BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE noarinc Biological laboratory IP 'i i , MAS Start I.. G. ( 'NKi.i\ Princet • [ACQJJBS I. -.1 M— /'//'• A' Institute \fedicalRcsearch T. II. M. »RG \N ' -intnl>t\i I :ty. \\'. M. \\ in i i i it ///'.•//•./ t 'nil-fruity. \\. I'. . \Vn ON ' • ' "• ' ' I ' :y- FRANK K. I.n.i.lE- C t 'nirfr*ity \ .11 Ml XXI. \V. H IDS 11"! 1 , MASS JL'NK 1»> \' 'VI MI'-I K, 1911 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXI. No. i . JINK. MI i. Hii.ins. \\n.i.i.\\i A. /'• I Mil I I MUll, Vll 9 CALKINS, GARY N. : => I'INM N . I hi I II. .! I' - \«>. .}. SEPTI I'M i . Ai i i \. \\ I . .1 .v . . . <• ntiat :•> :• [87 r. \Ki'."i R, TDOMAJ ?«- M ORGAN, T. H . A • J 1 - GEE, WILSON P. ::yf>h \lu\- d ]\'nlkt-r 122 CIIIIM— 1 1 K. I . I . / he .\fati>: the A''.:, hyu ; iii iy COM 1;.M- "I \"LlMi: XXI. No. 5. OCTOBER, i. XoYKMHER, I9II. PEARL, RAYMOND. The Personal Equation in Breeding Experi- ments Invoking Certain Characters of Maize 339 MONTGOMERY, THOMAS H. Differentiation of the Human Cells of Sertoli 367 RIDDLE, OSCAR. On the Cause of Autotomy in Tubularia 389 ^ Vol. XXI. June, /p//. No. i. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN SOME REMARKS ON I Hi: GASTRULATION OF DESMOGN Mill - n SCA. \VII.I.I.\M A. HII. l< i\. For tin- I.IM three HI- Ill.U le -• Ulle I i I11C agO Oil tile •,M~l filiation ol />, ! ri are many difficulties in the \\.iy n| dlit. lining tin- ri^ht stages f< >r this Mudy. for the .in- u it In Hi l |ii^nieiit .1 in 1 eiirl. i-e Bp ire lliilnlil.i-tir .ihli'Ul'Ji ;i|i|)fn.n -hilli: the lllenilil.l-tii- t\]>e «'t FIG. z, i 'pi'iT lull ol .1 h.- .i..ti«-'i « --IN \\ith -in. ill y.-lk xr-niiil''- nieiit.ition. A moderate-sized M.i-tul.i r.ixity i- funneil. al'i.\e it. MIL ill cells \\ith MIL ill yilk ur.mule- .ui- tilled in \\ith larger or Miialler i ell- \\liich round off from the p-neral ma— Figs. I and 2). To \\hat extent the 1 \\'. A. Hilt. .11. ' l-Y.itiii>> .'i an l-'arly 1 )r\ i-l. ipnu-nt nf Dcsmognathiis • i." J:>nr. Morpli.. \'ul. XX.. 1909. 2 WILLIAM A HILTON. •iH-ntation cavity may in this way normally become filled in, m at pri-un unable t«> say, but I have found some specimens every Xl'-"" t(ir l'K' Past ^cw >"*-'ars m ^'hich the segmentation ra\ity was totally obliterated. As the cells divide, the small ones of the animal pole gradually extend about the larger yolk cells and, at an early stage, one may recognize at the point of junction of the two masses and in from the surface, some of the small cells which later go to form the meso- blast. These correspond to those recog- nized by Morgan, King, Ruffini and others.1 At a stage when the small cells begin to migrate over the larger, there are about three layers of these with small yolk granules at the animal pole. This number later becomes reduced to FIG. 2. Portion of a late . morula stage of D. fusca. two and then to one, similar to the sin- gle cell layer found by Lange in Megalo- batrachns;- this outer layer or ectoblast becomes more extensive and may be found forming a simple definite covering over a large part of the egg. The other small (vIN, main- if not all of which contain small yolk granules, have l>y this time migrated considerably, but not so extensively as the ectoblastic. Their exact limits are hard to determine. At about the time the ectoblastic covering at the animal pole has become reduced to one cell, the first indication of gastrulation \\.i^ tound. Fig. 3 is a section of a rather early stage. As mentioned at an earlier time, the external appearance of gastrula stages do not differ from those of other amphibia to .m\ greal derive, but some details of development seem peculiar. I no\\ h.i\c several series of earlier stages than have been available and in the earliest of these, 1 find the gastrula mouth I. II. M«i'.'atl, "Tin- n<~« lent iy.inu^n ." .\ »i. \iit., \'»\. XXXVI.. 1902. A. Kiiltini, "Coiurilmto alia mil' i-.-i-n/a ili-lla ( >nt..u' "• \mlil>i .mmi rd li," Anh. It. Di. Aunt. Di. I-'.inb., K>n-. \>. •!'• I..HIKI-. Jr., "Die Kciiiil>l.i[ti-iliil.lun« l>,iir tlllid. exidclirc of which ina\ In- seen in ci-rtain li\ii 1'lu- I"-- "f thi> lluid b\- fixation Causes tlu- o>lla|>-i- of the thin roof and the croudin^ to-t-tln-r • .f iln- c.-ll- at the animal pi-!r ! . IIo\\r\i-r. in many -li-litl> later including both earlier specimens and those oill\ recently oblaiiud. 1 iieiitatioli ca\it\ -« em- to ha\e been lauel\- li.-t and -till later than this, new -pace- between the yolk cell- make their appearance and directly with 4 WILLIAM A. HILTON. the cavity formed by ua-trulation. Fig. 4 is through a specimen -uch a lau-r stage where the total cavity, although slight, is ir and definite. The lining of the first part of this is from invaginated cells and some of the original ones which were with small yolk granule- on the animal pole may be distinguished as part of the lining of the cavity, the total extent of which is shown in a few sections bevoml this level. FIG. 5. Longitudinal section through blastopore and archenteron showing dorsal and ventral lip. Small cells with small granules dotted as in the other drawing. In later stages the cavity or archenteron may not be very extensive. Cells just under the dorsal ectoblastic ones maybe seen to be composed of small yolk granules and beyond the point where in vagi nation is apparent these seem to be well organized and represent a part of the middle germ layer and were probably -.. ;;7V.-. .•;._•..-.;••. rvy - • ' ; "'". • •••• • ' •' ' ' FIG. d. Longitudinal -i-rtinii through the lila-top.ire of a stage a little later than that oi Fig. 5, showing cells which have grown in from the dorsal lip. X-'5- formed from some of the earlier sin, ill cells which wen- traced in their migration-, about the yolk mass. In other specimens the cavity of the archentcnm is not very wide, mosl of the d' cells lining it contain small yolk granules, GASTRULATIOX OF DESMOGNATHUS FU5CA. and these may represent some of the early small cells which have migrated about the yolk. Some of the cells near the opening of the blastopore have grown in dorsally and the ventral lip is also to some degree made up of small cells, some of which may be followed into the floor of the archenteron (Fig. 5). In later gastrula stages as the enteron becomes more and more marked, there may IM- noticed a considerable ingrowth of cells, « -pecially from the dor-al lip, in ><>me -pecimeiis can-ing this free portion of the roof to !,<•< -ome rolled as Hr.uier1 found to be the i ase in the < '.ymnophiona ! I- i ; tli; n <-inlir\ iu-1 \ •••in. -In. \vinu tin- l.i! • i tin- \i a time \\lu-n the 1. la-lop,, re i- reduced t<> a \ cr\ -mall hole and HIM before medullar> fold- are formed, the ca\il\ ha- come to lie lar^e and e\lell-i\e. Fig. ~ i- from a CTOSS Section of -ueh a Stage. In it the me-obla-t ha- not j>enet rated \er\ far \eiitrally e-pecially in tlu- mon- cejihali. ;. Later than thi-, \\ hen the neural plale has liev^un to close, w»- find that a- \et in the head end the does QOl extend much farther but. in the caudal region, it ha- ]>enetrated between the ectobla-t and the \. Mr.ui.-i. .! Ki-nntin- I!,T Knt\vicki-hinj;sK<'sclii' !it<- und -I. r liyinniiphii'iirii." /.<><>!. J surrounding the bla-topore. extending forward and to a slight extent back of it. Thi- ma-> of cell-, which is continuous cephalad with the nervous system and the- mesoblast, is in this more caudal region an un- ditf'ereniiated -roii]). It is from this that the mesoblast grows out io meet that which has been formed on each side of the iiotorhord (Fig. 8). The place where the mesoblast from the cephalic region and that from this caudal mass meet is ofu-n distinguishable because of a difference in the staining character of tin1 cells. In this late stage when the body of the embryo is FIG. 8. Cross section through the caudal end of a late medullary plate stage, showing the undifferentiated cell mass, and the small size of the archenteron. outlined, the cavity of the archenteron is much reduced in size (Fig. 8). This caudal mass is made up from cells on all sides of the blastopore, but especially cephalad of it and evidently represents in large part, the small cells or their progeny which with the narrowing of the blastopore have been brought to the dorsal side of the yolk mass. In the study of these stages in Desmognathus, one is impressed with the fact that fluids within the egg between the blastomeres have more significance than has been generally recognized and it seems possible that this fluid varying with the condition of development, may have considerable importance in the change of form and po-hion of the cells. At times this liquid seems to exert no active influence on the size or condition of the cavitie- or -hapes of the cells, and at others it seems to definitely force the cells into an even layer. For instance in early segmentation Stages, those from the yolk mass and other surrounding cells round oil to\\.ird the bl.i-tonele and tend to fill it in, while at other time-, as in late -a-trula Stages, the of the cell- GASTRULATION OF DESMOGNATHUS FUSCA. ~ surrounding the archenteron are as smoothly pressed back from the lumen as though some definite substance occupied the large cavity. The variations from time to time of the cavities within the egg are quite striking. The variations in extent of the segmenta- tion cavity, its reduction and disappearance in some specimens at least, the developmen: ally in the later stages of clefts bet \vrcn cells, the growth in extent of the archenteron and its reduttion by the time the nervous >\ -tern is developed; all of ihe-e changes may be dependent upon the large yolk ma-- and the peculiarities of environment. . If this last be a factor of importance in the < a\ ity change- within the eggs, then we miuht expect to find, as ue <1". -Mine variation in individual- of the -ana- n-lati\< "f d, \ , |, .pmeiit , for females with e-i;- or yoim- are found in place- that are from wet to almo-t dry at different seasons <>r during the -aim- -m inner. - MI < ',l \i k \l ( A INI i.i -f INS. 1. The -mall-^ranuled, -mall cell- < •!' animal pole v^n-w about the larger with greater or less filling in «i the segmentation cavity. 2. The tell- <>l the allimal pole be.., ill. reduced to olle la\ er. .v The In -I indication «'t ;Ka-t rulat i< m .ip|>ear- in the VCgel Ltive liemi-pheie .it a re^i"M bet \\i-en the -mall cell- \\hich ha\e ^i"\\'n do\\ n and the \<>lk t ell-. 4. There i- an in^n >wtli < -I" -mall cell-, from the d<>r-al lip e-peciall\ . 5. The e.ul\ -e^meiitatit'ii ca\it\ a- -uch |imbabl\- dm-- lid bt O >me i"ined tn the in\ agination. 6. The later an hem en. r, is fi .in led parth by in\ agination and ]iai'tl\ b\ -eparatii m betu !!-. 7. The ca\it\ o!" the anhenten.n i- a|iparenll\ made up of in\a'j.inated cell-. \nlk .ell- and included under either ..lie or both of these, some oi the -mall cell- which ha\e migrated from the re^i«'H "I the animal pule. 8. The -mall cell- at the animal pole form ect<>bla-t. <). The -mall cell- .it the animal pule at lea-t -mile of which an- under the SUrl Us form me-obla-t and probabK' -ome eiitt '1 'la-t . WILLIAM A. HILTON. 10. In later >tages of gastrulation there is a marked ingrowth from the dm>al lip of the blastopon 11. Dorsal and ventral mesoblast become fused in later stages due to the ("in-mat it in of the caudal mass in front of and about the blastopore. 12. The caudal mass furnishes mesoblast in all directions. That funned raudally and laterally grows between the yolk cells and ectoblast. Later, the growing edges of the mesoblast fuse to enclose practically the whole yolk mass. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. I. STHKAM IVm.- AND mi: MI.THDD OF Pnv-n M.RAI-HIC ANALYSIS. VKTOR E. SHKI.FI >RD. I. Intr-i'liii ti"ii 9 II. Miit'-ri.iU .iii-l !.• • ii'Iy . i } III. I'n--«-nt;iti'>n "I th'- I). i1.. i . 19 IV. I.M-. ii--i-.ii "l tin- I » 23 I. I Ji-triliiitiii!. _• ; -\l '•:r-;iii "t • •iimuniti- V .i.iti"ii .. 24 I >[-. \K!H~ aii'l 1 :i th«- A- i. -in of -'7 29 I : V. \ "! tin- K- \' I . A- kii' 'U Icdgments and B , i • [.INI noN. The \\iilci' i- intric-ii -d |irim.iril\' in c\pi \\<>rk. In (•••iiiu-ciiiiii \\iili . \pri iinciii- mi ilic iini(|ilic.uinn nl" t.iMiiKunii- characters «\ tin- ti^cr ln-rtl«-- .ind tin- lilV-lii~i<>t\ umk \\hich QCCessarily .« < •"inp.uiicd it ^lu-ll'ord, '08), certain -trikini; rt-l.i- ti'Hi^ "I tlic~i- lu't-tlc- in environmental «-niii|tli-\i-- \\cic in i<)<>5. MM -•• tvl.itii'ii- -|'"iidrd ( l"-rl\ t«i the rcl.itiitiis .UK! -iir.(-~it" pi. int-. ,md illu-t r.itrd tin- .-.inn- pi-incipK-..i«. the^ tlu-niM-l\»-- Shrlt'nrd. 'i ilil,- ini|)i.n.iiit ln-.iriii^- "t tin- I'.ict^ di-fd\ \\oik, .inl ] ecology <-t forth 1>\ \\'. inning. ("o\\le-. Schiniper. ("lenient-, Whitford, Li\in^-ton, TiMn-e-ui, 1'l.ihault, Schn'iti-r. Mo>s, Schant/, 1 >.ickno\v>ki and in. my other-. The \\<>rk of Ad.un> and of otlu-r /( n'lli i^i-t - h.i- been followed in detail al-o. VICTOR E. SHKLFOKD. It was my hope t<> -ccure guiding principles to be used in the interpretation of the tiger beetle data, in the fields where zoology a tril uited only chaos. In 1907 an appointment requiring that I give- instruction in natural history alone, UMiig the field method, -erved to stimulate my efforts in this direction in order to find a basis for the organization of field and natural history instruction. In 1908, I was compelled, quite against my will. to drop experimental work for a time and have been left free to pursue the inquiry to its logical endings. An early training in zoology which was of the strictest morpho- logical type, caused me at the outset to share the doubts of main biologists as to the value of ecological work. However, because of the circumstances just referred to, I was able to examine the work of plant ecologists with a large degree of sympathy, which has grown as the inquiry and accompanying investigations have progressed. It will be seen that we have been investigating the question of the value and relations of organized ecology to absorbing biological problems of today. It is the results of this investigation that we are concerned in presenting here. The zoological investigations which have accompanied the work have been various and only the significant results will be pre- sented. The investigations have been carried only far enough to indicate the lines in which they may profitably be directed further. The result of our general inquiry, while in the main gratifying, is in some respects disappointing. \Ve had hoped to find intimate relations between organizable ecology and the absorbing bio- logical problems of the day, but everything points to the fact that animal ecology must be organized independently first, and related to other problems after organization has been attained. I or this reason and for the sake of clearness, we- ha\e M -parated ecology as sharply from other subjects as possible. It should be noted at the outset that the basis, in principle, of modern ecology has been developed by botanists quite inde- |n-ndently of other dubious of the subject of botany. Doubts as to the \alne of plant ecology once existed among botanists, but these have disappeared and CCO!M-\ ha> a recognition on a level with evolution, morphology, and physiology. This is ot i mere-- 1 here, because llis|or\ often repeal- il-ell. tCOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. II In general, animal ecology is concerned with the relation of animals to their environments. Theirs/ essential is to locate the animal in its environment. Our inquiry and the paper- which will deal with the results have ucce--ion a- applied to animal-. 4. To determine thr v.ilu.- of the principles of physiography and plant ecolo:_ •. nimals in their environments, in determining -"iiiethin'c of tin- ph\ -iolo^ical character of the or-.ini-m .1- a uh«.l.-. .md « in the\-i- of the or^ani-m 5. To inquire into tin pi .— ib ilit y of or^ani/in^ a -\-tem of ecological i la— ilication for animal- \\hich -hall lie sufficiently independent of the Oth( 'i in- and method-, to f. >rm a b.i-i- for generalization which m.t\ serve as a check on the results oi tin- held- of evolution, heredity, and phy-iol, I o inquire int" the relation «-t succession to the quantitative pro), Inn- ot l.iol. ,-\ . 7. lo in.|iiiiv into tin- relation of succession t«> the origin of adaptation-. ,s. To inquire into the relation- • . •. to tlu- economic piol.lein- of zodlogy, and the po— il.Hity of u-ini; ecolo-\ as a means of lirin^iiu aliout a I'dter uniticalion ot the \ari hranche- of /• . pure and applied. It ha- 1-eeii found impracticalili- to organize the \\«.rk SO that one pajier \\ill deal \\ith the >ul>jcct of an>' one of the al>o\e pro|>o-itioii- alone. The di-cu— ion of physiological animal ;ih\- in the \\'hitman Memorial X'olume of the Journal <>J Morphology i- intended to serve a- an introduction to the -eiu-ral qtie-tioii-, .md niainlx with the fir-t t\vo and the tilth purposes. I'lu- pre-eiit ]t.qier. \\hich i- intended to be the tir-t of a series "f ti\e or -i\. i- concerned \\ith the (|Ue-lion ot the 12 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. value of tin- principles of physiography as outlined in the fourth. \Yith the development of the ideas of genetic physiography came I lu- recognition of the succession of physiographic conditions over a ijveii locality (point B of Fig. i). The relations of plants ! animals to physiographic features being recognized, the first recognition of plant and animal succession came in connection with physiographic succession. Cowles ('01) carried out a complete classification of the vegetation near Chicago on the basis of the plant succession which accompanies physiographic // G F E D C B FIG. i. A diagram showing the successive stages in the profile (general shape of the bottom) of a very young stream, curved lines, A—B, A—C, A-D, A-E, A-F, .1 (/. .1 •// representing the successive profiles. The uppermost horizontal line represents the surface of the land into which the stream is eroding. The horizontal line with the arrow heads indicates the direction of the migration of the source of the stream and accordingly of similar stream conditions. The vertical line with arrow heads when followed downward passess through a succession of stream condi- tions and represents physiographic succession at the locality B. The point A is the mouth of the stream. Opposite this are shown three successive sizes of the stream, and therefore succession at that point. The vertical scale is greatly exaggerated. change. Adams ('01) also discussed in general geographic terms the relations of animals to base-leveling and stream development. He referred to succession of forms in streams. Since his paper, little has been done in the study of the actual relations of animals to the various stages of stream development, or the relative importance of the activities of the animals and the dynamics of -t reams in determining distribution. In the study of all phases of distribution, animal activities have been usually eiiher ignored or taken for granted. Tax- onomy has been the center around which all such work has rotated and the taxonomic characters used have been very generally -tructural. In the study of succession this ha-> been true, only ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 13 to a lesser degree. \Ye believe that workers in this line have had in mind the recognition of activities, but the subject is too new to make such an id< lizable in practice. It is the purpose of this paper to present some details of the di-iriliutii'ii of ti-h which -hall throw light on the limitations and application- of tin- principles which Adams set forth. The pre-entation "I data and the discussion are based on the following que-tion-: 1. Are the h>h of the headv. < •!' older -ttvam- the >ame as the fi-h of younger streams? 2. It SO, did they uei into tin- -tream \\hen it wa- yung and -imply keep |iacr \\ith tin- advance "t ero-ion into the land.-' .}. \\'lial i- tin- relation o| the ,i M \ i l Kl \l Si i mi .i'. In l he ii itioii "I problem- in ait\ tield, one ot the thin rei|uirin- p-eal care is the selection of material. In the Mud\ ot ecology, if il i- l" be • lied \\iih particular ^puip-, ihi- i- triii-, and in addition a still wore inifxirtiiti! »n »:u.\t he made, nameK . //.'.// c/' !/:<• !•>< dtiti ''v. I . i ' ' '.'/. I Of ihi- -tlld\ ti-h \\en- -elected bec.m-e lhe\ are probably ihe onl\ .inimal- that are not introduced \>\ accidental mean-. 'l'he\ inii-t ha\e eiitrred the streams -tudied at their mouth-. 2. The Points of Stnh of several -mall >t reams, \\ithin forty mile- of Chicago, have been collected. These -tream- are all indicated on the map. (a) Present Condi! i> Beginning \\ith the mo-t northerly on the map, the -t reams are: Util! Creek-Dead River.— It extend- in\\anl about three fourths of a mile from the boundary of old Lake Chicago ( >ee map), and divide- into t\\<> main brandies, each of which has a number of VICTOR E. SHELFORD. tributarily. The total distance from the old Lake Chicago bluff t«i the headwaters i> about two and one fourth miles. Its lower M.i|> i 'f tin' Yi< inity <>!' Chicago. course which WES added by the falling of the water of the lake, i- known a^ I )ead Ki\ er. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 15 Pettibone Creek is similar to Bull Creek, but a little smaller. Its length does not exceed one and three fourths miles. County Line Creek is about twelve miles farther south. It differs from the others in being smaller. It also divides into two branches at a distance of only three sixteenths of a mile from mouth and the length with tributaries is about one half mile. Glencoe Brook is about . in; mile south of County Line Creek and has a total available length, so far as fish are concerned, of only ,i few rod-. The-e four -tream- arc cl«-el\ < < >mparable. They all rise in a moraine which -land- 1 « -tu» en i.o and loo feel .ibo\e the lake. It- height at the Like, or point neare.-t the lake, i- about <>o feet in everj Case, With the excepti-m of the lower courses of Bull (nek and iVuibom- ( 'n ek, all are composed of strictly inter- mittent riffle- ami |n i in. men- pt in umi-ual seasons) pool-. \\ e will refer to the-c .1- the North Slmre -tream-. In addition to the-r. t\\o other -tream- uete studieldth\\ ait . '«" . So far as the pn-eiit c\ cle of erosion i- coiK-erned ^ali-burx . '07 , erosion ha- iiroceed.d as lai- as Marlex. lie|o\\ thi- point the -tream i- a typical .-\\ift brook. Thorn-Butterfidd (>(•<(• i- intermediate betueeii lliekoiy l "reek and the north -lime -tream-. The -ouiheru branch of Butterfield Creek, near Matte-i'ii, 111., i- -hi^gi-h, but ha- inter- mittent riffle- and permanent pool-. History of the Region. \\'h«.'ii the \\'i-con-in i«e -heet retreated from il- maximum extent, which lax U xoiid the center of the -late of I'linoi-. the edge of one of it-, lobes Atuo.,.1 and (ioldt hwait . 'oM1 took up a po-ition a texv mile- oiit-ide of, and parallel x\ith, the prc-eiit 16 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. >t" Lake Michigan. Here it depo-ited what is known as the Valparaiso Moraine. When the ice ret reated from this position, it occupied the basin of Lake Michigan a little to the north of the present south end of the Lake. \Vateroccupiedthespace between this lobe and the Valparaiso Moraine. This body of \\ater is known among geographers and geologists as Lake Chicago. At its period of maximum extent (see map), it stood 55 to (>o feel above the present lake. The history of Lake Chi- cago and the other predecessors of Lake Michigan is complicated TABLE I. SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF FISH i\' THE NORTH SHORE STREAMS AT THE TIMKS INDICATED. Thr numl» i- refer in Fig. 2 and Fig. 4. N.imi- i-t" Stri-;im ami C»m- iiii-n Nairn- ..f Fish. 1 >.ite and Scientific Vame. i 2 • 4 5 1 7 Glencoe Brook August, 1907 . .... Horned dace . . Semotilus atromacidalns . . * County Line Creek. . . . Horned dace 1907-8. Semnlilna alromacultitus . . . * * * * Blacknosed dace .... 1 1 '1 1 nii v darter Riniclitliys utramisus f>i>lt-n\(>»iii m\nnn * * * * Blackhead minnow I'inii1 phalfs promelas * Biuntnosed minn<>w I'imcph tiles nolalns * Common sucker. Catostomns commersonii. . . * Pcttibone Creek1 . ... September, 1909, and Horned dace April, 1910. SetHotilus atromaculalus . . . •> * * * Red bellied dace .... Blacknosed dace ( hrosomus erithrogaster . . Riniclitliys atronasus * * * * * Johnnv darter Boleosoma ni^riint * * Common sucker Catoslomus commersonii . . . * Bull Creek-Dead River . Horned dace September, 1909. Semotilus utrmnm ulatus . . . * * * * * Red bellied dace .... Cln<>M»nns erithtogasler . . . l\ i>iit hth \"i atroiui^u't * * * * * Common sucker ( :!tie Pomovis (DDiitluri'i Red horse Mnxostoma aurcolutn ( (ml) sucker /• i'i ni v . >>i at I'tta Golden -lnii'-i Alirmnn crysoleucas ( < >in i uon shiner Noti'uf'i't i<>rnntii\ Cayuga minnow \(i//1i«/'/s ii2 VII 1^(1 Tadpole cat Schilbeodes gyrinus 'Th<- lower part oi ( n-«-k has been destroyed by the U. S. Naval Schm.1 otherwise tin- table would include- the records for a point 5 and perhaps a point 6. but probably not 7. 'i indicate iu.uiuplct.i- identification. ECOLOGICAL SU< CE--ION. and it will -iifln e, f"r our purposes, to state that the level of the water fell to a poim al ut 40 feet above the present Lakr Michi- gan. After -landing in this position for a time, ii fell again to a point 20 feet lower. Its next period of standstill \\as at a i2-toot le\el from which it receded to the proem lake level. The oldest of the north -hore -t reams probably began as mere gullic- when the lake was al its 6o-foot level. These gullies have \\-orked their way hack into the morain and deepened thcirchan- neK in the manner described by Adam- '»>! and diagram- matically illustrated in Fig. i. Long ago Bull Creek was similar to the pre-ent ( "oiinty Line Creek. At a recent period County Line ( "reek v . liki- < il.-n« • i. 1^:1. n.irtli .in- m.i|i|.i-,! • I tli<- ii. :lil<- ill til.' .'AH ill lutikrii liin--. \\hiili 1 hich exist m nature. ,H.| tin.- top oi tiir diagram iHiinlii-i on tl ree <>t' tin- -m-am i -ont.iiii- fish. . tin- n-.l-lii-lls. tin.- I'lack-ii. -:thys . tin- -iinti-li and l>.i-~; 7. the pike. chut'. ~uck '. i- about 60 fret hi.uh. Tin- stipple.! :'.n iu~t al-cvc tl • 1 the la',. i8 I-:. -HELFORD. li conditions the Meep p<>rtion> mi-rate hack into the moraine, /. e., up stream, until the source- is reached. The proce>s of lowering the water level at the- mouth of a stream and tin- develop- ment of the steep portion i> known as rejuvenation. Rejuvena- tion usually affects the distribution of ti>he> in stream-. However, streams which are made up of intermittent pools and riffles are not so much at'fected as larger streams. Further- more, softness of the glacial clay in which the north shore streams are located would cause the changes in the stream bed to take TAHLK II. Tin-: DisTRiuriitiN <•!•• FISH IN HICKORY CREEK (AND ITS WEST BRANCH) IN THE SIMMER OF IQOg. Those starred were in the pool nearest the source. I., The first mile of the stream, mi-. i :n tin tUh pool nearest the source, toward the mouth; II., the third and fourth miles; III., at the head of erosion, five miles from the pool nearest the source; IV., six miles from the pool nearest the source; V, nine miles from same; stream much larger with K""d riffles and one weedy cove. I. II. III. IV. V. 1 Ii illlei 1 ( lace* S<'»i I////N dti'ont itiiltiliis * * * * * < iolden shiner* l''ji;w/v crysoleucas . . * * * |ohnn\* darter* ' iniii >i ! '^t u ni * * * * Sti me r< iller* '. iimpostotna tniniiitiliiiii * * * * •v col< >red minm >\v* \otrof>is hlt'tniiici . . . . * * * * Blue spotted sunfish* * * * * Blunt no~ed minnow I'nn t'phnli"* ntitiitiis * * * * * ( i iiiinn m sucker* . . ( 'ntii\tii»iii v commersonii * * * Mud minnow 1 inf'i'd limi . . . * 1 < ' 1 1 minnow Fundulus Holding * * Rei 1 bellied dace ( lirns/nmi^ erythrogaster * * Chub trif iimlimtilis * * l< i • ei t hub . // \'liof>\i\ L-i'iititi kiensis * * * !• .1 n i .tiled darter • lumii lliilii'Htirf * * * Rainb' iw darter Etheoslonta cceiiilcnm * * * * 1 i . i - 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 • r \l ii i'iif't'1'i it punclulata * Sucker mouthed minnow * iL;a minnow V,,/ni/);s ((/v«t'<; * R' H k ba-- 1 iittiltihlilt",' riifii^lri* * in ion -1 liner \ii//'n/>;v tuftiiitll'i 1 . i < ' • ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ' '.\ \'t>tr»f>i'i ri(l>ifn»i 1 u '• K i 1 1 •v/i's ("ill i'l n *• 1 i in unti -h 1 .1 I'inni'- nil i iiloti v . . . sl i me cat \(>tll> 11 • /! filt'f n ^ ill >li ini n'i< ll'> • - MI ker . . . !i 'Hill \ til fit ii>: i 'oinmon red IP ' Mii\i>>ti»ISil il Ill-fill It III ECOLOGICAL -U< CE--ION. IQ place rapidly. In tin- exi-ting streams the slope of bed dit< within a ^ivcn stream and with respect to the different -treams. The difference- do not appear to be of importance in determining the relation- of the ti-h pre-ent to a stream as a whole. Ac- cordingly, we -hall not consider the effect of rejuvenation in the di-cn--ii in- 1< 'Hi »\\ ii 111. I'K! 51 N I HI!'. IUIA.1 I t.tia of the kind upon which thi- paper i- ba-cd are doiibtK us familiar to .ill collr. tor- of ti-h. l;rom our point of view the presence or absence of is nol "t particular impor- tance, but \\e arc concerned with the arrangement of li-h in the -tream- and it- causes, Such causes cannot be di-cu--ed here because th«-\- -hould be -mdicd experimentally. A- \et \\e ha\e ii( .t been able to do t hi-. 2 -ho\\- the -tie.un- and Table I. the distribution ol the li-h in the-e streams. I . .' ' ! I . \\V note that the li-h honied of the -malle-t Stream ( ,1, I'M... .Is b. long to tin- sam< e at the healy not residents.1 \Ye note that at the points marked 4 (Fig. 4) as shown in column 4, all the fishes occurring nearer the source of the stream are present and in addition the young of the common sucker. In Bull Creek at point 5, as shown in column 5, the daces are represented by the horned dace alone ; the other two being absent. The minnows were present here in numbers and evidently regular residents. The little pickerel was not abundant. In columns 6 and 7 (see map also), we find the record of a number of fishes belonging to large creeks and to ponds. The distribution of the fishes in Table I. corresponds to the habitat preferences indicated by Forbes and Richardson ('08), pages ci.\ to cxiii. 2. Discussion of Table II. By comparing columns I to 6 in Table I. with column I. of Table II., we note that nearly all the fish present in the north -lion- streams are present at the point nearest the source of Hickory Creek. Considering the first, third and fourth mile- of this stream we note that, the little pickerel and the black- no-ed dace are absent in the preen ision part of Hickory Creek 1 I lankinson ha- poiiUrd mil tin- difficulties <>!' si-curing a complete colln tion of Ii-li. II, I, in tin- water which In- has difficulty in M-CIM in.u with a dip m-t. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 21 and present in the north shore streams. In addition, we find several species in Hickory Creek (among these is a single specimen of darter, the species probably not resident) not found in the north shore streams at all. Hickory Creek is better situated for fish to enter, as they may come upstream directly, while in the north shore streams they must enter the lake and enter a given stream by rh.mrr. A« < ordingly, the larger number of spent-- i- to IP.- . ted in IhVkory ("reek. In column III. are sho\\ n the fishes at the head of erosion or th.- rit'tlt-- nearest the sour< e of the stream. A number of swift- w.uer fish -darter- are -ho\vn here. Thr-e \\etv abundant. In column IV. tin- tx > u; •, number of lishe- similar in habit- to tho-e shoun in column III. i- indicated. The stream i- -imilar in bottom and volume of water at the localities rcpre- -ented in column- III. aid IV.. and further collecting \\ould probably lia\<- -ho\\ n the-e t \\ o localities to be inhabited by practically the same fi-li. Tin- P-ck bass was represented by a single ill\ellile spr< imell. 1 'lunm \'. sho\\ s the li-h .u a point in the stream \\ltere the volume of \\ater i- about four times that at point IV. The >tivam here i- characterized b\ rillles inv;K- ju\enile specimen ot the horiu d dat e. The retl-be!lied d.n f and Johnny daiier were ii"t taken. The atldition of a number of la; tislu-s lu-re is ,,f int. •• I >i . in- character- i-iic of l.ii -,- streams. ;v /' Table III. Table III. i- introduced to >h, ,\\ conditions intermediate be- tween the north shore streams and I lickory ( "reek. The localities, of study \\cre -elected to correspond to localities in Hickory Creek, just so lai ditioiis in Thom-Butterfield Creek \\ould permit. In .general, condit i< nis at A in this suvam c.>rn-poiid to I. in Hickor> Creek, but differ in that the water at A i- c. .11 fined to po. .U in dry weather and is continuous at I. B corresponds to 111. and C to V. VICTOR E. SHELFORD. Aii inspection of column A >h<»\\> that some of the same fishes arc present as in tin- uppermost pool of Hickory Creek. A-ain there .ire certain dillerciiecs. These differences are the absence of certain fish— the Johnny darter, the golden shiner, the straw- i-olored niinno\v and the common sucker. The presence of tlic-c .it locality I. of Hickory Creek is probably due to the artificial exposure of bare bottom. TABLE III. THE FISH OF THOKN CREEK COLLECTION MADK AT THE HEADQUARTERS IN 1908 AND IQOQ AND AT OTHER POINTS IN 1909 AND I9IO. A. The first fish pool; B, four miles down stream; C, ten miles down stream. \ B i Horned dace .^I'Hlotilll V till < »>!(!( II lilt 11 S * * * Blunt nosed minnow I'imi' fliiilt's Hitliilift * * * Blue spotted «un-tish l.<'pinnis cvdiit'llia * * * Stone roller ( amposloma anomalum * * * \ntrn f>is uniliftitilis * •) Banded darter Eheostoma zonule * p ( i iiiniK >n ~hiner \(>is cornutus * •) Striped top minnow I'ltniinlus ilispar * -> Black sided darter II illh'np/CI'll s l/S/TO * * Johnnv darter Boleosoma nigrutn * * M ud ininiii >w .... 1 inlit'ii Ihni * * Caviisja minnow Notfopis t'n\'K^ii * * ( ic ildcn shiner Ihramis CTysoleucos * * Large mouthed black bass. . . . Mil m pier us salmoides * Small mouthed black bas-< Microplerus ilulomicn * Blue trill l.i'pumis pulliiiiis * Crappie . 1'iiniuxis .s/)(;;-<)/(/(-v ... * Pirate perch . . 1 phri'iloili'i'ii \ stiv mi us * Yellow perch I'i'i'i ii ftavescens * Carp . . (.'vfrntns < io * Black bull head . 1 ini'ini'iis nii'las . . * • i 'in nion sucker ( atostomus < ommersonii * Short-headed red horse \lu\iistnniii l>>'i",'ii i'/>\ * Pike. . !•'.<• n.\ I IK his . * Comparison of this list with that of the north shore streams (except 6 and 7) shows that, in so far as the north shore specie:- are in Thorn-Butterfield at all, they are at the headwaters with the exception of the Johnny darter. In column B we note that llie fish are alioiit the same species as were found in localities III. and IV. in Hickory ("reek, in so far ,i- they have been found in both streams at all. \'otropis commas is found further upstream in Thorn-Butterfield Creek than in I lickory ( 'reek. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. :S In column C we note a number of fishes, twenty -pecies and four doubtful identifications, as against twemy-i\\<> at point \ . in Hickory Creek. Ten of these are the same in the tw<> stream-. Again \\e find larger fi-he- in the large parts of the stream. IV. 1)1-' USSION OF THE D.\TA. It i- easy to lose on< self in the maze of taxonomic diversity which one find- in a number of streams separated no further than tin- one- con-iden-d ht-n-. \\V are not concerned with taxonomy. Tin- 5U{ i •!)- and inference- herein are chielK to illn-iraie .1 melhod ot aiial\ -i- and l" -ui^e>t a method of com- bined experimental and field -tudy. It -lionld be borne in mind throughout the di-cii--ion that ecolo-y as an or^ani/ed science i- in much the -am- :n< >rphol- >-\ \\ a- \\ hen it \\ a- in-i < 5- \ tO dlSCUSS methods which are now taken for granted. I . m^trilniti in t!n~ .V \\'e \\ ill i -'ii-ider the IK. rth -In. re streams lir-t. \\\- ha\e in. ted that the\ .ire -iinilar \« < -.u h other in origin, in material- t i-'-lid, in their relation- t-. the lake, and in bein^ for the m-.-l part madi- H|> ot permanent pool- and intermittent ritlle-. An in-; lion of Table I. -ln.\\- that there i- a definite arrangement ot li-he- in the-i- Streams. 1 in that there i- a cl-'-c ( -oi Te-pondcin i- betui ell the Upper Colll'-c- of t he di Iterell t -tream> in the matter of the ii-he- pn--ent . a- \\ell a- in their arrangement. The only -pccie-. the Inn in 1 1 dace, in the youiue-t -iream < '•!» -n- coe Brook) is the same as the species \\hich i- >n;uc^t tin- source .// ///c other st' Tin-re are - .UK- dittei. i,- • •- in the fi-h communilii-- o| corre- sponding part- of the dittt rent but tin -e are probably due to the failure of B -i\eli SDCCieS to i-ntei a ui\eil -iream. One i- -truck \\ith the >imilarity of the corrc-pondin- li-h com- munitie- rather than the ditt.-iein, In making a general compari- m. reference to the diagram <.f the map- of the -tream- I ig. J shows that the different jish communities ar« together in the smaller -tream-. I-'i;^. l -ln.\\- that the -lope of the bed of the voting -tream- i- greater 24 VICTOR E. -HKLFORD. than that «i the older streams, and the ditYerent conditions accord- ingly closer to-eiher. Turning to the other t\vi> >t reams studied (Hickory Creek and Thorn-Butt uTtield Creek), we see that the same species, the horned dace, is at the headwaters of these, as at the headwater of the north shore streams. It is accompanied, however, by eral other species, a part of which are found in the north shore >trcams at points further down stream and in a larger volume of water than some individuals of the horned dace. In other words the species of the north shore streams are crowded together in streams \\here the volume of water is greater at the headwaters than in the north shore streams, (a) Causes of the Definite Arrangement of the Fishes in the Streams. The arrangement of the fish in these streams suggests definite reactions to some factor or factors in the stream. Rheotaxis is suggested as a cause of the upstream movement, and water pressure and size of stream a factor limiting the upward move- ment. This should be studied experimentally. (b} Origin of the Fish Communities. — Migration. A discussion of the mode of origin of the fish communities is concerned with the mode of entrance of the fish into the habitat. \Yhile manner of entrance of fish into a stream is not of particular importance to us, it follows from a reference to Fig. I that fish may enter when the stream is young and keep pace with erosion. Fish entering when a stream was at the youngest stage indicated in Fig. I, need only maintain their position against the current and they would be carried inland as the source of the stream migrated inland. In the case of Bull Creek, the horned dace is absent from the lower portion (Dead River) so far as our collections show. Did this species enter when Bull Creek was similar to Glencoe Brook." This is improbable for the condition in Bull < 'reek, \\ hen it was similar in size to Glencoe Brook, mn>t ha\e been Hinilar to conditions now found glaciers, e. g., Green- land. There is further evidence as to the improbability ol such early entrance in the data of Hickory Creek fishes. \\V have noted that ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 25 Hirkory Creek rises in a depression between two morainic ridges, and that its upper course is sluggish and did not originate by stream en»-i«n. Its profile is shown in Fig. 3, page 19. The species of n<>\v at the source of thi- -tivam could not have filtered when this stream wa- young and have kept pace with the migration « .f conditions, because if thi- was a stream at all during tin- close "f the glacial epoch, it wa- carrying the waters from melting i( e "r a pond in the same manner a- it is now drain- a mar-h. Tin- li-lie- or ~pi , ies of fi-h that are now found near tin- -ouree of this -l ream wen- obliged to travel a di-tance of \~\\\- miles through a murky niar-hy -tn-am to reach the headwaters. The success of mo-i of the - present in the -lu.^i-h upper course of thi- -ire, nil i- prolial>l\- due al-o \,> l,, i'\po-ure of vel, since the set tlrmcnt of tlu- country. There ha> been dr. in- to facilitate drainage. ^i\ of the thirteen >pecir> are known to u-e bare hottoin lor hreediiv^ I rbes and Kichard-on -how thai o| the leu . i| these uhich they . on-idered in their taldes ( |)|». ci\ i \iii nine -ln>\\ a preference for the l>ot toin (,|" n,t-k and -and. ^< Mile .1) lhe-e decided. Tin- xhou - that li-h may enter the headwater- of -(ream- \\iihont i»anicnlar reference to plu-io^raphic condition-. Hen- po-iti\e rlieot.ixi- ma\ 1 »e a a-^ain l.\on, '04). Tin- observations of tin- .,f drought and llood tiirow further li^ht on the cause and rate of migration. . ' on ///c . 1 - ;';/ i. /'/.-• fhere was an unusual drought in the autumn of [908. The ilata on the < li-tril >ut ion of li-hc- in ("ik-ncoe lirook and ('oiinty Line ( 're.-k \\ ei .• collected before tin'- dale. TaMe 1\". -ho\\^ tin- arrangement the drought. < >imt\ Line Creek \\a- entirely dr> except the pool neare-t its mouth in September. ; Thi- i- the locality marked 4 in . 2. The t"llo\\ini; spring \\a- OIK- of normal rainfall. The fish proceeded Upi >nil\ three rods. Thi- partially re-tored the u-iial arrangement. If thi- repre-eiil- tin- rate, ti-li proceed np-iream -lo\\l\. < ileiicoe Brook ha- not reco\'ered it- ti-li. VICTOR E. SHI I I ' iRD. TABLE IV. U.IT IKS <>v i in-: BASIS OF THE I)IMKII:I IK.N ,,i FISH BEFORI-: mi. \)H<« <.IIT. i TABLI-: I. union 1 >ati ' 3 • ntil'ic N:imc. i 4 ( ,lell . Ill I ti-ll I ltd iln-i . 1909. nty Line ( "n-ck. 1 1 1 >i ned dace September. 1909. Si'inotilii '• iitnunaciiliitHS * * Black iii i-ed d.u .• Rinichthys atronasus . . . . * iinon sucker. ( '(iti>\!a»!iis I'omniiTsoiiii . * 2. Floods. — Abbott ('70) collected the fishes from source to mouth of a small stream. After a flood he found none of the ^une fish but species belonging to larger streams. Unfortunately, he does not state that he again studied the stream from source to mouth, and accordingly leaves the question of a general upstream migration unsettled.1 2. Succession. Ecologists are frequently asked what is meant by succession and what is the significance of succession. In answering the first part of the question there has often been a confusion result- ing from a lack of distinction bet \veen the different uses of the term succession. It is used in three distinct senses. We speak of (i) ecological succession, (2) seasonal succession, and (3) geological .succession (Adams, '09). I. Geological succession is primarily succession of species throughout a period or periods of geological time. It is due >As evidence of upstream migration of mollusca, the following seems to be important. Frequent examination of a section of the North Branch of the Chicago Rivi-r at Kdgelirook, between 1903 and 1907, shoued that l'l< •/<;-... . ->-,i ,-i, -rulum and (.'iinif'i-luniti occur in this stream, rit-nrucrra \\-a-; not I'ound during tliis period MIL; .\o\ciiiln-i. 1907) above a certain point. ('inn/nn: \\.ts found only -]iaiini;]>- almvi- this point. Tin- si>ring of 1908 was one of heavy rainfall and the in- were in tloo.l iiom April to June. On July f) the snail Pli-itnm'ni was lotind in nu in In i - one t"ui th «.i a mile t'urtln-t up-trt-am, than formerly. < \i»ip,-lomu had Kone nearly as far. The sea-mi from November to Apiil was not dilien-nt IKUII LSOns anil then- i- no n-a^'Ui to a— nine that the initiation ln-i;an ln-lon- the spring floods. Il tlii^ i- tun- tin -nails could make their way towaid the head \\atei - at the Kite ol at l«-a-t a mile pel year, il they were intioiliiced into a lai.m- -tn-ain. 'I hi- tnii-t lie a te-p.m-e to liotli \\.iti i pii sure and rurrent. The small \alue o! SUCll -ill^le oli-el \atioll- i- lero^lli/ed, 1)111 they ale ple-e|lted hi'le I.e. .lll-e the op|ioi tunit\- to • in -111 h data i- -mall. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 2~ mainly t<> the dying out of one set of species and (lie evolution of others which take their places. 2. Seasonal succession is the succession of species or stages in the lik-hi-to;-' , ies, over a given locality, due to hereditary and eni'irnnic differences in the life-histories (time of appearance) of t!u- species living tht 3. Ecolo-i. ,il succession is the succession of ecological type- < phy-iolo-u ,il t\ •]!(•-. modes of life) over a given point or locality. duetochai >f environmental conditions at that point. From thi- point ••(' \ie\v untiring to do with 5/>< • \-cept that )innii\ an- necessary. There are of rour-e relation- hetweeii the-, three phenomena hut the-e relation- are of the nature of rh»-ek- in method of -tudy rather than e— eiitial-. ami -pace will not permit US to disCUSS them here. Tin re are al-o qualifi- cation- of a -imilar nature that might IK- made to the delinilii'ii-. \\iili me to the -tatemeiit thai Species are inel.-\anl to the que-tion. a \\ord -hould he added. If the hahit- of a spe< part "I the delmitioii ot that species, a- the\ iiui-l -ooiier "i later conn- (o In-, tlu-n -peeie- an -i^nili- ( -am . The definition applies to the manner in \vhirh the spe< ies (|lle-tioll i- Healed ill ]ir.ieli' \\ . ha\e noted the migration a-|iett of t In- relai ion .>t \\-\\ in -mall -iieam-. ^ne» e--i< 'ii i- Imt a dittereiit jioint ot \ie\\. ^nei e--ioii of ii-h mean- succession of e-i.iMi-hed torm-. ;. -.. • •I fi'iin- that make tl tin their regular al>ode. The mo-t ini|)oitallt a-|nel ..| « --t al ili-hlllellt i- hreedillg. AnumluT of \\riter-ha\edi-iu--ed the breeding habits of the -pet ie- toiind in the-e -mall streams I ig< nmann, '^5; l;orlu •- and l\ii hard-on. I Ian kin-oii. '..7. 'lO; \<> i-^hanl. '• 's . Reeves, '07 : ^iniih. '( :!ctncn( OJ /'• x • J«m. >ui-et---inii in tin efon u- i- a ret i >n-i met ii m. It i- 1-a-ed on the -uperpo-ition of all the fi-h communities o\er ihe olde-t part of the olde-t and large-t To make this clearer, \\ e will -late with the aid of the diagram I ig. 4 the -ucce--ion of li-h in Bull Creek. Thi- -inve— ion \\ill he < -on- >idered a- taking place over the olde-t jtart of the portion of Hull Creek \\hich lie- hack of the hluff of the former and higher lex el- of Lake Michigan. Thi- i- the point de-ignaied a- 5. VICTOR E. SHELFORD. \ \ FIG. 4. This figure is based on Fig. i. The profiles of the streams shown there are here separated vertically at the mouth. The curved lines represent seven stream stages as follows: B, Glencoe Brook; C, hypothetical stage; D, hypothetical stage; E, County Line Creek; F, Pettibone Creek; G, hypothetical stajir; //, Bull Creek-Dead River. The hypothetical stages could, no doubt, be found along the shore of Lake Michigan, the difficulty arises from the introduction of sewage into so many streams. The comparative size of the mouth of each stream stage is representdl by a stream cross-section at the right. The direction of reading in succession is indicated by the vertical line with the arrow heads pointing downward. The oblique lines marked i-i, 2-2, 3-3, etc., pass through points in the stream profiles which are in the same physiographic condition, and which are occupied by similar fish communities. When Bull Creek was at a stage represented by the first stage in our diagram (which is now represented by the present Glencoe Brook) its fish, if any were present, were ecologically similar to those now in Glencoe Brook in their relations to all factors except climate. This ecological type is represented by the horned dace alone. As Bull Creek eroded its bed and became hypo- thetical stage C of the diagram, the fish community of stage B was succeeded by a fish community ecologically similar to the fish communities at the localities marked 2 in Figs. 2 and 4. The fish now ecologically representing this community are the horned d.-Mv and the red-bellied dace. The community <>f the single species, the horned dace, had at such a period moved inland to the point where line i-i crosses the curved line repre- -enting the profile of hypothetical stage C. As erosion continued tin- l'\^\\ community ecologically ivpre- -i-utrd by the horned d.u .• and red-bellied dace mo\vd gradually inland and was succeeded by a fish community occup\ing the ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 2Q mouth ot hypothetical stage D, ecologically similar to that m>\v found at the point- v Thi- i- represented by the three daces and the Johnny darter. As the hypothetical stage D eroded its bed and became >tage K, which i- n .u-d by County Line Creek, ti-h community 1 wa- succeeded by a ti-h community ecologically similar to iln- ti-h community no\\- pn--ent at points 4. This is eco- .illy rrpre-ciited by the three daces, the Johnny darter and the \oiin- ot tin common -ticker. The fir- h communitie- di nated as I, 2. and ; had meanwhile mo\ed inland and \\ arranged in tin- order which their ec, .logical eon-titution required. Tin- continuation of the process iv-uhed in di-placin- a li-h h o.nnnuinity 4 b\ a !i-h communii\- . . all\ -imilar to the ]ire-ent ti>h i-ommunit\- 5. Thi> i> repre-ciited in the lower \\ater- <•!' Hull Creek by the bluiit-iio-(-d minnou .ind the little pickerel. HetWe the de-trilC- ti«,'ii oi its lower course r»-tiibi. ' eek should have contained ihi- coiiiiiuinit\ and represei 1 I ' . cal succession is one of the few biological fields in which ]m-di(tioii i-, p..-~iMc. \\',- m.,\ thi> di-cu — ii.n a little tmiliri. \\ e ha\e iiotnl that the dt-\elopiu. . .ntinue to erode their bid-. ^io\\ lar^i-r. and briiu down the surface , .( the land. The-e ] - h.i\t- not -topju-d in Hull Ctvi-k; it \\ill bet mile la; -ntain a larger \olume of water at the !• •• .tlit\ 5, and tin- !i-h commiinit\ o| l.ieality 5 \\ ill be -IK • <-« d< d b\ a li>h coinimmit\ t -i o|, ,^ie.ill\ -imilar to that now at locality I ;ire-ented b\ the -unti-h and ba-- pn -< in. Thi e ha- been d. -unated a- In | n.t G in the diagram, \\ith a further continuation of the process, the li-h iimillit> of -• g< ( ,. ' . ' 6, \\ill be succeeded b\ a ti-h community eo>l( . Really -imilar to that now found at the locality 7 Hull Creek-Dead Ki\n-. Sta^e 11 . The ti-h are -ho\\ii iii column 7, Table I . .U<7/.'<> VICTOR E. -UK!. FORD. otherwi-c would have been justified. It is important to recognize how much of the reconstruction is method, and how much is bin]. i^ical principle. i. The Biological Principle. — The biological principle involved i- one well ivco^ni/'ed, Inn lacking in detailed and definite experi- mental confirmation. It may be stated as follows: Ecologically ci mi iar.d ile animals living under similar conditions possess certain similarities of physiology, behavior, habits and mode of life. Indirect evidence for this seems adequate for the purposes of this paper, but we have as yet been unable to conduct experi- mental studies in this line. The process of securing data to illustrate the principles involved here has not been small. An obvious difficulty arises in securing language suitable for a brief expression of all that is included in physiology, behavior, habits and mode of life. The term form covers all matters of structure, size, proportion and in common usage, color also. A- opposed to this and as covering all the physiological, and behavior characters just referred to, we will use the Latin word mores.1 The mores of a species or community of species are not independent of the form or forms: the two are correlated, for every mores, we may expect to find some kind of structure, and for every form of structures, we must also expect to find some physiological differences. Our present methods may not detect these correlations between form and mores and the correlations may not be important, but the existence of such correlations seems to be a necessary assumption. In such a series of streams as the north shore streams, it is a well-known tact that the conditions in the young streams are like i hose ( near the headwaters) of the larger and older ones. It was for this reason that this series of streams was selected for the study. Since the same species of fish are present in like condition^, we have evidence for the uniformity ot physiological make up. Since different species occupy different positions in the nicely graded Aeries of complexes, we have an index of their comparative physiological make up which could not be easily deiei led by other means. We have located the animals in their \l">, : In -h.i\ im . i 11- ("in-. 'I In- \\"i'i will !»• 11 -'•'! a- a < < .llrct i\ <• IK mil cx.u tly Form .ni'l forms are n-ni in ECOLOGICAL SV< < E-MON 31 environment, the fii>t essential in study of their environmental relations. 2. Method.- -The method of analysis employed in this paper i- ba-ed on pi tphy- The relation of physiography to <•< olo",y in thi- nalogou- to the relations of the microtome to .niatomy, tin- el.-etric nei-dlc t" experimental morphology, and reagents to phy-iolo-y. Ecology i- in much the same state as wa- morphology when • papers and treatises on methods were necessary. The object of thi- ' > pe of analy-i- and of locating the animal in it- environment, i- to determine the physiological character of the animal as a 7. //<*/<•. The method of procedure i- through the -tud\ of the complex condition- in which the or^ani-m i> nio-t nearly in ph\ equilibrium. >oine p1 in the actual anal\-i- of the or^aiii-m can dollbtle-- also be made by thi- method. Variation ami modili. at i« .n of ph\ -iol< .-ical make up ma\ ,il-o be iletected. I'll'. . :iial\-i- i- then a bio- . al method. ||oue\er. both th ni-m and the eiuiron- meiit mii-t be ,mal\/ed mn< h further. In \\\\> further anal\-i- the succession 01 t he e\ oluiioii of the environmenl i- an important background and mu-t fr.rm the ba-i- for the ^election of poim- ot -tud\. lor i oinpari-oii of rr-ult- and oixani/at ion in general. VmOl IstS and -oine bio! . the ple-elice ot the -ame or -imilai taxoiiomic ^roii|)- i- olleii taki-n to indicate -imilariix ••! i ondition-. While CCOloglStS mus! -ometime- follow this method of reasoning, their method of procedure i> in tin- main reversed. I he,,-.,. i are studied and the presence or absence of a ^i\en -et ot <'twani-m- noted. In -uch a detailed -et ol condition- as the-e \\ith uhich ue are dealing, the old line ot reasoning -hould not be |ollo\\ed. The mod: liability ol beha\ ior -peak- a^ain-t it.1 Thi- i- not a contribution to ph> -io^raphy. The ph\ -io-taph\ in\ol\i-d i- well kno\\ n to element a r> -indent-, of that -llbjecl . l'h\ -io^i-.iphic anal\-i- i- a met ho. 1 like all other method- ,.| science to be impio\.-d. modified or rejected, according as it h.t- l.-l.v,-//:, Mini, Ml : :i !>»th |)cuitl- ;in,l -Ui-.illi-. Mi \\ i \:i,-,- In- I mi in I tli<- I M-l i.i \ i,,r , liai.i. tera Ol tl"- imli\ iilual- inv; tin- streams an.l ponds are •hiirn-iit. !!•• has partially i lum^-il tin- -ti.-.ini pi.nil »i,.ro l>y kn-piiii; tlu-'ii in poivl cniKlilii'ii- ami vie. 32 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. served its purpose or sh<>\\- it- defects. It is not, however, the only method of ecology . and it should not be employed alone, but accompanied by experimentation. This same method may be employed in the study of the historical problems of biology, or to the study of evolution, but the results are not ecology because this method is employed. Nor is there any intimate dependence between the fundamental things in ecology so far as its progress as a science is concerned, and the di\ isions of biology known as evolution, morphology, or faunistic geography. Physiographic analysis is only a part of a more general method of deducing succession and laying a foundation for comparisons. The general method of successional study has a probable sig- nificance which lies beyond the recognition of the physiological characters of organisms as a whole and the analysis of organisms as far as the method will permit. (c) The Significance of Succession. It will be noted that in the above statement of succession no reference to species is made. Species in the morphological sense can have only the most local significance in succession. Species inhabiting similar stages in the physiographic succession of streams, i. e., similar conditions — will hardly be the same within a very small area. It appears that the idea of succession has been regarded as having little significance for this reason. A point of significance is the character of the -mores. In the matter of their mores the fish communities of a stream in Europe, a stream in Japan, and a stream in the United States are probably similar if the streams are similar — a matter for experimental \ erification. A science with only one method of classifying its data must constantly fall into error. Up to the present we have but one organized general system of classification for zoological material-, namely taxonomy. Taxonomy has been over-emphasized and carried into fields where it does not properly belong. It has given us, among oilier things, what has been called composite natural history. Composite natural history constitutes a large part of the natural history of today, e-peciall\ as contained in general \\orks on natural history. The dc\ rlopment of a composite ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 33 natural history generalization consists in discovering that certain habits are characteristic of a few known (as to habits) members of a given taxonomic group of animals, in striking a sort of general average of the known habits of the members in question and putting such an average into the form of a general statement to apply to all the group, known or unknown. Such generali/a- ti«iii- have their place in didactics, but they are the most in- accurate phase of zoology. Though often used as a basis for generali/ati"! rulizations based upon them have a i|tie>tion- able value. The crucial question before us is, then, ("an we, on the;>a>i>of succession or other natural ba-i-. classify and compare animal mores and make ^-nePali/alii >n- . ,n the ban- ol" >ueh ( -la — il"n ation .md comparison.' If in\ tion an-\\er- in the at!innati\ i . \\r may or^ani/e a general -\ -tern for the < la--il"u aiion 1 material- \\hich -hall be -ufticiciitly independent of other method- and s\-tem- i .f ion \« Bervi nu-aii- i.l" thn. \\iiii4 additimial li.^ht on the ^i-nerali/a- tioii- i,|" other /• il field-. >urh a- ].h\-ioIo-\, lureditx, or evolution, Indeed, plant eCol(>Ki-t- ha\e ] -«d laf with Midi a rla.--ilication i\\'arniin. ' 'OI, and main other-). Theiin -ill; - .in now re< < .-^iii/i <1 a- of much importance l.\ l>otani>t- i:eiH rall\ . The lo^i, .md method Lack of their ( la--i!n atioli i- the Bailie as ours. The dr 68 lie in the tact that dilleMiHe- in ph\ >iolo ;^ical make up in plants i- u-ually indicated \>\ vegetative J 'lilt ilituitint- in physiological make ii]> in animal- i- indicated \>\ dilh-n -in e- in // !•".» oi, ,-i( .il succession has i been -mdicd e\perinu-n- tall\. l-".\]ierimental >tndii->, if properly conducted, \\ill an>\\er tin- c|iu-Mioii . ,f ili, signii of all the propositions here prc- >eiited. Such experimentation -lumld be conducted \\ itli reference to an iittalyzt. :nl >hoiild con>ist of the comparison of the inimal- of different and of similar environments. \ . ^l \I\IAK\ . I. Fi-hc- ha\e detinite habitat preference:- which cati-e them to be delinitcU arranged in >tream> which have a graded -eries of condition^ from mouth to source. 34 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. 2. Beginning at the sources of the streams of tin- devi-lo]>- menta! series considered, we find the same species represented in essentially the same order in all the streams, in so far as the series of conditions is present. The only species in the youngest stream is the same as the species nearest the sources of the larger stream-. 3. Migration of conditions for breeding is an important cause of fish migration, but fish reactions outside the breeding season may lie often more important than movement of conditions necessary for breeding over the route of migration. Migration may even be due to reactions to a single factor. 4. Fish entering a stream will take a position in the stream suited to their ecological constitution without regard to the time and mode of origin of these conditions. 5. There is a succession of ecological types over a given point. Ecological succession is based on similar mores (physiology, be- havior, habits and mode of life) of fish communities as a whole or comparable species of communities. 6. Physiographic analysis locates the animal in its environ- ment and is but a method of studying the organism as a whole and a basis for proceeding to its analysis.1 VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND RIHLIOGRAPHV. The identification of the fish discussed in this paper are by Dr. S. E. Meek and Mr. S. F. Hildebrand, and of the Mollusca by Mr. F. C. Baker. Some of the seining was done in co- operation with Mr. Hildebrand. Without the assistance of these gentlemen this paper would not have been written. I am in- debted to Professor F. R. Lillie and Mr. Ellis L. Michael for criticising the manuscript. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, C. C. '70 Notes on the Freshwater Fishes oi NV\\- Jris.-y. Amrriran .Naturalist. 1870, p. 99- Adams, C. C. 'OI Ka-rlrvrlini; and it- F.iunal Si«niliranrr with Illustrations I'rom South- K-rn I'nitcil States. AMI. Nat. XXXV., pp. 839-52. 1 ' 'iiti iliiitii 'ii Mom tin- Hull /oolojjical l.almiatoi irs <>| the I'nivrrsity of Chicago, Marino Biological Laboratory »t' San Diego, February 20, K;II. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 35 'og I-Ie Royale, Biological Survey of Michigan, Landing. Report Board of Geological Survey for 1908. Succession of Bird*, p. 134. Succession of Beetl*--. p. n of Mammals, p. 390. Atwood, W. W.( and Goldthwait, J. W. '08 The I ; the Evanston-Waukegan Region. Bull. 7. 111. : Clements, F. E. '05 R. -• ar< h M- th i- in Ecology. Lincoln, Nebraska. Cowles, H. C. '01 riant So, i'-ti. nity of Chicago. Bull. II. Geographic Soc. of < hit mi- 1. A1-" • /., 1901. Eigenmann, C. H. '95 Turk' ivin.nmciu and the Variation of its Inhabitants. 1 i. in-, hi'l. A Forbes, S. A., and Richardson, R. E. '08 The! Illinois. Vol. III. Ichthy. N'.it. II. Goldthwait, J. W. '09 I'i '1,-y. III. Stati- C.eul. Stirv., Bull. I I. Hankinson, T. L. '08 Walnut I .r..' Biol. S State B lo^i' .il - i I'p : '10 A: i small Stream I i.m<. 111. M. Ac. Sci., Ill Lyon, E. P. '04 i in Rli. i.l.!-' Am ! XII.. iM . ReiRhard, J. '08 Methods of Si Fishes. >* it h .m A. . li • th( II ; ill. Hur. I : \ ol. XX\ III.. Reeves. C. D. '07 I :IK Hi R nl.i'W I' I'.'.ill.. l';'>7, \'nl. Xl\ . ,. Salisbury. R. D. '07 l'h\ -I'.^l.ipli'. .X' Shelford. V. E. '07 I'n -limit); r on the Distribution of the Tiger Be< .uid it~ Kcl.itinn tn I'I. mi > n. Mini. Bull.. \'nl. Xl\'.. Nn. i. ^-14. "08 l.iti--hi-ti>iii-- .ui'l l.n\.il'it- ni t Linn. So< J"iir. i.. Vol. XXX . pp 'IO Ecological Succession '- I'.'.irini; mi I-'i-h CliHuri-. III. M. A \ i. 111. t O8-IO. 'II I'li\ M. .].•-!. .il Aniin.i! phy. Journ. Murph.. \'nl. XXII. '\Vhit- X'oluiii. ' ; in ]•• Smith, B. G. '08 Tin- Sp.i\\ninu II I •: Biol. Bull.. \""l. X\'.. No. i. p-l8. Warming, E. 'Q5 Plantesamfund. Grundtrak ai di-n m-ki.loui-ki- riantrjjco.urafi. Kji'i\ i •• nliavn. EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CITTIXG PARAMKCIUM CELLS. GARY N. CALKINS. CONTENTS. , A,., M.i l. -rial ami Mrthods 37 1 allies of Experiments 40 Analyses of Tables and Experiments 47 Analysis of Table 1 47 Analysis of Table II 48 Analysis of Table III 51 Analysis of Table IV 52 Monster Forms 53 General 59 Summary 65 Papers Cited 67 Description of Plates 68 In a previous paper on Urouychia I have shown that the power of regeneration in a hypotrichous ciliate is a factor of cell age, increasing as the cell grows older after division, until a maximum power is attained just prior to cell division. In the present paper I desire to describe the results obtained by similar methods of experimentation on a much more difficult subject, the holotrichous ciliate Paranicciuni. Here in forms from ordinary cultures, the power of regeneration is very poorly de- veloped and the nuclear apparatus is more concentrated. Similar experiments on Parameciitm have often been attempted, but tin- difficulties in technique are so great that, with the exception of Balbiani's beautiful work in 1893, little or no extensive work has been done. The endeavor to ascertain what happens in a cell in which the power of regeneration is slight and when the physico-chemical equilibrium is suddenly disturbed is a problem \\ ell \\ orth the patience and repeated failures necessary in getting I he small percentage of success, and the results obtained at intervals during the last three years are. here- brought to.m '. hei for the first time. In a subsequent paper I shall publish my results with anoihrr race of Paramecium cuudatnm on regenera- tion in relation to -iol, ,-ical mechanism out of ;ear- a- « I. .111 < lit and -month a- though a wax model of /',:>,:»:<•< iuni lia«l been cut \\ith a -harp knil'i-. If the cut cell li\ed tor four hour- after the operation it ua- recorded as .1 -licce — fill e\|)erimellt and tile re-lilt- llefe dr-eribcd \\ere m.nle on i ell- that in\ariabl\ recovered from the -hock of the operation and li\ed at lea-t four hour- afteru ard-. I'la-nient- li\in.L; alter thi- four hour test \\ere ke]>t i-olated in -mall watch ^la-- culture ili-he- in a nmi-t chamber. Tin- culture fluid was 24- hour-old hay tea made by boiling a -mall iiuantii> of ha>- in tap \\ater. The di\ i-ion rate of normal Purnmccinm kept under -imilar c.mditii'ii- varied from one to three divi-ion- ]ier da\ ac- cordinc to the race under nb-er\alioii. In th' of I'rnnychin both fra-meiits of the cell re-ulting from a -in^le cut. continue to live for at lea-t 24 hours, and frequently -uch fragment- continue to live for three or four days \\ithout rei;eiu-ration. With Pdramccinm, on the other hand, the smaller fragment almo-t always collap-e-. One or t\\o 38 GARY N. CALKINS. exceptional cases of continued activity may he mentioned here. One, a giant form, was cut through the mouth at 11.15 A.M. At 4 P.M. both fragments \\vre alive, the posterior fragment swimming actively with the truncate end in advance, the anterior fragment with the truncate end behind. On the following day the smaller posterior fragment was dead, the other, anterior, lived for ~2 hours when it was killed (no. 6). A second case, cut in the same place, resulted in two fragments both of which were alive after six hours. On the following day the smaller one was dead but the other lived and gave rise to two types of cells, one much smaller than the other and with a blunt posterior end, while the other had the characteristic pointed end of Para- meciuin caudal itm. In still another case the giant form was cut posterior to the mouth, the posterior fragment being about one half the size of the anterior part. Both parts were' alive after six hours but both were dead on the following day. In all of these cases the organisms were treated for from fifteen minutes to one half an hour with dilute neutral red, granules in the cell being deeply stained at the time of cutting. What effect the neutral red has upon the consistency of the protoplasm I do not know, but certainly there was a marked difference in the resistance to collapse after treating with this dye. In only two other cases have I succeeded in keeping both fragments alive after the operation on normal forms; in one case the smaller fragment lived only ten minutes after the operation; in the other case (Table II., no. 63) the original cell was treated with nuclein before cutting, and both parts lived 24 hours. In the majority of cases the smaller fragment collapses immediately after removal of the knife. Several different races of Paramecium have been used, but giant lonns on the whole have been selected because of the greater ease of cutting. The smaller races and races of Parn- »ir< iinn aurelia do not allow sufficient play for the knife edge and too great a /one is crushed by the operation. One race of giant forms was obtained from brackish water at Roscoff, France, for which 1 am indebted to Mile. Lip>ka. The other races have been obtained from time to time from wild cultures in the laboratory at Columbia I 'niver>it \ . As there1 is little or no EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 39 difference in the percentage of successful results in the different races I shall not particularize but will deal with them all as of OIK- race. I "p to the present in these experiments, no systematic effort has been made to study the regenerative power at different period- between division phases, as in the studies on I'ronychia. Tin- percentagt of cases of regeneration was so small that -uch .1 stud} -eemed valueless, but with a race now under experi- mentation more -ati-factory rc-ults are expected. Of the -even •f regeneration obtained in the one hundred and forty- nil)- rei.,rded. five \\ere cells that wen- cut while either di\idin^ or conjugating. re-tilt- indicating tliat not only di\ i-ion a^e bin ra< ial age i- al-o a potent factor in regeneration. Further work on tin- pha-e of the -ubject i- now under \\ ay and uill undoubtedly yield interc-th Its. In the follouiiu table- the experiment- are grouped according; to tlie region df the cell on-inally cut. The cell i- by no mean- hoi! QUS and the different portion- are not equip»teiit. It \\e imagine the /'.; :ini \»]]<^ diameter to be di\ided into I oi 11 equal pan - by three cut-, t he cent ral "lie would pa-- through the |ilaiie of di\i-ioii o| tin cell, the upper one would divide the anterior hall into t\\o di-Hinilar quarter-, the lower one \\oiild di\ide the po-terior halt of" the Paramecium into di— imilar qiiarlei--. In the table-, the /one- indicating the-e -exei'al (jiiai lei- are numbeie. 1 from One to four, 1 bein^ the in.i-t anterior, 2, the next anterior. ;, the po-terior central /one and 4 tin- terminal p-.-let i-.r /one text li-un t The mo-t ini|ioi lain - of the cell are contained in /oiu-- J and 3, /one j coin ainin;; the macro- and mii-roinicleii-. and /one ^ containing the mouth, /one- I and 4 do not contain any of' the more im- portant organs, and yet, as the -equel -how-. th< pan- it injured are ratel\ replaced and their ab-eiu e ha- a re- markable elleci on further acti\itie- of the cell. 40 GARY N. CALKINS. -J - id Z N Z U S - « u s 2 3 1 (A 4J 3 U rt 8g u — — •; - — « ' - M.Z 1 U s > "i *J ~.. L^ E — — -^ oT ^ jy — "• — ~& -^ UJ u 5 £ £ i 1 IN - u — r U Jj •— 1-1 ^3 5 o — -r _ 3 -^ IH — « •r IH I 2 ,- — ' 0 •3 - C •3 .1 .1 •a • — •3 "^ "^ ^ M rt rt ^ £^ ^ Lrt i-- -. - o U •3 = E > c 15 —* ty 5; "^ H. 3 S i' i" - 'E : rt oo ^ X 2 /Z Z CO . HI si 15 •3 l/ O .5 £ ~ — ^ ^H 3 r. CJ •4-* •— j 3 O o GJ U .= ~ 0 - 00 3 3 2| ° § —.' L^ O *J — •PJ — *•" r - ^ 3 E e3 o si -3 J .2 g C u r C 2 ^ g 2 ^ c 0 o U •3 lz = !§.! 5 » Bllool.ll — . . . . iJ rr- •3-3 "3-3 ."H "3 ? ? r: - > g 2 2x22 Q 22 2 Q Q 15 E . yj H •a L r = HI S » d 0 7 •f o **H w C ./ •3 U X. 3 ^ 3 3 -3 33 - 3 2 c3 £j .£ '- .£ .2 ji .2 .£ "7 .2 .£ s o •5—55 ^ Ca m Co w •— Zrf '^ '— ' W -H a et st n3 rt u S u Ui r3 u u :' — i- M " Cl ^ 1> O [j — w ~" w i. = f C S S -3 f f ~ 5 ^ U o S< 3 « iC S MM . M M ' — -i rj ^ C o S S ______ - - ^ ~ ^^^ ^ 4-* u *j -: r: s rs s ri _^CO 3 --'---^ OOc^SOCJOO 2H22 U QQQ2QQ XX27X22X M W ro "T i^l O t** 00 ON C — "i ro^ioo r~00 OvO 3 6600 _c o o o o o o r:;c:c:: X X* f-* £~* f-^ £-1 £-1 £-4 £-* £-\ ^-« »tf-« 22222222 EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMI-K MM » ELLS. 4! z. ~ - -- - N _ 1 s . - •'• ~ z. — u - -, - ~ r ^ _ ~ — — £ 1 . - ~ ^ - ~J "5 E ~ — — "™ — — : J U", 1 - =* = :/ .z, ^ r — ' ~ ~" z — " : _T r • — ~ ~ — .y -" — ^* /.I I _r _ ~ X — - 51 ^ c * "3 " . ""• r B =. - ~ ^ -i. ir ~r --i "E _; _ 1 = § 7 * r — — ^ ;. [ / z ~ fcj "r . E •_ *~* T M — | _ E - I/ 2 _ 3 . 1£ -r •d _J , ~ — V ^ i. — — — ^ — ~ J • ~! g _ W _ a J -^ z. = "3 E = b — ^ - j= 2 a "= = . ~ -r .E k = •* _ — ^ ^ ~? r. x ^> 1 - ^ ~ : = u 2 = _3 - "3 * .~ hi - u : I I III'. llth ; _ _-- z I g M "" k. = — — || — — u : r — - I J - r : r.E - 1 'nli.i|i|iy i^ — _ "J ? ^ ^ -T I"l\ • • r1 ~ 5 •" = r> : J- -r rr - -' - fl co rt ^ ----- » — U Ul U i— 1 U ^-4 Ul 11 - - — 0 i- r r - « r») -- O r* 00 ^ O « d X ' .-- x- 2 ' / : r : X X X X X X X XX GARY N7. CALKIN>. PQ •- — _ NN £ ;i « 6J 5E :Z hN ^ iZ E C rt r- c "" f , f>. ~ 4 Tf l/^ 4 tO "~ I/-. 10 10 to - ^_ £. 00 ii c CJ CJ d. ci - = : .- •/. / cZ 7 ww -~ d 0 4J X I N E M 1J U rt o •5 r aj rj u u i^ £r u OJ - *^ rt •j tn *7 "7 d C c = c ^, | > u - X d — •f. _c - s X 00 c § rt o ^~ c L. o U d M rt ; £i B Q '- 0 -' 2 "c Cj u u i-l u L ^ • o • u dj -f rt / ^ '•t. a '•f. 0 r M rt 2 P S S S g s- _ b „• ;. o d t d rt ni ~ t: ~ _c E .2 T C. "H. ex » c. «j "S 4J 2 U "rt 15 "rt "rt "s c "3 _c ~ " a .5 '£/. '"/ 'E>. "zt. * B _T 5 s = 0 _c 60 C o c . . . £ . c o .£ .E *^ '^ o 2 c •a u : 2 ^x ~ > rt — -r 7~ — ~ rt C3 > r3 r^ ft ca cd *> «i ~ ~ '^ > ~ -r .- -r — - ^ -— — C - ~ - -~ ~ -~ 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.'^. 2. 2. 2. ^ i i/% ^ i- y; ? c - **i **", ^ T "*, ^O i^ x ;• : — fl ~~. t •-' . ~ — — — ' ^ _^ > -~- b ~ .- ^ ^ . T - | e | - - — C - -: C C _ XXX • ' / / / X. Z 2 2 2 : X 44 (iARV N. CALKINS. i a _; E: _j .— - = _' ; 7 2 J.t — i/~. l| In - ^. - X ^ s £ .2 > -^ £ g ti J-: a i r ^ •*_> -' ; 1 s •? ™ _ - M = - . 3 'II '5 ^ X 10 _ ^ r . * . f >— < *"* r - ii w O\ — •/: - p4 u • ~ — .a' ~ f ~~ '— • u in IH .rf .£f _^f- S 2 S — ^ -f ^ ? = 5 3 ^H — — =" - — - — a _ — .1: — _«, _• 5 ~ ^ 'I -f o *i 3 . o ^ X O >o ri -f "•• U 'Z' " "" :^. — a ^ c\ IO to 10 - - r ~ ^ *^ ••j "" . ^* .2 — - T •3 L) 0, d. D, -- e 7 J ^|E L ~ : ~z rt g «. | ± ^ y _y i «d . a u u £ 0 -a = *j Rl 0 o ~~ IH fjQ O " IH s. a ^ : 3 a U c3 — ^ s -' 73 u o a o J O — — .2 2 2 = 2 .2 1 I O =: — ^ -4— > *-» *j n] rt 5 -4_* rt rt a 4J o w z * N a c - I ^ to 1 I _ •_ y; ^ -' aJ y u 3 IH U PM . — -1 t* U« _ ^ u ^ a 3 (H 5J M u "rt fe ^H t~ U -' •-> u u a >> u O to -3 C u c -2 o Dl O CO ^^ a H o 2 r : 22 | 1 2 o °.> c 2§Q O 2 0 s _0 0 j = 5 « a H I E r^ .2 -*_• oJ _- - - ^0 2 n) 5 — «j . o fi •/ •/. — 00 J3 u t* •*• +j '_ ~ M "rt i? fc a d a E a a o 2 a a M _o O D E u J .2 E o ,Sf ^o s — a u : ^3 c Q ~ • — • a a -^ a a . •_ U o 2 2 ^ 3 8"« 7" l-l IH 2 (U 3 I o _c •3 I ?-~ r1 r^ -i i- W £jO — — •5 y tjC •^ u u _^ -r, — — n o M >- •« '/. i-" a >> V X ."2 "E ^:- - t : : " I '~ ~, o ' 3 o flj •^ • - X -5 22 2 ^ 2 2 /- ^ 2 > 5 Q2 11 ^0 -J '_ S tJ - £-* - c a : a £ ^ j rt J — 5, cd -T *^ cd t" " r-'^i ^H IH •d 03 y . . ^ • — ™ •— ^ a a - y '~ .2 5 H 3 '5 5 f/. r _ o o 3 o 'tc. u> Q O — . ••" •"• ° ^ M to * -— - .— ..— • M u y *^ '"" — | ^ ^ 53.2 a — 5 « « 3 u u 3 a 1 = 2 ~ i .1^ = - g S u c cd rt rt IH IH IH O Ci O a a a cd B a 0 a O 2 2 2 J z = - Q ^i L - — ' '.. 3 . •- L Tj O w "^" 11 *** ^/ ^/ . u tC tC M tc . . . t/. t/. ,, •^ '- _ •3 O 1- — ~ O 1* 11 "3 -3 to"0 ~ C u 2 "3 •3 o? x a -"^ t : 22 ± X J2^ O O O XXX rt rt rt O v w v y. ~ 1 ~ f 1 f - S 0 0 > S Q22QQ y ~ HH Cl CO *t u->O : - r T O M N -' — ,r J I~ 00 0\ 0 M M CO "^ ^ " i "i r i " ) " i 0 CN : : o o r : o o o o o o O O 0 0 0 0 o o O 0 C 0 0 o XX 22 22 222 X22 2222 x y 22 22222 2 EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 45 •tt — - 5 _ _ g w X - -: QQ g( n< hill . •i; i. 'I! Mll.lM. ; ill ,, - - - - - - - : - Z - So - ""*". **". : : - — — X .• . . - .- : Z X X X X : 2 X X GARY N. CALKINS. - - w x N Z H U 5 H 2 5 - - •fl - -j. : •/ £ § . •a V fl a r U CJ _o '" 3 12 - ^ — • 53 C .2 = b 1 ^, — _ Q — r- ^ •* X 91 M M U _2 -- S rt '5 - 14-1 ^s 15 :. ™ — ' cd ~^ « ~ ™ .^1^ "2 ~ — '— - 5 s r ^ cd ^ c 2 _ y U Q pq i 2 c S ~ o ~. u c c c X _o o : ~ • — '~ 0 fl fl •3 u £ " o V : 03 ~ c c> a u » M M £ E •d QJ 0 - o 0 CD X Q 2 2 u = 00 • •<• jjj u U •3 01 •r T3 c _o c - .i 5 rt fl :Js 2 __^ o — V ~ = . i; S fl a •J Normal £ •~ — . \l '1 111,1 E cd cd rt a u : 2 ^ •= ^ z Q M -.1 V u S 2 _c -j _ u ID en rt ~ _ ~ U 3 i C5 •f. - . o a ^ - *-t - .-. « to *J 0 "fl hi O u 3 £ g £ 8-d B rt u d C • 2 o to c : = rt = = ^_ ~ | fl fi § « , 5 - -5 B : 2 ;, B •_ 1 U -: — . >. — — L M C c u u . i « = •_ '- = r^ U I u - . ^ — > ^ u = ? > ? rt S rt "• . - - : : 8i fl fl fl fl - - - - X CO — ^s 2 2 22 2X X 2 2 X 2222 - -i — . •t »0 O 1- X r : - -i V- ~f u- c r ; - r - z Z Z z z : : : : : O O 0 O O X 2 X X X X X X / / / / XXX X 2 XX X EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 47 TABLE V. -' MMARY OF TABLES I.-IY. H .urs. Alive after 48 Hours. Alive atV Hours. Regeneration. Cut. ~''S. ,P" Cent. N Cent. N N Per Cent. I " =00 20. 2 IO. 0 O a 10. 2 . 14 II l ' i . J 8 n. 7 3 4-4 3 41 48.8 15 14 34-1 5 IJ . J O 4 8 4 4 20. 0 0 ' 2 Total [49 68 31 20.8 13 8.7 7 4-7 2. ANALYSIS OF TABLES AND EXPERIMENTS. I . .1 nt" the- crll, a part containing «.nly th«- anterior terminu- of tin- | >eri-t< unc- hut none of the iiM|iiirt.ini cell . irgans < M tin- J«» cases n < "fded as having lived at lea-t four hours .ilti-r the o|>"ii, som< Mcd \\ithin 24 hour-: other- - died without regeneration or di\ i-ion \\ ithin 4S hour-: other- ; li\e i- a good exampk1. Here no rttort \\a- madr to • Derate and at the did of 24 hours the tra^nient \\a- -mall and -lu-ui-h \\ith the remainder of the peri-tome pertect. The cell died before the end of the next 24 hours. Number 4 i- a -ood example- of a fragment that lived for 7,; hour- without regeneration or division. The cut -urtace had 48 GARY N. CALKINS. developed cilia and regeneration had progressed to that extent but no further (Fig. 2). The two cases of regeneration were 3 and 6, only one of which was a vegetative form, the former being cut while dividing the latter during a vegetative stage. Number 3 was first cut in the plane of division separating the two cells; one of these was then cut again in the first zone. On the following day both cells were normal P. caudal um, but the cell that had been cut was much smaller than the sister cell. The cut one died on the third day. The vegetative form that regenerated showed after 24 hours an anterior end somewhat blunt but rounded and ciliated, and on the following day it had divided twice, giving rise to four cells which could not be distinguished from normal cells. The double division indicates that the original cell was about ready to divide at the time of cutting and that removal of the anterior part had no effect on the subsequent divisions. Analysis of Table II. The mortality of Paramecium cut through zone 2 is consider- ably greater than that for zone I. One chief reason for this is probably the fact of the injury or destruction of the macronucleus which usually occupies this region. Of the 68 cases 47.4 per cent, died before the end of the first 24 hours; 79.4 per cent, were dead before the end of 48 hours; but if the fragments lived through this period there was a good chance of continued life for some days, at 72 hours for example there were only 83.8 per cent, dead, only a slight increase over the mortality at the end of 48 hours. The majority of these or 8 out of 1 1 were monsters while 3 out of the 68 regenerated into perfect cells. Of those that lived 48 hours or more after cutting, some (5) failed to divide or else formed monsters; others divided in the plane of the original center of the cell giving rise to (a) cells with reduced vitality which soon died; (6) one normal cell and one abnormal which died; (c) one normal cell and one abnormal which divided more than once; (d) one normal and one ab- normal cell which formed a monster, and (e) two normal cells. Of the four cases living 48 hours or more in which no division occurred, tin- history was varied; the experiments were numbers I -I I ! ' TS PRODUCED BY CUTTINC, I'ARAM F.CIUM CELLS. 4') i. J. '.7 and 68 of Tal>le II. Number i \va- killed after 4* ami lound to h,i\i- only a fexv nuclear fragment:*. Xuml >< xva- killed ,tt the end (if <><> hour-. and. although cm during the pro. . u ii ui, xva- found to have a normal macron ucleii-. Nuiiil- was dead at the end of 72 regeneration :irred luit the cell xva- \ ery lixely and examination -hoxveda normal m.u ronm leu-. Number o.s \\,t- 3 vegetative I'-nn which •vd perfectly from the -h'.ckof the oiu-ratioii and li\ed willioui i ilion or divi-ioii for a period of three da\ 5. ( ': ' - in which the cut fragment divided in the original tral plane of the cell, the dividii MH-IU \va- killed in two for tin- dri.Tinination of the nuclear condition- d)\ l«>th dau^lr :«-d in .> ca-e- (b)\ an al-iioniial cell \\a- formed \\ hi( h di\ i«led i hit ( I inn - in nuni-tei - were t'-rmed in 7 : and : itimi occurred in ., . I lie di\ idii m \\a-killed eil her duriiiL; di\'i-ioii or imiiiediaii-l\ .ird- b. determine the condition- of the nuclei in expeiimeiit- 7 .ind *). Nuinlier ~ \- -ho\\ u in 1'i-. 4. The pn-ierior till \. 'pan-mix normal, the microiuiclcii- i- dix idin^ not inallx Inn the macnuiiK leu- i- -onn-x\ hat di-toind. .\IIMI!MI M was exidentlx an ex-coiiin^ant \\lu-n o]ierated and dividing t<'i tli. ad time. It \va- killed 24 hour- alter dix i-ion; the alui'-rmal « ell had one of the lour m-\\ macroinn lei and -exeial ot the d- Mlelit- o| the old Iliacio- nucleus ; the other cell was a normal exconju^am I ig. 5. I Mate I lioth daughter eell- died \\ithotit regeneration in experi- ment- s. J I and . Nil in I ii i J 1 [sag ..... I « \ample o| the- Here the cell was cut as shown ii On the following day then- \\a- a -mall tentacle-like a]i|)enda^e on the cm -ur! i >n tl nd dax the fragment had dixided through the original .enter o| tin- . ell into di— imilar daughter (ell- • me of \\hiih \\a- normal in -hap< . luit xxith a collection of Mack granule- at t he anterior end ' :ie other cell \\ a- -mall and a- sharply truncated as when cut , On the third day both were dead. \umliei j<» \\a- -imilar in hi-ior\ luit the abnormal fragment loimed li\ dixi-ion of the cut cell was exttemelx' niinute. In in;. little more than a -mall -phere with a micleti- and a contractile 50 i.ARY X. CALKIN-. vacuolc. Its -nuill size \\a> due to the prox.mity of the cutting plane to that of the normal division plane of the cell. It died on the second day after cutting (Plate I., Fig. 8, a, b, c, d}. (c) Division of the Ahaomni! Cell. — In one experiment of this series (no. 54) the abnormal cell, resulting from the division of the origin. il cut fragment, divided three times. The vegetative cell was cut as shown in Fig. 7, a. After 24 hours the fragment was lively and complete as far as the plane of the cut which was sharply marked (Fig. 7, b). After 48 hours it had grown much larger and was particularly broad at the anterior or truncate end. After <>6 hours it had divided into an abnormal truncate cell (7, c, and 7, d) and a normal cell (7, ?)• On the sixth day this abnormal cell had grown in size but retained the original truncate anterior end (~,f) while the normal cell had divided to form two normal cells of which one was cut (see Table III., no. 38) and the other lost in cutting. On the seventh and eighth days the abnormal cell had grown very large again and on the ninth day divided to form two small dissimilar cells (7, g, //), each, however, with only one vacuole. On the twelfth day each of these divided once more giving rise to four small abnormal cells (7, /', j, "k, /), one of these (/) dying on the same day, two of the others (7, m, «) dying on the seventeenth day and the fourth (0) on the eighteenth day. This experiment resulted in two races of cells, one of which (from the posterior end) were normal, the other abnormal. The part lost was never regenerated and the abnormality was finally transmitted to the posterior end of the original fragment. (d) Monster Forms. — These will be considered together with those of Table III. (see page 53). (e) The three cases of regeneration were nos. 4, 11 and 14. ( M these no. 4 was cut during division of a vegetal ive cell. Within half an hour after the operation the division was completed, one perfect cell and a small imperfect cell resulting. In 24 hours both were living and both were of normal -hape but one was much smaller than the other. At the end of 48 hours the small one had ^io\\ n t<> \\ normal cell both in size and shape, but on the third day it was dead. No. II was al-n a dividing cell when cut through zone 2. ( )n EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 5! the following day the larger fragment appeared entirely normal save for an accumulation of crystals at the anterior end otli were normal. No. 14 \\a- a large vegetative cell which had been treated with neutral red prior to cutting. The -mailer fragment, contrary to the ii-ual hi-tory, remained alive for -i\ hour- hut was dead the i\. The larger fragment did not regenerate within 4^ hours. The \\.iti h glass i • 'i Main ing the fragment was not examined again for a period of • \<-\ en days when it was found to,, .main 12 1. giant lonn- .md • mall form- normal save f»r -i .1 ;////;•> /v '.II. 'Ill-- (i-ll- cui in /on,- ill. gave a higher percentage ot li\ing fragments than tho-e cut in /one 1 1. 4*> per cent. continued to li\«- afler 24 horn- as against 42. <> p< -r cent.; \\hile 36.6 pet rent. loiitiinied to H\. 48 hours as again-t Jo.o per rent. The pencil • iinni-ler> in both was .ibout the same. \i/.. [2.2 per cent, and i.vJ per rent . but there \\a- not ,i -inglr case ot regeneration. ( M those that li\ ed Inn did not regenerate, - .•II- ju-t after conjugation; others - \\ere < ..niu \\heii cut. \\hile the renuiindiT \\ere laro- \<^,tati\e torm-. Tin- reai limi- tor tin- most part were -imilar to tho . II- cut in zone 1 1., the con . forms, or tho-r ju-t mu of (-onju^ai ion. gi\ini4 the oiil\ n,.\cl n -nits. Tin i. 2, ;. }. s and I ,:; •', III. Ill nos. I. ^ and 4 the cell- u i • • -n infant - \\hen cut, the fiamiicin- being kilK'd alter hour- foi tin- determination of tin- nucli-ar londitioii. Fig. u -hn\\- the -tructure of nos. I. .; and 4 .it thi- perio. 15 divided 24 hours after cutting forming one truncated iterior cell and a normal anterior cell. The physiological bal.tnc,-, ho\\,-\ ,-r, was again disturb, d for both cell- died on the follou in- day. No. i') ua- n«>! -o seriously affected by the operation; the cut fragment i^rrv. I.eparuion lo||,, \\.-.l normally ami each cell had tilled out normally by the toll,, \\im; day. 1 'lie. however, gt>\\ more and more feeble until it imalU dii-il. The other was entirely normal and was used for experiment Ji. In no. 3 onl\' one cell of the pair was CUt, \\\>- other reiiiaininv: uninjured. Alt,r 24 hour- both were per in lorin. ahli"ii^li one was perceptibly -mailer than the other. I '. :h died on the -ixih clay. Monger . — Of the I^ mon.-ter- only one re-tilted from a specimen that \\a- cut during di\ i-i<>n. all of the ot her- came It "in tia^niellt- ot Vegetative cell-. !.!>.'ht of tin- thirteen Uel'e cell- that had been cut in /«ne II., the other live in /one III. In all cases the po\\er to divide \\a- limited to the nncleii-, the cell boi I \ appareniK beiir^ incapable of division. In no. i, I'.iM, II. the ''II ua- dividiiiL; \\lu-n cut through the anterior half of the posterior cell (Plate III., Fig. [8). The ti. lament li\ed for three -four hour- alter cutting the po-terior part developed a nr\\ peri-toiiu1 and mouth on the cut -urface. but the original div i-i<>n ua- never ("inpleted. \\ hen killed the i rll had one large nuclei!- which had grown during the three d. The other nucleti- had apparenilx been cut away. 54 i.ARV X. CALKINS. No. 6 (Table III.) was a similar monster, hut was derived from a normal vegetative cell cut in zone III. After three days the fragment had attempted to divide; a constriction was piv-un but the posterior cell was only a swelling with a mouth opening and no peristome (Plate III., Fig. 19, a, b, c). In the remaining eleven cases of monster formation many degrees of malformation resulted from the operation. Of these the least monstrous was no. 23 (Table III.). The original cell was cut as shown in Fig. 13, Plate II. There was no sign of regeneration during the next three days but the cell grew larger and finally attempted to divide (Fig. 13, b, c). One of the cells was normal in shape and size; the other, posterior, was smaller and truncated. The two remained attached for a period of three days swimming about actively, bending and twisting with the various cilia in action, until they finally died, undivided, nine days after the operation. The nuclear apparatus was not deter- mined. In this case two complete peristomes and mouths were developed and the cells were attached by only a delicate strand of protoplasm. The general result was similar to that of experi- ment no. 7 (Table IV.) in which the daughter cells remained attached for 24 hours and finally separated, dying shortly after the separation (see page 52). Other monsters formed without division of the cut cell were nos. 35, 39, 40, 51 and 68 of Table II., and nos. n and 41 of Table III. Nos. 35 and 39 were killed after 4 and 5 days respec- tively, while nos. 68, n and 41 died in from 4 to 8 days. The other two, nos. 40 and 51, lived for 20 and 17 days respectively, and developed into relatively huge protoplasmic masses. The remaining three monsters, nos. 22 and 25 of Table II., and no. 17 of Table III., all came from an original form that divided after the operation into one normal and one abnormal cell, the monster in all cases coming from the abnormal cell. The history of only the most interesting of these monster- need be given, all matters of importance in the other cases being included in the history of these. The simplest case is no. 51 which lived, after cutting, for 17 days undergoing two attempts to divide in that time. The cell was cut as shown in Fig. 14, Plate II., in /one II., and the- frag- EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 55 merit was very lively for 72 hours growing enormously during that period (Fig. 14, b). Between the third and the fifth day it divided giving ri-e to a monster as shown in Fig. 14, c. The mass had two peristomes and two mouths placed as shown in the figure, and continued to grow in size changing form from day to day and adding a new mouth on the sixteenth day. It died on tin- -e\eiiteenth day. Tin.- nuclear apparatus had disintegrated with death of tin- ma-- and could not be determined. Thi- < ase gave th>- lar^i -' mass of protoplasm obtained, with tin- tc\\e-t cell organ-, only one i • mt Tactile vacuole being O!>MT\ »-d and \\ ith onl\ two mouth- for mo-t of the linn-. The power to gro\\ was intai i and the in . at enough for -i\ cell-. No. 17 Table 1 1 1. is another simple case of monster formation \\hiili dillered from the foregoing in appearing after the lir-t di\i-i"ii -ub-ei|iieiii to the operation. The cell wa- cut in /one III. a- -ho\\ n in Fig l -. •:. < »n l he foil- >\\ing day the fragment had di\ided inio ,m abiionnal and a normal cell (b, C, n the -et ..lid da\ the normal cell di\ ided \\ hile the abnormal one remained as b - gn>\\ ih. < >n the third da y the normal cell dixiiled once .uain into i \\ o normal celU, and the abnormal One attempted to divide bin formed a nion-ter with a -mall anterior and a larger pi • portion. There were two mouths, t\\o peri-tome- and l \\ o coinraciile \acnole-. ( >n the tourth re] laralion >ho\\ed the pre-eiice o| t\\o macroiuiclei and t\\o micronuclei in their a|)propriati- po-i- tion- Fig. [5, |-".\|terimellt 40 Table II. ;^a\e one of the I)lo-t illtere-tillg of the monsters Ph< cell was cut in /one II. on the fourth of February. Fori \-eight hour- later it hail attempted to ilixide in tin- original center of the cell but formed a nion-ter with a -mall anterior cell and a full >i/e posterior cell Fig. 17, a and 6). T\\o complete peri-tome- uith mouth- were piv-ent and two contractile vacuoles. The-e condition- \\ere retained \\ithout further morphological change >a\ e growth in size until Feb- ruar\ lo. or the -i\th da\ , \\ hen a drop of nuclei n was added to 56 GARY N. CALKINS. the ten drops of hay infusion medium. On the seventh d.iy the monster had grown enormously ' Fig. 17, c ); on the ninth day it gave rise to a small free cell which \\as an exact miniature copy of the original cut fragment (17, e). This cell arose from the upper end of the monster as shown in 17, d. On the tenth day the isolated fragment was killed for the determination of the nuclear apparatus and was found to have a normal full size macronucleus. On this day also, the monster divided at the point .v forming two monsters, one having three mouths (17, g) the other with only two (17, /), but the latter at the time of division, was also dividing to form a small terminal deformed cell. Thus two divisions were going on at the same time in the proto- plasmic mass. The small deformed cell was detached from the parent monster on the same day and appeared as a minute reversed duplicate of the original fragment (Fig. 17, //). This, like the first detached fragment, had a single contractile vacuole. On the eleventh day the small fragment was still alive and active but had not regenerated nor grown in size while the two monsters had grown to look more like paramecia fused (17, i and j). On the twelfth day the small fragment was dead while the others remained as before. On the thirteenth day the smaller monster had grown much weaker and was killed on the eighteenth of February or the fourteenth day (17, k). The remaining monster was very plastic changing shape from day to day until on the twenty-fourth of February appearing very weak, it was killed, twenty days after the original operation during which time no more than three mouths were formed in this part of the divided monster. The original fragment thus developed seven mouths indicating at least seven attempts to divide while the monster divided once to form two monsters. Preparations (17, k and /) show relatively enormous nuclear masses. One interesting feature of this experiment was the form. it ion of free-living but abnormal fragments separated off from the protoplasmic mass. In experiments nos. 22 and 25 (Table II.) the mon-trrs gave rise to similar cells either attached (22) or free (25), but in ever) case the^e offshoots were normal in struc- ture although abnormal and weak in function. In No. 22 the cell was cut in /one II. as shown in Fig. 16, a, EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 57 leaving the lower part of the peristome, the nucleus and the mouth intact. Twenty-four hours later the truncate cell divided in the plane of the original center into a small truncated anterior fragment (b, c, Fig. 16), and a normal cell (16, d). The abnormal fragment had one contractile vacuole, the normal cell t\\<>. Seventy-two hour- after the original cut the normal cell divided into t\. :ectly normal paramecia. which divided again on the following day into normal forms, thus establishing the entirely normal ronditioii of this product of the original truncate fragment. The almormul fragment (c) neither re- generated nor divided for the lir-t live days after the operation, althoii insiderably in size (16, e). < >n this fifth day, howe\er, it atteni|)ted todixide, hut cytopla-mir di\i-ion failed and a mon-ter with two mouth-, two contractile vacuole- and two blunt ends was formed i(>. ''/ 1. The power of di\ i-ion seemed to : for on the nxth day the ma-- attempted a ••nd di\ i-ion. an«l tin- time a perfect Paranicciiini wa- formed, but. as in experiment no. 7. Table I\ .. it could not -eparate from the parent ma— and remained attached by a delicate connection throughout life of tin- mon-- . < >n the -e\eiith, eighth, and ninth da\ - the mon-ter gradually a — unied the in- definite outline- of three paramecia Fig. M>. ;i hut when finally killed on the ninth day tin -e ••utlim •- WC1 in l"-t (j). The macronuclei were properly distributed for three indi\ idu.ils bill the micioiilK lei Were ilK KM-ed in number, -ix |ierfect oile- being loimd. -eparated h\ c"ii-iderablr di-taii(f from the macronuclei. In expel inn lit no. - s not »nl\- \\ere normal indi\ iduals fornn -1 but lhe\ were detached and li\e<| for -onie da\ - a- onlinar\ paramecia. Tli> .,etati\e cell \\a- cut in /one II. on JanuaiA Js, lea\ing the nucleus, the lower part of the peri-tome and the mouth intact 1 ig. Jo. n, 6). < >n the t \\ cut y-nint h the ti. lament di\ided in the original renter of the cell forming -mall truncated anterior fragment and a normal po-terior cell 1 . 2O, r, dead masses of protoplasm were found; the monster (Fig. 20, 0) had divided in the middle and the two separated ma--e- evi- dently licid n«.t been physiologically balanced, and had died. In preparations made with the dead ma--c- no definite nuclei could 1,.- (li-iin-ni-hed, ih,- matt-rial had evidently died during tin- ni^ht and had liei-n dead too many hours for the preservation of the nuclei. A large granular ma-- in one of the fragment.- may ha\e I.e. -11 tin- remain- ol mi' lei perhaps aggregated into a mul- berry mass as y Balbiani. Gl ' i RAL. I'.all.iani'- coiiclu-ioii that / •• inn; doe- not regenerate as do oilier |iroto/.,a i- too -ueepii,. < nerali/at ion. A small p'-P enlace i.| cases do regenerate. Lilt the percentage xaries with dim-rent i In the e\|)eriment- hen- ..utlined. three diltereiit ^iaiit races "I I'urii n:fiium «iudatum were u-fl. ( >ne race, ln>m bracki-h \\.iter in R..-C. .1: approximately IO pel cent. "I regeneration-; another race, from New York. -a\e approximately I per cent.: another race, al-> from New York. gave a relati\el\ hi'Ji percentage of regenerations, approximately JO per Cent., and in a foiinh race now under examination CVCTJ one »r KM) per cent, regenerates. The method eim>l..\ef te.-eiier.uion. ..r, st.iti-d in .mother \\a\ , h.i\e \ar\im; decrees of \itality. This po\\er of regeneration is con- nected in some wax . apparently, With the phy.sical make-up of the protoplasm. In oi her forms of |ir«to/oa, notabK in Stcntor i man\ observers, including lialbiani. ( iruber. Nu--!Miim. \\-rworn. Tioua/ek. Lillie. l'o|»ot't and other- . in Loxophyllum (Holni' in StyliiH \rhin, O.\-y!rii'li<:. +{->; >t>s! iuni, therefore, i- a per-i-teiit characteri-tic, apparently independent of movement, and connected in -ome \\.iv \\iih I In- phy-ical make-up of tin- protoplasm. Regeneration oi tli .i-m which occur- in a -mall percent. - \ar\ing in ditlereiit races, i- probably due \» a perfectly balanced plu-i'-lo:.!. il condition of the cell. This conclusion is dedmed ironi the tact obiained in main experiment-, that a coni|>arati\el\ in-i^niln ant i lit \\ -hereby only an e\uvmit\ of a I'uriinn-i'inni i- r<-ni"\ed. ha- a profound effect upon the further activities of the eel!. Kvunple- are J\ell in eXpelimelll- of Table I. and of Table IV.. \\ here "in- or the other end of tin- i ell \\a- remo\ed. lii the inajontN ..I '•-iilnal fragment died \\ilhin a -hoiM period; in a te\\ cases tin- le-idual tia^im-nt di\ided asymmetrically, ^i\in^ ri-e to on«- normal Paramecium \\hich coiitinui-d to |j\e and to multiply normally, ami an ab- normal cell \\hich - i died: in a leu • :n, the fragment • neiated either i >v -ooii alter di\ i-ioii. l! tlii- phenomenon could be explained \ve -Innild be wi-11 on the \\a\- to an e\| ion of that ^ho-t- train of processes u hich we designate vitality. I k of a balancing of pr , or of a -table and un-table equilibrium. ln>\\e\-er, i- no explanation of what take- place. recent ob-er\ ei> ha\e imdert.iken the ta-k of explaining cell ph\ siology, iiu hiding di\ i-ion. through the \ar\ingratioof nuclear ma-- to c\ topla-mic ma — . Balbiani bi'lie\ed that nion-ter.- are due to some slight injury to the maCTO- nucleus in cutting, and made tin- !i/atioii thai tlu-\- are "alway- indi\ idual- mutilated in the anterior part who-e de- 62 i.ARY N. CAI.K1.V-. scendants give rise to abnormalities. . . . Those which lose the posterior part only, always multiply normally by fission. . . . A sort of paralysis attacks cells thus injured in their nuclei" ('92- P- 78). The number of monsters (four) obtained by Balbiani is too -mall to support such a generalization. My experiments, in which live of the thirteen monsters were derived from cells cut in the posterior half throw this suggestion out of further con- sideration. A more modern view of the nature of physiological processes of the cell was suggested by R. Hertwig ('03) and has been elaborated by himself and his school in numerous publications. This theory according to Popoff's ('08) presentation, involves the view that the quotient obtained by dividing the cytoplasmic mass by the nuclear mass is fairly constant under "normal" conditions, and just as long as this relation varies only within narrow limits, the cell functions are normal. But if by dis- proportionate growth of either cytoplasm or nucleus, the nucleus- protoplasm relation is changed to favor either one, then the cell gets into an "abnormal" condition. In order to become "nor- mal" again, the "normal" nucleus-protoplasm relation must be reestablished. Cell division, Hertwig believes, is the means whereby normal relations are reestablished. He postulates, furthermore, two periods in the growth of the nucleus; one "functional." the other "divisional," the former beginning shortly alter division of the cell and lasting until shortly before the following division, the nucleus growing less rapidly than the cytoplasm and disturbing the nucleus-protoplasm relation in fax or of the cytoplasm. This disturbance of "normal" relations persists up to a certain point which Hertwig calls the nucleus- protoplasm -tension -moment i Kernplasmaspannungsmoment), u In'di In- Hoards as the immediate inciting cause of cell division, tin- first effect being the rapid "division growth" ot the nuclei!-. The result of the division 1 1 HI- started is a return to the " normal " A nucleus-protoplasm relation. The use ol terms normal and abnormal in this connection i- hardlx appropriate, for cell division is certainly a normal process and .ill Stages leading to it must likewise be normal, hence an EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 63 abnormal nucleus-protoplasm relation in a normal vegetati\e tell, cannot exi-r. Waiving this verbal matter. however, and e\ iminiiig the principle involved, \ve admit the change in the relative masses of nm leu- and cytoplasm in periods of gn>\vth. As to the gro\\ t h of the nucleus prior to cell division the evidence i- not -o clear. In I'nniychia transfu°a at division, for example. Hot only i- ihe ' i -lirface of the nuclear element- lc— etled Imt the mass as well is decreased, and the two -mall cells resulting from the divi-ion ci!oiincd i lilting cxpciimcin- "ii l-'<!. 56 \ < T-IH h /eigeil, da— tier AnstOSSgebende Moment d«-r rheilung in dein . \iigeiiblit k der Kernplasmaspannung /u -m hen i-t. ^o \\ie die /.die die-en M.-ment uber-t hrit ten hat. i-t der Teilung dci-elben -choii cinge- leitet und kein ausserei I ingrill kann -ie mehr \erhindcrn" '08, p J37). It i- tlitfit nli • this conclusion from the facts pre-cntcd ami -till nu>re dilticult to interpret Mich ca-e- a- my experiment U), Table III., \\here t \\ « • SUCCCSSlve di\ i-ion- of a fragment were entire!) a-\ mmct rir.d SCCp. 52 . Inthi-ta-e furthermore there \\a- a long period bet \\eeii di\ i-ion- \\hen 64 <.ARY N. CALKINS. "normal" condition- ot the divi-ion energy might have been reestablished. In reference to my Paramccinm work of 1904 Popoff states that at tin- final period of depression the nucleus-protoplasm relation was changed to the ad\ .image of the nucleus and he argues that this condition may have been the cause of the depression (he. cit., p. ,VV)|- As my paper of 1904 makes no reference to the nucleus-protoplasmic relation he drew his conclusion from the photographs of the cells at the end period of depression, but nat- urally, he did not realize that when the cells thus photographed were killed, they had lived for days without dividing. Under -uch conditions, like any other Paramccinm cell under similar conditions, they were "abnormal" so far as the nucleus-proto- plasm relation is concerned. ' In the latter part of the first section of Popoff 's paper of 1908 he gives an inkling of a possible interpretation of the nucleus- protoplasm relation in the statement: "Die Kernplasmarelation wird ein morphologischer fassbarer Ausbruck der jeweiligen Chemismus der Zelle bleiben." With this interpretation we are inclined to agree, and we look upon the changeable nucleus- protoplasm relation as an unstable effect produced by varying conditions of nutrition, temperature, or vitality and not at all as a cause of division or depression or of vitality. In a mutilated Paramecium the nucleus divides equally, the cell unequally; the smaller fragment has a full size nucleus and a much deranged "nucleus-protoplasm" relation; yet, in some cases at least, it behaves like a normal cell, dividing at the proper time and again forming dissimilar products, one of which is perfectly normal, the other again abnormal (expt. 25, p. 57). By removing a portion of a cell there can be little doubt that the ordinary chemical interchange, or perhaps the physical or electrical potential, of cell and nucleus is violently disturbed. In forms with a labile protoplasm, as manife-tcd in some fonii- of Paramccinm and as in Stentor, Loxophyllum Spathidium, etc., the wounded cell regenerates quickly, but in other races of Pnninn-i inm and in non-nucleated fragments of other protozoa, ihe more -table protoplasm does not respond and regeneration fail-. l)ivi-ion of the fragment indicate- that the power of EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTIX<. PAKAMKCIl M < ELLS. 65 division and the power of regeneration arc entirely independent phenomena and are alike independent of the nucleus-protoplasm relation BO far as mass is concerned. The failure of a small fragment to divide completely might be due to the fact that the divi-ion energy i- not great enough to overcome the -ur: ten-ion of the body \\.dl-. Hut t hi- interpretation would hardly account for the incomplete divi-ion of the cell in which only a -mall portion of the terminal protoplasm is removed experi- ment 7. Table IV.. p. 5J ^l MMAHN. . 1. I'nriinn i ;n»: miulatnm ma\ be ea-ily rut \\ith a -calpel. one. tin- larger, part, continue- to li\-e in about ^^ per cent, of and both part- ne\ er lor more than 24 hour-. If the inn Icn- is injured by the knife neither part live- for more than a te\\ hour-. The piv-ein paper i- a -ummar\ of about 15-' rec< -idi d experimei 2. ( ell- cut at either cxtiemitv are ju-t a- much deinorali/cd a- iho-e cm in apparent!) mme vital part-. 3. MM po\\er i.t rej 'i"ii \arie- in diftefeiit races "I "giant" P In die race "iil> about i per cent. ^•iieiaicd : in another bout lo |>er cent., in a third i about v ]„•! cent, n venerated, and in a tourth race all, or loo IHI cent, n generated. Thi- la-t I.MC i- not included in the ple-elit paper. 4. There i- Strong t \ idem t "I a di\ i-ion /OIH- in l\irnmci nnn which lies in the center of tin- i ell. It tin- cell i- cm anterior or po-trii.-i- in tin- /rm and a normal form. The truncated form ma\ divide a^ain not through it- center, but through the center ot ilu- cell \\en- it perlect. 5. A Iragment. \\hethei anterior or |.o-trrinr. die- \\ilhout di\i-ion in tin- majorit\ of . in cases "I li--i»n. it di\id«-- a-\ mnu'IiicalK a- -tated above. Tlu* di\ i-ion. ho\\ e\ er. i- re- tarded. In a feu cases the di\ i-ion i- abt>rii\e and a nioii-ter results. o. After such a division into an abnormal and a normal cell. the normal cell continue- to divide normallv and form- a race of GARY N. CALKINS. individuals entirely unaffected by the operation. The abnormal cell in some cases, divides again asymmetrically and forms another normal cell and an abnormal cell; in other cases the second division is abortive and monsters are formed; in a fra- cases it continues to divide with a gradually decreasing abnormal- ity until normal forms are regained; in many cases, finally, it dies without further division. 7. The monsters represent as many individuals as there are mouths. In one monster as many as fourteen mouths were present at one time. There is a well-marked tendency of the protoplasm to assume the form of a normal Paramecium about each of the mouths, and such individuals bud out of the proto- plasmic mass, remain for several hours, and may be absorbed again into it. 8. Free cells, complete in all respects, may be given off from the protoplasm of a monster. These may live for days and may even divide, but vitality is weak and they invariably die. 9. Cell division and cell regeneration are entirely independent phenomena. A fragment divides without regenerating and the abnormal product of this division may divide again without regenerating. In other cases the fragment divides asymmetrically and the resulting abnormal cell regenerates before the following division. The cell need not regenerate to divide, and may or may not regenerate before dividing. 10. The Paramecium cell acts as a unit; cytoplasm and nucleus are equally important, a small loss at either extremity is usually enough to throw the physiological mechanism out of gear and lead to death, to asymmetrical division, or to monster formation. 1 1 . The phenomena resulting from cutting Paramecium cannot be explained on the Kernplasmarelation theory of the Munich 5( hool. Mass of nucleus in relation to mass of protoplasm is only a morphological index of the physiological (chemical, electrical) activity of the cell— an effect and not a cause of the \ .moiis vital reactions. • 12. Regeneration of a cut cell in race> with a limited po\\ ei ot regeneration, is more often observed in cells that have recently conjugated, or in cells that were cut while in conjugation, than in ordinary \ei;etaiive cells. EFFECTS PRODUCED BY CUTTING PARAMECIUM CELLS. 67 PAPERS CITED. Balbiani, E. G. '93 Merotomie des Infusoires cilie?. Ann. de Micrographie. Vol. V. Calkins, G. N. '04 Studif-s on the Life History of Protozoa. IV. Jour. Expt. Zool.. Vol. I. "ii Regeneration and Cell-division in Uronychia. Jour. Expt. Zodl., Vol. 10. Hertwig, R. '03 l'f\jf:r K'.rr«-!ation von Zell- und Kerngrosse und ihre Bedeutung filr die < 111'-' lil: :erenzierung und die Teilung der Zelle. Biol. Cent., Holmes, S. J. '07 'I In- Bi-ha\i ••. "phyllum ami its Relation to Regeneration. Jour. Yul. 4. Popoff, M. '08 I-;.\inTiiiii-iit«-lI'- /••ll-tii'li.-n. Art h. I. /. llli >r-ch., \'i>l. I. 68 GARY N. CAI.KIN>. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Unless otherwise stated, all figurr- an- made from camera diawings or -keu ln-- from the living cells. The black line? indicate the planes of cutting. All tigmes are of Parameeium caiidatuin. PLATE I. FIG. i. a, vegetative cell cut in zone i ; b, the fragment at the end of four hours. It tiled within 24 hours. Kxp< i iinent II, Table I. !•!<,. 2. a, a similar cell cut as above; b, fragment 72 hours afterwards showing neither regeneration nor growth. Experiment 4, Table I. Fi<;. 3. a, conjugating ]'in- . V».' * ,/ ' - • * m " '• v . <• • 10 fl 1 1 ,7 /, ** a 12 b G JVC C. N. C GARY X. CALKINS. PLATE II. FIG. 13. a. vegetative c.-ll cut in zone 3; />. fragment three days after the oper- ation; c, af Maine. I ). l!i. \KKIY HiiAK1. Treasurer, n>i 1 >r\i>nsln're Street, Boston. M TIIM-. ||. M..- ,;v. JR.. C/c-rfc o/ //it- C> •r/'.'/-!:• \\'IIII\M I'VIIKN ........ I 'artinouth ' . HaiMver. \t-\\ Hani|)- shire. i\ M CLAP? ..... Mount Holyokr • -nli I la'lIi-y.Mass. I M MI; Ri i(,ii \KII ......... CniviT>ity of Micliiijan, Ann Arlior. Mich. \\'. I1.. Shiii!4ton, D. C. I . I'.. \\'n -o\ ........... Cohnnhia I'nivcrsity. 73 74 MAKIXE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. TO SERVE UNTIL IC)12 M. J. GREENMAN ........ \\~istar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia. C. \Y. I IAKI.ITT .......... Syracuse University. C. A. HEKTEK' ........... University and Bellevue Medical School, Xew York City. H. S. JENNINCS ......... Johns Hopkins University. 1 ii <>KGE LEFE-VRE ......... University of Missouri. D. P. PENH ALLOW' ...... Mcdill University, Montreal, Canada. A. P. MATHEWS ......... University of Chicago. G. H. PAKKKR ........... Harvard University. TO SERVE UNTIL H. C. BUMPUS .......... University of \\'isconsin, Madison, Wis. \\'. A. LOCY ............. Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. JACQUES LOEH ........... Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City. F. P. MALL ............. Johns Hopkins University. GEORGE T. MOORE ........ \Yashington University, St. Louis. L. L. NUNN ............. Telluride, Colo. JOHN C. PHILLIPS ....... 299 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. C. O. WHITMAN' ........ University of Chicago. 1 Deceased. II. ACT OF INCORPORATION No. 3170. ' MI.\\\ KAI.I II OF M.\>SAClir-i Be It Known. That wherea- Alpheus Hyatt, \Villiam Sanford Stevens, \\'illiani T. Sed^uick. Kdward '",. < iardiner. Su-an Minns, Charles Scd^wick MiiK-t. Samuel Well-, \\"illiani ( i. l-"arh)\v, Anna 1 '. I'liillip- ami I'. II \"an Yleck h.. • 'dated themselves with the intention iif forming a ('> ir\»> ration under the nanu- of the Marine Biological J.ahoratory. fur the pur- -tahl^liin^ and inaintain- inj; a lalioratnry <>r -tatinn f(,r -.»•;< ntifu- >tiidy and invoti^atioii. and a M-lii'i'l for iii-trurtii'ii in hiolo^v and natural hi>tory, and have >•.. in], lied \\ith the pn.\- tUtCS «'f thi> ( '\\ ealth in -ui-h i-a-e made and pr.>vi.'. rs fnnu the certifu-ate of the I're-idint. I r. a-urer. and Trn-t. , •. ,.f ^ai-1 Ci>rpnratii>n. duly a|i|ir. .vi-d I iy the Ci.nimi->ii.ner i.f ('.-rpi- ration-, and recorded in tlll^ nil: Now, .'/;• I. HENR\ 1'. 1' - retarj oi tin- c,,ininnn- •!th of MaSSachuSi I v that -aid A. ll\att. \\ . S. Phillips, and B. H. Van VIcck, their a eiate» and -u. and e-taMi^hed a-, and are hereh\ made, an existing •', .rpn ration, tinder the nanir .if the M \KI\I. I'.ioi in. n \i LABORATORYj \\ith the jmuers, ri-ht-. and privi- legCS, and Mihjeet to the liinilatioii>. dntie-. and restriction-, which \<: l.iu ajipertain thereto. I/'/'//;.-\.N- my official M-natnre hereunto >nh-crilied. and t! of tile ( 'omnionwealth of MaSSacl 'lereiinto artixed. thi> twentieth d.t\ of March, in the \ear of • nr I .ord < IN K Tiior>.\\ii. I-.U.H i llr\- \\n I n.ii i ^ -ElGB r. IlKXRY I1,. I'll 10 I . N. t-;v/(jry <'/" the Ci»)ii>i»>i\'ni/tli. [SEAL.] - III. I',Y-LA\YS OF THE CORPORATION OF Till- MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY I. The annual meeting of the members shall be held on the second Tuesday in August, at the Laboratory, in Woods Hole, Mass., at 12 o'clock noon, in each year, and at such meeting the members shall choose by ballot a Treasurer and a Clerk, who shall be, c.r officio, members of the Board of Trustees, and Trustees as hereinafter pro- vided. At the annual meeting to be held in 1897, not more than twenty-four Trustees shall be chosen, who shall be divided into four classes, to serve one, two, three, and four years, respectively, and thereafter not more than eight Trustees shall be chosen annually for the term of four years. These officers shall hold their respective offices until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. The Direc- tor and Assistant Director, who shall be chosen by the Trustees, shall also be Trustees, ex officio. H. Special meetings of the members may be called by the Trustees, to be held in Boston or in Woods Hole at such time and place as may be designated. III. The Clerk shall give notice of meetings of the members by publication in some daily newspaper published in Boston at least fifteen days before such meeting, and in case of a special meeting the notice shall state the purpose for'which it is called. IV. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. V. The Trustees shall have the control and management of the affairs of the Corporation; they shall present a report of its condition at every annual meeting; they shall elect one of their number Presi- dent and may choose such other officers and agents as they may think best; they may fix the compensation and define the duties of all the officers and agents; and may remove them, or any of them, excej.i those chosen by the members, at any time; they may fill vacancies occurring in any manner in their own number or in any of the offices. They shall from time to time elect members to the Corporation ujn >n such terms and conditions as they may think best. VI. Meetings of the Trustees shall be called by the President, or by any two Trustees, and the Secretary shall give imtice thereof by 76 BY-LAWS OF THE CORPORATION*. 77 written or printed notice sent to each Trustee by mail, postpaid. Seven Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- ness. The Board of Trustees shall have power to choose an Execu- tive Committee from their own number, and to delegate to such Com- mittee such of their own powers as they may deem expedient. VII. The President shall annually appoint two Trustees, who shall constitute a committee on finance, to examine from time to time the books and accounts of the Treasurer, and to audit his accounts at the close of the year. Xo investments of the funds of the Corporation -hall be made by the Treasurer except approved by the finance com- mittee in writ: VIII. The consent of every Tr dl be nece--ary b -olu- tion of the Marine Biological Laboratory. In case • 'inii>n, the property -ball be k'iven to the I'.o-ton Society of Natural History, or some similar public in->titut:< h terms as may then reed upon. IX I hes« I'-;. I.a\s- may be altered at any mee1 the Tr provide. 1 that the notice of such :i -hall -tate that an alteration of the I'.y I .a\\ - \\ ill ''• '. upon. X. Any meinb'-r in - lay v< either in per-on or ' [V. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE YKAK K.NIMNC, DK.CKM P.F.R 31. 1910 INCOM i: Annual dues $ 606.00 Donations (Charles R. Crane) 8,500.00 Miscellaneous: Interest on deposit $ 38.89 Rent of microscopes 14.00 I'ath house 52.40 Div. on 35 shs. Woods Hole Yacht Club 350.00 Mosquito survey 400.00 Check not used .82 856.11 Supply department 9,300.58 Mess (net) 55T-97 Tuitions 4,150.00 $23,964.66 EXPENSES Administration $ 900.00 Advertising 99.3 1 Biological Bulletin I net ) 512.70 Boats and launch 1.502.77 Botany 10.05 Chemicals, chemist supplies, etc 783. -3 Fish trap 88.35 Instructors' salaries 3,180.00 Insurance -'X .j .35 Interest 150.00 Labor 3,872.52 Mosquito survey 50.00 78 TREASURER'S REPORT. / 9 Periodicals and library supplies ~ 1.60 Postage 89.06 Repairs i .377.09 Sundries 1,900.20 Supply department 6.Q5S.j; Sjj. 547.48 Surplu- $ 1,417.18 III-..MIXI.II Li-i "i- SrxiiRY EXPENSES FOR THE YI.AR 1010 .\nn"unceinent- and expense mailing SilO.So Adi can> u.oo Care - if cemetery lot - \-. I )iv\\ 's < ifti.-, nses j_\: 1 >r. Lillie'- «.tVh-e expenses 104.00 l;.\c! • Hi elleek- 3 1 Mxpre— 47 -T l-'rei-ltt and hauliui; ' >.8o machine expense 55 . i J I [owes1 bill %V'.(I4 I lubbard. f. t ).. SCI fio.oo In-trunicnt-, lalmra: • ;>plie> i 7^.40 Laundry 21.36 I ,ectur< expense -- X'eu \"ik ( 'alcium I.i^ln < "Ui|>an\ 7 Notary fee- O iVtty cadi at V. 1 I ok- 63.62 I'mniinn on Ixmd 750 Kent of microscopes 30.00 Kent nf typewriter 'K> Spring \\ater 10.511 Stationery, ottice -upplie- 57 Steel band cart IO.OO Sundry -upplie- 37-57 Teaming -'.2O Telepb' MIC 31 Travelling expense- 3' SO MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Treasurer's office, clerical services 520.00 Trustees' dinner 16.00 Yeeder's expenses 24.76 Water 65.00 Wooden cases 8.00 Sr. 900.20 MARIXK BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY INVESTMENTS JANUARY i. 1911 Frxn Amount c f fun-.OO .......... 7:(l -'.- -h ........... ...... ......... 4,615.49 The :I!H • k- aii'l !lati-ral for loan of ............................... .}.' OO.OO $1,615 I.ll'.KAkV Amount ' f fmi'l 1 Uvi-mU-r i. |S'^<) .............. S S'ifi.i; IiK-oiiu- to January I, i-ji I .................... 7<>l-A7 l lain from -aK- "f -i O;M :' :> - .................... 74 of ri-ht^ ................................ ,8l I.ilirar\ fund no\\ •! tlu- following; 3 shs. Am. Tel. i\ .............. .S ;>s^ 25 4 ; of >iooo Am. Ti-1. \- Tel. Co. 4- cost.... 779.00 I sh. Am. Snu-ltinv; \ i\tfmin<; Co. Pfd. cost 122.00 icral Kln-tric Co. cost ............ 302.50 sh ..................................... 56-56 81 82 MAKIXF. BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. LUCRETIA CROCKER FUND Amount <>f fund December i, 1899 $2,500.00 Income after paying students' fees 522.41 Sale of rights 1.90 $3,024.31 Lucretia Crocker Fund now consists of the following: 18 shs. Vermont & Mass. R. R. Co. ccst $2,416.50 I sh. West End St. Ry. Co. cost 83.00 I sh. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. cost 127.75 1/5 of $1000 Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. 45 cost 194-75 I sh. General Electric Co. cost I5I-25 Cash 51.06 $3,024.31 V. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT THE Ti -uhmit herewith a report of the twenty-third se--i»M of the Marine I'.i.'l, -gical Laboratory for the \ear I'/ID. ami ?\v the loss hy death during the year of three member- ••!" the board of trustees: D \. I lerter. Pro- • r I). P. l'enhall"\v and P: 0. Whitman. It is fitting that due n of tile SCfl -lumld be en in the form of resolution- to l>e -pread upon the minutes of the lizard and -ent t" the fainili. -ir lamented colleague-. The death -f Pr^f \Vliittnan wa- Midden and unexpected. lie \\a- taken with pneuiii"iiia • >u \.\einher .^ • and died . >n December ''. Mrinorial - in hi- h"ii«>r \\ere held at the LJniversit) of ( hicago -n Decembei •s;. and hi- h»d\ \\a- laid in the lal>"rat<>ry l"t in the Mpi-c- -pal ' ry at W'«>d- ||"!«- OH December ID in the pt . a -mall jjatheriiiL,' "f his former atCS and friend-. wh«> almie \\ere able t" attend. Professor Whitman'- death may be -aid t-» mark the cl<»sc of the tir-t period of development of the Marine I '. il Labora- tory. A- director for the tir-t twenty •- of the exi-tence of the Laboratory, more than an} other per-on he i;ave the Labora- tory it- -tatn- and it- ideal-. In a very fitting way. therefore, \\e max -ax that the Laboratory i- a monument to hi- memory. lUit it i- de-irable an«l due that -onie permanent memorial should mark hi- la-t re-tin.^ ].lace near the iii-titutioii that he loved so well, and it i- recommended that a committee be appointed to take thi- matter in charge. The -tatY of instruction in [910 comprised 29 member-, repre- -eiitini,T eighteen in-tituti"ii<. Acknowledgment -hould again be made to the member- of the staff of investigation who rendered their .-ervice- freely. 84 M. \K1.\K mol.oC.ICAL I.AI'.oR \TOKY. The attendance of workers at the laboratory comprised 62 investigators and <>4 -Indents — a total of 126 as compared with 66 investigators and 63 students, total, 129, in 1909, and 52 investigators, 48 student?, total 100, in 1908. There was a grati- fying increase in the number of subscribing institutions, from 19 in 1909 to 24 in 1910. One of the subscribing institutions of 1909 dropped out this year. The new subscribing institutions were Dartmouth College, Massachusetts Agricultural College, The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, The University of Illinois and the Washington University Alumni Association. The membership of the corporation was also somewhat in- creased. The receipts of the supply department increased from $8.54';. 55 i» |('°9> to $9.300.58, in 1910. Xo definite progress was made in the plan for a permanent building during the year, except that steps have been taken to secure the possession of more land that is necessary for the protection of our present holdings. Success has been attained in this direction and I think we may say that we are distinctly nearer the realization of the permanent building, not only in point of time but in preparedness. This raises definitely two questions: first, as concerns the nature and use of the building, and second, concerning administration affairs of the laboratory. As regards the building, I believe that the committee that was appointed December 30, 1909, was fully agreed that the new building should provide for the library and for a certain number of research rooms. This committee has not formally met and I do not present this as an official report from the committee. But on the assumption that provision would be made for re- search rooms on a more adequate scale and with better equip- ment than the present quarters, I think that we should begin to ascertain the attitude of certain universities and research institu- tions with reference to the maintenance of quarters for investi- gation to be available throughout the year. Such an inquiry may ^eem premature; but when we consider that the character of the building to be erected must depend to a certain extent upon the financial -upport of institutions for its maintenance. I think it will be admitted that we can not move too soon in [In- direction of receiving assurances. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 85 The second question concerns administration. A- matters now stand the burden of administering the affairs of the labora- tory falls rather heavily on men who already have a full assign- ment of work in their own universities. There i- n» question but that the work of the laboratory could be made more effective in all respects if we had an administrative officer who dev»ted hi- entire time to the affair- . .f the laboratory: it is also question- able whether the laboratory can continuously retain the servi of men under present condition.-, when their work is i^iven at the expense of cffectiveiu -- in their university work and their re- search. Jt i- therefore recommended, that, a- 5OOD a- may l>e. the office of assistant direct "i- IK made a resident po-iti-n for the entire \car. l"nder -uch an arrangement all our relation- should prosper better: with the inve-tii,ra:»r-. with the student-, and with in-titutioii-. The e\peii-c involved would probably be a dimini-liini; amount «• \\in.i,' to improvement in laboratory condi- tion- generally. As SOOn as plai tely under way for a permanent buildin ;i an officer \\onld be !!• I • the detail- decided on by t' • •!) the building, and to make ime-ti^ati'.n- . .n behalf of the committee; and later when the laboratory \\a- ere at other seasons of the \ear ' • immer. lie -hould be furnished with -tanre ade-|i ire him -nffu'ient time for research. Th< • appended a- part- of th'~ report (l) a h-t of the -tatV. i j ' h-t- of inve-- .;id -tir I I n attendance. ' .^ ' a comparative tabular view of attendance, 14' the name- of -ub- scribini,' in-titution-. 151 the evening lecture-. (6) a li-t of mem- ber- of the i. THE STAFF, 1910 F. R. ULLIE, DIRECTOR, Professor of Embryology, UniverHty of Chicago. GILMAX A. DREW, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Professor of Biology, University of Maine. ZOOLOGY I. I \VESTIGATION Zoology and Embryology E. G. CONKLIN Professor of Zoology, Princeton University (Absent in 1910.) GILMAN A. DREW Professor of Biology, University of Maine. GEORGE LEFEVRE Professor of Zoology, University of Mis- souri. (Absent in 1910.) FRANK R. LILLIE Professor of Embryology, University of Chicago. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, jR.Professor of Zoology, University of Penn- sylvania. T. H. MORGAN Professor of Experimental Zoology, Colum- bia University. E. Pi. \Yii.sox Professor of Zoology, Columbia University. II. INSTRUCTION \YINTERTON C. CURTIS. .. Professor of Zoology, University of Mi-- souri. PAUL M. RKA Professor of Biology, College of Charleston, and Director of the Charleston Museum. KnwAiui !•".. WlLDMAN .... Central High School, Philadelphia. JOHN \\". SCOTT \\YMport High School, K;m>as City. G. S. DODUS Fellow in Zoology, University of Pennsyl- vania. TI. J. Si'Kxci.u \s-i-tant in Zoology. Columbia University. 86 THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 87 EMBRYOLOGY I. INVESTIGATION. (See Zoology) II. INSTRUCTION OILMAN A. DREW Professor of Biology, University of Maine. LoRAMiF. L. \V FF. .. Assistant Professor of Biology, Vale Uni- versity. \VII.I.IAM K. KEI.LICOTT. . I'r< aVssor of Biology, Goucher College. Kor.KkT A. I!riii\.;-mx. .. Associate Professor of Zoology, Oberlin College. PHYSIOLOGY i. AM-.IKI I'. M A i ii KU - . . . . Prnfi ~-..r nf Physiological I'lK-miMry. Uni- I ( "hicago. 1 I' LVOM PrniY--nr nf I'hy-iiili'gy. I'nivi-rsity of St. lis. K. S. 1. in ii In-iriH-tnr in * 'mnparativi- l'h\ >iology, Uni- of iVnti-vlvaniu. • ii. i •• 11. II \IUM\\ !'• ir of Zi I'liiviT-ity nf Ti-xa-. NK I' KNOWLTON. ... Professor nf I'liy-ii-In^y. Syracu^i- I'ni- :ty. !•'. II I'IKK Iiistnu-tiir in I'lr. . l"n:\ iT-ity of PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF BIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES I- nwAKii < I. SPAULDING... Assistant I'- r nf Philosophy, Prince- tmi I'liivcrsity. BOTANY •KI.K 'I". MOORE ProlY — 'T nf Plant Ph\ .-iolngy ami Applied Botany. \\'ashington University. GEORGE K. I.YMVN \^:-tant Professor of Botany, Dartmouth College. MARIXE BIOLOGICAL LA in >!•• ATORV. B. M. DUGGAR Professor of Plant Physiology. Cornell Uni- versity. I. F. LEWIS Professor of Biology, Randolph-Macon College. LEWIS KNUDSOX Instructor in Plant Physiology. Cornell Uni- versity. LIBRARY H. McE. KXOWER University of Cincinnati, Librarian. CHEMICAL SUPPLIES OLIVER S. STRONG College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chemist. G. M. GRAY Curator of Supply Department. THOMAS M. DOUTHART. . Collector in Zoology. ARTIIUK \V. TAYLOR Collector in Botany. Salem High School, Salem, Mass. JOHN VEEDER Cockswain. 2. INVESTIGATOR- 1910 OCCUPYING ROOMS i. ZOOLOGY iN, \V. H I .. Uni - nia. KWiiii. (OKA .1., Iiistni(.-t«T ii B i,-e. rk. ge. , I . k.. I'nr.i < ton . .1. ty. iri. !.cal School, St. i 01 i > . Vale HAK\ BY, E. NEWTON, < ^ City. M \s M of Texas. Ki . ucher ( ' ' ivcrsitv mnati. .i-rsity ol ^o. : . r.-ity of l'< Mi I ylvania. . 1 1. .|K. ;. Ivania. 1 1 . . I ' i • . • . IN, J. 1 MUM A.S Instria-i l\i \ i . Juii N \\ .. \\ City, 1 Hi NKV .1.. Assistant •• I 'nivcr- KI>\\AI.' I'liiloMijihy. Princeton University. Instriicti>r in A 'liege of 1'i - and Surgeons, .\\-\\ \ .irk ' \\MKI lACl I'... Coluni! .cr^ity. \\;:;itiK. KKMM I.. Assistant in AiKitmny, Johns Hopkins University. WMIS. 11. i,.. Ass "t l'ath"l".i;y, 1'ni vi-r-ity of Chicago. \VIIHM\\ l-".n\\ \K-i« i:il Hiuh School, Philadelphia, Pa. 89 QO MARIXK BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. WILSON, E. B., Professor of Zoology, Columbia University. WOODRUFF, I.. I... Assistant Professor of Biology, Yale University. 2. PHYSIOLOGY DONALDSON*, H. H., Professor of Neurology. \Yistar Institute. HIRSCHFELDER, ARTHUR D., Associate in Medicine. Johns Hopkins Medical School. KNOWLTON, FRANK P., Professor of Physiology, Syracuse University, College of Medicine. KIM;. W. O. REDMAN, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Xevv York City. LOEB, JACQUES, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. New York City. LILLIE, R. S., Instructor in Physiological Zoology. University of Pennsylvania. MATHEWS, A. P., Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago. XEWMAN, H. H., Professor of Zoology, University of Texas. PIKE, FRANK H., Instructor in Physiology, University of Chicago. ROGERS. CHAKLES G.. Associate Professor of Physiology, Syracuse University. . \Y.\STENEYS, HAKDOLPH, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City. 3. BOTANY BESSEY, ERNEST A., Professor of Botany, Michigan Agricultural College. DUGGAR, BENJAMIN M., Professor of Plant Physiology, Cornell University. K \UDSON, LEWIS, Instructor in Plant Physiology, Cornell University. LEWIS, IVEY FOREMAN, Professor of Biology, Randolph-Macon College. LYMAN. GEORGE R., Assistant Professor of Botany, Dartmouth College. MOORE, GEORGE T., Professor of Plant Physiology and Applied Botany, Wash- ington University, St. Louis, Mo. THOMAS, MASON B., Professor of Botany. Wahash College. OSTERHOUT, W. J. V., Assistant Professor of Botany, Harvard University. SMITH, ERWIN F., Pathologist in charge Laboratory of Plant Pathology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. OCCUPYING TABLES i. ZOOLOGY ALLYN, HARRIET, University of Chicago. DAVIS, SARAH ELLEN, Student, Columbia University. LINTON, ELEANOR A., Washington, Pa. KELLEY, FRANK, J., University of Pennsylvania. WILSON, HERRICK E., Assistant in Geology, Oberlin Colleg-. SPOONER, GEORGIANA B., Palo Alto, Cal. 2. PHYSIOLOGY DONALDSON, JOHN CALVERT, 3310 Race Street. Philadelphia, i- -- TASHIRO, SIIIRO, Fellow, University of Chicago. 3. BOTANY TAYLOR. ARTHUR W., Warren, Mass. STUDENTS igio INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY BAKKK, RITA < i.. 72 liimtiiu nue. Boston, Mass. P.M.!.. MAKY M.. < >bcrlin Collegi n, Ohio. l!nii\v i i.i., H . i ;,," Main SIP CASIIM '.' Syrncu- York. •;h College. Ham.vir. N". H. KI>IM>\\ ' tin ore, Md. A. I!.. ersity. • I-'IM ; ' ;. V « w York i ity. i . . Syracu-i-. N". V. Orono, M. I '.^riculti; M \ K 1 1 % . I : M.- 1 1 • •'••.'•' • MOOK, CHAI ty, New M>" ' ,n Aven • City. M \-, i -t. Xew N "fk (ity. M \M \s S., M 1'Ai- ' t;c. I' AM i N . II v • Mil. I'l \ I, I'lula.'.i ']iln:.. S i \ : •• GEBTBI V \\'.. ! ' ' • " p, EMILY, 4 \\ M KI s - \\ illi;ini-|M,rt, \\ 11 l i \\' \Vi.s\\ i ii . \sn I'.. I a-i M \\i • l" Strict, Plainfield. X. .i. \ "\. JuM rn I... St. ii< ' liege, I'.t. ENNIS \ •- - A.. I'.arnaril i 'i.]li-.i;c. Columbia Univcrsit>. . I-'.KMM ]•'.. H..\v.ini I'nivi-rsity, Washington, D. C. Krsiv. Aimnr. State University of Iowa. •' MARINK IlIiiU M.ICAL I. Al'.i iKATuKY. LEAVITT, GEORGE C., University of Maine. Orono. Maine. MELLEN, IDA M., 530 Carleton Avenue, Brooklyn, Xe\v York. PRENTISS, HENRIETTA, Normal College, New York City. REDELINGS, LESLIE R., Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. SMITH, ISABEL S., Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111. ULLMAN, HI.NKV J.. Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. PHYSIOLOGY DAVIS, NATHAN SMITH III. 8 E. Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois. MARKS, HENRY S., University of Rochester, Rochester, N. \ . STARK, MARY B., St. Olaf College. STEPHENSON, J. C., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. WHITENTON, ROBERT O., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. BOTANY i. Plant Structures and Responses CHANDLER, JEAN FORREST, 4651 North Lincoln Street, Chicago, 111. CLEMENT, FRANK H. P., Tilton, N. H. WELLS, COLLIN, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. JENNISON, HARRY M., Massachusetts Agricultural College. 2. Morphology and Taxonomy of the Algae BRVGGER, HELEN F., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. COLLEY, REGINALD H., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. CURTIS, OTIS F., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. DAWSON, AVA B., 97 Mountfort Street, Boston, Mass. HILL, ALBERT F., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. HOIIBS, ETHELYN, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. IRWIN, JAMES M., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. II. LEIGHTON, HELEN, 68 Park Avenue, Canandaigua, New York. ROBERTS, EDITH A., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. RUTHERFORD, ELIZABETH E., 624 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago, 111. SPARGO, MILDRED W., 5050 Maple Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. WALLBURG, AMY B., 54 Dale Street, Roxbury, Mass. WILLISTON, Ri'Tii. 297 Crown Street, New Haven, Conn. . TABULAR VIEW OF ATTKNOANVK 1907 1908 1909 INVKMH..VIUK — Total ..................... 60 :_• 66 Q2 Zoology ...... ..... 3_> 32 3.) 33 I'll .......................... 8 6 7 9 I'.' t.-iiiy ............................. 10 8 4 9 Occupying 1 /"••I- . ..... •» 6 14 5 1'liyMnlnjjy .......................... I 2 I'.iit.-iny .............................. I STUDENTS T-t.-il ......................... 47 4S 63 64 ZoolO) 34 i-> 3'. 31 gy .......................... 15 i _• 10 ........................... 4 3 .) 5 <> I I '• 17 QNIVERSITIES \M •' IVM-KESENTKH. . . . 47 51 47 4-) l'.\ [nvestigators ..................... -•'• 27 26 I '.v Stmlrllts .......................... j | 26 2O 24 93 4. SUBSCRIBING INSTITUTIONS, 1910 ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. GOUCHER COLLEGE. LUCRETIA CROCKER SCHOLARSHIP, BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. OBERLIN COLLEGE. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. SMITH COLLEGE. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WOMAN'S TABLE SUPPORTED BY MRS. ROMIN SON. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. VASSAR COLLEGE. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. \YISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY. WELLESLEY COLLEGE. YALE UNIVERSITY. 94 5- EVENING LECTt'KKS. 1910 I. <>KH " I low I >oe- the Spermatozoon ("ause the Development of the 1 u-; "'"•-• July i. C. P.OWYER VAUX " Uo\v to Prepare a Paper for Pub- lication " July 5. JOHN- I',. SMITH " M-p>i|uitot-> ami Mo-quito C'am- pai^n- " July 8 I I II. DO\\> ..."The iVrcet:' :' Water in the ( "entral N : Tin of \\-rte- l>ratc- " July u. \\". J. V. OSTEBHOUI Cts of the Action of Min- upon Plants " July I ;. I P.. WILSON "Hen • and the < hromo-omes ". . July \>> P.. M. DUGGAB " 'I he Ivelation of Plant- to Toxic Refer, nc. • the Mo.litu-atii'ii of Toxicity Ky ( "liciircal aii'l I'lu-ieal Assent- ".. Ju' 1\ NP N'KKKI - " The l\elation of psychology to '. July j,. J. T. P.\ I I i-:i.--o\ "Th' of Specific Polyein- hryony and the I >etenninatioii of in the Armadillo" \"'^r 4 I\ \IIMI P.. PI-KKY ••\\heii is a '1 liini,' I:.xplained for the I'urpo-e of Science" \i:. l\ \YMOMI Pi \ui . ..."The lnheritai!> • "f |-\-cundity in the Domestic l"o\vl " \u^. (>. 95 6. MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MAR I. XI-: I'.IOLOGICAL LABORATORY T. LIFE MKMKERS ALLIS, MR. EDWARD PIIELPS, JR., Palais Carnoles, Menton, France. ANDREWS, MRS. GWENDOLEN FOULKE, 821 St. Paul St., Balti- more, Md. BILLINGS, MR. R. C., 66 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. CAREY, MR. ARTIITR ASTOR, Fayerweather Street, Boston, Mass. CLARKE, PROF. S. F., \\rilliams College, Williamstown, Mass. CONKI.IN, DR. E. G., Princeton University, Princeton, New •* ' Jersey. CRANE, MR. C. R., 2559 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. DAVIS, MAJOR HENRY M., Syracuse, New York. ENDICOTT, WILLIAM, JR., 31 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. EVANS, MRS. GLENDOWER, 12 Otis Place, Boston, Mass. FARLOW, PROF. W. G., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. FAY, Miss S. B., 88 Mt. Yernon Street, Boston, Mass. FOLSOM, Miss AMY, 88 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. FOOT, Miss KATHARINE, 80 Madison Avenue, New York City. GARDINER, Miss EUGENIA, 15 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass. HAMMOND, MR. G. W., Hotel Hamilton, Boston, Mass. HANNAMAN, MR. CHARLES E., 103 First Street, Troy, Nr\v York. HARRISON, PROVOST C. C., University of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. JACKSON, Miss M. C., 88 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass. JACKSON, MR. CHARLES C., 24 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. . KENNEDY, MR. GEORGE G., 284 Warren Street, Roxlmrv, Mass. KIDDER, MR. C. G., 27 William Street, New York City. KIDDER, MR. NAT 1 1 \MI.I. T., Milton, Ma--. KING, MR. CHARLES A. 96 THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 97 LEE, MR-. FREDERK S., 2~<> Madison Avenue, Xe\v York City. LoWELLj MR. A. LAWRENCE, 171 Marlborough Street, Bos; Mass. MASON. Miss K. F., i \Yalnut Street, Boston, Ma--. MASON. Miss IDA M.. i \Valnut Street. Boston. Ma--. Mi:.\\~. MR. JAMKS HOWARD. \<><< l',eacon Street. Boston, M. MLKKIMAN. MRS. DANIKI.. \V. >rci -ter. Ma — . MINN-. M ^ ., 14 I. ;r^ Sijuare, Boston. Ma--. MINNS. MR. THOMAS. 14 I.<>uisburg Square, Boston, Ma--. MINIM. I )u. I'HAKI.KS S.. Harvard Medical School. Bost-m. M. Mi. vi i R. Mi-- M. ( .. 241 Mar!b(ir<'U^h Street. r.i>-t«n. Ma--. Mok«;AN. MR. I. I'liRi'-'Ni. JR., \\'all and, P.p-ad Street-. New Vork MORI, AN, I'lo-i. T. II., ( '"himhia I'niversity. Xe\v ^"ork C'ity. M OKI .AN. MR-. T. II.. \\-\v Y'>rk ("ity. \o; LACK •iiMMiiwcalth Avenue. r.o-t"ii. M \OM -. M : nth \Yill.uv Street. Montclair. X. I. N"i \ N. MR. LUCIAN I... Telhirid. < »-I:ORN. l'R"i. lli\R\ I".. American Museum of Natural Hi- tory. New \»r\< ( 'ity. Pi i i. MR. \i i RI 1 1. Highland l;al!-. < >rani,'e l". unity. X. J. I'lllllli'-. I >K. |on\ ' . .: M I'erkle; :. r,<>-t<.n. Ma--. PHILLIPS, MRS. JOHN C, 299 I'.erk'.ey Street. I'.. .-t'-n. Ma- I'MRIIR. I )R. II. ('.. I "i ;" l'enn-\ Kania, Philadelphia, I'.i. 1'ri-iriR. MR. \\ . II . Newton ('enter. Ma--. KIM, I KV-. M [SS A. I'.. 5 I' 13 ' 'II. Ma--. KIH.IR-. MR-. \\'II.LI\M I1... 117 Marllior. ni^li Street. Boston, Mass. Si \R-. I'R. Hi \R\ !•".. 4_'D I'.eac- -n Street. r..-)«tnii. Mass. Sin hi'. M R. I'. A. SMITH. MR-, i '. i '.. 286 Marlborough Street. Bi'-tmi. Ma--. STROBELLj MlSS £. C, So Mad.i-.'ii Avenue. Xe\v \'ork City. TiioKNi'iKi. I>R. l;.n\\ \RH L.. Teacher-' i"i 'liege, Columbia I'ni- ver->ity. Xew \«rk > TRI i r \.-K. I'ROI. \\'II.I.!\M, Mi--ouri Botanical darden-, St. Louis, Mo. \\ \RI. Miss M \KV I... 41 Brimmer Street, Boston. Mass. \Y\KKi N. MRS. S. D.. o- Mt. X'ernon Street, Boston, Mass. 98 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. WHITNEY. MR. HENRY M., Brookline. Mass. WILLCOX, Miss MARY A., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. WILMATH, MRS. H. D., Elliott Street, Jamaica Plain. Mass. WILLIAMS. MRS. ANNA P., 505 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. \\ ILSOX, DR. E. B., Columbia University, New York City. WILSON PROF. W. P., Philadelphia Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. II. MEMBERS, AIV.TST 9, 1910 ABBOI T. MARGARET B., 413 W. Front St., Plainfield, X. J. ADAMS, C. F., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ADDISON. W. H. F., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. ALSBURG, CARL S., U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C. BAKER, E. II., 5444 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Pa. I'. \RDEEN, C. R., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. BECKWITH, CORA J., Yassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. BIGELOW, MAURICE A., Teachers College, Xew York City. BIGELOW, ROBERT P., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. BLATCHFORD, E. W., mi LaSalle Ave., Chicago, 111. BROOKOVER, CHARLES, Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio. P.K-owxE. ETIIKI. X., Bennett School, Millbrook, Xew York. I '.i < KIXGHAM, KIMTII X.. 342 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. P.rmxcToN, R()i:i-:kT A., ( )l)(.-rlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. BUMPUS, H. C., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. I'.YRXKS, ESTHER F., 193 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, Xew York. CALKIXS, ( IAKY X., Columbia L'niversity, New York City. ('\IAT.RT, riiii.ii' P., University of Pennsylvania, Pliikuk-lphia, Pa. CARLSON, A. J., l*nivi-r-ity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. CARY, L. K., Princeton University. Princeton, X. J. CAT-II LI., |. Mi KKKX, Garrison-on-Hudson, Xew York. ("in ~n K, WEBSTER, Colby College, \\'aterville. Mainr. CHIDESTER, FLOYD E.. Clark University. \\"orcester, Mass. CHILD, C. M., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. CLAPP, CORNELIA M., Mount I lolyoke College, South Iladley, Mass. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 99 CLARK, ELIOT R.. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. Md. COF., \V. R.. Vale University. Xe\v Haven. Conn. CoL'i'i.v. II. S.. 3409 Powellton Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. o< K. J. If.. Cornell University. Ithaca. Xew York. COOLIDG) . CHAKI.KS A.. Ann.- P.nilding, Boston. Ma — . LTIS, \\'. C, Univer-ity of Mi-suuri. Columbia. MO. I)IMO\, Ai:n;Air. C.. y •- < ien< see St., Utica. X. V. iMii--. ( i. S.. St. L..iii- University Medical Sch«Mil. St. L"iiU. M >. DONALDSON, II. H., \Yi-tar Institute of Anatomy and l'.iolo-y. Philadelphia. DORKAXU.. ANN. I )orraiuv;..n. i \< \x< i . I-'K \x< i 5, I >orrancet"ii. Pa. I )KI \\ . i III.M \.\ A.. I "ni\ <.-r~:ty of Maiiu-. < >r> 'ii' >. Maine. I-*A PON, I 1 I.. I Ioli;irt ' . ' irlK'Va. X. Y. I-'.II.I.NM \- KI. II.. I : t) of Indiana, P.l.» .niin^ton. Ind. l-'iii.n. IUVINC, \.. \\Y-u-rn Maryland College. \\\--ter. Md. I-'IK-'.I SON, I. S.. ( oriu-11 Timer-ity Medical School, Xe\v \»rk ' ity. l-'iv-i i M \N. M i-- 1 I \ivi' ^- I 'nion Park St.. Boston, Ma — . S. II.. » oniell Univer-ity. Ithara, Xe\v York. (In-. \Viiii\M I . .r. iVpt. I'.iolo^ical ('hemi>try. C«>lum- hia I 'ni\ er-ity, X. \'. G LASER j O. C., l"n:vn-it\ of Mii-hi^an. Ann Arhor. Mich. GOLDFARB, A. I . ' •'•imliia rniver-ity. Xew \«rk I "ity. (iuu \.M\.\. M. I., \\i-i.Li- In-tituu of Anatomy and I'.io] Philadelphia. kla. TOO MARINE i:i(U.tM,H-.\I. >RY. JACKSON, C. M., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. JAYXE, HORACE, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Phil- adelphia. JENNINGS, H. S., Johns Hopkins I'nivcrsity, Baltimore, Mel. JONES. LYNDS, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. JORDAN, H. E., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. \\\ LLEY, 1;. J.. Department of Zoology, University of Pennsyl- vania. Ki LLICOTT, W. E., Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. KENNEDY, HARRIS, Readville, Mass. KING, HELEN D., Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1 'hiladelphia. KiNGsr.rRY, B. F., Cornell University Medical School, New York City. KINC.SI.KY. J. S., Tufts College, Mass. KIRKHAM. \V. B., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. KMAVI.K, H. McE., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. KNOWLTON, F. P., Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. KRAEMER. HENRY, 424 South 44th St., Philadelphia, Pa. KRII-.S, HERI'.ERT, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. LEWIS. I. F., Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Va. LEE, F. S., 437 West 59th St., New York City. LEFKYKK, GEORGE, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. LEWIS, WARREN H., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. LIBBEY. \YII.LIAM, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. LILLIE, FRANK R., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. LINTON, EDWIN*. Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania. LOEB, JACQUES, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City. LOEB, LEO, St. Louis University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo. LUSCOMBE, WALTER O., Woods Hole. Mass. LYMAN, GEORGE R., Dartmouth College, Hanover, X. II. LYON, E. P., St. Louis University Medical School. St. Louis, Mo. MCCLENDON, J. F., Cornell University Medical School, New York City. McGiLL, CAROLINE. University of Missouri. Columbia, Mo. MCGREGOR, J. H., Columbia University, New York City. THE DIRECTORS REPORT. IO1 M< Ixnoo, X. E., Department of Zoology. University . .f lVnn>yl- vania. M.u Kh.vziE, MARY D.. \Ye>tern College, Oxford. < »hio. Mcl\n:i:i.v, r.\n. S.. University of Chicago. Chica-<>. 111. M< Mi-RRicir. J. P.. University of Toronto. Torom •. Panada. MALL, F. P., John-. Hopkins University. Baltimore. Md. M A- i. S. ' '.. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. Mil. M.viniA\s, Ai.m.kT 1'.. University of Chicago. Chica^". 111. M \YI-.K. A. .. LJi f IVnn-\l\-ania. MOORE, G. T., Missouri r.-ia: Card as, St. Louis, Mo. M IE, J. PERCY, l"m\ i" l'enns\lvania. 11. A. . '.tural l;..\periment n, Kn"\villc. I rim. I i.. A. D.. llami!' e, l'lintrk. M iki: \i II. I .• \v. line. I >rtn>it. Mich. XATII i Nil r.. II. !•'.. I 'i : Mini: Minneapolis. Minn. Xl • \l . I I. \ .. Ki: C < XIAVMAN. 11. II., Uni\er-i:\ of I e\a~. Austin. I Xh HOLSj Miss M. I Dimmer St.. Philadelphia. Pa. EVEE, I S.,] • 'n. 111. ( 'KIM \\\. \. I' . i an . Pittslmr^, Pa. .1 KX. l\\VM"\i- ( . P.arnard ( 'olle^e. Xew V.>rk City. I'M K \un. I 'n \NI.I S, \\ illianis • . \Villiani-to\vn. Ma — . PAIKXKP. \\ . IP. P.r.idley 1 '"l\'technic Institute. Pe--ria, 111. PARKER, G. H., 16 Berl . ( u bi PATTEN, Mi>sJ. P.. Simnvns d.lle^v. l'..'~t"n. PATTEN, WILLIAM, Dartmouth College, llan-'ver. \. IP I'M M RSON, J. 'I'.. University of Texas, Austin. Texas. PANM . FfiRNANDUSj University of Indiana. l'.l< •• imin^t'-n. Ind. IO2 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LAW iRAToKY. PEAK si-:. A. S.. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich. PIKE. FRANK H.. University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. PORTER. WILEIXM T.. 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. PKENTISS. HENRIETTA. Normal College. City of New York. QfACKENiirsii. L. S.. 27 West ~^\ St.. Xew York City. RANDOLPH, HARRIET, Bryn Mawr College, Pa. RANKIN. WALTER M.. Princeton University, Princeton. N. J. REA. PAUL M., The Charleston Museum, Charleston, S. C. REIGHAKD, JACOB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich. RICE, EDWARD L., Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. ROC-EKS. CHARLES G.. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. ROM INK, A. P., 1801 "I" St., P.ellingham, Wash. S' OTT, G. G., College of the City of New York, New York City. SCOTT, JOHN G., Westport High School, Kansas City, Mo. SCOTT, W. B., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. SHOREV. MARI \\ L., Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. S.MN ii, I'.I.KTRAM G., University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. SMITH. KRWIN F., U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C. SOLI. MAN. TORAI.D, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. SPENCER, HENRY J., Columbia University, New York City. SPOOXER, GEORGIXA B., Columbia University. Xew York City. STOCKARD. CHARLES R., Cornell University Medical School, New York City. SIREETER, GEORGE L., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. STRONG, O. S., College of Ph\ -icians and Surgeons, New York City. STRONG, R. M., Univer-ity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. SIMXI.R, I;. 15.. Woods Hole, Mass. TAYLOR. KATIIEKINE A.. Cascade. Washington Co.. Maryland. Ti N\I:NT, D. H., Bryn Mawr College, Pa. I i i'RY, < >. 1'., Purdue University. Lafayette. Tnd. TnoMi'S'.N. CAROLINE I'.., i<»5 \\c-ton Road, WellesU-y. Ma — . TIIOM \s. MASON B., \\'abash College. Crawfordsville, Ind. TIN K HAM, FLORE\( i L.. 56 Temple St., Springfield. Mass. TOMPKINS, l;.i.i/Ar.i.Tii M.. Nigh School, \\"hite Plains, \\-\\- York. TOWER, \\'n.i i \M L., University of t'liira-o, C])ii-ago. 111. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 103 TRKAIAVKI.L. A. L., Ya^sar College, Poughkeepsie, Xc\v York. I '-HER, SUSANNAH. 1007 \Y. Illinois St.. Urbana, 111. \VAIIK. FREDERICK C, Western Reserve Medical School, CK land, Ohio. WATSON, FRANK F... _"( Maywood St.. Y\"..rc<.--ter. M. \\"KKI:I-;K. F. I.. Anatomical Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. \YHKKF.EK. ISAI-.I r.. X... i i. '\". n, T. .k-«l«>. < 'hi.-. \YIEMAN. II. I... I'liivcr-ity of < 'incinnati. C'incinnati. Ohio. WlLCOX, ALICE W., I'>5 Pros] . I'r-'vidciu-i.-. R. I. Wii.iiMAN. I;.i>w\ivi. I;...4^^i ' . We., I'hiladt-lphia. I'a. \YII.I.I\M-. ANNA \Y.. ?4>> Riversi l( Drive, N\'\v ^^.rk City. WlLSON, II. Y.. I'liiviT-ity of North Carolina. Chapd Hill. \. C. \\'(M,|,KI ri'. I.. I. . Y"alc I'niv Mew Havi-n. Conn. \\""i.ri . J \MI - I . Trinil . I >urham. X \\'Ir< mt< •. * "anada. ES, ROBERI M.. Harvard I'nivf ambrid-r, M. THE SEX RATIO IX HYBRID RATS. HKLEN DEAN KING, THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY. It has frequently been stated that the sex ratio in mammals can be altered by hybridizing, although there are but few series of observations that give support to such a view. Buffon (1709- 1788) seems to have been one of the first to note the apparent excess of males among hybrid offspring; but as his records com- prise only a comparatively small number of cases they cannot be considered to afford conclusive evidence that hybridizing changes the normal proportion of the sexes. In recent times little attention has been paid to the question of the sex ratio in hybrid offspring. Davenport ('06) ascertained the sex of 377 out of a total of 950 hybrid fowls obtained in an extensive series of investigations on inheritance in poultry, and found 204 males and 173 females. Taking the sex ratio for any given lot of individuals as the number of males to each 100 females, it is found that among these hybrids the sexes exist in the ratio of 117.91 males to 100 females. This sex ratio seems to indicate that there is a pronounced excess of males among hybrid fowls, yet Davenport states that the proportion of the sexes in hybrids is normal, and that "the exceptions to the law of equality of sexes in hybrid offspring are individual and not of general significance." Davenport attributes the excess of males among his 377 hybrid fowls to a difference in the death rate of the two sexes, yet he gives no figures to show that among young poultry more female^ (lie- than do males. Human statistic-. as well as the records I have been collecting for the albino rat, indie, ue that mortality i> greater among young males than among \ on ii- female--. I )a\ enport'> conclusion does not appear to apply to hybrid birds in general, as < iuyer ('03, '09) found a great excess of male^ among hyl>rid pigeon^, and the data which he ha> collected regarding the sex of other hybrid binl- ^ho\\ a \ er\ much greater number of male- than of female^ in practical!) e\ cry case. 104 THE SEX RATIO IN HYBRID RATS. IO5 In order to -tudy the color combinations in hybrid mice von (.uaita ('98, 'ooj crossed albino mice with Japaiu-e waltzing mice and inbred their descendants through six generation-. In hi- various table- von ' '.uaita gives the sex of the great majority of the hybrid oiT-prin- obtained in each generation, yet he maki •- no comment whate\er "ii tin- relative proportion ot lib in thi-e individual-. For the purpose of comparing the ratio in hybrid mice \\ith that in hybrid rat-, \on Guaita'- iv< ord- ha\e been collected and the -e\ ratio- calculated tor the indi\ idual- in each ^ein -r.n ion. The data thus obtained -ho\\ n in tin- l"<>lln\\ in- table. i | I Al;i : I . . I » \ I \ I • 'K II V1IKII' \1 N 1 i j 1 1 1- 9 |2< I< 1 1 N it According tO these : M'li (".uaila oblained a total 407 h\ briil miie; but he gives the sex of only ;vv> indi\ idual-. ot \\hich Is'i were male- and K.; u ere female-. In ihi- !<>• lubrid-, thei< n 113.17 males to 100 females. Thi- ratio i- iindoiibtedK higher than that \\hich i- normal cither nl" the t\\o species \\ith \\liirh the e\| >erinieiit - be^an. Sclnill 'lind a neaiK f|iial | u'o] »oiM i-'ll <>!" tin - in over i ,000 albino mice that had been bred under dittermt en\ iron- mental condition-: a -iniilar n-latioii betueeii the .\i-ted in the l.o ualt/in- mil e bred b> \'erk«-- '07 lxa\nioiid and Maud I >. Pearl '08 have tabulated over two hundred tlmu-and records ••!' legitimate birth- i.ccurriiu in the cit\ ul" Hueiio- .\\re- during the years [896 [905 inclu-i\e. in order to ascertain \\ he t her tin re i- a teiideiirv toward- an • i\e inoductioii of ott'-prin- o|" one -e\ in CTOSS a- rompared \\ith pure mating-. Their table- -how that in pure matings, either anioti- Argentine, Italian or ^pani-h -lock, the number ot m 106 HELEN DEAN KIN',. to each 100 females ranges from 100.77 to 105.55 in various cases. Among these races, tl KMT I ore, the same relation of tlic sexes exist as is normally found \\ hen any large number of human births are examined. When the parent^ \\ere of different racial stock there is a marked increase in the relative' number of male-; the sex ratio showing from 105.72 to 106.74 males for each 100 females. The general conclusion reached by these investigators i- that "there is a definite tendency towards an excessive pro- duction of male offspring in cross as compared with pure matin- - in the data considered. Further, it appears that this tendency i- uniformly exhibited in all the mating." The records given above comprise all the sex data for consider- able numbers of hybrid offspring that I have been able to find. All of these records are in complete accord, since in each case there is an excess of males that is much greater than that which i- probably normal for the parent stock. For several years past Dr. S. Hatai, of the Wistar Institute, has been crossing the wild Norway rat (Mus noroegicus] with the albino rat (Mus noroegicus albinits] and breeding their descend- ants, in order to obtain material fora study of the central nervous -\~tvm in hybrid rats. The records for the many hybrid off- spring that have been examined include the sex data, and Dr. Hatai has generously offered me the use of these records for the study of the sex ratios that is given in the present paper. A- far as I am aware, there are no published statistics regarding ilif proportion of the sexes among hybrid rats, although three investigators, von Fischer ('74), Crampe ('^4) and Bos ('1)4), have carried on extensive hybridizing and inbreeding experiment.^ with these animals. Cuenot ('99) examined 30 litters of voting albino rats containing a total of 255 individuals, and found among them a sex ratio of 105.6 males to loo females. Records which I have made of the sex of 452 young albino rats belonging \<> NO litter-- uive a sex ratio of 107.33 males to 100 females. The sex ratio in the albino rat, therefore, agrees with that for man and variou- other mammals, since the number of the male-, i- ^li^htK greater than that of the females. No statistics have as yet been collected re-anlin- the normal THE SEX RATIO IN HYBRID RA 1 - I(>7 proportion of thi - amon- wild \..r\va\ -rat-. JtnL , >ni ill- ;tio found in general among the mammal-, it i- very probable there i- approximately an equality of th- in the wild Norway rat as in the albino rat. In the total of albino rai s i-\amined by Ciu'-noi and by myself there \va- found a ratio of io(). 40 mal.- to i oo female- Thi- -ex ratio i- con-id- '. throughout thi- |ia])cr. to expre-s the probable normal n-la- tion between th( \\ ild rat a- well a- in tin- albino rat. I "in series of experiments \\i-n- m.nle in which albino rat- \\ei ised \\ith \\ild Norway ; - R( rds an- a\ ailable l"i d of \i,$ individuals belon^ini; to tin- 1 ^ciu-ralion. ot \\hich .so \\rn- in...' d 74 \\.-iv h-malr-. Amon- tlu-c lubrid-, ili«: t sex i • [20.26 males to too I ••male-. Although i hi- -. o is murh hi.chrr than that \\ Inch i- probabK normal |o- r of tl). nt -prcir-. il i- nol hiwl) .1- that t'-imd in \oii i . . m-ral ion of h> brid mil •• \\ hen- t In in the ratio . male- to loo Irlllalf- l.lblr I All ot tin- h\bi'd i g to thi I g< iii-raljon f( .r \\hich irds were made wen . months old when the) \>. killed and examined; tin- leu indisidiial- died be!. :<'h- malmitN \\eie iioi iiu luded in il id-. li cannoi be deleiniined uith aii\ . to \\hal propi,rii,,n ol the < n:n, numbei • prin^ brl. to tin I , generation the abo> o applie-. \.i\ t. \\ of the young rat- died, as i- kiio\\M, and there i- il" reason to -up; t hat l he mm talit \ \\ .1 n( it.-iii.tle- t amour tin- ymir^ male-. It seems probable, then-fore, that the -ex ratio in the l<>, indixidual- for \\hich data an- a\ailable i- lairlx repiv-entati\e lor iln t ntire number of oiNprin^ produced in ihe coir the variou riments to which the) b«-loir^eil. I WO Ol the lour -erii •llllellt- Illelltiolled ,lbo\e U ere exteiidi d b\ mating \aiiou- individuals belong iir^ to the lir-t lieiieration o| lubrid-. In pairing ihe-e animal- no attention ua- paid to their blood relationship, and imdoiibtedK nearly relati-d indixidual- \\ere mated in in. my cases. In "in- series "f experiment- only a \er\ -mall number of indixiilual- beloiisjn- to the -econd generation of lubrid- died I()8 HELEN DEAN KING. before reaching maturity, and the 114 rats for which are at hand form a very great majority of all of UK- offspring pro- duced. Of these individuals 61 \\eiv males and 5.^ \\erc femaK •-: this gives a sex ratio of 115. 0() male- io 100 female-. In the other series of experiments the majority of the indi- viduals belonging to the F2 generation died while immature, and records were made for only 27 individuals. Since twice as many females as males reached maturity, it is evident that in this instance either the mortality was much greater among the young males than among the- young females or that there was a very unequal distribution of the sexes in the newborn rats. Individuals from only one lot of hybrids belonging to the second generation were mated. The animals were paired accord- ing to color, their possible blood relationship being entirely dis- regarded. Dr. Hatai found, as have other investigators who have bred hybrid rodents, that there is increasing infertility among individuals belonging to succeeding generations of hybrids. The total number of hybrid offspring belonging to the F3 genera- tion was relatively small: many of the rats were stunted in their development, and the majority of them died before reaching maturity. Since records are available for only 23 of these individuals the sex ratio among them can give no idea of the probable ratio in a large number of hybrids belonging to tin- third generation. Since in mating individuals belonging to the first and to the second generation of hybrids no attention was paid to their blood relationship, it is very probable that in >ome cases closely related individuals were paired. There is the po— ibilitv, there- fore, that inbreeding might have had some influence on the sex of the descendants. According to Diising ('84), a noticeable increase in the number of male offspring i> produced 1>\ inbreed- ing, in man as well as in various mammals. Inbreeding could have had little, if any, influence on the sex ratio- in the-e \ ,u ion- lots of hybrid rats. The sex ratio found among the 114 hybrid.- of the Fo generation which comprise practical!) all of the off- spring produced in the series of experiment- to \\hich they be- longed, is somewhat less than that found among the offspring produced by crossing pure Mock (.Table II.). The data tm THE SEX RATIO IN HYBRID RATS. IOQ tin- other individuals belonging to the F? generation, a- \\e!: those for the hybrid- of the F3 generation. -ho\v an excess of female-. The-e latter record-, cannot be considered to turni-h lence against Dti-in:;'- theory, since they include -uch a very -mail number of individual-. There seem to be no record-, • •pt th' en by I Hi-ing, that -ho\v that inbreeding alone prodni e- a relaii\eh . r number of male than ot temale offspril . -• liull/<- \\a- unable to de!r. t any change in the rat io .<») male- to loo female-. I IO III I EN Dl-.AN KING. If from the above table we omit the records for tin- 27 indi- viduals belonging to tin- Kj generation of hybrid:- \\hirh formed only a very small percentage of tin- total number of offspring produced in tin- experiment to which they belonged and also the records for the selected individuals belonging to tin- F- and to the F3 generation, there remain the data for 277 individuals which comprise the very great majority of tin- hybrid offspring obtained in several series of experiments. It would seem as if the sex ratio in these individuals might justly be taken to repre- sent the probable sex ratio in any large lot of hybrid rats. Of these individuals 150 were males and 127 \\ere females; this gives a sex ratio of nS.i i males to 100 females. This sex ratio is but very little lower than that found in the total number of hybrids for which records are at hand, and it is not very much higher than that in the 356 hybrid mice bred by von Guaita (Table I.). The excess of males among these hybrid rats is seemingly beyond the limits of normal variation in the proportion of the sexes in the pure stock, and it is too uniform in the various series of experiments to be attributed to chance. It appears, therefore, that hybridizing alters the sex ratio by producing a marked increase in the relative proportion of males. This conclusion is in essential agreement with that reached by Buffon, by R. and M. Pearl and by Guyer. Guyer ('09) has offered an explanation for tin- excess of males among hybrid offspring which accords with the theory, advocated by a number of investigators, that sex is determined in the ovary chiefly by nutritive conditions. Guyer suggests that in the /y- gote produced by cross fertilization there would probably be "more or less default in the metabolic processes because of the incompatibilities which must necessarily exist bet wren t\\o gcrm- plasms so dissimilar." An interference with the metabolic processes would naturally retard the constructive phases of metabolism in the fertilized ovum, and therefore tend to tin- production of relatively more males, since tin- theory assumes that females are produced only when the conditions are most favorable for constructive metabolism. To explain the sex ratio in hybrids according to the ciirreni THE SKX RATIO IN HYBRID RAT-. Ill liyp<>the>i- that tin- male i- tin- -e\-deierminin- factor seem? t<> necessitate tin.- further a— umption that fertili/atinn is selectixe when individuals belonging to different race- are cn---ed, the egg offering greater n-i-tancr to the entrance <>t a -permatn/oan ilia; i- female-producing than in < rurrciice as a normal phcm >meii« m ha> ently been advocated bj \\< .i\« although Wil-m '10 considers ii "SO iinpr-'haMc as alum-l 1" inxalidalr an> inti-r- l»|-ciaii«»n into which it i-nti-: Guy< lia- -h(i\\n that thnv i- t •• .n-idi-ralilr amount nf dr^i-iu-iMiidii in tin- t. •: many luhrid i>ii;i-('n-: almonnal mitoses .md mi>-hap»-n -jn-nnal< •/( >a lx iiu "t trniiu-nt occnrrciicr. ( )tln-r nli-rr\ IT- li.r. • d thai the gonads in hybrids are o|- It--- drfci ii\i-- lull in-ill- "1 them ha\c made a lii-li -l« in\r-iiv;alion in "idi r i-> a-« rlain \\hat i hani^cv ha\i n pr..dinrd. Guyer's «'!--• i \ alii-n- .-tn.inj\ -nc^r-l that ill- «-| \.ilm- ma\ In .-lit.iiiu-d h\ a -lurid rat-, in the hope that it \\ill at lea-l i;i\c --me (hie i-» the i.ui-e fi -r the iiu • iilit\ in -nci ei diir^ ^eiieratii-n- <>! li\liri-l-. e\eii it ii .ill"nl- n«- e\ ideiice that \\ill [» off( \planati«-n f- -r the altered ratin in h\ hrid fi -rm-. I I II-K \ 1 l Kl- i I I I Bos. Rit/cma. '.J4 LJntei • '• : ^.ui.!-. I \1\ Crampe, Dr. '84 /in in '. .iiiiiifii \v ii R.W iltati dei K- /. ili in. i, K.iiti-ii mil \\il.l. n.! fahrl . ••• IM.XIII. Cu^not, L. '99 Sur la .li-triiiiiii.iti-'n i«- K-xiilH-iuiii; -\.-iluilf.. i -li-ii \'C-IIII--|IIIIIIK Menachen, riere, un.l I'll.m/'-n. Ji-n. /'-it-iin. Naturwiss., H-l. X\ll. von Fischer, J. '74 Hi-nli.i. lit iir.^'-n uebei Ki' : "ini;i-ii \-rr-iliii--lt-iii-r l-'.ti l» ii-pii-Lu t< 11 innci- Imlli ei] -'I t''ii. H'l- X\ 112 HELEN DEAN KING. von Guaita, G. '98 Yersuche init Kivu/ von \ n -, hir.l.-nrn R.I--CH ,ln Ber. Xaturforsch. Gesellsch. zu Freiburg, lid. X. 'OO Zweite Mitthcilung uebcr Vrrsiu h<- init Kn-ii/uniirn von vF LITORINA LITnKKA SYNCHRONOUS WITH OCEAN TIDES J. I). HA-KMAX. l\ I Kcil.l • riON. Through the kindnt — ol 1 >r. Snnim-r, tin- \vritrr \\a- ^ivcii an (i]i])urt unii y to \\ork in the >or.ui >ry of the Bureau of Fi-herie- ,ii Wood- Hole. M :--.. duriiu the -umin.T of MO;. He i- in- debted to I >r. ^tinnier for many valuable sug{ >ns. Tin- plirp"-e o| ||u- pre-ellt paper 1- In -llo\V tile IlK'N e- meiit- ol /- '. \\liich arc -yiH-linuioii-> \vith oivan tiilc-. an- not diir. ilin-i il\ . io riilu-r ;<• oi r< .pi-in or phoi- .i.txi- luii io i In- .it lion of tin- til in of \\att-r on the moiv or K--- i-\po-( d -nail-. In ani\in^ al llii- lomlu-ion main rxprrinu-ni- were noi onl\ in tin- lal'oi.ilor\ Inn al-o mnli-r natural In addition, ill, hal»ilai-o| i hrrr -| n vii- o| f.iturimi um- -itidicd in ddail. ^-iich oli-ri \ al ion- arc nciv--arv \\hcii tin- o-rillai ion- of Litorinn. \\liirh rorrc-pond to the rise and the fall of the tid< .n-i-lcn-d. l.a-il\ ihc \\iiu-r \\ill aiu-inpi to -lio\\ ihal Litorinn lite doc- not n-iain a rlnihin, \\liidi is synchronous with tin- tide-. cilhcr in ijiii<-i .u|iiaria or in naiun- \\licii lip ts of lilni- o| \\alci ha\c I .ecu renio\ed 1>\ ki epin- the -nail- pcrm.iiicntly -ill. UK 1-^1 d. I . I'm II \i-.i i \ i ' 'i Litorinn. lndi\ idtial- W an- a- a rule foinxl on n>. k- \\liich lie I .el \\ceii ihc tidal mark-, 1. nl ..rca-ion.ilK an indi\ idnal OCCUrS on rock \\ecd- ,nid c\ en on the muddy -lion-. Thi- Bpecies \\a- alumdanl everywhere in lln- region of \\'..od- Hole, excepting in Grape and Tashmo pond-. \»>\\\ of which are l>ra<-ki-h. i I ndi\ idnal- • >f Litorinn pallintn li\ c as a rule < m n >ck \\ cci I - \\hich ;^ro\\ \\ccii ihc ii! ilic writ 1-im trip in S..iith Ann-iii'.i i"i tin- ( '.iin. .ui.- Mu-ciini. • >nly tin- in. in- imp. .1 1 .tn.l "I tin- .l.-t.iil- liu\ •• l.<-t-n ..inittfl. i '3 I 14 J. D. HAM-MAN. ponds. Ii is always more abundant along protected ci >a-t- and hence its absence I'niin Nobska Point, which i- exposed to the open -c-a, was to be expected. 1 Individual- ot Litorina li!on-a i -aid to have been imported to tin- American coast from Europe) usually live on rock) -nrfaces \\ Inch lie bet \\i-en the high-lide mark and one loot below the lo\\ - lide mark. The specie- \\a- not loiind in 1 a-hmo I'oiid but a l'e\\ \oung individuals \\ere -ecu in ('.rape Pond living (»ii trau-- plauted oysters. This observation, taken in connection with other- described belou , indicates that the absence ol Litorina from these bracki-h pond- \\.i- not due, direct ly. to the lower specific gl avity that t'xists there. In order to explain the restricted distribution of Litorinn the following obserxations and experiments \\ere made: A. l-'ood.- — Litorina fxillid/u is neail\ a!\\a\s found on two t I'ininon species of rock weeds, and its supply of food is doubt- less associated with these plants, while Litorina rudis and litorea eat small green al^a- which grow more abundantly on the rocks which are situated between the tidal marks. When individual- of Litorina litorea were placed in shallow aquaria, which contained rocks from the sea shore, from Lagoon Pond or from the street and contained also pieces of glass and fish they came to nest for the most part on the rocks taken from normal sea water. The snails, which were taken from the entrance to Lagoon Pond with their accompanying rocks, a!-o -ettled on the sea rocks. B. Salinity. When indi\ iduals of Litorina litorca were placed in a mixture of equal part- of fresh and sea water, they were able to crawl about; but when they were placed into a mix- lure of two parts fresh and one part sea \\ater, all died within ei-ht days. When the\ \\ere placed in sea water, to which a- much as fourteen grams of sun e\aporated sea -all had been added to each Xoo c.c. of sea water, all died within eight da\-. The specific gra\ityof the various u-st solutions indicated that Litorina could li\e in water which has a louer specific gra\ii\ t han was obsei \ ed in < .rape and T.ishmo ponds. ('. '/'<-nif><-rali-er\al>le effect- were detected. D. Pressure.— Severs.] individual- of Litorina litorca were-ul>- mer.ucd in cages, which contained MM -hore rock-. in a depth uf ."-. !>> and .V feel of \\atcr. T\\o week- l.lUT the -nail- appeared to l>e perfectly normal. L ! .:!inn. — Litorina litor*;: i- \ ery -en-iti\e \» -lisjit chaiio - in aeration and e, >n-e(|iiently it i- \ er> 'difficult to arrange t IK- Condition in an aquarium SO that tlu-\ l>eha\c normal 1> . I . \o direi ot li-hi (,n the di-irilunion of Li.'orina (ould IM- drif. ic«l citht-r IA Miifiit or din-ri observations made in nal i; I i :' \\hen indixiduaU ol . •:<[ litotn: are \ioleiitl\ >pla-hed l'\ \\a\i--.lln-\ 1 •«•( •• -me t |llie-cell t . II CharG lndi\ idual- of Litorina litor,,i are raiel\ toimd on either -and or mini, due in part to the alienee ot tood ill -in h plai «•- and in par I to the difficult \ eiicountereil in \ i \n \ i- «>i It a|>|>eai - ( \ ideiil Inun the preceding data that thecharai lei o| the -urlaie. nioi-iure and I ..... I are the chief ta« tors vliich detei'tnine the litoral di-t t il nit ion of the-e -nail-. Hut a- I hope to demon-uale in the tollouin^ pai;e- the-e three factor- pro- duce landom mo\emeiit- ol the -nail- and -Inuild not he con- ton nded \\ ith the tai tor- \\ Inch direct l\ [irodm e rh\ ! limit al mo\ r- nieni- cori-e-poinlin^ to the rise and fall of the tide-. The lollo\\ in^ experiments and ol>-ei \ at ion- \\ j||, | think, deter- mine \\hat the "«lirecii\e lone" ot riuthmiial movement- is.1 I. I'he -nail- \\hich are located on Mat hori/oiital -urLc ln't\\eeii tin- tidal mark- do not -how rhythmical moxement- \\hich corre-poilil to tho-e of the tide. The -nail- \\hi.h are iled or placed l>e!o\v the low-tide m. irk on i-ilhrr a \erti\ inaikin.n tin- -nail- an-l tin- 1 if, J. D. HASEMAN. But tin- -nails which are- located mi an\ more or le-s vertical -u rl act • bei ween tin- tidal marks do exhibit rhythmical niovemeiu- which correspond to those of the tides. 2. \Yln-n a stone, which has snails crawling on a llat surface belo\\ ihc low-tide mark, is raised and lowered in the sea, tin- -nail- do not -how rhythmical movement- \\hich correspond with those of the stone, /'. c., their movements were not directhe. The same tv-iilts are obtained when, with the llat surface hori- /ontal, the stone is raised out of and lowered into the sea. But when, with the surface \eriical, the stone is raised out ol and lowered into t he sea, the snails at once showed rhythmical mo\e- meni - \\ hich correspond to those of the stone. These same snail- were known (from observations made on snails placed bei \\een tin- tidal marks and below the low-tide mark) to have shown in some cases and not to have shown in other cases rhythmical movements during several days prc\ ions to the experiment-. Therefore an\ alleged retained rhythm has nothing to do with the abo\ e results. Kvcn more interesting is the fact that when, with a vertical -m-faiH', a stone, upon which snails were crawling at random, was rai-ed out of the sea, the snails alwax- followed the vanish! M.: film of water even when the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of 180°. In this case the rotation of the vertical surface would reverse the direction of motion of the film of water and the snail- would at once turn around and follow it. But if most of the \\ater was previously removed from the surface ol the -tone, in order that the film might entirely disappear before tin- snails (which 'were crawling downward in the direction o! the \ani-liing film i had reached the lower surface, and if, as the film was drying up, the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of lSo°, tin- -nails continued to crawl tor some time- in the direction in \\hich they had started. In other words, the -nail- crauled upward instead of do\\ n\\ ard. They con- tinued io crawl thii- until the rough -urlace, lood and moisture either delleded or -lopped iheir movements. In the above ex- periment, the mere turning of the moi-1 but lilmle— surface through an anije of I So doc- not si-em adequate to n-\er-e ai once ihe n-a< lion to gr.i\il\ and light, if either ol these ha\e a direct inthieiice on i he rh\ ihmical movements of Litorina. RHMHMK AI. M< .\KMI MS OF LITORINA. Ii; V When tin- eves of Litorina !i(o>m ,iiv dc-tro\i-d. thcv -till « ' - • -ho\\ mox vim-nt-. f |nl\ aii\ the water. There!. .ie dmin^ -ic.rm\ as i"iii|iared \\ith fair da\-. a < < ui-idetal >le ditlefeiK e in the ,1111. .unt i.l ..-(illation- n mil: was noted. Sul MI -nail- ci ui Id I >«• <>nl> -liv;htl\ «.r n«t at all -cted l.\ current- »\ water. Tin- .intent- \\cte |.i.'du.ed artituialK an'dal-..|.\ movil :ie- \\ it h -nail- t hi • ui'ch t he u atei . Mm., the ln-haxii.r »t /. -m xertical -urlacr luM\\«-eii the tidal 111.11 k- i- not ol .i i heotiopi. natun . 7. \\heii indix idual- are 1« H hi's'" and dtx on x«-rti«al -ml.i. dlliin- l..\\ tide. th«x to i. "direcu-d ii|.uard." /. \sith their head end tou.ird the -k\ . I hi- i- true lot all -id«- of the -ton.-- and i- ..Lxiou-ly due tn the -h.ij.. o| the aperture of the -hell- \\hich make- it tar e.i-ier for e\pn-ed indix idual- lini; ihu- to x ertii al -url.f In. li\ idual- o| >KI liturfi are on an average found ^liiditly higher ..n the north -ide of^e l.oiihler- than on the -oinh -ide. Thi- appeal- to In- due ier nioi-ture and a higher :\\ th ol al^.e and barnacles Over u hii 1 1 -nail- < rau 1 \\ ith dit'tictilt \ . hx xiatei 1 . lo. Thin tilm- of olixe oil and kcn.-eUe Were placed on \\ater Il8 J. D. IIA-I.MAN. in a<|uaria to test the effect of -urface icn~i.ui. I'ndcr these < onditions the -nail- had ci m-iderablc difficulty in breaking the -urface tilni and alwa\- he-itated ,n the surface pii-hin^ them- selves to the right and to the left until their bodie- wen elevated -ufticieiilly to break the -urface tension. Their lieha\ior under the above condition -hovxed that the lu'sitation on entering and lea\ ini^ the -urface wa- due to tin- -urface til in and noi to photo- taxis, hydrotaxi- <»r clieniotaxis. M. \\'lien individuals of LitnriiHi litorca, nidis and pxilliata \\ere placed in a -mall round a(|iiariuin e<|iial areas of \\ Inch were painted brown, yellow and dark olive, they as a rule came to re-t on the dark olive sector, rareh' stopped on the bn>\\ n sector and still more- rarely on the yellow sector. When the same -naiK \\ere |>laced in a similar unpainted ai|iiarium before a window, about one half of them came to rest on the lighter >ide and half on the darker side. The position of the aquaria were interchanged and the -.a me results were obtained. Various -hading experiments were tried and neither positive or negative phoiota\i> could be detected. In nature one sees snails crawling at random from lighter areas into shaded areas and \ ice \ ersa. The writer wa^ unable to dc-tect \\h\- the snails stopped on the dark olive sector, but inasmuch as such conditions are not met on vertical sin-face- of stones between the tidal mark, the results appear to have nothing to do with the rhythmical move- ment- of Liiorina. 12. Main- -nails \\cre placed in quiet aquaria and aquaria in which running water \\a- kept at a constant le\ el and they never exhibited an\ -i^n- of o-cillations which corre-pondi'd to those ot i he tide-. In the-e experiments. snail> \\hich were kno\\n to have be.-n pre\iou-ly o-cillatin;^ with the tide- \\ere u-ed. I also |)laced snail-, which had been oscillating with the tide-, on \ -urface- bt lo\\ the low tide mark and an average of many count- did not -how rhythmical movement- \\hich corre- sponded to iho-e of the tide-.1 ( )nly when the -nail- are touched by the -urface film of water are directive movement- called forth. 1 M -nt l\ ol milai i'-Milt. RHYTHMICAL MOVEMENTS OF LITORINA. IIQ | )|-.( i SSI< ,\ Mit-nkuri 'oi found that the routine— of tin- -urface scatters the -nail- .IIKJ th;it the\ m-vt-r crawl on dry »urface-. He al-o stated that Litnriua cxi'^Ha lie-itated mi entering the water and con eluded that their oscillations with the tide- \\< -re due to photo- taxis. In thi- connection tin- writer found that the -nail- he-itated a- n ui cli on leaving the \\ater a- they did on entering ii . Tin- fact, taken in comieciiim \\ith -e\eral of my e\|)eriuient - and e-pe• tilm ot \\ater and not in photoiaxi-. liohn '05 .'1- IK hide- that ]>lx>i»n.i\i-. i- the important lai tor \\lmli determine- the "-< illatory mo\fmeiit- o| Litorinn. Hi states thai !.il»rin.i nul. nd ///«;•.•<; h.i\e lor all their li\e- liei-n desiccated a^ain and av;a;n. and \\heii |. laced in (|iiiet aijii.uia. all three -|>e(ie- retained .1 period ol' rh\thm -\ IK hioiimi- \\ith the tide- and la-tin^; liom thirteen hour- to loin it en d.i\ -. M\ oli-ei \ .ition- -hdu l.ilorhni lit»" <; do, ~ not ha\ e -IK li .in i -laNi-hed rh\ thin. Ilie l.eha\io|- •.) , mi in e\| n-i inieiit 2 i- -tittK ieiil to -ho\\ the "directive foi in their rh\ thmical nio\i-nieiit- -\ IK hi i- \\ iih tlii tide- i- t he ill m o! \\ater ami not phototaxi-. \l-o the fact, onl\ -n.iil- oil \ -url'.ice- |iet\\eell the I id 1 1 mark- ha \ e or\ movements, shows thai the direct i\ r force i- not phototaxi- lu-cau-r man\ -nail- on flat hori/i nu al -ml .mid ciaul to t '• arlace and de-cvnd to the base of the -tone. l\-pecia'l\ the ol p-er\ at ion- made during dark niuhl- a- \\ell a- maiix other (\perimetil- alieadx cited indicate that Molm'- \ i< \\ i- nnteiiaMe. .> 1 I -!' >\. Ill ( -oiu lii-ion. a|>pear- that -ulmier.ued indix idu;'.!- of Tina litorcn ciaul almni on i it random, perha|>- in search ol looil. The\ ne\ er cra\\l on dr\ and con- -e«|Uentl\ are not found above the h;;Ji-tide mark. When the tide ri-e-. the en\ ironnii'iit i- temporarily enlarged and con- sequently man\ -uhmer-ed -nail- on more or less vertical surfao - 1>\ mere chanci will crawl up higher. J. D. HASKMAX. The individual^ which \\ere previously left high and dry are already directed upttard and hence lollow tin- rising tide. Be- fore inaxinunn high tide is reached, the unevenness of the surface alt in- with the presence and absence of food scatter the snails at random because the rapidly rising tide soon submerges them and then then' is no "specific directive force." \\ In D the tide begins to fall some of the snails are already crawling downward and those that are not will be directed thus by the Mirface film. I hiring a falling tide, some snails are ng do\\ n beneath the surface, some with the surface, and above the surface. As the tide falls lower and lower, main snails lag behind more and more until they are finally left on filmless surfaces under which conditions there is no specific directive force and such snails are left exposed. This lagging appears to be due to feeding, rough surfaces, rough sea, rapid fall of the tide and the more rapid desiccation on certain days. As a result of all these factors the amount of oscillation varies from day to day. The snails on either flat horizontal surfaces between the tidal marks or on any kind of a surface below the low-tide mark have no ''specific directive force" and consequently do not exhibit "M illatory movements synchronous with the ocean tides. SUMMARY. 1. Litorina rndis, pallia! a and lilorca are found in definite zones 2. Individuals of Litorina lilnrea, located on vertical surfaces I iet \\een the tidal marks, exhibit oscillatory moxeinents which o-an 1 i'lr-. 1' l.\p. Hi<.l. aii-1 M<-i!., Ma\ [8, i<;i". \,-\\ Vi>rk. I'lll-: LKTHAL EFFECT ()K IM kl DISTILLED VVATKR ON THF VINKC.AK KKL ANCHTLLl'LA ACKTI).1 JAMES FRANCIS ABBOTT AND KIIIH1. I KH.I1 KM HARDS The question of the toxicity of distilled \\ater for aquatic- organisms appears to be still an open one. An excellent summary of the literature of the subject has been given by Bullot.-' Ringer first noted that distilled water is toxic for a variety of organisms, and attributed this toxicity to (i) an abstraction from the organ- ism of salts which are necessary for its life, or (2) the penetration of water into the cells through osmosis, or (3) the imbibition of water by the "intercellular substance." About the same- time a contrary opinion was advanced by Nageli1'5 who claimed that it is not the purity of the water but the presence of the slightest trace of copper (even so small a quantity as 1/77,000,000) thai gives water its toxic qualities, whereas if water of this sort is redistilled in glass it loses its toxicity. Shortly after this, Locke questioned Ringer's conclusions and decided that the latter's results too were due to the presence of copper rather than the toxicity of the water and in i8954 confirmed his belief by experi- ments with the tadpole and Tubifex. Ringer5 then retestcd his experiments and partially recalled his former conclusions, agree- ing with Locke that "pure water (i. e., that distilled in glass) is completely harmless for the animals in question. This was con- firmed by Jennings for Paramecium, Miss A. Moore for trout and tadpole and F. K. Lillie for Planaria. On the other hand Lyon6 investigated the action of distilled water on developing Arbacia larvae and found that artificial sea water made up <>! tap water or ordinary distilled water, whether vapori/ed in copper or glass, is very toxic for these larva' although tap water \\lnVh ha- •From the Zoological Laboratory, Wa-liiii^iun University, M. l.miU. M<>. 2 Hullot. Univ. of Calif. Pub.. I'liy^inl.. I.. io<>|. i XiiKfli, Dcnksch. d. Schweiz. Naturfor^li. (,< \\<\. 33, [893. 4 Locke, Jour. Phys., 18, 1895, 319. 6 Kinder, Jour. Phys., 22, 1897. 'Lyon, Hun.. Mei.i... 6, 190.}, lyS. 122 I-.KFECT OF DISTILLF-D \VAIKR U\ Till VINEGAR EEL. 123 l>een boiled long enough to concentrate it one third is much le-- toxic than ordinary di-iilk-d water. For this and other reasons he concluded that the chid toxic agent in such waters is the ammonia \\ hich they hold in. solution. In fact he found that the larva- often de\ el< .|)i-d better in ammonia-free artificial sea \\ater i han in normal sea \\ater, a result that may \x.- due, as he sui^e-t -. to the presence »t' ammonia in natural sea water. About the same time Bullot1 puMi-hed a thorough in\ v-tigation of ihe toxicity of di-tilled water tor the fresh \\ater ('mmmarns and found that the \\aU-r di-tilled OVi 3S \\ith all the pre- caution employed in a phy-ical chcmi-try laboratory \vas toxic for tin- form allhou-h t«i a !• ml than \\atrr distilled over coppi-r. lit- found, ho\\r\rr, that the ])re-nice of \a< I in Mich .1 dilution ,i- i coii.-i-ni ralioil ot o.ooooS.\' enable^ ihf Gant1 to !i\c indflmiicK in >uch a medium. I.oi-|,-' suggest - thai, in -ucli a • I • •;• % m e "f a trace "f \a("l in the di-tilled water po--iM\ ves tin- mcm!>ranc ln'ttrr or maintain- U-itrr tl .cti\il\ of the cell-. >o that the animal can I .«• !;. -<-d troiu tin - o( \\alcr \\hich dillu-e- into it." The :np "f \i-m itodes Is noted !'"' the e\lraordinar\ re-i-t- anCC uhich the cnticli to external media. The t oiumon vinegar or ]• nilliiln aceti, i- \\ell kno\\n to occur iiormalK in \\eak vinegar, although acetic acid i-, to IIK^I or.^an- isms a rapidl) actin »n. Anguillula aceti has been observed in our lalioralo!\ to live m.ire than 24 hour- in Tell\ e-nick\ '- lixin:; llnid and three or four hour- in < ,il-on'-> llnid. The cuticle of ihi- \\orm miulil theii-!'-re I «• i-x|iected to I.e <|uile unallecled 1)\ Mich ion- as .-idinar\ di-tllled uater max contain. It i- of inlere-l to iinte in tin- ...nnectioii that l)e\aine" in hi- ilixe-li^alioll ,,t the vinegar eel o|.-er\eil thai the \\onil- li\e .it most l>ui eight in di-tilled water. Thi- effe< i mrjn In- due to the lack of the acelic acid uhich ordinarily form- a pan of their normal en\ ironmcnt or to the din. t effect of the uater it -elf. It ua- --.on found thai although ihe \\orms li\e I.e-t in • Bullol ; i : M.uiri ." |>. •»;;•/ A', n,l.. !.<•!. it Uj JAMES F. AUr.oii \NU liTIIEL L. Kim.\KI». an environment of weak vinegar, it i> the sugar rather than the acetic acid which appears to lie the essential element of the medium. With the hope of anaK^ing the relations of this organism to its environment, a number ol lines ot investigation have been taken up in connection with tin- reactions of the nematodes to various media and to different food substances. The present paper deals only with the eflect produced on the worms by distilled water. The worms used in the>e experiments were found in rather -tale weak vinegar of an acidity of ed in the ordinary work of the laboratory. This was distilled in an automatic copper still and will be designated "A." The- >econd water, which will be designated " B." was obtained by distilling the first kind over potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, con- den-Miig in block tin out of cc.ntact with the air and redistilling over barium hydrate. The first six tenths of this distillate was rejected and the remainder gave an extremely pure sample, CO-j-frec and showing no ammonia reaction i Noler test) even after the lapse ot twelve hours. This water when tested in a conductivity apparatus of the department of physical chemistry gave no measurable conductivity with a resistance of 20,000 ohms and may be considered to be practically free from electro- lytes. It was kept in well steamed, hard glass bottles. In each experiment every precaution was taken to remove all traces of the medium in which the worms were living. The \\omis were washed 6 to 8 times with distilled \\ater in a centrifuge1, and in tin- cases where the distilled water "B" was used, two or three times more in this. They \\ere then allo\\r<| to remain in the "B" water lor about 24 hours to injure a thorough ringing. Finally they were again washed in pure- \\ater previous to their in-eriion in the new medium. The bottles and tot tube-- ii-M'd to contain the worms in the first two sets of experiments were ol ordinary soft glass and in the latter ones, .^< liolt (ind (lamsscu, Jena resist- ance glass was employed. The --e containers \\ere thoroughly soaked in chromic acid, and previous to n^e were repeatedly EFFE< I "l DISTILLED WATER ON 1111 V1NEGAK EEL. 125 rin-ed in distilled water. They \vciv then -teamed for .1 greater or les^ length of time under pre— lire of 150 pound-. An attempt wa- made to put .1- nearly as po— ible the -ame number of worms in each culture tube but owing la their minute size it \va- of cour-e impo— .ible to do more than approximate the number. Contrary to expectation- the \\onn- lived much longer in the onlinary laboratory water "A." pre-umably full of copper and ammonia than in that distilled over potassium dichromate and free from CO Ml copper and other ions. In "A" and -ol t glass tube- they li\.-d +\ days, in "H" \vater and -oft tube- they lived -ixteen da\ s ami in "B" water and Jena in-oluble tube- the\ li\ed but si\ da\-. The-e re-ult- uollld seem to indicate that the pi of the elect rolyte- in ordinary dist illed water and of the ion- di--ol\ed from the :J.i — prolonged the life of the \\orm- Be< • -f t he fai t t hat t he | Hirer t he water the .Kent po\\er il i- -till \» be determined tthether tin- . i- due !<» the -ub-tance- di— »l\ed from the •^1 tsa or to the copper and other ion- in the di-tilled water it-elf. Iniht writh " B " water and Jena j ;n \\hi.-li the \\orms li\ed but -i\ da\-. then- \\eif no impnritie- in the \\ater and prat ticall> no solvents i mm the glass, ^o \\e are ton-eti <<• conclude that the toxic chara< the water it -elf was the cause ,,1 ihe de.dh ol the \\orm-. I'lij- i- boriu- out b\ « •' >-er\ at ions on i he beh a \ j. .r "1 t he \\orin- umler -uch condition-. The outer internment of tin- neinatode in contra-t to it- normal hardne-- and re-i-tam f. app. .in d to become verj visCOUS after a -ojoiirn in pure \\ait i. \\henan\ obstacle was encountered in -\\immin^. the -itle of the tube or the -nrface of t he \\ a 1 1 i , <>r oi her \\ orm-. the organi-m- -tuck fast. Tin- alteration of the natural condi- tion of the CUtide was SO marked that after a time the \\ornis bunched lo-ether in masses, unable to free t hcin-elve- or el-t coining in contact \\ith the -nrl'ace ..f the water, the\ hnn^ -ll-pciided. 'rili-eliect \\ollltl -eem l«> bear out Loeb's Suggestion (|ut»ted above. That there i- a market! taking up of water on the part t.f the oruani-m seems quite e\io<|\ becomes -ttoiien and the \\orm- 1. -e their elasticity, becoming more or It -- lim'd through turgor and swimming with the bodj almo-t in 126 JAMES I. ABBOTT ANM> I IIII'.L L. UK HARD-. a straight line- without the characteristic twitching of the cud-. The worm- ^n>\\ more and more impotent until at la-t iu- Stead of -wimminii directly towards the surface as i- usually the case, they swim in a hapha/ard m.inucr and in spite of instinctive efforts to reach the top of the water are unable to advance more than an inch or two, falling back towards tin- bottom with ever\ effort . This may be due to decrea-cd vitalit y but max also be due t<> a greater \\ei.nht oil a<-count of the imbibition of water. Repetitions ol the.-c experiments have confirmed the results in every instance. Experiments have been undertaken to determine what ions control or effect the permeability of the cuticle to the water. Si \t\t \KV. 1. Anguillula \. I ! POM FISHI s. !•; -H!-i I. I 1 1 I . ' i j s III IV h • . . . V I VI • V 1 1 Summan V! 1 1 I. 1\ I l<" -Hi i I I- >\. Ill ilu- lir-i p.iprr nf tin'- ^ i l"i-ln •- .ind I'h\-in- ihi( \\-i-" . \\c (ininitd mil tli 'ii^ l"i»r uixlcri.ikin^ thi- investigation and ed iln- inu-p" ••'iini! \\liidi tlu- \\ru-k h.i- Tlicrc \\.- were I-.>IU-.TMC• in a nu-tlunl of l« ic.iiin- ilu- in ilu- t n\ inuiiiii-in .uul of (k-irrminin^ sniiu-lliin;; <•!' ii- character as a whole. Here we are to di-«-u>s ilu- \ .ihu- «>f pi. mi -11. . i --inn in .1 \\.t\- .uul to h.i\v .1 1-i-iu-r opportunity i" -hn\\ ilu- \.ilidii\- <•! ilu- principlr ol succession as .ipplird to l-'iirilu-rninn-. .1- \vr pointi-d mil in the O|!UT p.i; • logical -ii' »n i- to be differentiated fn'm -colo-ii .,1 -uc- 128 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. MOII. Micce— ion is succession of ecological types regardless of species, while geological succession is the succession of species. Tin- data presented here affords an excellent op- portunity to bring out the differences and relations of these two types of succession. \Ve noted also in the first paper that the first recognition of plant and animal succession came with the development of genetic physiography. It was mainly the successsion which ac- companies physiographic change. Cowles ('01) also clearly recogni/ed succession due to the action of plants themselves. Tin- l.n ler idea has been elaborated by Clements ('05) and essen- tially demonstrated by Schantz ('06) and Dacknowski ('08). Animals must obviously play an important role in this type of succe— ion. |,ut unfortunately this has not been investigated. The succession with which we will deal in this paper is that n--ulting fron the action of organisms on their own environment. For all practical purposes the area selected for this study has been in a condition of physiographic stability for a considerable period. The selection and analysis of the place of study is the most important step in the whole investigation. Indeed there are only a few suitable localities in North America. II. AREA OF STUDY. Owing to the fact that succession is always either dependent upon, or modified by changes in conditions, a correct interpreta- tion of this phenomenon depends largely upon accurate kno\\ ledge of the area under consideration. I. Location and General Character. — The ponds which are tin- subject of this study lie in the sand area at the south end of Lake Michigan, within the corporate limits of the city ot (iary, I ml. They maybe reached from stations known as Pine, Buffing ton, or Clark Junction. This locality is characterized by a large series of sand ridges, for the most part nearly parallel with the lake shore (Map I.). Their average width is about 100 feet. They are M-pa- rated by pond- \\liich are someuhai narrower (Map II.. p. 131). Most of these ponds are several miles long. The\ \ar\ in depth during the spring high water, from a few inches to four or live feet. They describe an an- somewhat longer than the lake shore (Map I.), and are farthest from it about midwas of their lengths. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 129 - - - - - - - & 3 -. 0 3 1 * 3i - = r •= - - Z 1 :. - I -5 ' Ij '<* — C3 -_ - E - ^ - r- B _ •/ 7 Z - .= — — 9 ^ — — = . = _2 - E _k = s i _•: - — — — - - - --1 - - - - £ - a _r - £ - " .L •- ~ ~ •-• - : ^ 1 : Q - 7 - c ^ I in VICTOR E. SHELFORD. Originally, there were probably a number of outlets to the ;em of ponds which were joined to one another by the-e outlets and through various lo\v pl.«-t - in the sand rid^e-. In the area of our concentrated study then' is an outlet (Map II which has served to connect all the younger por.ds in an intimate fashion. The building of sew< -ociatcd with the growth of northern Indiana towns (\Vhiting, Ka-.t Chicago, Hammond and Gary) has drained la rue portions of the pond-, u hile roads and railroad- have isolated other portions. 2. Origin of the Ponds. — During the linal retreat of the North Americ;m ice sheet, its Lake Michigan lobe stood for a time with -outhern end at the cresl of the Valparaiso moraine which live.- concentrically around the -oulhern end of Lake Michigan. When the ice retreated from this position, water occupied the ce between this lobe of the sheet and the moraine. Thiswa- Lake Chicago, the forerunner of Lake Michigan. Affr having stood respectively 60 feet, 40 feet and 20 feet above its present level, long enough to deposit conspicuous beaches, it took up a position at a 12-foot level. The waters appear to have fallen dually Irom this level. At present one or two ridges and depressions similar to those found above the water on old I Chicago plain, are below the surface of the water along the shore at the south end of Lake Michigan. The retr< a1 of the water- has evidently exposed such ridges as fast as they were formed. This has left a series of parallel ridges and ponds urnui^ed in tin- order of their age— the oldest furthest from the hike, the youngest nearest the luke. ' These ponds are not all of the same size. The largest ones were selected lor study and will be rel'-rrcd to in the paper by number as the entire series is counted inland from the lake shore. There are between seventy-five and ninety of these ponds or depre--ion- between the lake shore and the Jo-foot beach level. This is the maximum number. Map l.-h<>\\sihat as \\epass in cither direction from the area "I" stud their numlur decreases. 1 For a iin-iit Mt iiii- -ul.; cited in the bibliography i>ui nol specifically n-i<-n«-cl tn ln-if. l'i i1 ; < - i!i-lnn\ ti'lU im- tli:it tli' question conccniinu tin- n-l;iti\ •• m p!i\ -i'>^i.i|iliii r\ -ji ECOLOGICAL SUCCE--H >\ . •J. M - — — — - r- T •=: " = r « — " -^ - ~, — ^ ? - - .r . _ ~ — ~ 1 ^ = ~ ~ ~ > -T_ . — - •"• — ^ ~. ^ -5 ^ ~ Z - , - = = ^ i - - T - - = - - — - - ~ - / - — — c - - VICTOR E. SHELFORD. M.ip II. shows the relations of the fii>t t\\enty-four of tlu>e ponds. The recent changes of this smaller area are indicated <>n this map by the dates of the building of the various road and railroad grades. III. THE DATA. All methods <>t collecting have been employed. The dip net has been found most elTecthe, but the drought of 1908 and drain- ing b> sewers have yielded cruical results in Ponds i , the outlet . Pond 5 \\a> ECOLOGICAL SUCCESS!* >N . 133 found there, though the passage between the outlet and pond I had been open two \ears before. \Yhy have tin- ti-h vacated or avoided the outlet? One can only suggest a behavior reaction is the cause. TABLE I. I >IMKII'.I I I' >v- i>K THE FlMI. The letter-; and number- at tin- In -ad- «il the column- reier t. > tin- vai i< ni" i-' ilated part i- and. i-xo-ptini; <> which n-ii-i- tn tin- "iitl'-t. may l>e Incated an Map II. Tin- la-t column indi. at'-- tin- occurrence <>t fish in the older ponds <>t the -'•ri'--. uhiili ari- iii.t imjud "H thi- map; the nuiii i i« the number of th<- p«.iifl in whirh the fi-h \\i-n- lOund. ' indicate" an incmnplete identiticatinn. 1 - 111. ii k !...-- * Bin-- '.'ill * Hlii< * :(, Pumpkin \ . -Ili .u pi ii !. ( Illlli -Hi ke[ • d l.iilll, I .id; • * * * * * * f li KCI '-1 niiiiin iv • » * * * * < .. ild> ' Yellow luilllli .id HI. ii k luilllii -.1 ! * * * * * • • » 'I'lit- IM-I-I-II i- di-iribinril ill a -till nmn- [n-culiai way. Ii is I'liiind in I'-'iiil- i and 5i.bin ;/"/ in tin- (.mid i, r in r.nnl- 5luire \\.i- CVCf tuaintaineil under llii- railio.ul in I'oiid 5. The perrh i- then di-tributed in -u« h a \\.i\ .1- to necessitate the eonclu-ioii, cither that it \\.i- artitieJ.tlh int roduei-d or that il \\.i- once in the outlet and in I'ond 5-.' and .V'. because ihe-e make the only pa-^agi- to I'ond ,v u here it uo\v oi-cui The chub Mirker i> in all the pond- up to ~: . excepting 5«; and ~ii. The passage to. from, and through 1'ond 5..'. and oilier point- \\liere the rhub -ueker occurs, \\a- open until 11)07 .mil the erueial rolleetin^ \\a~- done in [908. Il \\ill be noted ihat 134 VICTOR E. SHI I.I i >kl>. the distribution of tin- chub Mickt r in Pond- ~a and ~'< \^ \ ntircly similar to the distribution of the perch in Ponds 50 and 6 and 5 . The chub sucker is not in tin- part of tin- Ion- Pond 7 which li. - been recently connect. -d with tin- outlet. It will be noted al>o that tin.- tadpole cat and the -potted bull head have not been taken in 5X <> and it was therefore necessary to turn attention to i _}./;. This was probably partially drained previous to i8<>2 by the East Chicago shin canal, but again renewed through a dam made by the building of tin- YVaba-h railroad grade between the point of draining and the part pond studied about 1892. This probably accounts for the pres- ence of only a single species in Pond 14/7. A single juvenile !>' spotted sunfish was found in Pond 56 which is directly conm-cu d with the Calumet River where it is common. 2. Ecological Age of Ponds. — The ecological age of the pond:* is determined by an inspection of (a) the amount of bare bot torn. (b) the amount and kind of vegetation, and (r) the amount of humus. It is a well-established fact that an entirely new pond (in the matter of recent separation from a lake, like Lake Michi- gan) has little vegetation and very little or no humus. Both vegetation and humus come only with ag< . Ag< -determination is so simple that no difficulty usually is experienced by • trained in plant ecology, in arranging a »l pond-, in the order of their ecological age. In the mailer of the kind of vegetation we have had the advice of Dr. II. ('. ("owl Pond i is the youngest, because it has the- kind of vegetation that grows in young ponds, more bai I bottom, h ,.-i humu>, and least vegetation. For similar n I'on-i- ->•'• and ,v -land second in the matter of age. Because of lnini.ui interfi rence, which has kept the vegetation down in I'ond %v, ii i^ probabh- ecologically >'ounger than 5/7. The oui! orobabK- inter- mediate between 5 aiul 7. Pond ' next, but with- out anv dilTei'ence as far as on< • 1 ( ci.nGK AL >rrCE--I< X. 135 From the -landpoint of bare bottom and hunni- I'oiid ? very much advanced. I'. ;ed mar ihe outlet, i; ha- !•< rome filled \\ith (k-<\i\-:: n»n and in- IHI-. now Toyed, indicau-d an adxanr. d sfc 'inj\iral >lc with 14. tt differs from 14 in ] •_• qualitatively "\ -tation [ some other eh; - of youth. Tin- di!"tVivn<-t - l>i.t \\rfii 1411 and i4//ha\' idy been discussed. In T.-'.lili- 1 1. • ponds are arrangi in order •d th«- di 'ril-ution of ti-h i- shov n. I!. i 1 1 I * * * \\ hen the ponds an ! age, i noti. the distribution of tlu- li-h. and \\t al on. I\'. l\ 1 1 ' \\ V li. 'ii of 1 i hat ill'' ]>|. :.[l(d \\illi A the of (In- p. : ' i nd (B) tl of 'inn lhal clianiii 1- ha\ e been I h i- a \\i-ll-kno\\ii |iond> till with plant dctritu^. \\"ilh i In- lillin- "I ponds, tlu rmidii i« -n- ••! | ; . 1\ in a drlinitr diivr;i»n. I ' \\hich ]•• in the >anu- 136 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. general ph\ -iographic relations during .1 o >le period of time, there i- .1 succession of conditions due to the accumulation of detritus just as there is a succession mmtmicali< m between the different ponds have been open until recently, the present arrangement of the species of tish is \ ery probably a helnreior adjustment to the changed and changing conditions just so far as barriers have permitted. \\ •• see from the arrangement and mode of origin of the ponds that our oldest pond — number 14. Map I., and Fig. I, was once in tin- -a me relation to the lake as Pond I is now. At such a time it was in a condition similar to that of the present Pond I. Ponds 5 and 7 are intermediate in conditions between Ponds i and 14. We ha\e the same general basis for the discussion of ecological succession as in the streams. The changes in these ponds have depended mainly upon physiographic stability within each pond, rather than upon physiographic changes, and have been due to tin- action of the nryuiisnis present on their o\cn cm-iron- vnent.1 This is true because after a given pond is once separated from the lake (Fig. i) the changes due to the organisms go on \\ithotit regard to further separation and the lowering of the lake lexvl. Fvidently the level of the water has remained much the same in the ponds after their separation from the lake proper regardless (,| the lowering of the lake level (Fig. l). The method of deducing succession herein employed is similar to that used in the case of the streams. The easily obsen. able Facl thai animals occupying similar conditions are ecologicallv similar (i. e., similar in habits and some main features of their phx sjologv of external relations) is used as a starting point, and the conclusions drawn are to ihe effecl \\hen the older habit a i \\.i-in the stage of a younger habitat, it \\.is occupied by fishes i-inli>"t/iil/y similar to those now in the younger halntat. Whether lhe\ \\ere the same or different species is often of little import. nice lo ecological succession. With this simple explana- tion as a background, and \\ith the use ot Figure i, xve will 1 The- change--; \vlii. 1 1 are caused \<\ I li>- tilling • it i hr |» >n>l \\ it li plant iii.i 1 1 -i i;i I are pli\ -iMjuplii. , hut tin' hint . »ecl is the more im|m[ . and \M- m. iv i-;s the < 1 I hy hiuldvi, al I. .1 ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 1 •~ _• — X . — ' •^ - •5 ~ *J . [ — . . - B _ — - — . - . — — ; - - _ = E c • . - - . "~~ _ . ~ ^~ [ i ;. . - . ^3 - ~~ i_ ~ ": eq ~ - - . - — - — • . _x •: - |5 ~ : i ~ t a r- - - - • - -. . - - . u . - = - — . z . I . - "L C .= . «J 3 — *j V " "^ . : \ c - ~ - Z ^ E Z3 • •j i: . = . — £ V : c; «j - § C >. 7 w ** . ^ . ? • .^"^ — . _ • fcj — *J r : c Q ~* • ^ ^: '*" : • "3 — ed ~ .^ — ? . • k- - / ••" • •f z < — = +s .' '— — E a c . IH L - — — • E u J ? • •J E . .. | :_ ~rf .-' L w =_ _ r. : E. — ^^» — . *j - -»^' I ;vs VIC'InK K. sHKi.i (iKH. state, as well as practicable, tin- succession in these ponds with particular reference to fish. I. Statement of I:.colo':icdl Succession.- A Mateim-nt of sin sion can In- best made in the form of a hi-tory of Pond 14 (Fig. i , From our knowing- of" ilu- origin of tin- pond- and ihcir present topography, it is reasonably certain th.i! ill. n- was < lime when I'oiid 14 was nio'-f clost !\- associated with the lake than Pond i '•in Fk. i. hypothetical stai;e B). Ai such a time I'oiid 14 contained le-s vegetation than we now find in Pond I. For a kno\\lrd-e of the ecological character of tin- fish which inhabit such pond-, \\ i have collected from a pond of tin same origin as tho-M- made' tin subject of tin- present study. This one has mainiaiiied a close connection with Lake Michigan and eives the waves of the lake during the spriiiL' and winter -tornis. ll flows into the- lake during every hi-hu ater period. This pond is at Beach Sta.tion, four miles north of \Yaukcgan. 111. Nf( ar its outer end it presents a clear bottom of sand and gravel, little vegetation and no humus. In this outer portion we have collected the pike (Esox Inciiix'i, which prefers clear, clean, cool water (Forbes and Kichardson, '08) ; the red horse ( Moxostoma (iitri'oliihi), which dies quickly in the aquarium if the \\ater i-- the least impure and Miccumbs to impure conditions in its natixe wai. •- ! orbes and Richardson, '08); Xntrnpix cdyit^i, coninu n in < "a\ -u^a Lake and the lower course- of its tributaries i Keed and \\ii-ht, '09). As compared with Illinois waters, the-.- streams \\ould be counted clear. \Yealso found Xolrnpis cornntus, which shows a marked preference fcr clear waters (Forbes and Kichanl- -oll, 'O? \Yhcn Pond 14 was in a very earl) stage (hypothetical stagi B, Fig. I) it must ha\'e been occupied b\ fishe- which \\eri eco- logically similar to the red hors,-, the pike, the < tyuga minnou, and the common shiner. This i- a comimmit\ of species which may be characteri/ed as requiring clear, ck-an waters, clean bare bottom (especially during ilu- breeding season), and littk- vegetation. Such fishes may be designated as pioneer ecological types. To this group might be added such fishes as the common perch, which is hardy and lives in a \\id< rang< ol conditio Following the history of Pond 1.1 furiln r, \\ i note thai as the . fetation -n-w, humus accumulated in tin- deeper part-, and forms ecologically similar to the black ba>s, the blue ^ill, the pumpkin-' :id the white crappie {Pomoxis annularis) whicli i- widely distributed i Forbc- and Kichaid-on. '08 . but which Meek and Hildi brand f'loi record only from streams and pond- which are ecologically youn.u. mu-t have their appearance, il any such fi-he- wen All but one of thc-c:-pt were taken from the pond at Beach but chiefly from the older parts. They were IK. i dearly -eparated from the other sped but condition- \ d and no barriers prc-ent. \\'e \\oiild expect the ai i .f tin- pioneer ecological P uch 'he pike and tin nd horse, from -uch a community. \Yhen the condition- in 1'ond 14 \\hich made the habitat •r th:- la-t meiiiii>iii-d d-h community had pro-re— rd a little InrthiT, nil ///• ust //itdt :- 'niiK-il > the (>H" ;rcd 'i as tin- blue -p. .tied -unli-h, the little i dub sucker, the warmouth bass, the spotted bullhead ami imk' mud of the deeper portions a ft u fishes M\ -imilar to miicl minno\\- ami tadp"|. I'hi- i- lh<- coiid; our 1'oml I at pn -nit a -hallou pond \\ith « imulaiion- of huinn- in i he deeper part-, and much d \\ iili ml other plain-. In this Connection it -lloiiM IK- noted tha' \b « k ami I lildebi.illd I" record and top mimiou [900 from 1'ond I M.ip II ; 'in the\ are m • Imu'er found thei It -hoiild tl< nibend th it the part- of a pond which arc -itnated a- to i ||ow the accumillatioii of plain detritu- \\ill be lir-t to become unfa\or.ible to pioneer li-ln -. while the parts which are swept clean by wave action remain in a d condition much longer perioup|io greater di\erM't\- of type- than the latir - \\liile >till retaining a part of ii- pioiicer li-he-, 1'ond l -nppori- the forms which belong to older condition- (mud minno\\ ami tadpole cat). Ylt I"R E. SHELFORD. Up to such a stage, Pond 14 must have become from the fir-t more and more favorable to di\cr-itv of ecological types, and accordingly possessed .it Midi .1 time its greatest number of species of fish. When Pond 14 was at a stage comparable to the present Pond i, tlif li-li community present and all the other organisms "ciatcd \\ith it, so acied on their environment (just as they are acting on their environment in Pond I at present) as to make the habitat less favorable to the fish of the earlier pond M.I-CS, and more and more favorable for those dependent upon and tolerating deii^- vegetation, absence of bare bottom, and lower oxygen content. As a result of this action of the biota on its eii\ ironmeiit, tlu- fishes of ecological constitution similar to that of the sunfishes and basses now present in Pond I, disap- peared either by emigration or death. In the absence of these, and in the more favorable conditions of competition and denser vegetation, fish, such as the golden shiner, were able to find a suitable habitat. At such a stage Pond 14 possessed a fish community of the ecological character of that now found in 1 '< >nd $c. Here the i >ioneer element is reduced to a single species, tin perch, which is very hardy i llankinson, '07). The same process continued and caused the disappearance of the perch and like ecological types. A fish community ecologically like that now in Pond 56 (Table I., column 3) then existed. The absenceof the perch in 5/>and its presence in 5c may be explained, judging from the general habits of the perch (Forbes and Rich- ardson, '08), by the fact that neither pond appears to be favor- able for perch and they have been able to move out of Pond 56, but not out of Pond 5*;. An experimental comparison of tin- behavior of perch from I'ond 5c and other perch habit. its would have an important bearing on our problem. The fish community of Pond 56 is made up of the chub sucker and the golden shiner, which are abundant, the spot ted bullhead. the tadpole cat and the mud minnow. The spotted is the only one known to use bare bottom for nesting. There i- only a little bare bottom in Pond 56. Tin- spotted bullhead usually builds its nest under «:o\er ( Kycleslivmer, '<>! ). When such a fish community occupied Pond 14, the biota present gradually changed its <.\\n environmental conditions as ECOLOGICAL SUCCE>-I<>\ 14! the former stages had done. The nature of the changes are evident now when we can compare Ponds ,v and 56 with Ponds "ja and 76. In ponds ja and ~l> we find water lilies and bladder- wort in abundance. These are barely pn-eiit in $b and 5f. Ponds 7a and 76 have much le-- bare bottom than 5 A and $c. ! I ;il I ! • ..| lli.- .||,,u-.;hi I,, III- 1 uitli \\.ii. •[ lull n- \«T\ near tin- water's edj I'lir \\A\ c(imiiiiinii\ 0 iii.ulc up ul" tin- -aim- -pcrir- as the oimmimilN \\illi tin- addition "I th<- Mack ~n lack> llu- cluili Mickcr, .UK! ln-n- .is h.i^ liccii n.ucd ihc chuh sucker tin- -.inn- rt-lati"ii t<» tin- 1 \\ < > |>arts of I'ond 7 as ihc pcrch does to I'.. n.1 | 5 It is r\idt-iit that it mo\»-d .nil ol llu- pond from \\liicli a cliamu-l of c\it lias IM-CII opt-n. The tirst -icp in tlu- transformation of ilu- tish comimmiiv of I'oiid 14. \\hicli was ecologicall} -imilar to ih.- pn-s.-nt -/>, into tin- iu-\i l.i icr • . was i In- loss "i -neh ecological i \ pes as 142 YI< IMK 5HELFORD. dull) sucker and the addition of -nch .1- ilu- black bullhead. Tin- latter is a well-known "mud-lover" which inhabit^ t In- oldest Stiller- 'it pond succession. A- the condition^ which Organisms produced in> d in intensity in the din ciioiis indi- d, lln < -illy similar to 'In- tadpole cat and the -pot ted 1 in! Ilu .id disappeared, and with them probably tin- golden -hiiu-r aUo. \\"iih th< e we have tin- fKh c-onimunii \ which \\as in Pond I i>i lid'orc draining. h i> illustrated by Pond 5'/ also, in which the plant and animal d'-trilu> ha cted l-i'. 5. sii.. \\in-j I'.ni'l i i .it moderate !i>\\- \\-ac -t. In contrast wiili i. \v<- •li.ii it i- clioki-'l with v^'-uiti'Ci an 1 th- margin ni-riipi;-.! l>\- ^Inuli-- bulrushes. etc. bee; i u -.e it is located al the millet \\here the channel becon shallower and nammer. l;.co!oLical 1 \pe-.siich as thepickenl, the black bullhead, and the mud minnow make up this community in Pond I l. They n-nallv continue until the pond becomes temporary when ilu v are dt •-iro\-t-d b\ dr\'in.n'. 2. The Fll! !<>•<' of Ilif font!. !'"coloi;y is one of the few biological sciences in which prediction U po-sible. I shall \cntnre lo predict the fate, in a state of nature, oi a pond like Pond i^aivasa\ the ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. lit where the study was first begun, before the draining took place. Had Pond 140 not been disturbed by man, it would have • ontinued to fill with humus. Its center would have o>me to be occupied by the cat tail-, bulrushes, Proserpinaca, and Equisetum, all of which invade trom the sides. \Yhen -ueh a Mage wa- reached ii \\oiild l»e >ubject i.. almost complete drying in extreme droughts and the li-h \\oiild be eliminated in the order of their ability 10 \\ith-tand draught, and in relation to accidents of distribution in part> of t : 1 drving t<. various In ^cpicinber. Ioo>. \\ • able to obtain e\ ideiice on this point from some of the older pond-. A u'»iip of black bullhead-, ! and mud minnow- were found in the lowest part •ne of th, ms of p..nd 5*. The pickerel Were dead and badl\ ed. The bill! land jll-l bcgiimilK but ihe mudmimio\\-. fully a 1-u-hcl of them, were -till ali\e ahliough \\ithoul v I hi- lot included -mne of the large-t indi\ idlial- o.|i< \\'h« : I '• -nd I ) -h content Would becom( probl. :ent upon the distribution of the dilten-iH .;iid shalloue;- parl- o| the |)ond. and tin - relat* d lo the the d: I \ j.lence for this i- seen in Polid I j . v i- the onl\ -111 since a pmbabli 1 df\ili^ of the |)ond. Indeed. Ue II I he |iredictio|| one -tep farther. \Yllell -in h a pond become- of tin- -or! the plant- that take hold of it are i \*< \\ liich till the -oil \\ iih ro. and form hummock-. I: i'ole to them, -uch pond- be- rome the breeding place of tl ii-h. During the drought »i i MO- I found a -chool «.f half ^ro\\ n dog li-h in -uch a pond, which an-\\ered the description of the la\oHtc breeding place of the do^ ti-h ,. a 1>\ Kei^hard [*O2 , >uch - thi- \\ill be folloued b\- the inv.i-ioii of -hrub> and ilu- final de-tructioii of the pond a- an aquatic habitat. \\ e ha\e in |ioiid- a p- :\> change in the <-onditioii- and a p- jive change in the co-logical and |)h\>i< -logical character of the ti-h comimmitie-. and a succession or evolution of fi^h 144 VICTOR E. SHELFORD. communities through emigration, death, immigration. ,nid tin- modification of more* by external -timuli. \". ECOLOGICAL Succi — n>\ AND Si CCESSION OF SPI « n -. The difference bet \\een ecological and geological succr—inn were suggested in my preceding paper. \\V noted that eco- logical succession deals with tin- succession of ecological types. We noted also that geological succession N due-, in ihe main, to the death of a given set of species and the evolution of new ones throughout geological time. While this is true of the broader aspects, in the more detailed cases and especially in dealing with recent post-glacial fossils, the palaeontologist often encounters a vertical succession of fossils which have been left behind by the migrations of a succession of species over the locality of fo-- silization (Warming, '09, p. 362, Adams, '05 and '09, Sharff, 07, esp. Chap. IX. and citations) . Palaeontologists may also encounter vertical succession of fossils in situations \vhere such succession as we have been describing has taken place. i. Vertical Succession of Fossils. — ^Steenstrup ('41) found from the study of fossils in moors that one kind of vegetation suc- ceeded another. Various other workers (Andersson, '97) have found similar arrangements. In the case before us the fossiliza- tion of species would give a vertical succession of fossils. Turning again to the diagram, we note that the skeletal parts of any fish in the earliest stages indicated by hypothetical stage B might have been preserved as fossils. The accumulations of humus which lead up to stage I would have covered the fossils of stage B, the fish of stage B would be present, if at all, as fossils at the bottom of the pond. Likewise, the accumulations of humus which led to stage 5 covered those skeletal parts of the fish of stage I, and the fish of stage I should be found as fossils overlying those of stage B and underlying those of stage 5. Again, the accumulations of humus which led up to stage 7 co\ i-n-d fossils which were present and added at stage 5, and the fish preser\ed .1- fossils from sta-e 5 would lie above all those preserved as fo-^iU lK»m the younj stages and below those of stage 7. Ko-.-iU from stage 14 and the intermediate stages would lie at the top of the Aeries and above those of stage 7. ECOLOGICAL SUCCE--1"\. 145 However, no >uch arrangement of fo»il- has been found in the^e pond-. No attempt to ascertain whether or not they are present ha- been made. 2. Relntion to Clinidtic L'hun^c^. — As ha- l>cen indicated, sued .-ion is dm- to changes in condition- which make- it impo--il)le lor a gi\en 'jnmp of or-ani-m- to continue to live at a certain !•" ality. Accord:n-]\ . -nch a group .-radii, dly di-appear- and i- .r 'dually -iid .-died l'\ Mip which is adapted to the new condition The ch in c'nidition- rdenvd to arc climatic or phv-io- graphie dial ad other- independent of ph\>iograph\" and din; Tin- l.i-t type of ch > usually due to the action of tin isms themselves. The-e »hn-e force- nia\ act separateK- ther. Tin-! 5 probably the more common. In ca-e tin- • li lioth the ' -i..n and the -ii' • "t 5] l-icalit\- might lie pa.rtl\- due !<• migration of a succession! Narthorsl '70. lid,- \\'ann- ing, '09, lound that the -il- imderK 'ing moors areofarcti< 'undra plant-. I: ial dispersal arctic-tundra plant- and animal- \\ere -n. - .-.nd a— nciali-d animal-, and I .\ d. . :«lnnii- 1 1 • «1 animal- Adam-. - 'n oj //• i ! ' • • a/ -s'/c - essi 1 pointed out thr lact there i- lrei|iietul\ a hori/oina! -ioiial - •! diltt -rent a. 'ed \\ith c..nlimiou- ph\ -!• 'graphic pr- . -nch a- the depo-iti.-i id alonj Tlie di.t^ram Fig i illustrates licith thi' liori/mual and \eriical -erie- ••! c. mdin'i >n- with wln'di \\ella\el'eelldealil ' 'Ol I 11 f t 1 H f poi II I ed OH I that ll'e hon/uinal series »\ plain i "in muni tit - nm-t Near a close ( < "1-igical mMaiH'e or lie pt.K n't ,ill\ identical \\ith the \ertical -. ii< - of pa-t plant com mini hie- \\ Inch ha\e -ncceeded om- allot her o\ er a ^i\eii loc.tlitN in the older part of the hori/ontal -eric-. lie pointeil out further that the hori/ontal -eric- may lie taken as an index of \\hat the vertical Series ha- lieeil. lie \\oiild e\t cpt the tir-t Si - of plant communities which occupied a locality at the cl'i-e o| the ic. gi aid \\hich a- ha- ln-eti -tated. an- •ic plant-. Thc-e arctic plant-, ho\\e\er. nm-t iia\e attd N d 146 VICTOR E. -Ill 1.1 (>R1>. the soil or pond bottom in much tin- same way as the pimieer plants of the present climate would affect them. The difference- resulting from the change of (limale are ihen, those of detail rather than of principle. 4. The Relation of Ecological Succession to .S'/'rr/V.v of /-'/v//.— If fish were found fossil in tin- bottom of Pond 14, in the order which we have indicated, one might conclude at once that it constituted a proof of ecological su< • > ssion. This seems to have been the general impression of zoologists who have heard tin- presentation of these data. The que-tion has been asked, "Do you find fossil in 14 all the fish which you mention as occurring in succession there?' My answer to the effect that no such fact has been discovered seems to have been regarded as constituting a refutation of the entire statement of ecological succession. If fish were found fo-sil in the order described above, and the species and order of species, the same as now found in the hori- zontal series of ponds, we would have some important data bear- ing on succession, migration, and other matters of interest to be discussed presently, but this would yield no crucial ci-idence for or against ecological succession. Ecological suciv-^ion is based upon physiology, habits, behavior, mode of life, and the like, which I have proposed to call mores (opposed to the term form). Unless the mores of the morphological species found fossil were the same as the mores of the same morphological species at present, they would have no weight in the matter, and it would be impossible to ascertain mores from fossils if Mich fossils were found. If the same one or more species were found fossil in each and all of the vertical stages of a pond like i_|, the evidence would not refute the proposition of ecological succession because the physio- logical'er- of the individual- of a gi\en species living in the early stages could have been very different from tho-e of individuals living in later Stages, without the differences beir.L' shown in the preservable skeletal strueture. Furthermore the modi liability of animal behavior seems well established. The same species of plant may remain in a number of dill-Tent pond stages. Such plants .-how -uiiable functional responses mani- fested by different gn>\\ th-lOrm- in different stages. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 147 The proof of ecological succession must re-t on the result - experimental \\ork on the animal- of the different stages of -uch a horizontal series. // matters not from the point of : ecological succession ichat the forms > lon^ as the arc '•:rev.t in the different > horizontal ml the i'li a •'//.'<• ;; :'ed icith the environmental conditions. When -urli difference- and relation- are found, ecological -IK . -cniially • -lied. h is ol .i/ed that within raiher uncertain limit.- the >• ..f a morphological -p< • rn.iin. in a •:< ner,'.! way. the same throughout it- geo- Thi- kind of rea-oning mu-t In- pursued \\i;h i. union. Whi-n applied in detail or to "common" species \\hieh \\ ide '-.m-iii^, it i- i • ill trustworthy, [f, for example, an aiination of ihe de;i>-it- in i!n- bottom of a pond, sue!; I'ond l j. showed the pr« fish \\hirh now habitually inh.tliit- the you >\ pond -i ion, let it U- a more ii'Mihern, or tin hose in i he hori/oiita! series und r cor \\oiild con-tiiiitf -oine e\ ideii( • logical -i!' -i \\hieh could lie Itirther checked \-\ the -tud\- o| the modili.'.l'ili". of the mores of that -,prcje- at pre-ent. HOV • in tin- kind . •! t \ ideiice lie crucial. I iirthei mori . the i-iiidition- -tich a- \\rre in\al I'ond l | i ould ha\e been i'e. ichrd I -\ a pond like I'ond I in .1 feu hun- dred- of \. In a pi nd \\itl: I mori MlilaMe ill. ill -and for the -rouili :llt-, the-e cliail, id lake p! \\ithin the life time ..f the lualder of Mich a pond Knauthe. '07. I'- 5; \ I. i .i NIK \l I >!-« i SSION. We noted in the precedin. r that physiographic analysis is a nieihl evolution into a lo^ic \\hich \\a- not refutable by academic attack, the fails of biology took shape, arranged themselves into orderl} relations to < n-h other. Tin- made possible method- of \\ork \\hich were new. opened up new ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 149 problem-, tin' attempt at the solution of which has made modern biology what it is. If we assume the attitude that nothing can be done in the organization of natural history materials into a science, we are do-in- the que-tion to investigation, much as the id. -pecial creation closed other lines of biological in\ v-ti-ation. Still an occasional biologist appear- to take this point of view. A-ide from tin- general questions which we have been di-cu — - an- many practical applications of pond successsion dy of behavior .md t<> the economic and quantitative >idc of l>iol"L;\. The-,- we will di>cu»s in a succeeding pa- under tin- In ad < if t : ;'>n in pond-. VII. -M MM \KV. i. Then- i- s of ponds at the south end of Lake Michigan arranged in ihe .-rder of their - i- determine!' vegetation. .f li-li are arran^-d in the-r |»oiid> in an i-rderK' fa -hi 1. 1 1 : i In- order Is related to the age of the ponds. j. I he p'Hid- • 'I dittt-r'-i in the hi-i'>r\ of c.ldcr |" nub. 4. Tin- horizontal -h cr.iiimunitii-- i- i-.-..|.i-irally repn-veiitati\e "f tin.- MI, -iv— imi nf ti-li coinmunii ie> \\itliintlie older puihb. 5. Tin method employed here i- similar to |)h> M'< i^r anaK-i-; the m..ti\e- ami po-Mble re-ult- are -imilar but strictK' bi..l. i^ical. because the caus the SU< n are the iUJMll- tllem>el\ II- . : / ,11. VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND Bir.i.i' »\\< \I-HN . i. .[<(•' -The writer i- indebted t,. I >r. II. C. Cowles for assistance with the plant >ide. of the pond problem: to Mr. \\ . C. All-' '"r assistance in mapping the p<>nd-. The ideiititicalion ,.f the ti>h i- b\- Dr. S I M k and Mr. S. I 150 -VICTOR !•:. SHELFORD. Hilclcbrand; some of the coHrt-iin- was done in cooperation with Dr. Meek and Mr. Hildcbrand. \\'iilumt the a-si>tance of these gentlemen this paper could n«i h,i\c Uvn \vrium. The writer is also indebted to Mr. Ellis L. Michael for tin- ivadiiiL; of the manuscript. Adams, C. C. '05 Post-glacial Dispersal of North Amei it an Biota. Hiol. Bull., Vol. IX.. p. 5.}. '08 Ecological Succession of Birds. The Auk, Vol. XXV.. pp. 109-153 Bi! hy. '09 Isle Royale. Biological Survey of Michigan (Lansing). < lim.uii- ami Geological Succession, p. 45, p. 31. Succession of Birds, p. 134. Succession of Beetles, p. 160. Succession of Mammals, p. 390. Bibliography. Alden, W. C. '01 Geological Atlas of the United States. No. 81, Chicago Folio U. S. Geol. Surv. Maps. Andersson, G. '97 Die Geschichte der Vegetation Schwedens. En.ul'-i > Botanical Jahrbiicher B. 22. p. 433. Atwood, W. W., and Goldthwait, W. J. "08 The Physiography of the Evanston-Waukegan Region. Bull. 7, Hlmni- Geological Survey. Blatchley, W. S. '°/7 Geology of Lake and Porter Counties, Indiana. 22d Ann. Rep. Ind. Dcpt. Geol. and N. Resources, Map. Chamberlain, T. C., and Salisbury, R. D. '07 Geology, Vol. III. Henry Holt, New York. Clements, F. E. '05 Research Methods in Plant Ecology. Lincoln, Nebr. Cowles, H. C. '01 The Plant Societies of the Vicinity of Chicago. Bull. 2, Go.;'. Chicago. Also Bot. Gaz., Vol. 31, pp. 73-108 and 145-182. Dachnowski, A. '08 The Toxic Properties of Bog Water and Bog Soil. Bot. Gaz., Vol. \<>, p. 130. Gilbert, G. K. '85 Topographic features of Lake Shores. 5th Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 69-123. '98 Recent Earth Movements in the Great Lakes Region. Ann. Rep. I'. S. Geol. Surv., 1896-7, Part II., pp. 601-647. Goldthwait, J. W. '07 Abandoned Shorelines of Eastern Wisconsin. Wise. Ge«>l. and Nat. Hi-' Surv. Bull., XVII.. Scientific Ser. 5. Eycleshymer, A. C. '01 Observations on the Breeding Habits of Anu-iuiii> nelmlixiH. Am. Nat., Vol. XXXV., pp. 911-18. Forbes, S. A., and Richardson, R. E. '08 The Fishes of Illinois. Nat. Hist. Surv. of Illin"i~ (State Icthyology, Vol. III. ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 151 Hankinson, T. L. "97 \Va!nut Lake. Biol. Surv. <.t M i- • Sui 07, pp. 161-271. Knauthe, K. '07 i.lamm. Leverett, F. '97 I' •• Features an.l ! • ihr ("hirauo Area, t'h .i.l. X II Surv. Bull., II. Meek, S. E. and Hildebrand, S. F. "10 - Known t within Fil'ty M 3ei ' VI I . . Ni Reed, H. D. and Wright, A. H. '09 Tin- \'«-rti-l»ratt-; oi' t!i :i. X. Y Proc. Am. I'liil. > XI. VI 1 1.. \ Reighard, J. '03 "I : y Volume, pp. Salisbury, R. D., and Alden. W. C. '01 ' , f Cl Shaler, N. S. '92 i jili K'-p.. I )ir. U. S. ( .i-ol. Sin \ Shant/, H. L. '06 A Mesa P Pikes Peak. 1 h<- Sharff, R. F. '07 I I >i-ti iliiilion. Shelford. V. I '07 !'• ini ij '10 I ' iilinn-. III. M. • II pp Steenstrup. J. J. S. '41 .• k iiiul. -~k.i\ • Vednesdam I. ill. iniini-nliiiKi-iuli- Mi m.i. ik- nini;iT. h . r i Ahniiuli-Ii Danske \ I.. IX.. li Warminj Warming, E. '09 'i n to the -tiidv 'iiiinun;- in. A HETEROCHROMOSOME OF MAI.F oRIC.IX i\ la -in \oins. MAVII) HII.T TKXXhX i The observations of Haltzer ('09) seem in have led to an immediate conclusion that in cchinoid^ the female is the hetero- gameticsex while tin- male is homogametic. My observations on Illpponnc cf1 the „ - cross, taken in conjunction with those of Heff- 1 oxopneustes 9 HIT MO) and Pinney I'll) show that this conclusion cannot be final. The study of the material mentioned has given con- vincing evidence that in Jlippouoe cscnloita (Tripneustes esciilen- ///M.a heterochromosome is carried by half of the spermatozoa and that the dimorphism of somatic chromosome groups in Uipponoe cf in straight tertih/ed Inpponoi 'and ,., material must 1 oxopneustes 9 be i orrelated with dimorphism of the spermatozoa. The heterochromosome in question is hook-shaped in form // Fi^. i, A, H Fig. 2, B). In a study of fifty- two spindles in A B C i. Tuxnfim-H.^lfs 9 X IIif>{x»i»e c? • 'I'lncr 1< >ni;ii ii'linal sections oi spirull'- in anap!ia-c. In A and /-' twi. chnniK. ;t in i.utliin- ii.r -ak. .-I \ t, ( lllnlllri-i.llli - -ll'.UIl. ill -iili- \ic\V. XI..S" which 1 ua> able to reach a definite conclusion a- to tin- pre-ence or absence of the hook-shaped element , it \va> found to be present in twenty-eight and absenl in twenty-four instances (Fi^. ^!- Miss Pinncy ('iu has been abK' to sho\\- the occurrence "t this element in half of the straight I'eriili/ed llipfxnn' The 152 HETEROCHROMOSOMi: i >| MALE (>RK,IN IN ECHINOIDS. 1 5.; non-occurrence of such an element in Toxopneustes ey;^ has been shown by Heffin r '10) and by further Mudyin my labora- tory with this point in mind. I have been able to determine that tin- hook— haped chromosome i- pre-ent in hall of the Toxopneustes eggs which have been fertilized \>\ IIi[>po> - rni. ,' ABC ! ! i . in irniit vii-w. By this analysis of the subject it is th< -h«>\\n i lliai tin- IK -iik--. ha; » d rhr- mn •-. mn- i~ |u-culiar t<> IIif)f)nn«'. J that thi- chnimii-i.nir i- i arrii-d b\ tin / ermatOZOa, and ; . that, -inc.- thi- ••!. -nn in i- t«und in half i if the -trai-ht frrtili/i-d I 'I / ' / L I A TJ P /v *• • NIP In ink- |P! -and in halt nf tin 'iTtili/cd eggs it nni-t bt- prc-cni in but half i if the H'rrmat"/' V , .iiclu-i\i- ^lali-nu-nt can as \ et be made re-ardin^ the number nf chromosomes in the-, eggs I'he --Id idea that the xunatic number of chromosomes in echiimdi-rm- i- • -it her ei-htei -n 154 DAVID MILT TEXM:\ i . or thirty— i\ i- c\ idently incorrect. Piniiev 'i I i h.i- -ho\\n |", ,j- S- "'" 33- HelTner rio) counted ,y> for To.vopncustcs. A '11 counted 37 or 38 in anaphase plates in 'J'o.vofmcmirs, count- which I was al>le to \crif\-. In tin- cross fertilized eggs ti-mv papc-r tin- counts vary. Fu. i shows .Vi : Fig. 2 >ln'\vs ,^l ; I i^. ;, -ho\\> .^J. Mi-- I'iniuA ' ' i i i has given as full a ul>ji-ci as tin- I, ici- known at this time warrant. For a conclusive re-time a full knowledge of the development of the LMTIII cell- in the>e form- now seems alnio-t imperatiw. VN MAUR Coi.i.i BIBI.K »GR \1'!IV. Baltzer, F. "09 I)i<- ' liiiiiiin-Miin-n v. Mi,)iv-;yl. li\'. 11. I-'cli. i:iinn. Au:li. l". Xcllti il -i li.. Bd. II. HefiFner, B. '10 A Study ni Chromosomes of Tox. \'ar. which Slunv Individual Peculiaritic-s of Form. Biol. Bull., XIX. Pinney, Edith 'n A Studyof the Chromosomes of Hip. esc. and Moira atr. Biol. Bull. XXI. HETEROCHROMOSOMES IN THK GUINEA PIG. X. M - In \ii-\v of tin- fad the i:iii' . i- SO much u-ed for • •rimeiiial breedi in Meiidelian heredity. : icd di--iraM«- i» secure some further kno\\le<;. the behavior ot tin- chromatin in ihe ucrm cell-. An attempt ha- t hercf< n\- l>een maili- in folliiw through the -pern, -. and a l>rie! note • MI t'he \\,i^ puhli-hed in tin- BK>I<" i< \i Hi 1.1.1 n\. \'..l. XX . \». I. Jaliuarx. I'd I. The material h. full actMtmt of the transformation of ih« -;irrmaiid- int' I -hall omit all d !!u- -pern and tiin- IP inion of the rhromatin in tin' niirlei and mil- • • 'erina- tid MM \iin-''1!' fixed b) I uietliod- which had material. It idem that onl | -'lemming and Mi rniaiin o-n lie mix i ii-. . ! li xation Hi the chromosomes ill mi'' -id al-o that th. - nm-t he reino\ed from the animal. < lit in!" -mall : red to the fixing fluid \\ilh ^reat rapidit\ i' -1 re-uli-. M< nu-ihod of n-iiii; ihe lixin^ solul ' pro\ed to In an im|>ro\emeni on the !d -olution-. Tin >ns, 5^ thick, \\ere -;. lined with I'itlu-r thionin or iron-h.emai"X\ lin, oral g( ( • In-ill^ u-ed in >om< a p!a-m.. -I tin. Thionin, 'hionin and • ;lu in. -\ n-ult- cia!l> for ihe chroiuo-onie> in niiti \ * aniline prepara- tion- \\ere mad' ire-h material and |>ro\cd \alu- aMc. h ua- found tha - "! the ti--ti- m. d \\ith needle- in carmine would keep in fairly -on.) ccmditioii in a ti^lilk -toppered \'ial for several \\eek-. [.S6 N. M. STEVEN- SPERMATOGONIA. As in nihrr vertebrates tin- tc>u-s om>Ut of much coiled t.ulmle- in \\hich, in mature animal-. -Merman >.u«nua and Sertoli- cfll- a IT found at the- periphery against the wall of the tulmle: then coiiK1 lirsi and sccoiul sprrniati H-\ it--^ in \-ari<.ii> stages, -l>rrmatid>, and unri|)L- s])crmatozoa attached to long processes r\ u-ndiiv^ from tin- Sertoli-cells toward tin- criitcr of tlic tulmle, -|)i-niiato/().i licin- found in or near the lumen of the tubule. I-'H.. i . \u. l.'ii- i .| Sntiili ci-11. !•"[(.. j. Xiii \<-\i- i)i spermatogonium. l-n;. 3. Spireme st.t^i-, -]>• i'>-(iniiim. FK.S. .j anil 5. N'UI lei iinin .1 \niiiit; tc~iis, M--t--t,i.y>' ;nnl FIG. 6. Fifty--i\ chromosomes <>t .1 -i"1' ni;it"^n] prep. P"!G. 7. Efjuatorial plaii- "i a -pi-i, i^nnial mit(>M~; s'1 'In ....... soincs. All 1 1C i ' j - h- Aceto-carm. HETEROCHROMOSOMES IN THE GUINEA-PIG. 157 In one very young animal only spermatogonia were fi.iiiid. Sertoli- cells not having been differentiated, and n<> maturation stages 1 1 . i \ i n g yet appeare< 1 . The nuclei of the Sertoli-cell- ( Fig. i) are clearly different i from those of the spermatogonia. They are larger and usually flattened parallel with the wall of the tubule. In the rer. u T of the nude' i large plasmosome and closely a--ocia!ed with it one, two or nn>re rhromatin nudeoli, or karvo-omes, which otldi .tppiMi- to h.'' • ntral vacuole. The retieulimi of the under u'n with thionin <>r iron-haematoxylin. Tin- 1 irg< r number of the -permaiovom'al nuclei eoiiiain ! dump- of diroiu.uin of various and tangled thread- into which the clump lually resolved after a mitosis Fig. 2 . >hoi-i I mito-i- .ill nf the dump- disappear and a perfect spiren e i- formed 1 - In a young te-tis nearly aM "1 the nuclei are Minilar to I _ j. A fe\v are in -pircinc 01 |>rojih. i h ha- pn .\ ed .1 \ er\ dil'licnlt mal in dei ei mine the number of chromosomes either in the spermato- ia orspermat [ have never found a case of a perfect !\ ilai plate \\here there was n-> overlapping. After spending it deal of tin me p"int. I ha\e concluded thai 50 nd 7 is ;i:"l>abl\ llu t number. I i-. (> -!i..\\-. in outline the cliroiiio-oim-- of a ppipha-e. iv, ,m ,m aceto-carmine |ireparalion. the cell ha\in^ been much flattened. T\\o 1 pair- can be distinguished, and the oilier- vary con-iderably in form and Fig. 7 i- the be-t equatorial pl.ite which \\.i- seen eiiher in .1 nniiie iu'eparalion- or in sections. I hi- \\.i- taken from Hermann mal. -rial Stained \\ith thionin. It will ince be -een thai the chromo-oiiie- o\erlap in -udi a manner a- l.» maki' n curate < ountin;; difficult. T!ie one aberrant i hro- nio-ome i- not a ch ristic feaiure. ( )ne unu-uall\ lonv pair of rod- i- conspicuous. There are -everal V's, and the remainder ha\e the form of -trai-ht Ion- roil- an- always noticeable in an anapha-e, lagging behind the shorter < hromosomes. The V's are probably ihe same chro- mosomes \\hich ha\e the -pind!. --liber- attached centrally and pa-- to the pole- a- V's in the fir-t maturation mito-is. The heterochromosomes one cannot distinguish at this stage with 158 X. M. STEVICN-. certainty; tin- smaller one i- one of the -ma'le-t chromosomes, perhaps y, and .v which seems to have no mate may be i he larger. I iKsi SPKKM VTOCY1 i-:s. 'I'lu- inn-lei of the young