent non encore figurees, de chaque genre d'animaux. By Guerin-Mene'ville. i vol. and 2 of plates, 8vo. Paris, 1829-1844.

The Animal Kingdom, arranged according to its organisation,

Animal Kingdom, arranged according as a foundation for the Natural Histo

serving as a foundation for the Natural History of Animals, and an Introduction to Comparative Anatomy. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-1837, with 4 voTs. of plates. [Henderson's edition.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 35

CUVIER, G.— Le Regne Animal, distribue d'apres son organisation, etc.— 2ovols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-1846. [Mollusques by Deshayes.]

CZJZEK, JOHANN.— Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Foraminiferen des Wiener Reckens. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandlungen, vol. ii, 1848, pp. 137-150, pis. xii, xiii ; and notice in Haidinger's Bericht. u. d. Mittheilungen, vol. ii, 1847, p. 311. Wien; Wien.

Zwei neue Arten von Foraminiferen, &c.— Haidinger's Bericht.

u. d. Mittheilungen, vol. v, 1849, p. 50. Wien.


DAD AY, JENO [EUGENE VON].— Adatok a Devai vizek faunajdnak ismeretehez.— Orvos termesz. Ertesitb, vol. viii, 1883, pp. 197-228, pi. v. [See next entry.] Kolozsvdrt.


Uber eine Polythalamia der Kochsalztiimpel bei DeVa in

Siebenbiirgen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. (Siebold's), vol. xl, 1884, pp. 465-480, pi. xxiv ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xiv, 1884, pp. 349-363. Leipzig; London.

DANA, JAMES DWIGHT.— Geology. Being vol. x of WILKES' United States Exploring Expedition. 1838-1842.— Fol. Philadelphia, 1849, with atlas of plates. [P. 729, pi. xxi, figs. 2, 3, 4.]

[ ] On the History of Eozoon. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2,

vol. xl, 1865, pp. 344-362. New Haven.

DAWSON, GEORGE MERCER. On Foraminifera from the Gulf and River St. Lawrence. Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. v, 1870, pp. 172-177, figures; Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. i, 1871, pp. 204-210, figures; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, pp. 83-89.

Montreal ; New Haven; London.

On the occurrence of Foraminifera, Coccoliths, and Rhabdo- I

liths in the Cretaceous Rocks of Manitoba. Canad. Nat., n. s., I vol. vii, 1874, pp. 252-257, figures. Montreal. \

Report on the Geology and Resources of the Region in the

Vicinity of the Forty-ninth Parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, &c. British North American Boundary Commission, 8vo, Montreal, 1875, 387 pp., maps, &c. [p. 79, pi. xviij.

Oji a new Species of Loftusia from British Columbia. Quart.

Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, pp. 69-75, P^ yi- London.

On the Microscopic Structure of certain Boulder Clays and

the organisms contained in them. Bull. Chicago Acad. 6Vz., vol. i, No. vi, 1885, pp. 59-69 ; reprinted in \^th Ann. Kept. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minnesota, for 1884 (1885), pp. 150-163.

Chicago; St. Paul.

36 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

DAWSON, JOHN WILLIAM.— On the Newer Pliocene and Post- Pliocene Deposits of the Vicinity of Montreal, with notices of fossils recently discovered in them. Canad. Nat., vol. ii, 1857, pp. 401-426, figures. Montreal.

Additional Notes on the Post-Pliocene Deposits of the St.

Lawrence Valley. Canad. Nat., vol. iv, 1859, pp. 23-39, figures.


Notice of Tertiary Fossils from Labrador, Maine, etc., and

Remarks on the Climate of Canada in the newer Pliocene or Pleistocene Period. Canad. Nat., vol. v, 1860, pp. 188-200, figures.


[Report on the Fossils in the Marine Clays.] In C. B. FUL- LER.— Sixth Ann. Rep. Maine Board Agric., 1861 [pp. 275-282]. [List.] Augusta.

Notes on Post-pliocene Deposits at Riviere-du-Loup and

Tadoussac. Canad. Nat., ser. 2, vol. ii, 1865, pp. 81-88.


On the Structure of Certain Organic Remains in the Lauren-

tian Limestones of Canada. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 51-59, pis. vi and vii ; reprinted in Canad. Nat., April, 1865. London; Montreal.

Notes on Fossils recently obtained from the Laurentian

Rocks of Canada, and on Objections to the Organic Nature of Eozoon. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, pp. 257-264, pis. xi and xii ; Amer. Journ. Sd., vol. xliv, 1867, pp. 367-376.

London; New Haven.

On Eozoon Canadense [with notes by Dr. Carpenter]. I.

Specimens from Tudor, Ontario. II. From Long Lake and Wentworth. III. From Madoc. IV. Objections to the Or- ganic Nature. Canad. Nat., n. s. vol. iii, 1868, pp. 312-321, 2 pis.

[A Reprint under new title of the 1867 paper in Q. J. G. SJ\

Acadian Geology. Ed. 2, 8vo. London, 1868, figures.

Eozoon Canadense [Letters.] Nature (Feb. 2 and Feb. 9,

1871), vol. iii, pp. 267 and 287. London.

Note on Eozoon Canadense [in reply to Professors King and

Rowney.] Proc. R. Irish Acad., n. s. vol. i, 1870-74 (read Feb. 13, 1871), pp. 117-123; addendum to paper on Eozoon, ibid. (read Apl. 10, 1871), pp. 129-131. Dublin.

Notes on the Post-pliocene Geology of Canada. Canad. Nat.,

n. s. vol. vi, 1872, pp. 19-42, 166-187, 24l~2S9> 369-416, pi. iii.


Eozoon Canadense [letter]. Nature (June n, 1874), vol. x,

p. 103, figure. London.

Bibliography of t/ie Foraminifera. 37

DAWSON, J. W.— The Dawn of Life.— 8vo. London, 1875, 239 pp., 8 pis., 49 figures. [Reissued, 1875, under the title of " Life's Dawn on Earth."]

Address to the American Association assembled at Detroit,

Michigan. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Detroit, 1875), J876, pt. ii, pp. 1-26 ; reprinted under the title of " Origin and History of Life on our Planet."— 8vo. Montreal, 1875, 2O pp. Salem.

On some New Species of Fossil Protozoa from Canada.—

Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Detroit, 1875), 1876 (vol. xxiv), pp. 100-106, figures. Salem.

Eozoon Canadense according to Hahn. Annals Mag. Nat.

Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, pp. 29-38. London.

On Mr. Carter's Objections to Eozoon. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, pp. 118, 119. London.

Note on the occurrence of Eozoon Canadense at C6te-St.- Pierre. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii, 1876, pp. 66-75, pi. x, i figure. London.

New Facts relating to Eozoon. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Buffalo, 1876), 1877, pp. 231-234; Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. viii, 1877, pp. 282-285. Salem; Montreal.

Acadian Geology. Ed. 3, 8vo. London, 1878.

On the Microscopic Structure of Stromatoporidae and on Palaeozoic Fossils mineralized with Silicates, in illustration of Eozoon. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, PP- 48-67, pis. iii, iv. London.

Mobius on Eozoon Canadense. Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. xvii, 1879, pp. 196-202, figures; Canad. Nat., n.s., vol. ix, 1881, pp. 105-112. New Haven; Montreal.

Lecture Notes on Geology, and Outline of the Geology of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1880, 96 pp., figures.

Palaeontological Notes. II. Saccammina?(Calcisphasra)Eriana. Canad. Nat., vol. x, 1881, pp. 5-8, figure. Montreal.

Notes on Recent Controversies respecting Eozoon Canadense. Canad. Nat., vol. ix, 1881, pp. 228-240. Montreal.

On the Geological Relations and the State of Preservation of Eozoon Canadense.—^//. Brit. Assoc. (Southport, 1883), 1883, p. 494. London.

Notes on Eozoon Canadense. Canad. Record Science, vol. i, No. i, 1884, p. 58. Montreal.

Handbook of Zoology. Ed. 3, i6mo. Montreal, 1886, 304 pp., figures.

On new Facts relating to Eozoon Canadense.— /&//. Brit. Assoc., 1887 (Manchester), 1888, p. 702. London.

38 Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera.

DAWSON, J. W., v. C. E. GRANT ; and W. E. LOGAN.

DEANE, HENRY.— On the Occurrence of Fossil Xanthidia and Polythalamia in Chalk. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Lend., vol. ii, 1845, pp. 77-79. London.

DEECKE, W. Die Foraminiferenfauna der Zone des Stephanoceras Humphriesianum in Unter Elsass. Abhandl. geol. Special- Karte Elsass-Lothringen, vol. iv, Heft i, 1884, pp. I--68, pis. i and ii.


Les Foraminiferes de 1'Oxfordien des environs de Montbeliard

(Doubs.). Mem. Soc. emul. Montbeliard, 3 sen, vol. xvi, 1886 [separate copy, pp. 1-47], pis. i and ii. Montbeliard.

Ueber das Vorkommen von Foraminiferen in der Jura-forma- tion des Elsass.— Mitth. Comm. geol. Landes-Unters. Elsass. - Lothr., Bd. i, 1886, 8 pp. [Not seen.] [Strassburg.}

DEFRANCE, JACQUES Louis MARIN. 1758-1850.— Articles on various Genera of Foraminifera in Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles.— 8vo. Strassburg, 1816-1830.

Tableau des Corps organises fossiles, precede de Remarques

sur leur petrification. 8vo. Paris, 1824, 136 pp. [List]



DELUC, GUILLAUME ANTOINE. 1729-1812. Memoire sur la Len- ticulaire des rochers de la Perte du Rhone, &c. Journ. de Physique, vol. xlviii, 1799, PP- 216-225. Paris.

Second Memoire sur la Lenticulaire numismale et la Belem-

nhe.— Journ. de Physique, vol. liv, 1802, pp. 173-180, i pi. Paris.

Nouvelles observations sur la Lenticulaire de la Perte du

Rhone et la Lenticulaire numismale ; pour servir de suite a deux memoires precedens sur ces fossiles.— Journ. de Physique, Ivi, 1802, 325-346, i pi. Paris.

DESHAYES, GERARD PAUL. 1796-1875. ^ "Encyclopedic Methodique" Histoire naturelle des Vers, par Bruguiere (1789) continue par G. P. Deshayes.— See also MONET DE LAMARCK.

Description des Coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris.

2 vols., 410. Paris, 1824-1837, with 106 plates [sometimes bound separately and constituting a 3rd vol.]

[The Foraminifera figured in pis. 101-106 were not described, see TERQUEM, 1877.]

Memoire sur les Alveolines. Annales des Sci. naturelles, vol.

xiv, 1828, pp. 225-236 ; also in Isis (von Oken), 1830, Heft i, pp. 316-318. Paris; Leipzig.

Bibliography of tlte Foraminifera. 39

DESK AYES, G. P.— Description des Coquilles caracte'ristiques des Terrains. 8vo. Paris, 1831, pis.

In LYELL'S Principles of Geology.— 8vo. London, 1830-33

[vol. iii, 1833, p. 250, pi. iv].

Observations sur les Fossiles de la Crimee. In DE VER-

NEUIL'S Mem. gdol. sur la Crime'e.— Mem. Soc. Gdol. France, vol. iii, 1837 (1838), pp. 37-69, pis. i-vi. Paris.


DESHAYES, G. P., and HENRI MILNE-EDWARDS. In LAMARCK'S Animaux sans Vertebres. Ed. 2, Pan's, vol. xi, 1846, pp. 271-307, no figs.


DEWALQUE, GUSTAV. Prodrome d'une description geologique de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles et Liege, 1868 [paged i-viii, 314-442], lists. [Reissued in 1880.]


DIESING, CARL MORITZ. Systematische Uebersicht der Foramini- fera monostegia und Bryozoa anopisthia. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. r, 1848, pp. 494-527. Wien.

DILLWYN, LEWIS WESTON. 1778-1855. A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, arranged according to the Linnean Method, with particular attention to the synonymy. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1817.

DIXON, FREDERICK. 1799-1849.— The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex.— 4to. London, 1850, pis.


DODART, DENYS. 1634-1707.— "A fait voir les pierres lenticu- laires qu'il a tiroes d'une roche de la Montagne de Vauciennes pres Villiers-Coteret."— Hist. Ac. R. Sciences Paris, 1666-1686, vol. i (amide 1680), 1773, pp. 306, 307. Paris.

DODERLEIN, PIETRO. Cenni geologici intorno la giacitura dei terreni miocenici superiori dell' Italia centrali. Estratto dagli Atti X Congresso Scienziati Italiani, Siena, Settembre, 1862. [This vol. x was never printed. Separate copies of some of the papers intended for publication seem to have been printed and distributed by the authors they are very rare. I am indebted to my friend Dr. C. Fornasini for particulars of a copy in Prof. Capellini's library ; it consists of 25 pp. with a sheet of geo- logical sections, and contains a list of fossils, amongst which are a few Foraminifera.]

40 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

DOLLFUS, GUSTAVE.— Note geologique sur les terrains cr&ace's et tertiaires du Cotentin. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. iii, 1875, PP- 460-476. Paris,


DRAPER, E. T. Graphic Microscopy, No. xxi. Group of Foramini- fera.— Science Gossip, 1885, pp. 193-194, plate. [Peneroplis, Miliolina, Boli-vina, &c.] London.

DRAPER, H.— On the Chemical and Physical Facts collected from the Deep-sea Researches made during the Voyage of the Nautical School-ship Mercury, undertaken by their [whose ?] order in the Tropical Atlantic and Caribbean Sea, 1870-71. Rept. Comm. Pub- lic Charities and Corrections, 1871, pp. 11-33, 6 woodcuts, map. [Not seen.] New York.


DUFOUR, EDOUARD. Examen des Depots Eocenes d'Arthon- Chemer£ (Loire-Inferieure); with a " Liste des fossiles." Ann. Soc. Acad. Nantes, ser. 5, vol. vii, 1877, pp. 315-334. Nantes.

DUFRENOY, PIERRE ARMAND. 1792-1857. Des caracteres particuliers que presente le terrain de craie dans le sud de la France, et principalement sur les pentes des Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, vol. i, 1830, pp. 9-13. Paris.

[Nummulites in Cretaceous.]

DUJARDIN, FELIX. 1801-1860.— Memoire sur les Couches de Sol en Tourraine et description des Coquilles de Faluns. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, vol. ii, 1835, pp. 211-311, pis. Paris.

Recherches sur les organismes infdrieurs. Ann. Sci. Nat.,

Zool., ser. 2, vol. iv, 1835, PP- 343~377) 4 pis. Paris.

Observations sur les Rhizopodes et les Infusoires. Comptes

Rendus, 1835, pp. 338-340 ; also Lllnstitut, 1835, No. xi, p. 202.


Observations nouvelles sur les pretendus Cdphalopodes micro-

scopiques. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. France, 1835, No. 3, p. 36. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1835, PP- 108-109 > another paper, pp. 312-314. Paris; Parts.

Sur une nouvelle espece de Gromia et sur les Difflugies.

Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., ser. 2, vol. viii, 1837, pp. 310-313, pi. ix.


Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. Infusoires, comprenant la

physiologic et la classification de ces animaux et la maniere de les etudier a 1'aide du microscope. 8vo. Paris, 1841, plates. [pp. 126, 128, 240, 253, and pis. i and 2.]

" Observation d'ou il resulte que le pretendu polypier fossile

du terrain parisien nomme Dactylopora ou R£te"porite, ne serait autre chose que le test fossile d'un Echinoderme." Extraits Ptoc. Verb. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1842, pp. 92, 93. Paris.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 41

DUJARDIN, F.— Notice sur les Infusoires.— 1845. [Not seen.]

Articles in Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle. 8vo.

Pan's, 1849-1861 [vol. i only.]

[Infusoires, vol. vii (1849), pp. 43-52 ; Rhizopodes, vol. xi (1849), pp. 115-119 ; and under various genera.]

DUNCAN, PETER MARTIN. Note on the Scindian Fossil Corals. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xx, 1864, pp. 66-72. [Note at p. 71.]


On the Syringosphasridse, an Order of Extinct Rhizopoda.

Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, pp. 297-299. London.

On the Zoological Position of the Ophiurans obtained by Dr.

Wallich, F.L.S., during the Voyage of H.M.S. Bulldog in 1860. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. iii, 1879, pp. 382-384. \Globigerince as food for Ophiuroids.] London.

Karakoram Stones or Syringosphaeridce. Scientific Results of

the Second Yarkand Mission. 4to. Calcutta, 1879, 17 pp. 3 pis.

On the genus Stoliczkaria, Dune., and its Distinctness from

Parkeria, Carp. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii, 1882, pp. 69-74, pi. ii. London.

On a Slice of Eozob'n from Sutherlandshire. Journ. R.

Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1883, pp. 615, 616. London.

DUNIKOWSKI, E. VON.— Nowe Foraminifery Kredowego marglu Iwowskiego. Kosmos [Lwow\, vol. iv, 1879, pp. 102-110, 121-135, i pi. Dwowie.

Die Spongien, Radiolarien und Foraminiferen der unterlias-

sischen Schichten vom Schaf berg bei Salzburg. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlv, 1881, abth. 2, pp. 163-194, pis. i-vi [p. 194,

pi. vi]. Wien.

Einige neue Nummulitenfunde in den ostgalizischen Karpa-

then. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1884, pp. 128-130. Wien.

EBNER, VICTOR VON. Ueber der feineren Bau der Skelettheile der Kalkschwamme, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Kalkskelete iiberhaupt. Sitz. k. Ak!Wiss. Wien,vo\. xcv, 1887, pp. 55-149, pi. 1-4. Wien. [Shell structure of Rotalia and Polystomella, pp. 81, 82.]

EGGER, JOHANN GEORG.— Die Foraminiferen der Miocan-Schich- ten bei Ortenburg in Nieder-Bayern. Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &>c., Jahrg. 1857, pp. 266-311, pis. v-xv. Stuttgart.

EHRENBERG, CHRISTIAN GOTTFRIED. 1795-1876. Ueber die Bildung der Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels durch unsicht- bare Organismen.— Abhandl. konigl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (for 1838), 1839, pp. 59-147, pis. i-iv. Berlin.

42 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

EHRENBERG, C. G.— Ueber dem blossen Auge unsichtbare Kalkthierchen und Kieselthierchen als Hauptbestandtheile der Kreidegebirge.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, pp. 192-196. Berlin.

Eine vorlaufige Uebersicht seiner Untersuchung der Schnec-

ken-Corallen oder Polythalamien als Thiere. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, pp. 196-20x3. Berlin.

Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Fol.

Leipzig, 1838. Plates.

Anwendung der bisherigen Beobachtungen auf die Systematik

der Polythalamien. {1 Berlin, 1838.]

[Not seen.]

Ueber noch zahlreich jetzt-lebende Thierarten der Kreide-

bildung und den Organismus der Polythalamien. Abhandl. k. Ak. Wiss Berlin (for 1839), 1841, pp. 81-174, 4 pis. ; and trans- lated, Taylors Scientific Memoirs, vol. iii, 1843, PP- 3x9-376, 4 pis.

Berlin; London.

Ueber die Bildung sammtlicher Felsen beider Nilufer von

Cahira bis Theben .... aus den mikroskopischen Kalkthier- chen (Polythalamien) der europaischen Kreide. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, pp. 26, 27. Berlin.

Ueber gelungene Versuche, aus den eingetrockneten Thierchen

des neueren Meeressandes Aufschluss iiber das Verhaltniss der Polythalamien zur Jetztwelt und weitere Kenntniss ihrer Organi- sation zu erlangen. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, pp. 27-30. Berlin.

Ervveiterung seiner Mittheilungen iiber jetztlebende Organis- men der Kreide. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, pp. 178, 179. Berlin.

Eine weitere Erlauterung des Organismus mehrerer in Berlin

lebend beobachteten Polythalamien der Nordsee. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1840, pp. 18-23. Berlin.

Dritte Fortzetzung , seiner Beobachtungen iiber zahlreiche

jetzt-lebende mikroskopische Thiere der Kreideformation wodurch die Zahl derselben fast verdoppelt wird und auf 40 Arten steigt. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1840, pp. 176-178. Berlin.

Verbreitung und Einfluss des mikroscopischen Lebens in

Siid- und Nord-Amerika. Abhandl. k. Ak. Wiss. Berlin (for 1841), 1843, pp. 291-446, pis. i-iv ; mABcricht, pp. 139-142, with Nachtrag, pp. 202-209. Berlin.

Verbreitung des mikroskopischen Lebens als Felsmassen im

centralen Nord-Amerika und im westlichen Asien.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, pp. 187, 188. Berlin.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 43

EHRENBERG, C. G. Ueber einen plastischen Kreidemergel von Agina aus mikroskopischen Organismen und liber die Moglich- keit, durch mikroskopische Untersuchung des Materials, &c. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, pp. 263-268. Berlin.

Auch der unzweifelhafte Bergkalk am Onega See in Russland

zum Theil ganz aus sehr deutlich erhaltenen Polythalamien bestehe. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, pp. 273-275.


Das unsichtbar wirkende organische Leben. Vorlesung.

8vo. Leipzig, 1842. 53 pp.

[Microscopical slides of objects figured.]

Hornstein des Bergkalkes von Tula. Bericht k. preuss. Ak.

Wiss. Berlin, 1843, pp. 79 and 105. Berlin.

Das der Oolithkalk der Juraformation in Deutschland, sowohl

als in England, da wo er kornig ist, vorherrschend aus Melonien gebildet erscheint. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, pp. 105, 1 06. Berlin.

Ueber die Verbreitung des jetzt-wirkenden kleinsten organi-

schen Lebens in Asien, Australien und Afrika, und iiber die vor- herrschende Bildung auch des Oolithkalkes der Juraformation aus kleinen polythalamischen Thieren.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, PP- 100-105. Berlin.

Neue Beobachtungen iiber den sichtlichen Einfluss der mikro- skopischen Meeres-Organismen auf den Boden des Elbbettes bis oberhalb Hamburg. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, pp. 161-167. Berlin. [New species described.]

Ueber den Gehalt an unsichtbar kleinen Lebensformen aus

einigen von Hrn. Prof. Koch aus Constantinopel eingesandten Proben der Meeres-Ablagerungen im Marmara-Meer und im Bosporus. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, PP- 253~257-


Ueber fortgesetzte Beobachtungen des bedeutenden Ein-

flusses unsichtbar kleiner Organismen auf die unteren Stromge- biethe, besonderes der Elbe, Jahde, Ems und Schelde. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, pp. 259-272. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Ueber 2 neue Lager von Gebirgsmassen aus Infusorien als

Meers-Absatz in Nord-Amerika und eine Vergleichung derselben mit den organischen Kreidegebilden in Europa und Afrika. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, pp. 57-97. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Resultate iiber das Verhalten des kleinsten Lebens in den

Oceanen und den grossten bisher zuganglichen Tiefen des Welt- meers. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, PP- 182-207.


On Microscopic Life in the Ocean. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.,

vol. xiv, 1844, pp. 169-181. London.

44 Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera.

EHRENBERG, C. G.— Analyse der verschiedenen Materialien des Herrn Hooker, von der Sud-Pol-Reise.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, pp. 186-207. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Ueber Spirobotrys, eine neue physiologisch merkwiirdige

Gattung von Polythalamien. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, pp. 245-248. Berlin.

Ueber das kleinste Leben in dem Hochgebirge von Armenien

und Kurdistan. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, pp. 253-257, 274. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Ueber das kleinste organische Leben an mehreren bisher

nicht untersuchten Erdpunkten. Mikroscopische Organismen in Portugal, Spanien, Sud-Africa, im indischen Ocean, Ganges, &c. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1845, pp. 304-322, 357-377.


Ueber einen am 15 Mai 1830, in Malta gefallenen atmospha-

rischen Staub, dessen Gehalt an mikroskopischen Organismen, &c.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1845, PP- 378-381.


Passatstaub und Blutregen. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin,

1847, pp. 269-460, 6 plates (mostly diatoms). Berlin.

Ueber vor Kurzem von dem Preuss. Seehandlungs Schiffe, der

Adler, aus Canton mitgebrachte verkaufliche chinesische Blumen- Cultur-Erde, &c.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1847, pp. 476-485. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Ueber das mikroscopische Leben in Texas. Bericht k. preuss.

Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1849, pp. 87-91. Berlin.

Ueber .... mikroskopischen Lebensformen in der Wasser-

triibung des Mississippi. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1851, pp. 324-333 ; transl. and incorporated in Robt. A. Marr's Observations on the Mississippi River, Astronaut. Obseru. National Obseru. Washington, vol. iii, 1853, pp. 13-32 (App. B.)

Berlin; Washington.

Gelbe essbare Erde aus China. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss.

Berlin, 1851, pp. 738, 739. Berlin.


Weisser biolithischer Siisswasser-Mergel vom See Garag im

Fajum [Agypten.] Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1853, pp. 200-203. Berlin.

Ueber das organische Leben des Meeresgrundes in bis 10,800

und 12,000 P'uss Tiefe. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, pp. 54-75. Berlin.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 45

EH REN BERG, C. G.— Weitere Ermittelungen uber das Leben in grossen Meerestiefen gehobenen Grundmassen. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, pp. 191-196. Berlin.

Die systematische Characteristik der neuen mikroskopischen

Organismen des tiefen Atlantischen Oceans. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, pp. 236-250. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Weitere Ermittelungen iiber das Leben in grossen Tiefen des

Oceans. [" Forbes's gesammeltes Material."]— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, pp. 305-328. Berlin.

Zur Kenntniss der Natur und Entstehung des Griinsandes.

Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, pp. 374-377 ; 384-411.


Mikrogeologie. Das Wirken des unsichtbaren kleinen Lebens aufderErde. 2 vols. fol. Leipzig, 1854. 40 pis. [See PARKER & JONES, Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., vols. ix and x, 1872.]

Ueber den Griinsand und seine Erlauterung des organischen

Lebens. Abhandl. k. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 85-176, pis. i-vii. Berlin.

Ueber den unzweifelhaften Ursprung des Marmors der Grafschaft Antrim in Irland aus Polythalamien-Kreide durch Vulkanische Hitze. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, p. 9. Berlin.

Ueber den Griinsand im Zeugloden-Kalke Alabama's als besonders wohl erhaltene Polythalamien-Formen, und seine Wichtigkeit fur deren weitere Structur-Kenntniss. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 86-90. Berlin.

Ueber die weitere Entwicklung der Kenntniss des Griin- sandes als griiner Polythalamien Stein-kerne, &c. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 172-178. Berlin.

Ueber die durch die Griinsand-Steinlcerne erlauterte Structur

der Nummuliten als Polythalamien. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 291, 292. [Title only.] Berlin.

Ueber neue Erkenntniss immer grosserer Organisation der

Polythalamien durch deren urweltliche Steinkern. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 272-288. Berlin.

[This communication contains

a. Weisse Steinkerne.

b. Eine fiinffache Canal- Verbindung der einzelnen Kammern

bei Polythalamien.

c. Beobachtungsmethode der weissen Steinkerne, &c.

d. Ueber hochst feine Gefasse zeigende Grundsandsteinkerne

von Traunstein.

e. Studien fur die Structur der Orbitoiden, Orbituliten, und


46 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

EHRENBERG, C. G.— . . . . und iiber verlarvte Polythalamien in den marinen Polygastern Tripeln von Virginian und Simbirsk.— Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 292-305. Berlin.

Ueber die gelungene Darstellung ganzer Steinkerne von

Nummuliten mit reicher organischer Structur. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 487-489. Berlin.

.... und das mikroskopische Leben in den siidlichen Staaten

N. Amerikas. Bericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, pp. 779-783. Berlin.

Kurze Characteristik der neuen Genera und der neuen Species

des agaischen Meeres und des Tiefgrundes des Mittel-Meeres. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1858, pp. 10-41. [New species described.] Berlin.

Ueber fortschreitende Erkenntniss massenhafter mikroskopis- cher Lebensformen in den untersten Silurischen Thonschichten bei Petersburg. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1858, pp. 295-310. Berlin.

[New species described.]

Ueber andere massenhafte mikroskopische Lebensformen der altesten silurischen Grauwacken-Thone bei Petersburg. Monats- berichte k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1858, pp. 324-337, pi. i.


Beitrag zur Ubersicht der Elemente des tiefen Meeresgrundes im Mexikanischen Golfstrome bei Florida. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1861, pp. 222-240. Berlin.

Ueber Tiefgrund Verhaltnisse des Oceans am Eingange der Davisstrasse und bei Island. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1861 (1862), pp. 275-315. Berlin. [New species described.]

Ueber die obsilurischen und devonischen mikroskopischen

Pteropoden, Polythalamien und Crinoiden bei Petersburg in Russland. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. "Berlin, 1862, 599-601, pi. i. Bet

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der unterseeischen Agulhas Bank an der Siidspitze Afrikas, &c. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1863, pp. 379-394. Berlin.

[F. not mentioned, but the paper deals with glauconite.]

[Gives some notes on the Polythalamia, &c. of the Caspian.

Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1864, p. 182. Berlin.

Ueber das Eozoon aus den Amerikanischen Urgebirgen. (Title only.) Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1866, p. 122.


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 47

EHRENBERG, C. G. Mikrogeologische Studien als Zusammenfas- sung seiner Beobachtungen des kleinsten Lebens der Meeres- Tiefgriinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1872, pp. 265-322. [Some Foraminifera described.] Berlin.

Microgeologische Studien iiber das kleinste Leben der Meeres-

Tiefgriinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Ab- handl. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1872 (1873), PP- I3I~397> P^3- i-xii, and map ; Monatsbericht, pp. 265-322. Berlin.

[New species described.]

In Koldewey's Die zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt. 2 vols.

4to. Berlin, 1874. [Vol. ii, pp. 437-467, 4 plates.] [See also T. R. JONES, 1875.]

Fortsetzung der mikrogeologischen Studien als Gesammt-

Uebersicht der mikroskopischen Palaontologie gleichartig ana- lysirter Gebirgsarten der Erde, mit specieller Rucksicht auf den Polycystinen-Mergel von Barbados. Abhand. k. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1875 (1876), pp. 1-225, pis- i-xxx. Berlin.

[Two Foraminifera figured.]

EHRLICH, CARL. Die Formation des Nummulitensandsteins. Haidinger's Bericht u. d. Mittheilungen, vol. v, 1 849, pp. 80-84.


Geognostische Wanderungen im Gebiete der nordostlichen

Alpen. 8vo. Linz, 1852, 144 pp., 4 pis. [List, p. 71.]

EICHWALD, EDOUARD [afterwards VON E.] Zoologia specialis, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Vilna, 1829-1831 [vol. ii, pp. 21-25, 32> P^ "•]

Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der fossilen Thiere

Russlands. 8vo. Moskau, 1857, 242 pp. [pp. 13-16.]

Lethaea Rossica, ou Paleontologie de la Russie. 3 vols., 8vo.

Stuttgart, vol. i, 1860 ; vol. ii, 1860 ; vol. iii, 1853 ; and 2 vols. plates, 4to., vol. i. 1855 ; vol. ii, 1852.

ELCOCK, C. How to prepare Foraminifera. Journ. Postal Microsc. Soc., vol. i, 1882, pp. 25-29, 139-145. Bath.

List of Foraminifera from Silt. Journ. Postal Microsc. Soc.,

vol. ii, 1883, pp. 119, 1 20. London and Bath.

Foraminifera at Southport. Journ. Postal Microsc. Soc., vol. ii,

1883, p. 120. London and Bath.

Notes on the occurrence of some rare Foraminifera in the

Irish Sea. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. xiv, 1884, pp. 366, 367. London.

ELEY, HENRY.— Geology in the Garden ; or the Fossils in the Flint Pebbles.— 8 vo. London, 1859, plates.

48 Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera.

EMMET (MAJ.-GENERAL.)— Notes on the Red and White Chalk of Yorkshire [Flamborough]. Geologist, vol. iii. 1860, pp. 419, 420. [List by Parker and Jones. London.

EMMONS, EBENEZER. Manual of Geology. Ed. 2, 8vo. New York, 1860, 297 pp., figs.

ENGELMANN, WILHELM. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis.— 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 [Section Protozoa.]


ENTZ, GEZA.— A Szamosfalvi sostoban elo Gyokldbuakrol. Term- eszetrajzi Fiizetek, vol. i, pt. 3, I87*7, pp. 154-168, pis. ix and x ; and in German Ueber die Rhizopoden des Salzteiches zu Szamos- falva, pp. 185-199. Also, Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, p. 423. Budapest; London.

ERMAN, ADOLPH. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Kreide-forma- tion an der Nordkiiste von Spanien. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. vi, 1854, pp. 596-611, pis. xxiii and xxiv. Berlin. \Orbitulites apertusl\

ESPER, EUGENIUS JOHANN CHRISTOPH ESPER.— 1742-1810.— Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Farben erleuchtet nebst Beschreibungen. 3 vols , 4to. Niirnberg, Theil i, 1791, p. 225, pi. xvii, Millepora miniacea=Polytrema.~\


ETHERIDGE, ROBERT (FILIUS). On the Occurrence of Foramini- fera (Saccammina Carteri, Brady) in the Carboniferous Limestone Series of the East of Scotland.— Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc., vol. ii, 1873, pp. 225-226. Edinburgh.

South Australian Post-tertiary Foraminifera and Ostracoda.

Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iii, 1876, pp. 334, 335. London.

Note on the Fossils from the Glacial Deposits of the North- west Coast of the Island of Lewis ; Outer Hebrides. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iii, 1876, pp. 552-555. London.

In R. L. JACK'S— Notes on a Till or Boulder Clay with

Broken Shells, in the Lower Valley of the River Endrick, near Loch Lomond, and its relation to certain other Glacial Deposits. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1877 [Read 1874], pp. 5-25. [List of 6 spp. on p. 9.] Glasgow.

A Catalogue of Australian Fossils (including Tasmania and

the Island of Timor), stratigraphically and zoologically arranged. 8vo. Cambridge, 1878 [pp. 125-133].


EWALD, J. Quelques Remarques sur les Nummulites. 8vo. Padua, 1847 (Imprime du Seminaire). [Not seen.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 49

FABRICIUS, OTHO. 1744-1822.— Fauna Groenlandise, systematice sistens animalia Groenlandise occidentalis hactenus indagata, &c. 8vo. Hafniaez\. Lipsiae, 1780. [P. 376.]

FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, BARTHELEMY. 1741-1819.— Histoire naturelle de la montagne de Saint-Pierre de Maestricht. 4to. Paris, 1799. i vol. and I vol. plates. [P. 134, pi. 34.]


FERRY H. DE.— Memoire sur le groupe oolithique inferieur des environs de Macon (Saone et Loire). Pt. I. Jura Maconnais, e*tage bajocien.— 4to. (Caen f), 187. or 188 . . [Not seen.]

FE'RUSSAC, ANDRE ETIENNE JUSTIN PASCAL JOSEPH FRANCOIS D'AUDEBARD, BARON DE. 1786-1836.— Tableau Systematique des Animaux Mollusques, &c. Fol. Paris, 1822.

Additions et corrections au Tableau methodique de la classe

des Cephalopodes par M. d'Orbigny ; Ordre des Foraminiferes par M. de Ferussac. Bull, Set. Nat. et Gee?/., vol x, 1827, pp. 175-183. Paris.

Aper^u historique sur les Cdphalopodes. Paris, 1835.

[Not seen.]

FICHTEL, JOHANN EHRENREICH VON. 1732-1795.— Nachricht von den Versteinerungen des Grossfiirstenthums Siebenbiirgen. 4to. Nilrnberg, 1780. [Herausgegeben v. d. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin. [Echiniten, p. 78.]

FICHTEL, LEOPOLD VON, and JOSEPH PANCR. CAROL. VON MOLL. Testacea microscopica aliaque minuta ex generibus Argonauta et Nautilus ad naturam delineata et descripta. 4to. Wien, 1798. 24 plates ; second issue, Wien, 1803. [Latin and German.]

FIGUIER, Louis.— The Ocean World.— New ed., 8vo. London [1873], [Pp. 79-86, figures].

FILHOL, H. La Vie au fond des Mers, les explorations sous- marines et les voyages du Travailleur et du Talisman. 8vo. Paris, 1885, (Pp. 295-301, figures).

FISCHER DE WALDHEIM, G. 1771-1853.— Adversaria Zoologica. Mem. Soc. Imp. NaL Moscou, vol. v, 1817, pp. 357-471, .pi. xiii. [Streblus.] Moscou.

"a dissertd sur les Cephalopodes fossiles de Moscou et des

environs, en montrant des objets en nature." Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. i, 1829, pp. 314-353. Moscou.

Prodromus Petromatognosiae animalium systematicae, con- tinens [Part i] Bibliographiam animalium fossilium. Nouv, Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. i, 1829, pp. 301-374. Moscou.


50 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

FISCHER DE WALDHEIM, G.— Oryctographie du Gouvernement de Moscou. Fol. Moscou, 1830-1837.

Prodromus Petrom. [Part ii] Monographia animalium fossilium.

Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. ii, 1832, pp. 95-277 ; Supplement, pp. 447-458. Moscou.

FISCHER, PAUL.— Foraminiferes marins du Departement de la Gironde et des Cotes du Sud-ouest de la France. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxvii, 1870, pp. 377-397. Bordeaux.

[ ] "Arenistellaagglutinans." Les Fonds de la Mer. 8vo. Paris,

vol. ii, 1875, pp. 26 and 51.

[ ] Sur divers Foraminiferes de Sydney (lat. 33° 51' S, long.

148° E). [Novembre, 1872.] Les Fonds de la Mer. 8vo. Paris, vol. ii, 1875, p. 195.

Note sur un type particulier des Rhizopodes. [Astrorhiza.~\

Journal Zool., vol. iv, 1875, pp. 503-510, i pi. Paris.

Examen d'une serie de sondages executes dans 1'Atlantique

sous la direction du Commandant Vignes. Journal Zool., vol. iv, 1875, pp, 298-302. Paris.

FISHER, OSMOND. On the Bracklesham Beds of the Isle of Wight Basin. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., voL xviii, 1862, pp. 63-93. [Occurrences of Nummulites, &c.] London.

FLEMING, JOHN. 1785-1857.— Philosophy of Zoology; or a General View of the Structure, Functions, and Classification of Animals. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. [Vol. ii, pp. 431-435.]

Observations on some Species of the Genus Vermiculum of

Montagu. Mem. Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. iv, 1822, pp. 564-567, pi. xv. Edinburgh.

A History of British Animals, exhibiting the Descriptive

Characters and Systematic Arrangement of the Genera and Species of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca, and Radiata of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. [P.226.]

FLINT, J. M.— On the Collection and Method of Studying Foramini- fera.— Amer. Monthly Micro sc. Journ., voL vii^ 1886, pp. 105-108. [Read before Biol. Soc. Washington.] Washington.

FOLIN, LEOPOLD, MARQUIS DE.— Exploration de 1'aviso a vapeur Le Travailleur dans le golfe de Gascogne, en juillet, 1880. Rhizopodes reticulaires.— Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, vol. xv, 1 88 1, pp. 130-141. Toulouse.

Recherches sur quelques Foraminiferes a Peffet d'obtenir des

preuves a Pappui de la classification de certains organismes vaseux.— Congres Scientiftqite de Dax, Sess. i, Mai, 1882, 8vo. Dax, 1883, pp. 297-329, plate.

Sur la Constitution des Rhizopodes re"ticulaires.— Comptes

Rendus, vol. xcix, 1884, pp. 1127-1130. Paris.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 5 1

FOLIN, L., MARQUIS DE.— Sur un etat nouveau de Rhizopodes reticulaires.— Comptes Rendus, vol. ci, 1885, pp. 327, 328 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 232, 233.

Paris ; London.

Sur les Amphistegina de Porto Grande. Comptes Rendus, vol. cii, 1886, pp. 1575, 1576; Le Naturaliste, 15 Aout, 1886, pp. 315, 316. Paris j Paris.

Les Rhizopodes reticulaires. Le Naturaliste, Juillet 15, 1887, pp. 102, 103, figs. 1-3 ; Aout I, pp. 113-115, figs. 4-11 ; Aout 15,

. 127-128, figs.i2-i5 ; Sept. i, pp. 139-140, figs. 16-20. And 8vo. at is, 1887. 26 pp., figures. Paris.

Ouelques apergus sur le Sarcode des Rhizopodes reticulaires. Le Naturaliste, 1887, pp. 226-228. Paris.

pp. P

Les Bathysiphons ; premieres pages d'une monographic du

Genre. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, ser. 4, vol. x, livr. 5, Oct. 1887, pp. 271-291 ; livr. 6, Mai 1888, pis. v-viii. Bordeaux.

Considerations physiologiques sur les Rhizopodes reticulaires.

Le Naturaliste, \ Mars, 1888, pp. 60-62 ; i Avril, pp. 86-89, fig. ; i Mai, pp. 109-111, figs. ; 15 Mai, pp. 122, 123, figs; i Juin, pp. 134, 135; i Juillet, pp. 156-158; figs. (fin). Paris.

L. PERIER, BERCHON, and others.— Les Fonds de la

Mer. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. i, Bordeaux; vols. ii and iii, Paris, 1867-1879. [Numerous papers and references throughout, entered in this list under their respective authors.]

FONTANNES, F.— Note sur la Coupe de la Gare de Saint-Paul a Lyon. Ann. Soc. Agric. Hist. Nat. Lyon, ser. 4, vol. vii, 1874, pp. 9-14 [p. 14]. Lyon.

Premiere note sur les Foraminiferes des Terrains tertiaires

supdrieurs du Bassin du Rhone. Ann. Soc. Agric. Hist. Nat. Lyon, ser. 5, vol. ii, 1880, pp. 199-203. Lyon.

FORBES, EDWARD. 1815-1854. Note on the Fossils found by Lieut. Spratt in the several Beds of the Tertiary Formations of Malta and Gozo. Proc. Geol. Soc. Londen, vol. iv, pt. 2, No. 97, Nov. i, 1843, pp. 230, 231, with a "Report on the Collections," &c., by the Curator [W. Lonsdale], Mar. 20, 1844, ibid., p. 231. [Reprinted in SPRATT'S Geol. of Malta, &c.] London.

The Natural History of the European Seas. 8vo. London,

1859. [pp. 134-137-]

FORNASINI, CARLO.— Nota preliminare sui Foraminiferi della marna pliocenica del Ponticello di Savena nel Bolognese. Boll. Soc. Geol. ItaL, vol. ii, fas. 2, 1883, pp. 176- 190, pi. ii. Roma.

52 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

FORNASINI, CARLO.— I Foraminiferi della Tabella Oryctographica esistente nel Museo Geologico di Bologna. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. iii, 1884, pp. 85-94. [See under F. BASSI.] Roma.

Textularina e altri Foraminiferi fossili nella marna miocenica

di San Rufillo presso Bologna. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. iv, 1885 (1886), pp. 102-116, pi. vi. Roma.

Lagene fossili nell' argilla giallastra di san Pietro in Lama

presso Lecce.— Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. iv, 1885 (1886), pp. 188-198. Roma.

II Nautilus Legumen di Linneo e la Vaginulina elegans di

d'Orbigny. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. v, 1886, pp. 25-30, pi. i.


Foraminiferi illustrati da Soldani e citati degli Autori. Boll.

Soc. geol. Ital., vol. v, 1886, pp. 131-254. Roma.

Di alcuni Biloculine fossili negli strati a Pecten hystrix del

Bolognese.— Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. v, 1886, pp. 255-263, pis, iv-v. Roma.

Sulla Glandulina aequalis di Reuss. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital.,

vol. v, 1886, fasc. 3 (1887), pp. 337-342, pi. vii. Roma.

Varietk di Lagena fossile negli strati a Pecten hystrix del

Bolognese.—^//. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. v, 1886 (1887), pp. 350-353, pi. viii. Roma.

Di alcuni Foraminiferi provenienti dagli strati Miocenici dei

Dintorni di Cagliari.— Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi, 1887, pp. 26-32.


Foraminiferi illustrati da Bianchi [Plancus] e da Gualtieri.

Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi, 1887, pp. 33-54. Roma.

[This paper also treats of papers by J. P. Breyn.]

Textularia gibbosa e T. tuberosa. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi,

1887, pp. 159-162, pi. ii. Roma.

Indice delle Textularie italiane appunti per una monografia.

Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi, 1887, pp. 379-398, pi. x. Roma.

Sulle Textularie " abbreviate."—^//. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi,

1887, pp. 399-401, pi. xi. Roma.

Intorno ai caratteri esterni delle Textularie. Boll. Soc. geol.

Ital., vol. vi, 1887, pp. 374-378, pi. ix. Roma.

Di alcuni Foraminiferi provenienti dalla spiaggia di Civita

Vecchia.— Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vi, 1887, pp. 369-373. Roma.

Tavola paleo-protistografica.— Boll. Soc. geol. Ital., vol. vii,

1888, pp. 44-48, pi. iii. Roma.

FORSKAL, PEHR. 1736-1763.— Descriptiones Animalium, &c., quae in itinere orientali observavit, &c. 410. Haunts, 1775. Plates.

I cones rerum naturalium, quas in itinere orientali P. Forskal

observavit, &c. : edidit Niebuhr. 4to. Haunts, 1776. 43 plates, [No Foraminifera figured].

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 5 3

FORTIS, GIOVANNI BATTISTA ALBERTI. 1741-1803.— Saggio d'os- servazioni sopra 1'isole di Cherso ed Osero. 4to. Venezia, 1771. 169 pp., pis. [Nummali.]

Beschreibung des Thales Ronca im veronesischen Gebiet.—

8vo. Heydelberg, 1779. 104 pp., 2 pis. [Translated from the Italian]. [Porpiten.]

Sur quelques nouvelles Especes de Discolithes. Journ. de

Physique, vol. Hi, 1801, pp. 106-115, pi. ii. Paris.

Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire Naturelle, et principalement

a 1'Oryctographie de 1'Italie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802. [Discolithus.]

Sulle Discoliti chiamate dianzi pietre Lenticolare, Numismale,

Frumentarie, Elicite e ultimamente Camerine. Opusc. scelti Set. Arti, vol. xxii, 1803, pp. 145-163, pi. iii. Milano.

FRAAS, OSKAR.— Geologisches aus dem Orient. Wurttemb. nat. Jahreshefte, 1867, pp. 145-364, 3 pis. Also published separately, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1867, and pt. 2, 1878. \Nummulites cretacea, Fraas.]

FRANZENAU, AGOSTON.— Adatok a rakosi (Budapest) felso medi- terran emelet foraminifera faunajahoz. Foldt. Kozlony, vol. xi,

1881, pp. 31-55, pi. iii ; and in German, Beitrag zur Foraminiferen Fauna der Rakoser [Budapest] Ober-Mediterran Stufe, pp. 83-107.


Heterolepa— egy uj genus a Foraminiferak rendjeben.— Ter- meszetrajzi Fiisetek, vol. viii, 1884, pp. 181-186, i pi.; and in German, Heterolepa, eine neue Gattung aus der Ordnung der Foraminiferen, pp. 214-217. Budapest.

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schalenstructur einiger Foramini- feren.— Termeszetrajzi Fiizelek, vol. ix, 1885, pp. 151-153, pi. vii.


Adalekok a Borsodmegyei Apatfalva kornyekenek geologia-

jdhoz. Termeszetrajzi Fiizetek, vol. xi, 1888, pp. 61-64 ; and in German, Daten zur Geologie der Umgebung von Apatfalva im Comitat Borsod, pp. 90-94. Budapest.

Adat Budapest altalajdnak ismeretehez. Fbldt. Kozlony, vol.

xviii, 1888, pp. 87-106, pi. ii ; and in German, Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des Untergrundes von Budapest, pp. 157-174. Budapest.

FRASER, JAMES.— First notice of a Post-Tertiary Shell-bed at Clava in Nairnshire, indicating an Arctic Climate and a Sea-bed at a height of 500 feet. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc.^ vol. iv, pt. 2,

1882, pp. 136-142. Edinburgh.

FRAUSCHER, CARL F.— Die Eocan-Fauna von Kosavin nachst Bribir im kroatischen Kiistenlande. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1884, pp. 58-62. [List.] Wien.

54 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

FREYER, . Krapina-Baches Foraminiferen. Haidinger'sBerichte ii.d. Mittlieilungen, &><:., vol. ii, 1847, pp. 157, 158. Wien.


Untersuchungen liber Foraminiferen. Haidinger's Berichte

ii. d. Mittheilungen, &C., vol. vi, 1850, pp. 9, 10. Wien.

" Foraminiferen des Wiener Beckens." Neues Jahrbuch f.

Min., &c., 1851, p. 380. Stuttgart.


FRITEL, PAUL. Fossiles caracteristiques des terrains sedimen- taires, dessines sous la direction de M. A. de Lapparent d'apres la collection de 1'Institut catholique de Paris, par Paul Fritel. Fossiles secondaires.— 4to. Paris, 1888. 20 pis., [pi. xx.]

FRITSCH, ANTON. Ueber das Vorkommen des Eozoon im ntird- lichen Bohmen. [Letter to Prof. H. B. Geinitz.] Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1866, pp. 352-354, figs. Stuttgart.

Ueber Eozoon bohemicum, Fr., aus den kornigen Kalksteinen

von Raspenau bei Friedland in Bohmen. Archiv nat. Landes- durchforsch. Bohmen \Geol. Sectl\, vol. i, 1869, pp. 245-251, 2 pis., figs. Prag.

Studien im Gebiete der Bohmischen Kreideformation. II.

Die Weissenberger und Malnitzer Schichten. 8vo. Prag, 1877, 152 pp., figures [pp. 149, 150.]

v. A. E. REUSS.

FRITSCH, KARL VON. Einige eocan Foraminiferen von Borneo. Paltzontographica, Suppl. iii, 1878, pt. i, pp. 139-146, pis. xviii, xix. Cassel.

FUCHS, THEODOR. Ueber den sogenannten "Badner Tegel" auf Malta. Sits. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixxiii, 1876, pp. 67-74. [List by HANTKEN.] Wien.

Welche Ablagerungen haben wir als Tiefseebildungen zu

betrachten? Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., Beil.-Bd. ii, 1882, pp. 487-584. Stuttgart.

Ueber einige Fossilien aus dem Tertiar der Umgebung Rohitsch-Sauerbrunn und iiber das Auftreten von Orbitoiden innerhalb des Miocans. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1884, pp. 378-382. Wien, [Lists.]

and FELIX KARRER.— Geologische Studien in den Tertiar- bildungen des Wiener Beckens.—Ja/irbuc/t k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xviii, 1868, pp. 269-286, 573-598 ; vol. xix, 1869, pp. 189-206 ; vol. xx, 1870, pp. 113-140; vol. xxi, 1871, pp. 67-122 ; vol. xxiii, 1873, pp. 117-136 ; vol. xxv, 1875, PP- I~62- Wien.

and A. MANZONI.— Sulla Relazione di un viaggio geologico in Italia. Boll. R. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. v, 1874, pp. 226-237 ; with a note by G. SEGUENZA, pp. 294-306. Roma.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 55

FUSS, CARL. Fundort fossiler Foraminiferen am rothen Berge bei Miihlenbach. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. iii, 18152, pp. 109, lio. Hermannstadt.

GABB, WILLIAM M. 1839-1878. Catalogue of the Invertebrate Fossils of the Cretaceous Formation of the United States, with references. Issued as a separate publication, with the Proc. Ac. Nat. Set. Philad., for 1859 (1860), dated September, 1859, pp. 1-20.


Descriptions of new species of American Tertiary and Cre- taceous Fossils. Journ. Acad. Set. Philad., n. s., vol. iv, 1860, pp. 375-406, pi. Ixix. Philadelphia.

Description of a collection of Fossils made by Dr. Antonio

Raimondi in Peru. Journ. Acad. Nat. Set. Philad., vol. viii, 1877, pp. 263-336. ' Philadelphia.

and G. H. HORN. Monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the

Secondary and Tertiary Formations of North America. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad., n. s., vol. v, pt. 2, 1862 [p. 179, pi. xxi, f. 71 (Placopsilinaf)}. Philadelphia.

GALEOTTI, HENRI GUILLAUME. 1814-1858. Sur la constitution geognostique de la province de Brabant. Mem. Couronnes Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, vol. xii, 1837, pp. 1-192, map and pis. Bruxelles.

Sur le calcaire cretace des environs de Jalapa au Mexique'

Bull. Soc. Geol. France, vol. x, 1839, pp. 32-39, pi. i, fig. 6. Paris.

GARDNER, JOHN STARKIE.— Chalk, and the Origin and Distribu- tion of Deep Sea Deposits.— Nature, vol. xxx (1884), pp. 192, 193; 264, 265. London.

GAUDIN, C. TH., and MATTHEW MOGGRIDGE.— Menton.— Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., vol. viii, 1864, pp. 187-197. Lausanne.


GAY, CLAUDIO. Historia fisica y politica de Chile, &c. Zoologia, tomo octavo, by Hupe.— 8vo. Paris and Santiago, vol. viii (Zool.), 1854, " Foraminiferos," pp. 457-468. [After d'Orbigny.]

GEDDES, PATRICK.— Theory of Growth, Reproduction, Sex, and Heredity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 1885-86 (1886), pp. 911-931 [p. 931.] Edinburgh.

GEINITZ, HANS BRUNO.— Characteristic der Schichten und Petre- faction des sachsisch-bohmischen Kreidegebirges. 4to. Dresden and Leipzig, 1839-42, plates. Ed. 2, Leipzig, 1850.

Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde, 1845. See REUSS.

Die Versteinerungen des Deutschen Zechsteingebirges und

Rothliegenden. Heft I.— 4to. Dresden and Leipzig, 1848, 26 pp., 8 pis.

56 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

GEINITZ, H. B.— Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefacten des sachsisch-bohmischen Kreidegebirges, sowie der Versteinerungen von Kieslingswalda. 8vo. Leipzig, 1850, 116 pp., 24 pis. [pp. 43, 69, pis. xvi, xvii]. [This book is divided into two parts ; the Foraminifera occur in

" Index Petrefactorum e Saxoniae et Bohemiae formatione


Dyas, oder die Zechsteinformation und das Rothliegende,

Heft I. Die animalischen Ueberreste des Dyas. 410. Leipzig, 1 86 1 [pp. 39, 120-123, pis- x and xx]-

Das Elbthalgebirge, &c. v. REUSS, 1872.

Carbonformation undjDyas in Nebraska. Nova Acta Acad.

Cues. Leop.-Carol, vol. xxxiii, Lief. 4, 1866, pp. 1-91, 5 pis.


Zur Geologic von Sumatra's Westkiiste. Palceontographica,

vol. xxii, 1876, pp. 399-404. Cassel.

Die Flotzformation Mecklenburgs. Arch. Ver. Freunde nat.

Mecklenburg, Jahr 37, 1883, pp. 1-151, 6 pis. Gustrow.

[Lists only.]

GEMMELLARO, GAETANO GlpRGia— Sopra taluni organic! Fossili del Turoniano e Nummulitico di Judica. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat., ser. 2, vol. xv, 1860, pp. 269-283, pi. Catania.

[The plate is missing in all copies met with, and a note received

from the present Secretary confirms the supposition that it

was never published.]

GERVAIS, PAUL. 1816-1879.— Sur un point de la physiologic des Foraminiferes.— Comptes Rendus, vol. xxv, 1847, pp. 467 and 468 ; and LInstitut, 1847, p. 316. Paris.

[Reproduction of Miliolinae.]

GESNER, CONRAD. 1516-1565. De omni rerum fossilium genere, gemmis, &c. 8vo. Tiguri, 1565. Figures.

GESNER, JOHANN. 1709-1790.— 2YN 6EQ. Dissertatio Physica de Petrificatorum differentiis et varia origine, &c. 4to. Tiguri, 1752. 50 PP-

- Tractatus physicus de Petrifactis in duas partes distinctus, &c. 8vo. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1758. 136 pp.

GIEBEL, CHRISTIAN GOTTFRIED ANDREAS. 1820-1881. Palaozoo- logie. Entwurf einer systematischen Darstellung der Fauna der Vorwelt.— 8vo. Merseburg, 1846.

Article " Foraminiferen " in Ersch und Glauber's Allgemeinen

Encyclopaedic fur Wissenschaft und Kiinste.— 410. Leipzig, 1847. Pp. 208-211.

Bericht iiber die Leistungen im Gebiete der Palaontologie,

mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Geognosie wahrend der Jahre 1848 and 1849.— 8vo. Berlin, 1851. [Pp. 256-258].

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 57

GIEBEL, C. G. Deutschlands Petrefacten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1852. [Pp. 255-300.]

Thalamopora cribrosa. Zeitschr. f. gesammt. Nat., ser. 2,

vol. vii, 1873, pp. 361, 362, Berlin.

•GINANI, GIUSCARDI. 1692-1753. Opere postume, nelle quale si contengeno 114 Piante che vegetano nel mare Adriatico da lui osservate e descritte.— Fol. Venezia, 1755-1757. Plates.


GOES, AXEL.— Om ett oceaniskt Rhizopodum reticulatum, Lituolina scorpiura, Montf., funnet i Osterjon. Ofvers. K. Vet.-Ak. Forhandl., Arg 38, No. 8, 1881, pp. 33-35. ' Stockholm.

On the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the Caribbean Sea. K. Svenska Vet.-Ak. Handl., vol. xix, No. 4, 1882, pp. 1-151, 12 pis.


Om Fusulina cylindrica, Fischer, fran Spetzbergen. Ofvers.

K. Vet.-Ak. Forhandl., Arg 40, 1883 (1884), No. 8, pp. 29-35.


'GOLDFUSS, GEORG AUGUST. 1782-1848.— Petrefacta Germanias, tarn ea quaa in Museo Universitatis Regise Borussicas Fridericiae Wilhelmiaa Rhenanse servantur, quam alia, &c. 3 vols. fol. Diisseldorf, 1826-1844. Plates. [Ed. 2, by GIEBEL, 410. Leipzig, 1862-1866.]

GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY.— A Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. I2mo. London, 1855. [Pp. 12-14, figures.]

On the Presence of Motile Organs and the Power of Locomo- tion in Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, 1857, PP- 365-367. London.

GRANT, C. E., and J. WILLIAM DAWSON.— Notes on Pleistocene Fossils from Anticosti. Canad. Record Sci., vol. ii, No. i, 1886, pp. 44-48. [List.] Montreal.

GRAS, ALBIN -1854. Catalogue des Corps Organises Fossiles qui

se rencontrent dans le de"partement de 1'Isere. 8vo. Grenoble, 1852. 54 pp., 4 pis. [Pp. 34, 37, 52, pi. i.]

GRATELOUP, JEAN PIERRE SYLVESTRE DE. 1782-18 . . Cata- logue Zoologique renfermant les debris fossiles des animaux, &c., du bassin de la Gironde. 8vo. Bordeatix, 1838. 77 pp. [List.]

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD. 1800-1872. On Carpenteria and Dujar- dinia, two genera of a new form of Protozoa, with attached multi- locular Shells filled with Sponge, apparently intermediate be- tween Rhizopoda and Porifera. Proc. Zool. Soc. Land., vol. xxvi, 1858, pp. 266-271, figures ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. ii, 1858, p. 381, &c. London; London.

GREEN, JAMES. Foraminiferous Silt Banks of the Isle of Ely.— Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. i, 1881, p. 473. London.

58 Bibliography of the Foraminifera:

GREEN, JAMES.— Microscopic Object Hunting. [Foraminifera of Silt Beds of March, Cambridgeshire.] Amer. Journ. Microsc., vol. vi, 1 88 1, No. 3, pp. 45, 46, plate. New York.

GREEN, JOSEPH REAY.— A Manual of the sub-kingdom Protozoa.— New impr. I2mo. London, 1871. 88 pp. figures.

GREENWOOD, [Miss] MARION. Digestive process in some Rhizopods, Pt. i.— Journal Physiology, vol. vii, 1886. pp, 253-273 ; Pt. ii, vol. viii, 1887, pp. 263-287, pi. viii and ix. Cambridge.

GREGORIO, ANTONIO DE. Sulla Fauna delle Argille Scagliose di Sicilia (Oligocene-Eocene) e sul Miocene di Nicosia. 410. Palermo, 1881, 60 pp., 3 pis.

Fossili dei Dintorni di Pachino. 8vo. Palermo,. 1882, 22 pp.,

6 pis. [Simplorbites.]

GREWINGK, CONSTANTIN. 1819-1887. Die geognostischen und orographischen Verhaltnisse des nordlichen Persiens. Verh. k. mineral. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg, Jahrg. 1852-53 (1853), pp-97-245, figures. St. Petersburg..

GRIFFITH, J. W., and HENFREY.— v. T. R. JONES. 1875.

GRIMM, O. A. Kaspiiskai mare e ega fauna. 8vo. St. Petersburg, pt. i, 1876 ; pt. 2, 1877 [pp. 69, 70, pi. i].

GRONOVIUS, LAURENCE THEODOR. 1730-1777.— Zoophylacium Gronovianum, &c. Fol. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1781, figures.

GRUBER, AuGUSTE. Die Protozoen des Hafens von Genua. Nova Acta Acad. Goes. Leop.-CaroL, vol. xlvi, No. 4, 1884, pp. 473-539, pis. vii-xi. Hallis-Saxorum.

Res ligusticae. IV. Enumerazione dei Protozoi raccolti nel

porto di Geneva. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, ser. 2, vol. v, 1887-88, PP- 535-555- Genova.


GUALTIERI, NlCOLO. 1688-1744. Index T-estarum Conchyliorum quae adservantur in Museo Nic. Gualtieri, et methodice distributas exhibentur Fol. Florentines, 1742, 90 pis.

GUMBEL, CARL WILHELM [afterwards vox GUMBEL].— Die Streitberger Schwammlager und ihre Foraminiferen-Einschlusse.. Wiirttemberg naturw. Jahreshefte, Jahrg. xviii, 1862, pp. 192- 238, pis. iii, iv. Stuttgart.

Ueber das Vorkommen von Eozoon im ostbayerischen

Urgebirge. Sitzungsber. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., 1866, pp. 25-70, 3 pis. Munchen.

[Translation in Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. iii, 1866, pp. 81-101, i pL


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 59

GUMBEL,C.W. Foraminiferen in denCassianer und Raibler Schich- ten. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsamt., 1868, pp. 275, 276. Wien.

[Note only, announcing Reuss' discovery.]

Ueber Foraminiferen, Ostracoden, und mikroskopische Thier- Ueberreste in den St Cassianer und Raibler Schichten. Jahrbttch k. k. geol. Reichsanst.) vol. xix, 1869, pp. 175-186, pis. v and vi.


Eozoon im kdrnigen Kalke Schwedens. Neues Jahrbuch fiir

Mm., &c., 1869, pp. 551-559. Stuttgart.

Vergleichung der Foraminiferenfauna aus den Gosaumergeln

und den Belemnitellen-Schichten der Bayerischen Alpen. Sitz- ungsber. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., vol. ii, 1870, pp. 278-288. Miinchen,

Beitrage zur Foraminiferenfauna der nordalpinen Eocangebilde,

Abhandl. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., vol. x (1868), 1870, pp. 581-730. pis. i-iv. Miinchen.

Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber Tiefseeschlamm. Neues Jahr- buch fiir M in., &c., 1870, pp. 753-767. Stuttgart. [See also Nature, Nov. 3, 1870.]

Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse des Ulmer Cement-mergels,

seine Beziehungen zu dem lithographischen Schiefer und seine Foraminiferenfauna. Sitzungsber. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., 1871, pp. 38-72, pi. i. Miinchen.

Die sogennanten Nulliporen (Lithothamnium und Dactylopora)

und ihre Betheiligung an der Zusammensetzung der Kalkgesteine. Abhandl. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss.,\o\. xi, 1871, pp. 13-52 ; 1872, pp. 231-290, pis. i, ii, and D. i-iv. Miinchen.

Ueber Dactylopora. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1871, pp.

127, 128. Wien.

Ueber zwei jurassische Vorlaufer des Foraminiferen-Gesch-

lechtes Nummulina und Orbitulites. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Min., &c., Jahrg. 1872, pp. 241-260, pis. vi, vii. Stuttgart.

Geognostische Mittheilungen aus den Alpen. Sitzungsber.

k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., vol. iii, 1873, pp. 14-88. Miinchen.

Coccolithen in Eocanmergel.— Neues.Jahrbuch fiir Min.. &c.,

1873, pp. 299-302. Stuttgart.

Conodictyum bursiforme, Etallon ; eine Foraminifere aus der

Gruppe der Dactyloporideen (Petrascula.) Sitzungsber. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., 1873, pp. 282-294, pi. i. Miinchen.

Japanesische Gesteine. Das Ausland, 1874, pp. 479-480.

\Fnsulina japonica, Giimbel.j Stuttgart.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Organisation und systematischen Stellung von Receptaculites. Abhandl. k.-bayer. Ak. Wiss., vol. xii, 1875 (1876), pp. 167-215, pis. Miinchen.

60 Bibliography of the Foraminifera,

GUMBEL, C. W.— Ueber die Natur von Eozoon.—Corr.-6/aff Ver. Regensburg, Jahrg. 30, 1876, pp. 178-180. Ratisbon.

Die geognostische Durchforschung Bayerns. 8vo, Munchen,

1877, pp. 61-63. [Not seen.]

Kurze Anleitung zu geologischen Beobachtungen in den

Alpen. Zeitschr. Deutsch. u. Oesterr. Alpenvereins, Beilage-Band,

1878, pp. 25-192, numerous figures. Munchen.

Geologic von Bayern. 8vo. Kassel, 1885. [Erster Th.,

Zweite Lief., pp. 421-423, fig. 266 (1-29).]

Ueber die Natur und Bildungsweise des Glaukonits. Sitz. k.

bayer. Ak. (Viss., vol. xvi, 1886, pp. 417-449, i plate. Munchen.

Kurze Bemerkung iiber die Nummuliten-Schichten am Nord-

rande der Alpen. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1886, pp. 367, 368.


[GUETTARD, JEAN ETIENNE. 1715-1786.]— Sur les pierres Len- ticulaires, ou Numismales, dans lequel on donne 1'histoire des opinions qu'on a cues sur la nature de cette pierre, et des erreurs oil 1'on est tomb£ a son sujet. Mem. s. diff. parties Sciences, vol. ii, 1770, pp. 185-225 ; vol. iii, 1770, pp. 431-435, pi. xiii. Paris.

Memoire sur la Mineralogie du Dauphind— 2 vols. 4to. Paris,

1779. Plates.


GUPPY, HENRY BROUGHAM. Notes on the Characters and Modes of formation of the Coral Reefs of the Solomon Islands, being the Results of Observations made in 1882-84 during the Surveying Cruise of H.M.S. Lark. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh, sess. 1885-86 (1887), pp. 857-904, figures of reef-sections.


Observations on the Recent Calcareous Formations of the

Solomon Group, made during 1882-1884. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. xxxii, part 3, 1886, pp. 545-581, pis. cxliv, cxlv. [Map, and rock-sections full of Foraminifera.] Edinburgh.

The Solomon Islands : their Geology, General Features, and Suitability for Colonization. 8vo. London, 1887. 152 pp. Maps and plates. [Lists.]

GUPPY, R. J. LECHMERE. On the Occurrence of Foraminifera in the Tertiary Beds at San Fernando, Trinidad. Proceed. Set. Assoc. Trinidad, 1863, p. u ; Geologist, 1864, pp. 159, 160.

Port of Spain; London.

On Foraminifera from the Tertiaries of San Fernando, Trinidad.

—Proc. Sci. Assoc. Trinidad. [Not seen.] Port of Spain.

On Foraminifera from the Tertiaries of San Fernando, Trinidad.

Geol. Mag., vol. x, 1873, PP- 3^2, 363. [Reprint of above.] London.

Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera. 61

GUPPY, R. J. L.— On the West Indian Tertiary Fossils.— Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, vol. i, 1874, pp. 432-446. [List.] ' London.

GUROFF, ALEXIS.— [Fossils of the Coal Measures of the Don District.] (in Russian). ? 1873. [Not seen. Fide MOLLER.]

HAAN, WILLIAM DE. 1801-1855. Specimen philosophicum inaug- urate, exhibens Monographiam Ammoniteorum et Goniatiteorum, &c. 8vo. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1825, 168 pp. [P. 20.]

HAAS, HIPPOLYT.— Katechismus der Versteinerungskunde (Petre- faktenkunde, Palaontologie). 8vo. Leipzig, 1887, 240 pp., 178 figures. [Foraminifera, pp. 42-48.]

HAECKEL, ERNST.— De Rhizopodum finibus et ordinibus. Dis- sertatio quam Rectore Academiae .... consensu gratiosi medi- corumordinis in litterarum Universitate Jenensi pro venia legendi impetranda die iii M. Mart. MDCCCLXI publice defendet auctor Ernestus Haeckel.— 4to. Berolini, 1861, 16 pp.

Monographic der Moneren. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw.,

vol. iv, 1868, pp. 64-137, pis. ii, iii ; Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. ix, 1868, pp. 27, 113, 219, 327, pis. ix, x. Jenaj London.

Die Plastiden und das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden.

Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw,, &c., vol. v, 1870, pp. 529-532.


Biologische Studien. Erstes Heft : Studien iiber Moneren

und andere Protisten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870, 6 pis.

Biologische Studien. Zweites Heft : Studien zur Gastraea- Theorie. 8vo. Jena, 1877.

[His collected papers.]

Ueber die Physemarien, Haliphysema und Gastrophysema. Report Brit. Assoc. (Glasgow, 1876), 1877, PP- "53? !54- London.

Die Physemarien (Haliphysema und Gastrophysema), Gas- traeaden der Gegenwart. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw., vol. xi, 1877, pp. 1-54, pis. i-vi. Jena.

Das Protistenreich.— 8vo. Leipzig, 1878.

Ueber die Phaeodarien, eine neue Gruppe kieselschaliger

marine Rhizopoden. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw., vol. xiii, 1879, Sitzungber., pp. 151-157; Transl. A New Class of Rhizopoda, Nature, March 11, 1880, pp. 449-451. Jena; London.

HAEUSLER, RUDOLF.— Note sur une Zone a Globigerines dans le terrain jurassique de la Suisse. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. xvi, 1 88 1, Bitll., pp. clxxxviii-cxc. Bruxelles.

Notes on Jurassic Foraminifera. Science Gossip, 1881, 206, 207. Lon



62 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

HAEUSLER, R.— Notes on the Trochamminse of the Lower Malm of the Canton Aargau (Switzerland.) Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. x, 1882, pp. 49-67, pis. iv, v. London.

Additional Notes on the Trochamminae of the Lower Malm of

the Canton Aargau, including Webbina and Hormosina. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. x, 1882, pp. 349-357, pi. xv. London.

Notes sur les Foraminiferes de la Zone a Ammonites trans-

versarius du Canton Argovie.— Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sri. Nat., ser. 2, vol. xviii, 1882, pp. 220-230. Lausanne.

Notes on some Upper Turassic Astrorhizidae and Lituolidae.

Upper Ju /. Soc.. vol.

Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, pp. 25-28, pis. ii, iii.


Die Astrorhiziden und Lituoliden der Bimammatuszone.

Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1883, vol. i, pp. 55-61, pis. iii, iv.


Ueber die neue Foraminiferengattung Thuramminopsis.

Neues Jahrbuch fur Mm., &c., 1883, vol. ii, pp. 68-72, pi. iv.


On the Jurassic Varieties of Thurammina papillata, Brady. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 262-266, pi. viii.


Die Lituolidenfauna der aargauischen Impressaschichten. Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., Beil.-Bd., iv, Heft i, 1885, pp. 1-30, pis. i-iii. Stuttgart.

Die Lageninen der schweizerischen Jura- und Kreideformation.

Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1887, vol. i, pp. 177-189, pis. iv and v. Stuttgart.

Bemerkungen iiber einige liasische Milioliden. Neues

Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1887, vol. i, pp. 190-194, pis. vi, vii.


Notes sur quelques Foraminiferes des marnes a bryozoaires du

Valanginien de Ste.-Croix. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., ser. 3, vol. xxii, 1887, pp. 260-266. Lausanne.

Notes on some Foraminifera from the Hauraki Gulf. Trans.

N. Zeal. Institute, vol. xix, 1887, pp. 196-200. Wellington.

HAGENOW, FRIEDRICH VON. Monographic der Riigen'schen Kreide-Versteinerungen ; iii, Abth., Mollusken. Neues J^ahrbuch f. Min., &c., 1842, pp. 528-575, pi. ix. Stuttgart.

Die Bryozoen der Maestrichter Kreide-Bildung. 4to. Cassel,

1851. in pp., 12 pis. \Cymbalopora^\

HAHN, OTTO. Giebt es ein " Eozoon Canadense"? Wiirttemberg

naturwiss. Jahreshefte, 32 Jahrg., 1876, pp. 132-155. Stuttgart.

[Translation in Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, 1876,

pp. 265-282.] London.

.Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 63

HAHN, O. Das Eophyllum im Laurentian-Kalk von Canada. Das Ausland, 1879, pp. 560-563. Stuttgart.

Das Eophyllum Canadense und die atmokosmische Hypothese

des Dr. Otto Kimtze. Das Ausland, 1879, pp. 769-771.


Eophyllum Canadense aus dem Serpentinkalk des Laurentian-

Gneisses von Canada. Wiirttemberg naturwiss. Jahreshefte, 36 Jahrg., 1880, pp. 71-74. Stuttgart.

Die Meteorite (Chondrite) und ihre Organismen. 4to.

Tiibingen, 1880, 56 pp., 32 pis. [Section of a Nummulite from Kempten, Bavaria.] HAIME, JULES, -v. VICOMTE D' ARCHIAC.

HALAVATS, GYULA.— A golubaczi (Szerbia) Mediterran fauna.— Foldt. Kozlbny, vol. x, 1880, pp. 293-295 [list] ; and in German, pp. 374-376. Budapest.

HALL, JAMES. Description of new Species of Fossils from the Car- boniferous Limestone of Indiana and Illinois. Trans. Albany Institute, vol. iv, 1858-1864 (read Nov. 27, 1856), pp. 1-35. \Rotalia Baileyi.} Albany.

Notice of some new Species of Fossils from a locality of the Niagara Group in Indiana ; with a List of Identified Species from the same place. Trans. Albany Institute, vol. iv, 1858-1864 (1862), pp. 195-228. Albany.

HAMILTON, A.— On the Foraminifera of the Tertiary Beds of Petana, near Napier. Trans. New Zealand Institute, vol. xiii, 1 88 1, pp. 393-396, pi. xvi. Wellington.

HAMLIN, F. M.— The Preparation and Mounting of Foraminifera, with Description of a new Slide for Opaque Objects. Proc.Amer. Soc. Microscopists, 6th Ann. Meeting, 1883, pp. 65-68. Buffalo.

HANLEY, SYLVANUS.— Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia. 8vo. London, 1855. Plates [p. 490, pi. v.]

HANTKEN, MIKSA [MAX HANTKEN, afterwards MAX VON HANTKEN]. Geologiai tanulmdnyok Buda s Tata kozott. Math, s termeszett. kbzlemenyek (M. Tud. Ak.\ vol. i, 1861, pp. 213-278. Pesten.

A Buda 6s Tata kozotti 3-adkori retegekben elofordulo Fora-

miniferak. [Magyar tudomanyi Akad. kiad., iii, 1862-63, p. 152.] [Not seen.] Budapest.

A Buda e"s Tata kozott talalt foraminiferakrol. Oruos termt-

szett. tudosok munkdlatai, vol. ix, 1864, p. 317. Budapest.

[Not seen.]

Az uj-szony-pesti Duna s az uj-szony-fehervdr-budai vasut

befogta teriiletnek. Math, s termessett. kozlemenyek (M. Tud. Ak.), vol. iii, 1865, pp. 384-441. Budapest.

64 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

HANTKEN, M. A buda-esztergomi videk szerves testek kepezte kozetei. Math, s termeszett. kbzlemenyek (M. Tud. Ak.\ vol. iv, 1866, pp. 1-12. Budapest.

- Die Tertiargebilde der Gegend westlich von Qten.—Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xv, 1866, pp. 25-58. Wien. [Lists.]

- Foraminiferen in einem Mergel der Euganeen.— Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst.> vol. xvi, 1866, p. 208. Wien.

- Az ipolysaghi tdlyag microscopi faunaja.— Magyar, foldt. tdrsulat munkdlatai, vol. iii, 1867, pp. 86-89. Pest.

- A diosjen°i homokko es a puszta lokosi tdlyag. Magyar, foldt. tdrsulat munkdlatai, vol. iii, 1867, pp. 90-95. Pest. [List.]

- Az ajkai koszenke'plet geologiai viszonyai. Magyar, foldt. tdrsulat munkdlatai, vol. iii, 1867, pp. 98-102. Pest. [Nummulites.]

- A kis-czelli tdlyag foraminifera'i. Magyar, foldt. tdrsulat munkdlatai, vol. iv, 1868, pp. 75-96, pis. i and ii. Pest.

A kis-czelli talyag elterjedese Nogrdd megyeben. Ma


foldt. tdrsulat munkdlatai, vol. v, 1870, pp. 196-200. Pest.


A budai albrechtuton feltdrt mdrgaretegek faunaja. Fbldtani Kbzlbny, vol. i, pt. iv and v, 1871, pp. 57-63. Budapest.

[In a preliminary note on pp. 53-55 (Szakiiles i87i-ik evi Ma>-

czius 22-en), Hantken gives a list of Nummulites ; this has been

quoted as " A nummulitek kikeszitese."]

Az esztergomi barnaszenteriilet foldtani viszonyai. Magyar kir. foldt. int. evkonyue, vol. i, 1871, pp. 1-140, pis. i-v ; and in German, Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Graner Braunkohlen- gebietes. Mitth. a. d. fahrb. k.-ungar. geol. Anstalt, vol. i, 1871 (1872), pp. 1-147, pis. i-v. Pest.

Az iiromi es zugligeti maVga. Foldtani Kozlony, vol. ii, 1872 (1873), pp. 224-233. Buda-Pest.


Der Ofner Mergel.— Mitth. a. d. Jahrb. k.-ungar. geol. Anstalt, vol. ii, 1872 (1873), pp. 207-234 ; and in Magyar, A budai marga, Magyar kir. foldt. int. evkbnyve. ii, 1873 ('874)> 167-191. Pest.

Az alveolinak szerepe a delnyugati kozepmagyarorszagi hegyseg eocen-kepzodme"nyeiben. Fbldtani Kbzlbny, vol. iv, pt. 8, 1874, 202-205. Budapest.

A Nummulitok retegzeti (stratigraphiai) jelentosege a delnyu- goti kozepmagyarorszdgi hegyse"g 6-harmadkori kepzodmenyei- \xn.—Ertekez&ek a termeszett. kbretibl (M. Tud. Ak.\ vol. v, No. 6, 1874 (1875), 21 pp. Budapest.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 65

HANTKEN, M.— Uj adatok a deli Bakony fold-es oslenytani ismere- tehez. Magyar kir. foldt. int. evkbnyve, vol. iiL, 1875 (1875-78), pp. 427-456, pis. xvi-xx ; and in German, Neue Daten zur geologischen und palseontologischen Kenntniss des sudlichen Bakony, Mitth. a. d. Jahrb. k. ungar. geol. Ansta.lt, vol. iii, 1875 (1879), pp. 339- 371, pis. xvi-xx. [Lists only.] Budapest.

A Clavulina Szaboi retegek Faundja. I. Foraminiferak.

Magyar kir. foldt. int. evkbnyve, vol. iv, 1875 (1876), pp. 1-82, pis. i-xvi ; and in German, Die Fauna der Clavulina Szaboi Schichten. I. Foraminiferen. Mitth. a. d. Jahrb. k. ungar. geol. Anstalt, vol. iv, 1875 (1881), pp. 1-93, pis. i-xvi. Budapest.

In FUCHS' Ueber die sogenannten "Badner Tegel" auf

Malta. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixxiii, 1876, pp. 67-74, pl. i- [List.] ' Wien.

Catalogue des Nummulites a 1'Exposition de Paris, 1878.— 8vo. Budapest, 1878. [Not seen.]

A Magyar Korona orszdgainak szentelepei es szenbdnydszata.

8vo. Budapest, 1878? Also in German Die Kohlenflb'tze und der Kohlenbergbau in den Landern der Ungarischen Krone. 8vo. Budapest, 1878, 354 pp., maps, plans, and figs.

Hebert es Munier Chalmas kozlemenyei a magyarorsza'gi 6-

harmadkori kepzodmenyekrol. Ertekezesek a termeszett. kbrebol, (M. tud. ak.), vol. ix, No. 12, 1879, 32 pp., 2 pis. Budapest.

Die Mittheilungen der Herrn. Edm. Hebert und Munier-

Chalmas iiber die ungarischen alttertiaren Bildungen. Literar. Bericht aus Ungarn, Jahrg. iii, 1879, pp. 687-719, pis. i and ii [25 figures of Numm. lcevigata^\ Budapest.

[Read i6th December, 1878, in Sitz. ungar. Ac. Wissl\

A buda-viddki 6-harmadkori kepzodmenyek. Foldt. Kozlony,

vol. x, 1880, pp. 41-52 ; and in German Die alttertiaren Bil- dungen der Umgegend von Oferi, pp. 78-91. Budapest.

A Clavulina Szaboi re"tegek, az Euganedk es a tengeri Alpok

teruleten es a kre"takoru "Scaglia" az Euganeakban. Ertekezesek a termeszett. korebol (M. tud. Ak.), vol. xiii, No. i, 1883, 48 pp., 4 pis. Budapest. Also in German -Clavulina Szaboi bchichten im Gebiet der Euganeen. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, vol. ii, 1884, pp. 121-169. Plates not given. Budapest.

Uj adatok a buda-nagykovdcsii hegyseg es az esztergomi

videk fold es oslenytani ismeret^hez. Ertekezesek a termeszett. kbrebol (M. tud. ak.), vol. xiv, No. 6, 1884, 52 pp. [Lists.]


Ueber die mikroskopische Zusammensetzung ungarlandischer

Kalk- und Hornsteine. Math. Nat. Ber. Ungarn, vol. ii, 1884, pp. 385-387. Budapest.


66 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

HANTKEN, M.— Amerikai Nummulitok.— Fbldt. Kozlony, vol. xvi, 1886, pp. 153-155, pi. i ; and in German, pp. 187-189. Budapest.

Catalogue of the Collection of Foraminifera exhibited by.

[A pamphlet of 13 pp. There is no place of publication, date, nor indication as to where or when the exhibition was held.]

HANTKEN, M., and ZsiG. EDE MADARASZ.— Jegyzelce az 1873- ik evi Becsi vilagtdrlaton kiallftott Nummulitoknak. Katalog der auf der Wiener Weltausstellung im Jahre 1873, ausgestellten Nummuliten. Catalogue des Nummulites exposes a 1'Exposition universelle a Vienne de 1'annee 1873. 8vo. Pest, 1873, I4 PP- [In Magyar, German, and French.]

[There is a note on this Catalogue in Fbldtani Kozlony, vol. iii, pts. v and vi, 1873, PP> 101-103.]

HARPE, PHILIPPE DE LA. 1830-1882. Notes sur les Nummulites de la Crimee. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Set. Nat., sen 2, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 267-272. Lausanne.

Note sur les Nummulites des Environs de Nice et de Menton.

Lettre a M. le Prof. Renevier. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. v, 1877, pp. 817-835. Paris.

Note sur les Nummulites des Alpes Occidentales. Actes 60

Sess. Soc. helvet. Sti. Nat., Bex, 1876-1877 (1878), Comptes Rendus pp. 227-232. Lausanne.

Une echelle des Nummulites. Act. Soc. helvet. Set. Nat., St

Gall, 1879 (1879), pp. 77-80. St. Gall.

Les Nummulites du Comte de Nice, leur especes et leur

distribution stratigraphique, et Echelle des Nummulites. —Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat., s£r. 2, vol. xvi, 1879, pp. 201-243, pi. x.


Nummulites des Alpes Franchises. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci.

Nat., se"r. 2, vol. xvi, 1879, pp. 409-434. Lausanne.

Coup d'oeil general sur les Nummulites de Biarritz (Basse- Pyrenees). Bull. Soc. Borda a Dax, annee 4, 1879, pp. 59-63.


Description des Nummulites appartenant a la Zone supe*rieure des Falaises de Biarritz. Bull. Soc. Borda a Dax, annee 4, 1879, pp. 137-156, pi. i. Dax.

Description des Nummulites appartenant a la Zone moyenne des Falaises de Biarritz. Bull. Soc. Borda a Dax, annee 5, 1880, pp. 65-71, 2 figs. Dax.

Description des Nummulites appartenant a la Zone inferieure des Falaises de Biarritz, des environs de la Villa Bruce jusqu'k H an di a. —Bull. Soc. Borda a Dax, annee 6, 1881, pp. 27-40.


Bibliography of tJis Foraminifera. 67

HARPE, PHILIPPE DE LA,— Description des Nummulites des Falaises de Biarritz. Additions et conclusions, Bull. Soc. Borda a Dax, annee6, 1881, pp, 229-243.

[With a " Vue des Falaises de Biarritz, par le Cte. R. de Bouille," showing strata.]

Note sur les Nummulites Partschi et Oosteri, de la H., du

Calcaire du Michelsberg, pres Hockerau (Autriche), et Gurni- gelsandstein de Suisse. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sd. Nat., vol. xvii, 1880, pp. 33-40, pL iii. Lausanne.

Etude des Nummulites de la Suisse et revision des especes

eocenes des Genres Nummulites et Assilina. Pt. I. Me"m. Soc. Paleont. Suisse, vol. vii, 1881, pp. 1-104, pis. i, ii. Pt. II, Ibid., pp. 105-140. Geneve.

[For Pt. Ill see 1883.]

Pt. II contains (pp. 127-140) "Revue critique des grandes Nummulites granulees sans chambre centrale."

Nummulites des Alpes Occidentales. Actes 63 Sess. Soc.

helvet. Sci. Nat., Brieg, 1880 (1881), pp. 51-55. Lausanne.

Nummulites d'Egypte. Actes 64 Sess. Soc. helvet. Sci. Nat.,

Aarau, 1881 (1881), p. 53 [8 lines.] Aarau.

Note sur la distribution par couples des Nummulites docenes.

Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat., vol. xvii, 1881, pp. 429-441, 2 figures. Lausanne.

Sur 1'importance de la loge centrale chez les Nummulites.

[Letter.] Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, se"r. 3, vol. ix, 1881, pp. 171-176, figures. Paris.

[Observations by Tournouer, p. 176 ; Munier-Chalmas, p. 178.]

Monographic der in ,/Egypten und der libyschen Wiiste

vorkommenden Nummuliten. In Zittel's Beitrage zur Geologic und Palaontologie der libyschen Wiiste und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Palaentographica, vol. xxx, 1883 [pp. 157-216, pis. xxx- xxxv.] Cassel.

Etude des Nummulites de la Suisse et revision des especes

Eocenes des genres Nummulites et Assilina. Pt. III. Mem. Soc. paleont. Suisse, vol. x, 1883, pp. 141-180, 5 pis. [This Pt. Ill is posthumous.] Geneve,

HARPER, L. Preliminary Report on the Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississippi.— 8vo. Jackson, 1857, 350 pp., figures, [Pp. 153-159-]

HARTING, PIETER. 1812- Over de Foraminiferen en

Diatomeen in den Nederlandsche Bodem. Aanteek. Utrecht Genootsch., Sect. Natuur-en Geneesk., 1848, pp. 23-29. Utrecht. [Not seen.]

68 Bibliography of the Foraminifem.

HARTING, P. De Magt van het Kleine zigtbar in de vorming der Korst van onzen Aardbol, &c. 8vo. Utrecht, 1849, 218 pp., figures.

Die Macht des Kleinen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1851, 171 pp., figures.

[Transl. by Schwarzkopf.]

De Bodem onder Amsterdam onderzocht en beschreven.

Verh. Erster Kl. Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Inst., ser. 3, vol. v, 1852, pp. 73-232, 4 pis. Amsterdam.

Bijdrage tot de Kennis der mikroskopische fauna en flora van

de Randa-Zee, naar aanleiding van een onderzoek van eenige door diepzeeloodingen van 990 tot 4000 vademen uit die zee opgebragte gronden. Verh. Koninkl. Akad. Wetensch., vol. x, 1864, 34 pp., pis. i-iii. Amsterdam.

De Magt van het Kleine, &c. Ed. 2, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1866,

258 pp., figures (some new).

HARTWIG, GEORG.— The Sea and its living Wonders.— Ed. 3, 8vo. London, 1866, 518 pp., figures.

HARVEY, W. H.— The Sea-side Book ; being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts. I2mo. London, 1849, pp. 1 80, 1 8 1, figures.

HARVEY, WILLIAM HARVEY, and J. W. BAILEY.— New Species of Diatomaceae, collected by the United States Exploring Expedition under the command of Captain Wilkes, U.S.N., Appendix. Proc. Ac. Nat. Set. Philad., vol. vi, 1853, pp. 430-432. Philadelphia. \Lagena WttltamsoniJ]

HAUER, FRANZ VON.— In KEYSERLING'S— Structur der Num- muliten. Haidinger's Berichte u. d. Mittheilungen, &c., vol. v, 1849, pp. 188-190. Wien.

Nachricht liber Fossilreste aus dem Tegel von Olmiitz.

Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xii, 1861-62, pp. 304, 305.

[List.] Wien.

Sammlung von Nummuliten aus Ungarn.- Verh. k. k. geol.

Reichsanst., 1876, pp. 161, 162. Wien.

[Hantken and Madarasz collection.]

HAUER, J. VON. Mittheilungen an Professor Bronn gerichtet Bestimmung der Wiener Foraminiferen durch d'Orbigny, und Entomostraceen von dort. Neues Jahrbuch f. min. &c., 1839, pp. 428, 429. Stuttgart.

HAUER, MAX.— Das Eozodn Canadense.— 8vo. Leipzig, 1885, 55 pp., 1 8 pis. in 410.

HAUG, E. Note preliminaire sur les depots jurassiques du nord de P Alsace.— Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xiv, 1886, pp. 47-63. [Lists.] Paris.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 69

HAYDEN, FERDINAND VANDEVEER. 1829-1888.— Geological Re- port ot the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, 1859-60. 8vo. Washington, 1869 [Foraminifera, p. 123.]

Final Report of the United States Geological Survey of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent Territories. 8vo. Washington, 1872, plates. [Fusulma, pis. i, ii, v, vii.]

v. F, B. MEEK.

HEBERT, EDM. Note sur le terrain nummulitique de PItalie sep- tentrionale et des Alpes, et sur 1'oligocene d'Allemagne. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. xxiii, 1866, pp. 126-144. Paris. [Lists.]

Sur le Groupe nummulitique du midi de la France. Bull.

Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 364-392. Paris.


Compte Rendu de 1'Excursion du Mardi 28 Septembre de

Saint-Girons a Sainte-Croix. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 614-622. Paris.

\Operculina Hebertil\

Sur la faune de 1'etage Danien (assises superieurs et moyenne)

dans les Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, sdr. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 664-666. Paris.


and E. RENEVIER. Description des fossiles du terrain

nummulitique de Gap, des Diablerets, &c. Bull. Soc. Statistique Dtp. Istre, se"r. 2, vol. iii, 1856, pp. 148-228, 2 pis. [p. 215, no figs.]


HEER, OSWALD. 1809-1883. Die Urwelt von S_chweiz.— 8vo. Zurich, 1865, pis. same pis. and figs.

Zurich, 1865, pis. and figures. Transl., 8vo. London, 1876,

' fie

HEILPRIN, ANGELO.— On the occurrence of Nummulitic Deposits in Florida and the association of Nummulites with a freshwater fauna. Proc. Ac. Nat. Set. Philad., 1882, pt. 2, pp. 189-193; reprinted with figure in " Contributions to the Tertiary Geology and Palaeontology of the United States." 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884 (pp. 79-82). Philadelphia

[ ] The Nummulites of North America. Amer. Monthly Microsc.

Journ., vol. iv, 1883, p. i, figure. Boston.

The Tertiary Geology of the Eastern and Southern United States.— Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad., ser. 2, vol. ix, pt. i, 1884, pp. 115-154. Philadelphia.

Contribution to the Tertiary Geology and Palaeontology of the United States.— 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884 (pp. 79-82).

70 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

HEILPRIN, A. Notes on some new Foraminifera from the Nummu- litic formation of Florida.— Proc. Acad. Nat. Set. Philad., 1884 (1885), pp. 321, 322, figures. Philadelphia.

The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals.

8vo. London, 1887, xii, 435 pp.

[Foraminifera, pp. 234-240.]

Explorations on the West Coast of Florida. Trans. Wagner

hist., vol. i, 1887, 134 pp., 19 pis. (Foram., pp. 3, 124-126.)

Philadelphia. HENDERSON'S ed. of Cuvier, v. CUVIER.

HENEKER, J. S.— On some Tertiary Beds in the Island of San Domingo ; with Remarks on the Fossils by J. Carrick Moore. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, 1849, pp. 39-53. London.


HER! CART DE THURY, Louis ETIENNE FRANCOIS, VICOMTE D'. 1776-1854. Extrait d'un memoire adresse au prefet de 1'Oise sur les Camerines.— Journ. depart, de POise, 8 fructidor an viii (26 Aout, 1800), pp. 83-88, i pi.

[Not seen ; this Journal is extremely rare ; particulars of the paper will be found in D'ARCHIAC and HAIME.]

HERRMANNSEN, A. N -1854.— Indices generum malaco-

zoorum primordia.— 2 vols^ 8vo. Cassellis [i, 1846 ; ii, 1847 ; Suppl. 1852.]

HERTWIG, R.— Ueber Mikrogromia socialis, eine Colonie bildende Monothalamie des siissen Wassers. Archiv. fur mikrosk. Ana- tomie, vol. x, 1874, Suppl., p. 1-34, pi. i. Bonn.

Studien iiber Rhizopoden. Jenaische Zeitschr. fiir Nat., vol.

xi, 1877, pp. 324-348, pis. xix, xx. Jena.

Bemerkungen zur Organisation und systematischen Stellung

der Foraminiferen. Jenaische Zeitschr. fur Nat., vol. x, 1876, pp. 41-55, pi. ii. Jena.

Der Organismus der Radiolarien. Jenaische Denkschriften,

vol. ii, 1879, PP- I27~277> pis. vi-xv. Jena.

and E. LESSER. Ueber Rhizopoden und denselben nahe-

stehende Organismen. Archiv Jiir mikrosk. Anatomie, vol. x, 1874, Suppl., pp. 35-243, pis. ii-v. Bonn.

HILBER, VINCENZ. Geologische Studien in den ostgalizischen

Miocan-Gebieten.— Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxxii,

1882, pp. 190-329. Wien. [Lists.]

HILGARD, EUGENE W.— On the Tertiary Formations of Mississippi and Alabama. Amer. Journ. Science, vol. xliii, 1867, pp. 29-41. \Orbitoides, with other fossils.] New Haven.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera, 7 I

HlLGARD,E.W.,and F.V. HOPKINS.— Alluvial Basin of the Mis- sissippi River, Report by Hilgard'(pp. 855-859); App. i, Abstract of Record of Borings [between Mississippi River and Lake Borgne], by Hopkins (859-863) ; App. ii, Report on Specimens of Borings, by Hopkins (864, 865) ; App. iii, Detailed record of examination of Specimens of Borings, by Hopkins and Hilgard (866-883) ! App. iv, List of microscopic organisms found in Borings, with two plates, by Hopkins (883-888, pis. i and ii) ; Note on the larger fossils found in the Borings of the Lake Borgne outlet, by Hilgard (889, 890, pi. iii). Executive Documents, 45^ Congress, yd Session, vol. iv, Report of the Chief of the Engineers, part 2, 1 879, Appendix w. 8vo. Washington, 1878, 1879.

HISINGER, WILHEM. [HisiNG afterwards HISINGER]. 1766-1852. Lethsea Svecica, seu Petrificata Svecise iconibus et characteribus illustrata. 4to. Holmice, 1837, 124 pp. 36 pis.

HITCHCOCK, CHARLES H.— Notes on the Geology of Maine.— Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, pt. i, 1862, pp. 72-85. [List.] Portland.

HITCHCOCK, EDWARD. 1793-1864.— Notes on the Geology of several parts of Western Asia.- Reports of the First, Second, and Third Meetings Assoc. Amer. Geol. Nat., 8vo. Boston, 1843, pp. 348-421, pi. xv.

- Elementary Geology. Ed. 30, 8vo. New York, 1860, 424 pp. [In this book Hitchcock reproduces in outline his figures of

Foraminifera from Palestine, &c., determined by Bailey, and figured in 1843.!

HITCHCOCK, ROMYN. Synopsis of the Fresh-water Rhizopods. 8vo. New York, 1881, 56 pp.

- The Causes of Variation. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., sen 5, vol. xiv, 1884, pp. 93-97. London. \Orbitolites]

HOCHSTETTER, FERDINAND VON. 1829-1884.— Ueber das Vor- kommen von Eozoon im krystallinischen Kalke von Krummau im siidlichen Bohmen. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. iviss. Wien, vol. liii, abth. i, 1866, pp. 14-25. Wien.

HOENINGHAUS, FRIEDRICH WILHELM. Versuch einer geognos- tischen Eintheilung seiner Versteinerung-Sammlung. Tertiar- Gebirge.— Jahrbuch fur Mm., &c., Jahrg. 2, 1831, pp. 132, &c. [Foraminifera, pp. 134, 135.] Heidelberg.

HOERNES, RUDOLF. Elemente der Palaeontologie(Palaeozoologie). 8vo. Leipzig, 1884, 594 pp., figures ; and (transl. by Dollo), Manuel de Pale"ontologie, 8vo. Paris, 1886. 741 pp., figures.

HOEVEN, JAN VAN DER. 1801-1868.— Handbuch der Zoologie.— 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1850 [pp. 48-52] ; English translation, 8vo. Cambridge, 1856.

[Original Dutch ed., " Handboek der Dierkunde, &c." Rotterdam^. 1828-33.]

72 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

HOFFMANN, ROBERT.— Ueber Eozoon bohemicum von Raspenau, mjneralogisch-chemische Untersuchung, Archiv Landesfor- schung Bohmen (Geol. Sect.), vol. i, 1869, pp. 252-256 ; Journ. Prakt. Chemie, vol. cvi, 1869, pp. 356-361 ; Atner. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. i, 1871, p. 378 (abstract). Prag; Leipzig; New Haven.

HOFMANN, KARL. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Ofen-Kovao sier Gebirges. Mitth. a.d.Jahrb. k. ung. geol. Anst., vol. i, 1871, pp. 149-235 [lists] ; and in Magyar A Buda-Kovdcsi hegyseg foldtani viszonyai, Magyar kir. foldt. int. evkonyve, vol. i, i87ir pp. 199-274. Pest; Pest.

Jelentes az 1878 nyaran Szilagymegye keleti re'szeben tett

foldtani reszletes felvetelekrol. Foldt. Kbzlbny, vol. ix, 1879, pp. 167-212 ; and in German Bericht iiber die im ostlichen Theile des Szildgyer Comitates wahrend der Sommercampagne 1878 vollfuhrten geologischen Specialaufnahmen, pp. 231-283.


Buda videkenek nemely 6 harmadkori kepzudese'rol.— Foldt.

Kozlony, vol. x, 1880, pp. 245-292 [lists], and in German, Ueber einige alttertiare Bildungen der Umgebung von Ofen, pp. 319-374.


HOGG, JABEZ. The Microscope : its History, Construction, and Application, &c. Eleventh Ed., 8vo. London, 1886, xx, 764 pp. figures.

HOOKE, ROBERT. 1635-1703. Micrographia ; or some Physio- logical Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses, with Observations and Inquiries thereon. Fol. London, 1665. Plates.

Micrographia ; or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute

Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses, with Observations and Inquiries thereupon. Fol. London, 1667. 38 plates. [Same as 1665, but with new title-page.] [Figures a Rotalia, Scheme v, figx.]

Micrographia Restaurata ; or, the Copper Plates of Dr.

Hooke's Discoveries by the Microscope, reprinted and fully explained, etc. Fol. London, 1745. Plates. [Same figure.]

HOWCHIN, W. On the Fossil Foraminifera from the Government Boring at Hergott Township, with General Remarks on the Section and on other forms of Foraminifera observed therein. Trans, and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, vol. viii, 1884-85 (1886), pp. 79-93. Adelaide.

Occurrence of a Deep-sea Foraminifer in Australian Miocene

Rocks. Trans, and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, vol. viii, 1884- 1885 (1886), pp. 1 60, 161 ; English Mechanic, 1885 ; Amer. Naturalist, vol. xix, 1885, p. 1092. \Astrozh. angulosa^\

Adelaide; London; Philadelphia.

Additions to the Knowledge of Carboniferous Foraminifera.

—Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. viii, 1888. [Read June I3th, 1888.] [Australian forms.] London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 73

H'OWSE, RICHARD, and J. W. KIRKBY.— Synopsis of the Geology of Durham and part of Northumberland. 8vo. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1863. 33 pp.

HUDLESTON, WILFRID H.— On Deep-sea Investigation,— /Vw. GeoL. Assoc., vol. vii, No. 4, 1882, pp. 245-280. London.

On the Geology of Palestine. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. viii,

No. i, 1883 [pp. 35-37]. London.

HUGUENIN, J.— Note on a Species of Foraminifera from the Carboniferous Formation of Sumatra, Abstracts Proc. Geol. Soc., No. 321, 1876, :p. 4. London.

HULL, EDWARD. Anniversary Address, delivered before the Royal Geological Society of Ireland.— Journ. R. Geol. Soc. Ireland, n.s, vol. iv (1877), pp. 49-59 [p. 55.] Dublin.

HUNT, THOMAS STERRY. Laurentian Rhizopods of Canada. [Letter to J. D. Dana, April 2, 1864.] Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. xxxvii, 1 864, p. 43 1 . New Haven.

On the Mineralogy of Certain Organic Remains from the

Laurentian Rocks of Canada. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 67-71, Canad. Nat., April, 1865. London; Montreal.

' On the Mineralogy of Eozoon Canadense. In " On the History of Eozoon Canadense."— 8vo. Montreal, 1865. Pp. 31-38.

Messrs. King and Rowney on Eozoon Canadense. Proc. R.

Irish Acad., n. s. vol. i, 1870-1874 (Read Feb. 27th, 1871), pp. 123-127. Dublin.

HUNT, T. S., v. W. E. LOGAN.

HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. [Report on the Examination of Specimens of Bottom]— being Appendix A in Joseph Dayman's Deep-sea Soundings in the North-Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M.S. Cyclops, Lieut.- Commander Joseph Dayman, in June and July, 1857. 8vo. London, 1858. [Pp. 63-68, pi. iv.]

Nojes from the Challenger Nature, Aug. 19, 1875, p. 315.

London. [Letter on living Globigerince, &c.]

HYATT, ALPH^EUS. [Beatricea a Foraminifer.]— Paper read before Amer. Assoc., abstracted in Proc. Amer. Assoc., 1884 (1885), p. 492 ; and reported in Science, vol. iv, 1884, p. 341.

Salem; Cambridge, Mass.

ISSEL, ARTURO. Esame sommario di alcuni saggi di fondo raccolti nel Golfo di Genova. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 129-139. Roma.

JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. On a Till or Boulder Clay near Loch

Lomond. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1877 (read 1874), pp. 1-25 [note only]. Glasgow.

74 Bibliography of the Foramiiiifera.

JACQUOT, EUGENE. Description ge'ologique des Falaises de- Biarritz, Bidart, Guetary et Saint-Jean-de-Luz.— Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxv, 1864 [wrapper, 1866], pp. 1-58. Bordeaux.

JAMES, JOSEPH F. Protozoa of the Cincinnati Group. fourn. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ix, 1887, pp. 244-252. Cincinnati. [Beatricea.]

JEFFREYS, JOHN GWYN. 1809-1885. Notes on British Fora- minifera. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. vii. 1856, pp. 485-488 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xvi, 1855, pp. 209-212 ; Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2. vol. xxi, 1856, pp. 432-434.

London; London; Neiv Haven.

The Post-tertiary Fossils procured in the late Arctic Expe- dition ; with Notes on some of the Recent or Living Mollusca from the same Expedition. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, pp. 229-242. London. \Cornuspira foliacea.~\

[ ] L'expe'dition de la fregate Valorous dans les Mers arctiques.

Janvier, 1877.] Les Fonds de la Mer, 8vo. Paris, vol. iii, 1875- 1879, PP- 116-130.

Deep-sea Exploration. Nature, Jan. 27, 1881, pp. 300-302 ;

Feb. 3, pp. 324-326. London.

[Lecture delivered at Swansea.]


JOHNSON, H. A., and B. W. THOMAS;— Report of the Committee on the Microscopic Organisms in the Bowlder Clays of Chicago and Vicinity. Bull. Chicago Acad. Set., vol. i, No. 4, 1884, pp. 35-40, figures. Chicago^

JOLY, N., and ALEXANDRE LEYMERIE.— Principaux resultats de leurs recherches sur les Nummulites. Comptes Rendus, vol. xxv, 1847, pp. 591, 592 ; and DInstitut, vol. xv, 1847, No. 721, p. 347.


- Me"moire sur les Nummulites considerees zoologiquement et geologiquement.— Mem. Acad. Set. Toulouse, vol. iv, 1848, pp. 149-218, pis. i, ii. Toulouse.

JONES, F. W. O. RYMER. 1847-1874,— On some Recent Forms of Lagenae from Deep-sea Soundings in the Java Seas. Trans. Linn. Soc. Land., vol. xxx, 1872, pp. 45-69, pi. xix. London.

JONES, THOMAS RUPERT.— In G. A. MANTELUS— Notice of the Remains of the Dinornis and other Birds, and of Fossils and Rock Specimens, recently collected by Mr. Walter Mantell in the Middle Island of New Zealand, with. Additional Notes on the Northern Island. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi, r85o, pp. 319- 342, pis. xxviii, xxix. London..

In WILLIAM KING'S Monograph of the Permian Fossils oft

England.— PalcEontographical Soc., vol. iii, 1850, pis. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 7 5

JONES, T. R.— In PRESTWICH'S— On the Structure of the Strata between the London Clay and the Chalk, in the London and Hampshire Tertiary Systems, Part iii, The Thanet Sands. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. viii, 1852, pp. 235-268, pis. xv, xvi [p. 267]. London.

In J. S. HENEKER'S Q. CARRICK MOORE]— Notes on the

Fossil Mollusca and Fish from San Domingo.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Sac., vol. ix, 1853, pp. 129-132. London.

- v. P. B. BRODIE. 1853.

A Lecture on the Geological History of the Vicinity of New-

bury, Berks, &c. 8vo. London, 1854. 48 pp., 2 pis.

Heterostegina Bed [at Malta]. Geologist, vol. iii, 1860, p. 137.


Foraminifera from Orakei Creek, Auckland. In Heaphy's Paper on New Zealand. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi, 1860, p. 251. London.

Note on Nummulina planulata, Lamarck, sp.., var. Prest- wichiana, Jones. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xviii, 1862, pp. 93, 94. London.

The so-called Beads from the Drift [Coscinopora (Orbitolina)].

Geologist, vol. v, 1862, pp. 235, 236. London.

Hybodus and other Fossils. Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, pp. 312, 3 1 3. London.

[Notice of old authors.]

Notes on some Nummulinas and Orbitoides. In J. C.

MOORE'S On some Tertiary Shells from Jamaica. —Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xix, 1863, pp. 514, 515. London.

Chalk Foraminifera.— In J. S. MACKIE'S— Thoughts on Dover

Cliffs. Geologist, vol. vi, 1863, pp. 293-295, 432, pi. xv. London.

On the Fossil Foraminifera of Malta and Gozo. Geologist,

vol. vii, 1864, pp. 133-135. London.

The Relation of certain West- Indian and Maltese Strata as

shown by some Orbitoides and some other Foraminifera. Geol. Mag., vol. i, 1864, pp. 101-106. London.

On the oldest known Fossil, Eozoon Canadense, of the

Laurentian Rocks of Canada, its place, structure, and significance. Pop. Set. Re-view, 1865, pp. 343-352, pi. xv, 2 figs. [Translation in German in Das Ausland, 1865, pp. 641-644.]

London j Stuttgart.

Eozoal Structure in the Connemara Marble. Geol. Mag., vol.

ii, 1865, pp. 88, 89. London.

Note on the Orbitoides and Nummulinas of the Tertiary

Asphaltic Bed, Trinidad.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, pp. 592, 593. London.

76 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

JONES, T. R.— In PRESTWICH'S— Anniversary Address.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii, 1871, p. 51. London

On the Range of Foraminifera in Time. Proc. Geol. Assoc., A>

vol. ii (1872), pp. 175-182. London.

On some Foraminifera in the Chalk of the North of Ireland.

Journ. Geol. Soc. Ireland^ vol. iii, 1873, pp. 88-91. Dublin.

On the Jurassic Foraminifera of Switzerland : being a critical

examination of the Species described and figured by MM. ZWINGLI and KUBLER. Geol. Mag., vol. x, 1873, PP- 208-213.


- In GRIFFITH and HENFREY'S— Micrographic Dictionary, ed. 3, 8vo. London, 1875 ; ed. 4, 1883.

Arctic Manual of Instructions. 8vo. London, 1875. Pp.

570, 57I-]

[A translation, with Notes from Ehrenberg's article in Koldewey's " Die zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, 1874.]

Oolitic Foraminfera of England,— In PHILLIPS'— Geology

of the Yorkshire Coast. Pt. I. Ed. 3, 410. London, 1875, PP- 278-280. [Pt. ii not published.]

Remarks on the Foraminifera, with especial reference to their

Variability of Form, illustrated by the Cristellarians. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xv, 1876, pp. 61-92, pis. cxxviii, cxxix. Note on Prof. Rupert Jones's Memoir on the Variability of Foramini- fera.— Ibid., p. 200. [See also JONES and SHERBORN.] London.

The late Prof. Ch. G. Ehrenberg s Researches on the Recent

and Fossil Foraminifera. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xvii, 1877, pp. 308-311 ; vol. xviii, 1878, pp-. 49-51. London.

In DIXON'S The Geology of Sussex, &c.— Ed. 2. 4to.

Brighton, 1878. Pis.

In W. M. CROWFOOT and E. T. DOWSON'S— List of

Fossils from the Norwich Crag at Aldeby. Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., pt. i, 1878, pp. 24-27. [List of 4sps.] Norwich.

Note on the Foraminifera and other Organisms in- the Chalk of the Hebrides. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, pp. 739, 740. London.

Catalogue of the Fossil Foraminifera in the British Museum

(Natural History). 8vo. London, 1882, 100 pp.

The Rhizopoda in Cassel's Natural History. 410. London,

1882. Pp. 332-352, figs.

On the Importance of Minute Things of Life in Past and

Present Times. Trans. Hertfordsh. Field Club, vol. ii, pt. 4, 1884, pp. 164-172. London, Watford, and Hertford.

On the Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Deep Boring at.

Richmond. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc^ vol. xl, 1884, pp. 765-777, pi. xxxiv. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 77

JONES, T. R.— Foraminifera.— Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. ix, 1885, pp. 74, 75- London.

The Origin and Composition of Chalk and Flint, with Special

Reference to their Foraminifera and their Minute Organisms. Trans. Herts Nat. Hist. Sac., vol. iii, i$8<5, pp. 143-156. Watford.

Note on Nummulites elegans, Sowerby, and other English

Nummulites. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii, 1887, pp. 132- 149, pi. xi. London.

JONES, T. R., v. H. B. BRADY ; W. B. CARPENTER ; and W. K. PARKER.

JONES, THOMAS RUPERT, and WILLIAM KITCHEN PARKER.— On some Fossil Foraminifera from Chellaston, near Derby. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi, 1860, pp. 452-458, pis. xix, xx.


On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Mediterranean, com- pared with that of the Italian and other Tertiary Deposits.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi, 1860, pp. 292-307, table.


Notes on some Fossil and Recent Foraminifera col- lected in Jamaica by the late Lucas Barrett, F.G.S. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Ne\vcastle-on-Tyne, 1863), 1864, Trans. Sections, p. 80.


On the Foraminifera of the London Clay. Geologist,

vol. vii, 1864, pp. 85-89. London.

[See also Mem. Geol. Survey Gt. Britain, Geology of Middlesex, &c., p. 59.]

Notes on some Foraminifera dredged by the late Mr.

Lucas Barrett at Jamaica. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1863), 1864, Trans, sections, p. 105. London.

On the Foraminifera of the Crag. Annals Mag. Nat.

Hist., ser. 3, vol. xiii, 1864, pp. 64-68. London.

M. Terquem's Researches on the Foraminifera of the

Lias and the Oolites. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. viii, 1871, pp. 361-365. London.

[Review, but inserted here as it contains suggested corrections of nomenclature.]

On the Foraminifera of the Chalk of Gravesend and

Meudon, figured by Prof. Dr. Chr. G. Ehrenberg.— Geol. Mag., vol. viii, 1871, pp. 506-511, &c. London.

On the Foraminifera of the Family Rotalinae (Carpen- ter) found in the Cretaceous Formation, with Notes on their Tertiary and Recent Representatives. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii, 1872, pp. 103-131. London.

78 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

JONES, T. R., and W. K. PARKER,— Notes on Eley's Foraminifera; from the English Chalk.— Geol. Mag., vol. ix, 1872, pp. 123-126.


Lists of some English Jurassic Foraminifera. Geol.

Mag,, dec. 2, vol. ii, 1875, pp. 308-311. London.

On some Recent and Fossil Foraminifera dredged up

in the English Channel. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii,. 1876, pp. 283-287, figures. London.

Notice sur les Foraminiferes vivants et fossiles de

Jamaique (pp. 91-103, figure). Suivie de la Description cl'une espece nouvelle [Tinoporus pilaris] des Couches Miocenes de la Jamaique, par H. B. Brady (p. 103). Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. xi, 1876 ; Me"m., pp. 91-103, figure. Bruxelles.

JONES, T. R., WILLIAM KITCHEN PARKER, and HENRY BOWMAN BRADY. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag. Part I. Palceontographical Society, vol. xix (for 1865), 1866, pp. 1-72, pis. i-iv. London.

[Incomplete ; the text ends off at Cristellaria^\

JONES, T. R., W. K. PARKER, and JAMES W. KIRKBY.— On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. XIII. The Permian Tro- chammina pusilla and its Allies. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.. 4, vol. iv, 1869, pp. 386-392, pi. xiii. London.

JONES, T. R., and CHARLES DAVIES SHERBORN.— On the Microzoa found in some Jurassic Rocks of England.— Geol. Mag., dec. 3, vol. iii, 1886, pp. 271-274. London.

Remarks on the Foraminifera, with especial reference

to their Variability of Form, illustrated by the Cristellarians. Part ll.—Joitrn. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. vii, 1887, pp. 545-557. I^ondon.

[For Part I. of this paper see under T. R. JONES, 1876.]

JONES, THOMAS RYMER. 1818-1880. Foraminifera, Intellect. Observer, vol. iii, 1863, pp. 183-188. London.

JUKES-BROWNE, A. J.— The Origin of the Green sand.— Science Gossip, 1876, pp. 30, 170. London.

JULIEN, ALEXIS A. On the Geological Action of the Humus Acids. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Saratoga- Springs, 1879) 1880, pp. 311-410. Salem.

["Changes within the Deep-sea Ooze," p. 357, &c.]

A Study of the Eozodn Canadense. Proc. Amer. Assoc.,

(Philadelphia, 1884), 1885, pp. 415, 416. Salem.

KAN MAC HER, FREDERICK. Adam's Essays on the Microscope ; the Second Edition, with considerable additions and improve- ments.— 4to. London, 1798. Folio, plates. [Figures copied from Walker and Boys, names given by Jacob.]

Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera. 79

KARPINSKY, A. Geologecheskia ezsledovania v Orenburgskom

kraie. Verh. k.-russ. min. Gesellsch., ser. 2, vol. ix, 1874, PP-

212-310. St.-Petersburg. \Fusulina throughout.]

KARRER, FELIX. Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in dem marinen Tegel des Wiener Beckens. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien. vol. xliv, 1861, pp. 427-458, pis. i, ii. Wien.

Ueber die Lagerung derTertiarschichten am Rande des Wiener

Beckens bei W&&\m<g.—Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xiii, 1863, pp. 30-32. Wien.

Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in den brackischen

Schichten (Tegel und Sand) des Wiener Beckens. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlviii, Abth. i, 1863 (1864), pp. 72-101.


Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des tertiaren Griindsandsteins der

Orakei-Bey bei Auckland. Novara-Exped., Geol. Theil., 410. Wien, 1864-1866, vol. i, 1864 ; Palaont., pp. 7-86, pi. xvi.

Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in den Mergeln der

marinen Ufer-bildungen (Leythakalk) des Wiener Beckens. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. 1, Abth. I, 1864 (1865), pp. 692-721, pis. i-ii. Wien.

Ueber das Aufreten von Foraminiferen in den alteren Schich- ten des Wiener Sandsteins. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. lii, Abth. i, 1865 (1866), pp. 492-497, pi. i. Wien.

Zur Foraminiferen-Fauna in Oesterreich.— Gesammelte Bei-


I. Ueber die Foraminiferen des Schleir (Meletta Tegel und Menelitschiefer) in Niederosterreich und Mahren. (Pp. 331-350.)

II. Die Foraminiferenfauna von Grund. (Pp. 350-357.) III. Neue Foraminiferen aus der Familie der Miliolideen aus den neogenen Ablagerungen von Holubica, Lapugy, und Buitur. (Pp. 357-364.) VI. Ueber einige Foraminiferen aus dem weissen Jura von

St.-Veit bei Wien. (Pp. 364-368.)

-Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien., vol. Iv, Abth. I, 1867, pis. i-iii. Wien.

Die Miocene Foraminiferen-Fauna von Kostej im Banat.

Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien., vol. Iviii, Abth. i, 1868, pp. 1 1 1 -i 93, pis. i-v. Wien.

Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von oberer Kreideformation in

Leitzersdorf bei Stockerau, und deren Foraminiferenfauna. Jahrbuch. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xx, 1870, pp. 157-184, pis. x, xi. Wien

So Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera.

KARRER, F. Geologic der Kaiser Franz- Josefs Hochquellen-Was- serleitung. Eine Studie in den Tertiar-Bildungen am Westrande des alpinen Theiles der Niederung von Wien. Abhandl. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. ix, 1877, PP- I~42O» 2O pis. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen der Tertiaren Thone von Luzon. In

R. von Drasche's Fragmente zu einer Geologic der Insel Luzon. 410. Wien, 1878. [Pp. 75-99, pi. v.]

Foraminiferas de las Margas terciarias de la Isla de Luzon

(Filipinas) Bol. com. map. geol. Espan., vol. vii, 1880, pp. 257-282 [also separately paged], pis. E and F. Madrid,

[A reprint of the last, with the 4to plate reproduced as two 8vo.



KARRER, F., and J. SINZOW.— Ueber das Auftreten des Foramini- feren-Genus Nubecularia im sarmetischen Sande von Kischenow. —Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixxiv, Abth. i, 1876, pp. 272-284, pi. i. Wien.

KARSTEN, HERMANN. 1809-1877. Verzeichniss der im Rostocker academischen Museum befindlichen Versteinerungen aus dem Sternberger Gestein. 8vo. Rostock, 1849, 42 pp. (Foraminifera, pp. 6-10).

[Dr. Eugen Geinitz has been good enough to send me a copy of this scarce List.]

KARSTEN, HERMANN. Ueber die geo?nostischen Verhaltnisse des

westlichen Columbien, der heutigen Republiken Xeu-Granada und

Equador. Amtlicher Bericht 32 Versamml. deuts-:her Naturfor-

scher und Arzte zu Wien, September 1856. 4to. Wien, 1858.

Pp. 80-117, maP and plates. Wien.

Rewritten, emended, and issued as " Geologic de 1'ancienne Co-

lombie Bolivarienne, Venezuela, Nouvelle- Grenade et Ecuador."

4to. Berlin, 1886. 62 pp., map, sections, and 6 pis.

KAUFMANN, FRANZ JOSEPH. Der Pilatus, geologisch untersucht und beschrieben. Beitrage zur geol. Karte Schweiz. Lief, v, 1867, pp. xii-i69, 10 pis. Bern.

Foraminiferen in den Etagen der alpinen Kreideformation.

Verh. schiveiz. nat. Gesell. (Luzern, 1862), pp. 151-154. Luzern.

KEEPING, W.— On some Remains of Plants, Foraminifera, and Annelida in the Silurian Rocks of Central Wales. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. ix, 1882, pp. 485-491, pi. xi. London.

KEFERSTEIN, CHRISTIAN. 1784- Naturgeschichte des

Erdkorpers. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1834.

KENT, W. SAVILE. Observations upon Professor Ernst Haeckel's Group of the Physemaria, and on the Affinity of the Sponges. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 1-17. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 8 1

KENT, W. SAVILE. The Foraminiferal Nature of Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Bow. (Squammulina scopula, Carter), demons- trated.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, pp. 68-78, pis. iv, v. London.

KEYSERLING, ALEXANDER, COUNT VON. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschoraland im Jahre 1843.— 4to. St.-Petersburg, 1846. [P. 194.]

Bemerkungen iiber einige Structurverhaeltnisse der Num-

muliten. Verh. k. russisch. mineral. Gesellschaft, Jahrg. 1847 (1848), pp. 17-22 ; Haidinger's Berichte ii. d. Mittheihtngen, vol. v, 1849, pp. 188-191. St.-Petersburg ; Wien.


KINAHAN, G. HENRY.— Eozoon Canadense [a Letter].— Nature (Feb. 2, 1871), vol. iii, p. 267. London.

KING, WILLIAM. 1809-1886. A Catalogue of the Organic Remains of the Permian Rocks of Northumberland and Durham. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1848, 16 pp. \Foraminites serpuloides.~\

On the Occurrence of Permian Magnesian Limestone at Tully-

connel, near Artrea, in the County of Tyrone.— Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. vii, 1857, part 2 (1856), pp. 67-81, pi. i. Dublin.

Eozoon Canadense.— The Reader-, June 24, 1865. London.

Eozoon Canadense. Nature (June i, 1871), vol. iv, p. 85.


Oceanic Sediments and their Relation to Geological Forma- tions.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xv, 1875, PP- 198-204.


KING, WILLIAM, and T. H. ROWNEY.— The Eozoon Canadense.— The Reader, June 10, 1865, p. 660. London.

On the so-called "Eozoonal Rock."— Quart. Journ.

Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, pp. 185-218, pis. xv and xvi. London.

On the so-called " Eozoonal Rock." Quart. Journ.

Geol. Soc., vol. xxv, 1869, pp. 115-118. London.

On Eozoon Canadense.— Proc. R. Irish Acad., vol. x,

1870, pp. 506-551, 4 pis. Dublin.

On the Geological Age and Microscopic Structure of

the Serpentine Marble or Ophite of Skye. Proc. R. Irish Acad.,

-139, Dubl

ser. 2, vol. i, 1870-1874 (read January 14, 1871), pp. 132-139, pi.


On the Mineral Origin of the so-called " Eozoon

Canadense." Proc. R. Irish Acad., ser. 2, vol. i, 1870-74 (read April loth, 1871), pp. 141-153. Dublin.


82 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

KING, W., and T. H. ROWNEY. -Remarks on the subject of Eozoon. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 390-396. London.

" Eozoon " examined chiefly from a Foraminiferal standpoint.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 274-289, pi. xix. London.

- Remarks on " The Dawn of Life" by Dr. Dawson ; to which is added a Supplementary Note. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, 1876, pp. 360-377. London.

On the Serpentinite of the Lizard ; its Original Rock-

condition, Methylotic Phenomena, and Structural Simulations of Organisms. Phil. Mag., ser. 5, vol. i, 1876, pp. 280-293, pi- "> figure. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.

An Old Chapter of the Geological Record with a New

Interpretation ; or, Rock-metamorphism (especially the methy- losed kind), and its Resultant Imitations of Organisms ; with an Introduction giving an Annotated History of the Controversy on the so-called " Eozoon Canadense," and an Appendix. 8vo. London, 1881. 142 pp., 8 pis., i figure.

KIRCHER, ATHANASIUS. 1601-1680. A. K.— Mundus Subter- raneus, in xii libros digestus,quo divinum subterrestris mundi opi- ficium, universae naturae majestas, divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur,&c. 2 vols., fol., Amstelodami, 1665. [Salicites, p. 29.]

KIRKBY, JAMES W.— On the Permian Rocks of South Yorkshire ; and on their Palaeontological Relations. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvii, 1861, pp. 287-325 [p. 308]. London.


KLEIN, JACOB THEODOR. 1685-1759.— Lucubratiuncula de Forma- tione, Cremento et Coloribus Testarum quas sunt Cochlidum et Concharum. Appended with two other essays to Klein's Tenta- men methodi Ostracologicae, sive dispositio naturalis Cochlidum et Concharum in suas Classes, Genera, Species, iconibus singulorum generum asre incisis illustrata. 410. Lugduni, 1/53. Plates.

Vom Bau, dem Wachsthum und der Schilderung der Schneck-

enschaalen. Versuche u. Abh. Nat. Ges. Danzig, Th. ii, 1754, pp. 1-68, pi. i, fig. i [5 figs, of Foram.]. Danzig and Leipzig.

KLOOS, J. H. Untersuchungen ueber Gesteine und Mineralien aus West-Indien.— Samml. geol. Reichs. Museums Leiden, ser. 2, Bd. i, 1887, pp. 1-109. Leiden.

[Notes on pp. 82, ico.]


KOCH, ANTON.— Geologische Studien aus der Umgebung von Eperies.— Verh. k. k. Geoi Reichsanst, 1868, pp. 218, 219 [Lists].


Ostslavonien. Jahrb. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst.^ vol. xxvi, 1876, pp.


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 83

KOCH, ANTON.— Neue Beitrage zur Geologic der Frusca Gora in Ostslavonien 1-48 [Lists].

A Bakonyhegyseg eszaknyugoti resze'nek nummulit

keplete es fiatalabb kepzodmenyei. Foldt. Kozlony, vol. i, 1871 (1872), pp. 118-124. Pest.


KOCH, F. K. L.— Ueber einige neue Versteinerungen und die Perna Mulleti, Desh., aus dem Hilsthon vom Elligser Brink und von Holtensen im Braunschweig'schen. Palceontographica, vol. i, 1846-1851 (1848), pp. 168-173, pi. xxiv. Cassel.

KOCSIS, JANOS.— A Kis-gyori (Borsodon) 6-harmadkori retegek foraminifera faunajarol ertekezett. \? Magyar, foldt. tars, munk- dlatai, 1887.] [Not seen.] Budapest.

KQLLIKER, RUDOLF ALBERT VON. Ueber das ausgebreitete Vorkommen von pflanzlichen Parasiten in den Hartgebilden niederer Thiere. (Wiirzberg med. phys. Gesellsch., 1859). Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. x, 1860, pp. 215-232, pis. xv, xvi ; Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sri., vol. viii, 1860, pp. 171-188 ; and Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. x, 1860, pp. 95-99. Leipzig; London.

Icones Histiologicas, oder Atlas der vergleichenden Gewe-

belehre. Erste Abtheilung Der feinere Bau der Protozoen. 4to. Leipzig, 1864.

KOENEN, ADOLPH VON.— Ueber eine Palaeocane Fauna von Kopenhagen. Abhandl. k. Gesellsch. Wiss. Gottingen, vol. xxxii, 1885, 128 pp., 5 pis. [pp. 107-111, pi. v]. Gottingen.

KOENIG, CHARLES. 1774-1851.— Icones fossilium sectiles.— Fol. [London, 1820-1825] no title-page, 4 pp. 19 pis. \Spirolina cylindraceal\


KOWALEWSKI, G. Materialen zur Geologic Pommerns.— ^ Jahresb. Ver. Erdkunde Stettin, for 1887 (1888), pp. 1-105 [Lists]. Stettin.

KUBLER, J., and HEINRICH ZWINGLL— Mikroskopische Bilder aus der Urwelt der Schweiz. Neujahrsblatt Biirgerbibliothek in Winterthur, 1866, 4to. Winterthur, 1866. 28 pp., 3 pis.


KUNSTLER, G. M. J., Foraminifere nouveau.— Comptes Rendus, cvi, 1888, pp. 769-771 ; and Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. i, 1888, pp. 311-313. Paris / London.

[Description only ; no name given.]

KUNTZE, OTTO. Zur Frage iiber das Eozoon.— Das Attsland, 1879, p. 60 [Note only]. Stuttgart.

Was ist Eozoon = Eophylhtm, und wie enstand es ? Das

A us land, 1879, pp. 684-686. Stuttgart.

84 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

KUNTZE, O. How did Eozoon originate? and is Graphite a Proof of Organic Beings in the Laurentian Period ? [Letter]. Nature (Aug. 28, 1879), v°l- xx> PP- 425> 426. London.

LADOUCETTE, JEAN CHARLES FRANCOIS. 1770-1848.— Histoire, Topographic, Antiquites . . . . des Hautes-Alpes. Ed. 3, 8vo. Paris, 1848. With atlas of plates. \Numm. contortus, Deshayes.]

LAFONT, ALEXANDRA— Note pour servir a la Faune de la Gironde, contenant la^Liste des Animaux Marins dont la presence a Arcachon a etc constatee pendant les Annees 1867 et 1868. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxvi, 1866 [wrapper 1868], pp. 518-531 [List]. Bordeaux.

LAMARCK [DE LA MARCK], JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET DE. 1744-1829.— Tableau Encyclopedique et Metho- dique des Trois Regnes de la Nature. 4to. Paris, 1791-1832.

[The Foraminifera are described in Hist. Nat. des Vers, vol. i, 1792; ii, 1830; iii, 1832, and figured in Planches, 7th Livr., 1791, pp. 178-180 (this vol. has second title-page, bearing Tome i, 1827) ; vol. iii, 1827 ; pis. 465-471 and 479. The dates of publication of this work are very obscure. I cannot find a copy in which the original wrappers of the separate parts have been preserved. The above dates are taken from the copy in the General Library, British Museum (Natural History), v. BRU- GUIERE and DESHAYES.

Systeme des Animaux sans vertebres, ou tableau general des

classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux. 8vo. Paris. 1801, pp. 100-103.

Suite des Mdmoires sur les Fossils des Environs de Paris.

(Explication des Planches relatives aux coquilles fossiles des Environs de Paris.) Annales du Museum, vol. v, 1804, pp. 179-180, 237-245, 349-357 ; vol. viii, 1806, 383-387, pi. 62 ; vol. ix, 1807, 236-240, pi. 17. Paris.

[Only those Memoirs dealing with the Foraminifera are quoted.

The first paper of the series is headed with the full title, as given in the following work by Lamarck.]

Memoire sur les fossiles des environs de Paris, comprenant la

determination des especes qui appartiennent aux animaux marins sans vertebres, et dont la plupart sont figures dans la collection des Ve"lins du Museum.— 410. Paris [1802-1806]. 284 pp.

[Apparently the papers contributed to the Annales du Museum, collected together and repaged ; no plates are seen with this, but possibly the "Recueil des Planches," &c., of 1823 supplied that want.]

Extrait du Cours de Zoologie du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

sur les Animaux invertebres.— 8vo. Paris, 1812. 127 pp.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 85

LAMARCK, MONET DE.— Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Ver- tebres.— 8vo., Paris, vol. ii, 1816, pp. 193-197 ; vol. vii, 1822, pp. 580-632. Ed. 2, 1835-1845.

Recueil des Planches des Coquilles fossiles des Environs de

Paris. 4to. Paris, 1823. The text is a leaf between each 2 plates, 30 plates.

Velins du Museum.

[A collection of original drawings, preserved in the Jardin des Plantes, of which some were described by LAMARCK in the Annales du Museum.]

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIK. 1779-1825.— Exposition methodique des Genres de 1'ordre des Polypiers, &c. 4to. Parts, 1821. Plates. [Pp. 44-46, pis. Ixxii and Ixxiii.]

LAMOUROUX, J. V. F., BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT, and EUDES DESLONGCHAMPS. Encyclopedic Methodique. Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes, ou Animaux Rayonnes, faisant suite a 1'Histoire naturelle des Vers, de BRUGUIERE.— 410. Part's, 1824.

LAMPLUGH, G. W.— On the Bridlington and Dimlington Glacial Shell-beds. Geol. Mas:., dec. 2, vol. viii, 1881, pp. 535-546. London.

LANGE, CARL NICOLAUS. 1670-1741.— Historia Lapidum figura- torum Helvetias ejusque viciniae. 4to. plates. Lucernes, 1705 ; Venetiis, 1707 ; Venetiis, 1708 ; and Appendix, Einsiedlin, 1735. [Lapis Frumentarius, and Salicites.]

LANKESTER, EDWIN. 1814-1874.— Half-hours with the Micro- scope.—8vo. London [1873]. [P. 71, pi. i.]

LANKESTER, EDWIN RAY.— The Structure of Haliphysema Tu- manowiczii. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n. s., vol. xix, 1879, pp. 476-483, pi. xxii. London.

Dredging in the Norwegian Fjords. Nature, vol. xxvi, Sept.

14, 1882, pp. 478, 479. London.


LARTET, LOUIS.— Essai sur la Geologic de la Palestine et les Con- trees avoisinantes. Pt. i, 4to. Paris, 1869; pt. 2, Pateontologie, Ann. Sci. geol., vol. iii, 1872, art. 5, 94 pp , 4 pis. Reprinted in Bibl. Ecole Hautes Eludes, vol. vii, 1873, No- 2- Paris; Paris.

Exploration geologique de la Mer Morte, &c. 4to. Paris, 1877.

326 pp. [Voyage of the Due de Luynes.]

LATHAM, A. G.— Foraminifera from Dogs Bay, Roundstone, and from Berwick Bay. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. vi, 1867, p. 85. Manchester.

LATREILLE, PIERRE ANDRE. 1762-1833.— Families naturelles du regne animal, &c.— Ed. 2, 8vo. Paris, 1825. [Pp. 161-166.]

86 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

LEA, ISAAC. 1792-1886.— Contributions to Geology.— 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1833. Plates. [Palmttla.]

LEBOUR, GEORGE A.— On the "Great" and "Four-fathom" Lime- stones and their associated beds in South Northumberland. Trans. N. England Inst. Min. Eng., vol. xxiv, 1875, pp. 133-145.


Range of Saccammina Carter! (Brady).— Geol. Mag., dec. 2,

vol. iii, 1876, pp. 135, 136. London.

Outlines of the Geology of Northumberland and Durham.

Ed. 2, 8vo. Neivcastle-upon-Tyne, 1886. 156 pp. [Lists of Foraminifera at pp. 123-125.]


LEDERMULLER, MARTIN FROBENIUS. 1719-1769. Mikrosko- pische Gemiiths- und Augen-Ergotzungen. 4to. Beyreuth, 1760-1761, plates; ed. 2, Nurmberg, 1763; and in French Amusement Microscopique, &c., 410., Nuremberg, 1764-1768, plates.

LEGG, M. S. Observations on the Examination of Sponge-Sand, with remarks on collecting, mounting, and viewing Foraminifera as microscopic objects. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Land., ser. 2, vol. ii, 1853, pp. 19-22. London.

LEIDY, JOSEPH. Remarks on some Marine Rhizopods. Proc. Acad. Nat. Set. Philad., 1875, pp. 73-76, figure ; Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xiv, 1875, pp. 26-28. Philadelphia; London.

Remarks on Eozoon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Set. Philad., 1877, p.

20. Philadelphia.

Foraminiferous Shells of our Coast. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.

Philad., 1878, p. 336 [few lines]. Philadelphia.

Foraminifera of the Coast of New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Nat.

Sci. Philad., 1878, p. 292 [few lines]. Philadelphia.

Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America. Report U.S.

Geol. Survey Territories, vol. xii, 1879, 324 pp., 48 plates.


[Foraminifera in the Drift of Minnesota.] Proc. Acad. Nat.

Sci. Philad., 1884 (1885), pp. 22 and 23 ; Science, vol. iii, 1884, p. 295. Philadelphia; Cambridge, Mass.

LEPSIUS, G. RICHARD.— Das Mainzer Becken geologisch beschrie- ben.- Festschrift zur Feier des 50 jdhrigen Bestehens der Rheinis- chen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Mainz. 4to. Darmstadt, 1883. 181 pp., map [Lists].

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 87

LEUCKART, RUDOLPH. Bericht liber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere wahrend den Jahren 1876-1879. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 46, 1880, pi. 571-820 [Notes on these publications]. Berlin.

LEYMERIE, ALEXANDRE FELIX GUSTAVE ACHILLE. 1800-1879. Me"moire sur le terrain a Nummulites (e"picretace) des Corbieres et de la Montagne Noire. Me"m. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. i, 1844 (1846), pp. 337-373, pis. xii-xvii. [Foram. pi. xiii]. Paris.

Resume d'un Memoire sur le terrain a Nummulites (epicre"tace)

des Corbieres et de la Montagne Noire (Aude).— Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1845, pp. 11-37 [List]. Paris.

Me'moire sur un nouveau type pyrene"en. Me"m. Soc. Geol.

France, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1851, pp. 177-202, pi. ix. Paris.

Note sur le massif d'Ausseing du Sabott (Haute Garonne), ou

1'on demontre 1'existence stratigraphique des types epicre"tace et cre"tace" superieur. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, seV. 2, vol. x, 1853, pp. 518-528 [Lists]. Paris.

v. N. JOLY.

LHUYD, EDWARD. 1660-1709. Lithophylacii Britannici Ichno- graphia, sive lapidum aliorumque fossilium Britannicorum .... distributio classica, &c. 8vo. Londini, 1699. 139 pp., 23 pis. \Numulus luteusJ]

Lithophylacii, &c. Ed. 2, 8vo. Oxoni, 1760. 139 pp., 25 pis.

\Nuimdus luteusJ]

LINNE, CARL VON. 1707-1778. Systema naturae, sive regna tria naturae systematice propositaper classes, ordines, genera et species. Ed. 10, 2 vols. 8vo. Holmiae, 1758, 1384 pp. [pp. 709-711, 786]. [" Previous editions contained the Polythalamia [Nautili] enum- erated by other writers ; but in the ninth Linnaeus separates them into species, in the tenth he gives them specific names, and in the twelfth he attaches to them the synonyms of other authors." WILLIAMSON.]

Systema naturae Linnaei. Ed. xiii, by J. F. GMELIN, 10 vols.

8vo. Lipsiae, 1788-1793 [pp. 337Q-3373, 3739]-

Linnaeus' General System of Nature ; translated from

Gmelin's last edition, amended and enlarged [by WM. TURTON]. 7 vols., 8vo. London and Swansea, 1802-1806.

LINTON, J.— On a Sample of Sand from Dogsbay, Conn., co. Gal- way, &c. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. vi, 1867, pp. 1 84- 1 86. Manchester.

LISTER, MARTIN. 1638-1711.— Historiae animalium Angliae tres tractatus. Unus de Araneis. Alter de Cochleis turn terrestribus turn fluviatilibus. Tertius de Cochleis marinis, &c. 410. Londini, 1678, 9 plates. The same book with Appendix, 410. Eboraci, 1681.

88 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

LIVERS I DGE, A.— On the Occurrence of Chalk in the New Britain Group. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iv, 1877, pp. 529-534. London,

LOBLEY, JAMES LOGAN. The Geology of the Parish of Hampstead, and "Lists of Fossils from the London Clay of the Parish of Hampstead."— Trans. Middlesex Nat. Hist. Soc., 1886-1887 (1887), pp. 64-102 [List]. London.

LOCARD, ARNOLD. Description de la Faune des Terrains Terti- aires moyens de la Corse. Ann. Soc. Agric. Hist. Nat. Lyon, ser. 4, vol. ix, 1877, pp. 1-380, 17 pis. Lyon.

- Description de la Molasse marine, &c., du Lyonnais et du Dauphine. Arch. Mus. Lyon, vol. ii, 1878 [p. 198, mention only].


LOCZY, LAJOS [LUDWIG.] Geologiai jegyzetek Krasso-megye ejszahi resgebol. Fbldt. Kbzlony, vol. xii, 1882, pp. 1-24, and in German

Geologische Notizen aus dem ndrdlichen Theile des Krassoer Comitates, pp. 119-138 [Lists]. Budapest.

LOGAN, WILLIAM EDMOND. 1798-1875.— Geology of Canada in Report of Progress, Geol. Survey Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1 863, 1863. Pp. 48 and 49. [First reference to Eozoon.]

- Remains in the Laurentian Rocks of Canada [letter to editors].

Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. xxxvii, 1864, pp. 272, 273.

New Haven.

- On the Occurrence of Organic Remains in the Laurentian Rocks of Canada. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 45-50. London. [Reprinted in Canad. Nat., n.s., vol. ii, 1865, pp. 92-99.]

On New Specimens of Eozoon. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.

xxiii, 1867, pp. 253-257. Londo

[Reprinted in Canad. Nat., n.s., vol. iii, 1868, pp. 306-310.]

LOGAN, W. E., J. W. DAWSON, and T. S. HUNT.— On the Occurrence of Organic Remains in the Laurentian Rocks of Canada. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Bath, 1864), 1865, p. 58 (title only).

LOGAN, W. E., J. W. DAWSON, W. B. CARPENTER, and T. S. HUNT. On the History of Eozoon Canadense. 8vo. Montreal, 1865, 39 pp., I pi., 6 figures. [Reprint of Papers by these Authors.]

LORIE, J.— Contributions a la Ge"ologie des Pays-bas. Arch. Mus. Teyler, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1885, pp. 109-240. [List, p. 116.] Haarlem.

LORIOL, PERCIVAL DE, and AUGUSTE JACCARD. Etude geolo- gique et paleontologique de la formation d'eau douce infracretacee du Jura, et en particulier de Villers-le-Lac. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, vol. xviii, 1865, pt. I, pp. 63-128, 3 pis.


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 89

LO VI SATO, D. Riassunto sui terreni terziari e posterziari del Circondario di Catanzaro. Boll. Com. Geol. ItaL, vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 87-120 [List]. Roma.

LUDWIG, RUDOLPH.— Ueber den Zusammenhang der Tertiarfor- mation in Niederhessen, Oberhessen, der Wetterau und an dem Rheine.— Jahresber. Wetterauer Gesell. Hanau, 1853-1855 (1855), pp. 1-62 (Lists). Hanau.

Geogenische und geognostische Studien auf einer Reise durch

Russland und den Ural.— 8vo. Darmstadt, 1862. 266 pp. 15 plates of geol. sections.

[Scattered references to Fusulina.]


LYELL, CHARLES. 1797-1875. Elements of Geology. 8vo. London, 1838. 543 pp., figures. [v. DESHAYES.] [And later editions.]

Notice of the Foraminifera of the Cretaceous Beds of New

Jersey. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i, 1845, pp. 64, 65, figs.


On the Relative Age and Position of the so-called Num-

mulitic Limestone of Alabama. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1847, pp. 186-191. New Haven.

\Numm. Mantelli^\

On the Relative Age and Position of the so-called Num-

mulite Limestone of Alabama. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1848, pp. 10- 1 6. London.

On the Tertiary Strata of Belgium and French Flanders. Pt.

II. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. viii, 1852, pp. 277-371. [Occurrences of Nummulites.] London.

LYNCH, W. F., v. T. A. CONRAD. 1852.

McANDREW, ROBERT. List of the British Marine Invertebrate Fauna. 4to. London, 1861. 70 pp. [Printed " For the Dredging Committee of the British Association." Foraminifera after WIL- LIAMSON.]

M'COY, FREDERICK. On some New Genera and Species of Palaeo- zoic Corals and Foraminifera. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1849 [p. 131]. London.

Contributions to British Palaeontology. 8vo. Cambridge, 1854.

\Nodos.fusulinaformis, p. 101.]

MACDONALD, JOHN DENIS.— Observations on the Microscopic Examination of Foraminifera observed in Deep-sea Bottoms in the Feejee Islands. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, 1857, pp. 193-195, pis. v and vi. London.

90 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

MACDONALD, J. D.— Further Observations on Deep Soundings obtained by H.M.S. Herald, Capt. Denham, employed in the Surveying Service in the South-western Pacific. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, 1857, pp. 264-266, plate vii. London.

MACGILLIVRAY, WILLIAM. 1796-1852.— A History of the Mol- luscous Animals of the Counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and Banff. I2mo. London, 1843. [Pp. 23, 33, 315.]

The Conchologists' Text-book.— 6th ed., corrected and en- larged by WILLIAM MACGILLIVRAY. i2mo. Edinburgh and London, 1845. Plates.

MACKIE, S. J. Microscopic Geology. I. Rock-forming Microzoa, The Foraminifera. Recreative Science, vol. i, 1859, pp. 145-150, figs. London.

Lecture Diagrams. Generic Forms of Foraminifera. 6 parts.

London, 1859, 1860, with 6 pp. text in explanation.

Foraminifera. Science Gossip, 1867, pp. 129-132, figures 104-

1 39. London.

MACNICOLL, DAVID H.— A Handbook for Southport, Medical and General, with copious notices of the Natural History of the District. Ed. 2, Svo. Southport and London, 1861 [pp. 154, 155], pis. of wild flowers. [Quotes WILLIAMSON'S list of British species.]


MAITLAND, R. T. Descriptio systematica animalium Belgii sep- tentrionalis, £c. Part I., Rhizopodes. Svo. Lugduni-Bata-vorum, 1851. 234 pp.

MAKOWSKY, ALEXANDER, and A. RZEHAK.— Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung von Briinn. Verh. nat. Ver. Briinn, vol. xxii, Heft i, 1883 (1884), pp. 127-285 [Lists]. Briinn.

MALAGOLI, MARIO. Appunti paleontologici e geologici sulle marne tortoniane di montebaranzone. Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, Rendi- conti, ser. 3, vol. ii, 1886, pp. 124-126 [List]. Modena.

Foraminiferi delle arenarie di lama Mocogno.- Atti Soc. Nat.

Modena, ser. 3, vol. iii, 1887, pp. 106-111, pi. Modena.

Fauna miocenica a Foraminiferi del Vecchio Castello di

Baiso.— Boll. Soc. Geol. ItaL, vol. vi, pt. 4, 1888, pp. 517-524, pi. xiii. Roma.

MANTELL, GIDEON ALGERNON. 1788-1852 —Notes of a Micro- scopical Examination of the Chalk and Flint of the South-east of England.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, 1845, pp. 73-88. London.

[Read before the Geol. Soc. London, May I4th, 1845.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 91

MANTELL, G. A.— On the Fossil Remains of the Soft Parts of Foraminifera discovered in the Chalk and Flint of the South- east of England. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. v, No. 65, 1846, pp. 627, 628 ; Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1846, pp, 465-471, pi. xxi ; abstract by MANTELL in Amer. Journ. Sd., vol. v, 1848, pp. 70-74, 3 figs.

London; New Haven.

- New Zealand.— See T. R. JONES. 1850.

Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains. 4to. London, 1850.

Plates [Ixi and Ixii].

[Mantell used some of the plates of Parkinson's " Organic Remains," 1804-11, for this book, altering the original numbers. Parkinson's plate numbers for the above were 10 and n.]

- The Medals of Creation, &c. Ed. 2, 8vo. London, 1854, 2 vols. [pp. 336-373, %s.]

[Ed. i, 1844.]

Wonders of Geology. Ed. 7, by T. Rupert Jones, 8vo. Lon- don, 1857. Figures.

MANZONI, ANGELO. II Tortoniano e i suoi fossili nella Provincia di Bologna. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xi, 1880, pp. 510-520 [List of 3]. Roma.

Echinodermi fossili Pliocenici. Atti Soc. Toscana Set. Nat.,

vol. iv, 1880, Memorie, pp. 327-335 [F. pp. 327-329]. Pisa,

v. T. FUCHS.

MARCK, W. VON DER.— Versteinerungsmittel der Polythalamien. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinlands, Jahrg. xii, 1855, pp. 259-262.


Die Diluvial- und Alluvial-Ablagerungen des Kreidebeckens

von Miinster. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinlands, vol. xv, 1858, pp. 1-47. Bonn.

Die organischen Reste des Diluvial-Kieses von Hamm. Verh.

nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinlands, vol. xv, 1858, pp. 48-76, pis. i-iii.


Ueber fossile Coccolithen und Orbulinen der oberen west-

falischen Kreide. Sitzungsber. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinlands, vol. xxviii, 1871, Corr.-blalt, pp. 60-62. Bonn.

MARIAN I, ERNESTO.— Foraminiferi pliocenici di Tronconero presso Casteggio. Rend. R. 1st. Lombardo, ser. 2, vol. xx, 1887, pp. 478, 479. Milano, Napoli, and Pisa.

Foraminiferi delle marne plioceniche di Savona. Atti Soc.

Ital. Sd., vol. xxxi, 1888, pp. 91-128, plate. Milano.

Foraminiferi della collina di S. Colombano Lodigiano. Rend.

R. 1st. Lombardo, ser. 2, vol. xxi, 1888, pp. 496-503.

Milano, Napoli, and Pisa.

92 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

MARIAN I, E., and C. F. PARONA.— Fossili Tortoniani di Capo S",

Marco in Sardegna. Atti Soc. Ital. Sri. Nat., vol. xxx, 1887, pp,

101-191. Milano.

[" Si awerte che lo studio dei foraminiferi per fatto dal dott. E.

Mariani," pp. 113-143.]


MARNY, N. BARBOT DE -1877. Geognostecheskoe putes-

hestvie v severnear gubernie Evropeeskoe Rossii. Verh. k.-russ. min. Gesellsch., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1868, pp. 204-283 [F. pp. 237-239],

St.- Petersburg.


MARRIOTT, W. K.— The Classification of the Foraminifera. Science Gossip, 1878, pp. 30 and 31. London.

[Report of paper read before the Metrop. Sci. Assoc.]

MARSCHALL, AUGUST FRIEDRICH VON. i8o4-i887.—Nomenclator Zoologicus. 8vo. Vindobonce, 1873.

MARSSON, TH. Die Foraminiferen der weissen Schreibkreide der Inseln Riigen. Mitth. nat. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen, Jahrg. x, 1878, pp. 115-196, pis. i-v. Berlin.


Venedig. 2 vols. 8vo. Ulm, 1824. Plates.

[A second issue (? edition) in 1834, fide Kayser's "Index Libro- rum."]

MARTIN, JULES. Zone a Avicula contorta ou Etage Rhaetien. Me~m. Acad. Imp. Dijon, Ann. 1864 (1865), pp. 1-288, 3 pis. Dijon. [Lists, pp. 1 86, 263 and 264.]

MARTIN, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation von Cyclo- clypeus, Carp., und Orbitolites, d:Orb. In Junghuhn's— Die Ter- tiarschichten auf Java. 410. Leiden, 1879-80. Pal. Th., pp. 150-164, pis. xxvii, xxviii; Niederldndisch.es Archiv fur Zool., vol. v, 1880, pp. 185-206, pis. xiii-xiv. Ley den,

Tertiaer-Versteinerungen vom ostlichen Java. Martin and

Wichmann's Samml. geol. Reichs-Mus. Ley den, ser. i, vol. i, Heft 2, 1 88 1, pp. 105-130, 4 pis. Ley den.

Die Versteinerungens-fiihrenden Sedimente Timers. Nach

Sammlungen von Reinwardt, Macklot, und Schneider.- Samml. geol. Reichs-Mus. Ley den, ser. I, vol. i, Heft i, 1881, pp. 1-64, 3 pis.; Jaarboek Mijn. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1882, pp. 71-136, pis. ii and iii. Ley den; Amsterdam.

MARTINI, FRIEDRICH WILHELM HEINRICH, 1729-1778, and JOHANN HIERON. CHEMNITZ, 1730-1800.— Neues systema- tisches Conchylien-Cabinet, geordnet und beschrieben. 12 vols. 4to. Nuremberg, 1769-1829. Plates. [Pis. xix, xx ; Vign. I and 1 1.]

Bibliography of 'the Foramimfera. 93

MARTONFI, LAJOS [LUDWIG]. Adatokabujturi mediterran komok foraminifera-faunajahoz. Orvos termesz. Ertesito, vol. xi, 1886, pp. 94-96. Kolozsvdrt.

Oslenytani Tanulminyok a Foraminiferak61. i. A Foramini-

ferak rendszertananak torteneti vazlata. 2. A koloszvdr videki harmadkori retegek foraminiferai. [This second paper was re- printed in Orvos termeszett. ertesito, v, 1880, pp. 5-24]. 8vo. Kolozvdrt, 1880. 37 pp. [Lists], Bibliography. Kolozvdrt.

MARTYN, WILLIAM [FREDERICK ?]— A new Dictionary of Natural History, &c. 2 vols. [?8vo.] London, 1785. loo pis. in folio [vol. ii, pi. xcvi, f. 4]. [Not seen.]

MASON, S. C. A Preliminary List of Fossils found in Riley County. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci.,vol viii, 1883, pp. 12, 13. Topeka, Kansas.

MASSOLONGO, ABRAMO.— Schizzo geognostico sulla valle del Progno o torrente d'lllasi, con un saggio sopra la flora primor- diale del M. Bolca. 8vo. Verona, 1850. 77 pp. \Alveolina Fortisii, Massolongo, and lists.]

MAT ON, WILLIAM GEORGE, and THOMAS RACKETT.— A Descrip- tive Catalogue of the British Testacea. Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. viii, 1807, pp. 17-250, pis. i-vi. [Pp. 114. 239.] London.

MAYER, KARL [AFTERWARDS MAYER-EYMAR]. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Versteinerungen des Parisien der Umgegend von Einsiedeln. Beitr. geol. Karte Schweiz, vol. xiv, abth. 2, 1877, 98 pp., 4 pis. [p. 22, pi. i]. Bern.

Classification der Foraminiferen nach Reuss, Jones, und

Vanden Broeck.

[A four-page 4to lithographed list of families and genera. " Aus Prof. Karl Mayer's Palaontologie, 1877-78."]

Zur Geologic Egyptens. Vierteljahrsschr. nat. Ges. Zurich,

Jahrg. xxxi, 1886, pp. 241-267. Zurich.

MEASURES, J. W. Foraminifera from Silt. Journ. Postal Microsc. Soc., vol. ii, 1883, pp. 118, 119. London and Bath.

MEDLICOTT, HENRY BENEDICT, and WILLIAM THOMAS BLAN- FORD.— Geology of India.— 2 vols. 8vo, Calcutta, vol. ii, 1879, p. 459, &c., pi. xv.

MEEK, FIELDING BRADFORD. 1817-1876.— In MEEK and GABB'S Geological Survey of California. Palaeontology, vol. i. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1864. [Pp. 3 and 4, pi. ii.]

Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America- Cretaceous Formation. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. vii, No. 177 (April 1864), 26 pp. Washington.

Report on the Palaeontology of Eastern Nebraska, with some

remarks on the Carboniferous Rocks of that District. In Hay- den's Final Report U. S. Geol. Survey of Nebraska. 8vo, 1872 (42 Congr., i sess., Ex. Doc., No. 19), p. 83, &c., pis. ii, fig. i ; v, fig. 3 ; and vii, fig. 8. Washington.

94 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

MEEK, F. B.— In WORTHEN'S— Geological Survey of Illinois.— 410, Springfield, III., vol. v, 1873 [Palaeontology, p. 560, pi. xxiv].

MEEK, F. B., and FERD. VANDEVEER HA YD EN. —Remarks on the Lower Cretaceous Beds of Kansas and Nebraska, together with descriptions of some new species of Carboniferous Fossils from the Valley of Kansas River.— Proc. Acad. Nat. Sti. Philad., 1858, pp. 256-266. Philadelphia.


Geological Exploration in Kansas Territory. Proc.

Acad. Nat. Set. Philad., 1859 (1860), pp. 8-30. Philadelphia.

Palaeontology of the Upper Missouri. Smithsonian

Contrib., 1864, No. 172, pp. 11-15, pi. i. Washington.

MEEK, F. B., and A. H. WORTHEN.— Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Fossils from the Palaeozoic Rocks of the Western States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1870, pp. 22-64.


MEISSNER, MAXIMILIAN. Beitrage zur Ernahrungs-physiologie der Protozoen. Zeitschr. wissensch. Zool. (Siebold's), vol. xlvi, 1888, pp. 498-516. Leipzig.

MELLO, J. MAGENS.— Eozoon Canadense.— Journ. of Microscopy, vol. vi, 1887, p. 119. Bath and London.

MENEGHINI, GIUSEPPE.— Paleontologie de Pile de Sardaigne par

ou description des fossiles recueillis dans cette contree par

le General Albert de la Marmora, pour faire suite a la troisieme partie du voyage en Sardaigne. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 584 pp., 8 pis. in 4to.

MENKE, CARL THEODOR. 1791- —Synopsis methodica Mollus-

corum generum omnium et specierum quas in musaeo Menkeano adservantur. Ed. 2, auct. et emend., 8vo. Pyrmont, 1830 [pp. 4-8].

MERCATI, MICHELE. 1541-1593. Michaelis Mercati Samminia-

tensis Metallotheca. Opus Posthumum studio J. M.

Lanciscii. Fol. Romas, 1716. [An edition in 1719.] [Poecilospermos ; Sitophoros ; Cenchrites ; Meconites.]

MEREJKOWSKY, C. VON [MERESCHOWSKY.]— Etudes sur les Eponges de la Mer Blanche.— Mem. Ac. imp. Sci. St.-Petersbourg, ser. vii, vol. xxvi, No. 7, 1878, pp. 1-51, pis. i-iii. St.-Petersbourg.

On Wagnerella ; a new genus of sponge nearly allied to the Physemaria of Ernst Haeckel. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 70-77, pi. vi. London.

Note on Wagnerella borealis, a Protozoan. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881, pp. 288-290. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 95

MERIAN, PETER. 1795-1883. Ueber die Foraminiferen der Gegend von Basel. Ber. Verh. nat. Gesellsch. Easel, vol. ix, 1851, pp. 47-49, Basel.

METZGER, AD. Die wirbelosen Thiere der ostfriesischen Kuste. Pt. I. and II. Jahresb. nat. hist. Ges. Hannover, Bd. xx, 1871, pp. 22-36 ; Bd. xxi, 1871, pp. 20-34. Abstract in Zeitschr. Ges. Nat., Bd. xxxvi, 18.70, pp. 523-526. Hannover j Berlin.

[Brief list.]

MEYER, OTTO. Beitrag zur Kenntnisse der Fauna des Alttertiars vom Mississippi und Alabama. Bericht Senckenburg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt, 1887, pp. 3-20, pis. i and ii [No. F figured]. [Lists only.] Frankfurt-a-M.

MICHELIN, HARDOUIN.— Iconographie zoophytologique ; descrip- tion par localites et terrains des Polypiers fossiles de France, et pays environnantes. 4to. Paris, 1840-1847. 346 pp. and atlas of 79 pis.

MICHELOTTI, GIOVANNI. 1812- Saggio storico dei Rizopodi

caratteristici dei Terreni sopracretacei. Mem. Soc. Ital. Scienze, vol. xxii, 1841, pp. 253-302, pis. i-iii. Modena.

Description des Fossiles des terrains miocenes de 1'Italie septentrionale. Naturk. Verh. Hollandsche Maatsch-wetensch. Haarlem, ser. 2, vol. iii, part 2, 1847, pp. 1-408, pis. i-xvii [pp. 11-19, pi. i]. Haarlem.

MILLER, HENRY J. Observations sur la Nummulites planulata, v. minor, d'Archiac et Haime. Ann. Soc.Malac. Belg.,vo\.v'\\\, 1873, Bull., p. xx. Bruxelles.

MILLER, HENRY J.,and ERNEST VANDEN BROECK.— Les Forami- niferes vivants et fossiles de la Belgique. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. vii, 1872, pp. 15-46 [tables]. Bruxelles.

[MILLER, K.]— In HEUGLIN'S— Reise nach dem Nordpolarmeer in den Jahren 1870 und 1871. 8vo. Braunschweig. Th. iii, * 1874, pp. 261, 262.

MILLER, S. A. The American Palaeozoic Fossils. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1877-

North American Mesozoic and Caenozoic Geology and Palae- ontology.— Journ. Cincin. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. ii, 1879, pp. 223, &c. [Notes on Deep-sea Deposits, p. 236.] Cincinnati.

MILLETT, FORTESCUE WILLIAM.— Notes on the Fossil Forami- nifera of the St. Erth Clay-pits. Trans. R. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, vol. x, pt. 7, 1885, pp. 213-216. Penzance.

Recent Foraminifera of Mounts Bay. Report and Trans. Penzance Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Soc., for 1884-1885, pp. 26-28.


96 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

MILLETT, F. W. Additional Notes on the Foraminifera of the St. Erth Clay. Trans. R. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, vol. x, 1886, pp. 222-226.. Penzance.


MILNE-EDWARDS, ALPHONSE. Compte rendu sommaire d'une exploration zoologique, faite dans la Mediterranee a bord du navire de 1'etat le Travailleur. Comptes Rendus, vol. xci, 1880, PP- 355-360, 876-882, 931-936. Paris.

MIVART, ST. GEORGE.— Notes touching Recent Researches in the Radiolaria. Journ. Linnean Soc. (Zool.), vol. xiv, 1878, pp. 136-168. [Bibliography.] London.

MODEER, ADOLPH. 173 .-1799.— Illustrationes quasdam in R. D. Ambrosii Soldani opus egregium Saggio Orittografico dictum. Nova Acta Ac. Caes. Leop.-Carol., viii, Appendix, 1791, pp. 85-94, figure. Norimbergcs.

In opus egregium R. D. D. Ambrosii Soldani Saggio Oritto- grafico dictum illustrationes qusedam Academiee Reg. Florentine dicatas ab Adulpho Modeer.

[This paper, from the Nova Acta, is contained in Caput IV. (pp. 40-45) of Soldani's Testaceographia, vol. ^1789, q.v.; it is quoted by Fischer de Waldheim as a separate work.]

MOEBIUS, KARL. Neue Rhizopoden. [Haliphysema capitulatum.] Beitrdge zum Tageblatt der 49 Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. und Aerzte in Hamburg, 1876, p. 115. Hamburg.

Der Bau des Eozoon Canadense, nach einigenUntersuchungen verglichen mit dem Bau der Foraminiferen. Pal&ontographica, vol. xxv, 1878, pp. 175-192, pis. xxiii-xl. Cassel.

1st das Eozoon ein versteinerten Wurzelfussler, oder ein

Mineralgemenge ?— Die Natur, Jahrg. 1879, Nos. 7, 8, and 10, 21 figs. Halle.

Principal Dawson's Criticisms of my Memoir on the Structure

of Eozoon Canadense compared with that of Foraminifera. Amer. Journ, Science, vol. xviii, 1879, PP- 177-185, figures.

New Haven.

Foraminiferen von Mauritius. In Mdbius, F. Richter, and

E. von Martens', Beitrage zur Meeresfauna der Insel Mauritius und der Seychellen. 410. Berlin, 1880, pp. 63-110, pis. i-xiv.

Ueber die Bedeutung der Foraminiferen fur die Abstam-

mungslehre. Tageblatt 53 Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. und Aerzte Danzig, 1880, pp. 81, 82. Danzig.

Drei Arbeiten iiber Foraminiferen. Biol. Centralblatt, vol. iv,

1885, pp. 645-650. [Reviews of Goes, Carpenter, and Brady.]


BibliograpJiy of the Foraminifera. 97

MOEBIUS, K.— Systematische Darstellung der Thiere des Plankton gewonnen in der westlichen Ostsee und auf einer Fahrt von Kiel in den Atlantischen Ocean bis Jenseit der Hebriden. V. Bericht Comm. tviss. Untersuch. Deutsch. Meere in Kiel, 1887, Forami- nifera, p. 123.

Die Bildung, Geltung und Bezeichnung der Artbegriffe und ihr Verhaltniss zur Abstammungslehre.— SpengePs Zool. Jahr- biicher, Bd. i, 1886, pp. 241-274. Jena. [Notes.]

MOLLER, VALERIAN VON.— Ueber Fusulinen und ahnliche Fora- miniferen-Formen des russischen Kohlenkalkes. Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1877, pp. 139-146, figure. Stuttgart.

Die Spiral-gewundenen Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlen-

kalks. Mem. Ac. imp. Sci. St.-Petersbourg, ser. 7, vol. xxv, No. 9, 1878, pp. 1-147, pis- i-xv, figures. St.-Petersbourg.

Die Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlenkalks. Mem. Acad.

imp. Sci. St.-Petersbourg, ser. 7, vol. xxvii, No. 5, 1879, PP- 1~131^ pis. i-vii. St.-Petersbourg.

Ueber einige Foraminiferen - fuhrende Gesteine Persiens.

Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxx, 1880, pp. 573-586, pis. ix and x. Wien.

O nekotorex, soderschex foraminifere porodax Persii. Verh. k. russ. Min. Gesellsch. St.-Petersburg, ser. 2, vol. xvi, 1881, pp. 179-200, 2 pis. St.-Petersburg.

MOLL, J. P. C. VON, vide L. VON FICHTEL. .

MONTAGU, GEORGE. 1753 - 1815. Testacea Britannica ; or Natural History of British Shells, Marine, Land, and Fresh- water, &c. 3 vols. 410. London, 1803.

A Supplement to the Testacea Britannica.— 4to. London,

1808, plates.

MONTFORT, P. DENYS DE -1820.— Conchyliologie syste-

matique et classification me'thodique des Coquilles. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808-1810, figures.



MOORE, CHARLES. 1814-1881. On Abnormal Conditions of Secondary Deposits when connected with the Somersetshire and South Wales Coal- Basin ; and on the age of the Sutton and Southerndown Series. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1867, pp. 449-568, 4 pis. [Lists]. London.

Report on Mineral Veins in Carboniferous Limestone, and

their Organic Contents. Report Brit. Assoc. (Exeter, 1869), 1869, pp. 360-388. London.


98 Bibliography of the Fomminifera.

MOORE, C. Australian Mesozoic Geology and Palaeontology. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi, 1870, pp. 226-261. London. [Pages 235, 236.]

On the Palaeontology and Physical Conditions of the Meux-

Well. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, pp. 914-923, [List]. London.

On the Organic Nature of Eozoon Canadense.— Rept. Brit.

Assoc. (Swansea, 1880), 1880, pp. 582, 583. London.

MORRIS, JOHN. 1810-1886.— Catalogue of British Fossils.— 8vo. London, 1843, 222 pp.; ed. 2, 1854, 372 pp.

Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Organic Remains of

Invertebrata contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4to. London, 1856 [pp. 238, 239].

Lecture on the Geology of Croydon, &c. 8vo. Cray don [1876],

27 pp., map and figures.

[Delivered to the Croydon Microscopical Club.]

MORRIS, J., and JOHN QUEKETT.— Catalogue of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4to. London, 1860 (pp. 87-97].

MORTILLET, GABRIEL DE.— Note sur le cretace et le nummulitique des environs de Pistoja. Atti Soc. Ital. Set. Nat., vol. iii, 1861 (wrapper, 1862), pp. 459-466 [List]. Milano.

MORTON, SAMUEL GEORGE. 1799-1851. —Supplement to the "Synopsis of the Organic Remains of the Ferruginous -Sand Formation of the United States," contained in vols. xvii and xviii of this Journal. Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. xxiii, 1833, pp. 288-294, pis. v and viii. New Haven.

\Numm. Mantelli.']

Synopsis of the Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group.

8vo. Philadelphia, 1834, plates.

[Numm. Mantelli.]

Description of some new Species of Organic Remains of the

Cretaceous Group of the United States : with a tabular view of the Fossils hitherto discovered in this Formation.— Journ. Ac. Nat. Set. Philad., vol. viii, Pt. 2, 1842, pp. 207-227, pis. x and xi.

Philadelphia. \Planularia cuneata, = Frondicularia, p. 215, pi. xi, f. 5.]

MOSELEY, HENRY NOTTIDGE. Notes by a Naturalist in the Challenger, &c.— 8vo. London, 1879, 620 pp., maps, figures. [Colouring matter in Orbitolites, p. 292.]

Deep-sea Dredging and Life in the Deep Sea. Natut

xxi, April 8, 1880, pp. 543-547; Ap. 15, pp. 569-572, figures; Ap. 22, pp. 591-593 ; Proceed. R. Institution, vol. ix, 1879-1881 (1882), Notices, pp. 331, 332. London; London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 99

MOSELEY, H. N. Pelagic Life.— Nature, vol.xxvi, 1882, pp. 559-564. [Address to Brit. Assoc.] London.

MOURLON, MICHEL.— Geologic de la Belgique. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1880, 1881 [important lists].

MOXON, CHARLES.— Illustrations of the Characteristic Fossils of British Strata, Part I. 4to. London, 1841, plates.

MULLER, C. J.— Cleaning Foraminifera of the Chalk.— Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. xv, 1876, p. 241 ; Amer. Journ. Microsc., vol. i, 1876, p. 104. London; New York.

MULLER, JOSEPH.— Monographic der Petrefacten der Aachener Kreideformation. 2 parts and suppl., 4to. Bonn, 1847-1851. \Nodosaria Zippei, pt. i, p. 13.]

MUNIER-CHALMAS, .—Observations sur les Algues calcaires appartenant au groupe des Siphonees verticilldes (Dasycladees, Harv.), et confondues avec les Foraminiferes. Comptes Rendus, vol. Ixxxv, 1877, pp. 814-817. \Dactylopora, &c.] Paris.

Observations sur les Algues calcaires confondues avec les

Foraminiferes et appartenant au groupe des Siphondes dicho- tomes. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, se"r. 3, vol. vii, 1879, pp. 354, 661-670, figures. Paris.

\O-vulites, &c.]

" Sur le genre Archiadna, Mun.-Ch." Bull. Soc. Geol. France,

ser. 3, vol. vii, 1879, P- 445- [v- G. VASSEUR.] Parts.

Etudes sur les Nummulites laevigata, planulata, variolaria,

irregularis, et sur les Assilina granulata et spira, etc. [Sur le dimorphisme des Nummulites.] Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. viii, 1880, pp. 300 and 301. Paris.

v. DE LA HARPE, 1881.

i" Des Genres Renulites, Lamarck ; Broeckina, Mun.-Ch."] 1. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. x, 1882, p. 471. Paris.

[" Connaissance des phases necessaires par lesquelles passent

les foraminiferes depuis la periode embryonnaire jusqu'a l'e"tat adulte."] Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 470, 471.


Sur un nouveau genre de foraminiferes. [Lacazina.] Bull.

Soc. Geol. France, se"r. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 471, 472. Paris.

Note sur la Structure des Triloculines et des Quinqueloculines de 1'Eocene du Bassin de Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, se"r. 3, vol. x, 1882, pp. 424, 425, figure. Paris.


MUNIER-CHALMAS, , and C. SCHLUMBERGER. Nouvelles observations sur le dimorphisme des Foraminiferes. Comptes Rendus, vol. xcvi, 1883, pp. 862-866, figures 1-4, pp. 1598-1601, figures 5-8 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 336-341, figures ; vol. xii, 1883, pp. 67-69. Paris; London.

ioo Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera.

MUNIER-CHALMAS,— ,and C. SCHLUMBERGER.— Note sur les Miliolidees trematophorees. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, se*r. 3, vol. xiii, 1885, pp. 273-323, 45 figures, pis. xiii, xiv, xiv bis ; and Comptes Rendus, vol. c, 1885, p. 818. Paris j Paris.

MURCHISON, RODERICK IMPEY. 1792-1871.— On the Relations of the Tertiary and Secondary Rocks forming the Southern Flanks of the Tyrolese Alps near Bassano. Phil. Mag., vol. v, n. s., 1829, pp. 401-410 [Lists]. London.

On the Geological Structure of the Alps, Apennines, and

Carpathians, more especially to prove a transition from Secondary to Tertiary Rocks, and the development of Eocene Deposits in Southern Europe. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. v, 1849, pp. 157-312 [Lists, pp. 193, 309, &c.]. London.

MURCHISON, R. I., P. DE VERNEUIL, and A. DE KEYSER- LING. Geology of Russia in Europe. Vol. II. Palaeontology. 4to. London and Paris, 1845. \Fusulina, p. 16, pi. i, and list at p. 382.]

MURRAY, ADOLPH. 1750-1803. Fundamenta Testaceologiae : dissertatio [delivered June 29, 1771] sub prssidio Linnasi. Anuenitates Academicce, viii, 1785, pp. 107-150, pi. ii. \N. Beccarii.] Erlanga.

MURRAY, JOHN. Preliminary Reports on work done on board the Challenger. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxiv, 1876, pp. 471-544, pis. xx-xxiv. London.

On the Structure and Origin of Coral Reefs and Islands.

Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., vol. x, 1880, pp. 505-518 ; Nature, Aug. 12, 1880, pp. 351-353. Edinburgh; London.

Report on the Specimens of Bottom Deposits in Reports on

the Results of Dredgings under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-1878), in the Caribbean (1878-79), and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, during the Summer of 1880, by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer Blake, &c. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. xii, No. 2, 1885, pp. 37-61. Cambridge, Mass.

On some Recent Deep-sea Observations in the Indian Ocean.

Scottish Geograph. Mag., vol. iii, 1887, pp. 553-561.


MURRAY, JOHN, and A. RENARD.— On the Nomenclature, Origin, and Distribution of Deep-Sea Deposits. Proc. R. Soc. Edin., vol. xii, 1884 (1885), pp. 495-529 ; Kept. Comm. U.S. Comm. Fish and Fisheries, for 1885, part xiii, 1887, pp, 759-786 ; and in French, in Bull. Mus. Roy. Nat. Hist. Belg., vol. iii, 1885, pp. 25-62.

Edinburgh ; Washington; Bru.relles.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 101

NELSON, JULIUS.— The Significance of Sex. American Naturalist, Jan., Feb., Mar., 1887, pis. i-xi, and Bibliography. [Protozoa, pp. 153-157.] Philadelphia.

[Part of a Calcarina ? figured.]

NEUGEBOREN, JOHANN LUDWIG -1887.— Foraminiferen aus

dem Tegelthon von Felso-Lapugy, unweit Dobra. Beiblatt sieben- biirgischen Bo ten, Jahrg. 1846, No. 94, pp. 433, 434. Hermanns tadt. [Not seen.]

Die ersten Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des Hrn. Kustos Neugeboren in Hermannstadt iiber die Foraminiferen des Tegels von Felso-Lapugy unweit Dobra in Siebenbiirgen. Haidinger's Berichte ii.d. Mittheilungen, vol. ii, 1847, pp. 163, 164. Wien.

[JOHANN]. Bericht iiber die aus einigen Brockchen Tegel von Felso-Lapugy in Siebenbiirgen gewonnene Ausbeute an Foraminiferen. Haidinger's Berichte ii. d. Mittheilungen, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 256-260. Wien.

Der Tegelthon von Ober-Lapugy und sein Gehalt an Fora- rniniferen-Gehausen. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. i, 1850, pp. 163-171. Hermannstadt.

Foraminiferen von Felso-Lapugy unweit Dobra im Carls- burger District ; ehemals Hunyader Comitat. Artikel I. Glan- dulina. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat.. Jahrg. i, 1850, pp. 45-48, 50-53, pi. i. Hermannstadt.

Foraminiferen von Felso-Lapugy unweit Dobra im Carlsburger District, beschrieben und nach der Natur gezeichnet. Artikel II. Frondicularia und Amphimorphina. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. i, 1850, pp. 118-127, pis. iii and iv.


Idem. Artikel ill. Marginulina. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. ii, 1851, pp. 118-123, 124-135, 140-145, pis. iv and v. Hermannstadt.

Idem. Artikel IV. Nodosaria. Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. iii, 1852, pp. 34-42, 50-59, pi. i. Hermannstadt.

" Foraminiferen aus Siebenbiirgen." Haidinger's Berichte ii.d. Mittheilungen, vol. vii, 1850, pp. 180-186. Wien.

" Der Lingulina costata als einer fur Siebenbiirgen neuen Foraminiferen-Species." Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. iv, 1853, pp. 17, 18. Hermannstadt.

Die Foraminiferen aus der Ordnung der Stichostegier von Ober-Lapugy in Siebenbiirgen. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xii, 1856, pp. 65-108, pis. i-v. Wien.

IO2 Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera.

NEUGEBOREN, J. L.— Geschichtliches iiber die siebenburgische Palaontologie und die Literatur derselben. Arch. Vereins sieben- burgischen Landeskunde, n. f. 3, vol. iii, 1859, pp. 431-464. [Bibliography.] Hermannstadt.

Berichtigungen zu den in Jahrgangen i, 2, und 3 der Verhand-

lungen und Mittheilungen iiber Foraminiferen von Ober-Lapugy erschienenen Aufsatze. Verh. Mitth. Siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. xi, 1860, pp. 55-57. Hermannstadt.

Neue Miocan-Spiroloculinen aus dem Tegel von Ober-Lapugy.

Verh. Mitth. siebenbiirg. Ver. Nat., Jahrg. xx, 1869, pp. 26^28.


Die Cristellarien und Robulinen aus der Thierklasse der

Foraminiferen aus dem marinen Miocan bei Ober-Lapugy in Siebenbiirgen. Arch. Vereins Siebenbiirgischen Landeskunde, n.s., vol. x, 1872, pp. 273-290, pis. i-iii. Hermannstadt.

NEUMAYR, MELCHIOR.— Die natiirlichen Venvandschaftsverhalt- nisse der schalentragenden Foraminiferen.— Anzeig. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Math.-nat. CL, 1887, No. 10, p. 103. Sitzungsber., vol. xcv, 1887, Abth. i, pp. 156-186, table. Wien.

NEVILL, T. H.— Foraminifera from a deposit near Montreal.— Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. iii, 1863, p. 100; Quart, fourn. Microsc. Science, n.s., vol. iii, 1863, p. 211.

Manchester ; London.

NICCOLUCCI, GiUSTlNlANO. Politalami fossili della Italia meri- dionale osservati e descritti.— Nuovi Annali Scienze Nat., ser. 2, vol. vi, 1846, pp. 161-216, table [n.sp. described.] Bologna.

NICHOLSON, H. ALLEYN.— A Manual of Palaeontology for the use of Students, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1879 [vol. i, pp. 98-128, figures].

On the Structure and Affinities of the Genus Parkeria, Carp.

Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. i, 1888, pp. 1-12, pi. iii.


NICHOLSON, H. A., and ROBERT ETHERIDGE (FILIUS).— A Monograph of the Silurian Fossils of the Girvan District in Ayr- shire, with especial reference to those contained in the "Gray Collection."— 8vo. Edinburgh, vol. i (1880), fasc. i, 1878. [Saccammina, p. 21 ; Girvanella, p. 23.]

NICOLIS, ENRICO.— Oligocene e Miocene nel Sistema del Monte Baldo. (Memoria letta all' Accademia di Agricoltura Arti e Commercio di Verona dal . . . . il 13 Marzo, 1884.) 8vo. Verona, 1884. 49 pp., sections and plate of rock-sections containing Foraminifera.

Le Marne di Porcino ed i loro paralleli nel Veneto. Atti R.

1st. Veneto, ser. 6, vol. v, 1887, pp. 785-816, i pi. Venezia.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 103

NIEDZWIEDZKI, JULIAN. Stosunki geologiczne formacyi solonos- nej Wieliczki i Bochni.— Kosmos (Lwow), vol. viii, 1883 (p. 391). [List of 40 species, with distribution.] Lwow.

NILSSON, SVENO. 1787-1883.— Om de mangrummiga snackar som

forekomma i Kritformation i Sverige. K. Vetens. Acad. Hand!.,

for 1825 (1826), pp. 329-343. Stockholm.

[Nilsson here described the forms afterwards figured by him in his

" Petrifacta."]

Petrifacta Suecana formationis cretaceas, descripta et iconibus

illustrata. Pt. i. Folio. Lund, 1827, 39 pp., 12 plates.

NOGUES, M. A. F. Les oscillations de la mer nummulitique. Compte Rendu Assoc. Fran$ ., Lyon, 1873(1874), pp. 409-433. Parts.

NORMAN, ALFRED MERLE.— In JEFFREYS and NORMAN'S— Submarine Cable Fauna. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xv, 1875, pp. 169-176, pi. xii [no Foraminifera figured]. London.

In JEFFREYS'— Preliminary Report of the Biological Results of a Cruise in H.M.S. Valorous to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxv, 1876, pp. 202-215. London.

On the Genus Haliphysema, with a description of several

forms apparently allied to it. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 265-284, pi. xvi. [v. BOWERBANK.] London.

On the Architectural Achievements of little Masons, Anne-

lidan (?) and Rhizopodan in the Abyss of the Atlantic.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, pp. 284-287. London.

Notes on the French Exploration of Le Travailleur in the

Bay of Biscay.— v?<?//. Brit. Assoc. (Swansea, 1880), 1880, pp. 387-390 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vi, 1880, pp. 430- 436. London; London.

- Presidential Address, Pt. II. The Abysses of the Ocean.— Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. Durham, vol. viii, 1883, pp. 91-134.

Newcastle-on- Tyne. [Gives list of depths at which species are known to occur.]

NORTHAMPTON, MARQUIS OF. 1790-1851.— On Spirolinites in Chalk and Chalk-flints. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, vol. ii, 1838, pp. 685, 686. London.

NYST, H. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de coquille fossile du genre Pecten, trouvee dans le crag noir d'Anvers, ainsi que sur un gisement a echinodermes, bryozoaires et foraminiferes. Bull. Ac. Roy. Belg., vol. xii, 1861, pp. 198-202 [list of 5 spp.] Bruxelles.

OLIVI, GIUSEPPE. 1769-1795. Zoologia Adriatica, &c. 410. Bassano, 1792. [Pp. 131, 132.]

OLSZEWSKI, STANISLAWS. Otwornice (Foraminifera) marglu kre"dowego kotliny Iwowskiej.— Spraivozd, Kom. Fizyj. Ak. Umiej, Krakowie, vol. ix, 1875, pp. 95-149, pis. i and ii. Krakoivie.

IO4 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

ORBIGNY, ALCIDE DESSALINES D'. 1802-1857. Tableau Metho- dique de la classe des Cephalopodes. Par .... precede d'une introduction par M. de Fe"russac. Annals des Set. Naturelles, vol. vii, 1826, pp. 245-314, pis. x-xvii. Paris,


Modeles de Cephalopodes microscopiques vivans et fossiles,

representant un individu de chacun des genres, et des sous-genres de ces coquilles, accompagnes du prodrome systematique des cdphalopodes en general, ordonne d'apres une nouvelle classifi- cation, avec figures. Pan's, 1826. In 4 boxes, with 8 plates in 8vo. [Ann. Sci. Nat^\ Ed. 2, 8vo. Paris, 1843, 24 pp.

[The note, " with 8 plates in 8vo.," I take from Engelmann. It is possible that d'Orbigny presented to his original subscribers or friends separate copies of the " Tableau Methodique " plates, but it does not seem to have been general. In his later works d'Orbigny refers to a fifth livraison of his " Modeles," and in the Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. i, vol. iv, 1840, p. 2, occurs the following : (2) "Cette collection, que nous allons augmenter d'une livraison destined aux genres decouverts depuis sa premiere publication, et aux coquilles caracteristique des terrains, se trouve de nouveau, rue Louis-le-Grand, no. 5, a Paris."]

« Foraminiferes"— in BARKER-WEBB and BERTHELOT'S

Histoire naturelle des lies Canaries. 4to. Pan's,i8^g. Vol. ii, part 2, pp. 119-146, 3 plates.

Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale— Foraminiferes.— 4to.

Paris and Strasbourg, 1839, vol. v, part 5, pp. 1-86, 9 plates.

- Foraminiferes in RAMON DE LA SACRA'S Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de File de Cuba. French ed., 8vo., Paris, 1839, pp. xlviii, 1-224, 12 pis., folio ; Spanish ed., 4to. Paris, 1840, 1 80 pp., 12 pis.

[The same plates used for both editions, the lettering being in French.]

Die Foraminiferen Amerikas und der Canarischen-Inseln.

Wiegmanris Archiv, Jahrg. 6, vol. i, 1840, pp. 398-462. Berlin.

Me"moire sur les Foraminiferes de la Craie blanche du Bassin

de Paris. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, vol.iv, 1840, pp. 1-51, pis. i-iv. [v. ANON. Science Gossip, 1870.] Paris.

Foraminiferes fossiles du Bassin tertiaire de Vienne. 4to.

Paris, 1846. 21 pis. In French and German. \ij. J. VON HAUER for list of these foraminifera published in 1839-]

Article Foraminiferes in Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire

Naturelle.— 8 vo., Paris, vol. v, 1849, pp. 662-671.

Cours etementaire de Paleontologie et de Geologic strati-

graphique. 2 vols., 8vo., Paris, and 4to. atlas, 1849-1852. [The same figures are used in both volumes.]

Bibliography of the Forammifera. 105

ORBIGNY, A. D. D'.— Prodrome de Paleontologie stratigraphique universelle des Animaux mollusques et rayonnes. 3 vols., 8vo., Paris, vol. i, 1849, pp. 161, 242, 293, 324 ; ii, 1850, pp. 41, 95, no, 143, 185, 210, 279, 334, 407, 427 ; lii, 1852, pp. 151, 190.

Planches inedites."

[D'ORBIGNY'S original drawings, not described. They are preserved " dans mon laboratoire du Museum" (Prof. A. Gaudry) ; they were referred to by Olry Terquem in Mdm. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. ii, 1882, p. n.]

ORBIGNY, CHARLES-MARIE DESSALINES D'. 1770-1856.— Lettre k M. Fleuriau de Bellevue, sur la decouverte de Cephalopodes microscopiques sur les cotes de 1'ocean. Journ. de Physique, vol. Ixxxviii, 1819, pp. 187, 1 88. Paris.

[Says that his son Alcide is drawing and studying them.]

OWEN, DAVID DALE. 1807-1860.— Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. 4to. Philadelphia, 1852. 638 pp., maps, plates. \Selenoides, n.g. and spp.]

OWEN, S. R. J.— On the Surface-fauna of Mid-ocean. No. 2. Fora- minifera. Journ. Linnean Soc. (Zoology], vol. ix, 1867, pp. 147-157, pi. v. London.

PACHTA, RAIMOND. Geognostitscheskve izslyatdovanie proizoe-

dennve vyeri giyererniyachyeri Voronejskoi, &c. Iswestija Imp.

ross. Geogr. Obsch., vol. xi, 1856, pp. 63-178, pis. ; in German

[by Helmersen] in Beitr. z. Kennt. rttss. Reichs, vol. xxi, 1858,

187 pp., pis. St.-Petersburgj St.-Petersburg.

[Occurrences of Fusulina in that part of the paper entitled " Der

Bergkalk und das Permische System auf der Wolga-Halbinsel,

gegeniaber Samara."]

PACKARD, A. S. [JUNIOR].— A List of Animals dredged near Cari- bou Island, South Labrador, during July and August, 1860. Canad. Nat., vol. viii, 1863, pp. 400-429. [List.] Montreal.

Life-Histories of the Protozoa. Amer. Naturalist, vol. viii,

1874, pp. 728-748, figures. Salem, Mass.

PALLAS, PETER SIMON. 1741-1811.— P. S. Pallas .... Elen- chus Zoophytorum, sistens generum adumbrationes generaliores et specierum cognitarum succinctas descriptiones cum selectis auctorum synonymis. 8vo. Hagce Comitum, 1766. [Millepora miniacea = Polytrema, p. 251.]

PARETO, LAURENT.— Note sur le terrain nummulitique du pied des Apennines. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, se"r. 2, vol. xii, 1855, pp. 370-395 [List]. Paris.

io6 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

PARFITT, EDWARD.— On the Protozoa of Devonshire.— Trans. Devon Assoc. Set. Lit. Art, vol. iii, 1869, pp. 60-74. Exeter.

On a Species of Arenaceous Foraminifer (?) from the Carboni- ferous Limestone of Devonshire. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, pp. 158-161, pi. xi. London.

On a new Species of Cellepora.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, pp. 98, 99, pi. iii B. London.

On the Structure of Haliphysema Tumanowiczii. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, pp. 88-90 [Letter]. London.

PARKER, WILLIAM KITCHEN.— On the Miliolitidas (Agathistegues, D'Orbigny) of the East Indian Seas. Part i. Miliola.— Trans. Microsc. Soc. Lond., n.s., vol. vi, 1858, pp. 53-59, pi. v and figures.




PARKER, W. K., and T. R. JONES.— Description of some Fora- c minifera from the Coast of Norway. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., „. ser. 2, vol. xix, 1857, pp. 273-303, pis. x and xi. London.

Foraminifera of the Blue Clay of Tejares, Malaga In

D. T. Ansted's, Geology of Malaga. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv, 1859, pp. 600, 601. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. I. On the

Species enumerated by Linnaeus and Gmelin. Annals Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. iii, 1859, pp. 474-482. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. II. On

the Species enumerated by Walker and Montagu. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. iv, 1859, pp. 333-351. London.

Note on the Foraminifera from the Bryozoan Lime- stone near Mount Gambier, South Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi, 1860, p. 261. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. III. The on Fichtel and Von Moll. Annals Mag. 1860, pp. 98-116, 174-183. London.

Species enumerated by Von Fichtel and Von Moll. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. v,

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. IV. The

Species enumerated by Lamarck.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. v, 1860, pp. 285-298, 466-477 ; vol. vi, 1860, pp. 29-40.


On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. V. The

Foraminifera enumerated by Denys de Montfort. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. vi, 1860, pp. 337-347. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 107

PARKER, W. K., and T. R. JONES.— On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. VI. Alveolina.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, pp. 161-168. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. VII. Oper-

culina and Nummulina. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, pp. 229-238. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. VIII.

Textularia. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xi, 1863, pp. 91-98, figures. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. IX. The

Species enumerated by De Blainville and Defrance. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xii, 1863, pp. 200-219. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. X. The

Species enumerated by D'Orbigny in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, vol. vii, 1826 (i, i*, 2). Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xii, 1863, pp. 429-441. London.

On some Foraminifera from the North-Atlantic and

Arctic Oceans, including Davis Straits and Baffin's Bay. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xiii, 1864, pp. 239-240; Phil. Trans., 1865, pp. 325-441, pis. xii-xix. London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. XV. The

Species figured by Ehrenberg. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, 1872, pp. 211-230, 280-303; vol. x, 1872, pp. 184-200, 253-271 ; App., pp. 453-457- London.

On Ovulites margaritula. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.,

ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, pp. 77-79. London.

PARKER, W. K., T. R. JONES, and H. B. BRADY.— On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. XI. The Species enumerated by Batsch in 1791. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xv, 1865, pp. 225-232. . London.

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. XII. The

Species enumerated by D'Orbigny in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, vol. vii, 1826. (3) The Species illustrated by Models. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xvi, 1865, pp. 15-41, pis. i-iii. London.

[This paper also contains some notes on Reuss's Models.]

On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. XIV. The

Species enumerated by D'Orbigny in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, vol. vii, 1826. (4) The Species founded upon the Figures in Soldani's Testaceographia ac Zoophytographia. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. viii, 1871, pp. 145-179, 238-266, pis. viii-xii. London.

On Priority in the Discovery of the Canal-system in

Foraminifera.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 64-67, 305-307. London.

io8 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

PARKINSON, JAMES.— The Organic Remains of a former World. 3 vols. 410. London, 1804-1811. Plates.

Outlines of Oryctology. An introduction to the study of

Fossil Organic Remains. 8vo. London, 1822. 346 pp., plates.

PARRY, JOHN.— On Collecting Foraminifera on the West Coast of Ireland. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. v, 1866, p. 42.


PATRICK, G. E. Protozoan Remains [Foraminifera?] in Kansas

Chalk. Trans. Kansas Acad. Set., vol. viii, 1883, pp. 26, 27. , Topeka, Kansas.

PEACH, CHARLES WILLIAM. 1800-1886. Additional List of Fossils from the Boulder-Clay of Caithness. Kept. Brit. Assoc. (Bath, 1864), 1864, Trans. Sections, pp. 61-63. London.

PEARCEY, FRED. G.— Investigations on the Movements and Food of the Herring, with additions to the Marine Fauna of the Shet- land Islands. Proc. Royal Physical Soc. Edinburgh, vol. viii,

1885, pp. 389-415, pi. xx. Edinburgh.

PENNANT, THOMAS. 1726-1798.— The British Zoology.— Ed. 4, 4 vols. 410. Warrington, 1776-1777. Another ed. in 1812.

PEREIRA, JONATHAN. 1804-1853. On Prepared Chalk and Precipi- tated Carbonate of Lime. Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. viii, 1849, pp. 412-419, figures. [Note only.] London.

PEREYASLAVTSEVA, S. Protozoa Tchernago morya [of the Black Sea]. Zapiski novoross. Obschestva Estest., vol. x, pt. 2,

1886, pp. 79-114, 3 plates (List). Odessa.

PERRY, GEORGE.— Conchology, or the Natural History of Shells.— Fol. London, 1 8 1 1 . Plates.

PERRY, JOHN B.— Eozoon Canadense. [Letter.]— Nature (May 11, 1871), vol. iv, p. 28. London.

PETERS, KARL F. Ueber Foraminiferen im' Dachsteinkalk.— Sitzungsber. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst., vol. xiii, 1863, pp. 293-298.


PHILIPPI, RUDOLPH AMAND.— Enumeratio Molluscorum Sicilian, cum viventium turn in tellure tertiaria fossilium, quas in itinere suo observavit. 2 vols. 4to. ; vol. i, Berolini, 1836; vol. ii, Halts Saxon., 1844. Plates. \Orbisfoliaceus, II, xxiv, 22.]

Versteinerungen in Steinsalz von Wieliczka. Neues Jahrbuch

f. Mm., &c., 1843, pp. 568, 569. Stuttgart.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tertiarversteinerungen des nord-

westlichen Deutschlands. 4to. Cassel, 1843. 85 pp., 4 pis.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 109

PHILIPPI, R. A.— Verzeichness der in der Gegend von Magdeburg aufgefundenen Tertiarversteinerungen. Paltzontographica, vol. i, 1846-1851 [1846], pp. 41-90, pi. Xa. Cassel.

Die Tertiaren und Quartaren Versteinerungen Chilis. 410.

Leipzig, 1887. 266 pp., 58 pis. [p. 239, pi. liv, fig. 10.] \Polystomella promaucana, Phil.]

PHILIPPSON, ALFRED. Ueber das Vorkommen der Foraminiferen gattung Nummoloculina, Steinmann, in der Kreideformation der Osta.\V&K.—NeuesJahrduchf. Min., 1887, II, pp. 164-169,7 figures. [A", regularis, n. sp.] Stttttgart.

PHILLIPS, JOHN. 1800-1874.— On the Remains of Microscopic Animals in the Rocks of Yorkshire. Proc. Geol. Polytech. Soc. W. R. Yorkshire, vol. ii, 1845, PP- 274~285, pi. vii. Leeds.

PICTET, FRANCOIS JULES. 1809-1872.— Traite elementaire de Paleontologie. 8vo. Geneve,\o\. iv, 1846, pp. 212-244, pi- xn-

Traite de Paleontologie. —Ed. 2, 8vo. Paris. Vol. iv, 1857,

pp. 482-526, pi. cix.

PICTET, F. J., and EUGENE RENEVIER.— Description des fossiles du terrain Aptien de la Perte du Rhone, et des environs de Ste.-Croix. Materiaux Pal. Suisse, ser. i, 1858, 184 pp. pis. i-xxiii. [Pp. 166, 167, pi. xxiii.] Geneve.

PILLA, LEOPOLD. 1805-1848. Distinzione del terreno Etrurio tra'piani secondari del mezzogiorno di Europa. 4to. Pisa, 1846. 107 pp., 3 pis.

Descrizione dei caratteri del terreno Etrurio. // Cimento,

giorniale difisica, &c., Anno iv, 1846, pp. 189-217, pi. i. Pisa.

Trattato di Geologia. In 2 parts, 8vo. Pisa, 1847-1851.

PLANCUS, JANUS [GIOVANNI BIANCHI]. 1693-1775.— Epist. de Conchis, &c., Joanni Philippe Breynio S. D. Mem. sopra Fisica Istoria Nat., vol. i, 1743, pp. 195-204. Lucca.

Jani Planci Ariminensis de Conchis minus notis Liber, cui

accessit specimen Aestus reciproci Maris Superi ad littus portumque Arimini. 410. Venetiis, 1739. Plates.

Jani Planci Ariminensis de Conchis minus notis Liber. Editio

altera duplici Appendici aucta.— 4to. Romcs, 1760. Plates. [A few additional figures.]


PORRO, CARLO.— Intorno alia Nota del dott. Scortegagna sulle Nummuliti.— Atti Quarta Riunione Set. ItaL, Padova, 1842, pp. 235, 236. Padova.

[This was reprinted in Ann. Set. Reg. Lomb.-Ven., 1843, v. infra.]

1 10 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

PORRO, C. Obbiezioni del Sig, Co. Porro intorno alia nota del Dott Scortegagna sulle nummoliti seguita dalla seconda appendice dello Scortegagna. (Seconda appendice del Dott. F. O. Scorte- gagna Relativa alle obbiezioni del Sig. Conte Porro.) Annali Set. Regno Lomb.-Ven., 1842, Bimestre V.

[I am indebted to Dr. Fornasini, of Bologna, for a sight of this rare paper. His separate copy consists of 5 pp. text and a wrapper bearing title, and carries on the back " Vicenza, 1843. Dalla tipografia Tremeschini."]

POTIEZ, VALERY Louis VICTOR, and ANDRE Louis GASPARD MICHAUD. Galerie des Mollusques, ou Catalogue methodique, descriptif et raisonne des Mollusques et Coquilles du Museum de Douai. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. Vol. i, 1838; vol. ii, 1844; plates. [Vol. i, pp. 23-42, pis. viii, ix, x.]

POURTALES, LOUIS F. DE. 1822-1880.— On the Distribution of the Foraminiferae on the Coast of New Jersey, as shown by the Off-shore Soundings of the Coast Survey. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Charleston, 1850), 1850, pp. 84-88. Charleston.

On the order of Succession of Parts in Foraminifera. Proc.

Amer. Assoc. (Charleston, 1850), 1850, p. 89. Charleston.

" Letters upon the Examination of Specimens of Bottom

obtained in the Exploration of the Gulf Stream by Lieuts. Craven and Maffitt." Rept. U.S. Coast Survey for 1853. 4to. Washing- ton, 1854. Pp. 82* 83*

Notes on the Specimens of the Bottom of the Ocean brought

up in recent Explorations of the Gulf Stream, in connexion with the Coast Survey. Proc. Amer. Assoc. (Cleveland, 1853), 1856, pp. 181-184. Cambridge.

On the Genera Orbulina and Globigerina of D'Orbigny.

Amer.Journ. Science, vol. xxvi, 1858, p. 96. New Haven.

Contributions to the Fauna of the Gulf Stream at Great

Depths. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. i, No. 6, 1867, pp. 103-120. Cambridge, Mass.

Der Boden des Golfstromes und der Atlantischen Kuste Nord

Amerikas. Peter manris geogr. Mittheilungen, vol. xvi, 1870, pp. 39S-398- Gotha.

[See also Geol. Mag., 1871, pp. 425-427.]

The Gulf Stream. Characteristics of the Atlantic Sea-bottom

off the Coast of the United States. Report Superintendent U.S. Coast Survey, for 1869 (1872), pp. 220-225. Washington.

PRESTWICH, JOSEPH.— On the Thickness of the London Clay ; on the Relative Position of the Fossiliferous Beds of Sheppey, High- gate, Harwich, Newnham, Bognor, &c ; and on the Probable Occurrence of the Bagshot Sand in the Isle of Sheppey. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x, 1854, pp. 401-419. [Lists.] London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 1 1

PRESTWICH J.— On the Distinctive Physical and Pateontological Features of the London Clay and the Bracklesham Sands ; and on the Independence of these two groups of Strata. Quart. Journ. Geol. Sec., vol. x, 1854, pp. 435-454. [Lists.] London.

PREVOST, CONSTANT. Note sur le terrain nummulitique de la Scile [Sicile], et considerations generates a ce sujet. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1845, pp. 27-35, J pi- Paris.

PRICE, F. G. HILTON.— A Monograph of the Gault, &c.— 8vo. London, 1879. 81 pp. [Lists.]

PULTENEY, RICHARD. 1730-1801.— Catalogue of the Birds, Shells, and some of the most rare Plants of Dorsetshire. In Hutchin's "History of Dorset." Ed. 2, 3 vols. folio, London, plates, 1796- 1815 [vol. iii, 1813]. [Also published separately, 1799, without plates.] [A^. Crispus; N. Beccarii; S. Seminulum.~\

PUSCH, GEORG GOTTLIEB. 1790-1846.— Polens Palaontologie. 4to. Stuttgart, 1837. [Pp. 163-165, pi. xii.]

PUSYREWSKL— Eozoon Canadense im Kalkstein von Hopunwara in Finnland. Bull. Ac. Imp. Set. St.-Petersbourg, vol. x, 1866, pp. 151-153. St.-Petersbourg.

QUENSTEDT, F. A.— Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde. 8vo. Tubingen, 1852. Piates.

Der Jura. 8vo. Tubingen, 1858. 842 pp., and vol. of plates.

\Bullopora rostrataJ]

Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde.— Ed. 2, 8vo. Tubingen, 1866,


Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde.— Ed. 3, 8vo. Tubingen (Abth.

v, 1885), and atlas of pis.

RAMSAY, ANDREW CROMBIE. On the Eozoon and Laurentian Rocks of Canada. Notices of the Proc. Roy. Institution, vol. iv (1862-1866), 1866, pp. 374-377. London.

RANG, PAUL SANDER (or ALEXANDER). 1784-1859. Manuel de 1'histoire naturelle des Mollusques et de leurs Coquilles. I2mo. Paris, 1829. [Pp. 97-111.]

RAULIN, VICTOR. Foraminiferes et Infusoires— In Description physique de 1'Ile de Crete. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxiv, 1861 [wrapper dated 1870 !], pp. 644-650 [List]. Bordeaux.

RAZOUMOVSKY, COMTE GREGOIRE DE. Observations mine'r- alogiques sur les environs de Vienne.— 4to. Vienne, 1822. 58 pp., 6 pis.

[Very rare ; the only copy I have seen wants the plates ; Nautilus cfr. calcar.\

112 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

READE, JOSEPH BANCROFT. 1800-1870.— On the Animals of the Chalk still found in the living state in the Stomachs of Oysters. Trans. Microsc. Soc. London, vol. ii, 1849, PP- 20-24. London. \Rotalia as Food for Shrimps, p. 22.]

READE, T. MELLARD.— Eozoon Canadense [Letters].— Nature (Dec. 22, 1870), vol. iii, p. 146 ; (Feb. 2, 1871), vol. iii, p. 267 ; (Mar. 9, 1871), vol. iii, pp. 367, 368. London.

REEVE, LOVELL. 1814-1865.— Conchologia systematica, or Com- plete System of Conchology, &c. 2 vols., 410. London, 1841-1842, plates. [Vol. ii, pp. 286-294, pi. ccxcvii.J

REICHERT, CARL BOGISLAUS. 1811-1883. Ueber die Bewegung- serscheinungen an den Scheinfussen der Polythalamien, &c. Monatsbericht h. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1862, pp. 406-426 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. x, 1862, pp. 401-414.

Berlin; London.

Die sogenannten Kornchenbewegung, &c. \y. SCHULTZE,

1863.]— Wiegmanris Archiv fur Naturg., vol. xxx, 1864, pp. 191- 194. Berlin.

Die contractile Substanz Sarcode, Protoplasma und deren

Bewegungserscheinungen bei Polythalamien und einigen anderen niederen Thieren. Monatsbericht k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin,\%k^ (1866), pp. 491-506; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xvii, 1866, pp. 351-359. Berlin; London.

Bemerkung zur M. Schultze's Journ.-Artikel : Reichert und

die Gromien. Archiv fur Anatomie, 1866, pp. 286, 287. Leipzig.

REID, CLEMENT.— The Geology of Holderness.— Mem. Geol. Survey England and Wales, 8vo. London, 1885 [p. 70].

See H. B. BRADY.

REINSCH, PAUL FRIEDRICH.— Notiz iiber die mikroskopische Fauna der mittleren und unteren frankischen Liasschichten. Neues Jahrbuchfur Min., &c., 1877, pp. 176-178. Stuttgart.

RENEVIER, EUGENE. Notices geologiques et pateontelogiques sur les Alpes Vaudois, Pt. \\.-Bull. Soc. Vaud. Set. Nat., vol. viii, 1864, pp. 273-290 ; pt. iii, vol. ix, 1866, pp. 105-138, maps and pis. [Lists]. Lausanne.

REUSS,AUGUSTE EMANUEL[afterwards VON REUSS]. 181 1-1873.— Geognostische Skizzen aus Bohmen. Band II, part i, Die Kreide- gebilde des westlichen Bdhmens. 8vo. Prag, 1844. 203 pp., 3 pis. (geol. sect).

In H. B. GEINITZ'S Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde.

5vo. Dresden and Leipzig, 1845-46. [Pp. 635-686, pi. xxiv.]

Die Versteinerungen der bohmischen Kreideformation. 4to.

Stuttgart, 1845-1846. Plates.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 1 3

REUSS, A. E. Mittheilungen an Professor Bronn gerichtet. Neues Jahrbuchf. Min., &><:., 1849, p. 839, pi. x. Stuttgart.

[A note on some Frondicularice from Count Miinster's collection.]

Neue Foraminiferen aus den Schichten des dsterreichischen

Tertiarbeckens. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. i, 1850, pp. 365-390, pis. xlvi-li. Wien.

Ueber die fossilen Foraminiferen und Entomostraceen der

Septarienthone der Umgegend von Berlin. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch.,vo\. iii, 1851, pp. 49-92, pis. iii-vii. Berlin.

Ein Beitrag zur Palaontologie der Tertiarschichten Ober-

schlesiens.— Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. iii, 1851, pp. 149-184, pis. viii, ix. Berlin.

Die Foraminiferen und Entomostraceen des Kreidemergels von Lemberg. Haidinger's Naturw. Abhandl., vol. iv, 1851, pp. 17-52, pis. ii-vi [referred to as pis. i-v]. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen aus dem Septarienthon des Forts Leopold bei Stettin. [Letter to Beyrich.] Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. iv, 1852, pp. 16-19, figures. Berlin.

- Ueber einige Foraminiferen, Bryozoen, und Entomostraceen des Mainzer Beckens. Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., Qr°c., 1853, pp. 670-679, pi. ix. Stuttgart.

- Beitrage zur geognostischen Kenntniss Mahrens. -Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., voL v, 1854, pp. 659-765. Wien.

- Beitrage zur Charakteristik der Kreideschichten in den Ostalpen, besonders im Gosauthale und am Wolfgangsee. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. vii, Abth. i, 1854, pp. 1-156, pis. i-xxxi. Wien.

- Ueber Entomostraceen und Foraminiferen im Zechstein der

Wetterauer Gesellsch., 1851-1853 (1854),

pp. 59-77, pi. Hanau.

- Ein Beitrag zur genaueren Kenntniss der Kreidegebilde Meklenburgs. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol'. Gesellsch., vol. vii, 1855, pp. 261-292, pis. viii-xi. Berlin.

- Beitrage zur Charakteristik der Tertiarschichten des nord- lichen und mittleren Deutschlands. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xviii, 1855, pp. 197-27!, pis. i-xii. Wien. 3/

- Ueber die Foraminiferen von Pietzpuhl. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. x, 1858, pp. 433-438. Berlin.

- Ueber die Verschiedenheit der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Foraminiferenschalen. Sitz. k. bohm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1859, pp. 78-84. Prag.


1 14 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

REUSS, A. E. Ueber Lingulinopsis, eine neue Foraminiferen- gattung. Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. i86o(Jan.-Juni), pp. 23, 24. Prag.

Ueber die Foraminiferen aus der Familie der Peneropliden.

Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1860 (Jan.-Juni), pp. 68- 73- Prag.

Ueber die Frondicularideen, eine Familie der polymeren

Foraminiferen. Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1860 (Jan.-Juni), pp. 77-82. Prag.

Ueber Ataxophragmium, eine neue Foraminiferengattung.

Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1860 (Juli-Dec.), pp. 52- 54. Prag.

[Mittheilung iiber seine] " Monographic der Foraminiferen "

der westphalischen Kreide, &c., und " Schaalen Struktur der Foraminiferen." Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., <&~T., 1860, pp. 65, 66. Stuttgart.

Die marinen Tertiarschichten Bohmens und ihre Versteine-

rungen. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xxxix, 1860, pp. 207-284, pis. i-viii [pi. Hi]. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen der westphalischen Kreideformation.

Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xl, 1860, pp. 147-238, pis. i-xiii. Wien.

Beitrage zur tertiaren Foraminiferen-Fauna. i. Die Fora- miniferen des Crag's von Antwerpen (pp. 355-364). 2. Die Fora- miniferen von Dingden in Westphalen (pp. 364-370). Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlii, 1860, pis. i and ii. [v. 1864.] Wien.

Neuere Untersuchungen. i. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der

Foraminiferen. 2. Ueber eine neue Gattung Haplostiche. Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1861, pt. i, pp. 12-16. Prag.

Kurze Notiz iiber eine neue Foraminiferengattung Schizo-

phora. Sitz. k. bbhm. Gesellsch. Wiss., Jahrg. 1861, pt. 2, pp. 12, 13. Prag.

Palaontologische Beitrage. 2. Die Foraminiferen des Kreide-

tuffes von Mastricht (pp. 304-324). 3. Die Foraminiferen der Schreibkreide von Riigen (pp. 324-333). 4. Die Foraminiferen des senonischen Griinsandes von New-Jersey (334-340). Sitz- ungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xliv, 1861, pis. i-viii. Wien.

Entwurf einer systematischen Zusammenstellung der Fora- miniferen.— Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xliv, 1861, pp. 355-396 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, p. 190.

Wienj London.

Ueber die fossile Gattung Acicularia.— Sitzungsber. k. Ak.

Wiss. Wien, vol. xliii, 1861, pp. 7-10, pi. i. Wien.

- Die Foraminiferen des norddeutschen Hils und Gault. Sitz- ungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlvi, Abth. i, 1862 (1863), pp. 5- loo, pis. i-xiii. Wien.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 1 5

REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen-Familie der Lagenideen. Sitz- ungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlvi, Abth. i, 1862 (1863), pp. 303-342, pis. i-vii. Wien.

Les Foraminiferes du Crag d'Anvers. Bull. Acad. Roy. Beige,

oy. Br

se*r. 2, vol. xv, 1863, pp. 137-162, pis. i-iii. Bruxelles.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der tertiaren Foraminiferenfauna. 3. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Offenbach (pp. 36-61). 4. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Kreuznach (pp. 61-69). Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlviii, Abth. r, 1863 (1864), pis. i-viii. \v. 1860.] Wien.

Zur Fauna des deutschen Ober-Oligocans, i Abth. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. 1, Abth. I, 1864 (1865), pp. 435-482, pis. i-v. Wien.

Die fossilen Foraminiferen, Anthozoen und Bryozoen von Oberburg in Steiermark. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xxiii, 1864, pp. 1-38, pis. i-x [pp. 1-12, pi. i]. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen, Anthozoen und Bryozoen des deutschen Septarienthones. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xxv, 1865, pp. 1 17-204, pis. i-xi [pp. 1 17-165, pis. i-iv] ; abstract in Sitzungs- ber., vol. lii, 1865 (1866), pp. 283-286. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden der Kreide am Kanara-See bei Kiistendsche. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. lii, Abth. i, 1865 (1866), pp. 445-470, pi. i. Wien.

Die fossile Fauna der Steinsalzablagerungen von Wieliczka.

Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Iv, Abth. I, 1867, pp. 17-182, pis. i-viii [pp. 62-107, pis. i-v]. Wien.

Foraminiferen und Ostracoden aus den Schichten von St.- Cassian.—Sit*ungsfor. k.Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ivii, Abth. i, 1868, pp. 101-108, pi. i. Wien.

Zur fossilen Fauna der Oligocanschichten von Gaas. Sitz- ungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. lix, Abth. I, 1869, pp. 446-486, pis. i-vi. Wien.

Die Foraminiferen des Septarien-Thones von Pietzpuhl. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixii, Abth. I, 1870, pp. 455- 493. Wien.

Notiz iiber zwei neue Foraminiferen-Gattungen. [Polyphragma and Thalamopora.] Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixiv, Abth. i, 1871, pp. 279-281. Wien.

Die Bryozoen und Foraminiferen des unteren Planers. In GEINITZ'S— Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. Th. i. Der untere Quader. Polceonto'graphica, vol. xx, pt. I, 1871-1875 (1872), pp. 97-142, pis. xxiv-xxxiii. Cassel.

1 1 6 Bibliography of 'the Foraminifera,

REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen, Bryozoen und Ostracoden des Planers. In GEINITZ'S Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. Theil ii, Der mittlere und obere Quader. Palceontographica, vol. xx, pt. 2, 1872-1875 (1874), pp. 73-157, pis. xx-xxviii. CasseL

REUSS, A. E., and ANTON FRITSCH.— Verzeichness von 100 Gyps- modellen von Foraminiferen welche unter der Leitung der Prof. A. Reuss und Dr. Anton Fritsch gearbeitet wurden. 8vo. Prag, 1861. 4 pp. [The models were issued later, in 1865.]

RIBERA, DE LA.— El Eozoon Canadense.— An. Soc. espaii. Hist. Nat., vol. v, 1876, pp. 27-43, pis- "i> iy> v- Madrid.

RICC A, MASSIMILIANO. Discorso sopra le Opere del P. D. Ambrogio Soldani. 8vo. Siena, 1810. 39 pp. [Contains an engraved portrait of Soldani.]

R1CHTER, REINHARD. 1813-1885.— Aus dem thiiringischen Zech- stein. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. vii, 1855, pp. 526-533, pi. xxvi. Berlin.

RICHTHOFEN, FERDINAND VON.— Ueber das Vorkommen von Nummulitenformation auf Japan und den Philippines— Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. xiv, 1862, pp. 357-360. Berlin.

On the Existence of the Nummulitic Formation in China.

Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 3, vol. i, 1871, pp. 110-113. [Letter to J. D. Whitney, dated Su-Chan, China, Dec. i2th, 1868.]

New Haven.


RISSO [J ], A. 1777-1845. Histoire naturelle des principals productions de PEurope meridionale et principalement de celles des environs de Nice et des alpes maritimes. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris and Strassburg, 1826. [Vol. iv, pp. 15-27.]


ROBERTSON, DAVID. Foraminifera, in Report of the Committee appointed to explore the Marine Fauna and Flora of the South Coast of Devon and Cornwall. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Exeter, 1869), 1869, p. 91. London.

In G. S. BRADY, and ROBERTSON'S.— Report on Dredging

off the Coast of Durham and North Yorkshire in 1874. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Bristol, 1875), 1876, pp. 185-199. London.

Foraminifera, in Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the West

of Scotland. A Contribution towards a Complete List of the Fauna and Flora of Clydesdale and the West of Scotland. 8vo. Glasgow, 1876. Pp. 51-53.

Notes on the Recent Foraminifera and Ostracoda of the Firth

of Clyde, with some Remarks on the Distribution of the Mollusca. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1875 (read 1874), pp. 112-153, 2 tables. Glasgow.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 117

ROBERTSON, D.— Notes on a Raised Beach at Cumbrae.— Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, pt. 2, 1877, PP- 192-200. Glasgow.

Note on a Post-tertiary Deposit of Shell-bearing Clay on the

west side of the Railway Tunnel at Arkleston, near Paisley. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, pt. 2, 1877, pp. 281-287. [List.]


Garnock Water Post-Tertiary Deposit. Trans. Geol. Soc.

Glasgow, vol. v, pt. 2, 1877, pp. 292-296. [List.] Glasgow.

- Notes on the Post-tertiary Deposit of Misk Pit, near Kil- winning. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, pt. 2, 1877, pp. 297-3°9- Glasgow.

Upon the Discovery of Marine Forms at a higher level than

previously known in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1877, p. 333. Glasgow.

\Polystomella striato-punctata, 102 ft. above Ordnance Datum.]

On a Series of Foraminifera and Ostracoda from a Post- tertiary Deposit in Lewis. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vi, 1882, pp. 248-250. Glasgow.

On the Post-tertiary Beds of Garvel Park, Greenock. Trans.

Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii, 1883, pp. 1-37, pi. i. [List.]


Remarks on a few Hauls with the Dredge, in Portree Bay,

Skye. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1880-1883 (1884), pp. 11-13. Glasgow.

Note on Astrorhiza limicola, and on Amphidotus cordatus.

Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1880-1883 (l884), PP- *?> 18.


[Exhibitions with Notes to the Society of Foraminifera new to

British Fauna.]— Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v, 1880-1883 (1884), pp. 107, 163, 268, and 274. Glasgow.

Report on the Sands and Gravels and Boulder Clays on the

top Silt, at the Dock F of the Atlantic Docks, Liverpool. (Appendix to T. MELLARD READE'S— The Drift Beds of the North-west of England and North Wales.) Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, pp. 129-132. London.

In J. G. JEFFREYS' Mediterranean Mollusca, and other

Invertebrata. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xi, 1883, p. 401.


. In THOMAS D. WALLACE'S— Shells in Glacial Clay at Fort- George, Inverness-shire. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc., vol. iv, 1883 [read i88ij, pp. 143, 144. Edinburgh. [List of 4 spp. on p. 144.]


1 1 8 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

ROBERTSON, EDWARD H. Foraminifera in Chalk. Science Gossip, 1867, pp. 36, 37. London.

ROBOZ, ZOLTAN VON. Calcituba polymorpha, nov. gen., nov. spec. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. Ixxxviii, Abth. i, 1883 (1884), pp. 420-432, I pi.; Anzeiger, vol. xiv, pp. 117, 118. Wien.

ROEMER, FERDINAND.— Die Kreide-Bildungen von Texas.— 410. Washington, 1852. Plates. [P. 86, pi. x, f. 7.]

Geologie von Oberschlesien. 8vo. Breslau, 1870. 587 pp.,

atlas of plates (pi. 41).

Lethaea Geognostica, &c. Th. i. Lethtea Palasozoica. 8vo.

Stuttgart, 1880. [Pp. 259-285], atlas of plates, 1876 [pis. xxxix and Ixii].

Ueber eine Kohlenkalk-Fauna der West-Kiiste von Sumatra.

Palczontographica, vol. xxvii, 1881, pp. i-n, 3 pis. Cassel.

ROEMER, FRIEDRICH ADOLPH. 1809-1869.— Die Versteinerungen des norddeutschen Oolithen-gebirges. 4to. Hannover, 1836. 218 pp., 16 pis.

Die Cephalopoden des norddeutschen tertiaren Meeressandes.

Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., &c., 1838, pp. 381-394, pi. iii.


Die Versteinerungen des norddeutschen Oolithen - gebirges.

Ein Nachtrag. 410. Hannover, 1839. 59 pp., pis. xvii-xx, and map. [See 1836.]

Vergleichung dieser Bestimmungen \y. J. von Hauers letter

same date] mit seinen eigenen. Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., &c., 1 839, pp. 430, 43 1 . Stuttgart.

[Fcraminifera of the Vienna Basin.]

Die Versteinerungen des norddeutschen Kreidegebirges.

4to. Hannover, 1840-1841. 145 pp., 16 pis.

Neue Kreide-Foraminiferen. Neues Jahrbuch f.~ Min., &c.,

1842, pp. 272, 273, pi. viiB. Stuttgart.

ROGERS, A. Discovery of Nummulitic Limestone in situ at Turkeysur. Journ. Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Soc., vol. vi, 1861 (1862), pp. 164-167. Bombay.

ROLLE, FRIEDRICH. Ueber einige neue Vorkommen von Forami- niferen, Bryozoen, und Ostrakoden in den tertiaren Ablagerungen Steiermarks.— Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. vi, 1855, pp. 351-354- Wien.

Rhizopoden, in A. KENNGOTT'S Handworterbuch der

Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. 8vo. Breslau [vol. iii], 1887. Pp. 164-179.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 19

ROUAULT, ALEXANDRA— Description desfossiles du terrain eocene des environs de Pau. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iii, 1848, pp. 457-502- Paris.

ROUILLIER, CHARLES, and AL. VOSINSKY.— Etudes progres- sives sur la Geologic de Moscou. Quatrieme Etude. Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. xxii, 1849, PP- 337-399) pi- K. Moscou.

ROUSSEAU, Louis FRANCOIS EMMANUEL. Voyage dans la Russia Meridionale et de la Crimee, etc., sous la direction d'Anatole de Demidoff. Description des principales fossiles de la Crimee. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Vol. ii, p. 781, atlas, pi. ii.


RSCHEWSKY, . Bemerkungen iiber die versteinerten Roggen- Korner im Gouv. Rjasan. Russ. Berg. Journal, vol. iii, 1826, pp. 202, 203. [Not seen.] ?

RUT I MEYER, LUDWIG. Recherches gdologiques et paleontolo- giques sur les terrains nummulitiques des Alpes Bernoises. Verhandl. Schweiz. naturf. Gcsellsch., Solotfmrn, 1848, pp. 27-29; printed in extenso in Arch. Set. phys. nat., vol. ix, 1848, pp. 177-192.

Solothurn; Geneve.

Ueber das schweitzerische Nummulitenterrain, mit besonderer

Beriicksichtigung des Gebirges zwischen dem Thunersee und der Emme. Neue Denkschr. allgem. Schweiz. Gesellsch. gesammt. Nat. (Nou-v. Mem. Soc. helvet. Sci. Nat.), vol. xi, 1850, Me"in. ii, pp. i- 1 20, map, j pis. Zurich.

RYDER, JOHN A. The Protozoa and Protophytes considered as the Primary or Indirect Source of the Food of Fishes. Bull. U.S. Fish. Commission, vol. i, 1882, pp. 236-251. Washington.

The Protozoa and Protophytes considered as the Primary or

Indirect Source of the Food of Fishes. U.S. Comm. Fish and Fisheries, pt. ix, Report for 1881, 8vo. Washington, 1884. Pp. 755-77°- [" Second edition, revised." Notes.]

On the Resemblance of the Primitive Foraminifera, and of

Ovarian Ova.— /Vw. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, pt. I, p. 73. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. ii, 1888, p. 199.

Philadelphia; London.

RZEHAK, A. Orbitoidenschichten in Mahren. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1882, pp. 202, 203. Wien.

Ueber das Vorkommen der Foraminiferengattungen Ramulina

und Cyclammina in den alteren Tertiar-Schichten Oesterreichs. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1885, pp. 186-188. Wien.

Bemerkungen iiber einige Foraminiferen der Oli^ocan

Formation. Verh. Nat. Ver. Briinn, vol. xxiii, 1885, pp. 123-129.


Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferengattung Epistomina

Terquem im Eocan Nieder-Oesterreichs. Verh. k. k. geol. Reich- sanst., 1885, p. 332. Wien.

[Ueber Foraminiferen.] Verh. Nat. Ver. Briinn, vol. xxiv,

1886, Sitzungsber., p. 8. [Pseudotextularia, &c.] Briinn.

1 20 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

RZEHAK, A.— [Cyclammina spec, bei Nikoltschitz.]— Verh. Nat. Ver. Briinn, vol. xxiv, 1886, Sitzungsber., p. 13. Briinn.

Die Foraminiferenfauna der Neogenformation der Umgebung

von Mahr-Ostrau.— Verh. Nat. Ver. Briinn, vol. xxiv, Heft i, 1885 (1886), pp. 77-123, I pi. Briinn.

Die Foraminiferenfauna des griinen Oligocanthones von

Nikoltschitz in Mahren. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1887, pp. 87-89. Wien.

Die Foraminiferenfauna des blauen Oligocanthones von

Nikoltschitz in Mahren. Verh. k. k. geol. Retchsanst., 1887, pp. 1 33~! 3 5- Wien.

Ein neues Vorkommen von Orbitoidenschichten in Mahren.

Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1888, pp. 104, 105. [List.] Wien.

Ueber eine bartonisch-ligurische Foraminiferenfauna vom

Nordrande des Marsgebirges in Mahren. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1888, pp. 190-192. Wien.


SAGE, BALTHAZAR GEORGES. 1740-1824.— Observations propres a faire connaitre dans quelle classe on doit ranger les Numismales. —Journ. de Physique, vol. Ix, 1805, pp. 222-225. Paris.

SALTER, JOHN WILLIAM. 1820-1869.— In E. BELCHER'S— Last of the Arctic Voyages, vol. ii, Palaeontology, p. 380, pi. xxxvi. 8vo. London, 1855. \Fusulina hyperboreal\

SANDAHL, O. Tva nya former af Rhizopoder. Of-versigt of. k. Vetensk.-Akad, Forhandlingar, vol. xiv, 1857, pp. 299-303, pi. iii.


SANDBERGER, FRIDOLIN. Die Stellung der Raibler Schichten, Entgegnung, Foraminiferen in denselben. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1868, pp. 190-192 and 219. Wien.

Untersuchungen iiber das Mainzer Tertiarbecken, &c. 8vo.

Wiesbaden, 1853. 91 pp. [Lists.]

SAN FORD, W. A. Eozoon Canadense in Connemara Marble from the Binnabola Mountains. Geol. Mag., vol. ii, 1865, "pp. 87, 88 ; The Reader, Feb. 25, 1865. London; London.

SARRAN D'ALLARD, L. DE.— Recherches sur les Depots fluvio- lacustres anterieurs et posterieurs aux assises marines de la Craie supe'rieure du departement du Card. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, seV. 3, vol. xii, 1884, pp. 553-629 [lists]. Paris.

\Polytrema marticensis\e\I\

SARS, GEORG OSSIAN. Unders^gelser over Hardangerfjordens Fauna. Forh. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiania, 1871 (1872), pp. 246- 255. Christiania.

Indberetninger til Departementet for det Indre om de af ham

i Aarene 1864-1878, anstilledeUnders^gelserangaaendeSaltvands- fiskerierne. 8vo. Christiania, 1879. 221 PP- [Notes.]

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 2 1

SARS, MICHAEL. 1805-1869. Om de i Norge forekommende fossile Dyrelevninger fra Quartaerperioden, et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historic. (Universitetsprogram, fyrste halvaar, 1864.)— 410. Chris- tiania, 1865. 134 pp., 3 pis. [Lists only.]

Forel^big Oversigt af de af ham ved Norges Kyster iagttagne

Foraminiferer. Fork. Vidensk.- Selsk. Christiania, Aar 1864 (1865), p. 34. [Note only.] Christiania.

Fortsatte Bemasrkninger over det dyriske Livs Udbredning i

Havets Dybder.— Fork. Vidensk. -Selsk. Christiania, Aar 1868 (1869), pp. 246-275 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii, 1869, pp. 423-444. Christiania; London.

SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICT DE. 1740-1799. Voyage dans les Alpes ; precede d'un Essai sur 1'Histoire naturelle des Environs de Geneve. Ed. 2, 410. Neuchdtel, 1779-1796. [Pis. i and iii.]

SAUVAGE, H. EMILE. Memoire sur la faune ichthyologique de la periode tertiaire, et plus spe"cialement sur les poissons fossiles d'Oran (Algerie), et sur ceux decouverts par M. R. Alby a Licata en Sicile. Ann. Set. Geol., vol. iv, 1873, PP- 272 (i-73)> plates of fishes. Paris.

[Few notes on Foraminifera, pp. 1-73.]

SAVI, PAOLO, and GIUSEPPE MENEGHINI.— Considerazioni sulla geologia della Toscana, &c. 8vo. Firenze, 1851. 245 pp. [pp. 133, 206].

SCACCHI, ARCANGELO. Rapporto su di una memoria di O. G. Costa : Genere Frondicularia, d'Orb. Rend. Accad. Napoli, n.s., 1856-1857, pp. xcv, xcvi. Napoli.

SCHACKO, GUSTAV. Neue Vorkommen vollkommen ausgebildeter Embryonen bei einem Rhizopode, Peneroplis proteus, d'Orb. Sitz. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin, Jahrg. 1882, pp. 130-132. Berlin.

Untersuchungen an Foraminiferen. I. Globigerinen-Einsch-

luss bei Orbulina. II. Embryonen in Peneroplis proteus. III. Perforation bei Peneroplis. Wiegmanris Archiv fiir Natur- gesch., Jahrg. xlix, 1883, pp. 428-454, pis. xii, xiii. Berlin.

SCHAFHAUTL, KARL EMIL. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Nummuliten vorziiglich des Bairischen ostlichen Vorgebirges. Neues Jahrbuchf. Mm., &^c., 184.6, pp. 406-420, 641-695, pi. viii.


Geognostische Untersuchungen der Bayerischen Lande.

Erster Beitrag. Geognostische Untersuchungen des sudbayer- ischen Alpengebirges. 8vo. Munchen, 1851. 206 pp., map, 44 Pis.

[Oolitic granules figured, some are probably Foraminifera.]

Siid-Bayerns Lethaea Geognostica. Der Kressenberg, und die

siidlichen Hochalpen mit ihren Petrefacten. Fol. Leipzig, 1863. 487 pp., atlas of loo pis.

122 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

SCHARDT, HANS. Etudes geologiques sur le Pays-d'Enhaut, Vaudois.— Bull. Soc. Vaud. Set. Nat., vol. xx, 1885, pp. 1-183.


[Kaufmann's species in Heer's " Urwelt," 1865, quoted at pp. 71- 77-]

SCHAUROTH, KARL F. VON.— Uebersicht der geologischen Verhalt- nisse der Gegend von Recoaro im Vicentinischen. Sitzungsb. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xvii, 1855, pp. 481-562, pis. i-iii, map.


SCHEUCHZER, JOHANN JACOB. 1672-1733. Dissertatio Epistolica Acarnanis De Dendritis aliisque Lapidibus, qui in superficie sua plantarum, foliorum, florum figuras exprimunt. Miscell. Cur. Acad. Caes. Leop.-CaroL, Decur. iii, Ann. v and vi, 1697-1698, Appendix, 1700, pp. 57-80, pis. Norimberga.

[Phyllites, Salicites.]

Specimen Lithographiae Helvetian curiosae. 8vo. Tiguri,

1702. [Lentes lapideae, p. 30.]

Helvetiae historia naturalis, oder Natur-Historie des Schweit-

zerlandes, &c. 3 vols., 410. Zurich, 1716, 1717, 1718, plates. (Vol. iii, p. 326, figs. 75 (?) and 158.) [2nd ed., 410. Zurich, 1752.]

OTPE2I*OITH2 Helvetidus, sive itinera per Helvetiae alpinas

regiones facta annis MDCCll .... MDCCXI. 4 vols., 410. Lugduni Batavorum, 1723, plates.


Sciagraphia littologica curiosa, seu lapidum figuratorum

nomenclator olim a celebri J. J. Scheuchzero .... auctus et illustratus a J. T. Klein. 4to. Gedani, 1740. [Nummismatis, p. 59.]

SCHLICHT, E. VON. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl. 4to. Berlin, 1870. 38 pis.

[Only Genera given. See REUSS'S paper on this book in Sitz- ungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Ixii, 1870, p. 455.]

SCHLOTHEIM, ERNEST FRIEDRICH VON. 1765-1832.— Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen in geognostischer Hinsicht. Leonhard's Taschenbuch, vol. vii, 1813, pp. 1-134, 4 pis. [No figs, of Foraminifera.] Frankfurt.

Die Petrefactenkunde. 3 parts, 8vo. Gotha, 1820-1823, plates.

Systematisches Verzeichniss der Petrefacten-Sammlung der

verstorbenen wirklichen Geb.-Rath Freiherrn von Schlotheim. 8vo. Gotha, 1832, 80 pp. [Lists, pp. 28-32.]

SCH LUETER, CLEMENS. Ccelotrochium Decheni, eine Foraminifere aus dem Mitteldevon. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. xxxi, 1879, pp. 668-675, figure. Berlin.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 123

SCHLUMBERGER, CHARLES.— Structure intime des Foraminiferes. Comptes Rendus Assoc. Franc,. Lyon, 1873 (J874)> PP- 562, 563, figures. Paris.

Reproduction des Foraminiferes.— C. R. Assoc. Fran§. Nantes,

1875 (1876), pp. 800, 801, figures. Paris.

Notes sur les Foraminiferes. Feuille des Jeunes Nafuralistes,

Ann. xii, 1881-1882, pp. 2-6, pi. i ; 25-29 ; 37-43, pis. ii and iii ; 54-57 ; 70-73 ; 80-86. Paris.

[The first part appeared in 1881, the others in 1882.]

Remarks upon a Species of Cristellaria [rotulata ?]. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. v, 1882, p. 119. Cincinnati.

Note sur quelques Foraminiferes nouveaux, ou peu connus du

Golfe de Gascogne. Campagne du Travailleur, 1880. Feuille Jeunes Naturalistes, Ann. xiii, 1883, pp. 105-108; 117-120, pis. ii, iii, and figures. Paris.

Sur un nouveau Foraminifere [Pentellina]. C. R. Assoc. Franq,

Rochelle, 1882 (1883), pp. 330-332, figs. Paris.

Note sur le genre Cuneolina. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3,

vol. xi, 1883, pp. 272, 273. Paris.

Sur le Biloculina depressa, d'Orb., au point de vue de dimor- phisme des Foraminiferes. C. R. Assoc. Franq., Rouen, 1883 (1884), pp. 520-528, figs. 78-85. Paris.

Sur 1'Orbulina universa. Comptes Rendus, vol. xcviii, 1884, pp. 1002-1004, figs, i and 2 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xiv, 1884, pp. 69-71. Paris j London.

Note sur le genre Adelosina. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. xi,

1886, pp. 544-557, pi. xvi, and 9 figures. Paris.

Note sur le genre Planispirina. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. xii, 1887, pp. 105-118, pi. vii and 8 figures. Paris.

Note sur les Biloculina bulloides, d'Orb., et Biloculina ringens,

Lamk. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xv, 1887, pp. 119-130, pi. xv. Paris.


SCHLUMBERGER, C, and MUNIER-CHALMAS.— Note sur les Miliolidees trematophorees. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xii, 1884, pp. 629, 630. Paris.

SCHLUMBERGER, P.— Observations sur quelques nouvelles es- peces d'infusoires de la famille des Rhizopodes. Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 3, vol. iii, 1845, PP- 254-256. Paris.

SCHMELCK, LUDWIG.— On Oceanic Deposits.— Den Norsk Nord- havs Exped., 1876-1878, 410., Christiania, pt. ix, Chemistry, pt. ii, 71 pp., 2 maps. [In Norwegian and English.]

1 24 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

SCHMID, ERNST EHRHARD. 1815-1885. Ueber die kleineren organischen Formen des Zechsteinkalks von Sellers in der Wetterau. Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &*c., 1867, pp. 576-588, pi. vi. Stuttgart.

SCHMIDT, EDUARD OSCAR. 1823-1886. Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres. 410., Leipzig, Suppl. ii, 1866, 22 pp., pis. \Haliphysema. ]

SCHNEIDER, ANTON. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Protozoen. Zeitschr.fiir wissensch. Zool., vol. xxx, Suppl., 1878, pp. 446-456, pi. xxi. Leipzig.

[Development of Miliola, £c.]

SCHREIBERS, KARL.— Versuch einer vollstandigen Conchylien- kenntniss nach Linnes System. 2 vols., 8vo. Wien, 1793. [Vol. i, pp. 2-8.]

SCHROETER, JOHANN SAMUEL. 1735-1808. Vollstandige Einleit- ung in die Kenntniss und Geschichte der Steine und Versteiner- ungen. 4 vols., 410. Altenburg, 1774-1784. [Vol. iv, 1784, p. 282, pis. viii and x.]

Ueber kleine natiirliche Ammonshorner. Der Naturforscher,

vol. xvii, 1782, p. 120. Halle.

Ueber den innern Bau der See- und einiger auslandischen

Erd- und Flussschnecken. 410. Franckfttrt am Mayn, 1783. 164 pp., 5 pis.

[N. Beccarii.]

Einleitung in die Conchylien-K.enntniss nach Linne. 3 vols.,

8vo. Halle, 1783-1786. [Vol. i, p. 20, pi. i.] [N. Balthicus.]

Ueber einige Entdeckungen und Beobachtungen an Schal-

thieren aus dem linnaischen Geschlecht Nautilus, aus einigen Arten von Seesande. Neue Litteratur und Beitrage Kennt. Naturg., vol. i, p. 302, pi. i ; vol. iii, pi. iii, 1784-1787. Leipzig.

Neue Conchylien und Abanderungen Anmerkungen und

Berichtigungen nach dem Linneischen System der XII Ausgabe. Wiedemanris Archiv., vol. iii, pt. ii, 1803, pp. 60-66.

[Refers to Batsch.] Braunschweig.

SCHULTZE, MAX SIGMUND. i825-[i873].— Ueber den Organis- mus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen), nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Rhizopoden im Allgemeinen. 410. Leipzig, 1854. 68 pp., 7 pis. [Bibliography.]

Beobachtungen iiber die Fortpflanzung der Polythalamien.

Mailer's Archiv, 1856, pp. 165-173, pi. vi B ; Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., vol. v, 1856, p. 220 [Abstract]. Berlin; London. \Nonionina silicea^\

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 125

SCHULTZE, M. S.— Die Gattung Cornuspira unter den Monothala- mien, und Bemerkungen liber die Organisation und Fortpflanzung der Polythalamien. Wiegmanrfs Archiv f. Naturg., Jahrg. xxvi,

1860, vol. i, pp. 287-310 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. vii,

1 86 1, pp. 306-321. Berlin; London.

Ueber Polytrema miniaceum, eine Polythalamie. Wiegmann's

Archiv f. Naturg., Jahrg. xxix, 1863, vol. i, pp. 81-102, pi. viii ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xii, 1863, pp. 409-423, pi. vii.

Berlin; London.

Die Kornchenbewegung an den Pseudopodien der Polythala- mien.— Wiegmanris Archiv f. Naturg., Jahrg. xxix, 1863, pp. 361, 362. Berlin.

Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der Pflanzenzellen.

8vo. Leipzig, 1863. 68 pp.

Kleinere Mittheilungen. r. Reichert und die Gromien.

Archiv Mikrosk. Anatomie, vol. ii, 1866, pp. 140-160. Bonn.

Eozoon Canadense. Sitzungsber. nat. Ver. fireuss. Rhein-

lands, Jahrg. 30, 1873, pp. 164, 165 ; Noticed in Kblner Zeitung, Aug. 14th, 1873, and from thence translated for Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 324, 325. Bonn; Koln; London.

Latest Observations on Eozoon Canadense. [In a Letter to

Surg. Arthur Barker of Dublin.] -Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, pp. 379, 380. London.

SCHULZE, FRANZ EILHARD. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Nord- seefahrt, vom 21 Juli bis 9 September, 1872. I. Rhizopoden. II. Jahresb. Komm. Untersuch. deutsch. Meere in Kiel fiir die Jahre 1872, 1873. 4to. Berlin, 1875. Pp. 99-114, pi. ii.

Rhizopodenstudien. A series of papers in the Archiv fur

Mikrosk. Anatomie, vols. x-xiii, 1874-1876, of which the following deal with the Foraminifera: III. Euglypha, Quinqueloculina fusca, &c., vol. xi, 1875, pp. 94-139, pis. v-vii. VI. (i) Ueber den Kern der Foraminiferen. (2) Hypothetischer Stammbaum der Rhizopoden, vol. xiii, 1876, pp. 9-30, pis. ii, iii. Bonn.

SCH WAGER, CONRAD.— In DITTMAR'S— Die Contorta-Zone.— 8vo. Miinchen, 1864. Pp. 198-201, pi. iii.

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der mikroskopischen Fauna jurassischer

Schichten. Wiirttemberg. naturiviss. Jahreshefte, vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 82-151, pis. ii-vii. Stuttgart.

In W. WAAGEN'S Ueber die Zone des Ammonites trans-

versarius von Prof. Dr. Albert Oppel. Benecke's Geogn.-paldont. Beitrdge, vol. i, Heft ii, 1866, pp. 205-318, figures. Miinchen.

Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar-Nicobar. Novara-Exped.,

4to. Wien. Geol. Theil, vol. ii, 1866, pp. 187-268, pis. iv-vii.

126 Bibliography of 'the Foraminifera.

SCHWAGER, C. Foraminiferen aus der Zone des Ammonites Sowerbyi (Unter-Oolith). Benecke>s Geogn.-Palceont. Beitrage, vol. i, Heft iii, 1867, pp. 654-662, pi. xxxiv. Miinchen.

Saggio di una classificazione del Foraminiferi avuto riguardo

alle loro Famiglie Natural!. Boll. R. Com. Geol. Ital., ann. 1876, pp. 475-485 ; ann. 1877, pp. 18-24, J pi- Roma.

Nota su alcuni Foraminiferi nuovi del Tufo di Stretto presso

Girgenti. Boll. R. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. ix, 1878, pp. 519-529, pi. i. Roma.

Ueber die palaontologische Entwicklung der Rhizopoda. In

BUTSCHLPS— BRONN'S Klassen und Ordnungen, &c.— 8vo. Leipzig w&di Heidelberg, 1881 [pp. 242-260].

.— InRlCHT-

Carbonische Foraminiferen aus China und Japan.- } FEN'S— China, 410. Berlin, vol. iv, 1883, " Beitr.

HO FEN'S— China, 410. Berlin, vol. iv, 1883, "Beitr. zur Paldont. von China" pp. 106-159, pis. xv-xviii.

Die Foraminiferen aus den Eocaenablagerungen der libyschen

Wiiste und ^gyptens. In ZITTEL'S Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie der libyschen Wiiste und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Palceontographica, vol. xxx, 1883 [pp. 81-153, pis. xxiv-xxix]. Cassel.

SCHWEIGGER, AUGUST FRIEDRICH. 1783-1821.— Beobachtungen auf naturhistorischen Reisen. 410. Berlin, 1819. 127 pp., 8 pis.

Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der skeletlosen ungegliederten

Thiere. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820. [Pp. 751-757.]

SCORTEGAGNA, FRANCIS ORAZIO.— Sur les Nummulites. Lettre a M. le Professeur Alcide D'Orbigny, par M. le Docteur F. O. Scortegagna, de Lonigo. 8vo. Padova, 1846, 8 pp. ; reprinted in Arch. Set. Phys. Nat., vol. xvi, 1861, p. 254. Geneve.

Nota sopra le Nummoliti. Atti Quarta Riunione Sci. Ital., Padova, 1842, pp. 1 80, 181. Padova.

Nota sopra le Nummoliti (pp. 118-120). (Letta nel giorno 16,

Settembre 1842. Nella Sezione di Zoologia in Padova, sequita da un' Appendice.) Segue 1'Appendice con la quale sono con- futatele obbiezioni del Chiarissimo Sig. Co. C. Porro (pp. 121-122). Annali Sci. Regno Lomb.-Ven., 1842, Bimestre iii. [I am indebted to Dr. Fornasini, of Bologna, for the sight of a separate copy of this rare pamphlet.]

SEGUENZA, GIUSEPPE. Intorno ad un Nuovo Genere di Forami- niferi Fossili del Terreno Miocenico di Messina. Eco Peloritano, ser. 2, anno v, fasc. 9, 1859, unpaged, plate. [I have only seen separate copies of this scarce pamphlet ; it was translated in part by BRADY, and printed with additional matter in Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. i, 1868, pp. 333-343, pi. xiii.] Messina.


Bibliography of t/ie Foraminifeva. 127

SEGUENZA, G.— Notizie succinte intorno alia Costituzione Geologica dei Terreni Terziarii del Distretto di Messina. 410. Messina, 1862. 34 pp., table.

Descrizione dei Foraminiferi Monotalamici delle Marne

Mioceniche del Distretto di Messina. 410. Messina, 1862. 84 pp., pis. i, ii. Messina.

Prime Ricerche intorno ai Rhizopodi fossili delle Argille

Pleistoceniche dei dintorni di Catania. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat., ser. 2, vol. xviii, 1862, pp. 85-126, pis. i-iii. Catania.

Brevissimi Cenni intorno alle Serie Terziaria della Provincia

di Messina. Lettera al. Sig. Mg. L. Molino Foti. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. iv, 1873, pp. 231-238 ; 259-270. Firenze.

v. FUCHS and MANZONI, 1874.

Le Formazioni Terziarie nella Provincia di Reggio (Calabria).

Atti R. Accad. Lincei, ser. 3, vol. vi, 1880, pp. 1-446, pis. i-xvii. \


Studi geologici e paleontologici sul cretaceo medio nell' Italia

meridionale. Atti R. Accad. Lined, ser. 3, vol. xii, 1882, pp. 65-214, pis. i-xxi [198-201, pi. xxi]. Roma.

Della Lingulinopsis carlofortensis, Bornemann Ir. Nat. Sicil., ^T.A Ann. 3, 1884, pp. 135-137. Palermo.

SEMPER, CARL. Reisebericht. Zeitschr. fiir Wiss. Zool. (Siebold's), vol. xiii, 1863, pp. 558-570, pi. xxxviii. Leipzig.

[Contains note on development of Nummulites.~\

SHCHUROVSKY, GRIGORY EFIMOVICH.— Istoria geologi Moskovs- kago Basseina. Izvestija Obsch. Lubetelen Estestvonanija, vol. i, 1866, pt. i [p. ioo]. Moscow.

SHERBORN, CHARLES DAVIES.— Note on Webbina irregularis, d'Orb., from the Oxford Clay at Weymouth. Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Antiq. F. Club, vol. vi, pt, 3, 1888, p. 332, figure. Bath.

Notes on the Foraminifera, with especial reference to varia- tion in the Test, together with collected information as to their Sex and Reproduction. Trans. Croydon Microsc. Club, 1887-88 (1888), pp. 133-138. Croydon. [Lecture.]


SHERBORN, C. D., and FREDERICK CHAPMAN.— On some Microzoa from the London Clay exposed in the Drainage Works, Piccadilly, London, 1885. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc., ser. 2, vol. vi, 1886, pp. 737-764, 3 pis. London.

SHONE, WILLIAM.— On the Discovery of Foraminifera, £c., in the Boulder Clays of Cheshire.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, pp. 181-185. London.

128 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

SHONE, W.— On the Glacial Deposits of West Cheshire, together with Lists of the Fauna found in the Drift of Cheshire, and the adjoining Counties. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv, 1878, pp. 383-397, table [List]. London.

The Drift Deposits of West Cheshire.— Proc. Chester Soc.

Nat. Sci., No. 2, 1878, pp. 22-27. Chester.

SHRUBSOLE, GEORGE WILLIAM.— Note from a Paper on the Microscopic Life in the Mountain Limestone. Proc. Chester Soc. Nat. Sci., No. 2, 1878, p. 56. Chester.

\_Saccanimina. ]

SHRUBSOLE, WILLIAM H.— On the New Town-well at Sheerness. —Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. v, No. 7, 1878, pp. 355-362. [Mr. Shrubsole had a photograph taken of his drawings of the Foraminifera found, which he distributed amongst his friends.]

SHUMARD, BENJAMIN F. Notice of New Fossils from the Permian Strata of New Mexico and Texas, &c. Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, vol. i, No. 2, 1858, pp. 290-297. St. Louis.

\Fusulina elongata, Shumard.]

Notice of Fossils obtained from the Permian Strata of Texas

and New Mexico, &c. Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, vol. i, No. 3, 1859, pp. 387-403, pi. [mollusca]. St. Louts.

\Fusulina elongata, Shumard.]

SIDDALL, JOHN D.— On the Foraminifera of the River Dee.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, 1876, pp. 34-47.


The Foraminifera and other Microzoa of Limestone Rocks.

6th Ann. Rep. Chester Soc. Nat. Set., 1876-1877 (1877), pp. 10, 11.


[There is a fuller note in Nature, Mar. 22, 1877, p. 461, dealing chiefly with Radiolaria.]

On the Foraminifera of the River Dee. Proc. Chester Soc.

Nat. Sci., No. 2, 1878, pp. 42-56, 2 figures. Chester.

Catalogue of Recent British Foraminifera, for the use of Collectors. 8vo. Chester, 1879. 10 pp.

On Shepheardella, an Undescribed Type of Marine Rhizo- c poda, with a few observations on Lieberkuehnia. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, n.s. vol. xx, 1880, pp. 130-144, pis. xv, xvi.


Report upon the Foraminifera of the L.M.D.C. District.

First Rep. Fauna Liverpool Bay in Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liver- pool, 1886, No. xl, appendix, pp. 42-71, pi. i ; also published separately as L.[iverpool] M.[arine] B.[iology] C.[ommittee] Reports. No. i. 8vo. London, 1886. Liverpool.

Bibliography of tlie Foraininifera. \ 29

SILVESTRI, ORAZIO.— Sulla illustrazione delle Opere del Ambrogio Soldani e della Fauna microscopica fossile del terreno pliocenico Italiano. Promemoria di Orazio Silvestri seguita da un catalogo dei Rizzopodi pliocenici del territorio Senese. Estratto dagli Atti del x Congresso degli Scienziata Italiani, tenuto in Siena nel settembre del 1862. [Letta alle Classi reunite di Zoologia, Geologia ec. nella Seduta del 22 settembre.]

[I am indebted to Dr. Fornasini of Bologna for the sight of this rare paper on Soldani. The Atti x, of the Congr. Sci. Ital., is invariably wanting in libraries, and we are told by Scudder in his Catalogue that it was suppressed by order of the Pope of the time. Of this, however, I cannot get any evidence, but it is certain that the book was never published. The paper con- sists of 1 8 pp. 410., and is of great interest in connexion with d:Orbigny's, Parker, Jones, and Brady's, and Fornasini's critical papers on the books of the great Siennese naturalist.

[Since this note was written, Prof. Silvestri has generously given me a copy of his paper.]

" Presenta una" Monografia del genere di Foraminifere,

chiamato Nodosaria. Report of Riunione straord. in Vicenza. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. xi, 1868, pp. 402, 403. Milano.

Saggio di studj sulla Fauna microscopica fossile appartenente al terreno subapennino Italiano. Memoria Prima. Mono- grafia delle Nodosarie. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat., ser. 3, vol. vii, 1872, pp. 1-108, ii pis. Catania.

[The separate copies were issued on large paper, the title being altered as follows : " Le Nodosarie fossili nel Terreno sub- apennino Italiano e viventi nei mari d'ltalia."]

Ambrogio Soldani e le sue Opere ; discorso .... pronunziato in Siena il 23 Settembre, 1872, nelF inaugurare una lapide com- memorativa in occasione della vi Riunione straordinaria della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. xv, 1873, pp. 485-505. Milano.

SIMONELLI, V. I dintorni di San Quirico d'Orcia.— Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xi, 1880, pp. 192-218 [Lists]. Roma.

SISMONDA, EUGENIC.— Synopsis methodica Animalium inverte- bratorum Pedemontii fossilium quaa in collectione Comitis St. Martino della Motta pro maxima parte extant. 8vo. Augustae Taurinorum, 1842, 44 pp.

[And with different title-page, 8vo., ibid. 1847 ; ed. altera, ibid. 1848.]

Materiaux pour servir a la Paleontologie du Terrain Tertiaire

du Piemont. Part II. Protozoaires et Celenteres. Mem. R. Ac. Sci. Torino, ser. 2, vol xxv, 1871, pp. 257-361, 10 pis. (corals). [Lists, pp. 261-273.] Torino.


1 30 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

SIVERS, HEINRICH JACOB. 1709-1758.— Curiosa Niendorpiensia, sive variarum rerum naturalium litoris Niendorpiensis descriptio et historia brevissima cum figuris. 8vo. Lubecae, 1732-1734. no pp., plates. [Nummulus.]

SIX, ACHILLE.— L'Eozoon, analyse d'un travail du Dr. K. Moebius. Ann. Soc. Ge'ol. Nord, vol. vi, 1879, pp. 108-112, i figure.


Le Challenger et les abimes de la mer. Ann. Soc. Ge'ol.

Nord, vol. xi, 1883-1884 (1884), pp. 313-334. Lille.

SLATTER, J. On the Foraminifera from the Lias. [Abstract.]— Proc. Warwickshire Field Club for 1881 (1882), p. 2. Warwick.

SMEDLEY, EDWARD.— Encyclopaedia Metropolitans 410. London,

1845. Plates.

[One plate marked "Mollusca? order Foraminifera," apparently undescribed, but having the generic and specific names en- graved thereon ; copied from d'Orbigny's " Tableau Method."]

SMITH, EUGENE A.— On the Geology of Florida. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 3, vol. xxi, 1881, pp. 292-309, map. New Haven.

SOLDANI, AMBROGIO. 1733-1808.— Saggio orittografico ovvero Osservazione sopra le Terre nautilitiche ed ammonitiche della Toscana. 4to. Siena, 1780. Plates.

Testaceographiae ac Zoophytographiae parvae et microscopicae

Tomus Primus, 1789, pp. xxxii, 1-80, pis. 1-93; Tomi Primi pars altera, 1791, pp. 81-200, pis. 94-142 ; Tomi Primi pars tertia, 1795, pp. 201-289, pis- H3-I79; Tomus Secundus, 1798, pp. i- viii, 1-136, pis. 1-26 ; Appendix, pp. 137-148, pis. i-xxiii. 410. Senis.

Ad allatas Cl. Modeerii animadversiones Responsio Ab.

Ambrosii Soldani, quam et ipse Regiae Acad. Flor. D.D.

[This paper is contained in Caput iv (pp. 45-53) of Soldani's, Tes- taceographia, vol. i, 1789, q. v. ; it is quoted by Fischer de Wald- heim as a separate work.]

SOLLAS, W. JOHNSON.— An aberrant Foraminifer.— Nature, vol. v, 1871, p. 83, figure. London.

On the Glauconite Granules of the Cambridge Greensand.

Geol. Mag., dec 2, vol. iii, 1876, pp. 539-544, pi. xxi. London.

On the Perforate Character of the Genus Webbina, with a

notice of two new species, W. lasvis and W. tuberculata, from the Cambridge Greensand. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. iv, 1877, pp. 102- 105, pi. vi. London.

On the Flint Nodules of the Trimmingham Chalk. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vi, 1880, pp. 384-395, figure ; 437- 46 1 . London .

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. \ 3 r

SOLLAS, W. J. On the Foraminifera and Sponges of the Upper Greensand of Cambridge. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. x, 1883, pp. 268-274. London.

The Estuaries of the Severn and its Tributaries ; an Inquiry

into the Nature and Origin of their Tidal Sediment and Alluvial Flats. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix, 1883, pp. 611-626 [List]. London.

On the Origin of Fresh-water Faunas ; a Study in Evolution.

—Set. Trans. X. Dublin Soc., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1884, pp. 87-118. [Quotes Grimm's "Caspian," q. v., and mentions Gromial\ Dublin.

SOLMS-LAUBACH, HERMANN, GRAF zu.— Einleitung in die Palaophytologie vom botanischen Standpunkt.— 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 416 pp., 49 figures. [Deals with the calcareous Algae (Dactylopora, &c.), pp. 38-47.]

SORBY, HENRY CLIFTON.— On the Organic Origin of the so-called " Crystalloids " of the Cha\k.—Anna/s Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1 86 1, pp. 193-200. London.

Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geo- logical Society. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv, 1879, pp. 56-95. London.

[A privately printed appendix of 18 plates was given by Mr. Sorby with the separate copies.]

SOWERBY, GEORGE BRETTINGHAM. 1788-1854.— A Concho- logical Manual. 8vo. London, 1839. Plates; ed. 2, 1842; and later editions.

SOWERBY, GEORGE BRETTINGHAM (FILIUS). 1812-1884. For- aminifera from the Colne Tidal River. 8vo. [London, 1856], i p., I pi. (privately printed).

SOWERBY, JAMES. 1757-1822 —Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, with Supplement by J. DE C. SOWERBY.— 7 vols., 8vo. London, 1812-1846, plates. [Pis. 121 and 538.] [Professor E. Renevier has given in Bull. Soc. Vaud. Set. Nat. 1855, the date of each part as issued.]

SOWERBY, JAMES, and GEORGE BRETTINGHAM SOWERBY.— The Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, for the use of Students in Conchology and Geology. 8vo. London. Vol. ii, 1820-1825

(pi. 269).

SOWERBY, JAMES DE CARLE. 1787-1871.— Appendix to Captain Grant's Memoirs to illustrate a Geological Map of Cutch. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. v, 1840, pp. 327-329, pi. xxiv. London.

In W. H. SYKES,— A Notice respecting some Fossils col- lected in Cutch, by Capt. Walter Smee, of the Bombay Army. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. v, 1834 (1840), pp. 715-719. pi. Ixi. London.


132 Bibliography of the Forauiinifera.

SPADA, GIOVANNI GIACOMO. [i68o]-i7 . .— Corporum lapidifact- orum agri Veronensis Catalogus. Editio altera multo auctior, &c. 410. Verona, 1744. 80 pp., plates. [Semina.] [ist ed. 1739.]

SPENGLER, LORENZ. 1720-1807.— Nogle nyligen opdagede smaae Snekkers Beskrivelse. Nye Samling k. Danske Selsk. Skrifter, vol. i, 1781, pp. 365-373, plate i. Kiobenhavn.

Beskrivelse over nogle i Havsandet nylig opdagede Kokillier,

med forstorrede Afbildninger. Nye Samling k. Danske Selsk. Skrifter, vol. i, 1781, pp. 373-383, plate ii. Kiobenhavn.

SPEYER, OSCAR.— Die Tertiar-Fauna von Sollingen bei Jerxheim im Herzogthum Braunschweig. Palaontographica, vol. ix, 1864, pp. 247-337, pis. xl-xliii. Cassel.

SPRATT, THOMAS A. B. 1811-1888.— On the Geology of Malta and Gozo. 8vo. [Printed, Bradbury <&•» Evans, Whitefriars (London)}, 1854, 16 pp., maps and sections. [See also E. FORBES.]

On the Geology of Varna, and the neighbouring parts of

Bulgaria.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiii, 1857, pp. 72-83 [List]. London.

STACHE, GuiDO. Die Eocangebiete in Inner-Krain und Istrien. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. x, 1859, pp. 272-331 [Lists].


Die Foraminiferen des tertiaren Mergel des Whaingaroa-

Hafens (Provinz Auckland). Noi/ara Exped., 4to. Wien. Geol. Theil, vol. i, 1864 ; Paldont., pp. 161-304, pis. xxi-xxiv.

Die Eocangebiete in Inner-Krain und Istrien. Jahrb. k. k.

Geol. Reichsanst., vol. xiv, 1864, pp. 11-114 [Occurrences only].

Die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebungen von Waitzen

in Ungarn.— /d^r£. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xvi, 1866, pp. 277-328 [Lists]. Wien.

Meeresgrundproben aus dem Bereich der Brionischen Inseln

und des Hafens von Pola in Istrien, &c. Verh. k. k. geol. Reich- sanst., 1867, pp. 62, 63 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xix, 1867, pp. 373, 374. Wien; London.

Geologische Reisenotizen aus Istrien. Verh. k. k. geol. Reich- sanst., 1872, pp. 215-222. Wien.

Neue Fundstellen von Fusulinenkalk zwischen Gailthal und

Canalthal in Karnthen. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1872, pp. 283-287. Wien.

Neue Petrefactenfunde aus Istrien. Verh. k.k. geol. Reich- sanst., 1873, PP- I47~I49- Wien.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 133

STACHE, G. Die Graptolithen-Schiefer am Osternig-Berge in Karnten.— -Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxiii, 1873, PP- 175-248. Wien.

[Fusulina noted.]

Die Palaozoischen Gebiete der Ostalpen. Jahrb. k. k. geol.

Reichsanst., vol. xxiv, 1874, Abschnitt i, pp. 135-274 ; Absch. 2, PP- 333-424- Wien.

[Frequent references to Fusulina, and localities.]

Neue Beobachtungen in den Schichten der liburnischen

Stufe. Verh. k.k.geol. Reichsanst., 1875, PP- 334~338- Wien.

Fusulinenkalke aus Ober-Krain, Sumatra, und Chios. Verh.

k. k. geol. Reichsansf.., 1876, pp. 369-371. Wien.

Die Liburnische Stufe. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1880, pp. 195-209. Wien.

\Coskinolina and Flosculina.~\

STEFAN I, CARLO DE. Quadro comprensivo dei Terreni che con- stituiscono 1'Apennino settentrionale. Atti Soc. Toscano Sci. Nat., vol. v, fasc. i, 1880 (1881), pp. 206-253 [?• 229l- Pisa.

Sugli studi dell' Ufficio geologico nelle Alpi Apuane e nell'

Apennino. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., vol. iii, 1884, pp. 23-41. [Occurrences on pp. 34, 35.] Roma.

STEINMANN, GUSTAV. Ueber fossile Hydrozoen aus der Familie der Coryniden. Pal<zontographica, vol. xxv, 1878, pp. 101-124, pis. xii-xv. Cassel.

\_Loftusia, p. 117; Parkeria, p. 1 1 8 ; Porosphcera, p. 1 20.]

Mikroskopische Thierreste aus dem deutschen Kohlenkalke

(Foraminiferen und Spongien). Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. xxxii, 1880, pp. 394-400, pi. xix. Berlin.

Die Foraminiferengattung Nummoloculina. Neues Jahrbuch

fiir Min., &c., 1881, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 31-43, pi. ii. Stuttgart.

STEWART, S. A.— A List of Fossils of the Estuarine Clays of the Counties of Down and Antrim. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1870-1871, Appendix, ii, pp. 27-42. Belfast.

- The Greensand and its Origin. Science Gossip, 1875, P- 243 > 1876, p. 81. London.

\v. also JUKES-BROWNE.]

STIZENBERGER, ERNST.— Uebersicht der Versteinerungen des Grossherzogthums Baden. 8vo. Freiburg i. B., 1851, 134 pp. [p- 64-]

STOB/EUS, KILIAN. 1690-1742.— De Nummulo Brattenburgensi. Ada Liter. Sci. Suecice for 1731, pp. 19-31. Upsalicc.

1 34 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

STOB^EUS, K. Dissertatio Epistolaris ad. V. Cl. Dn. Doct. Theodorum Wilhelmum Grothaus . . . de Nummulo Bratten- burgensi, &c. 410. Londini-Gothorum, 1732, 22 pp., I plate.

Opuscula in quibus Petrefactorum Numismatum et Anti-

quitatum Historia illustratur, &c. 4to. Dantiscii, 1752. Plates.

Opera in quibus . . . 4to. Dantiscii, 1753. Plates.

[This work is identical with the foregoing, except that the word Opera replaces Opuscula, and the date is later.]

STOHR, EMIL.— II terreno pliocenico dei dintorni di Girgenti.— Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. vii, 1876, pp. 451-474, table. Roma.

Bericht iiber die Tripoli-Schichten auf Sicilien.— Zeitschr.

Deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., vol. xxix, 1877, pp. 638-643. Berlin.

Sulla posizione geologico del tufo e del tripoli nella zona

solfifera di Sicilia. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xi, 1878, pp. 498- 518. Roma.

STOLICZKA, FERDINAND. 1839 [40]-! 874.— Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India, Vol. iv. [Rhizopoda or Foraminifera, pp. 61, 62, pi. xii.] Mem. Geol. Survey India, Palceontologia Indica, 1873.


STRICKLAND, HUGH EDWIN. 1811-1853.— On Two Species of Microscopic Shells found in the Lias. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ii, 1846, pp. 30, 31, figs. London.

STUART, ALEXANDER. Ueber Coscinosphaera ciliosa, eine neue Radiolare. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., vol. xvi, 1866, pp. 328-345, pi. xviii. Leipzig.

\Globigerina, fide Haeckel.]

STUBBINS, J. On Foraminifera. Trans. Leeds Geol. Assoc., 1885- 1886 (1886), pt. 2, pp. 53-56. Leeds.

STUCKENBERG, A.— [Report on a Journey through Petschora and the Timan Mountains.] (in Russian). Beitr. zur. Geol. Russlands herausgegeb. k. russ. min. Ges. St. Petersburg, vol. vi, pp. 102, 103. 1875. \Fide VON MOLLER. Not seen.]

STUDER, BERNHARD. 1794-1887. Ueber das geologische Alter der Kalkalpen von Uri. Neues Jahrbuch, fiir Min., &•»<:., 1838, pp. 328-338. Stuttgart.

Geologie der Schweiz. 2 vols., 8vo. Bern; Zurich. Vol. i,

1851 ; vol. ii, 1853 [Lists].

STUDER, THEOPHIL. Ueber Foraminiferen aus der alpinen Kreide.— Mitth. Nat. Gesellsch. Bern, for 1869 (1870), pp. 177- 179. Bern.

STUR, DIONYS.— Bericht iiber die geologische Uebersichtsaufnahme des siidwestlichen Siebenbiirgen im Sommer \%(x>.—Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xiii, 1863, pp. 33-120 [List]. Wien.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 135

STUR, D. Fossilien aus den neogenen Ablagerungen von Holubica bei Pieniaky, siidlich von Brody im ostlichen Galizien. Jahrb. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst., vol. xv, 1865, pp. 278-282 [List]. Wien.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der stratigraphischen Verhaltnisse der

marinen Stufe des Wiener Beckens. Jahrb. k. k. geoL Reichsanst., vol. xx, 1870, pp. 303-342 [Lists]. Wien.

Geologic der Steiermark. 8vo. Gratz, 1871. 654pp. [Lists.]

STURZENBAUM, J6ZSEF. Oridsi foraminiferakrol. Foldt. Kozlony, vol. vii, 1877, pp. 61-65. Budapest.

SUESS, EDUARD.— Ueber das Vorkommen von Fusulinen in den Alpen. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1870, pp. 4, 5. Wien.

SULLA.— De fossilibus Calabriae. ? 1670. [Not seen.]


SZABO, j6zsEF. A Nummulit keplet viszonya a Trachythoz Vihnyen Selmecz mellett. Foldtani Kozlony, vol. ix, 1879, p. 301 ; and in German, p. 442. Budapest.

Amerika elso Nummulitjeirol. Foldtani Kozlony, vol. xiii,

1883, pp. 73, 74 ; and in German,— Ueber die ersten Nummuliten Amerikas, p. 143. Budapest.

A Pharmakosiderit es az Urvolgyit uj lelohelye sandberg

hegyen ohegy kozeldben. A Pharmakosiderit ds Urvolgyit elofordulasanak geologiai viszonyai. Foldtani Kozlony, vol. xv, 1885, pp. 1-9. And in German, Pharmakosiderit und Urvolgyit [Herrengrundit] von einer neuen Fundstelle, pp. 193-199. [List.] Budapest.

TALLAVIGNES, .— Resume" d'un Me'moire sur les terrains a Num- mulites du Departement de 1'Aude et des Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Gdol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1847, pp. 1127-1144 [Lists]. Paris.

TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, GIOVANNI. 1712-1784.— Relazione d'alcuni viaggi fatti in diverse parte della Toscana. Ed. 2, 12 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1768-1779. Figures, [ist ed., I75I-I754, no figures.]

TASCHENBERG, O.— Bibliotheca Zoologica.— 8vo. Leipzig, 3rd Lief., 1887, Protozoa, pp. 880-925.

[The continuation of " Bibl. Hist. Nat." See ENGELMANN, and CARUS and ENGELMANN.]

TATE, RALPH. On the Correlation of the Cretaceous Formations of the North-east of Ireland. Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 15-44, 3 pis. London.

\Orbitolina concava noticed.]

1 36 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

TATE, R.— A List of the Irish Liassic Fossils.— Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, Appendix i, 1870, pp. 1-24. Belfast.

\Dentalina obliquu.]

TATE, R., and J. F. BLAKE.— The Yorkshire Lias.— 8vo. London, 1876. 19 pis. and map. [Pis. xvii, xviii, and xix.j

TCHIHATCHEFF, PIERRE. Memoire sur les terrains jurassiques, cretaces, et nummulitiques de la Bythnie, la Galatie, et la Paphlagonie. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. viii, 1851, pp. 280-297 [List]. Paris.


TEXNANT, JAMES. 1808-1881.— A Stratigraphical List of British

Fossils. I2mo. London, 1847. 132 pp.

TERQUEM, OLRY. 1797 1887.— Recherches sur les Foraminiferes du Lias.

I. Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias du Departement de

la Moselle. Mem. Acad. imp. Metz, vol. xxxix, 1858, pp.

563-654, pis. i-iv. Metz.

II. Recherches sur les Foraminiferes de Petage moyen et de

1'etage inferieur du Lias. Mem. Acad. imp. Metz, vol. xlii,

1862, pp. 415-466, pis. v, vi. Metz.

III. Troisieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias des

Departements de la Moselle, de la Cote-d'or, du Rhone,

de la Vienne et du Calvados. Mem. Acad. imp. Metz,

vol. xliv, 1863, pp. 361 f 58; pis. vii-x. Metz.

\\ . Quatrieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias, com-

prenant les Polymorphines des Departements de la Moselle,

de la Cote-d'or, et de PIndre. 8vo. Metz, 1864. [Pp.

233-308, pis. xi-xiv, of series.]

V. Cinquieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias des Deoartements de la Moselle, de la Cote-d'or, et de PIndre. 8vo. Metz, 1866. [Pp. 313-454, pis. xv-xviii, of series.] VI. Sixieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias des Departe- ments de- PIndre et de la Moselle.— 8vo. Metz, 1866. [Pp. 459-532, pis. xix-xxii, of series.]

[Die Foraminiferen des mittleren Lias.] Neues Jahrbuch f.

Min., &c., 1860, pp. 794, 795. Stuttgart.

[Short Letter to Prof. Bronn.]

Premier Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Systeme Oolithique.

Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Dept. Moselle, vol. xi, 1868, pp. 1-138, pis. i-viii. Metz.

Deuxieme Me"moire sur les Foraminiferes du Systeme

Oolithique. Monographic des Cristellaires de la Zone a Ammonites Parkinsoni de Fontoy (Moselle). Mem. Ac. imp. Metz, vol. 1, 1870, pp. 403-486, pis. ix-xxi. Metz.

Troisieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Systeme

Oolithique, comprenant les genres, Frondicularia, Flabellina, Nodosaria, Dentalina, etc., de la Zone a Ammonites Parkinsoni de Fontoy (Moselle).— Mem. Acad. imp. Metz, vol. li, 1870, pp. 299-380. pis. xxii-xxix. Metz.

Bibliography of the Foraininifera. 1 37

TERQUEM, O. Quatrieme M&noire sur les Foraminiferes du Systeme Oolithique. Les Genres Polymorphina, Guttulina, Spiroloculina, Triloculina, et Quinqueloculina de la Zone a Ammonites Parkinson! de Fontoy (Moselle). 8vo. Metz, 1874. Pp. 279-338 (of series), pis. xxx-xxxvii.

Recherches sur les Foraminiferes du Bajocien de la Moselle.

Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. iv, 1876, pp. 477-500, pis. xv-xvii. Parts.

Observations sur PEtude des Foraminiferes. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. iv, 1876, pp. 506-509, pi. xiii. Paris.

Note sur les genres Dactylopora, Polytrypa, &c. Bull. Soc.

Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. vi, 1877, pp. 83, 84. Paris.

Note on plates ci-cvi of DESHAYES' " Coquilles fossiles des

environs de Paris." [ M S. presented to the Geological Society of France.] Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. vi, 1877, p. 213.


Essai sur le Classement des Animaux qui vivent sur la Plage et dans les Environs de Dunkerque. 3 pts., 8vo. Paris, fasc. i,

1875, pp. 1-54, pis. i-vi ; fasc. 2, 1876, pp. 55-100, pis. vii-xii ; fasc. 3, 1881, pp. 101-152, pis. xiii-xvii.

[This work was also published in the Memoires de la Societe Dunkerquoise, Dunkerque, but is better known from the separate copies than from the Memoires of this Society. A fourth fascicule remains to be issued.]

Observations sur les Classifications proposees pour les Foraminiferes. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, se"r. 3, vol. vi, 1878, pp. 211, 212. Paris.

Les Foraminiferes et les Entomostraces-Ostracodes du Pliocene

supdrieur de 1'lle de Rhodes. Mem. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. i, 1878, pp. 1-133, pis. i-xiv. Paris.

Observations sur les Foraminiferes du terrain tertiaire

parisien. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, se"r. 3, vol. vii, 1879, pp. 249- 251. Paris.

Observations sur quelques Fossiles des Epoques Primaires. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. viii, 1880, pp. 414-418, pi. i.


Les Foraminiferes de PEocfene des Environs de Paris.— Mem. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 3, vol. ii, Me"m. 3, 1882, pp. 1-193, pls- 'x~ xxviii. Paris.

Observation sur une communication de M. Munier-Chalmas.

[On Trillina.] Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 13, 14. Paris.

Sur un nouveau genre de Foraminiferes du Fullers-earth de

la Moselle [Epistomina]. Bull. Soc. Gfol. France, ser. 3, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 37-39> pl- 'ii- Paris.

138 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

TERQUEM, O.— Note sur la communication de M. Berthelin. [Pla- centula.] Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xi, 1883, pp. 39-42.


Cinquieme Memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Systeme

Oolithique. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Pp. 339-406, pis. xxxviii-xlv (of series).

Les Foraminiferes et les Ostracodes du Fuller's Earth (Zone a

Ammonites Parkinsoni), des environs de Varsovie.— Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, vol. xiv, 1886, pp. 20, 21 ; Memoires, ser. 3, vol. iv, part 2, 1886, pp. 1-112, 12 pis. Paris.

TERQUEM, O., and G. BERTHELIN.— Etude microscopique des Marnes du Lias Moyen d'Ersey-les-Nancy, Zone inferieur de 1'assise a Ammonites margaritatus. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, se"r. 2, vol. x, Me"m. 3, 1875, pp. 1-126, pis. xi-xx. Paris.

TERQUEM, O., and EDMOND TERQUEM.— La Rade de Smyrne. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. x, 1885, pp. 547-560. Paris.

Foraminiferes et Ostracodes de 1'Islande et du Sud de la

Norvege. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. xi, 1886, pp. 328-339, pi. xi. Paris.

TERRIGI, GUGLIELMO. Sopra i Rhizopodi fossili o Foraminiferi dei terreni Terziarii di Roma studiati nelle sabbie gialle Plioceniche. Boll. Soc. Geograf. Ital., vol. xii, 1876, pp. 664-678. Roma.

Fauna Vaticana a Foraminiferi delle Sabbie Gialle nel Plio-

ceno subapennino superiore.— Atti Accad. Pontif. Nu<n>i Lincei, vol. xxxiii, 1880, pp. 127-219, pis. i-iv. Roma.

Le Formazioni vulcaniche del Bacino romano considerate nelia

loro fisica costituzione e giacitura. Atti R. Accad. Lincei (Me- morie), ser. 3, vol. x, 1881, pp. 389-416, geol. sections, list. Roma.

Sulla fauna microscopica del calcare zancleano di Palo.

Atti R. Accad. Lincei (Transuntf], ser. 3, vol. vi, 1882, pp. 253-256. Roma.

II Colle Quirinale, sua flora e fauna lacustre e terrestre, fauna

microscopica marina degli strati inferiori ; contribuzioni alia Geologia del Bacino di Roma. Atti Accad. Pontif. Nuovi Lincei, vol. xxxv, 1883, pp. 145-252, pis. ii-iv. Roma.

Richerchi microscopiche fatte sopra frammente di Marna

inclusi nei Peperini laziali. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 148-156. Roma.

I Rizopodi (Reticolari) viventi nelle acque salmastre dello

Stagno di Orbetello. Atti R. Accad. Lincei (Rendicontf), vol. iii, Sem. i, Fasc. 13, 1887, pp. 579-581. Roma.

THOMAS, B. W.— Macrospores in the Rocks about Chicago. Science, vol. iii, 1884, pp. 215, 216 [Letters]. Cambridge, Mass.


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 39

THOMPSON, D'ARCY W.— A Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Ccelenterata, and Worms, including also the Polyzoa, Brachio- poda and Tunicata, for the years 1861-1883. 8vo. Cambridge, 1885. [Pp. 12-40.]

THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 1805-1852.— On the Fauna of Ireland.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. v, 1840, p. 6, &c. London.


Report on the Fauna of Ireland : Div. Invertebrata. Report

Brit. Assoc. (Cork), 1843 (pp. 274, 275). London.

Additions to the Fauna of Ireland. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.,

vol. xiii, 1844 (list on p. 439). London.

Additions to the Fauna of Ireland. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.,

vol. xx, 1847, pp. 167-176. [List.] London.

The Natural History of Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. London (vol. iv, 1856, pp. 477-479). [List.]

THOMSON, CHARLES WYVILLE. 1830-1882.— The Depths of the Sea. 8vo. London, 1873, figures ; ed. 2, 1874.

On Dredgings and Deep-sea Soundings in the South Atlantic,

in a Letter to Admiral Richards, C.B., F.R.S. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxii, 1874, pp. 423-428. London.

Preliminary Note on the Nature of the Sea-bottom, procured

by Soundings of H.M.S. Challenger, during her Cruise in the " Southern Seas " in the early part of the year 1874. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1875, pp. 32-49, pis. i-iii ; and abstract in Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, vol. xv, 1875, pp. 65, 66, followed by a note on Orbulina and on Coccoliths taken from the same paper.

London; London.

Report from the Challenger. I. Preliminary Report to the

Hydrographer of the Admiralty on some of the Results of the Cruise of H.M.S. Challenger between Hawaii and Valparaiso.— Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxiv, 1876, pp. 463-470, pis. xv-xxiv.


The Voyage of the Challenger. The Atlantic. 2 vols., 8vo.

London, 1877, figures.

THORPE, CHARLES.— British Marine Conchology ; being a Descrip- tive Catalogue, arranged according to the Lamarckian System, of the Salt-water Shells in Great Britain. I2mo. London, 1844. Plates [pp. 223-242, no figs.]

THURMANN, JULES, and A. ETALLON.— Lethaea Bruntrutana, ou Etudes paleontologiques et stratigraphiques sur le Jura Bernois et en particulier des Environs de Porrentruy. Nouveaux Mem. Soc. helvet. Sci. Nat., vol. xviii, 1861, pp. 1-145, Pls- '-x"i 5 v°l- xix, 1862, pp. 147-353, pis. xiv-xlix [Lists]. Zurich.

140 Bibliography of ttie Foraminifera.

TIZARD,—, and JOHN MURRAY. -Exploration of the FaroeChannel during the summer of 1880 in Her Majesty's hired ship Knight Errant. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. xi, 1882, pp. 638-720, pi. vi. Edinburgh.

[Report on the Foraminifera by H. B. BRADY, pp. 708-717.]

TOPLEY, WILLIAM.— Geology of the Weald.— Mem. Geol. Survey England and Wales, 8vo. London, 1875 [Foraminifera of the Gault, pp. 433, 434].

TOULA, FRANZ. Die Tiefsee-Untersuchungen und ihre wichtigsten Resultate.— Mittheil. geogr. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xviii, 1875, pp. 49-68, 97-1 1 1, 145-165, map and pi.; and separately as Die Tiefen der See Ein Vortrag, I2mo. Wien, 1875, 41 pp. Wien.

Neue Ansichten iiber die systematische Stellung der Dacty-

loporiden. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1878, pp. 301-304; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., sen 5, vol. iii, 1879, pp. 151-153.

Wien ; London.

Ueber Orbitoiden-und Nummuliten-fuhrende Kalke vom

" Goldberg ); bei Kirchberg am Wechsel. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxix, 1879, pp. 123-126. Wien.

Das Vorkommen von Orbitolinenschichten in der Nahe von

Wien.— Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1882, pp. 194-196. Wien.

TOURNOUER, RAOUL.— Sur quelques affleurements des marnes nummulitiques de Bos-D'Arros, dans la vallee du Gave de Pau. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxv, 1864 [wrapper, 1866], pp. 243-251. Bordeaux.

Sur les Nummulites et une nouvelle espece d'Echinide

trouvees dans le " miocene infe'rieur " ou " oligocene moyen " des environs de Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. xxvi, 1869, pp. 974-982. Paris.

See De la HARPE, 1881.

TOUTKOWSKY, PAUL.— Zamaitka o faunai pestrouxi gline S. Tschaplinki. Zapiski Kievskago Obsch. Estest., vol. viii, Pt. I, 1886, pp. 173-183, pis. i and ii. Kieva.

Foraminifera is gretechnich e melonvich otlojaney Kieva.

Pt. I. Foraminifera kievskago mailovago mergelya. Zapiski Kievskago Obsch. Estest., vol. viii, Pt. 2, 1887, pp. 345-360, pis. iii-vii. Kieva.

Foraminifera Pt. 2. Foraminifera goloubovatoi

glini is bourovoi skvajini na Pololai. Zapiski Kievskago Obsch. Estest., vol. ix, Pt. i, pp. 1-62, pis. i-ix. Kieva.

TRAUTSCHOLD, HERMANN.— Die Kalkbriiche von Mjatschkowa. Nouv. Mem. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. xiv, 1879, pp. 1-82, 7 pis. Moscou.

Bibliography of the Fomminifera. 141

TREJDOSIEWICZA, JAN.— O utworach trzeciorzedowych gubernii Lubelskiej. B. Wykaz rodzajow i gatunkow fauny trzeciorzedowej lubelskiej Pamietnik Fizyjograficzny, vol. iii, 1883, pp. 87-113. \Polystom. indigena, Eichwald, p. 107.] Warszawa.

TURPIN, . Analyse, ou etude microscopique des differens corps organises et autres corps de nature diverse qui peuvent, acci- dentellement, se trouver envelloppes dans la pate transldjide des silex. Ann. Set. Nat., s6r. 2, vol. vii, 1837, pp. 129-156, pis. vi and vii. Paris.

[Foraminifera mentioned and shown in the plates.]

TURTON, WILLIAM.— A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands. lamo. London, 1819. Figures.


TUTE, JOHN STANLEY. Organisms in Carboniferous Flint or Chert. Science Gossip, August, 1874, p. 188, figures. London.

UBAGHS, CASIMIR. Liste gene'rale des fossiles du Calcaire de Kunraed. [In Reports of Excursions to Maestricht.]— -Bull. Soc. Beige CM., vol. i, 1887 (1888), pp. 227-234. Bruxelles.

UHLIG, VICTOR. Die Jurabildungen in der Umgebung von Briinn. Mojsisomcs und Neumayr's Beitrdge zur Paldont. Oesterreich- Ungarn, vol. i, 1882, pp. 111-182, pis. xiii-xvi. Wien.

Ueber einige oberjurassische Foraminiferen mit agglutirender

Schale. Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &*c., 1882, vol. i, pt. 2, pp. 152-155. Stuttgart.

Vorkommen von Nummuliten in Ropa in West-Galizien.

Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst., 1882, pp. 71, 72. Wien.

Ueber Foraminiferen aus dem rjasan'schen Ornatenthone.

Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxxiii, 1883, pp. 735-774,


Ueber die geologische Beschaffenheit eines Theiles der ost- und

mittelgalizischen Tiefebene. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxxiv, 1884, pp. 175-232 [List]. Wien.

Foraminiferen von Jan Mayen in, Die Internationale Polar-

forschung 1882-1883. Die Oesterreichische Polarstation Jan Mayen, vol. iii, pp. 1-8. 410. Wien, 1886.

Ueber eine Mikrofauna aus dem Alttertiar der westgalizischen

Karpathen. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxxvi, Heft i, 1886, pp. 141-214, pis. ii-v. Wien.

ULRICH, E. O.— Contributions to American Palaeontology, Vol. I, No. i. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1886. P. 35, pi. [Mcellerina, n. g. = (?) SaccamminaJ]

URE, ANDREW. 1778-1856.— A New System of Geology. 8vo. London, 1829. [Plate iii.]

142 BibliograpJiy of tJie Foraminifera.

VALMONT DE BOMARE, JACQUES CHRISTOPH. 1731-1807.— Article Pierres Numismales in Dictionnaire Raisonne Univers. d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. vi, pp. 117, 118. 410. Lyon, 1791.


VASSEUR, G. Sur les terrains tertiaires de la Bretagne. Cojnptes Rendus, vol. Ixxxvii, 1878, pp. 1048-1050. Paris.

\Archiacina, Mun.-Chalmas.]

Recherches geologiques sur les terrains tertiaires de la France

occidentale. Ann. Sti. Ge"ol., vol. xiii, 1881, pp. 1-431, maps, &c. [lists]. Paris.

VERBEEK, R. D. ML— Die Nummuliten des Borneo-Kalksteins.— Neues Jahrbuch fur Min., &c., 1871, pp. 1-14, pis. i-iii. Stuttgart.

De Nummulieten uit den Eoceenen Kalksteen van Borneo.

Jahrb. mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Jahrg. iii, vol. ii, 1874, pp. 133-161, pi. ii. Amsterdam.

On the Geology of Central Sumatra. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol.

ii, 1875, pp. 477-485. London.

Ueber die Gliederung der Eocanformation auf der Insel

Borneo. Palceontographica, Suppl. iii, Lief, i, Heft i, 1875, pp. 3-9. Cassel.

Geologische Notizen iiber die Inseln des Niederlandisch-

Indischen Archipels im Allgemeinen, und iiber fossilfuhrende Schichten Sumatra's im Besonderen. Palceontographica, Suppl. iii, Lief. 8, 1880, pp. 7-28. Cassel.

Topographische en geologische Beschrijving van een gedeelte

van Sumatra's westkust. 8vo. Batavia, 1883. 674 pp., maps, &c.

VERCHERE, A. M.— Kashmir, the Western Himalaya, and the

Afghan Mountains, a Geological Paper. Appendix. Journ.

Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. xxxvi, part 2, No. 3, 1867, pp. 208-229,

plates. \Sph<zronitesI\ Calcutta.

VERNEUIL, PHILIP EDOUARD POULLETIER DE. 1805-1873. Liste de fossiles des terrains tertiaires des environs d'Alger. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, vol. xi, 1839, pp. 74-82. Paris.

On the Fusulina in the Coal-formation of Ohio. Amer. Journ.

Agric., vol. iv, 1846, p. 166 ; Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, vol. ii, 1846, p. 293. [Letter to Editor.] Albany ; New Haven.

Note sur le parallelisme des roches des depots paleozoiques

de 1'Amerique Septentrionale avec ceux de 1'Europe. Bull. Soc. Gtol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv, 1847, pp. 646-710. Paris.

[Fusulina mentioned.]


Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 143

VERWORN, MAX.— Biologische Protisten-Studien.— Zeitschr. wis- sensch. Zool. (Siebold^s}, vol. xlvi, 1888, pp. 455-470, pi. xxxii ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist.) ser. 6, vol. ii, 1888, pp. 155-169, pi. ix.

Leipzig ; London.

VERRIL, A. E. Characters of the Deep-sea Deposits of the Eastern American Coasts. Amer. Naturalist, vol. xix, 1885, pp. 69, 70.


VIEILLOT, L. P. Faune Franchise ; Malacozoaires, ou Animaux Mollusques, par DUCROTAY DE BLAINVILLE. 8vo. Paris, 1820- 1830. 320 pp., 42 plates [all published].

[Being the 18, 20, 23, and 28 Livr., no plates were issued to the Foraminifera, which are described at pp. 22-79.]

VILANOVA Y PIERA, JUAN.— La Estructura de las Rocas Ser- pentinicas y el Eozoon Canadense. An. Soc. espaii. Hist. Nat. vol. iii, 1874, pp. 261-266. Madrid.

VINCENT, GERARD. Materiaux pour servir a la faune laekenienne des environs de Bruxelles. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg., vol. viii, 1873, Mem. pp. 7-15 [List]. Bruxelles.

VINCENT, G., and A. RUTOT.— Note sur un Sondage execute par M. le baron van Ertborn a la Brasserie de la Dyle, a Malines. Ann. Soc. Ge'ol. Belg., vol. vi, 1879, Mem., pp. 15-27 [list]. Liege.

Coup d'oeil sur 1'etat actuel d'avancement des con-

naissances geologiques relatives aux Terrains Tertiaires de la Belgique. Ann. Soc. Ge'ol. Belg., vol. vi, 1879, Mem., pp. 69-155 [lists]. Liege.

VINE, GEORGE ROBERT.— On some Recent Foraminifera from the Shetland Islands. Science Gossip, vol. xiv, 1878, pp. 51-53, 18 figures. London.

Notes on the Carboniferous Entomostraca and Foraminifera

of the North Yorkshire Shales.— Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Polytech. Soc., n.s. vol. viii, pt. 2, 1884, pp. 226-239, P1- x" [no F- figured.]


Notes on the Polyzoa and Foraminifera of the Cambridge

Greensand (Coprolite-beds of British authors, Cenomanien (?) of Foreign authors). —Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Polytech. Soc., n.s., vol. ix, pt. i, 1885 (1886), pp. 10-29, Pls- i> »• Leeds,

Micro-Palaeontology of the Northern Carboniferous Shales.

VI. Carboniferous Shales, Northumberland and North Lanca- shire, &c. Scaur Limestone and Yoredale Rocks, Foraminifera, &c. The Naturalist, Nov. 1885, pp. 367-378. Leeds.

VOGT, CARL, and EMIL YUNG.— Lehrbuch der praktischen ver- gleichenden Anatomic. 8vo. Braunschweig. [Protozoen, pp. 37- 88, Lief, i and 2, 1885.]


1 44 Bibliography of tlie Fora ui in if era.

VOLKMANN, GEORG ANTON. 1663-1721. Silesia subterranea, oder Schlesien mit seinen unterirrdischen Schatzen. 410. Leipzig, 1720. Plates. A second issue with a new title-page, Franckfurt am Mayn, 1720. [Lentes lapideae.j

VORCE, C. M.— On Cleaning Foraminifera. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. i, 1 880, p. 24. New York.

VUTSKITS, GYORGY.— A nummulitekrol altalaban kiilonos tekin-

tettel erdely nummulitjeire. Orvos termesz. tarsulal ertesito,

1883, pp. 19, pis. ii, iii. Also published separately with additions,

8vo, Kolozs-vdrt, 1883, 86 pp., pis. ii and iii ; abstract in Math.

Nat. Ber. Ungarn, I, 1883, p. 350. Kolozsi/drtj Budapest.

[The separately published pamphlet consists of— A nummulitekrol

altalaban, pp. 8-31 ; Erde"ly nummulitjeirol altalaban, pp. 33-40 ;

Az erdelyi nummulitek reszletes leirasa, pp. 40-47 ; Az erdelyi

nummulitek retegzeti (stratigraphiai) jelentosege, pp. 71-86.]

WALCH, JOHANN ERNST IMMANUEL. 1725-1778.— Die Natur- geschichte der Versteinerungen zur Erlauterung der Knorrischen Sammlung von Merkwiirdigekeiten der Natur, herausgegeben von

3 vols., fol., Nuremberg, 1755, plates ; another

edition, 4 vols., fol., Nuremberg, 1758-1763, plates.

Recueil de monumens des catastrophes que le globe de la

terre a essuiees, contenant des Petrifications [et d'autres pierres curieuses] dessinees, gravies, et enlumine'es d'apres les originaux avec leur description par George Wolfgang Knorr a Nuremberg. The title in the second volume closes thus : . . . . originaux, commence par feu Mr. George Wolfgang Knorr et continue par ses Heretiers avec 1'histoire naturelle de ces corps par Mr. Jean Ernest Emmanuel Walch, Professeur, &c. Fol., plates. Nurem- berg, 1768-1778. [French edition of the foregoing.]

Das Steinreich systematisch entworfen von

Neue sehr vermehrte Auflage. Theil I, 8vo., Halle, 1769, 204 pp., 24 pis.; Theil II, 8vo., Halle, 1764, 172 pp., no pis. [ist ed. 1762.]

WALFORD, EDWARD A.— On some Upper and Middle Lias Beds in the Neighbourhood of Banbury. Proc. Warwickshire Field Club, 1878, Supplement, 23 pp., pi. [List]. Banbury.

WALKER, GEORGE, [and WILLIAM BOYS, 1735-1803].— Testacea minuta rariora, nuperrime detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensis a Gul. Boys, arm. S.A. S. Multa addidit, et omnium figuras ope microscopii ampliatas accurate delineavit Geo. Walker. 4to. London, n.d. [1784]. Plates.


WALLER, EDWARD.- Report on the Foraminifera obtained in the Shetland Seas.— Report Brit. Assoc. (Dundee, 1867), 1867, pp. 44 1 -446. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 145

WALLER, E.— Report on the Shetland Foraminifera for 1868.— Report Brit. Assoc. (Norwich, 1868), 1868, pp. 340, 341. London.

Foraminifera from the Coast of Kerry.

[Four Photographs of Drawings, without names, and of which no description was ever published. Printed for private circulation in 1870.]

WALLICH, GEORGE CHARLES. Notes on the Presence of Animal Life at Vast Depths in the Sea.— 8vo. London, 1860. 38 pp. [Printed at first [for Private Circulation], but afterwards pub- lished.]

Remarks on some novel Phases of Organic Life, and on the

Boring Powers of Minute Annelids, at Great Depths in the Sea. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, pp. 52-68, figures. London.

The North-Atlantic Sea-bed, comprising a Diary of the

Voyage on board H.M.S. Bulldog in 1860, and Observations on the Presence of Animal Life and the Formation and Nature of Organic Deposits at Great Depths in the Ocean. 4to. London, 1862. Parts i and ii, and few pages of part iii, 6 plates [all published].

On the Process of Mineral Deposit in the Rhizopoda and Sponges, as affording a Distinctive Character.— A nnals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xiii, 1864, pp. 72-82, figures. Abstract. Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. xxxviii, 1864, p. 131.

London; New Haven.

On the Deep-Sea Bed of the Atlantic, and its Inhabitants.

Quart. Journ. Science, vol. i, 1864, pp. 36-44. London.

On the Structure and Affinities of the Polycystina. Trans.

Microsc. Soc. Lond., vol. xiii, 1865, pp. 57-84. London.

On the Vital Functions of the Deep-Sea Protozoa. Monthly

Microsc. Journ., vol. i, 1869, pp. 32-41. London.

On some undescribed Testaceous Rhizopods from the North

Atlantic Deposits. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. i, 1869, pp. 104-110, pi. iii. London.

[Mostly Radiolaria.]

On the Rhizopoda as embodying the Primordial Type of

Animal Life. Monthly Microsc. Journ., vol. i, 1869, pp. 228-235.


On the True Nature of the so-called "Bathybius." Annals

Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvi, 1875, pp. 322-339. London.

Deep-Sea Researches on the Biology of Globigerina. 8vo.

London, 1876. 75 pp., i pi.

On Rupertia stabilis, a new Sessile Foraminifer from the

North Atlantic. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 501-504, pi. xx. London.


146 Bibliography of tJie Foraminifera.

WALLICH, G. C. Observations on the Coccosphere. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 342-350, pi. xvii. London.

On the Fundamental Error of constituting Gromia the Type

of Foraminiferal Structure. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 158-174. London.

On the Radiolaria as an Order of the Protozoa. Pop. Sci.

Rev., n. s., vol. ii, 1878, pp. 267-281, 368-382, pi. vi. London.

A Contribution to the Physical History of the Cretaceous

Flints. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi, 1880, pp. 68-92.


Critical Notes on Dr. Gruber's " Contributions to the Know- ledge of the Amoebae." Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 215-227. London.

Critical Observations on Prof. Leidy^s " Freshwater Rhizopoda

of North America," and Classification of the Rhizopoda in general. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. xvi, 1885, pp. 317-334, 453-473- London.

WATERS, ARTHUR WILLIAM.— Remarks on some Fossils from Oberburg, Styria. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx, 1874, pp. 339-341 [Lists]. London.

Ouelques Roches des Alpes vaudoises etudie"es au microscope.

Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat., vol. xvi, 1879, pp. 593-598, pi. xxiv. Lausanne.

WATTS, H. Foraminifera of Victoria. Southern Science Record, vol. iii, No. 3, 1883, pp. 76, 77. Collingwood [ Victoria}.

[Also issued separately as a leaflet.]

WEAVER, THOMAS. 1775-1855.— On the Composition of Chalk Rocks and Chalk Marl, from the observations of Dr. Ehrenberg. —Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, 1842, pp. 296-315, 374-398.

London, [Includes a note on d'Orbigny's " Foram. Craie blanche," £c.]

WEST, TUFFEN. Half an Hour at the Microscope.— Journ. Postal Microsc. Soc., vol. ii, pt. 5, 1883, pp. 41-43, pi. xxi. Bath.


WETHERED, EDWARD. On Insoluble Residues obtained from the Carboniferous Limestone Series at Clifton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv, 1888, pp. 186-199, pi. London.

WETHERELL, NATHANIEL THOMAS. 1800-1875. Rotalia on Vermetus Bognoriensis. Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2, vol. iii, 1839, pp. 162, 163, fig. 27 a,b. London.

Notice of the Occurrence in Flints of small Siliceous Nodular

Concretions, containing different species of Foraminifera. Geologist, vol. ii, 1859, pp. 193, 194, 6 figures. London.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 147

WETHERELL, N. T., and JAMES DE CARLE SO WERE Y.— Ob- servations on a Well dug on the South Side of Hampstead Heath. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. v, 1840 (read 1834), pp. 131-136, pi. ix. London.

WHITAKER, WILLIAM.— The Geology of Middlesex.— Mem. Geol. Survey Eng. Wales. 8vo. London, 1864. Pp. 59-60. [List of London Clay Foraminifera, reprinted from Jones and Parker's paper in Geologist, 1864, p. 85.]

On the " Lower London Tertiaries" of Kent. Quart. Journ.

Geol. Soc., vol. xxii, 1866, pp. 404-435 [List]. London.

WHITE, CHARLES ABIATHAR. Geological Survey of the State of Iowa. 8vo. Des Moines, 1870. [Vol. i, pp. 250, 270.]

Report upon the Invertebrate Fossils collected in portions of

Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, by parties of the explorations of 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. Report Geogr. Geol. Survey W. of \ooth Meridian, vol. iv, pt. i, 1875, P- 96, pi. vi, f. 6 ab. Washington.


Note on Endothyra ornata.— Proc. U.S. National Mus.,\o\. ii,

1879, p. 291. Washington.

The Fossils of the Indiana Rocks, No. 3. Thirteenth Annual Report Dept. Geol. Nat. Hist. Indiana f on 883.— 8vo. Indianapolis, 1884. Pp. 107, &c. (p. 1 1 6), pi. xxiii, figs. 2 and 3. \_Fusulina.~\

WHITE, C. A., and O. W. ST. JOHN.— Description of some new Subcarboniferous and Coal-Measure Fossils, collected upon the Geological Survey of Iowa. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., vol. i, 1867, pp. 115-127. Chicago.

\A inphisteginaJ]

WHITEAVES, J. F.— On some Results obtained by Dredging in Gaspd and off Murray Bay. Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. iv, 1869, pp. 270-273. Montreal.

Notes on a Deep-Sea Dredging Expedition round the Island

of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Kept. Brit. Assoc., (Brighton, 1872), 1872, Trans. Sections, pp. 143-145 ; Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, pp. 341-354. London; London.

On recent Deep-Sea Dredging Operations in the Gulf of

St. Lawrence. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 3, vol. vii, 1874, pp. 210-219 ; Canad. Nat., n. s., vol. vii, 1874, pp. 257-267.

New Haven; Montreal.

Report on a Deep Sea Dredging Expedition round the Island

of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fourth Annual Report Dept. Marine and Fisheries^. 410. Washington], 1872, Appendix K, pp. 90-101.

[Not seen.]

148 Bibliography of the Forajninifcra.

WHITEAVES, J. F.— Report on Deep-Sea Dredging Operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with notes on the present conditions of the Marine Fisheries and Oyster Beds of part of that Region. \? Sixth] Annual Rept. Dept. Marine and Fisheries (? 4to. Washington), 1874, Appendix (7, pp. 178-204. [Not seen.]

On some Marine Invertebrata dredged or otherwise collected

by Dr. G. M. Dawson in 1885, on the Coast of British Columbia, Sac.— Trans. R. Soc. Canada, vol. iv, sect, iv, 1886 (1887), pp. 1 1 i-i 37. Montreal.

WHITFIELD, R. P.— On the Fauna of the Lower Carboniferous Limestone of Spergen Hill, Ind., with a revision of the Descrip- tions of its Fossils hitherto published, and illustrations of the Species from the original type series. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. i, No. 3, 1882, pp. 39-97, pis. vi-ix. New York.

[E.ndothyra Baleyi (sic).]

WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM CRAWFORD. On the recent British Species of the Genus Lagena. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. i, 1848, pp. 1-20, pis. i. and ii. London.

On some of the Microscopical Objects found in the Mud of

the Levant, and other deposits, with Remarks on the mode of formation of Calcareous and Infusorial Siliceous Rocks. Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, ser. 2, vol. viii, 1848, pp. 1-128, 4 pis. [see 1872]. Manchester.

On the Structure of the Shell and soft Animal of Polystomella

crispa, with some remarks on the Zoological Position of the Foraminifera. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Lond., vol. ii, 1849, pp. 159-178, pi. xxviii. London.

On the Minute Structure of the Calcareous Shells of some

recent Species of Foraminifera. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Land., vol. iii, 1851, pp. 105-128, pis. xvii, xviii. London.

On the Minute Structure of a Species of Faujasina \Polystomella

macelld\. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Land., ser. 2, vol. i, 1853, pp. 87-92, pi. x. London.

Remarks on the British Species of Foraminifera. Rept. Brit.

Assoc. (Liverpool, 1854), 1855, sections, p. 113. London.

On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. Ray Society.

4to. London, 1858. Plates.

Foraminifera in Report of the Proceedings of the Belfast

Dredging Committee. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Dublin, 1857), 1858, p. 237. London.

On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Foraminifera.— Popular

Science Review, vol. iv, 1865, pp. 171-179, pi. viii. London.

Corrections of the Nomenclature of the Objects figured in a

Memoir "On some of the Minute Objects found in the Mud of the Levant."— Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, ser. 3, vol. v, 1871-2 (1872), pp. 131-139. Manchester.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 149

WILLIAMSON, W. C— Deep-Sea Researches.— Nature, Dec. 24, 1874, P- J49- London.

On the Microscopical Conditions of a Slab from the Mountain

Limestone of Bolland. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. xvii, 1878, pp. 70-74 ; Nature, Jan. 31, 1878, p. 265. [Disintegration of Shells, &c.] Manchester; London.

On the Supposed Radiolarians and Diatoms of the Carboni- ferous Rocks. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Dublin, 1878), 1879, Trans. Sections, p. 534. London.

WILSON, E.— On the occurrence of Foraminifera in the Carboni- ferous Limestone of Derbyshire. Midland Naturalist, vol. iii, 1880, pp. 220, 221. Birmingham.

[Read before the Lit. Phil. Soc. Nottingham, Nat. Sci. Section, 7 April, 1880.]

WINTHER, GEORG -1879.— Fortegnelse over de i Danmark

levende Foraminiferer. Naturhistorisk Tideskrift, ser. 3, vol. ix, 1874, pp. 101-132. Kjobenhavn.

WODARCH, CHARLES. Introduction to the Study of Conchology, &c. New ed. by Mawe, 8vo. London, 1827. Plates. [List.]

WOLF, HEINRICH. Die Stadt Oedenburg und ihre Umgebung. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xx, 1870, pp. 15-64, map. [List.] Wien.

WOOD, J. G. Common Objects of the Microscope. 8vo. London, 1867. 127 pp., 12 pis.

WOOD, WILLIAM. Index Testaceologicus; or a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system. 8vo. London, 1825. 188 pp., 38 plates.

Index Testaceologicus ; an illustrated Catalogue of British and

Foreign Shells, with Supplement. New ed. by Sylvanus Hanley, 8vo. London, 1856. 234 pp., 46 pis. [same pis. as in 1825 ed.]

WOODS, JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. On some Tertiary Deposits in the Colony of Victoria, Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi, 1865, pp. 389-394 [List]. London.

WOODWARD, ANTHONY.— Foraminifera from Bermuda.— Journ. New York Microsc. Soc., vol. i, 1885, pp. 147-151. New York.

Notice of a new locality for Haplophragmium cassis, a rare Foraminifer. Journ. New York Microsc. Soc., vol. ii, 1886, pp. 77, 78. New York.

The Bibliography of the Foraminifera, Recent and Fossil,

including Eozoon and Receptaculites, I565~jan. i, 1886. Fourteenth Ann. Rep. Gee ' 1885 (1886), pp. 167-311.

Fourteenth Ann. Rep. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minnesota, for year

150 Bibliography of tlie Foraminifera.

WOODWARD, A.— Note on the Foraminiferal Fauna of the Miocene Beds at Petersburg, Virginia ; with list of species found. Journ. New York Microsc. Soc., vol. iii, 1887, pp. 16, 17. New York.

In OTTO MEYER'S— On Invertebrates from the Eocene of

Mississippi and Alabama. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1887, pp. 51-56. [List] Philadelphia.

Reprinted in German in Bericht. Senckenburg. Nat. Ges., 1887.

Supplement I to The Bibliography of the Foraminifera, Recent

and Fossil, including Eozob'n and Receptaculites. -Journ. New York Microsc. Soc., vol. iv, Jan. 1888, pp. 33-79. New York.

WOODWARD, A., and B. W. THOMAS.— On the Foraminifera of the Boulder-clay taken from a well-shaft twenty-two feet deep, Meeker County, Central Minnesota. Thirteenth Ann. Rep. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minnesota, for 1884 (1885), pp. 164-177, pis. iii, iv. St. Paul.

WOODWARD, SAMUEL. 1790-1838.— Synoptical Table of British Organic Remains. 8vo. London, 1830. 32 pp.

An Outline of the Geology of Norfolk. 8vo. Norwich, 1833.

56 pp., plates. \JV0d0saria.\

WORTHEN, A. H., -1888, v. F. B. MEEK.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL. Notes on a small Collection of Foraminifera from the Seychelles. Proc. R. Irish Acad., ser. 2, vol. ii, 1876, pp. 586-589; Annals Mug. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, pp. 40-44. Dublin; London.

WRIGHT, JOSEPH. A List of Irish Liassic Foraminifera. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1870-71, App. ii, pp. 25, 26. Belfast.

A List of the Cretaceous Microzoa of the North of Ireland.

Rep. and Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1873-1874, Append., 1875, PP- 73-99, pis- ii, iii. Belfast.

Flints and the Foraminifera, &c., contained in them. Rep.

and Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, nth year, n.s., vol. i, 1875, pt. i, pp. 46, 47. Belfast.

On the Discovery of Microzoa in the Chalk-flints of the North

of Ireland. Rept. Brit. Assoc. (Belfast, 1874), 1875, pp. 95, 96.


Foraminifera, Recent and Fossil, with especial reference to

those found in Ireland. Proc. Belfast. Nat. Hist, and Philosoph. Soc., Dec. 4, 1877, pp. 1-6. Belfast.

Recent Foraminifera of Down and Antrim. Proc. Belfast Nat.

Field Club, 1876-1877 (1877), Appendix, pp. 101-104, pi. iv.


[Note on Irish Foraminifera.] Rept. and Proc. Belfast Nat.

Field Club, n.s., vol. i, pt. 4, 1878, pp. 268, 269. Belfast.

The Post-tertiary Foraminifera of the North-east of Ireland.—

Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1879-1880 (1881), Appendix, pp. 149-163. Belfast.

Bibliography of the Foraminifera. 1 5 1

WRIGHT, J. Post-tertiary Foraminifera of the North-east of Ireland. —Rep. and Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, ser. 2, vol. i, pt. vii, 1881, pp. 428, 429. Belfast.

Notes on the Foraminifera— Genus Lagena. Proc. Belfast Nat.

Hist, and Philosoph. Soc., 1880-1881 (1882), pp. 108, 109. Belfast.

A List of Recent Foraminifera obtained during the Belfast

Naturalists' Field Club's Excursion to South Donegal, August, 1880.— Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1880-1881 (1882), Appendix, pp. 179-187, pi. viii. Belfast.

Cretaceous Foraminifera of Keady Hill, Co. Derry. Proc.

Belfast^ Nat. Field Club, 1885-86 (1886), Appendix, pp. 327-332, pi. xxvii. Belfast.

Foraminifera of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club's Cruise off Belfast Lough in the Steamtug Protector, June, 1885 ; also, Foraminifera found by Dr. Malcolmson at Rockport, Belfast Lough. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1885-86(1886), Appendix, pp. 317-326, pi. xxvi. Belfast.

Report of the Marine Fauna of the South-west of Ireland

Foraminifera. Proc. R. Irish Acad., ser. 2, vol. iv, 1886 [Jan., 1887], Science, pp. 607-614. Dublin.

Papers on the Foraminifera in, Systematic Lists illustrative

of the Flora, Fauna, Palaeontology, and Archaeology of the North of Ireland by Members of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. Vol. i, 8vo. Belfast, n.d. [1887].

[A collection of papers published by the Belfast Nat. Field Club between 1870-1886, bound up with a title-page and preface ; the original pagination remaining.]


WRIGHT, THOMAS STRETHILL.— Observations on British Protozoa and Zoophytes.— Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. viii, 1861, pp. 120-135, pis. iii, iv, v. London.

\Dendrophrya, p. 122, pi. iv.]

On the Reproductive Elements of the Rhizopoda. Annals

Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. vii, 1861, pp. 360-362, pi. xviii. London.

WULFEN, FRANCIS XAVIER, BARON DE. 1728-1805. Descriptiones Zoologicae ad Adriatic! littora maris concinnatas. Nova Acta Ac. Goes. Leop.-Carol., viii, MDCCLXCI [error for MDCCXCI], 1791, pp. 235-359. Norimbergae.

[Describes 16 spp. of Foraminifera, 5 of which are new.]

WYATT, JAMES.— The Disputed Beads from the Drift.— Geologist, 1862, pp. 233-235, figures. London.


YOUNG, JOHN.— On the Occurrence of Saccammina Carteri (Brady) in the Limestone Series of the Lanarkshire Coalfield. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv, 1874, pp. 263-266. Glasgow.

152 Bibliography of the Foraminifera.

YOUNG, J. Notes on recently discovered Foraminifera from the Lanarkshire Coalfield. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii, pt. i, 1875, pp. 31, 32. Glasgow.


YOUNG, JOHN, and JAMES ARMSTRONG.— On the Carboniferous Fossils of the West of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iii, Supplement, 1871. Glasgow.

[Published separately, much enlarged, as Catalogue of the West- ern Scottish Fossils. British Association, 8vo. Glasgow, 1876.]

The Fossils of the Carboniferous Strata of the West

of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv, 1874, pp. 267-281.


ZANNICHELLI, GIOVANNI JACOPO. 1662-1729. Naturae Gazophy- lacio. Venetiis, 1726. [Not seen.]

Enumeratio Rerum Naturalium quas in musaeo Zannichelliano

asservantur. 4to. Venetiis, 1736. 126 pp. [Pp. 32, 36, 39, &c.j

ZBOREZEWSKI, ADALBERT. Observations microscopiques sur quelques fossiles rares de Podolie et de Volhynie. Nouv. Mem. Soc. imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. iii, 1834, pp. 301-312, pi. xxviii.

Moscou. Note sur un nouveau genre de Foraminifere. Bull. Soc. imp.

Nat. Moscou, vol. xvi, 1843, pp. 361-364, 2 figs. Moscou.

ZEJSZNER[ZEUSCHNER],LUDWIK. 1807-1871.— Omiocenicznych gipsach i marglach w poludniowo-zachodnich stronach Krolestwa Polskiego.— Biblioteka Warszawska, 1862, iv, str. 230, 472 i 715. {Heterostegina Puschii^ [Not seen.] (?) Warszawska.

ZITTELL, KARL ALFRED. Die oberen Nummulitenformation in Ungarn. Sitzungsber. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlvi, 1862, pp. 353-395, 3 pis. [Mention only.] Wien.

Handbuch der Palaeontologie. Bd. i, Protozoa, &c. 8vo. Miinchen and Leipzig, 1876-1880 [pp. 55-126].

ZITTEL, K. A., and W. P. SCH I M PER.— Handbuch der Pakeonto- logie. Bd. ii, lief, i, Pflanzen. 8vo. Miinchen, 1879. [In this part Dactylopora and other Calcareous Algae are treated of.]

ZSIGMONDY, WILHELM. Der Artesische Brunnen im Stadt- waldchen zu Budapest. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. xxviii, 1878, pp. 659-742. Wien.

ZWIXGLI, HEINRICH, and J. KUBLER.— Die Foraminiferen der Schweiz. Jura.— 4to. Winterthur, 1870. 49 pp., 4 pis.


LONDON: Printed by STRANGEWAYS & SONS, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus,

For Reference

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