BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE flDarine Biological Xaborator\> WOODS HOLL, MASS. Staff. E. G. CONKLIN — The University of Pennsylvania. JACQUES LOEB — The University of California. T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. W. M. WHEELER — American Museum of Natural History, New York. C. O. WHITMAN — The University of Chicago. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. Efcitor. FRANK R. LILLIE — The University of Chicago. VOLUME X. WOODS HOLL, MASS. DECEMBER, 1905, TO MAY, 1906. PRESS OF •HE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LAN CASTER, PA. CONTENTS OF VOL X. No. i. DECEMBER, 1905 PAGE ADELE M. FIELDE : The Progressive Odor of Ants I E. H. HARPER : Reactions to Light and Mechanical Stimuli in the EartJi- u'orm Perichceta Bermudensis (Beddard) 17 LULU F. ALLABACH : Some Points Regarding the Behavior of Me- fridiuw 35 No. 2. JANUARY, 1906 R. R. BENSLEY : An Examination of the Methods for the Microscopical Detection of Phosphorus Compounds other than Phosphates in the Tissues of Animals and Plants 49 J. F. McCLENDON : On the Locomotion of a Sea Anemone (Metridiitm marginatuni) 66 H. H. NEWMAN: The Significance of Scute and Plate "Abnormalities" in Chelonia 68 No. 3. FEBRUARY, 1906 H. H. NEWMAN: The Significance of Scute and Plate "Abnormalities" in Chelonia 99 T. B. ROBERTSON: Note on the Influence of Surface -Evaporation upon the Distribution of Infusoria 115 VERNON L. KELLOGG : Histogensis in Insect Development, and Cell Specificity 1 20 E. A. ANDREWS : Ontogony of the Annulus Ventralis 122 No. 4. MARCH, 1906 O. C. GLASER : Correlation in tJie Development of Fasciolaria 139 CHARLES S. ROGERS: A Chameleon-like Change in Diemyctylus 165 A. C. EYCLESHYMER : The Growth and Regeneration of the Gills in the Young Nee turns 171 W. L. TOWER : Observations on the Changes in the Hypodermis and Cuti- cicla of Coleoptera During Ecdysis 176 iii iv CONTENTS No. 5. APRIL, 1906 PAGE ESTHER F. BYRNES : Two Transitional Stages in the Development of Cyclops signatits, var. coronatus 193 T. H. MORGAN : The Male and Female Eggs of Phylloxerans of the Hickories 201 CHAS. W. HARGITT : The Organization and Early Development of the Egg of Clava leptostyla Ag. 207 PHILIP B. HADLEY : Regarding the Rate of Growth of the American Lobster 233 T. B. ROBERTSON : Note on the Influence of Temperature upon the Rate of the Heart-beat in a Crustacean ( Ceriodaphnia) 242 L. B. SEELY : Two Distomes 249 No. 6. MAY, 1906 INEZ L. WHIPPLE : The Ypsiloid Apparatus of Urodeles 255 FRANCIS B. SUMNER : The Osmotic Relations Between Fishes and their Surrounding Medium (Preliminary Note} 298 Vol. X. December, 1905. No. i BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. ADELE M. FIELDE. I. STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESES BASED ON RECENT AND FORMER EXPERIMENTS. 1. The Specific Odor. — The mother-ant transmits to her off- spring the distinctive odor which is identical for ants of all ages and of both sexes within the species. This odor is appreciated among ants by organs near the proximal end of the funicle.1 2. Progressive Odor. — Female ants, including queens and workers, have, besides their specific odor, an odor which may be termed progressive. Queens of different lineage have different progressive odors. In a queen this odor is either unchanging or changes very slowly, and it is similar to that of her newly- hatched female offspring. a. As worker-ants advance in age their progressive odor intensifies or changes to such a degree that they may be said to attain a new odor every two or three months. This progressive odor is appreciated among ants by organs in the penultimate joint of the funicle.2 b. Male ants have no progressive odor unless it be super- ficially incurred through association with workers ; but the male carries latent in his spermatozoa the progressive odor of his mother. In other words the progressive odor is always recessive in the male ant. c. The progressive odor of each new generation of females is 1 "Artificial Mixed Nests of Ants," A. M. Fielde, BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Vol. V., No. 6, November, 1903, p. 320. 2 "Farther Study of an Ant," A. M. Fielde, Proceedings of the Academy of +\ 'at nra I Sciences, November, 1901, p. 531. 2 ADELE M. FIELDE. determined by the odor of the mother latent in her egg, and the odor of the father's mother latent in the spermatozoon. The progressive odor therefore changes in each generation of females. d. The progressive odor manifest in female ants is the cause of the separation of ants of the same species into hostile colonies, and is of great advantage to the ants in their individual and their communal life. 3. The Incurred Odor. — An ant may incur from its associates an odor which is not inherent in itself, and which may be removed by washing. It may be transferred from ant to ant through air or through water. It arises from the substances that give the specific odor and the progressive odor and that create the nest-aura. II. RECENT EXPERIMENTS WITH THE PROGENY OF A SINGLE QUEEN, COMPONOTUS PENNSYLVANICUS. In 1901 I found that the odor of working-ants of Stcnainma fulvmn piccuin changes with their age,1 forty days being the mini- mum of time in which there occurs a change so great as to effect the behavior of ants of the same colony toward one another at their first meeting. In 1902 my further experiments indicated that a cause 2 for the hostility of one colony toward another of the same species and variety is a difference in odor coincident with difference in the age of the colonies. In 1904 my observations on several species of ants,3 represent- ing three subfamilies, gave further evidence of their change of odor with advance of age, and indicated that the odor of the queen is unchanging, or that her odor changes much more slowly than does that of the workers. 1 have now had under observation for more than two years a colony of Caniponotus pcnnsylvaniats, in which the assertion of a 1('A Study of an Ant," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, July, 1901, p. 449. 2 " Notes on an Ant," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, September, 1902, p. 609 ; " Cause of Feud Between Ants of the Same Species," BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Vol. V., No. 6, November, 1903, p. 328. 3" Power of Recognition Among Ants," BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Vol. VII., No. 5, October, 1904, p. 244. THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. 3 progressive odor in the workers is definite and indisputable, the five successive broods included in the experiment being the issue of one queen. The N Queen.- -This queen was captured on Nonamesset Island, July 28, 1903. She was then deflated and was probably the mother of the hundred workers seen in her wild nest, and also of the ants that afterwards hatched from the many cocoons brought with her to the laboratory. She remained under my care and, unless another is indicated, she is the queen referred to in the herein recorded experiments. The Ni Group of Workers. — Some of the captured workers were transferred to Dr. Irving A. Field, and they remained segre- gated in his care, usually at Harvard University, until the time of the experiment in which they appear. As no other than male offspring had appeared in this group during the two years of its separation from the queen mother, the workers composing it in August, 1905,, were certainly acquainted with the queen pre- vious to her capture in July, 1903. Of the age of these workers of course nothing more was known than that it exceeded two years. On August 6, 1905, I introduced into this nest,1 where there were six major and five minor workers and about thirty larvae from their own eggs, the queen-mother from whom these eleven workers had been separated for two years. The queen showed instant hostility, seized a major worker by one of its mandibles, braced herself on the sponge and held her prisoner there during the ensuing seven hours. All the other workers, sometimes six at a time, examined the queen meanwhile. They patted her with their antennae, nabbed her gently, and licked her back and legs. Two of them, touching her body with their antennae, appeared to dance for joy, shuffling their feet with great rapidity during several consecutive minutes. The queen then began to drag the worker that she had seized, and upon my releasing the latter, took a position near the larvae-pile, as if to claim her incipient grand- sons as her exclusive property, opening her mandibles at every worker who approached. Then followed a most curious and pro- 1 All the artificial nests referred to in this paper were of the Fielde pattern. See "Portable Ant-Nests," BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Vol. VII., No. 4, September, 1504. 4 ADELE M. FIELDE. longed effort on the part of the workers to placate the queen- mother. They surrounded her at all times, offering her regurgi- tated food. Whichever way she turned, there stood a humble servant with a proffered mouthful of pabulum. As many as seven workers simultaneously offered nourishment to her. Every worker of the eleven seemed bent upon wooing and winning her, and she was not for a moment left without attention. These efforts were unceasingly continued, and were meeting with a fair degree of success, when I removed the queen on the following morning. This experiment showed that the workers all recognized the odor of their queen after two years of separation from it, and that the segregated workers had during the same interval acquired an odor unfamiliar to the queen, who had meanwhile met none of her daughters who were over fifteen months old. It also showed that major workers, having in this species nearly the same form and sometimes nearly the same bulk as has the queen, are like minor workers in having a progressive odor. On August 7 I introduced into this Ni group a marked major and a marked minor worker, daughters of the N queen, but many months younger than any of the ants in this group. The visitors were received with signs of curiosity, but with perfect amiability, though no younger sisters had been encountered within two years by these Ni ants. The odor of the younger sisters was perfectly recognized by the eleven residents, and I removed the former. I then introduced a young winged queen of the same species, Camponotns pennsylvanicus, but of an alien colony. The resident ants attacked her instantly and with exceeding virulence. In an instant she lost an antenna, one worker was pulling out her remaining antenna, and three others were dragging her by her legs. The scrimmage was fierce, and before I removed the in- truder four of the residents had received injuries that resulted in their deaths. The residents had given to the alien queen a reception strongly contrasted with that accorded to their own queen-mother ; while the havoc wrought by the alien queen indicated that, if unable to escape from the nest, she might have destroyed all the workers and have remained a fostering mother to their larvae. THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. 5 T/ic JV2 group. — During the first week in August, 1903, the queen deposited about a hundred eggs, and from these were reared five minor workers, denoted here as the N2 ants. These workers hatched between April 24 and May 10, 1904, and were therefore some fifteen months old at the time of the experiment here recorded. These workers had never met other ants than those of their own segregated group, and were therefore unac- quainted with the odor of ants in any wise unlike themselves. They had never lived with the queen, had laid no eggs, and had the care of no young. On July 16, 1905, I put these ants into a new and very small nest where I had isolated the queen-mother without young. The five workers were wholly at ease with the queen, and hastened to evince their devotion in ant fashion; but the queen opened her jaws whenever they approached her, and was somewhat querulous in her behavior during the ensuing two days. The queen had lived during the previous five months with daughters, all minor ants, less than five months old, and her be- havior indicated a difference in the odor of her younger and her older daughters. Her memory was manifestly less tenacious than that of the workers, who, on their part recognized in their queen the odor that had been their own in their infancy, fourteen months earlier. The Nj group. — This group consisted of two major workers hatched in July, 1904, and four of their younger sisters, minor workers, over five months and less than a year old, all the issue of the N queen. The two majors were acquainted with sisters older than themselves, while the minors knew no sister older than these two majors. The members of this group had all lived with the queen, and had been separated from her and living in segregation since February 14, 1905. They had deposited no eggs, and they had the care of a few introduced larvae. On July 1 8, 1905, I introduced into this group a sister nine months older than the oldest in the group. The majors, who had had acquaint- ance with sisters much older than themselves, did not attack the newcomer at all, while every one of the minors, never having met a sister so old as was the visitor, attacked, dragged and finally killed her. It appeared that the behavior of the two major workers was 0 ADELE M. FIELDE. dictated by memory, while that of the four minor workers was an effect of hostility created by the presentation of an unfamiliar odor. The major workers were either wanting in compassion, or else they lacked means of communicating with their younger sisters, for although they were each double the size of any minor ant in the group, they did not interfere in behalf of the victim. The Nj. Group. - - The queen was transferred without eggs or young to a new nest on July 14, 1904. She laid no eggs there- after until December, 1904, and from the eggs then deposited the five minor workers constituting the N4 group were hatched between February 19 and March 23, 1905. These workers were therefore four or five months old at the time of the experiment. On July 16, 1905, I removed the queen from the nest, leaving the five workers in charge of twenty larvae, the issue of the queen's December eggs. Into this group of five minors, who had never met older sisters, I introduced one of the majors from group IS 3, now just a year old, and twice or thrice the bulk of any of the five residents. The introduced ant was instantly and violently attacked by three residents. This attack indicates that the major, like the minor ants, like in shape and size as they are to the queen, change their odor with advance in age, as do minor workers. Having removed this visitor, I introduced a marked large minor worker, fourteen months older than the residents, a sister of theirs, hatched from eggs deposited by the queen in August, 1903. This visitor was likewise violently attacked, every one of the five residents manifesting hostility to her, and the next day I found her mangled body on their rubbish pile. The N$ Group. — This group consisted of two minor workers, the issue of the queen's December eggs, sequestered in their cocoons and hatched on September 8, 1905. They were at once placed in segregation in a new nest, with a few larvae and cocoons from their mother's eggs. Ten days later these ants drove away from their pile of young any member of the N4 group of sisters six months older than themselves. In these experiments it appears that it is the age of the work- ers, not the age of the queen at the time when she deposits the eggs from which the workers issue, that determines at any date THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. 7 their progressive odor. All the ants engaged in this last men- tioned experiment were certainly the issue of the eggs laid by the queen early in December, 1904. That there is similar progress in odor among ants of the same age and species is indicated by an immediate and amicable association of ants that are reunited after a period of separation so long as two years.1 Whether two mutually hostile groups could be created from among the worker-progeny of a single queen would depend on power of memory in the older workers. By segregating from the pupa-stage the broods of different summers, it would be found that the younger sisters would always be hostile to the older sisters, because the older sisters would present an unfamiliar odor to the younger. The hostility of the older sisters toward the younger would be nullified by their memory of the odors by which they had themselves been characterized at earlier periods in their own lives. If the younger sisters bore an odor which the older sisters, through the lapse of many years, should have forgotten, then the hostility would become mutual. It is certain that worker-ants can remember for years an odor with which they have once become familiar, and it is probable that they remember such odors as long as they live. When ants of different groups meet amicably, either the mem- bers of these groups have the same odor, or else they have at some time in their lives been familiar with ants bearing the pre- sented odor. If one group recognizes a familiar odor, while the other group discerns a strange odor, then thos'e finding them- selves among strangers will try to escape, or will make attack. There is no love at first sight between ants of different odors. III. THE ODOR AND THE SENSE OF SMELL IN MALE ANTS. Male ants apparently bear a specific odor, beside the odor that may be incurred during their residence with nurses in the home nest. I have introduced males of different species into the nests of Steitamma fu/vni/i, Cremastogaster lineolata, Mynnica ritbra, Formica sanguinea, Formica Schaufnssi, Camponotus pennsyl- 1 " A Cause of Feud Between Ants of the Same Species Living in Different Com- munities," A. M. Fields, BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Vol. V. , No. 6, November, 1903, P- 8 ADELE M. FIELDE. vamcns, Camponotus pictus, Camponotus americanus, Lasius latipes, and Lasius umbratns, and all these males have invariably been killed within a day or two. If hybridization is to be effected among ants it will be necessary to cause the males and females to become acquainted with one another within a few hours after hatching. When hatched in the same nest, males of Sten- ammafiilvum pursue queens of Cremastogaster liucolata with the same ardor that they show in pursuing queens of their own species. In my mixed nests the failure of individuals of these two genera to mate was manifestly due to physical and not to psychic incompatibility. In the summer of 1905 I had material in my stock of ants for experiments giving evidence that the male ant has at hatching the specific odor of his virgin worker-mother. My E mixed nest consisted of workers of Cainponotus pictus, Formica ncoga- gates, Formica subscricea, and Stcnanima fulvinn, all hatched during the last week of July, 1904, and kept in the same nest until the first day of January, 1905, when the Stenammas were segregated apart. They remained in segregation until August 22, 1905, when I put into their small nest, where there were ten workers and a few eggs, a fine male Camponotus pictus, the offspring of a virgin worker-mother who had shared the nest of these Stenammas until she was five months old. This young male was received by the resident Stenammas with evident pleas- ure. They licked him, regurgitated food to him, and rode on his back. He continued to live happily with them for many days. He bore a familiar specific odor, although hatched among segre- gated workers of his species, eight months older than any that these Sfenammas had known ; and this familiar odor made him welcome. His fate was in strong contrast to that of some of his brothers or cousins introduced into another nest. At the time of these experiments I had also a nest, marked D, of eleven Stenamma fuhnun workers, that had hatched in a mixed nest during the last half of August, 1903, and had lived for several months with Camponotus pennsylvanicns, and Formica subsericea, but had never met a Camponotus pictns. These eleven Stenammas had lived in segregation since July 17, 1904, and were destitute of young, when on August 22, 1905, I introduced into their nest THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. 9 a newly hatched Cainponotus pictJis male, the offspring of a virgin worker, a brother or cousin of the one in the E nest above mentioned. These ants of the D nest at once began to harry him, and although he was eleven millimeters long and very sturdy, while none of the Stenammas were more than five milli- meters in length, they harried his life out within two days. Repe- titions of this experiment gave similar results in every case. The eggs from which these Cainponotus pictns males were produced were deposited by their virgin worker-mothers in May, 1905, five months after the said mothers were separated from the Stenammas that the said mothers had lived with during the first five months of their lives. It therefore appears that the male progeny of virgin workers have not the progressive odor which characterized their mothers. The males have, however, a specific odor, an odor recognized by the ants through certain joints of the antennae, and this odor is doubtless the stimulus calling forth the exceeding care given by the workers to young males with whose specific odor they are familiar. On August 26 I put into each nest, the E and the D nests above described, two males of Stenamma fnlvnni. These males, the first of their species ever encountered by these workers, wery treated alike in the two nests. They were so eagerly grasped be several residents at once that it seemed as if they must lose their lives through the determined efforts of the workers to retain them. They were not left free for several hours ; but so judi- cious were their virgin captors that no injury was done to the captives, and they lived in health and honor many days in these nests. In the E nest the Camponotns pictns male continued to be their associate.1 In both the E and the D nests newly hatched 1 A dealated queen Camoponolus pictus captured alone in the open on July 5, w kept in isolation till August 15, 1905, when she received amicably into her small artificial nest two young males of her species, the offspring of virgin worker ants. She licked them, regurgitated food to them, and during the several days that they remained under my observation, remained in close companionship with them. Later on this queen also received in amiable fashion the virgin mothers of these males, the worker-mothers having been kept by me in segregation during their whole lives. As this queen was captured near the spot in which the workers had their origin a year earlier, these ants may all have been of one colony. This queen killed young males of Formica argentata and Stenamma fitlvum introduced into her nest. IO ADELE M. FIELDE. Stenamma workers, from the same colony as were these males, were immediately killed. Since the males avoid, or are indifferent to, ants of other spe- cies than their own, unless hatched among such species in arti- ficial nests, it appears probable that they discern the specific odor of other ants. But they probably lack the sub-nose that per- ceives the progessive odor of workers. Male ants of various species placed under observation in one of my artificial nests, grouped themselves according to species, but did not quarrel with males of species unlike their own. I infer that the only inherent odor of males is that of their species ; but that they are the medium through which the progressive odor of their female progenitors is transmitted to the egg that produces a female, the progressive odor being latent in the males and reappearing in their female descendants. Only the egg receiving a spermato- zoon would produce a female, and this female would be endowed with her paternal grandmother's tendencies in progressive odor, the progressive odor thus manifesting itself only in the female line of descent. The fact that the worker progeny of a queen, sequestered from the pupa stage, will receive their queen-mother or the queen-mother's sister with equal pleasure, indicates simi- larity of odor in the product of the same queen's impregnated eggs. I venture to predict that there will be found in female ants secretory glands or organs that are wanting or are rudimentary in the male, and that these organs are the producers of the pro- pressive odor. There must be in both males and females secre- tory glands or organs producing the specific odor which is com- mon to both sexes. These diverse organs might be identified through the possession of both sets by the female and of a single set in the male. It is also probable that the male lacks the glands that secrete the scent whereby the female lays down her individual path from the nest, and he may also lack the sub-nose which discerns this path-scent. The male seems to be unable to lay a path, and, in a change of domicile by the colony, he is car- ried bodily by the females to the new nest. It is through his appreciation of the specific odor and his lack of perception of the THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. I I progressive odor that the male is best fitted for his distinctive office in the ant world. IV. THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF QUEEN ANTS. The change in the inherent, transmissible, progressive odor in a line of queens is probably slow and cumulative, but that such a change occurs is evidenced by the behavior of any segregated group of Stcnaunna fithnui workers, a species in which the queens generally remain in the colony in which they are pro- duced. When workers from such a colony are segregated from the pupa-stage upward, it becomes difficult to find, in the wild nest, any queen that these segregated workers will accept as their own. In this species, I have reared worker-offspring from queens that were sequestered from all males except those of their own colony,1 and these workers willingly associated with their worker- cousins. That the change of odor is but slight in a single gene- ration is also shown by the fact that the worker-daughters of a queen, after having been segregated from their pupa-stage upward, and with no criterion of odor save that of their own bodies, will affiliate with their queen-mother at a first meeting, though they always examine her with exceeding care before rendering com- plete homage. The gradual change in odor, through the introduction of the male element, from generation to generation, may be crudely re- presented by the use of letters as symbols of the odor of queens of the same species and variety. The Roman numerals at the left denote successive generations of mated queens. The letter a is used as a symbol of the odor characterizing two sister queens ; the other letters as symbols of the odor inherited from the paternal grandmother. I. a, I. a, II. rt + 3, II. a-\-l, HI. a + b + c, III. a + l+m, IV. a+b + c + d, IV. a + l+m + n, V. a + b -f c -f d-\- e, V. a -+ I -f m + « + o, etc. etc. 1 " Notes on an Ant," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, December, 1902, p. 605. 12 ADELE M. FIELDE. The female descendants of sister queens would thus become more unlike in odor with every generation. An odor providing the means of recognizing a maternal ances- tor, or another descendant of that ancestor, may be dominant through more than one generation of females. The fact that worker ants who have never met any queen will as joyfully associate with their queen-mother's sister as with their own mother, indicates that sister-queens have the same odor after mating that they had before mating, and that the first divergence in odor becomes apparent to the ants only in the offspring of sister-queens that mated with males capable of imparting unlike odors to their respective progeny. The worker ants, having attained the distinctive progressive odor characterizing their mothers' worker- offspring for the current year, may produce males who will each impart to his progeny the distinctive odor borne by all the female issue of the queen with whom he mates. Each generation in the line of queens would then depart farther from the odor of the queen ancestor, and we should find, as we do, colonies in which all the female inhabitants are inimical to all the female inhabitants of another colony. There would also be produced, as in colonies of Stenammafulvum, where queens mate within the nest and remain to increase its population, the phe- nomenon of callows that, if segregated from the pupa-stage, refuse to affiliate with queens from the nest in which were depos- ited the eggs from which these callows issued. During several years I have been interested in ascertaining whether adult, queenless workers would willingly accept a queen who was indisputably of another colony of their own species, and among many experiments I have never seen such an acceptance. If forced into association, escape of either party being made im- possible, the workers may after a longer or shorter interval live peaceably with the alien queen, as they also may do with alien workers. But such forced alliances do not result in normal pros- perity, even when a whole year is allowed for the cementing of friendship. So exacting are the ants concerning adherence to their standard of odor that they prefer a queenless state to the presence of an unknown ant-oclor. Observations made by me in the summer of 1905 accord with my earlier ones. Eleven THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. 13 workers of Stenamma fulvum piccuin had been inmates of one of my mixed nests, with Camponotus pennsylvanicus and Formica subscricca, all hatched between August 14 and September 3, 1903. The Stcnammcts had been removed from the mixed nest, and kept in segregation since June 23, 1904, and had never met a queen. On August 13, 1905, I introduced into this nest a young, winged queen of the same variety as these workers, on the twenty-fourth day after I had isolated her to ensure her freedom from incurred odor. The queen fled from the group of workers and constantly tried to escape. She was attacked whenever I forced her into the group of workers, and was caught and killed by them on the ninth day of her sojourn. A dealated queen intro- duced later, from the wild colony to which these workers origi- nally belonged, was also killed by them. Since ants possess so discriminating a sense of smell, and are so exacting concerning an adherence to the criterion established for their nest, and since even those ants who have had an ex- tended experience in ant-odors, and who have been queenless for two years, refuse to affiliate with a queen of an alien odor though of their own variety, we may hardly expect that they will volun- tarily associate with queens of another species. During the sum- mer of 1905 I introduced queens of other species into segregated, queenless groups of adult Stenamma fulvum^ of Formica ncoga- gatcs and of Formica Schaufussi, that had had their sense of smell highly educated by long association with workers of two or three different species of ants, but in every case the introduced queen was killed within a few days, in spite of her constant efforts to keep aloof from the workers. In no species of ant have I found workers that would tolerate the presence of any queen of unfamiliar odor, nor any queen that would willingly remain among workers of unfamiliar odor. Although all species of ants have not been thus tested we may well assume that what is shown to be a fundamental trait in a few species will manifest itself in all species of the tribe. 14 ADELE M. FIELDE. V. EFFECTS OF THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR IN THE COMMUNAL LIFE OF ANTS. Since the queen is ordinarily the earliest occupant of the ant- nest, and since her callow young have the same odor as herself, the odor of her earliest nest must at first be the same as is that of the queen. Probably this odor is at all times dominant in the permanent nest ; but as the progressive odor of the workers is gradually added thereto, the nest-aura would be thereby modi- fied. The change in the nest-aura, cumulative with the age of the colony and the increase of the inmates, would be so gradual that all habitants of the nest would at all times find it familiar and therefore congenial. The greater dominance of the queen's odor in the earlier nest may be the cause of the persistence with which many workers cling or return to the old habitation even after the majority of the colony has for sound reason removed to a new abode. It appears probable also that diffused ant-odor is in direct ratio to bulk of ant-body, and that a cause of the common activity of workers in adding the lesser to the larger pile of brood, some- times even against the inhibitory effects of light, is due to the more manifest odor of the larger pile. I have at different times during several years observed in my artificial nests a most curious phenomenon among ants that had long lived amicably together. Several or many workers were seen standing around one ant as if holding a court of inquiry con- cerning this associate. Sometimes the associate is proscribed, sometimes rent limb from limb. This extraordinary behavior is probably due to the victim having attained a progressive odor that is obnoxious to many other inmates of the nest because unknown to them. This might happen to an aged ant whose horde of com- panions were all young. It might also happen that in prowling for food, or in raids made on the nests of aliens, the worker ants would bring in alien young for food, and that this much licked and tended young would incur the progressive odor of the nurses. At a later period the introduced ant might produce a progres- sive odor unlike that of the multitude inhabiting the nest, and it would therefore be doomed to destruction. Ostracisms or violent THE PROGRESSIVE ODOR OF ANTS. I 5 deaths, such as sometimes occur in nests where amity has long prevailed, are probably to be explained by the attainment by some of the inmates of a new and therefore an alarming progressive odor. There may be seen among ants of the same variety, and even in the same individual, all degrees of attraction and repulsion towards other ants at a first meeting with them. Such manifes- tations range all the way from cuddling, caressing, cherishing de- votion through indifference and inattention, distrust, suspicion, animosity and enduring, ferocious enmity. The inciting cause is doubtless the progressive odor of the visitor, and the prac- tical end is the preservation of the chemical standard of the nest. Whatever the action of the ants, it is always more obvious when there are numerous young in the nests, and when the nest- aura is well established. During five years of fairly constant study of ants I have seen no evidence that their antennae are the organs of any other sense than the chemical sense, and I am convinced that any statement concerning the behavior of ants may well be distrusted if it ignore the dominance of the olfactory sense over the conduct of the ant, the ant's almost inconceivable minuteness of discrimination in odors, or the ant's marvelous memory of odors that have been encountered. Only when ants are segregated from the pupa- stage, and full record kept of every experience of theirs in meet- ing other ants, can the investigator truthfully declare that ants behave in a certain manner in the presence of other ants. More- over, as every ant acts on personal experience and individual memory, the ants should be considered singly as well as in groups and communities, when a theory of their behavior is to be enunciated. But when the total history of an ant is known, the investigator may accurately predict the behavior of that ant toward other ants. There is ex-ceeding uniformity of behavior among ants having an identical history. The progressive odor of the worker ants is manifestly an ad- vantage in their communal life, since it furnishes the means whereby every ant can recognize its home and its fellow-citizens, avoiding nests and communities other than its own. The uses of this odor within the colony may also be numerous, and it may determine the distribution of labor in the ant community. 1 6 ADELE M. F1ELDE. Through the male element, it probably differentiates the odor of queens of the same species, enabling the workers to find, to defend, and to cherish their own queen. It differentiates ants otherwise alike ; determines their distribu- tion in separate communities ; dictates the behavior of members of one colony toward those of another colony, and in connection with an acute sense of smell and a powerful memory, is a domi- nant factor in the life of the individual ant and in the structure of the ant-colony. REACTIONS TO LIGHT AND MECHANICAL STIMULI IN THE EARTHWORM PERICH/ETA BER- MUDENSIS (BEDDARD). E. H. HARPER. Recent work concerning the behavior of earthworms has related chiefly to their reactions to light. Since the contributions of Hofmeister and Darwin, and that of Hesse ('96) there have been a group of recent papers by Parker and Arkin, Miss Smith, Adams and Holmes, which have been devoted chiefly to the directive influence of light. In the present state of the discussion of this subject the current theory of tropisms has been called in question, according to which the earthworm is oriented directly by light. Holmes has shown that light induces a general state of activity leading to random movements of which those toward the light are checked and those away from it continued, this resulting in final orientation. This paper aims to show that random movements are a feature of less strong light, tending to disappear with the increase of intensity, and are replaced by direct orientation in very strong light. It is also shown experimentally that the earthworm is more sensitive in the extended than in the contracted state, and that this has an important bearing upon the production of random movements. The explanation given of this is that when extended the sensitive elements of the skin are expanded over a greater surface. This is shown to have a bearing upon the production of random movements as follows : Locomotion consists of a succes- sion of extensions and contractions and as each extension begins in a state of lower sensibility the anterior end may be projected toward the light, only to be checked when its increase of sensi- bility with extension makes the stimulus appreciated. Movements away from the light are not so checked. In stronger light the sensibility of the worm when contracted is sufficient to suppress movements toward the light at the outset. In such light the worm appears to be orientated without trial movements. It is important that the worms be kept in the dark before all experi- 17 1 8 E. H. HARPER. ments, as their discrimination diminishes and random movements begin again when this is the case. It is shown that the reactions which are typical of the life in the burrow are more definite and controlled by weaker stimuli than reactions in the open, and this may be expressed by saying that the earthworm's organization is more highly adapted for life in the burrow. Reactions in the axial direction are definite and more sensitive to stimuli than lateral movements in response to light. The genus Pcrichceta is noted for its agility, and of its special reactions the leaping movements are the most notable. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. Perichata, the eel- worm, as it is called by gardeners, is an exotic genus of earthworms which is said to be quite commonly established in greenhouses in the old world, and also in gardens in parts of France, where they have been introduced, it is said, from the east. The only mention of Pcrichceta having been found in this country, that has come under the writer's notice, is that of Garman, who reported a species of Pcrichatta as becom- ing established in greenhouses in Urbana, 111. The writer found Pcrichceta bermudensis (Beddard) in a greenhouse in Evanston, 111. In suitable conditions of soil these worms flourish in great abundance. The genus Pcricliceta is noted for its activity. The squirming movements which have given it its name of eel-worm are a strik- ing exhibition of agility. This sort of movement is not confined to Pericliceta, but is developed in the genus to an extent not found elsewhere. By alternate contractions of the longitudinal muscle bands it makes a series of leaps, by which it may waltz about for quite a distance. It reacts in this way when handled or disturbed, as when uncovered from its burrow. The worms are of rather large size. They are found often measuring nine inches in lengh when killed fully extended. They are rather pointed at both ends. The continuous circles of setae on each segment give the name to the family. The clitel- lum is a complete band or girdle encircling segments 14—16. A large pair of spermiducal glands shine through the opalescent REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. 19 skin behind the clitellum, making a conspicuous mark. The dorsal pores are very prominent, exuding an abundant yellowish mucus. The everted buccal cavity is used as a proboscis, and is thrust out constantly in its feeling movements. The blood vessels are prominent, shining distinctly through the skin. The very numerous, minute, diffuse nephridia are a feature which, along with the continuous circles of setae, have caused consider- able discussion as to whether these conditions are primitive for earthworms or secondarily derived. THE THEORY OF TROPISMS. The orientations to light and other stimuli, which are among the most striking phenomena in the behavior of the lower ani- mals, have received various explanations. After the first anthro- pomorphic explanations of these movements, based upon likes and dislikes, there came an apparent revolution of ideas bringing in explanations of seemingly great simplicity. As the physiology of plants, particularly of the higher plants, had made consider- able progress towards a solid physico-chemical basis, there was a transference of conceptions based upon plant physiology to the realm of animal behavior and the orientations of the lower animals were illuminated by analogies drawn from plants. For example, we find the assertion of identity between heliotropic phenomena in plants and animals. The mechanism of the tropism was not a reflex according to this conception, but was a unique form of movement to be added to the classification of animal movements into reflex, instinctive and voluntary. The current theory of phototropic or -tactic phenomena as ap- plied, for example, to the earthworm, was that when light strikes one side of the animal so as to cause unequal stimulation of the two sides, it changes the tone of the muscles on the side affected. The muscles of one side are thus either relaxed or their tension is increased according as the animal happens to be positively or negatively phototropic. It is bent away from or toward the source of stimulation by the direct action of the environment upon the protoplasm. The tropism is accordingly regarded as a peculiar kind of forced movement, dependent upon the chemical nature of the protoplasm. 2O E. H. HARPER. Jennings has shown in the case of the Protozoa and also the Rotifera that the tropism theory gives an untrue explanation of the mechanism of orientation. These animals are not directly swerved away from or toward the source of stimulation, but they have their peculiar methods of reaction and orientation in the direction of the stimuli is effected by a sort of " trial and error " method. REACTIONS OF EARTHWORMS TO LIGHT. Since Darwin's account of the habits of earthworms there has been a series of papers devoted chiefly to the directive action of light upon these forms. Parker and Arkin, Miss Smith, Adams and Holmes have studied the reactions of earthworms crawling over surfaces, exposed to light stimulation from one side. Parker and Arkin observed the head movements of worms placed at right angles to the direction of the light and determined that 65 per cent, of the movements were indifferent, /. i\, straight ahead, 30 per cent, were away from the light and 4 per cent, toward it. They regarded the various head movements in differ- ent directions as due to a variety of chiefly undefined causes in addition to light and since 4 per cent, were toward the light they assume that as many of the negative responses would be due to other causes than light. So subtracting 4 per cent, from 30 per cent, the remaining 26 per cent, they regard as the measure of the negative phototactic response. Adams showed in addition that the earthworm is positive to very weak light. The observers mentioned did not consider the question of the mechanism of orientation. Holmes takes up the current tropism theory and questions its explanation of the mechanism of orien- tation for these animals. He shows that the various extension movements appear to be of a simply random character, due to a general stimulation by light. The way in which orientation is effected he describes as follows. Movements that are toward the light are checked and the animal draws back and usually moves in the opposite direction. Movements away from the light do not lead to further stimulation and so are prolonged farther, and as a final result of such random movements, the worm gets into the direction of the rays, in which position the stimulation of the sensitive anterior end is least, and it then continues to move REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. 21 straight ahead. Any swerving from this path leads to an increase of stimulation and hence is corrected. Holmes regards none of the movements as forced by light. All are random in direction but certain favorable ones are followed up and unfavorable ones checked by the increase of stimulation resulting from them. Holmes proposes his theory of the " selection of random move- ments " only as one factor in phototaxis, not wishing to exclude the possibility of a slight amount of directive influence in the light. His reason for so doing is based on the observation of himself and the other experimenters alluded to that there is an excess of negative turnings over positive ones. Of course if the movements of the animal are random there should be an equal number of movements in the positive direction as in the negative, when one considers only the first movements occurring after stimulation. Holmes counted a number of first movements and found them about as equally divided between the positive and negative side as could perhaps be expected (23 : 27). Parker and Arkin found an excess of negative movements over positive of 26 per cent. Miss Smith (on the same basis of reckoning) found an excess of 39 per cent, and Adams, using different inten- sities of light, found that the excess was greater with an increase in the intensity. If the observers did not count only the first movements after stimulation but also many subsequent move- ments, the excess of negative movements is not against the sup- position of their random character. It may be well for clearness to suppose a case. Of one hundred first movements after stimu- lation (when the worms are placed at right angles to the light) there should be an equal number of positive and negative, if they are purely random. But according to the theory, negative move- ments tend to be continued while the positive ones are checked and may be followed by negative movements. This would give rise to an excess of negative movements in any large number that were counted. Holmes says that the excess of negative move- ments may be due to one of three causes — accident, failure to. count many of the slight positive movements which are easily overlooked, or to a slight orienting tendency of the light. Holmes undoubtedly has in mind first movements only, when he assumes that an excess of negative movements is against the supposition of their random character. 22 E. H. HARPER. Holmes's theory of the "selection of random movements as a factor in phototaxis " is thus based upon observational evidence which is easy to verify. It is" easy to observe that the move- ments toward the light are apt to be checked and the movements away to be more prolonged. It is less easy to note in weak light, as the final result of orientation takes longer in that case. ABSENCE OF RANDOM MOVEMENTS IN NEGATIVE PHOTOTAXIS IN VERY STRONG LIGHT. All of the experimenters referred to used artificial light except Miss Smith, who used diffuse daylight. Since all of them but Holmes took for granted the direct orienting power of light, they did not care to put the matter to a crucial test. It would seem that a test of the orienting power of light would require the use of lights of various strength, and especially of very strong inten- sity, since the perceptive power for light is so poorly developed in the earthworm. A test of the orienting power of direct sun- light is a very easy thing to make. Place the earthworm upon a sheet of wet paper in a beam of direct sunlight from a window. The light may be passed through a water chamber. The results are sufficiently obvious as to leave no doubt of their general nature. Pericliceta is oriented directly away from the light, when placed at right angles to the rays. The first effect is a turning of the anterior end away from the light and by a series of turns the worm gets into the oriented position and crawls directly away. Usually the result is produced without a false move- ment. It is immaterial whether heat effects are excluded by passing the light through water or not. A species of Lmnbricus was experimented with and behaved in the same manner. If the sheet of paper is turned as the worm turns, so as to keep it at right angles to the rays the worm will travel in a circle con- tinuously. To show the difference between the orienting effect of sunlight and that of an ordinary artificial light the following experiment was tried. By using a sort of searchlight consisting of a tube of asbestos paper surrounding a 32 c.p. incandescent light and narrowed to a small aperture, the light was so manipu- lated by the hands as to keep it constantly directed upon the anterior end of the worm, with the worm at right angles to the REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. 23 rays. In this way the worm was kept under constant stimulation and caused to turn through one complete revolution and the time required was noted. The process of turning was slow and was effected by a series of readjustments involving many trial movements in the opposite direction. Most commonly about two minutes was necessary. In twenty such cases the average time required was five minutes, the greatest time, twenty minutes. In the beam of sunlight as before stated the worm turns con- tinuously without trial movements. The difference in behavior in the two cases is so striking that the occurrence of an occa- sional positive random movement in the sunlight is plainly seen not to affect the general result. When the worm is exposed to the sunlight, if a passing cloud obscures the sun, random move- ments begin to appear. Miss Smith, who used diffuse daylight from a north window, observed that the worm moves in a general direction away from the light, but in an uncertain manner. Adams, using a graded series of artificial lights, showed that the per cent, of negative movements increased with the intensity. Adams did not observe the whole process of orientation since he placed the worms in an illuminated box and observed the direc- tion of their movement after an interval of stimulation. Holmes used artificial light of only one strength. A Welsbach burner was also used to give an intermediate intensity between those before mentioned. Worms were used that had been kept in the dark and they were brought suddenly into this powerful light. They all moved away from the light with very little appearance of random movements. At each forward extension they would turn a little away from the light so that their path appeared like a curve. It is not meant to be stated that there were no random movements. But there could be no hesitation in saying that there was a decided difference in their reaction under the stronger light. Fresh worms would by a series of turns get into the ori- ented position frequently without a noticeable random movement. If the worms were kept in the light for some minutes, they lost sensitiveness and their random movements began to be evident. 24 E. H. HARPER. OCCURRENCE OF POSITIVE PHOTOTROPISM. When using a 3 2-candle-power incandescent light it was noticed that some individuals behaved positively. About 6 per cent, of 200 worms tested showed the positive reaction. But at a few inches distance from the light these worms would apparently become negative. Heat effects were not excluded however. The following is a typical instance. An earthworm crawling on a table moved straight toward a 3 2-candle-power incandescent light until within a few inches, when it began to swerve and without pausing moved in a continuous curve away from the light until it was in the line of the rays, when it continued to move in a straight line away from the light. DIFFERENCE IN THE SENSIBILITY OF EARTHWORMS TO LIGHT IN THE CONTRACTED AND EXPANDED STATE AND THE BEARING OF THIS FACT UPON THE PRODUC- TION OF RANDOM MOVEMENTS. The conclusion reached is that earthworms are oriented directly by light, but owing to their low degree of sensitiveness their movements are uncertain except in very strong light. The influence of light produces a number of noticeable effects upon the behavior. First, there is a state of general stimulation or restlessness inducing locomotion. Second, in light not strong enough to produce direct orientation the worm projects its anterior end in any direction. If toward the light, the worm after stretching out its anterior end will again retract it as if stimulated. If the worm is checked only after making an extension move- ment toward the light, the conclusion would seem to be that the anterior end is more sensitive when extended than when in the contracted condition. One may test this conclusion by further experiment. If a light is flashed suddenly upon a contracted worm the influence of the stimulus seems to affect it gradually, leading after an interval to movements. The extended anterior end responds far more quickly to sudden changes of stimulation. The basis for this difference in reaction must be in the fact that when the head is extended the sensitive elements in the skin are spread out over more surface than in the contracted state. A simple experiment will illustrate this fact. If an earthworm is REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. 25 crawling on a moist paper it may be shaded by the hand or otherwise. When the worm crawls to the edge of the shadow and thrusts out its anterior end into the light it is jerked back suddenly. But if the light be thrown upon the worm when con- tracted, there is no sudden response, but only a gradual awaken- ing to stimulation, as evidenced by subsequent movements. The bearing of this observation upon the movements of the worm would seem to be as follows : The worm contracted is like an animal with its eyes partly closed. It extends its head at random, thus grad- ually receiving the full stimulation upon its surface. If the movement is toward the light, this causes it to contract more or less and so check stimulation. If the movement is away from the light, the oblique illumination produces less stimulation and the movement is more prolonged. An animal with eyes, as a crusta- cean, or an insect, is of course so organized that movements toward the light may be checked, as it were, at the outset, in the case of negatively phototactic animals. It is to be observed that the earthworm begins these random movements while in the contracted state. After extension it draws up its body by means of the longitudinal muscles and is therefore in the contracted state. It then advances again, and at each advance there may be a random change in direction. Thus the worm begins these random movements when in the con- tracted state and under minimum stimulation. The nature of its locomotion and of the sensitive elements in its skin necessitates the alternation of states of low and high sensitiveness. The random movements of an earthworm under light stimulation are consequently of an entirely special character, due to causes in- herent in its structure. To recapitulate, three situations in regard to light have been described, with their characteristic reactions. First, in weak light, second in strong light and third in a situation involving change of light intensity. The stimulus of a change in intensity causes the animal to draw back its anterior end slightly and it then usually alters its course. When crawling under the influence of sufficiently strong light, it bends its head away from the light at each successive advance, until it gets into the oriented position. In light not 26 E. H. HARPER. strong enough to have the directive effect its extension movements are random, an advance toward the light being checked and orientation being brought about by following up of favorable random movements. There are only two responses in reality, the checking or drawing back of the head involving the symmetrical use of the longitudinal muscles of both sides, and the turning response, involving the longitudinal muscles of only one side, that opposite to the source of stimulation. The two responses may also be combined. THE ANATOMICAL BASIS FOR THE DIFFERENCE IN SENSITIVE- NESS TO LIGHT IN THE EXTENDED AND IN THE CONTRACTED STATE. The text figures introduced are intended to make clear the reason for the difference in the sensibility to light of the anterior end in the contracted and extended state. Hesse, who has worked on the organs of light perception of the lower animals, has shown the structure of the light cells in many species of earthworms and has worked out their distribution segmentally. He shows that these cells are most numerous on the first seg- ment, and especially on the prostomium (which is fused with the first segment in Perich&td) and that their number diminishes rapidly on each segment as we go farther back. It is conse- quently the very tip of the animal ( the posterior tip as well ) which is most important for the perception of light, although light cells are found in small numbers over the whole length of the body. The sections of PcricJiceta (Figs. I and 2) show that the first segments are subject to great extension and contraction. It was not possible to get the worm fixed in the fullest state of either extension or contraction. In Fig. 2 it is seen that the first seg- ment is partly inrolled into the buccal cavity in the state of con- traction. For further demonstration of this point the epithelial layer alone, of the first segment, is represented in the extended and the contracted state in Figs. 3 and 4. It is seen to be greatly thickened as well as inrolled when contracted. The effect of this on the light cells is seen by comparison of Figs. 5 and 6. The light cells are on the basement membrane. The thickening REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. The figures illustrate certain features of the worm in the extended and in the con- tracted state. The states of extension and contraction represented are not the most complete possible. FIGS. I and 2 are sagittal sections of the first five segments of an extended and a contracted worm respectively. (: reactions are consequently very definite and predictable because they are adaptations im- portant in the normal life of the worm. As compared with the random lateral movements we see that they are controlled by weaker stimuli and are more definite. The anterior and posterior ends are more sensitive than the middle for the obvious reason that the ends alone come into contact to any great extent with light stimulation. The lateral movements, which are typical of life outside the burrow, are as we have seen of a random nature and less defi- nitely controlled. The worm " dashes back like a rabbit into its burrow," to use Darwin's expression, under a weak stimulus. But when crawling on the surface the same strength of stimulus produces only a general irritation and swaying random move- ments occur which lead to orientation away from the light only after many trials. With a higher intensity of light the worm is oriented more quickly. Thus we see that a very high stimulus is required to produce a direct sidewise movement away from the light while a very weak stimulus will cause it to move back into its burrow away from the light. The random lateral movements are aptly described by Holmes as " inconsequential vermicula- tions." But this description does not apply to the movements which are typical of its burrow life. The worm is as definitely adapted to the burrow and as little adapted for life in the open as some other burrowing animals of higher rank that could be mentioned. However this statement must be modified when we consider that a worm exposed to the light on the ground does not REACTIONS TO LIGHT IN THE EARTHWORM. 3! trouble to make random movements but begins to burrow into the soil immediately. After heavy rains we see them washed out of their burrows, and crawling in unwonted places when they are unable to burrow. REACTIONS TO MECHANICAL STIMULI. Pcric/ueta goes through its peculiar jumping movements only under mechanical or similar stimulation, never under the influence of light, so far as we have observed. When touched with a needle on the anterior end it contracts the anterior segments slightly and may begin to crawl backward or it may go forward, lifting its head and making various random movements before settling on any direction. With a slightly stronger stimulus the anterior end turns away slightly from the stimulus. Increase the stimulus and the worm may contract the longitudinal muscles of the opposite side so as to jerk the body around 90 or even 180 degrees, and so give it a new direction. Or the worm may go off into a whole series of jerks, so that there is a complete grada- tion between the extent of the responses, depending upon the stimulus. More important as determining the extent of the reaction is the condition of the worm. Well-fed worms in fresh condition, when just dug out of their burrow, spring around in the liveliest fashion. If handled they give a series of movements which must make it difficult for an enemy, a bird, for instance, to pick them up before they get a chance to crawl under cover. When stimulated they exude an abundant yellowish mucus. Whether this is an offensive secretion to its enemies is not known to the writer. When a point in the middle of the worm is stimu- lated the body recoils away from the stimulus at that point and there is a slight swelling due to contraction of the longitudinal muscles, like the contraction and shortening of the anterior end under stimulation. Occasionally the worm may move violently toward the stimulus, but this seemed to be due to an overstimu- lation producing a complex of effects rather than a simple reflex. The leaping movements of Pericli.). Lateral to the median row are the paired costals (c. I— 8), directly overlying the eight pairs of ribs. Bordering the carapace on both sides and extending from nuchal to pygal are the marginals (;//. i — 1 1). The plates of the plastron (Fig. 2) are nine in number — the paired epi- (V.), hyo- (ho.}, hypo- (hp.}, and xiphi- (.r.) plastrals, and the unpaired endo-plastral (en.}. The hyo- and hypoplastrals articulate directly with the fourth, fifth and sixth marginals and form the so-called " bridge ' be- tween the dorsal and ventral armor. B. Scutes. - - On the carapace (Fig. i) there are, as in the case of the plates, five longitudinal rows of scutes that receive the same names as the plates. The median row, neurals, consists of a small anterior element, the nuchal (NU.}, and five large neurals (N. 1-5). There are four pairs of large costals (C. 1-4). Twelve pairs of marginals (M. 1 — 12) completely surround the carapace with the exception of the small space occupied by the nuchal. The scutes of the plastron (Fig. 2) are twelve in number, con- sisting of six pairs of large flat elements named from anterior to posterior end as follows : gulars (6".), numerals (H.}, pectorals (P.}, abdominals (A.}, femorals (F}, and anals (AN}. At the angles made by the junction of the pectorals and ab- dominals with the marginals are two pairs of small triangular scutes called respectively axillaries (A^.) and inguinals (/.). These constitute all that remains in the Emydidae of the inframarginals, a row much more prominent and complete in more primitive families. No other plates or scutes occur normally among the Emydidae, but for the sake of completing the nomenclature, it should be mentioned that one species, Macrochelys teunnincki, possesses an additional pair of rows of scutes between costals and marginals, ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. /I called SHpraiiMrginals. Traces of a median ventral row of scutes are found normally in some species - - and I have given the name " inter pldstral* to this row. A single median scute occurs normally in the anterior part of the plastron of certain special- ized groups and receives the name intergular. II. DISCUSSIONS OF THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE QUESTION CONCERNING THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHELONIAN ARMOR. The frequent abnormal occurrence of traces of the inframargi- nals and interplastrals in Grapteinys gcograpliica, Chryscinys mar- gi/iataznd Chclydra scrpcntinaled me to review the literature re- lating to the evolutionary history of the chelonian carapace and plastron. For nearly a century the chelonian armor has offered to mor- phologists a problem of unusual difficulty, and, although much has been written on the subject, its derivation is still unsettled. The question has been attacked from the three standpoints of paleontology, embryology and comparative anatomy. I. Paleontological data are far from conclusive. It is not pos- sible to go into this phase of the subject at all fully. Baur in 1887 published a brief summary of the more valuable paleonto- logical data in an article entitled " On the Morphogeny of the Carapace of the Testudinata." A brief statement of the substance of this paper will, perhaps, serve to show the inadequacy of the paleontological evidence in this case. The condition seen in the Dermochelydae is considered to be the most primitive. Fossil remains of this gro^ip agree closely with the existing Dermochelys coriacca in the possession of " a pavement of small osseous plates extending over the whole shield, jointed to one another by more or less fine sutures. The num- ber of these plates is much larger than that of the other Testudi- nata, which is never more than 70." This pavement of osseous plates is not united with the internal skeleton, as are the plates of other Testudinata, but has an independent dermal origin. " That the carapace of the Dermochelydae is homologous to the carapace, without internal skeleton, of the rest of the Testudinata, there is no doubt." The fusion of the dermal pavement bones with the ribs and vertebras is, according to Baur, proved by a 72 H. H. NEWMAN. specimen of Eretnwclielys imbricata, a fossil species in which are found " small polygonal plates of the same shape as those of Dermochelys, suturally connected with the third, fourth, fifth and sixth costal plates." "A form between the Dermochelydae and " Thecop/iora" (Dollo) is represented by the oldest known turtle, Psephodenna alpinuin, H. v. Meyer, from the Triassic of the Bavarian mountains, preserved in Munich. In this highly in- teresting specimen, never mentioned in monographs on the Testudinata, we have certainly not less than 193 plates suturally united." According to Zittel's Paleontologie, Baur later ex- pressed the opinion that Psephodenna may not be a chelonian at all, but perhaps a nothosaurus. Thus doubt is cast upon the best link in the chain of evidence. That all the principal groups of Chelonia were in existence in the earlier Mesozoic ages and that Palaeozoic Chelonia are entirely unknown are familiar facts. So our attempts to reconstruct an ancestral condition must be made largely on the basis of embryology and compara- tive anatomy. 2. Nor is cinbryological evidence of chelonian phylogeny at all conclusive. The best and most recent study of the develop- mental history of the chelonian carapace and plastron was made by Goette in 1899. He summarizes the previous literature on the subject and shows that the main question at issue is that of the character of the neural and costal plates. Some authors, principally paleontologists, have maintained that these structures have a dermal origin and hence arise independently of the inter- nal skeleton. Others hold that these plates are mere outgrowths of the ribs and spinal processes of the vertebras. Goette favors the latter view and presents as evidence of its correctness a series of very careful embryological studies. Suspecting that there might be some flaw in Goette's work, I repeated much of it, using the embryos of Chelydra serpcntina and Grapteinys geograpJiica, and have satisfied myself that the neural and costal plates actually do originate as outgrowths of a differentiated tissue that surrounds the neural and rib cartilages. Whether this differentiated tissue be true periosteum, as Goette affirms, or simply a somewhat denser portion of the connective tissue that fills the space between the epidermis and the cartilagi- ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 73 nous skeleton, is not certain. Haycraft ('99) maintains the lat- ter view, but his paper is far from convincing. As to the remaining plates of the carapace — nuchal, pro- caudals, pygal and marginals — there is no difference of opinion. All agree that they are of true dermal origin. Thus it would seem that the plates of the carapace have a dual origin — the neurals and costals being periosteal ossifications while the nuchal, procaudals, pygal and marginals are dermal ossifications. The carapace, then, as it exists to-day is not a simple struc- ture but consists of a complex of at least two independent systems of bones. Accepting the evidence of embryology as to the origin of the neural and costal plates, it remains to determine whether the dermal ossifications are, as Goette believes, mere supplementary structures that have come in to supply the deficiencies of the periosteal system, or are remnants of a once more or less complete dermal carapace that has in large measure been rendered super- fluous by the broadening-out of the ribs and neural processes. The latter view would involve the former existence of complete rows of dermal bones overlying the vertebrae and ribs. Embry- ological evidence seems contrary to this view, as no dermal ossi- fications are found in the costal or mid-neural regions. It is possible that we may in this case overestimate the evidence of embryology as a guide to phytogeny. The great antiquity of the chelonian carapace is undoubted and in highly specialized structures that have attained a marked morphological fixity we should not be surprised to find great condensation in develop- ment, so that two structures formerly independent in origin — such as dermal and periosteal plates — may originate simulta- neously so as to form only one inseparable structure. It seems quite plausible, then, that the rapid secondary broadening of ribs and neural processes has crowded out or appropriated the primordia that formerly went to form the dermal carapace and that only in places where the ribs and neural processes fail to reach the dermis do the true dermal bones have a chance to appear. 1 he fact that the nuchal plate appears before the ribs and 74 H. H. NEWMAN. neural spines have even commenced to broaden out and that the procaudals and the marginals follow before the neurals and costals are completely organized, points to the antiquity of these dermal structures and indicates that the neurals and costals are of more recent origin. 3. Comparative anatomy furnishes us much valuable evidence. In the family Trionychidae, for example, we have a series of forms that show a gradual reduction of a portion of the dermal armor. Fossil Trionychidae are well known in which are shown a nuchal, a procaudal and a nearly complete set of marginal plates. Such a form was figured by Dollo in 1884 and named by him Pseudotrionyx. Another fossil species discovered by the same palaeontologist and named by him Emyda granosa, lacks the procaudal and the marginals from the anterior half of the carapace. A third form, Emyda Ceylonemis, possesses a nuchal and several marginals at the posterior part of the carapace. The extreme limit of reduction is seen in Aspidonectes spiuifcr, which possesses only the nuchal plate as the last remnant of the dermal carapace. It will be noted that the order of the appearance of these dermal ossifications in ontogeny is just the inverse of the order of disappearance in phylogeny. The latest elements to be formed in ontogeny are the first to disappear in phylogeny. This is just what we would expect if we consider that there has been a gradual shortening of the developmental process, a gradual elimination of the latest stages. The Trionychidae show clearly that there is a marked tendency to reduce the system of dermal bones and it is not difficult to imagine that earlier reduction has taken place in which the dermal ossifications of midneural and costal regions were lost. What evidence have we that such dermal ossifications over- lying neural processes and ribs actually existed ? O. P. Hay ('97) in an important paper dealing with the evolution of the chelonian carapace and plastron, describes and pictures an in- complete carapace of a fossil form named Toxochelys serrifer. Three ossicles occur above and overlapping the neural plates and occupy positions coincident with the keels of the second, third and fourth neural scutes. These ossicles have the general form "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. 75 of the tubercles seen on the dorsal ridge of the tail of Clielydra scrpcntina, and this suggests that the ossicles of Toxochelys are merely a continuation forward of a series of tubercles that must have been present on the tail. Hay suggests that the keels seen especially in the young of modern Chdonia are the representatives of ancient dermal tuber- cles that formed the chief armor of ancestral forms. That in most cases these dermal ossicles have ceased to form indepen- dently of the deeper and more vigorous bony layers is perhaps to be expected as the result of condensation in developmental processes. The degree to which modern species exhibit keels is extremely varied. Some highly specialized forms show none, or at most one, even in very young specimens, while one very primitive spe- cies, Macrochclys tcmmincki, possesses seven distinct keels on the carapace and four rows of flat scutes on the plastron. This mul- tiplicity of keels is evidently a very primitive condition and natu- rally suggests to Hay the condition seen in Dermochelys coriacea in which twele well-marked keels are found, each keel consist- ing of rows of dermal ossifications that are lager and more prominent than the remaining intermediate ossicles that form the continuous pavement of the test. This peculiar aberrant che- lonian is taken by Hay, following Baur and others, as the hypo- thetical ancestral type from which our modern chelonians have been derived by a process of simplification. A survey of the field reveals the fact that the nearest approach to this condition of twelve rows of keels is seen in Macrochelys tcmmincki, which possesses seven distinct keels on the carapace. The four rows of flat scutes on the plastron may once have been keeled, for keels on the plastron are known in both extinct and living groups. The total number of keels or keel equivalents in Macrochelys is then eleven, one short of the supposed ancestral condition. The missing keel is the mid-ventral one and is repre- sented in certain groups by intergulars. Thus all of the ancestral keels find representatives among modern species. Hay seems to have been the first observer to suggest the im- portance of the scutes as factors in the evolution of the carapace. Previous authors have confined their attention to the bony struc- 76 H. H. NEWMAN. tures, considering the scutes as of little significance. Hay's view of the role of the scutes may be stated briefly as follows : The probable ancestral condition is that seen in Dermachelys, the skin of which is found to be broken up into small polygonal areas, larger in the keels than elsewhere. These areas coincided with the osteodermal plates that are or will be developed in the skin. As the deeper elements of the carapace (neural and costal plates) increased in protective efficiency, the dermal structures were in many regions rendered superfluous and disappeared. In some cases the scutes were lost with their corresponding plates, in others the lost plate left its trace in the keel of the scute. The direction of growth of each of the existing series of scutes shows the direction of encroachment on other rows now lost. This exposition of Hay's seems to me to be the most rational yet advanced, yet I believe that he fails to appreciate the evidence of embryology and thus introduces undue complexity. In the first place, he considers the nuchal plate as a fascia bone instead of an ordinary dermal plate. In the second place he states that the neural and costal plates are of the same character as the nuchal. Embryology shows that the nuchal plate is as true a dermal bone as are the marginals, while the neurals and costals are true periosteal expansions. It seems to me more rational to suppose that the dermal ossifications of the mid-neural and costal regions have undergone a complete suppression identical with that indicated by the series of Trionychidae described above, rather than that they have become indistinguishable by fusion with the rib and neural fascia bones, as Hay calls them. If we remove the scutes and underlying dermis from the cara- pace of a specimen of CJielydra we find that the long tubercles on the neural and costal plates bear no constant relation to the plates themselves, but are nevertheless clearly of a piece with them. It was natural for Hay to suppose that these bony tubercles were produced separately and then fused with the underlying plates. I have been able to trace this matter to a conclusion in the young of Chclydra, with the result that I have seen all the stages of ossification in the carapace and know that the tubercular keels on the neural and costal plates are produced by gradual thickenings of the growing plates. These thickenings "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 77 send out branching processes that gradually displace the dermal connective tissue of the tubercles and fill the space with bone. Complete ossification of these tubercles does not occur until the animals are several years of age. III. DESCRIPTION AND DISCUSSION OF ABNORMALITIES. That a process of reduction both in the number of rows of scutes and in the number of scutes in surviving rows has taken place seems highly probable. From this standpoint I made a systematic study of all the abnormal specimens that showed traces of these lost rows or lost scutes. Inframarginals of all grades of prominence were found in specimens of Graptcmys geograpkica and Chrysemys marginata, while interplastrals were found more rarely in the same two species. It will be noted that both of these recurring rows are plastron rows which probably means that the carapace has reached a high degree of fixity with refer- ence to number of rows. Yet many abnormalities are found that indicate that the reduction in the number of scutes in a row was of comparatively recent occurrence. These abnormalities will be discussed under three heads : (i) Inframarginals, (2) interplastrals, (3) supernumerary scutes in a row. i . Inframarginals. The occurrence or non-occurrence of inframarginals has formed the basis for separating the Thecophora into two great groups. Gadow in his volume on Amphibia and Reptiles gives Boulanger's key for classifying Chelonia. In this the two groups are charac- terized as follows : 1. Pectoral shields separated from the marginals by inframar- ginals— Chelydridae, Platysternidae, Cinosternidae. 2. Pectoral shields in contact with the marginals — Testudini- dae, Chelydidas, Pelomedusidae. It is evident that the more primitive families possess as normal factors this row of scutes while the more specialized families normally lack this row. When, however, dozens of specimens of Graptcmys and Chrysemys possess this row in more or less perfect form, I am forced to consider this phenomenon as a well- marked case of systematic atavism. In view of the fact that no 78 H. H. NEWMAN. such anomalies have been previously described, it seems worth while to tabulate those in my collection - - an easy task in view of the fact that the scutes occur in definite places. In any species, such as Chelydra, that possesses this row normally, there are typically three scutes in the row, one in contact with the axillary, one at the angle of contact of the pectoral and humeral and the marginals, and one abutting on the inguinal scute. These three scutes may be designated respectively as I., II. and III. Out of 476 specimens of Grapteuiys geographica examined, I found 3 1 with traces of inframarginals varying all the way from three large scutes on each side to one small one on one side. The tabula- tion below gives the number of the specimen, the sex, the length and breadth of carapace in millimeters, the occurrences of infra- marginals on the right and left sides separately. Three general sizes are distinguished, which although quite arbitrarily laid down may serve to give a more definite idea of the amount of variation that occurs. These sizes are designated as large, medium and small. At Woods Hole this summer I found two specimens of Nan- ncinys gnttata and three specimens of Chrysemys picta with well marked inframarginals. It will be readily seen that in both species the middle scute is much the commonest recurrence, and this is natural if we consider that in Chelydra, and other species with well developed infra- marginal rows, the middle scute is always the largest. The largest and most vigorous scute would probably persist longer and hence be most likely to recur as an atavistic reminiscence. The fact that no. III. is next in prevalence in Grapteuiys and no. I. in Chrysemyjs, indicates that the order of suppression of the other scutes of the row was subject to individual and group variation. In the species Chelydra serpentina the inframarginal row is in a highly variable condition. Many stages in the reduction of numbers of scutes are to be seen in different individuals. The middle scute, corresponding to no. II., is always the largest, and the adjoining ones are next in size and would correspond to no. I. and no. III. Frequently there are two or three smaller scutes both in front of and behind the large central scutes, but ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 79 GRAPTEMYS GEOGRAPHICA. No. Sex. Length in Breadth in mm. mm. Right Side. Left Side. I F 98 81 Small II. Medium II. 2 F 189 139 Small II. 3 F 200 171 Small II. Large III. 4 M 109 82 Medium I. 5 F 75 63 Large II. Medium II. 6 63 57 Medium III. Medium III. 7 M 82 70 Small II. 8 ? 63 56 Large II. 9 F 75 63 Small III. 10 ? 60 54 Small II. Medium II. ii ? 57 Large II. Large II. Large III. Large III. 12 F 195 147 Large III. Large 11. Large III. 13 F 1 60 118 Medium III. Large III. 14 F 99 82 Medium I. Medium I. Medium II. Medium II. Medium III. Medium III. '5 F 94 82 Large II. Large II. Large III. 16 F 134 112 Large I. Large I. Large II. Large II. 17 F 101 76 Medium I. Large 11. ( See Fig. 44. ) Large II. Large III. Large III. 18 M 88 69 Medium I. 19 M 95 73 Large II. Large II. Large III. 20 ? 56 51 Small II. Small II. Small III. 21 ? 55 50 Medium II. Medium II. 22 ? 57 53 Large II. Large II. 23 ? 62 54 Large II. Large II. Large III. 24 F So 65 Medium II. 25 M 60 50 Large II. Medium I. Medium II. 26 ? 51 48 Medium II. Medium II. Medium III. 27 ? 58 53 Small III. 28 M 66 54 Medium II. Medium I. 29 • M 1 10 78 Medium III. 30 M 97 77 Small II. they shown signs of suppression and in the majority of specimens are of insignificant size. The axillary and inguinal scutes of the Emydidae, etc., correspond, I believe, to two of these smaller scutes that are undergoing suppression in Chelydra. They have persisted in the Emydidae probably because they were needed to fill in the angles between the plastrals and marginals. Aroma- So H. H. NEWMAN. CHRYSEMYS MARGINATA (188 specimens examined). No Sex. Length in mm. Breadth in mm. Right Side. Left Side. I F IO4 80 Medium II. Medium III. 2 F 116 88 Small II. 3 F IO2 81 Large I. Large II. Large II. 4 M 85 67 Medium I. Small III. Medium II. 5 F 90 73 Small II. Small II. 6 M 96 72 Large I. 7 F 98 80 Large I. 8 ? 55 50 Medium I. Large 11. Medium II. 9 M 72 58 Small II. Small II. 10 F "3 86 Large II. Large II. (See Fig. 43 ) A tabulation of the above results shows : Right Side. I. 4 scutes II. 20 " III. 13 « Total : 37 " Right Side. I. 4 scutes II. 8 " III. I " Total : 13 " Grapheniys • Ch rysemys Left Side 5 scutes 20 " 10 " 35 " Left Side. 2 scutes 4 " I " chclys odorata (Fig. 53) shows a curious survival of inframarginals, having invariably only two scutes, one large and the other very small and vestigial. From its position, separating the pectoral shields from the marginals, I would homologize this large scute with no. II. and the vestigial scute with no. I. Complete sup- pression of the inframarginal row has occurred in the terrestrial genera of the Emydida?. 2. Interplastrals. The occurrence of traces of the interplastral row are not nearly so frequently found as those of the inframarginals. Yet they are sufficiently numerous and definite to note in this con- nection. Traces have been found in Chelydra, Grapteuiys and Cliryseinys. In preparing a list of these occurrences it will be convenient to number the places where such scutes might occur, "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. 81 A,B, C, D and E, beginning at the anterior end. Two specimens of Chrysemys marginata have extra scutes at A (Fig. 47). Two specimens of Chclydra have extra scutes at C (Fig. 45). One specimen of Graptcuiys has extra scute at D (Fig. 48). One specimen of Graptcmys has a pair of extra scutes at E (Fig. 46). The primitive condition was probably one in which a scute was present at each point of union of four plastron scutes, but the fact that even in the tail of Chelydra this row is either partially or wholly wanting indicates the rather uncertain character of the row. In the specimens listed above scutes are found occur- ring in four places out of a possible five. No doubt a larger col- lection would serve to fill in this gap. I consider these recurrences as true reversions to ancestral conditions ; and that they come under the head of systematic atavism I see no reason to doubt. How the typical number of scute rows seen in our modern tortoises has been acquired has, perhaps, been sufficiently dis- cussed and it now seems necessary to consider the processes that have brought about the reduction of the number of scutes in a row — for it is beyond dispute that such a reduction has taken place. 3. Supernumerary Scutes in a Row on the Carapace. The literature on this subject is limited to one paper, Gadow's much-discussed " Orthogenetic Variation in the Scutes of Che- Ionia," that was published in Willey's Zoological Results in 1899. The author gives a very interesting account of the con- ditions found in the common loggerhead turtle, Tlialassoclielys carctta. He has gathered together a miscellaneous assortment of some sixty-nine specimens of various sizes, principally new- born, from many parts of the world. On the basis of this col- lection he comes to the conclusion that scute reduction proceeds along certain definite lines. His observations, however, are limited to reductions in the neural and costal rows. According t> to Gadow, the ideal ancestral condition is one in which the neural and costal bony plates determine the number of scutes. The author's idea is that there was originally a scute for each of these plates. 82 H. H. NEWMAN. Starting with this ideal condition as stage I., he finds the nearest approach to it in specimen I, that has 8 left costals of which 2 are vestigial, 8 right costals of which I is vestigial, and 8 neurals. The greatest reduction is that seen in specimen 26, which has 5 left costals of which I is vestigial, 4 right costals, and 7 neurals of which I is vestigial. This latter specimen is reduced below the normal for the species, which is arbitrarily said to possess 6 neurals and 5 pairs of costals. This condition is said to be the goal toward which every young Thalassochelys carctta is striving. The following stages are mapped out in diagram, following Gadow, to show the sequence in scute reduction in the chelonian carapace : Stage I. - - Hypothetical, eight neurals and eight pairs of costals. Neurals and costals lie in the same transverse plane and coincide with neurals and costal plates. Stage II. - - Eight neurals and eight pairs of costals, the latter fitting with their inner angles dovetailed between two successive neurals. Rearrangement probably brought about by the partial reduction of one pair of costal scutes. This reduced pair is probably the second. Stage III. - - Eight neurals and seven pairs of costals, the original second costals suppressed, original third becoming second, etc. Stage TV. — Seven neurals and seven pairs of costals, but fifth neural and fourth pair of costals (original fifth), in a state of reduction. Stage V. — Six neurals and six pairs of costals, owing to complete suppression of fifth neural and fourth (original fifth) pair of costals. Stage VI. --Six neurals and five pairs of costals, brought about by fusion of last two pairs of costals into one or, perhaps, by suppression of one pair. This is the normal condition in Thalassochelys. Stage VII. — Six neurals and four pairs of costals. Normal condition in the majority of tortoises to-day, brought about by suppression of first pair of costals. Stage VIII. — Six neurals and four pairs of costals, first neural (nuchal) greatly reduced. "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. 83 Stage IX. — Five neurals and four pairs of costals, first neural (nuchal) suppressed as seen in pleuroderous tortoises. Beyond this last stage chelonians have not ventured yet, at least normally. The order of loss in scutes is according to Gadow : (i) No. 2 costals, (2) no. 7 neural, (3) no. 5 neural and no. 4 (original no. 5) costals, (4) no. 7 or 8 costals (by fusion or suppression), (5) no. i costals, (6) no. i neural. Gadow's paper, while most suggestive, must be criticised in several particulars, but before proceeding to the criticism it will be necessary for me to produce the data that to a large extent form the basis of the criticism. The data are derived from a col- lection of a large number of abnormal specimens, principally of two species, Graptemys geographica and Chrysemys marginata. Gadow worked on a species that is normally abnormal — if such an expression be permissible. He selected the commonest con- dition and arbitrarily called it normal. As a matter of fact, there is no normal or fixed condition. The species TJialassochelys cwetta is evidently in a highly variable state as to scute number and arrangement, and no stability has as yet been attained. The species I have studied have, on the contrary, reached an advanced state of stability. Yet a sufficiently large number of abnormali- ties occur to give one nearly as many examples as Gadow had. Out of 476 specimens of Graptemys, varying from embryos to adults and taken at random, there occurred 48 specimens with supernumerary carapace scutes, while iSS CJirysemys yielded 8 such abnormal specimens. Four other species belonging to widely diverse groups yielded one abnormality apiece. It seems probable that abnormalities of exactly the kind that I have found so plentifully in the case of Graptemys and Cliryscmys are to be found in any species if enough specimens be examined. In order to economize space in the tabulation of these abnor- malities brevity in the nomenclature of these vestigial scutes must be attained by numbering them. Combining Gadow's figures with my own results, I have good reason to believe that vestigial scutes occur between every two surviving normal scutes and that the first, second and last costals are also found in a vestigial con- dition. On this basis, then, there were eleven neurals and ten 84 H. H. NEWMAN. pairs of costals. These, if numbered from anterior to posterior, would give the numbers I, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 1 1, to surviving neurals, and numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 to vestigial or lost neurals ; the numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 to surviving costals, and numbers i, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 to vestigial or lost costals. In the tabulation these numbers will be used without further explanation. Furthermore, the sex, length and breadth of carapace, brief descriptions of both scutes and bony plates, will be given in separate columns. The significance of the tabulation of conditions of bony plates will be seen later when the subject of correlation between scute and plate abnormalities is discussed. The specimens are numbered and arranged in the order of abnormality, the specimens with largest number of extra scutes coming first, and those with less than the normal number of scutes last. Extra neurals will be listed be- fore extra costals and the latter before extra marginals. Two kinds of abnormality may be distinguished : symmetrical and asymmetrical. The former are less common and are impor- tant in that they furnish clearer cases and thus throw light on the latter. Under the head of symmetrical abnormalities may be mentioned extra neurals in the median line or nearly so ; extra costals in pairs symmetrically placed ; extra paired marginals. The great majority of abnormalities are asymmetrical, consisting of: extra neurals crowded to one side or the other but usually showing clearly enough the position they would normally oc- cupy ; unpaired costals or marginals. In the case of asymmet- rical neurals it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the supernu- merary scute from the normal scute, on account of the large size of the former and the fact that crowding has forced the two scutes to lie approximately side by side. There are usually cor- related points of asymmetry that may be of assistance in deciding the point, but occasionally I have been compelled to trust to my judgment and may possibly have erred. Gadow would probably consider the type in which the normal and supernumerary scutes lie side by side as evidence of the original paired character of the neural row. Were it not for transitional conditions this view might be tenable. Occasionally it becomes difficult to determine which of five costals is the supernumerary scute, but a reference to the mar- ABNORMALITIES IN CHELON1A. GRAPTEMYS GEOGRAPHICA. No. Fig. Sex. Length Breadth Scute Abnormalities Plate Abnormalities. in mm. in mm. I 2O ? 60 54 Complete transverse Plates not fully row of 6 large scutes in formed. middle region. Difi&cult to diagnose. Double 6 neural (large). L 6 costal (large). R 4 cos- tal (large). Paired marginals. 2 6 F 188 144 Median 2 neural No. I procaudal (large). Paired i cos- fused with 8 neu- tals (large). Extra R ral. Extra R mar- marginal (large). ginal. 3 35 ? 44 42 R 8 and 10 neurals Plates not fully (large). R 10 costal formed. ( medium ) . L 10 costal (small). 4 4 F 122 97 3 neural partially di- R Marginal. vided. Probably indi- cates fusion of 3 and 4 neural. Paired I costals (large). R marginal , (large). 5 5 F 2OO H5 R 8 and 10 neurals 9 neural. Dou- (large). R 8 costals ble extra procau- (large). dal. R costal ( medium ). L costal (small). 6 3 F 189 139 R 10 neural (large). 9 neural. Dou- R to costal (large). R ble extra procau- marginal (medium). dal. Paired 9 cos- tals (large). R marginal. 7 13 M 9S 7i R 8 and 10 neurals Normal. (large). R 8 costal (large). 8 H ' M 84 70 L 10 neural (large). Normal. 9 neural, partly divided, and probably represents 8 and 9 neurals fused. L 10 costal (medium). 9 9 F 98 81 L 8 neural (large). Normal. 10 and 1 1 neurals fused. L costal (medium). 10 36 p 52 47 R 8 and 10 neurals Bones not (large). Lacks a R formed. marginal. n 34 (embryo) 21 18 L 8 and -10 neurals B o.n e s not (large). formed. 12 37 a 25 21 R 10 neural (large). Bones not R 10 costal (medium), formed. 13 8 Y 174 136 R 10 neural (large). Extra procaudal. R ro costal (large). 14 10 M U3 76 L 10 neural (medium ). \ Normal. L 10 costal (medium). 15 12 M 98 70 R lOneuralf .nedium). 9 neural. Paired R 10 costal (medium). 9 costals. 86 II. II. NEWMAN. \ITEMYS GEOGKAI'HICA. — Coutillllt'i/. No. Fig. Sex. Length Breadth Scute Abnormalities. Plate Abnormalities. in mm. in mm. 16 40 ? 57 51 L 10 neural ( medium ) . Bones not I, 10 costal (medium). formed. 17 Same as M 87 73 L I o neural ( medium ) . Normal. 10 L 10 costal (medium). 1 8 7 F 170 138 6 and 7 neurals par- Only p b o t o- tially fused. 9 and II graphic record re- neurals completely tained. fused. L 6 costal (me- dium). *9 56 (embryo) 12 10 R 8 neural (large). Rirs very ab- R marginal. normal. 20 17 M 89 69 Paired lo costals Normal. (small). 21 See 17 F 160 118 Paired IO costals (me- Normal. dium). 22 See 17 ? 61 54 Paired IO costals (me- Bones not dium). formed. 23 See 17 F 209 169 Paired lo costals (me- Normal. dium). 24 26 ? 5i 45 Paired I costal (me- Hones not dium). formed. 25 38 (embryo) 23 19 Median 8 neural Hones not (large). formed. 26 39 (embryo) 19 16 L 8 neural (large). Bones not formed. 27 23 F 192 154 Median IO neural Normal. (medium). 28 15 M 83 67 L I o neural (medium). Normal. 29 it M 109 82 L 6 neural (large). Normal. 30 22 M 75 63 Paired extra marginals Paired extra (small). marginals (small). 31 1 6 M 78 67 R 10 costal (large). Normal. 32 See 1 6 M 82 70 R 10 costal (large). Normal. 33 See 1 6 F 72 62 R to costal (medium). Bones not formed. 34 See 1 6 ? 52 47 R IO costal (medium). P> i) n e s not formed. 35 See 1 6 i 63 56 R IO costal (medium ). Bones not formed. 36 21 F 66 57 L IO costal (medium). 1! o n e s not formed. 37 See 21 ? 57 5i L lo costal (medium). Bones not 1 formed. 38 See 21 ? 29 26 L 10 costal (medium).1 Bones not formed. 39 See 21 ? 60 54 L I o costal (medium). Bones not formed. 40 See 21 F 73 63 L IO costal (medium). Bones not formed. 4i See 21 F 99 82 L TO costal (small). Normal 42 See 27 p 47 42 L marginal lacking. Bones not formed. 43 27 ? 58 52 L marginal lacking. Hones not formed. 44 19 F 72 64 R marginal lacking. R marginal lacking. ABNORMALITIES IN CHFIONIA. i ;K \rrrM\s CKUIKAI-IIICX.— No. Fig. Sex. Length in nun. Krendth in nun. Seine Abnormalities. Plate Almormnlities 4S See 19 ? 58 53 R marginal lacking. 1 '. 11 n e s not formed. 46 18 F 77 65 Paired marginals luck- Paired marginals ing. lacking. 47 ( embryo) 1'aircil marginals lack- ing and costals not fully Hones not formed. 1 differentiated. CllKVSK.MVS MARC1NATA. No Fig. Sex. Length in nun. Breadth in mm. Scute Abnormalities. Plate Abnormalities 4S 31 F 130 93 R 8 and IO costals Kxtra 1'iocau- (large). dals. R 10 costal (large). 49 32 F 73 61 I, 8 and 10 neurals Normal. (large). 50 30 M 104 So Paired IO costals Normal. (large). 51 25 52 47 Paired 4 costals (me- Bones not fully dium ). formed. 52 24 57 50 L 4 or R 6 neural. Hones not fully formed. 53 20 F 84 67 R 10 neural (large ). Normal. 54 28 M 97 (,o L I costal (medium). Normal, 55 41 F 73 63 L 8 costal (medium). Normal. ginals will usually settle the point, as the normal condition has a very characteristic arrangement of these t\vo sets of elements. Another source of difficulty arises from the complete or in- complete fusion of adjacent scutes. Fusion is due to the inhibi- tion of the process of division into epidermal areas at a rather late embryonic stage. In some cases the fused scutes show their separate identity, after a year or two of growth, by a separation of their growth rings. Coker has called attention to several such cases in connection with Malaclcunnys ccntrata and I have observed the same phenomenon in the marginals of Graptcinys on several occasions. Usually, however, the indications are clear enough to enable one to recognize the individual elements in a fused scute. It seems reasonable in the present discussion to consider the number of scute primordia involved in a fusion and to give them the full rank of independent scutes. As in the previous tabulation, the arbitrary terms, large-, small and medium, are used. Lor R in connection with neurals will 88 H. H. NEWMAN. indicate that the extra scute is crowded to left or right. The same letters indicate the side on which extra costals and mar- ginals occur. The following isolated abnormalities have come to hand and may be listed : Large specimen of Terrapene Carolina has a R 10 costal (medium). Medium-sized shell of Cyclcmys doitata has paired 6 costals (medium). See Fig. 42. Two medium-sized specimens of Chelydra scrpcntina have L 10 costal (large). Large AronwcJielys odorata has R 10 costal (medium). A reference to the literature enables me to list a considerable number of similiar abnormalities. The names used in the refer- ences will be retained. 1. Ptychemys clcgans, Agassiz, L., Contributions to the Nat- ural History of the U. S., Plate I, Fig. 13, showing: L 4 neu- ral, paired 4 costals, paired extra marginals. (Figured in this paper as Fig. 33.) 2. Chelopas insailptns, Parker, G. H., paired marginals lacking. 3. Same : R 8 and 10 neurals, R 10 costal, R marginals lacking. IN CATALOG OF SHIELD REPTILES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 4. Emysvermiculata^zb. XIII.), 24 neural, R 8 and 10 neural. 5. Emys singuinulenta (Tab. XV.), R 6 neural, R 6 costal, L 4, 6 and 10 costals. 6. .Cyclcmys dentata (Tab. XIX.), median 4 neural, R 6 neural, L 8 neural. 7. Chclodina oblonga (Tab. XXIV.), R 8 neural. IN HISTORIA TESTUDINUM, SCHOEPFF, J. B., 1792. 8. Testudo cincra (Tab. III.), Fig. 2, paired I costals. 9. Tcstndo arcolata (Thunberg), Tab. XXIII., median 8 neural, L 6 costal. 10. Tcstndo planiccps, XXVII. , L 4 costal. Discussion. A scute, whether normal or supernumerary, is a separate and definite entity, resulting from a definite embryonic primordium. ABNORMALITIES IN CHELON1A. 89 The fact that supernumerary scutes have been found between all of the normal scutes as well as at both ends of the costal series must have some significance. If one assumes that these super- numerary scutes represent the atavistic recurrence of scutes that have been lost in the course of phylogeny, it is possible that the following tabulation will throw some light on the sequence of loss. Neural 's. Costah. No. of Scute. Numbers of Recurrences. No of Scute. Numbers of Recurrences 2 I I 6 4 6 8 10 2 (one doubtful) 5 (one doubtful ) II (one doubtful) 1 6 (one doubtful) 2 4 6 8 o 3 4 (one doubtful) 4 (one doubtful) 10 35 It will be seen that the most frequent recurrences are at the posterior end of the carapace, and that, with the exception of the first costal, the frequency of recurrence diminishes as we proceed anteriorly. What significance attaches to this fact ? It seems quite probable that the most frequent recurrences represent the most recent losses and the rarest recurrences the most ancient losses. This rule held good for the suppression of rows of scutes and should apply here also. On this basis then we can at least say that the succession of suppression was in general antero-posterior, that the earliest losses occurred at the anterior end of the carapace and the most recent losses at the posterior end. One might go further and say that in the neural series the order of suppression was probably 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. The antero-posterior order of loss is not so clear in the case of the costals, as no. I costal recurs more fre- quently than any other except no. 10. This means a modifica- tion of the regular mode of progression. In the costal series it is probable that the antero-posterior succession of losses was interfered with by the rounding-in of the marginals both ante- riorly and posteriorly. This rounding-in would necessarily begin about medially and proceed in two directions, hence the second supernumerary scute would be put under pressure before the first and the eighth before the tenth. The antero-posterior H. H. NEWMAN. tendency, however, would bring about the suppression of anterior scutes, as a whole, before posterior scutes. Evidences are not wanting that scutes may be suppressed and the method of suppression seems clear. In a specimen of Cycle- mys dentata, listed as no. 58 and figured on Plate III., Fig. 42, the paired sixth costals are being encroached upon by the seventh costals. The anterior growing margins of the latter have pushed in under the posterior edges of the former in such a way as to severely cut into their growth centers. The dotted line shows the amount of encroachment. Several specimens of Graptemys show the same phenomena, and the scutes encroached upon are always the supernumerary ones. This may be looked upon as a recurrence of an ancestral condition and we may infer that the loss of certain scutes has been brought about through the encroachment, more and more severe with succeeding genera- tions, of more vigorous upon less vigorous scutes, resulting in the final complete suppression of the latter. We must also suppose that the rudiments of the lost scutes lie dormant in the embryonic tissues and occasionally for some reason reappear more or less completely. Those that have been suppressed for the longest time would naturally reappear least often and vice versa. On this basis, then, we may safely say that the order of loss is orthogenetic if by this we simply mean onward develop- ment. Applying the same methods to Gadow's figures I find a very general agreement, although 1 am unable to agree with the author's interpretations. The vestigial scutes that occur in Gadow's figures are : neurals 2, 8 and 10; costals I, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. No. 2 costal was not found in my specimens, but is so clearly seen in Gadow's Fig. I that I have introduced it into my system. It is possible that No. 2 costal was the most ancient loss and hardly likely to recur in specialized types such as Graptemys and C/iiysernys, since it occurred only once in Gadow's specimens of TJialassoclielys. It will be seen that Gadow finds no vestiges of neurals 4 and 6. An examination of his figures will show that TJialassochclys has attained a high degree of fixity in the anterior portions of the mid-neural series, while all other regions are still in a decidedly variable condition. Hence we are "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 91 unlikely to find vestigial scutes in this region unless a much larger number of specimens is examined. Carapace abnormalities have been pictured by authors for over a century and I have on my lists fourteen species, belonging to widely diverse groups, that show the same general abnormalities. These scattering cases could scarcely be used in determining the order of loss of scutes, but are of importance in that they show that certain abnormalities that are comparatively rare in Graptemys and CJiryseitiys occur with a fair degree of frequency in other forms. For example: neurals 4 and 6, and costals i, 4 and 6 occur from 2 to 4 times in these specimens. The prev- alence of abnormalities of this sort over such a wide range of forms strengthens my idea of the universality of the process of scute reduction in Chclonia. I have no doubt that such ab- normalities will be found in any species if enough forms are examined. In Gadow's diagrams illustrating the progressive reduction of epidermal scutes (p. 217) it will be seen that the order of reduc- tion differs from the one I have proposed in two points ; in the first place he indicates that no. 10 neural is suppressed before no. 8, but this is not borne out by his own figures. Figs. 4, 6, 7, 14, 20, 26, show no. 10 persisting after the total suppression of no. 8, Fig. 26 being especially convincing. Figs. 8, 9, 10, on the other hand, show no. 8 persisting after the suppression of no. 10. The balance is decidedly in favor of the earlier sup- pression of no. 8, yet there must have been some individual vari- ation in this matter. My own figures show that no. 8 recurs twelve times as compared with seventeen times for no. 10. In my own specimens there are eight cases in which nos. 8 and 10 neurals recur together, nine cases of no. 10 recurring alone, and only four of no. 8 recurring alone. It would seem then that these two scutes were undergoing a process of suppression at about the same time, but that no. 8 was in most cases the first to disappear. In the second place it seems clear that no. I costal persisted longer than no. 10 in Thalassochelys, but that the opposite was the case in all the forms in my collection can scarcely be doubted, no. 10 recurs thirty-six times and in many species, while no. i recurs only six times. 92 H. H. NEWMAN. Some rather remarkable conclusions are expressed in Gadow's paper and should be discussed in this place. 1. He makes the following statement : "Abnormalities are 4 to 7 times as common in new-born as in mature specimens, hence scute reduction must take place during the lifetime of the indi- vidual." I have not had the opportunity of putting this matter to a test in the case of TJialassoclielys, but the examination of several complete nests of Graptemys has brought to light the following facts. Two nests containing respectively thirteen and fourteen embryos showed no abnormalities. One nest contain- ing fourteen just-hatched young showed one slight abnormality, a vestigial no. 10 costal. A fourth nest in which twelve eggs came to maturity contained five decidedly abnormal specimens, listed as nos. 11, 19, 25, 26 and 48. This means that barely 10 per cent, of the embryos of four broods are abnormal, while out of 476 specimens of Graptemys 48 were abnormal in the carapace scutes, a little over 10 per cent. A large proportion of Gadow's new-born specimens came from one nest, the whole brood of which was abnormal. The others were taken in small sets from various collections, and I believe that such specimens had been preserved because of their abnormalities. A survey of my tabulations will show that abnormalities are no more common in one size than in another. Finally, Coker, in a very recent preliminary paper, delivered before the American Society of Zool- ogists in Philadelphia, December, 1904, claims that observations on embryos of TJialassochelys gave no support to the theory of Gadow. 2. Gadow considers that certain specimens (Figs. 6 and 24) show evidences that the neural row was originally a double one. That this was the case seems very unlikely from an examination of such primitive conditions as are seen in the tail of CJielydra and in the neural keel of DermocJielys. The appearances seen in Figs. 6 and 24 may be due to the crowding of linear members of the row until they come to lie side by side. Indications of an approximation to this condition are not uncommon in the speci- mens which I have had to deal with. "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 93 4. Supernumerary Scutes on tlie Plastron. The plastron has, as a rule, reached a higher degree of fixity in the matter of numbers and arrangement of scutes than has the carapace, but that this portion of the chelonian armor has not al- ways had so fixed a character may be seen in the high state of variability of Aromochclys odorata, which is almost as marked as that seen on the carapace of Thalassochelys. In Aromochclys the number of plastron scutes varies from 14 to 9 and all intermediate conditions are readily found. Fig. 5 2 shows the largest number of scutes seen in the specimens of my collection. In this case there is a well-developed extra pair of scutes between the abdominals and femorals. Fig. 53 shows the commonest condition in which there are the usual five pairs of plates and the gulars are par- tially fused. Fig. 54 shows the extreme of reduction in which the pectorals have been lost either through crowding or fusion, and the gulars have fused into a single median element. As in the case of the carapace, we find in several species that have attained a high degree of fixity in the plastron, marked traces of supernumerary scutes. Fig. 49 shows the plastron of a small specimen of Chelydra that has an extra pair of scutes be- tween femorals and anals. Fig. 50 shows another specimen of Chelydra with a vestigial scute on the right side between humeral and abdominal. Fig. 51 shows a specimen of CJirysemys with a well-marked supernumerary scute on the left side between ab- dominal and femoral. In Figs. 49, 50, 51 and 52 we have super- numerary scutes in four places out of a possible five. As yet I have been unable to find supernumerary scutes between gulars and numerals. Losses seem to have taken place in two ways : by fusion and by crowding out. Some curious examples of the latter might be mentioned. In Chelydra the abdominals have been forced to the sides, but have been retained to bridge the gap between the small plastron and the margin of the much larger carapace. In other cases the pectorals have played a similar role. Van Lidth de Jeude describes a specimen of Tcstudo ephippium (Gthr.), in which the pectorals have been crowded to the two sides lika the abdominals of Chelydra. Other specimens of the same species, according to Rothschild, have the same abnormality to a greater 94 H. H. NEWMAN. or less degree. The Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum shows a specimen of Mononria fnsca (Tab. III.), in which the pectorals are crowded to the margin of the plastron and have become small and triangular. The same volume shows a specimen of Sternotherus Derbianns (Tab. XXII.), in which the pectorals seem to have a tendency to be suppressed or crowded to one side. On the whole it seems evident that an orderly suppression of alternate scutes has taken place in the plastron as well as in the carapace. 5. Correlated Abnormalities in tJie Scutes and Bony Plates. The next question that comes up for discussion is whether or not there is any correlation between scutes and bony plates. It has long been noticed by morphologists that there is a certain definiteness about the relative positions and sizes of scutes and plates. This may be described in brief as a definite overlapping of bony sutures by scutes. In the marginal series (see Fig. i) this is seen in its simplest form — every bony suture being covered by a scute. In the neural and costal series one scute as a rule covers one whole plate and half of two adjoining plates. This arrangement is modified in the anterior and posterior regions. In the former the nuchal plate is partially overlapped by six scutes, viz. : nuchal, first pair of marginals, first pair of costals (normally involving only small corners of the plate), and the first neural. The first costal scutes cover the first and half of the second cos- tal plates as well as the inner edges of first, second, third and fourth marginal plates. The last neural covers normally parts of eight plates, viz. : the two procaudals and the anterior margin of the pygal, about half of the eighth neural and eighth pair of costals, and the anterior margins of the eleventh marginals. Only in the middle portions of the carapace is any definiteness of arrangement seen, yet there is a marked fixity of relations even in the most specialized regions. Gadow bases his reduction series upon an arbitrary connection between these structures, according to which there was originally a scute for each vertebra and rib. He gives no reason for assuming a vital connection between these structures, but simply implies one. In an earlier portion of the "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 95 present paper it has been shown that there is no ontogenetic con- nection between the scutes and plates, the former being laid down before the latter have begun to form, while the latter appear com- paratively late in development as mere outgrowths of the ribs and neural spines. If, however, there be any essential connection between these scutes and plates, we would expect to find scute irregularities and abnormalities associated with plate irregularities and abnormalties and vice versa. G. H. Parker ('99) expresses himself at some length on this point in a paper entitied " Correlated Abnormalities in the Scutes and Bony Plates of the Sculptured Tortoise." He describes in detail two abnormal specimens and on this slender basis reaches some rather general conclusions. Specimen no. i has extra eighth and tenth neurals and a small right tenth costal. No plate abnormalities are found in the neu- rals or costals, but one right marginal plate and a correspond- ing scute are lacking. Parker designates these conditions as : (a) Scute abnormalities unassociated with plate abnormalities, ($) scute abnormalities associated with plate abnormalities. Specimen no. 2 has normal neural and costal scutes, but lacks an entire horizontal row of plates consisting of a neural, a pair of costals and a pair of marginals. The lack of marginal plates is associated with the lack of a corresponding pair of scutes. These conditions are designated as : (rt) Plate abnormalities unassociated with scute abnormalities, and (//) scute abnormalities correlated with plate abnormalities. Parker finds the second specimen shorter than the average normal specimen of the same sex in the proportion of 1.298 to 1.313. This is due to the loss of a verte- bra and pair of ribs. In both cases it will be seen that the only real correlation occurs in the marginals and that here the correlation is perfect. Another correlation not mentioned by the author is seen in the second specimen, where there is a reduction of marginals in sym- pathy with the reduction in neurals and costals. This correla- tion is, I believe, of a different sort from that seen in the marginal plates and scutes, in that a common cause has brought out the same general effect in both sets of structures. In both cases of g6 H. H. NEWMAN. correlation in the marginals Parker concludes that the abnor- mality is in the anterior portion of the carapace, but an examination of his figures fails to convince me that he has any criterion for thus locating the point of suppression or recurrence of scutes, for a loss anywhere in the marginals would necessitate a general readjustment with reference to the costals. Yet the author con- cludes that correlated abnormalities are likely to occur only in the anterior portion of the carapace. To aid this hypothesis he adds a second one, based on a paper by Harrison ('98), in which it is shown that in the frog larva the ectoderm is proliferated chiefly at the anterior end and the meso- derm chiefly at the posterior end. This would cause the ecto- derm to slide back over the mesoderm. Parker concludes that the ectodermal structures in the carapace have migrated away from their mesodermal connections so that the posterior scutes are far from their original plates, while in the anterior part of the carapace the scutes are over the same plates that they originally covered. This ingenious hypothesis loses its force when, after the ex- amination of large numbers of abnormalities, it is found that nearly all true correlations of plates and scutes occur at the posterior end of the carapace. A reference to the tabulation of abnormalities will bring to light the following facts : 1. Specimens 2, 4, 6, 30, 45, 47, 61 and 62 show very precise correlation of abnormalities in the marginals. All abnormalities in the marginal scutes are correlated with similar abnormalities in the plates. 2. Specimens 5, 6 and 15 have abnormalities of both plates and scutes of the costal series, but in no case are these strictly correlated. In all three specimens the extra costal plates are paired while the extra costal scutes occur on the right side only. These specimens are abnormally long and the undue length may be the common cause of both extra plates and scutes. 3. No. 9 neural plate recurs in the same three specimens (5, 6 and I 5) and is associated in each case with one or more extra neural scutes (Nos. 8 or 10). Examination shows that these extra neural plates are irregular structures, are not associated with the neural processes of vertebrae, and hence are to be con- ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 97 sidered in the same category as the procaudals. On this account I am strongly of the opinion that they have had a dermal origin like the procaudals. 4. Specimens 5, 6, 9, 13 and 49 have extra procaudal, either single or double, and in each case this plate abnormality is asso- ciated with the recurrence of an extra scute in the posterior part of the neural row. The procaudals are certainly of dermal origin and were probably the bony cores of the last neural scutes before the crowding-out process began. Consequently the reappearance of an extra plate and extra scute in this region may with justice be considered as a case of correlation. 5. Specimens 7, 8, 14, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33, 41, 50, 51 and 58 have various kinds of scute abnormalities and per- fectly normal plates. Summarizing, we find that the only invariable correlations are in the marginals which represent scutes with their bony supports (the plates) only slightly separated from one another ; that corre- lations between extra procaudals (also true dermal plates) occur in five cases and no case of plate abnormality in this region is without a scute abnormality ; that correlations between an extra neural of small size and irregular shape occur in every case ; that extra paired costal plates are associated with asymmetrical extra costal scutes ; and that very frequently scute abnormalities appear without any corresponding plate abnormality. It would appear then that abnormalities are never truly corre- lated except in regions where dermal plates persist and never in the anterior part of the carapace, because the plates of that region, except the nuchal, have given way to the periosteal plates of the neural and costal series. The nuchal plate still possesses its scute in a reduced condition, so we would not expect to find any abnormality in that region. Only in the regions of dermal plates do we find any interde- pendence of plates and scutes, because only here, according to our theory, is there any genetic connection between dermal and epidermal structures. That we find no true correlations between the plates and scutes of the neural and costal series is just what we would expect from our knowledge of their ontogenetic independence. In the most irregular specimens, having the most grotesque scute displace- 98 H. H. NEWMAN. ments and additions in the mid-neural and costal regions, there is not a single case of sympathetic plate abnormality. Another strong case in favor of the entire independence of these structures is furnished by examples of vertebral distortions. A paper by Wandolleck (1904) entitled "A Hump-Backed Tortoise," describes a specimen of Tcstudo Grceca in which the neural and costal plates were in utter confusion, due to lateral curvature of the spine. Yet the number and arrangement of the scutes was perfectly normal. Another case in point is that of a deformed embryo in my possession that has ten ribs on one side and the number of costal scutes is perfectly normal (Fig. 56). Further evidence for the independence of neural and costal scutes and plates is derived from the fact that certain land tor- toises undergo striking modifications of plates in order to form a dome-shaped shell of great strength. The costal plates become, dovetailed one into the other and are decidedly wedge-shaped. This condition is not followed in any respect by the scutes, which retain their typical form and arrangement. A. Bienz ('94) de- scribes this condition in Dennatcmys inavit, and shows that the form and the arrangement of the plates conform with the most approved architectural principles. The origin of the bony plates of the plastron has been thor- oughly worked out and in each case a plate is to be interpreted as a modification of preexisting bony structures — clavicle, ster- num or abdominal ribs. If such structures as these have been transformed into large, flat, bony plates without any fusion of fascia bones or any outside factors of any sort, why is it neces- sary to explain the costal and neural plates as other than mere modifications of the preexisting ribs and neural spines ? 6. Correlation in Scute Abnormalities. Two tendencies may be noted in this connection : 1. Scutes of the same horizontal row have a tendency to recur together (see Figs. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 31, 33 35,40). A i o neural most frequently is accompanied by a 10 costal, etc. 2. In asymmetrical abnormalities the tendency is for super- numerary neurals, costals and marginals to occur on the same side (see Figs. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 31, 35, 40). BIOLOGICAL BULLHIN, VO^. X Fig. i Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 2 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN VOL. X Fig. 8 Fig. 6 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. X PLATE III Fig.i 9 Fig. 20 Fig.2i Fig. 2 2 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VCL. X PLATE IV Pig- 3 Fig. 4 o Fig. 4 1 ilOLOGICAL BULLETIN. VOL. X PLATE V Fig. 4 8 Fig. 5 4 Fig- 5 2 F.ig.53 Vol. X. February, 1906. Aro. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SCUTE AND PLATE "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF THE CHELONIAN CARAPACE AND PLASTRON. H. H. NEWMAN. CONTENTS. PART II. PAGE. IV. The "Tail-trunk" of Chelydra serpentina, as a Close Approximation to Ancestral Conditions of Carapace and Plastron 99 V. Further Evidence of the Former Existence of a Dermal Carapace in Che- Ionia, as Derived from Specimens of Graptemys... 103 VI. The Color Pattern of Chelonia as Confirmatory Evidence of the Former Existence of Dermal Armor 106 PART II. IV. THE TAIL-TRUNK OF CHELYDRA SERPENTINA AS A CLOSE APPROXIMATION TO ANCESTRAL CONDITIONS OF CARA- PACE AND PLASTRON. Baur, Hay and others have used as the hypothetical ances- tral form an aberrant and perhaps highly specialized Chelonian, DcrmacJielys coriacea, but in the light of the various atavistic re- currences discussed in this paper and in view of the fact that certain definite rows of scutes invariably predominate over others, I have been led to seek elsewhere for primitive conditions. A closer approximation to the true ancestral conditions is, I believe, to be seen in that portion of the trunk of Chelydra that is commonly called the base of the tail. Here if anywhere one would expect to find primitive conditions. The Chelydridae are generally acknowledged to be our most generalized chelonians, 99 IOO H. H. NEWMAN. and it is natural to look for primitive characters in this family, especially in the less specialized regions of the body. A careful study of the portion of the body posterior to the carapace, which for convenience may be called the "tail-trunk," is fruitful of suggestions. A preparation of the bony structures of this region was made from a very large specimen (Fig. 58) measuring nearly three feet from snout to tip of tail, having a carapace sixteen inches long and a tail-trunk fifteen inches long. The preparation shows the following structures : There are 33 vertebrae ranging in size from very large bones of nearly a cubic inch displacement to very minute ossicles at the tip of the tail. The first five vertebrae "are beneath the carapace and have their dorsal processes in close contact with a longitu- dinal bony ridge that traverses the last three plates of the neural row of the carapace. These five vertebrae have definite flattened ribs that project laterally about at right angles to the axis of the vertebral column and remind one of the flattened ribs in the cara- pace of Dernwclielys. The first and second of these ribs are very large and articulate by means of enlarged heads with the proxi- mal ends of the ileum. These specialized vertebrae and ribs form the sacrum (Fig. 58, I and 2). Surmounting the dorsal processes of the eighth to the fifteenth vertebra is a row of six large bony tubercles ( /. I to 6) that have no reference to individual vertebras. The dorsal processes of the latter are not the centers of ossification for the tubercles and there is no articulation or fusion between the two series of structures. Posterior to the sixth bony tubercle are fourteen tubercles (j. 1 — 14), with either membraneous cores or no cores at all, ranging in size from structures almost as large as the sixth bony tubercle to extremely small scales with dorsal ridges. An- terior to the first bony tubercle are three small soft tubercles (x) occurring at intervals of about half an inch, and anterior to these we find the two procaudal (//•. i and 2) and the single pygal plate (/) of the carapace, overlying the first four vertebrae. We have then the following heterogeneous series of structures : two procaudals, one pygal, three small soft tubercles, six large tuber- cles with bony cores and finally a graduated series of 14 tuber- cles merging into ridged scales. It seems reasonable to suppose "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. IOI that all these structures of the dorsal row, whether scutes with bony cores, scutes without bony cores, or bony plates that have been separated from their original scute coverings, are essen- tially homogeneous, and that the differences seen in the differ- ent regions are secondary or perhaps tertiary modifications. It seems probable that the scutes at the posterior end of the row represent the most primitive condition, which, through a process of continuous variation have become more tubercular in form and have acquired bony cores by the gradual ossification of membraneous tissue. The three soft tubercles surmounting the fifth to seventh vertebrae probably represent a reduced condi- tion in adaptation to the fact that the base of the tail requires flexibility and must be swung from side to side or partially with- drawn under the carapace. The presence of such large promi- nences as the bony tubercles would seriously interfere with the mobility of the tail. The procaudal plates seem to have been the last of the neural tubercles to have been flattened out to form the dermal carapace. The last neural scute is probably the original chitinous sheath of one of the procaudals, doubtless the second one. The scute of the first procaudal I believe to have been crowded out in the process of scute reduction that will be discussed later. Over the 33 vertebrae there occur 27 structures of homogene- ous origin, that may be designated scutes. This number is suffi- ciently at variance with the number of vertebrae to preclude the possibility that they have had a segmental arrangement. More- over, their irregular arrangement and the dermal origin of the bony cores make it certain that they are independent structures, in opposition to views expressed by Gadow and others. An examination of the entire tail-trunk of another large speci- men revealed the rather striking fact that the number of principal rows of tubercles and large scutes in this region is identical with that of the carapace and plastron, and that smaller, less regular rows of tubercles and scales represent the principal lost rows. A section of the tail-trunk was slit down the median ventral line and flattened out for convenience in drawing, and from this the some- what diagrammatic Fig. 5 5 was constructed. I was able with certainty to homologize seven principal rows, three dorsal, two IO2 H. H. NEWMAN. lateral and two ventral, and have named them after their homo- logues in the carapace and plastron, neurals (TV), costals (C), marginals (M), and plastrals (P). Smaller and less regular rows of tubercles and scales are homologized with the secondary and lost rows as follows : inframarginals (JM\ supramarginals (SAT), interplastrals (IP], and neuro-costals (NC\ a row not occurring in any modern species. In the following more detailed descrip- tion the above names will be used for the rows concerned. The costals are large scutes with a marked tendency toward dorsi-ventral flattening. Their apices are directed posteriorly and the growing point is thus situated near the posterior margin of the scute, a fact that causes the scute to grow anteriorly and laterally and very little posteriorly. The marginals are as large as the costals and are flattened so as to expose two surfaces, a dorsal and a ventral. The apex is directed away from the axis of the body and the growth of the scute is principally inward and slightly forward. The plastrals are paired, large, flat and nearly rectangular. They suggest by their appearance the plastron scutes. Their growth is inward and forward, as is that of their homologues in the plastron. The two secondary dorsal rows, supramarginals and neuro- costals, consist anteriorly of small tubercles that fade out pos- teriorly into small irregular flat scales. The inframarginals are not tubercular but are rather large and fairly regular flat scutes. The interplastrals are diamond-shaped scutes forming a discon- tinuous row and occupying the angles made by four plastrals. This row is sometimes entirely absent on the tail-trunk of Chelydra. It is clear then that in the tail and tail-trunk of Chelydra we have seven principal rows of scutes and between each pair of principal rows a secondary row, less regular and far less promi- nent. This would give a total of fourteen rows, of which seven are primary and seven secondary. Supposing that the carapace was originally continuous with the tail-trunk, we must imagine a gradual suppression of the secondary rows by the primary ones, until in the most highly specialized condition, seen in the terres- trial Emydidae, only the seven primary rows have survived. The order of loss of the seven secondary rows may be con- ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. IO3 jectured from an examination of the directions of encroachment of the principal rows upon the secondary rows. On this basis one might give the order of loss as follows : first, neuro-costals, which on account of inward encroachment of the costals and the outward encroachment of the neurals, would receive the severest pressure ; second, the supramarginals located between the in- wardly-encroaching marginals and the outwardly-encroaching costals ; third, the interplastrals, between the two inwardly- encroaching plastrals, but occasionally able to escape pressure by occupying angles between four plastrals ; fourth and last, the inframarginals, which were subject to pressure only on one side — that of the marginals — and were in addition required in more primitive forms with small plastrons to help bridge the space between the carapace and plastron. With the great increase in the size of the plastron which has taken place in higher forms, the space allotted to inframarginals became more and more con- tracted until they were crowded out entirely. Does this order of loss correspond to any facts in nature ? The same conclusion as to order of loss, I believe would be reached if we based our results on the prevalence, scarcity or absence of these rows as normal structures in existing species. No trace of neuro-costal scutes are found. Only one species, Macrochelys tennnincki, possesses supramarginals. Interplastrals occur as iso- lated median ventral scutes in several families. Inframarginals occur normally in all the more primitive families and as axillaries and inguinals in all but the most specialized terrestrial forms. This condition as derived from the tail-trunk of CJielydra differs rather radically from the ancestral condition derived from Der- mochelys, in which there are twelve rows of equal rank. I am inclined to believe that DernwcJielys is an extremely aberrant type with only a most distant connection with the phylogenetic line of Chelonia. The twelve keels of Dermochelys are comparable, I believe, to the seven keels of modern forms, and the irregular rows of plates and scutes between the keels are comparable to the secondary rows of scutes seen in the tail-trunk of CJiclydra and represented in the carapace and plastron by inframarginals, supra- marginals, interplastrals and neuro-caudals. IO4 H. H. NEWMAN. V. FURTHER EVIDENCE OF THE FORMER EXISTENCE OF A DERMAL CARAPACE IN CHELONIA, AS DERIVED FROM SPECIMENS OF GRAPTEMYS. The position just taken rests on the assumption that the cara- pace and plastron were at one time continuous with that portion of the trunk just posterior to them and that the carapace and plastron have undergone a gradual process of specialization that has caused them to depart widely from ancestral conditions. The tail-trunk would then preserve to a greater or less extent its original character. On this assumption, then, there once existed a complete row of dermal tubercular ossicles overlying the vertebrae. That certain ancient forms did actually possess these ossicles was shown by Hay in the case of Toxochelys serrifer, but the question arises whether or not we have sufficient evidence that Toxoclielys repre- sents the ancestral condition of our modern forms. For a long time I looked for definite traces, other than the keels, of such ossicles as are seen in Toxochelys, but met with no success until I had nearly completed the present paper. Then by merest chance I stumbled on the evidence needed to clinch the argument. I had kept alive a few specimens of Graptemys in a small aquarium, but one by one they sickened and died, with one ex- ception. Their death was doubtless due to the fact that this species is highly specialized in its diet, feeding exclusively on a species of viviparous gastropod that is abundant in Lake Max- inkuckee. They never learn to use other food, and, in lack of their special diet, starve themselves to death. The surviving specimen was a nearly adult female that had been kept on account of its many peculiarities. After eleven months of captivity it was killed and examined for plate abnor- malities. This examination revealed the presence of several small, loose, ossicles that were inlaid, as it were, in the bone of the neural plates and were situated beneath the keels of the sec- ond, third, fourth and fifth neural scales, /. e., exactly in the positions occupied by the ossicles found in Toxochelys. The largest of these ossicles (see Fig. 5) was situated beneath the keel of the third scute and extended partially under the anterior "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. IO5 margin of the fourth scute. The fifth scute is a supernumerary neural (No. 8) and hence the occurrence of an ossicle at its keel shows that it belongs in the neural row in spite of the fact that it is crowded to one side. All of the ossicles are imbedded or inlaid in the centers of certain of the neural plates. If they were merely the loosened centers of these plates, we would surely expect to find them on all the plates instead of just those which lie beneath the keels of the scutes. In what respect do these ossicles, then, differ from those seen in Toxochelys serrifcr by Hay ? Merely in this, that they are much reduced in size, so that each is confined to one neural plate, extending back so as to overlap the anterior portion of another plate. The specimen is an oddity in many respects. It is unusually long in the carapace ; possesses fifteen plates in the neural row instead of the normal number,, twelve (three of these probably representing supernumerary procaudals) ; two extra costal plates or ribs, one quite vestigial ; two supernumerary scutes of large size ; one supernumerary costal scute of large size on the right side ; and two well-developed supernumerary inframarginals on each side. Other minor peculiarities might be noted, but they do not concern the carapace or plastron. All of the anomalies mentioned may be viewed as of atavistic character, and it should not be surprising to find that the curious specimen shows an even more significant atavistic recurrence than any other specimen thus far examined, namely, a reversion to the condition seen in Tox- ochelys. That the genus Grapteinys originally possessed a me- dian dorsal keel composed of prominent bony tubercles covered with chitinous sheaths (scutes) is rendered extremely probable when we examine the young, especially that of G. pseudogco- grapJiica, a specimen of which is pictured in Agassiz' Contribu- tions to the Natural History of the United States, Vol. II., Plate II., Figs, ii and 12. This specimen, which may perhaps be an extreme type, although Agassiz does not suggest that such is the case, shows a series of three very remarkable dorsal tubercles on the second, third and fourth scutes. These tubercles furnish a close approximation in general form to those seen on the tail of Chclydra. It will be noted that these tubercles occur exactly in the places where I have found the vestigial ossicles in a specimen IO6 H. H. NEWMAN. of Graptemys geograpJiica, and that the most prominent tubercle is that on the third scute, a fact that is of interest in view of the larger size of the vestigial ossicle on that scute. The adult of Graptemys psctidogcographica retains decided traces of these tubercles throughout life and their location is marked by dark blots of pigment that in later life form the only prominent color-markings of the animal. The discovery of ves- tigial ossicles in Graptemys geographica led me to investigate a very large female specimen of Graptemys psendogeographica, that has been in confinement, and, like its relative, starving for many months. Immediately beneath the dark blots of pigment on the neural scutes there are on this specimen thin, scale-like discs of bone with a looser and less dense texture than the underlying bony plates. I have been able to examine but one adult spec- imen of Graptemys psciidogeograpliica, but this one appears to be perfectly normal in every other respect. It is to be noted that the vestigial plates in the last-mentioned specimen occupy exactly similar positions, with respect to scutes and plates, as do the ves- tigial ossicles in the anomalous specimen of Graptemys geo- grapliica, described and pictured above (Fig. 5). The probable explanation of both these conditions is that long-continued star- vation has brought about a resorption of the portions that united these ossicles with the underlying neurals. That bone is resorbed either by normal processes or as the result of patholog- ical conditions I have observed in several cases where holes have been eaten entirely through the bone of the carapace, as the result of starvation. Only a thin cap covering the top of the tubercle is of dermal origin, the main portion of the prominence being merely an outgrowth of the periosteum of the neural process. Examinations of developmental stages have revealed no discontinuity between the cap and the rest of the keel, but the microscope reveals the difference in histological structure be- tween the cap and the underlying bony plate. That tubercular ossicles existed over the neural processes of other ancient reptiles is shown by the fossil Stegosaurus. Here the dermal processes are very large and prominent and are much fewer in number than the neural processes that underlie them. This points to the entire independence of dermal bones and the vertebrae, and hence to the non-segmental character of the dermal plates. "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. VI. THE COLOR PATTERN OF CHELONIA AS CONFIRMATORY EVI- DENCE FOR THE FORMER EXISTENCE OF A DERMAL ARMOR. Evidence is not lacking that points to an original striped con- dition of the chelonian carapace. The neck and tail of most tortoises show characteristic stripes which on careful examination may be analyzed into rows of scales with similar coloration. When the scales are large enough, it will be seen that each has a center of pigmentation coinciding with its center of growth. Now the coloration of the carapace and plastron is nothing more than a series of scales or scutes, each with its pigmental center. The striped effect is lost through the great increase in the size of the scute and the consequent separation of the centers of pig- mentation. The pigmentation of scutes is typically concentric in character, whether the pattern consist, as in CJielydra and Aroinoc/ielys, of radiating bands of pigment having their center located at the center of scute growth, or concentric rings as in Graptcmys, or lastly, of a light area occupying the center of growth, and all the rest solidly colored, as in Clcmnys guttatits. Frequently a great complexity of marking arises through the secondary complications of primary markings, but these conditions are seen in a simplified condition in the developmental stages. It strikes one very forcibly that there is an intimate relation between scute growth and pigment distribution. The two processes have a common center and go hand in hand. The areola, or egg-plate (see Fig. 57, dotted lines) forms a convenient locus for measuring both processes. This location corresponds, curiously enough, with the keel of the scute and hence with the center of dermal ossification. An examination of embryos of CJielydra shows that the colora- tion consists of dark patches of melanin pigment at the tip of the tubercular processes of the keels. The marginals are marked with small black spots at the posterior edge of each scute, some- times running back over the anterior margin of the next scute. Specimens of CJielydra ?L year or two old have a radiating pattern with the center of pigment proliferation' at the keel. In older specimens a solid coloration obscures everything. Older embryos of Graptemys have, as the first indication of pig- IO8 H. H. NEWMAN. ment, one dark spot at the median posterior margin of each scute, i. c., at the keel (see Fig. 56). Later on two or more other spots of a similar appearance are produced in very definite positions on the various scutes. These secondary spots never become quite so prominent as the primary ones, but continue to develop like the latter into concentric ocellated markings (Fig. 57). The rings that constitute these ocellated spots are formed by repeated split- ting of the innermost ring of pigment, in brief are proliferated from a center of pigment deposit. After three or four cencentric rings have been laid down, a well-marked unpigmented band ap- pears on the periphery of the whole spot. It is this light band that produces the most pronounced secondary complexity, for it sends out processes to neighboring spots and forms the charac- teristic reticulated pattern that has given the name " map-turtle " to the species. In the marginals the pattern is not so complex, since no secondary spots appear. The concentric rings of the primary spot, however, often take on fantastic shapes that all but obscure the original unity of the coloration. It is very interest- ing to note that the spots in the marginal series are found as a rule half on one scute and half on the next, so that the light per- ipheral band that separates adjacent spots frequently coincides with the sutures of the dermal plates beneath. The spots then occupy the growth centers of the plates and no longer hold any close relationship with the scutes. Pigmentation scans to be inti- mately connected with dermal ossification. The scutes must have grown away from their original positions, thus overlapping the sutures of the plates, and lending strength to the general struc- ture. The direction of movement has been forward, as is found by examination of the first pair of marginal scutes that run over upon the nuchal plate. The original cause of the forward move- ment was, I believe, the increase in size of the nuchal plate which must have pushed back the marginal plates. The scutes would of course occupy their original positions or would continue to crowd the nuchal scute into a still smaller space. That the primary ocellated spots denote centers of dermal ossi- fication will, I believe, be admitted. What then is the signifi- cance of secondary ocellated spots, which have an exactly simi- lar appearance and method of development ? They must, I "ABNORMALITIES" IN CHELONIA. 109 believe, represent centers of dermal ossification and hence the location of scutes that formerly occupied the position now occu- pied by the spots. Evidences that serve to increase the proba- bility of this conclusion may be adduced : 1. Whenever supernumerary scutes recur each has at its growth center an ocellatecl spot. 2. These supernumerary scutes come in at places where normal specimens have definitely placed secondary ocellated spots. 3. There are never any secondary ocellated markings on the marginal scutes, which agrees with our idea that the marginal rows contain nearly their original number of scutes and hence we would not expect to see traces of lost scutes in these rows. 4. The light bands that form the reticulated pattern of adult Graptemys have often the exact shapes of existing dermal plates. This is particularly the case in the procaudal region. 5. Considering the light bands as original scute boundaries, we can count ten costal scute areas in Grapteinys or TracJiemys. 6. On the neural scutes of Graptemys there are several much smaller ocellated spots that lie near the outer edges of the scute. These spots, I believe, are the vestiges of the small scutes that I have earlier designated as neuro-costals, and that were the earliest rows of scutes to be crowded out (Fig. 57). Four or more well-developed spots occur close to the marginals on the costals and occupy positions similar to the supramarginal scutes of Macroclielys tcmmincki. At the angles made by adjacent neurals and costals occur ocellated spots that have the appearance of having been squeezed out between two scutes. These I believe to be the vestiges of the lost neurals and costals (see Fig. 57). When the lost scutes recur they have these spots at their growth centers. In the bridge region of Graptemys and Clirysemys a confused series of dark colorations appears that seems to have no reference to any existing structures. But when the inframarginals recur, we find that these apparently meaningless markings fall into place as the spots of this lost row of scutes. On the plastron scutes we find in most species a spot of pig- ment for each member, but confusing secondary complexity often obscures the real pattern. In Graplemys some specimens BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. X PLATE VI Fig. 55 GO IV \r \i I v Fig. 5 6 Fig. 5 7 Fig. S3 "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. Ill show a fairly complete set of ocellated spots, but others show almost colorless scutes. Adult specimens seldom show any sign of pigmentation on the plastron. The markings then are largely juvenile in character and are subject to very great individual vari- ation that tends toward the total obliteration of the original color pattern. An examination of a number of specimens, however, shows that each of the plastron scutes may have its ocellated spot. The most confusing markings of all are those that occupy the median portion of the plastron in juvenile specimens. A remark- able secondary complexity of pattern has arisen in this region that would be almost impossible of solution were it not for the close series of stages leading up from the simplest conditions. The simplest form of marking consists of small diamond-shaped patches of pigment at the inner angles of the plastron scutes. These spread along the margins of the scutes, form bands by splitting, and finally produce the complex lyriform pattern that one finds quite frequently. The position of the simplest marking is identical with that of the hypothetical interplastral scutes and probably once constituted the color-marking of this row of scutes. All of the carapace and plastron markings have thus been accounted for as the growth centers of existing or lost scutes. This has been done in a species with a higftly intricate color pat- tern and could be applied successfully, I believe, to any other species. It should be mentioned that the color pattern of Graptemys reaches its highest development in specimens of the first year. This is the time when protective coloration is a necessity, as the carapace is not sufficiently Ossified to furnish a protection. Old specimens retain scarcely a trace of the original pattern, only a very faint reticulation being visible. It might be suggested that the ocellated spots of the Triony- chidse are vestiges of scutes long since lost. The general number and arrangement of these spots tends to bear out this suggestion. SUMMARY. Palaeontological and embryological evidence is at variance as to the origin and character of the neural and costal plates, but 112 H. H. NEWMAN. observations point strongly to a periosteal origin of these struc- tures, which means that^ they are in no sense dermal or the de- scendants of the original dermal carapace. The testimony of comparative anatomy leads to the belief that the nuchal, procaudal, pygal and marginal plates are the remnants of a once more or less complete dermal carapace and that these plates formed the cores of scutes that must have had a more or less tubercular form. The keels of existing scutes represent these tubercules. The testimony of the tail-trunk of Chelydra indi- cates that there were originally seven primary rows of such scutes and that less prominent rows of scutes occupied the interspaces. These less prominent rows were gradually suppressed, first on the carapace and then on the plastron, beginning in the middle and proceeding laterally. Thus the first loss was the neuro-costal rows, second the supra-marginals, third the interplastrals, and fourth the inframarginals, \vhich to-day persists normally in many primitive forms. Accompanying the suppression of rows occurred a reduction in the number of scutes in the primary rows, and this reduction took a general antero-posterior direction. At the same time the rapid secondary growth of the neural spines and ribs caused the suppression of the corresponding dermal plates, leaving only the nuchal, procaudals, pygal and marginals in places where the in- ternal skeletal portions failed to extend. Traces of the dermal armor in the mid-neural region have been found, however, in ToxocJiclys and Graptcmys. No correlation of abnormalities is to be expected in the neural and costal regions, since the scutes and plates of this region are entirely independent in origin, but in the marginal series, where the plates and scutes retain nearly their original connections, the correlation is perfect. In the procaudal region we find frequent correlations, but, that the correlation is not a necessary one, is shown by numerous uncorrelated abnormalities. A study of the color-markings of Graptentys and CJielydra lends confirmation to all the above theories of the chelonian car- apace and plastron, and at the same time serves to rationalize the patterns themselves. "ABNORMALITIES IN CHELONIA. 113 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Agassiz, L. '57 Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, Vol. II., 1857. Baur, G. '96 Bemerkungen uber die Phylogenie der Schildkroten. Anat. Anz., Bd. 12, Xo. 24/25, 1896. Baur, G. '89 On the Morphogeny of the Carapace of the Testudinata. Amer. Nat., XXI., 1889. Baur, G. Die systematische Stellung von Dermochelys. Biol. Centralbl., Bd. IX. Bemmelen, J. F. van '96 Bemerkunger iiber den Schadelbau von Dermochelys coriacea. Gegenbauer Festschrift II., 1896. Bienz, A. '95 Dermatemys mavii, Grey. Eine osteologische Studie mit Beitragen zur Kent- niss vom Bau der Schildkroten. Rev. Suisse Zool., III., 1895. Coker, R. E. '05 Gadow's Hypothesis of " Orthogenetic Variation in Chelonia." Johns Hopkins Univ. circular, No. 178, May, 1905. Cope, Edw. D. '96 The Ancestry of the Testudinata. Amer. Nat., Vol. 30, 1896. Dollo, M. L. '86 Premiere Note sur le Cheloniens du Bruxellien (Eocene Moyen) de la Bel- gique. Pamphlet. 1886. Gadow, H. '99 Orthogenetic Variation in the Shells of Chelonia. Zool. Results. Willey, A., 1899. Gadow, H. '01 Amphibia and Reptiles. The Cambridge Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII., 1901. Gegenbauer, C. Vergleichende Anatomic der^Wirbeltheire. Erster Band, Leipzig, 1898. Goette, A. '99 Uber die Entwicklung des knockeren Riickenschilds der Schildkroten. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. LXVL, 1899. Gray, J. E. '55 Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. " Part I. London, 1855. Harrison, R. G. The Growth and Regeneration of the Tail of the Frog Larva. Arch. f. Entwicklungsmechanic d. Organism. Bd. VII., pp. 431-485. Hay, 0. P. '91 The Batrachians and Reptiles of Indiana. I7th Report of the State Geologist, 1891. Hay, 0. P. '97 On Protostega, the systematic position of Dermochelys, and the Morphogeny of the Chelonian Carapace and Plastron. Amer. Nat., XXXII., 1897. Hay, 0. P. 'oo The Composition of the Shell of Turtles. Science, Vol. 13, p. 624. 1900. 114 H. H. NEWMAN. Haycraft, J. B. '90 The Development of the Carapace of Chelonia. Trans. R. Soc Edinh., XXXVI, 1890. Jordan, D S '99 A Manual of the Vertebrate Animals of the Northern U. S. 1899. Owen, R. '49 On the Development and Homologies of the Carapace and Plastron of Che- Ionian Reptiles. Phil. Trans., Lond., 1849. Parker, G. H. '01 Correlated Abnormalities in the Scutes and Bony Plates of the Sculptured Tortoise. Amer. Nat., Vol. 35, 1901. Rathke, H. '48 Ueber die Entwicklung der Schildkroten. 1848. Schoepff, J D. '92 Historia Testudinum. 1792. Stoffert, A. T. '89 Bau und Entwicklung der Schaale von Emyda ceylonensis. Basel, 1889. Van Lidth de Jeude, Th. W. '98 On Abnormal Pectoral Shields in Testudo ephippium. Notes Leyden Mus., Vol. 20, 1898. Wandolleck, B. '04 An Abnormal Tortoise. Zool. Jahrb., XX., pp. 151-166, 1904. Werner, F. '95 Bemerkunger uber Schildkroten-zeichnung. Biol. Centralbl., Bd. 14, 1895. NOTE ON THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACE- EVAPORATION UPON THE DISTRI- BUTION OF INFUSORIA. T. BRAILSFORD ROBERTSON. (From the Rudolph Spreckels Physiological Laboratory of the University of Cali- fornia. ) During the course of my experiments on the chemotaxis of Paramccdum and Colpodiinn L I was struck by the fact that in certain media the infusoria showed a remarkable attraction to the edge of the fluid under the cover-glass — these media were aV/25 methyl alcohol, TV/so CaCl2, ti/ 5,000 NaOH and N/ 5,000 KOH. This is contrary to the usual behavior of the organisms, in other saline media, in sugar solutions and in the culture medium they avoid the edges of the film of water under the cover-glass and, if undisturbed, form a cluster in the middle of the film, or, if the cover-glass be supported at one end, a little away from the center, towards the supported end.2 Jensen attributed this to the increase in concentration at the edges of the film due to evaporation. Since infusoria appear to be very generally attracted by solutions of lower concentration they tend to congregate in the more dilute part of the film, that is, near the center. In considering the apparent contradiction to this rule displayed by the infusoria when immersed in the above- mentioned media it struck me that in all these cases we had the converse of Jensen's experiment — for these media tend to become more dilute at the edge of the film. Thus methyl alcohol evaporates more rapidly than water, so that a solution of methyl alcohol becomes more dilute as it stands exposed to the atmosphere — while solutions of highly hygroscopic substances CaCl2, NaOH and KOH absorb water-vapor from the atmos- phere and so also tend to become more dilute at the surface. In order to see whether this was the case I tried the effect of adding ^Journal of Biological Chemistry, January, 1906. 2 Jensen, Pftiiger1 s Archiv. /urges, physiol., Vol. 53 (1893), p. 428. Il6 T. BRAILSFORD ROJ5ERTSON. different reagents to the culture-medium, in which the infusoria were suspended, upon their distribution under the cover-glass. When a substance which evaporates more rapidly than water is dissolved in a watery medium containing salts in solution two contrary effects take place on evaporation — the solution becomes more dilute in respect to the more rapidly evaporating substance owing to its evaporation and more concentrated in respect to the salts owing to the evaporation of water. When the decrease in osmotic pressure due to the evaporation of the more rapidly evaporating substance is greater than the increase in osmotic pressure due to the increased concentration of the salts — then the total result is a decrease in the osmotic pressure. But if the initial concentration of the more rapidly evaporating substance be less than that necessary to bring about the above result then the increase in concentration of the salts will proceed more rapidly than the decrease in concentration of the volatile substance and the total result will be an increase in osmotic pressure at the sur- face of the fluid. Thus it was to be expected that while under the ordinary conditions of my experiments on Chemotaxis — when to a very small amount of culture a comparatively large amount of solution was added --methyl alcohol at a concentra- tion of Ay25 caused a dispersion of the infusoria to the edge of the cover-glass, when I added I c.c. of a solution of methyl alco- hol to 5 c.c. of culture it was found necessary to bring the final concentration of the methyl alcohol up to |A7 in order to get the first indication of a tendency to seek the edge — since in this latter case the salts were correspondingly less dilute. The solu- tion of the volatile or of the water-absorbing substance in the culture medium having been made, drops of the mixture were placed on a slide under a cover-glass which was slightly raised at one end. The following are the experimental results : Methyl Alcohol.- -\ c.c. of a ^N solution of CH3OH was added to 5 c.c. of the culture-medium in which numerous colpodia and paramcecia were suspended. Result at first uniform distribu- tion of the infusoria under the cover-glass, in a few minutes, how- ever, they began to congregate at the edges --especially at the edges farthest away from the supported end. In a short time all THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACE EVAPORATION. I I/ parts of the film, except the edges, were free from infusoria, while dense clusters had been formed along the edges farthest from the supported end. When a 6N solution of methyl alcohol was used instead of a 5 A7" solution the effect was more marked and appeared more quickly. Ethyl Alcohol. — i c.c. of a 5 A" solution of C2H5OH was added to 5 c.c. of culture. The same effect was obtained as with methyl alcohol, but it was slightly less marked and took longer to appear. Propyl AlcoJiol. — jj-A7" C3H,OH was too toxic — the organisms being killed too soon to obtain any result — but in -y^A7, which is about the strongest solution they will stand, there was no attraction to the edges of the film. Ethyl Acetate. — i c.c. of a saturated aqueous solution of ethyl acetate was added to 5 c.c. culture. The organisms were at first uniformly distributed — they then showed marked attraction for the edges of the film, particularly for those edges most remote from the supported end — and in a few minutes all the infusoria were congregated at the edges at the shallower end of the film Calcium Chloride. — i c.c. of a fA7" solution of CaCL was added O 4 to 5 c.c. of the culture — attraction to the edges was observable for a short time. As in the other cases the edges farthest from the supported end became the most densely populated. Potassium and Sodium Hydroxides. — In my experiments on Chemotaxis and under the conditions of those experiments I obtained a marked, though more or less transient, attraction to the edges of the film at a concentration of A7"/ 5,000. All the above results hold equally for Colpodinm and for Para- maecium. In all cases the attraction to the edges finally disappeared - with ethyl acetate the effect passes off in about half an hour. All these substances which I have found to cause aggregation of the infusoria at the edges of the film are substances the solu- tions of which tend to become more dilute on exposure to the atmosphere. Methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and ethyl acetate evaporate more rapidly than water while CaCl2, KOH and NaOH are well known absorbents of water-vapor. There is also a gen- eral correspondence between the rate at which the volatile sub- stances evaporate and the intensity of the effect which they pro- Il8 T. BRAILSFORD ROBERTSON. duce — thus methyl alcohol has a lower boiling-point than ethyl alcohol and it also causes a more marked attraction to the edges of the film. The fact that in all these cases the attraction to the edges of the film disappears after a certain time may perhaps be due to the volatile substance having become so dilute in the film that the increase in concentration of the salts due to the evaporation of water now takes place more rapidly than the decrease in concen- tration of the volatile substance. While in the case of water-ab- sorbing substances — they may have become so dilute that the water-absorption due to their presence in the solution now goes on less rapidly than the loss of water due to evaporation. It seems probable therefore that these phenomena of attraction to or re- pulsion from the edges of the film are in reality special cases of osmotaxis. I have alluded to the fact, mentioned by Jensen in the paper to which I have referred, that under ordinary circumstances Para- nicccia under a cover-glass supported at one end tend to collect in the middle of the film but towards the supported end. But when the substances which cause the infusoria to congregate at the edges of the film are added to the culture we obtain precisely the converse effect — the infusoria collect at the edges, especially at the edges farthest from the supported end. It thus appears prob- able that this is also an osmotactic phenomenon connected with surface dilution. One would be inclined to fancy that it was due to surface evaporation having more effect upon the concentration of the small bulk of liquid at the shallower end of the film than upon the greater bulk of liquid at the supported end — but the ratio of surface to volume is not greater at the shallower end than at the supported end. Dr. Loeb has suggested to me that it may be due to the fact that diffusion and therefore equalization of concentration is less rapid in capillary spaces than in the bulk of the liquid — that, in fact, the shallow end of the film may act in a manner analogous to Liebreich's " dead space." * 1 Zeitschrift Jiir Physikalische C/iewie, Vol. V. (1890), p. 529 and Vol. VIII. (1891), p. 83. THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACE EVAPORATION. I 19 CONCLUSIONS. 1. That whereas, under ordinary circumstances, infusoria tend to collect near the center of a film under a cover-glass, when methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, CaCl.,, KOH or NaOH are added in sufficient concentration to the culture- medium, this tendency is reversed and the organisms now gather at the edges of the film. 2. That this lends support to Jensen's explanation of the nor- mal tendency of the infusoria to gather near the center of the film, namely, that it is a special case of osmotaxis brought about by surface- evaporation. HISTOGENESIS IN INSECT DEVELOPMENT, AND CELL SPECIFICITY. VERNON L. KELLOGG. In the development (ontogeny) of insects with complete meta- morphosis the imaginal antennae, mouth-parts, legs and wings are produced from small buds, or histoblasts, in the larval derm. These histoblasts or imaginal buds arise by the shallow or deep invagination (one for each histoblast) of small regions of the larval cellular skin layer including originally, in each case, only comparatively few derm cells. The position of these invagina- tions, and therefore the participation of derm cells in the future leg or wing development, seems to be determined wholly with reference to the future imaginal organ, and not at all with refer- ence to any difference in degree of differentiation among the cells of the larval derm. The wing-buds arise from the latero-dorsal regions of the meso- and meta-thoracic segments, the leg-buds from the latero-ventral regions of each of the three thoracic segments. The larval derm is certainly not to be looked on as composed of wholly undifferentiated embryonic cells. These derm cells make up a definite organ, or part, of the larval body, with defini- tive position and particular functions. All these cells, and no others in the body, secrete1 chitin ; some of them secrete noxious fluids, ill-smelling, acrid, poisonous. Many of them, perhaps all, secrete moulting fluid at the times of the regular larval moults ; many are specially sensitive, many bear sense-hairs or papillae. The invagination and beginning development of small parts of this derm, in a wingless and legless larva of a fly or honeybee or of some other specialized insect, may occur in a very early lar- val stage (in some cases, indeed, indications of the future histo- blasts are apparent in just-hatched larvae), but in most cases the invagination does not appear until a certain part of the free lar- val life has been lived. That is, the larval derm has for awhile 1 The chitin secreting capacity of the anterior and posterior thirds of the insect ali- mentary canal is due to their deeply invaginated derm. 120 HISTOGENESIS IN INSECT DEVELOPMENT. 121 subserved only, and has subserved fully, the functions of skin, and its cells have certainly attained whatever differentiation they need for the performance of these functions. It is far and away a long cry back to the embryonic, undifferentiated, the non-specific con- dition. But apparently any part or region of this derm which may, by its position, be the region or part needed to develop an antenna, a wing, a leg, male clasper, female ovipositor, or a sting, can respond to the need, and by invagination (for protection's sake), rapid growth and proliferation of cells, quick differentiation and arrangement, and final evagination (at the time of the last lar- val moulting, /. e., pupation) produce the needed organ. This organ may be tubular and segmented, and the segments may be similar (antennae) ; or dissimilar (leg) ; or it may be a great flat- tened sac, supported by tubular skeletal ribs and covered by a million and more tiny other striated, pigment-bearing, flattened sacs (the butterfly's wing with its scales) ; or it may be the ex- quisite mechanism of the bee's sting. This histogenesis of the imaginal parts of the fly, the bee, and the moth is, to my mind, an extremely suggestive phenomenon when considered in the light of its relation to the theories of cell- specificity or cell-non-specificity. Quite as positively as the more familiar cases of restorative regeneration (legs, eye-lenses, tails and what not of various vertebrates), does this radical histo- genesis, common to the ontogeny of all insects with complete metamorphosis, make it impossible to limit the germ-plasm to the germ-cells. It stands strongly opposed to any theory of abso- lute cell-differentiation or cell-specificity. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CAI.IF. ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. E. A. ANDREWS. Ill crayfish of the genus Cambarns there is a sperm receptacle in the female which has been known as the Annuhts ventralis and made use of as a specific character in systematic works. Nothing has been known of its mode of development beyond the brief mention by Mary Steele L who figured the external views of the annulus in specimens of C. gracilis, 20, 22, 27.5, 30, 35, 36, 50 and 60 mm. in length. Of these the latter four were probably adults and the former four immature young. These figures show an increasing complexity of external sculpturing and an increase in relative longitudinal diameter ; however, as they were made incidentally and without reference to the use or internal structure of the organ they are necessarily insufficient. While the annulus is a necessary reproductive organ in Cam- KlG. I. barus it is also a new organ in the history of crayfish since it is found only in the most specialized form, Cambarns. It seemed, therefore, of interest to find out just how and when the organ develops in the ontogeny of Cambarns. The following account of the origin and growth of the annulus refers almost exclusively to Cambarns affinis reared in the labo- l(J>iii'. of Cin. Bulletin, X., 1902. 122 ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 123 ratory. In large adults, 100 mm. long, the annulus in this species has the appearance outlined in Fig. I, which is enlarged about twelve diameters. It is a transversely elongated plate, part of the shell, with a central depressed area bounded behind by a cross ridge and in front by two high tubercles or tuberosities. Across the depressed area runs a zigzag line which is in reality a closed suture whence a slit leads inward to a curved tube repre- sented by the thick shaded line. The suture and the curved tube both open out on one side into the depressed area by an orifice partly under one of the tuberosities. The walls of the tube are thick chitinous continuations of the shell, as indicated by the broken lines. Underlying this chitinous mass is the epi- dermis which forms it and which was found to be folded in as a bent groove. A comparative study of annuli in several species showed that while the external sculpturing is various, the presence of a curved epidermal groove is constant and that, morpho- logically, this sperm receptacle is a bent epidermal pocket lined by chitin and opening to the exterior by a more or less closed slit. The position of the annulus, as seen in Fig. 2 which is enlarged one and a half diameters, is on the ventral surface of the thorax FIG. 2. FIG. 3. between the bases of the fourth pair of legs. The sternal surface behind it is elevated as a rounded knob that may be of importance in discharging the receptacle. Projecting forward towards this are the short pleopods of the first abdominal somite. Anteriorly, on the bases of the third pair of legs, are the large elliptical open- ings of the oviducts whence the eggs when laid pass back over the annulus. 124 E. A. ANDREWS. In using the annulus as a sperm receptacle the male passes the sperm into the orifice and thence into the posterior part of the tube. The anterior part of the organ, the orifice itself and the following transverse part, which may be called the vestibule, is filled not with sperm but with a cement that protects the sperm from the water. Eventually the sperm issues out through the more posterior part of the suture at the right time to meet the eggs. When the young C. affinis hatches from the egg there is no annulus present. The ventral surface (Fig. 3), multiplied fifty diameters, shows no specialization of the wide level area between the bases of the fourth legs. The sexes are not yet distinguish- able and the first abdominal appendages are in all cases but very faintly indicated by slight elevations. Here under a higher power the epidermis was seen to be specialized as a group of nuclei, over which the cuticle was elevated as a slight protuberance in the region that is later to grow out as the first abdominal appendage. After this larva sheds its shell and passes into a second stage the sternal surface is larger (Fig. 4), and the first abdominal ap- pendages are somewhat more protuberant. There is, however, ^ s_x_ no annulus and no external signs of sexual differences. Between FIG. 4. the bases of the fifth legs there is now a transverse elevation of the sternum, which will become the prominent tubercle posterior to the annulus in the adult. After a second moult the larva in the third stage has a much larger sternal area and for the first time sexual openings and the beginning of the annulus. In the female (Fig. 5), the sternum between the fourth legs is divided by a cross-line into an anterior part articulating with the legs, and a broad posterior region that is, however, markedly short. On the middle of this plate and at its posterior edge is a slight depression or groove destined to become the receptacle for sperm in the adult. In the male the same differentiation of a posterior sternal area is found, but the ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 125 plate lacks any groove and henceforth remains without any spe- cial development. The female is also recognizable by the ap- pearance of the short, curved cuticular ridge on the base of the third leg, each side of the body, which is to be the me- dian edge of the future orifice of the oviduct. From this superficial ridge a cylindrical epithelial tube, the oviduct, leads into the interior of the body. The first abdominal FIG. 5. appendages, or pleopods, are blunt papillae and apparently the same in both sexes, though sometimes in the male they seem more pointed and possibly longer. The annulus is thus a narrow transverse part of the sternum and since its posterior edge projects and overhangs somewhat it might be regarded as a sort of transverse fold. Its surface is en- tirely flat and simple as compared with the complex adult surface, Fig. i, except for the slight median depression. Looking at the shell only, Fig. 6 enlarged two hundred diameters, this depres- sion is a wide shallow groove indicated by converging wrinkles in the cuticle on each side the middle line of the animal and ex- FIG. 6. FIG. 7. tending forward but a slight distance from the posterior edge of the annulus. The posterior edge of the annulus is rounded and protuberant and the groove to some extent extends over this pos- terior face of the annulus and cannot well be all seen at once from a ventral point of view. While this groove in the shell differs in different specimens it is in no way an artificial result of methods 126 E. A. ANDREWS. of preservation but is based upon a special arrangement of the epi- dermis, which, Fig. 7 enlarged two hundred diameters, is a single layer of polygonal cells, close under the cuticle. This layer dips down under the groove and on the side of the groove, where seen in profile, the cells are elongated and continued as fine fibers that connect with connective tissue cells and with a membrane sepa- rating the epidermis from the large blood sinus just above it. In the figure these cells are represented in black as seen in opti- cal section and also represented as seen in surface view upon another focus. Posteriorly the epidermis had shrunken away from the cuticle, in preparation, and left a wide artificial space. In an actual cross section of this region the groove is found to be just below the posterior part of the ganglion, Fig. 8, that supplies the fifth pair of legs, so that one might argue that the annulus be- longed to the last thoracic somite while lying in the penulti- mate one. As seen in Fig. 8, which is enlarged two hundred FIG. 8. diameters, the epidermis cells fit together as polygons only at their outer ends next the shell while their inner ends taper off as fibers which diverge right and left of the central part of the groove. The epidermal cells are thus stretched out laterally and arranged on each side with reference to the superficial median groove that is to become the sperm receptacle. Enclosing the epidermal cells is a coagulum of blood partly separated by a membrane from the blood space beneath the nerve cord. In this space lies the large median ventral artery that anterior to this section connects through the nerve cord with the ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. I 2/ descending artery from the heart, between the fourth and fifth ventral thoracic ganglia. Young crayfish in the above third stage are about 7—8 mm. long. In the fourth stage they are usually 1 1 mm. long. By this time the males and females differ noticeably in the lengths of the first pleopods. In the female, Fig. 9, they are still very small but larger than in the previous stage, this figure being enlarged FIG. 10. but thirteen, and Fig. 5, fifty diameters. In the male, Fig. 10, on the same scale, the pleopods are long, slender, but simple cylinders pointing toward one another. These two figures also show the increasing longitudinal diameter of the anmulus in the female and its simple form in the male, as well as the reproductive openings upon the fifth legs in the male and the third legs in the female. In these females 1 1 mm. long the median groove of the annulus is much more evident than at first, but is still a simple groove as shown in Fig. 1 1 enlarged 200 diameters. The walls of the folded in and thickening shell that bound the deep and narrow groove are indicated by the broken line. In this preparation the epider- mis had shrunken far away from the shell and is indicated in optical section to show its invaginated state where it came under the cuticular groove. The groove seems to grow forward from the posterior face of the annulus and becomes more narrow and closed in anteriorly. At the anterior tip the groove was partly overhung by a cross fold, or tended to burrow under the surface as a short citl de sac. In different females, however, the groove had different lengths and more or less of this covering-over of the front end. In a specimen 10 mm. long the groove was longer and more narrow than the one above figured. In others of 1 1 mm. the anterior 128 E. A. ANDREWS. end was crossed by a sharp fold and the cut de sac was more pro- nounced. In some the posterior face of the annulus, which pro- jected and overhung considerably, bore a curved transverse ridge strongly suggesting the posterior rim of the adult annulus, Fig. I. In a large female of 13 mm. the groove was as in Fig. 1 1, though a little longer. The single layer of epidermal cells under the shell was still visible as a series of polygons as in the third stage. While the annulus itself showed no setae upon it in any stage the transverse ridge of the sternum behind it bore scattered over it some four or five sharp seta in the third stage, about ten in the fourth and twenty in the fifth. The fifth stage includes individuals 15-18 mm. long, and in them marked changes had taken place in the annulus, but before describing these we will refer to a few observations made upon the developing annulus in an early stage of another species, C. Clarkii, from New Orleans. Here also the young reared in the laboratory had no annulus in the first and second stages, which were about five and six millimeters long, and they also showed no external sexual differences. Young of this species were seen by Hagen.1 when .3 inch long and still on the abdomen of the female ; in which the females had no pleopods upon the first ab- dominal somite, but showed the openings of the oviducts, while the males had the first pleopods as little knobs longer than broad and turning inward. Later Faxon - stated that the young of this species from under the abdomen of the parent had the general form of the adult when 7 mm. long. Evidently both authors saw the third stage only. Eggs hatched April 21 reached the third stage June I, but no observations were made upon the annulus till they had passed into a later stage, June 19, and were 1 1 mm. long. In this condi- tion the male and female were much like specimens of C. affinis of that length, but the first pleopods in the female were much smaller and in the male noticeably shorter than in C. affinis. The groove on the annulus of the female now formed a deep, closed in cavity, Fig. 12, which is enlarged to the same extent as 1 "Monograph N. A. Astacidte," Harvard, 1870. 2 " Revision of the Astacidje," Harvard, 1885. ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. I 29 Fig. ii. Iii C. Clarkii the groove has closed, leaving a suture, represented by the black line, above an internal cavity, repre- sented in white and this is bounded on the sides and bottom by the infolded cuticle, represented in dotted lines. At the posterior end the groove passes around the edge of the annulus and seems I:; ft V> ifti i. ,,. 1% JJ '' //x7/ mi FIG. 12. FIG. 13. to be still open there. At the front end the groove pushed for- ward as a blind growth beneath the surface. Thus in C. Clarkii the receptacle though probably formed at the same stage and in the same way as in C. affinis, yet advances more rapidly, so that in the young 1 1 mm. long it is comparable, in its closed up con- dition, to C. affinis when 21 mm. long and in the sixth stage. Returning to C. affinis in the fifth stage, 15-18 mm. long, the general appearance, Fig. 13, enlarged 13 diameters, shows an increase in size of the animal and a great growth of the first pleopods of the female which are now much longer than in the female of the fourth stage and nearly as long as the male pleopods of that stage, Fig. 10. The receptacle itself is quite diverse in different individuals. In all there is added onto the median groove two elevations or folds which tend to cover over the anterior end of the groove. The groove itself is bent on one side more or less and the over- hanging folds are more or less developed. In the specimen shown in Fig. 14 as enlarged 200 diameters the groove bends to one side and passes in under a marked flap or fold that grows over the tip of the groove. This lateral fold may be called the " hood " to distinguish it from the longer fold which passes along the opposite side of the groove and tends to overhang it. 130 E. A. ANDREWS. This second fold is slightly developed in this case. In another specimen, Fig. 15, the groove bent very far to one side and the anterior part was concealed under the second fold. We will call this second fold the "transverse" fold, since it ultimately lies FIG. 14. FIG. 15. more nearly across the median plane. Both folds are oblique, the "hood" and the "transverse" fold being about at right angles where the latter passes under the former. In Fig. 1 5 not only is much of the groove overhung by the transverse fold, but the entrance to the groove in under that fold is cut off, near the hood, by a short posterior fold that runs parallel to the transverse fold as it emerges from under the hood. The cases of unusual bending of the groove to one side sug- gest the state of things found in the adults of *C. immunis and C. Bartoni where the receptacle is more transversely placed than in C. affinis. The specimen last figured was about to shed and the delicate new shell within the one here figured was more like that figured below for the next stage. In another case the shell cast off by a larva going into the sixth stage had the groove but slightly bent, Fig. 16, and the FIG. 16. FIG. 17. transverse fold was less oblique. As there was no fold opposing the transverse fold an object could have passed under its pos- ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 131 terior edge and thence to the anterior part of the groove. The receptacle was now being formed of three different parts : the original median groove, the two oblique folds. The former re- mains as the posterior part of the adult sperm tube and the latter help to make the orifice and the vestibule, or anterior part of the adult receptacle. In all these cases the groove bends more or less to one side, and in only one case observed was the bending to the observer's right, which is the left of the animal. In this exceptional animal, Fig. 17, not only does the groove bend to the right, but the hood is on the right and the transverse fold and the posterior opposing fold run at right angles to their usual course. Comparison of Fig. 17 with Fig. 15, shows that they are, in the main, mirror- images of one another. Each reversed, as seen through the paper, would have the symmetry of the other. This reversal of symmetry in the receptacles of some young is the first visible expression of the peculiar dimorphism of the an- nulus in the adults of this and other species. While many of the adults have the orifice upon the right side of the median plane others have it upon the left and in all respects these two forms of annulus are mirror-images of one another. Both forms are used as sperm receptacles. Those with the orifice upon the right, Fig. i, are more common ; in one lot of 41 females, 38 had these right-handed annuli. The characteristic tuberosities of the adult grow out in later larval life and they also are right- and left-handed in the following way : while, usually, as in the above figure, the tuberosity upon the left of the animal sends a ridge under the right tuberosity, in left-handed adult annuli the behavior of the tuberosities is the reverse. In the production of the two symmetrical adult forms there is thus the harmonious development of the groove, folds and tuberosities at different periods and from several areas of the epidermis. In July the larva may pass into a sixth stage 2 1 mm. long. On the ventral side, Fig. 18, enlarged thirteen diameters, there is a noticeable increase in the longitudinal diameter of the annulus and in the length of the first pleopods which are now longer than those of the male of stage four, Fig. 10, though closely applied 132 E. A. ANDREWS. along the sternum and, apparently, of no use as yet. The annulus, however, has acquired a rather ma- ture appearance. When enlarged fifty diameters, Fig. 19, it shows I i toward the center two gentle eleva- \\( ^* tions to represent the future tuberosi- " ties and posteriorly a transverse curved rim like that of the adult. The whole plate is still narrow from before back but much less so than in previous stages. The suture of the receptacle is indicated by the zig-zag line and its lateral walls by the broken lines. The former represents : anteriorly on the left the former edge of the hood ; posteriorly the closed up groove ; and in its middle course the transverse fold. Enlarged 200 diameters, Figs. 20 and 21, the receptacle presents varieties of development in different individuals. The groove itself may be open posteriorly as in Fig. 20 or quite closed FIG. 18. FIG. 19. up as in Fig. 2 1 . The anterior part of the groove bends far to one side to end under the hood at the right end of the transverse fold. This part of the groove may be still accessible by passing in under the transverse fold, Fig. 20, or it may be quite shut off by a posterior fold growing along against the posterior edge of the transverse fold as in Fig. 21. Fig. 20 is not much advanced beyond the preceding stage, Figs. I 5 and 16, the open groove, the hood and the transverse fold are larger and the invaginated shell is more extensive, as indicated by the broken lines. But in other cases, Fig. 21, the deeply buried groove connects with the sur- face only by oblique planes that come to the surface as the three ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 133 successive parts of a zig-zag suture. The inner course of the groove is more sinuous than before in correspondence with the increased bending of the invagi- nated shell that forms its walls. / / The chief features of the adult ', \ sperm pocket are thus present \ except that the anterior orifice seems more closed in some indi- viduals. Though in some cases itseemcd as if the groove itself did not bend to one side to end under the hood, but rather that the trans- -___ verse fold left a passage from " the groove to the hood, the true state of the epidermal groove upon and in which the shell groove is formed was seen when the shell was pulled off. Then, in Fig. 22, enlarged 200 diameters, there is a deep, bent furrow with high sides formed of long epidermal cells, as somewhat diagrammati- cally represented in this camera lucida sketch of an optical section FIG. 20. FIG. 21. FIG. 22. of the epidermal part of the receptacle. In this specimen the shell was easily removed since a new shell was in process of formation to 134 E. A. ANDREWS. line the groove. This made the groove more distinct than other- wise is the case. The groove passes forward from the posterior edge of the annulus and then bends to one side much as does the bottom of the shell groove seen as a shaded line in Fig. 21. In each individual, however, the amount of bending seems to be different. Such a bent groove is very like the simple bent epidermal groove of C. Clarkii, which is one of the less specialized species. While previous experience had shown that larvae after living eleven days in the above sixth stage might turn into a seventh stage 29 mm. long in the middle of July, no observations were made upon the above larvae 21 mm. long till October 3, 1904, when they had turned into individuals 25—53 mm- long. Those 25-35 mm- agreed with one an- other in the development of the annulus and probably represented larvae that from lack of enough food had remained in the seventh stage while the female, 53 mm. long, belonged to some later stage. In this laboratory it has been found that crayfish of that latter size have their sexual in- stincts developed in the fall and females 52 and 53 mm. long, being x^_ then supplied with sperm by males of the same or even smaller FIG. 23. sizes, laid good eggs the follow- ing spring when not quite one year old. Thus the above female was probably mature in instincts and in external sexual organs when examined. First, however, taking up the specimens 25-35 mm- long which were all essentially alike except in size, one 35 mm. long enlarged 13 diameters, Fig. 23, presents a noticeable growth of the first pleopods which are now turned forward and sparsely set with hairs as in the adult, and also much increase in the relative im- portance of the curved ridge bounding the mouth of the oviduct opening on the third leg. As an opaque object the annulus now ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 135 showed very definite tuberosities separate from the hood and the transverse fold and the tuberosity upon one side of the animal extended over the median line, in carrying out the asymmetry of the adult. The general proportions of the various folds and thickenings of the shell now approximated the adult condition. The receptacle had not materially changed from the previous stage, Fig. 21, but its invaginated shell walls were greatly thick- ened and laminated, Fig. 24, enlarged like Fig. 21. It would appear that with the dropping of the bottom of the invaginated — cx^ " >^: ^vr. r _-L~ — ~ -=• •- ^^^S^^x v x\\x >t->-i «:-->5>$ov v fV, X^ -'- - X ° -"»>>> ' V<^3S1^S^X\^^ N^ '^-x\"xA;sV'^\ FIG. 24. groove away from the surface its sides have closed in to form a narrow crevice which comes to the surface as a suture line. Then by the bending of the bottom of the invagination more than its surface suture line these crevices are made into curved oblique planes. The hood and the transverse fold and the posterior opposing fold are intimately associated with the bending of the original groove to one side and then the sinking of that lateral bend away from the surface and diagonally forward. The last young to be considered, the larva, 53 mm. in length 136 - E. A. ANDREWS. and sexually mature, has an annulus very much like that of the full-grown adults, but it is still very small, as is seen on com- paring Fig. 25 with Fig. i, both enlarged 12 diameters. Still the tuberosities do not yet overhang the transverse depression enough to conceal the hood and the transverse fold, nor are the transverse depression and the pos- terior rim as well developed as later. The receptacle itself is much like that in Fig. 24, but its orifice is more perfect, though not yet as patent as in the large specimens, Fig. i. This young annulus still lacks the posterior enlargement of the sperm tube, indicated in Fig. I, and the complexity of bending of the tube is less, nevertheless it func- tions as a sperm receptacle. SUMMARY. The specialized sternal plate of the shell of Cainbarns, which in the adult female bears the sperm-receptacle, is first differen- tiated in the third larval stage, in C. affinis. The epidermis under this plate grows inward and outward in special areas to form the receptacle. First there is formed an open median groove that then bends to one side, sinks away from the surface and becomes closed. In C. Clarkii also one stage shows a like development. Next definite folds overgrow the anterior end of the groove as it sinks from the surface. Later elevations and depressions complete the external sculp- turing of the annulus. The anterior part of the groove, with the accompanying folds, form the orifice and vestibule of the sperm receptacle, while the posterior part of the groove forms that part of the receptacle in which the sperm is stored. A functionally complete annulus is made within five months, but subsequently it becomes more complex. Comparative study of the adults of several species has shown that in Canibarus the essential part of the annulus, as a sperm receptacle, is a curved pocket ; the above facts indicate that in Canibanis in general this pocket arises as an open epidermal groove. ONTOGENY OF THE ANNULUS VENTRALIS. 137 The right or left handed symmetry of different adult annuli is first visible in the fifth larval stage when the median groove has bent to the right or to the left and the accompanying folds have a reversed position in the two cases. Later other outgrowths may also harmonize with the groove and folds to complete the two adult forms ; mirror-images of one another. While the sperm receptacle is a necessary organ in Cainbants it is phylogenetically a new one since Canibarns is the most specialized genus of crayfish and other genera have no receptacle. In C. affinis this new organ is not seen till the individual has reached a third stage after leaving the egg. Besides beginning late in ontogeny this new sperm receptacle is variable in all its stages of growth. In its early and simple state in the larva it resembles the adult receptacle of a less spec- ialized species, C. Clarkii. In some of its variations of lateral bendings in early larval stages it suggests adult conditions in other species. BALTIMORE, December 12, 1905. Vol. X. MarcJi, 1906. No. ./ BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN CORRELATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARIA.1 O. C. GLASER. The following pages contain in abstract an account of the embryology of the prosobranch Fascio!aria tnlipa (var. distans), and a discussion of such occurrences in its development as seem to me to be of general interest. I. THE CANNIBALISM OF FASCIOLARIA EMBRYOS. The breeding season of Fasciolaria at Beaufort, N. C., lasts from about the first of May until the first of July, although egg- cases containing various stages of development were occasionally found in August. The capsules, held together by a basement membrane fastened to oyster shells, conchs or wharf-piling, occur in bunches of I 5-30 varying in size from one half to three inches across. When fresh they are soft and so translucent that the pink or white eggs suspended in their albuminous contents give their color to the whole mass ; later, however, the egg-cases become firm and elastic, and obscured by the algae, polyzoons, and other organ- isms which grow over them. Often isolated capsules, or bunches containing only a few are found. These are produced either by females interrupted at laying, or by young females, which usually deposit fewer and smaller capsules than the old ones. The last capsule to be laid in a bunch, whether deposited by an old or 1 For the privilege of collecting the material on which this work was done I am indebted to the Hon. George M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries. The preparation of this paper was begun during my tenure of the Adam T. Bruce fellow- ship in the Johns Hopkins University, and was finished for the press in the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Michigan. 139 140 O. C. GLASEK. young female, often lacks either the upper or lateral flanges, or both. The number of eggs in each capsule is much greater than has been supposed, and has an important effect on development. By actual count I found that one capsule contained 2,308 eggs. The highest estimate which I remember to have seen in the lit- o erature is from 600 to 800. The ova, densely crowded with pink, brown, or white yolk spherules, which are separated from an unusually large and eccentrically placed germinal vesicle by FIG. I. Egg-cases of Fasciolaria tulipa (var. distant} one half natural size. a zone of clear cytoplasm, vary in diameter from .17 to .25 mm. Even eggs of this size are minute enough to produce the same optical effects that much smaller spheres do, for in making a numerical estimate in a watch crystal one almost invariably sup- poses fewer to be present than the dish actally contains. Of all the eggs in fresh capsules only a few are fertilized and develop. The remainder with the germinal vesicle intact are in- gested, usually within a week after deposition by the developing embryos. After the eggs have been swallowed several days their germinal vesicles fragment, their pellicles disappear, and their yolk finally is digested. The fertilized eggs are so few in number and so difficult to find THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLAKIA. 141 that the only method of determining the average number per capsule was by finding the average number of larvae in the later stages. The number of fertilized eggs in each capsule cannot have been less than the number of larva; that come from it. There are reasons moreover, such as the frequency of accidents and the occurrence of dwarfed embryos, easily overlooked, for believing that the number of fertilized eggs exceeds the number of young found in later stages. The contents of 145 advanced capsules showed 6.2 larvae in each as an average between a maximum of I 5 and a minimum of 2. Between these extremes all degrees of fertility occurred. The stages of development found in a single capsule are as variable as the number of larvae. Two cell stages may occur in the same case with advanced embryos. It is difficult therefore to form an idea of the rate at which an individual egg develops, particularly as development ceases shortly after the embryos are removed from the capsules. Judging from the great variety of stages found in a single egg-case one may conclude either that not all the eggs are fertilized in the oviduct, but that some are impregnated after the capsules have been deposited, or that for some reason certain ones undergo a longer resting period than others. The importance of these discrepancies at the beginning of development becomes apparent in later stages. After the early developmental processes have been passed through a larva results so irregular that no two individuals of o *— * this age are alike. Fig. 2 omits two eggs which this larva had swallowed, but will serve very well without these to give an idea of the general external appearance of the embryo before the crisis of its larval life has occurred. The larva is represented as viewed from the ventral surface. Anteriorly is the head vesicle (/i.i'.] and posteriorly the body vesicle (£.?'.). Between the two, under the right external kidney (ex.k.\ two of the yolk spheres, derived from the four macromeres of the segmentation period, can be seen. The ectoderm of the body and head vesicles lacks definite cell boundaries, though the indefiniteness is much greater in the anterior than in the posterior region. Each nucleus of the ectoderm stains deeply and is surrounded by vacuoles which decrease in size inversely as their distance from it. Those 142 O. C. GLASEK. furthest away from the nucleus are the smallest, and finally only minute scattered granules can be seen where one cell abuts upon another. The mouth (;«///.) is nearly perpendicular to the antero-poste- rior axis of the body. On each side of it are two pear-shaped patches of highly vacuolated ectoderm [which I described ('04) as early stages of the external kidneys, two organs which in hv m t k i bv I' ic,. 2. Pre-cannibal larva of Fasciolaria ; b.v., body vesicle; ejc./c., external kidney; h.v., head vesicle; mac., macromere ; /nt/i., mouth. Zeiss D obj. 2 oc. Drawn by Mr. Carl Kellner. Fasciolaria reach surprising proportions and probably take a most active part in the excretion of waste products. The cells of the excretory organs differ from the ordinary ectoderm cells chiefly in [the great size of their vacuoles and nuclei. They resemble at this stage the ordinary ectoderm in in the comparative indefiniteness of their boundaries, which curiously enough are perfectly distinct at earlier as well as at later stages of development. This disappearance and subsequent reappearance of cell boundaries is due I believe to changes in THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARIA. 143 the intra-cellular pressure, which varies with the size and number of the vacuoles ('05). When the larvae have attained the external condition described, the process of cannibalism begins. The eggs which up to that time are quite uniformly scattered throughout the albumen of the capsules are collected in more or less dense groups by the action of the cilia around the mouths of the embryos. Some hours after the eggs have been collected in the center of each capsule smaller groups, still more densely packed, can be seen, and at the end of two or three days all have been gathered into from two to fifteen spheres which are the cannibals, stuffed almost beyond comprehension. All larvae which secure sufficient eggs finally have the appearance of the one shown in Fig. 3. FIG. 3. Fully gorged cannibal larva of Fasciolaria, //.?'., head vesicle. En- larged 20 diameters. Drawn by Mr. Carl Kellner. This embryo is a fully gorged cannibal, so distended with eggs that the body wall is scarcely visible, and the mouth and excre- tory bodies are quite obscured by the dark background of yolk. All that can be definitely made out is the folded and slightly irregular head vesicle (Ii.v.') which marks the anterior end. Larvae in this condition are comparatively regular, being in fact nothing more than balls of eggs held together by exceedingly thin transparent membranes. The diameters of fully gorged cannibals vary from 1.16 mm. to 1.90 mm. depending on the actual number of eggs that have been taken in. The average diameter of larvae in this condition is about 1.48 mm. and one 144 O. C. GLASEK. near this average contained by actual count over 300 eggs. Some larvae of larger size undoubtedly contain more eggs, and some are entirely devoid of them. What regulates the number of eggs swallowed? As already noted, eggs in all stages of segmentation may occur in the same capsule. Similarly in older capsules larvae of very different de- grees of development may occur together. Of these the most advanced, the first to be ready to swallow, gets most of the eggs, while its tardy mess-mates must take what remains. Those that are very late in reaching the point where they can ingest eggs often get none at all. They remain dwarfed and subsist on the jelly as best they can. Most of these dwarfed larvae de- generate or are ingested by the cannibals, but occasionally some hatch as " runts " which are normal in all respects except size. Of the larvae which develop at a uniform rate those which have the most distensible mouths and the most violent ciliary action in the adoral field get more eggs than those with less distensible mouths and a less active ciliary mechanism. Thus in general, the number of eggs which a given larva secures depends on how early it enters the period of cannibalism and how rapidly and easily it swallows. Repeated experiments were tried to find out the effect of arti- ficially increasing the food supply of a given larva. One of these experiments gave a very remarkable result. I wras not able to keep the larvae in a healthy condition outside of the egg cases, nor to satisfactorily reseal a capsule once opened. The problem of artificially increasing the food supply of a given embryo offered some difficulties until I tried the plan of injuring some of the larva? inside of a capsule. This can be done easily by allowing them to drift into a corner of the egg case, holding them there by pressure on the rest of the capsule and then com- pressing them with a pair of strong forceps. With care one or two larvae can be kept out of the corner, and all those which have been coralled can be injured in the manner described. An injury to the excessively thin body-wall has the same effect as a hole in a bag of grain. The eggs which have been swal- lowed roll out and leave an empty membrane behind. In this way a thousand eggs, which have been swallowed once, may be THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARJA. 145 set free. In the experiments which I made all but two or three larva: in each of a large number of capsules were forcibly in- jured, and their undigested contents offered to the uninjured, larva:. These, although fully distended, in every case began to devour the additional eggs offered them, and in three or four days had mastered twice as man}' as had before fallen to their respective lots. One experiment, which was particularly suc- cessful, consisted in an attempt on my part to ascertain whether one larva would eat all the eggs which had been taken in by its competitors. This was accomplished by first injuring two of these and waiting until the extra number of eggs had been dis- posed of. Then two of the remaining larvae were injured and the eggs which they contained --some of which had been swallowed once and others twice -- were offered to the three uninjured in- habitants of the capsule. After this second offering of eggs was disposed of, two of the remaining three larvae, which had grown to more than double their original size, were injured, and their contents offered to the sole survivor. This individual, already excessively gorged, began to ingest the eggs which had been swallowed from one to three times ; unfortunately the elasticity of its body was not equal to the undertaking and the larva burst from over-eating before it had finished. Over-feeding comparable to what happened in these experi- ments may take place without human interference. It is easy to see how the natural disturbances to which the capsules are sub- ject might be sufficiently violent to burst some of the larvae whose contents then would be devoured by the survivors. I am con- vinced that this actually takes place, since the larvae in those capsules which contain only two or three are always much larger than the average. From these observations and experiments I believe that the number of eggs secured depends on promptness and structural aptitude for seizing and swallowing. II. THE EXTERNAL AND THE ACCESSORY EXTERNAL KIDNEYS OF FASCIOLARIA. Develop incut.— - The external kidneys, also known as "excre- tory cells" (Conklin) or " subvelar masses" (Osbore) and very generally called " Urnieren " by German writers, originate early 146 O. C. GLASKK. in Fasciolaria, and are remarkable not for their size and posi- tion on the embryo, but also because they seem to take a very important part in the economy of the larva. Both the presence and the activity of these remarkable bodies are of interest when considered in the light of the feeding habits just described, for these, as might be expected, tax to the utmost the powers of assimilation and excretion. Without considering the cytological changes which occur in the kidney cells, and which have been described fully in another place ('05) I will mention some of the more important alterations which involve the entire organs. What Conklin ('97) has said of the excretory cells of Crepidula applies equally well to those of Fasciolaria : "In the early stages these cells form a part of the FIG. 4. Vertical section through external kidney of F,isciolnria showing connec- tion with unmodified ectoderm and the plug (f>lg.) of undifferentiated cells which later fill the lumen. y obj. 8 oc. Leitz " — . Drawn by Mr. Larl Kellner. ectodermic layer, but as the embryo grows older they grow more prominent, and the whole mass is constricted at the base, so that it becomes pear-shaped, the narrow end being attached to the embryo, and the larger end being distal. The surrounding ecto- derm cells crowd in at the neck of this constriction and work their way entirely beneath these excretory cells." In F'asciolaria three very important changes take place in addi- tion to those already mentioned. The ectoderm cells which THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLAKIA. H7 " crowd in at the neck of the constriction " do'more than this, for some of them coming from opposite sides join to form a plug which projects into the hollow of the rounded excretory organ. (Fig. 4, />/£•.) As the excretory organs at later stages have no lumens whatever, I conclude that these cells become modified secondarily into excretory cells like the primary ones. The second important change which takes place in the external kidneys involves their position and results in the adoption of that curious relation with the velum which led Osborn ('85) to speak ExK ExR Fi<;. 5. Four stages in the migration of the external kidneys (ex.k. ) from the lateral surface of the cannibal to their final subvelar position on the veliger. of them as " subvelar masses." When this change beeins the o o embryo as a whole has enlarged greatly (Fig. 5), and has both by growth and by the stretching, due to the ingestion of eggs, become much wider than it was, especially at the base of the head vesicle. This increase in size brings about the removal of the external kidneys from the anterior suiface of the larva to the lateral surfaces. Later the great activity in the velar ridge, by which this becomes prominent, as well as the growth of the whole anterior end of the larva, result in lifting the external kidneys upward and carrying them laterally away from the central mass of yolk on which at first they lie directly. Further lateral growth 148 O. C. GLASER. of the velum carries the external kidneys outward and still farther away from the embryo, until finally they are far off at the sides of the body and hang down from the under side of the velum (Fig. 5). In this position the organs, which are white, viscid masses of ovate shape, having at the height of functional activity an average width of .7 mm., a length of i.o mm., and a depth of .9 mm., remain throughout the life of the veliger until this begins to assume the adult form. When that stage is reached the external kidneys begin to decrease in size, to degenerate, and the nuclei of the cells to disappear. Finally, in most cases, the kidneys are dropped off before the velum is resorbed. There are exceptions to this however, for often a much more intimate si^s^iPtei^s FIG. 6. Vertical section through external kidney showing the intimate relation which it mav have with the velum (vel. }. Leitz J- 2 relation exists between the velum and the excretory organs hang- ing down from its under surface. This greater intimacy is well illustrated by Fig. 6, which is a typical section of these cases. In this organ, after the original lumen had been filled by the plug cells, the fully developed velum itself grew into the small pit which remained at the proximal (final anterior) end of the kidney. In this instance the velum was so crowded in the remaining hollow of the external kidney that the velar cavity itself was entirely obliterated by the cloj-e approximation of its upper and lower walls. In cases of this kind the velum drops off with the external kidney when the veliger assumes the adult form. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASC1OI.ARI A. 149 This intimate connection between the velum and the kidneys recalls the " " of BitJiynia tcntaculata, described by Sarasin ('83). In this form the relation between the external kidneys and the velum is still more intimate than in these exceptional cases in Fasdolaria. Indeed the velum of BitJiynia seems to be modified into a functional, excretory apparatus, without having renounced its original duties as an organ of locomotion. . \rccssory l-.xtcrnal Kidneys. - - One of the most unexpected FIG. 7. Surface view of a portion of a functionally active external kidney, show- ing the thickened cell boundaries, the vacuolated cell contents, the amitotically dividing nuclei, and the nucleoli with their surrounding clear areas. Zeiss A obj. 4 oc. facts which I have encountered in my study of Fasdolaria embryos is that in addition to the large excretory organs no small proportion of larvae possesses, sometimes in surprising places, accessory multicellular or unicellular external kidneys. In many cases these are found on the underside of the velum just behind the great kidneys ; here they may become a third as large as the primary organs. In other instances single cells of the postoral or preoral velar row, and even of the head vesicle become modified into secondary unicellular kidneys. In some I5O O. C. GLASER. of these accessory organs amitosis was observed, and in all the same extra-nuclear signs of activity which characterize the cells of the primary kidneys. Function. - - Between the two extremes of development which I have described the nuclei of the external kidneys divide ami- totically and the cells become polynucleated. The nuclei are large, granular, very irregular in outline, and each one has at least one nucleolus surrounded by a clear area. In addition the cells are characterized by their thick boundaries and the highly vacuolated condition of their contents. On a former occasion ('04) I showed how the vacuoles in the cells might be traced to the halos surrounding the nucleoli, but the figures intended to illustrate this are unsatisfactory since certain features which I hoped would not appear so unnaturally prominent when reduced to one half are over emphasized. More satisfactory figures will be found in my later paper ('05). The vacuoles which in some cases can be traced directly to the extra- nucleolar halo, in others to the nucleus from which I have seen them escaping, certainly suggest a high state of metabolic activity. In the summer of 1903, with a view to determining the nature of the activities in the external kidneys, I removed several hun- dred, extracted them in chloroform water and asked my father to make a careful analysis • of the extract. The details of this analysis have already been published ('05) but as all the decimal points were omitted by a careless printer, I republish the follow- ing corrected summary. One liter of the aqueous extract of the external kidneys contained N as albumen, .1242 N as free ammonia, .0099 N as urea or homologues, -2163 Total N, -35°4 My interpretation of the above analysis was that the external kidneys excreted waste products, but a reconsideration of the evidence, shows that it can become decisive only after corre- sponding analyses of extracts of other tissues have been made. Regardless of the value of the chemical evidence, which is cer- tainly not negative, I still think that all the morphological results point to the probability that the external kidneys are excretory organs. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLAKIA. 15! With the aid of such evidence as I have been able to obtain, and Osborn's interesting discovery ('04) of amitosis in the endo- derm, I think I may formulate a scheme to account for the transfer of materials which probably takes place. Osborn ('04) announced that he had discovered amitosis in the endoderm of the gastrula^ of Fasciolnria and associated, very justly, I think, these nuclear phenomena with digestion. I have been able to verify these results, not, however, until I had been thoroughly led astray by the assertion that the nuclear divisions in question occur in the gastrula stage. All my earlier larvae show no signs either of the " cuboidal endoderm" or of the amitoses of which Osborn speaks. The latter phenomenon I finally discovered in a larva that had a velum, and was therefore well past the period of cannibalism. Fig. 8 is compounded from several sections ob- vei op cp. FIG. 8. Composite figure made up from several adjacent sections oblique to the antero-posterior axis. The external kidneys, not yet subvelar in position, are cut horizontally. Opsp., optic cup. vel. , velum. The arrows are intended to indicate the probable paths of waste products reaching the exterior from the digestive tract ? obj. 3 oc. seen in transverse section, via the external kidneys. Leitz lique to the antero-posterior axis of this larva. The oesophagus is cut transversely and the cells which compose it are dorsally, large, polynucleated, and highly granular, with vacuoles at their distal ends. The nuclei appear to have arisen amitotically. Some of these cells have burst and their contents may be seen oozing out. They bear a striking resemblance to the cells of the external kidneys. The cells of the lateral and ventral walls of the cesophagus have a very different appearance. These, instead of being long 152 O. C. GLASER. and granular, are very irregular in shape, the cytoplasm being almost invisible, in irregular strands, or crowded closely against the cell boundaries. In the center some of the cells have a large clear space in which the nucleus lies. The nucleoli sometimes occur in the clear vacuoles which are scattered about in the nuclei. Many of the latter are in process of amitotic division. Around the outer margin of the lateral and ventral walls of the oesophagus many of its bounding cells seem to have broken down, whereas others are clearly engaged in this process. By this means the outline is made extremely irregular, being frayed, and fringed with granules and the fragments of cells. This breaking down of the cells, their general vacuolated appearance, the occurrence of amitosis, and the finely divided state of the chromatin in the nuclei, all indicate that these cells are actively engaged in metabolism, and the simplest supposition is that they are engaged, as Osborn has suggested, in the process of digestion. That something is leaving these cells is demonstrated by their appearance. I believe therefore that in the course of their activity as digestive cells, they excrete waste products, and that these pass across the "body cavity " into the cavity of the velum, transude through its basal membrane into the external kidneys and through these ultimately to the exterior. The arrows are intended to give a graphic representation of this process. Homologies.— - The earlier writers who considered the functions of the external kindeys of gastropods fall into two general groups, those who affirm and those who deny that these organs are renal organs. The same writers however have been at much greater discord with regard to the homologies. Thus Salensky ('72) homologized the external kidneys of Calpytrea sincnsis with the primitive kidneys of pulmonates. Fol ('75) did the exact reverse by attempting to homologize the " Urnieren " of pulmonates with the primitive kidneys of prosobranchs. Bobretsky ('77) who de- scribes the "Urnieren" of Nassa nnitabilis, Natica, and Fusns, seems to have accepted the homologies advocated by Salensky. Biitschli ('77) in the same year, however, in a paper on Pahidina invipara took strong exception to Fol's homology. He pointed out that this supposed homology was between totally different structures, and that while the primitive kidneys of Palndina THE OKYELOPMENT OF FASC1OLAKIA. 153 might be homologous with the primitive kidneys of Lyiu incus and Planorbis, the external excretory organs " Urnierenzellen " of these forms could not be homologized with the primitive kidneys of Pahtdina. Thus the significant fact was brought out that there are two kinds of " Urnieren," the one, since proved to be of mesodermal origin (Palndina, Planorbis], opening to the exterior by a pore, the others, collections of modified ectoderm cells, situated either on the postoral row of the velum (I.yjnnceiis, Planorbis], or be- hind the velum (Orpidnla, Fn/gitr]. The confusion due to the attempts to homologize the external kidneys of prosobranchs with the primitive kidneys of pulmonates, and the converse prop- osition of tracing an homology between the external kidneys of pulmonates and the primitive or head kidneys of prosobranchs, was probably greatly increased because all these structures were called by some German writers "Urnieren." In this connection it is interesting that Korschelt and Heider ('93) in copying Bob- retsky's figures for their text-book changed the labelling so that " Un " is replaced by " Ex." Rabl ('79) came to the conclusion that the external kidneys of Planorbis were a part of the velum, and that they have nothing to do with the " head kidneys." Sarasin ('82) describes a most in- timate connection between the velum and the external kidneys in Bithynia tentaculata. In fact he described the two under one name, the " Ansae." In speaking of their homologies he says : " Nach den Erfahrungen von Bobretsky, Biitschli und mir, liegt auf jeder seite der Prosobranchier Embryonen, ein Haufchen grosser Ectodermzellen, das bei Paludina und Bithynia mit Wim- feroffnung nach aussen miindet. Nach Biitschli und Fol finden sich diesselben bei Planorbis. 1st dies richtig, so haben die Siiss- wasser Pulmonaten zwei Organ paare, die als Urniere zu deuten sind ein vorderes und ein hinteres Paar. Hat Rabl recht dass die von Biitschli zuerst gefundengrossen Zellen bei Planorbis und Lymncens zum Velum gehoren, so sind wahrsheinlich die von Biitschli und mir bei Pahtdina und Bithynia gefundenen Organe den hinternen Urnieren der Siisswasser Pulmonaten homolog." Sarasin's position, except that it admits the ectodermal origin of the primitive kidneys in Paludina, is in the present state of our knowl- 154 O. C. GLASER. edge tenable. Erlanger ('92), though denying the excretory function of the " Ansae " of Bitliyuia, conceded that on mor- hological grounds these cells might be considered the equivalents of the peculiar velar cells of the pulmonates and of the marine prosobranchs. Heymons ('93) introduced another source of confusion by attempting to homologize the excretory cells of opisthobranchs with the external kidneys of prosobranchs. This homology seems far-fetched, since the excretory cells of Umbrella are situ- ated near the anus of the larva, though they originate much further forward. This difference in position seemed of no im- portance to Heymons, since, as he says, McMurrich had already shown that the excretory cells may lie at various distances behind the velum. Conklin ('97) says in reply : "this difference in position seems to me, however, to be a very considerable one. In all prosobranchs these cells lie close behind the velum, while in Umbrella they are removed from that structure by almost the whole diameter of the embryo. Further, the fact that they sink into the interior in Umbrella would indicate that they are differ- ent from the excretory cells of prosobranchs." Conklin ('97) finds that the "external excretory cells " of Crepiditla have no connection with the velum. This is also true, in a sense, of Fasciolaria. In this form the external kidneys originate long before the velum, so that their ultimate connection with that organ is not primitive but secondary, and due to their origin near the place where the velum originates. In this respect they are not fundamentally a part of the velum, any more than the external kidneys of Crepidula. It is obvious from the literature considered so far that the dis- cussion of homologies has involved at least three different kinds of excretory organs. In order to emphasize the differences I shall henceforth call those mesodermal, or possibly ectodermal, structures of pulmonates and prosobranchs which open to the exterior through a pore, primitive kidneys ; those modified ecto- dermal excretory cells which may occur in addition to primitive kidneys, external kidneys ; and finally such external organs as Heymons and others have described in opisthobranchs, excretory cells. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLAKIA. 155 Anyone who has seen Stauffacher's ('98) beautiful figures of the primitive kidney of the trochophore of Cyclas cornea can never compare similar structures with external kidneys in prosobranchs and pulmonates, or excretory cells in opisthobranchs. Meisen- heimer ('98) introduced a complication however, for his very complete study of the development of Liinax ina.viunts leaves almost no doubt that the primitive kidney of this gastropod is of purely ectodermal origin. The reasons which Stauffacher has advanced that the primitive kidney of Cyclas is mesodermal, are as convincing as Meisenheimer's that in Liinax it is ectodermal, so that it is necessary for the present to subdivide the group of primitive kidneys into ectodermal primitive kidneys and meso- dermal primitive kidneys. If the conclusions of Stauffacher and Meisenheimer be indeed correct, then two sets of homologies can be granted ; .the mesodermal primitive kidneys of prosobranchs, pulmonates and lamellibranchs may be homologous ; and the ectodermal primitive kidneys in the same groups may be homolo- gous. No homology however can be granted between a primi- tive kidney of mesodermal and one of ectodermal origin without doing violence to the whole conception of homologies. Whether a conception which separates organs as much alike in structure and probably in function as the ectodermal and mesodermal primitive kidneys of larval molluscs should be violated, is a ques-" tion which at present I do not feel able to discuss. Are the external kidneys homologous with ectodermal primi- tive kidneys ? I believe that there is no more reason to homol- ogize external kidneys with ectodermal primitive than with meso- dermal primitive kidneys, for the differences between external kidneys and primitive kidneys, of whatever layer, are the same. That in the one case both organs should originate from the same germ layer is no criterion on which to base homologies, for if it were we should be logically driven to homologize not only all ectodermal structures, but all structures of whatever origin. In considering the relations of the larval excretory systems of molluscs it seems to me to be of great importance to keep the differences which I have tried to emphasize constantly in mind, but the distinctions once made, the task of recognizing true homologies is by no means a simple one. Possibly all meso- I 56 O. C. GLASER. dermal primitive kidneys are homologous, and possibly all ecto- dermal primitive kidneys are, but certainly not all external kidneys. The occurrence of unicellular or multicellular accessory external kidneys in different regions of embryos already so well endowed with excretory organs as Fasciolaria shows that the embryological measuring rod which has been so carefully applied to these larval structures of molluscs is less accurate than some of the investigators who have used it for the discovery of alleged detailed relationships. III. THE ORIGIN OF THE HABIT OF CANNIBALISM. Even though there are differences in the early extra-ovarian histories of the food products, the consumption of eggs and em- bryos by the developing larvae of Fasciolaria is fundamentally similar to those other cases among gastropods in which certain young are used as food after being broken down, or are preyed upon directly by their competitors. It seems to me justifiable, therefore, to include all these methods of nutrition, based on the consumption of materials derived from the ovary of the mother, but not contained within the eggs from which the consumers come, under one term, cannibalism. The various degrees to which cannibalism is developed in different gastropods have been arranged in series by earlier writers, and though this series is both interes'ting and instructive it has no phylogenetic significance, and I shall try to show that the phenomenon in Fasciolaria can be explained independently. McMurrich ('85) noticed that some of the " ova" in the capsules of Crcpidula fornicata, C. plana and C. convexa break down and are used as food by the survivors, although this process is not so pronounced as in Purpura floridana. Koren and Danielssen ('57) described the case of Bnccinnni nndatwn which is very sim- ilar to that of Fasciolaria in the disproportion between the num- ber of embryos developing in the capsules and the number of eggs furnished by the female, Buccinum, however, differs from Fasciolaria because many of the ova, which do not form embryos, divide. Carpenter in the same year ('57) corrected the view of Koren and Danielssen that the embryos originate by conglomer- ation, by describing the development of Purpura lapillus in THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARIA. 157 which from 12 to 30 eggs develop into embryos, whereas each of the remaining 500 or 600 divides without regularity into from 14 to 20 fragments. Selenka ('72), who confirmed Carpenter's results, did not con- sider the division of the " sterile " eggs equivalent to the regular segmentation of the fertile ones, not only because of the irregu- larity of the former process, both as to form and occurrence, but also because he found no nucleus. Neritina fluviatiiis, according to Blochmann ('Si), has capsules in which all the eggs are pro- vided with nuclei that take the usual part of the formation of polar bodies and female pro-nuclei. After these processes no regularity can be detected in the divisions of the sterile ova, the later behavior of which led Blochmann to agree with Biitschli ('77) that these eggs are unfertilized. Brooks ('77) observed that of the 6 to 20 eggs in the capsules of Urosalpinx cincrca, all undergo development normally, though exceptionally some may break down and serve as food for the survivors. This case of exceptional cannibalism furnished McMur- rich (loc. cit., p. 408) with "a clue to the manner in which the phenomena seen in Fasciolaria, Pitrpura lapillits, etc., have been brought about. An occasional egg in a capsule has from some cause or other broken down, and has been drawn into the diges- tive cavity of the developing embryos. This process having proved useful is continued, and an arrangement such as I have described above for Purpnra floridana obtained. From this it is but a step to what occurs in Bnccimnn, Pitrpitra lapilhis and Ner- itina. In Fasciolaria the process is, as far as we know at present, at its culmination." This series was not conceived of as genetic, for this would have been justified only if it had been previously shown that each of the forms mentioned was evolved from one next lower in the scale of cannibalism. That such has been the history of cannibalistic prosobranchs is not supported by any evidence known to me, and the series is therefore probably a collection of graded par- allelisms. The real clue seems to me to lie in another factor which, as McMurrich himself pointed out, is invariably present where can- nibalism has advanced to any great extent. " This is (loc. cit., 158 O. C. GLASER. p. 409) the non-fertilization of the majority of the ova, whereby it is impossible for them to develop to any great extent, and whereby they naturally break down when they have endeavored to segment. We see this in Neritina, Buccinuui and Pnrpnra lapillns. In Fasciolaria, as stated above, the process reaches its climax, and in this case the sterile, nutritive ova do not show the least trace of segmentation, nor do they ever show signs of ma- turation." This second factor seems to me most important, and in view of recent results on the development of the germ cells of gas- tropods, places the origin of cannibalism in a new light. In the first place the ingested materials may consist of undivided eggs, or of embryos or of a combination of these classes of constituents. Thus in Ncritina and Fasciolaria the ingested eggs do not divide. In Buccimtin most of the ingested ova divide, though some do not, and in Crepidula, Pnrpnra and Urosalpin.v, the ingested materials are derivatives of either early or late stages of development. The habit of Fasciolaria, though coming in the class with that of Neritina, also resembles that of Crcpidula, Pnrpnra and Urosalpin.v, for the abnormal larvae of the pre-cannibal period, as well as many of the abnormal late ones, including some dwarf larvae, are ingested together with the unfertilized eggs. That these materials are taken in by the embryos requires no explanation in this connection, for not only are they obviously useful as food, but the structures in virtue of which the larvae cannot help ingesting all the available substances in their environment were evolved, for locomotion and for swallowing other things, in all probability long before Fascio- laria exchanged its pelagic larval life for the safer one within capsules. To explain the origin of the habit of cannibalism it seems to me necessary to answer only two questions : (i) Why do some of the embryos break down ? (2) Why are many of the eggs infertile ? By answering these questions materials to be swallowed are accounted for : the consumers, and the mechanism by which the consumption is brought about, are the results of that portion of the phylogenetic history of Fascio'.aria which preceded the origin of cannibalism. Given therefore ingestors, and materials to ingest, cannibalism follows as a natural consequence, needing no further explanation. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARIA. 159 That some of the embryos break down is due, in Fasciolaria at least, to the fact that they have been outstripped in development by their competitors, whose superior strength, traceable to indi- vidual differences in the sizes of the fertile eggs, in the time and places of fertilization, in the ability at various stages to withstand the effects of exposure at low tide, or the jostling and even in- juries to which the capsules are naturally exposed, probably enables these more fortunate ones to set up such lively currents by means of their cilia that their weak relatives are either whirled about until seriously harmed, or are so crowded into the mass ot collected food ova that injury is certain and death probable. I do not believe that it is necessary, therefore, to trace the sterile eggs historically to degenerating embryos, for even if it were easy to see how selection could occur in this particular case, the phys- ical conditions which account for the breaking down of some of the embryos at the present time, were probably always operative and seem to me of themselves to explain the facts sufficiently well. That many of the eggs are unfertilized is more difficult to understand. This is true of Fasciolaria, of Neritina (Biitschli, Blochmann), and of Purpura (Selenka). In this last form Selenka was not able to discover a nucleus. The infertile eggs of Fasciolaria do not react to the influence of chemicals, though in some cases when a few drops of ammonia were added to the water Professor Conklin found that a number of eggs formed pro- trusions at one end. I have repeatedly tried artificial fertiliza- tion, with perfectly fresh eggs, in pure sea water, in a mixture of sea water and the albuminous contents of the capsules, or in the pure albumen. In no case did I succeed in finding more than the usual number of segmenting eggs in such collections, and in no case did the undivided ones seem to have attracted the spermatozoa. Since fertilization normally precedes maturation in the gastropod ovum, I conclude that these eggs are imperfect. In what does their imperfection consist ? This is a question which I cannot answer. It seems to me, however, that the di- morphism of the spermatozoa may point the way to a solution. Meves ('02) described most remarkable differences between the development of the oligopyrene or worm-shaped sperma- tozoa and the eupyrene or ordinary hair-shaped spermatozoa of l6o O. C. GLASER. Pahtdina. These differences in development first become man- ifest by the occurrence of two sizes of primary spermatocytes, the larger of which give rise to the oligopyrene spermatozoa, whereas the smaller ones give rise to the eupyrene forms. When the larger primary spermatocytes undergo maturation no reduction takes place, but the normal number of chromosomes (fourteen for Paludina) appears at the nuclear plate. These chromosomes are so distributed in the ensuing division that one of the resulting daughter cells (secondary spermatocytes) has four and the other has ten. When the secondary spermatocytes divide to form the spermatids, only one of the chromosomes of the secondary sper- matocytes undergoes division, all the others (three for one class of spermatocytes and nine for the other class) degenerate. In this way it happens that the nucleus of the oligopyrene sperma- tozoa is composed of a single chromosome, whereas that of the functional eupyrene sperms has seven. Fasciolaria, in company with a large number of other proso- branchs, has two kinds of spermatozoa, and - there can be little doubt that these correspond respectively to the oligopyrene and the eupyrene sperms of Paludina. What the reason for this dimorphism may be is not clear, but so far as I can see, there is no evidence to show why it might not also occur among eggs, particularly of a form presenting such well marked differentiation of its male sexual elements as Fasciolaria does. That Fasciolaria has two kinds of primary oocytes which differ most remarkably in their reactions with spermatozoa, and con- sequently in their ultimate fate, is beyond dispute. This difference may possibly be due to an homology between the infertile oocytes and those primary spermatocytes which give rise in the manner described by Meves to the oligopyrene spermatozoa. Whether further investigations establish this homology or not, the presence of the infertile eggs is the keystone of the conditions that deter- mine cannibalism. The origin of this process therefore is to be sought in those circumstances that determine the formation of the sterile ova. That these ova should be ingested follows from the automatism of the larvae, based on structures much older than the habit of cannibalism, and not to be explained by it. The persistence of those processes which give rise to the nutritive ova THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASCIOLARIA. l6l however can be explained by the theory of selection, since this method of feeding the young is useful to the species. The sterile ova --to whatever cause due — have an important influence on development ; indeed, all the facts which I have dis- cussed or mentioned in the preceding pages can be united into a system of correlations, each part of which has antecedents or consequents, or both, traceable to the nutritive ova as the first link in a long chain of events. It is clear that without the sterile eggs cannibalism could not occur. It is equally clear that the larvae prepare for this process, and that they are profoundly modified as the result of it. Thus, to consider first external characters, the frothy, irregular ectoderm of the precannibal period is well fitted for the stretching caused by the ingestion of the eggs, for these produce a distension so great that unless provision were made for it in advance a far larger number of embryos would be destroyed by it than as a matter of fact succumb. The immediate results of the ingestion of the eggs are an en- tire change in the shape of the embryo, and a great increase not only in its size, but also in the size and organs of the young. The external kidneys are most clearly correlated with the canni- balism. In this case also we meet with provision, for the excre- tory organs appear, and are more highly developed than in any other gastropod embryo known to me, long before their chief need can be felt, and long before they have reached the highest development which they ultimately attain. The early appear- ance of the external kidneys, which a comparison with other prosobranchs snows to be secondary, brings about a change in their position, for if they developed at the time the velum ap- pears, as they do in Fulgnr (McMurrich), or after this appears as they do in Crcpidula (Conklin), they would not be carried out- wards by this organ, ultimately to hang down from its underside. The early development of the external kidneys is thus a case of ccenogenesis, and their final location on the embryo an excellent example of a conspicuous result due to a remote influence, for although this ultimate position and activity are connected with the egg-swallowing habit, this connection is indirect, since fully-de- veloped external kidneys occur in dwarfed larvae devoid of 1 62 O. C. GLASER. ingested ova. It might be urged from this that there is not even an indirect connection between the cannibalistic habit and the excretory organs, but this is by no means true. It is an acci- dent in the lives of the dwarfed embryos that they fail to secure any eggs, for they prepare for them as much as their more suc- cessful competitors do. The fact that the preparations for an event which never comes to pass are elaborate cannot show that this event had no influence on the lives of the anticipators. What it does show is that this influence is not direct, for the habit of preparing for cannibalism has become fixed through selection. Another correlation of importance is the amitosis in the exter- nal kidneys and in the oesophageal endoderm. Here the need for the rapid digestion of great quantities of food material and the excretion of waste products has called forth a process unusual in embryonic cells, but, as I shall try to show in another paper, not pathological. There can be little doubt that through these ami- toses other correlative changes are brought about, particularly in the development of the oesophagus, where the gaps made by the degenerating embryonic digestive cells are certainly repaired before the adult stage has been reached. Thus the whole devel- opment, from early stages to late, the structure, shape and size of the larvae and the size and hardiness of the young, and what- ever these stand for in their further lives, are affected by cannibal- ism, the origin of which is traceable, I believe, not to the advan- tage which accounts for its persistence, but to some as yet unknown cause which determines the existence of the sterile nutritive ova. ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR, January 4, 1906. LITERATURE CITED. Blochmann, F. '82' Uber die Entwicklung der Neritina fluviatilis. Zeit. f. w. Zoo]., Bd. XXXVI., 1882. Bobretzky, N. '77 Studien iiber die embryonale Entwicklung der Gastropoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. XIII., 1877. Brooks, W. K. '78 Preliminary observations upon the development of the marine prosobranchiate Gastropods. Chesapeake Zool. Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Univ. Scient. Results, 1878. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FASC1OLARIA. 163 Biitscbli, 0. '77' Uber Paludina vivipara. Zeit. f. w. Zoo!., Bd. XXIX., 1877. Carpenter, W. '57 On the development of Purpura. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2 ser., Vol. XX., 1857. Conklin, E. G. '97 The Embryology of Crepidula. Journal of Morphology, Vol. XIII., 1897. Erlanger, R. v. '92 Beitrage zur Emvicklungsgeschichte der Gastropoden. Erster Theil. Zur Entwicklung von Bithynia tentaculata. Mitth. Zool. Station Neapel., Bd., X., 1892. Fol, H. '75 Sur le developpement des Gasteropodes pulmones. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc., T. LXXXI., 1875. Fol, H. '792 Etudes sur le developpement des Gasteropodes pulmones. Arch. Zool. exp. gen., T. VIII., 1879. Glaser, 0. C. 'c>42 Excretory Activities in the Nuclei of Gastropod Embryos. American Nat- uralist, Vol. XXXVIII., 1904. Glaser, 0. C. '05 Uber den Kannibalismus bei Fasciolaria tulipa, etc. Zeit. f. w. Zool., Bd. LXXX., 1905. Heymons, R. J932 Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Umbrella mediterranea Lam. Zeit. f. w. Zool., Bd. LVI., 1893. Koren u. Danielssen. '56 Fauna littoralis Norvegiae. Bergen, 1856. Korschelt u. Heiser. '93' Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte. Jena, 1893. McMurrich, J. P. '861 A contribution to the embryology of the Prosobranch Gastropods. Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Vol. III., 1886. Meisenheimer, J. '98' Entwicklungsgeschichte von Limax maximus, II. Zeit. f. w. Zool., Bd. LXIII., 1898. Meves, F. '02' Uber oligopyrene und apyrene Spermien und iiber ihre Entstehung nach Beo- bachtungenan Paludina und Pygaera. Zeit. f. w. Zool., Bd. LXXIL, 1902. Osborn, H. L. '862 Development of the Gill in Fasciolaria. Stud. Biol. Lab. J. H. U., Balto. Vol. III., 1884-1886. Osborn, H. L. '04 Amitosis in the Embryo of Fasciolaria. Science, Vol. XIX., 1904. Rabl, G. '791 Uber die Entwicklung der Tellerschnecke. Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. V., 1879. 164 O. C. GLASER. Salensky, W. 'jz2 Beitraga zur EnUvicklmigsgaschichte der Prosohranchier. Zeit. f. w. ZooL, Bd. XXII., 1872. Sarasin, P. 'Sz2 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bithynia tentaculata. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wurz- burg, Bd. VI., 1882. Selenka, E. '72' Die Anlage der Keimhlfitter bei Purpura lapillns. Niederland. Arch, fur Zoologie, I. Bd., 1871-1873. Stauffacher, Hch. 'g82 Die Urniere von Cyclas cornea. Zeit. f. w. Zool., Bd. LXIII., 1898. A CHAMELEON-LIKE CHANGE IN DIEMYCTYLUS.1 (PRELIMINARY REPORT.) CHARLES G. ROGERS. In connection with some work done upon the heliotropic re- sponse in the salamander Diemyctylus viridescens, it was noticed that under certain conditions the animals changed color within a few hours in a most remarkable manner. The following paper is a report of the results obtained in a study of some of the con- ditions affecting this color change. That light and heat are active stimuli in the case of many ani- mals is a well-known fact. It has also been shown repeatedly that not only do these stimuli affect the movements and orienta- tion of the animals, but may, in some instances at least, bring about changes of color as well. The literature upon this part of the subject is not extensive, so it is impossible at present to formulate any general rule with respect to which these changes may take place. It may be said, however, that there is a remarkable uniformity in the results obtained by different investigators. In attempting to explain the pigmentation of the salamander, Salamandra maculata, Fischel2 found that the temperature to which the animals were subjected was an important factor. He observed that the larvae of the salamander which developed in warm water were of a lighter color than those which developed in cold water. If dark-colored larvae were placed in warm water they became lighter in color, the degree of the change varying with the age of the larvae at the beginning of the experiment. The newly-hatched larvae were found, also, to be much more suscep- tible to the changes in temperature than the older larvae. As the larvae became older the effects of the temperature to which they had been subjected tended to become fixed. If light-colored larvae were placed in colder water, the converse change was noticed, 1 From the Zoological Laboratory of Syracuse University. 2 Fischel, Arch.f. Mikr. Anat., XLVI., pp. 719-748. 165 1 66 CHARLES G. ROGERS. and this also tended to become permanent as the age of the ani- mals became greater. Flamming l observed that the conditions of light as well as of temperature make their impress upon the coloration of the sala- mander. Animals left in dark aquaria become and remain dark, while those in the light, for example, in white porcelain dishes, become light, the temperature of the water being the same in the two cases. The recent work of Carlton 2 upon the chameleon Anolis gives us even more striking evidence of the part played by external conditions in the coloration of animals. He found that the skin of Anolis can be made to assume one of two colors, dark brown or pea green. The brown state for animals in confinement is taken on in daylight and is produced by the outward migration of pigment granules from the bodies of the melanopores into the processes and ultimate branches. This outward migration is accomplished in about four minutes. It may be brought about either by mechanical stimulation of the skin or by an act of the nervous system. The brown state is ordinarily maintained by a tonus established by the sympathetic nerves and dependent upon the stimulation of the nervous end organs in the skin by the light. The melanophores of Anolis are not directly stimu- lated by the light. The green state is taken on in the dark, and is produced by the inward migration of the pigment granules of the melanophores whereby the reflecting ochrophore becomes ex- posed to the light. This inward migration requires about twenty- five minutes. It may be induced by any means which will bring the melanophores into the unstimulated state. EXPERIMENTS UPON DIEMYCTYLUS. The material upon which these observations were made was the salamander Dicmyctylus viridescens. Specimens were collected »n the fall of the year and had been kept in the laboratory during the winter in glass jars. The water in the jars was frequently changed and the animals were fed upon raw beef at regular inter- vals. In the spring observations were also made upon specimens just taken from their usual environment with similar results. 1 Flemming, Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., XLVIII., pp. 690-692. 2 Carlton, Proc. Atner. Acad. Arts and Sci., XXXIX., No. IO, pp. 259-276. A CHAMELEON-LIKE CHANGE IN DIEMVCTVLUS. 1 6/ When under their normal conditions the salamanders' are of a dirty yellow brown color upon the dorsal surface and a lemon yellow upon the ventral surface. Upon both surfaces there are black pigment spots about one half millimeter in diameter- There are also upon the dorsal surface a number of scattered red pigment spots. This description may apply equally well to ani- mals just taken from their native surroundings or which have been kept in the laboratory for a considerable period at the room temperature. Specimens taken at random from the ponds do not vary much in color. When the animals are exposed to a temperature which is much below that to which they have been accustomed it was found that there resulted a change in the appearance of the skin which would continue as long as the low temperature was maintained. Instead of a dirty yellow, the skin assumed a much darker color, becoming dark brown, dark green or in extreme cases almost black. This change took place in the course of a few hours and remained so long as the animals were subjected to the artificial condition. The amount of change in color which took place as the result of the change in temperature was in a measure a func- tion of the total amount of temperature change. If the change were only a slight one the color response would be correspond- ingly slight, while if the temperature change were greater the color change would be also more pronounced. If, on the contrary, the temperature of the water in which the animals were living was raised, it was found that the animals responded to the increased temperature by a lightening of the skin. Under these conditions the yellow in the skin became more pronounced and the darker colors less so. This change also was found to continue so long as the water remained warm. When the water became cold the color of the skin would return after a given interval to what it was at the beginning of the experiment. Another fact of interest in connection with this color change is that if the temperature of the water be maintained at a constant point and the intensity of the light be changed, the color of the animals will be found to respond in a very definite way. It must be stated, however, that the response in this latter case is less pronounced than that obtained by a change in temperature, and 1 68 CHARLES G. ROGERS. may indeed be obscured by the action on a change in tempera- ture. If the animals were placed in the dark for several hours they all became darker, if in the light for a number of hours they all became lighter. It was further found that the change in color due to a change in light conditions might be inhibited by contrary changes in the temperature conditions. The following table represents various combinations of light and temperature conditions which have been tested and the results obtained in the coloration of the animals. TEMPERATURE. IN DARK. IN LIGHT. High, Ordinary, Very Light. Low, Very Dark, Ordinary. By high temperatures are meant temperatures of from thirty- five to forty degrees Celsius ; by low, temperatures below ten degrees Celsius. From the table it is readily seen that we are here dealing with two sets of forces which tend to neutralize each other when applied in opposite directions and to augment each other when applied in the same direction. The manner in which this change is brought about is the same as that described by Carlton for Anolis. Small granules of pig- ment migrate outward from the large pigment cells along the ray- like processes of the cells when the animal is placed in the dark, thus obscuring the yellow pigment which lies in the deeper layers of the skin. When the animal is brought again into the light the pigment granules again migrate into the bodies of the pigment cells, and the lighter yellow pigment of the deeper layers of the skin becomes visible. The operation is a rather slow one and may occupy an hour or more of time. In certain animals a condition of permanent darkness was established through a section of the optic nerves. So long as the animal had one or both eyes functional the action of the skin was as stated above. When both eyes are made functionless a marked change takes place. Within a short time the skin begins to darken and within two hours has taken on a dark brown, dark green or black color. The appearance of the animals is similar to that produced by the action of darkness and low temperature. At ordinary room temperatures this change is permanent. A CHAMELEON-LIKE CHANGE IN DIEMVCTYLUS. 169 But it is a remarkable fact that in this blind condition the animals are even more than normally sensitive to changes in temperature. If the temperature on the water be raised by any considerable amount the color of the animal changes correspond- ingly, becoming much lighter. On the other hand if the tem- perature of the water be lowered they again resume the intense dark color which came on as the result of the operation. These changes in color usually occupy a time of not far from two hours. The question now arose as to how this color change was con- trolled. It was at first thought that it must be controlled through the central nervous system, but the following experiments seem to throw doubt upon such an explanation. Section of tlie Spinal Cord. — It has been shown above that section of the optic nerves brings about a most remarkable result in the coloration of the salamander. Now if the impulses effective in bringing about this change pass to the skin through the brain and spinal cord we should find upon section of the spinal cord that the parts of the skin supplied by nerves arising from the spinal cord below the cut should respond in a different way from those parts of the skin supplied by nerves arising from the spinal cord above the cut. In order to test this possibility a number of salamanders were operated upon in the following way. The spinal cord was completely sectioned at the level of the third or fourth thoracic vertebra while under the influence of ether. At the same time other individuals were subjected to the same anesthetic for the same length of time to assure us that any change in the appearance of the animal was not due merely to the effect of the ether. After the animals had been given oppor- tunity to recover from the shock effects of the operation, no change being found in the color of the skin as the result of the o o first operation, they were again taken and subjected to section of the optic nerves. Following this operation, usually within a period of not more than two hours there was found that same remarkable darkening of the skin which has already been described. And this darkening of the skin involved the whole dorsal surface of the animal and not merely that part of the skin controlled by nerves arising either above or below the section of the spinal cord. From this it is seen that the nervous impulses I/O CHARLES G. ROGERS. must have some other path of communication between the optic centers and the pigment cells of the skin than that furnished by the brain and spinal cord. It might be possible that the skin itself could furnish such a channel of communication, but a more reasonable means would seem to be through the the sympathetic nerves. In this our results agree with those of other observers. There is also in the vicinity another variety of Dieinyctylns viridescens known as miniatus. This is a land form and is of a vermilion color. It possesses few or none of the black pigment spots and apparently very few pigment cells. A series of experi- ments was also carried out upon this form but in no case was there any change of color noticed after section of the optic nerves. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Carlton. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., XXXIX., No. 10, pp. 259-276. Fischel. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., XLVI., pp. 719-748. Flemming. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., XLVIII., pp. 690-692. THE GROWTH AND REGENERATION OF THE GILLS IN THE YOUNG NECTURUS. ALBERT C. EYCLESHYMER, DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY, ST. Louis UNIVERSITY, ST. Louis, Mo. During the summer of 1904 the writer made a series of obser- vations and experiments on the growth and regeneration of the gills of the larval Necturus. The work was done with the hope of obtaining more information as to the relation which the regen- erated gill bears to the normal in its rate of growth, in its size, and particularly in its pattern. The larvae were kept in aquaria, from which they were taken at intervals, placed in flat-bottomed watch-glasses above mirrors, and sketches made of the ventral surfaces of the gills. The period of observation on the growth of the normal gills was from the time (12—13 nim) of their first appearance, to the time (18-20 mm.) when four pairs of filaments were present. At this time the gills were cut off and preserved. These larvae were then placed in separate aquaria and like the normal were sketched at successive intervals. The period of ob- servation on the regenerating gills was from the time of excision until about the same number of filaments were present as in the normal at the time when they were cut off. Ten series were started, but only eight were completed, owing to the death of two larvae. That the normal processes might be as little disturbed as possible but a single gill was removed from each larva. This one was in each case the anterior on the right side of the head. Since the eight experiments gave similar re- sults, but three have been described and illustrated in detail. The first appearance of the gill bars is to be seen in the 9-10 mm. larva as slight swellings on each of the three gill arches. When the larva has reached a length of 12-13 mm., the first and second gill bars measure about i.o mm., while the third measures 0.5 mm. The first gill filament appears at this time as a slight swelling 171 172 ALBERT C. EYCLESHYMER. on the postero-ventral surface of the first bar, midway between its base and apex ; soon a second filament appears on the antero- Q 8 e 9 H. a ff zzr I 3 FIG. I. Each series is bracketed and designated by Roman numerals. The upper row in each series represents the changes in the normal gill. The lower row of each series represents the changes in the regenerating gill of the same larva. The nume- rals indicate the days of the month : June 16-30 and July 1-17. All the figures are magnified about ten times. ventral surface opposite the first, as shown in Ser. II., Fig. 19. Often the buds form at different levels, giving rise to unsymmet- GILLS IN THE YOUNG NECTURUS. 1/3 rical patterns. While the lateral buds are elongating the tip of the gill bar becomes drawn out into a median filament, as in Ser. III., Fig. 21. Sometimes the tip of the gill bar forms one of the first pair of filaments, in which case a median bud forms the me- dian or apical filament. A second pair of filaments forms some 48 to 60 hours later. In most cases these are bilaterally symmetrical, as indicated in Fig. 21. In two out of the eight series the buds did not arise at opposite points, and in these cases more or less irregularity oc- curred in the succeeding pairs. The third pair of filaments shows considerable variation both in time and place of origin. In five cases they appeared about 48 hours alter the second pair. In the remaining three cases they were not formed until the end of the third day. The filaments of this pair usually arise in such positions that they are bilaterally symmetrical, as shown in Ser. III., Fig. 26. In two series con- ditions were observed something like that represented in Ser. II., Fig. 26, where only one of the third pair arose in the usual posi- tion. In place of the other there arose an intercalated bud on the opposite side. The fourth pair of filaments may develop as bilaterally sym- metrical structures, as in Ser. I., Fig. 30, or may be represented by a single intercalated filament, as in Ser. III., Fig. 30, or again the filaments may show such great irregularity that it is impos- sible to tell what filaments are to be considered as belonging to the fourth pair, as in Ser. II., Fig. 30. In the later growth of the gill the filaments not only continue to form in pairs at the base of the gill bar but also to arise irregu- larly from intercalated buds. In addition the filaments send off lateral branches which form secondary filaments. In the older larvae (30—40 mm.) the patterns become more and more irregular. As a general statement one might say that in the earliest fila- ments much regularity prevails, but in the formation of the later filaments the regularity decreases. When the gills had reached the stages shown in Fig. 30 they were cut off with spring scissors as near the head as possible and as they regenerated their changes were carefully followed and 174 ALBERT C. EYCLESHYMER. compared with the successive changes observed in the growth of the normal gills. o In Ser. I. the first pair of buds formed at about the same rela- tive time as in the normal, but instead of conforming to the rather exceptional pattern of the normal they were symmetrically placed, as shown in Fig. 6. The second pair of filaments while sym- metrical were not present until 96 hours later. In the normal the second pair arose 72 hours after the first pair. The third pair appeared some 48 hours after the second and in both time and place of origin conformed to the normal. The condition about 132 hours later is shown by Fig. 17. Comparing this figure with Fig. 30 it will be noted that but a single filament is present to represent the fourth pair of the normal. Again there are present two intercalated buds while the normal shows none. In Ser. II. the filaments appear later than in the normal and instead of arising as a pair there are three buds present (Fig. 6). As the later stages show, the first pair is made up by the tip of the median and the first lateral filament. About 96 hours later, as shown in Fig. 11, three more buds are present. Two of these form a new pair at the base of the gill bar, while the third arises between the tip of the gill bar and the first lateral filament. When compared with the normal of this stage it is obvious at a glance that there is no conformity. No other changes occur which merit detailed description. If the stage shown in Fig. 1 7 be compared with that of the normal shown in Fig. 30 it will be readily observed that the regenerated gill is quite unlike the normal, but on the whole it presents a more regular pattern than the normal. In Ser. III. the first pair of filaments appeared at about the same relative time as in the normal but at widely separated points, as shown in Fig. 6. The second pair formed some 96 hours later and, alternating with those of the first, gave rise to the pat- tern shown in Fig. 11. The third pair, as shown in Fig. 13, appeared 72 hours after the second as symmetrically placed structures. The fourth pair were likewise symmetrically placed. It may be remarked that the remaining five series showed, with slight variations, the same results as described above. In the o entire eight series not a single case was observed in which the GILLS IN THE YOUNG NECTURUS. 175 pattern of the growth changes in the normal gill were repeated in the regenerating gill. If we compare the rate of growth in the regenerating gill with the rate of the normal gill we find that the stage reached in nor- mal growth in sixteen days is reached in regeneration in about eighteen days. That the pattern of the growing gill is not retraced by the regenerating has been established beyond question in these ex- periments. In the regeneration of the foot of the young Ncct/tnis the course of normal development is pretty accurately repeated and the same is known to be true of many other forms. Previous experiments by others seem to indicate that if wide variations occur in normal growth we should expect to find like wide variations in regeneration. One pattern of gill is as efficient for respiration as another pro- vided it posesses the same number of filaments. The same is true of the regenerated gill. The normal pattern of the foot is duplicated in regeneration because the type evolved is that best adapted to the needs of the animal. If these considerations be well founded we are led to regard physiological efficiency as the important factor in the regenera- tion of the gills. In other words we may conclude that functional and structural regeneration may run parallel or they may follow widely diverg- ing lines. OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHANGES IN THE HYPO- DERMIS AND CUTICULA OF COLEOPTERA DURING ECDYSIS. W. L. TOWER. The internal changes which occur during the periodic removal and redevelopment of the chitinous portion of the integument of insects are little understood and but few observations have been made thereon. In this paper are given observations and conclu- sions concerning some of the changes found in the integument of Leptinotarsa decimlineata and Clirysobotliris femorata. These two beetle larvae are good examples of two types of larvae, the first living freely exposed upon their food plants and are typical examples of those insect larvae which pass their lives upon plants in exposed places and must go through ecdysis exposed, and the second of larvae that live in burrows or cells, protected from ex- ternal interference to a great degree. Corresponding to the differ- ence in their habitats they show differences in the internal changes accompanying ecdysis. The life of an insect larva is made up of a series of instars or stages, each of which represents a very precise cycle of develop- ment and physiological activities. These cycles of changes are of interest and serve to give a good basis for the orientation of the changes which I am about to describe as accompanying ecdysis. The changes within a single cycle are given in the tabulated form on page 177. Each larval stage properly begins with the period of growth following the reconstruction period of the preceding ecdysis and ends with the end of the next reconstruction period. Looked at from the exterior the stages extend from ecdysis to ecdysis, but as shown in the above table the period of exuviation is the middle one of the short and rapidly passed over periods in which the process of ecdysis is begun, achieved and the animal recovers from the effects thereof. The changes with which this paper deals are confined largely to the last three periods in the cycle. 176 OBSERVATIONS ON COLEOPTERA. CYCLE OF PERIODS IN ONE LARVAL STAGE. 177 Period of Growth. Period of Maximum Nutrition. Period of Differentia- tion. Period of Preparation. Period of Exuviation. Period of Reconstruction. Larva actively feeding. Larva not feeding .- ~J , •- C T3 .255 *-" >•* '-^ V *••* C/5 •ji e jj •— , basement membrane. i So \V. L. TOWER. ula and the new to help form the exuvial fluid. Eventually nearly all of the contents of the glands are extruded, leaving them small and shrunken as shown in Fig. 3, A. After ecdysis and especially after pupation the degeneration of these glands is rapid, as shown in Fig. 3, the cell speedily return- ing to a normal hypodermal cell in size and ultimately it breaks down completely. As far as I can discover these glands are exactly like those found by Gonin in Pieris brassiac, and I have observed the same structure in Pieris rape? and frotodice, and Clisiocampa aincri- cana among the Lepidoptera and they are widespread in the B C FIG. 3. L. dedmlineata. Three stages in the degeneration of the exuvial glands. A, gland immediately after ecdysis ; B, stage of gland during the period of recon- struction ; C, gland nearly reduced to normal hypodermal cell in period of growth. Chrysomelidae and Coccinnellidae, especially in the tropical species. Nowhere have I found these unicellular glands in larvae that live in burrows, or in the soil or in cells, but only in larvae living freely exposed upon plants where there exists the greatest liability to rapid desiccation. In L. dedmlineata, innltitccniata and their tropical allies these glands developed in the embryo in small numbers over the entire body surface and are active at each ecdy- sis. As the larva grows, however, the number of these glands increase until at the time of pupation there are very many of them scattered over the body, but they are most numerous upon the pronotum. During the pupal period nearly all degenerate rap- idly and but few are functional at the final transformation. These glands and their increase in number is, I believe, an adaptation in these freely exposed larvae, to enable them to pass with the least mortality through such critical periods of their life as ecdysis and pupation. I can see no reason why this adapta- OBSERVATIONS ON COLEOPTERA. iSl tion would not be one of direct selective value and be greatly developed by selection, because those individuals with an abun- dant supply of exuvial fluid would have a far better chance of passing safely these critical periods than those with a lesser supply of the exuvial fluid. Changes in tJie Integument. - -In the integument the preparatory changes preceding ecdysis begin before the larvae cease feeding and consist largely in the withdrawal of the protoplasmic processes of the hypodermal cells from the pore canals in the secondary cuticula (Fig. 2, Z>) and the gradual change in the shape of the FIG. 4. C. jetnorata. Section in latter end of period of differentiation of last instar, from the raesothorax. hypodermal cells whereby they become greatly elongated and their outer ends and the basement membrane separated by two, three or four times the usual distance. A section (Fig. 4) shows this condition in which the hypodermis is in the form of a flat- tened epithelium. The changes from the condition shown in Fig. 4 go on slowly until at the beginning of the first contractions all the proto- plasmic processes have been withdrawn and the hypodermis is much thickened, due to the drawing away of the basement mem- brane. With the first contractions the old cuticula and hypo- dermal cells separate over almost the entire body surface and only the muscle attachments remain to hold the old cuticula to the animal. At the time when the contractions begin or slightly before, a 182 W. L. TOWER. thin layer of exuvial fluid is found, especially in the anterior parts of the body between the hypodermis and cuticula, and the inner surface of the cuticula appears rough and corroded. This corro- sion of the inner side of the secondary cuticula continues until it is often almost entirely removed, as shown in Fig. 5. FIG. 5. C. femorata. Section of the integument from same location as the sec- tion from which Fig. 4 was taken, showing decrease in thickness of the secondary cuticula and great extension of the basal ends of the hypoder.iial cells to form a rela- tively thick but open layer of hypodermis. This dissolving of the secondary cuticula is a most constant phenomenon in ecdysis and has been foundin all the insects that I have examined, but in varying degrees. The same disintegra- tion of this layer is shown in Fig. 6 of L. decimlineata. This origin of part of the exuvial fluid in L. decimlineata and of all of it in C. femorata has not, I believe, been heretofore suspected but we can at once see the great utility of this process and especially the advantage gained in having the cuticula thinned OBSERVATIONS ON COLEOPTERA. "83 and softened by the dissolving action which is evidently going on. As far as my experience goes this solution of the cuticula varies greatly in different preparations, being almost but never entirely absent in some and exceedingly active in others. I have not C. . x . . / ''..- ^*»*^ **• ':••••' • mb. FIG. 6. L. decimlineata. Section of pronotum in early part of the period of ecdysis showing greatly drawn out hypodermal cells and almost entirely dissolved secondary cuticula. Fragments of cuticula are floating in the exuvial fluid (C2). determined absolutely what brings about this dissolution of the secondary cuticula, but it is probably due to enzyme action. Attempts have been made to isolate these enzymes but thus far without any marked success. I do find, however, in the hypo- dermal cells in the late part of the period of differentiation and the early part of the period of preparation, granules which react and stain exactly like zymogen granules and which are derived from the nucleus by chromatolosis and which disappear after the action of dissolution of the old cuticula has begun. These may not, however, have anything to do with the disintegration of the old cuticula. It is clear, however, that the action upon the cuticula is chemical as there is not the slightest indication of phagocytes or other organic elements being present. The most logical sup- position is that the hypodermal cells secrete a substance that dissolves the old secondary cuticula and thus thins and softens the integument as well as supplying a considerable part of the exuvial fluid, thereby greatly facilitating ecdysis. 184 W. L. TOWER. These changes which occur in the cuticula involve only the secondary cuticula and are the same irrespective of what the habitat of the larva may be, as shown in the figures given and result in all in the thinning and weakening of the old integument. All these changes take place in the latter part of the period of preparation and the first third of the following stage. After the separation of the cuticula and hypodermis the new primary cuticula begins to form at once. It appears first as a thin delicate lamella spread evenly over the entire outer surface of the hypodermis and grows rapidly in thickness until finally just before ecdysis takes place it reaches its final thickness. It is developed as a delicate structureless membrane secreted by the hypodermal cells and there appears at no time evidence in favor of the oft-repeated statement that the cuticula is the hardened outer ends of the hypodermal cells. After ecdysis this primary cuticula hardens rapidly and develops its coloration through enzyme action precisely as in the adult beetle, a process which I have described elsewhere. As soon as ecdysis is over the deposition of the secondary cuticula begins. This layer is, as is well known (Vossler, Tower) a carbohydrate allied to tunicin and is deposited in alternating layers through the periods of reconstruction and growth when it attains its maximum thickness. It is everywhere penetrated by delicate pore canals which are the fine canals occupied by the protoplasmic processes of the hypodermal cells which do not become detached from the primary cuticula until just before ecdysis when they are withdrawn. With poor killing and pres- ervation, however, they are all withdrawn and the canals appear empty, but are not so in life. The hypodermis also goes through a regular cycle of changes in the shape of the cells during each of the cycles. These changes are first an increase in the number of cells in the growth o *-> period, and second changes in shape and arrangement so as to give the body wall the greatest rigidity and strength during the period immediately following ecdysis before the new cuticula hardens. In Fig. 7 I have given a series of stages in semi-dia- grammatic form showing the change in the shape and arrange- ment of the cells. In Fig. 7, A, in the growth and differentia- OBSERVATIONS ON COLEOPTERA. 185 tion periods the cells are hexagonal flattened epithelial and of them- selves would be a relatively weak layer if left alone. In the period of preparation, however, the inner J ends elongate, the basement mem- | brane draws away and the cells i- come to form a much thicker layer, -| until during the period of ecdysis £ they present the condition shown in Fig. 7, D, which arrangement, even though the thick cuticle be absent, gives a far greater rigidity to the body wall than the arrange- ment seen in Fig. 7, A, After | ecdysis is over the cells gradually = W ' assume their epithelial character. -3 This series of change represented | /-//, 1906. No. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN TWO TRANSITIONAL STAGES IN THE DEVELOP- MENT OF CYCLOPS SIGNATUS, VAR. CORONATUS. A PRELIMINARY NOTE. ESTHER F. BYRNES. While studying some of the inhabitants of a pool of spring water at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, during the months of July and August, I was perplexed by the constant occurrence of two comparatively large Cyclops that I was unable to identify as belonging to any known species. The prevalent adult forms in the pool were C. sigiiatus var. tcnnicornis (annulicornis} and var. coronatus and C. scrntlatus. That the forms in question bore no relation to C. scrntlatus was quite evident. In certain characteristics they agreed with C. sigiiatus but for some time I hesitated to associate them with C. signattis because of constant correlations in structure, and because the larger of the two forms was occasionally found to be sexually mature. The smaller of the two cyclops, Plate VII., combined the follow- ing characteristics : the antennas usually contained ten segments, but occasionally nine segments were present ; the rami of the swimming feet were two-jointed, with an armature that indicated immaturity as follows : First Foot. Second Foot. Outer Ratnus. 3 outer spines, I apical spine, I apical seta, 3 inner setce, Inner Ramus I outer seta, I apical spine, I apical seta, 5 inner setie, Outer Ramus. 3 outer spines, I apical spine, I apical seta, 4 inner seUe, Inner Ramus. I outer seta. I apical spine. I apical seta. 5 inner setae. '93 194 ESTHER F. BYRNES. Third Foot. Fourth Foot. Outer Ramus. 3 outer spines, I apical spine, I apical seta, 4 inner setae, Inner Ramus. I outer seta, I apical spine, I apical seta, 4 inner setae, Outer Ramus. 3 outer spines, I apical spine I apical seta, 4 inner setae, Inner Ramus. I outer seta. I apical spine I apical seta. 3 inner setae. The rudimentary fifth foot was two-jointed, having an almost square basal segment bearing an immature seta on its outer distal angle, and a slightly elongated distal segment bearing three hairs. The larger cyclops, Plate VIII., combined the following charac- teristics : the antennae contained eleven segments ; the rami of the swimming feet were three-jointed with an adult armature, as follows : First Foot. Second Foot. Outer Ramus. Inner Ramus. Outer Ramus. Inner Ramus. 3 outer spines, i outer seta, 3 outer spines, I outer seta. I apical spine, I apical spine, I apical spine, I apical spine. I apical seta, I apical seta, I apical seta, I apical seta. 3 inner setae, 3 inner setae, 4 inner setae, 3 inner setae. Third Foot. Fourth Foot. Outer Ramus Inner Ramus Outer Ramus. Inner Ramus. 3 outer spines, I outer seta, 2 outer spines, I outer seta. I apical spine, I apical spine, I apical spine, I apical spine. I apical seta, I apical seta, I apical seta, I apical seta? 4 inner setae, 3 inner set?e, 4 inner setae, 2 inner setae. The rudimentary fifth foot was two-jointed with an almost square basal segment, bearing an immature seta externally, and a distal segment, longer than broad, armed with two immature spines and a median seta. The study of a large number of these forms showed that both forms were always found together; that they always accompanied C. signatus, var. coronatns, having seventeen antennal segments ; that in the absence of strong color markings and hairs they gave evidence of being young ; and that they were, as a rule, sexually immature, although the larger cyclops occasionally contained ova. I became convinced of their larval character, as well as of their relationship to C. signatns, and determined to test the cor- rectness of the conclusion by breeding experiments. Accord- ingly, a few fertile females with appended embryos, were isolated in a carefully prepared aquarium. At the end of two months this aquarium was examined for the desired forms, when nu- DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLOPS SIGNATUS CORONATUS. 195 merous individuals in both stages were found to be present. Later, one cyclops with eleven antennal segments was found with numerous large ova in the ovaries. The rearing of the young from the adults proves conclusively that the forms in question are transitional stages in the life his- tory of a form with seventeen segments in the antennae. The experiments show also that C. signatus may become sexually mature in the larval state. That this sexually mature young was a true larva, and not a form in which the growth of only the antennae had been retarded, is indicated by the relatively small size of the individual when compared with the adults, by the incomplete number of segments seen in the antennae, and by the transparency of the skin and the general absence of hairs and spines. In the formation of the antennal segments there is a constant sequence. The nine-jointed antenna becomes transformed into the ten-jointed antenna by the division of the third segment from the base into two small ones, and the eleven-jointed condition arises from the ten-jointed, by the formation of a short second segment, the permanent second segment of the seventeen-jointed antenna. Occasionally the antennae contain twelve segments, but inter- mediate conditions between the eleven and the seventeen-jointed stages are not frequent. In Signatus, prior to the completion of segmentation in the antennae, two greatly elongated segments (the seventh and eighth in the eleven -jointed stage) break up simultaneously into the required number of small segments, four and three respectively, while the third segment breaks into two, thus providing seventeen segments, the number in the adult. In a former paper, " Heterogeny and Variation in Some of the. Copepoda of Long Island," I was of opinion that " some facts point to the probability that the Cold Spring Harbor forms . . . are morphologically undeveloped." I am now con- vinced that those cyclops combining nine, ten and eleven joints in the antennae, with a two -jointed fifth foot, having a distal seg- ment armed with three undeveloped hairs, are transitional stages in the life history of C. signatus, although the variety is less easily determined. The study of various larval stages of C. signatus shows the rudi- 196 ESTHER F. BYRNES. mentary fifth foot to be the most characteristic organ by which the species can be easily identified even in very early stages. Whether the hairs on the fifth foot are setose or spiny depends in large measure on the age of the individual, and is of little importance. There are two generally recognized varieties of the species C. signatus, namely, var. coroiiatits (C. fuscus of Jurine) and var. tenuicornis or annulicornis, called C. albidus by Professor Marsh. Both of these forms occur side by side and are regarded by some authors, Herrick and Brady, as transitional stages of one and the same form, while other authors regard them as distinct varieties. I do not wish at this time to express an opinion on the rela- tionship of C. coronatns and C. tenuicornis, but the correlations indicated in this paper for C. signatus, var. coroualus, can also be observed in the forms described as C. signatns, var. tcmiiconiis, in which the hairs on the inner margins of the stylets are lacking, as well as the serrations in the hyaline plate in the sixteenth and seventeenth antennal segments ; and in which the second segment of the antennule, as well as the basal segment of the rudimentary fifth foot, are relatively long, while in coronatns they are conspic- uously short. The armature of the fourth pair of swimming feet, often shown in keys to the Cyclops, is by itself of little value as a means of identification, since several distinct species agree in the armature of this appendage, although they have no agreement in any of the other swimming feet, nor in the larger outlines of the body. It is to be regretted that fuller details of the Cyclops are not given as a means of securing a rapid acquaintance with common forms, and with their later transitional stages, which occur in great abundance side by side with the adults, and, like the adults, are sometimes found with eggs. COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y., July, 1905. PLATE VII. C. signatus, coronatus. Leitz camera drawings. Reduced one half. FIG. I. An outline showing the proportions of the thorax, abdomen, and antennae when there are but ten segments in the antennae. 3X3- The abdomen has but three undifferentiated segments, to the last of which are attached the characteristic caudal stylets. The antennae reach to the posterior edge of the second thoracic segment, and contain ten segments each. Only the right antennule is represented. FIG. 2. The external ramus of the fourth swimming feet. All the rami of the swimming feet are two-jointed. The proximal seta of the inner margin is conspicu- ously separated from the remaining setse, which become the inner armature of the terminal segment after the formation of the third joint. 3X7- FIG. 3. The rudimentary fifth foot is characteristic of the species C. signatus. The hairs are neither setose nor spiny. 3X7- The internal fringe of hairs on the caudal stylets, the short, broad, basal segment of the fifth foot, and the short second joint of the antennule indicate that this is the larval form of C. siynatits coronatus. o FIG. 4. An antenna with nine segments. FIG. 5. An antenna showing the third segment dividing to form the tenth segment. FIG. 6. An antenna with ten segments fully formed. 198 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. X PUTE V PLATE VIII. C. signatus, corona/us. Leitz camera drawings. Reduced one half. FIG. i. An outline showing the proportions of the thorax, abdomen and antenna; when the antenna contain eleven segments. 3X3- The abdomen has acquired four segments in which there is still little differentia- tion. The caudal stylets remain unchanged. The antennae have acquired a new segment, the small second segment from the base of the antenna, making eleven in all. Only the right antenna is represented. FIG. 2. The external ramus of the fourth swimming feet. All the rami of the swimming feet are three-jointed, and in their armature, have reached the condition of the adult. 3 X 7- FIG. 3. The rudimentary fifth foot remains practically unchanged. 3X7- 200 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN VOL. X PLATE VIII THE MALE AND FEMALE EGGS OF PHYLLOX- ERANS OF THE HICKORIES. T. II. MORGAN. The predetermination of sex in the egg has been demonstrated only where small male and large female eggs occur, and it is a very striking fact, so far overlooked I believe, that in these cases the difference in the male and female eggs is connected with the development of degenerate males. In Dinopliilns apatris the male is smaller than the female, is degenerate, and the sexual organs appear to be precociously developed. In Hydatina senta the male is smaller than the female and degenerate. In the Plivllo.vcra of the grape and of the hickories the male is small, wingless, without digestive tract, and the sexual organs, as I shall show for one species at least, develop very early, so that the spermatozoa are fully formed before the male leaves the egg. In Dionpliilus it is believed that both the male and the female eggs are fertilized, but in Hydatina and in the phylloxerans the male and the female eggs are not fertilized. Sex in these cases is, therefore, determined independently of fertilization and pre- exists in the egg. In cases of this sort it would obviously be of great interest to discover what conditions determine that some o eggs become males and others females. Is the difference, for ex- ample, connected with a visible difference of the nucleus, or of the cytoplasm ? This question I believe I am able to answer, but the deeper-lying problem as to the causes that lead to the differ- ence observable in the egg I have not fathomed. The material for study was collected from the galls of the hickories in the spring and summer of last year, and included five or six species, of which three only will be mentioned here. The typical life history of these phylloxerans is the following : The fertilized egg, attached to the bark, hatches in the spring pro- ducing the stem-mother, who migrates to the young leaves and attaches herself to one spot on the under surface of the leaf, which becomes the center for the formation of a gall within which she becomes enclosed. She lays a large number of eggs inside 201 2O2 T. H. MORGAN. the gall that are all of one size, and give rise to the individuals of the second generation, which, developing wings in most spe- cies, ultimately leave the gall. These migrants contain two kinds of eggs, larger eggs that give rise to females, and smaller eggs that give rise to males. The eggs are deposited upon the bark »' FIG. I. Phvlloxcra globosum. Polar spindles of male and female eggs. The first figure (to the left) is from a large female egg; the second, from a small male egg ; the third and fourth figures are from eggs whose size was not determined. of the hickory. From them the male and female individuals are hatched. These soon pair and the female lays her single, large, winter egg on the bark of the tree. This egg hatches in the following spring, and produces the stem-mother. A few species have a somewhat different cycle, and in one of them the male and the female eggs are laid within the gall itself. Owing to this condition a large number of the eggs in all stages of development can readily be collected. I have been fortunate enough to obtain a species of this sort, viz., Phylloxera sp. ? and have obtained an abundance of developing male and female eggs. The life history of a species of this sort according to Pergande is as follows : The stem-mother lays eggs that give rise to a genera- tion of wingless forms corresponding to the winged migrants of other species. These wingless individuals contain large and small eggs which they deposit within the gall. From these eggs the minute males and females emerge. In a few cases a winged in- dividual— a migrant --is found with the wingless individuals. It seems probable that the wingless condition is the secondary one, hence the occasional appearance of winged forms. The Male and the Female Eggs of the Migrants. — The eggs are mature in the migrant before it leaves the gall, and the polar spindle is present. It is a difficult matter to find the spindle, and the chance is also small of getting one cut parallel to its equatorial plate. Nevertheless, I have found a fair num- MALE AND FEMALE EGGS OF PHYLLOXERANS. 203 ber of such cases in which the number of the chromosomes could be counted with perfect accuracy. In Phylloxera globosnm there are only six chromosomes in the polar spindle (Fig. i), which makes it a very favorable object for study. In all eggs in which the chromosomes could be counted the same number was found, FIG. 2. Phylloxera sp. ? Left hand figure is a spermatogonial equatorial plate. Right hand figure is from a somatic cell of a male embryo. and this is true both for male and for female eggs. In this re- spect there seems to be no difference between the two kinds of eggs- In Phylloxera sp. ? the number of chromosomes in the male and female eggs seems to be twelve (Fig. 2). It is more difficult to count so many chromosomes with accuracy, at least in the eggs that I have so far seen ; but as the clearest cases ob- served showed twelve chromosomes, and as in other eggs eleven, or twelve, or thirteen seemed to be present, and since the num- ••: FIG. 3. Phylloxera sp. ? Spermatocyte divisions. Equatorial plates. Upper row, first spermatocyte divisions ; lower row, second divisions. ber of chromosomes in the spermatocytes is definitely six (Fig. 3), there can be little doubt that the number in the polar spindle is twelve. In Phylloxera cary: should perhaps exist in undifferentiated stages, still the proba- bility is so extremely remote as to render doubtful to a degree any but the most thoroughly substantiated claims. It may be stated in passing, that the gonophores of C. lepto- styla are extremely degenerate, hardly more, indeed, than sporo- sacs, yet it is possible to distinguish rudiments of medusoid struc- tures. They originate as buds of the hydroid, involving both ectoderm and entoderm, and also supporting layer. Occasion- ally this lamella seems to partially disintegrate at the terminal portion during the outgrowth of the peduncle. The gonophores remain entirely closed except at the time of rupture by the escap- ing planula. From the primary peduncle secondary pedicels arise, forming a racemose-like cluster, within each of which from one to four eggs may develop, though the usual number is two or three. There seems to be considerable variation in the size of the eggs in various specimens and in the eggs of various gonophores of the same specimen. On this point it had occurred to me that perhaps the number developing in a given gonophore might naturally have some influence, but after comparing a considerable number, whether growing singly or in clusters I have not been able to convince myself that such is the case. I am rather in- clined to believe that more depends upon the. start a given egg may get in growth, and perhaps the state of nutrition in which the given specimen may be at the time, than any other factors. As a rule eggs which grow singly at the distal end of a gono- phore are more nearly spherical, and in consequence I find the cleavage of such eggs much more regular and symmetrical than in cases where two or more are found in the same gonophore and approach maturity at about the same time. This point may be considered in more detail in a later connection under the subject of cleavage. Growth takes place, as in most hydroids, quite rapidly. With 2IO CHAS. W. HARGITT. the origin of the gonophores the eggs appear in considerable numbers in the entoderm of the peduncle, as previously stated, and with the later budding of the gonophore bodies either migrate into them, or as seems to be the case in many instances, originate directly from the entoderm of the spadix or lateral walls of the gonophore. At first they have the characteristic aspects of ordi- nary ovocytes, namely, a very large germinal vesicle, with char- acteristic chromatin network, a comparatively small proportion of cytoplasm, which is more or less homogeneous in texture, and staining quite uniformly with any of the ordinary plasma stains. Evidences of growth are first indicated by the rapid increase in the mass of the cytoplasm, while that of the nucleus for a time remains apparently unchanged, though later also increasing in mass likewise, though to a much less degree. Nutrition of the ova is at first, indeed throughout so far as I can determine, by direct absorption from the entoderm of the spadix, or to a less degree also from the entoderm of the lateral walls of the gono- phore. I find no evidence of the absorption of supernumerary ovocytes involved in the matter of nutrition, and in this respect C. leptostyla appears to differ somewhat from C. sqnainata. Ac- cording to Harm there would seem to be involved both these processes. He says that by the direct assimilation of yolk-like granules from the entoderm cells of the hydranth, and by osmosis from the walls of the gonophore the egg is nourished, and that furthermore, the youngish egg-cells are also nourished by the ab- sorption of ovocytes (op. cit., pp. II, 12). The presence of the yolk-like particles to which he refers I have also recognized in the entoderm of the hydranth body at this period. They resemble in all essentials the pigmented yolk granules later found in the fully grown egg, but I have found no evidence that they are ever directly absorbed by the young egg. On the other hand there is ample evidence to the effect that they are gradually broken down and probably liquefied, in which con- dition they may be easily transferred to the gonophores and ab- sorbed by the young eggs. In an earlier paper ('04) I have directed attention to similar phenomena in the growth of the eggs of Pachycordyle, and it undoubtedly occurs in many others. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 211 HERMAPHRODITISM. An interesting feature in the reproduction of this hydroid is the fact that occasionally individuals, and perhaps colonies, are found in which gonophores contain both eggs and spermatozoa. Figs, i, 2 ; Fig. 5, PI. IX., show various phases of this somewhat anomalous condition. As will be observed, the elements are in various stages of development, some of the eggs well along toward full growth, and spermatozoa like- wise well advanced. In most cases the condition shown at Fig. 5, PI. IX., was the prevalent one, namely, where one half of the gonophore bore sperms and the other half an egg. In a few cases, however, a well developed egg was found on each side nearly or quite surrounded by sperm- cells. Of course, hermaphroditism in itself is nothing strange among animals, whether high or low. Even among hydroids it is quite familiar in the common Hydra, though here it is not common to find both organs in active function at the same time on any given in- dividual. I have also found a sim- FIG. I. Longitudinal section ilar condition in Hydractinia, and throu§h youn§ g°i>°ph°re, showing at b the development of spermary, at Bunting ( 94), has likewise figured e and ^mixed gonads. a single case though without giv- ing any details concerning it. In the whole of his extended researches on the " Origin of Sex Cells in Hydromedusse '' Weismann makes no mention, so far as I have observed, con- cerning hermaphroditism. It would seem somewhat remarkable that he should not have observed some indications of such a con- dition if it were at all common. Indeed, though having found repeated cases of it in Clava, I am disposed to consider it as a rather rare phenomenon in this group. b 212 CHAS. W. HARG1TT. One other feature in connection with the subject must be noted, namely, that among the several cases, the ova were found in every case in distinctly male gonophores. Among hundreds of female gonophores examined there was not the slightest evidence of male elements among them. Figs. I and 2 show sections through two hermaphroditic gonophores. At b Fig. I is developing a FIG. 2. Cross-section of hydranth showing development of gonophores. b, her- maphrodite gonophore ; c, early stages of same ; d, spermary. typical male gonad, while at c and d are shown what are evidently destined to be mixed gonads. Similar conditions are also shown in Fig. 2, which is a camera sketch of a section across the entire hydranth and gonophores. It has long been known that among actinians a form of herma- phroditism, involving successive sexual rhythms, known as pro- tandry or protogyny, occurs. Duerdon ('04), in his studies of West Indian corals has found warrant for believing that protogyny is the predominant condition, since " spermaries have never been found alone, but always associated with large numbers of ova ; on the other hand, many polyps have been found with ova alone, often few in number, as if sexual maturity were but beginning." At the same time he quotes from Mr. Stanley Gardiner, who having studied a large number of developmental stages in Flabel- DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTVLA. 213 ////// rnbnun, has been able to show that in this form spermaries arise first on the mesenteries and that ova appear later, when the production of sperm acini ceases. "The ova grow enormously with the final result that the mass becomes entirely female, con- sisting, usually of two or three large ova. flattened on their sides against one another and occupying the whole area of the former testes." Hermaphroditism is also known among Scyphomedusae, Wright having described in some detail the chief features in the case of Chrysaora liyoscclla. He says, " Large individuals are herma- phroditic, but smaller ones are found which are unisexual, the male or female element being suppressed. Small Chrysaoras (about four inches in diameter), have no ovarian bands in their pouches, which only contain masses of the grape -like bodies (testes), and tentacles before mentioned." This would seem to imply that here again we have protandrous hermaphroditism, the spermaries developing first, and later the ovaries. Incidentally, it may be observed in passing, that this author in his account of the development of the eggs of this medusa was much impressed with the absence of any germinal vesicle. "The ova of Clirysaora liyoscclla do not present, at any stage, a trace of the germinal vesicle, — objects which are so readily detected in the ova of other polypoid Zoophytes." Haeckel ('79), who has also studied the development of the medusa, was able to confirm Wright's account as to hermaphro- ditism. " In Uebereinstimmung mit letzteren habe ich gefunden, dass junge Chrysaoren rein mannlich vorkommen, solche mittle- ren Alters meisters Hermaphroditen sind, und endlich ganz alte Thiere meisters nur weiblich sind, oft noch mit Ueberresten mannlicher Organe." So far as I have been able to discern in the case of Clava, there is no evidence to indicate the operation of either of these oscil- lating phases of sexualism. I have specimens taken at all times of the breeding season and have found no tendency toward the one or the other. I am rather disposed to regard it as an expression of a mutative impulse, in response to which in other forms, such as those already cited, these interesting features became established. 214 CHAS. W. HARGITT. ORGANIZATION OF THE EGG. It has long been known that simple though the egg may be it must, nevertheless, be regarded as potentially highly complex. Concerning the early views of His, Whitman, Flemming and other earlier investigators, no attempt will be made here to give special citations. The later experiments of Roux, on the devel- opment of the frog's egg, supplemented by similar experiments by Driesch '95, served to emphasize still further the general view here stated. The still later investigations of Wilson ('03, '04), and Conklin ('05', 'o52, 'O53), have given a new impulse to researches along this line, and have clarified and measurably harmonized the con- flicting views of earlier observers. So far as I am aware, no one has shown any evidence of any- thing of a similar character in the organization of the eggs of codenterates. In commenting on the account given by the pres- ent writer of the cleavage of the egg of Pcnnaria Conklin ('o53), has suggested the probability that predetermining factors must be present in some form. " Even in such eggs as that of Pen- naria it is certain there must be determining factors somewhere, if not in the cytoplasm then in the nucleus, which determines that the egg shall develop into a pennaria rather than into some other animal ; it is further evident that these determining factors must be present in the cytoplasm at a relatively early stage, if not in the very beginning of development " (p. 215). Hence in my studies on hydroid eggs rather particular atten- tion was given to this point with the hope that some evidence might be found for or against the views in question. In my work on Pcnnaria ('O43), while no direct evidence of cytoplasmic dif- ferentiation was found in the living egg, there was found in some cases after fixation by certain reagents, more particularly the picro-sulfuric solutions, what seemed to be a stratified, or con- centric arrangement of the cytoplasm. At first I was inclined to regard this as probably significant of such locally differentiated matter as might go to form the ectoderm. But since this condi- tion was not found to be constant it was regarded as probably an artifact, due to the action of the reagent. A recent examina- tion of my earlier preparations has not suggested any change of DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 215 this opinion. Indeed, as pointed out before, the extremely er- ratic and anomalous behavior of these eggs during cleavage would seem to render extremely difficult, if not impossible, any prede- termining factors in either cytoplasm or nucleus, whose influence could be maintained during the varying and indeterminate process of development. While we may readily admit that, as Conklin has suggested, there must be factors present which determine that the egg shall develop into a Pcnnaria, still this does not compel the conclusion that therefore they must be definitely localized. It is simply a matter of heredity ; and if it be true as generally contended that this is a problem of chromosomes ; and if, as I have shown in the case of both Pennaria and Eudendriuin, the chromatin may be more or less dispersed throughout the entire cytoplasm during maturation and early cleavage, then definite localization in one or the other is not involved in Conklin's sense of the term. However, it must be regarded as a question of fact, and so far as evidence exists in the present case it would seem to be opposed to the theory of localization. During June and July of the past summer I carefully studied the living eggs of Clava, and with this point still clearly before me. As pointed out in an earlier section, the eggs originate in the entoderm of the gonophore, and grow by direct nutrition derived from the cells of that tissue. A study of the eggs in various stages of growth revealed the appearance at a certain stage of development of a delicate, bluish pigment, which grad- ually accumulated in amount as the eggs approached maturity. This was carefully observed in the living specimens and has since been studied in sections after a variety of fixations. At first the pigment makes its appearance in the immediate region of the nucleus, about the time that body takes its place at the outer periphery of the egg. This is shown in Fig. I, Plate I. From the nuclear region the pigment extends as a crescentic disc out- ward, forming later a peripheral zone which finally extends over the entire egg, though this rarely occurs until cleavage has made some progress. An interesting fact observed in this connection was that the amount, or at any rate the color-intensity, of the pigment differed considerably in different specimens. This was particularly the 2l6 CHAS. W. HARGITT. case in colonies which had been kept in the aquarium for a few days. In these the pigmentation was appreciably less intense than in specimens freshly collected. There were, however, not- able exceptions in this respect among various specimens under natural conditions. The same has been observed in Pennaria, and is, indeed, a fact more or less well known in many animals. Conklin ('05', p. 13) has cited similar cases among ascidians ob- served by VanBeneden and Julin ; in some species two very dif- ferently colored eggs being produced, one yellow, the other gray. Both are said to develop normally and in the same manner, giv- ing rise to larv?e whose entoderm cells are of the same respective colors. In the case of C/ava there is no such distinction as this, though the presence of more or less pigment has apparently no effect upon the normal development of the embryo. In another point there is also some measure of similarity, namely, in that as development proceeds, the pigment which was at first distinc- tively peripheral in position, seems later to become transferred to the entoderm of the larva. This, however, as will be seen later, is due not to any shifting of this matter from one region to another, but simply its resorption by the more rapidly developing ectoderm, while as yet the entoderm is only partially differ- entiated. Whether this pigmentary zone formed a definite germinal area, and its gradual development was an expression of the differen- tiation of this area, or whether it might not be simply the results of cytoplasmic metabolism associated with the formation of yolk substance, or whether it might not, perhaps, be in some way asso- ciated with the phenomena of maturation, seemed for a time some- what uncertain. A study of the matter more critically in its cytological aspects soon sufficed to discredit the last alternative, namely, that it .was in any way associated with maturation. Fur- thermore, the appearance of the pigment was too early in the history of the egg to involve the operation of any maturation phenomena. Again, several series of facts conspired to discredit the prob- ability of the first alternative, namely, that it was in any sense a differentiation of germinal substance. Of these the following may DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 2 17 be particularly mentioned : (i) The entire absence of any correla- tion between the pigmentary zone and the course of cleavage ; (2) the continuous development of pigment, even after the com- pletion of cleavage, and after the ectoderm has been clearly established ; (3) the staining reactions of the granules after hard- ening is comparable, point by point, with that of yolk granules ; (4) finally, the granules are gradually reduced and resorbed with the growth of the embryo. It is in this way that their disap- pearance from the ectoderm above referred to is to be explained. I think that we may therefore conclude that, at least so far as the problem is concerned with Clnva, its solution is unquestion- ably in the negative. If further warrant be needed for this view I believe it will be found in the later history of these pigmentary granules as given in the following account. ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF PIGMENTARY GRANULES. As already noted the origin of these pigmentary granules is in the immediate region of the nucleus, and about the time this body reaches the outer periphery of the egg. At first they are of ex- tremely small size, about 0.5 micra in diameter, later growing and reaching in some cases a diameter of 3 to 3.5 micra. For some time they were entirely overlooked in prepared material, owing to improper fixation. Only after fixation with picro-acetic (or to less degree with Petrunkevitch) solutions and staining with iron- haematoxylin on the slide were they adequately differentiated so as to be readily studied. Wilson gives a similar account of this technic in reference to the eggs of Dentalinin (cf. Jr. Exp. Zoo/., Vol. I., p. 9, Figs. 10—13, explanations). As the granules continue to grow larger there may be distin- guished within their substance what appear to be vacuoles, usually a single one within each granule, occupying an eccentric position. In some respects they exhibit nucleolar-like features, especially in their staining reactions and in their vacuolation. Montgomery ('98) has made similar observations on nemerteans and believes they indicate some sort of genetic relationships be- tween nucleoli, yolk balls and granules. My own observations have not seemed to confirm this last point, though in the case of Hydra there are not lacking evidences which I think would give 2l8 CHAS. W. HARGITT. strong confirmation of Montgomery's views. This point may have further consideration in connection with observations upon the history of the nucleolus. Concerning the real nature of these granules there arises the query, are they katabolic products, associated with some vital wastes incident to the cytoplasmic activities of growth, or are they not rather anabolic in character, highly nutritive proteid bodies, analogous to yolk matter and of similar import ? The latter is by far the more probable view, though there are points of difference as compared with the usual formation of such nutri- tive matters. For example, in most hydroid eggs which have come under my observation the development of yolk granules has no appreciable relations to nuclear influence, and seems to be for the most part developed and deposited chiefly at the vegetal pole of the egg ; while in the present case, as has been shown, they seem to arise and develop chiefly in the nuclear area and only at a late period are found at the vegetal pole. However, I am inclined to believe that this is not a serious difficulty. It will be observed that the vegetal pole lies in immediate contact with the spadix of the gonophore, and that the reception of nutritive matter by the growing egg is from this source. Of course, this nutritive matter is in the form of liquid, and so long as the egg is continuously receiving it in this way there is no occasion for further metabolism into the more solid reserve of yolk. The remoter animal pole where such reserve would first be needed begins the anabolic process first, and with the gradual suppression of the nutritive activities of the spadix the process of proteid anab- olism would extend into that area. According to Harm ( op. cit., p. 19), the development of this yolk matter in C. squaniata presents some rather sharp contrasts as compared with the above. For example, instead of develop- ing more or less gradually, and spreading from the nuclear region over the surface of the egg, he finds it arising somewhat suddenly and equally throughout the entire egg. " Bald nachdem die Eizellen Glockenkern erreicht haben, beginnt in ihnen die Dotter- bildung, die an alien Stellen zu gleicher Zeit einsetz." He also finds that before the formation of yolk granules the eggs are red- dish in color. " Wahrend die lebende Eizelle vor der Dotterbil- DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 2 19 dung rothlich erscheint, zeigt nacht derselben eine blaugraue Fahrbung." This point is confirmed in the case of C. leptostyla, in which essentially the same process takes place. Perhaps a few words may be added as to the significance of the development of pigment in connection with these yolk granules. I have in recent papers ('O41, 'O42), submitted certain views as to this subject and it may suffice in general to refer to those discus- sions. In the former it was said that pigments in organisms might appear under three aspects : (i) Those directly serviceable to the organism, as in chlorophyll, haemoglobin, etc. ; (2) as waste products, which embrace probably the more numerous of organic pigments, such as guanin, melanin, etc. ; (3) as reserve products, of which the lipochromes are typical. In all probability the various pigmentary matters found in eggs belong to the third of these classes. And here undoubtedly should be classed the pigmentary granules of Clava, and other similar pigments of hydroid ova. In the second paper attention was directed to a special case, that of Pacliycordyle, already referred to, in which one may trace the various stages in the growth of the egg and the formation of the pigmentary bodies. Here as in Clava there can hardly be reasonable doubt that the process is a gradual and progressive anabolism, so far as the granules themselves are con- cerned, but it must still be a somewhat open question as to the exact relation of pigmentation thereto. May it not be probable that here, as in many of the more active phases of metabolism in which pigments are more or less evident expressions of excretory, or waste products, the pigment itself, though associated with anabolic activities, is an expression of the correlative process of catabolism ? In other words, that even in those constructive processes involved in the storage of reserve matters, whether as proteids, fats, or whatever they be, there is involved the insep- arable process of energy bestowed, and that as one of the signs of such energy its imprint is left in these pigmentary elements ? Such I am inclined to believe is what actually happens. And as the nature of these processes differ more or less in various organisms so the pigmentary signs of waste will likewise differ. Hence the purple pigment of the eggs of Clava, the pinkish of Pennaria, the reddish of Eudendrium, etc. 22O CHAS. VV. HARG1TT. MATURATION. Concerning this phase of development there is comparatively little to be said in the case of Clava. I have studied as critically as the nature of the egg would allow the behavior involved in maturation both in living and preserved material, and in a very large number of preparations, but with almost wholly negative results. That is, I have found the phenomena to be so obscured by the opacity of the cytoplasm, or by the pigment matter in the yolk, or as seems to me a still further probability, namely, the extremely fugitive character of the phenomena, as to render them indistinguishable. I have had occasion to emphasize this matter in several earlier papers dealing with the subject. The observa- tions made upon the eggs of Pennaria have been duplicated, almost point by point in the present case. Of course, in the egg of Clava there is the added di c'ulty that all the phenomena occur within the closed gonophore. In sections, however, this fact ought to offer no serious obstructions to their detection, yet the results, as in the former, are quite as uncertain and in most cases absolutely lacking. In the case of CLwa squainata, Harm (op. cit., p. 23) describes the phenomena in some detail, and gives almost diagrammatic drawings of the several stages. However, as will be further shown in connection with the cleavage phases, there are so many points of difference between these species that the ova may per- haps belong to very different classes so far as their character and texture are concerned. From the fact that in several particulars I have been able to confirm the observations of Harm it does not seem probable that they are so greatly different as might be im- plied. I shall briefly describe the principal features which it has been possible to certainly determine, leaving others open to further in- quiry or study. As pointed out in an earlier section, about the time the ova approach full size the nuclei are to be found close to the outer periphery as will be seen in several of the accompanying photo- graphs. It will also be observed that the eggs occupy closely the entire space of the gonophore, and that, therefore, the nuclei in coming in contact with the gonophore wall become more or DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTVLA. 221 less flattened. It is at this stage that the first indications of maturation becomes apparent, namely, the shrinking and gradual disappearance of the nuclear membrane. This is particularly well shown in Fig. 2, PI. IX. About the same time, or in some cases slightly before, there is also an evident dissolution of the chromatin network, unaccompanied by any indications of chro- mosomes. In this respect these eggs closely resemble those of Endcndriuin and Pcnnaria. The most painstaking attempts to differentiate these bodies by staining operations have as fre- quently failed. It seems to me we are forced to the conclusion that the appearance of dissolution is indeed a fact, and that at this stage there is a general dissipation of chromatin, and per- haps other nuclear matter, into the cytoplasm. Behavior of the Nucleolus. — Usually at about this stage marked changes take place in the nucleolus. In several instances it has o i been found to migrate bodily from the germinal vesicle into the cytoplasm where it is gradually dissipated and probably assimi- lated. At this point I find my observations closely in accord with those of Harm (op. cit., p. 24). " Wahrend also hier der Nucleolus in toto vor der Polkorperchenbildung aus dem Keim- blaschen heraustritt, urn vom Eidotter aufgenommen und resor- birt ZLI werden, verbleibt er in anderen Fallen in demselben und zerfallt dort in mehrere Kugelchen." Just prior to this migration of the nucleolus into the cyto- plasm it was found to show varying degrees of vacuolation, in ad- vanced stages of which it was often seen to partially shrink and collapse, as if there had been a loss of nucleolar substance. Something of this may be observed in several of the photographs already referred to. Conditions very similar to these I have elsewhere described in connection with other hydroid eggs (op. cit., O44, p. 562). Mont- gomery has cited many similar features which had come under his own observations, as well as observations of a like character made by many others. Those who are particularly concerned will find his discussion exceedingly interesting and suggestive, as well as including a valuable summary of evidence bearing on this problem. I may say, however, in passing that I have failed to find any indications in the present case of the metamorphosis of 222 CHAS. W. HARGITT. the vacuolated portions of the nucleolus into yolk granules, such as Montgomery has described. On the other hand the whole of the nucleolar substance seems to be directly dissipated through- out the cytoplasm and indistinguishably assimilated by it. Polar Bodies. --With the phenomena already described there have been found in a few cases what seemed to be polar bodies. But it was impossible to distinguish the presence of any mitotic mechanism. In every case the nuclear matter was devoid of any trace of chromatin, or, as just suggested, mitotic figures. In a few cases the formation of these bodies was observed in living eggs, and these showed essentially the same features. The nu- clear matter being in close contact with the gonophore wall, small rounded portions seemed separated from the larger part, and could be distinguished close under these retaining mem- branes for only a short time, when they gradually disappeared, apparently resorbed, as I have suggested in former studies upon Etidendriiiin and Pennaria. In this respect also my observations correspond with those of Harm, though I have in no case been able to confirm his account of the phenomena of mitosis. " Die Resorption der Polkorperchen durch die eizelle sehr schnell vor sich gehen, da ich dieselben zur Zeit, wenn der weibliche Pronucleus besteht, nicht mehr habe nachweisen konnen." The results in the present case, as in those of Eudendriinn and Pennaria, already referred to, as well as in certain others, serve to suggest the query whether, indeed, there may not be great variation as to phenomena of maturation, even perhaps to the extent of the suppression of the more conspicuous aspects asso- ciated with it in higher forms. It may be regarded as the wild- est biological heresy to even remotely suggest that in some eggs these physical phenomena might be entirely absent, but such an impression has grown upon the present writer for some time and increases with each further case, such as that under considera- tion. If we may have normal nuclear division without mitosis in the early embryonic history, and this I believe to be fairly be- yond doubt ; and if we may have differentiation without cleavage, now likewise admittedly true ; and if, furthermore, we may have prior to either of these phenomena in development the dissipa- tion of both chromatin and other nuclear matter throughout the DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 223 cytoplasm, another fact of which I can no longer doubt, then it does not seem a far call to the assumption that the reduction phenomena of maturation may well be accomplished without any of the complex and spectacular processes of mitosis. Why should the egg go through with the physical process of extruding the polar globules if they are to be immediately resorbed by the cytoplasm ? I do not overlook the circumstance that the opacity, and in the present instance pigmentation, of the egg may establish an obstacle so formidable as to render accurate observation ex- tremely difficult, as I have previously admitted, still the fact re- mains that carefully preserved and stained sections of hundreds of eggs have failed to afford convincing evidence of the presence of these bodies in distinguishable form, except in doubtful cases already referred to. It would seem somewhat remarkable that there should be all the differential results of staining upon other cell features while it should be uniformly lacking in these, usu- ally among the most readily demonstrated. Yet another feature bearing on this point will be found in the details of cleavage, during which there is every appearance of spontaneous nuclear reorganization throughout large portions of the egg at almost the same time, the last detail of which may be followed. The facts will be described in a later section, though it seems well to call attention to their significance in relation to the matter under consideration. CLEAVAGE. In a general way cleavage in these eggs corresponds with that of other hydroids having similar gonophores, such as Tubularia, Hydractinia, etc. The earlier work of Ciamician ('79), and Brauer ('91), on Tubularia mesembryantkemum, and the later work of Allen ('oo), on T. crocea, afford good examples of the type of cleavage here referred to. In a recent paper ('O44), the present writer has briefly reviewed the results of Ciamician and Brauer, and it is unnecessary to discuss here in any detail these features. Suffice it to say that Brauer found what he regarded as two rather distinct types of cleavage. The first more or less regular and equal ; the second irregular and indefinite, involving 224 CHAS. W. HARGITT. for a time an internal nuclear proliferation, followed later by the spontaneous division of the cytoplasm into a corresponding num- ber of blastomeres. While my own observations (op, cif.} did not fully confirm those of Brauer they abundantly proved the general proposition that cleavage is not uniform, either in mode or progress. The work of Allen (op. cit.} showed even more con- clusively the variation of this feature in T. crocea. The same thing is true in the eggs of C. leptostyla. While there is here much more uniformity than in either of the former cases the range of variation is still very considerable, as a glance at the various figures will abundantly show. FIGS. 3, 4, 5. Camera sketches of phases of cleavage, from life. The account of Harm (op. cit., p. 28) concerning cleavage in C. squainata is in very marked contrast in its general aspects. Both in his descriptions and figures there is a most striking regu- larity and definiteness in the cleavage. He very briefly refers to a condition which he considers exceptional and abnormal, but which unless I greatly mistake much more common than he is disposed to think. It is quite similar to a condition referred to by Brauer, and regarded by him as likewise exceptional, but which I have showed to be more or less common. Again, Harm describes in some detail what he regards as a more or less definite rotation of the blastomeres during earlier o cleavage, in some measure comparable with phenomena familiar in the eggs of annelids and molluscs. When attention is directed to the fact that in these hydroids the eggs are usually quite closely confined within the closed walls of the gonophore, and that, whether there be two or even more in a single gonad, they are always more or less flattened against each other or against DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 225 the spadix, and that the entire course of development takes place within these walls it is difficult to see how any considerable move- ment of the blastomeres upon each other can be possible. Or, furthermore, how it is possible to have anything like the regula- tion type of cleavage characteristic of the forms just referred to, unless, perchance, the gonophores of C. squainata differ very greatly from those of C. Icptostyla, which hardly seems probable. At any rate, I have not found it possible to trace any close cor- respondence to such features in our species, as will be seen from the following account. As stated in an earlier connection, the gonophores of C. Icp- tostyla may contain only a single egg or as many as four, though the usual number is two or three. In many cases where but two FIG. 6. Camera sketch of gonophore FIG. 7. Camera sketches of two containing two eggs at slightly different eggs, e and/", as seen from side, stages. are found they will be upon opposite sides of the spadix, but fre- quently also supported side by side at the terminal portion. In either case the eggs are flattened very much on one or more surfaces, as shown in several of the figures (Fig. 7, c and /). In some cases they may even come to have a biscuit shape, or may be crescentic disks, as also shown in Figs. 3-5. In many cases as the eggs approach full growth there is a tendency to become more or less spherical, especially when occupying singly the ter- minal portion of the gonophore. Now, I have found that these various conditions have a more or less marked effect upon the mode of cleavage. Where the egg is spherical, for instance, cleavage is usually more or less symmetrical, as shown in Fig. 8. On the other hand, where the conditions maintain a continued 226 CHAS. W. HARGITT. pressure the cleavage is very irregular and unequal, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, drawn from life with the aid of the camera. In Figs. 10 to 1 8 are shown conditions found in sections of an egg, FIG. 8. Sketch of section of egg, showing nearly regular cleavage. In two cells are resting nuclei, and in others various phases of nuclear reorganization. which are almost exactly equivalent to similar sections obtained in the study of T. mesembryanthemum ('(H4). I think it will be evident, from even a cursory study of the several figures and photographs, that the cleavage in this egg is, like that of Pennaria, more or less erratic and indeterminate, and conforms to none of the regular types. FIG. 9. Sketch of two cells of egg section, showing in one a dumb-bell shaped nucleus in amitotic division. Another feature of cleavage remains to be considered, namely, one which involves chiefly, perhaps in some cases wholly, the DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEFTOSTYLA. 227 nuclei. In Eudendrium and in the species of Tubularia referred to above, it has been shown that in a considerable number of eggs there was formed by nuclear proliferation an evident syncy- tium, and that from this there was later a differentiation of the embryonic tissues without the process of ordinary cleavage. I have found something of the same kind in the case of Clara. Occasionally an egg was found among serial sections which showed no evidence of cytoplasmic cleavage, but where internal nuclear proliferation was clearly evident, and the specimens were 15 FIGS. 10-18. Outline sketches of sections of single egg, showing the various dis- tribution of nuclei, shape of egg, etc. numerous enough to enable one to definitely determine the phases of tissue differentiation and the formation of the embryo. In these cases were found the same evidences of the origin and organiza- tion of nuclei dc novo which were found in Eudendrium and Pcn- naria. It was possible to trace almost every phase of this nu- clear organization, from the appearance of the smallest particles of chromatin and their segregation into larger masses to the fully formed resting nucleus with its typical elements in normal rela- tions and proportions. - linitosis and Nuclear Organization. — During the early cleav- age, even up to the sixteen-cell stage, no evidence of mitosis has 228 CHAS. W. HARGITT. been found. I have already directed attention to its entire ab- sence during maturation also. Now it is interesting to find abundant mitoses during the later cleavage, and during the growth of the embryo. Is it not somewhat remarkable that among the eggs of a given gonophore cluster in various stages of cleavage and later embryonic development there should be found in certain cases abundant mitoses while in others their entire absence ? This cannot be attributed, under such circumstances, to differences of fixation or other details of technique, for this has been identical throughout. To what, then, may it be attributed, or how ex- plained ? As already suggested in connection with the subject of maturation, it seems to me we are forced to assume the operation of some extremely obscure bio-chemical changes which neutralize alike both acid and basic stains, or that certain phases of the mi- totic mechanism may be disguised or actually lacking. In the light of cumulative evidences along this line I think one may safely assume that the second of these alternatives is the more probable, and the facts here submitted strongly support this conclusion. During the earlier aspects of development the nuclear phenom- ena associated with these eggs are extremely indefinite and obscure. During maturation there seems to be an actual fragmentation and dissipation of the nuclear matter throughout the cytoplasm. The first signs of its reorganization appear in the segregation of chromatin-like masses during the early phases of cleavage, about which the cytoplasm becomes organized into cell-like masses, as suggested in an earlier connection. At this time these chromatin masses are extremely irregular in form and size, stain very densely, and appear as indefinite, flocculent patches occupying the center of cytoplasmic aggregates, or cells. They usually assume an elongate, or often dumb-bell shaped form and seem to divide amitotically, followed by the division of the cell. In Fig. 8 is shown a camera drawing of a section of an egg, in which these features are evident. These are very common features during this period of cleavage, and must, it seems to me, be re- garded as more or less typical. In two of the cells of Fig. 8 will be observed typical resting nuclei. Whether this is prelimi- nary to the beginning of the later aspects of mitosis I am unable DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 229 to say, though it seems altogether probable. At any rate, the facts seem clearly to justify the general conclusion that for a time in the early history of the development of this egg nuclear ac- tivity differs very greatly from the ordinary forms of mitosis, and appears to involve direct, or amitotic division. During later cleavage abundant mitosis clearly indicates the prevalence of this form of cell division, if, indeed, it may not wholly supersede the other, though its appearance during regenerative activities shows the possibility of its recurrence under various conditions. I have called attention to similar nuclear phenomena in the de- velopment of Endcndriiun and Pcnnaria, and in the earlier paper ('O42, p. 267), cited observations of similar sort from several sources. More recently still other cases have come to light, and it seems altogether probable that as facts multiply and attention is focused upon the phenomena cytologists will be forced to take cognizance of this form of cytogeny and give to it something more than a merely incidental place in cellular activities, and assign to it something more than senescent significance. Among the more recent data bearing upon this point may be cited, first, the observations of Osborn ('04), in connection with the development of Fasciolaria ; and second, similar observations by Glaser ('05), on the same organism, which go to substanti- ally confirm the facts noted by Osborn, though with somewhat different phases of interpretation. Still a third series of facts are brought to light by Child ('04) in a paper on " Amitosis in Moniezia," in which he clearly shows the prevalence of this form of cell division in the growth of the reproductive organs and the development of the sexual cells, and expresses the belief that " future investigation will probably show that amitosis is at least as important in the life of the cell as mitosis." As I have elsewhere pointed out, it is well known that cell division in Protozoa exhibits very different cytological features than do cleavage cells in early ontogeny. In many, mitosis seems to be entirely lacking, while in most its features are difficult to correlate with the more typical features in metazoa. Just why we should insist upon finding among a class like ccelenterates all the details of cytogenic mechanics more or less familiar in vertebrates or other higher groups of 230 CHAS. W. HARGITT. metazoa does not appear to be quite obvious. Moreover, why mitosis should have come to be regarded as absolutely cardinal in biologic faith is likewise uncertain. At any rate, the repeated revisions of creed as to centrosome, chromosomes, prelocaliza- tion, etc., should suggest a spirit of tolerance toward facts, what- ever their significance. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY, March I, 1906. LITERATURE CITED. Agassiz, L., '62 Contr. Nat. Hist. United States, Boston. Vol. IV. Allen, C. M. 'oo Development of Tubularia crocea, Biol. Bull., Vol. I. Allman, J. G. '71 A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic Hydroids, London. Bunting, M. '94 Origin of Sex-cells in Hydractinia, Jour. Morph., Vol. IX. Child, C. M. '04 Amitosis in Moniezia, Anatom. Anz., Bd. XXV. Conklin, E. G. '05' Organization and Cell-Lineage of the Ascidian Egg, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. Vol. XIII. 'os2 Organ-Forming Substances in Eggs of Ascidians, Biol. Bull., Vol. VIII. 'OSM Mosaic Development in Ascidian Egg, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. II. Driesch, H. '95 Von der Entwickelung einzellner Ascidienblastomeren, Archiv. fur Ent- wicklm., Bd. I. Duerdon, J. IT. '04 The Coral Siderastrea Radians and its Post- Larval Development, Carnegie Inst. Washington, 1904. Glaser, 0. G. '05 UberdenKannibalismusbei Fasciolaria, etc., Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. LXXX. HaeckM, E. '79 Das System der Medusen, Jena, 1878. Hargitt, C. W. '04' Some Unsolved Problems of Organic Adaptation, Science, Vol. XIX. JO42 The Early Development of Eudendrium, Zool. Jahrb., Bd. XX. *043 The Early Development of Pennaria, Arch. f. Entwick., Bd. XVIII. '04* Some Hydromedusae from the Bay of Naples, Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel, Bd. XVI. Harm, Carl. '02. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Clava squamata, Inaugural Dissertation, Leipzig. Also Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. LXXIII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EGG OF CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA. 231 Montgomery, T. H. '98 Cytological Studies, Jour. Morph. Vol. XV., p. 421. Osborn, H. L. '04 Amitosis in the Embryo of Fasciolaria, Am. Nat., Vol. XXXIII. Weismann, A. '83 Entstehung d. Sexualzellen bei d. Hydromedusen, Jena. Wilson, E. B. '03 Experiments on Cleavage Localization in the Nemertine Egg, Arch. Ent- wicklm. Bd. XVI. '04 Experimental Studies on Germinal Localization, Jour. Exper. Zool. Vol. I. Wright, T. S. '61 Hermaphrodite Reproduction in Chrysaora hyoscella, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. III. ser. Vol. VII., p. 357. . ' . 232 CHAS. W. HARGITT. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. FIG. I. Photograph of section of egg under one-twelfth oil immersion, showing the crescent of pigment granules extending peripherally from the nuclear region. This area is very imperfectly shown as compared with the actual condition as seen under the microscope. FIG. 2. Photograph of section of an egg about the period of beginning maturation. The flattened nucleus at the outer margin is evident, as is also similar change in the nucleolus. There may also be observed the general dissolution of the nucleus. Mag- nification as in Fig. I. FIG. 3. Photograph of section through two eggs in a single gonophore, showing the flattening of the eggs along the line of contact. The cleavage masses may be observed as about the same stages in each egg. While this is often the case, there are exceptions, as shown in some of the text figures. FIG. 4. Section of egg photographed under one-twelfth oil immersion, showing the more or less syncytial character of the egg at this stage of development. FIG. 5- Section through a male gonophore, showing on one side the egg, and on the other the mass of spermatozoa, with the body of the spadix occupying the median region of the section. FIG. 6. Photograph of portion of an embryo about ready to be liberated, showing the entoderm and ectoderm well differentiated, and with cell-like masses of pig- mented yolk spheres in the enteron. It may also be observed that the ectoderm is practically free of pigment matter, as pointed out in the text. I am under obligation to my colleague, Dr. Rogers, for the photo-micrographs illustrating the above features. All were made under the one-twelfth oil immersion lens, with arc light illumination. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. X PLATE IX REGARDING THE RATE OF GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN LOBSTER.1 PHILIP B. HADLEY. \_From the Biological Laboratory of Brown University and the Experiment Station of the Rhode Island Commission of Inland fisheries. ~\ At the present time when artificial propagation is bidding fail- to at least partially check the ever-increasing depletion of many forms of marine animals whose economic value has long sustained a many-sided fishing industry, any facts which may bear directly or indirectly upon the life, habits or development of such forms might seem to be of value. This is especially true of the Ameri- ican lobster (Homams americanus), a knowledge of whose de- velopment must influence not only methods of artificial propaga- tion, which is in these days becoming more common, but also state legislation in determining the size and season at which the taking of lobsters shall be allowable. THE FREQUENCY OF MOLTING AND THE PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE. The r.ate of growth of a lobster depends primarily upon two factors, the frequency of the molting periods and the amount of increase in length at each molt. To date, the most complete and only satisfactory account of the development of Homarus is pre- sented by Herrick 2 who made many observations at Woods Hole on all of the earlier and many of the later stages. Herrick found that young lobsters (stages 2 to 10) in confinement gain from 1 1 to 15.84 per cent, at each molt, the average in 66 individuals being 13.5 per cent. He assumes that 15.3 per cent, is the average rate of increase both for the young lobsters which grow up in natural environments, and for adults under normal con- 1 This paper is presented with the purpose of giving in brief the main facts of a more detailed report on this subject to the Rhode Island Fish Commission. The full account will appear in The Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Rhode Island Com- mission of Inland Fisheries, 1906. Reprinted as Special Paper No. 23, iqo6. 2 HERRICK, U. S. F. C. Bulletin, vol. 15, 1895. 233 234 PHILIP B. HADLEY. ditions. The difference in the above percentages he attributes to the unfavorable conditions of aquarium life. Taking this fact as a basis, and assuming the average length of the first stage lobster to be 7.84 mm., Herrick then constructs the following scheme to show the probable relation between the stage and the size of lobsters from the time of hatching through the thirtieth molt : Stage. Length. Stage. Length. Stage. Length. I 7.84 11 32.55 21 135.17 2 9.04 12 37-54 22 155.86 3 10.42 13 43-28 23 179.70 4 12.02 14 49.90 24 2O7.2O 5 13.86 I5 57-53 25 238.90! 6 15.98 16 66.34 26 275-4S2 7 18.42 17 76.49 27 3I7.59 8 21.24 18 88.19 28 366.16 9 24.49 19 101.68 29 422.21 10 28.23 20 117.24 30 486.813 '9.5 inches. 2 inches. 3 19. 1 inches. Regarding the probable frequency of molts, Herrick assumes that a lobster molts fourteen to seventeen times during its first year of life, and that in this time it attains a length of two to three inches. From this and other detailed considerations, Herrick finally concludes that a lobster ten and one-half inches long is between four and one-half and five years old, the higher degree of probability being in favor of the lower estimate. The observations made by the writer and others at the experi- ment station of the Rhode Island Fish Commission at Wickford, R. I., though differing to some extent from the results obtained by Herrick at Woods Hole, may serve to throw further light on the rate of growth of lobsters in their natural environment, and give some hint as to the conditions which modify it. The record of the rate of growth of the early stages (one to ten) include observations upon several hundred young lobsters whose definite stage and approximate age was, for the most part, known. Individual records were started immediately after the molt from the third to the fourth stage and were carried on as long as either the weather conditions or the term of life of the young lobsters permitted. In most cases the young individuals were confined in separate compartment cars which furnished a KATE OF GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN LOBSTER. 235 very natural environment, and rendered it easy to make observa- tions at any time. The facts concerning the development of the early stages may be more tangible when presented in the fol- lowing table : WICKFORD LOBSTERS. Stage. Length. Stage-period. Per cent. Increase. I 8.2 mm. 2 days 2 9-6 4 days 17.0 3 II. 4 5 days ICJ.2 4 13-5 1 2 ' days 18.6 5 16.0 1 1 ' days 15-0 6 iS.S 12.5 days 19.9 7 22 5 14 days 21. 0 8 26.5 15.5 days 17.0 9 32.0 2 1 days 21. 0 10 37-9 25 days . 17.0 Total average 18.3 WOODS HOLE LOBSTERS. Stage. Length. Stage-period. Per cent. Increase. I 7.84 mm. I- 5 days 2 9.2O 2- 5 days 17-3 3 II. 10 2- 8 days 20.6 4 12. 60 10-19 days 13-3 5 14 20 11-18 days 12.7 6 16. 10 14 days 13-3 7 1 8. 60 15.5 8 21.03 12.5 9 24.50 16.5 10 28.03 14.0 Total average 15.3- 1 The fifth stage-period is often shorter than the fourth because the water at Wick- ford is usually the warmest during the fifth stage-period. 2 This percentage is greater than in the case of another group of 66 lobsters in which Herrick obtained a result of 13.67 per cent. The foregoing demonstrates the fact that the average stage- period of the Wickford lobsters is less than the stage-period of the Woods Hole lobsters. Further that, while the percentage of increase at each molt for the Woods Hole lobsters (kept in aquaria) was only 13.5 or 15.3, the amount of increase for the Wickford lobsters was over 18 per cent, in the individuals recorded above, while in the case of a group of individuals which had been especially selected (/. e., the smaller and weaker specimens were 136 PHILIP B. HADLEV. thrown out) the average amount of increase for the first ten stages was 20.9 per cent. In tin's last instance the lobsters in the re- spective stages were consequently much larger than those in the group of Wickford lobsters tabulated above. Their average measurements, however, are presented in the following table : Stage. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Length (mm. ). 14.4 17.0 20.5 24.6 3i -3 37-0 4S-o Stg.-per. (days). II.7 II. 2 12.2 13-5 »5-' 21. 0 25-1 Per cent, increase. 18.0 20. 6 20. o 27.2 18-5 21.6 These and other observations would demonstrate that there are great variations in the rate of development of lobsters, not only in different localities, and under different conditions of environ- ment, but also in the same locality and under identical conditions. Furthermore, that there is a tendency manifested in those indi- viduals which are slightly above the normal in size and strength, to increase the advantage which they have already gained. This advantage, lodged in the fourth stage lobster, may be no more than a millimeter, but this slight gain compounded through nu- merous successive stages gives, even the tenth and eleventh stage, a decided lead which is never again lost and which may be ob- served in the last mentioned group. Continued observations upon the later stages (from the tenth on) prove that not twelve to seventeen stages, as calculated by Herrick, but an average of twelve stages are passed during the first year of the lobster's existence. We may trace the future development of the young lobster through the later successive stages as follows : September finds the average individual, hatched the previous June, in the ninth stage and with an average length of 32 mm. He passes into the tenth stage in the latter part of September, with a corresponding length of 37.9 mm. In the latter part of October or the first of November he enters the eleventh stage with an increase to 45 mm. Through the months of November, December, January, February and March he lies dormant, passing into the twelfth stage some time in April or the first part of May. Thus it appears that a lobster one year old is in the twelfth stage and has an average length of 53 mm. There are always exceptions to this rule, - - instances where an individual RATE OF GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN LOBSTER. 237 may occasionally pass into the twelfth stage before the winter months. Such specimens sometimes manifest an increase of 28 per cent, in passing a single stage. These lobsters are, however, usually among those which were hatched early in the season, and are not very common. From observations upon the yearling lobsters it becomes ap- parent that the young creature molts on the average of four times during its second year of life. The thirteenth stage is entered some time in July or August, with a corresponding length of 62 mm. In the latter part of August he molts for the thirteenth time and now covers 73 mm. The entrance to the fifteenth stage occurs in October of the second year. No further change takes place until the following April ; that is to say that the aver- age lobster passes its second winter in the fifteenth stage, length 86 mm. (33/3 inches). By the middle of June we find the young lobster, now approximately two years old, in the sixteenth stage, and with a length of 102 mm. (4^ inches). Observations on the molting periods of lobsters over two years old make it apparent that the entrance to the seventeenth stage takes place some time in the late summer of the third year. The lobster generally molts again before the winter months of the same year into the eighteenth stage with a length of 141 mm. (55/6 inches). No further change is experienced until the follow- ing April. After the seventeenth or eighteenth stage the percentage of increase at each successive molt undergoes a gradual diminution as the molting periods become less frequent. The amount of in- crease for lobsters about 6 inches in length appears to be in the neighborhood of I 5 per cent. Thus continuing, we find that the young lobster passes its third winter in the eighteenth stage, molts again in the spring (usually in April) and by June, when approximately three years old, has a length of 162 mm. (6^ inches). In lobsters of 7 inches and over we find a still smaller per- centage of increase at each molt ; 1 1 or 1 2 per cent, represents with a fair degree of accuracy the average percentage of increase in length for lobsters between 7 and 10 inches. Further observation reveals the fact that lobsters over 6 inches 238 PHILIP B. HADLEY. in length do not molt oftener than twice in a year ; once in the spring or early summer and once in the autumn. Thus the aver- age lobster enters the twentieth stage some time in the autumn of his fourth year and at this molt increases from 162 mm. to 181 mm. (7% inches). In the late spring or early summer of the following year the lobster, now approximately four years old, enters the twenty-first stage with a corresponding length of 200 mm. (8 inches). If the case is not one of a young female bearing external eggs (very rare in lobsters of this length), we may expect another molt the following autumn and consequently find the lobster in the twenty-second stage now with a length of 222 mm. (8^j inches). In all probability the molting periods of the male and female re- main the same until past the nine-inch length. Therefore, the entrance to the twenty-third stage probably takes place just be- fore, or at any rate soon after, the lobster becomes five years old. The corresponding length is 247 mm. (9^5 inches). By the time this length is reached many of the female lobsters are sexually mature and are bearing external eggs. Owing to this fact, from this time on the rate of growth of the females must be much diminished. This is due no doubt to the checking of the growing process, a phenomenon which very naturally pre- cedes the spawning period ; also to the length of time (ten to eleven months) the eggs are carried. The male lobsters, on the other hand, maintain their former rate of development so that by the twenty-fourth stage the average male lobster has a length of 275 mm. (11 inches) and cannot be much less than six years old. In the case of the females, however, which have borne eggs since the nine-inch stage, the eleven-inch limit cannot be attained in a shorter period than eight years. This discrepancy in the rate of growth of the male and female lobsters from this time on, is undoubtedly the explanation of the fact that, in nearly all individuals in which the sex has been ob- served, the " giant ' lobsters have been of the male variety. There are few data on the rate of growth of large lobsters but it is probable that after the ten-inch size has been attained, the lob- ster does not molt oftener than once in a year ; and after the fif- teen-inch stage not oftener than once in two years. Regarding RATE OF GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN LOBSTER. 239 Stage No. Sex. Age. Length, mm. I Male and 8.2 2 Female.' 3 days.' 9.6 3 • " 7 days. II. 4 4 1 1 12 days. 13-5 5 « 24 days. 16.0 6 « 36 days. 18.8 7 1 1 7 weeks. 22.5 8 0 9 weeks. 26.5 9 t < 3 months. 32.0 10 1 t 5 months. 37-9 ii t« 9 months. 45-o 12 < t I year. 53-o 13 > i i yr. i mo. 62.0 H 1 1 I yr. 3 mo. 73-o IS « i yr. 6 mo. 86.0 16 n 2 yrs. IO2.O 17 1 1 2 yrs. 3 mo. 121. 0 18 it 2 yrs. 6 mo. I4I.O 19 a 3 yrs. 162.0 20 K 3 yrs. 6 mo. iSo.O 21 ( £ 4 yrs. 2OO.O 22 Male. 4 yrs. 6 mo. 222.0 C ( Female. 4 yrs. 6 mo. 1 1 23 Male. 5 yrs. 247.0 . " Female. 6 yrs. 5 mo.2 t i 24 Male. 6 yrs. 275.0' (C Female. 8 yrs. 4 mo. t c 25 Male. 7 >'rs. 3OO.O t C Female. 10 yrs. 4 mo. it 26 Male. 8 yrs. 327.0 11 Female. 12 yrs. 4 mo. i I 27 Male. 9 yrs. 356.0 (1 Female. 14 yrs. 4 mo. ( i 28 Male. 10 yrs. 380.0 1 1 Female. 1 6 yrs. 4 mo. < c 29 Male. 12 yrs. 4O6.O t i Female. iS yrs. 4 mo. it 30 Male. 14 yrs. 431-0 ii Female. 20 yrs. 4 mo. 4 t 31 Male. 17 yrs. 457-0 32 i t 2O yrs. 480.0 33 t * 23 yrs. 505-0 34 1 1 26 yrs. 525-0 35 * i 29 yrs. 546.0 36 1 1 33 ys. 568.0* 1 Age at entrance to the stage. 2 Assumes that the lobster spawns for the first time in the summer of its sixth year, and that the eggs hatch the following summer. 3 1 1 inches. 4 22% inches. the growth of " giant " lobsters, it appears reasonable to believe that the molting process does not occur oftener than once in three years ; and this is a small estimate. The amount of in- crease in these specimens at a single molt cannot be over four or 240 PHILIP B. HADLEY. five per cent, and is often inappreciable. The shells of these huge lobsters present every appearance of great age and give testimony to a life of inactivity. Usjng as a basis the observa- tions which led to the foregoing conclusions, the writer has com- piled a table showing the estimated rate of development of lob- sters from the time of hatching to the attainment of the greatest known size. While the data on the first twenty stages have their ground in actual observation, the records of the later stages have been deduced from less positive evidence, and are, to a great extent, speculative. The great variation in the size of lobsters, even of the same age and stage, render it well-nigh impossible to tell off-hand the age of any adult lobster. On the other hand, the size of large numbers of individual lobsters of a certain age must remain not far from a general average, on a basis of which, the approximate age of large numbers of individuals can be determined with a fair degree of certainty. It is this average, together with the correlated age, that the writer has attempted to formulate in the preceding table : INFLUENCES ON THE RATE OF GROWTH. Among the influences which modify the rate of growth of young lobsters under natural or artificial conditions, are to be mentioned especially the following : temperature, food supply, light, parasites, injuries and individual physiological peculiarities. It is probable that the water temperature and physiological con- dition are the most influential for young lobsters in the ocean. The others enter largely into consideration in the problems of artificial propagation. The frequency of the molting periods and, secondarily, the amount of increase in length at each molt, is directly dependent upon and determined by the prevailing tem- perature of the water ; a difference of twelve degrees may cause the period of growth to the fourth stage to be over twice as long as normally. Thus we find great variations in the rates of growth of lobsters at different points on the Atlantic coast. For this reason it is very probable that the lobsters in the warm waters of Narrangansett Bay may attain marketable size (lOj/z inches in Massachusetts) much sooner than do the Massachusetts or Maine lobsters. RATE OF GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN LOBSTER. 24! It is apparent through other observations that the effects of strong lights and, as shown by Emmel,1 the mutilation of ap- pendages, exert an influence detrimental to the development of the lobster in the early stages. Excessive sunlight in cases where the lobsters were exposed superficially in the water, ap- pears to cause not only a marked increase in the duration of the stage-periods, but also a diminution in the percentage of increase in length at molts ; and furthermore, a generally less healthy condition in the lobsters themselves. This may be brought about either directly, by inhibiting the body processes and gen- eral metabolism, or indirectly, by favoring the excessive growth of diatoms, algae and protozoa which, under certain conditions, may accumulate on the body and appendages, to such an extent as to prevent nearly all activity. It is also observable in this connection, that food supply may play an important role in de- termining the size of the young lobster. 1 V. E. EMMEL; "The Regeneration of Lost Parts in the Lobster," The Thirty - Fifth Annual Report of the Rhode Island Commission of Inland Fisheries, NOTE ON THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE UPON THE RATE OF THE HEART-BEAT IN A CRUSTACEAN (CERIODAPHNIA).1 T. BRAILSFORD ROBERTSON. 1. Arrhenius has shown2 that the velocity of a chemical reaction increases very much more rapidly with increasing tem- perature than any known physical phenomenon. The velocity of a chemical reaction increases about 10 per cent, per degree centigrade rise in temperature while molecular velocity, the elec- tric conductivity of a wire, the elasticity of a solid, the viscosity of a fluid, surface-tension, etc., are much less affected by the same rise of temperature. The viscosity of a fluid, for example, only diminishes about 2 per cent, per degree centigrade rise in tem- perature. The viscosity of a gas, according to Maxwell's equa- tion for air3 should increase about 6.7 per cent, per degree centi- grade rise in temperature at 15° C. 2. The fact of the extreme variability of chemical reactions with temperature has been applied to ascertain whether given biological phenomena involve chemical reactions or not. Arrhenius 4 and van t'Hoff5 have shown that the quotient velocity of reaction at Tn+lo velocity of reaction at Tn is equal to about 2, Tn being the absolute temperature. That is to say, the velocity of a chemical reaction increases about 100 per cent, per ten degrees. Hertwig 6 has found that the rate of development of frog's eggs increases very rapidly with rise of temperature. At Dr. Loeb's suggestion C. D. Snyder" investi- 1 From the Rudolph Spreckels Physiological Laboratory of the University of California. 2 Zeitsch rift f. Physik-Chemie, 1899, Bd. 4, s. 226. 3 "Theory of Heat," 1872, p. 279. « Loc. cit. 5 " Etudes de dynamique chimique," p. 112, etc. 6 " Die Zelle und die Gewebe," Bd. II., S. 119. 7 University of California Publications, Physiology, Vol. 2, p. 125. 242 RATE OF THE HEART-BEAT IN A CRUSTACEAN. 243 gated the influence of temperature upon the rate of the heart- beat and found that the rate of the beat in the heart of the ter- rapin (Clemmys inannoratii) is almost exactly doubled by ten degrees rise in temperature between the temperatures 10° C. and 32.5° C. — at lower temperatures the rate is more than doubled by a rise of 10° while at higher temperatures the rate is some- what less than doubled by the same rise in temperature. Loeb 8 has found that the velocity of artificial maturation in the eggs of Lottia is more than doubled by raising the temperature from 8° C. to 1 8° C. Other investigations on the influence of tempera- ture upon biological phenomena are being carried out in this laboratory. These observations do not prove that the above- mentioned biological phenomena are entirely chemical in char- acter, but they afford indication that chemical reactions are involved although not to the exclusion of possible concurrent physical changes. 3. It appeared to me of interest, in connection with experiments on the influence of electrolytes on the rate of the heart-beat, of which an account will appear at an early date, to ascertain the influence of temperature upon the rate of the heart-beat in the transparent fresh-water crustacean Ceriodaphnia (?). The organ- ism, after washing in tap-water, was laid in a drop of tap-water in the depression on the glass top of an Englemann gas-chamber, the temperature being regulated by running warm or cold water through the chamber. A thermometer was fitted into the chamber so that the bulb lay directly under the depression in which the organism was placed. A few minutes was always allowed to elapse before the rate of the beat was registered in order to allow the organism to attain the same temperature as the bulb of the thermometer. The beats at room-temperature and at higher tem- peratures are so rapid that they cannot be counted but have to be recorded by tapping a key which completes a circuit includ-- ing a signal-magnet, which thus registers a mark upon a revolv- ing drum for every beat, the time being taken with a stop-watch. 4. The following are the experimental results. 8 University of California Publications, Physiology, Vol. 3, p. I. 244 T. BRAILSFORD ROBERTSON. Temprrature. 24.75° 20.75° 15-75° Temperature. 15° EXPERIMENT i. EXPERIMENT 2. Peats per Second. 6-53 4-43 2.47 Beats pet 'Second 2-53 27° Temperature. 15° 17° 19° 21° 23° 29° Rate at 25' Rate at 15' EXPERIMENT 3. Rate at 27' = 2. 4-39 6. 1 1 Beats per Second 2.63 2-95 3-67 4.87 5.05 6.59 6. 10 7-375 Rate at 29° Temperature. 13° 15° 17° 19° 21° 23° 25° 27° 29° Rate at 23° Rate at 13° Rate at 27° Rate at 17° Temperature 11° 13° I9° 21° 25° 29° 31 Rate at 17° " °7 ' Rate~~aT7cT EXPERIMENT 4. = 2.OI = 2.25 ; = 1. 80; Rate at Beats per Second. 2.22 2.88 3-46 2-95 3.91 5 5-7i 6.23 615 Rate Rate Rate EXPERIMENT 5. Beats per Second. 2-31 at 29° - = -> 08 f^. — "• — *\j{j . ° 4.12 4-79 6.15 6.22 6.17 7.01 f at 19 Remarks Irregular pauses in diastole accompanied by very slight quick beats. Still irregular. Regular. Gills stopped RATE OF THE HEART-BEAT IN A CRUSTACEAN. 245 At 33° the whole animal went into convulsive tremors, and at 35° the heart stopped permanently. Rate at 2 1 ° Rate at 2 5 ° Rate~atTi i ° = 5 ' Rate at 15° = Rate at 29° Rate at 31° Rate at 19° ? ' Rate at 2!° EXPERIMENT 6. Temperature. Beats per Second. Remarks. 11° 2. 1 1 Beat irregular 13° 2.53 15° 2.53 " regular 19° 2.67 " " 21° 4.05 23° 4.80 " 25° 5.56 29° 6.50 " " 29° 5-33 After a fall and subsequent rise in temperature. Rate at 21° Rate at 23° Rate at 25° Rate at 1 1 ° = l'g2 ' Rate at 13° = I-9° ' Rate at 15"° = Rate at 29° Rate at 29° — 0- = 2.3o; =r- - (second observation) = 2. oo. Rate at 19° Rate at 19° EXPERIMENT 7. Temperature. Beats per Second. 11° 1.64 15° 2.38 17° 2.63 19° 2.98 *2I° 4.53 21° 4-55 21° 4.48 25° 5-33 27° 5-4 29° 5-15 Average rate at 2 1 ° Rate at 2 5 ° "RateiTiT5' Rate at 15° Rate at 27° Rate at 29° RatTatTp" 2'°5' Rate at 19° The beat was regular throughout the observations in this ex- periment. The observations were made in the following order, 246 T. BRAILSFORU ROBERTSON. 21°, 21°, 29°, 27°, 25°, *2i°, 19°, 17°, 15°, 1 1°-- hence the rate of beat at 21° was counted three times, twice at the begin- ning of the experiment and once after taking the animal through a series of temperature-changes none of which were extreme — it will be observed that the three observations at 21° are in very good agreement. EXPERIMENT 8. Temperature. Beats per Second. 11° 1.82 15° 2-95 17° 3-78 19° 4-09 *2i° 4-375 21° 4-151 . > Average = 4.40 21° 4-65 ' 25° 4.67 27° 6.67 Average rate at 21° Rate at 25° Rate at 11° '4I ' Rate at i 5° Rate at 27° Rate at 1 7 = 1.76. The beat was regular throughout the experiment. The organ- ism was taken through the following temperatures in the follow- ing order: 21°, 21°, 29° (beats not counted), 27°, 25°, *2i°, 19°, 17°, 15°, 11° —hence the rate of beat at 21° was counted three times, twice at the beginning of the experiment and once after taking the animal through a cycle of temperature-changes none of which were extreme — the three determinations of the rate at 21° are in good agreement with each other and with those in experiment 7. EXPERIMENT 9. Temperature. Beats per Second. 19° 3-2? 21° 5-12 29° 6.25 The organism was taken through the following temperatures in the following order, 31° (not counted), 29°, 21° and 19°. Rate at 29° Rate at 19° = RATE OF THE HEART-BEAT IN A CRUSTACEAN. 247 EXPERIMENT 10. Temperature. Beats per Second. 29° 6.15 21° 3.06 21° 3.23 19° 2.86 Rate at 29° Rate~at 7g° = The beat was regular throughout, but the temperature had been raised above 29° before the observations at 21° were taken. EXPERIMENT n. Temperature. Beats per Second. 17° 2-38 21° 4.04 27° 5 Rate at 27° Rate at 17° = The observations were taken in the following order, 21°, 17°, 27°. EXPERIMENT 12. Temperature. Beats per Second. 13° 2.28 21° 4-57 23° 5 Rate at 23° Rate at 13° = Rate at T 5. The average value of the coefficient -^- ".t10 for all the Rate at fn observations made was 2.03. The results are therefore such as to confirm Snyder's observations, referred to above, in so far as they apply in general to rhythmically contracting tissues and to lead us to conclude that a chemical reaction is involved --as I have assumed in previous papers.1 6. The rate of the beat in different individuals at 21° is remarkably constant, provided they have been treated in the same manner and have not been subjected to any extreme tem- peratures— this is particularly well shown in experiments 7 and 1 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, Vol. XXIX., p. 47; Plilger'1 s Arch. f. d. ges. Physiologie, Bd. IIO, s. 610. 248 T. BRAILSFORD ROBERTSON. 8. I have repeatedly confirmed the fact that the rate of the beat at 21° is about 4.5, with a possible variation of about 5 per cent. The organisms were all taken from the same vessel, in which they were kept ; but they differed widely in size and develop- ment, some containing eggs and others containing well-developed embryos. Ceriodaphnia therefore affords homogeneous material for experiments on the heart-beat. TWO DISTOMES. L. B. SEELY, • HAVER KORD COLLEGE. i. PNEUMONGECES COMPLEXUS, N. S., a NEW FROG DISTOME. This description is based on the examination of several pre- served specimens which were received from North Carolina marked " From the mouth of Rana pipicns." F. coinplexus is a rather elongated worm, between 5 mm. and 8 mm. in length, and in the widest portion, about 1.7 mm. wide. The thickness is about .71 mm., a cross-section being elliptical in outline. The widest region is just forward of the middle, and from here it tapers very slightly toward the hinder end, which is rounded and blunt. Toward the forward end it tapers more rapidly, sometimes giving the worm almost the appearance of having a neck. The oral sucker is subterminal and .4 mm. in diameter. The acetabulum is 2.4 mm. from the anterior end of the animal and very slightly smaller than the oral sucker, being .38 mm. in diameter. Both suckers are sessile. All the speci- mens examined were smooth, /. e., without spines. This may have been due, however, to maceration. Of the five species of this genus described by Stafford (1902), all are covered with spines except one, P. longiplcxns, which is smooth. The deter- mination of this point with respect to P. complc.vns will depend finally upon the examination of a living or freshly-killed speci- men. In the specimens examined, however, there were patches where the cuticle seemed to be intact. It was very thick and there was no trace of spines. Thus the evidence seems almost conclusive that the worm is a smooth one. The mouth is easily discernible in the center of the oral sucker, and leads to the muscular, bulb-like pharynx. The oesophagus is about .5 mm. in length. It then branches, forming the two intestinal caeca, which extend to within .4 mm. of the posterior end of the body. The caeca are rounded tubes about . 1 5 mm. in diameter, and are without branches. 249 250 L. B. SEELY. The excretory vesicle, which is tubular and in cross-section about the size of one of the intestinal caeca, is extremely long. The median portion extends from the excretory pore, which is terminally located at the posterior extremity, to a position just posterior to the acetabulum. Here it branches, forming the two crura, which extend outward and forward to about the plane of the posterior end of the cesophagus. The excretory vesicle is extremely thin-walled, and almost impossible to be seen except in sections. It is dorsal in position throughout its entire extent. The testes are two large, very prominent organs just posterior to the middle of the animal. They are irregularly ovate in out- line and are somewhat lobed. They do not both lie in the same plane, the left one usually being posterior to, but overlapping, the right. The posterior one is usually somewhat longer than the anterior, being 1.4 mm. long, while the anterior one is I.I mm. long. Each is about .92 mm. wide and about .78 mm. thick. The vas deferens from the left testis runs forward to the left of the right testis, lying between it and ovary. Just anterior to the shell gland it is joined by its fellow from the right testis, and from here a slightly convoluted tube extends to the genital pore. There is no cirrus or cirrus sac. The genital pore is a minute opening on the ventral side, in the same transverse plane as the pharynx and to the right of the median plane. The ovary is a somewhat elongated organ considerably smaller than either testis. It is usually on the left side and slightly pos- terior to the acetabulum. Occasionally it is on the right side, and when it is so placed the testis on that side is posterior to the other. It is about .7 mm. in length, .32 mm. in width, and .32 mm. thick (dorso-ventrally). The oviduct runs from the ovary into the shell-gland where there is an ootype. The shell-gland lies in the middle of the body just posterior to the acetabulum. The receptaculum seminis is a sac about one-half as large as the ovary. It lies just forward of and lateral to the right testis. Its duct runs forward and to the left, meeting the oviduct at its entrance into shell gland. There is no Laurer's canal. The yolk glands are numerous, being placed in clusters along both sides of the body from the position of the pharynx to the posterior extremity of the hinder testis. There are five or six TWO DISTOMES. 251 distinct groups or clusters on each side, each group being com- posed of 6 to 20 glandular bodies. They are ventrally placed and follow the general course of the intestine. The tube from the forward clusters on each side meets that from the rear clusters just inside the intestinal caecum and in a transverse plane just posterior to the ootype. The transverse tubes meet near the median plane, well toward the dorsal body- wall, and from here a short tube leads to the yolk reservoir. I Tes Ut(d). FIG. I. PntitntotKvces complexus, ventral aspect. O. s., oral sucker ; A., acetabu- lum ; Ph., phar)nx ; Int. , intestinal crecum; JLxc. v., excretory vesicle ; Lt. , uterus ; 7>.f. , testes ; K. s. , receptaculum seminis ; Gen. p., genital pore ; Ov., ovary; Sh.g., shell gland ; /*. def., vas deferens ; Y. g., yolk gland. FIG. 2. Diagram of female genital organs in P. complexus. Ov., ovary; Sh. g., shell-gland ; Ut., uterus ; R. s., receptaculum seminis ; T. y. d., tranverse yolk duct. FIG. 3. Cross-section of Renifer e/ongafus in region of testes. Ut. (is,-posle.r\or abdominal region, X 3- All of the abdominal muscles have been removed except the tranversalis muscles and the yp- siloid muscles of the right side. Abbreviations not previously ex- plained : /, M. transversalis abdom- inis ; _)'/, M. ypsiloideus posterior. THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 26l muscle immediately anterior to the cartilage extend farther medially than those of the rest of the muscle and may even be inserted into the second myocomma in association with those of the M. ypsiloideus anterior (Fig. 3, to). It should perhaps be emphasized that the entire musculature of the ypsiloid cartilage, while in all cases strongly developed, shows a considerable amount of individual variation, as if the apparatus were one of relatively recent origin and still in the experimental stage of physiological adap- tation. The most definite of the muscles involved is the M, ypsiloideus posterior. In addition to the above described mus- culature of the Cartilage ypsiloides, the posterior portion of the stem of the car- tilage forms the origin of the anterior portion of the M. pubo-ischio-femoralis in- Fic" 3 • Dorsal ™w ( i. ,. from within body cavity tennis. This muscle takes its origin mainly showingthe muscles attached from the mid ventral line of the pubo- to the ypsiloid cartilage of ischium, and that portion which arises Diemyctyiusviridescens,K$* On the right side the ante- from the ypsiloid cartilage extends be- . f ., A, , J* nor part of the M. pubo- tween the posterior ypsiloid muscle and ischio-femoralis intemus has the transversalis (Figs, i, 2, and 3,/). been cut awa7- Abbrevia- T* -, it.- -r /t < • o/ tions not previously ex- 2. Inton helveticus. 1 . albcstns, sa/a- plamed: /it median process of pubis ; ya,., vestige of anterior yp siloid muscle ; yp, , vestige of posterior ypsiloid muscle. arises from the lateral process of the pubis. From this origin the fibers diverge to their insertion mainly into the linea alba, although in most cases a few are inserted into the first myocomma. When we consider the Cartilago ypsiloidcs of the lunged forms, with its stem in the linea alba and its arms diverging at the first myocomma, it seems very probable that this muscle in the lung- less forms is a vestigial M. 'ypsiloidens posterior which persists even after the disappearance of the cartilage to which it was orig- inally attached. In some speci- mens a few fibers of this muscle were found to extend to the sec- ond myocomma and in one speci- men of Dcsmognatlius brimleyorum a separate little muscle (Fig. 6, jw) consisting of a few fibers only was found in the region of the second myotome arising in the linea alba and converging ob- liquely outward and posteriorly. These variable evidences of differ- entiation from the second myo- tome suggest, of course, the probable vestiges of the M. ypsi- loidens (Ulterior. Still further evidence of the for- mer existence of an ypsiloid car- tilage in lungless forms is fur- nished by the fact that in its absence the anterior portion of the M. pubo-ischio-femoralis interims originates from the linea alba in the exact region corresponding to the origin from the posterior part of the stem of the ypsiloid cartilage in lunged forms. 5. Cryptobranchus allegJieniensis. — In Cryptobranclms the ypsi- loid cartilage is very well developed and its articulation with the pubis displays marked mobility. It differs somewhat in form from that of the salamanders, in that its lateral arms are very much longer and rapidly broaden toward the outer ends so that they are spatulate in shape (Fig. 7). The cartilage begins to THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 265 fork slightly anterior to the first myocomma and the lateral arms extend obliquely across the third myotome. The musculature of the cartilage is interesting. Superficially, the first myotome of the rectus abdominis is imperfectly differen- tiated into two portions, and the medial fibers not only of the FIG. 7. Dissection of Cryptubranckus allegkeniensis showing the ypsiloid carti- lage and the muscles associated with it, X 2^. The external oblique and rectus abdominis muscles have been removed from the left side. Abbreviations as in previous figures. first but of the second myotome are inserted into the stem of the cartilage, the more anterior fibers of the second monotome, however, being inserted into the ventral surface of the cartilage at the very base of the arms. The deeper layers show a strongly developed M. ypsi- loideus posterior, differing from that of the forms already de- scribed in that its insertion into the Cartilage ypsiloides extends only about two thirds the length of the arm, the thin, expanded, outer third of the arm being free from all muscu- lar attachment. The most medial fibers of the third myotome 266 INEZ L. WHIFFLE. extend as a small bundle from the third myocomma to an inser- tion into the middle of the ventral surface of the lateral arm of the cartilage. This differentiation from the third myotome is the only representative of a M. ypsiloides anterior, and except for its insertion it is not at all distinct from the adjoining fibers of the • myotome. None of the fibers of the transversalis are inserted into the ypsiloid cartilage. The edges of its aponeurosis in this region, however, are parallel with the cartilage and separated from it by a space about equal to the width of the cartilage itself. Moreover, the stem and proxi- mal third of the arms of the cartilage are firmly bound to the aponeurosis ; the portion of the cartilage involved in this attachment is much thicker than the free, distal, expanded region of the carti- lage which lies in the third myotome in a sort of sheath between the aponeurosis of the transversalis and the deep- er layers of the rectus abdo- minis and has neither muscu- lar nor aponeurotic attach- ments. The origin of the anterior portion of the M. pubo-iscliio-fenw- ralis interims does not involve the ypsiloid cartilage, although it extends to the extreme anterior margin of the pubo-ischium. It should be mentioned in connection with this description of Cryptobranchus allegheniensis that Hyrtl ('65) has described the ypsiloid cartilage of Cryptobranchus japonicns as lacking bilateral symmetry in that the right lateral arm is subdivided into three branches while the left is simple. This description was, I suppose, based upon a single individual and the condition was quite prob- ably an abnormal one. FIG. 8. Dissection of Nectitrus macu- lalus showing a ventral view of the pelvic region, with the M. pitbo-ischio-femoralis extern us of the left side removed, X *• Abbreviations as in previous figures. [From an unpublished drawing by H. H. Wilder.] THE YPSII.OID APPARATUS OF UROUELES. 267 6. Nccturns niaculatus. — In Ncclitrits there is no vestige what- ever of a Cartilago ypsiloidcs. The pubo-ischium is produced anteriorly into a long median point (the epipubic process of previous writers), the sides of which slant gradually posterio- laterally to the outer angle of the pelvis where a lateral process is slightly developed (Fig. 8). The first myotome of the rectus abdominis muscle is correspondingly narrow at the ventral mid- line, and much wider toward its lateral boundary. Its fibers are inserted along the entire anterior margin of the pubo-ischium and show a differentiation into a medial (rH) and a lateral portion (ra), the latter inserted into the lateral portion of the pubis. In some specimens this lateral portion is more distinct than in others, and occasionally assumes the character of a semi-independent muscle, as in Diemyctylus. There is no indication whatever of a muscle dorsal to the main mass of the rectus abdominis and in- serted into the linea alba, to suggest a vestigial ypsiloid muscu- lature. The M. pubo-ischio-femoralis intcrmts moreover, has its origin wholly from the pubo-ischium instead of arising in part from the linea alba as it does in the case of the lungless sala- manders. There is therefore absolutely no indication of the previous existence of a Cartilago ypsiloidcs in this species. 7. Amphiuma means. — Ampliinma means shows a similar failure of all trace of an ypsiloid apparatus. The pubo-ischium lacks a mid-ventral symphysis in this form and there is only a slight an- terior prolongation of the cartilage on either side of the mid-ventral line where the two halves of the girdle are in contact. The muscular differentiation in this region is, however, practically similar to that already described for Nccturns. 8. Siren laccrtina. - • This species not only shows no trace of a pelvic girdle and appendages, but, as might be expected, there is also no muscular differentiation to indicate the former presence of an ypsiloid apparatus. B. Development of the Yfisi/oiil Apparatus. My material for the study of the development of the ypsiloid apparatus was somewhat limited. It consisted of (i) larvae of Amblystoma opacum — various stages from 37 to 50 mm. in length ; (2) a series of horizontal sections of the larvse of Triton 268 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. alpestris, length from tip of snout to cloaca, 13 mm.; (3) small specimens of Diemyc tyliis viridcsccns in the terrestrial stage, 32— 68 mm. in length ; (4) larvae of Spclerpcs rnber, and Spelerpes bilineatns ; (5) larvae of Desmognatlms fnsca from 17.5—25 mm. in length. The methods employed in the study of these larval forms were (i) dissection of the larger ones, prolonged staining in methylene blue being used in some cases to bring out the cartilage ; (2) staining in borax carmine and clearing in toto the ventral wall of the posterior part of the body cavity including the pubo-ischium and proximal portion of the femur ; (3) horizontal serial sections of the ventral body wall ; and (4) transverse serial sections of the posterior part of the body. In the case of each of the younger stages all three of the latter methods were used. In 37 and 42 mm. long Amblystoma opacum larvae there is no trace of the ypsiloid cartilage. The two halves of the pubo- ischium are quite separate. The muscular abdominal walls show the two primitive laminae (obliquus externus profundus and ob- liquus interims) with the rectus abdominis as a ventral continua- tion of both. In the larger specimens the obliquus externus superficialis and the transversalis appear as secondary develop- ments in the form of very thin laminae. There is a noticeable difference in size of fiber between the medial well differentiated portion of the rectus abdominis and the more lateral region which grades imperceptibly into the deep external oblique on the outside and the internal oblique within. The latter region of the rectus abdominis (/. e., the rectus abdominis profundus), like the two primitive laminae with which it is continuous, consists of large fibers two or three times the diameter of those constituting the medial portion of the rectus. The latter are thus easily recognized both in sections and in the in toto preparations. All of these early stages show that in the somite immediately anterior to the pubo-ischium, the inner portion of the rectus abdominis is differentiated into a muscle which deviates sharply from the general longitudinal course of the rectus abdominis. Its fibers, which are small like the rest of the medial portion of the rectus abdominis, arise in the lateral processes and along the anterior edge of the pubis and extend obliquely medially to be THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 269 inserted partly into the linea alba of the first somite. From the point where the first myocomma joins the linea alba, the insertion of the muscle follows an outwardly curving line which ends about half way across the second myotome, and thus with the insertion of the corresponding muscle of the opposite side maps out the exact location of the future Cartilago ypsiloides. This muscle is evidently the M. ypsiloideus posterior and is at this stage the only definite indication of an ypsiloid apparatus. In Ainblystouia opacmn larva; of 50 mm. I find that the ypsiloid cartilage has appeared. It possesses practically the adult form and relationship, but is very thin, especially toward the ends of the lateral arms. The stem of the cartilage is quite separate from the pubo-ischium which at this stage still consists of two wholly separate lateral halves. I was unable to obtain larvse of Aniblystoma opacitm between 42 and 50 mm. in length and can therefore make no statement concerning the earliest appearance of the ypsiloid cartilage. Its entire absence in the 42 mm. stage, however, considered in connection with its com- plete formation in the 50 mm. stage in which the two halves of the girdle are still separate, points conclusively to the origin of the ypsiloid cartilage independently of the pelvic girdle as a chondrification of the linea alba of the first somite and of the deeper portion of the first myocomma. The possibility of such chondrification of regions of muscular attachments upon which a special strain is brought is well established, and the lack of correspondence in this case between the transverse direction of the myocomma and the curved form of the arms of the cartilage may be looked upon as expressing a resultant of forces, since the arms of the cartilage tend somewhat to follow the direction of the edge of the aponeurosis of the transversalis, the posterior portion of which, we have already seen, is usually eventually inserted into it. The horizontal series of sections of the Triton alpestris larva show a well developed ypsiloid cartilage. This is wholly sepa- rate from the pubo-ischium though, as in Amblystoma, articu- lated with it. The two halves of the pubo-ischium are at this stage still quite separate. All of the specimens of terrestrial Dicmyctylns which I dis- 270 INEZ L. WHIFFLE. _1 sected show the ypsiloid cartilage well developed and with prac- tically the same muscular attachments as in the adult. From my necessarily limited study of larval forms, it appears, therefore, that (i) ypsiloid cartilage is of later origin than the differentiation of the muscles associated with it, and (2) that it arises as an unpaired structure in association with these muscles and at a time when the girdle itself still exhibits its paired nature. // cannot, therefore, be interpreted as having arisen from the epi- pubic process, but must be regarded as an independent cliondrifica- tion in association with differentiations of the innermost portion of tJic rectus abdominis muscle in the two somites immediately an- terior to the pelvic girdle. Larvae of both Spelerpes and Desmognathus show, as do those of lunged forms, an early differentiation of the M. ypsiloidcus posterior. As in the adult lungless forms the fibers of this muscle insert, in the absence of the ypsiloid car- tilage, into the linea alba of the first somite. I had thought it possible that these larval stages might even show a vestige of the ypsiloid cartilage itself, and there is, in fact, some indication that such may be the case though I have as yet been unable to obtain the stage necessary to absolutely prove it. The union of the two halves of the pubis begins at the ex- treme anterior end, thus forming the future median anterior proc- ess of the pubis. This union (Fig. 9) appears to occur, not as a direct fusion of the two halves by the process of chondrifica- tion of the connective tissue between them, but rather by a fusion of each half with a median unpaired anlage, which lies in the linea alba anterior to the girdle. Thus in transverse section this median portion shows no trace whatever of a paired nature, a fact which is especially significant when the condition is compared with that of Necturus larvae in which the median anterior process of the pubis (Proccssus cpipubicus} shows a paired nature even to its FIG. 9. Ventral view of the pubo- ischium of Desmognathus fusca larva (21 mm.) obtained by maceration, < 25- Drawn with camera. Abbreviations : /, femur ; /, lateral process ; m, median proc- ess, at this stage the only median part. THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URO DELES. 271 extreme end. However, I have not succeeded in ^obtaining either a Spclcrpcs or a Desmognathus of a stage just previous to the formation of this connection between the two halves of the pubis, and I am not sure, therefore, that the median unpaired portion ever exists as a separate cartilage arising like the ypsiloid cartilage anterior to the pelvic girdle and independent of it. If it has such a separate origin it is undoubtedly a vestige of the stem of the ypsiloid cartilage. C. Tlic Hoinology of the Ypsiloid Apparatus. There are two diametrically opposed views as to the homology of the ypsiloid cartilage. One of these is that indicated by the quotations given earlier in this paper, viz., that the Cartilago ypsiloidcs is the homologue of the median anterior process of the pubis (Processus epipnbicns] such as is found either single or paired in certain of the Perennibranches and Derotremes. More- over, this homology is extended to include the similarly situated process in various Selachians, Ganoids and Dipnoans. This opinion as to the homology of the ypsiloid cartilage has been held very strongly by C. K. Hoffmann ('73-' 78) and R. Wieders- heim ('92) and corroborated by certain observations of H. Riese ('91). Aside from general similarity of location of the ypsiloid cartilage and the Processes epipnbicns the homology is apparently based upon a continuity of the cartilage tissue of the pubis with that of the stem of the ypsiloid cartilage. This condition is, as has been shown, not the usual one in the adult, although Riese ('91) found it to exist in Tylototriton verntcosits, and Wieders- heim has noted in the case of old individuals of other species a condition which he designates as a secondary fusion. Wieders- heim says, however, regarding the adult condition, that " Man bei histologischer Untersuchung in Allgemeinen viel haufiger auf verbindende Knorpelbriicken zwischen der Hauptmasse des Beckens und dem Epipubis stosst, als man dies nach der ein- fachen Preparation mit Messe und Pincette ervvarten sollte." In Triton alpestris larvae Wiedersheim found, as I have done, that the ypsiloid cartilage arises by an independent anlage, but in larvae of Triton Jielveticus and in a 26 mm. Axolotl he found the cartilage element continuous, although he adds : " Diese 272 INEZ L. WHIFFLE. Verbindungszone bestand im vorliegenden Fall nur ventral warts und werde welter dorsalwarts d. h. gegen das Cavum pelvis zu durch zellreiches Bindgewebe ersetzt." He finds, moreover, that " Um diese Zeit stellt das Epipubis eine auf dem Vorderand der Beckensymphyse aufsitzende spitzhockerige, durchaus unpaare Vorwolbung dar, welche nur langsam zapfenartig nach vorn auswachst, und sich erst verhaltnismassig spat in die schon er- wahnten zwei Aste gabelt." The movable articulation of the Cartilago ypsiloides is then, according to Wiedersheim's interpre- tation, a secondary condition. That there is, on the other hand, an apparent inconsistency between this idea of the homology of the Cartilago ypsiloides and the well-established fact of the paired nature of the anlage of the pelvic girdle, Wiedersheim at least tacitly admits when he says : " Die Verwischung des urspriinglichen Verhaltens pragt sich namlich bei Salamandrinen in dreifacher Weise aus, erstens darin, dass hiervon einer paarigen Anlage des Epipubis ontogen- etisch nichts mehr nachweisbar ist, zweitens, dass zwischen diesem und dem iibrigen Becken haufig eine Kontinuitatstrennung be- steht, und drittens endlich, dass das kop warts schauende Ende des Epipubis eine secundare Formanderung, eine Gabelung, er- fahren hat." A further, and, in my opinion, insurmountable objection to this homology lies in Wiedersheim's own statement that the ypsiloid cartilage is of later origin ontogenetically than the girdle and makes its appearance as late as at the time when the mid- ventral symphysis of the halves of the pubo-ischium is taking place. The second view as to the homology of the Cartilago ypsiloides is that held by Bunge ('80) and Baur ('91) that the structure is developed whojly independently of the pelvic girdle to which it becomes secondarily articulated. With regard to this homology Bunge says : " Es (the epipubis) ist eben eine Gebilde sekundarer Art, das ausschliesslich den Amphibien zukommt, wie ja Ahnliches auch bei anderen Wirbelthieren beobachtet werden kann, z. B. das Hypoischium der Saurier . . . Der Ansicht Wiedersheim's dass der Epipubis als ein erst sekundar von der knorpeligen Pars THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 273 pulnca, resp. deren Verlangerung zur Symphysenbildung abge- gliedertes Gebilde sein kann, da dasselbe sich als einheitlicher Knorpel vor dem proximalen Ende der Symphyse anlegt, gleich- falls nicht zugestimmt werden." Baur, basing his reason upon the fact of the completely paired origin of the true epigastroid (/. e., epipubic) process, as shown by Ncctnnts, for example, draws the following very definite con- clusion with regard to this unpaired, more anterior structure, the Cartilago ypsiloidcs : " I believe the ypsiloid cartilages are of secondary origin, de- veloping independently from the gastroid (i. c., pubic) cartilage. The long epigastroid of the Chclyiidce is homologue to the short epigastroid in Testudinidce ; homologue to the anterior portion of the gastroid cartilage in Ncctrtnts ; homologue to that portion of the gastroid in salamanders and Dactylctra to which the ypsiloid cartilages are connected. I consider these cartilages as a later acquisition and they may develop in any group, Batra- chia, Pterosaur ia, Monotreniata, Marsiipnlia" So far, even, as similarity in location between the Cartilago ypsiloides and the epipubic process of the lower Urodeles is concerned, I have been unable to find any ground for the homology. In none of the Urodeles in which the Cartilago ypsiloidcs is lacking have I found the epipubic process crossing even a single myotome of the rectus abdominis. In Necturus, the form in which the epipubic process is most conspicuously developed, there is merely a cor- responding narrowing of the posterior myotomes of the rectus abdominis, particularly the first one (Fig. 8). Whether the ypsiloid cartilage is ever in any case continuous with the pubis or not, it is very evidently a separate structure, an independent chondrification of the linea alba of much later origin than the pelvic girdle to which it sooner or later becomes articulated. Thus considered, the ypsiloid cartilage presents no obstacle to the idea of the paired nature of the anlage of the pelvic girdle. Its existence is moreover explained quite in ac- cordance with the principle which accounts for the origin of similar structures (e. g., the sternebrae of Nccturus] in those con- nective tissue regions where especially strong origin or insertion of the muscle fibers is necessary. I have not had the opportunity 274 INEZ L- WHIPPLE. to study either the anatomy or the habits of Dactyletra in which an apparently similar cartilage to the Cartilago ypsiloides is formed, and can therefore express no opinion as to this homology. That the Cartilago ypsiloides of salamanders is homologous with the marsupial bones of Monotremata and Marsupulia is a view which has been considered so completely established that Duges ('55) named this cartilage in salamanders the "marsupial cartilage." Huxley also accepted this idea of its homology and it is one of the principal points made by Wiedersheim ('92) in his Phylogenie der Beutelknochen, in which, of course, this interpre- tation is quite consistent with his idea that both the ypsiloid cartilage and the marsupial bones are differentiations of the epi- pubic process. Moreover, the acceptance of this homology is indicated in the various names which have been given to the M. ypsiloidcus posterior, such as pyramidalis (Hoffmann). Leaving out of account the question as to whether the ypsiloid cartilage and marsupial bones are of similar origin so far as the pelvic girdle is concerned, the supposed homology between the two is dis- proved by their relations to the rectus abdominis muscle. The ypsiloid cartilage lies dorsal to the main mass of this muscle ; the marsupial bones are, of course, ventral to it. A comparison of musculature, therefore, shows the lack of homology of the ypsiloid apparatus with the marsupial. The musculature of the ypsiloid cartilage is derived from the deeper layers of the rectus abdominis and from the transversalis ; from the very poistion of the marsupial bones, on the other hand, it is evident that the musculature of this apparatus is derived from the superficial ab- dominal muscles. The pyramidalis, which has been homologized with the M. ypsiloideus posterior is, for example, the most superficial portion of the rectus abdominis. Further, it is on the wrong side of the marsupial bone to make the homology a consistent one through- out, since, if the marsupial bones correspond to the lateral arms of the Cartilago ypsiloides, a muscle to be the homologue of the M. ypsiloideus posterior must extend from the outer edge of the marsupial bone to the pelvis, not as does the pyramidalis, from its medial side to the linea alba or sternum. The pyramidalis and the posterior ypsiloid muscle are then homologous only in the THE YPSILO1D APPARATUS OF URODELES. 275 very general sense that both are differentiations from the rectus abdominis ; they are differentiated from different layers and in connection with structures which are not themselves homologous. They are, in other words, independent differentiations occurring in widely separated forms .and in response to absolutely different physiological needs. PART II. THE FUNCTION OF THE YPSILOID APPARATUS. A. Respiratory Habits of Lunged Salamanders. Beyond the statement of the very evident fact that the ypsiloid cartilage furnishes the attachment for certain of the abdominal muscles (Wiedersheim, '75), I have been unable to find, in the literature upon the subject, any explanation of its function. There is, however, as has already been said, so appar- ent a correlation in the Salamandrida between the presence of the apparatus and that of the lungs, that the explanation of its function will involve, first of all, a discussion of the respiratory habits of lunged salamanders. The more obvious respiratory movements of lunged salaman- ders when breathing air have been very clearly described by Bruner ('96). In brief, two forms of aerial respiration occur, one merely a bucco-pharyngeal, the other a pulmonary respiration. Both of these may be readily observed in the case of any lunged salamander. The first takes place almost constantly and with great rapidity. It begins with an enlargement of the bucco- pharyngeal cavity by lowering the hyobranchial apparatus ; this results in air being drawn in through the nares. Following this inhalation is an exhalation in which the floor of the mouth rises again. These movements follow each other so quickly that the visible effect is a rapid fluctuation of the throat. The mouth remains tightly closed during the entire process, and the respira- tory currents make use of the nasal passages alone. At frequent, though irregular intervals, during bucco-pharyn- geal respiration, acts of pulmonary respiration occur. These are easily distinguished externally from the bucco-pharyngeal form by the fact that the depression of the floor of the mouth is a prolonged and exaggerated one, during the latter part of which a contraction of the M. constrictor naris occurs. According to 276 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. Bruner, the effect of this contraction is to completely close the external nans. My own observations of Diemyctylus and the Ainblystomas made by the aid of a lens do not, however, corrob- orate this statement, since I have frequently seen the external nares fail to close completely during pulmonary respiration, although there is always an almost complete closure. As a result of the prolonged depression of the floor of the mouth air is first drawn in through the open nares, as in bucco- pharyngeal respiration. This part of the process is known as aspiration. During the latter part of the act of depression, how- ever, when the external nares are closed, air is drawn from the lungs into the mouth through the opened glottis and the air in the mouth thus becomes a mixture of pure and impure air. This part of the process is termed expiration. When the floor of the mouth rises again some of this mixed air is forced into the lungs, the external nares being still closed. This constitutes the proc- ess of inspiration. Finally the external nares are opened again, and the fluctuating movements of bucco-pharyngeal respiration are resumed. In addition to these two methods of aerial respiration the lunged salamanders which have come under my observation pos- sess, when in the water, an aquatic bucco-pharyngeal respiration. The Gages ('86^, '91) have reported such an aquatic respira- tion for Diemyctylus as well as for some of the lower Urodcles. Their statements are, however, indefinite as to the exact method by which the water is alternately taken into and expelled from the mouth. O. P. Hay ('89) seems to have made more exact observations upon Amblystomas, of which he says that " streams of water are drawn in through the nostrils and this water is then expelled at intervals by the mouth." This is precisely the method of bucco-pharyngeal respiration of water which I have many times verified with a lens by the aid of solid particles (car- mine or sediment) suspended in the water in which specimens of Dicmyctylus and Amblystoma were submerged. The muscular act seems to be exactly the same as in the bucco-pharyngeal aerial respiration, but owing to the heavier fluid the act is a much slower one, though varying in depth and rapidity with the activity of the specimen, as the accompanying tabulation of observations THE VI'SILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 277 shows. Moreover, the expulsion of water takes place through the slightly opened mouth as well as through the nares. Ambly- stoina opacnin, which is said to be the most terrestrial of all the Amblystomas, showed the least readiness to adopt this aquatic mode of respiration, the pharyngeal movements being very feeble as if they occurred in response to an almost forgotten instinct. They are probably not of sufficient respiratory value to support life, since these specimens die in a short time if compelled to re- main in the water. RECORD OF OBSERVATIONS OF AQUATIC BUCCO-PHARYNGEAL RESPIRATION IN DIEMYCTYLUS VIRIDESCENS. (In each experiment a different individual was used.) a Hi *** is <° o K G | Q.< . ^ s 0. 2 3 • JJ .2 3 fcs Vl_ C O -" Nature of Respiratory Activity of Specimen Dur- i 4,.1-G S «S cS Acts. ing Experiment. £ J? «5 £ u J " .2 B . 2'Ei! 0 >K ft M -* C ^ 3 CX3 15 < J Cfl Q No. I. 21.4 23 19 10 Shallow. Slightly active. No. 2. 15.14 20 II 7 Deep. Inactive. No. 3. 10.04 13 9 5 [Not recorded.] Slightly active. No. 4. s 18 3 10 Detailed Record for Each Minute of Experiment Aro. 4. 4 Very shallow. Inactive. 9 One very deep. Walking slowly. 3 Very deep. Inactive. I^ Shallow. Active. 4 Deep. Inactive. 9 Shallow. Inactive, after a period of activity. 18 Shallow. Active. 6 One very deep, end- Inactive. ing in a prolonged gape. 3 Very deep. Inactive. 12 Shallow. Slightly active, follow- ing a period of great activity. RECORD OF OBSERVATIONS OF AERIAL BUCCO-PHARYNGEAL AND PULMONARY RESPIRATION IN DIEMYCTYLUS VIRIDESCENS. No. of Experi- ment. Average No. of Bucco- phar. Resp. per Min. * Largest No. for One Minute. Smallest No. for One Minute. Average No. of Pulmo- nary Resp. per Min. Largest No. for One Min. Smallest No. for One Minute. Duration of Observa- tions in Minutes No. i. No 2. I87.7 125-75 213 146 H5 104 I.I 4 it record e 0 d.] 10 278 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. The method of change of respiratory habit necessitated by the transition from one median to the other is interesting. When a Dicmyctyhts which has been breathing air is submerged in water, bucco-pharyngeal respiration of water begins almost at once. Amblystomas, being less thoroughly aquatic, postpone this change of habit for a longer or shorter time. The nares in this case are at first tightly closed and if the animal is kept submerged for only a few minutes it may not establish aquatic respiration at all. When a specimen which has fully established the aquatic habit of respiration is taken from the water there is evinced more or less mechanical difficulty in reestablishing the aerial habit. This difficulty arises from the fact that the nasal passages are filled with water which must be removed before rapid, unimpeded res- piration of air can occur. The efforts to do this involve forced and greatly exaggerated depressions of the floor of the mouth, a device which may prove efficacious in two ways, first, by draw- ing the water from the nasal passages into the mouth, and sec- ond, by drawing from the lungs a supply of air which can be used to force the water out of the nasal passages through the ex- ternal nares. The transition from aquatic to aerial respiration may thus involve much effort and a considerable loss of time. I have observed specimens of Diemyctylus to consume ten min- utes or more before perfectly normal aerial respiration was estab- lished. Amblystomas make the transition more quickly. In connection with this mechanical difficulty of rapid transi- tion from aquatic to aerial respiration, some lunged salamanders, notably Diemyctylus, have acquired for use when in the water a modification of the ordinary method of pulmonary respiration. Frequently air must be taken into the lungs during the brief period when by a rapid swimming to the surface, sufficient mo- mentum has been acquired to force the head for an instant out of the water. It is evident that under these conditions the nos- trils are utterly useless as air passages, as they are filled with \vater. Moreover, even if they were empty of water, or could be emptied in so brief a time, the ordinary method of drawing in air through such narrow passages is far too slow to be made use of here. The method employed is, therefore, a quick, gulping motion by means of which the water in the mouth is replaced by THE VPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 2/p air. This is immediately followed, as the head again returns into the water, by a forcible swallowing motion as a result of which the air is forced from the mouth partly into the lungs and partly out through the nostrils. Of those spe'cies the habits of which I have studied, Dicuiyctylus viridescens accomplishes with the greatest ease the act of taking air into the lungs in this way, an observation quite in harmony with the fact that Dicmyctylus has the reputation of being the most thoroughly aquatic of our American salamanders. The Gages ('86tf, r) have shown that, in general, an animal having a mixed aquatic and aerial respiration depends mainly upon the latter for its supply of oxygen. I am not convinced, however, that this is of necessity true in the case of lunged sala- manders living under aquatic conditions. Diemyctylus and the Amblystomas, it is true, not only swim frequently to the surface and take in air, but, if it is possible, will partly crawl out of the water and for a shorter or longer time each day will breathe air normally. However, to test the absolute physiological necessity for aerial respiration, I experimented as follows : Several speci- mens of Diemyctylus were enclosed in small wire cages which were immersed to a depth of about 15 inches in a small tank of running water. To prevent the collection of bubbles of air upon the inside of the wire, the cages were frequently shaken to remove the bubbles while they were still too small to be used in breath- ing and thus vitiate the experiment. To ensure this frequent agitation during the night when personal attention to the matter was inconvenient, I used the simple device of placing a large and lively specimen of Necturus in the tank with the cages. The Nectiinis, being nocturnal in its activities, accomplished quite as efficiently the duty of keeping the cages free from air as was done during the day time by my own exertions. The precaution was taken, moreover, to make it impossible for any activity of the Necturus to lift the cages out of the water. For periods varying from seven to ten days specimens of Die- myctylus were thus kept completely submerged and they remained in an active condition and apparently suffered no inconvenience as a result of the experiment. The capillaries of the skin, however, as observed by means of a lens, were much more distended with 28O INEZ L. WHIFFLE. blood than those of a specimen which had meanwhile lived a free aquatic life with access to the air. Apparently the skin, which, being supplied with capillaries may be looked upon as an acces- sory respiratory apparatus, had proved itself, in the emergency, equal to the extra demand made upon it. An interesting effect of the disuse of lungs in this experiment showed itself in the great difficulty with which specimens, thus confined to the water, reestablished the habit of filling the lungs with air when they were released from their imprisonment. Or- dinarily, when a Diemyctylus swims to the surface and takes in air by the gulping process already described, there is an abun- dant visible proof of the fact that air has entered the lungs in the increase in girth of the body and especially in the immediate in- crease in buoyancy to such an extent that the specimen which before had been able to sustain itself in the water only by active swimming, suddenly becomes lighter than water and passively floats. When, however, specimens which had for several days been prevented from using their lungs were once more set free in the water and swam to the surface, although great gulps of air were taken, there was not the usual subsequent increase in buoy- ancy and the air escaped immediately in large quantities from both nostrils as the head sank again below the surface of the water. The effort to fill the lungs was repeated many times in- terspersed with intervals of rest lasting 15 or 20 minutes, so that several hours elapsed before any effect seemed to be produced upon the disused lungs. One could from the fruitless efforts of the animals imagine the lungs in a collapsed condition, the inner surfaces in contact with each other, and therefore resisting the entrance of air ; and such, indeed, was found to be the case in other specimens which had been similarly confined under water and then killed without having had access to the air. B. The Hydrostatic Habits of Lunged Salamanders. Having discussed the various methods of respiration of lunged salamanders we are now prepared to describe those particular habits which involve, as will be shown, the use of the ypsiloid apparatus. Since my more extended observations have been made upon Diemyctylus viridesccns, this species is the one which THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 28l will be referred to almost exclusively in the following discussion. As has been said, the adult Dicinyclylus is the most aquatic of our American salamanders. To anyone who has observed, even casually, the activities of this little animal in the water, its abso- lute ease under aquatic conditions must have been evident. If the specimens are in a deep aquarium this physical ease is very readily observed. Occasionally they may be seen at the bottom where they walk about or take rapid little swims to higher levels from which, as soon as the swimming motions cease, they pas- sively sink to the bottom again. More often they may be found at the very surface of the water where they float with great ease or rest upon the aquatic plants, sometimes supporting themselves upon these by the fore limbs and lifting the entire head above the water. Frequently, moreover, they will be seen suspended in the water at a greater or less depth, where they have the power to swim lazily to and fro with hardly a perceptible muscular action, to paddle about, using all four feet as propellers, or to dart swiftly through the water by means of a rapid lashing with body and tail, the legs meanwhile being closely pressed to the sides of the body. For many minutes they will sometimes re- main absolutely motionless in the water, the body kept in place by the mere contact of a foot, or even of a single toe, with some plant or other stationary object. These facts indicate that while the specific gravity of Dicniyc- tylus is never far from one, it varies slightly, as shown by the passive sinking, suspension or floating of the body at different times. What are, then, the mechanical means by which these changes in buoyancy are accomplished ? If our observations begin with a Diemyctylits at the bottom of the aquarium, with a specific gravity greater than one, it will be found that sooner or later the animal will swim rapidly to the sur- face, and, by the modified process of pulmonary respiration already described, will take into the lung sufficient air to cause the body to float (Fig. 10, b\ the minute portion of the back which appears above the surface bearing witness to the fact that the specific gravity has now become slightly less than one. The animal may remain in this condition for a longer or shorter time. If he swims to a lower level, the moment his motions cease his body 282 INEZ L. WH1PPLE. rises slowly to the surface again. Usually, however, the increase of buoyancy is soon followed (within a minute or two) by the emission from the lungs through the mouth of one tiny bubble of air after another, seldom more than two or three in all, until his buoyancy is so perfectly adjusted that his specific gravity is ex- actly one. In this condition he can go about at ease, or remain motionless at any depth, and it is apparently only when he de- sires to sink to the bottom and remain there with some stability that by the emission of still more air the specific gravity is made sufficiently great to serve the purpose. There always occurs, however, a gradual loss of buoyancy even when there is no further emission of air, a loss which I have never observed to be made good until the animal again swims to the surface and takes in more air.1 Diemyctylus shows a still further delicacy of adjustment to its aquatic environment, since, under any condition, whether floating, suspended in the water or resting on the bottom, there is the power to change, without the slightest swimming motion, the direction of the long axis of the body. This adjustment may be best observed when the animal is suspended motionless in the water ; since then all other factors which produce change of po- sition are eliminated. The usual position of Diemyctylus when thus suspended is one in which the anterior end of the body slants slightly downward (Fig. 10, b\ From this position the whole body, without the slightest bending, may swing through a vertical angle of perhaps 30° until the head is directed upward instead of downward. This change of direction is accompanied by a striking change in 'the shape of the animal. When the poise is such that the head slants downward, there is a pro- nounced bulging of the lateral and ventral walls of the posterior third of the body cavity, particularly noticeable in the angle be- tween the ilium and the vertebral column, as though some mechanism within were exerting an outward pressure. As the 1 This phenomenon of loss of buoyancy without the emission of air is worthy of careful investigation. It is probably not attributable to a mere compression of air (as in the case of the air-bladder of the fish), since there is no subsequent increase of buoyancy without taking in more air. It must be due to an actual loss of gas from the lungs, probably owing to the excess of the volume of oxygen used over that of CO2 and other gases given back to the lungs. THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 283 body swings upward, however, there occurs a marked constric- tion of the posterior part of the abdominal cavity, often so pro- nounced that the ventral wall (that is, the ypsiloid region) is drawn sharply upward (xFig. 10, a). In this condition the ventral contour of the body exhibits an angle between this posterior and the more anterior region. These changes of shape may best be FIG. 10. Diemyctyhts ririJesctns ; (a) showing the body directed upward in swimming as a result of the compression of the posterior portion of the body cavity through the action of the ypsiloid apparatus; (^ showing a characteristic floating position with the posterior portion of the body cavity expanded and the anterior end of the body depressed. seen in a specimen which has not been fed for several days, since they are partially masked by the presence of masses of food in the digestive tract. They occur, moreover, not only during this inactive change in the direction of the long axis of the body, but changes of direc- 284 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. tion during active swimming involve a constant exhibition of cor- responding changes of contour ; the constriction of the posterior abdominal region occurs when the swimming motion is upward (Fig. 10, a], the prominent bulging when the motion is down- ward. Further, a sudden change from a downward to an upward direction is preceded by an exaggerated constriction of the pos- terior part of the cavity, an act which conspicuously involves the sudden vigorous inpulling of the ypsiloid region. Evidently there is in operation some mechanism for controlling tlie direction of tJie body, ivhet/icr at rest or in motion, through the control of the rela- tive buoyancy of anterior and posterior ends. C. The Hydrostatic Mechanism of Lunged Salamanders. Turning now to the anatomy of the ypsiloid region, the explanation of this hydrostatic mechanism becomes very simple. The contraction of the M. ypsiloideus posterior exerts a strong pull upon the whole ypsiloid cartilage. The origin and insertion of this muscle are, however, so nearly in the same plane as the fulcrum (the articulation of the ypsiloid cartilage with the pubis) that it seems at first a question as to whether the cartilage would be bent upward or downward (/. e., dorsally or ventrally) by the contraction of this muscle alone. It must be remembered, how- ever, that the muscle is inserted into the upper (dorsal) surface of the stem of the cartilage and also that the more strongly developed portion of the muscle has its origin in the lateral por- tion of the pubis, a region which owing to the convexity of the body is slightly higher (more dorsal) than the insertion of the muscle and the articulation of the cartilage. Moreover, outside of the whole apparatus there are muscular walls (external oblique and rectus abdominis) which would resist any tendency to bend the cartilage downward, and with origin and insertion on so nearly the same plane as the fulcrum it requires only a slight resistance of this sort to turn the scale. Other muscles, moreover, are attached to the ypsiloid cartilage and cooperate with the ypsi- loideus posterior to determine the direction of motion. The con- traction of the ypsiloid portion of the transversalis exerts a decided upward (dorsalward) pull upon the ypsiloid cartilage while the anterior ypsiloid muscle, pulling upon the arms of the cartilage THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 285 from the linea alba, at least lends a certain steadiness to the apparatus while at the same time it cooperates with the ypsi- loideus posterior and the ypsiloid portion of the transversalis to pull the arms strongly inward. Corroboration of the above explanation is furnished by those occasional specimens which happen to have been preserved with the ypsiloid muscles contracted. These cases show that the effect of the concerted contraction of the muscles associated with the ypsiloid cartilage is not only to bend the stem of the cartilage upward (dorsally) at its articulation with the pelvic girdle but to curve the flexible arms upward and inward (medially). Evidently the result of the contraction of the three pairs of muscles con- nected with the ypsiloid cartilage is a decided constriction of the posterior region of the abdomen and a consequent compression of the organs contained within^ it. To understand in what way this action of the ypsiloid appa- ratus controls the relative buoyancy of the anterior and posterior regions of the body, the shape and position of the lungs must be considered. The lungs of Dicinyctylns are exceedingly simple structures, mere sacs with no trace of the usual amphibian con- dition in which the cavity is subdivided by partial partitions. It seems impossible, in fact, that such very simple structures with so small a supply of blood can justify their existence merely as respiratory organs. In shape, also, the lungs of Dicinyctylns are peculiar. Narrow anteriorly, they widen gradually and round off quite abruptly at the posterior end. The whole form is most adequately described, perhaps, as club-shaped. The statement often given as to the size of the lungs (viz., one third to one half of the length of the body cavity) I find quite incorrect when the observations are made upon freshly killed specimens. If the lungs of such a specimen be inflated through the glottis not even sufficiently to float the body in water (and therefore not unduly), subsequent dissection shows that the lungs extend the entire length of the body cavity so that their rounded, bulging, free ends lie on either side in the angle between the ilium and the vertebral column. It is thus easy to see the cause of the bulging of the lateral and ventral walls of the posterior part of the body cavity. 286 INEZ L. VVH1PPLE. Moreover, it is also evident that with the lungs inflated and with no muscular constriction of this posterior region this portion of the body will possess greater relative buoyancy than the anterior portion, or in other words the long axis of the body will assume its ordinary position with the anterior end slanting downward. As soon, however, as the ypsiloid apparatus is brought into action, the resulting pressure upon the posterior abdominal organs becomes exerted upon the clavate ends of the lungs thus forcing the air in them forward. The effect is to immediately increase the buoyancy of the anterior region of the body and diminish that of the posterior region. On the other hand, when the muscles relax, the pressure of the air in the lungs, as well as the elasticity of all the parts con- cerned, causes the return of the air to the posterior region again and the bulging of the body wall in this region occurs as before. It seems probable that the superficial portion of the rectus abdominis which is attached to the ventral side of the ypsiloid cartilage (its fibers extending from the lateral arms to the stem and to the anterior margin of the pubis), may assist in straighten- ing the curved ypsiloid cartilage, since when the cartilage is in the bent condition these fibers lie upon its convex (ventral) side. Thus the ypsiloid cartilage and the muscles connected with it constitute, together with the lungs, the mechanism by means of which the relative buoyancy of anterior and posterior ends of the body may be controlled. One needs only to witness the constant use of this hydrostatic apparatus by Dicinyctylits to understand how completely the absolute ease of the animal under aquatic conditions is due to its power to control the direction of its body by means of the rapid adjustment of the relative buoyancy of anterior and posterior ends. The ypsiloid apparatus is thus of vital importance in the free-swimming aquatic life of a species which, like Diemyctylus, depends for its food supply upon its ease of movement in water at any depth. Opportunity has not been afforded me to study extensively the aquatic activities of lunged forms other than Diemyctylus. Seve- ral specimens of Ainblystoma punctatnui and Amblystoma opacum l have, however, been observed with regard to this point. Both 1 See p. 257 for statement with regard to the lungs of Amblystoma ofacimi. THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 287 of these species, although capable of much less perfect adjust- ment to aquatic life, resemble Diemyctylus in the fact that the lungs are used as hydrostatic organs. Almost the first act of an Amblystoma when it is placed in deep water is to swim to the top and take in the air sufficient to float the body. I have not ob- served an Amblystoma opacum to become sufficiently at home in the water to do more than to remain floating at the surface. Amblystoma punctatnm will, however, after a little while, appear quite at ease, crawling about the bottom, floating at the surface, or swimming around with much freedom. Although the greater thickness and breadth of the rectus abdominis of Amblystomas prevent the visible exhibition of the action of the ypsiloid region during aquatic life, changes of shape of the posterior lateral walls of the body are often observable. Upon one occasion a specimen of A. pnnctatnin was observed floating in a horizontal position at the surface of the water. Sud- denly there was a violent contraction of the posterior abdominal walls particularly noticeable in the lateral region, and immediately the position of the body became so nearly vertical that the head was sufficiently protruded from the water to make aerial respira- tion through the nostrils possible. This observation not only proved that the ypsiloid apparatus is functional in the control of the hydrostatics of Amblystoma punctatum, but it suggests the application of its action as a means for bringing the floating body into such a position that the respiration of air may occur. In the case of imperfectly aquatic forms this use of the mechanism might at times be extremely important. For example, Amblystoma opacum will frequently, if compelled to remain in the water, take this same almost vertical position at the surface with the nostrils out of the water and is thus able to breathe air. That the lungs of Amblystomas are of greater importance as respiratory organs than are those of Diemyctylus is evidenced by the fact that they are more complicated in structure and there- fore present a much larger respiratory surface. They are, how- ever, like the lungs of Diemyctylus, of sufficient length when moderately inflated to extend the entire length of the body cavity and would therefore lend themselves readily to the hydrostatic function in connection with the ypsiloid apparatus. 288 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. With regard to the relative importance of the lungs of sala- manders as respiratory and as hydrostatic organs, it is a signifi- cant fact that in no case have I found that a Diemyctylus or an Amblystomct which was out of the water and using its lungs normally in air-breathing, had sufficient air in the lungs to float the body when it was dropped into water. Almost the first act under these circumstances is to swim to the top and take in a quantity of air sufficient to float the body. This indicates plainly the secondary adaptation of the lungs as organs of buoyancy and it is easy to see how in the case of a species like Diemyctylus which has become thoroughly aquatic, the hydrostatic function might become of so much greater importance than the respira- tory as to account for the apparent degeneration of the lungs as respiratory organs which is indicated by their simplicity of struc- ture. Moreover, it is easy to understand how a mechanism such as the ypsiloid apparatus for controlling relative buoyancy of the anterior and posterior ends of the body, while useful to any lunged form for the longer or shorter periods during which it normally stays in the water, would become especially perfected in its action in the case of a thoroughly aquatic species. D. Negative Evidence Furnished by Litngless Salamanders. In corroboration of the above conclusions as to the function of the ypsiloid apparatus of lunged salamanders, we have the negative evidence furnished by the habits of lungless forms in which, with the single exception of Salamandrina perspicillata, the Cartilago ypsiloides is apparently lacking. These forms have, of course, no hydrostatic poxvers. They are thus, unlike the lunged salamanders, incapable of a comfort- able, free-swimming existence at any depth, but owing to lack •of hydrostatic organs they must remain for the larger part of the time at the bottom. As Camerano ('94, '96) has pointed out, although certain lungless species may be more or less aquatic, their activities, even when in the water, are terrestrial. Various species of Spelerpes, PletJiedon and DcsinognatJins, for example, will at first, when placed in an aquarium, swim to the surface, then around and around the edge of the aquarium, as if seeking a means of escape, but the instant that active swimming ceases, THE YPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 289 the body sinks clumsily and heavily to the bottom where they remain until disturbed, or until another effort is made to escape. Consistently with the lack of hydrostatic apparatus, lungless forms show on the whole, little power to adapt themselves to aquatic life. Most of them are terrestrial in habit, some of them as, for example, PlctJwdon cinerens and P. glutinosus, being found far from any water supply, while the arboreal Autodax furnishes an extreme illustration of total abandonment of aquatic life. Those species, which, like Desmognathus, live along the banks of small streams, apparently never seek deep water, nor do they remain long submerged in shallow water, but often are found lying with the body in the water and the head (or at least the nostrils) out.1 Lungless forms, moreover, exhibit less adaptation to aquatic life in their respiratory powers, since unlike the lunged forms there is practically no aquatic bucco-pharyngeal respiration. When the animal is submerged, the nostrils, which have been widely open during aerial bucco-pharyngeal respiration, close at once and, so far as I have been able to carry my observations, the nares remain closed as long as the animal is in the water. In a few cases I have observed occasional feeble movements of the floor of the mouth, which were undoubtedly attempts at bucco-pharyngeal respiration, but even then the external nares were closed and the water was both drawn in and expelled through the slightly opened mouth. Spelerpes ruber proved to be the most aquatic of all the lungless forms with which I experimented. One specimen lived for weeks at the bottom of the aquarium and was never observed to attempt to come to the surface except when disturbed. On the other hand, specimens of Desmognathus fnsca invariably escape from the water when not caged, while Plethodon glutinosus, Spelerpes guttoliiieatus and Spelerpes bilineatus make frantic attempts to do so, but since they do not possess the power to crawl up the surface of the dry glass as Desmognathus does, their efforts are unsuccessful. This aversion to aquatic life, is, however, apparently not due to an actual physiological need, for speci- mens of DesinognatJius fusca, Plethodon glutinosns and Spelerpes 1 See my article now in press on the "Naso-labial Groove of Lungless Sala- manders." 290 INEZ L. WHIFFLE. guttolineatus suffer no physiological inconvenience when com- pelled to remain under water as in the experiment described above in which they were confined in wire cages immersed in running water for a week or more without access to air. They invariably, however, as soon as released, swam to the surface of the water and tried to escape, thus showing a strong instinct to seek terrestrial conditions even though their physiological needs were satisfied. It cannot, therefore, be argued that the aversion to aquatic life is due to lack of lungs and correlated ypsiloid apparatus but rather that the long continued terrestrial habit has resulted in the loss of these structures. An aquatic lungless form like Spclerpes ruber must then be regarded as having sec- ondarily reacquired its aquatic habits. Salamandrina, a lungless form which possesses an ypsiloid apparatus, is an interesting exception but by no means an em- barrassing one, since it belongs to a wholly different group of salamanders and thus represents a case of analogical resemblance. It might be expected a priori to show less divergence in structure from the lunged salamanders than do the members of the families Plethodontid(Z and Desmognathidce, since its departure from the habits of the rest of its own family, the Pleurodelidce, is presum- ably comparatively recent. Thus we find that it still possesses arytenoid cartilages and rudiments of lungs. Similarly the ypsi- loid apparatus persists, though Wiedersheim ('75) called attention to the fact that the cartilage is less strongly developed than in the case of Triton in which it usually undergoes more or less calcification. There are additional evidences in the condition of the muscles of the region (already described) that slight degen- eration of the apparatus has taken place. Of course a secondary adaptation to some other function might tend to preserve the apparatus, but as I have not yet had the op- portunity to observe the living Salamandrina I can make no statement as to the probabilities of such secondary adaptation. E. The Hydrostatic Functions of Perennibranches and Derotremes. The following table expresses briefly the conditions of lower Urodeles with reference to the possession of lungs and ypsiloid THE VPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 291 apparatus, together with a general description of body form and habits : l Name. Lungs. Ypsiloid Appa-atus. Form of Body. Habits. Net turns. Present. Wholly lacking. Short and broad with compressed tail. Lives largely on bottom. Floats only under abnor- mal conditions, i. e., when water becomes foul. Proteus. Present. Cartilage lacking; facts concerning musculature un- known. Slender with com- pressed tail. Facts unknown. Siren. Present. Wholly lacking. Slender and eel- like. Burrows and swims. Typhlo- molge.'2 Lacking. Cartilage lacking ; facts concerning musculature un- known. Slender. Crawls about at bottom. Axulotl. Present. Present. Short and broad ; tail compressed. Swims. Crypto- branchus. Present. Present. Short and broad ; tail compressed. Swims; is said to come frequently to the surface for air. Amp hi- ii in a. Present. Wholly lacking. Slender and eel- like. Burrows, swims with great ease and comes fre- quently to the sur- face for air. A comparison of the facts given in this tabulated form shows that the following classifications may be made : 1. Forms with lungs and ypsiloid apparatus — Axolotl, Cryp- tobranchus. 2. Forms with lungs but without an ypsiloid apparatus - Siren, Nee turns, Proteus, Amphiuma. 3. Forms with neither lungs nor ypsiloid apparatus- - Typh- lomrtge. Of the first group it may be said that since Axolotl is a larval form of a salamander which has lungs and an ypsiloid apparatus, its condition is exactly what one would expect to find 1 The statement of facts relating to thi habits of these forms is the result of my own observation only in the case of Necturus and Amphiuma. In other cases the in- formation has been derived from various scientific works. 2 Miss Emerson (1905) has shown valid reasons for regarding Typhlomolge the permanent larval form of one of the Plethodontidtz. INEZ L. WHIFFLE. from the facts already given as to the development of the ypsi- loid apparatus in other Amblystoma larvae. Moreover, the lungs are doubtless functional as hydrostatic organs and the ypsiloid apparatus probably serves its usual purpose in controlling this function. I have not had the opportunity to observe the habits of Cryp- tobranchns. From the descriptions which have been given of its habits, however, one can readily believe that its lungs and ypsi- loid apparatus are important, functionally, as hydrostatic organs. The large size of the ypsiloid cartilage and the well developed state of its muscles is, in itself, an indication of its functional value. Moreover, the body is relatively short and the three pos- terior somites of the trunk, that is, the region .which would be constricted by the action of the ypsiloid apparatus, form a suffi- ciently large proportion of the entire length of the body to render such constriction effective. With regard to the second group two general types of body form may be observed - - the short, stout, heavy body of Nec- tnrus, and the eel-like form such as Amphiuma and Siren. Cam- erano ('96), has expressed his belief that in all these forms the lungs have an important hydrostatic function. My own obser- vations of the living animals have been confined to Necturus and Amphiuma. The former I have never observed to float except upon one or two occasions when the water has become very foul. Under ordinary conditions the Nectnnis in captivity stays at the bottom of the aquarium, often hiding in crevices between rocks. Occasionally, especially if much disturbed, it will swirn to the surface and take in air through the mouth by a gulping motion. This is usually followed by an immediate escape of air through mouth and gill-slits as the animal sinks slowly to the bottom. Undoubtedly the natural habitat of Nectnnis is at the bottom ; it has, therefore, no use for an apparatus controlling the hydrostatic function of the lungs. Moreover the total lack of all traces of an ypsiloid apparatus indicates at once that the species has not descended from one with such an apparatus, since the muscular vestiges in wholly lungless forms show how very slowly the degeneration of such an apparatus occurs. Neither can we believe that the Nectnnis is a permanent larval THE YPS1LO1D APPARATUS OF URODELES. 293 form of a lunged salamander, since such a larval form would cer- tainly show traces of an ypsiloid apparatus. In this connection it may be noted that H. H. Wilder in a footnote to Miss Emer- son's recent work on Typldomoge (1905) stated that Kingsbury's (1905) suggestion that Nectums maybe a permanent larva of one of the Plethoiiontidte is untenable, since all of the Pleth&dontidce are lungless. It now seems that in view of its lack of ypsiloid apparatus, Nectums is ruled out of all possible claim as a sala- mander larva. My observations of Ainphiuma give evidence of greater hydro- static powers than in the case of Nectums. While this animal, like Nccturus, spends its time largely at the bottom of the aqua- rium, burrowing if the mud. is sufficiently soft, it occasionally comes to the surface of the water to breath air. To accomplish this, the tip of the snout is thrust out of the water, the body being sustained at the surface by its own active serpentine move- ments. Air is taken into the lungs by the process of pulmonary respiration already described for lunged salamanders. As the air enters, the buoyancy of the body increases perceptibly, often until the body actually floats. I have seldom, however, observed a specimen to retain this buoyant condition for more than a few minutes. It will swim down, allowing bubbles of air to escape as it goes, until it rests with its usual stability upon the bottom. I have sometimes observed, however, during these few minutes, marked constrictions of anterior or posterior body regions with corresponding changes of buoyancy of these regions, such changes apparently aiding somewhat in directing the eel-like motion of the animal. From my own somewhat limited observations I should conclude, however, that the lungs of the Amphiuma sub- serve mainly the respiratory function although there is a possi- bility of use for hydrostatic purposes. In any case it is very evident that an ypsiloid apparatus affecting as it does, only two or three body somites, would be practically useless as an acces- sory hydrostatic apparatus in the case of an animal with a long eel-like body comprising a very large number of somites like that of Amphiuma. This fact would in itself account for the lack of such an apparatus in these slender, eel-like forms, Amphiuma3&& Siren. The lack of all vestige of both ypsiloid cartilage and 294 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. muscles does not however as in the case of Necturus preclude the possibility of descent by degeneration from some higher lunged form, since the entire pelvic region shows numerous signs of degeneracy. With regard to Typhlomolge, Miss Emerson (1905) has already shown conclusively the probability that this form is a permanent larva of a lungless salamander. Unfortunately I have not at hand the means for ascertaining whether in this form, as in the known Plethodontidte, vestiges of ypsiloid muscles occur, but Miss Emerson mentions the failure of the cartilage as one of the characteristics of Typhlomolge. My proof that the use of the ypsiloid cartilage is correlated with the hydrostatic function of the lungs, therefore merely strengthens Miss Emerson's argument that Typhlomolge is the larva of a lungless form. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. Harris H. Wilder for much practical assistance in the preparation of this paper. SUMMARY. 1. The ypsiloid apparatus is, with the exception of Crypto- branchus, confined to the suborder Salamandrida. It has arisen in response to the physical need of controlling the direction of the body in water through the adjustment of the relative buoyancy of the anterior and posterior ends. Its function is therefore closely correlated with the hydrostatic function of the lungs. 2. In origin the ypsiloid cartilage is independent of the pelvic girdle. Its stem arises as a chondrification of the linea alba of o the somite immediately anterior to the pelvic girdle. The arms are more complex in origin since the process of chondrification involves not only the myocomma anterior to the above named somite but also the outer edge of the aponeurosis of the trans- versalis muscle. The Cartilage ypsiloides is therefore not homologous either with the Proccssns epipubicits of the lower Urodelcs or with the marsupial bones of certain mammals. 3. In the Plctliodontidce and Desmognathidce, in which the lungs have wholly degenerated, a correspondingly complete degeneration of the ypsiloid cartilage has occurred, although THE VPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 295 vestiges of the ypsiloid musculature remain to indicate the former possession of the apparatus. 4. This interpretation of the function of the ypsiloid apparatus throws some light upon the systematic position of certain of the lower Urodclcs. The more obvious conclusions are : a. That forms with lungs but without vestiges of an ypsiloid apparatus, and with no evidence of degeneration in the pelvic region (e. g., Ncctunts) are neither degenerate forms, nor perma- nent larvae of any of the Salamandrida. b. That the absence of the ypsiloid cartilage considered in con- nection with the absence of lungs in the case of Typhlomolge is in full accord with the conclusion [Emerson, 1905] that TypJilo- tnolge is the permanent larva of some lungless salamander. c. That the presence of a functional ypsiloid apparatus in Cryptobranchus indicates that Cryptobranchus lies near the line of descent of the Salamandrida. SMITH COLLEGE, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. February 1 , 1906. POSTSCRIPT. Since the above article was written, a paper on the Anatomy of Cryptobranchus allegheniensis by Reese has appeared in the American Naturalist, Vol. XL., No. 472. In this article the following statement is made : " Anteriorly the pubis is prolonged into a long, cartilaginous epipiibis, which, instead of being forked as in the Japanese sala- mander and some other Amphibia, is a straight rod, slightly broadened and flattened at its distal end and somewhat enlarged, both laterally and dorso-ventrally at its attached end. The union of the pubis and epipubis is a close one, but allows considerable freedom of motion." The results of my own dissections (p. 264) are so completely at variance with this description of Reese's that I can but feel that he was mistaken in the form and character of the part in question. I have, however, based my description upon three specimens only, and it is possible that we have here to do with a case of marked individual differences ; but that all of my speci- mens should have the typical Y-form, while all of Reese's were rod-shaped, does not seem probable. I. L. W. 296 INEZ L. WHIPPLE. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Barrows, Anne Ide. 'oo Respiration of Desmognathus. Anat. Anz. , Bd. 15, Nos. 18, 19. Baur, G. '91 The pelvis of the Testudinata ; with notes on the evolution of the pelvis in general. Jour, of Morph., Vol. 4. Bruner, H. L. '96 Ein neuer Muskelapparat zum Schliessen und Offnen der Nasenlocken bei der Salamandriden. Archiv. ftir Anat. u. Phisiol., Anat. Abteil. '01 The smooth facial muscles of Anura and Salamandrina. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. 19, Hft. 3. Carlsson, Albertina. '03 Beitrage zur Anatomic der Marsupial region bei den Beuteltieren. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. 18. Camerano, L. '94 Ricerche anatomo-fisiologiche intorno ai Salamandridi normalmente apneu- moni. Libraio della R. accad. della Scienzi. Torino. '96 Nuove ricerche intorno ai Salamandridi normalmente apneumoni, e intorno alia respirazione negli Amfibi Urodeli, Libraio della R. accad. della Scienzi. Torino. Duges, Anton. '55 Recherches sur 1'osteologie et la myologie des Batraciens a leurs differents ages. 4to. Paris. Emerson, Ellen T. '05 General Anatomy of Typhlomolge rathbuni. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Feb., 1905. Gadow, H. '01 Amphibia and Reptiles, MacMillan. London. (In Cambridge Nat. Hist. Series. ) Gage, S. H ., and S. P. '86a Combined aerial and aquatic respiration. Science, Vol. 7, No. 16 . '86b Pharyngeal respiratory movements of adult Amphibia under water. Science, Vol. 7, No. 169. '86C Aquatic respiration in soft-shelled turtles ; a contribution to the physiology of respiration in Vertebrates. Amer. Nat., Vol. 20, March, 1886. Gage, S H. '91 Life History of the Vermilion-spotted Newt; Diemyctylus viridescens. Raf. Amer. Nat., Vol. 25, Dec., 1891. Hay, 0. P. '89 Notes on the habits of some Amblystomas. Amer. Nat., Vol. 23. Hoffmann, C. K. '73~'?8 Amphibien ; in Bronn's Klassen und Ordungen des Tierreiches. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Hyrtl, J. '65 Cryptobranchus Japonicus ; schediasma anatomicum. 410, Vindobonre. Kingsbury, B. F. '05 The rank of Necturus among tailed Batrachia. Biol. Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2. Lonnberg, E. '96 Notes on tailed Batrachians without lungs. Zool. Anz., Bd. 19, No. 494 '99 Salamanders with and without lungs. Zool. Anz., Bd. 22, No. 604. THE VPSILOID APPARATUS OF URODELES. 297 * Maurer, F. 'gi Der Aufbau nnd die Entwickelung der ventralen Rumpfmuskulatur der uro- delen Amphibien und deren Beziehung zu den gleichen Muskeln der Selachier und Teleostier. Morph. Jahrb. , Bd. 18. '94 Die ventrale Rumpfmuskulatur der anuren Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. 22. '99 Die Rumpfmuskulatur der Wirbeltiere und die Phylogenese der Muskelfaser. Anat. Ergeben., Bd. 9. Oppel, A. '99 Athmungs-Apparat. Anat. Ergeben., Bd. 9. Ritter, Wm. E., and Miller, L. H. '99 A contribution to the life-history of Audorax lugubris Hallow, a Californian Salamander. Amer. Nat., Vol. 33, Sept., 1899. Ritter, Wm. E. '03 Further notes on the habits of Autodax lugubris. Amer. Nat., Vol. 37, Dec., 1903. Wiedersheim, R. '75 Salamandrina perspicillata und Geotriton fuscus ; versuch einer vergl. Anab. der Salamandrinen mit besond. Berucksichtegung der Skelet-verhaltnisse. Small 410, Genua. '88 Zur Urgeschichte des Beckens Berichte der naturforsch. Gesellsch. zur Frei- burg, i. B., Bd. 4. '89 Ueber die Entwicklung des Schulter und Beckengiirtels. Anat. Anz., Bd. 4, No. 14. 'go Weitere Mittheilungen uber die Entvvicklungsgeschichte des Schulter und Beckengiirtels. Anat. Anz., Bd. 5, No. I. '92 Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wirbelthiere. Jena. '92 Die Phylogenie der Beutelknochen. Zeitschr. f. wissen. Zool., Bd. L., 3, Suppl. Wilder, B. G. '82 The habits of Cryptobranchus. Amer. Nat., Vol. 16. Wilder, H. H. '94 Lungenlosen Salamandriden. Anat. Anz., Bd. 9, No. 7- '94 Lungless Salamanders : second paper. Anat., Bd. 12, No. 7. THE OSMOTIC RELATIONS BETWEEN FISHES AND THEIR SURROUNDING MEDIUM (PRELIMI- NARY NOTE).1 FRANCIS B. SUMNER. The effects upon fishes of changes in the density and salinity of the surrounding medium involve numerous problems of great physiological importance. Why is an extreme change of density so fatal in some cases and so harmless in others ? And is it the change of density which is responsible for the harmful effects after all ? May not salt water be toxic in a narrower sense to fresh-water fishes and vice versa? In any case, what is the im- mediate cause of death ? Are the limiting membranes of a fish permeable to both water and salts, or are they only semi-perme- able ? Or are they perhaps impermeable to both ? And are all of the limiting membranes alike in this regard ? Likewise is their condition the same for all species and under all circum- stances ? These are closely related questions. They have re- ceived many and quite contradictory answers. It is hoped that the experiments here discussed have contributed something toward their solution. The first of these experiments were chiefly concerned in deter- mining whether a given change in water density was harmful to a given species of fish, records being kept of the rate of death. In a second series, weight determinations were made with a view to ascertaining whether such changes in the density of the sur- rounding medium were accompanied by appreciable osmotic effects upon the fishes. Third, it was sought to discover whether the membranes were permeable to water only or to salts as well. The passage of salts from the fishes into the surrounding water was tested chemically, and likewise the salt content of the tissues of fishes of several species under different conditions was deter- mined. Finally a series of experiments was performed with a view to discovering whether such osmotic changes were confined 1 A more complete account of these experiments is in course of publication by the Bureau of Fisheries and will, before long, appear in the Bulletin of that bureau. 298 FISHES AND THEIR SURROUNDING MEDIUM. 299 to the gills or whether the general integument of the body were likewise concerned. Altogether the results of about 1 50 experiments have been taken into consideration in arriving at the conclusions here pre- sented. These experiments were carried on during the summers of 1904 and 1905 at the biological laboratory of the Bureau of Fisheries at Woods Hole, Mass., and during the spring of 1905 at the New York Aquarium. Acknowledgments are due to the officials of the Bureau of Fisheries for facilitating the prog- ress of this work ; and to the director of the New York Aqua- rium, Mr. Chas. H. Townsend, who placed at my disposal a room equipped for research, and provided me with abundant material throughout. My thanks are likewise due to Prof. W. C. Sabine, of the department of physics of Harvard University, for valuable criticism, and to Mr. D. W. Davis, assistant at the Fish- eries Laboratory, for help during the earlier portion of the work. Full details of these experiments, including the methods em- ployed, and the precautions taken, must be deferred to the more extended paper which will soon appear. In the meantime, the principal results may be summarized as follows : i . Certain brackish and salt-water fishes were unable to survive even a gradual transfer to pure fresh zvater, though enduring an abrupt transfer to water of a very lotv degree of salinity. Tints fresh vvater, as suc/i, proved fatal to these fis/ies, the degree of ab- ruptness of t/ie change being of secondary importance. These conclusions are drawn from experiments upon the three local species of killifishes (Fundulus lieteroclitus, majalis and dia- pJianus}, together with the allied species, Cyprinodon variegatus ; likewise the white perch (Morons americana), cunner (Tantogo- labnts adspersns), tautog (Tantoga onitis), sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus}, and winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes ameri- camis^. The death of a varying (often a large) proportion of specimens of F. diaphamts, when transferred from mildly brackish (sp. gr. 1.002—1.006) to pure fresh water was certainly unex- pected, since this species in nature is not confined to brackish waters, but is indigenous to lakes and streams far from the coast. F. heteroclitus, likewise, is known to occur at times in fresh water ; but the writer has found (contra Garrey J) that in nearly every 1 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Mar., 1905. 3OO FRANCIS B. SUMNER. experiment the entire lot died throughout a period of from less than a day to several weeks. In addition to a simple reversal of the normal medium (salt- water fishes in fresh water and vice versa*) experiments were con- ducted upon acclimatization, which was found to retard, but not to prevent, the fatal effects of fresh water ; likewise with ^Mater of a very low degree of salinity, which gave some of the most strik- ing results to be recorded ; with fresh and salt ivater in alterna- tion, in which case the fatal effects of the former were diminished or annulled ; and with distilled water, which soon proved fatal to F. lietcroclitus (the only species used). Surface abrasions (exten- sive removal of scales) hastened the death of F. heteroclitus in fresh water, but only exceptionally led to the death . of fishes returned to full-strength sea water (again, contra Garrey) \ and wrought no harm to fishes placed in very dilute brackish water (three to four per cent, sea water), despite the fact that the latter was without doubt strongly hypotonic to the fish. 2. Considerable changes of weight ivere found to result, in many cases, from changes in the salinity (Jicncc the osmotic pressure) of the surrounding medium. The weighing operations were conducted with the following species : Fundulus heteroclitns, F. majalis, F. diaplianus, Myoxo- ceplialus octodecimspinosus, Microgadus tomcod, Pseudoplenronectes americanus, Stenotomus clirysops, Ameiurus nebulosus, Lcuciscus erytliropJitlialmus, Morone americana and OncorJiyncJius tsc/unvyt- scha. During these experiments, the fishes were kept unfed, and it is needless to add that abundant control experiments were per- formed in order to determine the normal rate of loss through waste. The changes of weight following changes in the density of the surrounding medium were frequently surprisingly great, at times as much as five per cent, or more in a single day. In many cases, moreover, they were not accompanied by any apparent harmful effect upon the fishes. With a very few exceptions, the changes were such as to indicate that they were the result of osmotic action. Thus, as a rule, the fishes gained in weight only in solutions known to be decidedly hypotonic to their body fluids, while with few exceptions a significant decrease only occurred in 1 Op. df. FISHES AND THEIR SURROUNDING MEDIUM. 301 those cases in which they were transferred from a hypotonic or isotonic medium to one which was strongly hypertonic. Nega- tive results were indeed encountered at times, but very few which could be regarded as contradictory. Extensive surface abrasions did not facilitate the influx or efflux of water. The changes of weight in dead fishes were such as to show that factors other than osmosis were concerned. Dead fishes of most of the species used were found to gain in weight in water of any degree of salinity up to the strength of normal sea water. 3 . Considerable changes in the salt [chlorine] content of the body were likewise found to result, in many cases, from changes in the salinity of the water. The problem here involved was attacked from both sides. In the first place, the passage of salts (strictly speaking, of chlorides) * into fresh water from fishes taken from salt or brackish water was tested chemically. In the second place, the salt content of the tissues of various fishes which had lived in water of various de- grees of salinity was likewise determined.2 It was found that the results from these two methods presented some striking points of agreement, though the latter proved, on the whole, to be much more satisfactory. These changes in the chlorine content of the body were frequently astonishing in their magnitude. F. Jietero- clitus by both methods was found to part with about twenty-five per cent, of its chlorine in the course of a single day. The loss of chlorides from the body was, however, found to occur at a steadily diminishing rate. The following table indicates the percentages of chlorine found in specimens of F. diafhanns from brackish water (thejr habitat locally) and in those kept for varying periods in fresh and in salt water. The series is certainly suggestive. in days (8 fishes employed) 0.085 3 days (4 fishes employed) o. 108 I day (4 fishes employed) O.II2 1 Mohr's silver nitrate titration method was here employed. The gain or loss in the proportion of chlorine was held to be indicative of the behavior of the various saline ingredients of sea water. 2 It is needless to state that all fishes used in these two series of tests were previ- ously thoroughly rinsed in fresh water. 3O2 FRANCIS B. SUMNER. Brackish water (sp. gr., 1.002) (5 lots of 4 fishes each), 0.134 [or 0.142]' 5 days (2 fishes employed) °-I43 Salt water (1.023) i | 10 days (3 fishes employed) 0.151 It will be seen that the last of these figures is about 78 per cent, greater than the first ! And yet the fishes were all alive and apparently well at the time they were killed for analysis. It will be likewise seen that whichever figure be regarded as the more correct one for the brackish-water fishes, the latter agree much more closely with the salt-water than with the fresh-water individuals (the comparison being of course between the extreme members of the series). It must be added in strict fairness, how- ever, that in two different tests fishes kept for only one day in sea- water gave a much higher percentage of chlorine than those kept for five or ten days. For this apparent anomaly I believe that a satisfactory explanation can be given, but this has been deferred to my longer work. A series of figures somewhat similar to the above was obtained from experiments with the white perch. Experiments with both F. lictcroclitus and F. majalis agreed in showing a great difference between the effects upon the chlorine content of the body of pure fresh water and water having a certain small percentage of salt. This difference is extremely significant in view of the difference, already mentioned, in their effects upon the life of the fishes. Moreover, it was further found that the average percentage of chlorine contained in the salt-water fishes analyzed was of the same order of magnitude as that of water containing just enough salt to maintain the fishes in health. That such water could not have been even approximately isotonic with the body fluids of these fishes seems evident from the cryoscopic determinations of other investigators. 4. Careful control experiments excluded the possibility that the water or sails entered or passed from the body through the alimen- tary canal, leaving as t/ie only probable alternative an osmotic exchange through one or more of the external membranes. The alimentary canal, and indeed the whole abdominal viscera, together with the washings from the body cavity, were found in 1 This second figure is the mean which results when one very questionable deter- mination is included. It is inserted for the sake of strict fairness. The other aver- ages are in each case derived from all of the fishes tested. FISHES AND THEIR SURROUNDING MEDIUM. 303 some cases to yield less chlorine than passed from the body of a living fish in the course of a few hours. Likewise those fishes whose bodies were analyzed gave approximately the same per- centages of chlorine whether or not the alimentary canal was included in the analysis. It must be remembered also that the fishes employed in these experiments had, in all cases, been kept unfed for some days previously. 5. In certain fishes, at least, it was found that the membranes cJiicfly concerned in such exchanges were those of the gills. In the case of certain specimens, salt water was passed through the gills by means of a rubber tube placed in the mouth, the body being bathed with fresh water ; while in others the arrangement was reversed, the gills receiving fresh water and the general in- tegument salt. In six experiments with the carp it was found that a considerable loss of weight occurred in all of those cases in which the former conditions obtained, while the weight re- mained practically stationary in those cases in which the condi- tions were reversed. A complete historical review of previous researches in this field of physiology would be beyond the scope of the present paper. The investigations of Fredericq,1 Bottazzi,2 Rodier,3 Garrey4 and Greene 5 agree in showing that the blood of marine teleosts is far from being isotonic with the surrounding sea-water, but that it has an osmotic pressure which is roughly about one half that of the latter. But it has likewise been shown (Fredericq, Greene, op. cit.} that the osmotic pressure of the blood of salt-water teleosts is considerably higher than that of fresh-water ones, though this fact has been almost lost sight of in the zeal to prove that the internal medium is not isotonic with the external, and that its osmotic pressure is relatively constant. Indeed it does not seem to have been generally appreciated that there is a certain corre- lation between the inner and outer fluids, both as regards osmotic pressure and salt content ; and certain authors have been free to state that the membranes of teleost fishes form an effective barrier against osmotic changes. Fredericq makes this assertion 1 Archives de Biologic, 1904. 3 Cited by Fredericq, 1904. 2 Archives italiennes de Biologic, 1897. 4 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 1905. 5 Bulletin U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, 1905. 304 FRANCIS B. SUMNER. broadly, while Garrey says of Fiinduhis heteroclitus : "The in- tegument and gills are therefore impermeable." Garrey is cautious enough, however, not to postulate an absolute imperme- ability, either for Fundulus or for teleosts in general. Greene, though he finds that the osmotic pressure of the blood of the Pacific salmon undergoes a decrease of about 17 J^ per cent, when the fish ascends a river to spawn, is nevertheless doubtful whether osmotic exchanges with the surrounding water are re- sponsible for this decrease. In view of my own experiments, however, we are certainly not justified in concluding from the absence of osmotic equi- librium between the fish and its environment that no osmotic interchanges normally occur. On the contrary, abundant experi- ments seem to prove that both water and salts may, under certain conditions, be transmitted in either direction without any harm resulting to the fish. These conditions seem impossible to state in advance for a given case. In general we may say that : 1 . Measurable changes in weight result only from considerable changes in the surrounding water, but — 2. Not all such changes of density suffice to produce changes of weight, even w/ien the fish is transferred to a medium uhich is knoivn to be strongly Jiypertonic or hypotonic to its own body fluids. 3. Changes in the salinity of the water may or may not result in changes in the salt content of the body. 4. Changes in tJie bodily salt content may or may not be accom- panied by changes in ivcig/it. 5. Neither the changes in zveight nor in salt content are at all proportional to the changes in the density of the external medium. It ivould appear that there is normally a tendency on the part of the fish to resist osmotic changes and to maintain the fluids of the body at a definite degree of concentration. Under various con- ditions, however, this resistance is overcome and a certain degree of permeability is established. This is generally a differential per- meability, resulting in osmosis and consequent changes of weight. In such cases, /lozcevcr, the membranes are not strictly semiperme- able, but transmit salts in some measure. Indeed it ivould seem that at times the permeability is indiscriminate, in which case the salts may diffuse freely, but no changes in weight occur. These various FISHES AND THEIR SURROUNDING MEDIUM. 305 changes continue until a new level of stability is established, after ivhich the normal resisting power of the fish reasserts itself and no further alteration occurs as long as the medium is constant. Complete osmotic equilibrium between the fish and the rvater is probably never attained except in waters having roughly a medium degree of sa- linity. The osmotic pressure of the " internal medium" fluctuates within a much narrower range than that of tJie " external medium.'" The foregoing conclusions are intended to apply only to nor- mal fishes. It seems certain that the enfeeblement of the fish may result in an increased permeability of the membranes, which, in turn, would doubtless result in a further enfeeblement of the fish. The death of those fishes which cannot withstand transfer to a medium very different from that to which they are accustomed is thus probably in part a cause and in part an effect of these changes. Death is accompanied (perhaps in some cases caused) by a giving way in the power to resist an abnormal de- gree of osmotic exchange. The body becomes water-soaked (if in fresh water) or dehydrated (if in salt). The difference be- tween the more hardy and the more delicate species in this re- gard seems to lie partly in the resisting power of the limiting membranes (chiefly those of the gills) ; partly, also, in internal differences, such as composition of blood, etc., which determine whether or not a given influx or efflux of water or salts shall prove fatal. The actual cause of death following a change in the salinity of the water seems to differ in different cases. With those fishes which succumb rapidly with but a slight change of weight (e. g.t scup), it is unlikely that any appreciable alteration occurs in the tissues at large. Such changes are probably confined to the blood, perhaps, as Bert ! held, to that in the gill capillaries, in which case death may result from asphyxiation (Bert,2 Mosso 3). In those cases, on the contrary, where the fatal effects are not manifested for some days, it seems likely that the manner of death is different. In the case of P. heteroclitns, it was found in most instances that the eudosmotic flow of water had ceased, and that a secondary decrease in weight had ensued, within one 1 Comptes Rendus de V Academie des Sciences, 1871, 1883. 2 Of. cit. 3 Biologisches Centralblatt, 1890. 306 FRANCIS B. SUMNER. or two days after transfer to fresh water. On the other hand, it will be remembered that fishes of this species commonly did not die for a considerable number of days, while many survived for a week and some even for several weeks. Again, it will be recalled that the fatal effects of fresh water upon this and some other species were nullified by the admixture of a very small percentage of salt water. Analyses showed that in this latter case there was little or no decrease in the salt content of the body. A rough approximation was pointed out between the per- centage of salts in this faintly saline water and that in the fishes themselves. All of these facts point to the conclusion that one factor in t/ie deatli of salt-water fishes in fresh water is the extraction from their tissues of an amount of salts sufficient to reduce the per- centage below a certain necessary minimum. If the question be asked : Why are not fresh-water fishes thus affected in their own medium ? it is replied that their mem- branes have been adapted to resisting such an extraction of salts. It is perhaps also true that the irreducible minimum of salts in these species is lower than in the case of salt-water ones. In any case, the percentage actually present is, on the average, less (Atwater,1 Katz,2 Quinton3 and several others). Whether or not salt water ever has a toxic effect, in the nar- rower sense, upon fresh-water fishes cannot be stated definitely. Bert denied that such was the case, but he is not entirely con- sistent in this position. In view of the fatal effects upon salt- water fishes of some of the individual components of sea salt, when taken separately (Loeb,4 Siedlecki 5), it seems quite possi- ble that sea-water may act as a poison to fresh-water organisms, independently of any osmotic effects. Indeed both of the last- named writers have shown that it is the chemical nature of the solutions used rather than their osmotic pressures which deter- mines, in many cases, whether or not they shall prove fatal. COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, March 2J, 1906. 1 Report U. S. Com. Fish and Fisheries for 1888 (1891). 2 Archiv filr die gesammte Physiologie, 1896. 3" L'eau de mer, milieu organique," Paris, 1904. 4 American Journal of Physiology, 1900. 5 Comptes Rendus de r Academic des Sciences, 1903, ^ o f* r~" i c*i r~ 3 J J J i U 0