Volume 192 THE Number 1 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN FEBRUARY, 1997 Published by the Marine Biological Laboratory Charles Baker Metz As this issue of The Biological Bulletin went to press, we learned that Editorial Board Member and former Editor Charles B. Metz had passed away on 14 January 1997, in Homestead, Florida. He was 80 years old. Biological Bulletin Publications http://www.mbl.edu/BiologicalBulletin/ The home page for the electronic companion to The Biological Bulletin — the Marine Models Electronic Record — and other Biological Bulletin publications is available on the World Wide Web at the address shown above. WAR 47997 THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Associate Editors Louis E. BURNETT, Grice Marine Biological Laboratory. College of Charleston WILLIAM D. COHEN, Hunter College. City University of New York CHARLES D. DERBY, Georgia State University DAVID EPEL, Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University Editorial Board PETER B. ARMSTRONG, University of California. Davis MARGARET McFALL-NOAi, Kewalo Marine Labora- tory. University of Hawaii THOMAS H. DIETZ, Louisiana State University TATSUO MOTOKAWA, Tokyo Institute of Technology RICHARD B. EMLET, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon K. RANGA RAO. University of West Florida DAPHNE GAIL FAUTIN, University of Kansas BARUCH RINKEVICH. Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd. WILLIAM F. GILLY. Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University RICHARD STRATHM ANN, Friday Harbor Laboratories. University of Washington ROGER T. HANLON. Marine Biological Laboratory STEVEN VOGEL, Duke University MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, Hiroshima Pretectural Uni- versity J. HERBERT WAITE. University of Delaware MICHAEL LABARBERA, University of Chicago SARAH ANN WOODIN, University of South Carolina DONAL T. MANAHAN, University of Southern California RICHARD K. ZlMMER-FAUST, University of California, Los Angeles Editor: MICHAEL J. GREENBERG, The Whitney Laboratory, University of Florida Managing Editor. PAMELA L. CLAPP. Marine Biological Laboratory FEBRUARY, 1997 Printed and Issued by LANCASTER PRESS, Inc. 3575 HEMPLAND ROAD LANCASTER, PA THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN is published six times a year by the Marine Biological Laboratory, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Subscriptions and similar matter should be addressed to Subscription Manager, THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Marine Biological Laboratory. 7 MBL Street. Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. For 1997. a lower rate is available to individual subscribers (as distinguished from libraries and institutions). Single numbers: $40 for libraries; $20 for individuals. Subscription per volume (three issues): $97.50 for libraries; $50 for individuals. Subscription per year (six issues, two volumes): $195 for libraries; $100 for individuals. Communications relative to manuscripts should be sent to Michael J. Greenberg, Editor-in-Chief, or Pamela L. Clapp, Managing Editor, at the Marine Biological Laboratory. 7 MBL Street. Woods Hole. Massachusetts 02543. Telephone: (508) 289-7428. FAX: 508-457-1924. E-mail: pclapp@mbl.edu. http://www.mbl.edu/BiologicalBulletin/ The home page for the electronic companion to THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN — the Marine Models Electronic Recitrd — and other BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN publications is available on the World Wide Web at the address shown above. THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN is indexed in bibliographic services including Index Median and MEDLINE. Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents, and CABS (Current Awarenen in Biological Sciences). Printed on acid tree paper, effective with Volume 1 80. Issue 1 . 1 99 1 . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Marine Biological Laboratory. 7 MBL Street. Woods Hole, MA 02543. Copyright © 1997, by the Marine Biological Laboratory Periodicals postage paid at Woods Hole. MA, and additional mailing offices. 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(February, 1997) Coelenterate Cnidae Capsules: Bisulfide Linkages Revealed by Silver Cytochemistry and Their Differential Responses to Thiol Reagents WALTER M. GOLDBERG AND GEORGE T. TAYLOR Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences. Florida International University. University Park. Miami. Florida 33199 Abstract. The sulfur cytochemistry of cnidae from the Portuguese man-of-war Physalia physalis. the scypho- zoan Cassiopeia xamachana. and the black coral Cirrhi- pathes luetkeni was evaluated on the basis of electron mi- croscopy. X-ray microanalysis, amino acid analysis, and response to disulfide reducing agents. The cnidae exam- ined included large and small holotrichous isorhizas in P. physalis, another small isorhiza in C. xamachana. and both spirocysts and microbasic mastigophore nemato- cysts in C. leutkeni. A strong reaction with methena- mine-silver reagent was characteristic of all cnidae cap- sules, but the pattern and extent of that argentophilia was dependent upon the type of cnida and its state of matu- rity. The large isorhizas of P. physalis reacted primarily in the outermost capsule layers, but in C. xamachana isorhizas, silver stained the entire capsule with the excep- tion of the outermost region. The small isorhizas of P. physalis and the mastigophore capsules of C. leutkeni stained throughout, whereas the spirocyst capsules were outlined by silver, clearly delineating the inner and outer layers. All of these reactions were abolished with alkyl- ation, but only after treatment with disulfide reducing agents; alkylation alone diminished silver staining only slightly, indicating that the argentophilic response was due primarily to disulfide linkages. The cystine content of these cnidae varied from 4. 1 to 4.7 mole percent for a given species, but amino acid analyses did not separate components of the cnidom. Cnidae, both within and among species, exhibited differential responses to the disulfide reducing agent di- thiothreitol (DTT). Isolated, unfixed, large isorhizas of Received IVJuly 1 996; accepted 16October 1996. P. physalis discharged and appeared to dissolve rapidly in the presence of this reagent, whereas small isorhizas from both P. physalis and C. xamachana discharged, but dissolved slowly if at all. The discharge and solution re- sponses of the capsule coincided with the complete de- velopment of the tubule. Cnidae containing an undevel- oped or partially developed tubule were resistant to DTT. displayed a weak capsular argentophilia, and con- tained background levels of sulfur; these results suggest that formation of disulfide linkages is one of the final steps in capsular maturation. In contrast, mature nema- tocyst and spirocyst capsules in C. leutkeni tentacles were resistant to DTT among other reagents, despite the pres- ence of disulfides. This suggests that other types of cova- lent, intermolecular linkages could play a prominent role in the development of capsular stability in this species. Introduction Coelenterate cnidae are among the most complex in- tracellular secretion products known (Gupta and Hall, 1 984). Each is composed of a double-walled capsule con- taining an inverted tubule. During eversion the tubule discharges explosively, completing the process within 3 ms, one of the fastest mechanical events known in the biological sciences (Holstein and Tardent, 1984). More than 30 types of cnidae have been described, and they are classified into three groups: nematocysts. spirocysts, and ptychocysts (e.g., Mariscal, 1974, 1984). Hydrozo- ans have the greatest variety of nematocysts, and scypho- zoans have the least, but only anthozoans produce all three types. Ptychocysts occur only in cerianthid anem- ones and are the most phylogenetically restricted of the cnidae. Spirocysts are also limited in their distribution. W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR occurring only in the tentacles of various anthozoans; but spirocysts are also quite common, often outnum- bering tentacular nematocysts (Mariscal and McLean, 1976; Goldberg and Taylor' 1989). Nematocysts in particular have been examined closely, yielding details of structure and function relationships. For example, upon discharge, the capsule must withstand internal pressures of up to 140 bar during eversion (Lub- bock and Amos, 1981; Tardent, 1988). a feat requiring enormous tensile strength. Recent work has shown that disulride-linked, woven mini-collagens composing the in- ternal wall of the nematocyst capsule (Kurz el at., 1991) may be the key structural element in the resistance of these cnidae to such pressures. The tensile strength de- rived from this capsule structure is estimated to be nearly as high as that of steel (Holstein et a/., 1994). The occurrence of disulfide-linked collagens in nema- tocysts was first established by Blanquet and Lenhoff (1966) after the suggestion by Brown (1950), and subse- quently by Yanagita and Wada (1954), that since coelen- terate cnidae are soluble in disulfide reducing agents, they might be composed of keratins. Hamon ( 195 5 (confirmed the earlier observations of disulfide linkages by demon- strating the presence of cystine histochemically. However, Blanquet and LenhofY clearly showed that cystine is re- sponsible for stabilizing collagenous proteins, the domi- nant components of the nematocyst capsule. They also showed that the cnidae at their disposal dissolved in a number of disulfide reducing agents including dithiothre- itol. sodium thioglycolate. and mercaptoethanol. Disulfide linkages have since been shown to be wide- spread in nematocyst capsules judging from amino acid composition (Fishman and Levy, 1967; Blanquet, 1988; Brand el at.. 1993) and X-ray microanalysis revealing the presence of sulfur (Mariscal. 1980, 1984. 1988). However, although the nematocysts from a variety of cnidarians dis- solve quickly in disulfide reducing agents as might be pre- dicted, some nematocysts and spirocysts appear to be re- sistant to such treatment (Mariscal and Lenhoff, 1969; Mariscal. 1971). Despite a number of subsequent chemi- cal studies (see review by Blanquet. 1988; Brand el a/., 1993). little progress has been made in answering the questions raised by Mariscal and LenhofTs original obser- vations. To this end, we have examined the chemistry of cnidae capsules in three coelenterates. each representing a class within the phylum. The sulfur cytochemistry of each type of cnida is confirmed by X-ray microanalysis and correlated with amino acid composition, degree of matu- rity, and response to disulfide reducing agents. Materials and Methods Microscopy Three species were collected for this study, including Physalia physalis Lamarck (Hydrozoa: Siphonophora) from various localities in southeast Florida; Cassiopeia \iinuichuna Bigelow (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomae) from several nearshore locations in the Florida Keys, and Cir- rhipathes luetkeni Brook (Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from a depth of 25 m off Hollywood, Florida. Nematocyst batteries separated from fixed tentacles of P. physalis, individual tentacles isolated from C. luetkeni polyps, and oral vesicles — the baglike, oval structures as- sociated with the oral arms (see Bigelow, 1900) — from C. xanuic/iana were dissected using iridectomy scissors under low-power microscopy. All of these cnidae-con- taining structures, referred to as tentacles or tentacular tissues, were prepared for transmission electron micros- copy (TEM) by fixation at room temperature for 2-4 h in an artificial seawater solution containing 2.5% glutar- aldehyde and 1.0% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 v\/cacodyl- ate buffer at pH 8.0. The tissue was then stored in 0. 1 M cacodylate buffer at 4°C. Post-fixation with osmium is incompatible with silver staining (e.g.. Hayat, 1993) and was omitted. Tentacular tissues were dehydrated through ethanols and embedded in Spurr resin. Thick sections examined in the light microscope were con- trasted with 0.1%. toluidine blue in 1% borax. For TEM we used a Philips EM 300 electron microscope operated at 60 kv. No contrast agents other than silver were em- ployed in transmission microscopy. Cnidae fixed as above were also examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Aldehyde fixation was fol- lowed by osmication using 1%. OsO4 in 0. 1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 8.0, for 1 h at room temperature. Dehydra- tion in ethanols was followed by critical point drying (CPD) with CO: as the transitional fluid, or by cryofrac- ture from 100°; ethanol in liquid nitrogen prior to CPD. Tentacles were then sputter-coated with Au-Pd and ex- amined in an ISI Super 3A scanning electron microscope operated at 10 or 15 kv. Silver staining for disulfide groups The methenamine-silver stain (Rambourg 1967; Locke and Krishnan, 1971) was employed for general electron contrast and sulfur cytochemistry. All reagents were made fresh daily using double-distilled, deionized (ddd) water, and all steps employed constant agitation on an orbital rotator. Fixed tentacular tissues were rinsed several times in ddd-water, then treated with 5% sodium metabisulfite for 10 min to block pre-existing aldehyde groups or those introduced by the fixative. After washing in three additional changes of ddd-water, tissues were immersed in methenamine-silver reagent and placed in closed 1.5-ml polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes in a 70°C oven for 30 min. After a brief ddd-water rinse, all tissues were treated with 5% sodium thiosulfate to re- move unreduced silver deposits, then rinsed with ddd- water again before dehydration and embedment. DISULFIDES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES Cytochemical control pr Before silver staining, additional aldehyde-fixed tenta- cles were treated with the disulfide reducing agent dithio- threitol ( = DTT, Cleland's reagent) 0.2 Al in 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 8.0 at 37°C for 90 min. Some sam- ples were stained with methenamine-silver and exam- ined without further treatment; others were treated with iodoacetic acid to alkylate naturally occurring sulfhydryl groups as well as those produced by disulfide reduction (alkylation blockade). Iodoacetic acid (0.1 Af) was pre- pared with 0.2 M boric acid in 50% jV-propanol accord- ing to the method of Swift ( 1 968). Because we used tissue rather than sections, the reaction time for this blockade was extended from 4 h at room temperature to 18h. Blockaded tissues were rinsed first with 20% 7V-propanol, then several times with ddd-water, and treated with me- thenamine-silver as above. Samples treated with io- doacetic acid alone prepared as above, or with the boric acid-propanol solvent alone, were also examined both with and without silver treatment, as were tissues treated with DTT alone. Parallel experiments employed alkaline 0.3 M thioglycolic acid prepared and used under the same conditions as DTT for disulfide reduction, and 0.1 MTV-ethyl maleimide prepared according to Kiernan (1990) to block sulfhydryl groups. These sequential con- trol treatments (disulfide reduction followed by alkyl bockade) will be referred to as post-reduction alkylation. Elemental composition Sections about 100-nm thick (dark gold interference color) from tissues treated with methenamine-silver were mounted on carbon-coated copper grids and examined in a Philips EM 300 transmission electron microscope operating at 100 kv. X-ray microanalysis employed a Link Analytical EDS system. The goniometer was tilted at 36° and counts were obtained using a spot size of 250 nm over an interval of 600 s real time. Count rates were 1 800-2500 cps; dead time varied from 20% to 25%. No fewer than four undischarged cnidae of each type (de- scribed below) were scanned, including two types of ne- matocysts from P. physalis tentacle, one from C. xama- c/iana, and both a nematocyst and a spirocyst from C. luctkeni. In all but C. luetkeni. the spot was moved every 50-60 s to another location on the same nematocyst cap- sule. In the latter species, the spot was moved every 30- 50 s and changed to a new cnida every 1 50 s due to the small size of the capsules. Thus each 600-s count for each type of cnida in C. luctkeni was a composite of four ne- matocysts and four spirocysts; four such 600-s counts were taken from a total of 16 cnidae in this species. X- ray spectra of Spurr resin (blank sections) served as a means of determining background. A composite peak showing maximum, minimum, and mean net counts was constructed for each type of cnida Isolation ol cnidae and amino acid analysis Freshly collected P. physalis tentacles, C. xamachana oral vesicles, and whole segments of C luetkeni colonies were allowed to autolyze in seawater at 4°C over a period of 2-7 days. Debris was removed by filtration through a coarse nylon mesh, and the filtrate was treated briefly with a sonicator probe to disperse the remaining ma- terial. Recovery of undischarged cnidae from P. physalis required an initial low-speed centrifugation (200 X g) for 4 h over concentrated sucrose (approxi- mately 2.5 Af). The sucrose layer was diluted and cnidae were concentrated by centrifugation, then resuspended in a small volume of 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 8.0. The crude, buffered autolysate was layered over 2.0 M sucrose and centrifuged at 10 X g for an additional 60 min, or allowed to settle at 4° overnight. A clean ne- matocyst preparation was obtained after repeating this process. The filtered C. xamachana autolysate was sepa- rated from debris by centrifigation into 1.25 AI sucrose for 1 h at 1000 X g. Cnidae in the sucrose layer were con- centrated, resuspended in cacodylate buffer, and briefly sonicated after addition of 1 yul ml'1 Triton X-100. The crude cnidae were filtered through a 10-/um nylon mesh, layered onto a discontinuous gradient of 1 .75, 2.0, 2.25, and 2.5 Af sucrose, and spun for 1 h with a swinging bucket rotor at 2000 X g. Cnidae were in the 2.25 and 2.5 M layers. This process was repeated 2-3 times. The C. luetkeni autolysate contained a considerable amount of mucus and was treated with 0.5%- cetylpyridinium chloride in addition to Triton X-100. The treatment and procedure was otherwise the same as for C. xamachana. Clean, isolated cnidae from each species were taken from buffer to distilled water and disrupted with a soni- cator probe. The fragments were recovered by brief cen- trifugation, rinsed with distilled water, then dehydrated in ethanols and oven-dried. Cnidae fragments yielding 1 -2 n& of protein were oxidized in 95% performic acid for 30 min to convert cystine into cysteic acid and were subsequently hydrolyzed by microwave digestion in 6 TV HC1 for 18 min under an atmosphere of nitrogen. Amino acids were derivitized with Edman's reagent (phenylisothiocyanate — see Heinrickson and Meredith, 1984) and quantitated by reverse-phase high-perfor- mance liquid chromatography at Florida State Univer- sity Analytical Laboratories, using a detection wave- length of 254 nm. Analyses of each species were per- formed in triplicate, with the cnidae of each replicate representing a single individual or colony. Effects of DTT. thioglycolic acid, and collagenase Isolated cnidae stored in 0. 1 Af cacodylate buffer were taken to distilled water. The effects of disulfide reduction W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR Q'm& , -. • « ,- • • --f>^^<: , ^^i.'^:m^^^w^^ ' •£--••- T^m^ii'^ Figures 1-7. Cnidae from Physalia physalis. D1SULFIDES IN CN1DAE CAPSULES were examined for 1 5 min after placing a 1 0-/ul drop con- taining several hundred cnidae on a slide, followed by 25 ftl of 0.2 A/ DTT or 0.3 M thioglycolic acid in 0.2 M bicarbonate buffer, pH 10.3 (Brand etui.. 1993). Isolated cnidae were also tested with collagenase (Type 1A: 320 units mg"1 and 1.7 units mixed protease, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) by exposing them to 1500 enzyme units in TES buffer, pH 7.5 (10:1 enzxnidae vol), for 5 h at 37°C. Cnidae were recovered by centrifu- gation. washed in distilled water, and again exposed to DTT or thioglycolic acid as above. Results Isolated cnidae and electron microscopy Physalia physalis. Clean, largely undischarged nema- tocyst preparations were obtained from P. physalis (Fig. 1 ). Cnidae isolated in sucrose were remarkably difficult to discharge and, in contrast to results reported by Lane (1960), were often unresponsive to centrifugation or to immersion in distilled water, 50 mM sodium citrate, N- HC1 or A'-NaOH. despite capsular permeability to tolu- idine blue. Two size classes (diameters 8- 1 2 /urn and 20- 35 //m) were obtained from tentacles (Fig. 2). These ranges are in general agreement with the measurements obtained by Lane and Dodge (1958), Hulet et at. (1974), and Cormier and Hessinger ( 1 980). The larger of the two was characterized by a uniform tubule diameter of about 2.5Mm. with spines of about equal size (0.9-1. 2 ^m), uniformly distributed along its length in three rows (Fig. 3). The smaller cnidae contained similar tubules and spi- nation. but these were not examined in the discharged condition. The designation of these nematocysts as holo- trichous isorhizas seems appropriate and is consistent with identifications made previously (Mariscal, 1974; Brand et ai. 1993). Cnidae from P. physalis tissues treated with methena- mine-silver demonstrated a clear and consistent pattern of argentophilia. The large isorhizas were always strongly silver-positive, but only in the outermost portion of the capsule (Fig. 4). Deeper regions, delineated by what ap- peared to be fibrous annuli, were only lightly stained. These electron-opaque annuli subdivided the capsule into as many as five distinct layers. In contrast, the small isorhiza capsules were most often completely blackened with metallic silver (Figs. 4, 5). In less intensely stained capsules, one or two electron-opaque annuli could be distinguished, but in small isorhizas these layers did not react differentially with silver. The annuli were present in isorhizas that were untreated except for aldehyde fix- ation, and were therefore unrelated to the silver stain. In P. physalis and all other species examined, the background stain varied in intensity, probably due in part to variations in temperature during the 30-min in- terval at 70°C. Figure 4 shows a low-background prepa- ration in which some generalized staining of membranes is evident. However, nothing in the tissue compares to the intensity of the capsule stain. Figure 5 shows a small isorhiza with typically strong capsular argentophilia but with higher background staining of membranes and small vesicles. Nuclei and mucus cell secretory inclu- sions were also stained. The nematocyst tubule was quite variably electron-opaque (cf. Figs. 4 and 5), and silver deposits were often observed on the tubule periphery. Al- Figure 1. Large and small isorhizas isolated from tentacular tissue in sucrose. Darkheld microscopy. Scale bar = 100 ^m. Figure 2. Freeze-fracture SEM of nematocyst battery cross-section showing large isorhiza and surround- ing cnidocyte (ct) flanked by two small isorhizas. The opercula (arrows) are visible at the top of each; battery surface is at the upper left. Scale bar = 5 ^m. Figure 3. Everted tubule of large isorhiza showing arrangement of three spiral rows of spines. Scale bar = 5 Mm. Figure 4. Low-magnification overview of methenamine-silver preparation showing two small isorhizas (top and right) with surrounding tissue, and a section of a large isorhiza (left). Note that small cnidae capsules are completely invested with electron-opaque silver deposits, whereas the large isorhiza is primarily reactive in the outer capsule: annuli marking inner capsule layers are noted by arrows. The tubule (t) of small isorhizas displays little reactivity toward silver. Scale bar = 2 ^m. Figure 5. Detail of methenamine-silver reaction on small isorhiza and surrounding cnidocyte. The cap- sule is clearly delineated from surrounding cellular material by the degree of argentophilia. A tangential section through the cnidocil complex (cc) is shown at the upper left. Extracellular vesicles (upper right) are silver-positive, as is mucus secretory material (clear arrow). Tissue was treated with iodoacetic acid, but not with disulfide reducing agent. Scale bar = 1 ^m. Figure 6. Low-magnification overview of tentacular tissue after DTT-iodoacetic acid blockade of me- thcnamine silver reaction. Note that nucleus (n), numerous cnidocyte vesicles (arrows), and membranes are reactive, but the capsular (c) response is all but completely blocked by alkylation. Scale bar = 2 ^m. Figure 7. Detail of blockade on small isorhiza. Note that the operculum (op), the periphery of the tubule (solid, curved arrows), and the cnidocyte cytoplasm are reactive, but the capsule is not. Electron-opaque spines visible in the tubule center (clear, curved arrows) are not argentophilic. Scale bar = 1 /jm. W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR though the opacity of the spines in the center of the tu- bule could be confused with silver stain, they were pres- ent in unstained controls (see also micrographs in Hulet el a/., 1974, and Hessinger and Ford, 1988) and were therefore unrelated to argentophilia. Control procedures using DTT or thioglycolic acid fol- lowed by iodoacetate or ethyl maleimide alkylation es- sentially eliminated capsular argentophilia, while back- ground staining remained on nuclei, cnidocyte mem- branes, and many extracapsular vesicles (Fig. 6). At higher magnification some nonspecific silver was still vis- ible around the tubule periphery, and the operculum was also stained (Fig. 7), suggesting that these structures may have a different chemical composition from that of the capsule. Tissues treated with DTT or thioglycolic acid alone exhibited a somewhat less intense capsular argen- tophilia and a higher background, but were otherwise not significantly different from untreated tissues. Treatment with disulfide reducing agents alone, however, removed the electron-opaque annuli that subdivided the capsule, resulting in the uniformly electron-lucent appearance of capsules in Figures 6 and 7. Control tissues treated with propanol and boric acid, or iodoacetic acid (as in Fig. 4), or ethyl maleimide alone were indistinguishable from experimental groups. Cassiopeia xamachana. The nematocysts in the tenta- cles of this scyphozoan were divided into two distinct re- gions. The free edges of the oral arms were white and digitate (called "digitella" by Bigelow, 1900; "tentacles" by Smith, 1937) and contained primarily ovoid nemato- cysts 12-15 Mm long, tentatively identified as euryteles. The oral vesicles, on the other hand, contained primarily small (6-9 ^m). round cnidae. Clean nematocysts ob- tained from C. xamachana oral vesicles are shown in Figure 8. The smaller cnidae contained a tubule about 1 Mm in diameter narrowing gradually (Fig. 9). Spines could not be measured in our SEM material, but ap- peared uniform in TEM preparations. These cnidae were identified by Mariscal and Bigger ( 1976) as holotrichous isorhizas, and this diagnosis is consistent with our obser- vations. A smaller number of the eurytele nematocysts were also present in these preparations and were not sep- arated by our isolation procedure. In addition, the oral vesicles contained developmental stages of these cnidae, some of which were included in our samples. The capsules of mature isorhizas from C. xamachana tentacular tissue were 0.4-0.5 j/m thick and were strongly argentophilic throughout, except for the ~0. 1 Mm thick outermost region (Fig. 10). As in the small isorhizas of P. physalis, one or two electron- opaque annuli could be distinguished, but these were obscured unless the silver stain was omitted. The tubule of mature isorhizas was electron-opaque in part due to nonspecific silver deposits and in part due to naturally occurring electron-opaque material in the tubule center. Mature isorhizas were often closely accompanied by various stages of their development. The most common of these were capsules containing an electron-opaque matrix in which the tubule had not yet developed, or in which an incipient tubule could be observed (Fig. 10). We refer to the former as immature cnidae and the latter as submature. In both cases, the capsule was substan- tially less argentophilic than the mature cnidae. The im- mature stages reacted variably with silver; reactions ranged from diffuse and nonlocalized deposits to no re- action at all. The submature cnidae also exhibited varia- tion in capsular argentophilia, which ranged from diffuse deposits to more concentrated metallic silver, but was always less than in the mature cnidae. In addition to ac- quiring argentophilia during the transition from subma- ture to the mature condition, the capsule exhibited a 20%-50% decrease in thickness. Moreover, the electron- lucent tubule of submature cnidae and their contrasting electron-opaque matrix (Figs. 10, 11 inset) changed to an electron-opaque tubule in an electron-gray matrix dur- ing maturation. The latter change was the most consis- tent indicator of capsules most likely to exhibit a strong argentophilic reaction. The background reactivity of tis- sue from the oral vesicles was similar to that of P. phy- salis tentacle and included generalized membrane, nu- cleus, and vesicle staining. Post-reduction alkylation of mature and submature ne- matocyst capsules resulted in a virtually complete silver blockade, except in the outermost capsule layer at the cni- docyte membrane interface (Fig. 1 1 ) and in the opercu- lum. Immature nematocysts in blockaded tissues contin- ued to exhibit a weak response to methenamine-silver. This response could not be distinguished from the same weak reactivity in unblocked tissues, suggesting that it may not be due to sulfur. The response of submature cni- dae to capsular silver was variable. In some cases, argen- tophilia was like that of the immature cnidae; in others, a greater amount of silver was deposited. In the latter case, silver was effectively blocked by post-reduction alkylation (Fig. 1 1 inset), although the silver at the capsule periphery could not be blocked. Mature nematocyst capsules treated with disulfide reducing agents alone or with iodoacetate or ethyl maleimide alone were still strongly argentophilic. but they were less intensely blackened and were accompa- nied by greater amounts of background silver. Cirrhipathes hteikcni. Clean cnidae preparations from whole colonies (Fig. 12) yielded spindle-shaped nemato- cysts and cylindrical spirocysts, both of which were 15- 1 8 MID long and about 3-4 Mm at the widest diameter. A small number of nematocysts measuring about 22 X 5 Mm were also present. Nematocysts outnumbered spir- ocysts about 2: 1 because whole colonies were used to ob- DISULFIDES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES a- ,0 Figures 8-11. Cnidae from Cassiopeia .\amacliana. Figure 8. Cnidae isolated from oral vesicles are primarily small isorhizas with a small percentage of eur\ teles (arrows). Scale bar = 25 ^m. Figure 9. SEM preparation of small isorhiza capsule (c) and everted tubule (t). Spines are appressed to the tubule and are not visible. Scale bar = 5 ^m. Figure 10. Small isorhizas in various stages of development. Immature isorhizas (ii) at top. mature isorhizas (mi) in center, and submature isorhiza (si) at bottom. Note diffuse silver deposits on capsules of immature isorhizas and the electron-opaque tubule matrix (TM) in their centers. Central electron-opaque matrix of (si) surrounds electron-lucent tubule, whereas in (mi) the tubule is electron-opaque and the matrix (TM) is electron-gray. Note differences in capsular argentophilia: ii = diffuse, si = slightly greater. mi = intense. Scale bar = 1 urn. Figure 11. DTT-iodoacetic acid blockade of mature isorhizas blocks capsular argentophilia; cytoplasm is still reactive. Inset: submature capsular silver is also occasionally blocked except for the outer capsule layer. Scale bar = 1 /im. W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR sn sn --.. ^ , -' , " ^. 17 ^>^ ( r -y«?> >-=&.. TI-2* Figures 1 2-17. Cnidae from Cirrhipathes luetkeni. DISULF1DES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES tain cnide; tentacles alone would have yielded a greater proportion of spirocysts. Nematocysts and spirocysts could not be separated and were included in the final product employed for observation and chemical analy- sis. Many but not all spirocysts were recovered without capsules. Isolated nematocysts were resistant to dis- charge, and unless they were disintegrated by probe son- ication, most were left intact by the isolation procedure. Those found in the discharged state (Fig. 13) were con- sistent with the description of microbasic b-mastigo- phores(Mariscal, 1974). The capsules of both nematocysts and spirocysts in fixed material were strongly argentophilic. Tentacular cross-sections at low magnification were quite striking when the silver-blackened outlines of the cnidae were compared to the rest of the tissue (Fig. 14). The inner and outer surfaces of the spirocyst capsule were separately outlined by silver deposits (Fig. 15 and inset). The tubule wall in C. luetkeni spirocysts was thin, folded at intervals into pleats, and strongly argentophilic (Fig. 1 5 and inset). The tubule interior was essentially solid, and thus typical of the antipatharians examined by Goldberg and Taylor ( 1996). The unstained C. luetkeni tubule contained four helically arranged bundles of electron-gray material. In cross-section, the bundles were separated by electron-lu- cent, cruciform partitions, but in contrast to the tubule wall and its pleats, none of the material within the tubule (bundles or partitions) was argentophilic (Fig. 1 5 inset). Unlike spirocysts, the nematocyst capsules were strongly silver-positive across the entire capsule cross- section (Fig. 14). Nematocyst tubules, on the other hand, displayed an inconsistent pattern of silver deposition. Often in the same section, the entire tubule was outlined with silver in one area, but in other areas only the shaft was argentophilic, or the tubule failed to stain at all. The silver reactivity of the cnidae capsules in C luet- keni is persistent. We have tested this species (as well as four other antipatharian species of the genus Anti- pathes — see Goldberg and Taylor, 1996) using speci- mens that had been fixed and stored in ethanol for years, and they display essentially the same reactivity as freshly collected material. Post-reduction alkylation treatment of tissue stored in cacodylate buffer eliminated all silver reactivity from the nematocyst capsule, and most but not all reactivity from the spirocysts. Unfortunately, the background staining after blockade treatment increased considerably, partic- ularly on the cell membranes. However, when we em- ployed fixed material stored in ethanol rather than in cacodylate, the membrane background was substantially reduced. No capsular silver was deposited in the spiro- cyst controls (Fig. 16). but electron-opaque deposits (Ag?) formed within the tubules. Since tubule precipi- tates were absent in all other preparations, we suspect that they are artifacts in this case. The nematocysts were completely free of silver deposits after blockade treat- ment (Fig. 17). In C Inetkeni cnidae as in those of C. .\amachana, treatment with disulfide reducing agents (DTT or thioglycolic acid) or sulfhydryl blocking agents (iodoacetate or ethyl maleimide) alone did not signifi- cantly reduce argentophilia cnidae, but increased back- ground silver deposits. Argentophilia of immature cnidae The relationship between argentophilia and maturity was evident in C. xamachanu nematocysts because of the Figure 12. Isolated cnidae from whole colonies are a mixture of nematocysts and spirocysts. with many more of the former. Scale bar = 100 ^m. Figure 13. Discharged microbasic b-mastigophore nematocyst on tentacular surface showing shaft (s) about the same length of capsule (c) with gradual transition to tubule at lower left. Tentacular cilia are bulbous with pointed tips, possibly artifacts. Scale bars = 5 ^m. Figure 14. Methenamme-sil ver response of spirocyst capsules (sp) and mature microbasic mastigophore nematocyst capsules (mn) in tentacular cross-section. Note that capsules in submature nematocysts (sn) are weakly argentophilic and the tubules within are surrounded by an electron-gray matrix. Mature nematocyst tubules are matrix-free; their capsules are strongly argentophilic. Scale bar = 2 ^m. Figure 15. Tangential view of spirocysts treated as above showing uniform silver reactivity of capsule wall. The tubule and pleats (curved arrows) are also silver-positive; internal portions of the tubule are not. Note submature spirocyst (ss). lower left, with diffuse silver over electron-opaque matrix; capsule wall is indistinct and is not argentophilic. Mature nematocyst (mn) is shown at lower right. Scale bar = 2 fim. Inset: Detail of argentophilia in tubule wall and pleats from area of bar-connected arrowheads in Fig. 15. Note distinct staining of inner and outer layers of the capsule (straight arrows). The tubule wall is continuous with the pleats (p). and both are silver-positive. The tubule interior is not argentophilic and contains four bundles (b) of electron-gray material partitioned in an electron-lucent, cruciform pattern. Scale = 3.0 x Fig. 15 scale bar. Figure 16. DTT-iodoacetic acid blockade of mature spirocysts blocks capsular argentophilia (arrows); pleats are also blocked; electron-opaque deposits in tubule are most likely artifacts. Scale bar = I ^m. Figure 17. Treatment as above showing complete silver blockade of mature nematocysts (mn) and submature nematocysts (sn). Scale bar = 1 /im. 10 W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR 9 -. m 20 Figures 18-20. Immature nematocysts in Physalia physalis. Figure 18. SEM cross-section of freeze-fractured nematocyst battery showing mature cnidae at the outer face (clear arrows). Immature cnidae are formed in the deeper layers of the battery. Mesoglea (m) supports the inner battery: gastroderm (g) lines the center ol the tentacle (t) and extends into each battery. Scale bar = 25 j/m. Figure 19. Toluidine blue-stained thick section taken in plane of trapezoid (Fig. 1 8) with corresponding locations of mesoglea (m) and gastroderm (g). Mature cnidae at the periphery of the battery contain a tubule with no matrix. These occur along with capsules containing a basophilic matrix (arrows), possibly representing submature isorhizas. Immature cnidae (boxed area) are only weakly basophilic. Scale bar = 25 Mm. Figure 20. Large, immature or submature isorhizas treated with 0.2 M DTT. pH 10.3. are resistant to depolymerization in contrast to mature stages. Scale bar = 25 proximity of various stages of development. As noted above, silver deposition in the capsule corresponded with the extent of tubule development. In P. physalis almost all of the cnidae on the outer face of the battery were mature (Fig. 18). Immature isorhizas, located deeper within the battery, were only weakly reactive toward to- luidine blue and were virtually unresponsive to methe- namine-silver reagent. However, with the development of the submature stage, the tubule matrix and capsule became strongly basophilic (Fig. 19). Because the tubule matrix apparently was not rendered electron-opaque with aldehyde fixation alone, we were unable to deter- mine whether the basophilia coincided with silver depo- sition. Thus, in the electron microscope, the submature cnidae could not be distinguished with certainty from mature isorhizas. Developing spirocysts in C. luetkeni occurred just be- low the outermost, mature cysts. Submature spirocysts were filled with a granular, naturally electron-opaque matrix surrounding (he nascent tubule. The matrix also contained a diffuse si I ,r-reaction product. Thespirocyst capsule was not clear!;, developed as a double-walled structure at this stage (Fig. i 5), and it exhibited affinity for silver only when the ele> \ on-opaque tubule matrix had almost completely disappeared. Submature nematocyst capsules were most often lo- cated within clusters of mature mastigophores and were readily distinguished from mature nematocysts by their weak argentophilia. In every case, the weak staining of the capsules was associated with the presence of some remaining electron-gray matrix surrounding the tubule (Fig. 14). This matrix did not occur in mature nemato- cysts, suggesting that strong argentophilia in the capsule of these cnidae occurs coincidentally with the complete maturation of the tubule. Response of unfixed cnidae to DTT The large isorhizas of P. physalis discharged within about 10-15 s of exposure to DTT. After discharge the capsule dissolved rapidly, followed by the tubule. The time from discharge to complete solution was generally 30-60 s. Brand el al. ( 1993) also observed rapid solution in DTT, and found that P. physalis capsules and tubules dissolved almost simultaneously. It should be noted, however, that these authors employed discharged cnidae in their study. Our results contrast with those of Mariscal and Lenhoff (1969). who noted that disulfide reducing agents solubilize only fully discharged nematocysts. Sol- ubility in DTT was typical of the mature isorhizas only. Those with clearly developed cysts but lacking a devel- oped tubule failed to dissolve in this reagent. Most of these immature, DTT-resistant cysts in our P. physalis samples were the larger isorhizas (Fig. 20), but our isola- DISULFIDES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES 11 tion procedure favored the larger cnidae. We also found that some of the large, mature isorhizas with an appar- ently well-developed tubule were resistant to DTT. How- ever, these constituted <0.5% of that population, and we cannot be certain from light microscopic observations that they were completely mature. The smaller isorhizas of both P. physalis and C. xama- chana required 30-60 s for discharge after DTT treat- ment. Upon discharge, the tubules dissolved slowly over a period of several minutes, and in some cases failed to dissolve at all. Many of the small isorhiza capsules were only partially dissolved and could still be recognized af- ter 15 min. In contrast, the euryteles in C. xamachana tentacles discharged and began to dissolve immediately on exposure to DTT; the tubule dissolved within 30 s. Small, immature isorhizas in both species were as resis- tant to DTT as the larger, immature ones in P. physalis. Unlike the other cnidae in this study, isolated, undis- charged mastigophores and spirocysts in C. luetkcni failed to respond to DTT: they did not discharge and the capsule did not dissolve. Efforts to dissolve these cnidae in collagenase were unsuccessful, although it should be noted that all cnidae in this study were collagenase-resis- tant, consistent with observations made by Blanquet and Lenhofff 1966). We followed our collagenase treatment with DTT, again without effect. These cnidae also failed to discharge or disintegrate after 30 min at room temper- ature in the presence of 0.5 A/ thioglycolic acid, 3 A/ HC1, 1 A/NaOH,or0.2A/borohydride. X-ray microanalysis The spectra presented in Figure 2 1 range from 1 .2 to 5.0 keV. The zinc peak at 1.0 keV and the copper and zinc peaks above 5.0 keV originated from the grids and were eliminated from the analysis, as were traces of chro- mium and iron that originated from the microscope pole-pieces. We found no elements in these energy ranges that were natural constituents of nematocysts or spirocysts. Elements that were consistently present are depicted in the figure as a solid peak followed by a dashed line. Mean counts are indicated by a bar at the apex of the solid peak. The highest and lowest counts are indi- cated by the highest and lowest bars. Elements not con- sistently present are shown as peaks without bars or dashes. Small amounts of silicon ( 1 .7 keV) were found in all cnidae except C. xamachana nematocysts, and small amounts of chlorine (2.8 keV) were found in all but C. luctkeni nematocysts. In addition, trace amounts of alu- minum (1.5 keV) were found both in spirocysts and in nematocysts of C. luetkcni. Sulfur (2. 3 keV), on the other hand, was present in all cnidae, and was the dominant naturally occurring element. Nonetheless, since sulfur counts were often 1 per s or less, we employed samples that had been treated with methenamine-silver (3. 1 and 3.3 keV) in case a consistent multiple of silver to sulfur could be demonstrated. However, silver-to-sulfur ratios were often inconsistent among individual cnidae. The ratios were generally in the range of 3: 1 for all but spiro- cysts, which were closer to 2: 1 . The large isorhizas from P. physalis and the small isorhizas of C. xamachana had the highest sulfur and silver counts. The immediately ad- jacent submature cnidae (those without completely differentiated tubules) exhibited only background levels of sulfur, corresponding to the cytochemical results. The second-highest levels of sulfur were found in mature, large P. physalis isorhizas. Submature capsules could not be distinguished for separate X-ray examination. Sur- prisingly, the lowest sulfur counts were found in mature, small P. physalis isorhizas, followed closely by the mi- crobasic mastigophores of C Inetkeni. Spirocyst sulfur counts were unexpectedly higher than those of the small nematocysts. However, since the spot size was wider than the diameter of the spirocyst capsule, sulfur counts were unavoidably collected from both the capsule and the tubule. This was also the case with the mastigo- phores, but the tubule alone appeared to contribute little sulfur to the spectrum. Immature cnidae of both types from C. luetkcni displayed only background sulfur counts. Amino acid analysis The amino acid analysis included a mixture of cnidae types, along with various stages of maturity that were un- avoidable with the procedure employed. These results (Table I), while not ideal, provide a general impression of capsule chemistry and are instructive where they cor- roborate information obtained by cytochemistry and X- ray microanalysis. In P. physalis nematocysts, levels of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline were consistently high among the three colonies examined. Cysteic acid was the dominant sulfur amino acid. In C. xamachana nematocysts, pro- line and hydroxyproline were substantial constituents, although levels of these amino acids were not as high as those of P. physalis. The high levels of sulfur found in X-ray microanalysis were reflected in the total S-amino acids found in this species (6.84% ± 1.30%) but about 45% of these occurred as metsulfone. When cysteic acid and the small amount of residual cystine alone were con- sidered, the total was not significantly different from that of C. xamachana cnidae. Levels of proline and hydroxyproline in C. Inetkeni cnidae were similar to those found in C. .xamachana, and the total S-amino acid was similar to totals found in P. physalis. Cysteic acid residues were highest (3.00 ± 12 W. M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR Physalia Large Isorhiza Physalia Small Isorhiza 3000 2500 2000 oo ; 1500 3 O ,. U ' 1000 750 500 250 C 3000 2500 2000 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 2.3 2.8 3 1 33 keV Cassiopeia Isorhiza Ag 23 2 S 3 I 3 3 keV 1500 1250 1000 en § 750 u 500 250 17 2.3 28 .VI 3.3 keV Cirrhipathes Mastigophore Ag 1.51.7 2.8 31 3.3 keV Cirrhipathes Spirocyst Ag 15 1.7 2.3 28 3.1 3.3 keV Figure 21. Composite TEM X-ray spectra of cnidae capsules. Methenamine-silver preparations show relative amounts of silver compared to natural constituents of the capsule. Mean counts for each element DISULFIDES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES 13 Table I Glycine. proline/hydroxyproline and S-anww acid cuineni <>/ cnidae <;.v mole.% (pmolex aminoacidas a percent of total pmoles ± xiddevofS samples) Amino Physalia Cassiopeia Cirrliipullie\ acid physalis xarnachana luetkeni Glv 20. 56 ±0.1 5% 18.4 ±3.9% 19.49+ 1.97% Pro 23.94 ± 0.06% I2.79± 3.55% 11. 28 ±2.6% Hypro 10. 72 ±0.04% 1.81 ±0.81% 1.70 + 0.45% Cvs* 4.36 ±0.17% 4.72 ± 1.13% 4. 14 ±0.61% Met** 0.25+0.01% 2.12 + 0.29% 0.44 + 0.06% * Cys is the combined result of cysteic acid and small amounts of residual cystine. unconverted by performic acid. ** Met is methionine converted b> performic acid to metsullbne. 0.48 mole.%). whereas metsulfone never constituted more than 0.49 mole.%. However, in contrast to the other types of cnidae examined, in C. luetkeni cnidae a substantial amount of cystine (1.14% ± 0.23% of the amino acids or 27.5% of the S-amino acids) was left un- hydrolyzed by performic acid. Discussion Alkaline silver solutions have long been used to dem- onstrate neuronbrils. reticulum. Golgi, and other com- ponents of tissues and cells. The nature of the reaction is complex, and the degree of specificity often depends upon the type of fixation employed, the counter ion of the silver (nitrate, hydroxide, carbonate, methenamine, etc.) and the post-silver treatment of the tissue (e.g., Hu- mason. 1979). Specificity is further complicated by the action of silver as both an oxidizing stain and a redox reagent (Hayat, 1993). Methenamine-silver, introduced by Gomori ( 1946), was initially adapted for electron mi- croscopy as a periodic acid-Schiff reagent. Despite non- selective staining of nuclear chromatin. melanin gran- ules and ribosomes, neutral carbohydrate could be spe- cifically demonstrated by periodic acid oxidation along with aldehyde blockade reactions (see reviews by Kier- nan, 1990; Hayat, 1993). Methenamine-silver has also been employed to demonstrate disulfides in keratin and in other cystine-containing tissues. The mechanism probably involves alkaline hydrolysis of the disulfide and subsequent reduction of an undescribed methenamine- silver complex to metallic silver (Swift, 1968, 1973; Thompson and Colvin. 1970). The specificity of the rea- gent is dependent upon site-specific silver reduction in tissues that have been aldehyde-blocked and extracted with thiosulfate to eliminate unreduced silver. In addi- tion, disulfide reduction and subsequent alkylation must prevent deposition of reduced silver at those previously reactive sites. Finally, the method should be employed in conjunction with parallel chemical techniques to con- firm the cytochemical results (Thompson and Colvin, 1970). The silver cytochemistry of cnidae capsules is consistent with the results of post-reduction alkylation controls. X-ray microanalysis, and amino acid analysis. All of these data suggest that the argentophilia in the cni- dae we have studied is due to the presence of capsular disulfides. We know of only one other study in which electron cytochemistry has been used to detect disulfides in cni- dae. Watson and Mariscal (1984) used performic acid oxidation coupled with alcian blue staining to study ne- matocyst development in the anemone Ha/iplanei/a luc- iae. They found that nematocyst maturation in that spe- cies is characterized by a 50% reduction in the thickness of the capsule wall, coincident with the formation of di- sulfide linkages. Both of these conclusions are in accor- dance with our observations of Cassiopeia xamachana. Capsule thinning also occurs with maturity in P/ivxalia physalis, judging from the differences between immature and mature isorhizas. We did not attempt to study mat- urational changes in Chrhipathes luetkeni cnidae. If the alcian blue technique has an advantage over me- thenamine-silver, it is in the capacity to distinguish sulf- hydryl from disulfide groups. We were not able to di- rectly determine the contribution of either group spe- cifically because both are argentophilic. The application of iodoacetic acid as a blockade prevented pre-existing sulfhydryl groups from reacting with silver, but increased the background in all but P. physalis. No differences were noted in this species between mature cnidae treated with iodoacetic acid and those left unblocked, suggesting that their argentophilia may be due entirely to disulfide groups. In C. xamachana and C luetkeni, on the other hand, there was a small decrease in capsular argentophi- lia with iodoacetate controls, suggesting that some reac- tivity was contributed by sulfhydryl groups, although sig- nificantly less than that contributed by disulfides. In ei- ther case, the weak reactivity of developing cnidae in our study strongly suggests that neither sulfhydryl nor disul- fide groups are present until very late in the process of capsular maturation. The amino acid composition of coelenterate cnidae has been examined by a number of authors (Phillips, Figure 21. (Continued) are represented by bar atop solid peaks; dashed lines indicate highest counts; lowermost bar represents lowest counts. Peaks without bars or dashes represent elements that were not consistently present. 14 W M. GOLDBERG AND G. T. TAYLOR 1956; Lenhoff et a/.. 1957; Lenhoff and Kline, 1958; Lane and Dodge, 1958; Fishman and Levy. 1967; Lane, 1968, 1974;PhelanandBlanquet, 1985; Blanquet, 1988) or the patterns of their constituent proteins (Kurz et ai. 1991; Brand et ai. 1993: Hoh in et ai. 1994); but the universe of species examined is surprisingly small, repre- senting only four genera with nematocysts (Hydra spp., Physalia physalis. Aipu :va pallida, Aletridium spp.) and Pachycerianthus torrcyi, a species with ptychocysts. Ele- vated levels of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline are characteristic of collagen, and all cnidae analyzed thus far, including those in the present study, appear to con- tain these structural proteins. Glycine in nematocyst protein varies from 31.2-19.2 mole percent (Fishman and Levy, 1967; Stone et ai, 1970; Lane. 1974; Phelan and Blanquet, 1985). Glycine in our study is within this range, albeit at the lower limits. In P. physalis the proline content we reported is consistent with levels given by Lane (1968; 1974). Proline levels in C. xamachana and C. luetkeni cnidae were not unlike those of P. physalis. Hydroxyproline in P. p/iysa/is. at 10.7 mole percent, is slightly higher than the range of 6.9-9.2 mole percent re- ported by Fishman and Levy (1967) and Phelan and Blanquet (1985). However, hydroxyproline levels have also been reported as 20%, 8.5%, and 5.4%. of the nema- tocyst protein (Kline. 1961; Blanquet and Lenhoff, 1966; Stone et ai. 1970, respectively). Conversion of our data to this form yields 12.5% hydroxyproline for P. physalis. but only 1.9% for C. luelkeni and 1.0% for C. xama- chana. Thus a considerable range of this imino acid ap- pears to occur in the proteins of the capsule and the tu- bule. However, these figures have not taken into account the ratio of collagen to the total nematocyst protein, and we cannot state with certainty that all of the cnidae pooled in our analyses (e.g.. spirocysts in C. luetkeni) contain collagen. The amount of cystine in cnidocysts is only occasion- ally reported, and the range is considerable. Phelan and Blanquet (1985) found 7.24 and 2.39 mole percent cys- teine in Aiptasia pallida and Pachycerianthus torreyi re- spectively, and Fishman and Levy (1967) reported 25.7 mole percent in Metridium marginatum. The most frequent and readily obtainable observation of cnidocyst chemistry is by X-ray microanalysis. In every case in which such analyses of capsule composition have been performed, sulfur has been the dominant element (Mariscal, 1980; Lubbock et ai. 1981, 1988; Gupta and Hall, 1984;Tardentt>/rt/., 1990; Zierold el ai. 1991; this study). In addition, each author has suggested that disul- fide linkage of collagen is the most likely role of that ele- ment. Several studies have shown that certain nemato- cysts dissolve in thiol reagents (e.g.. Yanagita, 1959; Blanquet and Lenhoff, 1966; Fishman and Levy, 1967; Mariscal, 1980; Phelan and Blanquet, 1985; Brand et ai. 1993). Yet it is not clear from this database whether the presence of sulfur alone in nematocysts, or even the pres- ence of cystine, means that the capsule will be dissolved by disulfide reducing agents. This uncertainty was first indicated by Mariscal and Lenhoff ( 1969) who tested the solubility in dithiothreitol of 16 nematocysts from squash preparations of 10 coelenterate species. Five of the nematocysts from four species failed to depolymerize in this reagent, as did spirocyst preparations from two additional species. Phelan and Blanquet (1985) found that ptychocysts from the cerianthid P. torreyi were sim- ilarly resistant to the effects of disulfide reducing agents, although cysteic acid residues were present in their hy- drolysates. In light of these results, reasonable questions have been raised as to whether this insolubility might be due to (a) the absence of disulfide bonds in some cnidae, (b) the interference of reducing agent activity by mucus in the fresh preparations used by Mariscal and Lenhoff (1969), or (c) the inaccessibility of disulfides to reducing agent activity resulting from the tertiary structure of the capsule proteins (Blanquet, 1988). As in Phelan and Blanquet's observations of ptychocysts, our study has shown that cnidae from C. luetkeni contain cysteic acid residues. In addition, electron cytochemistry and X-ray microanalysis strongly suggest that in spite of their resis- tance to DTT and thioglycolate, nematocysts and spiro- cysts of this species both possess disulfide linkages. Our use of clean cnidae preparations rules out chemical in- terference with disulfide reduction in this study. With re- spect to the last suggestion (c) above, disulfide linkages located deep within hydrophobic regions of the protein could account for the relatively large amount of cystine remaining after performic acid hydrolysis in this species. However, since disulfide reducing agents fail to cause capsular depolymerization in C. luetkeni. it is possible that disulfides occur within rather than between peptide chains, or that disulfides are secondary to other types of covalent, intermolecular linkages as they are in bivalve byssus (e.g., Benedict and Waite, 1986; Van Ness et ai, 1988) and dogfish egg capsule (e.g., Rusaouen et til.. 1976). A lesser degree of dependence on disulfides as a means of capsule protein stabilization may also account for the partial depolymerization responses noted in the small isorhizas of P. physalis and C. xamachana (this study) and in nematocysts of the sea nettle (Goldner et ai. 1969; Stone et ai. 1970). Spirocysts have long been considered a separate class of cnidae (e.g.. Hyman. 1940), a perspective reinforced by their distinctive tubule structure (e.g.. Mariscal el ai. 1977; Rifkin, 1991; Goldberg and Taylor. 1996). The chemistry of the spirocyst capsule is essentially un- known, except that, like some nematocysts, those of two actiniarians are resistant to disulfide reducing agents DISULF1DES IN CNIDAE CAPSULES 15 (Mariscal and Lenhoff, 1969). Despite this property, Mariscal (1984) found that sulfur was the most strongly represented element in the spirocyst capsule of the anem- one Haliplanella lucuic. as it was in the nematocyst cap- sules of that species. Our study of C. luclkcni not only shows that sulfur is the principal element of the capsule (as well as the tubule wall and pleats), but electron cyto- chemistry strongly suggests that capsular sulfur occurs primarily in the form of disulnde linkages, as it does in nematocysts. Surprisingly, the presence of disultide linkages in spir- ocyst capsules is not entirely new information. Hamon ( 1955) observed that spirocysts from Anemonia sitlcala reacted more strongly to nitroprusside after disulfide re- duction than did the basitrichs of the same species. Un- fortunately, the effects of disulfide reducing agents on unfixed cnidae were not investigated. Further study will be necessary to determine the distribution of resistance to disulnde reduction among coelenterate cnidae gener- ally, and spirocysts specifically. Additional work should also focus on the characterization of spirocyst capsule proteins and the alternative forms of capsular stabiliza- tion reflected in their resistance to thiol reagents. Acknowledgments We thank P. Blackwelder of E.M. Analytical, Inc., for assistance with and use of X-ray analytical equipment, and C. Bigger and B. Fry for assistance in collecting spec- imens. This work benefited from discussions with K. Downum and D. Kuhn. We thank R. N. Mariscal (Flor- ida State University) for helpful critique of the manu- script. Support from Florida International University is gratefully acknowledged. Literature Cited Benedict, C. V., and J. H. \Vaite. 1986. Location and analysis of hy- ssal structural proteins of Myii/us edit/is. J. Morphol. 189: 171-181. BigeloH, R. P. 1990. The anatomy and development of Cassiopeia .\amachana Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 5: 191-236. Blanquet, R. S. 1988. The chemistry of cnidae. Pp. 407-425 The Bi- ology of Nematocysts. D. A. Hessingerand H. M. LenhofT. eds. Ac- ademic Press, New York. Blanquet, R. S., and H. M. Lenhoff. 1966. A disulfide-linked collage- nous protein of nematocyst capsules. Science 154: 152-153. Brand, D. D., R. S. Blanquet, and M. A. Phelan. 1993. Collagenous. thiol-containing proteins of cnidarian nematocysts: a comparison of the chemistry and protein distribution patterns in two types of cnidae. Comp . Bioelwm Physiol 1068:115-124. Brown, C. H. 1950. Keratins in invertebrates. Nature 166: 439. Cormier, S. M., and D. A. Hessinger. 1980. 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Role of high concentrations of Ca, Cu. and Zn in the maturation and discharge in situ of sea anemone nematocysts as shown by X-ray microanalysis of cryosections. Pp. 77-95 in To\in.i. Drugs, ami Pollutants in Marine Animals. L. Boils el Smiley ( 1988) in Parastichopus californicus. The whole ovary of P. calij'ornicus is shown. The left side of the figure represents the prespawning condition with mature oocytes in the fecund tubule and earlier oocyte development in the primary and secondary tubules. The right side shows the post-spawning, or resting-phase. gonad. The fecund tubules are in the process of resorption. and the primary and secondary tubules are larger preparatory to posterior migration on the gonad basis. In this model, three cohorts of tubules are present on the gonad basis at any one time. Diagram reprinted from Smiley and Cloney (1985) with permission. short-lived holothurians, and species with more than one spawning per year or with continuous reproduction (e.g., polar and deep-sea species: Smiley, 1988; Smiley et a!., 1991;Smilev. 1994). Testing For a species to conform to the tubule recruitment model it must have gonad tubules that develop in distinct primary, secondary, and fecund cohorts, with each cohort of tubules having synchronous development of oocytes. After spawning, the relict fecund gonad tubules are re- sorbed. but the primary and secondary tubules persist on the gonad basis and migrate posteriorly as new primary tubules are formed. Consequently, the gonad in the rest- ing stage following spawning must contain primary tu- bules as well as secondary tubules that will develop into the fecund tubules for the next reproductive season. The tubule recruitment model would not apply to sit- uations in which a single tubule or a single cohort of sim- ilar-sized tubules is attached to the gonad basis and re- sorbed partially or totally after the reproductive period. It would also not apply where immature previtellogenic and mature vitellogenic oocytes are found in the same ovarian tubule (overlapping generations of oocytes), be- cause this would be evidence that the same "container," or cohort of tubules, is being used for multiple reproduc- tive seasons. Our survey of the published literature is confined to those papers on holothurian reproduction that describe in detail the gross morphology of the gonad during the reproductive period. We assess the validity of the tubule recruitment model in two ways. First, we consider stud- ies in which sufficient information is provided to test for the distinct gonad morphology required by the model (i.e.. primary, secondary, and fecund tubules). Second, we describe the reproductive studies published after 1 988 that explicitly test the tubule recruitment model. Our ex- amination of those studies, in combination with our own unpublished observations, leads us to suggest that the ap- plicability of the tubule recruitment model is relatively limited in holothurians, even within the family Sticho- podidae in which it was initially proposed. 20 M. A. SEWELL ET AL YGM N YEAR N+1 N+2 Germ eel! in basis Primary tubules Secondary tubules Fecund tubules Resorbed tubules Figure 2. Schematic diagram to show progressive recruitment of tubules in the ovary of Paraslichapus californium. The gonad morphology is shown for three consecutive years: N, N+l, N+2. In each year the gonad has three cohorts of tubules ( YGM = year-round gonad morphology), as well as primary germ cells at the very anterior and the remains of resorhed tubules at the posterior end of the gonad basis. Tubule cohorts derived from the same primary germ cells are shown with the same pattern (open, hatched, filled, etc. ). The germ cells of year N migrate on the gonad basis ( M ) to become the primary tubules of year N + 1 . Oogomal proliferation (P) in this year results in secondary' tubules in Year N+2. Vitellogenesis (V) in the secondary tubules results in fecund tubules whose gametes are spawned (S) and the empty tubules resorbed in Year N + 3. Consequently, the gametogenic process in P. californicus from primary germ cells to spawn- ing takes 4 years. Evidence from Gonad Morphology Order Aspidochirotida A priori we might expect that the strongest support for the tubule recruitment model would be found in as- pidochirote holothurians. considering that the model was based on Parastichopus californicus (Family Sticho- podidae). The model can be tested in many aspidochi- rotes because of reproductive studies prompted by their importance as beche-de-mer fisheries (Conand and Byrne, 1993). In holothurians of the family Stichopodidae (30 spe- cies; Smiley, 1994) the gonad is present as two tufts of tubules, one on each side of the dorsal mesentery. Al- though tubule morphology varies considerably in species of this family, none of the other species examined are described as having distinct size classes of tubules on the gonad basis (Stichopus variegatits — Conand, 1993a; S. mollis — Sewell, 1992; Thelenota ananas — Conand, 1993a). Variability in the pattern of gonad development is, however, apparent in species with broad geographical ranges (S. japonicus — Tanaka, 1958; Choe, 1963; S. mollis— Sewell, 1992). In these species there are differ- ences in the amount of gonad material found during the resting stage. Sewell ( 1992) in a study of gonad development of the temperate Stichopus mollis in New Zealand showed that the tubule recruitment model may be applicable in only some populations. Detailed study of a population of 5. mollis in northern New Zealand found complete resorp- tion of the gonad after spawning, with no gonad material present during the winter months (Sewell and Bergquist, 1990; Sewell, 1992). In contrast, 51. mollis from southern New Zealand retained a large volume of tubules in the resting period, and the tubules contained developing oo- cytes (Sewell, 1992). The evidence for progressive re- cruitment of tubules is, however, equivocal because the southern population examined was from a greater depth REPRODUCTION IN HOLOTHURIANS 21 than the northern one (Sewell, 1992) and the specimens were preserved and eviscerated, with unattached gonads (M. A. Sewell, unpub. obs.). A similar pattern of gonad development with latitude is observed in the temperate Japanese sea cucumber Sti- chopus japonicus. A resting-phase gonad with shrunken tubules observed in S. japonicus at Hokkaido (Tanaka, 1958) was not seen in this species in southern Japan by Choe (1963). In Atsumi Bay the gonads in S. japonicus completely disappear after spawning, and a condition corresponding to the resting stage of Tanaka ( 1958) was not found (Choe, 1963). Differences in the resting-phase gonad in distantly sep- arated populations of 5. japonicus and S. mollis are also reflected on a smaller scale in two other stichopodids. In the tropical Stichopus variegatus and Thelenota ananas. a high variability has been observed in the resting stage maintained in individual sea cucumbers. After spawn- ing, the gonad tubules were entirely resorbed, and only the gonad basis remained in some individuals (C. Con- and, unpub. obs.). A similar pattern was recently re- ported in the South African stichopodid Neostichopus grammatus (Foster and Hodgson, 1995). Although Smi- ley (1988) considered that to be a species showing pro- gressive tubule recruitment, Foster and Hodgson ( 1995) reported that the tubules are either resorbed completely after spawning or are reduced to a few very short fine threads. Almost 50% of the aspidochirote holothurians are within the Family Holothuriidae (Smiley, 1994). In this family, gonad tubules are present only on the right side of the dorsal mesentery. Two species of this family were considered by Smiley ( 1988) to provide support for the tubule recruitment model — Holothuria parvula (Kille, 1942) and H. nobilis (Conand, 1981). In H. parvula the ovary has distinct tubule cohorts, with small immature tubules at the anterior, a distinct cohort of mature tu- bules, and the resorption of the most posterior tubules after spawning (Kille, 1942). Evidence for tubule recruit- ment in //. nobilis is more limited, however, under the criteria defined earlier. The gonad in this species has one tuft of tubules; the length and diameter of these tubules vary during the reproductive cycle, but no tubule cohorts are described (Conand, 1981). Cohorts of tubules with differing stages of oocyte de- velopment have been observed in individuals of the trop- ical species Holothuria atra (Pearse, 1968); H. leuco- spilota (Viet Nam and Britaev, 1992); H.floridana and H. mexicana (Engstrom, 1980); and the temperate H. forskali (Tuwo and Conand, 1992). However, the num- ber of tubule cohorts varies between species (H. atra — 3; H. leucospilota — 2; H.floridana and H. mexicana— 2 or 3; H. forskali — 5). More importantly for the assessment of the tubule recruitment model, tubule cohorts are not consistently seen in all individuals (Pearse, 1968; Eng- strom, 1980), and in H. leucospilota they are seen in the summer spawning period but not the spring one (Viet Nam and Britaev, 1992). Furthermore, in studies of Ho- lothuria species at other locations, many resting-stage in- dividuals have no gonads (H. lubulosa — Coulon, 1994; H. leucospilota— Ong Che, 1990; H. atra—Chao et ai, \ 994; C. Conand. unpub. obs. ) or only one tubule cohort (H. mexicana — Hyman. 1955, fig. 64). We, therefore, conclude that in the genus Holothuria, evidence for the tubule recruitment model is provided by some individu- als of selected species, but only at some geographical lo- cations and some times. The tropical holothurid Actinopyga shows a pattern similar to that of the genus Holothuria. The ovary in A. echinites consists of a single tuft of tubules (Conand, 1982). However, after spawning in A. echinites and A. mauritiana only a few resting individuals possessed gonad tubules (Conand, 1993a; C. Conand, unpub. obs.), sug- gesting that tubule recruitment does not generally occur. The family Synallactidae comprises 143 species (42% of the order Aspidochirotida; Smiley, 1994), which are found at bathyal depths. The hermaphroditic Mesothu- ria intestinalis. which shows distinct variation in size and arrangement of male and female gonad tubules (Theel, 1901; Hyman, 1955 fig. 77C), was considered to provide evidence for the tubule recruitment model (Smiley et at., 1991). The gonad of a full-grown individual consists of tufts of sexually differentiated tubules, with male and fe- male gametes reaching their maturation in different, suc- cessive tufts (Theel, 1901 ). There is evidence in this spe- cies for the progressive recruitment of tubules on the go- nad basis: the youngest tubules at the anterior are followed posteriorly by tufts of alternating male and fe- male tubules, and the marks of resorbed tubules from previous reproductive periods are visible at the most pos- terior position (Theel, 1901). The female tuft does not, however, contain cohorts of tubules with oocytes in different stages of development (Theel, 1901). In terms of the tubule recruitment model, there is evidence for progressive recruitment of tubule tufts, but the arrange- ment of primary, secondary, and fecund female tubules seen in Parastichopus californicus is lacking. The gonad structure of the hermaphroditic Paroriza pallens and P. prouhoi differs from that of other synallac- tids: the gonad is composed of nodules along a central tube that connects to the gonoduct (Tyler et ai. 1992). Each nodule contains oocytes in various stages of devel- opment; there are no distinct areas with the same oogenic stage (Tyler et ai. 1992). Among gonochoric synallactids, the gonad tubules of female Benthothuria funebris and Palaepatides grisea show evidence of size variation (P. A. Tyler, unpub. obs.), but the very distinctive gonad tubules in Bathyplotes natans do not (Tyler et ai, 1994). In the 22 M. A. SEWELL ET AL ovaries of Afesothuria verrilli and M. laclea the size of the tubules is uniform, but in the testis of the latter, the tubule size varies (P. A. Tyler, unpub. obs.)- Order Dendrochirotida The order Dendrochirotida is the most speciose in the class Holothuroidea, with 553 of the 1427 species (Smi- ley, 1994). At this point, however, sufficient information to test the tubule recruitment model is available for a relatively small number of temperate dendrochirotes. The only species that shows cohorts of gonad tubules as predicted by the tubule recruitment model is Sclem- dactyla (Thyone) briareus (Kille, 1939); although Coe (1912) did not describe an obvious size differentiation in the gonad tubules of this species (see Hyman, 1955, fig. 67). There is no evidence for variation in tubule size in the ovaries of Cucumaria pi and (Herouard. 1889; Hy- man, 1955, fig. 72B), Cucumaria glacialis (Mortensen, 1894; Hyman, 1955, fig. 76H), or Aslia lefevrei (Cos- telloe. 1985;TuwoandConand, 1994). In dendrochirotes for which there have been seasonal studies of reproduction, there is no evidence for progres- sive tubule recruitment. In A. lefevrei and Pawsonia sax- icola, relict gametes are resorbed after spawning, but the tubules themselves are not (Tuwo and Conand, 1 994). A similar pattern is observed in Psolns fabridi. which has new oocytes present in its tubules after spawning (Hamel el a/., 1993). Although the ovary of P. fabridi has two sizes of gonad tubules, the large and small tubules are intermixed within the gonads (Hamel el cil.. 1993). Be- cause the tubules are not resorbed after spawning, large tubules become small tubules due to oocyte release (Ha- mel el ai, 1993). In these species the same tubules, or "containers," are being used for more than one repro- ductive season. Examination of reproduction in the temperate Cucii- maria frondosa along the Atlantic coast of Canada and the northern United States showed differing gonad mor- phology with latitude (Hamel and Mercier. 1996). In northern latitudes the gonad is divided into two distinct classes of tubules; south of New Brunswick the tubules are of a uniform size (Hamel and Mercier, 1996). In the St. Lawrence estuary, where large and small tubules are present, the gonad tubules are not resorbed after spawn- ing. As in Psolus fabridi, the small tubules contain ear- lier stages of gamete development; mature oocytes are found in the large tubules (Hamel and Mercier, 1996). In contrast, at more southern, latitudes the gonad tubules are in the same stage of development and attain maturity after a single year (Hamel and Mercier, 1996). Thus, in Cucumaria frondosa the gonad morphology and pattern of gametogenesis might be related to differing environ- mental conditions associated with latitude, rather than being characteristic of the species throughout its range. In the hermaphroditic species Cucumaria laevigata, the developing tubules at the gonad basis are sexually in- different but become female and release eggs as they lengthen (Ackermann, 1902; Hyman, 1955). With con- tinuing growth the remaining female tissue is phagocy- tosed and the same tubules produce sperm (Hyman, 1955). Thus, the gonad of C. laevigata consists of small basal undifferentiated tubules, larger female tubules, and very long male tubules (see Hyman, 1955, fig. 76G). Again, contrary to the tubule recruitment model, the same tubules are used for more than one reproductive period. Order Dactylochirotida Although there are 31 species of dactylochirote holo- thurian (Smiley, 1994), reproduction has been described in only one species, the lower bathyal Ypsilothuria biten- laculala (as }'. talismani ). In this species Tyler and Gage (1983) showed that a cluster of small similar-sized tu- bules are present throughout the year. Order Molpadula The few reproductive studies that have been con- ducted in molpadid holothurians reveal no evidence of size cohorts within the gonad tubules. The ovaries ofPar- acaudina diilensis (Kawamoto, 1927; see Hyman, 1955. fig. 75) and Molpadia rorelzii (Hatanaka, 1939) consist of elongated tubules of the same size. In the only dedi- cated study of gonad morphology, Tyler el at. (1987) showed that Cherbonniera uiriculus has a gonad with fewer than 10 small, even-sized tubules. Order Apodida The few reproductive studies in the apodids are re- stricted to species within the family Synaptidae, the ma- jority being in hermaphroditic species. In the simulta- neous hermaphrodite Leptosynapta tennis, oocytes and developing sperm are found in the two branching tu- bules. In rcproductively active animals the tubules are extensively branched; after spawning the tubules are shrunken, with little branching (Green. 1978). Oocytes are present in these tubules throughout the year (Green, 1978). In the protandric hermaphrodite Leptosynapta clai'ki. after spawning the relict gametes are resorbed from the posterior ends of the two gonad tubules (Sewell and Chia, 1994). New gametes for the next reproductive season form in the anterior end of each gonad tubule, adjacent to the gonad basis (Sewell and Chia, 1 994). The type of gametes (oocytes or sperm) formed at the gonad basis is dependent on the previous sex, animal size, and other undetermined factors (Sewell, 1994). The simultaneous hermaphrodite Synaptula hydri- REPRODUCTION IN HOLOTHURIANS 23 fonnis similarly shows continued development of ga- metes within the same gonad tubule (Frick el a/.. 1996). Gametes of many different stages are found simulta- neously within the two tubules of the ovotestis, and the entire tubule is not resorbed after reproduction. Progres- sive tubule recruitment, therefore, does not occur in this species (Frick et al., 1996). In the only study ofagonochoricapodan. Rhahdomol- gus nihcr. the ovary is an unpaired tubule (Menker, 1970). Tubule growth occurs from the gonad basis, the youngest eggs being most anterior and the older oocytes occupying positions at the posterior end ( Menker, 1 970). Unspawned eggs are resorbed in the posterior part of the gonad in the autumn and winter (Menker, 1970), sug- gesting that the same tubule is retained year-round. Order Elasipoda There has been considerable research on the gonad morphology of the deep-sea elasipodid holothurians. Early studies of the gonads were made from the collec- tions of the Challenger CTheel 1882, plate XLVI;see Hy- man, 1955, fig. 76D-F) and Galathea expeditions (Han- sen, 1975). These data, together with more recent studies of the families Laetmogonidae (Tyler et al.. 1985b), Dei- matidae (Tyler and Billett, 1987), Psychropotidae (Tyler and Billett, 1987), and Elpidiidae (P. A. Tyler, unpub. obs.), provide no evidence for the progressive recruit- ment of tubules. In most species the ovarian tubules con- tain one or more large vitellogenic oocytes, together with a large number of smaller previtellogenic oocytes. In ad- dition, because most species probably show continuous reproduction, the seasonal, synchronous development of tubules as proposed in the tubule recruitment model is considered unlikely. The one exception to this pattern is in species of Peniagone in which there is a progressive increase in the size of the gonadal tubules from anterior to posterior (Tyler el al., 1985a). Conclusions from gonad morphology Review of the gonad morphology of more than 45 ho- lothurians suggests that size division and progressive re- cruitment of gonad tubules in Parastichopus californicus is the exception, rather than the rule, in holothurian re- production. Holothurian species may show different pat- terns of gonad development between individuals and lo- cations, and the use of the same tubule for oocyte growth in more than one reproductive period is seen in species of the orders Dendrochirotida, Apodida, and Elasipoda. Our conclusions many be challenged on the grounds that the authors of some of the studies we analyzed may not have specifically looked for the small primary and secondary tubules on the gonad basis. We, however, maintain that when reports of primary or secondary tu- bules are lacking (either because of true absence or an incomplete examination of gonad morphology), the ob- servation of the various stages of oogenesis in the same tubule "container" is, in itself, sufficient to cast doubt on the tubule recruitment model. Consequently, from morphological evidence alone, we question the general applicability of the tubule recruitment model to describe reproduction in the class Holothuroidea. Evidence From Explicit Tests The tubule recruitment model has been explicitly ad- dressed in nine holothurian species from three of the six orders (Table I). These include species from different re- gimes of depth (shallow water or deep sea) and tempera- ture (temperate or tropical), and in both gonochoric and hermaphroditic forms. In the order Aspidochirotida, support for the tubule recruitment model is found in only one species (Holo- thitna forskali), and perhaps in southern New Zealand populations of Stichopus mollis (Table I). The other three aspidochirote species studied do not show cohorts of tubules or the progressive recruitment of tubules dur- ing ovarian development (Table I). In Holothuria forskali, the tubules attached to the go- nad basis can be subdivided into five classes (T,-T5 ), and the tubules show progressive recruitment (Tuwo and Conand, 1992). Although there are some minor differ- ences in tubule recruitment between H. forskali and Par- astichopus californicus (e.g., resorption in the T5 tubules takes several months, and it can also occur in some T.i and T4 tubules: Tuwo and Conand, 1992), this species conforms well to the predictions of the tubule recruit- ment model. A more problematic species is Stichopus mollis. which exhibits different patterns of gonad development in pop- ulations from the North and South Island of New Zealand (Sewell, 1992). Detailed visual and microscopi- cal examination of individuals showed the complete re- sorption of the gonad tubules after spawning in northern New Zealand; i.e. no tubule recruitment (Sewell. 1992). Preserved samples sent from the South Island in June and August had a large mass of resting-phase gonad tu- bules (Gonad Index for June: 0.00% in North Island. 0. 1 1% in South Island: Sewell, 1992), with the largest tu- bules containing previtellogenic oocytes (Sewell, 1992). Examination of the gonad basis for primary and second- ary tubules was hindered by poor preservation and evis- ceration of the gonads in most females (M. A. Sewell, unpub. obs.). Consequently, although we can be certain that a resting phase gonad is present in southern New Zealand populations of Stichopus mollis, an explicit test of the tubule recruitment model for these populations awaits further research. 24 M. A. SEWELL ET AL. Table I Slitdia nf hit/ill hurian reproduclii >n puNisl. cd after 1 988 in winch the tubule recruitment model is explicitly tested Order Family Tubule Seasonality of recruitment Sex1 reproduction2 Habitat1 Study location model4 Reference Aspidochirotida Stichopodidae .'• • a\ mollis Sliclwpus variegatus G A Thelenoia ananas G A Holothuriidae Holothuriaforskali G A Synallactidae Balhyploles naians G C Dendrochirotida Psolidae Psolusfabricii G A Cucumariidae Cuciimana frondosa Apodida Synaptidae Leptosynapta clarki PH A Synaptula hydriformis SH C S, T, Sub northern New No Zealand southern New ? Zealand S. Tr, Sub New Caledonia No S, Tr. Sub New Caledonia No S, T, Sub Brittany, France Yes D. T, Sub Bahamas No S, T, Sub St. Lawrence No Estuary, Canada S, T, Sub St. Lawrence No Estuary, Canada S, T, Int Bamfield, Canada No S. Tr. Sub Florida Kevs No Sewell(1992) Sewell(1992) Conand(1993a);C. Conand (unpub. obs.) Conand (1993b);C. Conand (unpub. obs.) Tuwo and Conand ( 1 992 ) Tyler rt a/. (1994) Hamele/a/. (1993) Hamel and Mercier ( 1 996) Sewell and Chia( 1994) Frickrto/. (1996) 1 G = gonochoric; PH = protandric hermaphrodite: SH = simultaneous hermaphrodite. 2 A = 1 reproductive period per year; C = continuous reproduction. 3 S = Shallow; D = deep sea; T = temperate; Tr = tropical; Sub = subtidal; Int = intertidal. 4 No = tubule recruitment model not supported; Yes = tubule recruitment model supported; ? = further research required. The three other aspidochirotes (Stichopus variegatus, Thelenota ananas, Bathyplotes natans) do not conform to the predictions of the tubule recruitment model (Ta- ble I). The discrepancy may be partly a result of the difference in gonad morphology from Parastichopus ca- lifornicus (Fig. 1 ). These species do not have distinct pri- mary, secondary, and fecund tubule tufts, but instead have a number of similar-length tubules attached to the gonad basis. Each tubule is surrounded with clusters of gonadal saccules, reminiscent of a bunch of grapes (see Conand, 1993a, fig. 2; Tyler el al.. 1994, fig. 2). In Sti- chopus variegatus and Thelenota ananas, many individ- uals have no tubules at all in the resting phase (C. Con- and, unpub. obs), suggesting that in these individuals all gonad material is resorbed after spawning. In Ba- thyplotes natans, individual tubules produce and resorb oocytes on a nonseasonal basis; the entire tubule is not resorbed (Tyler?/ al., 1994). Sea cucumbers in the orders Dendrochirotida and Apodida also fail to support the tubule recruitment model (Table I). Although both dendrochirotes have large and small tubules, the same "container" is used to make oocytes for the next reproductive season (Hamel el al., 1993; Hamel and Mercier, 1996). The apodids. which have only two gonad tubules, similarly use these containers for more than one reproductive season (Sew- ell and Chia, 1994; Frick el al., 1996). 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Reference: Biol. Hull 192: 27-40. (February. 1997) Energy Use During the Development of a Lecithotrophic and a Planktotrophic Echinoid O. HOEGH-GULDBERG' AND R. B. EMLET2 1 School oj Biological Sciences. Building AOS. University of Sydney, 2006 NSW, Australia; and 2 Institute of Marine Biology and Department of Biology, University of Oregon, Charleston, OR 97420 Abstract. The energy required for development was measured in two closely related echinoids with differing modes of development. Heliocidaris tubercitlata hatches from a 95-jum egg (~0. 1 Mg dry organic mass) and devel- ops via a planktotrophic larva over 2 1-30 days into a ju- venile (5.3-7.5 jug). H. erythrogramma hatches from a ~400/jm egg (1 1.6-19.0 jug) and develops over 3.5- 4 days via a lecithotrophic larva into a juvenile with a mass not detectably different from that of the egg. Oxygen consumption increased exponentially in H. tuberculata and peaked at about 200-500 pmol indiv ' h ', whereas the oxygen consumption of//, erythrogramma increased rapidly, reaching a plateau at about 800 pmol indiv" ' h"1 on the second day. Metabolic energy expenditure for de- velopment to metamorphosis was twofold higher for //. tuberculata (52-60 mJ indiv"1) than for //. erythro- gramma (26-35 mJ indiv"1). The interspecific compari- son suggests that about half the metabolic expenditure for planktotrophic development goes toward building and operating the larval feeding apparatus and that the return on this investment is 400%-600% over the larval period. When the energy equivalents of the organic masses of the juveniles are included, the energy for constructing a juve- nile on a per mass basis is essentially the same for both species (cf. H. tuberculata: 37-42 mJ /ug~'; //. erythro- gramma: 34-36 mJ /zg~') and implies the absence of de- velopmentally based energetic barriers or benefits to changes in modes of development. Substantial amounts of metabolically inactive material may be present in em- bryos with nonfeeding development and should be con- sidered in physiological measurements and comparisons. Introduction Most marine invertebrates have life cycles that include a pelagic larva (Thorson, 1950) which may feed (plank- Received 26 April 1996; accepted 14 November 1996. totrophic) or not feed (lecithotrophic) on food particles. Nonfeeding larval development has evolved repeatedly in echinoderms and many other marine invertebrate phyla (e.g.. Strathmann, 1978a, 1993; Emlet, 1990, 1994; Wray, 1995) and is associated with increased size of eggs. With sufficient materials and energy in the larger eggs, lecithotrophic development is relatively rapid, and morphogenesis can be quite modified from that of re- lated taxa with feeding larval development (e.g.. aster- oids: Byrne, 1991, 1995; McEdward, 1992; Janies and McEdward, 1993; echinoids: Raff, 1987; Wray and Raff. 1989, 1990; nemerteans: Martindale and Henry, 1995). Among echinoids, studies on species with feeding and nonfeeding larval development have demonstrated re- markable changes in early embryology and larval form. Patterns of cell cleavage (Raff, 1987), cell lineages (Wray and Raff, 1989, 1990), and mechanisms of blastulation and gastrulation (Henry et a!.. 1991; Wray and Raff. 1991; Schatt and Feral, 1996) have apparently changed. The timing of expression of larval and juvenile traits has been rearranged (e.g.. Raff, 1987; Wray and Bely, 1994; Emlet, 1995); larval shape and degree of retention of the ancestral larval structures varies (e.g.. Amemiya and Emlet, 1992; Olson et al. 1993; Emlet, 1995; Morris, 1995). The length of the larval period and the size at metamorphosis can change (Lawrence el al.. 1984; McClintock and Pearse, 1986; Emlet et al.. 1987; Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997). Our understanding of how development evolves is particularly enhanced by comparisons between closely related taxa with differing modes of development. One area in which we lack such comparative data is the en- ergy required for development. Energy required for de- velopment includes (a) the maternal energy contributed in the egg, (b) the total metabolic expenditure during de- velopment, and (c) the energy in the mass change be- tween fertilization and metamorphosis. Larger eggs do 27 28 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET contain more energy, but few studies have been able to provide precise estimates of the energy required for different developmental modes (Jaeckle, 1995). We know little about whet! ; holism changes when de- velopment changes. Be use lecithotrophic species have their own energv and usually develop relatively rapidly, how does iheir metabolic activity change after fertilization? If rates are adjusted for mass-specific me- tabolism, how do planktotrophs and lecithotrophs com- pare? The large yolky eggs of many lecithotrophs may contain metabolically inert materials: how might this confound interpretations of mass-specific metabolism? Do lecithotrophic larvae, which have a finite maternal energy supply, require more or less energy to produce a juvenile than is required by planktotrophic larvae that must gather materials and energy through feeding? Al- though the evidence suggests that nonfeeding develop- ment has evolved repeatedly and a considerable effort has been made to understand this in terms of life-history evolution (e.g., Vance, 1973; Strathmann, 1985; Rough- garden, 1989; Havenhand, 1993, 1995). we know of no studies (or theories) that have searched for developmen- tally based energetic differences associated with particu- lar modes of development. The present study compares the energy use by two closely related species with differing modes of develop- ment. By providing several genera that include both planktotrophic and lecithotrophic species, the echi no- derm fauna of southeast Australia presents an unusual opportunity to minimize evolutionary distance and en- vironmental differences. The echinoid genus Helioci- daris includes two species that co-exist in the Sydney re- gion. The adult distributions partially overlap in shallow, subtidal, rocky habitats, and in general both species ex- perience similar thermal and other environmental regi- mens during their life cycles. Laegdsgaard et al. ( 1991 ) found different seasons of reproduction for the two spe- cies, but viable gametes of both species were readily ob- tained for this study during Austral summers. // luher- culala (Lamarck) hatches from a small egg (diameter — 95 A lipid, 65.6% protein and 5.8% carbohydrate. Our use of these estimates is sup- ported by preliminary biochemical analyses of the com- position of eggs of //. erythrogramma: the results indi- cate that larvae with a normal complement of blastocoe- lic lipid consist of 58% lipid, 39%. protein, and 3% carbohydrate (A. Moran. unpubl. data). The composi- tion of gonadal tissue from H. tiibereidata and H. eryth- rogramma (Lawrence and Byrne, 1994) also supports these values estimated from Jaeckle ( 1995). The respec- tive percentages of lipid, protein, and carbohydrate in tis- sues of the ripe ovaries were as follows: H. erythro- gramma— 50%, 38%., and 8%; //. tnherculata—21%, 54%., and 12%. (table 3 in Lawrence and Byrne, 1994). For each species, total metabolic expenditure for de- velopment was calculated from the total amount of oxy- gen taken up over the entire course of development. To- 30 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET tal oxygen consumption was determined by integrating 3rd or 4th order polynomial equations fitted to respirom- etry data (instantaneous metabolic rates) with a curve- fitting program (Solver. Microsoft, USA r > 0.95). The total oxygen was converted into energy units. J. by as- suming that the substrate being combusted was a mix- ture oflipid, protein, and carbohydrate and by using the oxyenthalpic equivalent for this mixture (480 kJ/ mol O2) determined from Gnaiger (1983). The maternal investment of energy into the eggs of the two species was compared using calculations of the en- ergy contained within the eggs and the energy required for complete larval development (see above). Some cal- culations of the energy content of the eggs of H. erythro- gramma also took into consideration the fact that about half the egg (Table I) consists of a blastocoelic lipid-rich component that is used primarily for juvenile develop- ment (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997). In this case, egg energy content was calculated by excluding the pro- portion of the egg mass removed by centrifugation of blastulae and assuming that the rest of the egg has the same lipid. protein, and carbohydrate fractions as the original egg. This last assumption was made because the biochemical composition of the reduced-lipid embryos was not measured and will cause an overestimate of en- ergy content of reduced-lipid embryos by as much as 15% if centrifugation produced embryos with a compo- sition similar to that of planktotrophic eggs. Results Changes in dry organic mass He/iocidaris tuberculata. Three cohorts of larvae were raised through metamorphosis with the first individuals metamorphosing on days 21.29, and 30 for the separate cultures. Dry organic mass was measured for these co- horts and for others not raised through metamorphosis. The eggs from two cohorts of Heliocidaris tuberculata had estimated dry organic masses of 0. 1 2 ± 0.0 1 /ug egg" ' and 0.22 ± 0.02 /ug egg ' (mean ± 1 SEM), respectively. The egg masses of these cohorts are significantly different (Mest: T = 4.82, df = 1 0, P = 0.00 1 ), but the higher value for one cohort may be in error because it was based on samples frozen in small amounts of seawater and these may have absorbed moisture upon initial weighing. The value of 0. 1 2 /ug egg' ' falls on the regression line of egg volume and dry organic weight for eggs of echinoderm species with lecithotrophic and planktotrophic develop- ment (fig. 1 in Jaeckle, 1995) and is used for calculations throughout this study. Larval masses increased exponentially during feeding larval development. Competent larvae, recognized by well- developed juvenile rudiments including definitive spines and shortened larval arms, had masses of 4. 18 ± 0.93 /ug larva"1 to 5.97 ± 0.34 ^g larva"1 (mean ± 1 SEM), representing a 35- to 50-fold increase from a 0. 1 2 /ug egg ' over the 2 1-30-day larval period (Fig. 1 A). The calculated change in dry organic weight ranged between 4.06 and 5.86 ug larva"1. Two-day-old juveniles of two cohorts had dry organic masses of 5.26 ± 0.24 /ug juvenile"' (mean ± 1 SEM) and 7.49 ± 0.39 ,ug juvenile ', respectively. Heliocidaris erythrogramma. The dry organic mass of the eggs of Heliocidaris erythrogramma differed signifi- cantly among seven cultures (ANOVA, F = 8.83, df = 6, P < 0.001) and ranged from 11.59 ± 0.93 Mg egg"' to 18.97 ± 1.03 /ugegg"' (mean ± 1 SEM). Ovoid eggs had equivalent, mean spherical diameters of 369 to 418 /um for six cultures. The dry organic mass of embryos of H. erythrogramma from which the blastocoelic contents had been removed by centrifugation was measured to es- timate the percentage of the egg mass that was contrib- uted to the blastocoelic contents (Table I A). The mean percentage that was blastocoelic contents was 52.2 ± 5.1% (mean ± 1 SEM) and ranged from 39.8 to 64.7% ( = mean ±95% CD. The mean dry organic masses of H. erythrogramma remained unchanged in one culture, increased in an- other, and decreased in two others after 4 days of larval development (Fig. IB). Three of these cohorts showed nonsignificant changes in mass, and one showed a sig- nificant drop over this interval (/-tests. Table IB). Larvae of//, erythrogramma from which the blastocoelic lipid had been removed developed normally to the juvenile stage in the same time (3.5-4 d) as control echinoids (see also Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997). At metamorphosis, control juveniles of //. erythro- gramnia had substantially greater organic mass than re- duced-lipid juveniles. One-day-old control juveniles from four cohorts had mean dry organic masses of 1 2.4, 16.5, 18.9, and 19.4 /ug individual"' (n = 3 to 6 replicate samples per cohort). Sibling reduced-lipid juveniles from the same cohorts had mean dry organic masses of 4.4, 7.2, 10.2. and 13.8 /ug individual"1, respectively (/; = 2 to 5 replicate samples per cohort). These values for re- duced-lipid juveniles range from 0.8 to 1 .8 times the dry organic mass of juvenile H. tuberculata. Because meta- bolic studies were conducted on cohorts of H. erythro- gramma from the upper part of the egg-mass distribu- tion, even reduced-lipid juveniles from these cohorts had masses greater than those of//, tuberculata. These values indicate that juveniles of the two species differ in mass and energy content even after blastocoelic lipid materials are taken into account. See Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg (1997) for comparisons of juvenile size and growth be- tween the control and reduced-lipid treatments of H. erythrogramma and between the congeners. Metabolic rates during development Heliocidaris tubcrculala. The metabolic rate of//. 111- herculata increased from near zero (1.99 to ENERGY USE BY SEA URCHIN LARVAE 31 A. Heliocidaris tuberculata 7 -- VI et ~ 6 -- 1 S 4 55 ••« -t OJD "O i«3 ^52 Q 1 0 U 5 10 15 20 25 30 Age (d) B. //. erythrogramma 8 10 Age (d) Figure 1 . Changes in dry organic mass as a function of time for the embryos and larvae of the plankto- trophic echinoid. Hc/inciilur^ luhcmilala (A), and the lecithotrophic echinoid, // erylhmgramma (B). Shown are means ± 1 SEM (n = 5-6 replicate weight determinations at a given age), with different symbol types representing cultures derived from separate parental pairs. Drawings indicate the morphology of larvae at various stages during development (adapted from Emlet, 1995). C. competent larval stages; J. juveniles. The arrow indicates the approximate age at which H. erythrogramma reaches metamorphic competence. 4.75 pmol O: larva ' h ') to metabolic rates that ranged between 200 and 500 pmol O: larva"1 h"1 (Fig. 2A). Metabolic rates generally followed changes in biomass. However, specific metabolic rates (SMR) indicated that this was not strictly so. Three distinct phases could be identified (Fig. 3A): (1) An initial increase in specific metabolic rate over the first 2 days; (2) a relatively stable phase from days 2 to 10 in which the SMR ranged be- tween 150 and 250 pmol O2 jtg~' h '; and (3) a final phase (days 10-22) in which the SMR dropped to be- tween 50 and 1 50 pmol O: /ug~ ' h~'. Heliocidaris erythrogramma. The metabolic rate of//. erythrogramma showed some dramatic changes during development. Metabolic rates increased steadily from 1 7 to 27 pmol O: larva"' h"1 just after fertilization to ap- proximately 600-800 pmol O2 larva" ' h" ' at 36 h (22°C, Fig. 2B). A transient spike in the metabolic rate was seen in some cultures between 25 and 31 h after fertilization (corresponding to late gastrulation, early vestibule for- mation). This spike was not seen in all cultures, however. Metabolic rates ranged from 600 to 1000 pmol O2 larva"1 h"1 from 1.5 days after fertilization until meta- morphosis and then declined with time after metamor- phosis (Fig. 2B). Two days after metamorphosis, juve- niles (two cohorts), for example, had metabolic rates that ranged between 200 and 400 pmol O: larva ' h ' (Fig. 2B). Specific metabolic rates of H. erythrogramma larvae were lower than those of//, tuberculata for most of their development (cf. SMR ranges, //. erythrogramma: 0- 100 pmol O2Mg~' h"'. Fig. 4; and H. tuberculata: 0- 300 pmol O2Mg~' h"1. Fig. 3A). However, if SMRs are calculated using dry organic masses from which the blas- tocoelic lipid fraction has been removed, SMR values showed a greater resemblance to those of//, tuberculata (Figs. 3A and B, 5). The metabolic rates of embryos with and without blastocoelic lipid were measured in order to investigate the metabolic activity of the blastocoelic fraction of H. erythrogramma embryos. Removal of lipid rich contents from embryos in five separate cultures revealed that larval metabolic rates were not different be- tween uncentrifuged (control) and reduced-lipid em- bryos (Fig. 6, Nested ANOVA. testing for effects of re- moving lipid contents F^2x = 0.25, P = 0.94). Energy budgets, maternal investment, and the energy required to produce a juvenile Energy budgets were constructed to provide precise measurement of the energy required for development in both species. Calculated totals were then used together with the energetic contents of eggs to provide estimates of the proportion of energy for development that was provided as maternal investment in the egg. 32 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET Table I Drv organic mass (micrograms per individual) lor Heliocidaris erythrogramma A. Embryos (24-30 h) with (Control) and without (Reduced IJpid) blastocoelic lipid from 7 independent cultures Control Reduced lipid embryos embryos Blastocoelic Culture ID (//*) Mean 1 SEM Mean I SEM Contents (%)t HE013(5.6) 17.7 1.4 10.5 1.3 40.8 HEOI6(6,6) 18.6 1.4 11.9 I.I 35.9 HE017(6,6) 18.9 0.8 10.2 0.8 46.1 HE94/3(4.5) 12.4 0.5 4.4 0.5 64.3 H £94/4(5. 5) 14.4 2.3 4.4 0.8 69.1 HE94/5(6,6) 12.7 0.7 4.4 0.3 65.0 H £94/6(5, 5) 18.0 2.5 10.0 1.6 44.4 Mean 16.1 8.0 52.2 SEM I.I 1.3 5.1 Min(95%CI) 13.4 4.9 39.8 Max(95%CI) 18.7 1 1.1 64.7 B. Eggs and competent larvae from cultures shown in Figure I B Competent Eggs larvae Mests(dflO) Culture ID («*) Mean I SEM Mean 1 SEM T. prob. HEOIO(6,6) 15.10 0.52 14.61 0.47 0.70, P = 0.50 HEOI3(6.6) 16.35 0.42 18.96 1.21 2.03, P= 0.07 HEOI7(6,6) 18.97 1.03 18.62 0.80 0.82, />= 0.94 HE94/4(6,6) 12.59 0.64 10.85 0.25 2.53. P = 0.03 * The number of replicate samples tor each treatment. t The blastocoelic contents (%) is the percent of the original mass removed by centrifugation of blastulae. Heliocidaris tuberculata. During the course of devel- opment H. tuberculata accumulated biomass that repre- sented between 114 and 164 mJ individual" ' (Table IIA). Between 1 08.9 and 1 24.6 nmol of oxygen or 52 and 60 mJ individual ' was utilized in routine metabolism during this same period (Table IIB). Excluding maternal investment in the egg, the energy for development is approximately equal to the sum of these two compo- nents and ranged between 174 mJ individual ' and 216 mJ individual"1 ii one includes the energy invested into the egg, the energy tor development is slightly higher and is equal to 17 20 mJ individual" '. On a per weight basis, the energy for producing a juvenile of H. liibercitlata ranges from 3 2 mJ ^g~'. The proportion of energy for producing a juvenile that comes from maternal investment in the egg can be cal- culated by dividing the energy invested into an egg by the total energy for development. Values calculated in this way yielded estimates of maternal investment by //. lu- berculata of less than 2% of the total energy required to produce a juvenile ( 1 .3% and 1 .6% for two cohorts). Heliocidaris erythrogramma. For three of four cul- tures, changes in the biomass were not significant over the 3.5-4 days it took //. erythrogramma to develop into a juvenile (Table IB). Based on the integrated metabolic rate of//, erythrogramma over the time course of devel- opment, the expected decline in biomass (total energy burned in respiration divided by 27 kJ g~', the energy re- leased per gram of a mixture of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid aerobically combusted; Gnaiger, 1983) was be- tween 0.9 and 1.3 ^g individual"1. This is below the precision of the method used to measure dry organic weight. //. erythrogramma utilized 55.2 to 74. 1 nmol O: indi- vidual ' (range of means from four cultures) to develop into a juvenile. In energetic equivalents this is 26 to 35 mJ individual ' (Table IIIB). The energy required for H. erythrogramma to develop into a juvenile (excluding maternal investment in the egg) was therefore 29 ± 6 mJ individual ' (mean ± 95% CI; Table IIIC). If the maternal investment in the egg was added (including that used for juvenile development), the total energy for //. erythrogramma to develop into a juvenile was 571 ± 87 mJ individual"1 (mean ± 95% CI; Table HID). If one takes into account that about 52.2% of the //. erythro- gramma egg is used for juvenile development and is not an investment in embryonic and larval development (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997). the energy for de- velopment is 325 ± 68 mJ individual" ' (mean ± 95% CI; Table HID). The energy for producing a juvenile was estimated by dividing the total energy for development by the mass of juvenile produced. The estimated energy for develop- ment per microgram of juvenile body produced ranged between 34.1 and 34.8 mJ /ug^1 across the four cohorts examined. The mass-specific energy for producing a ju- venile of//, erythrogramma was similar even when the blastocoelic contents were excluded from the calculation of both the total energy required for development and the total energy supplied to the egg (range 35.4- 36.3 mJMg~', Table HIE). Maternal investment including the lipid-rich blasto- coelic component was 94.8% ± 1.3% (mean ± 95% con- fidence interval, n = 4) of the total energy required to make a juvenile. Maternal investment by //. erythro- gramma excluding this blastocoelic component was 90.8% ± 1 .6%. In either case this was many times greater than the maternal investment by H. tiibercidata (<2%). Discussion Despite the active discussion for more than 50 years on larval life-history patterns of marine invertebrates (e.g.. Thorson, 1950; Crisp, 1976; Strathmann, 1985: Havenhand, 1995), precise estimates of the energetics of development are lacking for invertebrates with differing ENERGY USE BY SEA URCHIN LARVAE 33 A. Heliocidaris tuberculata B. H. erythrogramma a - o ' * £ 5 3 . O •- y ^ B = 600 r 500 400 300 M "5 200 *^> g O 3 100 Competence •:| mjo •? !f T 0 10 15 20 25 Age (d) 01 Age (d) Figure 2. The oxygen consumption of embryos and larvae of the planktotrophic echinoid. Heliocidaris tiihcrailata (A), and the lecithotrophic echinoid, H erythrogramma (B). Symbols represent individual respirometry measurements (a chamber of larvae at a given stage) with different symbol types representing individual cultures derived from separate parental pairs. Arrows indicate the approximate ages at which metamorphic competence occurred in each species. modes of development. This study addresses this issue for two species of congeneric urchins, estimating the en- ergy required for development, the energy required to build and operate a feeding larva and that required to transform an egg into a juvenile, and the percentage of the total energy required for development that is invested into the two egg types by the mother. The key observa- tion of the present study is that although the two species differ greatly in terms of developmental mode, metabolic expenditures, and maternal investment, the energy re- quired to make a juvenile is essentially the same when scaled to juvenile mass. Changes in metabolic rates as a function of developmental stage A rapid increase in the metabolic rate of both species of sea urchins characterizes the first 2 days of develop- ment. The egg rapidly differentiates into the cellular components required for further development during this period. For Heliocidaris tuberculata, this involves the formation of the feeding apparatus required to accu- mulate further resources over the 3-4-week period of de- velopment. H. erythrogramma develops directly into a juvenile sea urchin over 3.5-4 days at 22°C. In this case, the differentiation presumably results in a minimal swimming apparatus and the juvenile rudiment. Al- though comparisons are complicated by the differences in the duration of development between the two species, some interesting trends are revealed. The rapid rise in metabolic activity slows at the end of the second day in both species and leads to a period in which the metabolic activity per gram of tissue (specific metabolic rate, SMR) remains relatively constant (Figs. 3, 4). In the case of H. tuberculata. the SMR during this second phase ranges between 150 and 250 pmol O: ftg~' h~'. H. erythrogramma had SMR values ranging between 30 and 70 pmol O: ^g~' h~". Part of the differ- ence between the SMR of the two species is due to the presence of a large amount of blastocoelic lipid in the larvae of//, erythrogramma. This lipid-rich store, repre- senting about 50% of the dry organic mass of the larva, does not appear to influence the success or timing of lar- val development (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997), and its removal does not affect the metabolic activity of larvae (Fig. 6). The SMR of H. erythrogramma was cor- rected for the presence of non-metabolically active lipid by standardizing rates to masses excluding blastocoelic 34 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET A. Ueliocidaris tuberculata 300 - • Kv fl K\ f) no ^— . 250 - •<> o \Hf W 'js 200 - o « ^ "^ • * 7M 150- . .. , =L o" 100 »- o • *: '21 "o 0^ r i i i i i i i i i i i s. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 i- g B. H. erythrogramma "o £ 150 - . " • l^i 1 fe) 4> • ^ v^/ 1 M • S 100 - • • • • _ • » ^ c • n DB«va v "v. • is °° o' « i •• B •* w 50 - a t/3 |,l' oJ r J D * , i , i , i , i 1734 Days after fertilization Figure 3. The specific metabolic rate of Helioadurn tithmiilata (A) and //- erythrogramma (B) as a function of age. The SMRs for // erylhrugramma were calculated by dividing larval metabolic rates by the dry organic mass of the reduced-lipid embryos for a given culture. This "corrected" SMR assumes that not all embryo or larval mass is metabolically active and is corroborated by data presented in Fig. 6. Symbols represent individual respirometry measurements (a chamber of larvae at a given stage), and different sym- bol types represent cultures derived from separate parental pairs. Drawings indicate the morphology of larvae at various stages during development (adapted from Emlet. contents (cf. Figs. 3B, 4). SMR values of H. erythro- gramma larvae corrected to active metabolic tissue were similar to the SMR of H. tuberculata over the last lOdays of its development (cf. Ht: 50-150 pmol O: jug'1 h"1; He: 50-100 pmol O; Mg~ ' rT1). The slower anc nore stable growth of the feeding larva during the last pa he development of//, tuberculata suggests that the 1 SMR earlier in the develop- ment of this species 250 pmol O2 ^g~' h"1 as op- posed to 50-150 pnu ' h~'; Fig. 3) is associated with the greater amount o >olic activity required to form larval arms, skeleton. sociated feeding struc- tures. Coeloms are also giv luring this period of in- creased metabolism, but the vestibule or amniotic inva- gination has not yet formed (Emlei. pers. obs.). In this case, the difference between the larval structures of the early larval stages of//, tuberculala and those seen later in this species and in //. erythrogramma is that //. tuber- culata does not have a significant amount of rudiment tissue early in development. This difference implies that metabolic rates of young //. tuberculala larvae are being standardized to smaller masses of relatively more active tissue and that rudiment tissues are relatively less active metabolically. If the SMR of rudiment tissues is lower than that of functioning larval tissues, then (in the pres- ence of ample food or energy reserves) energetic savings might be gained by forming rudiment tissues early in de- velopment rather than investing in more expensive lar- val tissues. The SMR values reported here are at the lower end of a large range of values published for feeding and growing invertebrate larvae (268-893 pmol O: jug" ' h ' dry or- ganic mass), which were reviewed by Hoegh-Guldberg and Manahan (1995). based on numbers presented by Crisp ( 1 976). The viability of larvae during respirometry measurements was also investigated during experiments ENERGY USE BY SEA URCHIN LARVA1 35 « 100 -, BHP //. erythrogramma • i a 1>a 75 - -§T££ •!•• ° ° • • * * c | Q- 50 - £l 25- • II j'hV0" B a;'' ? B " c '3 31 .?• n J |f 1,1,1 , 1 0 Days after fertilization Figure 4. The "uncorrected" specific metabolic rate of the echinoid Heliocidaris erythrogramma stan- dardized to the mass of the egg (including blastocoelic lipid). These uncorrected SMRs are roughly half those reported in Fig. 3B. However, the relative positions of some measurements have shifted between Figs. 3B and 4 because the % blastocoelic lipid varies among larvae from different cultures. Metamorphic competence occurred at 3.5-4 days. reported here. Larvae were always intact and swimming normally after respirometry measurements. Ongoing work by Moreno and Hoegh-Guldberg (unpublished) has revealed that the problems reported by Hoegh-Guld- berg and Manahan (1995) are probably the result of the small chambers used in the latter experiments rather than an inherent problem with the polarographic oxygen technique (leaking of KC1, effect of electric fields, etc.). Energy budgets, maternal investment, and the energy for producing a juvenile H tuberculata increases in size at an average rate of between 0.20 and 0.27 ^g d~ ' over its developmental pe- riod of 3+ weeks. During the same time, between 108.9 and 124.6 nmol of oxygen were consumed. By compari- son, H. erythrogramma did not increase in size. In this case, the decrease in mass was probably in the range of 1-1.5 Mg individual' ' (based on its metabolic rate) over its short developmental period and hence was too small to detect with the methods used here. The embryos and larvae of//, erythrogramma also consumed about half as much (45%-68%) oxygen as H. tiiberculata (between 55.2 and 74.1 nmol individual^ ', range of means from four cultures of//, erythrogramma). Although the oxygen consumption of //. erythro- gramma was lower, its maternal investment was higher than that of//, tiiberculata. In echinoids, the energy re- serves of the egg are used by embryos and larvae as sources of both nutrients and energy. H. tuberculata pro- duces eggs that are 95 /jm in diameter and contain about 3.3 mJ of energy (assuming a mixture of lipid, protein, and carbohydrate that is typical of planktotrophic eggs; Jaeckle, 1995). By comparison, H. erythrogramma pro- duces eggs that are 370 to 420 n in diameter and contain between 490 and 6 1 9 mJ of energy (assuming typical lec- ithotrophic egg composition; Jaeckle, 1995) or 241 and 334 mJ of energy when blastocoelic lipid is excluded. The difference in the size of egg energy reserves be- tween H. tuberculata and //. erythrogramma contrib- uted to the difference in energy required to make a juve- nile in the two species. Results from two separate cul- tures revealed that it takes between 177 and 220 mJ of energy to make a juvenile of//, tuberculata. These values are both below the lower 959! confidence interval (257 mJ) of the energy required for making a juvenile of H. erythrogramma (mean = 325 mJ, see Table HID). When the lipid-rich component is removed from em- bryos of//, erylhrogramma. the resulting juveniles have test and overall dimensions at settlement that are similar to those of//, tuberculata (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997), but in some instances the dry organic masses of these juveniles were still greater than those for juveniles of//, tuberculata. Thus part of the absolute difference in energy for development is reflected in different masses of the resulting juveniles, even when blastocoelic lipids are excluded. If the total energy to make a juvenile is standardized to the mass of juvenile produced, the difference between the two species largely disappears (cf. values for H. tuber- culata: 37, 42 mJ Mg ' and //. erythrogramma: 34, 35, 35, 34 mJ jug"1 when blastocoelic contents are included and 35. 36, 36, 36 mJ ^g ' when they are excluded). This result means that the energy to make a juvenile via feed- ing larval development is essentially the same as the en- ergy to make one directly from reserves added to the egg. This suggests that larval acquisition of materials from the environment to produce a juvenile may be nearly as 36 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET 0 6 12 18 24 30 Time after fertilization (h) Figure 5. The specific metabolic rate of Heliocidaris tuberculata (open symbols) and H erythrogramma (closed symbols) during early development. The SMRs of//, erythrogramma were calculated using masses excluding blastocoelic lipids. Symbols represent individual res- pirometry measurements. The arrow indicates the approximate point at which hatching occurred. efficient as the "pre-packaging" of materials provided in the lecithotrophic egg. Comparable calculations of en- ergy per microgram for planktotrophic larval develop- ment of the crown-ot-thorns seastar, Acanthaster planci (from table 1 in Hoegh-Guldberg, 1994; measurements done at 27°C), and for the lecithotrophic larvae of the red abalone, Haliolis niti'M'cn\ (from tables 2 and 3 of Jaeckle and Manahan, 1989. at 16°-17°C), yield values of 37 mJ Mg ' and 36-38 mJ ^g ' respectively, suggest- ing that the energy for development corrected for organic mass is strikingly similar among echinoids, asteroids, and gastropods. Further studies that include both plank- totrophic and lecithotrophic comparisons are required and are in progress to substantiate this generalization and these studies (Moreno and Hoegh-Guldberg, unpub- lished). The interspecific comparisons of metabolism and en- ergy requirements allow some measure of the effective- ness with which feeding larvae acquire energy. Metabolic expenditures (measured as oxygen consumed) by larvae of//, tuberculata were roughly twice those measured for // erythrogramma over their respective developmental intervals. Because eggs of//, erythrogramma contain all the necessary reserves foi -nile construction, the me- tabolism measured can Iv msidered to be the metabolic cost to turn these reserves into a juvenile and maintain it (range for four cohorts = 26 to '. 5 mJ). If one assumes that half of the metabolic expenditure of//, tuberculata goes (ultimately) toward the same purpose, then the re- maining half of the metabolic expenditure is used to build and power the larval feeding apparatus and diges- tive system to acquire these reserves. In return for this investment in larval feeding (half of the metabolic ex- penditure was 26 to 30 mJ individual '), the offspring increases 35- to 50-fold in organic matter, representing an increase in energy content of 1 14 to 164 mJ individu- al"'. These numbers suggest that for every millijoule ex- pended to power the feeding systems there is roughly a return of 5 to 7 mJ ( 1 mJ used to power the feeding sys- tems and 4 to 6 mJ that supply materials for juvenile construction). In other words, return on the investment is 400% to 600% over the 21- to 30-day interval! These numbers may be high for several reasons. If our measure- ments of metabolic rates are low, then the actual invest- ment in feeding is higher and the relative return lower. Our studies were conducted at high food concentrations under laboratory conditions. High food concentrations reduce the time for development and minimize the en- ergy required by restricting the period over which meta- bolic expenditures occur. The developmental period for pluteus larvae can be extended by weeks to months on limited food (e.g.. Paulay et ai. 1985; Fenaux el cil.. 1988, 1994; Pedrotti and Fenaux. 1993). in which time larvae are metabolically active but not gaining biomass at maximal rates (see Strathmann, 1978b, 1987, for ex- amples of the varying planktonic durations). Under situ- ations of food limitation with prolonged development, the return on the investment in the feeding apparatus would be expected to drop. The values for the effectiveness of the larval feeding were based on a congeneric, interspecific study of energy for development, and we know of no similar studies for comparison. Similar measurements on other congeners with differing modes of development should permit comparisons of effectiveness of different kinds of feeding larvae. In a recent comparison of feeding rates among 1 1 1000 Control Reduced-lipid 013 017 94-3 94-4 94-6 Figure 6. Metabolic rates of larvae of Heliocidaris erythrogramma with (control) and without blastocoelic lipid reserves (reduced-hpid). Each bar represents the mean ± 1 SEM and is based on three or four chambers oflarvae. Each pair of bars is identified by a culture ID, rep- resenting separate parental pairs. ENERGY USE BY SEA URCHIN LARVAE 37 Table II Mass and energy summaries for the entire development "I Helicocidaris luherculala constructed from ilaui collectedfrom /i independent culiitrcs Culture ID HKI04 HT-CKI A. Changes in biomass during development. (l)Biomassofegg(Mgegg ') 0.12 0.12 (2) Biomassatend of development (^g larva ') 5.97 4.18 Biomass change (jjglarva^1) +5.86 +4.06 (3) Energy equivalents of biomass change (J larva ') 0.164 0.1 14 B. Metabolic expenditure Total oxygen consumption (pmol individual ') 108,908 (4) Energ> expenditure (J individual ') 0.052 124.571 0.060 C. Knergy for development excluding maternal investment (.) larva ') (5 = 3 + 4)J larva ' 0.216 0.174 D. Knergy for development including maternal investment (J larva ') (6) Egg investment (J egg ') 0.0033 0.0033 (7 = 5 + 6)Jlarva"') 0.220 0.177 (8 = 7/2) E. Energy for development per mass of juvenile (J ng ') 0.037 0.042 See Materials and Methods for the basis by which biomass and oxy- gen consumption were converted into units of energy. species of echinoderm larvae, representing four classes (and two body forms), Hart (1996) suggested that the pluteus body plan might be "an energetically inexpen- sive adaptation for suspension feeding in the plankton" (Hart. 1996, p. 42). He based his suggestion on the obser- vations that pluteus larvae (both echinoid and ophiuroid larvae) developed and grew faster than non-pluteus lar- vae (asteroids and holothuroids) under similar feeding conditions, and that even though the maximal clearance rates are lower overall for the pluteus than for non-plu- teus forms, the pluteus larvae also had a higher maximal clearance rate for a given number of cells in the ciliary feeding apparatus. Measurements of the energy for de- velopment of planktotrophic larvae of Acanthaster planet allow a partial and heuristic comparison with the values for larvae of the Hcliocidaris species. With the same assumptions for A. planci as were used for plankto- trophic // niherculata, the mean egg energy = 28.6 mJ, the range of energy of the added biomass == 39.3- 44.3 mJ, and the range of energy expended during respi- ration 16. 3-29. 2 mJ (calculated from table 1 of Hoegh-Guldberg, 1994). Like the values for H. tubereii- lata (Table II), the energy expended in respiration was roughly half the value of the energy equivalents calcu- lated for the biomass added during the larval period. In the absence of a comparison with nonfeeding develop- ment in a related seastar, it is not clear how much of the respiratory costs to associate with juvenile formation versus building and running the larval feeding apparatus of the seastar larva. If we assume that these costs parti- tion as they did for Hcliocidaris (50% to juvenile forma- tion and 50% to operation of the feeding system), then larvae of Acanihaster may experience about 270% to 540%. return on investment in the feeding apparatus. This range extends lower than but overlaps the return estimated for pluteus larvae and hence is consistent with Hart's (1996) suggestion of difference in effectiveness of larval body plans. Obviously the data are limited and many assumptions are untested within this comparison. Its greatest use. however, is demonstrating the potential for inferences if appropriate comparisons are made. Comparison of the amount of energy invested into the egg with the total energy required to produce a juvenile permits the calculation of the maternal investment in each species. //. luherculala invests 3.3 mJ of organic en- ergy into each egg; this amounts to less than 2% of the total energy needs of embryonic and larval development (177 and 220 mJ individual ', Table IIC). In compari- son, //. erythrogramma invests between 241 and 334 mJ into each egg; this contributes 90.8% ± 1.6% (mean ± 95% CI) of the total energy required to make a juvenile H. erythrogramma (325 ± 68 mJ individual ', Table HID). This study verified that a planktotrophic egg con- tains only a small contribution to the total energy re- quired by a developing larva, whereas the opposite is true with a lecithotrophic egg, which makes a huge contribu- tion to the energy for development. Implications Jor the evolution of development and metabolic studies The values for energy required to produce a juvenile imply that there are no developmentally based energetic barriers or benefits to changes in modes of development. The total energy for development (per individual) in the species with planktotrophic larvae is essentially the same as that in the species with pelagic, lecithotrophic larvae, once juvenile body size is taken into account. Selection for the increase in egg size, the loss of feeding function, and the reorganization of morphogenesis do not require increases or decreases in the overall energy required to produce a juvenile beyond those that are considered in life-hisi .r> theory. The additional comparison that we offer is for the energy required for development of //. er\'tlv> -gramma with and without the blastocoelic lipid components. This comparison not only demonstrates that this species invests materials that are not used in lar- val development (see also Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1 997), but also corroborates the observation that similar energy for development is involved when juvenile size is 38 O. HOEGH-GULDBERG AND R. B. EMLET Table III Muss and energy summaries lor the enlii i - 'A '/'""'"' "/ Heliocidaris erythrogramma constructed /nun data collected from four independent cultures Culture ID HE007 HEOIO HE013 (5 = 3 + 4)J larva" C. Energy for development excluding maternal investment 0.026 0.029 0.035 See Materials and Methods for the basis by which biomass and oxygen consumption were converted into units of energy. * Changes in biomass were not significant, see Table IB. — , no data. HE017 A. Changes in biomass during development ( 1 ) Egg biomass ( jjg egg ' ) 16.09 15.10 16.35 18.97 (!') Est. biomass. excl. blastocoelic cont. (/igegg ') 7.37 9.0 9.68 10.22 (2) Biomass of at end of development (/ig larva ') — 14.61 18.96 18.86 Biomass change (j. Mar. Bioi. EcoL 82: 359-287. McEdward, L. R. 1992. Morphology and development of a unique type of pelagic larva in the starfish Pleraster tesselatus (Echino- dermata: Asteroidea). Bid. Bull. 182: 177-187. McMillan, \V. O., R. A. Raff, and S. R. Palumbi. 1992. Population genetic consequences of developmental evolution in sea urchins (Genus Heliocidaris). Evolution 46: 1 299- 1312. Morris, V. B. 1995. Apluleal development of the sea urchin Holop- neiixtc.i purpui rscms Agassiz (Echinodermata: Echinoidea:Euechi- noidea). Zoo/. J. Linn. Sue. 1 14: 349-364. Olson, R. R., J. L. Cameron, and C. M. Young. 1993. Larval devel- opment (with observations on spawning) of the pencil urchin Phyl- laeanlhux imperialis: a new intermediate larval form? Bioi Bull. 185: 77-85. Paulay, G., L. Boring, and R. R. Strathmann. 1985. 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Eight stages of development are described: young 10- hour planula, mature 48-hour planula, attaching plan- ula. disc, pawn, crown, immature polyp, and primary adult polyp. The larval interstitial stem cell population (interstitial cells, nematocytes, ganglion cells) undergoes dramatic changes during metamorphosis: ( 1 ) distribu- tion patterns change, (2) certain larval derivatives disap- pear, (3) new types of derivatives differentiate, and (4) migration patterns become more complex. This study is the first to examine how a stem cell system develops in an organism that goes from embryo to larva to adult. Introduction The stem cell, found in metazoans from sponges to vertebrates, is an intriguing but little understood cell type. Stem cells, by definition, are not terminally differ- entiated: they have the ability to divide, not only gener- ating more stem cells (self renewal) but also yielding a variety of differentiated cell types. The mechanisms by which stem cells differentiate into different phenotypes and arrive at the appropriate location are some of the most important questions in developmental biology and metazoan evolution. Three major migratory stem cell systems have been extensively studied: vertebrate neural crest cells, vertebrate hematopoietic cells, and inverte- brate cnidarian interstitial cells (Bode and David, 1978; LeDouarin, 1979; Heimfeld and Bode, 1986; Martin and Received 1 3 October 1 995; accepted 15 November 1996. Archer, 1986; Lumsden, 1988; Bronner- Eraser and Era- ser. 1988;PottenandLoeffler, 1990;Weston, 1991: Mar- tin, 1991;Medvinskyf/rt/.. 1993). The study of stem cells in evolutionarily primitive metazoans may reveal some of the earliest mechanisms used for setting up patterns of cell distribution and over- all morphology. Certain marine cnidarians have charac- teristics that make them ideal for such a study. Embryo- genesis and metamorphosis are relatively rapid and, more importantly, both embryos and adults contain a population of migratory stem cells, making it possible to compare stem cell behavior during embryogenesis with behavior in the adult. To date, studies on cnidarian metamorphosis are few and virtually nothing is known about the behavior of the interstitial cell system during metamorphosis (Martin et a/., 1983;Berking, 1984; Thomas et a/., 1987; Weis and Buss, 1987; Plickert el a/., 1988; Schwoerer-Bohning et ai. 1990; Sommer, 1990). Thus it is not known how the interstitial stem cell lineage develops in an organism that goes from an embryo to a larva to an adult. The embryonic interstitial cell system of the marine hydrozoan Pennana tiarella has been characterized by Martin and associates (Martin and Thomas, 1977, 1980, 1981a, b; Martin and Archer, 1986; Martin, 1988a, 1990, 1991 ). Embryos possess a well-defined population of migratory interstitial stem cells that either divide to replenish the population or differentiate into ganglion cells or nematocytes. The adult stem cell system of this hydro/oan has also been examined, though in less detail (Martin, 1988b). Because embryos and adults of Penna- ! : tiarella are easy to obtain and manipulate, develop quickly, and are small and transparent, the interstitial stem cell system can be examined continuously starting from the moment it arises in the embryo, progressing 41 42 V. J. MARTIN AND W. E. ARCHER through embryogenesis and formation and metamor- phosis of the planula larva, and continuing in the adult. In this study we used both scanning electron micro- scopy and light histology to examine the changes in over- all morphology and in stem cell differentiation and dis- tribution that occur as the free-swimming, solid planula larva of Pennaria tiarella is transformed into the sessile, hollow adult polyp. Our results show that the larval in- terstitial cell system is extensively modified during meta- morphosis to produce the adult pattern. Materials and Methods Culture o /'Pennaria adults and embryos Mature colonies of Pennaria tiarella were collected from pier pilings in Wilmington and Morehead City, North Carolina. Fronds from male and female colonies were mixed together in large finger bowls of filtered sea- water; these bowls were placed in the dark at 1 800 hours, and returned to the light at 2 100 hours. Within 1 h after exposure to light, early cleavage stages were observed in the bottoms of the dishes. These embryos were trans- ferred to small dishes of filtered seawater and reared at 23°C to the desired planular stage. Forty-eight-hour planulae were incubated in cesium chloride to initiate metamorphosis (Archer and Thomas, 1983). A stock solution containing 9.76 g CsCl/100 ml distilled water was mixed with Millipore-filtered seawa- ter at a ratio of 1 (stock): 10 (seawater). Planulae were placed in 4 ml of this mixture for 3 h; some of these ani- mals were fixed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) immediately after the cesium treatment. Planulae placed in cesium for 3 h were also returned to dishes of Milli- pore-filtered seawater and allowed to continue their de- velopment. Treated planulae were fixed for SEM after a recovery period of 2 (disc stage), 6 (pawn stage), 12 (crown stage), 14 (immature polyp), or 18 (primary polyp) h. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) For SEM, 10- and 48-h control planulae. cesium- treated planulae immediately after treatment, and ce- sium-treated planulae allowed to recover for various times were fixed for 1 h in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M Millonig's phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Samples were rinsed three times in the phosphate buffer, postfixed for 1 h in 2% osmium tetroxide in 1.25% sodium bicarbon- ate buffer, pH 7.2. then rinsed three times in the sodium bicarbonate buffer. Animals were dehydrated through a graded series of ethanols to 100%', critical-point dried us- ing CO;, mounted on metal stubs, and sputter coated with gold palladium for 1 min in a Denton sputter coater. Samples were viewed and photographed with a JEOL JSM T-300 scanning electron microscope oper- ated at 25 kV. Light microscopy Control planulae (various ages) and stages of meta- morphosis comparable to those processed for SEM were fixed for 1 h in 10% formalin in seawater. Samples were dehydrated for 15 min each through an ascending alco- hol series (25%-100% ethanol), followed by a 20-min rinse in 100% ethanol: 100% tertiary butyl alcohol (1: 1), and an overnight incubation in 100% tertiary butyl alcohol. After being infiltrated and embedded in Para- plast Plus paraffin, animals were serially sectioned at 8 ^m. The sections were mounted on glass slides and stained with azure B, which specifically stains the inter- stitial cells and their derivatives (Martin, 1991). Slides were viewed and photographed using a Zeiss standard research microscope. Results Planular morphology and stages of metamorphosis: General observations Between 8 and 10 h postfertilization the gastrula of Pennaria tiarella elongates in an anterior-posterior di- rection to produce a fat, ciliated, free-swimming planula larva (Fig. 1 ). This 10-h larva has a distinct enlarged an- terior apical pole and a narrower posterior basal pole. The surface cells are numerous, small, and uniform in size. By 24 h postfertilization 10-h planulae narrow and elongate to form mature, metamorphosis-competent planulae. Although planula larvae are competent to metamorphose at 24 h, as shown by induction with ce- sium chloride (Archer and Thomas, 1983), many planu- lae swim in the water column for 2 to 3 days before at- taching and metamorphosing. During this swimming pe- riod the larvae continue to elongate. The 48-h hydrozoan planula is solid, elliptical, and moves in the water col- umn with its enlarged apical end directed forward (Fig. 2). During metamorphosis the solid, nonfeeding. motile planula is transformed into a hollow, sessile, feeding adult polyp (Figs. 3-9); this process takes about 1 8-20 h. The apical end of the planula forms the base of the polyp, the middle region forms the stalk, and the basal end forms the hypostome and tentacles. As planulae meta- morphose their morphology changes dramatically, in distinct stages known as shortening planula (Fig. 3), disc (Fig. 4), pawn (Fig. 5), crown (Fig. 6). immature polyp (Fig. 7), and primary polyp (Figs. 8 and 9). Mature planulae of Pennaria attach to substrates, usu- ally pier pilings in the wild, via their anterior, apical poles; shortly thereafter metamorphosis begins. STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT 43 Figure I. Ten-hour planula. The young larva is 350 urn long and 1 70 fim wide. A, apical end; B, basal end. Bar = 50/jm. Figure 2. Forty-eight-hour pre-metamorphic planula. The ciliated larva moves with its enlarged apical end (A) directed forward. It is 900 pm long, 1 .10 ^m wide in the apical region, 70 ^m wide in the mid area, and 50 /xm wide at the basal end. B. basal. Bar = 100 ^m. Figure 3. Attached metamorphosing planula. The original anterior, apical end (A) of the larva attaches to the substrate and flattens over it while the original basal end (B) contracts towards the attached end. Thus the animal becomes short and fat. measuring 320 /im long, 160 fim wide in the apex, 93 ^m wide in the middle, and 45 urn wide in the basal region. Bar = 50 jim. Figure 4. Disc stage. The disc is a flattened ball, 180 tim in diameter, on the substrate. Bar = 50 ^m. Figure 5. Pawn stage. The base (B) of the pawn, now considered the posterior end of the animal, arises from the apical end of the planula. The anterior, apical region (A) of the pawn, derived from the basal region of the planula. forms the head and tentacles of the primary polyp. Small amounts of perisarc mate- rial (arrow) are deposited at the base. The pawn is 350 ^m tall. 160 ^m wide in the anterior head, 73 ^m wide in the mid-stalk, and 106 ^m wide at the posterior base. Bar = 50 ^m. 44 V. J. MARTIN AND W. E. ARCHER Figure 6. Crown stage. A distinct head region (HE), stalk (Si. and base (Blare evident. Perisarc material (arrows) covers the surface. The crown is 427 ^m tall, 1 25 pm wide in the apical crown region, SO ^m wide in the stalk region, and 166 pm wide at the base. Bar = 50 ^m Figure 7. Immature polyp. The head region consists of a conical mound, the hypostome(H), a mouth (arrow), and a ring of forming filiform tentacles (F). A stalk (S) connects the head to the base (B). The polyp is 340 /jm tall, 120/jni wide in the anterior hypostome region, 73 jim wide in the mid-stalk area, and 206 nm wide in the posterior base. Bar = 50 ^m. Figures. Primary polyp. The head is composed of the hypostorne(H), short capitate tentacles (C), and the longer filiform tentacles (F). A narrow stalk (S), covered by perisarc (arrow), extends from the head to the base (B) of the adult. Stolons (T) emerge from the base. The primary polyp is 50(1 ^m tall. 200 ^m wide in the crow n area, 70 fitn wide in the mid-stalk area, and 200 ^m wide in the basal area. Bar = 50 /urn. Figure 9. Enlarged head region of a primary polyp showing hypostome (H) with capitate (C) and fili- form (F)u-i v These tentacles are armed with nematocxtes (arrows). Bar = 50 ^m. Shortening planulu (Fig. 3). Once attached the apical planula end flattens and expands o\ er the substrate while the basal end contracts down towards the expanded api- cal pole. Thus the attached larva becomes short and fat. Disc (Fig. 4). Within 2 h of attachment the basal end of the larva has completely contracted and a round disc shape is formed. The animal appears as a small, flattened ball on the surface of the substrate: apical and basal ends STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT 45 are not discernible. Cilia are absent and the surface is relatively smooth. Pawn (Fig. 5). Six h after attachment a tiny bleb ap- pears in the center of the disc and begins to elongate in an upright direction to form a shape that resembles the pawn of a chess set. The formation of the pawn from the disc stage requires 4 h. The original apical end of the planula forms the base of the pawn and the original basal end of the planula forms its head. The surface of the pawn is smooth and the first beginnings of a perisarc, an outer noncellular protective coating, are seen at the base. Cmwn (Fig. 6). During the next 6 h the pawn elon- gates; the anterior head widens, forming a crown; and a sharp demarcation appears between the head and the stalk. This crown stage is formed 12 h after attachment, and it is during this stage that general features of the adult polyp begin to take shape: crown (future hypostome). stalk, base. The surface at this stage is smooth and cov- ered with perisarc material. Immature polyp (Fig. 7). After 2 h, 14 h after attach- ment, an immature polyp is formed. Its head region con- sists of a hypostome, a conical mound bearing the mouth at its tip, and a ring of forming filiform tentacles. These tentacles arise as tiny evaginations of the body wall at the base of the crown and lengthen to achieve the adult tentacle morphology. A clear division between the polyp head and the narrowing stalk is evident. The stalk con- nects the head to an enlarging base. The surface of the immature polyp below the region of the head is covered with perisarc. Primary polyp (Figs. 8.9). Within 4 h. 18 h after at- tachment, a primary polyp is formed. A row of long, fi- liform tentacles and a new row of short, evaginating cap- itate tentacles, just above the filiform tentacles, charac- terize the crown region, constituting the fully formed adult hypostome (Fig. 9). A mouth is present at the very tip of the hypostome just above the whorl of capitate ten- tacles, a perisarc covers the stalk and basal region of the polyp, and stolon formation has begun in the basal re- gion of the polyp (Fig. 8). These stolons produce addi- tional polyps that remain attached to the original pri- mary polyp, thus creating a colony. Interstitial stem cell system Planulae of Pcnnaria tiarel/a contain a population of migratory stem cells, interstitial cells, that either divide to replenish the population or differentiate into two classes of somatic products: nematocytes (stinging cells) or ganglion cells (neurons). Early differentiating interme- diates of the nematocyte lineage are called nematoblasts, and intermediates of the neural lineage are referred to as neuroblasts. Interstitial cells and their derivatives are easily identified in larval and adult tissue at the light mi- «t -• "-"" * 1 *' ''••'•' "• <"*£•• -V< /& -^H ^^M •i' A*i»>" *'s iSt;«^ali«i^A« ; TV* w A&, . IS^^* ".-* . -v ^ _ « Figure 10. Interstitial cells (arrows) in the central endoderm of a mature planula. Each cell has a lightly stained cytoplasm plus a nucleus with a darkly stained nucleolus. M. mesoglea. Bar = 10 urn. Figure 11. Nematoblasts with large dark capsules (D). small dark capsules (arrows), or large clear capsules (ST) in the endoderm of a mature planula. Bar = 10 jim. Figure 12. Nematoblast with a bullet-shaped capsule (arrow) in the endoderm of a mature planula. Developing desmonemes (large dark capsules) and microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores (small dark capsules) are also seen. E. ectoderm; EN. endoderm; M. mesoglea. Bar = 10 Mm. Figure 13. Bipolar ganglion cell (arrow) in the ectoderm of a ma- ture planula. The endoderm lacks neurons. EN. endoderm; M, meso- glea. Bar = 10 /jm . croscopic level (Figs. 10-13). In the following sections we describe the behaviors of the interstitial cells, the nema- toblasts and nematocytes, and the neuroblasts and gan- glion cells during embryogenesis, in the metamorphosis- competent planula. during metamorphosis, and in the adult polyp. Interstitial cells Interstitial cells are small round cells measuring 7.5 urn in diameter (Fig. 10). They contain a centrally lo- cated nucleus with one or more darkly stained nucleoli. 46 V. J. MARTIN AND W. E. ARCHER These cells arise during gastrulation (8-10 h postfertil- ization), in the central core of the endoderm along the entire length of the young planula (Table I). They divide in the endoderm and by 1 3-14 h postfertilization begin to emigrate to the ectoderm, migrating as single cells through the interstitial spaces of the endoderm and through the mesoglea. By 15 h postfertilization, the in- terstitial cells reach the base of the ectoderm. Migration occurs along the entire apical-basal axis of the young planula. As planulae age, the numbers of interstitial cells in both the ectoderm and endoderm increase, and mi- gration from the endoderm to the ectoderm continues along the entire planular axis. Thus the metamorphosis- competent planula has many interstitial cells at the base of its ectoderm and in the endoderm along its entire body axis (Table I). During metamorphosis, as the apical pole of the plan- ula attaches to a substrate and the basal end contracts towards the attached end, the interstitial cells located in the mid to basal regions of the larva move into the ecto- derm and endoderm of the attachment region (Figs. 14- 16; Table I). Their mechanism of movement is unknown but probably involves active cellular migration. The ec- toderm and the endoderm of the remaining, still con- tracting basal portion of the attached larva become de- void of interstitial cells (Fig. 15: Table I). Once the disc stage is formed, interstitial cells fill both the ectoderm and the endoderm (Table I). As the center of the disc elongates in an upright direction, a pawn is produced (Fig. 1 7). The growing, apical upright tissue of the pawn, destined to form the head and stalk of the adult polyp, is devoid of interstitial cells (Fig. 17; Table I). These cells remain in the attached, now basal, end of the metamor- phosing animal (Fig. 18); where the upright portion of the pawn connects to the basal disc is a sharp demarca- tion between presence of interstitial cells in the base and absence of these cells above the base. The distribution pattern of interstitial cells in the base of the pawn re- mains unchanged from that of the disc. By the time the crown stage has formed, the interstitial cells have migrated out from the basal attachment site to populate the entire body axis of the animal (Fig. 19; Ta- ble I). In the attachment area (basal disc) a few interstitial cells are found in both the ectoderm and the endoderm. Along the body stalk, the region of the animal that con- nects the basal disc to the head, are scattered ectodermal interstitial cells and a few endodermal interstitial cells (Table I). The head of the crown stage has interstitial cells in both the ectoderm and the endoderm (Fig. 19; Table I). This same distribution pattern of interstitial cells is maintained in the immature polyp and in the adult pri- mary polyp (Table I). In the primary polyp many inter- stitial cells are seen at the base of each filiform tentacle, but none are seen within the tentacles. Nematoblasts and ncmatocytcs Nematoblasts, immature nematocytes, range from 10 to 12.5 /um in diameter and form distinctive dark-stain- ing or light-staining capsules (Figs. 10-12); each capsule contains a nematocyst thread that may possess barbs and spines. Nematoblasts are found in both the ectoderm and the endoderm throughout embryogenesis, meta- morphosis, and in the adult polyp. Once nematoblasts move to the outer surface of the ectoderm or project into a forming gastric cavity, they complete their differentia- tion and are considered functional nematocytes. A few nematoblasts with dark capsules are first detected in the apical endoderm of the young 10-h planula (Table I). Mi- gration of the nematoblasts begins by 13 h postfertiliza- tion, and these cells are the first of the interstitial cell sys- tem to appear in the ectoderm (by 14 h postfertilization) of the planula. Nematoblasts in the apical endoderm mi- grate as single cells into the apical ectoderm; they do not divide and syncytial clusters of nematoblasts are not ob- served at any stage of the life cycle. As planulae mature the nematoblasts increase in number in both the ecto- derm and the endoderm and are largely confined to the apical two-thirds of the planular axis (Table I). At least four types of capsules have been observed in the mature planula (Figs. 10-12): a large clear capsule (stenoteles), a large dark capsule (desmonemes), a small dark capsule (microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores), and a met- achromatic bullet-shaped capsule (microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores with inclusions). Stenoteles and desmonemes predominate; only a few microbasic heter- otrichous b-mastigophores with inclusions are seen. Fully differentiated nematocytes are found only at the surface of the mature planula, the majority in an area extending from the apical end of the planula to the mid planula (Table I); only a few nematocytes are found at the surface in the basal (posterior) region. Fully differ- entiated nematocytes of planulae contain either a large clear capsule (stenoteles), a large dark capsule (desmo- nemes) or a bullet-shaped capsule (microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores with inclusions); no fully differ- entiated nematocytes housing the small dark capsules (microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores) are found in the planula. As planulae attach to substrates, all nematoblasts move into the ectoderm and endoderm of the apical attachment region (Figs. 14 and 15). Nematocytes are confined to the outer surface of the ectoderm of the attachment area. Hence, the contracting basal portion of the attached larva is devoid of nematoblasts and nematocytes in both the ectoderm and the endoderm (Table I). All four types of nematoblast capsules are detected in the ectoderm and en- doderm of the attachment area. The bulk of these cells are differentiating stenoteles, desmonemes, and microbasic STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT 47 Table I Distribution «/ the interstitial cell system during development ol Pennaria tiarella Stage Interstitial cells Nematoblasts Nematocytes Ganglion cells 10-Hour Planula Apical Ectoderm Mid Ectoderm Basal Ectoderm Apical Endoderm + + Mid Endoderm + Basal Endoderm + 48-Hour Planula Apical Ectoderm ++ ++ ++ ++ Mid Ectoderm ++ ++ ++ ++ Basal Ectoderm ++ + + + + Apical Endoderm ++ + + Mid Endoderm ++ + + Basal Endoderm ++ + Attaching Planula Apical Ectoderm (Attachment site) ++ ++ + Mid Ectoderm Basal Ectoderm Apical Endoderm ++ + + Mid Endoderm Basal Endoderm Disc Stage Ectoderm ++ ++ + Endoderm ++ + + Pawn Stage Apical Ectoderm (Head and Stalk) Basal Ectoderm (Foot) ++ ++ + + Apical Endoderm (Head and Stalk) Basal Endoderm (Foot) ++ + + Crown Stage Apical Ectoderm (Head) + + + Mid Ectoderm (Stalk) + + + + Basal Ectoderm (Foot) + ++ + + + Apical Endoderm (Head) + + Mid Endoderm (Stalk) + + Basal Endoderm (Foot) + + Immature Polyp Apical Ectoderm (Head) + + + ++ Apical Ectoderm (Tentacle) + ++ + + Mid Ectoderm (Stalk) + + + + Basal Ectoderm (Foot) + ++ + + + Apical Endoderm (Head) + + Apical Endoderm (Tentacle) Mid Endoderm (Stalk) + + Basal Endoderm (Foot) + + Primary Polyp Apical Ectoderm (Head) + + + + + Apical Ectoderm (Tentacle) + ++ + + Mid Ectoderm (Stalk) + + + + Basal Ectoderm (Foot) + ++ + + + Apical Endoderm (Head) + + Apical Endoderm (Tentacle) Mid Endoderm (Stalk) + + Basal Endoderm (Foot) + + Table Key: ++ = Abundant to moderate in number. + = A few present. — = Absent. 48 V. J. MARTIN AND W. E. ARCHER M EN M 14 • _i ir 15 time the crown stage has formed, the interstitial cell sys- tem has migrated from the basal attachment site to popu- late the entire body axis of the animal. Nematoblasts are the first of the line to appear apically (Figs. 22-24), and distinct patterns of nematoblast and nematocyte distribu- tion are observed. In the ectoderm of the attachment area are all four types of nematoblasts and two types of nema- tocytes (stenoteles and desmonemes). On either side of the basal disc just above the substrate attachment zone, the perisarc is connected to the basal disc and lower body col- umn. In these regions of perisarc attachment to the ecto- derm, the ectoderm has an abundance of nematoblasts (desmonemes and stenoteles) (Fig. 22). Along the body stalk of the crown in the ectoderm are the four types of HE EN B tit- EN * A. .ta 16 >•* '' ' •. -'»•' Figure 14. Apical region of an attaching planula. The interstitial cell system has moved into the attachment area; note the large number of dark nematoblast capsules in this region. E. ectoderm: EN, cndo- derm; M, mesoglea. Bar = 50 urn. Figure 15. Mid to basal region of an attaching planula. Note the absence of the interstitial cell system in the basal portion (B) of the animal. E. ectoderm, EN, endoderm: M, mesoglea. Bar = 50 Mm. Figure 16. Interstitial cells (arrows) in the attachment region of a metamorphosing planula. E, ectoderm; EN, endoderm. Bar = 10 Mm. Figure 17. Pawn. The apical head region (HE) is devoid of the in- terstitial cell system. These cells remain in the basal region (B) of the pawn. Dark nematoblast capsules are abundant in the base. Bar = 50 Mm. M EN heterotrichous b-mastigophores: only a few developing microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores with inclu- sions are found. Once the disc stage is reached, the four types of nematoblasts fill the ectoderm and endoderm (Fig. 20); a few nematocytes (stenoteles and desmonemes) are observed around the ectodermal surface of the disc (Table I). As the center of the disc elongates to form the pawn, the nematoblasts and nematocytes remain in the attachment disc (Figs. 1 7 and 2 1 ). Thus, the upright grow- ing tissue is devoid of nematoblasts and nematocytes. These cells are confined to the substrate-attached basal disc region of the metamorphosing animal and resemble the pattern described for the disc stage (Table I). By the Figure 18. Interstitial cells (arrows) in the endoderm at the base of the pawn. These cells are migrating as indicated by the presence of a single hlopodial-like extension. Bar = 10 Mm. Figure 19. Head region of the crown stage. Interstitial cells (arrows) are detected; however, ganglion cells are absent in this area. E, ecto- derm; EN, endoderm; M, mesoglea. Bar = 10 ^m. Figure 20. Disc stage. Nematoblasts (arrows) are abundant in the endoderm; ganglion cells are absent. E. ectoderm: EN, endoderm. Bar = 10 nm. Figure 21. Nematoblasts (arrows) in the endoderm at the base of the pawn. Bar = 10 Mm. STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT 49 PE EN 24 Figure 22. Crown stage. The perisarc (PE) is attached to the ecto- derm (E) just above the foot region of the forming polyp. This region is rich in ganglion cells (arrows) and nematoblasts. Bar = 10 jim. Figure 23. Stalk region of the crown stage showing multipolar gan- glion cells (arrows) and nematoblasts. EN. endoderm. Bar = 10 ^m. Figure 24. Stenoteles (arrows) and a nematoblast with a dark bul- let-shaped capsule in the head region of the crown stage. E. ectoderm; EN. endoderm. Bar = 10 ^m. Figure 25. Head region of a primary pohp showing nematoblasts (arrows) in a capitate tentacle (C) and a filiform tentacle (F). Bar = 10 Mm. nematoblasts and at the surface a few nematocytes (sten- oteles and desmonemes). The endoderm of the stalk has a few nematoblasts (desmonemes and Stenoteles) (Fig. 23). In the head of the crown in both the ectoderm and the endoderm are three types of nematoblasts: desmonemes, Stenoteles, and microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigo- phores with inclusions (Fig. 24). Three kinds of nemato- cytes, the same varieties as the head nematoblasts, project from the ectodermal surface of the head. Prior to the crown stage, the nematoblasts with bullet-shaped capsules (microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores with inclu- sions) are seen sparingly along the whole body axis of met- amorphosing animals; however, by the crown stage many nematoblasts of this type have accumulated in the head. As the crown stage transforms into the immature polyp, the ectoderm of the forming filiform tentacles be- comes filled with three types of nematoblasts and nema- tocytes: Stenoteles, desmonemes, and microbasic hetero- trichous b-mastigophores with inclusions. Other than this change, the distribution pattern of the nematoblasts and nematocytes is the same as seen in the crown stage. As immature polyps form primary adult polyps, a sec- ond group of short tentacles, the capitate tentacles, ap- pears just above the whorl of filiform tentacles (Fig. 25). These capitate tentacles are populated with the same three types of nematoblasts and nematocytes that oc- cupy the filiform tentacles (Fig. 25). Along the body col- umn mature nematocytes with small dark capsules (mi- crobasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores) are visible. Other than these changes, the nematoblast and nemato- cyte system of the primary polyp resembles that of the immature polyp. Thus in the primary polyp the concen- tration of nematoblasts and nematocytes is high in the head and in the foot and scattered in the stalk. The dis- tribution pattern of nematocytes is specific: in the head are Stenoteles, desmonemes, and microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores with inclusions; along the body column are Stenoteles, desmonemes, and microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores; and in the foot are des- monemes and Stenoteles. Neuroblasts and ganglion cells Differentiating neuroblasts are detected as early as 16- 20 h postfertilization in both the ectoderm and endo- derm of the planula(Brumwell and Martin, 1996). These first neuroblasts arise in the apical region of the larva; shortly thereafter they are found along the entire length of the planula. Neuroblasts are small round cells, similar in size to interstitial cells, that contain cytoplasm rich in neurosecretory vesicles (Brumwell and Martin, 1996). These differentiating intermediates migrate as single cells from the endoderm to the base of the ectoderm; neuro- blasts are positioned closer to the mesoglea than are the interstitial cells of the ectoderm. Neuroblasts seemingly emigrate in a straight path from the endoderm to the ec- toderm; there is no evidence that they migrate in an api- cal or basal direction in the larva. Once neuroblasts reach the basal ectoderm they stop moving and complete their differentiation by extending neural processes. These pro- cesses are filled with neural vesicles and form an exten- sive neural plexus of transversely and longitudinally ori- ented processes throughout the length of the planula. As the planula ages additional ganglion cells differentiate and incorporate into the larval network. Fully differen- tiated larval ganglion cells are 5 ^m in diameter, bipolar, spindle-shaped, and positioned in the ectoderm just above the mesoglea along the entire apical, basal axis of the planula (Fig. 13; Table I). 50 V. J. MARTIN AND W. E. ARCHER * T Figure 26. Neurons (arrows) and ncmatohlasls with dark capsules in the hasal disc of the crown stage. E, ectoderm; EN, endoderm; M. mesoglea. Bar = 10 ^m. Figure 27. Ganglion cells (arrows) in the head region of a primary polyp. Bar = 10 jim. Figure 28. Filiform tentacle of a primary polyp. Note the abun- dance of neurons (arrows) at the base of the tentacle and along its length. Bar = 10 ^m. Figure 29. Stalk of a primary polyp. Note the ganglion cells (ar- rows) in the ectoderm. PE, perisarc. Bar = 10 ^m. During attachment and the early stages of metamor- phosis, the larval ganglion cells disappear, by the disc stage they are gone (Table I). In the pawn a few ganglion cells differentiate in the basal disc (Table I). These neu- rons are found in the ectoderm just above the mesoglea: they are triangular or star-shaped and are multipolar. These neurons have smaller cell bodies and thinner pro- cesses than did the planular ganglion cells. By the crown stage ganglion cells are found in the ectoderm of the basal disc and the body stalk (Table I). The basal disc contains a large number of ectodermal bipolar and multipolar ganglion cells (Fig. 26), and multipolar ganglion cells are abundant in the region of perisarc attachment to the basal disc and lower body column (Fig. 22). Along the body stalk in the ectoderm are at least three types of gan- glion cells: triangular-, star- or spindle-shaped (Fig. 23). Ganglion cells are not detected in the head of the crown stage. As the crown stage develops into the immature polyp, many ganglion cells (bipolar, multipolar) appear in the head ectoderm and tentacles (Table I). By the pri- mary polyp stage, the head of the animal is enriched in ganglion cells, especially around the mouth (Fig. 27). Ganglion cells are found at the base of each filiform ten- tacle and in the ectoderm along the lengths of the tenta- cles (Fig. 28). In the ectoderm of the body stalk are scat- tered ganglion cells (Fig. 29), and the distribution pattern in the basal disc mimics that of the immature polyp (Ta- ble I). Thus in the primary polyp there is a high concen- tration of ganglion cells in the ectoderm of the head and basal disc and some scattered ganglion cells in the ecto- derm of the body column (Table I). The ganglion cells of the polyp are three types: spindle-shaped bipolar, star- shaped multipolar, and triangular-shaped multipolar. Discussion The transformation of the cnidarian planula larva into the adult phenotype is rapid, taking only 18-20 h in the hydrozoan Pcnnuria tiarella, and is characterized by general body reorganization and modification of the stem cell system. During metamorphosis the hydrozoan planula ceases swimming, loses its cilia, and attaches to the substrate by its apical (aboral) pole. Both glandular secretions and nematocytes may be used for securing planulae to a substrate (Martin el ai, 1983). Shortly after attachment the basal (oral) end of the larva contracts down towards the apical pole until it disappears into the attached pole. A tiny circular disc is formed. Next, a tiny bleb appears in the center of the disc and begins to elon- gate in an upright direction forming a pawn shape. Three distinct regions of the pawn are evident: an apical head, a mid-stalk region, and a basal disc. The pawn grows and reshapes to produce a crown stage, in which general fea- tures of the adult polyp begin to take shape: head, stalk, and base, with a clear separation between the head and the stalk. Tentacles evaginate from the head region and a mouth breaks through at the tip of the head, producing an immature polyp. This stage becomes a primary polyp when a row of long filiform tentacles and a row of short capitate tentacles adorn the head. A mouth is present at the very tip of the head just above the whorl of capitate tentacles, and a perisarc covers the stalk and basal region of the polyp. To form a colony, the polyp extends stolons from the base and asexually buds additional polyps, all of which remain connected together. Four major changes occur in the interstitial cell system during metamorphosis: ( 1 ) the distribution pattern of the cells along the body axis changes, (2) certain larval deriv- atives disappear, (3) new types of derivatives different!- STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT 51 ate, and (4) migration patterns become more complex. Comparisons of the distribution patterns of the intersti- tial cell system in the planula and in the adult clearly show that these cells undergo dramatic reorganization during metamorphosis. This is not surprising given the fact that the entire polarity of the animal changes as a planula forms an adult: the apical end of the planula be- comes the basal end of the polyp, and the mid-to-basal end of the planula forms the stalk and hypostome of the adult. In the planula, interstitial cells and ganglion cells are found along the entire apical-basal axis, whereas the majority of the nematoblasts and nematocytes are con- fined to the apical two-thirds of the planula. During metamorphosis this whole larval pattern is lost; from the disc stage onward a new adult pattern of the interstitial cell system is established. By the time the primary polyp has formed interstitial cells, nematoblasts and ganglion cells are found along the entire body axis; the concentra- tion of ganglion cells and nematoblasts is high in the foot; the concentration of ganglion cells is high in the hy- postome; the concentration of ganglion cells and nema- tocytes is high in the tentacles; and specific types of nem- atocytes are confined to distinct regions of the polyp. In the mature planula two major kinds of derivatives differentiate from interstitial cells: a single type of bipolar ganglion cell and four types of nematoblasts. Of the latter only three types (desmonemes, stenoteles, and microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores with inclusions) com- plete differentiation in the planula; only a few nemato- cytes with bullet-shaped capsules (microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores with inclusions) were ever found in the planula. The other variety (microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores) begins development in the plan- ula but completes differentiation only during metamor- phosis. The larval bipolar ganglion cells disappear during planular attachment, suggesting that these neurons play a role in the attachment of the planula to the substrate. A subpopulation of these larval ganglion cells contain a RFamide-like peptide that may be used to initiate meta- morphosis, to propagate it, or both (Brumwell and Mar- tin. 1996). In fact, several investigators have previously proposed that the larval neurons are involved in propa- gating the metamorphic signal to other cells in the planula (Martin and Thomas, 1981b; Thomas el al, 1987; Plick- ert, 1988:Leitz6V«/.. 1 994; Leitz and Lay, 1995;Gajewski etai. 1996; Brumwell and Martin, 1996). In the adult polyp two types of somatic derivatives arise from interstitial cells: ganglion cells, of which there are at least three varieties, and nematocytes, of which there are four kinds. These new neurons begin to appear at the pawn stage and are found throughout the remain- ing phases of metamorphosis. Three types of nemato- cytes (desmonemes, stenoteles, and microbasic hetero- trichous b-mastigophores with inclusions) first appear in the planula and are found throughout metamorphosis, whereas microbasic heterotrichous b-mastigophores, which begin but never complete differentiation in the planula. appear at the ectodermal surface between the crown stage and the polyp stage. Furthermore, by the polyp stage, fully differentiated microbasic heterotri- chous b-mastigophores with inclusions have increased in number and are abundant in the head. The appearance of new somatic stem cell derivatives during metamor- phosis, notably the three kinds of ganglion cells, indi- cates that the interstitial cells have a greater difterentia- tive potential than demonstrated in the planula. The migration patterns of the interstitial cell system are more complex in the adult than in the planula. In the planula the interstitial cells, nematoblasts, and neuro- blasts emigrate from the endoderm to the ectoderm. There is no evidence that once in the ectoderm, these cells migrate in an apical-basal direction (Martin and Archer, 1986) — they appear to stay close to the site at which they entered the ectoderm. During metamorpho- sis this changes: interstitial cells, nematoblasts. and pos- sibly neuroblasts migrate apically in large numbers. As the pawn stage arises from the disc, the emerging stalk and head of the pawn form and initially are completely devoid of a stem cell system. Between the pawn stage and the crown stage, the stem cells migrate apically in large numbers and populate the stalk and head of the crown. The first cells of the stem cell line to appear anteriorly are nematoblasts, followed by interstitial cells and lastly by ganglion cells. Interestingly, this is the order of appear- ance of interstitial cell types in the ectoderm of the plan- ula shortly after larval interstitial cell migration begins (Martin and Archer. 1986). The introduction of the stem cell system into the forming apical region of the crown may be essential for shaping of the hypostome and for tentacle formation. Coincidentally, it is during the crown stage that general features of the adult hypostome begin to take shape and the stem cell system first appears in the apical end of the metamorphosing animal. Because interstitial cells and nematoblasts are found in the endo- derm of adult polyps, it is possible that these cells can move from the endoderm to the ectoderm. Thus in the adult, multiple directions of migration are probable. Fur- thermore, since specific types of cells accumulate in spe- cific regions of the polyp — for example, neurons are abundant in the head and the foot — some sort of di- rected migration must occur during metamorphosis. 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Curr. lop Dev Biol. 25: 133-153. Reference: B/o/ Bull 192: 53-6 [.(February, 1997) Subcuticular Rejection: an Advanced Mode of the Allogeneic Rejection in the Compound Ascidians Botrylloides simodensis and B. fuscus EUICHI HIROSE1, YASUNORI SAITO:, AND HIROSHI WATANABE3 'Biological Laboratory. College of Bioresource Sciences, Ni/ion University. Fitjisawa, Kanagawa 252, Japan: 2Shimoda Marine Research Center. University of Tsukuba. Shiinoda. Sluzuoka 415, Japan: and3 Tokyo KaseiGakuin Tsukuba College, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan Abstract. Allogeneic rejection between colonies (col- ony specificity) was described by electron microscopy in two compound ascidians. Botrylloides simodensis and B. fuscus. When two incompatible colonies are brought into contact at their growing edges, the tunic cuticle dis- solves and the tunics of the colonies partially fuse. Allo- reactive, humoral factors may diffuse to the opposite col- ony through the partially fusing tunic, and the tunic cells (free cells distributed in the tunic) possibly recognize these factors and induce a rejection reaction. Then, blood cells — mainly morula cells — infiltrate into the tu- nic, while tunic cells are disintegrating near where the partial fusion of the tunic is occurring. The infiltrating blood cells aggregate, disintegrate, and discharge elec- tron-dense materials in the tunic at the subcuticular re- gions where the tunics have partially fused. Since the re- jection lesion is restricted to the subcuticular area, some regulatory systems may be involved in this restriction. At the end, new walls are formed in the tunic matrix to separate the rejection lesion from the contacting colo- nies. The new wall is a continuous layer composed of electron-dense fibers and is structurally identical to the regenerating tunic cuticle. The mode of occurrence of colony specificity (Hirose et a/.. 1994) and the present results indicate that tunic cells are the only allorecogni- tion sites in B. fuscus. Introduction Self or non-self recognition is one of the most funda- mental interactions among individuals, and its occur- Received 26 January 1996; accepted 23 October 1996. rence has been observed in many animal phyla. For in- stance, rejection or acceptance of grafted tissues among allogeneic individuals (histocompatibility) is one of the immediate examples of its occurrence. Whereas a tissue graft is an artificial treatment, a kind of tissue transplan- tation occurs naturally in many colonial forms of sessile animals, from sponges to ascidians. This phenomenon is known as colony specificity; when a sessile colony grows on a substratum and comes in contact with another con- specific colony, the two colonies either fuse to form a single colony, or they do not fuse. The outcome depends on allogeneic recognition between the two colonies. In some ascidians, the genetic control of this allorecogni- tion has been demonstrated and is thought to be an an- cestor of the major histocompatibility complex in verte- brates (Oka and Watanabe, 1957, I960; Sabbadin, 1962; Scofieldrttf/., 1982; Weissmanf/tf/.. 1990). Studies on colony specificity in colonial ascidians have been focused on species of the family Botryllidae (botryl- lid ascidians), and every botryllid ascidian studied has exhibited colony specificity (reviewed in Saito et a/.. 1994). These species all form sheetlike colonies in which the zooids are connected with a vascular network, and the whole of the colony is embedded in a gelatinous tu- nic, an integumentary matrix that covers the epidermis. Free cells (tunic cells) of a few different kinds are distrib- uted throughout the tunic (Hirose et a/., 1991). and a cuticular layer overlaying the tunic matrix is the outer- most structure of the colony (Hirose et ai, 1990a). When two compatible colonies are brought into con- tact at their growing edges, they fuse into a single colony. The course of the fusion reaction is fundamentally the same in all botryllids, as follows: ( 1 ) contact of the tunic 53 54 E. HIROSE ET AL. surfaces (= cuticle); (2) dissolution of the tunic cuticle at the contact area; (3) penetration of ampullae (termini of the blood vessels at colony periphery) into the opposite colony; (4) contact between the penetrating ampullae and those of the opposite colony; (5) ampullar fusion and establishment of vascular connection between the two colonies. In contrast, the rejection reaction in each spe- cies is initiated at a specific stage of the fusion process. In Botryllus primigenus, for example, rejection is initiated after the penetration of ampullae (Taneda, 1 985). Some Botrylloides species show a subcuticular rejec- tion (SCR) that begins at the earliest step in the fusion process — immediately after the partial fusion of the tu- nic. The rejection reaction in SCR involves blood cell infiltration and occurs in only a small area of the tunic contacting an allogeneic colony. The loss of tissue is min- imized in this rejection, which seems, therefore, to be the most advanced mode of rejection found thus far among botryllid ascidians. In other ascidians, such as Botryllus primigenus, all of the ampullae interacting with their al- logeneic counterparts disintegrate and are cut offthe col- ony (Taneda el a!., 1985, for review). Among species of Botrylloides that show SCR, two different reactions are elicited when incompatible colo- nies are brought into contact at artificial cut surfaces. Whereas intensive rejection occurs at the contacting boundaries in B. simodensis (Hirose el a/.. 1990b), vas- cular connections are established between incompatible conspecifics (surgical fusion) in B. fuscus and B. viola- ceus( Hirose el al.. 1988, 1994). Surgical fusion indicates that the effector system inducing the rejection in the lat- ter two species is not distributed in the vascular system. During SCR, therefore, allorecognition is probably car- ried out in the tunic. We have used light and electron microscopy to examine the process of SCR in B. simo- densis and B. fuscus. This study should provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of allogeneic rejection and bring essential insights to the questions: when is self or non-self recognized; and what is the agent of recogni- tion? Materials and Methods Animals Colonies of Botrylloides simodensis and B. fuscus were collected in the vicinity of Shimoda (Shizuoka Prefec- ture, Japan). The colonies were attached on glass plates and reared in culture boxes immersed in Nabeta Bay near the Shimoda Marine Research Center. The fusibility of colonies was tested with fusion exper- iments, as follows: Two pieces of colony of the same size were brought into contact at their growing edges on a glass slide. After 1-2 h in a moisture chamber, the colo- nies attached to the glass slide and were then reared in running seawater in an aquarium in the laboratory; they were observed every day under a binocular stereomicro- scope. Within several days, either a fusion or a rejection reaction occurred between the paired colonies. Here 'fu- sion1 means establishment of a common vascular system between the two colonies, and 'rejection' means its inter- ruption or prevention. Light microscopy The specimens were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution containing 0.45 At sucrose buffered with 0.1 M cacodylate at pH 7.4. The fixed specimens were then de- hydrated through a butanol series, embedded in Para- plast, sectioned at 5 ^m, and stained with Congo red, De- lafield's hematoxylin, and eosin-orange G. Scanning electron microscopy To observe the structures of internal tissues, the method of Armstrong (1971) was applied, as follows: Specimens embedded in Paraplast were cut with a razor blade or a microtome blade to expose the inner struc- tures. The specimens were washed in xylene ( 1 h, three changes) to remove the Paraplast and then cleared with absolute ethanol. These specimens were dried in a criti- cal point dryer and sputter-coated with gold-palladium. They were examined with a Hitachi S-570 scanning elec- tron microscope at 20 kV. Transmission electron microscopr The specimens were fixed at room temperature in a 2.5% solution of glutaraldehyde containing 0.45 Af su- crose and buffered with 0. 1 Af cacodylate at pH 7.4. An alternative fixation, on ice for 2 h. was in a 2.5% solution of glutaraldehyde containing 2% NaCl buffered with 0.1 M Millonig's phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. The latter medium is essentially the same as that of Sugino et al. (1987). These prefixed specimens were rinsed in the same buffer, and then postfixed with 1% osmium tetrox- ide in the same buffer for 1 to 2 h. After dehydration through an ethanol series, the specimens were cleared with «-butyl glycidyl ether and embedded in epoxy resin. Thin sections were double-stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. They were examined with a Hitachi HS- 9 transmission electron microscope at 75 kV. Results General features oj siihcuticii/ar rejection In both Botrylloides simodensis and B. fuscus. when incompatible colonies are brought firmly into contact at their growing edges, they never fuse (Fig. 1 ). Yet the signs of inflammatory rejection are barely observable under a ALLOGENEIC REJECTION IN COMPOUND ASC1DIANS 55 R- ' «:-.. -•-• .•• ^ v • ^ -* .. s--- ^* 4A " 4B Figure 1 . Subcuticular rejection in Botrylloides sinwilcnsis. Two incompatible colonies ( right and left) are contacted at their growing edges. Rejection lesions are barely seen under the stereomicroscope. Bar = 0.5 mm. Figure 2. Histological sections of subcuticular rejection in Bolrvlloiiles ximodenxis (A) and B.fuscus (B). Arrows, rejection lesions; arrowheads, tunic cuticle; t, tunic matrix; v, vascular vessel. Bar = 200 ^m (A)and lOO/irnlB). Figure 3. Fusion of'the tunic between incompatible colonies of Botrylloides fuscus (A) and an enlarge- ment (B). Arrowheads, tunic cuticle of each colony; e, epidermis of vascular ampulla; t, tunic matrix. Bar = 5 jim (A). I jim(B). Figure 4. Vacuo-granular tunic cells of Botrylloides fuscus. Intact cell with vacuoles and granules (A). and a disintegrating one discharging electron-dense materials that produce filamentous structures (ar- rowhead. B). Bar = 5 jim. 56 E. HIROSE ET AL. binocular stereomicroscope. In histological sections, re- jection lesions are restricted to a limited part of the sub- cuticular region in the contact area (Fig. 2). In this rejec- tion, infiltrating blood cells — mainly eosinophilic mor- ula cells — aggregate and disintegrate in the tunic at the subcuticular region; thus the lesion is also well stained by eosin. The morphological process of SCR is fundamen- tally the same in B. siiuodensis and B.fuscns. In this report, SCR is divided into the following three stages: (1) partial fusion of the tunic at the contact area; (2) blood cell infiltration, migration, and disintegration in the tunic; (3) separation of rejection lesion from the colonies. Since we cannot observe these processes in liv- ing specimens, the time course is difficult to define with precision. When actively growing colonies were brought into contact and reared at about 20°C, the time course could be estimated on the basis of histological data, as follows: ( 1 ) partial fusion of the tunic cuticle occurs 1 to 2 days after contact; (2) blood cell infiltration and disin- tegration begins shortly after partial fusion (2 to 3 days after contact) and continues until the rejection lesion is separated from the colony; (3) separation of the lesion is usually completed within 4 to 7 days after contact. The time course depends on the growth rate of the colonies as well as on temperature. Partial fusion oj the tunic The first stage of SCR between the two colonies is the partial fusion of the contacting tunics; in other words, the dissolution of the tunic cuticles (Fig. 3). Partial fusion occurs in 1 to 2 days after the contact of the colonies. The tunic cuticle is a continuous, electron-dense sheet with minute protruberances (Hirose el a/., 1990a), and it is a boundary between the two contacting colonies. At the contact area, the tunic cuticles of both colonies adhere closely to each other. Thereafter, the cuticles dissolve here and there, and the tunic matrices of both colonies become continuous. In these areas, the edges of the ad- hering tunic cuticles become continuous and have a hair- pin form (Fig. 3B). At this stage, the reaction between incompatible colonies shows no sign of a rejection reac- tion. Blood cell infiltration, migration, and disintegration The first signs of a rejection reaction are the infiltration of blood cells and the disintegration of tunic cells (vacuo- granular tunic cells; see Hirose el ai. 1991) in the sub- cuticular regions where the partial tunic fusion is occur- ring (Figs. 4-6); we are not sure which of these events occurs earlier. Many of the infiltrating blood cells are morula cells that have several vacuoles filled with elec- tron-dense material. The disintegrating tunic cells dis- charge electron-dense materials that probably originate from their granules. The discharged materials seem to bind to the filamentous components of the tunic matrix and form electron-dense filaments around the cells (ar- rows in Fig. 4). Afterward, the infiltrating blood cells mi- grate around the regions of partial tunic fusion (Fig. 7), and then they disintegrate (Fig. 8). The disintegrating morula cells discharge electron-dense materials, as seen around disintegrating tunic cells, and electron-dense fil- amentous structures are also formed in the tunic (Fig. 8). The infiltrating blood cells increase in number, and they disintegrate and discharge their contents in the tu- nic (Figs. 9 and 10). Electron-dense fibers appear around the disintegrating cells (arrows in Fig. 10). This inflam- matory-like reaction occurs in a limited area, because the infiltrating cells usually disintegrate after migrating to a subcuticular location where the tunics have partially fused. The cell infiltration, migration, and disintegration proceed further, and eventually the migrating cells form an aggregate in those subcuticular regions where the tu- nics of the allogeneic colonies have partially fused (Figs. 1 1 and 12). Within the cell aggregates, disintegrating cells discharge their contents, i.e.. electron-dense, eosino- philic materials. Around them is some electron-dense substance that may be derived from the discharged ma- terials. Separation of the rejection lesion When the rejection is complete, a dense continuous layer appears in the tunic matrix, and it separates both colonies from the rejection lesion (Figs. 13-16). This new wall consists of aggregates of electron-dense fibers (arrows in Figs. 14 and 16). Discussion When colonies are brought into contact at their grow- ing edges, the first interaction is a dissolution of the cuti- cles of the contacting tunics. Due to the cuticle dissolu- tion, the tunics of the two colonies undergo partial fu- sion. Even when rejection is induced by contact between cut surfaces, the tunic matrixes of the two colonies ap- pear to fuse shortly after the contact (Hirose el al.. 1990b). The tunic matrices facing each other probably fuse without allorecognition. At this stage, morphologi- cal differences are not observed between compatible and incompatible combinations, but the signs of rejection soon appear. Allorecognition probably occurs shortly af- ter the tunics partially fuse. Blood plasma induces the allospecific reaction in both Botryllus primigenus (Taneda and Watanabe, 1982) and Botrylloides simo- densix (Saito and Watanabe, 1984). Probably, alloreac- tive factors diffuse into the opposite colony through sites of partial fusion, and the alloreactive cells respond to these factors. Furthermore, the allorecognition sites are ALLOGENEIC REJECTION IN COMPOUND ASCID1ANS 57 * .'•'-' ' ' Figure 5. Blood cell infiltration (Botrvlloides simodensis). Arrow, infiltrating hlood cell (morula cell): e. epidermis of blood vessel: lu. vascular lumen: t. tunic matrix. Bar = 5 ^m. Figure 6. Blood cells infiltrating in the tunic (Botrylloidesfuscus). Bar = 5 Mm. Figure 7. Blood cells migrate in an area of partial tunic fusion (Botrylloides simodensis). Arrowheads indicate tunic cuticle. Bar = 2 Mil- Figure 8. Disintegration ot infiltrating blood cells (morula cells) in the tunic (Botrylloidesfuscus). Elec- tron-dense materials are discharged in the tunic. Bar = 5 urn. probably restricted to the tunic, particularly in species in of blood cells may also be alloreactive in B. simodensis. which surgical fusion occurs, i.e.. B. fuscus; moreover, because an intensive rejection occurs between incompat- the tunic cells may well be the sole allorecognition sites. ible colonies that make contact at artificial cut surfaces. On the other hand, the ampullar epithelia or some kinds The first signs of SCR are the disintegration of vacuo- 58 E. HIROSE ET AL ;$»•;£ -v •//'/'•*';'"'?• I -'- -*~* ^KT^: M ' , TMTjrB — ' M \-*J**-. • Figures 9 and 10. Disintegration of blood cells in the vicinity of a partial fusion of tunic cuticles (Fig. 9, Bo/nV/c/i/i's .s7jn of embryos. Microscope 19: 281-284. Ballarin. I,., F. Cima, and A. Sabbadin. 1993. Histoenzymatic stain- ingand characterization of the colonial ascidian Boiryllux Wi/m.vcn hemocytes. Bui. /<«5 Mg/ml copper. Mortality was assessed by the sensitivity of tuni- cates to touch (failure to retract siphons) and by an anal- ysis of hemocyte (blood cell) viability. None of the other doses tested, including <5 Mg/ml copper, caused mortal- ity within 20 days (n = 4 per dose). Hemocyte harvesting and manipulation Hemocytes were harvested from incisions in the buc- cal siphons of S. plicata. The exuded hemolymph (blood) was collected in equal volumes of ice-cold ma- rine anticoagulant buffer (MAC; 0. 1 A/ glucose. 1 5 mA/ trisodium citrate, 13mA/ citric acid, 10mA/ EDTA. 0.45 A/NaCl, pH 7.0; Peddie and Smith, 1994) or FSW. Debris and cell aggregates were removed from the hem- olymph by sedimentation for 5 min (1 X g). As required, hemocytes were washed by centrifugation (400 X g, 5 min, 4°C) through either MAC or FSW. Cell viability and morphology Hemocyte viabilities and the relative frequencies of distinct hemocyte subpopulations were determined us- ing a FACScan flow cytometer with an argon-ion laser tuned to 488 nm (Becton Dickenson, Mountain View, CA). Hemocytes for flow cytometry were obtained either by bleeding tunicates that had been exposed to toxicants in aquaria or by harvesting cells that had migrated from cultured pharyngeal explants during in vitro exposures ("emigrant hemocytes"; see Proliferative activity ofio.\i- cant-treated tunicate cells section). In viability studies, hemocytes (1 X 106/ml) were stained with ethidium bro- mide (0.1% v/v) immediately prior to analysis. Dead cells were detected by their increased red (800 nm) flu- orescence reflecting the intercalation of ethidium bro- mide into cellular DNA. The relative frequencies of dis- tinct hemocyte subpopulations were determined by ana- lyzing forward angle versus 90° light-scatter plots. Proliferative activity of toxicant-treated tunicate cells To quantify hemopoietic cell proliferation, tunicate tissue cultures were established by excising small por- tions (2x2 mm) of the pharynx for explant culture in tunicate tissue culture medium (T-RPMI; Raftos and Cooper, 1990). Each 100 ml of T-RPMI contained 10 ml RPMI-1640 tissue culture medium (with sodium bicar- 64 D. RAFTOS AND A. HUTCHINSON bonate, without L-glutamine; Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, MO), 1 ml 20% w/v NaCl, 1 ml antibiotic stock solution (4 mg/ml streptomycin sulfate, 103 lU/ml peni- cillin sulfate), 100/il 1 M L-glutamine, and 88 ml FSW. Cultures were maintained at 1 5°C without CO2 supple- mentation. Under these conditions explant cultures nor- mally maintain cell viability and function for up to 70 days (Raftos and Cooper, 1990). For in vitro exposure trials, explants were cultured for up to 8 days in 96-well flat-bottomed tissue culture plates containing 200 jul/well T-RPMI and various concentra- tions of toxicants. Explants were moved to fresh medium every 2-4 days. After appropriate exposure periods of up to 8 days, explants were incubated (overnight, 1 5°C) with 18.5MBq/ml 3H-thymidine (Amersham, NSW, Aus- tralia, 740GBq/mmol). Non-incorporated 3H-thymi- dine was removed after incubation by extensive washing in FSW. Explants were then digested (37°C, overnight) in 2.0% w/v trypsin (Sigma Chemicals) to facilitate liquid scintillation counting in Ecolite scintillation cocktail (ICN, Seven Hills, NSW, Australia) (Raftos et a/., 1991). Explants from tunicates exposed to toxicants in aquaria were excised, incubated immediately in T-RPMI containing 18.5 MBq/ml 3H-thymidine (overnight, 15°C), and then washed and digested as described above. Phagocvtic activity of toxicant-exposed hemocytes To test the phagocytic activity of tunicates that had been exposed to toxicants in aquaria, hemocytes from treated tunicates were harvested into FSW and their den- sities adjusted to 3 X 106 cells/ml without washing. For in vitro exposures, toxicants were added to hemocyte sus- pensions harvested from nonexposed tunicates (3 X 106 cells/ml in T-RPMI). Aliquots (200 n\) of hemocyte suspensions were cultured (15°C) on autoclaved glass coverslips (22 X 22 mm) for either 2 h (aquarium exposures) or overnight (in vitro exposures). Adherent hemocytes were washed with 400 ^\ FSW before being overlaid with 50 n\ yeast (Baker's yeast type II, Sigma Chemicals; 5 X 106 yeast/ml) that had been prepared and opsonized with S. plicata plasma according to the method of Beck et al. (1993). Noningested yeast were re- moved by extensive washing with FSW after a 30-min incubation (15°C), and phagocytic activity was quanti- fied microscopically (Beck et al.. 1993; Kelly et til., 1993). Cytotoxic activity oj treated cells Hemocytes from tunicates that had been exposed to toxicants in aquaria were harvested in MAC and tested immediately in cytotoxicity assays. For /;; vitro exposures, hemocytes were harvested from nontreated tunicates and cultured overnight ( 1 5°C) in T-RPMI con- taining various concentrations of toxicants before being tested for cytotoxic activity. Cytotoxic activities of hemocytes were tested in two assays that used either K.562 human chronic myeloge- nous leukemia cells or rabbit red blood cells (RRBC) as targets. The capacity of hemocytes to kill K-562 cells was assessed by a modification of the method of Peddie and Smith (1993). Hemocyte suspensions were adjusted to 4 X 107 cells/ml in MAC; 50-100 n\ of these hemocyte suspensions were then mixed in round-bottomed 5-ml flow cytometry tubes with equal volumes of K-562 cells (4 X 10h cells/ml) suspended in marine saline (MS; 12mA/ CaCl2-6H:O, 11mA/ KC1, 26mA/ MgCl2- 6H2O, 45 mM Tris, 38 mA/ HC1, 400 mA/ NaCl, pH 7.4). The cell mixtures were incubated at 15°C for 90 min, stained with ethidium bromide and then imme- diately tested, using a FACScan flow cytometer, for the uptake of red fluorescence (800 nm). Specific cytotoxic activities were calculated as the percentage of dead K562 cells in a particular sample minus the percentage of dead cells in controls that contained K562 cells but no hemo- cytes. K562 cells were obtained from the American Type Tissue Culture Collection (Rockville, MD) and were grown in RPMI-1640 tissue culture medium. Immedi- ately prior to their use in cytotoxicity assays, K562 cells were conditioned to the high tonicity of MS by incuba- tion (30 min, 20°C) in an intermediate saline solution (12mA/ CaCl2.6H2O, 11mA/ KC1, 26 mM MgCl2- 6H20, 45 mA/Tris, 38 mA/HCl, 300 mA/NaCl, pH 7.4; Peddie and Smith, 1993). The ability of hemocytes to lyse RRBC was quantified by the method of Parrinello et al. (1993). Hemocytes were washed once through Tris-buffered saline (TBS; 10 mA/Tris, 150 mA/NaCl, pH 7.4)andresuspendedin TBS supplemented with 10 mMCaC!2 (TBS-Ca) to yield 2 X 106 cells/ml. One-hundred microliters per well of the suspensions were then incubated (60 min, 37°C) with an equal volume of RRBC (4 X 107 cells/ml in TBS-Ca) in 96-well round-bottomed tissue culture plates. After in- cubation the plates were centrifuged and 100^1 of the resulting supernatant was transferred to flat-bottomed plates so that the absorbance (405 nm) of hemoglobin released from lysed cells could be quantified on a mi- croplate spectrophotometer. Specific cytotoxic activities were calculated as percentages relative to maximum re- lease (4 X 10" RRBC/well in H2O) and spontaneous re- lease (4 X 10" RRBC/well in TBS-Ca. no hemocytes) values. Statistical analysis Nontreated controls were included in all experiments. A minimum of four tunicates were tested for each dose TUNICATES AND MARINE POLLUTANTS 65 Table I Percentage viahililien ofhemocyles after N Jays n/in vitro or aquarium c.v/'r >\ure in a variety oj toxicants copper (ug/ml) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Treatment viable cells ±SEM(n> 4) Aquarium Control (no treatment) 87.3 ± 1.6 95.0 ±0.6 TBT(IOMg/D 89.3 ± 3.4 94.3 ± 1.2" Cu(0.5Mg/ml) 75.1 ±2.1'' 93. 1 ± 2.3 Creosote (1%) 72.6 ±4.8'' 96.6 + 0.7 " Tested after 6-day exposure. " P< 0.05 v.v. nontreated control. and time point in aquarium trials. More than three rep- licates were tested for each dose and time point during in vitro exposures. The statistical significance of differences between treatments was determined by Student's two- tailed /-test using the Statview SE+ (Abacus Concepts Inc. Berkeley. CA) and Statworks (Cricket Software Inc., Philadelphia. PA) statistical packages. Results Effects of toxicants on hemocyte viability The viability of hemocytes emigrating from in vitro pharyngeal cultures was decreased by exposure to copper or creosote (Table I). Decreases in viability were dose- dependent, with concentrations greater than 0.001% creosote or 0.05 ^g/ml copper significantly lowering hemocyte survival after 8 days of exposure (P < 0.05 vs. nontreated controls; Fig. 1). Ten percent creosote or 50 Aig/ml copper decreased viability by 37% and 48% rel- ative to nontreated controls. In contrast, TBT did not significantly alter hemocyte viability at any of the doses or times tested during in vitro exposures (P> 0.05). Moreover, the viabilities of hemo- cytes harvested from tunicates that had been exposed to creosote, copper, or TBT for up to 9 days in aquaria did not differ significantly from those of nontreated controls (P> 0.05; Table I). Alteration of proliferative activity Exposure to toxicants profoundly affected the uptake of 3H-thymidine by pharyngeal explants (Table II). Exposure to TBT in vitro was the only treatment that did not significantly alter proliferation at any of the doses or times tested (P > 0.05; Fig. 2A). TBT treatment in aquaria reduced proliferative activity by as much as 62% after 6 days of exposure ( 10 ^g/1; Fig. 2A)and copper in- hibited 3H-thymidine incorporation by up to 82% 100 90- 1 80H o 25 70-\ CO 60- 50- 40 —a — creosote ---*--- copper 0.01 creosote 100 Figure 1. The percentage of viable cells (±SEM. n > 4) in the pop- ulation of hemocytes that had emigrated from tunicate pharyngeal ex- plants after 8 days of ~ in vitro exposure to various doses of creosote and copper. (0.5 fig/ml, day 8; Table II) when compared to non- treated controls. The effects of creosote on proliferation were both time- and dose-dependent. After 4 days of exposure to high doses of creosote in aquaria (> 1%), proliferative ac- tivity was significantly increased relative to nontreated controls (P < 0.05; Fig. 2B). In contrast, treatment with 0.5% creosote had no effect after 4 days of exposure but significantly enhanced 3H-thymidine uptake (252% vs. controls) after 8 days. At this latter time point, prolifera- tive activity in tunicates exposed to high doses (> 1% cre- osote) had subsided. Significant effects of TBT on prolif- eration were evident after 4 days of exposure and did not subside over time (Fig. 2A). Table II Effect on hematopoict/c cell proliferation oj exposure for 8 days to various toxicants either i n vitro or in aquaria: data are represented as percentages of1 II- ihymidinc uptake detected in nontreated controls Treatment % of nontreated control1 ± SEM (n > 6) Aquarium TBT(10Mg/D Cu(0.5Mg/ml) Creosote (0.5%) 124.1 ±23.2" 31.6±4.2 71.3 ±8.0 38.8±7.lrt 1 7. 7 ±4.8 252.1 ±2.1 " P> 0.05 r.v. nontreated controls. '' 6-day exposure. 1 Mean 'H-thymidine uptake by nontreated controls = 987 ± 23 cpm. 66 D. RAFTOS AND A. HUTCH1NSON A. TBT ^ 180 -i 8 o 160- T o "o 140- T ^*-- °^ 120- l^ "^^^-^ f 100- *.,. 0 ~ ^ CC CD 80- \ 03 60- ,--- 2 40- — a — in vitro \ .-' 8 Q. ---*--- aquarium " 0.1 1 10 100 TBT(ug/l) B. Creosote snn 150 100- 50- 0 ing/i 10ug/l 1 00 ng/l 0 2 4 6 8 10 period of exposure (days, aquarium) aoo mnn -^— ^ (J\JU 8 T — a — in vitro * I UUU " — • — 0.5% 0 / HDD- T ---*--- 1% B 60°- ^. aquarium < ouu • _._^._ CO/ / s 3/o jO ' / '\ ' 600- 1 \ j \ •f" 400- I > \ t3 CC /'I 400- ! \ ! \ CD / ! ,*« ~ 200- / ' ' *•» \ 2 / 200- //' ^^ ^ "** — X m — 4- -^ N\5 o B a J X 0 CL U i i i i • 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 creosote (%) 0 2 4 6 8 10 period of exposure (days, aquarium) Figure 2. Proliferative activity (percentage of nontreated control values ± SEM, n > 4) in pharyngeal explants that were treated with various concentrations of (A) TBT or (B) creosote by either in vitro or aquarium exposure and harvested from tunicates after various periods of exposure. Uptake by controls: Day 2 = 322 ± 47 cpm; Day 4 = 874 ± 7 I cpm; Day 8 = 944 ± 79 cpm. f/^kts 0/Vax/caw/s on phagocytosis Incubation of hemocytes with copper in vitro did not significantly (P > 0.05) alter phagocytic activity (Table III). However, copper substantially decreased phagocyto- sis (62% vs. control, 8 days, 0.5 Mg/ml) during aquarium exposures. Exposure to 10 ^g/1 TBT in vitro significantly (P < 0.05) stimulated phagocytosis, whereas hemocytes taken from tunicates that had been treated with TBT in aquaria had lower phagocytic activities than those of non- treated controls (Table III). Creosote exposure signifi- cantly reduced phagocytosis after in vitro treatment, but greatly enhanced the phagocytic activity of hemocytes from tunicates exposed in aquaria (Table III). The effects of in vitro TBT treatment on phagocytosis were dose-dependent (Fig. 3 A). //; vitro doses of TBT ranging from 1 to 10 /ug/1 enhanced phagocytosis by up to 220% relative to nontreated controls (P < 0.05), whereas a higher dose ( 100 Mg/1) reduced phagocytic ac- tivity to 51%> of its normal level (P < 0.05 v.v. control). Other treatments consistently enhanced (creosote in aquaria) or inhibited (creosote in vitro, TBT in aquaria) phagocytosis over the range of doses tested (Fig. 3 A). Modulation of phagocytic activity by toxicants was also time-dependent (Fig. 3B). Alterations of phagocyto- sis resulting from treatment with both TBT and creosote in aquaria were most pronounced after short periods of exposure (creosote = 314% of control value, day 2; TBT TUNICATES AND MARINE POLLUTANTS 67 Table III hagocytic activities, relative to nontreaied controls, "I ninicute <:mocvle\ thai had been exposed to various toxicants for either 24 h in Phag( hem vitro or S days in aquaria % of nontreated control1 ± SEM (n > 4) Treatment In vitro Aquarium TBT(10Mg/D Cu(0.5ng/ml) Creosote (1%) 220.1 ±3.2 89.2 ± 8.4" 56.8+ 12.5 75.6 ±3.1" 37.4 ± 15.7 196.5 ±2 1.1 " 6-day exposure. a P> 0.05 v.v. nontreated controls. 1 Mean phagocytic activity in nontreated controls = 0.43 ± 0.11 yeast ingested per hemocyte. = 69.4% of control value, day 3) and returned to levels similar to control values after longer treatment times (creosote = 148% of control, 8 days; TBT = 105%. of con- trols, 9 days). Cvtotoxic activities after toxicant treatment Creosote was the only toxicant that significantly affected the cytotoxic activity of hemocytes toward either K562 or RRBC targets (Table IV). Exposure to creosote in aquaria inhibited cytotoxic activity toward K562 cells in a dose-dependent fashion (Fig. 4A). Treatment with 5% creosote for 8 days reduced anti-K.562 cytotoxicity to levels that did not differ significantly from those of negative controls in which hemocytes and K562 cells were mixed at 4°C (P > 0.05; Fig. 4A). Significant (P < 0.05) inhibition of cytotoxic responses toward K.562 cells was evident at all of the creosote doses tested (Fig. 4 A). A different pattern emerged in assays that used RRBC as targets. Exposure to creosote doses greater than 0.5% for 8 days significantly enhanced the cytotoxic activity of he- mocytes toward RRBC (Fig. 4A). Figure 4B shows that the inhibitory effect of creosote on cytotoxicity toward K.562 cells was reversible. The cy- totoxic activity of hemocytes from tunicates that had been exposed to 5% creosote for 4 days and then trans- ferred to toxicant-free seawater for a further 4 days (13.9% specific cytotoxicity) did not differ significantly from those of nontreated controls (15.3% specific cyto- toxicity; P > 0.05). However, it was significantly greater than the cytotoxic activities evident among hemocytes taken from tunicates that had been exposed to 5% creo- sote continuously for 8 days (5.4% specific cytotoxicity; £ 400- T3 0) '5 " 300- o o £ >, o CO 200- 100- o en CO — -&-— cresosote 24 h, in vitro creosote 2 day, aquarium TBT 24 h, in vitro TBT 3 day, aquarium 350 B 300- 250- 200- 150- 100 50 0 I 0.1 1 10 100 1000 creosote dose (%) / TBT (ug/l) creosote, 5% TBT, 10ug/L T »- 1 2 4 6 8 10 period of exposure (days) Figure 3. Phagocytic activities (percentage of nontreated control values ± SEM. n > 4) of tunicate hemocytes that were (A) exposed to various doses of creosote or TBT overnight in vitro or harvested from tunicates that had been treated with creosote or TBT for 2 or 3 days in aquaria, or (B) harvested from tunicates after various periods of exposure to 5% creosote or 10 Aig/l TBT in aquaria. 68 D. RAFTOS AND A. HUTCHINSON Table IV Effect iij r treatment with various toxicants either overnight fin vitro exposure) or for S clays (aquarium exposures) on cytoloxic activity of tunicate hemocyles toward k-562 or rabbit red blood cells (RRBC) % of nontreated control1 ± SEM (n > 4) Treatment //; vitro/ K.562 Aquarium/ RRBC Aquarium/ K.562 TBT(10Mg/D Cu(0.5Mg/ml) Creosote (1%) nt" 85.8 ± 5.2 nt 121.1 ± 14.3 96.8 ±6.4 138.9 + 6.9* 119.0 + 26.9" 108.1 ±21.3 53.6 ± 15.4* " Not tested. " 6-day exposure. * P < 0.05 vs. nontreated control. v Mean cytotoxic activities for nontreated controls = 43.6 ± 6.1 for K562and21.2±3.1 for RRBC. Effect of creosote on the frequency of hemocyte subpopulations Creosote was the only toxicant that affected the fre- quencies of hemocyte subpopulations in tunicates ex- posed to toxicants in aquaria (Fig. 5). Three distinct sub- populations of hemocyte were identified by analysis of forward angle v.v. 90° light-scatter plots. They were desig- nated small (low forward scatter), large (high forward scatter, low 90° scatter) and large granular (high forward and high 90° scatter) hemocytes. Treatment with creo- sote significantly decreased the frequency of large granu- lar hemocytes relative to the other hemocyte subpopula- tions. The frequency of large granular hemocytes was re- duced by two-thirds relative to nontreated controls after 4 days of exposure (P < 0.05; Fig 5A). This effect was apparent within 2 days of exposure to high doses of cre- osote (5%) and was evident for all of the doses tested within 4 days (Fig 5A). There was a corresponding in- crease in the frequency of small hemocytes: after 4 days about two times more small hemocytes were present within treated tunicates than in nontreated controls (Fig 5B). The frequency of large hemocytes did not vary from control levels at any of the doses or times tested (Fig 5B). Discussion This study has demonstrated that sublethal contami- nation by common estuarine pollutants can significantly alter innate immunological reactions in tunicates. The three compounds tested here (TBT, copper, and creo- sote) are particularly relevant. All three are major com- ponents of antifouling films that are used to prevent the growth of sessile invertebrates. TBT can leach from ma- rine paints and accumulate to hazardous levels in har- bors and marinas (Bryan et ai. 1986; Huggett el ai, 1986). It is known to inhibit chemiluminescence re- sponses, chemotactic activity, phagocytic oxidative bursts and phagocytosis by fish leukocytes (Rice and Weeks. 1991; Warinner et al., 1988; Weeks et ai. 1986). B D K562 •B 40- 'x 0 ^~ D RRBC T 1,30- o 0 T T 8 20- Q. _z^ T 55 10- n- T T 0.5 1 creosote %) 20 15- 10- 5- 4°C not exposed 5% creosote 4 day recovery Figure -4. (A) Cytotoxic activities (percentage of nontreated control values ± SEM, /; = 4 )ol hemocytes taken from tunicates that were exposed to various doses of creosote in aquaria for 8 days: 4°C represents hemocytes from nontreated controls that were mixed with targets at 4°C to suppress cytotoxic activity. ( B) Cytotoxic activities (percent specific cytotoxicity toward K562 cells + SEM. n = 4) of hemocytes harvested from tunicates that had either been held in aquaria without creosote (not exposed), exposed to 5% creosote in aquaria for 8 days (5% creosote), or exposed to 5% creosote in aquaria for 4 days and then transferred to fresh seawater without creosote for a further 4 days (4-day recovery). TUNICATES AND MARINE POLLUTANTS 69 B ^a- 5% 40- creosote (%) 1% — •-•- 0.5% c 0 H 30- T ..I. -~ *~' "->. 0% 1 0 CL 0) \ 0 o ™, t t on \ > CD ^U \ , .c \ *( \« \\ T 2 \J ,.-.- o .^ 5? 10- ~f—^^; -a 1 1 n 2 4 6 8 10 exposure period (days) 60 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- • 1 0.1 1 creosote (%) 10 FigureS. Frequencies (percentages of the total hemocyte population ± SEM. n = 4) of (A) large granu- lar hemocytes in hemolymph harvested from tunicates after various periods of exposure to a range of creosote concentrations in aquaria, or (B) small, large, and large granular hemocytes harvested from tuni- cates that been exposed to various doses of creosote for 4 days in aquaria. Although the use of TBT on pleasure craft is now pro- hibited widely, it is still applied to larger vessels and re- mains a common harbor contaminant (NSW Environ- ment Protection Authority, pers. comm.; Stebbing, 1985). For use on small craft, TBT has been superseded by copper-based antifouling products. Like TBT. copper is known to have substantial immunological effects on aquatic organisms at subacute doses (Roales and Perl- mutter. 1977). Creosote is a hydrocarbon-based protec- tive coating that is frequently used on pylons, wharves, and netting. It is composed of about 85% PAH. 10% phe- nolic compounds, and 5% heterocyclic compounds (Fai- sal et ai, 1991). PAHsin particular have been associated with a variety of physiological effects including carcino- genesis and the alteration of immune reactivity in hu- mans and other animals (Faisal et ai, 1991: National Re- search Council, USA, 1972). In fish, PAHs are responsi- ble for the development of eye lens cataracts, gill necrosis, degeneration of renal epithelia, and neoplasia. They can also inhibit macrophage function, cellular cy- totoxicity, and cellular proliferation (Faisal el ai. 1991 ). The range of doses that were tested in this study include levels that can frequently be found in the environment. TBT concentrations >2 ^g/1 have been detected in ma- rine areas (Waldcock and Miller. 1983). PAH levels greater than 10 times the maximum dose used here are reportedly common for harbor waters, and levels of cop- per up to 2.5 pg/ml have been detected in heavily utilized environments (Hyland and Scheider. 1976; Pluarg In- ternational Joint Commission. 1978; Waldhauer et at, 1978). Only high doses of copper (>5 Mg/ml) were acutely le- thal to tunicates. However, all of the toxicants tested here exerted powerful effects on at least some immunological reactions (summarized in Table V). The ability of toxi- cants, particularly creosote, to simultaneously affect a variety of apparently unrelated parameters, such as phagocytosis, proliferation, and cellular cytotoxicity, does not simply reflect general morbidity or metabolic downturn resulting from toxicant poisoning. The obser- vation that toxicants enhanced some hemocyte-medi- ated responses but inhibited or had no effect on others confirms that tunicate cells were not generally inacti- vated by toxicant treatment. There is also no evidence that any of the toxicants affected the viability of cells from tunicates that were exposed in aquaria (except after death at lethal doses of copper), even though both creo- sote and copper decreased hemocyte viability in vitro. This discrepancy has three plausible explanations. First. the observed differences in hemocyte viabilities may 70 D. RAFTOS AND A. HUTCHINSON have been due to the rapid clearance of dead hemocytes //; vivo. Those dead cells may not have appeared in the circulating hemolymph, and so may not have been de- tected in viability assays. Second, tunicates could possess mechanisms to detoxify, sequester, or prevent the pene- tration of copper and creosote in vivo. This possibility is not, however, supported by the observation that some immunological reactions were similarly affected by iden- tical doses of toxicants applied in vitro and in aquaria (e.g.. copper's inhibitory effect on cell proliferation). Third, differences between in vitro and aquarium trials might have been due to the existence of compensatory or interactive mechanisms that cannot operate in isolated /// vitro systems. The latter explanation is supported by differences that were evident between the effects of in vitro and aquarium exposures on immunological parameters such as phago- cytosis, cell proliferation, and cytotoxicity. For instance, in ritm creosote treatment inhibited phagocytic activity and cell proliferation, whereas tunicates treated with cre- osote in aquaria had an enhanced capacity for phagocy- tosis and a transient increase in proliferative activity. Such contrasting results indicate that some effects in vivo may result from interactive mechanisms rather than from direct toxicity toward the response being examined. Creosote poisoning, for instance, may have stimulated regulatory activity that specifically enhanced phagocyto- sis and proliferation. Mechanisms that are capable of such cellular regulation are well characterized in tuni- cates. Regulatory molecules in the hemolymph can en- hance phagocytosis and cell proliferation in a manner analogous to the activities of vertebrate cytokines (Beck etai. 1993;Raftos, 1994; Raftostf ai. 1991). The data also suggest that tunicates have mechanisms Table V Summary of the effects of different toxicants on a ninety ol responses thai were tested either in vitro (vit) or hy aquarium exposure Toxicant/treatment TBT Creosote Copper Responses tested vit aqu vit aqu vit aqu Cell viability 0 0 1 0 J 0 Phagocytosis 4_t I t 0 1 Proliferation 0 J 1 «-» J I Cytotoxicity (K562) 0 — I 0 0 Cytotoxicity (RRBC) 0 — t — 0 t = enhanced by toxicant treatment; , = inhibited by toxicant treat- ment; «-» = enhanced or suppressed depending upon dose or time of exposure; 0 = no significant alteration relative to nontreated con- trols; — = not tested. that can confer some degree of adaptive protection, and allow recuperation, from the effects of toxicants. The ex- istence of mechanisms for adaptive protection is indi- cated by the kinetics of toxicant poisoning. Alterations in the levels of phagocytosis among tunicates treated with creosote or TBT in aquaria were short lived. Phagocytic activity returned to more-or-less normal levels after 8 days of continuous exposure. This amelioration can be explained in two ways. First, creosote and TBT may have become detoxified over the 8-day exposure period. Sec- ond, adaptive mechanisms that reduced the effect of tox- icants on phagocytosis may have been activated. The lat- ter possibility is supported by evidence indicating that both creosote and TBT retain their toxicity toward other immunological reactions for at least 8 days. The exis- tence of processes that allow recuperation from the effects of toxicants is indicated by the rapid recovery of cytotoxic activity when tunicates are transferred from contaminated to fresh seawater. There are many possible mechanisms by which toxicants could gain their effects, or by which tunicates might adaptively ameliorate those effects. For instance, the observed recuperation of some reactions from poisoning may reflect the existence of in- ducible detoxication mechanisms that directly affect tox- icant bioavailability. Inducible low molecular weight metal-binding proteins (metallothioneins) that can bind and detoxify a variety of metals such as copper and tin have been identified in many species (George, 1990). An alternative explanation for the varied effects of tox- icants is that alterations in the frequencies of specific effector cells are responsible both for altering immune functions and for the later recovery of those immune re- actions from poisoning. In fish, it has been reported that the frequencies of specialized, ion-transporting chloride cells vary significantly during copper poisoning as those cells migrate to and from fixed tissues (Pelgrom et ai. 1995). Similarly, the frequency of large granular hemo- cytes in 5. plicata decreased rapidly upon exposure to creosote. The large granular hemocyte population in- cludes vesiculated cell types that have been implicated in wound repair and that become localized in fixed tissues during inflammation-like responses (Goodbody, 1974; Wright, 1981). These cells may have been sequestered in fixed tissues damaged during creosote treatment, and so may have altered the relative mix of hemocyte types in the hemolymph. The loss of large granular hemocytes from the circulation may also have activated compensa- tory hematopoietic cell proliferation. Such hematopoi- etic proliferation was detected directly by increased 3H- thymidine uptake and is also indicated by the specific increase observed in the frequency of small hemocytes, a population that includes immature hemoblasts derived from hematopoiesis (Ermak, 1982; Rinkevich and Rab- TUNICATES AND MARINE POLLUTANTS 71 inowitz, 1993; Wright, 1981). The regulatory activity that may have activated cell proliferation might also have affected phagocytic activity. Tunicate cytokine-like molecules have pleiotropic effects that include the simul- taneous activation of phagocytosis and proliferation (Beck el a/.. 1993; Raftos, 1994; Raftos et at.. 1991). This role of altered hemocyte frequencies on immune func- tions remains speculative, but is currently being tested. In conclusion, it is clear that environmental contami- nants have profound effects on immunological reactions in tunicates. Those effects are unlikely to be the result of general morbidity, and they are not reflected by acute lethality. However, because of the implicit relationship between innate immune reactions and antipathogenic defenses, it is likely that the effects demonstrated here alter the capacity of tunicates to defend themselves against infection. The relevance of these effects to the vi- ability of tunicate populations remains unclear. Little is known about the level of surveillance that is required by tunicates for survival. 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This study tests the hypothesis that different polyp sizes have different optimal flow regimes maximizing prey capture. Results showed that prey capture by M. senile is a function of both flow regime and polyp size, and different optimal flow regimes exist for different size classes. Large anemones had a maximum feeding effi- ciency at the slowest flow, medium-sized anemones at moderate flow, and small anemones at moderate- to high-flow regimes. Small anemones showed consistently higher feeding rates (per unit of biomass and area of ten- tacle crown) at all velocities above 10 cm s~ ' and exhib- ited less flow-induced deformation of the tentacle crown, suggesting that small anemones are better at feeding in moderate- to high-flow habitats. Different vertical pro- jections of large and small anemones in the boundary layer could only partly account for differences in feeding success among size classes. Feeding rate was also a func- tion of upstream conspecifics, declining asymptotically to 30% of the maximum rate. The negative effects of neighbors on feeding in aggregations with clonal rather than polyp growth appear to be compensated for by the generally higher feeding efficiency of small polyps. Introduction Flow habitat and body size are both important factors in the feeding biology of benthic, passive suspension feeders. Received 1 8 October 1995: accepted 25 October 1996. * Current address: James Cook University of North Queensland, De- partment of Marine Biology, Townsville Qld. 4811. Australia. Due to the nature of near-bottom hydrodynamics, how- ever, flow exposure and body size are inseparable factors (Koehl, 1977a; Vogel, 1981). As suspension feeders grow taller they become exposed to faster currents within and beyond the substratum-associated boundary layer, and consequently to both greater drag and higher flux of poten- tial prey (Wainwright and Koehl, 1976; Vogel, 1981). The height of a passive suspension feeder in a given flow habitat is therefore likely to involve a trade-off between maximiz- ing food availability and minimizing flow forces and phys- ical stress. In soft-bodied passive suspension feeders such as sea anemones, limitations as to how tall an individual can grow in a high-flow environment may, in part, be governed by the extent to which flow forces cause deformation of the feeding apparatus (Koehl, 1976, 1977a), reducing prey capture and thus energy for growth and reproduction (Seb- ens, 1979, 1981, 1982; Lesser el al, 1994). Vertically ori- ented passive suspension feeders of different sizes are there- fore likely to have different ranges of optimal flow velocities at which the physical stress is minimized and potential for prey capture is maximized. Many sessile cnidarians are, however, capable of polyp degrowth and indeterminate growth of the genet, in part through variable extents of asexual proliferation such as pedal laceration (Bucklin, 1987; Anthony and Svane, 1995), polyp fission (Francis, 1979;Sebens, 1980), and colony fission (McFadden, 1986). These capabilities result in size plasticity of the polyp (or colony) as well as of the clone. Small clones of large polyps (or colonies) in low-flow habitats and large clones of small polyps (or colonies) in high-flow habitats constitute alterna- tive solutions for maximizing prey capture and the positive energy balance of the genet. In the latter case, however, the extent to which the relationship between polyp size, flow, and prey capture is modified by the presence of neighbor- 73 74 K. R. N. ANTHONY ing conspecifics (or clone members produced by asexual reproduction) has been demonstrated in only a few passive (octocorals: McFadden, 1986) and active (phoronids: Johnson, 1990; bryozoans: Okamura, 1992) suspension feeders. In this paper, the sea anemone Metridium senile is used for testing the effects of flow, polyp size, and up- stream neighbors on the feeding success of soft-bodied, passive suspension feeders. Five features render M senile a good model for such studies: ( 1 ) The projected area of the tentacle crown increases more-or-less isometrically with body size (Sebens, 198 1 ): (2) new tentacles of a de- termined size are added to the tentacle crown as the anemone grows (Sebens, 1979), so that the spacing and size of filtering elements are the same for large and small anemones; (3) the size of prey (zooplankton) taken does not increase significantly with anemone size (Purcell, 1977; Sebens, 1981; Sebens and Koehl, 1984); (4) it is capable of polyp degrowth (in part through asexual re- production by pedal laceration) and thus has an intrinsic potential for adjusting its body size to the flow environ- ment; and finally (5) it often forms dense, clonal aggre- gations (Anthony and Svane. 1994) in which prey cap- ture per polyp is likely to be influenced by the presence of adjacent clonemates. Metridium senile is a ubiquitous member of the hard- bottom community of most northern waters (Hoffmann, 1976; Fautin el ai, 1989) and occurs in different size dis- tributions in different flow environments (Hoffmann, 1976, 1986; Shick et ai. 1979; Shick and Hoffmann, 1980; Anthony and Svane, 1994). For example, in high- flow channels on the west coast of Sweden where the cur- rent velocity frequently exceeds 100 cms"1, the walls and bottoms are carpeted by dense populations of small (2-3-cm-high) M. senile. Conversely, in low-flow habi- tats where the current rarely exceeds 5 cm s~', large (20- 30-cm-high) M. senile predominate (Anthony and Svane, 1994, 1995). In moderate-flow habitats, popula- tions of M. senile are generally composed of intermedi- ate-sized anemones (Shick, 1991; and pers. obs.). Previ- ous studies have suggested that differences in size distri- butions of M. senile can be attributed to the physical effects of flow on the anemone body plan ( Koehl, 1 977a; Shick and Hoffmann, 1 980); genetic differences between local populations or clones (Shick el til., 1979; Shick and Dowse, 1985; Hoffmann, 1986; Anthony and Svane, 1994); and effects of substratum instability, which influ- ence the rate of laceration and thereby inversely affect polyp and clone size (Anthony and Svane, 1995). Trade- offs between polyp size and prey capture in different flow regimes are likely to structure populations of this ecolog- ically and morphologically plastic species (Shick, 1991). Nevertheless, no studies have experimentally tested the hypothesis that different polyp sizes of M. senile have different optimal flow regimes that reflect the size distri- butions in natural populations. The objectives of this study are to ( 1 ) quantify prey cap- ture in M. senile at a range of polyp sizes and flow veloci- ties, (2) test whether combinations of polyp size and flow regime that maximize prey capture reflect size-frequency distributions found in different flow habitats in situ, and (3) test whether prey capture in M. senile is, in part, a function of the number of upstream conspecifics. Materials and Methods All experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume (300-cm long, 47-cm wide, 18-20-cm water depth), de- signed as described by Vogel ( 1 98 1 ). A constant flow was ensured by controlling revolutions of the propeller by a Panasonic 501 inverter. Flow straighteners were mounted at the entrance of the flume channel to reduce turbulence to a level resembling near-bed field condi- tions. Prey used in all experiments were newly hatched nauplii of Anemia salinn. which measure about 600 ^m in length and are within the mid-range of prey sizes re- ported to be taken by M, senile in the field (Sebens and Koehl, 1984). Anemia nauplii do not show the escape responses characteristic of some natural prey (Trager et nl.. 1994), so their use may produce overestimates of prey-capture rates in situ. That potential drawback was outweighed by the advantages that the non-evasive Ar- temia nauplii are less likely to confound flow effects on capture rates and can be reared in replicable batches. Flow measurements Feeding experiments were carried out at six preset flow regimes: 4, 10. 17, 20, 28, and 44 cm s~", measured at 10cm above the flume floor by visually tracking and timing particles over a 25-cm trajectory within the work- ing section of the flume. To determine the local flow ve- locity experienced by each anemone size class in a given flow regime, the vertical flow profile between 0.2 and 15 cm above the flume floor (1-cm intervals) was deter- mined from a matrix of 16 X 6 point samples taken within a plane normal to flow. These local flow velocities were measured with a thermistor probe (LaBarbera and Vogel, 1976) calibrated according to the method de- scribed by Vogel (1981, p. 316). The development of a turbulent boundary layer was evident at all flow regimes, and the local flow velocities measured at 0.2- 1 cm above the flume floor were generally 50% of those measured at a height of 1 0 cm ( Uw). The flow profiles obtained in the flume at the six experimental flow regimes are depicted in Figure 1 . Distribution of nauplii in the flume A comparison of the prey-capture success of different size classes of passive suspension feeders requires the as- PREY CAPTURE BY SEA ANEMONES 75 O o GJ) 15.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -I, Flow velocity (cm s ) Figure 1. Flow profile as a function of flow regime in the working section of the flume. Flow regime is referred to as the velocity measured at 10cm above the flume floor ((.',„). Error bars represent ±1 SE of 6 isobath measurements. sumption of a uniform and constant distribution of prey items in the water column. Therefore, deviations from an even, vertical distribution of Anemia due to nauplii swimming or hydrodynamic sorting were determined by simultaneous sampling from 10 different heights above the bottom in the working section of the flume. Samples were collected with a comb of 4-mm acrylic pipes spaced 15 mm apart and pointing into the current, each pipe connected to a silicone tube (see Muschenheim, 1987). One-liter samples were taken at each height, and sam- pling was replicated three times ( 1-h intervals) for every flow regime. The numbers of nauplii were standardized to a percentage distribution and tested using a replicated G-test for goodness-of-fit (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). Sig- nificantly higher concentrations of nauplii were found close to the bottom of the flume channel at Uto = 4 cms"1 (Gn = 55.4. P < 0.0001) and Vw = 10 cms'1 (G,, = 20. 1, P < 0.01), but the vertical distribution was uniform at L'1(1 = 1 7, 20, 28, and 44 cm s' ' (P > 0.05). Vertical feeding zone and tentacle-crown deformation The height range of the tentacle crown above the flume floor (measured at the uppermost (r( ) and lowermost (r/) tentacle tips) was determined for each group of anemones during experiments. These values were used to compare vertical feeding zones and local flow veloci- ties experienced by different size classes and to calculate feeding efficiencies. Furthermore, the ratio of tentacle- crown surface area (S) to ash-free dry weight of individ- ual polyps (AFDW) was used to indicate and compare the degree of tentacle-crown deformation caused by flow forces. Ash-free dry weight was used as denominator rather than a linear dimension because it provides the least variable measure of size. During each feeding ex- periment, tentacle-crown diameter (TCD, mean of two diameters taken at right angles to each other and de- scribed by the outermost tentacle tips) for each anemone was measured with callipers and used in calculating ten- tacle-crown area (S = jr(TCD/2)2). Feeding experiments: sampling and experimental design Three size classes of anemones within the full size range of M. senile were sampled in the Gullmarsfjord on the west coast of Sweden, from three sites that experience different prevailing current regimes. Large anemones 76 K R. N. ANTHONY (6.0-6. 5-cm pedal disc diameter, pdd) were collected in the central Gullmarsfjord where the current is generally low (<5 cm s~'), medium-sized anemones (2.5-3.0-cm pdd) were collected in a sound experiencing an interme- diate current regime (10-15 cm s"1), and small anemo- nes (1-2 cm pdd) were sampled in a narrow channel where the current frequently exceeds 100 cm s~' (see also Anthony and Svane, 1994). In the laboratory, the anem- ones were allowed to attach to panels (terracotta tiles measuring 10 by 20 cm, 3 mm thick) submerged in sea- water tables. Excess anemones were removed from the panels so that a single row of 2-4 contiguous anemones was established on each panel. Prior to each experiment the flume was filled with fil- tered (<20 /urn) seawater freshly collected at 30-m depth in the fjord (31-33%o salinity and 8-1 PC). The volume of the system when full (20-cm depth) was 400 ±21. Two panels with anemones attached were placed aligned on the bottom of the flume in the working section, so that a single row of 3-8 anemones was oriented perpendicular to flow. The anemones were allowed 12-24 h to accli- mate to the selected flow regime and to fully expand be- fore the feeding experiment was run. Immediately before an experiment, a standardized initial concentration (C\,) of 150± 20 Anemia nauplii 1~' was obtained by carrying out dilution series in 2000-ml beakers and calculating batch concentrations and C0. This concentration was as- sumed to be below that causing saturation of the anemo- nes, since only a small percentage (<5%) of the tentacles were occupied in prey capture at any given time. The overall prey capture obtained in the experiments was therefore assumed to be insignificantly affected by the C0 chosen. So that concentration of prey could be plotted as a function of time, five 140-ml water samples were taken simultaneously from the upstream section of the tank at t = 0 and after every 10 min during the following 70- 90 min. Because the total sampling volume was less than 3% of the system volume, sampling volume was not re- placed or corrected for in the analysis. Samples were taken using a rack of fixed pipettes (2 mm thick and 20 cm long) arranged along a horizontal transect normal to the direction of flow and connected by silicone tubes to a rack of syringes on the outside of the tank. Sampling was done manually and isokinetically during 30 ± 3 s to minimize variation due to prey patchiness. The samples were immediately filtered through a plankton mesh (60- Mm) to give 50-ml concentrated suspensions, and the nauplii in each sample were counted directly using a dis- secting microscope. The proportion of nauplii damaged by handling and by the flume propeller was less than 5%. To determine feeding relative to anemone biomass, the anemones were dislodged from the panels 24 h after each experiment, any food boluses were removed with a sy- ringe, and anemones were frozen and freeze-dried for 48 h. After weighing, the dried anemones were com- busted for 1 2 h at 500°C and the ash-free dry weight (AFDW) was obtained by subtracting ash weight from dry weight. Analysis of feeding experiments The natural logarithm of prey concentration was plot- ted with time, and the expected relationship Ln(Q = -Ft + LnC0 (1) was fitted to the data using linear regression analysis and tested using Pearson's product-moment correlation (So- kal and Rohlf, 1981 ). The relationship is a linearization of the function C, = (2) describing the exponential decrease in prey concentra- tion with time in a closed system (Leversee, 1976) where C, and C0 are the concentrations of prey (nauplii 1 ') at the times / and /,,. respectively, and F is the clearance rate (min~') of the suspension feeder. F depends on the features of the feeding structures such as the size and density of tentacles per square centimeter of tentacle- crown area (Sebens, 1981), orientation relative to flow (Leversee, 1976: Johnson and Sebens. 1993), height above the substratum (Muschenheim, 1987), and prey availability. The total clearance rate of the group of anemones (F,ol) was the slope of the regression line ±95% CL, and the maximum feeding rate was determined as Fto,C0K (nauplii min '), where I' is the water volume (1) of the system. To account for settlement and accumula- tion of prey that could not be explained by anemone feeding, control experiments were conducted using anemone mimics. To be able to compare the retention of prey among anemone size classes in a given flow regime, feeding rates were expressed based on ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and square centimeter of tentacle-crown area (S) at /,,. The empirical, maximum feeding rate per square centimeter of tentacle-crown area was thus deter- mined as ino ing " (•'lot ~ ^ control) .,, (3) and the maximum feeding rate per gram of ash-free dry weight was calculated as Feeding rateMax.AFDw-' = (4) Only the control experiment run at the lowest flow ve- locity (4 cms"1) produced a significant depletion rate (^"controiC()r ± CL (nauplii min"1) = 0.36 ± 0.18, P = 0.02), and this was accordingly subtracted from feeding PREY CAPTURE BY SEA ANEMONES 77 experiments run at this flow speed. Feeding rates of different size classes at a given flow regime were com- pared using an unplanned comparison (the Tukey- Kramer method; Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). Feeding efficiencies (E) are useful in comparing feed- ing performance among size classes as well as in compar- ing feeding performance of a size class among flow re- gimes, and were calculated as the number of prey items captured relative to the number that would pass through the space occupied by the feeding appendages if the latter were not there (see Patterson, 1991). The maximum number of prey items passing the projected feeding sur- face perpendicular to flow (S,.pr, cm2) per unit time is a product of the concentration of prey at /0(C0, nauplii 1 ' ) and the flow velocity (t/,, cm s"1) at the level of the feed- ing structures (.r), hence 1 60s 1000cm3 min (5) S, pr was calculated as an ellipsoid described by the height and width ranges of the tentacle crown (perpendicular to the flow direction), from which the projected, transverse sectional area of the uppermost part of the column (the parapet; see Manuel, 1988) was subtracted. The feeding efficiency (E) was then expressed as E = aplured _ FV 16.7 cm- 1 * passing where pr(7, s mm = C0 VF (nauplii min"1). (6) Effect of upstream neighbors To determine the effect of upstream neighbors on the feeding rate per square centimeter of tentacle crown area, a series of experiments analogous to the above were con- ducted using six patch sizes of anemones. Patch size was expressed as the number of parallel rows of anemones aligned perpendicular to flow on the bottom of the flume. To exclude variation caused by flow and anem- one size, all experiments were conducted using anemo- nes within an intermediate size range (3-4-cm pdd), and run at the flow speed at which this size class had its max- imum feeding efficiency (see Results). Effect of upstream neighbors on prey capture per square centimeter of ten- tacle crown was tested using the Tukey-K.ramer method (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). Results Vertical feeding "one and tentacle-crown deformation The height of tentacle crowns above the flume floor (r, from lowermost to uppermost tentacle tips), and thus vertical feeding zone, of large anemones was 2-3 times that of medium and small anemones, and showed a con- sistent decline with increasing flow regime (Fig. 2). The feeding zone of large anemones was especially affected by flow — their mean height at the highest flow ( yMean ± SE = 4.2 ± 0.2 cm) was only 50% of that recorded at the lowest flow regime (vMcan ± SE = 8.2 ± 0.9 cm). A pronounced downstream bending of anemone columns with increasing flow occurred (Fig. 2). The three size classes experienced different local flow velocities ( t/,, es- timated from flow profiles in Fig. 1 ) in a given flow re- gime because of their different positions in the boundary layer. The uppermost tentacles of large anemones expe- rienced about twice the flow velocity of medium and small anemones, which were positioned deeper in the turbulent boundary layer (Figs. 1 and 2). Differences in local flow speeds were less noticeable among medium and small anemones. Tentacle-crown deformation, indicated by a decreas- ing ratio of projected tentacle-crown area to ash-free dry weight (S/AFDW) with increasing flow, was most pro- nounced for large anemones (Table I). The projected prey-capture surface of large anemones at U10 = 44 cm s"1 was only one-third of that recorded at U\Q = 4 cm s~'. Tentacle-crown deformation of small and me- dium-sized anemones was noticeable only at flows be- tween 4 and 1 7 cm s '. In that range they showed an ini- tial increase in S/AFDW, presumably indicating incom- plete tentacle-crown extension at the lowest flow velocity. Moreover, the generally lower S/AFDW ratios of large relative to small anemones corroborates earlier findings (Sebens, 1981) that larger M. senile have a smaller prey-capture surface per unit of biomass. Feeding rates Feeding rates of the three size classes of M. senile showed drastic changes with increasing flow, regardless of unit (per polyp, square centimeter of tentacle-crown area, or gram of ash-free dry weight. Fig. 3). Feeding rates tended to increase linearly and monotonically with flow over the range 4- 1 7 cm s~ ' for all size classes, indicating that the availability of prey is a function of flow in low to moderate flow regimes. On a per-polyp basis, large anemones captured 3-10 times more nauplii than small and medium-sized anemones within the flow range 4- 17 cm s"1 (Fig. 3 A). Above 20 cm s'1, however, the feed- ing rate of large anemones declined rapidly with flow and converged with those of small and medium anemones, which remained constant above 20 cm s^1. On a per-bio- mass basis, the pattern was partly reversed: small anem- ones showed 2-3 times higher feeding rates than me- dium-sized anemones, which in turn showed higher feeding rates than large anemones, over the flow range 10-44 cms"1 (Fig. 3B). At the slowest flow, medium- sized anemones showed significantly lower feeding rates 78 K, R. N. ANTHONY I e § o 15 10 0 D Small, A Medium, * Large 10 20 30 -i Flow regime (U]0, cm s" ) 40 Figure 2. Vertical feeding zone (range of tentacle-crown heights) of the three size classes ofMetridium senile as a function of flow regime. Error bars are ±1 SE of 3 to 9 anemones. The inset shows the typical posture of a medium-sized anemone at moderate flow; the arrow indicates flow direction. Small anemones: 1 .0-2.0 cm in pedal disc diameter (pdd). medium: 2.5-3.0 cm pdd. and large: 6.0-6.5 cm pdd. than did both small and large anemones. Interestingly, feeding rates based on feeding-surface area (S, Fig. 3C) and on anemone biomass displayed the same general patterns, perhaps reflecting isometric growth (Sebens, 1981). One noticeable difference among the sets of data is, however, that large anemones showed a significant de- crease in prey capture per unit biomass at Uw > 17 cms"1. Feeding efficiencies The three size classes of M. senile demonstrated three distinct flow optima, inversely related to size class, at Table I Flow- induced tentacle-crown deformation and anemone biomass in three size classes ot Metndium senile Small (1.0-2.0 cm pdd) Medium (2. 5-3. Ocm pdd) Large (5.5-6.0 cm pdd) C/,o (cm s ') 11 5/AFDW ± SE(cnrg~') AFDW ± SE (g) n S/AFDW ± SE(cm:g ') AFDW ± SE (g) n S/AFDW ± SEfcnrg ') AFDW* + SE (g) 4 9 64.99 ±6. 24 0.156 + 0.019 7 43.86 ± 2.44 0.635 + 0.048 3 56.31 ±7.14 2. 827 ±0.403 10 6 84.09 ±3. 18 0.1 48 ±0.009 5 49.52± 3.31 0.682 + 0.052 3 53.67 ± 7.48 2.827 ± 0.403 17 8 52.48 ± 3.99 0.1 59 ±0.022 5 40.86 ±3. 31 0.663 ±0.058 3 43.39 ± 3.92 2.827 ± 0.403 20 8 47. 80 ±2. 83 0.1 60 ±0.020 5 36.48+ 1.92 0.650 + 0.061 3 29.61 ±3.17 2.827 ±0.403 28 7 47.80± 3.61 0.101 ±0.015 — — — — 44 6 44.74 ± 3.96 0.148 + 0.009 4 36.37 ± 1.09 0.541 ±0.016 3 20.56 ±4. 16 2.827 ± 0.403 Size classes were based on measurement of pedal disc diameter (pdd). The degree of tentacle-crown deformation is quantified as the decrease in ratio of tentacle crown area(S) to ash-free dry weight (AFDW) with increasing flow (t',0). SE denotes standard error of n = 3 to 9 anemones. * The same three large anemones were exposed to all flow regimes. PREY CAPTURE BY SEA ANEMONES 79 800 600 a 00 c •5 400 200 1500 'g 1200 'oo 1. 900 3 n £ % 60° 00 =5 300 Small Medium Large tain up to 25.7 ± 2.0% of the nauplii passing the pro- jected area of the tentacle crown at their optimal flow speed ({7]0 = 20 cm s~'). The feeding efficiency of all size classes decreased monotonically beyond their optimum. At all flow velocities except the lowest one, small anem- ones were significantly (2-3 times) more efficient than medium-sized anemones, which in turn were about twice as efficient as large anemones; these results are analogous to the pattern of feeding rates based on bio- mass and area of feeding surface. Effect of upstream neighbors The feeding rate per unit area of tentacle crown of me- dium-sized M. senile declined significantly with increas- ing numbers of conspecifics upstream (6.45 ± 0.45 to 2.25 ± 0.30 nauplii min~' cm"2, both ±95% CL) (Fig. 5). The effect of upstream neighbors was most pronounced within small aggregations of anemones (2-4 rows). In- creasing the number of aligned rows of anemones from 7 to 16 did not reduce the feeding rate per unit area of tentacle crown, and thus indicated a threshold at which the feeding rate per polyp was unaffected by the addition of upstream neighbors. 30 J 24 U 1. 18 i if 12 •8 u u. 10 20 30 Flow regime (U,0, cm s" ) 40 Figured. Feeding rates (nauplii min~ ') per (A) polyp. (B) gram of ash-free dry weight, and (C) unit area of tentacle crown of Meindium senile as a function of body size and flow regime. Error bars are ±95% confidence limits. All comparisons among size classes are significant at any given flow regime except at l'M) = 4 cm s~'. Groups with overlap- ping error bars are not significantly different by the Tukey-Kramer test. Regressions for the determination of F were highly significant in all experiments (P < 0.001 . R > 0.88). which the feeding efficiency (E) was maximized (Fig. 4). Large anemones showed a maximum feeding efficiency at the slowest flow (L'\(> = 4 cms"1), medium-sized anemones at low to moderate flows ( 1 0- 1 7 cm s~ ' ), and small anemones at moderate to high flows (10- 20 cm s" ' ). Small anemones were able to capture and re- Discussion Feeding rates and efficiencies The combinations of polyp size and flow regime at which prey capture ofMetridium senile is maximized are in good agreement with the pattern of population struc- tures and flow habitats observed in the field, suggesting that size distributions of M. senile are, in part, based on the ability to utilize seston flux. Interestingly, small anemones were generally more efficient at retaining prey than both medium and large anemones over the full flow range. Large anemones were, however, more than twice as efficient as medium-sized anemones at the slowest flow, but this relationship was reversed at moderate to high flow. The generally higher feeding rate per unit area and per unit biomass of small anemones may allow rapid growth to a size at which they can better compete for space, avoid size-selective predation (Harris, 1986), and reproduce sexually (Anthony and Svane, 1994), pro- vided that the energy input is used in polyp growth rather than in clonal growth by pedal laceration (see below). The maximized feeding at a high flow speed of small AI. senile is inconsistent with other studies on prey capture (e.g., Okamura, 1984, 1985; McFadden, 1986; Best, 1988; Leonard et a/.. 1988, Dai and Lin, 1993) and growth (Okamura. 1992; Eckman and Duggins, 1993) of tentaculate suspension feeders. In these studies maxi- mum rates of feeding, growth, or both were generally as- sociated with low flow speeds. A direct comparison 80 K. R. N. ANTHONY 25 g 20 1 „ o £ u 01) 1) PH 10 Small Medium Large 10 20 30 40 Flow regime (Uv, cm s ) Figure 4. Feeding efficiency (number of nauplii captured per number of nauplii passing, see Eq. 5 and 6) as a function of flow regime in three size classes of Meiridiuni senile. Error bars are ±95% confidence limits. All comparisons among size classes are significant at any given flow regime except between small and large anemones at t'R, = 4 cm s"'. Groups with overlapping error bars are not significantly different by the Tukey-Kramer test. among studies of flow, body size, and prey capture is difficult, however, because different ranges of size and flow regime are used in different studies. Also, compari- sons of size per se among different taxa of suspension feeders are complicated by differences in their structural organization. o, cd € 3 .5 2 T3 r T , i N = 6 = 37 N= 102 5 10 Rows of anemones perpendicular to flow 15 Figure 5. Effects of upstream neighbors in Metridium senile. Feeding rate (nauplii min ') per square centimeter of tentacle crown as a function of the number of upstream conspecilics. Error bars are ±95% confidence limits. Groups underlined at the same level are not significantly different by the Tukey-Kramer test. PREY CAPTURE BY SEA ANEMONES 81 The maximum prey-capture efficiency of M senile from the Gullmarsfjord (25.6 ± 2.0%, small anemones) is only half of that reported by Lesser et at. ( 1 994) for M. senile from the Gulf of Maine (40% for offshore and 52% for coastal anemones). Data on prey capture were, how- ever, not given in relation to flow speed although a sig- nificant tentacle-crown deformation (50%>) at increasing flow was recorded, as also found in this study. The feed- ing efficiencies determined for At. .senile in this study are also generally lower than those of the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi (Best, 1988) which were up to 42%, decreasing with flow to 30% within a narrow low-flow range ( 1.5- 5.0 cm s~ '), but are comparable with whole-colony effi- ciencies of the octocoral Alcyoninm siderium (Patterson. 1991) in moderate flow regimes. However, the feeding efficiency of A. siderium is inversely related to both col- ony size and flow speed (Patterson, 1991). whereas the relationship between feeding, size, and flow shows a more complex pattern in M. senile. These different pat- terns may, in part, be due to the different filtering struc- tures and tentacular organizations between solitary and colonial anthozoans, and to differences in structural flexibility. The increasing feeding rates as a function of ambient flow within the low to moderate flow range corroborates earlier assumptions that moderate-flow habitats provide higher seston availability than low-flow habitats (Shick and Hoffmann, 1980; Sebens, 1984; Shick, 1991). The flow range at which food intake per polyp or per biomass is maximized, however, is different between size classes. Large anemones showed a relatively distinct maximum at 10-17 cm s~', whereas small and medium anemones maintained a constant food intake above 10 cms"1. These different responses to flow are likely to explain, in part, the differences in size distribution of M. senile across flow habitats. In high-flow habitats M. senile typi- cally forms dense aggregations of small anemones mo- nopolizing vast areas of rock wall and consisting of only a few clones, whereas populations in low-flow habitats often comprise large and usually more scattered individ- uals from numerous clones (Anthony and Svane, 1 994). Only at the slowest flow were large anemones able to achieve feeding rates and feeding efficiencies comparable to those of small and medium-sized anemones. Large anemones had a significant feeding disadvantage relative to small and medium anemones at flows greater than 10 cm s~", and displayed a per-biomass food intake only one-eighth that of the small anemones in very high flow regimes. One explanation for this pattern is based on differences in the geometry of the tentacle crown of large and small anemones. Although the tentacles of large and small M. senile have comparable geometry and size (Seb- ens, 1981), the relative size of the oral disc increases with body size. Therefore, the proportion of tentacle crown effective in upstream capture (the circumference of ten- tacles facing upstream or perpendicular to flow) when the anemone is bent downstream relative to the total ten- tacle crown area is likely to be greater for small anemo- nes. Subtracting the projected area of the upper part of the column from the surface area of the tentacle crown accounted to some extent for such geometric differences. However, size-related differences in the spacing of open- ings in the capitulum at the base of the tentacles were not accounted for. If such differences exist, mainly as a result of differential convolutions of the tentacle crown, they are likely to affect the size-specific feeding efficiencies (J. M. Shick, pers. com.). In moderate to high flow velocities, a great proportion of the tentacle crown of large anemones is hidden from the upstream flux and is thus engaged in wake feeding, which is likely to be less effective than upstream feeding (Shimeta and Jumars, 1991 ). Small anemones may ben- efit from both upstream and wake feeding at comparable flow rates, whereas wake feeding is likely to be the pre- dominant mode of feeding for large anemones in mod- erate to high flow. However, due to the higher Reynolds number associated with large animals (Shimeta and Ju- mars, 1991 ), downstream vortex formation is more pro- nounced for large anemones. This effect may, in part, be beneficial in providing a leeward region of enhanced retention efficiency through reduced flow velocities (Pat- terson, 1984). Although the probability of prey encounter increases with flow, so does the risk of dislodgement of captured prey, and an optimum local velocity must be within the range over which retention significantly exceeds dis- lodgement of encountered prey. Both the capacity for re- tention by and the risk of dislodgement from the tenta- cles of sea anemones and of passive suspension feeders in general may vary among size classes and among geno- types. The small M. senile from high-flow habitats may be better adapted to feeding in a high-flow environment by being equipped with a more efficient cnidom for both subduing and retaining intercepted prey. Effects of flow forces on dislodgement of intercepted prey in cnidarian suspension feeders are, however, poorly understood (Patterson, 1984: Shimeta and Jumars, 1991). I 'cnical feeding zone and tentacle-crown deformation The prey availability can for some passive suspension feeders be adjusted to a given flow regime by means of behavior or change of posture, for example by regulating the height and orientation of the feeding appendages (ophiuroids: Warner and Woodley (1975);crinoids: Hol- land et al. (1987), Leonard (1989); sea anemones: Rob- bins and Shick ( 1 980), this study; polychaetes: Muschen- heim (1987), Shimeta and Jumars. ( 1 99 1 )) or bv vertical. 82 K. R. N. ANTHONY oriented locomotion of the whole animal (Anthony and Svane, 1995). Differences in prey capture among small, medium, and large A/, senile in this study could not be explained fully by different local flow velocities at differ- ent heights in the boundary layer. In fact, the local flow velocities experienced at the mean level of the tentacle crown of the three size classes in low to moderate flow regimes did not differ by more than 1-2 cm s~'. Con- trasting local flow velocities due to differences in vertical position were found only between large and small or me- dium-sized anemones at the highest flow regime (6- 8cms~'). A higher degree of downstream bending of medium-sized and especially large anemones due to pro- portionately greater drag (Koehl, 1977a) explains the overlapping, vertical feeding zones of different size classes. Flow forces thus act in moving the feeding appa- ratus of large anemones into the boundary layer and away from the maximum exposure, enabling some, though reduced, prey capture at even the highest ambi- ent flow. Tentacle-crown deformation, and thereby a reduced prey-capture area normal to flow, could to some extent account for the significantly lower feeding success of large anemones in regimes of moderate to high flow. Prey-capture surface per unit biomass decreased by more than 50% when altering the flow regime from 4 to 44 cm s~', affecting the volume of water filtered and the rate of potential prey encounter accordingly, and proba- bly also the spacing between tentacles (see also Lesser el al. 1994). Best (1988) also found that the deformability of the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi strongly affected fil- tration efficiency and volume of water filtered. The effectiveness of the feeding apparatus of a large, soft-bod- ied suspension feeder is intrinsically apt to be more con- strained by flow forces than is that of a small suspension feeder, because large animals are subject to proportion- ately greater drag (Koehl. 1977a) and shear stresses (Koehl, 1977b) than are small animals in similar flow conditions. Since the potential prey capture of, for exam- ple, a sea anemone is a function of the surface area of the feeding apparatus (Sebens, 198 1 ), the S/AFDW ratio is likely to be a useful indicator of flow-habitat suitability. Feeding rates vs. metabolic cost To determine flow optima of passive suspension feed- ers, information on both energy intake and metabolic cost is necessary for every flow regime (Sebens, 1979, 1982). Although the pattern of feeding rates per unit of biomass suggests that small anemones generally have a greater energy surplus than large and medium-sized anemones regardless of flow regime, energy demand is likely to vary among size classes as well as among flow regimes. Gas exchange, and thus metabolic cost, in cnid- arians is largely governed by the thickness and character- istics of the boundary layer surrounding the organism, which in turn are functions of organism size and flow regime (Patterson, 1992a). For example, Patterson and Sebens ( 1989) found that the rate of respiration in large specimens ofMetridium doubled over the flow range 7- 15 cm s~' due to the effect of water motion. A useful method for comparing metabolic cost across flow re- gimes as well as size classes is the relationship between Sherwood number and Reynolds number ( Patterson and Sebens, 1989; Patterson, 1992a, b). Sherwood number (Sh) is a dimensionless index of metabolism, defined as the ratio of mass flux per unit surface area assisted by convection (Fcon%, /* cm"2 IT ' ) to that which would occur if diffusion through a stagnant layer of water was the only mechanism of gas exchange. Reynolds number (Re) is the ratio of inertia! to viscous forces acting on the flowing water, and is an index of the strength of flow experienced by the organism. For Metridium. the functional relation- ship between Sh and Re is Sh = 0.28 Re1 "4 as found by Patterson and Sebens ( 1989). Since Re is a function of body size and flow [Re = {/,. X TCD/v, where {/,. is local flow speed (cms"'), TCD is tentacle-crown diameter (cm), and v is the kinematic viscosity of seawater ( 1 .04 X 10~2 cm2 s~')], Sh can be readily obtained for all combi- nations of flow regime and size class in this study. Ex- pected (flow-assisted) metabolic cost can be derived from Sh as the convective mass flux (-Fconv, the numerator of Sh), normalized to biomass by multiplying with the ratio of surface area to biomass (SA/AFDW, cm2 g~'), where SA is the sum of tentacle surface area [see regressions in Sebens ( 198 1 )] and surface area of the column. Accord- ing to Patterson ( 1 992b) convective mass flux can be cal- culated as Fcorn = Sh X D(CC - Q/TCD, where D is the diffusion coefficient for oxygen (7.2 X 10~2 cm: h~'), Cc is the oxygen concentration in the surrounding water ( = 7 mgP1). and C, is the oxygen concentration at the site of metabolism. For azooxanthellate cnidarians, C, can be regarded as negligible (pers. com.. Mark Patter- son). Expected metabolic rate per unit biomass (Rexp = ShXDX Ct,XSA/[TCDX AFDW],Mg(gdrywt)~' h~') as a function of flow regime for the three size classes of M. senile is shown in Figure 6. Expected metabolic rate for all size classes increases as a linear function of flow regime, with a 10-fold increase in metabolic rate between lowest and highest flow speeds. In accordance with allometric studies (e.g.. Sebens, 1981), metabolic rate is greater for small and medium- sized compared to large anemones, by a factor of about 3/i. Interestingly, expected metabolic rate is higher for medium-sized compared to small anemones at flow re- gimes greater than 1 0 cm s~ ' , probably due to the higher local flow speeds (and hence Sh) experienced by me- dium-sized anemones (Figs. 1 and 2). Although energy PREY CAPTURE BY SEA ANEMONES 83 30 u o td 2 25 o _* o J3 w -a o 20 15 -a oo Small Medium Large 10 20 30 40 Flow regime (U10, cm s ) Figure 6. Expected metabolic rate as a function of flow regime for the three size classes of Melridium senile, based on mean Reynolds numbers lor the study anemones and empirical mass-transfer relations from Patterson and Sebensl 1 989). See text for calculations. balance also depends on local food availability, food quality, and absorption efficiency (e.g., Zamer. 1 986), the patterns of potential food intake (feeding rate) and expected metabolic cost provide a basis for relative com- parisons of potential flow optima among size classes. The flow speed at which energetic cost counterbalances food intake will be highest for the small anemones, intermedi- ate for medium-sized anemones, and lowest for large anemones. Due to very high feeding rates, small anemo- nes are able to maintain a more positive energy balance than both medium and large anemones at all flow speeds > 10 cm s~'. The almost 10-fold increase in feeding rate of small anemones in the flow range 4-10 cm s~' amply exceeds the concomitant increase in metabolic cost over this flow interval, and is likely to allow rapid growth of juvenile anemones and lacerates in low-to-moderate flow regimes. At higher flow speeds, however, feeding rate remains constant, whereas metabolic rate increases linearly with flow. If the feeding rate of small anemones at 4 cm s~' is sufficient to meet basic energy demands, so is the feeding rate at 44 cm s"1 because both feeding rate and metabolic cost increase 10-fold between lowest and highest flow. At the lowest flow speed, however, large anemones are likely to have a more positive energy bal- ance than the smaller size classes, given the comparable feeding rates of small and large anemones but the lower mass-specific metabolic cost of large anemones. Since large anemones only showed low weight-specific feeding rates without a convincing maximum, any energetic op- timum of this size class must be confined to low-flow re- gimes because of the rapid increase in metabolic rate with flow. The flow optimum of medium-sized anemo- nes, on the other hand, is likely to be located in the range 10-20 cm s"1. as their feeding rate is minimal at 4 cm s~' ('/3 of large and small anemones) and their expected met- abolic cost increases with flow at a relatively higher rate than for the two other size classes. Use of mass-transfer theory to compare metabolic cost between individual M. senile in different flow regimes does not, however, take into account the differences in spatial distributions between large and small anemones. Large anemones are often widely separated from one an- other, whereas small anemones (due to their pronounced clonality) form dense patches structurally resembling coral colonies (Anthony and Svane, 1994). Flow around individual polyps in such patches is likely to be further reduced, resulting in a thicker diffusive boundary layer and a lower gas exchange than for small, spatially iso- lated individuals in similar flow habitats (see also Patter- son and Sebens, 1989). Effects of flow and feeding on reproductive patterns One way in which M. senile might maintain an ener- getically optimal polyp size in the prevailing current re- gime is by altering the rate of pedal laceration. Lacera- tion is a loss of tissue to the individual polyp (facilitating degrowth), but also an effective means of clonal growth, so differential rates of laceration between local popula- tions may have consequences for their size distributions. The generally higher rates of laceration in populations of small M. senile from high-flow habitats relative to popu- 84 K. R. N. ANTHONY lations of large anemones from low-flow habitats support this hypothesis (Shick and Hoffmann, 1980; Anthony and Svane, 1994). Since large anemones cannot main- tain a positive energy balance in high-flow habitats, whereas small anemones can, any excess energy acquired by high-flow anemones is likely to be allocated to clonal growth (through pedal laceration) rather than to polyp growth. Laceration is also stimulated by feeding (Bucklin, 1987), suggesting that asexual reproduction is one pathway by which energy surplus is translated into a greater genet biomass. Effects of feeding and ambient flow on laceration are, however, apt to be closely linked due to the direct proportionality between flow and seston flux, and hence potential particle encounter. By obtain- ing an optimal polyp size in a given flow habitat through growth or degrowth (via laceration), the energy available for clonal growth, sexual reproduction, and hence genet fitness can be further enhanced. Clonal growth as op- posed to polyp growth in high-flow habitats creates the energetic potential for the genet to grow indefinitely without size-energy constraints, because the addition of new polyps to the clone increases feeding surface and en- ergetic cost linearly (Sebens, 1979). Conversely, growth to a maximum polyp size in low-flow habitats enables maximum feeding and thus energy input (this study), and also a maximum per-biomass reproductive output (Anthony and Svane, 1994). Effect of upstream neighbors Considering the clonal nature and high polyp densities of most populations of AI. senile, the presence of up- stream neighbors is likely to be an important factor affecting the energy input of both the polyp and the clone. Furthermore, the effect of upstream neighbors on near-bed prey availability downstream may select for large size in some flow habitats, despite a relatively greater food intake in small anemones, and thereby con- tribute to structuring local populations. The asymptotic relationship between feeding rate per unit area of tenta- cle crown and number of upstream conspecifics, on the other hand, indicated that the potential feeding capacity was not reduced to below about 30% of the situation without neighbors upstream. A likely explanation for this threshold is that individual anemones function as roughness elements, increasing turbulence and eddy diffusivity downstream (Denny, 1988), thereby reducing local particle depletion around tentacle crowns by mix- ing mainstream water into the turbulent boundary layer. In high-flow habitats, the generally higher density of anemones may also provide shelter for individual anem- ones by moving the turbulent boundary layer outward. As suggested by Patterson (1984), particle lift in the boundary layer over the tentacle-crown canopy may be responsible for reduced downstream concentrations, and thereby, in part, account for the asymptotic rather than linear reduction in retention with increasing number of upstream neighbors (see also Frechette el a/.. 1989). Fur- thermore, gravitational deposition is likely to be more important in dense clones than in populations of scat- tered individuals on horizontal substrata, providing a "rain" of seston that is independent of the number of upstream neighbors. Overall, these results suggest that increased clonal growth of AI. senile in high-flow habitats at the expense of polyp growth (see review by Shick, 1991) may negatively affect net prey capture by the genet through feeding interaction between clonemates. Con- versely, predominant polyp growth and reduced clonal growth in low-flow habitats is likely to enhance prey cap- ture by excluding the effect of neighbors. The generally higher feeding efficiency of small polyps of AI. senile may, however, compensate for the negative effects of neighbors in dense, clonal aggregations if the prevailing flow conditions provide a correspondingly higher flux of prey. Acknowledgments I thank the administration and staff of Kristineberg Marine Research Station for providing laboratory facili- ties and technical assistance. Thanks are especially due to Ken Sebens for reviewing the penultimate draft, and to Terry Hughes, Bette Willis, The Coral Discussion Group at James Cook University, Henrik Glenner, Pia Anthony, and Robert George for valuable discussions and comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. I am grateful to Mark Patterson for his advice on calcula- tions of expected metabolic cost. Malcolm Shick, Wil- liam Zamer, and Barbara Best improved the final manu- script. Thanks are also due to Walt Doyle for assistance in the laboratory. This work was supported by the Nor- dic Council for Marine Biology, Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies, the Axel Hemmingsen Grant, and the Hierta-Retzius Foundation (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Literature Cited Anthony, K. R. N., and I. Svane. 1994. 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(February, 1997) Patterns and Consequences of Whole Colony Growth in the Compound Ascidian Polyclinum planum ALAN R. HOLYOAK Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Abstract. The size and shape of colony-forming mod- ular animals can convey ecological advantages, but many patterns and consequences of colony-level growth are not well understood. I carried out a longitudinal study on an intertidal population of the pedunculate as- cidian Polyclinum planum to determine the patterns and consequences of its colony growth. I found that each P. planum colony is a nonfragmenting genet, and that col- ony size is limited by water-flow forces and reproductive state. P. planum mitigates the effects of water-flow forces by having an attenuating pattern of growth and by pro- ducing a laterally flattened, zooid-bearing lobe atop its tough flexible peduncle. Growth slows as the colony nears a size limit set by the environment and as it be- comes reproductively active. The laterally flattened lobe allows colonies to increase their surface-to-volume ratio, to house increased numbers of zooids (thereby increas- ing reproductive potential), and to minimize the effects of the acceleration reaction of water. P. planum's growth pattern fits predictions for colonies living in wave- or surge-impacted environments. The growth of P. planum provides insight into how indeterminate modular growth conveys ecological and reproductive advantage, even amidst a physically stressful environment. Introduction Theories describing the indeterminate growth of col- ony-forming modular organisms suggest that the colo- nies have the potential to grow linearly or exponentially throughout their postlarval lives (Jackson, 1977; Sebens. 1 987). Sebens (1987) defines three patterns of indetermi- nate growth, two of which (Indeterminate Growth Types Received 24 July 1995; accepted 24 October 1996. Current Address: Department of Biology. Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana 46962. II and III from his paper) are applicable to colony-form- ing modular organisms. In Sebens' ( 1987) Indeterminate Growth Type II (Plastic Exponential Growth), energy in- take and expenditures occur at the level of each member (module) of a colony, thus allowing each module to con- tribute independently to the colony and producing con- tinuous linear or exponential growth — a growth pattern reported by Hughes and Jackson (1985) for stony corals, by Karlson ( 1 988) for a zoanthid, by Patzold el al. (1987) for a bryozoan, and by Bak el al. ( 1 98 1 ) for a compound ascidian. In Sebens' ( 1987) Indeterminate Growth Type III (Plastic Attenuating Growth), colony growth rates de- crease as colony size increases, growth being limited largely by environmental factors before internal ener- getic constraints take effect — a growth pattern reported by Hughes and Connell ( 1987) for stony corals, by Karl- son (1988) for a zoanthid, and by Denny el al. (1985) for a hydrocoral. External factors therefore constrain growth in some situations, but internal constraints are also known to be limiting in some taxa. For example, Millar ( 1952, 197 1 ) and Bak et al. ( 198 1 ) report that ascidian colonies grow rapidly when they are not reproductive, but that growth slows or ceases during reproduction. For at least some modular species, colony growth and reproduction are physiologically incompatible processes. To evaluate the applicability of growth predictions for a colony-forming modular organism, one must un- derstand how environmental effects (external factors) and life-history constraints (internal factors) affect col- ony growth. It is, unfortunately, difficult to collect those kinds of life-history data for many colony-forming mod- ular species. The difficulty arises because there is often no way of knowing whether a colony encountered in the field developed directly from a larva or was one of many ramets produced by fragmentation (for examples, see Hughes, 1984; Hughes and Jackson, 1985; Karlson, 87 A. R. HOLYOAK 1986, 1988; Rosen, 1986; Lasker, 1990; McFadden, 1991; Stocker, 1991). That uncertainty eliminates the possibility of measuring age-related effects at the level of genets. To further complicate matters, ramets of some modular species can fuse with other ramets of the same or different genotype (Hughes and Jackson, 1985; Rin- kevich and Weissman, I987a, b; Stocker, 1991; Pancer el al., 1995). One way to be sure of the origins, ages, and fates of colonies of modular organisms is to conduct lon- gitudinal site surveys, as suggested by Berrill ( 1 950) when he stated that "the age of (compound) ascidians is prac- tically impossible to estimate, unless a certain inhabited area is followed closely through seasons and years." That is sound advice if one hopes to understand the life histo- ries of modular species, because age, size, and shape of modular colonies may not be as tightly linked as those parameters are to body size among unitary organisms (Hughes and Jackson, 1980; Jackson and Coates, 1986; Hughes and Connell, 1987). In the present study I use monthly site surveys con- ducted over 2.5 years to describe the pattern of whole colony growth and the consequences of that growth for intertidal Polyclimnn planum growing in situ. In so doing I try to determine whether the growth pattern of P. pla- num colonies more closely approximates Sebens' (1987) Type II or III pattern of growth, or some other pattern, and to discern what factor or factors constrain whole col- ony growth in this species. I hypothesize that the growth pattern of P. planum will be more similar to Sebens' (1987) Growth Type III (Plas- tic attenuating growth) than to his Growth Type II (Plas- tic exponential growth). 1 chose Type III rather than Type II because the colonies at my study sites live in a wave- and surge-impacted environment, and the associ- ated water-flow forces may impose limits to colony size. Water-flow forces present an obvious ecological risk to erect, though flexible, intertidal P. planum colonies. Denny et al. (1985) demonstrated how the water-flow forces of drag, lift, and, most importantly, acceleration can dislodge or limit the size of intertidal organisms. Be- cause the P. planum colonies at my sites are constantly subjected to water-flow forces, they should have adapta- tions for dealing with those forces that will be evidenced as the colonies increase in size. I also hypothesize that the onset of reproduction in P. planum colonies will limit growth, and that large colo- nies will show more evidence of reproductive activity than small colonies. A P. planum colony grows by stro- bilation of its zooids. Strobilation, however, precludes gonadogenesis and larval brooding by the zooid because gonads develop only in its post-abdomen and larvae are brooded only in its atrial chamber — structures that be- come disorganized during Strobilation ( Holyoak, 1 992). P. planum, an aplousobranch ascidian, is well suited ; V- -o • .'.•' ;P ."• •„••£• JQ-":V '• : ' =%al" Figure 1 . (a) Small "recruit-sized" Ptilyclimini plunwn colony with a spheroidal zooid-hearing lobe atop its zooid-free peduncle, (b) Large /' planum colony with a laterally flattened lobe. Note: Silhouette shapes of larger colonies are highly variable. to a longitudinal investigation of colonial growth. It has a distinctive colony form — a fleshy, zooid-bearing lobe supported by a tough and flexible peduncle — that makes it readily identifiable in the field even when colonies are small (Fig. 1). P. planum colonies are not believed to fragment, so a single colony represents an entire genet (Pearse et al.. 1989). The nonfragmenting growth of these colonies eliminates the confounding effects of not knowing whether a colony is a ramet or an unfragmented genet. The loss of a P. planum colony is consequently a greater loss to the population, from an evolutionary perspective, than the loss of one ramet from a population of fragmenting genets. Since a genet of P. planum does not spread its genes across several physiologically iso- lated ramets, one would expect this species to display strategies that allow individual colonies to minimize eco- logical risks and to maximize reproductive productivity. Materials and Methods Between December 1989 and May 1992, I monitored the whole colony growth of intertidal Polyclinum pla- num in situ at the Hopkins Marine Station (HMS), Pa- cific Grove, California. The colonies there live attached COLONY GROWTH OF POLYCLIM \l 89 6000 -i " 5000 S S 4000 < | 3000 o | 2000 •I 1000 u o - 0 I I I 12 18 24 Colony Age (months) Figure 2. Mean growth trajectory ofPolyclinum planiim. A quadratic regression provides a significant fit to the data ( )' = -377.06 + 283.09.V - 9.38.Y2; r = 0.734; / = -3.59; df = 1 7; P < 0.005). Numbers indicate the number of observations included in each age class, error bars are standard deviations, and the horizontal dashed line indicates the maximum size (colony-silhouette area in mnr) of the growth trajec- tory. The single outlier at month 23 was not included in the curve-fitting analysis. Discrepancies between numbers of colonies indicated for each age class (month) on this figure compared to Figure 7 are due to the fact that I was typically able to map all colonies at my sites each month, even with marginal tide conditions, but I was not able to photograph all colonies in months with marginal tides. to granitic substrates below about -0.3 m MLLW(Mean Lower Low Water tide) and are most abundant in areas where granitic outcrops covered by surfgrass (Phyllos- padix sp.) are protected from direct wave action. The highest density of P. plamim I encountered during pre- liminary surveys prior to establishing my study sites was 95 colonies in a single 0.25-m: quadrat, though the mean of 7.8 colonies per 0.25-nr quadrat (SD = 14.95 colo- nies; n = 45 0.25-nr quadrats surveyed in the intertidal zone at HMS) was more representative of P. plamim den- sities at HMS. I established three study sites, each about 1 m:, at -0.3 m MLLW; all had P. plamim colonies present at the beginning of the study. The sites were within 10 m of each other and all of them had a dense canopy of surf- grass covering a mosaic of encrusting organisms, foliose algae, and bare rock surfaces. The three sites were on the inshore side of massive granitic outcroppings along the outermost reaches of the HMS intertidal zone. Most of the force produced by waves was typically expended on those rocks. P. plamim colonies were nevertheless sub- jected to surge conditions as water from breaking waves flowed over and around the outcroppings during all but the lowest tides. Because P. plamim lives low in the in- tertidal zone, my study sites were accessible for only hours at a time and only in months with sufficiently low tides. This somewhat limited access occasionally ham- pered data collection. For this paper describing patterns of colony growth, data from the three sites were pooled. Three lag bolts were anchored at each site and used to locate the sites and to aid in mapping the locations of all P. plamim colonies. A colony's position was mapped monthly by measuring the distance between its pedun- cular point of attachment and the three lag bolts. A mapped colony was then manipulated gently so that the full silhouette view of its zooid-bearing lobe (along with a 15-cm ruler, for scale) could be photographed. Colo- nies thus censused could thereafter be identified by their map coordinates and photorecords. Colonies that ap- peared on the study sites for the first time and were large enough to be positively identified as P. plamim (with a lobe-silhouette area typically between 50 and 200 mm2) were referred to as "recruits." A colony's post-recruit- ment life span ended when it was dislodged from its mapped location. Photographs of colonies were digitized, and the silhou- ette areas of zooid-bearing lobes were measured by means of video imagery analysis (Image version 1.43). 90 A R HOLYOAK s M 5J g O. (L> 4250 - May - Oct 4000 I 1750 -. 1500 1250 - a 1000 - 750 - d °^ 500 - po •Q 250 - Mo OO o ^°0 0 0 C0° O 0 o 0 o o § 6 o o o 6 750 -, : o Nov - Apr | 500 - £} q® oh : o o 250- **£>/ "oj '^K°R)° o os 0 - O^S-o-x . A. OO o O o 0 2000 4000 6000 Initial Colony Silhouette Area mm" 0 2000 4000 6000 Initial Colony Silhouette Area mm" Figure 3. Relative percent growth ofPolyclinum planum colonies by size and season. The graph on the left shows growth of 55 colonies during calm, warm-water months; the graph on the right shows growth of 53 colonies during months with colder, rough sea-state conditions. Vertical dashed lines delineate colony size classes (small = <200 mm" lobe-silhouette area; medium = 200-1800 mnv; large = >1800 mm2). Lobe silhouette areas were used to generate a mean growth trajectory for P. planwn. I used stepwise polyno- mial regression (Zar, 1984) as a descriptive tool to fit a curve to the mean growth data. That curve should not be used to make statistical comparisons, however, because the monthly data included individual colonies that were sampled multiple times (i.e.. in consecutive months), and therefore violate the assumptions of independence required for regression analysis. Consequently, compar- isons of P. planning mean growth trajectory to theoreti- cal growth curves are unavoidably qualitative. To determine where new material (zooids and tunic) is added to zooid-bearing lobes of growing colonies, I manipulated eight of the colonies on my sites. I tied loops of cotton-wrapped ny! ad through three points on their lobes — one loop through the lobe near the pedun- cle, one loop through the «; writer of the lobe, and one loop through the lobe near the 1 In successive months I measured distances between those marks, and between the marks and lobe edges. In April 1991 I began measuring the thickness of lobes and calculating a lobe flatness value for each colony by dividing a lobe's maximum width by its maximum thick- ness. Spheroidal lobes had flatness values of 1 .0, and col- onies with lobes wider than they were thick had flatness values greater than 1 .0. Those values were used to gener- ate a mean trajectory of lobe flattening for P. planum. I again used stepwise polynomial regression to fit a curve to the trajectory of lobe flattening. At the end of my study, in May 1992, I collected 77 P. planum colonies from the study sites to test for rela- tionships between colony age, size, and reproductive state. Those colonies ranged from 66 mm: to 566 1 mm2 in size (colony-silhouette area) and from 1 to 24 months in age. I determined the reproductive state of those colonies by cutting three wedge-shaped pieces from the lobe of each colony — one from the lobe tip and one from each lateral edge of the colony. I counted the total number of exposed zooids on one side of each wedge, the number of those zooids undergoing strobilation, and the total number of larvae brooded by the nonstrobilating zo- oids. I also dissected the post-abdomen from four non- strobilating zooids per wedge and measured the largest oocyte from each one. I used chi-square analyses to test for effects of colony age and colony size on reproductive COLONY GROWTH OF POLYCLINUM 91 condition of P. planum. I also used linear regression to test for the effect of colony age on colony size. Results Potycliniim p/anum colonies were present on the re- search sites throughout the study. Recruitment and dis- lodgement of colonies occurred year-round, as did col- ony growth. The colonies did not fragment: each recruit produced only one pedunculate colony. During the study 2 1 1 P. planum colonies appeared at the study sites as recruits and became dislodged between 1 and 23 months later. The mean value for maximum lobe-sil- houette area attained by those colonies was 803.0 mm: (SD = 1224.4 mm:; n = 211 colonies). The largest of those colonies had a lobe-silhouette area of 85 1 1 mm2 at 17 months of age. The mean post-recruitment life span of P. planum was 5.52 months (SD = 5.49 months: n = 2 1 1 colonies). The longest-lived colony on my sites persisted an exceptional 24 months. That colony did not become dislodged dur- ing the course of this study, so it was not used in analyses that included data only from colonies that did become dislodged. Mean growth trajectory Mean colony size was plotted against age in months to generate a growth trajectory for P. p/ainim (Fig. 2). The mean growth trajectory included a period of rapid growth throughout the first 10-12 months, followed by a period of attenuating growth to a mean maximum size of 1759 mm2 at month 15. The growth trajectory also indicated a decline in colony size among older colonies. Most colonies aged 1 4 months or older (2 1 of 27 colonies = 77.8%) decreased in lobe-silhouette area before being dislodged. The 21 colonies that experienced a size de- crease lost an average of 42.4% (SD = 25.5%) of their maximum lobe-silhouette area prior to dislodgement. Some colonies decreased in size gradually, by abrasion; others lost larger pieces of their lobes, presumably in a single event, the explanation of which remains problem- atic. The growth data also revealed increasing size variabil- ity within age classes throughout the first 9 months. After the 9th month standard deviations were so wide in some age classes that they overlapped the mean values of vir- tually all other age classes (for example, see Fig. 2, months 9. 12. 13. and 18). This trend suggests that col- ony age and size were not as tightly linked among larger colonies as among smaller ones, thus demonstrating the indeterminate nature of P. planum colony growth. Relative percent growth of P. planum colonies, com- paring colony-silhouette area at the beginning and end of 6-month intervals — May through October (months with 12/91 1/92 Figure 4. Patterns of lobe expansion for four colonies with marked lobes. An "X" indicates the location where a loop of thread was tied through the zooid-bearing lobe. calmer sea-state conditions) or November through April (months with rougher sea-state conditions) — confirmed the general trends of size-specific growth indicated by the mean growth trajectory. Smaller colonies grew more rap- idly than larger colonies (Fig. 3). Those growth data also suggest a seasonal effect on growth rates: the smallest size class of colonies exhibited much greater increases in rel- ative percent growth during periods of calmer and warmer sea-state conditions (between May and October) than did colonies of similar initial size during rougher and cooler sea-state conditions (between November and April). To test for seasonal effects on size-specific relative per- cent growth, I assigned colonies to three size classes: (1) small (<200mm2 colony-silhouette area: the size of most recruits): (2) medium (200-1800 mm2: colonies larger than recruits but smaller than the maximum size indicated by the growth trajectory); and (3) large (> 1 800 mm2; colonies larger than the maximum colony area indicated by the growth trajectory). 7-tests showed a significant seasonal effect on growth of medium-sized colonies (t = 3.309; df = 65; P = 0.0014). There was no seasonal effect on growth of large colonies (t = 1.874; df 92 A R HOLYOAK 8 -i 0.75) (seawater temperatures were measured daily by HMS staff). Likewise, the number of recruits appearing monthly at the study sites was not dependent upon the number of days of strong surge conditions per month(r = 0.022; df= 1,2 \;P= 0.5). Seawater temper- ature and surge conditions were measured by HMS staff. Linear regression of the number of colonies dislodged per month on water temperature did, however, indicate a significant relationship (r = 0.345; df = 1.21; P < 0.005), as did the regression of the number of colonies dislodged per month on the number of days of strong surge per month (r = 0.256: df= 1,21; P< 0.025). CXH.ONY (iROWTH OF POLYCUNL'M 93 u o o. E V « £ !' sca.ion Colony size class (colony-silhouette area in mnv) 0-200 200-1800 >1800 Strong surge (Nov-Apr) 75(62.5) 74(69.9) 44(31.4) Calm (May-Oct) 21(33.5) 39(43.1) 13(25.6) Column x2 values 7.16* 0.63 NS 11.26*** Contingency table \2 value = 19.05*** The results of a chi-square analysis of this 2x3 contingency table and the results of chi-square tests for each column are indicated. Num- bers in parentheses are the expected values for each cell. * = P <0.01; *** = P<0.001;NS = not significant. of medium-sized colonies dislodged in rough m-mscalm months. The medium-sized colonies had survived early post-recruitment mortality but had not grown large enough to exceed the maximum colony size of the mean growth trajectory. Age- and size-dependent survivorship data (Fig. 7) showed that the greatest mortality occurred among the youngest colonies (39.3% — 83 of 211 colonies) and among the smallest colonies (47.9% — 101 of 21 1 colo- OB I 100 - 'E 3 on 8 l(H '5 _o "o U 1 6 12 18 Colony Age (months) 24 •1 100 - 3 C/} c/: OJ '£ _o o U 10 - 2000 4000 6000 8000 Colony Silhouette Area mm Figure 7. Age-dependent and size-dependent survivorship curves for Polvclinum planum. 94 A. R. HOLYOAK Table II Comparisons of number of colonies in each sue class with looids undergoing strobilalion. bearing oocyles. and brooding larvae Colony size classes (colony silhouette area in mm2) 0-200 200-1800 >1800 Strobilation 100%zooidstrobilation 11(5.45) 23(23.64) 1(5.91) <1 00% zooid Strobilation 1(6.55) 29(28.36) 12(7.09) Column x2 values 10.35** 0.18NS 7.48* Contingency table x2 value = 18.01*** Oocytes Oocytes present 0(2.03) 7(8.78) 6(2.19) Oocytes not present 12(9.97) 45(43.2) 7(10.81) Column x- values 2.44 NS 0.47 NS 7.97** Contingency table x2 value = 10.88** Brooded Larvae Brooded larvae present 0(0.94) 2(4.05) 4(1.01) Larva not present 12(11.06) 50(47.95) 9(11.99) Column x2 values 1.02NS 1.12NS 9.60** Contingency table x2 value = 11.74** The results of a chi-square analysis of this 2x3 contingency table and the results of chi-square tests (breach column are indicated. Num- bers in parentheses indicate the expected values for each cell. * = P < 0.01;** = P < 0.005: *** = /> 0.75). Colony size may thus be invoked as a primary determinant of oocyte size; colony age has a secondary effect on oocyte size because it affects colony size. Discussion Polyclinuni plununi colonies do not fragment into physiologically isolated ramets as they grow. This obser- vation bears out the assumption made by Pearse el al nies with silhouette areas smaller than 200 mm:). After those initial losses, both age- and size-specific survivor- ship curves indicated a nearly constant rate of mortality, with possible increased mortality among the largest col- onies. Reproductive state Results of chi-square analyses of the effects of colony size and colony age on reproductive state of colonies collected in May 1992 are shown in Tables II and III, respectively. For colonies of the smallest size class (<200-mm2 colony-silhouette area), the frequencies of colonies bearing strobilating zooids were higher than ex- pected; in medium-sized colonies (200-1800 mm2) the frequencies did not differ from expected values; and in large colonies (> 1800 mm2) the frequencies were lower than expected. The large size class also had higher-than- expected frequencies of colonies with developing oocytes and of brooding larvae, whereas the other size classes did not differ significantly from expected values for those pa- rameters (Table II). Results of chi-square analyses on colony age class and reproductive state showed a significant age effect on the frequency of strobilating colonies among the youngest Table III Comparisons of number of colonies in each age class with zooids undergoing slrobilalion. bearing oocyles. and brooding larvae Colony age classes (months) 2-15 Strobilation 100"! zooid Strobilation 10(4.85) 23(27.38) 1(1.76) < 100% zooid Strobilation 1(6.15) 39(34.62) 3(2.24) Column x: values 9.78** 1.25NS 0.59 NS Contingency table x2 value = 11.62** Oocytes Oocytes present 0(1.85) 12(10.47) 1(0.68) Oocytes not present 11(9.15) 50(51.53) 3(3.32) Contingency table x2 value = 3.20 NS Brooded larvae Larvae present 0(0.86) 6(4.83) 0(0.31) Larvae not present 11(10.14) 56(57.17) 4(3.69) Contingency table x2 value = I.57NS The results of a chi-square analysis of this 2x3 contingency table, and, when the contingency test is significant, the results of chi-square tests for each column are indicated. Numbers in parentheses indicate expected values for each cell. ** = P< 0.005; NS = nonsignificant. COLONY GROWTH OF POLYCLINUM 95 6000 -i I S 4000 - o B _O O U 2000 - 0 - = 0.449 12 18 24 Colony Age (months) Figure 8. The relationship between colony age and colony size for Polvcliinim planum collected in May 1992 (n = 77 colonies). The solid line indicates the linear regression, which was significant at « = 0.05. (1989) that this is a nonfragmenting species and means that each P. planum colony represents an entire genet. As such, the loss of a P. planum colony is a greater loss, in an evolutionary sense, than if it were only one of several physiologically isolated ramets. P. planum has conse- quently developed growth-related adaptations that in- crease the chances of colony survivorship even in physi- cally stressful intertidal environments. The most obvious ecological risk to erect, though flex- ible, intertidal colonies of P. planum is dislodgement by water-flow forces. Denny el al. (1985) demonstrated how such forces can dislodge or limit the size of intertidal or- ganisms living in wave-impacted environments. Since intertidal P. planum colonies are subjected to those kinds of water flow forces, it is not surprising that this species exhibits growth-related adaptations for dealing with stresses associated with water flow. The pattern of P. pla- num colony growth reveals two strategies for mitigating the effects of water flow: ( 1 ) an attenuating pattern of growth; and (2) allometric expansion of the zooid-bear- ing lobe into a laterally flattened structure. Attenuating growth, like that demonstrated by P. pla- num (see Fig. 2), is common among colony-forming modular organisms such as corals (Hughes and Connell, 1987; Karlson, 1988;Lasker, 1 990 ),bryozoans( Hughes, 1990; Kauffman. 1981). and ascidians (Ryland el al, 1984; Stoner, 1989; Stocker, 1 99 1 ). In the case of P. pla- num, it appears that environmental stress limits colony size. The general pattern of P. planum's attenuating growth is several months of rapid growth followed by slowing and eventual cessation of growth. A few colonies did, however, grow continuously until they were dis- lodged. The typical pattern of P. planum growth does not differ markedly from Sebens' ( 1987) predictions for In- determinate Growth Type III (Plastic Attenuating Growth), but the growth pattern of a few colonies ap- proximated Sebens' Indeterminate Growth Type II (Plastic exponential growth). The maximum size for a P. planum colony is set, at least in part, by water-flow forces. This is evidenced by the fact that some colonies, probably in protected micro- habitats, produced lobes much larger than 1800 mm2 (colony-silhouette area — the maximum colony size indi- cated by P. planning mean growth trajectory — see Fig. 2), even though susceptibility to dislodgement increased for other colonies when their silhouette areas exceeded 1 800 mm2 (see Table I). Similar water-flow-induced size restrictions have been suggested or demonstrated for col- ony-forming modular organisms such as sea fans (Birke- land, 1974) and coral (Denny el al. 1985), and for uni- tary organisms including sea urchins, limpets, mussels, and snails (Denny el al., 1985). Life-history constraints also limit colony growth. As P. planum colonies increase in size, they tend to become reproductively active (see Table II). The onset of repro- duction is a critical event in the life history of any organ- ism (Lloyd, 1980;Sebens, 1982; Kozlowski and Weigert, 1986). A shift from growth to reproductive activity in P. planum appears to occur as the rate of colony growth slows. This relationship between growth and reproduc- tion apparently occurs not only in colonies of P. planum but among colonies of some other ascidians (Bak el al., 1981; Brunetti el al.. 1988). For some clonal taxa, how- ever, the event triggering the onset of reproductive activ- ity can vary greatly and may include colony age, size, or environmental stimuli; in other cases neither colony age nor size is a good predictor of the onset of reproduction (HarvellandGrosberg, 1988). Slowed growth at the onset of reproductive activity in P. planum is a consequence of life-history constraints on individual zooids. P. planum zooids are hermaphroditic, producing sperm and oocytes in gonads housed in the post-abdomen (Ritter and Forsyth, 1917). Iterative pro- duction of new zooids (i.e.. colony growth) involves stro- bilation of the post-abdomen, where gonads develop, and disorganization of the atrial chamber (Holyoak, 1992), where larvae are brooded. Asa result, a P. planum zooid cannot simultaneously undergo strobilation and produce gametes or brood larvae. The second growth-related strategy that P. planum uses to minimize the effects of water flow involves mor- phogenesis of the zooid-bearing lobe from a small sphe- roidal structure into a large laterally flattened one. Changes in the silhouette shape of marked colonies sug- 96 A. R. HOLYOAK gest that P. planum is able to add material to just about any part of a growing lobe, th r, bj producing a wide range of colony shapes (see Fi; The ecological advantage lobe flattening is evident when the morphology .mum colonies is consid- ered in light of the ace in of water, which, accord- ing to Denny et al. • >5), is the water-flow force with the greatest ability to dislodge sessile organisms. The im- pact of the acceleration reaction of water is directly pro- portional to an object's volume, not to its exposed sur- face area (Denny, 1993). If the spheroidal lobe of a P. planum recruit were to increase in size isometrically, pro- ducing a large spherical lobe, the stress from the acceler- ation reaction and the chance of dislodgement would hy- pothetically be greater for that colony than for one with a flattened lobe having the same frontal silhouette area. Increased reproductive potential is a direct benefit of colony growth and lobe flattening. A flattened lobe has a greater surface-to-volume ratio than a spheroidal lobe. Because zooids are located only at the surface of P. pla- num colonies (Abbott, 1987). a flat lobe can house more zooids than a spheroidal lobe with the same volume. And since each zooid has the potential to produce gametes and brood larvae, the reproductive capacity of a colony is directly proportional to the number of zooids it con- tains. P. planum is therefore able to increase its surface area, maximize the number of zooids it can bear, and simultaneously minimize the effects of the water acceler- ation reaction by producing a flattened lobe. One final consequence of growth is its impact on the mortality rate of recruits (Table I). Though growth be- yond an environmentally imposed size limit puts the largest colonies at risk, the greatest observed mortality occurred among the smallest and youngest colonies ( Fig. 7). Birkeland (1974) reported a similar trend of high mortality among smaller members of a population of sea fans growing in heavy surf. High mortality among the smallest size class of P. planum colonies is almost cer- tainly a function of site selection by larvae at settlement. The long-term suitability of a site is not tested until col- onies grow large enough to extend beyond the boundary layer. Only colonies with the best settlement sites and the firmest peduncular attachments will survive to grow into the larger size classes. Mortality among small colonies is almost certainly a consequence of growth because P. planum has no ; n predators, and I saw no evidence of predation o :olonies during this study. In conclusion, a level growth and morphogene- sis of modular organisi ..re large-scale effects of self- assembly processes. Thos processes include the tempo- ral and spatial iteration nd arrangement of modules (Rosen, 1986; Ryland and Warner. 1986). The result of those processes is colony morphology that can convey ecological advantage (e.g., Ryland and Warner. 1986, and references therein). Though we are learning more about the complexities and significance of modular growth, we are still largely ignorant of the mechanisms that regulate it. My data suggest that growth in P. planum may be regulated by a combination of external and in- ternal factors. As we unravel the rules of colony-level modular growth, we may gain insights into the processes that regulate and drive development at other levels of bi- ological organization. Acknowledgments I thank A. T. Newberry, J. S. Pearse, C. M. Young, B. Rinkevich, and two anonymous reviewers for their help- ful comments on drafts of the manuscript. Support for this study was provided by the Department of Biology, University of California at Santa Cruz: Friends of the Long Marine Laboratory; the American Museum of Natural History (Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Re- search); the Earl and Ethel Myers Oceanographic and Marine Biology Trust: and Manchester College. Literature Cited Abbott, D. P. 1987. Observing Marine Invertebrates. Stanford Univ. Press. Stanford. Bak, R. P. M., J. Sybesma, and F. C. vanDuyl. 1981. The ecology of the tropical ascidian Trididemnvm solidum. II. Abundance, growth and survival. Mar Ecol, Prog Ser. 6: 43-52. Berrill, N. J. 1950. The Tunicaia. The Ray Society, London. 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Over 380 fertiliza- tion trials were conducted to determine the extent of re- productive isolation among the seven morphologically defined species (morphospecies) of the scleractinian coral genus Platygyra. on the Great Barrier Reef. Results from these experiments demonstrate that fertilization between-morphospecies can occur at rates equivalent to within-morphospecies fertilizations, indicating that no gametic-level barriers to fertilization exist among these morphological species. Observations of spawning times both in the field and in the laboratory have shown that all seven morphospecies spawn on the same night and that there is considerable overlap in the hour of spawning among them. These data indicate that few, if any, tem- poral barriers to fertilization exist among morphospecies of Platygyra on the Great Barrier Reef. In addition, lar- vae resulting from between-morphospecies crosses are capable of settlement and subsequent growth equivalent to that of within-morphospecies larvae. Our results re- veal a discontinuity between reproductive and morpho- logical species boundaries within the scleractinian genus Platygyra and challenge species definitions within the Scleractinia. It is not yet clear what mechanisms might maintain morphu!. /i^al boundaries in Platygyra in the face of the clear pt raial for gamete mixing. The dis- Received ISJuly I996;an , November 1996. * Present address: National 1 1 ' Water and Atmospheric Re- search, PO Box 14-901. Kilbirnie, Wellington. New Zealand. t Present address: University of Auckland. Leigh Marine Labora- tory. P.O. Box 349, Warkworth. New Zealand. junct distributions of certain morphospecies along lati- tudinal and habitat boundaries, and the small levels of variation in reproduction may be two such mechanisms. Introduction Species boundaries in scleractinian corals are primar- ily based on skeletal morphology (e.g.. Ellis and So- lander, 1786; Vaughan and Wells, 1943; Veron el a/.. 1977; but see Lang, 1984). It is generally assumed that morphological differences between coral species are highly correlated with reproductive incompatibility (i.e., biological species boundaries) (Willis, 1 990) and that tra- ditional theories of hierarchical evolution and speciation (e.g., Darwin, 1 859) will apply to corals. Recognition that most of the corals on the Great Bar- rier Reef reproduce annually during a mass spawning event (Harrison et a/., 1984; Willis et al., 1985; Babcock el u/.. 1986) has prompted an examination of assump- tions that morphological species boundaries reflect bio- logical species boundaries within the Scleractinia (Wal- lace and Willis, 1994). The persistence of morphologi- cally distinct species groups (e.g.. Veron et al., 1977) coupled with mass spawning events, whereby gametes of many species become mixed within the water column, implies the presence of some mechanism to prevent hy- bridization and hence maintain species boundaries (Wil- lis, 1990). The benefit of such mechanisms was sup- ported by results from experimental crosses in the genus Montipora. in which hybridization was documented but considered to be maladaptive due to arrested develop- ment in hybrid embryos (Hodgson. 1988). More re- cently, however, fertilization experiments have indicated that successful fertilization in vitro is possible among some morphological coral species (Willis el al.. 1992), although how experimental fertilization relates to field fertilization is unknown. 98 CONFLICTING SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN PLATYdYRI 99 The coral genus Platygyra includes morphological species (morphospecies) from the Great Barrier Reef; Platygyra daedalea, P. sinensis, P. pini. P. lanu-llina, P. ryukyuensis. Platygyra 'B', and Platygyra 'H' (see Miller, 1994a, b). These morphological species have been recog- nized by traditional taxonomy (e.g.. Chevalier, 1975; Veron ct ai. 1977; Veron, 1993) and numerical taxon- omy (Miller, 1 994a), although both approaches have rec- ognized a continuum of separate characters among the species. Based on the occurrence of morphologically dis- tinct species of Platygyra, it seems highly likely that mechanisms exist that promote reproductive incompat- ibility and subsequently maintain species differences within the genus. Contrary to expectations, genetic comparisons show no differentiation between the morphological species of Platygyra (Miller and Benzie. in press). The high genetic similarity of Platygyra morphospecies may reflect recent speciation events following which little genetic diver- gence has taken place (Miller and Benzie, in press). Al- ternatively, gene exchange may occur naturally between the morphological species groups, and hence the mor- phological boundaries in this genus may not necessarily represent reproductive isolation between species. The re- lationship between reproductive and morphological spe- cies boundaries within Platygyra and the presence or ab- sence of reproductive isolation between the morphologi- cal species therefore need to be established. A number of mechanisms, including pre- and post-zy- gotic barriers, could mitigate reproductive isolation be- tween coral species. In Platygyra, there is some indica- tion of temporal differences (in the order of hours) in spawning times among some of the morphospecies (Bab- cock el al., 1986), although these observations involved only a few colonies, and variability in spawning times within morphospecies has not been documented. Coral gametes remain viable for at least 5 h in the water col- umn (Oliver and Babcock, 1992), and it is not known whether these short temporal differences in spawning act as a complete isolating mechanism. Sperm chemotaxis is used by a variety of marine in- vertebrates to attract conspecific sperm (e.g.. Miller, 1979, 1985), and may well be important in reducing po- tential for hybridization, for example, in pelagic commu- nities of hydromedusae (Miller, 1979). Chemical sperm attractants have also been implicated as a mechanism to reduce hybridization in the coral genus Monripora (Coll et al, 1994). However, even in Montipora, where sperm attractants have actually been identified, chemotaxis is not completely specific, and heterospecific attractants may still elicit a degree of chemotactic behavior between species (Coll et ai, 1994; Richard Miller, pers. comm.). At this point, the role of sperm chemotaxis as an effective isolating mechanism during mass spawning is still spec- ulative. Species-specific gamete-binding proteins have been described in some marine invertebrates, including aba- lone (Vacquier ct al.. 1990) and sea urchins (Palumbi, 1992; Metz and Palumbi, 1996). Similar proteins may play an important role in the reproductive isolation of many free-spawning invertebrates, including scleractin- ian corals. The high predictability of spawning in Platygyra spe- cies on the Great Barrier Reef (Babcock et al., 1986) makes it possible to explore reproductive relationships and potential isolating mechanisms between these corals at the gamete level. In this paper, we document results from more than 380 trials that show potential for fertil- ization between the morphological species of Platygyra. Parallel field observations of spawning times suggest that few if any temporal reproductive barriers exist between the morphological species. This evidence suggests there are no pre-zygotic isolating mechanisms between the morphological species of Platygyra. Furthermore, we found no differences in the ability of larvae from within- morphospecies and between-morphospecies crosses to settle and grow. We also examined the effects of gamete aging, sperm dilution, and parental genotype on fertiliza- tion success. The discovery that successful fertilization can occur between morphological species of Platygyra calls into question the previous assumption that morphological species boundaries equate with reproductive isolation and subsequently with evolutionary units. Our results prompt a reexamination of species definitions within the Scleractinia and indicate that species groupings based solely on morphology are clearly not always "biological" species ( Mayr, 1 942 ). Our data, combined with other re- cent findings in this field (Knowlton et al., 1992; Van Veghel and Bak, 1993; Van Veghel, 1994; Wallace and Willis, 1 994 ), suggest that species definitions in the Scler- actinia should perhaps be based on a range of criteria, rather than solely on reproductive or morphological evi- dence. In addition, we suggest that in Platygyra, even with genetic exchange, discrete morphological groups will be maintained through a combination of spatial and temporal variability in reproductive processes and fitness in a variety of habitats. Materials and Methods We conducted fertilization experiments and observed spawnings over a 3 '/2-year study period during seven con- secutive spawnings at three reefs in the central Great Bar- rier Reef: Magnetic Island— 19° 10' S, 146°51'E (1990, 1991, 1992, 1993); Davies Reef— 1 8°50' S, 147°39'E (1990, 1 991); and Orpheus Island— 18°35'S, 146°29'E 100 K. MILLER AND R. BABCOCK (1992). On the afternoon of the predicted mass spawn- ing, gravid Platygyra colonies wj> osferred from the reef into separate containers; pi under natural light to simulate normal condiiio ; olonies generally com- menced spawning from k onwards. Once a colony had spawned, gamete 's were collected from the surface of the water and sperm and eggs were separated by gentle agitation and use of a 105-/um sieve. Sperm were stored at room temperature (about 27°C) in a con- centrated form to reduce aging (see Chia and Bickell. 1983; Oliver and Babcock, 1992) until required for fer- tilization. Eggs were taken through a series of 8 to 10 washes of 'sperm-free water' (collected half a kilometer from the edge of the reef on the afternoon before the commencement of spawning) to ensure the absence of any trace sperm. Eggs were stored in glass jars with gentle agitation until needed for experiments. Eggs and sperm from different colonies were com- bined experimentally in 20-ml glass scintillation vials to examine fertilization success between colonies of differ- ent morphologies. Morphological species identification of all colonies used in fertilization trials was based on Miller (1994a). Concentrations of the stored sperm were estimated by five replicate hemacytometer counts and, just before fertilization, diluted to a concentration of ap- proximately 2.5 X 106 sperm/ml. This sperm concentra- tion has been shown to give optimum rates for fertiliza- tion in trials with Platygyra sinensis and other coral spe- cies (Oliver and Babcock, 1992). About 100 eggs were added to 20-ml aliquots of diluted sperm in a vial. Each cross was replicated either two or three times. Sperm concentrations within experimental vials were checked randomly and found to be within 10% of estimated con- centrations. Experiments were designed in a matrix system in which all colonies were crossed reciprocally with all other colonies (eggs A X sperm B and eggs B x sperm A, etc.), although trials between some morphological species have not yet been conducted due to the time constraints associated with coral spawning. All colonies were tested for their ability to self-fertilize (eggs A x sperm A, eggs B X sperm B. etc.). Replicate controls were prepared by placing eggs from each colony in 20 ml of sperm-free wa- ter to determine whether there had been any sperm con- tamination of washed eggs. Glass vials containing eggs and sperm were kept at ambient sea temperature with gentle agitation to a w fertilization to take place. Fertilization in all icate vials was recorded after 2- 3 hours and again after -J hours by censusing the first 100 eggs sampled fron, one vial. Fertilization was scored as the initiation of cleavage. 2-3 h after fertiliza- tion (Babcock and Heyward. 19 86). After about 7 h most of the embryos were blastulae. The condition of eggs and embryos in all crosses was recorded as either 'regular'— with even, symmetrical cleavages and apparently normal development (see Babcock and Heyward, 1986); or 'ir- regular'— with uneven, asymmetrical cleavages and ab- normal development. Analysis offertili:ation data Percent fertilization in crosses after 2-3 h and 6-8 h was based on the total number of eggs censused in each vial. Percent fertilization after 6-8 h was calculated to detect any increase in fertilization over egg-sperm con- tact time. The percentage of fertilized eggs developing to blastulae between the two counts for each vial was calcu- lated as the number fertilized after 6-8 h (including cleavages and embryos) expressed as a percentage of the number of fertilized eggs after 2-3 h. Mean percent fer- tilization of the three replicate vials in each cross (colony pairing) was used for the analyses. Any crosses for which the controls showed sperm contamination of eggs during the washing process were not used in the analyses. Re- sults from the seven spawnings at three reefs were com- bined at the level of morphological species for analysis. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on the percent fertilization data after 2-3 h was carried out to determine whether fertilization rates differed either between between-morphospecies and within-morpho- species fertilizations or between the different morpho- species (based on maternal colony type). The main effects were fertilization type (2 treatments; within and between morphospecies) and egg species (7 treatments; Platygyra B, P. daedalea. Platygyra H, P. lamellina, P. pini. P. rynkyiiensis, P. sinensis). The analysis was re- peated using the percent fertilization data after 6-8 h. A further two-way ANOVA was carried out to compare the development of cleaved eggs through to blastulae in within- and between-morphospecies crosses. All of these analyses were done using both arcsine-transformed and raw data. Both methods produced similar results and only results from analyses of raw data are presented here. A one-way ANOVA comparing fertilization rates after 2-3 h between morphospecies combinations was also done to determine whether there were significant differ- ences in fertilization between morphological species-pair crosses. Replication was too low to compare all morpho- species-pair crosses: consequently this analysis was car- ried out only on crosses in which P. daedalea was the maternal colony, and for the sperm of P. daedalea, P. lamellina. P. pini. P. ryiikyuensis. P. sinensis and selfs. The incidence of irregular and regular embryos was com- pared between crosses to determine whether irregular embryos were more common in between-morphospecies crosses. Effect oj sperm concentration on fertilization rates To determine whether fertilization success was an ar- tifact of using optimal sperm concentrations in expert- CONFLICTING SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN PL.-lTYtiYRA 101 Table I Mean fertilization rates fr<»nfenili:ation trials between murplwloxical species <>/ Platygyra based on all crosses tried over the 3 '/r.mir study period Sperm PD PH PL PP PR PS PB Sells PD 45.2 18.3 66.8 65.4 36.3 52.6 1.3 3.1 (0-100) (0-58.9) (41-90) (0-100) (0-84.1) (0-99.1) (0-6.3) (0-6) n = 49 n = 5 n = 1 3 n = 1 1 n = S H = 1 8 n = 2 « = 28 PH 47.5 51.5 — 24.6 — 77.1 1.4 (0-94J) (9-95.8) (0-62.5) (0-100) (0-4.1) >7 = 5 n = 2 n = 4 n = 2 n = 2 PL 68.2 — 58.1 — 63.8 72.3 2.1 (1-100) (41-84) (40-77) (41-91) (0-6.2) n = 1 3 n = 6 n = 2 11 = 2 « = 4 PP 66.6 17.4 — 58.6 — 77.4 8.9 (6.5-99) (0-41.8) (1-96.7) (26-98) (0-15) n= 10 n = 4 H = 4 n = 2 n = 5 PR 66.1 — 90.5 — 57.7 70.6 6.2 (7-100) (90-92) (31-71) (27-92) (0-14.3) n = 8 n = 2 n = 2 n = 4 /i = 2 PS 71.7 26.6 45.4 7.3 65.3 50.1 3.7 (0-100) (13-44) (0-90.8) (0-27.7) (7-100) (0-100) (0-11) n = 50 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 « = 4 n = 8 n = 6 PB 43.5 — — — — — — — (31-57) n = 1 n = total number of crosses between morphospecies (i.e.. colony pairs). All crosses between colony pairs were replicated three times and the range of % fertilization over all replicates of all crosses is presented in parentheses. Conspecific crosses are in bold and crosses between morphospecies in normal type. ' — ' denotes cross not yet tried. 'Sells' are crosses using eggs and sperm from the same colony. PD — P. daedalea, PL — P. lamellina. PP—P pmi. PR— P. mtkvuensis. PS— P. sinensia. PB— Platygyra B. PH—Plutygyra II mental crosses, a sperm dilution series was carried out using two colonies each of Platygyra daedalea and P. ry- iikyuensis from Orpheus Island. Sperm was diluted to 105, 104, and 103 per ml and used in reciprocal crosses between all four colonies (within-morphospecies, be- tween-morphospecies, selfs. and controls). Percent fertil- ization in all crosses was calculated after 2-3 h as de- scribed above. Effect of egg age on fertilization rates Due to the complex washing procedures and the na- ture of the experiments described above, it can be up to 6 h after spawning before eggs and sperm are combined in fertilization trials. Sperm kept in a concentrated form has been shown to age slowly (Chia and Bickell, 1983; Oliver and Babcock, 1992), although nothing is known about the effect of aging on the egg — particularly with regard to its ability to be fertilized with foreign sperm. To test whether egg aging was influencing the results of fertilization trials, an experiment was carried out to look at fertilization rates in eggs of varying ages. Three colonies each of P. daedalea and P. sinensis from Mag- netic Island were used. Once two colonies had spawned. gametes were washed as described above and immedi- ately crossed with each other. As each successive colony spawned, gamete bundles were washed and immediately crossed with al! other colonies that had already spawned. This was repeated until all six colonies had spawned, af- ter which all crosses were repeated at 2-h intervals until eggs were 8-h old. All crosses were reciprocal and each cross was replicated twice at each time interval. Controls with sperm-free water were done at all stages of the ex- periment. Percent fertilization of within- and between- morphospecies crosses at various egg ages was compared for both P. daedalea and P. sinensis. and regression anal- ysis was used to detect general trends associated with the effect of egg age on fertilization success for all cross types (within-morphospecies, between-morphospecies, self, and control). Fertilization success as a function of genotype Tissue samples from all colonies used in the fertiliza- tion trials in 1991 and 1992 were collected for genetic analysis to determine whether any genetic structuring, independent of morphology, was associated with breed- ing groups within the genus and whether incompatible 102 K. MILLER AND R. BABCOCK colonies were clonemates. Colonies were screened using allozyme electrophoresis at nine polymorphic loci (PGM*, MPI*. CK*. LP*, LT-1*, LT-2*. LG-1*. LG-2*. and GPI*; see Miller, 1 994b; Miller and Benzie, in press, for further details of electrophoretic techniques). The ge- netic difference between mated colonies, based on the nine-loci genotype, was calculated as a percentage based on the number of different alleles (i.e.. alleles not shared by the two colonies). The fertilization success between any two colonies and the genetic difference between them was then compared. Larval rearing In addition to the fertilization experiments described above, large numbers (>1000) of larvae from both within- and between-morphospecies crosses were reared and allowed to settle so that their subsequent develop- ment could be monitored through planulae to polyp. Larvae were raised using the methods described by Bab- cock and Heyward ( 1986). After 4-5 days, larvae were transferred from plastic jars (2-4 1) to closed aquaria in which settlement substrata (either coral rubble or terra- cotta paving tiles) were provided. Once all larvae had set- tled, settlement plates were transferred to a flow-through aquarium system where they were maintained to obtain specimens for examination of colony morphology. Results Fertilisation trials The fertilization trials among colonies of Platygyra showed that fertilization took place between all the mor- phological species tested (Table I). The gametes of the seven morphological species crossed were highly com- patible, and mean fertilization rates among different morphospecies were similar (between 50% and 70%, Ta- ble 1). In total, 389 crosses were conducted including 1 140 separate vials. Although variability within replicate vials was sometimes high (Table II), the controls indi- cated no contamination of trials by foreign sperm. The high levels of fertilization (>50%) measured in crosses demonstrates that colonies were reproductively compat- ible. Interestingly, self-fertilization rates were low in all morphospecies (Table I). Fertilization success was highly variable both among and within morphological species, with most differences occurring at the level of individual crosses. For example, fertilization success between any two P. daedalea colo- nies ranged from 9.8% to 67. 1% in crosses carried out on 17 October 1992 (Table II) and between 0% and 81% between P. sine nsis colonies on the same night (Table II). Similarly, the success of between-morphospecies crosses seems largely dependent on colony compatibility (Table Table II Mean fertilization rales (± standard deviation) between three colonies nt Platygyra daedalea and three colonies of P. sinensis from fertilization trials carried out at Magnetic Island on 17 October 1992 Eggs Sperm PDI PD2 PD3 PS1 PS2 PS3 PDI 31.6 24.8 3.4 7.1 0.0 (0.0) (14.07) (1.84) (3.82) (0.00) PD2 9.8 67.1 68.9 40.1 7.7 (0.21) (3.96) (0.0) (3.18) (1.98) PD3 27.5 47.5 70.6 43.1 16.7 (6.51) (15.63) (1.13) (15.91) (23.55) PS1 72.0 67.7 91.6 45.1 7.15 (5.66) (1.34) (4.74) (3.04) (10.11) PS2 73.2 56.1 95.4 73.3 0.0 (3.25) (6.79) (0.0) (2.69) (0.00) PS3 23.1 18.2 74.9 81.2 10.7 (11.24) (4.31) (0.71) (2.05) (7.00) Self-fertilization rates (eggs and sperm from the same colony, de- noted by "- -") were <1% in all colonies except PDI which was <3%. All controls (eggs in sperm-free water) had 0% fertilization. II). No colony had consistently low fertilization with all other colonies (e.g.. Table II), so variability was not due simply to low overall viability of the gametes in any one colony. In crosses for which P. daedalea was the maternal col- ony, ANOVA indicated significant variability in fertil- ization rates with different sperm types (df = 5, MS = 1 9043.3 1 , F = 25.65, P < 0.00 1 ). However, the source of most of this variability lay in differences between rates of self fertilization rather than in crosses within and be- tween morphological species. Tukey's HSD test showed no differences between fertilization rates for within-mor- phospecies crosses [PD X PD (x = 45.2, n = 49)] and between-morphospecies crosses [PD X PS (.Y = 7 1 .7, n = 50), PD X PL (x_= 68.2, n = 1 3), PD X PP (x = 66.6, n = 10), PD X PR (.Y = 66. 1 , n = 8)]. These fertilization rates were, however, significantly different from rates of self fertilization in P. daedalea (x = 3. 1, /; = 28). Fertilization success between some morphological species was low. Crosses between Platygyra H eggs and P. daedalea sperm (n = 5 pairs), Platygyra H eggs and P. pini sperm (/? = 3 pairs), P. pini eggs and P. sinensis sperm (n = 2 pairs) and Platygyra B eggs and P. daedalea sperm (/; = 1 pair) had fertilization rates below 20% (Ta- ble I). However, the low fertilization rates between these morphospecies are within the range observed between colonies of the same morphospecies (Table I) and may not reflect species incompatibility. Larvae produced by crosses with low fertilization rates were regular in appear- ance and seemed to develop normally. Reciprocal crosses between different morphological CONFLICTING SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN PLATYdYRA 103 Table I II Results Irom multiple two- \vay analyses oj variance to compare fertilization success (in both within- and between- morphospecies crosses) for the seven different morphological species of Platygyra Experimental data analyzed Source of variation df F PT>F 2-3 h fertilization type I 0.08 0.77 (ns) egg species 6 1.64 0.13(ns) fert-type • egg species 5 1.75 O.I2(ns) 6-8 h fertilization type 1 0.53 0.46 (ns) egg species 6 2.20 0.04* fert-type v egg species 5 0.42 0.83 (ns) Development fertilization type 1 1.03 0.31 (ns) egg species 6 4.60 0.00*** fert-type x egg species 5 0.59 0.71 (ns) 'Fertilization type' is within/between morphospecies crosses; 'egg species' is the morphological species from which eggs in crosses origi- nated. Analyses were performed on data from both counts at 2-3 h and 6-8 h following fertilization, and to compare the development of embrvos from both within- and between-morphospecies crosses, (ns)- not significant. * P < 0.05. *** P < 0.00 1 . species generally produced similar fertilization rates (i.e., eggs and sperm from two different morphological species readily fertilized each other) (Table I). In some cases, however, compatibility in reciprocal crosses was asym- metrical. For example, P. sinensis eggs were readily fer- tilized by P. pini sperm (77.4% fertilization), whereas P. pini eggs were poorly fertilized by P. sinensis sperm (7.3% fertilization; Table I). A similar pattern existed be- tween Platygyra B and P. daedaleu (Table I), but replica- tion was too low to determine if these differences were significant. The overall rates of between-morphospecies crosses (all morphospecies pooled) were not significantly differ- ent from the rates of within-morphospecies fertilization ('fertilization type' — Table III; Fig. la, b), nor was there any difference in within- or between-species fertilizations among the different morphospecies ('fert-type X egg spe- cies'— Table III). These results indicate that fertilization can occur at the same rate both within and between mor- phological species of Platygyra. There were no differences in mean fertilization rates in either within- or between-morphospecies crosses be- tween 2-3 h and 6-8 h (Fig. la, b); therefore percent fer- tilization did not increase with egg-sperm contact time. About 80% of all eggs fertilized after 2-3 h had developed into blastulae after 6-8 h, and survival rates were the same in both within- and between-morphospecies crosses (Fig. Ic). A comparison of regular versus irregular cleavages and embryos, at both 2-3 h and 6-8 h following fertilization, showed that the number of irregular cleavages was sim- ilar in both within- and between-morphospecies crosses and between 2-3 and 6-8 h (Fig. 2). Irregular embryos made up about 10%-1 5% of the 100 eggs counted (fertil- ized and unfertilized) after both 2-3 h and 6-8 h, whereas regular cleavages were, on average, 40%-50% of the 100 counted. The occurrence of irregular embryos does not appear to be related to differing morphology of 100 80 40 T: 20 100 Between Within 80 - | eo I 40 £ 20 $ 100 B — r~ Between Within a BU : | 6° -§ 40 in o £• •° 20 d> o ^ n Between Within Figure 1. Fertilization success. Mean within- and between-mor- phospecies fertilization rates in fertilization trials between morpholog- ical species of Plalygyra. Bars denote standard errors. (A) 2-3 h follow- ing gamete mixing; (B) 6-8 h following gamete mixing; (C) develop- ment of embrvos after 6-8 h. 104 K. MILLER AND R. BABCOCK. parent colonies but may be a consequence of the experi- mental method (see Oliver and Babcock, 1992). Effects of sperm concentration on fertilisation rates There were no effects of sperm concentration on fertil- ization rates in either P. daedalea or P. ryukyuensis crosses. Fertilization rates for P. daedalea colonies fertil- ized with conspecinc sperm did not differ significantly at sperm concentrations ranging from 101 to 105 per ml (Fig. 3). Similarly, sperm concentration did not affect fertilization rates in crosses of P. daedalea eggs with P. rvtikvuensis sperm (Fig. 3) or in crosses of P. ryukyuensis eggs with conspecific sperm and with P. daedalea sperm (Fig. 3). Effects of egg age on fertilization rates The ability of an egg to be fertilized by sperm from a different morphological species does not appear to be a function of egg age. There was no significant change in within-morphospecies or between-morphospecies fertil- ization rates with egg age in either P. daedalea or P. si- nensis. Regression analysis of percent fertilization with egg age was not significant for either P. daedalea or P. sinensis for any fertilization type (Fig. 4): within-mor- phospecies (r = 0.005, 0.05 respectively), between-mor- phospecies (r = 0.04, 0.1 respectively), self (r = 0.07. 0.1 respectively), or controls (r = 0.0004. 0.0 respec- tively). Although r was not significant (possibly due to high variation in fertilization rates; see Fig. 4), fertiliza- tion (both within- and between-morphospecies) showed an overall decrease with egg age in P. daedalea and a general increase with egg age in P. sinensis (Fig. 4). Be- tween-morphospecies fertilization rates were generally higher than within-morphospecies fertilization rates in P. daedalea, whereas between-morphospecies fertiliza- tion rates were lower than within-species fertilizations in P. sinensis (Fig. 4); however, neither difference was sig- nificant. Fertilization success as a junction of genotype Fertilization success in colonies of Platygyra was not related to the genetic difference between parent colonies. No two colonies used in fertilization trials had identical nine-locus genotypes (i.e.. none were clonemates). Colo- nies that were between 40% and 60% different genetically had fertilization rates varying between 0% and 100%' (Fig. 5). No evidence of what might be considered a self- recognition allele (Grosberg. 1988) was seen on the basis of the nine-locus genotypes of incompatible colonies. Colony pairs exhibiting low levels of fertilization did not possess consistent allelic or genotypic characteristics. Temporal separation in .spawning times There was some evidence of temporal separation of spawning times between some morphological species of Platygyra (Fig. 6). However, this separation was not clearly defined and an overlap in spawning time ex- isted between the different morphospecies. Although Platvgyra daedalea colonies have been observed spawn- ing throughout the night, P. lamel/ina and P. pini tend to spawn earlier in the evening (spawning 50 to 200 min- utes after sunset), while P. sinensis. P. ryukyuensis. and Platygyra H generally spawn later (more than 200 min- utes after sunset) (Fig. 3). The ranges of spawning times observed in the field and laboratory show that there was considerable overlap in spawning, and that the gametes of different morphological species were often released si- multaneously. Larval rearing The embryos of within- and between-morphospecies crosses developed into ciliated planulae larvae within 2 days of fertilization and were competent to settle 4- 5 days after spawning. Metamorphosed larvae from both fertilization types gained zooxanthellae within 2 days af- ter settlement and subsequently began skeletal construc- tion. After 5 months, recruits ranged in diameter from 2 to 10 mm. In March 1993 the oldest colony from a be- tween-morphospecies cross had reached 3'/2 years of age, and colony diameters ranged between 2 and 5 cm. Un- fortunately, all colonies died in 1993 because of a prob- in o> O) •5 60 40 - 20 T I Between Within Between Within 2-3hrs 6-8hre Figure 2. Embryo condition. Occurrence of regular and irregular embryos in both within- and between-morphospecies fertilization trials expressed as a percentage of the first 100 eggs counted per vial (all mor- phospecies pooled). Bars represent 95% confidence limits. • — regular embryos; • — irregular embryos. CONFLICTING SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN PLATYdVRA 105 P. daedalea eggs 100 -i T r- -? 80 ~ I "TO ,y 40 - I - '•c CD 20 - y / \ > > > n _ In IE ] 1 d\\ 2 d\\ 3 control P. ryukyuensis eggs 100 -n _ 80 - ^p o^ c 60 - I I I I within morphospecies t;.".'/-;;j between morphospecies o '-*— ' 05 ^ 40 - CD 20 - n L I dil 1 dil 2 dil 3 control sperm concentration Figure 3. Effects of varying sperm concentration. Results from crosses between two colonies each of Plalvgvra daedalea and P mikyucnxis in which sperm concentrations were varied 100-fold. Sperm con- centrations: Dil 1 = 1 < \Q- ml ', Dil 2 = 1 x 104 ml ', Dil 3 = 1 x 10' ml '. Error bars are standard deviations. Controls are with sperm-free water. lem with the seawater system. Development of colonies from between-morphospecies crosses appeared to be normal up to that point, although their skeletal charac- teristics were not well enough developed to reveal whether they resembled any of the predefined morpho- logical species or perhaps were intermediate in morphol- ogy between the parent colonies. Discussion Fertilization is clearly possible between the different morphological species of Platygyra in vitro. There ap- peared to be no relationship between morphology and reproductive compatibility since fertilization was re- corded in all crosses. Fertilization occurred between most morphological Platygyra species at rates equiva- lent to within-species fertilizations (Table I, Fig. la, b). Nonsignificant differences in fertilization rate for com- parisons among crosses in which P. daedalea was the maternal colony probably reflect widespread gametic compatibility within the genus. The low fertilization rates in some crosses between morphological species may reflect small sample sizes and differences in com- patibility between individual colonies (Table III, Fig. la, b) rather than overall morphospecies incompatibil- ity. Embryos resulting from between-morphospecies 106 K. MILLER AND R. BABCOCK. 100 60 40 20 P daedalea eggs • 100 80 is eo 40 20 0-22-44-66-8 P smensis eggs o 0-2 24 4-6 6-8 Egg age at fertilization (hours) Figure 4. Effects of egg aging. Mean fertilization rates with increas- ing egg age in crosses between three colonies each ofPlotygyra daedalna and f .v/Hivj.y/.y. Bars represent 95"i confidence limits. • — within-mor- phospecies crosses. • — between-morphospecies crosses. crosses apparently did not have reduced survivorship (Fig. Ic). Percent fertilization was high after 2 h (the minimum time after fertilization in which cleavage becomes evi- dent), and fertilization rates did not increase with egg- sperm contact time. This suggests that fertilization be- tween gametes occurred promptly after the eggs were in- troduced into the vials, irrespective of the morphotype of the parent colonies. Variations in egg age, sperm dilu- tion, and parental genotype failed to affect patterns of fertilization in crosses within or among morphospecies. No evidence of pre-zygotic barriers to fertilization was detected among the morphological species ofPlatygyra. The seven morphological species have overlapping spawning times (Fig. 6), and high levels of fertilization in trials indicate that no species-specific gamete recognition systems (e.g., Uehara el a/., 1990; Vacquier el ai. 1990; Palumbi, 1992) are operating in Platygyra. Preliminary investigations of sperm chemotaxis in Platygyra showed limited evidence of sperm attraction, but no evidence of species-specificity of sperm attraction in Platygyra (K. Miller and R. Miller, unpubl. data). Even if present, spe- cies-specific sperm chemotaxis could not be completely effective as a barrier to fertilization without membrane- level recognition or selectivity. Mixed parentage does not appear to affect the devel- opment of Platygyra larvae or the competence of larvae to settle, metamorphose, and grow. Sterility of these off- spring may be a post-zygotic isolating mechanism be- tween morphological species of Platygyra, although costs associated with sterile progeny (e.g., gamete wastage, loss of resources) may be high. However, in histological stud- ies all mature-sized colonies of P. sinensis had gonads ( Babcock, 1986) and in the 389 fertilization trials carried out, no colony was ever found that did not fertilize with at least one other colony, suggesting that sterile Platygyra are either rare or nonexistent. Results from this study, combined with genetic studies (Miller and Benzie, in press), lead us to believe that fer- tilization and gene flow will occur between morphologi- cal "species" of Platygyra. This raises a number of per- plexing questions. First, should these morphological groups within the genus Platygyra (Miller, 1994a) be considered true species, or is there simply one highly polymorphic species (e.g., Skulason and Smith, 1995) within the genus? And second, if gene exchange occurs freely between all morphological types, how can the mor- phologically distinct groups be maintained in this genus? Morphological species boundaries within the genus Platygyra are clear (Miller 1994a), and morphological differences appear to be far greater between Platygyra spp. than between other controversial species groups: for example, the three morphological variants of Montas- traea annularis that are now considered sibling species (Knowlton et ai. 1992; Weil and Knowlton, 1994); the two morphs ofAfontipora digitata that have been identi- fied as reproductively isolated species (Stobart and Ben- zie, 1994); and Acropora cuneata and A. palifera, which are difficult to distinguish by morphology but are geneti- cally distinct (Ay re el a/., 1991 ). Hence it is not surpris- ing that the seven morphological variants of Platygyra have been considered separate species in the past. However, genetic and reproductive data indicate that Platygyra morphospecies are much more closely related than the Montaslrea spp., the Montipora spp., or the two Acropora species. Furthermore, many groups of corals show discrepancies between species characters including morphology, genetics, and reproduction (Potts and Garthwaite, 1986; McMillan et at., 1991; Willis el ai. 1992; Wallace and Willis, 1994; Romano and Palumbi, 1996). Defining species boundaries in corals is clearly a controversial issue. Nonetheless, our results show that in the case of Platygyra, it is inappropriate to consider the taxonomic unit as the minimal evolutionary unit and that evolutionary processes in different morphological species of Platygyra will be linked. The maintenance of seven morphologically distinct entities in Platygyra in spite of genetic interchange poses a challenging question. Progeny from between-morpho- species crosses may be expected to have morphological CONFLICTING SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN I'l.ATYdYRA 107 100 80 60 40 20 0 • . • • ' • i : i . . • 20 40 60 100 80 60 40 20 0 B 20 40 60 80 100 80 60 40 20 0 : i i - 20 40 60 80 % difference (genetic) 100 30 60 40 20 0 D • « • 20 40 60 80 % difference (genetic) Figure 5. Fertilization success as a function of genotype. Comparison of percent fertilization (based on the mean of three replicates) and allelic differences between colonies used in fertilization trials. (A) Mag- netic Island, 1 99 1 :(B) Magnetic Island, 1 992; (C) Davies Reef, 1991; (D) Orpheus Island, 1 992. characters intermediate between those of the parent col- onies and, with continued interbreeding, distinctions be- tween the morphological species would be likely to break down. However, nothing is known of the mechanisms that produce skeletal differences in corals; if morphology is linked to dominance alleles, then between-morphos- pecies progeny may display the skeletal characteristics of only one parent (e.g., Strathmann, 1981; Byrne and An- derson, 1994). Alternatively, processes such as introgres- sion may play a role in the maintenance of morphologi- cal differences in Platygyra (Miller and Benzie, in press). Reproductive and distributional variation may also provide some level of segregation between the morpho- species, thus helping to maintain morphological differ- ences. There is some separation among spawning times of Platygyra morphospecies on the Great Barrier Reef, but these do not constitute complete temporal barriers to fertilization (Fig. 6). Nevertheless, most egg-sperm in- teractions take place in the first few seconds after mature eggs are in contact with a sperm suspension (Fig. la; Denny and Shibata. 1989; Mundy et a/., 1994), and col- onies are more likely to be fertilized by close neighbors (Oliver and Babcock, 1992). These factors in combina- tion could result in a degree of temporal reproductive segregation, if not total isolation. Sophisticated egg-sperm recognition systems are clearly operational at several levels in Platygyra. Colo- nies of Platygyra do not frequently self-fertilize (Table I), unlike Goniastrea favulus, which commonly self-fertil- izes (Heyward and Babcock, 1986;Stoddarte/tf/., 1988). In addition, the high variability in fertilization rates both within and between morphological species also indicates some level of incompatibility or individual recognition between certain pairs of individuals. This degree of re- productive separation in combination with small differ- ences in the timing of spawning is probably insufficient to produce fixed allelic differences in the populations, but it may produce the indications of nonrandom mat- ing present in the genotypic structure of Platygyra popu- lations (Miller and Benzie, in press). No clear-cut habitat separation is apparent in Platygyra, where all morphospecies can be found in var- ious habitats on a single reef (Miller, 1994a). At large scales, however, trends in the distribution of morpho- species are apparent. For example, P. lamellina is rare on mid-shelf and shelf-edge reefs in the central Great Barrier Reef; P. pint is rare on coastal reefs; P. ryukyuensis is most common on coastal fringing reef flats; and P. la- mellina, P. ryukyuensis. and Platygyra H are rare or ab- sent on the reefs from the southern Great Barrier Reef (Miller, 1994b). Across even larger scales, further discon- tinuities in species distributions are evident (Veron, 1993), and observations of spawning times of Platygyra in other regions (e.g., Okinawa: Heyward et ai, 1987; Hayashibara et ai. 1993) indicate that on geographical scales segregation of spawning times among Platygyra 108 K. MILLER AND R. BABCOCK. CO Q 0) _c Q_ 6 P. sinensis P ryukyuensis P. pini P. lamellina Platygyra H Platygyra F. P daeda/ea O O O O O P. sinensis X X P. ryukyuensis P pini X X X X P. lamellina X X Platygyra H Platygyra B P. daedalea XX X XX X X X X X X X XXXM^CX XX X T3 P sinensis P. ryukyuensis A A 1 P pini - O P lamellina _ A H) O> (0 5 Platygyra H Platygyra B - ^E P daedalea 4& A AA A £& AA A AA A AAAA A AAAAAAA A A A AA A 0 100 200 300 Spawning time (minutes following sunset) Figure 6. Temporal separation in spawning. Spawning times of Pltilygyru colonies at three reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. Spawning times include observations made by scuba divers in situ, spawning times of experimental colonies in aquaria (these have been shown not to differ from in siiu spawning times, see Miller. I994b). and spawning times recorded by Babcock el al ( 1 986). 400 morphospecies could result in reproductive isolation. The distribution of the morphological species of Platygyra clearly exhibits some habitat-level differences that may contribute to the continued coexistence of the morphospecies, specifically through differential fitness in various habitats and the subsequent spatial and temporal reproductive isi ilation in certain habitats. It has recently 1 •• ro posed that reticulate evolution occurs within the £ ':ia (Veron, 1995). Platygyra morphospecies are wi( -oughout the Indo-Pa- cific (Veron, 1993) ami. ' ive discussed, there are varied levels of differ I'onnectedness be- tween the morphological omic units. Surface- circulation vicariance mechanic & (Veron, 1995) and reticulate evolution may well be the basis for the mor- phological and genetic variation in Plarygyra popula- tions across both local and geographic scales, and the likelihood of this linkage among morphological species ofPlatygyra should be accepted. Acknowledgments We thank Craig Mundy, Annabel Miles, and Dick Miller for invaluable assistance during coral spawning trips; we are also grateful to the many other people who helped out during fertilization experiments. Also thanks to Maria Byrne, Alina Szmant, and Charlie Veron, who provided many useful comments on this manuscript. This work was financed by grants to K. Miller from The Australian Coral Reef Society and The Australian Mu- seum, ARC grants to T. Hughes and to B. Willis/K. Mil- ler/B. Stobart, and a James Cook University Post-gradu- ate research award. Support was also provided by the Australian Institute of Marine Science. 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The Future of Aquatic Research in Space: Neurobiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE SPACE LIFE SCIENCES AT THE MBL 13- 15 May 1996 Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts Funded by THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896 CONTENTS Tin' Future hinlof>\: Cellular iintl Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biologieal Lab- oratory, Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. sensation in C. elegans and the identification, purifica- tion, and reconstitution of a mechanosensitive channel from E. coli. Studies on related channels in neurons and Xenopus oocytes were also discussed. Mechanical force can also be generated within the cell by the action of mo- lecular motors; the subject of the final session at this workshop. The potential effects of microgravity on sensory sys- tems were considered in the discussion and remain to be explored. The notion that the microgravity environment might influence the development of Xenopus eggs by al- tering the rotation of the entire egg cortex after fertiliza- tion appears to have been dispelled by direct experimen- tation. Xenopus eggs develop normally during space- flight. In his presentation, Elinson suggested that this finding might reflect the control of cortical movement by a microtubule-based mechanism that is insensitive to changes in gravity. He further suggested that larger eggs, such as those from the Puerto Rican terrestrial-breeding frog coqui. might lack this microtubule-based mecha- nism and could therefore exhibit altered development in microgravity. Several theoretical studies indicate that the effects of microgravity would be minuscule at the subcellular level, but Baxter, in his abstract, cites empirical evidence that gravity does affect cellular processes such as signal trans- duction. To reconcile this apparent contradiction, Bax- ter presents the intriguing hypothesis that nonlinear mo- lecular systems within the cell provide the amplification required for cells to sense gravity. This controversy un- derscores the complexities that must be considered in predicting potential responses of cells to changes in grav- ity; it must also be a central consideration in the planning of future studies on the effects of microgravity. Scott Brady provided the following remarks at the con- clusion of the workshop. He pointed out the unique ex- perimental environments afforded by spaceflight. which will lead to new approaches for addressing fundamental questions in biology: "The emphasis in this workshop and in much of the life sciences research supported by NASA has been on the effects of microgravity and the ways in which an organism responds to microgravity. This is appropriate, and such questions will continue to 115 116 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE be important. However, we should not forget that the conditions of spaceflight include other parameters that may affect biological processes, and we may be able to use the unique environment to address a wider range of biological questions. For example, the unique behavior of fluids under con- ditions of microgravity suggests that the conditions of spaceflight may help us understand how fluid mechanics are important for biological processes. Activities that might be altered include membrane currents and second messenger signaling, among others. Differences in fluid mechanics have already led to at least one practical ap- plication, as seen in the current interest in production of protein crystals that cannot be grown on earth and lead to new insights into the structure of biologically impor- tant molecules. Several people have remarked about the effects of ra- diation encountered during spaceflight. An understand- ing of the biological hazards associated with this radia- tion is clearly important for people, animals, and plants during the extended periods of spaceflight expected for the space station or a trip to Mars. There are surely other environmental factors that will also be important to eval- uate during extended exposure to spaceflight. Finally, a critical challenge for any organism is achiev- ing homeostasis in response to a changing environment. Much remains to be understood about the homeostatic mechanisms that living organisms employ to assure their continued survival as an individual entity and as a spe- cies. The conditions of spaceflight, including micrograv- ity, represent a profound perturbation of the normal en- vironment. By observing the responses of an organism to this perturbation and denning the molecular mecha- nisms that underlie these responses, we have a rare occa- sion to explore biological homeostasis. As opportunities to conduct long term studies of different organisms un- der conditions of spaceflight increase, we must be more creative in identifying important questions and devising experimental models." E. A. DAW1DOWICZ Director Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sciences Woods Hole Julv 1996 Reference: Biol. Hull 192: I 17. (February, 1997) Mechanosensitive Channels: Introduction WERNER R. LOEWENSTEIN Laboratory oJ'Cell Communication, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Massachusetts 02543 Our subject in this session is mechanoreception, a function that is at the bottom of much of what goes on in an organism — from the basic sensing of cell movements, osmotic changes, and touch, to the elaborate sensing of gravity, balance, hearing, and so on. The hub of this function is a class of tubular membrane proteins that lets ions in or out of cells. Very little is known yet about the molecular makeup of this mechanosensitive class of pro- teins. Their better-known cousins, the membrane chan- nels that transduce chemical or electrical stimuli, fall into three basic building plans: arrangements of four, five, or six subunits with a central axis of symmetry form- ing an aqueous passageway through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane — the channel pore. The channel I have been playing with — the cell-to-cell channel — be- longs to the latter class; here polar a-helical stretches from the neighboring subunits line a 1 6- 1 8 A pore. This channel is quite large, and we are just beginning to un- derstand what conngurational changes in the subunits are involved in the closing and opening of the pore. The narrower and more selective ion channels have fewer subunits, and the polar space between the helices is smaller. This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future oj Aquatic Research in Space: Neiirobiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 1 3 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. We should keep our eyes peeled on this polar space. Here is where much of the action in the channel takes place — the opening and closing of the pore, or "channel gating," as it is called. So, the overarching question is how the mechanical stimulus, namely strain on the cell surface, is coupled to gating — how that strain is con- verted into an electrical current. The mechanosensory channels are probably among the oldest channel entities, and so we may hope that the conversion is relatively sim- ple. The prospect of that simplicity — perhaps, a rather direct transducer mechanism — has attracted many of us here to try our hand at this channel modality. But what nature actually holds in store for us remains to be seen. We will get a firsthand feel for the problem; the speakers in this morning session will offer us a broad range of mechanosensitive proteins, from unicellular organisms to vertebrates. Cathy Morris will start things off with a picture of how neurons sense their mechanical state — a low-rate sensing that comes into play during the vagaries of their long lives. Owen Hamill will deal with the transduction and gating mechanisms of mechanosensitive channels in Xenopus oocytes. Martin Chalfie will tell us about his ge- netic dissections of a channel in nematodes, and center on the role of the extracellular- and intracellular matrix in the coupling between stimulus and gating. And Ching Rung ends the session with a look at a mechanosensory channel in E. coli. which he has managed to put into liposomes and to analyze both genetically and chemi- callv. 117 Reference: Bin/. Bu/l. 192: 1 18-120. (February, 1997) How Do Neurons Monitor Their Mechanical Status? CATHERINE E. MORRIS1, HOWARD LESIUK1, AND LINDA R. MILLS2 1 Loeb Institute, Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa Kl Y 4E9, Canada, and2 Playfair Institute, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto M5T 2S8, Canada Neurons lead mechanically active lives. In conse- quence, the neuronal plasma membrane must mechani- cally adjust itself as it is subjected to a multitude of in- ternally and externally generated forces. Neuronal arbo- rizations are not fixed structures; they are plastic and can be refashioned and repaired. Neuronal cytoplasm churns with motor-driven axonal transport and with the to-and- fro of membrane trafficking. Neurites continually gener- ate tension while they are growing (see Heidemann and Buxton, 1 994); nonadherent neurites cannot sustain ten- sion and are retracted. Neural processes cope with stretching and compressive forces from surrounding tis- sues, and they cope with osmotically induced swelling and shrinking. Arborizations of a given neuron extend in many directions and may traverse many environments. While some processes are only micrometers long, others can be meters long. In spite of the potentially hazardous nature of their arborized geometry and the abundance of mechanical perturbations they experience, individual neurons evidently survive for 100 years or more! And to survive, they must ensure that the continuity of their plasma membrane is never breached. How is it that, always and at all locations in a neuron, there is sufficient membrane to prevent rupture? We can rule out two possibilities a priori. First, "wrinkles," or microvilli. cannot be maintained everywhere; the excess capacitance would appreciably compromise fast neuro- nal signaling. Second, central directives from the soma This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future nl .-It/italic Re.wtirc/i in Space: Neurobiology, Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from Ijt to 15 Max 1996. was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. to add or subtract plasma membrane globally would be grossly inappropriate for a highly arborized cell. For effective regulation of cell surface area, the neuro- nal plasma membrane must detect and respond to ten- sion in a local fashion. We hypothesize that membrane area is regulated by a sensor-effector system ofmechano- .scm/Vnv membrane disposition — i.e., a system which as- sures that cytoplasmic stores of membrane are rapidly recruited to the plasma membrane when tension rises, then restored to the cytoplasm when membrane tension falls. If exocytosis and endocytosis are tension-sensitive, this should make the disposition of membrane mecha- nosensitive, but this example does not exhaust the possi- bilities. Although it is possible to imagine how mechano- sensitive ion channels might contribute tension-sensitive regulation of plasma membrane area, the most stream- lined system would respond to tension with no interme- diary chemical or voltage signals. The system would be in greatest demand during neural development (which involves both outgrowth and retraction of processes) and subsequently could provide an emergency response sys- tem to prevent rupture, membrane excess, or both when- ever local stresses changed. In molluscan and mammalian neurons, we have been examining membrane dynamics that seem to reflect the exaggerated workings of such a sensor-effector system, i.e., a system of mechanosensitive membrane disposition (Want-/«/., 1995: Reuzeauf/rt/., 1995). Osmomechani- cal perturbations of cultured neurons induce Vacuole Like Dilations ( VLDs). VLDs, which can grow to about 10 //m across, form when neurons shrink (Fig. la, stages B to C, D, or Fig. 1 b) and disappear as they swell (Fig. la, stages D to B). It seems counterintuitive for a membra- nous cytoplasmic structure to swell as the cell itself shrinks. The explanation is that, initially, VLDs are not true vacuoles. VLDs start as invaginations of membrane 118 MECHANOSENSITIVITY 119 swell VLD formation shrink ^. |T7^* ' Ort $°-°J — r~^ r< swell VLD reversal Recovery sensitive to Cytochalasm NEW Brefeldin A — Noeedagole RECOVERY cycle of VLD formation and reversal can be repeated VLDs form as invaginations Figure 1. (a) Schematic showing that VLDs form (BtoC) when neurons shrink and that VLDs reverse (D to B) upon subsequent reswelling. Repeated cycles of VLD formation and reversal (B-C-D-B . . . etc.) can be effected repeatedly with about 2 min between solution exchanges. If neurons with VLDs are left in isosmotic medium (D to E), the VLDs disappear by a drug-sensitive process termed recovery (D to F). The schematic depicts experiments in which neurons first swell (A to B), so that return to an isosmotic medium (B to C) constitutes a shrinking stimulus. Between C and D, the VLDs enlarge to full size, then recovery (post-D) begins. For VLD formation, the critical stimulus is shrinkage; for VLD reversal, the critical stim- ulus is swelling. Accordingly (though not depicted), VLDs also form when neurons shrink by going from isosmotic to hyperosmotic medium: these VLDs reverse when the neurons are returned to isosmotic me- dium, (b) Vertical section schematic to show how VLDs form: when the neuron shrinks, VLDs are initiated as invaginations from the adherent surface; then, as recovery proceeds, they pinch off near the adherent surface, yielding true vacuoles. A confocal slice (in cross section) made through a cell shortly after VLDs form is depicted, as in the image in Figure 2, bottom. at discrete sites on the substrate-adherent surface. Con- focal microscopy using membrane dyes (Figs. Ib and 2) and aqueous-phase dyes (Reuzeau et ai, 1995) reveals that VLD membrane and VLD contents are initially contiguous with plasma membrane and with extracellu- lar fluid, respectively. VLD formation and reversal are rapid, occurring over tens of seconds. If stimuli that elicit VLD formation and reversal are given repeatedly (re- peated cycles of swelling and shrinking, as depicted in Fig. la), then VLD formation and reversal occurs repeat- edly at the same site. In cells left in normal saline to re- cover, VLD membrane is reprocessed and the VLDs dis- appear on a time scale of tens of minutes (at room tem- perature); this recovery is blocked by cytochalasin, by N- ethylmaleimide, and by Brefeldin A, but not by nocada- zole. By contrast, these drugs do not block the osmo- mechanically driven formation and reversal of VLDs. During recovery (i.e.. the drug-sensitive set of events), VLDs can pinch off and become true vacuoles. This pinching-off, which involves actin rearrangements, inter- nalizes membrane so that it is no longer, strictly speak- ing, plasma membrane. Although the perturbations we use are osmomechani- cal, our evidence indicates that the membrane dynamics of VLD formation and reversal (but not VLD recovery dynamics) are driven predominantly by the mechanical rather than the chemical aspects of the perturbations. The evidence: absolute osmolarity is not important (VLDs form with shrinking stimuli whether the pertur- bations are hyposmotic-to-normal or normal-to-hyper- osmotic), and extracellular calcium and other ions are not required. Gastropod neurons are mechanically robust in the face of extreme swelling stimuli (Wan et a/.. 1995). Though solute loss and the mechanics of the cortical cy- toskeleton may reduce the rate of swelling, neurons can swell enormously and survive; 5-fold volume increases are tolerated. In effect, compliance, in the form of recruit- ment of additional membrane, appears to protect the cell from rupture when swelling is excessive (Wan et ai. 1995; Fejtl et a/.. 1995). The membrane capacitance of these neurons increases with swelling and subsequently decreases with shrinking (Wan et ai. 1995). Membrane tension (see Dai and Sheetz, 1995) in Lymnaea neurons (J. Dai, M. Sheetz, and C. Morris. 1996. Am. Soc. Cell Biol. abstract) exposed to 0.5X normal osmolarity in- creased significantly, but to a level well below lytic ten- sion, then was redressed upon return to normal saline. The return from 50% to normal osmolarity also elicited VLDs; hence, VLD formation occurred when the cell was reshrinking and membrane tension was falling back to normal. Taken together, the VLD, capacitance, vol- ume, and tension observations are consistent with the possibility that neurons have a sensor-effector system 120 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Figure 2. Phase contrast (top) and contbcal fluorescence (middle, bottom) images of a cultured Lymmwa slagnalis neuron before (top, middle) and 1.5. min after) a solution change that elicited VLDs (bot- tom). The fluorescence images are confocal slices near the substrate. Fluorescence is from the membrane dye, dil. Neurons were stained (and made to swell) by adding distilled water plus dil (yielding a swell- ing medium osmolarity of about 0.2x normal) for 2 min. Excess dye was removed by several washes with the isosmotic saline. These washes shrank the swollen neuron, eliciting VLDs, bottom. (Because only a single confocal slice of the cell near the substrate is seen, volume that enables them, in the face of changing mechanical stresses, to regulate their cell surface area and to keep membrane tension close to a set point. So, how do neurons monitor their mechanical status? Adhesion to a substrate is critical to the VLD events we observe. Therefore, we suggest that neurons monitor and adjust their membrane tension and their surface area by using a sensor-effector system (i.e., mechanosensitive membrane disposition) that works in concert with a cy- toskeletal adhesion-based sensor-effector system (see Wang el a/.. 1993). Although the popular idea of a mon- itoring role for mechanosensitive neuronal channels is not completely ruled out, evidence suggests that ion channel mechanosensitivity is deployed effectively in specialized receptor neurons (Oliet and Bourque, 1996), whereas it is suppressed in general-purpose neurons (Morris and Horn, 1991; Small and Morris, 1994; Pao- letti and Ascher, 1994). Acknowledgments Supported by grants from NSERC, Canada, and by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Literature Cited Dai, J., and M. P. Sheetz. 1995. Mechanical properties of neuronal growth cone membranes studied by tether formation with laser op- tical tweezers. Biophys. J 68: 988-996. Fejll, M., D. H. Szarowski, D. Decker, K. Buttle, D. O. Carpenter, and J. N.Turner. 1995. Three-dimensional imaging and electrophys- iology of live Aplysia neurons during volume perturbation: confo- cal light and high-voltage electron microscopy. JMSA 1: 75-85. lleidemann, S. R., and R. E. Buxlon. 1994. Mechanical tension as a regulator of axonal development. Neurotoxicology 15: 95-108. Morris, C. E., and R. Horn. 1991. Failure to elicit neuronal macro- scopic mechanosensitive currents anticipated by single channel studies. Science 251 : 1 246- 1 249. Oliet, S. H. R., and C. \V. Bourque. 1996. Gadolinium uncouples mechanical detection and osmoreceptor potential in supraoptic neurons. Neuron 16: 175-181. Puoletti, P., and P. Ascher. 1994. Mechanosensitivity of NMDA re- ceptors in cultured mouse central neurons. Neuron 13: 645-655. Reuzeau, C, L. R. Mills, J. A. Harris, and C. E. Morris. 1995. Dis crete and reversible vacuole-like dilations induced by osmomecha- mcal perturbations of neurons. J. Membr. Biol. 145: 33-47. Small, D. R., and C. E. Morris. 1994. Delayed activation of single mechanosensitive channels in Lymnaea neurons. Am. ./. Physiol. 267: C598-606. Wang, N., J. P. Butler, and D. E. Ingber. 1993. Mechanotransduc- tion across the cell surface and through the cytoskeleton. Science 260: I 124-1127. Wan, \., J. A. Harris, and C. E. Morris. 1995. Responses of neurons to extreme osmomechanical stress. J. Membr. Biol. 145: 22 1 -3 1 . changes are not evident.) Before eliciting VLDs (middle), dil stains only the plasma membrane. Its subsequent presence in VLD membrane (bottom) indicates that VLD membrane is contiguous with plasma membrane. Scale: phase contrast image is 140 jjm high. Reference: Biol Bull 192: 121-122. (February. 1997) Mechanogated Channels in Xenopus Oocytes: Different Gating Modes Enable a Channel to Switch From a Phasic to a Tonic Mechanotransducer OWEN P. HAMILL AND DON W. MCBRIDE JR. Department of Physiology and Biophysics. The University oj'Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555 Critical to the survival of any cell is its ability to sense and respond appropriately to changes in its environ- ment. In the case of the mechanical environment, there are both static and dynamic components that the cell may be required to selectively detect. Such detection takes place in the presence of a dynamic background of mechanical stimulation arising from Brownian motion, gravitational force, and various forces generated within a cell (e.g., due to molecular motors and cycles of cy- toskeletal polymerization and depolymerization) that maintain cell shape and also mediate shape changes dur- ing growth and adhesion. In addition to such back- ground forces, a cell may experience other mechanical perturbations, ranging from steady indentations to high- frequency vibrations, and from osmotic challenges to fluid shear stresses. Detection and appropriate responses to such perturbations may be critical for the function and, perhaps, survival of the cell. Therefore, cells require biological mechanotransducers that can extract specific information regarding relevant mechanical stimuli while filtering out irrelevant stimuli. A variety of mechanosensitive processes have been identified including (i) mechanosensitive enzymes such as adenylate cyclase (Watson, 1990) and phospholipase A2(Jukkarta/., 1995), (ii) mechanosensitive transmitter release (Chen and Grinnell, 1995), (iii) mechanosensi- tive gene activation (SadoshimatYa/.. 1992), and (iv) the This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future o/ Auiialic Research in Space: Ncurohiology. Cellular and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. widely expressed class of mechanogated (MG) mem- brane ion channels (Martinac, 1992). Of these different processes, the MG channels have proven the most ame- nable to detailed biophysical study. This has been due, in part, to the development of high-resolution patch-clamp recording (Hamill el al, 1981) and fast pressure-clamp stimulating techniques (McBride and Hamill, 1992, 1993, 1995; Hamill and McBride, 1995a). We have used these techniques to study the dynamic properties of sin- gle MG channels, mainly focusing on the cation-selec- tive channel endogenously expressed in Xenopus oocytes (Hamill and McBride, 1992, 1994, 1995b, 1996a; Zhang el al. 1996). This channel is blocked by amiloride and its analogs, aminoglycoside antibiotics and gadolinium (for review see Hamill and McBride, 1996b). One of the most interesting kinetic features of the channel is that its gating mode can be shifted from a highly nonstationary, phasic or "high pass" mode to a stationary, tonic or "low pass" mode (i.e., the input-filter characteristics change). When in the phasic mode the MG channel activity ex- hibits rapid and complete adaptation (i.e., the channels close) despite the presence of maintained mechanical stimulation. This adaptation is highly voltage dependent and is similar to that seen in audiovestibular hair cells (Crawford el al., 1991). For example, at -100 mV the decay time constant of adaptation is about 100 ms, while at + 1 00 m V it is more than 2 s. However, unlike the hair cell, this adaptation does not depend on either extracel- lular or intracellular Ca++ nor on the polarity of stimula- tion (i.e., suction or pressure). We find that the adapta- tion in the oocyte MG channel is due to a shift of the stimulus-response relation (Boltzmann) to the right (i.e.. towards higher pressures) with no change in shape of the relation. This adaptation reduces response saturation 121 122 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE while preserving the differential sensitivity to transient changes in mechanical stimulation. When the MG channel is in the tonic mode, the open channel probability becomes time independent but in- creases with increasing suction or pressure stimulation. However, the sensitivity of the MG channel to mechani- cal activation is decreased. Although voltage-dependent adaptation is clearly absent in this mode, the voltage de- pendence of MG channel lifetime is preserved and single channel conductance and ion selectivity remain unal- tered. The switching between gating modes can be me- chanically induced in the patch-clamp configuration and is most likely due to a physical decoupling of the mem- brane from the underlying cytoskeleton, which presum- ably contains the required viscoelastic elements. This idea of decoupling is supported by the observed develop- ment of a clear space within the patch pipette between the membrane and the underlying cytoplasm; develop- ment of this space accompanies the mechanically in- duced channel mode switching. The channel mode switching from phasic to tonic, as studied here, probably reflects a pathological situation associated with patch-clamp recording (Hamill and McBride, 1997). Nevertheless, it does indicate a mecha- nism by which a single molecular mechanotransducer may alter its input filter characteristics (i.e., go from a transient to a steady-state detector) of mechanical sig- nals. It remains to be determined whether the remodel- ing of the cortical cytoskeleton that occurs during cell development and differentiation (t'.#.. see Vale. 1991; Sardet el al., 1994) may also modulate membrane mech- anosensitivity by such a mechanism. Acknowledgments Our research is supported by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Dis- eases, Grant RO 1 -AR42782, the National Science Foun- dation, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Literature Cited Chen, B.-M., and A. D. Grinned. 1995. Inlegrins and modulation of transmitter release from motor terminals by stretch. Science 269: 1578-1580. Crawford, A. C, M. G. Evans, and R. Kettiplace. 1991. The action of calcium on the mechanoelectrical transducer current of turtle hair cells. J. Physiol. 434: 369-398. Hamill, O. P., A. Marty, E. Neher, B. Sakmann, and F. Sigworth. 1981. Improved patch clamp techniques for high current resolution from cells and cell-free membrane patches. PJIugers Arch. Eur J. Physiol. 391:85-100. Hamill, O. P., and D. \V. McBride, Jr. 1992. Rapid adaptation of the mechanosensitive channel in Xenopus oocytes. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 7462-7466. Hamill, O. P., and D. W. McBride, Jr. 1994. Molecular mechanisms of mechanoreceptor adaptation. News in Physiological Sciences 9: 53-59. Hamill, O. P., and D. W. McBride, Jr. 1995a. Pressure/patch-clamp methods. Pp. 75-87 in Patch Clamp Techniques and Protocols, A. A. Boulton, G. B. Baker, and W. Walz, eds. Humana Press, New Jersey. Hamill, O. P., and D. W. McBride, Jr. 1995b. Mechanoreceptive membrane ion channels. Am Sci. 83: 30-37. Hamill, O. P., and D. VV. McBride, Jr. 1996a. Voltage and tension sensitivity of a mechanogated channel. Binphys. J 70: A348. Hamill, O. P., and D. W. McBride, Jr. 1996b. The pharmacology of mechanogated channels. PharmtKol. Rev. 48: 231-252. Hamill, O. P., and D. W. McBride, Jr. 1997. Induced membrane hypo/hyper-mechanosensitivity: a limitation of patch-clamp re- cording. Annu. Rev. Physio! . 59: 62 1 -63 1 . Jukka, Y., A. Lehtonen, and P. K. J. Kinnunen. 1995. Phospholipase A: as a mechanosensor. Biophys J 68: 1888-1 894. Martinac, B. 1992. Mechanosensitive ion channels: biophysics and physiology. Pp. 327-352 in Thermodynamics of Cell Surface Re- ceptors. M. B. Jackson, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton. FL. McBride, D. W., Jr., and O. P. Hamill. 1992. Pressure clamp: a method for rapid step perturbation of mechanosensitive channels. PJIugers Arch. Eur. J Physiol 421: 606-612. McBride, D. W. Jr., and O. P. Hamill. 1993. Pressure-clamp tech- nique for measurement of the relaxation kinetics of mechanosensi- tive channels. Trends Neurosci. 16:341-345. McBride, D. W. Jr., and O. P. Hamill. 1995. A fast pressure-clamp technique for studying mechanogated channels. Pp. 329-340 in Single Channel Recording. 2nd Edition, B. Sakmann, and E. Neher. eds. Plenum Press. New York. Sadoshima, J-I., T. Takahashi, L. Jahn, and S. Izumo. 1992. Roles of mechano-sensitive ion channels, cytoskeleton, and contractile ac- tivity in stretch-induced immediate-early gene expression and hy- pertrophy of cardiac myocytes. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 9905-9909. Sardet, C., A. McDougall, and E. Houliston. 1994. Cytoplasmic do- mains in eggs. Trends Cell Biol. 4: 1 66- 1 72. Vale, R. D. 1991. Severing of stable microtubulesby a mitotically ac- tivated protein in .Xenopus egg extracts. Cell 64: 827-839. Watson, P. A. 1990. Direct stimulation of adenylate cyclase by me- chanical forces in S49 mouse lymphoma cells during hyposmotic swelling. J. Biol. Chem. 265: 6569-6575. /.hang, \ '., F. Gao, D. W. McBride, and O. P. Hamill. 1996. On the nature of mechano-gated channel activity in cytoskeleton deficient vesicles shed from Xenopus oocytes. Biophys. J 70(2): A349, 1996. Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 123-124. (February. 1997) Discussion MORRIS: I would like to ask Owen Hainill a question. Both my labora- tory (in collaboration with Rick Elinson) and now your laboratory have shown that, if you use pharma- cological agents to block these chan- nels, embryogenesis of the oocyte is not impeded. Is this a fair statement? Could you comment on what it means? HAMILL: Frogs eggs have been taken up on the space shuttle, where they can be happily fertilized, and embryogenesis occurs normally in the microgravity environment. Once the oocytes are out of the animal, they don't seem to be especially de- pendent on mechanical stimuli, at least as reflected by mechanogated channels. For example, you can block the mechanosensitive channel and still watch the whole process, from fertilization to a developed embryo. Apparently the tadpoles also develop normally in micrograv- ity. But of course all of the mechani- cally interesting events of oocyte de- velopment occur before fertilization and are associated with the growth of the oocyte from 10~9 grams to 1 mg. This involves enormous expansion of the oocyte with enormous cy- toskeletal rearrangement, and it's our bet that that's dependent on the mechanogated channel. LOEWENSTEIN: Dr. Morris, what you call the adhesion portion seems to start out with an invagination pro- cess. What structures do you actually see or suspect might be initiating this? MORRIS: We haven't actually any clue about that as yet. We know that once the VLDs form, actin accumu- lates around them. However, if you treat the cells with cytochalasin, you can still make these VLDs. It's clear that the cytochalasin has worked be- cause the phalloidin staining is wildly different. We need to look at spectrin staining and things like that. I don't want to do this with the mol- luscan cells; so we are going to try it in skeletal muscle fibers, because they make very big cells in culture and we can use the antibodies with them. A recent paper from Brad Amos and Jack Lucy's lab in Cam- bridge (J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 1995. 16: 401-11) has shown basi- cally the same thing: reversible vacu- olation in skeletal muscle. In their case, it's the entotubular system that's involved, which originates at the Z-line. They don't know either whether any other structures are as- sociated with this. The only struc- tural detail that they have is that it's associated with the Z-line. We don't have any molecular information. LOEWENSTEIN: How do you de- fine adhesion? MORRIS: It's the attached surface: and we know the cells are adherent. I don't mean that there are specific adhesion molecules associated with this. I don't know that. It's not hap- pening on the upper surface of these cultured cells, which is a very low- level definition of adhesion. LOEWENSTEIN: What do you sug- gest for the mechanism of reversibil- ity here? MORRIS: I suspect that the mem- brane is flowing back out and up over the surface when swelling is oc- curring. That's the reversibility. I am amazed that membrane would then flow back into the same site, but it does. I presume that some structure there is acting as a scaffold to support it, but we have no idea yet about what it is. QUESTION: Rick Steinhart has re- cently been describing how cells rup- ture and reseal very quickly with membrane vesicles. I wonder whether you are looking at rupture that occurs upon swelling at the sites of attachment, where the maximal mechanical force would be experi- enced. Recruitment of membrane vesicles to seal that rupture could be what makes your internal vacuoles. MORRIS: If so, we are not picking up any of the extracellular dyes into the cell. QUESTION: How big are these dyes? MORRIS: We used Rhodamine 3000. The structures that we see are not tiny vesicles; they grow to be an average of lO^m across once they are fully formed. QUESTION: What happens to the membrane voltage during the swell- ing? MORRIS: I don't know what hap- pens to the membrane voltage. We 123 124 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE know that we can activate the potas- sium channels with slow swelling, and we think that these channels may actually be the stretch-activated channels. We don't know \vhether they are being stretch-activated. We could be getting additional conduc- tance because we've added more membrane carrying the channels, or because they are getting second mes- senger signals. Since slow swelling is activating these potassium currents, I would imagine that, like Aplysia neurons, ours hyperpolarize with swelling. We haven't actually mea- sured them. CHALFIE: You showed what hap- pens after 2-min changes. What hap- pens when the cells reach osmotic equilibrium after the change? Do the vacuoles go away? MORRIS: Yes, that's in recovery. ELINSON: Owen (Hamill), those oocytes have an animal and vegetal difference. Do you see any disparity in the presence of those channels on the animal or vegetal pole? Or if you look at oocytes early in oogenesis, when things are moving, do you see any differences in these mechanical channels? HAMILL: No, we don't. ELINSON: So we still have no role for these channels in the oocyte? HAMILL: We don't know the role yet. QUESTION: Dr. Morris, is contact with a cover slip required for forma- tion of VLDs? MORRIS: Not necessarily. We have images of hippocampal cells growing on glial cells and they make VLDs, but these are hard to image. So I don't think that contact with a cover slip is critical, but mechanical contact of some sort is. HAMILL: Do you see these VLDs with mild osmotic changes, or do you really have to stress the cells? MORRIS: You see them if you step them down from normal to 70% nor- mal osmotic concentration. LOEWENSTEIN: Dr. Hamill, in your interesting model there seem to be two components: one is nonme- chanical and the other, superim- posed on that, is mechanical and act- ing somewhere in the coupling pro- cess. Could you elaborate on the latter? I could easily see an adapta- tion process being promoted me- chanically, but I can't quite visualize a process in which adaptation is abolished mechanically, as in your case. HAMILL: If the viscoelastic ele- ment is in the cytoskeleton and that's decoupled, adaptation would be abolished. You can think of this in terms of a gating spring and a dash- pot in series. Normally, when you pull on the dashpot the spring stretches. Then the dashpot relaxes the spring, and you get adaptation. What we imagine in the oocyte is that the adaptation occurs because the underlying cytoskeleton relaxes. Once the cytoskeleton is decoupled, or one element (the viscous element) is decoupled, you can still have gat- ing, but not the relaxation. We have tried to dissect out the viscous from the elastic elements. At one point we thought that one might be the micro- tubule and the other actin, but they don't seem to be very sensitive to ei- ther colchicine or cytochalasin. CHALFIE: What is the effect of fer- tilization in activating these chan- nels? HAMILL: There certainly are po- tential changes associated with the block to polyspermy. We have tried very hard to see effects of all these mechanosensitive channels on poly- spermy, fertilization, and even mat- uration. Up to maturation there is no sensitivity blocking of the mecha- nogated channel. But that's only half the story because many events pre- cede maturation, and we have not yet examined them. Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 125. (February, 1997) A Molecular Model for Mechanosensation in Caenorhabditis elegans MARTIN CHALFIE Department of Biological Sciences, 1012 Fairchild, Columbia University, Mail Code 2446, 1212 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027 Sensory signaling by chemicals and light are fairly well understood in molecular terms, but the molecules needed for mechanical signaling, which underlies the senses of touch, hearing, and balance, are not known. By analyzing the genes needed for mechanosensation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we hope to gain this molecular understanding. Six touch receptor neurons re- spond to gentle touch in C. elegans. Mutations produc- ing touch insensitivity have identified 12 met. (mechano- sensory abnormal) genes needed for touch cell function (Chalfie and Sulston, 1981; Chalfie and Au, 1989). Eight of these genes have been cloned by ourselves and others. Two genes (mec-4 and mec-10) encode similar subunits (degenerins) of a channel needed for mechanosensation (Driscoll and Chalfie. 1991; Huang and Chalfie, 1994). Gene interaction studies suggest that many of the re- maining mec genes interact with this channel (Huang and Chalfie. 1994; Gu et al.. 1996). Predicted protein sequences, gene interactions, and ul- trastructural studies of the touch receptor neurons sug- gest the following model for mechanosensation in these cells (Gu et al., 1996). Mechanosensation requires the degenerin channel formed from MEC-4, MEC-10, and This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The l-'iilurc ot Aquatic Research in Space: Neurobiology, Cellular ami .Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996. was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. probably MEC-6. This channel is attached to the extra- cellular matrix, perhaps through interactions with MEC- 5 (a collagen) and possibly MEC-1 and MEC-9 (Du et al., 1996). Intracellularly, the channel is attached to the microtubules formed by MEC- 12 (a-tubulin)and MEC- 7 (|tf-tubulin), through an interaction with the stomatin- like protein MEC-2 (Huang et al., 1995). The other mec genes may be modifying the conductance of this channel. In this model, physical manipulation of the channel ei- ther by displacement of the cuticle or the microtubules opens the channel. Literature Cited Chalfie, M., and M. Au. 1989. Genetic control of differentiation of the C elegans touch receptor neurons. Science 243: 1027-1033. Chalfie, M., and J. Sulston. 1981. Developmental genetics of the mechanosensory neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans. Dev. Biol 82: 358-370. Driscoll, M., and M. Chalfie. 1991. The mec-4 gene is a member of a family of Caenorhabditis elegans genes that can mutate to induce neuronal degeneration. Nature 349: 588-593. Du, H., G. Gu, C. William, and M. Chalfie. 1996. Extracellular pro- teins needed for C' cU't;an\ mechanosensation. Neuron 16: 183- 194. Gu, G., G. A. Caldwell, and M. Chalfie. 1996. Genetic interactions affecting touch sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proc. Nail. ACM/. Sci L'SA 93: 6577-6582. Huang, M.. and M. Chalfie. 1994. Gene interactions affecting mech- anosensory transduction in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 367: 467-470. Huang, M.,G.Gu,E. L.Ferguson, and M. Chalfie. 1995. Astomatin- like protein necessary for mechanosensation in C. elegant Nature 378:292-295. 125 Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 126-127. (February. 1997) Mechanosensitive Channels of E. coli: A Genetic and Molecular Dissection PAUL BLOUNT1, SERGEI I. SUKHAREV1, PAUL MOE' \ AND CHING RUNG1 - 'Laboratory of Molecular Biology and 2 Departments of Bacteriology and ^Genetics, University of H 'isconsin, Madison. \\ Isconsin 53 706 Our understanding of mechanosensation is poor, es- pecially at the level of molecule. There is no shortage of phenomena, from the sensation of gravity, touch, bal- ance, and hearing in animals, gravitropism and thigmo- morphogenesis in plants, to the detection of osmotic forces in all cells including microbes. Yet to name a pro- tein or gene that is responsible for these sensations is difficult. This knowledge vacuum is all the more striking given that we know, in exquisite detail, the structure and function of a myriad of ligand receptors, and even the receptors of light, rhodopsins. One class of "receptors" are ion channels. These are integral membrane proteins that line gated pores. By "gated," physiologists mean that the pore is usually closed until the channel protein "senses" a stimulus. There are ion channels gated by external ligands (e.g.. neurotransmitters), second messengers (Ca:+, cyclic nu- cleotides), or membrane potentials (i.e., transmembrane voltage drop) (Hille, 1992). Channel pores, when open, allow passive fluxes of permeant ions. The advent of the patch clamp has greatly enhanced our capability to mon- itor these ion fluxes: even the ion current through a single channel protein can clearly be registered and analyzed (Sakmann and Neher, 1995). Activities of channels that open when the membrane patch in a patch-clamp pi- pette is mechanically stretched were first observed in muscle cells (Guharay and Sachs, 1984; Brehm et ill.. 1984). This kind of activity has now been reported from studies of neurons, oocytes, heart cells, lens cells, blood cells, and plant cells (Sackin, 1995). Moreover, mecha- This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The f-'unire i>/ Ac/uatie Research in Spuec: Neurobiology, Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. nosensitive (MS) channel activities have also been ob- served in microbes: budding yeast, fission yeast, bean- rust fungus, and the bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacil- lus sitbtilis. When E. coli is cultured in the presence of cephalexin, the cells do not remain septate but continue to grow into filaments, some reaching 100 ^/m in length. They can be digested with lysozyme and EDTA and then collapsed into spheres 3 to 10 /urn in diameter. Patch-clamp exper- iments on such giant spheroplasts revealed two types of MS-channel activities, one with a very large conductance (2.5 nS) and one with a smaller conductance (0.8 nS). These activities are observed as the appearance and dis- appearance of unitary currents indicative of channel opening and closing. The open probability increases with the suction applied to the patch-clamp pipette (Martinac el ai. 1987; Sukharev et ai. 1993). The MS channels of E. coli can be reconstituted. In other words, bacterial membrane vesicles, even after solubilization in a mild detergent, can be placed in liposomes made of foreign lipids and the MS channels remain functional (Delcour et ai. 1989). We followed the activity of the 2.5-nS MS conductance through different series of column chro- matographic enrichments by reconstituting the column fractions into soybean liposomes and examining patches excised from them with the patch clamp. By tracing the activities in the more and more enriched fractions, a pro- tein of about 17,000 molecular weight was identified. From the N-terminal sequence of this protein, the corre- sponding gene, mscL. was cloned (Sukharev et ai. 1 994a). Disrupting mscL by a marker insertion removed the 17-kD membrane protein and the 2.5-nS conduc- tance. Replenishing this null strain with mscL on a plas- mid restored both. The mscL gene, subcloned into ap- propriate plasmids, has been functionally expressed in two heterologous systems: rabbit reticulocyte lysate and yeast. Therefore mscL alone is necessary and sufficient 126 MECHANOSENSITIVITY 127 for the 2.5-nS MS-channel activities (Sukharev et al.. 1994a, h). Conceptual translation ofmscL yields a protein of 1 36 amino-acid residues. The first three-quarters of the MscL protein is highly hydrophobic according to its hydropho- bicity plot. Four lines of recent evidence have indicated that each MscL peptide traverses the membrane twice, with both the N- and the C-terminus in the cytoplasm. Cross-linking and other experiments showed that MscL monomers assemble into a hexamer that probably en- closes the pore. A number of deletions and point substi- tutions have been made and tested for MS-channel prop- erties. These results indicate the importance of both the transmembrane domains and the linking loop between these domains. Substitutions of certain hydrophilic resi- dues changed the channel kinetics, the mechanosensiti- vity, or both (Blount el al., 1996a. b). Well-conserved mscL homologs have recently been found in several bac- teria, including gram-positive bacteria (Moe el al., un- pub. data). Our current effort is directed toward ( 1 ) understanding the molecular basis of mechanosensitivity by applying forward and reverse genetics on E. coli mscL, (2) eluci- dating the function of these MS channels in bacterial physiology, and (3) searching for mscL homologs in other species, including plants and animals. Acknowledgments Work in our laboratory was supported by NIH GM47856. Literature Cited Blount, P., S. 1. Sukharev, P. C. Moe, M. J. Schroeder, H. R. Guy, and C. Rung. I9%a. Membrane topology and multimeric structure of a mechanosensitive channel protein of Eschenchia coli. EMBO (Eur. Mi>l. Binl. Organ) J 15:4798-4805. Blount, P., S. I. Sukharev, M. J. Schroeder, S. Nagle, and C. Kung. 1996b. Single residue substitutions that change the gating proper- ties of a mechanosensitive channel in Escherichia coli. Proc. Null. Acad. Set. ISA 93: 1 1652-1 1657. Brehm, P., R. Kullberg. and K. Moody-Corbett. 1984. Properties of non-junctional acetylcholine receptor channels on innervated mus- cleof.\Vmy>H.\/<«T/\ ./ Physiol (Lund.) 350: 631-648. Delcour, A. H., B. Martinac, J. Adler, and C. Kung. 1989. Modified reconstitution method used in patch-clamp studies of Eschericia coli ion channels. Biophys. ./. 56: 63 1-636. Guharay. F., and F. Sachs. 1984. Stretch-activated single ion channel currents in tissue-cultured embryonic chick skeletal muscle. J. Physiol (Lonct ) 352: 685-70 1 . Hille, B. 1992. Ionic Channels of Excitable Membrane's. Sinauer As- sociates Inc., Sunderland. MA. Martinac, B., M. Buechner, A. II. Delcour. J. Adler, and C. Kung. 1987. Pressure-sensitive ion channel in Eschericia coli Proc Null. Acad. So. i'SA 84: 2297-2 301. Sackin, H. 1995. Mechanosensitive channels. Annu. Rev Physiol. 57: 333-353. Sakmann, B., and E. Neher. 1995. Single-Channel Recording. 2nd Edition. Plenum Press, New York. Sukharev, S. I., B. Martinac, V. V. Arshavsky, and C. Kung. 1993. Two types of mechanosensitive channels in Eschericia coli cell en- velope: solubilization and functional reconstitution. Biophys J 65: 177-183. Sukharev, S. I., P. Blount, B. Martinac, F. R. Blattner, and C. Kung. 1994a. A large-conductance mechanosensitive channel in F. coli encoded by mscL alone. Nature 368: 265-268. Sukharev, S. I., B. Martinac, P. Blount. and C. Kung. I994b. Meth- ods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology. 6: 5 1-59. Reference: Bin/. Bull 192: 128-130. (February. 1997) Discussion CHALFIE (in response to an inau- dible question): We have been able to identify 1 7 genes in the screen for touch-insensitive genes. If you mu- tate them, you get a selectively defec- tive animal that just doesn't respond to touch. Of the five genes required for cell differentiation that we have identified, three are transcription factors that are needed to make ei- ther precursors or the cell itself, another appears to be a transcrip- tion factor needed to maintain the differentiated state, and the fifth is a splicing factor needed to process one or more of the function genes. This last gene is the work of Lundquist el at. (Development 1996. 122: 1601- 1610). We also know that there are genes whose products act negatively in the touch system, but we would not have been able to screen for mutations in these genes, because we were not looking for touch supersensitive ani- mals. We are trying to develop ways to look at such mutants. For exam- ple, the touch circuit is one that re- quires gap junctions between the in- terneurons and the touch receptor cells. At the same time as the poste- rior touch cells are making gap junc- tions to one set of imerneurons, they are also making < ical synapses to another set c irons to which the anterior c e making gap junctions. Getting of the chemical synapses wi touch insensitivity, but o.iiers have identified genes needed for chemical transmission. QUESTION: Twelve seems to be a small number for what seems to be a saturation screen. CHALFIE: As I tried to indicate, we have over 500 mutations in 1 7 genes, quite a number of alleles for every single one of those genes that we study. So we have probably saturated for genes that can be mutated to the touch-insensitive phenotype. In ad- dition, we have done an experiment to get dominantly enhancing muta- tions with two different function genes, and we have not been able to find any new players. That says that no dosage-dependent gene is in- volved. We have not been able to eliminate genes that may be impor- tant for the mechanosensory appara- tus (for example microtubule-associ- ated protein) and that also produce lethality or are perhaps redundant. HAMILL: By analogy to the hair cell, your model envisages gating be- ing mediated by the cytoskeleton. In the hair cell, the tip links are directly gated. What do you see as a role for MEC-5 in your system? CHALFIE: The three products that we think are important in the extra- cellular matrix are MEC-1, MEC-5, and MEC-9. mec-1 is not cloned, but when you get rid of it genetically there is no extracellular matrix for those cells, and the animals are touch insensitive. Both mec-5 and mec-9 have been cloned: mec-5 encodes a collagen that's made by the cells that surround the touch cells, and MEC- 9 is a secreted protein made by the touch cells. We have very strong ge- netic interactions between the two of them, so we think they are coupled. We have somewhat weaker evidence for an interaction between the mec- 5 collagen and the mcc-4 and mec-6 genes whose products we think con- tribute to the channel. So a collagen is associated with the channel. There's also another one of this fam- ily of channel proteins, the product of the unc-105 gene, that's being worked on by J. D. Liu in Bob Wa- terston's lab in St. Louis (Liu el at. 1996. Science 273: 361-364). What they have found is that a suppressor of line-] 05 activity is also a collagen. So this family of channel proteins seems to interact with collagens. Let me address one other thing that you said. I don't think that the models are very different. It's like the distinction between pulling and holding on, and to what. We're say- ing that whether you're holding on with the tip link or the extracellular matrix, you are also tethered to the actin cytoskeleton or the microtu- bule cytoskeleton in the two systems. In fact, the question is. Does the tip link move to open that channel, or does the hair cell move and pull the channel away from the tip link? I don't think that there is any evidence bearing on which element is actually the moving component. Peter (Gil- lespie) may have more to say about that. It seems to me that it would be easier for the microtubules to float within the cell than for the extracel- MECHANOSENSITIVITY 129 lular matrix to be moved. In fact, if you hit the matrix hard enough, that will jar the microtubules. It's hard to know who is pulling on whom; I just think that the microtubules are a lit- tle more liable to be moved relative to the matrix. LOEWENSTEIN: When you men- tioned the inside sensor, did you re- ally mean sensor or coup/ing'? The actual sensor is the transducer. I think you probably meant coupling, and that is what makes your system different from Rung's. CHALFIE: We don't know how these things are interacting. One of the things that we have tried to ex- plain in the model is the morphology of the cell with the microtubules sit- uated within the processes. In fact, the microtubules are not needed for the outgrowth of the cells or any other function of the cell that we can find; but the microtubules are abso- lutely essential for those cells func- tioning as touch receptors. In addi- tion, the association with the MEC- 2 protein and genetic interactions all suggest that the microtubules are ac- tually part of the apparatus. This model is very difficult to test by try- ing to reconstitute all of these com- ponents in some sort of heterologous system. KAWASAKI: You find these touch receptors in E. coli and hair cells. How ubiquitous are they? CHALFIE: Owen Hamill probably has a better handle on this in terms of the pharmacology of channels ex- amined with cells in culture. Me- chanically activated and mechani- cally inactivated channels have been found in a wide variety of cell types. If you are asking whether channel proteins similar to the E. coli or C eli'gans proteins can be found in ver- tebrates, the answer is that Ching Rung and I both hope so. Our chan- nel proteins are certainly found in nematodes, and there are similar members of what could be a super- family of proteins in vertebrates. Whether these proteins act as mech- anosensory channel components in vertebrates is not known. RUNG: If I may add to the matter of ubiquity: By the criterion of the patch clamp these channels are all over the place. You can take just about any cell membrane, attach a patch pipette, apply suction and you will see something open. If you do not use the patch clamp as a crite- rion, but look for the genes, then we are looking for mec-4, mec-10, or mscL homologues. That's in prog- ress. When you say homologue, you must be careful because you do not know how much of the region is crucial to mechanosensation. One doesn't know how to search the database at this point, because our knowledge of these molecules is fairly primitive. LOEWENSTEIN: Dr. Rung, a com- ment on your model propsing a hex- amer. A hexameric channel implies a mechanistic possibility that I think is quite attractive in a mechanosen- sing device. If your six subunits are slanted, as in the channel I have been working with, you might get a direct coupling in a rather simple way. A hexamer with slanted units can switch between an open and closed configuration by a slight change in the tilt of the subunits. A very small movement, due to a pressure change in the lipid bilayer of the cell mem- brane, would change the angle of tilt, making the channel go into the open configuration — a coupling as direct as you are proposing. With this model, one could easily imagine that a minute strain perpendicular to the membrane could be amplified by the lever action of the slanted subunits and be transduced into a current — a channel opening or closing produced in the most directly coupled way. RUNG: I have to point out that I don't propose, I prove. That's not a proposal, that's actually an observa- tion. You ask me whether this is a possible model. I certainly think that this is a possible model. My position is that I believe in experiments. BARLOW, R.: I have a question re- garding degenerins. You said that three mutations cause cell death, cell lysis. As I understood it, your inter- pretation is that faulty operation of the channel leads to cell death. 1 am curious about an analogous situa- tion, in vision, where multiple muta- tions of rhodopsin lead to retinal degeneration. Retinal degeneration may not necessarily be caused by rhodopsins not working well, but rather that the mutated proteins trig- ger natural cell death, apoptosis. Could something similar be happen- ing with these mutations? CHALFIE: That's a great question. In C. elegans there is some beautiful work, primarily by people in Bob Horvitz's lab, on genes that are needed for programmed cell death in the animal. A cell that's dying by programmed cell death in C. elegans becomes very condensed and very refractile in the light microscope. Mutations in the genes ced-3 and ceil-4 abolish these cell deaths, so the cells persist. The deaths that we see in the mec-4 and mec-10 animals, and in mutants defective in one other gene, deg-1 (all three genes en- code proteins we call degenerins), are very different. The cells don't be- come refractile; they swell up to many cell diameters and vacuolate. Genetically, mutations in ced-3 and ced-4 genes have absolutely no effect that we have been able to discern on the degenerations caused by muta- tions in mec-4 or deg- 1, and soon. In addition, any of the mutations that prevent the cell deaths from the pre- 130 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE sumed channel mutations have no in hypocalemic periodic paralysis changes, such as membrane infold- effect on programmed cell death, so in humans and other mammals in ing and multilamellar bodies. We see they seem to be two independent sys- which a defect in the dihydropyri- these detects in mec-4 and deg-1 ani- tems. Rather than apoptotic cell dine calcium channel leads to de- mals. Because of the similarities in death, a better analogy might be to fects in muscle with a fair amount morphology, we think that the chan- some of the defects that are seen of vacuolization and ultrastructural nel defect causes the degeneration. Reference: Kiol Bull 192: 131-133. (February. 1997) Gravitaxis in Flagellates DONAT-PETER HADER Institutefor Botany and Pharmaceutical Biology, Staucltsir. 5. D-91058 EHangen, Germany The green, unicellular flagellate Euglena gracilis ori- ents itself in the water column by responding to external stimuli such as light and gravity (Ha'der, 1987; Ha'der ct al.. 1995). While the photoreceptor has been character- ized spectroscopically and biochemically in this organ- ism, our knowledge of gravity-dependent orientation mechanisms has been rather limited. Earlier hypotheses assumed that the cell has an asymmetric mass distribu- tion and is passively oriented in the water column like a buoy. However, we found that the cells change their orientation with age: young cells (up to 4 days after inoc- ulation) show positive gravitaxis, but older cells show a negative one. Another indication that the cells use an ac- tive receptor and a physiological sensory transduction chain for graviperception is the finding that positive gravitaxis (in young cells) can be reversed by the addition of micromolar concentrations of certain heavy metal ions (cadmium, mercury, lead). During a recent space flight on the American shuttle Columbia the cells could be subjected to increasing ac- celerations on a centrifuge microscope (NIZEMI) (Ha'der ct ul.. 1995). These experiments indicated that the threshold for gravitaxis in Euglena is at about 0. 1 6 X g; above 0.64 X g the precision of orientation saturates. The dose response curve has a typical sigmoidal shape, again indicating the involvement of a physiological gravireceptor in contrast to a passive orientation in the water column. One option for an active gravireceptor is an intracellu- lar statolith exerting pressure on a sensor, as has been This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future oj Aquatic Research in Space: Neurobiolugy. Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. proposed for gravitropism in higher plants. This assump- tion could be ruled out by the following experiment. The density of the outer medium was increased with Ficoll. At low Ficoll concentrations (2.5%), negative gravitaxis was only slightly impaired compared to the control (Fig. la, b). With increasing concentrations, the density of the medium approached the density of the Euglena cell body (1.04 g mr1), and negative gravitactic orientation was strongly affected (Fig. Ic, d). At higher concentrations, the cells showed positive gravitaxis (Fig. le) because the direction of the pressure of the cell body on its outer membrane is reversed, and so the direction of orienta- tion also reverses. Changing the density of the medium cannot affect an intracellular gravisensor. Therefore it was assumed that the whole cell — being heavier than the surrounding medium — exerts pressure on the lower cell membrane which has also been suggested for the ciliate Paramecium (Machemer and Bra'ucker, 1992). This could be sensed by stretch-sensitive ion channels which have been demonstrated in a number of different biolog- ical systems. Stretch-sensitive ion channels can be inhibited by gad- olinium ions (Franco el al., 1991; Lacampagne el al.. 1994; Sukharev el al.. 1993). At low concentrations, Gd3+ (100 nAf) strongly affected graviorientation, which was totally inhibited after 90 s. This result indicates strongly that Ca2+-conducting, stretch-sensitive ion channels in the cell membrane of Euglena gracilis are involved in gravitaxis; and a further indication is that a modulation of the electrical membrane potential is one element in the signal transduction chain. TPMP+, a lipo- philic cation, passes through membranes driven by the existing membrane potential and thus neutralizes the po- tential. TPMP+ strongly impaired graviorientation even at low concentrations ( 10 juA/), indicating that the mem- brane potential plays a crucial role in gravitactic orienta- tion. In addition, sudden changes of the ionic composi- tion of the outer medium had drastic effects on gravitac- 131 132 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE 270° 90° 2700 80° Q0° 1800 270° 00° 2700 1800 000 180° 270° 180° ii 'grams of gravitactic orientation of Eiigli'iui graci/is cells in different Ficoll con- centraii,M 1 y; (h). ?% (c), 1.5% (d) and 10% (e). 0° indicates upwards. The swimming directions ul th have been binned in 64 sectors of 5.6° each: the length of each sector indicates the normalized mm;!" i of cells swimming in the respective direction. PLANT BIOLOGY 133 tic orientation. Another interpretation could be based on localized ion fluxes and Ca:+ gradients. Based on these results, the following model was pro- posed for gravitaxis in Eiiglena: The cell has a higher density than the surrounding medium, and depending on the position of the cell, the resulting pressure deforms different parts of the cell membrane. These deformations activate stretch-sensitive ion channels; the resulting change in the ion flux alters the membrane potential, which is the primary event of gravity sensing. Another assumption of the hypothesis is that stretch-sensitive ion channels are not evenly distributed over the cell. Most likely, channels are concentrated at the front pole of the cell. Modulation of the membrane potential would be minimal only during vertical upward swimming. In preparation for future experiments on the space sta- tion, a terrestrial bioreactor that allows the long-term, stable culture of unicellular algae (CEBAS) has been de- veloped and tested. A fully automatic monitoring system determines all important physical and chemical param- eters, such as temperature, light, oxygen, pH, nitrogen, and ammonia. Furthermore, absorption spectra are re- corded demonstrating changes in pigmentation. Cell density, motility, velocity, and graviorientation were measured frequently with a real-time, computer-con- trolled image analysis system developed for this purpose. This bioreactor has been running for more than 500 days. Literature Cited Franco, A., Jr., B. D. \\inegar, and J. B. Lansman. 1991. Open chan- nel block by gadolinium ion of the stretch-inactivated ion channel in mdx myotubes. Biochem. J 59: 1 164-1 170. 1 lacier, D.-P. 1987. Polarotaxis, gravitaxis and vertical phototaxis in the green flagellate, Eiiglena gracilix. Arch Microhm/ 147: 179- 183. Hader,D.-P.,A.Rosum,J.Schafer,andR.Hemmersbach.l995. Grav- itaxis in the flagellate Euglcmi f-nicilix is controlled by an active gravireceptor. / Plant PhyxioL 146:474-480. Lacampagne, A., F. Cannier, J. Argibay, D. Gamier, and J.-V. Le Guennec. 1994. The stretch-activated ion channel blocker gado- linium also blocks L-type calcium channels in isolated ventricular myocytes of the guinea-pig. Biochnn. Bwphys. Ada 1191:205-208. Machemer, H., and R. Braucker. 1992. Gravireception and gravires- ponsesin ciliates. Actu Protozool. 31: 185-214. Sukharev, S. I., B. Martinac, V. V. Arshavsky, and C. Kung. 1993. Two types of mechanosensitive channels in the Exchcncia coll cell envelope: solubilization and functional reconstitution. Biophys. J. 65: 177-183. Reference: Biol. Bull- 192: 134-136. (February. 1997) Gravitropism in the Rhizoids of the Alga Chara: A Model System for Microgravity Research JOHN Z. KISS Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 Gravitropism in plants can be divided into the follow- ing stages: perception, transduction, and response (Ev- ans el ai, 1986). In higher plants, there is a cellular and spatial separation between the perception of and re- sponse to gravity, and a signal must be transmitted over a relatively large distance. However, the rhizoid (a rootlike extension) of the alga Chara is a model system in which all stages of gravitropism can be analyzed in a single cell (Braun and Sievers, 1994; Kiss, 1994; Sievers el ai. 1 996). The cell biology of gravitropism is therefore much more readily analyzed in such single-celled systems than in multicellular organisms. Chara rhizoids have a distinctive structural polarity, with a group of 50-60 vesicles near the apex (Fig. 1 ). The bulk of the cell consists of a large vacuole, and the nu- cleus is located immediately adjacent to this zone (Kiss and Staehelin, 1993). Like pollen tubes and root hairs, these rhizoids can be characterized as tip growing cells since all extension occurs at the extreme apex (Sievers and Volkmann, 1 979). The Chara rhizoid is an ideal sin- gle-celled subject for space biology studies because ( 1 ) a great deal of background information is available about its structure and gravitropic kinetics; (2) rhizoid forma- tion can easily be induced under controlled conditions; and (3) these cells have already been successfully flown aboard the U.S. Space Shuttle and in sounding rockets (e.g., Volkmann et ai. 1991). Gravity perception in plants is hypothesized to be me- diated by the interaction between dense organelles (termed statoliths) and other cytoplasmic structures This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future of Aquatic Research in Space Neurobiology, Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. (Sack, 1991; Salisbury. 1993). In higher plants, much ev- idence suggests that amyloplasts function as statoliths (Kiss et ai. 1989, 1996). But, in Chara rhizoids, the membrane-bound vesicles that are located close to the rhizoid apex appear to serve this function (Fig. 1 ). These vesicles sediment to the lower wall within minutes of horizontal reorientation (Figs. 2, 3), and this sedimenta- tion precedes gravitropic curvature (Sievers and Volk- mann, 1979). Research in our laboratory has focused on three major areas. First, we have been characterizing the statolith compartment and its membrane to determine their po- tential roles in mechanisms of gravitropism (Wang-Ca- hill and Kiss, 1995). Statoliths in Chara rhizoids are very distinctive in that they contain barium sulfate (Sievers and Volkmann. 1 979) in an organic matrix consisting of protein and carbohydrate (possibly 3-linked polysaccha- rides) moieties. Second, we have been manipulating the number of statolith vesicles in Chara rhizoids (by alter- ing the growth medium) and have found that the re- sponse to gravity is correlated with the number of stato- liths ( Kiss, 1 994). These results are comparable to studies with higher plants in which it was found that starch-de- ficient mutants (i.e., less total mass of statoliths per cell) were not as sensitive to gravity as their respective wild- types (Kiss et ai. 1989, 1996; Kiss and Sack, 1990). We also have been investigating the potential role of integrin-like proteins in gravity perception and subse- quent transduction mechanisms in both Chara and in higher plants. Integrins are a large family of integral plasma membrane proteins that link the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton in animal cells ( Hynes, 1 992). They exist as heterodimers of a and /3 subunits and have been shown to activate intracellular signaling cascades involved in both "inside-to-out" and "outside-to-in" sig- naling. While several studies have shown that integrin- like proteins are present in plant and fungal cells (Mar- 134 PLANT BIOLOGY 135 N Figures 1-3. Light microscopy of Chum rhizoids. N = nucleus; S = statolith vesicles; V = vacuole. (1) A rhizoid imaged with differential-interference-contrast optics. This cell has a distinctive structural polarity in which statolith (S) vesicles are located near the apex, and the nucleus (N) is near the vacuole (V) region. Scale bar = 40 ^m. (2) A rhizoid viewed with hnghttield optics through agar (that was used in the growth medium). After reonentation ol'the rhizoid, statolith vesicles (arrowhead) sediment to the lower wall. This sedimentation is followed by gravitropic curvature in the rhizoid. Scale bar = 80 pm. (3) A rhizoid at a latter stage of gravitropic curvature. Note the position of the statolith vesicles, which are indicated by an arrowhead. Scale bar = 80 ^m. cantonio and Hynes, 1988; Quatrano el a/.. 1991;Kam- inskyj and Heath, 1995), unequivocal evidence for inte- grins in plant cells is still lacking. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that integrin-like proteins may play a role in gravity perception in characean algae, particularly in the gravity-regulated cytoplasmic streaming in inter- nodal cells (Wayne el ai, 1992). As a first step in determining whether integrin-like proteins are involved in the gravitropic signal transduc- tion pathway in plant cells, we have investigated their distribution in Chara. Western blot analyses and immu- nofluorescence microscopy were used to gain informa- tion about the size, abundance, and location of integrin- like proteins in plants (Katembe et a/., 1997). Several different polypeptides in the rhizoids and internodal cells of Cham are recognized by a chicken anti-integrin anti- body (against the 0, subunit; see Marcantonio and Hynes, 1988). These cross-reactive polypeptides appear to be associated with cellular membranes, a feature which is consistent with the known location of integrins in animal systems. In immunofluorescence studies of rhizoids, the antibody stained throughout Chara rhi- zoids, but the highest density of immunolabel was at the tip. Furthermore, the anti-integrin antibody cross-re- acted with the higher plant Arabidopsis in both roots and shoots and in a specific manner. Based on our data and given the central role that integrins play in cell-cell in- teractions and cell signaling in animal cells, they are strong candidates for a mediating role in gravity signal transduction in plant cells. Acknowledgments The author thanks his colleagues at Miami University who have supported this project: Chris Makaroff, Fan Wang-Cahill, Jira Katembe, and Lucinda Swatzell. Fi- nancial support was provided by grants to JZK from the 136 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE National Aeronautics and Administration (NAGW-3783 and NAG : ). the Research Chal- lenge Program (Ohio Bo: egents), and the Com- mittee for Faculty Res utmi University). •c Cited Braun. M., and A. Sifvers. ;'.;tM. Role of the microtubule cytoskele- ton in gravisen ru rhizoids. Eitr. J. Cell Bin/. 63: 289-298. Evans, M. L., R. Moore, and K.-H. Hasenstein. 1986. How roots re- spond tograuu. Si1/ Am 255: 1 12-1 19. Hynes, R. O. 1992. Integrins: versatility, modulation, and signaling in cell adhesion. Cell 69: 1 1-25. Kaminskyj, S. G., and I. B. Heath. 1995. Integrin andspectrin homo- logues. and cytoplasm-wall adhesion in tip growth. / Cell Set. 108: 849-856. Katembe, W. J., I.. J. Swatzell, C. A. Makaroff, and J. Z. Kiss. 1997. Immunolocalization of integrin-like proteins in Arabidopsis and Chara. Physiol Plain. 99: in press. Kiss. J. Z. 1994. The response to gravity is correlated with the num- ber of statoliths in Cluira rhizoids. Plunl Physiol. 105: 937-940. Kiss, J. Z., J. Hertel, and F. D. Sack. 1989. Amyloplasts are neces- sary for full gravitropic sensitivity in roots of Arabidopsis lhaliana. Planta 177: 198-206. Kiss, J. Z., and F. D. Sack. 1990. Severely reduced gravitropism in dark-grown hypocotyls of a starch-deficient mutant of fs'ieoliuna sylveslns. Plant Physiol. 94: 1867-1873. Kiss, J.Z., and L. A. Staehelin. 1993. Structural polarity in the Cham rhizoid: a reevaluation. Am .1 Hal 80: 273-282. Kiss, J. Z., J. B. Wright, and T. Caspar. 1996. Gravitropism in roots of intermediate-starch mutants of Arabidopsis. Physiol. Plunl. 97: 237-244. Marcantonio, E. E., and R. O. Hynes. 1988. Antibodies to the con- served cytoplasmic domain of the integrin (i-\ subunit react with proteins in vertebrates, invertebrates and fungi. J. Cell. Biol. 106: 1756-1772. Quatrano, R. S., L. Brian, J. Aldridge, and T. Schultz. 1991. Polar axis fixation in fueiix zygotes: components of the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. Di'v. Suppl 1: 11-16. Sack, F. D. 1991. Plant gravity sensing. Int. Rev Cyloi 127: 193- 252. Salisbury, F. B. 1993. Gravitropism: changing ideas. Home. Rev. 15: 233-278. Sievers, A., and D. Yolkmann. 1979. Gravitropism in single cells. Pp. 567-572 in Eneyelopeilia ol Plant Physiology. Vol. 7. W. Haupt and M. Feinleib, eds. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. Sievers, A., B. Buchen, and D. Hodick. 1996. Gravity sensing in tip- growing cells. Trends Plant Sci. 1:273-279. \ oik m:mii. D., B. Buchen, Z. Hejnowicz, M. Tewinkel, and A. Sievers. 1991. Oriented movement of statoliths studied in a reduced grav- itational field during parabolic (lights of rockets. Planui 185: 153- 161. Wang-Cahill, F., and J. Z. Kiss. 1995. The statolith compartment in Churn rhizoids contains carbohydrate and protein. Am ./ Bui 82: 22(1-229. Wayne, R., M. P. Staves, and A. C. Leopold. 1992. The contribution of the extracellular matrix to gravisensing in characean cells. J. Cell Sei. 101:611-623. Reference: Biol. Bull. 192: 1 37- 1 38. (February, 1997) Discussion NICK: Is it possible to purify the a bowing rather than a bulging statoliths? mechanism. Kiss: Our group and others have tried for some while, but it does seem to be difficult. The problem is that they are almost too dense and there are many technical difficulties. NICK: If they are so very dense, they should be more easily isolated. Kiss: Yes and no. The density of pure barium sulfate is about 4.5, and it goes through every gradient. We would be more interested in isolating the statoliths with the membrane around them, and that is certainly very difficult because you have this solid rock in a membrane. The membrane is lost somewhere in the gradient. So although I agree with you, there may also be a problem of quantity. JACOBS: Dr. Kiss, you implied that the statoliths in Chara are not active themselves, but just diverting mate- rial to the upper side of the cell. Do you think that is the case, and if so, what's the evidence for this as op- posed to a more direct effect? Kiss: The model I presented is pri- marily from the Sievers group. I think that other things are involved besides Golgi vesicles being physi- cally displaced. QUESTION: Has anyone measured the two sides of the curving rhizoid to see which of them is bowed more than normal? KJSS: There have been detailed studies with beads and particles. It's NICK: I have a small contribution to the question of this diversion hy- pothesis. There's an old paper (un- fortunately forgotten because it's written in German) by Friedrich and Hertel (see Nick abstract). They have shown that, when you apply differ- ent strengths of acceleration, the cur- vature goes with the dose even if the sedimentation is already saturated. This speaks against a pure proximity mechanism. Kiss: I would agree with you on that. Roux: Have either one of you tried to use RODS to try to inhibit your gravity responses? [Ed: RODS is the tetrapeptide Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser contained in the integrin recognition site of many protein ligans (Schwartz etal. 1995. Annu. Rev. Cell. Bio! 11: 549-599.)] Kiss: Randy Wayne has done that with the internodal cells (Wayne el a/. 1992. J. Cell. Sci. 101(3): 611- 623). This indicates that the gravi- receptor in Chara may be an inte- grin-like protein. The approach that we are trying now is to microinject anti-integrin antibodies into the rhi- zoid. We have not done the RGDS experiments with the rhizoids. BARLOW, R.: Dr. Ha'der, you pre- sented a model indicating that the di- rection of motion is dependent on the location of channels in the mem- brane. You placed the channels in one part of the cell so that it would move in one particular direction. It isn't clear to me why you impose that restriction on the model. HADER: The problem in the mechanism of reorientation is that, at a given point in time, the cell swings out its flagellum, which brings the front end over. This has been shown to be the case in both graviorientation and phototaxis. When the cell is swimming on a heli- cal path, it is not only moving coni- cally, it is really rotating, so the fla- gellum moves all the way around. Whenever you have a light source from one side, and this stimulus hits the cell in the right direction, the flagellum will swing out on the other side and turn the front end stepwise in the direction of the light. By anal- ogy, for graviorientation you need to have the cell in a certain position when it swings out its flagellum. When you have the channels all the way around, some channels would be activated all the time. This would be independent of whether the cells are swimming horizontally, down- wards, or upwards. So we assume that the channels are in a certain po- sition, and the cell aims for minimal modulation of the signal. This oc- curs when the channels are at the top. When the cell is swimming up- wards, the whole pressure goes downwards where there are no chan- nels, or fewer channels. Each time the cell deviates from that course, moving either horizontally or down- wards, it will activate the channels. This will then lead to reorientation 137 138 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE of the flagellum, which will brin cell upwards again. BARLOW, R.: I can cei derstand why having s uni- formly located all over the cell leads to a problem, but it's not at all clear to me, even with your explanation, why having the channels on one part or the other of the cell would lead to the directionality you observe. It seems to me that you could develop a workable model with channels at either pole of the cell. Am I missing something important? HADER: We did that by running a model. When the channels are at ei- ther pole, the cells would go up or down equally well. That might ex- plain the crossover that is observed between the young and the old cells. One thing that we cannot distinguish in that model is whether the chan- nels are distributed symmetrically round the top of the cell, or whether they are oriented only on the same side as the flagellum. QUESTION: How did you rule out the presence of channels in the fla- gella? HADER: The flagellum moves with a frequency of 50 Hz in this flagel- late, and it will be in various posi- tions; so the flagellum is not a good choice for positioning the channels. One possibility is that the front end of the cell has an invagination, re- ferred to as a reservoir. The flagellum doesn't sit on the tip of the flagellate, but rather inside the reservoir. This reservoir does not have the pellicule, which consists of proteinaceous strips going round the cell, and could be a candidate for the location of the channels. QUESTION: Did you look at the effect of the RODS peptide on your cells? HADER: We did not try this pep- tide with Euglena. QUESTION: Dr. Kiss, did you try any buoyancy experiments with the rhizoid? Kiss: No, these were done with in- ternodal cells by Randy Wayne and his colleagues (in the Chani in- ternode). MORRIS: Dr. Hader, I have a ques- tion about your experiments with Fi- coll. Presumably this is also going to have an osmotic effect. Do you know the general effects of the osmotic per- turbation? Also, can you just take the flagella off these Euglena? If so, what happens to the cells, do they just sink? I wondered if you could address the problem of using gado- linium, because it also blocks calcium channels, and that is going to have enormous effects on motility and so on. Finally, have you tried any other inhibitors to block the mechanoresponses? HADER: In answer to your first question, the Ficoll we were using has a molecular weight of 400,000. We checked osmotic effects with Fi- colls of lower molecular weight and could find no effect on graviorienta- tion. As I mentioned, we did all the experiments with phototaxis and gravitaxis in parallel. Another poten- tial concern to us was that Ficoll was also changing the viscosity of the me- dium. As a control for this, we used methyl cellulose, which has much higher viscosity. Our concern was that there could be a disturbance of the timing in an organism that ro- tates, where it might take a certain time between the application of a stimulus and the response. During this time, the flagellum could be one quarter or half way round the cell. However, when we used higher con- centrations of methyl cellulose in an attempt to decrease the velocity of this movement, we saw no effect. In answer to the next question, we can distinguish very easily between effects on motility or swimming ve- locity and on orientation. Even when the cells are swimming very slowly, we can determine whether they are moving up or down. Thus we can distinguish whether we are affecting graviperception or any- thing in the cellular metabolism that could slow the cell down. As long as the cells are swimming in a specific direction, we can detect this. Reference: «/../ Hull 192: 1 39-140. (February. 1997) The Influence of Gravity and Light on Developmental Polarity of Single Cells of Ceratopteris richardii Gametophytes ERIN SWINT EDWARDS AND STANLEY J. ROUX Department of Botany, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78713 The gametophyte generation of Ceratopteris richardii is being used in a number of laboratories as a model plant system for developmental studies (Chasan, 1992). It is an especially valuable system for the study of the effect of gravity on plants in that the detection and response to gravity take place in the single-celled spore during its ger- mination. The most visible evidence of the control of C. richardii spore polarity by gravity is that the direction of growth of the primary rhizoid, when it emerges, is down- ward, in line with the vector of gravity (Edwards and Roux, 1994). However, the direction of rhizoid growth is determined prior to its actual emergence through the spore coat. The influence of gravity on this growth polar- ity is, in fact, determined irreversibly during a "polarity- determination window" — a period that occurs after ger- mination has been initiated by exposure of spores to light, but before the first cellular division. Gravity does not appear to have an independent effect on the later events of prothallus and secondary rhizoid growth in the gametophyte. for the growth of prothallial cells follows the same direction as that of the first prothallial cell, and the growth of secondary rhizoids follows the same direc- tion as that of the primary rhizoid, no matter how the gametophyte is oriented. The polarity-determination window is specified by a simple assay in which the spore position is changed by 180° at various times after the initiation of germination by light, but before rhizoid emergence, and then the sub- sequent direction of rhizoid emergence and growth is re- corded (Edwards and Roux, 1994). Turning the spore This paper was originally presented al a workshop tilled The h'ulurc ol Aquatic Research in Space.- Neiirobiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from I 3 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. upside down before the window opens will also change the direction of rhizoid emergence by 180°: the rhizoid will grow downward in accord with its second position of down. But, if the orientation of a spore is changed 180° after the polarity-determination window closes for that individual spore, the primary rhizoid will grow up, in ac- cord with what was down before the orientation change. If the orientation of a population of spore is changed dur- ing the polarity-determination window for that popula- tion, some of the primary rhizoids grow in the first direc- tion of down, while the others grow in the second direc- tion of down. Thus, the closing of the polarity- determination window for a population of spores can be determined as the time at which the orientation change has no effect on the orientation of primary rhizoid growth; i.e., the direction of rhizoid growth has already been fixed by gravity prior to this time. The exact time of opening this window for a population of spores and the duration of the open state vary from spore lot to spore lot and can be influenced by growth conditions (Edwards, 1996). The direction of rhizoid growth is not the earliest visi- ble response of germinating spores to gravity. Before the first cellular division, but after the polarity-determina- tion window, the first indication of cell polarity is migra- tion of the nucleus down (with respect to gravity) along the proximal face of the spore (Edwards and Roux, 1994). This downward migration of the nucleus sets up an asymmetric first cell division, determining the devel- opmental fate of the two daughter cells, one giving rise to the primary rhizoid, and the other giving rise to the prothallus. Thus, in dictating the direction of nuclear mi- gration, gravity also dictates the developmental polarity of the spore. When spores are germinated on a clinostat, the direction of nuclear migration is random, as is the direction of rhizoid growth. However, in each case, the direction of nuclear migration predicts the direction of rhizoid emergence and elongation (Edwards, 1996). 139 140 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Although nuclear migration is the most obvious nuclear movement, it is no) mclear movement. During the polarity-determ n window, the nucleus exhibits random excurs" icred around the middle of the spore. These ex< can be visualized through the transparent sr . and followed in reference to a fixed trilete marking on the spore coat called the laesura (Edwards, 1996). They can be clearly described in plots showing change in nuclear position over time (Fig. 1 ). Since the nucleus is the only organelle clearly visible through the intact spore coat by light microscopy, the very likely possibility remains that other organelles move during the polarity-determination window in response to gravity as well. However, nuclei possess sufficient mass to contribute significantly to gravity detection (Sack, 1991). Their centered movements prior to their migra- tion may play some role in the sensing of the vector of gravity, for, as described by Mesland (1992), nuclei are typically tethered to the cell periphery by cytoskeletal el- ements, and these elements could convey tension and compression forces as the nucleus moves in various di- rections. Both the centered movements of the nucleus and its directional migration exhibit the same periodic variance in speed (Edwards, 1996). The cause for this is not clear at this time, but may indicate that the same kind of molecular motor machinery is driving both movements. Figure 1. Path of nuclear m a representative spore ger- minating on a vertically oriented >li e. The position of the nucleus was recorded every half hour. The original position of the nucleus is as- signed the position 0.0. Its initial movement is restricted to a region near the center of the spore before it starts its migration downward 1 5 h after exposure to light. All number values are in micrometers. Another environmental gradient used to control the polarity of fern spore development is unilateral light (Raghaven, 1 989). Light gradients do affect polarity of C. richardii spores, but initial experiments using total flu- ences of about 100 ^mol/m2 of unilateral white light in- dicate that the influence of light gradients is secondary to that of gravity. Tests of the effects of agonists and antagonists on the gravity and light responses are impeded by the limited permeability of the thick spore coat. To overcome this problem, prothallus protoplasts may be used as an al- ternate experimental system for studying processes re- lated to development of cell polarity. A protocol has been developed that consistently yields viable protoplasts that are capable of regeneration, development into fertile ga- metophytes, and production of sporophytes. Further- more, the protoplasts follow a path of regeneration in which a primary rhizoid is formed with the first cell divi- sion, thus resembling spore germination. As in spores, polarity of regenerating protoplasts is influenced by uni- directional light and gravity (Edwards, 1996). The gametophyte generation of C. richardii has many advantages that make it ideal for spacetlight studies. Its small size and easy culture mean that large numbers of individuals can be utilized in a single experiment. Since germination is initiated by light, samples can easily be prepared ahead of time, and germination initiated only after launch with its attendant hyper-# and strong vibra- tional stimuli. In addition, the primary gravity response, fixing the polarity of nuclear migration and rhizoid growth, occurs in a relatively synchronized population of cells relatively soon after light-induced initiation of germination, and it can be visualized easily through the clear spore coat of Ceratopteris with video microscopy equipment already developed and used in previous shut- tle experiments (STL-B). The simplicity of these single isolated cells should facilitate discoveries that will be ap- plicable to more complicated systems and thus lead to advances in the study of the effects of gravity and light stimuli on a wide range of organisms. Literature Cited ( h.is.ni. R. 1992. Cerutopleris, a model plant for the 90s. Plant Cell 4: 113-1 15. Edwards, E. S., and S. J. Roux. 1994. Limited period of gravirespon- siveness in germinating spores of Ceratopteris richardii f/anui 195: 150-152. Edwards, E. S. 1996. The influence of gravity and light on develop- mental polarity of single cells of Ceraloplcnx richardii gameto- phyes. Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Mesland, D. 1992. Possible actions of gravity on the cellular ma- chinery. .((A: Space Res. 12: 15-25. Raghmen, V. 1989. Developmental Biology of Fern (Jametuphviex. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge. Sack, F. D. 1991. Plant gravity sensing. //;/ Rev Cvlnl 127: 193- 251. Reference: Bioi Bull. 192: 141-143. (February, 1997) Probing Rice Gravitropism With Cytoskeletal Drugs and Cytoskeletal Mutants PETER NICK1, REA GODBOLE:, AND QI VAN WANG1 llnstitutfiir Biologic II, Schan-lestrasse I. 79104 Freiburg, Germany, and 2Institutfiir Biologie III, Schanilestrasse I. 79104 Freiburg, Germanv In multicellular organs, phototropic sensing is based upon gradients in stimulus strength across the entire tis- sue. The differences in the strength of the gravitational field between the two flanks of a plant are certainly too small to be sensed. This implies that each cell, individu- ally, must align its polarity with the direction of gravity. As the first step in gravity sensing, the gravitational field must be translated into a mechanical force that can then be perceived in the second step. It is generally believed that statoliths of some kind are the targets of the gravita- tional field. In plants, sedimentable amyloplasts have been conceived of, since the turn of the century, as po- tential statoliths (Haberlandt, 1900; Nemec, 1900). In principle statolith sedimentation might be trans- duced into a new alignment of cell polarity in two ways. Displacement of the statolith could interfere with diffus- ible molecules, causing a concentration gradient that can then direct the new cell polarity (proximity mechanism). Alternatively, the statoliths could be pressed into a struc- ture that is sensitive to mechanical stress, triggering a sig- nal cascade that would cause a reorientation of cell po- larity (pressure mechanism). The observation that the gravitational response is pressure dependent, even for ac- celerations where amyloplast sedimentation already seems to be saturated, favors a pressure mechanism at least for higher plants (Rawitscher, 1932; Johnsson, 1965; Friedrich and Hertel, 1973). The pressure-perceiv- This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Fit/tire ol Aanalic Research in Space: Neurobiology, Cellular ami Molecular Biology The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 1 3 to 15 May 1996. was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. ing structure must embody some kind of directionality, if it is to interact with a transducing mechanism and alter cell axis and polarity. Cytoskeletal elements, actin mi- crofilaments and microtubules, are good candidates for the pressure-perceiving system (Table I): they have a dis- tinct axis and polarity, and microtubules have repeatedly been found to be highly sensitive to mechanical stress. Polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin into microtubules is one of the few biochemical processes that have been reported to respond directly to the direction of gravity (Tabony and Job, 1992). With these considerations as background, we tried to assess the role of microtubules and microfilaments in the gravitropic response of rice coleoptiles. The rice coleop- tile is highly sensitive to gravity, and the abundance of amyloplasts can be controlled by submerged growth. The cuticle of rice is very thin, so the cells are more accessible to drugs than are coleoptiles from other species. The co- leoptile grows exclusively by cell elongation, and there is a wealth of old physiological data about this process. Accessibility of molecular techniques and a very small genome also make rice an excellent system for molecular studies. Several steps of the gravitropic response chain were probed with Cytoskeletal drugs (Table I). Ethyl- A-phe- nylcarbamate (EPC) and oryzalin block tubulin poly- merization and rapidly eliminate microtubules. Taxol blocks depolymerization of tubulin, yielding an in- creased number of microtubules, and cytochalasin D rapidly eliminates actin microfilaments. The drugs were found to be effective within 15-30 min after application to the gravity-sensing tissue of the Japanese rice cultivar Nihonmasari. Amyloplast sedimentation, the putative first step of the response chain (Sack, 1991), was investigated in vi- 141 142 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Table I Elements of the plant cyloskelelon an,! •:.',• '"'' in this sliidv Cytoskeletal element Co Drug Microtuhles •ulin Elminating: Ethyl-A'-phenylcarbamate (EPC) Oryzalin Colchicin Stabilizing: Taxol Microfilaments Actin Eliminating: Cvtochalasin D(CD) bratome sections after starch was stained with Lugol so- lution. Sedimentation was not affected by cytochalasin D, only slightly promoted by microtubule elimination, and strongly inhibited by taxol. In this system, therefore, microtubules, but not microfilaments. are in physical contact with the statoliths. The gravity-induced reorien- tation of microtubules in the gravity-sensing tissue was analyzed, after paraformaldehyde fixation, in vibratome sections by immunofluorescence and confocal laser mi- croscopy. The usual reorientation from transverse to longitudinal was inhibited by taxol. Cytochalasin D pro- moted this reorientation, even in the absence of gravi- tropic stimulation. The gravitropically induced lateral transport of auxin was followed by measuring the asym- metry of radioactively labeled auxin fed to the coleoptile tip. Lateral transport was inhibited by suppression of both tubulin polymerization and depolymerization. This inhibition could be separated from effects on longi- tudinal transport. Cytochalasin D inhibited auxin transport per se, yet we failed to observe a specific inhi- bition of lateral transport. Gravitropic bending was de- layed by the microtubule drugs (irrespective of whether they inhibit polymerization or depolymerization of tu- bulin), whereas cytochalasin D caused a precocious on- set of bending at a slower rate. It should be emphasized that gravitropism occurs, although at low efficiency, in the absence of microtubules and microfilaments. Fur- thermore, the gravitropic response could be inhibited at concentrations that would permit phototropism (as in- ternal control ibr differential growth) to proceed. These data fa\or the idea that microtubules interact with the gravity-perceiving system in the rice coleoptile. It is not enough that microtubules are present to fulfill this task, they must also be dynamic. Reorientation of microtubules from transverse to longitudinal is a prereq- uisite for the establishment of a new (radial) cell polarity resulting in a lateral transport of auxin. This would ex- plain why cytochalasin D. promoting such a reorienta- tion, causes a precocious gravitropic response. To test this hypothesis further, the gravitropic re- sponse was analyzed in two cytoskeletal rice mutants. In the mutant ER31. the reorientation response of micro- tubules to the auxin signal is interrupted, although auxin per se is perceived normally, and microtubules are able to respond to other signals (Nick el at., 1994). In this mutant, gravity can reorient microtubules, and gravi- tropism functions with about the same bending rate as in the wild type, but the bending is delayed by several hours. In the mutant Yin-Yang, the auxin-induced stimulation of actin polymerization is disturbed, resulting in the par- tial decay of actin microfilaments and the formation of nuclear actin baskets in response to auxin (Wang and Nick, unpubl. data). In this mutant, gravitropism begins earlier than in the wild type, but develops at a slower rate. The gravitropic behavior of the mutant ER31 can be mimicked by treatment with antimicrotubular drugs; the gravitropic behavior of the mutant Yin-Yang is similar to that of the wild type after application of cytochal- asin D. The data can be discussed in terms of a physical con- tact between amyloplasts and microtubules during grav- ity perception. Microtubules serve as amplifiers for the mechanical stress exerted by the amyloplasts. This stress is then perceived by mechanosensitive channels that are probably located in the endoplasmic reticulum and causes the establishment of a new cell polarity. For this polarity shift, reorientation of microtubules seems to be a time-limiting step. The shifted polarity then causes a shift of auxin transport in the transverse direction and, eventually, gravitropic bending. Parallel to this pathway, a second, slower gravitropic pathway that is independent of microtubules seems to exist. This pathway might func- tion independently of auxin. The observation that rice can respond gravitropically under submerged conditions (when amyloplasts are small) opens up the possibility that two completely different gravitropic pathways exist. The extremely high gravitropic sensitivity of the rice co- leoptile might have evolved in response to a situation in which amyloplasts, due to submergence, are small. This high sensitivity might be the result of two mutually en- hancing signal chains. We can ask whether the two chains can be separated under conditions of micrograv- ity, when only the more sensitive of the two chains con- tributes to the gravitropic response. Acknowledgments The authors thank Wolfgang Michalke and Rainer Hertel for technical advice and valuable discussions. This work has been supported by a grant of the Graduierten- PLANT BIOLOGY 143 kolleg to R.G. and by a fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Habilitandenprogram) to P.M. Literature Cited Friedrich, t'., and R. Hertel. 1973. Abhangigkeit der geotropischen Kriimrnung der Chant — rhizoide von den Zentrifugalbeschleuni- gung. /. P/lan:cnphysii>l. 70: 173-184. Haberlandt, G. 1900. liber die Perception des geotropischen Reizes. Bcr Dim-In: Bol Gcs. 18:261-272. Johnsson, A. 1965. Investigation of the reciprocity rule b\ means of geotropic measurements. Physio/ Plant 18: 945-967. INemec, B. 1900. Uber die Art der Wahrnehmung des Schwerkraf- treizesbei den Pflanzen. Ber Disc/it: Bui GV.v. 18: 241-245. Nick, P., O. Vatou. M. Furuya, and A. M. Lambert. 1994. Auxin de- pendent microtubule responses and seedling development are affected in a rice mutant resistant to EPC. Plan/ J. 6: 65 1-663. Rawilscher, F. 1932. DerGeotropismusder Pflanzen.Gustav Fischer Verlag. Jena. Sack, F. D. 1991. Plant gravity sensing. Inl. Rev Cylot. 127: 193- 252. Tabony, J., and D. Job. 1992. Gravitational symmetry breaking in microtubular dissipative structures. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 6948-6952. Reference: Bin/ Bull 192: 144-145. (Fehruan. 1997) Discussion Kiss: Do you think that detection by proximity and detection by pres- sure are mutually exclusive? NICK: No, of course not. If you think about pressure perception, you must consider stretch-activated channels. Although such channels seem to exist in plants, we don't know anything about them, and it's easier to think about proximity mechanisms. LOMAX: Peter (Nick), it seems that there's something circular going on here, because you have the micro- tubules reorienting in response to auxin. You also have auxin reorient- ing in response to microtubules. Are you saying that all of this is going on in one cell, or in different cell types? NICK: The cells I have shown here are really those that perceive gravity. This means that they are not the cells of the epidermis, but below. The story is more complex because, in the epidermis where gravity is not perceived, the auxins induce a reori- entation of microtubules. So we have two components. I don't know the exact relationship, in those gravity- perceiving cells, between the direc- tion of auxin transport and the direc- tion of the microtubules. In regener- ating tissues, the direction of auxin flow and the direction of the micro- tubules are perpendicular to each other. However, it's difficult to sort out what's the cause and \\ hat's the effect. At this point, it's a correlation. It's also a correlation when you reor- ient the microtubules by some other means, either dilatation or with cy- tochalasin B, before you get gravi- tropism. At the moment, I do not understand what the causal relation- ship is. QUESTION: In dicots at least, those cells in which the amyloplasts are sedimenting are also the cells where the major polar auxin transport is taking place. Consequently, there should be high concentrations there holding the microtubules in an ori- entation. NICK: It is probably in those cells where auxin is actually transported, but in the end the epidermis is the response site. LOMAX: Stan (Roux), what kind of light does it take to change the ori- entation? Roux: We have used only white light so far. Li: Have you isolated any genes by your differential display? Roux: We have perfected the method to the point that we have been able to eliminate some false positives. We now have 1 7 candi- dates; the primers are amplified, and we are using them to probe Northern blots during that period. Li: Peter (Nick), did you check auxin transport in the late phase for cytochalasin-treated rice? NICK: In cytochalasin-treated rice coleoptiles, auxin transport (both lateral and longitudinal transport) is reduced to the same degree by this drug. We checked auxin transport at 2.5 h after the onset of stimulation, somewhere in the middle of curva- ture development. Li: Do you see some reduction in polar auxin transport? NICK: We see some reduction in the rate of bending. Li: But not completely blocked for polar auxin transport. NICK: No, we can't block polar auxin transport completely with cy- tochalasin. We tried various concen- trations, but could never block more than about 60%. MANDOLI: Stan (Roux), your first graph showed that 20% of the popu- lation of the Ceratopteris spores are not responding, or they are not in the population at all. Could you com- ment on that? Were you talking about the time to respond to fixed polarity determination? The data come down to 20%- and then stop. Roux: That means that 20% can still reorient even at that time point. Some cells, apparently, do not show complete fixation of the polarity by gravity within that window. That may reflect a little bit of asynchroni- zation within the population that's not perfectly synchronized. We are just looking at a window. If you went out another 7 or 8 h, you might see that dropdown. MANDOLI: I am wondering what information you have about the ex- treme variability (mentioned in your abstract) from spore lot to spore lot, and the exact timing of the window 144 PLANT BIOLOGY 145 for a population of spores that you say is very variable. In your model, you have a polarity determination window just before nuclear migra- tion. (Roux: It's always just before nuclear migration. The sequence never changes.) Do you see that when you analyze an individual spore, and is that invariant from spore lot to spore lot? I'm confused by such extreme variability from population to population. Roux: On an individual spore base, the sequence is always the same. So the fixation always occurs before nuclear migration. However, that time of fixation will vary from spore lot to spore lot. It's related to ripening. After the spores are har- vested, they have to ripen for some period. That phenomenon also oc- curs in seeds. The longer the ripen- ing, the shorter the window. We may actually be looking at synchroniza- tion of the population. That is, as ripening lengthens, more and more of the spores are synchronized so that they are fitting into a sharper window. We have also found out re- cently that we can shrink that win- dow by temperature modulation, which is very exciting. If we incubate them at a low temperature (20°C) for about five h, and then switch to the high temperature, we shrink the win- dow by half. Maybe that's another way of better synchronizing the pop- ulation. MANDOLI: That sounds very sim- ilar to what Lew Feldman has pub- lished on changing the phytochrome response of corn seeds. He imbibed the seeds in cold and could switch them from a low to a very low flu- ence response by the temperature of imbibition. That might suggest a membrane property, or such. Peter (Nick), I have a question on gravitropism where we have stato- liths settling. What's really known, in either of these systems, about the membranes surrounding the parti- cles? In amyloplasts, people have talked for decades about the fact that the starch granule itself is settling. Maybe we have been looking at the wrong thing; maybe it's the mem- brane that is settling, but as I un- derstand from John (Kiss), it is very difficult to purify membranes from Chant. What would happen if you took amyloplasts out of plants and put them into Cham, or purified the membrane from amyloplasts and started looking there instead? NICK: I think that some people have tried to make antibodies against the amyloplast surface. I don't know where this is published, but there have been attempts like this, and you can stain amyloplasts with the antibodies. However, the problem is that amyloplasts are quite sticky, and when you really look carefully with all of the negative con- trols, you find that you can stain it with any secondary antibody you want. It's quite difficult to work with amyloplasts because they have all this carbohydrate sticking out. I think that it would be very difficult to get some specific response. MANDOLI: So if the response is dose dependent, does that help you at all to correlate the numbers of statoliths or amyloplasts with the graviresponse? NICK: I think it's difficult to use a biochemical approach on amy- loplasts. But it will be necessary, of course. Kiss: I don't think I can answer the question any better. Our original goal was to try to isolate the statolith vesicles with the membrane. The statoliths are very dense, and we could not get a membrane fraction isolated. It would be very interesting to look at interactions, possibly with cytoskeleton, that way. I think Fred Sack had done some work along these lines. SACK: We isolated amyloplasts but were unable to purify the mem- brane. The question is. What would your assay be for a functional pro- tein? How would you reconstitute this, and how would you identify something special? NICK: I would like to throw one re- mark into this debate. There is some old work (quoted in 1932 in a book by Rawitscher on Geotropismus) [see Nick abstract] pointing out that you don't necessarily need the action of sedimentation; something is al- ready going on even if the moving particles just drag or pull on some el- ement. Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 1 46- 1 49. (February, 1997) Mauthner System Discrimination of Stimulus Direction From the Acceleration and Pressure Components at Sound Onset ROBERT C. EATON, AUDREY L. GUZIK, AND JANET L. CASAGRAND Center for Neuro\eienee. Universitv of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0334 When an animal turns away from an aversive stimu- lus, what are the underlying neurophysiological pro- cesses that extract the correct sensory information and produce an appropriate motor output? The goal of our research program has been to use the Mauthner system as a model neural network to understand such sensori- motor processes (Eaton el ai, 1991 ). The Mauthner cells are a bilateral pair of brain stem neurons. They receive acoustic and other sensory inputs and connect directly to spinal motoneurons. Together with other reticulospinal cells, the Mauthner cells trigger the C-start, a character- istic escape movement of fishes. This behavior occurs when the animal is presented with a sudden aversive stimulus, such as is produced by a predator during an attack. Previously my laboratory focused on the produc- tion of the escape movement and the role of the Mauthner neurons in organizing the descending flow of motor signals that activate escape. Now, however, we have an excellent idea of other candidate neurons that participate in the escape response (Foreman and Eaton, 1993; Lee et a/., 1993; Fetcho el at.. 1995). To further understand the underlying sensorimotor process, we re- cently began studying how the Mauthner system com- putes the direction of sounds so that the animal makes the correct initial decision to turn left or right away from the stimulus (Eaton et ai, 1995a). In this paper we pres- This paper was onginalh presented at a workshop titled The Future oj Aunalic Research in Space: Neurobiology, Cellular and Molecular Hinli'iH The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. ent the rationale, the theoretical background, and some of our preliminary findings from these recent studies. The end organs of the inner ear are conserved in ver- tebrate evolution and convey information about transla- tional acceleration and gravity (Davis et ai. 1995). Tele- ost fishes, such as the goldfish, use the otolithic end or- gans to detect sounds ranging from very low frequencies to more than 1 KHz (Popper and Fay, 1993). These end organs are experimentally accessible. Moreover, the sac- cule of some teleosts has about an order of magnitude more receptors than the human saccule (Corwin, 1981). Finally, some central neural networks that receive affer- ent input from these organs are well studied. One of these is the Mauthner system. The Mauthner system consists of the two Mauthner cells, their sensory afferents. controlling interneuronal networks, and output cells to motor circuits both in the brain stem and spinal cord. The Mauthner axons cross the midline and descend into the spinal cord on the side opposite the Mauthner soma. When one Mauthner cell fires, the animal turns toward the side opposite the acti- vated Mauthner neuron. The other Mauthner cell is in- hibited from firing. Fishes can detect the direction of underwater sounds, particularly those that activate Mauthner-initiated es- cape responses (Eaton et ai. 1995a). But they probably do not use the same mechanisms as terrestrial animals, which obtain their major cues of sound direction by an- alyzing interaural time and intensity differences. Instead, as proposed by Schuijf ( 1981) on the basis of the physics of underwater sound propagation, sound direction can be determined if the fish compares the phase of the par- ticle acceleration component and the phase of the pres- sure component of the sound wave. Experimental evi- dence supports this theory (Buwalda et ai, 1983). We 146 NELIROBIOLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 147 have recently shown that the physical basis of this phase model is most readily apparent for the sounds that the Mauthner system is specialized to detect; that is, the on- set of a sound that originates relatively close to the fish (Guzik and Eaton, 1994; Eaton et at., 1995a). This is be- cause the Mauthner-initiated escape response is adapted to detecting ambush attacks from predators that strike from within a short distance. Let us assume that the predator is on the left side of the fish and lunges forward to bite. This causes particle acceleration from left to right and positive sound pres- sure. But the source location cannot be computed from the acceleration component alone. Particles moving left to right conk! be caused by a source beginning with com- pression (positive pressure) on the left, or a source begin- ning with rarefaction (negative pressure) on the right, as would be caused by a predator on the right trying to suck the prey into its mouth. This ambiguity is resolved by referring to the pressure component. For instance, consider the phase polarity from the per- spective of the left Mauthner cell. Left-to-right accelera- tion will be registered as a positive phase relative to this cell. If acceleration is from left to right, and the source is on the left, pressure will be increasing. The left Mauthner cell will detect the phase of these two components as both being positive, and thus it should fire. This would cause the animal to correctly turn to the right. Alternatively if the acceleration were from left to right, but the pressure was decreasing, this could be caused only by a sound source on the right beginning with rar- efaction (negative pressure). Thus, the acceleration and pressure components are of opposite phase (or polarity), and the left Mauthner cell should not fire. Using these conventions, the components from the perspective of the right Mauthner cell would both be positive, or in-phase, and the cell should fire, causing the animal to turn cor- rectly to the left. In the most general terms, whenever the initial com- ponents of the aversive sound stimulus are in-phase with respect to one Mauthner cell (either both positive or both negative), that cell should fire; and whenever they are out-of-phase, the cell should not fire. This is equivalent to the logical operator known as the equivalence func- tion, EXCLUSIVE-NOR or XNOR (Guzik and Eaton, 1 994). Whenever its inputs are the same, it is ON; when- ever they are different it is OFF (Guzik and Eaton. 1 994; Eaton et a/., 1995a). This is the problem that must be solved by the two Mauthner cell networks to detect the direction of impulse sounds created by predators. How might the Mauthner system perform XNOR and compute sound direction? The acceleration component is detected as a translational motion of the body, which has roughly the same density as the water. The end or- gans of the inner ear contain otoliths that have high den- sity and act as inertial devices to cause a shearing motion on the underlying sensory epithelium whenever the body accelerates in phase with the water. In the goldfish, ex- perimental evidence shows that these accelerations are detected by all three end organs of the inner ear, saccule, utricle and lagena (Fay, 1984), though it has been argued that the utricle and lagena are most important for this detection (Schellart and Popper, 1992). The pressure component is transduced by the swimbladder, a gas- filled chamber in the abdomen. The swimbladder changes in size as a result of changes in the impinging sound pressure field. These vibrations are conveyed through a series of ossicles to the fluids of the inner ear where they vibrate the otoliths, most likely in the saccule, and activate the sensory epithelium of the inner ear. This leads to the firing of the acoustic afferents that activate the Mauthner cells (Canfield and Eaton, 1990). We have performed neurocomputational simulations to give insights into how the underlying neurons might be implementing the XNOR function. If the Mauthner cell can solve XNOR. it must receive all four combina- tions of sensory afferents (positive and negative pressure, left-to-right and right-to-left acceleration) but fire only to those combinations appropriate for sound from the "correct" direction. This would require a nonlinear in- teraction of these inputs, perhaps through an appropriate spatial arrangement of synapses on the dendritic mem- brane. Alternatively, the XNOR solution might emerge from interactions of the Mauthner network as a whole. Math- ematically. XNOR can be solved by an indefinite num- ber of equivalent circuits made of various types of logical operators that together perform the overall XNOR func- tion. Thus, each neural element could be performing a subsidiary function that contributes to the overall XNOR logic. Our simulation studies show that the PHP neurons may be playing an essential role in this direc- tional computation (Eaton el at., 1995a). The PHP cells were discovered and extensively inves- tigated by Faberand Korn (Faberand Korn, 1978; Faber et a/., 1991), who showed that these neurons operate in a feed-forward manner to regulate the firing threshold of the Mauthner cell to sound. These cells are strongly acti- vated by low-level acoustic stimulation and strongly in- hibit the Mauthner cell. However, at higher levels of ac- tivation appropriate for eliciting escape, the PHP cells saturate, whereas the Mauthner neuron becomes pro- gressively excited and eventually exceeds the PHP cell inhibition, thus leading to an action potential (Faber et al.. 1991). How might the PHP cells be performing part of the XNOR function? In the simplest simulations, these cells are divided into two populations, both synapsing on each Mauthner cell (Eaton el al.. 1995a). Each population of 148 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE PHP cells is turned on by the two, out-of-phase, pressure and acceleration combinations that should not activate the associated Mauthner ceil on that side of the brain. Thus, the left Mauthner cell would be turned off by PHP cells whenever the sound was originating on the right, regardless of whether it began with compression or rar- efaction. This would allow the right Mauthner cell to fire off its pressure input, while the right PHP cell popula- tions would not be activated. In these simulations, the PHP cells act as AND gates. Other more complex simu- lations more closely duplicate the feed-forward dynam- ics of Faber and Korn. In these models, the PHP cells perform an OR function (Guzik et al., 1995). We are currently doing neurophysiological and behav- ioral experiments to evaluate the XNOR model. We have devised an experimental test chamber based on a design of Fay (Fay, 1 984); ours produces accelerations at 90 degrees to the long axis of the fish. In the center of this chamber is a sound pressure null; a fish at this location perceives only the acceleration component. We can arti- ficially control the polarity of sound pressure at the null point by producing a sound pulse in the air above the tank. Thus, we can independently control the initial phase of the acceleration, and the sound pressure com- ponents, and thereby artificially influence the apparent direction of the sound stimulus. In preliminary behav- ioral trials, the fish escapes in the directions predicted by the phase model (Eaton et al., 1995b). In our trials, the ratio of amplitude of acceleration to pressure is higher than for typical monopole or dipole sound sources. The test chamber can also be used for fishes restrained for neurophysiological recording from the Mauthner sys- tem neurons. So far, we know that the Mauthner cell is widely tuned to sound pressure frequencies from 100 to 2 KHz (Casagrand et al., 1995). We are currently inves- tigating Mauthner responsiveness to acceleration alone, and to combinations of acceleration and pressure, to de- termine whether the Mauthner cell itself performs the XNOR function. If the Mauthner cell performs XNOR, this should be detectable as differences in amplitude or timing of EPSPs evoked to different acceleration and pressure combinations of our artificial sounds. If it does not, we would expect to see differences in the timing or amplitude of the EHP, the extracellular field potential generated by the PHP cells. This will indicate that the PHP cells are solving XNOR. Although ou; :ients are still in the preliminary stage, enough is alre known about the Mauthner sys- tem so that we can use it to understand how a computa- tional problem like the phase model is being solved in neurophysiological terms with identified cells. In many types of experiments involving central auditory or ves- tibular processing, the relevance of a neuron's response to a particular component of the stimulus is often diffi- cult to know. The Mauthner system has important ad- vantages. We have a good physical theory of the problem being solved by the system. Also, we can access the out- put state of the system both neurophysiologically and be- haviorally. We therefore know that the system has inter- preted the stimulus as having a particular salience; a predator attacking from a certain location relative to the body axis of the fish. This makes possible concrete state- ments about the real importance of the underlying neu- rophysiological events. We therefore believe that such work may provide new insights into understanding basic principles of central vestibular and auditory functions. Acknowledgments Work described in this paper was supported by grants from NIH and ONR. Literature Cited Bimalda, R. J. A., A. Schuijf, and A. D. 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Progress along these lines has been made with the use of electrode arrays (Wilson and McNaughton, 1994). An alternative, very promising approach — i.e.. imaging — offers an easy de- termination of both the activity and the identity of cells (Wu et al. 1994; O'Donovan el al.. 1993). In this method, the neurons are labeled with an indicator dye that signals their activity, and the dye is then used to monitor the cells that are active during a particular be- havior. The ideal situation would be one in which a pop- ulation of neurons could be labeled and their activities observed with single-cell resolution in an intact, behav- ing animal. This ideal is difficult to achieve with verte- brates because most of them arc opaque, so the neurons cannot be seen in the intact animal. Notable exceptions are the larvae of many fishes, which are transparent and thus especially suitable for imaging neurons. We have developed approaches in which a fluorescent calcium in- dicator is used to monitor neural activity in intact fish. Neurons that are labeled with the indicator increase in This paper was originally piesented at a workshop titled The Finnic nl Aquatic Research in ,S/u< «.;M. Cellular and Muk'culai Binlngy. The workshop, which was IvM at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. brightness due to the calcium influx associated with their activity. Thus, neural activity during behavior can be de- termined by watching for the increase in brightness in particular cells (O'Donovan el al.. 1993; Fetcho and O'Malley, 1995; Fetcho et al.. 1995: Cox and Fetcho, 1 996; O'Malley el al., 1 996). The transparency of the fish has allowed us to image activity in neuronal populations with single-cell resolution in an intact vertebrate. Our work so far has focused on the neuronal populations in- volved in the escape behavior. This behavior has been the subject of intensive study with single-cell recording techniques in the past (Faber and Korn. 1978; Fetcho and Faber, 1988; Fetcho. 1992), but the ability to moni- tor groups of neurons is providing a new view of the re- lationships between neural activity and the escape be- havior. Labeling Central neurons were labeled with a calcium indicator, calcium green dextran. Neuronal activity causes an in- flux of calcium through voltage-dependent calcium channels, so the calcium levels sensed by the indicator can be used as a measure of activity. The neurons in lar- val, post-hatching zebrafish (Danio rerio) were labeled in two ways. In the first, the indicator was injected into muscle or into the central nervous system, backfilling the neurons of interest. Calcium green dextran is taken up by the damaged processes of neurons, resulting in both retrograde and anterograde labeling (O'Donovan et al., 1993; Fetcho and O'Malley, 1995). This approach led to a very robust labeling of populations of neurons. The neurons could be observed and individually identified in the spinal cord and in the brain of the living fish either by confocal microscopy or enhanced video imaging. The labeling was very similar to that seen in material that had 150 NEUROBIOLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 151 been cleared and stained with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). We could see many of the individually identifi- able neurons of zebrafish (Bernhardt el ul.. 1990), includ- ing the three primary motoneurons (rostral, middle, and caudal — RoP. MiP, and CaP, respectively) located in spinal segments, and the Mauthner cell and its two seri- ally homologous neurons (MiD2cm, MiD3cm) located in the hindbrain. Other identifiable spinal neuronal types (e.g., secondary motoneurons, Rohon Beard cells, dorsal root ganglion cells, circumferential descending (CiD) cells, commissural posterior ascending (CoPa) cells) and brain neurons (e.g., vestibulospinal neurons, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus) were also evident. The relatively high fluorescence of calcium green at basal calcium levels produced well-labeled dendrites and ax- ons. The quality of the labeling, and the high resolution and optical sectioning ability of the confocal microscope, allowed the collection of serial optical sections through the neurons of interest. Three-dimensional reconstruc- tions of the cells from live fish were produced from opti- cal sections using the VolVis program (Sobierajski el ul.. 1995). The reconstructions allowed a detailed examina- tion of the neurons whose physiology was being studied optically. This allowed the unambiguous identification of the cells and also provided information about the re- lationships of the axons and dendrites of the imaged neu- rons. Although labeling by injection into the larval fish pro- duced well-labeled neurons, the injection may in some instances disrupt portions of the neural circuits of inter- est. To circumvent this problem, we also labeled neurons by injecting calcium green dextran into blastomeres of one-, two-, four-, or eight-celled embryos. In this proce- dure, the indicator is labeling the progeny of the blasto- mere, just as lineage tracers are used in developmental studies. The fish were then raised to post-hatching larval stages. These injections produced larval fish in which a large fraction of cells contained the calcium indicator, from one-eighth to all of the cells should be labeled, de- pending on the number of blastomeres that had been formed at the time of injection. The proportion of la- beled cells, in our experience, was roughly consistent with this expectation, although the intensity of the label- ing of individual cells varied. The confocal microscope effectively removed fluorescence that was out of focus, and allowed visualization of the labeled cells in the intact animal. This approach has the advantage of not disrupt- ing the neural circuitry, at least so far as we can tell. The lack of damage is evidenced by our ability to raise such blastomere-labeled fish to adulthood after imaging their neural activity. The labeling produced by blastomere in- jections is not, however, as intense as that by injection into larvae, so the type of each cell is more difficult to identifv. Nevertheless, we have been able to observe identifiable classes of spinal neurons (e.g.. Rohon Beard cells) and some neurons, such as olfactory epithelial cells, are very brightly labeled (Cox and Fetcho, 1996). Responses of Neurons We initially used electrical stimuli to determine whether the indicator was responsive in the neurons and to demonstrate that we could resolve differential re- sponses in adjacent cells (Fetcho and O'Malley, 1995). Motoneurons in larval fish, typically 3-5-days old, were backfilled by injections of calcium green dextran into muscle and then, a day or more later, were embedded in agar and observed with a Biorad MRC 600 confocal imaging system usingaZeissIM 35 inverted microscope. The fish remain healthy in the agar, probably because they depend on cutaneous respiration at these early stages. An electrical stimulus applied to the skin overly- ing the muscle near the site of calcium green injection could increase the fluorescence of the labeled motoneu- rons. A single stimulus typically produced increases of 5%-10%; additional stimuli, applied in rapid succession, further increased the fluorescence (over 100% change for a train of 40 stimuli in some cells) consistent with the accumulation of calcium expected upon repeated activa- tion of the motoneurons. By varying the strength of the electrical stimulus, we could detect differential responses in adjacent motoneurons, with one cell showing a large increase in fluorescence (e.g., 70%) and an immediately adjacent one showing none. Thus, we could resolve differences in adjacent cells which were roughly 10 ^m diameter and only about 1 /jm apart. Having confirmed that the cells behaved as expected to electrical stimulation, we examined their responses during escapes (Fetcho and O'Malley, 1995). Escape be- haviors were elicited by an abrupt touch applied to the head or tail with a piezoelectric tapping device. In the escape behavior, a touch on one side of the head leads to a massive, rapid C-bend to the opposite side of the body, which turns the fish away from a threatening stimulus. When we imaged spinal motoneurons on the side of a C- bend during the escape, we found a massive activation, with every cell that we imaged responding during the es- cape bend. In individual cells, the increases in fluores- cence ranged from 16% to 151%. The activated moto- neurons included the larger primary motoneurons, as well as the smaller secondary ones. Most of our observa- tions were obtained with low temporal resolution, usu- ally 400 ms for each image. However, we could achieve resolutions on the millisecond time scale of synaptic events by taking advantage of the line-scanning ability of the confocal microscope. This allowed us to look at one line through a group of cells every 2 ms, and revealed a svnchronous activation of the motoneurons. The pri- 152 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE mary motoneurons innervate extensive regions of the ax- ial muscle and are known to be important in escapes, based upon evidence that they receive a monosynaptic input from the reticulospinal Mauthner cell that initiates the escape (Myers et ai. 1986; Westerfield el a/.. 1986; Fetcho and Faber, 1988; Liu and Westerfield, 1988). The secondary motoneurons are more numerous and their role in escapes has been less clear. Our data indicate that the motoneurons activated in escapes include both pri- mary and secondary pools (Fetcho and O'Malley, 1 995 ). We observed a similar massive activation of cells in ven- tral cord that had been labeled by blastomere injections and imaged in the larval fish (Cox and Fetcho, 1996). The identity of these cells in the blastomere-labeled fish was not certain because of the less complete filling of cells from blastomere injections. But, based upon their loca- tions, they were most likely motoneurons. The observa- tions from backfills and blastomere injections are consis- tent with the massive activation of muscle that occurs during the escape bend. The most powerful C-bends oc- cur in response to stimulation of the head (Eaton et a/., 1984; Foreman and Eaton, 1993). These bends are the most forceful motor behavior produced by the fish, so such a large recruitment of motoneurons is not sur- prising. We began our imaging studies with motoneurons, be- cause enough was known about their activity patterns that we could use previous data to evaluate the reliability of the approach. More recently we have begun to study other, less well understood systems, including the olfac- tory system, reticulospinal neurons, and spinal interneu- rons. Our studies of reticulospinal neurons, for example, have demonstrated that the brain as well as the spinal cord, can be examined by in vivo imaging. We have used the approach to evaluate predictions about the pattern of activation of the Mauthner cell and its serially homolo- gous neurons in hindbrain ( Fetcho et nl.. 1995; O'Malley et ai. 1996). The hindbrain consists of a series of seg- ments that contain repeated, morphologically similar neurons in successive segments. One of these sets of seri- ally repeated cells includes the reticulospinal Mauthner cell (in hindbrain segment 4), which is known to play a role in escapes, and two reticulospinal cells (MiD2cm, MiD3cm in segments 5 and 6 respectively) that are very like the Mauthner cell in their dendritic structure and axonal projection. The functional role of the Mauthner- like cells was unknown, but Foreman and Eaton ( 1993) predicted that the observed variability in the strength of the C-bend, in response to sensory stimuli at different locations relative to the fish, might be determined in part by variability in the activation neurons in the set (includ- ing the Mauthner cell, MiD2cm, and MiD3cm). We have examined and confirmed their predictions by calcium imaging, which has allowed us to study the func- tion of a set of cells that has been difficult to study with more conventional techniques (Fetcho et ai, 1995; O'Malley et a/.. 1996). Our observations suggest that the hindbrain consists of serial sets of functionally similar neurons that may act together in various combinations to produce behavioral variability. Conclusions Although still in its infancy, the use of calcium im- aging in the larval zebrafish offers the possibility of study- ing the activity of populations of neurons with single- cell resolution anywhere in the brain or spinal cord of an intact, behaving vertebrate. This will provide important information about the relationships between the activity of neuronal populations and behavior in the normal an- imal, but there are other advantages of the zebrafish as well. Thousands of mutant lines of zebrafish have now been generated by saturation mutagenesis, including many with sensory and motor deficits (Mullins et ill., 1994; Driever et a/.. 1994). The calcium imaging ap- proach should prove useful in analyzing the functional deficits of these mutant lines. The transparency of the fish will also facilitate the optical killing of particular, fluorescently labeled neurons. The behavior and neuro- nal activity of the fish can be studied both before and after particular neurons or sets of neurons have been killed, allowing a more causal link between neurons and behavior. It may also be possible to use local optical un- caging of neuroactive substances to activate or inhibit neurons. This would allow noninvasive perturbations of activity. The combination of imaging activity, genetics, and cell ablation will permit a powerful analysis of the neural basis of behavior in a vertebrate. Acknowledgments Supported by NIH NS26539, NS-09113, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Literature Cited Bcrnhardt, R. R., A. B. Chitnis, L. Lindamer, and J. Y. Kuwada. 1990. Identification of spinal neurons in the embryonic and larval zebra- fish. J. Comp. Neiirol. 302: 603-616. Cox, K. J. A., and J. R. Fetcho. 1996. Labeling blastomeres with a calcium indicator: a non-invasive method of visualizing neuronal activity in zebrafish. J. Neitnixei. Mel hods 68: 1 85- 141. Driever, \V., D. Stemple, A. Schier, and S. Solinica-Krezel. 1994. Ze- brafish: genetic tools for studying vertebrate development. Trends (Jem-/. 10: 152-159. Eaton, R. C., J. Nissanov, and C. M. Wieland. 1984. Differential ac- tivation of Mauthner and non-Mauthner startle circuits in zebra- fish: implications tor functional substitution. J. COIH/>. Physiol. 155: 8 1 3-820. Kaber, D. S., and II. Korn, eds. 1978. Neurobiology oj the Mauthner Cell. Raven Press. New York. NEUROBIOLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 153 Fetcho, J. R. 1992. Excitation of motoneurons by the Mauthncr axon in goldfish: complexities in a "simple" reticulospinal pathway. J. .\cun>i/. 67: 1574-1586. Fetcho, J. R., and D. S. Kaber. 1988. Identification of motoneurons and interneurons in the spinal network for escapes initiated by the Mauthner cell in goldfish. J. \ewvxci. 8: 4 1 92-42 1 3. Fetcho, J. R.. and D. M.O'Mallej. 1995. Visualization of active neu- ral circuitry in the spinal cord of intact zebralish. J Neurophysiol. 73: 399-406. Fetcho, J. R., Y.-H. Kao, and D. M. O'IMalley. 1995. Functional roles of serially homologous reticulospinal neurons studied by //; nvo confocal calcium imaging in zebrafish. Sin: Neuroxei. Ahslr. 21:687. Foreman, M. B., and R. C. Eaton. 1993. The direction change con- cept for reticulospinal control of goldfish escape. / Ncurosci. 13: 4101-4113. Liu, D. \V., and M. \\esterfield. 1988. Function of identified moto- neurons and coordination of primary and secondary motor systems during zebrafish swimming. J Physiol. (Limit.) 403: 73-89. Mullins, M. C., M. Hammerschmidt, P. MarTter, C. Nusslein-Volhard. 1994. Large-scale mutagenesis in the zebrafish: in search of genes controlling development in a vertebrate. Curr Biol 4: 189-202. Myers, P. Z., J. S. Eisen, and M. \\estertield. 1986. Development and axonal outgrowth of identified motoneurons in the zebrafish. / ,\eim>sei. 6: 2278-2289. O'Donovan, M. J., S. Ho, G. Sholomenko, and \V. Yee. 1993. Real- time imaging of neurons retrogradely and anterogradely labeled with calcium-sensitive dyes. J. ,\ciir»xci. Methods 46: 91-106. O'Malley. D. M., Y.-H. Kao, and J. R. Fetcho. 1996. Imaging the functional organization of zebrafish hindbrain segments during es- cape behaviors. Neuron 17:1 145-1 155. Sobierajski, L. M., R. S. Avila, D. M. O'Malley, S. Wang, and A. E. kaufmann. 1995. Visualization of calcium activity in nerve cells. lEEEComp. (jruph. .I/'/1/ 15: 55-61. Westerfield, M., J. V. McMurray, and J. S. Eisen. 1986. Identified motoneurons and their innervation of axial muscles in the zebra- fish. J. \eumsei. 6: 2267-2277. Wilson, M. A., and B. L. McNaughton. 1994. Reactivation of hippo- campla ensemble memories during sleep. Science 265: 676-679. \Vu, J.-Y., L. B. Cohen, and C. \. Falk. 1994. Neuronal activity dur- ing different behaviors in Aplysiu: a distributed organization? Sci- ence 263: 820-823. Reference: Biul. Bull 192: 154-156. (February, 1997) Discussion KAWASAKI: It appeared that the image you showed lasted for a sec- ond or so. Does this reflect the time course of the calcium concentration? FETCHO: That's a good question. The recovery time is slow: the rise is very fast, but the recovery time takes many seconds. This time course oc- curs in a number of different cells. There's quite a bit of debate about the basis for that time course. Some people think that the dye might be affecting the time course of the calcium increase. We think that the calcium returns slowly to resting lev- els; but this is a very difficult issue to resolve, and one that is not my main focus. I just want an indication of which cells are active. WIEDERHOLD: How many action potentials have been fired in the Mauthner cell to get that much of a rise? FETCHO: As far as we know, in these teleost fishes, the Mauthner cell fires only a single action potential. That's a big change that we see. It turns out there's some variability in the size of the observable changes. In the course of an experiment, the cell changes the way it responds. It will start out with relatively modest re- sponses and then, with repeated tri- als, will convert to these larger re- sponses. We think that there are some interesting things going on, perhaps with respect to intracellular calcium being released, perhaps from stores. BAKER: I have a question to either of you. First, I totally reject the hy- pothesis that there are iterative, ho- mologous, reticular spinal neurons in the hindbrain. For three or four hundred million years, each hind- brain segment has had an indepen- dent evolutionary history. Don't you think that your evidence demon- strates that the reticulospinal neu- rons are not iteratively homologous, because they each exhibit their own physiological sensitivity, properties, and projections? Wouldn't it be more useful to think about each of these segments containing reticulo- spinal neurons having their own in- dependent role in the escape behav- ior? FETCHO: The issue is the distinc- tion between homology and iterative homology; what was the origin of these cells? Surely they arose a long time ago, and they have been inde- pendently evolving for a long time. However, they might at first have been the result of a duplication event that (to me) would represent a serial homologous type of organization. I would agree that they have indepen- dently evolved for a long time. This certainly is the case. BAKER: Joe (Fetcho), Model T's can be duplicated, but they will never become Cadillacs. In other words, duplication and divergence occurred so long ago that iterative homology is not a useful physiologi- cal tool. FETCHO: They have both morpho- logical similarities and reasonable functional similarities as well, at least to the extent that thev seem to be involved in the escape behavior. It remains to be seen whether the ho- mologues are involved in other things as well. We haven't explored that very much. EATON: I don't know if either one of us wants to get caught in a debate about homology and analogy. From my point of view, I mean only what has been stated in the previous pa- pers that have come before us: these particular cells have similar genetics, developmental history, immunohis- tochemistry, and so on. That doesn't have to imply that there aren't going to be functional differences between the cells as well. In fact, we would ex- pect that once the cells are deter- mined, they will go off on different paths and different features of their function will be emphasized. That's as far as I would like to go on that. BAXTER: I wonder if you have looked at the ability of the Mauthner circuit to adapt. For example, if you turn the animal upside down, must it now reverse its reactions? EATON: That's a very good ques- tion. We don't know anything about that yet. BAXTER: Some of the synapses in your circuit were electrotonic, and one doesn't typically think of those as being very plastic. EATON: The inputs to the Mauthner cell from the inner ear fi- bers are mixed chemical-electrotonic junctions. The important point here is that the fish is using its vestibular organs to hear. Or, to put it in the 154 NEUROB1OLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 155 other perspective, humans don't use their vestibular organs to hear in the same way. As far as I know, there's not much known about how the fish discriminates between those two components — the gravitational field and the acoustic particle accelera- tion— at the same time. What hap- pens then, when you disturb that process by putting the fish in zero gravity or by turning it upside down in a gravitational field, would be most interesting to evaluate. I don't think anyone has started to look at that, but it's certainly an issue that could be evaluated. BASS: Do those PHP cells encode sound intensity? Joe (Fetcho) are you able to visualize those cells? EATON: We don't know that they encode sound intensity perse. In the only very controlled experiments, electrical shocks were applied to the eighth nerve. As the intensity in- creased, the nerves fired more ro- bustly. We don't know how they re- spond to controlled sound pulses. None of that has been evaluated. FETCHO: The short answer is that we don't know whether we can visu- alize the PHP cells. We think that we can look at any neurons anywhere in the brain: it's just a matter of getting the dye into them without messing up the circuits that you're interested in. We haven't tried to label the PHP cells. MORRIS: I want to get back to this business of up and down in your ex- periments. I was assuming that the fish was lying on its side — in the con- focal experiments anyway — while you were stimulating and imaging. Is this correct? FETCHO: That depends on the ex- periments. In the reticulospinal ex- periments, the fish is actually lying on its back, so that we are looking through the entire head to see the cells at the bottom of the brain. That's why we can look anywhere in the brain; basically we are looking through the whole brain to see those images. When we are looking at spi- nal neurons, we look from the side because it's very transparent from that angle. There's a lot of pigment at the top of the fish. BARLOW, R.: Joe (Fetcho), I would like to get a better feel for what you were seeing in your calcium measurements. It appeared that there is a signal without stimula- tion. Is there background activity— that is, free intracellular calcium without stimulation? FETCHO: That's right. BARLOW, R.: And when you stim- ulate, there's an increase in calcium? FETCHO: That's right. Calcium green dextran has fairly good fluo- rescence at basal calcium levels, which is very important for us. be- cause we would like to know what cells we are looking at. If you can't see them at rest, then you might have trouble. BARLOW, R.: Where is the action potential fired with regard to the in- creased free calcium in the cell? Where's the axon hillock region? Does your imaging data make sense as to where the major conductance changes are taking place? FETCHO: In goldfish, where it's best understood, the spikes are initi- ated right where you might expect— at the initial segment region. You get a fairly substantial depolarization of the soma as well, but it's passively in- vaded by the spike. We don't know much about the distribution of calcium channels in the cell. In the case of the auditory inputs, they come in on the lateral dendrite. The big lateral dendrite that goes out to the ear is passive, and postsynaptic potentials are passively conducted to the initial segment. The spikes origi- nate at the initial segment right near where the axon goes off, and then it's passively propagated back into the soma. BARLOW, R.: But you are detect- ing calcium changes mainly in the cell body. FETCHO: Well, that's all we've looked at. We haven't explored what's happening out in the den- drite. We don't see much in the cell body, unless the cell fires an action potential. We can do thresholding experiments where we are stimulat- ing right near the threshold for es- capes. Under those conditions, we would expect a massive subthreshold synaptic input to the cell. In cases where the fish doesn't carry out an escape, you don't see any change. You only see the change when you get the escape — when the Mauthner cell has fired a spike. COMMENT: One possibility may be that the channels in the larval Mauthner cell are different from those in the adult, in what is being experienced. In fact, that's the case in some embryonic amphibian neu- rons which show calcium spikes that don't appear later in development. That's certainly a possibility here. HIGHSTEIN: I have a comment. I don't think that fish can tell the difference between hearing sound and vibration. It's all vibrational en- ergy with different frequencies. In fact, there's good evidence that the mammalian saccule transduces so- called auditory stimuli. 1 have heard anecdotal reports of sound underwa- ter so intense that it rattles paper on a clipboard used for writing under- water. A propus of that, I wonder what the parties here think they are stimulating to make the fish escape. I doubt that he's using his lateral line to hear. EATON: Both of us have avoided saying anything about the lateral line, because we don't know what possible role it plays in these re- sponses. We have some circumstan- 156 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE tial evidence suggesting that bi-lh the lateral line and the ear an vuolved in the responses to tail ,nulation. We don't have any ; ,j direct evi- dence though. The lateral line could certainly contribute to the resolution of acoustic directionality in adult fish in ways that are very similar to what the inner ear would be doing. I should also mention that the acceler- ations we use are somewhat higher than you would expect for a standard classical monopolar or dipole sound source. But as you say, it's sort of a continuum of intensities of accelera- tions that vary from normal acoustic levels to levels that are higher than those you might call vibration. But in the fish, how can you distinguish which is which? SACK: I have a question of a tech- nical nature. Dr. Fetcho, what con- centration of calcium green did you inject without affecting the intracel- lular calcium concentration? FETCHO: We inject about five na- noliters of a 5% w/v solution into blastomeres. If you inject too much, they die. If you inject too little, the dye gets diluted. If you get the right amount in, the cells are visible in the larvae and their responses can be im- aged. The fish can be taken out of the agar after imaging and raised to adulthood. The dye does not cause any obvious problems. Referenc-o: liiol. hull 192: 157. (February. 1997) Complex Signal Processing by Weakly Electric Fishes MASASHI KAWASAKI Department of Biology. University of\'irginia. Gilmer Hall. C/uirlotlexvillc. I 'irginia 22903 How does the nervous system extract meaningful in- formation from complex sensory stimuli in order to per- form appropriate behaviors? The jamming avoidance re- sponse of weakly electric fishes, such as Gymnarchus ni- lolicus. provides an attractive model system with which to study the neuronal substrate of pattern recognition. The African electric fish Gymnarchus generates elec- tric organ discharges at an individually fixed frequency for electrolocation. But when two fish with slightly different discharge frequencies meet, they shift their dis- charge frequencies away from each other and thus avoid effects of jamming on their electrolocation capabilities. To produce the correct jamming avoidance response. Gymnarchus must extract information about the sign of the frequency difference between its own discharge and This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled '1 he l-'iilnre nt .ti/nalic Research in Space': Neurobiology. Cellular anil Molecular lti«li>K\- The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996. uus sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. its neighbor's. This stimulus feature, the sign of fre- quency difference, is concealed in the temporal pattern of amplitude and phase modulation in the sensory stim- ulus. The amplitude modulation and the phase modula- tion are sampled by different classes of electroreceptors and processed in parallel by the hindbrain (Rose el at., 1988; Kawasaki, 1993, 1996: Kawasaki and Guo, 1996). Literature Cited Kawasaki, M., and V.-X. Guo. 1996. Neuronal circuitry for compari- son of timing in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of an African wave-type electric fish. Gymnarchus niloticus. J Neurosci. 16: 380- 391. Kawasaki, M. 1996. Comparative analysis of the jamming avoidance response in African and South American wave-type fishes. Biol. Bull- 191: 103-108. Kawasaki, M. 1993. Independently evolved jamming avoidance re- sponses employ identical computational algorithms: a behavioral study of the African electric fish. Gyinnarclius nilalicus. J. Camp. Physiol. 173:9-22. Rose, G. J., M. Kawasaki, and \V. llciligenberg. 1988. "Recognition units" at the top of a neuronal hierarchy? Prepacemaker neurons in Eigenmanma code the sign of frequency differences unambigu- ously. J Cuinp l'ln-\n>l. 162:759-772. 157 Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 158-160. (February, 1997) From Neurons to Behavior: Vocal-Acoustic Communication in Teleost Fish ANDREW H. BASS, DEANA A. BODNAR. AND JESSICA R. McKIBBEN Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Overview Sound communication is not unique to humans and other mammals, but rather, is a trait shared with most nonmammalian vertebrates. The focus of our studies has been one species of sound-producing teleost fish, the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatits). Our research program has taken three principal directions: (1) func- tional organization of the vocal organ and brain circuitry establishing the physical attributes of vocalizations; (2) development of, and hormonal influences on, the ex- pression of sexually dimorphic vocal traits; and (3) en- coding of vocal signals by the peripheral and central au- ditory system. Midshipman Fish: Spawning and Vocal Behaviors The plainfin midshipman has a wide distribution along the western coastline of northern California and on into southern Canada. There are two male reproductive morphs, type I and type II. with distinct spawning and vocal behaviors (Brantley and Bass, 1994). Type I males build nests under rocks in the intertidal and subtidal zones where they fertilize and then guard eggs deposited on the roof of their nest by females. In contrast, type II males gain access to gravid females and their eggs by es- sentially parasitizing the type I male's reproductive tac- tic. Thus, type II males lie perched outside of, or sneak into, a type I male's nest and shed sperm in an attempt to compete with the type I male for eggs; they do not build nests or guard egg- This paper was originally pi . .-, workshop titled The l-'inure n/ Ai/ualic Research in Space ,\cin 'ni>lt>f>y. Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. Nesting type I males generate two classes of vocaliza- tion. Trains of short duration I50-ms grunts are pro- duced at intervals of about 400 ms during defense of a nest against potential intruder males. Type I males also produce long-duration (minutes to over 1 hour), quasi- sinusoidal calls known as hums. The hum has a simple harmonic structure; the fundamental frequency is near 90-100 Hz with one or two prominent higher harmon- ics. During the breeding season, nesting males often clus- ter in groups of two or more and produce hums simulta- neously. Observations of captive populations of nesting type I males, together with playbacks of natural or com- puter-synthesized acoustic signals through underwater loudspeakers, show that hums, but not grunts, can at- tract females to an artificial nest site (Brantley and Bass, 1994; McKibben etat.. 1995). Type II males and females have only been observed to produce isolated, low-ampli- tude grunts in nonspawning contexts. Vocal Motor Circuitry Anatomical and neurophysiological studies have iden- tified a vocal control system in midshipman (Bass and Baker, 1990; Bass el at., 1994, 1996a). The vocal organ consists of a pair of sonic muscles attached to the lateral walls of the swimbladder. Each sonic muscle is inner- vated by a single nerve formed by branches of the ventral occipital nerve roots that exit the hindbrain just caudal to the vagus nerve. The occipital nerves carry motor ax- ons originating from two clusters (nuclei) of vocal moto- neurons extending along the midline of the caudal hind- brain (medulla oblongata) and rostral spinal cord. Each motoneuron cell body (soma) has a single, unbranched axon that innervates muscle fibers located on the same (ipsilateral) side of the body axis, and a dendritic arbor that extends throughout both motor nuclei. Intracellular 158 NEUROBIOLOGV/SENSORY BIOLOGY 159 recording and staining studies have identified vocal pace- maker neurons that are ventrolateral to the motoneu- rons. The firing frequency of the pacemaker neurons is matched 1:1 with that of the sonic motoneurons and, in turn, to the fundamental discharge frequency of the vo- cal motor volley as recorded intracranially from the oc- cipital nerve roots. A single pacemaker neuron inner- vates the neurons in both motor nuclei, consistent with the hypothesis that their role is to synchronize the firing of motoneurons positioned on both sides of the brain. The latter, in turn, leads to the simultaneous contraction of both sonic muscles at a fundamental discharge fre- quency that establishes the fundamental frequency of vocalization. Hence, there is a direct relationship be- tween the rhythmic, patterned output of a pacemaker- motoneuron circuit and the physical attributes of vocal- ization. Sex- and morph-specinc vocal behaviors are reflected in a divergence of neurobiological and endocri- nological traits, ranging from the size of the sound-pro- ducing (sonic) muscles to the rhythmic firing properties of vocal neurons (Bass, 1992, 1996). Encoding of Species-Specific Acoustic Signals Among many species of teleost fish, acoustic signals are primarily encoded by fibers that innervate the saccu- lus division of the inner ear (Popper and Fay. 1993). The most extensive studies of auditory coding in teleost fish have been carried out in the goldfish, Carassiits auratits (Popper and Fay, 1993). Although goldfish have served as a useful model for identifying the general coding mechanisms utilized by the vertebrate auditory system, their lack of obvious vocal behavior makes it difficult to examine the coding and processing of behaviorally rele- vant stimuli, such as communication signals. A practical way to address questions of vocal signal coding has been to identify neural mechanisms in nonmammalian spe- cies that utilize acoustic communication signals in their social behavior; one such species is the midshipman fish. A fundamental problem faced by the auditory system of any vocalizing species is the segregation and recogni- tion of two concurrent vocal signals from independent sources. Midshipman are routinely faced with the acous- tic problem of segregating concurrent signals when nu- merous males congregate during the breeding season and vocalize simultaneously. Within a natural population, the fundamental frequencies (FOs) of individual hums differ within a range of about 10 Hz. The summation of two concurrent multiharmonic signals, such as hums that differ in their FOs, results in a complex sinusoidal waveform with multiple envelope periodicities at differ- ence frequencies (dF ) between ( 1 ) the FOs of each signal; (2) their higher harmonics; and (3) the FOs and higher harmonics. So far, we have assessed the encoding of sim- ple beats produced by the summation of two tones near the FOs of natural hums with dFs less than 10 Hz. Play- back experiments suggest that midshipman can discrim- inate and choose between two concurrent hums that differ in FO (McKibben et a/., 1995). Hence, midship- man must have a neural mechanism for segregating and discriminating between two signals on the basis of FO. Peripheral Coding (McKibben and Bass, 1996; McKibben et til., 1995): Acoustic stimuli were used to evoke single-unit responses in primary afferent fibers of the Vlllth cranial nerve that innervate the sacculus. At intensity levels comparable to those of natural signals ( 100-130 dB, re: 1 ^Pa). auditory fibers respond to pure tones over a frequency range of 60-300 Hz by changes in their average spike rate. Fibers respond best to frequen- cies below 120 Hz within the range of FOs of midship- man vocalizations. Phase-locking of spikes begins at lower intensity levels and seems to better encode signal frequency. Two tones at slightly different FOs (dFs of 2- 20 Hz) were added to generate stimuli that mimic the simple acoustic beats that result from the overlap be- tween the hums of Type I males. In response to simple beats, auditory afferents synchronize best to one of the two tones, usually the one with the lower FO. In general, synchronization to dF was much lower than to either of the two tones comprising the beat stimulus. Auditory niidbrain (Bass el a/.. 1996b; Bodnar and Bass, 1996; Bodnar el a/.. 1996): In midshipman, as in other teleosts, the midbrain's torus semicircularis in- cludes a nucleus centralis that receives input from hind- brain nuclei encoding acoustic information. Multi- and single-unit recordings in the nucleus centralis show that the majority of auditory units exhibit changes in their spike rate with changes in frequency from 70 to 200 Hz. At least two types of units, tonic and phasic, are present. Tonic units respond throughout the duration of the stim- ulus, while phasic units respond only at stimulus onset. In response to simple beats with combinations of pri- mary tones in the range of 80-100 Hz, a subset of tonic units are tuned to low frequency dFs (4-10 Hz); units exhibit low synchronization to individual tones. About half of the dF encoding neurons exhibit no significant change in their dF tuning with different primary tones. Thus, some units appear to be tuned to a specific dF, while in others, coding of dF and the FOs may be coupled. In summary, the results suggest that a peripheral peri- odicity code of the individual components of a beat waveform is transformed into a midbrain dF code. Acknowledgments Research support from NSF, NIH, NIMH, Cornell University. U. C. Bodega Marine Laboratory, and New York State Hatch Grant. 160 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Literature Cited Bass, A. H. 1992. Dimorphic ma ;md alternative reproduc- tive tactics in a vocalizing (H rends Neurosci. 15: 139-145. Bass, A. H. 1996. Slu. Duality. Am. Sci. 84: 352-363. Bass, A. H., and R. Baku Sexual dimorphisms in the vocal control system of'a tek morphology of physiologically iden- tified neurons./ A >/. 21: 1 155-1 168. Bass, A. H., M. A. Marchaterre, and R. Baker. 1994. Vocal-acoustic pathways in a teleovl ii.sh. / ,\eitr•. No. 617. Bodnar, D. A., J. R. McKibben, and A. H. Bass. 1996. Temporal computation of the difference frequency of concurrent acoustic sig- nals in the central auditory system of a vocal fish. SOL: Nc-nrosci. Abstr 22: 447. Brantley, R. K., and A. H. Bass. 1994. Alternative male spawning tactics and acoustic signals in the plainfin midshipman fish. Poricli- tliya •/i/< J.tr.r 96: 213-232. McKibben, J. R., and A. H. Bass. 1996. Peripheral encoding of be- haviorally relevant acoustic signals in a vocal fish. Sot: Ncnmsci. Abstr 22:447. McKibben, J. R.. D. A. Bodnar. and A. H. Bass. 1995. Everyone's humming, but is anyone listening? Acoustic communication in a marine teleost fish. 4ih Ini \cunvthol. Coiigr Abslr. p. 35 1 . Popper, A. N., and R. R. Fay. 1993. Sound detection and processing by fish: critical review and major research questions. Brain Bcliuv Evol.4l: 14-38. Reference: Riol Hull 192: 161-163. (February, 1997) Discussion QUESTION: Dr. Bass, is one hum better than the other? Why should a female care which male's nest she goes into? What's the value of it? BASS: Certainly that is a critical question which we are pursuing. I don't have the answer to it. In acous- tic systems that have been studied in terms of female choice, a fundamen- tal frequency of the signal can often be predictive of body size; in this sys- tem, however, we have found no such correlate. In fact, this goes back to work that I did with Bob Baker, here at the MBL, where we were re- cording from the CNS. I found no correlation between the fundamen- tal frequency of the motor discharge and an animal's body size. So body size is not a cue in that context. QUESTION: Didn't you say that the population in this range is all within the same temperature? BASS: Actually I don't know that. Unfortunately the temperature was not monitored in those experiments for each of the individual nests. This is a critical issue that we hope to in- vestigate. HIGHSTEIN: Obviously, these fish are fairly deaf because the noise is so loud. Maybe this is just some varia- tion in frequency, so they know whether to go in one direction or an- other. If all the frequencies were the same, they might get confused about the sources. By having slight differ- ences in frequency the sources might become clearer and lead them in one direction or the other. BASS: So you're suggesting that the frequency differences could play a role in localization. This may very well be the case. As you can imagine, working in an aquatic environment is extremely difficult. Furthermore, doing those field experiments has proven extremely difficult, and we are still pursuing them. I wish I had the answer to your question. All I know is that you see that variation in the natural signal. It just so happens that there are units in the midbrain that perfectly encode the difference frequency. MORRIS: I have a question for Ma- sashi (Kawasaki). I was really in- trigued by the fact that in neither of these different evolutionary lines was the internal reference information used. It seems sort of amazing not to make use of that readily available piece of information. Do you have any notions from an evolutionary engineering point of view? What's the point? KAWASAKI: To make it more amazing, there is a species related to the African fish that does process the internal reference system for gating. This was a double shock to us be- cause the African species is function- ally similar to the unrelated fish and dissimilar from the fish that belongs to the same family. I think that the timing comparison involved in the systems that I described is very accu- rate. The threshold for the timing comparison is sub-microsecond, yet the fish can perform the behavior when the only available phase is 100 ns. The internal reference mecha- nisms, the sort of mechanism that predicts feedback timing and gating, may not be accurate enough to do this. For internal reference mecha- nisms, for this gating, only millisec- ond accuracy may be enough. How- ever, when you are interested in mi- crosecond and sub-microsecond timing differences, using parallel sys- tems and subtracting between the two channels could be a good idea. In the bat's echolocation system, there is an internal reference mecha- nism that is also not used as a refer- ence for some aspects. In the echo delay comparison, the system com- putes a timing difference between outgoing cry and returning echo, but without using the internal reference system. But, for blocking self stimu- lation, it does use the internal refer- ence system. BAKER: Do either of you believe that the role of electrotonic coupling has been either overemphasized or overstressed in your system analysis? Do either of you have any evidence that it's necessary for these behav- iors? BASS: No. As you know. Bob (Baker), we did electron microscopy on sonic motor system early on. Al- though I did find gap junctions, I re- member being amazed in the begin- ning when I didn't see a lot of them. BAKER: Is this also true in your system, Masashi (Kawasaki)? Is elec- tronic coupling absolutely necessary for the behavior? 161 162 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE KAWASAKI: We have done stain- ing of calcium-binding proteins (cal- hindin or calretinin) in this differen- tial phase coding circuitry. Not all of the elements are labeled. Although I haven't done any electron micro- scopy on this system, we have seen that the giant cell, which is one of the components of this system, doesn't light up with calretinin. This might indicate that this neuron does not use gap junctions. BAKER: In this particular case, what role does the cerebellum play? Is it essential for the behavior? KAWASAKI: Lesion of the cerebel- lum doesn't abolish the behavior. QUESTION: Andy (Bass), were the differential frequency responses re- corded in males or females? Is there any difference, and do two males sit- ting side by side try to separate their frequencies? BASS: We have no evidence that there is anything like a jamming avoidance response. In answer to your question, let me first say that fe- males do not generate signals. They generate grunts — very isolated grunts — infrequently, and the fun- damental frequency of their signal is on the order of 15%-20% lower, which is matched by a difference in the CNS output. Nevertheless, if you sample a single, hour-long hum from males at different intervals, the stan- dard deviation is on the order of 1 Hz. It is a highly stable behavior. In all the experiments on the CNS that Bob ( Baker) and I have done over the years, we've never seen any evidence that the animals can modulate their central frequency. Although males may be trying to jam each other in this behavior, there is no evidence that they can actively produce some- thing like a jamming avoidance re- sponse as a social response. QUESTION: Are those differential frequency responses from the re- sponding neurons present in both males and females? BASS: Everything I've mentioned so far occurs in both males and fe- males. We haven't seen anything that's obviously sexually dimorphic. Another interesting issue here is that it is important to understand the difference between the responses of the auditory and electrosensory sys- tems. The fish that Masashi (Kawa- saki ) is studying are more or less con- tinuously generating an output. Our fishes do not continuously generate. There are two conditions under which it would be useful for a neuron to produce a difference frequency. One is when the animal is actively vocalizing, trying to detect a neigh- bor whose pulse is essentially super- imposed on its own. This is distinct from the case in which an individual is silent, but is listening to two other animals out there. It would seem that both males and females would want to do that. We've only studied the sit- uation in which an animal is essen- tially listening to two other pulses. QUESTION: Dr. Kawasaki, do the fish turn to maximize their signal? KAWASAKI: This system cannot use propagation time. There is no propagation time associated with an electric field. Therefore, no distances could be encoded into time per sc. The whole system is concerned more with dynamics than with stationary steady-state levels. So the fish will al- ways operate in a moving situation. The majority of neurons respond to modulation of amplitude or phase. ATEMA: Andy (Bass), you have eliminated so many possibilities for the real value of the signal. Wouldn't it be helpful to consider the cost to the sender of producing the signal? Perhaps the female is assessing the male's ability to maintain a constant and powerful sound for a long time. The female may be going around and comparing constancy between different males. Is there any evi- dence, on either the part of the sender or the receiver, that sound constancy and power are the param- eters that constitute signal value? All your data seem to point in that direc- tion, including temperature com- pensation. BASS: That's an excellent point. We haven't really assessed our data carefully to determine whether the intensity coding in the CNS involves signal value and power output. There is a lot of power output from an individual male. We just don't have enough data yet — it's very hard to collect — but we are looking at in- tensity at an individual nest and how that might vary with male size. One would predict that the larger males might be able to produce a signal for a longer time. But it also might be a louder signal, and part of the goal in the field work this summer is to col- lect more data on that particular is- sue. The neurobiology is ahead of the behavior, as is the case in so many systems. What's beautiful about this system is that we can directly corre- late male vocal signals with repro- ductive success. We can count the number of eggs in a male's nest, and we can in fact assess the number of clutches the individual male has. That's where the field work is going. Your question is excellent. Clearly the issue is identifying the value of the signal to an individual female. BARLOW, R.: Andy (Bass), one of your slides indicates that the play- back experiment was performed at night. What happens during the day? BASS: We were really surprised. Basically this is a nocturnal behav- ior— that's when you pick up the humming. To get a decent video of the behavior, we decided to see what happens at 4 o'clock in the af- ternoon, instead of 8 at night. Al- though they do show the response, it is not as robust and consistent as at earlier hours. It's remarkably locked into some sort of circadian rhythm. BARLOW, R.: Did you do experi- NEUROBIOLOGV/SENSORV BIOLOGY 163 ments in constant dark throughout the day and night? BASS: These experiments are per- formed outdoors in those circular tanks. We have no control over the lighting. BASS: Another issue we need to as- sess here is a female's initial ap- proach to the signal. The way a fe- male makes that decision may not be the same as when she makes her de- cision when she is close to the signal. This vocal signal could function merely as a beacon to let females know where males are breeding. If the female can assess on the basis of the beat frequency, she might be able to extract the number of males that are in a cluster, and that's why she goes to that cluster. But when she gets close to the cluster, how she makes the decision between different males could involve an entirely different set of rules. This could in- volve olfactory stimuli. Maybe at that point, the lateral line plays an important role in terms of intensity coding of that signal, which as you say is a very intense vibrational sig- nal. I think we have such a long way to go in teasing apart those two things. These fish differ from the toadfish here at Woods Hole. If you listen to the calls of the toadfish, there is not much overlap in their sig- nals. What's going on in these fish is different. We have done some re- cordings in toadfish and have not found any units that appear to be en- coding DF. So the toadfish here at Woods Hole and our midshipman fish may have very different strate- gies. COMMENT: The toadfish at Woods Hole undergo a huge temperature range. Presumably, as the muscle gets warmer, it's able to operate at a higher frequency, and the call fre- quency goes up with temperature. If we went to the west coast and there was also a large temperature range there (which is probably not the case), the call frequency would also increase with increasing tempera- ture. One might imagine the case in which a cold female cannot hear a warm male, because the warm male is sounding out frequencies at 200 Hz and the female is, let's say, at 15 degrees, where her neurons only op- erate at 100-1 10 Hz. The suggestion is that the difference in temperature sensitivity, or the selection of differ- ent frequencies by the female, may just be a temperature effect on their neurons. That would be a necessity if they were to operate over a large temperature range. BASS: That reminds me of some experiments that I did here at the MBL with the motor system, where the temperature and the firing fre- quency of the motor neurons were tightly coupled. The fundamental frequency of the hum varies directly with temperature. Your point is well taken that there is temperature cou- pling between the receiver and the sender. (Comment: There has to be or else it would not be heard!) Well, the caveat to that is, if you look at tuning curves in these animals, they are pretty broad, even if you are shifting temperature. Within the range of variation of the animal's ex- perience, rather than our own artifi- cial manipulations, things are still falling pretty much within their tun- ing curve, given the intensity of the signal. Reference: Bin/. Bull 192: 164-166. (February, 1997) Activity-Dependent Regulation of Neural Networks: The Role of Inhibitory Synaptic Plasticity in Adaptive Gain Control in the Siphon Withdrawal Reflex ofAplysia THOMAS M. FISCHER AND THOMAS J. CAREW Department of Psychology. Yale University. New Haven. Connecticut 06520 Neural networks can be dynamic systems that enable organisms to adapt to, and learn about, complex and variable environments. The broad objective of our re- search program is to understand the nature of this type of adaptive process by examining the functional signifi- cance of neural plasticity observed at both cellular and network levels during adaptive behavioral modifica- tions. Our primary goal is to characterize the role of in- hibitory modulation in network function and plasticity, by focusing upon a recurrent synaptic circuit formed by the L29 excitatory interneurons and the L30 inhibitory interneurons within the siphon withdrawal reflex (SWR) network ofAplysia californica. Recurrent inhibitory cir- cuits such as this are a common feature of motor net- works, providing a mechanism for rapid control of be- havioral output. Moreover, intrinsic and extrinsic mod- ulation of recurrent inhibitory circuitry can endow motor networks with a high degree of flexibility and an enhanced capability for adaptive modification. By focus- ing upon identified inhibitory elements within a well-de- fined circuit with direct behavioral relevance, and per- forming experiments ranging from cellular to behavioral levels of analysis, we are beginning to define a functional role for inhibitory processing in mediating adaptive gain control of the SWR in response to changing environ- mental conditions. This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Finnic i>l Aquatic Research in Space Neurobiology, Cel/ii/ur and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. Our cellular experiments have demonstrated that dy- namic interactions between the L29s and L30s can sig- nificantly regulate reflex input to the LFS-type siphon motor neurons (MNs). The L29s (5 total) and L30s (3 total) are reciprocally interconnected by both chemi- cal and electrical synapses: the L29s directly excite the L30s which, in turn, directly inhibit the L29s. The L29 excitatory interneurons, which are known to act as facil- itatory neuromodulatory neurons (Hawkins el al.. 1981), also provide substantial excitatory input to LFS MNs; a single L29 can account for as much as 50% of reflex input to these MNs evoked by siphon stimulation. Yet surprisingly, direct intracellular activation of the L29s causes a significant, transient decrement of reflex input to the MNs. The mechanism of this inhibition is through the recruitment and enhancement of recurrent L30 inhibitory synaptic transmission. Activation of the L30s, either directly through current injection or indi- rectly by means of activation of the L29s, results in a significant potentiation of the L30 synapse. This activity- dependent potentiation ( ADP) of the L30s occurs at low, behaviorally relevant activation frequencies (2 to 10 Hz), and has a time course of expression matching that of the reflex inhibition produced by activation of the L29s (Fischer and Carew, 1993). The recurrent interactions between L29 and L30 interneurons can thus provide a mechanism for activity-dependent regulation of excit- atory input to the siphon motor neurons. Our identification of the dynamic network interac- tions described above raised the important issue of the functional significance of the L29/L30 circuit. To ad- dress this question, we performed a series of experiments in which we first examined the kinds of behaviorally rel- 164 NEUROB1OLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 165 evant stimuli that activate the L29/L30 circuit, and then how this activation modulates reflex responding. These experiments were performed in a reduced preparation consisting of the tail, mantle (siphon and gill), and cen- tral nervous system; this preparation provides a useful interface between behavioral experiments in intact ani- mals and analysis of cellular events. We found that weak (non-noxious) tactile input readily activates the L30s, and that this activation is sufficient to potentiate the L30 inhibitory synapse onto L29 neurons. This same stimu- lus also produces significant inhibition of siphon-evoked reflex responses in both L29 interneurons and siphon MNs, with a time course corresponding closely to the time course of L30 ADP( Fischer and Carew. 1995). Sim- ilar results were obtained when intact, freely moving an- imals were used (Blazis et a/.. 1994). Finally, we directly tested the role of the L30s in mediating this inhibitory process by reversibly inactivating (hyperpolarizing) them during tactile stimulation; this significantly attenuates the inhibition of siphon-evoked responses (Fischer and Carew, 1995). These results led us to propose an adaptive role for L30-mediated inhibition in regulating SWR responsive- ness under conditions of different levels of ambient (tac- tile) environmental stimulation. Specifically, we hypoth- esize that activation of the L30s by weak tactile input from the environment transiently increases the strength of L30-mediated inhibition in the SWR network. To produce a siphon response in the face of this increased inhibition, a stronger input from the siphon would be required. In this fashion, the increase in L30-mediated inhibition caused by weak tactile stimulation can elevate the effective threshold for evoking a motor neuron re- sponse based upon the recent tactile experience of the animal (Fischer and Carew, 1995). Recent behavioral ex- periments, which are discussed below, provide support for this model ( Yuan et ai, 1996). In contrast to the effects of weak tactile stimulation on L30 inhibitory processing, we found that a more intense stimulus, tail shock, selectively attenuates specific forms of L30 ADP. At least two temporally separate forms of ADP can be distinguished: ( 1 ) frequency facilitation (FF), which is a short-term enhancement that is ex- pressed during L30 activation; and (2) augmentation (AUG), which is a longer-term form of enhancement that persists for up to 60 s following activation. We found that a single tail shock selectively attenuates AUG with no effect on FF. This suppression of AUG lasts for hours, and is mimicked by bath application of the monoamine serotonin, a neuromodulator implicated in behavioral sensitization. The mechanism of this suppression is due to a reduction in calcium influx during L30 activation, to a level at which FF is fully expressed, but below the level required for AUG (Fischer and Carew, 1994). These findings were extended in a series of cellular ex- periments examining the calcium dependence of the different forms of synaptic potentiation exhibited by the L30s. Using the photo-activated calcium chelator diazo- 4, we demonstrated that all forms of L30 ADP require presynaptic elevation of free calcium for their expression (Fischer et til., 1996). The selective suppression of different components of L30 ADP by tail shock suggests that L30-mediated effects on reflex responsiveness should be differentially expressed following shock de- pending upon the recent activation history of the L30s. Under conditions in which L30 is active, L30 mediated inhibition should be normal, since FF is relatively un- affected. Conversely, at time points tens of seconds fol- lowing L30 activity, inhibition should be attenuated, since the prominent form of ADP at these time points (AUG) is suppressed. We are currently carrying out both behavioral and computational analysis to examine the implications of these cellular predictions. The findings described above provided us with an op- portunity to examine the behavioral implications of the functional suppression of a specific form of synaptic plasticity. In separate experiments utilizing both reduced preparations and intact animals, we found that a single tail shock of the same intensity used in our cellular ex- periments abolished the inhibition normally produced following weak tactile input. Further, we found that the level of shock used to abolish the inhibition was insuffi- cient to produce sensitization of the reflex, suggesting that low levels of tail shock may induce a lower threshold component of sensitization by reducing L30 inhibitory modulation within the SWR circuitry (Blazis et ai, 1994). A corollary of this view is that the low-threshold component of sensitization may be expressed not by an increase in reflex amplitude, but rather by a reduction in the threshold of reflex activation under stimulus condi- tions that normally induce L30-mediated behavioral in- hibition. Recent behavioral experiments support this view (discussed below). Thus, tail-shock-induced sup- pression of L30 ADP may be viewed as an initial step in behavioral sensitization; it would also have secondary effects such as allowing greater levels of activity in facili- tatory neuromodulator neurons such as the L29s. Previ- ous work in other laboratories has demonstrated that sensitization of the SWR may be accompanied by a re- duction in network inhibition (Frost, 1987; Trudeau and Castellucci. 1993). Our work is consistent with, and an extension of, these results. Our results to date thus show that L30-mediated inhi- bition can provide for a dynamic regulation of the SWR that is dependent upon the recent tactile experience of the animal. To further test our cellular predictions, we examined the effects of changing environmental condi- tions on SWR responsiveness in intact animals by indue- 166 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE ing a low-level tactile stimulus, artificial turbulence (mimicking tidal wave actio into the animal's home aquarium. We found ' Hulence produced two main effects on the SV 3 significant decrease in the duration of the SWK ;onse to a siphon stimulus of fixed intensity, and .ncant increase in the siphon stimulus intensit\ : ; •; shold) required to elicit a siphon response. Both t Liiese effects were manifest within 1 min of the change in conditions, and remained stable for the 10 min in which the turbulent conditions were maintained. Rapid recovery dynamics were revealed when calm conditions were restored; both measures re- turned to baseline (pre-turbulence) values within 1 min upon restoration of calm conditions. The overall charac- teristics of this adaptive response were consistent with the dynamics of L30 ADP. We next investigated the effects of tail shock on turbulence-induced adaptation. Tail shock did not alter the behavioral inhibition pro- duced during turbulence, which is consistent with obser- vations that L30 is active during turbulence, and that the FF component of L30 ADP is intact following shock. We have yet to systematically examine the recovery dynam- ics following turbulence, where effects on the AUG com- ponent of L30 ADP would be manifest. Further, we found that following shock, the threshold stimulus inten- sity for evoking a siphon response in calm conditions was significantly decreased. Turbulent conditions still in- duced an increase in reflex threshold, but this increase was significantly smaller than in nonshocked animals. These results are again consistent with previous cellular predictions. We plan to perform additional cellular ex- periments to directly test the role of L30 ADP in mediat- ing this adaptive process. Taken collectively, our results indicate that activity- dependent inhibition in the SWR network promotes a rapid and dynamic adjustment of reflex behavior in re- sponse to changing environmental conditions. Future experiments will be directed at examining how this in- hibitory system may interact with the cellular and net- work processes underlying learning, and how modifica- tions of inhibition through tail shock may modulate this interaction. 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ASGSB Bull 2: 95- 113. Reference: Bioi Bull 192: I 70-17 1. (February. 1997) Discussion MORRIS: Dr. Baxter, I wonder whether a system that has so many attractors in it is subject to knocking between one attractor and the next by noise. BAXTER: We have addressed that issue. The EPSP that we typically used as a perturbation was modeled from experimental measurements of the giant EPSP onto R15. That's the largest EPSP that R15 receives. We found that these mode transitions were fairly insensitive to low ampli- tude noise. If you had large ampli- tude inputs, activity of R15 could be bounced between modes. Another consideration is that the phase-por- traits I showed were two-dimen- sional, which implies a nice linear re- lationship between the location of these attractors; however, that's not the case. These attractors have 1 1 di- mensions to them, and even though they may look far apart on this two- dimensional plot, they could be right next to each other. One attractor could be very large, whereas another attractor could be very small. It's a very complex question, and there is no simple answer. Noise can be a problem. NICK: What happens to your iso- lated cell when you turn it by 90 de- grees? BAXTER: We e not examined the response of R i : i changes in di- rection of the gravi'} vector. How- ever, we can induce shifts between bursting activity and beating activity in the isolated cell by perturbing the cell with brief current pulses. BAXTER: Tom (Fischer), what's the effect of serotonin on the L30 synapse? FISCHER: Serotonin has the same effect as tail shock; it inhibits a calcium channel. We don't know what type of calcium channel at this point. However, if you look at other indices of calcium conductance, it just decreases the amount of calcium influx. We need to see what kind of channels are being regulated, using the appropriate voltage clamp exper- iment. It seems that there is a direct interaction with that channel to de- crease its conductance. BAXTER: You say directly. Are there no second messengers in- volved? FISCHER: No, I didn't mean that. It probably acts through cyclic AMP. This was shown through the work of Bill Frost at Texas — Houston. BARLOW, R.: It may be of interest to point out that in the Linntlns lat- eral eye there is a possibly analogous situation to R15 bursting. Theoreti- cal analyses by Hartline, Ratliff, and Knight showed that the system of equations that describe the response of the eye does not have a unique so- lution, and for a long time it wasn't clear what that meant. In our experi- ments we found that the sensitivity of the cells to inhibition depended on the cell's own level of excitation. This introduced a striking nonlinear- ity into the formulation, which indi- cates that the eye will go into oscilla- tion. All receptors in the eye are re- sponding in synchrony, oscillating at about 5/s. This is a network property rather than the property of an indi- vidual cell. It's almost exactly as you describe for R15. BAXTER: We have extended our analysis to small networks of RI5, from both a computational and ex- perimental standpoint. In the com- puter simulations, we can take R 1 5s, hook them together and manually "position" them in a region of their parameter space, where the individ- ual cells do not support multistabil- ity, yet the network can. If one com- bines multistability at the cellular level with the network level, the combinations and perturbations be- come quite complex. ELINSON: Dr. Baxter, I'm quite unfamiliar with this kind of thing, but all of those phases seem rather scary. It seems as though any hy- pothesis would be possible. Is there some way of predicting which is the strongest track and which are less likely? BAXTER: I guess what you are get- ting at is the question. How attrac- tive is an attractor? How strong is one attractor as compared to an- other? That's very difficult to answer with the full model because it's such a high-dimensional system, so we have addressed the question in two ways. One is to reduce the model. We have reduced it down to a four- variable model, which allows us to do analytical system analysis and quantitatively evaluate the attrac- tors. Second, with the full system. 170 NLUROBIOLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY 171 one can do a random search of the state space by just creating, for exam- ple, 1000 random combinations of initial conditions, and then running simulations with each set of values and determining the relative fre- quency with which the system stabi- lizes in a given attractor. Our think- ing is that, if you have a very big at- tractor or a very strong attractor, you'll end up there most often. So you can get some feeling for how large an attractor is. I don't remem- ber, when I showed you the eight or so attractors. what their relative strengths are. I think the beating and the outer bursting were very strong attractors, but that's going to vary under conditions of modulation as well. BAKER: Dr. Fischer, how do you envision the tail shock acting to block that response? FISCHER: We think that the tail shock affects calcium channels on the presynaptic terminals of the L30s and thus regulates presynaptic facili- tation. We have carried out a num- ber of studies to show that the en- hancement in the L30s is strictly de- pendent upon the levels of intracellular calcium. What's impor- tant is how much calcium you get in the cell per activity. Tail shock and serotonin seem to act on a calcium channel, such that less calcium gets in per unit activity. MORRIS: Dr. Baxter, when you re- duce the system from 1 1 to 4 dimen- sions to be able to look at it analyti- cally, you still have very serious deci- sion making to do. Which seven parameters are you going to make in- stantaneous and which are you going to let run? BAXTER: We don't do this arbi- trarily. This was an important part of Robert Butera's Ph.D. thesis. In gen- eral terms, what we did was to divide the system into slow and fast sys- tems. The slow system comprises the conductances underlying oscilla- tions, and the fast system comprises the conductances underlying the ac- tion potentials. We then collapsed the fast system into a single variable that represents the perturbation of the fast onto the slow system. Thus, the reduced model has three vari- ables describing the slow system, and one variable represents this lumped effect of the fast onto the slow. We then tested the reduced model and compared its output to that of the full model. The reduced model re- sponded to modulatory transmitters in the same way as the full system and also manifested multistability. Thus, the reduced model captured many of the salient features of the full system. COMMENT: I want to say for the record that Jim Blankenship's lab has shown that serotonin facilitates motor activity in feeding behaviors in Aplysia. Dr. Fischer, has serotonin been shown to facilitate motor activ- ity in vertebrates in contrast to inver- tebrates? FISCHER: I can't really speak for the vertebrate work. Serotonin has a lot of effects within the feeding cir- cuits, where it can facilitate both ends of the neuromuscular junction. It also affects siphon withdrawal re- flex facilitation, which is probably the most famous form of plasticity studied in this animal; but you see inhibition of inhibitory interneurons as well as facilitation of sensory neu- rons as a result of serotonin applica- tion. Thus, one neuromodulatory system seems to perform whatever function it has to do to get the re- sponse up. It can up regulate sensory neuron transmission and motorneu- ron activity in this system, but con- versely it decreases inhibition. I don't think it's appropriate to speak of serotonin as having a net facilitory or net inhibitory role, it just pro- duces reflex facilitation and, at least in our hands, does what it has to do to accomplish this. Reference: B'wi Bull. 192: 172-174. (February. 1997) Getting a Head in Frog Development RICHARD P. ELINSON Department of Zoology. University of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street, Toronto. Canada AI5S 3G5 The development of a head in frog embryos depends on the vegetal cortex of the egg. This at first seems odd because the head develops on the opposite side of the egg, close to the animal cortex. Nonetheless, the vegetal cortex not only is the repository of interesting localized RNAs, but it also causes the cytoplasmic movement that initiates a chain of events, culminating in the head. During oogenesis, RNAs are specifically transported to the vegetal cortex (Forristall et a/.. 1995; Kloc and Et- kin, 1995). These RNAs are of two types. One type is involved in formation of germ cells and the other in for- mation of the head and other dorsoanterior structures. Germ cells arise from germ plasm, located in the vegetal cortex. Xcat-2 RNA is localized to the germ plasm, and like nanos RNA in Drosophila, with which it has se- quence similarity, it may be involved in germ cell forma- tion (Mosquera el ai. 1993). Other RNAs, such as Vgl and Xwnt-1 1, are spread more evenly along the vegetal cortex. Processed Vgl protein is an inducer of dorsal mesoderm, and both it and Xwnt- 1 1 RNA can cause the formation of a dorsoanterior axis experimentally (Thomsen and Melton, 1993: Ku and Melton, 1993). These or other RNAs are the likely source of a dorsaliz- ing activity found at the vegetal cortex in the mature egg, ready for fertilization (Fujisue et a!., 1993; Holowacz andElinson, 1993). The Cortical Rotation, Gravity, and Dorsoanterior Development An hour or so after fertilization, the entire egg cortex rotates by 30° relative to the cytoplasm. This rotation es- This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The i'ltiurc nl tqnatic Research in Space Neurobiology, Cellular ami Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996. was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. tablishes the dorsoanterior axis and depends on a tran- sient array of parallel microtubules at the vegetal cortex (Elinson and Rowning, 1988; Larabell el ai. 1996). A kinesin-like protein is associated with the microtubules and is thought to move the cortex along the microtu- bules. which are anchored in the cytoplasm (Houliston etai, 1994). This critical rotation can be influenced by gravity in several ways. First, extremes of gravity, caused by cen- trifugation, can overcome the microtubule mechanism and produce a dorsoanterior axis on the centripetal side (Black and Gerhart, 1 985). Second, gravity, acting alone, can produce a dorsoanterior axis in the absence of the microtubule mechanism (Scharf and Gerhart, 1980). Third, gravity alone can orient the microtubules prior to their formation, thereby directing where the dorsoanter- ior axis will form (Zisckind and Elinson, 1990). Gravity in these cases acts by moving the heavy yolk-rich cyto- plasm downwards, producing a cytoplasmic re- arrangement. These gravity effects have led to repeated attempts to place frog eggs in space to see how they develop in zero gravity. In the most successful of such experiments, there was little or no perturbation of the dorsoanterior axis (Souza et ai. 1995). A normal head formed, indicating that some form of cytoplasmic rearrangement occurred. This arrangement was probably due to the functioning of the parallel microtubule mechanism. One would guess, although it has not been shown, that the various cyto- plasmic regions of different densities retained their iden- tity (Smith and Neff, 1986) thanks to the egg cytoskele- ton. Dorsalizing Activity and the Dorsoanterior Axis When cytoplasm is withdrawn from the vegetal cortex of the fertilized egg and microinjected into the ventral side of a cleaving embryo, an extra head and other dor- soanterior structures form. There is some connection be- 172 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 173 tween this dorsalizing activity in the fertilized egg and the components of the vegetal cortex of the oocyte, since UV irradiation of the oocyte eliminates the later dorsal- izing activity (Holowacz and Elinson. 1993). An attrac- tive model is that an RNA, localized to the vegetal cortex of the oocyte, is translated during oocyte maturation to produce a protein with dorsalizing activity in the vegetal cortex of the fertilized egg. Induction of a dorsoanterior axis, such as occurs with injected vegetal cortex, can be due to one of two activi- ties: mesoderm induction or competence modification (Elinson and Holowacz, 1995). Some molecules, such as processed Vgl protein or activin, are mesoderm induc- ers. They induce the formation of dorsal mesoderm. thus generating a dorsoanterior axis. Other molecules, such as Xvvnt-8 RNA, are competence modifiers. They convert ventral mesoderm to dorsal mesoderm, and in so doing, they can create a complete dorsoanterior axis, including a head. The teratogen lithium acts in this way. The dor- salizing activ ity of the vegetal cortex behaves more like a competence modifier than a mesoderm inducer (Holo- wacz and Elinson. 1995). The cortical rotation moves the dorsalizing activity to an asymmetric equatorial position in the egg (Fujisue et al.. 1993), where its activity specifies the dorsoanterior axis. The way that the dorsalizing activity is brought into position is not important, because microinjection or gravity-mediated rearrangements can substitute for the normal microtubule mechanism. In zero gravity, the mi- crotubule mechanism should still function. Why Can Gravity Substitute for the Microtubule Mechanism? After fertilization, the whole frog egg rotates in its jelly capsule (note this involves the whole egg, not just the cortex, and occurs earlier than the cortical rotation). As a result, the animal-vegetal axis of the fertilized frog egg is perpendicular to gravity, and there is no asymmetry of gravitational force on the yolk mass to produce the cytoplasmic rearrangement required for specifying the dorsoanterior axis. If gravity normally plays no role in this specification, why can it have an effect? One possi- bility is that gravity-induced rearrangement is an evolu- tionarily primitive mechanism, which has been super- seded by the microtubule mechanism. If there are any frogs lacking the microtubule mechanism, their eggs would be interesting objects to put in space, with zero gravity. We have limited knowledge of the mechanism of cor- tical rotation in different species, but one place to look would be in frogs with large eggs (Elinson et al.. 1990). Most terrestrially breeding frogs have eggs greater than 3 mm in diameter, more than 1 0 times the volume of the 1 .3-mm egg ofXenopus laevis, the current model for frog development. The way that these species specify dor- soanterior development is unknown, but it is easy to imagine a role for gravity. First, it seems unlikely that these huge eggs could quickly set up a large microtubule- based system powerful enough to cause a massive corti- cal movement. Second, a slight asymmetry of the huge yolk mass is all that would be needed to shift the cyto- plasm and set up a dorsoanterior axis. Frogs with large eggs usually breed on land, so they are out of the domain of this conference on aquatic research in space. The eggs can. however, develop in water (Elin- son, 1987) and may be intriguing to examine under zero gravity conditions. Literature Cited Black, S. D., and J.C. Gerhart. 1985. Experimental control of the site of embryonic axis formation in Xenopits laevi.\ eggs centrituged before first cleavage. Dt-r. Biol. 108: 3 10-324. I linsun. R. P. 1987. Fertilization and aqueous development of the Puerto Rican terrestrial-breeding frog. Eleullieroiltictvlus coi/i/i. .1 Morphol. 193:217-224. Elinson, R. P., and T. Holowacz. 1995. Specifying the dorsoanterior axis in frogs: 70 years since Spemann and Mangold. Curr. Top. Dev Biol. 30: 253-285. Elinson, R. P., and B. Rowning. 1988. A transient array of parallel microtubules in frog eggs: potential tracks for a cytoplasmic rota- tion that specifies the dorso-ventral axis. Dev. Biol. 128: 185-197. Elinson, R. P., E. M. Del Pino, D. S. Townsend, F. C. Cuesta, and P. Eichhorn. 1990. A practical guide to the developmental biology of terrestrial-breeding frogs. Bin/ Bull 179: 163-177. Eorristall, C., M. Pondel, L. Chen, and M. L. King. 1995. Patterns of localization and cytoskeletal association of two vegetally localized RNAs. Vgl and Xcat-2. Development 121: 201-208. Eujisue, M., V. Kobayakawa, and K. Yamana. 1993. Occurrence of dorsal axis-inducing activity around the vegetal pole of an un- cleaved Xenopits egg and displacement to the equatorial region by cortical rotation. Development 118: 163-170. Holowacz, I., and R. P. Elinson. 1993. Cortical cytoplasm, which in- duces dorsal axis formation in Xenopu.\, is inactivated by UV irra- diation of the oocyte. Development 119: 277-285. Holowacz, T., and R. P. Elinson. 1995. Properties of the dorsal activ- ity found in the vegetal cortical cytoplasm ofXenopits eggs. Devel- opment 121:2789-2798. Houliston, E., R. LeGuellec, M.Kress, M. Philippe, and K. LeGuellec. 1994. The kinesin-related protein Eg5 associates with both in- terphase and spindle microtubules during \enopii.f early develop- ment. Dev. Biol. 164: 147-159. Kloc, M., and L. D. Etkin. 1995. Two distinct pathways for the local- ization of RNAs at the vegetal cortex in Xenopim oocytes. Develop- menl 121: 287-297. Ku, M., and D. A. Melton. 1993. \vvnt-l I: a maternally expressed Xenopu\ uwgene. Development 119: 1 161-1 173. Larabell, C., B. A. Rowning, J. Wells. M. \Vu, and J. C. Gerhart. 1996. Confocal microscopy anal) sis of living .Yi'myw.v eggs and the mech- anism of cortical rotation. Development 122: 1281-1289. Mosquera, L., C. Korristall, Y. /hou, and M. L. King. 1993. A mRNA localized to the vegetal cortex ofXenopus oocytes encodes a protein with a nanos-like zinc finger domain. Development 117: 377-386. Scharf, S. R., and J. C. Gerhart. 1980. Determination of the dorsal- 174 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE ventral axis in eggs of Xenoptts A. m before first cleavage. Dcv. Bml U.S.A. 92: 1975-1978. 79: 181-198. Thomsen, G. H., and D. A. Mellon. 1993. Processed Vgl protein is Smith, R. O, and A. \V. NeiV. i486. Organisation of Xcnoptu eggcy- an axial mesoderm inducer in Xcnopus. Cell 74: 433-441. toplasm: response I ---..iluted microgravity. J. E.\p. Zoo/. 239: Zisckind, N., and R. P. Elinson. 1990. Gravity and microtubules in 365-378. dorsoventral polarization of the Xmopus egg. Dev. Growth Dili 32: Souza, K. A., S. D. Black, and R. J. Wassersug. 1995. Amphibian 575-581. Reference: Bin/. Bull 192: 175-177. (February, 1997) Fate Specification Along the Sea Urchin Embryo Animal- Vegetal Axis ROBERT C. ANGERER AND LYNNE M. ANGERER Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 Introduction Like those of a large majority of taxa, sea urchin em- bryos establish a spatial coordinate system for the initial body plan from one axis, the animal-vegetal (A-V). that is fixed during oogenesis by asymmetric deposition of maternal molecules (the embryologists" "determinants") and a second axis, dorsal-ventral (or, more descriptively, oral-aboral), that is specified sometime during the first few cleavage divisions (reviewed by Davidson. 1989). The ability of sea urchin embryos to establish these axes while continuously reorienting in culture suggests that neither axis is sensitive to the earth's gravitational field. In embryos of many sea urchin species, A-V polarity is evidenced by the unequal sizes of blastomeres of the 16- cell embryo, which consists of tiers of eight mesomeres, four macromeres, and four micromeres. Classical exper- imental micromanipulations of embryos (reviewed by Horstadius, 1973). have established that the fates of mi- cromeres are determined by inheritance of maternal molecules. In addition, the micromeres provide a vegetal focus of inductive influence that is critical in the normal embryo for appropriate specification of fates of overlying animal blastomeres. and that can induce vegetal differ- entiation (gut, secondary mesenchyme) in cells of more animal tiers when micromeres are transplanted to ec- topic sites (Khaner and Wilt. 1991: Ransick and David- son, 1993). Thus, specification of fates along the AV axis utilizes both major mechanisms familiar to developmen- tal biologists— inheritance of maternally provided posi- This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future u/' Aquatic Research in Spiice: Ncurohiolony. Cellular and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996. was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. tional information, and communication among cells, presumably by ligand-receptor interactions. Studies with the Very Early Blastula Gene Set The Very Early Blastula (VEB) gene set provides an entree to the mechanism of maternal determination of the A I " developmental axis. Several years ago, we used sub- tractive cDNA screening methods to identify a set of mRNAs encoded by four different genes expressed tran- siently in the very early blastula ( ~ 1 50 cells), and absent from both the maternal pool of mRNAs and the message complement of later differentiated cells (Reynolds el ai. 1 992). Surprisingly, the mRNAs identified by this simple temporal screen accumulate in the embryo with congru- ent spatial patterns and very similar temporal patterns. These genes, which we named the VEB genes, have two important features. First, the messages they encode ac- cumulate asymmetrically along the AV axis, being pres- ent throughout the animal —85% of the embryo but ab- sent from the region around the vegetal pole. Second, the messages accumulate in embryonic blastomeres that are continuously separated beginning at the 2-cell stage. This latter property strongly suggests that activation of VEB gene expression, and consequently the asymmetry of ac- cumulation, is regulated by a corresponding asymmetric distribution of maternal regulatory activities that corre- sponds to part of the molecular mechanism that estab- lishes this axis. Our approach is to investigate the cis- acting elements in the regulatory apparatus of the VEB genes, and the /ram-acting factors that drive their expres- sion, to identify these critical molecular components. Regulatory regions of the SpHE l Aquatic Research in Space: Neitrobiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded b\ the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. geous for a study of particle transport. In these cells, pig- ment granules migrate within fixed apical projections; thus transport-related cytoskeletal dynamics can be ex- amined in the absence of change in cell shape. Either pig- ment granule aggregation or dispersion can be triggered at will by incubating RPE cells with cAMP or dopamine. respectively, and pigment granule translocation is slow enough to permit experimental intervention or biochem- ical isolation while granules are traveling in either direc- tion (Burnside and Basinger. 1983; Dearry and Burnside. 1988). Pure preparations of RPE sheets (containing a single cell type) can be isolated in different functional states in sufficient amounts to permit both molecular and biochemical analyses. Finally, normal aggregaton and dispersion can be induced in single isolated cells in vitro, thereby permitting analysis of transport kinetics under different experimental conditions by time-lapse videomicroscopy (King-Smith et ai. 1995, 1996). Video analysis has shown that pigment granule move- ments in RPE cells are slower but otherwise similar to those previously reported for dermal melanophores(un- publ. obs.). During dispersion, pigment granule move- ment is saltatory and bidirectional, with individual pig- ment granules moving independently; mean centrifugal and centripetal velocities were 3.2 and 1.5 ^m/min re- spectively. The net pigment dispersion rate in isolated cells (LS^m/min) is similar to that observed in vivo (2.2 ^m/min). After full dispersion is achieved, bidirec- tional saltations of pigment granules continue within the apical projections. When aggregation is triggered by cAMP, all granules undergo a coordinated, smooth, non- saltatory centripetal movement, with a mean velocity of 3.6 Mm/min, which is comparable to the mean in vivo velocity of 3.4 //m/min. In the time-lapse movies, other forms of motility are visible in the apical projections, in- cluding bidirectional translocations of mitochondria. 181 182 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE formation and migration of cytoplasmic bridges between projections, and modest e >ns and retractions of the tips of the project; To identify the cy'- . ::al mechanisms of RPE pig- ment migration, v • stigated whether disruption of microtubules with -i-cadozole would block pigment granule movemcm in isolated sunfish RPE cells in vitro. Neither aggregation nor dispersion was inhibited by the complete disruption of the microtubules of the apical projections (unpubl. obs.). Microtubule disruption had no effect on the mean velocities of individual granules, or on the rate or extent of pigment granule aggregation or dispersion. Maintenance of the aggregated or dispersed states was also unaffected by microtubule disruption. These observations strongly suggest that microtubules are not required for pigment granule migration in iso- lated RPE cells. As a first step toward evaluating the role of actin fil- aments in RPE pigment granule transport, we also inves- tigated the effects of cytochalasin D on pigment granule migration in isolated RPE cells (unpubl. obs.). Net pig- ment granule aggregation and dispersion were both strongly and reversibly inhibited by cytochalasin D, the IC50 for dispersion (0.5 nM] being lower than that for aggregation (2.5 nM}. Video analysis revealed that cyto- chalasin has a surprising effect on the movements of in- dividual pigment granules. Although most granules stopped moving altogether within minutes of exposure to cytochalasin. several granules in each projection be- gan to undergo very rapid (up to 40 ^m/s), bidirectional excursions. When cytochalasin was applied to isolated RPE cells in which the microtubules had been previously disrupted by nocodazole, all pigment granule movement stopped, suggesting that the very rapid bidrectional ex- cursions observed in cytochalasin-treated cells are mi- crotubule-dependent. These inhibitor studies suggest that actin filaments play important roles in both aggregation and dispersion, although the mechanism of actin filament participation is not clear. Since the effects of cytochalasin D on aggre- gation and dispersion have different IC50s, the force- producing mechanisms of the two processes may differ. The low IC50 for dispersion suggests that interfering with plus-end assf i.vbK of actin filaments is sufficient to block centrifugal trans] ort. The higher IC50 for aggregation, on the other i ests that additional effects of cy- tochalasin, such as n of actin filament organiza- tion, may be necessary to block motility in this case. The implication that both centrifugal and centripetal pig- ment granule movements are actin-dependent is some- what surprising, since all known myosin motors move only toward the plus ends of actin filaments. The roles of myosin motors and actin filament dynamics in pigment granule transport are not yet clear. In parallel with physiological analyses of RPE transport, we have also identified myosin motor proteins expressed in fish RPE cells (unpubl. obs.). Using degen- erate primers based on conserved sequences in the myo- sin motor domain for RT-PCR. we have identified 1 1 myosin motor proteins that are expressed in teleost RPE. These include one apparently novel myosin selectively expressed in RPE and retina, and two selectively ex- pressed in RPE. We are currently making isotype-spe- cific antibodies to these motors for isolation of native proteins and subcellular localization of each myosin iso- type. Ultimately we plan to analyze the roles of these my- osin motors in pigment granule transport and other mo- tile processes of RPE cells. Acknowledgments Supported by NIH grant R37-EY03575. Literature Cited Burnsidc, B., R. A. Adler, and P. O'Connor. 1983. Rclmomotor pig- ment migration in the teleost retinal pigment epithelium. I. Roles for actin and microtubules in pigment granule transport and cone mo\ement. Invent. Oplnhalmul I 'M. Sei 24: 1-15. Burnsidc. B., and S. Basingcr. 19X3. Relinomotor pigment migration in the teleost retinal pigment epithelium. II. Cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate induction of dark-adaptive movement in vitro. ///res/ OphllHilnml I'M ,S'c/ 24: 16-23. Dearry, A., and B. Burnsidv. 1988. Stimulation of distinct D2 dopa- minergic and alpha2-adrenergic receptors induces light-adaptive pigment dispersion in teleost retinal pigment epithelium. J Ncuro- c/iem 51: 1516-1523. Fath, K. R., and D. R. Burgess. 1994. Membrane motility mediated by unconventional myosin. C'nrr Opin. Cell Biol 6: 131-135. king-Smith, C., L. Bost-l'singer, and B. Burnsidc. 1995. Expression of kinesin heavy chain isoforms in retinal pigment epithelial cells. Cell . \lnlil. Cylii^e/elii/i 31:66-81. King-Smith, C., P. Chen, D. Garcia, H. Rey, and B. Burnside. 1996. Calcium-independent regulation of pigment granule aggregation and dispersion in teleost retinal pigment epithelial cells. J. Cell Sci. 109: 33-43. I.angford. G. M. 1995. Actin- and microtubule-dependent organelle motors: interrelationships between the two motility systems. Curr. O/'in Cell Bu>l 7:82-88. Reference: Biol. Bull. 192: 183-185. (February. 1997) Myosin Drives Retrograde F-Actin Flow in Neuronal Growth Cones C. H. LIN*. E. M. ESPREAFICO#, M. S. MOOSEKERt AND P. FORSCHERt i-Dept. Biology, Yale University, New Haven. Connecticut 0651 l;#Dept. Morphology, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto-USP, SP, Brazil; *National Yang-Ming University. Taipei, Taiwan Neuronal growth cones guide axons in the developing nervous system toward distant target sites. Recent evi- dence suggests that growth cones decode both diffusible and substrate-bound molecular signals during the guid- ance process (Kennedy and Tessier-Lavigne, 1995; Tes- sier-Lavigne, 1992), which involves pathfinding. branch- ing, and ultimately target recognition. All of these behav- iors depend on precise regulation of growth cone motility. Bray pioneered the investigation of growth cone motility and was the first to observe that inert par- ticles placed on the growth cone surface would move in a retrograde direction, suggestive of an underlying cen- tripetal membrane or actin filament flux (Bray. 1970). Early studies also demonstrated that growth cone motil- ity depends on actin filament assembly (Yamada and Wessells. 1973), and a critical role for actin assembly in axonal guidance emerged when axons in the developing grasshopper nervous system were shown to lose all path- finding capabilities upon treatment with cytochalasin (Bentley and Toroion-Raymond. 1986). Later, studies characterizing actin dynamics in Aplysia growth cones /// vitro suggested that the retrograde flux mentioned above is actually due to actin filament assembly at nucle- ation sites along the leading edge, followed by retrograde translocation and filament disassembly or recycling by means of severing at a proximal site. This process was referred to as "retrograde flow" (Forscher and Lin, 1991: Forscher and Smith. 1988: Smith, 1988). The peripheral actin ultrastructure of the growth cone This paper was originally presented at a workshop titled The Future o! Ai/uulic Retcarcli in Space: Neitrobiology. Cellular unit Molecular Biology. The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole. Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at MBL and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. has also been well characterized as being composed of two distinct structural domains: filopodia containing ar- rays of uniformly polarized (barbed end distal) actin fil- aments, and intervening lamellipodium domains with less polarized filament structure (cf. figure 6a; Lewis and Bridgman, 1992). Both domains appear to exhibit uni- form retrograde flow relative to an external substrate ref- erence as judged by actin fluorescence photobleaching studies (Lin and Forscher. 1995). Assembly of actin fil- aments, followed by centripetal displacement relative to the leading cell margin, has been observed in a wide va- riety of motile cells and appears to be a fundamental property of directed growth processes and cell migration (Cramer £>/«/.. 1994; Bray and White. 1988; Fisher*? ai. 1988:Abercrombiei'/<;/.. 1970). In our initial characterization of actin filament dy- namics in Aplysia growth cones, we noted that when cones were treated with 2-5 fiM cytochalasin, retrograde flow did not appear to be markedly affected. Continued retrograde flow in the absence of new actin assembly re- sulted in formation of an F-actin-free gap along the growth cone margin and eventual clearance (typically in about 3 min) of F-actin from lamellipodia and filopodia. This persistent retraction of actin filament networks in the absence of actin assembly demonstrated that poly- merization could not be supplying the driving force for retrograde F-actin flow; therefore, we suggested that a myosin-like molecular motor might be involved (Forscher and Smith. 1988). Despite recent molecular cloning of several brain myosins (Bahler el at.. 1994; Ruppert el ai. 1993; Cheney el ai. 1993) and localiza- tion of myosins to growth cones (Rochlin et ai. 1995: Espreafico et ai, 1992; Cheng et ai. 1992: Miller et ai. 1992), little or no information about the functional role of myosins in growth cone motility has emerged (cf. Ta- naka and Sabrv. 1995). 183 184 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Given the functional implications of our previous work, we designed experiments aimed at global inhibi- tion of myosin activity to test whether any myosin was in fact involved in driving retrograde F-actin flow in growth cones. All known myosins have an evolutionarily con- served N-terminal head domain containing the site for ATP and F-actin binding as well as force generation (Mooseker and Cheney, 1995). Chymotryptic digestion of muscle myosin results in cleavage of a head domain subfragment (SI ) from the rest of the molecule (Margos- sian and Lowey, 1982). SI exhibits ATP-dependent ac- tin-filament binding, but lacking the C-terminal tail, is incapable of generating force unless artificially tethered (e.g., by an antibody) to a substrate. In addition, further treatment of SI with the sulfhydryl reagent, A'-ethylma- leimide (NEM), results in a myosin head species (NEM- Sl ) that remains tightly bound to actin filaments, even in the presence of ATP, and thus can serve as a potent specific inhibitor of actomyosin function (Cande, 1986; Meeusen and Cande, 1979). Our first experimental ap- proach then was to competitively inhibit myosin func- tion by injection of purified SI or NEM-S1 and to look at effects on growth cone motility. actin dynamics, and structure. We compared the results of SI or NEM-S1 injection with those obtained after treatment with 10-30 m^/2,3- butanedione-2-monoxime (BDM). a pharmacological inhibitor of endogenous myosin ATPase activity (Fig. IB). BDM has previously been shown to affect cross- bridge kinetics and to inhibit both conventional muscle and nonmuscle myosin ATPases including myosin V. platelet myosin II. and adrosophila myosin ATPase frac- tion without affecting kinesin ATPase activity or actin assembly (Cramer and Mitchison. 1995; Backx a a/.. 1994;McK.illop£V(//., 1994; Schramm el a/.. 1994: Zhao and Kawai. 1994). We found that both types of myosin B 120 100 o 01 80 a eo 40 T 20 - 12345 NEM-S1 (mg/ml) 0 10 20 30 40 50 BDM (mM) ' o r . NEM-S1 o BDM 20 40 60 Retrograde flow 100 120 Figure 1. Rales of filopodium growth and retrograde F-actin (low are inverse!) proportional. (A) Silica beads (200-nm diameter) derivatized with Con-A were applied to the growth cone surface with a single- beam gradient IR laser trap (red graphic top) and used as a noninvashe tool to quantify F-actin flow rates. Video sequence shows bead displacement over time ( 1 5-s intervals) under control conditions (green arrow) and immediately after myosin inhibition with 10 m.U BDM (red arrow). Yellow arrow denotes filopodial growth. (B) Dose-response curves for NEM-S1 and BDM treatments. Rates are % control retrograde flow. (C) Rates of lilopodium elongation ycrxii.\ retrograde flow. Data from different experiments (growth cones) were normalized by control retrograde flow rates. CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOTII.ITY 185 inhibition produced essentially the same effects: dose-de- pendent attenuation of retrograde F-actin flow accom- panied by filopodial and leading edge extension at rates directly proportional to the degree of flow inhibition (Fig. 1C). Filopodial growth stimulated by the myosin antagonists was cytochalasin sensitive, indicating that it is due to barbed end filament assembly. These experi- ments demonstrate that retrograde actin flow is indeed driven by a myosin ATPase. and that actin filament as- sembly and myosin motors function independently. Our results suggest that simple superimposition of actin poly- merization and the action of myosin motors underlie the process of retrograde F-actin flow. Literature Cited Abercrombie. M.,J. K. M. lleaysman, and S. M. Pegrum. 1970. The locomotion of fihrohlasts in culture. III. Movement of particles on the dorsal surfaces of leading lamella. E.\i> Cell Rex. 62: 389-398. Backx, P. H., \V. D. Gao, M. D. 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Stereocilia contain several hundred cross-linked actin filaments, so they are quite rigid. A stereocilium pivots at its flexible basal insertion point, where only a few dozen actin filaments penetrate the cell. Deflection of the bundle causes adjacent ste- reocilia to slide along each other, stretching elastic gating springs that tug open transduction channels located at the top of the bundle. Hair cells adapt to sustained stimuli; for example, hair cells in the bullfrog's sacculus can detect transient verti- cal accelerations of less than 1CT5 g. despite a constant 1 # stimulus from gravity (Koyama etui., 1982). Gating- spring tension, and hence channel open probability, is controlled by adaptation motors, which likely contain myosin molecules (reviewed in Hudspeth and Gillespie, 1994; Gillespie, 1995). During an excitatory stimulus, when gating-spring tension is high. Ca:* entering through open transduction channels triggers the adapta- tion motors to slip down the cytoskeleton and reduce tension (Fig. 1). By contrast, during inhibitory bundle This paper svus originally presented at a workshop titled The l-'u/iirc »l .U/naln- h in Spiicc \'eurt>hn>la?;y. C'c/lii/iu ami Mok'culur BioloKY The workshop, which was held at the Marine Biological Lab- oratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 13 to 15 May 1996, was sponsored iy the Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sci- ences at M I and funded by the National Aeronautic-sand Space Ad- ministrate i :.T Cooperative Agreement NCC 2-896. deflections that slacken the gating springs, the motors climb towards the apical ends of the stereocilia and re- store tension. The adaptation motor thus acts as a nega- tive-feedback control mechanism that ensures that gat- ing-spring tension remains at its optimal level. To prove that adaptation is carried out by myosin mol- ecules and to identify the responsible isozyme, we have taken advantage of years of intensive study of the prop- erties of skeletal-muscle myosin. We have applied gen- eral principles derived from muscle actomyosin to de- sign of experiments for hair cells. The ATPase cycle of myosin is illustrated in a simplified form in Figure 2. Are the properties of skeletal-muscle myosin II likely to re- semble those of a hair-cell myosin, even one of an unu- sual class? Recent results have suggested that this is so. Detailed kinetic characterization of two Acanthamoeba myosin-I isozymes indicates that ATPase hydrolysis uti- lizes the same mechanism as vertebrate myosin II. Fur- thermore, the rate and equilibrium constants defining the amoeba myosin-I cycle are nearly identical to those of vertebrate myosin II (Ostapand Pollard, 1996). These results give us confidence that the same will hold true for the myosin molecules of hair bundle. To provide evidence that myosin mediates adaptation in hair cells, we dialyzed hair cells of the bullfrog's saccu- lus with tight-seal, whole-cell recording electrodes filled with compounds that should interfere with the ATPase cycle. In one series of experiments, we introduced into hair cells adenine nucleoside diphosphates. such as ADP and the metabolism-resistant analog ADP/^S, expecting that they would promote the population of the diphos- phate-bound state of myosin (Gillespie and Hudspeth. 1993). We saw the expected results: adaptation was blocked, but the transduction currents remained robust, as if the adaptation motors were arrested along the actin 186 CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOTILITV 187 Displacement Transduction current Bundle movement Adaptation motor Transduction channel Tip link Actin cytoskeleton Rest (channels partly open) Positive step (channels all open) Adaptation (channels mostly closed) Overshoot (channels all closed) Recovery (channels partially reopen) Figure I. Transduction-channel gating and adaptation by hair cells. The response of a hair cell's trans- duction apparatus to a 100-ms, excitatory displacement is depicted. Transduction channels are gated by tension in tip links, and tension in tip links is controlled both b\ bundle position and by adaptation- motor position. When the displacement is applied, transduction channels open and a large inward current develops. In response to high tip-link tension and the influx of Ca:*, however, the adaptation motor slips down the actin cytoskeleton. As it does so, tension in the tip link diminishes and channels close. When the bundle is returned to its rest position, the adaptation motor is caught below its rest position, so tip-link tension drops precipitously and transduction channels close completely. Responding to the reduced ten- sion, the adaptation motor restores resting tip-link tension by reascending the actin cytoskeleton. Modified from Hudspeth and Gillespie ( 1 W4). filaments, unable to climb or slip. In addition, channel open probability increased, as the number of myosin molecules in force-producing states increased. These re- sults are entirely analogous to the effects of ADP on iso- metrically contracting muscle fibers, where ADP blocks both shortening and lengthening, as well as increasing isometric tension (Cookeand Pate, 1985). In a second series of experiments, we filled hair cells with phosphate analogs, reasoning that this should lead to decreased actin-myosin interaction ( Yamoah and Gil- lespie. 1996). Phosphate analogs such as vanadate, ber- yllium fluoride, and sulfate eliminated motor-force pro- duction, blocked climbing adaptation, and slowed slip- ping adaptation. The effects of phosphate analogs on slipping adaptation were quantitatively explained by a simple model that uses parameter values obtained from skeletal-muscle myosin. The remarkable similarity of the effects of adenine nu- cleoside diphosphates and phosphate analogs on hair- cell adaptation with their effects on skeletal-muscle be- havior lends strong support to the hypothesis that myo- sin molecules mediate adaptation. To date, no other model for adaptation fits more than a fraction of these and other data. The evidence that myosin molecules probably medi- ate adaptation has triggered a search for isozymes of my- osin expressed in hair cells. Early evidence that hair bun- dles contain myosin (Macartney el a/., 1980) was later disputed (Drenckhahn el al., 1982), and may have been due to anti-actin-antibody contamination of anti-myo- sin polyclonal antisera (Gillespie el al., 1993). Because of the large number of myosin isozymes (Cheney el al.. 1993) and lack of antibodies that recognize all myosin isozymes, we developed a photoaffinity-labeling ap- 188 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE Actin Myosin ATP Strong- binding states ADP \ Weak- binding states ADP Power stroke Figure 2. ATP hydrolysis by myosin. In the absence of bound nucleotide, myosin is bound tightly to actin. The consequence of ATP binding is a dramatic decrease in the affinity of myosin for actin: the complex then enters several so-called "weak-binding states." in which myosin only transiently interacts with actin. ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and P, in a readily reversible step, then P, is released and myosin rehinds actin. Following P, release, a kinetically irreversible step is surmounted, which is probably associ- ated with the power stroke that generates forces and displaces actin and myosin filaments. When ADP is bound, like the subsequent nucleotide-free state, myosin is bound tightly to actin. The effect of adenine nucleotide diphosphates like ADP and ADP/i should be to lock the myosin in a tightly bound complex with actin; adaptation motors would therefore be unable to release from actin or carry out power strokes. By contrast, phosphate analogs like vanadate. beryllium fluoride, and sulfate should increase the popula- tion of weakly bound states, decreasing force production and inhibiting climbing b\ the adaptation motors. proach that relies on the properties of myosirTs ATPase cycle. In this method, purified hair bundles (Gillespie and Hudspeth, 1991) are incubated with a radioactive nucleotide, such as [«-32P]UTP, and a trapping phos- phate analog, such as vanadate. After the nucleotide is hydrolyzed and P, is released, vanadate binds to myosin and traps the nucleotide in a slowly dissociating state. Thorough washing eliminates nucleotides bound to other bundle proteins, then radioactive nucleotides are covalently crosslinked to myosin molecules by UV irra- diation. We found that three myosin isozymes, of 120, 160, and 230 kD, were most consistently labeled in puri- fied hair bundles (Gillespie el u/., 1993). Although all three proteins have properties that suggest they are myo- sin molecules, the behavior of the 120-kD protein was most consistent with that of an adaptation motor. Label- ing of the 120-kD protein was blocked by antagonists of myosin, including ADP. ADP/iS, and NANTP, and the rank order of effectiveness of three trapping analogs (vanadate, beryllium fluoride, and aluminum fluoride) was identical to the order of stability of the correspond- ing myosin 11-analog complexes in the presence of actin (Gillespie el at. 1993: Yamoah and Gillespie. 1996). The 120-kD protein bound calmodulin, which is the Ca2+- binding mediator of adaptation (Walker and Hudspeth. 1996). The other photolabeled proteins shared some, but not all, of these characteristics. The data thus argue that bundles contain three myosin isozymes, and that the 120-kD myosin has the most appropriate behavior for an adaptation-motor myosin. We have used selective antibodies to identify and lo- calize three myosin isozymes in saccular hair bundles. Two of these isozymes, myosin VI and myosin Vila, have been shown, by genetic methods, to play essential roles in hair cells (Avraham ct at. 1995; Gibson et at, 1995). Using an anti-myosin-VI antiserum, we showed that an unusually high-mass form of this isozyme is found exclusively in hair bundles (T. Hasson, P. G. Gil- lespie. and D. P. Corey, unpubl. data). This 160-kD form probably corresponds to the 160-kD photoaffinity-la- beled protein. The location of myosin VI in bullfrog hair cells is complex. A large amount of myosin VI was found CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOTIL1TY 189 in the cytoplasm, and it can readily diffuse out of perme- ahilized hair cells. Another fraction was apparently tightly hound within the cuticular plate. In hair bundles, myosin VI was associated with basal tapers of a fraction ofstereocilia (only 10%-25%). In other bundles, usually small bundles from newly formed hair cells, myosin VI was found throughout the bundle. We suspect that myo- sin VI may be playing a structural role in hair bundles. Myosin Vila was abundant in purified hair bundles, and it comigrated with the 230-kD photoaffinity-labeled protein (T. Hasson, P. G. Gillespie, and D. P. Corey, un- publ. data). In frog bundles, myosin Vila was largely concentrated in a band 1-2 yum in height just above the basal tapers. Because one class of interstereociliary link- ages is found in that location, we suspect that myosin Vila serves as the intracellular anchor for these basal linkages. This localization is entirely consistent with its distributed localization in cochlear hair bundles ( Hasson et a/., 1995), where this class of linkages appears to be found along the length of the stereociliary opposition. Finally, myosin 10 appears to be the 120-kD photo- affinity-labeled bundle protein. Myosin 1/5 has been de- finitively localized to hair bundles by using two antibod- ies. The first antibody, mT2, is selective for this isozyme overall other known myosin-I isozymes(Metcalf. 1996). In immunoblots, mT2 identified a 120-kD protein pres- ent at 100-200 molecules per stereocilium (Gillespie et a/.. 1993). A polyclonal antiserum raised against the tail of cloned myosin 1/5 also detected, on immunoblots, a 120-kD protein of similar abundance (T. Hasson, P. G. Gillespie. and Corey, D. P.. unpubl. data). Both antibod- ies are selective, but additional confirmation of the re- sponsible isozyme derives from separation, on SDS- PAGE, of the 120-kD protein from myosin I« (unpubl. data), the only other myosin-I isozyme known to be ex- pressed in hair-cell-containing tissues (Sole et a/.. 1994). Both antibodies labeled stereociliary tips, as expected for an adaptation-motor myosin (Gillespie et a/.. 1993; T. Hasson. P. G. Gillespie, and D. P. Corey, unpubl. data). But only a fraction of tips were labeled, and a sub- stantial amount of myosin was found below the stereo- ciliary tips; this observation is consistent with a recent demonstration that the transduction apparatus is highly dynamic and can re-form after the tip links are broken (Zhao et ai. 1996). In fixed cells observed with anti-my- osin-I/5 antibodies, myosin molecules may be immobi- lized while carrying transduction channels and tip links to their proper locations. Proof that myosin 1/5 is indeed the adaptation motor will come from three classes of experiments, all in prog- ress. Because the adaptation motor is thought to reside in the insertional plaque found at the upper end of a tip link (Hudspeth and Gillespie. 1994). immunolocaliza- tion of myosin 1/5 at the plaque by immunoelectron mi- croscopy will provide one level of proof. More convinc- ing would be the inhibition of adaptation by isozyme- selective inhibitors of myosin 1/5, such as inhibitory anti- bodies or selective peptides. Most definitive would be in- troduction of a mutated myosin gene into the genome of an animal with its myosin-I/5 gene deleted; if the proper- ties of the reintroduced myosin gene were sufficiently distinctive, adaptation would be affected in a predictable manner. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the NIH (R01 DC02368 and P60 DC00979). P.G.G. is a Pew Scholar in the Bio- medical Sciences. Literature Cited Avraham, K. B., T. Hasson, K. P. Steel. D. M. 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You men- tioned that, to prepare the cells for this experiment, you have to extract a great deal, so you may have lost the actin. BURNSIDE: That was done with in- tact sheets of RPE with attached ret- ina, not on isolated cells. And the distribution was that 75% of the ac- tin filaments in apical projections were oriented with plus ends towards the tips of the projections, and 25% were oriented otherwise. We have not repeated the procedures with iso- lated cells, because they are rather tenuously attached to their cover slips. With the intact retina/RPE preparations, we have to permeabil- ize rather drastically to get the myo- sin subfragments into the region of the apical projections, since they are not exposed. Thus some of the apical projections may have been mechan- ically disrupted enough to stir around their actin filaments. I am more inclined to believe the 75+% with plus ends distal; the other ±25% may have been produced by tissue disruption. LANGFORD: Do you ever see evi- dence of bundles of actin, or do they always appear as single filaments? BURNSIDE: There are no bundles in these fish. In other fish that I've looked at, there are really tight bun- dles. Parrot fish and chick RPE cells have bundles, but they don't move their granules. QUESTION: (Dr. Burnside) What is the source of the dopamine? BURNSIDE: Dopamine is released from interplexiform cells located in the inner retina. This dopamine would have to diffuse 50-100 ^m to reach the RPE cells and thus is acting as a diffusible neuromodulator in this case. We have shown that the dopamine receptors located on the photoreceptors are D4 receptors, with binding constants for dopamine in the nanomolar range. We have not specifically characterized the re- ceptors on RPE cells, but they have similar affinities for dopamine. ELINSON: Paul (Forscher), with- out the myosin inhibition we see this tremendous retrograde flux. If you showed us a time lapse of that same effect under myosin inhibition, would we see the same speed of ex- tension forward due to the actin po- lymerization? FORSCHER: That's exactly what you see. There is an inverse propor- tional relationship between growth and flow. If you incrementally slow the flow, you get incremental growth by exactly the same amount. ELINSON: So the myosin is actu- ally competing against growth? FORSCHER: I wouldn't say it's competing; there's a steady state. There are two processes going on: Under the conditions of these exper- iments, where the growth cone isn't really interacting with anything in the outside world, there's a futile cy- cle that is essentially assembling ac- tin, and the myosins are pulling it back. The rate of assembly is matched by the rate of myosin ac- tion, and that's the retrograde flow rate. Superimposed on that, you can see fluctuations of the leading edge and fillopodia. This means that the rate of assembly is fluctuating slightly above and below the rate of retrograde flow, but they are not cou- pled. Basically the point of my talk was that, if you slow retrograde flow by an increment, you'll get extension that's perfectly proportional to that. QUESTION: Does that mean that retrograde flow is an artifact of not being able to grasp? FORSCHER: That's a second semi- nar. Briefly, we have measured retro- grade flow and growth cone target in- teractions with neuronal substrates. When the growth cone can grab on to something with its myosin intact, it grabs on. The microtubules go to- ward the contact site, and the growth cone starts moving forward. There's a perfect correlation between growth and slowing of retrograde flow. But in this case, instead of turning the motor off, the motor is intact, and the actin inside is interacting through some adhesion proteins to grab onto the outside world. BRADY: Growth cones don't nor- mally go across glass cover slips, or for that matter, sheets of cells. They are often going through three-di- mensional matrices of extracellular 191 192 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE matrix. That would prohahl more with the specific interactions with a substrate. FORSCHERiOnec >e problems is that we've put these eeils into an ex- tremely artificial environment. In fact, Aplysiu growth cones also look and behave somewhat differently when cultured on a more physiolog- ical substrate. LANGFORD: Peter (Gillespie), I have a question about the other my- osins. You mentioned that myosin \fi is probably the adaptation motor. You have identified other myosins; what do you think they are doing? GILLESPIE: One of the more strik- ing localizations of myosin VI is in the cuticular plate, to which the ster- ocilia insert. The myosin seems to be rigidly associated there. In the cutic- ular plate there's an actin meshwork that's cross linked together, perhaps by myosin VI; maybe myosin VI is involved in forming the cuticular plate. There's more to it than that. I have looked at newly formed bun- dles from the cells most recently turned into hair cells. These cells have a lot of myosin VI in the ste- reocilia — not concentrated down at the tapers, but actually throughout the stereocilia. I don't know what it's doing there, but it's striking. My guess is that the bundle needs myo- sin VII for these linkages to hold the stereocilia together, so that the whole bundle can move, even when dis- placement is applied to only one part of the bundle. The nature of the link- ages is unknown, but they probably also neei, intracellular anchor, and this \osin VII. That's our hypothec ie time being. BURNSIDE: (D ,pie) In your preparations, do » ou have myosin without actin'.' GILLESPIE: There's a tremendous amount of the myosin — both myo- sin VI and myosin VII — that's not particularly localized in any way. If you look at the hair-cell bodies, they have a ton of both myosin VI and myosin VII in the cytoplasm. If you permeabilize fixed cells with strepto- lysin O, most of the myosin VI diffuses away. It seems to be just sit- ting there, presumably not interact- ing with actin filaments. We don't know whether this is a reservoir, or what it's doing. GILLESPIE: David Corey has shown that there are multiple splice- variants of myosin VI. We saw a 160- kD form in the hair bundle, whereas in the cell body there is the 150-kD form. We don't know what the source of that difference is, but it's intriguing. GILLESPIE: We haven't done sys- tematic studies in too many organ- isms. Most of the work is in frog and guinea pig. Unfortunately, labeling of myosin IfJ hasn't been done yet in a mammal. Labeling of myosin VI and myosin VII is consistent in the frog and the guinea pig, although it's not identical. With myosin VII you get labeling up and down the ste- reocilia— where these linkages are. Myosin VI is not at all prominent in stereocilia in guinea pig, and it took unusual experiments to see this la- beling associated with tapers in frogs. QUESTION: Peter (Gillespie), what's the evidence that the actin in the stereocilia is dynamic in any way; or is it always stable? GILLESPIE: As far as we can tell it's stable, in the sense that the structure is not sensitive to cytochalasin. The actin is heavily crosslinked, and there's no evidence for any rapid turnover. On the other hand, it seems very unlikely that you make the actin when you build a hair cell, and that's it. There's got to be some mechanism for turning over the ac- tin filaments or actin monomers, but there have been no systematic ap- proaches to studying that yet. So we really don't know. I'm sure it's dy- namic on some time scale. BRADY: Beth (Burnside), your re- sults quite clearly show that actin and myosins were involved in both directions of movement for your pig- ment granules. BURNSIDE: We don't absolutely know that it's myosin. BRADY: It certainly isn't microtu- bule-based, which is the point of the question. It's also true that the pig- ment-granule movement that you see looks very similar to pigment- granule movement in a wide variety of cell types; yet there's a very large literature arguing that microtubule- based transport occurs in these other cells. Would you like to comment on that? BURNSIDE: We were shocked when we did the experiments. I talked to Leah Haimo who studies a fish dermal melanophore in which the microtubules are very clearly in- volved in the pigment migration. The literature of pigment migration in melanophores is extremely vari- able. So there really just may be a va- riety of different ways that cells move. One thing is that the speed of movement in the dermal melano- phores is much faster. In our case, this is very slow and occurs at a rate that's similar to what happens in frog dermal melanophores. The evidence for the involvement of microtubules in frog dermal melanophores is not very good at all. I think it may be an adaptation to a slower movement, but I don't know why you should see saltation out, and smooth move- ment in. That's the same in both the microtubule-based system and in our system. I don't understand why that's the case. BRADY: The other possibility is connected with the point you made about the organization. When you get rid of the microtubules in these cells, the processes stay pretty much the same. That's not necessarily true in some other cell types in which the CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOT1LITY 193 disruption of cytoplasm may be more pronounced. BURNSIDE: That's a good point. Experiments in which microtubules are disrupted //; vivo are much more difficult to interpret because neigh- boring cell types are also affected and indirect effects, for example, on sig- naling, cannot be ruled out. When we disrupted microtubules in iso- lated RPE-retina preparations, pig- ment aggregation was inhibited. I in- terpret that to mean that when the RPE apical projections are interdigi- tated with the photoreceptors as they are in situ, then microtubules are needed, perhaps for structural purposes such as maintaining a pat- ent pathway for granule transport. Once the apical projections are stuck down to a cover slip, microtubules are not needed for normal pigment migration in either direction, sug- gesting that the structural support may be provided by the substrate un- der these conditions. In fact, when we disrupt microtubules in isolated, unattached RPE sheets, the apical projections disappear. We do not know whether they retract or be- come too fragile to withstand our handling procedures, but they are gone, suggesting that microtubules are needed for structural support when the projections are not at- tached to a substrate. MANDOLI: Peter (Gillespie), you said that the sacculus was involved in orienting the frog. I was wondering whether you think that you would see an atrophy of the hairs in micro- gravity? GILLESPIE: People have actually looked, and others could probably comment better on that than I can. Most species use the sacculus as a true vertical-acceleration detector for vestibular information. The frog uses it as a specialized detector for ground-borne vibration. When you sneak up and try to grab that frog for dinner, it feels you from 30 yards away, because it has adapted its sac- culus to detect ground-borne vibra- tion. 1 don't know what happens to the hair cells in space, but I know that it's been looked at. MANDOLI: These linkages be- tween the stereocilia, you said that they run all the way up and down? GILLESPIE: You see the crosslinks between adjacent stereocilia from top to bottom. MANDOLI: Is the localization of myosin VII consistent with that link- age? GILLESPIE: The answer is yes, al- though that hasn't really been looked at systematically. It will be very in- formative to look at the chicken, where those linkages have been mapped out in different regions of different auditory and vestibular or- gans. We know what to expect there, so that will be a strong test of the hy- pothesis. MORRIS: In mammals at least, hair cells have to last a lifetime. It's kind of intriguing to think of how you maintain this really nifty three- dimensional system and do repairs. I was wondering if there are any thoughts on whether a modification of the mechanism that's used for ad- aptation is used for getting new tip- link structures with the channels out to the tip. GILLESPIE: That's exactly how I think of it. We've been recently do- ing experiments in which we break tip links with calcium chelators and watch them regenerate over a num- ber of hours. As far as we can tell, the tip links seem to be coming from be- low the tips; we see evidence of link- ages from below the tips. Transduc- tion comes back over the same time course as tip links. Interestingly, there's much less adaptation after 24 h of regeneration in the chelator- treated regenerated cells than in the controls. I think that the adaptation motor or another mvosin is involved in assembling everything together. This makes sense from a lot of points of view. We also have a strong suspi- cion that the stereociliary surface has much more than just one tip-link monomer per stereocilia. We have some indirect evidence that there's a reserve of that protein. One simple model is that you have a hemi-tip link on each stereocilium, and that these can come together and form an intact tip link. Each hemi-tip link is controlled by a motor. I don't actu- ally believe that hypothesis for a number of reasons, but at least it's plausible. I think it's more likely that the extended part of the tip link is solubilized when we treat with calcium chelators, and that it has re- ceptors on either stereocilia. But we don't know how it's all put together. QUESTION: What is the tip link made of? GILLESPIE: We have direct and rel- atively indirect evidence that it's gly- coprotein. Regeneration is not blocked by cyclohexamide, so new protein synthesis is not needed, at least over 12 h. We don't know whether the tip link is stored in some reserve in the cell body and then brought out. or (as I have suggested before) whether there's a lot of the tip-link protein on the stereociliary surface that's brought together. We are interested in getting back to the myosin story. In the case of myosin 1/3, we always see fewer than every single stereocilia lit up at the tip by either of the myosin 1/3 antibodies. That correlates with what is seen with scanning electron microscopy, particularly in the frog hair cell, where there are relatively few tip links. I think there's evidence that there is less than a full set of tip links at any given time in a frog's hair cell, perhaps because there's much more dynamic turnover of the transduc- tion apparatus than we initially thought. The balance between tip link, transduction-apparatus inser- tion, and retrieval is affected. 194 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE BARLOW, R.: You show extreme changes in the angle of the stereocilia in your cartoons. How much move- ment actually takes place? GILLESPIE: Very little. The ste- reocilia here are 8000 nm tall, and in the cochlear hair cell the stereocilia are 4000 nm tall. At the limits of hu- man hearing you can detect displace- ment of the stereocilia of about 0.1 nm. You can show a pretty ro- bust displacement of transduction current in response to a 1-nm dis- placement with mammalian coch- lear hair cells /// vitro. So the move- ments that are needed for gating the transduction channels are very small. QUESTION: Is there any evidence as to exactly what type of glycopro- tein makes up the tip link? GILLESPIE: Not at the moment. There's a protein in muscle called titin that's involved in connecting the myosin filaments to the Z-line. Titin has the right properties to be a tip-link protein. It's an elastic, long and elongated (1 nm long), 4 MDa protein. Actually I don't think that the tip link is a titin homologue. BARLOW, R.: The tip link would not work well if it were elastic. GILLESPIE: We know that the ele- ment that gates the transduction channels is elastic. We need to have some elasticity in it. We do know whatever gates the transduction channel that we measure has a stiff- ness of about 0.5 mN/m. BARLOW, R.: Being elastic, wouldn't the tip link lend itself to ad- aptation? GILLESPIE: Not really. If you move the bundle, you want the dis- placement to supply a force to the transduction channel. BARLOW, R.: But you don't want the tip link to stretch, rather you want it to be inelastic. GILLESPIE: No, you actually want it to stretch some because you want the channels gate to respond to the tension in the gating spring, rather than to the displacement of the chan- nel. We know that is how it works. Whether you want that or not is an- other matter. BARLOW, R.: Beth (Burnside), you mentioned that the movement of these granules and the movement of the photoreceptors is to place the photoreceptors in what appears to be the preferred position. What's the evidence that this lends itself to sen- sitivity changes in the retina? BURNSIDE: There isn't any evi- dence. Maureen Powers did a sab- batical in my lab and we used ERGs to try to ascertain whether changes in sensitivity could be correlated with changes in retinomotor position. In the whole fish it is extremely difficult to be sure you have produced a change in retinomotor position with- out changing anything else in the ret- ina. We did show changes in sensitiv- ity, but we could not convince our- selves that we were looking at specific effects of retinomotor posi- tion. We tried to look at isolated A- waves by knocking out photorecep- tor synaptic transmission, but most of the effect we could detect was on B-waves, and thus possible contribu- tions of altered signaling pathways in the inner retina could not be ruled out. BARLOW, R.: Paul (Forscher), in the first experiment, was concanava- lin A on the beads? FORSCHER: In our initial experi- ments we used polycationic beads that were derivatized with polyethyl- eneimine. To our surprise we found that with highly charged polycatio- nic beads you'd get triggering of new actin assembly. A bead that was moving retrograde would suddenly start whizzing around on a little jet of newly assembled actin. Since we didn't want that, we screened a bat- tery of lectins and found that ConA binds to many Aplysia membrane proteins. If we derivatize a bead with ConA, we get a flow-coupled bead every time. BARLOW, R.: When actin moves under the membrane, are membrane proteins moving with it? FORSCHER: That's a very interest- ing question, but I didn't say that. We don't know whether the mem- brane proteins that bind ConA are actually moving with the actin be- fore they bind to the bead. We have studied the detailed dynamics of the protein apCAM, which is an N- CAM analog. When a bead that's de- rivatized with an antibody against an extracellular epitope for that protein initially binds, it diffuses freely in the plane of the membrane. As the bead accumulates more and more of that protein over time, it couples to the actin flow. If you have enough den- sity of antibody on the bead, it will trigger actin assembly by crosslink- ing apCAM. So it's complicated. We also know that unligated apCAM is normally a freely diffusible mem- brane protein; it doesn't tend to ag- gregate. KUNG: Peter (Gillespie). if you cut the tip link and then stain for I/i, does this protein still stay on top? GILLESPIE: I haven't done that sys- tematically, but I have done it over a short period of time, then treated with chelators and looked to see if there are any changes. There's noth- ing obvious. On the other hand, now that we know about the time course for tip-link regeneration and are also starting to get an idea about the time course of tip-link retrieval, we know that we are going to have to do those experiments over longer time peri- ods. BRADY: One point that didn't come out quite as much in these talks as it could have is that a lot of times different systems of motors do CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOTILITV 195 interact with each other, and differ- ent cytoskeletal elements also in- teract with each other. Paul's (Forscher) work showed some of that, as did Beth's (Burnside) to some extent. There are examples in which actions or a mutation in a my- osin has a suppressor that is a kinesin-like protein. This has bog- gled the imagination of people work- ing on microtubule and micronla- ment motors. There are also exam- ples in which knocking out one motor disrupts the mitotic spindle, and knocking out a second motor that happens to have a similar local- ization suppresses the initial muta- tion and restores function. Finally, there is an example that may be rele- vant to the comment about the dy- namics of the stereocilia. Molecular dissections of regenerating cilia in Chlamydomonas have used genetic approaches to identify a number of motor proteins, in addition to the dyneins, that are important for as- sembly of cilia and apparently, in some cases, for the delivery of pro- tein to construct a cilium. There are particles analogous to what Paul (Forscher) sees moving along the outside of cilia on the membrane, and there are kinesins in the center portion of the flagella. It's not clear what all of these different interac- tions may do. One thing that we probably want to consider is that many motors may serve not for movement, but for generating a dy- namic tension on a structure neces- sary for function, cr for mediating shape changes, or for assembly and disassembly of structures like the mi- totic spindle. SACK: I realize this may not be trivial. If one were to be able to place a microscope in a horizontal orienta- tion and maintain the optics with a vertical stage, you might actually be able to test whether gravity affects the motility processes you described. This has been described in plant (Cham) cells — for example, in terms of the streaming rate. If you put the cell in a vertical orientation you can see differences in motility, down- ward-directed versus upward-di- rected. We don't know why that's important to the particular cells in which it occurs. The cytoskeleton certainly evolved to prevent stratifi- cation, but in plant cells motility is found to be under control. There's lots of signaling controlling it, and it's not a simple question of passive drag. I don't know if anybody has looked for this in animal systems. It would take a horizontal microscope, but it might uncover interactions of gravity with cytoskeleton. FORSCHER: There is recent evi- dence that the localization of adhe- sion proteins may actually be influ- enced by tension generated by either tyrosine kinase dependent phos- phorylation or myosin. This means that you can biochemically alter a protein's state by applying the appro- priate force. FORSCHER: (Dr. Burnside) Have you looked at particle movement on the surface of your cells? BURNSIDE: We tried to do that us- ing your derivatized-bead approach with positively charged beads, but we could never get them to stick. QUESTION: I have one comment and a question about the sacculus in the frogs. First of all, it is known that the sacculus of frogs also has acoustic sensitivity, just as it serves as a gra- vistatic organ. There's evidence not only in mammals, but in frogs, and of course in fishes, where the saccu- lus can function as an acoustic or- gan, a gravistatic organ, or both. My question to Dr. Gillespie is. How confident can we be that what you've found about the sacculus is going to be true of other otolithic end organs, or even of what's going on in hair cells in the cochlea? GILLESPIE: That's something that has concerned us for many years. and Jim Hudspeth in particular who has developed the molecular ap- proach to hair cells with the frog sac- culus. Although that question is con- tinuously raised, every time that we have found something interesting and important in the frog hair cell — be it adaptation or gating compli- ance in the transduction channel ap- paratus, or what have you — it turns out to have a parallel in every other system that's been looked at. We've started looking at myosin 1/3 in utric- ular hair cells, in collaboration with Richard Baird. It seems to be there with a relatively similar distribution. We are particularly interested in what's going on in the utricular cells. Richard has shown that different cell types in the utriculus, which has a much less uniform population of cell types, have different adaptation ki- netics. We are wondering whether that will give us any more clues as to the identity and properties of the ad- aptation. I think that the sacculus is a very useful model system in which many of the basic principles will ap- ply. There are going to be some differences, and there are going to be some specializations for its particu- lar role, but by and large I think that it's a useful system to work on. QUESTION: Dr. Gillespie) what is your opinion on why the hair cells in the cochlea of mammals don't have kinocilium? GILLESPIE: The hypothesis that makes the most sense to me is that cochlear hair cells respond to ex- tremely high frequencies, and a mi- crotubule-based cilium may be an impediment to very fast movement of a hair bundle. The stereocilia may be moved very readily and faster, be- cause they are tapered and pivot readily at their bases. HIGHSTEIN: Another hypothesis that might be more appropriate is that the inner hair cells are not di- rectly attached to the tectorial mem- 196 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE brane. The difference in these hair- you can sense angular acceleration, movement itself may be what's devi- cell systems seems to be the acces- linear acceleration, and so forth. In ating the cilia. sory apparatus, rather than the hair the cochlea the frequency argument cells themselves. Depending on how has been put forward. Another pos- GILLESPIE: That's true. Outer hair the bundle is coupled into the acces- sibility is that there is no direct at- cells do seem to be attached, and sory apparatus, this energy is cou- tachment to the tectorial membrane they have no kinocilia either. You pled into the accessory apparatus; in the inner hair cells, and the fluid are absolutely right. Reference: Biol Bull 192: 197- 149. (February. 1997) Chairs and Speakers Workshop Chair GEORGE M. LANGFORD, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences 6044 Oilman Labs Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 603-646-1331 Fax:603-646-1347 E-mail: George. M.Langford@Dartmouth.EDU ROBERT C. ANGERER, Ph.D. Department of Biology University of Rochester Rochester. NY 14627 716-275-8715 Fax:716-275-2070 E-mail: rangerer@rca.biology.rochester.edu LYNNE M. ANGERER, Ph.D. Department of Biology University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 716-275-3215 Fax:716-275-2070 E-mail: langerer@la.biology.rochester.edu ANDREW H. BASS, Ph.D. Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Seeley G. Mudd Hall Cornell University Ithaca. NY 14853-2702 607-254-4340 Fax: 607-254-4308 E-mail: ahb3@cornell.edu DOUGLAS A. BAXTER, Ph.D. Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy University of Texas Medical School at Houston Houston, TX 77030 713-792-5720 Fax:713-500-0621 E-mail: dbaxter@nbal9.med.uth.tmc.edu SCOTT T. BRADY, Ph.D. Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235 214-648-1830 Fax:214-648-1801 E-mail: SCOTT.BRADY@EMAIL.SWMED.EDU BETH BURNSIDE, Ph.D. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology 335 LSA-3200 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 510-642-3200 Fax:510-643-6791 E-mail: burnside@violet.berkeley.edu MARTIN CHALFIE, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences 1012 Sherman Fairchild Columbia University New York, NY 10027 212-854-8870 Fax:212-865-8246 E-mail: chalfie@cubsps.bio.columbia.edu ROBERT C. EATON, Ph.D. Center for Neuroscience Department of Biology (EPO Box 334) University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 197 198 FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE 303-492-6536 Fax: 303-492-8699 E-mail: mauthner@coloi .-.edu RICHARD P. ELINSO Department of Zook University of Ton 25 Harbord Stree Toronto, M5S 3G5 Canada 416-978-4445 Fax:416-978-8532 E-mail: elinson@zoo.utoronto.ca JOSEPH R. FETCHO, Ph.D. Department of Neurobiology and Behavior State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 1 1794-5230 516-632-8698 Fax:516-632-6661 E-mail: JFetcho@ccmail.sunysb.edu THOMAS M. FISCHER, Ph.D. Department of Psychology P.O. Box 208205 Yale University New Haven, CT 06520-8205 203-432-4676 Fax: 203-432-4690 E-mail: fischer@compuslug.psych.yale.edu PAUL FORSCHER, Ph.D. Department of Biology KBT 338 P.O. Box 208 103 Yale University New Haven, CT 06520 203-432-6344 Fax:203-432-6161 E-mail: paul.forscher@yale.edu PETER GILLESPIE, Ph.D. Department of Physiology The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, WBSB 205 725 N.Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 2 1205-2 185 410-614-308; Fax: 410-955-046! E-mail: Peter_j cspie@qmail.bs.jhu.edu EDWARD M. Gooi is Ph.D. Space Station Bun search Project NASA Ames Resean T20G-2 Moffett Field, CA 94035 415-604-1961 Fax:415-604-1701 E-mail: ed_goolish@qmgate.arc. nasa.gov DR. DONAT-PETER HADER Institute for Botany and Pharmaceutical Biology Staudtstrasse 5, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany 49-9131-858216 Fax:49-9131-858215 E-mail: dphaeder@biologie.uni-erlangen.de OWEN HAMILL, Ph.D. Department of Physiology & Biophysics University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, TX 77555-0641 409-772-5464 Fax:409-772-3381 E-mail: ohamill@beach.utmb.edu MASASHI KAWASAKI, Ph.D. Department of Biology Gilmer Hall, Room 277 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 804-982-5763 Fax: 804-982-5626 E-mail: mk3u@virginia.edu JOHN Z. KJSS, Ph.D. Department of Botany Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-5428 Fax: 5 1 3-529-4243 E-mail: kissjz@muohio.edu CHING KUNG, Ph.D. Laboratory of Molecular Biology R. M. Bock Laboratories University of Wisconsin 1525 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706- 1596 608-262-2059 Fax: 608-262-4570 E-mail: ckung@macc.wisc.edu WERNER R. LOEWENSTEIN, Ph.D. Laboratory of Cell Communication Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-7430 Fax: 508-548-2003 E-mail: lhoward@mbl.edu CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS 199 ROBERT E. MAXSON, Ph.D. 633 Morris Hospital USC Medical School 1441 Eastlake Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-764-0633 Fax:213-342-2764 E-mail: maxson@zygote.hsc.usc.edu CATHERINE E. MORRIS, Ph.D. Neurosciences Department — Loeb Institute Ottawa Civic Hospital 1053 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Kl Y 4E9 Canada 613-761-5073 Fax:613-761-5330 E-mail: morris@civich.ottawa.on.ca DR. PETER NICK Institut fur Biologic II/Botanik Schanzlestrasse 1 D-79 104 Freiburg, Germany 49-761-203-2646 Fax:49-761-203-2612 E-mail: pnick@ruf.uni-freiburg.de SIMON OSTRACH, Ph.D. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44 106 216-368-2940 Fax:216-368-6445 E-mail: sxo3@po.cwru.edu STANLEY J. Roux, JR., Ph.D. Department of Botany University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 787 13-7640 512-471-5858 Fax:512-471-3878 E-mail: sroux@uts.cc.utexas.edu FRED D. SACK, Ph.D. Department of Plant Biology Ohio State University 1 82 Botany and Zoology Bldg. 1735 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 432 10 614-292-0896 Fax:614-292-6345 E-mail: fsack@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu Reference: Bin/ Bull 192: 200-201. (February. 1997) Participants JELLE ATEMA, Ph.D. B.U. Marine Program Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-289-7499 E-mail: atema@bio.bu.edu MEL AVERNER, Ph.D. NASA Headquarters E-mail: maverner@gm.olmsa.hq.nasa.gov ROBERT BAKER, Ph.D. New York University Medical Center Tel: 2 12-263-5402 ROBERT BARLOW, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-289-7356 FR. J. D. CASSIDV, O.P., Ph.D. Providence College MARY ANNE FREV, Ph.D. NASA Headquarters E-mail: mafrey@gm.olmsa.hq.nasa.gov CHANDLER FULTON, Ph.D. Brandeis University Tel: 6 17-736-3 150 E-mail: fulton@binah.cc.brandeis.edu STEPHEN M. HIGHSTEIN, M.D., Ph.D. Washington University St. Louis E-mail: highstein@WUMS.WUSTL.EDU WILLIAM P. JACOBS, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University Tel: 609-924-2 CELESTE JARVIS Information Dynani Tel: 202-488-5 126 E-mail: cjarvis@hq.na- < Yi Li, Ph.D. Kansas State University Tel: 9 13-532-6360 E-mail: yili@ksu.ksu.edu TERRI LOMAX, Ph.D. Oregon State University E-mail: lomaxt@bcc.orst.edu BRIAN LOWE Boston University Tel: 508-548-5 169 E-mail: btlowe@bio.bu.edu DINA MANDOLI, Ph.D. University of Washington E-mail: mandoli@u. washington.edu ALLEN MENSINGER, Ph.D. Washington University St. Louis E-mail: MENSINA@TFNEURON.WUSTL.EDU ENRICO NASI. Ph.D. Boston University School of Medicine Tel: 6 17-638-4347 E-mail: enasi@acs.bu.edu KENNA PEUSNER, Ph.D. George Washington University Tel: 202-994-3489 D. MARSHALL PORTERFIELD Louisiana State University Tel: 504-388- 1464 E-mail: MPFIELD@AOL.COM JOHN D. RLIMMEL, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-289-72 18 TOM SCOTT, Ph.D. NASA Headquarters Tel: 202-488-5 145 E-mail: tscott@gm.olmsa.hq.nasa.gov ROBERT B. SILVER, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-548-3705 E-mail: rsilver@mbl.edu 200 PARTICIPANTS 201 RAQUEL SUSSMAN, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-289-7241 DANIEL TOMSIC, Ph.D. NIH Tel: 30 1-496-3868 E-mail: TOMSIC@CODON.NIH.GOV PEI-LAN Tsou Department of Botany North Carolina State University Tel: 9 19-5 15-3 345 E-mail: ptsou@unity.ncsu.edu CHARLES E. WADE, Ph.D. NASA Ames Research Center Tel: 4 15-604-3943 NORMAN WAINWRIGHT, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory Tel: 508-289-7343 E-mail: nwainwri@mbl.edu RON J. WHITE, Ph.D. NASA Headquarters Tel: 202-358-2 194 E-mail: rjwhite@gm.olmsa.hq.nasa.gov MICHAEL WIEDERHOLD, Ph.D. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio E-mail: WIEDERHOLD@UTHSCSA.EDU SARAH WVATT, Ph.D. Department of Botany North Carolina State University E-mail: Sarah_Wyatt@ncsu.edu STEVE ZOTTOLI, Ph.D. Williams College E-mail: Steven.J.Zottoli@williams.edu CONTENTS CELL BIOLOGY Goldberg, Walter M., and George T. Taylor Coelenterate cnidae capsules: disulfide linkages re- vealed bv silver cytochemistry and their differential responses to thiol reagents 1 DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION Sewell, M. A., P. A. Tyler, C. M. Young, and C. Conand Ovarian development in the class Holothuroidea: a reassessment of the "tubule recruitment model" 1 7 Hoegh-Guldberg, O., and R. B. Emlet Energy use during the development of a lecitho- trophic and a plankton ophic echinoid 27 Martin, Vicki J., and William E. Archer Stages of larval development and stem cell popula- tion changes during metamorphosis of a hydrozoan planula 41 IMMUNOBIOLOGY Hirose, Euichi, Yasunori Saito, and Hiroshi Wata- nabe Subcuticular rejection: an advanced mode of the al- logeneic rejection in the compound ascidians, Butnl- loidfssimodensisandB.fuscus 53 Raftos, David, and Aimee Hutchinson Effects of common estuarine pollutants on the im- mune reactions of umicates 62 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Anthony, Kenneth R. N. Prey capture by the sea anemone Mrtridium \rinh- (L.): effects of body size, flow regime, and upstream neighbors 73 Holyoak, Alan R. Patterns and consequences of whole colom growth in the compound ascidian Pohrluntm pl/iinim .... 87 Miller, Karen, and Russell Babcock Conflicting morphological and reproductive species boundaries in the coral genus Pltit\gyrti 98 THE FUTURE OF AQUATIC RESEARCH IN SPACE: NEUROBIOLOGY, CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Introduction 11") Mechanosensitivity 117 Plant Biology 131 Neurobiology/ Sensory Biology 145 Developmental Biology 172 Cytoskeleton/Cell Motility 181 Volume 192 THE Number 2 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN APRIL, 1997 Published by the Marine Biological Laboratory We've Turned the World of Confocal Mi|£oscopy LSM510 Side nn no Confocal perfection. Are first-class technology and flexibility your prime concerns in choosing a confocal microscope? The new LSM 510 Laser Scan Microscope has it all: innovative high-end technology; unparalleled ease of operation with advanced software; compact scanning module that fits both inverted and upright microscopes. Scanning flexibility. Unique scanning capabilities open up new possibilities. Significant specimen characteristics are no longer hidden. 3D imaging, interactive XY scanning. What you've always wanted in a confocal microscope is now a reality. Images of a new quality. Four simultaneous fluorescence channels, each with computer-controlled pinhole. Scanning fields up to 2048 x 2048 pixels, plus 4 x 12 bit resolution. Integration, oversampling, quasi-photon counting. See what you're missing - with the new LSM 510. It is confocal imaging at its best. ZEISX Zeiss Optical Systems, Inc. • Thornwood, NY 10594 (800) 982-6493 • Fax 914-681-7446 • micro@zeiss.com • www.zeiss.com MAY 1 3 1997 THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Associate Editors LOUIS E. BURNETT, Grice Marine Biological Laboratory. College of Charleston WILLIAM D. COHEN, Hunter College. City University of New York CHARLES D. DERBY. Georgia State University DAVID EPEL, Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University Editorial Board PETER B. ARMSTRONG. University of California. Davis THOMAS H. DIETZ, Louisiana State University RICHARD B. EMI ET. Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. University of Oregon DAPHNE GAIL FALITIN. University of Kansas WILLIAM F. GILLV, Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University ROGER T. HANLON, Marine Biological Laboratory MAKOTO KOBAVASHI. Hiroshima Prefectural Uni- versity MICHAEL LABARBERA, University of Chicago DONALT. MANAHAN, University of Southern California MARGARET MC.FALL-NGM. Kewalo Marine Labora- tory. University of Hawaii TATSUO MOTOKAW v Tokyo Institute of Technology K. RANGA RAO. University of West Florida BARUCH RINKEVICH. Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd. RICHARD STRATHMANN. Friday Harbor Laboratories. University of Washington STEVEN VOGEL. Duke University J. HERBERT WAITE. University of Delaware SARAH ANN WOODIN. University of South Carolina RICHARD K. ZIMMER-FAUST. University of California. Los Angeles Editor: MICHAEL J. GREENBERG. The Whitney Laboratory, University of Florida Managing Editor: PAMELA L. CLAPP. Marine Biological Laboratory APRIL, 1997 Printed and Issued by LANCASTER PRESS, Inc. 5575 HEMPLAND ROAD LANCASTER, PA THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN is published six times a year by the Marine Biological Laboratory. 7 MBL Street. Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Subscriptions and similar matter should be addressed to Subscription Manager, THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. Marine Biological Laboratory. 7 MBL Street. Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. For 1997, a lower me is available to individual subscribers (as distinguished from libraries and institutions). Single >4() for libraries: $20 for individuals. Subscription per volume (three issues): $97.50 for libraries; ) for individuals. Subscription per year (six issues, two volumes): $195 for libraries; $ 100 for individuals. Communications relative to manuscripts should be sent to Michael J. 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The order of abbreviated components should be the same as the word order of the complete title (i.e., Proc. and Trans, placed where they appear, not transposed as in some BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS listings). H. A few well-known international journals in their pre- ferred forms rather than WORLD LIST or USASI usage (e.g., Nature, Science, Evolution NOT Nature. Land., Science, N.Y.; Evolution, Lancaster, Pa.) 6. Reprints, page proofs, and charges. Authors receive their first 100 reprints (without covers) free of charge. A $25 surcharge will be added for each 100 reprints (including the first 100) of articles that include color illustrations. Additional reprints may be ordered at time of publication and normally will be delivered about two to three months after the i vsue date. Authors (or delegates for foreign authors) will receive page proofs of articles shortly before publication. They will be charged the current cost of printers' time for >. -rrections to these (other than corrections of printers' or <;•''•. tors' errors). Other than these charges for authors' alteratio , The Biologi- cal Bulletin does not have page charges. Reference: Biol. Bull 192: 203-207. (April. 1997) Choreography of the Squid's "Nuptial Dance" WARWICK H. H. SAUER1, MIKE J. ROBERTS2, MAREK R. LIPINSKI2, MALCOLM J. SMALE3, ROGER T. HANLON4, DALE M. WEBBER5, AND RON K. O'DOR5 1 Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, P.O. Box 94, Grahamstown 6140. South Africa: 2Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town 8012. South Africa: *Port Elizabeth Museum, Humewood 6013, Port Elizabeth, South Africa: * Marine Biological Laboratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. USA: and ^Dalhousie University. Halifax, Canada B3H 4JI A mass spawning of squid resembles, at first glance, a chaotic "nuptial dance" (1). But for the first time, we have applied 3-D. radio-linked acoustic positioning (R.AP) to this confusing process, and our early results now reveal a choreography that is, in fact, well organized in time and space. Remote tracking with R.4P of individual Loligo vulgaris reynaudii off' South Africa has provided insights into the daily sequence of behaviors that lead these ani- mals to aggregate for sexual selection. Each dawn, the squid navigate for several kilometers, toward the shore, to small, well-defined zones near egg beds on the substrate. After several hours of circling above these egg beds, a pe- lagic, 3-D lek-like aggregation of large males forms: fe- males are drawn in. and the aggregation condenses as the females and males pair, mate, and lay eggs. Smaller "sneaker males" remain on the periphery of the mating arena and, from this station, attempt extra-pair copula- tions (EPCs). The mating system of squids is thus unex- pectedly complex, rivaling those of mammals and birds (2. 3). Commercial squid-jigging fishermen in South Af- rica have recently been attracted to the spawning grounds, and they have been successful. Moreover, their activities may be selective for large males. Thus, atten- tion should be devoted to ensuring that such targeted fishing does not alter the characteristics of squid popula- tion genetics. Remote tracking and video observations, in combination with genetic analyses, may offer a new opportunity to monitor mating effort and reproductive success, and thus to manage the fishery. Determining the reproductive behavior of highly mo- bile marine animals is challenging, but the results can be rewarding, particularly in situations in which the species Received 23 May 1996; accepted 29 January 1997. is the target of a fishery that is conducted directly on the spawning grounds. Collaborative efforts between the fishermen's cooperatives and the government's Sea Fish- eries Research Institute led to the present study, which was conducted in November 1993 and November 1994 in Oyster Bay, South Africa. Underwater visibility was limited and diving conditions were treacherous, thus the observations of squid behavior by divers during these pe- riods were substantially complemented by an analysis of data collected by remote tracking. Eight squid were fitted with acoustic transmitters that produced pulses of 50-80 kHz "pings." The devices were placed within the mantle cavity and attached to the man- tle wall by a hypodermic needle that was thrust through the wall, crimped, and secured with silicone washers (see 4). Four of the eight squid were large males (430 g; mantle length [ML] about 32 cm), two carrying Vemco V 1 6T-3H telemetry tags with a thermistor-controlled pulse interval, one a V 1 6-3H pinger (all, 70 x 16mm diameter), and one a V8-2L pinger with a constant pulse interval of about 1 s (35 X 8 mm diameter). These transmitters encoded tem- peratures in the intervals between pings (as the data on depth and jet pressure had been telemetered in previous studies; 4). In addition, two small "sneaker" males (70 g; about 15 cm ML) and two females (180g; about 21 cm ML) each carried V8-2L pingers. The data supplied by all of these transmitters are equivalent to those provided by long-term, focal sampling of animal behavior (5). The acoustic transmitters borne by the c luids were tracked for 14 days by four hydrophone-e«. pped RAP buoys (Vemco Ltd., Shad Bay, NS, Canada) moored in Oyster Bay in a 45-m square over two •• iiall egg beds (each about 1 X 2 m) located 1 km offslv re. The buoys monitored the arrival times of signals rom the tagged 203 204 W. H. H. SAUER ET AL squid and transmitted them by radio to a base station, which used a triangulaiion routine (6) to calculate 3-D positions. The eight squid were tracked for a total of 54 animal-days (maximum for one individual, 14 d). They produced 35 megabytes of positional data, and the four large male squid produced temperature data as well. Data from transmitters fixed to the substrate were compared with data from diver-transported units so that the accuracy of the software in its present state of devel- opment could be evaluated. These tests showed position accuracy of less than 1 m inside the array of RAP buoys, decreasing to 5- 10 m at a 150-m radius from the center of the array (note Fig. 2). Full resolution of point-by- point tracks requires a complex post-analysis that is still in progress, but 10-20 s averaging gave reasonable, real- time tracks for typical squid speeds of 10-50 cm s"1. At worst, a squid moving 50cm s"', signaling its position every 20 s, produces points 10 m apart at 150 m from the center of the array; smaller movements are usually recorded at slower speeds. The eight squid being tracked were consistently pres- ent near the array during the day. The diel rhythmicity with which the three types of squid appeared on the egg beds is illustrated in Figure 1. These behavioral observa- tions are limited in number, but they are consistent; this consistency, together with our previous experience (4), indicates that acoustically tagged squid show the normal range of movement. At dawn, the squid arrived in the vicinity of the egg beds. The large males made circles (50- 150 m radius) around the area (records of these and subsequent move- ments are shown in Fig. 2). Females and other males gradually joined the large males as they coalesced into a 3-D mating arena that was generally situated within 10 m of the substrate (typical depths were 20- 30 m). Ag- onistic behavior among males was very striking and Squid Types Present on Egg Bed 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time of Day (h) Females — Males Sneakers Figure 1. Diel patterns of squid visitations to the egg bed, shown as the ratio of hours present to hours monitored. Three large males (blue, 32 cm mantle length) were monitored over 8 full days, two females (green, 2 1 cm ML) over 7 days, and two small "sneaker" males (red, 1 5 cm ML) over 2 days. Females and sneakers from offshore appear at dawn and often remain past dusk. Large males also appear at dawn, although numbers peak later; they often disappear by noon and make brief return visits before moving offshore at dusk. A trade-off between detailed tracking of individuals and continuous monitoring of all frequencies makes statistical analysis of daytime data difficult, but continuous monitoring at night (1800 h-0400 h)did not indicate the presence of large males or females, so patterns are clearly distinct. CHOREOGRAPHY OF THE SQUID'S "NUPTIAL DANCE' 205 150 150 -100 -50 0 50 Offshore/SW (m) 100 150 Figure 2. Overhead view of a typical full day of tracks for a large male (blue), a female (green), and a sneaker male (red): full details of behaviors can be replayed on computer animations. The black dot identities an egg mass confirmed by divers; video surveys also showed numerous squid and scattered egg fingers beneath the area of heavy tracks on the opposite side of the array. Ten days of similar records show that males and females begin at dawn making circles of 50- 1 50 m radius, high in the water column, around the sonobuoy array (A.B.C.D). Circling decreases by mid-morning, and in the afternoon females spend more time near bottom at individual egg patches. Sneaker males remain outside the main arena, low in the water column and near egg patches: direct observations show that they rush in to in- tercept pairs. Speeds average 18 cm s"1 for females. 14 cm s ' for large males, and 1 7 cm s 'for small sneakers. common as they competed for temporary pairings with females (7; unpubl. results). The paired large males and females mated, and the female then moved with her part- ner to the substrate to deposit her "egg fingers" (Fig. 3). Although these squid need adjacent bottom for egg-fin- ger attachment, criteria for such beds are not stringent. Lone large males often waited near the egg beds to in- tercept pairs moving to and from the communal egg beds. This activity — repeated mating and egg laying with a series of temporary partners — often continued tor 1- 2 h after sunset (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, the sneaker males remained all day at the periphery of the arenas (Figs. 1 and 2). In this station, presumably, they are maximizing their opportunities for extra-pair copulations (EPCs): that is, watching for females temporarily paired with larger males; then, after the pair has mated, swimming rapidly into the arena to mate briefly with those females (Fig. 4). The mean duration of a sneaker male's mating was only 6 s; in contrast, large males mated for 16-20 s (7). Large males occasionally left during the day, and one Figure 3. Photo of a large male escorting a female squid (Loligo v»/(,'<;m reviiiiiuln) as she attaches an "egg finger" of about 100 eggs to an egg bed. Photo by MJS. was tracked manually by boat to another mating arena 1.5 km alongshore. Tagged large males were apparently unsuccessful in mating, as evidenced by the short time they spent near the egg beds. In contrast, paired males escort female mates to the egg beds and guard them as their eggs are deposited (Fig. 3 ). This does not necessarily imply that tags interfered with normal behavior, because males outnumber females. Most squid moved offshore at dusk; one large male was tracked 2 km offshore, where he remained relatively stationary (perhaps feeding or resting) until his return at dawn. During this male's onshore migration, his mean swimming speed was. as expected. 1 body length per sec- ond (45 cms"1), three times his speed in the mating arena. In contrast, sneakers were smaller and faster, av- eraging nearly 1 body length per second for the whole day; their tactic of avoiding large males and achieving sneak EPCs requires swift swimming. Figure^. This enhanced video image of a "sneak-, male (left) in- tercepting a temporary pair and attaching a sperm package to the fe- male with no response by the escort (right) is direct e\ idence of sneak- ing in squid mating systems. Video by RTH. 206 W. H. H. SAUER ET AL. Males of various terrestrial and aquatic taxa assemble in large leks or lek-like aggregations to attract females and then compete for mating access (2, 3, 8, 9). Among loliginid squids I'vcver, the tactic that appears to be primary is the . cnsive sexual selection that occurs in these near^' mating arenas, with many of the requi- sites for Ickb (2). We suggest that the daily offshore-to- inshore movements and circling aggregation of male squid draw in new male and female schools from off- shore, increasing the size of the aggregation and the num- ber of females. Our picture of the dynamics of these lek- like aggregations suggests that high-biomass mating are- nas ensure that most eggs are deposited in locations with a high probability of hatching success. Other potential benefits of larger aggregations are more intensive compe- tition for mates and more gene mixing in the population. Overall, the squid mating system first includes a period of offshore mating that provides sperm to most females before the onset of the inshore migration. This sperm is stored and, as an alternative tactic, can be used by indi- vidual females that never make it to inshore mating are- nas. Females that do participate in the inshore mating aggregations probably use the sperm of the large males with which they pair and mate in these arenas (10, 11). In the end, then, females that mate with large males and sneakers, as well as with males while offshore, have at least three sources of sperm (7, 11, 12). Therefore, the potential for genetic mixing — already increased by the spawning aggregation — will be further augmented. This type of mating system may be typical of loliginid squids, and assessment of paternity by some molecular tech- nique will help resolve this possibility (12). The fishery for the squid Loligo vitlgaris rcynuiulii in South Africa began when fishermen located squid aggre- gations by sonar and jigged them intensively. At the out- set, low-intensity jigging often yielded tons of squid daily for several months, primarily during what we now recog- nize as the early morning period of circling and pairing over mating arenas (13). Previous sporadic diving obser- vations confirmed that the aggregated squid were spawn- ing around communal egg beds (14, 15). At present fish- ing levels, the aggregations seem more transitory and iso- lated, and offshore spawning may have increased. By now, the fishery, although relatively new. has be- come the third most valuable in South Africa (16); this fits the worldwide trend in which cephalopods have risen to third in dollar value (behind shrimp and tuna) as fin- fish stocks have declined due to fishing pressure (17). But this fishery clearly targets spawning squid. Therefore, fishery biologists and fisherman's cooperatives are keen to avert both biological and commercial disaster; thus they have been supporting the acquisition of baseline data on population dynamics, especially as it is influ- enced by reproductive behavior. Field trials combining molecular genetic and behavioral observations with ex- perimental fishing are planned to develop management strategies that will avoid alteration or breakdown of the critical spawning aggregations. In addition to the poten- tial for altering the mating dynamics (and thus gene dis- tribution) on the mating arenas, recruitment could also be adversely affected by increases in the alternative tactic of mating and spawning offshore, where development temperatures and success may be lower ( 1 8). The novel remote tracking project reported here is part of a larger program that includes videography of behav- iors recorded by divers, analysis of the recapture of pre- viously tagged squid, bottom surveys carried out by video using the Global Positioning Systems for location, and biomass assessments from sonar and trawl samples. In summary, the use of an unorthodox technique (tag- ging and monitoring with RAP) led to the surprising con- clusion that the squid's "nuptial dance" seems to be cho- reographed by the large males each morning, and that the nature of the interactions is reminiscent of lek aggre- gations of birds and mammals. Because the annual life cycle of squid is brief (19), and because the fishery has only recently developed, the system has great potential as a model of genetic shifts in populations that are sub- jected to natural selection from predators, sexual selec- tion due to squid behavior, and selective fishing pressure from human behavior. Fishery managers might take ad- vantage of this useful model system. Acknowledgments We acknowledge the advice of Mart Gross and support from the Foundation for Research and Development (South Africa), South African Squid Management In- dustrial Association (South Africa), Sea Fisheries Re- search Institute (South Africa), National Institutes of Health grant RR01024 (USA), and National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada). Literature Cited 1. Coustcau, J.-Y., and P. Diole. 1973. Last dance on the mating ground. ,\ut. HIM 82(4): 45-48. 2. Hoglund, J., and R. V. Alatalo. 1995. Leks. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ. 3. Widemo, F., and I. P. F. Owens. 1995. Lek size, male mating skew and the evolution oflekking. Nature 373: 148- 15 1. 4 O'Dor, R. K., J. A. Hoar, D. M. Webber, F. G. Carey, S. Tanaka, H. Martins, and F. M. Porteiro. 199-4. Squid (Lolixo forbesi) per- formance and metabolic rates in nature. Mar. Frexh. Behav. Phys- /()/. 25: 163-177. 5. Martin, P., and P. 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(April. 1997) Uptake and Persistence of Homologous and Heterologous Zooxanthellae in the Temperate Sea Anemone Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant) SIMON K. DAVY*. IAN A. N. LUCAS, AND JOHN R. TURNER School of Ocean Sciences, University of\\ 'ales, Bangor. Marine Science Laboratories. Menai Bridge. Anglesey, LL59 5EY, UK Abstract. The uptake and persistence of symbiotic di- noflagellates (zooxanthellae) were measured in the tem- perate sea anemone Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant). Aposymbiotic specimens of C. pedunculatus were inoc- ulated with zooxanthellae freshly isolated from a range of temperate and subtropical Anthozoa. Each inoculate consisted of zooxanthellae from a single host species and was either homologous (zooxanthellae from a host of the same species as the one being inoculated) or heterolo- gous (from a host of a different species than the one being inoculated). The densities of zooxanthellae in host tis- sues were determined at regular intervals. C. peduncula- tus took up homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae to similar degrees, except for zooxanthellae from the temperate Anlhopleura ballii, which were taken up to a lesser extent. The densities of all zooxanthellae declined between 4 hours and 4 days after uptake, indicating that zooxanthellae were expelled, digested, or both during this period. The densities of all zooxanthellae increased between 2 and 8 weeks after inoculation, indicating zoo- xanthella growth. Over the entire 8-week period after up- take, densities of homologous zooxanthellae were always greater than those of heterologous zooxanthellae. Be- tween 8 and 36 weeks after infection, densities of homol- ogous zooxanthellae declined markedly and densities of some heterologous zooxanthellae increased further, re- sulting in homologous and heterologous zooxanthella densities being the same at 36 weeks. These densities Received 12 January 1996; accepted 9 January 1997. * Present address: Department of Symbiosis and Coral Biology. Di- vision of Marine Science, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, 5600 U.S. 1 North, Fort Pierce, Florida 34946. were the same as those in naturally infected C. peduncu- latus of similar size. The results suggest that zooxanthel- lae from a range of host species and environments can establish symbioses with C. pedunculatus and that, over long periods under laboratory conditions, heterologous zooxanthellae may populate C. pedunculatus to the same extent as homologous zooxanthellae. Introduction Many benthic marine Cnidaria possess endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) of the genus Symbiodin- iitni. These Cnidaria may lose zooxanthellae entirely (i.e., become aposymbiotic) when under environmental stress (Williams and Bunkley-Williams, 1990; Glynn, 1991) or when zooxanthellae are not inherited mater- nally (Trench, 1987; Shick 1991). Consequently, they may be susceptible to reinfection and colonization by zooxanthellae released from a range of host species (Schoenberg and Trench. 1980c; Rowan and Powers, 1991b; Buddemeier and Fautin, 1993). Despite this sus- ceptibility and the high diversity of hosts and symbionts (Trench, 1987; Rowan and Powers, 1991b; Trench, 1993; McNally et a/.. 1994), many species of Cnidaria have been reported to harbor just one strain or species of Symbiodinium (Schoenberg and Trench, 1980a, b; Rowan and Powers, 199 la, b; Trench, 1993). Other hosts have been found to contain more than one strain or species of zooxanthella, but even in these cases the algae are the same across the host's geographical range (Trench and Winsor. 1987; Rowan and Powers, 1991b; Rowan and Knowlton, 1995). The uptake and persistence of zooxanthellae following 208 PERSISTENCE OF ZOOXANTHELLAE IN SEA ANEMONES 209 inoculation of aposymbiotic hosts has been investigated in a range of tropical marine Cnidaria (Kinzie, 1974; Kinzie and Chee, 1979; Schoenberg and Trench, 1980c; Trench, 1981; Trench et ai. 1981; Colley and Trench, 1 983; Fitt and Trench, 1983a,b; Bernerrttf/., 1993). The zooxanthellae were either homologous (from a host of the same species of cnidarian as the one being inocu- lated) or heterologous (from a host of a different species than the one being inoculated). In contrast, similar work has been performed using just one species of temperate marine Cnidaria, the North American sea anemone An- thopleura elegantissima (Trench, 1969, cited in Trench, 1971;Muller-Parker, 1996; Weis and Levine, 1996). The temperate sea anemone Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant) (family Sagartiidae) is locally abundant around the south and west coasts of Europe, where it is found partially buried in sand and mud from the mid- shore to a depth of 25 m (Manuel, 1981). C. peduncula- tus may reproduce by oviparity, but frequently it is her- maphroditic or parthenogenetic and viviparous (Rossi, 1975;Schafer, 1981;Shick, 1991). The zooxanthellae of C. pedunculatus are located within the host's endoder- mal cells and have been identified as Symbiodinium sp. (Davy et a/., in press). Oocytes may contain up to 300 zooxanthellae, suggesting that C. pedunculatus acquires its symbionts through maternal inheritance (Turner, pers. obs.). Brooded and recently released juvenile C. pedunculatus always harbor zooxanthellae, but densities in recently released individuals may be less than 10% of those in adult anemones (Darmayati, 1993; Davy et ai, 1996). The fact that C pedunculatus produces offspring that lack a full complement of zooxanthellae means that they may be susceptible to infection by zooxanthellae re- leased from other Anthozoa. The sea anemones Anthopleura ballii (Cocks) (family Actiniidae) and Anemonia viridis (Forskal) (family Ac- tiniidae), and the zoanthid Isoioanthus sulcatus (Gosse) (family Parazoanthidae) are frequently found in the same localities as C. pedunculatus, and also harbor Sym- biodinium sp. (Davy et al., in press). A ballii and A. vir- idis regularly expel zooxanthellae in large boluses, as well as in mucous strands (Davy, pers. obs.); it is also proba- ble that /. sulcatus releases zooxanthellae, but this has not been observed. This expulsion suggests that zooxan- thellae from a variety of sources are available to infect new hosts. This research therefore aimed to determine whether heterologous zooxanthellae can infect C. pedunculatus. and to compare the persistence of homologous and het- erologous zooxanthellae after infection. From this infor- mation the potential for heterologous zooxanthellae to establish a lasting symbiosis with C. pedunculatus in the field could be inferred. Materials and Methods Collection and maintenance of symbiotic Anthozoa The sea anemones Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant), Anemonia viridis (Forskal), and Anthopleura ballii (Cocks), and the zoanthid Isozoanthus sulcatus (Gosse) were collected from Lough Hyne Marine Nature Re- serve, Eire (5 1 °29' N; 9° 1 8' W). All four species are exclu- sively subtidal at this location. The anemones were all collected from a depth of 1 to 3 m, and the zoanthids from 5 to 9 m. Specimens of A. viridis were also collected from the intertidal zone at Shell Island, North Wales (52° 47' N; 004° 06' W). For comparative purposes, speci- mens of the subtropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallicla (Verrill), cloned from one individual, were obtained from Dr. C- B. Cook, Bermuda Biological Station. The A. pallida had originally been collected from a mangrove root in Walsingham Pond, Bermuda. Adult Anthozoa were kept in seawater from the Menai Strait, North Wales. They were maintained at 21°C, illu- minated at 80 ^mol photons irT2 s~' on a cycle of 12 h light: 12 h dark, and fed twice weekly with Anemia sp. (Bonneville Anemia International Inc.). The light and temperature regimes were comparable to those experi- enced during a warm summer in Lough Hyne (Turner, 1988, and his pers. obs.). Preparation oj aposymbiotic Anthozoa Juvenile specimens of C. pedunculatus were squeezed from the enterons of brooding adult anemones and placed in a dark-box to render them aposymbiotic. Sea- water from the Menai Strait, at the ambient temperature (10-18°C), flowed through the dark-box continuously. It is unlikely that zooxanthellae were present in this seawa- ter because Anthozoa-zooxanthella associations do not occur locally. In addition, the examination of dark- treated anemones suggested that infections had not oc- curred under these conditions (see below). The juveniles were collected on two occasions, with the first batch (n = 250) remaining in the dark for more than 3 years and the second batch (n = 120) remaining in the dark for 5 months. After collection, the anemones were fed every 2 months with Anemia sp; the anemones also received planktonic food via the flow-through seawater system. It is likely that the juveniles were genetically related to one another because all adult anemones were collected from the same site and spawning of gametes has not been ob- served in this population (Davy and Turner, pers. obs.). Prior to use, 3-year dark-treated anemones (;; = 180) with oral disc diameters of about 2 to 3 mm were placed in 100-ml containers filled with filtered (0.45 nm) seawa- ter (FSW). Five anemones were placed in each container. 210 S. K. DAVY ET AL. These anemones were maintained at 21°C, illuminated at 80 ^mol photons m : s ' on a cycle of 1 2 h light: 1 2 h dark, and fed weekly with Anemia sp. for 2 weeks. The anemones were ne\er observed to change from white to brown over thi- ocriod and so were assumed to be apo- symbiotic. This assumption was checked by squashing a subsample of five anemones (anemones sampled from the same container: n was limited by anemone availabil- ity) and examining their tissues under bright-field and epifluorescent illumination using a Leitz Orthoplan mi- croscope. Neither zooxanthellae nor chlorophyll a were detected, confirming that the 3-year dark-treated anem- ones were aposymbiotic. Therefore, immediately after being maintained in the light for 2 weeks, these anemo- nes were used for monitoring patterns of long-term in- fection by zooxanthellae. Non-inoculated control polyps used in these experiments remained zooxanthella-free over a period of 36 weeks, reconfirming that the anemo- nes were aposymbiotic. In contrast, squashes made of 5-month dark-treated polyps (n = 5) before they were placed in the light re- vealed a small number of residual zooxanthellae (less than 1000 zooxanthellae per polyp). These anemones were therefore used for short-term monitoring of infec- tion patterns, where densities of residual zooxanthellae were negligible in comparison to densities of phagocy- tosed zooxanthellae. To keep residual zooxanthellae to a minimum, these anemones were maintained in the dark until inoculation. Injection of aposymbiotic Cereus pedunculatus when co- existing with symbiotic C. pedunculatus Under nonstressful conditions, C. pedunculatus regu- larly releases a small percentage (<0.3% per hour) of its zooxanthellae (Darmayati, 1993). A motile stage has yet to be observed in the life history of these zooxanthellae, either following release or when in culture (Davy el a/., in press; Davy, pers. obs.). To establish whether zooxan- thellae released by one anemone could infect another anemone, 3-year dark-treated C. pedunculatus (n = 5) were placed in a container with symbiotic C. peduncula- tus (n = 5). Three-year dark-treated C. pedunculatus (n = 5) in a second container acted as controls. All anemo- nes were illuminated at 80 ^mol photons irr: s ' on a cycle of 1 2 h light: 1 2 h dark, maintained at 2 1 °C, and fed weekly with Anemia sp. After 8 weeks, the presence or absence of zooxanthellae in the formerly aposymbiotic polyps (which were still distinct due to their lighter pig- mentation) was determined. This involved squashing the polyps and using bright-field and epifluorescent micros- copy to search their tissues. Densities of zooxanthellae were not quantified. Persistence of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae To investigate the extent to which zooxanthellae from different host species could establish a symbiosis with C. pedunculatus, the uptake and persistence of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae following inoculation were measured. Three oral discs plus attached tentacles of C. peduncu- latus, 5 tentacles from each of 10 individuals of A. hallii and A. viridis, 30 polyps of/, sii/catus, and 10 complete A. pa/lida were collected for isolation of zooxanthellae. Host tissue for each host species was pooled, homoge- nized in 10 ml FSW in a glass tissue-grinder, and centri- fuged for 10 min at 1200 rpm. The supernatant was dis- carded, and the algal pellet was resuspended in 5 ml FSW and centrifuged for a further 5 min at 1 200 rpm. The su- pernatant was again discarded and the algal pellet ad- justed with FSW to give a concentration of 2 X 107 cells ml '. Isolates from different host species were kept sepa- rate. Dark-treated specimens of C. pedunculatus (n = 150 and n = 90 for anemones maintained in darkness for 3 years and 5 months, respectively) with oral disc diam- eters of about 2 to 3 mm were maintained in 1 00-ml con- tainers (five anemones of the same dark-treatment per container) and inoculated with homologous or heterolo- gous zooxanthellae. Anemones in each container were inoculated with zooxanthellae from just one source, thus preventing cross-infection by zooxanthellae from differ- ent sources. A 1-ml hypodermic syringe was used to de- posit 0.2 ml of suspension (i.e.. 4 X 10" zooxanthellae) onto the oral disc of each aposymbiotic anemone. This number of zooxanthellae was sufficient to saturate the uptake sites of these anemones (Davy, 1994). Once the anemones had expanded again, 0. 1 ml of an Anemia sp. suspension was pipetted onto each oral disc. This sus- pension enhanced ingestion of zooxanthellae (Davy, 1 994). To remove any zooxanthellae and Anemia sp. not captured by the anemones, the FSW was then changed. Uninoculated 3-year and 5-month dark-treated anemo- nes (/; = 25 and n = 15, respectively; five anemones per 1 00-ml container) acted as controls for spontaneous in- fection. All anemones were maintained at 2 PC, illumi- nated with 80 ^mol photons m - s ' on a cycle of 12 h light: 12 h dark, and fed weekly with Anemia sp. The densities of zooxanthellae in 5-month dark-treated anemones were measured after 4 h. 2 days, and 4 days, and the densities of zooxanthellae in 3-year dark-treated anemones were measured after 2, 4, 6, 8, and 36 weeks. Following the incubation period, polyps (/; = 4 or 5 for each group; replicate anemones sampled from the same container) were narcotized in 1.5% magnesium chloride PERSISTENCE OF ZOOXANTHELLAE IN SEA ANEMONES 211 in FSW. Oral disc diameters were then measured using an ocular micrometer, and oral disc areas were calcu- lated. This method (i) facilitated measurement of large numbers of polyps; (ii) was repeatable; and (iii) gave units (square millimeters of oral disc) proportional to the protein content of the polyp (r2 = 0.97 for anemones with disc diameters of 1.0 to 3.0 mm; Davy. 1994). Pol- yps examined between 4 hours and 4 days after reinfec- tion were cut longitudinally, and residual Artemia sp. and zooxanthellae were washed from their enterons; this step was not necessary for anemones examined after 2 weeks or more. Each polyp was then homogenized in I ml FSW. and the number of zooxanthellae in the ho- mogenate was counted using a Fuchs Rosenthal hema- cytometer. The density of zooxanthellae in the anemo- ne's tissues was expressed as zooxanthellae per square millimeter of oral disc. The same method was used to determine the densities of zooxanthellae in five similarly sized, naturally infected C. pedunculatus. These values were compared with those from the infection experiments. Statistical analysis Significant differences (P < 0.05) were identified using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni pair-wise comparisons. When variances were not homogeneous (as determined using Bartlett's statis- tic), data were logarithmically transformed. Results Infection ofaposymbiotic Cereus pedunculatus when co-e.\ixtinK with xymhioticC. pedunculatus All aposymbiotic Cereus pedunculatus maintained in the presence of symbiotic C. pedunculatus turned brown after 2 months. Light microscopy revealed that this change in color resulted from the presence of zooxan- thellae in the endodermal cells. In contrast, control anemones remained white and free of zooxanthellae af- ter 2 months. Short-term persistence of zooxanthellae Figure 1 summarizes the patterns of infection of C. pedunculatus by homologous zooxanthellae and by zoo- xanthellae from Anthopleura ba/lii. Anemonia viridis, Isoioantlnts sulcatus. and Aiptasia pa/lida over the first 4 days (i.e.. over the short-term). The densities of homologous zooxanthellae were not significantly different from the densities of any of the het- erologous zooxanthellae at 4 h ( Bonferroni post-hoc AN- OVA, P > 0.05); but note that the homologous zooxan- thellae were 2.5 times denser than the zooxanthellae Time (days) B 1 Time (days) Figure 1. Short-term persistence patterns of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae in infected Cereus pedunculatus- All anemones dark-treated for 5 months prior to infection and unfed over period shown, n = 5. Points at 4 days offset for clarity. All values are means ± 1 SE. (A) Persistence of homologous zooxanthellae from C. pedunculanm (• — •). and heterologous zooxanthellae from Anthopleura hallii (A Aland Isi>:<>antlnt\ •>ulcalu.i(O- • -O). D- - D represents zooxanthellae in non-inoculated dark- treated controls. (B) Persistence of heterologous zooxanthellae from Anemonia viridis from Lough Hyne (4 _ . _ *)and Shell Island (V V), and.-liplasia pallidu (•• • ••). 212 S. K DAVY KT AL Homologous zooxanthellae 4 6 8 36 / B H h 468 Time (weeks) i 36 Figure 2. Long-term persistence patterns of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae in infected Cereus pedunculatus. All anemones dark-treated for more than 3 years prior to infection and fed weekly over period shown, n = 5, except n = 4 for zooxanthellae from Antlwpleura halln and laoioanlhus sulcatus at 36 weeks. Points at 36 weeks offset for clarity. All values are means ± 1 SE.(A) Persistence of homologous zooxanthellae from C. pedunculatus (• — •). and heterologous zooxanthellae from A. balln (A A) and / sulcatus (O- • -O). D - • - D represents zooxanthellae in non-inoculated dark-treated controls, and white diamond represents /ooxanthellae in naturally infected C pedunculatus (B) Persistence of heterologous zooxanthellae from Anenwnia viridis from Lough Hyne (*-•-*) and Shell Island (V V), and Aiptasia pallida (•• • ••). from A. ballii (Fig. 1A). Subsequently, homologous zoo- xanthellae persisted at the highest densities. Homolo- gous zooxanthellae were present at significantly greater densities than any of the heterologous strains at 2 days ( Bonferroni post-hoc ANOV A, P < 0.0 1 ). Short-term infection patterns by heterologous zooxan- thellae were similar to one another, with the only major difference being the relatively low uptake of zooxanthel- lae from A. bal/ii. Zooxanthellae from A. ballii were pres- ent at significantly lower densities than zooxanthellae from /. sulcatus at 4 h (Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P <0.05). Long-term persistence of zooxanthellae Figure 2 summarizes the densities of zooxanthellae 2, 4, 6, 8, and 36 weeks after reinfection (i.e., over the long- term), and the density of zooxanthellae in naturally in- fected C. pedunculatus. Homologous zooxanthellae persisted at significantly greater densities than any of the heterologous zooxan- thellae at 2 and 6 weeks (Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P < 0.05). Homologous zooxanthellae also persisted at significantly greater densities than zooxanthellae from A. bal/ii, A. viridis (Shell Island), and A. pallida at 4 weeks. and zooxanthellae from A. ballii. A. viridis (Shell Island), and /. sulcatus at 8 weeks ( Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P < 0.05). However, at 36 weeks, the densities of homol- ogous zooxanthellae, heterologous zooxanthellae, and zooxanthellae in naturally infected C. pedunculatus were not significantly different (ANOVA, P > 0.05). Zooxanthellae from A. pallida were present at signifi- cantly lower densities than zooxanthellae from A. viridis (Lough Hyne) at 4 weeks (Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P < 0.05). Zooxanthellae from A. viridis (Shell Island) were present at significantly lower densities than any other heterologous zooxanthellae at 2 and 4 weeks, and zooxanthellae from A. ballii and A. viridis (Lough Hyne) at 6 weeks (Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P < 0.02). No other significant differences were evident between the densities of heterologous zooxanthellae (Bonferroni post-hoc ANOVA, P> 0.05). Anemone size Prior to infection, anemones had oral disc diameters of about 2 to 3 mm. At the end of the 36-week experi- mental period, all anemones infected with either homol- ogous or heterologous zooxanthellae still had oral disc diameters of 2 to 3 mm and were not significantly differ- PERSISTENCE OF ZOOXANTHELLAE IN SEA ANEMONES 213 ent in size (average diameter 2.39 ± 0.03 mm; ANOVA. P> 0.95). As oral disc area is proportional to polyp pro- tein content (see Materials and Methods), these results suggest that changes in anemone hiomass were minimal during the experimental period, presumably reflecting the limited feeding regime (once per week). Thus the sub- stantial changes in zooxanthella densities were most likely due to changes in the number of zooxanthellae rather than in the normalizing parameter (oral disc area). Discussion The results reveal that zooxanthellae from a range of host species, localities, and environments can establish symbioses with Cereus pedunculutiis. In the short-term, homologous zooxanthellae persist to a greater extent than heterologous zooxanthellae, but over the long-term the two types of zooxanthellae achieve similar densities. The possible reasons for these infection patterns and their implications will be discussed. Short-term persistence C peditncidatus took up zooxanthellae from An- thopleiira hallii at a lower rate than zooxanthellae from the other host species, perhaps indicating discrimination based upon the surface characteristics of the zooxanthel- lae. However, uptake rates of zooxanthellae from the other host species were similar. This suggests that during the initial phases of infection C. pediinciilatus'was unable to discriminate between these zooxanthellae, perhaps be- cause of the similarity of their surface characteristics or the host material contaminating their surfaces (Trench etai. 1981; Colley and Trench, 1983). Following phagocytosis, all populations of zooxan- thellae declined, with the homologous populations de- clining less rapidly than most of the heterologous popu- lations. Symbiont populations also declined following infections of Hydra viridissima (Jolley and Smith, 1980) and the jellyfish Cassiopeia xamachana (Colley and Trench. 1983), but did not do so following infections of a number of other species of Cnidaria (Muscatine et al., 1975; Schoenberg and Trench, 1980c; Berner el al., 1993). The decline may represent the nonselective elim- ination of a proportion of the phagocytosed zooxanthel- lae or the selective elimination of unhealthy and incom- patible zooxanthellae. Elimination may occur via expul- sion or digestion. Regular expulsion of zooxanthellae is a common feature of Anthozoa-zooxanthella symbioses (Steele, 1975; Heegh-Guldberg et al., 1987; Stimson and Kinzie, 1991; McCloskey et al.. 1996). and the produc- tion of zooxanthella-containing boluses was observed during the course of experiments. In contrast, digestion is thought not to play a major role in the regulation of populations of zooxanthellae (Colley and Trench, 1985). The elimination of some zooxanthellae more quickly than others has also been observed in C. xamachana (Colley and Trench, 1983). This trend may indicate differences in zooxanthella survivorship following isola- tion or discrimination among genotypically distinct zoo- xanthellae by means of post-phagocytotic recognition (Colley and Trench, 1983; Trench, 1988. 1992, 1993; Markell et al., 1992; Markell and Trench, 1993). If zoo- xanthellae were being discriminated against by post- phagocytotic recognition, it is curious that a small num- ber of zooxanthellae always persisted. Perhaps there was some variation within the source populations, with the retained zooxanthellae being the few that possessed cer- tain appropriate characteristics. Long-term persistence of zooxanthellae Homologous zooxanthellae repopulated C. peduncu- latus much more rapidly and achieved higher densities than did heterologous zooxanthellae. Similar patterns have been observed in C xamachana (Colley and Trench. 1983) and Aiptasia tagetes(= pallida) (Schoen- berg and Trench, 1980c). In contrast, zooxanthellae from Anemonia viridis from Shell Island repopulated C. pednncidatus more slowly than did any of the other zoo- xanthellae. These repopulation trends may result from host-algal recognition and greater expulsion or digestion of some types of zooxanthellae than others. However, the repopulation patterns could also be determined by differing growth rates of zooxanthellae; changes in host biomass (either growth or shrinkage), which could cause the 'dilution' or 'concentration' of zooxanthella popula- tions, were probably not responsible for the density changes. Comparison of growth and expulsion rates of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae during re- population of aposymbiotic anemones would be an in- teresting topic for future work. Several factors could influence the growth of zooxan- thellae during repopulation. Firstly, the light and tem- perature regimes may favor growth by one type of zoo- xanthellae over another. However, this possibility is not supported by the similarity of the specific growth rates (0.25-0.29 d~') of zooxanthellae from C. pedunculatus, A. ballii. and A. viridis, when cultured in vitro under the same light and temperature regimes as those used here (Davy. 1994). Secondly, the growth of zooxanthellae may depend upon the ability of a particular strain or spe- cies to survive in the intracellular environment of the host (Rahat and Reich, 1988). But this hypothesis is in- consistent with evidence from analogous plant-micro- bial symbioses (Trench, 1993). Thirdly, hosts may be 214 S. K. DAVY ET AL able to control the growth of zooxanthellae directly (Smith and Muscatine. 1996). It is therefore possible that C. pedunculatus was able to exercise more control over some types of / i.xanthellae than others. Finally, the growth of zo •• nellae may be limited by the intracel- lular space ,iable within the host, with small zooxan- thellae achieving greater densities than large zooxanthel- lae. It seems unlikely that this hypothesis can explain the densities achieved by zooxanthellae from A. viridis (Lough Hyne) and A. pallula (Fig. 2B), given that these zooxanthellae are similar in size to zooxanthellae from C. pedunculatus when in their original hosts, after resid- ing in reinfected C. pedunculatus for 36 weeks, and when cultured in vitro (Davy, 1994; Davy et al., 1996, and in press). It is unknown, though, whether these zooxanthel- lae maintained similar sizes throughout the repopulation process. In spite of previous differences, at 36 weeks the densi- ties of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae, and zooxanthellae in naturally infected C. pedunculatus, were similar. The decline in the density of homologous zooxanthellae to a "normal" level is unique. If the pop- ulation of zooxanthellae was unialgal, then the decline may result from the population being "brought under control." However, why this occurred only several months after the establishment of the symbiosis is un- known. One possibility is that control mechanisms be- come repressed in aposymbiotic anemones and are re- stored during the repopulation process. Alternatively, if the homologous population contained a mixture of zoo- xanthella types, then the decline may result from an ini- tially successful type becoming unstable and being re- placed by a type better suited to the culture conditions. The ultimate success of heterologous zooxanthellae that were initially slow to establish a symbiosis with C. pedunculatus can also be interpreted in different ways de- pending upon the nature of the zooxanthella popula- tions. Firstly, if the populations were unialgal, then host- symbiont adjustment over time may have enhanced the compatibility of the partners (Roughgarden, 1975; Smith, 1980). It would be interesting to re-isolate heter- ologous zooxanthellae or make reinfected anemones aposymbiotic again, and determine whether the repopu- lation process is faster when repeated. In a comparable experiment, however, the growth of heterologous zoo- xanthellae in A. tagetcs was not enhanced by their previ- ous association with the same host species (Schoenberg and Trench. 1980c). Alternatively, if the populations contained a mixture of zooxanthella types, then the "normal" densities achieved by heterologous zooxan- thellae at 36 weeks may represent the proliferation of a small number of zooxanthellae identical to those usually harbored by C. pedunculatus. But such a mechanism is unlikely to explain the gradual increase in the density of zooxanthellae from A. pallida. This anemone is found at subtropical latitudes in the western Atlantic, and so probably contains zooxanthellae that are quite different from those in C. pedunculatus. In fact, the zooxanthellae of this anemone are believed to be a single species, Sym- biodinium bermudense (Banaszak et al., 1993). Further- more, evidence from carbon-flux studies suggests that the homologous and heterologous zooxanthella popula- tions were not identical at 36 weeks (Davy, 1994). Host-symbionl recombination in the field Molecular genetic techniques must be employed to de- termine the precise nature of the source populations of zooxanthellae and whether heterologous zooxanthellae actually establish symbioses with C. pedunculatm in the field. The long-term infection patterns (Fig. 2) suggest that host-symbiont recombination may be possible — if, that is, the new symbiosis is competitive under the pre- vailing environmental conditions and the heterologous zooxanthellae are not overgrown by homologous zoo- xanthellae in the short-term (Schoenberg and Trench, 1 980c; Colley and Trench, 1983). The ability to establish symbioses with zooxanthellae from a range of sources may enable C. pedunculatus to adapt to different envi- ronmental regimes, as has been suggested for corals (Buddemeier and Fautin, 1993; Rowan and Knowlton. 1995). Alternatively, it may simply increase the anemo- ne's chances of survival should it lose all of its zooxan- thellae and have to acquire new symbionts. There are, however, no reports of "bleached" C. pedunculatus in the field. How zooxanthellae behave in mixed homolo- gous-heterologous inoculations and the ecological ad- vantages of maintaining heterologous zooxanthella pop- ulations are important questions for future research, both in temperate and tropical systems. Acknowledgments We thank Drs. R. K. Trench and C. B. Cook, and sev- eral anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier drafts of the paper. We also thank the Irish Wild- life Service for permission to work and collect speci- mens in Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve. 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Removal of the animal region of fertilized Boltenia eggs resulted in the redistribution of myoplasm into the anterior endoderm cells of the embryo. Despite alterations in the normal distribution of myoplasm, these embryos developed into larvae. However, when four-celled embryos that exhibited al- tered distributions of pigmented myoplasm were stained with NN18, an antibody that stains p58, a maximum of two blastomeres were stained, as in control embryos. Compression of Boltenia embryos at the four-celled stage caused the myoplasm to be partitioned into four blastomeres of an eight-celled embryo, instead of into two blastomeres. Compressed and cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryos developed myosin and muscle ac- tin RNA in a maximum of four blastomeres, compared to a maximum of two blastomeres in control embryos. When compressed eight-celled embryos were stained with NN 1 8, p58 was present in a maximum of four blas- tomeres. These results support the idea that the cytoskel- etal protein p58 is associated with muscle cell determi- nants in ascidian eggs. Introduction Egg cytoskeletons are known to have important roles in the determination of embryonic cells (Jeffery, 1982; Jeffery, 1989; Elinson. 1990; Hill el at., 1990). Experi- ments performed by Jeffery and Meier (1983), Jeffery Received 23 September 1996; accepted 3 January 1997. and Swalla (1990a), Swalla el a/. (1991), and Marikawa ( 1 995) support the idea that cytoplasmic factors required for the development of larval muscle cells are associated with myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) of ascid- ian eggs. The MCD consists of two distinct, yet inte- grated, cytoskeletal systems: a plasma membrane lamina (PML) and a deep filamentous lattice (DFL). The PML is an actin-containing skeleton, sensitive to DNase I treatment, that contracts towards the vegetal pole during ooplasmic segregation (Jeffery and Meier, 1983). The DFL (Jeffery and Meier. 1983; Swalla el ai, 1991) is sit- uated beneath the PML; contains pigment granules, mi- tochondria, and other components: and co-segregates with the PML during ooplasmic segregation. Swalla el al. (1991) have shown that a protein termed p58, which binds to a vertebrate intermediate filament antibody, is a component of the DFL. In ascidian species that produce tadpoles, the DFL was present in the cortical cytoplasm of the unfertilized egg and was partitioned exclusively into embryonic muscle progenitor cells. Eggs produced by direct-developing ascidians, which do not produce larvae with muscular tails, lack p58 (Swalla el al.. 1991; Bates, 1995). Normal distributions of myoplasm were altered in as- cidian embryos by using a microcompression technique (Whittaker, 1980). Whittaker positioned four-celled Sty- e/a embryos between glass plates during the third cell cycle and applied pressure that resulted in the reorienta- tion of mitotic spindles according to Hertwig's Rule. In compressed eight-celled embryos, all of the blastomeres were in the same plane, instead of four animal blasto- meres being positioned over four vegetal blastomeres. Furthermore, in compressed embryos, rm 'plasm was present in four blastomeres, instead of in two blasto- meres. Compressed and non-compress eight-celled embryos were then treated with cytoch. asm B to pre- 217 218 W. R. BATES B Figure 1. A schematic drawing showing the distribution of cyto- plasmic determinants in unfertilized and fertilized ascidian eggs. (A) In the unfertilized egg, the myoplasm (bold line) is situated in the egg periphery. The ectoplasm (white region) is located inside the germinal vesicle, and the endoplasm (stipled region) fills the inner egg region. (B) After an egg is fertilized, the myoplasm moves into the vegetal pole region. The ectoplasm forms a band of cytoplasm above the myoplasm, and the endoplasm resides above the ectoplasm. (C) During the second phase of ooplasmic segregation, the myoplasm and ectoplasm shift into the equatorial region. At the end of the second phase of ooplasmic seg- regation, the egg cytoplasm is divided into five regions: ( 1 ) ectoplasm: (2) neuroplasm; (3) notochord plasm; (4) myoplasm: and (5) endo- plasm (based on Conklin, 1905). vent subsequent cell divisions. Treatment with cytocha- lasin facilitated the identification of myoplasm-contain- ing blastomeres in eight-celled embryos after they were cultured for the time required for control embryos to de- velop into hatched larvae. When these embryos were ex- amined for the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AchE), a muscle-specific enzyme, a maximum of four blastomeres comprising a compressed embryo expressed AchE activ- ity, whereas in non-compressed eight-celled embryos a maximum of two blastomeres exhibited AchE activity. These elegant experiments performed by Whittaker pro- vide rigorous support for Conklin's idea, published in 1905. that ascidian eggs contain muscle cell determi- nants. Bissection of fertilized eggs has also been used to alter the normal distributions of myoplasm in ascidian em- bryos. When the animal hemispheres of fertilized eggs were removed, myoplasm was partitioned into more than the normal number of blastomeres (Bates. 1988). During the first phase of ooplasmic segregation, fertilized eggs were bissected into vegetal fragments that contained all of the egg myoplasm. termed myoplasm-enriched (ME) fragments, and into animal fragments that lacked myoplasm. ME fragments composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume usually cleaved normally, completed gastrulation, and in some cases developed into larvae. At each developmental stage, it was shown that more than the normal number of blastomeres contained my- oplasm. In larvae derived from ME fragments, most of the myoplasm was contained in tail muscle cells, al- though significant quantities of myoplasm were present in some of the head endoderm cells. When the spatial expressions of tissue-specific markers were examined in ME larvae, each marker was normally expressed. For example, AchE activity and myosin were expressed in the cytoplasm of tail muscle cells, and alka- line phosphatase ( AP) activity was expressed in the cyto- plasm of endoderm cells situated in the head region. In another set of experiments, smaller ME fragments com- posed of 10%-30% of the total egg volume were pro- duced from the vegetal pole region of fertilized eggs at the first stage of segregation, and these fragments could sometimes undergo several rounds of cleavage before cell division stopped. When cleavage-arrested four-celled ME embryos composed of 10%-30% of the total egg vol- ume were tested for AchE activity after the controls de- veloped into larvae, in some cases AchE activity was de- tected in all four blastomeres. In cleavage-arrested con- trol four-celled embryos and ME four-celled embryos composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume, AchE animal B animal vegetal vegetal Figure 2. Schematic drawings showing the designation of blasto- meres composing four-celled and eight-celled ascidian embryos. (A) The A3 blastomeres of a four-celled embryo lack myoplasm. whereas the B3 blastomeres contain myoplasm and develop muscle cell features when isolated from the rest of the embryo. ( B) B4. 1 blastomeres contain myoplasm and produce most of the tail muscle cells. mesench> me cells, and some of the endoderm cells and notochord cells. A4. 1 blastomeres produce spinal cord cells, endoderm, notochord. and distal tail muscle cells. a4.2 blastomeres produce epidermal and brain cells. b4.2 blasto- meres produce epidermis, spinal cord cells, and distal tail muscle cells (Conklin, 1905; Nishida and Satoh. 1983). p58 AND ASCIDIAN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 219 B • i ^f Figure 3. Light photomicrographs of detergent-extracted larvae. (A) A control larva showing the pigmented myoplasm within tail mus- cle cells (t). Endoderm cells situated within the head region (h) do not contain myoplasm. (B) A myoplasm-enriched (ME) larva showing the pigmented myoplasm within tail muscle cells (t) and the pigment gran- ules e\ident within some of the endoderm cells situated in the head region (h). The dotted white lines shown in (A) and (B) designate the boundary between the larval head and and tail regions. Scale bars equal 50 Mm. activity was detected in a maximum of two blastomeres that corresponded to the posterior B3 muscle progenitor cells. The contrasting results obtained from these two kinds of myoplasm redistribution experiments present an in- triguing paradox. Why were muscle cell fates altered in compressed embryos and in small ME embryos pro- duced from the vegetal pole region, whereas muscle cell fates were normal in ME embryos composed of 40%- 50% of the total egg volume? The present study resolves this paradox by examining the distribution of MCD components in ME and compressed Boltenia villosa em- bryos and provides experimental support for the idea that p58 anchors ascidian muscle cell determinants. Materials and Methods Adult ascidians and embryo cultures Boltenia villosa (Stimpson 1864) adults were pur- chased from Westwind Sealab Supplies, Victoria, British Columbia. Canada. Adults were maintained under con- ditions of constant light to prevent spawning (West and Lambert. 1975). Eggs and sperm were dissected from the gonads of two or more individuals. The eggs were cross- fertilized, washed several times with large volumes of seawater, and cultured at 1 1°C until the desired develop- mental stages were obtained. Surgical methods The spatial patterns of five kinds of cytoplasmic fac- tors present in unfertilized and fertilized ascidian eggs are shown in Figure 1. These factors determine epider- mal, muscle, endoderm, notochord, and nerve cell fates. The present study is focused on muscle cell factors local- ized in the myoplasm of ascidian eggs. Prior to fertiliza- tion, the myoplasm is present in the cortical cytoplasm that surrounds the egg. Within minutes of fertilization, the myoplasm is dramatically segregated into the vegetal hemisphere by a series of precisely controlled cyto- plasmic movements, termed ooplasmic segregation. A fixed cleavage pattern subsequently partitions the my- oplasm into specific blastomeres of the embryo (Fig. 2). In four-celled embryos, the posterior B3 blastomeres contain myoplasm, whereas the anterior A3 blastomeres lack it. At the eight-cell stage, the B4. 1 blastomeres con- tain myoplasm, and these cells produce most of the tail muscle cells of the larva (Conklin, 1905; Nishida and Sa- toh. 1983).' The normal distribution of myoplasm within embry- onic progenitor cells was altered using a surgical method previously described by Bates and Jeffery (1987). Eggs were fertilized and allowed to undergo the first phase of ooplasmic segregation, in which the cortical myoplasm is moved into the vegetal hemisphere and surrounds the vegetal pole. At a position corresponding to the animal pole, a tear was made in the follicular envelope (FE) that surrounds the egg. In some cases, 50%-60% of the total egg was extruded through the torn FE, leaving the my- n •• " .•',. Figure 4. Light photomicrograph of a thick section through a my- oplasm-ennched (ME) larva show ing pigment granules ( pg) in tail mus- cle cells and in the cytoplasm of endoderm cells situated in the head region (h). The notochord (n) is displaced into a more anterior position than normal. Scale bar equals 1 00 ^m. 220 W. R. BATES .: WA Figure 5. Transmission electron micrographs showing the ultrastructural features of muscle and endo- derm cells of a myoplasm-enriched (ME) larva. (A) Sacromeres are evident in tail muscle cells near the notochord (n). Magnification equals 6.300X. (B) A higher magnification of (A) showing well-developed sacromere structure. Magnification equals 13.500X. Arrow points to the notochord sheath that surrounds the notochord (n). (C) Fine structure of yolky endodermal cells situated in the head region. Magnification equals 10.500X. (D) Features of endoderm and epidermal cells in the head region. Magnification equals 10.500X. oplasm-containing vegetal hemisphere within the FE. The cytoplasmic bridge connecting the extruded egg re- gion with the myoplasmic region was cut using a fine needle. In other cases, 70%-90% of the total egg volume was extruded through the tear, and the cytoplasmic bridge was cut leaving the vegetal pole ME fragment p58 AND ASCIDIAN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 221 Figure 6. Photomicrographs showing myosin heavy chain expression in a control larva, a cleavage- arrested eight-celled embryo, and a compressed and cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryo. (A) Section ol a control lar\a showing the expression of myosin heavy chain protein in tail muscle cells (arrow) situated along the notochord. ( Bisection of a cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryo showing myosin in the periph- eral cytoplasm of B4. 1 blastomeres (long arrows). (C) Section of a compressed and cleavage-arrested eight- celled embryo showing myosin in the peripheral cytoplasm of B4.1 blastomeres (long arrows) and two additional blastomeres (short arrows). Scale bar in (A) equals 50 ^m/Same magnifications in (B and C) as in (A). within the FE. ME fragments of both size classes were either fixed for electron microscopy or immunocyto- chemistry, or they were transferred to tissue culture wells containing filtered seawater and cultured until the de- sired developmental stages were obtained. Microcompression of embryos Whittaker (1980) modified T. H. Morgan's micro- compression technique (1910) to reorient mitotic spin- dles of eight-celled Stye/a embryos. Compression re- sulted in the partitioning of the myoplasm of eight-celled Slvela embryos into four blastomeres instead of two blas- tomeres. A compression method similar to Whittaker's was used to alter the normal distributions of myoplasm in B. villasa embryos. Microcompression chambers were prepared by positioning strips of lens paper about 20 mm apart on a glass microscope slide. A drop of seawater containing four-celled embryos was positioned between the paper strips, and a coverslip was placed over the em- bryos. Seawater was gradually withdrawn from beneath the coverslip by capillary action to exert a gentle pressure on the embryos. The extent of compression was moni- tored under a microscope. Pressure was applied to em- bryos for about 15 to 20 min. Next, the coverslip was floated away from the compressed embryos and the em- bryos were transferred to a well containing 2 jig/ml cyto- chalasin B (CB; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) dis- solved in seawater. CB treatment inhibits cell division, as previously described by Whittaker (1980). Control and compressed eight-celled CB embryos were cultured until the control eggs developed into hatched larvae. CB em- bryos were subsequently processed for in situ hybridiza- tion or immunocytochemistry. Identification of myoplasm Orange pigment granules embedded in the cortex of B. villosa eggs were used to produce myoplasm-enriched (ME) egg fragments. Some specimens were treated with 0.5% Triton X-100 detergent to make the myoplasm- containing cells more visible in photographs (Jeffery and Meier, 1983; Bates, 1988). Transmission electron microscopy Larvae were fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 30 min at room tempera- ture, as previously described by Jeffery and Meier ( 1983). Specimens were rinsed with phosphate buffer and post- fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide dissolved in 0.1 M phos- phate buffer, pH 7.4, for 1 h at room temperature. After the samples were rinsed with the phosphate buffer, they were dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol. Fol- lowing gradual infiltration with Spurr's resin, specimens were embedded. Thick sections (0.5 j/m) and thin sec- tions were cut. The thin sections were stained with 2% aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate and viewed using a Phillips 420 electron microscope at 80 kV. Scanning electron microscopy Specimens were prepared for scanning electron mi- croscopy (SEM) using a modification of a method pre- viously described by Jeffery and Meier (1983). Speci- mens were extracted with 0.5% Triton X-100 detergent dissolved in seawater for 45 to 60 min at room tempera- ture and then washed in seawater. Triton X-100 de- tergent removes cell membranes to expose the underly- ing MCD for SEM (Jeffery and Meier. 1983). Specimens 222 W. R. BATES B vN|S •i&JF. . "vivo.' (fW • 'fvV' : ^» \ Figure 7. Light photomicrographs showing the spatial distribution ot imoplusm in control and com- pressed eight-celled embryos and in silu hybridizations of sectioned control and compressed cleavage- arrested eight-celled embryos using SpMA3C anti-sense RNA. (A) A detergent-extracted control embryo showing myoplasm contained in the B4.I blastomeres (long arrows). (B) Bright-field image of a cleavage- arrested embryo showing the hybridization of SpMA3C probe to the cytoplasm of B4.1 blastomeres (long arrows). (C) A detergent-extracted, compressed embryo showing myoplasm in the B4. 1 blastomeres (long arrows) and in two additional blastomeres (short arrows). (D) Bright-field image of a compressed and cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryo showing the hybridization of SpM A3C probe to the cytoplasm in the B4.1 blastomeres (long arrows) and in two additional blastomeres (short arrows). Scale bar in (A) equals 50 ^m. Same magnification for (B-D) as (A). were rinsed with PBS and then fixed in 2% glutaralde- hyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 30 min at room temperature. Samples were washed three times in 0. 1 M sodium phosphate buffer. Fixed speci- mens were immersed in 1% osmium in the same buffer •or 1 h at room temperature, followed by dehydration rough a graded us of ethanol (10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 100%) for 10 min at each step, nmens we ansferred into a specimen holder is inserted e a Tousimis Autosamdri-814 -loint drying hamber. Dried specimens were o double- d tape on an aluminum stub ' inside a Sputtering System, Hummer VII coati hine. A 20-nm gold/palladium metal alloy coating ipplied to the surface of each specimen. and the specimens were viewed using a JSM-6400 scanning electron microscope. In situ hybridization The in situ hybridization method previously described by Tomlinson et al. (1987) was used in the present study. Normal and compressed eight-celled embryos, cultured in seawater containing cytochalasin B until the controls developed into larvae, were fixed for 20 min in 3: 1 etha- nol-glacial acetic acid at -20°C. After the fixed embryos were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, they were gradually infiltrated with Paraplast and embedded in BEEM capsules. Specimens were sectioned at 7 ^m and dried on gelatin-coated slides. SpMA3C DNA cloned p58 AND ASCIDIAN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 223 Figure 8. Scanning electron micrographs of detergent-extracted unfertilized and fertilized eggs. (A) An unfertilized egg showing the myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) in the peripheral egg cytoplasm. (B) A fertilized egg at the first stage of ooplasmic segregation showing the segregation of the MCD in the cytoplasm of the vegetal hemisphere. AP — animal pole; VP — vegetal pole. Same magnification for (A) and (B); Scale bar in (A) equals 10 ^m. into Bluescribe vector was linearized using EcoRl or Hind III to serve as templates for anti-sense and sense RNA probes respectively. Linearization was checked by running some of the cut and uncut DNA on 1% agarose gels followed by ethidium bromide staining. SpMA3C DNA cut with EcoRI was transcribed in the presence of 50 MCi of 3H-UTP (Amersham) or 3?S-UTP (Amersham) and cold ATP, CTP. and GTP (400 »M of each nucleo- tide) using T3 polymerase. SpMA3C DNA was cut with Hind III and transcribed with T7 polymerase to produce sense probes. The hybridization buffer contained 50% formamide. 10% w/v dextran, 0.01 M Tris, 0.3 M NaCl, 0.001 M EDTA, 500 jug/ml tRNA, Denhardt's solution ( 1 : 10 di- lution of 50x stock), and 500 ng/m\ polyadenylic acid. Slides were probed at low stringency (washed in 1 X SSC for 30 min at room temperature) or at high stringency (washed in 1 X SSC for 30 min at 45°C), air dried, dipped in Kodak NTB-2 nuclear track emulsion, and exposed for up to 6 weeks. Immunocytochemistry Specimens were fixed and embedded in polyester (Steedman's) wax, as previously described by Mita- Miyazawa^a/. (1987). Specimens were fixed for 20 min in absolute methanol and then immersed in cold abso- lute ethanol for 20 min. Specimens were infiltrated in 50% polyester wax in absolute ethanol for 1 h at 42°C, then infiltrated in 100% polyester wax for 1 h at 42°C. Specimens were embedded in BEEM capsules, sectioned at 7 //m, and mounted on gelatin-coated stripes of cover- slips. Sections were de-waxed in 100% ethanol, rehy- drated, and washed in PBS prior to treatment with the primary antibody. Myosin was detected using Mu-2 antibody (Mita- Miyazawae/fl/., 1987) diluted 1:300 with PBS. Sections were immersed in the primary antibody for 1 h at room temperature, washed in PBS at room temperature, and immersed in FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis. MO) diluted 1:60 with PBS. After a 30-min incubation at room temperature, sections were washed in PBS for 30 min, mounted in 80% glycerol in PBS, and viewed with an Olympus flu- orescence microscope. Stained sections were photo- graphed using Tri X film, ASA 400. Monoclonal anti-neurofilament 160 antibody (clone NN18; Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO) was the primary antibody used to detect p58 in embryos (Swalla el al., 1991). Sections were immersed in NN18 diluted 1:25 with PBS for 1 h at room temperature. Sec- tions were washed with PBS and treated for 1 h at room temperature with anti-mouse IgG-POD (Sigma Chemi- cal Company, St. Louis, MO) diluted 1 :60 with PBS. Per- oxidase activity was detected using Sigma FAST DAB peroxidase substrate tablets. Sections were incubated in the substrate solution for 10 min, washed in PBS, and viewed with a Zeiss Axioplan microscope. Results The myoplasm of an ascidian egg is normally parti- tioned into the embryonic progenitor cell that produce 224 W. R. BATES Figure 9. Higher magnification scanning electron micrographs of myoplasmic and non-myoplasmic egg regions. (A) The plasma mem- brane lamina (PML) of the myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) is evident beneath a small patch of plasma membrane that was not dis- solved by Triton X- 100 treatment. Numerous pigment granules are ev- ident. Scale bar equals 1 Mm. (B) A distinct boundary is evident between the MCD and non-MCD regions of a fertilized egg. Scale bar equals 10 ^m. muscle cells situated in the larval tail region (Fig. 3A). When the animal hemisphere region was surgically de- leted from fertilized eggs at the first stage of ooplasmic segregation, the nucleated vegetal merogons that con- tained segregated myoplasm developed into myoplasm- enriched (ME) larvae (Fig. 3B). In striking contrast to normal larvae, in which the pigmented myoplasm was present only in the tail muscle cells, in ME larvae myo- 'asrnic pigment granules were present in tail muscle md many of the endoderm cells situated in the lar- >ad region (I -B). To determine more precisely cell types o '. larvae contained pigmented my- thick sections of ME larvae were examined, as Fig. 4. Pigmented myoplasm was evident in the of many endoderm cells situated in the head •tioned ME larvae, whereas myoplasmic pig- i: ?s were not evident in the cytoplasm of epi- dt Hochord cells. Thick sections of ME larvae also revealed that their notochords were displaced into more anterior positions, as compared to normal larvae. Can endoderm cells of ME embryos that contain pig- mented myoplasm develop muscle cell features? This important question was addressed by using transmission electron microscopy to examine the cytoplasm of head- region endoderm cells of ME larvae for myofilaments. Twelve ME larvae were sectioned and thick sections were produced to identify head and tail regions prior to cutting thin sections. The ultrastructural features of ME tail muscle cells and head endoderm cells are shown in Figure 5. Sacromeres were evident in the peripheral cy- toplasm of tail muscle cells (Fig. 5 A, B); however, there was no evidence for the development of myofilaments in the head region of ME larvae in the more than 300 sec- tions that were examined (Fig. 5C, D). Next, the expressions of two muscle-specific markers, myosin and muscle actin RNA, were examined in cleav- age-arrested control (non-compressed) and compressed eight-celled embryos. Figure 6 shows the expression pat- terns of myosin heavy chain protein in a control larva (Fig. 6A), in a cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryo (Fig. 6B), and in a compressed and cleavage-arrested eight- celled embryo (Fig. 6C). Myosin development was re- stricted to the tail muscle cytoplasm in normal larvae (in all 40 larvae tested). In cleavage-arrested eight-celled em- bryos, a maximum of two blastomeres expressed myosin (40 larvae tested). In contrast, compressed and cleavage- arrested eight-celled embryos developed myosin in a maximum of four blastomeres (40 embryos tested). In another set of experiments, the development of muscle-specific actin RNA was studied in control and compressed cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryos (Fig. 7). A maximum of two blastomeres in control embryos showed hybridization signals (50 embryos examined: Fig. 7B). whereas a maximum of four blastomeres exhib- ited hybridization signals in the compressed embryos (40 embryos examined; Fig. 7D). The redistribution of pig- mented myoplasm into more than the normal number of blastomeres by compression (compare A and C in Fig. 7) promoted the ectopic development of these muscle cell markers. Why were muscle cell fates altered in compressed Bol- tenici embryos, whereas cell fates were normal in ME Bo/lenia embryos? This question was examined by studying the distribution of MCD components in nor- mal embryos compared to ME embryos and compressed embryos. Spalial distributions o/'t/ie myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain and p58 The structure of the pigmented MCD of an unfertil- ized Boltenia egg treated with Triton X-100. as revealed p58 AND ASCIDIAN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 225 Figure 10. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of myoplasm-deficient and myoplasm-enriched egg fragments. (A) SEM of a detergent-extracted myoplasm- dencient egg fragment. The pigmented myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) is absent. Scale bar equals 10 Mm. (B) SEM of a detergent-extracted myoplasm-ennched egg fragment. The pigmented MCD covers about 60%-70% of the surface. Scale bar equals 10 /jm. (C) TEM of cytoplasm of a myoplasm-deficient egg fragment. Yolk granules and a few scattered mitochondria are evident. Magnification equals 6,300x. (D) TEM of cytoplasm of a myoplasm-enriched egg fragment. Pigment granules surrounded by many mito- chondria. Magnification equals 6.300X. by scanning electron microscopy, is shown in Figure 8A. After fertilization, the MCD segregated into the vegetal hemisphere and covered about 40%-50% of the total egg perimeter (Fig. 8B). The animal hemisphere region lacked the MCD and contained only a few scattered pig- ment granules. Higher magnification SEM images of the animal and vegetal hemisphere regions of a fertilized egg are shown in Figure 9. A small patch of plasma mem- brane that was not dissolved by Triton X-100 is evident in Fig. 9A. The distinct edge of the MCD in a fertilized egg is shown in Fig. 9B. Animal fragments produced from fertilized eggs dur- ing the first phase of ooplasmic segregation lacked the MCD (Fig. 10A) and contained fewer mitochondria than found in the ME fragments (compare C and D in Fig. 10). The MCD surrounded about 60%-70% of the pe- rimeter of ME fragments (Fig. 10B), and the MCD con- tained more mitochondria than did the egg fragments produced from the animal hemisphere (Fig. 10D). Re- moval of the animal hemisphere resulted in a 10%-20% increase in the surface area of an ME fragment composed of MCD (compare Figs. 8B and 10B). This increase in the surface area that contained the pigment- J MCD re- sulted in the development of orange-h< ided larvae (Fig. 3B). Seasonal variations in the distribution /f myoplasmic 226 W. R. BATES Figure 1 1 . Scanning electron micrographs ol a four-celled embryo showing the pigmented mvoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) pres- ent in all four blastomeres. (A) The MCD is present in the cytoplasm of posterior B3 blastomeres and in the cytoplasm of anterior A3 blasto- meres. Scale bar equals 10 ^m. (B) Higher magnification showing the structure of the MCD in B3 cytoplasm. The MCD consists of a network of filaments with underlying pigment granules. Scale bar equals 10 ^m. (C) Higher magnification of the MCD in the posterior region of an A3 blastomere. Actin filaments (AF) composing the plasma membrane component of the MCD cover the underlying pigment granules (PC) that are embedded in the deep filamentous lattice ( PG). Scale bar equals 1 ^m. Table I Distribution oj'ihe myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) in the blastomeres of Jour-celled embryos produced in the autumn thai showed pigment granules in all blastomeres Number of blastomeres containing MCD Number of embrvos 0 0 0 1 29 pigment granules in Bollenia villosa embryos were ob- served. In late autumn, about one-quarter of the B. vil- losa adults produced clutches of eggs in which orange pigment granules were present in the cortical cytoplasm of all four blastomeres in four-celled embryos, as com- pared to clutches of eggs produced at other times of the year in which pigment granules were restricted to the cor- tical cytoplasm of B3 blastomeres of four-celled em- bryos. Most of the embryos that exhibited altered pig- mentation patterns developed into normal larvae. The spatial distributions of the MCD were mapped in four- celled embryos; SEM was used to determine if the MCD was restricted to the B3 blastomeres or was also found in A3 cytoplasm. These results are shown in Figure 1 1 and Table I. Whereas most of the pigmented MCD was con- Figure 12. Light photomicrograph of a four-celled embryo stained with NN18 antibody in which the myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain is present in all four blastomeres. Two blastomeres are stained with NN 1 8 antibody. Scale bar equals 100/jm. p58 AND ASC1DIAN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 227 Table II Distribution of p58 in unoperated and myoplasm-enriched (ME) four-celled embryos Maximum number of blastomeres stained with NN18 antibody Specimens 0 1 3 'Autumn' embryos ME embryos composed of 40%-50% of total egg volume ME embryos composed of 20% -30% of total egg volume 25 15 10 * Three blastomere per embryo were in the plane of section. tained in the B3 blastomeres, A3 blastomeres contained significant quantities of the pigmented MCD. The spatial distributions of p58. a protein associated with the DFL component of the MCD, were examined using NN18 antibody in four-celled embryos that con- tained pigmented MCD in all blastomeres. A maximum of two blastomeres per embryo were stained with NN 1 8 antibody (Fig. 12 and Table II). Therefore, although A3 blastomeres contained the anteriormost region of the MCD, this region of the MCD lacked p58. In another set of experiments, four-celled ME em- bryos composed of 40%-50% and 20%-30% of the total egg volume were stained with NN18 antibody. In em- bryos made up of 40%-50% of the total egg volume, a maximum of two blastomeres were stained with NN 1 8 as in control four-celled embryos (Fig. 13A and Table II). In contrast, when four-celled embryos derived from smaller ME fragments produced from the vegetal pole region were stained with NN18, in most cases (95%; /; = 19) more than two blastomeres reacted with the antibody (Fig. 13B and Table II). When compressed eight-celled embryos were stained with NN18, a maximum of four blastomeres reacted with this antibody (Fig. 1 3C and Ta- ble III). In control eight-celled embryos, a maximum of two blastomeres were stained with NN 1 8. Discussion The results of the present study demonstrate that ( 1 ) compression of four-celled Boltcnia villosa embryos in- creased the number of blastomeres of eight-celled em- bryos that could develop muscle cell features; (2) the de- velopment of muscle cell features in compressed em- bryos was correlated with the presence of the cytoskeletal protein p58; (3) p58 was restricted to the cytoplasm of posterior B3 blastomeres of four-celled ME embryos composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume; (4) p58 was present in the cytoplasm of anterior A3 and posterior B3 blastomeres of four-celled embryos that were derived from small ME fragments produced from the vegetal pole region of fertilized eggs at the first stage of ooplasmic segregation; and (5) p58 was concentrated in the vegetal pole region of the MCD at the first stage of ooplasmic segregation. The present results provide rigorous experimental sup- port for the idea, first suggested by Swalla el al. (1991), that the cytoskeletal protein p58 is associated with mus- cle cell determinants in ascidian eggs. Another cytoskel- etal protein. myoplasmin-C 1 , is localized in ascidian my- oplasm (Nishikata ct al.. 1987), and it has been suggested that myoplasmin-C 1 may interact with p58 through a- helical rod regions formed by hydrophobic heptad re- peats present in both of these proteins (Nishikata and Wada, 1996; B. J. Swalla, pers. comm.). Therefore, «- helix coiled-coil complexes composed of p58 and my- Figure 13. Light photomicrographs of NN18 staining patterns of myoplasm-enriched (ME) and com- pressed embryos. (A) A section of a four-celled ME embryo composed of 40^ of the total egg volume that shows two blastomeres stained with NN18. (B) A section of a four-celled ME embryo composed of 30% of the total egg volume in which four blastomeres reacted with NN 1 8. (C) A section of a compressed embryo showing four blastomeres stained with NN 1 8. Scale bars equal 50 ^m. 228 W. R. BATES Table HI Distribution ofp58 in i compressed eight-celled embryos Maximum number of blastomeres per embryo stained with NN 1 8 antibody Specimens 0 1 5678 Normal embryos 22240 0 0000 Compressed embryos 31 I 0 22* 0 0 0 0 * In five embryos, five or six blastomeres were in the plane of section. oplasmin-Cl may be the cytoskeletal scaffold that an- chors muscle cell determinants. The expression of a muscle actin promoter-/ac'Z re- porter gene construct, MocuM A 1 /lacZ, was recently ex- amined in the tailless larvae of Molgula occult a. In these larvae, which lack p58 and do not develop functional muscle cells, low levels of /i-galactosidase activity were detected in a few posterior cells (Kusakabe el ai. 1996). This result and the presence of insertions, deletions, and codon substitutions in the coding regions of orthologous larval muscle actin genes isolated from the urodele spe- cies Molgula oculata suggest that mutations in muscle genes rather than changes in trans-acting regulatory fac- tors are responsible for the regression of muscle cells. These investigators also reported that MocuMAl//acZ constructs are expressed in mesenchyme and other non- muscle cell types in urodele larvae and that the M. oc- culta cells expressing /3-galactosidase activity did not cor- respond to the cells expressing low levels of vestigial AchE activity. Therefore, these results suggest that the activity of the MocuM A 1 promoter is somewhat "leaky" in some cell types, as is the transcription of AchE genes in vestigial muscle cells of several anural ascidian species (Whittaker, 1979; Jeffery and Swalla, 1990b; and Bates and Mallett, 1991). The results obtained by Jeffery and Meier (1983), Swalla el ai (1991), Nishikata and Wada (1996) and those reported in the present study suggest that determinants associated with the myoplasmic cy- toskeleton are required for the normal promoter activi- ties of muscle genes. Mapping the distributions of p58 in ME and com- pressed embryos has resolved the paradox of why cell fates were normal in embryos derived from ME frag- ments composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume (Bates, 1988), but muscle cell fates were altered in com- pressed embryos (Whittaker, 1980; and the present study) and small ME embryos produced from the vegetal pole region of fertilized eggs (Bates, 1988). Removal of the animal hemisphere of a fertilized egg during the first stage of ooplasmic segregation resulted in a 10%-20% in- crease in the cortical cytoplasm of an ME fragment that contained the MCD. Increasing the surface area of MCD would produce larger than normal myoplasmic crescents after the second phase of ooplasmic segregation. These enlarged crescents would position the anteriormost MCD into the endodermal determinant domain of the egg(Conklin, 1905; Nishida, 1994). The normal cleavage pattern of an ME embryo (Bates, 1988) would then par- tition the anterior MCD into endoderm cells, resulting in the development of larvae in which some of the head endoderm cells contain pigmented cytoplasm. When the regional expressions of three muscle-specific markers, myosin heavy chain (Bates, 1988), AchE activ- ity (Bates, 1988), and myofilaments (present study) were examined in ME larvae, only tail muscle cells were able to develop these markers. The endoderm cells present in or Figure 14. A summary of the present results. (A; top) The myoplas- mic cytoskeletal domain (MCD) resides in the more posterior cyto- plasm of a fertilized egg at the second stage of ooplasmic segregation (anterior — top; MCD is outlined). The MCD contains pigment gran- ules (dots), proteins, RNA. and mitochondria. The posterior region of the MCD contains p58 (short lines). (A: bottom) In late autumn, some adults produce eggs in which some of the MCD was extended into the anterior cytoplasm, yet p58 was restricted to the more posterior MCD. (B) In myoplasm-enriched (ME) fragments composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume, there was an increase in cortical cytoplasm that contained the MCD. As in autumn eggs that exhibited altered pigmen- tation patterns (Fig. I4A; bottom), some of the pigmented MCD was extended into the more anterior cytoplasm. This pigmented MCD was partitioned into some of the head endoderm cells of the larva; however, endoderm cell fates remained normal because p58 was localized in the more posterior region of the MCD. (C) In smaller ME fragments pro- duced from fertilized eggs, MCD that contained p58 was present in the anterior cytoplasm as well as in the posterior cytoplasm. After two cell divisions, the resulting four blastomeres contained p58, and all four blastomeres of cleavage-arrested smaller ME embryos expressed AchE activity (Bates, 1988). (D) Compression of four-celled embryos resulted in the partitioning of MCD that contained p58 into four blastomeres of eight-celled embryos, in contrast to normal eight-celled embryos that have p58 in the two B4. 1 blastomeres. The presence of p58 in four blastomeres of a compressed and cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryo promoted the development of myosin and muscle actin RNA in four blastomeres. p58 AND ASCID1AN MUSCLE CELL DETERMINANTS 229 Table IV Summary of results Type of embryo' Maximum number of cells/embryo expressing a Distribution muscle cell marker ofp58 Cleavage-arrested four- celled control embryos Cleavage-arrested four- celled ME embryos 40%-50%TEV Cleavage-arrested four- celled ME embryos 10%-3(KTEV~ Cleavage-arrested eight- celled embryos Cleavage-arrested and compressed eight- celled embrvos two cells expressed AchE two cells activity : two cells expressed AchE two cells activity2 four cells expressed AchE four cells activity2 two cells expressed myosin two cells and muscle actin RNA four cells expressed myosin four cells and muscle actin RNA 1 ME = myoplasm-enriched; TEV = total embryo volume. : From Bates (1988). the head region of ME larvae developed an endoderm- specific marker, alkaline phosphatase activity, as did the control larvae (Bates, 1988). The detection of p58 in the cytoplasm of B3 blastomeres of four-celled ME embryos but not in A3 blastomeres explains why muscle cell fates in these embryos were normal. Two observations described in the present study indi- cate the probable distribution of p58 in the MCD in fer- tilized eggs just prior to first cleavage. During most of the year, Boltenia adults produce clutches of eggs that develop into four-celled embryos in which the MCD re- sides exclusively in the cytoplasm of the B3 blastomeres (Jeffery and Meier, 1983). However, in late autumn some animals produce four-celled embryos in which the MCD is present in A3 blastomeres and in B3 blasto- meres. When these embryos were stained with NN18, only two blastomeres contained p58. These results sug- gest that p58 may be more concentrated in the posterior region of the MCD prior to first cleavage than in the more anterior region of the MCD. This idea is further supported by the detection of p58 in the cytoplasm of all four blastomeres of four-celled ME embryos produced from the vegetal pole region of fertilized eggs (see Fig. 14). The present results indicate that the distribution of the cytoskeletal protein p58 is correlated with the ectopic de- velopment of muscle cell features in compressed ascid- ian embryos. Whittaker ( 1980) observed that the maxi- mum number of blastomeres that can develop AchE ac- tivity is four in compressed and cleavage-arrested eight- celled Styela embryos, but only two in non-compressed and cleavage-arrested embryos. The present results have confirmed and extended Whittaker's findings by showing that compression can alter muscle cell fates in Boltenia villosa embryos and that p58 is present in four, instead of two, blastomeres of compressed eight-celled embryos. The results of the present study are summarized in Fig- ure 14 and in Table IV. During the first phase of ooplas- mic segregation following fertilization, the MCD is moved towards the vegetal pole. The MCD is then sec- ondarily shitted into the equatorial-vegetal region of the egg prior to first cleavage (Fig. 14 A, top), and this region designates the future posterior region of the larva (Con- klin, 1905). Embedded within the MCD are pigment granules, mitochondria, RNA, and proteins. The cy- toskeletal protein p58 is concentrated in the deep fila- mentous lattice of the MCD (Swalla el a!.. 1991). In some clutches of eggs produced in late autumn, the sur- face area of an egg containing pigmented MCD was greater than in eggs produced at other times of the year (Fig. 14A, bottom). This increase resulted in the devel- opment of four-celled embryos in which the MCD was present in the cytoplasm of all four blastomeres. How- ever, staining with NN18 showed that only the primary muscle progenitor B3 cells contained p58. These obser- vations suggest that p58 is associated with the posterior MCD contained within the cytoplasm of B3 blastomeres, but absent from the anterior region of the MCD con- tained in A3 blastomeres. In ME fragments composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume, there was an increase in the surface area that contained the pigmented MCD (Fig. 14B). This increase resulted in the redistribution of some of the pigmented MCD into the anterior blastomeres. When four-celled ME embryos derived from this size class of egg fragments were immersed in NN 1 8, a maximum of two blastomeres were stained. These results demonstrate that p58 distribu- tions were not altered in the ME embryos and explains why the fates of embryonic ME cells were normal. In con- trast, nearly the entire cortical cytoplasm of smaller ME fragments produced from the vegetal pole region of fertil- ized eggs contained the MCD (Fig. 14C). When four- celled ME embryos derived from these fragments were stained with NN18, p58 was detected in all four blasto- meres. This observation explains why AchE activity was sometimes detected in all four blastomeres of small cleav- age-arrested ME embryos, as compared to a maximum of two blastomeres in the control cleavage-arrested four- celled embryos (Bates, 1988). Compression of four-celled embryos caused p58 to be partitioned into four, rather than two, blastomeres of an eight-celled embryo (compare Figs. 2B and 14D). The presence of p58 in four blasto- meres was correlated with the development of myosin and muscle actin RNA in four blastomeres of o inpressed and cleavage-arrested eight-celled embryos. 230 W. R. BATES In conclusion, mapping the distribution of p58 has re- solved the paradox of why cell fates were normal in ME embryos composed of 40%-50% of the total egg volume, but muscle cell fates were altered in small ME embryos and in compressed embryos. Immunoprecipitation ex- periments, now in progress, will coprecipitate muscle cell determinants with p58 for microinjection into non-mus- cle lineage blastomeres of urodele ascidian embryos and injection into anural ascidian eggs. Acknowledgments Monica Lovis and Mike Swallow are thanked for their technical assistance. SpMA3C DNA was kindly pro- vided by Dr. William Jeffery, and Mu-2 antibody was kindly provided by Dr. N. Satoh. The comments pro- vided by the reviewers were most helpful in preparing this manuscript. The author is most thankful for the award of an operating grant by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Rick Bro- deur. Literature Cited Bates, \V. R. 1995. Direct development in the ascidian Molgula re- wrliformis (\eu\\\. 1871). fi;u/. Bull 188: 16-22. Bales, \V. R. 1988. Development of myoplasm-enriched ascidian embryos. Dev Biol 129: 241-252. Bates, \V. R., and \V. R. Jeffery. 1987. 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The first en- velope (EE1) forms as a bilayered envelope, EEla and EElh, immediately after oviposition. The OIC becomes closely associated with EE1 and remains in close con- tact with EE1 until hatching occurs. An additional layer, EE1C, is added to the inner side of EE1 between 3 and 5 d after oviposition. Three more embryonic enve- lopes, EE2, EE3, and EE4. are formed between the embryo and EE1 by 7 d after oviposition. Formation of embryonic envelopes continues until 10 d after ovipo- sition; by this time each envelope is morphologically distinct in composition, with "outer" and "inner" sides clearly identifiable. All but the innermost embryonic envelope (EE4) are shed by the embryo about 6 h before hatching. Permeability of the EC during the 12-d incu- bation period is found to decrease between 0 and 5 d after oviposition, and then increase until hatching. Flu- orescently labeled lectins react positively with the OIC, Received 1 9 August 1996; accepted 20 December 1996. Abbreviations: embryonic coat (EC): embryonic envelope (EE): outer investment coat (OIC): scanning electron microscopy (SEM); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC); Tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane (Tris). Mention of commercial products does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. indicating the presence of glucose and jV-acetylglucos- amine residues. Thus, the palaemonid EC is a dynamic structure throughout embryonic development. Introduction Grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, inhabit estuaries in the coastal regions of the eastern United States. Dur- ing mating, the male places a spermatophore on the tho- rax of a mature female, near the opening of the gono- pores. As eggs are extruded from the oviduct, they pass across the spermatophore and are fertilized externally. Eggs are deposited, or oviposited, on setae of the pleo- pods of the female. After about 2 weeks of incubation, the embryos hatch as zoeal larvae (Broad, 1957). During this time, the embryonic coat (EC) must protect the em- bryos from microbial, physical, and possibly chemical conditions of the ambient water while allowing passage of gases and other metabolites. Various nomenclature has been used to describe the embryonic coat in marine decapods. Lobsters have a fer- tilization envelope or chorion (Talbot. 1981; Talbot and Goudeau, 1988); crabs have an extra-cellular capsule or fertilization envelope (Goudeau and LaChaise, 1980a, b; Goudeau and Becker, 1982), penaeid shrimp have a hatching envelope (Clark and Lynn, 1977; Pillai and Clark, 1987), and Palaemon has an extracellular capsule (Goudeau et a/.. 1991). Investigations have revealed at least one additional "coat" besides the fertilization or hatching envelope as part of the protective covering of the developing embryo. Lynn et al. (1993) reported the presence of three or more "envelopes" duri r g later stages of development in the penaeid shrimp Sit mia ingentis. Goudeau and LaChaise (1983) and < oudeau et al. 231 232 P. S. GLAS ET AL. EE1 3 200.pm Figures 1-9. Adult and embryonic stages of the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. Figure 1. Photograph of P. pugio adults. Top. mature female: middle, ovigerous female; bottom, ma- ture male. Figure 2. Embryos 8 d after oviposition are shown attached to the ventral abdomen of a female. The embryos were attached to setae on the female pleopod by a cement that also forms the outer investment coat (OIC) of the embryonic coat. Phase contrast micrograph of fertilized eggs on Day 0 within 4 h of ovipositioning. The embno had progressed through karyokinetic divisions without cytokinesis. Figure 4. Cytokinesis began after the embryos had completed three karyokinetic divisions. The tissue cap stage was seen 3 d after oviposition. The tissue cap (clear area at the animal pole) is the developing embryo. The attachment of the egg by the funiculus. Fu. may provide spatial ori- entation for embryo development. GRASS SHRIMP EMBRYONIC COAT 233 Table I Development <>/ Palaemonetespugioa/27°Com/.?0%o salinity Day of Diameter Standard Embryonic stage development (mm) deviation Oviposition/karyokinesis/ cytokinesis 0 0.59 0.026 Late cleavage/early gastrulation 1 0.62 0.021 Gastrulation 2 0.67 0.028 Tissue cap 3 0.66 0.027 Cephalothorax delineation 4 0.66 0.021 Heartbeat initiation 5 0.69 0.020 Eye pigmentation 6 0.72 0.016 Embryonic eye 7 0.76 0.021 Early compound eye 8 0.80 0.019 Completed compound eye 9 0.84 0.048 Protozoeal embryo 10 0.84 0.030 Protozoeal embryo 11 0.82 0.047 Protozoeal embryo/pre-hatch 12 0.98 0.030 Hatch — 1 st zoeal larva 12 2.28 0.340 For each stage, the diameter is the mean value for 24 embryos mea- sured across the longer axis of the oval-shaped egg. The hatch length is the "unfolded" length of the zoeal stage larva. Days of development represent 24-h periods at 27°C and 20%o salinity. (1990) reported five "coats" in the brachyuran crab Car- cinus maenas and six "coatings" in the lobster Homants gammarus. Morphological studies of the EC in palae- monid shrimp have been published (Sandifer and Lynn, 1980; Fisher and Clark, 1983; Lynn and Clark, 1983; Goudeau el al, 1991), but none of these studies have examined embryos beyond the first few hours after ovi- position. On the basis of observations of development in Palae- monetes pugio, we have adapted terminologies from Tal- bot and Goudeau (1988) for the lobster and from Lynn et al. (1993) for penaeid shrimp. Crustacean decapods, in general, have an embryonic coat (EC) surrounding the developing embryo. This coat comprises one or more embryonic envelopes (EE) plus, in animals that brood their young, an outer investment coat (OIC) or cement that attaches the embryos to the female. Each EE, in turn, may be formed of several different layers. Thus, EEs are defined as layers that generally appear together as a single unit. The layers are morphologically distinct regions of the envelope. The origin of the layers that form the EE is usually embryonic, whereas the OIC origin may be maternal, embryonic, or both. In this study, we show that the EC is morphologically and functionally dynamic throughout embryogenesis. Materials and Methods Grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, were collected from waters in east Escambia Bay, Pensacola, Florida, during the summer and fall of 1995. Adults were main- tained at 24°C temperature and 20%o salinity in flow- through aquaria. Animals were held in these conditions for 2 weeks before ovigerous females were removed. This period ensured that eggs removed from the females were oviposited under laboratory conditions. Embryos were gently removed from females and their ages were deter- mined by using developmental stages as indications of approximate times postextrusion, i.e., after oviposition (Tyler-Schroeder, 1978). A method modified from Fisher and Foss (1993) was used to culture the embryos. Each embryo was placed in a separate well of a 24-well plastic tissue culture plate. The plates were incubated at 27°C and 20%o salinity with continual agitation at 60 rpm on a rotary shaker. Under these conditions, hatching was consistently 1 1 - 1 3 d after oviposition, with most embryos hatching after 12 d (Fisher and Foss, 1993). Embryo development Embryos at different developmental stages were re- moved from culture plates, placed on glass slides in sea- water in a ring of petroleum jelly, covered with glass cov- erslips, and photographed using phase microscopy on an inverted microscope. Embryo lengths were obtained us- ing a Microcomp particle analysis system attached to a video capture system mounted on a dissecting micro- scope. Twenty-four embryos were measured daily throughout the course of development. Mean embryo lengths and standard deviations were calculated for each day of development. Figure 6. At 7 d after oviposition, eye development (arrow) was well advanced. The cephalothorax and abdominal regions were well denned. Fu, funiculus. Figure 7. By 10 d after oviposition, eye formation appeared complete. The telson (arrowhead) was wrapped around the cephalothorax of the embryo. Lipid droplets (Dr) were seen in the region of the devel- oping hepatopancreas. Fu, funiculus. Figure 8. At 12 d after oviposition, about 6 h before hatch, EE1-EE3 were shed (EE1-3), remaining attached only at the point of the funiculus. Only EE4 remained around the embryo. Arrowhead indicates the telson still within EE4. Figures 3-8 are presented at the same magnification to demonstrate the increase in embryo size during development. Bar equals lOO^m. Figure 9. The first zoeal larvae hatched 1 2 d after oviposition. Bar equals 200 Mm. 234 P. S. GLAS ET AL. 12 Figures 10-19. Electron micrographs ofPalaemonetespugio embryos showing the development of the embryonic coat. Figure 10. A scanning electron micrograph of an embryo at 3 d after oviposition shows the smooth outer surface of the outer investment coat (QIC) with the t'uniculus, Fu. The funiculus was the point of attachment of the embryo to a seta of the female pleopod. Figure 11. At 3 d after oviposition. the QIC and first embryonic envelope (EE1 ) were the only parts of the EC seen with TEM. EE1 had two layers, a thin, electron-dense layer, "a." and a thicker, less electron- dense layer, "b." Figure 12. By 5 d after oviposition. EE1 had 3 layers, "a" and "b" as defined above, and layer "c," a flocculent, loosely defined layer. A second envelope, EE2, had formed and, in some areas, elevated to just below EE1. Figure 13. In a section of another embryo 5 d after oviposition, EE2 (arrow) remained close to the embryo. The third envelope. EE3. was seen forming internally to EE2 and had a thin, electron-dense outer layer (d) and a looser, inner tibrillar layer (f). Embryonic coat development Morphological changes in the embryonic coat (EC) were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Embryos for SEM and TEM were fixed for 24 h in 1 .6% formaldehyde and 0.8% glutaraldehyde in seawater. Al- ternatively, embryos were fixed for 4 h in 3% glutaral- dehyde, then 24 h in Bouin's fixative. Samples were washed three times with 0.2 M phosphate buffer and post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in phosphate buffer. then washed in distilled water. SEM samples were then frozen in liquid nitrogen, loaded into the Zeiss DSM 962 scanning electron microscope, sublimated, then sputter-coated with palladium-gold. For freeze-fracture samples, the embryos were fractured before sublima- tion. Samples for TEM analysis were dehydrated with acetone, infiltrated with Spurr's resin, and then em- bedded in fresh resin. Thin sections were cut, dou- ble stained with lead citrate (Venable and Cogges- hall, 1965) and aqueous uranyl acetate, and observed with TEM. GRASS SHRIMP EMBRYONIC COAT 235 Figure 14. Between 5 and 7 d after oviposition. multiple envelopes of the EC had formed and are visible in thisSEM of a freeze-fractured 7-d embryo. Three of the envelopes. EE1. EE2. and EE3. were seen, with EE3 having an elaborate system of ridges (arrowhead). Figure 15. A cross-section of a ridge (arrow) in EE3 was seen in TEM from a 7-d embryo. The dense layer (d land fibrillar layer (f) of EE3 were better organized than in earlier micrographs. Figure 16. By 7 d after oviposition. a fourth envelope had formed interiorly to EE3. This envelope. EE4, remained close to the embryo and developed a thin, electron-dense outer bilayer (d) and a fibnllar inner layer (f). Figure 17. By 10 d after oviposition. four EE surrounded the embryo, with EE1-EE3 found juxtaposed and relatively distant from EE4 and the embryo. This micrograph of the EC at 10 d shows all the layers of EE 1 (a. b. and c). as well as EE2 and the two layers of EE3. Figure 18. At 10 d after oviposition, EE4 was still found close to the embryo. The dense outer layer (d) had a bilaminar. railroad-track appearance, while the inner fibrillar layer (0 had become more organized. EE4 formed large folds with a wavelike appearance. Figure 19. Before hatching from EE4, the embryo formed the cuticle (Cu) of the exoskeleton. This cuticle had a tnlaminar appearance in contrast to the bilaminar appearance of EE4. The characteristic layering of the cuticle had already begun. 236 P. S. GLAS ET AL Embryonic Coat of Palaemonetes pugio ve? QIC EE1c EE2 EE3 Figure 20. A schematic presentation of the sequence of formation of the embryonic coat of Pulacmn- nclc.s pitg/o. including the embryonic envelopes (EE) and layers, ve, vitelline envelope; OIC. outer invest- ment coat; EEla, EEIh, and EE1C, the three layers of the first embryonic envelope; EE2, EE3, EE4. the second, third and fourth embryonic envelopes, respectively. The layers and distance from the embryo are not to scale. Embryonic coat permeability Permeability assays were performed as reported by Glas et al. (1995) and Legge (1995). Embryos at various stages of development were incubated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled dextrans of five molecular weights | Sigma Chemical Co.) by adding 10 ^1 of fluo- rescently ;x-!ed dextran (stock = 50 mg/ml in distilled water) in idual wells containing embryos and sea- water at 2 nity. After 30 min incubation in the dark at 27" os were rinsed three times with filtered seawa; xamined for dextran penetration 1e the EC filters on an inverted micro- At least i as were observed for each of dextran. ition of the EC by the dextran rmined b\ ig through the embryo. For il- embryos w examined and photographed >cal microscopy. The embryos were scanned usini; -qe settings for laser intensity (488 nm blue lasei ' gain. Lectin-binding affinity Embryos with intact ECs at 8 d and 1 2 d after oviposi- tion were incubated with FITC-labeled lectins. The lee- tins (and their affinities for oligosaccharides) used in this study were Concanavalin A agglutinin (Con A), a-D-glu- cosyl residues, especially glucose and 7V-acetylglucos- amine; Limuliis polyphemus bacterial agglutinin (LPA), jV-acetylated D-hexosamines, especially D-glucuronic acid and /V-acetylneuraminic acid; and Triticwn viilgaris agglutinin (wheat germ agglutinin, WGA), Ar-acetyl-/3-D- glucosaminyl residues, especially yV-acetyl-/3-D-glucos- amine oligomers. Lectin stock solutions, I mg/ml for LPA and WGA and 2 mg/ml for Con A, in 0.05 A/ Tris (pH 7.2), with 0.0 1 A/ calcium, magnesium, and manga- nese chlorides as trace metals, were made according to the procedures of Kiernan (1 990); 10 ^1 of stock solution was added to individual wells containing embryos in 1 .0 ml seawater at 20%o salinity. The embryos were incu- bated in the dark for I h at 27°C, then rinsed three times GRASS SHRIMP EMBRYONIC COAT 237 Figures 21-24. Permeability of the embryonic coat (EC) of Palaemonetes pi/f;i<> was determined using FITC-labeled dextrans. Embryos were viewed using confocal microscopy. Figure 21. At 3 d after oviposition, the embryo EC was permeable to FITC-labeled dextrans weighing 9 kDa. The dextran inside the EC showed the entire embryo as a bright image. Figure 22. An example of an embryo 3 d after oviposition incubated with dextrans weighing 38 kDa. The dextran does not remain in the inside of the EC so the outline of the embryo is visible. Figure 23. Embryo EC was permeable to the FITC-labeled dextran weighing 72 kDa at 10 d after ovi- position, so the embryo appears as a bright oval. Figure 24. Embryo EC was impermeable to the dextran weighing 148 kDa at 10 d after oviposition. with seawater. The embryos were then observed for flu- orescence on the outside of the QIC. To block for non- specific binding, embryos were pretreated for 30 min with 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin in the Tris buffer, then rinsed with seawater. As sugar controls, lectins were incubated with 1 M solutions (0.3 M for 7V-acetylneur- aminic acid) of specific oligosaccharides before being Table II Permeability of the embryonic coal <>/ Palaemonetes pugio to FITC-lahcled dextrans Day of development FITC-labeled dextran molecular weight (kDa) 4.3 9.3 19.6 38.9 71.2 148.3 3 4 5 7 10 12 Permeability is recorded as + (permeable) or - (nonpermeable) on the basis of the presence or absence of fluorescent dye in the perivitel- line space; ± indicates that fluorescence was found in the perivitelline space of 50'"; of the eggs. Each symbol represents the observation of at least four embryos. added to the wells (Kiernan, 1990). Sugars used were su- crose, glucose, and 7V-acetylglucosamine (for Con A); D- glucuronic acid and jV-acetylneuraminic acid (for LPA); and jV-acetylglucosamine and A'-acetylneuraminic acid (forWGA). Results Embryo development Development and hatching of P. pugio closely fol- lowed the sequence of events described by Broad ( 1 957), Davis (1965), and Thomas (1970). Ova of P. pugio were released from the female oviduct and passed over the male spermatophore, fertilized, and attached to the fe- male pleopods during oviposition (Figs. 1 and 2). At the time of attachment, the zygotes were single celled, carry- ing both male and female pronuclei. After pronuclear fu- sion, the zygote proceeded through three karyokinetic di- visions (Fig. 3) before cytokinesis (Fig. 4). The orienta- tion of the embryo within the EC remained the same, with the funiculus. or attachment stalk, at the distal edge of the presumptive cephalothorax. By 3 d, or 72 h after oviposition, embryos reached the tissue cap stage as described by Tyler-Shroeder (1978): the clear region was at the animal end of the embryo, and yolk filled much of the remainder of the i.-gg (Fig. 5). Af- 238 P. S. GLAS ET AL. Embryos at 8 d and 12 d after oviposition were exposed to FITC-labeled lectins. : luiirol embryos. Con, at 8 d after oviposition had some autotluorescence, especially in the eyes, yolk, and olher pigmented areas. Arrowheads indicate the outline of the embryo. Figure 2< After the outer EE I -EE3 were shed (arrow), the remaining inner coat (arrowheads) also did not show an\ fluorescence. GRASS SHRIMP EMBRYONIC COAT 239 ter 5 d of development, the heart had begun beating, and segmentation was apparent as the embryos were elongat- ing. Eye pigmentation was evident by 7 d after oviposi- tion (Fig. 6), with development continuing until 9 d, when the compound eye was fully formed. At this time, the embryos appeared to be completely formed exter- nally. At 10 d (Fig. 7), lipid "droplets" were visible in the region destined to become the hepatopancreas, and the amount of dark yolk had greatly diminished. The size of P. piigio embryos cultured at 27°C and 20%o salinity increased throughout development (Table I). After 12 d of development and about 6 h before hatch- ing, the embryos shed the outer portion of the EC (Fig. 8) and rapidly increased in size from 0.82 mm to 0.98 mm within 24 h (Table 1). The embryos finally broke through the remaining envelope to hatch as first zoeal larvae (Fig. 9). Development was consistent with that described by Fisher and Foss (1993) so that hatching consistently oc- curred after 1 1-13 d of incubation. Embryonic coat formation During oviposition. the female released a "cement" that coated the newly fertilized eggs in a sticky layer for attachment to setae on the pleopods (Figs. 2 and 10). By 4 h after oviposition, the cement had formed an outer investment coat (QIC) that surrounded the embryo (Fig. 10) and also comprised the attachment strands, or funi- culi, which connected the embryos to the pleopods. The embryos were always attached in the same relative posi- tion; i.e.. the funiculus was always at the position that became the posterior end of the carapace on the dorsal side (see Davis, 1965). The funiculus and attachment points to other embryos were continuous with the QIC surface. Externally, the QIC had no distinguishing fea- tures other than the funiculus attachments (Fig. 10). The smooth exterior surface of the embryos sometimes had bacterial growth during later stages of embryonic devel- opment, a common occurrence for externally brooded decapod embryos (Fisher, 1983). Otherwise, no dramatic external changes occurred until the outer envelopes were shed. The stickiness of the cement was no longer notice- able by 3 d after oviposition as the eggs no longer clumped together on contact. Four hours after oviposition, the embryo was sur- rounded by the QIC and a bilayered embryonic enve- lope, EE1. Transmission electron micrographs revealed that the QIC comprised the outermost layer of the coat surrounding the embryo and was about 0.4 /urn thick (Fig. 1 1). The first EE initially consisted of a thin, outer layer, EEla,andathick, inner layer, EElb. The thickness of the EElh had increased to 0.38-0.4 /urn by 3 d after oviposition (Fig. 1 1 ), after which no further increase was seen. Within 3-5 d after oviposition, a third layer, EE1C, was added to the previous two layers. This layer was composed of an electron-dense, filamentous material with a loosely organized structure (Fig. 12). This layer did not always stain well, appearing as a sparsely filled space between EE1 and EE2 after its formation. Usually EE1 was closely associated with the QIC. The second envelope, EE2, began to appear late in the 4th d after oviposition. At 5 d after oviposition, EE2 ele- vated to remain closely associated with EE1 (Fig. 12). In a section of another 5-d embryo, EE2, which had not yet elevated could be seen as a dense envelope outside the newly forming EE3 (Fig. 13). When stained for electron microscopy, EE2 measured about 0. 12-0.2^111, with a thin, dense outer layer and a less dense inner layer. A third envelope, EE3, appeared by 5 d after oviposi- tion. This envelope consisted of an electron-dense, thin outer layer and a wide band of heterogeneous electron- dense and lucent regions (Fig. 1 3). By 7 d, this envelope had condensed and formed ridges in some parts of the embryo (Fig. 14). The ridges did not circumscribe the embryo. In section, a ridge was seen as an area where EE3 had folded back on itself (Fig. 15). The condensed EE3 had an outer electron-dense layer about 0.13 ^m thick and a fibrillar, less dense inner layer about 0.26 ^m Figure 27. The lectin Concanavalin A (Con Al had a high affinity for the outer investment coat (OIC) of the 8-d embryo. Figure 28. After the outer EEs were shed immediately prior to hatching, the Con A lectin had only a slight affinity for the remaining envelope. EE4. The discarded EEI-EE3 and OIC (arrow) still reacted strongly with the lectin. Figure 29. The wheat germ agglutinin lectin. WGA. had a very strong affinity for the OIC of the 8-d embryo. Figure 30. At 1 2 d after oviposition, after the outer EE 1 -EE3 and OIC were shed, the WGA lectin had no affinity for EE4. which remained around the embryo (arrowheads). The discarded EE1-EE3 and OIC (arrow) still reacted to the lectin. Figure 31. Limiilus polyphemus agglutinin showed only low nonspecific affinity for the OIC of the 8-d embryo (arrowhead). Figure 32. At 12 d after oviposition, after EE1-EE3 and the OIC were shed immediately before hatch- ing, the LPA lectin had no affinity for EE4 (arrowheads), which remained around the embryo. Bar equals 100 Mm. 240 P. S. GLAS ET AL. thick (Fig. 15). The fibrils tended to lay parallel to the embryo surface. By 10 d after oviposition, this envelope was about 0.5 ^m wide and, in regions where EE3 had not formed ridges, was found subjacent to EE2 (Fig. 17). The final envelope, EE4, was first seen at 7 d after ovi- position. The morphology of EE4 was initially similar to EE3 during formation in that the outer layer was elec- tron-dense and the inner layer was fibrillar and irregular (Fig. 16). The layers were near the embryo surface and measured about 0.5 nm thick. By this time, EE3 had moved away from the embryo toward the outer enve- lopes that were layered beneath the QIC (Fig. 17). At 10 d after oviposition, EE4 had large wave-shaped folds (Fig. 18) and measured about 1.2 ^m thick. The outer layer of EE4 had formed a bilaminar "railroad-track" appear- ance, and the inner fibrillar layer was oriented parallel to the embryo surface. The developing embryo was seen immediately below the waves of EE4 (Fig. 18). EE4 re- mained near the embryo surface throughout the rest of embryonic development. Six hours before hatching, the QIC and the outer en- velopes, EE 1 -EE3, were shed, remaining attached to the embryo only at a point on the posterior dorsal edge of the cephalothorax (Davis, 1965). The innermost envelope, EE4, no longer had folds in it, but was found close to the embryo (Fig. 19). The thickness of the envelope was greatly reduced, as though stretched. The fibrils were scattered throughout the space between the dense outer layer and the embryo. At this time, the cuticular layer of the embryonic exoskeleton had formed (Fig. 19). The cuticular layer could be distinguished from EE4 by the morphology of the dense outer layer. In EE4, this layer was bilaminar, or "railroad track," in appearance, whereas the dense layer of the forming cuticle had a tri- laminar appearance. The sequence of events for the formation of the extra- embryonic coat is summarized in Figure 20. The relative widths of the embryo, envelopes, layers, and perivitelline space are not drawn to scale. The origin of EE1 from a precursor layer or "vitelline envelope" is speculative at this time. FITC-labeled dextrans indicate permeability change •vith time '.'hen embryos were incubated with FITC-labeled ans ." 1 after oviposition, only those dextrans ng less than 9 kDa were able to penetrate the EC ' and 22). 7 Tmeability became more restrictive -r oviposu i, when only the dextrans weighing less . 9 kDa co sld penetrate the EC. This restriction conti; >ntil 7 i after oviposition, when larger size dextrin • able to penetrate the EC. As the embryos aged 1'u.i: the permeability to dextrans increased. with only the largest dextran ( 148 kDa) being excluded from the EC by 10 d after oviposition (Figs. 23 and 24). Immediately prior to hatching, 12 d after oviposition, all dextrans tested penetrated the inner envelope, EE4 (see Table II). Lectin specificity indicates p-glucoside saccharides The OICs of embryos were exposed to three lectins — Concanavalin A (Con A), Limulus polyphemus aggluti- nin (LPA), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) — at 8 d and 12 d after oviposition to test for the presence of spe- cific terminal oligosaccharides (Figs. 25-32). Embryos without any lectins added showed slight autofluores- cence in pigmented regions (see Thomas, 1970, for de- scription) but no fluorescence in the EC (Figs. 25 and 26). The OICs of embryos incubated with Con A 8 d after oviposition gave a positive fluorescent reaction (Fig. 27), indicating terminal sucrose, D-glucosyl and A'-acetyl-D- glucosamine residues. After the EEs were shed at 12 d after oviposition, there was little fluorescent reaction with EE4 (Fig. 28), but the discarded EEs and OICs still reacted strongly. At 8 d after oviposition, the OIC had a strong fluorescent reaction with WGA (Fig. 29), indicat- ing terminal A'-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl residues as well as /3-jV-acetylglucosamine oligomers. Embryos 12 d after oviposition had little fluorescent reaction with EE4 when treated with WGA (Fig. 30), although the discarded EEs and OICs still reacted. At 8 d after oviposition, LPA showed only nonspecific binding with the OIC (Fig. 3 1 ). At 12 d after oviposition, when the outer EE and OIC were shed, EE4 showed no affinity for the LPA lectin (Fig. 32). When blocked for nonspecific binding using bovine serum albumin, the Con A and WGA lectins con- tinued to react strongly with the OIC, but LPA lectin showed no reaction with the OIC. When each lectin was preincubated with the corresponding sugars, fluores- cence was blocked in all treatments (data not shown). Discussion The formation of the EC within the first four hours after oviposition has been documented in the prawn Pa- laemon serratus by Goudeau el al. ( 1 99 1 ) and in Macro- brachium by Sandifer and Lynn ( 1 980) and by Lynn and Clark (1983). The formation of additional coats after the EC has formed has also been reported in other species such as penaeid shrimp (Lynn et al., 1993) and lobster (Talbot and Goudeau. 1988). What has not been de- scribed in previous studies is that formation of the EC may continue, as in P. pugio. for up to 10 d or so after oviposition. In P. pugio during this time, at least three additional EEs are formed around the developing embryo that are not present at 3 d after oviposition. These envelopes show distinct morphological character- GRASS SHRIMP EMBRYONIC COAT 241 istics that allow each to be identified during develop- ment. The EEs form and mature morphologically for 10 d after oviposition of the embryos. Together, the QIC and all the EEs form the protective EC of the palaemonid shrimp. At 12 d after oviposition, the outer envelopes, EE1-EE3, are shed; only the innermost envelope, EE4, remains around the embryo. Hatching occurs when the embryo emerges from EE4. The hatching of P. pugio is described by Davis (1965). However, the role of the fu- niculus in the development of the embryo has not been closely examined. Broad (1957) states that a prezoeal molt takes place before hatching. We saw no evidence of a molt that, as Helluy and Beltz (1991) have seen in lobster, conforms to the surface of the embryo before hatching. The cuticle layer seen at 1 2 d conformed to the surface of the embryo, but was clearly separate from EE4. Although the innermost envelope, EE4, was morphologically sim- ilar to the adult crustacean exoskeleton, there were dis- tinct morphological differences when compared to the embryonic exoskeleton (compare Fig. 18 and Fig. 19). Changes in permeability of the EC to labeled dextrans coincide with the formation of the envelopes. As EEs were added, the permeability of the EC decreased. After all the envelopes had formed and the embryo had devel- oped further, the permeability increased. The permeabil- ity was greatest as the embryo approached hatching; i.e.. after the QIC and EE 1 -EE3 had been shed and only EE4 remained around the embryo. Some of these results may explain in part the difficulty in embryo fixation reported by Thomas (1970) and also seen in this laboratory. Lectin affinity studies lend some insight into the com- position of the EC. The lectins are too large in molecular weight to penetrate the EC. Only Con A may be small enough to pass in and out of the EC; however, it appears to bind to the EC, as indicated by the strong fluorescent image. The strong Con A and WGA lectin affinity indi- cates the presence of a terminal glucosyl and yV-acetyl- glucosamine residues. Contrast the binding of lectin to the O1C with the lack of binding to EE4 after the outer coat has been shed. The results of this study are important to those using P. pugio for bioassays to understand the effects of toxi- cants and microorganisms on the developing embryo. The changing morphological and functional aspects of the EC throughout the development of the embryo pro- foundly affect the stage-specific sensitivity and suscepti- bility of the embryo. Further research is needed to ad- dress the importance of the QIC and funiculus in suc- cessful development, the functional roles of the different layers of each EE, and the effects of physical and chemi- cal stressors on the progression of EC formation. In this paper, we propose terminology to describe a complex protective structure. We use terms that are de- scriptive yet familiar, avoiding commonly used terms such as "extracellular coat" because we feel they are mis- leading. Because we are studying the envelopes around an embryo with multicellular organization, not just the newly fertilized zygote, the word "extracellular" could be misleading to those unfamiliar with the historical usage. We use "coat" to encompass the entire protective struc- ture, since normally we think of only one coat being used at a time. We have continued to use "envelope" since it is now widely accepted in several species. Ideally, this usage will further promote the standardization of terminology among developmental biologists. Acknowledgments The authors give special thanks to Steve Foss, EPA, for assistance with the embryo cultures. John Lynn and Prudence Talbot were helpful with pertinent discussions on Macrobrachium reproduction and lobster develop- ment, respectively. Jeff Green and Gerry Cripe provided valuable criticism of the manuscript. This work was per- formed while PSG and JRR held National Research Council-EPA, Gulf Ecology Division Research Asso- ciateships. This is EPA, Gulf Ecology Division contribu- tion No. 979. Literature Cited Broad, A. C. 1957. Larval development of Palaemonetes pugio Hol- thius. Biol. Bull. 1 1 2: 1 44- 1 6 1 . Clark, \V . H., Jr., and J. \V. Lynn. 1977. A Mg** dependent cortical reaction in the eggs of penaeid shrimp. J. Exp. Zoo/. 200: 177-183. Davis, C. C. 1965. A study of the hatching process in aquatic inverte- brates. XIV. An examination of hatching in Palaemonetes vulgaris (Say). CnislaceanaS: 233-238. Fisher, W. S. 1983. Eggs of Palaemon macrodactylus: II. Association with aquatic bacteria. Biol. Bull 164:201-213. Fisher, W. S., and W. H. Clark, Jr. 1983. 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WISE2 1 Department of 'Zoology, University of Washington, Box351800, Seattle, Washington 98 195; and 2 Houston Museum of Natural Science, 1 Herman Circle Drive. Houston, Texas 77030 Abstract. Although pyramidellid gastropods are a phy- logenetically important group of diverse and abundant ectoparasites, little is known about their life histories. Herein, we describe the adult morphology and develop- ment of the pyramidellid Odostomia columbiana, which parasitizes the scallops Chlamys hastata and C. rubida in the Northeast Pacific. Anatomically, adult O. colum- biana resemble other known pyramidellids although they lack the tentacular pads typical of other Odostomia species. Embryonic development is similar to that de- scribed for other pyramidellids: cleavage is unequal, gas- trulation is partially by invagination, and considerable growth occurs before hatching. However, embryonic and larval development are much slower than for other de- scribed species. The planktotrophic larvae hatch after 19 days of intracapsular development and metamor- phose about 2 months later. O. columbiana veligers have a large black pigmented mantle organ to the right of the midline, a distinct metapodial tentacle, and three or four long bristles that project over the operculum from be- hind the foot. Observations of newly metamorphosed ju- veniles suggest that previous disagreements regarding the development of heterostrophy are due to variation in the degree of heterostrophy among species. Our observa- tions also generally corroborate certain scenarios ex- Received 16 August 1996; accepted 17 December 1996. * Address for correspondence: Committee on Evolutionary Biology. Culver Hall. 1025 E. 57th Street, Chicago. IL 60637; e-mail: rcollin®- midway.uchicago.edu Abbreviations: PMO = pigmented mantle organ; hpl = anterior huc- cal pump; bp2 = posterior buccal pump; VCSGL = ventral ciliated strip gland. plaining the evolution of gastropod cleavage type and larval heterochrony. Unequal cleavage and larvae that hatch without well-developed eyes and tentacles may be characteristic of the common ancestor of pyramidellids and opisthobranchs; however, late development of the larval heart is probably a derived condition of opistho- branchs. Introduction Pyramidellids are common ectoparasites in many ma- rine communities, but little is known about their biology and life histories (Haszprunar, 1988; Wise, 1996). In par- ticular, data concerning their development and larval bi- ology are lacking. As in many benthic marine inverte- brates with limited adult dispersal, the duration of a planktonic larval stage may be a key factor influencing pyramidellid distribution and population dynamics. Long-lived planktonic stages may increase colonization of patchily distributed hosts, whereas species that hatch as crawling juveniles may have lower probabilities of lo- cal extinction (Thorson, 1950: White et al., 1984; Gum- ming, 1993). Therefore, knowledge of pyramidellid de- velopment and larval biology is key to understanding their life histories and host-parasite interactions, and to planning effective pest-control strategies for aquaculture. Pyramidellid development is also particularly infor- mative when viewed in a phylogenetic context. Gener- ally, pyramidellids are placed, with other families in the order Heterostropha, at the base of the heterobranch clade (Haszprunar, 1988). Although the relationships among these families are poorly resolved, pyramidellids clearly represent basal members of the clade that in- 243 244 R. COLLIN AND J. B. WISE eludes opisthobranchs and pulmonates, and which is the sister group of the Caenogastropoda (Haszprunar, 1988; Bieler, 1992; Mikkelsen, 1996). Knowledge of such basal groups can be useful in tracing evolutionary transitions, determining ancestral character states, and testing evolu- tionary scenarios. This knowledge may be particularly useful in gastropod development, where evidence for ev- olutionary scenarios is often available from derived rep- resentatives of only a few clades. For example, van den Biggelaar ( 1996) found a trend in cleavage type and D- quadrant specification from equal cleavage and late spec- ification in "archaeogastropods" to unequal cleavage and early specification in opisthobranchs and pulmo- nates. Additionally, Page (1994) suggested that hetero- chronic shifts in gastropod development decelerated the formation of larval and adult structures in opistho- branch larvae relative to prosobranchs. These scenarios were generated primarily from observations of derived caenogastropods, opisthobranchs, and pulmonates. Moreover, detailed descriptions of pyramidellid devel- opment could be used to further support or refute these types of scenarios. To date, accounts of pyramidellid reproduction and embryology are brief and limited to a small number of European (Lebour, 1932, 1936; Rasmussen, 1944, 1951; Fretter and Graham, 1949), eastern North American (Robertson, 1978; White el at.. 1985), and Indo-Pacific (Amio, 1963;Nishinorttf/., 1983; Gumming, 1993) spe- cies (Table I). Although more than 50 species have been reported from western North America (Dall and Bartsch. 1909), there exists only a single account of pyramidellid development from the region (LaFollette, 1979). No de- tailed embryological studies of pyramidellids have been published, and larvae that do not metamorphose imme- diately after hatching are seldom reared through settle- ment (see Robertson, 1967, for an exception). Conse- quently, the details of early development, the duration of the planktonic period, and the events at metamorphosis have been the subject of much speculation (Thorson, 1946; Fretter eta/., 1982). Published accounts of pyramidellid reproduction and development are often obscured by taxonomic confu- sion within the group. Criteria used to identify species are often not explicitly stated in published reports, or the taxonomy is so conjectural that species cannot be identi- fied with much certainty. For example, Clark (1971) and 'Vnann (1979) did not state how they identified their as Odostomia columbiana. and Cumming ( 1993) able to definitely identify "'Turbonilla sp." to ge- ;pecies. This taxonomic uncertainty makes it ^ interpret comparative reproductive and de- '1 data. 'poecilogony, a rare condition in gastropods (Ho 'd Robertson, 1988; Bouchet. 1989) in which two or more developmental modes occur in one species, may be an example of such taxonomic confu- sion. Boonea impressa has been reported to have plank- totrophic development in North Carolina and lecitho- trophic development in Texas. However, these popula- tions may not represent the same species (Bouchet, 1989). Both small eggs that develop into planktotrophic larvae and large eggs with direct development have also been reported for Brachystomia rissoides in areas of different salinities in Europe (Pelseneer, 1914; Rasmus- sen, 1944, 1951; Thorson, 1946). This paper adds to the data on pyramidellid develop- ment while avoiding the taxonomic confusion of previ- ous studies by describing both the adult morphology and the development of the pyramidellid Odostomia colum- biana Dall and Bartsch, 1907. This new information is discussed in the context of the general characteristics of pyramidellid development and its implications for the evolution of development within the gastropods. Materials and Methods Mature Odostomia columbiana were found on the scallops Chlamys hastata and C. rubida dredged from 90- 130m in San Juan Channel, Washington (48°34'10"N, 123°2'0"W) during March 1995. Both the snails and their hosts were kept at ambient sea tempera- ture (8°-12°C) in flow-through sea-tables at Friday Har- bor Laboratories, Washington. Snails ranged from 5 to 8 mm in length and were identified as O. columbiana on the basis of the original description of the shell provided by Dall and Bartsch (1907) and by comparison with the holotype and five syntypes on deposit at the National Museum of Natural History (lot #126658). Voucher specimens have been deposited at the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH 293334: dry shells; FMNH 293334: formalin-fixed animals). Adull morphology Adult snails were extracted for dissection by first cracking their shells with a vise. Snails were dissected whole, and structures of the gut and reproductive tract were routinely stained with toluidine blue (Wise, 1993, 1996). Development Egg masses were present on the scallops when they were collected, and adult snails continued to produce egg masses in the laboratory until May 1996. Scallop shells were checked for new egg masses several times a month to determine whether reproduction was seasonal. Indi- vidual egg masses were removed from the scallop shells and kept in small glass dishes while their development TRENDS IN GASTROPOD DEVELOPMENT 245 was observed. Although we did not observe egg laying, several egg masses were collected before the beginning of first cleavage. Observations of these egg masses were used to produce a developmental timetable. Eggs and egg cap- sules were measured prior to first cleavage, and measure- ments were taken in the plane of the chalazae. After hatching, larvae were transferred to filtered (0.45 ^m) seawater in small glass dishes. They were fed Isochrvsis galbana and Rhodomonas sp. ad libitum, and the water was changed every 2 to 3 days. Because the larval shells are hydrophobic. flakes of cetyl alcohol were added to the surface of the cultures to prevent larvae from becoming trapped in the surface tension. When the veligers began to spend time crawling, juvenile scallops were added to the cultures to induce metamorphosis and as food for newly metamorphosed juveniles. All observations re- ported are of animals reared or maintained in the labo- ratory. Larval shells were prepared for scanning electron mi- croscopy by rinsing them in dilute bleach and distilled water following the procedure of Hickman ( 1 995). They were mounted on stubs with double-sided tape, coated with gold and palladium, and examined with a JEOL JM35 scanning electron microscope. Results Adult morphology The following is given in the concise style of a species description. Shell: Relatively thin, elongate conical, chalky white, 5-8 mm in length, composed of 5 to 6 adult whorls. Adult whorls with numerous fine spiral growth lines. Whorl shoulders rounded, with moderately deep sutures. Shell etched and pitted, particularly above body whorl. Lenticular aperture, with flared lower portion. Single, short, acute columellar fold on upper half of columella perpendicular to columellar axis. Smooth, sinistrally het- erostrophic protoconch oriented 130 degrees to teleo- conch axis, with 40% submerged within first adult whorl. Operculum brown, lenticular, with subcentric nucleus. Head-Foot: White to yellow, with numerous scattered white cells. Propodium with slight medial indentation and rounded lateral edges. Foot narrows posterior to pro- podium, then widening to gradually taper to a blunt apex. Pedal gland opens in middle of groove extending along posterior half of ventral surface of foot. Attach- ment thread present. Tentacles subtriangular, connate, ventrolaterally folded; tentacular pads apparently ab- sent. Black round eyes beneath epithelium on median side of tentacles. Mentum unnotched, not bifurcate. Alimentary Tract: Retracted introvert-proboscis ex- tending posteriorly from its aperture on ventral side of head, dorsal to mentum base and entering cephalic Figure 1. Diagram of alimentary tract of Odostmnia atlumhuina. aes = anterior esophagus, bp I = buccal pump 1 , bp2 = buccal pump 2, bs = buccal sac. p = proboscis, pes = posterior esophagus, sb = stylet bulb, sd = salivary gland duct, sgl = salivary gland, su = sucker. Scale bar is 500 ^m. hemocoel (Fig. I ). Introvert joining buccal sac (contain- ing buccal sucker, stylet, and stylet bulb), which is con- nected to buccal pump. Buccal pump divided into an- terior (bpl) and posterior (bp2) sections, with bp2 one-third longer than bpl; bpl narrow, round in cross- section; bp2 wider, laterally flattened, distally rounded. Short, straight anterior esophagus originating on ventral surface of alimentary tract at bpl-bp2 juncture, extend- ing posteriorly to join posterior esophagus and paired salivary glands, forming a four-way junction. Long, highly coiled posterior esophagus extending posteriorly to enter visceral mass and join stomach. Long, narrow salivary glands equal to bp2 in length. Salivary gland ducts highly folded and attached to anterior esophagus. Ducts penetrating alimentary tract just anterior to bpl - bp2 juncture, extending parallel to one another within walls of bpl and entering stylet bulb without exiting gut. Salivary glands not attached distally to esophagus. Pallia! Cavity: Mantle and mantle organs typical of members of the Odostominae, with exception of position of ventral ciliated strip gland ( = VCSGL). Small, spheri- cal, yellow VCSGL underlying 20% of ventral ciliated strip about halfway from anterior edge of mantle floor. Ventral and dorsal ciliated strips joining on mantle roof posterior end of mantle cavity. Small, round-to-oblong pigmented mantle organ ( = PMO), composed primarily of cells containing a bright yellow exudate, framed by numerous brown cells. A thick, bright yellow exudate is released when snail is disturbed. Reproductive System: Opaque-to-transparent repro- ductive organs located on columellar side. Common pal- lial gonoduct extends anteriorly from visceral mass to open on right side of head just anterior and beneath the right tentacle. Reproduction and development Our observations of reproduction and larval develop- ment of O columbiana generally agree \v: i previous ac- counts of pyramidellid development (I Iseneer. 1914; 246 Review of pyramidellid R. COLLIN AND J. B. WISE Table I Specie - Egg size (^m) Capsule size (Mm) Days to hatching Larval duration (days) Temp. (°C) Reference Boonea inr 130* 180-280* 3-5 7 -25 White etui. 1985 Brad: > issoides 120 500 25 0 7 Rasmussen, 1951 Brui •/: L! rissoides 60 200 7 7 ? Thorson, 1 946 Braclii 8 11 Kristensen, 1970 Odoslomia ucma -80* 160x200 a few 7 ? Haisaeter, 1989 Odostomia columbiana 72-74 153-178 19 -70 12 this study Odoslomia. desimana 80 1 30 x 1 60 14 9 7 Amio. 1963 Odoslomia eulimoides 7 9 10-12 3-4 18 Fretter and Graham. 1949 Odoslomia eulimoides 90* 160 7 9 7 Lebour, 1932 Odoslomia fujilaii 7 ? 15-16 8-12 15 Minichev, 1971 Odostomia sp. -100* -200* 7 3(?) 22 Nishinorta/.. 1983 Odoslomia omaensis 60 1 20 X 1 50 8 7 7 Amio, 1963 Turbonilla sp. 130 300 x 400 10-11 3-5 or 0 23 Cumming, 1993 * Measured from figures, t 4-8 eggs per capsule. Lebour, 1932, 1936: Rasmussen, 1944, 1951; Fretter and Graham, 1949; White et ai. 1985). However, both em- bryonic (used here to refer to development prior to hatching) and larval development are much slower than reported for other species (Tables I and II). Although we searched for spermatophores like those described by Robertson (1978), at no time did we find any attached to the shells or bodies of these snails. Egg masses each containing up to several hundred eggs were deposited on Table II Developmental time table for O. columbiana ai III-I2°C Age Stage —6 h First cleavage 1 8 h 4 cells 24 h 8 cells 48 h Round blastula 2-3 days Gastrulation: blastula flattens and then forms a horseshoe-shaped gastrula 3-7 days Gastrula 8 days Foot and head rudiments begin to differentiate, some trochal ciliary motion; the shell is not yet present 10 days Shell, cilia, and foot with operculum and statocysts present, light red PMOjust visible 1 7 days Heartbeat and ciliary motion in gut visible 1 9 days Veligers hatch, PMO is black 72-80 days Veligers begin to crawl — 90 days Settlement and metamorphosis the hosts' shells continually from March 1995 until May 1 996 when the last of the snails died. Irregular egg masses are often deposited in groups, making it difficult to dis- tinguish individual masses. Each snail generally pro- duced several egg masses per week. Individual eggs are white and range from 7 1 to 77 ^m in diameter (mean = 74.5; SD = 1.61; n = 23). Egg size did not differ between summer (July) and winter (Janu- ary). Each round egg, surrounded by an oval layer of opaque albumin, is enclosed in a thick transparent ge- latinous capsule (Fig. 2A-F). The length of the space enclosing the albumin is 154-170 /urn (mean = 162.5; SD = 4.6; n = 23) and the outer length of the capsule is 193-222 Mm (mean = 21 1; SD = 6.9; n = 23). In some previous accounts of pyramidellid development (e.g., White et ai, 1985), capsular length has been reported as egg size, whereas other studies measure the egg cell. In this paper "egg" is used to denote the actual egg cell, and "capsule" refers to the egg and the albumin con- tained in one gelatinous covering. The capsules are con- nected to one another by thin strands called chalazae. In O. columbiana. chalazae are composed of a thin extra- embryonic layer that surrounds the albumin layer be- neath the capsule, traverses the capsule, and continues between capsules as a thin tubular strand (Fig. 2C). The egg, albumin, and capsular covering are embedded in a transparent gelatinous matrix that is often covered with diatoms. All eggs within a single egg mass develop synchro- TRENDS IN GASTROPOD DEVELOPMENT 247 r ' f Figure 2. Stages in OcloMoniia columbiana development. (A) Two-cell stage; (B) four-cell stage; (C) blastula; (D) begining of differentiation of the foot, velum, and shell; (E) hatchling veliger; (F) empty egg capsule. In A and B the capsule appears round because it is viewed end on. Chalazae are clearly visible in the upper right of C and the upper left of F. All figures are to the same scale, and scale bar is A is nously, and the initial cleavages are simultaneous. First cleavage is clearly unequal (Fig. 2A), but the second cleavage appears to be more-or-less equal. This results in a four-cell stage with two relatively large cells and two small cells (Fig. 2B). Third cleavage is also unequal. Be- cause the polar bodies are initially obscured by the 248 R. COLL1N AND J. B. WISE Figure 3. Scanning electron micrograph of Odostomia columhiana lar\al shell at hatching. Apical, apertural. and umbilical \ieus. from left to right. Shell length is 150-160/jm for these three shells. opaque albumin, the polarity and direction of this divi- sion could not be determined. After 2 days the initially spherical blastula flattens (Fig. 2C) and in the next few days develops into a heart- shaped or cup-shaped gastrula. Thusgastrulation occurs at least partially by imagination, as is typical of many opisthobranchs. After 8 days the foot, head, and velum anlangen appear (Fig. 2D), and short cilia present on the velar lobes beat weakly. Even after the cilia are fully formed the embryos rotate very slowly, if at all, within the capsules. After 10 days the shell and statocysts are clearly visible, and the pigmented mantle organ begins to develop. As the PMO grows it darkens and changes from dark red to black before the larvae hatch. At 1 7 days the beating heart is visible, and the cilia of the gut are active. The embryo continues to absorb the surrounding albu- min and grows until it eventually fills the capsule. At no time during development did we observe paired larval kidneys similar to those described by Pelseneer (1914). Additionally, methods used to demonstrate protein up- take in morphologically similar caenogastropod larval kidneys (Collin. unpubl. data) did not detect protein up- take in decapsulated embryos. Inspection of capsules, af- ter hatching, shows that larvae hatch through an opening in the capsule along one of the chalazal strands (Fig. 2F). At hatching the smooth, sinistral protoconch com- prises nearly an entire whorl (Fig. 3) and is 150-160 ^m in length (n = 7; Fig. 3). Newly hatched larvae have a black PMO just to the right of the midline, a small bi- lobed velum, and no eyes, tentacles, or obvious apical tuft (Fig. 2E). Except for the PMO and the stomach and digestive gland, whose color reflects larval diet, the veli- ger is entirely transparent. Although larvae retracted into their shells when placed under the microscope, the foot points slightly to the animal's right when they swim. As the foot grows, the metapodial tentacle, the posterior protuberance of the foot (distinct from adult metapodial tentacles) and its terminal cilia, which extend over the operculum, become more obvious. On each side of the foot, three or four bristles, which seem to originate be- hind the foot, project radially over the edge of the oper- culum. Veligers develop eyes within 18-23 days of hatching. After 2 months, the velum shrinks and the lar- vae, which are about 290 urn in shell length, begin to crawl. Larvae at this stage settle and metamorphose within days of the addition of juvenile scallops to the cul- ture. Larvae that were the same age but had not begun to crawl did not settle in response to scallops. Water in which scallops had been kept overnight did not induce metamorphosis in crawling larvae. The PMO remained dark for at least 1 month after metamorphosis (Fig. 4), but had turned yellow after 6 months. Discussion TiiMvioniu nule The snails used in this study were identified as O. co- lumhiana on the basis of the original description of the shell (Dall and Bartsch. 1907. 1909) and by comparison with the type specimens. All animals were collected at- tached to Chlainys spp. However, previous papers have described O. colunihiunu found on Tricholropix can- ccllala in Puget Sound, but did not state how the snails were identified (Clark, 1971; Hoffmann, 1979). Pyrami- dellid snails on T. canccllata are much smaller (2-4 mm. pers. obs., RC) than the snails used in this study and those described by Dall and Bartsch (up to 8 mm). The differences in size and host suggest that these may be two TRENDS IN GASTROPOD DEVELOPMENT 249 Figure 4. Juvenile Odostomia culumhiana at the edge of a scallop shell about I month after settlement. The black PMO is visible through the shell in the middle of the body whorl. Shell length is about 700 Mm. different species. Nevertheless, the adult shell shape, sculpture, protoconch morphology, and adult anatomy are quite similar. Previous studies have reported that some pyramidel- lids may not be host specific, or their preference may change as they grow (Boss and Merrill, 1965: Powell el at., 1987), suggesting that the association of small ani- mals with T. cancc/lata and large animals with Chlamys spp. may represent an ontogenetic host shift. This is un- likely because juvenile O. columbiana raised in this study did not move onto T. cancc/lala when given the choice between juveniles of Chlamys spp. or T. cancellaia. No egg masses were discovered on T. cancellata. so it is un- clear whether the pyramidellids from these hosts were sexually mature. Our preliminary results suggest that these are closely related species. Adult morphology The morphology of O. columbiana is very similar to that of other members of the family. However, it differs in several ways from the morphology of known species of the genus Odostomia. Odostomia columbiana lacks tentacular pads, and its gut arrangement is similar to that found in members of the genus Boonea except that the salivary gland ducts are attached to the anterior esopha- gus, which with the posterior esophagus and paired sali- vary glands form a four-way junction (Fig. 1). Odo- stomia columbiana. as well as other members of the sub- family Odostominae, will ultimately be relegated to other genera (Wise, in prep.). Pyramidellid development The reproduction and development of 0. columbiana is similar to that previously described for other pyrami- dellids (Lebour, 1932. 1936: Rasmussen. 1944. 1951; Fretter and Graham, 1949: White el at.. 1985), although most of these descriptions are brief and small differences may have been overlooked. Eggs of O. columbiana are relatively small, but not unusually so (Table I). Because embryos grow to fill the capsule before hatching, capsule size is a good predictor of larval size in pyramidellids. O. columbiana deposits a single egg per capsule, as do other pyramidellids except Chrysallida decussata (Table I). Development of O. columbiana is slower than in other species with comparable egg size: only species with large eggs and direct development have a similarly long em- bryonic period (Table I). Because water temperatures were either not reported or varied considerably in several previous studies, it is difficult to determine whether these differences in development rate were due to temperature. In O columbiana the long embryonic period is fol- lowed by an unusually long planktonic larval stage. Al- though times to metamorphosis may be different in the laboratory than in nature, veligers in two non-overlapping cultures settled at the same age. Furthermore, recent im- provements in larval culture technique and larval diet have reduced the time to metamorphosis in cultures of other invertebrate larvae (Strathmann, 1987). This sug- gests that the longer larval period of O. columbiana in comparison to other laboratory-reared pyramidellid spe- cies from previous studies is real (Table I). Unfortunately these studies did not indicate if the larvae studied were planktotrophic or if food was added to the larval cultures. A distinctive characteristic of the O columbiana veligers is the presence of bristles extending over the operculum from the side of the foot. These are not figured or men- tioned in any other description of pyramidellid larvae. Our observations increase the data on the distribution of several developmental characters that are used in het- erobranch systematics. Robertson (1985) suggested that chalazae may be a useful synapomorphy shared by pyra- midellids, architectonicids, and opisthobranchs. Chala- zae are clearly present in egg masses of O. columbiana and many other pyramidellids. Haisaster (1989), how- ever, suggests that some pyramidellids lack chalazae and that their presence may be a useful systematic character within the pyramidellids. He did not find chalazae in O. acuta, and they were not mentioned in descriptions of egg masses from Brachystomia eulim ndes (Lebour, 250 R. COLLIN AND J B. WISE 1932) and Odostomia sp. (Nishino et al., 1983). Addi- tionally, the shape and thickness of the chalazae of O. fujitanii figured by Minichev (1971) are clearly different from those in O. columbiana and other pyramidellids. Spermatophores have also been used as a systematic character within pyramidellids to define the genus Boonea (Robertson, 1978). O. columbiana apparently lacks spermatophores; however, this character has been observed in some other species occurring in the north- eastern Pacific (A. J. Kohn, pers. comm.). Our observations of pyramidellid development from hatching to metamorphosis illuminate several points that have been the subject of much conjecture. At hatch- ing, veligers of O. columbiana are morphologically sim- ilar to veligers of other planktotrophic pyramidellid spe- cies, all of which seem to have small, nonpigmented ve- lums. Previous studies that failed to rear larvae to metamorphosis often concluded that the larval period is short because the velum is small (e.g., Thorson, 1946). This is not the case for O. columbiana. which has a long planktonic period during which its velum remains small. Small velar lobes are also typical of planktotrophic opis- thobranch larvae (pers. obs., RC), although caenogastro- pods with long-lived feeding larvae often have large com- plex velar lobes (Thorson, 1 946). Confusion exists as to how differential shell growth around the aperture results in heterostrophy (the change of coiling direction from a left-handed protoconch to a right-handed teleoconch). Thorson (1946) illustrated several pyramidellid shells near metamorphosis and stated that the outer apertural margin of the larval shell thickens to become a new columella at metamorphosis. Fretter et al. ( 1 982 ) disagreed and suggested that the pro- toconch's outer lip is continuous with the outer lip of the teleoconch. In O columbiana, the position of the colu- mella shifts clockwise around the aperture as the coiling direction changes, but not to the extent described by Thorson (1946). These conflicting observations of changes in shell shape at metamorphosis may be due to varia'tK in degree of heterostrophy among pyramidellid specie 'though the coiling direction reverses in all cases, : :onsiderable variation in the displacement of the CL is of the teleoconch relative to that of the protocont ist of the species figured by Thorson ( 1 946), the , h is offset roughly perpendicular to the teleoco: -ever, in O. columbiana and hystomia ei one species studied by Fretter ^raham, 19' angle between the coiling axes • trotoconch and onch often appears to be clos 1 40 degrees! ..-neretal., 1982). Evolia >f gastropod development Detail. udies of embryology and larvae of "archae- ogastropot caenogastropods, and opisthobranchs re- veal several trends in gastropod development. Among gastropods there is a trend in both caenogastropods and opisthobranchs toward unequal cleavage and early D- quadrant specification (Freeman and Lundelius, 1992; van den Biggelaar, 1996; van den Biggelaar and Hasz- prunar, 1996). Equal cleavage with 4d cell formation at the 64-cell stage as in "archaeogastropods" is assumed to be the ancestral condition. In opisthobranchs, the first one or two cleavages are unequal, and the 4d cell is pro- duced by the 24-cell stage. Intermediate conditions occur in the Architaenioglossa and the Valvatoidea, and there is considerable variation in basal opisthobranchs (van den Biggelaar, 1996). Although Pelseneer(1914)and van den Biggelaar and Haszprunar (1996, citing Pelseneer) report equal cleavage in pyramidellids, first cleavage in O. columbiana is clearly not equal. In addition. White et al. (1985) figured an unequal two-cell stage of Boonea impressa in the process of division. This suggests that ei- ther cleavage varies among pyramidellids (an unusual occurrence in gastropod groups) or Pelseneer's account is inaccurate. Regardless, it is interesting that early cleav- age divisions in pyramidellids are similar to those in an- aspideans and some other opisthobranchs. Page ( 1994) suggested that heterochronic shifts in the timing of development of larval and adult organs ac- count for some of the variation in gastropod larval devel- opment. In "archaeogastropods" the adult organs de- velop directly from the embryo, whereas in caenogastro- pods the larva hatches with well-formed larval organs and subsequently develops the definitive adult struc- tures. Development is retarded in opisthobranchs, and they hatch at a stage of morphogenesis similar to that of unhatched caenogastropods: some larval organs develop after hatching, and the definitive adult organs develop during late larval life or at metamorphosis (Page, 1994). Page ( 1994) paid particular attention to the stage of for- mation of the eyes, tentacles, and larval heart. Caenogas- tropod veligers hatch with well-formed eyes and tenta- cles, and the larval heart develops long before hatching (Page, 1994, and pers. obs). In opisthobranchs, the larvae hatch before the eyes or tentacles have formed, and the larval heart usually forms during the last half of the planktonic stage (Page, 1994). The observations of O. co- lumbiana reported here suggest that pyramidellid larval development may combine characters of opisthobranch and caenogastropod development. As in opisthobranchs, the eyes and tentacles did not appear until well into larval development; as in caenogastropods, the heart began to beat well before hatching. These observations support recognized trends in the evolution of gastropod development and suggest ances- tral character states. Unequal cleavage is characteristic of pyramidellids and some basal opisthobranchs, whereas caenogastropods have a polar lobe; thus unequal cleav- TRENDS IN GASTROPOD DEVELOPMENT 251 age may be a heterobranch synapomorphy. However, additional groups at the base of this clade must be exam- ined to rule out parallel evolution of unequal cleavage from an equally cleaving ancestor, because many other opisthobranchs and pulmonates have equal cleavage. Additionally, larvae that hatch before the development of eyes and tentacles were probably ancestral for pyrami- dellids and opisthobranchs. On the other hand, early ap- pearance of the larval heart relative to hatching in pyra- midellids and caenogastropods suggests that late devel- opment of the heart is a derived feature of the opisthobranchs. It is clearly necessary to have detailed descriptions of more phylogenetically intermediate groups and to formulate robust phylogenetic hypotheses before any firm conclusions regarding the evolution of these characters can be drawn. Acknowledgments We thank A. Kabat (US National Museum of Natural History) for lending us the type specimens of O. colnm- biana, R. Bieler (Field Museum of Natural History, Chi- cago) for accepting the voucher specimens, E. Kozlofffor translating Minichev (1971), and D. Willows and the staff of Friday Harbor Laboratories for their support. B. Fernet and R. Strathmann made useful comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by a Na- tional Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and a Pacific Northwest Shell Club Scholarship to RC, and grant OCE 9301665 to R. Strathmann. Literature Cited Amio, M. 1963. A comparative embryology of marine gastropods, with ecological considerations. Shimonoskei L'niv h'ish J. 12: 15- 144. Bieler, R. 1992. 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Bacterial Endosymbionts in the Gills of the Deep-Sea Wood-Boring Bivalves Xylophaga atlantica and Xylophaga washingtona DANIEL L. DISTEL1 AND SUSAN J. ROBERTS2 1 Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Microbiology. University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469-5 7 35; and2 MB, DCS, NCI. NIH, 9000 Rockville Pike. Bethesda. Maryland 20892 Abstract. Bacterial endosymbionts found in gill tissues in several bivalve families convert otherwise unavailable energy sources (sulfide, methane, or cellulose) to forms readily metabolized by their hosts. We investigated the existence of such a symbiosis in two species of Xylophaga (family Pholadidae). The genus Xylophaga includes op- portunistic species that are the predominant colonizers of wood at depths greater than 150 m. It has been hy- pothesized that, like their shallow-water counterparts the shipworms (family Teredinidae), species of Xylophaga utilize wood for nutrition. Results from transmission and scanning electron microscopy of A", atlantica and A. washingtona clearly demonstrate the presence of endo- symbionts that resemble the shipworm endosymbionts both morphologically and in their anatomical location within the gills. Xylophaga and the teredinids both have a caecum packed with wood chips but lack the dense populations of microorganisms associated with cellulose digestion in termites or ruminants. These observations suggest that Xylophaga has evolved a symbiotic solution to wood digestion similar to that seen in shipworms. Hence, the Xylophaga symbiosis suggests a mechanism for the conversion of terrestrially derived cellulosic car- bon from wood into animal biomass in the deep sea. Introduction In 1973 Popham and Dixon (Popham and Dickson. 1973) demonstrated the presence of endosymbiotic bac- teria in the gills of wood-boring bivalves of the family Teredinidae, commonly known as shipworms. The role of these svmbionts, however, was not elucidated until a Received 2 October 1996; accepted 3 January 1997. decade later when it was shown that the symbiotic bacte- ria, when cultivated /'/; vitro, both digest cellulose and fix atmospheric nitrogen (Waterbury et ai, 1983). This novel combination of symbiont metabolic activities is now thought to be essential for the survival of teredinids on a diet composed primarily of wood, a food source that, although rich in carbon and energy, is deficient in nitrogen and cannot be digested by most animals. Whereas teredinids are the predominant wood-boring bivalves in shallow waters (intertidal to 100 m), bivalves of the subfamily Xylophagainae (family Pholadidae) fill the same niche in the deep oceans, occurring primarily at depths from 150 m to greater than 7000 m (Turner, 1972). Like teredinids, xylophagainids bore into woody substrates, ingest the excavated wood particles, and store them in a specialized caecum formed by an outpocketing of the stomach (Purchon. 1941; Turner, 1973). The role of wood in the diet of Xylophaga has not, however, been determined experimentally. On the basis of morphologi- cal and ecological arguments, it has been proposed that Xylophagainids derive (1) significant (Purchon, 1941; Turner, 1973), (2) little (Potts, 1923), or (3) no (Yonge, 1937, 1938; Yonge and Thompson, 1976) nutrition from the ingestion of wood. The utilization of wood by xylophagainids is a subject of considerable ecological interest since wood is abun- dant in many areas of the deep sea (Wolff, 1979) and the opportunistic Xylophagainae are among the most com- mon colonizers of wood at these depths (Turner, 1973). Hence the deep-sea Xylophagainae could perform a role analogous to that of termites in terrestrial habitats and shipworms in shallow marine habitats by .inverting the refractory cellulosic carbon deposited in \ ood and other plant remains to a more readily availab: form (Turner, 253 254 D. L. DISTEL AND S.I. ROBERTS 1973). Both termites (Kane, 1997) and shipworms (Wa- terbury el a/.. 1983) utilize cellulolytic and nitrogen-fix- ing symbionts to survive on wood as the sole food source. In this report we present evidence that bacterial endo- symbionts are present in the gill tissue of two species of Xvloplmga, and that these bacteria appear morphologi- cally similar to the gill endosymbionts previously identi- fied in shipworms. Materials and Methods Specimens of A', washingtona were collected in pine boards submerged for 2-3 months in Monterey Bay (depth 61 m, coordinates 36°39.8'N. 121°52.88'W; courtesy of Dr. E. C. Haderlie, Naval Postgraduate School) or in Scripps canyon off the San Diego coast (depth 274 m, coordinates 32°3 1' N, 1 1 7° 16.5' W). Spec- imens of A', atlantica were collected from oak boards ( 1" X 2" X 2' lobster-trap skids) submerged for about 1 year at 80-100 m depth 12 miles off the coast of SW Harbor, Maine. Animals were kept alive in chilled seawater tanks until they were removed from the wood and prepared for microscopy (less than 2 weeks). Animals with an average valve diameter of 3-4 mm were dissected and fixed for 1 - 1 .5 h in 3% glutaraldehyde buffered with 0. 1 M caco- dylate/HCl (pH 7.3) and 0.4 M NaCl or 3% glutaralde- hyde buffered with 0.1 M sodium phosphate (pH 7.4), 3% NaCl. and 4.5% sucrose as in Eckelbarger et al. (1990). After fixation the specimens were post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide and dehydrated through a graded ethanol series. Specimens for transmission electron mi- croscopy (TEM) were then transferred to propylene ox- ide and embedded in Epon/Araldite for sectioning. Spec- imens for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were fractured under liquid nitrogen after ethanol dehydra- tion and then were critical-point dried from CO: and sputter coated with gold. A Phillips CM 10 transmission electron microscope and an AMR 1000 scanning elec- tron microscope were used to examine samples. Both Xylophaga atlantica and Xylophaga washing- tona were used for TEM of the gills and light microscopy of the digestive tract. Similar results were observed with both species. A", atlantica was used for SEM of the gills, and A. washingtona was used for TEM of the digestive tract. Results Gross morphology of the ctenidium The gross morphology of the gills of Xylophaga has been described in detail by Purchon (1941) and will be briefly summarized here. The ctenidia (gills) of Xylopha- gainae, like those of the Teredinidae, are formed by a single (outer) demibranch on either side of the visceral mass (Fig. 1 ). The marginal groove is absent, there is no ciliary sorting mechanism, and the labial palps are greatly reduced. These features are shared by most tere- fr eb m ab 1C Figure 1 . Diagram of \yluphaxa in sagittal section shown in the burrow (left) and in transverse section (right), aa. anterior adductor muscle; ab. afferent branchial vein; ar, abfrontal region of gill demibranch; eb. efferent branchial vein; es, exhalent siphon; f, loot; IV. frontal region of gill demibranch; ic, infrabran- chial chamber of mantle cavity; is. inhalant siphon; Id. left demibranch of gill; m, mantle; pa, posterior adductor muscle; rd. right demibranch of gill; sc. suprabranchial chamber of mantle cavity; va, ventral adductor muscle; v, outline of valves. Boxed area is shown in Figure 2C. GILL ENDOSYMBIONTS OF XYLOI'll HiA 255 dinids but are divergent from the filter-feeding gill mor- phology of other lamellibranchs (Purchon, 1941). The ctenidia are connected to the visceral mass dorsally at the efferent branchial vein and ventrally at the afferent branchial vein, forming an arc that separates the mantle cavity into suprabranchial and infrabranchial chambers. Each filament is composed of two distinct regions: a nar- row frontal region (fr) and a broad, flattened abfrontal region (ar). As is typical of lamellibranch gills, the frontal region is composed of frontal, laterofrontal, and lateral ciliated cells: a central blood vessel; and supporting con- nective tissue. The abfrontal region, however, is distinc- tive, consisting of an extensively developed interlamellar junction that forms a crescent-like sheet bridging the arc of the filament (Fig. 1 ). The filaments are joined laterally by interfilamentar cellular junctions in the frontal re- gion. Whereas cellular interfilamentar junctions are ab- sent in the abfrontal region, filaments appear to be con- nected by lateral ciliary junctions in this region (Fig. 2E). Identification and localization ofintracellular bacteria in the ctenidium In the Xylophagainae, as in other symbiont-bearing bivalves, the frontal region of each gill filament is devoid of symbionts. The most conspicuous cytoplasmic com- ponents of the cells of the frontal region include mito- chondria. Golgi. endoplasmic reticulum, ciliary struc- tures, centrioles, and glycogen granules. Bacterial symbi- onts are, however, abundant in the abfrontal region of the ctenidium (Fig. 2D-F and Fig. 3). This region forms a broad, flattened plate composed of two closely ap- pressed single-layered sheets of epithelial cells surround- ing a narrow blood sinus. The epithelium of the abfrontal region consists of two recognizable cell types here referred to as bacteriocytes and intercalary cells in keeping with terminology in cur- rent use for other bivalve symbioses (Fisher, 1 990: Fren- kiel et a/., 1996; Gros et a/.. 1996). Bacterial endosymbi- onts are absent from the intercalary cells but dominate the cytoplasm of the bacteriocytes. The symbionts are distributed in clusters throughout the bacteriocytes, with mitochondria infrequently interspersed in the cytoplasm between clusters. Large membrane-bound inclusions, possibly lysosomes or lysosomal residual bodies, also oc- cur in the bacteriocyte cytoplasm (Fig. 3). These inclu- sions frequently display a biphasic appearance with a granular low-density region and a slightly denser reticu- late region that appears to consist of whorled mem- branes. Some inclusions contain bodies suggestive of partially degraded bacteria. Bacteriocytes and interca- lary cells are uniformly distributed in the epithelium of the abfrontal region with about equal frequency. The apical surfaces of both cell types are densely covered with microvilli at points that directly contact the external en- vironment (Fig. 3C). The bacteriocytes are typically spherical or cylindrical. Their broad basal surfaces compose much of the internal lining of the blood sinus. Intercalary cells, on the other hand, are typically narrow at their basal ends, expanding to a broad and irregular apical surface. Thin sheet-like projections of the apical end of the intercalary cells ex- tend over the apical surfaces of adjacent bacteriocytes, apparently shielding most but not all of the surface of the bacteriocytes from direct contact with the external environment. The outer surface of the abfrontal epithe- lium is elaborated into a series of larger rounded hum- mocks (formed by the spherical outline of the bacterio- cytes) and smaller papillae (formed by the irregular sur- faces of intercalary cells) surrounded by many deep folds and pits (Fig. 2F and Fig. 3A). The inner blood-facing surface of this epithelium also contains numerous ima- ginations (Fig. 3). These elaborations greatly increase the surface areas that are exposed to blood internally and to seawater externally in the symbiont-containing abfrontal zone. The endosymbionts are straight to gently curved rods that display a cell-wall morphology typical of gram-neg- ative bacteria and range from 0.4 to 0.7 //m in width and up to 5.0 nm in length (Fig. 3). No conspicuous internal structures, such as the sulfur granules seen in thiotrophic symbionts or the stacked internal membranes seen in methanotrophic symbionts of other bivalve families (Fisher, 1990), are observed in the symbionts of A'y/c- phaga. The symbionts are not in direct contact with the cyto- plasm but are contained within membrane-bound vesi- cles ranging from 10 to 20 ^m in diameter. A single vesi- cle may contain many bacteria. The orientation of sym- bionts within vesicles is not random. Most symbionts are oriented with their long axes perpendicular to the lateral surface of the filament. Few symbionts are oriented with their long axes parallel to the lateral surface and of those, fewer still align with the frontal-abfrontal axis of the fil- ament. This distribution of orientations is readily ob- servable in both SEM and TEM images. Extensive examination of TEM images failed to pro- vide evidence of connections between the symbiont-con- taining vesicles and the external environment. In all sec- tions examined, the vesicular membrane appears dis- tinct from and unconnected to the plasma membrane. Similarly, examination of the exterior surfaces by SEM revealed no evidence of the kind of ducts or openings to the bacteria-containing vesicles that arc seen in the symbiont-containing light organs of soim ininous fish (Haygood. 1993). Although deep pits *d infoldings were observed on the lateral surfaces ot e filaments in SEM images. TEM images showed v . these are not 256 D. L. DISTEL AND S. J. ROBERTS *•' mm ^-^^m ^v * ' "^Wi ^ V; iK* ^ £M ^ - I , L_''.^ micro- ^»--j « r tyv^^-rtrsjim*-'-, ^ ' .f^-a^f^ Figure 2. (A\) Xylophagu waxhint'tona with siphon fully extended. (B-F) Scanning electron ,,,,t,w- graphs of ,V alanlica gill. ( B) Lateral surface of a gill filament near the posterior tip of the right demibranch. (C) Frontal surface of the right demibranch. (D) Transverse fracture of right demibranch showing three gill GILL ENDOSYMB1ONTS OF XYLOPHAGA 257 continuous with the symbiont-containing vesicles (Fig. 3C). Hence, at minimum, the bacterial symbionts are separated from the external environment by the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and vesicular membrane of the host. H 'ood and flora of the digestive tract Xylophaga has a digestive system similar to that de- scribed for shipworms, including a large caecum that is typically distended with wood shavings (Fig. 4). The di- mensions of the shavings (width and height) match the contours of the dentition on the shell, consistent with the ingestion of wood excavated during burrowing. Wood was the predominant component of the gut contents identifiable at the level of light microscopy. The caecum was the most densely packed space, while the stomach contained dispersed wood fibers. Fibrous material was found in proximity with the crystalline style and at low density in the style sac. Examination of serial thick sec- tions of the guts of several animals failed to reveal any- conspicuous community of microorganisms resembling those found in wood-eating insects. Electron microscopy confirmed this observation and further indicated that bacteria are absent from cells of the ciliated epithelium lining the gut and occur only sparsely in the digestive spaces (Fig. 4D-E). Discussion The discovery of bacterial endosymbiont populations in a number of marine invertebrate species has been the key to understanding the remarkable ability of these in- vertebrates to survive on unusual nutrient sources. For example, the identification of cellulolytic, nitrogen-fix- ing bacteria in the gills of the wood-boring teredinid clams (shipworms) pointed toward an explanation of how these bivalves are able to thrive with wood as their primary food source. This capability, which is quite rare among higher animals, has led to the great success of the Teredinidae as colonizers of wood in coastal marine en- vironments. In the deep oceans, the dominant colonizers of wood and other plant materials are the Xylophagainae ( family Pholadidae). Similarities in the gut anatomy and wood-boring habits of the Teredinidae and the Xylopha- gainae led us to examine whether species of Xylophaga maintain similar symbiotic associations. In this report we present morphological evidence for the existence of bacterial endosymbionts in the gill tissue of two of these deep-sea wood-boring bivalves — Xylophaga atlantica and Xylophaga washingtona. In many respects, the gill of Xylophaga closely resem- bles the symbiont-containing gills of other bivalves in- cluding the Lucinidae, Vesicomyidae, Modiolinae, and Solemyidae (Distel and Felbeck, 1987; Fisher 1990; Frenkiel et at., 1996; Gros et a/.. 1996). The gill of Xylo- phaga is composed of two regions: a heavily ciliated, symbiont-free frontal region that is like the typical lamel- libranch gill structure, and an abfrontal region that ap- pears to be specifically adapted to harbor symbiotic bac- teria. The abfrontal region, an extension of the interfil- amentar junction, is much broader than the frontal region and composes the bulk of the mass of the gill. The symbionts are completely surrounded by a vacuolar membrane of host origin and lack contact with the exter- nal environment. In addition to harboring symbionts, the bacteriocytes contain large membranous structures resembling lysosomes in various stages of development. In some instances, these lysosome-like compartments contain bodies that resemble partially degraded b'acteria, which suggests that lysosomal digestion is a mechanism for regulation of the bacterial population. The symbiont-containing tissue in Xylophaga also re- sembles that of the teredinids. Although teredinid gills are highly modified, the symbionts are found in an ana- tomically analogous region (Distel et al.. 1991). This re- gion is referred to as the gland of Deshayes (Sigerfoos. 1908) in teredinids and corresponds to the interlamellar junction of the fused right and left demibranchs (Turner, 1966; Distel eta/., 1991). Bacteriocytes in this tissue con- tain symbionts that resemble the symbionts of Xylo- phaga; both are gram-negative rods averaging about 0.5 ium in width and up to 5 ^m in length, and both lack internal membranes or other conspicuous internal or ex- ternal structures. It is striking that xylophagainids and teredinids not only harbor symbionts that are similar in appearance and location, but that they also share similar adaptations to their woody habitats. Both are obligatory wood borers that excavate burrows by using their shells as rasps, ingest the excavated wood shavings, and store the wood parti- filaments (plane of fracture indicated by dashed lines in B and C). Abfrontal (ar) and frontal (fr) regions indicated by side bar. (E) Detail from box 1 in D, showing deep invaginations (arrows), lateral ciliary tufts (Ic), and numerous papillae decorating the lateral surfaces of the abfrontal region. (F) Detail from box 2 in D. showing an intercalary cell (it) and portions of two bacteriocytes (be). Rod-shaped cells (arrows) within bacteriocytes are symbionts. me. lumen of mantle cavity: bs. blood sinus: es, exhalent siphon; is, inhalant siphon: v. valve. Scale bars: A. 0.5cm: B-C. 100 ^m; D. 50 urn: E. lO^m; F. l.Ojirn. 258 D. L. DISTEL AND S. J. ROBERTS P: ^"rs ''•••'*?^-^r* --•::-,.. ^? -*'•"*%&•&&>}''••'- ' '**'; M ' " a"- ^wii E 'V'- '•<*J ?-,j i r»v**^i * : , I 4 ' ' . i -*%. t ^Wr- . . • 1 i* 1 x M , ... , •.- -- :vz~?.*g •'"-_ *<•: ',„.:• ,o-^Wlry^tv i "v: '•' " - .. W^ me M .* , ••''/ i-2ai'J^fi^ JSli . . ^ „ Transmission electron micrographs of a section through the abfrontal region of the gill of \ i tiiluiiiicu. (A) Low-magnification view of a region comparable to that shown in 2E. Symbionts .11 M :i on-dense rods. Note deep invaginations of the microvillar surface of gill (arrows). ( B) Detail GILL ENDOSYMBIONTS OF XYLOPHAGA 259 cles in a large caecum prior to passing them through the stomach and gut. Purchon ( 1 94 1 ) argued that several fea- tures common to the xylophagainid and teredinid diges- tive systems indicate a departure from reliance on filter feeding and represent specific adaptations to the diges- tion of wood. These include the lack of a marginal food groove, limited ciliary sorting mechanisms in the cteni- dia, reduced labial palps and crystalline style sac, and presence of a wood-storing caecum with ciliated grooves capable of providing a steady stream of wood particles to the stomach. It is now well established that wood is a primary con- stituent of the teredinid diet (Gallager et ai, 1981). al- though nutrients may also be obtained from suspension feeding (Mann and Scott, 1985). In fact, at least one ship- worm species has been shown to be capable of sustaining normal growih and reproduction with wood as the sole source of paniculate nutrients (Gallager et ai, 1981). The shipworm symbiont has been cultivated in vitro and shown to fix atmospheric nitrogen and secrete cellulo- lytic, xylanolytic, and proteolytic enzymes (Greene and Freer, 1986; Greene et ai, 1988; Greene, 1989, Greene and De Wispeleare, pers. comm.). Although these sym- biont activities are appropriate for a wood-based diet and are thought to be critical for the shipworm's success in colonizing woody substrates, no direct evidence exists for their participation in the nutrition of the shipworm hosts. Since the Xylophaga symbiont has not yet been culti- vated, the question of whether its metabolic capabilities are similar to those of the shipworm symbiont is unre- solved. Hence, it is possible that the two bacteria play different roles in their respective symbioses. For exam- ple, the bacterial symbionts in Xylophaga may be nitro- gen fixing but not cellulolytic, or they may contribute essential nutrients that are absent from wood. On the other hand, phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA sequences indicate that the Xylophaga symbiont is the closest relative of the shipworm isolates identified to date (Distel and Roberts. 1996). That finding increases the likelihood that these two symbionts play similar physio- logical roles. Although the presence of similar bacteria in the same regions of the gills of the Teredinidae and the Xylopha- gainae does not demonstrate a common function for the two symbioses the additional features they have in common — their wood-boring habits and parallel ana- tomical modifications of the digestive tract — lend sup- port to this hypothesis. To our knowledge, no animal species has yet been demonstrated to utilize wood as a primary nutrient source without the aid of symbiotic mi- croorganisms; thus if wood is the primary dietary con- stituent of Xylophaga, a nutritional role for its symbionts is strongly implicated. If wood is not a primary food source for the xylophagainids (as it is for teredinids), it is difficult to explain the function of the caecum, account for the fact that wood is the principal constituent of the caecal and gut contents, or identify the diet of the xylo- phagainids. The scarcity of alternative food sources in the deep sea, as well as the notable paucity of bacteria, phytoplankton, and other microorganisms in the gut of Xylophaga, seems to preclude the possibilities that Xylo- phaga subsists by filter feeding, by grazing on wood-as- sociated microorganisms, or by utilizing an extracellular symbiotic gut microfauna as do termites and ruminants. Nonetheless, the possibility cannot be ruled out that A'y- lophaga (or the teredinids) produces sufficiently active endogenous cellulases to facilitate wood digestion, as has been suggested for some termites (Breznak and Brune, 1994). To determine whether the Xylophaga symbiosis is cellulolytic. it is necessary to identify the activity of cel- lulolytic or nitrogen-fixing enzymes in the symbionts. demonstrate the depletion of cellulose in fecal material, and analyze the nutritional utilization of carbon de- rived from cellulose. These properties have been dem- onstrated for the shipworm symbiosis, although it is still not clear how the cellulolytic enzymes produced by bac- terial endosymbionts in the gill might be transported to the gut where wood digestion must occur. In the tere- dinids, it has been proposed that a duct in the afferent branchial vein connects the gills to the esophagus (Sar- aswathy, 1971). Such a duct could serve as a conduit for cellulolytic enzymes; however, the complete vessel was not observed in all species examined, and its existence has not been independently confirmed. Our results in- dicate that the symbionts of Xylophaga (this study) and those of teredinids (unpubl. obs.; Trytek and Allen from lower right quadrant of A. showing a bacteriocyte and portions of two neighboring intercalary cells. (C) Detail from upper left quadrant of A, showing symbionts near the base of a deep lateral invagination. Note that membranes surrounding symbionts are distinct from the microvillar surface of the bacteriocyte plasma membrane. Inset in C shows high magnification of a symbiont cell from \ washingtona. Large arrow indicates host-derived membrane of symbiont-containing vesicle. Small arrows indicate double-lay- ered gram-negative cell envelope of the symbiont cell. bs. blood sinus; bn, bacteriocyte nucleus; in, interca- lary cell nucleus; ly. lysosome-like granules; me, lumen of mantle cavity; s, symbionts. Scale bars: A. -' Mm, B-C. 1.0 firm inset, O.I ^m. 260 D. L. DISTEL AND S. J. ROBERTS « \ '.! cc 1, ' ' „ V' " > -• *: ; . • eg fc -r /• 'I ' \ ' iir- / \ i • • ••*•»• • i ^V * */•*.+ .' '< V % i / v* * V ;, \s k^> X * .. ^ V*. ;• I / . -»^> V . » f f • . l\ V * * ^ v^ ^ » * '• \ \ _-^^ * , / « i L / • >^. ' f^"- / .1*. '->- ^\ ^ \\ » •• cc -'• * * UT ' ., " ) i*^r<- • £••£•" '"^•. Figure 4. Gut content of .\ylophiigu washingtona (A) Light micrographs ot caecal contents showing ciliated groove (eg) that channels wood shavings into the stomach. (B) Detail of caecal contents from A. Note predominance of wood shaungs and absence ot algae, fungi, and protozoans. (C-E) Transmission electron micrographs. (C) Ciliated epithelial cells in the region of the caecal wall (ciliated groove) shown in A. The cilia in the lower left face into the lumen of the caecum. No bacteria were observed within the cells of the gut epithelium. (D)One of the rare bacteria seen among the caecal contents. The dark, electron-dense pentagons >od shavings. (E) Cluster of bacteria observed adjacent to the gastric shield of the stomach, b, bacteria; cc, coelomic cavity: cm, caecum; w, wood. Scale bars: A, 250 ^m; B. 150 ^m;C-E. 1.0 /urn. (19i truly intracellular. Consequently, the plau- an intracellular bacterial population are ultimately sibilit\ symbiotic mechanism depends on the transported to the lumen of the gut to participate in cel- i of a pathway whereby enzymes from lulose degradation. GILL ENDOSYMBIONTS OF XYl.OPHAGA 261 Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Ruth D. Turner and Dr. George Somero for helpful discussion and encouragement; Dr. Kevin Eckelbarger, Dr. Nick Holland, and Kelly Edwards for expertise in electron microscopy of marine invertebrates; Wendy Morrill for technical assistance; and Jack Merrill, Ron McConnaughey, and Dr. E. C. Haderlie for aid in collecting specimens. This work was supported by NSF EPSCoR Grant # EHR 91-08766, awards from the Reg- ular Faculty Research and Summer Faculty Research Funds of the University of Maine, Orono, and a research award from the Scripps Industrial Associates. Literature Cited Breznak, J. A., and A. Brune. 1994. Role of microorganisms in the digestion of lignocellulose by termites. Annii. 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Bull. 192: 262-278. (April, 1997) Decline in Pelagic Cephalopod Metabolism With Habitat Depth Reflects Differences in Locomotory Efficiency BRAD A. SEIBEL, ERIK V. THUESEN1, JAMES J. CHILDRESS, AND LAURA A. GORODEZKY2 Oceanic Biology Group, Marine Science Institute, University of California. Santa Barbara. California V3106 Abstract. The metabolic rates of 33 species of pelagic cephalopods from California and Hawaii were measured and correlated with minimum depth of occurrence. Mean metabolic rates ranged from 0.07 ^mol O: g~' h~' for the deep-living vampire squid, I 'ampyroteuthis infer- nalis, to 8.79 /imol O2 g ' h ' for Gonatus onyx, a verti- cally migrating squid. An individual of I', infernalis, which lives within the oxygen minimum layer off Cali- fornia, had the lowest mass-specific metabolic rate ever measured for a cephalopod (0.02 ^molO:g"' h~', 1050g wet weight). For species collected in sufficient quantity and size range, metabolism was related to body size. Crit- ical partial pressures of oxygen (Pc) were determined for Hawaiian and Californian cephalopods. Pt values for Hawaiian animals were considerably higher than for those taken off California, a trend that corresponds to the higher levels of environmental oxygen in the Hawaiian waters. Buffering capacity (ft) of mantle muscle, assayed in eight cephalopod species, was used to estimate the ca- pacity for glycolytic energy production. Mean ft ranged from 1.43 slykes for a bathypelagic octopod, Japetella heathi, to 77.08 slykes for an epipelagic squid, Stlieno- teuthis oualaniensis. Significant declines with increasing depth of occurrence were observed for both metabolism and ft. The decline in metabolic parameters with depth Received 31 January 1996; accepted 18 November 1996. ' Present address: The Fvergreen State College. Olympia. WA 98505. - Present address: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, 1 13 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara, CA 93 109-23 1 . Abbreviations: ft, buffering capacity; MDO. minimum depth of oc- currence; MDdO, minimum depth of daytime occurrence: />c>2, partial pressure of dissolved oxygen; Pf, critical oxygen partial pressure. is interpreted as a decreased reliance on locomotory abil- ities for predator/prey interactions in the light-limited deep sea. The decline in metabolism with depth observed for pelagic cephalopods was significantly steeper than that previously observed for either pelagic fishes or crus- taceans. We suggest that since strong locomotory abili- ties are not a priority in the deep sea, deeper-living ceph- alopods may rely more heavily on means of locomotion that are more efficient than jet propulsion via mantle contractions — means such as fin swimming or medusoid swimming utilizing the arms and extensive webbing present in many deep-living species. The greater effi- ciency of deeper-living cephalopods may be responsible for the observation that the decline in metabolic rates with depth is more pronounced for pelagic cephalopods than for fishes or crustaceans. Introduction Cephalopods are morphologically diverse, visually ori- enting predatory molluscs. The five groups of extant cephalopods — squids (Teuthoidea), cuttlefishes (Sepi- oidea), octopuses (Octopoda), vampire squids (Vampyr- omorpha), and the chambered Nautilus (Nautiloidea) — are easily distinguished by morphological characteristics, among which are locomotory adaptations to their habi- tat (Roper et al.. 1984). Locomotory differences are also reflected in an animal's physiological properties. Previ- ous physiological studies on cephalopods have primarily focused on the more commercially important squids, and on the shallow-water octopuses and cuttlefishes (Grieshaber and Ga'de, 1976; Baldwin. 1982; O'Dor, 1982; O'Dor and Webber, 1986: Portner et al., 1993). 262 METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 263 Some of these animals are among the most metabolically active poikilotherms known (O'Dor and Shadwick. 1989), which stems in part from the inherent inefficiency of jet propulsion. Other studies have investigated the me- tabolism of Nautilus spp. and its ability to withstand low levels of oxygen (O'Dor el ai. 1990; Wells el al.. 1992; Boutilier el al.. 1996). Very little is known, however, about the physiological adaptations of cephalopods to the deep sea. The current study is a comprehensive com- parison of the metabolic rates of midwater cephalopods living at depths down to 2 km off California and Hawaii. Many studies have demonstrated a decline in the met- abolic rates of pelagic fishes and crustaceans with in- creasing habitat depth (Childress, 1975; 1995; Torres el al.. 1979; Torres and Somero, 1988;Ikeda, 1988;Cowles el nL 1991). Additional studies found no clear relation- ship between metabolism and minimum depth of occur- rence in chaetognaths and medusae (Thuesen and Chil- dress, 1993a, 1994). Bathypelagic representatives of these groups have metabolic rates comparable to those of their epipelagic counterparts when measured at the same temperature. Childress and Mickel (1985) put forth the visual in- teractions hypothesis to explain the decline in metabolic rates of fish and crustaceans with increasing minimum depth of occurrence. They observed that reduced meta- bolic rates reflect decreased locomotory abilities in many deeper-living groups. They hypothesized that this de- crease resulted from relaxed selection for strong locomo- tory abilities for visually cued predator/prey interactions in the low ambient light levels of the deep sea. Although deep-living fishes and crustaceans do possess well-devel- oped eyes, these are apparently used primarily for in- teractions via bioluminescence (Marshall, 1979). which is a relatively weak, often transient light source. Under these conditions, interactions are likely to take place over short distances that do not require strong locomotory abilities (Marshall, 1979; Herring et al.. 1994; Fleisher and Case, 1995). The visual interactions hypothesis is supported by the presence of a decline in metabolic rates of visually orienting pelagic groups (fishes and crusta- ceans), and by the absence of a decline in non-visually orienting gelatinous organisms (e.g.. chaetognaths and medusae). Cephalopods, like fishes and crustaceans, are highly vi- sual predators that occupy a range of depths and habitats. As such, they are an obvious choice for further testing of the visual interactions hypothesis. In the present study, the oxygen consumption rates of 33 species of pelagic cephalopods were measured and correlated with mini- mum depth of occurrence. Because of differences in local productivity and ambient oxygen levels between the two regions, comparisons between Hawaiian and Californian animals are used to determine possible effects of oxygen and food availability on metabolic rates. Buffering ca- pacity was assayed to indicate an animal's capacity for anaerobic work (Castellini and Somero, 1981). Materials and Methods Cephalopods were captured on nine cruises aboard the R/V Point Sur and R/V New Horizon between Septem- ber 1992 and September 1996. Sampling was done pri- marily in an area 160 km west of Point Conception, Cal- ifornia (34° 37'N, 1 22° 42'W to 34° 30'N, 1 23° 20'W) and off Oahu, Hawaii (21° 20'N, 158° 20'W to 21° 35'N, 158° 35'W). Animals were collected using an opening/closing Mother Tucker trawl with a 10-rrr mouth. The net was equipped with a 30-1 thermally protecting cod end that reduced mechanical damage and heat shock to animals during recovery (Childress et ai. 1978). Ship speed was kept very low (0.5-1 kn) to decrease turbulence and abrasion in the net and to reduce the number of animals collected in the cod end. Upon reaching the surface, specimens were immediately transferred to 5°C seawater and allowed to recover for several hours. Only animals in the best physical condition were selected for physio- logical study. Animals were identified to species with the aid of several sources (Roper et al.. 1984; Sweeney et al., 1992; Young, 1972; Hochberg, pers. comm.; Young, pers. comm.). Voucher specimens were preserved for verification of identifications. Routine oxygen consumption rates were determined on board ship by allowing individual specimens to de- plete the available oxygen in a sealed, water-jacketed chamber filled with filtered seawater containing 50mgl~' streptomycin (Childress, 197 la). All experi- ments were carried out at atmospheric pressure because hydrostatic pressure has been shown to have negligible effects on the metabolism of a mesopelagic squid, I list i- oteuthis heteropsis ( Belman, 1978), and on several meso- and bathypelagic gelatinous zooplankters (Childress and Thuesen, 1993). Chambers were kept in darkness and, in most cases, the temperature was maintained at 5°C by means of a refrigerated water bath. Rates for individuals of some species were measured at either 2°, 3.5°, 10°, or 1 5°C and corrected to 5°C either using measured Qw val- ues or according to the methods outlined in Childress et al. ( 1990). The rate of change of the oxygen partial pres- sure within the respirometer was monitored using a Clark-type oxygen electrode (Mickel et al.. 1983) cali- brated to air- and nitrogen-saturated seawater before and after each experiment. A magnetic stir pump mixed the water in the respirometry chamber and maintained wa- ter flow past the electrode without damage to the ani- mals. Individual respiration experiments lasted from 2 to 24 h. Oxygen concentrations were averaged over 2- min intervals and recorded using a coir outer-based data 264 B. A. SEIBEL ET AL acquisition system. The mean rates of oxygen consump- tion between partial pressures of 30 and 70 mm Hg were used for comparisons because this allowed a period for the animals to calm down after being introduced to the chamber and <• Jed before oxygen concentrations be- came lim \ gen consumption rates of the smallest specimens were measured using glass syringes (3-50 ml) as miniature respiration chambers (Thuesen and Chil- dress, 1993a, b) maintained in darkened water baths. Water samples were withdrawn periodically from the in- cubation syringe through a three-way valve using a gas- tight syringe, and the new incubation volume was noted. The oxygen content of the water sample was then ana- lyzed using a gas chromatograph. Oxygen consumption was calculated as micromoles of oxygen consumed per gram wet weight per hour. At sea, immediately following respiration experiments, animals were weighed using a motion-compensated shipboard precision balance system (Childress and Mickel, 1980). For additional comparisons, wet-weight-specific rates of oxygen consumption were corrected by covariance to 10 g by using measured scaling coefficients or an as- sumed scaling coefficient of -0.20 (Childress el til.. 1990). The value of 10 g was chosen because it was the approximate modal weight of the animals measured. Both corrected and unsealed values for mean rates of ox- ygen consumption are presented in Table I. Mean rates of oxygen consumption were regressed against habitat depth. Because animals live at a range of depths, minimum depth of occurrence (MDO) was taken as the primary description of habitat depth. MDO is denned as that depth below which 90% of the individ- uals of a given species are captured in a given region (Childress, 1975). Ten meters was taken as the MDO for animals living at that depth or shallower to avoid distor- tions in regressions of In-transformed data. MDO refers to the adult distribution except for species of the genus Leachia, as discussed later. For consistency with previ- ous studies, animals that undergo a strong diel vertical migration are considered at their shallowest depth whether day or night. For comparison, regressions against minimum depth of daytime occurrence (MDdO) are also plotted. Both MDO and MDdO are listed in Ta- ble I. Estimates of cephalopod depth were based on col- lections from a variety of studies as well as on personal observations and communications (Pickford, 1946: Roper and Young, 1975; Young, 1978; Lu and Roper, 1979; Roper el al.. 1984; Sweeney el al., 1992; James Hunt, MBARI, pers. comm.). Regulation of oxygen consumption was measured by plotting specific rates of oxygen consumption versus par- tial pressures of oxygen. The critical partial pressure (Pc) was taken as the point at which oxygen consumption was no longer maintained independent of oxygen concentra- tion. The P, was determined by calculating regression lines for the two distinct parts of the relationship between oxygen consumption and Po2< the regulated (higher Po2) segment and the highly sloped (low Po2) segment. The Pc was designated as the intersection of these two lines. In vitro buffering capacity (0) of mantle muscle, due to non-bicarbonate buffering compounds, was assayed following the methods ofCastellini and Somero (1981). 0 is defined as the micromoles of base needed to change the pH of the homogenate by 1 pH unit per gram wet weight of muscle tissue. A unit of 0 is termed a "slyke." Although many cephalopod species use fins for sustained aerobic swimming, most cephalopods rely on mantle musculature for jet propulsion during burst escape re- sponses (Baldwin, 1982). For this reason, and because it usually represents the largest percentage of body mass, mantle tissue was chosen for measurements of buffering capacity. Muscle tissue was homogenized at a dilution of 1:20 (weight:volume) in normal saline (0.9% NaCl). Homogenates were equilibrated to 20°C and stirred con- tinuously during experiments. Homogenates were ti- trated from pH 6 to 7 using 0.2 A' NaOH (less concen- trated NaOH was used for animals with extremely low buffering capacities to get a sufficient number of points in the titration curve). If the homogenate had an initial pH greater than 6.0, it was acidified by the addition of HC1 before the titration. As observed by Castellini and Somero (1981), more weakly buffered muscles yielded curves that tailed upward at pH values near 7.0 and above. In these cases, the linear portion of the curve (usu- ally between pH 6.0 and 6.5) was used for calculating fl. An Orion digital research ionalyzer (model 701 A) was used with a glass pH electrode for monitoring pH changes. A microburet was used to add the NaOH solu- tion. All data analyses were performed with Statview II or SuperANOVA statistics programs (Abacus Concepts, Inc., Berkeley, CA). Simple linear regressions, / tests, and analysis of covariance ( ANCOVA) were used. Mean val- ues given are followed by the standard error. All regres- sions were carried out on In-transformed data to linear- ize the data and maintain consistency with previous studies. The figures, however, are semilog plots. Confi- dence intervals for regression exponents are at the 95%< level, P values for regression coefficients are F tests. AN- COVA was used to test whether the slopes and elevations of the various relationships were significantly different from zero and from each other. Regression slopes were declared significant when their slopes differed from zero at the 5% confidence level. Results The metabolic rates of 33 species of pelagic cephalo- pods from four orders are presented in Table I. An indi- METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPH.ALOPODS 265 10-, o c o O Q) O5 >. X O _ o p b 0.1, '260' '460' 'eio' 's6o' 1000 Depth of Occurrence (m) Figure 1. Mean oxygen consumption rates (y = /tmol O? g 'h ')of 23 species of pelagic cephalopods as a function of minimum depth of occurrence (A = meters). There is a significant decline in metabolism with minimum depth of occurrence for California (•) species (r = 707.7.Y ' :5 ' ° •", P = 0.001: R- = 0.68) and Hawaiian (D) species (;• = 264.0.Y"1-05-0-": P = 0.001: R- = 0.87). There is also a significant de- cline in metabolism with minimum depth of daytime occurrence for both Calilbrnian ( • • -)species(r= 1.54*10s.v 107±- ": P = 0.01: R2 = 0.43) and Hawaiian (....) species ( v =1.1 2* 10V2 24 = ' 65; P = 0.002: R: = 0.62). Results of ANCOV.A show that there is not a significant difference in the slopes or magnitudes of the regressions of Californian and Hawaiian animals at either MDOor MDdO(P> 0.4). vidual of Vampyroteuthis infernalis. which lives within the oxygen minimum layer between 600 and 800 m, had the lowest mass-specific metabolic rate ever measured for a cephalopod (0.02 ^mol O: g~' h"1, 1050g wet weight), r. infernalis had the lowest mean rate as well (0.07 ± 0.03 jumol O2 g~ ' h~ ' ; « = 1 5, 223.4 g mean wet weight). Gonatus onyx, a shallow-living vertical migra- tor, had a mean metabolic rate of 8.79 ^mol O: g ' h '. the highest rate measured in this study. Rates corrected to 10 g of wet weight ranged from 0.06 ^mol O: g~' h~' for I '. infernalis measured off Hawaii, to 6.55 ^mol O: g"1 h"1 for Gonatus onyx. The mean rate presented here for Histioleuthis heteropsis, 1 .02 ± 0. 1 5 /umol O: g ' h ' (0.87 /umol O:, corrected to 4.25 g for comparison with published values), is comparable to the value of 0.83 jumol O: g ' h ', 4.25 g mean wet weight (Belman, 1978), the only other measurement of this kind available for a midwater cephalopod. Most physiological studies of cephalopods have been done on fast-swimming epi- pelagic squids that are capable of avoiding midwater trawls. DeMont and O'Dor ( 1984) reported a metabolic rate of 14 ^mol O2 g"1 h ' for Illex illecebrosus at rest and 56 jimol O;g~' h"1 at 100% activity (100-g animal, 13°C measurement temperature). These rates are similar to those observed for Loligo forbesi by Boucher-Rodoni and Mangold (1989). Even with the exclusion of the faster epipelagic squids, a significant decline in mean metabolic rate (r) with MDO (A) was observed for both Californian and Hawai- ian pelagic cephalopods (Fig. 1). There was no significant difference in either the slope (ANCOVA; P = 0.47) or the elevation (ANCOVA; P = 0.98) of the regression lines between Californian (r = 707.7.V'1 --5±(I-5S; P = 0.001; R: = 0.68) and Hawaiian (v = 264.0^' 05±055; P = 0.001; R2 = 0.87) species. A significant decline in metabolic rate (v) with minimum depth of daytime occurrence (MDdO) was also observed for both Californian and Ha- waiian pelagic cephalopods (Fig. 1). Because of the ab- sence of vertical migration among the deepest living spe- cies, estimates of daytime depth (x) result in a signifi- cantly steeper slope (ANCOVA; P = 0.002) for both Californian (r = 1.54*10V307 ± : "; P = 0.012; R2 0.43) and Hawaiian (.r = 1.12*10V224± ' 65; P = 0.002; R2 = 0.62) regressions. Normalization of metabolic rates to 10 g wet weight did not have a significant effect on the slopes or eleva- tions of Hawaiian or Californian regressions against MDO or MDdO. The regression of cephalopod metabo- lism corrected to 10 g against MDO (Fig. 2) had a sig- nificantly steeper slope than the slopes for both fishes (ANCOVA; P = 0.004) and crustaceans (ANCOVA: P = 0.001) (data from Childress, 1975; Torres et al.. 1979). This relative steepness is driven both by higher metabolic rates among shallower animals (cephalopods living at 100m have metabolic rates comparable to fishes and crustaceans living at the surface) and by lower metabolic rates among some deep-living cephalopods. It is interest- ing that the squids (order Teuthoidea) living below 300 m had significantly higher metabolic rates than other cephalopods (orders Octopoda and Vampyromor- pha) (unpaired t test. P = 0.000 1 ). The metabolic rates of teuthoids (r = 1 17.9.Y ~"sil±" [S; P = 0.0001; R2 = 0.66) and octopods with I 'ampyroteuthis infernalis (y = 16.8.V"0-74*"-12; P = 0.0007; R2 = 0.87) alone still decline with depth with a significantly steeper slope than either fishes or crustaceans. Several specimens were excluded from the above anal- yses and are plotted separately (Fig. 3) because small numbers of captures and various life-history characteris- tics (i.e., ontogenetic vertical migration, or pelagic stages of otherwise benthic animals) make depth distributions and metabolic data difficult to interpret. Inclusion of these species into the regression using roughly estimated MDOs does not significantly alter the slope or elevation of the regression of cephalopod metabolism with mini- mum depth of occurrence. OcythoetuberculatasndAm- p/iitretus pelagicus (both pelagic octopods). planktonic juveniles of the benthic octopus Octopus nibescens, and seven species of the family Cranchiidiv: (Teuthoidea) were among those excluded. 266 B. A. SEIBEL ET AL Table I Metabolic rales and weigh/ and depth data for 33 species oj pelagic cephalopodsfrom California and Hawaii Depth (m)* Wet weight (g) MOi (^mol Oi g ' wet wt h ')t Species MDO MDdO n rc Range Mean Range Mean ± SE Corrected California Order Teuthoidea GonalM onyx 100 400 1 5 — 2.30 — 8.79 6.55 Gonaiuspyros 100 400 5 5 2.17-31.28 8.58 3.15-7.60 4.38 ±0.84 3.41 Abrahiipxis lei is 50 300 1 5 — 0.99 — 3.44 2.16 1 10 — 0.36 — 6.70 Oclopoleiillns delelron 100 300 1 5 — 8.19 — 1.28 1.22 Histioteuthis heleropsis 150 500 17 5 0.23-36.98 9.99 0.45-2.98 1.02±0.15 0.73 3 10 0.23-2.85 1.38 1.32-2.5 1.74 ±0.38 Histioteuthis lioylei 150 500 1 5 — 8.51 — 1.13 1.09 Chiroteuthis calyx 300 500 II 5 5.87-89.02 38.88 0.15-0.85 0.47 ± 0.07 0.67 I 'albyteuthis oligobessa 900 900 1 2 — 25.40 — 0.55 0.66 Family Cranchiidae Galiteuthis phyllura 300 500 1 5 — 5.19 — 0.61 0.54 Cranclua scabra 10 10 I 5 — 35.39 — 0.29 0.37 Leachia dislocata 10 300 1 5 — 3.27 — 0.70 0.55 llelicocranclua pjejleri 300 300 6 5 0.15-3.60 0.88 0.4 1 - 1 .94 0.97 ±0.22 0.59 Order Octopoda Ocythoe tubemilata 10 10 1 5 — 1.21 — 4.17 2.73 Japelella licalhi 600 600 1 1 s 0.84-162.5 35.19 0.03-0.28 0.18 ±0.03 0.16 1 10 — 6.32 — 0.48 Octopus rnbescens^ 10 2 5 0.04, 0.08 0.06 7.43-7.53 7.48 ± 0.05 2.78 3 10 0.07-0.12 0.10 10.19-10.90 10.43 ±0.23 Order Vamp\ romorpha I 'ampyroteuthis infernalis 600 600 15 5 0.41-1050 223.4 0.025-0.41 0.07 ±0.03 0.09 1 10 — 4.74 — 0.31 Hawaii Order Sepioidea Heieroteutlus huH-aiiensis 1 10 250 1 _s — 5.88 — 4.81 4.31 Order Teuthoidea Abraliopsis pacificus 50 300 5 s 0.40-1.90 1.22 1.86-3.94 2. 39 ±0.39 1.63 2 15 1.89-2.91 2.40 4.96-5.90 5.43 Enoploieuthis higginsi 50 300 1 5 — 6.47 — 5.59 5.12 Plerygioieuthis microlampas 50 300 1 5 — 0. 1 3 — 6.46 2.71 Oclopoteulhis nielseni 100 300 1 2 — 0. 1 3 — 1.20 0.61 Histioteuthis hoylei 150 500 i 5 0.40, 1.27 0.84 1. 66-1. 77 1.71 1 .03 Chiroteuthis imperalor 300 500 1 5 — 14.94 — 0.70 0.76 Joubiniteuthis portieri 500 500 3 5 36.00-48.99 41.85 0.20-0.39 0.31 ±0.06 0.41 Mastigoieuthisfamelica 375 675 1 5 — 4.06 — 0.70 0.59 Clenopleryx siculus 50 625 1 5 — 4.24 — 2.81 2.37 2 15 1.70 5.07-5.41 5.24 Bathyteuthis ahyx.ticolu 800 800 2 5 1.53,37.7 19.6 0.56-0.61 0.59 0.59 Family Cranchiidae Leachia pacifica 50 50 3 3.5 0.90-2.12 1.52 0.24-1.83 0.81 ±0.51 0.56 Liocranchia raldivia 500 500 12 S 0.17-21.28 2.92 0.27-1.61 0.56 + 0.11 0.27 1 1 15 0.02-19.0 2.25 1.47-3.47 2.47 ±0.23 Megalocranchia /i.iheri 10 600 1 5 — 47.9 — 0.39 0.54 Cranchia scabra 10 10 1 5 — 6.39 — 0.40 0.37 Order Octopoda Japelella diapliana 700 700 12 S 0.02-242 59.49 0.04-0.89 0.25 ±0.07 0. 1 5 4 15 0.02-17.15 5.04 0.53-4.04 1.79 ±0.82 0.52 Eledonella pyt>maea 975 975 5 S 2.03-40.00 15.88 0.05-0.43 0. 1 7 ± 0.07 0.18 6 15 2.00-67.0 24.03 0.08-1.03 0.49 ±0.11 A mphitrelus pelagicus 300 — 1 5 — 30.3 — 0.10 0. 1 3 Order Vampyromorpha 1 ampyroleuthis infernalis 800 800 1 — 0.5 — O.I 1 0.06 * MO2: mean oxygen consumption rates measured from 70 to 30 mm Hg oxygen partial pressure. Values in the rightmost column are corrected to 10 g wet weight and 5°C ( using scaling coefficients and (?io values or assuming a scaling coefficient of -0.20 and a Qw of 2.0). tMDO: minimum depth of occurrence; MDdO: minimum depth of daytime occurrence. JThe individuals of Octopus rubescens measured here are pelagic juveniles of an otherwise hcnthic species. METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 267 10-, Is O) 1- t— c\ o O O _o c o ) are / tests at the 95"; level of significance. Q,u values were calculated using rates from similar-sized animals. * Rates corrected to appropriate weight for Qm measurements using measured scaling coefficients. t Weight range undergoing ontogenetic descent (captured between surface and 600 m depth ). \ Adult weight range captured below 600 m depth. tj Pelagic juveniles stage of an otherwise benthic species. cranchia valdivia undergo a gradual ontogenetic de- scent. The specimens measured here were primarily small ( 10-30 mm mantle length) and are plotted at in- termediate depths ranging from 300 to 500 m. Cranchia scabra has a very wide distribution. It has been captured from the surface to depths greater than 2000 m. It is plotted here at an MDO of 10 m. Temperature effects Metabolic rates were measured at 5°, and either 10° or 15°C for 10 cephalopod species with various life-history characteristics. QRI values are presented in Table II. Qw values were significantly lower for species that undergo diurnal vertical migrations through large temperature changes than for species with permanently deep (cold) habitats (unpaired / test, P = 0.049). The mean Q[0 for vertical migrators was 2.62 ± 0.42 (n = 4), which is con- sistent with temperature responses observed previously for vertically migrating crustaceans (Cowlest'/w/.. 1991). The mean Qw for non-migrators was 4.90 ± 0.78 (n = 5). Pelagic juveniles of Octopus rubescens were excluded from this comparison because nothing is known of their diel movements. The Qw for O, rubescens was 1.94. Of the non-migrators, two species are known to undergo on- togenetic migrations from the surface to great depths. Liocranchia valdivia and Japelella c/iap/uina both mi- grate from the surface as paralarvae to great depths as subadults. The Qt() values measured for individuals cap- tured in the process of migration are similar to those of diurnally migrating cephalopods (2.31, 2.43), whereas the Qw values for deep-living adults are considerably higher (4.82, 5.17). It should be pointed out that the non- migrators (including the adults of ontogenetically mi- grating species) live in water of about 5°C or below and rarely if ever encounter water as warm as 10°C. Their responses to temperatures of 10°C and above are thus not expected to be adaptive. METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 269 1-r .2 w O v c o 0 P >! §- X ^ o 0.1- I t I I > > I t I I I I I I I I 1-4 t I I I I | t t t * I * I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Vo Oxygen Partial Pressure (mm Hg) Figure 4. Mean oxygen consumption rates (/imol O: g 'h '(aver- aged o\er 2-min intervals as a function of available oxygen (mm Hg) at 5°C. Individuals from five species are plotted. Mean critical partial pressures are 7.2 ± 1.4 mm Hg for Vampyroieuthis infemalis (A), 6.1 mm Hg for Japetella healhi (•). 2 1 .8 ± 3.2 mm Hg for Japetella dui- pluimi ( + ), 1 1.99 ± 2.28 mm Hg for Histioteuihis heleropsis (A), and 1 8.0 for Bathyieuthis ahyssicola (D). Regulation The regulation of oxygen consumption at 5°C was in- vestigated in five species of pelagic cephalopods (Fig. 4). Critical partial pressures of oxygen (Pc) are presented in Table II. Vampyroteuthis infemalis, which lives perma- nently within the well-developed oxygen minimum layer ofFCalifornia, had a mean Pc of 7.2 ± 1 .4 mm Hg (n = 6), which is comparable to that of the mysid Gnathophaitsia ingens (Childress, 1968; Sanders and Childress, 1990). One individual of I '. infemalis demonstrated regulatory abilities down to 3.1 mm Hg, considerably lower than the minimum A> of 6 mm Hg found within the Califor- nia oxygen minimum layer. Similarly, Japetella heathi, a bathypelagic octopod found off the California coast, was capable of regulating its oxygen consumption to as low as 6.1 mm Hg (n = 2). Japetella diaphana off Ha- waii, however, is apparently able to regulate its oxygen consumption to only 2 1 .8 ± 3.2 mm Hg (/; = 3), despite a metabolic rate very similar to that observed for J. hea- thi (Table I). Bathyteuthis abyssicola from Hawaii regu- lated to 18 mm Hg (/; = 2). The regulatory abilities of/ diaphana and B. abyssicola are consistent with the min- imum value of 20 mm Hg found for the partial pressure of oxygen within the Hawaiian oxygen minimum layer. Regulatory abilities were assessed in four individuals of the vertically migrating squid Histioteuthis heteropsis captured off California. The mean critical partial pres- sure was 1 1 .99 ± 2.28 mm Hg. One individual regulated to 6.97 mm Hg, consistent with oxygen concentrations found at its deeper, daytime habitat. Buffering capacity The mean buffering capacities (fi) in mantle muscle of eight species of pelagic cephalopods are listed in Table III. f3 ranged from 1.43 slykes for the Californian bathy- pelagic octopod Japetella heathi to 77.08 slykes for the epipelagic Hawaiian squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. Significant scaling relationships could not be derived for any species measured. A significant decline in buffering capacity (y = slykes) with increasing MDO (x = meters) was observed (.v = 275.9A-~() "7 ± ° 19; P = 0.004; R2 = 0.85; Fig. 5). The slope of this regression is significantly lower than the slope of the regression of oxygen consumption with depth (-ANCOVA: P = 0.009). Metabolic scaling Regressions of weight-specific oxygen consumption against wet weight were significant in only three individ- ual species (Fig. 6). I 'ampyroteuthis infemalis had a scal- ing coefficient, b. of -0.30 ± 0.10 (P = 0.0001; R2 0.75), with weights ranging from 0.41 to 1050.0 g. Hisii- oteuthis heteropsis had a scaling coefficient of -0.20 ± 0.09 (P = 0.001; R2 = 0.50), with weights ranging from 0.23 to 36.98 g. The scaling coefficient found for Jape- tella diaphana was -0.27 ± 0.05 (P = 0.000 1 ; R2 = 0.95). Weights ranged from 0.02 to 242.17 g. The scaling co- efficients for all three of these species are consistent with scaling data available for a wide range of animals (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1983). Sufficient range in size and numbers of Chiroteuthis calyx (5.97-89.02 g, n = 11) and Japetella heathi (0.84- 1 62.5 g, /; = 11) failed to yield a significant scaling relationship. Individuals of/ healhi larger than 10 g appear to follow a scaling pattern similar to that of/ diaphana, although the relationship was not significant. There is a significant increase in wet weight (In y = grams) with increasing MDO (In .v = meters) among the species for which oxygen consumption was measured (y = 1 .22.v - 4.08; P = 0.000 \;R2 = 0.39). The largest ceph- alopod measured in this study, an individual of Vam- pyroteuthis infemalis ( 1050 g), had the lowest metabolic rate measured (0.02 ^mol O: g ' h"1). We were unable to measure oxygen consumption for the faster epipelagic squids, many of which reach sizes considerably larger than any species reported in the present study. Typical sizes of commercial species range from 0. 1 to 1 .0 kg (Roper etui. 1984). Discussion A decline in metabolic rate with a species' minimum depth of occurrence (MDO) was obsi ved for pelagic 270 B. A. SEIBEL ET AL Table III Buffering capacit r '"tie muscle of pelagic cephalopodsfrom California and Hawaii measured al 20°C: wet weight and minimum depth of adult occurrence (MDO) are also given Species Wet weight (g) MDO(m) Range Mean ± SE Range Mean ± SE California Order Teuthoidea Gonatusonyx 100 1 — 1.06 — 32.61 C 'hiroleitlhis calyx 300 5 3.43-70.08 36.96 7.43-9.86 8.37 Mastigoteuthis pyrodes 375 2 67.50,96.^8 82.25 8.00. 1 1.76 9.88 Cranchia scabra 10 2 16.14,35.38 25.76 14.99,30.77 22.88 Order Octopoda Japetflla heat hi 600 3 25.50-162.5 86.59 0.94-2.33 1.43 ±0.45 Order Vampyromorpha I 'ampyroteuthis mjernalis 600 13 5.93-600 224.35 ± 52.39 0.86-6.89 3. 33 ±0.45 Hawaii Order Teuthoidea Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis 10 1 — 1 10 77.08 Chiroleuthis imperawr 300 3 27.7-53.56 40.07 ± 7.50 5.98-9.66 8.03 ± 1.08 Order Octopoda Japetella diaphana 700 7 8.96-325.8 1 19. 10 ±40.06 1.34-2.44 1.67 + 0.15 cephalopods off California and Hawaii. This decline with increasing MDO is significantly steeper in slope than that observed for pelagic fishes and crustaceans (Fig. 2) (Chil- dress, 1975; Torres el al., 1979). The large decline results from both higher rates among shallower cephalopods and lower rates among many cephalopods living at depth. This means that many deep-living cephalopods have metabolic rates similar to those of midwater jelly- fishes (Thuesen and Childness, 1994). The presence of 100T 10-. I '8 D) m Minii n Depth of Occurrence (m) Buffering en. • Uy (slykes) of mantle muscle as a function of mini::, nth ofoccuru-nce in meters for nine cephalopods mea- sured fn M rniaand Hawaii. The regression is y= 275.9.v~067±0lW (f = 0.()() . 85). a strong decline in cephalopods, fishes, and crustaceans suggests, however, that the selective factors that influ- ence metabolic parameters are similar at any given depth for all three groups. Buffering capacity has been used in the past to indicate the capacity of muscle tissue for an- aerobic work (Castellini and Somero, 1 98 1 ). Like oxygen consumption, ft declined with increasing MDO. This is consistent with the results of Castellini and Somero (1981), who saw lower ft values in deep-sea fishes than in either actively foraging pelagic ectotherms or in warm- bodied fishes. There are manv variables confounded with habitat o 'o.^ E !c D 1- W O O O) cT o °-1^ 0.01 0. )1 ol 1 10 Mass (g) > iit«4 1 t * MUII ibo 1000 Figure 6. Oxygen consumption rates (/^mol O:g 'h ') as a func- tion of wet weight (g). The slope of the regression line is r = \A(>\ "2"±"m(P= O.OOI;R: = 0.50) for Histioteuthis heteropsis (+), y = 0. 1 8.v~° 30±0 I0 (P = 0.000 1 : R1 = 0.75 ) for I 'ampynneiilhis infernalis (D), and y = 0.24.v'° 27±" "' ( P = 0.000 1 ; R2 = 0.95 ) for Japctella dia- phuini (•). METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 271 depth. These include light, productivity, temperature, phylogeny. neutral buoyancy, vertical and horizontal migrations, oxygen concentration, and body size, among others. However, in the discussion below it will become apparent that the decline in metabolic parameters with increasing habitat depth most likely reflects decreased lo- comotory abilities in deeper-living animals. The steep slope of the regression of cephalopod metabolism with depth relative to that of fishes and crustaceans may re- flect the relative efficiencies of locomotion at the surface, where high speeds are required for visually cued preda- tor/prey interactions, and at depth, where sit-and-wait predation strategies are prevalent. Light and visual interactions According to the visual interactions hypothesis, re- duced reliance on visual predator/prey interactions in the light-limited deep sea decreases selection for locomo- tory abilities, thus resulting in the lower metabolic rates observed in deep-living fishes, crustaceans, and cephalo- pods (Childress, 1995). This idea is supported by the presence of a decline in metabolism with depth among these visually orienting groups and the absence of such a decline among organisms that lack eyes (medusae and chaetognaths). That light-limited predator/prey interac- tions affect animal behavior is not a new idea. Light has long been recognized as a primary controlling factor in the daily movements of midwater organisms (Kerfoot, 1970). Limits on concealment from predation through counterillumination determine daytime depth distribu- tion in some squids and fishes (Young el ai. 1980), and young cranchiid squids undergo ontogenetic changes that minimize their visibility at a given light level (Young, 1975b). These cranchiids can also control the orientation of their body and eyes to reduce the size of their own silhouette against surface illumination (Seapy and Young, 1986). The extent to which animals are con- cealed from visual predators and prey is suggested here to strongly influence the evolution of loccmotory abili- ties and metabolic rates of midwater organisms. The metabolic rate of Lolliguncida brevis, which is typically found in complex and shallow coastal waters where op- portunities for refuge and crypsis are greater, is half that of the more powerful squid living in open epipelagic wa- ters. It was suggested that L. brevis is not required to swim great distances or at high speeds to capture prey or to escape predators (Finke el a/.. 1996). The metabolic rates of fishes and crustaceans in benthic habitats, where opportunities for refuge and crypsis are greater, do not decline with increasing habitat depth to nearly the extent observed in pelagic animals (Childress et ai. 1990). The apparent lack of a decline in metabolic rates among cran- chiid squids in the present study is probably a result of concealment from predation through transparency. Productivity The food limitation hypothesis suggests that animals living in relatively food-poor environments such as the deep sea have evolved lower metabolic rates as a way of conserving energy (Childress, 1971b; Smith and Hessler, 1974). If this were true, one might expect metabolic rates of deeper-living species to vary from region to region in correlation with surface primary productivity. Contrary to this prediction, comparisons between tropical and temperate regions of differing productivity have shown that among pelagic crustaceans living continuously be- low 400 m, there is no significant variation in metabolic rate with depth. In fact, shallow-living crustaceans actu- ally have higher metabolic rates in Hawaii than in Cali- fornia where productivity is considerably higher (Cowles et al., 199 1 ). This may indicate an increased demand for strong locomotion for predator/prey interactions over greater distances in the clearer, more strongly illumi- nated surface waters. No significant differences were found between the slopes or magnitudes of the regres- sions of metabolism with depth for Californian and Ha- waiian cephalopods. Although the magnitudes of the re- gressions were not significantly different, it may be worth noting that I 'ampyroteuthis infernalis seems (based on small numbers of captures) to come as much as 100 m shallower off California than off Hawaii. Similarly, Ja- petella heathi comes about 100 m shallower off Califor- nia than does J. diaphana off Hawaii (Roper and Young, 1975; Young, 1978). This may reflect differing light re- gimes between the two regions. Temperature effects Temperature generally has large effects on metabolic processes. A 10°C increase in temperature typically causes a doubling of metabolic rate (Q\0 = 2). Deep-living ani- mals may be expected to have lower metabolic rates on the basis of lower temperatures alone. Donnelly and Tor- res ( 1 988) report that the decline in aerobic metabolism of midwater fishes and crustaceans with depth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico is no greater than that due to the decrease in temperature. However, the observation that metabo- lism declines with increasing MDO in the isothermal wa- ters of Antarctica (Torres and Somero, 1988;Ikeda, 1988) seems to eliminate temperature as the primary factor pro- ducing lower metabolic rates in the deep sea. The Qn, values measured here (Table II) fall into two groups. Vertical migrators, which experience a wider range of temperatures every day, have typical responses to temperature, but non-migrators have mu< larger re- sponses. Non-migrators typically live at or ;:ear 5°C and rarely, if ever, experience temperatures ne 10°C. The re- sponses to temperatures outside the non 1 range for the species are not expected to be adaptive, few of the non- 272 B. A. SEIBEL ET AL. migrators undergo ontogenetic descents through the wa- ter column. The > iig stages experience a wider range of temperatures over a relatively short (though unknown) period of time. Individuals captured during the process of ontogenetic descent have more typical responses to tem- perature than do the adults of the species. A Qw of ap- proximately 20 would be required to explain the slope of the decline in metabolic rates with depth observed here. Phytogeny Harvey and Pagel (1991) warned that interspecific comparisons may be invalid because phylogeny, instead of selection, may have played the greater role in deter- mining the properties of the species. Although there are obvious phylogenetic effects, the observed variation with depth in the metabolism of cephalopods, like that of fishes and crustaceans, is probably not an artifact of phy- logeny for two reasons (Childress, 1995). First, the phys- iological and morphological characteristics of related species seem to diverge as a function of habitat depth. Single genera or families of fishes and crustaceans often occupy the entire depth range studied, and the variation in a characteristic being studied may approach the entire range of variation for such a parameter within a data set (Childress el al.. 1990; Cowles el a!., 1991 ). Second, the evidence for convergent evolution among genera, fami- lies, and even phyla is strong. The origin of many of these groups lies outside the deep sea and thus can hardly pro- duce a phylogenetic bias. Many deep-living groups share characteristics of chemical composition, general muscu- lature, and physiology that all lead to decreased locomo- tory abilities. Cowles and Childress ( 1 988) demonstrated directly that bathypelagic mysids have weaker swimming capabilities than do epipelagic species. Enzymatic activ- ities provide evidence for reduced locomotory abilities in deeper-living fishes also (Childress and Somero, 1979; Sullivan and Somero. 1980). Divergence of related species as a function of habitat depth can be seen at the ordinal level among cephalo- pods. Epipelagic squids (order Teuthoidea) are ex- tremely active predators, and some are capable of speeds sufficient to propel their bodies out of the water (Cole and Gilbert. 1 970). A study on Il/e.\ illecebrosus reported a respiration rate nearly twice as high as any cephalopod ^easured in this study (DeMont and O'Dor, 1984). ing the teuthoids measured here, nearly 2 orders of utude separu Gonatus onyx, a vertical migrator ves below luOm, and Bathyteuthis ahyssicola, lives continuously below 800 m. Similarly, nberculala (order Octopoda), believed to be e^ had a metabolic rate nearly 2 orders of mag- nitui! r than that measured for the pelagic octo- pods . 'ins pe/agicus ( captured at 700 m ) and Ja- petella diaphana (MDO = 700). Convergence of cepha- lopods with fishes and crustaceans living at similar depths is evidenced by both their morphology and me- tabolism. Voss( 1967 (recognized morphological similar- ities in cephalopods living at a given habitat depth. He observed a decrease in mantle musculature and the ap- pearance of a gelatinous material that formed the bulk of the mantle in deep-living forms. In general, deeper-living cephalopods, like fishes and crustaceans, appeared to be relatively poor swimmers compared to their epipelagic counterparts. Phylogeny does, however, appear to play at least some role in the evolution of cephalopod metabolism. Deep- living octopods have significantly lower metabolic rates than squids at similar depths. It appears from observa- tions of the musculature (Roper, 1969), gill areas (Ma- dan and Wells, 1996: Seibel and Childress, 1996), and metabolic rates that perhaps Bathyteuthis abyssicola leads a more active life than the deep-living octopods and I 'ampyroteuthis infemalis. However, the metabolic rate of B. abyssicola is still comparable to that of deep-living fishes with sit-and-wait predation strategies (Cowles and Childress, 1996). The only family with representatives from a wide range of depths measured in this study is the Cranchii- dae. Cranchiids comprise a monophyletic group distin- guished from other cephalopods by many unique fea- tures (Nixon. 1983; Voss and Voss, 1983) that allow rel- atively low metabolic rates regardless of habitat depth. Foremost among these is the presence of a coelom. which provides neutral buoyancy (Denton and Gilpin-Brown, 1973; Clarke et ai, 1979) and may be contracted to cre- ate a flow of water over the gills. The mantle musculature is rarely used and then only for escape responses (Clarke, 1962). All cranchiids are largely transparent (Clarke. 1962; Seapy and Young, 1986). which decreases the se- lection associated with higher predation risks in higher levels of ambient light (McFall-Ngai. 1990). When dis- turbed, Cranchia sctibra is also capable of filling its man- tle cavity with seawater, which effectively doubles its vol- ume (shipboard observations). It apparently shares this ability with at least one other cranchiid (Nixon, 1983). This sort of defense mechanism may reduce the need for lengthy escape swimming, and further emphasizes the trend among cranchiids to reduce metabolic costs. The limited data on metabolic rate and vertical distribution suggest that metabolism may be independent of habitat depth within this family (Fig. 3). Inclusion of the cran- chiids does not significantly alter the slope or elevation of the regression in Figure 1. Buoyancy Many midwater cephalopods possess some means of achieving neutral buoyancy (Denton and Gilpin-Brown, METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 273 1973; Clarke, 1988; Clarke et ai. 1979; Voight el al., 1994), whereas most epipelagic squids are negatively buoyant and rely on constant swimming for lift. It is con- ceivable that the metabolic rates of midwater cephalo- pods might be reduced simply by achieving neutral buoyancy, and that the higher metabolic rates of epipel- agic cephalopods result from the added cost of support in the water column. Childress and Nygaard (1974) found, however, that neutral buoyancy in crustaceans does not appear to be a means of conserving energy per xe. Meta- bolic rates were not correlated with density at a given depth. In epipelagic waters, locomotion is apparently a greater priority and dictates a high content of protein. Protein, associated with locomotory muscles, provides the density responsible for the negative buoyancy in such epipelagic squids as Loligo sp. and Ommaxt replies sp. (Denton and Gilpin-Brown, 1973). Buoyancy can actu- ally have a detrimental effect on locomotory abilities. Buoyancy organs make animals bulkier, which increases the energy needed for swimming at a given speed (Alex- ander, 1990; O'Dor and Webber, 1991). Although me- tabolism and buoyancy are certainly confounding fac- tors, evidence suggests that the need for strong swim- ming determines the practicality of buoyancy. The energy required for support in the water column may be insignificant compared to an animal's overall activity level (Childress and Nygaard. 1974). However, when lo- comotion is not a high priority and activity levels are rel- atively low, the cost of support in the water column may be large relative to that of overall activity. In such situa- tions, neutral buoyancy may be a cost-effective option. Among neutrally buoyant cephalopods there is still a de- cline in metabolic rates with increasing habitat depth. I 'ertical migration Many organisms undergo daily vertical migrations, spending the daylight hours at greater depths. Because vertical migrators are never exposed to surface daylight conditions, one might expect that light limitation on predator/prey interactions would result in metabolic rates more similar to those of deeper-living non-migra- tors than of epipelagic non-migrators. In previous studies (Childress and Nygaard, 1974), vertical migrators were considered at their shallowest depth (MDO) because it was the location of their primary food source. Evidence suggests that vertically migrating fishes and crustaceans are more similar in composition to shallow-living than to deep-living non-migrators (Childress and Nygaard, 1974). It was suggested that vertical migrators are essen- tially epipelagic animals that take refuge during the day at depth. However, Gonatits sp. and Histioteuthis sp., both vertically migrating cephalopods, have energy contents lower than those of epipelagic squids (Clarke et al, 1985). The lower wet-weight-specific energy contents in some species are believed to be a result of increased water content, suggesting decreased locomotory abilities in those species. As discussed previously, Voss (1967) characterized organisms from various depths on the ba- sis of morphological features such as body musculature, size and shape of fins and mantle, eye size, and skin color. He considered Histioteuthis to be a resident of the bathypelagic zone (700-2000 m) along with Bathy- teitthis. By his criteria, Gonatm would have been placed in the mesopelagic zone (200-700 m), at a depth consis- tent with its deeper daytime habitat. The vast majority of epipelagic cephalopods exhibit some diel movements. Loliginids and ommastrephids (among others) migrate away from the surface during the day. A full moon, the equivalent of daylight at 300 m depth, has been shown to keep some ommastrephids away from the surface at night ( Wormuth, 1 976). This suggests that vertically mi- grating cephalopods may be following an isolume to which their metabolic rate may be adapted. The day and night habitats of vertical migrators are distinctly differ- ent, and both presumably have strong effects on the physiology of vertically migrating organisms. Both MDO and MDdO reveal a strong decline in cephalopod metabolism with increasing habitat depth (Fig. 1 ). Horizontal migration In addition to migrating vertically, many epipelagic squids migrate long distances horizontally. O'Dor ( 1 992) has suggested that powerful squids have evolved to take advantage of current systems, and that this requires strong swimming and perhaps high metabolic rates as well. The deep sea has relatively weak currents, which may relieve animals from the selective pressures associ- ated with current systems. However, this hypothesis probably applies only to truly large and active predators, all of which are capable of avoiding midwater trawls. Al- though nothing is known of the horizontal migration patterns of midwater cephalopods, none of the species studied here appear to be powerful swimmers of the cali- ber discussed by O'Dor (1992). Selection due to strong currents also cannot explain the lack of a decline in me- tabolism with depth in some phyla (cnidarians and chae- tognaths; Thuesen and Childress, 1993a; 1994); patterns of vertical migration through varying current strengths; or differences in metabolic rates observed between Ha- waii and California for shallow-water crustaceans (Cowles et al., 1991). Oxygen minimum layer Another factor possibly selecting for 2 values as low as 3 mm Hg is due in part to its ability to maintain a high ventilatory flow and to remove up to 50%-80% of the oxygen from the inhaled water (Childress, 1968, 197 la; Belman and Childress, 1976). The latter ability appears to stem from a hemocy- anin with an unusually high affinity for oxygen and co- operativity of oxygen binding (Sanders and Childress, 1 990). Regulation of oxygen consumption was measured in Japetella diaphana, J. heathi, Histioteuthis heteropsis. and \ 'ampyroteuthis infernalis. Like G. ingens. both J. heathi and V. infernalis off California can regulate oxy- gen consumption to at least 6 mm Hg. allowing aerobic living even at the lowest environmental oxygen levels fi >und there. Two individuals of V. infernalis regulated essfully helow 4 mm Hg. J. diaphana, however, reg- d oxygc onsumption to a mean of 21.8 mm Hg, • correspo is to the minimum environmental Po2 if 20 mm I Ig off Hawaii. Histioteuthis heteropsis, igrates into the oxygen minimum layer during thu as previously reported by Belman ( 1 978) to be ini. f regulating to oxygen concentrations re- quired obic living within the minimum layer (Pc = 20.0 rr.i •). In contrast to those earlier studies, in our studies H. heteropsis was able to regulate its oxygen consumption to at least 7 mm Hg. The mean critical par- tial pressure for this species was 1 1.99 ± 2.28 mm Hg. The lowered metabolism at low temperatures may allow aerobic living for some animals, such as H heteropsis, migrating into the cooler waters of the oxygen minimum layer during the day. Cowles et al. ( 199 1 ) found a strong effect of temperature on the critical oxygen partial pres- sures of vertically migrating crustaceans. This is consis- tent with findings by Sanders and Childress ( 1990) that the oxygen affinity of hemocyanin from several of these species is temperature-dependent and increases greatly at low temperatures. Oxygen extraction and jet propulsion are incompati- ble functions in cephalopods (Wells, 1988). To maxi- mize oxygen extraction, water must be passed relatively slowly over the gills and out the jet. Maximization of pro- pulsion requires the ejection of water at a velocity suffi- cient to generate the required thrust. Nautilus pompilius, for example, can extract 20% of the available oxygen from the ventilatory stream at rest, but only 5% or less during active propulsion (Wells and O'Dor. 1991). Epi- pelagic squids have maximized locomotion and are able to extract oxygen at levels necessary to fuel high speeds only because water flow over the gills increases as swim- ming speed increases. Circulatory adaptations, including enhanced unloading of oxygen at the tissues and a large positive Bohr shift, allow efficient use of nearly all of the oxygen taken up by the blood (Zammit. 1978). Benthic octopods, on the other hand, have optimized oxygen ex- traction. The respiratory pigments of octopods have a greater affinity for oxygen than do pigments in the faster squid and sepioid species (Brix et a/.. 1989). In addition, their slow benthic lifestyle allows a reduction in mantle contractions and a slow flow of water over the gills. The decreased reliance of deep-living cephalopods on loco- motory abilities, implied by the decline in metabolism with depth, would, as in benthic octopods, allow a slow- ing of the ventilatory stream and more efficient extrac- tion of oxygen — adaptations compatible with life in a re- duced oxygen environment. Buffering capacity Reduced buffering capacities in mantle muscle at depth are further evidence that locomotory abilities are not strongly selected for in the deep sea. A high buffering capacity allows prolonged glycolytic work such as that required for extended burst escape responses. The sit- and-wait predation strategies prevalent through much of the deep sea do not require a high capacity for anaerobic work. Differences in oxygen levels between California and Hawaii might be expected to yield higher short-term anaerobic capacities in animals that live in the lower ox- METABOLISM OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS 275 ygen habitat. A lesser oxygen supply would more quickly lead to functional anoxia (tissue energy demand out- strips aerobic capacity). However, no difference in 0 was seen between Japele/la diaphana and J. heat hi. Both spe- cies, like Gnathophausia ingem. appear to have very lim- ited anaerobic abilities. Buffering capacity is believed to be an adaptable parameter that can be altered to match metabolic function (Castellini and Somero, 1981) and has been correlated with tissue capacity for glycolytic en- ergy production in response to functional anoxia (Eb- erlee and Storey, 1984). The fact that no difference was seen between similar animals in different oxygen envi- ronments is evidence that the reduced locomotory abili- ties are not a response to ambient oxygen levels. Metabolic scaling The body size of the pelagic cephalopods measured in this study increased with increasing MDO (largely be- cause the large epipelagic species were not sampled). Be- cause mass-specific metabolism has. with notable excep- tions (DeMont and O'Dor, 1984; Thuesen and Chil- dress, 1994), been repeatedly shown to decrease with increasing body mass (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1 983), body size could have significant effects on metabolic estimates based on depth of occurrence. Scaling coefficients could be derived for only three species: I 'ampyroteuthis injcr- nalis. Japetella diaphana, and Histioteuthis heteropsis. Scaling coefficients for all three (b = -0.30, -0.27. and -0.20 respectively) fall within the range of most animals (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1983). Sufficient range in size and numbers failed to yield a significant scaling relationship for Chiroteiithis calyx. This is perhaps due to the drastic change in body proportion from the "doratopsis" para- larval stage, a characteristic of this genus, to adulthood ( Vecchione etal.. 1992). Significant scaling relationships could not be derived for the remaining species, owing either to lack of sufficient numbers of specimens or to insufficient size ranges. Normalizing metabolic rates to lOg, either by assuming a scaling coefficient of -0.20 (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1983) or by using measured coeffi- cients where possible, did not have a significant effect on the slopes of the regressions with depth. A scaling co- efficient of approximately - 1 .8, based on the increase in body size with depth observed in this study, would be required in order for size to account for the observed variation with depth. A significant increase in body size with depth was observed among the animals for which ft was assayed as well. However, no significant size-scaling was observed for buffering capacity. Locomotory efficiency Packard (1972) compared fish and cephalopod "modes of life" and distinguished these organisms from crustaceans and other molluscs in terms of their "great ability to travel." He observed that functionally, squid are fish. But many deep-living cephalopods actually have much lower metabolic rates than do fishes or crustaceans living at similar depths. The slope of the regression of 1 0- g-corrected oxygen consumption with MDO is steeper for cephalopods than for both fishes and crustaceans (Fig. 2). The metabolic rates of I 'ampyroteuthis infer- nalis and the deep-living pelagic octopods are more comparable to those of similar-sized scyphomedusae (Thuesen and Childress, 1994) than to those of fishes or crustaceans. Although the rates of deep-living squids are similar to those offish with sit-and-wait predation strat- egies (Cowles and Childress, 1996), shallow squids have higher rates than do fish or crustaceans at similar depths. The slope of the regression of metabolism with depth is steeper for teuthoids and octopods, considered sepa- rately, than for fishes and crustaceans. More efficient lo- comotion among deeper-living cephalopods may be re- sponsible for this difference. Shallow-living cephalopods rely extensively on jet propulsion to gain high speeds. Because the energy required for thrust increases with the velocity squared, high-speed jet propulsion is inherently inefficient (Vogel, 1994). Yet most shallow-living squids retain jet propulsion as the primary means of locomo- tion (Baldwin, 1982; Hoar et a/.. 1994). Hoar et al. (1994) did note, though, that the slower coastal species such as the loliginids use their fins, which are large, more actively than do the oceanic ommastrephids. which use theii s./.a'ler fins as rudders during extremely high-speed swimming. Deep-living cirrate octopods have been observed using the arms and web to swim in a manner similar to the "bell-swimming" of medusae (Vecchione and Roper, 1991). Cirrothauma nuimiyi relies very heavily on fins for locomotion ( Aldred el al. , 1 983). It has also been seen using the arms and web as a "balloon" for defense, elim- inating costly escape swimming (Boletzky et al.. 1992). V ampyroteuthis inferna/is, Chiroteiithis calyx, and His- tioteuthis heteropsis, among others, have been observed swimming primarily with fins (James Hunt, pers. comm.). Fin- and bell-swimming are cost efficient com- pared to jet propulsion by means of mantle contractions, due to reduced speeds (reduced drag) and to the large water masses (relative to body mass) being processed (Vogel. 1994). Although their morphology suggests that Octopoteuthis spp. (MDO = 100 m) rely heavily on fins for swimming, limited video footage shows O de/etron swimming with slow contractions of the m. ntle while holding the large fins curved over the body ' that water passes beneath them (James Hunt, pers. i omm.). The metabolic rates of 0. deletron and ofO n Iseniare low compared to those of other squids at siniii.tr depths. Per- haps the curious fin posture provides s .tic lift that re- 276 B. A. SEIBEL ET AL duces the metabolic costs associated with support in the water column. This species also attains considerable size, which would deter predation ( Roper et ai. 1984). Again, among the cranchiids, where transparency has alleviated much of the need for high-speed swimming, mantle con- tractions are rarely used for locomotion (Clarke, 1962). Morphology and limited shipboard observations indi- cate that some deep-living cephalopods do utilize jet pro- pulsion as a primary means of locomotion. At extremely low speeds, jet propulsion may not be so costly, which might explain the existence of slow jetters such as jelly- fish and salps ( Vogel, 1 994). It might also explain the ex- tremely low metabolic rates of deep-living pelagic octo- pods. These organisms process large amounts of water through a relatively large funnel opening, resulting in efficient, low-speed swimming. It is also possible that they utilize the arms and web for bell-swimming, much as the cirrate octopods do. There is tremendous diversity in the swimming behaviors of pelagic cephalopods but, perhaps because high speeds are not a priority in the deep sea, a more efficient means of locomotion is desirable. Despite differences in their locomotory efficiencies, buoyancy mechanisms, and structural compositions, fishes, crustaceans, and cephalopods show similar meta- bolic trends with depth; these trends probably reflect the presence of highly evolved eyes in these groups. The re- sults presented here emphasize the importance of differ- ential selection for locomotory abilities with habitat depth in determining the metabolic rates of organisms. Available evidence implicates vision as a selective factor strongly affecting the evolution of locomotory abilities. Although one may intuitively suspect food availability or low oxygen, the declines in both oxygen consumption rates and pH buttering capacity of locomotory muscles with depth in pelagic cephalopods point to a different conclusion. These factors support the hypothesis that the extent to which visual predator/prey interactions occur is largely responsible for the decline in metabolic rates of visually orienting, midwater organisms with increasing minimum depth of occurrence. Although cephalopods have i 'it-n been compared with fishes in discussions of ecology d locomotion, we conclude that pelagic ceph- alopods in the deep sea might be more appropri- ately coni|<,- 1 with medusae in these contexts. ••knowledgments We thank F.G. ' ichberg and A.L. Alldredge for con- jctive comments OM the manuscript. We are grateful •aptains, crews, and scientists aboard the research •w Horizon and Point Snr for their assistance at sea. • ' ank R.E. Young and J. Hunt for informative discuss concerning midwater cephalopods, and C. Braby. ;ly. T. vanMeeuen, J. Freytag. and B. Rab- kin for their assistance at sea, in the laboratory, or both. Research was supported by NSF grants OCE-94 15543 and OCE-9 1 1 555 1 to J.J. Childress. Literature Cited Aldrcd, R. G., M. Nixon, and J. /.. Young. 1983. Cirrothaumu miir- rar; Chun, a finned octopod. Philn\. Trans R Soc. Loml. B30\: 1- 54. Alexander, R. M. 1990. Size, speed and buoyancy adaptations in aquatic animals. Am /.not 30: 189-196. Baldwin, J. 1982. Correlations between enzyme profiles in cephalo- pod muscle and swimming behavior. Puc Sci. 36: 349-356. Belman, B. 1978. Respiration and the effects of pressure on the me- sopelagic vertically migrating squid Hislii>l 97: 1-159. Young, R. E. I975a. l.eachia pacijica (Cephalopoda, Teuthoidea): spawning habitat and function of the brachial photophores. Pac. Sci. 29: 19-25. Young, R. E. 1975b. Transitory eye shapes and the vertical distribu- tion of two midwater squids. Pac. Sci. 29: 243-255. Young, R. E. 1978. Vertical distribution and photosensitive vesicles of pelagic cephalopods from Hawaiian waters. Fish Bull 76: 583- 615. Yuung, R. E., E. M. kampa, S. D. Maynard, F. M. Mencher, and C. F. E. Roper. 1980. Counterillumination and the upper depth limits of midwater animals. Deep-Sea Res 27A: 67 1 -69 1 . Annum. V. A. 1978. Possible relationship between energy metabo- lism of muscle and oxygen binding characteristics of haemocyanin of cephalopods. J. Mar Biol.Assoc. V K 58:421-424. Reference: Bio/ Bull 192: 279-289. (April. 1997) Plasticity in the Sclerites of a Gorgonian Coral: Tests of Water Motion, Light Level, and Damage Cues JORDAN M. WEST Section of Ecology and Systematics, Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1 4853-2701 Abstract. The gorgonian coral Briareum asbestinum contains skeletal elements (sclerites) that vary in length and density within and among local populations. Data from previous work suggested that the sclerite composi- tions of colonies may be altered in response to environ- mental cues such as predator damage, water motion, and light level. To test these hypotheses, colonies from shallow reefs were transplanted to racks at a single location where the three environmental factors of interest were artificially manipulated. After 9- 14 weeks of growth, sclerite mor- phologies and densities had not changed in response to shading or to water-motion reductions that mimicked deep-water conditions. However, colonies did respond significantly to two types of simulated predator damage. Following tip amputation, sclerites in the regenerated tips of damaged colonies were shorter and more dense than in the controls. In contrast, mid-branch scarring caused colonies to produce longer sclerites at lower densities. Since long sclerites deter feeding by predatory snails, the increase in sclerite length in response to scarring of mid- branch regions may function as an inducible defense. Introduction Phenotypic plasticity — or differential phenotypic ex- pression of a genotype under varying environmental conditions — has been a subject of increasing interest to evolutionary ecologists since Bradshaw's (1965) exten- sive review (e.g.. Bradshaw, 1974; Via and Lande, 1985; Schlichting, 1986; Stearns, 1989; Scheiner, 1993). Al- though plasticity can be nonadaptive or maladaptive, re- searchers have been primarily interested in adaptive plasticity as a mechanism by which organisms cope with Received 1 8 September 1996; accepted 6 February 1997. Present address: University of Washington. Friday Harbor Labora- tories. 620 University Road, Friday Harbor, Washington 98250. changing environments. Adaptive plasticity is especially well documented in plants, for which the literature con- tains numerous examples of induced responses to physi- cal factors such as shade (Turesson, 1920), desiccation (Harlan, 1945), soil fertility (Sorensen, 1954), tempera- ture (Mooney and West, 1964), and water stress (Roy and Mooney, 1982). Bradshaw (1965) reasoned that plasticity should often be favored in plants because they are sessile organisms whose autotrophic lifestyle requires that they inhabit relatively open spaces where they may be exposed to environmental extremes. When the scale of temporal variability is shorter than the lifespan of the organism, or where spatial variability is at a scale smaller than the dispersal range of the organism, adaptive plas- ticity is a viable strategy. In marine habitats, sessile colonial invertebrates, such as scleractinian and gorgonian corals, share many char- acteristics with plants. Colonies are permanently sessile, often with upright branched growth forms (Barnes, 1987); and many corals depend on symbiotic algae (zoo- xanthellae) for a large proportion of their energy (Mus- catine, 1974; Muscatine et a/., 1975; Svoboda, 1978; Sebens, 1987) and are thus largely autotrophic. In addi- tion, populations with wide distributions are routinely exposed to variation in abiotic factors such as light level (McCloskey and Muscatine, 1984; Miles. 1991), wave exposure (de Weerdtr 1981: Sebens. 1984). and sedi- mentation rate (Foster, 1979). Indeed, variation in col- ony morphology or physiology in response to tempera- ture, depth, or water movement has been documented in sponges (Bavestrello et a/.. 1993), scleractinian corals (Wijsman-Best, 1974; Foster. 1979; Lesser et 2) and consumes artificial foods containing B. asbestinum extracts and pure compounds just as readily as it consumes control foods (C. D. Har- vell, unpubl. data). Therefore, the sclerites of B. asbesti- num may be its only defense against this predator, such that differences in skeletal composition will correlate 0.1 mm Figure 1 . Briareum asbexlinum. Diagram of typical sclerites, show- ing the 23'1! difference in mean sclerite length that is inducible and affects snail feeding (West, 1996). Colonies within the same local pop- ulation can differ in mean sclerite length by as much as 32% (West, 1996). with the ability of colonies to deter snail feeding (West el ai, 1993; West, 1996). As sclerites increase in size, they render artificial foods less palatable to C. gibbosum (Van Alstyne and Paul, 1992; West et ai, 1993; West, 1996). Hence, the inducibility of long, defensive sclerites as a reaction to damage would be a potentially advantageous plastic response. In addition to biotic induction, sclerite plasticity among B. asbestinum populations may also be cued by changing abiotic conditions. At two islands in the Carib- bean, colonies of B. asbestinum are distributed along a depth gradient of 1-30 m. At the shallow end of the gra- dient, sclerites are short and of high density, whereas deep colonies contain sclerites that are long and of low density. Sclerite length and density within colonies are negatively correlated, such that colonies with both long and densely packed sclerites do not occur (West et ai, 1 993; West, 1 996). Although biotic induction by a patch- ily distributed predator could account for variability within sites, the pattern of increasing sclerite length with depth cannot be explained solely by the presence of pred- ators. Snails are indeed present at all of my study sites, but their densities and damage actually decrease with depth, whereas sclerite length increases with depth (West, 1996;C. D. Harvell, unpubl. data). Hence, larger- scale patterns of sclerite variability with depth may be generated by abiotic environmental factors. Along the depth cline. declining light penetration and SCLERITE PLASTICITY IN A CORAL 281 water motion both show some degree of correlation with sclerite variation (West. 1996). Both factors might affect skeletal composition in different ways and might func- tion as cues that induce a plastic response in sclerite length and density. Observed correlations between scle- rite variation and percent penetration of photosyntheti- cally active radiation (West, 1996) may be related to effects of light on colony growth rates (C. D. Harvell, un- publ. data), because gorgonians depend on their symbi- otic zooxanthellae for most of their energy (Sebens, 1987). In addition, strong correlations between sclerite variation and water motion (West. 1996) may relate to the function of sclerites as skeletal support structures. The sclerites of B. asbestinum act as rigid reinforcing points of attachment within the soft matrix, providing resistance to deformation; both smaller sclerites and greater densities of sclerites confer greater stiffness (Wainwright et al. 1976; Koehl, 1982; Palumbi, 1986). Therefore, colonies may display depth-related shifts in skeletal composition according to water motion and light level cues. In this study, I tested the ability of one biotic agent (predator damage) and two abiotic factors (water motion and light) to induce skeletal modifications in the soft coral B. asbestinum. Because the large collections needed for this work would have denuded the sparsely populated deep reefs at my sites, I focused on shallow- water B. asbestinum. To examine separately the effect of each type of cue, two large transplant experiments were conducted in which colonies from a shallow population were grown on racks at a single site where water motion, light, and damage were manipulated under controlled conditions. I hypothesized that shallow-water colonies subjected to reduced water motion and reduced light (simulating deep-water conditions) and colonies sub- jected to mechanical scarring (simulating predator dam- age) should respond in each case by producing longer sclerites at lower densities compared to controls. Materials and Methods Experiment I: water motion and damage To assess whether differences in water motion and simulated predator damage would induce plastic changes in sclerite composition, I conducted a transplant experiment at San Salvador, Bahamas, from 1 June to 3 August, 1991. Branches from a shallow ( 1-3 m) popula- tion of Briareum asbestinum were transplanted to racks on which they reattached themselves and grew as inde- pendent new colonies. The racks were arrayed at a single location where water motion and damage were varied. The 12 racks were constructed according to a design modified from West et al. (1993). Each rack consisted of an acrylic plate, dimensions 30.0 X 23.0 X 2.5 cm, that snapped into an aluminum angle frame. Each plate ac- commodated 12(2 rows of 6 (colonies, each inserted into a recessed well and secured with cushioned cable ties to an acrylic post. The racks were rigidly affixed to cement blocks at a shallow (3m) site that exposed the colonies to high-en- ergy waves and surge. Water motion was reduced inside half of the racks by clear, small-mesh (0.20 mm) nylon screening that was attached to form walls 1 5 cm tall (Fig. 2). Water motion inside control and walled racks was quantified by recording the percent dissolution of plaster of Paris (a water-motion index) using methods adapted from Muus (1968), Doty (1971), Day (1977), Bushek (1988), and Jokiel and Morrissey (1993). For this inte- grated relative measure of water movement due to cur- rent velocities and turbulence (Doty, 1971), I measured the weight loss of five replicate plaster domes (24 g) for each rack type over a 24-h period (see West, 1996, for a more detailed description). When compared with mea- surements made at various other B. asbestinum habitats, the reduction in water motion between walled and con- trol racks was found to be similar to differences in water motion between colonies growing deep within crevices and colonies out on the open reef flat. Naturally occur- ring B. asbestinum colonies from these habitat types differ significantly in sclerite composition (West, 1996). All racks were fitted with clear, large-mesh (2.5 cm) roofs that afforded protection from disturbance by fishes without affecting light penetration. Furthermore, place- ment of the racks in a sand patch several meters from the reef prevented discovery of the colonies by benthic predators (confirmed through weekly monitoring). Light measurements with a quantum/radiometer/photometer (LI-185B with LI-192SB underwater sensor; LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln. Nebraska) showed that penetration of pho- tosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was the same in- side and outside of walled and control racks. During the experiment, the walls and roofs were scrubbed regularly with a stiff brush to remove fouling organisms. The effects of damage due to simulated predation or breakage were tested by assigning each colony to one of three damage treatments: ( 1 ) control; (2) scar; and (3) tip amputation (Fig. 2). The controls were left undamaged. The scar treatment simulated damage by Cyphoma gib- bositm (Gastropoda), a predator that is typically found on the middle region of colony branches (Harvell and Suchanek, 1987; Gerhart, 1990), where it can rasp the cortex as deep as the axis (Harvell and Suchanek, 1987; West, 1996). Hence, starting about 3 cm from the tip and working downward, I damaged the mid-re;, ins of colo- nies by gouging them to the axis to create a 1- X 3-cm scar. Finally, tip amputation involved sr ering the top 1 cm of the colony to simulate predation or breakage. Briareum asbestinum is a preferred piv species of Her- 282 10 cm J. M. WEST $ "7 V * 4 1 * y *» | **' 1 » * ^ 4 J 1 * * • 1 ' [/ CONTROL SCAR TIP AMPUTATION CONTROL REDUCED EXPOSURE CONTROL REDUCED LIGHT EXPERIMENT 1 EXPERIMENT 11 Figure 2. Design of transplant experiments to test sclerite plasticity in Briareum asbestimim. Damage types: control = undamaged, scar = 1- x 3-cm gouge, tip = 1-cm tip amputation. Experiment I (exposure and damage): control and reduced exposure racks. Experiment II (light and damage): control and reduced light racks. modice canmciilata (Polychaeta), which commonly feeds by a characteristic removal of branch tips (Vree- land and Lasker, 1989). Thus, tip removal may be sim- ilar to the damage inflicted on colonies by worms. Yet, tip removal also lays bare a cross-sectional area of the colony, so amputation also mimics the end product of breakage resulting from heavy wave action. The original cortex material from each scar or tip amputation was preserved in 70% ethanol for later analysis. Because the number of samples was large, the experi- ment was set up over 2 days. Each day, 72 undamaged branches, 10 cm long, were collected from a shallow ( 1- 3 m) reef of high wave energy. To maximize the genetic diversity of the collection, divers swam linearly along the reef and sampled single branches from colonies that were separated from any others by at least 3 m. After collec- tion, the branches were suspended in flow-through mesh bags from the side of the boat at the nearby transplant site. They were then assembled onto racks (equal num- bers of damage types, randomized with respect to rack position) inside large containers of seawater in the boat, and each completed rack was immediately conveyed to the transplant site below. Virtually all branches began extending their polyps within 2 h of transplantation. Within a few weeks, the branches had attached them- selves to the racks and were growing as independent col- onies. The colonies were allowed to heal and grow for 9 weeks, and survival exceeded 95%. During the experi- ment, more than 50% of the colonies increased in height by 0.1-1.5 cm; and all survivors showed positive growth in the sense that they produced new cortex material that encrusted their supportive posts and ties, filled in their scars, and covered over their tip wounds. At the end of 9 weeks, the colonies were collected and preserved in 70% ethanol until they could be processed in the labora- tory. Experiment II: light and damage To test the effects of reduced light and colony damage, another transplant experiment was conducted from 7 February to 20 April, 1 99 1 . The methods were the same as those described for experiment I with the following modifications. Branches were collected from throughout a shallow, relatively calm bay and transplanted to a 12- m location nearby. The colonies were subjected to the same three types of damage and were distributed sim- ilarly within the racks, but instead of walls, half of the racks were fitted with roofs made of a double layer of dark window screening (Fig. 2). This screening (1-mm SCLERITE PLASTICITY IN A CORAL 283 mesh) reduced the light levels typical of 12-m depth to light levels typical of 30-m depth (J. Miles, pers. comm., calibrated with Li-Cor light meter). The other half of the racks (controls) were fitted with roofs made of clear ny- lon netting (2.5-cm mesh) to discourage disturbance by fishes without affecting light penetration. The roofs were scrubbed regularly to remove fouling organisms. To prevent access by benthic predators, the racks were floated about 2 m above the reef flat with steel cables and subsurface buoys. Because the racks could move with the currents, the effects of water motion were moderated. Positive growth of the transplanted colonies was similar to that of experiment I, and colony survival again ex- ceeded 95%. After 14 weeks, the colonies were preserved in 70% ethanol until they were processed in the labora- tory. Sclerite measures At the end of each experiment, subsets of 1-3 colonies per damage type per rack were measured. Sclerite lengths were recorded in the laboratory with the MORPHOSYS image analysis program (Meacham and Duncan, 1990; version 1 .26). For colonies subjected to scarring or tip amputation, both the original cortex material collected when the colonies were damaged ("before" sample) and newly regenerated material from the healed wound ("af- ter" sample) were analyzed. In experiment I, a mid- branch cortex sample from the side opposite the scar ("opposite" sample) was also analyzed to see whether the response to scarring was regionwide. Hence, cortex ma- terial was sampled from the following regions of the col- onies: ( 1 ) tip region of damaged colonies, before and after amputation; (2) mid-branch region of damaged col- onies, before, after, and opposite the scars; and (3) mid- branch and tip regions of control colonies at the end of the experiment (after). For sclerite length measurements, cortex subsamples were taken from the edges of scars before and after heal- ing, from original and healed tips at a distance of 1 cm down from the apex, and from the same locations (by distance from the apex) in the controls. In each case, two small (3-4 mm3) cortex samples were excised, and the organic matter was dissolved away with a solution of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite. The isolated sclerites were rinsed and distributed in their entirety across six slides (three slides per tissue sample). Video images of the first 4 intact sclerites encountered per slide were measured, for a mean of 24 sclerites per region per colony. From the same regions of the colonies, the proportion of cortex weight consisting of sclerites (the sclerite weight fraction, a measure of density) was estimated according to Harveli and Suchanek's (1987) protocol. From mid- branch regions, a 1- X 3-cm cortex scraping at the edge of the original scar (or from the middle region of the con- trol) was taken, and from tip regions, the distal 1 cm of cortex material was used in all cases. The samples were separately dried for 24 h at 60°C and weighed; a drying test on a subset of samples showed that they did not con- tinue to lose weight after 24 h. Each sample was then ashed in a muffle furnace at 450°C for 1 h. This process burned the organic matter away, but left the sclerites in- tact (Harveli and Suchanek, 1987). The sclerite weight fraction was calculated as the proportion of the total cor- tex weight consisting of sclerites (ash weight/dry weight). Statistical analyses All length and weight fraction distributions were nor- mal and homoscedastic, so groups were compared using parametric tests. The "after" data from experiments I and II were subjected to split-unit (or split-plot) analysis of variance (Neter et al, 1990). Blocks, which tested for microenvironmental effects within the experimental site, consisted of pairs of adjacent racks (units), one unit be- ing a control rack while the other was a reduced exposure (experiment I) or reduced light (experiment II) rack. Within racks, individual colonies (subunits) received the different damage treatments. Because previous work had indicated that different regions within colonies may differ in sclerite composition (West, 1996), mid-branch and tip regions were examined separately. Hence, for each experiment, four split-unit analyses were per- formed: (1) mid-branch sclerite length; (2) mid-branch sclerite weight fraction; (3) tip sclerite length; and (4) tip sclerite weight fraction. Because the Unit*Damage term was not significant in any of the analyses (P > 0.29 in all cases), it was removed from the model and its sum of squares was pooled with the error sum of squares for final calculation of F-statistics (Neter et a/.. 1990). Mid-branch and tip-damage responses detected in the split-unit ANOV As were confirmed through comparison of "before" and "after" material from within damaged colonies. Both before and after measurements were taken for each mid-damaged or tip-damaged colony, and my a priori expectation was that after and before samples would differ in the same direction as would the after and control samples; hence, I analyzed the before and after data using paired one-tailed Mests. Data from opposite the scars (experiment I only) were also compared to be- fore data using a paired one-tailed /-test. In both experiments, the different contrasts of interest involved multiple comparisons and contained variables that lacked independence from variables in other tests (e.g.. sclerite length and sclerite weight fraction are from the same colony; control mid-branch and control tip are from the same colony). Hence, a sequential Bonferroni correction for multiple tests was performed (Holm, 284 J. M. WEST 1979; Rice, 1989). The sequential Bonferroni method is less conservative and more powerful than the standard Bonferroni method yet still restricts the probability of a type-I error for the .Miiire test as well as each step of the testto« = 0 (Holm, 1979; Rice, 1989). Results Damage In both experiments I and II, mean sclerite length in- creased 23% in regenerated mid-branch scars (see Fig. 1 ), whereas sclerite weight fraction decreased 2.3% (Fig. 3). The increase in sclerite length was significant for the after and control comparisons of the split-unit ANOVAs (Ta- bles I, II) as well as for the before and after paired com- parisons (Fig. 3A). Mean sclerite weight fraction de- MID-BRANCH RESPONSE Experiment I Experiment II A 0.5- -J- * 4 Sclerite Length (mm D 0 0 0 j k> UJ f- Table I Summary ofsplii-unii analyses of variance on sclerite length and sclerite weight fraction tor Bnareum ashestinum in experiment I (June-August 1991) P value Comparison region Source Length Wt. fraction Tip Block 0.954 0.040 Exposure 0.465 0.294 Block* Exposure 0.201 0.946 Damage 0.062 0.742 Mid-branch Block 0.284 0.340 Exposure 0.388 0.240 Block* Exposure 0.663 0.896 Damage 0.005* 0.939 Control Before After Opposite N=12 N=20 N=21 N=21 Control Before After N=30 N=20 N=22 Note: Tip region: comparison of protected to exposed colony tips and comparison of damaged colony tips to undamaged control tips; mid- branch region: comparison of protected to exposed mid-regions and comparison of damaged colony mid-regions to undamaged control mid-regions. Blocks (pairs of adjacent racks) test for microenvironmen- tal effects. *denotes significance under sequential Bonferroni adjust- ment. creased in cortex material after scar damage, but the effect was statistically significant only for the before and after comparison of experiment II (Tables I, II; Fig. 3B). Thus, simulated predator damage did alter the average lengths and (in one case) the average weight fractions of B. asbestinum sclerites. Moreover, the mid-branch in- crease in sclerite length was not restricted to newly formed cortex material within the healed scars. Sclerites B 084-| 0.78 T T T T T T Control Before After N=12 N=20 N=21 Control Before After N=31 N=31 N=33 Figure 3. Bnareum asbestinum. Response of colony mid-branch regions to simulated predator damage: (A) mean sclerite lengths (mm); and (B) mean sclerite weight fractions. Error bars are 1 standard error. Groups: control = undamaged mid-branch tissue at end ot experiment; before = original mid-branch tissue gouged at start of experiment; after = regenerated mid-branch scar tissue at end of experiment; opposite = tissue from opposite the scar, sampled at the end of the experiment. The sample sizes for paired Mests are indicated by the /; values of the before groups. Under sequential Bonferroni adjustment, "denotes sig- nificance of both the control versus after group comparison and the before versus after paired /-test; *denotes significance of the paired /- test only. Table II Summary of split-unit analyses <>/ variance on sclerite length and sclerite weight fraction for Briareum asbestinum in experiment II (February-April 1991) Comparison region Source P value Length Wt. fraction Tip Block 0.870 0.294 Shading 0.977 0.433 Block* Shading 0.286 0.126 Damage 0.005* 0.971 Mid-branch Block 0.666 0.532 Shading 0.191 0.865 Block*Shading 0.348 0.092 Damage 0.003* 0.559 Note: Tip region: comparison of shaded to unshaded colony tips and comparison of damaged colony tips to undamaged control tips; mid- branch region: comparison of shaded to unshaded mid-regions and comparison of damaged colony mid-regions to undamaged control mid-regions. Blocks (pairs of adjacent racks) test for microenviron men- tal effects. *denotes significance under sequential Bonferroni adjust- ment. SCLERITE PLASTICITY IN A CORAL 285 from material opposite the scar were also significantly longer than the sclerites before damage (Fig. 3 A), indi- cating that this length response was regionwide. The response to tip removal was opposite to that of mid-branch scarring. Colonies subjected to tip amputa- tion produced new tips that contained sclerites that were up to 16% shorter and made up 2.5% more of the total cortex weight (Fig. 4). The significant difference between tips after damage and control tips is reflected in the dam- age term of the split-unit ANOVA for experiment II (Ta- ble IIA). The difference between damaged tips and con- trols was not statistically significant in experiment I (Ta- ble IA; Fig. 4A). However, within colonies, both experiments showed a significant decrease in sclerite length from before to after damage (Fig. 4A). Increases in mean weight fraction in healed tips were statistically significant only for the before and after comparison of experiment I (Tables I, II; Fig. 4B). H 'ater motion Dissolution of plaster of Paris domes over 24 h showed that water motion inside the walled racks was signifi- cantly reduced compared to water motion within control racks (P = 0.01, unpaired I test; Fig. 5). The magnitude of the reduction was similar to water-motion differences measured for colonies growing within crevices versus on the open reef flat at a variety of sites around San Salvador (Fig. 5). Such microhabitat differences have been corre- lated with significant sclerite variation, with micropro- tected colonies containing longer sclerites at lower den- sities than microexposed colonies (West. 1 996). When colonies from a shallow site of high-energy waves and surge were shielded from water motion within the walled racks, their sclerites did not differ from the sclerites of control colonies after 9 weeks. This result was consistent for both mid-branch and tip regions of colo- nies (Table I). In summary, the skeletal composition of Briareum asbestinum colonies was not modified in re- sponse to the degree and duration of water-motion re- ductions tested here. Light In experiment II, shallow-water colonies were sub- jected to greatly reduced light levels by shading them with dark screens that had been previously determined to reduce the light levels typical of 12 m to those typical of 30 m (J. Miles, pers. comm.). After 14 weeks, shaded colonies did not differ significantly from unshaded con- trols in either sclerite length or sclerite weight fraction. This result was consistent for both mid-branch and tip regions of colonies (Table II). Thus, as with water mo- tion, there was no indication that the light reductions TIP RESPONSE Experiment I Experiment 11 A 0.5 -i •c u ~ 03- tfl T Control Before N=12 N=ll After N=12 Control Before After N=29 N=26 N=27 0.78 H op "S 0.75- T T T Control Before After N=24 N=ll N=19 Control Before After N=35 N=29 N=36 Figure 4. Briareum asheslinum. Response of colony tip regions to simulated predator damage: (A) mean sclerite lengths (mm); and (B) mean sclerite weight fractions. Error bars are 1 standard error. Groups: control = undamaged tips at end of experiment; before = original tips amputated at start of experiment; after = regenerated tips at end of experiment. The sample sizes for paired /-tests are indicated by the n values of the before groups. Under sequential Bonferroni adjustment, "denotes significance of both the control versus after group compari- son and the before versus after paired /-test: *denotes significance of the paired /-test only. tested in this experiment triggered a plastic response in sclerite composition. Discussion Environmental cues Briareum asbestinum colonies responded to one of the three types of environmental cues tested in this study. Simulated predator damage caused clear and significant changes in sclerite morphology, and these changes actu- ally reversed patterns of sclerite length that were ob- served in colonies without mid-branch or tip damage. Samples collected from naturally growing colonies in the field display a consistent pattern in which the sclerites are longer at the tips of colonies than at the basal regions; similarly, the experimental controls contained longer sclerites at the tips than at the mid-branch regions (Fig. 286 J. M. WEST I 55 Nm Point controls Water Motion Racks Rice Bay Site Figure 5. Comparison of mean water-motion index (percent disso- lution of plaster of Paris domes over 24 h) for walled and control exper- imental racks and for other Briamim asbestinwn sites of similar depth (1-4 m) (n = 4-5 domes in all cases). Error bars are one standard error, p = protected microhahitat (where colonies are growing within shel- tered crevices), e = exposed microhabitat (where colonies are growing on the open reef flat). 6). In contrast, sclerite length decreased in regenerated tips and increased in mid-branch scars, such that the usual pattern of variation within undamaged branches was fully reversed (Fig. 6). Furthermore, sclerite length increased not only within mid-branch scars, but also in material located on the opposite side of the colony from the actual wound. Hence, this is a regionwide response that likely affects the entire band of cortex material sur- rounding a scar. These mid-region increases in mean sclerite length are more likely due to sclerite turnover than to the simple addition of many long sclerites. If the average length of sclerites was shifted by the accumulation of very long sclerites without the loss of any small sclerites, then we would expect to see greater variances associated with scar means than with control means and higher sclerite weight fractions within scars than in controls. Instead, scarred colonies have length variances that are compara- ble to controls, and they have reduced weight fractions (Fig. 3). In general, the changes in sclerite weight fraction re- flected the previously observed negative correlation be- tween sclerite length and sclerite density. Weight fraction 'ied to decrease as sclerite length increased within i scars, and the opposite was true for regenerated nvever, for each region (tip and mid-branch), the nduced change in weight fraction was statisti- cal ctober 1996; accepted 3 January 1997. 'Currci: ss: School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State Universi i Rouge, LA 70803. lease of sperm into the water column may lead to distinc- tive selective pressures on life-history strategies (Ghi- selin, 1987; Strathmann, 1990). In particular, recent field experiments and assays of fertilization success in nature have suggested that selection via fertilization processes may profoundly influence both the quantity of gametes produced and specific attributes of those gametes (re- viewed in Levitan, 1995; Levitan and Petersen, 1995). Because many species exhibit little apparent intraspe- cific variation in life-history strategy, comparative stud- ies among taxa have contributed immensely to the study of the evolution of marine invertebrate life histories (e.g., Menge. 1975; Strathmann and Strathmann, 1982; Eck- elbargerand Watling, 1995). However, selection actually acts on variation within a species, and some marine species do exhibit substantial intraspecific variation in different life-history characters (e.g., Hughes and Hughes, 1986;Grosberg, 1988; Yund, 1991; Cohen and Strathmann, 1996). These variable taxa yield particu- larly valuable opportunities for evaluating the action of natural selection on life-history variants. Evaluating the consequences of natural selection on intraspecific variation in life-history traits requires three types of information: first, which life history traits exhibit phenotypic variation, and hence can potentially be sub- ject to selection; second, for each variable trait, what is the extent to which phenotypic variation is genetic; third, since selection ultimately acts on the total phenotype and not just on independent traits, are there positive and negative correlations among traits. Correlations among traits could either constrain or promote the effect of se- lection acting on each individual trait (Lande and Ar- nold, 1983). We present data from a common-garden experiment with the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri, a cyclical 290 ASCID1AN LIFE HISTORY VARIATION 291 hermaphrodite, that addresses these three points. Colo- nies of this species are known to vary in growth rate, ter- minal size, and egg production (Grosberg, 1982, 1988; Chadwick-Furman and Weissman. 1995). We demon- strate additional variation among genotypes in sperm production and reproductive cycle duration, and esti- mate broad-sense heritabilites for all five of these traits. Finally, we explore possible correlations among traits to assess the potential for selection to act independently on individual traits. Materials and Methods Study species Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial ascidian with a cosmo- politan distribution, is common on firm substrata in the shallow subtidal zone of New England waters (Gosner, 1971). Colonies are composed ofasexually produced zo- oids arranged in clusters, or systems, with all zooids in a system sharing a common exhalant siphon. All zooids in the colony synchronously undergo an asexual cycle of zooid replacement in which a new generation of zooids (buds) forms between the existing generation of zooids (Milkman, 1967). Over a period of about 6-12 d, these buds grow and expand, and then take over the function of the previous generation of zooids, which are quickly resorbed. Colonies grow as long as bud production ex- ceeds the number of zooids in the current generation, and growth continues until colonies reach a terminal size (generally associated with the onset of sexual reproduc- tion), which is then maintained over a number of subse- quent asexual cycles (Boyd el al, 1986; Grosberg, 1988). Sexual reproduction begins when colonies exceed a minimum size (Harvell and Grosberg, 1988). Eggs brooded by each new generation of zooids are fertilized at the time of take-over, when the zooids' siphons first open and admit water to the atrial chambers. Sperm re- lease does not begin until about 1-2 d after ovulation, effectively preventing self-fertilization (Milkman, 1967; Yund and McCartney. 1994). Because sexual reproduc- tion is linked to the asexual zooid replacement cycle, col- onies cycle between male and female function. Relationship between test is cross-sectional area ami sperm count When colonies are grown in culture on glass substrata, variation in sperm production is readily apparent as vari- ation in testis size (viewed from the underside; pers. obs.). To facilitate monitoring a number of colonies and to permit repeated sampling of individuals over time, we needed an assay of sperm production that was relatively quick and nondestructive. Consequently, we assayed sperm production as testis cross-sectional area. To vali- date this approach, we first tested for a correlation be- tween testis cross-sectional area and the number of sperm in individual testes. We used an ocular microme- ter to measure the length and width of 27 mulberry- shaped testes in zooids of different colonies and then sur- gically removed each measured testis from its zooid. All testes were sampled at the time of maximum size during the reproductive cycle (day 2-3 by the criteria of Milk- man, 1967). Each testis was removed by making a longi- tudinal incision in the wall of the zooid, lifting the testis with forceps, and cutting the connective tissue attached to the underside of the testis. Excised testes were pre- served in 2% glutaraldehyde in buffered seawater and later macerated in 1 00 n\ of seawater by five gentle grinds with a glass rod. The number of mature spermatozoa in each testis was estimated as the mean of four hemocy- tometer counts of the sperm suspension. We analyzed these data by examining the correlation between mean sperm count and testis cross-sectional area (calculated as the length multiplied by the width of each testis). Common-garden experiment We examined life-history variation among 18 B. schlosseri genotypes by growing clonal replicates in a flowing seawater system at the University of Maine's Darling Marine Center. Colonies used in this experiment were initially collected from widely spaced ( = 10-20 m. apart) locations within a field population located in 3 to 8 m of water (MLW) on the western shore of Carlisle Is- land in the Damariscotta River, Maine (adjacent to the experimental field site of Yund and McCartney, 1994; Yund, 1995; Atkinson and Yund, 1996). Field-collected colonies were subdivided and explanted onto glass mi- croscope slides (2.5 X 7.6 cm), with between 5 and 1 1 replicate colonies established for each genotype. The 18 genotypes selected for inclusion in the com- mon-garden experiment were chosen on the basis of ini- tially possessing less than three eggs per bud. Although this criterion restricted us to exploring only a subset of the total life-history variation in this population, this limitation was necessary in order for us to collect data on each colony over a series of asexual or sexual cycles. Genotypes with higher egg production were present (al- though rare) in this population, but such colonies typi- cally die after one brooding cycle (Grosberg, 1988). The experiment began on 20 June 1994, when all col- onies were trimmed to an average of 33.5 zooids (±1.9 SE) arranged in two or three systems of zooids. Colonies were housed in a vertical position in acrylic racks, with neighboring slides separated b\ 1.3 cm. The racks were placed in a single large, shallow tank (130 X 100 X 9 cm) in the flowing seawater sy m. Racks had no fixed position within the tank, but systematic posi- 292 P. O. YUND KT AL. tional effects are unlikely because racks were moved and relocated daily throughout the experiment. Similarly, colonies were shuffled among positions within racks about once a week (at the time of each data collection). No supplemental food was added, because past experi- ence indicated that colonies have reasonably high growth and fecundity under these culture conditions. Data on colony size (number of zooids), growth rate (number of buds), egg production (number of eggs per bud for a subsample of 10 buds), and sperm production (testis cross-sectional area for a subsample of 10 testes in 5 zooids) were collected for each surviving colony (some replicates died before the end of the experiment) once during each asexual or sexual cycle for seven cycles, be- ginning the week of 27 June. Colonies were viewed from either the top (colony size) or bottom (all other variables) under a dissecting microscope. Testis cross-sectional area was calculated by measuring the length and width of testes with an ocular micrometer at 25 X magnification. Testes measurements were standardized within each asexual or sexual cycle by sampling within the window of maximum testis size (day 2-3 by the criteria of Milkman, 1967). Testes measurements and bud counts were per- formed on 5 and 10 zooids (respectively) widely scattered throughout the colony to prevent possible biases from positional effects within colonies. For a subset of eight genotypes, we also directly assayed variation in sperm production by excising three testes from each of three replicate colonies in cycle 6 and estimating the number of mature sperm in each testis as the mean of four hemo- cytometer counts of a 100-^1 dilution of the macerated testis (as described in the preceding section). For each colony, we also recorded the time (number of days) re- quired to complete each asexual and sexual cycle. Com- parison of these values permits an assessment of varia- tion in cycle duration among genotypes. Life-history data were analyzed through a series of ANOVAs performed with a computer software package (JMP. SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Unequal sample sizes among genotypes and sample dates due to the death of some replicate colonies and values missed during data collection necessitated an unbalanced design. Similar analyses were conducted for six dependent variables: eggs per bud, buds per zooid (calculated by dividing the number of buds by the number of zooids in each colony ) each cycle), testis cross-sectional area, sperm count in . 6, terminal size (the maximum number of zooids ii by each colony), and cycle duration. All analy- ded the random effects 'genotype' and 'replicate 'iin genotype', except for the analysis of termi- nal SL ich did not include a 'replicate' effect because there v >|y a single size value for each replicate col- ony. Ana for the four dependent variables eggs per bud, buds ooid, testis cross-sectional area, and cycle duration included 'cycle' as an effect and were performed as repeated measures ANOVAs by testing 'cycle' with re- spect to the random effects. The 'genotype' by 'cycle' in- teraction effect was omitted from these models due to inadequate sample sizes in some cells. Data collection for the two dependent variables terminal size and sperm count during cycle 6 was restricted to a single cycle, and hence no 'cycle' effect could be included in these models. Variance components from these analyses were used to calculate the clonal repeatability of each life-history trait (a form of broad-sense heritability; Falconer, 1981). The component of variance attributable to the 'geno- type' effect was used as an estimate of genetic variance and was divided by the sum of all variance components, which provides an estimate of total phenotypic variance ( Falconer, 1981). We also recorded the range of genotype means and least square means (which adjust for a 'cycle' effect in four of the six analyses) for each life-history trait, and calculated the magnitude of variation in each trait by dividing the highest genotype least square mean by the lowest. Finally, we explored possible univariate and multivariate correlations among life-history traits. First, we calculated Pearson product-moment correlations among genotype least square means for each possible set of paired traits. For a subset of three of the traits (eggs per bud, testis area, and buds per zooid) we also calculated partial correlation coefficients and employed a principal components analysis to characterize the dimensionality of the three-way relationship. Results Relationship between testis cross-sectional area ami sperm count Testis cross-sectional area, calculated as testis length multiplied by width, was highly correlated with the ac- tual number of mature spermatozoa in each testis (Fig. 1 ; r = 0.7 1 , P < 0.00 1 ). Testes are three-dimensional ob- jects, and so variation in cross-sectional area alone (a two-dimensional measurement) might be expected to scale nonlinearly with actual sperm counts. However, there is no evidence of a nonlinear relationship between these variables (Fig. 1 ). Nonlinear functions fit to these data yielded substantially lower correlation coefficients than the linear function (exponential, r = 0.52; power, r = 0.48; logarithmic, r = 0.62). Either variation in testis thickness (the third, unmeasured dimension) is minimal, or the effect of this aspect of variation in testis volume on sperm counts is negligible within the size range measured in this study. Genotvpic variation and clonal repeatabilities of life-history traits All six life history traits assayed in this study varied greatly among genotypes (Table I). The effect of geno- ASCIDIAN LIFE HISTORY VARIATION 293 "cb X CD Q. CO CD .0 150-1 100- 50- r = 0.71 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Testis Cross-sectional Area (mm2) Figure 1. The relationship between testis cross-sectional area and number of mature spermatozoa within 27 testis measured and excised from different colonies. type was extremely significant (P < 0.0001) in all six analyses. In contrast, the effect of replicate nested within genotype (an indicator of environmental variance) was not significant in four out of the five analyses in which it was included (Table I). Testis cross-sectional area was the only trait that exhibited significant variation among rep- licate colonies within a genotype, though the magnitude of the replicate effect was only about half that of the ge- notype effect (Table I). In all four analyses for which data were collected in multiple asexual and sexual cycles, the effect of cycle was also highly significant (Table I). Aver- aged across all genotypes, the number of eggs per bud and testis cross-sectional area both initially increased over the first two reproductive cycles and then declined in the final two cycles (Table II). The number of buds per zooid decreased over subsequent cycles as colonies approached a terminal size (Table II). Cycle duration fluctuated over subsequent cycles with no apparent pat- tern (Table II). The temporal patterns of life-history traits can be bet- ter appreciated by examining the performance of three sample genotypes, chosen to represent the extremes of life-history strategy present among experimental colo- nies (Fig. 2). All three genotypes exhibited high initial growth rates and then leveled off at a maximum size (Fig. 2;numberofzooids), but the high-growth genotype (Fig. 2C) grew more rapidly than the other two (Fig. 2A, B) and never completely ceased growing. Egg production generally increased over subsequent cycles, but substan- tial variation was present between adjacent cycles (Fig. 2; eggs per bud). Finally, though sperm production gen- erally increased over subsequent cycles (Table II), sperm production in the high-sperm-production genotype ac- tually decreased over time (Fig. 2 A; testis area), a pattern that was repeated for the second highest sperm-produc- tion genotype in this study (unpubl. data). All of the lower sperm-production genotypes either increased sperm production over time or remained more-or-less constant (Fig. 2B, C). Clonal repeatabilities calculated from variance compo- nents from these analyses varied widely among traits (Ta- ble III). The two variables with the highest expected envi- ronmental component to variance (buds per zooid and cycle duration) had the lowest clonal repeatabilities (Table III). The relatively high clonal repeatability for actual sperm counts may be due to a combination of sampling in a single cycle, limiting data collection to only eight ge- notypes, and utilizing a higher resolution sampling tech- nique (in comparison to testis cross-sectional area), all of which could have reduced environmental variance. Although all six life-history traits varied significantly among genotypes (Table I), the magnitude of that varia- tion differed greatly among traits (Table III). Cycle dura- tion exhibited the least variation, with the least square mean for the slowest genotype only 40% greater than that Table I A NO I A rcxulix lor I he six life-history variahlc.t Source df Sum of squares A. Dependent: Eggs per bud Genotype 17 199.1 38.9 0.0001 Replicate [Genotype] 123 34.4 0.7 0.9979 Cycle 6 78.4 30.4 0.0001 B. Dependent: Testis cross- sectional area Genotype 17 21.8 11.4 0.0001 Replicate [Genotype] 93 11.3 1.7 0.0005 Cycle 6 8.6 19.9 0.0001 C. Dependent: Sperm count in cycle six Genotype 7 183,698 28.7 0.0001 Replicate [Genotype] 16 14,609 1.0 0.4781 D. Dependent: Buds per zooid Genotype 17 16.7 9.3 0.0001 Replicate [Genotype] 107 10.6 0.7 0.9958 Cycle 6 115.1 150.8 0.0001 E. Dependent: Terminal colony size (number of zooids) Genotype 17 39,101 9.0 0.0001 I Dependent: Cycle duration Genotype 17 116.6 13.0 0.0001 Replicate [Genotype] 106 44.7 0.3 0.9999 Cycle 5 136.1 22.1 0.0001 Note: All analyses contain genotype as a random main effect. Analy- ses for all dependent variables except for terminal colony size contain replicate nested within genotype as a second random p-.i:n effect. Anal- yses for all dependents except for terminal colony si/ nd sperm count in cycle 6 contain cycle as an additional main efti-n hese four analy- ses were performed as repeated measures by testin; :e cycle effect with respect to the random effects. 294 P. O. YUND ET AL Table II Cvcle effects tor the lour lite-history variables measured over subsequent asexual and sexual cycles Cycle number Eggs per bud Testis area Buds per zooid Cycle duration 1 1.12 0.64 2.25 2 1.63 0.99 1.85 6.74 3 1.61 0.78 1.1 1 8.10 4 2.01 0.79 1.01 7.22 5 2.21 0.99 1.08 7.06 6 1.57 0.80 0.96 7.78 7 1.34 0.58 8.17 Note: Least square means, adjusted tor genotype and replicate nested within genotype effects, are reported for each cycle. Cycle duration val- ues are missing for the first cycle because the start of the cycle preceded the initiation of data collection. Similarly, buds per zooid data are miss- ing for cycle seven because the number of zooids was not counted in what would have been the eighth cycle. of the fastest genotype (Table III). Thus, although we were able to detect significant variation in cycle duration among genotypes, the magnitude of variation in this trait relative to other life-history traits is comparatively mi- nor. The other five variables exhibited variation in geno- type least square means ranging from more than a factor of 2 (buds per zooid) to almost a factor of 5 (sperm count in cycle six; Table III). Correlations among life-history variables — genotype means Two pairs of correlations among the six life-history traits that we measured exist because the pairs of vari- ables measure traits produced by the same or very similar underlaying processes. First, for the subset of eight geno- types for which we actually counted sperm in cycle 6, this variable was highly correlated with genotype least square means for testis cross-sectional area (Table IVA). Be- cause the two variables just represent two different ways of measuring sperm production, this correlation is to be expected and conveys little biological information (be- yond confirming the relationship between testis size and sperm number; see Fig. 1 ). Secondly, genotype least square means for growth rate (buds per zooid) were sig- nificantly correlated with genotype means for terminal size (Table IVA). Again, genotypes with higher growth rates (adjusted for variation among cycles) should in gen- eral attain a larger terminal size. These two correlations are assumed to be biologically relatively trivial, and the remainder of our presentation considers only one of each of these two pairs of variables (genotype least square means for testis cross-sectional area and buds per zooid, since these two traits are measured at the zooid level and adjusted for variation among cycles). Of the remaining four life-history variables, genotype least square means for cycle duration were not signifi- cantly correlated with genotype least square means for any of the other variables (Table IVA). Since the magni- tude of variation in cycle duration was so much smaller than for the other three variables (Table III), correlations might exist that could be detected only with much larger sample sizes. Alternatively, variation in cycle duration may be truly independent of other life-history traits. The genotype least square means of the three remain- ing variables, which represent allocation to female repro- A. High Sperm Production Genotype o o N "S 3- = 1 - Y \ — • — Eggs/Bud B. High Egg Production Genotype - 3- - 2- Cycle * Cycle -a — Testis Area C. High Growth Genotype - 3- - 2- -0.4 -0.3 -o, Cycle Figure 2. Growth and sexual reproduction trajectories for three of the more extreme Botryllus schlos- seri genotypes in this study. Average eggs per bud, colony size, and testis cross-sectional area are plotted against cycle number. Error bars represent 1 standard error. (A) A high-sperm-production genotype. (B) A high-egg-production genotype. (C) A high-growth genotype. ASCIDIAN LIFE HISTORY VARIATION Table III 295 Clumil repeatabilities, genotype ranges, genotype least .square means ranges (adjusting lor cycle e/leets in lour of the variables), ami lite magnitude i >/ genotype least square means variation (highest genotype value divided hy lowest genotype value) for the six life-history variables Genotype means Genotype least square means Variable Clonal repeatability Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Magnitude Eggs per hud 0.47 2.63 0.68 2.77 0.62 X4.5 Testis area (mm2) 0.42 0.23 0.08 0.25 0.07 X3.5 Sperm count ( x 10') 0.75 196.4 42.0 196.4 42.0 X4.7 Buds per zooid 0.21 1.89 0.99 1.92 0.79 X2.4 Terminal size 0.57 338.3 78.3 338.3 78.3 X4.3 Cycle duration 0.20 8.19 6.33 8.68 6.28 X1.4 duction (eggs per hud), male reproduction (testis cross- sectional area), and asexual growth (huds per zooid) at the zooid level, exhibit somewhat more complex corre- lations. First, there are significant negative univariate correlations between buds per zooid and both eggs per bud and testis area (Table IVA). In contrast, the correla- tion between eggs per bud and testis area is virtually zero (Table IVA). However, the partial correlation coeffi- cients between each pair of traits (which in each case ad- just for the effect of the third variable) suggest a much stronger relationship in three-dimensional space. All three partial correlations are much more strongly nega- tive than the respective univariate correlations, espe- cially the partial correlation between eggs per bud and testis area (Table IVB). This pattern suggests a negative. three-way correlation among these three variables that is consistent with a tradeoff in resource allocation among male, female, and asexual reproduction. These negative correlations can also be examined by visualizing the relationships among these variables in three dimensions (Fig. 3). The data points fall primarily on a plane that intersects the egg per bud, testis cross- sectional area, and buds per zooid axes at relatively high values (Fig. 3). A principal components analysis provides an additional assessment of the dimensionality of this data cloud (Table V). The first two principal components have relatively high eigenvalues and in combination ex- plain more than 92% of the variance in the data set (Ta- ble V). The third principal component has a low eigen- value and explains less than 8% of the variance (Table V). This result indicates that the data points cluster Table IV Correlations among genotype least square means Testis Sperm Buds per Terminal Cycle area count zooid size duration A. Univariate (Pearson's product moment) correlation coefficients between each pair of variables (all pairs)' Eggsperbud 0.01 NS -0.21 NS -0.59** -0.34 NS -0.06 NS Testis area -0.87** -0.48* -0.46 NS 0.12NS Sperm count -0.41 NS -0.30 NS 0.02 NS Buds per zooid 0.52* 0.19NS Terminal size -0.09 NS B. Partial correlation coefficients among the three zooid-level variables2 Eggs per bud -0.48* Testis area -0.67** -0.59** Note: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.0 1 ; NS = Not Significant. ' n = 18 genotypes in all comparisons ( 16 df) except those involving sperm count in cycle 6 for which ;; = 8 (6 df). - n = 18 in each comparison ( 1 5 df). These values represent the cor- relations between each pair of variables after adjusting for the effect of the third variable. 0.5 Figure 3. The three-dimensional relationsh : among genotype least square means for eggs per bud. testis cross-sr t .mal area, and buds per zooid. Values for the 18 genotypes fall n a plane that slopes downward from the upper back to the lower h of the figure. 296 P. O. YUND ET AL. Table V Principal component* analysis of the three-way relationship among eggs per bud. testi* cross-sectional area, and budx per :ooid Principal components PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 Eigenvalue 1.77 0.99 0.24 Percent of variance 59.00 33.04 7.96 Cumulative percent of variance 59.00 92.04 100.00 Eigenvector loadings Eggs per hud 0.55 -0.63 0.55 Testis area 0.45 0.78 0.44 Buds per zooid -0.71 0.00 0.71 Note. The first two principal components explain most of the vari- ance in the data and are heavily loaded on the three variables, indicat- ing that the data points fall largely on a plane that represents a three- way tradeoff in allocation to male, female, and asexual reproduction (see test for details). Because there are only three variables in the anal- ysis, the third principal component is completely determined by the first two; it has to explain all of the remaining variance. However, the very low magnitude of the third component is not inevitable, and it is the relative magnitude of the three principal components that describes the planar nature of the relationship among the three primary variables. mainly on and around a plane denned by the first two principal components. The first principal component is most heavily loaded (negatively) on the variable buds per zooid, whereas the second principle component is heavily loaded on eggs per bud (negatively) and testis cross-sectional area (positively; Table V). Again, the principal components analysis demonstrates a three-way negative correlation among traits associated with male, female, and asexual reproduction. Discussion Genetic and environmental variation As previously reported for other populations (Gros- berg, 1988; Chadwick-Furman and Weissman, 1995), B. schlosseri colonies in the Damariscotta River exhibited a great deal of variation in egg production and growth rate (Table III). In addition, we found colonies to be highly variable in sperm production, with the highest sperm-production genotype yielding 4.7 times as many sperm per testis as the lowest sperm-production geno- (Table III). Variation in sperm production is re- d in the size of testes, and measurement of testis •tional area provides a reasonable nondestruc- of actual sperm production (Fig. 1 ). ast to a previous study (Grosberg, 1982, 1988), t significant variation in reproductive cycle dun, >ng genotypes. Since a colony's growth rate in rea1 i function of both bud production per zo- oid and c ration, the existence of genotype-specific cycle duration suggests that caution must be used in comparing colony growth rates on the basis of budding rates alone. However, the magnitude of variation in cycle duration is relatively small compared to variation in bud production (Table III), and cycle duration does not ap- pear to be correlated with other life-history traits. Conse- quently, for many purposes the inclusion of information on cycle duration may only increase variance in growth rates. To assess temporal patterns in four of the life-history variables, we were forced to exclude genotypes with very high egg production from our common-garden experi- ment. Colonies with higher levels of egg production than those included here typically exhibit semelparous repro- duction and then die (Grosberg, 1988), precluding the collection of data on subsequent asexual and sexual cy- cles. Consequently, our value for the magnitude of vari- ation in egg production (Table III) somewhat underesti- mates the total variation in this natural population. Qualitatively, however, total variation in egg production in the Damariscotta River still appears to be quite a bit lower than in the Eel Pond at Woods Hole (Grosberg, 1988). Although we have collected colonies that pro- duced up to 6 eggs per bud, colonies with egg production > 3 eggs per bud appear to be rare at all times of the year (unpubl. data). In contrast, colonies producing 8 to 12 eggs per bud dominate populations in the Eel Pond in early summer (Grosberg, 1988). Although we know that we underestimated total phenotypic variation in egg pro- duction, we can only speculate on the effect that exclud- ing higher egg producers may have had on our estimates of variation in other life-history traits. If the negative cor- relations among male, female, and asexual reproduction (Fig. 3, Tables IV and V) are maintained across higher levels of egg production, then the range of variation in the other life-history traits may have been affected as well. Consequently, our range estimates for life-history traits (Table III), though demonstrating a large degree of variation in this population, are likely to be conservative. However, the correlation structure itself may be altered if more extreme genotypes are included in the analysis (Grosberg. 1988). Following colonies through subsequent asexual and sexual cycles allowed us to evaluate temporal trends in female (eggs per bud), male (testis cross-sectional area), and asexual (buds per zooid) reproduction as well as cy- cle duration (Table II). All colonies were sexually mature when collected from the field, so the temporal patterns reported here do not simply reflect the onset of reproduc- tion. In particular, significant variation in egg and sperm production among subsequent cycles suggests that esti- mates of reproductive output based on observations of a single cycle, even of sexually mature colonies, should be interpreted with caution. Additionally, the different tern- ASCIDIAN LIFE HISTORY VARIATION 297 poral patterns exhibited by different genotypes (Fig. 2) are suggestive of genotype by cycle interaction effects, which we could not explicitly test because of inadequate sample sizes in some cells. The temporal component of variation in life-history strategy in B. schlosseri merits a more detailed examination. All six life-history variables that we measured exhib- ited significant variation among genotypes (Table I), with clonal repeatabilities (a form of broad-sense herita- bility) ranging from 0.20 to 0.75 (Table III). These broad- sense heritability estimates may include some forms of environmental variance, and so set an upper limit for the proportion of additive genetic variance (Falconer, 1 98 1 ). Although the relatively large magnitude of most of our broad-sense heritability estimates suggests a large genetic component to phenotypic variation, environmental effects are also likely to be substantial. Grosberg ( 1988) has previously demonstrated that food levels can signifi- cantly alter both asexual growth rates and egg production levels in B. schlosseri. The temporal patterns that we ob- served in egg and sperm production among reproductive cycles (Table II) may reflect temporal variation in plank- tonic food availability. In particular, the decrease in re- productive output during the last two cycles coincided with a previously reported seasonal decrease in phyto- plankton in the Damariscotta River (Incze el ai, 1980). Likewise, temporal patterns in cycle duration (Table II) may be due to variation in water temperature (Grosberg, 1982). Clearly, the results reported here do not constitute a definitive statement about the genetic basis of these life- history traits. Breeding experiments will ultimately be necessary to estimate narrow-sense heritabilities. The terminal sizes of colonies in our study were sub- stantially smaller than those reported in other studies that did not employ clonal replication (Grosberg, 1988; Chadwick-Furman and Weissman, 1995; etc.). Either colonies in the Damariscotta River cease growth at a smaller size than colonies in some other populations (Monterey Bay and the Eel Pond), or our estimates of terminal size were affected by subdividing colonies to produce clonal replicates. Field colonies in the Damaris- cotta River appear to frequently attain a larger size than those in our study (pers. obs.), lending credence to the latter interpretation. Although subdivision may have affected our absolute values for terminal size, all geno- types were subdivided, and hence the terminal size of subdivided colonies should nevertheless yield a valid es- timate of the relative performance of each genotype. Correlations and selection The six life-history variables that we measured were not independent of one another. In addition to a couple of correlations between variables that measure the same or similar traits (testis cross-sectional area and sperm counts, growth rate and terminal size), we found nega- tive partial correlations among genotype least square means for male (testis cross-sectional area), female (eggs per bud), and asexual (buds per zooid) reproduction (Ta- ble IV). The three-dimensional relationship of these vari- ables (Fig. 3) and the results of a principal component analysis (Table V) both suggest a three-way tradeoff among these variables. Although this three-dimensional relationship is greatly strengthened by the inclusion of the three most extreme genotypes, the remaining 15 ge- notypes still cluster around a plane (Fig. 3) and display the same basic relationship. One element of this multivariate correlation appears to differ slightly from the result previously reported by Grosberg ( 1982), who found no correlation within itero- parous colonies between asexual growth (buds per zooid) and female reproduction assayed as eggs per bud (male reproduction was not assayed). However, Grosberg (1982) did detect a negative correlation between asexual growth and lifetime egg production, which is another as- say of female reproduction. Strikingly, the correlation between asexual growth and female reproduction (as- sayed as eggs per bud) became strongly positive when semelparous genotypes were also included in the analysis (Grosberg, 1982, 1988). The existence of negative correlations alone indicates little about the proximate causes of life-history tradeoffs. Surgical manipulation of gamete production and growth patterns (Grosberg. 1988) could be employed to explore possible physiological mechanisms underlaying these negative correlations. However, the correlation structure that we detected is consistent with a simple energetic tradeoff in allocation to male, female, and asexual repro- duction. Although a tradeoff in allocation between male and female reproduction is a common assumption of sex-allocation models for hermaphrodites (Charnov, 1 979, 1 982), this assumption has rarely been empirically evaluated. Although the likely consequence of a shift in resource allocation between male and female reproduc- tion is relatively straightforward, variation in allocation to asexual reproduction has potentially more complex ramifications. Asexual reproduction increases the num- ber of zooids in a colony and hence is likely to funda- mentally alter the future energy budget of a colony by determining total food intake. Could increased alloca- tion to asexual growth at the expense of current sexual reproduction be associated with increased sexual repro- duction effort at some later point in colony ontogeny? Again, temporal allocation patterns of different geno- types (genotype by cycle interactions) mer i further con- sideration. The negative correlations among rr e, female, and asexual reproduction that we detects aave important 298 P. O. YUND ET AL implications for evaluating the possible consequences of selection on these life l 122:649-654. Yund, P. O. 1997. The effect of sperm competition on the relation- ship between sperm production and reproductive success in a ma- rine invertebrate. Ideology In press. Yund, P. ()., and M. Kcldgardcn. 1992. Rapid proliferation of histor- ecognition alleles in populations of a colonial ascidian. J. Exp. Zool. 263: 442-452. Yund, P. O., and M. A. McCartney. 1994. Male reproductive success in colonial invertebrates: competition for fertilizations. Ecology 75: 2151-2167. Reference: Biol. Bull. 192: 300-308. (April, 1997) Compound Eye Fine Structure in Paralomis multispina Benedict, an Anomuran Half-Crab From 1 200 m Depth (Crustacea; Decapoda; Anomura) EISUKE EGUCHI1, MARI DEZAWA2, AND V. BENNO MEYER-ROCHOW- 1 Department of 'Biology, Yokohama City University, 22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 2 36, Japan, from Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC), Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka, 237, Japan; ^-Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Chiha University, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260, Japan: and ^Department of Biology (Section Animal Physiology), University ofOitlu, SF-90570 Oulit, Finland Abstract. Fully grown, unsexed specimens of the ano- muran half-crab Paralomis multispina Benedict were obtained from a depth of 1200 m, and the eyes of three individuals were prepared for light and electron micros- copy. In their outer appearance the compound eyes of Paralomis resemble those of common shallow-water half-crabs (e.g., Petrolistlies), but facets in Paralomis were about 3 times larger in diameter (i.e., 60 ^m)and at least twice as long. Interommatidial angles ranged from 3° to 5°. The proximal width of the crystalline cone in Paralomis was 10 times that of its equivalent in the Pet- rolistlies eye, and the rhabdom — although only twice as long — had a radius that was 7 times greater distally and 4 times greater proximally. A clear-zone between cones and rhabdom was not developed, and cross sections of crystalline cones revealed rounded rather than square profiles. A distal retinula cell (R8) was absent, and all regular retinula cells (R1-R7) protruded microvilli of about 0. 1 1 nm diameter in many (and not only two) di- rections. A maximum rhabdom occupation ratio of 85% was found in the Paralomis retinula, whereas in the shal- low-water half-crabs the comparable figure was 35%. Paralomis featured a wide, rhabdomless space between basement membrane and proximal rhabdom ends; the space was occupied by reflecting cells. Primary screening pigment cells and their dark granules were present; sec- ondary screening pigment cells, however, were replaced Received 19 June 1996; accepted 18 November 1996. by reflecting cells. The anatomical modifications in the Paralomis eye are consistent with habitat-related adap- tations seen in the eyes of other benthic and slow-moving deep-water crustaceans, but not with those of euphausi- ids. We conclude that the eye of Paralomis functions as an apposition eye, designed to maximize photon cap- ture, especially from point sources (i.e.. biolumines- cence) rather than extended sources. We estimate that the Paralomis eye is at least 1 50 times more sensitive to light than the eye of shallow-water Petrolisthes. Introduction Animals that live in or colonize greater oceanic depths face three major physical challenges (Marshall, 1957; Thorson, 1972): (a) atmospheric pressure increases by 1 with every 10 m of water; (b) ambient light levels become progressively reduced, and the spectral composition of the downwelling light changes as depth increases: and (c) the temperature of the water falls as the distance to the surface increases, except in the polar oceans (where bot- tom temperatures may actually lie a few degrees above those of the surface) and near hydrothermal vents. The eyes of animals are usually attuned to the photic conditions under which they operate (Forward el ai, 1988), but environmental temperature and pressure also influence certain structural and functional parameters of photoreception through their effects on membrane fatty acid content and composition (Cossins and Macdonald, 1989; Sebert el ai. 1992; Kashiwagi et a/., 1996). Based 300 COMPOUND EYE ULTRASTRUCTURE IN PARALOMIS MILT1SPINA 301 on a number of light microscopical (Beddard, 1890; Welsh and Chace, 1937, 1938; Zharkova, 1970, 1975; Bursey, 1975) and electron microscopical studies of deep-water crustacean eyes (Elofsson and Hallberg, 1977; Ball, 1977; Hallberg, 1977; Meyer-Rochow and Walsh. 1977, 1978; Hallberg et at.. 1980; Gaten el al., 1992;Gaten, 1994; Nuckley et al.. 1996), certain general trends concerning their anatomy and performance in re- lation to depth have become apparent. Bath pelagic and benthic species of depths exceeding 1000 m usually exhibit small and degenerate eyes (sim- ilar to those of species known from marine caves (Meyer- Rochow and Juberthie-Jupeau, 1987). Crustaceans in- habiting zones above 1000m, on the other hand, fre- quently possess adaptations such as enlarged ommatidia, more voluminous rhabdoms, presence of retinal reflec- tors, etc.. to improve the efficiency of photon capture. Often such adaptations enhance overall sensitivity at the expense of acuity, but in cases where acuity apparently suffers little degradation, regional eye modifications and special optical designs may be employed as, for instance, in the Euphausiaceae (Land et al.. 1979; Hiller-Adams and Case, 1984). Most euphausiids, however, are lumi- nescent and thus not necessarily representative of other groups of crustaceans. For that reason and the fact that few species of deep-sea crustaceans have had their pho- toreceptors studied, we decided to examine the eyes of the anomuran decapod half-crab Paralomis multispina from a depth of 1 200 m and compare them with those of shallow-water anomurans investigated earlier (Eguchi et al.. 1982; Meyer-Rochow et al., 1990; Gaten, 1994). Materials and Methods Several unsexed specimens of Paralomis multispina Benedict (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheoidea) with ca- rapace widths ranging from 5 to 1 1 cm and maximum body lengths (from head to tail) of 1 1.5 cm (Fig. la) were obtained in March 1992. Collections were made from the "Hatsushima seep" (Ohta et al.. 1987) at a depth of 1200 m about 5 km off Hatsushima Island in Sagami Bay (Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) during a cruise of the manned research submersible Shinkai 2000 (JAMS- TEC). The half-crabs themselves are not considered to be thermophilic, although they occurred in association with the giant clam Calyptogena soyae, vestimentiferan tube worms, gastropods, and polychaetes (Hashimoto et a/.. 1987) in an area that was characterized by an ex- tremely high methane content. The half-crabs were picked up from the seafloor with remotely controlled ar- tificial arms and put in a basket attached to the outside of the submersible. It took about 1 h for the submersible, with the collected animals, to reach the surface at about 1700h. Figure I. Photographs of Paralomis multispina. (a) Dorsal view of specimen with carapace width of 1 1 cm and legs 30 cm long, (b) Close- up of head region with pair of eyestalks and black shiny eyes, each mea- suring about 4 mm in length in this specimen. During capture, the animals were exposed to 10,000- 20,000 lux bright sunlight for about 20 min, but imme- diately after they had been hauled on board the moth- ership Natsushima, the compound eyes of three individ- uals were fixed for 12 h at 4°C in 2% glutaraldehyde and 2% paraformaldehyde solution, buffered to a pH of 7.3 with 0. 1 M cacodylate buffer. The dissections were car- ried out under dim red light to minimize further exposure to light and structural damage (cf. Meyer-Ro- chow, 1994). After a brief wash in buffer, the specimens were postfixed for 2 h in 2% OsO4 solution, using the same buffer as before, and dehydrated in a graded series of acetone before being embedded in Epon 812. Ultra- thin sections, cut with a diamond knife, were picked up on uncoated 200-mesh copper grids and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate for a few minutes. Obser- vations were carried out under a JEM 1200EX transmis- sion electron microscope, operated at 80 kV. Results In their external appearance the compound eyes of the deep-sea anomuran Paralomis multispina (Fig. Ib) re- semble those of other common anomuran shore-crabs (e.g., genus Petrolisthes: Eguchi et al.. 1982; Meyer-Ro- 302 E. EGUCHI ET AL. chow et al.. 1990), but overall the eyes are considerably larger. They -re oval in outline and measure 3.5 X 2.5 mm in an individual of about 10 cm carapace width. Each eye -.its at the tip of an eyestalk that is 4-5 mm thick and 1 2 mm long; thus inter-eye distances and the precise location of the eyes in space are to a certain extent vari- able. Ommatidial numbers increase with age: whereas a specimen with a carapace length of 5 cm has about 1 500 facets, some 2400 were counted in a specimen with a ca- rapace width of 10 cm. Interommatidial angles apparently do not change sig- nificantly with age and measure about 3°-5°. Figure 2 provides a comparison between the ommatidia. shown in identical scale, of a shallow-water anomuran and the deep-water species Paralomis multispina. Biometrical Figure 2. i f comparable ommatidia of Petmlislhcs sp. ( A-E), found in s, -r, and Paralomis mnllisi>ina(F,G), found in the deep-sea at ;:; \escale. A8 = axon of distal retinula R8; Bm = basemc.; Cc = crystalline cone; Cg = cor- L-nous cell; Cr = cor = distal retinula cell; Re = retinula = rhabdom; Rp pigment cell; Sp = screening pig- 1'. (A) longitudinal section; (B, C) cross sections at the level of i;t bands in the distal layers of the rhabdom; (D. E) cross > adjacent bands in the proximal rhabdom layers. (F) 11111 ion; (C) cross section al distal rhabdom layers. data of the constituent parts of one representative central ommatidium of the compound eye of the two crusta- ceans are given in Table I. From Figure 2 and Table I it is evident that the ommatidium of the deep-sea half-crab is much larger than that of the shallow- water species, even if differences in body size are taken into consider- ation. Dioptric apparatus A single facet of the eye of Paralomis is about 3 times larger in diameter and has a corneal lens that is 1 .8 times thicker than that of a comparable shallow-water Pet- rolisthes. No significant difference between the two types could be detected, however, in the 200 ^m thick periodic layers, revealed in longitudinal sections of the cornea along the optic axis. Two corneagenous cells, not notice- ably different from those of Petrolisthes or any other decapod crustacean, occupied the space between cornea and cone. The crystalline cone of Paralomis tapered only very gently and retained a much wider proximal diameter (Fig. 3a) than that of Petrolisthes. Whereas in Pct- rolisthcs. cross sections through distal and central re- gions of the cone displayed square profiles and a content of electron-dense material, sections through the cone of Paralomis at corresponding levels exhibited rather circu- lar outlines and a content of much looser consistency (Fig. 3b). When related to overall ommatidial length, the dioptric apparatus in the eye of Paralomis (though greatly enlarged in diameter) occupied significantly less space than the equivalent structure in the eye of the shal- low-water Petrolisthes. Retinula and rhabdom In the eyes of other anomuran species — for example, Petrolisthes spp. (Eguchi et al., 1982; Meyer-Rochow et al.. 1990) and Municla spp. (Bursey, 1975; Gaten. 1994) — a distal retinula cell (R8) with four cytoplasmic lobes occupies the tier between the crystalline cone and the seven regular retinular cells, but in Paralomis an om- matidial retinula is composed of only seven regular cells (1-7) and lacks the distal eighth cell. The distal end of the rhabdom is thus made up of seven regular retinula cells, which are in contact with the proximal end of the crystalline cone. It is in this region that the mottled retin- ula cell nuclei, with a maximum diameter of 7.5 /urn, can be found. The rhabdoms in Paralomis are extraordinarily well developed and occupy up to 85% of the available cyto- plasmic space in the distal and central regions of the re- tinula (Fig. 4). The estimated membrane surface of an ommatidial rhabdom of Paralomis (231 X 104), calcu- COMPOUND EYE ULTRASTRUCTURE IN PAR.4LOMIS Mi'LTISPINA 303 Table I Comparison of biometrical data (in urn) ofommatidia in the shallow-water Petrolisthes sp. and the deep-sea Paralomismultispina Petrolisthes Paralomis Para/Pelro Remarks Cornea diameter 21 60 2.9 thickness 16 28 1.8 Crystalline cone distal diameter 20 56 2.8 length of a square side prox. diameter 4 40 10.0 length 110 1 10 1.0 Ommatidial retinula length 60 390 2.6 diameter 20 40 2.0 Rhabdom diameter at nuclear layer 3.5 25 7.1 diameter at proximal layer 3x8* 18 3.7 'rectangular length 50 210 1.9 thickness of one band 7 4-7 0.6-1.0 diameter of one microvillus 0.08 0.11 1.4 area of rhabdom membrane 8.5 x 104 231 X 104 27.2 total surface of microvilli/ommatidium Rhabdom occupation ratio fr) distal and central region 12 85 6.3 proximal region 35 45 1.3 Distance from rhabdom end to BM 12 180 15.0 Interommatidial angle 4-6° 3-5° ca. 0.9 Sensitivity 0.23 34.7 1 5 1 relat. sensitivities (after Land, 1981) lated from the data in Table I. is about 27 times larger than that of Petrolisthes (8.5 X 104). Another compari- son could be made with Limulus, which — even though it is not a crustacean — has a compound eye (Fahrenbach, 1969) superficially similarto that of Paralomis. but with rhabdom occupation ratios generally lower than 10%. On the other hand, the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimi- caris exociilata occurs in a habitat similar to that of Para- lomis, but its eye is highly aberrant, with volume densi- ties of rhabdoms reaching 70%-80% (O'Neill el al, Figure 3. The deep-sea half-crah Pura/om/*, mulnspina. (a) Longitudinal section through the proximal region of the crystalline cone and the distal tip. C = crystalline cone: R = rhabdom. Scale bar = 5 ^m. (b) Cross section through proximal part of crystalline cone with its four components. Numerous screening pigment granules surround the crystalline cone. Scale bar = 5 ^m. 304 E. EGUCHI ET AL ff' ;?»-x. ir \ • " • • • - •• ' f ' « '- Figure 4. Cross section of rhabdom at the retinula cell nuclear layer. Almost the entire cytoplasmic space of the retinula cells isoccupied by the rhabdomeres. N = nucleus of retinula cell; R = rhabdom. Scale bar = 1 ^m. 1995). The retinula cells do not form proper rhabdoms in the proximal region; instead they gradually turn into slender axonal processes ( Fig. 5). Longitudinal sections reveal that the regular "bands," so typical for the rhabdoms of other decapods (including those of the shallow-water anomuran species), are almost lost in Paralomis and are replaced by microvilli running in many directions. This gives the rhabdom a somewhat irregular, disorderly appearance. Individual microvilli in Paralomis (Fig. 6) were thicker (0.1 1 ^m) than those of fully grown shallow-water Petrolisthes (0.08 nm: Eguchi etal, 1 982; Meyer-Rochow and Reid, 1996). This differ- ence has to be interpreted with caution, since it is known from other crustacean eyes (e.g., Orchomene sp.: Meyer- Rochow, 1981; Mysisrelicta:Lmdslr6m etal., 1988) that 'xlom microvilli have a tendency to swell and increase i meter when suddenly exposed to very bright light, •(•-filament, usually identifiable in the lumen of a ibdom microvillus of the crustacean eye, was 1 or fragmented into smaller pieces (Fig. 7). Sonu ; rhabdom microvilli exhibited flattened or swollei tures in the place where core-filaments with their as -d side-arms should have been. Since core- filaments and their associated side-arms in compound eyes are fragile and easily destroyed by irradiation with bright light ( Blest etal.. 1982; Tsukita el a/.. 1988), their disruption in our material could stem from the brief exposure to sunlight during capture. Screening pigment The eye of Paralomis lacks secondary pigment cells; two primary pigment cells are found around the crystal- line cones and contain spherical electron-opaque pig- ment grains of about 0.4 ^m in diameter (Fig. 3a). The density of these granules seems not to differ from that of granules in the shallow-water half-crabs, but screening pigment granules in the retinula cells are far less numer- ous in Paralomis. In place of secondary pigment cells are an unknown number of cells presumed to contain re- flecting granules. Reflecting pigment The distance between the proximal end of the rhab- dom and the basement membrane of an ommatidium is relatively short in Petrolisthes and other shallow-water COMPOUND EYE ULTRASTRUCTURE IN PAR.ILOMIS MI'LTISPINA 305 c - 1 ^- .' ' Figure 5. Cross section through proximal retinal layer. A small rhabdom (R) is seen at the center of a cluster of seven retinula cells. A few scattered screening pigment granules are visible in some of the retinula cells. Well-developed reflecting pigment cells fill the interommatidial spaces. Scale bar = I nm. Figure 6. Cross section through a segment of a retinula cell demonstrating the multidirectional orien- tation of microvilli in the rhabdom. Scale bar = 1 ^m. Figure 7. Higher magnification of transversely cut microvilli of the rhabdom. Note that core-filaments are lost in some of the microvilli. Scale bar = 0. 1 ^m. decapods. In Paralomis, however, this same distance is strikingly long (ca. ISO^m). In the proximal layer, the retinula cells become slender as shown in Figure 5. The space thus made available is filled with enormously de- veloped cells containing large amounts of reflecting pig- ments. The extensions of the reflecting pigment cells, which are easily identifiable by their innumerable 0.3- ^m-wide vesicles, penetrate between the retinula cells of individual ommatidial units, thus apparently increasing their effectiveness in reflecting light towards the more distally placed rhabdom. Discussion Eguchi el al. (1982) suggested that anomuran half- crabs of the superfamily Galatheoidea possess reflecting superposition eyes. Research by Meyer-Rochow el al. ( 1 990) on the galatheid Petrolisthes elongatm and by Ga- ten (1994) on Mimida rugosa lent further support to this notion, but specified that this was true only for the dark- adapted eye: in the light-adapted state apposition optics were used. It is generally assumed that superposition eyes are more useful than apposition eyes in dim light, for the former are typical of many nocturnal crustaceans and deep-sea forms. It is, therefore, a little surprising to find that the eye of the deep-sea anomuran galatheid Paralomis nndtispina (a) lacks a wide clear-zone, which is normally considered a prerequisite for any form of superposition vision (Land, 1981), and (b) possesses roundish rather than reg- ular, square cones, which are an essential requirement for reflecting superposition (Land, 1976; Vogt, 1980). The species does, however, exhibit other kinds of modi- fications that are more in keeping with adaptations to an extremely dim environment: compared with the shal- low-water half-crabs of the genus Petrolisthes (Eguchi el al. 1982: Meyer-Rochow el al.. 1990), in Paralomis the corneal diameter is three times greater, and cone as well as rhabdom diameters are even more enlarged (Table I). The reflecting tapetum on the proximal sk'e of the retin- ula is massively developed, and it is evki . nt that the eye is designed to maximize photon capture The fine-struc- 306 E. EGUCHI KT AL. tural disruptions and larger diameters of the rhabdom microvilli seen in Paralomis are almost identical to those reported from the eyes of deep-water amphipods from the Antarctic ( f ••' <- Rochow, 1981) and are most likely caused by tru- •-•.•sure to bright light during capture. In- directly the disruptions thus point to a high absolute sen- sitivity to light, but at the same time they obscure signs for or against membrane shedding (<;/.' Chamberlain and Barlow, 1984). On the basis of the definition that Land (1981) pro- vided for "absolute sensitivity," we calculated sensitivi- ties of light-adapted eyes of Paralomis and those of shal- low-water Petrolisthes: the eye of Paralomis was 150 times more sensitive. The comparison is based on the assumptions that the extinction coefficient (k) is the same for the two species and that the types and densities of pigments found in the rhabdoms are identical (cf. dis- cussion in Ziedins and Meyer-Rochow, 1990). If one as- sumes a superior photopigment content in the dark- adapted Paralomis eye and considers thermal noise re- duction at low environmental temperatures (Aho el al, 1988), the overall sensitivity advantage of Paralomis over Petrolisthes to extended light sources may be even higher. If the lack of a clear-zone is real and not artifactual (clear-zones in the superposition eyes of deep-sea deca- pods can easily collapse and, on account of their fragility and delicateness, may remain undetected as shown by Nilsson, 1990), the closer approximation of the mas- sively developed rhabdom to the much wider dioptric el- ements, in combination with the backing of a tapetum from behind, could be interpreted as an adaptation to improve sensitivity, especially to point sources. The shortening of both cornea and cone, relative to the over- all length of one ommatidium, and the loss of the orderly arrangement of microvilli in the rhabdom also point to- ward an adaptation to minimize photon loss and maxi- mize photon capture (Laughlin et al., 1975). The consid- erably greater rhabdom-occupation ratio in the eye of Paralomis as compared with the shallow-water species not only allows more photopigment molecules to be packed into the visual membranes, but also indicates low energy demand and slow cellular metabolism, both ad- aptations that are extremely useful in the deep-sea envi- ronment (Elofsson and Hallberg, 1977). In the shallow-water Petrolisthes elongatus the eye en- larges as the half-crab grows; ommatidia are added and sensitivity to both extended and point sources increases. P. elongatus uses vision to detect and approach hiding places (Meyer-Rochow and Meha, 1994). Since signs of eye regression in adult Paralomis are missing, we must assume that the general growth pattern resembles that of Petrolisthes. This, however, raises the question of what Paralomis could possibly see at a depth of 1 200 m, the "limit" beyond which sunlight can no longer be detected (Clarke and Kelly, 1964). Biological light sources, how- ever, abound at this depth (Omori, 1974), and it may well be in the interest of a benthic, sedentary detritus and filter feeder to notice them. Any visual signal adult Para- lomis could possibly be interested in would almost never come from below, and this could explain the lack of re- gional eye specializations seen in so many mesopelagic shrimps (Galen £>/«/., 1992). We know nothing about the spectral sensitivity of Paralomis, but the visual pigments of eight other ano- muran species all exhibit a single absorption peak in the bluegreen region of the spectrum (Cronin and Forward, 1988). Ziedins and Meyer-Rochow ( 1990) electrophysi- ologically measured spectral sensitivity peaks of dark- and light-adapted eyes of P. elongatus and also found them to lie in the bluegreen part of the spectrum. Since even the eyes of the hydrothermal vent species Rimicaris exoculata. which are strongly modified morphologically (O'Neill et al., 1995), possess a sensitivity peak in the bluegreen (Johnson et al.. 1995), we do nol expecl the eyes of Paralomis to differ in this respect. However, the lack of secondary screening pigments and retinula cell 8 in Paralomis suggests that the eye of Al. rugosa, for example, is less well adapted to the greatest depth of its range (shallow water down to 1250m:Gaten, 1994) than that of Paralomis. M. rugosa appears to be a relative "newcomer" to the deep-sea, while Paralomis has been exploiting that habitat for a longer evolutionary period. How much longer is hard to say, but Nuckley et al. (1996) speculate that a hydrothermal vent shrimp with modified eyes may have "migrated from the surface pos- sibly in the last 5,000-10,000 years" and over thai period evolved its present eye morphology. In conclusion, Ihe hypertrophied rhabdoms in Ihe eye of Paralomis, Ihe loss of Ihe orderly microvillus arrange- ment Ihe reduction of the cytoplasmic componenl of the retinula cells, the massively developed layer of reflecting vesicles in Ihe proximal half of Ihe relinula, and (consid- ering overall ommalidial length) the relative shortening of the dioptric elements coincident with greally enlarged diamelers in Ihe eye of Paralomis are all consistent with deplh-relaled adaplalions seen also in Ihe eyes of deep- sea mysids (Elofsson and Hallberg. 1977), amphipods ( Hallberg et al.. 1980; Meyer-Rochow et al., 1991), and to some extenl olher benlhic decapods (Hiller-Adams and Case, 1985) and mesopelagic shrimps (Galen et al., 1992). However, Ihe eyes of deep-waler euphausiids (Hiller-Adams and Case, 1988) are least similar to Ihose of Paralomis and Ihis, we believe, has lo do wilh (a) Ihe widespread abilily of euphausiids lo produce light, (b) the greater mobility and pelagic lifeslyles of euphausiids. COMPOUND EYE ULTRASTRUCTURE IN PAR.-ILOMIS MVLTISP1NA 307 and (c) the longer evolutionary period euphausiids have had to adapt their photoreceptors to the deep-sea envi- ronment. Acknowledgments We thank the Shinkai 2000 operation team and the Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMS- TEC) (Natsushimacho, Yokosuka, Japan) for their kind offer to assist in the procurement of the material. We also wish to acknowledge that through the constructive criti- cism of two anonymous referees we were able to improve the paper. Literature Cited Aho, A. C., K. O. Donner, C. Hyden, L. O. Larsen, and T. Reuter. 1988. Low retinal noise in animals with low body temperatures allows high visual sensitivity. 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Oregon 97331-2914 Abstract. Heat-shock protein (hsp) expression was ex- amined in gill of field-acclimatized and laboratory-accli- mated mussels (Mytilus californianus) from the Oregon coast. Endogenous levels of heat-shock proteins in the 70-kDa class (hsp70 isoforms) and profiles of induction temperature for newly synthesized hsp70 were measured in freshly field-collected specimens as functions of loca- tion height in the intertidal and season, and in mussels after 7 weeks of laboratory thermal acclimation. There were significant differences in endogenous levels of hsp70 as functions of season and collection height. Strong induction of new hsp70 synthesis occurred at body temperatures within the range measured in field specimens. Profiles of hsp70 thermal induction varied significantly with season, but not with height of collec- tion. In contrast to the large differences in hsp70 expres- sion between winter- and summer-acclimatized mussels, no differences related to temperature occurred in the differently acclimated mussels. The differences found be- tween the effects of field acclimatization and laboratory thermal acclimation suggest that the stress response is modulated by environmental factors in addition to body temperature. Thus, caution is required in extrapolating from laboratory acclimation studies to acclimatization effects in field populations. The seasonal and tidal-height variations in the heat-shock response are discussed in the context of energy costs of protein turnover. Received 4 June 1996; accepted 30 January 1997. 1 Direct correspondence to Dr. Hofmann at the Department of Biol- ogy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091. 2 Current address: Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pa- cific Grove, CA 93950-3094. Introduction All but one species so examined have been found to synthesize heat-shock proteins (hsps) in response to exposure to temperatures of a few to several degrees Cel- sius above those normally experienced by the organism (Craig, 1 985; Bosch onse in organ- isms in their natural habitats, in whl i thermal stress may greatly vary in time and space. '• adies of the heat- 309 310 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL. shock response in natural populations are important for several reasons, including (1) determining what temper- atures are in fact sufficiently high to induce the response under natural hab tai conditions; (2) characterizing the plasticity of the response (e.g., changes in induction tem- peratures and endogenous levels of hsps) in concert with variation in seasonal thermal regimes; and (3) establish- ing the relative magnitude of the heat-shock response in conspecifics exposed to different thermal regimes in their distinct microhabitats. In view of the high fraction of me- tabolism directed to protein synthesis and protein turn- over (Hawkins and Bayne, 1992), all of this information could be useful in developing models of ecological ener- getics— for example, in understanding the energy cost of existence in the face of fluctuating temperatures. Further understanding of the heat-shock response could be espe- cially important in developing and refining conceptual models in community ecology. These would include models of environmental stress, distribution and zona- tion, and diversity gradients, which invoke the impor- tance of sublethal abiotic stress in determining organ- isms' distribution limits, competitive relationships, and life-history strategies (Menge and Olson, 1990; Bertness andCallaway, 1994). As part of a broad study of the physiological ecology of temperate, rocky intertidal invertebrates, we have ex- amined several attributes of the heat-shock response in the California mussel, Mytilus calijornianus. The rocky intertidal zone exposes its inhabitants, especially sessile species like M. calijornianus, to wide ranges of tempera- ture, as well as to desiccating conditions, wave-exposure stress, variations in access to oxygen and nutrients, and high levels of UV radiation (Newell, 1979). Variation in physical condition occurs both seasonally and as a func- tion of height in the intertidal zone. In general, the high- intertidal zone is characterized by more extreme abiotic conditions than the low-intertidal zone, due to wider fluctuations in temperature and greater exposure to ae- rial conditions during tidal cycles. Mytilus californianus is an appropriate species for studies of natural variation in the heat-shock response with season and microhabitat location of conspecifics. Mytilus spp. are a prominent component of many tem- perate, wave-swept rocky shores (Seed and Suchanek. 1992). Mytilus californianus occurs along the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to Baja California ( Morris el at., 1980), and the upper and lower limits of its beds typically define the boundaries of the mid-intertidal zone (Suchanek, 1978). The lower limit of the M. califor- nianus zone is primarily determined by biotic interac- tions, predation and competition (Paine. 1966. 1974), whereas the upper limit is generally considered to be most influenced by physical constraints involving tem- perature and desiccation (Seed and Suchanek, 1992). Harger ( 1 970) found that M. californianus at higher tidal heights had decreased growth rates and attained smaller maximal sizes than conspecifics found lower in the inter- tidal zone. We examined the heat-shock response in Mytilus cali- fornianus to determine how it varies with season and with microhabitat location. Two characteristics of the re- sponse were studied: the temperatures at which hsp in- duction occurs and the endogenous levels of hsps. We focused on hsps of the 70-kDa size class (i.e., hsp70 iso- forms) and found that both attributes of the heat-shock response change significantly with season, and that the concentration of hsp70 in high- and low-intertidal indi- viduals of M. californianus also differs significantly. We performed a companion laboratory study of thermal ac- climation to determine whether temperature per se, in- dependent of other environmental factors like aerial exposure, influenced variations in the heat-shock re- sponse. We discuss these results in the context of the ex- pression of heat-shock proteins in organisms under eco- logically relevant habitat conditions and in relation to how laboratory acclimation studies may obscure the complete range of expression patterns found in field-ac- climatized organisms. Materials and Methods Acclimatization studies: field collections and body- temperature measurements Mytilus californianus (shell length 60-80 mm) was collected at Strawberry Hill on the central Oregon coast (44° 15TM. 127° 07'W) in July of 1993, and in February, March, May, June, and August of 1 994. Collections were performed on a single day each month. In February, mussels were collected from a mid-intertidal site. In all other months, mussels were collected from low- and high-intertidal sites corresponding to the lower and up- per limits of the M. californianus zone at Strawberry Hill. For the heat-shock induction experiments, freshly col- lected mussels were transported to the laboratory in am- bient-temperature seawater (8° to 12°C) within 4-6 h of collection. In the laboratory, mussels were kept at 10°C in tanks of recirculating seawater and used in hsp induc- tion experiments within 1-3 days of collection. Samples of gill tissue for solid-phase immunochemical quantification of hsp70 levels (western blotting) were collected in July 1993 and February 1994. In the field, gill lamellae were dissected from mussels gathered at the high- and low-intertidal sites at the beginning and end of the emersion period, during the more extreme low tide on the collection day. The tissue samples were immedi- ately frozen on aluminum blocks chilled on dry ice, transported to the laboratory on dry ice, and stored at -70°C until processed for protein electrophoresis and western blotting. The body temperatures of mussels at the field collec- HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS IN MYTILL'S 311 tion sites were measured with a thermocouple connected to a hand-held digital thermometer (Omega Inc.). The probe was inserted into a small hole drilled through a valve, and temperatures were recorded at intervals of about 20 min throughout the emersion period. Between measurements, the holes were plugged with modeling clay to prevent evaporative water loss. Acclimation studies: field collections ami acclimation procedure Specimens were collected at Strawberry Hill on 15 May 1994, during low tide. Gill-tissue samples for west- ern analysis were collected from mussels dissected in the field, as described above. Mussels for acclimation exper- iments (/; = 125) were haphazardly selected from a mid- intertidal rock bench, within an area of about 4 nr. Mussels were transported to the laboratory in ambient- temperature seawater ( 12°C) within several hours of col- lection and immediately placed in a tank with recirculat- ing seawater at 1 3°C. The next day, the mussels were di- vided into four tanks, each containing 30 mussels. One tank was maintained at 13°C and the other three tanks were adjusted to one of three temperatures, 10°, 17°, or 20°C, at a rate of 2°C per day. All tanks were maintained for 7 weeks after acclimation temperatures (10°, 1 3°, 1 7°, and 20°C) were reached. Mussels were fed an algal con- centrate mixture (Algae Preserve Diet 'B': Coast Sea- foods Co., Bellevue, WA) every 4 days. Heat-shock-protein induction experiments For the field-acclimatization studies, hsp induction ex- periments were conducted on freshly collected mussels in February, March. May, June, and August of 1994. For the laboratory -acclimation studies, hsp induction exper- iments were conducted in May 1994 on freshly field-col- lected mussels and in July 1994, at the end of the 7-week acclimation period, on mussels acclimated to tempera- tures of 1 0°C. 1 3°C, 1 7°C and 20°C. All induction exper- iments were conducted with gill tissue because of the ease with which several similar fragments of this tissue could be obtained from each individual, and because of the ability of gill to take up dissolved amino acids from the medium. Whole gill lamellae were dissected from mus- sels held in chilled seawater. The lamellae were cut into small fragments weighing about 200 mg. These frag- ments, one for each temperature tested, were immedi- ately placed into 500 /il of incubation medium (Hepes- buffered artificial seawater [20 mA/ Hepes, 7.57 mM (NH4):SO4, 375 mA/ NaCl, 9.35 mM KC1, 2.7 mM NaHCO,, 17.95 mA/ Na;SO4, 37.7 mA/ MgCl:-6H:O, 8 mA/ CaCl:-2H:O, 10 mA/ glucose]) in 1.5-ml micro- centrifuge tubes that had been pre-equilibrated at the heat-exposure temperatures. Immediately prior to the addition of gill, 5 ^1 of ^S-labeled methionine and cys- teine (Trans-35, ICN Radiochemicals) was added to the incubation medium. Gill fragments were radiolabeled for 2 h at the following temperatures: 10°, 13°, 17°, 20°, 23°, 25°, and 28°C. During the incubation period, gill fragments were aerated frequently by blowing a stream of air onto the surface of the incubation medium with sufficient force to stir the medium and oxygenate the buffer. After the incubation period, gill fragments were rinsed in 2 vol of nonradioactive incubation medium and then either frozen immediately on dry ice or pro- cessed for protein electrophoresis. Protein electrophoresis and Jluorography Gill fragments from hsp induction experiments were placed in mierocentrifuge tubes containing 300 ^1 of ly- sis buffer (32 mA/Tris-HCl, pH 6.8; 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with 1 mA/ phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF), a protease inhibitor, added immediately before use), and boiled for 2 min. Samples were then homoge- nized with a Teflon pellet pestle, boiled again for 5 min, and homogenized a second time. The homogenates were centrifuged at 16,000 X g in a mierocentrifuge for 15 min. The supernatants were removed and the radio- activity, in counts per minute (CPM), of a 10-^1 fraction of each sample was determined with a liquid scintillation counter; the remainder of the sample (about 200 ^1) was stored at -20°C. Proteins in the supernatants were separated by electro- phoresis on 1 2% polyacrylamide gels in an SOS-buffer system (Laemmli, 1970). For ease of comparison and consistency, all of the samples (one gill fragment at each of the heat-exposure temperatures) from an individual mussel were analyzed on a single gel. Each sample was loaded in equivalent counts, approximately 600,000 CPM per lane. Gels were electrophoresed with 20 mA current for about 3.5 h, fixed for 1 h in an aque- ous solution of 10% acetic acid and 30% methanol, and then incubated in EN3HANCE (NEN) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Dried gels were exposed to film (Kodak X-OMAT) at -70°C for 1 5 h. After the film was developed, protein bands were analyzed with a densi- tometer (Molecular Dynamics), and the relative inten- sity and size of bands were quantified using ImageQuant software (Molecular Dynamics). We measured the amount of newly synthesized pro- tein (radioactivity) in a given band with a volume quan- tification procedure in ImageQuant, which calculated the intensity and the area of the band. The hsp bands were normalized relative to a non-heat-induced, strongly labeled 46-kDa protein band within the same sample lane to eliminate the variation in background labeling between samples. All comparisons of amounts of newly synthesized hsp70 were made relative to the amounts of newly synthesized 46-kDa protein ("relative amounts of 312 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL hsp70 synthesis"), for reasons given below. Normaliza- tion to the 46-kDa protein is appropriate because our ob- jective was to estimate the temperatures at which en- hanced synthesis of hsp70 relative to other size classes of proteins occurred, regardless of whether the change in relative synthesis rates was due to enhanced synthesis of hsp70 or to reduced synthesis of proteins, such as the 46- kDa protein, not induced at high temperatures. At the highest incubation temperatures, synthesis of proteins other than hsps was reduced. This observation was con- sistent with a denning characteristic of the heat-shock re- sponse: preferential synthesis of hsps over normal cellu- lar proteins at abnormally high temperatures. Thus, the ratio of hsp70: 46-kDa protein could potentially increase as a result of an increase in hsp70 synthesis, a decrease in synthesis of the 46-kDa protein, or both. Our analysis of newly synthesized proteins therefore is appropriate for determining when hsp70 synthesis is induced by heat stress, even though this autoradiographic procedure can- not provide an estimate of the absolute amount of new hsp70 that is synthesized. Another reason for normaliz- ing to the 46-kDa protein is the need to control for tem- perature effects on rate processes (Qw effects). It could be argued that increases in hsp synthesis with rising temper- ature could simply be a consequence of Qw effects on the rate of protein synthesis, and not a result of thermal induction of the heat stress response per se. By normal- izing synthesis of hsp70 to synthesis of a non-heat-in- duced protein, we eliminated potential artifacts due to Qw effects on synthesis rates. For the graphical representations, but not for the sta- tistical analyses, the relative amounts of hsp70 synthe- sized were normalized to the corresponding value at 10°C within each gel (i.e.. within each mussel), so that among the autoradiographs(/>.. among the mussels) the relative intensities of hsp70 at 10°C were equivalent. This temperature is within the range of ambient sea water temperatures recorded at Strawberry Hill, and from pre- liminary experiments was shown not to induce synthesis of hsps in this population of M. califomianus. By stan- dardizing the relative intensity values for hsp70 to this common temperature, we could make graphical com- parisons of the heat-shock response between sites and on a seasonal basis. 7sp70 western blotting dogenous hsp70 levels in gill samples were quanti- ith immunoblotting techniques. For the field stud- dissected in the field in July 1993 and February used; for the acclimation experiments in the labo gills dissected in the field in May 1994 and from n s acclimated to 10°C and 20°C for 7 weeks were use II fragments dissected from mussels in the field ami i i immediately were homogenized in lysis buffer, following the same protocol used on samples for the induction experiment. Equivalent amounts of pro- tein (5 jug) were electrophoresed on 7% or 7.5% SDS- polyacrylamide gels. This amount of protein was deter- mined to be within the linear range of detection for the final immunochemical detection step (data not shown; see Hofmann and Somero, 1995). After electrophoresis, separated proteins were transferred from the gel to a ni- trocellulose membrane via a semi-dry transfer blot appa- ratus (Owl Scientific). Transfers were conducted for 1 .5 h at 1 1 5 mA with a transfer buffer containing 25 mM Tris base, 192 mMglycine, and 20% methanol. The nitrocel- lulose membrane was hydrated for 3 h prior to transfer, and the filter paper used to sandwich the membrane and gel was saturated in transfer buffer. After the transfer, the membrane was blocked overnight in blocking solution (5% nonfat dry milk, 0.02% thimerosal, in phosphate- buffered saline (PBS: 10 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mJl/NaCl, pH 7.4)) and then rinsed three times for 10 min in PBS containing 0.1%- Tween-20. The mem- brane was then sequentially incubated in solutions of rat monoclonal anti-hsp70 antibody (hybridoma 7.10; pro- vided by Dr. Susan Lindquist of the University of Chi- cago), bridging antibody (rabbit anti-rat IgG; Vector Laboratories) and Protein A-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate (Bio-Rad). These methods are more fully described in Hofmann and Somero (1995). The en- hanced chemiluminescence detection method (ECL de- tection reagents; Amersham) was used to visualize pro- teins that cross-reacted with the anti-hsp70 antibody. In order to compare multiple western blots, a biotinylated ECL molecular weight marker was run on each gel and visualized by adding a streptavidin-HRP incubation af- ter the Protein A-HRP incubation step (see Hofmann and Somero, 1995). For individual western blots, the in- tensity of the ECL marker was used to standardize the intensities of the hsp70 bands. The chemiluminescent signal was detected according to the manufacturer's in- structions, using pre-flashed Hyperfilm-ECL X-ray film (Amersham). Exposure times of the blot to the film were typically 5-15 s. Relative amounts of hsp70 were then quantified with densitometry and ImageQuant software. Statistical analysis SAS (SAS Institute Inc.) and SYSTAT (Systat Inc.) software programs were used for the statistical analyses. In induction experiments with field-acclimatized mus- sels, we compared the relative level of newly synthesized hsp70 in relation to incubation temperature, tidal height, and time of collection (i.e.. month). Using ANOVA tech- niques, incubation temperature (TEMP), collection time ( MONTH ), and tidal height of collection site (HEIGHT) were designated as factors, or main effects (i.e.. indepen- dent variables), and the relative level of newly synthe- HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS IN MYTILUS 313 sized hsp70 was designated as the response variable (i.e., dependent variable). Because individual mussels were di- vided into separate gill fragments, suhiinils. in the induc- tion experiments, a split-plot ANOVA was used (Sokal and Rohlf. 1981). MONTH and HEIGHT were unit (whole mussel) level effects, and TEMP was a subnnit (gill fragment) level effect. A variable to designate "among whole mussel variation" (MUSS) was also in- cluded in the analysis. In this case, the null hypothesis was that the variation in hspVO synthesis was random, and not due to TEMP, MONTH, or HEIGHT. Because the relative level of newly synthesized hsp70 was calcu- lated as a ratio, and because exploratory data analyses revealed unequal variances, these data were log- transformed prior to running the analysis. A similar model was used to analyze the results of the hsp induc- tion experiments with the laboratory-acclimated mus- sels. We were interested in comparing the relative level of newly synthesized hsp70 in relation to incubation temperature and acclimation treatment (pre-acclima- tion (field), 10°, 13°, 17°, and 20°C acclimation). Incuba- tion temperature (TEMP) and acclimation treatment (ACCLTRT) were the independent variables, and the relative level of newly synthesized hsp70 was the depen- dent variable. ANOVA was also used to analyze the results of the hsp70 western blotting. For the field studies, the relative level of endogenous hsp70 was the dependent variable, and collection season, tidal height, and collection time were the independent variables. For the laboratory accli- mation studies, the relative level of endogenous hsp70 was the dependent variable, and acclimation treatment was the independent variable (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). The Bonferroni correction procedure (Systat) was used for post hoc multiple comparisons (Schlotzhauer and Littell, 1987). Results Tissue temperatures of mussels in the field Internal tissue temperatures of attached mussels dur- ing emersion at low tide were recorded seasonally at Strawberry Hill, using mussels from both high- and low- intertidal sites. Tissue temperatures in May and July ranged from about 9° to 28°C. Tissue temperatures on a day in July 1993 are shown in Figure 1 (top). Tissue temperatures were above 1 8°C for 2.5 h during emersion at the high site and for less than 30 min at the low site. Temperature data from a day in May 1993 (Fig 1. bot- tom) show that tissue temperatures were above 1 8°C for about 3.5 h at both sites. The temperatures of the low- site animals reached slightly higher peak values than con- specifics at the high site. These data indicate the potential range and variability in tissue temperatures, but because measurements were 28 20 E 16 12 • low O high JULY 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 28 - 24 - = 20 O 0) CL E 16 V h- 12 MAY re-immersion 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Time of Day (Hours) 1300 1400 Figure 1. //; situ tissue temperatures ofAIytilns californianus in re- lation to time of day over a single low-tide emersion period in July (top) and May (bottom) 1993, at high- and low-intertidal sites at Strawberry Hill, Oregon. Each point represents the mean temperature of 5 mussels. Error bars are ± 1 standard error of the mean. only made over discrete time intervals around low tide, and because weather conditions (e.g., wind, cloud cover) can fluctuate immensely on a daily basis, the data should not be interpreted to represent general seasonal patterns. In addition, these data show the unpredictable nature of the temperature ranges experienced by mussels on any given day. The time of day of the lowest low tide each day during spring tides varies seasonally; in the fall and winter the extreme low tides are in the early evening and night, and in the spring and summer the extreme low tides are in the early to mid morning (7995 Tide Tables for the Pacific Coast of North and South America. NOAA, US Dept. of Commerce). Heat-shock-protein induction profiles General patterns of newly synthesized proteins in field- acclimatized mussels. Experimentson induction of heat- shock proteins were conducted on freshh tield-collected mussels in February, March, May, June, and August of 1994. In most cases, direct visual analysis of labeled pro- tein bands revealed a clear profile of isp induction: as 314 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL. incubation temperature increased, the relative intensi- ties of bands representing newly synthesized proteins changed markedly, with bands of molecular mass corre- sponding to major classes of heat shock proteins showing the strongest increase in intensity (Fig. 2). The most prominent bands of heat-inducible protein were of ap- parent A/r 68-74 kDa and 31.5 kDa — bands that we as- sume to represent heat shock proteins of the 70-kDa and 30-kDa classes. These bands were faint or absent at tem- peratures below 20°C, and exhibited a marked increase in intensity and width at temperatures of 23°C and higher (Fig. 2). The appearance of two strong bands with A/r values near 70 kDa indicated de novo synthesis of more than one hsp70 isoform (Fig. 2). Other protein bands, whose synthesis was not induced by heat, were consistently present in all samples and at all tempera- tures tested. Most notable were two bands of 39 and 46 kDa (Fig. 2). However, synthesis of these non-heat- induced proteins decreased at 25° and 28°C, tempera- tures at which hsp synthesis remained strong. Seasonal and tidal-height patterns in hsplO induction profiles. In February, in mussels collected from a mid- intertidal site, there was a significant increase in the rela- tive amount of hsp70 synthesis at 23°, 25°, and 28°C as compared to synthesis at lower temperatures (Fig. 3; AN- OVA, P < 0.00 1 in all cases). Between 23° and 28°C there was a twofold increase in the relative amount of hsp70 synthesized, and synthesis levels at 28°C were about four times higher than at 10°, 17°, and 20°C (Fig. 3). The im- portance of normalizing hsp70 synthesis to the 46-kDa protein to determine induction temperatures is illus- trated by comparing data in Figures 2 and 3. Although Figure 2 appears to show an increase (induction) in hsp70 synthesis at 20°C, when the 70-kDa band is nor- malized to the 46-kDa band (Fig. 3) no change in the relative amount of hsp70 synthesis is found until 23°C. Beginning in March, hsp induction experiments were performed on mussels collected at high- and low-inter- tidal sites, to examine site location and seasonal effects on patterns of hsp synthesis. The overall trends in the March and February specimens were similar: a strong increase in relative synthesis of hsps of both general size classes occurred at 23°C, and hsp70 levels were about fourfold higher at 28°C than at temperatures of 20° and lower (Fig. 4). In March, the relative magnitude of the response was somewhat elevated in the low-intertidal Incubation Temperature (°C) 10 13 17 20 23 25 28 : hsp70 : 46 kDa •=hsp30 : 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 2. Autoradiograph from an experiment on the induction of heat shock proteins in Mytilus calif ornianus. Fragments of gill tissue from a single individual (collected in February 1994) were radiola- beled with a mixture of '5S-methionine and 35S-cysteine for 2 h. Samples were loaded on a 12% polyacryl- amide gel in duplicate; approximately 600,000 CPM per lane were loaded. Lanes 1-2, 10°C; lanes 3-4. 1 3°C; lanes 5-6, 1 7°C: lanes 7-8, 20°C; lanes 9- 1 0, 23°C: lanes 11-12, 25°C; lanes 13-14. 28°C. HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS IN MYTILUS 315 FEBRUARY 10 15 20 Temperature (°C) 25 30 Figure 3. Hsp induction in gill of Mytilus califomianus in relation to incubation temperature. Mussels were collected in February 1994 from a mid-intertidal site at Strawberry Hill. Each point represents the mean relative level of newly synthesized hsp70 of 6 mussels; error bars are±l standard error of the mean. mussels as compared to the high-intertidal mussels at all temperatures, although this difference was not signifi- cant (Fig. 4). The induction profiles in the May samples are similar to those in February and March, although there was an overall reduction in the magnitude of the response. The June samples showed a further dampening of the induction response (note that 13° and 17°C were not tested in the June collection; Fig. 4), and in the Au- gust samples there was no longer a sharp induction pro- file in either the high or low samples (note that 13°C was not tested; Fig. 4). A split-plot ANOVA indicated that incubation temperature (TEMP, P < 0.0001), collection month (MONTH, P < 0.0007), and the interaction term be- tween temperature and collection month (MONTH* TEMP, P < 0.0001) were statistically significant in ex- plaining variation in relative amounts of new synthesis of hsp70. There was significant individual variability in hsp70 expression among individual mussels (MUSS (MONTH * HEIGHT), P< 0.0001), but the tidal height of the collection site was not significant in the model (HEIGHT, P< 0.7470). Hsp70 synthesis patterns in laboratory-acclimated mussels. Freshly collected (= pre-acclimation) speci- mens of mid-intertidal M. califomianus collected in May 1994 exhibited an hsp70 expression pattern (data not shown) similar to that observed with high- and low-in- MARCH JUNE AUGUST 10 15 20 25 Temperature (°C) 10 15 20 25 Temperature (°C) Figure 4. Hsp70 induction in gill of Mytilus califomianus in relation to incubation temperature in field-collected mussels in March. May, June, and August 1 994, from high- and low-intertidal sites at Straw- berry Hill. Points represent means: March low, n = 5; March high. n = 4; May low. n = 8: May high, n = 8. June low, n = 5: June high, n = 4; August low, /; = 3; August high. /; = 3. Error bars are ± I standard erro ot the mean. 316 - 3 i - 10 5 ~ ^ 3 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL. 5 10°C 15 20 25 30 17°C 10 15 20 25 30 Temperature (°C) 10 10 13«C 15 20 25 30 20°C 15 20 25 Temperature (°C) 30 Figure 5. HspVO induction in gill of laboratory-acclimated Mylilm californianus in relation to temper- ature. Mussels were collected in May 1 994 from a mid-intertidal site at Strawberry Hill and acclimated in the laboratory tor 7 weeks. Each point represents the mean relative level of newly synthesized hspVO; error bars are ±1 standard error of the mean. Sample sizes were IO°C-acclimation. n = 5; !3°C-acclimation, n = 6; 17"C-acclimation. n = 7; 20°C-acclimation, n = 1. tertidal mussels from the same month (Fig. 4): amounts of newly synthesized hsp70 were relatively constant and low between 10°C and 20°C, but between 20°C and 25°C there was a sharp increase in synthesis of hsp70. The amounts of newly synthesized hspTO at 25°C and 28°C were more than three times the levels at 10°C and 1 3°C. A comparison of these data with results from the tem- perature-acclimated mussels (Fig. 5) revealed several differences. Overall, the relative magnitude of the amount of newly synthesized hsp70 was reduced in the mussels acclimated to 10°, 13°, and 17°C, when com- pared to the pre-acclimation mussels (compare May data in Fig. 4 with dula in Fig. 5). In all but the 20°C-accli- mated specimens, the relative amount of new hsp70 syn- thesis was maximal at 28°C and decreased at the highest incubation temperature 32°C. Protein synthesis in the 20°C-acclimated mussels was more resistant to high tem- perature, and no decrease in hsp70 synthesis was noted at 32°C. Acclimation had no consistent effects on the temperature at which a significant increase in hsp70 syn- thesis first occurred. The split-plot ANOVA model showed that acclima- tion treatment ( ACCLTRT, P < 0.000 1 ), temperature (TEMP, P < 0.0001 ). and the interaction between these two factors (ACCLTRT * TEMP, P < 0.0001 ) explained a significant portion of the variation in relative levels of newly synthesized hsp70. This model also shows that the variation in response among individual mussels was sig- nificant (P < 0.0052). Endogenous hsp70 levels: constitutive and heat-induced isoforms Western blotting with a rat monoclonal anti-hsp70 an- tibody was used to measure the relative amounts of hsp70 present in field-acclimatized M. californianus over the low-tide emersion period, in high- and low-intertidal populations, and in summer- and in winter-acclimatized specimens (Fig. 6). For quantification and comparison, the hsp70 bands were divided into two groups of iso- forms; a lower molecular mass group (LMM-hsp70, ap- parent A/r: 66-68 kDa) and a higher molecular mass group (HMM-hsp70, apparent A/r: 69-73 kDa). These two molecular-mass classes may include both constitu- tively synthesized isoforms of 70-kDa chaperones (hsp70 cognates = hsc70) and heat-induced isoforms (hsp70s) HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS IN MYTILUS 1 234 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 317 HI LI H2 L2 SUMMER 1 234 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HI LI H2 L2 WINTER Figure 6. Western blot analysis of hsp70 isoforms in gill tissue of summer- and winter-acclimatized Mylilus calijornianus. Mussels were collected at high- and low-intertidal sites just as the water was receding (HI and L 1 . respectively) and just prior to re-immersion ( H2 and L2. respectively). Lanes were loaded with equal amounts of protein (5 ^g). and immunodetection was performed using ECL reagents. Two samples from each site were loaded in duplicate (e.g.. lanes 1 and 2 are the same sample). It should be noted that one individual (H2 in Winter) displayed significantly lower levels of endogenous hspVO: the reason for this difference is unknown. because this anti-hsp 70 antibody reacts with both types of 70-kDa isoforms. As shown in Figure 7, there were no significant differ- ences in hsp70 levels over a single low-tide emersion pe- riod in either the high- (HI, H2) or low- (LI, L2) inter- tidal sample, in either the summer or winter collections. However, distinct seasonal and tidal height differences, both in the quantity and banding pattern of hsp70 pro- teins, were observed (Fig. 7). The relative amount of LMM-hsp70 isoforms was significantly greater in the high-intertidal mussels than in the low-intertidal mussels in the summer collection (P < 0.0 1 ). In the winter, there was no significant difference in the amount of LMM- hsp70 in the gill of high- and low-intertidal mussels (Fig. 7a). Within the high-intertidal site, there were signifi- cantly higher levels of LMM-hsp70 isoforms in the sum- mer than in the winter (P < 0.01). Within the low site, there were no significant seasonal differences. Consistent with the patterns shown by LMM-hsp70, the amount of HMM-hsp70s in summer was signifi- cantly higher in the high-intertidal mussels than in the low-intertidal mussels (Fig. 7b; P < 0.01). However, within the high-intertidal site, there were no significant differences seasonally, and within the low intertidal site, the amount of HMM-hsp70 was higher in winter than in summer. Using western analysis, we also compared hsp70 levels in the pre-acclimation group of field-collected mussels (May 1994), and in the laboratory-acclimated mussels after 7 weeks of acclimation to either 10° or 20°C (data not shown). There were no significant differences among any of these three treatment groups for either the LMM or HMM forms of hsp70. Discussion In situ tissue temperatures and expression of heat-shock proteins The tissue temperatures recorded in situ during emer- sion at all seasons frequently reached levels at which in- creased synthesis of hsp70 was observed in the in vitro labeling studies (Figs. 1-4). These observations, in con- cert with the seasonal and tidal-height variations ob- served in endogenous levels of hsp70 (Figs. 6 and 7), show that the heat-shock response is likely to be induced in mussels at all seasons, but particularly during summer when low tides typically occur during midday. Because the intensity of thermal stress is due to the product of temperature multiplied by duration of exposure, mussels in the higher regions of the intertidal zone experience greater heat stress, even though the absolute tissue tem- peratures reached during emersion on hot days may not differ between high- and low-intertidal individuals (Fig. 1 ). Other data support our conclusion thai tissue temper- atures of mussels frequently become hi;;h enough to in- duce the heat-shock response. Elvin and Conor (1979) recorded tissue temperatures ranging >m 0° to 34°C in M. calijornianus on the Oregon a .t. Hofmann and 318 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL. 0.4 - 0.0 Figure 7. Mean relative level of low molecular mass (66-68 kDa) hsp70 isoforms (a) and high molecular mass (69-73 kDa) hsp70 iso- forms (b) in Mviilus californianus g\\\ in relation to intertidal collection site, over a low-tide emersion period in summer and in winter. H and L designate samples from high and low sites, respectively; 1 and 2 des- ignate samples collected at the beginning and end, respectively, of the period of emersion. Error bars are ±1 standard error of the mean (n = 5). Somero (1995) reported tissue temperatures as high as 32°C during emersion of M. trossulits during midday low tides in coastal intertidal sites on San Juan Island, Wash- ington. These data on body temperature, taken in con- junction with the hsp induction profiles presented here and in other studies of intertidal invertebrates (Hofmann and Somero, 1995, 1996), highlight how important stress-protein expression may be to eurythermal ecto- therms, such as intertidal invertebrates, for tolerance of fluctuations in environmental temperature and the de- velopment of seasonal thermotolerance (Coleman et a/., 1995). Seasonal patterns: induction profiles and endogenous levels of heat-shock proteins The results of the in vitro labeling experiments showed that patterns of hsp expression varied significantly over the 7-month period of the field experiment (Figs. 3, 4; P < 0.0007). Two observations illustrate the plasticity of the stress response in field organisms. First, there was sig- nificant seasonal variation in the induction profiles with respect to induction temperatures and the magnitude of new synthesis of hsp70 isoforms (Figs. 3 and 4). In gill from mussels sampled in February and March, hsp70 synthesis was strongly induced at temperatures greater than 20°C. By May, the induction response was damp- ened, and this trend continued in June and August. Thus, in what may appear to be a paradoxical trend, the amount of new synthesis of hsp70 was lowest in the months when average temperatures during emersion were likely to be highest. Few other studies have examined seasonal changes in the heat-shock response. In an estuarine goby fish, Gil- Ikiithys niirahi/is, the induction temperature for synthe- sis of hsp90 increased from 28°C in winter-acclimatized fish to 32°C in summer-acclimatized fish (Dietz and Somero, 1992). The plasticity observed in invertebrates (this study) and fishes (Dietz and Somero, 1992) in the induction of hsp synthesis indicates that the regulation of hsp expression is not a genetically fixed characteristic of an organism, but is instead a trait subject to acclimati- zation. The second type of plasticity noted in the field-acclima- tization experiment was the strong effect of season on en- dogenous levels of hsp70 isoforms (Figs. 6 and 7). During summer, when the highest body temperatures during emersion are likely, the levels of the LMM isoforms of hsp70 were significantly elevated over levels measured in winter mussels in the high-intertidal location, but not at the lower site (Fig. 7; see below). For the HMM isoforms of hsp70, summer levels were significantly elevated in mussels from the high-intertidal site as compared to levels in mussels from the low-intertidal site (Fig. 7). The sea- sonal changes noted in endogenous levels of hsp70 iso- forms may provide a partial explanation (but see below) for the seemingly paradoxical result found in the induc- tion experiments — namely, the dampened induction re- sponse noted in summer specimens. The higher levels of hsp70 isoforms maintained in summer may be a type of "anticipatory" adaptation to the likelihood of increased thermal stress in these months. Higher endogenous levels of hsps may preclude the need for induction of new hsp synthesis in concert with emersion during the tidal cycle. Tidal height patterns: induction profiles and endogenous levels No significant differences were found in the induction profiles of mussels from high- and low-intertidal sites (Fig. 4), even though the endogenous levels of hsp70 iso- forms in the two groups were significantly different (Fig. 7). In summer, the levels of LMM and HMM hsp70 were HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS IN HfYTlLUS 319 significantly higher in mussels from the high site than in individuals from the low site, an observation consistent with greater amounts of thermal stress in the high inter- tidal individuals. In winter, for both isoforms of hsp70, high- and low-site mussels had the same hspTO levels. These data show that the temperatures at which new syn- thesis of hsp70 isoforms is induced are not established entirely by the endogenous levels of hsp70. One reason for the observed lack of a consistent correlation between endogenous levels of hsp70 isoforms and induction tem- perature may be that the data from the western analysis includes both constitutively expressed and heat-induced isoforms of hsp70. whereas the data from in vitro labeling primarily represents new synthesis of the heat-inducible isoforms. A clearer understanding of the correlation be- tween endogenous levels of an hsp and the induction temperature for new hsp synthesis thus requires the abil- ity to to distinguish between constitutively expressed and heat-induced isoforms, something our antibody analysis did not do. Studies with other intertidal invertebrates have also observed differential expression of stress proteins as a function of intertidal location. The limpet Collisella sea- bra, which occurs relatively high in the intertidal zone, expressed more isoforms of hsp70 and hsp60 than a con- gener, C. pelta. which occurs lower in the intertidal in shaded surge channels (Sanders et ai, 1991). In the sea anemone Anemonia virldis. intertidally occurring indi- viduals have higher constitutive levels of a low molecular weight hsp than do anemones from subtidal collections (Sharp cl ul.. 1994). In M. trossuhis, intertidal popula- tions had higher endogenous levels of hsp70 than subti- dal populations (Hofmann and Somero, 1995). Acclimation patterns: induction profiles and endogenous levels of heat-shock proteins The acclimation experiments were conducted to de- termine whether the seasonal acclimatizational effects noted in induction profiles and endogenous levels of hsp70 could be mimicked through cold- and warm-accli- mation in the laboratory. That is, the acclimation exper- iments were designed to test the hypothesis that changes in temperature alone were responsible for seasonal accli- matization of the heat-shock response. Our data refute this hypothesis. The induction profile data (Fig. 5) show that the warm- and cold-acclimated mussels had indis- tinguishable heat-shock responses. Both acclimation groups exhibited a relatively attenuated response, with maximal increases in hsp70 synthesis of no more than about 2.5-fold, in contrast with the greater than 4-fold increases seen in winter-acclimatized mussels (Figs. 3 and 4). Similarly, no significant differences were found between pre-acclimation, 10°-, and 20°C-acclimated groups in the endogenous levels of LMM and HMM hsp70 isoforms. The differences that distinguish the results of the accli- mation and acclimatization experiments with M. califor- nianus raise caveats about the design and interpretation of heat-shock experiments. Particularly for sessile inter- tidal species like M. californiamis, which encounter a va- riety of emersion-related stresses, including those due to desiccation and anaerobiosis, it may be unrealistic to as- sume that temperature is the only, or even the primary, stress that necessitates the heat-shock (stress) response. A common signal for hsp induction is the appearance in the cell of unfolded proteins (Ananthan et al.. 1986; Parsell and Lindquist, 1993). In addition to thermal stress, changes in intracellular ionic strength and pH dur- ing emersion could affect protein structure and, thereby, induce the synthesis of heat-shock proteins. Because the mussels in the acclimation experiment were continu- ously submerged, stresses due to desiccation and anaero- biosis were not present. Therefore, acclimation to a sin- gle environmental variable, for example, temperature, may not lead to a heat-shock response that mimics the response occurring under in situ conditions. General conclusions Synthesis of stress proteins, like all protein synthesis, is expensive in terms of the energy budget of an animal (Creighton, 1993). Hawkins (1991) has estimated the costs of protein synthesis to constitute 20%-25% of the energy budget of the bay mussel, Mytilus edulis. This cost represents an additional energy burden because stress proteins do not directly contribute to increases in growth or reproduction, and because under stress condi- tions they may be synthesized preferentially, such that other proteins critical for the normal functioning of the organism are either synthesized at reduced rates or not synthesized at all. Furthermore, the function of stress proteins may require considerable ATP turnover; refold- ing of a protein may consume in excess of 100 ATP mol- ecules (Creighton, 1991; Martin et al.. 1991; Parsell and Lindquist, 1993). The extent to which different intensi- ties of thermal stress found in high- and low-intertidal sites impact protein synthesis and growth is not known. However, significant differences in growth rates (Menge et al., 1994) and in capacity for protein synthesis as indi- cated by RNA:DNA ratios (Dahlhoff and Menge, 1996) have been found between mussels in different tidal loca- tions at Strawberry Hill. Although these height-related differences may be due in large measure to variation in food availability from site to site (Dahlhoff and Menge, 1996), other explanations are possible. The data also are consistent with the conjectures that the heat shock re- sponse can exact a measurable toll on the energy budgets of organisms (Krebs and Loeschcke, 1994; Coleman et al.. 1995), and that thermal damage to proteins could play a key role in defining the habitat ranges of marine species (Somero, 1995). 320 D. A. ROBERTS ET AL. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Susa; 1 mdquist for providing the anti- bodies used in this s'udy. Team Mussel was supported by an OSU Zoological Research Fund Award to DAR, an NSF Man no Biotechnology Postdoctoral Fellowship to GEH, and NSF grant IBN 9206660 to GNS. Literature Cited Ananthan, J., A. L. Goldberg, and R. Voellmy. 1986. Abnormal pro- teins serve as eukaryotic stress signals and trigger the activation of heat shock genes. Science 232: 522-524. Becker, J., and E. A. Craig. 1994. Heat-shock proteins as molecular chaperones. Eur. J Biochem 219: 1 1-23. Bertness, M. D., and R. Galloway. 1994. Positive interactions in com- munities. Trends Eco/. Ewl. 9: 191-193. Bosch, T. C. G., S. M. Krylow, H. R. Bode, and R. E. Steele. 1988. Thermotolerance and synthesis of heat shock proteins: these re- sponses are present in Hydra allenuata but absent in Hydra oli- gaclis. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA 85: 7927-793 1 . Goleman, J. S., S. A. Heckathorn, and R. L. Hallberg. 1995. 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McNAMARA1 AND ALICE GONCALVES LIMA2 {DepartamentodeBiologia, FFCLRP. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto 14040-901 SP, Brasil; and 2Departamento de Fisiologia. Institute de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo. Brasil Abstract. The ultrastructure of the pillar cells in the gill lamellae of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium olfer- sii was examined to evaluate the routes of salt and water movement across the gill epithelium and into the hemo- lymph. Alterations were morphometrically quantified in shrimp maintained in fresh water (FW, <0.5%« salinity) and after acclimation to saline media (21%o or 28%» sa- linity). The tissue interface between the hemolymph and the external medium consists exclusively of the thin api- cal flange regions of the pillar cells, the upper membrane of which is highly amplified by dense microvilli and over- lain by a thin cuticle. The lower flange membrane, bathed by the hemolymph, is smooth and not invagi- nated. Contiguous flanges are strongly bound by junc- tional structures including desmosomes and septate junctions. The basal surface of the pillar cell perikaryon is linked to the adjacent septal cells through many baso- lateral junctions. The septal cell plasmalemma is abun- dantly and deeply invagmated, each infolding enclosing numerous mitochondria; these characteristics are typical of salt-transporting machinery. After shrimps were accli- mated to saline media for 10 days, the thickness of the pillar cell flanges was significantly reduced (from 1.3 to <^QA Mm), as was the height (from 0.8 to 0.3 ^m) and density (from 4.0 to = 1.8 microvilli/^m) of the apical microvilli. This reduction in the apical surface area of the pillar cells appears to lead to decreased ionic perme- Received 6 May 1996; accepted 20 December 1996. ability, concomitant with a reduction in Na+/K+-ATP- ase activity, thus limiting Na+ uptake. In contrast to the brachyurans, in which the respiratory and ion-transport- ing mechanisms are differentially located in the anterior and posterior gills, in palaemonid shrimps the pillar cells apparently play a dual role: ions move preferentially through ion transporters in the microvilli above the pillar cell perikaryon, while respiratory gases are exchanged through the fine flange regions in contact with the hem- olymph. Introduction Salt uptake in hyperosmoregulating, freshwater deca- pods and in hyper-regulating, euryhaline brachyurans experimentally exposed to dilute media takes place pri- marily through the gill tissues (see Mantel and Farmer, 1983; Gilles and Pequeux, 1986; Freire and McNamara, 1995, for discussion and references). In brachyurans, specific ion-transporting regions of the posterior gills account for much of this salt uptake, while the anterior gills appear to be responsible mainly for respiratory gas exchange (Pequeux, 1995). Such salt- transporting gills exhibit a typical microanatomy: the highly flattened, cuticle-bounded gill lamellae essentially consist of a continuous layer of epithelial cells enclosing a narrow hemolymph space; linked pairs of sustaining pillar cells extend across this space between the opposing epithelial sheets, their apical flanges often forming part of the epithelium (Mantel and Farmer, 1983; Taylor and 321 322 J. C. McNAMARA AND A. G. LIMA Taylor, 1986; Maina, 1990). The apical surfaces of the epithelial cells are characteristically amplified by mem- brane infoldings in the form of leaflets, whereas the ba- solateral membranes are deeply invaginated and associ- ated with mitochondria (Copeland, 1968; Copeland and Fitzjarrell. 1968; Gilles and Pequeux, 1985; Maina, 1990). A fenestrated, partial intralamellar septum, which bisects the gill lamella into two symmetrical portions, may be present (Barra et al., 1983; see Taylor and Taylor, 1992, for review). The apical infolding system of the gill epithelial cells of decapod crustaceans undergoes structural reorganiza- tion in response to short-term exposure or acclimation to salinities different from that predominant in the habitat (Bubel, 1976; Compere et a/., 1989; see Taylor and Tay- lor, 1992; Freire and McNamara, 1995, for review and references). After exposure to dilute media, the apical leaflets and microvilli become more numerous and elab- orate, and an extracellular, subcuticular compartment enlarges due to osmotic swelling (Gilles and Pequeux, 1985). During short- and medium-term exposure (hours to days) to concentrated media, the apical infolding sys- tem is disrupted and regresses while the subcuticular space disappears (see Shires etai, 1994; Pequeux, 1995). The apical region of the epithelial cells thus appears to represent a labile, primary barrier to osmotic alteration deeper within the gill tissue. The routes by which salt uptake is effected in the gills ofhyperosmoregulating, freshwater palaemonid shrimps have received very little attention. Although phyllobran- chiate palaemonid gill is comparable to the brachyuran gill in gross morphology, very little is known about its fine structure (cf., Nakao, 1974; Doughtie and Rao, 1978; see Taylor and Taylor, 1992); ultrastructural stud- ies of the effects of acclimation to saline media on the apical infolding system are entirely lacking. Freire and McNamara (1995) analyzed the gill structure of Macro- brachium olfersii, a representative freshwater palae- monid shrimp. Each flattened hemilamella constitutes a narrow, 'molymph-filled space delimited by the flanges of two o ing layers of pillar cells, the bases of which adjoin in u <1-region of the lamella. A layer of septal cells, com. ith the pillar cell bases, divides the in- tralamellar i two parallel compartments, form- ing a lattice-; ; of lacunae through which the hemolymph flow nithelium forming the hemo- lymph-water interi (insists exclusively of the ex- panded apical flanges <: ic pi liar cell perikarya. The up- per membranes of these fl ; cells are modified to form an extensive system of microvilli, although the lower flange surfaces and perikarya show no membrane-ampli- i :ealures that would suggest salt transport. This role h; n assumed by the cells of the intralamellar sep- tum. ia membranes of which are extensively in- vaginated and rich in associated mitochondria. Other cell types are rare within the septum. This relocation of the salt-transporting machinery — from the basolateral membranes of epithelial cells whose apical surfaces are in direct contact with the cuticle adja- cent to the external medium, in the brachyurans, to the intralamellar septum, surrounded on both surfaces by flowing, Na+-rich hemolymph, in the freshwater palae- monids — poses several engaging questions in terms of the physical routes by which salt might be transported across the gill tissue to the hemolymph. The present study thus examines the ultrastructure of the pillar cells, particularly their apical microvilli and junctions, in the gills of Macrobrachium olfersii, a strongly hyperosmore- gulating, freshwater palaemonid shrimp (McNamara, 1987). Gills were examined both in animals maintained in fresh water (<0.5%o salinity) and in those acclimated to media considered to be strongly saline (2 1 %o and 28%o salinity) for this species. Materials and Methods Adult female specimens of Macrobrachium olfersii, measuring 4 to 6 cm in total length, were collected some 2 km from the mouth of the Paiiba Stream on the south- ern coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In the laboratory, the shrimps were maintained in 250-1 aquaria in water from the collection site (fresh water [FW], <0.5%« salinity) and were fed 3 times a week with fish, beef, and carrot. To examine the effects of exposure to saline media on gill ultrastructure, groups of shrimps in stage C-D0 of the molt cycle were acclimated to salinities of <0.5%o, 2 1 %o, or 28%o (20, 630, and 840 mOsm/kg H2O; 5, 287, and 383 mEq Na+/l; 5, 335, and 447 mEq CP/l, respectively) over a 10-day period. Salinities, verified using an optical refractometer, were prepared by diluting seawater with FW from the collection site. After the acclimation period, the ventral nerve cord was severed, the eyestalks and rostrum were removed, and the shrimps were perfused through the ventral ab- dominal sinus with primary fixative at the rate of 1 ml/ min for lOmin. The sixth gill was then dissected, the middle third was removed and bisected, and the two por- tions, each comprising about 1 5 lamellae, were placed in primary fixative on ice for 2 h. The primary fixatives for the different groups of accli- mated shrimps were adjusted according to the hemo- lymph osmolality measured for each group. For shrimps maintained in FW, the fixative consisted of (in milli- moles) paraformaldehyde (200). glutaraldehyde (250), sodium cacodylate (100); and Na+ (28), K+ (8), Ca+ + (25), and Mg++ (4) as chlorides (effective osmolality 360 mOsm/kg H:O, pH 7.3). The effective osmolalities (565 and 725 mOsm/kg H:O) of the fixatives for shrimps SALT MOVEMENT ACROSS FRESHWATER SHRIMP GILLS 323 dors post vent ev Figure 1. A summary and location diagram showing the general anatomy of the sixth, right posterior gill (A) and of a constituent gill lamella (B) in the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium nlfersii. Hemolymph flows from the lateral efferent vessels (ev), through the outer marginal canals (me), across the hemilamella (hi) by way of the gill capillaries (gc) to the inner marginal canals, and back through the central afferent vessel (av). (C) A cross section of the hemilamella (between arrows in B) reveals the lattice-like organization of the gill tissue, resulting from the semi-regular arrangement of opposing pillar cells (pc). The perikarya of the pillar cells are surrounded by hemolymph spaces (hs) and abut the lateral regions of the median, intralamellar, septal cells (sc). The fine pillar cell flanges (pcf). in contact with the thin cuticle (c), form the primary epithelial interface between the hemolymph and the external medium. acclimated to saline media of 2 1 %> and 28%o were ad- justed by using final NaCl concentrations of 140 and 225 mA/, respectively. The gill fragments were then rinsed (3X5 min) in the respective buffer solutions alone on ice (composition as above, less the aldehydes) and post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer systems for 1 .5 h on ice. The fragments were dehydrated in a graded ethanol series (65 min total), transferred into propylene oxide (2 X 15 min), infiltrated overnight, and embedded in Aral- dite 6005 resin. Thick sections were cut with glass knives at 0.5 Mm thickness on a Porter-Blum Sorvall MT2 ultra- microtome, stained with 1 % methylene blue and 1 % azur II in 1% aqueous borax, and photographed using Kodak T-Max 100 ASA film on a Nikon AFX II photomicro- scope. Thin sections of 50-80 nm thickness prepared similarly were stained with aqueous uranyl acetate and Reynolds' (1963) lead citrate and examined at an accel- erating voltage of 80 kV in a Jeol 100-CX electron mi- croscope. The effects of acclimation to the experimental media (<0.5%o, 21%o, or 28%o) were evaluated morphometri- cally using as criteria the alterations induced in the thick- ness (in micrometers) of the intralamellar septal cells and the pillar cell flanges; and the height (in micrometers) and numerical density (as microvilli/micrometer of api- cal membrane) of the apical microvilli on the pillar cells. Measurements were made on between 10 and 15 micro- graphs of sections taken at random in a plam transverse to the long axis of the gill lamellae (see Fig. and Freire and McNamara, 1995) from 3 to 5 shrim for each sa- line medium. The material was photogra ed at 8000 to 1 0,000x and the negatives were printed a final magni- fication of 25,000x. 324 J. C. McNAMARA AND A. G. LIMA r , * , - ; .• I', - ',; s* 23S * H , ' ' t^ J/n. *• \/..: '" Figure 2. Thick (0.5 ^m), epoxy section, taken transversely to the long axis of a gill lamella from Ufac- robrachium olfer.iii acclimated to fresh water (FW. < 0.5%o), showing the pillar cell perikarya (p) and thick flanges (f) below the subcuticular space. The intralamellar septum (s) adjoins the pillar cell perikarya (arrowhead). A hemocyte (*) is present in the hemolymph space (h). Scale bar = 10 ^m. Figure 3. Thick, epoxy section taken transversely to the long axis of a gill lamella from M. olfersii acclimated to seawater (SW) 2%%a for 10 days. The marked reduction in thickness of the pillar cell flanges (f (and septal cells (s) results in extensive hemolymph spaces (*). There is a distinct difference in cytoplasmic density (arrowheads) between the dark pillar (p) and light septal cells (s). Scale bar = 10 ^m. Figure 4. Transmission electron micrograph of a thin section taken transversely to the long axis of a gill lamella from M. olfersii in FW. showing the apical cytoplasm directly above the perikarya of two adjacent pillar cells, separated by a long, junctional complex (arrowheads). Apical microvilli (m). numerous vesicles (v), mitochondria, cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (er), and microtubule bundles (t) are present. A basal lamina (b) separates the pillar cell membrane from the hemolymph space. Scale bar = 0.7 ^m. Figure 5. Electron micrograph of the apical region of a pillar cell perikaryon (p) and the bases of its lateral flanges (f) in a section taken transversely to the long axis of a gill lamella from M. olfersii acclimated to SW 2 1 %« for 1 0 days. The reduction in the height and numerical density of the apical microvilli (m) and in the thickness of the flanges is evident. The subcuticular space (*) between and below the microvilli is still present. Scale bar = 0.75 /jm. SALT MOVEMENT ACROSS FRESHWATER SHRIMP GILLS 325 Morphometric measurements were made using a transparent test overlay consisting of parallel line seg- ments each 1 cm in length, equally spaced at 1-cm in- tervals (Weibel el al, 1966; Freire and McNamara, 1995). To measure the thickness of the septal cells, the test system was placed perpendicularly to the plane of the gill cuticle; valid transects were represented by single planes in which the line segments intersected both cell margins. To estimate the thickness of the pillar cell flanges, valid transects were single planes in which a line segment intersected at least one cell margin. The heights of the apical microvilli were sampled both in the region above the pillar cell body and in the mid- flange region. The test system was placed parallel to the plane of the microvilli, and the heights of all microvilli intersecting one of the extremities of each line segment were measured. A height of 1 mm on the micrograph was considered to be the minimum length criterion repre- senting a single microvillus. The numerical density of the apical microvilli was also sampled in the same regions of the pillar cells. A second test system comprising a straight line 125 mm in length (equivalent to 5.0 ^m at 25.000X) was placed over the micrograph at random, although parallel to the plane of the cuticle. All microvilli lying directly above the plane of the test line were counted. All data were tested for normality of distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Non-normal data were normalized by transformation using the inverse func- tion. Single- or two-factor analyses of variance were then performed to detect the effect of acclimation salinity on the various response variables. This was followed by multiple means testing, using the Student-Newman- Keuls test, when an effect was found. The data on micro- villus height could not be normalized by transformation and were analyzed nonparametrically with the Friedman two-factor and Kruskal-Wallis one-factor analyses of variance. Differences between groups were located using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test. All tests were per- formed using a minimum significance level of P = 0.05. The data are presented in the text as the mean ± 1 SEM (n) unless otherwise indicated. Results Figure 1 , a diagram of the localization and general morphology of the gill lamella in M. olfersii, illustrates the organization of the gill tissue into a semiregular lat- ticework of pillar and septal cells within the lamella. The present study focuses particularly on the ultrastructure of the flange and perikaryon regions of the pillar cells, which form the principal epithelial barrier between the hemolymph and the external medium. Fine structure of I lie gill tissue in shrimps acclimated to fresh water Pillar cells. The electron-dense pillar cells are highly differentiated epithelial cells constituted by two distinct regions: the pillar cell perikaryon, 7.8 ± 1 .4 ^m (n = 10) in height by 9. 1 ± 5.8 ^m (n = 14) in width (Fig. 2); and the pillar cell flange, a fine, roughly elliptical, radial, api- cal expansion of the perikaryon (Fig. 2), 56 ± 10 ^m (« = 3) in diameter and 2. 86 ±0.16 nm (n = 6) in thickness near the perikaryon. The apical membrane of the pillar cells, overlain by the fine gill cuticle [249.0 ± 4.4 nm (/; = 10) thickness], is folded into an extensive system of microvilli (Fig. 4) that are organized into small tufts of from 4 to 8 villi (Fig. 7). These 10-nm diameter, cylindrical projections of the apical cytoplasm (Fig. 8) are frequently arranged into regularly spaced, often hexagonal, units and measure roughly 700 nm in height. The distribution and height of the microvilli are not uniform over the pillar cell surface: they are longer (Table I) and numerically more dense (Fig. 13) above the perikaryon (Fig. 4) than in the outer flange region (Fig. 9). A distinct subcuticular space, con- sisting mainly of the deeper invaginations between the tufts of microvilli (Figs. 2 and 7) and of large vesicles lying near the apical membrane (Fig. 9), is apparently continuous with these invaginations. The electron-dense subapical cytoplasm immediately above the perikaryon (Fig. 4) contains numerous small vesicles; polyribosomes; mitochondria, frequently dis- posed with their long axes parallel to that of the perikar- yon; cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum; and bun- dles of 23-nm diameter microtubules that insert into the base of each tuft of microvilli (Fig. 4). The nucleus occu- pies the basal region of the pillar cell perikaryon (Fig. 2), which is coupled to the adjacent cells of the intralamellar septum by regions of thick, basolateral junctions (Fig. 12). These junctions consist of a wide (109. 3 ± 35.5 nm) intercellular space of variable form and length. The space, which contains granular material, leads to often complex, although limited, interdigitations between the plasmalemmae of the two cell types (Fig. 12, insert). Figure 6. Electron micrograph of the apical region of a pillar cell perikaryon (p) and bases of its flanges (f) from M. olfersii acclimated to SW 28%o for 10 days. The apical microvilli and subcuticular space have disappeared completely, being replaced by a few invaginations of the plasma membrane (arrowheads). Numerous vesicles (v) and mitochondria are present in the subapical cytoplasm. Scale bar = 0.4 ^m. 326 J. C. McNAMARA AND A. G. LIMA '^' %'• ''7( -f[-. ~Mty('-- -: ";- '•'• ' 'f\ •'• ";i~r:';;=-l ^^'iVA^/^/J./l^' • 'Vv-^-?-.^i'-.'i'' ,;» •»- ' ' _ • •M& "..^. ••;•«*.: a^*^- ' '•, • V V'a^rf^" - ' :" T • • '• - m . 7 -*» • - • • :'«•?« - -: - i* ---*:• •• > •^^^^i^^t^^-i W'&k&M i-sf^-'', --^.\:'-'^r:^^'\^' .-, -^"7 - •• " • ^':V. iH* :. '"; * ",V ^fy&Ji* • r •*.•'•'*' •', -t ' v*i ^.'4;i.';^ v- ,.^x fv-V-:j?-^ ^'•^-- •'-,:•• ^m '"D*?=^sfe^a^r ,i;-rr-~ I r^;-. o V .. J lfcrxn acclimated to SW 21%o for 10 days. No apical microvilli are distinguishable below the cuticle (c), and only a very thin layer of cytoplasm containing a few microtubules is visible above the basal lamina (b) and underlying hemolymph space. Scale bar = 0.3 Mm. SALT MOVEMENT ACROSS FRESHWATER SHRIMP GILLS 327 Table I Effect of acclimation u> saline media for 10 davs on various morphometric characteristics analyzed in the gill lamellae of the freshwater \/irnnp Macrobraehium olfersii Acclimation salinity (%o) Characteristic <0.5 28 Thickness of pillar 1.30 ±0.20 '0.34 ± 0.04 a0.40 ± 0.05 cell flange (/jm) (II) (10) (II) Density of h4.00 ± 0.50 "2. 70 ±0.40 bcd1.00± 0.40 microvilli in (11) (12) (12) pillar cell flange Density of 6.20 ± 0.40 5.00±0.20 C4.00 ± 0.60 microvilli above (12) (12) (12) pillar cell penkaryon Thickness of 7.80 ±0.50 7. 10 ±0.50 6.50 + 0.60 septal cell (jim) (10) (10) (13) Data are given as mean values ± SEM (n). Numerical densities are expressed as the number of microvilli per micrometer of linear apical membrane. ' P < 0.05 compared to control thickness in 0 %»; *P < 0.05 compared to values for perikaryon; CP < 0.05 compared to value for flange in 0 %»; <0.05 compared to value for flange in 21 %0','P < 0.05 compared to value for perikaryon in 0 %». The apical flange region of the pillar cells becomes at- tenuated and thinner as the distance from the perikaryon increases, attaining only 1 .38 ± 0.30 /*m (n = 6) in thick- ness at the extreme margins (Fig. 9). The number and height of the microvilli and organelles likewise decrease markedly; the mitochondria exhibit no specific orienta- tion. Like the pillar cell perikaryon (Fig. 4), the entire lower surface of the pillar cell flange is underlain by a fibrous basal lamina (Figs. 7 and 9), thickness 92.8 ± 1 1.0 nm (n = 8), that separates it from the hemolymph space. The plasma membrane of this lower surface is not folded or amplified in any way. The regions of contact between adjacent pillar cell flanges constitute highly structured junctional com- plexes (Figs. 7 and 1 1 ). These typically comprise a short. dense desmosome of 287.4 ± 30.2 nm (n = 6) length, followed by an extensive septate junction of about 1.5 nm in length, and a long region of simple apposition of the two cell membranes, separated by a constant nar- row distance of 17.8 ± 1.7 nm (n = 10). Intralamellar septal cells. The electron-lucent septal cells, 12.0±0.7^m(/7 = 10) in thickness (Figs. 2 and 3), make contact with the hemolymph over most of their surface, which is greatly amplified and is characterized by many invaginations of the plasmalemma; these pene- trate deeply into and extensively throughout the septal cell cytoplasm and appear to individually envelop each of the numerous ovoid mitochondria present within the cytoplasm (Fig. 12). The membrane infoldings define an extracellular space of constant width (22.0 ± 0.7 nm, n = 10) and maintain contact with the hemolymph. Typi- cally, a single septal cell connects the bases of two adja- cent pillar cells, its lateral ends interdigitating in a re- stricted manner with their basolateral membranes (Fig. 12, insert). Golgi bodies and glycogen granules are fre- quently found in the septal cells. Ultrastructural and morphometric alterations induced in the gill tissue of shrimps acclimated to saline media Various ultrastructural alterations appear in the pillar cells of the gill lamellae of M. olfersii after acclimation to the two saline media (2 l%o and 28%o) for 10 days. Quali- tatively similar, these modifications comprise substantial reductions in the thickness of the pillar cell flanges ( Figs. 3 and 10) and in the height and density of the apical mi- crovilli, both in the region above the pillar cell perikarya (Figs. 5 and 6) and in the attenuated flange regions (Fig. 1 0). In 2 1 %o salinity, the microvilli lose their characteris- tic tuft-like arrangement (Fig. 5), and the associated mi- crotubule bundles are less evident. In 28%o, the microvilli are virtually absent, and only a few invaginations of the apical membrane are evident (Fig. 6). There is a more subtle reduction in the thickness of the intralamellar septal cells (Fig. 3, cf. Fig. 2), the structural organization of which is maintained. With the reduction in thickness of the pillar cell flanges, and to a lesser extent of the intralamellar septal cells, there is a corresponding, marked increase in the volume of the hemolymph lacu- nae (Fig. 3, cf. Fig. 2). These qualitative ultrastructural alterations were quantified through morphometrical evaluation; the prin- cipal findings for normally distributed data are presented in Table I. Figure 13 presents the data on the height of the apical microvilli for which a normal distribution could not be obtained. Discussion In the gill epithelium of Macrobraehium olfersii, the apical surface of the pillar cells is highly amplified by an extensive system of microvilli (type 2, see Cioffi, 1984). This system is found principally above the perikaryon, becoming attenuated in the extreme lateral regions. The lower surface of the pillar cell flange is not invaginated or associated with mitochondria, and it does not appear to be involved in active transport and salt movement. This is in strong contrast to the epithelial cells ; the gill in brachyurans (Gilles and Pequeux, 1° •), penaeids (Couch, 1977; Foster and Howse, 1978). damphipods (Kikuchi et ai. 1993: Kikuchi and V ,umasa, 1995: Shires et a/., 1994). In these crustacei- . Na+/K+-ATP- ases are typically associated with the asolateral infold- 328 J. C. McNAMARA AND A. G. LIMA • v*^r ' '::- .'. ^^ " -.--•'& »«JF ' •*, • ''*' ': '--V-§ - < ^^-i »„«% r*| vir:.**-' *sSP»-8$' Figure 11. Detail of a characteristic junctional complex between the extreme, lateral tlange regions of i adjacent pillar cells from Macrobrachium olfersn in FW. The sequence of a small desmosome (d). hy septate junction (s)and region of close membrane apposition (a) is typical. Small groups of micro- arrowheads) are loosely associated with the apical region of the junction. Scale bar = 100 nm. "". Transverse section of a gill lamella from M. o/lersii in FW, showing a complex region of een the bases of two electron dense, pillar cell penkarya (p) and an electron lucent cell in tlu septum (s), characterized by extensive, deep invaginations (i) of the plasma membrane associ. ;':tnchondria. Areas of dense, basolateral junctional complexes (arrowheads) link the two cell types cell nucleus (n), hemolymph space (h). Scale bar = LO^m. Insert: Detail of a thick, basolateral ji' . ion (arrowheads) between an interlamellar septal cell (s) and an abutting pillar cell (p), showing abuiu mt, finely granular material in the wide extracellular space. Scale bar = 0.? ^m. SALT MOVEMENT ACROSS FRESHWATER SHRIMP GILLS 329 08 o 06 o y 'a. 0 o> X 04 02 [v] Penkoryon O Flange b,c b,c 28 Acclimation salinity, %, Figure 13. The effect of acclimation salinity (<0.5%o, 21%o, and 28%o) on the height of the apical mi- crovilli in the region immediately above the pillar cell perikarya and in the extreme flange regions. The non-normally distributed data are given as the median values (arrows); the upper and lower box boundaries indicate the interquartile range; and the whiskers depict the minimum and maximum values. "P < 0.05 compared to value for perikaryon in fresh water (< 0.5%o), bP < 0.05 compared to value for flange in fresh water, CP < 0.05 compared to respective values for perikarya in same salinities. ings of the epithelial cells (see Towle, 1984; Towle and Kays, 1986; Taylor and Taylor, 1992) and actively drive salt uptake from the external medium directly into the hemolymph up a Na+ gradient across the epithelium (see Pequeux, 1995, for review). The differential distribution of the apical microvilli in M. olfersii attests to a dual role for the pillar cells in the regulatory physiology of the gill. The principal ion move- ments across the apical membrane occur through ion ex- changers like the Na+/NH4 (Armstrongs al.. 1981) and Cr/HCOj (Pequeux, 1995) counter transporters most likely present in the membranes of the long, dense mi- crovilli located immediately above the pillar cell perikar- yon, the region closest to the basolateral junctions with the septal cells. The exchange of respiratory gases, how- ever, would be preferentially effected through the far less amplified surface of the shorter, less dense microvilli in the very thin, extreme flange regions that form a cyto- plasmic barrier only 1 .4 ^m in thickness, directly above and in contact with the hemolymph space. This situation contrasts sharply with that known for brachyurans, in which respiratory gas-exchange functions predominate in the anterior gills, while ion transport mechanisms are more restricted to the posterior gills ( Pequeux, 1995). The notable reductions in the height and numerical density of the microvilli on the apical surface of the pillar cells, and in the thickness of the flanges, which occur as a result of acclimation to saline media in M. olfersii, are qualitatively similar to the modifications seen in the gill epithelia of a variety of osmoregulating crustaceans in response to exposure to either hyper- or hypo-osmotic media. In the brachyuran crabs Eriochier sinensis and Carcinus maenas acclimated to fresh water and 30% sea- water, respectively, the apical infolding system becomes deeper and more pronounced, as does the subcuticular space (Gilles and Pequeux, 1985, 1986). In the latter crab, the depth of the basolateral invaginations and the number of mitochondria also appear to increase, with a closer degree of apposition between them (Compere et al., 1989). In the marine shrimp Penaeus aztecus exposed to a dilute medium of 0.9%o, the apical membranes of the epi- thelial cells become highly and deep!} infolded com- pared to those of shrimps kept in seawater (Foster and 330 J. C. McNAMARA AND A. G. LIMA Howse, 1978). In this penaeid and P. diiorarum (Couch, 1977) and P. vannamei (Taylor and Taylor, 1992, Fig. 25A), and in the palaemonid Palaemonetes pugio (Doughtie and Rao, 1978), the pillar cell perikarya ap- pear to constitute part of the intralamellar septum. How- ever, no changes seem evident in the septal cells of P. aztecus after low-salinity exposure (Foster and Howse, 1978). In M. olfersii, subtle changes in septal cell mor- phometry do occur after high-salinity acclimation: the number of membrane invaginations interposed between adjacent mitochondria increases, as does the surface density (square micrometers of membrane surface per cubic micrometer of cytoplasm) of the septal cells and the mitochondria! volume fraction; the mitochondria! profiles also become more elongate (Freire and McNa- mara, 1995). In one of the few studies directly comparable to the present report (Shires el a!.. 1994), a marked reduction occurred in the height and organization of the apical la- mellae in the gill epithelial cells of the amphipod Gam- mants duebeni within 1 h of exposure to seawater; the mitochondria relocated to the cell center and appeared to lose their intimate contact with both the apical and basolateral membrane systems. These alterations were transient, however, as the lamellae appeared to reorga- nize after 10-16 h. These various data demonstrate the labile nature of the apical infoldings of the epithelial and pillar cells in the gill lamellae of osmoregulating crustaceans. The membrane surface area of this primary interface between the external medium and the hemolymph increases markedly during the acclimation of marine decapods to dilute media, and is notably decreased in freshwater Crustacea acclimated to saline media. This membrane system may thus serve primarily to modulate apical per- meability by regulating the density of constituent ion- exchange molecules. In contrast, the system of basolat- eral infoldings and mitochondria in the epithelial cells of marine decapods appears largely unresponsive to de- creased salinity; in freshwater Crustacea, exposure to sa- line media produces subtle alterations in membrane sur- face area and stacking, and in the location of the mito- chondria. The data on M. olfersii, both from shrimps main- tained in fresh v (FW) and in those acclimated to saline media, alsc - ide pertinent information about the routes of ion and \ ter movements into the hemo- lymph through the s. : tissue. In FW-acclimated shrimps, the gill epithelium appears to be a tight epithe- lium, well protected from paracellular water and ion movements by extensive and characteristic junctions — constituted by a small desmosome and a lengthy septate junction — between adjacent pillar cell flanges. These junctions are similar to those found in the gill epithelia of the freshwater amphipods Sternomoera yezoensis (Ki- kuchi el ai. \ 993) and Gammarus duebeni (Shires e! ai, 1994). The absence of mitochondria and infoldings of the basolateral membrane strongly suggests that the lower flange regions are not involved in active salt move- ment in M. olfersii. However, the ultrastructure of the intralamellar septal cells, with their deep and numerous invaginations inti- mately associated with mitochondria, is typical of an ac- tive, salt-transporting epithelium in crustaceans and in a variety of invertebrate tissues (seeCioffi, 1984; Pequeux, 1995). Sites of Na+/K+-ATPase activity, demonstrated ultracytochemically, are present on the cytoplasmic sur- face of the leaflets of this extensive membrane system in M. olfersii (Torres and McNamara, 1996); their activity would be fueled by ATP furnished directly by the abun- dant adjacent mitochondria. In FW-acclimated shrimps, the activity of the Na+/K+-ATPases in the membrane in- vaginations of the septal cells creates the driving force for net Na+ uptake from the freshwater medium across the apical membranes of the pillar cells into the perikarya. Na+ would then pass through the extensive intercellular junctions between the base of the pillar cell perikarya and the lateral ends of the intralamellar septal cells into the septal cell cytoplasm, and from there directly into the hemolymph via the Na+/K+-ATPases in the membrane invaginations. Corroborating this proposed route of ion movement. Lima et a/. (1997) have shown a significant reduction in Na+/K+-ATPase activity in preparations of gill membrane vesicles from AI. olfersii after acclimation to saline media (21 and 28%o salinity) for 20 days. This observation suggests a reduction in the number of ATP- ase molecules in these membranes available for active Na+ transport. The alterations occurring at the apical pillar cell in- terface, and other changes in the characteristics of the intralamellar septal cells, including the reduction in Na+/K+-ATPase activity, thus appear to reflect the struc- tural transformations underlying the molecular mecha- nisms of long-term adaptation to hyperionic media in freshwater palaemonids, particularly those that restrict the uptake of Na"*. Acknowledgments This study represents part of an MSc thesis submitted by AGL to the Departamento de Fisiologia/IBUSP; it was financed by a research grant to JCM (FAPESP 9 1/ 2467-2) and a post-graduate scholarship (FAPESP 90/ 3807-9). The authors thank Drs. Joao Lunetta (CEBI- M AR), Sergio Oliveira (DHE/ICB), and Valder de Melo (DM/FMRP) for access to essential facilities; Jose Au- gusto Maulin (DM/FMRP) for photographic work; and Marcos Ribeiro de Souza (FFCLRP) for the line drawing. SALT MOVEMENT ACROSS FRESHWATER SHRIMP GILLS 331 Literature Cited Armstrong, D. A., K. Strange, J. 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PURCELL2 University of Maryland System, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, ' Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland 20688-0038, and2 Horn Point Environmental Laboratory, Cambridge, Maryland 21613 Abstract. Mesohaline populations of the scyphomedu- sae Chrysaora quinquecirrha are found in salinities rang- ing from 5%o to 25%o. Osmotic and ionic adjustments within this salinity range were investigated using C. quin- quecirrha ephyrae budded from polyps in the laboratory and young medusae collected from the mid-salinity re- gion of the Patuxent River, Maryland. When medusae were transferred from 20%» salinity to lower salinities (8%o, 12%o), concentrations of sodium and magnesium in tissue and mesogleal fluid fell rapidly and approached those of dilute seawater within 6 hours. There was some recovery of these levels relative to the 8%o medium, and they were significantly higher than the dilute seawater concentration after 1 week. Tissue concentrations of calcium showed no evidence of being regulated, whereas potassium was strongly regulated such that levels did not fall significantly following transfer of medusae to lower salinities. However, after 1 week, the concentration of potassium in mesogleal fluid approached that of the di- lute medium. Extracellular space measured by direct blottn.a and weighing or using 35S was about 40%. As a result, i fi mates for intracellular potassium were revised to 17 m.'- I '. The concentration of potassium in tissue remained Ne following transfer to lower salinity, de- spite a subs, ial osmotic influx of water. This influx was measureu ->20% gain in body weight over 24 h following transk nedusae from 16%o to 8%o. Meso- gleal fluid was slit ^/po-osmolar to the medium at 15% and 20%o and M. vperosmolar to the medium at 5%o and 12%o. Sulla oncentrations in mesogleal fluid were 66%-70% those ol the external medium. Me- dusae died or were unable to achieve positive buoyancy Recc' • i:8 May 1 996; accepted 1 3 January 1 997. at 5%o, which is probably very close to a lower salinity limit for C. quinquecirrha in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay. Introduction Most members of the phylum Cnidaria are marine. Only a few hydrozoans (e.g., Craspedacusta) live in fresh water. Some cnidarians occur in low-salinity waters, but species diversity decreases sharply with decreased salin- ity (Dumont, 1994). In Chesapeake Bay, medusae of the scyphozoan Chrysaora quinquecirrha are unusual in tol- erating salinities as low as 5%o; the scyphistomae (polyps) are not found where salinities are less than 7%o and thrive at 10%o to 25%o (Cargo and Schultz, 1966, 1967). Purcell (unpubl. data) has determined that asexual reproduction in C. quinquecirrha in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay is limited by both low (<5%o) and high (>25%o) salinities. Differences in reproduction at different salinities may re- sult in part from the physiological cost of salinity adjust- ment; i.e., energy required for volume regulation may detract from that available for reproductive effort. Mills ( 1 984) found that a variety of marine hydrome- dusae and ctenophores adjusted osmotically within a few hours to abrupt changes in salinity between 23%o and 38%o. Most species tested were able to osmoconform to this salinity range. However, salinity of 19%o was usually lethal to animals normally found at a salinity of 30%. In experiments using Percoll to change the density but not the tonicity of seawater, medusae made no buoyancy ad- justments. Therefore, Mills (1984) concluded that the process was passive osmotic accommodation to the sa- linity changes, not active density regulation. Studies such as those of Schick ( 1 973) have suggested that amino acids play an important role in maintaining cellular volume 332 SALINITY AND IONIC SHIFTS IN MEDUSAE 333 in osmotically stressed cnidarians. In freshwater forms, however, sodium and potassium extrusion followed by water loss from cells (Benos and Prusch, 1972) seems to provide the principal means of regulating cellular vol- ume. Webb el ai (1972) examined free amino acids (FAA) in scyphistomae of three species of scyphomedu- sae, including C. quinquecirrha. They found that al- though FAA concentrations increased linearly with in- creasing salinity, they were only 0.9% to 4.6% of the total osmotically active substances in the scyphistoma and could not account for its osmotic balance. In summary, there is evidence for both active and passive osmotic pro- cesses in pelagic cnidarians. Little work has been done on ionic regulation in pe- lagic cnidarians. Robertson (1949) summarized some earlier work on A urelia aurita medusae, showing that the ionic composition of the medusae was not the same as that of the surrounding water and thus suggesting that the medusae can actively control their ionic composi- tion. The finding that sulfate ions were particularly low stimulated interest in the exclusion of heavy ions, spe- cifically sulfate, as a mechanism of buoyancy control in gelatinous zooplankton (Denton and Shaw, 1962; Mackay, 1969; Bidigare and Biggs, 1980; Mills and Vogt, 1984). Mackay (1969) described a saturable, probably active, sulfate transport mechanism with Km values of 1 7 to 22 mA/r1 in two species of hydromedusae. Bidigare and Biggs ( 1980) determined that active sulfate loss from the ctenophore Beroe cuciimis could be compensated by isosmotic chloride exchange. The current research inves- tigated changes in tissue and mesoglea osmolality and cation levels in C. quinquecirrha medusae at different sa- linities. Results were considered in light of salinity-re- lated changes in body size and extracellular space deter- mined either directly or using sulfate. Materials and Methods Medusae between 1 and 2 g wet weight (25-30 mm bell diameter) were obtained from the Patuxent River, Maryland, and acclimated in 40-1 aquaria containing 16%o Patuxent River water for 1 wk before experiments. Medusae were fed Anemia salina nauplii during the ac- climation periods, but they were not fed during experi- mental treatments unless otherwise stated. Ephyrae were budded from scyphistomae at 20%« in the laboratory. Cation measurements Medusae were netted out of holding tanks, blotted dry in a standardized manner using laboratory wipes, and weighed by introducing them to tared individual poly- ethylene beakers containing 400 ml of experimental me- dium. In the two experiments reported here, medusae were transferred from 20%o to 8%o and 12%o at time = 0 h. Six animals were prepared for immediate analysis, and six animals from each treatment were sampled at 6 h, 24 h, and 7 d. Animals were lifted from beakers with large plastic forceps, blotted dry on laboratory wipes, and weighed in plastic weighing dishes. The bell and tentacles were then separated, and the mesoglea was allowed to drain into the weighing dish. A 50-^/1 sample of mesogleal fluid was pulled into a hematocrit tube and then expelled into a small Nalgene vial containing 200 n\ of Ultrapure concentrated nitric acid. A weighed amount of tentacu- lar tissue (50-100 mg) was stored in Nalgene vials with 500 j/1 of nitric acid. Water samples from each beaker were collected at the end of each experiment and stored in Nalgene vials with 100 n\ of nitric acid. When diges- tion was complete, all samples were diluted with nano- pure water and refrigerated until analysis. Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotom- etry. Lanthanum chloride was used to offset anionic in- terference with calcium and magnesium analyses. Effect of salinity on osmolality of mesogleal fluid Medusae were acclimated for 1 wk at salinities of 5%«, 12%o, 15%o,and20%0. Mesogleal fluid from both bell and tentacles was drawn into calibrated hemocrit tubes and osmotic pressure determined using a Wescor 5500 vapor pressure osmometer. Osmotic pressure was also mea- sured in the corresponding samples of external media. Osmolality in media and mesogleal fluid was expressed per kilogram, based on weight determinations made of both samples. Size and weight changes in ephyrae and medusae Ephyrae used for experiments were 2-3 mm in diam- eter; others, fed on Anemia nauplii, were grown to greater sizes for determinations of diameter and weight. A binocular microscope equipped with a micrometer eyepiece was used to measure diameters; a Cahn micro- balance was used for weights. Weights of ephyrae used in experiments were estimated from a regression curve relating empirical measurements of diameter and wet weight over a range of animal sizes. Medusa weights were determined directly by remov- ing animals from the media, rinsing and blotting them lightly to remove surface water and gastrovascular fluid, and transferring them to a plastic weighing tray on a top- pan balance. To estimate the relative contributions of mesogleal fluid and tissue to total medusa '.'.eight, eight medusae were weighed as above. Then the bell and ten- tacles were separated and weighed. The beli and tentacles were next sliced into small pieces, the' mghly blotted with laboratory wipes, and reweighed liis weight was subtracted from the total wet weigh 10 estimate the 334 D. A. WRIGHT AND J. E. PURCELL mesogleal fluid weight. No correction was made for the fibrous componeri' ae mesoglea, which was included in the tissue we: it. Some contamination of the meso- gleal fluid c unent by gastrovascular fluid may have occurred. ' . most of the latter was removed by the ini- tial bio ,,g. Finally the residue was dried thoroughly and rev. eighed to obtain a percentage solid material. During salinity transfer experiments, we observed weight losses that were probably caused by starvation. To better understand the role of starvation in weight loss, a single controlled feeding experiment was conducted us- ing ephyrae fed cultured rotifers (Brachionis). The diam- eters of 24 ephyrae acclimated to a salinity of 20%o were measured. The animals were placed into individual multi-wells containing 2 ml of 20%o water. The ephyrae were divided into three feeding groups: unfed. 5 rotifers d~', and 10 rotifers d~'. At 24 h, the ephyrae were mea- sured, their water was changed, and the appropriate number of rotifers was added to each well. Measure- ments were repeated at 48 h. and growth was recorded as the mean daily increase in ephyra diameter. Sulfate in medusa tissue Weighed tissue samples were dissolved in Ultrapure concentrated nitric acid and diluted with nanopure wa- ter. Total sulfate was determined with a Dionex ion chro- matograph. Sulfate exchange was measured using Nai35SO.4. Small medusae were exposed to radioisotope for periods up to 60 h. The exposure medium had a sa- linity of 16%o, with Nay^SQj added to a specific activity of 250 nC\/mAl SO4. After isotope exposure the medusae were netted, then triple rinsed, blotted, and weighed. The specific activity of sulfate in the animals was recorded as a percentage of the specific activity of the external me- dium. "S was measured with a Packard Tricarb 4000 se- ries liquid scintillation counter. Statistics Statistical differences between the mean ionic concen- trations of tissue and seawater were tested using /-tests with significance determined at the 5% level. Paired !- tests wert used to evaluate osmolality differences be- tween me^. :a and medium in individual replicates (P < 0.05). A lir. f best bit fit through 35S exchange data was estimated p.fj an iterative (NLIN) hyperbolic re- gression progran, S). 'esults Cation concentrations in tissue and mesogleal fluid Ionic concentrations in tissue and mesogleal fluid gen- erally underwent similar changes when medusae were transferred from a salinity of 20%o to either 8%o (experi- ment 1. Fig. 1 ) or 12%o (experiment 2, Fig. 2). Following the transfer of animals from 20%o to either 8%o or 12%o, sodium concentrations in tissue and mesogleal fluid were characterized by a rapid drop over the initial 6 h to levels approaching those seen in the external media (Figs. 1A, 2A). Mesogleal sodium also fell, but much slower in the 12%o medium; at 8%o, the tissue Na concentration made an apparent "recovery" after 1 wk, to a level higher than that of the external medium. Tissue potassium concentration in animals held at 20%» was at least twice the corresponding seawater con- centration and was generally maintained at levels be- tween 1 1 and 14 myl/kg"' over a period of a week in both experiments. However, in experiment 2, tissue po- tassium in control (20%o) animals rose to a mean level of 17m;Ukg '. Tissue potassium levels represented a differential of at least 12raA/kg~' compared with the most dilute medium (2 m;U kg P1). In experiment 1 the initial concentration of potassium in mesogleal fluid was significantly higher than at 20%o (P < 0.05). When ani- mals were transferred from 20%o to 8%o, mesogleal potas- sium fell to a concentration similar to that of the initial medium (20%o) but significantly higher than the 8%o me- dium (Fig. IB). After a subsequent rise at 24 h it fell again, but remained significantly higher than the 8%o me- dium after 1 wk. On transfer from 20%o to 12%o (experi- ment 2), mesogleal potassium concentration showed no significant dilution and remained consistently higher than that of the 12%« medium over 1 wk. Tissue potas- sium levels did not change significantly following the transfer of medusae to either 8%o (Fig. IB) or 12%o (Fig. 2B). In animals transferred from 20%o to 8%o, concentra- tions of calcium in both tissue and mesogleal fluid fell after 6 h (Fig. 1C). Thereafter, mesogleal calcium con- centration remained significantly higher than concentra- tions in tissue or in the external medium. Overlap of standard deviations associated with calcium levels of the medium at 20%» and 12%o (Fig. 2C) rendered calcium data from experiment 2 equivocal. Magnesium levels in both salinity transfer experi- ments showed trends similar to those of calcium. Follow- ing transfer of animals from 20%o to either 8%» (Fig. 1 D) or 12%o (Fig. 2D), magnesium levels in tissue remained consistently higher than in mesogleal fluid. Both tissue and mesogleal magnesium concentrations remained higher than those of dilute external media for a period of a week. Transference of medusae from 20%o to 5%o caused all animals to fall to the bottom of the experimental beakers. Three out of six medusae began to disintegrate within 36 h; one was unhealthy but alive after 3 days, and two were swimming weakly near the bottom of the beakers. No ionic data were recorded from these animals. SALINITY AND IONIC SHIFTS IN MEDUSAE 335 ID CO CO o "co" "5> o 0) T3 C CO 0) CO 168 0 10 20 30 30 10 20 30 168 o 10 20 30 168 TIME(h) TIME(h) Figure 1. Ion concentrations in mesoglcal fluid and tissue ofChrysaora quinquecirrha medusae trans- ferred from 20%o salinity to 8%». (A) sodium, (B) potassium, (C) calcium. iD) magnesium. Each symbol represents the mean ± I SD of six animals. Solid symbols represent ion concentrations in animals trans- ferred from higher to lower salinity at I = 0: squares = mesogleal fluid, triangles = tissue. Open squares and triangles represent concentrations in mesogleal fluid and tissue respectively, in animals maintained at 20%o. Dotted horizontal lines represent the mean ionic concentrations of the media in experimental containers (upper = control, lower = treatment) at the end of the experiments: shaded areas represent ± 1 SD. Effect oj salinity change on body and tissue weight All of the foregoing measurements of ionic shifts should be considered against changes in tissue hydration resulting from osmosis. Several experiments were carried out to quantify this phenomenon, although it proved difficult to obtain consistent results. Typical results indi- cate a wide variation in weight change, even over 24 h (Fig. 3). Changes in salinity from 16%o to 8%o resulted in body weight increases between 10% and 15% in whole medusae over 24 h, at which time their body weight was >30% higher than control animals. The time course of the subsequent weight loss was reflected by a concomi- tant loss in weight of medusae maintained in 16%o for 1 wk. Some of this weight loss could have been due to lack of food during the experiments. The diameter of unfed ephyrae in a 48-h controlled feeding experiment was re- duced at a daily rate of 2.3% ± 20.5% (SD) (Fig. 4). Ephyra size was positively related to food; diameters in- creased by 10.6% ± 13.8% d~' in those fed 5 rotifers d^1 and by 29.2% ± 25.4% d"1 in those fed 10 rotifers d~'. Osmolality of mesogleal jluid The osmolality of mesogleal fluid and corresponding seawater was measured in medusae acclimated for 1 wk in 5%o, 12%o, 15%o, and 20%0 (Fig. 5). All animals at 12%o-20%o exhibited overlap between seawater and mesogleal osmolality, although paired /-tests indicated that the osmolality of mesogleal fluid was significantly lower than that of the corresponding exk-r glea of Aequorea vic- toria hydromedusae maint. \ h at equilibrium in salinities between 23%o and 3 is generally hypoos- molar to the corresponding extei nal medium, although ''OS between seawater and mesoglea were very .it the lower end of the salinity range. A similar palt^ -.\ as seen here, although between 15%o and 12%o u/iiecur/ui mesoglea switched from being hypo-osmolar to hyperosmolar relative to the external medium. Although there is some overlap in the osmol- alities of seawater and mesogleal fluid at salinities be- tween 12%o and 20%o, paired /-tests involving individual replicates reveal significant differences in each case. Nev- ertheless, differences between mesogleal fluid and seawa- ter remained very small, and C. quinquecirrha appeared to be an osmoconformer throughout this range. Of the ions measured, the most clearly regulated was potassium. Total tissue potassium concentration was ap- proximately 1 3 m.M kg" ' and remained stable following transference of medusae from a salinity of 20%o to 8%o or 12%o. The apparent rise in tissue potassium in control animals (maintained at 20%o) in experiment 2 (Fig. 2B) was unexplained but did not differ significantly from the corresponding tissue levels in 12%o. The potassium con- centration in mesogleal fluid appeared more variable, and values of 8.8mAfkg~' and 6mA/kg ' were re- corded at / = 0 in experiments 1 and 2. Transference of medusae from 20%o to 8%o resulted in fluctuating meso- gleal concentrations, including an apparent rise in meso- gleal potassium 24 h after the salinity change (Fig. IB). SALINITY AND IONIC SHIFTS IN MEDUSAE 337 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Seawater Osmolality (m Osm I'1 ) Figure 5. Osmolality of mesogleal fluid and external medium in Chrysaora quinquecirrha medusae acclimated for I week in salinities of 5%o, 12%«. 15%o. and 20%o. Six individuals were measured at each salinity except for 5%». where n = 5. Some symbols overlay others. strated that volume regulation was achieved through the regulation of the intracellular amino acid pool. The coincidence of measured sulfate space and our physical determination of extracellular fluid indicated an extracellular space of about 40% in C. quinquecirrha. Us- ing this figure and a concentration of 7.4 mA/kg~' for mesoglea potassium, one can determine a corrected value for intracellular potassium. The corrected esti- Figure 6. Sulfate exchange in Chrysaora quinquecirrha medusae. Exchange was determined as the percentage internal "S specific activity versus external "S specific activity over 63 h. 338 D. A. WRIGHT AND J. E. PURCELL 100 c CD O O Q. whole bell tentacle Type of Tissue l:::::-| extracellular L^J water Iintracellular water Bother U substances Figure 7. Mesogleal fluid space in bell, tentacles, and whole medu- sae of Chrysaora quinquecirrha. The space, expressed as a percentage of all constituents, was measured directly by weighing the components. "Other substances" refers to dry residue following final drying and re- weighing. mate of 1 7 mAf kg ' calculated in this way is intermedi- ate between the mean values of 10.6mA/kg~' and 29.5 m/V/kg~' determined by Steinbach ( 1963) for intra- cellular potassium in the hydroids Chlorohydra viridis- sima and Hydra littoralis in freshwater media. Sulfate space shows considerable variation both within and be- tween species of hydromedusae. Mills and Vogt (1984) reported the sulfate space to be between 10% and 80% in six species of marine hydromedusae. They found that equilibration times varied between <4 h for Aglantha digitale and about 85 h for Mitrocoma cellularia. The current estimate of 40%> sulfate space for C. quinquecir- rha, with an apparent equilibration time of about 40 h. falls more or less in the middle of this range. At salinities between 20%» and 12%o, sulfate in the mesogleal fluid of C. quinquecirrha is maintained at concentrations lower than those of the external media. Similar results were ob- tained by Newton and Potts ( 1 993), who reported meso- gleal sulfate levels of 40% and 52% of seawater levels in Cyanea capillata and Rhizostoma pulmo respectively. In both experiments 1 and 2, there was evidence that the magnesium concentrations in tissue and mesogleal fluid were maintained at levels above that of the external medium. Following transfer of medusae from 20%o to 12%o, magnesium was substantially diluted in tissue and mesogleal fluid, yet even 7 d after the salinity change, re- mained significantly higher than the concentration of the dilute medium (Fig. 2D). A similar phenomenon was seen following transfer from 20%o to 8%o (Fig. ID). The concentration of sodium also remained significantly (P < 0.05) higher in tissue than in the 8%» medium. Dilution resulting from water influx obviously con- tributed to the fall in tissue ions in most cases. Weight changes in medusae transferred to lower salinities indi- cated that water influx reached 10%-20% of total body weight within the first 24 h following transfer. But tissue concentrations of sodium, magnesium, and calcium in animals transferred from 20%o to 8%o fell by more than 40% in the first 6 h, indicating that diffusional losses of these ions were at least as important as increased tissue hydration in explaining these losses. The apparent sub- sequent "recovery" of tissue sodium and magnesium to levels above those of the dilute medium suggests that, although these ions may not be actively regulated, the tissue is not freely permeable to them. It is also possible that tissue permeability to these ions changes after the initial osmotic shock. The relative stability of tissue po- tassium, despite the osmotic swelling, emphasizes the efficiency of the mechanism that regulates cellular potas- sium in C. quinquecirrha. The degree to which medusae of C. quinquecirrha be- have like osmometers with changing salinity is difficult to exactly quantify in view of the likely influence of food on weight changes. The controlled feeding experiment illustrated that lack of feeding may account for a weight loss greater than 20% over a 24-h period. This supports the data shown in Fig. 3B. If results from 8%o animals are corrected for controls ( 1 6%o), the 24-h weight change due to osmotic stress may exceed 30%-. Medusae of Aurelia unriui and C. quinquecirrha also decreased in diameter when unfed (Hamner and Jenssen, 1974; Rosen and Purcell, unpubl. data). In studies conducted here, medusae were able to achieve at least neutral buoyancy in all salinities except one — at 5%« they remained on the bottom of experimen- tal containers. Bidigare and Biggs ( 1 980) suggested a role for sulfate in adjusting buoyancy in jellyfish. They showed that, by active elimination of more than half of its body SO4 relative to seawater, the ctenophore Berne ci/cumis could neutralize its protein mass and achieve neutral buoyancy in dilute seawater. It was postulated that sulfate elimination was offset by isosmotic replace- ment by chloride. Our data show sulfate concentrations Table I Sulfate concentrations in mesogleal Jluid of Qaysaora quinquecirrha medusae adapted to different salinities for 48 h Seawater sulfate Mesogleal sulfate Mesogleal sulfate Salinity concentration concentration as percentage %0 (m.U/l) (mM/l) seawater 20 13.2 9.1 69 16 9.7 6.8 70 12 7.9 5.2 66 SALINITY AND IONIC SHIFTS IN MEDUSAE 339 to be consistently lower in tissue of C. quinquecirrha than in the external media, but there was no indication of a change in tissue:medium sulfate ratio on transfer of medusae from higher to lower salinity. Therefore, we conclude that C. quinquecirrha does not regulate buoy- ancy by excluding sulfate ions. These medusae are strong swimmers and perhaps would not benefit substantially from ionic buoyancy compensation. Our results suggest the possibility that medusae of Chrysaora quinquecirrha are unable to regulate volume or buoyance at salinities <5%o. This agrees with the dis- tribution of polyps and medusae in situ (Cargo and Schultz, 1966, 1967) and with laboratory experiments on asexual reproduction (Purcell et a/., unpubl. data). Acknowledgments This research was funded by NSF grant OCE- 9019404. We thank H. Lemke, G. Aldridge, and T. Lewis for assistance with experiments. University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies Contribution No. 2793. Literature Cited Hi-mis, D., and R. Prusch. 1972. Osmoregulation in fresh-water Hy- dra. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 43A: 165-171. Bidigare, R. R., and D. C. Biggs. 1980. The role of sulfate exclusion in buoyancy maintenance by siphonophores and other oceanic ge- latinous zooplankton. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 66A: 467-47 I . Cargo, D. G., and L. P. Schultz. 1966. Notes on the biology of the sea nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, in Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Sci. 7: 95-100. Cargo, D. G., and L. P. Schultz. 1967. 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Free amino acid composition of scyphozoan polyps of Aurelia aurila. Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Cyanea capillata at various salinities. Comp. Biochem. Phvsiol. 43B: 653-663. CONTENTS RESEARCH NOTE Sauer, Warwick H. H ., Mike J. Roberts, Marek R. Lipinski, Malcolm J. Smale, Roger T. Hanlon, Dale M. Webber, and Ron K. O'Dor Choreography of the squid's "nuptial dance" .... 203 CELL BIOLOGY Davy, Simon K., Ian A. N. Lucas, and John R. Turner Uptake and persistence of homologous and heterol- ogous zooxanthellae in the temperate sea anemone Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant) 208 DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION Bates, William R. p58, a cytoskeletal protein, is associated with muscle cell determinants in ascidian eggs 217 Glas, Patricia S., Lee A. Courtney, James R. Ray- burn, and William S. Fisher Embryonic coat of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes Pug>o 231 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Co 1 1 in, Rachel, and John B. Wise Morphology and development of Odostomia colum- biana Dall and Bartsch (Pyramidellidae): implica- tions for the evolution of gastropod development 243 Distel, Daniel L., and Susan J. Roberts Bacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the deep-sea wood-boring bivalves Xylophaga atlantica and Xv/o- phaga washinglona 253 Seibel, Brad A., Erik V. Thuesen, James J. Childress, and Laura A. Gorodezky Decline in pelagic cephalopod metabolism with hab- itat depth reflects differences in locomotory effi- ciency 262 West, Jordan M. Plasticity in the sclerites of a gorgonian coral: tests of water motion, light level, and damage cues .... 279 Yund, Philip O., Yvette Marcum, and John Stewart- Savage Life-history variation in a colonial ascidian: broad- sense heritabilities and tradeoffs in allocation to asexual growth and male and female reproduction 290 NEUROBIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Eguchi, Eisuke, Mari Dezawa, and V. Benno Meyer- Rochow Compound eye fine structure in Paralomis multispina Benedict, an anomuran half-crab from 1200 m depth (Crustacea; Decapoda; Anomura) 300 PHYSIOLOGY Roberts, Deirdre A., Gretchen E. Hofmann, and George N. Somero Heat-shock protein expression in Mytilus califor- tiianus: acclimatization (seasonal and tidal-height comparisons) and acclimation effects 309 McNamara, John C., and Alice Goncalves Lima The route of ion and water movements across the gill epithelium of the freshwater shrimp Macrobra- chium olfersii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae): evidence from ultrastructural changes induced by acclima- tion to saline media 321 Wright, David A., and Jennifer E. Purcell Effect of salinity on ionic shifts in mesohaline scy- phomedusae, Chiysaora quinquecirrha 332 Volume 192 E Number 3 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN JUNE, 1997 Published by the Marine Biological Laboratory 1997 THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Associate Editors Louis E. BURNETT, Grice Marine Biological Laboratory. College of Charleston WILLIAM D. COHEN, Hunter College, City University of New York CHARLES D. DERBY, Georgia State University DAVID EPEL, Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University Editorial Board PETER B. ARMSTRONG, University ofCalifornia. Davis THOMAS H. DIETZ. Louisiana State University RICHARD B. EMLET. Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon DAPHNE GAIL FALITIN, University of Kansas WILLIAM F. G\LL^ , Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University ROGER T. HANLON, Marine Biological Laboratory MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, Hiroshima Prefectural Uni- versity MICHAEL LABARBERA, University of Chicago DONAL T. MA\ AHAN, University of Southern California MARGARET McFALL-NGAi, Kewalo Marine Labora- tory, University of Hawaii TATSLIO MOTOKAWA. Tokyo Institute of Technology K. RANGA RAO, University of West Florida BARUCH RINK.EVICH, Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd. RICHARD STRATHMANN, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington STEVEN VOGEL. Duke University J. HERBERT WAITE. University of Delaware SARAH ANN WOODIN, University of South Carolina RICH ARD K. ZIMMER-FAUST. University of California. Los Angeles . MICHAEL J. GREENBERG. The Whitney Laboratory. University of Florida HK Eihlor: PAMELA L. CLAPP. Marine Biological Laboratory JUNE, 1997 Printed and Issued by LANCASTER PRESS, Inc. 3575 HEMPLAND ROAD LANCASTER, PA Cover Embryo of Hydra vitlgaris encased in a multilay- ered cuticle adorned with ornate spines. The embryo remains in the cuticle for varying lengths of time. At hatching, the cuticle breaks open and a hatchling emerges head-end first. See Martin el a/., this issue. CONTENTS RESEARCH NOTE Anderson, Erik J., Patrick S. MacGillivray, and M. Edwin DeMont Scallop shells exhibit optimi/.ition of i iblet climen- sions for drag reduction 341 DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION Martin, Vicki J., C. Lynne Littlefield, William E. Archer, and Hans R. Bode Embryogenesis in India 345 Hanlon, Roger T., Michael F. Claes, Susan E. Ash- craft, and Paul V. Dunlap Laboratory culture of the sepiolid squid Eiipn'iinin Mil/apt'.^: a model system for bacterial -animal symbi- osis 364 NEUROBIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Preuss, Thomas, Zora Lebaric, and William F. Gilly Post-hatching development of circular mantle mus- cles in the squid L/iligu 1>\/- loides simodensisz.i\AB.fuscus 53 Raftos, David, and Aimee Hutchinson Effects of common estuarine pollutants on the im- mune reactions of tunicates 62 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Anthony. Kenneth R. N. Prey capu v the sea anemone M,'lnt/iini/ wmlr (L.): effect si/e. flow regime, and upstream neighbor* 73 Holyoak, Alan Patterns and i s whole colony growth in thecompoiuu 'mm /;/tiiniiii .... 87 Miller, Karen, and 1 ( :<)nflicting morphi , ,1 , .ductive species boundaries in the KM „ 98 HE FUTURE OF AQUATI- ^SEARCH IN SPACE: NEUROBIOLOGY ..LULAR AND MOLECULAR i OLOGY Loewenstein, Werner R. Mechanosensitive channels: introduction 117 Morris, Catherine E., Howard Lesiuk, and Linda R. Mills How do neurons monitor then mechanical status? 1 18 I lamill. Owen P., and Don W. McBride Jr. Mechanogated channels in AVm//)i;\ oocytes: differ- ent gating modes enable a channel to switch from a phasic to a tonic mechanotransducer 121 DI 123 Chalfie, Martin A molecular model for mechanosensation in C.urnii- rhabditis elegam 125 Blount, Paul, Sergei I. Sukharev, Paul Moe. and Ching Kung Mechanosensitive channels of E. culi: a genetic and molecular dissection 126 Discussion 128 PLANT BIOLOGY Hader, Donat-Peter Gravitaxis in flagellates 131 Kiss, John Z. Gravitropism in the ihizoids of the alga Chtirti: a model system for microgravity research 134 137 . A. I ! 115 Edwards, Erin Swint, and Stanley J. Roux The influence of gravity and light on develop- mental polarity of single cells of Ceratopteris in /innli/ gametophytes 1 39 Nick, Peter, Rea Godbole, and Qi Yan Wang Probing rice gravitropism with cytoskeletal drugs and cytoskeletal mutants 141 Z)/.(c».s.w'»» . 144 NEUROBIOLOGY/SENSORY BIOLOGY Eaton, Robert C., Audrey L. Guzik, and Janet L. Casagrand Mauthner system discrimination of stimulus direc- tion from the acceleration and pressure components at sound onset 1 46 CONTENTS Fetcho, Joseph R., Kingsley J. A. Cox, and Donald M. O'Malley Imaging neural activity with single cell resolution in an intact, behaving vertebrate ............. Discussion ........................... Kawasaki, Masashi Complex signal processing by weakly electric fishes Bass, Andrew H., Deana A. Bodnar, and Jessica R. McKibben From neurons to behavior: vocal-acoustic communi- cation in teleost fish ................... Fischer, Thomas M., and Thomas J. Carew Activity-dependent regulation of neural networks: the role of inhibitory s\ naptic plasticity in adaptive gain control in the siphon withdrawal reflex ol Apl\v(i ........................... Baxter, Douglas A., and John H. Byrne Complex oscillations in simple neural systems .... 150 154 157 158 llil DI 164 167 170 Angerer, Robert C., and Lynne M. Angerer Fate specification along the sea urchin embryo an- imal-vegetal axis 175 Maxson, Rob, Hongying Tan, Sonia L. Dobias, Hai- lin Wu, Jeffery R. Bell, and Liang Ma Expression and regulation of a sea urchin A/.\\ class homeobox gene: insights into the evolution and function of a gene family that participates in the pat- terning of the early embryo 178 179 CYTOSKELETON/CELL MOT1LITY Burnside, Beth, and Christina King-Smith Actin-dependent pigment granule transport in reti- nal pigment epithelial cells 181 Lin, C. H., E. M. Espreafico. M. S. Mooseker, and P. Forscher Myosin drives retrograde E-actin How in neuronal growth cones 183 Gillespie, Peter G. Multiple myosin motors and mechanoelectrical transduction by hair cells . 186 191 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Elinson. Richard P. Getting a head in frog development Chairs and Speakers 197 72 Participants . 200 No. 2, APRIL 1997 RESEARCH NOTE Sauer, Warwick H. H., Mike J. Roberts, Marek R. Lipinski, Malcolm J. Smale, Roger T. Hanlon, Dale M. Webber, and Ron K. O'Dor Choreography of the squid's "nuptial dance" .... 203 CELL BIOLOGY Davy, Simon K., Ian A. N. Lucas, and John R. Turner Uptake and persistence of homologous and heterol- ogous zooxanthellae in the temperate sea anemone Cereus pedunriilatus (Pennant) 208 DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION Bates, William R. p58, a cvtoskeletal protein, is associated with muscle cell determinants in ascidian eggs 217 Glas, Patricia S., Lee A. Courtney. James R. Ray- burn, and William S. Fisher Embryonic coat of the grass shrimp Palarmonftrs piigin 231 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Collin, Rachel, and John B. Wise Morphology and development of O(lu\l- /ihtiffa washingtona Seibel, Brad A., Erik V. Thuesen, James J. Childress, and Laura A. Gorodezky Decline in pelagii cephalopod metabolism with hab- itat depth reflects differences in loi cinotoiv effi- ciency West, Jordan M. Plasticity in the sclerites of a goigonian coral: tests of water motion, light level, and damage cues .... 279 262 CONTENTS Yund, Philip O., Yvette Marc n. and John Stewart- Savage Life-historv \;n iat ; ,n.il ascidian: broad- sense herital'iln' , adeoffs in allocation to asexual growth le and female reproduction NEUROBIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Eguchi, Eisuke, Mari Dezawa, and V. Benno Meyer- Rochow Compound eye fine structure in Paralomu multispinu Benedict, an anonuiran hall-crab from 1200 in depth (Crustacea; Decapoda; Anomura) 290 PHYSIOLOGY Roberts, Deirdre A., Gretchen E. Hofmann, and George N. Somero Heat-shock protein expression in M\li/u\ mlifor- iiniiiiis: acclimatization (seasonal and tidal-height comparisons) and acclimation effects 309 McNamara, John C., and Alice Goncalves Lima The route of ion and water movements across the gill epithelium of the freshwater shrimp Macrobra- ili/iun iil/rniii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae): evidence from ultrastructural changes induced by acclima- tion to saline media 321 Wright, David A., and Jennifer E. Purcell Effect of salinity on ionic shifts in mesohaline scy- phomedusae, Chn'saurn t/nhx/in-in rhu 332 No. 3, Jt \i- 1997 RESEARCH NOTE Anderson, Erik J., Patrick S. MacGillivray, and M. Edwin DeMont Scallop shells exhibit optimization of riblet dimen- sions for drag reduction 341 DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION Martin, Vicki J., C. Lynne Littlefield, William E. Archer, and Hans R. Bode Embryogenesis in hydra 345 Hanlon, Roger T., Michael F. Claes, Susan E. Ash- craft, and Paul V. Dunlap Laboratory culture of the sepiolid squid Kuf»-\iintn \iul 1.0 ro 0.8 Q. 0.6 <>/. 260:413-416. Schummer, M., I. Scheurlen, C. Schaller, and B. Galliot. 1992. HOM/HOX homeoho.x genes are present in hydra (Chlorokydra r;//105 I'. tischcri typical of E. scolopes symbiont strains. Survival from settlement to sexual maturity was 76%. Mating and egg laying commenced at 2 months, yet attempts to cul- ture the next laboratory generation of hatchlings were not as successful. The results indicate that the host or- ganism of this symbiosis can soon be cultured with con- sistency thn •'.! "h its brief life cycle, thus opening new av- enues of rest, .: intodevelopmental aspects of this sym- biosis. Introduction The symbiotic association between the Hawaiian sepi- olid Euprymna scolopes and the bioluminescent bacte- Received 14 November 1446; accepted 4 March 1997. *Present address: Center for Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute. Baltimore, Maryland 2 I 2(12. rium Vibrio fischeri has been developed into an experi- mental marine model in cell and molecular biology (Wei and Young, 1989; McFall-Ngai and Ruby, 1991; Ruby and McFall-Ngai. 1992). Various strains of I'ihrio ftscheri (both natural and mutant) have been cultured so that components of the symbiotic association can be manipulated experimentally (e.g., Boettcher and Ruby. 1990; Ruby and Asato. 1993: Graf tv ill.. 1993; Dunlap el til.. 1995). However, full development of this marine model system has been hampered by the inability to cul- ture the host organism — the squid — completely through its life cycle with some degree of consistency and stan- dard methodology. Euprymna scolopes is a very small species that is en- demic to the Hawaiian Islands, where it spends much of its life buried in the sand. There have been no field stud- ies of its behavior and life cycle, so most of what is known comes from laboratory studies (Singley, 1983). Of partic- ular interest is how these small squids might use their relatively huge light organ in their daily lives. Since the mid- 1 980s. several teams of researchers have studied details of the symbiosis by bringing wild-caught adults to the laboratory, allowing them to mate and lay eggs, and then using the hatchling squids (i.e.. the para- larvae) to explore the infection process as well as the ini- tial development of the light organ. However, thus far investigators have been unable to examine events be- yond the first week posthatching because the squid para- larvae deplete their internal yolk supplies by that time and perish; several unreported rearing attempts in the 1 990s have failed. Nevertheless, before this model sys- tem was developed, Euprymna had been reared from 364 SQUID CULTURE FOR SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH 365 eggs through a portion of its life cycle. Euprynina hcrryi was reared to 2 months in Korea by Choe and Oshima ( 1963) and Choe ( 1966). Arnold ct til. (1972) reared 10 E. scolopes (from a starting number of 26) to 28 days, and two survived to 202 days without reproducing. Sin- gley (1983) reared 13 of 16 E. scolopes to 28 days and one to 120 days, although its reported length was very small (<4 mm mantle length). The encouraging results of Arnold et al. ( 1 972) and Singley ( 1 983) on E. scolopes, coupled with the rapid development of this symbiosis model system in the last 5 years, led us to initiate the trials reported here. The overall goal was to develop stan- dard methods for culturing Euprynina and to learn as- pects of its biology that would enhance its successful cul- ture in captivity. We hypothesized that behavioral fea- tures related to feeding would be most important to the successful culture of Euprynina hatchlings through the paralarval stage, as they have proved to be in many other squid species (e.g.. Boletzky and Hanlon. 1983; Yang et al.. 1986: Hanlon et al.. 1989; Hanlon, 1990; Lee el al.. 1994). Although we hope to eventually culture successive generations of this small, fast-growing cephalopod, a near-term goal is to develop a method for rearing apo- symbiotic hatchlings (i.e.. those deprived of the bacte- rium) through most of the life cycle, so that cellular and molecular aspects of the complex development of the symbiosis can be studied in even greater detail. We re- port here our initial findings that Euprynina scolopes can be cultured through its brief life cycle under controlled laboratory conditions, and we highlight some of the more important needs of this species in captivity. We also describe our observations on some critical features of the behavior of this species, including multiple effects of light and some aspects of reproductive biology that require future experimentation. Materials and Methods The term "paralarvae" is used to describe young squids from hatching to about 3 weeks of age; it accu- rately distinguishes the behavior of hatchlings from that of juveniles and adults (see details in Young and Har- man, 1988). Euprynina scolopes is a member of the fam- ily Sepiolidae in the order Sepioidea (according to the nomenclature of Voss, 1977), which includes cuttlefish. The term "squid" is commonly applied tosomesepioids, although true squids are members of the order Teu- thoidea. Brood stock acquisition and egg care Adults were collected on Oahu, Hawaii, and shipped via airfreight to the Marine Resources Center of the Ma- rine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachu- setts. Squids were shipped individually in 3-1 plastic bags containing 1.5 1 of natural seawater. The seawater was filtered to 10 ^m, heavily aerated, and spiked with 1 g/1 tris buffer: the remaining 1 .5 1 of each bag was filled with oxygen and the bags were fitted in insulated shipping boxes. The total time spent in these bags by each squid was typically 2 1 hours. When the bags arrived at the lab- oratory, the temperature was slightly depressed (down to 1 8°- 1 9°C), the salinity was 31-32 ppt, the concentration of dissolved oxygen was 7-1 1 mg/1, the pH was 8.29- 8.41, and the levels of ammonia and nitrite were low (however, colorimetric reading were often impossible due to interference from ink in the bags). Ammonia was measured with LaMotte kits that are based on the salicy- late method and colorimetric analysis. Nitrite and ni- trate were measured with Hach kits that also used color- imetric methods; the precision of the ammonia and ni- trite methods is ±0.01 mg/1, and the lowest sensitivity is 0.05 mg/1. Adult males were housed individually, and females individually or in pairs, in small chambers (25 cm X 33 cm; water depth 18 cm) and were fed ad libitum with live shrimp (Palaemonetes sp. or Crangon sp.). Each chamber had 10 cm of crushed coral sand for the squids to bury in. Mating was induced once per week by transferring one male into a female's chamber overnight. To avoid dam- aging the squid they were transported in small clear glass vials of water rather than in nets. Transferred males al- ways mated, and eggs were generally laid the night after the male was removed. In the trials reported here, five females and three males produced 13 clutches of eggs, but we used only five clutches for the culture trials. It was essential that eggs be handled as little as possible so that they would develop fully and not hatch prema- turely. The key was to keep temperature, salinity, pH, nitrogen levels, and light cycles as steady as possible, and to keep disturbance at a minimum (not bumping tanks, changing light levels, inspecting eggs, etc.). Adults were kept in closed, recirculating seawater systems to ensure that water quality was consistent. Eggs laid on coral fin- gers were left on the coral and moved to aerated mesh containers. Eggs laid on the flat tank wall were gently scraped from the wall with a glass slide; they generally came off as a single unit, which was then transferred to a mesh container. Eggs were never exposed to air, and an airstone was placed into each mesh container adjacent to the eggs so that water was constantly circulating near them. The eggs were kept in the same water that adults had laid them in. Rearing chambers and seawater systems The actual rearing chamber for each paralarval rearing trial was a circular black container, 25 cm in diameter. 366 R. T. HANLON ET AL Figure 1. The culture tanks for Eupryinnti .icolitpe.t. (A) Each para- larval rearing chamber ( 1 ) held 30 squids and had a viewing port (2). Water flowed in through two tubes (3) in each chamber and exited ver- tically through the sand-covered sieve bottom, then flowed horizontally through mesh screens (4) to the drain (5). The white ruler is the stan- dard 12 inches. (B) The complete closed system and A-frame, showing the filter apparali i he location of the biological filter substrate (2) and the chambe: nning adults and for mating (3). with a 200-Mm-mesh screen bottom (Fig. 1). The cham- ber was immersed in a seawater tray tank to achieve shal- low water depths of only 3-6 cm. Water flowed into the top through rubber tubing and flowed out through the mesh bottom. The two inflow tubes were arranged along the edge to create a gentle circular water flow, which helped keep the hatchlings and prey items away from the sides. A thin layer of sand coated the mesh bottom. Two small seawater systems were used in the Marine Resources Center: one was a completely recirculating system of 340 1, and the other was an open system of 600 1. Local Woods Hole water was the original source, and this water was passed through a 1-^m filter and heated to about 23°C. The closed system consisted of an A-frame with a shallow tray tank for the rearing experi- ments above (70 cm X 78 cm X 9 cm deep) and a deeper tank below to house the biological filter. The biological filter was composed of crushed oyster shell with an un- dergravel filter; the oyster shell was 1 5 cm deep and spread over an area of 5250 cnr. The water was then pumped through a canister with a particulate filter and then through activated carbon and a UV filter. The flow rate was about 22 1/min, and about 30% of the water was replaced weekly. The open system was constructed sim- ilarly, with a top tray size of 76 cm X 130 cm X 9 cm deep and a tank below with 9956 cnr crushed oyster shell as a substitute substrate. The open system was only used for some squids after Day 49 to help reduce crowd- ing. Immersion heaters in each system helped maintain temperature. Water quality was checked two or three times per week and ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate were determined according to the methods listed above. The tanks were situated 3 m from a window that provided indirect natural light. Overhead fluorescent fixtures provided indirect light on a 12:12 light cycle. The typical light level falling on the tray tanks was 2- 8 H'm :MA. One small trial (/; = 8 squids) was performed in a semi- closed seawater system at the Marine Science Center of Northeastern University. Natural seawater was used in an A-frame that held a total of 350 1. Crushed coral was the biological filter, and no other UV or charcoal system was used. Lighting was by direct overhead incandescent bulbs (50cm away) on a 12:12 cycle. The paralarvae were reared in a black circular PVC chamber (20 cm in diameter, 20 cm in height) with 1 50-^m-mesh sides and a bare plastic bottom. For behavioral observations, the top trays were fitted with glass panels for horizontal viewing into portions of the round rearing chambers. Observations were made from the side and also from the top of the tanks, and night observations were accomplished with a night-vi- sion device that amplified existing dim light. A very weak red light was aimed at the ceiling to produce a soft glow of reflected light in the room (approximately 0.3 w m'1 nA.). A video camera (Sony HiBand 8 mm) was used to record behavior; the night-vision device could be fit to the front of the camcorder to record nocturnal behavior. SQUID CULTURE FOR SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH 367 Hatchlings. stocking densities, and foods Most embryos hatched in the first 2 h of the dark cycle, and individuals were transferred with a turkey baster to the culture chamber. For individual 30-day feeding tri- als, 30 hatchlings were stocked in each round rearing chamber. The exceptions were one trial in which 50 hatchlings were stocked and one trial in which only 8 hatchlings were taken to the Nahant laboratory. By day 50, squids were removed from the small round chambers and the juveniles were reared in the divided tray tanks, each of which had dimensions of 35 by 39 cm. Food items included live zooplankton, crustaceans, and larval fishes. Mysid shrimps of the genera Mysi- dopsis and Neomysis. and larval fishes, Menidia berry- Una, were commonly used. The term "postlarval mys- ids" was applied to those that were newly hatched from the brood sacks of females (Lussier et a/.. 1988). They were of body lengths 0.5-1.5 mm, whereas adult mysids were typically 4-10 mm long. Hatchlings were fed 1- 5 times per day between 0700 and 2300 to ensure ade- quate food availability. Progressively larger shrimp (Crangon and Palaemonetes) were provided to juvenile and adult squids as they grew. Luminescence measurement and quantification of symbiotic bacteria Light produced by hatchlings, juveniles, and subadults was detected qualitatively with a Turner 20e lumino- meter (Sunnyvale. CA). Individual live animals were placed in 5 ml (50 ml for subadult animal) of filter-ster- ilized (0.2-^m pore size) natural seawater in 30-ml glass scintillation vials (300-ml glass beaker for subadult ani- mal, placed in a foil-lined funnel to channel light into the luminometer detector), and the light produced was recorded for 30 s. Three measurements were taken. The data reported (as arbitrary light units, LU, per animal) are the highest of the light levels detected for each ani- mal. I '. fischeri cells colonizing the animal light organ were quantified by plate counts using a seawater complete agar (SWC; Nealson. 1978). To minimize the presence of surface-associated bacteria, hatchlings and juveniles were removed from culture tanks in a minimal volume of seawater and rinsed by three passages in 5 ml of filter- sterilized seawater in autoclave-sterilized scintillation vials. The animals were then homogenized in a 15-ml Ten Broeck tissue homogenizer with 1 ml of filter-steril- ized seawater. The homogenate was serially diluted and plated in quadruplicate on SWC agar plates, which were incubated at room temperature for 24 h before colonies were counted. For subadults, the light organ was re- moved aseptically and homogenized and handled as above. Representative colonies of bacteria arising on the spread-plates, which were uniform in appearance for those animals that produced light, were confirmed to be I '. fischeri strains that characteristically colonize light or- gans of E. scolopes (Boettcher and Ruby, 1990; Dunlap el at.. 1995) by (i) their production of luminescence, al- though at a very low level in culture, (ii) their lumines- cence response to the I '. fischeri autoinducer-producing, nonluminous strain MJ-203, and (iii) their effect on the luminescence of the autoinducer nonproducing strain MJ-21 5 (Kuo <•/-«\»^ — • — Adult mysids \ \ \ ^^ »-Ji *-,^ \ %»-»-»-»-«-t-«-»-»-»-»-«-» 15 20 Age (days) 25 30 Figure 4. Survival on different diets during the I -month paralarval period. large mysid was held at mid-carapace (Fig. 3B), and it is possible that the squids were biting through the dorsal nerve cord to immobilize the mysid. We occasionally saw two squids eating the same large mysid and, more rarely, one squid attacking a mysid while in the process of eating another; this occurred only with the smaller postlarval mysids. Extremely large mysids (e.g.. more than 4 times the size of squids) were not eaten and prob- ably disrupted the squids in small chambers. Paralarval squids showed considerable interest in fish larvae (Menidia) on some days. But the Menidia larvae seemed to present problems for capture, and survival of squids on this diet was poor. For example, on day 27, squids were presented with fishes that were nearly 12 mm long. The squids strongly pursued the fish larvae, yet often made 4-6 unsuccessful strikes and sometimes as many as 20; recall that squids of this age and size were well developed and strong swimmers. In a typical feed- ing, only 1-3 squids would have a fish 15 min after 30- 40 fishes were added and 30 attacks were observed. By contrast, if 30 shrimp (Crangon) were placed in the same tank, commonly 8 squids would have successfully cap- tured one within 5 min. It was often observed that squids could not hold onto a fish even when they made contact, suggesting that the suckers were not able to grasp the fish well. Once captured, fish were harder to subdue than shrimp; it took on the order of 2-3 min, as compared with 10-30 s for shrimp. When a fish was being eaten, the stomach of the squid was black and highly visible compared to a much less distinct dark color when shrimp were ingested. Food densities varied greatly due to variable food sup- ply. However, in the early weeks, about 2-4 large adult mysids were supplied to each squid in trial 1 . These mys- ids, which were about 1-3 times the average body length of the very young squids, were generally eaten in the course of 24 h. By days 35-40, these squids were being fed a combination of adult mysids and Crangon shrimp ( 1 .0- 1 .5 cm length) at a level of 5-6 times as many prey as predator; the tanks appeared very crowded when the food was first put in. By day 52, 15 juvenile squids were being fed about 20 Crangon (1.5cm length) and 100 large mysids. Paralarval squids foraged throughout day and night, but this was not quantified by counting the number of attacks on prey per unit time. After settling to the adult behavior mode by day 30, all squids foraged at night, and food was generally added to tanks late in the day and cleaned out the following morning. Juveniles and adults continued to feed vigorously on prey that were generally their own size or larger. Lighting levels appeared to be important to successful feeding: lower light enhanced feeding, whereas bright light seemed to retard it. For example, when tops were 370 R. T. HANLON ET AL placed over the rearing di uiber during the day, the re- duced light level stir^ d feeding. Very dark overcast days also resulted quids spending more time foraging and f<= iight in the rearing chambers was arrange adividual squids could view prey objects in mig light against a black background, and this r uiy increased the contrast of the prey or- ganism. Growth, age, maturity, and mortality Growth was rapid and adult sizes were reached in about 2 months. Figure 5 illustrates growth in mantle length and wet weight over the culture period. Hatch- lings ranged from 1.6 to 1.9 mm in mantle length and from 4.2 to 5.8 mg in wet weight. Despite the limited data set (i.e.. few points between days 10 and 70) and the highly conservative growth measurements (nearly all taken from freshly dead squids), rapid growth in wet 35 30 I25 .c |> 20 - o> 0 15 1 10 5 -y = 0.10215 + 021722X R= 091424 First mating & egg laying i 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Age (days) 10 • S £ g> I -01- ID 001 0001 -y = 0.0032968 ' eA(008373x) R= 094481 First mating & egg laying 40 60 80 100 Age (days) 120 140 Figure 5. Growth of cultured Eiipryitinu si Wo/K'.v. TOP: Linear plot of mamle length increases versus age. BOTTOM: Wet weight growth wasexpi .. '.-ntial through day 83 (R = 0.95). Data ("or males and females are lumped - RISC identification was not always possible. weight through day 83 was still best fit by the exponential equation y = 0.0033e(""84vl. From this function, the in- stantaneous relative growth rate from hatching to day 83 was an 8.4% increase in weight per day. After day 83, the data were not amenable to curve fitting because growth was very slow and the data were highly variable. The ex- tremely high growth rate of paralarvae is mostly due to the high feeding rate; hatchlings that were feeding on 2- 3 very large mysids per day were probably ingesting more than their body weight per day. The length/weight rela- tionship, based upon 4 1 measurements from hatching to day 1 33, was expressed by the equation Wet weight in grams = 0.0015 X (mantle length in millimeters)2674 The complete life cycle (i.e.. from egg to egg) was com- pleted in about 80 days, and the longest-lived squid reached an age of 1 39 days. As noted in the next section, many squids were sexually mature by 60 days post- hatching. During the paralarval stage, mortality was 27%, then the population stabilized and the remaining mortalities occurred over a protracted period that was marked by reproductive activity. From settling to sexual maturity, mortality was only 24%; thereafter, there was a slow attrition. Early mortalities were probably related to nutrition, but later ones were inexplicable and may have been associated with maturity and "old age" or with some unknown pathogen. Reproduction Sexual dimorphism is only slightly evident in this spe- cies. Males have slightly enlarged suckers on some arms and tend to have slimmer posterior mantles, especially compared to fully mature females whose posterior man- tles become broader as they fill with eggs. The testis of the male can sometimes be seen dorsally when all the chromatophores are retracted. The first eggs were laid on day 58 and the first mating was observed on day 61, when 24 squids were still alive. Mating occurred at night, often just at the onset of dark- ness. Overall, 1 6 matings were observed between days 6 1 and 1 16; the last squid died on day 139, so that mating occurred over the last one-third to one-half of the brief life cycle. Matings were not controlled in any way and possibly more matings occurred throughout the nights than we observed. Mating (Fig. 6A) seemed to be initi- ated by the male (bottom), who grasped the female and placed a spermatophore somewhere in her mantle. Mat- ing lasted about 30-50 min in the few cases in which the whole mating was observed. Competition for mates was observed only once: two males grabbed a female, some wrestling followed, then they all moved to corners of the tray tank. One male was removed, but the remaining SOUID CULTURE FOR SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH 371 B Figure 6. Mating (A) and egg laying (B) by cultured Kiipryiuna .«•<>- AI/VY The male grasped the female from underneath and they mated for 30-50 min. Later, the female affixed one egg at a time to a PVC pipe and coated the eggs with sand to camouflage them. male and female did not mate that night. In this particu- lar case, the female was larger than the males. Egg laying (Fig. 6B) was observed four times and, cu- riously, took place in the mornings and often lasted until midday. In total, 1 3 egg clutches were laid by this gener- ation of adults. Attachment of each egg took 10 s on av- erage, and about 40 s elapsed between the deposition of each egg, so that it took about 25-30 min to lay a clutch of 30 eggs. As usual, the eggs were soon coated with sand that was somehow placed there by the females. To minimize handling, individual squid were not marked; thus fecundity could be estimated only from the number of eggs laid by individual females. All tray tanks contained males and females in high densities, even when the squids were separated on day 49; i.e., there were 2-3 squids per 35 X 39 cm chamber. Reestablishment of the bacterial .symbiosis in reared squids To determine whether symbiosis with I', fischeri was reestablished in the light organ of the reared squids. hatchlings, juveniles, and subadult animals were exam- ined for the production of light and for the presence of r. fischeri cells. The hatchling squids initially lacked lu- minescence, and no colony-forming units of I', fischeri were detected in their nascent light organs. By day 5, however, the animals were luminous, and their light or- gans contained 105 or more I', fischeri 'cells (Table I). Fig- ure 7 illustrates bacterial cells in the light organ of a reared squid. Discussion We have identified three essential keys for successful laboratory culture of Enprymna scolopes: (i) the eggs must be provided with conditions that lead to complete embryonic development, thus rendering fully competent hatchlings; (ii) water quality must be good, and the tank configuration and lighting must be tailored to the specific needs and behavior of the species; and (iii) the proper type and quantity of prey organism must be provided. Observations in the sea as well as in the laboratory indi- cated that E. scolopes was a voracious predator for its size, and that relatively large prey were preferred. Because our main interest in culturing E. scolopes is to advance the use of this model of symbiosis, it was also important to demonstrate that laboratory animals were competent to receive bacteria in a manner similar to that of wild-caught Enprymna. Our results are consistent with previous demonstrations that hatchlings initially are apo- symbiotic and that they acquire symbiotic strains of I '. fischeri, and consequently produce light, within about a day of hatching (Wei and Young, 1989; McFall-Ngai and Ruby, 1991). Furthermore, squids that had reached the juvenile benthic and subadult stages also produced lumi- nescence, and their light organs contained increasingly larger populations of I '.fischeri (Table I; Fig. 7). Table I Re-establishment of hacicruil symbiosis in culnircil Euprymna scolopes Animal stage Approximate size (mm) Animal light production' Symbiont CFU2 Hatchling (Day 0- 1) 2x2 not detected not detected (Planktonic) (') = 5) (n = 5) ParalarvaKDay 5) 2.5x2 44 6.0 x 105 (Planktonic) 3.2 5.0 x I05 Juvenile (Day 15) 4x3 220 8.0 X 10" (Benthic) Juvenile (Day 30) 7 x 4.5 16 2.0 x I07 (Benthic) Subadult (Day 130) 35 • 20 640 8.0 x 107 1 LU (arbitrary light units) per animal. : Symbiont CFU = colony-forming units of I 'ihnu / 372 R. T. HANLON ET AL. Figure 7. (A) Scanning electron micrograph of half the light organ of a mature, cultured squid. Letter "p" indicates the pore. Symbol in- dicates the approximate region of interest shown in panel B. (B) High magnification of I'ihriu lischcri cells within the internal cavity of the distal end of the light organ. Bar is I ^m. Behavior, life cycle, and laboratory culture comparisons It has been found repeatedly that teuthoid and sepioid squids are visual predators that generally prefer actively swimming prey (e.g., Boletzky ct a/., 197 1 ; Boletzky and Boletzky, 1973: Boletzky, 1974; Boletzky and Hanlon, 1983; Yang et at.. 1986; Hanlon ct a/.. 1989; Hanlon, 1990; Lee el ai. 1994). The peculiar decapod arrange- ment of eight arms and two tentacles allows capture and ingestion of both very small and unusually large prey. Nevertheless, as observed in many of the studies just cited, many seemingly good prey items are not preferred by paralarval squids, thus diets must be determined ex- perimentally. It was predictable that E. scolopes would ingest mysids given the enormous success of this diet for other squids (studies cited above) and cuttlefish (For- sythe el ai, 1994) and the results of rearing work on E. herryi (Choe and Oshima, 1963; Choe, 1966) and E. sco- lopes (Arnold et ai, 1972; Singley, 1983). It was not pre- dictable that E. scolopes paralarvae would prefer such large prey and only survive well on them as compared to mysids of other sizes. However, field observations made with a night-vision device by RTH in Hawaii indicated thai \ >' young E. scolopes were exceptionally strong swimnK s that could jet forward at great lengths. Labo- ratory \ > in this experiment documented forward at- tacks of at least 12 body lengths in about a second, a feat that small squids such as Loligo cannot perform. How might the paralarvae live in nature? Our study indi- cates that their activity patterns are flexible compared with those of adults (Fig. 2). They can bury in the sand like adults, yet they are surprisingly strong swimmers that can capture prey with a very rapid forward attack and avoid predators by combining a swift backwards jet escape with inking. We did not see any evidence that the light organ was used by para- larvae, juveniles, or adults in our study, despite many obser- vations at night. It seems unlikely that paralarvae commonly use the light organ while seeking prey because we probably would have observed it through the viewing ports in the side of the tray tanks (Fig. 1 ). A more plausible use for the biolu- minescence would be in defense against predators from be- low, when Eupryinna of any life stage are higher in the water column. Since the organ is directed downward, it probably is used to eliminate or interrupt the squid's shadow against the downwelling light. Eupryinna scolopes has one of the shortest life cycles of any cephalopod (Boyle, 1983), mainly as a result of its rapid exponential growth, the warm temperatures it lives in, and its small adult size. The fast exponential growth through day 83 is typical for many squids: since first mat- ing and egg laying were seen at about day 60, we expected that growth would slow substantially soon thereafter, which it did. The shortest life cycle reported for a cepha- lopod is in the small tropical species Idiosepius pygmaeus: statolith ring analysis indicates that this species matures in 1 .5-2.0 months and lives only about 79 days (Jackson, 1989); this species was not cultured in the laboratory. E. scolopes is relatively easy to rear because of the large strong hatchlings and their propensity for mysid shrimps. Close relatives of E. sco/opes share rapid growth, small size, and preference for mysids. Eupryinna berryi was reared to 2 months by Choe and Oshima (1963) and Choe (1966); four species of Sepiola and two of Sepiella were reared by similar techniques by Boletzky el ai (1971); Sepietla oweniana was cultured by Summers and Berg- strom (1981); and Russia macrosoma was reared to 8 months by Boletzky and Boletzky (1973). Only E. sco- lopes, however, lives in warm water, which accelerates growth (Forsythe and Van Heukelem. 1987) and pro- motes a short life cycle. Could these techniques be appli- cable to Eupryinna inorsei from Japan and to similar sep- ioids with light organs? Behavioral and physiological factors that require future attention Now that progress has been achieved with the paralar- val stages, the next logical stage is to focus on reproduc- tive behavior. Practically nothing is known about the mating system of any member of the subfamily Sepioli- SQUID CULTURE FOR SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH 373 naeU'.A'. Boletzky el al.. 1971; Boletzky, 1975; Moyni- han, 1983; also reviewed by Hanlon and Messenger. 1996), and optimal conditions for brood stock manage- ment will have to be determined before "normal" repro- ductive behavior and high fecundity can be expected. The density of adults, the diet, the light cycle (especially gradual changes that imitate natural changes), the com- binations of females and males and the nature of their pairings, agonistic behavior, courtship, and any form of sperm competition will all influence mating, egg laying, and the quality of the progeny. The matings observed in this study averaged 35 min; Moynihan (1983) and Sin- gley (1983) reported matings of 25-80 min. These long mating times combined with the presence of a seminal receptacle (called the pharetra. located internally near the opening of the oviduct) strongly suggest the possibil- ity of sperm competition behavior among males. A prac- tical problem is to determine how many adult squids must be maintained as brood stock under optimal con- ditions (physical and social) to ensure sufficient genetic diversity in subsequent generations. A misbalance in the mating system can put stress on the females, resulting in poor egg production, low fertil- ization rates, and thus poor hatching rates or lack of vigor in the progeny. Crowded laboratory conditions in cuttlefish and loliginid squids can lead to forced copula- tions of females (J.G. Boal. pers. comm.. 1996) and a disruption of the mating system. Lack of attention to these key issues in reproduction is one reason why most cephalopods cultured in captivity have not been cultured through multiple generations. Another sepioid. the cut- tlefish Sepia ojlicinalis. is the one cephalopod that has successfully been cultured through many generations (Forsythe el at.. 1994), and is currently in the 14th labo- ratory generation at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. The second-generation hatchlings in this culture trial did not do well, but no obvious cause was detected. Be- cause we had no access to a control group of hatchlings from wild-caught adults, we were unable to determine whether the problem lay with our techniques or with a lack of vigor in the first filial generation. We also had no certain clues to the cause of the mortalities that occurred throughout the trials, although several of the adults had whitish patches of ulceration that are common in many laboratory-reared cephalopods (Hanlon and Forsythe. 1990). Certainly other factors should be analyzed more closely — for example, different light cycles and types of substrates (cf. Shears. 1988) — to see how they affect the health and well being of squid in captivity. Future possibilities lor this marine model <>l symbiosis The immediate application of our culture techniques is in exploring new questions about the developmental biology of this symbiosis. The light organ requires bacte- ria before it can develop (Montgomery and McFall-Ngai. 1994), and the bacteria need the light organ to become luminescent (Boettcher and Ruby. 1990). On one hand, the ability to culture the host organism — the squid- opens the prospect of studying late development of the light organ, although it first requires that the paralarvae be reared in the absence of the bacteria. On the other hand, one can now address issues of involvement of bac- teria in developmental programs at the level of tissue, organ, and whole animal. The longer-term application of Etiprymna scolopes culture is to develop this species into a genetic model. This is not a trivial task, but E. scolopes has characteris- tics that favor success. Unlike other cephalopods. this species is small and short-lived, and each female usually lays its clutch of eggs in a single night and in a discrete clutch, so that parentage and reproductive success can be assessed. Acknowledgments We are grateful for advice from John Arnold, Alan Kuzirian. Bill Mebane. Richard Young, Ned Ruby, and Margaret McFall-Ngai. Alan Kuzirian helped produce the fine SEMs in Figure 7, and John Forsythe helped with the growth analysis. Kurt Fiedler collected adults for us in Hawaii. Bill Mebane. Janice Hanley, Louis Kerr, and David Remsen of the MBL provided essential logistical support. We thank the Aquatic Resources Di- vision of the MBL, Springborn Laboratories (MA), Aquatic Research Organisms (NH), the Marine Biomed- ical Institute (TX), Dave Bengston (RI), and especially Ray Lewis of Aquatic Indicators (FL) for help in provid- ing food organisms. 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Post-hatching development of the circular muscles in the mantle of squid was studied morphomet- rically to identify structural changes and to quantify hy- perplasia and hypertrophy of the muscle fibers. Superfi- cial, mitochondria-rich (SMR) fibers and central, mito- chondria-poor (CMP) fibers are present at hatching. Although both fiber types increase in size and, even more so, in number during post-hatching development, CMP fibers increase at a much higher rate than do SMR fibers. As a result, the relative proportion of SMR to CM P fibers shifts from about 1:1 in a hatchling to about 1 :6 in an 8- week-old animal; it then apparently remains constant to adulthood. These structural changes are consistent with developmental changes in muscular activity. During slow, jet-propelled swimming, 1 -week-old animals show mantle contractions that have twice the relative ampli- tude and frequency of those in adults. The presence of Na-channel protein in mantle muscle was detected bio- chemically by using site-directed antibodies: the protein was found to be preferentially expressed in CMP fibers. These results suggest that SMR fibers are an important source of locomotory power at hatching, but become progressively less important during the first 8 weeks of development as CMP fibers assume the dominant role in jet locomotion. Introduction Jet propulsion in squids is caused by the antagonistic action of circular and radial mantle muscles in connec- Received 2 December 1996: accepted 3 April 1997. Abbreviations: CMP = central mitochondria-poor muscle fibers; DML = dorsal mantle length; GFL = giant fiber lobe; SMR = superfi- cial mitochondria-rich muscle fibers; SR = sarcoplasmic reticulum. tion with two layers of stiff, collagenous tunics and a net- work of intermuscular connective tissue fibers (Ward and Wainwright, 1972: Bone el at.. 1981; Gosline et a/., 1983; Kier, 1988; Wells, 1988). The circular muscle mass, responsible for producing thrust during jet propul- sion, is divided into three layers, largely on the basis of the relative mitochondrial content of individual muscle fiber types. Two thin layers of superficial mitochondria- rich, oxidative fibers on the outer and inner mantle sur- face enclose a much thicker layer of mitochondria-poor, glycolytic fibers in the central zone (Bone el a/.. 1981; Mommsen et a/.. 1981 ). In light of these structural and metabolic differences, it has been proposed that the su- perficial layers are active during respiration and slow jet- propelled swimming, whereas the central circular fibers, presumed to be innervated by the giant axon system, power the jet-escape and rapid locomotion (Bone et a/.. 1995). In general agreement with these ideas, recent elec- trophysiological studies have revealed that at least two classes of circular muscle fibers can be distinguished on the basis of their electrical properties and that some of the circular fibers, presumably those innervated by giant axons, display Na-channel-based excitability (Gilly et at.. 1996). Jet propulsion, mantle mechanics, and mantle struc- ture have been well studied in adult squid, but relevant work on hatchlings and developing juvenile squid is comparatively limited (Zuev, 1966; v. Boletzky, 1982, 1987;O'Dorrta/., 1986; Moltschaniwskyj. 1994, 1995; Matsuno, 1987). Although squid begin actively swim- ming by jet propulsion as soon as they hatch (Packard. 1969), the full flexibility and fine coordination of the lo- comotor system is lacking (Gilly el ai, 1991; Chen et ai. 1996). The aim of the present study was to analyze the maturation of the mantle musculature during post- 375 376 T. PREUSS ET AL. hatching development and to identify structural and functional characteristics of the different types of muscle fiber associated v -propelled locomotion. In pursuit of that goal, v ned three approaches. First, ana- tomical an.i .^metric methods at light- and elec- tron-mien K ievels were used to reveal structural changes as squu mature from hatchlings to adults. Sec- ond, the kinematics of mantle contractions in free-swim- ming animals were investigated to shed light on func- tional characteristics of locomotion at different maturity stages. Third, biochemical analysis of the presence of Na- channel protein in superficial and central fibers provided a tool to characterize the location and abundance of pu- tative fast-twitch fibers in the developing mantle muscu- lature. Our results indicate that superficial, mitochondria- rich (SMR) fibers are an important source of locomotory power at hatching but become progressively less impor- tant during the first 8 weeks after hatching. Over this same period, central, mitochondria-poor (CMP) fibers increase in number until they contribute most of the overall mantle muscle mass and play the dominant role in jet locomotion. Materials and Methods Experimental animals L»/;#0 o/w//rotwi.v was collected in Monterey Bay, Cal- ifornia, between August and November of 1995. Ani- mals were maintained at Hopkins Marine Station in cir- cular tanks (2.5 m diameter: 1 m deep) plumbed with flow-through natural seawater. Spawning typically oc- curred in these tanks within 3-5 days of collecting the squid. Clusters of egg cases were removed and cultured at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, in flow-through circular 320-1 tanks (temperature range 13-16°C) until natural hatching occurred. During the first 10 weeks, squid received a diet, ad libitum, of brine shrimp nauplii (Anemia salina) enriched with algae and Super Selco (a nutrient medium rich in lipids, fatty acids, and vitamins; produced by Artemia Systems N. V., Bel- gium). Copepods (Acartia sp.) and mysids (Acanmo- mysis sp.) were added to the diet when available (about twice per week). Mantle anatomy The anatomy of the mantle musculature was exam- ined by light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Prior to dissection, all animals were anesthetized for 20 min in 7.5% MgCl; diluted 1 : 1 in ox- ygenated seawater and then killed by decapitation. Tis- sue for fixation was removed from adult squid within 1 day after collection. Blocks of mantle muscle were cut parallel to the main body axis and taken from an antero- dorsal region close to the stellate ganglion of five adults with dorsal mantle lengths (DML) between 80 and 140 mm. For studies of hatchling and juvenile squid, six healthy looking animals that displayed vigorous swim- ming capability were collected for fixation weekly over a 10-week period. These animals were fixed whole, and smaller tissue samples for ultrastructural analysis of the mantle muscles were taken after fixation. In all animals (except hatchlings), the skin was carefully removed be- fore fixation. For LM, the tissue was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in filtered seawater for 3-5 days at 4°C, dehydrated in graded ethanol, and either infiltrated with paraffin under vacuum or embedded in plastic (JB4; Polysciences, Inc.). Thick sections (6-10 ^m) and semithick sections (2- 4 ^m) were cut and stained with conventional histologi- cal stains and viewed with an Olympus BH-2 micro- scope. For TEM, the tissue samples were fixed in 0.065 A/ sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) with 3% glutaralde- hyde, 0.5% tannic acid, and 6% sucrose for 8 h at 4°C (first 1 5 min at room temperature), rinsed in 0.065 M so- dium phosphate buffer without sucrose, and postfixed in a 1:1 mix of 0.13 Mcacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) with 2% potassium ferrocyanide and 2% osmium tetroxide for 40 min at 4°C. Thereafter, the tissue was rinsed in 0.065 M cacodylate buffer, dehydrated in graded etha- nol, and infiltrated overnight (10-12 h) in resin (LR White: Sigma). For sectioning, the blocks were oriented to obtain transverse, sagittal, and tangential sections of the circular mantle muscles. Thin (0.8-1 fim) and ultra- thin (gray-silver) sections were obtained in alternating section series, thereby collecting ultrathin sections every 4-6 /jin in hatchlings and juveniles and every 50-60 ^m in adults. Up to five consecutive section series were col- lected in this manner. Thin sections were stained with toluidine blue and examined with an Olympus BH-2 mi- croscope. Ultrathin sections were collected onto Form- var-coated mesh and slot grids (Electron Microscopy Sci- ences), stained either with a saturated aqueous uranyl ac- etate solution and Reynolds' lead citrate or with 2% phosphotungstic acid, and examined with Phillips EM 201 or EM 401 electron microscopes. The magnification stops were calibrated with a diffraction grating replica (Ted Pella. Inc.). For morphometric analysis of the muscle fibers, a computer-aided image analysis program (NIH-Image 1.60) was used on a Power Macintosh 7100/80 com- puter. TEM micrographs of muscle fibers were digitized at 600-dpi resolution using a scanner (Microtek Scan- Maker HHR), and stored on a magneto-optical drive (Pin- SQUID MANTLE MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 377 nacle Tahoe 230 MB). In addition. LM video-images were obtained using an Olympus BH-2 microscope equipped with a CCD B/W camera (Sony SSC-M374). and selected frames were digitized with a high-resolution video capture card (Scion LR-3). Measurements were taken on longitudinal mantle sec- tions (i.e.. on a cross section of the circular muscle fi- bers). Two measurements of each muscle fiber visible in a given electron micrograph were taken: (i) the total cross-sectional area of a single muscle fiber and (ii) the area occupied by its mitochondria! core. The difference between these values approximates the remaining myo- filament area; this value also includes cytoplasm and sar- coplasmic reticulum (SR). Additional measurements were taken in selected micrographs to determine the cross-sectional area (and the calculated diameter) of syn- aptic vesicles in nerve processes. Mantle kinematics A dorsal view of freely swimming juvenile (1 -week- old) and adult squid in their respective holding and rear- ing tanks was filmed with a high-resolution CCD B/W video camera (Sony SSC-M374) mounted above the tanks on a remote controlled panning motor (Prinz Power-Fanner 430-62), and recorded on a Sony Hi-8 re- corder (EVO-9700). Single video-frame analysis of digi- tized video sequences was carried out using the image analysis system described above. The mantle diameter was measured at its widest point (the anterior mantle end in juveniles and about '/3 from the anterior mantle end in adults) in successive, enlarged video images (calibrated by dorsal mantle length). To compare mantle diameter dimensions in animals of different size, the fractional mantle diameter was calculated by defining the largest diameter in a given measurement sequence as 100%. Biochemistry Production oj antibodies. Two antibodies (one poly- clonal and one monoclonal) directed against distinct re- gions of a putative squid sodium channel encoded by the cDNA GFLN1 (Rosenthal and Gilly, 1993) were used. mRNA corresponding to this gene is expressed widely throughout the squid nervous system (Liu and Gilly, 1995). Polyclonal antisera (produced in collaboration with Dr. S.R. Levinson. University of Colorado) were raised against a bacterial fusion protein that contained amino acids (aa) 483-576 of the predicted GFLN1 sequence. These residues compose the C-terminal half of the cyto- plasmic linker between domains I and II. Construction of the fusion protein is described in detail elsewhere (Rosenthal. 1996). Polyclonal antisera (Ab4K3-57<,) were affinity-purified using the soluble fraction of the fusion protein coupled to an affinity column (AminoLink, Pierce) according to manufacturer's protocol. A monoclonal antibody (mAb|i0?.:i) was produced in collaboration with J. Burkhard and S. L. Feng. Univer- sity of California, San Francisco. This antibody was di- rected against a synthetic peptide (synthesized by the Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility, Stanford University. Stanford, CA) corresponding to aa 1305-1321 of the GFLN1 sequence. These residues make up the part of the cytoplasmic linker between domains III and IV that is well conserved in most sodium channels (Gordon el a/.. 1988). Preparation of protein samples. Specificity of the anti- bodies was tested with tissue samples of cleaned giant ax- ons and giant fiber lobes (GFL) taken from adult squid. Animals were rapidly decapitated before tissues were dis- sected in cold, Ca-free artificial seawater (480 mAI NaCl, 10 mM MgCl:, 5 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4) for biochemical analysis. Segments of stellar nerves were ligated and cleaned by manually stripping off the small nerve fibers under microscopic observation until only the giant axon and its Schwann-cell sheath remained. Cleaned axons were cut at both ends and immediately placed in ice-cold lysis buffer containing proteinase in- hibitors (Knudson et ai. 1989). Several axons were pooled, homogenized in the same buffer, and centrifuged at 1 500 X g for 1 0 min at 4°C. The supernatant was then used for protein-concentration analysis (bicinchoninic acid assay. Pierce, Rockford, 1L) and for immunoblot- ting. Giant fiber lobe, brain, and cornea tissues were dis- sected and homogenized in the lysis buffer as described above. The resulting supernatant was centrifuged at 1 00.000 X g for 30 min at 4°C to form a crude membrane pellet. This pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer for de- termination of protein concentration and for immu- noblotting. Muscle samples were obtained from animals anesthe- tized in 0.5% urethane in artificial seawater and dissected in cold, Ca-free artificial seawater. Thereafter, all muscle tissue was processed as described for giant fiber lobes (see above). To test for Na-channel protein within individual layers of circular mantle muscle, tissue samples from su- perficial and central layers were dissected and processed separately (outer and inner superficial layers were pooled). To test for the presence of Na-channel protein in the mantle muscle mass during post-hatching devel- opment, samples were taken from skinned mantles of hatchling and juvenile squid at four maturity stages (3 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 14 weeks) and from adults. Immunoblotling. Protein samples ( 10 ^g of total pro- tein per lane) were separated by standard SDS-PAGE electrophoresis using 5% gels and transferred to nitrocel- 378 T. PREUSS KT AL. lulose. Nonspecific binding of the antibodies was mini- mized by pretreating the nitrocellulose with 10% nonfat dry milk in PBS ( / Na:HPO4, 0.02 M NaH:PO4, 0.1 A/NaCl) . UTinity-purified antibodies were diluted ;)v n the figure legends. Undiluted hy- bridoma1 ; . ni was used as a source of monoclonal antibody. Goal anti-rabbit or goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (Sigma) were used at 1:5000 dilution in conjunction with an en- hanced chemiluminescence detection system (Renais- sance. Du Pont NEN Research Products). For control experiments with blocked Ab^.svh. purified antiserum was incubated overnight at 4°C with the fusion protein antigen at a concentration of 0. 1 mg/ml. Results Structural aspects of muscle fiber maturation Squid hatchlings (1-2 days old) already possess the overall organization of radial and circular muscle fibers shown by adults (Bone el at., 1995). Profiles of two dis- tinct types of circular muscle fibers are visible in a longi- tudinal mantle section (Fig. 1A). Layers of superficial, large-diameter fibers on the outer and inner mantle sur- face enclose a central layer composed of fibers of smaller diameter. The superficial fibers and the central fibers differ in their mitochondrial content. In any given cross section, superficial mitochondria-rich (SMR) fibers often contain several large mitochondria, whereas central mitochon- dria-poor (CMP) fibers rarely display more than a single small one (Fig. 1 ). In both fiber types, the mitochondria are surrounded by loosely packed myofilaments (Fig. 1 B, C). Myofilaments are rather poorly organized at this time, and sizable areas of cytoplasm without myofilaments are common. Similarly, the SR network is poorly developed and organized at this stage, with only a few SR tubules scattered among the myofilaments (Fig. 1 B, C). Fibers of both types display very large nuclei (Fig. 1 A). By 8 weeks after hatching, several of the above charac- teristics show signs of substantial maturation. In addi- tion to their difference in size and mitochondrial content (see also below), SMR and CMP fibers now clearly dis- play differences in the organization of their myofila- ments and SR (Fig. 2). The myofilament density in- creases considerably in both fiber types, but CMP fibers show a much thicker myofilament zone, both in absolute size and in relation to the mitochondrial core (Figs. 2B, 2C, and 3). Moreover, myofilaments in each fiber type are now organized in a characteristic manner. In cross sections of CMP fibers, myofilaments are divided by the SR and the Z-bodies into radially oriented, trapezoidal bloci »Fig. 2C). In the same sections, SMR fibers lack such u ,MIIS, and the myofilaments form a continuous ring around the central mitochondrial core (Fig. 2B). This difference between CMP and SMR fibers was found in cross sections examined at all maturity stages from week 1 on. Longitudinal sections confirm the difference in width of the myofilament zone in relation to the mitochondrial core of the two circular fiber types (Fig. 3). These sections also reveal differences in myofilament staggering in the two fiber types. In CMP fibers, the myofilaments and Z- bodies form an oblique pattern across the fiber, which characterizes them as regular, obliquely striated muscles similar to those in other cephalopods (Gonzalez-San- tander and Garcia-Blanco, 1 972; Amsellem and Nicaise, 1980, Kier. 1985). In contrast, the myofilaments and Z- bodies of SMR fibers are lined up nearly in register across the fiber (Fig. 3). Although the appearance of the SMR fibers in cross section and longitudinal section is sugges- tive of cross striation rather than oblique striation, fur- ther morphological studies are necessary to clarify this point. The degree of myofilament staggering in a given section depends on the sectioning angle and on the de- gree of contraction of the muscle fiber (Rosenbluth, 1972; Kier 1985). In all maturity stages, numerous profiles of neuronal processes containing round, clear vesicles were found (Fig. 4). These processes contact CMP and SMR muscle fibers at presumptive chemical synapses with clefts about 20 nm wide (Fig. 4C). A rich, ramifying network of these processes exists within the zone of CMP fibers, and indi- vidual processes appear to contact multiple fibers (Fig. 4A, B). Within the SMR fiber zone, nerve processes are less prominent and appear to run in grooves of the mus- cle fibers (Fig. 4D). The cross-sectional areas of synaptic vesicles were measured at a magnification of 240.000 on scanned micrographs, and vesicle diameters were calcu- lated by assuming a spherical shape. Vesicles from pro- cesses associated with SMR fibers (mean diameter of 39 nm ± 0.7 SEM) are significantly smaller than those from processes associated with CMP fibers (mean diam- eter of 45.8 nm ± 0.6 SEM). These values are signifi- cantly different by Student's t test (df = 225, P< 0.005). Quantitative aspects of muscle fiber maturation In longitudinal sections, the circular mantle muscle mass is divided by bands of radial fibers into rectangular muscle segments (Figs. 1 A and 2A). The dimensions of such a muscle segment, in a given section, can be de- scribed by (i) its thickness (i.e., the distance between the outer and inner tunics) and (ii) its width (i.e.. the distance between two successive radial-fiber bands). Horizontal sections through the entire body of a juvenile showed that the thickness and the width of the muscle segments SQUID MANTLE MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 379 Figure 1. Transmission electron micrographs of superficial (outer) and central layers of mantle muscle from a squid hatchling ( 1-2 days old). (A) Cross section of circular muscle fibers showing the outer layer composed of 1-2 superficial mitochondria-rich fibers (SMR) and half of the central zone composed of mitochondria-poor fibers (CMP). Radial fibers (RF; cut longitudinally) divide mantle muscle into rectan- gular segments. N = nucleus; oT = outer tunics. Scale bar = 2 ^m. (B) Cross section of a single SMR fiber. Many large mitochondria (Mil) are located in the central core. Mf = myofilaments. Scale bar = I nm. (C) Cross section of several CMP fibers. Usually one mitochondrion is located in the central core of an indi- vidual CMP fiber. Note the irregular shape of CMP fibers and the lack of any myofilament organization. Scale bar = 2 ^m. vary considerably along the mantle. The thickest and widest segments are found about one-third of the way from the anterior mantle end, whereas more anterior and posterior segments become progressively thinner and narrower. Transverse mantle sections, on the other hand, show almost no variation in the thickness of the muscle segments in a given section, although segments become very narrow dorsally at the location of the pen. In light of these results, the mantle region that contains the thickest muscle segments was chosen for analyzing the growth of the mantle muscle, and two animals of each age group with similar dorsal mantle length (DML) were studied. In adults, muscle segments from this same area of the mantle were analyzed. Although adult animals were part of a spawning population, only very robust males that showed no sign of skin damage or senescence were stud- ied. We therefore consider it unlikely that any selective "deconstruction" of the mantle muscle mass took place prior to fixation (Giese, 1969; O'Dor and Wells, 1978). A muscle segment in a hatchling (2 mm DML) en- closes the profiles of about 20-22 circular muscle fibers, of which 12-14 are CMP fibers (i.e., « 60%). During growth, the number of fibers enclosed in a single muscle segment increases considerably, but SMR and CMP fi- bers increase at different rates (Fig. 5). By 8 weeks (12 mm DML). the number of CMP fibers has increased about 10-fold, whereas the number of SMR fibers in- creases only 2.5-fold (Fig. 5 A). Thus, the relative propor- tion of CMP fibers increases duringgrowth (Fig. 5B), and by week 8, about 84% of the fibers in a muscle segment are CMP fibers. This proportion is comparable to that derived from analysis of a single muscle segment in a ma- ture animal (110mm DML; muscle segment 2.8 X 0.12 mm), which revealed a total of about 12.000 circu- lar fibers, 86% of which were CMP fibers (Fig. 5A, B). Morphometric measurements on the ultrastructural level for developing CMP fibers are summarized in Fig- ure 6A. Mean cross-sectional area of CMP fibers doubles between 1 week and 8 weeks of age and increases by a 380 T. PREUSS £7 AL. Figure 2. Transmission electron micrographs of superficial (outer) and central layers of mantle muscles from a juvenile squid (8 weeks old). (A) Cross section of circular muscle fibers showing the outer layer composed of several SMR fibers and part of the central zone composed of CMP fibers. Radial fibers (RF) are cut longitudinally. CMP fibers show a well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). oT = outer tunics. Scale bar = 2 ^m. (B) Cross section of a single SMR fiber. A continuous ring of myofilaments (Mf) sur- rounds a massive core of large mitochondria (Mit). Scale bar = 1 ^m. (C) Cross section of a single CMP fiber. The myofilament area is divided into trapezoidal blocks by SR and Z-bodies. Only a small proportion of the fiber isoccupied by mitochondria (Mit). Scale bar = I ^m. total of 3- to 4-fold in mature animals. This increase in fiber cross-sectional area is almost exclusively due to an increase in the filament and SR area. The mitochondrial core contributes relatively little to the absolute fiber size and, moreover, does not grow in proportion to the rest of the fiber. As a consequence, the relative area occupied by the mitochondrial core in CMP fibers decreases dur- ing growth from 16.3% ± 0.6% SEM in 1-week-old ani- mals to 6% ± 0.3% SEM in adults. In Figure 6B, results of the same ultrastructural analy- sis are presented for SMR fibers. The mean cross-sec- tional area of SMR fibers shows a pattern of increase sim- ilar to that described above for CMP fibers, although the absolute fiber area is much larger in SMR fibers (Fig. 6 A, B left). Growth in SMR fibers, however, reflects a sub- stantial increase in both the filament and SR area and the mitochondrial core. As a result, the proportional area occupied by the mitochondrial core in SMR fibers re- mains more-or-less constant at about 40%. Functional maturation ol circular muscle fibers in locomotion The anatomical data described above indicate that the circular muscle of the mantle changes in composition during post-hatching maturation. At hatching, SMR and CMP fibers contribute almost equally to the circular mantle mass. Subsequent growth is mostly due to an in- crease in the contribution of CMP fibers, and the relative contribution of SMR fibers to the mantle mass in an adult is only about 1 4%. These structural changes suggest that the mantles of hatchlings and adults may have different contractile and endurance properties. For ex- ample, the endurance capabilities of SMR fibers should be manifested in respiration-related slow swimming (Bone el ai. 1995) or hovering (Zuev. 1966), and their relative contribution to jet-propelled locomotion should be most apparent at the earliest stages of maturation. To test this idea, we compared the kinematics of mantle SQUID MANTLE MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 381 Figure 3. Transmission electron micrograph of mantle muscle fi- bers from a juvenile squid (8 weeks old). Longitudinal section of circu- lar muscle fibers showing portions of two SMR fibers and three CMP fibers. Note the differences in mitochondrial content and in myofila- ment (MF) staggering angle between SMR and CMP fibers. Mil = mi- tochondria; iT = inner tunics. Scale bar = 2 /JPI contractions in freely swimming 1 -week-old and adult squid during hovering behavior. Adults and juveniles show quite different locomotor behavior during hovering. Adults move slowly back and forth, either in a slightly head-down or head-up position, due to gentle jets and undulatory fin movements. Juve- niles, on the other hand, continuously bob up and down in a definite head-down position. Although juveniles beat their very small fins rapidly (up to 16 Hz), locomo- tion at this stage is apparently driven primarily by jetting. Comparison of the mantle kinematics in Figure 7 shows that hovering juveniles (2.5 mm DML) produce jets about twice as frequently (2.7 Hz) as do adults ( 1 .3 Hz). In addition, the fractional change in mantle diameter in juveniles ( = 32%) is about three times that in adults (=12%; Fig. 7). Identification of Na-channel protein in developing mantle muscle Both Na-channel antibodies described in this study were produced against predicted sequence for the puta- tive squid Na channel encoded by the cDNA GFLN1 (Rosenthal and Gilly, 1993). mRNA corresponding to GFLN1 is expressed throughout the squid nervous sys- tem, particularly in neurons, including those of the GFL, whose axons are large, long, or both (Liu and Gilly, 1995). These tissues were therefore used to test the spec- ificity of the Na-channel antibodies. Results of the monoclonal antibody mAb^i^, with GFL and cleaned axon samples are shown in Figure 8A. A prominent band with an apparent molecular weight of about 250 kD is present in both lanes. Control experi- ments with secondary antibody alone gave no signal ( not illustrated). Similar results were obtained using the poly- clonal antibody Ab4X.i-576 with GFL samples (Fig. 8B). In this case, a control experiment employing blocked- Ab483-57(, (see Methods) demonstrates specificity. The specificity of these antibodies for Na-channel protein is also supported by the fact that both antibodies give sim- ilar results, even though they are directed against two dis- tinct portions of the protein encoded by GFLN 1 . As detected by the polyclonal antibody, a specific (i.e., blockable) Na-channel band centered around 210- 220 kD is prominent in protein samples derived from mantle muscle (Fig. 8C). The monoclonal antibody also recognizes a comparable band in muscle tissue (not illus- trated). Thus, it appears that Na-channel protein is rela- tively abundant in mantle muscle tissue. Results obtained with a control tissue expected to show minimal Na-channel protein are also shown in Fig- ure 8C. The cornea of the eye is a simple arrangement of a layer of epithelial cells supported by a transparent layer of muscle fibers (unpubl. obs.). Whole-cell patch clamp recordings made, using established methods (Gilly et til.. 1990, 1996), from enzymatically dissociated cells from both layers failed to reveal the presence of any voltage- gated Na currents (unpubl. results); the immunoblot re- sults also fail to reveal a strong Na-channel band (Fig. 8C). The weak bands in the cornea lane may arise from axonal membrane, because the muscle fiber layer of the cornea presumably is innervated. These bands are blocked in the control experiment (Fig. 8C). Electrophysiological recordings of Na currents in cir- cular muscle fibers of squid mantle have been reported, and it was proposed that the muscle fibers with Na cur- rents were small-diameter, CMP fibers (Gilly el ai, 1 996). To test this idea, mantle tissue was dissected from an adult squid (see Methods) to provide samples of pure CMP circular fibers (plus radial fibers) and samples con- taining SMR fibers (plus contaminating CMP fibers as well as radial fibers). The results of an immunoblot with these samples are shown in Figure 9. The Na-channel band is most prominent in the central-zone sample. 382 T. PREUSS KT AL •j"-v «?i* ['•••> ..- $ ' -: .- •• ' L^ ^;^i|if^, Figure 4. Transmission electron micrographs of synaptic profiles contacting circular mantle muscle fibers (juvenile: 8 weeks old). (A and B) Longitudinal mantle section (circular fibers in cross section). A nerve process (NP) runs within the central muscle layer and forms putative synaptic contacts (arrows) onto several CMP fibers. Note the relatively large dimensions of the synaptic profiles in relation to the size of the muscle fiber. (C) Neuromuscular junction onto a CMP fiber. The synaptic profile is filled with round, clear vesicles. (D) Synaptic profile running within a groove of an SMR fiber. Scale bars = 0.5 Aim for A. and 0.2 Aim for B-D. much weaker in the superficial (inner/outer) sample, and quite strong in the whole-mantle sample. If Na channels are preferentially expressed in CMP fi- bers, the relative abundance of Na-channel protein in whole-mantle samples should increase during the post- hatching period of maturation described in this study. Mantle samples were therefore collected from squid dur- ing tl: id and processed for immunoblotting. Re- sults in Figure 10 confirm the predicted pattern. The muscle-type Na-channel band of low apparent molecu- lar weight (relative to the neuronal form detected in brain; see also Fig. 8A) increases steadily in intensity be- tween days 3 and 100 post-hatching. At this latter time, the band is comparable to that in the adult squid. Be- cause each lane in Figure 10 was loaded with the same amount of protein, these results strongly suggest that the SQUID MANTLE MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 383 relative abundance of Na-channel protein in mantle muscle is increasing during maturation. Discussion Comparison of the histology of the circular muscle of squid mantle during development from hatchling to adult reveals large changes in the size and number of the muscle fibers. Moreover, clear changes in the relative proportions of the different types of fiber are associated with maturation; these, in turn, affect mantle kinematics and jet-propelled locomotion. CM "E 40p ^35^ 0) _03 30r 1 " 20 15 10 5 CD CO o b § 0^ E CMP fibers 1 week old N=2, n=158 8 weeks old N=1, n=141 adult N=2, n=231 II total fiber filament mitochondria 105 -«— • I io4 i_ CD £1000 D CMP fibers SMR fibers SMR fibers D 1 week old N=2, n=91 8 weeks old N=1, n=44 adult N=1, n=61 hatchling I^^HIB^^H B 100 80 - .2 60 2 40 D 20 0 CMP fibers SMR fibers 1 1 1 LI L. hatchling 1 week 8 weeks adult Figure 5. Recruitment of CMP and SMR fibers during mantle growth. (A) Absolute fiber counts are from individual muscle segments from hatchling, l-week-old. 8-week-old. and adult squid. (B| Histo- gram of relative proportion of SMR and CMP fibers at different matu- rity stages. total fiber filament mitochondria Figure 6. Characteristics of muscle fiber growth in CMP (A) and SMR (B| fibers. Individual histograms are given for the total cross-sec- tional fiber area, the filament and SR area, and the area occupied by the mitochondrial core for three maturity stages (means ± SEM; N = number ofanimals; n = number of measurements). Mantle growth in squid is due to an increase in the size of existing muscle fibers (hypertrophy) and to recruit- ment of new fibers (hyperplasia). The extensive increase in fiber number in a single muscle segment, however, suggests that the latter mechanism is dominant in overall growth, and may also be responsible for the rapid so- matic growth rates reported in squid (Forsythe and Van Heukelem. 1987). Similar growth mechanisms have been found in other squid (Moltschaniwskyj, 1994) and in teleost fish (Weatherley et ai. 1988). On an ultrastructural level, hypertrophy in both SMR and CMP fibers is based on a steady increase in the num- ber of myonlaments and, in the case of SMR fibers, the 384 T. PREUSS ET AL. 1 week old adult ~i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — \ — i — r 0 6 121824303642485460 video frames [30/s] Figure 7. Manlle kinematics analyzed from video recordings of hovering or slow-swimming adult and juvenile squid. Mantle diameter was measured at the widest point (dorsal view), and the fractional man- tle diameter was calculated by defining the largest diameter in a given measurement sequence as 100''! . Time resolution is 30 frames/s. size of the mitochondrial core. CMP fibers, however, show a selective hypertrophy of the myofilament and SR area and thus add a disproportional amount of force- generating capability at the individual fiber level. Never- theless, hypertrophy of individual muscle fibers is lim- ited by physiological constraints. For example, fibers re- quiring rapid excitation-contraction coupling in the ab- sence of a transverse tubular system need to be small in diameter (Bone and Ryan, 1973; Bone el at., 1995). This constraint would especially affect the presumptive fast- twitch CMP fibers with their high myofilament volume- to-surface ratio (Fig. 2). Such limitations on fiber diame- ter would indeed necessitate extensive recruitment of new CMP fibers (Fig. 5) to maintain rapid muscular re- sponses as an animal grows throughout development. Two biochemical results described in this paper sup- port the idea that at least some CMP fibers display Na- channel-based excitability. Such excitability is consistent with the hypothesis that these are fast-twitch fibers re- sponsible for all-or-none mantle contractions (Young, 1938; Gilly et a/., 1996). The first supporting evidence is that Na-channel protein is primarily expressed in the CMP fiber layer. Second, the increase of Na-channel pro- tein seen in developing mantle is comparable to the se- lective hypertrophy and hyperplasia of CMP muscle fi- bers as shown by histology. The Na-channel band in muscle tissue is of lower apparent molecular weight than that detected in neuronal tissue (Figs. 8-10), and this suggests that a distinct Na-channel isoform exists in mus- cle. The exact relationship of this Na channel to the GFLNl-derived channels, which have a predicted core- polypeptide mass of 203 kD, is currently unknown. Nerve terminals have been previously described in the mantle of other squid (Bone eta/., 1981, 1982, 1995)and LL o o X B 201 - 213 mAb 1305-21 Ab 483-576 Blocked 0) I I o ro O 5 201- 483-576 Blocked KigureS. Specificity of Na-channel antibodies determined with immunoblots of samples of giant fiber lobe (GFL), cleaned giant axon. cornea, and mantle muscle. (A) mAbm,5.2i was used as undiluted hybrid- oma supernatant. Secondary goat anti-mouse antibody dilution was 1:5000. (B) AbJKM76 was used at 1: 1000 dilution, while dilution of secondary goat anti-rabbit antibody was 1:10.000. (C) Ab48v!7t, used at I: 2000. dilution of secondary goat anti-rabbit antibody was 1 :5000. Samples were prepared as described and separated on 5't SDS-PAGE gels. Each lane was loaded with lO^g of total protein. Following transfer and antibody incubation, bands were detected by chemiluminescence reagent. A 260-280 kD band is detected in GFL and clean axon by monoclonal (A) and polyclonal (B) antibodies. A specific 210-220 kD band is present in mantle muscle, but not in cornea tissue (C). Blocking control was carried out as described in Methods. SQUID MANTLE MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 385 d> 0) 200 - Ab 483-576 Blocked Figure 9. Identification of Na-channel protein in different layers of mantle muscle. Mantle muscle blocks were dissected to represent CMP fibers. SMR fibers, and whole mantle samples. Ab4K,.57^ was used at I: 1 000 dilution : secondary goat anti-rabbit antibody dilution was 1:5000. Blocking control was prepared as described in Methods. Each lane was loaded with 10 Mg of total protein. A 2 10-220 kD blockable band is detected in all samples. The band is most prominent in the CMP fiber sample, weaker in the SMR fiber sample, and strong in the whole-man- tle sample. Although the CMP sample contains no SMR fibers, the SMR sample does contain some CMP fibers. more negatively buoyant than adults (Zuev. 1966), and that, in contrast to adults, fin beating plays only a minor role during hovering (and for locomotion in general; v. Boletzky, 1982; Hoar et al., 1994). The disproportional increase of CMP fibers, on the other hand, suggests a higher demand for acceleration power in adults than in juveniles. It is clear that CMP fibers are necessary to produce the fast and powerful mantle contractions required for the high accelerations seen during escape- and attack-jets in all maturity stages (Gilly et ai. 1991 ). Indeed, Packard (1969) showed that acceleration power increases during development in Lol- igo (i.e., an increase of power per unit weight of mantle muscle during escape-jets), which would be consistent with the disproportional increase of CMP fibers de- scribed in the present study. The disproportional increase of CMP fibers may also reflect metabolic constraints due to the restricted capac- ity of hemocyanin to deliver oxygen (Wells, 1983; O'Dor et al., 1990). This might effectively limit the proportion of aerobic SMR fibers in the mantle that can be supplied with oxygen (O'Dor, 1988), despite the heavy vasculari- zation of this layer (Bone el al., 1981). Even considering the fact that SMR fibers can be supplied with oxygen di- rectly by diffusion through the skin (Wells and Wells, 1 983; Portner, 1 994), the size of the SMR fiber layer that in other muscles of Sepia and 0i7o/w.v(Graziadei, 1966). Although there is no direct evidence, the likely func- tional relationship between giant axons and CMP fibers (see above) and the large size of the neuronal processes contacting multiple CMP fibers (Fig. 4A, B) suggest that these processes may be the terminal branches of the giant axons. The origin of the terminal branches found within the SMR fibers remains unknown. Nevertheless, the de- tection of distinct size populations of vesicles in nerve profiles associated either with CMP or SM R fibers is con- sistent with the idea that different types of motor axons innervate the two fiber types (Bone et al., 198 1 ). Muscle fiber recruitment takes place at different rates in CMP and SMR fibers during maturation; i.e.. the rel- ative proportions of SMR to CMP fibers change progres- sively from 1 : 1 in hatchlings to 1 :6 in adults. SMR fibers possess a high relative abundance of mitochondria (Figs 1-3) and a high content of oxidative enzymes (Momm- sen et al.. 1 98 1 ). which suggests that hatchlings and juve- niles may have a higher demand for aerobic, fatigue-re- sistant muscles than do adults. This is consistent with our findings that the frequency and extent of mantle con- tractions during hovering (slow swimming) are substan- tially higher in juveniles than in adults (Fig. 7). These differences undoubtedly reflect the fact that juveniles are r Developing Mantle V) n i S2. re Q in v* VI w (Q *— ' ra Q ^^ (Q Q ra Q O o 3 •o C '5 CO o £ S o ^ i_ CD a 199- Figure 10. Apparent increase in abundance of Na-channel protein in de\ eloping mantle muscle. Mantle samples were collected Irom ma- turing squid and processed as described. In addition, a brain sample was included. Ab4n3.57B was used in 1 : 1000 dilution, secondary antibody dilution was 1:5000. Each lane was loaded with 10 Mg of total protein. The muscle samples show a 210-220 kD band of increasing intensity, whereas the brain sample shows a 260-280 kD band. 386 T. PREUSS ET AL can thus be ventilated v e restricted. These con- straints would again favor Uu recruitment of anaerobic CMP fibers during p. A final faclcv • uie different ratios of SMR and CMP fibei :i hatchlings and adults pertains to growth-relat hunges in the forces acting on the body of a squid during jet-propelled swimming such as drag, thrust, and acceleration (Johnson el a/., 1972). In- deed, hatchlings and adults live at regimes of low and high Reynolds number respectively (Hoar el ui, 1994: Moltschaniwskyj, 1995); which, in turn, determines the relative importance of viscous and inertial effects on the hydrodynamic resistance to motion (Blake. 1983). For example, the movement of hatchlings ceases almost im- mediately when jet-propelled thrust stops, whereas adults coast over a considerable distance with a single jet (unpubl. data). These observations are consistent with the idea that viscous forces dominate over inertial forces in hatchlings and vice versa in adults. Thus, to cover any distance efficiently, hatchlings have to jet continuously because they cannot coast and therefore have a higher demand for aerobic, fatigue-resistant muscles than do adults. Increasing size, on the other hand, places an additional constraint on the developing mantle muscle if rapid ac- celeration is to be maintained during growth. Inertial re- sistance is proportional to body mass, which increases as the third power of DML. Driving muscle force, on the other hand, is proportional to myofilament cross-sec- tional area, which increases with the square of DML (Daniel and Webb, 1987). 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The results indicate that the cellular composition of the apical ganglion of Aplysia is very similar to that of other opisthobranchs. It consists of three classes of sen- sory cells (ampullary, para-ampullary, and ciliary tuft cells) and of other nerve cell types. Almost a third of the cells in the apical ganglion of Aplysia are serotonergic, and these can be divided into two classes: three para-am- pullary and two interneuronal cells. All of the serotoner- gic cells extend an axon into the central nervous system. The variety of sensory and serotonergic cell types sug- gests that each type processes distinct attributes of the sensory environment. We argue that the apical ganglion, by virtue of its serotonergic cells, is well-suited to play important roles in the integration of sensory information to achieve proper motor adaptation to variable seawater conditions. Introduction One of the most highly conserved neuronal structures across phyla is the apical ganglion (AG) (Nielsen, 1994). Also referred to as the apical sensory organ, the apical organ, or the cephalic sensory organ, the AG has so far been extensively described in the embryos, larvae, or both of cnidarians (Chia and Koss, 1979; Fukui, 1991). 1 7 October 1 996; accepted 12 April 1997. :u1dress: Department of Diagnostic Radiology. Yale Uni- versity Si h i.i Medicine. New Haven, CT 06520-8042. turbellarians(Lacalli, 1982; 1983), polychaetes (Lacalli. 1981; 1984), molluscs (Bonar, 1978; Chia and Koss, 1984; Page, 1 992, Tardy and Dongard, 1993; Kempf and Page, 1995); brachiopods (Hay-Schmidt. 1992); phoro- nids (Hay-Schmidt, 1989; Lacalli, 1990), echinoderms (Bisgrove and Burke. 1986; Chia el a/.. 1986; Nakajima. 1988; Nakajima et a/.. 1993), and hemichordates (Dau- tov and Nezlin, 1 992). A homologous structure may also occur in cephalochordates (Lacalli, 1994; Lacalli et a/.. 1994). Although the precise function of this organ re- mains to be determined, its subcellular and cellular structures, as well as its superficial anterior position just above the mouth, have led to the suggestion that the AG is likely to be involved in sensing ambient water condi- tions during locomotion, feeding, and metamorphosis (Bonar. 1978; Chia and Koss, 1984). Despite considerable variations in their fine structure, the apical ganglia of all species examined to date appear to share two characteristics: first, the presence of modi- fied epithelial or subepithelial cells that give rise to an external tuft of nonmotile cilia; and second, the presence of serotonergic cells (Bisgrove and Burke, 1986. 1987; Nakajima, 1988; Hay-Schmidt, 1990, 1992, 1995; Kempf el al.. 1991; Nakajima et a/., 1993; Moss et a/.. 1994; Lacalli, 1994; Kempf and Page, 1995). Despite their pervasive nature, very little is known of the struc- ture, identity, and functions of the serotonergic neurons in the apical ganglion. The present study describes the fine structure of the AG and its serotonergic cells in the larva of the marine mollusc Aplysia californica. In addition to shedding some light on the biology of the serotonergic (5HT) cells, this detailed study of the serotonergic constituents of the AG also aims at achieving a better understanding of the functions of this anatomical structure. This work is also the first to describe the presence of an apical ganglion in 388 APICAL GANGLION OF LARVAL ,1/V >.S7 I 389 Aplysiu. Surprisingly, despite the fact that this animal has been a favorite preparation of neurobiologists and the focus of a number of neurodevelopmental studies (Saunders and Poole, 1910; Kriegstein, 1977a, b; Schacher el at.. 1979a, b; Jacob, 1984). the apical gan- glion has hitherto gone unnoticed in Aplysia. Some of the results presented in this paper have been previously reported in abstract form (Marois et at.. 1992. 1993). Materials and Methods Mariculture Animals were collected and maintained as described in Marois and Carew (1997a). Seven-day-old embryos (7 days after oviposition), hatchlings (9 days after ovipo- sition). and 2-day-oId larvae (1 1 days after oviposition) were used in this study. In addition, older (Stage 2 and 3) larvae were used for histological characterization and localization of the apical ganglion. The animals were staged according to the criteria of Kriegstein ( 1 977 a). Immunocytochemistry (ICC) All the immunocytochemical and ultrastructural tech- niques were performed as described in Marois and Ca- rew (1997a). The specificity of the serotonin antibody used has been previously demonstrated (Marois and Ca- rew, 1997a). The results are based on semi-thin and ul- tra-thin sectioning of the apical ganglion of at least 10 animals, and on whole-mount processing of at least 50 animals. \\hole-tnoimt immunocytochemistry. Animals were first anesthetized in a MgCl; solution isotonic to seawa- ter for 5 min at room temperature (rt), followed by 8 min on ice. Animals were then immersed in three changes of ice-cold fixative solution (4% paraformaldehyde in Mil- lonig's phosphate buffer saline [PBS]) for 30 min, and then left in the fixative solution at 4°C for an additional 2.5 h (total fixation time: 3 h). After five 4-min washes in PBS. Stage 1 -6 larvae were exposed to trypsin (Type 1, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, 0.1% in PBS for 5 to 15 min at rt) and specimens were then immersed in 4% Triton X-100 (TX-100) in PBS for 1 h, rinsed in PBS, exposed to 10% EDTA in PBS for 45 min at rt to decalcify the shell, and rinsed in PBS. This was followed by pre-incubation in 2% goat serum (GS), 0.5%. TX-100 in PBS for 1 h at 4°C, and by a primary ( 1°) Ab incubation (rabbit anti-seroto- nin, Incstar, Stillwater, MM; 1:650 in pre-incubation se- rum) for 2.5 days at 4°C on a shaker. The animals were then rinsed in PBS, pre-incubated in 2% GS in PBS for 1 h at 4°C, and immersed in secondary (2°) Ab solution (fluorescein isothiocyanate [FITC]-linked goat anti-rab- bit IgG. Sigma, St. Louis, MO, 1:50 in PBS with 2% GS, 0.5%. TX-100) for 2.5 h at 4°C, and rinsed in PBS. The specimens were mounted in a 3:1 glycerine:PBS solu- tion, viewed under FITC optics (excitation filter, 480 nm; barrier filter, 520 nm) on a Nikon Optiphot-2 microscope, and photographed with Ilford XP2 400 or Kodak Ektachrome 400 film. Sectioned tissue immunocytochemistry. Embryos and larvae were prepared as above, with the following modi- fications. 2° Ab (goat anti-rabbit IgG. Cappel; 1 :50 in 2% GS, 0.5% TX-100 in PBS for 2 h at rt), and 3° Ab (rabbit peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP), Cappel; 1:50 in 2%. GS, 0.5% TX-100 in PBS for 2 h at rt). Following the PBS rinses after the 3° Ab solution, the animals were pro- cessed for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) reaction ( 1 5 min in 0.05%. DAB in PBS at rt; followed by 45 min in 0.005% H2O: , 0.05%. DAB in PBS), rinsed in PBS, and dehydrated in an alcohol series (50. 70, 80, 95, and 3x 100%. ethanol), and infiltrated in Epon (3X propylene oxide (PO): 2:1 PO:Epon; 1:2 PO:Epon, and pure Epon). A few animals were not processed for ICC and instead were stained with the Richardson's solution ( Richardson et a/.. 1960). All animals were sectioned on aSorvall MT- 2 ultramicrotome. Sections were viewed under a Nikon Optiphot-2 microscope and photographed with Kodak T-MAX 100 film. Immune-electron microscopy Embryos or larvae were anesthetized as described above. They were fixed for 30 min on ice and then for 3 h at 4°C on a shaker in 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.12% glutaraldehyde, 20% sucrose in Millonig's phosphate buffer (PB). After PBS rinses, the animals were decalci- fied in 10%. EDTA in PBS (PB with 0.9%. NaCl) for 45 min at rt, exposed to 1% NaH:B4 in PBS for I h at rt, rinsed in PBS, exposed to 0.05% trypsin for 15 min, and rinsed in PBS. This was followed by freeze-thawing: the animals were first immersed at 4°C for 2 h in cryoprotec- tant (25%. sucrose, 10% glycerol in 0.1 M PB), then sub- sequently dipped in liquid Ni-cooled iso-pentane and in liquid N:, and rinsed in PBS. The 1°. 2°, and tertiary (3°) Ab incubations were performed as for sectioned tissue ICC except that the pre-incubations lasted 2 h and no TX-100 was present in the pre-incubation and incuba- tion solutions. The HRP reaction was performed as for sectioned tissue ICC, except that a metal-enhanced DAB substrate was used (Pierce, Rockford, IL; 45-60 min in- cubation followed by PBS rinses). The animals were sub- sequently osmicated in 2% OsO4 in PBS for 1 h at rt on a shaker, and dehydrated and infiltrated in Epon as de- scribed for sectioned tissue ICC. Serial silver and gold sections were cut on a Sorvall MT-2 microtome ^d col- lected serially on either Formvar-coated slot cr <" grids or Thin-200 copper grids (EMS, Fort Washington, PA). 390 R. MAROIS AND T. J. CARHW The sections were viewed ;• ider a Philips 300 or Zeiss EM-10 transmission el on microscope at 80 kV. Ultrastructun Anr u/ed as described above and fixed in '^ <•• aldehyde, 20% sucrose in 0.1 M PB for 30 min on i z followed by 2.5 h at 4°C on a shaker. After iiS rinses, animals were osmicated, rinsed in PBS, decalcified in 10% EDTA in PBS, rinsed in PBS, and dehydrated and infiltrated as described above. Silver and gold sections were cut and collected as described above. The grids were then stained for 1 2 - 1 5 min in 3%> uranyl acetate and for 5 min in 0.3% lead citrate, and viewed as described above. Results General observations The veliger of Aplysia califomica possesses an apical ganglion (AG), located above and between the cerebral ganglia (Figs. 1. 2). It sits atop the cerebral commissure and is composed of 15 to 20 cells, many of which are heavily ciliated (Fig. 2). Since this structure is strikingly similar to the AG in the nudibranch Rostanga pulchra (Chia and Koss, 1984), we have adopted the same no- menclature to describe the components of this ganglion in Aplysia. As in Roslunga. three major types of cells were observed in the AG of Aplysia: ( 1 ) four ampullary cells with large, heavily ciliated lumina; (2) three para- ampullary cells that extend one or two cilia from their apical surface; and (3) two ciliary tuft cells that project numerous long cilia from their apical surface. All of these cells send anterior apical projections that follow one of three tracts (left, right, and medial tracts) to reach the epithelial surface (Fig. 3). In addition to these cell types, the AG contains a few posterior cells that do not have any apical projections, and a dense neuropilar region lo- cated posterior and medial to all of these cells (Fig. 2B). This neuropil is in contact with the underlying cerebral commissure (Fig. 2A). Immunocytochemical staining for serotonin reveals that five cells of the AG are seroto- nergic (the three para-ampullary cells and two posterior cells; Fig. 4A). These are the only serotonergic cells in the entire CNS of the newly hatched Aplysia veliger (Marois andCarew, 1997a). Fine structure of the major cell types in t/ieAG Ampullary cells. These are four centrally positioned cells, each containing a large lumen densely populated with cilia (Figs. 2, 3A, 4B). Posteriorly the cells border the neuropilar region, while anteriorly their cytoplasm funnels to a constricted neck to expand again as a swell- ing at the epithelial surface (Figs. 3A, 4B). Numerous mi- crovili and one or two cilia protrude externally from these swellings (Figs. 3 A, 4B). These apical cilia are dis- tinct from the cilia in the lumen. The latter are entirely contained inside the lumen and do not pierce through the epithelial surface (Figs. 3A. 4B). The bases of these internal cilia are anchored into the cytoplasm of the am- pullary cells (Fig. 3B). None of the ampullary cells are serotonergic. Para-ampullary cells. This set of three cells surround- Kigure 1. Position of the apical ganglion (AG) in Aplyxia veligers. (A) Cross-section of a Stage 2 larva showing the AG (arrow) between the cerebral ganglia (CG) and above the oesophagus (O). (B) Horizontal section through the AG (asterisk). E, eye; PC. pedal ganglion. Scale bar: A, 20 /jm; B. 15 yum. APICAL GANGLION OF LARVAL Al'l 1 SI 1 391 ^tflETSSW ^^ • . ^•••-•\ m , H. ;\M* : •'. . v.Ww > ;«-l- .' 1 Jf..---^ B Figure 2. Llltraslructure of the apical ganglion. (A) Cross-section shows the AC above the cerebral commissure (cc) and between the cerebral ganglia (CG). Note the cilia (arrow) in the ampullary cells. (B) Horizontal section through the AG. Anterior is up. Note ciliary bundles (white arrow) inside the ampullary cells and a neuropil (N) posterior to these cells. O, oesophagus. Scale bar: A and B, 2 nm. ing the ampullary cells is immunoreactive for serotonin: two of the cells are laterally positioned, and the third is centrally located between the two pairs of ampullary cells (Fig. 4A). These cells correspond to the para-ampullary cells of Rostanga (Chia and Koss, 1984). Each para-am- pullary cell sends an anterior projection to the epithelial surface of the apical ganglion (Figs. 4, 5. 6). The projec- tions of the lateral pair follow the lateral tracts (Figs. 4, 6), whereas the projection of the median cell emerges from the ventral side of the cell and bends anteriorly to reach the epidermal surface beneath the central tract (Fig. 5B). These three processes enlarge at the epithelial surface. From the swellings, one or two short, curly cilia extend into the external environment (Figs. 3A, 4B, 5A). The swellings also contain numerous mitochondria (Figs. 3A, 4B) and bear microvili (Fig. 3A). These expan- sions are linked together and to the adjacent epithelial cells by zonula adherens (Fig. 3A). In addition to their anterior projections, each of these three cells also sends a projection into the central neuropil (Fig. 4A), which appears to be heavily populated with serotonergic fibers (Fig. 5A). The distant target tissues of these central neu- 392 R MAROIS AND T. J. CAREW Figure 3. Cilia in the apical ganglion. Horizontal sections, anterior is up. (A) The apical projections of the AG cells follow tracts to the epithelial surface. The left lateral tract consists of two ampullary cell processes (A) and one para-ampullary cell process (P); the median tract has a single ampullary cell projec- tion (A). The apical swellings of these projections extend cilia (arrow) and microvili (open arrow). The swellings are linked to each other and to the adjacent epithelial cells with zonula adherens (arrowheads). An ampullary cell contains an internal ciliary bundle (ci). (B) A ciliary bundle (ci) is attached to the cyto- plasm of an ampullary cell, m, mitochondria: nu, nucleus. Scale bar: A. 0.5 Mm; B. 0.5 ^m. ropilar projections have been described elsewhere (Mar- ois and Carew, 1 997b). Under conventional electron mi- croscopy, the cytoplasm of the para-ampullary cells ap- pears very granular and contains lipid yolk droplets, mitochondria, and small (40-60 nm) clear and dense- core vesicles (Fig. 4C). Unlike the ampullary cells, the para-ampullary cells do not contain lumina densely packed with cilia. Ciliary tuft cells. A bilateral pair of rectangular cells is located at the anterior and ventral edge of the AG (Fig. 6). Each cell sends a cytoplasmic projection anteriorly into the lateral tracts, underneath the projections of the ampullary and para-ampullary cells. After narrowing in the lateral tracts, the projections expand considerably at the apical surface of the AG (Fig. 7). At least five long cilia emerge from each of these two large apical swellings (Figs. 6, 7). These cilia are anchored to the swellings by long ciliary rootlets and dense basal bodies (Fig. 7). Mi- tochondria are found at the bases of the cilia. The swell- ings are linked by zonula adherens to epidermal cells, to the serotonergic swelling of the unpaired median para- ampullary cell, and to each other. Oilier serotonergic and non-serotonergic cells. There are six to eight other cells in the AG at hatching. Two of them are immunoreactive for serotonin (Figs. 4A, 6). e 5HT cells are located immediately posterior and tiy medial to the lateral pair of para-ampullary sero- tonergi cells (Figs. 4A, 6). Each of these cells extends a single : -ess into the neuropil of the AG (Fig. 4A). Since these cells have not been identified in Rostanga (Chia and Koss, 1984) and since they do not extend any apical projections, they are referred to as serotonergic in- terneurons. Little is known about the remaining cells of the AG except that they do not appear to have any apical processes and are not immunoreactive for serotonin. The structure of the apical ganglion and of its principal cellular constituents in Aplysia is summarized in Fig- ure 8. Discussion General struct we of the AG o/'Aplysia and other gastropods The AG of Aplysia is strikingly similar to the apical ganglion of the opisthobranch Rostanga pulchra (Chia and Koss, 1984). They both have the same number and major types of cells: four ampullary cells, three para-am- pullary cells, and two ciliary tuft cells. The only notable difference is that the cell bodies and apical projections of the ciliary tuft cells are ventral to the other cells in the AG of Aplysia. but they seem to occupy a dorsal position in Rostanga (Chia and Koss. 1984). It is intriguing that the structure of the AG in both Aplysia and the nudibranch Rostanga (Chia and Koss, 1 984) differs markedly from that of another nudibranch. Phestilki sihtigae (Bonar. 1978): Ciliary tuft cells, char- acterized by apical projections having many long, deeply rooted cilia, appear to be absent in Phestilla. Neverthe- APICAL GANGLION OF LARVAL I/'/ T.SYI 393 ~6 4? k Figure 4. Serotonergic cells of the apical ganglion. Horizontal sections, anterior is up. (A) The lateral (P) and unpaired median (LI) para-ampullary cells are serotonergic Two interneurons (I) posterior to the lateral para-ampullary cells are also serotonergic. Note the apical projection (small black arrows) of a para- ampullary cell, the apical swelling of another (black arrowhead), and the central projections (small white arrows) of a para-ampullary cell and an interneuron. (B) Apical swelling (arrow) of a serotonergic para- ampullary cell. A cilium (arrowhead) extends from the external surface of the swelling. Note the cilia (ci) and apical process of the adjacent ampullary cell (A). (C) Fine structure of a para-ampullary cell processed for conventional electron microscopy. The cytoplasm contains lipid yolk droplets ( L). and clear and dense- core vesicles (arrowheads). A. ampullary cell: ci, ciliary bundle; O. oesophagus; nu, nucleus; LI, unpaired median para-ampullary cell. Scale bar: A. 2 ^m: B 0.5 urn; C. 0.5 less, other cell types appear structurally similar to those ofAplysia. Thus, the ampullary cells ofAply.sia and Ros- tanga are very similar to the flask-shaped cells of Phcs- lilla (Bonar, 1978). with the notable difference that the ciliary bundles in PlH-stilhi arc not restricted to the lu- men but extend to the surface of the animal. Likewise. 394 R. MAROIS AND T. J. CAREW Figure 5. Serotonergic cells of the apical ganglion. (A) Dorsal view, anterior is up. Whole-mount im- munocytochemistry in a late-stage embryo shows central projections in the neuropil (arrowhead) and api- cal projections with terminal cilia (small arrows) of the para-ampullary cells. (Bl Frontal whole-mount ICC shows the apical projection terminating as a swelling (arrow). P, para-ampullary cell. Scale bar: A, 10 ^im; B, 5/jin ; Figure 6. Oblique horizontal section through the apical ganglion showing two serotoncrgic para-am- pullary ( P) cells and interneurons ( I ) and a ciliary tuft cell (asterisk). Note the apical projection (arrowheads) of a para-ampullary cell, and the long cilia (arrow) of a ciliary tuft cell. O. oesophagus. Scale bar: 2 ^m. the cells referred to as support cells in Phe.villa (Bonar, 1978) strongly resemble the para-ampullary cells of Rox- langa and Aply.siu. They surround the flask-shaped cells. and each has a narrow process extending to the surface and giving rise to microvilli and one or two cilia. Al- though the striking similarities between the AG cells of APICAL GANGLION OF LARVAL AI'LYSI I 395 Figure 7. Apical projections of the ciliary tuft cells. Horizontal sec- tion, anterior is up. b, basal bodies of cilia: r. rootlet of cilia: z. zonula adherens. Scale bar, 0.5 ^m. Rostanga. P/iestilla, and Aplysia suggest that these struc- tures are truly homologous, more detailed phyletic stud- ies of the AG in various prosobranchs and opistho- branchs are required before the homology is demon- strated conclusively. Functions of the ciliated cells of the apical ganglion The morphology of the three ciliated cell types of the AG is very similar to the known morphology of epithelial chemoreceptorand mechanoreceptor cells in sensory or- gans of adult Aplysia and other invertebrates and verte- brates (Laverack, 1974; Wright. 1974; Emery and Aude- sirk. 1978; Altner and Prillinger. 1980; Dorsett. 1986). In addition, ultrastructural examinations of the cilia of apical ganglion cells have consistently indicated that, un- like the motile cilia of the velar cells, these cilia are non- motile: They have a 9 + 2 microtubular arrangement lacking the dynein arms that confers motility to the cilia (Bonar. 1978; Dorsett, 1986; Nakajima, 1988). Taken together, these findings strongly suggest that the ciliated cells of the AG are sensory cells. The additional finding that these ciliated cells can be classified into three mor- phological groups in Aplysia and Rostanga implies that each class may serve a distinct sensory function. Chia and Koss (1984) have proposed that in Rostanga the in- ternal ciliary bundles of the ampullary cells have a role in vibration or pressure detection, the long numerous cilia of the ciliary tuft cells act as distance chemorecep- tors, and the short curly cilia of the para-ampullary cells act as contact chemoreceptors. Although only the para- ampullary cells were examined for central axonal projec- tions in the present study, in Rostanga the three cell types extend axons into the AG neuropil (Chia and Koss. 1984). These results suggest that information about the veliger's aquatic surroundings is first gathered by the pri- mary sensory ciliated cells of the AG and subsequently conveyed to the CNS of the animal. Serotonergic cells in the apical gang/ ion of Aplysia and other gastropods Despite the notable differences in the structure of the AG across phyla, when serotonergic neurons have been looked for in this organ, they have invariably been found. Serotonergic neurons have been observed in the AG or apical region of the nudibranch Berghia (Kempf el al.. 1991; Kempf and Page, 1995), the prosobranch Haliotis (Barlow and Truman, 1992), phoronids (Hay- Schmidt, 1990). polychaetes (Hay-Schmidt, 1995), brachiopods (Hay-Schmidt, 1992) and various echino- derms (Moss et cil.. 1994; Bisgrove and Burke, 1986; 1987; Nakajima, 1988; Nakajima et al., 1993). In addi- tion, serotonergic neurons are associated with the ex- treme anterior end of the amphioxus nerve cord (Hol- land and Holland, 1993), a region postulated to be de- rived from the apical organ of invertebrate ancestors (Lacalli, 1994; Lacalli et al.. 1994). However, it is diffi- cult to compare the fine structure of the serotonergic cells of Aplysia with those of other species because these other studies have predominantly been limited to a whole- mount, light microscopic level of analysis. Nevertheless, serotonergic cells with the gross morphology of the para- ampullary cells of.lp/ysia (a short apical projection and a basal axonal process) have been observed in the apical organs of some echinoderms (Bisgrove and Burke, 1986; 1987; Nakajima, 1988). and serotonergic cells extending only basal processes, similar to the serotonergic interneu- rons of Aplysia. have been observed in polychaete and brachiopod larvae (Hay-Schmidt. 1992; 1995). Although these findings could be interpreted as indicating that the two classes of serotonergic cells observed in Aplysia may be differentially represented in other phyla, an examina- tion of the fine structure of the 5HT cells in these other animal groups may reveal instead that they do not corre- spond to either of the two serotonergic classes in Aplysia. Functions of the sero/onergic cells in the AG The serotonergic cells make up about a third of the entire cellular population of the AG. This sheer number suggests that serotonergic cells are important compo- nents of the AG. Furthermore, the distinct morphology of the para-ampullary and interneurons suggests that these two types of serotonergic cells serve different func- tions. As mentioned above, the three para-ampullary se- rotonergic cells are probably sensory (Chia and Koss, 1984). Because the serotonergic interneurons do not pos- sess an apical process or any cilia, it is unlikely that they 396 R MAROIS AND T. J. CARI-W Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the apical ganglion of larval .lply.ui The diagram illustrates both horizontal and frontal plane views. The three para-ampullary (P| and the two interneuron (1) cells are serotonergic. All 5HT cells send projections into the neuropil (N). The ampullary (A) and the ciliary tuft (C) cells are also illustrated. Except for the 5HT interneurons, all the labeled cell types extend apical pro- cesses to the surface of the animal. See text for details, ci. cilia; b. ciliary bundle; O. oesophagus. act as sensory receptors. Instead, they may act as inter- neurons along the information pathway that links the AG to the rest of the CNS and to effector tissues. These cells, as well as the para-ampullary cells, extend an axo- nal process into the AG neuropil and the cerebral com- missure; these processes subsequently course in various directions to reach and innervate muscles, nerve cells, and ciliated cells of the velum (Marois and Carew, 1997b). There is circumstantial evidence that the para- ampullary cells provide the serotonergic input to the ve- lum and the interneurons innervate the CNS of Aplysia (Marois and Carew, 1997b). There is also biochemical evidence from bath-application experiments that seroto- nin exerts a potent modulatory effect on ciliary activity and locomotion of various molluscs (Koshtoyants ct ui. 1961; Diefenbach et a/., 1991; Marois and Hofstadter, unpubl. obs.). Given that these velar cells are directly contacted by serotonergic varicosities (Marois and Ca- rew, 1997b), it is very likely that the modulatory effects I IT on ciliary beating are mediated by these seroto- ner synapses. Thus, the serotonergic cells of the AG cann- e regarded as strictly sensory or interneuronal sini y appear to have direct effector functions on cil- iary activity, and probably on muscular and neuronal ac- tivity as well. These findings suggest that the serotonergic cells in lar- val Aplysia are multimodal neurons involved in the modulation of ongoing physiological and behavioral ac- tivity (see Marois and Carew, 1997b). Although there is evidence from studies on the gastropod Ilyanassa that serotonin may also be involved in the induction of meta- morphosis (Levantine and Bonar. 1986; Leise, 1996; Couper and Leise, 1996), no comparable effect has been observed in Aplysia and other gastropods (Morse et al, 1979;Hadtield, 1984; Coon ci ul.. 1985; Marois and Hof- stadter, unpubl. obs.). In conclusion, this study, together with other recent work (Marois and Carew, 1997a. b), has begun to reveal the anatomical and functional properties of the seroto- nergic system in the apical ganglion of the gastropod Aplysia. However complex the functions of the seroto- nergic cells may turn out to be, they probably represent only a fraction of the roles played by the entire apical ganglion. The AG may therefore be best regarded as a complex nerve center for the regulation of larval-specific behaviors, integrating sensory information to achieve APICAL GANGLION OF LARVAL APLYSIA 397 proper motor adaptation to variable environmental con- ditions. Thus, more than simply a sensory structure, the apical organ is a bonafide neuronal ganglion. Acknowledgments We thank Isabel Gauthier for assistance with the draw- ing. This work was financially supported by an NSERC (Canada) pre-doctoral fellowship to R.M. and by NSF grant IBN9221 1 17 and NIMH Merit Award R01-MH- 14-1083 to T.J.C. Literature Cited Altner, H., and L. Prillinger. 1980. Ultrastructure of invertebrate chemoreceptors. thermoreceptors and hydroreceptors and its func- tional significance. Int. Rev Cylol. 67: 69- 140. Barlow, L. A., and J. \V. Truman. 1992. Patterns of serotonin and SCP immunoreactivity during metamorphosis of the nervous sys- tem of the red abalone. Haliolis ru/esccns. J Ncwobiol. 23: 829- 844. 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(June, 1997) Serotonin and Dopamine Have Opposite Effects on Phototaxis in Larvae of the Bryozoan Bugula neritina ANTHONY FIRES' AND ROBERT M. WOOLLACOTT2 1 Department of Biology. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1 7013; and 2 Department of Organising and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Abstract. Adult colonies of the bryozoan Bugula neri- tina release short-term anenteric larvae that initially are strongly photopositive. Over the course of several hours larvae lose their initial photopositivity and either be- come photonegative or alternate between positive and negative phototaxis. We report that newly released pho- topositive larvae rapidly become photonegative upon exposure to ICT^-IO 5 M serotonin or its metabolic pre- cursor. 5-hydroxytryptophan. This behavior was not ob- served in two congeners of B. neritina, nor in larvae of three other species of bryozoans and seven species from four additional phyla. Antibodies to serotonin label cells in the region of the equatorial nerve-muscle ring and in two tracts extending from the apical disc to this ring. In a separate series of experiments, larvae treated with do- pamine( 10 7-10 5 Af) significantly prolonged their pho- topositive period. This effect was also obtained with the D2 dopamine receptor agonist, quinpirole (10~6- 1(T5 A/). HPLC analysis determined that newly released photopositive larvae contained 0. 120pmol dopamine/ Mg protein. These findings implicate serotonin and dopa- mine as important neurochemical regulators of photo- taxis in larvae of B. neritina. Introduction Regulation of the vertical distributions of pelagic lar- vae of marine invertebrates is most likely restricted to the Received 1 I February I 997; accepted 7 April 1997. Ahhri'vialionx: 5HT. serotonin: 5HTP, 5-hydroxytryptophan; DA, dopamine: DHBA. 3.4-dihydroxybenzylamine; DDW, deionized dis- tilled water: HPLC. high-pressure liquid chromatography; MBL-ASW. MBL artificial seawater; MPB. Millonig's phosphate buffer. PBS + . phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.1% Triton X-IOO and O.I'; NaN,. vectoral factors of current velocity, light direction, and gravity (Crisp, 1984). Of these, most is known about the influence of light. Studies of the role of phototaxis in lar- val behavior were pioneered by Thorson (1964), who documented the photic responses exhibited by larvae of 141 species of shallow-water benthic marine inverte- brates from 1 1 phyla. In Thorson's survey, the most fre- quently observed response to light was for larvae to be initially positively phototactic (82%). Only 6% re- sponded negatively to light throughout larval life, and only 12% were indifferent to light. In 76% of the cases examined, larvae that were initially photopositive be- came photonegative before the end of the larval period. Apparently, an ontogenetically regulated switch govern- ing the sign of phototaxis is found in larvae of many spe- cies. Positive phototaxis early in the larval period may bring larvae up into the water column and facilitate dis- persal; later negative phototaxis may bring them down to the substratum where settlement occurs. In addition to changes in phototaxis during development, environ- mental signals may influence phototactic behavior of lar- vae (see Crisp, 1984; Young and Chia, 1987, for reviews). Factors such as temperature, salinity, light intensity, ionic shock, pH, exposure to chemical cues from settle- ment-specific substrates, and pollutants all have been implicated in environmentally induced changes in pho- totaxis. Despite the wide phylogenetic distribution and ecolog- ical significance of larval phototaxis, very little is known about the internal mechanisms responsible for generat- ing and modulating this behavior. This lack of knowl- edge stands in contrast to current understanding of the neural bases of stereotyped behaviors in many adult in- vertebrates. Although that literature is far too extensive 399 400 A. PIRES AND R. M. WOOLLACOTT to review here, it is important to point out a common theme that has emcrp d i: the last two decades: Many behaviors are initia maintained, altered, or termi- nated by the nonoamine or peptide modula- tors on neural P i see reviews by Harris- Warrick and Marder, >•; Katz, 1995). Examples involving monoamines include initiation of swimming in an anne- lid (Willard, 1981; Mangan et ai, 1994); modulation of phototaxis, swimming, respiration, and feeding in gas- tropods (Crow and Forrester, 1986; McClellan el ai, \994;Syedetal., 1990; Wieland and Gelperin, 1983;Ky- riakides and McCrohan, 1989); starting and stopping flight in an insect (Claassen and Rammer, 1985); and switching of body postures and modulation of pyloric motor output in decapod crustaceans (Livingstone et ai, 1980; Flamm and Harris- Warrick, 1986). Although evidence has been presented for the exis- tence of neuroactive monoamines in the larvae of many marine invertebrates — including hydrozoans (McCauley, 1995; Walther et ai, 1996), a nemertean (Hay-Schmidt, 1990a), a polychaete (Hay-Schmidt, 1995). bivalve and gastropod molluscs (Coon and Bonar, 1986; Goldberg and Kater, 1989; Marois and Carew, 1990; Barlow and Truman, 1992; Pires et ai. 1992), sev- eral echinoderms (Toneby, 1980; Burke, 1983; Burke et ai, 1986; Bisgrove and Burke, 1986, 1987; Nakajima, 1987, 1988;Thorndyket'/fl/., 1992), brachiopods (Hay- Schmidt, 1992), phoronids (Hay-Schmidt, 1990b,c), a hemichordate (Dautov and Nezlin, 1992), and a cepha- lochordate (Holland and Holland, 1993) — less is known of the roles of these compounds in the mediation or modulation of larval behaviors. Monoamines have been implicated in the control of metamorphosis in a variety of taxa including hydrozoans (McCauley. 1995; Walther L'tai, 1996), polychaetesf Biggers and Laufer, 1992;Oka- moto et ai, 1995), gastropods (Couper and Leise, 1996; Pires el ai, 1995), bivalves (Coon and Bonar, 1987; Bo- nar el ai. 1990; Chevolot el ai, 1991; Kingzett et ai, 1990), a barnacle (Yamamoto et ai, 1996), and an echi- noid (Burke, 1983). Effects of monoamines on ciliary lo- comotion have also been reported. Bath-applied dopa- mine (DA) induces ciliary reversal and backward swim- ming in some echinoid plutei (Lacalli and Gilmour, 1990; Mogami et ai, 1992), while serotonin (5HT) in- creases the speed of forward swimming (Mogami et ai, 1992). Serotonin also accelerates ciliary beat frequency in encapsulated embryos of the gastropod Helisoma tri- volvis. while DA has no effect (Diefenbach el ai. 1991; Goldberg et al., 1994). However, no data have been pub- 1 ',cd on the regulation of larval phototaxis by mono- •s or any other neuroactive substances. oans are excellent material for experimental stiu larval phototaxis because most species retain their early developmental stages and, on stimulus of light, release larvae that generally settle within a few hours of eclosion. Cohorts of larvae all released within a few minutes of each other can thus be obtained. Ryland (1976, 1977) reviewed in detail the early studies of the phototactic behavior of bryozoan larvae, and several im- portant conclusions come from these studies. First, a range of responses to light are possible, depending on the species. During the course of its larval existence an indi- vidual could remain neutral to light throughout; react positively throughout; change from positive to negative or positive to partial negative; and change from positive to alternation between positive and negative (Ryland, 1960). Second, in larvae of Bugula flabellata and B. tur- rita, it is possible to artificially force a switch in photic response with agents such as elevated pH, hypotonic sea- water, or CuCl (Lynch, 1947). Third, in larvae of Cryp- tosula pal/assiana, a rise in temperature decreases the photopositive phase, but the amount of illumination has no effect on the rate of change in sign of the response to light (Ryland, 1962). Furthermore, Ryland observed that pipetting larvae also results in an immediate change from positive to negative phototaxis. Larvae of many species with phototactic responses possess pigmented epidermal structures that, on the basis of anatomical criteria, are assumed to be photoreceptors ( Ryland, 1976, 1977). Not all species with larvae that ori- ent to light have pigmented "eyespots," however (Ry- land, 1 960); in these species, other specialized epidermal cell types are hypothesized to be photoreceptors (Zim- merand Woollacott, 1989). To date, all pigmented ocelli of bryozoan larvae examined at the ultrastructural level have been based on a sensory cell with an elaboration of multiple cilia that are thought to be the receptoral organ- elles (Woollacott and Zimmer, 1972; Hughes and Wool- lacott, 1978, 1980; Reed ««/.. 1988). We selected Bugula neritina for detailed investigation of the monoaminergic control of phototaxis in the lar- vae of marine bryozoans. B. neritina is cosmopolitan in temperate to tropical waters and is often abundant in specific locales at certain times of the year. Larvae of B. neritina are barrel-shaped and about 300 /urn in diame- ter. General features of larval anatomy and events in metamorphosis are well documented for this species (Woollacott and Zimmer, 1971, 1972, 1978; Reed and Woollacott, 1982, 1983). The motive force for swim- ming is provided by the coordinated beating of the cilia of some 300 elongate coronal cells that form the exten- sive lateral surface of the larva. Two pigmented "eye- spots" are situated on the posterior surface, and these connect with a neural plate in the apical disc by way of an underlying equatorial nerve-muscle ring. Larvae are strongly photopositive on release and with time either MONOAMINES MODULATE PHOTOTAXIS 401 change to photoneutral or alternate between photopos- itive and photonegative. We report that 5HT and its immediate metabolic pre- cursor. 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP), rapidly caused photopositive larvae of B. neritina to become photonega- tive. Antibodies to 5HT label cells with processes that are associated with the apical disc and extend orally to the equatorial nerve-muscle ring. In contrast, we show that DA and the D: DA receptor agonist quinpirole prolonged photopositivity in newly released larvae, and we present chromatographic data to confirm the presence of endoge- nous DA. We also report qualitative observations on the effects of 5HT and DA on the photic behavior of larvae from five other species of bryozoans and from seven spe- cies in four additional phyla. These results demonstrate that the responses observed in B. neritina to 5HT and DA are generalizable neither to larvae of congeners nor to a broad range of marine invertebrate larvae. Materials and Methods Behavior oj larvae of Bugula neritina Sexually mature colonies of Bugula neritina (Linnaeus) 1 758 were collected in 1 993, during February and March, from the sides of floating docks and other submerged ob- jects in the Indian River near the Smithsonian Marine Station at Link Port, Fort Pierce, Florida. Colonies were maintained in 2-gal aquaria provided with aeration. Re- lease of larvae was initiated by exposing colonies to sun- light following an overnight period of dark adaptation. Phototaxis experiments were conducted in MBL arti- ficial seawater (MBL-ASW, Cavanaugh, 1956) with the salinity adjusted to habitat level (20%o). Phototactic behavior of larvae was assessed in the presence of 5-hydroxytryptamine hydrochloride (serotonin, 5HT, Sigma); 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5HTP, Sigma); 3-hy- droxytyramine hydrochloride (dopamine, DA, Sigma); (±)-SKF-38393 (a D, DA receptor agonist. Research Biochemicals Inc.); and ( — )-quinpirole hydrochloride (a selective D: DA receptor agonist. Research Biochemicals Inc.). Twenty milliliters of MBL-ASW served as the con- trol in all experiments. Drugs were dissolved and diluted directly into MBL-ASW. Final working solutions were in 20-ml volumes and contained 1CT5, lO"6, 10~7, or 10~8 M concentrations of the drug. Experiments were conducted in glass Slender dishes with a capacity of 30 ml and an inside diameter of 4.5 cm. Larvae were transferred into dishes by pipetting, usually carrying over about 0.2-0.3 ml of Indian River water. It was not feasible to accurately determine the number of larvae being transferred; consequently, dishes contained unequal numbers of larvae. The number of larvae varied from 20 to 78 per dish, but 25 to 35 was the most common range of values. Pipetting did not affect the responses of larvae of B. neritina to light; this result is contrary to the observations of Ryland ( 1 962) with lar- vae of another bryozoan, Cryptosula pallasiana. A 4-ft GE F400CW cool white fluorescent lamp was used as the light source. Dishes containing larvae were placed on white paper 3 in. from the light. Photon flux was mea- sured with a LI-COR model LI- 1000 light meter equipped with a detector calibrated for air and measur- ing between 400 and 700 nm. Irradiance measurements were made in air and ranged between 4.76 X 1015 and 5.78 X 1015 photons/s/cnr along the length of the tube. The gradient across the dishes was 6.69 X 1015 to 4.88 X 1013 photons/s/cm2. Temperature remained within PC over the course of individual experiments and ranged from 20°C to 23°C over the course of all experi- ments. The number of larvae in the half of the dish that was closest to the light was counted at designated time in- tervals throughout an experiment. Total numbers of lar- vae were then counted and the data converted to per- centages. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used on arcsin-transformed data to determine whether signifi- cant differences existed among treatments, and a Fisher probability least significant difference test was used to lo- calize where these differences, if any, resided (Statview 4.0, Abacus Concepts). Behavior of other marine invertebrate larvae The phototactic responses of larvae of 12 additional species of marine invertebrates were evaluated qualita- tively (Table I). Some of these studies were conducted at the Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and others at the Kewalo Marine Labo- ratory in Honolulu, Hawaii. In all cases, 5HT and DA were applied at a concentration of 10" ? M. As above, 20- ml volumes in 30-ml Slender dishes were used. A com- bination of fluorescent and natural light was employed, but irradiance was not quantified. Responses of larvae were gauged qualitatively. Scanning electron microscopy Larvae of Bugula neritina were fixed in 1% OsO4 in sea- water for 30 min, rinsed in distilled water, and dehydrated in a graded series of acetone. Specimens were critical- point dried in CO2, gold-palladium coated, and examined with an AMR 1000 scanning electron microscope. Immunohistochemistry The immunohistochemical protocol was adapted from that of Kempf el a/. (1987). Larvae were fixed for 1 h at 402 A. PIRES AND R M. WOOLLACOTT room temperature in 4% paruformaldehyde containing 0.1 4 M NaCl and 0.2 M Millonig's phosphate buffer (MPB). After fi.vni. vere washed twice in MPB (10 mineach/. ' >. ashed in deionized dis- tilled w;it Jrated through an ethanol series to x , 80%, 95%, 100%, 100%, xy- lene. 10 n rehydrated through the same se- ries back to This procedure increases tissue perme- ability to a > iodies. Larvae were then washed twice (lOmin each) in 20mA/ phosphate-buffered saline in 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.3, containing 0.1%. Triton X-100 and 0. 1% NaNj (PBS+). Subsequent steps were carried out on a shaker table at 4°C. Larvae were incubated for 4 h in a blocking medium consisting of 5% heat-inactivated goat serum in PBS+, then incubated overnight in primary an- tibody solution. This was a 1:325 dilution (in blocking medium) of polyclonal rabbit anti-5HT (Incstar #20080). A batch of larvae was treated overnight with blocking me- dium instead of primary antibody solution, as a control for specificity of immunofluorescent labeling. All larvae were then washed four times with PBS+ over a 1 2-h pe- riod, and incubated overnight in the secondary antibody solution. Secondary antibodies were goat anti-rabbit im- munoglobulin G conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate (Organon-Teknica-Cappel #12121671), diluted 1:300 in blocking medium. Following treatment with secondary antibody, larvae were again washed four times with PBS+ over a 12-h period, then mounted in a Tris-buffered (pH 9.5) glycerol medium containing 4% //-propyl gallate (Gi- loh and Sedat. 1982). Larvae were examined and photo- graphed under UV epi-illumination. Chromatographic analysis of dopamine DA content of larvae was analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. Homogenization of larvae and extraction of catecholamines differed only in a few details from the methods of Coon and Bonar (1986). Approximately 75 p.\ of packed larvae was concentrated by gentle cen- trifugation and homogenized in a glass tissue grinder on ice in 1 .0 ml of 0.4 A' perchloric acid with 4 mM reduced glutathione, 4.7 mAl EGTA. and 100 nAl 3,4-dihydrox- ybenzylamine (DHBA, Sigma) as an internal standard. The homogenate was centrifuged at 15,000 X g for 5 min. Two 400-/ul aliquots were transferred to 10 X 75 mm glass tubes for extraction of catecholamines over alumina (Anton and Sayre, 1962). To each tube was added 600 n\ DDW. 50 mg alumina, and 1 ml extraction buffer (1.5 M Tris plus 50mA/ Na: EDTA. pH 8.6). > were agitated 10 min by inversion. Alumina was wash twice with DDW, transferred to microcentrifuge till semblies (Rainin #39-402), and catechols were eluted with 200 ^10. 1 N perchloric acid. This extract was injected directly into the HPLC system (standard injec- tion volume 80 n\). Each extraction therefore provided enough material for two full sample injections; the re- maining material from each extraction was used in smaller injections to help confirm the DA peak while varying the organic content of the mobile phase and "spiking" the chromatographic standards mix (see be- low). The recovery efficiency of the DHBA internal stan- dard (64%-68%) was calculated for each extraction and used to correct the endogenous catecholamine data from that extraction. Separation of catecholamines was accomplished by HPLC with an Alltech #28922 Adsorbosphere catechol- amine column ( 100 x 4.6 mm, 3 nm C-18 reverse phase packing). The aqueous portion of the mobile phase con- tained 100mA/ monochloroacetic acid. 1.3mA/ Na2 EDTA, and 1 .3 mAl sodium octyl sulfate adjusted to pH 3.00-3.05 with NaOH (85 mA/ final concentration). To this was added l%-5% (v/v) acetonitrile. Flow rate was set at 1.0 ml/min. Catecholamines were detected with an EG & G/ Princeton Applied Research #400 amperometric electro- chemical detector with glassy carbon working electrode set at an oxidizing potential of 700 mV against a Ag/AgCl reference electrode (Riggin and Kissinger, 1977; Krstu- lovic, 1982). Oxidation current range was set at 10 or 20 nA full-scale for the smaller peaks in the first part of the chromatogram, and at 50 nA for DA, which eluted later and was present at higher concentration. Detector output was low-pass filtered ( 1 .0-s time constant) and sent to a Beckman #427 integrator which printed chromato- grams and calculated peak areas and retention times. The DA chromatogram peak was identified by com- paring its retention time to that of authentic DA at vari- ous concentrations of acetonitrile (l%-5%). A standard curve of DA peak area as a function of amount injected was used to quantify DA concentration in larval homog- enates. Reported values of larval DA are derived from the mean of two 80-^1 injections, one from each extrac- tion, run at the acetonitrile concentration (5%) that yielded best resolution of the DA peak. Dopamine con- centration was expressed as picomoles of free base per microgram of protein. Protein content of the homoge- nate was assayed by the Coomassie blue dye-binding method (Bradford, 1976) with bovine serum albumin as the standard (Bio-Rad kit, #500-0002). Results Monoamine modulation ofphototactic behavior of larvae of Bugula neritina Preliminary experiments conducted during June 1992 in Honolulu, Hawaii, established in a qualitative fashion MONOAMINES MODULATE PHOTOTAX1S 403 that the addition of exogenous 5HT at 10 5 M concen- tration brought about an immediate transformation from positive to negative phototaxis in newly released larvae of B. neritina. At that time, stocks of adult colo- nies were insufficient to provide the quantities of larvae needed for a full experimental analysis, but the response was reconfirmed in Hawaiian B. neritina during May 1993. The effects of 5HT and, subsequently, DA on photo- taxis were evaluated in detail in February and March 1993 in Fort Pierce, Florida, where a large supply of sex- ually mature colonies was available. The effect of 5HT on the percentage of positively pho- totactic larvae was evaluated at concentrations of 1(T5, 10~6, 10~7, and l(TKMovera 140-m in period (Fig. 1A). In controls without applied 5HT, the percentage of lar- vae remaining photopositive decreased from a mean of 88% to 70% over the 140-min period. There was no sig- nificant difference from the control in experimental treatments with 10~8 M exogenous 5HT. However, the decrease in photopositivity seen after 140 min in larvae treated with 10"7, 10~6, and 10~5M 5HT was much greater than that seen in controls (P < 0.05 for 10~7 M; P < 0.02 for 10~6 and 10~5 M 5HT). The change from photopositive was especially rapid at 10~6 and 10~5M concentrations. At these concentrations, most larvae switched to photonegative within about 1 min after the addition of 5HT; in every trial at 10~5 M all larvae were photonegative after 1 10 min. Parallel studies of change in sign of phototaxis were conducted using 5HTP, the immediate metabolic precursor of 5HT (Fig. IB). Re- sults of these studies documented a shift in phototaxis even more dramatic than that observed with 5HT. The decrease in percentage of positively phototactic larvae af- ter 140 min was significantly greater at 10~5, 10~6, and 10"7 M 5HTP than in control trials (P < 0.02). The re- sponse to 5HTP was also more rapid at the higher con- centrations than was the response to 5HT at those same concentrations. The effect of DA on the percentage of positively pho- totactic larvae was assessed at 10~5, 10~6, 10~7, and 10~8 M concentrations over a 240-min period (Fig. 2A). In controls lacking exogenous DA, the percentage of lar- vae remaining photopositive decreased from a mean of 83% to 41% over 240 min. The addition of DA at 10~7, 10~6, and 10~5 M levels caused more larvae to remain photopositive than in the untreated controls (P < 0.02). Larvae treated with 10~5 M DA did not show any appre- ciable loss of positive phototaxis up to 240 min after ap- plication of DA. The response of larvae of B. neritina to DA was qualitatively reconfirmed using Hawaiian mate- rial in May 1993. Application of the D, DA receptor ag- onist SKF-38393 had no significant effect on phototactic A SEROTONIN 50 100 TIME (MIN) 150 B 5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN 50 100 TIME (MIN) 150 Figure 1. Percentage of larvae of Biigula nerilina that were photo- positive after timed exposure to varying concentrations of (A) serotonin and (B) 5-hydroxytryptophan. Each point represents the mean (±1 SEM) of 5 (A) or 4 (B) replicate trials. Open circles, 10~5 M. open trian- gles. 10~6A/. filled triangles, 1CT7.W, filled circles, 1CT8A/. squares, control. Single and double asterisks indicate significant differences from control at P < 0.05 and P < 0.02. 404 A PIRES AND R. M. WOOLLACOTT DOPAMINE B 100 50 100 150 TIME(MIN) 200 250 QUINPIROLE 100 150 TIME(MIN) 200 250 Figure 2. Percentage of larvae ofBugitla ncrilina that were pholo- • after timed exposure to varying concentrations of (A) dopa- and (B) quinpirole. Each point represents the mean (±1 SEM) of ic trials. I • , i .nation of symbols as in Figure 1 . •of larvae of B. neritina at concentrations of 10 5 to ;. but was clearly toxic to the larvae. The D: DA >r agonist quinpirole, however, mimicked the effect o )\ in prolonging positive phototaxis. The per- centage of photopositive larvae was significantly greater after 240 min in quinpirole treatments of 10~5 and 10^6 M than in the untreated controls (P< 0.02, Fig. 2B). Application of quinpirole at 10~7 and 10~s M produced an initial decrease in the percentage of photopositive lar- vae compared with the controls, but the difference was no longer significant after 240 min. Localization of serotonin Larvae of B. neritina have two pigmented eyespots sit- uated in two depressions on the posterior lateral surface of the larva (Fig. 3). The lateral surfaces of the larva are formed by heavily ciliated cells of the corona, the larval locomotory organ. An apical disc complex with a central neural plate is situated at the aboral pole of the larva. Immunolocalization of 5HT was achieved in larvae of B neritina, but the procedure resulted in distortion of larvae and made precise determination of sites of the re- action difficult (Fig. 4). Strong 5HT-like immunoreactiv- ity is evident, however, in the region of the equatorial nerve-muscle ring and in two tracts extending from the apical disc to this ring. These tracts are in a position oc- cupied by a nerve-muscle tract extending from the roof of the metasomal sac and equatorial nerve-muscle ring to the neural plate in the center of the apical disc. The equatorial nerve-muscle ring underlies the two posterior lateral pigmented eyespots. No fluorescence above back- ground was observed in control larvae in which the anti- 5HT primary antibody was omitted. Chromatographic analysis of dopamine Reversed-phase HPLC of two alumina extracts of a homogenate of newly released larvae of B. neritina yielded chromatograms that included several peaks, in- cluding one that was identified as DA on the basis of its co-elution with authentic DA over a range of mobile- phase acetonitrile concentrations (Fig. 5). The two ex- tractions resulted in DA values of 516 and 481 pmol/ homogenate; these were averaged and divided by the to- tal soluble protein content of the homogenate to yield a final estimate of larval DA content of 0.120 pmol/^g protein. Dihydroxyphenylalanine and norepinephrine may also be present in larvae of B. neritina (Fig. 5): all chromatograms showed at least a partially resolved peak corresponding to each of these monoamines, but we did not have enough material to justify reporting quantita- tive values. Comparative analysis of larval phototaxis We examined the effects of 5 HT at 10"5 ^/concentra- tion, and in some cases 1 0 ~ ' M DA as well, on phototaxis MONOAMINES MODULATE PHOTOTAXIS 405 Figure 3. Scanning electron micrograph ofBugula nmiimi larva taken from lateral view. The meta- chronal waves of cilia mark the locations of the strap-like elongated coronal cells that together form the larval locomotory organ. Depressions in which the two pigmented eyespots (E) are situated are visible on the posterior lateral surface. The opening of the metasomal sac marks the oral pole (O) of the larva, and the ciliated apical disc (AD) is located at theaboral pole (A). -200 Figure 4. Light photomicrograph of 5HT-like immunoreactivity in larva ofBugula ncritina, with ori- entation oflarva positioned to match that in Figure 3. Fluorescence is associated with position of equatorial nerve-muscle tract that underlies eyespots and is continuous with two fluorescent tracts that extend into apical disc. x200 of larvae from a number of species (Table I). Although the analysis was based exclusively on a qualitative evalu- ation of responses to the addition of these monoamines, we were unable to document a pattern similar to that observed in B. nerilina in larvae from two congeners and three additional species of bryozoans. In a broader sur- vey we did not detect any effects of monoamines on pho- totaxis of larvae of one copepod crustacean, one gastro- pod, two demosponges, and two ascidians. The larvae of the gastropod Phestilla sibogac, however, did present increased motility and greater positive phototaxis when exposed to 1(T53/5HT. Discussion Bath-application of 10 - M or 10 "M5HT rapidly in- duced negative phototaxis in newly released photoposi- tive larvae of B. ncri/ina (Fig. 1A). A similar response was obtained with the same concentrations of 5HTP. the immediate metabolic precursor of 5HT, although the onset of negative phototaxis took about 10-15min longer with 5HTP than with 5HT (Fig. 1 B). This result is consistent with the notion that serotonergic cells may take up exogenous 5HTP and convert it to 5HT, thus augmenting releasable endogenous stores of that neuro- modulator. In the gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis, injec- tion of 5HT activates rhythmic shell movements; the same motor program can be obtained by injection of 5HTP. which also increases levels of 5HT and firing of serotonergic neurons (Kabotyanski el a/., 1992). Dopamine. when bath-applied in concentrations from 10~7 AIlo 10~5 M, prolonged the initial period of photo- positivity in larvae of B. ncritina (Fig. 2A). This effect was mimicked by the mammalian D: DA receptor ago- nist quinpirole (Fig. 2B) at 10^ M and 10~5M. The sharp initial decrease in the percentage of photopositive larvae seen after treatment with 10~7 M quinpirole, con- trasted with enhancement of phototaxis at higher con- centrations, may reflect interactions with more than one class of DA receptor; no pharmacological profiles of bryozoan DA receptors are available. Under normal laboratory conditions, larvae of B. ner- ilina remain photopositive for 2-3 h (see controls in Fig. 2), then make a transition to a state in which they al- ternate between positive and negative phototaxis (Ry- land, 1960), and eventually may become photonegative (Mawatari, 1951 ). Lynch ( 1947) never observed negative phototaxis in this species under normal laboratory con- ditions of lighting, temperature, and salinity, but he was able to induce larvae to become photonegative by 406 A P1RES AND R M. WOOLLACOTT n 2nA 5nA —I 1 1 — 468 RETENTION TIME (MIN) 10 12 Figure 5. Separation of catecholamines by HPLC with electro- chemical detection. Upper trace: chromatogram of catecholamine standards mixture (3.2 pmol each of [I] dihydroxyphenylalanine, [2] norepinephrine, [3] epinephrme; 6.4 pmol [4] DHBA; 64 pmol [5] DA). Lower trace: chromatogram of alumina extract of homogenateof newly released larvae of Bugula ncnlina. Current scale changes at time marked by vertical arrows. exposing them to intense light. He inferred from distri- butions of adult colonies in the field that most larvae in nature are probably photonegative at the time of settle- ment and metamorphosis. t is possible that 5HT and DA are neurochemical 'an ontogenetic switch in the sign of photo- taxi, nsing ••• ripheral cilioexcitatory and both pe- riphei central cilioinhibitory roles, respectively of nd doparnine, have been described in the gill epithe! .he bivalve Mytilus edulis (Catapane et al, 1978; o ei al.. 1986). However, such mechanisms are probably not adequate to explain the aminergic con- trol of cilia-driven phototaxis documented in this report. Because 5HT and DA exert opposite effects on the sign of phototaxis when applied homogeneously to the entire animal, it seems more likely that they modulate the in- teraction between photoreceptor organs and the ciliated coronal cells that are the effectors of phototaxis (Woolla- cott and Zimmer, 1972). Larvae of B neritina always swim with the aboral pole directed forward, while rotat- ing clockwise about the oral-aboral axis. In both positive and negative phototaxis the sensory feedback to the lar- va's locomotion should operate to equalize the light in- put to the two laterally situated photoreceptor organs; this would keep the oral-aboral axis parallel to the direc- tion of the light stimulus. The crucial difference between positive and negative phototaxis is expected to be in the larva's course-correction mechanism. In positive photo- taxis, asymmetric illumination of the two photoreceptor organs should result in inhibition of cilia on the more- illuminated side, or excitation of cilia on the less-illumi- nated side (Woollacott and Zimmer, 1972). To achieve negative phototaxis, the opposite course-correction strat- egy would be required: inhibition of cilia on the less-illu- minated side, or excitation of cilia on the more-illumi- nated side. If phototaxis is synaptically mediated by cells of the equatorial nerve-muscle ring, as has been suggested on anatomical grounds (Woollacott and Zimmer, 1972), one can propose that a functional "rewiring" of the pho- totaxis control system might be accomplished by mono- amine neuromodulators. That is, whether a light stimu- lus to a photoreceptor organ excites or inhibits a given population of cilia might depend on the neuromodula- tory milieu of the synapses in the phototaxis control sys- tem. In the pyloric network of the stomatogastric gan- glion of the lobster Panulirus interntptus. the qualitative pattern of functional connections between identified neurons has been shown to depend critically upon the modulatory neurohormonal environment of the circuit (Johnson el al., 1995). In two instances DA actually re- verses the sign of an identified mixed chemical/electrical synaptic connection, enhancing chemical inhibition and reducing electrical coupling so that the net synaptic in- teraction changes from excitatory to inhibitory (Johnson eta/.. 1993). Although we have demonstrated clear and dramatic effects of bath-applied 5HT and DA on the photic behav- ior of larvae of B. neritina, participation of endogenous 5HT and DA in the control of phototaxis remains to be established. However, such roles for these amines seem quite likely. Processes of 5HT-immunoreactive cells are localized in the equatorial nerve-muscle ring (Fig. 4), where they are situated to modulate the interactions be- MONOAM1NES MODULATE PHOTOTAXIS 407 Table I Change in phcloiaelie swimming behavior <>} 'initially photopositive larvae In exugi'ntni.ily applied nwnoamines (I0~5 M) Phylum Species Larval type Photota.xis examined Monoamine Response Source Date Arthropoda Acartia IOHMI Nauplius Positive 5HT None North Atlantic 11/93 Bryozoa Amalhia dislans Coronate Positive 5HT None Honolulu. HI 5/93 DA None Bitgii/ii nerilina Coronate Positive 5HT Abrupt switch to negative Honolulu, HI 6/92 Abrupt switch to negative Fort Pierce, FL 2/93 Abrupt switch to negative Honolulu. HI 5/93 DA Slows switch to negative Fort Pierce, FL 2/93 Slows switch to negative Honolulu. HI 5/93 Bugula slolonijera Coronate Positive 5HT None Woods Hole. MA 9/93 Bii/gK/a inrriia Coronate Positive 5HT None Woods Hole. MA 9/93 Hippopodinafeegeensis Coronate Positive 5HT None Honolulu. HI 5/93 DA None Schizoporella sp. Coronate Positive 5HT None Honolulu. HI 5/93 Mollusca Crepidula liirnieaia Veliger Neutral 5HT None Woods Hole. MA 11/93 DA None Phestilla xihogae Veliger Positive 5HT >motility, > positive taxis Honolulu. HI 5/93 DA None Porifera Aplysilla sp. Parenchymella Positive 5HT None Honolulu. HI 8/94 Halichondria coemlea Parenchymella Neutral 5HT None Honolulu, HI 8/94 Llrochordata Aseidia eeraiiidex Tadpole Positive 5HT None Monterey, CA 11/93 DA None Ciniui intestinalis Tadpole Positive 5HT None Boston, MA 11/93 DA None tween the putative photoreceptoral organs and the coro- nal effectors of locomotion (Woollacott and Zimmer, 1972). Dopamine was not localized in the present study, but amounts of DA per microgram of total protein in newly released larvae of B. neritina are within the range reported for molluscan larvae, in which DA has been im- plicated in the control of settlement (Coon and Bonar, 1986; Bonar el al, 1990) and metamorphosis (Pires el al.. 1992: Pires el al, 1995). It is indeed puzzling that newly released photopositive larvae of B. slo/onifera and B. turrita were unresponsive to 10~5 M bath-applied 5HT. It may be that in these spe- cies the conditions that would permit 5HT to influence phototaxis do not apply early in larval life, or at all. Res- olution of this issue will require detailed neurochemical and behavioral investigations across the duration of the larval period. Acknowledgments This study was made possible through the kindness of M. Hadneld (Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii) and M. Rice (Smithsonian Marine Station at Link Port. Fort Pierce, Florida), who sponsored our work at their respective facilities. SEM analysis was conducted by E. Seling at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. During this project AP was a postdoctoral fellow supported by NSF Grant # DCB89-03800 to M. Hadneld. Support pro- vided RMW by a Short-Term Visitor Award from the Smithsonian Institution and a Putnam Expedition Grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard University, is gratefully acknowledged. This is con- tribution number 428 from the Smithsonian Marine Sta- tion at Link Port. Literature Cited Aiello, E., K. Hager, C. Akiwumi, and G. B. Stefano. 1986. An opioid mechanism modulates central and not peripheral dopaminergic control of ciliary activity in the marine mussel Mytilux ediilis. Cell. Mol. .\ennihiol 6: 17-30. Anton, A. II.. and D. F. Sayre. 1962. A study of the factors affecting the aluminum oxide-trihydroxyindole procedure for the analysis of catecholamines. J Phannacol. Exp. 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Prey items were whole and broken clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and mussels (Mytilus ethtlis); the nonprey item was squid flesh. Asterias forbesi showed the ability to successfully locate odor sources ir- respective of the type of odor. Only in trials with the bro- ken clam did the animals reveal an initial directional choice towards the odor source. There were significant changes in the movement rates and heading angles dur- ing orientation for all three stimuli. In addition, orienta- tion paths were different for each of the chemical stimuli tested. From these results, we conclude that sea stars can detect and respond to chemicals in the absence of mac- roscale flow. Orientation paths appear to be more of a taxis, in which heading is directly guided by the stimulus field. Introduction Asteroids are marine benthic invertebrates found in abundance in the littoral and subtidal zones of most lines. Most asteroids are carnivores and can play 1 leant role as keystone predators in these habitats (1 . Hid Christensen, 1966; Jangoux. 1982). Prey Receiv : l 1996; accepted 3 March 1997. items consist of large epifaunal species including gastro- pods, various bivalves, and some crustaceans, typically barnacles (Feder and Christensen, 1966; Jangoux, 1982). Some species show food preferences that are not due ex- clusively to prey availability (Christensen, 1957; Jan- goux, 1982). The sensory mechanisms that asteroids use to forage for prey have been debated for a number of years. Most of the previous research, focusing on the chemo- sensory or mechanosensory abilities of asteroids, has re- sulted in mixed conclusions. Sloan and Campbell (1982) have reported evidence for olfaction in some species, while concluding that others have no such abilities. Other researchers have shown that olfaction is important for foraging (McClintock and Lawrence. 1981; McClin- tocki'/tf/., 1984; Valentincic, 1985; Valentincic and Ota, 1985). In addition, chemical orientation also has been seen in both field (Christensen, 1957) and laboratory set- tings (Castilla, 1972a;Castilla and Crisp, 1970; Rochette el al.. 1994). Conversely, it was noted that A. ntbens showed an avoidance response to damaged or spawning prey and living predators in the static-flow Y-maze and the flow tank (Castilla and Crisp, 1970). Crossaster pap- posus was observed to be attracted to prey extracts by choosing the arm in a Y-maze in which the extract was added. They also avoided the extract of carnivorous con- specifics by moving downstream (Sloan and Northway, 1982). However, orientation to live oysters, mussels, and nudibranchs could not be demonstrated in other in- stances (Sloan and Campbell. 1982). Many of these studies were done in flow tanks (Cas- tilla. 1972b; Castilla and Crisp. 1970; Sloan and North- way, 1982;Zafiriou, 1972;Zafiriou etai. 1972), to which sea stars show a positive rheotaxis (Valentincic. 1983). Observed movement toward the odor source may or may not have been mediated bv chemical stimulation but 410 CHEMORECEPTION AND BEHAVIOR IN ASTEROIDS 41 may have been strictly a response to water flow. Avoid- ance responses in these situations may be negative rheo- taxis, initiated by the presence of the chemical signal. Be- havioral trials with no macroscale flows can help elimi- nate the possibility of rheotaxis but may have some confounding factors due to small-scale water dynamics in the tank. Sea stars, when excited by a food item in the aquarium, often pass directly by it or turn away just as they near it (Federand Christensen, 1966). These behav- ioral results could be interpreted as being a result of small-scale circulation patterns within the aquarium. The spatial distribution of chemical signals in marine environments is determined by the hydrodynamics of the environment. In most marine habitats, turbulent diffusion is the major force that disperses chemicals. Whether in air or water, turbulent odor concentrations in plumes are heterogeneous when measured at fast tem- poral and small spatial scales (air: Murlis and Jones, 1981; Murlis el al, 1991; water: Atema, 1985; Moore andAtema, 1988, 1991;Zimmer-Faust ct al., 1988). The exact nature of concentration fluctuations within any habitat depends on the interaction between the size of the turbulent eddies and the size of the odor plume. As a result of these interactions, animals using chemical sig- nals to locate potential prey items will experience differ- ent stimulus patterns in different flow regimes (Moore el al., 1994). Thus, if changes in behavior occur simulta- neously with changes in flow, it is often difficult to deter- mine whether those changes are due to the differences in the chemical signal or the mechanical signal. In previous work, mechanical and chemical signals were presented simultaneously (Castilla, 1972b; Castilla and Crisp, 1970; Rochette et al., 1994; Sloan and Northway, 1982; Zafiriou, 1972; Zafiriou el al., 1972). To determine which source of information is important in orientation behavior, it is important to separate these two sources of information during orientation trials. Marine animals use many different behavioral mech- anisms to orient to a chemical source. Categories for ori- entation behaviors have been based on a variety of cri- teria, including locomotor output, distribution and number of sensory receptors, and information available to and used by the animal (Bell, 1984; Dusenbery. 1992; Kennedy, 1986; Preface for Bell and Carde, 1984; Schone, 1984). In abroad sense, it appears that chemical signals either play a direct guidance role (Johnson and Teeter, 1980; Moore et al. 1991; Reeder and Ache, 1980; Rochette el al., 1994), serve to initiate maneuvers that depend on nonchemical stimuli (Mafra-Neto and Carde, 1994), or can be used in conjunction with me- chanical signals ( Weissburg and Zimmer-Faust, 1993). From a sensory perspective, it is important to differ- entiate between potential sources of directional informa- tion. Y-mazes and other choice experiments demon- strate that chemoreception can play a role in directional decisions, but under these conditions, reliable direc- tional information is still provided by the unidirectional flow. Although there are problems of small-scale circula- tion, the reason for performing experiments in still water is the removal of any directional information provided by macroscale currents. Although it is highly unlikely that flow is completely absent in still-water trials, it is equally unlikely that reliable directional information on the odor source is provided by any small-scale circula- tion present within the tank. Chemical cues are apparently important in orienta- tion byA.farbexi. but it is still not clear whether chemical signals or mechanical and chemical signals mediate for- aging and orientation. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate chemoreception by A. forbesi in the ab- sence of directional information provided by macroscale flow and to investigate the role of chemical signals in ori- entation behavior. We hypothesize that this species of sea star has the ability to use chemical signals in the ab- sence of macroscale flow to successfully orient to poten- tial prey. Thus, still-water trials become crucial for deter- mining the source of information controlling or guiding the orientation of the organism. A better understanding of the chemoreceptive abilities of this sea star and sources of sensory information used in foraging may lead to a broader understanding of intertidal foraging mecha- nisms in sea stars. Materials and Methods Animals Sea stars, Asterias forbesi, were obtained from the Aquatic Resources Division of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The animals were wild caught off the coast of Woods Hole and re- mained in flow-through seawater tanks before shipping to our laboratory. The animals measured 7.5-15.25 cm in diameter and were kept in 35-gallon aquaria, main- tained at a salinity of 25%o-30%o, a temperature of 15°- 20°C, and a cycle of 12 h light and 12 h dark. An under- gravel filter was used for maintaining water quality in the tank, and filtered air was pumped into the system for aeration and circulation. Each sea star was isolated from the others in the aquarium by plastic crating, which al- lowed water movement between the chambers but sepa- rated animals for individual identification. No more than four individuals were housed in a single aquarium. The sea stars were fed once a week at a maintenance level, about 2 g of thawed squid flesh. Any uneaten food was removed from the aquarium after 2 h. Hard-shelled clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and blue mussels (Mylilus edulis) were obtained from the Aquatic Resources Division of the Marine Biological Laboratory 412 P. A. MOORE AND D. M. E. LEPPER in Woods Hole. Both of these molluscs are common prey items of A. /r >/•/>< v in ?h<0.05, r = 0.18. CF( 1 , 1 94) = 1 6.4, P < 0.05, r = 0.28. °F( 1 . 1 20) = \\A.P< 0.05, r = 0.30. All nonsignificant results had P> 0.10. CHEMORECEPTION AND BEHAVIOR IN ASTEROIDS 415 broken clam situations and was absent from all turning angle analysis. Analysis of the initial directional choices of sea stars during clam stimulation showed a significant directional choice towards the odor source for the broken clam only (The I ' test, M<> = 0°, u = 2.0. P < 0.05, Fig. 3). All other heading angles were uniformly distributed around the circle, indicating no significant initial head- ing angle. Ahissel. Sea stars did not alter either their walking speed or the NCR in any of the trials involving either mussels, broken mussels or empty mussel shells when compared to control values (Fig. 2). There was a signifi- cant change in heading angles for both the whole and broken mussel trials. Sea stars significantly decreased their heading angles as they approached the odor source (Table I). This relationship was absent from heading an- gles for the control and empty mussel shell and was ab- sent from all turning angle analysis. Analysis of the ini- tial directional choices of sea stars during mussel stimu- lation showed that there was not a significant directional choice towards the odor source for any of the odor stim- ulations (Fig. 4). Discussion In previous orientation studies using sea stars, it has been difficult to differentiate between a true chemically mediated response, in which the animal is responding only to the odors, and a combination of chemically and mechanically mediated responses. In fact. Rochette el al. ( 1994) showed conclusively that Leptasterias polaris has a strong orientation response to current in both the pres- ence and absence of chemical stimulation. The orienta- tion behavior that results from multiple inputs of che- mosensory and mechanosensory information could be due to a range of orientation strategies from a chemically triggered rheotaxis to a flow-triggered chemotaxis (for a review of different orientation strategies, see Shone, 1 984). This study demonstrates three results concerning the chemosensory abilities ofA.forbesi. First, this species perceives and responds to chemical signals in the absence of macroscale flow. Many previous studies on both the foraging and orientation behavior of other sea stars have been in flow tanks (Castilla, 1972b: Castilla and Crisp, 1970; Sloan and Northway, 1982; Zafiriou, 1972; Zafi- riou el al., 1972). In many of these situations, the sea stars show a positive rheotaxis (Valentincic, 1983), and it is not clear whether they are responding to the mac- roscale flow, to the chemical, or to both. Second, we demonstrate that A. forbesi is capable of locating odor sources without the aid of external direc- tional cues provided by macroscale flow. The analysis of the orientation paths shows that orientations are proba- bly a response to information from the chemical signal within the experimental arena. Several features of the orientation paths reveal an orientation strategy that may be a taxis (as defined in both Dusenbery, 1992, and Schone, 1984). Using these definitions, a taxis is an ori- entation that is a result of biased or directed turns with respect to some aspect of the stimulus field. This would result in decreased heading angles as the organism ap- proached the odor source. As has been demonstrated for other sea stars (Rochette ct al.. 1994), and suggested for A. forbesi under different flow conditions (Dale, 1996), these animals use concentration differences as measured at the tips of different arms to guide orientation to food sources. This is a tropotactic response, in which the ori- entation path is guided by simultaneous information ob- tained by spatially separate sensory cells. If A. forbesi is performing a tropotaxis by comparing different concen- trations at the tips of its arms, we would expect to find some initial directional decisions towards the odor source and decreased heading angles as the animal ap- proached the source. Control Broken Clam Clam Shell Whole Clam 27O(-w .90 270 135 135 315 180 Figure 3. Initial directional choices for sea stars during different odor stimulations for clam sources. Solid dots represent heading angle in relation to odor source for the first movement of the animal. Sig- nificant mean angles are indicated by a solid black arrow. I' test. All other groups were uniformly distrib- uted around the circle: >i = 1 4 for all groups. 416 Control P. A. MOORE AND D. M. E. LEPPER Broken Mussel Mussel Shell Whole Mussel 315 315 270 135 315 45 90 270 225 13S 31 3 225 135 180 180 Figure 4. Initial directional choices for sea stars during different odor stimulations for mussel sources. Solid dots represent heading angle in relation to odor source for the first movement of the animal. There were no significant mean angles in any of the groups, indicating that the initial headings were uniformly distributed around the circle; n = 14 for all groups. We found changes in the orientation paths to be a function of distance from the odor source. For all of our stimulus conditions except one, we found that the head- ing angle relative to the odor source decreased as an ani- mal approached the odor source. In other words, as it approached the odor source, the animal began to walk in a straighter line towards the source. Since we did not find similar results with the control or shell studies, we con- clude that the locomotory output of the animal is influ- enced by the chemical stimulus whether it is perceived spatially or temporally. In addition, walking speed and turning angles did not change as a function of distance. Although these results are consistent with either orienta- tion mechanism, we feel that the behavioral patterns of our animals in the absence of macroscale flow are more compatible with a taxis-based orientation strategy then with a kinesis strategy (as denned by Dusenbery, 1 992). This finding is similar to that of Rochette el al. ( 1 994), who convincingly demonstrated that other species of sea stars were capable of showing directed responses, but that these directional choices were dependent upon their physiological state (starved vs. fed) and the ambient cur- rent flow. Their finding may be due to decisions based on dual sensory information (that is, from both the odor signal and ambient coalitions of macroscale flow), whereas we provided main, -hemosensory cues. Third, A. forbesi respond^ ;fferently to the various stimulus sources by having dis ' walking patterns for each of the stimulus conditions. L :ip, stimulation with squid flesh, the sea stars walked sk r. in a straighter line, with a characteristic decrease in heading angle as they approached the odor source. The sea stars walked faster and had a more circuitous path only for the broken clam and showed only the characteristic changes in head- ing angles for the mussel stimulus. Different locomotory outputs may indicate cither that these animals can per- ceive and identify different prey items or that the outputs are responses to concentration differences between stim- ulus sources. Since we neither quantified the stimulus patterns nor analyzed the chemical composition under the different treatments, it is difficult to make any defi- nite conclusions based on the differences in locomotion. Many researchers have studied chemical orientation in marine animals. Animal models include fish (Kleere- koper, 1967; Kleerekoperefa/., 1969) and decapod crus- taceans (Moore el al.. 1991; Reeder and Ache, 1980; WeissburgandZimmer-Faust, 1993). These studies have shown that the spatial and temporal distribution of chemical signals plays an important part in the orienta- tion ability of these animals. It has also been shown that animals can have different responses to different odors. Certainly, for sea stars, some odors trigger an attraction and other odors an avoidance (Castilla and Crisp, 1970; Sloan and Northway, 1982). Similar findings have been recorded for the mud snail (Atema and Burd, 1975). All of these results taken together show that marine organ- isms can have different behavioral responses for different chemical sources, but it has yet to be shown whether a single animal has distinct orientation strategies for different odors. In summary, A. forbesi has chemosensory responses in the absence of macroscale flow and can locate the source of odors using only chemosensory information. It is still unclear whether these animals strictly use a chemotaxis or a kinesis strategy and whether they use both spatial and temporal sampling of concentrations to guide orien- tation to the odor source. In addition, the sea stars show different orientation paths for different odors. Further re- search is needed to determine whether these animals have different orientation strategies that are prey depen- dent. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Steve Vessey for reading an ear- lier version of this manuscript and three anonymous re- CHEMORECEPTION AND BEHAVIOR IN ASTEROIDS 417 viewers for insightful comments. This research is sup- ported by NSF grant OCE-9596270. Literature Cited \u m.i. J. 1985. Chemoreception in the sea: adaptation of chemore- ceptors and behavior to aquatic stimulus conditions. Stic. Exp. 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(June. 1997) Behavioral Modes Arise From a Random Process in the Nudibranch Melibe AMANDA E. SCHIVELL1, SAMUEL S.-H. WANG2, AND STUART H. THOMPSON3 Department of Biological Sciences and the Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Pacific Grove. California 93950 Abstract. Stochastic analysis was applied to observa- tions of spontaneous behavior in the carnivorous mol- lusc Melibe leonina. Six behaviors were defined that could be easily recognized on inspection and it was found that transitions between each of these behaviors could be fully described by a first-order random process without memory of past behavioral choices. The behav- iors are organized by frequency of transition into two modes, a feeding mode and a resting mode. Transitions within modes are more likely than transitions between modes, and the feeding and resting modes are linked by a preferred pair of behavioral transitions. The amount of time spent in the feeding mode is positively correlated with body size, but the average length of a feeding epi- sode is independent of size. This suggests that body size regulates the probability of entry into feeding behavior but does not influence the basic pattern of feeding. In the presence of food the animals express nearly continuous feeding behavior, suggesting that food reduces the prob- ability of exiting the feeding mode. This model of spon- taneous behavior in Melibe is used to form hypotheses amenable to further exploration through neurophysio- logical experiments. Introduction Analysis of animal behavior provides the background necessary for studies of the underlying neural circuitry and circuit function. Such analysis sometimes permits Received 2 December 1996; accepted 28 February 1997. 'resent address: Dept. of Zoology. University of Washington. Seat- tle, W'V i address: Dept. of Neurobiology. Bryan Research Bldg., Duke i n rsity Medical Center, Durham, NC 277 10. 3 Auti horn correspondence should be addressed. useful predictions to be made about specific properties of the underlying neural networks — for example, the extent to which stochastic processes in the nervous system in- fluence the ordering of behaviors in a sequence (Heili- genberg, 1973). Molluscs have been used to advantage by neuroethologists because the relatively limited behav- ioral repertoires and accessible nervous systems of these animals permit investigation of synaptic connections be- tween identified neurons (Davis et a!., 1974: Kandel. 1976; Gelperin, 1983; Willows, 1985: Getting, 1989). Most studies have concentrated on reflex or conditioned responses evoked by stimuli presented in defined pat- terns, an approach that simplifies the design of electro- physiological experiments. Important generalizations about the organization of small neural networks have emerged from such studies, including the idea that ani- mal behaviors are organized in hierarchies of succes- sively more dominant or more strongly commanded re- sponses (Tinbergen, 1951: Davis el al.. 1977; Getting, 1989). Concentration on evoked and conditioned behavior ignores, however, the phenomenon of unstimulated be- havioral choice (Lorenz. 1 98 1 ). We recorded the tempo- ral sequence of behaviors in the nudibranch Melibe leo- nina as it evolved spontaneously in the absence of overt stimulation, then used standard techniques of random- process analysis to model this behavioral sequence (Chatfield and Lemon, 1970). Our results lead to several conclusions. (1) In the absence of overt stimuli, the choice of behavior is well described by a first-order ran- dom process. (2) Consideration of the transition proba- bilities of this process indicates that spontaneous behav- iors in Melibe fall into two behavioral modes. (3) There is a preferred transition that links the behavioral modes. (4) The presence of strong stimuli such as food organisms influences the individual transition probabilities. Fi- 41S BEHAVIORAL MODES IN MELIBE LEON1NA 419 nally. (5) physiological parameters, such as body size, also influence behavioral transition probabilities. Mclibe is well suited to this study. We were able to define a set of six canonical behaviors that are easily rec- ognized on inspection. Transitions between these behav- iors were infrequent and could be adequately scored by making observations at 15-min intervals. This permitted us to examine behavioral transitions over an extended time period and to perform replicate sets of observations. Furthermore, the Mclibe central nervous system is suit- able for microelectrode and optical recording methods for monitoring cellular activity in identified neurons in restrained whole animal preparations (Willows, 1973; Cohen et a/.. 1991). This provides the opportunity to study mechanisms of spontaneous behavioral expression at the level of neural networks. Materials and Methods Melibe leonina, a carnivorous nudibranch of the fam- ily Tethyidae, is distinguished by an extended oral veil used in prey capture (Agersborg, 1923). Two groups of 10 animals were studied between 1 and 29 May. Adult specimens weighing 40-250 g were collected from the Macrocystis kelp forest in Monterey Bay, California. The animals were held in 45-liter tanks supplied with contin- uously flowing sand-filtered seawater for 2-28 days be- fore observations were begun. Changes in motivation were minimized by allowing the animals to acclimate to the experimental tanks and by simulating a natural envi- ronment. No correlation was found between the number of days in captivity and the behavioral pattern. For ob- servation, animals were placed in five identical 17-liter acrylic plastic tanks provided with flowing sand-filtered seawater and a frond of kelp. The tanks rested on sea tables in a roofed aquarium building where they were protected from direct sun and rain but exposed to natu- ral cycles of light and temperature. Methylene blue dye was injected into the first right ceratum of one animal of the two animals in each tank to facilitate identification. The animals were fed every other day at the same time with the same amount of their natural food, live mysid shrimp collected from the wild. The animals were other- wise left undisturbed for eight days of observation, which included four nonfeeding days from each group. We define six behaviors that occur frequently but without overlap in the absence of overt stimulation (Fig. 1 ). Together they account for greater than 90% of the activity in the observation tanks. The behaviors are dis- tinguished by characteristic body postures involving the oral hood, the rhinophore processes, and the cerata, as well as by the presence or absence of pedal locomotion. The six behaviors are as follows: ( 1 ) Feeding (F): rhyth- mic extension and contraction of the oral hood in a cast- ing motion through the water (Hurst 1968; Watson and Trimarchi, 1992). (2) Open hood (OH): full extension of the oral hood with the cerata and rhinophore processes extended. (3) "Alert'Vprocesses extended posture (AL): oral hood partially closed with the oral tentacles tucked inside, cerata and rhinophore processes extended. (4) Roaming/open hood (R/OH): OH behavior combined with pedal locomotion. (5) Roaming/processes extended (R/AL): AL behavior combined with pedal locomotion. (6) Resting (RST): locomotion absent, hood closed and held against the substrate, cerata contracted against the sides of the body, rhinophore processes folded down. Several other behaviors occurred too infrequently for analysis. These included (1) pedal locomotion in the RST posture; (2) the "crumple" reflex, an alarm re- sponse elicited by tactile or vibratory stimuli and charac- terized by forceful contraction of most of the body wall musculature (Scott, 1990); (3) swimming; (4) egg-laying. Copulation was observed occasionally but was not scored independently because the six behaviors we fol- lowed occurred at the same frequency independent of copulation. Observations were made at 1 5-min intervals for 6 hours a day beginning between 0800 and 1 200 h. During preliminary studies, we observed behavior continuously for periods of several hours. By parsing the data into time periods of varying duration, we determined that a 15- min sample interval is adequate to capture behavioral transitions. Observations from one nonfeeding day for the 10 animals in group 1 are tabulated in Figure 2. It is apparent that behavior changes infrequently and that individuals tend to perform the same behavior over sev- eral time points. On feeding days the animals spent about 80% of their time performing feeding behavior (F), indicating that the presence of prey organisms has a pow- erful influence on behavioral choice (Watson and Tri- marchi, 1992; Watson and Chester, 1993). Analysis was limited to nonfeeding days in order to include a more diverse range of behaviors and to obtain observations un- der relatively constant physiological conditions. Results The frequency of occurrence of each of the 36 possible behavioral transitions, including consecutive occur- rences of the same behavior, was tallied by observing be- havior at 1 5-min intervals. The data are expressed in Ta- ble I as transition probabilities for each of two replicate, 4-day experiments. The sum of the transition probabili- ties from a given starting behavior is normalized to 1.0. The predominance of certain one-step transition proba- bilities over others suggests that the six behaviors can be grouped into two distinct behavior modes (Fig. 3). Be- haviors F, OH, and R/OH form the feeding mode, while 420 A. E. SCHIVELL ET AL Figure I. Body postures during six behaviors: (A) Open hood (OH) and roaming/open hood (R/OH) behaviors. (B) Resting (RST) behavior. (C) Feeding (F) behavior. (D) "AlerT/processes extended ( AL) and roaming/alert (R/AL) behaviors. behaviors RST, AL, and R/AL form the resting mode. This grouping of behaviors is based on the observation that transitions among mode elements occur much more frequently than transitions to behaviors outside of the mode. The frequencies of intermode transitions are listed in Table II. This qualitative observation is borne out by calculating between-mode transition frequencies for all possible ways of grouping the six behaviors into two modes. The correct mode structure will give fewer between-mode transitions than any other grouping. There are 25 ways to structure two modes: 10 in which each mode contains three behaviors, and 1 5 in which one mode contains two behaviors and the other contains four. For data set 1, the number of between-mode tran- sitions for the mode structure proposed in Figure 3 was 145, whereas between-mode transitions for the other possible groupings ranged from 267 to 389. This sup- ports the behavioral relationships diagrammed in Figure 3. According to this analysis, animals stay in one mode for an average of 1 hour and 1 1 minutes (5. 2 observation intervals) before switching to the other. Transitions between modes occur most frequently be- tween behaviors OH and AL in either direction. The OH to AL transition accounts for 35% of all transitions from THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991. 0900-1500 hrs Interval « . 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 11 U IS 16 17 IB] w 20 21 22 21 24j 25, 1A R/OH f F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 41 OH OH f F OH R/OH F OH OH AL OH OH F F OH OH OH OH ! OH OH AL OH OH OH i F u R/OH F AL R/AL RST AL R/AL RST RST R/OH AL OH AL OH OH OH R/OH RST OH R/ALj RST RST RST RST | R/OH 2B RST R/OH OH R/AL AL AL R/AL AL CR ! RST RSt R/AL RST RST RST R/AL CR AL RST RST i AL RST RST RST R/AL M RST OH R/ALl OH OH OH OH OH OH OH ( OH OH OH OH OH OH RST OH R/OHl OH OH R/OHI F OH F M RST RST RST RST AL AL R/AL AL AL AL AL AL R/AL R/AL AL R/AL R/AL AL R/AL AL AL R/AL R/AL R/OH R/AL 4A R/OH RST OH RST R/OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH AL OH OH i AL AL AL OH AL AL S AL OH OH 11 RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST RST AL ' RST RST RST RST RST SA F F IR/OH R/OH RST R/AL RST R/AL OH OH R/OH RST R/OH AL R/OH| R/AL OH R/OH R/AL AL ! RST RST OH R/OH RST SB RST RST RST AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL R/AL AL R/AL RST AL AL R/AL R/AL RST Figure 2. Sample data set from one full day of observations. Observations of each of 10 animals were made at 15-min intervals for 6 h. The duration of a behavior in continuous intervals is referred to as its dwell time. An example of a seven-interval dwell time in the open hood (OH) behavior can be seen in animal 4A from intervals six to twelve. Abbreviations: Feeding (F), open hood (OH), "Alert"/processes extended posture (AL), roaming/open hood (R/OH), roaming/processes extended (R/AL). resting (RST). crumple (CR), and swimming(S). BEHAVIORAL MODES IN MELIBE LEON1NA Table 1 Transition probabilities between all behaviors for both sets of data 421 Table II Transition probabilities within and between modes SET1 Ending behavior Starting behavior F OH R/OH AL R/AL RST F 0.597 0.223 0.095 0.038 0.019 0.028 OH O.I S3 0.486 O.I 15 0.101 0.014 0.101 R/OH 0.299 0.253 0.218 0.080 0. 1 5 1 0.226 AL 0.041 0.142 0.027 0.473 0.122 0.196 R/AL 0.085 0.149 0.085 0.298 0.149 0.234 RST 0.040 0.081 0.054 0.117 0.054 0.664 SET 2 Ending behavior Starting behavior F OH R/OH AL R/AL RST F 0.459 0.208 0.138 0.101 0.075 0.0 1 9 OH 0.188 0.370 0.087 0.268 0.043 0.043 R/OH 0.293 0.200 0.227 0.093 0.120 0.067 AL 0.065 0.094 0.039 0.526 0.101 0.175 R/AL 0.135 0.122 0.135 0.446 0.122 0.041 RST 0.005 0.020 0.010 0.256 0.054 0.655 Each row of probabilities totals 1. 00. Probabilities for transitions oc- curring within a behavioral mode are given in boldface. the feeding to the resting mode, and the AL to OH tran- sition accounts for 30%' of transitions from the resting to the feeding mode. None of the 16 other possible be- tween-mode transitions accounted for more than 1 5% of the transitions in either direction. Individual variability The time spent in each behavior varied a great deal between individual animals. As a measure of this vari- FEEDING MODE OH it AL ^ R/OH > R/AL RESTING MODE RST Figure 3. Feeding and resting modes. Arrows indicate the 10 most frequent transitions between different states. The mode structure min- imizes intermode transitions: all other possible mode arrangements were considered (see text). Probability that the next transition is to: Feeding mode Resting mode Starting from: Feeding mode 0.79 0.21 Resting mode 0.18 0.82 ability, we calculated coefficients of variation (CV) for the number of transitions from a behavior back to itself (i.e.. F -* F) using the second set of 10 animals. The CV ranged from 64% to 1 57%. Some of the variability can be linked to a physiological correlate. For example, we found that body weight and time spent in the feeding mode are positively correlated (r = 0.87; Fig. 4). An 80-g individual spent 10% of the time in the feeding mode as compared to 80% for a 250-g animal. A similar correla- tion exists between size and time spent in the feeding (F) behavior within the feeding mode. The 250-g animal spent 58% of the total time in F, but the 80-g animal did not exhibit this behavior at all. This bias on both inter- and intramodal transition probabilities may reflect a difference in the nutritional needs of small vs. large ani- mals and is worthy of further study. We did not find a correlation between body size and average dwell time in the F behavior in the absence of food organisms. This suggests that large animals enter feeding behavior more often than small ones, but that the duration of feeding episodes is about the same once feeding begins. Although body size has little effect on feeding dwell time, this pa- o 100 o 03 C ^ o (a -* b) * P(b -+ c), where a, b, and c represent any of the six canonical behaviors. Behavioral observations from the 10 individuals in each data set were pooled and used to tabulate the probability of occurrence of each of the 2 16 possible two-step behavioral transitions. Transi- tions from four of the six possible starting behaviors oc- curred frequently enough to permit this extensive analy- sis (F, OH, AL, and RST). The expected and observed probabilities were placed in 6 X 6 matrices for compari- son. The matrices for starting behavior a = AL from data set 2 are tabulated and plotted in Figure 5. The expected and observed three-dimensional plots of behavioral fre- quency show peaks and valleys at the same positions and with approximately the same amplitudes. We attempted to test the significance of differences be- tween the expected and observed 6x6 matrices by cal- culating chi-square values. When the two data sets were treated separately, chi-square scores ranged from 42.5, for set 2, starting behavior AL, to 62.9 for set 1, starting behavior F. When both sets of data were pooled, chi- square scores ranged from 66.5 to 81.5. All the chi- square values were significant by standard tests using 25 degrees of freedom (P < 0.001 to P < 0.01). The chi- square statistic is known to be unreliable, however, in the case of behavior-sequence matrices with cells containing low values (Chatfield and Lemon, 1970), and the two- step transition matrices we tabubted have a number ot cells with values of 0. Also, vana. in transition rates was high among individuals (CV tor F — F as high as 1 57%), which adds to the chi-square score. The presence of this type of added uncertainty is demonstrated by the fact that higher scores result when data from two periods of observation are pooled. Instead of a chi-square test, Chatfield and Lemon (1970) suggest selecting the most frequent sequences and comparing expected and ob- served values by inspection. The plots of Figure 5 follow that principle and show that the two-step transition pre- dictions match the observations fairly well. Behavioral dwell-t'une distributions We defined behavioral dwell time as the duration of a continuous single bout of the same behavior. This is equivalent to the 'interval distribution' (Heiligenberg, 1973) or the 'hazard function' (Cox and Lewis, 1966) but differs in that exits into any other behavioral state are allowed. Dwell-time histograms for four of the six behav- iors are plotted in Figure 6. If behavioral choice is deter- mined stochastically, the distribution of dwell times will be exponential. R/OH and R/AL behaviors did not oc- cur frequently enough to permit dwell-time analysis. OH and AL dwell times were exponentially distributed. F dwell times were also exponentially distributed, with the exception of a few lengthy episodes. The presence of longer episodes has implications for the organization of the feeding neural network and suggests that the network may be modulated by stimuli such as the presence of stray food organisms or by a long-lasting effect of food presented on the previous day (Watson and Chester, 1993). The RST dwell-time histogram was best fit by the sum of two exponentials. This suggests two possibilities: first, there may be two resting states which have indepen- dent transition probabilities but are indistinguishable by observation; alternatively, the transition probabilities for exiting RST may vary with time spent in the RST behavior. Discussion These observations demonstrate that spontaneously evolving sequences of behavioral transitions in Melibe leonina are stochastic such that the probability of a given transition is independent of preceding ones. At the same time, behavior is organized by the fact that transitions between behaviors within a mode are more likely than transitions between behaviors in different modes. This creates a cul-de-sac within the transition-probability ma- trix so that one behavior pattern can only be reached by way of another. As a result, the organization is not in- consistent with hierarchical models of behavioral orga- nization like that proposed by Tinbergen (1951) since specific stimuli might move the animal into a mode in which certain behaviors are more likely than others even though the individual transition probabilities are con- stant and independent. This view is supported by evi- dence that the neural circuits underlying spontaneous behavioral choice are influenced by external cues such as the presence of prey and by physiological signals corre- lated with body size. Spontaneous behavior in Melibe demonstrates two features characteristic of a stochastic system. First, the two-step transition probabilities predicted from consid- eration of measured single-step transition frequencies closely match the two-step frequencies observed experi- mentally. This shows that behavioral transitions are in- fluenced by the starting behavior but not by previous be- haviors. Second, for three of the four behaviors for which d-Al. F OH AL R/OH R/AL RST BEHAVIORAL MODES IN MEL1BE LEON1NA EXPECTED c F OH AL R/OH R/AL RST 423 OBSERVED c 8.8 4.1 2.1 2.6 1.5 03 5.3 10.3 7.3 2.3 1.2 1.2 10.0 14.4 81.2 6.2 15.5 27 3.2 2.3 1.2 2.6 1.5 0.9 4.1 3.5 13.2 4.1 3.5 1.2 0.3 1.2 13.2 0.6 2.6 33.7 d-AL F OH AL R/OH R/AL RST F 5 4 6 0 4 1 OH 5 7 9 5 0 2 AL 10 12 96 3 12 27 R/OH 1 2 2 4 2 1 R/AL 3 2 14 3 5 1 RST 0 0 11 2 5 27 Figure 5. Top. Expected and observed two-step transitions with data from starling behavior AL (set 2). Expected numbers were calculated from single-step transition frequencies using the equation P(a -» b -» c) = P(a)P(a -» b)/J(h -» c) (see text). Bottom. 3-D plots corresponding to the expected and observed two- step transition matrices. there was sufficient data to evaluate behavioral dwell- time distributions, dwell times were distributed expo- nentially. This supports a model based on independent and unvarying transition probabilities. The dwell-time distribution for the exception, the RST behavior, was best fit by the sum of two exponentials. This result might be explained by the existence of two resting states with different average duration. We were unable to identify multiple resting states but, like sleep and quiescent be- havior in other animals, the two states may have a different neurophysiological basis while appearing iden- tical to the observer. Another possible interpretation is that the exit probability from RST decreases with time spent in the RST state, perhaps reflecting a decrease in arousal. The data are not sufficient to evaluate these pos- sibilities, but they raise questions of a general nature that might be accessible to neurophysiological investigation in Mel i be. A property that emerges from a consideration of the transition-probability matrix is that spontaneous behav- ior can be interpreted as a series of jumps between two modes named the feeding mode and the resting mode. This grouping of behaviors follows directly from the one- step transition probabilities and the observation that transits within modes are far more probable than transits between modes. It is a robust conclusion based on over 1900 observations of transitions, far more than the 360 (10 n2) required to analyze a repertoire of /; behaviors (Fagen and Young, 1978). This organization represents a way in which higher order structure can be generated by a coupled system of first-order random processes. The probability of transitions between modes did not fluctuate during 6 h observations, but this period is short relative to the life span of the animal. Preliminary data suggest that transition frequencies do change with matu- ration and that juveniles demonstrate both a different repertoire of behaviors and different frequencies of tran- sitions between the behaviors they share with adults (S.E. Gelber, pers. comm.). In addition, Watson and Trimar- chi (1992) have shown that the presence of prey organ- isms, sensed in response to chemical and tactile cues (Watson and Chester. 1993), influences feeding dwell 424 A. E. SCHIVELL ET AL o> 200 | 1 1 1— —I— — r— — i — I o> ^.u u c 1 I I 1 | 150 I F 'c | 150 1 RST 0 L. i 2! \ J2 100 • J2 100 \ o I o A £ I E V W rt \ 5 50 v o 50 A »*— o =jt n MQlSfemriEinit^ o-u =*= n 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 1 20 1 80 240 3C time (minutes) time (minutes) 0> ^3VJ C I 200 E * 150 I OH \ _w \ g 100 1 ° 50 A o =«= n h>f^__ , 60 120 time (minutes) 180 250 o 200 E (U — o E 'c D 150 100 50 0 AL 60 120 time (minutes) Figure 6. Dwell-time histograms for feeding (F), open hood (OH), resting (RST). and alert-processes extended (AL) behaviors. The OH and A L distributions are lit by exponentials (solid curve), consistent with the exit from these behaviors being random. The feeding (F) dwell-time distribution is also approximately exponential, except for outlying points that account for 1% of the data. The outlying points with long dwell times may reflect behavior driven by external stimulation. Two fits are plotted for the resting (RST) data, a single exponential (solid line) and the sum of two exponentials (dashed line). All distributions were fitted using a nonlinear least-squares method. 180 time in a fashion that is graded with the concentration of prey. A particular pair of behavioral transitions, OH<-»AL, acts as a gateway between the feeding and resting behav- ior modes. The OH and AL behaviors share features of body posture such as the positions of the rhinophores and cerata, but they different in oral hood posture. The change between behavior modes, therefore, is bridged by a relatively small postural adjustment, but it signals a long-term change in the animal's behavior pattern. A neurophysiological interpretation is that slight but mea- surable shifts in the activities of neurons involved in OH and AL behaviors car. result in a stable, lasting shift in motoi - • v.tem function. Incn a ' body size is correlated with an increase in time spent feeding, but the average dwell time of feeding episodes is independent of size. This suggests that the probability of entering feeding behavior increases with body size. Conversely, it is apparent that the presence of food organisms decreases the probability of exit from feeding but does not have a clear effect on entry into feed- ing behavior. If we assume that separate entry and exit circuits govern transitions into and out of the feeding state, it should be possible to measure changes in excit- ability in those circuits that correspond to the behavioral observations. One simple and testable prediction is that body size modulates the entry circuit, while the presence of food modulates the exit circuit. Modulation of the exit circuit by food could confer competitive advantage by maximizing foraging efficiency in the face of a variable BEHAVIORAL MODES IN MEL1BE LEON1NA 425 food supply. Such shifts in behavioral transition proba- bilities might be mediated by neuromodulatory or hor- monal effects that cause a dynamic restructuring of neu- ral networks by influencing either postsynaptic excitabil- ity or the amplitudes of synaptic potentials (Getting, 1989;Katzrtfl/.. 1994). Neuronal circuits that mediate behavior in Melibe can be studied with intracellular recording in a whole-animal preparation using techniques pioneered by Willows (1973) and Getting (1981). Using this preparation, we have made progress in elucidating the networks involved in swimming locomotion and feeding movements of the oral hood; Cohen et al. (1991) have succeeded in using optical imaging techniques to monitor activity simulta- neously in dozens of neurons in the Melibe buccal gan- glion. Neurophysiological methods are available, there- fore, to study changes in neuronal function that are cor- related with behavioral choice. The behavioral model developed here provides a framework for the interpreta- tion of physiological experiments. Acknowledgments We thank Russ Fernald for comments and R.C. Rao for original artwork. We also thank the staff of the Hop- kins Marine Station. Supported by NSF grant 9021217 (S.H.T) and the Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research (S.S.-H.W.). Literature Cited Agersborg, H. P. K. 1923. The morphology of the nudibranchiate mollusc Melibe (syn. Chioraera leonina (Gould.)). Q J Microsc. Sa. 67: 508-592. Chatfield, C., and R. E. Lemon. 1970. Analysing sequences of behav- ioral events. J. Thtvr. Biol. 29: 427-445. Cohen, L. B., W. Watson, J. Trimarchi, C. X. Falk, and J.-Y. Wu. 1991 . Optical measurement of activity in the Melibe leonina buc- cal ganglion. Sue. Nenrosci. Abslr. 17: 1593. Cox, D. R., and P. A. Lewis. 1996. 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ZAMER1 ^Department of Biology, Lake Forest College, 555 N. Sheridan Rci, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045: and ^Center of Marine Biotechnology. University of Mary/and Biotechnology Institute, Suite 236 Columbus Center, 701 E. Pratt St., Baltimore. Man-land 21202 Abstract. We have explored physiological variability among clonal genotypes from a single population of the sea anemone Haliplanella lineata located at Indian Field Creek, Virginia. Information about the correlation be- tween physiological variability and genetic differences may provide a foundation for a mechanistic understand- ing of the breadth of adaptation of individual genotypes (i.e., the nature of "general purpose genotypes") and of the concept of localized adaptation in clonal anemones. Anemones from three clones (A, B, C) were fed mea- sured rations of adult Anemia, after which growth, ab- sorption efficiency, and net growth efficiency were deter- mined. Biochemical constituents were measured in the tissue of this group of anemones as well as in the tissue of anemones from the same clones that had fed ad libitum on Anemia nauplii. Anemones from the different clones did not differ significantly in growth, or gravimetric ab- sorption or growth efficiencies, but significant differences were found in biochemical composition. Regardless of feeding regime and diet composition, clone B anemones consistently had lower tissue averages of triacylglycerols, fatty acids, sterol and wax esters, glycerol ethers, and car- bohydrates than did clone A and clone C anemoi.es. As a result of differences in the carbohydrate and lipid con- stituents, the energetic content of tissues from clone B anemones that had been fed rations was significantly lower than the energetic content of tissues of anemones from clone C. This clonal pattern in biochemical com- position and energetic content may be due to differences Recc . ! ?9 August 1996: accepted 12 April 1997. in substrate absorption among anemones from the different clones, to differences in metabolic rate, or to a combination of both. Because anemones from this pop- ulation may encyst in mucus and stop feeding when wa- ter temperatures are less than 10°C, the genotypic differ- ences in storage lipids and carbohydrate may have im- plications for the winter survivorship of clone B anemones in this population. Introduction Many species of sea anemones reproduce asexually, resulting in the production of genetically identical indi- viduals in natural populations. Local populations may consist of a single clone (e.g., the actinian Haliplanella lineata: Shick, 1976; Shick and Lamb. 1977), or they may be composed of many clones and approach the ge- netic diversity expected for a sexually outcrossing pop- ulation (see Shick, 1 99 1 . pp. 270-277). Such differences in population genetic structure may have multiple causes. For example, monoclonal populations may re- sult from genetic founder effects (i.e.. settlement of a single adult or planula larva, followed by asexual prolif- eration), followed by competitive exclusion of other clonal genotypes (Ayre, 1982, 1983, 1995; Hoffmann, 1986). Alternatively, monoclonal populations could re- sult from the settlement of multiple genotypes, followed by differential selection leading to the elimination of all but one highly locally adapted genotype (see Ayre, 1985, 1995). Multiclonal populations could result from the asexual proliferation of multiple genotypes that have the same relative fitness, although formal tests of 426 CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 427 fitness differences among clonal genotypes are rare (Ayre, 1995). On theoretical grounds, asexual reproduction may be viewed as a means of preserving and increasing the size of locally adapted multiple-locus (i.e.. clonal) genotypes (Williams, 1975), and a number of researchers have pro- vided evidence consistent with this theoretical prediction of local adaptation (see especially, Ayre, 1985, 1995). However, the functional basis for such local adaptation has not been explored. Indeed, Shick (1991) points out that studies yielding evidence of local adaptation have not tested whether locally adapted clones exist in any other localities, i.e.. the extent to which any single clone is a broadly adapted, "general purpose genotype" (Shick. 1976; Shick and Lamb, 1977). Although the ecological physiology of sea anemones is rather well-studied (cf. Shick, 1991), there have been surprisingly few investigations of physiological variation among clonal genotypes present in individual popula- tions or individual habitats within populations of asexu- ally reproducing anemones (e.g., Shick and Dowse, 1985). Such information could provide the initial basis fora mechanistic understanding of localized adaptation, and for determining whether natural selection or genetic founder effect is more important to the genetic structure of these populations. Of particular note in this context is a study by Shick and Dowse (1985), who concluded, on the basis of an examination of literature data on sea anemones, that intraclonal variance in a variety of phys- iological measurements is smaller than interclonal vari- ance in these traits, and that the variance for some traits could be explained largely by clonal identity. Thus they provided strong evidence of genetically correlated per- formance variability. However, much of their work fo- cused on comparisons of variances between geographi- cally separated monoclonal and multiclonal populations of the same species, or between genetically diverse popu- lations of one species and monoclonal populations of an- other species. Although many studies have persuasively shown that localized adaptation of clones occurs (e.g., Ayre 1985, 1995;Sebens. 1981; Zamer and Shick, 1989), such comparisons reflect the fact that few studies have directly examined physiological variation among clonal genotypes collected from a single population or habitat, and maintained under the same environmental condi- tions so as to remove acclimation effects on perfor- mance. Some field-based studies have provided limited evi- dence for physiological variation among clonal geno- types within and between populations. For example, Jennison (1979) interpreted differences in tissue lipid among clones of the anemone Anthopleura elegant is- sima to be the result of either genetically encoded differences in lipid metabolism or micro-environmen- tal differences in food availability between clones at a single field site. Differences in reproductive characteris- tics between high- and low-intertidal clones of A. ele- gantissima were attributed to higher temperatures in the upper intertidal (Sebens, 1981), the likeliest expla- nation, but the possibility remains that these clones were genetically adapted to the different habitats in this single population. More persuasive evidence of localized genetic adapta- tion among anemone clones comes from controlled ex- perimental studies. When acclimated to common condi- tions, high-intertidal clones of A. elegantissima exhibit different physiological energetic characteristics (e.g., ab- sorption efficiency, net growth efficiency) than low-inter- tidal clones of this anemone; these results were inter- preted to mean that adaptive, genetic divergence of the clones had occurred in response to low food availability in the upper intertidal zone (Zamer, 1986; Zamer and Shick, 1987, 1989). Ayre (1985) showed that local clones of the anemone Actinia tenebrosa had greater capacities for asexual reproduction than did transplanted foreign clones; he concluded that highly localized adaptation of the clones had occurred in colonies of the anemone that were only 2-4 km apart. And Shick el al. (1979) trans- planted clones of the anemone H. lineata from a Rhode Island population to a Maine population site and ob- served 100% mortality of the transplants. These investi- gators also interpreted their results to mean that the sep- arate populations were genetically distinct and contained locally adapted clones. However, little information about functional diversity among clones within any sin- gle habitat or population is available from the aforemen- tioned studies. More recently, variation in performance traits among clones has been explored in polyps of the jellyfish Aiirelici anrita (Keen and Gong, 1989), in the corallimorpharian Corynactis califomica (Chadwick and Adams, 1991), and in the anemone A. elegantissima (Tsuchida and Potts, 1994). Genetic variation in growth among individual organ- isms has been examined generally by two approaches. The first, quantitative genetics, statistically partitions phenotypic variance among relatives (e.g., parents, off- spring, half-siblings) into genetic and environmental components (Falconer, 1989). This approach has suc- cessfully documented significant genetic variation and genotype-environment interactions in growth in a num- ber of shellfish species (Jones el al., 1996; Rawson and Hilbish, 1991). Such studies cannot, however, address the physiological mechanisms underlying genetic varia- tion in growth (cf. Clark, 1990; Koehn, 199 1 ), and there- fore cannot provide relevant information about the mechanisms of localized adaptation among clones of sea anemones. The second approach is physiological energetics. 428 M. G. McMANUS ET AL which focuses on performance traits that constitute the energy and materials budgets of an organism (e.g., Hil- bish and Koehn, 1985; Hawkins et ai. 1986; Zamer and Shick, 1987; 1989; Koehn and Bayne, 1989; Present and Conover. 1992). We have taken this approach to exam- ine physiological variation among clonal genotypes in the eurytolerant sea anemone //. lineala collected from a single population. The present paper focuses on growth and on the biochemical content of the tissue. The bal- anced energy equation ( Winberg, 1 956) has been used as a conceptual framework in examining variation in or- ganismal performance. Bayne and Newell (1983) ex- pressed the equation as Pg+Pr= C-AE-(R,,, + R,) where Pg is somatic production (growth), /Vis reproduc- tive production (gametes), C is energy consumed, AE is the efficiency with which consumed energy is absorbed, R,,, is the metabolic cost of body maintenance, and R, includes all other metabolic costs (Koehn and Bayne, 1989). Variation in growth among individuals can origi- nate from differences in the components of the balanced energy equation, such as metabolic costs, consumption, and absorption efficiency (Koehn and Bayne, 1989; Pres- ent and Conover, 1992). Ha/ip/anel/a lineata is a widely distributed, colonizing species, which in natural populations rapidly increases in numbers by asexual reproduction and may disappear from an area suddenly (Shick, 1976). Although this spe- cies is extremely euryhaline and eurythermal (Shick. 1976), sudden disappearances have been attributed to the existence of one or only a few clonal genotypes in populations and to environmental factors that exceed ge- netically based tolerance limits (Shick, 1976; Shick etai, 1979). Although sexually reproducing populations occur in Japan (Fukui, 1991), North American and laboratory populations of H. lineala reproduce only asexually, mainly by longitudinal fission (Johnson and Shick, 1977; Minasian, 1979), and the species can be classified as an agametic, cloning anemone (Hughes, 1989; Carvalho, 1994). A physiological advantage of studying anemones that reproduce exclusively by asexual fission is that sexual re- production (Pr) is eliminated from consideration of en- ergy balance, simplifying the analysis. The animal is eas- ily cultured in the laboratory, and the rate of longitudinal fission may be increased by maintaining the anemones at relatively high temperatures (Minasian, 1; Minasian and Mariscal, 1979; Zamer and Mangum, 1979), so that large numbers of genetically identical clonemates are ob- tained easily. It is this latter feature, and the eurytolerant nature of the animal, that affords an ecophysiological and gene ; advantage, in that clonemates may be stud- ied at a variety of relevant environmental conditions. Using this approach we can replicate our physiological measurements on genetically identical individuals. Eventually, to better understand localized adaptation in this species, we can study the physiological characteris- tics of clonal genotypes from separate populations. We will also be able to partition physiological variation in H lineata into genetic (comparisons among anemones from different clones) and nongenetic (comparisons within each clone) components (Shick and Dowse, 1985; Vrijenhoek, 1994). In this study genetic variation in growth was examined in anemones from different clones, all of which were fed similar, measured food rations, thereby eliminating con- sumption differences in the energy balance equation as a source of variation in growth. In terms of physiological energetics we asked: Do growth, absorption efficiency, and growth efficiency differ among anemones from different clones? Because genetic variation in physiolog- ical energetics has been associated with differences in lipid and protein metabolism in some organisms (Me- drano and Gall, 1976a, b; Hawkins et ai, 1986), we ex- amined the biochemical composition of the ration-fed anemones from the different clones. Finally, we mea- sured the biochemical composition of tissues from anemones that were fed Anemia nauplii to test whether consumption differences associated with the capture of suspended prey could affect any of the biochemical pat- terns. Materials and Methods Collection and maintenance In October 1990, individuals of H. lineata were col- lected from Indian Field Creek, a tributary of the York River in Virginia (37°16'N, 76°33' W), and shipped by air to our laboratory at Lake Forest College. Anemones were collected from tens of square meters at the site (C. P. Mangum, pers. comm.), so that this original sample was likely to have included a representative sampling of clones in this population. At the time of collection, water temperature was about 20°C (C.P. Mangum. pers. comm.). Salinity ranges from 15-18 parts per thousand (ppt) at this site (W.E.Z., pers. obs., and C.P. Mangum, pers. comm.), and surface water temperature ranges an- nually from about 5°C to 27°C (Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, 1 960. as cited in Sassaman and Mangum, 1 970). Air temperatures to which the anemones are exposed at low tide may reach 30°-32°C during the summer, and may be near freezing during the winter (C. P. Mangum, pers. comm.). Each anemone was placed in its own beaker (30 ml) containing 16 ppt seawater (Instant Ocean), held at room temperature ( 15°-25°C), and fed Anemia nauplii (San Francisco Bay brand) ad libitum every other day. CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 429 Under these conditions, most anemones underwent re- peated longitudinal fission. Fission products within indi- vidual beakers constitute a separate genetic lineage, and were eventually transferred to individual "stock" aquaria (9.5 1), where the separate lineages are currently maintained under continuous immersion in recirculat- ing filtered seawater. Other maintenance conditions are the same as stated above. Anemones from each of the aquaria were genotyped by using starch gel electrophoresis at five polymorphic loci [superoxide dismutase (SOD), isocitrate dehydroge- nase 1 (IDH 1), glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), octopine dehydrogenase (ODH), and 6-phosphogluco- nate dehydrogenase (6Pgdh)] with standard gel electro- phoresis techniques that will be described elsewhere (Zamer. unpubl. data). Based on the five polymorphic loci, five unique, multiple-locus genotypes, designated as A. B, C. D. E, and referred to hereafter as clones, were detected among the different lineages of anemones. For most of the work described below, three clones (A-C) were used. Anemones from these different clones were accli- mated in monoclonal aquaria (9.5 1) in an incubator at 1 5°C for at least 5 weeks prior to the experiments. At this temperature these anemones do not readily undergo lon- gitudinal fission, but they do grow. All acclimation and experimental conditions described in this paper included continuous immersion of the anemones. Growth experiment In 1994 we initiated a controlled growth experiment using anemones from our stock cultures. Sixty-five anemones from clones A, B, and C were selected from the stock cultures so as to minimize any size differences among the clones (Table I). Sample sizes were » = 13, 26, and 26. in clones A, B, and C, respectively (unequal sample size was due to the slow rate of fission by clone A anemones in the stock aquaria). Before weighing each anemone, adhering debris was removed, and the gastro- vascular water was removed to absorbent paper by ap- plying gentle pressure to the body wall with a small spat- ula. Anemones were allowed to attach to individual 15- ml plastic beakers, which were then floated on the sur- face of monoclonal aquaria at 15°C. Anemones were fed Anemia nauplii in the aquaria by submerging the bea- kers. From the 65 anemones, an initial group of 25 was cho- sen for calculation of dry-to-wet-mass regressions. Each anemone in this initial group (« = 5, 10, and 10 respec- tively for clones A, B, and C) was removed from its bea- ker, sliced longitudinally to release all gastrovascular wa- ter, rinsed briefly with deionized water to remove salts, and blotted. The anemones were dried at 50°C for 24 h, cooled to room temperature in a desiccator, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg. For each of the clones, the dry mass of the anemones in the initial group was regressed on their wet mass (previous paragraph). Clonal regres- sion equations were used to estimate the starting dry mass from the wet mass of the remaining individual anemones in each clone. These dry mass estimates were used in the growth experiment, and the size range of ini- tial anemones was selected to ensure that the estimates were interpolations and not extrapolations of the regres- sions (Weisburg, 1985). The 40 remaining anemones used in the growth ex- periment (hereafter called the experimental anemones) were attached to individual glass beakers that were ran- domly assigned to one of two 38-1 aquaria maintained at 15°C and filled with 24 1 of 16-ppt salt water. Anem- ones were randomly assigned to a position on the floor of each aquarium. The box filter in each aquarium was moved once a day to a different corner of the aquarium to prevent any bias in airflow and filtration. These aquaria served as experimental blocks, which mini- mized any effects of temperature heterogeneity within the incubator. Each experimental anemone received a daily ration of frozen adult Artemia (San Francisco Bay brand) for the next 10 days. For the first 2 days, the size of the ration was 6% of the estimated starting dry mass of each anem- Table I Anemone si:e (in milligrams) Clone Initial Wet Mass Initial Dry Mass (Regression-Estimated) Final Drv Mass A 13 66.1 (50. 5, 86.7) 8 10.96(7 .67, 15.67) 8 14.30(10.46 . 19.53) B 26 62.7(48, 5, 81.2) 16 8.96(6 54. 12.28) 16 11.98(9.00. 15.94) C 26 63.5(52, 1, 77.4) 16 10.46(8 ,45. 12.99) 16 14.45(1 1.51 . 18.16) The values for the size variables are the hack-transformed means with their 95"r confidence limits in parentheses. Based on analysis of variance for each \ariable. clonal identity did not have a significant effect on anemone size (initial wet mass P = 0.96. initial dry mass P = 0.56, final dry mass P= 0.46). 430 M. G. McMANUS ET AL. one. To make the we; ! it • >f the Anemia easier, the ra- tion size was ir.r j 8.5% for the remaining 8 days. Each ration w;< vJ on the oral disk of each anemone to ensure that i was ingested. On the following day, egesta produced from each anemone was removed a few hours prior to that day's feeding. The daily egesta for each anemone was rinsed with deionized water to re- move salts and stored on a weigh boat in a desiccator. Egesta obtained from individual anemones was pooled over the 10-day experiment, dried at 50°C, and then weighed. The pooled egesta mass was used in the calcu- lation of gravimetric absorption efficiency for each anemone (see below). On the day following collection of the last egesta, "blotted" wet mass (described below) and dry mass (described earlier) were determined for each of the 40 experimental anemones. Physiological energetics The relative growth (RGR) of the experimental anem- ones was calculated as: RGR = [(final dry mass — esti- mated starting dry mass) -(estimated starting dry mass)"1] X 100%. Gravimetric absorption efficiency [Ag, (g ingested - g egested)-(g ingested)"' X 100%] and net growth efficiency [A":, g growth -(g absorbed ration)"1 X 100%] were calculated as in Zamer (1986). Biochemical analyses and energetic content Tissue hydration, and protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content of tissues were measured. Tissue hydration was calculated for the initial and experimental groups of anemones as: ( blotted wet mass - dry mass) • ( blotted wet mass)'1 X 100%. Blotted wet mass (mean ± SE = 83.1 ±4.55 mg) was obtained on anemones after cutting their body walls to express gastrovascular cavity water, rinsing to remove salts, and blotting as described previously for the initial group of anemones. After the dry mass of an anemone was measured, the material was placed in a shell vial, ground with a glass rod, and stored at -70°C. Total protein and carbohy- drate was measured in samples (3. 1-8.4 mg) of oven- dried tissue sonicated in 500 /ul of deionized water. An 800-jil volume of cold 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) was added to a 200-^1 aliquot of the homogenate, the sample was kept on ice for lOmin and swirled every 5 min, then centrifuged at 4500 X g at 2°C for 30 min. The supernatant was discarded, and the tube containing the precipitated protein was inverted and drained for 1 h at room temperature. The protein was then dissolved in 1.0 ml of 10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Two 200-^1 aliquots of this protein solution were removed and each ixed with 400 n\ of 10% NaOH and 1.4 ml of de- ioni/:ecl water. Microbiuret (Itzhaki and Gill, 1964) de- terminations of protein were made on this solution. Bo- vine serum albumin is an inappropriate standard for es- timating protein content in sea anemones (Zamer et at., 1989). Protein was isolated from anemones (kept in the stock aquaria) representing all five clones, using the pro- cedures of Zamer et a/. (1989). This Haliplanella protein was dissolved in 10% NaOH and used as the standard. Total carbohydrate was isolated from the remaining 300 n\ of homogenate as described in Zamer etal. (1989) and quantified spectrophotometrically using the method of Dubois et al. (1956). The relatively mild wet biochem- ical methods that we used to isolate carbohydrate do not cleave the carbohydrate residues from glycoproteins as- sociated with collagen in anemones (Zamer el al.. 1989). Consequently, this source of structural carbohydrate was not included in our measurements of carbohydrate content of the tissues. Total lipid was extracted from 1.4-6.0 mg of oven- dried tissue by using a modified Bligh and Dyer ( 1959) technique with methylene chloride and methanol as the solvents (Carlson, 1985). Lipid class composition was measured by thin-layer chromatography/flame ioniza- tion detection (TLC/FID) on an latroscan TH- 1 0 TLC/ FID Analyzer (latron Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan). About 20 Mg of lipid from each extracted lipid sample was spotted onto activated S-III chromarods in dupli- cate in 1 -2 n\ of methylene chloride:methanol ( 1 : 1 ) for TLC/FID lipid class analysis. As controls for both lipid class retention time and FID efficiency, we included with each sample analysis two chromarods, which were spotted with a standard mixture of phosphatidyl cho- line, cholesterol, triolein, l-O-hexadecyl-2-3-dipalmi- toyl-rac-glycerol (glycerol ethers) and cholesteryl oleate in proportions similar to those found in anemone sam- ples, as determined by a preliminary analysis of the samples. Rods spotted with lipids were prefocused twice in chloroform:methanol (1:1), then developed in hex- ane:diethyl etherformic acid (85:15:0.1) for 45 min. Racks containing the chromarods were then dried at 100°C for 5 min before being scanned. Developed chromarods were scanned at 30cm-min~'. Gas flow rates for hydrogen and air were 190ml-min ' and 20 1-min"1, respectively. Peak areas for each lipid com- ponent were quantified by using a Hewlett Packard 3390A integrator. Standard curves from 0 to 20 /ug were created for phos- pholipids, sterols, fatty acids, triacylglycerols. glycerol ethers, sterol esters, and wax esters. The specific lipid used to represent each lipid class and the r value for each standard curve are as follows: phospholipids (phosphati- dyl choline), r = 0.992; sterols (cholesterol), r2 = 0.996; fatty alcohols (hexadecanol), r2 = 0.998; fatty acids (oleic acid), r2 = 0.985; triacylglycerols (triolein), r: = 0.984; glycerol ethers. ( l-O-hexadecyl-2-3-dipalmitoyl-rac-gly- cerol), ;-: = 0.992; sterol esters (cholesteryl oleate), r2 CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 431 = 0.987 and wax esters (cetyl oleate), r = 0.914. Sterol and wax esters are not resolved in the solvent system used. Periodic checks of area responses for standards in- dicated that standard errors of replicates were less than 3% of mean values in all cases. Total lipid was estimated by summing peak areas for each of the lipid classes. Anemones in the experimental group were of suffi- cient size so that enough tissue was available for protein, carbohydrate, and lipid measurements, including the six lipid classes. The masses (in milligrams) of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate in each experimental anemone were multiplied by their corresponding specific enthalpy of combustion (A,/;, kJ-g~'; Gnaiger, 1983), and the prod- ucts were summed to estimate tissue energetic content (in kilojoules) of each anemone. Anemones in the initial group, which were fed nauplii and used for estimating starting dry mass, had only enough tissue for determination of lipid class content. Therefore, in two other experimental groups (X and Y), we measured biochemical composition of tissues of anemones. These two groups of anemones were main- tained simultaneously (in this case for over 5 weeks) in a single set of five monoclonal aquaria under the same conditions of feeding, temperature, and salinity as the initial group of anemones. Anemones in groups X and Y consisted of individuals from all five clones (A, B, C, D, and E), and were attached to the surfaces of the aquaria; unlike the anemones in the initial and experimental groups, they were not confined to beakers. The initial group of anemones and anemones in groups X and Y allowed us to test for the effects of clonal identity on bio- chemical composition when H. lineata consumed sus- pended nauplii as opposed to rations of frozen adult Ar- temia. Protein, carbohydrate, and tissue hydration were measured on the group X anemones; ash content and tissue hydration were measured on group Y anemones. Ash content was determined after the dried anemone tis- sue was combusted at 500°C for 6 h in a muffle furnace. Statistical analysis Relative growth, gravimetric absorption efficiency, and gravimetric net growth efficiency of the experimen- tal anemones were analyzed with a randomized block analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Steel and Torrie, 1980). The categorical factors were block, represented by the two aquaria, and clone. Relative growth was arcsine transformed, whereas gravimetric absorption efficiency required a logit transformation (Cox and Snell, 1992) to meet the assumptions of the analysis. Gravimetric net growth efficiency did not require any transformation. Based on regression analysis, these three physiological energetic traits did not vary with body size. Tissue hydration (percent) was measured on anemo- nes from all four data sets: initial, experimental, and groups X and Y. The analysis of tissue hydration for the experimental anemones followed the randomized block design. Tissue hydration was examined by using an anal- ysis of covariance ( ANCOVA) for anemones in the other three data sets because significant regression slopes showed size-dependence, which was not the case for the experimental group. Tissue hydration in all cases was arcsine transformed, and the covariate, dry mass of the anemones, was transformed using natural logarithms. All the biochemical variables (protein, carbohydrate, total lipid, and the six lipid classes) were initially ex- pressed as proportions of the dry mass of tissue samples. These biochemical variables were "scaled up" (and ex- pressed in milligrams) by multiplying the proportions by the dry mass of each anemone. The estimate of ash was made from an entire anemone, not from a tissue sample, so "scaling up" of that variable (milligrams of ash) was not needed. All the biochemical response variables, ash and anemone dry mass were transformed using natural logs. Next, to acknowledge Lie metabolic relationships and potential covariance among similar dependent variables (e.g., protein, carbohydrate, and lipid in tis- sues of experimental anemones), all of which had dry mass as a covariate, we grouped such variables and ini- tially analyzed them with a multivariate analysis of Co- variance (MANCOVA; Huitema, 1980). This set of analyses also guards against over-interpretation of only a series of univariate analyses for these same variables. We used MANCOVA to analyze the effect of clone on protein, carbohydrate, and total lipid in experimental anemone tissue; the effect of clone on the six lipid classes in tissues of initial and experimental anemones; and the effect of clone on protein and carbohydrate content in tissues of group X anemones. When a MAN- COVA resulted in a significant effect of clone on the group of dependent variables being analyzed, we pro- ceeded with a series of ANCOVA, in which the effect of clone was examined for individual dependent variables having dry mass as covariate. Block and clone were the categorical variables for the experimental group of anemones for all these analyses. Clone was the only cat- egorical variable for the other data sets (initial group, and groups X and Y) in all of these analyses. The energetic contents of the experimental anemones were size-dependent, so they were analyzed with an AN- COVA. Block and clone were the categorical variables, and the natural log of dry mass was the covariate. No transformation was necessary for energetic content. When ANOVA or ANCOVA resulted in a significant effect of clone on a dependent variable, we employed un- planned multiple comparison procedures (Day and Quinn, 1989). For the ANOVAs, all pairwise compari- 432 M. G. McMANUS ET AL. sons of means were made with the Tukey-Kramer pro- cedure, which adjusts for unequal sample sizes (Day and Quinn, 1989). In the case of significant clonal effects from ANCOVAs, the Bryant-Paulson-Tukey (BPT) pro- cedure was used to compare the size-adjusted means (Huitema. 1980). The BPT procedure takes into account that these size-adjusted means are not statistically inde- pendent due to the use of a pooled regression slope (Day and Quinn, 1989). The relationship between the amount of water in the anemones (measured as the difference between blotted wet mass and dry mass; in milligrams) and the amount of total lipid (in milligrams) in the experimental and initial anemones was examined by partial correlation analysis, which measures the correlation between this pair of vari- ables, keeping anemone body size constant (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). In the tables, the clonal means are presented with their 95% confidence limits (CL), and in the graphs, the clonal means are presented with their 95% confidence intervals (CI). For the size-independent variables (physiological energetic traits and tissue hydration of experimental anemones), their transformed means and standard er- rors were used to calculate the 95%. CL, the means and 95% CL were back-transformed, and these values are re- ported here (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981, p. 419). The un- transformed means for gravimetric absorption efficiency are presented. For the size-dependent variables (tissue hydration for the initial, X, and Y groups of anemones, and all the biochemical data) transformed, size-adjusted means, and their size-adjusted standard errors (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981, p. 525) were used to calculate 95% CL, and both means and confidence limits were then back- transformed. We present these back-transformed values of means and confidence intervals. The significant differences from the unplanned multiple comparison procedures, Tukey-Kramer or BPT, are indicated on the graphs, where different lowercase letters indicate signifi- cantly different clonal means. Results Physiological energetics Our comparison of the physiological energetics of the anemones from the different clones revealed substantial intraclonal variation. Average relative growth for the ra- tion-fed anemones was 35% (Fig. 1), and the effect of clone was not significant (F; ih = 1 .3, P = 0.29). The ini- tial dry mass and final dry mass averages did not differ significantly among the clones (F2 37 = 0.60, P = 0.56, F2 ,:„, = 0.80, P = 0.46, respectively; Table I). Nor was there a significant effect of clone on gravimetric absorp- tion efficiency (F2.26 = 0.36, P = 0.70), for which clonal averages ranged between 92.7% and 93.5%. The clonal 45 r 40 | 35 o O o> •| 30 2 01 25 20 Clone Figure I. Relative growth, expressed as a percentage of the esti- mated initial dry mass, of the experimental anemones fed frozen adult Anemia rations. The filled squares are the clonal. back-transformed means, and the vertical bars are 95% confidence intervals (CI). The clonal sample sizes were nA = 8, >IB = 16. and «c = 16. Growth did not vary among the clones (P = 0.29). pattern in net growth efficiency (A"2) was similar to that for relative growth. Clonal averages for A": were 40.4%, 43.8%, and 51.3% for clones A, B, and C, respectively. There was no significant effect of clone on A"2 (F2 2(, = 1 .9, F-=0.16). Tissue hydration and lipid content At the biochemical level of organization, interclonal variation was frequently greater than intraclonal varia- tion. Clonal genotype significantly affected biochemical content in the experimental anemones, as revealed by a MANCOVA in which carbohydrate, protein, and lipid values were analyzed collectively (Wilks' A = 0.33, F6..,2 = 7.6, P< 0.001). Tissue hydration differed significantly among clones of the experimental anemones (F2 v, = 15.2. P < 0.001), with those from clone B having the highest average (Fig. 2 A). The effect of clone accounted for 43% of the varia- tion in tissue hydration. For the initial group, anemones from the three clones also differed significantly in tissue hydration (F2.2| =; 14.8, P < 0.001); anemones from clone B had the highest average at 84.5% (Fig. 2B). Tissue hydration was not significantly different among the anemones from the five clones of group X (Fj u = 2.4, P = 0.07; Table II), but it was in group Y anemones (F424 A. Experimental 85 r s - •o 84 o a 83 o 82 80 CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES Table II Tissue hydration for group X and Y ancmoni'\ 433 a B Clone B. Initial 88 r 86 O 2 84 82 80 78 a a ABC Clone Figure 2. Tissue hydration. expressed as a percentage of the blotted wet mass, of the experimental ( A ) and initial ( B) anemones. Clonal aver- ages that do not share the same lowercase letter are significantly different from one another (P < 0.05). For the experimental anemones (A), the Tukey-Kramer procedure was used, and the symbols and sample sizes are as described in Figure 1. For the initial anemones (B), the Bryant- Paulson-Tukey (BPT) procedure was used, and the filled squares are the size-adjusted, back-transformed means, and the vertical bars are the 95% CI. For the initial anemones, tissue hydration was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 8.40 mg. The clonal sample sizes for the initial anemones are «A = 5. nB = 10. and /)c = 10. Clone Group X Tissue Hydration (%) Group Y Tissue Hydration (%) A 82.3(81.6,83.0) 81.8( B 82.3(81.6,83.0) 82.2( C 81.0(80.3,81.8) 81.6(80.8,82.5) D 81. 6 (80.8, 82.4) 81.5( E 82.1 (81.3,82.8) 83.1 (82.2,84.1) For each of the five clones, the sample sizes are/; = 8 in group X and n = 6 in group Y. All values are the size-adjusted, back-transformed means and their 95pr confidence limits. Tissue hydration was calcu- lated (bran anemone with an average dry mass of 8. 73 mg for group X and I 7.80 mg for group Y. = 2.8, P = 0.048; Table II). However, in group Y none of the pairwise comparisons among clonal means were significant. The amount of water and lipid (both in milligrams) in tissues of the experimental anemones showed an inverse relationship that was significant according to the partial correlation analysis (/• = -0.34; ro.o5.i5dt = -0.32). The effect of clone was significant on the amount of total lipid (F2.,j = 3.3. P = 0.05: Fig. 3A). which composed 15.5% of the dry mass, on average, of the experimental anemo- nes. On the basis of the Tukey-Kramer procedure, none of the pairwise comparisons were significant. For the ini- tial group of anemones, amounts of tissue water and total lipid were not significantly correlated (partial correlation coefficient = -0.30, r,,.,,,. 22dl- = -0.40). Also, initial anemones from the three clones were not significantly different in the amount of total lipid (F2,2, = 2.8, P = 0.08: Fig. 3B). Total lipid constituted 20.4% of the dry mass, on average, of the initial anemones. The analysis of the individual lipid classes proved more informative than the examination of total lipid. Overall, lipid class content differed significantly among clones of both the experimental anemones (Wilks' A = 0.245. Fl2,h,, = 5.10, P < 0.001) and the initial group of anemones (Wilks' X = 0.107. FI2.,2 = 5.48, P < 0.001). In general, anemones from clone B had less lipid than anemones from clones A and C. The three clones of ex- perimental anemones differed significantly in the amounts of triacylglycerols (F2 .35 = 4.3, P = 0.02; Fig. 4A), sterol esters and wax esters (F2J5 = 7.3, P = 0.002; Fig. 5A), glycerol ethers (F2.35 = 15.1, P < 0.001; Fig. 6A), and free fatty acids (F2J5 = 5.5, P = 0.009; Fig. 7A). In the initial anemones, clonal identity significantly affected levels of triacylglycerols (F2.2| = 3.9, P = 0.04; Fig. 4B), glycerol ethers (F2.2I = 8.3, P = 0.002; Fig. 6B). and free fatty acids (F2.2l = 4.3. P = 0.03; Fig. 7B). 434 A. Experiment? 2.6 2.4 J 2.2 •o a 5 2.0 o 1.8 1.6 M. G. McMANUS ET AL. A. Experimental 0.8 0.7 B Clone B. Initial 2.5 -5 2-° 5. 1.5 1.0 B Clone Figure 3. (A) Total lipid (mg)in the experimental anemones. Filled squares are size-adjusted, back-transformed means, and the vertical bars are the 95% Cl. Sample size is as described in Figure I. Total lipid was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 13.38 mg. Clonal identity significantly affected total hpid (/' = 0.05). (B) Total 111 ig) in the initial anemones. Symbols and sample size are as de- scnl i Figure 2B. Total lipid was calculated for an anemone with an averag. .!i\ mass of 8.40 mg. Clone did not significantly affect total lipid i; 8). 0> i o « 0.5 0.4 0.3 ab a B Clone B. Initial 0.9 r 0.8 g 0.6 « o _>. ™ 0.5 o S. H 0.4 0.3 0.2 ABC Clone Figure -4. Triacylglycerol (mg) in the experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Clonal averages that do not share the same lowercase letter are significantly different from one another (P < 0.05) based on the BPT procedure. (A) Symbols for the experimental anemones are as described in Figure 3A, and sample size as described in Figure 1. Triacylglycerol was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 1 3.38 mg. ( B) Symbols and sample size for the initial anemones are as described in Figure 2B. Triacylglycerol was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 8.40 mg. Clone significantly affected tnacylglycerol content in experimental (P = 0.002) and initial anemones!/3 = 0.004). CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 435 A. Experimental 0.25 0.22 "5 9 0.19 s o W 0.16 0.13 0.10 a J_ B Clone B. Initial 0.25 0.21 "5 I 0.17 UJ X to 2 5) 0.13 0.09 o.c B Clone Figure 5. Sterol esters and wax esters (mg) in the experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Symbols and sample sizes of experimental and initial anemones are as described in Figure 4. Clone significantly affected sterol and wax ester content in experimental anemones (P = 0.002). but not in initial anemones (P = 0.25). clones B and C in the initial group yielded a generalized Studentized range statistic (Qnom.\aa\) = 3.47) from the BPT procedure (Huitema, 1 980) that was not significant (Quoit) = 3.67). Among the experimental anemones, those in clone B A. Experimental 0.15 r 0.13 « 0.11 UJ 1 0.09 u o.o? 0.05 ' B Clone B. Initial 0.15 r 0.13 a E 0.11 2 0.09 "5 0 5 0.07 0.05 - 0 O3 a a On average, experimental anemones from clone B had 35.6% less triacylglycerol than anemones in clone C (Fig. 4A), and clone B anemones in the initial group had the lowest levels of triacylglycerol (Fig. 4B). However, com- parison of the average amount of triacylglycerol between Clone Figure 6. Glycerol ethers (mg) in the experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Symbols and sample sizes of experimental and initial anem- ones are as described in Figure 4. Clone significantly affected glycerol ether content in experimental (P < 0.001) and initial anemones (P = 0.002). 436 M. G. McMANUS ET AL had the lowest amount of sterol esters and wax esters, averaging 36.4% less than anemones in clone A and 22.5% less than anemones in clone C (Fig. 5A). Although the effect of clone was significant on the amount of sterol esters and wax esters in the initial group of anemones (f"2.2t = 3.8, P = 0.04; Fig. 5B), an outlier, the maximum value for sterol esters and wax esters, was identified, and dropping this value resulted in no detectable effect of clone (/V,,,= 1.5, P = 0.25). Similar patterns were found for glycerol ethers and free fatty acids in both experimental and initial anem- ones. In the experimental group of anemones, clone B anemones had at least 41% less glycerol ethers than anemones in clones A and C (Fig. 6A), and they had 36%. less free fatty acids than anemones in clone C (Fig. 7A). Among initial anemones, clone B anemones had 64% less glycerol ethers than anemones in clone A, and 45% less than anemones in clone C (Fig. 6B). And free fatty acids in initial clone B anemones were 62% less than the value in anemones in clone C (Fig. 7B). Sterol content did not vary among the clones of exper- imental anemones (F2..,5 = 0.20, P = 0.82; Fig. 8A), or among clones of the initial anemones (F22] = 2.6, P = 0.10; Fig. 8B). Similarly, there was no effect of clone on the amount of phospholipids for the experimental anemones (/•":. 35 = 0.45, P = 0.64; Fig. 9A) or the initial anemones (F2.2\ = 0.92, P = 0.4 1 ; Fig. 9B). Carbohydrate, protein, and ash contents Clones of experimental anemones differed signifi- cantly in tissue carbohydrate content (F2 33 = 27.0. P < 0.001), which constituted 6.7%. of anemone dry mass, on average (Fig. 10A). Carbohydrate, like lipid. was lowest in anemones from clone B — on average, 24% less than that of anemones in clones A and C (Fig. 10A). In group X anemones, a MANCOVA revealed significant clonal effects on protein and carbohydrate contents (Wilks' A = 0.43, F8.52 = 3.4, P < 0.001 ), and univariate analysis of carbohydrate content showed that clonal identity affected levels of this biochemical class (F4.27 = 5.0, P = 0.004; Fig. 10B). Anemones in clones A and C had higher amounts of carbohydrate than anemones in clones B, D, and E, and the latter clones had similar levels (Fig. 10B). Carbohydrate con- stituted, on average, 8.3%. of the dry massamonggroup X anemones. The clonal pattern for the amount of protein in the experimental anemones resembled that seen for relative growth, with anemones in clone A having the lowest amount and those in clone C the highest amount (Fig. 1 1 A). Like relative growth, the amount of protein in the experimental anemones showed no significant effect of clone a •',,) = 1.7..P = 0.19). Protein constituted the bulk of the anemone's dry mass, averaging 69.2%. For group X anemones, the ranking of lowest to highest amount of protein was the same as for the experimental anemones. The effect of clone was not significant on amount of pro- A. Experimental 0.19 r 0.17 •S 0.15 0 0.13 0.11 0.09 ab a B Clone B. Initial 0.2O r ~ 0.16 O> u. 0.12 0.08 0.04 ab Clone Figure 7. Free fatty acids (mg) in experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Symbols and sample sizes of experimental and initial anem- ones are as described in Figure 4. Clone significantly affected free fatty acid content in experimental (P = 0.009) and initial (P = 0.03) anemones. CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 437 A. Experimental On average, ash constituted 8.6% of the dry mass of an anemone (group Y; Table III). Clonal genotype did not U.15 affect ash content (F4.:, = 1.5, P = 0.24; Table III). The 0.14 _ A. Experimental 1.2 r "" 0.13 - 1 I 00 1 1 1 ~ 0.12 - 1.1 - 1 0.11 - •8 1 i 2 1.0 - o a i i 0.10 iii a> i o ABC £ Clone °-9 - B. Initial 0.24 - 00 i i i ABC 0.21 - Clone B. Initial 1 0.18 0.9 CO 2 I i & °'15 - i 0.8 ~ 1 i i 0.12 \ 1 3 0.7 ~ a o 1 i i i 0.09 1 1 1 "n. n n _ S- 0.6 ABC 5 ^™ (^ Clone 0.5 - Figure 8. Sterol (mg) in experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Symbols and sample sizes of experimental and initial anemones are as described in Figure 4. Clone had no significant effect on sterol content of experiments ar initial (P = 0.4 i | 1 (P - 0.82) O.IO) anemones. ABC tein in group X anemones (F4.2S = 1.2. P = 0.34; Fig. 1 IB), and protein composed, on average. 77.8% of the anemone dry mass. Clone Figure 9. Phospholipids (mg) in experimental (A) and initial (B) anemones. Symbols and sample sizes ol experimental and initial anem- ones are as described in Figure 4. Clone had no significant effect on phospholipid content of experimental (P = 0.64) or initial (P = 0.4I) anemones. 438 A. Experimental M. G. McMANUS ET AL. A. Experimental 1.ZS : 10.5 : 1.15 1 10.0 - "ai i i 9 2 1 1 I I 1 | .5 9-5 i i | O-95 C o I 8 I b i i 0.85 0.75 1 9.0 I I 0 = i i o.a — ^ ' 1 A B C ABC Clone Clone B B. Group X 1.00 r 0.95 1 1 9.0 • "3 8.5 . 7 o-90 4* - 1 ' 1 • CO 1 tm . K | O-85 g 1 1 k* a O 1 ab I 1 1 1 8.0 1 1 1 0.80 1 1 b b b 0.75 ' ' ' ' ' 7.5 1 Clone Figure 10. Carbohydrate (mg) in experimental (A) and group X anemones (B). Clonal averages that do not share the same lowercase letter are significantly different from one another based on the BPT method (P < 0.05). (A) Symbols for the experimental anemones are as described in Figure 3 A, and clonal sample sizes are HA = 8. «„ = 14, and lie = 16. Carbohydrate was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 14.37 mg. (B) The tilled squares for group X anemones are the size-adjusted, back-transformed means, and vertical bars are 95% confidence intervals. Clonal sample sizes are «A = 6, /;„ = 6, nc = 6. nD S. and iif_ = 1. Carbohydrate was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 10.47 mg. Carbohydrate content was significantly difi M : among clones of experimental anemones (/> < 0.001) and among d". •• of the group X anemones (P = 0.004). A B C D E Clone Figure II. Protein (mg) in the experimental ( Aland group X anem- ones (B). (A) Symbols for the experimental anemones are as described in Figure 3A. Clonal sample sizes are «A = 8. «B = 15, and nc = 16. Protein was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 13.96 mg. (B) Symbols for the group X anemones are as in Figure 10B. Clonal sample sizes are nA = 6. nB = 6, nc = 7, nD = 8, and >i£ = 7. Protein was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 10.45 mg. Protein was not significantly different among clones of either experimental (P = 0. 19) or group X (P = 0.34) anemones. CLONAL VARIATION IN SEA ANEMONES 439 Table III Axil ciwlcnl o] gnnip )' ancnwnc\ Clone Ash(mg) A 1.44(1.33, 1.55) B 1.51 (1.41, 1.61) C 1.46(1.36, 1.57) D 1.57(1.44, 1.72) E 1.61 (1.49, 1.75) The sample size is /; = 6 for all of the clones except clone A, where /(A = 5. All values are the size-adjusted, back-transformed means and their 95% confidence limits. Ash content was calculated for an anemone with an average dry mass of 1 7.83 mg. amount of ash in H. lineata is comparable to the 9.1% ash content in the sea anemone A. elegantissima fed Ar- temia nauplii in the laboratory (Zamer, 1986). Energetic content Tissue energetic content (in kilojoules), as calcu- lated from biochemical composition, differed signifi- cantly among the three clones of experimental anemo- nes (F: u = 5.6, P = 0.008). The average energetic content of anemones from clone B was 17% less than that of anemones from clone C (Fig. 12). Discussion We observed a consistent, significant pattern of ge- netic variation in tissue hydration, carbohydrate content, and the content of several lipid classes among clones of H. lineata. The same clonal differences oc- curred in anemones from the two feeding regimes. Com- pared to anemones from clones A and C, clone B anem- ones consistently had lower averages for the lipid and carbohydrate contents of their tissues, and higher values for tissue hydration. Similar to clone B, anemones from clones D and E had less carbohydrate in their tissues than anemones from clone A (Fig. 10B). The net result of these differences in tissue constituents was lower ener- getic content in tissues of clone B anemones. Although the similarity in clonal pattern for the tissue constituents between nauplii-fed and ration-fed anemo- nes may reflect the relatively short duration of the growth experiment (10 days of ration feedings) compared with the extended acclimation of the nauplii-fed anemones (groups X and Y; more than 5 weeks), the experimental anemones (ration fed) tended to contain less protein (69.2%) and carbohydrate (6.7%) than the anemones in group X (average protein and carbohydrate contents: 77.8% and 8.3%, respectively), which were fed ad libitum on suspensions of Anemia nauplii. Thus biochemical composition responded to the change in feeding regime during the 10-day experimental period. Changes in bio- chemical constituents in tissues of A. elegantissima also were evident after just 6 days of feeding on even smaller rations (1% of dry body mass) of adult Anemia (Zamer, 1986; Zamer and Shick, 1989), and the same trend in protein and carbohydrate content was found between groups of A. elegantissima that were fed adults and nauplii of Anemia (Zamer, 1986; Zamer and Shick, 1989). Clearly, cnidarian biochemical composition can be altered by differences in diet composition and feeding frequency (Szmant-Froelich and Pilson, 1980; Fitt and Pardy, 1981; Zamer and Shick, 1989). Yet despite this trend in biochemical content associ- ated with the different feeding regimes in our study, we observed overriding and repeatable clonal patterns in biochemical composition of the tissues of//, lineata. We cannot convincingly argue that the 10-day period of feeding on adult Anemia was sufficient time to remove a clonal pattern in biochemical content differences that could have been established by clonal differences in ten- tacular capture of suspended prey. However, the similar and rapid changes in protein and carbohydrate that oc- cur when both H lineata and A. elegantissima are switched from nauplii to ration feeding suggest that the persistent pattern of clonal differences observed under both feeding regimes is not the result of prey capture differences, but rather the result of differences in meta- -0.45 r -0.42 £ -0.39 o o u ••g -0.36 a u -0.33 -0.30 a ab Clone Figure 12. Energetic content, in kilojoules, of the experimental anemones, with symbols as described in Figure 3A. Clonal sample sizes are nA = 8, nB = 14, HC =16. Energetic content, calculated for an anem- one with an average dry mass of 14.37 mg, was significantly different among clones of the experimental anemones (P = 0.008). 440 M. G. McMANUS ET AL bolic rates or food conversion efficiencies among the sep- arate clones of H lineal a (see below). The high amounts of storage lipids and carbohydrate in anemones in clones A and C compared to anemones in clone B is the same pattern of genetic covariation in these biochemical classes that has been found in different genetic lines of Drosophila melanogaster (Clark and Keith, 1988; Clark, 1 990) and in different species of Dro- sophila (Clark and Wang, 1994). Mechanisms that may produce this covariation include genetic modulation of the activities of enzymes associated with lipid and carbo- hydrate pathways of metabolism (Clark and Keith. 1988), and such genetic modulation of metabolic path- way performance has been associated with genotypes at the glucose-phosphate isomerase locus in the anemone Metric/him senile (Zamer and Hoffmann, 1989). Alter- natively, clone B anemones may have been unable to ab- sorb energy from the digested rations as well as anemo- nes from the other two clones. Differential substrate-spe- cific absorption has been demonstrated in anemones (Zamer and Shick, 1989), and could produce differences in the biochemical and energetic content of their tissues. Low amounts of carbohydrate and lipid in tissues of clone B anemones resulted in low values for the calcu- lated energetic content of these tissues, even though anemones in clone B received the same rations as anem- ones in clones A and C. The lower energetic content of clone B anemones de- rives primarily from the lower levels of what may be con- sidered energy-storage forms of lipid: fatty acids, triacyl- glycerols, and sterol esters and wax esters. All of these lipid classes have been associated with energy storage in anemones (e.g., Pollero, 1983; Hill-Manning and Blan- quet, 1979). We know of no data concerning the turn- over of glycerol ethers in tissues of sea anemones, but given the low levels of this class of lipids in clone B anem- ones, we infer that it may also be a storage form. In contrast, sterol (with cholesterol being the principal sterol in the anemone Actinostola callosa; Bergmann el a/.. 1956) and phospholipids (often considered to be im- portant as structural or membrane classes) are not vari- able among the three anemone clones examined here. These results indicate that storage of energy in the form of lipid is somehow impaired in clone B anemones. In this context, we also note the inverse relationship between tissue water and total lipid in the experimental anemones. Small differences in tissue hydration have been reported between high- and low-intertidal individ- uals of A. elegantissima and between continuously im- mersed individuals of H. lineata and those maintained ui fluctuating immersion conditions (Shick. 1991; .In i and Shick, 1977). In both cases, anemones pe- riodic exposed to air have slightly higher tissue hy- dration. ; .' elegantissima freshly collected from upper and lower intertidal areas, a significant difference in lipid content was not observed, although high-shore speci- mens tended to have lower lipid than low-shore ones, consistent with the inverse relationship between tissue hydration and lipid content found in this study for //. lineata. Shick ( 1 99 1 ) also points out that tissue hydration may be genetically correlated, given that variance in tis- sue hydration is significantly greater in multiclonal pop- ulations of//, lineata than in monoclonal ones (Shick and Dowse, 1985). Our findings of significant differences in tissue hydration among clones of//, lineata are con- sistent with this observation. No genetic variation in tissue protein was detected among the anemones. Likewise, none was found for the flour beetle Triholium custaneuin. either in genetic lines selected for 2 1-day pupa weight or in control, unselected, genetic lines (Medrano and Gall, 1 976a). Protein content in //. lineata is less variable than carbohydrate or lipid. For the experimental anemones (n = 38), the coefficient of variation of protein was 8.3%, whereas it was 15.4% for carbohydrate and 19.1% for lipid. Although our static measurements of protein were not different among our anemone clones, genetic variation has been associated with nitrogen metabolism, protein turnover rate, and physiological energetics of the blue mussel Mytihts edulis (HilbishandKoehn, 1985; Hawkins el at.. 1986). The physiological energetic values reported here for //. lineata are within typical ranges for sea anemones (Shick, 1991), and the experimental anemones from clones A. B, and C did not differ in the traits of relative growth, absorption efficiency, and net growth efficiency, which are all expressed gravimetrically. Recently, Tsuch- ida and Potts (1994) also reported that, in two separate feeding experiments, clonal identity had no effect on weight change in A. elegantissima. Differences in absorp- tion efficiencies and net growth efficiencies have been de- tected among clones of A. elegantissima from different shore levels (Zamer. 1986), and those differences could not be erased by acclimation to common conditions. However, variation among clones within each tidal re- gime was not examined in that study. A. elegantissima had an average gravimetric absorption efficiency of 69.6% (Zamer. 1986), compared to 93% measured for//. lineata in this study. The net gravimetric growth effi- ciencies for these two species are about 45% (cf. Zamer. 1986). The relative growth reported here for //. lineata is about 15% greater than that measured in A. elegantis- sima (Zamer, 1986). but the difference is probably due to the larger rations received by H. lineata in this study (6%-8.5% of dry body mass compared to 4%-5.6% for A. elegantissima). The lack of clonal differences in these components of the energy budget does not necessarily mean that the ge- notypes of//, lineata are equivalent in their physiologi- (l()\\l \\KI\I10N IN SI A \NIMONIS 441 cal energetics. First, an examination of energetically ex- pressed absorption and net growth efficiencies, in which the energy content (rather than mass) of tissue growth, rations, and egesta are used in the calculations of these quantities, may reveal features of the physiological ener- getics of these clones that are not apparent from the pres- ent analysis of gravimetric values (cf. Zamer, 1986). The similar average body masses of anemones in all three clones examined (Table I), in combination with both the low energetic content of the tissues of clone B anemones and the similar growth rates in anemones among these clones, is circumstantial support for the hypothesis that energetic values for net growth efficiency may be more informative than the present gravimetric ones. Moreover, estimates of the biochemical content of food and egesta, which are values needed for determin- ing energetic contents of these substances, may also be used to test one hypothesis concerning the differences in biochemical and energetic content of the tissues from anemones in the three clones. If we find the biochemical composition of the egesta to be the same, regardless of clonal genotype, then we can eliminate the differential- substrate-absorption hypothesis as an explanation for differences in the biochemical content of tissue. Second, metabolic rate was not measured in the pres- ent study. If clone B anemones have a higher metabolic rate, on average, than anemones in clones A and C, then a greater proportion of the absorbed ration would be catabolized for maintenance, and consequently less en- ergy would be stored in the tissues. In comparing clone B anemones acclimated to 25°C with anemones in clone C at the same temperature, we have observed con- sistently higher rates of longitudinal fission and smaller average body mass in clone B animals (Zamer, unpubl. data). The metabolic rate in clone B anemones may be elevated owing to greater costs associated with higher fission rate at 25°C. But we do not know whether eleva- tion of metabolic rate underlies the low energetic content of clone B anemone tissues at 15°C. Genetic variation in metabolic rate, measured as oxygen con- sumption, has been detected among selected and con- trol lines of T. castanenm (Medrano and Gall. 1976b), among D. melanogaster lines selected for desiccation resistance and control lines (Hoffmann and Parsons, 1989ai 1989b), in bivalves differing in multiple-locus heterozygosity (Bayne, 1987), in common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) offspring from different families (Garland, 1 994), and among strains and populations of the deer mouse Pemmvscits manicitlalits that differed in «-chain hemoglobin genotypes (Chappell and Sny- der, 1984). Such variation in metabolic rate can be manifested as variation in maintenance efficiency, spe- cifically in the rate of protein turnover (Hawkins el a/., 1986). Our ongoing experiments are aimed at determin- ing energetically expressed values for absorption effi- ciency and growth and measuring oxygen uptake rates among anemones from our different clones. These stud- ies will yield information about the mechanisms un- derlying the present clonal differences in physiological energetic traits as well as additional data on genetically correlated physiological variation. In addition to providing these two mechanistic hypotheses, our study of the physiological variation that is associated with clonal genotype potentially has im- plications for the relative fitness of anemones from the different clones. At 1 0°C in the laboratory, individuals of //. lineata commonly encyst in mucous secretions, and in Indian Field Creek encysted and nonencysted individ- uals occur in the winter when the surface water tempera- ture is below 10°C (Sassaman and Mangum. 1970). Al- though metabolic rate is correspondingly low at this tem- perature, and is likely to be even less in encysted compared to nonencysted individuals, survivorship of encysted anemones probably depends on reserves of storage lipid and carbohydrate. During extended encyst- ment, anemones from clone B, which have less of these reserves at 15°C, may have lower survivorship than anemones in clones A and C, which have more of these reserves. The relationship between individual variation in the physiological characteristics of organisms and the variation among organisms in fitness is an essential com- ponent oforganismal performance (Rough, 1989). Acknowledgments Thanks to Mike Lynch for assistance in the lipid anal- ysis, to M. Amsler for doing the electrophoresis, and to C.P. Mangum for collecting the anemones at Indian Field Creek. This research was supported by NSF grant DCB-9057315 to W. E. Z. This is contribution No 294 from the Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute. Versions of this manuscript benefitted from comments by C. O. Deetz, A. T. Weglinski, and two anonymous reviewers. Literature Cited Ayre, D. J. 1982. Inter-genotype aggression in the solitary sea anem- one Actinia tcwhrosa. 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(June. 1997) Oxidative Stress in the Symbiotic Sea Anemone Aiptasia pulchella (Carlgren, 1943): Contribution of the Animal to Superoxide Ion Production at Elevated Temperature CALVIN M. Nil AND LEONARD MUSCATINE Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095-1606 Abstract. Production of superoxide ions within tissues of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella was de- tected using SOD-inhibitable cytochrome c reduction and quantified by SOD-inhibitable reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT). Intact aposymbiotic and sym- biotic specimens of A. pulchella produced superoxide in response to acute, sublethal thermal stress. Neither light nor inhibition of symbiont photosynthesis by (3,4-di- chlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU) affected su- peroxide production. The time course of superoxide ion production strongly resembled the time course of in- creased dark respiration by intact anemones, suggesting that the effect of elevated temperature on host mitochon- dria may account for increased superoxide production. Interestingly, freshly isolated algae (FIZ) did not release superoxide ions in response to elevated temperature, and net oxygen production decreased greatly in both intact symbiotic anemones and in FIZ within 20 minutes after temperature elevation. These results show that oxidative stress in A. pulchella is primarily an animal response, and suggest that the presence of symbiotic algae, although sufficient to cause hyperoxia, is not necessary for the ap- pearance of oxidative stress in these anemones at ele- vated temperature. Introduction Elevated temperature can adversely affect the stability of symbioses between cnidarians and symbiotic dino- flagellates and result in bleaching (Glynn, 1990). Cni- darian bleaching may be manifest as a decline in the pop- Receiveu '.July 1996; accepted 27 February 1997. ulation density of the symbiotic algae (Fisk and Done, 1985; Hoegh-Guldbergand Smith, 1989), a reduction in the amount of chlorophyll a (Coles and Jokiel, 1977; Kleppel et a/., 1989; Porter et ai, 1989; Szmant and Gassman, 1990) and accessory pigments (Kleppel et al., 1989) per alga, or both (Glynn and D'Croz, 1990; Lesser et at., 1990). While the loss of symbionts/?w se has been described at the organismic level (Gates et al., 1992; Brown el at., 1995), there are few experimental studies of the cellular or molecular mechanism of cnidarian bleaching. Oxidative stress is thought to play a role in bleaching (Lesser and Shick, 1989; Lesser et al, 1990; Shick et al.. 1991. Shick et al., 1995; Lesser, 1996). Active oxygen species may be produced within the algae and within the host in response to a combination of elevated seawater temperature and high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) or ultraviolet radiation (Lesser and Shick. 1989; Lesser et al.. 1990; Dykens et ai. 1992). Symbiotic dinoflagellates may respond by exhibiting in- creased activities of the protective enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT; Lesser and Shick, 1989; Lesser et al., 1990; Shick et ai. 1991; Malta and Trench, 1991; Shick et ai, 1995). Production of hy- droxyl radicals in the light has been detected in homoge- nates of both symbiotic and aposymbiotic anemones and in isolated symbiotic algae (Dykens el ai, 1992). Yet, the explicit source of active oxygen species in the intact sym- bioses under stress conditions is still unknown. Active oxygen species could originate from the in- teraction of molecular oxygen from symbiont photosyn- thesis and electrons from animal tissue sources (Dykens and Shick, 1982, 1984; Dykens, 1984; Dykens et ai. 444 OX1DATIVF. STRESS IN SEA ANEMONES 445 1992), or from o.\idants(O: and H:O:) produced within the algae and released to host tissues (Lesser and Shick, 1989; Lesser el a/., 1990). Lesser et al. (1990) also hy- pothesized that active oxygen species from algae may sig- nal the bleaching response in symbiotic cnidarians. Whereas the foregoing observations emphasize oxy- gen production and univalent reduction in algae, oxygen derived from the ambient medium may also undergo univalent reduction in the animal. About 4% of the total oxygen that is consumed by animal mitochondria during aerobic respiration undergoes a further univalent reduc- tion to form superoxide ion (Boveris and Cardenas, 1982), and exposure to elevated temperature increases superoxide ion production in animal mitochondria ( Burden?/ al.. 1990). In this study, we demonstrate that oxidative stress is concomitant with acute, sub-lethal thermal stress in the tropical sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella. and that at ele- vated temperature, increased superoxide production represents primarily an animal response. Materials and Methods Animal collection and maintenance The symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella (Carl- gren, 1943) was collected from reef flats near the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, Hawaii, and transported to the University of California, Los Angeles. These anemones were maintained in 1.5-liter glass bowls containing natural seawater (Redondo Beach, CA; 33%o, pH 8.3) and kept in a temperature (26° ± 1°C) and light- controlled (70 ^E/rrr/s: 12 h light/12 h dark) incubator. Anemones were fed three times weekly with freshly hatched Anemia nauplii. Unless stated otherwise, artifi- cial seawater ("FSW"; 33%o, pH 8.3, Tropic Marin) fil- tered through glass fiber niters (Whatman GF/C) was used in all experiments. All chemicals were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis. MO). Aposymbiotic anemones were generated by chilling symbiotic A. pulchella in 4°C seawater for 4 h and then maintaining them in darkness at 26° ± 1°C (Steen and Muscatine, 1987). The anemones lost about 99% of their algae within 1 week after "cold shock," but were not used in experiments until they had been maintained in dark- ness for at least 10 weeks. Aposymbiotic anemones were fed three times weekly with Anemia nauplii, but those used in the hyperoxia experiments were fed twice weekly with adult Anemia. Algae-free tissue homogenates from individual ani- mals were prepared by homogenizing a single specimen of A. pulchella in 1.0 ml FSW on ice and removing the algae by centrifugation (IEC; 500 X g) for 2 or 3 min. The supernatant containing the algae-free animal tissue homogenate was decanted, brought to a final volume of 2.0 ml with FSW, and kept on ice briefly until needed. A 0.2-ml aliquot of the homogenate was removed for mea- surement of soluble protein. Freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates (FIZ; Sym- biodinium pulchronim. Banaszak et al., 1993) were pre- pared by homogenizing an anemone in 2 ml FSW and then centrifuging this homogenate at 500 X g for 2- 3 min. The supernatant was discarded, and the algal pel- let was washed by suspension and centrifugation up to five times until it was free of nearly all animal contami- nation. Samples were then taken for algal cell counts. Assay for superoxide ions in intact host tissues by NBT reduction Superoxide ions were measured by the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) to its diformazan deriva- tive (formazan; Seidler. 1991: Thorn et al.. 1993). For- mazan production was quantified by a modification of the methods used by Chacon and Acosta (1991). NBT formazan was first isolated by homogenization of an in- tact anemone in 1.0 ml FSW in a glass tissue grinder. The homogenate was then centrifuged (IEC; 500 X g), and the supernatant was removed and saved for mea- surement of soluble protein. NBT formazan crystals re- mained as a thin bluish layer above the algal pellet. Pellet and formazan were then transferred to a 1.5-ml plastic microfuge tube and then extracted in 1 .0 ml of 80% or 95% ethanol at 4°C for at least 60 min to remove algal pigments that interfere with the spectrophotometric measurement of the ethanol-insoluble NBT formazan. Complete removal of algal pigments was verified by spec- trophotometric examination (between 400 and 800 nm) of the ethanolic extract. The extracted suspension was then centrifuged (Fisher microcentrifuge; 5000 X g) to pellet the ethanol-insolu- ble formazan crystals. The ethanol supernatant and re- sidual algae were then discarded and replaced by 1 .0 ml of dimethylformamide (DMF) to dissolve the formazan. Dissolution was accelerated by sonication ( Branson: four 15-s pulses at 35 W) and the absorbance of the resulting bluish solution was then measured spectrophotometri- cally at 550 nm. The concentration of formazan was then calculated from the measured absorbance and the molar extinction coefficient of the NBT formazan (« = 30,000). Results are expressed as nmol NBT formazan produced per milligram of soluble animal protein. Specificity of the NBT assay for superoxide ions Separate volumes (2.0 ml) of animal homogenate were prepared as described above. After removing 0.2 ml for soluble protein analysis, four 0.3-ml samples were used in NBT reduction experiments. These were performed in microfuge tubes ( 1.5 ml). A series of four treatments 446 C. M. Nil AND L. MUSCAT1NE was performed: samples with animal homogenate only (control); samples with Cu-Zn SOD only (from bovine erythrocytes; 50-500 U); samples with both SOD and 1 mA/diethyldiihiocarbamate (DDC), a copper chelator that inhibits SOD activity in vivo (Enger and Kensler, 1985); and samples with DDC only. DDC did not reduce NBT in control experiments. The reaction mixtures consisted of animal homoge- nate (0.3 ml), NBT dissolved in FSW (0.3 ml. to a final concentration of 10~4 A/), 1 mM DDC, and 100 U Cu- Zn SOD to a final reaction volume of 1 ml. The residual volume in treatments that omitted SOD, DDC, or both was made up with FSW (0.4 ml). Control treatments contained only animal homogenate and NBT; FSW was added to achieve the final reaction volume. The NBT was added last to the sample mixture to ini- tiate the reaction. Reaction mixtures were incubated in darkness for 60 min, including a 5-min centrifugation (5000 X g) to isolate any NBT formazan produced. For- mazan was quantified using the methods described above. The results are expressed as the percent stimula- tion or inhibition of NBT reduction (per milligram of soluble animal protein) by SOD, DDC, or both com- pared with control samples (no SOD/DDC). The effect of SOD concentration on NBT reduction in animal homogenates was investigated by adding 50 to 500 U Cu-Zn SOD to a mixture (final volume = 1 .0 ml) containing animal homogenate (0.3 ml) and NBT dissolved in FSW (0.3 ml; final NBT concentration = 10 4 A/). Cytochrome c reduction assay for superoxide production Cytochrome c reduction was used as an independent assay for superoxide production in algae-free tissue ho- mogenates of symbiotic A pnlctiella. The tissue homog- enates were prepared by homogenizing three to five sym- biotic anemones in a reaction buffer (0.5 mA/ potassium phosphate, 0. 1 mA/ EDTA. pH 7.8) and then separating the algae from the homogenate by centrifugation as de- scribed above. The soluble protein conten! of the ho- mogenate was adjusted to 5 mg/ml by dilution with re- action buffer. The homogenate was maintained briefly at room temperature until needed. The Cytochrome c re- duction assay used was modified from the method of Flohe and Otting (1984). Briefly, the reaction mixture (total volume 1.5ml) contained 0.5mA/ potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.8). 0.1 mA/ EDTA and 20 fiA-f acetylated Cytochrome c. The latter is refractory to re- duction by mitochondria! Cytochrome c oxidases (Azzi etal., 1975). To verify the efficacy of this modified assay, we used xanthine oxidase (0.2 U/ml) and 50 nAI xan- thine to generate superoxide in the reaction medium, causing red tion of Cytochrome c. Cytochrome c reduc- tion was determined by measuring the change in absor- bance at 550 nm using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Uvikon) fitted with temperature-controlled cuvette holders. The cuvette holders were connected to a recir- culating water bath maintained at 26° ± 1°C. The addi- tion of 1. 10. or 100 U Cu-Zn SOD to the reaction mix- ture inhibited Cytochrome reduction by 55%, 95%, and 98% respectively. Superoxide production by tissue ho- mogenates was determined by substituting 100 n\ of tis- sue homogenate for the xanthine and xanthine oxidase. To verify the assay specificity for superoxide ions, Cu-Zn SOD (10, 20, 50, or 100 U) was added to inhibit cyto- chrome c reduction in reaction mixtures containing ho- mogenates. NBT reduction hy intact symbiotic and aposymbiotic anemones Symbiotic and aposymbiotic anemones of similar oral disc diameter (~1 cm) and column height (~1.5 cm) were placed in 15-ml glass test tubes containing 2.5 ml FSW and allowed to attach to the bottom of the tube. Groups of 12 anemones were pre-incubated in light (300 juE/rrr/s) or dark at ambient temperature (26°C) for at least 1 h before the start of an experiment. Another group was pre-incubated in FSW containing 0.5 mA/ (nominal concentration) 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-di- methylurea (DCMU) at ambient temperature. Prelimi- nary experiments (n = 3) showed that DCMU did not affect dark respiration in intact symbiotic and aposym- biotic animals or in FIZ. but did inhibit photosynthetic oxygen production in the light (300 /uE/irr/s) in intact symbiotic animals and FIZ. The FSW used for pre-incubations was discarded from each tube and replaced with 2.5 ml FSW containing 1.2 X 10~4 A/ NBT pre-warmed to the desired temperature (either 26° or 32°C). All anemones were incubated in the presence of NBT at the desired temperature for an addi- tional 60 min. DCMU-treated anemones were exposed to 0.5 mA/ DCMU during the 60 min incubation with NBT at the desired temperature. The elevated tempera- ture condition was set at 32°C because this is a sublethal (and environmentally relevant) temperature that evokes bleaching in A. pit/c/iella (C. B. Mahnke and L. Musca- tine, unpubl.). Incubations in light were carried out by placing the test tubes containing the anemones in the reservoir of a circulating water bath (Neslab) illuminated by six 40 W fluorescent tubes (Sylvania "Cool-White"; 300 ^E/rrr/s) and maintained at the desired incubation temperature. Dark incubations were conducted in a photographic darkroom illuminated only by a safelight (Kodak). After the incubations were completed, the seawater containing the NBT in each test tube was replaced by an equal vol- OXIDATIVE STRESS IN SEA ANEMONES 447 ume of fresh seawater and the anemones were allowed to expand in the dark or in the light for about 30-45 min before formazan production and soluble protein content were measured. The effect ofpO? on NBT redact ion in intact anemones Hyperoxic conditions were established by bubbling 50 ml of FSW(33%»;pH 8.3) with a gas mixture contain- ing 67% O:, 32.97% N2, and 0.03% CO: at 26°C for 60 minutes (Malta and Trench, 1991). The oxygen content of the FSW bubbled with this gas mixture was deter- mined using a microcathode oxygen electrode (Strath- kelvin Instruments). The oxygen content of the hy- peroxic medium was 13.88 ml O:/l (466 mmHg). This value is comparable to the pO2 measured in tissues of symbiotic anemones in the light (Snick and Brown, 1977; Dykensand Shick, 1982). To control for the effect of bubbling, normoxia (4.75 ml O;/l, 160 mmHg) was achieved by bubbling 50 ml of FSW with ambient air for 60 min. Nine aposymbiotic A. pnlchella were allowed to accli- mate to either hyperoxic or normoxic conditions for 1 h in darkness with continuous bubbling in a 50-ml Erlen- meyer flask. The FSW containing 10~4 A/NBT was pre- bubbled with the special gas mixture or with air for 60 min to establish either hyperoxic or normoxic condi- tions. A 1-h NET reduction experiment as described ear- lier was then conducted with these animals in darkness. The flasks were bubbled continuously with the special gas mixture or with ambient air to maintain hyperoxic or normoxic conditions during the experiment. NBT reduction by freshly isolated algae A sample of FIZ containing 106 cells was transferred to a 10-ml test tube and centrifuged to pellet the cells. The algae were then resuspended with 2.5 ml of FSW containing 10~4 M NBT, preheated to the desired tem- perature. Six replicate tubes were incubated under the experimental conditions at either ambient or elevated temperature either in darkness or in the light. Enzyme analyses The activities of superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn SOD and Mn SOD) and catalase (CAT) in symbiotic and apo- symbiotic host tissues were determined using the meth- ods of Lesser et al. (1990). The single modification was that host tissue homogenates were prepared in ice-cold 0.0 1 A/ phosphate buffer containing 400 mA/ NaCl (pH 8.3) and 0.1 mA/ phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). OxYgen flux in intact anemones at ambient and elevated temperature Dark respiration rates of intact symbiotic anemones were measured at time = 1 , 20, and 60 min at both 26°C and 32°C using the method described by Hoegh- Guldberg and Smith (1989) with two modifications. First, the incubation chamber ( 1 5 ml) used for these measurements was connected to a circulating water bath set at either 26°C or 32°C. Second, between each oxygen measurement the electrode was briefly removed from the chamber and then replaced to prevent hypoxia within the chamber. The effect of acute temperature elevation on anemone dark respiration was studied in an individual anemone after a 1-h incubation period at 26°C. The FSW in the chamber was immediately replaced with FSW preheated to 32°C, and host dark respiration was then measured over the next 60 min as described above. The FSW in the incubation chamber was changed every 15 min with a fresh volume of FSW preheated to 32°C. The anemone was then sacrificed by homogenization in 2 ml of FSW. The algae were separated from the animal tissue by cen- trifugation (500 X g) and the supernatant containing al- gal-free animal homogenate was then decanted and saved for analysis of soluble protein. Dark respiration rates for intact anemones are reported as microliters of O: consumed per hour per milligram of soluble protein (jul O:/h/mg soluble animal protein). The soluble protein content of animal homogenates was determined using the method of Bradford (1976). To determine the effect of acute temperature elevation on algal photosynthesis in hospitc, oxygen flux in intact symbiotic anemones was measured in the light (300 /*E/ rrr/s) at ambient (26°C) and elevated temperature (32°C). First, rates of dark respiration photosynthesis for intact animals were measured at 26°C. The FSW used for these initial measurements was then replaced by FSW preheated to 32°C, and changes in the O: concentration were monitored for another 60 min in the light after 1, 20, and 60 min. After 60 min, the light was turned off and a final measurement of dark respiration was made. Oxygen flux in freshly isolated algae at ambient and elevated temperature Algae (106 cells) from a single anemone were resus- pended in 3 ml of FSW and placed in the incubation chamber. Oxygen flux in freshly isolated algae was mea- sured at both 26°C and 32°C over a 60-min incubation period as described for intact animals. After dark respi- ration and photosynthesis were measured at 26°C, 3 ml of algal suspension in the incubation chamber was re- moved and the algae were isolated by centrifugation (500 X g). The supernatant (FSW) was discarded and the algal 448 C. M. Nil AND L. MUSCATINE pellet was resuspended in 3 ml of FSW preheated to 32°C. This suspension was then returned to the incuba- tion chamber for oxygen flux measurements in the light ( 300 ME/m2/s) for another 60 min at 32°C. Algal dark respiration was measured at the beginning and end of the 60-min period. Oxygen flux for freshly isolated algae is expressed as n\ O2/h/ 106 cells. The concentration of F1Z was determined using a hemacytometer (Spencer Bright- line) and the mean of eight separate cell counts. Statistical analyses Nonparametric statistical methods were used for all analyses because some data subsets within the same ex- periment were heteroscedastic (Fma, test, (Sokal and Rohlf. 1981) and Kolmogorov-Smirnoff analysis (Zar, 1984)). Homoscedastic data sets were also analyzed us- ing parametric methods; in these cases, parametric and nonparametric analyses led to identical conclusions. Formazan production by anemones was evaluated for the effects of temperature, light, and "condition" (sym- biotic versus aposymbiotic) by a nonparametric three- way analysis of variance (Zar, 1984). The effect of DCMU on NBT reduction in intact symbiotic and apo- symbiotic anemones was evaluated separately because DCMU effects were investigated only in the light and not in darkness. Including DCMU results would cause an unbalanced analysis of the results obtained for the other treatments (light/temperature/condition). Treatment effects were evaluated at a significance level of 0.05. Where significant treatment effects occurred, a non- parametric multiple comparison test based on a modifi- cation of the Kruskal-Wallis method (Zar, 1 984) was ap- plied at the 0.05 significance level to identify individual differences among data sets. The Mann-Whitney (/-test was used to determine differences in antioxidant enzyme activities of symbiotic and aposymbiotic animal tissue homogenates and in NBT reduction by aposymbiotic anemones subjected to normoxia or hvperoxia. Results Superoxide ion specifically reduces NBT To determine if superoxide ions specifically duced NBT, we measured the effect of SOD on NBT redu, tion in algae-free tissue homogenates of A. pulchella. The addition of 100, 250, or 500 U Cu-Zn SOD to reaction mixtures inhibited NBT reduction by more than 95% (Fig. 1). Conversely, the addition of DDC, an SOD inhibitor, to the reaction mixture increased NBT reduction by nearly 100% in mixtures that contained no SOD and in mixture-, that contained 100 U SOD (Fig. 2). Neither DDC nor SOD caused NBT reduction in controls. These results strongly suggest that superoxide ion is the primary rcductant of NBT in these homogenates. We also used the SOD-inhibitable reduction of acety- lated cytochrome c as an independent method to verify superoxide ion production in algae-free A. pulchella tis- sue homogenates. The homogenates reduced acetylated cytochrome c at rates comparable to positive control ex- periments in which superoxide ions were generated en- zymatically using purified xanthine oxidase and xan- thine. Xanthine oxidase reduced cytochrome c at a rate of 0.040 ± 0.004 absorbance units/min. A. pulchella tis- sue homogenates reduced cytochrome c at a rate of 0.035 ± 0.008 absorbance units/min. The addition of 10 U SOD to homogenates decreased the rate of cytochrome c reduction by 35%. (0.023 ± 0.006 absorbance units/min). SOD added in excess of 1 0 U ( 20, 50, 1 00, or 200 U ) did not cause any further inhibition of cytochrome c' reduc- tion (0.025 ± 0.005 absorbance units/min). These results show that superoxide ions are produced in algae-free A. pulchella tissue homogenates, despite the presence of na- tive SOD, which interferes with the assay. These results also indicate that cytochrome c reduction by homoge- nates may still occur by alternate mechanisms. Some studies have reported that elevated />O: may affect NBT reduction /// wm>(Auclairand Voisin, 1985, Seidler and Van Noorden. 1 994). To determine the effect of elevated />O: on NBT reduction by anemones in vivo. we imposed hyperoxia on aposymbiotic A. pulchella in darkness and then conducted an NBT reduction experi- ment at ambient temperature (26°C). As there was no significant difference in NBT reduction between apo- 100- 80- 60- 0.10: Fig. 3), it appears that ele- vated /O: does not influence NBT reduction by these organisms. Acuic thermal stress causes oxidative stress in intact symbiotic anemones To determine if acute thermal stress causes oxidative stress in intact symbiotic anemones, we measured the c •5 e o. JU .0 oo E o 16 14- 12- 10- 8- 6- 4- 1 I normoxia hyperoxia Figure 3. The effect of hyperoxia on NBT reduction by aposymbi- otic Aiplama pulchella. Groups of three anemones were acclimated to either normoxia or hyperoxia for 60 mm in darkness at 26°C. A 60-min NBT reduction experiment using these anemones was then conducted under normoxia or hyperoxia. The amount of NBT formazan pro- duced by each anemone was then measured. Each bar represents the mean ± SD for nine anemones per treatment. production of NBT formazan in the animal tissues of anemones exposed to ambient (26°C) and elevated tem- perature (32°C). A 60-min incubation was sufficient to resolve differences in NBT reduction between control anemones and those exposed to acute thermal stress (Fig. 4). Temperature had a significant effect on formazan pro- duction by symbiotic anemones (ANOVA, P < 0.001). Symbiotic A. pulchella produced significantly more for- mazan at 32°C in both darkness and light, and in the presence of DCMU than at 26°C (Fig. 5). Neither light (ANOVA, P > 0.25) nor DCMU (ANOVA, P > 0.25) had a significant effect on formazan production in intact anemones at either ambient or elevated temperature. Ex- cept for the significant interaction between light and temperature (ANOVA, P < 0.05), there were no signifi- cant interactions between temperature, light, and "con- dition" (ANOVA, all P> 0.10) in either intact symbiotic or aposymbiotic anemones. These results show that acute thermal stress increases superoxide ion production and that the increase may be independent of the presence of algae. Is oxidative stress an "animal" rather than an "algal" phenomenon? To further investigate the observation that symbiotic algae may be sufficient but not necessary for oxidative 450 C. M. Nil AND L. MUSCATINE 00 I symbiotic. 0 uc D symbiotic. 300 nE symbiotic, 300iiE. DCMU 26 32 temperature (°C) Figure 5. Superoxide production by symbiotic Aiptaxia pulchella at ambient (26"C) and elevated (32°C) temperature in darkness, in light, and in light in the presence of 0.5 mM DCMU. Groups of six anemones were used in each treatment. A 60-min NET reduction experiment was then conducted under each defined condition, after which the amount of formazan produced by each anemone was measured. Each bar rep- resents the mean ± SD for six anemones per treatment. stress to occur in these anemones, aposymbiotic A. pul- chella were exposed to FSW containing 1CT4 M NBT in both darkness and light at both ambient and elevated temperature. Figure 6 shows that temperature had a sig- nificant effect on formazan production by intact apo- symbiotic anemones (ANOVA, P < 0.001 ): in darkness and light these anemones produced significantly more formazan at elevated temperature (Kruskal-Wallis, P < 0.001). Neither light nor DCMU had a significant effect in aposymbiotic anemones (ANOVA, P > 0.50 and P > 0.25, respectively). Interestingly, at ambient temperature, formazan production in darkness was sig- nificantly higher by aposymbiotic anemones than by symbiotic anemones in darkness (Kruskal-Wallis, P < 0.01). Do symbiotic algae release superoxide ions'.' Because NBT does not penetrate intact algae and re- mains in the external medium (Nii, unpubl. obs.), it can be used to measure the possible release of superoxide ion by FIZ. To determine if symbiotic algae release superoxide ions, FIZ from A. pulchella were incubated in FSW con- taining 10~4A/ NBT under the following incubation conditions: ambient and elevated temperature; darkness or light; and with or without DCMU. If superoxide ions are released by the algae, these radicals should then re- duce NBT present in the external medium. NBT can de- tect the presence of superoxide ions in nanomolar con- centration (>5 nmol; Auclair and Voisin, 1985). How- ever, torn: >7.an was not detected in the external medium under any >i he incubation conditions (data not shown). If these algae released superoxide ions under these exper- imental conditions, the amount was less than 5 nmol. SOD and CAT activity in symbiotic and aposymbiotic A. pulchella To determine if differences in NBT reduction were re- lated to the ability of the host to detoxify potential oxi- dants, the specific activities of Cu-Zn SOD, Mn SOD, and CAT were measured in animal homogenates pre- pared from symbiotic and aposymbiotic A. pulchella. The specific activities of Cu-Zn SOD (Mann-Whitney U; P < 0.05, Fig. 7), Mn SOD (Mann-Whitney U. P < 0.05, Fig. 7), and CAT (Mann-Whitney U, P < 0.05, Fig. 8) were significantly higher in aposymbiotic anemones than in symbiotic ones. The specific activity of CAT was an order of magnitude higher in aposymbiotic A. pul- chella. These results suggest that aposymbiotic anemo- nes may be subject to chronic oxidative stress. The effect of acute thermal stress on oxygen flux by intact anemones and FIZ In a 60-min incubation, acute thermal stress immedi- ately increased the dark respiration rate of intact symbi- otic anemones more than twofold (Fig. 9). Further, the time course of the rate increase (Qw = 14.1) resembled the apparent time course of NBT reduction (Qw = 34.2) by anemones at elevated temperature (Fig. 4). Net oxygen flux in intact anemones was relatively con- stant in the light at ambient temperature (26°C; Table I). However, within 20 min of the initiation of acute ther- 300 Xi 3 I op temperature (°C) Figure 6. Superoxide production by aposymbiotic Aiptaxia />»/- chi'lla at ambient (26°C) and elevated (32°C) temperature in darkness, in light, and in light in the presence of 0.5 mA/ DCMU. Groups of six anemones were used in each treatment. A 60-min NBT reduction experiment was then conducted under each defined condition, after which the amount of formazan produced by each anemone was mea- sured. Each bar represents the mean ± SD for six anemones per treat- ment. • aposymbiotic. OnE D aposymbiotic, 300(iE Q aposymbiotic. 300>iE. DCMU OX1DAT1VE STRESS IN SEA ANEMONES 451 .£ 350 aposymbiotic symbiotic Figure 7. Specific activities (U/mg soluble protein) ofCu-Zn SOD and Mn SOD in symbiotic and aposymbiotic Aifiiasia pulchella. Six anemones were homogenized individually. From each homogenate, samples were taken for SOD measurement. Each bar represents the mean ± SD of the six homogenates. mal stress, net oxygen production by intact anemones ceased (32°C; Table I). After 60 min, intact anemones began to consume oxygen in the light at rates compara- ble to their dark respiration rates at elevated temperature (Table I). Net oxygen flux in FIZ also decreased dramatically within 20 min after exposure to elevated temperature (Table I). This decrease was accompanied by an increase in dark respiration. There was considerable variability in the mean response of FIZ to elevated temperature. In c 6000 - 1 a- 5000 - u 12 •f 4000 - tn T 00 - 3000 - •f ' 2000 ' ^ 1000 - 1 r=_1 GO aposymbiotic symbiotic Figure 8. Specific activity (U/mg soluble protein) of CAT in sym- biotic and aposymbiotic Aipla\ia pulchella. Six anemones were homog- enized individually. From each homogenate. samples were taken for CAT measurement. Each bar represents the mean ± SD of the six ho- mogenates. o S. 300- -I 250 ao vr?t'H lhi\ fur intact Aiptasia pulchella ami freshly isolated Symbiodinium pulchrorum. in light (300 iiE/rrf/s) and darkness, exposed lit ambient (26°C) and aeinely elevated <32°C) iciniwrulure Net oxygen flux* (mean ± 1 SEM) Temperature Time after Intact anemones' Freshly isolated algae: Process (°C) exposure (tt\ O2/h/mg soluble protein ) (MlO2/h/106 cells) Photosynthesis 26° 58.80 ± 13.95 8.49 ±0.59 32° 0 min 12.75 + 2.10 9.I4±5.30 20min -10.95 ±4.50 2.63 ±3.66 60 mm -38.85 + 9.60 2.02 ± 2.70 Dark respiration 26° -14.70 ±4. 80 -5.55 + 0.96 32° -39.30 ±8.40 -8.68 + 2.50 *A negative value indicates net oxygen consumption. 'A' =3. :A' = 5. Superoxide production in animal tissues Despite the caveats regarding tissue homogenates (Dy- kens el ai. 1992; Verde and McCloskey, 1996), we mea- sured superoxide production in A. pulchella tissue ho- mogenates by using two independent methods (SOD-in- hibitable NBT and cytochrome t reduction), and we find evidence to support the interpretation that superoxide ion is the primary reductant of NBT in these anemones. The inhibition of NBT reduction by SOD and increase in NBT reduction in the presence of the inhibitor, DDC, is consistent with this interpretation. Further, because A. pulchella tissue itself exhibits SOD activity, both meth- ods (NBT or cytochrome c reduction) may actually un- derestimate the amount of superoxide ion produced ei- ther in homogenates or in intact animals due to SOD interference with each assay. We also observed that the addition of the SOD did not completely inhibit cyto- chrome c reduction. This result is not entirely surprising considering the complex, dynamic nature of tissue ho- mogenates. Although acetylated cytochrome c has been shown to resist reduction specifically by mitochondrial cytochrome c reductases (Azzi el at., 1975), other reduc- tases released during homogenization may still reduce cytochrome c under the assay conditions. The effect of molecular oxygen on NBT reduction in intact anemones The reduction in photosynthetic oxygen production by intact symbiotic anemones and by FIZ at elevated temperature argues against the possible confounding el.' >s of molecular oxygen on NBT reduction. Molecu- lar o, --en is thought to compete with NBT for reduc- tants (i.e., electrons; see Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1987, for a discussion of this hypothetical phenomenon). which may result in a decreased and therefore inaccurate estimation of NBT reduction by superoxide ions. How- ever, the evidence for the existence of such competition is equivocal (Seidler, 1991). In this study, we demon- strate empirically that elevated pO2 does not affect NBT reduction in aposymbiotic A. pulchella during imposed hyperoxia (Fig. 3). We attribute the lack of hyperoxic en- hancement in these aposymbiotic anemones primarily to their increased antioxidant enzyme activity (com- pared to symbiotic anemones). We noticed that the magnitude of NBT reduction in the aposymbiotic anemones used in the hyperoxia exper- iment was lower than that in other experiments (Figs. 3 and 6). This is probably due in part to differences in the antioxidant enzyme activities present in aposymbiotic A. pulchella, as well as to differences in the soluble protein content of the aposymbiotic specimens used in the different experiments. The animals used in the hyperoxia experiment contained similar amounts of protein, but this amount was up to 10 times higher than that in ani- mals used in other experiments. This difference may be due in part to changes in the maintenance regime for aposymbiotic anemones (i.e., feeding on Anemia adults rather than nauplius larvae), as well as to poorly un- derstood variation in these artificially generated aposym- biotic animals. Nevertheless, under these conditions, tis- sue-specific NBT reduction by aposymbiotic anemones was three times that of symbiotic anemones at ambient temperature. Symbiotic algae do not release superoxide The lack of detectable NBT reduction by FIZ incu- bated in FSW containing NBT preheated to the identical temperatures used in whole-animal experiments (26° OXIDATIVE STRESS IN SEA ANEMONES 453 and 32°C) indicates that, at least in vitro. little(<5 nmol), if any. superoxide ion is released by the algae to the me- dium during acute thermal stress. Although it is possible that other oxidant species such as hydrogen peroxide (H;O;) may be released from the algae during environ- mental stress (Lesser et al.. 1990. Lesser, 1996a), three observations argue against this conjecture: ( 1 ) algae ex- hibit robust antioxidant activity ( Lesser and Shick, 1989; Malta and Trench. 1991); (2) transport of superoxide ions is relatively slow (Fisher. 1987); and (3) oxidant spe- cies are highly reactive (Dykens et a/.. 1992). Tytler and Trench (1988) did not detect the release of H:O: from cultured symbionts in vitro, although H2O2 can cross bi- ological membranes more readily than superoxide ions (cf. Lesser. 1996). Our short-term, acute stress experi- ments with S. piilchrorwn do not exclude the possibility that exposure to chronic stress may cause symbiotic al- gae to release oxidants directly (Lesser et al., 1990). How- ever, there is yet no published evidence that oxidants are released directly by symbiotic algae under any denned condition (Lesser, 1996). Does hyperoxia contribute to oxidative stress in intact anemones during thermal stress? Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith (1989) observed greatly reduced net oxygen production in intact corals exposed to chronic temperature stress, and Iglesias-Prieto et al. (1992) showed that in cultured Symbiodinium, net oxy- gen flux decreases precipitously in vitro at nonlethal tem- peratures exceeding 3 PC. In the present study, at ele- vated temperature, net oxygen production in anemones and FIZ ceases, probably because of impairment of pho- tosynthetic electron transport at or near the reaction cen- ter of PSII (Warner el al.. 1996). As photosynthetic oxy- gen production is greatly reduced, any oxidative stress attributed directly to hyperoxia in symbiotic anemone tissues (Dykens and Shick, 1982) is also greatly reduced. Our results show that, whereas symbiotic algae may con- tribute to hyperoxia. they are not required for the evoca- tion of oxidative stress in these anemones at elevated temperature. On the other hand, it remains unclear from our data whether photosynthesis has actually ceased at elevated temperature as it is not possible to measure oxygen flux due to photosynthesis and respiration in the light simul- taneously (Table I). Net oxygen flux could be reduced, in part, by the increase in dark respiration of the host (Fig. 9). That is, the oxygen produced within the algae could be consumed by the algae before it diffuses into host tis- sues. However, a very low, but positive, net oxygen flux was sometimes observed in FIZ during exposure to ele- vated temperature (Table I). This observation suggests that oxygen production may still occur within the algae at elevated temperature, but may be largely masked by the increase in algal respiration. At ambient temperature, the slightly elevated produc- tion of superoxide ions by symbiotic anemones in the light compared with those in darkness is probably due to hyperoxia generated in the host cytoplasm as a result of algal photosynthesis (Shick and Brown, 1977; Dykens and Shick. 1982). However, hyperoxia cannot account for oxidative stress in aposymbiotic anemones during acute thermal stress in darkness or light. These results suggest that superoxide ion production may be limited by the supply of electrons or other excitatory inputs such as photodynamic effects (Valenzano and Pooler, 1987; Dykens et al.. 1992; Lesser, 1996) that can participate in univalent reduction of available molecular oxygen, rather than by the supply of molecular oxygen itself. Do aposymbiotic anemones experience chronic oxidative stress? We observed that superoxide ion production by apo- symbiotic A. pulchella in darkness at ambient tempera- ture was significantly higher than superoxide ion produc- tion by symbiotic anemones under the same conditions (Figs. 5 and 6). To account for this observation, we as- sessed the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superox- ide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in aposymbio- tic versus symbiotic A. pulchella. We found significant differences in the specific activities of Cu-Zn SOD, Mn SOD. and CAT between the two forms of the anemone. The specific activity of Mn SOD was fivefold higher in aposymbiotic anemones. The MnSOD activity in apo- symbiotic A. pulchella is much higher than MnSOD ac- tivity reported for other eukaryotic organisms (Asada et al., 1980), including symbiotic dinoflagellates (Lesser and Shick, 1989; Matta and Trench, 1991). The CAT activities measured using a spectrophotometric method were very similar to CAT activities measured previously using a polarigraphic method (Tytler and Trench, 1 988). Like Tytler and Trench (1988), we also found that the specific activity of CAT was an order of magnitude higher in aposymbiotic specimens. At present, we find it difficult to explain the increased MnSOD activity observed in aposymbiotic A. pulchella. The increase may represent one of potentially many, and as yet uncharacterized, physiological changes which oc- cur in A. pulchella when it is rendered aposymbiotic due to cold shock. Overexpression of MnSOD in aposymbi- otic individuals may be a response to increased hetero- trophy or may reflect an increase in mitochondrial den- sity. The former explanation is difficult to reconcile as Asada et al. (1977) found that Euglena graci/is raised phototrophically has almost three times the SOD activity of E. gracilis raised heterotrophically. The latter expla- 454 C. M. Nil AND L. MUSCATINE nation also seems unlikely because the protein-specific dark respiration rates for symbiotic and aposymbiotic A. pulchella are very similar (Nii, unpubl.). We infer from the increased MnSOD and CAT activities in aposymbi- otic A. pulchella that these anemones may manifest chronic (oxidative) stress, although the origin of this con- dition is still unknown. The origin of increased superoxide production at elevated temperature The dark respiration rate of symbiotic A. pulchella tri- ples under acute thermal stress (Fig. 9). The time course of host dark respiration over 60 min (Fig. 9) resembles the time course of formazan production by anemones at elevated temperature (Fig. 4). The Qw values calculated for the respective processes are very different, but both reflect the acute sensitivity of each process to elevated temperature. These observations suggest that increased respiration by the animal host may contribute to an in- crease in the rate of electron leakage from mitochondrial electron transport and may account, in part, for the in- creased production of superoxide ions (Burdon el ai, 1990; Richterf / reductase and 6-9-de- saturase( Bendich, 1989). How are oxidative stress ami cnidarian bleaching related? Direct comparison between our results using NET and other studies of oxidative stress in symbiotic cnidarians is difficult, largely because of differences in the species; contrast between intact animals, FIZ and cultured algae; and dissimilarities in the methods used in recent studies attempted in vivo. On the basis of enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities in symbiont and host. Lesser et ai (1990) concluded that elevated temperature caused oxi- dative stress and bleaching in Palythoa carihaeorum. Dy- kens ' ( 1992), using a methane sulfinic acid bioassay for h\ >xyl radicals in vivo, found greater oxidant pro- duction within the symbionts (5. calijomiiim) of An- thopk'itra elegantissima than in host tissues. They also observed enhanced hydroxyl radical production in S. ca- lifornium due to chronic UV radiation exposure, but did not investigate the effects of elevated temperature in ei- ther the symbiont or the host. More recently. Lesser ( 1996) measured increased production of superoxide ion and hydrogen peroxide in cultured algae (S. bermudense from Aiptasia pallida) due to chronic elevated tempera- ture and UV radiation; specific fluorochromes were used for each oxidant species. Using these observations as a point of departure, we now advance the hypothesis that oxidative stress may also represent an animal response to acute thermal stress, and we suggest that the symbiont may not necessarily be required for oxidative stress to occur under these conditions. The link between oxidative stress and cnidarian bleaching is still unknown. The production of active ox- ygen species can lead to a number of damaging effects, including the peroxidation of membrane lipids (Gut- teridge, 1987) or the direct disruption of cell adhesion molecules by oxygen radicals. Such damage may then lead to release of host cells (Gates et ai. 1992). As the host animal alone may manifest oxidative stress — that is, without the contribution of photosynthetic oxygen by symbiotic algae — oxidative stress originating in host cells may explain the correlation observed between high rates of colony respiration and thermal bleaching in reef corals (Jokiel and Coles. 1990; P. Edmunds, in prep.). The inherent susceptibility of host cells themselves to oxidative stress may be an important mechanistic link between temperature stress and cnidarian bleaching. Acknowledgments We thank Drs. J. Dykens, P. Edmunds, R. Gates, M. Lesser. J. M. Shick, R. K. Trench, and three anonymous reviewers for critically evaluating earlier versions of the manuscript, and D. Nii for editorial assistance. This work was supported by NSF grant OCE # 9 1 1 5834. Literature Cited Asada, K., S. Kancmatsu, and K. I'chida. 1977. Superoxide dismu- tases in photosynthetic organisms: absence of the cuprozinc enzyme in eukaryotic algae. Arch Biochem Biophys. 179:243-256. Asada, K., S. Kanematsu, S. Oka, and T. Hayakawa. 1980. Phylo- genic distribution of superoxide dismutase in organisms and in cell organelles. Pp. 136-153 in Chemical and Biochemical Aspects oj Superoxide and Superoxide Dismuiase. J.V. Bannister and H.A.O. Hill. eds. Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam. Auclair, C'., and E. Voisin. 1985. Nitroblue tetrazolium reduction. Pp. 123-132 in CRC Handbook of Methods for Oxygen Radical Research. R.A. Greenwald, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton. FL. Azzi, A., C. Montecucco, and C. Richter. 1975. 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Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 718 pp. INDEX A molecular model for mechanosensation in Caenorhabdilh clc^nn\. 125 Acclimation, .109 Acclimitization. 309 Acoustic telemetry, 203 Actin. 181. 183 Actin-dependent pigment granule transport in retinal pigment epithe- lial cells, 181 Activity-dependent regulation of neural networks: the role of inhibitory synaptic plasticity in adaptive gain control in the siphon with- drawal reflex of. -l/>/rwi<. 164 Allograft. 53 Allorecognition, 53 ANDFRSON. ERIK J., PATRICK S. MAC-GILLIVR.\> , and M. EDWIN DE- MONT, Scallop shells exhibit optimization of rihlet dimensions for drag reduction. 341 ANGERER. LYNNE M., see Robert C. Angerer. 1 75 ANOERER, ROBERT C., and LYNNE M. ANGERER, Fate specification along the sea urchin embryo animal-vegetal axis. 1 75 Animal behavior, 410 Animal-vegetal axis. 175 ANTHONY. KENNETH R. N.. Prey capture by the sea anemone Mclrtd- inin senile (L.): effects of body size, flow regime, and upstream neighbors. 73 Anthozoa, 73 Ap/ysia cali/oniiai. 164. 167,388 ARCHER, Wn.i i \M E.. see Vicki J. Martin. 41, 345 Ascidian. 62. 87. 217 ASHCR-XFT. SUSAN E.. see Roger T. Hanlon. 364 Axis, dorsoanterior. 172 Axon. 183 B BABCOCK. RUSSELL, see Karen Miller. 98 Bacteria. 126 Bacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the deep-sea wood-boring bi- valves Xyltiphuga ailantica and Xylophaga washinglona, 253 BASS, ANDREW H., DEANA A. BODNAR. and JESSICA R. Me KIBBFN, From neurons to behavior: vocal-acoustic communication in tele- ost fish, 158 BATES. WILLIAM R.,p58,acytoskeletal protein, is associated with mus- cle cell determinants in ascidian eggs. 2 1 7 BAXTER. DOUGLAS A., and JOHN H. BYRNE, Complex oscillations in simple neural systems, 167 Behavior. 146, 164,388.410 Behavioral modes arise from a random process in the nudibranch Mcl- ihe. 4 1 X BELL, JF.FFERY R.. see Rob Maxson. 1 78 Blood cell. 53 BLOUNT, PAUL, SERGEI I. SUKHAREV, PAUL MOE, and CHING KUNG, Mechanosensitive channels of/;', colt: a genetic and molecular dis- section. 126 BODE. HANS R., see Vicki J. Martin. 345 BODNAR. DEANA A., see Andrew H. Bass. 1 58 Body size, 73 Bone morphogenetic protein. 1 75 Botrylloides. 53 Briareum asbeslinum, 279 Bryozoan. 399 BURNSIDE, BETH, and CHRISTINA KING-SMITH, Actin-dependent pig- ment granule transport in retinal pigment epithelial cells. 1 8 1 BYRNE, JOHN H., see Douglas A. Baxter, 1 67 Caenorhabditis, 1 25 Calcium. 150 CAREW, THOMAS J., see Thomas M. Fischer, 164: Rene Marois. 388 CASAGRAND, JANET L.. see Robert C. Eaton, 146 Cassiopeia. I Cell area of, I 1 8 blood, 53 stem. 41 volume of, I 18 Center for Advanced Studies in the Space Life Sciences, 1 1 I Cephalopod. 203, 262, 364. 375 Ceratopteris, 139 CHALFIE. MARTIN. A molecular model for mechanosensation in Caenorhabditi'i elegans. 125 Cham. 134 Chemical ecology. 410 CHILDRESS. JAMES J., see Brad A. Seibel. 262 Choreography of the squid's "nuptial dance," 203 Clir\:sa«ra quinquecirrha. 332 Cilia. 388 Cirrhipathes, 1 CLAES, MICHAEL F., see Roger T. Hanlon, 364 Clonal repeatability, 290 Cnidae. 1.41 Cnidaria, 345 Coelenteratecnidae capsules: disulfide linkages revealed by silver cyto- chemistry and their differential responses to thiol reagents. I COLLIN, RACHEL, and JOHN B. WISE, Morphology and development ofOdoxlomiu caliiinhiiina Dall and Bartsch (Pyramidellidae): im- plications for the evolution of gastropod development, 243 Colony, 87 specificity of, 53 Common garden experiment, 290 Complex oscillations in simple neural systems. 167 Complex signal processing by weakly electric fishes, 1 57 Compound eye fine structure in Paralomis imiltispina Benedict, an an- omuran half-crab from 1200 m depth (Crustacea; Decapoda; An- omura). 300 Computational neuroscience. 167 CONAND, C, see M. A. Sewell, I 7 Conflicting morphological and reproductive species boundaries in the coral genus Platygyra, 98 Copper, effects of. 62 Coral plasticity in. 279 reproduction in. 98 COURTNEY, LEE A., see Patricia S. Glas, 23 1 Cox, KINGSLEY J. A., see Joseph R. Fetcho. 1 50 457 458 INDEX TO VOLUME 192 Creosote, effects of. 62 Crustacean, 300 Cues, abiotic and biotic, 279 Cyphiniw glbbosum, 279 Cytoplasmic arrangement, 172 Cvtoskeleton. 141, 181, 183. 217 D DAV> , SIMON K... IAN A. N. LUCAS, and JOHN R. TURNER, Uptake and persistence of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae in the temperate sea anemone Ccirn.\ pcdunculalits (Pennant), 208 DAWIDOWICZ. E. A.. Introduction — the future of aquatic research in space: neurobiology, cellular and molecular biology. 1 15 Decline in pelagic cephalopod metabolism with habitat depth reflects differences in locomotory efficiency. 262 Deep-sea, 262, 300 Degenenns, 125 DtMoNT, EDWIN M., see Erik J. Anderson. 34 1 Developmental. 172, 178,345 DEZAWA, MARI, see Eisuke Eguchi, 300 DISTEL, DANIEL L., and SLISAN J. ROBERTS, Bacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the deep-sea wood-boring bivalves Xylophaga allan- licit and \r//iplui^u washingtona, 253 Disultides, 1 DOBIAS. SONIA L., see Rob Maxson, 1 78 Dopamme. 399 Drag. 34 1 DUNLAP, PAUL V., see Roger T. Hanlon, 364 E E. coll. 1 26 EATON, ROBERT C., AUDREY L. GUZIK., and JANET L. CASAGRAND, Mauthner system discrimination of stimulus direction from the acceleration and pressure components at sound onset, 146 Echinoderm, 27 EDWARDS, ERIN SWINT, and STANLEY J. Roux, The influence of grav- ity and light on developmental polarity of single cells ofCmi/op- Icris richiirtlii gametophytes, I 39 Effect of salinity on ionic shifts in mesohaline scyphomedusae, Chry- \ti/ii-a quinquecirrha, 332 Effects of common estuanne pollutants on the immune reactions of tunicates, 62 EGUCHI, EISUKF, MARI DEZAWA, and V. BENNO MEYER-ROCHOW. Compound eye fine structure in Paralomis multispina Benedict, an anomuran half-crab from 1 200 m depth (Crustacea: Decapoda; Anomura), 300 Electric fish. 157 Electron microscopy. 388 ELINSON, RICHARD P.. Getting a head in frog development, 1 72 Embryo development, 175.231 Embryogenesis in hydra, 345 Embryonic coat of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, 23 1 EMLET, R. B., see O. Hoegh-Guldberg, 27 Energy for development, 27 Energy use during the development of a lecithotrophic and a plankto- trophic echmoid, 27 Escape behavior, 146. 150 Escherichia coh. 1 26 ESI-REAFICO, E. M., seeC. H. Lin, 183 / , 'unit. 364 I . >n of development, 243 1 M '"i and regulation of a sea urchin ,U.v.v class homeobox gene: n its into the evolution and function of a gene family that par- ti x in the patterning of the early embryo. 178 Eye. cm-:, ;;nd, ~i '() Fate specification along the sea urchin embryo animal-vegetal axis. 1 75 Feeding. 364 Fern. 1 39 FETCHO, JOSEPH R., K.INGSLEY J. A. Cox, and DONALD M. O'MAL- LEV, Imaging neural activity with single cell resolution in an intact, behaving vertebrate. 1 50 Fine structure of the apical ganglion and its serotonergic cells in the larva ofAplysiu catifornica, 388 FISCHER, THOMAS M., and THOMAS J. CAREW, Activity-dependent regulation of neural networks: the role of inhibitory synaptic plas- ticity in adaptive gain control in the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysiu, 1 64 FISHER, WILLIAM S.. see Patricia S. Glas, 23 1 Flagellates, 13 1 Flow, 73 FORSCHER, P.,seeC. H. Lin. 183 Frog. 1 72 From neurons to behavior: vocal-acoustic communication in teleost fish, 158 Gametogenesis, 17 Gastropod development, 243 Gene expression, 175 Genetic constraint, 290 Germination, 139 Getting a head in frog development, 1 72 Gill tissue, 321 GlLLESPlE, PETER G.. Multiple myosin motors and mechanoelectrical transduction by hair cells, 186 GILLY, WILLIAM F.. see Thomas Preuss, 375 GLAS, PATRICIA S., LEE A. COURTNEY, JAMES R. RAYBURN. and Wu LI AM S. FISHER. Embryonic coat of the grass shrimp Palaemoneles pugio. 23 1 GODBOLE, REA, see Peter Nick, 141 GOLDBERG, WALTER M., and GEORGE T. TAYLOR, Coelenterate cni- dae capsules: disulfide linkages revealed by silver cytochemistry and their differential responses to thiol reagents, I Goldfish, 146 Gorgonacea, 279 GORODEZKY. LAURA A., see Brad A. Seibel, 262 Gravitaxis in flagellates. 131 Gravitropism, 134, 141 Gravitropism in the rhizoids of the alga C/nira a model system for microgravity research, 134 Gravity, 111, 134, 139, 172 Growth, 87, 375 cone, 183 GUZIK, AUDREY L., see Robert C. Eaton. 146 H HADER. DON AT-PETER, Gravitaxis in flagellates. 1 3 1 Hair cells. 186 HAMILL, OWEN P., and DON W. McBRiDE, JR., Mechanogated chan- nels in Xerwpus oocytes: different gating modes enable a channel to switch from a phasic to a tonic mechanotransducer, 1 2 1 HANLON, ROGER T.. MICHAEL F. CLAES, SUSAN E. ASHCRAFT, and PALIL V. DLINLAP, Laboratory culture of the sepiolid squid Eu- prnnnu scolopes: a model system for bacterial-animal symbioses, 364 HANLON, ROGER T., see Warwick H. H. Sauer, 203 Hearing, 158 Heat-shock protein expression in Mylihis californianus acclimitiza- tion (seasonal and tidal-height comparisons) and acclimation effects, 309 Hemocytes. 62 Heritability. 290 INDEX TO VOLUME 192 459 Hmdhrain. 158 HIROSE. EUICHI, YASUNORI SAITO, and HIROSHI WATANABE, Subcu- ticular rejection: an advanced mode of the allogeneic rejection in the compound ascidians, Botrvlluulex .xnnaJi'nxis and B liixcux. 53 HOEGH-GULDBERG, O., and R. B. EMLET, Energy use during the de- velopment of a lecithotrophic and a planktotrophic echinoid. 27 HOFMANN, GRETCHEN E.. see Deirdre A. Roberts, 309 Holothuroidea. 17 HOL^OAK, ALAN R.. Patterns and consequences of whole colony growth in the compound ascidian Polyclinum planum, 87 Homeobox, I 78 How do neuronal processes monitor their mechanical status?. I I 8 HUTCHINSON, AIMEE, see David Ratios. 62 Hydra. 345 Hvdrozoan. 41 I Imaging. 150 Imaging neural activity with single cell resolution in an intact, behaving vertebrate, 150 Immunocytochemistry. 388 Immunology. 62 Inducible defense, 279 Inner ear. 146 Input filter characteristics, 121 Integrins. 134 Interspecific variation in life-history strategy, 290 Intracellular transport. 181 Introduction — the future of aquatic research in space: neurobiology. cellular and molecular biology, 1 15 Invertebrate immunology, 62 Ion channel, 126 Jamming avoidance response, 157 Jet propulsion, 375 K KAWASAKI, MASASHI. Complex signal processing by weakly electric fishes, 157 KING-SMITH, CHRISTINA, see Beth Burnside. 1 8 1 KISS, JOHN Z., Gravitropism in the rhizoids of the alga Chuia: a model system for microgravity research, 134 KUNG, CHING. see Paul Blount, 1 26 Laboratory culture of the sepiolid squid Knpryinnu .vro/o/w a model system for bacterial-animal symbioses, 364 Larva. 27, 41,399 LEBARIC. ZORA. see Thomas Preuss, 375 Lecithotrophic. 27 Lek-like. 203 LEPPER, DEBORAH M. E.. see Paul A. Moore. 410 LESIUK, HOWARD, see Catherine E. Morris. 1 1 8 Life history. 87, 290 Life-history variation in a colonial ascidian: broad-sense heritabihties and tradeoffs in allocation to asexual growth and male and female reproduction. 290 Light. 139 LIMA, ALICE GONCALVES, see John C. McNamara. 32 1 LIN. C. H., E. M. ESPREAFICO, M. S. MOOSEKER, and P. FORSCHER, Myosin drives retrograde F-actin flow in neuronal growth cones. 183 Lipid. 27 LIPINSKI. MAREK R.. see Warwick H. H. Sauer. 203 LITTLEFIELD, C. LVNNE, see Vicki J. Martin. 345 Locomotion, 262. 341. 375 LOEWENSTEIN, WERNER R., Mechanosensitive channels: an introduc- tion, I 17 LUCAS, IAN A. N., see Simon K. Daw, 208 M MA, LIANG, see Rob Maxson. 178 MACGiLLivRAY, PATRICKS., see Erik J. Anderson, 341 Machrobrachium, 32 1 MARCLIM, YVETTE, see Philip O. Yund, 290 Mariculture, 364 MAROIS, RENE, and THOMAS J. CAREW, Fine structure of the apical ganglion and its serotonergic cells in the larva of Aplvsia califor- nica. 388 MARTIN. VICKI J.. and WILLIAM E. ARCHER, Stages of larval develop- ment and stem cell population changes during metamorphosis of a hydrozoan planula. 4 1 MARTIN, VICKI J., C. LYNNE LITTLEFIELD, WILLIAM E. ARCHER, and HANS R. BODE, Embryogenesis in hydra, 345 Maternal determinants, 175 Mating systems. 203 Mauthner. 150 neuron. 146 Mauthner system discrimination of stimulus direction from the accel- eration and pressure components at sound onset, 146 MAXSON, ROB, HONGYING TAN, SONIA L. DOBIAS, HAILIN Wu, JEFF- ERY R. BELL, and LIANG MA, Expression and regulation of a sea urchin A/.V.V class homeobox gene: insights into the evolution and function of a gene family that participates in the patterning of the early embryo, I 78 Me BRIDE. DON W., JR., see Owen P. Hamill, 121 McKlBBEN, JESSICA R.. see Andrew H. Bass, 158 MCMANUS, MICHAEL G.. ALLEN R. PLACE, and WILLIAM E. ZAMER. Physiological variation among clonal genotypes in the sea anem- one /laliplanella lincala: growth and biochemical content, 426 MCNAMARA, JOHN C.. and ALICE GONCALVES LIMA, The route of ion and water movements across the gill epithelium of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium olfcrxii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae): evi- dence from ultrastructural changes induced by acclimation to sa- line media. 32 1 Mechanical transduction. 186 Mechanogated channels in \vnitpm oocytes: different gating modes en- able a channel to switch from a phasic to a tonic mechanotrans- ducer. 121 Mechanoreceptors, 1 17 Mechanosensitive channels: an introduction, 1 1 7 Mechanosensitive channels of E coli: a genetic and molecular dissec- tion, 126 Mechanosensitivity, I 17. 1 18. 12 I, 125. 126 Mechanotransduction. 117, 121 Membrane dynamics, 118 Metabolism. 27. 262 Metamorphosis. 41 Methenamine-silver, 1 Mclndium senile, 73 MEYER-ROCHOW, V. BENNO, see Eisuke Eguchi, 300 Microgravity. I 1 1 Microtubules. 141 Midbrain, 158 MILLER, KAREN, and RLISSELL BABCOCK, Conflicting morphological and reproductive species boundaries in the coral genus Plutmvra, 98 MILLS. LINDA R.. see Catherine E. Morris, 1 1 8 Modular organism. 87 MOE, PAUL, see Paul Blount. 1 26 Mollusc, 388 MOORE, PAUL A., and DEBORAH M. E. LEPPER, Role of chemical sig- nalsin the orientation behavior of the sea star Axleriasforbcsi, 410 MOOSEKER. M.S., see C. H.Lin. 183 460 INDEX TO VOLUME 192 Morphology and development of Odoslomia columbiana Dall and Bartsch (Pyramidellidae!: implications for the evolution of gastro- pod development, 24? MORRIS, CATHERINE E., HOWARD LESIUK, and LINDA R. MILLS, How do neuronal processes monitor their mechanical status?. I 1 8 MscL. 126 Msx. 178 Multiple myosin motors and mechanoelectrical transduction by hair cells, 186 MUSCATINE. LEONARD, see Calvin M. Nil. 444 Muscle cell determinants. 2 1 7 Myosin, 181, 183, 186 Myosin drives retrograde F-actin flow in neuronal growth cones, 183 Mytilus califurnianiis. 309 N National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I I 1 Nematocysts, I Neural circuits. 4 1 8 Neurite, 183 Neurocomputation, 146 Neuron network. 157 Neuronal populations, 150 NICK, PETER, REA GODBOLE, and Qi YAN WANG, Probing rice gravi- tropism with cytoskeletal drugs and cytoskeletal mutants, 141 Nil, CALVIN M., and LEONARD MUSCATINE, Oxidative stress in the symbiotic sea anemone Aipiasiapuli'hellalCa\gren, 1943): contri- bution of the animal to superoxide production at elevated temper- ature, 444 Nonlinear dynamics. 167 Nuclear migration. 139 Nudibranch.418 o O'DOR, RON K... see Warwick H. H. Sauer. 203 O'MALLEY, DONALD M.. see Joseph R. Fetcho. 1 50 Orientation, 410 Osmomechanical, 118 Osmoregulation. 32 I Ovarian development, 17 Ovarian development in the class Holothuroidea: a reassessment of the "tubule recruitment model." 17 Oxidative stress. 444 Oxidative stress in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiplasia pulchella (Cal- gren, 1943): contribution of the animal to superoxide production at elevated temperature, 444 Oxygen minimum layer. 262 p58, a cytoskeletal protein, is associated with muscle cell determinants in ascidian eggs, 2 1 7 Pacemaker. 158 Palacmtmeie*, 231 Patch clamp. 126 Patterns and consequences of whole colony growth in the compound ascidian Polyclinum planum, 87 Phase model, 146 Phenotypic plasticity, 279 Phototaxis, 399 PHP cell. 146 f'lmalia. 1 I 'logical variation among clonal genotypes in the sea anemone ' liiliplani'lla lineala: growth and biochemical content, 426 Pii', 181 PIKI rHONV, and ROBERT M. WOOLLACOTT, Serotonin and do- le have opposite effects on phototaxis in larvae of the bryo- zoan •'iliinerinna. 399 PLACE, .' . R.. see Michael G. McManus, 426 Planktotrophic, 27 Plant gravitropism, 134 Planula larvae, 41 Plasticity in the sclerites of a gorgonian coral: tests of water motion, light level, and damage cues, 279 Polarity, 139 Pollution, 62 Polyclinum. 87 Post-hatching development of circular mantle muscles in the squid Lo- ligo opalescens, 375 Predation, 73. 146 Predator. 146 PREUSS, THOMAS, ZORA LEBARIC, and WILLIAM F. GILLY, Post- hatching development of circular mantle muscles in the squid Lit- ligo opalescens, 375 Prey. 146 Prey capture by the sea anemone Metridium senile (L.): effects of body size, flow regime, and upstream neighbors, 73 Probing rice gravitropism with cytoskeletal drugs and cytoskeletal mu- tants, 141 Protease. 175 PURCELL, JENNIFER E., see David A. Wright. 332 Pyramidellids. 243 RAFTOS, DAVID, and AIMEE HLITCHINSON, Effects of common estua- rine pollutants on the immune reactions of tunicates, 62 RAVBURN, JAMES R., see Patricia S. Glas, 23 1 Recurrent inhibition, 164 Reproduction, 87 Respiration, 27 Rhabdom, 300 Rhizoid, 134, 139 Riblet, 341 ROBERTS, DEIRDRE A., GRETCHEN E. HOFMANN, and GEORGE N. SOMERO, Heat-shock protein expression in Mytilus californiamis: acclimitization (seasonal and tidal-height comparisons) and accli- mation effects, 309 ROBERTS, MIKE J., see Warwick H. H. Sauer. 203 ROBERTS, SUSAN J., see Daniel L. Distel, 253 Role of chemical signals in the orientation behavior of the sea star As- icriasforhesi. 410 Roux, STANLEY J.,see Erin Swint Edwards, 139 SAITO, YASUNORI. see Euichi Hirose, 53 Salinity acclimation to, 32 1 effects of, 332 Salt movement, 32 I SAUER, WARWICK H. H.. MIKE J. ROBERTS, MAREK R. LIPINSKI. MALCOLM J. SMALE, ROGER T. HANLON, DALE M. WEBBER, and RON K. O'DOR, Choreography of the squid's "nuptial dance," 203 Scaling, 262 Scallop shells exhibit optimization of riblet dimensions for drag reduc- tion. 341 Scallops. 341 SCHIVELL, AMANDA E., SAMUEL S.-H. WANG, and STUART H. THOMPSON, Behavioral modes arise from a random process in the nudibranch Metibe, 418 Sclerite, 279 Sea anemone, 73, 208 Sea cucumber, 17 Sea urchin, 175. 178 SEIBEL, BRAD A.. ERIK V. THUESEN, JAMES J. CHILDRESS, and LAURA A. GORODEZKY, Decline in pelagic cephalopod metabolism with habitat depth reflects differences in locomotory efficiency, 262 Selection on life history variants, 290 Sensory cell, 388 INDEX TO VOLUME 192 461 Serotonin. 399 Serotonin and dopamme have opposite effects on phototaxis in larvae of the bryozoan Biit>u/u ncriiina. 399 SEWELL, M. A.. P. A. TYLER, C. M. YOUNG, and C. CONAND, Ovarian development in the class Holothuroidea: a reassessment of the "tu- bule recruitment model." 17 Sex allocation. 290 Sexual selection, 203 Signal processing. 157 SMALE, MALCOLM J.. see Warwick H. H. Sauer. 203 Sodium channel. 375 SOMERO. GEORGE N., see Deirdre A. Roberts. 309 Sound, 146 Space, biological research in. I I 1 Spatial regularity, 175 Species boundaries, 98 Spirocysts, I Spontaneous behavior. 4 1 8 Squid. 203.262. 364 Stages of larval development and stem cell population changes during metamorphosis of a hydrozoan planula, 41 Starfish. 410 Stem cell. 41 Stereocilin. 186 STEWART-SAVAGE, JOHN, see Philip O. Yund. 290 Stochastic processes. 4 1 8 Stomatin. 125 Stretch-activated channels. 1 3 1 Subcuticular rejection: an advanced mode of the allogeneic rejection in the compound ascidians Butryl/nides sirnodensis and B. fiiscus, 53 SUKHAREV, SERGEI I., see Paul Blount, 1 26 Superoxide anion. 444 Suspension feeding, 73 Swimming, 341 Symbiosis, 208. 253, 364 re-establishment of, 208 Synaptic plasticity, 164 Tributyltin, see TBT Tubule recruitment method. 17 Tunic cell, 53 Tunicate, 53,62 TURNER, JOHN R., see Simon K. Davy, 208 TYLER, P. A.,seeM. A. Sewell, 17 U Ultrastructural modifications, 321 Uptake and persistence of homologous and heterologous zooxanthellae in the temperate sea anemone Cereuspedunciilalux (Pennant), 208 Urochordates, 62 Vacuole, 1 18 Vibrio. 364 Vocalization. 158 w WANG. Qi YAN. see Peter Nick, 1 4 1 WANG, SAMUEL S.-H., see Amanda E. Schivell, 41 8 WATANABE, HIROSHI, see Euichi Hirose, 53 WEBBER. DALE M.. see Warwick H. H. Sauer, 203 WEST, JORDAN M., Plasticity in the sclerites of a gorgonian coral: tests of water motion, light level, and damage cues, 279 WISE, JOHN B., see Rachel Collin, 243 WOOLLACOTT, ROBERT M., see Anthony Pires, 399 WRIGHT, DAVID A., and JENNIFER E. PURCELL, Effect of salinity on ionic shifts in mesohaline scyphomedusae. Chrvsaora yitinqiiecir- rha. 332 Wu. HAlLlN.seeRobMaxson, 178 TAN, HONGYING, see Rob Maxson, 178 TAYLOR, GEORGE T., see Walter M. Goldberg. 1 TBT. effects of. 62 The future of aquatic research in space: neurobiology, cellular and mo- lecular biology. I 1 1 The influence of gravity and light on developmental polarity of single cells of Ceratopteris nclmrdn gametophytes, 139 The route of ion and water movements across the gill epithelium of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium olfersii (Decapoda, Palaemon- idae): evidence from ultrastructural changes induced by acclima- tion to saline media, 32 1 THOMPSON. STUART H., see Amanda E. Schivell. 4 1 8 THUESEN, ERIK V.. see Brad A. Seibel. 262 Touch. 125 Tracking, 3-D, 203 Transcription, 175 Xenopus, 121 oocytesof. 121 XNOR. 146 Xylophaga. 253 Y YOUNG, C. M., see M. A. Sewell, 1 7 YUND, PHILIP O., YVETTE MARCUM, and JOHN STEWART-SAVAGE, Life-history variation in a colonial ascidian: broad-sense heritabil- ities and tradeoffs in allocation to asexual growth and male and female reproduction. 290 ZAMER, WILLIAM E., see Michael G. McManus, 426 Zebransh. 150 Zooxanthellae. 208 The new LEICA DM RB/E micro- scope for biological and medical applications is a complete inno- vation in modern microscopy. With its new infinity optics it is prepared For all contrast techniques. Due to the integrated modular design it can be exactly tailored to your personal criteria simply by adding the necessary components. 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