•V <\ BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE firmrine Biological laboratory WOODS HOLE, MASS. lEMtorial Staff E. G. CONKLIN — Princeton University. JACQUES LOEB — The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. GEORGE T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanical Garden. T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. W. M. WHEELER — Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. Managing EMtor FRANK R. LILLIE — The University of Chicago. VOLUME XXX. WOODS HOLE, MASS. JANUARY TO JUNE 1916 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXX. No. i. JANUARY, 1916. PAGE. WODSEDALEK, J. E. Causes of Sterility in the Mule . ... I KANDA, SAKYO. Studies on the Geotropism of the Marine Snail, Littorina littorea 57 KANDA, SAKYO. The Geotropism of Freshwater Snails 85 Xo. 2. FEBRUARY, 1916. LEWIS, MARGARET R., AND ROBERTSON, \\'M. REES B. The Mitochondria and Other Structures Observed by the Tissue Cul- ture Method in the Male Germ Cells of Chorthippus curtipennis Scudd 99 ROBBINS, W. J. Notes on the Physiology of Fucus spermatozoids . 125 MOORE, A. R., AND KELLOGG, F. M. Note on the Galvanotropic Response of the Earthworm 131 WILDER, HARRIS H. Palm and Sole Studies. I to IV 135 NEWMAN, H. H. Heredity and Organic Symmetry in Armadillo Quadruplets 173 No. 3. MARCH, 1916. WILDER, HARRIS H. Palm and Sole Studies. \ and VI .... 211 No. 4. APRIL, 1916. WILLIS, H. S. The Influence of the Nucleus on the Behavior of Amceba 253 SUMNER, F. B. Notes on Superfetation and Deferred Fertilization Among Mice 271 GOODALE, H. D. Further Developments in Ovariotomized Fowl . . 286 BACHHUBER, L. J. The Behavior of the Accessory Chromosomes and of the Chromatoid Body in the Spermatogenesis of the Rabbit 294 iii iv CONTENT- No. 5- MAY. 1016. LlLLIE, \\.\i I'll S. The Theory of Anifsthesia 311 GLASER, R. \\".. AND CHOI>MAN, J. \\". Th<- Xnture of the Poly- hedral liodirs round in Inserts . . 367 CHILD, C. M. A\i I J. E. WOC8EDALEK. 42 J. E. WODSEDALEK. PLATE II. FIG. 7. Resting stage of a primary spermatocyte showing the characteristic heart-shaped nucleolus and the karyosomes from which radiate fine linin strands. FIG. 8. Primary spermatocyte showing a continuous network of chromatin threads, some of which have paired and others are in the process of fusion, but most of them are unpaired. FIG. 9. Primary spermatocyte showing a continuous network of chromatin threads, an unusual number of which have fused; some are still unpaired while others are in the process of fusing. FIG. 10. Primary spermatocyte in process of degeneration in the "spireme stage." FIG. it. Primary spermatocyte in the late "spireme stage," showing signs of paired and pairing threads, paired and single chromosomes, and also signs of degeneration. FIG. 12. Late prophase of primary spermatocyte showing univalent and bi- valent chromosomes, and one trivalent chromosome. Some of the univalent components are still attached to each other at various angles. The accessory chro- mosome is very distinct. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. PLATE II. . ^^£££gj•'.: 31 34 '*;%&$#^W0M£-^ ^i^Sii:.^^ :- ^'i. J. E. WOD8EDALEK. 52 J. E. WODSEDALEK. PLATE VII. Fie. 37. A giant cell with three spindles in the early anaphase stage. FIG. 38. A giant cell with four large nuclei, each resembling the nucleus of the primary spermatocyte. (See Fig. 7.) FIG. 39. A giant cell with a huge non-symmetrical quadripolar spindle con- taining over one hundred chromosomes. It is probably a spermatogonial cell which possessed two complete nuclei and the number of chromosomes in excess of one hundred and two may be due to the fact that many of the chromosomes have divided. FIG. 40. A quadri-nucleated cell. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. .•* ;- • > "X ••-,. %' J. E. WOD8EDALEK. 54 J- E. WODSEDALEK. PLATE VIII. FIG. 41. A bi-nucleated cell in process of degeneration showing a chromosome, possibly the accessory, which was left out in the cytoplasm. FIG. 42. A cell with six well-defined nuclei. FIG. 43. A degenerating cell with three nuclei. FIGS. 44-46. Cells in process of degeneration (explained in the text). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. •-. ' ;. ; S - Vv-. | 46 J. E. WODSEDALEK. 56 J- E. WODSEDALEK. PLATE IX. FIGS. 47-52. Various types of cells in process of degeneration (explained in the text). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. X" 51 . ;- ' ' ' 52 J. E. WODSEDALEK. STUDIES ON THE GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA.1 SAKYO KANDA. CONTENTS. I. Introduction 57 II. Material and Methods 58 III. Experiments 61 1. Preliminary Experiments with Gravity and Light 61 2. The Relation between the Pressure of Gravity and the Precision of Orientation 63 3. What Determines whether the Head End will be Directed Up or Down? 66 4. The Effects of Light and Surface-Film of Seawater 71 5. The Effect of the Surface-Film of Sea- water 74 6. The Effect of Chemicals 76 IV. Discussion 76 V. Summary and Conclusions 82 VI. Bibliography 83 I. INTRODUCTION. In 1888, Loeb pointed out that "Die Schwerkraft der Erde, wenn sie senkrecht gegen die ventrale Seite der Schabe gerichtet ist, wirkt als Reiz, der dieselbe zu Bewegungen veranlasst" (8, p. 9). Since then, with modifications of his method, Daven- port and Perkins (2) and Frandsen (3) have investigated the same problem on a slug, Limax maximus. The former drew the conclusions that, "the precision of orientation of the slug varies directly with the active component of gravity" (2, p. 105) and that "this tendency (to go either up or down) must be ascribed to some internal condition of the individuals, for it varies in different individuals and in the same individuals at different times" (2, p. no). The latter reached rather different con- clusions, thus: 'The different geotactic response, on a glass plate, of different individuals is due mainly to two factors: (a) The quantity and quality of the slime secreted, which is a very im- portant factor; (6) the relative proportions of the length of the 1 From the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., and the Physio- logical Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 57 58 SAKYO KANDA. anterior and posterior regions of the animal's body. All the conditions being. the same, it is this factor which 'determines whether the head end will be directed up or down ' ' (3, p. 205). The reactions of the marine forms of Littorina littorea, L. rudis, etc., to light and other influences have been studied by Mitsu- kuri (12), Bohn (i), Haseman (4), and Morse (14). Unfortun- ately, however, none of them has taken into consideration the response of the animals to gravity, although the effect of gravity upon Littorina and upon gastropods in general is remarkable and easily observed at the seashore. Following the example of Frandsen and of Davenport and Perkins, an attempt was made by the writer with Littorina littorea to determine: (i) "What relation exists between a vari- ation in the pressure of gravity and the precision of orientation?" and (2) What "determines whether the head end will be directed up or down?" The experimental work was done in the physiological depart- ment of the Matine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., during the summers of 1912 and 1913. The results obtained in 1912 used in this paper are indicated by the date, " 1912." The others were all secured in 1913. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS. i. Material. — The animal used in all the experiments was a marine snail, Littorina littorea, which is numerous about Woods Hole. The snails were collected by the writer in the morning or afternoon, just before a new series of experiments was carried on, and were kept in a large glass dish in running sea-water during experiments. The size of the animal used was about 1.5 x i.i cm.1 It was found that this was the more convenient size for experimental purposes, because the bigger, i. e., older, ones re- treated into and remained for a long time in their shells when handled. The younger animals are more active and quicker to respond to stimuli. The same individuals could not be used throughout any series of experiments; since their movements became abnormal, due 1 The laboratory collector, Mr. Gray, told me that the snails which I used were about one year old. GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 59 possibly to fatigue. The same individuals could be used only for four or five trials. Ten individuals, sometimes II or 12 (with anticipation of falls), were used for each trial of a series of experiments. As will be seen in the tables, however, very often less than 10 individuals were left on the support for observation, the rest having fallen down. 2. Methods. — Loeb's method (8) modified by Davenport and Perkins (2) and by Frandsen (3), of the different angles of in- clination of a support, on which the animals are to be placed, was adopted with variations. The support was a plain glass plate about 22 x 19 cm., marked off on one side into squares of one sq. cm. each, whereby it could be readily determined how far the animals moved from their original places. The support, or plate, was placed in an apparatus by which it could be held at any ten-degree angle between the horizontal and vertical (see Fig. i). FIG. i. G. P. = a plain glass plate. The rest of the apparatus is all wood. The animals were placed on the unlined side of the plate, moistened and held upside down at an inclination, say 10° to 60 SAKYO KANDA. the horizontal, so that their heads were all directed upward. Meamvhile sea-water was poured, two or three times, over the animals and the plate surface to prevent their moving before the commencement of the experiment, and at the same time to get them to stick tightly to the surface. When the desired number of individuals had been so placed, the support was reversed, and placed at the desired angle in the holding apparatus, so that their heads were, now, directed downward. The animals being negative to gravity, this procedure was necessary in order to determine their movements of orientation in a desired time. Experiments were conducted either in sea-water in a glass aquarium, or in air. To exclude the effect of light in either case, a square box painted black inside was employed to cover the whole arrangement described above. After the desired time for a particular experiment, the cover- box was removed. Then the movements which the animals had made were recorded (with detailed notes) as nearly as possible as follows: A movement of 180° from the original was designated as "oriented"; 90° as "horizontal"; and o° as "ori- ginal." If an animal was observed to have crawled downward from the original place, it was recorded as positive to gravity. It was noticed that some individuals did not crawl downward quite vertically, but no discrimination as to these is made in the tables. Quite a few individuals, that crawled horizontally, are also arbitrarily classified under "horizontal," although such movements are believed by the writer to have no great signifi- cance. A question might be raised about middle spaces between 1 80° and 90°, and also between o° and 90°. Such positions were seldom observed; but if any were observed, they were recorded as "oriented" at a position between 90° and 180°; as "horizontal" between 90° and 45°; and as "original" between 45° and o°. Moreover, since quite a number of individuals would possibly have become oriented if they had been given longer than one minute, it might have been better to describe them as " orienting " rather than "horizontal." The animals whose position was specified as "original" should not be interpreted as indifferent to gravity. They simply failed to respond to it during the time GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 6l when they were under experimentation. The time factor was important. This will be confirmed by the following preliminary experiment A. But for the more detailed study, the shortest possible time was adopted, to avoid fatiguing the animals. In all the following tables, the signs indicate positive either to gravity or light by + and negative by — . III. EXPERIMENTS. i . Preliminary Experiments with Gravity and Light. Preliminary Experiment A . — A tall beaker full of sea-water was placed upside down in a large dish filled with sea-water. Special care was taken to exclude air bubbles from the beaker. It was then supported on two pieces of glass-tubing about 4 mm. in diameter in the dish in order to let the sea-water within com- municate freely with the outside at the bottom. By means of glass-tubing, sea-water was run into the dish so as to have fresh sea-water always at the bottom, but so as not to let any air bubbles into the beaker. Thirty selected snails were placed under the beaker, and between the two pieces of the glass-tubing, which was not high enough to permit the snails within to crawl out from under the beaker. The whole arrangement was then covered with the box already described, to exclude light. About ten minutes later it was found that all the snails had crawled up the vertical (inside) wall of the beaker and gathered at or near its top. The sea-water would be expected to be fresher and better supplied with oxygen at the bottom than at the top. The snails, however, crawled upward just the same. This was repeated several times, but there was no exception to this rule. Such results indicate that the upward movements of the snails are not caused by the lack of oxygen but by gravity. This is also fully supported by the fact that the snails crawl upward on moist rocks, or on a moist glass plate, in air where the amount of oxygen does not vary. Moreover, in leaving the horizontal bottom of the dish to take positions on the vertical wall of the beaker, the snails must have oriented themselves against the pull of gravity. This orientation of the snails cannot be explained by the mechanical theory of geotropism. It is an active process, one of true response to 62 SAKYO KANDA. stimulation. Loeb's conclusion which was already referred to, is thus confirmed. Preliminary Experiment B. — According to Bohn and Mitsukuri, Littorina littorea is negatively heliotropic. To test their results, a simple method of "righting" experiments was adopted as fol- lows: Ten selected individuals were placed dorsal side down on each of two glass plates. The one was covered with the box, and at the same time, the other was exposed to diffused daylight, both for five minutes. The two lots were alternately covered and exposed to daylight, after the animals had been refreshed in sea-water and again turned "on their backs." The results given in Table I. show that light considerably affects the "right- ing" response of the animals. TABLE I. THE "RIGHTING" OF SNAILS ON A HORIZONTAL GLASS PLATE IN DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT FOR FIVE MINUTES (1912). No. of Trials. No. of Ani- mals. Darkness. No. of Ani- mals. Daylight. Righted. Not Righted. Righted. Not Righted. I 10 4 6 10 3 7 I 10 8 2 IO 2 8 I 10 6 4 10 3 7 I IO 5 5 IO 2 8 I IO 6 4 10 3 7 I IO 6 4 10 2 8 I 10 4 6 10 4 6 I 10 4 6 10 2 8 I 10 5 5 IO 3 7 I IO 4 6 IO 2 8 Total. .10 '100 52 or 52% 48 or 48% IOO 26 or 26% 74 or 74% In explanation of this "righting" reaction of the snails, it may not be out of place to refer to Loeb's analysis in the starfish. According to him, the "righting" of the starfish is a stereotropic phenomenon, but not geotropic (10, pp. 64-65). Recently Moore confirms this conclusion through experiments (13, p. 237), while Jennings seems to have been misled in this respect (5, pp. 120- 148). The "righting" of the snails may also be a stereotropic phenomenon, though it makes no difference for the present purpose. In fact, however, as will be seen later, contact stimuli interfere with the snails' reaction to gravity. The main point in GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 63 regard to Preliminary Experiment B is that light is a factor in the behavior of these animals. Preliminary Experiment C. — According to the "mechanical theory" of geotropism, an animal becomes oriented head up because of its heavier posterior region, or it orients itself with its head down, because of its heavier anterior region or head. An experiment was, therefore, made to determine which region of the snails, the anterior or the posterior, was heavier. This was simple. When an individual was placed on a glass plate in sea- water with its dorsal side down, it came out of the shell, and made an "effort" to "right." It was then carefully dropped and watched as it sank, before it retreated into the shell. Every one of them sank with its anterior region up, as expected. The was done also with those individuals which were positive to gravity at a certain angle of inclination. There was, however, no exception. With the same point in mind, empty shells were tested. One of them was fixed by its ventral side on a small square cover glass, with as little glue as possible. At the three corners of the cover glass, fine threads were fastened. The center of gravity was found by suspension to be located somewhere in the posterior region. This was done with a number of shells and the same results were obtained in every case. These results, therefore, agree with the other observations, indicating that the posterior region of the snails is heavier than the anterior region. From the above results, the writer is justified in concluding that the center of gravity of the snails is located in the posterior region; and a possible inference from this conclusion is that the posterior region of the snails has a greater specific gravity than the anterior region. This fact and inference may have a bearing in deciding whether the orientation of the animals against gravity is due to purely physical or mechanical pull. This question will be considered throughout all the following experiments. 2. Experiments to Show the Relation between the Pressure of Gravity and the Precision of Orientation. Experiment A. — Davenport and Perkins asked and answered by experiment: "What relation exists between a variation in the 64 SAKYO KANDA. pressure of gravity and the precision of orientation of the slug?" (2, p. 100). An attempt was made by the writer to determine experimentally the same question for Littorina littorea. The experiments were conducted in sea-water. Light was excluded by means of the cover-box. The results given in Table II. show that the higher the angle the larger is the number showing negative geotropism, and the lower the angle the larger the number of (so-called) positively geotropic animals. TABLE II. GEOTROPISM OF SNAILS AT THE DIFFERENT ANGLES OF INCLINATION OF A GLASS PLATE IN SEA-WATER IN TOTAL DARKNESS. At beginning of experiments each head pointing downward. Table shows re- sults after one minute. — Geotropism. + Geotropism. Temp, of Sea- water. Angles. No. of Trials. No. of Ani- mals. Oriented. Horizontal. Crawled Downward. Did Not Move. No. * No. *• No. *. No. Jfc TolO OTO (^ 102 ~2l V-. Q0° 35 300 300 IOO O O 0 o O 0 i8i°-i8^°C. 78f° 22 2OO 2OO 100 0 O 0 o 0 0 i8j° C. 675° 22 2OO I9O 95 3 1.5 5 2.5 2 I 19 — 19^ ^' S6|° 23 200 180 90 9 5-5 7 3-5 4 2 I9i°-i9i° C. 45° 25 20O 163 81.5 13 6..S 12 6 12 6 I95°-20° C. 33f° 32 2OO 152 76 IS 7-5 16 8 17 8-5 19^-20° C. 22^° 33 20O 130 65 22 n 23 ii-S 25 12.5 20°-2oi° C. iij° 23 2OO no 55 26 13 34 17 30 15 Total. 2IS 1.700 LSII or 80% 07 or <;.7% QO or 8 or 1 8 6 16 or 10.6% Here, again, eleven individuals at the angle of 90° and five at 45° crawled horizontally beneath the surface-film of sea-water. Besides these, six individuals at the angle of 90° and three at 45° "hesitated" at the surface-film when they reached it, and then crawled upward through the film. This constitutes a puzzle for the surface-film theory. But let us see further. Experiment C. — Similar experiments were made in direct sun- light. The glass plate in the aquarium was placed at 45°, which made it parallel to the rays of sunlight as nearly as possible. The outside and bottom of the cylindrical glass aquarium were surrounded by black cloth as already stated; and two sections, a and b (see Fig. 3), separated within by the glass plate, were GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 73 covered above so that the sunlight penetrated parallel to the glass plate and through the open portion, c. So arranged, the intensity and direction of the rays of the sunlight had to affect the reaction of the snails to gravity. Since the animals were negatively heliotropic, it was expected that most of them would crawl downward in this arrangement. Their heads, therefore, were placed upward at beginning, so that definite movements of orientation could be observed. The FIG. 3. results after one minute were as follows: Of 50 animals in 15 trials, 5 or 10 per cent, had crawled upward, all diagonally; 37 or 74 per cent, had crawled downward, 22 of them being well oriented and 15 diagonally; 8 or 16 per cent, crawled horizontally and consequently across the lines of direction both of light and of the effective component of gravity. The predominance of downward movement was no doubt due to the intensity and direction of the sunlight. This point be- comes clearer in the next experiments, but it is clear that the surface-film has nothing to do with such reactions. Experiment D. — With the same point in mind, other experi- ments were made in a similar way, but the animals were placed about 1.5 cm. above the surface of the sea-water. In this case 29 individuals out of 50 oriented themselves downward, and crawled in that direction through the surface-film of sea-water into it. Three crawled horizontally at the surface-film instead of going into the sea-water. 18 or 36 per cent, crawled upward. 74 SAKYO KANDA. 5. The Effect of the Surface-film of Sea-water. The last of this series was planned in a little different way from the above, entirely excluding light. As a preliminary test, the snails were placed on the glass plate at the angle of 56^° in the aquarium, which was half filled with sea-water. When those crawling upward reached the surface- film of sea-water and "hesitated," as Haseman calls it, beneath the film, the whole arrangement was covered with the dark box. Ten seconds later, the box was removed for observation. Nearly all that had "hesitated" at the film, were found to have crawled upward through the film.1 Certain individuals at that time had already crawled upward as high as 3 cm. from the film, some 2 cm., and others were just above the film. This experiment was repeated several times and these results were readily demon- strable. Judging from the results, the animals did not seem to have "hesitated" long, after the light was excluded. The "hesitation" of the snails at the surface of sea- water seems to the writer to be due chiefly to the effect of light instead of to action of the surface-film of sea-water. This point also becomes evident after further consideration. Quantitative experiments were conducted as indicated above. The results are tabulated in Table VII. and show rather compli- cated conditions. TABLE VII. GEOTROPISM OF SNAILS AT THE DIFFERENT ANGLES OF INCLINATION OF A GLASS PLATE IN AND OUT OF SEA-WATER IN TOTAL DARKNESS. At beginning of experiment each head placed pointing downward. results after one minute and after another half minute. Table shows Temperature of Sea- water. in V be _rt H "o o No. of Animals. — Geotropism + Geo- tro- pism. Crawled Horizon- tally in Sea-water. A. After One Minute. 5. After Another Half-minute. |, u 0 . * > £ a Stopped lust Under U u • <5-5 Crawling up in Sea-water. " U 3 u hi C'S i ^ rt u ho jj 1^ -^ rj H ZZ H U £ No. $ No. * No. « No. No. No. No. No. 22° C. 2l\° C. 2\\° C. 90° 45°iQ 12 14 II 50 50 50 26 23 I 52 46 2 18 II 13 36 22 26 6 6 5 12 12 IO 18 14 II 4 2 8 4 i 5 O 3 21 O 5 IO Total 37 ISO I'OQ or 72% 67 24 15 1 They change their "minds" very rapidly! GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 75 "B" covers the activity of those animals which were still below the surface at the end of one minute. After the first minute, twenty-six individuals at the angle of 90°, twenty-three at 45°, and one at nJ/±° were found to have crawled upward through the surface-film of sea-water. Eighteen individuals at the angle of 90°, eleven at 45° and thirteen at 11%° were just beneath the film of sea- water. And after another half- minute, sixteen individuals at the angle of 90° out of the eighteen, which were beneath the film of sea-water at the end of one minute, nine at 45° out of the eleven, ten at n%° out of the thirteen, and one at the same angle which was crawling horizontally at the end of one minute, had crawled upward through the film of sea- water. This is significant. At the time of second observation, also, at the angle of 90° two individuals out of six, which were crawling upward in sea-water at the end of one minute, at 45° five out of six, and at il%° one out of ten which were crawling horizontally at the end of one minute, had crawled upward through the film. But at the angle of 90° two individuals out of eighteen which wTere beneath the film at the end of the first period, at 45° two out of eleven, and at n%° three out of thirteen, that is, only seven individuals altogether out of 150, still remained beneath the film even at the end of the second period. This is decidedly contrary to the surface-film theory. And at the angle of 90° two individuals out of six, which were crawling upward in sea- water at the end of the first period, at u%° four out of five, and at the same angle one which crawled downward in the first period, were beneath the film at the end of the second period. Referring again to the observation of Haseman that "during a falling tide, some snails are crawling down beneath the surface, some with the surface, and some above the surface" (4, p. 120), and which Haseman claims is "due to the action of the film of water," but not "to either geotropism or phototaxis," the writer is inclined to draw the conclusion based on the results of the series of the experiments above, that the movements of the snails in question are not due, directly, if at all, "to the action of the film of water," but to geotropism and heliotropism. In nature, especially in the daytime when the sun is shining, a considerable part would be played by heliotropism, as Mitsukuri already observed. 76 SAKYO KANDA. Furthermore, in the above experiment, even the seven individ- uals, that still remained beneath the film at the end of the second period, and whose failure to penetrate the film seems to favor the surface-film action theory, may be considered in a different way. The effect of light having been excluded, their failure to emerge might be due to the susceptibility of these individuals to buoyancy when they had to crawl out of sea-water. This must be taken into consideration as has been shown. It might also in com- bination with the effect of light explain the behavior of those animals that crawled horizontally beneath the film, or that "hesitated" there, as shown in a number of the preceding tables. Whatever may be the explanation and even if one attributes the slight hesitation to the film itself, it is evident that it has very little effect in determining the total behavior of the animals. 6. The Effect of Chemicals. Besides the above experiments, attempts were made to control the negative geotropism of the snails by chemicals, especially by salts and acids. But all were unsuccessful, except possibly an alcohol experiment. Five snails were placed in a finger bowl containing 100 or 150 c.c. sea- water, to which about 10 c.c. of 95 per cent, alcohol were added without stirring. The finger bowl was shaded. The animals crawled upward on the vertical wall of the bowl, but as soon as they reached the upper layers they turned round, and crawled downward. The negative geotropism was thus apparently reversed. But if the alcohol and sea-water were well mixed by stirring, the reversal was not definite and the experiment was not followed further. IV. DISCUSSION. That Littorina littorea is negatively heliotropic was first shown by Bohn (i), and this fact has been confirmed by the present writer. Morse, however, has published puzzling conclusions from his observations on this species. He states: "During the days of June, they were, as a rule, negatively phototactic, and as night approached, they became positively phototactic. However after July 18, the preponderance of positive phototataxis during the day was very noticeable. This period of transition corre- GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 77 sponded to the time of change from spring to neap tide, during which the specimens out on the rocks were exhibiting a corre- sponding change in phototaxis, for the water did not reach them; their behavior tallied with the description of Mitsukuri, who showed that when desiccated, periwinkles became positively phototactic, and when wet, turned negatively phototactic" (14, P- H5)-1 Unfortunately, Morse has given no description of his methods of experimentation. But, judging from his statements, he has entirely overlooked the effect of gravity on the animal, as Mit- sukuri did. Was not the supposed "positive phototaxis" "after July 18" really an effect of gravity? Littorina littorea does not, in the writer's opinion, crawl upward "on the rocks" on account of positive heliotropism, but on account of negative geotropism and in spite of negative heliotropism, which is the unmistakable reaction of the animal to light. Negative heliotropism in the animal is demonstrable even at "night," if the experiment is conducted on a horizontal surface, and if there is any source of light present. The writer believes that Morse's statement that "as night approached, they became positively phototactic" is incorrect. What really happens is this: As the light stimulus diminishes, the gravity stimulus becomes preponderant and the animals are controlled by their negative geotropism. Frandsen, as already stated, proposes two factors for the de- termination of geotropism in the slug. The second will be con- sidered first. "All the conditions being the same,"1 he says, "it is this factor (the relative proportions of the length of the anterior and the posterior regions of the animal's body) which 'determines whether the head end will be directed up or down.' If the ratio of the length of anterior to posterior region of body is 2 : 3, or more, and the mucus is of good quality and sufficient quantity, the slug will be positively geotactic. If the ratio is 3 : 5, or less, the animal will usually migrate upward, and the nearer the ratio approaches I : 2 the more apt is the slug to respond nega- tively. . . . All slugs have a natural tendency to move towards the earth. This tendency is masked in the animals which are negatively geotactic on a glass plate by the greater pull of gravity 1 Italics not in the original. 78 SAKYO KANDA. on the disproportionately larger and heavier posterior region of the animal" (3, p. 205). Judging from these statements, the center of gravity must lie somewhere in the posterior region of the animal's body. In other words, the posterior region is heavier than the anterior. According to Frandsen, the negative geotropism of the animal "on an inclined glass plate," however, is not due to the heaviness of the posterior region, but to "the relative proportions of the length of the anterior and the posterior regions of the animal's body." In short, Frandsen's idea may be expressed thus: The longer (and heavier?) posterior region being pulled by the con- stant force of gravity, the slug becomes positive to it at the minimal resistance in favor of the ratio above mentioned; on the other hand, it becomes negative at the maximal in disfavor of the ratio. In the latter sense, the "resistance theory," of course, approaches the "mechanical theory." As pointed out before, this seems to be fairly supported by the results obtained by the writer, which were given in Tables II., III. and IV. This explanation is, however, focused to a limited group of facts; because the snail becomes negative to gravity on the nearly horizontal surface of a glass plate, where the minimal resistance should be expected. This fact is opposed to Frandsen's conclusion. Furthermore, as has already been shown, many snails on the dry wooden plate at the angle of 90° of inclination oriented themselves downward and crawled in that direction, even though in so doing, they met a great mechanical difficulty on account of the heavier posterior region. If the mechanical theory of Frandsen is true, they were under the most favorable conditions for crawling upward instead of downward. This was not, however, the case. Was this because of the first factor of Frandsen, that is, "the quantity and quality of the slime se- creted" (3, p. 205). The second factor in question is by no means separable from the first. Both go together. To make Frand- sen's statement clearer, therefore, it may be expressed as follows: 'The relative proportions of the length of the anterior and the posterior regions of the animal's body" "being the same, it is this factor," that is, "the quantity and quality of the slime se- creted," "which determines whether the head end will be directed GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 79 up or down." It is fair to examine the table (V.) which is given by Frandsen based on his results. Take the animal No. "13," on which the series of observations, "a" and "£" were made. The condition of the animal was "active" in series "a" and also in series "6," that is, it was under the "same" condition. Being the same individual, theoretically there was no difference in the "ratio." Nevertheless, Frandsen obtained different results in "a" from "6." Moreover, he shows different results in the same individual under the same condition and in the same series of observations, "a" or "6." This is more striking in the animal No. "23," on which the series of observations, "a," "&," "c" and "d," were made under the same condition, "good." But he obtained 64.2 per cent, of negative geotropism in series "a," 62.5 per cent, in the "b," 100 per cent, in the "c," and 100 per cent, in the "d." In other words, the same individual under the same condition was, at least, 35.7 per cent, positive in "a," 37.4 per cent, in "&," and o percent, in "c" and "d." This kind of variation is also found in the animals Nos. "8," "24," "25" and "27." If so, "all the conditions being the same," it is not entirely the first factor, nor the second, "which 'determines whether the head end will be directed up or down,' ' but there must be something else besides these two factors, which makes the response variable. Frandsen does not seem, therefore, to be justified even by his experimental data in his conclusions. And strictly speaking, the so-called mechanical theory of geotropism seems to the writer to be misleading in any case, because it is not a living response to stimulus but a purely mechanical one which would be seen as well in the dead organism, if it could be moved. This is no tropism at all. In this respect, therefore, the writer is inclined to take Daven- port and Perkins's conclusion into consideration, as, at least, one of the factors, that is, "some internal condition of the individual." Without this "internal," or physiological, factor, it is difficult to explain why geotropism varies in the different individuals and also in the same individual at the different angles of inclination of the same support and the same angle of inclination of different supports. Haseman's conclusions demand close consideration on several 8o SAKYO KAXDA. points. Haseman states: "Even more interesting is the fact that when, with a vertical surface, a stone, upon which snails were crawling at random, was raised out of the sea, the snails always followed the vanishing film of water even when the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of 180°. In this case, the rotation of the vertical surface would reverse the direction of motion of the film of water and the snails would at once turn around and follow it. But if most of the water was previously removed from the surface of the stone, in order that the film might entirely disappear before the snails (which were crawling downward in the direction of the vanishing film) had reached the lower surface and if, as the film was drying up, the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of 180°, the snails continued to crawl for some time in the direction in which they had started. In other words, the snails crawled upward instead of downward. They continued to crawl thus until the rough surface, food and moisture either deflected or stopped their movements. In the above experiment, the mere turning of the moist but filmless surface through an angle of 180° does not seem adequate to reverse at once the reaction to gravity and light, if either of these have a direct influence on the rhythmical movements of Littorina" (4, p. 116). Certainly this is not a simple matter. In the first phase, Haseman does not state, where "the above experiment" was conducted, what condition of sunlight or diffuse daylight, there was, and if the experiment was in sunlight, in what direction the rays were falling and so on. His description as well as ex- periment is not at all accurate. Judging from the above descrip- tion, however, he seems to have conducted the experiment "in nature," and so in sunlight. If so and if the sun were fairly above, it is small wonder that 'Svhen the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of 180°," thus rotating the motion of the film of water, " the snails would at once turnaround and follow >ince the snails are negative to light, as has been shown. In i In- case of Haseman where the film was reversed, in which "the vertical surface was rotated through an angle of 180°," and "the snails continued to < r,i\vl for some time in the direction (upward) in \\liieli they had st. tried," another explanation is possible. The GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 8l snails being negatively geotropic, the direction and intensity of sunlight were not at the time of this experiment presumably in favor of the reversal of negative geotropism. Therefore, "the snails continued to crawl" "upward instead of downward." This is, of course, reasoned upon the results which were obtained by the writer. At any rate, Haseman seems not to have checked the counteracting forces of gravity and light and consequently all his experiments are unreliable. One afternoon from four to six o'clock, Dr. Irving A. Field and the writer made special observations of tidal (rising) influence upon the snails at the south shore of Ram Island. The animals were found in large numbers covering a pair of long square beams which formed an inclined railway. These beams presented both vertical and sloping surfaces. In this vicinity there were also rocks and stones of various shapes, their surfaces sloping at many different angles on which numerous snails — oriented with their heads upward — were exposed in dim sunlight. When the tide rose higher and higher with no waves and reached to the areas where the animals had been exposed so long that their outer surfaces were completely dried, nearly all of them, if not the entire number, gradually turned head downward and crawled in that direction; some of them moved downward several inches from the original spots, while some others moved about "at random" as if they were seeking food; and still others turned downward when the surface-film of sea-water came in contact with them, while many did so after the surface-film had passed over them to the extent of 0.5 or i cm., more or less. If the snails follow "the direction of motion of the film of water," and also, if light has no influence on the rhythmical movements of Littorina, as Haseman claims, why did not the snails "crawl upward instead of downward"? Thus considered, it becomes evident that Haseman's observation, or experiment, was not accurate, while Mitsukuri's is, in this respect, confirmed by the writer. It is very strange to note that Haseman has no notion of the influence of gravity on the snails, although he has observed phe- nomena which would naturally remind one of it. "When individuals are left high and dry on vertical surfaces during low 82 SAKYO KANDA. tide," he says, "they come to rest 'directed upward,' i. e., with their heads toward the sky. This is true for all sides of the stones and is obviously due to the shape of the apertures of the shells which makes it far easier for exposed individuals to cling thus to vertical surfaces" (4, p. 117). How does he know that "the shape of the aperture of the shells" makes it easier to cling to vertical surfaces? Is it not rather true that the natural tendency of negative geotropism of the snails, favored by the heavier posterior region of the shells instead of the shape of the aperture, "makes it far easier for exposed individuals to cling thus to vertical surfaces"? This sounds more reasonable and nearer to the fact than Haseman's supposition. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. 1. Littorina littorea crawls up the vertical (inside) wall of a beaker in a dark aquarium, though the sea-water be better sup- plied with oxygen at the bottom than at the top. It is negatively geotropic. 2. This snail is negatively heliotropic. 3. The posterior region of the snail has a greater specific gravity than the anterior region. 4. In sea-water, the larger the angle of inclination (to the horizontal) of the surface on which the animals move the larger is the number of negatively geotropic animals; and the smaller the angle of inclination, the larger the number of animals which move downward and are perhaps positively geotropic. 5. In the air, the number of animals showing negative geo- tropism is always higher than that in the sea-water. 6. On a ground glass plate, the animals are less negatively geotropic than on a plain glass plate. 7. On a dry plain glass plate, a number of individuals oriented positively and crawled downward even at the angle of 90° (ver- tical) though this never happens on the moist plate. This is more striking on a dry wooden plate. 8. When the animals are placed with their heads down on a dry wooden plate, the highest percentage of positive geotropism is obtained. 9. The snails "hesitate" at the surface-film of sea-water, when light is not excluded. GEOTROPISM OF THE MARINE SNAIL, LITTORINA LITTOREA. 83 10. In the direct sunlight, the snails are apparently more positively geotropic than in darkness, due to the fact that they are negatively heliotropic. 11. In the direct sunlight, 58 per cent, of the animals orient themselves head downward and crawl in that direction through the surface-film of sea-water into it. 12. In darkness, the snails, which "hesitated" at the surface- film of sea-water in the daylight, crawl upward through the film. 13. From the experimental results which the writer has ob- tained, he concludes that neither the mechanical theory, nor the pressure theory, nor the resistance theory is adequate to explain the phenomenon of the negative geotropism of Littorina littorea but a physiological one, that is, the statocyst or statolith theory. This theory is the more likely since these snails have statoliths (17, pp. 119-120). The writer, however, has no direct evidence, at present, in favor of the statolith theory. He is led to accept it largely by the method of exclusion. Furthermore evidence from many sides based on the experiments of the writer causes him to conclude that the surface-film theory is also not correct. In conclusion, the writer wishes here to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professors Walter E. Garrey, Ralph S. Lillie, and Elias P. Lyon, for their valuable suggestions and criticism on his experiments at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., during the summers of 1912 and 1913. His thanks are also due to Professor Frank R. Lillie for the privileges of the Laboratory and to Professor Lyon for criticism and suggestions in the preparation of manuscript. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Bohn, Georges. '05 Attractions et Oscillations des animaux marins sous 1'influence de la lumere. Bull. d. FInst. gener. d. Psychol., pp. 171-181. 2. Davenport, C. B. and Perkins, Helen. '97 A Contribution to the Study of Geotaxis in the Higher Animals. Jour, of Physiol., Vol. 22, pp. 99-110. 3. Frandsen, Peter. '01 Studies on the Reactions of Limax maximus to Directive Stimuli. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. 37, pp. 185-227. 4. Haseman, J. D. 'n The Rhythmical Movements of Littorina littorea Synchronous with Ocean Tides. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 21, pp. 113-121. 84 SAKYO KANDA. 5. Jennings, H. S. '07 Behavior of the Starfish Asterias forreri de Lorriol. Physiol. Publ. of the University of Calif., Vol. 4, 1907, pp. 53-185. 6. Kanda, Sakyo. '14 On the Geotropism of Paramoecium and Spirostomum. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 26, pp. 1-24. 7. Lillie, Ralph S. '12 The Physiological Significance of the Segmented Structure of the Striated Muscle Fiber. Science, N. S., Vol. 36, pp. 247-255. 8. Loeb, Jacques. '88 Die Orientirung der Thiere gegen die Schwerkraft der Erde. (Thi- erischer Geotropismus.) Sitz.-ber. Wiirzburg Physiol. -med. Gesell. s. 5-10. 9. Loeb, Jacques. '97 Zur Theorie der physiologischen Licht und Schwerkraftwirkungen. Archiv. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. 66, s. 439-466. 10. Loeb, Jacques. 'oo Comparative Physiology of the Brain and Comparative Psychology. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, x +309 p. it. Lyon, E. P. '05 On the Theory of Geotropism in Paramoecium. Am. Jour. Physiol., Vol. 14, pp. 421-432. 12. Mitsukuri, K. '01 Negative Phototaxis and Other Properties of Littorina as Factors in Determining its Habitat. Annotationes Zoologicse Japonensis, Vol. 4, Pt. I., pp. 1-19. 13. Moore, A. R. '10 On the Righting Movements of the Starfish. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 19, pp. 235-239. 14. Morse, Max Withrow. '10 Alleged Rhythm in Phototaxis with Ocean Tides. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., Vol. 7, pp. 145-146. 15. Parker, George H. 'n The Mechanism of Locomotion in Gastropods. Jour. Morphology, Vol. 22, pp. 155-170. 1 6. Parker, G. H. and Parshley, H. M. 'n The Reactions of Earthworms to Dry and to Moist Surfaces. Jour, of Ex. Zool., Vol. II, pp. 361—363. 17. Pelseneer, Paul. '06 A Treatise on Zoology. Pt. 5. London, Adam and Charles Black, 355 P- 18. Prentiss, C. W. '01 The Otocyst of Decapod Crustacea: its Structure, Development, and Functions. Bull, of Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. 36, pp. 165-251. THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS.1 SAKYO KANDA. CONTENTS. I. Introductory 85 II. Materials 86 III. Experimental 87 1. Heliotropism of Physa gyrina Say 87 2. Geotropism of Physa and Other Species, with the Lung Empty and with the Lung Filled with Air 88 (a) Observations on Physa 88 (6) Observations on Planorbis and Limnaa 89 3. Geotropism of Physa with Lung Empty and Filled with Air, in Pres- ence of Food 92 4. Geotropism of Physa at the Different Angles of Inclination of the Supports in the Air and in Total Darkness 92" (a) Experiments with a Plain Glass Plate 92 (6) Experiments with a Ground Glass Plate 94 5. Summation of Gravity and Light Stimuli 95 IV. Summary and Conclusion 96 V. Bibliography 97 I. INTRODUCTORY. Walter (10) and Dawson (2) have investigated the geotropic reactions of Physa and other freshwater snails in connection with their respiratory phenomena. However, their observations do not agree on certain points. Walter (10, p. 26) and Dawson (2, p. 93) agree with each other that freshwater snails are nega- tively geotropic, "when their lungs are empty." The snails being air-breathing forms, it is, of course, necessary for them to crawl up to the surface of water for their air supply, "although their specific gravity is meanwhile gradually increasing through exhaustion of the air," as Walter expresses it. For this upward crawling, the pull of gravity would be expected to act as a "directive force." Walter and Dawson, however, depart from each other when they come to consider positive geotropism in these snails. The former states that, "after filling the lung with air, they are 1 From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Minnesota, Minnea- polis. 8.5 86 SAKYO KANDA. positively geotropic," so that "they tend to climb down." The latter, on the other hand, states that when the snails "have suf- ficient air they become indifferent to gravity and crawl in all directions." Moreover, they do not agree concerning the behavior of the snails from which "the air supply is cut off." According to Walter, "after reaching the highest point in the flask," which was in an inverted position in water, "and finding themselves unable to renew their supply, their ordinary behavior, to which there were some exceptions, was to let go and drop like dead weights " (10, p. 27). Dawson denies this statement of Walter as follows: "Physa, after they have been denied atmospheric air for some time, manifest indifference to the influence of gravity, and scatter over the sides and bottom of the bottle. They have never been observed to let go and drop like dead weights upon being denied atmospheric air" (2, pp. 104, 105). In this paper an attempt has been made to compare certain experimental results obtained by the writer with those of his predecessors. A comparison is also made with other results obtained by the writer with marine snails. The experimental work was done in the physiological labora- tory of the University of Minnesota, under the direction of Professor E. P. Lyon, during the academic year of 1913-1914, while the writer was holding a Shevlin Fellowship. The writer •expresses his appreciation of the interest and suggestions of Professor Lyon throughout the course of the work. To Professor John M. Holzinger, the principal of the State Normal School of Winona, Minn., the writer acknowledges indebtedness for the identification of the forms experimented upon. II. MATERIALS. Common freshwater snails, Physa gyrina Say, Planorbis trivolvis, Limn&a stagnalis, and Limncea Columella, were used for the work. The snails were kept in glass aquaria together with green algae. They seemed to be perfectly healthy, and were observed to grow. THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. III. EXPERIMENTAL. To study the behavior of an animal it is always necessary to discriminate the* force under consideration as much as possible from other forces which may act simultaneously with it, favorably or antagonistically. Oxygen for pulmonate animals such as Physa is, of course, very important. That food is another factor in determining behavior of living animals need hardly be men- tioned. Contact stimuli must also be considered. Light is often important. These with gravity are the chief forces which should be borne in mind. The effect of the force of gravity on Physa and others is the problem with which this paper is chiefly concerned. But in considering this the other forces just mentioned must also be considered. Light especially must be taken into account. /. Heliotropism of Physa gyrina Say. Walter (10, pp. 23-24) has experimentally shown that Physa primeana Tyron and others are generally negatively heliotropic. A series of experiments was made with Physa gyrina Say to compare results with the results obtained by Walter. The experiments were conducted as follows: Five selected individuals were placed on a smooth glass plate with their anterior ends facing direct sunlight. The surface of the plate was carefully moistened. During experiments the angle of the rays of sunlight was about 22.5°. The glass plate was horizontally placed in air. TABLE I. HELIOTROPISM OF Physa ON A HORIZONTAL MOIST GLASS PLATE IN AIR AT THE ANGLE OF 22.5° OF THE RAYS OF SUNLIGHT. Table shows results after one minute. Feb. 14, 1914, 9:30 A. M. Tempera- ture, 22° C. No. of Animals. No. of Trials. — Heliotropism. + Heliotropism. Horizontally Crawled. No. 1°- No. $. No. j6. I 20 20 IOO O O O o 2 20 2O IOO 0 O 0 o 3 2O 20 IOO O O 0 o 4 5 20 20 10 4 50 20 4 16 20 80 6 o 30 0 Total 5 IOO 74 or 74% 20 or 20% 6 or 6% SAKYO KANDA. The results, given in Table I. confirm Walter's conclusion. However, there are marked individual differences. Number 5, for instance, was exceptionally positive to light, while Numbers I , 2, and 3 were always negative. Nevertheless, 74 per cent, were negative to light, and only 20 per cent, positive. From these results, the conclusion may be drawn that Physa gyrina Say is generally negatively heliotropic. Dawson (2, pp. 60-61), on the other hand, has observed that darkness interferes with the activity of Pliysa. The writer's observations seem to be in accord with Dawson's. Five of the individuals above mentioned were kept in water under frequent observation one afternoon (from 2.40-4 P. M.) in darkness. Three of them were observed to crawl to the surface and then down again only two or three times; and two of them only once during the period, one 55 minutes and the other 70 minutes after being covered. The rest of the time they did not move at all. 2. Geotropism of Physa and Other Species, with the Lung Empty and with the Lung Filled with Air. As already mentioned, Walter and Dawson disagree on their observations concerning positive geotropism in Physa and other species after the air supply is cut off. Neither has, however, furnished the quantitative evidence from which the conclusion was drawn. The writer, therefore, has made some quantitative observations on this point. (a) Observations on Physa. — Five selected individuals of Physa were placed in a beaker containing about 300 c.c. of water. The beaker, which had vertical sides and a horizontal bottom, was placed as near as possible in optimum daylight. The water which was used for this purpose was taken from the dish in which Physa were kept, and was filtered when necessary. The following observations have two aspects, (i) response of Physa to gravity, when the lung is empty, and (2) when the lung is full of air. The results are given in Table II. The negative geotropism of Physa, when its lung is empty, is precise and marked. It is impossible to mistake it. It is also evident, on the other hand, that the positive geotropism of the animal after filling the lung, though not as precise as the negative THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. 89 geotropism observed when the lung is empty, is predominant in the majority of cases, that is, in over 90 per cent. Cases of "indifference" to gravity numbered less than 10 per cent. That Physa should become positive to gravity after taking in air supply seems to the writer to be quite natural, since the animal is primarily positively geotropic as will be shown later. More- over, it is worth mention that each individual occasionally showed a peculiar "habit." It crawled up as usual, turned downward when it had reached the surface, arid crawled down, making no effort to get air. The number of observations of this phenomenon for each individual is given for reference in Table II. in the second horizontal column and indicated by a star. TABLE II. GEOTROPISM OF Physa AT THE ANGLE OF 90° OF INCLINATION OF A SUPPORT IN WATER, AFTER ANIMALS HAVE TAKEN AIR IN THE "LUNG-SAC." £ -r Geotropism. " Indifferent to Gravity" (?) "S *c5 o Dates. "s P. H o I Vertically or almost Ver- tically Ori- ented Down- Diagonally Oriented Downward Horizontally Oriented and Irregularly Crawled. Crawled on the Surface- Film of V H o < ward and Crawled. and Crawled. Crawled. Water. 18 i 7 3 2 I I . .§ i* 3 I 0 O O <5 § < 2 6 5 O O I 10 o 15 2* 3 0 O O O O 1O *"* 1 1 10 U 3 5 i o I 0 O IO CO 1 N. 6 o ON 1 1 3* 4 o a o o ro CO H t^ OO H 4 8 o o o o N N CO 1 1 4* I 2 0 o o d d d A) OJ QJ PPP 5 13 0 o o I 19 5* 5 O o o o 74 5 67 or 90.5% 7 or 9.4% Observations on Planorbis and Limnaea. — With single individuals of these genera, the same tests as above were made and still more conclusive results were obtained. Since these snails were comparatively large forms, they were favorable for observation. If they were dislodged they fell to the bottom, provided their lungs were "relatively empty." If the lungs on the contrary were full of air, dislodged snails floated on the surface SAKYO KANDA. of water. The same was true in the case of Physa. But with this species, as has been already pointed out, it was impossible to exclude light in the experiments because it was inactive in darkness. Consequently the negative heliotropism tended to blur the geotropism. This disadvantage was entirely removed in Planorbis and Limncea, because these forms wTere active even in total darkness. Observation I : Planorbis trivolvis was put in the 6oo-c.c. beaker full of water. It either floated or sank, depending on the con- dition of its lung as above mentioned. If it floated, i. e., was lighter than water, observation on positive geotropism was made; if it sank, i. e., was heavier than water, observation on negative geotropism was made. Either event, therefore, was useful. At about two-minute intervals, the snail was dislodged by a test- tube cleaner, and then was covered by a dark-box. The results are given in Table III. TABLE III. Geotropism of Planorbis trh'oh'is on a Vertical Side of a Beakei Full of Water in Total Dark- ness When it Was Lighter than the Water. Table Shows Results Within Two Minutes. Geotropism of Planorbis trh'oh'is on a Vertical Side of a Beaker Full of Water in Total Dark- ness When it Was Heavier than the Water. Table J-hows Results After Two Minutes. Temp, of Water. No. of Trials. -f Geotropism. Temp, of Water. No. of Trials. — Geotropism. No. *• No. %. 19° C. 30 30 IOO IQ° C. IO ' IO IOO Discussion is hardly needed. A hundred per cent, in both positive and negative geotropisms was obtained. The orientation of positive geotropism in this snail was just as precise as that of negative geotropism. Observation 2 : In the same manner as above, Limncea stagnalis was observed in total darkness. The results are given in Table IV. TABLE IV. Geotropism of Limniea stagnalis on a Vertical Side of a Beaker of Water in Total Darkness When it Was Lighter than Water. Table Shows Results After Two Minutes. Geotropism of Limna-a siagnalis on a Vertical Side of a Beaker of Water in Total Darkness When it Was Heavier than Water. Table Shows Results After Two Minutes. Temp, of Water. No. of Trials. + Geotropism. Did Not Move. Temp, of Water. No. of Trials. — Geotropism. No. i,. No. • i. 19° C. 35 24 68.5 II or 31-4% 19° C. 25 25 IOO THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. QI As may be seen from the table, the snail did not respond eleven times out of thirty-five trials, when it was lighter than water. This means that it was still floating when the complete two- minute interval was over. The failure of response to gravity in these cases need not be interpreted as "indifference " to gravity, because it was often observed that the snail had opened its air cavity at the time of observation. Evidently it was taking in more air. The geotropic response failed, therefore, because the lung was not full of air. All internal conditions being equal, the snail tends to crawl down, if its lung is full of air. If it crawled downward, it crawled vertically, orienting itself with its anterior end accurately in that direction. Observation 3: Limncea columella, again, when lighter than water, failed to respond to gravity nearly half the time, as Table V. has shown. TABLE V. Geotropism of Limncea columella on a Vertical Side of a Beaker Full of Water in Total Darkness. When it was Lighter than the Water. Table Shows Results After Two Minutes. Temp, of Water. No. of Trials. + Geotropism. Did Not Move. No. t 19° C 35 18 51-4 17 or 48.5% Only a limited number of observations could be made at a sitting, as the animals ceased to respond at all. This was probably a fatigue effect. It was observed three or four times that the snail crawled down with its shell in a horizontal position ; and two or three times with the anterior end of its shell pointed up. It thus crawled down even against mechanical disadvantage. The writer was unable to obtain satisfactory observations on this snail's negative geotropism. It crawled up to the surface for air. But when it was subjected to experimentation, it retreated into its shell and did not readily come out. The writer by the above observations confirms Walter's con- clusion regarding the effect of taking air on the geotropism of Physa and other species. 92 SAKYO KANDA. 3. Geotropism of Physa with Lung Empty and Filled with Air, in Presence of Food. Food being one of the strongest of forces in determining behavior, it was thought advisable to observe its effect on Physa. Green algae were carefully placed on the bottom of the beaker in which there were five selected individuals of Physa. It was surprising to find that with food present Physa seldom crawled up to the surface for the air supply. After obtaining air moreover most of them crawled down just as precisely as they crawled up. It must also be added that they were not in a starving condition previous to these experiments. It should be remembered, however, that in this case three forces, that is to say, (i) light, to which Physa is negative, (2) gravity, to which it is positive after taking in air, and (3) food, to which it is presumably positive, were here combined. The result of the combination of these three forces is the acceler- ation of positive geotropism. Negative geotropism, on the other hand, is retarded, even though it is very important for the air supply. 4. Geotropism of Physa at the Different Angles of Inclination of the Supports in the Air and in Total Darkness. Imagining that negative and positive geotropisms of Physa and others are due only to respiratory phenomena, Walter claims that "so far as gravity alone is concerned, they should show no response at all" (10, p. 26). According to Dawson, geotropism (negative) is only possible "when their lungs are empty, but when they have sufficient air they become indifferent to gravity and crawl in all directions" (2, p. 93). In a certain sense, therefore, Walter and Dawson agree on this point. This contention will be experimentally examined in this section. (a) Experiments with a Plain Glass Plate. — After a few trials it was found that Physa was positively geotropic even at a slight inclination of a plain glass plate in the air and in total darkness. The following method of experimentation was therefore adopted. The well-moistened glass plate being held slightly inclined, the animal was placed upon it with its head down. When five se- lected individuals had been so placed, the plate was reversed, THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. 93 and was placed on a "rack" specially made for angle determina- tion. The whole arrangement was covered as soon as possible with a dark box. Curiously enough, darkness seemed not to interfere very much with Physa s activity, if the experiment was conducted in the air, though it did interfere in water, as already shown. Physa oriented itself in the line of the force of gravity and crawled in that direction. The relative weight of Physa is about a thousand times as great in the air as in the water. This probably made a difference in its activity in the air even in total darkness. The results given in Table VI. show that from the angle of io%° of inclination to that of 563/4°, positive geotropism in- creases as the degree of the angle increases. It should be added that this was not because the lung was full of air. On the con- trary, about two thirds of these positive animals sank, when they were tested in water. This means that their lungs were empty. Negative geotropism and horizontal crawling, on the other hand, decrease in reverse proportion as the angle of inclination is increased. This was not because the lung was empty. On the contrary, about half of these negative animals floated, when they were tested in water. But there was a limit to the degree of inclination of the support, beyond which Physa could not actively move on the plain glass plate on account of the force of gravity. This is significant. At the angle of 67^° positive geotropism suddenly decreases, and negative geotropism and horizontal crawling increase. Gravity, of course, is constant and always exerted vertically. But the effective force exerted on the animals depends upon the inclina- tion of the surface on which the animals crawl. The exertion required to enable the animals to move on a horizontal surface is least; that required on a vertical surface is greatest. At the angle of 67^°, therefore, the effective force of gravity was so great that some individuals of Physa could not actively move against it (in air). An apparent increase of negative geotropism, therefore, was the result. This becomes clear, when one con- siders the failure of the experiments at the angle of 78^°, which was due to the fact that nearly all the animals passively slid down the plate, mostly with their heads up. The optimum inclination 94 SAKYO KANDA. seems to be about 56°. The inference may be made that positive geotropism in Physa is an active process, and that negative geo- tropism, on the other hand, is due largely, though not entirely, to "passive orientation." The so called mechanical theory of geotropism, however, can not be applied even in the case of negative geotropism. This is obvious when one remembers that Physa becomes negative to gravity when "its lung is empty," even though its specific gravity is less than that of water; and positive when its lung is full of air, even though its specific gravity is greater than that of water. The essential factors, therefore, which determine the geotropic orientation, either positive or negative, of Physa seem to be internal, that is, physiological ones (cf. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 in the bibliography). TABLE VI. GEOTROPISM OF Physa AT THE DIFFERENT ANGLES OF INCLINATION OF A SMOOTH GLASS PLATE IN THE AIR IN TOTAL DARKNESS. At beginning of experiments, each head placed upward. Table shows results after one minute. -+- Geotropism. — Geotropism. Temp, of Room. Angles. No. of Trials. No. of Ani- mals. Oriented and Crawled Down- ward. Crawled Up- ward. Horizontally Crawled. No. * No. f No. 4 20.5° C 67-5° 5 SO 2Q 58 II 22 10 20 20.5° C 56 M° 5 50 47 94 I 2 2 4 20.5° C 45° 5 50 4i 82 6 12 3 6 20.5° C 33X° 5 50 35 70 ii 22 4 8 20.5° C 22^° 5 50 3i 62 12 24 7 14 20.5° C nM° 5 50 30 60 II 22 9 18 Total 30 300 213 or 71% 52 or 19.3% 35 or n.6% From the above results the writer thinks that both Walter and Dawson overlooked the fact that Physa is naturally positively geotropic. (b) Experiments with a Ground-Glass Plate. — Contact stimuli, as stated, affect the behavior of animals. Supposedly it might affect the geotropism of Physa. The same methods were used here as in the above. The results given in Table VII. show a fair agreement with the above supposition. THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. 95 TABLE VII. GEOTROPISM OF Physa AT THE DIFFERENT ANGLES OF INCLINATION OF A GROUND GLASS PLATE IN AIR IN TOTAL DARKNESS. At beginning of experiment each head placed upward. Table shows results after one minute. + Geotropism. — Geotropism. Not c/1 <*- — Oriented and Crawled Up Not Crawled. Moved. S 5 bJQ C "o o.S £ c Crawled Down. Quite Vertical. H ' 0 fc No. t. No. t. No. Jfc No. jf. go0 10 SO 38 76 O 0 5 IO 7 14 78^° 10 50 41 82 I 2 5 10 3 6 67 M° IO 50 41 82 3 6 i 2 5 IO U 56^° 10 50 37 74 5 IO 2 4 6 12 o O 45° 5 50 35 70 2 4 5 IO 8 16 cs 33 H° 5 50 32 64 3 6 8 16 7 14 5 50 28 56 5 10 4 8 13 26 nM° 5 50 24 48 ii 22 ii 22 4 8 Total 60 400 276 or 69% 30 or 7.5% 41 or 10% 53 or 13.5% Physa evidently could stick on the ground-glass plate better than on the plain glass plate, as would be expected. Experi- ments, therefore, could be carried on even at an angle of 90°. Here again, it is noticeable that there is a decrease of positive geo- tropism at this angle. The optimum inclination in this case is between the angles of 67^° and 5. Summation of Gravity and Light Stimuli. Physa being positive to gravity and negative to light, as already seen, it wrould be expected to crawl downward even at a small angle of inclination, if it were placed in a strong light. This is just what happened. One morning the rays of sunlight were falling at an angle of about n%°. The angle of the rays of sunlight was nearly constant during the experiments. Ten selected individuals were carefully placed with their heads down on a moist plain glass plate. The plate was then reversed and put on the rack whose angle of inclination was 11%°- They all oriented themselves away from the rays of sunlight, that is, downward, and crawled in that direction. Ten trials were made and there was no exception. Besides the above, observations on exclusion of the air were attempted, but the results were not satisfactory. Generally speaking however, Dawson's observations seem to be right, although the writer observed one individual "drop" once. 96 SAKYO KANDA. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. 1. Physa gyrina Say is negatively heliotropic. It becomes sluggish in its activity in darkness, particularly in water. 2. Physa gyrina Say, Planorbis trivolvis, Limncea stagnates, and Limncea columella, are negatively geotropic when their lungs are empty; and positively geotropic when their lungs are full of air. Physa often comes near the surface and crawls down again without filling its lung with air. 3. Physa, when put wTith green algae, does not often crawl to the top. 4. At different angles of inclination of a plain glass plate in the air and in total darkness, Physa is positively geotropic. There is a certain limit of inclination beyond which the animal can not actively move on account of the force of gravity. (a) Many of the individuals in question are positive to gravity, even though their lungs are empty. (&) The optimum inclination of the plain glass plate on which Physa may crawl is an angle of 56}/£0. (c) At the angle of 67^/2°, positive geotropism decreases as negative geotropism and horizontal crawling increase. The negative geotropism is not necessarily the result of lack of oxygen. (d) At the angle of 78%° no experiments are successful. 5. At different angles of inclination of a ground-glass plate in the air and in total darkness, Physa reacts to gravity in a similar manner as though on the plain glass plate, although the limit of inclination is a little higher in the former than in the latter. The optimum inclination of the ground-glass plate is between the angles of 67^° and 78%°. 6. Contact stimuli seem to interfere slightly with the geo- tropism of Physa. 7. The combination of gravity and light (both the glass support and the rays of light being inclined 11%° to the horizontal) accelerates positive geotropism of Physa. From the data here given the writer is inclined to draw the conclusion that Physa is naturally positively geotropic. It is little wonder, therefore, that Physa becomes positive to gravity when its lung is filled with air. As to the organ of geotropic orientation of Physa and other snails, no direct experimental evidence is yet furnished. But THE GEOTROPISM OF FRESHWATER SNAILS. 97 according to Cooke (i, p. 196), Limncea, Planorbis and Physa have statocysts, which are situated near the pedal ganglion, and are probably connected with the cerebral. The statocyst also con- tains statoliths. The number of the statoliths "varies in dif- ferent genera and species." There are a hundred in Limncea stagnalis on which the writer has experimented, but about fifty in Planorbis contratus and Physa fontinalis. Therefore, Planorbis trivolvis and Physa gyrina Say very probably have statoliths. These statocysts with statoliths maybe the organs for geotropicori- entation. At any rate, the most probable factors of geotropic ori- entation, positive or negative, seem to be internal, that is, physi- ological, and not external. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Cooke, A. H. '95 The Cambridge Natural History, Vol. 3, xi-535 p. New York, Macmillan & Co. 2. Dawson, Jean. 'n The Biology of Physa. Behav. Monog., Vol. i, No. 4, 111-120 p. 3. Kanda, Sakyo. '14 On the Geotropism of Paramecium and Spirostomum. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 26, pp. 1-24. 4. Kanda, Sakyo. '15 Geotropism in Animals. Am. Jour. Psychol., Vol. 26, pp. 417-427. 5. Loeb, Jacques. '97 Zur Theorie der physiologischen Licht und Schwerkraftwirkungen. Archiv. f. d. ges. Physiol. Bd. 66, S. 439-466. 6. Loeb, Jacques. 'n Die Tropismen. Handbuch der Vergleichenden Physiologic, Bd. IV., Erste Hafte, S. 451. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 7. Lyon, E. P. '05 On the Theory of Geotropism in Paramecium. Am. Jour. Physiol., Vol. 14, pp. 421-432. 8. Prentiss, C. W. '01 The Otocyst of Decapod Crustacea — Its Structure, Development, and Functions. Bull, of Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. 36, pp. 165-251. 9. Verworn, Max. '91 Gleichgewicht und Ostolithenorgan. Archiv. g. d. ges. Physiol., Bd. 50, S. 423-472. 10. Walter, Herbert E. '06 The Behavior of the Pond Snail Lymnaeus elodes Say. Cold Spr. Harb. Monographs, VI, pp. 26-28. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. After writing this paper the author found three important articles by W. Baun- acke, but was not able to take these into consideration in this present paper. 11. Baunacke, W. 'i3-'i4 Studien zur Frage nach der Statocystenfunktion. Biol. Centralb., Bd. 33, S. 427-452, Bd. 34. S. 371-385. and S. 497~523- Vol. XXX, February, 1916. No. 2 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES OBSERVED BY THE TISSUE CULTURE METHOD IN THE MALE GERM CELLS OF CHORTHIPPUS CUR- TIPENNIS SCUDD.1 MARGARET REED LEWIS, CARNEGIE INSTITUTION. WM. REES B. ROBERTSON, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. CONTENTS. Introduction 99 Literature 100 Living Material 100 Fixed Preparations 101 Method 101 Observations 103 General 103 Vital Stains 104 Nucleus 105 Apical Cell 106 Primary Spermatogonium 107 Secondary Spermatogonium (Multiplication Stages) 107 First Spermatocyte (Growth Stages) 108 First Spermactocyte Division 108 Second Spermatocyte (Interkinesis) 109 Second Spermatocyte Division 109 Spermatid and Spermatozoon no Discussion 112 Conclusion 113 INTRODUCTION. A study of the chromosomes of Chorthippus curtipennis by Robertson (in press) led to the desire to study the mitochondria and other structures of the cytoplasm in order to determine if possible the bearing of the cytoplasmic structures upon the later development. 1 From the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. 99 IOO MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. It was observed that this material lent itself to the study of the living cell by means of the tissue culture method as described for the chick embryo cell by Lewis, M. R., and Lewis, W. H. ('15) and that not only could the most minute structures of the cell be observed from day to day, but also these structures could be experimented upon as readily as those of the chick embryo. It was decided to study the mitochondria and other cytoplasmic structures of the germ cells of Chorthippus curtipennis by means of the tissue culture method. LITERATURE. Living Material. — The earliest observations upon the living germ cells of the Arthropods were those of von La Valette St. George ('86) in which he made a careful study of the Nebenkern of the spermatid and described the structure and behavior of that body more completely than many of the later investigators. Chambers, R. ('15), in his microdissection studies on the germ cell, for which he used the male germ cells of Disosteira Carolina (grasshopper) and of Periplaneta americana (cockroach), gives many interesting observations as to the behavior of the mito- chondria during the spermatocyte divisions and he also describes in detail the development of the axial filament of the spermatid and spermatozoon, but apparently Chambers made no effort to trace the cytoplasmic structures of the germ cells throughout their development. The description of the mitochondria during the spermatocyte divisions and the formation of the Nebenkern of the spermatid agrees in general with that found for preparations of Chorthippus curtipennis when stained with Janus green. The development of the spermatozoon of Chorthippus, however, takes place in quite a different manner from that described by Chambers for the cockroach. Goldschmidt, R. ('15) states that it was possible to keep the sperm cells of the moth Samia cecropia L. alive for three weeks in cultures of haemolymph and that during this time many follicles finished the process of spermatogenesis. Goldschmidt does not describe the process of spermatogenesis, but merely states that it corresponds with that described for fixed preparations. From these studies upon Chorthippus it is quite evident that neither the THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. IOI details of the cellular structure nor their behavior could be carefully studied while the cells remained in the follicle as de- scribed by Goldschmidt, but that for this purpose it is necessary to observe isolated cells which lie close to the cover slip. Fixed Preparation. — The mitochondria and other structures present in various types of fixed material have been studied more or less in detail by numerous observers, with results which depend very largely upon the state of preservation of the material studied. Duesberg, J. ('n) has reviewed this literature so it is unnecessary to repeat it here. In an earlier paper Duesberg, J. ('10) gives a clear and complete description of the behavior of the mitochondria in Blatta germanica, which corresponds in all but a few details with that given below for Chorthippus curtipennis. METHOD. The cultures were prepared in the usual manner (Lewis, M. R., and Lewis, W. H., '15) and all precautions were observed in order to keep them not only chemically clean but also aseptic, except in cases where the period of observation was to extend over only a short time, as for instance when a vital stain was used. Various different culture media were tried and the one which appeared to be most nearly isotonic with the body fluid of the grasshopper and which also was most favorable for growth was practically Locke's solution i. e., NaCl 0.9 per cent., CaCU 0.025, KC1 0.042 per cent., NaHCOs 0.02 per cent., dextrose 0.25 per cent., peptone 0.2 per cent., but since the observations were made at Woods Hole where running sea water is supplied, the same concentration of salts was obtained by a dilution of the sea water as follows: sea water 30 c.c.+distilled water 50 c.c. + bouillon 20 c.c.+dextrose 0.25 gram + NaHCOs 0.02 gram. The bouil- lon was prepared in the same manner as that used for bac- teriology, except in this case grasshopper muscle was used in place of beef. A solution of peptone alone can be substituted for the bouillon with rather good results. The culture medium, which is successful, depends largely upon the amount of evapora- tion which takes place in the technic of the individual observer. This can be determined from the appearance of the preparation itself, for it was found that when the medium was too concen- IO2 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. trated the cells formed numerous delicate pseudopodia or flagella and when the medium was too dilute the cells became swollen. The solution which is most nearly isotonic is one in which the cells remain round and flatten out close to the cover slip, or crawl along the cover slip by means of broad, flat pseudopodia. The grasshopper was opened on the ventral side by means of sterile scissors and the walls pinned down with sterile pins. The testis follicles were then removed aseptically. Each follicle of the testis is made up of a number of cysts, each of which con- tains a number of cells all in the same stage of development. The apical cell and the primary spermatogonia are at the blind end of the follicle. The cysts which contain the secondary spermatogonia, the first spermatocytes, the synapsis stages, the growth stages, the first spermatocyte division stages, the second spermatocytes, the second spermatocyte divisions, the spermatids, and the spermatozoa are arranged in order back of this towards the open end of the follicle. In order to obtain the cells in the stage desired for observation, a follicle of the testis was placed in a thin drop of the sterile culture medium on a sterile cover slip and, with the aid of a binocular microscope, the wall of the cyst, which contained the cells to be studied, was punctured with a sharp, sterile needle so that the cells of the cyst flowed out into the medium. The excess of the medium was drawn off by means of a capillary pipette and the preparation was then sealed onto a hollow ground slide by means of a vaseline ring. In case stained preparations were to be observed, the vital stain, Janus green or neutral red, was dissolved in the drop of the culture medium in which the follicle was punctured. The cells released from the cyst wall spread out in a thin layer along the cover slip and were then studied by means of the No. 6 ocular and 2 mm. oil immersion lens. A 4O-watt Mazda electric light was used for illumination. Since any stage in the development of the germ cell can be obtained in the above manner, it was not found necessary to watch any one cell over a long period of time, although the cul- tures remained healthy and dividing cells were found as late as the fourth day. Tissue cultures of the germ cells in body fluid medium were THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. I 03 made as controls, but they were not so useful for the study of the cell structure owing to the fact that the medium is more opaque and that the cells do not spread out in a thin layer close to the cover slip. Also the plasma medium is more difficult to use for experimental purposes owing to the fact that it is easily coagu- lated. OBSERVATIONS. General. — When the cyst wall is broken the cells flow out and become attached to the cover slip. The cells appear to be formed of a clear homogeneous cytoplasm which contains a nucleus and granules. Numerous cells, which contain two or four nuclei and also a correspondingly increased amount of mitochondria, were observed in all stages of development as, for instance, a first spermatocyte with two nuclei and a double amount of mitochondria or a young spermatid with two or four nuclei and also two or four nebenkern. During observations upon one unstained preparation two second spermatocytes whose cyto- plasm touched at one point were observed to fuse into a single cell (Figs. 27, 28, 29). The fused cell, which resulted from the two single cells, contained two groups of chromosomes and two groups of mitochondria. In certain stages in the development of the germ cell the granules are scattered throughout the greater part of the cytoplasm (spermatogonium), while in other stages the granules are limited to a definite area (division of spermato- cytes). There is no indication of any network structure either of the cytoplasm or of the nucleus. The cells of a cyst remain attached to each other by a long thread-like process, or in some cases by a short thick process, which appears as though the cells had not been completely separated at division, but had remained attached by a band of cytoplasm. Groups of spermatozoa are attached by one end to a crescent-shaped body, while the other end is free and lashes about continuously. Several of these crescent-shaped bodies, each with numerous spermatozoa at- tached to it, may be seen in one field. The cells may send out broad, flat pseudopodia and crawl along the cover slip, or in media which are too concentrated or to which Janus green has been added, the cells may send out numerous delicate pseudo- podia, which appear more like flagella. However, other factors IO4 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. besides the concentration of the medium may influence the size of the pseusopodia, for Goldschmidt (1915) states that the germ cells form flagella in the cultures in hsemolymph and that these flagella can be caused to appear and disappear by a change of temperature. During mitosis the mitochondria become long, delicate threads and lie around the spindle in such a way as to be easily mistaken for the spindle (Figs. 14 and 22). In none of our preparations were the spindle threads seen and the spindle itself did not show as a cone of material, which had a different light refraction, as it did in the chick. In one preparation the position of the spindle at one pole was outlined (Fig. 16), but even in this case no spindle threads were seen. The spindle is present however and can be readily shown by means of acetic acid vapor, which destroys the mitochondria and coagulates the cytoplasm sufficiently to show the spindle prac- tically the same as it is shown in figures drawn from fixed material (Figs. 21-26). Vital Stains. — All stages in the development of the germ cell were studied, not only by means of the living unstained cell, but also by means of preparations stained with Janus green and others stained with neutral red. A few preparations were stained with both Janus green and neutral red. The Janus green stain and also the neutral red stain were dissolved in the culture medium in exceedingly dilute solutions, never more than 1-50,000 parts and frequently as dilute as 1-100,000 parts. The neutral red stains a large round granule, which is quite different from the mitochondria, not only in size and appearance, but also in behavior (Figs. I, 22, 36, 37, 39, 41, 46 and 49). This granule has the same reaction to Brilliant cresylblue 2 b. as that of the granule described by Lewis and Lewis ('15) in connection with the "vacuole" and agrees in a few details with the "beta globule" described by Coghill ('15). In a few cases the granule reacts with the neutral red stain in the same manner as does the neutral red granule, which Renaut, J. ('04) and Dubreuil, G. ('13) describe in connection with the connective tissue development. Owing to the fact that the literature does not furnish a satisfactory term for this granule, it will be called simply the neutral red granule in the following observations. Duesberg ('10) in certain THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 1 05 figures, as for instance those of the spermatid, shows a granule in the same position as that of the neutral red granule in our prepara- tions, and, although the granule is stained like the mitochondria with Benda's stain, Duesberg states that it is in all probability not mitochondria. In preparations stained with Janus green this granule remains unstained. The somatic cells, which form the wall of the follicle and also the apical cell (Figs. I and 2), are full of these bright red granules when the preparation is stained with neutral red, but the germ cells contain only a very few neutral red granules. With Janus green stain however, the germ cells are shown to contain abundant mitochondria in the form of granular threads or of small rod shaped granules. After the preparation has been stained for a short time the granules coalesce into larger globules (Figs. 4 and 5) and finally they disappear in the cytoplasm. Long, thread-like mitochondria rapidly break into granules when stained with Janus green (Figs. 13-20). Neither of the above stains showed the spindle threads during mitosis. There was no appearance seen at any time during ob- servation upon either the unstained cell or the cell stained by means of the above vital stains, which could lead one to conclude that the mitochondria are formed from any material at the ex- pense of the nucleus as Wassilieff ('07) and his followers contend. Nucleus. — -The various changes which the nucleus undergoes during the so-called resting stage and during division can be clearly observed throughout the development of the germ cells from spermatogonia to spermatozoa. In the resting nucleus of any stage chromatin threads were observed. In the nucleus of the spermatogonium these chromatin threads or spiremes seem to fill the nuclear space like so many sacs (Fig. i). When the preparation was stained with neutral red, the walls of these sacs became faintly pink and so revealed the boundaries of the chromosomes. During the telophase, and in a few cases, in the late anaphase of the spermatogonium, the spermatocyte and the spermatid, the chromosomes have a granular structure (Figs. 4, 10, 20). These granules appear to be uniform in size and it might prove possible to count the number of granules which compose a given chromosome. The importance of these granules in "crossing over" phenomena may appear later. IO6 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. The number and also the characteristics of the chromosomes observed in the living cells correspond with what was found in the fixed preparations. In the first spermatocyte the chromo- somes were as follows: Five "short rod" tetrads, three large "compound ring" tetrads, derived from the three pair of com- pound V chromosomes of the spermatogonium and the rod-like sex chromosomes. In this genus, Chorthippus formerly known as stenobothrus, there is a peculiar compounding of six pairs of rod chromosomes to form the three pairs of V's that are charac- teristic so far as is known of all the species of the genus (Meek, 'n, '12; Gerard, '09; Davis, '08). This peculiar process by which the three pairs of compound V chromosomes are formed was first observed by Robertson (in press). The subsequent behavior of these compound chromo- somes was the same in the living cell as has been described from the fixed preparations and the five rods, three V's and the sex chromosomes (present only in one of the two daughter cells, which result from the first spermatocyte division) were easily identified in the second spermatocytes and in the spermatids. The Apical Cell. — The apical cell lies in the blind tip of the follicle surrounded by primary spermatogonial cells (Figs. 1,3). It is a round cell, which contains a more or less oval nucleus, and is attached to the walls of the follicle by several thick cell proc- esses. The apical cell contains both mitochondria and neutral red granules (Figs. I and 3). The former are fewer in number than the latter and uniformly small in size (Fig. 3). They are arranged as granular threads mostly in a layer around the nucleus. The neutral red granules are considerably larger than the mito- chondria and are scattered throughout the cytoplasm and in the cell processes. When a preparation is stained with neutral red, these granules in the apical cell and also in all of its processes rapidly take up the stain, so that the apical cell becomes quite red in appearance. While the few granules in the spermatogonia which surround the apical cell take up the stain only after a long time and then only in a few scattered granules so that the spermatogonia appear practically colorless. The somatic cells (Fig. i), which form the wall of the follicle, have abundant neutral red granules and these stain with neutral red in much the same THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. IO7 manner as did those of the apical cell. This striking resemblance of the apical cell to the somatic cells in contrast to the germ cells suggests the possibility that the apical cell may be more closely related to the somatic cells than to the germ cells. Primary Spermatogonia. — In the primray spermatogonia both the mitochondria and the neutral red granules can be identified in the unstained cell. In the resting cell the mitochondria appear as delicate granular threads and at this time these threads seem to radiate from the distal pole of the cell (i. e., the region of the last connection with its sister cell at mitosis). The mitochondria of the primary spermatogonia stain less intensely with Janus green than does that of cells in a later stage of development and when stained with Janus green the delicate threads become rapidly distorted and appear as granules. The neutral red granules, from 4 to i o or 12 in number, are larger, more or less round and much more refractive than the mitochondria granules. These neutral red granules, so far as was seen, did not seem to be located in any definite region of the cell, but were scattered through the cytoplasm. Secondary Spermatogonia (Period of Multiplication). — The secondary spermatogonial cells are smaller than the primary spermatogonia and the mitochondria are usually in the form of fine, granular threads scattered from the distal end of the cell towards the nucleus. As the cell approaches the resting condition the mitochondria become more uniformly scattered throughout the cytoplasm. In a few observations the mito- chondria appeared to be absent from a region at the extreme distal pole of the cell, possibly the mitosome (i. e., the remains of the spindle, Figs. 2, 4, 6). During mitosis the mitochondria arrange themselves as long threads close to the spindle and frequently they have the ap- pearance of abnormally thick spindle threads. During the con- striction of the cytoplasm at late anaphase the mitochondria threads again become granular and at telophase the mitochondria are separated into two practically equal amounts, one of which passes into each daughter cell and from this mass the mitochon- dria migrate towards and partly around the nucleus (Fig. 4), as can be seen in the first spermatocyte. IO8 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. First Spermatocyte (Growth Period}. — As the cell grows in size the amount of mitochondria appears to increase correspondingly and certainly the mitochondria of the spermatocyte stain much more intensely with Janus green than do those of the spermato- gonium. The neutral red granules are few in number and scat- tered throughout the cytoplasm. In the later growth period the mitochondria become grouped into two, or in a few cases, possibly more masses (Figs. 7 and 8 and n). Unfortunately the significance of this was not compre- hended, but it is without doubt closely allied with some change in the cell itself, as the massed arrangement of the mitochondria is quite characteristic of the synapsis stages. There was no evidence that the mitochondria granules paired during synapsis, although the pairing of the chromosomes wras clearly seen. First Spermatocyte Division. — During the prophase and early metaphase of the first spermatocyte, the mitochondria migrate away from the two masses of mitochondria granules and elongate towards the two poles of the spindle (Fig. 12), so that when the chromosomes are arranged on the spindle plate, the mitochondria appear as threads which more or less closely surround the spindle. As the chromosomes move apart, the mitochondria become drawn out into straight, even threads closely attached to the spindle between the two groups of chromosomes (Figs. 13, 14 and 15). Since they are much longer and more refractive at this stage, they may be easily mistaken for the spindle fibers and some cytologists have stated that the mitochondria in the germ cell are but the remains of the spindle fibers. A simple experiment shows that this is not the case in Chorthippus curti- pennis. Figs. 21, 22 and 23 were made from the living cells in the cultures and then an opening was made in the vaseline ring, which supported the cover slip and a drop of glacial acetic acid was placed on the slide near to the opening so that the fumes from the acid passed through the opening and acted upon the prepara- tion. The mitochondria were destroyed at once and became lost within the coagulum of the cytoplasm, and, where previously no spindle could be seen, there now appears a typical spindle (Figs. 24 and 25). Fig. 26 shows the remains of the spindle fibers near the periphery of each daughter cell, but the mitochondria, THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 1 09 which previously lay along these threads (Fig. 23) and scattered towards the nucleus, have now disappeared. During the anaphase of the living cell the daughter chromo- somes move to the extreme proximal pole of the cell and when the cytoplasm constricts, the continuous mitochondria threads again become granular and from the ends of these threads the mito- chondria granules migrate away towards the two groups of chromosomes (Fig. 22). In some instances the entire mitochon- dria thread appeared to pass over to one daughter cell, but usually the division of the mitochondria took place by means of the migration of the granules into each daughter cell, so that each daughter cell received about the same amount of mitochondria. When the preparation was stained with Janus green the mitotic division continues, provided it was started before the stain acted upon the cell (Figs. 17-20), but after the division was finished, the cell did not pass through the second spermatocyte division as the unstained cells did. The mitochondria threads become granular and do not usually extend from chromosome group to chromosome group, but more frequently lie in a broad band around the equator of the spindle (Figs. 16, 17, 18 and 19). The ends of the granular threads swell up and become varicose before the granules migrate away (Figs. 19 and 20). Second Spermatocyte (Inter kinesis}. — After the mitochrondria have migrated into the daughter cells the cytoplasmic bridge between the two cells remains and elongates. The cells may sometimes remain thus attached by a long process during the semi-resting condition (interkinesis), which may continue for an hour or even for several hours before the cells prepare for the second spermatocyte division. The second spermatocyte has a characteristic appearance and is easily recognized. The chro- mosomes remain and it can be seen that they are no longer tetrads as they were in the first spermatocyte (Fig. 30). The mitochondria are gathered into an irregular body at one side of the cell and from this body the mitochondria granules spread out somewhat toward the nucleus (Fig. 30). Second Spermatocyte Division. — The behavior of the mitochon- dria during the second spermatocyte division is practically the same as that during the first spermatocyte division. In this IIO MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. case however there is usually only one mitochondrial mass (although it may divide into two in some cases) and this mass lies at one side midway between the two poles of the spindle (Fig. 30). The mitochondria migrate away from this granular mass and elongate towards the two poles of the spindle. Usually the elongated threads spread out around the spindle, but in a few cases they have been seen to remain mostly on the side of the spindle where the mitochondrial body was. The threads become homogeneous and appear to be continuous threads stretched between the two groups of chromosomes. When the cytoplasm constricts during anaphase the granules migrate into the daughter cells, but they do not usually scatter around the nucleus. A few neutral red granules are present in the cytoplasm throughout the division and can be seen in the cytoplasm on each side of the mitochondrial body in the spermatid (Figs. 36 and 37). When division is completed the mitochondria granules become con- tracted into a compact, spherical granular body, the nebenkern, and a few neutral red granules are irregularly scattered on each side of the nebenkern. It is interesting to note that after acetic acid vapor, a round body can still be distinguishable in the place of the nebenkern, so that either the mitochondria are at this stage more resistant to acetic acid, or else there is some other body present in the nebenkern. In a few cases the daughter cells seemed to be unequal in size. It has not been determined whether the inequality in size of the daughter cells is due to the presence of the sex chromosome in the larger cell. Davis ('08) and Gerard ('09) in their figures for this genus each show one of the daughter cells, which result from the second spermatocyte division, larger than the other, but they do not call attention to this point. The Spermatid and Spermatozoon. — The development of the spermatid into the spermatozoon is by no means a simple process and, even after prolonged observation, the significance of the various steps is not clear (Figs. 38-51). The neutral red granules do not play an active part, but remain about the same in the cytoplasm until with the growth of the tail the cytoplasm becomes small in quantity and they disappear. They were not observed in the more adult spermatozoon except THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. Ill in cases where some abnormal factor caused the cytoplasm along the tail of the spermatozoon to become clumped into nodes, and, in this case, one or more neutral red granules were present in each node (Fig. 49). In the young spermatid the mitochondria are in the form of the granular nebenkern (Fig. 38), which later becomes a clear, homogeneous, spherical body close to the nucleus. No trace of granules can be seen either in the unstained cell or in those stained with Janus green. Within a short period of time (}/2 hour) certain delicate threads appear within the clear nebenkern (Figs. 39 and 40). These threads maybe concentric or otherwise coiled and may represent either the rows of granules under pressure, or they may be the edges of the membrane, which separates the nebenkern into two half spheres, seen at different levels, for very shortly after the threads appear, the nebenkern slides apart into two half spheres and at once becomes granular again (Figs. 41, 42, 43). The behavior of the centrosome and the formation of the axial filament, which has been described from fixed material, was seen only in one case, and in that case it was not possible to ascertain just what connection there is between the division of the neben- kern and the formation of the axial filament. The centrosome was seen as a clear paired body near the nucleus, but at a distance from the mitochondrial body (Fig. 38). Later the centrosome occupies a position at the posterior pole of the nucleus near the Nebenkern. After the division of the Nebenkern it was seen as a small opaque body close to the nucleus (Fig. 44). The body is double and, although small, it increases in size with the growth of the tail and later becomes the middle piece (Figs. 46, 49, 50 and 51). From this body the axial filament probably is given off and later grows out into an extension of the cytoplasm. The mitochondrial bodies, or the two half spheres of the ne- benkern, now elongate as granular sacs (Figs. 45 and 46). The wider end is towards the nucleus and the sacs gradually taper off until they become only a few granules at the other end (Fig. 46). As the tail grows out these bodies grow out one on each side of the axial filament. The sacs do not increase in size, but simply spread out along the axial filament and become crowded into the narrow layer of cytoplasm along the tail, so that as the tail 112 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. elongates the granules form two irregular granular strands, which later fuse into two continuous threads of even width extending from the centrosome body or middle piece to almost the end of the tail (Figs. 49, 50 and 51). Duesberg ('10) describes a small body composed of mito- chondria at the tip of the head, but in this form such a body was not seen either in the living spermatozoon or in those stained with Janus green. Unfortunately it was impossible to study this material in all its details during the short time at Woods Hole and there are many interesting points to be followed out, which it is hoped may be continued in later studies upon another species of grasshopper by Robertson. DISCUSSION. The above observations show that there are present in the male germ cell from its earliest appearance throughout its develop- ment certain granules which correspond to the mitochondria of somatic cells. The mitochondria behave in a definite and char- acteristic manner during the development of the male germ cell and assume a shape and position characteristic for each stage in the development. The mitochondria of the germ cell become slightly blackened with osmic acid, are destroyed by acetic acid and stained by Janus green and the usual stains for mitochondria in fixed material. That they are not the remains of spindle fibers has been clearly shown by means of acetic acid, which destroys the mitochondria and causes the spindle fibers to appear. On the other hand it does not seem possible that bodies, which have to do only with the metabolic activities of the cell should necessarily undergo such an exact behavior as is shown for in- stance by the division of the nebenkern into equal parts and the development of these two sacs of mitochondria into the two long threads of mitochondria in the spermatozoon. Neither does the behavior of the mitochondria seem to be entirely dependent on changes within the cell, as for instance during the division of the cell or the growth of the tail, where it might appear that the elon- gation, and at the same time narrowing of the tail, might force the mitochondria granules to assume the position of two contin- uous threads, for in some cases where the tail does not develop THE MITOCHONDRIA AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 1 13 as normally but the axial filament grows out within the cell, the mitochondria develop as normally in connection with the axial filament and form the same long threads, although in this case these threads are wound round and round within the cell (Figs. 47 and 48). The origin of the mitochondria is still unsolved. They cer- tainly do not arise in the male germ cells, since they are already present in the earliest germ cell. There is no evidence in the above observations that the mitochondria are formed at the expense of any nuclear material. Also there is no evidence that the mitochondria of the male germ cell of Chorthippus curtipennis can have any influence upon inheritance, as was suggested by Meves ('13) in his work on Ascaris, unless it can be shown that the tail as well as the nucleus of the spermatozoon enters the egg. CONCLUSION. The mitochondria as well as the neutral red granules are present in the primary spermatogonium of Chorthippus curtipennis and, while the neutral red granules appear to have no definite behavior, the mitochondria do behave in a characteristic manner through- out the development of the male germ cells. By means of the tissue culture method the mitochondria can be seen to be present as small, delicate granules in the primary spermatogonium. They increase in amount during the growth stage and arrange them- selves along the spindle in a definite manner during the spermato- cyte division. They form the nebenkern of the spermatid and from this develop into two equal homogeneous threads in the tail of the spermatozoon. WOODS HOLE, MASS., September, 1915. LITERATURE LIST. Chambers, R. '15 Microdissection Studies on the Germ Cell. Science, N. S., Vol. XLL, No. 1051. Coghill, G. E. '15 Intracellular Digestion and Assimilation in Amphibian Embryos. Science, N. S., Vol. XLII., No. 1080. Davis, H. S. '08 Spermatogenesis in Acridida? and Locustida?. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, Vol. LIII, No. 2, p. 59. 114 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. Dubreuil, G. '13 Le Chondriome, etc. Arch. d. Anat. Micr., Tom. 15, p. 53. Duesberg, F. '10 Nouvelles recherches sur 1'appareil mitochondrial des Cellules seminales. Arch. f. Zellf., Bd. 6. 'n. Plastosomen " apparato reticolare interne " und Chromidial apparat. Ergeb. d. Anat. u. Entwickgeschichte, Bd. XX. Gerard, P. '09 Recherches sur la spermatogenese chez Stenobothrus biguttulus. Arch. Biol., torn. 24, p. 543. Goldschmidt, R. '15 Some Experiments on Spermatogenesis in Vitro. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Science, Vol. I., p. 220. La Valette, St. George, von. '86 Spermatologische Beitrage Zweite Mitt. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. XXVII. Lewis, M. R., and Lewis, W. H. '15 Mitochondria and Other Cytoplasmic Structures in Tissue Cultures. Amer. Jour. Anat., Vol. XVII., p. 339. Meek, C. F. U. 'n The Spermatogenesis of Stenobothrus viridulus with Special Reference to the Heterotropic Chromosome as a Sex-determinant in Grasshoppers. Jour. Linnean Soc. (London), Zool., Vol. XXXII. , No. 208, p. 20. 'iaa A Metrical Analysis of Chromosome Complexes, etc. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, B, Vol. 203, p. 84. 'i2b The Correlation of Somatic Characters and Chromatin Rod, etc. Jour. Linnean Soc. (London), Zool., Vol. XXXII., p. 107. Meves, F. '13 IJber die Beteiligung der Plastochondrian an der Befruchtung des Eies von Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 76. Renaut, J. '04 Les cellules Fixes des Tendons de la queque du jeune Rat sont Toutes des Cellules Connectives Rhagiocrines. C. R. de la Soc. de Biol., 1904, p. 1067. Robertson, W. R. B. Chromosome Studies. I. Taxonomic Relationships shown in the Chromo- somes of Tettigidae and Acrididae: V-shaped Chromosomes and their Significance in Acrididae, Locustidae, and Gryllidae: Chromosomes and Variation. (In press, Jour. Morph.) Wassilieff, A. '07 Die Spermatogenese von Blatta germanica. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. LXX. Il6 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. J. G. = Janus green stain. N. R. = neutral red stain. Mitochondria = black-inked granules and threads. Neutral red granules = gray granules outlined with black ink. Centrosome = clear round granule about same size as neutral red granule. PLATE I. FIG. i. N. R. Blind end of follicle. Apical cell surrounded by primary spermatogonia. The somatic cells form the boundary 'of the follicle. Round neutral red granules in the apical cell and also in the somatic cells. Leitz Binoc. 4b X i /i 2 lens. FIG. 2. Unstained cell. Primary spermatogonium. Mitochondria are granu- lar threads. Clear region at upper side of the cell is probably the mitosome (spindle remains). Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. FIG. 3. J. G. and N. R. Apical cell. Mitochondria are small black granules and the neutral red are the larger gray granules. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 4. J. G. Two secondary spermatogonia still attached together. Chro- mosomes granular. Telophase. Mitochondria are not in nucleus but around it. Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. FIG. 5. Same cell as Fig. 4. Globules of blue which form after the mitochon- dria have lost their stain. FIG. 6. J. G. Secondary spermatogonium. FIG. 7. J. G. First spermatocyte, centrosome divided. Sex chromosome. Early prophase. FIG. 8. J. G. First spermatocyte. Diplotene nucleus stage. Centrosomes. Two masses of mitochondria, one on upper surface of cell and one on the lower. Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. FIG. 9. Unstained. First spermatocyte 'bouquet-stage' synapsis. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 10. J. G. Spermatogonium, telophase. Each chromosome is in a separate vesicle and is granular. Nuclear wall reforming from chromosome vesicles. Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. PLATE .M -' ' -I 1 • II \ ~)\ / / f \{ \ /r - •4 4&*1 • \ '"•I*00. °X ^ 'X if( s^/f/ O ^r^;r 2 •-'«& \V "£• 9 • » «. ..-^ 0 <• •-•? ' « ««,'"•""« V o oo ' . * ~ ?. * e ' a o O o « " ?-"•" i."11 "* » * % °B 0c00 ,^V o / o x. 'V ~--;;>* •A,.. .1 &•> ° « . * * •' ,1' . ^Oe o° °».»"^' ^*>_ O s\ 4k «« . ;;/ ' « '» • . %^ •'- C:. - v- -" - * T-V- '*''- '""-^: -.- . /r ^y^,;^» »• - - . a1* o r- ' j*a; 8 4 * >• iV f 1 m!^ ft ' iV -x • * 10 M. R. LEWIS AND W. R. B. ROBERTSON. Il8 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. PLATE II. FIG. u. J. G. First spermatocyte, late prophase. Nuclear wall still intact, "two masses of mitochondria. FIG. 12. Unstained. First spermatocyte metaphase. Mitochondria threads have migrated towards the poles of the spindle. Zeiss 8 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 13, 14, 15. Unstained. First spermatocyte division. Same cell at 9:30 A.M. (Fig. 13), 9:45 A.M. (Fig. 14), and 10:10 A.M. (Fig. 15). Mitochondria are long threads close to the spindle fibers. Zeiss 4 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 16. Unstained. Mitochondria are granular threads around the spindle. Those in the middle of the spindle occur underneath. The sex chromosome at one pole. Spindle outlined at one pole. Leitz Binoc. 40 X 1/12 lens. FIGS. 17, 1 8, 19. J. G. First spermatocyte division in the same cell. Fig. 17 at 9:40 A.M., Fig. 18 at 9:50 A.M., and Fig. 19 at 10:45 A.M. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 20. J. G. End of first spermatocyte division. Mitochondria migrated .into two daughter cells. Chromosomes granular. Leitz Binoc. 40 X 1/12 lens. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. xxx. PLATE II. w •I* 11 12 15 v\' Hil/i/' W M ,11/10 III X 1 A s» iffi ^!i if /tv> i '{ p\ \ \ 18 M. R. LEWIS AND W. R. B. ROBERTSON. I2O MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. PLATE III. FIGS. 21, 22, 23. Unstained. Division stages drawn to show mitochondria before the action of acetic acid. Zeiss 8 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 24, 25, 26. Same cells after acetic acid fumes. Mitochondria have disap- peared and the cytoplasm is coagulated. Spindle fibers can now be seen. FIGS. 27, 28, 29. Unstained. The fusion of two cells to form a single double cell with two groups of chromosomes and two masses of mitochondria. Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. Chromosomes not all shown. BIOLOGICAL BULLfcTIN, VOL. XXX. PLATE III. ...- . i h *H * 1 » ' • - - • x * v* * ' », ' V .) : &• ^ \c ' 1AJV m • i f- ' ^ ».' •* 1 • S»yiSj;-V 27 28 M. R. LEWIS AND W. R. B. ROBERTSON. 122 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. PLATE IV. FIG. 30. Unstained. Second spermatocyte. Single mass of mitochondria from which granules are elongating toward each pole of the spindle. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 31-35. Unstained. Different stages of a cell in the second spermatocyte division. Fig. 31 at 10:40 A.M.; Fig. 32 at 11:20 A.M.; Fig. 33 at 12:30 P.M.; Fig. 34 at i P.M.; and Fig. 35 at 2 P.M. The mitochondria form the nebenkern. FIGS. 36, 37. N. R. Neutral red granules present during the second spermato- cyte division. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. BIOLOGIOL BULLETIN VOL. XXX. PLATE IV. M •S IEWIS AND W R- B. ROBERTSON. 124 MARGARET REED LEWIS AND WM. REES B. ROBERTSON. PLATE V. FIG. 38. J. G. Young spermatid, centrosome divided. Nebenkern granules. Leitz Binoc. 4b X 1/12 lens. FIGS. 39, 40. Unstained. Young spermatid. Neutral red granules. Thread- like appearance in the nebenkern. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 41, 42. J. G. Nebenkern dividing is now granular. Neutral red granules. Leitz 4b X 1/12 lens. FIG. 43. Unstained. Nebenkern divided. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 44. Unstained. Nebenkern sacs with the centrosome close to the nucleus. Neutral red granules. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 45. Unstained nebenkern sacs are slightly elongated. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIG. 46. J. G. Nebenkern sacs elongated. Axial filament. Double middle piece body. Neutral red granules. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 47, 48. J. G. The tail failed to develop but the mitochondria elongated and formed the double thread as usual, although the double thread is wound round and round within the cell. Leitz Binoc. 4bXi/i2 lens. FIG. 49. N. R. The cytoplasm of the tail is gathered into nodes and the neutral red granules appear. The mitochondria is now in the form of two homo- genous long threads. Zeiss 6 oc. 2 mm. lens. FIGS. 50, 51. J. G. Later stages of the spermatozoon. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. 42 o o°o o 0°o 39 43 vm *V;;y-' 4T '•'.>!' 'Wjii 48 °0< 40 \ 41 51 M. R. LEWIS AND W. R. B. ROBER1SON. NOTES ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FUCUS SPERM ATOZOIDS. W. J. ROBBINS CORNELL UNIVERSITY The notes here presented are of work conducted at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., during the summers of 1912 and 1913 at the suggestion of Dr. B. M. Duggar. to whose kindness I also owe the opportunity and pleasure of working there. Strasburger (i) states that spermatozoids of Fucus, passing at a distance of one or even two diameters from the egg, turn from their path and rush toward the egg. This attraction, he says, is a chemical one and is due to some substance secreted by the egg which conditions the direction of motion of the spermato- zoids. Strasburger also states that healthy spermatozoids are strongly negatively phototactic. These two phenomena of phototaxy and chemotaxy are used by Strasburger as a basis upon which to account for the meeting of the spermatozoids and the ova as follows: The ova have a density greater than water and sink. The spermatozoids, as they are negatively phototactic, swim down- ward bringing them into the region where the chemotactic influence of the eggs is sufficient to complete the union of the spermatozoids with the. ova. Strasburger made no attempt to discover the chemotactic agent. Bordet (2) also attempted an explanation of the same problem. He filled a capillary tube with crushed ova, immersed the tube in a drop of sea water containing Fucus spermatozoids, and watched for evidences of attraction, but found none. From this he concludes that the ova exert no chemotactic influence on the spermatozoids. He observed, however, that the spermatozoids were very sensitive to contact, clinging with one cilium to the glass slide or any solid object as, for example, a capillary tube. Bordet also states that Fucus spermatozoids are not phototactic, 125 126 W. J. ROBBINS. being neither attracted nor repelled by light. He believes the meeting of the eggs and spermatozoids is due to chance. In brief, Strasburger states that Fucus spermatozoids are negatively phototactic and are chemotactic to the ova. Bordet asserts that they are not phototactic and that there is no che- motaxy. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The dicecious form, Fucus vesiculosus, was used in the experi- ments. To secure spermatozoids or ova for the investigation the methods described by Strasburger (i) were followed. Inasmuch as fresh material could not be secured daily, some method of keeping the Fucns in good condition was desired. Sinking the material in the sea was found to yield active sperma- tozoids for only a day or two after bringing it in from its habitat. Fucus plants wrapped in towels wetted with sea water and kept in an ice chest yield active spermatozoids for at least five days after being brought in. The antheridia from fruiting tips kept in sea water in the ice chest for the same length of time were exuded on drying, but the spermatozoids were inactive and lay inert in the antheridia. This difference between the two treat- ments is probably due to differences in oxygen supply. Stras- burger advises shipping fruiting Fucus, desired for active sper- matozoids and living oogonia, in large amounts of sea water, but it appears that wrapping the Fucus in wet cloths and icing it would be preferable. EXPERIMENT ON CHEMOTAXY. In investigating chemotaxy Pfeffer's capillary tube method was used. The capillary tubes mounted in a drop of sea water containing the spermatozoids were examined under the microscope for about three quarters of an hour for change in direction of motion of the individuals as they passed by the mouth of the capillary tube and for collection of the spermatozoids in the tube as described by Pfeffer and others for various Pteridophytes. The majority of the substances, on account of the strong negative phototaxy of the spermatozoids, were also tested by placing the mounts in the dark and examining them after ten minutes, and NOTES ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FUCUS SPERM ATOZOIDS. 12J again in from twenty-five to forty minutes, for collection in or about the tube. The following substances made up in sea water were used in the concentrations noted: Substance. Concentrations. Lactic acid i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Malic acid i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Butyric acid i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Citric acid i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Potassium oxalate (K.»C->On) . . . i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Ethyl butyrate 0.08%, 0.008% Urea i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Sodium potassium tartrate i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Ethyl alcohol 95%, 9-5%. 0.95%, 0.095% Cane sugar i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Peptone 2%, 0.2%, 0.02%, 0.002% Potassium hydroxide i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol, o.oooi Mol Hydrochloric acid i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol, o.oooi Mol Potassium nitrate i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Diabasic potassium phosphate., i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Potassium iodide o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol Ammonium sulphate 0.6 Mol, 0.06 Mol, 0.006 Mol, 0.0006 Mol Hydrogen peroxide 3%, 0.3%, 0.03% Sodium sulphate i.o Mol, o.i Mol, o.oi Mol, o.ooi Mol No reactions which could be attributed to chemotaxy were observed with any of the above substances except the acids. It was found that with a molecular solution of the organic acids in the capillary tube the spermatozoids were killed in the course of a few minutes. Where o.i Mol acid was used there was in some cases a collection of spermatozoids around the mouth of the tube apparently attached to the cover glass or slide by one cilium and these vibrated slowly. This collection in a few cases was visible to the naked eye after an hour as a yellow halo about the mouth of the tube. With o.oi Mol solution in some of the trials there was a collection of the spermatozoids in the tube after 45 minutes or more; o.ooi Mol had no effect. The accumulation around the mouth of the tube containing o.i Mol acid and the collection in the tube containing o.oi Mol acid only occurred when sea water was used in which the sper- matozoids were very active and numerous. Such results might be interpreted as cases of chemotaxy. 128 W. J. ROBBINS. Kusano (3) has described similar reactions of the swarmspores of Myxomycetes to acids. He attributes them to chemotaxy. An examination of individual spermatozoids, however, showed no change in the direction of their movements passing the mouth of the tube, the effects could by no means always be obtained, and much the same result was observed in one case with HC1. I believe that the results could be interpreted as a toxic phenom- enon as explained below. In the case of the. molecular concentration, the diffusing acid is sufficiently strong to kill or paralyze the spermatozoids through- out the whole mount. With acid of o.i Mol concentration the diffusing zone of the acid which is toxic is not so wide as in the case of acid of the molecular concentration and only those sper- matozoids are rendered non-motile which pass comparatively close to the mouth of the tube; hence the collection observed after a time around the mouth of the tube. At the concentration of o.oi Mol the diffusing acid is not toxic, and only those sper- matozoids are rendered non-motile which pass comparatively close to the mouth of the tube; hence the collection observed after a time around the mouth of the tube. At the concentration of o.oi Mol the diffusing acid is not toxic, and only those sper- matozoids which enter the tube, as some must from several hundred of individuals in a mount, are paralyzed and remain there. Acid of o.ooi Mol concentration is below the toxic con- centration and we have no effect. We do not find the effects noted above in every mount where the acids are used because there may be an accumulation of all active spermatozoids due to negative phototaxy on the side away from the source of light, in which case they do not meet the acid diffusing from the tube; or there may be too few individuals in the mount to show distinct collection; or they may not be actively motile due to the high temperature or old material. If the results noted are due to a toxic effect of the acids on the spermatozoids, it would be expected that other substances, such as potassium hydroxide and ethyl alcohol should also produce the reaction. While no response to those substances was noticed, this may have been due to poor material or to too high a tempera- ture at the time of the experiment. In either case the spermato- NOTES ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FUCUS- SPERMATOZOIDS. 1 29 zoids would be less active and no accumulation would occur. At the time the work was done the relation between toxicity and chemotaxy was not considered and further work on this phase was not attempted. It would appear that the subject should be investigated. EXPERIMENTS ON PHOTOTAXY. That Fucus spermatozoids are negatively phototactic is very evident. Under the microscope the large majority will be observed to swim away from the light and in a short time prac- tically all the active spermatozoids will be found on the side away from the light. If a capillary tube lies parallel to the window the spermatozoids in the drop will collect against the tube on the window side, blocked in their movement away from the light. If mounted on a slide containing a bright spot of light in a dark field, there is no collection in the bright area as Englemann (4) found for Euglena under the same conditions. The spermatozoids pass in and out of the bright area with no apparent response. A slide holding a drop of sea water one fourth inch in di- ameter was placed about two feet from a north window. In less than five minutes practically all the active spermatozoids were found crowded on that side of the drop away from the window. It seemed possible this might be due to gravity. Two slides were arranged as above, one inclined toward the window and one tilted away from it. In both cases the sper- matozoids were found crowded on the side away from the window. In both cases the spermatozoids swam away from the light, but in one case they swam with gravity and in the other against gravity. A liter beaker half filled with sea water yello\v with spematozoids was set on a shelf ten feet from a north win- dow. In ten minutes far more active spermatozoids were found in a drop taken from the side away from the window than were found on the lighted side. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON ACTIVITY. From indications during the experiments on chemotaxy it was observed that temperature had a very considerable effect on the activity of the Fucus sperm and that the optimum temperature is probably relatively low. The experiment below is suggestive. 130 W. J. ROBBINS. Sea water yellow with sperm was placed in two vials. One vial was placed in an ice- water bath at approximately 4° C. and the other was left at room temperature of 25°-27° C. Portions were removed from time to time and examined for activity. Begun at n:oo A.M. Hours. Time. 4°C. 25°-27°C. H 11:30 More active than at 27°. Active. i 12:00 Many active. Few active. iH 12:30 Many active. Few active. 2M i:i5 Many active. One or more in microscope field moving slowly. 3 2:OO Many active. One or more in microscope field moving slowly. 4 3:00 Many active. One or more in microscope field moving slowly. SUMMARY. Using the Pfeffer capillary tube method of determining chemotaxy, it was found that certain acids cause collection of Fucns spermatozoids. It is suggested that this may be explained as due to toxicity and not chemotaxy. Fucns spermatozoids are negatively phototactic. Low temperature is favorable to the activity of Fucus spermatozoids. LITERATURE CITED. 1. Strasburger, E. '84 Das Botanische Practicum, Erste Auflage. P. 392. 2. Bordet, Jules. '94 Contribution a 1'etude de 1'irritabilite des spermatozoides chez les Fucacees. Bull, de 1'Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 3 serie 27: 888-896. 3. Kusano, S. '09 Studies on the Chemotactic and other Related Reactions of the Swarm spores of Myxomycetes. Tokyo Imp. Univ., Agr. Jour. 2: 1-83. 4. Engelman, T. W. '82 Uber lichtund Farben perception niederster Organismen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. 29: 396. NOTE ON THE GALVANOTROPIC RESPONSE OF THE EARTHWORM1 A. R. MOORE AND F. M. KELLOGG, BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF BRYNT MAWR COLLEGE, BRYN MAWR, PA. Since Blasius and Schweizer2 first found that many animals, both aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates, orient themselves characteristically to the electric current, the galvanotropic response has been studied carefully by a number of investigators in paramecia, motile algae, medusa strips and tentacles, certain Crustacea and salamanders. In general it may be stated that under normal conditions, paramecia, motile algse, and pieces of medusa tend to move toward the kathode, while vertebrates and Crustacea which are galvanosensitive, progress toward the anode and avoid the kathode either by turning away from it or by walking backward. Loeb3 and his collaborators account for the coordinated movements of vertebrates and Crustacea under the influence of the electric current by suggesting that they are due to changes in the tension of associated muscle groups, viz: flexors and extensors. It seemed that the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, with its simple locomotor system of circular and longitudinal muscles offered favorable material for testing this idea. The following is an account of the response of this animal to the constant elec- tric current, based on a large number of observations made on different individuals at different seasons of the year. It is true that Blasius and Schweizer noted the galvanotropic response of Lumbricus but unfortunately limited their description to the stimulating effects of the "make" shock and the final crawling of the animal to the kathode, consequently omitting mention of the significant intermediary stages due alone to the flow of the constant current. In our own experiments, an animal to be tested was put into a 1 Drawings by Mary Cline. 2 Blasius and Schweizer, Pflueger's Archlv, Bd. 53, S. 493. 3 Loeb, J., Pflueger's Archiv, Bd. 66, S. 439. A. R. MOORE AND F. M. KELLOGG. hard rubber trough, 5 cm. X 5 cm. X 20 cm. and containing I cm. depth of tap water. The current, from the ordinary lighting circuit, passed through a water rheostat, pole changer, milliam- meter and key, and was received at either end of the trough by FIG. i. non-polarizable electrodes made of wet filter paper. The strength of current used varied between 20 and 100 milliamperes per square decimeter, voltage no. As soon as the current was made THE GALVANOTROPIC RESPONSE OF THE EARTHWORM. 133 the worm began to orient itself and in a few seconds the an- terior and posterior ends were directed toward the kathode, so that the animal took the form of a U with the concave side toward the kathode (Fig. i). In this situation it continued to make writhing and progressive movements, and therefore the figure varied somewhat from time to time. If, by reason of excessive movements, any part of the worm showed anodal curva- ture, the latter was instantly corrected by contraction of the muscles on the kathodal side. Because of the anterior end of the worm being always the more vigorous in its movements, the ani- mal ultimately succeeded, as a rule, in crawling to the kathode. FIG. 2. If it were cut into pieces 3 to 4 cm. long, these pieces when placed transversely in the trough and subjected to the action of the constant current, continued to orient themselves in the same fashion as an entire worm (Fig. 2) but progressive movements were absent. When the current was reversed, the specimen, either entire or sectioned, immediately responded by turning its ends towards the new kathode. The delicacy of the response was lost in fatigued animals. Since the earthworm has but two muscle systems with which to accomplish its locomotion, viz: circular and longitudinal, it is obvious that one-sided movement or bending can be brought about only by unequal contraction of the longitudinal muscles on the two sides. It would seem that this is a case in which an entire animal responds to the electric current in the same fashion as did Bancroft's1 medusa tentacles and bell strips. Since no 1 Bancroft, F. W., Journ. Exp. Zool., Vol. I., p 289. 134 A- R- M°ORE AND F- M- KELLOGG. locomotor limbs are involved in the earhtworm's reaction its response accords in as simple a way as possible with Loeb's theory of galvanotropism. We may therefore conclude that the constant current produces the effects described by increasing the tension of the longitudinal muscles on the kathodal side of the worm, wrhich results in this part being more strongly con- tracted than the anoclal region. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Introduction II. A Primitive Palm Print 153 III. The Border Region of the Plantar Friction-Skin 157 IV. The Reduction of Line C 171 V. Friction-Skin Correspondence in Pygopagi 211 VI. The Heritability of Friction-Skin Characters 227 VII. Bibliography of Friction-Skin Configuration 245 I. INTRODUCTION. In the study of the details of the configuration of the friction- ridges found covering the surfaces of human palms and soles there opens up a field of the greatest value for the biologist. Varying greatly individually, though constant throughout the life of a given individual; still following the lines laid down for them in more primitive mammals, yet modified and varied as the result of mechanical causes; showing markedly and with certainty a direct inheritance from the immediate parents as well as from generations more remote; they may be used with profit by the morphologist, the ethnologist, or the student of genetics, while, as the surest and most positive characters of an individual, they may serve the authorities in the identification of a human body, living or dead. A great advantage in the study of these parts lies in the ease with which a print of the surfaces may be taken, thus furnishing a permanent record, accurate in even the minuter details, and easily filed away. These prints, with the ridges marked in black upon a white background, and reduced to a perfectly plane surface, are much easier to study than are the real objects; laid out upon a large table they may be compared with ease; they are always ready for reproduction where desirable. Un- deniably the patterns are complicated, and many new concep- tions, and the new terminology which expresses them, confront the beginner, as in any new field ; but this much once accomplished 135 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. there opens up to the investigator an almost endless series of new phenomena the study of which, in the few years during which the subject has received special attention, has been no more than begun. As this paper is intended in part as an invitation, or perhaps a propaganda, for more work in this subject, a bibliography of the entire subject is appended, with some suggestions as to the character of the separate titles. It may not come amiss, also, to give in this place a key to the method of formulation now in use, which, although somewhat artificial in the sense that it does not have much morphological significance, is a convenient way in which to express the fundamental conditions found in a given palm or sole, and as such, has already been extensively used.1 In the palm the starting-points of this system are four triradii (Galton's deltas} which lie at the bases of the four fingers, and may be designated as A, B, C, and D, the first situated beneath the index finger, and so on. As in all triradii, these points form each the meeting place of three radiating lines, at approximately 120° from each other, and of these three radiants two short ones pass obliquely upwards (distally), defining a small digital area, while the third follows a longer and quite variable course across the palm. These latter are the four Main Lines, designated by the same letters as are used for their triradii of origin, and as their position indicates the configuration of the entire palm, a simple method of describing their course is of first importance. To "interpret" a given palm it is first necessary to locate the four digital triradii, A, B, C, and D, and then to trace from these centers their three radiants, and more especially the main lines, following them across the palm wherever they may lead, never crossing a ridge. Often, in this pursuit a single ridge may be followed almost the entire distance; again, the ridge that is being followed may come to an end, yet the direction be immediately taken up with a new one, upon which the line may be continued. Where a ridge forks, and thus allows two or more possible courses, the most distal one should be taken. If, now, these courses be 1 Cf. the recent papers of Schlaginhaufen, 1906; Loth, 1906, and the two papers of Wilder on "Racial Differences," 1904, 1913; cf. also the exposition of the method in Martin's new "Lehrbuch der Anthropologie," Jena, 1914, pp. 360-367. II FIG. i. Print of a left hand, showing method of " interpretation," as ex- plained in the text. The print shows the four main lines, and the numbeis arbi- trarily assigned to the different parts of the margin. Formula: 9'7'S-4. Line A becomes involved in a hypothenar pattern, giving it the value of 4. 138 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. marked, while being followed, by a colored pencil, of red, or some other conspicuous color, or by ink, the palm will appear like those shown in Figs, i and 2, except that the result will be naturally more or less unlike either model. As the triradii of origin never vary much in position, the general course of the main lines may be given by determining with some precision their termini, that is, the points at which they issue from the margin of the friction-skin area. This is easily accom- plished by designating the several regions and points along the margin by an arbitrary system of numbers, as here shown, using the numbers I to 13. In this the more definite points, like triradii or pattern-cores, are designated by even numbers, and the intervals between these by odd. Thus 2 indicates the carpal .triradius, lying on the proximal margin at the middle of the wrist. When not actually present, the location of this point is equally well determined by a parting of the lines towards the radial and ulnar sides. 4 indicates the hypothenar pattern, a conspicuous feature present in about 20 per cent, of white hands; when the pattern is wanting, this number is not used. The numbers 6, 8, 10, and 12 indicate the four digital triradii, but in the reverse order, beginning with triradius D. The odd numbers are not so precise, and designate the entire lengths of margin between the points just mentioned. I means any termination upon the radial side (thumb-side) of the carpal triradius; 3 begins at this latter point and runs up along the ulnar side as far as the hypo- thenar pattern, and 5 lies between this pattern and triradius D at the base of the little finger. When an hypothenar pattern is not indicated the distinction between 3 and 5 is somewThat uncertain, but in general, if the entire outer margin of the palm between the lower outer corner (proximal ulnar) and triradius D be divided into thirds, the lower, or proximal third is 3, while the distal two thirds are 5. The boundary between these two numbers thus corresponds to the point of location of 4 (hypothe- nar pattern) when present. The numbers 7, 9, n and 13 desig- nate the spaces between the fingers, 7 being that between the little- and ring-fingers, and so on. Thus, given these arbitrary values' for the parts of the margin, it will be seen that in Fig. I, line D crosses the margin at 9, C at 7, and B very high up along 5. Line A becomes involved in PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 139 the'hypothenar pattern, indicated by the digit 4. The entire form- ula is thus, in the natural order, 4 • 5 • 7 • 9. In Fig. 2 lines B and C become confluent, so that the termination of each is designated by the number indicating the origin of the other, and the formula FIG. 2. Print of a right hand, marked as in Fig. i. Formula: u • 10-8- 5. Here the main lines B and C are confluent, and may each be considered to end in the triradius of origin of the other; that is, line B ends in triradius 8, and line C in triradius 10. The third and fourth interdigital patterns are present, the latter with a triradius belonging to it. These features may be added to the formula in giving a complete description. 140 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. will read 5-8-io-n. In this hand, also, is shown a case of divergent ridges along the course of line A, a common phenome- non, so that by following different ridges the line might be made to terminate almost anywhere along a considerable extent of margin. Following the rule above stated, however, that of carrying a line as far distally (towards the finger-tips) as possible, the line is made to terminate at 5. In this way any human palm may be formulated by the use of four numbers, which indicate the conditions so nearly that one cannot be far out of the way if he should try and draw a given palm from the formula alone. This can be easily proven by anyone who knows the system and makes the attempt, using the formula only, and withholding the original print until the drawing is completed. This formula makes no attempt to indicate any features other than the course of the four main lines, yet, in point of fact, the presence of a pattern is sometimes indicated, as in the case of Fig. 2, where the fusion of lines B and C encloses a small area between the middle- and ring-fingers, and makes a looped pattern there a necessity. When a large number of formulae are accumulated they may be readily arranged in numerical order, subdividing first by the first number, and so on. For practical purposes, however, it is found better to reverse the entire formula, beginning with the number representing the course of line D, since with this latter there is not only more precision in termination than in the case of line A, but also line D is more variable, and thus furnishes more classes for the first subdivision. Thus the formulae for the two cases here illustrated should read respectively, 4-5 -7 -9 and 1 1 • 10 • 8 • 5, the first coming before the second in a numerical list. Corresponding to the results of a morphological study of the patterns, which shows them to have first developed on the raised surfaces of the eleven typical pads (Whipple, 1904), traces of this number are to be expected in their proper places. The five apical patterns appear on the balls of the five digits, the center or core of each coinciding with the rounded apex of the raised area. In their most primitive form they appear as concentric circles or ovals, or some modification of this form, limited by two triradii (deltas), the "whorls" of the finger-print system; the reduction of either one of the original triradii transforms the PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. whorl into a loop, ulnar or radial in accordance with the triradius that is suppressed; and this figure in turn becomes an arch by the suppression of the remaining triradius. The low arch, without appreciable core, is thus the final stage in the reduction process of a finger pattern. The fact that all possible stages along several lines of degeneration are found in man indicates the reduction in functional value as friction organs of these once so vital parts. The six patterns of the palm proper consist of the four inter- digitals, lying just proximal to the intervals between the fingers; the thenar, and the hypothenar. Of the four interdigitals the first (at the radial end of the series) lies below the wide interval between thumb and index finger, and is found usually in close connection with the thenar, the twTo forming loops opening in opposite directions, and with two triradii between them. This pattern-complex is rare in the white race; but much more frequent in some others (e. g., the Maya-Quiches of Yucatan; Wilder, 1904). The three remaining interdigitals appear below the finger intervals, the second lying between triradii A and B, the next (third) between B and C, and the fourth between C and D. The one between triradii A and B (second) is the rarest of the three and the fourth, between C and D, is the commonest. Further- more, this last is frequently provided with a triradius of its own, aside from C and D, a peculiarity occasionally, but not so fre- quently, met with in the other cases. The third pattern, between B and C, is liable to be confused with a "false pattern" caused by certain configurations of the ridges of the palm, but easily dis- tinguished from the real one by its position in a depression rather than on an elevation (Whipple, 1904). The three mounds of this region are easily seen in most hands by bending the fingers back and looking across the palm in various directions. They are the plainest in children and in the fetus they are often ex- tremely conspicuous (Retzius, 1904). As might be expected, a human hand presenting all eleven patterns is quite rare, yet does occur. Such a case, found in the right hands in twin boys, has been already figured and described by the writer.1 As each of the four interdigital pads (or patterns) possesses typically three triradii of its own, with four for the third, it is 1 Wilder, A-nat. Anz., Bd. XXXII. , 1908, pp. 194, 195. 142 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. FIG. 3 FIGS. 3-5. Diagrams giving the morphological explanation of the friction-ridge configuration as found in the Primates, and especially in man. Fig. 3 represents the condition in primitive walking mammals, and follows closely the condition PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 143 FIG. 4 found in Microtus, a field mouse and Crocidura, a shrew. The contact with the ground comes upon eleven walking pads; five apical or terminal, 1-5, four inter- digital, I.-IV., a thenar, Th, and a hypothenar, H ; eleven in all. These are surrounded by folds of skin, two for the apical pads, four for the third interdigital, and three 144 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. FIG. 5 for each of the others, and where these folds come together there are formed Iriradii, or centers from which folds radiate in three directions. Upon this original surface certain epidermic units (scales?) which are un- doubtedly very primitive, and were there before the formation of pads and folds, become definitely arranged in concentric circles over the pads, and in lines along the folds. Nearly every stage in this rearrangement may be found by looking over the more primitive mammals, especially marsupials and lemurs. The separate rows of units tend to unite to form ridges, which possess an important function in increasing the friction, and thus preventing slipping. In monkeys, Fig. 4, the pads and folds are flattened down to an approximately level surface, but the arrangement of the ridges still indicates the former condition. The relief has become a picture. In man, Fig. 5, the reduction in functional importance of these friction-ridges allows all forms of degeneration, both in the individual patterns and in the ridges PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. FIG. 50. 145 as a whole. There is also shown a marked tendency for all the ridges to shift from the longitudinal position of the apes to one more nearly transverse, and this ten- dency is much more marked in right than in left hands, evidently corresponding to use, and recording the change from the grasping of tree boughs to the holding of tools and other objects. While all degrees of the loss of the original configuration and the assumption of transverse ridges may be found in different human hands, it is seldom that so many of the mound patterns are retained as in Fig. 5 (Coll. No. 90). The formula, however, 11-9- 7 -5, indicated the establishment of the transverse position in the interdigital region. Fig. 5a shows a very primitive Thenar region in a Liberian negro. (Coll. No. 571, taken by F. Starr.) evident that in the human species a very considerable reduction of these points has taken place. There are left in all cases, however, the four main triradii, which are so constant as to allow their use as the starting points in palm formulation although it is by no means certain that they are in all cases strictly homol- ogous. Thus, from Figs. 3 and 4 it is seen that the second inter- digital pattern has originally two distal triradii, either of which might persist as triradius A, and it is likely that the one that appears is sometimes one and sometimes the other of the original two. Other of the missing triradii appear occasionally somewhat lower down on the palm (proximal to the pattern) especially in connection with the fourth pattern. A definite hypothenar pattern appears on about 20 per cent, of hands of the white race, but the occurrence differs considerably racially and in some may be either more or less frequent. It is occasionally found in its more primitive form, as a whorl with 146 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. the three original triradii, but it displays a tendency to become drawn out along one axis and form an extensive spiral or S-formed figure. As is well known, the exact and detailed configuration of the five apical patterns, the "finger-prints" of identification bureaus, was employed by the late Sir Francis Gal ton (1892, 1893, 1895, FIG. 6. Diagram of a human sole, with the margins numbered to correspond to the palms in Figs, i and 2, and marked with the main lines. From an article by the author in Pop. Sci. Monthly for September, 1903. By permission. etc.) as the basis for his system of personal identification, and, within the last twenty years, has become scientifically developed by certain police investigators, notably Sir Edward Richard Henry. At the present time the "finger-print system" has been introduced into all civilized countries, and its scope is steadily increasing. As the friction-skin configuration offers an abso- PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 147 lutely sure test, and the only one, for the identification of a human body, alive or dead, it is certain that this use of the apical patterns will be followed by a similar employment of the entire palmar and plantar surfaces, as advocated by the present author since 1902, and at this writing it is a pleasure to note that sole- prints have recently been put in use in a Chicago maternity hos- pital for the identification of the babies. Something on the frequency of occurrence of the six patterns upon the palm has been done in connection with racial differences in friction-skin configuration1 and their progressive degeneracy from the simian type has been followed, in some cases along several lines, by Miss Whipple (1904, pp. 341-350). The friction-skin configuration of the sole shows a much greater range of variability than is seen in the palm, and correspondingly its formulation presents a more serious problem. When the print indicates the four main triradii it is possible, of course, to draw the same four main lines, A, B, C, and D; using the same arbitrary numbers to designate marginal features (Fig. 6), yet this method is unpractical from a number of causes. In the first place the four essential triradii lie up in the hollow between the ball and the toes, and quite often come beyond the usual con- tact area, and thus are not seen in a print. Again, they are by no means as constant as in the hand, being occasionally replaced by other triradii which have survived instead of these; and still again, when the main lines are traceable, they quite often assume near their free ends a parallel course and terminate close together along the margin designated by the digit I, thus giving little or no variety to the formula (i • I • I • i). It has thus seemed more expedient to employ a distinctly dif- ferent scheme for sole formulation, as illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8. The print is interpreted, that is, is marked off into areas, by the use of the main lines as in the palm, but as the lines themselves are not used otherwise than as boundaries, the tracing of their course is not so critical. Where all four main triradii are present as in Fig. 7, this interpreting is a simple matter; yet there are numerous cases in which one or more of the triradii lie above (distal to) the contact area, as in the case of triradius C of Fig. 8. Here there is, however, some divergence of the ridges at the upper 1 Wilder, Amer. Anthrop., 1904, 1913. 148 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. margin, sufficient to indicate the position of the line approxi- mately, and the case is assisted by the presence of a "lower" or proximal triradius, one radient of which practically coincides with the supposititious C line. Thus between the two a boundary is fixed between the areas of the fourth and the third interdigital patterns, while the second, and the boundary between it and the third are definitely indicated by means of the main triradii. FIG. 7. Print of a right sole, showing the method of dividing the "ball" into its four interdigital areas, each of which may be separately described by formula. This method is fundamentally different from that used for the palm, as shown in Figs, i and 2. Formula: W-L-CI-0-H-H2. Now in all cases, whether the limits are precise, as in Fig. 7, or approximate, as in Fig. 8, the "ball" of the foot is easily divided up into areas corresponding to the four interdigital patterns. Of these the first, beneath the great toe, or rather PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 149 beneath the interval between this digit and the next, is the largest, and is usually covered with a definite arrangement of ridges, the hallucal pattern. It will be noted that this, the most important of the four in the foot, is the same one that, in the hand, appears only as an adjunct of the rare thenar pattern, and is thus of little importance. This difference is plainly the result of the difference in function and use of foot and hand, as in the former the main work is performed by the heel, and by the four interdigital areas placed in a row close together, while of this row the inner end, below the great toe, is used the most. The descriptive formulation of the sole configuration is thus FIG. 8. Print of a right sole, showing a second case of the method of inter- pretation used in the preceding figure. This print exhibits the unusual case of the effacement of a definite hallucal pattern, similar to the sixth type 'shown in Fig. 9. Formula: BC-L-Cl-Cl-x. seen to be most advantageously accomplished by using the areas rather than the lines, and describing the condition of the patterns found upon them. To begin with, the hallucal pattern, which is used for the classification of soles into primary groups, is found in its most primitive form as the whorl, equipped with its three typical triradii, A, B, and C (Fig. 9). Either triradius may be wanting, thus allowing the ridges to open, or gush out, to use a 150 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. figure which has no morphological significance, in the direction of A, or B, or C. The whorl, in formula writing, may be designated as W, and the three derived types just given, may be distinguished by the triradius that is wanting, as A, B, or C, respectively. Aside from these, there are compound types, where two of the triradii fail, and where the ridges flow out in two directions. Of W B C AC FlG. 9. Diagram showing the types of hallucal pattern. W is a whorl, with the three triradii all present, A, B, and C. In type A triradius A, the distal one. is lost, and the ridges flow out between the first and second digits. In type B the triradius of the name, the tibial one, is lost while A and C remain, and in type C, the fibular triradius (C) is lost, or nearly so, giving an outlet for the ridges in that direction. Types AC and BC may be interpreted as compound types, explicable from the others, especially C, where the two triradii A and C lie near together. In AC the remaining triradius is assumed to be B, and in BC it is A. In AC the rem- nant of the pattern lies to the left of the triradius; in BC below it. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 151 these the possible types are AC, BC, and AB, the distinctions between which are obvious. The type shown in Fig. 7 is virtually a whorl (W), although it is not typical; while the type of Fig. 8 is extremely rare, and is most probably interpreted as an AB, with some possibility that it is rather a BC. The three remaining areas are conveniently designated as I., II., and III., respectively, and are characterized as either open (0), or dosed (Cl) in accord- ance with the condition of their proximal ends. Thus, in Fig. 7, I. and III. are open, that is, they reach the inner margin, while II. is clearly closed; in Fig. 8 all three are closed, but I. is open for some distance, curves around the base of II., and abuts finally against the side of III. Occasionally, too, an area may be closed at the top, also, as area I. in both figures given, and sometimes the ridges of two areas flow into each other, that is, they are con- fluent. A confluence is easily marked by the designations of the areas involved, united by a + sign, as, I. + III.; I. + 11.; and a closure of the distal end may be designated by an / (loop). This method of formulation of the sole configuration was first attempted in 1904* in making comparisons of the sole prints of different human races. In this article, in addition to the for- mulas, as just described, certain exponent letters with an arbitrary significance were employed to qualify the more general terms. The presence of a hypothenar pattern (usually represented by a single loop) upon the outer edge of the foot proximal to the interdigital row, was also indicated by a capital H, added to the rest. Representative sole formulas, taken from this article, are here given. The main symbols will be readily understood from the foregoing; the meaning of the descriptive exponents, which are of less value, may be found by referring to the article, pp. 253-254. 0 0 + 20 H + i + 1+2 In the first of these the hallucal pattern is a whorl, while the three succeeding areas are open fields, without patterns. The 1 Amer. Antkropol. w 0 0 A OCl Cl A. 0 + Wsp + 3 Cl B + 3 Cl 152 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. second has an "A -loop," the commonest form of hallucal pattern, where the pattern is closed, except at the interval between the great toe and the next, where the ridges run up and attain the margin; the second area, II, has a proximal loop, probably with triradius, which confines a part of the ridges. In the third formula some of the ridges run in the form of a U between areas 2 and 3, and in the fourth a similar union involves all the ridges of areas I and 3. .The fifth notes an unusual form of hallucal pattern, together with a strange mix-up in the union of areas, which will become plain from the explanation of the rest. This method of formulating sole configuration is by no means an ideal one, but it serves fairly well the general purpose of pic- turing the configuration of a given sole in a few terms. A fundamentally different method has been introduced by Schlagin- haufen (1905), based upon the identity of the various triradii occurring on the sole. Each one of these is designated by an abbreviation, like "/Q" or "/I3," and the description is based upon the position and relations of these. This method is thus a method of description rather than a formulation, and although in many ways convenient, it depends upon absolutely exact homologies, which, in our present state of knowledge, is not pos- sible. It thus seems better to rely upon some artificial method, which is capable of picturing the essential details of a given sole, rather than to attempt a series of homologies based upon our present incomplete knowledge. The two proximal patterns, thenar and hypothenar, have naturally suffered much displacement from the peculiar lengthen- ing of the proximal part of the foot to form the human heel, and a discussion of their position and homologies will be found farther on in this article. Here it may be said that the transversely placed loop, sometimes seen on the outer edge of the sole, just proximal to the row of interdigital patterns across the ball, may safely be considered the hypothenar pattern, or more probably a portion of it (Fig. 7). The thenar, rare and more or less rudi- mentary, as in the hand, is indicated by traces of irregularity in the lines, or an occasional loop and triradius, found upon a slightly raised area upon the inner edge of the sole, not much distal to the heel (Figs. 21 and 23 below). PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 153 II. A PRIMITIVE PALM PRINT. Among the prints collected from college students the past year occurred an isolated case, unique in the history of human palms thus far known (Fig. 10). FIG. i o. Tracings taken directly from prints of the two hands of Miss - (Coll. No. 647), showing the simian type to a degree not even approached by any other human individual of the many hundreds thus far placed under observation by the various investigators. Formula: i • 7 • i • i or i • i • i • i. 154 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. In the left hand of this individual, the one first noticed, all four main lines, A, B, C, and D, which proceed from the triradii at the bases of the four fingers, instead of running transversely or obliquely across the palm, as in all cases hitherto observed, i\\ii\\\w///7//// hU\\\\;Uif^/^ FIG. ii. Hand of a chimpanzee (Anthropopithecus), taken from a drawing by W. Kidd, and treated in the same way as Fig. 10, for better comparison with it. Formula: 7-6-2 -2. pass downward in a longitudinal course, and terminate near together in the middle of the wrist. This gives the unheard-of formula 2-2-2-2, if they be considered as terminating together PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 155 in a carpal triradius, or, what is still more remarkable I • I • I • I, if they do not. It is rather unusual, but by no means rare, to find line A as- suming a low position along the lower third of the free outer border of the palm (position 3) ; several cases have been met with FIG. 12. Hand of a gorilla, taken from a drawing by W. Kidd and treated in the same way as Fig. 10, for better comparison with it. Formula: 3-3'2- 1- (?). in which this line reaches the carpal triradius (2) ; and one instance is known of line A terminating within (on the thumb-side of) this point (position i); but no such course has ever been recorded for any of the other main lines, not even B, 156 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. which, from its propinquity to A, might be thought capable of it. Line B, at the lowest position recorded, still keeps within the upper two thirds of the outer (ulnar) margin of the palm, and thus never attains a number less than 5. The known range of line C is between 5 and n, and D always curves up, from position 7 on, save in one rather doubtful case in which it appears to curve downwards and outwards, to reach the outer margin at 5. The right hand of the same individual, while closely similar to the left in general appearance, introduces a slight variation in the form of a lower triradius, which confines a number of the ridges of the third interdigital area, allowing line C if one wish to so interpret it, to curve upwards and terminate at position 7, between the ring- and little-fingers. By this interpretation the course of Line C becomes quite normal, and suggests the possi- bility, with a slight rearrangement of lines, of fusing lines B and D, giving the total formula 10-7 -6- 1, which, except for the posi- tion of line A , is not at all unusual. This right hand, much like the left but with the profound change produced by the presence of the lower triradius in the third interdigital area, suggests a partial explanation for the wholly anomalous condition of the other side, for in the left palm, at the point corresponding to the lower triradius of the right there seem to be one or two ridges that curve and suggest the last vestiges of a vanished triradius like that of the right. The presence of such a formation in this place might bring about a fusion of lines C and D, making the first two terms of the formula 6-8, yet even thus lines A and B are not explained, and remain wholly abnormal. Whatever the explanation, the picture presented by these two palm prints, especially the left, with the ridges crossing the hand lengthwise, is strikingly like that exhibited by the large Anthro- poids. This is shown in Figs. II and 12, put into the form of diagrams after the sketches of Kidd (1907; Figs. 48 and 46). Since, however, the figures of this author were drawings from the objects, and not print impressions, and as they were designed to show the relief, including certain of the deepest rugse, it was often difficult to determine the exact course of the ridges, and they are not wholly trustworthy on that account. The similarity PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 157 of these to the case here presented is obvious; they may even be formulated by the method devised for human palms, the formula being, respectively 7 • 6 • 2 • 2 and 3 • 3 • 2 • I . The family to which the subject of this sketch belongs, No. 647 of my collection, is of good old English ancestry, and numbers among her near relatives several persons of more than ordinary distinction. The subject herself is an attractive young person of excellent mind, graduating from college with distinction, and having nothing at all abnormal about her, save this singular ar- rangement of the palmar friction-ridges: An investigation of the hand prints of both parents, revealed typical European racial characters, such as the formula n -9 -7 -5 in the right hand of the father and the left of the mother; the father's left hand bears the formula 11-7 -7 -4, and the mother's right is ii -II -9 -5, a little unusual but quite normal for a white person. Unfortunately, owing to the prejudice of the family, I was not permitted to obtain sole-prints of either the subject herself or of her parents, and consequently can make no further report. III. THE BORDER REGION OF THE PLANTAR FRICTION- SKIN. Unlike the condition in the hand, where the friction-skin of the palm terminates along the borders of the contact surface, the friction-skin of the foot extends up along its sides considerably beyond the physiological sole. Since friction-skin has little or no pigment, this extension upwards gives the feet of dark-skinned races, when barefooted, the well-known appearance of pink slip- pers worn over black stockings. It thus happens that, while in the -hand a simple contact print includes practically the entire friction-skin area, a similar print of the foot includes only the inner portion of the ridged skin, leaving an appreciable border entirely around the part printed, concerning which no record is made. The relation of this tread- area, the usual extent of a print, to the entire surface covered with friction-skin is shown in a few examples here, and convinces one immediately of the insufficiency of a tread-area print (Figs. 13 and 14). 158 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. The most common loss is that of the loop upon the outer edge of the sole, the probable equivalent of the hypothenar, or of a part of it. This loop is extremely frequent, but as its center occurs FIG. 13. Print of right foot of Coll. No. 22, showing hypothenar loop, and thenar rudiment, both outside of the tread area. near the hypothenar edge, it is more than likely to fall just beyond the edge of a tread-area print. Thus, when completely printed, Figs. 13 and 15 are alike in respect to the loop in question, but with ordinary tread area prints the loop in the former would escape observation. In Fig. 16 a single hypothenar loop would be evident in a tread-area print, but it would never be mistrusted PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 159 that there was a second loop proximal to the other, or that the two were separated by a triradius; in Fig. 17, closely similar to 16, a tread-area print would show simply an uninteresting sole, FIG. 14. FIG. 15. FIG. 14. Print of right foot of Coll. No. 202, showing extensive hypothenar loop, not shown by an ordinary tread area print. FIG. 15. Print of right foot of Coll. No. 609, showing hypothenar loop, practic- ally identical with that of Fig. 13, but so placed that it appears in a tread area print. devoid of all special features, and would fail to show either hypothenar loop or the triradius between them. Thus far, in the history of the investigation of human soles, there have been on record but three cases in which the general surface of the sole, proximal to the ball of the foot, shows a i6o HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. pattern — a West African negro,1 a Pole,2 and a Liberian negro.3 For the sake of comparison they are all reproduced here (Figs. 18, 19, 20), that of the Liberian being completed in theory FIG. 16. FIG. 17. FIG. 16. Print of right foot of Coll. No. 236, showing two hypothenar loops and • a large triradius. An ordinary tread area print would show only the more distal of the two loops, and present a sole, in this particular like Fig. 15. FIG. 17. Print of the right foot of Coll. No. 183, like Fig. 16, with the addition of a thenar rudiment, the most of which would remain unrevealed by an ordinary print. 1 Schlaginhaufen, 1905, p. 102. - Mme. Loth, 1912, p. 603. 8 Wilder, 1913, p. 205. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 161 beyond the limit of the print, to show the probable course of the ridges. Now in all three cases we are dealing with loops that run across the sole, and in any one of them, if the core of the loop FIG. 18. FIG. 19. FIG. 18. Print of Schlaginhaufen's case; a West African negro, with a loop in the hollow in the foot. Both feet were practically the same. Compare with Fig. 14. FIG. 19. Mme Loth's case; a negro from North America. Compare with Fig. 14. • had chanced to have been placed a little more laterally there would have been shown simply a sole crossed by the usual transverse lines. Even as it is, in two of the three cases, Mme. 1 62 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. FIG. 20. Print of right foot of Liberian negro; H. H. W. Coll. No. 585, collected by F. Starr. Here the loop which corresponds with the two preceding is brought into association with a more distal one turned the other way, and perhaps, if we may believe in the theoretical completion of the figure as indicated, there is involved a third loop, more proximal than the others. Careful notice must be taken that the heavy lines of the margin, which indicate the tread area, are here all that we have, as the subject is somewhere in Liberia, and not available, and therefore, that the completion of the lines outside of this margin are wholly theoretical. In all of the other cases the lines outside of the tread area rest upon actual prints ob- tained by rolling the foot. This print has been previously printed (Amer.Anlhropol., 1913, p. 205). PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 163 Loth's and mine, the individuals were flat-footed and the prints were broader than usual, so that if the feet had had the customary height of arch these figures would have lacked in extent, and in the case of the Liberian the loop upon the inner side might have been entirely lost. It thus forcibly suggests itself that such patterns as the three just considered may not be as rare as has been thought, but that many of the prints of the usual monotonous type, consisting, through the middle of the foot, of transverse parallel lines without special features, might yield interesting results if the entire friction-skin area were included. Some years ago I attempted to remedy this defect by rolling the foot while being printed, first to the outer, and then to the inner, side, but while this proved fairly satisfactory for the outer portion, the hollow part of the sole, upon the inner side, still remained unprinted, and left a large oval area without record. Schlaginhaufen also, who devoted some study to this hollow region in his extensive work on the Planta (1905) has later sought to include in his records these neglected parts, and has places in his printed record sheet for (i) the tread area, (2) the rolled outer edge, (3) the inner hollow of the foot, and (4) the back of the heel, thus making the record a complete one (1912). In my own attempts to investigate this border area of the soles I find it expedient, first, to make a careful study of the foot itself with a lens, and then to prepare prints corresponding in general to those recommended by Schlaginhaufen; but in some cases I supplement these by strips, applied to the inked foot, and extend- ing from one triradius, or other feature, to another, in order that they may be correctly oriented. Naturally, the three-dimen- sional object which the friction-skin covers makes it impossible to reduce the whole to an exact plane, but by overlapping the strips, superposing them carefully at the triradii, pattern-cores, and other important places, and then tracing the whole by a thin piece of paper which covers it, such a figure as that shown here (Fig. 21) may be obtained, which is approximately correct. For the details of pattern-cores, etc., the separate slips are suf- ficient, but the exact orientation of these must naturally be preserved. 64 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. Prints of the tread-area and of the rolled outer edge are ob- tained in the usual way, by the use of an inked surface, upon which the part to be printed is first placed, and then placed, in the same way, upon a piece of white paper; but the strips used for details, or those covering curved surfaces, are best printed by first inking FIG. 21. Print of right foot of Coll. No. 87, reconstructed from impressions taken of various areas. Here the arch is very high and the tread area, indicated by the entire line, is very inadequate. This is one of the few cases known which show a calcar pattern, here, as elsewhere, consisting of a single loop on the heel, open to the tibial side, and slanted somewhat distally, thus coming into close relation with the thenar pattern, covering the small thenar eminence. This latter pattern is also in the form of a loop, with its opening directed fibulo-distally, and is supplied with a triradius. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 165 the foot and then putting on the slips, applied something like bandages, and pressed with the hand. To ink the foot the roller used in inking the paper surface may be employed, care being taken to spread the ink evenly and not too thickly. The applied strip may be pressed or gently rubbed with the hand. One of the chief gains resulting from the study of the completed FIG. 22. Drawing of the plantar aspect of the right foot of a chimpanzee, to show the normal position and relations of the four interdigital and the two proximal pads. For comparison with Fig. 23. friction-skin of the foot lies in the added material furnished for the study of the proximal row of patterns, the thenar and the 1 66 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. hypothenar. The long, extended heel of the human foot is so unlike anything found in typical mammals that even the location in the human subject of these once important eminences, with their associated patterns, is by no means a simple matter. The CaLc ar FIG. 23. Diagrammatic drawing of a right human foot, resting upon the heel, as seen in a recumbent figure; inner (tibial) aspect. The thenar pad is exaggerated, but accurately located. For comparison with Fig. 22. best aid here comes from the comparison of the human foot with that of some one of the large Anthropoids, preferably a Chimpanzee (Fig. 22), where both the thenar and hypothenar are still evident, although the drawing-out process has already commenced. The backward extension seems here to involve mainly the hypothenar region, and as this surmise is supported by the relation of the underlying skeletal parts, we may look upon the entire human sole, back of the " ball of the foot," i. e., the inter- digital pads, as an extended hypothenar. The thenar seems to take no part in the extension, but lies passively upon the medial PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 1 67 side of the foot, quite above the tread area, where in man it may still be found greatly reduced in size and importance, but occa- sionally quite evident (Fig. 23). Difficult to even locate at first, one soon becomes accustomed to picking out the thenar pad on almost any foot, and in cases where it is really prominent, and when seen in the right light, it forms a conspicuous object. The friction-ridges crossing this eminence almost always exhibit some disturbance of their other- wise even course across the foot, and occasionally show a distant loop with a triradius (Fig. 21). As is to be expected, too, the best developed patterns are likely to occur on the most conspicu- ous pads, the atavistic tendency manifesting itself in these two ways at the same time. The last vestige of the thenar pattern is indicated upon a flat surface, without trace of a pad, by a slight disturbance of the friction-ridges in this place (Figs. 13, 17, 24, and 25). Miss Whipple, in her fundamental work upon the whole subject of epidermic ridges, has considered the causes of the degeneration of the thenar pad of man and finds the principal one in the estab- lishment of the long arch, spanning the distance between the ball and the heel. The thenar pad, and, as she states, the hypothenar also, are both situated directly beneath the center of the long arch, and their reduction thus becomes a matter of necessity.1 Schlaginhaufen2 gives several prints of the thenar pattern, without definitely designating it as such, and was quite right in stating that he was the first to carefully investigate this pattern. In its best developed form this thenar pattern, as thus far recorded, seems to consist of a simple loop with a single triradius (Fig. 21), or occasionally, two loops, with the triradius between them.3 Light is shed upon the question of the hypothenar pattern by the interpretation of the long-extended human sole as formed from the hypothenar region, since, if this be true, the pattern, or elements of it, may thus be looked for on any part of this area. This would determine at once as hypothenar, not only the narrow loop found quite commonly upon the fibular edge of the foot, a 1 Cf. Miss Whipple, 1904, p. 292, Fig. 19. 2 1905, pp. 107-109, Figs. 182-184. 3 Schlaginhaufen, loc. cit., Fig. 183, i. 1 68 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. little proximal to the ball (Figs. 13, 14, 15) but also the second loop further back (Figs. 16 and 17), and probably also the enor- mous figure found in the middle of the arch in the three special cases mentioned (Figs. 18, 19, 20). Aside from these three FIGS. 24 and 25. Prints of the two soles of the same individual (Coll. No. 199), in which an inward rolling of the feet reveals on both sides a rudimentary thenar pattern. elements there is also the calcar pattern, which, aside from a single family, in which it occurs in father, mother and two of the three children, I have seen but twice. (See below, Part VI.) Now, at the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 169 say whether all of these patterns, or pattern fragments, are parts of a single hypothenar pattern, which has become spread out, and its parts disassociated, by the great extension of the part covered by it, or whether there are added to the genuine hypo- thenar elements certain "secondary patterns" (Whipple), like those covering the proximal and medial phalangeal surfaces in certain apes. The calcar pattern is treated as a secondary one by Miss Whipple,1 and is figured in two specimens of Cebus, where it appears definitely distinct from thenar and hypothenar, although in contact with both.2 On the other hand it involves no improbability to treat all of these elements, with the possible exceptions of the calcar, as the more or less disassociated parts of a long-drawn-out hypothenar, the result of a great extension of its field in one direction and finds a close analogy in the apical patterns of the four lesser toes in the human foot, where the pattern is drawn out laterally to such an extent that there occur not only long extended S-shaped figures, with the two loops far apart, but even those with three loops and three associated triradii. One of the latter is figured by Schlaginhaufen,3 and the same type is described briefly by Miss Whipple,4 where "the pattern has become separated into distinct loops and an accessory degeneration triradius is introduced, that is, a triradius not originally present in the typical scheme but formed incident- ally in the process of degeneration of the pattern." It is thus a priori probable that the three elements represented by (i) the simple hypothenar loop of the fibular side (Fig. 13), (2) the second loop occasionally present proximal to the latter (Fig. 16), and (3) the large loop in the middle of the foot, of which but three instances have thus far been described (Figs. 18, 19 and 20), are all parts of a degenerated hypothenar, yet the ho- mologies of these several elements with one another, and the course of degeneration in the original hypothenar pattern, with the interpretation of these various existing vestiges, is still a large problem. For this there is great need of more data, com- plete prints of the soles of a large number of individuals, each one including the border areas of the friction-skin, with the 1 1904, p. 361; Taf. VI. 2 P. 334, Fig. 37, b and c. 3 1905, p. 114, Fig. 185. 4 1904, pp. 352-353- 170 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. portions so taken that recognizable features of the usual tread area are included, to allow definite orientation. From the few sole prints given here there are certain deductions and surmises concerning these possible hypothenar elements, that are at once apparent, and may be here mentioned, rather as suggestions to stimulate comparison than as definite assertions. 1. All the elements here considered are loops, and, with the exception of one of the loops of Fig. 20, all open toward the medial, or tibial, margin of the sole. It is thus difficult to explain them as the two disassociated ends of a long S-shaped figure. 2. In the case of Fig. 16, with two large loops facing the same way, the more distal is probably the loop commonly found on the outer margin, near the ball of the foot, while the other is readily comparable with the large loop in the hollow of the foot, as given in the cases of Schlaginhaufen and Mme. Loth (Figs. 18 and 19). If, however, we compare Fig. 16 with Fig. 17, we see this same proximal loop gradually reduced to a small but evident figure, on the way towards extinction. This gives us a series, Figs. 19, 18, 16 and 17, in which a loop begins with occupying almost the entire sole, and ends as a rudiment. One recalls here Schlagin- haufen's interesting series, in part theoretical, in which he derives such a case as that of Mme. Loth, from a moderate-sized loop, found in lower Primates, which crosses the heel region obliquely, and opens to the medial side (Schlaginhaufen, loc. cit., p. 121). 3. Concerning the calcar pattern, about which so little is known, a pattern which has been observed here and there, but has as yet no morphological interpretation, I made recently more careful studies upon No. 87 of my collection, a subject who has a good calcar pattern upon each heel. The result of this, in the case of the right foot, where there is also a good thenar pattern, is given in Fig. 21 above. In the figure the whole record of the friction-skin of the foot is spread out as reduced to a plane, and the tread area is indicated by lines. Unfortunately there are no indications of the loops here considered hypothenar, so tha,t a comparison of either thenar or calcar with these is not possible; on the other hand there is revealed a possible association of calcar with thenar, suggesting that the two form the two loops of an S-shaped pattern. This close association of thenar and calcar patterns is not new, being shown by Miss Whipple in two speci- PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. I 71 mens of Cebus1 and in Inuus? but here the fields occupied by the two patterns seem more distinct. This author treats the calcar pattern as a secondary one, formed probably through the back- ward extension of the heel, to assist in covering the new area, and sees a proof of its recent nature from the fact that there is no trace of such a pattern in the corresponding position in Lagothrix, where "the calcar region is still covered by epidermic elements not yet fused into ridges." An element to be considered in this connection, but one which adds to the confusion rather than assists in the elucidation, is the "Fersen-sinus" of Schlaginhaufen, which he figures on the heel of various Primates, the core of which usually forms a loop opening to the medial side, as in man. This he shows most typically in Macacus and Hylobates, but it appears also in Simla, Gorilla, and Anthropopithecus. As this author does not emphasize the homologies of the typical patterns as located upon the original pads, but compares rather the triradii and lines pro- ceeding from them, one can hardly follow the patterns through his numerous figures. IV. THE REDUCTION OF LINE (7. In 1910 Edward Loth, assisted by Mme. Loth (Jadwiga Nie- mirycz-Lothowa), published the results of the examination of a large collection of the palm and sole prints of Russian Poles from the vicinity of Warsaw. In these they find a number of instances in which line C, with its triradius, is entirely wanting, and others in which the line in question is very short, and terminates, after a perfectly straight course, in a loop (cf. Figs. 33 and 34 below). These conditions, which are obviously closely related, both desig- nates in a main line formula by the letter x. With regard to previous recognition of either of these two con- ditions he cites Miss Whipple in her paper of 1904, and states very generously that he makes no claim to priority, yet thinks that he is the first to indicate it in formulae. As this condition has been so long known to me, practically from the beginning of my investigations, I felt sure that I had described it in detail somewhere, but, to my own chagrin, I can 1 Loc. cit., p. 334. 5 P. 307. 172 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. find no direct reference to it in any of my writings. I have indicated this condition in formulae, however, by the digit 8, the designation for the radius of origin of the missing line, in- tending to signify by this that it goes nowhere, yet I am quite ready to acknowledge that the meaning of this is not clear, and that Loth's use of the letter x is much clearer. Since the condition itself is an interesting one, I have recently taken some pains to estimate its frequency. In the hands of 145 white persons (mostly Smith College students) a complete loss of line C, with its triradius, was found in both hands in four cases; in the right alone in five; and in the left alone in eight. That is, out of 145 individuals, no less than 17 of them showed a complete loss of the C line in one or both hands; or, put another way, out of 290 separate hands 21 were thus marked. In addition to these, nine more individuals possessed in one hand a very short and straight C line, ending in a loop, and as these were none of them duplicate individuals writh any of the above or with each other, this gives a total of 26 individuals out of the 145 in which the term x ( = 8) occurs in one or both of the hand formulae as a designation of the condition of line C; that is, nearly 18 per cent. Comparing the palms of races other than white I found eight cases in 42 palms of the Maya Indians of Yucatan, or 19 per cent, much as in the whites, while in 118 palms of Liberian soldiers this condition (including both forms of it) occured but 10 times, 1 1. 8 per cent. To summarize these results: the condition of line C, in which it is either wholly absent, together with its triradius, or very short and ends in a loop, is a fairly common one, apparently in all races. In the negro palm, however, the marked tendency of all the lines to run diagonally across the palm, from the bases of the fingers to a more proximal position on the ulnar margin, which results so commonly in the formula 7 -5 -5 -5, considerably lessens the percentage of occurrence of this condition. In expressing this condition in a formula I would suggest the general adoption of Loth's abbreviation, x, when the line and triradius are both wanting, and that of 8, my usage hitherto, to designate a very short C line, ending in a loop. (To be continued.) HEREDITY AND ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. II. MODE OF INHERITANCE OF DOUBLE SCUTES AND A DIS- CUSSION OF ORGANIC SYMMETRY. H. H. NEWMAN. A. GENERAL STATEMENT. This paper is in continuation of a study published under the same general title in July, 1915. In that paper the inheritance and distribution among quadruplets of more or less extensive band anomalies were dealt with. All anomalies involving the presence of two or more consecutive double scutes either in mother or in one or more offspring of a polyembryonic set were considered as band anomalies. There remained numerous cases of inherited anomalies so minute as to involve only isolated double scutes in parent and in offspring. A detailed study of the in- heritance and of the symmetrical or asymmetrical distribution of these double scutes among the fetuses of quadruplet sets forms the subject matter of the present contribution. In order to have a compact and truly homogeneous group to work with, I have decided to confine my study to collections C and K, omitting several small collections, the data of which are not so complete. In the C and K collection there are 140 sets of quadruplets which are sufficiently advanced to show every detail of the scute pattern. The shells of the mothers of all these sets are preserved and have been carefully scutinized for anomalies. Such shells as were badly worn or damaged had to be excluded from the present study together with the associated offspring. A study of 140 sets should reveal the conditions typical for the species, since we have a collection of 700 individuals. Of the 140 sets of quadruplets 73 are female and 67 male. This dis- crepancy between the sexes is due to two circumstances, first that three sets of fetuses, in which the sex was obviously male, were too small to count, the mothers in all cases being normal, 173 174 H- H- NEWMAN. and second that two sets of offspring, all normal and males, were discarded because the shell of the mother in each case was badly damaged. If these five sets of male quadruplets be added the count would be practically even so far as sex goes, 73 females and 72 males. Other collections, moreover, have showTn equal numbers of male and female sets of quadruplets. I. Three Categories of Offspring. A survey of the 140 sets of quadruplets reveals that there are three well-defined classes: (a) Those in which both mother and offspring have anomalies. Of these there are 56 sets, 29 female and 27 male. (6) Those in which the mother is normal but the offspring have anomalies. Of these there are 41 sets, of which 22 are female and 19 male. (c) Those in which both mother and offspring are normal. Of these there are 43 sets, of which 22 are female and 21 male. Unless the character in question is strongly inherited as a dominant we would expect to find a fourth class composed of sets in which the mother has an anomaly but all offspring are normal. Only one such case occurs, and this is a doubtful one in which the anomaly of the mother is a double scute that may be due to the fusion of two scutes after a local injury. This doubtful case has been included in class (c). Another case that I at first thought was in this fourth class was found on examination to belong to class (a), for one of the fetuses had a double scute in the last scapular band which had been overlooked in the counts because we were dealing only with the regular bands. The facts of this case will be clear from an examination of Set C 65 (bottom of p. 187). The mode of inheritance of these anomalies does not appear to be typically Mendelian, for, if the character is a dominant, with the normal condition the recessive, we would expect a considerable number of anomalous individuals to be heterozygous for the character and to produce equal numbers of germ cells with the anomaly factor and without it; so that on the basis of chance mating we should often get normal offspring from the mating of two heterozygous anomalous parents or from one heterozygous ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. anomalous parent pairing with a normal parent. That we do not find this condition means that we have evidently a non-Mendelian result due probably to factor segregation among the quadruplets, a process that must evidently take place in order to produce sets in which some individuals are anomalous and some are normal. This segregation must also affect the germ cells, so that an individual that has an anomaly has also germ cells of only one kind and these homozygous for the anomaly factor. The same kind of mechanism that quite evidently segregates the somatic anomaly factor must also be conceived of as responsible for a segregation of the germinal anomaly factor. The results do not appear to bear any other interpretation. Further dis- cussion of this point follows the presentation of data. Since these anomalies are invariably inherited when present in the mother we are driven to the conclusion that all these sets in class (6), which have anomalies, but whose mothers are normal, must have inherited their anomalies from the father. Further- more, it is equally obvious that a considerable proportion of those sets in class (a) must have anomalous fathers as well as anomalous mothers. Thus class (a) is heterogeneous in that it is composed of sets inheriting from both parents, on the one hand, and from the mother alone, on the other. A calculation may readily be made of the relative sizes of the various classes of offspring that should result if chance mating occurs between anomalous and normal individuals. It will be noted that 56 of the 140 mothers (or 40 per cent.) have anomalies. Again 115 individual female offspring, or 39+ per cent, and ill individual male offspring or 41+ per cent., have anomalies. So we may be safe then in assuming that 40 per cent, of the in- dividuals of the species have anomalies and 60 per cent, have none. If 140 chance matings on this basis occur we should expect the following classes: (a) 1 6 per cent, or 22.4 with both parents anomalous. (a'} 24 per cent, or 33.6 with mother only anomalous. (b) 24 per cent, or 33.6 with father only anomalous. (c) 36 per cent, or 50.4 with neither parent anomalous. The sum of classes (a) and (a') is 56, which is exactly the number of sets in the observed class (a). H. H. NEWMAN. The observed class (b), 41 sets, is several sets in excess of ex- pectation, but not enough to seriously effect the theory of breed- ing proposed. The observed class (c), 43 sets, is several sets too low, but it is very probable that the five discarded male sets referred to above belong to this category. On the whole, then, the observed and theoretical proportions of the categories of offspring are as close as could be expected in 140 matings, and this fact supports the general statement as to the modes of inheritance of these anomalies stated above. 2. The Genetic Relation Between Scute and Band Anomalies. There is a very intimate genetic relationship between band and scute anomalies, as was brought out in the previous paper (Newman, '15). Sometimes a band anomaly is inherited as such in some offspring of a set, and as a scute anomaly in others; and the localization in all cases is so exact that there can be no doubt about the genetic equivalence of the two anomaly phases. In Figs. 1-8 is arranged a series of drawings of scute anomalies leading up to band anomalies. The transition is more readily made out from the conditions in the bony plates underlying the scutes. Fig. la represents the appearance from the exterior where only the scute is visible; Fig. ib shows the underlying plate condition. Similarly with Figs. 2a and 2b, etc. In Fig. 6, a and b, we see that the more fundamental anomaly is a transverse splitting of the bony plate involving only one unit. Fig. 7, a and b, constitutes an incipient or minimal double band, while Fig. 8, a and b, represents a band doubling of moderate extent involving six scutes. Such band doublings may involve more than half of a band or there may be extensive doubled regions separated by single or undoubted regions. Since the bony plates are fully laid down only during post- embryonic life, it is impossible to study these structures in the fetuses that are taken from the uteri of the mothers; but the scute condition, for one who has made a study of the subject, serves as a very definite index of the condition of the bony plate; and the scutes are well defined long before birth. For example, whenever a scute is found with a deep notch above dividing the scute into two nearly equal cusps (as in Fig. 30), one can be sure that the ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 177 bony condition will be like that in 36. Similarly when the notch is shallow as in 50, we might expect the bony condition to be as in 5&. It is an open question as to which doubling is more fundamen- tal, that of the dermal plate or that of the horny scute. Onto- getically the scute is the older structure, but I am inclined to look upon the two structures as phylogenetically coeval, for we apparently have in the armadillo a case of the persistence in a 16 20 36 45 5 Q/l f\QOf\ f\ QOQ 00 0 00 6b FIGS. 1-8. mammal of the ancestral reptilian epidermal scale with its dermal bony core. The hair group that centers about the scute is presumably of more recent origin. I look upon scute and plate doubling as cases of local budding of normally single primordia, not unlike the division of scutes and plates in the carapace of modern tortoises, a phenomenon that has received considerable attention (Newman, '05, and Coker, '10). The physiological basis of this budding may be a localized lowering of the rate of growth during scute develop- ment. If we had a solution of the problem of budding or division 178 H. H. NEWMAN. in this instance we would have a solution of the general problem of division that appears everywhere in the field of biology. Since the inheritance and distribution of double bands was dealt with in detail in the earlier paper of this series it will not be necessary to refer further to these results. It may be of inter- est, however, to compare the facts as to symmetry phenomena in the two classes of anomaly. Band anomalies are much less numerous than anomalies of single scutes, but they exhibit the same mirror-image phenomena and symmetry reversals that are so frequently seen for double scutes. For details of these phe- nomena the reader is referred to the published account (Newman, '15). The present study deals solely with scute anomalies, double or split scutes of the various types shown in Figs. I to 6. 3. Frequency and Distribution of Scute Anomalies. In the present collections (C and K) there are 700 individuals composed of 140 sets of quadruplets and their mothers. These should constitute for statistical purposes a reasonably adequate sample of the species. In the earlier paper of this series (Newman, '15) 23 sets that showed band anomalies in one or more members of a set were dealt with. Many of the individuals (40 in all) had scute anomalies, some with and some without accompanying band anomalies. The remaining 117 sets (585 individuals) treated in this paper contain 199 individuals with double scutes. Whether we figure on the basis of the entire collection or upon the 117 sets dealt with in the present paper we find that 34+ per cent, of all individuals have scute anomalies. Add to this 32 (4 + per cent.) individuals that have only band anomalies and we find that about 39 per cent, of all individuals have either band or scute anomalies or both, which is very close to the 40 per cent, arrived at earlier in this paper. Scute anomalies are, however, about eight times as numerous as band anomalies and furnish better material for statistical study. 4. Sex Distribution of Anomalies. Exclusive of the mothers, exactly 40 per cent, of which have anomalies, 22 females and 12 males have band anomalies, and ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 179 87 females and 100 males have scute anomalies. There appears therefore to be a somewhat pronounced tendency toward band anomalies as against scute anomalies in females and the reverse in males. In a collection of this size, however, these differences may not be significant. 5. Distribution of Scute Anomalies as to Bands. In the earlier paper of this series it was shown that the band anomalies are largely confined to the first two bands: 86 per cent, in band I, 8 per cent, in band 2, and the rest scattered; none oc- curring in bands 5 or 6, which are in the middle of the banded region, or in band 9. The reason given for this state of affairs is that band doubling is normal for the scapular and pelvic regions and that the bands nearest the scapular and pelvic shields are naturally more like these regions than are those farther removed from them. A somewhat similar condition, though less pronounced, is brought out by a census of double scutes according to bands: Band I has double scutes 67 times. Band 2 " 40 " Band 3 " 40 Band 4 " 34 " Band 5 " 9 " Band 6 " 27 Band 7 " 34 Band 8 " 29 " Band 9 " 9 " It is significant that double scutes, like double bands, occur most frequently in the first three bands and least frequently in bands 5 and 6 and 9, where band anomalies were entirely absent. Bands 5 and 6 are farthest from the scapular and pelvic regions where doubling is the normal condition. Band 9 is really not a free band at all, but only partially free at the margins; hence it may be left out of consideration. It is really out of the series of bands and should be included in the pelvic shield, but, out of deference to the time honored name "nine-banded armadillo," I have treated it as the ninth band. l8o H. H. NEWMAN. I interpret the figures for both double bands and double scutes as I formerly interpreted similar facts brought out by a study of supernumerary scutes in the carapace of tortoises. These super- numerary scutes were viewed as atavistic variations or vestiges of a condition largely outgrown by the species. These anomalies occur most frequently at the posterior end of the carapace and progressively less frequently as one goes toward the anterior end, except that there is a slight increase just at the anterior end. The hypothesis was ventured that the more frequent the regional occurrence of an archaic character the more recent has been the racial suppression of these characters in that region. There has evidently been an antero-posterior orthogenetic loss of scutes in the tortoise carapace beginning at or near the anterior end and ending with the posterior end. Now in the armadillo I believe that the more generalized and less regular parts of the carapace, the scapular and pelvic shield, represent phylogenetically an older condition than does the banded region. In support of this contention I cite the fact that the extinct giant armadillo, Glyptodon, had a solid non-banded carapace. The first banding began in one or two bands at about the middle of the carapace, where bands 5 and 6 are, and pro- ceeded posteriorly and anteriorly. Progress anteriorly in the direction of more bands is probably occurring now, as may be judged by two facts, first that it is not uncommon to find a part of the last scute row of the scapular shield separated as a band, and second that there are not infrequently local fusions between parts of the first band and the scapular shield. On this hypothesis band I is the newest band phylogenetically and shows more re- semblance to the scapular shield than do other bands, both in band doubling and in scute doubling. Band 2 is much less affected with these anomalies than is band I, but more so than any other band. Moreover, bands 5 and 6, which are phylo- genetically the oldest bands, show the fewest recurrences of irregular conditions. Scute doublings are viewed as incipient or vestigial band doublings and we find many more of these vestigial anomalies in the banded region than fully developed ones. In the tortoises the orthogenetic progress in carapace simpli- ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. l8l fication has proceeded antero-posteriorly and in this single di- rection. In the armadillo banding has proceeded both ways from the middle. Various armadillo species today exhibit all the way from one to twelve bands, a fact that supports the idea that in our species there has been a gradual increase in the number of bands. B. PRESENTATION OF DATA CONCERNING THE INHERITANCE AND DISTRIBUTION AMONG QUADRUPLETS OF DOUBLE SCUTES. The following tabulation gives all of the facts concerning double scutes, except those brought out in connection with the earlier paper on double bands (Newman, '15). I know of no method for presentation of data of this kind that is at once so intelligible and so compact as the pictorial diagram used in this and the former paper. When one has read the key to the table there should be no difficulty in understanding the data thus presented. The facts are first presented for those sets in which both mothers and offspring have double scutes, covering pages 182 to 188, and there follows as an appendix to this paper a table for those sets in which the mother was without double scutes, but in which one or more of the offspring have inherited the double scutes from the unknown father. See pp. 204 to 207. KEY TO TABULATION OF DOUBLE SCUTES. Each solid block of bands shows the anomalies in position as though the bands were straightened and placed with the right- hand end to the right and left-hand to the left. The number of the set with the sex of the quadruplets is indicated above and at the left of each block. Bands of the mother that show anomalies are marked M; those of the offspring that show anomalies are marked according to previous custom I., II., III., IV. I. and II. are a natural pair, II. being a primary bud individual and I. its twin secondary bud derivative. Similarly III. and IV. are a natural pair, IV. primary and III. secondary. If the anomaly occurs in different bands of the same individual a bracket includes the Roman numerals indicating the individual fetus concerned. The various types of double scute are drawn in upon the band in as 1 82 H. H. NEWMAN. nearly as possible the position in which they occupy, but they take up more space laterally than is actually the case. In addi- tion to positional location the number of each scute, counting from either of the margins or from the middle, is given by an arabic numeral upon the pictured scute, the direction from which the count has proceeded being indicated by an arrow unless this is too obvious to need indication. The arithmetical middle of a band is indicated by a dotted vertical line, except in a few cases where the right and left halves of two different bands of a single individual are placed in the same line, in which case a solid line is used to separate these heterogeneous half bands. This change of method may be a little confusing at first, but it was introduced to save space. The band in which the anomaly occurs is num- bered with an arabic numeral followed by a colon and a figure indicating the total number of scutes in that band. For instance 6 : 63 means band 6 which has a total of 63 scutes, counting the double scute as two scutes. L.S. refers to the last scapular row of scutes, next to the bands. This mode of tabulation admits of a very condensed record of a large amount of data. ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 183 C.73 M X TC Et .Gl 3: 6-8 FIG. 9. 1 84 H. H. NEWMAN. C.76 M :r f* I* rnzj A-'- SO / : Z-60 v r U r.63 : SO tt 4 : /j G x^ 6 / - Z • 64 6 : G€ TIL 7 : 8 IF 8 67 M £ 4 t- ;z 3: 6" 3 • FIG. 10. ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 185 n V 3 8- <- & / -S7 7'.^ 3^ *- e 2 : 5"7 S'-ffO iQ— > e. so d" n H 7:^3 / : Go 3E /: /o-^ < -W 7:^4 ^ e--fi3 M / -. Gtr \s 8 -> X y (ft3 •$:£/ jn i ' & I-.66 IE l:G5- v 9 -=f K.IO(f r (M OK 3: 6 -3 v^1 5 -> «- \x 9 <- |5 4.5 9 < V /2 3:< r/ C.4 7:6-6 £•> 3-G3 1? ^ 7: 6:G3 10 -^ 1 t /O 'TL 3 /:£4 V HE < - ,5- 3 ; ^-Q ^ ^/ 4- / : 6/ 4: 64 /3 — -? Z-.G*. 2 2] 8- ff1 1 /W 3 2: G 5 4 €/ ^v1 M / 8 - 3 ^-7 /C * ~* / or 8 : (J61 ^g — ^ < :< s-^^ ^ v 1 ; (3 ^ IE 2 L.5. Go FIG. 13. H. H. NEWMAN. K4-59 M <- /I 3 '65' X 3 -'66 ^S -> IE 2 9 67 73. 8--70 V 9 7 -* * 8 /:64' n | 3 : 6"8 6 : 5"8 Z « 4 3.-C/ I 10 -* c 272 M 1? Z-.GZ ^ 5" £T/ 9 -of X. nr ^5 3:5-9 3E z Z:^ Z-- 6Z. JBT IF /- Z I- 6Z K.S79- n 2-6-7 /3 K-G89 r (M 8:62, V ( 1 i V /4 8^ d:6-8 ^ -> i K79 M I I #r 7=« •; V 6" /:fi4" *~ \y 33 -> y : 6 S~ i ^r- 1 s»^ /5 -^ 4--tf/ FIG. 14. ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 189 M W* J f*CV\ ^/4~ I It I ^ " ^^ JE - __ AQf >/o fa •(•><. / \/ 1 k)U C.62 9 M Is1 /:63 jr ^ 7 / '. e1^ M / : ^ W 4 .6"^ K.3/ K.77? M ^ V 9 4-6-3 • j 6: H' NEWMAN. APPENDIX. Sets of Quadruplets Inheriting Double Scutes from Unknown Fathers. Purely as a matter of record there is included herewith as an appendix a pictorial tabulation of 31 sets of fetuses from normal mothers but themselves with anomalies. There is every reason to believe that these characters have been inherited from the unknown fathers. There are 15 female sets and 16 male sets. The same plan of representing the occurrence and location of these double elements is followed as was used in the earlier tabu- lation, the key to which is given on page 181. Since all of these cases are uniparental while many of the cases discussed earlier are biparental, one would expect a simpler state of affairs and fewer double scutes per set. This is actually the case. The interrelations between the different fetuses of a set are on the average much more clearly denned since there is no confusing admixture of elements from both parents. These facts go far to prove that the conclusions reached in the earlier part of the paper regarding modes of inheritance are well founded. Many striking cases are seen of close resemblance between twins, of mirror-imaging and half-band reversals between twins, all of which reinforce the conclusions reached on the basis of the data heretofore discussed. Nothing, however, would be gained by calling further attention to individual cases. The interested reader will be able to pick out and classify for himself the various types of anomaly. The pictorial method of recording these elements may need a little study on the part of the reader but is fully justified by the fact that a large amount of valuable data, the like of which may never again be available, is given in very compact form. Correction. — On page 27 of the first installment of this study (Newman '15) is figured the double band arrangement in set K 2. This set was classed erroneously among sets the mother of which had no anomalies. The notebook in which the data was taken shows the mother of K 2 was misplaced and later found and has two anomalies. Band 3, which has 64 scutes, has a double scute, like Fig. 2a, 16 places to the right of the middle. Band 5 (63 ORGANIC SYMMETRY IN ARMADILLO QUADRUPLETS. 2O5 2:63 s 9:65" 6/63 JT 3L UU 65" K 39 cf 3-60 T-61 3:56 Kfl/ Y. <35~ HT r JL .65- K83 1 V u -» . & FIG. 41. Heel patterns of the three children of R and C, shown in the previous figure. The oldest, J, has a calcar pattern on the left foot; the second, M, on both, and the third, L, on the right. • the same way it may be surmised that the husband R got his from the side of his deceased mother Is, but for lack of further 244 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. data this question cannot be definitely decided. Certain brothers and sisters of most of the four grandparents, E, S, 0, and Is, are still living, but to obtain the necessary data from them would be difficult; there is more to expect from the coming generation, the offspring of /, M, and L, and of their cousins, Sm and Je, Ra, and U, but for that several years must elapse. Leaving the past and the future as open questions, we return I, sishr .(• Cia.W*. * FIG. 42. Heel patterns of the only relatives of C which show even a rudiment of a calcar pattern; the father, E, and the sister, I. to the facts here presented, and these are, that a man with a calcar loop on both feet married a woman with a loop and a divergence, and that, of their three children, one has a loop on both feet, and two have a loop on one foot and a divergence on the other, the loop being on the right foot in one case and on the left in the other. When this record is considered in connection with the fact that, aside from this family, but four loops are known to science (that is, in per- haps 1,000-1,500 individuals of all races) the direct inheritance of this condition by the mating of XX X rX is beyond question. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 245 Here there is brought forcibly before the reader the question of unilateral inheritance, i. e., whether a character possessed upon the right side only in the parent may cross over in the offspring, and appear on the left side, or whether each side inherits inde- pendently. The mother C has a loop upon the right foot, and a divergence only upon the left, and the same condition obtains in her son L. In the daughter J, however, these conditions are reversed, and the right loop in both father and mother fail to govern the right heel of J. The loop which / possesses upon her left foot may have been inherited from the father, as he has a loop on each foot, but does the loop upon her mother's right foot have any influence? Facts thus far, in all the families studied, tend to show that inheritance does not cross from one side to the other, but we are yet a long way from stating this definitely, or even as a plausible hypothesis. The two definite points that appear as the result of this investigation are (i) that the calcar loop is heritable, and (2) that its presence upon the right foot of both parents does not compel its appearance upon the same foot of the offspring. VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FRICTION-SKIN CONFIGURATION. This list is intended to be complete on the subject of the fric- tion-skin configuration of the palms and soles. On the apical patterns it makes no attempt to be exhaustive, as the subject is now in the hands of the police department of all civilized coun- tries, and has been largely exploited for practical purposes of * personal identification, developing a large mass of literature hardly morphological in the technical sense. There is also little or nothing upon the structure of the skin as such, on its development or histology, or on the innervation, which has been especially a subject of investigation by psychol- ogists. At the end there is appended a list of the published investiga- tions of Newman and Patterson on the subject of polyembryony in the armadillo, extensively referred to in Section IV. of the present paper. This subject, as it relates to scute and band anomalies of the carapace, and their inheritance by twins and other duplicate individuals, is of special interest here. 246 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. D'Abundo. '91 Contribute allo studio delle impronte digitali. Archivio di Psichiatria. Pisa. '94 Le impronte digitali in 140 criminali. Riforma medica. Alix, M. '67 Recherches sur la disposition des lignes papillaires de la main et du pied. Ann. des Sci. Nat., T. VIII., pp. 295-362. '69 (Same title.) Ann. des Sci. Nat., T. IX., pp. 5-42. Bruhns, Fanny. '10 Der Nagel der Halbaffen und Affen. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XL., pp. 501-609. (Ridges of finger-tips incidentally mentioned.) Daae, A. '94 Ueber Fingerabdrucke und deren Verwendung zur Identitatsfeststellung, verglichen mit Bertillon's Anthropometrischen System (Uebersetzt von Teichmann). Zeitschr. fur schweizerisches Strafrecht. Jahrg. VII., p. 3I/+. Dixey, F. A. On the Epidermis of the Plantar Surface and the Question of Use- inheritance. Rep. 64th Meeting British Assn. Adv. Sci. (This treats of the thickness of the epidermis on the fetal sole.) Evatt, E. J. '06 The Development and Evolution of the " Papillary " Ridges and Patterns on the Volar Surface of the Hand. Journ. Anat. and Physiol., Vol. XLI., pp. 66-71. Faulds, H. '80 On the Skin Furrows of the Hand. Letter in Nature, Vol. XXII. , p. 605. (This remarkable letter, written from the Tsukiji Hospital, Tokio, antici- pates every direction of the later investigation; comp. anat; ethnol; indiv. variations; heredity, etc.) Faulds, H. '94 On the Identification of Habitual Criminals by Finger-prints. Nature, Vol. L. (F. claims priority to Sir Wm. Herschel, because of his letter of October 28, 1880, the previous title. Herschel's letter to Nature is dated November 25, 1880.) Fere, Ch. (This author has written numerous short papers on the apical patterns of both fingers and toes. The most important citations are the following:) '91 (Finger and toe patterns.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 43, pp. 497-506. '92 (With Batigny, on the same subject.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 44, pp. 802- 806. '93 (Finger and toe patterns.) Journ. de 1'Anat. et de la Physiol. Annee. 29, pp. 223-237. '95 (Sensibility of the balls of the fingers.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 47, pp. 657-660. '96 (Finger patterns in relation to function.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 48, pp. 1114-1116. '98 (Finger patterns in relation to functional aptitude of the hand.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 50, p. 837+. 'oo (Hands and finger patterns of certain monkeys.) Journ. de 1'Anat. et de la la Physiol. normales et pathol. de l'homme et des animaux. Ann. XXXVI., pp. 255-267. PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 247 'oo (Papillary lines of the palm of the hand.) Journ. de 1'anat. et de la physiol., Ann. XXXVI., pp. 376-392. 'oo (Papillary lines of the sole of the foot.) Journ. de 1'anat. et de la physiol., Ann. XXXVI., pp. 602-618. 'oo (Imprints of palms and soles.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 52, pp. 641-643. '05 (Finger prints of psychopathic subjects.) Journ. de 1'anat. et de la physiol., Ann. XLI., pp. 394-410. '06 (Papillary lines of the heel.) C. R. soc. biol., Tome 61, p. 44. Forgeot, Rene. '91 Les empreints latentes. These; Lyons. (Also in same year, in Bull de la soc. d'anthropol. de Lyon, Tome X., p. 189.) Frecon, Andre. '89 Les empreintes en general. These, Lyons. Fiilleborn, Fr. '02 Beitrage zur physischen Anthropol. der Nord-Nyassalander. Berlin. Galton, Sir Francis. '86 (In Science, Vol. VIII., p. 166 and p. 212.) '88 Personal Identification. Journ. Roy. Inst. '88 Personal Identification and Description. Nature, Vol. 38, p. 201. '90 Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 48, p. 455. '91 Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Vol. 182, pp. 1-23. '91 Method of Indexing Finger Marks. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 49, p. 540. (Also in Nature, Vol. 44; p. 141.) '91 Identification of Finger Tips. Nineteenth Cent., Vol. 30, pp. 303-311. '92 Finger Prints. MacMillan, London. '92 Imprints of the Hand, by Dr. Forgeot of the laboratoire d'anthropologie criminelle, Lyon. Journ. Anthropol. Inst., Vol. XXL, pp. 282-283. '93 Identification. Nature, Vol. 48; p. 223. '93 Finger Prints in the Indian Army. Nature, Vol. 48, p. 595. '96 Prints of Scars, Nature, Vol. 53, p. 295. '96 The Bertillon System of Identification. Nature, Vol. 54, p. 569. '99 Finger Prints of Young Children, Meeting of the British Assn., Dover, pp. pp. 868-869. '99 Finger Prints. Journ. Anthropol. Inst., Vol. 29, p, 199. '93 The Decipherment of Blurred and Indistinct Finger Prints. MacMillan, London. '95 Finger Print Directories. MacMillan, London. Garson, J. G. 'oo A System of Classification of Finger Prints. Meeting of the British Assn. Bradford, pp. 910-912. 'oo Finger Print Classification. Journ. Anthropol. Inst., Vol. XXX., p. 101., Henry, Sir Edward Richard. '99 Finger Prints as a Method for the Identification of Criminals. Nature, Vol. 61, p. 42. '99 Finger Prints and the Detection of Crime in India. Meeting of the British Assn., Dover, p. 869. 'oo Classification and Uses of Finger Prints, London. (This is the standard book used in police identification bureaus the world over. There are numerous later editions both in England and in the United States.) 248 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. Hepburn, David. '93 The Integumentary Grooves on the Palm of the Hand and Sole of the Foot of Man and the Anthropoid Apes. Journ. Anat. and Physiol., 1893, Vol. XXVII., pp. 112-130. '95 The Papillary Grooves on the Hands and Feet of Monkeys and Men. Sci. Trans, of the Royal Dublin Soc., Vol. V., Series II., pp. 525-537. (Re- viewed in Nature, Nov. 14, 1895, and in Journ. Anat. and Physiol., Jan., 1896.) '97 Note on Dr. Harris H. Wilder's Paper, " On the Disposition of the Epidermic Folds upon the Palms and Soles of Primates." Anat. Anzeiger, Bd. XIII., pp. 435-437- Herschel, Sir Wm. '80 Skin Furrows of the Hand, Nature, Vol. XXIII.; p. 76. (This note, often taken as the first mention of the subject in recent years, and perhaps as the very first suggesting the use of the ridges in identification, was antedated by a month by the letter of Dr. Faulds to the same periodical. Faulds's letter was published in the issue of Oct. 28, 1880 (Vol. XXII, p. 605), and Herschel's paper appeared in the issue of Nov. 25 of the same year.) '94 Finger Prints. Nature, Vol. LI., p. 77. Johnson, R. H. '99 Pads on the Palm and Sole of the Human Fetus. Amer. Nat., Vol. 33, pp. 729-734- Kidd, W. '03 On Imbrication of the Papillary Ridges in Man. Journ. Anat and Physiol., Vol. XXXIX., pp. 413-416. '05 The Papillary Ridges and the Papillary Layer of the Corium in the Mam- malian Hand and Foot. Journ. Anat. and Physiol., Vol. XLL, pp. 35-44. '07 The Sense of Touch in Mammals and Birds, with Special Reference to the Papillary Ridges. London, A. and C. Black, 176 pp. (The title of this book is misleading; in reality it treats mainly of the friction ridge configura- tion in the Primates, and gives good illustrations and descriptions of in- dividual Primate palms and soles. Review by Inez Whipple Wilder in Science, Vol. XXVII. , 1908, pp. 582-585.) Klaatsch, H. '87 Ueber die Morphologic der Tastballen. Anat. Anz., Bd. II., pp. 400-401. (Prelimin. Commun.) '88 Zur Morphologic der Tastballen der Saugertiere. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XIV., pp. 407-435. (The first morphological consideration of mammalian pads.) Kollmann, A. '83 Der Tastapparat der Hand der menschlichen Rassen und der Affen in seiner Entwickelung und Gliederung. Leipzig, pp. 1-75. '85 Der Tastapparat des Fusses von Affe und Mensch. Archiv fiir Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abteil., pp. 56-101. Kolossoff, G. and Paukel, E. '06 Versuch einer mathematischen Theorie der Hautleistenfiguien der Pri- maten-Palma und Planta. Morph. Jahrb.. Bd. XXXV., pp. 697-708. Kollman,. 'oo (Discussion concerning impressions of finger patterns on the pottery of the PALM AXD SOLE STUDIES. 249 Lake-dwellers, in Correspondenzblatt d. deutsch. anthropol. Gesell., No. 10, Berichte der XXXI. Versamml. in Halle.) Loth, E. '09 Dzisiejszy stan wiedzy o filogenii stopy ludzkiej. [The present condition of our knowledge of the phylogeny of the human foot.] Proc. Soc. Sci., Warsaw, II., 8, 1909. '10 Przyczynek do poznania przebiegu ukladow listewek skornych na stopie dloni polakow. [Contribution to the knowledge of the arrangement of the integumental ridges on the palms and soles of the Poles.] Proc. Soc. Sci- ences, Warsaw, III., 4, 1910. '10 Anthropologische Untersuchungen iiber das Hautleisten-System der Polen. Zeitschr. fiir Morphol. u. Anthrop, Bd. XIII., pp. 77-96. (An abridgment of the above, in the German language.) '13 Zum Artikel des Herrn Prof. Schlaginhaufen; Beobachtungsblatt und Anleitung zur Aufnahme von Hand- und Fuss-abdriicken. Correspondenzbl. d. deutschen Gesell. fur Anthrop., Ethnol., u. Urgeschichte. Jahrg. 44, No. i, Jan., 1913. Maack, F. '01 Das Hautleistensystem an den Fingerspitzen. Wissensch. Zeitschr. fiir Xenologie, No. 7, pp. 6-15. Malpighi, M. 1686 De externo tactus organo exercitatio epistolica ad Jacobum Ruffium. Londini. (The first known reference to friction-ridge patterns; quoted by Alix, 1867, and by Schlaginhaufen, 1905.) Martin, R. "14 Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. Jena, 1914. Cf. pp. 360-367 for methods of formulating palms and soles. Meisner, 'oo Scherben mit Fingereindriicken. Correspondenzbl. d. deutsch. anthrop. Gesellschaft. XXXI Versamml. in Halle. (Short notice of pits made in pottery of the Lake-dwellers by the finger tips of the potter; farther dis- cussion by Kollmann. Although in this there is no mention of the friction- ridges, the paper suggests possible material for investigation. There is frequent mention in literature of similar impressions.) Minakata, K. '94. '95 (Two short letters in Nature, Vol. LI., pp. 199-200, and 274. These present claims of the use of the " Thumb-stamp " by the Japanese prior to Sir Wm. Herschel. Cf. in this connection the references to the latter and to Dr. Faulds, above.) • Morselli, E. '74 Sulla dispozisione delle linee papillari nella mano e nel piede del Cercopi- thecus mona. Ann. di soc. di nat. di Modena, Anno VIII. Niemirycz-Lothowa, Jadwige (Mme. Loth). '12 O rzadkim przypadku przebiegu listewek skornych na stopie murzyna. [A case showing a very rare disposition of the integumental ridges on the foot of a negro.] Proc. soc. sci., Warsaw, V., 9, 1912. Paul, Fr. '03 Sichtbarmachen latenter Finger- und Fuss-abdriicke. Archiv fiir Kriminal- anthropologie, Bd. XII., pp. 124-129. 25O HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. '03 Die Kollectivausstellung der Polizeibehorden auf der Stadteausstellung in Dresden. Arch, fur Kriminalanthropologie, Bd. XIII., pp. 321—323. Prant, A. 'oo Ueber das Aufsuchen von Fussspuren und Handeabdriicken und ihre Identifizierung. Arch, fur Kriminalanthrop., Bd. III. Purkinje, J. E. '23 Commentatio de examine physiologico organi visus et systematis cutanei, etc. Vratislav (Breslau). A thesis delivered at Breslau in 1823. This, except for the brief mention by Malpighi in 1686, is the first paper published in Europe, at least, treating of the subject of finger-prints. The original is very rare (a copy in the Surgeon-general's Library in Washington), but the essential parts of it are given in Engl. transl. in Gallon's Finger Prints, 1892, pp. 84-88. Cf. also Roscher, 1906, below. Radl, H. '95 Fingerabdriicke in Bosnien. Globus, Bd. LXVIL, p. 388. Retzius, G. '04 Zur Kenntnis der Entwickelung der Korperformen des Menschen wahrend der fotalenLebensstufen; in Biol. Untersuchungen, XL, pp. 33-76. (Mainly the pads.) Preliminary commun. of this in Verh. d. anat. Gesell., i8th Versamml. Jena, pp. 41-43. Roscher, G. '05 Handbuch der Dactyloskopie. Leipzig. '06 Der Altmeister der Daktyloskopie. Ein Gedenkblatt fur J. E. Purkinje. Arch, fiir Kriminalanthropol., Bd. XXII. , pp. 326-335. Sanctis, S. de, e Toscano, P. '02 Le impronte digitali dei fanciulli normali, frenastenici, e sordo muti. Atti d soc. Romana di Antropol., Vol. VIII., pp. 62-79. Schlaginhaufen, O. '05 Das Hautleistensystem der Primatenplanta mit Beriicksichtigung der Palma- I. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XXXIII. , pp. 577-671. II. Morph. Jahrb., Bd. XXXIV., pp. 1-125. This paper, with that of Miss Whipple (1904), appearing almost at the same time, established the principles of comparative morphology involved in the friction-skin configuration, and are hence in- valuable to one wishing to go into the subject fundamentally. '05 Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Reliefs der Planta der Primaten und der Men- schenrassen. Korrespondenzbl. d. deutschen Anthrop. Gesell., No. 10 pp. 1-4. '06 Zur Morphologic der Palma und Planta der Vorder-Inder und Ceyloner. Zeitschr. fiir Ethnol., 1906, pp. 656-706. '06 Ueber das Leistenrelief der Hohlhand- und Fusssohlen-flache der Halbaffen, Affen, und Menschenrassen. Ergebn. in der Anat. u. Entwick., Bd. XV., J905. PP- 628-662. (An excellent review of the subject to date, with an ex- haustive bibliography; this has been of much assistance in the present list.). '12 Beobachtungsblatt und Anleitung zur Aufnahme von Hand- und Fuss- abdriicken. Korresp. bl. der deutschen anthropol. Gesell., Jahrg. XLIIL, No. 5, 1912, pp. 33-36. Schwalbe, G. '05 Ueber Ballen, Linien, und Leisten der Hand. Strassb. medizin. Zeitung. Seymour, Lee. (Three books, privately printed, and obtainable from the author, PALM AND SOLE STUDIES. 251 Los Angeles.) Finger-print -Systems. Finger-print Classification. Finger- print Identification for Banks. Varigny, M. H. de. '91 Les empreintes digitales d'apres M. F. Gallon. Revue Scientifique. T. XLVIL, pp. 557-562. Vucetich, Juan. '01 Conferenzia sobre el sistema dactylosopicodada en la Bibliotheca publica de la Plata. La Plata, 1901. '04 Dactyloscopia comparada. La Plata. Welcker, H. '97 Die Dauerhaftigkeit des Dessins der Riefchen tmd Faltchen der Hande. Arch, fiir Anthropol., Bd. XXV., pp. 29-32. (An interesting pioneer paper of four pages, with prints of the author's palm at 34 and again at 75 years. This is, perhaps, the first published print of a human palm. The print taken at the age of 34 must have been in 1858, and thus well antedates any work on the palm.) Whipple, Inez L. (Mrs. H. H. Wilder). '04 The Ventral Surface of the Mammalian Chiridium, with Especial Reference to the Condition Found in Man. Zeitschr. fiir Morphol. u. Anthropol., Bd. VII., pp. 261-368. (This is the fundamental paper on the comparative morphology of the ridge patterns of palms and soles, and includes the study of the relief of these surfaces in all mammals, and the growth of the ridges surfaces, as modified by this. This paper, with that of Schlaginhaufen, 1905, are of first importance in the scientific study of human friction-ridges. The book of Kidd, with the somewhat misleading title of " The Sense of Touch, etc.," 1907, is also of interest here.) Wilder, Inez Whipple. '08 Review of Kidd's " The Sense of Touch in Mammals and Birds, etc." Science, N. S., Vol. XXVII. , pp. 582-585. Wilder, H. H. '97 On the Disposition of the Epidermic Folds upon the Palms and Soles of Primates. Anat. Anz., Bd. XIII., pp. 250-256. '02 Scientific Palmistry. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Nov., 1902. (In this the four main lines were first used, but designated as lines 1-4, and desciibed only as they limited the areas between them, upon which the attention was mainly directed.) '02 Palms and Soles. Amer. Journ. Anat., Vol. L, pp. 423-441. (As in the previous paper, the description of individual palms and soles was based upon the areas rather than the main lines. The close similarity in the configuration of ridges in identical twins was also shown by two sets.) '03 Palm and Sole Impressions and their Use for Purposes of Personal Identi- fication. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Sep., 1903, pp. 385-410. (Here is shown for the first time the formulation of an individual palm by the course of the four main lines, which are designated as A, B, C, and D.) '04 Racial Differences in Palm and Sole Configuration. Amer. Anthropol., Vol. VI., pp. 244-293. (Gives condition, with comparison, of the palmar and plantar configuration of Maya Indians, American Negroes, and American Whites. The Maya prints were collected by Dr. A. M. Tozzer.) '04 Duplicate Twins and Double Monsters. Amer. Journ. Anat., Vol. III., 252 HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER. PP- 387-472. (Continues the study of twins, with comparisons of their palms and soles.) '08 Zur korperlichen Identitat bei Zwillingen. Anat. Anz., Bd. XXXII., PP- 193-200. (Reports a case where an unusually complex palm pattern is reproduced, with but slight changes, on all four hands. The four feet are also duplicates.) '12 Racial Differences in Palm and Sole Configuration: II. Palm and Sole Prints of Liberian Natives. Amer. Anthrop., Vol. XV., pp. 189-207. (This work is based upon 100 sets of prints, hands and feet, of Liberian soldiers, collected by Prof. Frederick Starr.) Windt, Camillo.' '03 Ueber Dactyloscopic. Arch, filr Kriminalanthrop., Bd. XII., pp. 101-123. Windt u. Kodiczec. '04 Dactyloscopie. Vienna. Yvert, A. '05 Identificacion por las impressiones digitopalmares (La Dactiloscopie). Tesis pres. en la Univ. Lyon. Publ. La Plata. Bibliography of Polyembryony in the Armadillo; Chronologically Arranged. Fernandez, M. '09 Beitrage zur Embryologie der Glirteltiere. Zur Keimblatterinversion und spezifischen Polyembryonie der Mulita (Tatusia hybrida). Morphol. Jahrb., Bd. XXXIX., pp. 302-333. Newman, H. H. and Patterson, H. H. '09 A Case of Normal Identical Quadruplets in the Nine-Banded Armadillo, and Its Bearing on the Problems of Identical Twins and Sex Determination. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 17, pp. 181-187. '10 Development of the Nine-banded Armadillo from the Primitive Streak Stage to Birth; with Especial Reference to the Question of Specific polyembryony. Journ. of Morphol., Vol. 21, pp. 359-423. 'n The Limits of Hereditary Control in Armadillo Quadruplets: a Study of Blastogenic Variation. Journ. of Morphol., Vol. 22, pp. 855-926. Patterson, J. T. '12 A Preliminary Report on the Demonstration of Polyembryonie Development of the Armadillo. Anat. Anz., Bd. 41, pp. 369-381. Newman, H. H. '13 The Natural History of the Nine-banded Armadillo of Texas. Amer. Nat., Vol. 47, pp. 513-539. '13 The Modes of Inheritance of Aggregates of Meristic (Integral) Variates in the Polyembryonie Offspring of the Nine-banded Armadillo. Journ. Exper. Zool., Vol. 15, pp. 145-192. Patterson, J. T. '13 Polyembryonie Development in Tatusia novemcincta. Journ. of Morphol., Vol. 24, pp. 559-662. Newman, H. H. '15 Heredity and Organic Symmetry in Armadillo Quadruplets. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 29, pp. 1-32. Vol. XXX. April, 1916. No. 4 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE INFLUENCE OF THE NUCLEUS ON THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGEBA.1 H. S. WILLIS. INTRODUCTION. OUTLINE. PAGE. Introduction 253 Material and Methods 255 Movement 256 Normal specimens 256 Fragments 256 Orientation in Light 263 Normal Specimens 263 Fragments 263 Rate of Locomotion 265 Normal Specimens 265 Fragments 265 Possible Causes of Differences in Behavior 267 Size of Fragments 267 Contractile Vacuole 267 Position of Segments in Original Amceba 268 Nucleus 268 The Influence of the Nucleus upon Attachment 268 Summary 269 Literature Cited 270 In the course of experimental work on Amceba in November, 1914, marked differences were observed in the behavior of the different parts of specimens cut in two. At the suggestion of Dr. S. O. Mast, an attempt has been made to ascertain whether these differences depend upon the nucleus and, if so, in what respects. I wish here to acknowledge my great indebtedness to Dr. Mast for his helpful and constructive suggestions and for his kindness in supervising both the experimental work and the writing of this paper. 1 From the Zoological laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. 253 254 H- s- WILLIS. Gruber (1912) found that parts of Am&ba proteus containing a nucleus behave very much like normal specimens, but that parts without a nucleus behave very differently; yet, in spite of this, he held that the nucleus in general has no influence upon protoplasmic movement. Hofer (1890) in observations on the same species, obtained results similar to those of Gruber. He asserts (p. 118) that movements in the parts with the nucleus are similar to those in normal specimens, as are also those in the other parts for a period of 15-30 minutes after division, but that later the movements in the parts without a nucleus differ from those in normal specimens in rate of locomotion, in regularity of movement, and in the number and length of pseudopods. Hofer holds that these differences might be considered to be due either to the injury received during the operation or to the influence of the nucleus. But he maintains that, since any injury sustained from the operation affects both fragments alike, the operation could not be considered the cause of the observed difference in behavior. He consequently concludes that the real cause is to be found in the nucleus. He holds, however, that the influence of the nucleus may be conceived to be direct or indirect; that is, that behavior may be due to an impairing of the elemen- tary functions (such as digestion, respiration, and excretion) controlled by the nucleus. But Hofer found that the process of digestion in the absence of the nucleus continues for several days after division; that respiration takes place in the absence of the nucleus; and that excretory functions in enucleated segments continue till death. He therefore comes to the con- clusion that the nucleus secretes a chemical substance and that behavior is controlled through this. He thinks a certain amount of this substance is stored up in the different parts of the proto- plasm, and that the normal movement of the enucleated seg- ments for 15-30 minutes after the operation is due to the influence of the substance thus stored. Hofer maintains that, since movement occurs in parts without a nucleus, cytoplasm has the power of movement; but since the movement in these parts is more irregular and haphazard than it is in nucleated parts, he holds that the nucleus must have a regulatory function. In other words, he thinks the nucleus serves as a regulatory "cen- trum" for behavior. INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 255 Verworn (1909) agrees with Hofer in holding that there is a difference in the behavior of parts of Amoeba with and parts without a nucleus, but does not agree with him in the conclusion that the nucleus exerts a direct influence on the movement; that is, he does not think that the nucleus is a regulatory "centrum" for movement. Judging from the results of my experiments, it is clear that there are distinct differences in the behavior of parts of Amoeba which contain and parts which do not contain a nucleus. Dif- ferences in such parts have been observed in the character of movement, in the accuracy of orientation in light and in the rate of locomotion. It is clear, also, that these differences are traceable to the nucleus. FIG. i. Camera sketches showing changes in form and the characteristic movements in the nucleated and enucleated parts of an amoeba immediately after being cut in two. The arrows indicate the direction of movement. 1-3, enucleated part; a—k, nucleated part; mm, projected scale. The sketches of the enucleated part were made at five-minute intervals; those of the nucleated part at one minute intervals. Note that the nucleated part progressed regularly in a given direction, and that the enucleated part changed its form and position only slightly. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The specimens used for the most part in this wTork appeared in a battery jar containing an old paramecium culture. They corresponded to descriptions of Amceba proteus and were rather sensitive to light. Nucleated and enucleated parts were ob- tained by cutting specimens in two with finely drawn glass rods. 256 H. S. WILLIS. The cutting was done under a binocular. The parts of each individual were usually enclosed under a cover-glass by means of a ridge of vaseline so applied along the edge as to support the cover-glass and prevent drying. Thus the parts had entire freedom of movement and both were continuously subjected to the same environment; and, under these conditions, they were studied, observations being made both with a compound micro- scope and a binocular. Under the sealed cover-glasses the divided amoebee did remarkably well, the nucleated parts living on an average of approximately ten days, i. e., practically as long as normal specimens under the same conditions, and the enucleated parts about half as long. In the following descrip- tions, the two parts will frequently be designated fragments or segments. MOVEMENT. Normal Specimens. — In the process of locomotion in normal individuals of the species studied, pseudopods usually appear alternately on the two sides of the organism near the anterior end. A pseudopod appears, for instance, on the right, elongates and enlarges by the flow of protoplasm into it until it constitutes the main portion of the animal ; then from this there is formed a new pseudopod on the left side. This, in turn, elongates and enlarges, after which a new pseudopod again forms on the right side, etc. Thus the organism takes a zigzag course. Fragments. — In general it was found that the movement in fragments containing a nucleus is substantially like the movement exhibited in normal specimens, and, in some instances, for a period of 10-20 minutes after division, it was found to be similar in enucleated parts. Usually, however, the movement is strik- ingly different in such parts, it being slow and irregular, and frequently accompanied by contractions. The pseudopods, all FIG. 2. Series of camera sketches illustrating the difference in the movement of nucleated and enucleated segments of Amceba. The former is shown in columns A, the latter in columns B. The numerals between the columns indicate approxi- mately the intervals of time, in hours, between the cutting of the amoeba and the production of the adjoining sketches in the two columns. The two sketches, a and b, in every case were made about one minute apart. They show the changes in position and in form of the segments during this time. Whenever there is but one sketch opposite the numerals, it indicates that there was no change in the organism, a, first position; b, second position, arrows, direction of movement, mm, projected scale. INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. A B A 257 B 105 I 20 Q 22.S 0. 4- 258 H. S. WILLIS. of which are usually small, are not formed alternately as they are in the parts containing the nucleus. Neither do they always occur near the anterior end. These differences in movement in the two segments are illustrated in Figs. I and 2. The nucleated part represented in Fig. i formed pseudopods within one minute after division. At three minutes it was attached to the substratum and exhibited the coordinated movement characteristic of a normal individual (Fig. i, a, b, c, etc.). This fragment was observed every three to five minutes for an hour, and the movement was found to be essentially the same throughout the entire period. The enucleated part of this individual on the contrary, became globular immediately and remained so for approximately five minutes during which time a number of small short pseudopods were directed outwards in all directions from the body. These became fewer and larger, and the entire body elongated in the direction of one of the larger pseudopods. An attachment of the body to the substratum was then formed and regular movement followed for about one minute. There was no subsequent locomotion or "streaming movement"; the organism, however, changed its shape by fre- quent contractions of the cytoplasm. These changes continued for an hour when the experiment was brought to a close (Fig. i , 1-3). Throughout the entire period, the movement in the enucleated part was very much slower than that in the nucleated part. Essentially all of these characteristic differences in the move- ments of the two fragments in question are further elucidated in the sketches reproduced in Fig. 2. By referring to this figure it will be seen that there was considerable locomotion in the nu- cleated part and that pseudopods were formed more or less regularly on the opposite sides of the segment; while in the enucleated segment there was extremely little locomotion and pseudopods were formed irregularly. Figs, i and 2 are typical illustrations of the behavior observed in all of the specimens studied — forty in number. The movement in all nucleated parts of these specimens was like that in normal specimens and the movement in all enucleated parts was quite different from that in normal specimens. The behavior of 17 INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 259 pairs of these parts taken at random is briefly summarized in Table I. By referring to this table, in which observations on locomotion are recorded for 13 of the 17 individuals, it will be seen that locomotion occurred in 13 of the nucleated parts, while there was no locomotion in the enucleated parts. Other matters in this table will be considered later. 1.5 9 FIG. 3. A series of camera sketches showing the reactions of a nucleated and an enucleated part of an amceba in a horizontal beam of light, a-d, nucleated part; 1.45-2.30 enucleated part; large arrows, beam of light; small arrows, direc- tion of movement; 1.43-2.00, time at which sketches of nucleated part were made; 1.45-2.30, time at which sketches of enucleated part were made; mm., projected scale. Note that the nucleated segment oriented fairly definitely; at a (1.43) the rays of light were at right angles to the moving segment; at 1.44 the segment had turned and become directed from the source of light. A similar response occurred at b, c, and d after the direction of the rays of light had been changed in each case. Note also that the enucleated part did not orient in the light. Both parts were continuously in the same field and were subjected to the same changes in illumina- tion. 260 H. S. WILLIS. 4> •d £ ."2 C CJ •3 •a •3 •d 3 ^ c 3 CO u rt rt 'co flj •d O Q. IH CJ rt CJ 4) ? •a rrt CJ ^j tn -4-J . fc a "rt rt CO _v CJ B CJ ^ 3 C 1 C o CJ — *o to *j "v" O CJ "o 'rt ft 41 ;_ CJ o tn ^ • S3 3 4> r*» CJ ^N '" *<5 u rt rt UH O rt IH o CJ rr, •<-* J3 o rt CJ O -*-> CJ C •r rt a T3 flj .2 M 4.J £H -4-J CJ rt ft »*H IH ^CJ OJ O tn 1j •7* ,f^ ;_, a •a rt ti s rt ft •d CJ CJ — ' CJ . o CJ 1 • "rt "rt HH •~~. TJ — W 03 K ^ M-< O tn 4-> S 3 4) _, *d rt ^ ragments M rt '— H CJ ^J ~ 4) "o pecimens CO o M 'o to O 4> 'lo i 13 S o CJ •4J S |H rt rrt 4~> IH 4) CJ tn »^H IH to ^ •-H CJ CJ tn >> "3 g CJ 1 C 'o CJ -u "S CJ a o CJ CO i . CO CO CO "cj 4_> en CJ C u , oj a *> s w *o •? § g 5-2 § g^ S 5 §« § oS 1 rn f i aj i i •+J ^ qj -U r- C, CJ p < s <3 *J *" ^ O *d "° p T) -d !s "p c §.! s -i 0 P P > CJ g M rt rt '-3 S E '5 'S rt c '5 .S c c u •?, 3 '5 .-H OC JH O > OJ S C .in •^ j> o o cj i* rt •— ^< .2 ,j o .2 •~* o co co ij *J u. "O *rt ^i • *^ *"^ 'rrt ^J tn •-* o to > ^= C .S .& ."I J3 3 C/3 O tn 1 "o C ^c 4) •4_> 'rt C e M T) 4J Jr! . .- 'S '> -3 fi a "° '> =3 ^ rt -3 h • '-o w Si . « | .S ' « « .S «> «» S S . -js rt Sfed^ .rt^d • -S s^^lllSil1 = -S g^atJ S^ «£ « fe^a"0 "° .s s ii "S rt >-« *- P J3 T3 w (U 4> *H -*-) w «; rt *J *J IH 60*013 "^ If 3 jj rt rt M «H ^ 1-ls ,.a S£ 1 oj^e |s -a S ^^G- 5^ -3.S Ji 13 P«i CJ rt 4-» •»-> rt «j rt PH •d^^-d^-o-d-a^T) . CJ ,tn4)-t->OJCJCJ-tJCJO j3-e,^^3 0 & jz ^ Oj3 tn or^GoCoouCo—. rty.Hrt_rtrtrt_rt^ -u c cJ_i>djj^j<_)'d-i-> cj -t_> 2 '^ -*-* •—-*->•*-» -*-> •— -*-> p <-g^jjpui-t- C •-« 4-Jp*J™ Q«-6^<'rtQ 5. -i2 v* \M o 'r"! ^ MS. r-J\ M M ,;\ "\ -5 3^ M W M Socn c N M CJ ^* ^^ CJ l^ • • IhH bfl |l _M W) 1 3 3 rt 1 1 -^ "^ *— * 1—1 rt O* O* C71 11 1 s 0*0* rt \M "^ o CO _) W W W W W _) -^ •O ui • .s t: J •d p •d ^-d^TJ-d-;^ g S gl g g P P •d -d _: ^ "d ~i "d p p ^ ^ c ^ p CJ QJ " " CJ *~* flJ 3 ™ ,_ CJ CJ CJ CJ ^ ^ ^ ° °< *-< IH U U. :2 s .2 S .2 .2 S .0 u, ;-. , )-. , U .2 .2 o o .25 .2 i-* t-i T1 T* *-« "^ *H crH 2 O QJ W OJ O *-"(yl-cfl'|-Jcnt/3-*-J-*-* tn tn •*-* ~^ to •*-' to " X *"" ^H c o cofioocn o o c s o c o £^.s > 0 1 c i ja j, S A •o d o '3 cS M £ cd • S ^ u ea '3 M • ."j -4-> tJ 3 cj bo "i g *e Relation of Parts to Substratum. tached 2 min. after cutting. Att ; broken 5 min. later. Attached a min. and remained so. tached 2 min. after division. :hed 5 min. later. Attached at 20 : division. Unattached at 25 min. 0 T d d not attach for an hour, d not attach for an hour. ;mained attached after first 10 mir lattached for i hour when it slig :hed. Remained attached 15 min. icr attachment, tached 5 min. after cutting. Att ; broken 3 min. later. Attached a .in. after division, and remained so -*-> -|_) <« O . C! Is .£H *— * "ca J5 c c SB >o ro M ^ 13 41 4i ^ •52 rt ^ i. tached 5 min. after division. Att ; broken 3 min. later. Formed a 2 min. and remained so. .tached 5 min. after division. Att ; broken 3 min. later; then for i after 20 min. This was lost 2 No further attachment. •*-• -" < g H "^ 4J IH 1) rt s Q Q PH ID _2 ti< a s 4> Q < S d *^ & 4) rt 15 — *a 41 "3 '*j ^ 3 TO 3 J , 3 _rtu-. o- g o- cS o1 *° W w W J W "C u> . .i tl B •d •d G •§•§•§•§ •3 C •d •c c ~6 QJ O 3 QJ 4> 4) *" ^ D UJ QJ 41 O O ^ o *<: IH _o IH S .2 .2 S IH o IH _O _o 'in '*-! C ~ o 41 IH QJ i i _4_> 41 4) 41 IH 4) 41 III OJ O 4-* *i 03 03 -y d o o c tn O fl "c tn O o x" PH < -i G C G *-> G o -g .0 .2 .0 o _o 'Z! o *J *> -u G •"-> O -i o;^ "o ._ a M^C Mr;t2':" ^nx7 G .2 c "° •" >> -2 c .2 ^ rt CA ^ '> M -| •§ , s 'E ^ 'E u .0 S '-3 G '> n "^ S '-3 i-1 '-a 3 Cfi ^ •- nj «« _. i- l- 1-lJcd 13 r< O>^ U, OJ Iij3 S £5^ G ** *• •" v o Ul "C il ilii> n , *73>-i *tj ^ ts "\ rt rtaJalii'rt 511 -a CJ OH c cdi!'S^-o£2^'o .S .S c^ 1+4 o '§ 'c 'c iS S -2 JJ S "^ G 'S "S ca '§ -a c .2 ^ H^.s|^|^"5l| 2 s^ •«! J3 ET-! *^ *O ni ^j u . - . _• rt m ni nj )_( -^ fl * M ^ ^ *J ^ £H •g s -g -g -g * -g g 5 £ o y -g M^i d"S^ s < -5 < 2 3 cr< S 'S O 6 o < 'S 2 & "> < '3 1 S-^-'-'o i±3 ^x c '"^i fi rtcSw CT3 rt^ C "O G +j 03 o ro « S- S- j ^ <-.i! s O T3 O b£^/3 g a o 3 0) N jj c« «j 1; jj U >i b4 * S 15 rt — On rt 33 rt i^. . _ E o- cr "5 0 « r i r i "° 2 n ll| b oj= ors< •a "2 "2 -6 "2 -6 "2 -a gC G ^G^G 1> CJ O O g.2 .2 S .2 o.2 S cr-1 S 'C aj S *S a; '*-• aJ '•-• O n; rf j*j I1 ^_j C) 4_> QJ '" -C C -WOT m -tJ f)timti •55 *•£ GO O O C O H &£* ^ c t: 3^i 3 H 3^3^ 2 « QJ ^J QJ -^ 2j fH ^ ^H CPn 'o *o *"* *u *"* "u O 3O 3 O 3O30 U ^ fc ^ ^ ^ !2Z fc ^J2 o M M M W c§:= .22^ „: «.£ £ £ c-o c rt bu c-SfL, 'S1"1 - 5|c3 INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 263 It has been thus shown that there is a difference in the general movements of the segments containing and those not containing a nucleus. Attention is now directed to the reactions to light in such segments, especially the reactions resulting in orientation. ORIENTATION IN LIGHT. Normal Specimens. — It is well known that certain species of Amceba when placed in a horizontal beam of light, usually turn until they are directed from the source of light and then continue in a fairly direct course; that is, they orient and are negative. If now the position of the source of stimulation is changed so as to illuminate the organisms from the side, they again turn until they are directed from the light, that is, they reorient. In the form under consideration the reactions to light are marked and orientation is fairly precise. Fragments. — Fragments containing a nucleus present precisely the same kind of reaction as do normal specimens when subjected to similar light conditions. These parts react readily to light; the movement is rapid; and the process of orientation is very much like that found in intact specimens. On the other hand, enucleated parts usually give no evidence whatever of orientation. Experiments were made on 25 pairs of segments. In 21 of these the nucleated parts oriented approximately as precisely as normal individuals, but in the enucleated parts no indication of orienta- tion whatever was observed except in three instances, and in these there was only a mere suggestion of orientation. This will be described in more detail later. Typical of the reactions in the 25 experiments mentioned above are the responses to light of the parts shown in Fig. 3. The reactions here represented, however, are somewhat more exact and definite than those observed in some of the other segments. In this case the enucleated fragment was the larger of the two and contained the contractile vacuole. Both segments were kept under the same cover-glass and were subjected to the same light conditions. A 165-0. P. tungsten lamp was placed 13 cm. distant from the reacting segment, and a piece of colorless glass absorbed the heat waves from the lamp. A compound micro- scope and a camera lucida were used. The temperature at the 264 H. S. WILLIS. microscope was 29.5° C. The results obtained are in part re- corded in Fig. 3. It may be observed fronTthis figure that the nucleated part moved from the light and that with each change in the direction of the rays of light, there was a corresponding change in the direction of the movement of the segment, while on the other hand, there was no indication of orientation in the enucleated fragment. The two parts were subjected to precisely the same conditions throughout the entire experiment. As previously stated, there was usually no indication whatever of orientation in enucleated segments, and it is questionable whether any of these parts actually oriented, yet, in a number of cases, slight movement from the light occurred, and in three cases there was a change in the direction of movement with a change in the direction of the light. This movement from the light may have been a reaction to the light in the form of orienta- tion or it may have been merely an accidental movement made without regard to the light. The facts regarding the three cases are these. One of the segments, while moving at right angles to the light, formed a pseudopod on the shaded side, and move- ment occurred in the direction of the pseudopod. With a change in the direction of the light, a short pseudopod was formed again on the shaded side, but at this point the fragment assumed a globular shape. In another segment movement occurred for several seconds at right angles to a horizontal beam of light, then the direction was changed, and the fragment moved from the source of stimulation. Upon a change in the direction of the light, this fragment changed the direction of its course and again moved from the light for approximately one minute and then became globular. In the third enucleated segment substantially the same reaction was observed. If these fragments actually oriented in response to the light, the process of orientation in • them was essentially different from that in nucleated fragments. There is, therefore, a difference in nucleated and enucleated parts of Amoeba in their response to light as well as in the char- acter of their movements; but there is also a difference in the rate of locomotion as will be demonstrated presently. INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 265 RATE OF LOCOMOTION. Normal Specimens. — The rate of locomotion varies greatly in different individuals. Some specimens move nearly twice as fast as others. Quite a number of individuals were observed to move rather consistently at 0.27-0.3 mm. per minute; others moved at an average rate of 0.12-0.15 mm. per minute. There is a fairly definite relation between the size of the moving organ- ism and the rate of movement. An animal travels a distance that is approximately two thirds the length of its body in one minute. The actual distance traveled by a large animal is greater for a given length of time than the actual distance traveled by a small animal for the same length of time under the same conditions. This is clearly demonstrated by the results recorded in Table II. By referring to this table it will be seen that the ratio of the distance traveled per minute to the length of the body of the specimen is approximately the same in all cases. TABLE II. Relation between size of Amoeba and rate of locomotion. The average rate of locomotion was computed from five readings extending one minute each. The average length was computed from five measurements of the moving organism at intervals of one minute each. The rate was measured by projecting the moving organism on a scale with a camera lucida. Ratio of Distance Traveled Maximum Length of Specimens Average Distance Traveled per Minute to Length Observed. per Minute. of Body. 0.36 mm. 0.24 mm. 0.66 0.34 0.20 0.59 0.35 " 0.23 " 0.65 0.37 " 0.24 " 0.65 O.2I " 0.15 " O.?! 0.26 " 0.17 " 0.64 O.2O " 0.14 " O.72 0.26 " 0.17 " 0.64 Fragments. — In the work on the rate of locomotion in frag- ments, the two parts were on an average approximately the same size. Observations were made on each pair of segments at about the same time. Both were kept under the same cover-glass and in the same environment. It was found that the rate of movement in nucleated fragments, like that in normal specimens, bears a definite relation to the size of the body. Large nucleated 266 H. S. WILLIS. segments usually travel greater distances in a given length of time than do small ones. This is shown in the results recorded in Table III. In this table are given the lengths of four intact specimens together with the rate of locomotion per minute, and the length of body, and the rate of locomotion in the nucleated and enucleated parts cut from the four intact specimens. TABLE III. Relation between rate of locomotion and length of body in four intact specimens of Amoeba and in the nucleated and enucleated parts of these four specimens. Normal Specimen. Nucleated Part. Enucleated Part. Average Length of Body. Rate of Loco- motion per Minute. Average Length of Body. Rate of Loco- motion per Minute. Average Length of Body. Rate of Loco- motion per Minute. .376 mm. •355 " •340 " .360 " .244 mm. .230 " .200 .240 " .275 mm. .210 " .220 " .200 " . I^O mm. • ISO " .140 " .128 " globular .230 mm. .230 " negligible ? .074 mm. The table shows that the larger intact specimens and the larger nucleated parts travel greater distances per minute than do the smaller ones. It also shows that locomotion in the enucleated parts is very much slower than it is in the nucleated parts. This is, however, more clearly shown in Table IV in TABLE IV. A comparison of the rate of locomotion in millimeters per minute in the nucleated and the enucleated parts of ten different individuals. Nucleated Parts. Enucleated Parts. O.I5 O.OO2 0.13 0.074 0.13 o.oio 0.18 0.020 O.I3 O.O08 0.15 o.no 0.16 o.ooo 0.19 0.006 0.17 0.006 0.13 0.004 which the rate of locomotion in nucleated and enucleated segments of the same individual is compared. Each number in the two columns of this table represents the average rate of INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 267 locomotion for five trials, each continuing for one minute. The figures in the left column show the rate of locomotion in the nucleated parts; those figures immediately opposite, in the other column, show the rate of locomotion in enucleated parts. For instance, the nucleated segment of the individual first cut moved in five trials at an average rate of 0.15 mm. per minute, and the enucleated part cut from the same individual moved at an average rate of 0.002 mm. per minute. From the table one thing is strikingly evident: movement in nucleated parts is always much more rapid than that in enucleated parts; in no case does the rate of locomotion in parts without a nucleus equal that in parts with a nucleus. POSSIBLE CAUSES OF DIFFERENCES IN BEHAVIOR. From the experiments cited above, it is evident that there are differences in the behavior of parts of Amoeba with a nucleus and parts without a nucleus; differences in the character of movement, in orientation, and in the rate of locomotion. Now, to what may these differences be attributed? The two parts differed in size, in their position in the amceba cut to produce them, in the possession of a contractile vacuole and a nucleus. The difference observed in their behavior must be ascribed to some of these differences in structure. Size. — In this work nearly 125 amoebae were cut, each into two parts, one of which contained a nucleus. In approximately one half of these cases, the part without a nucleus was as large as or larger than the part with a nucleus. Records of the two parts of 13 of these amoebae, taken at random, may be found in Table I. Both parts in all cases were kept under the same cover-glass and were subjected to the same or similar conditions. All of the nucleated parts behaved like normal specimens, but none of the enucleated parts, regardless of the relative size of the two parts. It appears, therefore, that differences in the size of parts do not determine the differences in behavior. Contractile Vacuole. — The contractile vacuole was present in the nucleated parts of the 125 specimens experimented upon about as often as it was in the enucleated parts. There was no observable difference in behavior associated with the presence or 268 H. S. WILLIS. absence of the vacuole. Enucleated parts with the vacuole apeared to behave in every way similarly to enucleated parts without a vacuole. The same is true for nucleated parts. The vacuole, therefore, cannot be reckoned as a determining factor in the behavior of the fragments. Position Occupied by Fragments in the Intact Amceba. — When an amoeba is cut into two parts, the part containing the nucleus may be from what was the anterior end or the posterior end of the original specimen. The behavior was carefully studied in 25 parts, 13 from the anterior and 12 from the posterior end of the intact individual. The results obtained are recorded in Table I. No evidence was obtained indicating that the reaction of the parts depends upon their location in the specimens from which they were taken. The nucleated parts from the anterior end responded precisely like those from the posterior end. Ob- viously, then, the position in the intact specimen is not a determining factor in the behavior of fragments. The Nucleus. — We have demonstrated that parts of Amceba which contain a nucleus behave essentially like normal specimens, while those which do not contain a nucleus behave -quite differ- ently, and that this difference in the behavior of the parts is dependent upon neither their relative size, the presence of the contractile vacuole, nor the location of the parts in the animals which were cut to produce them. It must, therefore, in some way, be related to the nucleus. This will be considered in the following paragraphs. THE INFLUENCE OF THE NUCLEUS UPON ATTACHMENT. Dellenger (1906) made it clear that attachment always accom- panies and is essential to efficient locomotion in Amceba and Difflugia. Twenty-five of my experiments on fragments of Amceba, in which observations were made on attachment, demonstrate quite clearly that nucleated fragments are usually continuously attached to the substratum, and that enucleated fragments are rarely attached. In these experiments some specimens were observed for only ten minutes; others for a very much longer period of time, the maximum being 72 hours. Records of attachment or unattachment in all were made at definite intervals. The following detailed description of the INFLUENCE OF NUCLEUS ON BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA. 269 results obtained in the study of one pair of segments taken from the same specimen is typical of all. In this case the parts were approximately equal in size and the nucleated part was cut from the anterior end of the amoeba. At five minutes after division both fragments were attached and moving. Three minutes later the attachment in both was broken by the sliding of a small glass rod under them. The nucleated part began immediately to send out pseudopods aim- lessly. This continued for two minutes; then the segment attached and remained so for three hours — when the experiment was brought to a close. This segment was attached continu- ously to the substratum; it appeared to be attached usually at three different points and the behavior appeared to be normal in every respect. The enucleated segment was momentarily at- tached at several different times, and each time the attachment was so w^eak that it could not resist even the slightest jar given the table on which the experiment was made. At no time was this segment continuously attached longer than two minutes and it was never attached at more than one point at a time. There was a slow streaming motion in the protoplasm but no locomotion at all except for a short time during its first attach- ment and then it was very slight. The results obtained in all of the observations on the attachment of segments of Amoeba are briefly summarized in Table I. By referring to this table it will be seen that attachment of nucleated parts to the substratum is continuous; that attachment of enucleated parts is intermittent, slight and of short duration. These facts seem to indicate that the nucleus directly in- fluences the attachment of protoplasm to the substratum and thus influences behavior. SUMMARY. 1. Amceba proteus moves regularly and smoothly by alternate formation of pseudopods on the two sides of the organism. Locomotion in segments of Amoeba with a nucleus is of the same general character. Movement in segments without a nucleus, however, is irregular, jerky, very much slower than that in nucleated parts, and the pseudopods are not ordinarily formed regularly or alternately. 2. In a horizontal beam of light, normal specimens direct 270 H. S. WILLIS. their locomotion from the source of stimulation, i. e., they orient and are negative. Parts containing a nucleus respond in the same manner; those without a nucleus, however, do not orient. 3. The rate of locomotion varies greatly in different indi- viduals. Large specimens move more rapidly than small speci- mens, the rate of locomotion bearing a fairly definite ratio to the size of the specimen. The rate of locomotion in nucleated seg- ments bears essentially the same ratio to their size as it does in normal individuals. Segments without a nucleus show very little locomotion and this is always relatively very slow and irregular. 4. The size of the parts, the contractile vacuole, and the position which the parts occupied in the intact specimens before division seem to be in no way responsible for differences in the behavior of nucleated and enucleated parts of Amceba. 5. The only other known respect — aside from those mentioned —in which the two parts differ concerns the nucleus. Conse- quently the differences in the behavior of these parts are, in all probability, in some way related to the nucleus. 6. The regulatory influence of the nucleus on behavior in Amceba seems to be brought about by some sort of an influence upon the attachment of the organism to the substratum. LITERATURE CITED. Dellenger, O. P. '06 Locomotion of Amcebae and Allied Forms. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 3, pp. 337-358. Gruber, K. '12 Biologische und experimentelle Untersuchungen an Amceba proteus. Arch. f. Protistenk., Bd. 25, S. 316-376. Hofer, Bruno. '90 Einfluss des Kerns auf das Protoplasmas, Jena. Zeit. f. Nat., Bd. 2%, S. I05-I75- Jennings, H. S. '04 Contributions to the Study of the Behavior of Lower Organisms. Carnegie Inst. of Washington, Pub. No. 16, 256 pp. '06 Behavior of Lower Organisms. New York. 366 pp. Mast, S. O. 'n Light and the Behavior of Organisms. New York. 410 pp. '10 Reactions in Amceba to Light. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 9, pp. 265-277. Stole, A. '10 Uber kernlose Individuen und kernlose Teile von Amceba proteus. Arch. f. Entom., Bd. 29, S. 152-168. Verworn, Max. '09 Allgemeine Physiologic, 700 pp. NOTES ON SUPERFETATION AND DEFERRED FERTILIZATION AMONG MICE. F. B. SUMNER, SCRIPPS INSTITUTION FOR BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, LA JOLLA, CALIF. The phenomenon of superfetation, or the occurrence of a second conception in a mammal already pregnant, has been reported and discussed by various writers since the time of Aristotle. The latter1 refers specifically, in this connection, only to man and the hare. Modern writers2 have described occasional instances for several animals (man, cat, rat, sheep). On the other hand, this phenomenon appears to have been generally regarded as a biological curiosity, while its very existence has been questioned by some,3 the facts observed being explained on other grounds. Apparently, it has been very rarely observed in the rat, for Miss King records only two cases among the more than 700 normal broods born in her stock.4 For mice, I have thus far found no published records of super- numerary broods, though two well-known zoologists, who have reared varieties of the house mouse in large numbers, assure me that they have encountered cases of this sort. In the absence of exact records, I am unable, however, to report these instances in detail. In the course of several years' experience in breeding \vhite mice, the present writer has occasionally noted the birth of a second litter, in cases where an earlier litter had been kept with the mother for some time after weaning. This was at first attributed to the precocious sexual development of the earlier male offspring, one of which was held to be the father of the later 1 See bibliographic references. 2 Marshall, 1910; King, 1913 (also papers cited by the latter). 3 Schultze, 1866; Godlewski, 1914. 4 1 do not here include those cases (known as superfecundation), in which members of the same litter, derived from the same period of ovulation, are born one or two days apart. 1, have myself observed a few cases of this phenomenon, but shall not discuss them here. 271 272 F. B. SUMNER. brood. In one case of which I have record (Table II., No. i), this may well have been the true explanation, since the second conception must have occurred when the three males which constituted the first brood were about 42 days old. That male, and even female, white mice may become sexually mature at this age I am certain from independent evidence. I have record of at least one case in which a female, mated to a male of the same brood, became pregnant at an age of about 6 weeks (between 38 and 44 days). In one instance, however (Table I., no. 6) such an explanation was not applicable, owing to the extreme youth of the first litter, at the time of the second conception. On March u, 1909, a female gave birth to a brood of two (i cf, i 9). On April 8, or 28 days later, a second brood of seven was born. Since the period of gestation of this animal is normally about 20 days,1 the mice of the first litter were scarcely more than a week old when the second lot began their development. It is needless to point out that a blind and helpless young male of this age could not have played the part of a father. Furthermore, the female had been separated from all other adults of either sex, since the day of the birth of the first brood of young, 28 days previously. Under these circumstances, to be sure, the possibility is not excluded that the second litter resulted from a copulation occurring immediately after the birth of the first. In this event, the only anomaly would be the deferred birth of the later brood of young. Unfortunately, no further notes on this subject were made during my experiments on white mice. It is my impression that other instances similar to the foregoing were observed, but I find record of only these two cases. It is the chief object of the present paper to furnish data relating to superfetation and deferred fertilization which have been recorded incidentally during the past two years, in the course of rearing wild mice of the genus Peromyscus. Unfortunately, my data are in some cases somewhat equivocal, since the experi- ments were not made with a view to studying these particular problems. But definite answers can none the less be given to certain questions, even if not to others. 1 My own observations confirm those of Daniel (1910) on this point. SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 273 My stock comprises four geographical races of Peromyscus maniculatus , viz., rubidus, sonoriensis, and two quite distinguish- able races within the assemblage generally known as " gambeli." In breeding these mice, it is my general practice to place one male with three to five females. Each male is left with the respective group of females for a varying period, which ordinarily does not exceed 20 days. Record is in every case kept of the day when the male is admitted, and of the day when he is removed. Each female, when obviously pregnant, is isolated in a separate cage. The young are ordinarily left with the mother until they are 6 to 8 weeks old. At this time, they are commonly separated according to sex, the males and females being thence- forth kept apart until they are mated, according to the require- ments of the work. Occasionally, this separating is not done early enough, however, and matings between brother and sister, or between mother and son, occur. The youngest mice in which I have known fertilization to take place were both 42 days old (possibly a few days younger), the next youngest pair were 55 days old or less. Because of these precocious, and therefore, unexpected conceptions, the exact date of birth of the resulting young cannot always be recorded. They were sometimes several days old when first found. Now it is among very young parents that the phenomena to be discussed seem to be commonest, as will be pointed out presently. For this reason, it happens that in all but two among the eight cases comprised in my first table the father was still present in the cage, and had access to the mother up to the time of the isolation of the latter, when her brood was first discovered. This uncertainty as to the date of the last coition somewhat complicates the interpretation of these cases, though, as will be shown, the evidence, even here, for a deferred fertilization of the ova is not thereby affected. Before considering the phenomena presented by the tables, it will be well to make inquiry as to the normal period of gestation in Peromyscus. Since I have been interested only incidentally in determining this period, I have in no case restricted the mating of the parents to a single observed copulation, as has Daniel (1910), nor have I determined the exact hour of the birth of the brood, as have Long .and Mark (1911). I have recorded, how- 274 F- B- SUMNER. ever, the period during which the male had access to the female, and the date of discovery o.f the brood. During the times when frequent births were expected, the nests were examined daily. Hence a given birth must commonly have occurred between two known observations. It has been my invariable practice to refer the birth to the day when the brood was dis- covered,1 except where circumstances were such as to make it probable that the young were bprn a day or two earlier. In such cases, this probability is indicated in the records. Since, in a large series of experiments, it is probable that successful insemination would occur in some cases pretty soon after the males were introduced into the cages, it seems likely that the minimum interval between the introduction of a male and the birth of a brood represents the actual period of gestation, at least for the individuals in question. This minimum was found to be 22 days. In all but five cases, however, out of a total of 206 broods, for which I have accurate records, the figure was greater than this. As a control, I have determined, for each series, the maximum interval between the removal of the male and the discovery of a brood of young. This maximum figure is also a fraction over 22 days. In the single instance recorded, a brood was known to be born as late as some time during the 23d day after the last opportunity for copulation. From these data, therefore, we know that the period of gesta- tion of Peromyscus does not, in some cases at least, exceed 22 days. We also know that it may be as much as 22 days. Ac- cordingly, I have provisionally adopted this figure as representing the normal term for the species which I am engaged in breeding. It is likely, however, that this term is subject to some variation. Tables I. and II. comprise two different classes of cases. In the former, the interval between the birth of the first and second litters ranges from 13 to 39 days. In all of these cases the youth of the first brood of young, at the time of the second conception, precludes the possibility that a male of the former lot was the father of the second. Even when the interval was as great as 39 days, conception must have occurred when the first lot was 1 Mice (at least white mice) are said by Long and Mark (1911) to be more commonly born in the early morning than at any other time of day. SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 275 D £ O H W W S3 H tf W S < fe W g U U M Q 3 ^ tt o U 1) •*-• "^ W £ £ -H s k, M o o -H /) O •O T3 T3 T3 g T3 Mi . O J3 I U a O o o o " "b ^o, 10 to 0\ o\- o _ 10 10 M O\ CN )H OO » C — «^ t M W X o) O o S rt ,9 n U 2 o o JJ "a -H o -H (n to 1) LH O O O O \O OO O OO O IT) IT) \f> in ^f ON \O b s b* 3 3 3 b 3 v o 2j8 F. B. SUMNER. Miss King (1913, p. 385) remarks that "superfoetation . . . is applied to cases in which ovulation, followed by copulation, occurred during pregnancy and led to the simultaneous develop- ment in the uterus of two sets of ova belonging to different periods of ovulation." In discussing the two instances observed by her in the rat she says: "The most plausible explanation for these cases seems to me to assume that the two ovaries acted independently, ovulation occurring in one ovary some little time before it took place in the other. If copulation followed each ovulation two sets of embryos would develop in the uterus simultaneously, and they would be born at different times, depending on the interval between the two periods of ovulation" (p. 390). I believe, with the writers quoted, and in opposition to certain others, that these younger fetuses owe their origin to later periods of ovulation, which may even occur during gestation. I cannot see the necessity, however, for assuming an independent action of the two ovaries, as does Miss King. Furthermore, I regard it as highly improbable that some of the cases which I have recorded resulted from a copulation occurring at the time of the later ovulation, whether this last took place during pregnancy or after the birth of the first brood. My own observations point, with considerable probability, to two facts: (i) to a definite periodicity in ovulation, continuing in some cases throughout pregnancy; and (2), with even greater probability, to the retention by the spermatozoa of their fertilizing power for days or even weeks after reception into the uterus or fallopian tubes. In support of the first proposition I will point to the rather surprising numerical relations among the figures (Table I.) representing the intervals between the delivery of the two broods by the same mother. These eight numbers are all nearly or quite multiples of 13, viz: 1 X 13 (±) 2 X 13 2 X 13, (+ I?) 2 X 13, (+ I?) SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 2J9 2 X 13, (+2?) 2 X 13, (+2) 3 X 13, (-2?) 3 X 13, (±) It will be seen that some multiple of a quantity lying between 13 and 14 would fit every case with the exception of one, in which the figure may have been slightly less than 13. Further- more, let us add Miss King's two cases for the rat. In one of these, the second-born brood was delivered "about 14 days" (but not more than 14 days) after the first. In the other case, the second delivery was, she says, "about 12 days" after the first. It must be mentioned, however, that this "newborn" brood was actually found 13 days after the other. Here, then, we have altogether 3 instances in which the broods were born about 13 days apart, 5 instances in which the interval was about twice as great, and 2 in which the interval was about 3 times as great. Statistically speaking, the case is not, of course, entirely convincing, and later findings may fail to conform to the scheme here indicated. But the probability seems to be sufficiently high to warrant its provisional acceptance. Referring to the second table, it will be found that the inter- vals therein recorded could not all be interpreted as multiples of any one number, though four of them are not far from being multiples of 13. Were one disposed to have recourse to a not uncommon type of argument, he could point out that the normal variability of the single intervals might reasonably be expected to lead to a cumulative divergence in the course of five or six periods. But most of us would be reluctant to draw any con- clusions from this second set of figures. Regarding the existence of a definite periodicity in the ovula- tion of mice, there appears to be some difference of opinion. Most recent observers seem to agree that ovulation occurs independently of coition in the mouse and rat. Sobotta (1895), Kirkham (1910, 1913), and Long and Mark (1911) hold that it takes place not long after parturition. According to the latter authors the interval between parturition and the ensuing ovula- 28O F. B. SUMNER. tion ranges from 14! to 28| hours. Their observations have thrown little light, however, upon the periodicity of ovulation at other times, though they do not seem to believe that this is governed by any great regularity. Sobotta (1895) states that ovulation recurs 21 days after parturition, basing his conclusions upon the examination of several females. He regards as im- probable the occurrence of intermediate periods, at intervals smaller than this. On the other hand, it is stated by Heape (1900) that "the usual length of the dicestrous cycle for rodents is ten to twenty days," that of the rat and mouse (in England) being given as approximately ten days (p. 26). Since it is also stated (Marshall, p. 135) that "in the mouse, the rat, and the guinea-pig, ovulation occurs spontaneously during 'heat,' and generally, if not in- variably, during oestrus," it would follow that in these animals, ovulation likewise occurs at intervals of about ten days. This figure approximates much more nearly than Sobotta's to the thirteen-day periods indicated by my observations. Presumably, pregnancy would ordinarily interrupt these periods of ovulation, and initiate a new cycle at its close, though the phenomena of superfetation and deferred fertilization are pretty good evidence that this is not necessarily the case. If, as seems probable from my data, the second brood of off- spring resulted from a later period of ovulation, during or after the first pregnancy, we must suppose that the spermatozoa were retained in an active condition for many days and in some cases even for weeks. Fertilization was deferred until the arrival of viable eggs in the fallopian tubes or the uterus. If we consider the intervals (Table I.) between the last possible opportunity for copulation and the birth of the second litter, we have:1 no. i : 13 days ±; no. 2: 26 days; no. 3: 27 days; no. 4: 27 days; no. 5: 47 days (±); no. 6: 28 days; no. 7: 37 days; no. 8: 36 days. Thus in only a single case (the first) could copulation have occurred as late as 22 days (i. e., the normal period of gestation) before the birth of the second brood. In case no. 5, if we suppose 1 In all these cases except no. 5 and perhaps no. i, the first brood was born unexpectedly, and it is likely that the male was still in the cage at the time of delivery. SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 28 1 that the fetuses developed at the normal rate, at least one sper- matozoon must have retained its fertilizing power for 25 days or more. In cases 7 and 8, even if we admit the probability here of coition after parturition, the spermatozoa must have remained alive for 15 and 14 days respectively. An alternative hypothesis would be to assume that gestation rather than fertilization had been retarded in these cases. Thus Schultze (1866), while not denying the theoretical possibility of superfetation, explains all of the reported cases in man on the basis of either the death or the retardation of the less advanced fetus. This would also seem to be the opinion of Godlewski (1914), who, after pointing out what he believes to be the physio- logical impossibility of this process, makes the following dogmatic assertion: "Wir mussen demnach annehmen, dass die Eier, welche den Mehrgeburten den Ursprung geben, gleichzeitig befruchtet werden" (781). On this assumption, we should have to suppose that, at least in cases I and 5, the ova which gave rise to the second brood had been liberated and fertilized simul- taneously with those which gave rise to the first. In the remain- ing cases, on the other hand, they may have been liberated and fertilized after the birth of the first brood. Now Daniel (1910) has shown for white mice and Miss King (1913) for white rats that parturition may be considerably deferred when the mother is still suckling an earlier brood. This retardation was found, in some cases, to be as much as 10 days for the mouse and 12 days for the rat. Both of these writers assume that fertilization ensues fairly promptly after successful insemination, and that the delay in parturition is due entirely to a prolongation of embryonic development. If we attempt to apply this interpretation to some of the present examples, we are led into difficulties even greater than those which confront the hypothesis of deferred fertilization. For example, in case 5 (Table I.), the last opportunity for copulation was 19 days before the birth of the first litter, and about 47 days before the birth of the second. Even on the assumption that the fertilization of the second lot of eggs actually took place as late as this last day, the period of gestation was prolonged by about 25 days, i. e., the normal term must have 282 F. B. SUMNER. been more than doubled. Now the first brood consisted of only two individuals, so that any retarding effect due to lactation would have been almost at a minimum. Daniel found that this amounted to only about a day for each young mouse suckled.1 If it be contended that the retardation probably resulted from the gestation of the first litter rather than their subsequent nursing, it is relevant to point out that this species of Peromyscus may give birth to 5, 6, or even 7 young, with little, if any, prolongation of the period of gestation beyond the normal.2 Again, in cases 7 and 8, the birth of the second brood occurred 37 and 39 days respectively after the first. In both of these cases it is possible that copulation occurred during or shortly after the first pregnancy, since the male was not removed until after the delivery of the first brood. Thus, at the least, we must assume that the second gestation was prolonged more than two weeks, owing to the suckling by the mother of her three earlier young. To me it seems much more credible that the cases here dis- cussed resulted from the fertilization of recently liberated eggs by spermatozoa which had been received many days previously. I do not think it helps us at all to assume that the term of development, after fertilization, was prolonged to any such extent as we should here have to suppose. Nor do I believe that it is necessary to assume a second copulation to account for the later brood, though this possibility is not excluded in my experiments. To refer again to case 5, of my first table, the last opportunity for copulation was 19 days before the birth of the first brood, i. e., only 3 days after the conception which initiated the development of this brood. Is it not as easy to admit the retention of living spermatozoa from this first effective copulation as it is to admit their retention from another copulation occurring only three days later? At first glance, it is not clear why these cases of deferred fertilization should, in every instance, have followed a previous pregnancy. In other words, why should not this phenomenon 1 For rats, indeed, Miss King found that retardation was not certain to follow unless more than five young were suckled. 2 One brood of 6 was born 23 days after the earliest possible fertilization, while one brood of 6 and one of 7 were born 24 days after the earliest possible fertilization. SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 283 have appeared in females which had earlier merely undergone insemination, without a normal conception having first ensued? As a matter of fact, I have never found an instance, among all the births recorded, in which a first brood1 is known to have been born more than 22 days after the last possible opportunity for coition. Why should not the spermatozoa have occasionally been held in reserve for a period of ovulation occurring some time after this last opportunity for copulation? In reply, I can only point out that coition probably occurs only when the female is in a condition of "heat." If, on the advent of the first "heat" period after the introduction of the male, fertilization did not follow insemination, it would, in a large proportion of cases, point to a sterility (temporary, at least) on the part of one or both sexes. As a matter of fact, my records show that the great majority of the females which conceived at all did so during the first half of the sojourn of the male in the cage.2 As stated above, only one female in the course of my experiments is known to have become pregnant as late as the last possible date of copulation. To what degree the term superf elation is applicable to the cases comprised in my first table is a matter of definition. Case no. I (as well as the two cases described by Miss King) would doubt- less be covered by the term as ordinarily understood, since one period of gestation, with little doubt, was superimposed upon another. For reasons stated, it does not seem likely, however, that two sets of developing fetuses were simultaneously present in any of the other cases. But in at least one of these instances (no. 5), the sperm which fertilized the second lot of eggs must have been received during or prior to the first pregnancy. Per- haps the term superfetation might conveniently be extended so as to cover such cases as these last. But the word is plainly inapplicable to instances in which the second effective copulation occurred .subsequently to the delivery of the first brood. Admitting the last named possibility for most of the cases comprised in my Table I, we none the less find in them instances 1 First, as distinguished from the supernumerary broods here discussed. I do not refer necessarily to the first offspring of a given mother. 2 This commonly covered 20 days. 284 F. B. SUMNER. of deferred fertilization, a phenomenon which has been little recognized among mammals. It is stated by Marshall (1910, p. 136), on the authority of various investigators, that "in certain bats copulation is performed during the autumn, whereas ovula- tion is postponed until the following spring, the animals in the meantime hibernating, while the spermatozoa are stored up in the uterus." There is no inherent improbability of the occur- rence of parallel phenomena in rodents. The presence in the uterus of active spermatozoa long after copulation ought, however, to be directly determined for these animals. A few additional comments seem worth while before closing these notes. It must be pointed out that, in Peromyscus, at least, the phenomena discussed cannot be of very rare occurrence. The seven cases in the first table which relate to deer-mice have been observed in the course of rearing about 250 broods of young. Thus nearly 3 per cent, of the litters born were followed by these deferred or supernumerary broods. Whether or not the small size of these first litters (i to 3 young) is a matter of signifi- cance I cannot conjecture. Furthermore, it should be stated that most of these super- numerary litters comprised normal, healthy animals, more than 80 per cent, of which survived nearly or quite to maturity. In the great majority, at least, of the cases recorded for man, one, if not both, of the fetuses has been dead or imperfectly developed when born. Again, it is worthy of remark that in four cases out of eight the parents of these supernumerary broods were both very young mice, which had not yet been separated according to sex, while in two more cases the fathers (though not the mothers) were very young animals. Since the proportion of all my broods born of parents of such an early age is very small, it seems likely that this fact is of some significance. Finally, the possibility suggests itself that some of the alleged instances of "telegony" which are recorded from time to time, may result from the actual retention of spermatozoa received from an earlier mate. A later copulation with a different partner might happen to coincide with a conception in which the earlier insemination was really the effective one. SUPERFETATION AMONG MICE. 285 LIST OF WORKS CITED. Aristotle. a De Generatione Animalium (Translated by Arthur Platt). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1910. (IV., 4: 773 b to 774 a.) b Historia Animalium (Translated by D'Arcy W. Thompson). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1910. (VII., 4: 5853.) Daniel, J. F. '10 Observations on the period of gestation in white mice. Journal of Experi- mental Zoology, vol. 9, no. 4, Dec. 1910, pp. 865-870. Godlewski, E. '14 Physiologic der Zeugung. (In Bd. III. of Winterstein's Handbuch der vergleichendenden Physiologie). Jena, 1910-1914, pp. 457-1022. Heape, W. 'oo The " sexual season " of mammals and the relation of the " pro-oestrum *' to menstruation. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. 44 (N. S.), no. 173, Nov., 1900, pp. 1-70. King, Helen D. '13 Some anomalies in the gestation of the albino rat (Mus norwegicus albinus). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, vol. XXIV., no. 6, May, 1913, pp. 377-391. Kirkham, W. B. '07 The maturation of the mouse egg. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, vol. XII., no. 4, Mar., 1907, pp. 259-265. Kirkham, W. B., and Burr, H. S. '13 The breeding habits, maturation of eggs and ovulation of the albino rat, American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 15, no. 3, Nov., 1913, pp. 291-317. pis. 1-6. Long, J. A., and Mark, £. L. 'n The maturation of the egg of the mouse. Carnegie Institution Publication no. 142, 1911, 72 pp., 6 pis. Marshall, F. H. A. '10 The physiology of reproduction. Longmans, Green and Co., 706 pp. Schultze, B. S. '66 Ueber Superfoecundation und Superfoetation. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Medicin und Naturwissenschaft, Bd. 2, 1866, pp. 1-22, pi. I. Sobotta, J. '95 Die Befruchtung und Furchung des Eies der Maus. Archiv fiir mi- kroscopische Anatomie, Bd. 45, pp. i5~93. pis. II-VI. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN OVARIOTOMIZED FOWL. H. D. GOODALE, MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. In several castrated Brown Leghorn females certain develop- ments of particular interest have taken place. These de- velopments relate not only to the plumage and other external characters but also to certain structures associated with the reproductive organs. In brief, these individuals developed male plumage and other male characters. After a time, however, certain changes in the plumage of some individuals took place, best described as a change to or toward the female type, as the case might be. Still later, the plumage changed again to or to\vards the male type. Usually, the development of female plumage in poullards is to be referred to a regeneration of the ovary but an examination showed that no regeneration had occurred in these individuals but that instead an organ sui generis had grown. A portion of the organ has been removed from each bird and sectioned. Its structure clearly is neither that of the ovary nor that of the testes. The exact nature of these organs cannot be determined at present, although their structure suggests that they have some relation to the epididymis. On the right side in normal females, both ducks and fowl, a bit of tissue is sometimes found on the spot corresponding to the site of the ovary on the other side. From this body a strand can sometimes be traced posteriorly. While this body has some resemblances histologically to that of the organs developed in the castrated females, it is impossible to assert that the latter results from the hypertrophy of the former, even though there are many other reasons for drawing this conclusion. To demon- strate the assumed relationship between the structures will require a considerable series of stages which are not at present available and whose collection will require some time. The history of these cases may now be considered in detail. 286 FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN OVARIOTOMIZED FOWL. 287 The first is that of the pullet described in the American Naturalist, Volume XLVIL, 1913. The chick had been completely cas- trated when three weeks of age. In due course of time, the bird developed a good male's plumage with large comb and spurs. However, there were a number of feathers in the dorsal region which were shaped and stippled like those of the hen but rather different in color. (Fig. 3, b, American Naturalist.} With the coming of the moult it was found that the new feathers were essentially like the old. That is, the plumage retained its inter- mediate character. The bird was then killed and dissected. The conditions found were so remarkable that it was thought best to await confirmatory data before publishing. On either side, at the level of the adrenals was an organ which had the appearance of a small testis, though divided into several lobes. Histologically, however, it was very different. Leading pos- teriorly from each of these structures to the cloaca was a yellow- ish white strand (cord, duct) resembling an immature vas deferens. The left oviduct in an infantile condition was present. The presence of the bodies described for 1196 appears to be more usual in ovariotomized fowl because such organs, with one possible exception, have not been found among the eight or ten ovariotomized ducks that have been opened or autopsied at various times, though found in all fowl thus far examined. Both species have ranged from a few months to three years of age, all but one at least a year old. Evidently the possibility of the development of the bodies in question rests upon some genetic basis. Nor are they necessary for the assumption of male characters by the ovariotomized female, since the ducks have developed as good male plumage as the fowl. Perhaps the question will be raised regarding the possibility that all these individuals were really males. It is desirable to consider this phase of the matter in some detail. There are two general possibilities of error — first, a possibility that an error was made in identifying the sex of the individual at the time of the operation; an error however, that would be equivalent to one made in identifying the sexes of domestic poultry by their plumage. The gonads of the male and female are quite un- like, even before hatching time (cf. Thompson, Arch. Ent., 288 H. D. GOODALE. 1911). The single ovary is a flat sheet of tissue, roughly tri- angular in outline, found on the left side only. The two testes are each cigar-shaped. The second possibility is that a clerical error was made. It should be needless to say that great care is taken to avoid this sort of mistake. However, there are several checks on mistakes of either sort. First, in ovariotomy an incision is made on the left side only, never on the right. In the extremely rare event of there being an ovary on the right side its presence would remain unknown until much later. The right side is never examined at the time of operation. Therefore, if a supposed female were really a male, the presence of the right testis would bring the mistake to light in due course of time. Second, an infantile oviduct has always been found in the cases autopsied. These oviducts are not a vague strand of tissue but on the contrary are in about the same condition as a four or five month pullet's before the ovary has begun to enlarge preparatory to laying. Third, there are a number of peculiarities about the castrated females that differentiate them from males both normal and castrated. These are fully considered in another place.1 Finally, it may be noted that the number of instances on record is fairly large. During the past year a flock of fifteen ovariotomized ducks, besides several ovariotomized fowl, have been maintained at this station. The second individual for consideration is a rose-combed bird of a different strain of Brown Leghorns which was castrated as a four-weeks-old chick in 1914. This bird, number 3840, devel- oped a beautiful male plumage in due course of time, except that for some reason the development of the tail was imperfect. The main tail feathers were present but had an injured appearance. Number 1196, described above, likewise had the dorsal portion of the uropygium missing, which gave her a bob-tailed appearance. Number 3840 also had the same bob-tailed appearance in 1914, though the feathers were actually present, but lost it with the new feathers in the autumn of 1915. The comb and wattles developed more slowly than those of the normal male, but by late spring they had become large and male-like. The spurs in press. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN OVARIOTOMIZED FOWL. 289 also were fully developed. When the bird moulted (1915) the new feathers were those of the female throughout. As is fre- quently the case, the bird moulted piece-meal, both kinds of feathers co-existing at one time. Gradually, however, the male feathers were replaced by feathers that could not be distinguished from those of the female. When it is recalled that the Brown Leghorns are practically identical in color with the Jungle fowl, the change can readily be appreciated. The bird was not killed as it was desired to keep her for further observation, but instead she was opened on each side. Organs roughly similar to those described for 1196 were noted. On the right side a strand of tissue was traced posteriorly for a few millimeters but no strand could be identified on the left. No trace of anything resembling normal ovarian tissue was found. As the location of the incision was unfavorable for finding the oviduct, this was not attempted. A bit of each of the organs were removed and sectioned. The histological findings were like those described below. A short time after the operation it was noted that the new saddle feathers that came in were male-like in that they were fairly long, and laced with bright yellow, though rather bluntly pointed at the end and the central stipe though nearly black was often sprinkled with brown to a greater degree than usual for a male. The feathers of the tail coverts particularly con- tained much brown. In the breast feathers, less change was noticeable, most of the feathers remaining deep reddish salmon though some of the feathers contained some black. Other parts of the bird showed feathers much like those of the female type. The third instance is that of a bird hatched June 22, 1913, and castrated August 8, 1913. The juvenile female plumage was well developed at the time. By early winter, however, this plumage had given place to one nearly or quite identical with that of the young male. The spurs developed fully but the comb never became really male-like, but had rather the general appearance of a Leghorn female's comb when straightened up. This comb, however, never- loped but was always erect, an exception not at all rare among Leghorn females. It was anticipated that when the bird moulted during the summer H. D. GOODALE. the full male plumage would be assumed. Instead, a different type appeared. The feathers were shaped like those of the hen, except the tail coverts which in shape resembled those of an English Campine male. That is, they were rather longer than those of the hen, curved, and with rounded ends. The dorsal feathers were dull black with golden shafts, sometimes with a few minute brown spots on the margins. Ventrally the feathers were black. With the moult of 1915, a further change took place in that the breast feathers were replaced with salmon-colored feathers, while there was some increase in amount of brown stippling dorsally, so that this bird, too, was very much like a female. She was opened on each side in October, 1915. The same set of organs was found as described for the preceding instances. This bird, like 3840, also changed the character of its plumage after the operation. The new breast feathers were black, while the saddle feathers were good male though not as long and pointed as is usually the case. A fourth instance has a history somewhat different from the one just preceding, although it was a litter sister and castrated at the same time. The castration, however, proved to be in- complete in that regeneration of the ovary took place. A minute bit of the ovary must have been left and when it became suffi- ciently large the new feathers that developed under its influence were female. Nearly a year after the first operation, a second was made and an attempt made to remove the regenerated ovary. Apparently it was successful for the bird soon after began again to assume male characters. The spurs became long but the comb has always remained hen-like, though erect. The present plumage is a mixture of male and female characters. The breast feathers are almost black but contain a little salmon in small patches. The dorsal feathers are not much longer, if any, than those of the normal female but they are triangular at the apex and have a margin of golden bristles. The centers, however, are female colored. An examination of the right side in October, 1915, showed a body similar to those described but rather larger. The left side seen from the right appeared to be empty but when an attempt was made to open the bird on the left side, un- FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN OVARIOTOMIZED FOWL. 2QI expected difficulties were met, so that it was deemed desirable to proceed no further. There remain two other birds to be considered. Though both were of hybrid origin their plumage was that of a typical Brown Leghorn. At the time they were castrated, the female juvenile plumage was well developed. After castration both developed spurs and a perfect male coat of plumage but their combs remained small. Number 4290 was killed November 25, 1914. The same sort of organs on the site of the gonads were noted again. The other, 4471, is still alive and in perfect male plumage. In the summer of 1913, a female-like plumage developed, followed in the fall by a return to the male plumage. In 1915 no change in plumage color took place. When opened, October n, 1915, the same sort of organs were found. Thus, in all but possibly one instance there has been a development of glandular material on both sides. The exception relates to the individual that was examined on only one side. It seems probable that though numbers 3840 and 2087 were operated on just prior to their return to the male condition the operation as such had nothing to do with the results secured but rather that a change to this plumage would have taken place as in the case of 4471. It is of course possible that the operations accelerated a change about to take place. It is quite possible, too, that the changes in plumage are cyclic in nature, like the occurrence of the summer plumage in the normal drake. Because it is desired to keep the birds alive for further observa- tions, the structure of the organs cannot at present be given in detail. It was thought at first that a small piece would suffice for a determination of its structure, but the material thus far examined indicates that the study will have to be made from the standpoint of the organ as a whole. Owing to lack of material, this cannot be attempted for some time to come. However, the material on hand is sufficient to indicate something of its nature. The following description is provisional: The histo- logical findings vary from specimen to specimen and also in different parts of tissue from the same bird. The differences, however, are probably to be referred to developmental stages, 292 H. D. GOODALE. though this is by no means certain. In what is supposed to be the early stages, the cells are small with relatively little proto- plasm and closely packed. There is a very weak development of connective tissue which separates the cells into poorly denned groups. Intermediate stages can be found in which the groups of cells become well denned. After the first stage, there is a considerable increase in the connective tissue which in some instances appears to produce smooth, refractive rods or strands. Stages have been noted in which the central cells separate some- what after the manner of thyroid tissue and stain less readily. These appear to be degenerating. Later the marginal cells also break down so that small open spaces may be found lined mostly by connective tissue. They in turn appear to coalesce by the breaking down of neighboring wralls, so that large open spaces appear in the tissue, perhaps homologous with the vesicles filled with a straw-colored fluid observed macroscopically in some instances. In one part of the organ a group of tubules lined with a single layer of square cells has been noted. These appear to be of a different character from the spaces described above. They may contain a finely granular but otherwise amorphic substance. It is rather probable that the present organ is the result of a development of the Wolfian body. This view, however, is merely a working hypothesis. Should further investigation confirm this view, it may throw light on the structures described by various observers in cock- feathered females. These bodies are very likely identical with the bodies found in castrated females. Certainly the presence of true seminal tubules or spermatozoa together with ova must be demonstrated before similar individuals found in nature con- taining these organs can be designated as hermaphrodites. An explanation of the plumage changes is mainly a matter of surmise. At first, one is inclined to lay the changes at the door of the new organ but since they do not appear in all individuals which have developed the organs, it is evident that if the organs are concerned with the changes there must be some change in the activities of the organs either preceding the changes in plum- age or accompanying them. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN OVARIOTOMIZED FOWL. 2Q3 Among ducks it has been noted that a similar change in plum- age is associated with the testes in the male, although the organs described have not been found in several castrated female ducks which have been examined. The ovariotomized duck may or may not undergo a change in plumage, corresponding to that of the male. Those that undergo such a change have returned in due course of time to the breeding plumage. Thus their temporary plumage is like that of the summer plumage of the male. The change of plumage in the ovariotomized fowl may be due to the release of a mechanism for changing the plumage but which has been hidden or rendered latent in some way during the phylogeny of the race or as a result of domestication. In this connection it may be noted that laying hens give evidence of a summer moult. This moult is rarely complete and is evidenced usually by the shedding of a comparatively small num- ber of feathers. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE ACCESSORY CHROMOSOMES AND OF THE CHROMATOID BODY IN THE SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT.1 L. J. BACHHUBER, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL BREEDING. The following studies resulted from a series of experiments to determine the effect of lead poisoning upon the germ-cells of the male rabbit as indicated by his offspring. My intention originally was to attempt to determine the manner in which the lead-poisoning affected the normal mitosis. The problem of the normal mitosis in itself proved to be so large that the study of the effect of lead-poisoning had to be postponed to a future time. The following work was done under the direction of Dr. M. F. Guyer, to whom the writer is very much indebted for many valuable criticisms and kindly help. The writer is also indebted to the kindness of Professor L. J. Cole for aid given in getting the necessary material for this study. All of the rabbit testes used were from animals raised at the barns of the Department of Experimental Breeding of the University of Wisconsin. These males were chosen from the normal stock resulting from the double matings described by Cole and Bachhuber (1914). A fairly successful fixing reagent was found in Flemming's strong. This method brought out the chromosomal and cyto- plasmic structures better than Gilson's, Zenker's, Hermann's and possibly Bouin's fixative. Bouin's gave good results in the study of the accessory chromosomes and the chromatoid body. A new method reported to be in use in McClung's laboratory was also tried with considerable success. This fixative employs urea as a means of more rapid penetration. To one hundred cubic centimeters of Bouin's, made up of seventy-five parts of 1 Papers from the Department of Experimental Breeding, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, No. 6. Published with the approval of the Director of the Station. 294 SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT. 295 aqueous picric acid with fifteen parts formalin and ten parts glacial acetic acid, were added one and one-half grams chromic acid and three grams of urea. The solution was then heated to thirty-seven degrees and the tissue added. This fixative made the chromosomes stand out somewhat better and clearer than any of the other fluids. The sections were cut from four to fifteen micra in thickness and stained in (i) Delafield's haematoxylin and eosin, (2) Haiden- hain's iron-haematoxylin and acid fuchsin or orange G, (3) safranin with gentian violet or lichtgrun. Method (2) proved to be the most successful and gave some very excellent results. This method was most valuable in bringing out the detailed structures, especially the chromatoid body. Cytoplasmic struc- tures were as a rule satisfactorily stained in Flemming's triple stain. Smear preparations were also made. These were fixed in Flemming's strong or in Bouin's fluid. Haidenhain's iron- hsematoxylin gave the most satisfactory result when counter- stained with lichtgrun. Mammalian spermatogenesis seems to offer greater difficulties for study than any other form. This is due to the impossibility of securing by means of existing reagents and methods proper fixation. In nearly all preparations it has been found that the chromatic structures have a tendency to mass so that individual details are lost. The chromosomes in the rabbit have this to a very marked degree. The various stages in spermatogenesis were numerous enough, but a great many stages had to be examined in order to find those in which chromosome counts were possible. N. M. Stevens (1911) in the spermatogenesis of the guinea- pig found that material "very unfavorable and the results are not so satisfactory as are desired." Montgomery (1912) in his work with the human spermatogenesis has to say practically the same thing, "the fixation was not as excellent as might be desired." Wodsedalek (1913), however, seems to have encoun- tered less of the massing of chromosomes in the spermatogenesis of the pig than is present in other mammalian forms. In both the rat and the guinea-pig, and later in the bull, the 2Q6 L. J. BACHHUBER. writer has found the same condition, although to a lesser degree than in the rabbit, namely, the strong tendency of the parts within the nucleus to mass, hiding many of the individual structures, and leaving much to be desired in the form of im- proved methods. In the rabbit, the chromosomes always agglutinated, permitting but few chromosomal counts. Because of this, the only stages in which chromosomal counts were possible with any degree of accuracy were the primary spermato- cytes. In later stages it was decidedly more difficult to find stages in which counts were possible. In the rabbit, the structures to be followed more readily are, first, the two accesory chromosomes and second, the chromatoid body. After the spermatogonial stages, the accessory chromo- somes could nearly always be identified and rather easily traced. The chromatoid body, similar to that described by Wilson (1913), whose origin could not be determined, can be easily followed, beginning with the primary spermatocytes, and can even be identified when it is cast off from the transforming spermato- somes. The other structures displayed in the spermatogenesis of the rabbit, and the various processes connected with them, do not differ materially from the corresponding stages described for other forms. In the following pages, the process of spermato- genesis, in so far as it could be determined, will be taken up in the order of the successive stages of spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatosomes, and the fully de- veloped spermatozoa. i. ZONES OF PROLIFERATION. Throughout all the tubules of the testes, there appear small areas in which active proliferation reveals almost every stage of spermatogenesis. These areas are not, howrever, confined to any particular section or part of the tubule. All indica- tions of the active zones go to show that a certain area may be active for a period, then halt in its activity while a nearby area becomes active in spermatogenesis. There are thus, scattered throughout each of the tubules, areas of active proliferation and areas of rest. In each of these areas of activity usually there SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT. 297 may be seen the ordinary arrangement of the spermatogonial cells on the outer margin with the primary spermatocytes adjacent to them. Further towards the center lie the secondary spermatocytes while the spermatids, the transforming spermato- somes, and the fully developed spermatozoa lie in the central cavity. 2. SPERMATOGONIAL STAGES. It has been difficult to obtain satisfactory preparations of the spermatogonial cells showing all of the essential structures, chromatic and achromatic. Nutritive cells were also compara- tively scarce although a few may have been identified (Fig. i). They are very similar to the resting stage of the spermatogonia with which they may easily be confused and their identity is never certain. The nuclei of these nutritive cells usually appear oval or irregular in shape and contain masses of chromatin scattered throughout This close resemblance to the nucleus of the resting spermatogonia makes it not at all improbable that the nutritive cells, if they are such, may be derived from the spermatogonia. Montgomery (1912) has found this to be true in man. He was able to trace directly the formation of the Sertoli cells from the spermatogonia by the presence of a rod- like body in the cytoplasm, which was, according to him, an invariable indication of the Sertoli cells. Hegner (1914) takes the view that the Sertoli cells arise from the primordial germ- cells. This may also be true in the rabbit although there is little direct evidence to support either view. The similarity of the Sertoli cells and the spermatogonia and the relative number of these cells affords the only evidence. During the earliest prophases of the spermatogonial stage (Figs. 2, 3) the nucleus is somewhat elongated and irregular as a rule, and contains two or more large, spherical karyosomes. These may be the two accessory elements which can be traced very accurately after the formation of the primary spermatocytes. Small linin threads, somewhat granular in appearance, radiate out towards the periphery of the nuclear wall (Figs. 4, 5). Slender fibrilke extend throughout the cytoplasm (Fig. 2). Between these are small areas of a granular appearing substance. The centrosome and the other cytoplasmic structures cannot be 298 L. J. BACHHUBER. identified although some of the more granular parts of the cytoplasm may include the centrosome and the chromatoid body. This is however doubtful because the staining reactions given by these structures in the primary and secondary spermato- cytes ought also be given in the spermatogonia. Only one spermatogonial stage has been found in which the chromatoid body appeared to be present (Fig. 6). While it has the characteristic appearance of this body, it is a rather doubtful case because it could not be identified in any other of the sperma- togonial stages. As development continues, dense masses of chromatin appear concentrating along the radial linin threads. These masses vary in number, but never exceed the diploid number of chromo- somes, making it highly possible that these masses later trans- form into the univalent chromosomes. The entire nucleus stains heavily with the basic dyes, indicating a large increase of the chromatin content of the cell. In this manner, from twelve to twenty-two masses of chromatin are formed, all united by heavy linin threads. Gradually the linin threads disappear, and the chromatin masses assume a more regular appearance (Fig. 7). The nuclear wall disintegrates as the chromosomes arrange them- selves in the metaphase stage (Fig. 8). The spindle fibers are very indistinct although in favorably stained sections they may be made to stand out more strongly. Because of this excess of stain, the cells which were stained heavy enough to make the spindle fibers appear more plainly were useless for the study of any of the other structures. The chromosomes at best tend to mass together, and if not strongly destained, form a huge black mass in which nothing can be distinguished. In some of the metaphase stages it is possible to count twenty-two chromosomes (Figs. 8, 9, 10). The X and the Y elements which are shown to exist from their subsequent behavior, could not be distinguished from each other or from the remainder of the chromosomes in the spermato- gonial division stage. It appears probable that the two large karyosomes present in the early spermatogonial stages may represent the accessory elements because they retain their individuality and later appear to transform directly into two SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT. 2QQ chromosomes of the spermatogonial division. At times they may be traced because of a slightly more rounded form than the other chromosomes. The chromosomes in general are elongated in shape although the tendency is towards a spherical form. During the anaphase (Fig. n), the divided chromosomes move toward opposite poles. As soon as the chromosomes reach the pole, they go into a resting stage, the new nuclear wall appearing immediately. The new cell walls may not appear until late in synezesis. The outlines of the new nuclei are first somewhat elongated, conforming to the rough outline of the massed chromo- somes. Gradually these assume a more spherical shape, the spindle-fibers disappear, and the primary spermatocytes are ready for the growth period. 3. EARLY MATURATION STAGES. While the number of chromosomes is not large in the rabbit, the difficulties encountered in counting chromosomes were great indeed. In all of the material, the tendency of the chromosomes to mass was, as already mentioned, very much in evidence, and the most careful tecnhique in fixing and staining did little to make the results more satisfactory. There were enough cells in which chromosome counts were possible to place the probable number as twenty-two in the spermatogonia and twelve in the primary spermatocyte. It was found that twenty-two chromosomes went to each pole in the spermatogonial division. After synapsis has taken place, the number is twelve, showing that two of the elements remain single. These two elements are the accessory chromo- somes. Thus the twenty ordinary chromosomes of the spermato- gonia reduce to ten bivalents in the primary spermatocytes, wrhile the two accessories do not undergo synapsis. As will be seen, the later behavior of these univalent chromosomes is entirely distinct from that of the others. The early prophases of the primary spermatocytes show all but two of the chromosomes which passed to the poles in the spermatogonial division to grow irregular in shape, and finally weave out into fine strands which immediately spread throughout the nucleus (Fig. 12). All of the irregular masses spin out into 3OO L. J. BACHHUBER. fine threads constituting the leptotene threads, leaving two, still rounded chromosomes, which can from this time on be identified as the accessories. The leptotene threads, in both sections and smears, are seen to persist as independent units. Their exact number could not be determined because of their extreme length. During this stage, the accessory elements remain as small spherical masses which can easily be identified if the mass of leptotene threads is sufficiently destained. During the process of synapsis also, the X and the Y remain unchanged, always close together, and sometimes apparently connected by thin, dark- staining threads of chromatin material (Fig. 15). No instances have been found which at this stage show the accessory elements in different portions of the cell. In these prophases, the presence of the chromatoid body becomes definitely established. It stains similarly to the chro- matic material in the iron-haematoxylin, the Delafield's haema- toxylin, and in the Flemming's triple stain. Just where this body arises is still a question. As before stated, it has been found in only one spermatogonial cell and that was a rather doubtful case. In the primary spermatocytes it is absolutely constant (Figs. 16, 20, 22). In a few rare cases, two and some- times three have been found, but these extra bodies wTere always very small and disappeared in later stages. The large body can be traced through the remainder of the process of spermato- genesis. Further mention of its behavior will be made later. In the synezesis stage (Figs. 13-16), the threads drift and mass at one pole of the cell into a grouping which has apparently no established order and from which nothing definite could be deter- mined. Occasionally the threads seem to have a parallel arrangement suggesting parasynapsis, but when they come out of the synezesis stage, considerable evidence points to a chiasma- type synapsis (Figs. 18, 19). The threads are wound around each other, making possible a division later in which each of the haploid chromosomes would be made up of alternating segments of chromatin material, from the respective leptotene threads of the conjugating pair. That the threads still retain a con- stancy in number seems highly probable for in favorably stained sections where their ends can be seen, the number never exceeds SPERM ATOGENE SIS OF THE RABBIT. 30! double the number, minus four, of the chromosomes of the primary spermatocyte. Previous to the pachytene stage the cells have increased but very little in size. Now they begin to grow rapidly, complete fusion occurring between the conjugating threads, and all gradually drift back to the center of the cell, there to spread slowly throughout the nucleus. The threads enlarge, become lighter in staining capacity, due perhaps to the greater volume occupied by the pachytene thread, and finally form the large spireme (Figs. 17, 20, 21). This stage of the primary spermatocytes, with the possible exception of the synezesis stage, persists longer than any other stage of the spermatogenesis. This conclusion is reached because these stages of the primary spermatocytes can be found in prac- tically any portion of the tubules. Numerous as they are, it is extremely difficult to gain any knowledge of the processes in progress in them. The accessory elements still retain their spherical form, usually lying closely side by side, but at this time occasionally in different portions of the cell (Figs. 17, 21). The chromatoid body enlarges and seems to become more prominent. At the same time it seems to acquire an activity in the cell although its function could not be determined. 4. REDUCTION DIVISION. The spireme of this stage in general appeared to be continuous, although some of the smears made under considerable pressure gave indications of segmentation (Fig. 23). The large spireme now condenses and soon forms the individual chromosomes. Up to this period of condensation the chromomeres stand out very distinctly (Figs. 18, 19). These condense to form the large mass of bivalent chromosomes which, because of their agglutina- tion, usually stain so dense that the individual structure is entirely lost. The X and Y elements, however, can nearly always be iden- tified in these stages. As soon as the bivalent chromosomes are formed, they migrate into the equatorial plate. The accessory elements are nearly always a little to one side of this plate 302 L. J. BACHHUBER. (Fig. 23), usually close together. It may be that this position is constant, but the massing of the chromosomes hides the accessories (Fig. 24). In the division, the X and Y chromosomes move towards the poles long before the division of the ordinary bivalents (Figs. 25-29). The X is thus drawn to one pole, the Y toward the other. In this manner, each of the secondary spermatocytes will contain only eleven chromosomes, ten ordi- nary and one accessory (Fig. 30). The ordinary chromosomes, in their bivalent condition, are approximately twice the size of the spermatogonial chromosomes. The split in the bivalent chromosomes is rarely in evidence except immediately preceding the division, although in a few isolated cases a V-shape becomes noticeable. When the chromosomes reach the pole the chromatoid body seems to acquire more activity. During the formation of the equatorial plate, this body migrates close to the densely crowded chromosomes (Figs. 24-27). As soon as these start moving toward the poles, the X and Y preceding, the chromatoid body moves in between the two sets of chromosomes, lying approxi- mately midway between the two centrosomes (Fig. 31). Just before the new cell wall is formed, this body moves into the cytoplasm of one of the newly formed spermatocytes. The possibility presents itself that the chromatoid body always follows either the X or the Y elements. The two accessories are, however, so closely related in size that it has been impossible to determine whether there is any such specific association. Occasionally, in the division of the primary spermatocytes, there is found evidence that the accessory elements undergo a precocious division. The accessories lie in the plane of division and under certain conditions, they divide, forming two X and two Y elements. The division then proceeds in the regular manner with this exception: two X and two Y chromosomes go toward the poles, again preceding the division of the ten ordinary chromosomes (Figs. 32, 33). 5. SECONDARY SPERMATOCYTES. The division of the secondary spermatocytes proceeds without any appreciable rest stage. In the telophases of the preceding SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT. 303 division the nucleus is somewhat crescent shaped, but soon assumes a spherical form. This stage develops no spireme or leptotene threads. The chromosomes, eleven in number, imme- diately migrate into the equatorial plate to form a very dense mass which at times appears almost homogeneous, so closely are the chromosomes drawn together (Fig. 34). In this division the chromosomes, in migrating toward the poles, often appear as solid black ring-like masses with apparently no segments representing the individual elements. Dense fibers seem to be interwoven in the mass of chromosomes (Figs. 35, 36). It is seldom that the chromosomes can be distinguished in these stages. The X and the Y elements also as a rule lose their identity, but occasionally they can be identified by their presence in the center of the ring, connected by chromatin strands to the ordinary chromosomes (Figs. 37, 38). The chromatoid body appears to undergo no division in these stages, following either one or the other of the chromatin masses. We thus find that approximately one-fourth of the total sperma- tids contain the chromatoid body. 6. TRANSFORMATION OF THE SPERMATIDS. As soon as the division is complete, a new nuclear wall is immediately formed. The chromosomes as such disintegrate but the chromatic material soon condenses at the periphery of the nucleus (Figs. 39, 40). In this manner nearly all of the chromatic material is condensed, leaving one part which in every case is found somewhere near the center of the cell (Figs. 41, 43) and which may represent the accessory element. Some- times there are one or more smaller bodies which may be remnants of the disintegrating ordinary chromosomes because they do not persist for any length of time. The large central body can be traced through the stages of further condensation and almost to the completely developed sperm. After all of the chromatic material has condensed, the centro- some makes its appearance and moves close to the nucleus (Fig. 41). It here gradually becomes immeshed in strands of chro- matic material within a slight infolding of the periphery of the nucleus. By a continuation of this process it soon becomes 304 L- J- BACHHUBER. entirely surrounded by nuclear material (Figs. 41, 42, 43). The entire nucleus then migrates to one side of the cell and gradually leaves behind all, or very nearly all, of the cytoplasm, together with the chromatoid body (Figs. 43, 44, 45). At the same time the entire nucleus begins to condense and finally forms a flat plate, which has at times, however, the appearance of a convex plate (Fig. 46). In the meantime the sperm tail has been formed from the cytoplasm with the centrosome in the neck. The nucleus, now the sperm head, gradually enlarges with a resultant diminution of staining capacity. In properly stained sections and smears there can occasionally be distinguished a number of darker staining bodies one of which is usually larger than the others. The number of these approaches very nearly the number of chromosomes which went into the sperm head. It is thus possible that the chromosomes retain their individuality even in the fully developed spermatozoa (Figs. 47, 48). As the sperm head enlarges, these dark-staining bodies gradually diffuse through the entire head (Figs. 49, 50). Further enlargement brings about the complete development of the spermatozoon. The head manifests an even staining capacity, the neck shows the presence of the centrosome, while the tail takes such a light stain that it is barely visible (Fig. 51). 7. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The number of chromosomes in the spermatogonium is probably twenty-two. 2. The number in the primary spermatocytes is placed at twelve. 3. The number in the secondary spermatocytes is placed at eleven. 4. Two accessory elements, an X and a Y, are present. One- half of the spermatozoa contain the X, and the other half, the Y element. 5. A chromatoid body is present. Its function was undeter- mined. It underwent no division, and was finally cast off with the excess cytoplasm in the metamorphosing spermatid. SPERMATOGENESIS OF THE RABBIT. 305 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cole, L. J., and Bachhuber, L. J. '14 The effect of lead on the germ cells of the male rabbit and fowl as indicated by their progeny. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., Vol. 12, No. i, pp. 24-29. Guyer, M. F. '10 Accessory chromosomes in man. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 219-234, pi. I. Hegner, R. W. '14 Studies on germ cells. Jour. Morph., Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 375~499. pis- i-io. Montgomery, T. H. '12 Human spermatogenesis. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Vol. 15, 2d ser., pp. 1-22, pis. 1-4. Stevens, N. M. 'n Heterochromosomes in the guinea pig. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 155-167- Wilson, E. B. '13 A chromatoid body simulating an accessory chromosome in Pentatoma. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 392-410, pis. 1-3. Wodsedalek, J. E. '13 Spermatogenesis of the pig with special reference to the accessory chromo- somes. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 25, No. i, pp. 8-32, pis. 1-6. 3O6 L. J. BACHHUBER. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. All drawings made with camera lucida. Spencer 2 mm. apochromat oil immersion objective and X 16 compensating eye-piece used. All drawings ar- shown at a magnification of approximately 1,800 diameters. Drawings are accurate with reference to the nuclear material and the chromatoid body and their position in the cell; the cytoplasm, however, is represented conventionally. S, Sertoli cell; C, chromatoid body. PLATE I. FIG. i. Sertoli cell, showing the relation of the metamorphosing spermatosomes to the nurse cells. FIGS. 2,3. Early stages of the spermatogonia with the two large karyosomes. Fig. 2 also shows the slender fibrillae in the cytoplasm. FIGS. 4, 5. Later stages of the spermatogonial nuclei showing the linin threads radiating out towards the periphery of the nuclear wall. FIG. 6. Shows the only spermatogonial cell in which a body was found which resembled the chromatoid body. FIG, 7. In this stage a condensation of the nuclear material is taking place, forming masses which later transform directly into the chromosomes of the sperma- togonia. FIGS. 8-10. Metaphase stages of the spermatogonia showing the probable twenty-two chromosomes. Fig. 10 is taken from a smear preparation. FIG. n. Shows the divided chromosomes passing towards the poles. The X and the Y elements cannot be identified at this stage. FIG. 12. Prophase of the primary spermatocyte showing the chromosomes from the previous division weaving oat into fine strands which immediately spread through the nucleus. FIGS. 13-15. Synezesis stages of the primary spermatocytes showing the massing of the fibers, accompanied by a slow condensation, as shown in Fig. 15. This also shows the two accessory elements, which retain their spherical shape, while the ordinary chromosomes weave out into the leptotene threads. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL XXX PLATE I. J$ii$& ; ••• -,ri ••<-;; -./'Y.--''i- •_.<,• \:^^:S'M. ^IlilfP1 :&jKf?A- ..- ivV"'- • "-.;' '. •/:-.?^4&^ L. J. BACHHUBER. 308 L. J. BACHHUBER. PLATE II. FIG. 16. Shows a further condensation of the leptotene threads, which finally results in the large spireme. This stage also shows the first appearance of the chromatoid body. FIG. 17. The two accessory elements lie a little to one side of the condensing leptotene threads. The accessories can nearly always be identified in these stages. FIGS. 1 8, 19. These stages show the leptotene threads coming out of the synezesis stage and giving evidence of a chiasmatype synapsis. FIGS. 20, 21. The accessory elements are very conspicuous in the large spireme stages. FIG. 22. Cell from a smear, showing evidence of a segmentation of the large spireme. FIG. 23. The accessory elements lie a little to one side of the chromosomes massed in the equatorial plate stage, just previous to division. The chromatoid body has migrated into the same plane as the chromosomes. FIG. 24. Shows the massing of the chromosomes, which usually hides the accessory elements. The chromatoid body is very prominent. FIGS. 25-28. The two accessory chromosomes travel towards the poles long before the division of the ordinary chromosomes. The chromatoid body is still in the plane of the equatorial plate. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX '••.-•?••'• ,.., ......,, ' '"'''-^ >?lv ^'X •:"•" "•-''•/"•i:.':;-; •" 22 C--*:- -:.v'.- •.., . '-:.-•• ' - - 23 * .•'•••*•"-":.•"'. •\V>---V ':../''-r;:--^: • -^ ; 24 &;C#£f|H^r* .IP'" ' ; • : , '••••-•' ' "* '•-.' '. . :•..•*. ." . •. ~'V.- s •'..'':••.:"••. '.'.'•.'.-. '.'.'..-• ' \v . !-. : • ;•*.:, -;..••• 26 L. J. BACHHUBER. 27 3IO L. J. BACHHUBER. PLATE III. FIG. 29. Again showing the accessory elements migrating towards the poles in advance of the ordinary chromosomes. FIG. 30. A stage following division of the chromosomes of the primary sperma- tocyte showing the eleven chromosomes at the pole, the accessory in the center. FIG. 31. Shows the chromatoid body migrating in between the two sets of chromosomes immediately after division. FIGS. 32, 33. These cells give evidence of a precocious division of the X and the Y elements. In this case, two X elements and two Y elements travel towards the poles. FIG. 34. The chromosomes of the secondary spermatocytes have immediately lined up in the equatorial plate stage, ready for the next division. FIG. 35. The chromosomes of the secondary spermatocytes divide and pass to the poles in ring-like masses, practically losing their identity as individual elements. This stage also shows the chromatoid body. FIG. 36. Shows the chromosomes after reaching the poles and before formation of the spermatids. The chromatoid body is still present. FIGS. 37, 38. Show the occasional identification of the accessory elements in the center of the closely interwoven mass of chromosomes, giving a ring-like appearance. FIGS. 39, 40. Condensation of nuclear material at the periphery of the nuclear wall. Also shows the presence of the chromatoid body. FIGS. 41-43. Further condensation of chromatin around the periphery of the nuclear wall. The centrosome is meshed in one side of the nucleus. The chroma- toid body may lie in any portion of the cytoplasm and may be very irregular in shape. FIGS. 44-46. Still further condensation, with the gradual escape of the nucleus from the excess cytoplasm. The chromatoid body is cast off with the excess cyto- plasm. FIGS. 47, 48. Show the presence of darker staining masses of chromatin material which may represent the individual chromosomes in the sperm head. FIGS. 49, 50. The darker staining masses now diffuse through the sperm head and finally form an even-staining mass of chromatin. FIG. 51. Fully developed spermatozoon, showing the head, the middle-piece with the centrosome, and the long, thin, lightly staining sperm tail. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. PLATE III. x'*:'ro:--'.-^;'-;'::'-- 30 . s ^HK^ c • i ' \ '.r\^A--. #*%$ '•'•/••I-'' 'i •:lltfci;' 5S»f • ' , , ^--^... , . . ;, > •:. . ,;;'v:j^ J5 '^'' ; > fit i ; , »A "•;• • "•- '—•'./ L. J. BACHHUBER. Vol. XXX. May, 1916. No. 5 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. RALPH S. LILLIE, i BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, CLARK UNIVERSITY, WORCESTER, MASS. Anaesthesia, also termed narcosis, is a physiological condition in which the normal responsiveness or automatic activity of the living system — organism, tissue, or cell — is temporarily decreased or abolished. The subjective accompaniment of this change in higher animals is a more or less complete suppression of conscious- ness, with consequent insensibility to pain; the term "anaesthe- sia" refers more directly to this condition. By "narcosis" is usually meant a temporary paralysis or anaesthesia produced by chemical substances; this term has a more objective connotation; and is the one usually employed in purely physiological discus- sion. It is especially noteworthy that the condition may show all gradations of degree, ranging from a comparatively slight inhibition or insensibility to a state of profound depression in which the organism is completely inert and shows no response to even the strongest stimuli. Yet on the removal of the anaesthe- tizing agent the normal properties and activities return. Reversi- bility is thus an essential characteristic of the condition; this peculiarity distinguishes it from the irreversible change of death. There are, however, significant resemblances between these two states, and in fact transitions from the one to the other are fre- quent. Too prolonged or too profound anaesthesia may pass into death; and most anaesthetic substances, if present in too high concentration, soon cause irreversible and cytolytic changes in cells. There is in fact evidence that in many instances anaesthetic and toxic effects have the same essential physico- chemical basis. The same cell-structures — especially surface- structures, e. g., plasma-membranes — are primarily affected in 312 RALPH S. LILLIE. both cases, but in the one case the change produced is reversible, in the other irreversible. The degree of reversibility is however itself subject to variation. In many colloidal systems changes which are reversible in their earlier stages may become irrever- sible later; and the fact that anaesthesia, especially if profound, cannot be prolonged indefinitely without danger to^ life, may find its explanation here. In any theoretical discussion of anaesthesia it is important to recognize from the first that normal or physiological conditions of reversible inhibition or suspended activity are in no sense unusual among organisms. In both animals and plants irrita- bility and automatic activity are fluctuating properties, with a wide range of strictly physiological variation. Thus in higher animals we have conditions ranging from the profound narcosis of sleep — a state due apparently to the accumulation of fatigue- products — to one of complete mental and physical alertness or wide-awakeness. Generally speaking, responsiveness is largely a matter of metabolic condition; and most vital activities are subject to inhibition or enhancement according to the physio- logical requirements. Variability of this kind is in fact a neces- sary condition of adaptation to the changing conditions of life. Thus the activities of animals as a class are influenced to a marked degree by variations in the food-requirements. In general they become sluggish and irresponsive when well fed, and show heightened activity when deprived of food. In other words, both the automatic motor activity and the responsiveness to the stimuli of food-substances — the physiological condition expressed in consciousness as hunger — are increased when the supply of energy-yielding material is depleted and vice versa. For example, the fresh water Hydra shows restless swaying move- ments when hungry; these movements increase the area swept by the tentacles, which respond promptly to the contact of small organisms or food-particles by capturing and conveying to the mouth.1 When well fed the creature is quiescent, and the ten- tacles are indifferent to such contact; they are, as it were, in an anaesthetized condition ; this state passes off as the organic demand for food reasserts itself. Such an instance illustrates the regula- 1 Cf. S. J. Holmes, "The Beginnings of Intelligence," Science, N. S., 1911, Vol. 33- P- 473- THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 313 tory role which fluctuations in the general responsiveness of an animal play in its normal life. Similar variations of neuro-mus- cular responsiveness occur throughout the animal kingdom. This is well illustrated by sleep, which is an instance of a normal or "physiological" narcosis, characterized by a definite periodicity and by affecting especially certain parts of the central nervous system; the use of opiates illustrates how readily a chemically induced narcosis may pass into the physiological form. From such facts we must conclude that the essential basis of anaesthesia consists not in a purely artificial modification of nervous or other irritability, but in some normal or physiological modification which is capable of being intensified and prolonged by the use of certain physical and chemical agencies; these are the various anaesthetizing agencies, such as the electric current, cold, or nar- cotizing substances. From this point of view, anaesthesia is to be regarded not as an essentially abnormal or artificial phenomenon, but simply as an intensification of a normal physiological condi- tion; and in investigating its essential conditions we are led first to consider the normal inhibitions and depressions shown by all living cells. Instances of such normal inhibitions are innumerable. The motor neurones innervating any group of muscles become in- excitable during the activity of the antagonist groups, as Sher- rington has shown; the respiratory nerve cells cease automatic activity with over-oxygenation of the blood ; vasomotor, cardiac, glandular, and muscular activities are subject to various forms- of inhibition, partly nervous and partly chemical in origin. Such inhibitory mechanisms play in normal life a part whose importance is daily more widely recognized by physiologists. Mechanisms of the inverse kind, which exercise sensitizing and reinforcing influence on various functions, are also frequent in organisms. A large part of these normal inhibitions and excita- tions are now known to be due to chemical substances (hormones) present in the blood and derived from ductless glands or other sources of internal secretion. The regulation and integration of bodily activities are thus largely under direct chemical as well as nervous control. Such normal chemical inhibitions are probably of the same nature as artificial inhibitions due to anaesthesia. 314 RALPH S. LILLIE. In both cases the same kind of physico-chemical modification in the irritable element appears to form the essential determining condition. The phenomena of anaesthesia have thus the widest biological interest; they belong chiefly in the class of chemical inhibitions or desensitizations. The inverse phenomenon of sensitization— enhancement of irritability or responsiveness — is equally wide- spread and plays an equally important physiological role. Although its study has received less attention than that of anaesthesia, its physiological interest is no less great. Irrita- bility may in fact be altered reversibly either in the direction of increase or decrease. It is important to note that the same substance may cause either increase or decrease of irritability or spontaneous activity, •according to the conditions of concentration, temperature, physio- logical state of the organism, etc. In the group of lipoid-solvent substances, which include most of the anaesthetics in common use, weak solutions very generally increase excitability; stronger solutions, within a certain range of concentrations, produce typical reversible narcosis; while still stronger solutions cause cytolysis. The basis common to all of these effects requires to be determined. The problem of the general nature of anaesthesia is in fact inseparable from the wider problem of the nature and conditions of irritability in general. The essential question may be expressed thus: what is the physico-chemical basis of this property of irritability, and what conditions determine its rever- sible increase or decrease by chemical or other agents? This problem is one of the most fundamental in biology; and the phenomena of artificial anaesthesia are of general physiological interest largely because of the light which they throw on this larger problem. Instances of increase in irritability or spontaneous activity under the influence of low concentrations of anaesthetic sub- stances are frequent in both animals and plants. One of the most familiar is the general nervous excitement caused by small •doses of ether, alcohol and other narcotics. Automatic rhythm- ical activity, as of cilia, spermatozoa, or the heart beat, is very generally heightened in weak solutions of alcohol and other THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 315 narcotics. The nerve-cells controlling the heart beat of Limulus show a faster rhythm in weak solutions of alcohol, chloral hydrate, choretone, and chloroform.1 Hamburger has shown that many lipoid-soluble substances — iodoform, chloroform, tur- pentine, benzol, chloral hydrate, camphor, fatty acids, soaps- increase the amoeboid and phagocytic activity of leucocytes, while stronger solutions decrease this activity.2 A similar rule appears to hold for the respiratory center of vertebrates.3 Ac- cording to Vernon,4 weak solutions of narcotics increase the con- sumption of oxygen in isolated tissues like the kidney. Tashiro and Adams find that low concentrations of urethane and chloral hydrate increase the excitability of nerve as well as its output of carbon-dioxide; in higher concentrations both are decreased.5 The staircase phenomenon in irritable tissues is probably due to the stimulating action of small quantities of substances ("fatigue-substances") which in higher concentrations decrease irritability. Small quantities of alcohol increase the responsive- ness of voluntary muscle and the energy of its contractions.6 The musculature of medusae shows increased response to mechan- ical stimuli in sea water containing a little alcohol.7 Similar facts are met with in plants. Many depressant substances, when present in low concentration, increase the rate of growth.8 Traces of ether have an accelerating or forcing influence on plant 1 A. J. Carlson, Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1906, Vol. 17, p. 182. - Hamburger, "Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles," Serie III, B, 1911, p. i; A rchiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologic, Physiol. Abth., 1913, P- 77- 3 Cf. Hamburger, "Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam," 1915, Vol. 17, P- 1325- 4 H . M. Vernon, "The Function of Lipoids in Tissue Respiration," Journ. of Physiol., 1912, Vol. 45, p. 197. 5 Tashiro and Adams, Internal. Zeilschr. f. physik-chem. Biol., 1914, Vol. i, p. 450. 6 Cf. Lee and Salant, " The Action of Alcohol on Muscle," Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1902, Vol. 8, p. 61. 7 Cf. Bethe, "Allgemeine Anat. u. Physiol. d. Nervensystems," Leipzig, 1903, p. 359. One half per cent, alcohol decidedly increases the mechanical irritability of the isolated central portion of the medusa Cotalorrhiza. F. S. Lee observed that in the Woods Hole medusa Gonionemus the spontaneous contractions of the swim- ming bell are markedly increased by small quantities of alcohol (1/16 to 1/4 per cent.); cf. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1903, Vol. 8, p. xix. 8 Numerous instances of this effect are cited by Czapek, Biochemie der PJlanzen, Jena, 1913. P- 148. 316 RALPH S. LILLIE. growth, — a fact of which practical use is made by horticulturists. Increase in oxygen-consumption under the influence of chloro- form and ether has been observed by Elfving and others; higher concentrations decrease oxygen-consumption.1 Demoor and others have observed an acceleration of protoplasmic rotation in plant cells during the early stages of chloroform and ether narcosis; alcohol also causes this effect.2 Traces of ether increase the irritability of sensitive plants (Mimosa} ;3 higher concentra- tions cause typical anaesthesia.4 A probably related phenomenon is seen in certain artificial modifications of response induced in various organisms by weak solutions of anaesthetics. A striking instance is the reaction of many lower animals to light. Loeb has found that Daphnice, wrhich normally show little or no directive light-response, become positively heliotropic in weak solutions of alcohol and other narcotics, in concentrations of a third to a half of those required for anaesthesia.5 Similarly I have found that the larvae of the marine annelid Arenicola, which normally exhibit strong positive heliotropism, become negative in weak solutions of various anaesthetic substances. Similar observations have been made by Torrey, A. R. Moore, and other observers. The phenomenon of reversible decrease of activity or respon- siveness is anaesthesia. The vital processes' subject to such reversible arrest are of the most varied kind. They include 1 Cf. Czapek, loc. oil., p. 159, for instances of this effect. Tashiro and Adams (loc. cit.) cite observations of Kosinski showing that respiration in yeast cells is increased in presence of 0.5 per cent, ether; 5 per cent, reduces respiration one half, while 7 per cent, almost stops it. Baer and Meyerstein find increased oxidation of oxy-butyric acid to acetone in the perfused liver under the influence of various compounds which in higher concentrations check oxidations, e. g., tricholor-q^cohol, p- and ra-oxy-benzoic acid, ^-oxy-benzaldehyde (cf. p. 458 of their paper in Arch, exper. Path. u. Pharm., 1910, Vol. 63). • Cf. the instances cited by Czapek, p. 161. H. Nothmann Zuckerkandl has also observed this effect with low concentrations of alcohol and ether (cf. footnote 2, p. 317)- 3 Personal communication from Professor J. M. Macfarlane, of the University of Pennsylvania. 4 Cf. Claude Bernard, "Lecons sur les phenomenes de la vie communs aux animaux et vegetaux," Paris, 1878. Anaesthesia of plant-growth was also studied by Bernard. '" J. Loeb, Biochem. Zcitschr., 1909, Vol. 23, p. 93. THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 317 amoeboid movement;1 protoplasmic rotation in plant cells;2 all processes depending on response to stimulation, like muscular contraction and stimulation and conduction in nerve; automatic rhythmical activities like the heart beat or the motion of cilia or spermatozoa; cell-division;3 the artificial initiation of develop- ment in unfertilized eggs;4 the stimulating, cytolytic or other physiological action of salt solutions;5 various fermentative and oxidative processes;" light-production, e. g., by luminous bac- teria;7 typical metabolic processes like the assimilation of carbon dioxide by plants;8 growth processes in plants and animals, and developmental processes dependent on growth and cell-division. It is especially worthy of note that not only motor activity and responsiveness are subject to control of this kind, but also processes like growth and development. The growth of seedlings may be temporarily arrested by ether in sufficient concentration, as Claude Bernard showed.9 Cell-division in the eggs of sea- urchins is checked by anaesthetics in concentrations of the same order as those required for neuro-muscular anaesthesia in Areni- cola larvae.10 It is thus not surprising that developmental 1 Cf. Hamburger: loc. cit. 2 Cf. H. Nothmann-Zuckerkandl: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, Vol. 45, p. 412. 3 Cf. (e. g.) my observations on anaesthesia of cleavage in sea-urchin eggs, Journ. Biol. Chem., 1914, Vol. 17, p. 121. The development of astral radiations in dividing egg-cells is prevented by etherization, and existing radiations are sup- pressed: cf. E. B. Wilson: Arch. f. Entwicklungsmechanik, 1901, Vol. 13, p. 353. 4 R. S. Lillie, Journ. Ex per. Zool, 1914, Vol. 16, p. 591. 6 Cf. my papers on antagonisms between salts and anaesthetics; Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1912, Vol. 29, p. 372; Vol. 30, p. i; 1913. Vol. 31, p. 255. 6 Cf. the papers of Warburg: Zeitschr if t /. physiol. Chemie, 1910, Vol. 69, p. 452, and Vol. 70, 1911, p. 413; Pfliiger's Arch., 1914, Vol. 155, p. 547; Warburg and Wiesel, 1912, Vol. 144, p. 472; Usui, ibid., 1912, Vol. 147, p. TOO; Meyerhof, Pfliige/s Archiv, 1914, Vol. 157, p. 251. Claude Bernard describes the reversible inhibition of yeast-fermentation by anaesthetics (cf. footnote 9, below). 7 E. N. Harvey, BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 1915, Vol. 29, p. 308. 8 Cf. Claude Bernard, loc. cit.; Overton, "Studien iiber die Narkose," p. 182. 9 Loc. cit. In Bernard's address, "La Sensibilite," given in 1876 before the French Association for the Advancement of Science, and published in his book, "La Science Experimentale," Paris, 1890, he cites instances of anaesthesia of the most various vital processes, including photosynthesis, germination and growth in plants, fermentation by yeast, development of the hen's egg, — and concludes: "We may say that everything living is sensitive and can be anaesthetized; whatever is not sensitive is not living and cannot be anaesthetized "(p. 224). 10 R. S. Lillie, Journ. Biol. Chem., 1914, Vol. 17, p. 121. 31 8 RALPH S. LILLIE. processes, depending as they do on cell-division and growth, are similarly subject to inhibition by anaesthetics. Stockard and McClendon1 have shown that such substances induce ab- normalities like cyclopia in developing fish eggs, an effect which is to be referred to the arrested development of certain portions of the central nervous system, especially the anterior region of the fore-brain between the optic vesicles. Abnormalities of growth and development as well as of irritability may thus be produced under the influence of anaesthetics. Since an automatic powrer of growth — i. e., increase in specifically organized and metabolically active material — is perhaps the most fundamental manifestation of vital activity, the fact that it is subject to reversible arrest by anaesthetic substances is of the greatest biological significance, and illustrates in a striking manner the unity of the conditions which control the most various cell- processes. We may infer that in the general course of con- structive as well as of destructive metabolism, processes are concerned which are identical writh those underlying the ordinary manifestations of stimulation. These latter, however, are almost certainly dependent on surface-changes, of which the most essential are probably variations in the electrical polarization of the plasma-membranes (see below, p. 365). The controlling influence of membrane-processes in such fundamental physio- logical activities as growth and assimilation is thus indicated by this susceptibility to arrest by anaesthetics. In any complete theoretical discussion of anaesthesia it is necessary first to consider the chief conditions under which living cells in general undergo reversible decrease or loss of irritability. This change occurs under a variety of external conditions, mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical. Me- 11 Cf. C. R. Stockard, Archiv f. Entwicklungsmechanik, 1907, Vol. 23, p. 249; Anatomical Record, 1909, Vol. 3, p. 167 ("The Artificial Production of One-eyed Monsters .... by the Use of Chemicals"); Amer. Journ. Anal., 1910, Vol. 10, p. 369 ("The Influence of Alcohol and other Anaesthetics on Embryonic Develop- ment"). Also McClendon ("Physical Chemistry of the Production of One-eyed Monstrosities") in Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1912, Vol. 29, p. 289. Stockard observed the production of these abnoimalities first with magnesium salts, later with lipoid- solvent anaesthetics (alcohol, ether, chloroform, chloretone). Developmental defects are also produced in mammals by alcohol (cf. Stockard, Arch. f. Entwick- lungsmech., 1912, Vol. 35, p. 569; Amer. Naturalist, 1913, Vol. 47, p. 641). THE THEORY OF ANAESTHESIA. 319 chanical shock may cause temporary loss of irritability. This is probably an effect of over-stimulation and due to prolongation of the refractory period ; it resembles in some respects the effect produced in voluntary muscle by poisons like veratrin, which greatly prolongs the relaxation phase and the recovery of irrita- bility following contraction. The paralysis due to mechanical shock differs however from that of anaesthesia in important respects; it represents an injury from which the cell can recover, while true unmixed anaesthesia is quite without injurious action. Certain effects of altered temperature have a closer resemblance to anaesthesia. Most cells and tissues, within the range of temperature in which they show normal activity, show decreased automatic activity with decrease of temperature. Thus accord- ing to Snyder1 the heart of the tortoise shows eighteen beats per minute at 20° and thirty-five at 30°. Observations on the hearts of other animals have given similar results.2 Within the physio- logical range of temperature the rate is doubled or trebled by a rise of 10°. This rate of change of velocity with temperature, or temperature-coefficient, is characteristic of chemical reactions in general and is not a distinctively physiological phenomenon. Metabolic and hence vital activity is slowed by cooling just as any other chemical process is slowed. The same temperature- coefficient is shown by a large number of physiological processes including cell-division, rate of conduction in nerve, enzyme action and many others.3 Thus the above effect of cold is dependent simply on a slowing of chemical processes in cells and has in it nothing distinctively vital. It is important, however, to con- sider this effect in relation to the problem of anaesthesia, for a simple decrease in reaction-velocity, due to the presence of anti- catalytic substances, is held by various investigators to be the essential condition of anaesthesia. Decrease in the rate of a physiological process, like the heart beat, or muscular contrac- tion, or the spread of the excitation-wave in nerve, is not how- 1 University of California Publications, Physiology, 1905, Vol. 2, p. 125. • Cf. C. D. Snyder, Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1906, Vol. 17, p. 350; Zeitschr. f. allg. Physiol., 1912, Vol. 14, p. 263; Robertson, BIOL. BULL., 1906, Vol. 10, p. 242; C. G. Rogers, Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1911, Vol. 28, p. 81; BIOL. BULL., 1914, Vol. 27, p. 269; Loeb and Ewald, Biochem. Zeitschr., 1910, Vol. 28, p. 340. 3 For instances cf. Snyder, "Temperature-coefficients of Various Physiological Actions," Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1908, Vol. 22, p. 309. 32O RALPH S. LILLIE. ever necessarily associated with a change in the irritability and other vital properties of the tissue; in fact moderate cooling may increase the irritability of nerve. Irritability and rate of metabolic processes represent in fact two independent variables. We infer that anaesthesia is not simply an expression of a decrease in the velocity of certain chemical reactions, such as oxidations, but that some other factor enters, probably physical in nature. Certain other effects of temperature bear a closer resemblance to true anaesthesia. Various irritable tissues become reversibly insensitive at temperatures slightly below or above the normal physiological range. Thus the frog's heart shows an accelerated rate with rise of temperature up to 36° or 37°; it then becomes temporarily inactive and insensitive ("heat-standstill"), but resumes beating if the temperature is lowered. Similarly the musculature of tropical medusae becomes irresponsive at 40° and recovers on lowering the temperature.1 This condition of reversible heat-paralysis has certain suggestive resemblances to anaesthesia. Cooling may produce a similar loss of sensitivity in cells whose normal temperature is high, as those of tropical marine animals2 or warm-blooded vertebrates. Sensory nerve endings, musculature, etc., lose sensitivity if cooled sufficiently, and recover on warming. In these effects structural alterations due to modification of the colloids of the cells (as gelation) are probably concerned; and, as will be shown later, there are indica- tions that similar changes form part of the essential basis of true anaesthesia. The fact that changes of temperature may thus alter the irritability of the tissue independently of their influence on reaction-velocity as such, is highly important to the general theory of narcosis; and it appears unfavorable to those theories which refer anaesthesia to a simple change in the rate of chemical processes like oxidation. Recent experiments by Loeb and Wasteneys3 on sea-urchin eggs illustrate this. They found that during a condition of narcosis sufficient to arrest cell-division completely, the rate of oxidation is lowered by only 10 per cent.; 1 Cf. E. N. Harvey, Carnegie Institution Publications, No. 132, 1910, p. 32. 2 Cf. A. G. Mayer, "Effects of Temperature upon Tropical Marine Animals," Carnegie Institution Publications, No. 183, 1914, p. i. zjourn. Biol. Chem., 1913, Vol. 14, p. 517; Biochem. Zeitschr., 1913, Vol. 56, p. 295- THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 321 the same effect on the rate of oxidation results from a simple lowering of temperature by 2° to 3°, a change which only slightly retards cell-division. Decrease in the rate of oxidation as such is thus quite insufficient to account for the inhibitory effect. The fact that, e. g., in frogs' muscle a lowering of temperature of 20° (e. g., from 35° to 15°) — which reduces the rate of oxidation to one fifth of its former value — leaves irritability unimpaired, indicates that any explanation of anaesthesia based on simple decrease in reaction-velocity is inadmissible. A similar decrease in the rate of oxidation can be produced by lipoid-solvent anaesthetics only in concentrations which are much higher than those requisite for anaesthesia. The constant electric current produces in many irritable tissues effects closely resembling true anaesthesia. Many physiological inhibitions may be caused by passing a constant current through the tissue. There is indeed reason to believe that many of the normal inhibitions, e. g., in the neurones of reflex arcs, are elec- trical in their nature.1 The anti-stimulating or desensitizing action of the constant current thus deserves careful consideration in any general theory of anaesthesia. As is well known, the action of the current on irritable tissues like nerve and muscle is polar; where the current enters the tissue there is decreased irritability, depression, or inhibition (anelectrotonus) ; where it leaves there is excitation or heightened irritability (catelectro- tonus). Thus a nerve becomes inexcitable near the anode when the constant current is passed ; under similar conditions the heart is inhibited and voluntary muscle relaxed. The condition is reversible, and in fact constitutes a typical local anaesthesia. The essential basis of the effect appears to be an altered electrical polarization of the cell-surface. Near the anode, where the current enters the cell or irritable element, the normal outer positivity of the semi-permeable plasma-membrane is increased. Apparently this change renders the membrane irresponsive to stimulation. Variations in the electrical polarization of the plasma-membrane are in all probability constantly associated with variations in irritability. The facts of electrotonus show that such changes of polarization may profoundly alter the 1 Cf. my discussion of this possibility in Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1913, Vol. 31, pp. 284 seq. 322 RALPH S. LILLIE. irritability and automatic activities of the cell. This general conception is of the greatest importance in the theory of anaesthe- sia, and will be reconsidered later. The most important instances of anaesthesia are those produced by chemical substances. First it should be noted that substances belonging to the most various classes may have anaesthetic effects. This fact is overlooked in theories like those of Overton and Meyer, Traube, and others, which refer anaesthesia to the special properties of lipoid-solvent substances, which are regarded as acting either by dissolving in the lipoid constituents of the cell or by adsorption at the surfaces of membranes or other structures. The anaesthetic influence of certain neutral salts shows, however, that lipoid-solubility or surface activity is not essential to narcotic action; magnesium sulphate has long been used by naturalists to narcotize marine animals; more recently it has been applied by Meltzer to produce spinal anaesthesia in mammals. Similar reversible depressant effects are produced by potassium salts. Salts of calcium and strontium also cause reversible desensitiza- tion of isolated nerve and muscle. In most animals the calcium- content of the medium has marked influence on irritability and automatic activity; this is well shown in the case of vertebrate muscle; lowering the ratio of calcium to sodium in indifferent media like Ringer's solution has a sensitizing effect, and if the calcium falls too low the muscle twitches spontaneously; increas- ing the calcium-sodium ratio has a desensitizing action; these effects are reversible.1 Calcium also antagonizes the stimulating and sensitizing action of pure solutions of sodium and other salts on muscle and nerve. Similarly the heart beats best in media of a certain calcium-content. In marine medusae (Rhizostoma ac- cording to Bethe) the rhythmical beat ceases when the animal is transferred to calcium-free sea water, and is restored if calcium is added; still further addition of calcium again arrests the move- ment.2 These facts make it clear that alteration of the salt- content of the media may have effects essentially identical with anaesthesia. This is a fact of much theoretical interest, since it indicates that the general condition of the colloids of the cell, 1 For instances of these various effects cf. J. Loeb's article on "Physiological Actions of Ions," in Oppenheimer's " Handbuch der Biochemie," 1909, Vol. 2, p. 104. 2 Cf. Bethe, Pfliiger's Archiv, 1909, Vol. 124, p. 561. THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 323 especially of the surface-layer or plasma-membrane, is a chief factor in determining the irritability and automatic activity of the living cell. Further evidence of this will be given later. Modification of the properties of this layer may result from an alteration in the state of either its lipoid or its protein con- stituents, and if this alteration is reversible a temporary inhibi- tion, or anaesthesia, may result. A related condition is seen in the irritable tissues of higher animals, such as muscle and nerve. In these tissues irritability depends on the presence of certain salts in the media; simple withdrawal of salts and replacement by indifferent non-electrolytes like sugar is followed by a tem- porary loss of irritability; the latter is restored by return to media containing salts, especially sodium salts.1 The muscula- ture of marine animals (e. g., Arenicola larvae) is similarly in- activated in isotonic solutions of non-electrolytes, and regains irritability in isotonic solutions of various neutral salts. Solu- tions of sodium salts, together with a small proportion of calcium, are especially favorable. Sodium may be partly replaced by lithium, but not by other metals.2 Thus the presence of certain salts in the medium is necessary for normal irritability, — hence the effects of isotonic sugar solution, which are due to the absence of salts, not to any special action of the non-electrolyte. The salt-content of the medium may be reduced to a small fraction- one tenth or less — of the normal by diluting the physiological salt solution with isotonic sugar solution, without causing loss of irritability. But with the complete withdrawal of salts irritability soon disappears. In cases like this, where normal irritability is dependent on the salt-content of the media, modifica- tion of the latter may induce a reversible desensitization closely resembling anaesthesia. Probably several factors enter in the production of this effect, of which the two chief are, a direct change in the properties of the plasma-membrane (colloidal con- sistency, electrical polarization), and a lowering of the electrical conductivity of the medium. The reaction of the medium (H-ion concentration) also has profound influence on the irritability and automatic activity of many cells; and a reversible suspension of function akin to 1 Cf. Overton, P finger's Archiv, 1902, Vol. 92, p. 346, and 1904, Vol. 105, p. 176. 2 R. S. Lillie, Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1909, Vol. 24, p. 459. 324 RALPH S. LILLIE. anaesthesia may result from a slight change in this reaction. In higher vertebrates the normal reaction of the blood plasma is not far from neutral, and varies only slightly from a constant normal value (CH ;= 0.35 X io~7 to 0.5 X io~7); but certain cells of the central nervous system are especially sensitive to such variations. The activity of the respiratory center is ap- parently regulated by the variations in the H-ion concentration of the blood, cessation of activity resulting from a slight decrease (i. 6., increased alkalinity), and increased activity from a slight increase.1 Reversible cessation of activity may thus result from a slight change in reaction, due, e. g., to loss of CO2. Similar conditions are known to exist in certain marine animals; thus according to Bethe,2 slight increase in the alkalinity of the sea water arrests, while slight acidulation accelerates, the rhythmical contraction of medusae. On the other hand, the activity of many cells and tissues is favored by slight increase in external alkalinity, and depressed by slight acidulation. The irritability and automaticity of living cells are thus largely a function of the reaction of the medium, and this fact has an intimate bearing on the question of the mechanism of anaesthetic and other inhibi- tions. The precise physico-chemical basis of this action is un- certain, but it probably depends chiefly on alterations in the electrical polarization of the cell-surface. Slight variations in alkalinity or acidity are known to produce marked effects on the electrical polarization of surfaces bathed by media of approxi- mately neutral reaction.3 The chief chemical substances exerting a reversible depressant influence on a wide range of vital activities are those numerous and chemically diverse organic compounds of which the most evident common property is a solvent action on, or solubility in, fats and fat-solvents. Substances of this class form the majority of anaesthetics in common use; they include alcohols, ethers, esters, aldehydes, ketones, nitrites, amides, various normal and substituted hydrocarbons (chloroform, benzol, etc.) and other related compounds. Most of these bodies are members of 1 For a recent review and discussion of the evidence cf. Winterstein, Biochem. Zeitschr., 1915, Vol. 70, p. 45. 2 Pfliiger's Archiv, 1909, Vol. 127, p. 219. 3 Cf. Haher and Klemensiewicz, Zeilschr.f. physik. Chemie, 1909, Vol. 67, p. 385. THE THEORY OF AN.ESTHESIA. 325 homologous series; and it is highly characteristic of such series that the ratio of oil-solubility to water-solubility (oil-water partition-coefficient) increases regularly with increase in molecu- lar weight. At the same time the narcotizing power increases; i. e., in any single series (e. g., alcohols) the higher the molecular weight the lower the concentration required for narcosis. It was this general parallelism that led Overton and Meyer to the view that anaesthetic powrer, in the case of any substance, is a direct function of its solubility in the fat-like or lipoid constituents of the cell. That a connection exists between the fat-solvent and the anaesthetic properties of a compound had previously been suggested by Bibra and Harless in 1847, and the same view was later expressed by Hermann, C. Bernard, Richet, Ehrlich and others.1 The first systematic studies of this relationship were however those of Overton and Meyer, the results of whose experi- ments, carried on independently, were published about the same time (1899). In a study of the permeability of animal and plant cells to various types of compounds, Overton2 had reached the conclusion that solubility in lipoids was the chief factor determining the ready entrance of a compound into cells; compounds with well- marked power of penetration belonged chiefly to the narcotic group; and in a later extensive investigation on narcosis in tadpoles3 a far-reaching parallelism wras found between the oil- water partition-coefficients of a wide range of organic compounds and their narcotizing action. The nature of Overton's results may be best seen from the following series, which gives the concentrations required to narcotize tadpoles in the case of }he ethyl esters of the first five fatty acids. (See Table I.) The narcotic action is seen to increase steadily with decrease in the water-solubility, — i. e., increase in the ratio of partition between oil and water. Each member of the series is from two to three times as effective as its immediate predecessor. This rule appears to hold very generally for members of homologous 1 For an account of these earlier views cf. Overton, "Studien liber die Narkose," June, 1901. 2 Overton, "On the General Osmotic Properties of Cells," etc., Vierleljahrsschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 1899, Vol. 44, p. 88. 3 "Studien iiber die Narkose," 1901. 326 RALPH S. LILLIE. series, and a large number of similar instances have been collected by Traube and other recent investigators.1 Numerous other experiments with alcohols, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, etc., showed a similar increase in narcotic action with increase in the oil-water partition-coefficients. Overton accordingly drew the conclusion that narcotics act by dissolving in certain sub- stances, contained especially in nerve-cells, which resemble fats in their solvent properties; these substances are the lipoids, especially lecithin and cholesterin, which appear to be essential constituents of protoplasm; it is the physical modification of these substances, due to their being charged or impregnated with the lipoid-soluble narcotic, that forms the essential condition of anaesthesia. Meyer's conclusion wras similar;2 the narcotiza- bility of cells is thus related to the nature and the proportion of the lipoids present in the protoplasm; the high susceptibility of nerve-cells is probably dependent on their high lipoid-content. The unequal action of different narcotics depends on their unequal partition-coefficients, which determine their distribution in a mixture of water and lipoid substances. The greater the relative lipoid-solubility the larger the proportion of the anaesthetic present in solution in the lipoid cell-constituents when the partition-equilibrium is reached. Hence, if the lipoid-solubility of a substance is very high, extremely dilute solutions may exert anaesthetic action. Overton, for example, found that phenan- threne could narcotize tadpoles in dilutions so low as one part in 1,500,000 of water. TABLE I. Narcotizing Concentration. Ester. (Mols per Liter). Solubility in Oil and Water. Ethyl formate o.ojm-.ogm Oil: water =4:1 acetate o^m In 15.2 parts \vater; in all parts oil propionate oim-.oi2m 50 butyrate 0043^ " 190 ( isobutyrate) 0057^ " 140 valerianate 00197/2 ' 500 Overton's study of permeability had led him to the conclusion that the outer layer or plasma-membrane of cells consists largely of lipoid material; in this way he explained the ready entrance 1 Cf. Traube, "Theorie der Narkose," Pfluger's Archiv, 1913, Vol. 153, p. 276. 2 Hans Meyer, Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharm., 1899, Vol. 42, p. 109. THE THEORY OF ANESTHESIA. 327 of lipoid-soluble substances into cells. Now it is an evident corollary of Overton's hypothesis that if the anaesthetic acts by changing the physical state of the lipoid cell-constituents it must affect the properties of a lipoid-rich cell-structure like the plasma-membrane. Overton, however, does not refer narcotic action specifically to a modification of the plasma-membrane alone, but to a general modification in the physical state of all cell-lipoids, wherever situated. Recently, however, much evi- dence has accumulated indicating that the essential influence is that exerted on the plasma-membrane, and that it is the modifica- tion in the properties of this structure which determines the characteristic anaesthetic effect. This evidence and its implica- tions will be considered later. The hypothesis of Overton and Meyer has received wide acceptance. It is not clear, however, why simple solution of chemically indifferent substances in the lipoids of the tissue should so modify its irritability; and Overton and Meyer do not attempt to explain this connection. The parallelism between lipoid-solubility and narcotic action is not an exact one, and many exceptions to the rule are known. The powerful narcotic action of chloral hydrate, which is several times more soluble in water than in oil, is not thus explained; and lipoid-insoluble neutral salts of magnesium and other metals may exert typical narcotic action. Evidently other factors than solubility may enter. Yet the evidence adduced by Overton and Meyer, as well as by more recent investigators, leaves no doubt that in the case of organic anaesthetics high lipoid-solubility is typically associated with marked narcotic action. The reversibility of anaesthesia corresponds to the reversibility of the process of solution. The chemical indifference of many anaesthetics is thus not surprising, since the substance acts not by chemical combina- tion but by simple solution in the cell-lipoids. According to Overton and Meyer's hypothesis it is this solution of the narcotic in the lipoid which determines anaesthetic action. This view has recently been attacked from various sides. Ac- cording to Traube,1 the anaesthetic acts not by dissolving in the 1 I. Traube, "Theorieder Narkose," Pfluger's Archiv, 1913, Vol. 153, p. 276, and Vol. 160, 1915, p. 501; also "Theorie des Haftdrucks und Lipoidtheorie," Biochem- Zeitschr., 1913, Vol. 54, p. 305, and other papers cited there. 328 RALPH S. LILLIE. cell lipoids, but rather by undergoing surface-condensation or adsorption at the physiologically active surfaces within the living system ; these may be the surfaces of special cell-structures or of colloidal particles, whether lipoid or protein. The catalytic activity of these surfaces is thus decreased, and the reaction- velocities of essential chemical processes, especially oxidations, is lowered. A corresponding depression of cell-functions results. Whether this effect is to be attributed to a displacement of metabolically active water-soluble substances like sugar, whose surface-activity is relatively small, or to a direct alteration in the catalytic properties of the physiologically active surfaces themselves, is uncertain. The essential feature of Traube's view is that it regards the surface-activity of a narcotic com- pound, i. e., its influence in lowering surface-tension — rather than its lipoid solubility — as the determining factor in its depressant action. This surface-activity determines the degree of adsorp- tion, and hence, indirectly, of anaesthetic action. It is well known that the surface-tension of such a solvent as water, in contact with air or with another liquid or a solid, is greatly influenced by the presence of dissolved substances. This influence is usually in the direction of a decrease. A few substances like inorganic salts and sugars increase the surface-tension of water, although the effect is slight; but the majority, especially of organic substances, cause well-marked and often great decrease. This is especially true of substances whose water-solubility is limited; and in general the more soluble a substance is in oils or other wrater-insoluble organic solvents, and the less soluble in water, the greater is its influence (for a given molecular concen- tration) on the surface-tension of water. In a capillary tube the level of pure water or of an aqueous solution is raised, by the contractile force or tension of the surface of the water-film lining the walls of the tube, to a certain height above the level of the water outside. This height (h) is proportional to the surface tension of the water (cr), and inversely proportional to the radius of the tube (r} and the specific gravity (g) of the liquid (h •-- 2 • o • o Si N .2 ft '5 5> I I H. V '.'.'. r- M . . . 0 . . . O . M . o ; o 3 "o <~ > ° 1? 1 O\ »J M 03 bo '5 3 i* j{ '5 ro rt u • o aj u ffi . 0 ft 42 _ -*-> <2 Ui V 3 sf ro r-~ IN ro ro O O O T| C • M I/ • o c ) r' cs > r- 1— 1 c S 1- C5 r i- h "3 '^ K* a; u o. "" O 0 0 O . 0 C O c o c C C M 6 IO 00 00 OC r< r* 2 P IY t- 5 1 \J ^ •) 1- sC h- I/ IsC r. Journ rations a 0 O 0 C C 0 M C >- C u c o U 5 Os r- M W M CO ^ •sc tN (N s£ i/ (M 1 " oc 5 I IOC OC (* r- ) "• > f 5 C ^ 0 - c 0) o — o w O w O O c O ro ^ r^ : c ^ O) (V ) 1- u } C/2 H ]p t^> • H 10 tN r~ sO ro C C h- ^ M I \S ) r- ^ \f ) C C V- ( (M l-l s OP). O t- O r-- IY 1 »- 0 M \f i r- • f ; - " ft . . . M . . -c • O to c3 g •o Cr . . . > ^-i ^ o 'rt Sb o o Narcosis of tadpoles (Overton)1 Narcosis ot Arenicola larvae2 Prevention of cleavage in Arbacia eggs3. Checking of development in Strongylocenln ftTiihnpr'H ta X— - t — v», _5 J -C C C h H 4 C x ; C £ Production of heliotropism Daphnia (Loeb)6 Haemolysis (Fiihner and Neubauer;6 Decreasing oxidations by 50 per cent, i ^^»-T-»,,c?^loc /'AAfarVmror V Inhibition of fermentation by ether-extraci CWo.-Hiirfr'tS Depression of isolated tortoise ventricle b >«f ^\7o^r,r^Tl^9 C c c a. 0. t/ a •c '£ : a ^ C c - ~ ;;= H : - : :.; j 1 5 I J c 0 C Precipitation of nucleo-proteid of liver (Ba QfornMl Destruction of oxydon of ox-muscle (Bat Cfor-nMl a. > a. ~ •*~. a. w a -t~ \- a _ = •^ t/ C! a k •_ C c 4. c c I al j| i a ' - C I 1 ! C 2 1 5j H il H •* 1 ^ i •» i i ! ) ] ^ 3 0 5 j a j ; j -« ; 1 Overton, "Studien iiber die Narkose," p 3 R. S. Lillie, Journ. Biol. Chem., 1914, a jy 03 +J 0) to M Os ro O\ a a ro O C\; O - N S •^ ^ H -^ '< :q s o IO l^a • Os S > -^ m -s; £• a; o Si, .—i MH ^o > :=s ?* rJ f*- •c i ^ s ^ .^ M — _ ^ ro n i? . fe ^ S ro !> •>• ^ ro oo => N ro a o " "? (X, H M X I > tn os 'S r 9. "o ^ - *> S "S N a 42 3 to M c/) N c 42 42 CH Co vj O • o c *•> 1-1 ' D » +J § M £ S aj 03 — "^ *5 *J 5 Payments for new town landing 761 .50 Payments for Loan 25.00 Total payments 81,043.44 Excess of receipts for year 2,660.71 $4.347-39 Less Oklahoma warrant included in cash receipts but not yet paid 135.23 Cash balance December 31, 1915 $4,212.16 412 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF INVESTMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1915 RESERVE FUND Cash on hand January i, 1915 $210.30 Receipts: Interest —$3,000 American Telephone & Telegraph Company, 4 per cent bonds . . . ." 60.00 % of $500 Western Telephone & Telegraph Company 5's . . . 18.74 Dividend — 6 shares American Smelting & Refining Company, preferred 42.00 8 shares General Electric Com- pany 64.00 14 shares United Shoe Machin- ery Corporation, preferred.. 21.00 2 shares Massachusetts Gas, preferred 8.00 Interest on bank deposit 1.04 $425-08 Payments: Purchase of 2 shares Massachusetts Gas Companies, preferred 180.25 $244.83 LUCRETIA CROCKER FUND Cash on hand January i, 1915 $ 99.04 Receipts: Interest --1/5 of $1,000 American Tele- phone & Telegraph Company 4 per cent, bond 8.00 Dividend — 18 shares Vermont & Massa- chusetts Railroad Company. 108.00 i share West End Street Rail- way Company 3.50 I share American Telephone & Telegraph Company 8.00 2^/2 shares General Electric Company 20.00 $246.54 Payments: 2 Scholarships 100.00 146.54 TREASURER'S REPORT. 413 LIBRARY FUND Cash on hand January i, 1915 $174.16 Receipts: Interest -—4/5 of $1,000 American Tele- phone & Telegraph Company 4's 32.00 J4 of $500 Western Telephone & & Telegraph Company, 5's. . 6.26 Dividends — 3 shares American Telephone & Telegraph Company 24.00 1 share American Smelting & Refining Company, preferred 7.00 2^/2 shares General Electric Company 20.00 5 shares United Shoe Machin- ery Company, preferred. . . . 7.51 2 shares Massachusetts Gas Companies, preferred 8.00 $278.93 Payments: Purchase 2 shares Massachusetts Gas Companies, preferred 181.26 97.67 Cash on hand December 31, 1915 $489.04 INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1915 Expense Income Administration expense $ 6,805.36 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN 2,594.69 $ 1,523.36 Boat department expense 6,629.63 Carpenter department expense 983.09 Chemical department expense 1,430.82 Dormitories 1,489.49 1,691.04 Fish trap 1,159.21 667.21 Instruction 3.435-98 5,150.00 Philosophical lectures 100.00 Library department expense 2,628.64 Mess 15.753-01 16,165.48 Membership dues i ,000.00 414 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Maintenance, buildings and grounds. . . . 5,220.23 New laboratory expense 1,927.76 Pumping station expense 464.70 Research income 3,175.00 Sundry expense and income 2,165.48 3,255.25 Supply department 12,822.40 19,150.77 Interest on notes payable 150.00 Total expense $65,760.49 Total income 51,778.11 $51,778.11 Excess of expense $13,982.38 Contribution by Mr. C. R. Crane 20,000.00 Excess carried to balancing account $ 6,017.62 BALANCE-SHEET, DECEMBER 31, 1915 Assets Liabilities and Capital Cash, bank $ 4,212.16 Accounts payable. $ 1,394.02 Petty cash 200.00 Note payable. . . . 3,000.00 Accounts receivable 7,642.37 Trust funds 8,222.55 Investments 10,733.51 Balancing account 33,997-98 Investment cash. .. 489.04 Inventories Plant account Improvements, 1915 23,337.47 $46,614.55 $46,614.55 D. BLAKELY HOAR, ESQ., Treasurer, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. 161 Devonshire Street, Boston. Dear Sir: We have audited the accounts of the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory as kept at Woods Hole and of the trust funds and accounts as kept at your office, 161 Devonshire Street, for the year ended December 31, 1915. We have checked the report of the Treasurer submitted above and find it correct and in accord with the books. The extent of the audit together with the supporting schedule is set forth in a detailed report under date of February i, 1916. Very respectfully, HARVEY S. CHASE & Co., Certified Public Accountants LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 415 V. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT AUGUST, 1915 Since the last annual report the reorganization of the library has been carried on by Miss Scott, who has brought each depart- ment up to a state of system and efficiency. We can now make a more definite statement of the contents of the library, including a number of accessions not previously listed: Total number of accessions 10,046. Old and new ac- cessions recorded since last report 6,746. Of these there have been added since 1914: 934 volumes loaned by the American Museum of Natural History, 466 volumes given by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, 200 given by Mr. Crane, 720 bound during year. These volumes may be conveniently divided as follows: Journals, for which most of our appropriation is expended and which form the bulk of the library, in bound sets 95 Serials and publications of academies, museums, laboratories, and societies (many of these are from exchanges which are steadily increasing) 188 Books: Zoology 321 Botany 134 Physiology 100 Hygiene and medicine 74 Chemistry 18 Evolution 82 Psychology 36 Philosophy 104 Miscellaneous 198 Total 1,067 We can buy very few books and are dependent upon gifts from authors and publishers, who recognize that this is a particularly useful place to have their works examined. The separates number 4,000. Our reprint collection might easily be notably increased through the aid of authors and friends. Such duplicates are in great demand. The following advances have been made. First, and very important, is the considerable number of missing parts which 41 6 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. have been secured by Miss Scott's enterprise toward completing back volumes of sets. These have been completed: Nature, Wilson Bulletin, Uni- versity of California Publications in Zoology, Colorado University Studies, Bergens Museum Publications. These have been added to but are still incomplete: Annales d. Sciences Naturelles — Zoology, Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, Proceedings American Philosophical Society, American Naturalist, American Journal of Science and Arts, Journal Medical Research, Field Columbian Museum Publications, Bureau of Fisheries, Bulletin and Report, Contributions U. S. National Herbarium, Proceedings American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings Iowa Academy of Sciences, Proceedings Indiana Academy of Sciences. The following new sets have been added to the library: Transactions American Microscopical Society, Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, American Journal of Botany, Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Journal of Parasitology, Illinois Biological Monographs, Unpopular Review, Annals Missouri Botanical Garden, Indiana University Studies, U. S. Bureau of Education, Report and Bulletin, U. S. War Department, Bulletin, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Report and Bulletin, Museum of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Science Bulletin. Seventy-six volumes of Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur Physio- logische Chemie were purchased from Miss Koch for $200, and LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 417 the remainder of the set, which is now in the 94th volume, has been secured. Exchanges now number 29; six have been arranged this year: Indian Museum; American Journal of Botany; New York Academy of Sciences; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Biologische Untersuchungen, Stockholm; and Zoologiska Bidrag, Upsala. New- subscriptions have been placed for the Popular Science Monthly and the English Journal of Physiology. Here we must report a partial disposition of the Journal Fund which was begun in 1912. Since then, a number have subscribed to this fund which is to enable us to secure new files of journals. Drs. Mayer, Knower, Meigs, Rice and Just have subscribed from $5 to $10 a year for a period of five years. This has already furnished $55 and will still accumulate from new gifts. In addition, last year Mr. Tashiro and a number of other in- vestigators, interested in securing the English Journal of Physi- ology, subscribed amounts from 50 cents to $i each, thus securing $7.50. This sum has now been increased to $12. For this, we must thank Drs. Tashiro, Heilbrunn, Gould, Wherry, Packard, Sturtevant, Bridges, Harvey, Metz, and Morgan, and Misses Hoge, Medes, Browne, and Dunn. Such cooperation is most encouraging. It makes possible a purchase long needed. We have subscribed to the Journal with this gift and have used the amount already accumulated for the Journal Fund to purchase a number of back volumes, hoping gradually complete to the set. Further growth in this spirit of cooperation in building up the library is shown in the list of important gifts. Various publishers have given a total of 16 books this year. Miss Fay has given several quite valuable books on mushrooms. Mr. Crane gave us two hundred volumes from his personal library, as well as two very interesting Russian curios. Dr. George T. Moore gave duplicates from his library, 28 bound volumes and 21 separates. Dr. Philipp Fischelis donated 53 valuable papers by Kowalewsky and other Russian authors. Dr. Conklin has given his book on "Heredity and Environment," Dr. Parker, his book on "Biology and Social Problems," and Dr. Abbott has ordered a copy of his book on "General Biology" sent to us. Dr. Calkins also presented his texbook on "Biology." 41 8 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. The Wistar Institute gave a set of the "Biological Lectures," Mrs. Gardiner donating Volume I. to complete our set. Dr. Ward gave a subscription to the Journal of Parasitology, and Dr. Bumpus to the current volume of the American Naturalist and the Unpopular Review. Dr. Gustav Retzius has promised to send a complete set of his works as soon as transportation is safer. Three hundred and twelve reprints have been presented to the library this year by various authors. Through the cooperation of Dr. George Wagner, a large number of duplicates from the library of the Wisconsin Academy of Sci- ences are being transferred to this library; 466 volumes have been received and the number will probably reach 1,000. The Prince of Monaco has sent us about 75 photographs of the buildings and equipment of the Institut Oceanographique, together with pamphlets telling about the foundation and progress of the institute. A number of other stations have sent various literature and photographs, and it is hoped to secure material of this kind from all biological stations in the world. We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of Drs. Moore and Duggar in securing the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, and of Dr. Ivey Lewis in arranging and preparing for the binder a most confusing set of plates. We are really in need of a number of journals that we do not have, and we should complete as soon as possible certain sets that have long been defective. The library needs an increased appropriation for handbooks, monographs, and general works like the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Century Dictionary, etc. Above all, we must point out the great value of reprints and books sent here by individuals, and the importance of personal efforts in behalf of the library on the part of the biologists who use it. Such interest has already done much to build it up. VI. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT To THE TRUSTEES OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY: Gentlemen: The season of 1915, the twenty-eighth session of the Marine Biological Laboratory, was marked by a farther DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 419 advance in many of the statistics of the Laboratory as will appear from the appended lists (i) of the Staff, (2) of the Investigators and Students, (3) the Tabular View of Attendance, (4) the Sub- scribing Institutions, (5) of the Evening Lectures, (6) of the Members of the Corporation. The Treasurer's report and the Librarian's report also show a healthy condition of growth. We have much cause for congratulation, and reason for deep thankfulness to Mr. Crane without whose whole-hearted financial support and intelligent sympathy with our objects, our best efforts must have been comparatively ineffective. The number of investigators in attendance was 137 as compared with 129 in 1914, 122 in 1913 and 93 in 1912; the number of students was 105 as compared with 89 in 1914, 69 in 1913 and 67 in 1912. The total attendance was 242 as compared with 218 in 1914, 191 in 1913 and 160 in 1912. These figures bear testi- mony to the growing appreciation of the facilities furnished by the Laboratory both in research and in instruction. The number of institutions represented by these workers was 79, which is almost the same as in the two preceding years ; the increase was therefore due to larger attendance from certain institutions. Indeed no considerable increase in the number of institutions represented is to be expected, because practically all of the larger institutions of higher education in the East and Middle West are represented each year, and the variations from year to year are accounted for by fluctuations of a more or less fortu* _ -ecu's character among the smaller institutions represented. » The receipts from subscribing institutions and fees Were $8,325 as compared with $7,300 in 1914, $6,160 in 1913 and $5,y 75 in 1912. The Supply Department has also shown an encouraging increase, having filled 282 more orders than in 1914 with total paid receipts of $16,932.00 as compared with $14,003.35 in 1914. Three important additions to the property and equipment of the Laboratory were made during the year: (i) The so-called Bake House property adjoining the Laboratory property on the east was purchased; this piece has about 103 feet frontage on the Eel pond and on the main street by 100 feet in depth, and its title carries with it the private roadway previously controlled jointly by the Laboratory and the owners of this property. The 42O MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. old house on the property has been fitted up as a workshop for the carpenters' and plumbers' department, which was very badly needed. The frontage on the eel pond is especially valuable for future development. (2) The Laboratory also purchased the grounds and house known as the Ritter property, 78^/2 by 100 feet, adjacent to the Whitman house, and opposite the lecture hall. The house furnished much needed enlargement of our dormitory facilities. (3) The old "Homestead" hitherto used as the matron's and helpers' house, adjoining the mess, was torn down and replaced by a much larger, modern and attractive dwelling house with accommodations for 43 persons. As all of this space was not needed for the mess, part of it was used for a woman's dormitory. We owe these three splendid additions to the facilities of the Laboratory, as I need hardly say, to the continued generosity, and thoughtfulness in the matter of all Laboratory needs, of the President of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Crane. Other improvements during the year were as follows: The steamer Cayadetta was thoroughly overhauled and her deck raised 18 inches at a cost of over $2,000, so that she is a much stauncher and more seaworthy boat than ever before. The filling in of the Laboratory harbor frontage, including the Yacht Club, has been completed; this will be graded and planted in the spring and the building moved to the east end of the frontage away from the center of the new laboratory building. Very considerable additions were made to the kitchen and laundry of the ri^ess, power machinery electrically operated being installed for all the major operations, such as dish-washing, washing and drying of laundry, freezing ice-cream, etc. The work has thus greatly lightened and facilitated. The Laboratory also transferred a 4O-foot strip at the extreme north and west end of our Eel pond frontage to the town of Falmouth for the purposes of a boat landing, which has now been built at a cost of about $1,500, equally divided between the town and Laboratory. This was in pursuance of an agreement entered into with the town at the time of the construction of the drawbridge over the Eel pond entrance. It is therefore now possible to use the Eel pond as a harbor, and to secure delivery of supplies by this back entrance to the Laboratory property. DIRECTORS REPORT. 42! With all of the enlargements and additions of the past few years the Laboratory is still badly crowded during the height of the season. This applies to a certain extent to the actual accom- modations for workers in the laboratory buildings, but more particularly to the housing accommodations in the village. We are planning to meet the former condition by restricting numbers in the larger classes; applications for admission will be received up to May, and appointments then made in accordance with the number of working places; if places are still available after such assignments later applicants can be admitted. It is probable that by means of various adjustments we can continue to care for all qualified investigators. The housing accommodations in the village, however, raise a more serious question. They are entirely inadequate, and there is a consequent tendency for the prices of rooms to advance, which results in discouraging attendance. Investigators who wish to carry on regular work at the Laboratory are unable to rent houses at reasonable rates for the accommodation of their families. Conditions have become increasingly discouraging in these respects for the past several years. Moreover, land is almost unavailable for those families who wish to solve the living problem by building. It is undoubted th?* these conditions will exercise an inhibiting influence on the work of the Laboratory in the future, and one of the most important problems before us is to devise some means of counteracting them. As an organization we have laid the principle of cooperation at our foundation, and we have attempted to build it into every one of our activities. Our Board of Trustees is representative of the institutions of learning of the country; our corporation re- presents the workers in biology on the broadest lines we can secure ; our staff of instructors is widely drawn from different institutions ; our students and investigators come from all parts of the ac- cessible territory, and some from abroad ; we ask only that they have a fit preparation and exhibit the spirit of scholarship. We are not tied down to any one institution or small section of the country. In past years we have considered these principles worth struggling for, and we have more than once sacrificed security to freedom of action. Our recent years have been free 422 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. and comfortable. We must not allow ourselves to forget that the principles for which we stand are never entirely won; and I appeal therefore to every member of the Board of Trustees and to all members of the corporation not to allow a sense of security to dull the edge of devotion, to keep the interests of the Laboratory at heart and to work for their support in all possible ways. i. THE STAFF 1915 FRANK R. LILLIE, DIRECTOR, Professor of Embryology, and Chairman of the Department of Zoology, The University of Chicago. OILMAN A. DREW, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, Marine Biological Laboratory. ZOOLOGY I. INVESTIGATION GARY N. CALKINS Professor of Protozoology, Columbia Uni- versity. E. G. CONKLIN Professor of Zoology, Princeton University. GILMAN A. DREW Assistant Director, Marine Biological Lab- oratory. GEORGE LEFEVRE Professor of Zoology, The University of Missouri. FRANK R. LILLIE Professor of Embryology, The University of Chicago. C. E. McCLUNG Professor of Zoology, University of Penn- sylvania. T. H. MORGAN Professor of Experimental Zoology, Co- lumbia University. E. B. WILSON Professor of Zoology, Columbia University. II. INSTRUCTION CASWELL GRAVE Associate Professor of Zoology, Johns Hopkins University. W. C. ALLEE Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Oklahoma. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 423 GEORGE A. BAITSELL Instructor in Biology, Yale University. RAYMOND BINFORD Professor of Biology, Earlham College. E. J. LUND Instructor in Protozoology, University of Pennsylvania. T. S. PAINTER Instructor in Biology, Yale University. EMBRYOLOGY I. INVESTIGATION (see Zoology) II. INSTRUCTION WILLIAM E. KELLICOTT. ..Professor of Biology, Goucher College. ROBERT A. BUDINGTON.. . .Professor of Zoology, Oberlin College. (Absent in 1915.) J. F. ABBOTT Professor of Zoology, Washington Uni- versity. CHARLES PACKARD Instructor in Zoology, Columbia Univer- sity. CHARLES C. ROGERS Professor of Zoology, Oberlin College. PHYSIOLOGY I. INVESTIGATION ALBERT P. MATHEWS Professor of Physiological Chemistry, The University of Chicago. RALPH S. LILLIE Professor of Biology, Clark University. HAROLD C. BRADLEY. . . Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Wisconsin. SHIRO TASHIRO Instructor in Physiological Chemistry, The University of Chicago. II. INSTRUCTION RALPH S. LILLIE Professor of Biology, Clark University. WALTER E. GARREY Associate Professor of Physiology, Wash- ington University Medical School. FRANK P. KNOWLTON Professor of Physiology, Syracuse Univer- sity. EDWARD B. MEIGS Associate in Physiology, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF BIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES LECTURES EDWARD G. SPAULDING. . . . Professor of Philosophy, Princeton Uni- versity. 424 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. BOTANY GEORGE T. MOORE Director, Missouri Botanical Garden and Professor of Botany, Washington Uni- versity. B. M. DUGGAR Physiologist, Missouri Botanical Garden and Professor of Plant Physiology, Washington University. (Absent in I9I5-) IVEY F. LEWIS Professor of Botany, University of Mis- souri. R. H. COLLEY Instructor in Botany, Dartmouth College. A. R. DAVIS Lackland Research Fellow, Missouri Bo- tanical Garden. W. H. WESTON Graduate Student, Harvard University. LIBRARY H. McE. KNOWER Professor of Anatomy, University of Cin- cinnati, Librarian. MARY E. SCOTT Assistant Librarian. Chemical Supplies OLIVER S. STRONG Instructor in Anatomy, College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, New York City, Chemist. Supply Department G. M. GRAY Curator. JOHN J. VEEDER Captain. E. M. LEWIS Engineer. A. W. LEATHERS Collector. A. M. HILTON Collector. F. G. GUSTAFSON Collector in Botany. EDNA E. WELLS . . Clerk. F. M. MACNAUGHT Business Assistant. HERBERT A. HILTON Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 425 2. INVESTIGATORS AND STUDENTS 1915 A. ZOOLOGY Independent Investigators ABBOTT, JAMES F., Professor of Zoology, Washington University. ADDISON, WILLIAM H. F., Assistant Professor of Normal Histology and Embry- ology, University of Pennsylvania. ALLEE, WARDER C., Professor of Biology, Lake Forest College. ALLEN, EZRA, Professor of Biology, Philadelphia School of Pedagogy. BAITSELL, GEORGE A., Instructor in Biology, Yale University. BECKWITH, CORA J., Associate Professor of Zoology, Vassar College. BINFORD, RAYMOND, Professor of Zoology, Earlham College, Richmond. BORING, ALICE M., Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Maine. BROWNE, ETHEL N., 510 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. CALKINS, GARY N., Professor of Protozoology, Columbia University. CASTEEL, DANA B., Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Texas. CHIDESTER, FLOYD E., Associate Professor of Zoology, Rutgers College. CHILD, C. M., Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Chicago. CLAPP, CORNELIA M., Professor of Zoology, Mt. Holyoke College. CLARK, ELEANOR L., Columbia, Mo. CLARK, ELIOT R., Professor of Anatomy, University of Missouri. CONKLIN, EDWIN G., Professor ot Biology, Princeton University. COPELAND, MANTON, Professor oi Biology, Bowdoin College. COWDRY, E. V., Associate in Anatomy, Johns Hopkins Medical School. COWDRY, N. H., Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. CRAMPTON, H. E., Professor of Zoology, Barnard College, Columbia Univ. DANCHAKOFF, WERA, Woods Hole, Mass. DEXTER, JOHN S., Professor of Biology, University of Saskatchewan. DONALDSON, H. H., Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. DREW, GILMAN A-i Assistant Director, Marine Biological Laboratory.. DUNN, ELIZABETH H., Woods Hole, Mass. GEE, WILSON, Professor of Biology, Emory University, Oxford, Ga. GOLDFARB, A. J., Professor of Biology, College of the City of New York. GOLDSCHMIDT, RICHARD, Member of Kaiser Wilhelm Institut Fur Biologie. GRAVE, CASWELL, Associate Professor of Zoology, Johns Hopkins University. GREGORY, EMILY R., Professor of Biology, University of Akron. GREGORY, LOUISE H., Instructor in Zoology, Barnard College. GROSS, ALFRED O., Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. HARMAN, MARY T., Assistant Professor of Zoology, Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege. HARVEY, BASIL C. H., Associate Professor of Anatomy, University of Chicago. HEILBRUNN, LEWIS V., Associate in Embryology, University of Chicago. HEGNER, ROBERT W., Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Michigan. HOGUE, MARY J., Instructor in Zoology, Wellesley College. JACOBS, MERKEL H., Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Pennsylvania. 426 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. KELLICOTT, WILLIAM E., Professor of Biology, Goucher College. KNOWER, HENRY McE., Professor of Anatomy, University of Cincinnati. LANE, HENRY H., Professor of Zoology, State University of Oklahoma. LEFEVRE, GEORGE, Professor of Zoology, University of Missouri. LEWIS, MARGARET R., Carnegie Institution. LEWIS, WARREN H., Professor of Physiological Anatomy, Johns Hopkins Medical School. LILLIE, FRANK R., Professor of Embryology, University of Chicago. LUND, ELMER J., Assistant Professor of Zoology, University ot Minnesota. MAJLONE, EDWARD F., Associate Professor of Anatomy, University ot Cincinnati. MACKLIN, CHARLES C., Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. McCLUNG, CLARENCE E., Director of Zoological Laboratory, University of Penn- sylvania. MORGAN, T. H., Professor of Experimental Zoology, Columbia University. MORGAN, ANNA H., Associate Professor of Zoology, Mt. Holyoke College. MORRIS, MARGARET, Fellow in Zoology, Yale University. PACKARD, CHARLES, Instructor in Zoology, Columbia University. PAINTER, THEOPHILUS S., Instructor in Biology, Yale University. PAPPENHEIMER, ALWIN M., Assistant Professor of Pathology, Columbia Univ. PATTERSON, JOHN T., Professor of Zoology, University of Texas. RICHARDS, A., Instructor in Zoology, University of Texas. ROBERTSON, W. REES B., Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Kansas. SPAETH, REYNOLD A., Instructor in Biology, Yale University. SPAULDING, E. G., Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University. STOCKARD, CHARLES R., Professor of Anatomy, Cornell Medical College. STREETER, GEORGE L., Research Associate, Carnegie Institution of Washington. STRONG, OLIVER S., Instructor in Anatomy, Columbia University. STURTEVANT, ALFRED H., Columbia University, New York City. TENNENT, DAVID H., Professor of Biology, Bryn Mawr College. WELCH, PAUL S., Assistant Professor of Entomology, Kansas State Agricultural College. WOODWARD, ALVALYN E., Fellow in Zoology, University of Michigan. ZELENY, CHARLES, Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Illinois. Beginning Investigators ADKINS, W. S., Graduate Student, Columbia University. ALTENBURG, EDGAR, Assistant in Botany, Columbia University. BINKLEY, LELIA T., University of Texas. BRIDGES, CALVIN B., Columbia University. COHN, EDWIN J., University of Chicago. COLLETT, MARY E., Instructor in Biology, Carnegie Institution of Technology. FISH, J. Burton, Teacher of Biology, Boys' High School, Brooklyn. FREIBERG, HENRY B., University of Cincinnati. GLOBUS, JOSEPH H., Assistant in Anatomy, Cornell Medical College. GOLDMAN, AGNES, Cornell University. GOODRICH, H. B., Union College, Schnectady. GOULD, HARLEY N., Fellow in Biology, Princeton University. HANCE, ROBERT T., Fellow in Zoology, University of Pennsylvania. HASTINGS, GEORGE T., Teacher of Biology, DeWitt Clinton High School, Yonkers, N. Y. \ DIRECTOR S REPORT. 427 HAYDEN, MARGARET A., Instructor in Biology, Carnegie Institute of Technology. HOLT, CAROLINE M., Graduate Student, University of Pennsylvania. HICKERNELL, Louis M., Instiuctor in Zoology, Syracuse University. HOY, WILLIAM E., JR., Research Student, Princeton University. JOHNSON, SYDNEY E., Fellow in Zoology, Northwestern University. LYNCH, CLARA J., Instructor, Smith College. MARKS, BERNICE, 4 East 94th St., New York City. MEDES, GRACE, Graduate Student, Bryn Mawr College. MINOURA, TADACHIKA, Zoology Department, University of Chicago. MOORE, CARL R., University of Chicago. OSTERUD, HJALMAR L., Instructor in Zoology, University of Washington PHILLIPS, RUTH L., Associate Professor of Biology, Western College. REAGAN, FRANKLIN T., Fellow in Biology, Princeton University. ROOT, FRANCIS M., Johns Hopkins University. SAFIR, SHELLEY R., Teacher in New York High School, New York City. VANNEMAN, AIMEE S., Technician, University of Texas. WARE, CLARA C., Graduate Student, Columbia Univeisity. WEINSTEIN, ALEXANDER, Columbia University. WHEAT, FRANK M., Columbia University. WHITING, PHINEAS W., University of Pennsylvania. WHITE, EDITH G., Columbia University. WILKINS, LAWSON, Johns Hopkins University. B. PHYSIOLOGY Independent Investigators BOGACKI, KAMIL J., Physician, Western Reserve University. CHAMBERS, ROBERT, JR., Assistant Professor of Histology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Cincinnati. EDWARDS, DAYTON J., Instructor in Physiology, College of the City of New York. GARREY, WALTER E., Associate Professor of Physiology, Washington University. HYDE, IDA H., Professor of Physiology, University of Kansas. JUST, ERNEST E., Professor of Physiology, Howard University. KINGSBURY, FRANCIS B., Instructor in Physiological Chemistry, University of Minnesota. KNOWLTON, FRANK P., Professor of Physiology, Syracuse University. LILLIE, RALPH S., Professor of Biology, Clark University. LOEB, JACQUES, Head of Department of Experimental Biology, Rockefeller In- stitute for Medical Research. MATHEWS, ALBERT P., Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago. MEIGS, EDWARD B., 1722 H. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. MOORE, ARTHUR R., Associate Professor of Physiology, Bryn Mawr College. ROGERS, CHARLES G., Professor of Comparative Physiology, Oberlin College. SCOTT, ERNEST L., Associate in Physiology, Columbia University. TASHIRO, SHIRO, Instructor in Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago. WALLER, JOHN C., Graduate Student, University ot Chicago. WARREN, HOWARD C., Professor of Psychology, Princeton University. WASTENEYS, HARDOLPH, Associate in Experimental Biology, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. WERBER, ERNEST L. Sessel Research Fellow, Yale University. 428 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Beginning Investigators ATWOOD, W. G., Dartmouth College. CHAMBERLAIN, MARY M., Bryn Mawr College. LEVY, AUGUSTUS, University of Chicago. CATTELL, McKEEN, Harvard Medical School. C. BOTANY Independent Investigators BLAKESLEE, A. F., Professor of Botany and Genetics, Connecticut Agricultural College. COLLEY, R. H., Instructor in Botany, Dartmouth College. HIBBARD, R. PERCIVAL, Plant Physiologist, Michigan Agricultural College. LEWIS, IVEY F., Professor of Botany, University of Missouri. MOORE, GEORGE T., Director, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. WESTON, WILLIAM H., JR., Instructor in Botany, Harvard University. Beginning Investigators COBB, RUTH, Falls Church, Virginia. SMITH, PEARL M., Assistant in Botany, University of Wisconsin. STUDENTS 1915 i. ZOOLOGY ADAMS, A. ELIZABETH, Instructor in Zoology, Mount Holyoke College. ANDRUS, EDWIN C., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. ANDRUS, WILLIAM D. W., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. BAIN, THERESE S., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. BALDWIN, IMOGEN, Student, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. BELL, CHARLES E., Student, Ursinus College. BLANCHARD, NELLIE P., Head of Biological Dept., Hood College. CATTELL, OWEN, Garrison-on-Hudson. CATTELL, PSYCHE, Student, Sargent, Cambridge, Mass. CHARLTON, HARRY H., Assistant in Zoology, Yale University. COCKS, EDMUND, Graduate Student, Columbia University, New York City. COBB, MARGARET C., Barnard College, New York City, N. Y. COWDERY, LAWRENCE T., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. CROSS, HOWARD B., Instructor, Oklahoma University, Norman, Okla. DIBELL, MABEL E., Instructor of Biology, Western College. EHRENFELD, FREDERICK, Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Penn- sylvania. GILBERT, MARION, Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. GREISHEIMER, ESTHER M., Clark University, Worcester, Mass. HARVEY, HELEN F., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. HARRIS, COLEMAN J., Lewisburg, Pa. DIRECTOR S REPORT. 429 HAYDEN, RUTH, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. HEA, EMILY M., Teacher in High School, Morristown, N. J. HEEMAN, HARRIET M., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. HOWE, MARION G., Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. HUGHES, DOROTHEA M., Simmons College, Boston, Mass. HULST, MYRA M. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. IRVINE, HELEN, Student, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. JOSEPHS, H. W., Assistant in Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge. KOSTIR, WENCEL J., Instructor, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. LUDWIG, ALBERT P., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. MARINUS, CARLETON J., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. MAHR, ERNST F., JR., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. McGRATH, JULE G., Laboratory Assistant, Hunter College, New York City. MOSES, GERTRUDE, 2002 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. OUDESLUYS, HORTENSE, Teacher, Western High School, Baltimore, Md. PENNYP ACKER, FRANCES W., Sweet Briar College. RIPPLE, CLARENCE V., Student, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. ROGERS, MILDRED, Student, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. RUNYON, PAUL M., Student, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. SANFORD, ELDON W., Graduate Student, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. SHELDON, PAUL B., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. SMITH, SUE F., Carnegie Institute of Technology. SMITH, CHRISTIANNA, Assistant in Zoology Laboratory, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. SMITH, INEZ C., Student, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. SPENCE, MARGARET, Instructor La Crosse State Normal School, La Crosse. WILDER, KATHERINE, Science Assistant, The Newton High School. WRIGHT, HELEN G., Student, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. 2. EMBRYOLOGY ASHMAN, RICHARD, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. ALLARD, ANN D., Teacher, So. Boston, Mass. BLANCHARD, FRANK H., Instructor, Tufts College, Mass. BLAU, JULIA E., Princeton, N. J. CAHN, ALVIN R., Assistant in Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. CARROLL, MITCHEL, 617 So. i6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. CLOSSON, JAMES H., Student, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. COBB, DOROTHY, Student, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass. CUTTER, ELIZABETH, Assistant in Zoology, Vassar College. FARNUM, ALICE R., Student, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. FISH, GORDON T., Assistant, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. HAMLIN, HOWARD E., Student, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. HENRY, EDNA M., Student, Barnard College, New York City, N. Y. HERRICK, JOSEPH C., Professor of Biology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. HUFFORD, CLARENCE E., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. HURLIN, RALPH G., Instructor, Clark College. JAMIESON, JANET P., Student, University of Pennsylvania. KAKIUCHI, SAMURO, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. LEWIS, ELSIE M., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. 430 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. MACY, CORA F., Student, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. MALLARD, AGNES K., Teacher, 1658 Columbia Road, So. Boston, Mass. MYERS, MAE L., Associate Professor of Anatomy, Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. MILLIKAN, FRANCES, Student,. Smith College, Northampton, Mass. MONTGOMERY, PRISCILLA B., 105 So. 41 St., Philadelphia, Pa. PARMENTER, CHARLES L., Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin. PATTEN, MARY W., Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. RICHARDS, LYMAN G., 259 Prospect St., Fall River, Mass. RICHARDS, GEORGE L., 124 Franklin St., Fall River, Mass. SHERWOOD, HELEN L., Student, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. STOCKING, RUTH J., Professor of Biology, Agnes Scott College, Decatur. STOCKING, BESSE E., Student, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. STRAUS, AUBREY H., Associate Professor of Bacteriology, Medical College of Vir- ginia, Richmond, Va. THOMAS, ANNA M., Student, Carnegie Institute of Technology. WEBSTER, LESLIE T., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. WILLIAMS, G. HUNTINGTON, Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins Medical School. WILLIAMS, JAMES W., Lincoln St., New Haven, Conn. WINSLOW, MINA L., Graduate Student, L'niversity of Michigan. 3. PHYSIOLOGY ADLER, FRANCIS H., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. BENSING, LERUE P., Research Assistant, Research Commission of Natural Dental Association, Cleveland, Ohio. BODINE, JOSEPH H., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. FENN, WALLACE O., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. EGGSTEIN, A. A., Instructor in Pathology, Vanderbilt College. HOLT, EMMETT, 14 West 55th St., New York City, N. Y. HUGHES, WALTER S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. LOEB, ROBERT F., Student, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. LUNDGREN, C. ALBERT, Assistant in Biology, Clark University. METCALF, JOHN T., Instructor in Psychology, Princeton University. MINNICH, DVVIGHT E., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. PRICE, WESTON A., Chairman, The Research Commission of the National Dental Association, Cleveland, Ohio. REEVES, PRENTICE, Assistant in Experimental Psychology, Princeton Univ. SCHNEIDER, PETER A., Instructor in Zoology, University of Vermont. THOMPSON, MARTHA, Teacher of Biology, Bay Ridge High School, New York City. N. Y. 4. BOTANY MCCONNELL, LOUISE J., 341 Rector St., Perth Amboy, N. J. MONG, GRACE E., Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. OAK, DOROTHY, Student, Barnard College, New York City, N. Y. SEVERY, J. WARREN, Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. YASUI, KONO, Student, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass. YOUNG, Anna R., Student, Smith College, Northampton', Mass. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 431 3. TABULAR VIEW OF ATTENDANCE 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 INVESTIGATORS — Total 82 93 122 129 137 Independent: Zoology 42 44 58 62 69 Physiology 18 14 17 22 20 Botany 8 10 n 10 6 Under Instruction: Zoology 12 21 21 31 36 Physiology 2 2 7 I 4 Botany 2 7 3 2 STUDENTS — Total 65 67 69 89 105 Zoology. 26 24 33 43 47 Embryology 20 15 22 21 37 Physiology 6 n 8 10 15 Botany 13 17 7 15 6 TOTAL ATTENDANCE 147 160 191 218 242 INSTITUTIONS REPRESENTED— Total 57 80 77 79 By investigators.. 37 43 50 51 59 By students 31 36 41 47 42 SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES REPRESENTED. By investigators 3 2 3 I 3 By students 9 I 6 5 9 4. SUBSCRIBING INSTITUTIONS— 1915 AMHERST COLLEGE BARNARD COLLEGE BOWDOIN COLLEGE BRYN MAWR COLLEGE CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON CLARK UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY DARTMOUTH COLLEGE ELSE SERINGHAUS SCHOLARSHIP, HUNTER COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY GOUCHER COLLEGE 432 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. HARVARD UNIVERSITY JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE LUCRETIA CROCKER SCHOLARSHIPS MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY OBERLIN COLLEGE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, DEPT. OF BIOLOGY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY RADCLIFFE COLLEGE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH RUTGERS COLLEGE SMITH COLLEGE SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN VASSAR COLLEGE WELLESLEY COLLEGE WESTERN COLLEGE WISTAR INSTITUTE YALE UNIVERSITY 5. EVENING LECTURES, 1915 Friday, Ju'y 2, PROF. C. R. STOCKARD.." Experimental Production of Racial De- generacy by Alcohol Poisoning." Tuesday, July 6, PROF. C. H. PARKER.. . ." The Seals of the Pribiloff Islands." Friday, July 9, PROF. G. L. STREETER . ." Some Experimental Studies on the De- velopment of the Membranous Laby- rinth in the Tadpole." Tuesday, July 13, PROF. E. G. CONKLIN. .." Effects of Centrifugal Force on the Structure and Development of the Egg." DIRECTOR S REPORT. 433 Friday, July 16, PROF. R. S. LILLIE " The Nature of Intelligent and Purposive Action from a Physiological Point of View." Monday, July 19, PROF. SIMON FLEXNER. ." The Control of Infection as Affected by Variation Among Parasitic Microor- ganisms." Saturday, July 24, PROF. G. N. CALKINS. . ." Protozoa and the Cancer Problem." Friday, July 30, PROF. GEORGE SHULL. . ." Inheritance of Sex in Lychnis.'" Tuesday, Aug. 3, PROF. C. B. DAVENPORT " Heredity of Criminality." Friday, Aug. 6. DR. MARTIN EDWARDS.." The Story of Bubonic Plague." Tuesday, Aug. 10, DR. ALFRED G. MAYER." The Role of Adsorption in Nerve Con- duction." 6. MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION i. LIFE MEMBERS ALLIS, MR. E. P., JR., Palais Carnoles, Menton, France. ANDREWS, MRS. GWENDOLEN FOULKE, Baltimore, Md. BILLINGS, MR. R. C., 66 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. CAREY, MR. ARTHUR ASTOR, Fayerweather St., Boston, Mass. CLARKE, PROF. S. F., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. CONKLIN, PROF. EDWIN G., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. CRANE, MR. C. R., Woods Hole, Mass. DAVIS, MAJOR HENRY M., Syracuse, N. Y. EVANS, MRS. GLENDOWER, 12 Otis Place, Boston, Mass. FARLOW, PROF. W. G., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. FAY, Miss S. B., 88 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. FOLSOM, Miss AMY, 88 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. FOOT, Miss KATHERINE, 80 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y. GARDINER, MRS. E. G., Woods Hole, Mass. GARDINER, Miss EUGENIA, 15 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass. HANNAMAN, MR. CHARLES E., 103 ist St., Troy, N. Y. 434 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. HARRISON, EX-PROVOST C. C., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. JACKSON, Miss M. C., 88 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. JACKSON, MR. CHAS. C., 24 Congress St., Boston, Mass. KENNEDY, MR. GEO. G., 284 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. KIDDER, MR. C. G., 27 William St., New York City, N. Y. KIDDER, MR. NATHANIEL T., Milton, Mass. KING, MR. CHAS. A. LEE, MRS. FREDERIC S., 279 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y. LOWELL, MR. A. LAWRENCE, 171 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. MARRS, MRS. LAURA NORCROSS, 9 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. MASON, MR. E. F., I Walnut St., Boston, Mass. MASON, Miss IDA M., i Walnut St. Boston, Mass. MEANS, MR. JAMES HOWARD, 196 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. MERRIMAN, MRS. DANIEL, Worcester, Mass. MINNS, Miss SUSAN, 14 Louisburg Square, Boston, Mass. MINNS, MR. THOMAS, 14 Louisburg Square, Boston, Mass. MIXTER, Miss M. C., 241 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. MORGAN, MR. J. PIERPONT, JR., Wall and Broad Sts., New York City, N. Y. MORGAN, PROF. T. H., Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. MORGAN, MRS. T. H., New York City, N. Y. NOYES, Miss EVA J., 28 South Willow St., Montclair, N. J. NUNN, MR. LUCIAN L. Telluride, Colo. OSBORN, PROF. HENRY F., American Museum of Natural History, New York. PHILLIPS, DR. JOHN C., Windy Knob, Newham, Mass. PHILLIPS, MRS. JOHN C., Windy Knob, Newham, Mass. PORTER, DR. H. C., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. PULSIFER, MR. W. H., Newton Center, Mass. ROGERS, Miss A. P., 5 Joy St., Boston, Mass. SEARS, DR. HENRY F., 420 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. SHEDD, MR. E. A., SMITH, MRS. C. C., 286 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. STROBELL, Miss E. C., 80 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y. THORNDIKE, DR. EDWARD L., Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 435 TRELEASE, PROF. WILLIAM, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111. WARE, Miss MARY L., 41 Brimmer St., Boston, Mass. WARREN, MRS. S. D., 67 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. WHITNEY, MR. HENRY M., Brookline, Mass. WILLCOX, Miss MARY A., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. WILMARTH, MRS. H. D., Elliott St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. WILLIAMS, MRS. ANNA P., 505 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. WILSON, DR. E. B., Columbia University, New York Ci^y, N. Y. WILSON, PROF. W. P., Philadelphia Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. 2. MEMBERS, JANUARY, 1916 ABBOTT, PROF. J. F., Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ABBOTT, Miss MARGARET B., The Bennett School, Milbrook, N. Y. ADDISON, DR. W. H. F., University of Pennsylvania, Medical School, Philadelphia, Pa. ADKINS, MR. \V. S., Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. ALLEE, DR. W. C., Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111. ALLEN, PROF. EZRA, 125 Thompson Ave., Ardmore, Pa. ALLYN, Miss HARRIET M., Hackett Medical College, Canton, China. ALSBURG, DR. C. S., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. BAITSELL, DR. GEORGE A., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. BAKER, DR. E. H., 154 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. BANCROFT, DR. F. W., Aloha Farm, Concord, California. BARDEEN, PROF. C. R., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. BECKWITH, Miss CORA J., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. BEHRE, Miss ELINOR H., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. BEYER, DR. H. G., Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. BIGELOW, PROF. M. A., Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. BIGELOW, PROF. R. P., Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. BINFORD, DR. RAYMOND, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. 436 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. BINKLEY, Miss LELIA T., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. BLAKESLEE, PROF. A. F., Carnegie Station, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. BORING, Miss ALICE M., University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Box, Miss CORA MAY, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. BRADLEY, DR. HAROLD C., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis, BROWNE, Miss ETHEL N., Cornell Medical School, New York City, N. Y. BUDINGTON, PROF. R. A., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. BUMPUS, DR. H. C., Tufts College, Mass. BYRNES, DR. ESTHER F., 193 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BUCKINGHAM, Miss EDITH N., 342 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. CALKINS, PROF. GARY N., Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. CALVERT, PROF. PHILIP P., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. CARLSON, PROF. A. J., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. CARVER, MR. GAIL L., 307 Adams St., Macon, Georgia. GARY, DR. L. R., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. CASTEEL, DR. D. B., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. CATTELL, PROF. J. McKEEN, Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. CATTELL, MR. McKEEN, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. CHAMBERS, DR. ROBERT, JR., Cornell Medical College, New York City, N. Y. CHESTER, PROF. WEBSTER, Colby College, Waterville, Maine. CHIDESTER, DR. F. E., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. CHILD, PROF. C. M., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. CLAPP, PROF. CORNELIA M., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. CLARK, DR. E. R., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. COE, PROF. W. R., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. COLLEY, DR. R. H., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. COLTON, DR. H. S., Ardmore, Pa. COOLIDGE, MR. C. A., Ames Bldg., Boston, Mass. COPELAND, DR. MANTON, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. COWDRY, DR. E. V., Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 437 CRAMPTON, PROF. H. E., Barnard College, Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, N. Y. CRANE, MRS. C. R., Woods Hole, Mass. CURTIS, PROF. W. C., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. DANCHAKOFF, MME. VERA, 451 57tth St., New York City, N. Y. DAVIS, MR. DONALD W., DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. DERICK, PROF. CARRIE M., McGill University, Montreal, Canada. DEXTER, DR. J. S., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. DODDS, PROF. G. S., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. DONALDSON, PROF. H. H., Wistar Institute of Anat. and Biol., Philadelphia, Pa. DORRANCE, Miss ANN, Dorranceton, Pa. DORRANCE, Miss FRANCES, Dorranceton, Pa. DREW, PROF. GILMAN A., Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. DUGGAR, PROF. B. M., Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. DUNGAY, DR. NEIL S., Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. DUNN, DR. ELIZABETH, Woods Hole, Mass. EATON, PROF. E. H., Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. EDWARDS, DR. D. J., College of the City of New York, New York City, N. Y. EIGENMANN, PROF. C. H., University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. EWALD, DR. W. F., Kaiserin Augusta Str. 78, Berlin W 10, Germany. FARNUM, Miss LOUISE W., 43 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, Conn. FERGUSON, PROF. J. S., Cornell Univ. Medical School, New York City, N. Y. FIELD, Miss HAZEL E., Randolph-Macon Woman's College, College Park, Va. FIELD, PROF. IRVING, Auburn, Mass. FISH, MR. J. BURTON, Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. GAGE, PROF. S. H., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. GARREY, PROF. W. E., Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo. GEE, PROF. WILSON, Emory University, Oxford, Ga. 438 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. GIES, PROF. W. J., Columbia Univ., Dept. Physiological Chemis- try, New York City, N. Y. GLASER, PROF. O. C., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. GLASER, DR. R. W., Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Mass. GOLDFARB, PROF. A. J., College of the City of New York, New York City, N. Y. GOODRICH, MR. H. B., Union College, Schenectady, New York. GRAVE, DR. CASWELL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. GREGORY, DR. LOUISE H., Barnard College, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. GREGORY, DR. EMILY R., 501 South 42nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. GREENMAN, DR. M. J., Wistar Institute of Anat. and Biol., Philadelphia, Pa. GROSS, Miss BEATRIX H., 457 Convent Ave., New York City, N. Y. GUNTHER, Miss MAUD C., Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. HAHN, DR. C. W., 567 West i86th St., New York City, N. Y. HANCE, MR. ROBERT T., University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. HARGITT, DR. C. W., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. HARMAN, DR. MARY T., Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kans. HARPER, PROF. R. A., Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. HARRISON, MR. A. C., 660 Drexel Bldg., 5th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. HARRISON, PROF. Ross G., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. HARVEY, PROF. B. C. H., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. HARVEY, DR. E. N., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. HAUGHWOXT, MR. F. G., College of Medicine and Surgery, Calle Herran, Manila, Philippine Islands. HAYDEN, Miss MARGARET A., Carnegie Inst. of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. HAYES, PROF. S. P., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. HEATH, PROF. HAROLD, Stanford University, San Francisco, Cal. HEGNER, PROF. R. W., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 439 HEILBRUNN, Dr. L. V., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. HOAR, MR. D. BLAKELY, 161 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. HOGUE, DR. MARY J., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. HOGE, Miss MILDRED A., Univ. of Indiana, Arbutus Apts., Bloomington, Ind. HOLMES, PROF. S. J., University of California, Berkeley, Cal. ISAACS, MR. RAPHAEL, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. ISELEY, PROF. F. B., Central College, Fayette, Mo. JACKSON, PROF. C. M., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. JACOBS, MR. MURKEL H., University of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. JENNINGS, PROF. H. S., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. JENNER, PROF. E. A., Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa. JEWETT, PROF. J. R., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. JONES, PROF. LYNDS, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. JORDAN, PROF. H. E., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. JUST, PROF. E. E., Howard University, Washington, D. C. KANDA, DR. SAKYO, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. KELLICOTT, PROF. W. E., Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. KELLY, MR. J. P., 2163 Gleason Ave., Unionport, N. Y. KENNEDY, DR. HARRIS, 286 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. KING, DR. HELEN DEAN, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. KINGSBURY, PROF. B. F., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. KINGSLEY, PROF. J. S., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. KIRKHAM, DR. W. B., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. KITE, Dr. G. L., Henry Phipps Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. KNIGHT, Miss MARIAN V., 36 Bedford Terrace, Northampton, Mass. KNOWER, PROF. H. McE., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. KNOWLTON, PROF. F. P., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. KNUDSON, PROF. LEWIS, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. KRIBS, DR. HERBERT, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 44O MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. LANE, PROF. HENRY H., State University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. LEE, PROF. F. S., 437 West 59th St., New York, City N. Y. LEFEVRE, PROF. GEORGE, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. LEWIS, PROF. I. F., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. LEWIS, PROF. W. H., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. LILLIE, PROF. FRANK R., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. LILLIE, PROF. R. S., Clark University, Worcester, Mass. LINTON, PROF. EDWIN, Washington and Jefferson College, Wash- ington, Pa. LOEB, PROF. JACQUES, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- search, New York City, N. Y. LOEB, DR. LEO, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo. LOWTHER, MRS. FLORENCE DEL., Barnard College, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. LUSCOMBE, MR. W. O., Woods Hole, Mass. LYMAN, PROF. GEORGE R., Federal Horticultural Board, Wash- ington, D. C. LYNCH, Miss CLARA J., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. LUND, DR. E. J., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. McCLENDON, DR. J. F., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. McCLUNG, PROF. C. E., University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. McGiLL, DR. CAROLINE, Murray Hospital, Butte, Montana. MCGREGOR, DR. J. H., Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. MclNDOO, DR. N. E., Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. MACKENZIE, PROF. MARY D., Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. McMuRRiCH, PROF. J. P., University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. MACKLIN, DR. CHARLES C., Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more, Md. MALL, PROF. F. P., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. MALONE, DR. E. F., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. MARTIN, Miss BERTHA E., Wheaton College, Mass. DIRECTOR S REPORT. 44! MARQUETTE, MR. WILLIAM, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. MATHEWS, PROF. A. P., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. MAYER, DR. A. G., Maplewood, N. J. MEIGS, DR. E. B., Dairy Division Experiment Station, Belts- ville, Md. MELTZER, DR. S. J., 13 West I2ist Street, New York City, N. Y. METCALF, PROF. M. M., 128 Forest St., Oberlin, Ohio. MINOR, Miss MARIE L., Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. MINOURA, MR. TADACHIKA, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. MITCHELL, DR. PHILIP H., Brown University, Providence, R. I. MOORE, PROF. GEORGE T., Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. MOORE, MR. CARL H., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. MOORE, PROF. J. PERCY, University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. MORGAN, PROF. H. A., Agricultural Experiment Station, Knox- ville, Tenn. MORGAN, DR. ANNA H., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. MORRILL, PROF. A. D., Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. MORRILL, DR. C. V., 338 East 26th Street, New York City, N. Y. MORRIS, Miss MARGARET, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. MURBACH, DR. L., Central High School, Detroit, Mich. NACHTRIEB, PROF. HENRY F., University of Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. NEAL, PROF. H. V., Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass. NEWMAN, PROF. H. H., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. NICHOLS, DR. M. LOUISE, 3221 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. OLIVER, MR. WADE W., Ohio-Miami Medical College, Cincin- i nati, Ohio. OSBURN, PROF. R. C., Connecticut College, New London, Conn, OSTERHOUT, PROF. W. J. V., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. PACKARD, DR. CHARLES, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. PACKARD, DR. W. H., Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111. PAINTER, MR. T. S., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 442 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. PAPPENHEIMER, DR. A. M., Columbia University, Dept. Pathol- ogy, New York City, New York. PARKER, PROF. G. H., 16 Berkeley Street, Cambridge, Mass. PATON, DR. STEWART, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. PATTEN, Miss J. B., Elm Brook, South Natick, Mass. PATTEN, DR. WILLIAM, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. PATTERSON, PROF. J. T., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. PAYNE, PROF. F., University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. PEARSE, PROF. A. S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. PHILLIPS, Miss RUTH L., Western College, Oxford, Ohio. PIKE, PROF. FRANK H., 437 West 59th Street, New York City, N. Y. PINNEY, Miss MARY E., Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. PRENTISS, Miss HENRIETTA, Normal College, New York City, N. Y. PRICE, DR. WESTON A., Research Commission of the National Dental Association, Cleveland, Ohio. RANKIN, PROF. W. M., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. REA, DR. PAUL M., Charleston Museum, Charleston, S. C. REIGHARD, PROF. JACOB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. REINKE, MR. E. E., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. RICE, PROF. EDWARD L., Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. RICHARDS, DR. A., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. ROBBINS, MR. W. J., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ROBERTSON, Miss ALICE, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. ROBERTSON, PROF. W. R. B., University Club, Lawrence, Kansas. ROGERS, PROF. CHARLES G., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. ROSENOW, DR. E. C., Mayo's Clinics, Rochester, Minn. RUDDIMAN, Miss MARGUERITE, 441 Senator Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SANDS, Miss ADELAIDE G., 348 N. Main St., Port Chester, N. Y. SANDS, DR. GEORGIANA, 348 N Main St., Port Chester, N. Y. SCOTT, DR. ERNEST L. Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. SCOTT, PROF. G. G., College of the City of New York, New York City, N. Y. SCOTT, PROF. JOHN W., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wy- oming. DIRECTOR S REPORT. 443 SHULL, DR. A. FRANKLIN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. SHUMWAY, MR. WALDO, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. SMITH, DR. BERTRAM G., State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. SOLLMAN, DR. TORALD, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. SPAETH, DR. REYNOLD A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. SPAULDING, DR. E. G., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. SPENCER, DR. H. J., 8 West i6th St., New York City, N. Y. STEWART, Miss MARY W., Barnard College, Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, N. Y. STOCKARD, PROF. C. R., Cornell Medical College, New York City, N. Y. STREETER, DR. GEORGE L., Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. STRONG, DR. O. S., 437 West 59th St., New York City, N. Y. STRONG, DR. R. M., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. STURTEVANT, MR. A. H., 528 West I23rd Street, New York City, N. Y. TASHIRO, DR. SHIRO, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. TAYLOR, Miss KATHERINE A., Cascade, Washington Co., Maryland. TENNENT, PROF D. H., Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THOMAS, DR. ADRIAN, 2012 Hanover Ave., Richmond, Va. THOMPSON, PROF. CAROLINE B., 195 Weston Road, Wellesley, Mass. TINKHAM, Miss FLORENCE L., 71 Ingersoll Grove, Springfield, Mass. TOMPKINS, Miss ELIZABETH M., 2015 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. TREADWELL, PROF. A. L., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. TURNER, MR. C. L., Marquette Univ. School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis. UHLENHUTH, DR. EDWARD, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City, N. Y. VAN CLEAVE, DR. H. J., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. VAUGHAN, DR. T. W., U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. WAITE, PROF. F. C., Western Reserve University Medical School, Cleveland, Ohio. 444 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. WALDRON, DR. F. R., 1701 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WALKER, DR. GEORGE, Charles and Center Streets, Baltimore, Md. WALLACE, PROF. LOUISE B., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. WARBASSE, MRS. J. P., 384 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. WARD, PROF. H. B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. WARDWELL, MR. E. H., Bristol, R. I. WARREN, PROF. HOWARD C., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. WASTENEYS, MR. HARDOLPH, Rockefeller Institute, New York City, N. Y. WATSON, MR. FRANK E., Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. WERBER, DR. E. I., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. WESTON, MR. WILLIAM H., Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio. WHEELER, Miss ISABEL, Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass. WHEELER, PROF. W. M., Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Mass. WHERRY, DR. W. B., Cincinnati Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. WHITE, Miss E. GRACE, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. WHITNEY, DR. DAVID D., Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. WHITING, MR. PHINEAS W., University of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. \VIEMAN, PROF. H. L., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. WILCOX, DR. ALICE W., Fairbanks Museum of Natural History, St. Johnsbury, Vt. WILDMAN, DR. E., 4331 Osage Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAMS, DR. ANNA W., 549 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. WILSON, PROF. H. V., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. WOGLOM, DR. WILLIAM H., Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. WOODRUFF, PROF. L. L., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. WOODWARD, Miss ALVALYN E., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. YOUNG, MR. D. B., Hartley Hall, Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING 'IN VITRO. C. C. MACKLIN. (From the Department of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University, and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.) (3 PLATES, 27 FIGURES.) CONTENTS Introduction 445 Method 446 Observations 448 Nuclear division by amitosis 449 Subsequent history of cell containing a directly divided nucleus 453 Discussion 455 Fragmentation 458 Vital stains 458 Summary 459 Literature cited 460 Explanation of Plates 462 INTRODUCTION. During recent years the conviction among cytologists has become more and more strongly intrenched that the problem of amitosis can not be satisfactorily solved by investigations based alone upon the study of non-living tissue, but that its successful conquest must rely principally upon the correct interpretation of the succession of morphological and physiological changes revealed by prolonged observation of the living cell, under normal and artificially varied conditions. Yet until the advent of the tissue culture method, workers in biology might well have de- spaired of ever being able to attack the question in this way. It is fortunate, therefore, that the technique of tissue cultivation has been so perfected that even the minute structural details of the living cell may be readily observed, and that the inspection may be continued for hours at a time; fortunate, too, that con- figurations which may be interpreted as stages in the process of direct division, such as dumb-bell-shaped nuclei apparently undergoing constriction, and bipartite nuclei, are not infrequently found in tissue cultures, and, furthermore, that fixed and stained preparations, to assist in the interpretation of the appearances 445 446 C. C. MACKLIN. presented by the living cells, are easily made from such cultures. These favorable circumstances plainly indicated the course to be followed in an attempt to gain some knowledge of direct cell division, and accordingly continuous observations of living cells, and supplemental studies of fixed and stained cells of the same type, were carried out.1 METHOD The cells upon which observations were made were growing at a temperature of 39° to 40° Cent, from the tissue of embryo chicks from two to ten days old. Cultures were prepared by the method of Lewis and Lewis ('15), Locke solution being used as a medium. Activation of the growth was accomplished by the addition to the medium of a small quantity of autogenous embryo extract or bouillon. Thus the medium contained, besides the various salts, small quantities of dextrose (.25 to I per cent.) and protein. To offset the concentration due to evaporation during planting and in the moist chamber it was found to be of advantage to dilute the medium by adding 20 to 25 per cent, of freshly distilled sterile water. Heart tissue was most frequently used, and gave growths which were most serviceable for observa- tion during the second twenty-four hour period. By arranging the microscope within the incubator where the tissues were cultivated it was not necessary to expose them to a changed temperature during observation. A ray screen of copper sulphate solution was found to be advantageous when artificial light was used. Evaporation of the drop, with condensation about the walls of the moist chamber, was lessened by placing a small drop of distilled water in the cavity of the depressed slide, and by eliminating air currents from the vicinity of the culture. Light seemed to have a deleterious effect upon the living cultures, so that lengthy continuous observation was not found to be practicable. Accordingly inspections were made as short 1 The procedure of studying amitosis by the tissue culture method was suggested by M. R. and W. H. Lewis, and I desire to record my appreciation of their kind assistance and the use of their large collection of fixed and stained cultures, which was utilized in the investigation. To Prof. F. R. Lillie I also am indebted for his courtesy in placing a room at the Marine Biological Laboratory at my disposal, where some of the work was carried on. AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 447 as possible, and the light immediately turned off. The diffi- culties attending direct and prolonged observation of the living cell are not inconsiderable, for the eye must become accustomed to distinguish minute structures through the contrast afforded by varying grades of refractivity. At first only the most re- fractive bodies are discernible, standing out as bright points or lines, but gradually the less obvious structures, as mitochondria, and amoeboid cell processes, come into view. Migration, in many of the cells, is quite active, and hence it is necessary to make observations frequently to prevent the cell from wandering away from the field of vision and becoming lost. The extreme sensitivity of the cell to light and heat, and to changes in osmotic pressure of the media from evaporation within the moist chamber, is responsible for the untimely termination of many observations, and this difficulty becomes the more important when it is realized that the study of a single cell must cover many hours to be com- plete. It was at first planned to select a single living normal cell and observe it at frequent intervals over a long period in the hope that eventually a cell would be found which would divide by amitosis. This course, however, did not prove to be practicable on account of the infrequency with which amitosis, even of the nucleus alone, is met with. In a series of 20 fixed and stained growths from the heart of the embryo chick, in which there wras a total of 41,725 cells,1 only 50 constricted nuclei, which could be regarded as directly dividing, were found (a ratio of I to 835), and thus the chances of the occurrence of amitotic nuclear divi- sion in a cell selected at random were but little better than one tenth of one per cent. To avoid loss of time, therefore, the plan was adopted of selecting a cell in which the amitotic process 1 The method adopted in making counts was as follows: 20 good preparations from cultures of chick heart of various ages and stages of growth which had been fixed and stained were selected. A small square was ruled with a diamond upon a piece of glass after the method of Isaacs ('15), and this ruled glass was inserted in the ocular so that a definitely outlined field was marked off upon the tissue culture preparation on the stage. By manipulating the mechanical stage successive fields could easily be brought into view, and the cells contained in them counted; in this way all the cells in the entire new growth were counted except imperfect cells and those near the original piece, which were several layers deep and were 1ndistinct. 448 C. C. MACKLIN. appeared to have already commenced, viz., in which the nucleus showed elongation and equatorial constriction, and observing in detail the subsequent changes which it underwent. Such a cell presents an appearance of the following general type. The nucleus is somewhat lengthened, and, in the zone equidistant from its poles there is to be seen, on one or both sides, an indentation. In this concavity is situated characteris- tically a body, the centrosphere (fig. I, c) whose refractivity is somewhat greater than that of the surrounding cytoplasm. Its outline is indistinct, but the edge seems to be irregular with short toothlike processes. These change their shape slowly, and give the impression of being pushed out and drawn in very gradually. They are intimately related to definite refractive bodies — the mitochondria — which, often rodlike and sometimes threadlike in form, radiate from the periphery of the centrosphere. Indeed the movements of the latter (described by Lewis and Lewis '15) may be responsible for the apparent movement in the periphery of the centrosphere. Preparations fixed with osmic acid vapor and stained with Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin (which was the method generally employed) disclosed a minute granular body, generally paired, within the centrosphere, wThich is recognized as the centrosome or centriole (Fig. 24). The position of the centrosphere within the nuclear concavity or cleft has been noted by various authors, including Maximow ('08), who found the centriole-pair thus situated in cells, the nuclei of which appeared to be dividing directly, in the mesen- chyme of the embryo rabbit. In the cells of tissue cultures examined the centrosphere was absent from the cleft in only two per cent, of cases, and in these exceptions it may have been originally situated as in the others. OBSERVATIONS. A number of extended observations were made upon living cells containing such elongated and constricted nuclei, and, as a general rule, the nucleus rounded out again, assuming the usual form. Thus it was demonstrated that constriction alone does not indicate that the nucleus will divide directly. Finally, AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 449 however, a cell was found in which the nucleus divided directly while being watched, and the following paragraph, extracted from the protocol written at the time, is a brief description of the process as observed. The drawings (Plate I.) were sketched free-hand from observation at fifteen-minute intervals, and afterward retouched by reference to fixed and stained cells of similar morphology. 8.45 P.M. A cell (Fig. i), growing from a 57-hour culture of 5-day chick heart, presented an elongated nucleus with a concavity upon one side. The outline of this concavity was indistinct on account of the fact that the centrosphere (c] was situ- ated very close to it. 9.00 P.M. (Fig. 2). The nucleus is now straight and the indentation is almost obliterated. 9.15 P.M. (Fig. 3). The general outline of the cell has changed, and this has been followed by change in shape of the nucleus. At first there were two nucleoli within the nucleus, the lowermost being paired, but at 9.30 (Fig. 4) the latter appears as a dumb-bell-shaped body. The nucleus is now rounded. 9.45 P.M. (Fig. 5). The nucleus is still rounded, and the nucleolar substance consists of two masses close together. 10.00 P.M. (Fig. 6). The nucleus has become elongated again. There is no apparent cleft, but the left side, against which the centrosphere is resting is not so distinct as the right. The central nucleolus now appears as a single structure and some refractive substance, resembling another nucleolus, is seen in the lowermost pole of the nucleus. During the next two fifteen-minute intervals (Figs. 7 and 8) a shortening of the nucleus occurred, a shallow concavity to the left being noted. This concavity is deeper at 10.45 (Fig. 9) its outlines being somewhat indistinct and the nucleus has increased in length; across the middle of the nucleus is a refractive line. n.oo P.M. (Fig. 10). The concavity is seen with difficulty, and the line across the nucleus persists. Fifteen minutes after this (Fig. n) the elongated nucleus shows an indentation upon the right side, opposite the one upon the left, and it appears to be undergoing constriction into two parts of equal size. Between the two nuclear portions the refractive line is seen as before, and, from the appearance shown in cells fixed and stained with iron hematoxylin (Fig. 24) this is evidently a strand of mitochondria. 11.30 P.M. (Fig. 12). The nuclear sacs are apparently quite separate, and between them is the strand of mitochondria, and also part of the centrosphere, this body, still undivided, having retained its position with reference to the nuclear cleft. Judging from the behavior of this and other elongated, bent and dumb-bell shaped nuclei it would seem that the nucleus may return to its original rounded form provided the constriction has not gone too far, but, if the degree of constriction passes a certain critical point the nuclear sacs become completely separated. 450 C. C. MACKLIN. Furthermore, after the critical point is passed the division occurs very rapidly. The study of fixed and stained specimens served to throw con- siderable light upon the process of direct division, for, by searching the field, transitional forms were encountered, suggesting stages in the history of the living nucleus just described. In the ter- minal stage of direct nuclear division, such as that shown in Fig- 24, mitochondria were found characteristically lying across the slender strand of nuclear membrane which was all that remained of the connection between the two portions of the nucleus, and the centrosphere (which is undivided in these transitional forms, and also in the end product of nuclear amitosis, the binucleate cells) is situated in the cleft dividing these parts. This process involves a more or less equal mass division of the nucleus without chromosome formation. It results in the pro- duction of a binucleate cell, and, if the process is repeated, of a trinucleate or multinucleate cell. Direct nuclear division was not observed beyond the bipartite stage, but it seems rational to suppose that (excluding the foreign body giant cells of Lambert (1912 a and b) the giant cells of tissue cultures are formed from the successive direct splitting of the nuclear fragments which become larger by normal growth. With this latter there is apparently associated an increase in the cytoplasm also. It was not practicable to make a complete study of amitosis upon the same cell, and the latter stages of this process, succeeding direct division of the nucleus, were studied by selecting living binucleate cells and making prolonged observations upon them. A typical case, from a 24-hour culture of 8-day chick heart, is given as follows: 11.50 A.M. The cell, which was of the characteristic connective tissue type, showed two separate nuclear sacs, whose adjacent surfaces were in close contact. One sac contained three nucleolar fragments, the other one. Fat granules were fairly abundant, and were principally congregated at the nuclear poles. Mito- chondria, long and threadlike, stretched between these granules and, where the latter were abundant, the strands of mitochondria tended to arrange them in rows. Mitochondria also radiated from the single centrosphere, situated opposite the area of contact of the two nuclear sacs. The triangularly shaped cell body was connected with adjacent cells by three main processes. 12. 20 P.M. A narrow interval can be seen between the nuclear parts, showing that the latter have moved apart and are quite separate. Their position also has AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 451 changed. Variation in the nucleoli is noted, there being now three in one nuclear sac and four in the other. The outline of the cell body is now quadrilateral, and this shifting of form has perhaps accounted for the rearrangement in relative posi- tion and relationship of the nuclear parts. These, at 2.30, were again in contact, but subsequently repeated the process of moving apart and coming together three times during the observation, which ended at 11.15 p.m. During this time (nj^ hours) the cell was observed continuously, and underwent constant minor changes, such as that of the outline, shifting about of cytoplasmic structures, and breaking up, recombination and variation in size and shape of the nucleolar fragments. After almost twelve hours the cytoplasm showed no indication of dividing. These observations brought out the fact that what might be mistaken for a single nucleus divided by a membrane across its equator is really two nuclear sacs pressed close together, the equal tension in the two bodies resulting in a flat membrane between them, made up of the surfaces of contact. Child (191 1) describes a type of amitosis which is characterized apparently by the growth through the nucleus of a membrane or plate, the subsequent splitting of which leads to the production of two nuclear sacs quite separate one from the other. Nuclear fission of this type was not found, and appearances suggesting a process of this kind probably result from the close relationship of separate nuclear parts, similar to the condition found in the cells of tissue cultures. Partitions within the nucleus ave also simu- lated, in these flattened cells, by long nucleoli, mitochondria or folds in the nuclear membrane. These observations also illustrate the characteristic behavior of the nucleolar bodies, which undergo constant changes in size, shape, number and position. These bodies stain well with gentian violet when applied to the living culture. They appear as dark masses after iron hematoxylin, but if differentiation with iron alum is carried too far what was before a homogeneous mass becomes a collection of granules (Fig. 27). The nucleolus appears to be a concentrated gel of varying density, the granules representing the denser areas. Similar observations upon other living cells were carried out, and in no case did any direct fission of the cytoplasm occur; this finding was supported by the study of fixed preparations. On the contrary the history of these binucleate cells was the same as that of mononucleate cells of the same type. It was even found that mitosis occurred in these cells, for, during the obser- 452 C. C. MACKLIN. vation of a binucleate cell in a young culture the good fortune was encountered of witnessing this entire process in it. A graphic register of the successive changes is afforded by the drawings (Plate II.) which were made with the aid of a camera lucida at the times stated. The following is extracted from the protocol written at the time of examination : 11.55 A.M. A typical connective tissue binucleate cell (Fig. 13) from a 1 9-hour culture of 7-day chick heart was selected for observation. The two approximately equal, sharply outlined nuclear sacs are in close contact, causing a flattening of the apposed surfaces. Each nucleus contains a single, somewhat irregular nucleolus. The cell is long and narrow, and the long axis of the nucleus is parallel with that of the cell in which it is contained. A single centrosphere (c) is found opposite the area of contact of the two nuclear parts. Numerous fat globules and mitochondria, the latter showing characteristic movements, are seen. 12.40 P.M. (Fig. 14). The nucleus is still double, and the principal change noted is the appearance of an additional nucleolus in the lower nuclear part. i. 20 P.M. (Fig. 15). The two parts of the nucleus are distinct. Only one nucleolus is now seen in each nuclear sac. 1.50 P.M. (Fig. 16). The cell outline has become modified, the cell body being shorter, and the long axis of the nucleus has changed so that it is now almost at right angles to its former direction. The nuclear surfaces are in close contact and the upper end of the membrane formed by their approximation is indefinite in outline. 3.05 P.M. (Fig. 17). The cell body has become more fusiform, and the long axis of the nucleus has rotated through 90°. The double membrane (formed by the areas of nuclear wall in contact) dividing the nuclear portions cannot be made out except at the left side, and there indistinctly. An indefinite, refractive substance, granular in character, is scattered along the line where this membrane had been; the nucleoli are indefinite, and the uppermost one has been joined by an additional, very small, mass of the same character. The upper part of the nuclear membrane is not so distinct as heretofore. It would appear that the change which has occurred in the part of the nuclear membrane dividing the two nuclear sacs is a part of the general change affecting the entire nuclear wall and leading to its gradual disappearance, and the process is similar to that which occurs in the early stages of mitosis. 5.05 P.M. (Fig. 18). The refractive material in the zone formerly separating the two nuclear sacs is more prominent than before; it seems to be chromatin. The nuclear membrane is faintly marked. Half an hour later this cell is seen to become gradually smaller, and to draw in its processes. At the same time the nuclear parts become smaller. The nucleoli also undergo diminution in size. Finally the cell takes a rounded and thickened form — 6.00 P.M. (Fig. 19) — and is much more refractive than the cells surrounding it: in fact it resembles a cell in the prophase of mitosis. The fat globules and mitochondria assume a wreath-like appearance about the central clear space, in which the nucleoli soon disappear. Though the main mass of the cell is almost circular there are narrow processes attached to each pole. The cell remains ap- parently unchanged for some time, though undoubtedly important readjustments are going on within it. AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 453 6.50 P.M. (Fig. 20). The cell is even smaller than before, and more rounded. In the clear area within it is a refractive bar, which proves to be the equatorial plate of chromosomes. Individual chromosomes cannot be distinguished, so that it is impossible to count them, but their ends may be seen, as they project towards the poles of the spindle. The chromosomes show a slow, oscillatory type of move- ment, slight in extent. The spindle is represented by a fairly clear area, shaped like two cones base to base, at the extremities of which the centrosomes are situated. Astral rays cannot be seen. Mitochondria and fat globules encase this central area containing the spindle like a shell. This becomes evident by focusing up and down. Though the uppermost part of the spherical cell is on a level with the flat resting cells, which are to be found about it, the lowermost part is much below this, due to the fact that the cell is thickened, and projects into the medium. 7.05 P.M. (Fig. 21). The cell has suddenly become elongated and constricted at the equator: the plate of chromosomes has evidently split, and the anaphase of mitosis is being witnessed. The constriction about the middle of the cell can be seen to be increasing, causing streaming of globules toward its extremities. At the same time small, bubble-like processes emerge from the borders of the cell, seeming to be forced out by the internal pressure of the cell body. Into these pro- tuberances granules flow but later return into the main mass of the cytoplasm. These processes soon become flattened and extended, forming pseudopodia possessed of hyaline borders with amoeboid movement. The individual chromosomes of the two masses in the expanded extremities gradually lose their distinctness and become dispersed. 7.25 P.M. (Fig. 22). The constriction is more marked and the cells are almost entirely separated. They are also becoming flattened out. In the upper daughter cell a clear space for the nucleus is appearing. The constricted zone is somewhat more highly refractive than the surrounding tissue and resembles a short thread. This probably contains part of the remains of the spindle. Nuclear details are not yet visible. As the cell is watched nucleoli become manifest, at 7.35 P.M. two of these being seen in each daughter nucleus in a clear space, surrounded by a distinct nuclear membrane. 8.00 P.M. (Fig. 23). The daughter cells are now almost of normal size. Each nucleus has a concave side, as is usual, and in each concavity is the new centre- sphere, from which the mitochondria radiate. Two nucleoli appear in each nu- cleus. The cells are spread out and flattened, and the fat granules are disposed as in the ordinary cell. The entire observation covered eight hours. The more active part of mitotic division occupied about two hours, but if the initial nuclear changes be included the duration of mitosis is much longer. The sequence of changes followed in the above cell are in almost all respects similar to those of mitosis many times ob- served in the mononucleate cell. The only difference is that in the cell described there were to begin with two separate nuclear sacs instead of one. From the presence, in fixed preparations, of bipartite nuclei each portion of which is in a condition of spireme, and the absence, from such preparations, of bipartite nuclei in 454 c- C- MACKLIN. which one portion only contains a skein, it is gathered that the prophase in these cells is characterized by the spireme appearing coincidently in the separate nuclear sacs (Fig. 25) ; later there is formed from the double spireme a single equatorial plate of chromosomes. Though these could not be counted there is no reason for believing that their number was more than that normal for the mononucleate cell. Not only has mitosis been demonstrated by observation, both on living and fixed preparations, to occur in binucleate cells, but it has been found that it occurs relatively as frequently in these cells as in those with a unipartite nucleus. By making cell counts in the aforementioned 20 preparations from chick heart 375 binucleate cells were found in a total cell count of 41,725. Thus binucleate cells made up a percentage of the total of 0.9, or a ratio of I in in. Among these binucleate cells 2 were found which were in the prophase of mitosis,1 a percentage of 0.53. Of the mononucleate cells, which numbered 41,106, 47 were in the prophase, or 0.114 per cent. By comparison of these ratios it is found that mitosis occurs 4.65 times as frequently among the binucleate as among the mononucleate cells; allowing for the limited scope of the observation it seems reasonable to conclude that mitosis is as frequent a phase of the life of binu- cleate cells as of mononucleate, and it would seem that this is their normal method of proliferation. If, in addition, they be considered as dividing by direct fission (for which there is no evidence either from living or fixed material) they would then be possessed of an ability to multiply in excess of that of the mononucleate cells, and there is no reason for supposing this to be the case. No evidence was brought to light that the separate parts of the bipartite or multipartite nucleus ever combine except during mitosis. Another interesting observation was made in a fixed prepara- tion, viz., that the early changes in the chromatin which presage the onset of mitosis (i. e., the clumping of the chromatin and its 1 Prophases alone were counted, in estimating cells in mitosis, since in this stage alone is it possible to distinguish the bipartite from the moiiopartite nucleus, on account of nuclear fusion in stages later than this in the case of mitosis in the binucleate cell. AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 455 segregation into short rodlike masses and finally into a spireme) can take place in a nucleus which is undergoing constriction. Thus it appears that mitosis can proceed as usual in nuclei partially divided or wholly divided by the amitotic process. DISCUSSION. The direct division of the nucleus is associated with certain changes of the cell as a whole. Elongation of the nucleus seems to be a prerequisite, and this apparently is secondary to a lengthening and narrowing of the cell body occasioned by the pull of its processes. It has been pointed out that the centro- sphere is situated characteristically in a concavity at one side of the nucleus, and, when the nucleus lengthens, this body sinks deeper into its side; at the same time, judging from fixed prep- arations, and also from the appearance of the living and dividing nucleus, mitochondria come to lie across this narrow nuclear isthmus. These bodies, the centrosphere and associated mito- chondria, seem to play a part in the fission of the nucleus. The exact manner of their action is not clear, but it may be that streaming of the nucleoplasm away from the equator of the nucleus follows upon the mechanical irritation of the nuclear membrane by their movements, or possibly upon local alteration of surface tension from their chemical change. Certainly the position which these bodies take with reference to the constricted nucleus points to their participation in the process of fission. The centrosphere does not divide, nor does it encircle the nucleus as in the form of division described by Meves ('91). The nuclear membrane remains intact and nothing resembling an amphiaster is formed. Some theories of amitosis have attempted to place the re- sponsibility for the initiation of the divisional stimulus upon the nucleolus, and it has been found by some investigators that in certain nuclei the nucleolus is the first body to become divided. Such a function of the nucleolus does not obtain, however, in the nuclei studied, for, although in some cases there was a division of the nucleolus into two parts, one of which became alloted to each separate nuclear part, yet, sometimes the nucleolus did not divide, and one of the nuclear fragments was without visible 456 C. C. MACKLIN. nucleolar material (Fig. 24). Occasionally two fragments would be found in one nuclear part while the other had none; again ,it was very frequently found — indeed it wTas the rule — that a nucleus would have two separate nucleolar fragments without any nuclear division. In short not only was the division of the nucleolus in most cases not followed by nuclear fission, but the latter took place in many cases without division of the nucleolus. Neither before nor after nuclear fission was there discovered an instance of differential staining of the two halves of a nucleus about to be divided, or already divided, as shown by Child ('07) so that there was no evidence of this kind to support the belief of Child that there may be a physiological independence of the nuclear areas even before they become amitotically divided, manifested by a variation in the staining of the two nuclear halves. The study of living nuclei, too, divulged nothing in favor of this hypothesis. The result of this process of nuclear splitting was the formation of a cell containing one or more separate nuclei of about equal size, and each of about the same size as the nuclei of mononu- cleate cells. After nuclear fission the separated nuclear elements manifested the power of growth, and seemed to have metabolic independence. The cell protoplasm also of these cells shows an ability to increase in bulk. This is especially evident in giant cells which can thus become quite large. It is believed, furthermore, that binucleate cells and giant cells in tissue cultures (except foreign body giant cells which arise by fusion of previously separate cells) do not arise in any other manner than that above outlined, for there is no other adequate explanation of their origin. A careful examination of living and fixed material does not reveal any evidence of fusion of cytoplasm without fusion of the nuclei, so that there are no grounds for admitting this as a possible theory of formation. Although many of the binucleate cells undoubtedly do migrate as such from the original piece, wrhere they are doubtless formed in the same manner as they are in the new growth, yet an increase of over 100 per cent, in their number in the growth of the second day as compared with that of the first (as ascertained by making careful counts of the 20 heart specimens aforementioned) can AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 457 hardly be explained by the assumption of an increased emigration of these forms during the second day; it is more probable that some of these bipartite nuclei have originated in the new growth, and the observation of this process here confirms this conclusion. Mitosis, too, cannot account for the formation of these bi- and multipartite nuclei, for in all the cases of mitosis followed through in the living condition the end result has always been two daughter cells, quite separate except for a narrow connecting process, and each containing a single centrosphere. The only theories remaining for consideration are those of nuclear origin de novo, or from chromidial extrusions, and these suppositions are too improbable to discuss here. No other process than that of nuclear amitosis, therefore, can account for the production of bi- and multinucleate cells in the cultures examined. Though the amitotically-divided parts of the nucleus seem to possess metabolic independence, as noted, they do not appear to have reproductive independence, for the reason that they are never dissociated one from the other to become the nuclei of separate cells. Furthermore they show only one type of cell division, viz., mitosis, in which the process begins coincidently in the two nuclear parts, manifested by the simultaneous appear- ance in each part of a similar spireme. Although in amitosis there is a mass division of the nuclear material there is no meristic division, and it appears that before a cell containing an amitotically divided nucleus can divide it is necessary that the separated chromatin moieties should recombine. This was done in the specimen examined during life, for the combined product of the two nuclear sacs formed a single equatorial plate of chro- mosomes. Such a type of amitosis, therefore, is not incompatible with the chromosome hypothesis. Spiremes in bipartite nuclei, and in dumb-bell-shaped nuclei evidently undergoing amitosis, are not confined to the cells of tissue cultures, for Maximow ('08) has described them in the normally-developing mesenchyme cells of the embryo rabbit, and this author refers to similar cell configurations which Karpow ('04) describes in the leucocytes of urodele amphibia. 458 C. C. MACKLIN. FRAGMENTATION. A note may here be made regarding a pathological change which nuclei subjected to unfavorable conditions undergo, viz., frag- mentation. This change consists in a breaking up and degenera- tion of the nuclei. In cells which had grown for six days in unchanged media, in which food and oxygen had become depleted and metabolic products had accumulated (Fig. 26) and also in cells growing in a medium to which a small amount of ethyl alcohol had been added (Fig. 27), this form of degeneration was seen. Multilobulation of the nucleus appeared to antecede the actual breaking away of the parts. These latter were of different shapes and sizes, often did not contain a nucleolus, and showed no power of growth. The cytoplasm enveloping them did not divide and apparently was incapable of increasing. In preparations containing forms of this kind no mitoses were seen, and the phenomenon seemed to be quite different from nuclear amitosis which occurred only in healthy cells. It is believed, moreover, that the process of fragmentation has been confused with that of amitosis, and it is possible that it is this confusion which has accounted for certain well-known views which regard amitosis as an evidence of degeneration. VITAL STAINS. Finally, a word as to certain so-called "vital stains." It was hoped that gentian violet would prove to be of value in rendering visible the minutice of the living cell during its vital changes, since the results following the use of this dye recorded by Church- man and Russell ('14) and Russell ('14) with cultures of frog tissue were so encouraging. Unfortunately the dye proved toxic to the tissues used in a dilution of I in 200,000, and, though the nucleoli, nuclear membranes, certain granules and the cell borders were brought into sharp relief this staining was always accom- panied by cessation of vital phenomena, and the cells speedily went into degeneration. Janus green, in a dilution of I in 80,000, was also toxic, and, while it stained mitochondria specifically, yet these bodies soon became granular and lost their characteristic appearance. Hence neither of these dyes could be spoken of as acting "intravitam," AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 459 and they were of value only in obtaining rapidly information as to the obscure structure of the cell; the cell, however, was thus sacrificed. SUMMARY. The observations above described and the interpretations thereof may be briefly summarized as follows: Amitosis was found to involve only the nucleus and was not a method of cell proliferation. It occurred in normal cells and was characterized by a separation of the nucleus into one or more parts which possessed no reproductive independence. The process of nuclear amitosis consisted in a unilateral or bilateral constriction, manifested by a narrowing of the nucleus in the region of its equator, and a streaming of its contents toward the poles, with final separation of the two nuclear por- tions. This phenomenon seemed to be associated with the action of the mitochondria and centrosphere upon an elongated nucleus. There was no amphiaster or spireme formation and no centre- some fission. Division of the nucleolus was not an essential. Repetition of this process leads to the formation of a giant cell. Not all nuclei which show elongation and constriction divide by direct fission, but many return to their usual rounded or oval form. When, however, the constriction has passed a critical point the division goes on to completion, and this final stage is rapid. Cells containing nuclei in process of, or the result of, amitosis divide by mitosis. Mitosis in binucleate cells, which are the product of nuclear amitosis, is characterized by the simultaneous appearance in the nuclear parts of a spireme, from which a single equatorial plate of chromosomes is formed. Furthermore, bi- nucleate cells divide as frequently by mitosis as do mononucleate cells, and this was the only form of division found to occur in them. Since the parts of an amitotically divided nucleus do not become separated as reproductive units but divide only by mi- tosis, in which the chromatin in the parts is recombined, there is nothing in nuclear amitosis opposed to the chromosome hy- pothesis. The type of amitosis in which the nucleus is split by the growth 460 C. C. MACKLIN. through it from one side to the other of a membrane was not found. Nuclear figures simulating this proved to be caused by the close apposition of separate nuclear sacs, or by nucleoli, mitochondria or folds of the nuclear membrane. The dyes, janus green and gentian violet, were toxic and their presence in the cell was incompatible with its continued life. They were, however, of service in quickly studying structural details which were not discernible in the living state. Nuclear fragmentation, which differs in many ways from nu- clear amitosis, is a pathological condition, and occurs in degener- ating cultures. It is believed that the facts brought to light through the tissue culture method may be applied to the interpretation of the phenomena of normally developing cells. LITERATURE CITED. Child, C. M. '07 Studies on the Relation between Amitosis and Mitosis. IV. Nuclear Division in the Somatic Structures of the Proglottids of Moniezia. V. General Discussion and Conclusions Concerning Amitosis and Mitosis in Moniezia. BIOL. BULL., Woods Holl, XIII., 165-184. 'ii The Method of Cell-Division in Moniezia. BIOL. BULL., Woods Hole, XXI., 280-296. Churchman, J. W., and D. G. Russell. '14 The Effect of Gentian Violet on Protozoa and on Growing Adult Tissue. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., N. Y., XL, 120-124. Isaacs, R. '15 A Mechanical Device to Simplify Drawing with the Microscope. Ana- tomical Record, Phila., Vol. 9, 711-713. Karpow, W. '04 (Untersuchungen iiber direkte Zellteilung.) Inaug.-Diss. Moskau, 1904. Refer, in Jahresber. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. (Schwalbe), Jena, n.F.,X., 42. Lambert, R. A. 'i2a Variations in the Character of Growth in Tissue Cultures. Anat. Rec. Phila., VI., 91-108. 'i2b The Production of Foreign Body Giant Cells in Vitro. Jour. Exper. Med., Lancaster, Pa., XV., 510-515. Lewis, M. R., and W. H. Lewis. "15 Mitochondria (and Other Cytoplasmic Structures) in Tissue Cultures. Amer. Jour. Anat., Phila., XVII., 339-401. Maximow, A. '08 Ueber Amitose in den embryonalen Geweben bei Saugetieren. Anat. Anz., Jena, XXXIII., 89-98. AMITOSIS IN CELLS GROWING IN VITRO. 461 Meves, Fr. '91 Ueber amitotische Kernteilung in den Spermatogonien des Salamanders und Verhalten der Attraktionssphare bei derselben. Anat. Anz., Jena, VI., 626-639. Russell, D. G. '14 The Effect of Gentian Violet on Protozoa and on Tissues Growing in vitro, with Especial Reference to the Nucleus. Jour. Exper. Med., Lancaster, Pa., XX., 545-553- 462 C. C. MACKLIN. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. FIGS, i TO 12. Successive stages covering a period of 2% hours in the life history of a connective tissue cell from a 57-hour culture of 5-day chick heart, growing in Locke solution (0.5 per cent, dextrose with extract of chick embryo). The nucleus finally divides by direct fission. Small circles represent fat globules and short threads mitochondria, c. Fig. i, points to the centrosphere. Free-hand drawings X about 900. (Description in text.) BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL xxx. PLATE I. 8.4-5 p.m. * S.i 5 p.m. 9.30p.m. j 9.4-5 p.m f 10 p.m. 10.15 pm. 10.30p.m. g n.15 p.m. * i C. C. MACKLIN. 464 C. C. MACKLIN. PLATE II. FIGS. 13 TO 23. Graphic record of the process of mitosis in a living binucleate cell, from a ig-hour culture of 7-day chick heart, growing in Locke solution (i per cent, dextrose with extract of chick embryo), c, Fig. 13, points to the centrosphere. Camera lucida drawings. X 1,333- (Description in text.) BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN VOL. XXX. PLATE II. C. C MACKLIN. 466 C. C. MACKLIN. PLATE III. FIG. 24. Direct nuclear division in a connective-tissue cell, final stage. Cen- trosphere between the nuclear parts. Across the slender filament joining these is a strand of mitochondria. Nucleolus has not divided. Camera lucida drawing from Preparation No. 2. from 5-day culture of y-day chick heart in Locke solution (i per cent, dextrose); osmic acid vapor and iron hematoxylin. X 915. FIG. 25. Spireme in a bipartite nucleus. Prophase of mitosis. Nuclear membrane and nucleoli are disappearing. Camera lucida drawing from Prep. No. 14, 9-1-15 (Lewis collection). Heart from 6-day chick grown in Locke (0.5 per cent, dextrose) with a little yolk; fixed on third day of growth in Zenker; stained with iron hematoxylin (this culture was originally stained with Mallory's connective tissue stain). On account of the method of fixation the cytoplasmic details are not shown. X 915. FIG. 26. Nuclei showing fragmentation. Camera lucida drawings from Prep. No. 23, 12-1-15 (Lewis collection). 5-day chick stomach in Locke (0.5 per cent, dextrose). Zenker; Mallory connective tissue stain. Culture grown for 6 days in the same media. X 1,012. FIG. 27. Nuclei showing fragmentation. Camera lucida drawings from Prep. No. 23, 24-11-14 (Lewis collection). 6-day chick stomach in Locke (i per cent, dextrose) to which ethyl alcohol had been added to make approximately i per cent. 3-day culture. Osmic acid vapor and iron hematoxylin. X 1,500. 8IOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XXX. PLATE III. t 25 26 C C. MACKLIN. MBL WHOI LIBRARY UH 17K2 - 10 7 j/