BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE flOannc Biological laboratory \VIH>I>S H' 'i.i-:. MASS. 2£Mtonal Statt ! ' . ( INKLIM • ,i i iRGl 1 . M'" ' I . II. M i • K - . \ s \\'. M. \\'ni i i i k I R. \\'ii.""\ I K \NK l\. I II I II / •'•• Ut X'oi.iMi: XIA I. WOODS HOLE. MASS. JAM Al<\ TO JIN LANCASTER PRESS. INC. LANCASTER. PA. Contents of Volume XLVI No. i. JAM AKY, 1924 K<>i'i ' . sn i \v Studies on the Influence of Inanition on the Drcel'i/Jinent and the Duration of Life in Inserts ..... I KM K. (". II. .1 Neu Field Method of Investigating '.he I/ydrnlro/)isms "'. ^ebrates ........... ; => V >. 2. I'l I;KI \KY. i<)24 M\M, 5. O., A\I» I'i -i H, I.. (". M, Respoi in A i' .............................. 55 M M AK I ill K. |MH\ \V. An /'.A fal .Vm/v and a /'>: :! Interpretation "Inflation ami 1\ latt-il Mud if ' »: Embryos . '•<• ALLEN, I.U..\K. / i Short Reproductive C) in . 1 >:i"!"nt(i inihei His .............. . ........ v ^ H< i\n\, I |IK« 'Ki K- '. /' Rhal'tii i \' i. ;. M \K( II. IM.' | YOCOM, 1 1 \KK\ H. I :\ in i> :!a- KiNV'ii'- Bki • i I ). /• Protoplasmic .1 /;/ Relati -dity and Environment in . 1 rcclla f>o!yf)ora I "' > \M-<>\. TiiiKiM\\ ('. 77n Attachment of Oyster Larva ij, No. 4. Ark 1 1 . i'iJ4 Mi i/. ("n\-. \V., AMI NONIDEZ, J"-i I . H the Xuclens and Chronio^, »!:•. in the Robber Fly, Lasio{to\^on Inrittatus i - ; l'\. K\KI>, CII\KI i -. The .^nscepti/>ility of Cells to Radium Radiations i < ^ CLEVEI \\i>, I.. K. The Physiological and Symhio:;, Rela- tionships Hctiiccn the Intestinal Protozoa <•' J'ermi/es ami then Host, icith Speiial Referem e !<> Reticnliteri- ivi- f>es Kollar . . 17* iii IV COMI-AI^ <>F VOLUME XI. VI No. 5. MAY, i (^4 CLEVELAND, L. R. The Physiological and Symbiotic Rela- tionships between the Intestinal Protozoa of Termites and their Host, with Special Reference to Reticnlitermes flavipes Kollar 203 KINDRED, JAMES E. The Cellular Elements in the Peri- visceral Fluid of Echinoderms 228 GOODRICH, HUBERT E. Cell Behavior in Tissue Cultures.. 252 No. 6. JUNE, 1924 TURNER, C. L. Studies on the Secondary Sexual Characters of Crayfishes, i. Male Secondary Sexual Characters in females of Cambarus propinquus 263 HEILBRUNN, L. Y. The Surface Tension Theory of Mem- brane Elevation 277 HOADLEY, LEIGH. The Independent Differentiation of Iso- lated Chick Priniordia in Chorio-allantoic Grafts 281 MANX, MARGARET C. Cytological Changes in Unfertilized Tubal Eggs of the Rat 316 Vol. XLVI January, 1924 Xo. I BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN STUDIES ON THE INFLUENCE OF INANITION ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE DURATION OF LIFE IN INSECTS. STEFAN KOPEC. ! I'.-llli IK FOR A<;RICeLTCRAL RESEARCH. PlI.UVY. i WITH 3 TABLES. CONTENTS. i I IM • mtliH ii. • ol ::. .1:. it ion on the duration of separate -t. . 2. Inanition anil it- tx-arinK <>n the physiology of insect metarnoi; <. Inaiiiiii.ii and certain problems of growth.. . .}. A'l.i]>i.iti"ii of organisms to starvation. Some remarks on tin- |n..M.. in »\ death .......................... i ^ -iiiimiary ............................. Hit experiments were performed on the caterpillars oi tin- ii'iiiniun moth Lymantria dispar I.. Each e.xprrinu-nt ri.n-i-ifi| "I separate broods. The caterpillars "iic p.irt suliji-cted to starvation, the other, d.iiK ted. was u-cd .1- a control. I lie inanition applied in the-r >nnlic- u.t- but intcnninciii. the caterpillars being totally de|>ri\ed < .|" t'.,. ,<1 dur- ing (crt.iiu days and fed ad libitum during the rein. lining;. Th«- distribution of these clays was different in different -eric- of ex- periments, .1- may easily be -ecu from t.ible- i to 3. The obtained pupa- beinu kept e.nli it \\.i- p«'--iblc to -ludy the iiillui'iuc M| -i.irx.itidii imt onl\ on tlu- duration of the stage "I i .iterpillars, but also on that of e.u h rhr\-.ili- .md e.u I) moth. hi the chief e\l)criiucllt- '-eric- .1 to /•' the whole material consisted of u.Vi -tarxeil caterpillar-, and >>4^ -pccinicn- lor control; 547 |>up.e \\crc obtaineil from the caterpillar- -ubjei ted to -tarxation and 70^ from control lar\a-; the\ prodin'i-il 470 "-tar\ed" and <>N.^ comn.1 moth- a'f. Table I Phe increased ; Papei iii'in tin- 1 .ili..i.ttnt\- ni l-;\priinirin:il M.irphnli>i;y.. i i \l I n- \ .:.' Polonai . Ruralt •: Pulm \'t>\. i. i i I -Ill \\ Kol'l •( . a CS -< - Si "o "5 O Control. So > « OOO O t O 00 <-< O IO IO O X X ~^ O -t T O» oo Q P) PI to r^ o O H O (*• c o t— 10 Ol X O IO O ro -~ 'o £" — "O t 01 Tt 1-1 oo 0) c' C C~ - O 10 M Ov O O -T — to 01 t^ IO M H O fO W IH X O- X "O 10 X - r o 2 2- °° ro w O • a> , _j CS . •J *" > C '~ r^ r~- O O M IO O» O r — _ to t- 11 O "t o -' : O IO o| ; O 01 X O >O IO Ol oo 01 to OO oo M 01 IO t^ C_ 10 O X 01 O M to x 10 r 1 1 1 t— 01 O IO Oi r- M x O X Tt Tt 1 1 1 M x X w oo C* 1 1 1 I- TO O O *t IO M O1 01 IO ^O NO O> X X I— 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 10 1^- 1^- oo X o to -to c O 1— X -OX 1 1 1 IO IO -t - c -t t^ 1^. x i i - ~! — ' — Ov Ov Starved. |l 01 0 11 10 r— w oo O X O 01 O -i X O oo 1^- _ ^* X - 01 -CO) O oo I— X X O O ON O O\ ON O r*» r°"» oo x ON •+ 0 0 M x 10 x x r*» to 10 to o >o o> O> O I— O O> X X O "t TJ- to O -t cox OOO M Ol 01 00 X X 10 01 — r Tt t OO 1 lo'lJIi 3 «>~~ IO X M N oo 10 x 10 ON w i- X III ro ON 01 X Tt O O oo N t— "t X to O oo to to ~ " " to O oo IO 1— O I>- ff IO i O1 X •-• O ^O O t— 01 Ov O r— i T T i O ^^ f^l C ^" *O ^^ ^H cs c*i ^* r^* 01 OX oo 1O IO X C* "} O1 X O1 (^ to O C> O O i i V i C rO O 01 OO t^ oo o O- x r~ Tt ,r -f -) -/- -^ -r OOOO M X t^ 01 PI OO Tf 1 1 1 O — Ol to oo 1^ : ; ' 10^ — 1 1 1 O> to Ov O> 10 X 01 OO 01 "b •b Control. 0 0 > u <; a t— — X to ^T O OO M M W O W t»- 1-1 -t "t Tf IO — N O X Tt 01 r~ oo 1^- O 6 X O I- oo ro to oo Tt C> X C> OO OO OO O Ov ^t" ^ O r*- a O -TOO -^f T^- IO ^f "^ ^t" ^" O^ 01 10 i^* ON C^ O> to t I— — rO o - o x - -t OOO to •* - o Tt to 10 - *• .i «! 3 K jplfJJ — ir _ -, M o t- r- IO IO t 10 1 1 1 1 01 c C *t C - X X r— to 1-1 Tt 10 10 i 0 to £"*- oo r** CS fN M "-. ^ - !-!-!- f** oc M O "1 ro 1010*0101010 1 1 ' OC f^* ^^ iO ^^ ro ^O ^^ ^^ ro *•* f** *t O r** O O t""~ to O* ^2 oo O r*^ •t t IO IO IO IO III 1 X >- — O> Ox oo 01 Tf Tt Tt M OO PI r~ o IO Ol Tl- tO t IO 1 1 1 01 — IO 10 0| ,O 01 O IO IO O to IO IO O O TJ- «o Starved. u . O t) > M t— O O oo ro O N oc i"- (N ro O r- 01 10 10 O — O O O 10 r^ to x to O O t— PI OO OO PI to O\ O \O ^O "t" ^ O *~* O '"O '-' O O C\ 01 n 01 IN O X — Ov *t oo OO O 01 11 Ol 01 N M Tt IO 01 tO OO M oo 01 01 1^ X t^ - • — 3 • — - r i - O\ N OO M till O 01 IO IO X O 1-1 01 — "^ -I •] ro O O ^f >O IO 1 1 > CS IO "-• oj Q\ O\ 10 10 lo r^ ^ O fN O- *O I1^- O Ov i 7s T 7^ T5 T5 O ro o* r» to o -rf r^. «-o -rf 10 O •"O fS N CS C< CS Tt 01 M O X to r~ 1-1 c i~- a> ov 01 01 OO 01 01 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 r<5 — to IO IO IO O r— x x Tt to r- x M O O ro ? T M X O N - O N O 1- t^ — IO ? " ? to x to O 10 to Number of Moths. Control. •6 6 X to Tf M M « M OO N M O CN t^» 04 O O W 00 N O Tt N .O Tt O O Tt Tt Tt •,P,P X IO 01 O — , _l k-l O X •PJ> t^ ON N O oo c^ oo M ^ ^f o ^ N r- O ro O M M O> M n — n O ro O O X t- ^c o« •2 - Control. •6 6 10 10 O X -* -: ^~ 0) « - O\00 ~» O M oo Cs H M M H X oo ON Ol Ol O |-| —MM 00 O O X O O •ee O O\ to O O N O \o oo O w 10 O* M OO O N 01 01 OTtO C X X — tpi •poojg 0 c _g -. M OO Tt M N O\ M 1-1 *"f >O O 1"* OC Ov X O> O — 0) 00 M 01 OO 00 oo 00 O 01 10 t -t Tt O t- X Tt t -r C | "^ M , c -r M •- ^ c 111 fill ~% i, ' HI £ x + 2 C " 1 "5 C 0 .2 ^ 4~* 4-1 |l Hi O "O --j fc " f" t" c JS •~ a «' _t ca -a ° 1 ll rt T3 > u u • — C/i • u Hi >> ' '£ cd i t -a ^ Series D. Starvation lasting one day everv second day ( -| h - + -) Series !•'. Starvation lasting two davs t-vcrv second day ( + - + --) §| ^ + ~ . E ~ ^ 'r cS . ^~- 4^ ^. 1 * 1 I i:| .up .>.>tlis' M \l -Inl'Ml \l AND DURATION" OF I.IFK IX INsl-XTS. 3 mortality of the -tarved caterpillars ought not to be ascribed first of all to the emaciating influence of inanition, the chief cause of tin- mortality i- tin- moult. Directly after moulting tin- animal take- very much food, as during these processes it dor- not eat at all and only digests its own substances. Then-fore when the fa-tin^; day falls on the period succeeding moult tin- caterpillars an- often unable to resist starvation. The mortality of chry-alid-. on the contrary, was identical in starved and in control specimens. The willow leaves on which the caterpillars were fed were al\va\ - of the same variety and of the same freshness. The conditions of space, light and moisture were identical in all jars during tin whole t me of observations and the temperature was from 16° to 19° ('. Food was put in great superfluity into control jars e\ery morning and into those containing starved material during iht feeding days and it preserved its freshness the whole day. All experiments were performed during one season (1920). i. Tin-: iNFi.t'KNCK OF IN AM i ION ON i HI: Di RATION OF SKPA- i< \ 1 1 1 >i \ i i « i r\i i N i A i. Si A<;I-:S. lor the experiments of series A caterpillars belonging to four dillt-n-nt broods were used, from I to o hours after hatching, These caterpillars wen- deprived of food every second day, in the remaining days they were fed ad libitum. Starvation la-iiiu one day and applied every second day may be designated by ilu- -\mbol +• + -H • Table II. records the limits of individual fluctuations in the duration of life of the caterpillars and chrysa- lid- belonging to each brood, as well as the average duration of lite in -i arved and in control specimens of the t\\o -e\e-. Table III. finally shows the average differences of the duration of larval and of pupal life of individual- deprived of fond for each brood separately, calculated in penvir . t the average dura- tion of the larval oj of the pupal stage- "I control specimens of the same brood and the same sex. From the-e tables we see that the life of caterpillars subjected io-n.!i -iai \ation was considera- bly prolonged. In all lots \\ithoiii exception the longest-lived control caterpillars underwent pupation earlier than theshortest- lixed starved specimen- < f tin- -aim- brood and sex. (Cf. Table I I . Series A). It we take the a\ era^e • >\ the averages of all broods of >eries .1, a quantity which I -hall call "average of brood-." STEFAX KOPI-:C. a Number of Days of Pupal Life. o c» Control. n CN M ro o mo o -c O O ro X O T t C O vC Ox Ox t^ CN CN n « ro CN N N CN CN CN CN M CN n CN CN n CN CN CN CN CN CN x x r^ O> Ox Ox X i "p 1 •0 X 0 Ox 1 1 1 1 >i m CN ^ n n O CN CN CN 1 1 1 ^D t** ^^ CN CN CN CN CN CN III II CN 11 11 O CN M 0« W CN CN CN CN CN rO CN ro -r r-g CN CN CN CN CN CN 0 i ^Moi -i IN -i ': -i "; i-" Ox Ox CN n n 1 1 \C I— O MOM CN CN CN 1 1 1 r- x r- w 5 £ . 0 S £ o si ""* •* •_ Cl 00 >• 5 Si o 1* 5 0 Control. ' 1 0 O O CN CN O mvO >O lOxQ ^-O « M n-CN in w CN in rooo oo r^ o O OC O X X CN M ^~ in in Ox « O O O i-i *- CN CN CN CN CN Ox Ox X O O M M « « CN CN CN Ox Ox Ox — CN — Him x in x Ox V T"? V Ox X -a- Tf m TJ- ^f Tf Tf O r"- CN 1 CN xO CN CN CN CN CN CN 1 Ox 0 O 0 0 Ox « CN O ro m ro CN CN CN CN CN CN 1 1 1^- X >O X X O ro CN n CN CN CN 1 1 X X Ox ^f Tf O N CN CN i 1 1 X O X . n CN n Starved. >iS < «J rt c in in o O ro 0 n O "St CN OO ro x c m x CN M O O 11 m c CN X X \O O ro X t— xO xO ^D X O Ox O ro O CN ^O CN CN CN CN o x Ox x o in (N CN CN (N ro ro t-- t- r— ro ro ro xO x ro ro ro ro yj , " i 5 ~>E~~ M l-l M 00 x x x r— 1 1 1 1 m in 11 in t— r- r— t— t^ CN 11 1 1 1 O ro t *O ^G "O I*** *o xc n x in ro ro ro ro CN ro 1 1 1 1 1 1 ro O *1~ ro ) ro ro rf 1 1 1 1 xO O ro ro ro 1^ CN CN CN CN CN CN O m x 1 1 O X X ro CN M Ox Ox 1^ rp ro ro l^ Ox ro ro CN •b Control. J I 4) .* u. t(J < " rt X O r^ ro 00 ^J" ^~ x x i & <(, o cd r— o oo in M 10 ro CN ^ in ro ^T ro O O O >n ro O ro CN ro Ox O - O t"** *i ^" r-~ vo t** xO M fN Q\ ^O ^O ^O CN CN CN ro i-i ro CN CN CN M CN CN t— o *t -t O Ox CN CN CN CN CN CN CN ro ro X ro r~ CN ro N ro . 73 i .ti •- 2 o ' w »J ^ X t— X O i I i T CN ro ro CN \^"5 \O \rt \^i O O\ r~ r^ o t~- 1 1 1 in in o ro •* X X CN CN CN CN CN CN CN rO II 1 1 11 M O " O M -, -1 -1 -1 "1 -1 O r^- in in ro ro ro . — . ^> w ^ cj O« a ._ o -p If +j £ '-c _t 0 2 a •a c ^ rt I ~- 1 1 + *-> N . ^ I^> J-S O *" _fc o a •a 1? •I ' ~ i |± rt K*% > « B^ o u CJ w X ! _fe S en X a -o '% 1 •3 1 §± II -i itj ^ ^* U!S t? p 1 II A j: rt ~ W — ft,'*1 C! ^* •»-" o •s33a tuojj SuupiBtj oouiy •ouo inq 1[I101U 1ST3[ Ot^ OJ iJl-.YI-.l oI'Ml.x I AND DURATION OF I. IKK IN INSKi PS. '.. ^1111 Silli i- III' 1 ' M.mlt Hilt < >llr. -j. - - 1 ,. 1 ^'_-- - |?| + m & t •spoojg JO aSeiOAV -i 1 ^ •o 5 o B Nninlier !<<•- leu !l •i Hinii'l. • — t^. r •r t^ -r t^ Tj- X 0 r- M S IO d 2 r- — 00 u~ in 1^ -T oo' x oo p< "7 »n ~5 o •o 2 IO -^ C N - -f 'f - ui U-. 3C — ' ^ a ~i t^« u _ \ -_ '< 2-~ ; n tr «ug JO 3!lTM.>AY r*) v^ "•; O ' t~. H N 1*1 <•> 0 C) <^ a N ; ]: x~:3 r~. PO t-» gQ CO t^. ~i Y? t^- IN M 10 PI « a P) -1 -T ^ t^ ui — ' C ' O1 C> » o" ~5 q\ p< rn •* IO PI O T N 1^ 6- 6, m ao T ad r [^ q PI 2 N C PI . JO -•"• fl flf & :-. £ SL 5«" 1 1 I X a »AV "J "". C «x O O «i DC > "n «J oo * * •) "5 n i/> i ' £ 00 -c - 1^ CO 2 10 PI 1- PI ~) o t— 2 P« O V) Ol If) t 0 X •n IO ad \f. ~J f p« 2 T e 2 1 •t 2 10 ad 'T 00 i 0 H "7 po 2 q <•« .iy ( + + - + + -)• Numl>or Referring to Ivach Brood. 25 a »AV S 00 **1 "1 ^ •O ' f~ "> PI j rw* fM "3 >TI •f *^ ex 10 o $ li IO «n «? P^ 00 •f r» 10 0 p« od 0 ft r% ^r 00 30 M i n 0 4 t^ 0 4 i- °. 90 s !•* r- f "i _ ~ J— p« q >o r» 6 >o 6 ao 1 5. U-, 6* 2 q r^l l1^ »0 IO 10 PO -• f "> o 00* "9 PO t PO «r to q\ PO r» N "-. rimcnt Begun Since'.liinj; ii §**ji -J -_- 9 ^£^S •r - ^J ••POOJH jo OJIIU.JAV ri *•» •^l N P| Q kq ^ — •* 0-53 &M| •fill BE ^S 2 n s q M M o o «? s — O — c- 10 o PI O e ~5 P*5 r^ fj w P4 PO • •" *• JO . .• '• i . \ V !•» N " o •c ad O lP.P 6 6 .P^3 6 6 .p^ 6 6 e , _ , ^ , A'. lion nl llli' i>l tllf " \ iui|i;i-. iii tier cent, "i ili< luration of \>\\\< al life in O)iiti»l -| 11 n 'iis of the same brood .UK! set. ^ S 5i « - V- " >- ~.E >-•« -• ,t — Cl •58 - f I s S a ?o:^- ic — '— tr ^ ^!8l=s ^ u • •*« ^ • j; -; - ^ _L _ r- •— . : = : u ? ca a 3 8 * a - S "" ~. --- = '•-- it r — •- - — x Bl8s2°§ - = -=_--" 5 £-° °-s B«g ~ y _ - "3 a--sliis<§i- e<8eSfi9«i . . -:-_=_-- > vi: — td . — x- •- - = • — — - ^ - — -^: -C-T= - : . - — , — ^ = 6 STEFAN KOPEC. we obtain for male specimens a prolongation of larval life of 52.7 per cent, for the female of 61.5 per cent. O". Table III. As the processes of pupation were checked every 24 hours and the caterpillars were taken for the experiments from i to 6 hours after their hatching from eggs, the error concerning duration of the larval stage could have in no case exceeded 30 hours. The duration of the pupal stage is influenced by the starvation of caterpillars in an essentially different manner, viz, the chry- salids which have developed from starved caterpillars undergo transformation into adult moths far earlier than control pupa?, but the abbreviation of the pupal stages is smaller than the pro- longation ot larval life. This abbreviation amounted in the "averages of broods" in males to 31.0 per cent, in females to 44.5 per cent, of the average duration of pupal stage of control specimens. Pupation having been controlled every 24 hours, emergence of moths every 12 hours, the error in estimation of the duration of the pupal stage could not exceed 36 hours. The moths of Lymantria dispar L. do not take any food in their imaginal stage. Control males lived as moths in separate lots from I to 8, from 5 to 8, from 2 to 8 and from I to 8 days and the " starved" specimens from 4 to 5, from 5 to ir, from 2 to 8 and from I to 6 days. Normal females lived from 3 to 13, from i to io, from i to 12 and from 2 to 14 days, those derived from starved caterpillars from 5 to 6, from 3 to io, from 7 to io and from 6 to io days. Comparing the mean values of the dura- tion of life of the normal and of the "starved" moths we obtain in most cases a certain prolongation of life of the moths derived from starved caterpillars ( + ) though rarely a certain abbrevia- tion ( — ). This prolongation or abbreviation calculated in days amounts in separate broods in the males to -f 0.3, + 2.5, + O.I and -o.i days, in the females to -2.4, + 0.3, + 2.8 and -f 2.1 days. We see that starvation of caterpillars has no distinct effect on the duration ot the imaginal stage. Emergence and death of moths having been checked every 12 hours, the error in the esti- mation may attain only 24 hours. The moths of the two se\e> experimented upon both control and "starved" have never been allowed to mate. If we take into consideration the behavior of the "starved" moths as wrell as the fact that the abbreviation of the pupal !>1 \'MI.N I AND I >I RATION OF LIFE IX INSE< fS. ~ period was smaller than the prolongation of the larval Mage, we must draw the concln-ion that total deprivation of food of cat- erpillars e\ ery -ccond day has^ considerable po-itive effect on the total duration of their life from hatching until death. The prolongation of i In- whole developmental period amount- here in tin- average of broods in males to 16.5 and in female- to 20.4 days, or in penvntavie-; relative to the duration of life of control -peeimeii- in males to 24.2 per cent, and in females to JO.O per • «-nt. The .ibove results find complete confirmation in my farther experiments in which inanition of various intensity \\.i- applied (Aeries C, D and E). In these experiment- cater- pillar- \\ere used from I to 12 hours after their last moult but one. In -cries C food was administered two days, the third day the ei- were starved (starvation lasting one day every third d \ +• • + +•-)• In series I) the animals were again de- pri\ed of food every second day (starvation lasting one day e\cry second day + •*+ • H — ) and the caterpillars of seru- /. ueie depiived of I'CMM! i \\ o days and ate only every third day irvation lasting twodays every third day +• + • + • -). I in tin- absolute figures of Table II. as well as from I he ptn tillages in Table 111 \\e ma\ infer that the duration of t he lar\al period undergoes also, in these starved animal- coii-idei- able prolongation (cf. analogous results obtained in silk-\\onn- l>\ Kello-c .md Bell, '04 b), simultaneously with abbreviation <>t the pupal stage. These changes become more and IIH-M marUable in proportion as inanition in . the\ are larger in -erie- /' than in series C' and the large>t in -eiit- /•.' in \\hich the fa-ting da\'s were the most numeron-. Al-o in the-i . ..mpara- ti\'e experiments the prolongation of the larxal life \\.i- greater than the abbreviation of the pupal period, \\hile the duration of the imaginal life n-mained unchanged. Hence it follows that the total duration of the life of the insects from the beginning of the experiment till death of the moth, i- more and more in- creased in proportion as inanition increases within the limit- ot the experiments. The duration of development from the la-t moult but one till the emergence of the moth underwent in the average of broods a prolongation ic.ilcul.ited in percentages of the average duration of such control period-1 \\hich in the male- STEFAN KOPEC. amounted to 5.6 per cent, in series C, to 15.1 per cent, in series D and to 16.8 per cent, in series E; in the females the prolonga- tion was 13.3 per cent, in series C, 20.2 per cent, in series D and 28.6 per cent, in series E. In series F the caterpillars were fed during two days and de- prived of food during the next two. (Starvation lasting two days every third day + +• ++ -). Notwithstanding a differ- ent distribution of the feeding and fasting days, the quantita- tive relation of these days was the same as in series D to which starvation lasting one day every second day was applied (+• + • H — ); in both experiments the caterpillars experimented upon were of the same age. It nevertheless turned out that the prolongation of life was much greater in caterpillars of series F than in specimens belonging to series D. (Cf. Table II. and III.) In series F it amounted in the average of broods in the males to 54.2 per cent, of the average of the life of control caterpillars from their last moult but one, and in the females to 78.0 per cent while in series D the corresponding numbers were 40.5 per cent, in males and 50.3 per cent, in females. The abbreviation of the pupal period calculated similarly was in series F, in males 16.1 per cent of the duration of life of control chrysalids and in females 24.6 per cent, while in series D the life of male pupje underwent abbreviation of 5.6 per cent, and of the female 8.7 per cent. We see that changes of the duration of the larval and of the pupal stages induced by inanition depend not only on the mutual quantitative relation of the Listing and feeding period, but also on the distribution of tlu-M- periods. The organism responds by more energetic reaction to longer, though less fre- quent, fasting intervals than to more frequent but shorter periods of starvation. 3. INANITION AND ITS BEARING ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF INSECT METAMORPHOSIS. When we try to discuss the foregoing results on the basis of hitherto existing references in the literature, we meet certain discrepancies which, however, may be cleared up by considera- tion of the physiology of animal metamorphosis. Kellner ('87) fed caterpillars of the silk-worm during their whole life- on insufficient quantities of leaves, and obtained a DEVELOPMEN1 V\I> DURATION OF LIFE IN INSKi DS. 9 short prolongation of the larval stage. Analogous experiments \\ere afterward- made by Kellogg and Bell ('04 a and b). Pictet ('05) came to the convirtir.n that the larval stage is prolonged and the -tage shortened by feeding caterpillars on plant- containing few food -stuffs, but that the conjoint periods of development do not undergo any changes. A prolongation of larval lift- cau-ed by inadequate food was lately determined by Northrop Ci~) Tangl. ('090), finally, maintains that the lar\a- of flies reared on pure egg-white which they refused to take underwent transformation approximately a week later than normally. These results are, in general, concordant with my observations on starved caterpillars. On the other hand, the ob-ervation- of Krizcnecky ('14) and of Szwajsowna ('i<» on the larva- of Tenebrio molitor which underwent metamorphi>-i- earlier \vhen totally starved contradict the above determination-. A -imilar discrepancy may also be remarked in analog .u- inve-n- .uations on amphibians. While B.irfurth (87) and others ha\« '•rtained that starvation of amphibians causes an eleration of i heir metamorphosis, other investigators induced retardation ot ihe-e processes by the administration of poor food to tadpole-. It has been emphasized by Wolterstorff ('96), Morgan '07 .Kauf- man ('18) and others that in amphibians the influence probably ilillers in different developmental stages of the tadpole- u-ed f. ir -tarvation. The former of the above mentioned in\ e-ti-ai..i ~ ill pri\'ed large tadj)oles of food, in part shortly before their transformation, while the others used far younger -pecimen-. SimilarK' the experiments of Kellner and the follouin- aiithm- and also my own were made on youni; caterpillar^ \\hile the ob-er\ations of Krizenecky anil of .s/\\aj-i '.\\iia refer to older lar\a-. In another experimental -tudy on -tar\»-d tadpole- l\"|)ec, 22d and b) I sin ceedcd in confirming the abo\ c \ ie\vs of \\ I'lier-torll. Morgan and other-. My experiment- -h<>\\e to 12 and from 5 to 12 days (or on the average after 8.2, 9.3 and 8.6 days). On the contrary the larval life of the females of the same broods in which starva- tion began approximately from the tenth day after the last moult was much shorter than that of control larvae, as pupation occurred here from 4 to 8, from 5 to 8 and from 4 to 8 days (or on the aver- age after 5.5, 6.6 and 6.8 days), in control specimens from 5 to 10, from 6 to 10 and from 7 to 9 days (or on the average after 7.4, 7.6 and 8.1 days). Hence follows: (i) The character of the influence, whether accelerating or retarding, exerted by starva- tion on the processes of metamorphosis depends on the period of life or the developmental stage on which the factor begins. (2) This moment may be accurately determined by means of ex- periment, vi/, in the females of Lymantria dispar L. In nix- cultures the critical moment during which the influence of in- anition delaying metamorphosis is changed into an accelerating one fell on the period between approximately the seventh and the tenth day after the last moult. An essential explanation of such different behavior of cater- pillars may be found in my former studies on the importance of the brain for insert metamorphosis (Kopec, '17 and *22r). It was shown that the female caterpillars of this moth, deprived ot brain the seventh day after their last moult, live far longer than control animals, but they die without undergoing transforma- tion. On the other hand, the removal of the brain from rater- pillars the tenth day after their last moult has no influence either on the processes of pupation or on the emergence of moths. From various experiments supported by observation on control material it follows that the brain plays here most probably the role of an organ of internal secretion. From these results we may infer that by depriving caterpillars of food since the tenth day after their last moult we afford exceptionally favorable condi- tions for metamorphosis, viz, the substance or substances al- ready produced by the brain in sufficient quantities lind in such starved organisms less material which ought to be transformed DEVELOPMENT! A\l> DURATION O¥ LIFE IN [NSE< FS. II in time. The prolongation of the larval period in younger cater- pillars starved before tin- -cventh day after the last moult m.iy be »•••.])!; lined, on the contrary, by impeded secretoric function of tin- brain or by certain anomalies of its activity in starved organism-. If the pro • sses occurring in the pupa were a continuation of i hose Liking pi, ice in the caterpillar and leading to ion, the abbreviation of the pupal stage in starved specimen- could noi In- reconciled with the above explanation. But these proc- - dilfi-r not only energetically as it has been shown by Tangl The processes of pupation may morphologically be reduced to the hi-tolysis of almost all larval tissues into a'homo- eous mass \\hich fills up the pupal body, whereas the trans- loniiation of the pupa into the fully-developed insect con-i-t- in the de\ elopcinnt of the so-called imaginal discs, i.e., of small 1 1 in n la t ions of cells. In my present experiments < -cries B) I -ucceeded moreover in establishing certain physiological char- acters which point to another difference. In series M the cater- pillars \\ere deprived of food every second day for -?o days after their hatching from eggs, i.e., at a time when there .ire not e\ni any traces of histolytic processes in the larval body. From the twenty-first day till the end of the larval period the animals \\ en- led every day and underwent the normal number of moiilt>. From the appertaining items on Tables II. and III. we see that tlu- caterpillars belonging to this series not only remarkably dcla\cd the term of their pupation, but also that the duration of the pupal stage was considerably shortened. Thi> .ibbn -\ia- tion amounted in the average of broods to 17.4 per cent, of the average duration of life of normal pupae in male- and t" JJ.S per cent, in lenialc-. Consequently, the evolutive processes charac- teristic o! t In- pupa are not a continuation of i ln.-e c li.m^e- \\ Inch are ( -hara< tei i/cd by llistolysis ( ,f larxal ti-sur-. \\ V -t-i- that by temporarily slarxin^ \oun- caterpillars ^cric- /•> u ( nia\' segre- gate these pro- . —<- am I |>ro\e that processes of the development ot the imaginal discs may bci;m far earlier, i.e., XKHI after the hatching of the caterpillar from the e^- It "u-ht therefore to be interred that the brain has t \\o ^eparate functions in normal Con- ditions, (I) it cause- In-loly-i- of\al tisSUCS, J it delaN'- | he evolution of imaginal di-c-. Muring inanition of i .lU'rpillars the inlluence of the brain hindering the development of discs 12 STEFAN KOPEC. is decreased, owing to its lowered function. The starved chry- salids therefore begin their pupal stum* when the discs are better developed and this causes acceleration of the development of the imaginal body and hence abbreviation of the pupal life. The assumption that the larval brain exerts two different in- fluences is neither astonishing nor incomprehensible in respect to the well-known data concerning the physiology of organs of internal secretion. The final development of the imaginal discs and their definitive differentiation sets in before pupation or even in the pupa, i.e., at a time when almost all larval tissues are un- dergoing histolysis or have undergone it. Therefore it ought to be admitted that during this period the influence of the brain hindering the development of embryonal discs normally becomes annuled by certain processes which are unknown to us. It is very probable that the development of imaginal discs and the histolysis of the larval tissues become, at least towards the end of larval life, physiologically correlated with each other. In the contrary case it could be hardly understood why the caterpillars deprived of their brain the seventh day after their last moult do not, it is true, exhibit any histolytical changes in their tissues, but the imaginal discs contained in their body do not undergo final growth and differentiation. (Kopec, '17 and '22 c). Indeed, if there were no such correlation, the imaginal discs of the cater- pillars deprived in that period of their brain (and therefore of the organ retarding their evolution) ought to develop the organs of the imago in spite of the absence of histolytical procesM-s in the larval body. In contrast to my experiments on the starvation of caterpillars, Loeb and Northrop ('17) have lately convinced themselves that each of the separate stages of life in Drosophila occurs more slowly in lower temperature and more quickly in higher ones. The changes of temperature were applied by the mentioned authors during the whole development of the animals, while in my experiments the factor of inanition had a direct influence only on the processes taking place in caterpillars, as the chrysalis do^ not take food in normal conditions either. Loeb and Northrop obtained the same changes of the duration of the larval and of the pupal stage first of all owing to changed celerity of metab- olism in the larva as well as in the pupa. Experiments in which DEVELOPMEN1 AND DURATION OF LIFE IN INSE< tS. 13 lower or higher temperatures should be applied only to larvae, the chrysalids being kept in normal conditions, might solve the problem as to whether and to what degree the changed tempera- lure has an influence not only on the celerity of metabolism, but also on the -upposed function of the brain. The attempt- hitherto made to explain the metamorphosis <>t in-ert- refer to the last stage of the processes. The appearance of phagoi \ losis, of degeneration, of asphyxia and of other 'causes" of transformation is not yet elucidated. My experi- ments on the function of the larval brain as well as the discovery of tyrosinase in caterpillars and chrysalids made by Dewit/ ''05 and '16) and confirmed by Steche and \Vaentig ('13) together \\iih the present results on the starvation of caterpillars may li ad to a better knowledge of the cause of insect metamorphosis. Hut my "secretory" theory of metamorphosis will not be well Lioimdcd until we succeed in finding in the structure of the brain an adequate base for the theory, i.e.. until certain specific chai in the brain not only during pupation, but also during moult- \\ill ha\e been ascertained. A great support might be .iltunled by positive experimental results on transplantation of brains, or on injections of extracts of this organ into brainless specimens. The latter experiments only would be able to dispel every doubt in regard to the validity of my previous conclusion that the in- dubitable influence of the brain on metamorphosis is due to an internal secretion of this organ. I Vrgrncr ('09) lastly considers the imaginal form to be ph\ 1« . netii-ally older than the larval form, which developed -«v(.mlarily In 'in the hilly developed insect owing to numerou- -n-ondary life conditions "unter fortgehender Ketanlation der I ait\\ i( klung imaginaler Organe" (p. Ii). I think that my experiments of series B distinctly prove that in n< >rmal cirrmn-i .m< »•- the devel- opment of the imaginal discs is retarded during larval stages. I cannot deny that in the light of these re-ults the supposed retardation of the development of the imaginal organs gains an experimental base, at lea-t in ontogriu-tii- evolution. 3. INANITION AND Ci KIAIN I'KMM i \is OF GROWTH. In this chapter I take into account only the final stages of growth of caterpillars c\pre--rd by the \\eiglit of new-formed 14 STEFAN KOPEC. pupa1. The chrysalids were weighed from i to 24 hours after pupation, control weighings having proved that the weight of pupa1 decreased in my broods during this period only from 0.18 per cent, to 0.33 per cent. The limits of fluctuations in the weight of pupa.' are recorded in Table I., together with their average values. On Table III. we see moreover the average weight of "starved" chrysalids of each brood calculated in percentages of the average weight of control chrysalids of the same sex and brood . On comparing the data of series C, D and E we see that the weight of chrysalids decreases more and more in proportion as the number of fasting days increases. Assuming in general that the number of feeding days in separate series corresponds to the quantity of food which has been taken, we may say that the weight of pupa^ is in direct relation to the quantity of food consumed. If we also take into consideration the data of series F in comparison to analogous items of series D, we draw the conclusion that the average decrease of chrysalids due to inani- tion of caterpillars is larger when the feeding intervals are longer though less frequent. As it was pointed out, the prolongation of the stage of caterpillar and the abbreviation of that of pupa increases in proportion as more and more intense starvation has been applied. Consequently, the weight of the pupa? the cater- pillars of which had been starved is in inverse relation to the prolongation of the larval period as well as to the abbreviation of the stage of chrysalids. Adopting the ratio of the pupal weight to the duration of larval life as the approximative measure of the rate of growth, we can infer from Tables I. to III. that this rate decreases in proportion as more and more intense starvation has been applied and in relation to the distribution of the feeding and fasting days (Series F and D). The above-stated principles refer to separate series of experiments but not to separate speci- mens, either control or starved, in one brood. I have often ob- served that although the processes of transformation lasted in the control or in the starved material in every brood several days, the heaviest and the lightest caterpillars underwent pupa- tion the same day, sometimes the first and sometime:- not until the last day, although the one was two- or threefold heavier than the other. The same may be said as to the duration of pupal DEVELOPMENT AND Dl RATION OF I.1FF IN INSF.i PS. 15 life in regard to the weight of separate chrysalids of one brood. The problem ari-e- whether the capacity to grow i- checked by age of the .uiimal. Such limits in rats have been adopted by Aron ('12 .ind l.itely by Jackson and Stewart ('20), in contra-t to < )-borne .ind Mendel 14) who are inclined to the opinion the i.ip.tcity to -ro\\ is exhausted by mere growth, without ,rd to the factor of time. In series B of my experiment - the • rpillar-. depi i\ cd of focxl intermittently for 2O days since their hatching. \\eighed the twenty-first day in separate broods, on the avei :ily 7.6, 3.6 and 5.0 mg., while control individuals of tin -.line brood- had the mean weight of as much as y^>, 45.5 .ind 40.} in-. The starved specimens fed daily since the twenty- tir-i day attained and partly exceeded in time the weight .md -i/e of ei >MI ml caterpillars (cf. weights on Table I. ami III. \- iii thi- series the processes of metamorphosis of original!) -Mixed • aierpillars were retarded and as, on the other hand, caterpillar- ha\ e grown until the end of their larval life, it ought to be interred that in t hese animals the capacity to grow is not -npprc--eil at a period at \\liich caterpillars normally cease to gn>u . M"ie..\er, it may be concluded that pupation also may take place mm h be\(»nd the age at which the control specimens undergo pupa- II«MI. But the inference that the capacity may not at all be limited by the age of animals ought not to be drawn from Mich results. 1 1 is possible that the rats experimented upon \>\ Mendel and < )sborne as well as my caterpillars would lose the capacity to obtain the weight and size of control -pecinu-n- it they had been kept at maintenance or starved c\cii a feu da\- longer. 4. ;\D\ri \1ION OF OR( IAN ISMS TO S I \ \< \ \ IK »\ . Si All l\l \I \KK- ON TIIF. PK()l;l IM n| I )| \ Ml. The \\eiijit of pupa- from M-rii - .1 in which >tar\ation la-ting 01 H- dav e\er\p second day, + • + • + •-, \\a- a|>plied in cater- pillars during the whole lar\al life i- exideiitly different from that of series I) in \\hich older -pecinu-n- after their la-t moult but one were subjected to the same -tarvation (cf. Table I.). We see that or^ani-m- may in time ^et accu-tomed to the detri- mental effects of -tarvation. which prevent the animal from at- taining its normal weight: the compari-on of the limits of indi- \idual lluct nations -hown on Table I. point- to the coin ln-ion 16 « STEFAN KOPEC. that the chrysalids of series D which have been deprived of food only during the half of their larval life are lighter than those from series A the caterpillars of which have been starved during their whole larval life. From Table III. we see that the male pupa1 from series D weighed in the average of broods 48.5 per cent., the female pupa? 48.4 per cent, of the average weight of the con- trol chrysalids, whilst the male chrysalids from series A weighed as much as 70.2 per cent., the females 78.3 per cent . As the prolongation of the larval period was much greater in series A than in series D (cf. Table I.), it might be supposed that the caterpillars of series A are heavier owing to the circumstance that they lived longer, and therefore could take and digest food during a longer period. But the following argument contradicts this opinion. At the outset of the experiment in series D the caterpillars weighed in the average of broods 94.5 nig., the male specimens underwent pupation in the average of broods after 26.1, the female after 29.7 days. If we take as starting point for series A the day on which the caterpillars of this series had an analogous weight, which in the average of broods amounted to 93-5 m£-> the duration of larval life in this series from this day till pupation was in the average of broods 27.6 in males and 36.2 in females. We see that when the starting point had been made uniform the duration of farther larval life in series A, especially in males, is almost identical with that in series D. In other words, the specimens of series A attain considerably greater weight than those of series D during approximately the same period. The ratio of the produced number of milligrams of body-weight to the total number of days of the period during which the larvae had been deprived of food being considered as rate of growth, we may calculate that the rate of growth amounts in the average of broods in series A to 7.4 in starved males and to 19.8 in females, whilst in series D this quantity attains only 4.5 in starved males and 15.8 in females. It follows that the starved organism may in time get accustomed to the metabolism of inanition, i.e., the ratio of assimilation to disassimilation becomes during lon;^ starvation changed in favor of the organism. By histological research I have convinced myself that cater- pillars which died from starvation contain no adipose tissue. In a certain contrast to my observations, Bialaszewicz ('19) draws DEVELOPMENT AND DURATION OF LIFE IN IN^i I- \~ from his experiments on the starvation of leeches as well as from the papers by several authors on other animals the conclusion supported by numerous grounds that fat has no great import. in. v in the hunger nirt.iboli-m of cold-blooded animals, but that it undergoes only small reduction. The farther investigations of Hialas/ewi<-/ will undoubtedly show whether my supposition based on histological research is right, or they may explain the cause <>f this discrepancy which possibly consists in the physio- logical capacity of caterpillars to digest their store of adipose tisane during their frequent moults. In contemporary research the cause of natural death is regarded • ui>ed by the accumulation of detrimental products of normal metabolism which cannot be removed from the mtilticellular organism. This view is not at all proved; it is based first of all on the known investigations of Woodruff on the infusoria whose conclusions are in discrepancy with the results obtained by Viewegerowa and \ ieweger ('22) who by methodically exact research proved that the products of metabolism have no great importance on the development of Colpidium and tin- di\i- sions are hindered in unchanged surroundings first of all by inani- tion. Ii nevertheless seems to me to be unquestionable the duration of life depends on the character of metabolism, in oilier words, that natural death is a function of metabolism. The experiments performed by Kellogg and Hell ('04 b), by 1'ietei <>j) and by Northrop ('17) on larva? as well as those 1>\ I .oeb .UK! Northrop ('17) on fully-developed insects of 1 )n.-o|)liila simu th. LI by means of inadequate food we may elicit considerable changes of the duration of development or of life of tin -<• »igan- i-ms. As investigations on the hunger metaboli-m e\ idence distinct differences of the digested substances, .md <>t tin- character of their disintegration in comparison t" normal nu-tabolism, it ought to be inferred that, if death i- a I'UIH lion oi iiH-tab«.li-m. insufficient feeding may also influence the in.mirnt of natural death. Schultx ('05) emphasixes that certain animals under- going periods of hibernal (or ,r-tival) sleep which is < . .ntu-i i-.-d with \'er\' restricted metabolism live \ ery long in com]i.iri-on with those having no such periods of rest. Stn— must be laid on the fact that in my experiments moths deriving from starved caterpillars in which the development was much prolonged or 2 1 8 STEFAN KOPEC. delayed are much older organisms than the control moths. As the imago of Lymantria d is par L. never takes any food, the quan- tity of provisions stored in its body decides the duration of this life-period. From histological research it follows that the amount of this provision which may be noticed in the imago (the so- called adipose body) is in the starved specimens, in relation to their decreased body, not at all smaller than in the controls. This is due to the fact that the starved caterpillars do not form normally sized chrysalids, which contain smaller quantities of the mentioned body, but they are transformed into smaller, even dwarfed specimens. By this circumstance it might be explained why both categories of moths live in general equally long. But in the case of the "starved" moths derived from cat- erpillars the life of which has undergone a very remarkable pro- longation it is obvious that the hunger metabolism during devel- opment caused retardation of natural death of the organism. This I consider to point clearly to the conception of death as a function of the character of general metabolism. According to Ruzicka's researches ('17), the newts, when totally deprived of food, undergo moults more rapidly than control specimens. In connection with my experiments it would be very interesting to ascertain whether the duration of life of such newts undergoes changes. More detailed considerations on the cause of especially favor- able influence of intermittent starvation on duration of life of animals are to be found in my former papers (Kopec, '22 a and b.} % 5. SUMMARY. 1. Intermittent starvation of young caterpillars of Lymantria dispar L. causes considerable prolongation of the larval life as well as a certain abbreviation of the pupal period but has no influence on the duration of life of the imago. These changes increase in proportion as more intense starvation is applied. Larger effects are elicited by longer and less frequent than by more frequent, but shorter, feeding intervals. 2. The differences of results obtained by various authors in regard to the influence of starvation on metamorphosis depend on differences of age of the animals experimented upon. Tin- caterpillars subjected to inanition approximately from the seventh DI-.VI'MI-.Vl A\l» I -I RATION OF l.IFK IX 1NSKCTS. IQ day after their last moult had retarded pupation, whereas this proces> i~ .« i < -leraied \>y starvation of animals approximately since the tenth day after the last moult. .v The development of imaginal discs is not the consequence (•I' hi-tolyti( al [processes which cause pupation of caterpillars, hut they i.ike place simultaneously from the first days of larval life. Tin- brain causes, probably by its secretion (or secretions), hi-tolysis of larval tissues and it also seems to check in the cater- pillar the development of the imaginal discs. 4. The prolongation of the larval peruxl in starved specimens may be explained by certain disturbances in the hypothetical •etory function of the larval brain, which are caused by inani- tion; the abbreviation of the pupal stage may be ascribed to analogous decrease of the influence of this organ, which retards i !)»• development of imaginal discs. 5. The average limit of larval growth expressed in the average \\cight of the new-formed chrysulids is in direct pro|M>rtion to the <|ii.mtity of food given and inverse to the prolongation of larval .Hid to the abbreviation of pupal life. (The decrease of weight of caterpillars is larger in cases of longer though more rare fo probably c.m-ed first of all by exhaustion of reserve sul»tance-. Natural death of the imago probably is a function of the character of metabolism, as death is delayed by the changed metabolism of intermittent starvation. 2O STEFAN KOPEC. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers marked by an asterisk are known to me only from abstracts. * Aron, H. '12 \Veitere Unteisuchungen iiber die Beeinflussung des Wachstums durch die Erniihrung. Verh. d. Gesell. t". Kinderheilkunde, Miinster. Barfurth, D. '87 a Versuche iiber die Verwandlung der Froschlarven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Vol. 29, p. i. '87 b Dor Hunger als forderndes Prinzip in der Xatui. Ibidem, p. 28. Bialaszewicz, K. '19 Etudes comparees sur le metabolism chimique et energetique. I. L'inani- tion et la nutrition chez les Hirudinces. Trav. de la Soc. des Sc. de Var- sovie, III., Nr. 32. Deegener, P. '09 Die Metamorphose dei Insecten. Teubner, Leipsic and Berlin. Dewitz, J. * '05 Untersuchungen u'ber die Verwandlung der Insectenlarven. II. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol., Phydol. Abt., Suppl. '06 III. Zusammenfassung friiherer Mitteilungen. Zool. Anz., Vol. 47. * Jackson, C. M., and Stewart, C. A. '20 The Effects of Inanition in the Young upon the Ultimate Size of the Body and of the Various Organs in the Albino Rat. Journ. of Exper. Zool., Vol. 30. Kaufman, L. '18 Researches on the Artificial Metamorphosis of Axolotls. Bull. Ac. Sc. Cracovie. Kellner, O. '87 Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Erniihrung und Entwicklung des Seidenspinners (Bombyx mori). Landw. Versuchst., Vol. 33. Kellogg, V. L., and Bell, R. G. '04 a Notes on Insect Bionomics. Journ. of Exper. Zool., Vol. i. '04 b Variations Induced in Larval. Pupal and Imaginal Stages of Bombyx mori by Controlled Varying Food Supply. Science, N. S., Vol. 18 (Leland Stanford Junior University Publications, University Seiies, No. i). Kopec, S. '17 Experiments on Metamorphosis of Insects. Bull. Ac. Sc. Cracovie. '22 a Further Research on the Influence of Inanition on the Development of Animals. Experiments on Tadpoles. Mem. de 1'Institut Nation Polonais d'Economic Rurale a Pulawy, Vol. 3. '22 b Experimental Studies on the Influence of Inanition on the Development and the Weight of Amphibians. Bull. Ac. Pol. Sc., Cracovie. '22 c Studies on the Necessity of the Brain for the Inception of Insects' Meta" morphosis. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 42. Krizenecky, J. '14 Uber die beschleunigende Einwirkung des Hungers auf die Metamorphose. Biol. Centrbl., Vol. 34. Loeb, J., and Northrop, J. H. '17 On the Influence of Food and Temperature upon tin- Duration of Life. Journ. of Biol. Chem., Vol. 32.'MKN T AND DURATION OF LIFE IN IN^I < I-. 21 Morgan, Th. H. '07 Experimental Zoology, Xew York. * Northrop, J. H. '17 The Effect of Prolongation of the Period of Growth on the Total Duration of Life. Journ. of Biol. Chem., Vol. 32. * Osborne, T. B., and Mendel, L. B. '14 Tli<- Suppr«-Mon of Growth and the Capacity to Grow. Journ. of Biol. ( l..-m.. 18. Pictet, A. '05 Intlu'-iit ••• •!«• 1 alimentation et de I'humidite sur la variation des papillions. M«'-m. de la soc. dc physiques et d'hist. nat. de Geneve, Vol. 35. Ruzicka, V. '07 Beschleunigung clcr Hiiutung durch Hunger. Arch. f. Entw. Mech., Vol. 42. Schultz, E. '05 Ubcr VerjQngung. Biol. Centrbl.. \'ol. 25. * Steche, O. u. Waentig, P. '13 L'ntersuchungen uber die biologische Bcdeutung und Kinetik der Katalase. Zoologica. \'ol. 26. Szwajsowna. P. "16 Le m«kal>olisine pliysiologiquc chez Ics larves du Tent-brio niolitor. Comptes rend. Soc. Sc. dc Varsovie, \'ol. 9. Tangl, F. '09 a /.ur Konntnis de« StofT- und Energieumsatzes holometaboler Insckten wiihrend der Mi-tamorphosc. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Vol. 130. p. i. '09 b Embryooale Entwicklung und Metainorphost- voin enerm-ti- ln-n xand- ptinktc aus U-trachtet. lljidi-in. p. 55. Viewegerowa, J., and Vieweger, T. *JI Rt'-cherches sur les causes du developpcment des cultures du Colpidium colpotla. Trav'aux du lalx>r. physiol. de I'lnsl. M. Nencki. \'arsovie, \'ol. i . Wolterstorff, W. '96 Uber die Neotenie der Batrafhicr. Zool. Garten, Vol. ON THE HETEROGENEOUS INFLUENCE OF STARVA- TION OF MALE AND OF FEMALE INSECTS ON THEIR OFFSPRING. STEFAN KOPEC. GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, PULANVY, POLAND.' (WITH 4 TABLES.) Our knowledge of the influence exerted by insufficient feeding of the parents on their offspring is almost entirely confined to certain observations made on fetuses of the Mammalia. It has been noticed that these fetuses are able to take from tissues of the mother the substances which are more or less lacking in her food. The problem as to whether and to what degree starvation of either of the parents separately has any influence on the total development of their progeny from birth till sexual maturity has so far as I know, not as yet been methodically investigated. Kellogg and Hell ('04) ascertained that starved silkworms mated with each other produce caterpillars which develop more slowly and produce lighter moths, in spite of the normal feeding conditions of this generation. But, as the authors have exclusively mated the starved specimens with each other they have not discriminated the influence of starvation of either of the parents separately. For this discrimination it was necessary to mate both females subjected to starvation with control males and normal females with starved males. These two experiments were undertaken in the present research. The experiments were performed on the mot h Lynidutria dispar L. The wrhole material came from series D of my investigations on the influence of starvation of caterpillars on the development of insects, (Kopec, '21 and '23). As Lymantria dispar does not take any food in its imaginal stage, starvation of the parents can take place only during their larval stage. In that series of experiments the caterpillars were fed every second day since their last moult but one. Adult moths which develop from these 1 Paper from the laboratory of Experimental Morphology. Cf. Mi'm. dc 1' I >i- slitiil Nat. Polonais d' Economic Rurale £ Pulauy, Vol. 2, 1922. 22 INFLUENCE "I -IARVATIOX OF INSECTS OX OFFSPRING. 23 < aterpillars were mated to control moths which were at my dis- posal. In the filial generation the conditions of rearing were identical in each lot. Food was given daily and in superfluity. A- .ill lot- originated from one pair of moths caught in 1917. the material is to a certain degree genetically homogeneous. Tin following physiological characters of the filial generation uere taken into account: (l) The duration of the larval life, \\hich in the parental generation had undergone considerable prolongation owing to inanition, (2) the duration of the pupal stage which in the parents had undergone a certain abbreviation, (3) the limits of growth of the caterpillars expressed by the weight of fresh pupa- which in the starved parental generation were much smaller than control specimens. Apart from this, the sixe of the eggs out of which the first filial generation developed, ilicir number and their capacity to develop as well as the mortal- ity of caterpillars and of chrysalids have been examined. The changes of the above-mentioned characters were in the filial generation in part much smaller than in tin- parent-. I therefore did not use for my calculations in these experiments the averages of a character for each lot separately, but in each experiment I joined .ill specimens of either sex of all lots into class-frequencies as usual and I calculated, the average values for all specimens together with the probable error of these averages (A ± E,\). On comparing .my character of the control and of the experimental material only such differences are considered as essential, i.e., biometrically well grounded, which are larger than four times ... / DifT. \ Di IT. their probable error I =— > 4 \ When the ratio is < 4 V Enut. i tL.\i\n. the differences are considered as biometrically not essential and the character as not changed. Tin-: OFFSPRING OF FEMALES Sunji-:» IM» \^ si \m \TION M.\n:i» \\ 1 1 ii ("<>\ i k< ii M M.I-IS. From Table I. we may infer that the number of eggs laid by these specimens was much smaller than that prodmed by control females mated with control male-. < )n the other hand, the sixe of the eggs was biometrically identir.d in both cases, as is evi- denced in Table II. Almost .ill eggs from\ed females were i .1 |).ible of development, although a large number of the develop- STEFAN KOPEC. -C . en c|Ef^| t**" C O t^* O O "} (/_ '5 •o o u fcc'i'S a £5 "w oo 10 »o 10 m o o ^O i"** t** ^D t"* ^O t"* oc a s 00 CO . l~ +-* rt i C M o^ ^^J ^ O ^o ^o 00 6-3 Ji- £3" M E 0 -2 Si t^- t^* W r» rf O O\ -T <3« 0 ' M Ufcd o^ £^ O ^f ?*l O GO to O O\ O\ 00 oc r*» w O\ 00 Offsprin u, ^ta S E O M \C ro r^ 10 O O\ *H 00 PO . ^ •"!5 tr"0 'oMr-O^t^-OoOOfOOO^- >0 •o V £d"l;^l O 0s oo t** oo t** r*- oo oo oO O\ O^ I"*- M oo a s en • l-i • 00.000^0,0^00,00 ro rt^ 11 if1^! R^-aSS5B8»*35a -O 00 T3 0 0, U, 11 t- . *i m C3 73 w bo - .C S 3j ^ bC c u -^ ^3 oo .o,w~oo,ao 0^-^,0 00 l<3 1*4 O bfl cu ^w ro ^^ ^^ ,0 ^f PI O^ ^D oo ,0 oo t~^ PI ft Offsprin u Cft 1^1 O^ ^^ oc PI r^« o O^ O^ Pi O^ ^* Pi r>* M P) PI M M PI M tH PI si A^i OvOooOOOOO-r ^ ^ •o 4) £5 ^^1 O t--O\oooo O\oo O\ oo oo od s O oo r~ PI PI IO PI PI PI PI P) ]! s§ >•« . r~* PI ,o ,o o O O t-* -t c3'^ 1*4 o • O ti] O '^ u" U COI-IPIPIIOPI-J-O 0 Offsprin u "2<*- bo COM SSSS2JES O 00 P) o rt y. ~ c3 IO Average. . INFI.UKM K OF STARVATION OF I\-K experimental material and in the control specimen-. The same may be said as to the percentage of caterpillars which TABLE II. A — average; EA — probable error of the average; a — standard deviation; « — num- ber of specimen- \t-.\\. — difference between the control and the experimental material; Eit\n. — probable error of this difference. DATA CONCERNING MAXIMAL DIAMETERS OF EGGS, IN p. DIFFERENCES OF THE ABOVE AVERAGES. IN /i. Material*. -4 ± EA. a. w. of control female* mated with control males 1234.65^2.319 53-81 245 P ( .-.I, i i 1 237-09 ±1.783 5I.6I 381 • >{ control females mated with starved malt 238. oo ±2.064 ' 44.35 2io Average* Compare*!. Diff. ± /•:,„„ Diff. '•'niff. I >:tterencc between the average size of control eggs and of that of the eggs from starved females mated with con- trol males. ±2.925 0.83 Not I Mttrrence between the average size of control eggs and of that of the eggs from control females mated with starved males. 1. 08 ' underwent pupation and of the chrysalids which de\ eloped into adult moths (cf. Table I.). Pupation of caterpillars and hatching of moths having been checked once daily during one and the same hour, the limits of this life-period were determined with exactness up to 24 hours. The data of Tables III. and I Y referring to the duration of the larval and of the pupal life in the progeny of starved females mated with control male- as \\ell .is the same data of the control material (control 9 9 X cm mil ofd") show that the duration of the larval life i- ixn e»entially (hanged but the duration of the pupal period of the offspring of the females Hibjected to starvation ha> undergone e--cntial abbreviation. The limits of larval growth lu\e been determined, as in the 26 STEFAN KOPEC. experiments with the parental generation, by the weight of new- formed chrysalids. As pupation wras checked once a day it ought to be emphasised that during the first 24 hours the chrysalid did not lose more than 0.15 to 0.28 per cent, of the original weight of the chrysalid immediately after its emergence from the larval skin. If we take into consideration the appertaining strict bio- metrical data of Tables III. and IV., as well as the rati 10 'Dill'. we may ascertain that the weight of the chrysalids underwent no TABLE III. DATA REFERRING TO THE DURATION OF LARVAL AND PUPAL LIFE AND TO THE WEIGHT OF CHRYSALIDS. A — average; EA — probable error of the average; a — standard deviation; n — number of specimens. Materials. Sex of the Speci- mens. .-i ± EA. a. n. O) 1*4 15 CS « ~* **•. •— rt O "C l-s 4-t 5 3 P Caterpillars from control females mated with control males. 0*0* 52.8i± 0.247 4.42 146 9 9 63.21 ± 0.309 6-93 229 Caterpillars from starved females mated with control males. 0*0* 5I.66± 0.217 4-23 173 9 9 03-73± 0.320 6.14 167 Caterpillars from control females mated with starved males. 0*0* 52.22± 0.325 4-57 90 71 9 9 63-39± 0.762 9-52 :-= "« a u. 'o-g °* 4J rt u Q Chrysalids from control females mated with control males. 0*0* 22.83^ 0.0568 0-93 122 9 9 ig.i5± 0.0525 1. 12 20? Chrysalids from starved females mated with control males. 0*0* 22.21 ± 0.0521 0-93 145 9 9 18.51 =t 0.0420 o.7<. 149 Chrysalids from control females mated with starved males. 0*0* 21.01 ± 0.0771 0.84 54 9 9 i8.45± 0.1275 1-44 58 tO TO ~& 00 >» 1- — tt .'" £ "o _c ~ "" !s? "v z Chrysalids from control females mated with control males. 0*0* 283. 56 ± 4-63 82.92 146 9 9 758-5I ±13- "4 292.64 229 Chrysalids from starved females mated with control males. 0*0* 303. 76 ± 4.17 81.38 173 9 9 794.61 ±18.02 345-25 if>7 Chrysalids from control females mated with starved males. 0*0* 2i6.67± 4.14 58.21 90 9 9 609. 86 ±19. 34 241.65 71 1NF1.I I \< I OF STARVATION OF INSECTS ON OFFSI'KIV,. TABLE IV. DlM I KIM is (il Avi.KAOE DERATION OF LARVAL AND OF PVPAL LlFE AS \\M I AS OK \\ I.K.HT OF CHRYSALIDS BETWEEN THE CONTROL AND THE EXPERIMENTAL MATERIAL. Diff. 'litt'-ii -nee between the contiol and the experimental matt-rial. — probable error of this difference. 1 om pared. Sex of the Speci- Diff. ± • ^ 'ire of rence. P c 3 a I >ni. r> in c Ix-tween the average duration of lar- val life of control speci- mens and of that of specimens deriving from starved females mated with control males. 1.15 ± 0.329 3.40 52 ± 0.445 1-17 N'ot essential. Dm. rence Ijetwifn tin- average duration nf lar- val life of control speci- mens .HP I of that of s|K-cinu-nH deriving from control females mated with starved males. 0.59^0.408 1.44 Not essential. o.i8± 0.822 0.22 Data concerning pupal life. * in days. Difference between tin- average duration of pupal life er of the eggs speak in favor of the supposi- tion that in case of insufficient feeding of an animal the food substances may l>e exclusively used up by a certain number of eggs which develop better than the remaining, owing to their arrangement in the ovary or to other conditions. This is caused by the competition between separate elements, which undoubt- edly takes place in the starved ovary analogous to the struggle between individuals of a brood, which develops in unfavorable conditions. Owing to this rivalry, only part of the eggs un- dergo development , directly or indirectly at the expense of neigh- boring elements, as the nuinlxr of eggs contained in "starved" chrysalids is considerably larger than the number of tully devel- oped eggs in the mature females. Notwithstanding the capacity of certain "starved " eggs to develop at the expen-e of other eggs, thi- average si/e does not exceed essentially the normal average limit, which points to the dependence of e^x si/e on certain internal factors by which the limits of the growth of eggs are determined. These factors are undoubtedly synonymous with "genes" which determine in genetic, d sense the si/e of eggs independently of the si/e of the female- by which the eggs are produced. In spite of this evolutive independence during the development of a fetus or of an e^u. there probably exists a certain limit of degree and of duration of starvation which may be applied to a female, beyond which limit the progeny does not attain its normal si/e. The assumption that this limit may easily be transgressed is supported by the fact that certain small unfavor- able changes in feeding bird- cause a considerable diminution of their eggs and even (heck the further processes of development of the sexual element-. This limit was undoubtedly transgressed in the experiment- made by YYoltereck ('08 -'n.) in which the 3O STEFAN KOPEC. offspring parthenogenetically produced by starved Daphnia was smaller than control specimens. In contrast to the offspring of starved females the progeny of similarly treated males were essentially lighter than those pro- duced by control males. The unfavorable influence of starva- tion of males was evidenced by increased mortality of caterpillars as well as of chrysalicls, which could not be observed in the off- spring of starved females. As egg size was also in this experiment normal, the cause of these changes ought to be ascribed to the specific influence exerted by starvation of males on their sperma- tozoa. A great influence on the offspring of the Mammalia exerted by certain substances applied to their fathers was demonstrated, e.g., by experiments on the influence of alcohol made by Stockard and his collaborators ('12- 'i 8) and others, by the experiments on lead performed by Cole and Bachhuber ('14) and by those of Guyerand Smith ('18 and '20) on a special lens dissolving serum. These researches have shown a considerable susceptibility of the spermatozoa to certain extrinsic specific substances. My experi- ments prove that normal development of the spermatozoa may also be influenced by certain natural changes of metabolism caused by inanition. Histological research has shown that the males which develop from starved caterpillars contain the same quantities of reserve substances relatively to their diminished size as control specimens; as the testicles of the moth which develop in the caterpillar at the expense of these substances are too small organs to play an important role in the nutritive balance of the chrysalis undergoing metamorphosis, it ought to be sup- posed that the influence exerted on the spermatozoa by hunger metabolism consists in qualitative and not in quantitative changes of the chemical constitution of the spermatozoa. In my experi- ments I did not succeed in ascertaining any marked histological changes in the developing "starved" testicle, neither as to the evolutive rate, nor as to the structure of the sexual elements. Physiological dimorphism of metabolism in the two sexes is certainly the cause why starvation of females does not elicit analogous unfavorable quantitative changes in the egg. From the above results we may infer that the decreased weight of the offspring of two starved parents determined in silkworms IM I.I l.\( E OF STARVATION OF INSECTS ON <>l I-1'RINC.. 3! by Kellogg and Bell ('04) was exclusively due to the influence of tin- -permato/oa from the starved males, unless the limit- beyond which we "light to expect a noxious influence of the -tar\ .it ion of It in. tie- (in their progeny had been transgressed, ow in g to different decree dt" -tarvation. It ought to be mentioned that in certain species the development of the sexual elements occurs in natural condition- during periods of total physiological starvation. Miescher ~ ascertained that in the salmon which dors n»i take any food during the development of its sexual glands its very large ovaries and testicles grow at the expense of niu-i This fact, however, is in no discrepancy with my results as it may be that certain special feeding experiments with salmon it they are practically possible- would, as in moths, elicit in this li-h changes as to the size of the offspring which in natural conditions develops here from "starved" spermatozoa. The generalization of my results obtained in insects to other animals, especially to vertebrates, would be premature. I nevertheless believe that my present contribution will have a certain general interest in regard to the great biological importance of the discussed problem. The duration of the larval period does not undergo any essen- tial change in the offspring of starved females nor in that of tin- starved males either. The pupal stage, on the contrary, is essen- tially changed in both cases. My conception of tin- physiology of insect metamorphosis is supported by such behavior of the prog- eny. According to my opinion tin- larval brain elicits by its secretion or secretions the histolysis of lar\al ti— ue-, which puts an end to larval life (Kopec, '17 and '22 It .dso checks in the larva the development of the embryonal discs from which the organs of the imago are finally formed in tin- chrysalids ('21 and '23). The prolongation of the larxal lift- and the simultaneous abbreviation of the pupal stage c.m-ed by starvation of cater- pillars has been interpreted a> due to delayed or decreased secre- toric function of the brain. If the prolongation of larval life elicited by starvation of the mother or of the father is due to delayed or decreased production .if the substance by which histol- \ -is of tissues is brought about, no wonder that in the filial generation there is no change in respecl to the duration of larval life: in these experiments the larval organism of the filial genera- tion remains unchanged as to it- preparation for histolysis. The 32 STEFAN KOPEC. duration of the pupal stage in the filial generation must be on the contrary explained in a different manner. It has been shown that the abbreviation of the pupal period and consequently the accel- eration of development of the embryonal discs was brought about even by temporary starvation of very young caterpillars, viz., lasting 20 days after hatching from eggs, i.e., at a time when there are in the larval organism not yet any traces of histolytical processes characteristic of pupation (Kopec, '21 and '23). It may therefore easily be assumed that not only the embryonal discs of the animal subjected to inanition, but also the evolutive factors contained in their sexual cells, which cause the evolution of the embryonal discs in the filial generation, are stimulated to development by starvation and by the decreased checking function of the brain connected therewith. In the caterpillars of this filial generation the brain finds therefore the embryonal discs which are more physiologically advanced and this fact eventually leads to a certain abbreviation of the pupal stage of the progeny of starved females or of starved males. On surveying the results of the foregoing inquiry the following summary may be given : 1. The females of the moth Lymantria dispar L. derived from starved caterpillars mated with control males laid smaller quantities of eggs than control specimens, but the dimensions of the eggs and the weight of the pupa? developing from them did not undergo any essential changes. The capacity of the egg to develop and the mortality of caterpillars as well as of chrysalids are not changed by the starvation applied in these experiments as compared with control material. 2. The morphological structure of the spermatozoa of males deriving from similarly starved caterpillars is unchanged and they have the normal capacity for stimulating eggs to develop- ment, but the mortality of the resulting caterpillars and chrysalids is distinctly larger than that of the control material. The weight of the pupa? in the progeny of starved males undergoes essential decrease. 3. Distinctly injurious effects were consequently brought about in the offspring by inanition of the males, in contrast to inanition of the females. The causes of the different behavior of either of the starved parents ought to be referred to metabolism probably INFLUENCE OF STARVATION OF INSECTS ON OFFSPRING. 33 different in the two ~.-\es. Changes elicited in the structure of the spermato/o.i by starvation of males are most probably qualita- tive. 4. The prolongation of larval life which had been noticed in the starved male as well as female caterpillars could not be a- ;ied in their offspring. The pupal stage, on the contrary, whirh had Lien much shortened in starved specimens underwent in the priny of -t.irved females as well as in the offspri- starved in les an analogous change which leads to acceleration of nu-t.i- morphosis. Such behavior of the progeny of starved specimen- .supports the .mihor's former opinion that insect metamorphosis is checked l>\ the secretoric function of the larval brain. BIBLIOGRAPHY. .<•• by Controlled Varying Food Supply. Science, ' • >!. 18. Stanford Junior Publications, University Series, No. I.) Kopec, S. '17 Experiments on Metamorphosis of Insects. Bull. Acad. • vie. '21 L'inlluence de {'inanition sur le d< a et la • e la vie Insects. Mvm. de 1'Inst. Nat. Polonais d'Econ. i . Vol. i. '22 Studies on the Necessity of the Brain ta- morphosis. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 42. "24 Studies on the Influence of In. ! the Dura- tion of Life in Insects. BIOL. Hi i i ., \ *Miescher, F. '97 Die Histochemischen und l'h\ hen Arbeiten. I .< ipsic. Stockard, C. R. '12 An Experimental Study o! Is Treated with Alcohol. Arch. Intern. M '13 The Effect on the Offspring of Intoj and the Trans- mission of tin- I ' lions. Amer. Nat.. Vol. 47. Stockard, C. R., and Craig, D. M. '12 An Experimental Study ni tin- Ini: ,ind the Developing Enihry- ol Mammals. A:> h- i. Entw. M--« li.. \'-l. 35. 34 STEFAN KOPEC. * Stockard, C. R., and Papanicolaou, G. '18 Further Studies on the Modification of the Germ Cells in Mammals. The Effect of Alcohol on Treated Guinea Pigs and their Descendants. Journ. of Exper. Zool., Vol. 26. * Woltereck, R. '08 Uber natiirliche und kunstliche Varietatenbildung bei Daphniden. Vern. Deutsch. Zool. Gesellsch. '09 Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Artveranderung, speziell iiber das Wesen quantitativer Unterschiede der Daphnien. Ibidem. 'n Uber Veriinderung der Sexualitat bei Daphniden. Intern. Revue d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrographie, Vol. 4. 'n Beitrag zur Analyse der Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften Transmuta- tion und Praeinduktion bei Daphnia. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesellsch. A NTAY IIKI.D METHOD OF INVESTIGATING THE HVDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. % C. H. TURNER.' TVER TEACHERS' COLLEGE. ST. Loris. Mo. INTRODUCTION. During the past quarter of a century the tropism idea has stimulated intensive investigation of the factors that serve as directive forces in the behavior of animals. Gravitation, light, heat, contact, wind and water currents, as factors of orientation, have been much investigated; but, the directive influence of bodies of water as such has received scant attention. In her learned textbook,3 Professor Washburn does not discuss the subject. In his book on animal intelligence1 Professor Holmes devotes a whole chapter to tropisms. He discusses; chemotaxis, geotaxis, thigmotaxis, rheotaxis, phototaxis, thermotaxis and electrotaxis; but, nut a wurd about hydrotaxis. Professor Botivier. in a recent work,1 says more on this topic than I have seen in any other book on animal behavior. He writes: "No less than heat, water is necessary to living beings, for it constitutes the greater portion of their protoplasm and plays a part in almost all their internal changes. Also, all organisms are sensitive to variations of humidity in the space surrounding them, and with a great number this sensitiveness takes the form of a directive orientation which is called hydrotropism. "We know the famous experiments made by Stahl. in 1884, on the hydrotropism of the fungi of the genii- .Ktlmlinm (tanning fungus). The plasmodial mass of thr-i- plants during the vege- tation period, enters the tan, making fur the humidity necessary I. Xote by the editor. This parx-r v. >r luiMicaium J.; s. 1923. The author died February 14. 1923. Dr. Turn, t tudent ol P -or C. O. Whitman, and received the degiee of DC ;li* University of 1 • .IKO in 1907. His thesis was on "Tin- Homini; <>f Ants: An Experimental Stinly .-I Ant Behavior." He coiuimn-d his putimt. th i imlies of an urior to the time of his death, as the present o>iHrii>uti<>n will t«--tify. Several by Ur. Turner have api* .ufl in tin- p.i.yrs .>i the Hi' >i.< '<.!• AL BULLETIN. 36 C. H. TURNER. to it, and remounts to the surface in a dry milieu when it is going to form its spores which serve its multiplication. Its hydro- tropism is positive. This is the case with the beetles of the genera Ilaliplus and Hydroporus. Wheeler (1899) had taken from a pool a tuft of aquatic plants where these insects swarm. He says: 'As soon as the beetles could come out and disengage themselves from the plant they turned, with a common accord, toward the sea and to it directed their steps. As this was a distance of about twenty feet, the little creatures could not see the water, and I was led to believe that they had some means of perceiving a source of moisture and acted accordingly. "Aquatic bugs act the same way when they are taken from the place in which they live, and we know that the land crabs go a long distance to water when they are ready to place their progeny. The proper degree of humidity differs, moreover, with different species. Wheeler reports that Bembidium, Elaphrus, Omophron, and other small Coleoptera which bury themselves in the sandy beaches, leave their burrows and come out into the open air when one throws a little water on their strand. This is negative hydrotropism. It is well known to collecting ento- mologists, who use it in making captures." Weiss 4 reports two cases of what he calls positive hydrotropism. When specimens of the wingless Gerris marginatus were removed one to nine yards from the pond they immediately returned to it. When removed ten yards from the water they had some trou- ble in getting started in the right direction; but finally reached the pond. Thirty yards from the water they seemed to be lost. The case of Dinentes assimilis, a winged beetle, is even more interesting. When removed nine or ten feet from the pond it tried to walk to the pond, then arose and flew directly to it. When removed to a distance of seventy-five feet, it walked about in all directions, then arose, on its wings, to a height of twenty feet and flew directly to the water. When removed half a mile from the pond, it soared in a widening sub-spiral to a height of seventy-five feet and then flew off in the direction of the water. He does not know whether it reached the water or not. It is not claimed that the above resum6 contains all that has been written on this topic. It is quite likely that some articles have been overlooked. However, the fact that a diligent search HYUROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 37 has -upplied only thi- suggests that very little attention has been paid to the topic. This may be because no simple means of iM\e-tiu,itin^ it has been published. The purpose of this papi-r o supply that lack and to apply the method to the study of a few forms selected from different strata of the water. As types • .I" form- tint creep along the bottom of the water or along vege- tation but not leave the water, I selected a snail [Planorbis < I/i-lisoma') antrosnm Con.] and a dragon-fly nymph. As ex- amples of form- that spend most of their time on the bottom, but which, at times, leave the water, I have sleeted the crayfish [Cambarns (Faxon i us) propinquns Girard] and a scaver beetle (Tr<>/>i Remits sp. ?). As types of forms that live on the surface of the water, I have selected the giant water st rider (Gerris remigis Say), which, except during the hibernating season, is practically a permanent inhabitant of the film, and the whirl; beetle (Gyrinns sp.?) which occasionally dives and which mi- cs from pond to pond. TECHNIQUE. To be able to study the movements of animals with a cer- tainty that the movements were not influenced by either gravi- tation, the sun's rays, chemical stimuli or contact stimuli, I devised what may be appropriately called a checker-board plate. This consists of a board twenty inches wide and twenty- four inches long which is covered with white oilcloth that has been subdivided, by printed lines, into one inch squares (Fig. l). The four edges of the board were bisected by straight lines which crossed, at right-angles at the center of the board. Diagonal lines, bisecting these central right angles extended outward to the edges of the board. The tips of the four lines mentioned were named; o degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, i;vs decrees, 180 degrees, 225 degrees, 270 degrees, 315 degrees. By means of a level and leveling devices this board wa- made perfectly hori/on- tal. Being horizontal, gravitation could not influence the move- ments. Being an absolutely smooth surface, the movements could not be influenced by contact -timuli. I'.ein- c« .\en-d with oil-cloth, it was possible, by \va-hin-, to keep ii free from chemical -tiinnli. It was protected from the sun by means of a screen of -ort; this made it impossible for the -un'- ray- to influence 38 C. H. TURNER. the movements. The checker-board pattern made it easy to watch the movements of the animals. Using a scale of one-eighth of an inch equals an inch sheets of cross section paper were cut to resemble the board, and the tips of radii labeled in the same manner as on the board. These were carried to the field in a loose-leaf cover. g - n < ;: ! / \ / / 7P \ 1 ~i jl / ' ! $ ( V> FIG. i. Checkerboard Plate. At the beginning of a series of experiments the board is placed on the ground and adjusted until it is perfectly horizontal. If necessary, it is screened from the sun. One of the sheets is then numbered to correspond with the specimen to be investi- gated. On the reverse side is recorded the position of the sun, the position of the water and the direction in which the animal's head is to be placed. In describing these positions the labeled tips of the radii are used as reference points. The animal is then placed in the center of the board with its head in the de- sired direction and its movements traced on the cross-section paper. When the animal reaches the edge of the board, it is returned to its original position. This is repeated until it has reached the edge of the board five times. It is then replaced in the water a short time and then returned to the center of the board with its head facing a new position. It is allowed to make five trips in that case; these are recorded on a new sheet. This BYDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 39 is repeated over and over again, using one sheet of paper for each five experiments, until the creature has worked with its head fari 11:^ all eight of the radii tips. This gives forty experi- ment- and i- called a series. Work is continued until one has secured record- of as many series as is thought necessary. In the work recorded in this paper an attempt was made to secure between twelve and thirteen series with each species investigated. In practice it is not always possible to secure a complete series •n an individual. Sometimes the individual would escape before the series was completed, at others fatigue would put an end to the experiments at an early stage. In some cases it was necessary to return the specimen to the water at the close of each experiment, instead of at the close of each five. Two invecti- iMtor- (.in do more effective work than one; one giving his en- '''••• time to looking after the animal and the other recording what happen^. This is especially important when dealing with forms that fly and with crawling forms that move rapidly. After a little experience one recognizes the movements preliminary to flight. I'sually a small glass cover placed over the specimen for a moment will check the attempt to fly. In the work performed in connection with this article, on returning from the field the results of the days work were re- corded on tables with the following captions; TAHU-: I. 0 •u Final Movement. tn E £ rt "5 ,. U K 0 in (9 0 u 0 ed -a i u ^rt t/} 1 E 3 Position ol Posit i< in nl ead Pointed Number of X w — 0 3 o H •JO)EM par , | — ' -. - - z I"1' •o rt SJ o Z ~ K M * R Z * Later these tables were condensed into those published in this article. In the experiments recorded in thi- article the side of the 4O C. H. TURNER. board marked O, always faced the water. If there had been an unlimited number of experiments, twenty-five per cent of movements toward the water would indicate that the movements were random and not influenced by the position of the water. Since the number of experiments was limited to about 500, unless the movements toward water were much more than twenty five per cent, the movements were considered random. In recording movements toward the position of the sun and the initial position of the insect's head, eight possible directions were considered. In each of these cases, if there had been an infinite series of experiments, 12.5 per cent, of movements in a certain direction would indicate random movements. Hence, since there were only about 500 experiments, unless the per cent of movements in a certain direction was much more than 12.5 the movements were considered random. With the animals investigated in this connection, in addition to the experiments with the checker-board plate, the creatures were set free, at definite distances from the water, and their movements watched. If the experiments demonstrated a tend- ency to move toward the water, then the specimens were blinded and the experiments repeated. DRAGON-FLY NYMPHS (PLATE I). In experimenting with the checker-board plate fourteen individuals were used. In some cases the board was ten feet from the water; in others it was fifteen. Five hundred and fifty-six ex- periments were performed. The results are recorded in Table II. In an infinite series of experiments, if the factors considered did not influence the movements in any manner, 25 per cent, of the movements should be toward water, 12.5 per cent, toward the position of the sun and 12.5 per cent, to the way the head originally pointed. The actual results were 25 per cent toward water, 20.5 per cent, toward the position of the sun and 23.3 per cent, toward the way the head originally pointed. Only tlmv individuals made more than thirty per cent, of movements to water. Evidently, dragon-fly nymphs, when moving about on the checker-board plate are not influence by the nearness of bodies of water. IIVDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 4! TABLE II. DRAGON-FLY NYMPHS. 00 Per Cent, of Final Movement-. 1 "3 u on 2 . E H - O •3 a .5 ^ -; 'S — •a .« Q O lM (2 •3 ^ u — RJ K 'o y u O ^^ £ £ ~ . « = •: _• . | y •o .2 2 ~. — ^ > ^ £ ,= = E 'C a 6 3 d i 'c • — ** ro x 'o f~ H i 10 2 IO IO 90 30 70 A.M. 2 3 I O IOO IOO IOO A.M. 3 : 1 IOO 0 IOO A.M. 4 18 4 7111 33 P.M. 5 43 30 79 30 70 A.M. 6 5 I o IOO o IOO 40 60 P.M. 7 So 8 46 54 37 63 21 79 P.M. 40 Pond 8 7 93 o IOO 25 75 P.M. 0 80 8 17 | s 28 72 Both 10 40 22 IS 85 A.M. 1 1 167 Pond 57 4.1 1 1 89 Both 12 10 Pond IO 90 20 20 A.M. 13 25 Pond 5 12 88 48 52 24 76 P.M. 14 30 Pond 4 10 90 20 80 50 A.M. Av.- 4.8 25 75 20.5 70.5 76.7 NORMAL CRAYFISH [Cambarus (Faxonins) propinquus GIRARD] (PLATE II). In experimenting with the checker-board plate fourteen in- dividuals were uscd.varying in length from one and a half inches to three inches. In most cases the board was pl.n«-«l within five or ten feet of the water, in some cases it was forty feet from the water and, in a very few cases, it \\.i- fifty I« < i away. In most cases the experiments \\i-n- romluru-d tin- river or brook from which the crayfish \viv ohtaiiu-d. In others the crayfish were carried to the bonK-r- of some lake or pond. The results are recorded in TabK- III. In an infinite series of experiment- t\v« -nty-live per cent, of movements toward the WUUT i> what >hoiil«l !>»• expected if the water has not directive intluemv i»n the indi\ idnals. The ex- periments yielded 67.5 of mo\munt- toward the water. Three individuals made IOO per cent, of movement- toward the water, four between 90 and loo per cent. In only four cases did the per cent, fall under 50 and the lowest of those was 36. Evidently C. H. TURNER. this crayfish, when moving on the checkerboard plate, is largely directed by the nearest body of water. It acts as though it were positively hydrotropic. TABLE III. THE CRAYFISH [Cambarus (Faxonius) propinquits Girard]. Per Cent, of Final Movement^. 1 • en C c . E Ii 4^ _o fT? 3 H CJ 1 Q •a u — rt o Q C "3 N i r\ *o $ 0H "8 - > u "O u CS o "0 S -p "o V ^ VJ _ « i 6 S rt c o c ^""^ -^J K*-I -*j o .E o "O .5 £ « w -*-j * 5 H C JS C S u % ,0 E 8 •4-1 'c h^ 0^ o a: H o 1^ J§ H IT. S 12 2 o I 13 /4 in. Brook fem. 6 38 62 IS 85 23 77 A.M. 2 7 in. Brook fem. 2 IOO o 0 IOO 0 IOO A.M. 3 3 in. Brook fem. I IOO o 0 IOO o IOO A.M. 4 in. Pond male 8 41 59 i 99 II 89 Both 5 40 in. Pond fern. 8 97 3 o IOO 0 IOO P.M. 6 40 in. Lake fem. 8 75 25 30 70 22 78 P.M. 7 40 i in. Lake fem. 8 IOO o 2 98 IS 85 P.M. 8 40 1 1/\ in. Lake fem. 8 65 35 13 87 8 92 P.M. 9 40 3 in. Pond male 8 52 48 0 IOO 28 72 P.M. 10 80 i H in. Pond fem. 8 91 9 3 97 23 77 A.M. ii 7 ij^ in. Pond fem. 2 57 43 o IOO 14 86 A.M. 12 80 2^/2 in. River fem. 8 56 44 7 93 35 65 Both 13 45 i in. River male 8 36 64 ii 89 29 71 A.M. 14 40 i in. River male 8 38 62 IS 85 55 45 A.M. Total 535 Averag p . 6.5 67-5 32-5 6.9 93-1 18.8 81.2 In an infinite series of experiments, 12.5 per cent, of move- ments toward the position of the sun would indicate that bright- ness of the surrounding region (the direct rays of the sun did not have access to the specimens) did not have a directive effect. The experiments yielded only 6.7 per cent, of movements to- ward the position of the sun. Four individuals made zero per cent, of movements toward the position of the sun, three less than four per cent., in only four cases did the per cent, become more than twelve. Evidently, on the checkerboard plate, the crayfish shows a tendency to move away from tin- brightest part of the lidd. In an infinite series of experiments 12.5 per cent, of movements in the direction the head originally pointed would indicate that the position of the head had not intluenced the movements. HVDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 43 These experiments yielded 18.8 per cent, of movements in the direction the head originally pointed. This is so near to what theory demands that it is evident that the original position of the head has not appreciably influenced the final movements of the individual. In tin- matter- con-idered no marked difference was observed In -t\\een male- and females. At the close of each series of experiments mentioned above, t In- crayfish wa- placed on the ground, with its head away from the water. The distances from the water ranged from ten to fifty feet. In each case the crayfish finally turned and went to the water, even going around obstacles. On another occasion twelve crayfish were placed, one at a time, on the ground, within ten feet of the body of water from which they had been obtained. They were always faced away !n>m the water. Kleven of these reached the water in a very few minutes; the twelfth roamed about for fully half an hour before- it found the water. Considered alone these experiments uonld not permit us to draw any conclusions. The land sloped io\\.ird the water. The sun was shining. Hence gravity and the -mi rays may have influenced the movements. However, the results are in harmony with the conclusions drawn from the ex- periments on the checkerboard plate; and, when considered in conjunction with some experiments to be described in the next section, they are illuminating. Bi INDED CRAYFISH (Cambaraus sp.? AND Cambarns (Fraxoni propinquus Girard) (PLATE III). The above experiments with the checkerboard plate prove conclusively that the nearest body of \\ater. in -onie manner, forces the crayfish to move toward?- it. < >ne naturally \\onders if the eyes function in this behavior. To te-t the matter three types of experiments were conducted \\ith blinded na\ii>h. In the first series thirteen blinded < Ta\ \\-\\ \\ere te-ied on the checkerboard plate. The e\e> of li\e \\ere Minded with an opaque varnish, the eyes of the other eight wvre amputated. The board was placed twenty feet from the water. The ronlt> are recorded in Table IV. In an infinite >erie- of experiments, if the factors considered did 44 C. H. Tl FINER. not influence the movements, 25 per cent, of the movements should be toward water, 12.5 per cent, toward the sun and 12.5 per cent, toward the way the head was originally pointed. The experiments yielded the following results; 25.7 per cent, toward water, 15.3 per cent, toward the sun and 17.1 per cent, toward the way the head originally pointed. Evidently the movements of blind crayfish, on the checkerboard plate, are not influenced by the nearby bodies of water. TABLE IV. THE CRAYFISH (Cambarus, sp.?) BLIND (PLATE III). Per Cent, of Final. Movements - 0 £ — rt C L- rt S-g o ffi- >,£ (4-1 0 O 8 ja *O [rt * rt > = ' 5 r^ « c s "C E C '^j 0 > ^ 0 CA; ^ C/^' £?'3 •S'o * w '5 H^ 0 "^ H 4J 0 1^ c^ ^ C/j z o I 40 4 in. Pond fem. 8 12 88 0 IOO IO 90 P.M. 2 20 4 in. Pond male 4 40 60 25 75 5 95 P.M. 3 40 4 in. Pond male 8 17 83 7 93 22 - P.M. 4 40 4 in. Pond fem. 8 42 58 20 80 35 65 P.M. 5 38 4 in. Pond male 8 45 55 ii 89 21 79 P.M. 6 40 4 in. Pond fem. 8 25 75 15 85 IS 85 P.M. 7 40 4 in. Pond male 8 32 68 22 78 17 83 P.M. 8 40 4 in. Pond male 8 20 80 18 82 18 82 P.M. 9 80 4 in. Pond male 8 23 77 29 71 40 60 A.M. IO ! 4 in. Pond fem. 8 42 58 13 87 15 85 A.M. ii 65 4 in. Pond fem. 8 26 74 9 91 15 85 A.M. 12 10 4 in. Pond male 2 10 90 30 70 IO 90 A.M. 13 5 4 in. Pond fem. I O IOO o IOO 0 IOO A.M. Total 498 Averag ? 6.9 25.7 74-3 15.3 84.7 17.1 82.9 These thirteen blinded crayfish were placed on the ground, within fifteen feet of a pond. Their heads were faced away from the water. The land sloped gently towards the water and the sun was shining brightly. At the end of an hour none had reached the water. Several had wandered off into the shrubbery and become lost, three had moved to within two feet of the water and then turned and walked off in another direction, some were wandering about at a greater distance from the water than their original position and three were in practically their original positions. In another series of experiments the crayfish [Cambarus (Fraxonius) propinquus] were used in pairs. The eyes of one HVDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 45 of each pair were painted with a thick coat of lampblack mixed in liquid glue. The eyes of the other were normal. Twelve pairs were used. They were placed fifteen feet from the water. In ten cases the one with good eyes reached the water in a short time and the one with blinded eyes failed to do so. In one case neither reached the water. In another the one with blinded eyes reached the water and the one with good eyes wandered iv from the water. The experiment with this last couple was repeated and yielded similar results.1 It is probable that the eyes of this blinded crayfish were not entirely blind; because, on tin- next day, after the eyes had been repainted, this individual behaved like the other blinded ones. Its companion of the first day died over night; hence, it was not possible to re-test it. The-e experiments with blinded crayfish, when considered in connection with the experiments with normal crayfish, demon- strate that the stimulus by means of which a body of water controls the movements of the crayfish reach the animal through the eyes. GIANT WATER BUG [Belostoma (Zaitha) fluminea] (PLATE IV). The exceptionally dry summer caused many ponds to go dry and it was impossible to secure enough specimens to conduct an extensive number of experiments. Five individuals were used and 109 experiments performed. The checkerboard plate was placed ten feet from the water. The results of these experiments are recorded in Table Y. TABLE Y. GIANT WATER BUGS [Relo^ioma ('/. hi • 1 tn u i. • E 3 o m 3 "J^ td _ u •u Q H flj "£. en 1 — c b -g 1 I *— S "i a "c "w £ dt 3 z — ? — 0 i 1 o ii S H (fl 2 x I 8 Adult Pond s 3°. o 23 77 P.M. 2 10 Juv. Pond go 0 IOO IO go P.M. 3 40 Adult Pond S 95 30 70 I'M. 4 ii Juv. Pond o 36 64 P.M. S 40 Juv. Rivr 8 32 68 2 98 0 IOO A.M. Total IOO A.VCJ /17 =;i 1 ! 10.8 1 In tl, i- tw.-i one pair while 1 \vatrhcd thr "tl w. i • a tinn.-; my wife watching 46 C. H. TURNER. It is probably unwise to draw conclusions from only a hundred experiments; but, these experiments suggest that the water does have a directive influence upon this giant water bug. A SCAVENGER BEETLE (Tropisternus) (PLATE V). In experimenting with the checkerboard plate nineteen in- dividuals of this species were induced to perform 571 experiments. In most cases the board was ten to twenty feet from the water. In one case it was fifty feet (number 18); in another case it was 100 feet (number 19). The results of the experiments are recorded in Table VI. TABLE VI. A SCAVENGER BEETLE (Tropisternus) — ADULTS. ;J Per Cent, of Final Movements. O V* *r .0 is c. C ^' B 3 H rt +j •a •o al nJ a r^ "o * 0 •a ,• 14 a •a Is •a V K-6 V IH 0 i O "5 is l-H *• nj £ H 1 i- i § o c K 1 HI _E 'o E .£5 *j ® < *j fe- 0 0) ' C/3 c""o ^ 'o 0. 3 W c H ^" o >•* h o K» ^ *_> CH w * O I 7 Lake 5 87 13 o IOO 13 87 A.M. 2 2 Pond i 50 50 0 IOO O IOO A.M. 3 9 Pond i 55 45 II 89 II 89 A.M. 4 18 Pond 3 7 93 o IOO 50 50 P.M. 5 40 Pond 8 3 97 3 97 13 87 1' M. 6 40 Pond 8 53 47 53 47 20 80 P.M. 7 8 Pond I 25 75 25 75 88 12 P.M. 8 40 Pond 8 o IOO o IOO 23 77 P.M. 9 40 Pond 8 o IOO 65 35 25 75 P.M. 10 40 Pond 8 35 65 o IOO 8 92 P.M. ii 40 Pond 8 55 45 15 85 28 72 P.M. 12 9 1 Vn.l 2 1 1 89 o IOO 44 56 A.M. 13 40 Pond 8 45 55 5 95 40 60 P.M. 14 10 Pond 2 10 90 0 IOO 40 60 A.M. 15 40 Pond 8 37 63 20 80 18 82 A.M. 16 80 Pond 8 6 94 8 92 38 62 \ M 17 40 Pond 8 47 53 10 90 15 85 P.M. 18 40 Pond 8 45 55 0 IOO 20 80 I'M. 19 28 Pond 4 53 47 M 86 20 7i P.M. Total 571 Av.- . 5-1 32.3 67.7 12 88 27 73 In an infinite series of experiments, if the factors considered did not influence the movements, 25 per cent, should have been toward the water, 12.5 per cent, toward the sun and 12.5 per cent, toward the direction the head originally pointed. The HYDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 47 results obtained from the experiments were; 32.3 per cent, inward the water, 12 per cent, toward the sun, and 27 per cent. inward the direction the head originally pointed. The per cent of movements toward the water is too low to warrant the assump- tii.n that the movements of the group, as a whole, have been influenced by the water; however, certain individuals exhibit a marked tendency to move toward the water. One individual made 87 per cent, of movements toward the water; five, between 50 and 60 per cent.; three, between 40 and 50 per cent. Thus nine individuals, practically half of the individuals used in the experiments exhibited a tendency to move toward the water. Bright ne— did not influence the movements. There was a -li-Jn tendency to move in the direction the head was originally pointed. When these beetles were given their freedom, some flew and others did not. Of those that flew, more than 90 per cent, flew to the water. SMM.I. |)i\i\<; BKKTLE (Laccophilns sp.?). To test their fitness for work on the checkerboard plate, a few experiments were conducted with a small diving beetle. On account of its proneness to fly it is a difficult subject with which to work; but, where one has sufficent patience it may be used. It might be a good idea to clip its second pair of wings. On escaping they always flew toward the water. THE I.AR<;K WATER STRIDER (Gem's renrigis Sa I'I.ATE \ I In working with the checkerboard plate, 27 indi\ iduals were induced to perform 534 experiments. Seventeen individuals were used near the stream where they were captured: tin- re- mainder were taken to the shore of a lake. In nn>-t cases tin- board was placed from five to ten feet fn-in tin- \\ater. In a few cases it was necessary to place it nu-nty feet away. The results are recorded in Table \ 1 1. In an infinite series of experiment-, if the factor- considered, have no directive influence on tin- animal-, then J5 per cent, of the movements should be toward the water. u.,s per cent, to- ward the sun and 12.5 per cent, toward the origin. il po-iiion of the head. The experiment- yielded 34.7 per cent, of movements 48 C. H. TURNER. toward the water, 16 per cent, toward the sun and 26.6 per cent, toward the initial position of the head. The low per cent of movements toward the water is too low to warrant the conclusion that the group, as a whole, is directed, in its move- ments, by the nearest body of water. However, certain indivi- duals are undoubtedly so influenced. Two individuals made 100 TABLE VII. WATF.R-STRIDER (Gerris remigis Say). Ui Per Cent, of Movements?. 13 1-1 V CO C H & •2 T3 £ a (11 & T3 is g.£ fe ri £ 0 o •<-> rt S & ~ 0 g K - rt S 'o 6 • £H +J b> K* 0 C/3 C/} >> *o J> 'o a CO 3 S w '3 t— 1 H15 'o "* H "o gft, -J ^ O !5 I IO Adt. Br. 3 80 20 o IOO 30 70 2 5 Adt. Br. 4 40 60 o IOO 40 60 3 i Juv. Br. i o IOO o IOO o IOO 4 12 Juv. Br. 8 33 67 I 99 50 50 5 2 Adt. Br. 2 o IOO o IOO 0 IOO 6 II Tuv. Br. 5 9 91 o IOO 27 73 7 II Adt. Br. 6 9 91 0 IOO 27 73 8 4 Adt. Br. I 25 75 50 50 o IOO 9 2 Adt. Br. i IOO 0 o IOO o IOO 10 12 Adt. Br. 3 0 IOO 50 50 o IOO ii 2 Adt. Br. i 50 50 50 50 o .IOO 12 2O Juv. Br. 4 30 70 25 75 50 50 13 I Juv. Br. i IOO o o IOO 0 IOO 14 18 Adt. Br. 3 II 89 89 II 17 83 15 9 Adt. Br. 2 44 56 22 78 22 78 16 20 Adt. Br. 4 20 80 50 50 50 50 17 6 Adt. 1 .1 1 , 2 50 50 17 83 O IOO 18 28 Adt. 1 .(!..• 6 36 64 14 86 61 39 19 40 Adt. Lake 8 43 57 0 IOO 33 67 20 40 Adt. Lake 8 25 75 7 93 52 48 21 40 Adt. ' Lake 8 52 48 3 97 35 65 22 40 Adt. Lake 8 18 82 2 98 40 60 23 40 Adt. Lake 8 57 43 25 75 32 68 24 40 Adt. i , : - 8 32 68 5 95 40 60 25 40 Adt. Lake 8 i? 83 8 92 33 67 26 40 Adt. 1 : . 8 30 70 7 93 42 58 27 40 Adt. Lake 8 25 75 8 92 35 65 Total 534 Averag e .... 5 34-7 65-3 16 84 26.6 73-4 per cent, of movements toward the water; one, 80 per cent; four, between 50 and 60 per cent. On the other hand it must be noted that three individuals made 100 per cent, of their movements HYDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. 49 away from the water; three, between 90 and 100 per cent.; four, between 80 and 90 per cent.; five, between 70 and 80 per cent.; four, between 60 and 70 per cent.; four, between 50 and 60 per cent. Kvidmtly, although some individuals are undoubtedly in- fluenced by water as a directive force, this is certainly not true of the group as a whole. Near a small pond in Carondelet Park, St. Louis, Mo., there is a narrow valley. The floor, which is nearly horizontal is about 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. About eight feet from the pond it slopes, at an angle of 60 degrees to the water. On the two sides the walls slope upward at an angle of from 30 to 50 degrees. This valley floor was selected as the place in which to perform the following experiments with water-striders which had been cap- tured in a brook near Creve Coeur Lake, Mo. One at a time the water-striders were placed on the ground, at a certain definite di-iance from the water. They were always faced away from tin- water. They were watched continuously until they had rit her reached the water or had gone from the starting point, in -oim- direction other than toward the water, a distance equal to that from the starting place to the water. Such individuals were recorded as not moving toward the water. Sometimes an individual would start in a certain direction and continue in that direction to the close of the experiment. More often it wandered about in various directions before settling down to continue in one course. Sometimes an individual would move toward the water a distance of ten to twenty feet and then turn about and move away from it. In a few cases an indi\ idiial would move away from the water a distance of ten to til'u-en iVrt and then turn, meander about, and finally reach the \\.iitr. Several of those that did not reach the water rlimU-d tin- -idr- of the valley for a distance of fifteen to twenty feet. If. in its wanderings, an individual happened to arrive on the steep slope that extended from the horizontal floor of the valley to the pond, it invariably continued, sometime.-, \\iih accelerated -peed, to the water. The results are recorded in Table VIII. These results harmonize with the conclusions l>a-rd upon ex- periments with the checkerboard plate. C. H. TURNER. TABLE VIII. Number of Individuals Used. Number of Feet Placed From Water. No. that Moved. Per Cent that Moved. I 1 Not Toward the Water. - £ •o . £ " 20 IO 10 10 20 30 6 2 2 14 8 8 30 20 20 70 80 80 THE WHIRLIGIG BEETLE (Gyrinus sp.?) (PLATE VII). In working with the checkerboard plate twenty-one individ- uals were used. With the board from ten to fifteen feet from the water, 551 experiments were performed. The results are recorded in Table IX. In an infinite series of experiments, if the factors considered have no effect of the movements of the creatures, then 25 per cent, of the movements should have been toward water; 12.5 per cent., toward the sun; 12.5 per cent, toward the original position of the head. These experiments yielded 52.6 per cent, of movements toward the water, 6.7 per cent, toward the posi- tion of the sun and 22 per cent, toward the original position of the head. In one individual the per cent, of movements toward the water was 95, in four cases it was between 80 and 90, in three cases it was between 60 and 70, in four cases it was between 50 and 60, in five it was between 40 and 50. In the case of only three individuals was the per cent, of movements toward water less than 30. Evidently, the whirligig beetle, when moving on the checkerboard plate, is largely directed by the nearest body of water. They act as though they were positively hydrotropic. In addition to the work upon the checkerboard plate, tin- following experiments were conducted in the open. Twelve specimens were placed in a dry tray ten feet from the water. In less than half an hour all had flown to the water. Ten spin inu-ns were placed in a dry tray twenty feet from the water. In less than half an hour all had flown to the water. Ten specimens HYDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES. TABLE IX. THE WHIRLIGIG BEETLE (Gyrinus sp. ?.) — ADULTS. Per Cent, of Final Movements. 1 u Qj s . c h_ — - £ .c •^ — ca a Q Z IM r* 2? 2 £ . •o o 0 C 1 ~= £ PL* "ljs ~E r' -t '- "H . - - 2s 1 ^ H £ ! ?. •— ••* "? ••* i I™ pd |§ • O) o glj — - M — > - £ u H C/3 Z z z ? "~ 'o Z I 5 Pond 1 i o IOO 0 IOO A.M. 2 35 Pond 7 60 40 6 94 94 A.M. 3 17 Pond 4 88 12 0 IOO 29 71 A.M. 4 Pond I O IOO IOO IOO o A.M. 5 9 Pond 2 1 1 89 IOO IOO A.M. 6 5 Pond I IOO IOO 20 A.M. 7 40 River 8 7 27 73 A.M. 5 River 1 40 600 100 IOO A.M. 9 40 River 55 45 15 85 13 87 A.M. 10 17 River 3 37 63 5 95 12 P.M. 1 1 40 River 8 87 13 o 100 13 87 A.M. 12 41 River 56 44 100 20 80 A.M. 13 13 River 3 77 23 o 100 8 92 A.M. M 40 River 8 30 70 15 85 IS 85 A.M. 15 40 River 8 88 i .' 3 97 IOO P.M. 16 41 River 7" 17 83 1- M. 17 41 River 8 58 42 2 98 36 64 P.M. 18 40 River 8 43 57 15 85 15 85 P.M. 19 40 River 87 7 93 P.M. 20 20 River 4 95 5 IOO 20 80 P.M. 21 2O River 4 45 55 30 70 5 95 P.M. Total 551 Av...| 5.2 | 52.6 47.4 6.7 | 93.3 | 22 78 were placed in a dry tray forty feet from the water. In less than half an hour all had flown to the water. In most cases they did not ascend high in the air; but the further back they were the higher they ascended. In one case a sidewise flight carried t he- beetle behind a tall tree. In that case it arose to above the top of the tree before turning toward the water. At 3:15 P.M. the eyes of ten individual-; were blinded by paint- ing them with lampblack mixed in liquid :Jue. The-e whirlL were placed in a dry tray forty tVet from the water. Ten normal individuals were placed in a similar tray, at the -ame di-tance from the water. The two trays were only t\\«> feet apart. One by • >ne, the individuals with normal >ight an>-e fn-m the tray and tlew to the water. By 3:30 P.M. all but <»ne had reaehed the \\.iter. At 4:00 P.M. the last one tlew to the water. Up to 52 C. H. TURNER. 4:15 P.M., when I stopped for the day, none of the blinded whirligigs had reached the water. Two had become lost in the grass. Eight were still in the tray. These experiments show conclusively that the nearest body of water exerts a directive influence upon the movements of the whirligig beetle and that the control is exerted by means of stimulus received through the eyes. CONCLUSIONS i . The checkerboard plate consists of a smooth board covered with white oilcloth which is subdivided, by printed lines, into one-inch squares. There is a leveling device by means of which it can be made perfectly horizontal. Considering the center of the board the center of a circle, the board is divided into eight sections, each forty-five degrees wide. Starting at the middle of one side the tips of these dividing lines are numbered from o to 315. This nomenclature makes it possible to arrange the speci- men at the center of the board, with its head pointing in a certain definite direction. When in use, by means of an adjustable screen, the board is protected from the direct rays of the sun. It is washed from time to time to free it from odors that may in- fluence movements. Thus manipulated all possibility of geotac- tic, chemotactic, and thigmotactic responses are eliminated; hence this device forms an excellent means of investigating the influence of bodies of water upon the behavior of small animals. 1. It may be used in studying any walking land insect, milliped, centiped, crustacean, or annelid. 2. It may be used in studying flying insects that also walk; but, in some cases it may be necessary to clip the wings. 3. It may be used in investigating the behavior of many fresh- water invertebrates (small snails, amphipods, isopods, crayfish, some backswimmers, giant water bugs, water-striders, larvae of straight-winged flies, dragonfly larvae, scavenger beetles, diving beetles, whirligig beetles) ; in some cases it cannot be used be- cause the animals cannot remain out of water long enough (damsel-fly larvae); in yet others it cannot be used because the creatures are too awkward when out of the water (large snails, water-tigers). BYDROTROPISMS OF FRESH-WATER IXVERTEBRA I 53 4. Although the matter has not been tested, it should be possi- ble to use it in investigating many marine invertebrates. 5. This device may be used, not only with creatures with sound vision; but, al>-o, with forms that have been rendered blind by manipulation. II. In testing this device several ecological types of inverte- brates were used: those that creep along the bottom of the body of water or along water plants, but do not leave the pond or stream (Ascllns, half grown dragonfly larvae, pond snails [these occasionally venture beyond the water edge]); those that creep along the bottom or up vegetation and occasionally leave the water (crayfish, scavenger beetles); those that live on the film and never depart far from it (giant water striders); those that dwell on the film, but migrate from one body of water to another (whirligig beetles). 1. The movements of neither pond snails, asellids nor dragon- fly larva.' are influenced by nearby bodies of water. 2. In the majority of cases the movements of crayfish are con- n "lied l>y the nearest body of water. When out of the water they behave as though they arc positively hydrotropic. Blind h do not so react; this demonstrates that the movements of this crustacean, when out of the water, are controlled by visual -(iinuli furnished by the nearest body of water. 3. About half of the scavenger beetles investigated act as though t! ively hydrotropic; the other half are not influenced, in .1 directive manner, by nearby bodies of water. 4. When on land, the majority of the water striders investi- gated are not influenced, in their movements, by the nearest body of water; a few act as though they are p • ly hydro- tropic. 5. When out of the water, whirligig beetles are undoubtedly influenced, in their movements, by the nearest body of water. On the checkerboard plate the majority always move toward the water; when set at liberty within forty feet of a 1>"<1\ of water, they always fly toward it. If blinded they do not react in this manner. This demonstrates that they are controlled by visual -liinuli furnished by the water. 6. This paper does not contend that the-e movements which .-nine of the forms make towanl watt r are po-itive hyclrotropisms 54 C. H. TURNER. in the Loebian sense. These investigations prove that the move- ments mentioned are caused by the directive power of some body of water and not by gravity, nor the sun's rays, nor contact stimuli, nor odor trails. As to whether they are responses to sensations or are merely tropisms it has nothing to say. Either interpretation seems equally plausible. 7. Although the board was protected from the direct rays of the sun, almost all of the species used exhibited a marked tend- ency to move away from that portion of the board which was nearest the position of the sun. Since the sun's rays did not impinge on the individuals, this avoidance cannot be a negative phototropism. It must be a form of differential sensitivity. Perhaps it should be called negative photosensitivity. REFERENCES. 1. Bouvier, E. L. '22 Psychic Life of Insects, pp. 23-24. 2. Holmes, S. J. 'n Evolution of Animal Intelligence, pp. 11-60. 3. Washburn, Margaret Floy. '17 The Animal Mind, Second edition. 4. Weiss, H. B. '14 Notes on the Positive Hydrotropism of Gerris Marginatus Say and Din- eutes assimilis Aube. Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 46, 1914. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE I. ' • A70 .2.70 3.10 0 H C. H. TURNER. PLATE I. DRAGON FLY NYMI-HV SERIES OF 40 TRIALS. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI a • 0 -• TURNER. PLATE II. NORMAL CUAYRSH. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. VOL. XLVI. PLATE III. C. H. TURNER. PLATE III. Bi i BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. VOL. XLVI. PLATE IV C. H. TURNER. PLATE IV. GIANT WATER I BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE V. .270 10 3. 10 470 5.70 C. H. TURNER. PLATE V. SCAVENGER BEETLE. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE VI. lit) 3.10 MO 3.10 10 -'70 C. H. TURNER. PLATE VI. LARGE \YAII-.K Snu BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE VII. C. H. TURNER. PLATE VII. Tin: WHIRLIGIG BEETLE. Vol. XLVI. February, 1924. Xo. 2. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN MODIFICATION OF RESPONSE IN AMU.I'. V S. O. MAST AND L. C. PUSCH. FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS VMVI .K-IIV. Gibbs and Dellinger ('08) and Schaeffer ('17) maintain that AiiKJL-ba has the power of selecting food. The former hold that the kind of food preferred changes under various condition-, .unl they suggest that changes in the kind of food selected is the re- sult of a process of learning based upon the method of "trial and error." One of us (Mast '10) in preceding observations found that when the tip of a pseudopod of an amoeba comes in contact with a highly illuminated region in the field it stops; then others are sent out in succession in the same general direction, each one stopping when it comes in contact with the light, until suddenly one is sent out in a markedly different direction, avoiding the illuminated region altogether. It is maintained that this abrupt change in tin- direction of the formation of the pseudopods. constituting a profound modification in the response to a given stimulus, is dependent upon the preceding experience of the individual, i.e. repeated contact with the strong light. Tin- specimens used in the following experiments were obtained from the cultures in the laboratory, most of which had been -torked \\ith material from a stream near the campus. They were of the proteus type. Each amoeba was isol.ited on a glass slide in a drop of its culture-fluid under a cover-.^l.i — . tin ed^es of which were sealed with vaseline. Each anm-li.i was adapted to darkness before using. The observations were made in tin- d.irk room. An area of intense light was obtained by forii-iiii; on the >lidc under the microscope, by means of the reflector .md ,m Abbe condenser, an image of a portion of the luniim >us til.unent < >l .111 incandescent Ma/da lamp placed in a light-tight 1>«\. I lie IM\ - «if the filament -ed through a very narrow slit in the box. The image 55 56 S. O. MAST AND L. C. PUSCH. clearly defined edges and furnished a band of intense light across the field. The slide was adjusted so that the amoeba was within a distance equal to approximately half its length from the light with the pseudopod or pseudopods progressing towards it. If the pseudopod did not stop when it came in contact with the light the amoeba was discarded. If it stopped the behavior of the amoeba was observed until it definitely moved away from the light, and the number of pseudopods which made contact with it was recorded. After this the light was shut off, and the amoeba was left in darkness until the next trial was made. In this way each individual was given twenty-seven trials. The interval between trials was approximately three minutes except in the following as recorded in Table I: individual B, trials 16-17 and 23-24, 24 hours; individual D, trials 15-16, 22 hours; individual E, trials 8-9 18 hours, 16-17, 48 hours, and 21-22, 24 hours; individual F, trials 8-9, 50 hours, and 20-21, 20 hours; individual G, trials 16-17, 16 hours, and 24-25, 3 hours. During these intervals the amoebae were kept on their slides in darkness undisturbed. The behavior of a typical individual is illustrated in Fig. I by sketches representing all of the trials in the series. By referring to this figure it will be seen that while during the first part of the series there wras something of a persistence on the part of the amoeba to attempt to proceed in its original direction — notably 7 attempts in trial 4 — there was but little in the latter part of the series — a total of only 5 attempts during the last 14 trials. The results obtained in all of the tests are presented in Table I. This table shows that the number of pseudopods which came in contact with the light before the direction was changed decreased in general as the number of trials increased in each series, that there was a similar decrease in the total contacts of all amoeba! for corresponding trials, and also in the totals of consecutive groups of three trials. Amoeba B made 10 contacts with the light in the first three trials; with trial 4 a general decrease begins. A total of 20 pseudopods made contact in the first 14 trials of the series, and a total of 9 in the last 13. In the series of amoeba D there were 5 contacts in the first 6 trials but none at all in the remaining 21 trials. Amoeba E made 21 contacts in the first 14 trials — II of these were in the first 4 — and 5 in the last 13 MODIFICATION' OF RESPONSE IX AMCEBA. 57 2:03 2.Q3L 2:04 2:05" 1 tf "9-40*9 /a 10.2 IO:58 U.oo n. 01 ICOS" M:06 M:07 H:i3 i •• IMS' l|:20 H-' Vi:3 7 " It 3.? I 1 1 f C IK44 l'4-«r U..C7 FIG. i. A series of diagrammatic illustrating the U ha\ i. i . i Amoeba E for twenty-seven tri.ils. Thr straight lines of equal Icii.uth i< nd of li^lit. I K.- ..utlines of the amoeba de- si-rilit- it- j...-ition in relation to the light at the time given below in each individual sketch. The arro\v< shcu tin- din-ction of protoplasmic -tn-aming. S. O. MAST AXD L. C. PUSCH. trials. Amoeba F made no contacts until trial 8; between trials 8 and 15 there were 8 contacts, while in the remaining 12 trials there was but one contact. There was one contact in the first trial of Amoeba G, then none until the 7th, when a reversal began and persisted very generally through the iyth, by which time 23 contacts had been made; in the remaining ten trials there were 8 contacts. TABLE I. RESPONSE OF AMCEBA TO CONTACT WITH A HIGHLY ILLUMINATED REGION IN THE FIELD. Number of Pseuddpoda that Designation of Came in Contact with Light in Each Trial. Total Contacts for All Individ- Total Contacts for All Individuals in \ji Trials. uals in Each Trial. Groups of Three Consecutive Trials. B. D. £. F. C. i 4 o 0 0 I 5 2 3 0 3 o o 6 3 3 3 I o o 7 18 4 o o 7 o o 7 5 3 I 0 0 o 4 6 o I o o o i 13 7 i o 2 o I 4 8 2 o O 2 4 8 9 O o 2 I 2 5 17 10 O 0 4 0 I 5 ii 3 o 2 2 2 9 12 o o O O o o M 13 0 0 O I 2 3 14 I • 0 0 0 4 5 15 o o I 2 I 4 12 16 I o I O I 3 17 0 0 0 0 5 5 18 o o o O o o 8 19 o o I 0 o i 20 o o o O I i 21 2 o 2 o 0 4 6 22 O o O I o i 23 I o O o 3 4 24 O o O o 3 3 8 25 4 0 O o I 5 26 I 0 0 0 o i 27 0 0 O o o o 6 The totals by groups of three consecutive trials fluctuate between 18 for the first group, 12 for the middle and 6 for the last. In other words there is a modification of response in the sense that the number of attempts to continue in the original direction after meeting the light decreases in general as the number of trials of the series increases. MODIFICATION OF RESPONSE IN AMCEBA. 59 It will be remembered that each series was interrupted ir- regularly l>v longer intervals of time, usually about a day or longer. Despite this there is a general constancy of the tendemy throughout each series. This seems to indicate ability to retian for some time the modification of response. These experiments were repeated 18 months after the preced- portion of the paper was completed. Two individuals were used and a series of 18 readings approximately 3 minutes apart uc ic obtained with each. The total number of contacts made by ilu-se two individuals in groups of three consecutive trials be- ginning with the first follows: 20, 9, 10, 6, 7, 4. The results ob- tained in these observations are consequently in harmony with ili">e obtained in the preceding observations. SUMMARY. \Vfim AiiKL'ba repeatedly comes in contact with a band of intense light the number of attempts to continue in the original iliicc tion decreases as the number of trials increases. This indicates that there is some change in Amoeba that is analogous to what is called "learning" in the higher animals. LITERATURE CITED. Gibbs, David and Dcllinger, O. P. '08 1 IK- Daily Life of Amoeba prolfus. Am. Jour. Pay., Vol. 19. pp. ! Mast, S. O. '10 Reactions in Amoeba to light. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 7. pp. 265- Schaeffer, A. A. '17 ' 'od in Amoeba. Jour. Animal Behavior. V"' .'^0-258. Schaeffer, A. A. '17 Reactions of Amoeba to Light and the Effect of I.i.nht .:UK. BIOL. BULL.. Vol. 32. pp. 45-72. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AND A PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFICATIONS IN ECHINODERM EMBRYOS. * JOHX \Y. MACARTHUR. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. INTRODUCTORY. In a study of the means of altering and controlling the course of deYelopment in echinids by electrolytes the writer had oc- casion to note the action of lithium chloride in effecting remarka- ble form changes in the early ontogeny of sand-dollars and sea- urchins. An attempt was then made to analyze further these effects and the similar ones so extensively studied by Herbst and others, and to provide for the wealth of facts obtained some more consistent and satisfactory explanation than has been offered. Application to these cases of the susceptibility and differential inhibition methods of Child has supplied what seems a secure and reasonable basis for interpreting such puzzling teratological forms as exogastrulse, "holentoblastula?," etc. For I believe that the first impression of an exquisitely specific action of the Li' ion is not sustained by a closer examination of the facts, and that "lithium larvae" fall logically into the series of abnormal forms producible quite at will by other means. The work on Echinarachnius, Arbacia, and Asterias was carried out at Woods Hole in the summer of 1916 and that on Strong- ylocentrotus and Orthasterias at Friday Harbor in 1917. For materials and facilities at these stations the author is indebted to Dr. F. K. I.illie and Dr. YV. C. Frye, and for many suggestions, discussions, and even for generous contribution of experiment, il data special thanks are extended to Dr. C. M. Child. EXPERIMENTAL. Physiological Axial Gradients. — In scores of species <»t plant * and animals of all degrees of complexity of organization a gradient I \ah- of hea\\ met.ils, basic dyes, etc., usually give be-t re-ult*; and \\ith >oine of the-e tests were made on the direct -n-cepli- bility of the lithium-modified as compared with normal embi (p. 73)- When developmental stage- are treated \\ith the -aim- agents in parti. illy lethal concentration- or -ublethal coiu-i-ntra- tions pemiitting acclimation or tolerance, or are returned to the normal medium after temporary e\po-nrc. a effect on development results. That i-. the le\d- of hi-he-t metabolic rate in any gradient are more retarded or inhibited, or in case of acclimation or reco\ er\ . acclimate or reo»\er more rapidly or more completely than level-, of lower rate. In differential in- 62 JOHN W. MACARTHUR. hibition then the levels of lower rate may be relatively accelerated and in differential acclimation or recovery the levels of higher rate may be relatively accelerated after the primary inhibition. Direct differential acceleration is also possible under proper con- ditions. These differential effects of external agents in relation to the physiological gradients provide means of controlling to a greater or less extent the course of development and the sizes, proportions and relations of parts under given conditions (Child, '16, '17; Bellamy, '19). In short, the established gradient of the egg or embryo, being physiological, is not necessarily permanently fixed and unalter- able, but may be radically modified, obliterated entirely (as in Asterias embryos by N/iooo HC1 in sea water), or even entirely- reversed in direction, as we shall show for the lithium larvae (Fig. 13). The ordinary procedure in the differential inhibition method was as follows: Eggs of freshly collected animals were removed to a bowl, fertilized, and then placed during early cleavages in small quantities in liter Erlenmeyer flasks of sea water to which the agent used had been added. The flasks were loosely covered but not aerated. Each day the solution was renewed and em- bryos examined and notes and sketches taken recording the course of their development as compared with the controls kept in pure sea water. In most experiments some of the embryos were also removed after various times of exposure to the salt solutions to determine the possibility and nature of the steps of their recovery. The Lithium Modifications. — Best results with lithium are contingent upon recognition of the prominent roles of several factors; especially concentration of the agent, duration of ex- posure, and stage of development at time of exposure. In higher concentrations development is strongly inhibited and incomplete. If the concentration is too low, or if exposure is too brief, begins too late or is terminated at too early a stage, tin- effect is weak and development approaches by all transitions toward:- tin- normal. Herbst observed ('950, ch. 3) that typical eflect> are not produced by temporary treatment merely up to fertilization, cleavage or young blastula stages; but well developed blastulae treated with rather concentrated solutions and then returned to EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFICATION-. sea water do -how -ome of .the lithium modifications much ob- -t tired by recovery. In general it maybe said that maximal effect- may be- -ecured by sea water solutions of about X no to X joo I.i< • inline to the species of the embryo used) acting I'm- .1 sensitive determining period from cleavage continuously through late blastula stages. Echinarachnius parma. — This sand-dollar provides perhaps ilu nio-t re-ponsive material yet found for the study of lithium t-l h-fts, which are here, if anything more diverse and extreme than in sea-urchins and far more so than in the star hshes used. The action of lithium solutions producing the characteristic lithium effects is such as to retard or inhibit development, the ree of inhibition (and loss of power of recovery) varying directly with concentration. I.iCI, 2 H-:< ). X 60 or more, in \\..ier stops cleavage early; and even at X 80 only a few individ- uals reach the blastula stage. These survivors are either partial blastula- or very small, immobile, thick-walled stereo-blastul.i . \\liose remarkably small segmentation cavity is packed so full of precociously formed opaque mesenchyme that much of the latter is forcibly extruded from the basal pole; these types, though not "sickly," die shortly without gastrulation. In X i leath occurs most commonly in late cleavage, but one timK inactive at the bottom of the container, a few stereo- blastuLe. which die as such, or, rarely, after assuming the con- striction form described below. In X i JS I.iCl a considerable minority of the egt- In. dine opaque mesenchyme-filled blastuhe, the larger of which, e-pe- cially in more , forming two vesicles, one 64 JOHN W. MACARTHUR. of the gastrula wall and the other of the gut entoderm. These two components may be of very different relative size (Fig. 2) J FIG. i. Blastulae and early gastrulae of the Atlantic sand-dollar, Echinarachniiis parma. a-c, normal embryos; others, typical embryos as modified by lithium. In the lithium series note: the overdevelopment and frequent basal extrusion of the mesenchyme; the various degrees of enlargement of the sharply defined, thick- walled endodermal portion; and the occasional occurrence (s, w, x) of partial cn- dogastrulation. a and /8 arc double cxogastruhe, two joined terminally by their basal ends. as might be expected from the mode of their formation. Some- times the ectodermal portion exceeds the entodermal, often tln-v are more or less equal, but in a great many the entoderm is clearly much the larger. In the last mentioned cases the ccto- •dermal component becomes less and less, and approaches the vanishing point — a little knot of cells or nothing at all! — while the archenteron undergoes a compensatory and reciprocal hy- KXOGASTRULATIOX AND RELATED MODIFICATIONS. 65 pertrophy, until in a few individuals by its progressive enlarge- ment the whole gastrula is entodermal (i.e. a "holentoblastula," better called for its physiological equivalent a holentogastrula). There i> never any real difficulty in distinguishing ectoderm and entoderm in these forms. In every species there are charac- teristic differences in pigmentation, in thickness of walls, in structure of the cells, in cilia, in size of cells, in frequency of a f> c d c f g ' FIG. 2. Series of sand-dollar embryos (constriction forms) developed 27 hours in M/i6o LiCI. Ectoderm (above) separated at dashed line from cnd"'k-im. Mcsenchyme packing the blastocoels omitted. The ectodermal (thin-wall, .h component, larger in a-c, is reduced in size in d-f, and nearly obliterated in >;, \\liu li is practically a holentogastrula. nuclei, etc. From a study of the lineage of cells from the pie- men ted and nonpigmented zones of the early egg it may be stated quite positively that entoderm grows at the expense of ectoderm, some of whirh becomes converted into entoderm (and possibly aUo into mesenchyme). I ill in the solution many of these constriction forms show early death and gradual disintegration, sometimes of the eetoderm, or of both extremes, but usually of the entodermal component from its free end towards the an. u lied p. in. 1<« - turned to sea water the more resistant ectoderm. il portion may recover and linger on awhile as a partial form, a holectogastrula as it were. This type may arise al>o in .mother way: if the con- stricted gastrulae are removed early from the lithium and allowed to recover in sea water ectoderm and entoderm tend to separate from each other, especially when the two eoinpoiieiii^ are of nearly equal size (Fig. 3, v). It would ,-eeni that equality and duality are inconsistent with development of mie individuality! N/l6o is close to the optimal concentration for producing the most striking lithium effects in thi> >perie-. Retardation of 66 JOHN \V. MACARTHUR. development is less general and more localized and differential. The eggs produce practically 100 per cent, modified blastuhr, which are smaller and thicker walled than their controls; the ectoderm does not thin out for some time even though the blas- toccel is almost invariably solidly filled with mesenchyme. Such overproduction of mesenchyme seems to lead to a basal extrusion and loss of excess proliferated primary and secondary mesenchy- mal cells from the basal pole of the blastula, which is commonly s FIG. 3. Commonest types of sand-dollar gastruki* and larvae from lithium rul- Uircs. Show the wide range of lithium alterations. (See also other cxumpl'"- in tin- originals of Fig. 12). a-i, from M/i6o and j-x from M/aoo LiCl, return* .1 at about 2 days to sea water. Mesenchyme omitted in most. EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFICATION-. 07 marked by the "cell ro-ette" of Herbst, composed sometimes of i-ol.ited cells and -onetimes of loose masses, as if the bla>tnla wall had ,n inally bnr>t at its weakest point through di-teinion of it- i ,;\ ity. Shortly the entoderm begins to evert, all stages of ^astrulation an- present (Fig. 3), and soon the culture con- -i-t- almost entirely of exogastrula? with only a few forms ap- pro.K liin- normal endogastrulation. And here again one finds the whole gamut of types with regard to the relative si/e of the •dermal and entodcrmal portions. The ectoderm shows all d< ^rees of reduction down to complete obliteration in the large, relatively clear, holentogastrulu', whose walls and content - exhibit all the distinguishing features of the archentenm. Noth- ing is more evident than that the entoderm grows here at the •ense of the ectoderm. At 33 36 hours or more those types in which both component - are present may shoxv further differentiation: the archenteron ^hows constrictions separating it into two, or its usual three di\isions. This tri-partile gut is safely homologized with tore-, mid-, and hind-gut, with the fore-gut of course, situated at the most posterior free end of the embryo. The relative size of these three divisions shows a most interesting series of variations I ig. 4). The total gut is greatly increased in bulk over the ft C < Fit;. 4. Sck-rU'd series of types from i iiltun •- :--iIiii-ti"ii-i in th- portion u'c/.i; ami tin- parallel ih pi< ipi>rt inn of tin- riiilncl.-i in n it-; throe divisions: hind-gut (In; inid-giit (m); ami i normal and could not coin ei\ abl\- be em -lo-ed in the ravity of the ectoderm; and in thi> inrn-a-e the (We-yin t.ike- the greatest >hare, the mid -gut next, and the hind-^nt .ittai he\ ion- and -i^nilicant parallel in thi> proce» to the relatixe increase of the etiloderm as a whole at the expense of reduction of tin- ectoderm. • - JOHN W. MACARTHUR. Herbst demonstrated quite conclusively ('95 a, e.g. Figs. 17, 18, 22) that the thick entodermal layer of the lithium larvae and of the intermediate types, is rich in nuclei and in the number of its smaller cells in proportion to the size of the part. The ecto- derm, on the other hand, gives every evidence of retarded ac- tivity: at first very thick, it afterward becomes thin and stretched but is never composed of more than a single cell layer (except when and where the ciliary bands appear), and this layer is peculiarly sparse in nuclei and is composed of a few extraordinarily large cells, both in comparison with the normal ectoderm and with the entoderm of lithium larvae. The tip of the fore-gut often shows some disintegration, and the resulting cellular debris and associated mesenchymal cells are evidently somewhat sticky, for one finds frequently that two exogastrulae fuse, telosynaptically as it were, by the ends of their guts (not laterally as in Herbst's cases). These adhere closely and more or less permanently to form " fused twins" (Fig. 3, w, x) whose parts, of varying relative size, have an in- teresting history of inhibition and reciprocal overgrowth, separa- tion, etc., that might be followed further with profit. Meanwhile differentiation has progressed somewhat in the ectodermal component also; especially if this is fairly large, has not been too strongly inhibited, and is then allowed to recover partially in sea water. Notable deviations from the normal development are seen in the marked reduction and generally radial disposition of apical structures. The mouth usually fails to form, but when it does it is practically terminal. The ciliary bands, when formed, appear as an apical ciliated tuft, plate, or small transverse ring. Apical outgrowths are common (Fig. 3, d). By the third day skeletal spicules have often formed in the mesenchyme, which is collected, not in two lateral masses near the blastopore, but, rather, crowded far forward into the apical end of the ccelome; these spicules stimulate the produc- tion of the pluteus arms, \\hich are uncommonly close together and narrow angled from the marked reduction of the oral lobe and also from the tendency of the "anal" arms to be formed very near the oral region. Herbst also noted ('95, a, Figs. 32-36) that lithium larva? successfully recovering in sea water continue their overproduction of mesenchyme and skeletal structures and EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFICATIONS. 69 lay down an excess number of skeletal spicules (3, 4, or 5 — the total final number in ordinary development — or even 7, in Sphcerechinus) and the pluteus arms are increased in number and displaced accordingly and had besides an increased number of radii '4 or ,S in-trad of 3). \ joo I. id >lows down development noticeably, but the bla-iul.i- are of nearly normal size and less crowded with mesen- ch\mc, wliich is extruded from the posterior end in only about half of the embryos. When gastrulation occurs there are found about 60-70 per cent, entogastrulae and only 30-40 per rent. exogastnilae and intermediate forms. The bla>tula iv« «\ n \\\^ in >ea water quickly resume active movements and I>L-«-..I trul. i- differing from the lithium larvae in the slightly thinner •drrni and entoderm; in the incomplete or merely tem|»orary £• 3 g- j-ftl' t>) evagination of the gut; in the relatively 1 a e J FIG. 5. Sand-dollar embryos as moditic-l l.\ < 50 i1 •. . MK! dilute •. .ii IT. a. an »-at 1 trula after i day in CuSO«, M 1,250 . alter 2 days it-nil II . < ,M •; c-«. I'ri'in diliiti A.UIT; j-m. from K\i \l 750,000. JOHN W. MACARTHUR. gastrular wall and more fully divided gut; and in their larger oral region and occasional belated evagination of the stomadeum. N/25O LiCl yields mostly ordinary forms, but little retarded, and only 5-10 per cent, exogastrula?. In still loxver concentra- tions development quickly approaches that of the controls. Other agents, such as KXC, CuSO,, HgCl2) HC1, CaCl2, XaCl, and conditions, such as diluted or staling water, used in appro- priate concentrations and intensities, were found to cause the same sort of general inhibition of development as LiCl, stopping entogenetic changes at cleavage, blast ula, or gastrula stages; all may be employed to show the relatively greater inhibitory effect on apical and ectodermal parts; many brought the blastula up to a stage (Fig. 5) precisely simulating late Lithium blastulae; and a few produced a small percentage of imperfect exogastrulae, as in Fig. 5. Arbacia pimctulata and Strongylocentrotus franciscana. — In these sea-urchins a range of types of abnormality was produced d FIG. 6. Exogastruhr, Constriction Forms, and Double Emluyn »t .\rhacia, produced by LiCl and XaCl. a-g from LiCl, M/8o to M/ioo; It j, I'min N'aCl, M/4 to M/8. i XOGASTRl I \lloN AND RELATED MODIFICATION-. JI by lithium treatment, deviating from the normal in the -aim- nd ( --entially to the same degrees as do the sand-dollar lithium larva-. The concentrations required are rather higher, the mo-t numerous and typical lithium effects being indiuvd in the Atlantic species by about X 80 to X 100 LiCl, and in the fie I'orm by X 100 or less. Several hundred sketches of teratological types in these un hins (the very common types seen in Figs. 6, 7) conform so Fit.. 7. Modified > '• M joo; /-/. from LiCl. M 150; m-o, from NaCl. M i M..MI KN MO; r-z, from CaCI?. M/ifto to M/2OO. closely to the sand dollar fonn> just dc-i -rilu-il .Mid to the modifi- cations illustrated and described -in >m-h -real detail by Herbst Ti)-1. 'i)5<;. '956) for Echinus niicr(it! C FIG. 9. Alterations of Orthastrrias embryos in M/i6o LiCl. d-t, showing sterna- l-version; t.witli mixed endo-and exo-gastrulation; «j-6.with reduced ectodcim and greatly enlarged endodi-rm. particularly in the fore-gut. Note the position ot the c-iliary bands in c-c and in Fit;. 8. c. Comparison of Susceptibility gradients of Normal and Litliittm Embryos. i. The Xormal Embryos. — The susceptibility relations in the i ,nl\ ontogeny of Asterias and Arbacia have been described by Child ('i5&; '160); these observations have- been confirmed and extended to include the sand-dollar (data by I >r. Child and tin- writer) and the Pacific coast forms. According to the direct susceptibility method p. <\\] tin- fertil- ized or dividing eggs, blastulcT?, gastrula- and larvae were placed in loth. il solutions of KNC (M iooi,,M rooo), HgCl M -«>ooo or less), CuSOi, concentrated lu-utral red or methylene blue, and to a few other salts, etc. and the course and relative times of death of parts noted by the criteria of pi»-ibility of recovery in return to sea water and of disoruani/ation of cell structure. Disorganization is often made more \i-ible either by a brief urn to sea water, or by previous or simultaneous staininy in 74 JOHN W. MACARTHUR. dilute neutral red since the stained tissue decolorizes sharply at the death point. Since general susceptibility increases steadily from fertilization to gastrulation the concentration of the agents was correspondingly decreased in the later stages. The order of susceptibility in the succeeding stages of develop- ment is shown in Fig. 10. Disorganization, manifested by droplet a o f FIG. 10. Disintegration of normal sand-dollar eggs and embryos, showing re- lative susceptibility of parts. Mesenchymc omitted, a-b, eggs; c, 4-celled; d-f, blastulie; g-j, gastrulte and early larvae. When the polar axis becomes recognizable disintegration proceeds from animal to vegetal pole (i.e. is apico-basal) . formation, cell separation, roughening of contour, visible dis- integration, and decolorization, according to the particular agent used, begins at one point of the surface of the egg, or at one pole of the blastomeres in tin- 2- or 4-cell stage, or at one pole of the cleavage mass or early blast ula, and then extends gradually over adjacent parts to reach last the opposite surface or pole. As soon as the blast ul.i differentiates to show the thick- ening and begins its elongation, one may orient the embryo in EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFICATION-. 75 its chief axis at a glance. Here the manifestations of li are tir-t visible at the animal pole or apex and pn>^: dually and -ic.idily towards the basal region which is reached l,i~i, often hour- .tfter the opposite end had been affected. The apparent n-ver-e in some slow-acting solutions was obviously due eiiiin-ly to the basal extrusion of the mesenchyme. Tin- same gradient persists into the gastrula stage, where the apex -hows the greatest susceptibility, while the inva^inated • •MI., derm is so much more resistant (except probably for a /one around the blastopore) that it usually survives in M [OO KNC an hour or more after the ectoderm of the entire gastrular \\all has disintegrated. By returning non-disintegrating gastrula1 to sea water after an appropriate exposure the ensuing dish ion may be checked midway in its course and recovery\.r ol it, lined showing absence or partial loss of apical (or even nioir basal) ectoderm and more or less complete survival of the ento- dermal parts which are accordingly large in proportion to the whole. As in the case of Arbacia "in the gastrula the apex of the conical both' represents the apical end of the major axis, and the Mastopore the basal end, while the entoderm represents a still more basal region of the egg and blastula, and the mex in livme the most basal region" (Child, 'ib/>, pp. 68-69). Vital staining with neutral red and other basic dyes shows an apico-ba-al progression in blastul.e and early gastruhe quite paralleling in all essentials the wave of advancing disintegration as de-cribed above. The experimental embryologists have described the i-oinni"n a d c FlG. ii. Diagram illu-tratiiiK tin p..|.ir ;nr.m.o nn lit ..I part- in tl the normal i-inlu iiicl in litliiinu i-mlii-. •.iiinili-iin mill-, and hind-gut. The lithium rml>ryr> i~ ii-.i!l\ an <-!i iny.iti <\ .ni'l with the germ-' tlu- . JOHN W. MACARTHUR. plan of organization of the Echinid egg as such that the prospec- tive significance of different levels of the egg along its main struc- tural axis is as follows (see Przibram, '08): The animal pole half (diagram, Fig. n. Ect.) furnishes the ectoderm and its differentiations; the subequatorial zone (End.) the gut and its derivatives; and the vegetal pole (Mes.) the primary mesenchyme and the larval skeleton. In Fig. n (6) and (c) these parts are homologized in the normal and the lithium-modified gastrula? a y FIG. 12. Disintegration of typical lithium-modified sand-dollar embryos and larv;f. Mesenchyme omitted, a-c in neutral ivd; triction forms (p. 63) showed new and different and charactc ri-tir susceptibility relations. General susceptibility is much less than in the normal, and the original apico-basal gradients of susceptibility, vital staining and decolori/atiim are less marked, absent or reversed (Fig. 12). Quite commonly the basal end of the entoderm ha> already in disintegration in the LiCl solution itself, and much of tin- second a r\' mesenchyme may have been removed and tlu- primary • •nchyme may have escaped from the blastocoel (Fig 12, /, /). Newly formed lithium exogastruhe and constricted forms removed intact to M,. 1000 KNV, M 500000 HgCl-_>, or concen- trated neutral red. disintegrate in the next few hours. In this process disintegration and decolori/ation after staining generally I « Jus in the secondary mesenchyme-forming region of the an h- enteron. Sometimes the two extreme ends disorganize at the same time, the apical ectoderm of the gastrula wall being as suscrpiibile as tlu- basal entoderm of the archenteron. And in a few cases the ectoderm goes a little in advance of the opposite end. In these hour glass forms the susceptibility varies with the size of tin- components; the larger component being quite uniformly tin- more susceptible; and indeed it is apparently susceptible in din •< t 1 'i' 'I ioi lion to its relative size, as the sketches str^e-t. I greater the reduction of the ectoderm the higher i- it- resistai Exogastruiac removed from the lithium in a more differentiated state with bi- or tri-partite gut, etc., exhibit regularly the re- versed order of susceptibility of parts I DISCUSSION AND IMI-RI-KI i \ i h >\. i. Physiological Gradients in I-'.ihiniil /-'.»: hryos. It will be taken as highly probable that in the e.^g and blastula of the echinoderms so far studied the >u-ceptibility declines from the apical animal pole region to the ba-al \e-etal pole levels. In 78 JOHN \V. MAC-ARTHUR. the late blastula, gastrula and larva the susceptibility demonstra- bly declines sharply from ectodermal to entodermal and mesen- chymal regions (p. 74). This is chiefly significant as indicating a corresponding gradient of metabolic activity — as a prerequisite to normal development — which is further evidenced and mani- fested by structural differences along the apico-basal axis (differences in cell size, cilia, pigment, vacuolization of proto- plasm, etc.) and by functional differences in rate of develop- mental processes (growth, cell division, morphogenesis, and differentiation). It is a familiar fact that teratogenic agents and conditions applied to whole eggs and embryos affect different regions of the developing organism differently and to a different degree. On the quantitative metabolic gradient conception regions of great- est susceptibility are subject to the greatest retardation in the developmental processes, while those of lowest susceptibility are correspondingly least inhibited, as is experimentally proven for Arbacia (Child, 'i6a), Annelids (Child, '17), the frog (Bellamy, '19), etc. Thus most teratological forms may be reproduced according to expectation and explained consistently. Lithium effects also seem to be produced by a differential in- hibition along a quantitative metabolic gradient. The facts relevant to this interpretation have been collected in the next section. 2. Analysis of the Lithium Effects. Exogastrulation aside, lithium larva? are characterized mor- phologically by the abnormal proportions of their parts, which involve all the germ layers in a manner we may summarize as follows: (a} Increase in amount and change in position of the mesenchymc and its derivatives: Excess mesenchyme of stereoblastulae (p. 63). Excess pigment cells (p. 63). Excess skeletal structures, e.g., spicules, arms, radii of arms, etc. (Herbst). Conspicuous production of serous fluids and swelling of serous cavities in main' annelid, fish, and amphibian embryos. KX<>i.\-I Kll ATIOX AND RELATED MODIFICATION-. 79 (b) Ilvperlrophy of entodermal parts, especially basally: Relative and ab-olute increase of size of the gut in general, and of the fore-gut in particular (Figs' 2, 3, 4 etc.). Thickne— of eiit< -dermal wall (p. 68). Kiclim--- of entoderm in nuclei (p. 68). Small size of » ntodermal cells (Herbst; for frog, Bellamy '19). (c) Rein/in- and Absolute Diminution of the Ectoderm, especially a pic ally: Reduction of the ectodermal component of the hour glass forms (Figs. 2, 3). K- 'anlation of the apical region in differentiation (p. 69). !•'• 'ention of radial symmetry (p. 69). !• sen ess in nuclei (Herbst). Large si/.e of ectodermal cells (Herbst, Bellamy. Le Plat, '20, et al.). I ilure of ectoderm to grow down over the entoderm in the I (Gurwitsch, '94, Morgan, '(.>3/>, Bellamy. 'i<). Le Plat, '20). Since the main object of this paper is to deal with the lithium eiiect physiologically, it will profit to restate the morphological i just summarized in physiological terms: Sufficiently strong concentrations of the Li ion will suppress dc\ t lopment at any early or late stage of cleavage, of' the blast ula, etc. Slightly lower concentrations also retard development, but this retarding influence is most marked in the most su-ceptible • 'derm) of the embryo, distinctly less marked in tin- le-- -n-tepiible entoderm. and least marked in the lea-t -u-( -f|H ililc mrsi'in -li\ inc. The last tissur undergoes a rel.ilix i-l\- rapid and rxivssive growth and abundant proliferation (in niaiu \\ resembling malignant tumor growth) to till the blastoccele and lay down the anlage of an increased number <>| -pit nle- (which at once push out the arm- of the plnten- it recovery i~ permitted). The change of position <,f the me-en< h\me ma\ in- dicate a tendency (active or pa--i\« to or.-upy ell- of lowest metabolic activity. The entoderm growth zone extend- it-elf apirally on t«> the gastrula wall (more and more as the ^r.idiein i- le\dK-<| do\\n or reversed) by virtue of an enhanced mitoijc ,md m entoderm > mesenchyme; in the ectoderm itself: api- cal > basal ;*and in the entoderm: hind-gut > mid-gut > fore- gut (Fig. 13). The most substantial direct proof of this reversal of the normal physiological gradient is found in the more or less complete re- versal of the usual order of susceptibility; for in extreme cases the direct susceptibility was seen to be greatest in the fore-gut region and to decline towards the hind-gut and ectoderm (Fig. 13). Judged then by the criteria of susceptibility, of developmental activity in mitosis, growth, rate of differentiation, etc., the meta- bolic gradient of the lithium larva is diminished, obliterated, or in the extreme case actually reversed (basi-apical). It is evident, however, that the reversal of the gradient occurs too slowly or too late to alter significantly the nature of the differentiated end products, for the respective germ layers bear recognizable simi- larity to these of the normal larva. Earlier exposure of the egg and a different technique of recognizing polarity would be neces- EXOGASTRULATION AM) RELATED MODIFICATIONS. 81 sary to determine whether lithium can be made so far effective as to cause ectoderm to appear at the basal pole, etc. Normal E apical a -i Lithiurn L VTI b *~ i_i o a p \ c a I Ect odLerm hi* "f i-3at Ch d o d-e-v rne b' h -L I/ basal k Kir.. 13. Diaxrarn showinx tlie changed proportions of parts in a lithium 1-1: as compared with a normal embryo (left), and the typical reversal oi ' lii lity (the arrows), a-b in normal, b'-a' in lithium embryos. Tl ill pressing concentration of lithium is to shift the embryo to the right. An .. riatiiix ax«-rit would alter embryonic proportions in the opposite din . timi. 3. Non-specificity of Lithium Effects. (a) Changes of Proportions of Parts. — A great vark-t y ( if ( la-mi- ca 1 agents and physical conditions have been employed in ex- perimental embryology to cause general death and disintegration, general inhibition of development, differential (/.«•.. lorali/« • genl ial cmiditions is too remarkable to be insignificant. Then- can In- no ma tera- togenic substance or condition \vho>r rt'U-ct dilltr- -h.irpl\- in kind from others. Though each may have it- <>\vn mode of attack, the end result is in general injuriou- and inhibitory or accelerative, according to the p»\\ti of resistance of different levels along the metabolic ijMdient. The only -peciticity of lithium effect seems to lie in the higher re^ differential -ii-ivptibility of many organi-m- io it ; lithium ha- a particularly JOHN \V. MACARTHUR. marked capacity of inhibiting locally, retarding apical regions without appreciably hindering basal regions. (b) Exogastrnlation. In practice quite typical exogastruhe are obtained in the sand dollar or in sea-urchins by all the lithium halides, sodium butyrate, KC1, etc. (Herbst), by CaCl2, dilution or staling of sea water, etc. (this paper), by elevation of tempera- ture to 30° C. during gastrulation (Driesch); and initial stages of exogastrulation by main' other agents, as NaCl, CuSO4, neutral red, etc. As regards exogastrulation specificity appears to reside chiefly in the biological material rather than in the external agent, for perhaps only in the pluteus-forming echinoderms is the lithium effect "typical"; in the starfishes, Crepidula (Conklin), and the sponge, Oscarella (Maas, '98) the effects are sufficiently marked and similar as to be recognizable; and in the annelids, ascaris, amphioxus, frogs (?) only negative results appear. Possibility of inducing exogastrulation depends, doubtless, on the specific constitution and organization of the egg, especially on the polar arrangement of the levels destined to form ectoderm, entoderm and mesenchyme. The physiological equivalents of exogastrulae may well appear quite different morphologically in different organisms. 4. The Mode of Action of the Lithium. The problems of lithium action resolve into the causes of the two essential modifications: first, the disproportionate develop- ment of entoderm and mesenchyme; and second, exogastrula- tion. These are without doubt closely interrelated processes proceeding from a common fundamental cause. Herbst admitted that he found himself in complete darkness on these matters but gave reasons for his opinion that the site of action of the salt must be in the egg itself rather than in its external membranes, and that Li' must produce a specific stimu- lating effect on vegetal pole and entodermal cells, whose capacity for taking up and retaining this ion he believed to be greatr-t ('95*7, p. 185). Seeking to put the matter on a physico-chemical basis one of his students (Spek. '18) gave some evidence that it Li' did penetrate into certain (e.g., entodermal) cells ii svould make for a greater imbibition of water by their colloids. Driesch ('95) believed that "the growth process of tin- blast ula wall is EXOGASTRULATION AND RELATED MODIFIt \llo\-. the vital fundamental process; the direction towards \vhirh the \vth pro< eed- in exogastrulation is 'determined by the sur- roundi; It i- -u restive that both these leading experimen- tali-t- appealed to -ome more or less differential growth pro. Inn in neitlu s the evidence more than meager, indirect, and i-olated. An..' k'-d t'roin the new viewpoint of differential inhibition, en .. lithium ariion is seen to be interpretable in a \vay not only entirely eon-i-ietit and coordinate with a vast body of modern \\ork in general and special physiology and of physiological form deiermination and teratomorphy, but also substantiated by < on~iderable direct proof and many suggestive parallel- (.p. 78. and Child, '20). Since Li' in the concentrations actually m • -ary is certainly inhibitory and since the inhibitory ellei •'- arc felt rhietly at t lit- animal pole and in its differential i< m- and Ica-t in the mesenchyme and the entoderm, it is unlikely that t la- Li' act- >o much directly on the basal regions; it may be said her to release these regions from the control of tin- ectoderm b\ checking the (usually dominating) activity of the hitter. I determine the more proximate causes of the inhibitory effects will require much further detailed observation and e\- periment (for each separate agent) on sites and rates o! penetra- tion, water imbibition and withdrawal, alteration ot -in: ten-ion and chcmotaxis (Rhumbler, '02), precipitation-. Dela- tion-, -olmions, etc. Into whatever ultimate cau-al compoiieni- resolved the end rc-ull remains, physiolou' 11\ . .1 dittereni ial inhibition. I -irulatioii is evidentK' a secondarx manifestation o| thi- di Herein ial action alonj; a le\'elled or iv\ er-ed metabolic gradient . Since the lithium-modified embrvo i~ merely a len;sar\ \< >v en< h \gas\ rulai ii ui . But a factor -eein- lo be involved. K\paii-ion and o\er^rowth of the ectodcrmal i'(Mlhelial la\'er i- checked b\ the tailure of the u-nal multiplication and enlargement of ii-, cell-, whik- growth and cell di\i-ion of eiitodcnn are le--. and tho-e of mc-ciich\me least retarded. Consequently the cell- 84 JOHN W. MACARTHUR. are few and large while the entodermal layer is rich in smaller nuclei. The mesenchyme cells proliferate in enormous excess and fill and overdistend the small blastocoel. Thus considera- tions of space and inner pressure alone render almost mechan- ically impossible the infolding of the entoderm which is, further, much longer, larger and thicker than usual, and is contiguous with the ectoderm by a vastly enlarged blastopore ring. Certain other relevant facts should be noted: that the lumen of the exogastrular gut is really a part of the blastocoel or coelome and is not the true gut cavity; that the constrictions of the dif- ferentiating gut are also therefore reversed in direction; that the stomadeum also often everts in starfish; that exo- and endo- gastrulation intergrade (there may be first one and then the other, or both at once). It is possible that the agent in obliterat- ing and reversing the primary physiological gradient of the or- ganism as a whole at the same time obliterates and reverses the functional polarity of the separate cells of the epithelial layers, so that insofar as polarity of cells aids in normal endogastrulation it might act in the opposite way in the lithium larvae (by failure of the cells to widen and vacuolate basally, change their nuclear position, etc. cf. Gudernatsch, '13). Tests of this interpretation of the lit hi um action may be made by an appropriate modification of the technique on other gradi- ents (embryological, regenerating, motor). This agent might tend to reverse the polarity of regenerating pieces (e.g., hydroid internodes, as an electric current does, Lund, '21), or of motor gradients (cilia, or muscular peristalsis), etc. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. 1. Typical lithium larvae may be produced from a high per- centage of eggs of the sand-dollar, Echinarachniiis parma, and of two sea-urchins, Arbacia punctulata, and Strongylocentrotus francisciana, by addition of LiCl to the sea water. These types approximate closely those obtained by Herbst in other urchins. 2. Morphological features common to and characteristic of these larvae are (p. 78): (a) exogastrulation in many cases, and (b) always increase of mesenchyme and of entoderm and a com- pensating decrease of ectoderm. Kurt her tin- most apical p.iris of the ectoderm and its differentiations are most decreased, and EXOGASTRfLATION AXD RELATED MODIFICATION-. 85 the most basal parts of the gut are most increased, as the lithium alteration becomes maximal. 3. In the lithium larvae the order of direct susceptibility of parts to quickly killing agents is essentially the reverse of that of the normal v;a-trula and larva: the gradient of susceptibility in the normal e.ui; and blastula is apico-basal, and declines from tin- e< loderm tn <-nti. mal. >lo\\in- down or stopping development of the most apical pan-, while hindering little or inappreciably development of the lu-al parts. induced, highly differential, rates of growth and diiii -rentiation lead directly or indirectly to exoga>ti ulatimi in e\tt( in. . ases; perhaps largely because of the nuvhaniral im; Ml'ilitx "! invaginating a greatly enlarged entodenn intu an umiMially Mnall Mastocoel, itself overcrowded \>\ a pn ous ami exi ess pu'lileration of mesenchyme. 7. I'lieM- ( -liaii^es in proportions and ) n >-it i< ui> of part- in " lithium rniln \ os" appear to follow as naturally and ne. .---arily from the altered metabolic relation- ni"iv or 1( inph -te reversal of the physiological gradients - Hie normal prop,, ni..n- and positions of part> follo\\ in. in the normal metal xilir relations. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bataillon. '01 La Pressure Osiiiotit|ii. i-t !. -s grandes Problcint^ dc la B .. f. Entw. Mrdi; XL. i '04 Lc- ' rr. ex- prriiiu-tualfs. Arch. f. Km\v. Mivh.. X\'III. 86 JOHN W. MACARTHUR. Bellamy, A. W. 'ig Differential Susceptibility as a Basis for Modification and Control of Early Development in the Frog. BIOL. BI/LL. XXXVII., 312-361. Child, C. M. '158 Senescence and Rejuvenescence, Chicago. 'i5b Axial Gradients in the Early Development of the Starfish. Am. Jl. Physiol., XXXVII., 203-219. 'i6a Axial Susceptibility Gradients in the Early Development of the Sea Urchin. BIOL. BULL. XXX., 391-405. *i6b Experimental Control and Modification of Larval Development in the Sea Urchin in Relation to the Axial Gradients. Jl. Morph., XXVIII., 65-133. '17 Differential Susceptibility and Differential Inhibition in the Development of Polychete Annelids. Jl. Morph., XXX., 1-63. '20 Some Considerations Concerning the Nature and Origin of Physiological Gradients. BIOL. BULL., XXIX.. 147-187. Driesch, H. '95 Entwickelungsmechanische Studien, VII., Exogastrulae und Anenteria. Mitth. d. Stat. Neap., XI., 221-226. Gudernatsch, J. F. '13 Concerning the Mechanism and Direction of Embryonic Foldings. Anat. Rec., VII., 417-431. Gurwitsch, A. '96 Uber die formative Wirkung des veriinderten chemischen Mediums auf die Embryonale Entwickelungs. Arch. f. Entw. Mech., III., 219-260. Herbst, C. Experimented Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der veriinderten chemischen Zusammensetzung des umgebenden mediums auf die En- twickelung der Thiere. '92 I. Versuche an Seeigeleiern. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., 55: 446-518. '953 II. Weiteres uber die Morphologische Wirkung der Lithium-salze und ihre theoretische Bedeutung. Mitth. d. z. Stat. Neap., XI., 136-221. *95b III. Uber das Ineinandergreifcn von normaler gastrulation und Lithium- entwickelung, etc. IV. Die Formative Wirkung des Lithiums auf befruchtete Eier von Asterias glacialis. V. Uber die Unterdriickung von Entwickelungsprocessen. etc. VI. Uber den Einfluss einiger anderer organischen Salze. Schlussbemer- kungcn, Arch. f. Entw. Mech., II., 455-516. (97-'04 Uber die zur Entwickelung der Seeigel Larvcn notwendigcn anorgani- schen Stoffe, ihre Rolle und ihre Vertretbarkeit. Arch. f. Entw. Mech., V., VII., IX.. XL. XVII., Leplat, Geo. '20 Action du Milieu sur le dcvcloppement des Larves d' Amphibians. Arch, de Biol., 30: 231-322. Lund, E. J. '21 Experimental Control of Organic Polarity by the Electric Current. Jl. Exp. Zool., 34: 471-487. MacBride, E. W. '18 Artificial Production of Echinoderm Larva; with Two Water Vascular Systems, etc. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 90 B, 323-348. I Mil, \-I KLLATIOX AND RELATED MODIFICATIONS. 87 Maas, O. '98 Di<- K<-imM. Liter der Spongien und die Metamorphose von Oscarella. / f. \Yi-- /.,.jl.. LXVIII.. 665-679. Morgan, T. H. '038 The (iastrulation of the Partial Embryos of Sphaerechinus. Arch. f. •v. . M.-i-h.. XVI.. 117-124. 'osb I In i bet\%-een Normal and Abnormal Development in the Embryo of i as determined by the Effect of Lithium Chloride in Solution. An h. i. i-.ntw. Mech., XVI.. 691-712. Przibram, A. '08 K.\|M-rimi-ntal Zoology. Pt. I., Embryogeny, Chap. 2. pp. 14-15. Rhumbler "02 Zur Mechanik des Gastrulationsvorganges insbesondere der Inva;.;iiuuion. Arch. f. Entw. Mcch.. XI\'., 401-476. Riinnstrom, J. '18 Analytischc Studien uber die Seeigel Entxvickelung. Arch. f. Entw. Mech., XLIII., 409-447. Spek, J. '18 DilTerenzen im Qucllcnzustancl der Plasma Kolloide als eine I Gastrulainvaginations, etc. Kolloidchem. Beih. IX. THE EXISTENCE OF A SHORT REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE IN ANODONTA IMBECILLIS. EDGAR ALLEN I". S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES LABORATORY, FAIRPORT, IOWA. Fresh water mussels of North America have been classed by Sterki (1895) as summer or winter breeders. He notes that in winter breeders fertilization of ova occurs in the late summer, embryonic development is completed and the fully developed glochidia are carried through the winter in the maternal marsupia and discharged in the following spring. In the summer breeders fertilization occurs in the late spring or early summer and the fully formed glochidia are discharged "as a rule by the end of August." Lefevre and Curtis (1912) prefer to designate these two classes as long and short term breeders. They include Anodonta in the former group, and although A. imbecillis is not listed in the data from which their conclusions are drawn, the statement is made that the breeding season is a generic character, "all species of a genus having essentially the same period of gravidity." In a table compiled by Coker, Shira, Clark, and Howard (1919) gravid Anodonta imbecillis are listed for all months with the ex- ception of April. Anodonta imbecillis, although not important commercially, is of interest for two reasons; first, it is one of the two known species which carry the young in the marsupia during metamorphosis from glochidia to juvenile mussels, thus eliminating the parasitic stage on fishes which other species undergo, and, second, it is one of the few species which are hermaphroditic (Sterki, 1898). During the summer of 1922 the writer attempted to work out a method of aparasitic mussel culture of commercially valuable mussels. One line of attacking this problem which seemed to offer promise of results was to simulate conditions pertaining in metamorphosis during the intra-marsupial life of aparasitic forms. Therefore a series of observations was begun on Anodonta imbecillis during the course of which successive examinations ss REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE IX ANODONTA IMBECILLIS. 89 \v»-re made at intervals of several days on more than one hundred individuals. This has furnished the following evidence for a shorter reproductive cycle than formerly reported for thi- -pecies. MATERIAL AND METHOD. Anodnnla imbecillis is commonly called the "paper shell " because of the extreme thinness of the valves. Pos>ibly corre- lated with this economy in shell formation, is its rapid rate of growth. It may begin to reproduce during the second year. The observations in this paper were made on two- and three-year-old mussels. In this species the outer gills serve as marsupia. It i> an easy matter to insert a capillary pipette between the valve-, mak HMjJe puncture in the marsupium, and remove some of it- con- tents with only slight injury to the mussel. This puncture In rapidly. In order that the least possible modification of reproduc- tive activity might be produced by this examination, tin- >am removed were small, containing only from 20 to 40 individual-;. The puncture was made in a direction parallel to the loni; a\i- <>t the gill so that the sample removed contained young from several v;ill compartments. Relatively slight disturbances may cause "abortion "'of mar- supial contents in some species. Lefevre and Curtis, however, note that they have never observed abortion in Anodonta. The thin shell of .1. imbecillis renders the above described operation very simple as the valves may be opened for the insertion of the pipette with the thumb nails. This probably eliminate- the possibility of abortion as a factor bearing upon the folloxvin- evidence. The examinations extended over a period of one and one half months from the middle of July to early in September. Most of the mussels studied were taken from the main supply reservoir of the V. S. Fisherie- Station at Fairport, Iowa, which is supplied daily from the Mi — i--ippi River. A few preliminary observations were made on mus^el> taken from the river. Throughout the observations they were kept in running water in experimental troughs supplied from a pond containing an abundance of pond life. As opportunity for considerable sedi- EDGAR ALLEX. mentation was afforded, this supply was much clearer than water from the river or reservoir. The fact that very successful yields were obtained in artificial mussel culture experiments carried on simultaneously under these conditions by Dr. A. D. Howard and B. J. Anson excludes any possible intervention of adverse en- vironmental conditions. OBSERVATIONS. Between July 15 and 20 about two dozen mussels were ex- amined without finding a gravid individual. On July 24, 5 of 33 examined (15 per cent.) contained early embryonic stages. Nineteen of these 33 were observed repeatedly until September i. On July 31,8, including the five already noted (42 per cent.), contained embryos. On August 4, 17 or 89.5 per cent, were gravid. Larger numbers of this species were examined during August. From August 8 to September I the percentage of mus- sels bearing embryos, glochidia, or young in various stages of metamorphosis never dropped below 77.2 per cent, (see Table I. and Graph I). TABLE I. PERCENTAGE OF MUSSELS BEARING EMBRYOS OR GLOCHIDIA. Date 7/15- 7/24 8/4 - ij 8/15 8/22 8/28 9/1 20 Number examined. . . . Percentage 20-24 o 33 I ; I 19 8Qo 69 80.9 IOI 83.2 105 77.2 103 57 80.6 82.5 80 20 20 2V July 31 4 15 22 28 I 5ef>t GRAPH i. Percentage of mussels bearing embryos or glochidia. REPK<>M « I I VI-: CYCLE IX AXODOXTA IMBECILLIS. QI The com lu-ion drawn is that the reproductive season of A notion/a inibcrillis in this location begins during the latter part of July. As the-e observations were continued the various stages of embryonic development and glochidial metamorphosis were ideniilied and data accumulated as to the time required for this transition. Eleven different stages were identified as follow- : ! 1. Karly segmentation of the fertilized ovum. 2. Later segmentation. 3. Karly differentiation of the single anlage of the valves which at this stage caps the segmenting cell mass. 4. Formation of a groove in this "cap" which di\i\v visible, active -napping of the valves and extension of the foot occui 1 Xo attempt was made to describe fully tin- van pment; they are merely i haia. t> -ri/rd for greater accuracy in determining tin- duration of developmental stages. Examination \va- made with a luno. ular mi> : "iag- nit'yinj; X 50. KDC.AR ALLEN". Even juvenile mussels are found within the egg membranes. A stringy transparent gel forms or is secreted about the egg membrane enclosing the developing embryos after they reach the marsupia. It is well formed by the stage at which they begin to turn yellow and partly disappears in late metamorphosis. Table II. includes observations on twenty typical individuals. More than one hundred are included in the data from which the average time required for the transition between stages is de- termined. TABLE II. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG IN MARSUPIA OF .4. imbecillis.- Date. No. of Mussel. 7/24 7/27 7/31 8/4 8/9 8/15 8/22 8/28 9/i i •7 A 6 8 o o i 2 •2 , 3 T. 4 4 6 7 6-7 8 8 9 o o 3 i 4 1—2 A 6 7 8 o o o o o I s . •2 4 6 n o I 6 -1 A 6 8 O o O 7 . . 7 8 o o o I T 8 8 i 1 7-8 0 . . 8-0 o o I 4 7 10 8-0 o o -i II 6 7 s (J O I 3 12 7 8-9 O o ~i 17 . 1—2 7 8-9 o i 14 . I O I 4 I?. •5 4 6 8-9 o 3 16 17 .. 4 i 6-7 A 7-8 6 9 o 0 10— II I O 18 19 o o o i i s 7-8 8 IO— II 9 o 20 6 8 1 1) o I 5 Numbers 13, 14, 17, 19 underwent a complete reproductive cycle in from 22 to 27 days during August. The calculation of cycle duration by averaging parts of cycles from all available data gives an average cycle duration of 3 to 4 weeks. This period then provides time for fertilization, segmentation, em- bryonic development to the glochidial or larval stage, and meta- morphosis of the glochidium into the juvenile mussel. In Anodonta imbecillis it all occurs in the maternal marsupium, with the possible exception of fertilization. Metamorphosis, which in * o in the table indicates empty marsupia during the interval between repro- ductive cycles. Numbers refer to stages characterized in the text. RI PRODUCTIVE CYCLE IX AXODOXTA IMBECILLIS. 93 other forms occurs in epithelial "cysts" on the gills of fishes, requires in this species only 7-10 days, as compared with a mini- mum of 12 14 in Lampsilis anodontoides and L. litteola. Develop- ment from tin- fertilized ovum to the fully formed glochidium may occur in two weeks' time. The duration of the interval between reproductive cycles varies from 2 or 3 days to 2 (or rarely 3 )weeks. It is reali/ed that more extensive observations would provide material for more accurate determination of the duration of various stages of this cycle and the possible changes in these time relations during the fall and winter months. However, the data at hand does warrant the condition that Anodonta imbecillis cannot properly be classed as a long term breeder. Juveniles are discharged during the latter half "I" August and first half of September and a new reproductive cyele begins. Whether this cycle is repeated throughout the month- when this species is listed as gravid is still to be determined. DISCUSSION. The possible correlation of the rapid rate of growth and the early attainment of sexual maturity of Anodonta imbecillis with the thin "paper shell" has already been mentioned. It is possible that this short reproductive cycle may be correlated with these factors. No attempt was made to determine whether self or cross fer- tili/ation is the normal process in Anodonta imbecillis. Il >ell" fertilization is the rule, hennaphroditism may h,i\c been .1 eer cent, acetic acid. Abbott ami Richards have reported that it can live for more than 24 hours in Tellyesnicky's fluid, and for three or four hours in GilsonV fluid. The writer intended to see in the first place whether other free-living nematodes, which do not come in contact with -u -;.n resistant than the tadpole, Daphnia, Aehsoma, and Paramecinm not only to various kinds of acids, but to other toxic substanrr- as well. The cuticle with which nematodes are covered is known lo be composed of a very resistant substance; experiments, therefore, were tried to determine whether or not the cuticle is responsible for this resistance, the worms, injured and uninjim about io mm. long and with external gills were used. R. dc^nn\ i- found in decayed matter and is easily cultivated in a prptonr solution. Every experiment was repeated at lr.i-t twirr. .uul 14 to 30 individuals were used for each experimmt. The tem- perature at which experiments were dour varied fnnii 21* C. i<> 26° C. As shown in Table I., Rhabditis is the IDOM to \.irious kinds of acids. It might be noted that it can li\r about two hours in N/3O acetic acid, while Daphnia, the form next in order of resistance, can live only about an hour and a <|u.irirr in N/ioo acetic acid. From the results of the experiment- -iven in the lable we notice, however, that Rhabditis i- not particularly n>i>tant to acetic acid as comparrd with othrr acids. 96 HIKOKURO HOXDA. TABLE I. AVERAGE TIME IN MINUTES REQUIRED TO CAUSE CESSATION OF ALL MOVEMENTS. Rhab- tlitis. Para- mecium. Aelo- soma. Daphnia. Tadpole. HC1, N/ioo 60 t.iin entered through the mouth, but not through the cuticle nor through the anus. After staining for 20 hours the worms were >till alive, and the anterior regions a little beyond the bulb'of the esophagus were deeply stained. In the remaining part the intestine only was colored, and its posterior regions were stained less deeply than its anterior regions. Such stained worms were placed in a weak solution of XaOH, and then the alkali entered through the mouth, and proceeded towards the interior. In about 20 minutes the portion of the body as far as the second bulb became yellow, but the change in color did not go further. Later a rapid diffusion of NaOH from the posterior end anteriorly was observed, and thus the entire body of the worm changed to yellow; the alkali seemed to enter through the anus. In another worm the change in colour pro- ceeded anteriorly starting from the anus. To show definitely that the cuticle prevents the entrance of the stain and the XaOH, the posterior regions of some w< inn- were cut off. Then the stain entered through the mouth and ilu- cut end. Such worms were, therefore, Mained in toLo for 4 hours, and at the end of this time they were still alive. Contrary to the case of uninjured worms the change in color carried by ViOH began at both ends, and proceeded t,i-ter anteriorly from the cut end than from the mouth. In about one hour and three quarters the change in color has been completed in such injured worms. 98 IIIKOKURO HOXDA. As in the case of neutral red, methylene blue entered through the mouth, and in no case penetrated through the cuticle. To stain the entire body of Rhabditis a strong solution was used for the same reason which has been stated in the case of neutral red. After staining 24 hours, some worms were still alive, but others were dead. The anterior part of the living worms as far as the second bull) was deeply stained, hut the remaining part was lighter in colour. Such stained worms were placed in 83 per cent, alcohol. The disappearance of the color began at the anterior end. The worms soon died in the alcohol, and the latter then entered through the anus. As far as the second bulb of the esophagus or a little beyond it, the disappearance of the color was due to the alcohol which entered through the mouth; in the remaining regions to that which entered through the anus. A small region of the anterior part of the intestine still remained stained after one hour in alcohol. In one worm I observed that the posterior division of the hermaphrodite reproductive organs was still stained, while the posterior region of the intestine which is found beside them was already reduced in color. As in the case of neutral red, in some worms whose posterior ends had been cut off, the stain and alcohol entered through the mouth and the cut end. SUMMARY. 1. Anguillula aceti is highly resistant to acetic acid. To see what is the case in other free-living nematodes Rhabditis elegans was used, and it was found that Rhabditis is much more resistant not only to various kinds of acids, but to other toxic substances also, as compared with the tadpole, Daphnia, Aelosoma and Parameciiini. 2. When animals were stained in neutral red and in methylene blue, no case in which the stain entered through the cuticle was observed. 3. The entrance of XaOH and alcohol through the cuticle also could not be observed. 4. The stains, NaOH and alcohol entered through the mouth, and when the anus and vulva were opened, entered through them as well. RESISTANCE OF RHABDITIS TO ACIDS. 99 5. In the case of worms whose posterior ends had been cut off these substances in question entered through the cut end, as \\i-ll as the mouth. 6. The conclusion to be drawn from these results seems to U- that the impermeability of the cuticle is responsible for the re- -i-^tance of Rlmhditis. LITERATURE CUED 1. Hcnneberg, W. "oo Zur Binluxii- -Ics Easigaales (Anguillula aceti). Berlin. Gebr. Unger. > (Cited from Zool. Cent.. 1900, p. 439). 2. Abbott, J. F. and Richard*, E. L. 'i i The Lethal l-.tlect of Pure L)islille1 THE PHALAROPE. HARRY B. VOCOM. DEPARTMENT OK ZOOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. » It has been shown by IVurl and Boring (1917, 1918) that there are in the ovary of the domestic fowl certain interstitial eel,- which are in many ways similar to, and which they claim are homologous with the corpus hiteum in mammals. A thorough study has convinced the authors that these cells are a con-tani element in the ovary of all fowls but that they are not found in the testes of normal male fowls. Boring and Morgan (1918) made a study of the gonads of both male and female Sebrighl Bantams, a race of fowls in which tin- males and females are feathered alike. They found in both o\ and testis groups of cells like those described by Pearl and Bnrin^ as luteal cells, and ascribed to these so-called luu-al cells the function of influencing the type of feathering. Since luteal cell- are found in tin- ovaries of normal females or In-ivd fowls and not in the testes of normal males or cock-feathered birds, but in the testes of hen-feathered Sebriijn Bantam-, they reason that the normal feathering of fo\\l- \\oiild br <>i tin- ni.tlr type were it not for the suppressing influence «>t tin- Innnmm-- secreted by the luteal cells. Eurthcr proof in f.i\«>r «\ the con- tention is obtained from the well known fact- "t « .i-iratioii where hen-feathered females assume typical cm k-tV ather- upon the removal of the ovary, and that the hen-feathered inalr Si-bright becomes cock-feathered after the conipk-tr removal i»t" the testes. It has seemed that further evidence concerning tin- (unction of luteal cells might be brought to bear if a hi-ti •logical -uidy were made of the gonads of birds otln-r than fo\\]-. ami especially some bird in which the sex differences are rever-ed ; t hat is some race of mi IO2 HARRY B. YOCOM. birds in which the females are more brilliantly colored than the males. Such a sex difference is characteristic of the Phalarope. During the spring migration when the birds are in full breeding plumage the females are easily distinguished from the males by the more brilliant plumage of the back and neck. Bailey (1917) states the sex differences as follows : ' Male in breeding plumage ; upper parts dark plumbeous, striped on back with buff and black: sides of neck rufous, chest gray, upper throat and belly white. Female in breeding plumage; brighter colored, rufous extending across throat as well as on sides of neck. " To one not acquainted with the facts concerning the sex differences of this group of birds the sexes would undoubtedly be mistaken. During the fall migration both males and females are lighter in color due to the loss of the rufous color and more nearly resemble one another. In one respect the sex differences of the Phalarope do not com- pare with the sex differences of the fowls and that is in the fact that the color differences in the Phalarope are not associated with structural differences in the feathers, as is usually the case In the fowls. A microscopical examination of the feathers of the Phalarope showed that the color was due to pigment and not to a difference in structure. Whether or not this is an important difference and alters our problem can be determined only by a study of a large number of birds or different races. The material writh which this study has to deal consists of the gonads of both male and female Northern Phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus, Linn., collected during both fall and spring migrations along the Oregon coast. The tissues were taken from the birds as soon as possible after they had been shot, and were put into Bouin's fluid and left until it was convenient to care for them in the laboratory. Delafield's li.rmatoxylin was found satis- factory and was used almost exclusively as a stain. A studs' of the testes gave only negative results. In no case were there found any groups of cells resembling the characteristic packets of luteal cells found in the testes of the Sebright, and not even single cells which might be considered of that type. The intertubular material was not abundant and consisted of narrow spindle shaped cells with oval, more or less shrunken nuclei. In the ovary, however, characteristic groups of the so-called luteal cells were found in the theca surrounding the oocyte follicles I.I II \L CELLS IN GONAD OF PHALAROPE. 103 Figs, i and 2). These groups of cells are present in the material collected in May and September but the groups of cells seem to I.e. ^ &) -.' ls- •'Co. IB :>•>->•;-••.." v...,A ...-..'..- -- Fig. i. Section of ovary of Phalarope in fall plumage. X 1000. I.e. - " \^J 9f « * rt -- ' • -•• . tr --- xf^-'*"' _1 JV - *• St. , .., - -v^- f-.c. ^fVV:x:;., t. • V 7- ; ••< '.• Fig. 2. Section of ovary of Phalarope in -piiny |>lum.ix«-. • i""o. /. c., follicle cells, /. c., luteal (• ;;ui. be somewhat larger and more clearly drfinul in the material collected in the fall when the sexes were imuv iu-.irl\- alike as regards feathering. In no case could it ln->ai»l that the groups of IO4 HARRY H. YOCO.M. luteal cells were numerous. In many sections there would be no packets at all while in others there would be one or two. In all cases where found the packets were clearly defined and easily demonstrable, being composed of cells having a relatively large amount of cytoplasm with rounded nuclei. The cytoplasm of the luteal cells takes very little of the haematoxylin stain. In this respect as well as in shape and size these cells differ from the cells of the stroma of the ovary. The facts cited above do not indicate that luteal cells are in any way influential in suppressing color development in the Phalarope. In their consideration of the influence of the luteal cells on feathering in fowls Boring and Morgan have not separated the factors for color and structure in the feathers. In the present study only the color of the feathers is considered. The fact that luteal cells are found in the ovary while the female is so much more brilliantly colored seems to eliminate the possibility that the secretions of the luteal cells in any way suppress color develop- ment. The evidence so far obtained is not sufficient to warrant any statement in regard to the problem of the association of color differences with structural differences in the feathers. The recent work of Nonidez (1922) raises another question the solution of which will in a large measure depend on a more extensive study of the presence or absence of luteal cells in the gonads of birds. This author has shown that the so-called luteal cells as designated by Pearl and Boring and Boring and Morgan are in reality only the degenerating sex cords of the embryonic gonad. What have been termed luteal cells and what have been understood to be homologous with the corpus luteum of mammals, Nonidez has shown to have an entirely different origin and are therefore not to be confused in terminology with the mamma- lian tissues. Whether or not these remains of the sex cords may have an endocrine function is left l>y the author as an open question to be determined by a wider study of a variety of mate- rial. The facts as presented above as regards the presence of these cells in the gonads of the Phalarope do not seem to bring us any nearer a solution of the problem. There is no indication, in the Phalarope, that these groups of cells exert a suppressing influence on the development of the color of the feathers of the LUTEAL CELLS IX GOXAD OF PHALAROPE. IO5 two sexes. That they may have some other endocrine function, in the light of our present knowledge, is to be neither affirmed nor denied. CONCLUSIONS. A histological study of the gonads of the Northern Phalarope shows that luu-al cells such as are found in the gonads of Sebright Bantams an- .il>H.-nt in the testes and present in the ovaries. Since the fcin.ik- is more brilliantly colored than the male there is no indication that these cells through an internal secretion influ- ence the development of any differences in the color of feathers of the two sexes. LITERATURE. Bailey, F. M. "17 Handbook"; Birds of tin- Western L'nilcd States. Pp. lii -f- 574, 601 figures. Boring. A. M., and Pearl, R. '17 Sex Studies. II. Interstitial cells in the reproductive organs of the chicken. Anal. Rec.. 13. 253-268. 6 figs, in text. Boring and Morgan, T. H. "18 l.uteal cells and hen-feathering. Journ. Gen. Phys. I, 127-131, 4 figs, in text. Nonidez, Jose F. '22 Studies on the Gonads of Fowls. III. The origin of the so-called luteal cells in the tcslis of hen-feathered cocks. Am. Jour. Anat.. 31. 109 7 figs, in text. Pearl, R. and Boring. A. M. '18 Sex Studies. X. The corpus luteurn in the ovary of the domestic fowl. Am. Journ. Anat. 23, 1-36. o pis.. 6 figs, in text. INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES IX RE- LATION TO THE STUDY OF HEREDITY AND EN- VIRONMENT IN ARCELLA POLYPORA.1 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS, FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ZOOLOGY OF THE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. INTRODUCTION. In the first article of this series, Kepner and Reynolds ('23) have shown that under favorable conditions Difflugia usually reappropriates, by fusion, fragments of protoplasm which have been severed from the cell-body. In the last paragraph of their summary these authors make the following statement: "Obser- vations have been made in which individuals of the same species obtained from the same wild culture, showed a decidedly nega- tive response towards each other's fragments, yet in other instances such cross-fusions did occur." Elsewhere in their paper two suggestions are made as to the probable explanation of why some specimens did fuse \vith fragments belonging to other individuals, viz: "(a) The individuals were closely related by having a recent, common ancestor, (b] By living in the same surroundings, the environmental influences have acted upon both organisms in such a way as to cause an identical physiological The question thus raised seemed to be of sufficient im- portance to justify further work on the subject; consequently the experiments incorporated in this paper were conducted for the purpose of clarifying the situation. The previous publication was largely concerned with describing the process of protoplasmic fusion. Although a number of observations were made upon the reactions between cell -bodies and fragments from other individuals of the same species, no attempt was made to culture the organisms and then test for reactions between members of a clone. As a result, only two 1 This is the second article of a scries dealing with the phenomenon of fusion between protoplasmic masses. The first article was written by Win. A. Kepner and B. D. Reynolds ('23) from the University of Virginia. Further work on the subject is now in progress. 1 06 INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. IOJ types of reactions were observed: (a) fusion and (6) failure to attract, or if contact was made the fragment would be pushed along for a while, without causing any apparent disturbance, and then abandoned. During tin- course of this investigation, involving much more extensive experiments, it was found that in some cases the masses would readily attract l each other, but upon making con- tact there would be a sudden contraction of the involved regions as if violently shocked, while the protoplasm constituting both the fragment and the organism's pseudopod (5) which had made contact with it would be shattered into bead-like masses. See Fig. i : A, B, and C. This type of reaction was observed so fre- quently that it is referred to throughout this paper as the "shat- tering" reaction. As the investigation progressed it seemed advisable to divide the problem into three sections; and to study the reactions be- tween organisms and fragments from related specimens under the influence of three different conditions as follows: I . Similar environments. II. I >ilferent environments. III. Identical environments.2 Numerous methods have been employed in studying variations among the proto/.oa, such as: rate of reproduction, measurements of size, counting the number of spines, teeth, tentacles, etc., resis- tance to poisons and to hiiji temperatures. In tin- Miuly, for the first time, advantage has been taken of the property possessed by certain organisms of fusing with their own or frav;inrin- lr»m closely related specimens. The superiority of this method lie- in the fact that it affords a quick and definite means of di tci iniuin- 1 In tliis, as in the previous paper, it was n ;mi.-.l why : were attracted to each other. When pn>i»pl.i-n. t present the organisms would move about at random; but \\lu-n \- m wliii h liad been detached from themselves or from related individual- \\n«- \\ ithin two or three hundred micra of them, they would invariably ] irds the frag- ments. This statement is based on over liiu-rii liundn-d ob us. A series of experiments are being planned to ascertain, it ; nulus involved in these positive reactions. - The organisms comprising the two lines undi-r ol n were placed in the same concavity, or else, portions of the culture nn-diu v. uently exchanged tween the concavities containing them. 108 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. minute physiological differences — even before these changes have become expressed morphologically. Furthermore, the physio- logical difference between two organisms, as indicated by this method, appears to be more permanent and less subject to fluc- tuations than certain morphological variations which have been utilized by others. In some instances cross-fusion was observed to take place readily between specimens belonging to the same clone — though they appeared quite different to the eye. In other words: the physiological variations, as determined by means of the ability or inability of an individual to fuse with a fragment of protoplasm belonging to another, seem to be independent of differences in size or shape of the two animals concerned. Fusion between cell-bodies and severed fragments has been observed by the author in ten species of the genus Difflugia, in Arcella poly pom, Centra pyxis aculeata, and also other forms of protozoa. The phenomenon seems to be fairly common among the thecamceba-. Perhaps it would be well to emphasize at this point the fact that throughout these experiments any individual Arcella would fuse with its own fragments (provided they were not too far removed, or had not been separated for too long a period) under any environmental conditions to which they were subjected. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This problem suggested itself to me while I was discussing with Professor Wm. A. Kepner, the results of our work ('23) Reactions between Cell-bodies and Pseudopodial Fragments of Difflugia, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Professor R. \V. Hegner and Dr. Wm. H. Taliaferro, under whose direction the work was done, for their valuable advice and criticisms. I am also deeply indebted to Professor H. S. Jennings for reading the manuscript and making some important suggestions. THE ORGANISM. The experimental animal used in this investigation was a mul- tinucleated Arcella closely resembling the species described by Penard ('85) as A . poly pom. Hegner ('20) worked with the same organism, calling it A. polypora. However, in the same paper he also gave measurements of a larger multinucleated form which J\IIR\( IIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. IO9 agrees with the amended description of .4. polypora given by Penard ('92; vix: "/r£s grande, a bouche tres largement ouverte, et toujoiirs ponrvne de noyaux en nombre considerable.'1 Appar- ently Hegner i- the only investigator in this country who has re- ported the existence of Arcellae containing many nuclei. Leidy ('79) states that he was able to detect two, occasionally one. and rarely three, though admitting that he had possibly overlooked the presence of some nuclei in the larger forms of Arcella. Occa- sionally large, polynucleated, wide-mouthed specimens were found in my collections. The differences between these two multinu- cleated forms seem to be great enough to justify the creation of a new species. However, if this is done, the law of priority makes it necessary to retain the name .-1. polypora for the smaller torm which was used in these experiments. Because of the existing confusion it is deemed advisable to say a few words regarding certain characteristics possessed by the organism studied: shape, structure, and coloration of shell simi- lar to A. discoides; diameter of shell from 80 to 120 micra; height of shell from 25 to 40 micra; oral orifice approximately equiva- lent to one third the diameter of shell; number of nuclei usually eight or ten. Careful scrutiny under the oil immersion failed to reveal any minute pores around the mouth of the shell, but the shadows at the outer margins of the large cancelli lining the buccal aperture might readily be misinterpreted as such under a low magnification. Arcella polypora was selected as the object for study because it reproduces rapidly, is easy to culture, and is capable ot with- standing the influences of various stimuli. This rhi/op.xl may be found in either large or small bodies of water, li\ iir^ e-|>t;rially on the under surfaces of aquatic plants, in deca\in^ vegetable matter, and ooze. On April loth. 1922 a < ..IK-i ii<>n, runiaining main" -1. polypora, was obtained from an artificial pool in the botanical garden near the Johns Hopkin- Mi< "logical Laboratory. All of the organisms used in these experiment- \\rre descendants of this lot. A mass culture was kept going, and a- new individuals were needed they were isolated and new (lone- \\viv started from them. 110 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. METHODS. (a) Apparatus and Technique. In carrying out these experiments more standardized and exact methods were employed than those used in the first article of this series, though they were essentially the same. In every case (unless specified) distilled water (pH •• -- 0.7) was used, and each animal was washed once or twice before being transferred to the slide on which the amputations were made. Furthermore, any detritus clinging to the shell was removed before the operation. In all of the cross-fusion experiments the two organisms to be tested were placed on the same slide, and when a fragment was severed from one, that individual was moved away and the other placed near the fragment of protoplasm. The glass needles, with which the protoplasmic masses were detached, were drawn from standard Pyrex tubing \ OD furnished by the Corning Glass Company, Corning, N. Y. All operations were performed under the compound microscope — 32 mm. objective and No. 10 eye- piece (B. & L.) — while the 16 mm. objective was used in making the observations. A camera lucida was attached to the micro- scope and at intervals (usually one minute) the outlines of the objects were traced with a pencil. These sketches were 170 times the size of the objects. The pseudopods of A. polypora are usually digitate and rarely extend far beyond the periphery of the shell, making it very difficult to sever masses of protopiasm by cutting. them off with a needle as was done in the case of Difflugia. This difficulty was overcome by taking advantage of two things — (a) the shape of the shell, and (b) the fact that if undisturbed for a while the animal ordinarily attaches itself to the substratum. The or- ganism is shaped somewhat like a shallow bowl, the outer rim of the shell forming a rather sharp edge, Fig. 2. If, after a pseudo- pod has been extended beyond the outer margin, pressure is applied to the top of the shell the pseudopocl will be caught be- tween the rim and the sub-stratum and its distal end will thus be pinched off. Severance is aided by the animal's sudden reaction to this stimulus. Sometimes a specimen would fail to protrude pseudopods of sufficient length to permit use of the method just described; consequently it was left undisturbed for a few min- INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. Ill utes and then suddenly displaced by means of a glass filament. This procedure would frequently result in a large mass of proto- plasm being torn from the organism. (b) Culture. Hollow-ground >lides, each containing two concavities, were used as receptacle- in cultivating the organisms. Seven drops of the desired culture medium were put into each concavity and the animals were transferred to them. After this the slides were labelled and placed in transparent glass moist chambers which were kept before a window, unless otherwise stated. At first the method described by Jennings ('16) for Dirfln^ia was used in preparing the culture medium, i.e., a quantity of ooze from ;i pond in \\hich the organisms were found to be living was shaken up in water, this was allowed to settle, and then the water was decanted oft and used. Although other investigators have obtained successful results by using culture media prepared in tlii> way, several objections to its use in these experiments were evident: first, fresh material was hard to obtain, since no ponds were near the laboratory in which the work was done; secondly, a constant culture medium was not insured, for the plant and animal life in a given j>ond vary constantly; and finally, it was necessary ever to be on guard against possible con- tamination with wild specimens and injurious chemical agents. After encountering these difficulties for two months the- above method was discarded in favor of a hay infusion culture medium which dispensed with all of the objections mentioned, and in which the organisms thrived even better. It was prepared as follows: 10 grams of clean timothy hay was placed in a clean beaker containing 250 c.c. of neutral distilled water. This was boiled slowly for five minutes, then strained through two thick- nesses of cheese cloth, after which it was .-tc.ivd. in quantities of about 3 cc., in small sterile test tubes. Tin- tube- were then plugged with cotton and placed in boiling water for fifteen min- utes. Two days later they were subject i-d to boiling water again for the same period of time, in order to kill any }>.« u-ria which might have resisted the first sterili/ation by being in the spore . Mage. The liquid in the tubes constituted what wa< known as stock solution; it would keep for month^ wit IK mt deteriorating 112 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. provided evaporation didn't take place. In making up the cul- ture medium one part of the stock solution was taken and to it were added nine parfs of distilled water — giving a 10 per cent hay infusion solution. When other ingredients such as sugar, alcohol, etc., were used, they were mixed with distilled water in the desired proportions and then nine parts of this were added to one part of the stock solution. Thus, in every case the percentage of hay infusion remained the same. After a tube containing some of the stock solution had been opened and a part of its contents used the remainder was discarded. The Arcellcr grown in this medium subsisted largely on bacteria, the progenitors of which were introduced with the organisms. (c) Pedigrees. "Pure" lines, or clones, were obtained by isolating specimens from the wild culture and designating them, for example, as the progenitors of clone A, clone B, etc. Upon dividing, the daugh- ter-cell remaining in the old shell, and all of its descendents, were referred to as clone A line a, while the daughter-cell occupying the new shell, and all of its descendents, were denominated clone A line ad. Fig. 3 expresses graphically the procedure followed. Generations: ist. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. etc. Clone A (Isolated cultures) FlG. 3. Diagram illustrating method employed in recording the relationship of experimental animals. Those marked with an asterisk were either used for obser- vations, or else discarded. When a different environment was imposed on one line of a clone that line was designated, for instance, as clone A line SL-SU (sn indicating that sucrose was added to the culture medium in IVII.KAt I lo\S OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. I IJ> which this line wa~ nourished). Ordinarily lines were perpetua- ted through the individuals remaining in the old shells, but this rule was not strictly adhered to since experience showed no differ- ence in tin- results obtained when other members were used. From two to four individuals of each line were kept in culture as a precaution again-t possible fatalities. I SIMILAR ENVIRONMENTS. These experiments are discussed under the heading "similar* environments because the external conditions surrounding the two lines of the clones involved were as nearly alike as it was possible for the experimenter lo make them. Though kept apart from the first division of the clonal parent, the two diverging lines were treated in exactly the same manner; for instance: t In- same pipette was used in transferring members to fresh concavi- ties; these concavities contained culture medium taken from the same bottle; afterwards the depression slides containing the organisms were placed alongside each other in the same moist chamber. Frequent tests were made, according to the method described above, between individuals of one line and fragments of protoplasm from individuals of the other. It was found that daughter-cells (members of the second generation) would readily fuse with each other's severed fragments — and that such reactions would occur regardless of whether or not the organism taking up the fragment had just previously lost a part of its own protoplasm. Furthermore, in every case when both lines were kept under similar conditions, cross-fusions continued to be exhibited for fifteen or more generations; consequently in later experiments tests for interactions were not begun until several generations had elapsed. A series of experiments conducted between the two lines of clone I are given in extenso in Table I. It \\ill be seen by re- ferring to this table that cross-fusion between line i and line id persisted until the 22d day and 24th generation. After this no further inter-fusions occurred, but in-tead the prot..pla-ms usu- ally were shattered upon making contact. Attention -hoiild be called to the fact that in some of the experiment li-ted in Table I. the organism was on its back when placed near the fragment ; in other cases the fragment would become detached from the sub- BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. TABLE I. INTERACTIONS OF CELL-BODIES FROM ONE LINE AND PSEUUOPODIAL FRAGMENTS OF SPECIMENS FROM THE OTHER IN CLONE I, LINES i AND id. BOTH LINES WERE EXPOSED TO SIMILAR ENVIRONMENTS. 10 PER CENT. HAY IN- FUSION USED AS CULTURE MEDIUM. EXPERIMENTS WERE STARTED ON JUNE 25, AND ENDED ON JULY 31, 1922. 0 s e 00 e n ^ 1*4 O> I 8 ^ £u . ^ f O s >• 0 . — *i~ .E a £>,S ^ .E c "o rt ~ p h .2 E - s ~^'Z 2 •°j8|J '2"2% Reaction after Q._ u £ i 2S " ° &> — o — ,^^ = u in Contact. -- " _i O *T* O 13 o § B " ^ r^\ c "... J? rt * 51 So Si 2 o ^avJc> marked No fusion and No contact. A similar table might have been arranged for any of the other clones studied in this manner, but to take up so much space with tables would be both impracticable and unnecessary; therefore a single table has been prepared which gives the number of days and generations elapsing before the intraclonal reactions became negative (as indicated by shattering instead of fusing of the pro- INTI-.kA' 1 ION'S OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. 115 toplasms). This table (Table II.) shows a range of from 18 to 27 generations, and from 15 to 32 days, in the time of the first appearance of negative reactions between two lines of a clone, or an average of 22.25 generations and 21.58 days. After two lines had once become negative to each other no further cross-fusions took place between them unless certain modifications were made, the nature of \vhirh will be discussed later. TABLE 1 1 . TABLE SHOWING DATE AND GENERATION OF FIRST EXHIBITION OF SHATTERING REACTION IN TWELVE CLONES OF ARCELL.C. BOTH LINES OF THESE CLONES WERE EXPOSED TO SIMILAR CONDITIONS. rst Xcg. Reaction Observed. Experi- ment! Begun. Clone. No. o- Made. Culture Mrdium used. N< >. of Generations. Days C|n«M Line. zd. Line. uUtvC May 5 .-I Pond water 24 IS 5. • /< . . .. 21 21 21 38 10. . O . . . • 3 5- • £>> »« .. 16 June i . . E 35'., hay iiiin. 23 27 32 25 i . . P I'.w. and 11. i. 23 23 30 37 " 25.. /» ioc'c hay infu. 24 24 22 24 25- • J * * ' * * * 18 18 l.S 39 25- • K " " '• 25 25 18 37 25 • 1. . . ** • • 2O 20 17 30 25- • 0 ii < • •* 18 18 16 16 25- • r i* .. .. i<) 20 18 21 AUK. 29. . Q 4i I* •• 26 20 23 8 29- • R 25 24 23 18 Average: 22. 2.S gen. 21.58 clays. He-fore these cultures were discarded the culture medium, in which the organisms were living, was tested for its pi I \.iliu- by means of the Phenolsulphonephthulein indicator. In r\n\ • it was found to be neutral; i.e., no detectable change had taken place because of the presence of the org. mi-ins. SUMMARY OF SECTION I. In summing up the results obtained I'nun tlu-e experiments, the evidence indicates that physiological difleremv- do de\elop 'Cross-fusion obtained on the i6th day. Cultuir< >lin| l :;h.-r obser- vations were made. 1 Cross-fusion obtained on the xoth day — cultun - ill- I'liis set of experiments is given inexu-nsn in T.iMr I Il6 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. among the members of a clone, without necessarily being accom- panied by corresponding morphological differences, and that these changes can be demonstrated by the cross-fusion method within relatively short periods of time — approximately 22 days. Since both lines of a given clone were subjected to the same exter- nal influences, the inference might be drawn that such proto- plasmic changes are probably due to inherited variations and not to the action of environmental factors. However, later experi- ments show that this position is untenable. II. DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. Having determined the time required for intra-clonal differen- tiation under similar environments, it was now possible to subject the two lines of a clone to different environments and observe the relative effects such treatment would have on their behavior towards each other's fragments. In carrying out these experi- ments such factors were employed as might occur in nature, viz: (a) 25 per cent hay infusion, (/?) sucrose, (c) saline, (d) acetic acid, (e) sodium carbonate, (/) alcohol, (g) darkness, and (h) temperature. The organisms seemed to thrive best in 10 per cent hay infusion, and since this could be prepared by a given formula, it was used in every case (except one) as the standard culture medium: i.e., one line of a clone was grown in it at room temperature in front of a window, while the other was altered as desired. (a) 25 Per Cent Hay Infusion. An organism was isolated from a wild culture and placed in a concavity containing pond water. Upon dividing, the new cell thus formed was transferred to a receptacle containing 25 per cent hay infusion and designated as clone H line h-Jiay, while the individual remaining in the old shell was placed in a concavity containing fresh pond water and now became known as clone H line h. These two daughter-cells were then placed in the same moist chamber, so that the only difference in their environments was represented in the culture media. The usual tests for cross- fusion between the lines were made with the following results: on the second day after the beginning of the experiments +, 4th + ,6lh +,8th--o,()th -o--.1 1 Tin.- significance of these symbols is as follows: + fusion occurred; — shatter- INI1.KX' 1IOXS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. IIJ A similar -eries of experiments were conducted between two diverging lines of clone \Y. In this case seven observations were made, extending through the eleventh generation, with the result that cross-fu-ion took place in every instance. Further obser- vations were ni.i'lt impossible on account of death in one of the lines. In one case then, the time required for two related lines to exhibit the negative reaction was greatly reduced, while in the other death interfered with the determination of this point. If standing alone, further evidence would certainly be necessary before much emphasis could be placed on the significance of these observations; but, since the conclusions drawn, from the experi- ments dealing with different environments, were largely deducted from later observations, it was decided to include these as they stand without attempting to add more convincing proof. (b) w Per Cent, liny Infusion Containing I Per Cent. Sucrose. In these, and all succeeding experiments, the standard culture medium was 10 per cent, hay infusion. After the first division of the clonal parent, one of the daughter-cells was transferred to a concavity containing 10 per cent, hay infusion plus I per cent. sucrose, while the other was kept in the standard culture medium. In every other respect the two lines arising from these individuals were subjected to similar influences. In order to avoid possible contaminations, a different pipette was used in transferring mem- bers of these two lines to fresh culture media. The density of the medium was, of course, increased ujxm the addition of sugar, which resulted in the newly formed shells becoming smaller ami smaller, so that it was considered advisable (perhaps necessary) to remove the osmotic influence after six or seven days; conse- quently, after having remained in the medium containing I per cent, sucrose for approximately that length of time, tin organisms were put back into 10 per cent, hay infu-i<>n. From thi- time on both lines of a clone were living amid>t the -aim -urnuindings. It was found that cross-fusion between the two line- continued for five or six days, then for a period , ,|" -i\ , ,r -«-\vn days the interactions were negative (even though the n-motic agent had ing reaction; o contact made but neither fusion M<>I -li.itii im^ !»lln\viMl. The number of symbols placed after a figure<-- tin- munlx-i vatiohs made on that day. BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. been removed) after which another short period of inter-fusion ensued. This is clearly shown in Table III. TABLE III. SHOWING INTERACTIONS OF RELATED LINES, k AND k-s«. THE ENVIRONMENT WAS THE SAME FOR BOTH LINES, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT FOR 7 DAYS LINE k-ju WAS KEPT IN A i PER CENT. SUCROSE SOLUTION. THE EXPERI- MENTS WERE BEGUN ON JUNE 27, AND DISCONTINUED ON JULY 22, 1922. k. c IM g c c CO o •*-* l2g o . ii c c • Q " 2 |if _. ll| c-*2 .« ll '? E ?'*"'•" — -o S '- S(3s Reaction after rt , - _-. Orr £3 - rt C — ^ "•? u= .S v v> Contact. O D X e,4! o-J •- i-. eta S° e ._ »"• 5^ 2 %<£ > ^fflW 'O O o o .S^^1 So"" •- J2 12 Q H 2 k-jH-3 k-2 9 X34 75 10 Immediate fusion. 2 k-2 k-^w-3 12 X 18 40 2 Fusion within 15". 3 k-4 k-5/t-4 12 x 40 93 4 Fusion after n'. 3 k-su-4 k-4 8 x 24 63 2 Fusion within 15". 3 k-sz<-4 k-4 9X33 67 2-5 Fusion within 15". 3 k-sz<-4 k-4 8 X 20 112 3 Fusion within 30". 4 k-6 k-su-5 15x80 45 3 Immediate fusion. 4 k-6 k-5M-5 8x35 60 3-5 Fusion within 30". 4 k-Stt-5 k-6 8x45 o o Fusion after 2'. 6 k-8 k-sw-61 35X75 95 3 Shattering reaction. 8 k-9 k-s/<-72 12 X 3O 9 i Shattering reaction. 9 k-io k-5zt-93 27 x 80 95 2 Shattering reaction. 9 k-sw-9 k-io 12 X 15 55 - No contact. II k-su-i i k-i3 9X25 85 I Shattering reaction. II k-i3 k-su-i i 8x 14 32 0-5 No fusion. 13 k-i6 k-5?<-i4 24 x 26 26 2 No fusion. 13 k-sz<-i4 k-i6 10x45 13 I Immediate fusion. 13 k-sw-14 k-i6 8 x 40 90 2 Immediate fusion. 13 k-i6 k-5M-I4 9x32 63 1 Immediate fusion. 13 k-i6 k-5M-i4 8 X30 70 I Immediate fusion. 13 k-sM-14 k-i6 25 X30 40 2 Fusion within i'. 13 k-i6 k-su-14 10 X 56 85 2 Fusion within i'. 14 k-I7 k-su-is 12 X 3O 140 4 No fusion. 15 k-19 k-su-i6 IO X 2O 115 2 Immediate fusion. 15 k-5«-i6 k-ig 8 x 40 90 - No contact. 20 k-5Z/-2 I k-24 25 x 60 37 4-5 Shattering reaction. 23 k-2 8 k-su-25 9 x 50 IO i Shattering reaction. 23 k-5Z<-25 k-2 8 8xio 33 i Shattering reaction. 25 k-SM-28 k-3i 12 X 30 62 i Shattering reaction. 25 k-3i k-xu-28 8 x 25 35 i Shattering reaction. 1 Later specimen k-sit-6 fused with its own fragment which had caused a shat- tering of specimen k-8's cytoplasm. • The young individuals of line k-sw, having been subjected to the influence of i per cent, sucrose for 7 days, were reduced in size to a diameter of 65 micra (the normal diameter being 100 micra). On this day line k-su was put back into 10 per cent, hay infusion, where it remained during the rest of the experiments. 3 Later specimen k-sw-Q fused with its own fragment after it had been abandoned by specimen k-io. I\ I 1 kACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. I IQ By referring t<> Table III. it will be seen that cross-fusion be- tween tin- two lines persisted through generations k-s«-5 and k-6, while two d.iys later (k-sw-6 and k-8) their potency to fuse with the otlu T'- fragments had teased. On the 2d day after the first negative reaction was observed. linek-5/f was taken out of the sugar solution and placed in the same medium used for line k; nevertheless, tin- reactions between the two lines continued to be of the shattering type for 4 more days; i.e., cross-fusion was not observed again until the fifth day after the two lines had been restored to a common environment (k-s«-i4 and k-i6). For the next few days the inter-reactions were positive, but from generations k-5M-2l and k 24 until the experiments were dis- continued, shattering of the protoplasms tk place in every instance. Compare the second shattering periwl with re>ulis shown in Table 1 1 An interesting jx)int brought out by this study, is the fact that though the normal si/c was regained two days after the individu- als of line k sn were removed from the sucrose solution, the inability to cross-fuse with fragments of specimens from line k persisted for five days. In other similar experiments the stability of this physiological variation as compared to the morphological dillerence in si/e was shown even more strikingly. Three other series of experiments, in which I per cent, sucrose was used as the modifying factor, were conducted, and all of them gave results parallel to those shown in Table III. For instance, on June Jth the progenitor of clone M was isolated from a wild culture and upon dividing the next day, lines m and m-sn were, started. Cross-fusion between these two lines was observed on the third day (generations m-4 and m-SM-4), shattering reaction exhibited on the oth (m ~ and m .v//-6), line m su put back in standard culture medium on the 7th, ne^athe inter-. n-iions per- sisted until the i.sth (m-i8 and m-s//-i5 I, then . To^-fu-ii.ns took place during the next five days, all of the interaction- after this were of the shattering type. Twenty observations \\ere made in this series of experiments. Observations in clone J, lines j and j -sn were U^im on August 27th. Cross-fusion between line j and line j •>/< on the 4th day (j-4 and J-S//-5), negative on tin- <>th. ( j <> .md j vw-j), line j VK removed from I per cent, surro-e on oth, ne-.iiive inter- I2O BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. actions persisted until the I5th (j-i6 and j-s«-i6); this was followed by a brief period of cross-fusion, after which the inter- actions became permanently negative — number of observations in this case was 35. A similar series of experiments between lines n and n-su of clone N were started on August 2yth. In this case line n-su was removed from the sugar solution before the negative condition had been attained; consequently cross-fusion continued until the 1 5th day. From this time on all of the interactions were negative. Forty observations were made in this series of experi- ments. (c) 10 Per Cent. Hay Infusion Containing N/io Saline. Two series of experiments were conducted in which one line of a clone was placed in a culture medium of 10 per cent, hay infusion plus one tenth normal saline solution, while the other line was kept in the standard medium — the only difference between the environments of the two lines was that the culture medium used for one contained 0.09 per cent. salt. During the first three days the organisms in the saline solution seemed to grow and repro- duce normally; after this, three days elapsed before another division occurred ; then further growth ceased. In the meantime tests showed that cross-fusion between the two lines took place readily. After keeping the organisms in saline solution for eight days they were put back into standard culture medium. The interactions continued to be positive for two more days, then the experiments were discontinued. The evidence obtained from these observations indicates that N/io saline is an unfavorable environment for A. polypora; but regardless of this, no physiological change that can be detected by the cross-fusion method was thus produced. 10 Per Cent. Hay Infusion Containing Acetic Acid. Numerous attempts were made to culture the organisms in 10 per cent, hay infusion to which had been added various amounts of acetic acid, but after repeated efforts it was found impossible to keep the animals alive in solutions containing only o.oi per cent, acetic acid. Other acids, or weaker concentrations of acetic acid, were not tried. INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. I -1 I (e) JO Per Cent Hay Infusion Containing 0.025 Per Cent Sodium Carbonate. By beginning with one per cent, sodium carbonate and each time decreasing the proportion, it was determined that .4. />o/v- pora could be successfully grown in a medium containing 0.025 per cent, of this substance. Only one set of experiments was conducted, but the results obtained were very definite. On June 2Qth an individual was taken from clone K and set aside to become the progenitor of a new clone S. The next day it had divided, so one of the daughter-cells resulting from this division was placed in 10 per cent, hay infusion containing 0.025 Per cent, sodium carbonate, while the other was kept in standard medium. The size, activity, and rate of reproduction of the organisms sub- jected to the influences of sodium carbonate (a weak base) seemed to be perfectly normal. Results of the reactions between line s and line s-s.c. are given by means of symbols (See footnote page 1 1 6 for meanings). On the second day after the experiments were begun the interactions were H — K 4th o o +, 6th line S s.c. per- manently transferred to standard medium, 8th - -, Qth H — (-, nth + + , 1 4th - o, 1 9th — , 2 ist 23d - -. No further observations were made after this date. These results strongly suggest that, if one line of a clone be placed in 10 per cent, hay in- fusion and the other line in a similar medium to which 0.025 Per cent, sodium carbonate has been added, the physiological consti- •tutions of the members comprising the two lines will quickly become so differentiated that cross-fusion will not take place between individuals belonging to one line and fragments of speci- mens from the other. Such changes are shown to persist for some time after the causative agent has been removed. (/) 10 Per Cent. Hay Infusion Containing 1 Per Cent. Alcohol. On August 28th specimens were taken from two (loin--, which had been under observation since June 251)1, and \\ith tla-in two sub-clones, J and K, were started. These Mib-rloiu-; v divided into two lines each; one of which w.i^ krpt in medium, while the other was placed in 10 pi-r rmt. h.iy inl'ii-imi plus I per cent, alcohol — the latter bun- iir-i;;n.iti-o! MI!>-eriment between the two lines of clone Y be disregarded, the above a will show that negative interactions first occurred <»n the 141(1 day in clone X, and on the iyth day in clone Y. Taking tin- hi^hi T figure 17 it is 4.58 earlier than the average time re- quired when the environments in the two lines of a clone were similar. However, if we consider the number of generations, a greater difference is shown. On the day the first negative reaction was observed in clone X, line x had produced 15 genera- tions and line x-/ 8, which if added and the result divided by 2 yields 11.5 generations, while in clone Y, line y represented 18 generations and line y-/ 10, or an average of 14 generations, in, if we take the higher number it gives a decrease of 8.25 generations. It seems then, that if two lines of a given clone are subjected to different temperatures, they tend to i!i\< physiologically more rapidly than when kept at the same tem- perature. SUMMARY OF KXPKRIMKNTS INVOLVING DIFFERENT KNVIRON- MBNTS. As previously shown, when two lines arising from daughter- cells are subjected to similar environmental influences the property of fusing with each other's detached fragments of pro- toplasm ceases after approximately 21.58 days and 22.25 genera- tions. By keeping one line in 10 per cent, hay infusion at room trni| u-raturc in front of a window, such intra-clonal different ia- tii'ii could be greatly hastened by altering (in only one resp« t In- other, as follows: in Factor imposed. Days. I'-rations. 25 per cent.1 hay infusion used 8 i per cent, sucrose added 6 7 N/io saline added (unfavorable) o.oi per cent, acetic acid added (killed niv-mi-in 0.025 sodium carbonate added 7 7 i per cent, alcohol added (fluctuated between + ami -) Kept in darkness i-Jo Kept at 15 degrees C.! 1^.25 1 The other line kept in pond water instead of 10 per cent, hay infusion. * The other line kept in darkened place to counteract darkness of refrigerator. 126 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. III. IDENTICAL ENVIRONMENTS. When the experiments involving similar environments had been completed, and before the experiments described in section II had been performed, it seemed that the inability of an organism to fuse with a protoplasmic fragment which had been severed from a related individual was due to inherited physiological variations. However, it was found, as shown in section II, that by employing different environments the negative state was reached in a much shorter time than was the case when the con- ditions were unaltered. These results indicate either (i) that the different environments have brought about heritable physio- logical changes which influence the character of the reactions, or (2) that the different environments have brought about tem- porary physiological changes which do not persist after the organ- isms are returned to identical surroundings. In other words: the so-called "similar" environments may have, in reality, been different. As Jennings ('16) pointed out, and Hargitt and Fray ('17) and Phillips ('22) have shown by feeding Paramecia on pure cultures of bacteria, food is an important factor in bringing about modifications. There seems to be no doubt that certain forms of bacteria prevail in one concavity while in an adjoining concavity the flora may be entirely different. The Arcellce in hay infusion cultures subsist principally on the bacteria by which they are surrounded ; therefore, one should not be surprised if physiological differences are exhibited between organisms kept in different containers. Several methods might be employed in determining whether or not the bacterial flora available to the organisms of two contrast- ing lines are similar: 1. By making cultures of the medium in which they are living, and determining the kinds and relative proportions of bacteria present through the use of differential culture media. However, since little is known about hay infusion bacteria, this would be a difficult undertaking. 2. By isolating a pure strain of suitable bacteria and feeding them to the organisms under aseptic conditions. 3. (a) By frequently transferring small quantities <>f tlu- medium from one concavity to the other, and (b) by placing both INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. 12J organ! -in- in the same concavity and removing the new individuals as they appear. Method-, i and 2 were not undertaken, but both (a) and (6) of method .> \\ere utilized. Four clones, J, K. Q, and R were started and each of these was divided into two lines upon the first division. Individuals from these lines were transferred to new concavities every other day, and upon each transferral of the organisms a quantity of the culture medium from the old concavity in which one line had been growing was placed in the new concavity in which a specimen from the other line was to be confined, and vice versa. Thus, each time an organism was placed into fresh culture medium it brought with it some of the bacteria from the old culture in which it had been living; but in addition to this, bacteria from the old culture in which its sister line had been growing were also introduced, so that any difference in the flora existing in the two old concavities were distributed to the new concavities alike. Tests were made I >e i \veen representatives of the two lines as had been done in former experiments, and it was found that cross-fusion did not cease after twenty or twenty-five generations, but persisted as l»n^ as the experiments were continued; or in clone J until the ) jd generation, clone K until the 47th, clone Q until the 65th, and clone K until the 5Nth. After obtaining cross-fusion in clones J and K for 42 and 47 generations respectively, Petri dish cultures wen- made of the two lines in each clone by putting four indi- \idti.ils in a IVtri dish containing 25 c.c. of to per cent, hay infusion. These were placed before a window when- they re- in.lined undisturbed from July 31 until August 25. Another series of experiments was begun in \\hich attempts \\ere made to bring related specimens, that had been reacting .itively towards each other's fragments, to a state in \\hii-h cross-fusion would take place between them, 1>\ frequently ex- changing small quantities of culture medium between the con- cavities in which they were living. Three \ariatioii- of ihi- system \vere employed: (a) by cro^-tran-ferring a small quan- tity of culture medium from the old retvptarle "I "lie line to the new container of the other each time the organi-m- \\ere con- veyed to fresh culture medium— thus bringing their en\ in mments 128 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. to a common state; (6) by transferring medium only from one line to the other — thus making the conditions in the latter like those in the former; (c) the environments of both lines were changed through the use of a different culture medium; these were then brought to a common identity by exchanging small quantities of culture medium between them. Members from the Petri dish cultures of clones J and K were used for this purpose. When tested on August 25 it was found that the two lines of these clones reacted negatively towards each other's fragments. By estimating the number of individuals in each Petri dish, and knowing the number of days the cultures had been running and their usual rate of reproduction, a fairly accu- rate determination could be made of the number of generations represented in each line. In every case the number used was slightly under the estimated number. By following this pro- cedure the figure obtained on August 25 were: for clone J, line j-66 generations and line jd-6o; for clone K, line k-yo and line kd 68. The same day three types of experiments were begun in which both of these clones were used. (a) Two small drops of culture media were interchanged be- tween the old receptacles containing specimens from one line and the new concavities into which a specimen from the other line was to be placed each time the organisms were conveyed to fresh cultures (every two days). At intervals of two or three days observations were made of the reactions between individuals from the two lines. In clone J the interactions of lines j and jd continued to be of the shattering type for 18 days (until Septem- ber 12), when cross-fusion was exhibited (line j-84 and line jd- s<». l-'rnm this time until the experiments were discontinued on November I ( j-124 and jd-i 19), individuals from one line would readily fuse with fragments that had been severed from members of a sister line. In clone K the interactions between lines k and kd were of the shattering type for 20 days (until September 14). From this time on, cross-fusion between the two lines was exhib- ited, though several shattering reactions were also observed. The experiment was discontinued on November i, at which time line k had undergone 135, and line kd 132 divisions since clone K was started on June 25. In the following experiments attempts were made to bring INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. IJ'l lines jd and kd to the conditions of lines j and k respectively, by conveying some of the culture media in which the latter had been living to the concavities containing the former. Under this treatment individuals from lines j and jd reacted negatively towards each other's fragments during the succeeding fifteen generations (until September 9). After this cross-fusions were the usual occurrences, though occasional shattering reactions were encountered. When the experiment was discontinued on Novem- ber i line j represented 129 generations and line jd 120 genera- tions since the beginning of clone J. The reactions between lines k and kd continued to be of the shattering type until September 16 (for 24 generations). From then until the experi- ment was discontinued on November I (line k-1^5 anc^ h'ne kd-133) most of the interactions were positive. (c) In these experiments specimens from clone J, lines j and jd and clone K, lines k and kd were taken from the Petri dish cul- tures and placed in concavities containing 10 per cent, hay infusion plus i per cent, sucrose; but after remaining in this solution for six days, the organisms had decreased so much in si/e that they were put back in standard medium. Hvery other day small quantities of culture media were exchanged between the receptacles in which sister lines were kept. The organisms subjected to i per cent, sucrose not only decreased in size, but their physiological states were so altered that they no longer fused with fragments from closely related individuals which had been kept in standard culture medium — see section II, (6). Thus, it is evident that an environment different from what existed before had been established. Upon testing by the usual method, it was found that the shattering type of reactions persisted between specimens of line j and line jd for 18 days and 19 generations, but from then on, cross-fusion was exhibited. The experiment was discontinued on Nov, 2d, at which time line j represented 125 generations and line jd 122. In clone K shattering reactions were ob>er\r. 1 between line k and line kd until the 23d d.iy ,m than were encountered in any of the other experiment-, but a mmiln-r of cross-fusions did take place between the two lines. When the I3O BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. experiment was stopped on Nov. 1st. line k had undergone 119 divisions and line kd 122. The results obtained in the above experiments indicate that the changes produced in the protoplasm of related individuals reproducing vegetatively, are at least greatly influenced by the environment — in fact to such an extent that two lines which have been negative to each other's protoplasmic fragments for several weeks can be brought back to a common condition in which cross- fusion will take place between them within approximately 20 days. However convincing this evidence seems, it was con- sidered advisable to obtain further proof. To that end, a series of experiments was planned which wouki extend the observa- tions over a longer period, and at the same time remove any question as to the identity of the environments in which the two lines of a clone were existing. It is a matter of common knowl- edge, that when Arcella divides the newly formed shell is lighter in color than the old shell, and that this difference in shell colora- tion continues for some time after division takes place. There- fore an individual possessing a dark shell was taken from each, of the two diverging lines of a given clone and placed in the same concavity. Then daily examinations were made, and when two specimens with light-colored shells appeared, they were removed and tested for inter-protoplasmic reactions; while the two dark- shelled organisms were transferred to fresh culture medium. It might be said in this connection, that the morphological differ- ences between specimens from the two lines, were usually also great enough to enable a careful observer to distinguish one from the other. On November I, 1922, four experiments of this type were started, involving clone J, line j-124 and line jd-ii9; clone K, line k-135 and line kd-132; clone Q, line q-65 and line qd-65; and clone R, line 1-58 and line rd-58. The two lines of each of these clones had previously been brought to a common condition 1>\ exchanging small quantities of culture media from one to the other, as described elsewhere; so that individuals from one line would fuse with fragments of members of the other at the begin- ning of these experiments. So then, it was to be expected that the immediate progeny of two such organisms would also exhibit the cross-fusion phenomenon. INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MA.-SES. 1 U Individuals from the two lines of these clones were confined in the same concavities for ten days. During this time frequent tests showed cross-fusion in every instance: consequently on \o\emlier 10 the related lines were separated again. by placing the individuals in different Petri dishes containing 25 cc. of 10 PIT 1 1 nt. hay infusion. At intervals of two week> the number ot indi\ idti.ils in the Petri dish cultures were estimated, and the approximate number of generations represented determined. Then fresh Petri dish cultures were made, and thus the lines were perpetuated until January 5, 1923. l On January 5 tests were made for cross-fusion between the two lines of these clones, with the result that all of them gave the shattering reaction. Then an individual from line j was put in a concavity with an individual from line jd. In a like manner the two lines of the other clones were brought together. During the next five days the inter- protoplasmic reactions were universally negative, while on the sixth day they were all positive. Cross-fusion between the re- lated lines continued until the experiments were stopped on January 15. At that time clone J had been observed for 188 generations, clone K for 200, clone Q for 126, and clone R for 122. These results present a strong argument in favor of environ- ments as the principal modifying agent; but the skeptic miijit say that perhaps the two lines were confused while being kept in the same container, and what seemed to be cross-fusion be- tween very distantly related individuals was really positive inter- actions of very closely related specimens. That such was i he case is very improbable; for in the first place, especial care was taken tc^avoid that error, and secondly, the results obtained were too uniform. The same mistake would hardly have been made in every experiment at the same time. However, the most con- \incing evidence obtained was made po— il>le by the Midden appearance of a double form in a Petri di>h culture <>1 rl«me O, line qd. This abnormal specimen was di-< -«\ ered <>n \n\rinU T 21, 1922, and seems to have appeared l>e..uiM- i.t" the failure of the shells to completely separate at the time of m. It is 1 An objection might be raised to mass cultun-s mi tln-gri>mid- that i"ii illicit take place between some of the organism-, thus disturbing the germinal .cncy of the individuals concerned. ThU ]>• .— ibiliiy linn and guarded against, and it can be said with .1 :i ili>l nut place among the specimens used in this invi--ti.iMtiiin. 132 BRUCE D. REYXOLDS. shown contrasted with a normal individual in Fig. 4. (See Reynolds '23.) As can readily be seen, the morphological differences between this abnormal specimen and a normal individual were quite marked; consequently they could be kept in the same concavity without any danger of confusion. The abnormal form could be reared, and it was found to breed true to type. By January 12 34 generations had been obtained from the abnormal Arcella, while the normal individuals of the line from which it sprung had given rise to 37 generations. During this time, a period of 52 days, the normal and abnormal organisms had been kept in different receptacles, and no exchange of medium between them had been made. In accordance with other findings, therefore, they should have reacted negatively towards each other's frag- ments of protoplasm — even though both had possessed the same morphological characteristics. In testing this out on January 12 it was found that they exhibited a violent shattering reaction. On the same day an abnormal specimen Ab-34 was Put m the same concavity with a normal organism qd-123, both of which belonged to the same line (qd) of clone Q. By making daily tests "• it was found that the interactions continued to be negative for three days. From the fourth day on, cross-fusion took place between them readily. Another experiment involving the abnormal form was also started on January 12. In this case a normal individual j-i85, which was descended from a specimen taken from a wild culture on June 26, IQ22,2 was placed in a concavity with an abnormal organism Ab~34, after it had been demonstrated experimentally that one would not fuse with fragments of the other's protoplasm. Then the usual procedure of daily testing the interactions be- tween the progeny of these two organisms was carefully practiced. During the first five days the involved protoplasms were shat- 1 In this and the following experiment all amputations, and subsequent obser- vations of protoplasmic reactions, were made without removing the organisms from their containers. 2 While the two organisms used in this experiment belonged to the same species, and probably at some time in the past had a common ancestor (since their progeni- tors were isolated from the same wild culture); their relationship was certainly re- mote, for the two clones to which they belonged had been under observation for nearly seven months. INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. tered to pieces upon making contact, after which the animal \\<>uld move off, leaving the remnants of its own and the frag- ment's protoplasm behind. On the 6th, 7th, and 8th days con- tact was followed by a slight shattering of protoplasm, and later some or all of the remnants were appropriated by tlu- reacting nism. On the 9th, roth, nth, and I2th days of coexistence (/DC organism would fuse with a fragment of the other practically, if not quite, as readily as with one of its own fragment >. No Inn her observations were made after the twelfth day. SUMMARY or Kxr ERIMENTS INVOLVING IDENTICAL ENVIRON- MENTS. By continually interchanging small quantities of media from old cultures of one line of a given clone to new cultures of the oilier line, cross-fusion between the two lines can be prolonged for sixty-five generations (perhaps indefinitely?). After two lines of a clone have ceased to fuse with each other's fragment-, the property of cross-fusion can be restored by: (a) frequently exchanging small quantities of media between the cultures — thus bringing them to a common state; (6) frequently transferring small quantities of medium from only one culture to the other— thus bringing one line to the condition of the other; (c) creating a different environment in both lines by adding I percent. MU i to the culture medium and then exchanging media between them frequently. Quicker and more satisfactory results can be ob- tained, if members of the two lines to be tested are rultivated in the same container. By this method, two lines of a clone that have been negative to each other's protoplasm for month-, can be brought back to a state of cross-fusibility — even though they are removed from the clonal parent by as many a^ Jo<> genera- tions. A normal specimen was put in the same concavit) with an abnormal relative. Though reacting negatively in the be- ginning, they readily fused with each other'- ents <>t proto- plasm after living together for four day-. An unrelated (?) nor- mal specimen was placed in the same container with an al>n< .rmal Arcella. In this case the shattering reaction \\.(- exhibited until the ninth day of coexistence ; from then on, tu-ioii occurred readily between one organism and pseudopodial fragment- of the other 134 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. DISCUSSION. Before entering into a discussion of the results obtained in these investigations, it is perhaps advisable to show that the method employed is sound, and that it offers some advantages over the methods which have been utilized by others. As stated in the introduction, this is the first time that the interactions of protoplasmic masses have been used in studying the subject of Heredity and Environment. It was not until the recent appear- ance of the first article of this series that anything was published concerning the fact that certain of the shelled rhizopods are capable of reappropriating, by fusion, fragments of protoplasm which have recently been detached from their cell-bodies. In this paper it is clearly pointed put that "the severed fragments are not recovered as food, but enter again immediately into the protoplasmic structure of the cell-body." Later work has strengthened the evidence for such a contention. In fact, the findings in these experiments with A. polypora substantiate all of the conclusions drawn from the work on Difflngia, except para- graphs 3 and 5 of the general summary. In regard to paragraph 3: In Arcella, fusion has been observed to occur at the ends of pseudopods, as well as along an extended mid-region. This difference in behavior of the two genera may be due to the difference in the nature of their pseudopodial forma- tion. As to paragraph 5 : In six cases out of approximately 1,000 two enucleated fragments have been observed to fuse with each other; though in such instances they were severed from the same cell-body at the same time, and were almost in contact in the beginning. In addition to the data on protoplasmic fusion given in Article No. i : the "shattering" reaction is described in the introduction of the present paper. This is the kind of reaction usually ob- served when an organism made contact with a fragment severed from a distantly related individual. It was found that in such cases there was a mutual attraction between the organism and the fragment — even though their protoplasms were shattered upon making contact. If the fragment came from a closely related specimen fusion occurred. When a fragment of proto- plasm was severed from a different genus (Dijflngia) and placed INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. I x> near an Arcella the two bodies did not attract eachother. This \\.is done on ten different occasions; each time the fragment w.i- placed within loomicra of the organism, but neither body -ho\\vuld have brought the two masses together in a certain percentage of es. This did happen on two occasions out of the ten tried, but nothing resulted from the contact. In both instances the animal moved on as if the fragment had been merely a mechanical obstruction. Another observation which is probably worthy of mention in this connection, is that under ordinary circumstances two A rcella-, \\hich would re-act negatively towards each other's fragments, may come in contact with each other's pseudopods without causing any disturbance; but when a protoplasmic fragment of one of these organisms is in their midst, it was frequently observed that their pseudopods would be shattered upon making contact. With these various facts established, it seems evident that the inability of an organism to fuse with a pseudopodial fragment is due to a difference in the physiological constitution of the pro- toplasm involved. It is generally considered that morphological dillerences are merely physical expressions of physiological changes — a kind of cause and effect relationship. If this be true, then physiological tests offer finer distinctions between minute variations than can be jxrceived in the structure of organisms. Furthermore, as shown by the experiments in which one line of a was placed in a culture medium containing I per cent, su- -e, physiological changes may persist for a long time ai morphological differences have disappeared. Most investigators in the past have, of necessity, studied \.iriations among protozoa by making use of structural differ- ences. While these arc undoubtedly of great importance, they d<> not offer as delicate a method of determining variation-, or as -ure a means of detecting them. Anyone who ha- oli-i-r\ed a "-hattering" reaction can but be impressed with tin- fa< t that a marked difference exists between the reacting ma-ses — a few generations back they were parts of the -ame individual; t hex- have diverged by means of binary ti--ion until they not only fail to unite when brought together, but are shattered into in. my pieces. Why does this happen? We can postulate many pos>il>le. 136 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. explanations. It seems most reasonable to think of it as being due to a difference in molecular structure, or ionization; at least the sudden violent shattering is suggestive of an electrical phen- omenon. The inability of one organism to fuse with a proto- plasmic fragment of another, does not imply that the two organ- isms concerned differ structurally, nor does cross-fusion indicate that no morphological differences exist. In either case the animals involved may or may not be identical in size, structure and rate of fission. Maupas ('88, '89), in studying the effect of temperature on the fission rate of infusoria, arrived at the conclusion that under given conditions the fission rate remains the same, and that inherited variations do not exist. Regardless of the important bearing this statement has on the theory of evolution, there was but very little interest exhibited until some time after the publi- cation of Johannsen's ('03) results, in which he enunciated his concept of genotypes. Since then workers in various fields have investigated the subject of Heredity and Environment. Like Maupas, most of them have obtained evidence which seems to emphasize the "fixity" of species. Among these might be mentioned: Johannsen ('09, 'u) working with beans, Hanel ('08) and Lashley ('15) with Hydra, Jennings ('08, '09, '10) with infusoria, Ackert ('16) with Paramecium, and Jollos ('21) with infusoria. However, recently Barber ('07) working with bac- teria, Jennings ('16) with Difflugia, Hegner ('19) with Arcella, Root ('18) with Centropyxis, Middleton ('15, '18) with Stylon- ychia, Erdmann ('20) with Paramecium, and others, have appar- ently been able to demonstrate that variations do take place among organisms reproducing asexually — and as Erdmann ('20) says: 'The rigid conception of the genotype does not hold true for protozoa." To enter a field filled with so much conflicting evidence, armed with a new method, was an especially attractive undertaking. The experiments were planned with the idea of duplicating, so far as possible, the various conditions to which protozoa have been subjected by others. The only new factors employed were the method of determining variations which might arise, and a little different way of preparing the culture medium. The results obtained seem to combine the two diverse opin- INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. l.>7 ions, and thus answer some of the hitherto perplexing questions. In the first place, they show that both physiological and morpho- logical variations do appear among protozoa reproducing \ege- t, nively, and that such variations can be hastened by alurin- ihr environments; and secondly, that these changes are not due to inherited variations which persist for very long periods of time. for they could be reversed within a few days. Unquestionably. certain heritable variations often arise in cultures, and seem to persist for some time afterwards; but, in our experiments at least, if the organisms in which these changes are manifested are left in the same surroundings, undisturbed, they tend to revert to the normal type, while if placed in a different environment where selection would be affective, or if artificial selection is practiced, the aberrant characteristics may be continued, or even emphasized. In a similar manner the physiological status of organisms is subject to modifications. Adjustments are constantly being made as a result of the ever changing surroundings. The ques- tion seems to resolve itself into one of environmental factors, of which food is by no means the least important. The only diffi- cult factor to control in these experiments was the growth in the culture media. In fact, the rapid differentiation observed when unlike culture media were used, was probably due to a change in the character of the bacterial flora produced by the action of the environment; for if the action had been direct, in some cases at least, physiological differences should have occurred \\ iihin a few hours after the organisms were exposed to it. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. i. Like Dijjlugia, Arcclla polypora will, under favorable con- ditions, reappropriate its detached fragments of protopla-m by lu-ion. j. .1. polypora is not attracted by a pseudopodial fragment of 'Jiigiu. If accidental contact is made the fra^im-m as a mechanical obstruction. ,v Fusion will take place between one individual and a proto- plasmic fragment of a closely related -]>t •> -mien. 4. Two distantly related individuals, which ha\e not been kept in the same receptacle, will be attracted by each other'- 1 V"1 BRUCE D. KKVXOLDS. severed pseudopods, but upon making contact the involved pro- toplasms will be shattered into bead-like masses. 5. When two lines of a clone are kept under similar environ- ments, cross-fusions between them cease after approximately 22 days; while if the two diverging lines are subjected to different environments, the time required for cross-fusions to cease is greatly shortened (varying from 6 to 16.5 days depending on the factor employed). 6. When small quantities of culture media are frequently exchanged between the concavities in which members of two diverging lines are confined, cross-fusions between them appar- ently continue indefinitely 7. After two related specimens have become negative to each other's protoplasm, cross-fusions between their progeny may be induced by (a) exchanging small quantities of culture media between the receptacles in which they are kept (time required was 20 days), or (6) by placing both of them in the same concavity (time required was 6 days). 8. Morphological differences are not necessarily associated with different physiological states, as evidenced by the fact that abnormal specimens could be induced to fuse with fragments of normal individuals — and vice versa. 9. Physiological changes do occur among the descendants of a single A. polypora reproducing vegetatively, but such differences are probably due to environmental influences rather than to hereditary variations. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ackert, J. '16 On the Effect of Selection in Paramecium. Genetics, Vol. 1.387-405. Barber, M. A. '07 On Heredity in Certain Microorganisms. Kansas University Science, Bui. 4. 3-47- Calkins, G. N. 'n Regeneration and Cell Division in Uronychia. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 10, 95-116. Calkins, G. N., and Gregory, L. H. '13 Variations in the Progeny of a Single Ex-conjugant of Paramecium canda- Intn. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 15, 467-525. Castle, W. E. '14 Pure Lines and Selection. Jour. Heredity, Vol. 5, 93-97. Erdmann, Rh. '20 Endomixis and Size Variations in Pure-bred Lines of Paramecium aitrelia. Arch. f. Entwicklungsmech., Bd. 46, 85-146. INTERACTIONS OF PROTOPLASMIC MASSES. 139 Hanel, Elise. '08 Vererbung bei ungeschlechtlicher Fortpflanzung von Hydra grisfa. Jrn- aische Zeitschr., Bd. 43, 321-372. Hargitt, G. T. and Fray, W. W. '17 The Growth of Paramecium in pure Cultures of Bacteria. Jour. Exp. Zool.. Vol. 22. 421-455. Hegner, R. W. '19 Heredity, Variation and the Appearance of Diversities during the Vegeta- tive Reproduction of Artella denlata. Genetics, Vol. 4. 95-150. '198 The Effects of Environmental Factors upon the Heritable Characteristics of Arcella dentata and .1. Polypora. Jour. Exp. Zool.. Vol. 29: 427-441. '20 The Relations between Nuclear Number, Chromatin Mass, Cytoplasmic Mass, and Shell Characteristics in Four Species of the Genus Arcella. Jour. Exp. Zool.. Vol. 30. 1-95. Jennings, H. S. '08 Heredity. Variation and Evolution in Protozoa. II. Heredity and Varia- tion in size and form in Paramtcium. with Studies of Growth, Environ- mental Action and Selection. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.. Vol. 47. 393- 546. '16 Heredity. Variation and the Results of Selection in the L'niparentnl Repro- duction of nijfliiRia corona. Genetics. Vol. I. 407-534. Johannsen, W. '03 L'eber Erblichkeit in Populationen und in reinen IJnien. v -)- 68 pp. Jena: Gustav Fischer. Jollos, Victor. '21 Experimeiitelle Protistenstudien. Arch, f. Protistenk., Bd. 43, 1-222. Kepner, W. A., and Reynolds, B. D. '23 Reactions of Cell-bodies and Psoudopodial Fragments of Di fflttgia. BIOL. B< I... Vol. 44. 22 47. Lashley. K. S. '15 Inheritance in the Asexual Reproduction of Hydra. Jour. Exp. Zool.. Vol. 19, 157-210. Leidy, Joseph. '79 Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America. Report U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. XII. xi -f- 324 pp. Washington: Government Print ini; Office. Middleton, A. B. "15 Heritable Variations and the Result of Selection in the Fission rate of Stylonychia pustulata. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 19, 451-502. '18 Heritable effects of Temperature Differences in the Fission rate of Slylony- thia piistnlata. Genetics, Vol. 3, 535-572. Penard, E. '02 Faune Rhizopodique du Bassin du I-cman. 714 pp. Geneva: \V. Kuii'liu et fils. Phillips, R. L. '22 The Growth of Paramecium in Infusions of Known '-nt. Jour. Exp. Zool.. Vol. 36, 135-183. Popoflf, M. . '08 Experimented Zellstudien I. Arch. f. Zellforsch., IM i. 245- ^79. '09 II.. Bd 3, 125-178. 140 BRUCE D. REYXOLDS. Reynolds, Bruce D. '23 Inheritance of Double Characteristics in Arcella Polypora Penard; Genet- ics. Vol. 8, 477-493- Root, F. M. '18 Inheritance in the Asexual Reproduction of Centropyxis aculeata. Genetics, Vol. 3, 174-206. Stout, A. B. "15 The Establishment of Varieties in Coleus by the Selection of Somatic Varia- tions. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pub. No. 218: +80 pp. Whitney, D. D. '16 The Transformation of Brachionits pala into B. amphiceros by Sodium vSilicate. BIOL. BUL., Vol. 31, 1x3-120. 142 BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. FIG. i. Camera lucida sketches illustrating shattering reaction. A, Arcella poly fora approaching a fragment from another individual of the same species, frag- ment shown below. X i~o. B, The same bodies just after making contact. C, A portion of B enlarged. FIG. 2. Diagram of vertical section illustrating shape of shell and position of pseudopods. FIG. 4. An abnormal Arcella which appeared suddenly in a hay infusion culture of clone Q, line qd. .4, Lateral view; B, Ventral aspect, showing ellipsoidal mouth; C, normal individual of line from which the abnormal specimen was obtained. X 170 — camera lucida. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE i. £ <*/* Fig-1 Fig. 2 c Pig. A. BRUCE D. REYNOLDS. THE ATTACHMENT OF OYSTER LAR\VE. • THfRLOW C. XELSOX.1 Knowledge of the life history and ecology of the American oyster, Ostrea virginica Gmelin, is more extensive than in the case of any other species of lamellibranch. The researches of num- erous investigators, notably of Brooks, J. Nelson, and Stafford, give us an almost unbroken history of this mollusc from the egg to the* adult. As in most marine bivalves, the eggs of the oyster are shed into tin- water where fertilization occurs. Subsequent development is rapid, the larva forming a bivalve shell within two days or less. Then there follows a pelagic period of approxi- mately two weeks during which the larva swims about with the aid of the velum, and increases considerably in si/e. At the close of the free-swimming period the larva settles upon soim- solid object and remains firmly attached at that point for the remainder of its life, t'p to the time of attachment the history of most other marine lamellibranchs is similar to that of the oyster, but once the free-swimming period is ended we find u variety of behavior; the larva- of Pecten, Modiolus, and MytUns attach to seaweeds or to other objects, the larva- of the Tered mi- da? and of the I'holads bore within a solid substratum, while those of ]'enns and ,\fya burrow into the bottom. Concerning the actual attachment of the oyster larva at the close of its pelagic life we have little information, the nature of the process having been deduced in the main from a study of the stages just preceding and just following fixation. Ryder, '82, Huxley, '83, Jackson, '90 and others, including the writer (Nel- son, '21 A), believed that the secreting border of the mantle was used to cement the larva fast to the substratum. Stafford, '13, on the other hand, found in his youngest oyster "spat" that the left valve bore a layer about five times as thick as the >hrll it-til, composed apparently of a different material. This thick l.iyrr 'From the Zoological Laboratory of Rutgers College ami th. I >• partment of Biology, Xew Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Paper X<>. 1 1 7 of the Journal Series, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Suiti"ii-, 1 >' partment of Biology. This paper \vill appear in Rutgers College Studies Vol. ->. 143 144 TIIURLOW C. NELSON. covers more than one half of the outer surface of the left valve, extending from close to the anterior ventral edge almost to the umbo, but falling short posteriorly. From his study of the byssus gland in the base of the foot of the larval oyster, Stafford concluded that this organ must furnish the substance used to attach the larva, since the large amount of this material and its position far under the left valve preclude the use of the mantle for this purpose. It has been my good fortune to observe the actual attachment of oyster larvae under semi-natural conditions, and thus to be able to fill the gap in the information about this process. -Large numbers of full grown oyster larvae were found at 8 P.M., July 23, in the water surrounding our laboratory houseboat on Barne- gat Bay. A glass plate measuring 3x4 inches was lowered ver- tically into the water and removed half an hour later, and imme- diately suspended horizontally in a dish of sea water under the binocular.1 Six oyster larvae were moving about over the glass, holding on by means of the very active and highly adhesive ciliated foot. Some were on the upper, others on the lower side of the glass, thus permitting observation of the attachment process both from above and from below. With the velum withdrawn, and slowly B FIG. i. Illustration of the method of creeping of the oyster larva over a glass surface. -4, larva with foot fully extended; B, larva with foot contracted and body pulled forward. Larvae shown from the right side. rolling the shell from side to side, the larvae extended the foot to a distance of about 0.25 mm., attached the distal end and then a contraction of the foot pulled the body forward. The "heel" of the foot next being attached, the body was swung part way around; the tip of the foot was again extended in the new direc- tion and the process repeated (Fig. i). When first observed at 1 Jackson, '88, J. Nelson, '08, and Stafford, '10, used this method of obtaining oyster spat; but no one of these authors records having witnessed the actual attach- ment of the larva. THE ATTACHMENT OF OYSTER LARY/E. 145 8.35 P.M. the larvae were describing circles a little over i mm. in diameter. As they continued moving around the radius of the circles was gradually diminished, until at 8.46 the first larva came to rest With the foot extended to about one half its full length, its distal end flattened in contact with the glass, the larva swung the body until the foot occupied the median posi- tion, with the left valve against the glass and inclined to it at about 30 degrees (Fig. 2). In this position the ventral edge of the It It valve almost touches the substratum. The ventral border of the mantle was ex- /^Z^*vr |v tended until it came in contact with the glass \\here it remained for 2 minutes, and then was \\ithtlrawn. The foot, with its (ilia beating very feebly, was then slowly drawn in, and II minutes after the larva ceased circling the f(KJt had entirely dis- appeared between the valves, and fixation FIG. 2. The PC was accomplished. The method of attach- taken by an oyster merit of the larva? on the upper and on the larva du»"K fixation, lower side of the glass was the same; it /, foot; /. r., umbo of illustrates, in the case of those larva' attach- Jcft Vai\-c; m. mantle. ing from below, the power of the foot in holding the left valve firmly against the substratum while fixation is being effected. The great importance of the foot to the ful n oyster larva was recognixed by Stafford '10, who described it- • n t pin.^ move- ments. The manner in which the larva cement- it -elf fast was deduced by him ('13, p. 65) solely from evidence. He concluded that the mantle could not furni-h material in sufficient quantity nor rapidly enough t" IT of u-e .1- the organ of fixation. As he says: 'The usefulness of the foot .is an organ of locomotion, as a clinging organ, as an or^.m of hvition, had appealed to me for some time but I no dim t » -\ idence to support the view that it was really the ot;y the larva extending the foot until the heel came to a position near the upper anterior edge of the valve, and that the byssus gland then discharged its secretion, which, flowing between the left valve and the substratum, soon hardened and held the larva fast. Stafford believed that the mantle played no part in the fixation process. My own observations show that Stafford was right in consid- ering the foot as the organ of final attachment. It is not thrust forward, however, as he held, but is brought to the median posi- tion. The extrusion of the mantle for a short period evidently aids in the quick and economical distribution of the cementing fluid as it is poured out of the byssus gland at the ventral edge of the left valve. This secretion hardens in less than 10 min- utes. In Fig. 3 are shown a number of newly attached larvae I'll',. 3. Oyster larvae removed just after attachment and photographed from the left side to show the area covered by the cementing substance from the byssus gland. Magnified about 40 diameters. photographed from the left side to show the area covered by, and the distribution of, (he cementing material. The use of the foot in creeping over surfaces has been described in a number of larval bivalves, and it is the chief means by which the young molluscs obtain foothold in a favorable locality. THE ATTACHMENT OF OYSTER LARV.E. 147 KVIlo-g, '99, showed the importance of the foot in aiding the larva <>f Mya to obtain attachment. Sigerfoos, '07, noted that larval shipworms possess a powerful foot by means of which they ••p rapidly over surfaces and select spots favorable for fixation to the exclusion of those which are not suitable. Field, '09, •es that the larvae of .}fytilits creep from unfavorable situa- tions upon seaweeds to locations which are better adapted to them. Belding, '10, describes the foot of the larval Pecten, a most important organ, since it is used for swimming as well as in crawling. Brlding, '12, showed that in the full-grown larva of Venus the foot likewise is used in swimming as well as for crawling, and for procuring attachment. the use of the foot enables oyster larvae to exercise sonu- M-K-ction in seeking a place of attachment is evident from the \\idr ln-!U \\hich are extensively pitted by the boring sponge, Clione, or \\hiili are badly corroded and which present, an- nit i« iscopically rough. For some hours before oyster larva.- set they may In- oli-rrved iiio\ing about over various surfaces with the \rluin e\ten\ »\ -ter growers and by some scientists also, that attachment of tin- oyster larva occurs when its shell becomes so he.ivy that the animal sinks to the bottom, unable longer to -\\ im. 1'or e\ani|)U-, Stafford ('13, 34) says: "when presumably the lai\.r bcconu- too hea\y to swim with ease, settle towards the bottom, creep about, and select some clean solid surface upon which they fix themselves.1 148 THURLOW C. NELSON. That such is not the case must be evident to anyone who has observed extensive oyster sets on the bottoms of boats, or upon the bottoms of floats kept at the very surface of the water (Nelson, '17,). The full-grown oyster larva, so far from being helpless, is capable of more powerful swimming than at any time during its pelagic life. During the course of the development and growth of the larva the increase in size of the velum is more than commensurate with the increase in the weight of the shell. Plankton samples taken during the calm of early morning show large numbers of full-grown oyster larvae swimming at the sur- face. At times the larva may project the foot into the surface film and, withdrawing the velum, may hang suspended by the foot and slowly rock the shell from side to side, much as in the familiar habit of pond snails hanging from the surface film. Full-grown oyster larvae are found mostly at the bottom be- cause they develop during the last two days of their pelagic life a strong positive stereotropism, and since fixed objects are most abundant on the bottom the larvae mainly congregate there. The intensity of attachment which occurs at the very surface of the water when suitable cultch is available, precludes the idea that increased weight of the shell or even positive geotropism are factors exclusively governing the time of fixation. The use of the foot by oyster larvae in crawling over surfaces is similar to that reported by Crozier, '21, who found that the adult Lima oriented itself away from the light by attaching the tip of the foot to the substratum after bending the free portion away from the source of illumination. The creeping of oyster larvae is also strikingly similar to that observed in the fresh-water Sphacridae, and especially in the young of Corneocyclas when first liberated from the brood pouches of the parent (Nelson, '2I-B). • In sessile forms, such as the oyster, which remain fixed on the spot where the larvae set, keen competition follows when large numbers settle at one time. During heavy sets 1,000 larvae may attach to one oyster shell 8 cm. long, upon an area which will permit not more than 6 oysters to grow to brtrding age. It is significant that at such times of abundant settlement, when the water over the oyster beds may show as high as 250 full-grown larva; per liter, the frequency of attachment per unit area ol" available cultch does not exceed a certain maximum. THK ATTACHMENT OF OYSTER LARV.-E. 141) I-'ig. 4 >how- in a circle 6 mm. in diameter a group of 40 o\ larva- ju>t attached to an experimental shell. Unfortunately I have never witnessed the behavior of two oyster larvae coming intu contact with each other while circling about over a surface, Inn an examination of shells taken at times of maximum settle- ment indicates that the movements of the larva? prior to final fixation not only aid them in finding a spot suitable for attach- ment, Inn that this behavior also tends to keep the larvae sep- arated from one another. The proximity of a neighboring larva could presumably be recognized only through touch, hence it is conceivable that here and there individuals failing to come in contact while circling about might attach close to one another, .1- ci « urred in six instances in Fig. 4. Kxamination of the nn>-t FIG. 4. Newly attached oyster larvae on the - !i< -11. Within tliis circle, 6 mm. in diameter, are 40 larva?. Mai;iiiti<-.| about i 5 heavily set shells in our collection -lx>\\- «.in ».| v>o newly at- tached larva1 only 57, or 11.4 per cent., \\liicli are within .5 mm. of another larva. This distance is taken since ii repiv-ents the approximate radius of the circles described l>v the larva- when observed. Studies of the behavior of other bival\e larva? I5O T1IURLOW C. XELSOX. during the attachment period should give interesting information as to the prevalence of this type of behavior. SUMMARY. Full-grown larva? of the oyster shortly before attachment move over an appreciable area of solid surface testing it out with the foot. Actual attachment is preceded by circling movements, the larva finally coming to rest with the left valve held in contact with the substratum by the foot. The suggestion of Stafford, 13, that the foot is the organ of attachment has been confirmed by direct observation. The use of the foot and of the mantle during fixation is here described. The circling movements of the larva while crawling over a substratum not only aid it in obtaining a favorable foothold, but probably are also instrumental in producing a fairly even distribution of the spat. CITATIONS. Belding, D. L. '10 A Report upon the Scallop Fishery of Massachusetts. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston. '12 A Report upon the Oyster and Quahog Fisheries of Massachusetts. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston. Brooks, W. K. '79 Abstract of Observations upon the Artificial Fertilization of Oyster Eggs and the Embryology of the American Oyster. Am. Jour. Sci., New Haven, Vol. XVIII. pp. 425-427. '80 The Development of the Oyster. Studies from the Biol. Lab. Johns Hop- kins Univ. No. IV., pp. 1-106. Baltimore. Crozier, W. J. '21 Notes on Some Problems of Adaptation. 5. The Phototropism of Lima. BIOL. BUL., Vol. XVI., No. 2, p. 102. Field, I. A. '09 The Food Value of Sea Mussels. Bull. U. S. F. C., Vol. X XI X., p. 87. Huxley, T. H. '83 Oysters and the Oyster Question. Eng. Illus. Mag., Oct. and Nov., pp. 47-55, 112-121. Jackson, R. T. "88 The Development of the Oyster with Remarks on Allied Genera. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. X XIII., p. 531. '90 The Phylogeny of the Pelecypoda. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV., p. .277. Kellogg, J. L. '99 ( )bservations of the Life History of the Common Clam, Mya arcnaria. Bull. U. S. F. C.. 1899. THE ATTACHMENT OF OYSTER LARV.E. 151 Nelson, J. Annual Reports of the Department of Biology. N. J. Agr. Experiment Sta- tion, 1888-1893, 1900-1915. New Brunswick, N. J. Nelson, T. C. '17 K'-|>ort of the Department of Biology for 1916. '21 A Aids to Successful Oyster Culture. Part I., Procuring the Seed. Bulle- tin 351. '21 B R«-|)ort of the Department ol Biology for 1920. '23 B Report of the Department of Biology for 1922. N. J. Agr. Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J. "23 A The Attachment of Oyster I «arvse. Abstr in Anat. Rec.. Vol. 24, No. 6, P- 395- Ryder, J. A. '82 Notes on tlu- Brooding, Foot!, and Green Color of the Oyster. Bull. U. S. F. ( '.. 1.. p. 403. Sigerfoos, C. P. '07 Natural History. Organization, and Late Development of the Teredinidse. or Shipworms. Bull. T. S. F. C.. Vol. X XVII.. p. 193- Stafford, J. '10 The Larva and Spat of the Canadian Oyster. Am. Nat.. Vol. XL1V.. p. 343- '13 The i .in. i'li. in Oyster. Commission of Conservation. Ottawa. Vol. XL VI April, IQ24 No. 4 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THI-: m.HAVInR OF THE NUCLEUS AND CHROMO- SOMI.s DURING SPERMATOGEXESIS IX THE ROBBER FLY LASIOPOGOX BIVITTATUS.1 < HAS, \V. METZ AND JOSE F. NONIDEZ. CARM'.ii [NST11 WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OP GENETICS, AND CORN avERsiTY MEDICAL COLLEGE. INTRODUCTION. tin- growth period of the primary sperm. itocytes in Ln\ii'(>"['ini hii'nttulns L\v.,2 nuclear changes occur which trans- form tlu- -pherical nucleus into a series of ramifying ch.nnl endo-in^ i he chromosome threads. Conditions in these nucK-i gesl th.ii tin- -taiiuible threads are axes or cores of cr >n-iderably IT liodit •-, which are mainly hyaline. The pre-ent account U com niicd primarily with these features, although it include- a ill -' ripti'iii «>t' >|)ermatogenesis up to the second s|>«<.cyu- di\ i-imi. The nl.-ervations are based on two specimen-, collected Slit i id. in. Wyoming. Both were fixed in strong l-'leinmin^ and >t. lined v> ith iron ha?matoxylin. One (_'"-- was counterstained \\ith lij;ht screen. The technique employed the -.nne .1- that refill. irly used in preparing dipteran material, and the fixation is i^ood in luith specimens. So far as we know the peculiar nuclear behavior is characteristic of the species and does not represent an accidental abnormality.3 \ pn-liminary account of tli; .<-n U-lnn.- t; ;iu Biology and Medicine and published in tlir Socift;.'- I'r. ici-i-dini; and Nonidcz, '22). * \Y. li-liti-d to Mr. Jus. R. Hine for thr specie-; 'l.-tcrniinatioti. ' This is supported by the fact that conditions sonii-uliat similar have been found in tun t'thri < 'f Mies (.discussed below). In these our material : ntly extensive to prove that the conditions are normal. 153 154 CHAS. W. METZ AXD JOSE F. XOXIDEZ. The testes of Lasiopogon resemble those of Asilus and many other members of the Asilidae, in being a pair of long, coiled tubes, with the spermatogonia near the apex, and successive stages in spermatocyte development progressing in serial order toward the base. This serial orientation of stages makes it relatively easy to follow the succession of events during spermatogenesis. SPERMATOGONIA. At the extreme tip of the testis lies a small mass of disorgan- ized, nutritive material containing only a few cells. Adjacent to this lie the spermatogonia, many of which are connected with the nutritive mass by long protoplasmic processes. This con- dition differs from that in many other asilids. In the latter the nutritive mass lies in the center of the tube, a short distance from the end, and is surrounded on all sides by spermatogonia. The spermatogonia present no unusual features except in late prophase. There the nuclei appear to undergo a change similar to that observed in the primary spermatocytes. The nuclear membrane breaks down or becomes irregular in outline and the chromosomes appear to lie free in the cytoplasm, each surrounded by a hyaline zone of about the thickness of the chromosome. The other stages in spermatogonial development appear to be essen- tially the same as those in Asilus sericeus (Metz and Nonidez, '21). The spermatogonial chromosome group probably consists of six pairs, or possibly of five pairs of autosomes and an unpaired X- chromosome. Fig. I only shows five pairs, but the nucleus may not be entire. One or two other figures (not suitable for drawing) seem to include six pairs, and spermatocyte metaphases almost certainly include six chromosomes (e.g., Fig. 12). THE GROWTH PERIOD. Owing to the scarcity of final spermatogonial division figures and to the fact that the final spermatogonia are not readily iden- tified by size differences, as they are in some asilids, it is difficult to detect the boundary between spermatogonia and spermato- cytes. However, the earliest growth stages seem to repeat the spermatogonial prophase changes, as in the case of Asilus sericeus (1. c., p. 171); and so far as we can determine they show essen- BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEUS AXD CHROMOSOMES. 155 tially the same features as does Asilns. Hence they \vill be passed over rapidly. The pairs of chromosomes appear soon after the final spermato- gonial telophase as granular aggregates (Fig. 2). They are less druse and clear cut than in Asihis, and more nearly resemble those in Dasyllis (Metz, '22). These aggregates soon loosen up, overlap, and spin out into long, granulated threads, intermingled in a net-like structure. The nucleolus, a dense, spherical body, is prominent from the earliest observed stages (see special account of the nucleolus below). Soon after the growth period has begun, the chromatin threads become drawn out so finely that they cannot be traced far, indi- vidually. They are heavily granulated, with prominent chro- momeres. From their history and from their subsequent be- havior, as well as from analogy with other forms, they are assumed to be bivalent, although no duality is visible in their structure. Then- is no conspicuous polarization of the threads at this time, nor is there any evidence of a synizesis or dense contraction stage. The nucleus is clear cut in outline and is of the usual more or less spherical shape, as is also the nucleolus. At this point changes set in which accompany one another as growth progresses. The nucleolus elongates and eventually be- comes double; the chromatin threads undergo a gradual con- densation; and the smooth contour of the nucleus becomes broken by a series of imaginations and evaginations, at first more or less irregular, but soon conforming to the outline of the liki- chromosomes. It is difficult to determine what phy-iral changes occur in the cell; but the nucleus acts as if its tension were released, so that the nuclear membrane offered no n-i-t.mce to movements of the cytoplasm or of the chn>m"-'>im--. The former appears to flow in around the chromatin thread-, while tin- latter become extended out into tlir < -\ -topla-m. Si. mi tin- nucleus is converted into a series of lonu l<>U-s or jx.rkrt- rami- fying throughout the cell. Each pocket, .1- .1 rule, encloses only one (bivalent) chromatin thread. These changes are n -|>n •-( nted by the cross sections shown in Figs. 2 to 4. The -urf.i-v of the nucleus is tremendously increased by this proce», bin tin- volume is so difficult to estimate that we are unable to determine whether it is affected or not. 156 CHAS. W. METZ AND JOSE F. XOXIDEZ. Little or no regularity of plan is to be seen in the configuration of the nucleus. Its shape is varied and often bizarre. Appar- ently the lobes ramify at random, following the contour of the long, more or less twisted threads. The nucleolus usually lies in a lobe or pocket by itself, or in a chamber at the junction of two or more lobes. The lobes themselves are of various shapes, flat, pocket-like sheath-like, cylindrical, or of intermediate sorts. It is to be noted, however, that all of the nuclei undergo the same series of changes and show essentially the same features. There is no irregularity in this respect. The maximum of distention and distortion of the nucleus is reached soon after the process begins, and while the chromatin threads are long and slender. At this time the lobes are so attenuated and slender that the nucleus is almost lost to view. For the most part it can only be seen as narrow, winding channels, ramifying through the cytoplasm. These channels often extend almost or quite to the periphery of the cell. Since each channel usually contains a single (bivalent) thread, the threads thus be- come almost completely isolated from one another. Subsequently the threads undergo a gradual condensation, and the lobes a coincident contraction, as growth progresses (Figs. 5-9)- When the detailed structure of the lobes is examined, at any stage, it is seen that almost invariably the deeply staining chro- matin thread (chromosome), extends through the center of the hyaline lobe like a core, if the lobe is cylindrical, or lies midway between the sides, if the lobe is flat. It is separated from the membrane by a transparent layer of approximately uniform thick- ness. The structure might be likened to an insulated wire, in which the chromosome represents the wire and the hya|ine region the insulation. As the lobe is followed beyond the chromosome it is seen to become narrow or closed. The maximum thickness is almost always in the region occupied by the chromosome. This suggests that the chromosome is surrounded by a cortex of dense or gela- tinous material which holds off the nuclear membrane. NO . --! Mil ,! ( haiige in tlu-sr conditions is I" l>r "1 >-IT\ vl as the chromosomes condense and the lobes contract. The two BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEUS AND CHROMOSOMES. 157 processes apparently go together. As the chromosome thickens, the surrounding layer thickens, increasing the diameter of the lobe in that region. This process gradually progresses up to the prophase, when, as the chromosomes approach their maximum condensation the lobes become decreased in size. In the late growth period there is a suggestion of a secondary lengthening out of the chromosomes and the lobes into a more ramifying con- ••1 it ion such as exists at an earlier stage, but the change is not extreme, and may not be constant. It suggests, ho\vever, the stage in Asilus sericens (I. c.) in which the threads spread apart after undergoing contraction. This also occurs relatively late in the growth period. In Lasiopozon there is no "contraction stage," such as occurs in Asilus; but throughout most of the growth period there are some indications of a polarization of the threads toward the nucleolus; and often faint connections are to be seen between tin- two (Figs. 7 and 8). I Hiring the prophase, and up to a late stage in metaphase, the hyaline layer around the chromosomes remains conspicuous, as shown in Figs. 10 i.v The spindle fiber may often be traced t projection of this layer corresponding to that of the chromosome, and thence through the layer to the chromosome. Not enough nnaphase figures are present in our material to permit us to follow the chromosomes through this st. During the late growth period and the first sperm. iu>. \ u- divi- MIUI the mitochondria become very prominent, and by darkening tin- r> toplasm, aid in bringing the outline of the chromosomal sheath into relief. In metaphase large n>m< >s< m These are seen longitudinally in Figs. loand i;v .iml in trail-verse section in Figs. II and 12. It is to be noted that they are not surrounded by a hyaline cortex comparable to that around the chromosomes. THE XUCLEOLUS. The nucleolar behavior during the growth period is somewhat different in our two specimens. In one (2056) there i> a single nucleolus in the early growth stages.while in the other (2055 1 there are two. In the following description the two specimens are considered separately. 158 CHAS. W. METZ AND JOSE F. XOXIDEZ. In number 2056 the nucleolus is prominent from the beginning of the growth period. It grows gradually and serves as an addi- tional criterion for seriating the growth stages. When the nucleus begins to become irregular in outline, the nucleolus elong- ates and becomes bilobed, then double. One portion is large, dense and irregularly shaped; the other is smaller, less dense and nearly spherical — resembling chromatin in texture. The two parts are often connected by a dark, thin thread. In the late growth stages the large, irregular portion frequently lies near the periphery of the cell, suggesting that it may be cast off. We have not been able to determine its fate, on account of the scarcity of prophase figures, but it seems to disappear before the chromo- somes go on the spindle. The smaller portion appears on the spindle in its characteristic spherical form, but reduced in size, and presumably represents the sex chromosomes. In specimen 2055 there are normally two, equal sized, spherical nucleoli in the early growth stages. Just before the nucleus begins to become lobulated the twro nucleoli come close together and apparently unite, although it is possible that one may de- generate after they become approximated. Following this the nucleolus becomes bilobed as in specimen 2056, and subsequently its history is the same as that of the latter. In both specimens the nucleolar structures are surrounded by a hyaline cortical region similar to that of the autosomes, although it may be noted that the cortex of the large, irregular portion is usually thinner than that of the small, spherical part which prob- ably represents the sex chromosomes. DISCUSSION. The constancy of the hyaline zone around the chromatic threads in the nuclear lobes we interpret as indicating the presence of a relatively soiid (gelatinous) cortical layer enveloping the respective chromosomes. The presence of the layer is revealed, of course, by the structure of the lobes. If the nuclei were spherical it would not be detected. This raises the question as to whether the condition is restricted to the present species, or is of more general occurrence but usually invisible. We have noted above that evidence of the hyaline zone is to be seen in spermatogonia as well as in spermatocytes of Lasiopogon. BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEUS AND CHROMOSOMES. 159 In the other Diptera known to us,1 conditions are not usually such as to reveal the presence of a chromosomal envelope if one its. But indications of one are to be seen here and there, « --penally in late prophases or metaphases. And in one genus, owing to the unusual nuclear behavior — somewhat like that in I.-! i«j)ogon — the evidence is strong. This genus is Ptecticus, a number of the Stratiomyidie. It will be considered more fully in another paper, but we may note here that in P. trivittatits and P. sackenii, the two species we have studied, there is a distinct hyaline zone around the chromosomes of the prophase and meta- ph.ise of the spermatocyte divisions, and there are indications of such a structure extending back into the growth period. These •ures are shown in part by Figs. 14 and 15, from prim.iry spermatocytes of P. trivitlatns. This condition, in a family distinct from that to which Lasi- '>n belongs, suggests that we are dealing with something which is widespread — at least among the Diptera. In other organisms the nearest approach to conditions like those described above, so far as we are aware, is found in the Orthoptera. Professor Mc(Mung informs us that in this group prophase and metaphasc chromosomes (of primary spermato- cytes) are frequently bordered by clear spaces, differentiated from the surrounding cytoplasm, and that the condition is suffi- ciently characteristic to suggest the constant presence of a hyaline zone around the chromosomes in these stages. As examples may be cited McClung's published photographs of the in-t spermatocyte chromosomes of Mermeria (Mr('hmg, '14, I igs. 129-132) and of Ilesperotettix (McClung '17, plate 8, I c}. In all of these the hyaline zone is visible around the chro- mosomes.2 We have observed this condition in fn-t -pcrmato- i-yte anaphases of Rhomaleitm and find that the hyaline l.i\«-r agrees in appearance with that in Lasiopogon, alt hough we have not as yet tried to trace its history. The presence of this condition in the < )rthopu-r.i .md I )ij>tera It. i- prompted us to make a brief comparison with other structures of a somewhat similar nature. No close relatives of Lasiopogon have been examim-il a- y«-t. - It is probable that other cases of this sort have escaped our notice, although we li.ive examined numerous published photographs of chromosomes with ttiis point in mind. l6O CHAS. W. METZ AND JOSE F. XONIDEZ. These include, for the most part, the "chromosomal vesicles" of Conklin ('01, '02, etc.), Wenrich (16), Richards (17) and others. A resume of the observations on these structures up to 1917 has been given by Richards (/. r.), who cites examples in various organisms from molluscs to vertebrates (fish eggs). There is considerable difference in the structure of the vesicles in differ- ent forms, but at certain stages in several, if not all, of them it consists of a hyaline outer layer surrounding a more or less defi- nite chromatic axis, suggestive of the lobes in Lasiopogon. This is clearly the case in spermatogonial telophases of the Orthoptera and in Fund ill us eggs (cf. Wenrich, Richards). The stages in which such a condition exists (prophases in the case of Fundulus) may be preceded by others in which the chromatic material is scattered through the vesicle, or even largely applied to the sur- face (Crepidula, Conklin '02). In Fundulus eggs and in the Orthoptera the anaphase chromosome swells into a vesicle in which the chromatin appears as a granulated network. This persists through the resting stage and then the network condenses into a chromatic thread or rod, extending more or less axially through the vesicle. If we assume that the hyaline portion of the vesicle is more dense or gelatinous than the surrounding cytoplasm, as is sug- gested by the appearance and behavior of the vesicles, then the structure bears a close resemblance to that in Lasiopogon. On this basis we might conceive of the structures in Lasiopogon as arising in a similar fashion — i.e., by the swelling of telophase chromosomes into vesicles, with a diffusion or dispersal of the chromatin (as seen in the early growth stages) and then its re- condensation within the vesicle. The term "vesicle" is perhaps inexact in the case of Lasiopogon for no limiting membrane, ex- cept the nuclear membrane, is visible around the hyaline layer. But the periphery of the latter would, on this view, be consid- ered as analogous to the periphery of the vesicle, whether en- veloped in a membrane or not. The only other description of a structure similar to these, so far as we know, is that of Lee's "chromosomal sheath. " l In the case of the Orthoptera cited by Lee his sheath evidently corre- 1 We are indebted to Professor L. W. Sharp for calling our attention to Lee's paper and to de Litardicre's criticism of it mentioned below. BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEUS AXD CHROMOSOMES. l6l spends to the hyaline portion of the vesicle considered above, and as such is similar to that in Lasiopogon. But his conception of a -heath as characteristic of animal chromosomes and possibly also of plant chromosomes, seems to us to be open to serious question, at least in the form stated. It has been considered at length in a recent paper by de Litardiere ('21), who interprets the "sheath" as an artifact — probably a fixation product. The latter author maintains that the same sort of zone is to be seen around the mitochondria, cytoplasmic inclusions, etc., and hence has no special connection with chromosomes. We may omit further consideration of these structures, therefore, until the evidence becomes clearer. Possibly de Litardiere's criticism may apply to the cases we have cited here of "indications" of a hyaline zone around chro- mosomes in the Diptera, including spennatogonial chromosomes of Lasiopogon; and it may apply to the zone seen in Mr( "lung's figures referred to above. Further evidence is required to settle this point. But we may note that in these cases the zone seems to be found only around the chromosomes, not around other structures in the cell. It may be added that in the case of the spcrmatocytes of Lasio- pogon described here the structures are clearly not artifacts, and are confined to the chromosomes (including the nucleolus which, from analogy with other Diptera, is assumed to be chromosomal in nature). Numerous large mitochondria! rods are present, but are not surrounded by sheaths comparable to those enveloping the chromosomes. If we omit the questionable cases, such as those just mentioned as possibly due to artifacts, it is clear that few forms exhibit structures comparable to those in Lasiopogon, although the possi- bility still remains that the structures may be present in other- ii when not visible. In the foregoing discussion little emphasis ha- l>r< n laid on the fact that some of the cases considered involve bivalent chromo- somes (maturation stages) and others univaknt chromo-omc-. It is not yet clear that any distinction should be made, so fai the present subject is concerned. But it may l-e noted in clo-iu;c that any view which considers the chromosome .1- rncli.-cd in a -heath or envelope must take account of the approximation of 1 62 CHAS. \V. METZ AXD JOSE F. NOXIDEZ. homologous chromosomes during synapsis, and, in the case of the Diptera, must allow for such an approximation in every cell generation (cf. Metz, '16) This would seem to necessitate the assumption that the envelopes of homologous chromosomes could unite. LITERATURE CITED. Conklin, E. G. '02 Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 12. Lee, A. Bolles. '20 The Structure of Certain Chromosomes and the Mechanism of their Divi- sion. Quar. Jour. Micro. Sci., 65 : 1-32. Litardiere, R. de. Recherches sur 1'eloment chromosomique dans la caryocinese somatique des Filicinecs. La Cellule 31 : 255-473. McClung, C. E. '14 A Comparative Study of the Chromosomes in Orthopteran Spermatogenesis. Jour. Morph. 25 : 651-749. McClung, C. E. '17 The Multiple Chromosomes of Hesperotettix and Menneria (Orthoptera). Jour. Morph. 29 : 519-605. Metz, C. W. '16 Chromoiome Studies on the Diptera. II. The Paired Association of Chrom- osomes in the Diptera, and its Significance. Jour, of Exp. Zool., Vol. 21, No. 2. Metz, C. W. '22 Chromosome Studies on the Diptera. IV. Incomplete Synapsis of Chromo- somes in Dasyllis grossa Fabr. BIOL. BULL., 43, No. 4, October, 1922. Metz, C. W., and Jose F. Nonidez. '21 Spermatogenesis in the fly Asilus sericetis Say. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 32, No. i. Metz, C. W., and Jose F. Nonidez. '22 Observations on the Behavior of the Nucleus and Chromosomes in Spcr- matocytesof Lasiopogon (Diptera). Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med.. 19 : 373-374- Richards, A. '17 The History of the Chromosomal Vesicles in Fiindulus and the Theory of Genetic Continuity of Chromosomes. BIOL. BULL., Vol. 32, No. 4, April, 1917. Wenrich, D. H. '16 The Spermatogenesis of Phyrnotettix ma gnus with Special Reference to Synapsis and the Individuality of the Chromosomes. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zocil. Harvard, Vol. 60, No. 3. 164 CHAS. W. METZ AXD JOSE F. XOXIDEZ EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. The figures were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida, using a Zeiss 2 mm. oil immersion objective and number 12 ocular. Magnification about 1600 diameters. All figures except number 4 are from specimen number 2056. It should be emphasized that the figures represent cross sections at one level in most cases, and do not represent entire nuclei. FIG. i. Spermatogonial metaphase, probably not entire. FIGS. 2-10. First spermatocyte growth period. FIG. 2. Very early growth stage. FIG. 3. Slightly later, nucleus becoming tabulated. FIG. 4. Later, but still in the early part of the growth period; nucleus com- pletely transformed into narrow ramifying chambers. FIGS. 5-10. Various aspects of the nuclei during the successively later growth stages, showing the lobes and chromosomes cut longitudinally, transversely and at intermediate angles. The isolated portions in figures 8 and 9 are sections of lobes, not separate vesicles. FIGS. 11-13. First spermatocyte metaphase in polar and lateral views, showing the persistence of the hyaline cortical zone. FIGS. 14-15. Ptecticus (see text, p. 159). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE I. 1 -* /f « . 1 ^ _ - , . —^ • -• 7 . 5 v . 8 * . • 10 i « F • x . 11 12 ^ 13 15 C. W. METZ AND J. F. NONIOEZ THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RA- DIATIONS. CHARLES PACKARD. PEKING UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY. 1 t has frequently been observed that cells may show at different periods of their existence marked variations in susceptibility to radium radiations. An embryonic cell is more quickly injured than the same cell in the adult condition: at the metaphase, cells are more sensitive than they are immediately before or after that brief period (i). Bohn (2) first suggested that the un- derlying cause of such differences in response must be sought in the physiological condition of the cells at the time of radiation. That they cannot be due to changes in the absorptive power of proto- plasm is obvious: whether a cell is sensitive or not, the rays are absorbed to the same extent. The actual changes produced by them in protoplasm must therefore be the same. But the reac- tion of the cell to such changes differs immensely. \\e may therefore say that a cell is susceptible when it is in such a physio- logical condition that a modification produced by the rays re- sults in a greater or less injury, and that it is resistant when the same modification is not followed by injurious effects. The object of the present paper is to show that among the con- ditions which affect the susceptibility of cells to radium nidia- tions are (i) the temperature of the cells at the time of exposure, and (2) the relative permeability of the surface layer of the cell. The experiments to be described were carried out on certain Protozoa, for these cells are better adapted to this kind of experi- mentation than any others. They can live in both high .md low temperatures without injury: and different genera show in. irked differences in permeability. Cells of the same species, even descendants of the same individual, vary widely in their re.ictic.n to radium radiations at different periods of their life cycle, is perhaps the best cell for experimental purposes it is more susceptible than any other common type. 1 66 CHARLES PACKARD. I will not here review the results obtained by other investi- gators who have tested the effects of radium radiations and X- rays on Protozoa. Different methods of exposing the cells lead to such wide variations in results that comparisons cannot safely be made. In general, however, cells which are sensitive to the one are also sensitive to the other type of radiation. Great differ- ences in the susceptibility of cells of the same species have been reported. Thus Zuelzer (3) states that Pelomyxa palustris when exposed to 6 mg. of radium element dies sometimes within one hour and sometimes only after four hours of continuous exposure. Such differences make any conclusion as to the length of the lethal dose out of the question. But with appropriate methods the lethal dose is found to be constant. METHODS. The method used in the following experiments is this. The radium was enclosed in a glass capsule which prevented the alpha rays from escaping. In the experiments on the relation of tem- perature and permeability to susceptibility, the strength equalled 13.4 mg. of element. In the third series, on the change in per- meability induced by the radiations, the strength was 25 mg. of element. The radium tube was used unscreened and was sup- ported above the drop of culture medium at a distance of 2 mm. Thus all of the rays which emerged from the lower side of the tube could reach the cells. The whole preparation was kept in a moist chamber at the desired temperature. In order to determine what type of rays produced the effects which are to be described, I interposed between the radium tube and the Paramcecia lead sheets of various thicknesses, thus filter- ing out the more penetrating rays. All of the beta rays are stopped by 2 mm. of lead: the gamma rays are not affected. It became apparent at once that the changes produced in the Paramcecia were due to the action of the slowest beta rays, for when a lead screen of 0.12 mm. was interposed the Paramcecia were affected hardly at all. This is to be expected, for the sur- face layer of the cells is very thin and can absorb only those rays which have a low velocity: it offers almost no resistance to rays having considerable powers of penetration. In conducting these experiments it was found necessary to use -I -CEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RADIATION-. 167 only Paramcecia from a pure culture, for unrelated wild cells show great variations in their susceptibility to the rays. Another necessary condition has been mentioned by Jacobs (4), namely, that in each test the same amount of liquid must be used. THE REACTION OF PARAMCECIUM TO RADIUM RADIATION - When a Paramceciiim is exposed to radium radiations under the conditions described, it quickens its movements at first and then gradually slows down and ceases to swim unless thedi-h is -hakeii. Later the contractile vacuoles pulsate more and more -lowly ami finally stop, usually in the expanded condition. If radiation i- longer continued, a typical cytolysis ensues. The cells imbibe water, swelling considerably in consequence, and the ectopla-m bulges out in the form of clear vesicles which later run together. Then the pellicle separates from the rest of the cell carrying with it the cilia. The protoplasm is now highly fluid. At thi- time the macronucleus, in stained preparations, is seen to be divided into several parts. Not infrequently the cells burst violently. These phenomena are in every point similar to those which are observed when Parania'cium is treated with a variety of cytolyiic agents, as described by Biulgett (5), Harvey (6), and Jacobs THE RELATION OF TEMPERATURE TO SUSCEPTIBILITY. Rhodenburg and Prime (7) first pointed out that there is a defi- nite correlation between temperature and the susceptibility of cells when treated with X-rays. In their experiment- tlic\ posed mouse sarcoma in vitro at a temperature of 42° (". definite dose of X-rays, and then inoculated healthy mice \\ ith tin- radiated cells. At this temperature 10 per cent, of the inocula- tions failed to take. When the cells were radiated at 4.V° ('.. 76 percent, of the inoculations failed. Control experiment- pn.\ed that the-e temperatures alone are not sufficient to produce thi- eiiect. The combination of high but sublethal temperature- \\ith radiation was five times as effective as radiation alone. Mammalian tissue cannot be subjected to wide variation- in temperature, but the Protozoa can live normally at temperature- as low as 15° C. and as high as 37° C. In the following experi- ment- these were the limits employed. When Paranicecia are radiated at hi-Ji temperatures, they sue- 1 68 CHARLES PACKARD. cumb much more quickly than at low temperatures. The results are shown in the accompanying figure. An analysis of the curve shows that for each increase of about 8° C. the length of the lethal dose is halved. The curve is thus similar to that which expresses the relation between temperature and the velocity of a great number of reactions both inorganic and physiological. Hours of 345 Radiation 678 10 37 36 35 34- 33 3Z 3 I Ci) 30 329 b*6 o5 2,7 0-9 A Ezs .0 2-5 "24 ^o 23 cj ^^ 8^' £20 19 18 17 16 I 5 14 i I r do T A °N \ \ \« \, > \ \ \ \, N Xk % \ \ xs ^ X "N ND TEXT-FIGURE i. The effect of temperature on susceptibility. Snyder (8) cites more than fifty physiological reactions which con- form to this type of curve : Woodruff and Baitsell (9) show also that the division rate of Paramcecium aurelia varies similarly with changing temperature. The cells were not injured by these temperatures alone. While SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RADIATION-. 169 the experiment- were in progress the room temperature varied from 30° to 36° C. and the cultures flourished. Single lines of cells showed a steady divi>ion rate of about 2^ divisions per day. In the coolest temperatures the cells remained normal, and regained the usual division rate on being brought back into a warmer place. This increase in -u-ceptibility at high temperatures is not due to any in< Tea-ed a< ti\ itv of the radiations, nor to any change in the power of to absorb the rays. The amount of radiation .il.-orl/ed i-
  • \\c of the condition- which varies with the temperature i- the permeability of the cell membrane. Hober (10) stair- that the per- meability of plant ceil- is doubled with each increa-e «\ io ( "., the (!•!!- I" Jit time- as permeable at 30° as they a IT at O° C. That re nu-a-ured in the living condition. The method employed in these experiments is that followed by Harvey (> . Anumberof I\ininiti-< i>! from a pure culture are drawn up into a capillary (lipette which is calibrated so that exactly the same amount of liquid i- taken in each experiment. The cells are stained for ten minute- in a solution of 0.02 per cent, neutral red mixed with [O CC. "f tap water. At the end of this time the vacuoU> at the P->-terior end of the cells are a bright pink. The -urrounding l>rotopla-m is also colored. The neutral red in this dilution is not toxic, although in more concentrated solutions it produces cytolysis. The cells are now drawn up in a calibrated pipette and added I/O CHARLES PACKARD. to exactly 2 cc. of w/i28o XH4OH solution. The amount of liquid thus added reduces the strength of the ammonia to W/I3OO. The stained Paramcecia when put into this solution give first the avoiding reaction and quickly begin to lose color. The pro- toplasm, and later the gastric vacuoles, turn yellow, and finally become colorless. There is a wide variation in the rate at which the color fades in individual cells, some destaining in three or four minutes while others retain some pink color as long as ten minutes. In order to determine the average time for destaining the usual number of cells (about 40), I used the following method. The cells were observed, during their destaining, under a bin- ocular microscope and each one, as soon as it lost color, \vas re- moved and the time which had elapsed since its first entrance into the ammonia solution recorded. The following measurements, typical of many, indicate the rate of destaining. PARAMCECIUM DESTAINED IN n/i28o NHjOH. Minutes Elapsed. No. of Cells Destained. i o 2 o 3 0 4 3 5 2 6 4 7 5 8 8 9 6 10 6 ii 6 12 5 Total 45 Ave. 8.5 min. By this method the personal equation is greatly reduced since the observer cannot form any idea of what the average will be until the entire number of cells has been destained. Many tests on the same pure culture of Paramcecium gave very constant results, the average time of destaining in tests carried out on the same day varying less than one half minute. Other lines of Paramcecia showed somewhat different averages but even here they differed from each other by not more than one and one half minutes. A study of Paramcecium cells at different phases of their life cycle shows that the permeability varies, being much greater at the time of conjugation than at any other period. Thus among four lines of cells in which conjugation did not occur, the de- SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RADIATIONS. i;i staining time varied from 7.8 minutes to 9 minutes. In a culture which was undergoing an epidemic of conjugation the pairs showed an average destaining time of 4.5 minutes. This culture was presumably not pure, and the pairs in their reaction to the ammonia showed a wider variation than was found in any homo- geneous group. But the difference in permeability between con- jugant- and non-con jugants was in every case large enough to be !iiti« .nit. Other Protr>/na diitcr from Paramcecinm in permeability. A- Har\ey ha- puinted out, Stylonichia and Oxytricha are compara- ti\elv impermeable. Indeed, after ten minutes in neutral red :ie ii-u il after ten minutes. The time required fur R\D|iM R \IHA- TIOSS AT 27° C. Destaining Time. Lethal I' /'.;» am ' >>n single cells 8.6 min. i \\ ••: KUijiiK.itintJ 4.5 min. i ' _, li< nia 40. min. 15!. It is evident therefore that the susceptibility of thc-e 1 Y. itozoa to radium radiations varies directly with the permeability of the surface layer of the cell. Tin-: EFFECT OF RADIUM RADIATION- ON mi-: CELL MKMHR\NE. The question naturalU arises, what is the reason for this corre- lation? The an-\\er is to be found in the fact that the rays which are absorbed produce in the cell membrane changes which lead to increased permeability. The experiments described below indicate the rate at which these changes take place. 172 CHARLES PACKARD. In the following experiments the radium amounted to 25 mg. of element. The cells were exposed in the same manner as before, then stained in neutral red and destained in 11/1280 NH4OH. The accompanying figure shows the results of experiments per- Hours 2 of Radiation 34 O -7 T> OJ ^6 3 1 54 L 5 4* Control Cells TEXT-FIGURE 2. The effect of radiations on permeability. formed in one day. It is necessary to make many tests within the limits of a few hours for the cells vary somewhat in their reactions to these manipulations with changing conditions of food, etc. By using two tubes, each amounting to 25 mg. of element it was possible to perform two experiments simultane- ously and thus make seven or eight determinations in a single day. The temperature in these tests remained uniformly .it 22° C. The control cells showed a slight increase in permeability after remaining in a small drop of culture medium for some hours. This however is not significant, for cells left as long as eight hours show practically the same reaction to ammonia as those SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RADIATIONS. 173 left for only two hours in a small drop. But the radiated cells display a marked shortening in the time required for destaining, or, in other words, they show a considerable increase in permea- bility, the change beginning very soon after the exposure to radium commences. At the end of four hours the cells are still alive but are for the most part motionless. If the exposure is longer continued the cells die, showing the characteristic signs of cytolysis. The second figure ~ho\vs the result of a larger number of tests. hours of Radiation 1234 -glOO C S95 -o £80 o 87S 7° Wl a> P 50 c o unlrc Rolaiatc Cell' 1 i \ i-rii.i'Ki-. . I li-- • !!• . t of . Since they were made during the course of ni,m\- \\vt/k- the con- trols varied although on any one day they weiv \»r\ uniform. The time required for destaining is here given in per- centages of the control time which is reckoned as 100 per cent. The curve clearly indicates that the normal semi-permeability of I~4 CHARLES PACKARD. Paramceciiim increases progressively as the exposure is more and more prolonged. Some of the radiated cells were removed to separate drops of culture medium before treatment with the stain, and their division rate observed. Those which were exposed for one hour or a little less frequently showed a higher rate than the controls. This result has been described by Markowits (i i) who studied the effect of mesothorium rays on Paramceciiim. The acceleration can be observed for five or six generations, after which the cells return to normal and show no evidences of injury. The same phenomenon I have observed in sea urchin eggs when lightly radiated (12). Indeed, a stimulation in the rate of growth is of general occurrence, having been noticed in the case of growing plants, embryos, tissue cultures, and abnormal tissue growths. From these facts we may conclude that the slowest beta rays increase the permeability of the surface layer of Paramcecium cells. If the exposure is brief, this change in permeability is accompanied by an acceleration in the rate of cell division. If it is more prolonged, a destructive cytolysis ensues, and the cells die. DISCUSSION. Radiations which are absorbed at the surface of the cell pro- duce definite changes which lead to an increase in permeability, and, if the exposure is sufficiently prolonged, to complete cytol- ysis. For a definite dose, such changes must be the same in extent, regardless of the physiological condition of the cell, for the absorptive power of protoplasm remains constant. Yet it is quite apparent that a given dose of radiation may result in no appreciable injury in certain instances, while in others it is followed by the death of the cells. This is clearly shown in the text-figures. For example, at 22° C. radiated Pammcecia under- go cytolysis, under the conditions described , in five hours. From the beginning of the exposure to the death of the cell there is a steady increase in permeability. An exposure of half this dura- tion is followed by no permanent injury. But when evils are radiated at 30° C. they are cytolyzed after only two and oin- half hours. Cytolysis occurs when the permeability of the cell has been raised above a definite limit. It it is already high, due to high temperature- or to other conditions, the cyt«]yiir action of SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO RADIUM RADIATION-. 175 the rays quickly raises the permeability above the limit and the cell dies. But if it is low, the lethal point is reached only after a prolonged exposure. A similar phenomenon is observed in eggs exposed during dif- ferent ph.i-t - "f mitosis. At the metaphase their permeability, as shown by I. yon iv and others, is notably greater than at any other period : so also is their susceptibility . Ihaveshown 12 'hat an amount « .f radiation \vhich will induce a quickened cell di\ i-ion in sea urchin when applied just before or after the meta- pha-e. ha- .i n 'tarding effect when applied at that period. That i-. the ( i -11- are mop- -<-n-itive then than they are during the pn>- pha-e or tclopha-e of mitosis. The -.tine re-uh- are obtained when other cytolytic agent- are 1 in pi. n e . .1 radium radiations. Lillie ( 14) finds that if freshly li/eil sea urchin e^g-, which arc highly impermeable, t re. ited •uith hypotonic sea water they resist its cytolytic action fur thirty minutes. But if they are placed in thi- -olution when the clea\agi- furrow appears, they rapidly undergo rytoly-i-. It appears possible therefore that the susceptibility of cell- may be rai-ed by the simple expedient of increasing their per- bility by heat or by some other means. Thi- ha- been done l>v Rhodenburg and Prime (7) in the experiments already citrd. ll'.u far thi- method can be used in the treatment of abnormal ti— ue growths remains to be demonstrated. The fact that agents which differ so widely as do radium radia- tion- and h\ po tonic sea water produce the -ana- effects under -imilar i «> IK lit ions suggests that the action of the-e rays, and al-o other t \pe-of radiant energy, such as* ultra-violel light and alpha 3, i- not peculiar to themselves. Indeed il may be -aid that any of tin- rays which are absorbed at the surface of ihe -lol., \ i,l. 22. p. 309. 9. Woodruff and Baitsell. 'ii Tempei ticients of the Rate of Rcprodm-ti •nae^ium u. Physiol., \'ol. 29, p. 147. 10. Hober, R. '14 I' ' li.-inie der Zelle und Gcwebe. 21! 1-M .. p. i j. i i . Markowits, E. '22 / \'eranderungen von Paramcecium n.uh Hi-~tr.ihluni; "'it iiii->otlioiium. Arch. f. Zellforsch.. \'ol. 16. p. 338. i .•. Packard, C. "16 1 In- I Radium Radiations on the Rate of < ••!! Di\i-ion. Journ. 1 • \|>. /• ' 1 . \'ol. 21, p. 193. 13. Lyon, E. P. '04 Khvt! -usceptibility and of COi Production. Am. Journ. 1'liysiol., \'ol. II. |>. 52. 14. Lillie, R. S. '16 1 h.- Physiology of Cell Division. VI. Journ. Exp. Zool., \"ol. 21, p. 371. 15. Richards, A. '15 K\|><-iimi-nts on X-Radiation as the Cause of Permeability Clia: Am. Journ. Physiol., \'ol. 36, p. 400. 16. Lillie, R. S. '09 On the Connection between Changes in Permeability and Stimulation. Am. Journ. Physiol., Vol. 24, p. 14. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND SYMBIOTIC RELATION- SHIPS BETWEEN THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES AND THEIR HOST, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RETICULITERMES FLA VIPES KOLLAR.* L. R. CLEVELAND. CONTENTS. Page Introduction 1 79 The Problem 180 Material 181 Acknowledgments 181 General Considerations: 1. The Termites: a. Castes 182 b. Food — Direct 184 c. Food — Indirect 185 2. The Protozoa 185 3. Biochemical Considerations 186 Relation of the Protozoa to their Host: A. Historical: 1. True Parasites 188 2. Commensals 190 3. Symbionts 191 B. Original Observations: Attempts to free termites of their protozoa 194 The incubation method 195 Table 1 197 Death of termites after incubation and the removal of the protozoa. 196 Cause of death 196 Incubation per se 196 Loss of protozoa (defaunation) 199 Table II 198 Effect of incubation on other insects 199 Sugars, starches, etc., are fed defaunatod termites in an effort to pre- vent their death 200 * From the Department of Medical Zoology, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. This is the second of a series of papers on this subject. The first papri <>t th • scries, "Correlation between the Food and Morphology of Termites aii'l the 1 ence of Intestinal Protozoa," deals with the more .ym' aspe< ts oi thr subject, and will appear in the July (1923) number of the Am,-ri,pe« iali/cd family, the Termitid Metatermitida? Holmgren , i- known to harbor inte-tinal pmto/oa; but all the genera and species of the oilier familie-. Kalotermitida? (Pretermit ida- Holmgren . Khinoter- mitid.r , Me-oiermitida? Holmgren) and Ma-tot, rmitida-, that have been examined2 have been found to harbor enormous 1 N Lilly tin- papers of Kofoid ami S\\v/y (iQig >in« the iu.-un>- niotnr -y-ti-i: :mf>iniula and Triilt«niitu<; tfrmit. 2 See tin- lu-t papri ni tl, latioii l>rt\vr<-n tin- I-' ..... 1 and Mor- ISO L. R. CLEVELAND. numbers of protozoa. It is not definitely known why protozoa are never found in the intestine of any of the Termitidae; but a difference in the feeding habit has been suggested as a very prob- able explanation, since few, if any, of the Termitidae feed solely on wood. THE PROBLEM. To determine the relation of the intestinal protozoa of termites to their host. Experimental methods were the paramount mode of attack; and it was necessary, in order to solve the large problem stated above, to solve several problems, which may be briefly stated as follows: 1. What is the principal compound in wood, the sole article of diet of most termites, which is used for food. 2. How do termites utilize cellulose, the principal compound in wood, as their chief article of food? 3. How may all of the intestinal protozoa be killed without at the same time injuring their host? To develop a rapid and suc- cessful method for removing the protozoa from the termites was a very difficult proposition. 4. Why do termites, when subjected to a temperature of 36° C. for 24 hours, lose their ability to maintain themselves on a wood diet? 5. Is clefaunation (the removal of the protozoan fauna), which occurs when termites are incubated at 36° C. for 24 hours, in any way responsible for the inability of the termites to main- tain themselves on a wood diet? 6. Why do the incubated and defaunated termites live indef- initely when fed the decomposition products of wood, or the products of fungus-digested cellulose; but die within 10—20 days when fed wood, their normal diet, or when fed cellulose? 7. Why do the incubated and defaunated termites regain their ability to make use of wood or pure cellulose as food when reinfected (refaunated) with protozoa? 8. Do the unincubated and faunated termites harbor any in- phology of Termites and the Presence of Intestinal Protozoa," for a list of the genera and species that have been examined. Since writing this more than 75 species of the Termitidae have been examined and three of this number have been found to harbor protozoa and feed on wood. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. l8l testinal bacteria or fungi, capable of digesting cellulose, which are killed off during incubation? 9. Do the protozoa aid their host mechanically to digest wood, or do the protozoa digest the wood particles which they take into their bodies and convert them into substances which their host uses for food? 10. Sin di-e-i tin- \\ood particles which they take into their bodies, does a true -\mliiotic relationship exist between termites and their inte-iinal proto/. MATERIAL. Ri .'/• nlili-rnn"i es Kollar, collected in Maryland, near Baltim 1 for all the experimental work on this genus, though main- colonies from other states have been u-ed for -tnd\in^ tin- proio/oa of this species. Termopsis sp. (the species nuild not )„• di it -i mined because there were no winded adults in an\ of i lie (..lonies collected, but it is either a ngitsticollis II i.« n or ni--tn/i->: . II .'ii) from Ashland, Oregon, owinu t<> it- 1 H/e. \\.t- used in many of the feeding experiment-, though R< :i(-ulitc> cs was also used in all of the feeding e\peri- nieni-. Kiitolcrmes schu'arsi Banks, K. jouteli Bank- and Pro- rhinotfrnifs .v/w/>/r.v Hagen, from southern Florida, were used for ineubation e\]iei iinents, but the material of these genera was not -uffu ient in in. ike |>ossible as extensive a study as wa- i-arried out \\itli the material from Maryland. Aniitermes sp., from I 'valde, I :as, an.l .\,!Militertnes nwrio Latreille, from Port" Kii o, both of the family Termitidio, were studied. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Manx thanks are due Drs. R. \Y. Hegner and \\'. 1 1. Taliaferro, of the Pe]>artment of Medical Zo6log>', School of Hygiene .md Public Health, Johns Hopkins Univer-ity, Bultinior. . M ryland, for valuable -n^gestions and criticisms. I am al-o \t-r\ deepl\- indebteil to Dr. T. E. Snyder, Specialist in Fore-t Insects, Bureau of Kntomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., who identified all the termites studied and furnished all the material except ReticnUtcrmcs flavipes and Nasutitennes morio. 182 L. R. C! EVELAXD. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. i. THE TERMITES. a. Castes. In order that the reader, unfamiliar with the nature of a ter- mite colony, may know something of the castes present, the fol- lowing condensed statement (taken from the papers of Snyder and Thompson) is made. In Reticnlitermes flavipes there are five castes, three of which are fertile or reproductive, and two that are sterile or non-reproductive. Males and females occur in each of the five castes. The reproductive castes are: (i) the first form, which has three well-defined phases of development: (a) the nymphs, with long wing pads, creamy white body 1.3-1.4 mm. long, and light brown eyes; (6) the winged adults, with long wings, dark brown body 6 mm. long, and black eyes; (c] the older males and females, with enlarged abdomens and the scales of the shed wings, body 7-14 mm. long: (2) the second form, which, like the first form, has three well defined phases of devel- opment: (a) the nymphs, with short wing pads and colorless body and eyes; (b) the young adults, with short scaly wing ves- tiges, straw-colored or grayish body 6-7 mm. long; (c) the older adults, with wing vestiges, enlarged abdomen, body length 7-12 mm: (3) the third form, which also has three developmental phases: (a) the nymphs, wingless, with white head and body, and eyes that are invisible in the living or unstained specimen; (b) the young adults, wingless, head and body pure white, opaque and not transparent, about 6 mm. long; (c} the older adults, with enlarged abdomen, wingless, heiid and body white, 7-9 mm. long. The other castes, the sterile castes, are: (4) the worker, wingless with grayish abdomen, only two developmental phases, i.e., nymphs and adults, always feeds on wood and there is no degeneration of the jaw muscles, always harbors protozoa once an infestation has been acquired, salivary glands small and very little fatty tissue is present in the body; (5) soldier, wingless with elongated head cove ml with thick yellowish chitin, mandibles dark brown long slender and curved, abdomen shorter than in other castes and more flattened, nymphs and adults only, no post adult growth. Thompson (1917) showed that the newly halt lu-nd form, which de\ eloped, finally, into the two re-pecti\e repro- ducii\f adul' 5 'Her and worker nymph- could be dif- ferentiated, internally. \\hen they had attained a body length ot .V75 mm. Nymphs of the third form could not be differentiated until a body length < .f 4 mm. was attained. -•\ intermediate forms have been discovered by various in\i tors, intermediates between the first and second form-, three fertile -oldiei- I l< ith, 1902)', and others; but the-e need not be . on-ideied 1;. Tin- ti\ •' cur in most termites. Known exception- are as fol]o\\-: i In- third form reproductive caste occurs in k-w, if . of iht I '( Tiniti'l i •; in fact none have been reported trom the Nearcti< gem this family, and it is doubtful it" thi- ca-tr urs in an\ i^enus of the Termitid;e. Apparently thi- caste ha- ln-t-n lo-i in this, the most highly specialized, famiK of ter- mite-. The third lOmi is less common than the first .mp» •• iali/ed termite-. / \ •> n:n/'\is is a primitive genus. A true \\oiker caste i- not pie-cut in Termopsis and Neotermes, but a lar^e-hc.nled \\oikir-like rejiroductive form is present. Two genera. Kalo- ternifs and ('ryptotermes, have no worker caste. The ^enu- . 1 it/>f>.'' has no soldier caste. Grassi calls the first forms "true" or "perfect insects," or 1 \\ 'Social Life among the Insects. Sci. D M nthly. 16, 1923, p. i .md workers are normally strrilr. hut soim-timus tlu-y become intiii- .iu.1 pp'l'ulily on such occasions n-i>r..(li:«- thfir n\vn > Snj-der (personal communication) soys Heath now admit-: IK- \va> \\rniig. Also experi- ments \\hiih 1 have conducted recently reveal the fact that the soldiers of at least, .i;id pmhaMy all. \>'I«>phagus termites cannot live to themselves vvlu-n K'VI 'ii thi-ir iiuimal diet <<>re of other investigators have studied these protozoa, and to d.ite 41 genera have been described. For a complete account of the work done by all the students of termite protozoa and for a classification of all the protozoa which have been described from L. R. CLEVELAND. termites the reader is referred to the first article of this series, "Correlation between the Food and Morphology of Termites and the Presence of Intestinal Protozoa." All of the known termite protozoa, except Gregarina termitis and Nyctotherus termitis, have been placed in two orders of flagel- lates, the Polymastigina and the Hypermastigina, the latter being the most highly specialized order of flagellate protozoa. 3. BIOCHEMICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Dore (1920) gives the following analysis of yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) oven-dry (100° C.) basis. Results in percentages. Benzene extract 2.22 Lignin 29.47 Alcohol extract . 1.49 Xylan . . 3.49 Cellulose 57-72 Mannan 6.37 Galactan 0.78 The two following examples are taken from Ritter and Fleck (1922), who have analyzed a large number of American woods: Analysis of a mean of four samples. Results expressed in percentages of oven-dry (105° C.) material. Western Yellow Pine Tanbark Oak (Pinus ponderosa). (Qtiercus densi flora). Moisture 6.42 .... ... 3.66 Ash ... 0.46 .. ... 0.83 Solubility in cold water 4-°9 4.10 Solubility in hot water 5.05 5.60 Solubility in ether 8.52 0.80 Solubility in i % NaOH 20.30 23.96 Acetic acid i .09 5.23 Methoxy. . .. 4.49.. . 5.74 Pentosan 7.35 19-59 Mfthyl pentosan 1.62 none Lignin 26.65 24.85 Cellulose 57.41 58.03 In the cellulose: Pentosan 6.82 22.82 Methyl pentosan i .98 none /l//>//a-cellulose 62.10 56.77 ZJe/a-cellulose 10.56 19.92 Cawwa-cellulose 3°-i3 23.93 That the principal food of most termites is cellulose is a fact which appears to have escaped the attention of physiologists and biochemists. Because of this, and also owing to the fact that our INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 1 87 r -books of chemistry and physiology give little, if any, of the information which has been gained in recent researches on the chemistry' and digestion of cellulose, it seems expedient to briefly mention — with no pretention at a discussion — some of the salient features brought out by a few of the more important of these researches. According to Hibbert (1921) "cellulose is nothing more than a polmerized dextrose glucoside of dextrose," and Irvin and Hirst (1922) in their most recent paper on the constitution of poly- saccharides have shown this to be true. They state that "the average yield from the polysaccharide (e.g., cellulose) to the hexose (e.g., glucose) is thus 95.5 per cent, of the theoretical amount. Considering the standard of purity in which the mixed methylglucosides were isolated, there can be no further doubt that cotton cellulose is composed entirely of glucose residues." 1'ringsheim (1912) observed cellobiose — a disaccharide which bears the same relation to cellulose that maltose does to starch and which spilts into two molecules of glucose (Fischer and Zem- plen, 1904 and 1910), when acted upon by cellobiase — as an in- termediate product of bacterial cellulose digestion. The exact mode of linking together of the two glucose residues in cellobiose was determined by Haworth and Hirst (1921). Groenewege (1920) showed that the bacterial digestion of cellulose is a hydro- lytic procoss. Celluluse is known to be produced by various moulds, soil fungi, pathogenic fungi, actinomycetes, soil and intestinal bacteria. Cellase is to be distinguished from cellulase in that it acts on the hemicelluloses and is not an endo-enzyme (Pringsheim, 1912). Some rather divergent views have been expressed regarding the products of cellulose digestion ; different investigators working with different cellulose-decomposing organisms have gotten dif- ferent results. But according to Cross and Doree (1922) most of these differences may be accounted for. The typical result of i he digestion of wood cellulose is about as follows: Cellobiose, ij 1 1 cose, acetic acid, lactic acid, butyric acid, alcohol, CO2, H2, CH4, CO. l'nder excessive aeration alcohol and acetic acid are i-i'inpletely oxidized to CO2 and H2O. The gas liberated is never I >ii re CO2; there is either H2 or CH4, or a mixture of the two. Alcohol is never obtained without acetic acid. \Yuksman (19-- 188 L. R. CLEVELAND. is of the opinion that some soil bacteria cause CH4 fermentation of cellulose and that others cause H2 fermentation. McBeth (1913) thinks cellulose-fermenting organisms are not responsible for the production of gases. Gas, he thinks, is produced by con- taminating organisms. Abstracting Klason's remarkable researches on lignin, Cross and Doree (1922) state: ".Beto-lignin (CJ9 HIS O9, and that part of lignin precipitated by arylamine bases is designated as acro- lein-lignin or alpha-ligmn. The other part, which is not precipi- tated, appears to be a carboxyl group and is called carboxyl lignin or fo/a-lignin) must therefore be bound to cellulose and probably to a//>/?a-lignin (C22H22O7). Lignin cannot well be assumed as a secondary product derived from cellulose, but appears as a direct assimilation product of CO2 and H2O or for- maldehyde. Therefore the formation of lignin is a function of chlorophyll." Klason thinks lignin is possibly present in wood as a glucoside and that it may be built up from pentose. THE RELATION OF THE PROTOZOA TO THEIR HOST. A. HISTORICAL. i. True Parasites. Most students of termites, and termite protozoa, have focused their attention on the morphology 1 and behavior of either the termites or the protozoa which they harbor; consequently, the interrelation of host and parasite has been very little investigated. Grassi is really the only investigator who has not confined his attention almost exclusively to a study of either the termites or their intestinal protozoa. He has studied the termites and the protozoa, but has never carefully investigated their relationship. His work on the two groups of organisms, termites and termite protozoa, has been largely a study of two separate and distinct problems; namely, the morphology and systematics of the pro- tozoa, and the physiology and behavior of the termites, with special emphasis on the underlying factors in caste production. Grassi and Sandias (1893) think that the relative abundance of protozoa present in the various adult individuals in a termite 1 The morphology of termite protozoa is a fascinating subject and occupied the writer's entire attention for a year before the present investigation began. He will publish in a later paper a description of several new forms. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 189 colony is inversely proportional to the degree of gonad develop- ment of their host. According to these investigators, the pro- tozoa, with a small amount of saliva, function in the develop- ment of soldiers and workers. Why the same thing (many protozoa and a small amount of saliva) functions in the produc- tion of two separate and distinct castes, they do not consider. They observed that the protozoa were scarce in the winged sexual forms, and usually totally absent in the neoteinic l individuals. When they found protozoa abundant in the neoteinic indivi- duals, the gonad development was imperfect. They remarked that the developing neoteinic forms were fed largely on a salivary diet, which they thought killed the protozoa, though it is more probable that the protozoa died because their host no Ion.' r furnished them with wood for food. Then, according to Grassi and Sandias, it is impossible to say whether the maturation of the gonads is clue solely to the change from a wood to a salivary diet or to the absence of protozoa. In this paper they reach no definite conclusion, though they do not believe the presence or absence of protozoa a sufficient cause to control gonad develop- ment, for they say: "It is a moot point whether the maturation of the generative organs is due solely to the saliva or to the ab- sence of protozoa as well; but the latter, as my- previous re- marks show, is not by itself a sufficient cause." Then in the next paragraph," I have frequently asked myself whether the protozoa have not an important digestive function, since the comminuted wo(xl passes almost entirely through their bodies. It is probable, but not proved." Hrunelli (1905) followed up the idea of Grassi and Sandias, and states that in the queens of two genera harboring protozoa, Kalolermes flavicollis and Reticiditcrmes lucifugtis, there is a correlated destruction of the oocytes — a kind of indirect parasitic 1 The term neoteinia was first introduced by Camerano (Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital,. . pp. 89-94) to note the persistence during adult life of part or all of the char- ;uuti-iu-s normally peculiar to the immature, growing, or larval stages. Grassi and Sandias probably refer to the second and third form reproductive castes since it has been shown by Thompson (1920) that the jaw muscles of these forms de- rate to the extent that they cannot eat wood and must be fed on a fluid diet; and, of course, we should not expect them to harbor intestinal protozoa when they ili> not eat wood. : Grassi wrote most of the paper. The part written by Sandias is placed between I9O L. R. CLEVELAND. castration ("castration parasitaire"). Feutand (1912) says what Brunelli regards as signs of degeneration is in reality nothing more than an alteration of tissue brought about by the histo- logical reagents. Grassi, nineteen years later (1911), collaborating with Foa, is of the opinion that the protozoa do not aid their host in the digestion of food, and he points out that many wood feeding insects do not harbor protozoa. He states l that several workers (species not mentioned) of Kalotermes ~ were placed in small boxes with wood and incubated at about (circa) 35° C. It is interesting to note that none of the protozoa harbored by Kalo- termes schwarzi Banks, from Miami Beach, Florida, are killed when incubated for three days at 35° C. How long Grassi's species of Kalotermes was incubated is not known, for he does not mention this in his paper. But he does state that the incubation killed off nearly all the protozoa, all of the large forms being killed off every time. These termites, he states, lived in full activity for several months. Recently Jucci (1920 and 1921), in a preliminary paper re- ported before the Academy of Lincei, has announced the dis- covery of a particular diet which brings about caste production. But the carefully controlled breeding experiments and the numer- ous field observations of Thompson and Snyder (1919, 1920, etc.) make it highly probable that at least three of the castes, namely, the first, the second and the third form reproductive males and females, only give rise to fertile reproductive males and females like themselves and to infertile males and females of the soldier and worker castes. 2. Commensals. If these entozoic protozoa benefit from their association with the termites, and by so doing do not harm or benefit their host, they are commensals. They may feed from the waste food- 1 Per mio conto in questi ultimi anni ho cercato di decidere la questione in altro modo: se si tengono ad una tcmperatura di circa 35° C. scatolette contencnti legno picno di Calotermes, i Protozoi muoiono, talvolta tutti, piu spesso restanu in vita soltanto le forme piccolo; si hanno cosi delle colonie di Calotermes senza Joenia e Mesojoenia, e talvolta con molti individui anche del tutto privi di Protozoi. lo le tengo in vita prospera da parecchi mesi; perci6 ritengo che i Calotermes possano digerirc il legno anche senza gli speciali Protozoi (Joenia e Mesojoenia). 2 Also spelled Calotermes INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. products and bacteria in the termite's intestine, or they may be food-robbers and feed from the same table as their host ; in either case, they are commensals, provided the host's table always contains sufficient food for both host and parasite. Kofoid and Swezy (1919) are the principal exponents of the commensalistic relationship of termite protozoa. They remark: "One of the most curious and unique faunal associations to be found among the parasitic l protozoa is the group parasitic ' or commensal in the intestinal tract of the social termites. . . . This distension is caused by the vast numbers of parasitic and commensal pro- tozoans which fill the lumen of the intestine. When this is opened a thick milky fluid exudes. Under the lens this is found to be composed of great quantities of these small forms, thickly massed together, along with fragments of wood upon which the host, as well as some of the commensals, feeds." T>. Symbionts. hums (1919) in studying the termite Archotermopsis li'rongh- toni Desneux made sections of twelve worker-like females and found numerous protozoa and nearly full sized ova ready for fertilization, and in no instance did he observe even an indication of oocyte degeneration. He also found well developed ovaries in live soldiers, whose hind-intestines were filled with protozoa, hums suggests that the presence of protozoa may be correlated with the wood feeding habit of the termites. In the young larva-, and in the queens and kings, which receive the fluid diet from the other members of the colony, he found, as a rule, no protozoa. In the older larva?, soldiers, workers, and sometimes in the winged sexual forms,2 protozoa are abundant and a wood diet is the rule. 1 This term, loosely used, means any organism which lives in or on another organism. 2 It is interesting here to note the statement of Snyder (1920), regarding one of hi- cross-breeding experiments. He says, "A large series of young second form l. in. il.- adults of Relifuliternifs flavipes, which possibly may have been fertilized by ;id form males, were taken from a fairly small colony and placed with mature lii-t form dealated males, which had not copulated, in small shallow cells in de- I wood sunken in moist sand in glass jars and tin boxes. After a period of ten days to two weeks all these second form females had died, but the first form males were still living and were active; they evidently were pre- l-.iii-d to forage for themselves, whereas the second form adults needed the care and nourishment usually afforded them by the workers. Possibly the jaw muscles IQ2 L. R. CLEVELAND. The wood, according to Imms, after being crushed by the mandibles and later by the gizzard, passes rapidly to the hind-gut without undergoing any chemical change. The pyloric valve prevents the readmission of wood particles into the mid-gut. To quote Imms: "On reaching the hind-intestine the wood is in a condition of minute fragments and particles, and the greater bulk of it gradually becomes taken up and absorbed by the numer- ous intestinal protozoa. Within the protoplasm of these organ- isms the woody material undergoes chemical changes, and, when ejected from the bodies of the protozoa, much of it is in a condi- tion capable of being assimilated as food by the host termite. A significant fact is that lignous particles are not subjected to the action of the secretions of the mid-gut." Imms further points out that, in his opinion, the experiments of Grassi and Foa (1911), where these authors claim to have kept Kalotermes (species not given, nor is the number of termites) alive and active for several months with all but a few of the in- testinal protozoa killed off by incubation at about 35° C., has no value, for during incubation the termites very probably sub- sisted on the large amount of fecal matter l which had accumu- lated in the jars where they had been kept previous to incubation. Imms, then, through an ingenious method of reasoning, reaches the conclusion that the protozoa are symbionts, a conception already reached by Buscalioni and Comes (1910), who claim, by means of various microchemical tests, to have shown that the wood is digested inside the bodies of the protozoa ; and since the protozoa digest the wood, these authors conclude, that they are symbionts. 2 They state that Trichonympha agilis, harbored by Reticulitermes lucifugus, when treated with iodine dissolved in iodide of potassium , gives a characteristic glycogenic reaction in a region near the nucleus, and that this reacting region is sharply in these young second form adults had begun to degenerate through disuse in masti- cating wood. It is believed that second form males — like the females — would have succumbed, without the workers." First form adults, so far as my experience goes, harbor protozoa, but the second forms do not. This probably explains the inability of the second form adults to live without workers, that is in the event the jaw muscles permitted them to eat wood. Of course the protozoa are lost, possibly, because the host docs not eat wood. I have experiments started which I hope will determine this point. 1 The fecal matter contains sugars and possibly other foods. 5 A discussion of this may be found on pages 193-4. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 1 93 defined from the rest of the body. Cutler (1921) could not locate a definite glycogen reacting area in Pseudotrichonympha pristina, harbored by Archotermopsis wroughtoni, but, on the contrary, found that the glycogenic reaction was diffused through the en- tire organism. Grassi and Foa (1911) state that they in part attempted to verify the work of Buscalioni and Comes but that their results did not justify the drawing of any conclusions. Dobell (1921) says: "'When the association benefits both part- ies, the condition is one of symbiosis — a not very frequent state in nature. An example is afforded by some of the flagellates living in termites. In return for the food and lodging which the termite gives to the flagellate, the latter helps the former digest its own food." Regarding this statement Dobell (I922)1 says: "It is merely a general statement of my own personal view. It is not based on any particular experiments which I have made, but is an inference from what I myself have observed and others have recorded. For many reasons I consider it probable that the flagellates of termites aid their host in digesting the wood on which they feed. The observations of Buscalioni and Comes (1910) and of Imms (1919) especially seem to me to justify such a con- clusion. "However I am quite ready to admit that the matter has not been definitely settled beyond all question. In fact I recently discussed the problem with I >r. Koid/umi and we planned several experiments to determine the question. . . ." /•{. OKK.INAI. OBSERVATIONS. At best some of the experiments of Buscalioni and Comes (1910) were conducted in a rather crude manner and, in addition to this, unwarranted conclusions were drawn due, often, to misinterpre- tation of the results obtained. The only conclusion which may be drawn from the results of their experiments is, that the protozoa digest the wood which they take into their bodies. But the fact that the protozoa digest the wood in no way hinders the termite from doing the same thing. Many animals ingest more food than they can use. The protozoa may feed from the wood particles in the termite's intestine, as one would naturally expect them to do, since nutrition with most of them appears to be holozoic. 1 Personal communication. 194 L- R- CLEVELAND. In order to establish the fact that the protozoa are symbionts, rather than commensals (feeding from the same table as their host), it must be shown that they actually aid their host in some way by doing something for the host which the host itself cannot do. The experiments of Buscalioni and Comes do not in any way fulfill this condition. They have only shown that the protozoa digest wood particles. The ability or inability of the termites to do the same thing was not studied. That the termites aid the protozoa, by furnishing them food and lodging, is obviously demonstrated by the fact that the protozoa, so far as known, cannot live outside of termites. But wre cannot call the protozoa symbionts, until their ability to digest wood has been shown to be a necessary aid to the termite. Realizing the difficulty of determining the relation of the protozoa to the termites so long as the two were associated to- gether, several experiments were begun, with the hope of effect- ing a method for removing the protozoa from their host, and at the same time leave the host uninjured. It is needless to say that hundreds of experiments — some of which are given in Table I.— met with failure, for the host was either killed or severely in- jured in an effort to remove the protozoa from it. When wood, previously soaked in a 5 per cent, aqueous solu- tion of either sodium, potassium or calcium chloride, was fed to a colony of Reticulitermes flavipes (elsewhere in this paper — unless it is otherwise evident — when the words "termite," "termites" and "host" are used they refer particularly to this termite) harboring protozoa, within four to five days an occasional ter- mite, free, or almost free, of protozoa was found, when many individuals from the colony wrere examined. The number free of protozoa increased as time progressed but, before all the termites in the colony had lost their protozoa, it was quite evident that the termites themselves were not normal. They had in some \vay been affected ; whether by a direct action of the chemicals or by a gradual loss of the protozoa, it is impossible to say from the data available. About this time a much more promising method for removing the protozoa was evolved; namely, the incubation method, and the experiments employing the use of salts, etc. (see Table I.), to remove the protozoa, were discontinued. It might be well to INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. mention here that, because of the success of the incubation method, many of the other attempts to free termites of their intestinal protozoa were, perhaps, not given a fair trial. If different dilutions of some of the chemicals had been used, the results, possibly, would have been more promising. Had X-ray and ultra-violet light been used more extensively, excellent re- sults might have been obtained. It was found that all — not one was left alive — of the protozoa could be removed from the intestine of ReticuUtermes flavipes by incubating them for 24 hours at 36° C. This was a much more rapid method than the feeding of salts, as described above, where several days are required to remove the protozoa from all the individuals in a colony and, besides, the termites after incubation seemed to be perfectly normal in every way. All other attempts to remove the protozoa were now abandoned in favor of the in- cubation method, which may be briefly described as follows: Sometimes slumps and large pieces of wood, containing thousands of termites, were brought to the laboratory without molesting or disturbing the colony. The stumps and large pieces of wood were placed in glass jars and incubated for 24 hours at 36° C. At the end of the incubation period the jars were taken from the incubators and, after many termites from each jar had been carefully examined to be certain that the protozoa had all been killed, were left at .room temperature, which was usually about 2o°C. Sometimes the stumps and logs were split before they were brought to the laboratory and the termites were taken from them and placed, with a good quantity of wood, in glass jars with metal tops. These jars were placed in the incubator as soon as they reached the laboratory. In other experiments, where ter- mites were counted, small shell vials with cork stoppers were used, and from 10-100 termites were placed in each vial, and incubated in the same way that those in the large jars were. Several vials of termites without wood, and several with pure rellulose ' (Whatman's filter paper) only, were incubated. Other experiments in incubation were carried out with results as shown in Table I. One very significant fact brought out by these ex- 1 This paper was made by \V. & R. Balston, Ltd.. and contains .0004 grams of ;i-li per circle of 55 mm. diameter. When "pure cellulose" occurs in this paper it iners to this grade of the genuine Whatman filter paper. 196 L. R. CLEVELAND. periments is that the thermal death point of the protozoa is 3-4° C. lower than that of the insect host.1 After incubation the termites were closely observed to note if they at any time became abnormal; to prevent the growth of moulds in the jars, for moulds are very destructive to termites; to be certain that the jars contained neither too much nor too little moisture — a thing that can only be learned from long ex- perience in keeping large numbers of termites in captivity and an intimate knowledge of their habits in nature. Every known pre- caution was used to keep the termites during incubation in ex- actly the same environment, except temperature, as the unincu- bated controls. After incubation the incubated and the unin- cubated termites were kept under identical conditions, as re- gards food, temperature, moisture, light, etc. The termites become abnormal in from five to fifteen days after they have been removed from the incubator. They are less active and their abdomens, if carefully examined, may be seen to be smaller and slightly flattened. The length of time required for abnormalities to appear depends no the kind of wood fed after incubation, the more decayed the wood the longer it is before any abnormalities appear. In two to five days after this first symptom is noticed the abdomen becomes still more flattened. Soon it is very much smaller and almost flat, and two or three days later the animal can scarcely be made to move at all, for only a modicum of vitality remains. Death occurs, on the aver- rage, from 10-20 days after incubation. It occurs, as shown in Table II., in some instances in less than ten days and in a few cases after twenty days, the longest being 27 days. In the less- decayed wood, as mentioned above, death occurred early, and in the most decayed, it occurred late. But why did it occur at all? Why did the incubated termites die? The death of the incubated termites — sterile, uninfected, uninfested and defaunated, so far as protozoa are concerned- may be due to the change in temperature, i.e., the incubation per se; it may be due to the killing off of all the intestinal pro- tozoa; or it may be due to the killing of intestinal bacteria and 1 Termopsis sp. from Ashland, Oregon, is killed at a lower temperature. It is killed in less than 24 hours at a temperature of 35.5 degrees C. Work on the T. D. P. of termites from various parts of the world is now in progress and the results will be published in a later paper. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 197 fungi, which, possibly, in some way aid their host in the digestion of wood and pure cellulose. TABLE I. METHODS AND RESULTS OF VARIOUS ATTEMPTS TO FREE TERMITES OF THEIR INTESTINAL PROTOZOA. u «; w X * '- ~ Z •- W I'Ctllt C E L ~ C. - f ^- ~ x !^- i Wood,' 5% N'aCl . . Wood.' 5%CaCli.. • 1.' 5% KCI.... 1, 30 10 20 20 500 IOO 500 500 Kills protozoa in 10-15 days, but host is almost dead by this time Same result as with NaCl Same result as with Nad Host killed in Dil. of 1/15,000 Wood <'-<)« 5 IOO Killed host c b* ^ *"* .= •- . ~ Treatment. cd S" «£ £ C •-; rt w .i £ W °i ""' Q ^r x ™ — " "3 d yi 107 Incubated 4,000 14 207 L'nincubated 2,000 60 Jar became too dry due to neglect 11015 Incubated 500 i? 7015 L'nincubated i, 200 In.1 Alive now, 9 months later 12015 Incubated 400 15 8015 L'nincubated I.OOO In.1 Alive now, 9 months later 13017 Incubated 300 20 14017 Incubated 500 20 15017 Incubated 400 21 1017 L'nincubated 700 In.1 Used in other expts. after 6 months 2017 L'nincubated 2,000 In.1 Alive now, 8 months later 2027 Incubated 300 18 2627 Incubated 2OO 21 3627 L'nincubated 7OO In.1 Alive now, 5 months later 3027 L'nincubated 500 In.1 Alive now, 5 months later id27 Incubated 40O 7 Mould caused early death 2C27 Incubated 6OO 15 1028 Incubated 2OO 10 2028 Incubated IOO 14 3028 LTnincubated 20O 45 Used in other experiments 1031 LTnincubated I.SOO In.1 Alive now, 4 months later 2631 Incubated 50O 12 3631 Incubated 7OO 18 2031 Incubated I.OOO 8 Wood decayed very little 4031 Incubated 2.OOO 10 Wood decayed very little 1^32 L'nincubated 2.OOO In.1 Used in other expts. after 3 months 2C32 Incubated I,5OO 27 Wood very much decayed ld32 L'nincubated 3,000 In.1 Used in other expts. after 3 months 2d32 Incubated 2,000 20 1/33 L'nincubated I.OOO In.1 Alive now, 4 months later To be certain there was no error in the experiments which had been done up to this time, more than live hundred jars of termites were collected; some were incubated and some were not incubated, as shown in Table II. No doubt 100,000 termites 1 Indefinitely. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. IQ9 were used in these experiments and, in every case, death occurred, as in the preliminary experiments, within 10-20 days on the aver- age after incubation. In no case did the unincubated and faun- ated controls die. In fact, they are still alive now, more than six months since many of the experiments were completed. How may the cause of the incubated and defaunated (with the protozoan fauna removed) termites' death be determined? Is death a direct resit of the incubation? That is, if the termites did not harbor intestinal protozoa which are killed off by the incubation, would death result in 10-20 days? In other words, is the death of the protozoa harbored by the termite in any way connected with or responsible for the death of their host; or is it an entirely independent phenomenon having nothing at all to do with the termite's death. In an effort to answer these ques- tions many experiments were carried out, but only those experi- ments whose results throw some light on the questions involved will be mentioned and discussed. Insects, like the cockroach, rather closely related to the ter- mites morphologically, and many wood-boring beetles, rather closely related to termites in habits, were incubated at the same temperature for the same length of time, and for a longer time, as were the termites. These were carefully observed for two months after incubation and no abnormalities were ever observed in any of them. It seems, then, that this temperature is not detrimental to these insects. But the fact that a cockroach or a wood-boring beetle is not killed by the incubation method em- ployed in killing the protozoa of termites, does not show that the termites themselves were not killed directly by incubation, because these insects do not harbor a vast multitude of intestinal protozoa that are suddenly killed off, as do the termites; and besides, they are, after all, quite different in some respects from termites. Nasuliternies morio Latreille, from Porto Rico, one of the Ter- mitida-, and, of course, a termite which does not harbor intestinal protozoa, was procured for experimental purposes, the idea being if this termite could withstand the same incubation tempera- ture that Reticiilitermes flavipes had been subjected to, and re- crive no ill effects therefrom, as evidenced by its ability to live indefinitely after incubation, the probability that Reticiilitermes 20O L. R. CLEVELAND. flavipes was not killed directly by incubation was very much augmented. Then, some cause other than the effect of the in- creased temperature on the cells of the termite might be expected to be responsible for the termite's death. But Nasutitermes morio could not be kept in closed jars for a longer period than 5-10 days before death occured, regardless of whether they had been incubated or not. Amitermes sp. from Uvalde, Texas, another genus of the Termitidae, was obtained, but it also could not be kept in closed jars. Other genera of the Termitidae, termites not harboring protozoa in nature so far as known, which might possibly be kept in closed jars — though nothing at all is known regarding this — were not obtainable. It then became necessary to answer in another way the question, does the heating kill the termite directly? An effort was made to keep the incubated and defaunated termites alive by feeding them substances other than wood, their normal diet. Dextrose, peptone and starch, separately and altogether, were fed them; and it was evident, from the results (see Table III.) obtained by the feeding of these substances, particularly dextrose, that the lives of the incubated and de- faunated termites had been prolonged. But before these experiments had progressed very far a much better method of prolonging the lives of the defaunated termites was discovered, and no more experiments employing dextrose, starch and peptone were carried out. They were placed in glass jars and were fed a diet of fresh humus, which seemed to be a very satisfactory food, as the results tabulated in Table III. show. When they were given humus before any of the charac- teristic symptoms of wood-fed defaunated termites had appeared, no such symptoms ever appeared. If these symptoms had ap- peared before humus was fed, the termites after being fed humus for three or four days became much more active, and within six to seven days they were normal again. Even when all the indi- viduals in a jar of defaunated termites were almost dead, due to being fed on wood, many of the almost lifeless ones could be brought back to normal by feeding them humus. The humus fed defaunated termites appeared to be perfectly normal in every way long after all of their wood fed defaunated controls were dead. One hundred jars of defaunated termites were used in the INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 2OI TABLE III. SHOWING THE RESULTS OF ATTEMPTS TO PROLONG THE LIVES OF INCUBATED AND DEFALCATED TERMITES BY FEEDING THEM VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. 27 EXPERIMENTS SELECTED AT RANDOM FROM A SERIES OF 100. 6 4J '" -n Sub-tunce. t 1 1.5 Remarks. - £. - V - 1 i. 2OO I • 2OO 34 • 1 i. 2OO .40 2OO 4 Di IOO 30 I '• ;i.« IOO 45 I'. ;..» IOO 43 Dextrose ISO 30 111 > ; i , ,se 2OO 34 I.OOO '-5 Experiment discontinued' • HUD I.OOO 45 Allowed to become too do- •HUB 5OO 125 Experiment discontii. • I.OOO 60 Experiment discontinued IIUS I.OOO Experiment discontinued mis I.OOO Experiment discontinued - •HUB 1 ,000 Experiment discontinued Humus I.OOO Changed to a wood i! I.OOO Changed to a wood d Hurnus I.OOO 2O ' ....: . • it' a v. I.OOO 50 Experiment not done with care • 2OO 45 Experiment not done with care ct.1 50 40 Experiment discontinued ct.1 So 45 Experiment discomi: SO 34 Experiment discontinued i i. r.» 50 60 Experiment discontinued 1 . 1 > C.» So 60 Experiment dif J I D. C.» 50 60 Experiment discontinued luiniu- feeding experiments, and from ten to more than a th.uid u-nnit. e placed in each jar. It does not seem feasible or necessary to state when each of the one hundn-d j.irs \\viv col- and incubated and just what happened to each of them, tin- results of each experiment are -iniilar, as Table III. -c and peptone. s Intestinal contents of wood-boring insect la 1 Xo evident signs of death at this time. 4 Death resulted in 10-20 days later. * Fungus digested cellulose. (To be continued) Vol.XLVI May, 1924 Xo. 5 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND SYMBIOTIC RELATION- 5HIPS BETWEEN Till: INTESTINAL PROTOZOA M| IIKMITKS AND THKIR HOST, \\ I I II SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Rkl /< L'LITERMES FLA VIPES KOLLAR.* L. R CLEVELAND. (Continued.) CONTENTS. .1 to ihcir Host: :m (continued) : •••c| termites die when transferred to thi-ir normal •• ! ' I - u « to ccllulottc . • -i u I and cellulose use lignin a» food?. ,'. fiM«l of protozoa-harboring termites 'lulose. when fed defaunated termites, prevci- - cannot digest wood or cellulose - die because they cannot digest their food •Mcnts ted with protozoa can digest wood !>.ir!>or protozoa to be able to digest wood •tozoa aid their host in the digestion of \v I y .; the wood for their host t ing and non-wood ingesting protozoa -' i 1 •In- l>acteria and fungi of termites -M'> '•ntiul to the life of their host -'7 on of termites and protozoa -' 1 7 -•uinm.iry * From tin I > ; .irtment of Medical Zoology. - .ni'l I'ublic li. John< Hopkin-; I'niversity. Baltimore. Maryland. a series of papers on th: L Tlie rir.-t paprr »i the •n l«-tween the Food and M'>rplK. !•>.!;>• r,t Ti-Tniti •- an-1 I i I'r.«tn/oa," deals with tin- moro >jfni-r.i tin- sill and will in tin- July Uyjj) number ol tin- 1 m '.mrnul of li 14 203 204 L- R- CLEVELAND. After the incubated and defaunated termites had been fed humus and kept alive for a longer period of time than they would have lived had they been fed wood, as shown by the death of all the wood fed defaunated controls; from time to time transfers back to a wood diet were made, with the result, in each case, of death in ten to twenty days, the usual length of life of wood-fed defaunated termites. The last of the transfers back to wood was made after the defaunated termites had been kept alive, active, and apparently normal in every respect, on a humus diet for three months. Death resulted, as was expected from the pre- vious experiments, and two weeks after all the defaunated ter- mites which had been transferred from the humus to the wood diet were dead, the humus-fed defaunated termites were alive and active, at which time the experiments were discontinued. That progressive development took place is evidenced by the fact that molting occurred in the humus-fed defaunated termites three months after all the protozoa had been removed by incubation. Deeply pigmented first form reproductive adults were formed in several of the jars during December and January. From these experiments it is obvious that the humus which was fed to the defaunated termites is potent to prolong their life four months — and probably indefinitely — beyond the death point of such termites when fed a diet of wood. The unincubated controls, which had been fed wood and kept in the laboratory in the same way as the incubated and defaunated termites being fed wood and the incubated and defaunated termites being fed humus, were alive and active at the time the experiments were discontinued. Now, since the incubated and defaunated ter- mites live indefinitely when fed humus, but die in two to three weeks when fed wood, and the unincubated and faunated termites live indefinitely when fed wood, it is evident that the death of the incubated and defaunated t;ermites is not due directly to the incubation temperature, but to an acquired inability to make use of wood as food. In other words, the termites after incubation and the removal of the protozoa, are no longer able to maintain themselves on their normal diet of wood, and death results. The incubation has in some way incapacitated them as wood users. They feed on the wood, as may easily be determined by watching them or by examining their intestinal contents, but evidently are INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 2O5 unable, for some reason, to utilize it — perhaps digest it, since humus, which is decomposed or digested wood, will keep them alive indefinitely. When the protozoa are treated with a hydrocholric acid and phloro-lucinol nilution a distinct pink color appears inside the bodies »I the wood investing protozoa. Imms (1919) used this reaction to prove the particles which he saw inside the bodie- of ihe protozoa were wood particles— "ligneous particles." < )-l lima ' I'd') pi .i' i •e into gln< o-e, 1'ri'in whifh the glycogen is formed. The fact that no glycogen i- pre-ent in the intestinal protozoa which do not in^e-t the v.o.,,1 p.irti< le- op the cellulose particles, nor in the rells of the ho-t , iin lie. ite~ -irongly that the glycogen is formed inside the bodic- of the proto/oa that do ingest the wood particle- or cellu- |Mitiil«- .nid that these protozoa are responsible for it- fonnation. The intestine of the host is slightly alkaline (pi 1 7 which \\oiild make acid hydrolysis impossible. The cellul' tin ii, must be acted upon by enzymes. 1 1 has n a possible to demonstrate the presence of fat- in the bodies of the protozoa, though the presence of fats in the and other cells of the host may be easily demonstrated. I . i« unites which receive a fluid diet from other member- of the colony accumulate an abundance of fat. It i- highly possible that the protozoa are dependent on their ho-t for proteins, since they live much longer on a cellul' inorganic culture medium to which proteins have been added. In -ind\ini; many of the termites of Japan, Oshima (. Iods containing a high percentage of cellulo-e. II. is of the opinion that cellulose is the only constituent of \\ood which termite- n-e as food. This opinion is based on the lollowin^ perinient which he carried out. Camphor \\<»»\ was analyzed an. I fed to ( 'nptotermes formosamis; the nest which was constructed after the wood had been eaten was anali/ed. .ind it was noted that tin chief difference between the camphor wood and the nest \\.ts in the cellulose-lignin ratio. The wood contained 4* per cent, of cellulose and 20 per cent, of lignin (C4oH44Oi5 Beckmann, I'»_M) while the nest contained 15 per cent, cellulose and 57 per cent, lignin. The method by which these percentages were ob- 208 L. R. CLEVELAND. tained is not given, and for this reason we have no way of judging their accuracy. Regarding this experiment Oshima remarks: "It is quite obvious that the amount of cellulose is the main difference between the constituents of camphor wood and those of the nest. As there occurs no decrease of noncellulose, it is clear that cellulose has been taken as the food when camphor wood passes through the alimentary canal; and noncellulose, that is lignin, which is produced as a decomposed material of ligno- cellulose by special function of the alimentary canal, is discharged as the building material of the nest." Obviously, Oshima's data do not warrant the conclusions which he draws from them, for it is impossible, without doing a quanti- tative experiment, to establish the fact that lignin is not used as food and that cellulose is, since both substances appear in the wood and in the nest. Oshima completely disregards — purposely or ignorantly it is impossible to say — all substances which are present in the wood except cellulose and lignin. The fact that lignin is present in the feces (and the test used is not a test for lignin at all) does not prove that it is not used by the termite as food, for cellulose is also present in the fecal material and has to pass through the alimentary canal many times before it is used up. Perhaps it is all never converted into cellobiose and glucose. Then, it has not been shown that termites do not use lignin as food; nor has it been shown that they do. Oshima (1919) fed cotton wool to Coptotermes formosanus and claimed that these termites lived more actively on this substance than when fed softwoods, the reason being, so he thought, that the softwoods have a lower percentage of cellulose. But the softwoods do not have a lower percentage of cellulose — at least those that have been anlayzed do not have. However, hard- woods average about 100 per cent, higher in pentosan content than softwoods. But Oshima's experiment has no value what- ever, since the number of termites used and the length of life, when given a cellulose diet (Oshima's diet of cotton 1), is not 1 Purified cotton yields an ash ranging from to 0.50 per cent., while raw cotton contains about i per cent, of mineral matter. Ra\v cotton contains about 90 per cent, cellulose and absorbent cotton 99 per cent. There is about i per cent . of pentosan in purified cotton. Most any filter paper, then, is a better rrllulu-'' diet than cotton in any form. Some filters contain an extremely small pen vnui.m- of ash. Of course it .cannot be said that the cellulose of filter paper is "normal" INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TKKMITKS. Joe) state* I. Main ob-ervers have noted that termites attack books, pastel)*', inl, cloth, and wood pulp, but their ability t<> maintain them-elve- • MI i he-e -ubstances has not been investigated. Think- it p"--ible termites in large numbers, when fed cotton,1 do n<>t maintain themselves solely on the substance- pre-ent in the cotton, but continue to pass the wood, which they have , iou-ly eaten being changed to a diet of cotton, through their bod . a portion of it during each pa^~ gi md thu- .yivin", the fal-e impression of living on either the cotton or the filter paper, when in reality they were living on the wood •.Inch miijit -till be present in their feces, I carried out the follov, ment: One hunderd termites were placed in ioo vials, IK- termite to each vial, and nothing but pure cellulo-, \\ 'man's filter paper) was fed them. Many of tl termite- led .MI active existence and continued to harbor pmto/oa until t riments were discontinued at the end of four months. |u-t how long termites can maintain themselves on a cellulo-e i- not known, but is being investigated by the writer at the ent time. Another experiment, which was first done by accident, -et -in- to thro\\ considerable light on the direct cause of the h of the incubated and defaunated termites. Many of the cletaun. lennit- bein;; fed cellulose and a Strong cellulose-decompos- accidently got into some of the vials, and it was noticed that the termites in the vials containing the cellulose-digesting luni;u- did not die within two to three weeks. Some of them lived in tin- \ials with the fungus for more than three month-, but in the vials containing some of the same defaunated termite- and cellulo-e which was not digested by a fungus, death occurred \\ithin t\\<> to three weeks. When this accidental and preliminary experiment was repeated (see Table III.) the same result- v. obtained. It seems quite evident, then, that incubated and del'aunaied termites cannot digest cellulose. crllu n is really the only form of normal »<•!] : aixl ' ii?22) have made a careful study «\ tin- irllulo.-r uf o.tton ami that i.i iu hide that the two are very similar, it net .il. The two, ac- 'nx tn tliese investigators, are as much alike as tin- n-llulcsc- ulitaiiu-d imui th<- .-aiiu- \\IM,,I by acid cooking and by alkalini- codkinx. I 'mil iimn- is kno\\-n rt-gard- ;hr nature of cellulose in various sul>-tanccs \VI may o.iHimir tin- usage of calling o'tton "normal" cellulose. 210 L. R. CLI-.X I I \\D. Now, since the incubated and defaunated termites remain alive and active indefinitely (See Table III.) when fed humus— which is wood (chiefly cellulose) digested or decomposed by bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes — and digested cellulose, but die when fed wood or when fed cellulose, it seems very probable that death is due to an inability to digest wood. Futhermore, it has been shown that no sugars can be gotten from wood except by first extracting the cellulose, which probably means that the sugars exist in combination with the cellulose. Then, we may reasonably conclude that the inability on the part of the defaun- ated termites to digest wood is due, perhaps, to the disappear- ance of cellulase, brought about, in some way, by the incubation and removal of the protozoa. If cellulase is no longer present in termites after incubation— and it does not seem to be — what is responsible for its disappear- ance? In order to answer this question the two factors involved in bringing about the disapparance of cellulase, incubation and the removal of the protozoa, must be separated. Reinfection of the incubated and defaunated termites with protozoa seemed to be the principal key with which this puzzling question might be unlocked, but unfortunately for several months it was impossible to replace the protozoa in the termites, once they had been thor- oughly removed. Finally, a rapid and easy method of reinfection was developed. Since the reinfection experiments are the most important ones in the paper, perhaps, one of the seven which were carried out, should be given in detail just as done and record- ed in my note book. The other six are very similar to the one recorded here. Ten large jars of termites were collected and were numbered l-io/>45. Numbers i~7/>45 were incubated at 36° C. from 3:30 P.M., 10/21/22 to 3:30 P.M., 10/22/22. Numbers 8, 9 and 10/545 were not incubated and were left at room temperature (about 20° C.). Jars i~7/>45 were carefully examined on 10/23/22 and the termites in them were found to harbor no protozoa. In making this examination twelve individuals (workers), taken at random from each jar, were carefully dissected and their entire intestinal content painstakingly examined under the microscope for protozoa. If no protozoa were found, the colony was labeled "defaunated termites." Jar 6/745 was used as follows on 9/24/22, INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 211 the day after incubation: By means of a sieve the termites were -eparated from all pieces of wood and clumps of excrement larger than them-elves. Then they were placed in beakers, and a piece of moi-t filu-r paper was placed in each beaker so that one corner ju-t touched tin- bottom. The termites would leave the small pi 1 and excrement and crawl up the filu-r paper, and when a lar-e number of them were on the filter paper they wen- -haken from it and transferred to several small beakers. By tin- method the termites were entirely freed from all parti' of wood .Mul ex< rement. Now they were taken, one at a time, from tin -mall beaker- and placed in watch gl. Here the rijit antenna w close up to the head, and one by one, ah IT the riijit antenna had been removed, they were placed in shell vials until ten individuals were in each vial. In this ex- periment 14 \ial- with 10 defaunated termites each were u-ed. The-e were numbered [ 1 4/749. Some unincubated and faunat ed termite- were taken from jar 9p45, collected at the same time that <>/• js was and taken from the same colony of termite- in nature. Tin < ed from wood and excrement in the same way that the defaunated ones were. Then 10 unincubated and faunated termite- were placed with 10 incubated and defaunated termite- in \ial- i n/>49; in vials 12, 13, and !4/>4() fifty unin- cubated termite- were placed. Workers only were used in all the experiment-. Whatman's filter paper, moistened with di — tilled v put in each vial; the vials were tightly corked and left at rooin temperature in the dark. l\e-uh>: 1<> 2 \ 22 at 5 I'.M. three termites from vial 8^)49 were examined. Two con- tained no protozoa and one contained a few. i<> 27 22 all of the indi\idual- those previously defaunated and tlio-(- from which no pn>to/oa had been removed by incubation in ii/->4<> were examined. Two were dead, 12 harbored proto/«-a, and <> harbored no protozoa. Three of the 12 that harbored protozoa had the risjit antenna cut off. This was a clear-cut case of refaun.ition (replacing of the protozoa in the inte-tine after they had been removed by incubation). The number of protozoa present in these refaunaud or reinfected individuals was about half normal. On 12 2ii 22 six vials were examined with results as follow-: " 212 L. R. CLEVELAND. Number 3/749 contained 16 termites, 6 with no right antenna. " 4/>49 9 " , 7 " 5/>49 16 " , 7 " 6/>49 ii " ,5 n ii ii i i ii ii ii 7/>49 16 , 4 In number 14/^49 fifty unincubated and faunated termites had been placed with the ten incubated ones and only two individuals with the right antenna cut off were taken from this vial, though others were present and might have been taken. Nearly all of the fifty unincubated individuals were alive. Now the termites with the right antenna removed which were taken from vials 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and i4/>49 to be counted were placed in separate vials i-6/>88 with a label on each vial designating the source. What- man's filter paper was given them for food. They were observed regularly. All are alive now, 2/7/23,1 five weeks from the time they were separated from the unincubated. Two of the individuals in 3/>49 were examined and were heavily infected with protozoa. After association for several weeks with termites harboring protozoa the defaunated termites regain their protozoa and, at the same time, their ability to live on a diet of pure cellulose or wood. Now, the important question is, how did the termites regain their ability to make use of pure cellulose or wood as food? More specifically, why do they now possess cellulase — and, perhaps, cellobiase? When the protozoa are removed from a termite's intestine, the ability to make use of pure cellulose or wood is lost, but when they are replaced, this ability reappears. Do the cells of the termite possess cellulase and cellobiase? It seems that they do not. Then where may these enzymes be found? The fact that there presence can only be demonstrated when the protozoa are present in the intestine of the host seems to indicate that the protozoa possibly possess them. It the protozoa do possess these enzymes, and the host does not, the way in which they aid their host is plain. It seems evident that the protozoa aid their host in some w.iy to live on cellulose and wood, for it has been shown (Table III.) that defaunated termites can live indefinitely on the digestion products of pure cellulose or wood (humus). It now 1 KV< >mes 1 Many are alive now 4/10/23. INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 213 highly probable that the protozoa aid their host in the digestion of pure cellulose and wood, since the host is able to live indefi- nitely on either of these substances only when it harbors the proto/oa. Hut how do the protozoa aid their host in the digestion of wood;-' Mechanic. illy, or by furnishing enzymes, as suggested above, which the ho-t it -elf does not possess. I- i- [ that tlu- protozoa mechanically aid their host -ince the intestine i- completely gorged with them. The intestinal to/o.i. 1'avlovsky and Zarin (l<>j_ •inly of the ferment- in the alimentary canal of the bee. Apis nii-llifcru, found c.ttalase in the stomach and large intestine in winter onl\ Phree hours after the first flight in spring, r. \va- pre-eiii in a very small amount, and two days later, not a i race \\ a- lilt. The-e authors claim that the discharge of catala-e in i he rectum depends upon the accumulation of feces in it during hibernal ion. The l>ee has no need for this enzyme except during hibernal ion, when it seems to regulate the different < di/iiu; pr- •• and <1< - the surplus peroxides as they ac- cimiulate. The production of any en/yme may be explained either .1- a "hunger phenomenon" or due to favorable conditions • •I nutrition, the latter being, perhaps, the better explanation. You:.. [918 .in hi- \\ork on inulase, showed that stimulation to iucre.i-eil production of this enzyme was dependent upon a direct chemical -timuliis - ub-t a nces present in the medium. It ha- been imp. --ible to extract cellulase or cellobiase from either those termites harboring protozoa or those not harboring proto, delaunated termiti-- . lYin^-heim (1912) claims that cellulase i- an endc .-en/\ me and i- <1 from the cell when stimulated b\ direct contact with cellulose. This perhaps explains my ex- l ractimi failu: The other way the proto/...i may aid their host is to dige.-t the \\ood for it. Sin, i- it ha- been shown that defaunated termites cannot dii^e-t \\ood. the ex[>eriments of Buscalioni and Comes MHO , \\here t he-e in\ e-t i ^ators demonstrated that the wood particles iu-e-ted by the protozoa are digested, are now of -reat value, though thcv \\ere worthless so long as it was not kno-\\ n that the host could not digest wood without the protozoa. There 214 L. R. CLEVELAND. are many reasons for thinking that the protozoa digest the wood for their host. In Reticulitermes flavipes practically all the wood particles which reach the hind-intestine are immediately ingested by the protozoa. Hundreds of individuals of this species have been examined to note if wood particles were ever present in a very great quantity in the intestine, and in only a few instances were they ever found in abundance. Perhaps, directly after the termite has taken a meal, wood particles may be quite plentiful, in the intestine, but it is certainly not long before nearly all of these particles of wrood are taken into the bodies of the protozoa. In Termopsis many wood particles are free in the intestine, though the wood ingesting protozoa harbored by this genus always have their bodies filled with wood particles to the same extent as do the wood ingesting protozoa harbored by Reticulitermes. Quite a bit of woody material is present in the expressed pellets of excrement of Termopsis, whereas Reticulitermes, on the contrary has a liquid excrement. Of course the mere fact that the protozoa take the particles of wood into their bodies does not mean that they in any way alter these substances, for many protozoa ingest substances which they cannot use as food. Not all of the termite protozoa ingest solid particles of wood for food, or at all, though most of them do. Among the protozoa harbored by Termopsis sp., of Ashland, Oregon, Streblomastix strix does not ingest the wood particles, and this organism never gives a glycogen reaction. Streblomastix strix, then, may get its nourishment from the diges- tion products of the other protozoa which Termopsis harbors, such as Trichonympha campanula, which ingests great quantities of wood particles and always gives a very clear cut and definite glycogen reaction, provided its host has not been wood starved; or it may derive its nourishment directly from the products which its host has assimilated, in which case it is a true parasite. If this protozoon gets its noruishment from the digestion products of other protozoa present in the intestine of its host, just in the same way that the termite gets its nourishment, Streblomastix strix, then, may be a commensal from the viewpoint of the ter- mite, but from the viewpoint of its relation to the wood digesting protozoa, it is a true parasite, since it in no way aids the wood digesting protozoa, whereas the termite does aid them since it INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TKKMITi 5. 215 furnishes the wood which they digest. Of course Streblomastix stri\- may use both the- products assimilated by the termite and the products present in the termite's intestine as a result of the diyv-tion of wood by other protozoa, which products have not i a --i mi laird by the termite. Those individuals of Tricho- nympha campanula containing the greatest quantity of wood •i i heir bodii 'he most distinct glycogen read ion. The n MI lion i- mm h more pronounced in the posterior half of i he liody where iiv : he ingested wood remains. Another lorn i, 'in monas because this organism • in undulating meml-raiir. a\o-tyle and three flagella and is not the -aim- or-aiii-m as / .itits tcrmitidis which Kofoid and v\r/\ [919 d< 1 from Termopsis angusticollis of I iforni i-sts wood particles but does not give the i) except in a very few instances. As a matter "t lac i, .ilx.iit one indhidual in a hundred examined will give a n reaction. This organism probably does not make u-r oi ilit \\ii..d j)articles, but, perhaps, ingests them while feed- ing on barter!. i, since it has a cytostome, an organelle which Tritium y»: /•>;;nen yntpha, Streblomastix, Pyrsonytnpha, and nio-t i 't tin oilu-r genera of termite protozoa, do not possess. \m : . tin- pi.>io/oa harl>ored by l\ termes flavipes, Trichonympha agilis and Pyrsonytnpha vertens ingest wood parti- ami ^i\c- a vK'cogen reaction. Several of the species of Dinenympha d" not ingest WOCK! particles or give a glycogen re- action. \\la-n thr-e termites (Termopsis and Rcticulitcrmes) are \\ -taiAed. the protozoa mpha campanula, T. \'m /)// ; all>- all of these forms are dead U-ii'iv ,tii\ diminution in the oilier form- o( rurs. Pyrsonytnpha is piol>aM\ of 't ha> an oj)|)ort unit y to u-e it. The attachment is, perhap.-, al>o ([uite useful to the proto/nnn. -ince this organism is not provided with mimnou- ila^ella as is Trichonympha and by 2l6 L. R. CLEVELAND. means of the attachment apparatus it is thus enabled to maintain its position in the intestine in the complex struggle for existence among the many species of protozoa which completely fill the lumen of the termite's intestine. No doubt Pyrsonympha, Tri- chonympha and others, die by the hundreds daily, and thus give over to their host many substances which they have obtained from the wood particles. That they give sugars,1 such as xylose, may be shown by testing with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid. But it is not the intention of the writer to show in this paper the relation of each species of protozoa to its host. Not all of the protozoa harbored by the two hosts, Termopsis and Reticulitermes, have been mentioned, and the protozoa of other termite genera have not been mentioned at all. In a later paper this question will be considered in more detail. Unwilling to conclude definitely that the protozoa were entirely responsible for the digestion of cellulose, the other microorganisms harbored by Reticulitermes flavipes were studied. Bacteria were sometimes numerous, and these were studied in many ways. In- cubation at 36° C. for 24 hours does not seem to affect their numbers. All the known methods, aerobic and anaerobic, for isolating cellulose decomposing bacteria were given more than fifty trials, but, since the results of all these experiments were negative, no tabulation has been made. An inorganic medium composed of K2HPO4 i .00 gram MgSO4 0.50 " KC1 0.50 " FeSO4 o.oi " NaNO3 2.00 " H2O 1000.00 cc. to which cellulose was added in two forms: a small piece of Whatman's filter paper was placed in the test-tubes containing the inorganic medium and a 0.5 per cent, cellulose suspension was added to the inorganic medium. This was sterilized in the usual way and the inoculations made. Then the cellulose sus- pension and inorganic medium plus agar sufficient to make a 1 Provided the conclusions of Buscalioni and Comes (1910) regarding the phloro- glucinol reaction are accepted. For a discussion of this reaction see page 205-6. INI!-II\AL PROTOZOA OF TERMIM-. 217 -olid medium \\vn- u-ed. When cellulose was the only carbohy- drate pre-ent. in i growth ever occurred; but when other carbohy- dr. itt--. -in h rn-e, were present a rapid growth took place. nn -re inf'irmation regarding the methods used in studying cellule- "inpo-in^ microorganisms the reader is referred to \V k-niaii I'/i'i .UK! 1922'), Kellerman (1913), McBeth [913 and I'd'' . Brown i'M5 and 1917), Schmitz (1919), and oil'.. Alter duplexing all of these methods it was concluded that no cellule :ni; bacteria are harbored by Rcticiilitcr- Jin: . im e more than one hundred individual attempt- to i-"l iposing bacteria met with failure, e\en r the culturi <• more than two months old. It was an matter t" such bacteria from the soil and from eo\\- ( hip-. An .it tempt wa- also made to isolate cellulose decomp"-in- mould- and actinor. - from termite:?, and this attempt w failure. '1 lii- e\|>eriment was repeated ten times with the same re-ult ea< li time. None i'! the known cellulose-digesting Ixicteria, moulds and in >m\ • i t« - dies at 36° C\ As a matter of fact this is the optimum temporal urc for many of the-e organisms. In some install tin- t ellulo-r is (lccomiM)sed much more rapidly at even a higher temperature. Tin . ativr results indicate that Rfticitlitermes flavipes harbor- no bacteria, moulds or actinomycetes capable of decom- |>c-in;< cellulose. Die most logical conclu-ion, then, from the results of all tin experiments carried out. i- that the protozoa actually aid tlu-ir liM-t l.\ ili-e-iin^ tlie \\....d--or more specifically by break- ing up the cellulo-e niolei uK- and treeing many substances which bound toit in -Mine \\a\ for it, because the host itself cannot dii^e-t cellulo-e. The proto/n.i can digest cellulose. The relation-hip, then, between Reticnlilermes flavipes and -onie of it- inte.-tinal pn>to/oa, particularly Trichonympha and /' ;. / ^niymplui, i- one • >i -\mbio-is. The termites are able to maintain thcni-elvc- on their normal diet of wood only when they harbor pn»to/..a to due-t the wood for them. The protozoa are harbi.ivd only when their host eats wood or the excreta of 1 TI. . .mtain- .j,; n. [i 2l8 L. R. CLEVELAND. other individuals containing wood and protozoa. The larvae must become infested \vith protozoa, by eating the feces of older and infested members of the colony, before they can maintain them- selves on a strict wood diet. The host procures the wood for the parasite, and the parasite digests it for itself and for its host. Each is a servant to the other; the protozoa are dependent on the termites for food and lodging, and the termites are dependent on the protozoa for the protozoal cellulose digestion products. GENERAL DISCUSSION. The number of protozoa present in a sigle host is truly enorm- ous. Here we have an animal whose intestine is completely filled with flagellate protozoa, the majority of which live in a symbiotic relation to their host. Perhaps many — if not all- intestinal flagellates — human as well as animal — are harmless to their host. At least their presence does not mean anything— harmful or otherwise. Only careful and painstaking investiga- tion will reveal their relation to their host. The examples of symbiosis in nature hitherto described, such as algae and fungi (forming lichens), hydra and Zoochlorellee, sea-anemone and hermit crab, are well known. These relation- ships are much closer than such relationships as ants and aphids, insects and flowers, etc. The symbiosis exhibited by termites and their intestinal protozoa is as real or true as any yet described. How such a relationship was developed is an extremely interest- ing but very difficult question to consider — or even theorize * 1 Since none of the protozoa of termites are known to occur elsewhere it is in- teresting to speculate on their origin. Where did these insects get them? The ability of soil protozoa to digest cellulose has not been studied and little is known regarding the protozoa of plants. If there are protozoa parasitic on plants, or protozoa in the soil, capable of digesting cellulose, it is possible that some of them became inhabitants of termites. It may be that the symbiosis was established in this way. These insects, before harboring protozoa, fed on soil and wood and, per- haps, were able to utilize some of the substances in the wood and many of those in the soil. The intestine of termites, feeding on practically the same food that the protozoa free in nature feed on, is certainly a much more constant — and hence better — environment for the protozoa than soil, or even plants. But, if the termites once possessed the ability to digest cellulose, why did they lose it? If the acquired parasites had been digesting cellulose longer than the termites and could do it better, i.e., more completely, this may be responsible for the loss of tin- ability to digest cellulose. The insects probably lost their ability to secrete i-n/yiiu-s, such as ccllulase and cellobiase, because it became unnecessary for them to do it. How- ever, it is also just as reasonable to suppose that the termites nevi-r po d tin- ability to digest cellulose, since so few animals do. I \TEsMXAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 2IQ on — for it has undoubtedly been established a very Ion? time. The ability of animals to live indefinitely with a sterile intes- tine is still a live, debatable, question. Osborn and Mendel i'( 14-'' have -hown that microorganisms are of value to higher animal- elaborators of protein from non-protein stbstances 1. Armsby IMII showed that non-protein Mibstances an- .1 source "t protein to herbivorous animals, probably due to tin- formation of due-table bacterial protein in the digestive tract. Then- i- < . rtainly a very small amount of protein in wood, and it may be termite protozoa aid their hoM in >. -me Mich fa-hion ,i- int. b,i. t.-ria aid their host. Kiankin ' MI; re- opened t!ii~ question by a review of all the literature. The tesl quantity of microorganisms — in the ca-c of mammal- and other vertebrat - located in the nondi^e-tive portion-; of the alimci tial. Al-o the increasing number of animals which may I- .lly indicates that an a-eptic exist- ence m.iv I -I- po~-ible in the majority of cases. Bacteria carry de. oin 1 1. 1~ it ion to a lower level, yielding unassimilable -nl>M.i; Mich as methane, carbon dioxide, indol, skatol, phenol. IVrhap- the chief beneficial role of the intestinal flora i-, the -\nthetic |K. \\er- of the microorganisms. Cut the relation of many insects to microorgani-m- i- a differ- ent qncMion, and at lea-t from one viewpoint, if from no ..ther, a more inti-re-t ini; one and also one which may be Mudied mon- -ati~fact<.iil\ . HaumlH-r^er (1919) has shown "that Hrosophila living in fermenting fruit are dependent for their fo"ii].pl; the synthetic and ab-orptive powers of yeast cell-." In a similar m. inner hi- -tiidv of " the relation of Mtisca don:' to manure, ..f Desmometopa to decaying meat, and of Scia-cn and Tyroglyphus to deca\iiu \\oo.l shows clearly that these arthn>])oils .ilso feed Aiu-tlirr i>.i-«iljiluy. .iii.l jxiluips a more plausible om-. is that th..- tern. with protozoa, probably iVd on humus. Some v vnu -cd — along with the liumus. The protozoa \vi-rc uik.-u in and f..iin.l thu .-nvironment suitable. Rapid multiplication and few r in wood? They have probably evolved along another line, in an »i .dividiials who became inhabitants ot" termites. 15 22O L. R. CLEVELAND. on microorganisms." However, microorganisms are not asso- ciated with these insects as symbionts — certainly not in the same sense or degree that termite protozoa are associated with their host — but as food. The nitrogen content of birch-wood is very high as compared with that of other woods. It is 0.108 per cent. In many woods it runs as low as 0.08 per cent. From the work of Baumberger (1919) and others, it is evident that many insects, due to the low protein content of the substratum on which they live and feed, are dependent on microorganisms for the proteins which they contain. Since such a small amount of protein is present in the food of termites it is quite likely that they, too, are dependent on microorganisms for a part of their proteins. Fungi may often be seen in the intestine of many termites. The relation of ambrosia beetles to fungi has been studied by Hedgcock (1906) and others, and the fungus-growing habits of the Termitidse have been studied by many investigators, chief of which are Doflein (1905 and 1906), Fetch (1906) and Escherich (1909), but the exact relation of these insects to the fungi is not known. The fungi may simply furnish food (protein) for the insects, and, on the other hand, they may elaborate substances from the wood and grasses which the beetles and termites can- not elaborate, which substances are very important in the in- sects' metabolism. Internal symbionts (yeasts) have been described from the beetle Anobium panicetim, by Karawaiew (1899) and Escherich (1900), and Portier (1905) claims that a micrococcus and a fungus live symbiotically with the caterpillar Nepliliica, but in no in- stance have intestinal flagellates been shown to live symbioti- cally with their host. The flagellates living in termites are the first example of such a relationship. As a rule the second and third reproductive forms do not harbor intestinal protozoa. Why? For one of two reasons per- haps: (i) the liquid diet upon which these individuals are fed kills the protozoa; (2) the failure of the host to eat wood causes the death of the protozoa. There is more evidence in favor of the latter view. In the first form reproductive adults protozoa are usually present — though never in abundance as in workers and soldiers — and this form eats some, though never as much INTI>IINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITI •-. 221 wood as the workers and soldiers. When workers and soldiers are wood starved the wood ingesting protozoa which they harbor die first. When workers are fed cow chips the protozoa disap- pear in three to four weeks. But here, as in the case of saliva, it is impo— ible to determine whether the change in the intestinal content brought about by the change of food, results in the loss of protn/M.i. or whether the failure of the host to provide the •A ith wo. nl ir-nlt- in their death. Since there is a ^reat dr.ll d|" rellulo-e in the c,,\v i hips it is more likely that the change in the content i- responsible for the death of the pro- tozoa. I IK b.K teria of the cow chips do not kill the proto/ f. n -triilr COW (hip- arc ju-t as effective in removing them This • |iie-tion i- now brin;^ aii.n krd from many angles ami it i- hoped tliat a more deliuitr aii-\\er may result. Their i- ron-ider.tble difference of opinion re^ardin^ tin- extent to which cellulo-e i- mili/rd in the animal organi-m. Very little i- really knov.ii about the mechanism which vertebrates -and most, it not all, invertebrates too — employ in making n-e of cellulo-e. It is intcrc-tin^ in this connection to compare the viev. - e\ ; \v<> jirominent physiological cheini-' Hawk i that of the herbivora use as much as 25 per cent, of r cd cellulose, that less than 5 per cent, i- u.-cd by doga and the amount used by man is "too -mall for it to pi. iv a role of importance in the diet of a normal individual." 1 1, saj B: "In neither man nor the lower animal- lias there been ( lrmoii-t rated .111 v formation of sugar or glycogen from crllnl- Y,,n Furth IMI that 30-70 per cent, of the cellulose eaten by herbivon >u> doiu«--tic animals is dige-trd, and that man digests about 50 per cent, of the cellulose which he consumes, and in , .f habitual coii-tipation he may dig« much as 80 prr cent. The tillered mammalian intestinal content i- inactive to cellnlo-r i rrin^-heim, I«)I9). Pringsheim (1919) also claim- that no cellobio-r--plitiing enzNTnes are pre-ent in any of the organs of cattle. Biery (1914), Bier\- and ( ".i.ija (1912 and Hillard (1014) report the presence of cellulose-splitting enzymes in hepatic secretion- of certain mollusks and Har- rington (1921) claims to have demonstrated the pre-rncc of cellulo-e--pliitin^ ni/ymes in Teredo. Dore and Miller (1923) made a comparative analysis of the wood eaten and the borings 222 L. R. CLEVKI.ANT). passed by Teredo navalis, and, as a result of the analyses, these investigators conclude that "the wood lost about 80 per cent, of its cellulose, and from 15-56 per cent of its hemicelluloses, in- cluding from II to 40 per cent furfural yielding constituents such as pentosans, etc.," during its passage through the animals' digestive tracts. They state further that "The simplest explana- tion of the disappearance of this carbohydrate material is that the cellulose and hemicelluloses of wood are partly digested by the teredo and probably hydrolyzed to simple carbohydrates which the animals can use." In all these investigations it should be noted that many substances other than cellulose were present. In no instance was cellulose alone fed the animals. It would be very interesting, indeed, to study the microorganisms of these crustaceans and mollusks. No mention is made by these investi- gators regarding the possibility of microorganismal cellulose digestion. Recently a cellulose-digesting anaerobic bacterium has been isolated from 60 per cent of the human stools examined (Khou- vine-Delaunay, 1922), and it is quite possible that future re- searches will reveal that intestinal microorganisms perhaps play a more important part in cellulose digestion than has previously been thought. Intestinal bacteria and fungi quite often aid their vertebrate and invertebrate hosts in the digestion of cellulose and, since it has been shown in the present investigation that intestinal protozoa can digest cellulose, it is now possible that the Infu- soria, such as Diplodiniiim, Entodinium, Bittschlia, Isotricha, Dasytriclia and Ophryoscolex, harbored by ruminants, notably the ox, goat, sheep, camel and reindeer, may aid their hosts in the digestion of cellulose and hemicellulose. The Equidre also harbor similar Infusoria. GENERAL SUMMARY. 1. There are four families of termites and all the species and genera of three of them, Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitida? and Mastotermitida?, that have been examined have been found to harbor enormous numbers of intestinal protozoa. No termite of the other family, Termitida?, has been found to harbor intestinal protozoa. 2. The principal food of protozoa harboring termites is wood and the principal compound in the wood which the termites use INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF TERMITES. 223 is cellulose. This was demonstrated by keeping termites alive and active indefinitely on a cellulose diet. 3. The protozoa harbored are all killed off by incubation at 36° C. for 24 hours, while the termites apparently are not injured at all by the incubation. 4. The incubated and defaunated (with the protozoan fauna removed) termites die within 10-20 days, on the average, after incubation, if fed tlu-ir normal diet of wood. 5. When the incubated and defaunated termites are fed di- gested wood (e.g.,humus) or fungus digested cellulose, they live indefinitely. 6. The ilr.ith of the incubated and defaunated termites is not dm- to the. incubation t>cr se, but to an inability to digest wood. 7. When the incubated and defaunated termite- are rein- IV. ted with pro1 'heir ability to utilize wood, their normal diet, reap; Mid they live indefinitely. 8. The reni-Aal, then, of the protozoa seem- to In- tv-poii>ible for the loss of the ability to utilize wood as l'o determine this i|ue-tion the ability of the bacteria, fungi and protozoa, harbored bv termites, to digest wood or pure cellule-^- w.i- care- fully >t in lied. It was loinul that the bacteria and fungi could not digest cellulo-e, but that some of the protozoa could. .). Now, -in- e the termites die in 10-20 days, if fed a \\ 1 diet , after the pi"io/oa have been removed from them bec.iu-e they cannot dige-t their food (wood), as shown by the fact that they do not die, but live indefinitely, when fed digested WO.M) ince the proto/<>a do digest tin- \\ccd particles which they take into their bodie-, it i> highly probable, if not certain, that the termites are dependent on the plot../, i.i t.. digest their food for them. to. Net all of the protozoa harbored by Retictditennes flavipes dLe-t \\ood particles. Some of them either live at the expense of the wccil dke-ting protozoa or their host, or both. II. The proio/oa receive from the termite- food and lodging, for which they give in return protozoal wood digestion products. u. The relationship between some of the protozoa, particu- larly Trichonympha and Pyrsonympha, and their host, Rt'licnli- termes flavipes, is one of s 224 L- R- CLEVELAND. LITERATURE CITED. Armsby, H. P. 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'19 Hi.- I ).-\i-l«>|iiin-nt "i the Castes ot Nine Genera aii'l "Ihiitn-n >;•• i.i... 36. 379-98. '22 I i ;r. Journ. Morph.. 36. 495 Thompson, C. B., and Snyder, T. E. '20 The Third Form Wingless Reproductive Type of Termites: Rtctiiulii, -• an . Journ. Morph., 34, 591-' Waksman, S. A. '19 St : .ibolism of Actinomycetes. Journ i :.ih . 4. 180- 4 '22 1 irganisms. Absts. Bact.. 6. 265-99; 6, 331-60. Young, V. H. •18 cting Inulase Formation in PI. \V»iM. 21 ' 14-33. THE CELLULAR ELEMENTS IN THE PERI VISCERAL FLUID OF ECHINODERMS. JAMES ERNEST KINDRED, BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. A consideration of the cellular elements in an animal group, particularly those cellular elements which are present in cavities derived from the primitive ccelom, should include references to the origin of these cells and any other factors which may be con- cerned with their modifications, such as the habits, the powers of regeneration and the topographical anatomy of the organ sys- tems of the animals examined. It is generally conceded from the evidences of palaeontology and comparative embryology that the Echinoderms of to-day are a fairly ancient group which have been able to adapt themselves to diverse environmental changes. The same pentaradial symmetry is present in all of them, al- though masked in some, but the principal variations which are characteristic of the classes are concerned primarily with the character of the body wall and secondarily with the distribution of the breathing organs. In the Echinoderms we can distinguish three types of organization of the body wall and breathing organs: the first type is characterized by a fairly flexible body and diffuse breathing organs (e.g., Asteroidea and Ophiuroi'dea), the second by a rigid test and limited breathing organs (e.g., Echinoidea), and the third by a well-developed muscular body wall and limited breathing organs (e.g., Holothuroidea). In all of the classes except the Holothuroidea, the movements of the body are very sluggish, consequently the oxygen requirements for muscular activity are very low and a system for rapid transfer of oxygen is not needed. But in the majority of the Holothuroidea, the de- velopment of muscle necessitates a great available supply of free oxygen and a mechanism for carrying this oxygen must be present. Therefore one phase of this investigation will attempt to corre- late the appearance of different types of evils in the perivisceral fluid with the character of the body wall, the distribution of the breathing organs and the movements of the body as a whole. 228 PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. 22() We know that the Echinoderms have great powers of regenera- tion and may conclude, therefore, that all of the cells in the body are very labile, but the question arises as to which cells in the perivisceral fluid are the most generalized. Cells which could be regarded as the most generalized would be those which are con- stant in the perivisceral fluid of all of the Echinoderms and which are observed to have diversified functions; those cells which under nn < ssity of local needs remove foreign material, wornout IIH nt- (if cellular origin and which could give rise to modified Another : •! this investigation, then, is to determine if there .IP • 1U in the perivisceral fluid, and if so, what i- the n. it lire of < ti\ ities. I. M \llkl\L AM) The material u-e«l in this investigation v. '.lerted in the vicinity of the I 5 1 '• • ilogical Station, Friday Il.irb"r, Washington. K< [>n -i-ntatives of the four clas : luhino- derms found in this (-reused. The following are the £ which have i ..nniiied : < i ^SS I. .\~ii-i-oi.;. I . / nii. 3. 2 icata. 4. :tS. 5. /.' ;.v. 6. Henri: . iscnla. ~. P : aides. ( i tSS 1 1. Ophiuroiilea. I. C)/>///<'/'/;C.'/N- ''/. ( "i ^SS III. 1 -• hinoidea. i. > rotus drobachiensis. j. Strongylo( enlrotusfrandscanus. tv Echhnirnilnn'ns ccccntricns. CLASS 1\'. 1 lolothuroidea. 1. CncHnniria japonica. 2. Cucnnniria chronjhelmii. 3. StichopHS californicus. 23O JAMES ERNEST KIXDRED. Perivisceral fluid from individuals of each of the above species was drawn from the perivisceral cavity and studied by the hang- ing drop method. In studying the phagocytic activity of the cells, a concentrated suspension of finely granulate carmine or india ink in seawater was used. This suspension was injected into the perivisceral cavity through a minute opening in the body wall by means of a delicate hypodermic needle. The amount of suspension injected varied with the size of the animal, but it was found that the usual dose sufficient to affect the phagocytes was 8 cc. The injected animals were kept in a live box for a day, so that there would be time for thorough ingestion of the particles. The clotting activities of the cellular elements were studied in drops of perivisceral fluid which had been allowed to stand for varied lengths of time. A saturated solution of seawater and methylene blue, another of seawater and neutral red were made and allowed to stand for several days before using. The supernatant solution which was free from particulate matter was decanted off and the solution used drop for drop with the perivisceral fluid. These stains were used for intravitam staining in certain phases of the investigation since they were found to be specific for the vacuoles of the leuco- cytes. II. OBSERVATIONS. i . The Leucocytes. In his paper on the leucocytes of the invertebrates, Goodrich ('19) called attention to the fact that the leucocytes of Asteracan- thion glacialis are characterized by the presence of extensive mem- branous processes of the ectoplasm. He says, "The freely pro- jecting pseudopodia usually described are either figured from optical sections of the folded membranes or from cells which have produced them under abnormal conditions. These pseudopodia may be present on cells in the fluid withdrawn from the body and which has been allowed to stand, and are probably derived from preexisting membranes." Goodrich calls all of the cells leuco- cytes, making no distinctions. In Arbacia (Kindred, '21) I observed the formation of a syncy- tium in the perivisceral fluid by the anastomosis of filiform proc- esses which had been derived from the membranous flaps of the PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. J.U leucocytes, thus supporting Goodrich's assumption. Theel ('21), however, in a review of his descriptions of the types of amoebocytes in the perivi-ceral fluid of Asterias nibens and Pare- chitius miliaris, states that he distinguished two types of amcebo- es in the coelomic cavity of these forms, the "white or hyaline plasma-amceboc} -M<\ the "bladder amoebocy These description- were n< en of : cell body with longer or shorter ido|l(idi.i. I \presses doubt as to whether or not one type mav be < ! fmin the other. Following the terminol. • 1 by ('.oodrirh. I ,nn calling the cells with the membranous llap^ leucocytes, and regarding Theel's "hyaline pla-ma-amoebo- ;se of the leucocytes from my ol^er\M- tion-..n the formation of syncytia. Theel ('21 in e\pre--in^r an opinion as to tin- possibility of morphological changes in such celN BS H it may be presumed that the character of tin- MiiTMiindin.; meiliiim may play an important part in that, and abo\e all mo\i-ment .md relative stillness, the former ]>re- ventin^ ami tlu- latter forwarding the pro i tran-mntation. It" for in-ianer .Hi .im.i-bocyte leaves the c«i-luinic cavity in onl« r to immigrate into tin- ti—ues of the bod\- wall, it mu-t n& ess irily tin«l<-r^. • < .-Main rh.m^es of form. When a cell passes over from a pa— i\ e drift to an aetive motion, its primitive globular eonhyura- tion mn-t be exch inged for another ami accommodated to creep- ilU about. " Therefore, thi • nee of two fc.rms of cells in the freshly drawn drop doe- imt »i neee--ity mean that because of this occurrence u e are -I- ilin^ with two distinct types instead of an active and pa— i\c form of one type of cell. It is reasonable to suppose that these cell- have a cycle of life and that as they be- come older this change to a more passive condition leads to a change in form. Since the activities of these cells are comparable 232 JAMES ERNEST KINDRED. to the activities of the leucocytes in other animals, they are so termed. FIGS. 1-14. Active leucocytes of the Echinoderms, camera lucida, X 650. i. Le plaster las hexaclis. 2. Solaster simpsonii. 3. Dermaster imbricata. 4. Pycno- podia helianthoides. 5. Pisaster ochraceus. 6. Henricia leviuscula. 7. Evaslerias troschelii. 8. Strongylocentrolus drobachiensis. 9. Ophiopholis acttleata. 10. S. franciscanns. n. Echinarachnius eccentricus. 12. Cucumaria japonica. 13. C. chronjhelmii. 14. Stichopus calif ornicus. Text-figures 1-14 are camera lucida drawings of the active phases of the leucocytes (" bladder amcebocytes" of Theel) of the whole series of Echinoderms studied. Examination of these figures shows the general morphological similarity of these cells to each other, the only distinct difference being that of size, which varies from 7-14 microns in endoplasmic diameter. In all of the cells it will be noted that the ectoplasm is clearly marked off from the endoplasm and is produced into a varying number of rapidly changing delicate flaps. These flaps are constantly being with- drawn and extended and may be regarded as modified pseudo- podia. By means of these flaps the leucocyte progresses slowly through the fluid. That the surface of the cell is covered with a sticky fluid is evidenced by the manner in which particulate matter adheres to the flaps. When the flaps are withdrawn the particles which adhere to them are ingested. PERIVISCI K AI FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. 233 The endoplasm of nearly all of the active leucocytes is granular and opaque, the exceptions to this opacity are found in the leuco- cytes of Ophiopholis acnleata (Fig. 9) and Cucnmaria japoi: (Fig. 12 i. In these leucocytes the nucleus- with its content of large chromatin granules is easily discernible. The endoplasm tonally contain- a varying number of hyaline vacuoles which -tain blue with the methylene blue-seawater solution and red with the neutral red-seawat ition. The active leiiro, vie i- a phagocyte and is always found loaded with " and that the color difference in \aiietir- df .s'. drobachi is dependent upon tlu- color of the fond, the pigments of which are taken up by the "amh :c "anio?lx)C\ activi are hed (Caullery and Siedlii-ki. \\\ . ( 'erno\ odeanu and Henri (\>(>\ <»b>erved that bai teria inj( into the body cavity of sea un liin- W taken up 1>\ "ain-r: h long pseu, it i- pertinent to en«|uiri- arther obserx at ion- ..f their |»arti( i- palion in tlii- pha-e of \ at tivity. ("uenot ('<)ib . one of the tirst to call attention to this relation, a--nmed that the sub-lance- passed from the intestinal cells into the inte-tinal lacun.e are taken up by the "amoeboc> ind stored up in them t<> be « arried to other parts of the body. The " amoebocytes " which are so com erned become metamorphosed into "amoebocytea with spherules." Frenzel ('92) was of the opinion that the " anwebocytes " pu>hed between the epithelial cells of the intestine and into its lumen where they disintegrated anil their remnants acted as a digestive ferment. Enriques ('02) 234 JAMES ERNEST KINDRED. thought that digestive substances were carried from the rete mirabile peritoneum in the Holothuroidea to the stomach epithe- lium by " amcebocytes. " Thus there are several conceptions concerning the relations of the leucocytes to the digestive activi- ties which need further investigation. As evidenced by their tendency to remove foreign particles from the body cavity the leucocytes may be regarded as excretory agents and further observations as to their excretory activities should be considered. Durham ('88) and Chapeaux ('93) observed that the phagocytic cells leave the body through the papulae in the Asteroidea. I have observed such a migration in Leptasterias hexactis, in which, after injection with carmine, the papulae are reddish and a smear from the outer surface reveals a number of leucocytes laden with carmine particles. "Amcebo- cytes" (particular type not stated) have been observed to leave the body cavity of the Holothuroidea by diapedesis through the walls of the branchial tree into its lumen and thence to the out- side (Herouard, '95; Schultz, '95). Therefore, there is evidence that the exit of the phagocytes in the Echinoderms is through the body wall. The exact relation of the leucocytes in the removal of waste substances from the tissues has not been proven, but Delage and Herouard ('03) thought that substances absorbed from the tissues by "amcebocytes" are reprecipitated in them in the form of granules and may possibly give rise to the various "amcebocytes with spherules." List ('97) pointed out earlier that substances absorbed by the "amcebocytes" may be the cause of the develop- ment of a crystalloid in the nucleus of cells of this type, which by growth causes a degeneration and finally the destruction of the cell. Thus the accumulations of crystalloids observed scattered throughout the body of various Echinoderms may be regarded as the remnants of degenerate excretory "amcebocytes." Another activity of the active leucocytes is the formation of plasmodial masses which are very numerous in any drop of peri- visceral fluid. That these plasmodia are formed by the fusion of active leycocytes has Uvn <>l>~cr\ <•- ively through the fluid f FL-. i =; 22). The endoplasm of these cells is granulated, opaque and \\icuolated. is the endoplasm of the active leucocytes and it reacts the same to methylene blue-sea- water or neutral red--eawater solutions, i.e., the vacuoles stain blue and red respectively. Since I have ol»er\ed active leuco- : 1 till- Ki-llilli.lllTIIl-:. i.ini'-I.l luri'ki, X ' 15. / •-.•iuscula. i :f>">iii-ii. 18. •'•r simp- :ta. cytea • hani;inL; into the-e in .\rbac i>i. I think that they are pa>-ive phar-e-. of the leiu oc\ i, -. Tlieel re.^anU them as di-tiiut in tlu-in-eU'e- and 'ill- them "hyaline pla>ma-am - st >rg.mbr. •• l-i R :i. Slron Jruhia. •. vertical i. X 75- !•'[«.. j j. l>i-t.n! . : :• ;ifuluiii . membrane of bod; • .ill >lio\vn in Semi-diagrami !MK'. J.s. Detail . •'. n in l-"m. 2.5. S-mi-liugrammatic. < 650. am idth -I'li'-iuliV; cp., i-pidermis; la.. l;u 11: : nn; pr.. \>T< .A area; pt.. peritoneum; rg.mb.. n-yi-ii- yncytium; trab., trabecula. through the bi'.h \\.iil "t .S. drobachiensis which had been decalci- fied ami -laiiu-d the following relations of the stereom and the surrounding ti— tie- may be observed. The epidermis (Fig. 23) appeal- nn the outer surface of the section and beneath this there 238 JAMES ERNEST KINDRED. is a thin layer of syncytial reticular connective tissue (pr.} which is directly continuous on its inner surface with the definitive stereom (s/.). This syncytium is loosely organized and has large intersyncytial spaces within which are found wandering " amcebocytes with spherules. " The cytoplasm of the syncytium is fibrous in appearance and the remnants of spicules could be observed in it. The traces of spicules were more marked in the region bordering on the stereom where the syncytium had the trabecular organization characteristic of the stereom. This region I have designated as the prestereomal area. The stereom is made up of I-shaped trabeculse which are apparently joined to each other end to end, so that the whole stereom is a framework of beams and rafters with regular lacunar spaces. The substance of the stereom when observed in the unstained condition is clear crystalline in character and when stained is intensely basophilic in reaction. A prestereomal area is also found between the stereom and the peritoneum. From the organization and rela- tion of the prestereomal areas to the stereom it is evident that the growth of the stereom takes place peripherally by the gradual deposition of skeletal material within the prestereomal trabeculae. Nuclei with prominent nucleoli were observed in the prestereomal trabeculae, but none were observed in the trabeculse of the ster- eom. This condition would indicate that trophic activity of the cells is lost in giving rise to the stereom and that the whole cyto- plasm of the syncytium becomes converted over into skeletal material while the nucleus degenerates. Now if a cut were made directly through the body wall and a piece of it removed, the cut surface would present three regions, a middle stereom region and two peripheral prestereomal areas. It is obvious that the pre- stereomal areas would be capable of replacing certain parts of the test, but the question arises as to whether or not these cells are aided in this regeneration by the leucocytes. Although the body wall of several specimens of S. drobachiensis were resected in an attempt to answer this question, the results are far from convincing and the description. of the regeneration of the test which follows is to be studied more in detail at a later date. Eight specimens of S. drobachiensis were injected with carmine in seawater through a minute perforation in the peristomial mem- PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHINODERMS. -"39 brane and were allowed to remain in a live box for twenty-four hours, so that the leucocyte- would have a chance to take up the c.trmine particle- Al the end of this time, a piece of the body wall, I cm. square, was removed from the aboral surface of each -penmen. The -imens were then put into a live and o! tions were made over a period of four week- upon the < hanges which were taking place in tin ' ed area. When ! it was noted that a membrane v. dually the opening in the body wall. Thi- membrane \\a- icd- dish in color as conti -.\ith the green i-h color of the -urround- i.ody wall, and : I llv from the margin of the open- ing BO that tin- dimini-hed slowly in diameter. In -even oft ening in the body wall was 1 in t\\o \\eek-. At tir-t the membrane closing the opening was very delicate, but : lally became firmer ami in >evcral -pi'cimni- Jiriicil. 1'lii- ph. i- tou^henin:^ of the mrmbrane iin-.l dining the third \vrck. It was then noticed tint >krlr- tal mairrial b»-^aii • '11 the margin of the membrane which-/ with the original cut surface. Purin^the fourth \\t-ck tin- df|)«,~iti.)ii nf -keletal matt-rial \\cnt furtlu-r and ral individuaU -ho\\cd a portion of reK«-n»-ratrd test. At thi- time tin- ti--iu- ;>enin^ was remo\ed lK,iu -« -\rral -pc. iiut'ii-. spread OUt on a nd studied in tin- frr-h condition. Tin- wholi- ma-- liad a crim-mi color and \\ ' i tan^lrd hbrou- COnsistency in \\hich \\CP irent leu« • •ntainii miiu- granule- \\hich had fornu-d more or It--- « if a -yncytimn. in \\hich the cell boinida: ndistinct. Se\eral piece- i.f the membrane and the adjacent body wall were pi ion- iu- in order to determine the relation of the cell- to the repl inent of the Thc-e pieces wi ; •• « 1« •• ilcified and a series of -ei tiou> made. 1 i^uic J^ i- a semi-diagrammatic drawing of a vertical -ection through tin- regenerated membrane and a portion of the adjoin- in- body wall, the -tructute of the latter having been disi'iissed above In tin- membrane thei- • gions of ditlereti- tiation. The region m«'-t di>tal to the te-t and forming the center of the membrane is thick and reddi-h in color, thi- color beiiu due to the |>re-eiK'e of minute particles of carmine in the cells which make up the -\iic\tial reticulum of the membrane 24O JAMKS ERXEST KINDRED. (Fig. 24). The color diminishes laterally and also in the region proximal to the stereom, where the syncytium is trabeculated in the same manner as it is in the prestereomal peripheral areas (Fig. 25). Since the leucocytes were the only cells in the peri- visceral fluid which were observed to be phagocytic and form syncytia it is probable that they aid the prestereomal cells in the formation of the membrane and gradually develop skeletal material for the formation of the stereom. The cytoplasm of the reticulum in the membrane in addition to the carmine particles contains fibers which are probably the remnants of decalcified spicules. The nuclei of the reticulum are round, have a distinct nucleolus and are the same type as are present in free leucocytes observed in the lacunae of the stereom and in the prestereomal trabeculae, so that it is probable that the leucocytes and the con- nective tissue cells of the prestereomal area are of the same series, except that one has become specialized for the production of the stereom under ordinary conditions of growth, whereas the leu- cocytes only take over this function when the body wall is in- jured. The only evidence for a line of demarcation between the two is in the presence of the carmine particles in those cells which make up the reticulum of the membrane. It is therefore evident that the membrane is formed by both the multiplication of the prestereomal connective tissue cells aided by the anastomosis and syncytial formation of the leucocytes which make up the bulk of the membrane. Within the spaces-of the reticulum of the mem- brane are found large numbers of "amcebocytes with spher- ules" which probably carry nutrition to the cells of the syncy- tium, enabling them to carry out their scleroblastic function. These "amcebocytes with spherules" are very few in the region of trabecular formation adjacent to the stereom and are entirely absent from the lacunae of the stereom, thus they seem to be massed in that region where repair is going on rapidly and tin- cells of which are being differentiated . Thus in brief there are three regions present in the regenerating area. First, the syncytial region which forms the bulk of the membrane which has closed the opening in the body wall and is composed of a syncytium of leucocytes with small lacuna •. con- taining large numbers of "anxrliorvte- with spherules." Sec- ondly a prestereomal area, definitely trabeculated, with large PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. 241 lacunae and continuous with the peripheral prestereomal areas which enclose the stereom of the adjacent region of the body wall. The "amoebocytcs with spherules" are very few in this region. Thirdly, the definitive regenerated stereom which is crystalline in character, devoid of nuclei and in the lacuna- of which there are no "amcebocytes with spherules." It i- obvimis that the cellular elements which form the mem- brane have either been derived directly from cells in the region of the pre-tereomal area- or from cell- of the peri\ i-ceral fluid which ha\e migrated to tin- ...iva and formed -yncytia. Since the leu 'lit- only cells of the peri\ i-, then is on t" suppose thai they h.i\ t- -on ie part in this process. That com formation doc- not nece— ai ilv -tart from the cut >ur- idenccd by t hi- appear. ince of indc- pemlt-i illation in the membrane I A more detailed -ludy of ilu- n l.iiioii^hi| >- of the K-u- -to the Deration of tin- te-t i- to b«- more closely followed in a more eMi-ntlt'l ' riim-i These observation • • neral \\ith Tin > :iciu>ion^ that tl. obl.i-tic cell- "oii^ht to \ • 'K'd .inion^ the true pla^ma-amo i 3, though t!n-\ are di-Minilar ,i- to their functional manife>tation-. an a >ii])ertluit\ of inor^.iiii. -.ilt- from the Mirroimdini; medium ha- inlhu-nced the cell-, their power of anneboid move- ment haxill- been Ml|)|ire--ed or limited." Me conclude- that the direction- of the p-eiidopodi.t predetermine the characteri-tic piotru-ioii- of the cr\-tal- in I'^olns p>htereom in 6'. ilrobachicnti* a -imilar predetermination of the or^ani/ation of the skeletal element- is apparent in the pre-tereonial area-. I'rom the above observation^ it may be concluded that the leucocNte- in both the active and passive phases are those celU which are of conMaiit occurrence in the Echinoderm-. The\' are phagocytic, thrombocytic and possibly scleroblastic. These cells are omnipre-ent in all regions of the perivisceral cavity. 242 JAM1.S KRNKST KIXDRED. From their activities they must be recognized as the most gen- eralized cells in the perivisceral fluid since no others have been observed whose functions are so diversified. The question of their origin is a vexing one, although it was once pointed out the dorsal organ may, in the Asteroidea, be an organ of leucoblastic function, a function which Cuenot ('oi) denies this organ, claiming that it is more likely an organ for the elimination of wornout cells of the perivisceral fluid and that the "amcebo- rytes" (general term) are probably peritoneal in origin and may also arise from each other. In all probability the number of leucocytes increases rapidly when an animal is injured, particu- larly in the region of the injury, where they form the framework for the regeneration of other tissues. They may be regarded as one of the important agents in the replacement of lost parts in the Echinoderms. FIG. 26. "Amcebocyte with red spherules," Strongylocentrotns drobachiensis. cam. luc., X 1300. FIG. 27. "Amcebocyte with red spherules," S. franciscanus, cam. luc., X 1300. FIG. 28. "Amcebocyte with red spherules," Echinarachnius eccentricus, cam. luc., X 1300. FIG. 29. " Amoebocytc with yellow spherules, " E. eccentricus, cam. luc., X 1300. 2. The "Amcebocytes with Spherules.'" There are two groups of "amcebocytes with spherules" present in the perivisceral fluid of the Echinoderms. One group of these is characterized by the presence of pigmented spherules in the cytoplasm and the other by colorless spherules. In both types the spherules fill the cytoplasm to such an extent the nucleus appears merely as a light space in the center of the cell. All of the "amcebocytes with spherules" are further characterized l>\ the presence of very blunt pseudopodia and when fluid con- taining them is allowed to stand they tend to assume a spherical shape. Amcebocytes containing red spherules were observed in the PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. 243 Echinoidea alone, those containing yellow >pherules in the Echi- noidea and some of the Holothuroidea, and those containing color- less spherule- in the Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea. In the Echinoidea, the "amoeb' with red spherules" were numerous and largest (12 micnm- in diameter) in S.francis- (Fig. 2~>\ in S. drobochiensis i Fig. 26) they were numerou- and -mailer (9 microns in dian In }:..hinarach- jiin ley wt • less numerous and -mailer [0 mi< rons in diamei.-r . The pnd< miinant type of pigmented ani"i te in / -'.ricns wa- the type with yellow -pherulc- ,!]d the-e wnv ji M licularly mas-ed on the peritoneum (if the inte-tine. S d yell' mentcd amcel « •« \ If- \\ ere ol,-.T\.-d in ,< but ii" . iatioii with .\ •t-m \\a- not- Tl:<- K"| puincnt in the pi^meiiird amoebocytCS of tlie lu noide.i \\a- de-i^nati-il c. hii n- by M.Miinn (.'t^.SL The \ ii-w «.f tin- author and < .ninth- I '.^7 < that the amcebocytes «>n- t. lining (•• hinnchi-iii' •! with u transportation ha- lle\»T been fill! pled. ( Uellot ('gib Wa- the lir-t t«» (,j-p..-e thifl a — nmjitioi) .uid Stated that there was n.. change in the depth "•! the ( • 'lor when the cell- Were allowed to -land ill the air, and that the contained pigment instead of being an oxygen- Carryinj • d -up food material which the (ell- had taken from the inte-tine. Further, \Vinter-tein -Imwed that a -olutioii of ecliin.ichrome doc- !)• up more «>\\ -en th.m the -anie amount of -i-a\\ater. Tlii- a--ertion of \\inter-tein'- i~ •liticaut. because it open- up tl . -tion a- to the ,,\\ ie(iuirenient- ot the I'diinodi-rin-. Of course ii i- ol >\ i..u- that all of the free OXJ gen u-ed by the l;.« hiiioderm- i- taken from the Beawatei and further it ha- been -hown that except for a ililler- etice in albuminoid content the periviMvral tluid of the l:.chino- derms i- the .-a me den-it\ a- the -ea water a'tieiiot . '«)!). There- fore. \\e can a — nine that there i- a dilfu-ioii of the si-.iwater through the breathing organ- of the Fcliinoderm- and that the oxygen c..ntent i- the >ame in the peri\i-ceral tluid .1- it is in the out.-ide seawater. \Yith tht 'tioii of certain of the Holo- thuaiide.i. all of the Fcliinoderm- ha\e a very slight develop- ment of rapidly contractile muscle elements and hence no need fora large amount of oxygen for muscular activity, from which it 244 JA.MKS KRNEST KIXDRED. follows that in the Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidca with tests (e.g., Psolns), which live in regions of high free oxygen content, due to tidal currents, there is enough oxygen in suspension in the perivisceral fluid for ordinary metabolic activity. Therefore in these forms no oxygen-carrying cells are developed and the cellular modifications which occur in the cells of the perivisceral fluid may be regarded as independent of the relations of the breathing organs. Further we would expect to find efficient oxygen-carrying cells in the Holothuroidea which have a relatively high development of muscle, for the needs of which the free oxygen content of the perivisceral fluid is not sufficient. The hemocytes are the cells which fulfill this requirement in the Holothuroidea and will be discussed later. If the "amcebocytes with red spherules" are not to be regarded as oxygen-carrying cells, are they then related to the transfer and storage of food as suggested by Cuenot? As a partial answer to this query are the results and conclusions of Awerinzew ('n) who carried on investigations on the habitat and food relations of two varieties of S. drobachiensis . Awerinzew observed that the two colored varieties of this species lived in different types of environment, the green-yellow forms living on a mud and stone bottom and the red forms amongst red algae. He assumed that the pigment in the food of the red forms was carried from the intestine to the skin and deposited there. The pigment in the prrivisceral cells would then be due to the food eaten. He checked his results by injecting carmine particles in solution into the alimentary tract and found that these particles were carried to the skin, but the distinctions between the types of cells en- gaged in this activity were not made clear, so that it is possible that the cells were leucocytes carrying on their normal activity as phagocytes and there is no case for the pigmented cell- as food carriers . The "amcebocytes with red spheruk-s" are far more numerous and larger in the perivisceral fluid of S. fraud scan us th.m thry are in S. drobachiensis. This fact leads to the suggestion that the color of the body wall is due to a difference in numbers of the red cells in the two species. Since it has not been proven that tin- " amoebocy tes with red spherules" are developed from other cells by the ingestion of PERTVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. 245 pigment from food, it may be that they are the descendants of the pigmented cells (chromatophores) of the larval Echinoidea. These cells are present in the segmentation cavity of the larval Echinoids, but I have not found any reference as to their occur- rence in the larva? of other classes. If this is true, then we are dealing with an amoel" which is specific in the Echinoidea and may yet be found lo be derived from the colored -ub-t.mce- characu-ri-tic of the Kchinoid ovum. ;. ".V .). 30. - ,. (' " Amu 1 \\ itii colnrle les" (1 re more widely di-tribuied in the Kchim -derm- tin- pum« -uted ones .ind are loimd in the < )phiuroidea. lu'lnnoidi-.i .uid llolotlm- roidc.i. "riu-frll^of tin- i\ [»r ,irr much mmv abundant and .iriivi- in the I lolotliiiroidi-.i than in thr other classes. Th«.-y an- al-o much lr— >tabk-aud i li~inti-^raic -01 >n after withdrawal from tin- bod\-. Tlu-x arc drr|ily stained b>' nu-tlu'lene blur--ea\vatri- or iH-uiral red--ra\\aH-r -olution- ction \vhich i- not i haractcr- istic of the "amoeb with colorle-- -plu-ruli--" in the other classes. It is to be noted that the -i/.- of the >pherule~ i- constant for any i;i\ en am»d'oc\ ie, but that there is a X'ariatioii in the H/e- of the spherules of amoebocyte- characteristic >. Knoll ('93) and Kollman ('08). These cells were described as spherical or elongate ovoid cells with a definite limiting nn ml UMIIC which was elastic, but did PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHINODERMS. 247 not form pseudopodia. The cytoplasm was of a homogeneous color of the same shade as hemoglobin, and in it was embedded a slightly ovoid nucleu-. In my observation- on the- genera Ciicuniaria and SlicJiopns I have found these cells to be limited to the Cucumaria. For re. i-< Hi.- Liiven below I h,r Us as hemocytes. The hemocytes of Cucumaria are flattened, biconvex di-c-, ovoid in shape. The cell nieinbraiie i- pla-tic. but the cell- exhibit no aniu-boid movement and ried pa--i\ely ill the perivisceral tluid by contraction- of the aid movement- of the body. The . \ top], (-in i- a hoino-eneon-, ma~- o| . , -\ ellow color in which i- located a -mall oval nucleus, eccen t rically placed (I \o). In ' tu the granular content of the nucle- us i- very clearly apparent I ig. 401. A mass of t: :ls pre- sents a crimson appearance < on i parable tot! 1 blood of vertebi The hen I C. jaf>o>: red wall) are much larger and ui<>re than tho-e of ( '. chronjhclmii <\\ hit c body wall . « < >n-e< |iiently the deep Color of the former ma\- :ue ill part i" thi- dilferencr in numl ^.lnll(•l llr\di '22 , although giving no reference to the earlier suggestions that l' • !U coulaiu ' 'oliin. can'icd on a Series »f experimeni- on tin- content of heiuorx te- in Thyone briarcu^. \\< - Union obtained from tlu-e celU to the >pectr and oblained a band character!-! ic of ox\ hemo- globin; ii|ion icduciioii tin- solution gave the >in-K b.iiid charac- ter i>tic of hejiio^lc.bin and when shaken \\ ith air, the double band characteristic of o\\ licino-li ,bi;i a]iprared: hemin-likt cr\ -taU \\cic obtained from the content of the hemoc\ tCS, 'I'he-e eX|»eri- nu-nt- together \\ith -i-\t-ral other clu'inical te>ts have lei Van der He\de to i "iiclude that the Mib-t.mce i> hemoglobin. As 3 re-lilt of these ob-er\ation- I ha\e di>i^nati-d the-e cell-. t>ju- of \\hich al-o occur in Cncnmariti, the lu-moc\te-. a term which is briefer and more conci-e than the appellation red blood cell-. YYe may a^k if there i- any rea-oii why Oxygen-carrying < ells should be present in certain of the Holothurnidca auar\ in the . \-teroidea, Ophiuroitudied are phago- cytic and thromboblastic and in -< •! ippear to be sclero- Ha-iic and a-soeialed \\ith • • nieill of re-ectrd -ke'.etal IS. ;v llcni' IN with IH-IIK^I..!.!!! . are found only in cer- of the I liilnihuniidi-a and ted with the de\ rlo])- iiirnt of a highly mu-t ular 1»><1\ . 4. Modilii alion> ol tin- 1'icalhin^ organs ha\t- a] •] lan-nt ly no "ii llu- cellular (fntci, be 1 •«•! i\ Nn-ral fluid, so that no spi-( ih. 'It-M-lopi-d in tho-i- forms with a rigid noii-nniM. ular 1«><1\ \\all dr.-pitr the limitations of the breathing 5. < >f tllr ".HlKll with S|ilnTlll< ~, " tlloM- \\itll Cololi' s|)lu-i ulr- an- pu--»-iit in tla- Ophiu: I .1 hinoidra and Holo- tlmroidra and arc prrdoininaiit in the l.i-t « 1 "Amn-liocyti-> uiih red -phi-ri. ' in tin- 1 '.< hiiioidra, whrre the >i/e .Mid numlu-r pie-ent i.- correlated with the depth of color of the body \\all. 6. YiluMtile corpu>rle- are pn-ent in the Ophiuroidea, I'.rhi- noidca and in >'//n;itn* "alone of the Hnlothumidra studied. In the latter -; • he\" are pi^nieiited and are re- led as « i-lN \\hich function a- do the hemocyir- in other mu-cular-liodied 1 Joint humid' A. KN«)\\I I DGM] NFS. I \\i-h to take thN op]mrt unit\" to e\|>re» m\- thank> to the Ohio Aiadeim of Seieiiee for a re-e.irch grant which aided me in carrying on thi> in\ < -i i^ation. Awerinzew, S. 'ii (jber die pigmente von S. droba Arch. Z. EXJH.T.. \'III: i \iii. Bush, M. '21 Rrxisni Key to the Echinoderms of Friday Harbor. Publ. >•!. Biol. tii'ii. Ill: 65-78. 250 JAMES ERNEST KINDRED. Caullery, M., and Siedlecki, M. '03 Sur la resorption phaijorytaiiv des produit- yiih.iux itiutilio-s i-lit-x 1'Echino- cardium cordatum Prim. ('. R. Acad. Sri. I'.m-. 137: 496-498. Cattaneao, G. '91 (,li amoeboi iti 1. Franco, 20 : 161-165. Howell, W. H. '85 The Presence of Hemoglobin in the Erhmodrmi-;. Johns Hopkins I'niv. Circ.. 5 : .v PERIVISCERAL FLUID OF ECHIXODERMS. '86 Xote on the Presence of Hemoglobin in the Echinoderm id. Biol. Lab. J. II..;. kin-, 3 : 289-291. Kindred, J. E. '21 Phagocytosis and Clotting in the Perivisceral Fluid of Arbacia. Biol. Bull., 41 : 144-152 Kollmann, M. '08 Ri- Ann. Sc. Xat. / . ~ ie 8 Knoll, '93 — n Thieren. .02. List, T. '97 '"• :ikrystall<>i' lfii in di \Vai Anz.. 14 : 1X5-191. McMunn, C. A. "85 On tli 1 of Some I : . Jour. M .'- M^. Michel, A. '88 Sui l.i ^vmphati C. 1< A. .1-1. >6. Saint-Hilaire, C. '97 ' rmwande d< up. ;8. Schafcr, E. A. "83 ( >n tin i ' i . a Urchin. 1 34 : Schultz, E. "9; l>ei den Ho' :iii.ilbl. 15 Semper, C. '68 I>i. II pel den Philippien, II.. i. Theel, H '94 N ;'>n in ilif I i '96 Kfiii.ii ka on tl iKi'lt-riii i • *ch. l.i!1 '19 ' "" A- :• i iin-ii. 1. A . Aii hi\ tgivet Bd, 14. *JI < >ii Ai: pl ( itlu-r t'n-1. in 1 the F ' uy "i I i in-;. 11 1- I |..!..tliuti :- An ln\ Mil. 1.5. N : 25 : ;". Van der Heyde, H. C. '22 1 1. ni.'Ji.lun in . .: HIDL. Bfi.L., 42 : v5 17 CELL BEHAVIOR IX TISSUE CULTURES. HUBERT B. GOODRICH, WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY AND THE MAKINI: BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. This paper deals with certain free wandering cells observed in tissue cultures from the minnow, Fundulns lieteroditus and Fundulus majalis. The types of cells which became free and isolated from the spreading tissue growths were, chromatophores, amoeboid mesenchyme cells and, most abundant of all, certain cells having curious fan shaped projections. These cells proved to be identical with those studied in their association in tissues in cultures by Dr. Dederer ('21). She identified these as mesen- chyme cells which in cultures were the means of attachment of the outgrowing sheets of ectodermal cells to the surface of the coverslip. In the work here presented isolated cells were sought as the best objects for the study of cell behavior. The mode of locomotion and the tactile reactions were more especially studied and for the latter work the Barber microdissection apparatus was utilized. The tissues were cultivated in the sea water medium (M. R. Lewis, '16) using, however, in many cases more dilute solutions. Observations were usually made within two days after planting. The work was done at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts during the summers of 1921 and 1922. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mrs. D. B. Young for the drawings from the stained preparations and to Mr. S. C. Williams for aid in certain of the observations on the rate of motion of cells. The Fan Cells — Among cells of this type an abundant form was that for which I came to use the descriptive term "Canoe cells." When first observed these seemed to be elongate spindle- shaped cells such as indicated by many outlines in Fig. 4. I supposed that there were delicate psuedopedia at either end but upon plotting the direction of the motion of these cells I was surprised to find that they were moving steadily at right angles to the long axis. More careful observations upon living and upon fixed and stained preparations showed the presence of a r 252 CELL BEHAVIOR IN TISSUE CULTURES. 253 film along what proved to be the anterior side of the cell. This film or fan rounded about the ends of the elongate cell, thus giving the canoe-like form (Fig. i). By use of the microdissection 1 i. Typical " Canoe " cell, Drawn from stained preparation. I x. _• and 3. !»....• o-ll (2) and double fanned or bipolar ci-11 (3) showing microdi- l>i"ly of cell and beneath the cover i. The fans arc firmly at t nd the needle can not be pushe '-n tin-m the apparatus the relation of the cell to the cover glass was determined more accurately. It was possible to slide a needle between the more visible spindle shaped part of the cell and the cover glass. The, fan, however, was firmly attached (Fig. 2). The fan wa^ clearly of ectoplasm in the gel state while there was more fluid protoplasm within the body of the cell. I believe these fans to be the motor organs of the cell. There 254 HUBERT B. GOODRICH. seemed always to exist a definite relation between the position of the fan and the direction of motion. The fans were the only portion of the cells in contact with the solid support and there seemed to exist no mechanism for locomotion in a fluid medium without support. Other types of fan cells, as described below, illustrate these points even more clearly than the "Canoe" cells. The rate of motion of the "Canoe" cells was studied by plotting their course with a camera lucida. Fig. 4 shows the history of such a cell. In most cases the outline of the fan could not be observed with the camera in position and an outline of only the body was drawn. However, in positions I, 12, 21, 28, 30, 32 and 34 the probable form of the fan is indicated by dotted lines. These outlines were based on observations with the prism of the camera removed. At position 8 the cell became attached by a psuedo- podium-like projection on the right which may have terminated in a fan. A similar process occurred at positions 24 to 35 during which period a small fan could clearly be observed at the right. At position 27 the cell under observation collided with another cell. The two cells became attached and the newcomer formed an irregular projection at the upper right of the original cell (positions 27 to 36). The average rate of motion of freely moving cells excluding such cells as proved to be slowing down prior to the death of the cell, was 6.3 microns per minute. The cell shown in Fig. 4 moved at a rate of 5.3 microns from positions I to 25. An attempt was made to study the effects of changes of temperature upon the movement of these cells. For this purpose the cultures were studied under the microscope in a warmed box at temperatures varying from 21° centigrade to 42°. Above 40° the cells withdrew their fans and became rounded. Observations were made at constant temperatures and also during an increase of tempera- ture. It soon became apparent that variations in the conditions of individual cells would preclude the possibility of constructing a temperature curve for the rate of locomotion. Cells becoming free from the main growth of tissue moved for a variable period and then became rounded and this condition probably pivceeded the death of the cell. A slowing of the rate of motion was appare- ent before the contraction took place. Also the varying torm of the cell and the probable occasional attachment !>v small sub- 32 — - 36 12.14 12>U 28 11.15 11 07 < 2 VJ ' FIG. 4. Tin- hi>toiy i.i" a ' Vunoe" cell for one hour and seven ininutrs at room temperature. The solid line- outline the cell body in so far as it was visible \vln-n projected by the camera luciila. The dotted lines show boundary of fans based on obsei with tin- pii-ni of the camera raised. 256 HUBERT B. GOODRICH. sidiary fans, as in Fig. 4, which are invisible when making camera drawings, doubtless influence the rate of motion. Nevertheless the results seem to indicate that an increase of temperature causes an increase in the velocity of the movement. The average of all (15) observations at room temperature showed a rate of locomo- tion of 6.3 microns per minute. The average of all (10) observa- tions at higher temperatures (in most cases varying) was 7.3 microns per minute. The records of greatest speed were 11.5 microns and 10 microns per minute and were attained by cells at the higher temperatures. In the latter case the cell was fol- lowed for 39 minutes. The details of these observations are recorded in the tables in the appendix to this paper. A second form assumed by these cells was that exhibiting two fans (Figs. 5, 6, 7). These fans were usually at opposite poles and under their influence the cell became greatly attenuated. In such cases a micro-dissection needle could be passed between the coverslip and the body of the cell (Fig. 3), but the fans were found to be firmly attached. The cell was thus freely suspended like a hammock between two supports — the fans forming means of attachment and also of extension. Two typical double fanned or bipolar cells are shown in Fig. 5 and 7 which were drawn from stained preparations. In Fig. 6 are shown two cells attached with one fan pulling in a direction not directly opposed to the other. Another extraordinary mode of motion was observed in which the contractility of the cell functioned as well as the gliding motion of the fan. The history of such a cell is shown in Fig. 9. The account begins at 2.44 P.M. with the cell at position I and with a fan at either end. Suddenly a release of the fan occurs and the cell contracts and is thrown into position 2. It again elongates, fans are found at either end — positions 3, 4, 5 and at 3.01 a second contraction occurs, throwing the cell into position 6. The process is repeated four times — positions 6-9, 9-12, 12-13, and 13-18. In each case the cell is elongated by the pulling of the op- posed fans. This unusual mode of motion was observed in a culture from a 17-day embryo. This marked contractility of a mesenchyme cell is almost suggestive of the behavior of muscle cells as described by M. R. Lewis ('20) except that these cells 8 FiCS. 5. 6, 7, 8. Typii-al fan cells drawn from stained pr<-parati<>: and 7 are bipolar or double fanned cells. The limits of the fans may have extended, further than indicated. Fig. 6. Fan cells — possibly shortly I i-^. 8. Two cells apparently fused forming syncytium. \' >ut 1800 times. 258 HUBERT B. GOODRICH. contract completely to a spherical form and then gradually expand. i V 2.44 100 MICRONS FIG. 9. The history of a bipolar fan cell for one hour and eleven minutes at room temperature of 23°. Movement is by method of alternate expansion and contraction. For details see text. The cells having fans were found only in cultures showing epithelial growths such as described by M. R. Lewis ('16) and Dederer ('21). I have planted cultures from embryos of various stages but have been unable to obtain this type of growth from those of less than six days of age when developing at the tempera- ture of the running sea water in the laboratory (19° to 22°). The most favorable period for planting and obtaining such growths is shortly before hatching (about 17 days, !9°-22°). Sections of embryos of these later stages reveal a conspicious layer of cells beneath the surface epithelium which are almost completely CELL BEHAVIOR IX TISSUE CULTURES. 259 wanting in the earlier stages. Dr. Dederer's observations have shown the close relation between epithelial cells and the fan cells and it is then not improbable that this layer contains the fan cells. Moreover she has shown these fan cells to be necessary for the spreading of the epithelial growth l>y attaching it to the rover glass. Therefore the absence of the epithelium in cultures from the younger embryo-; may be due to the absence of this sub-epithelial layer with its included fan cell-. In a few cultures other impumented cells of presumably mes- enchymul origin and of exceedingly irregular form were noted. Tlu-ir mode of motion -reined typically amoeboid. Tai'tili- I ns. — The tactile reactions of various types nf "ell- were, studied. For this purpose the Cells were touched with a delicate 1.1 die moved by a Barber mien t-di--cct i< >n ap- paratUS. It" the body of a double fanned Cell -uch a- that sho\vn in 1 i:_ .} i~ sharply stimulated the fans are rule ised iiid the whole cell Contracts, becoming spheri< J. A fail may be pried loo-e. and a similar reaction en-iies. The contraction seem- in part due to an ela-tic ten-ion of the cell. I have not found it possible to stimulate a < ell b\ toiichr i partially mutil.itiiu -i -mall portion of the fan I .pla-m does not -eem to conduct a stimuli!-. In -.-me ie stimuli!- near the boundary of a fan and the cell -talk of a greatly elongated cell will call-c . oiu- plete contra« tii'ii. The material of the fan -eem- (<• flow to- gether, making a ball of protupla-m which i- carried along with the -t. ilk to the center of the cell. I ha\e tried a few experiment- to determine the chemutactic response "f -u<-h ti — ue cell-. A .loud of methylcne blue in- jected by a mi T"-pipette will cau-e the contraction <,f the-e i-olated cells. I ha\e not -ucceeded in obtaining an\' more def- inite respon-e such a- a change in the direction of motion. Previous writers, Bancroft ('12), Stockard ('15' and \e\vmann ('18) ha\e dc-cribcd two t\ pes of chroinatophores in the Fnndithts embryo. These are black chromatophores or melauophie- and the brown (or red) chromatophores. Bancroft ('u ha- de-cribcd a third type which also appeared in these tissue cultun Th* were \cllo\v and -mailer than the other types and -iiowed few or no pseudopodia. As a group, the chromatophores are but -lightly responsive to tactile stimulation. If a needle is pushed a 26O HUBERT B. GOODRICH. a pseudopod with sufficient force to slightly indent the ectoplasm, the pseudopod may slowly withdraw. A brownian movement of pigment granules is frequently initiated. Of these cells the yellow chromatophores are most responsive, the red are less responsive and the melanophores are almost completely inert to tactile stimulation. All cells studied seem to show less variety of adaptive response than the amoeba. Thus the only reaction that I have observed is contraction either of the whole or a portion of a cell. I have previously referred (Goodrich, '22) to the motion of the fan cells as non-amoeboid. The characteristic streaming of protoplasm which we associate with the amoeba is certainly not present. The phenomenon seems more akin to the movement of diatoms. It is, however, not impossible that this gliding motion may be a factor in the locomotion of many unicellular organisms. Schaefer ('20) in his discussion of amoeboid movement has called attention to the importance of a surface film of streaming proto- plasm external to the ectoplasm and wholly distinct from the familiar streaming of the endoplasm. This film can be observed only indirectly as it carries particles that become entangled in it. Schaefer states (page 106) that "the surface film in amcebas is powerful enough to enable them to move by it." In this case it causes a backward motion. It is also probable (see Schaefer, '20, for discussion) that such a surface film is important in the movement of diatoms, Oscillitoria and even of Gregarines. No adequate explanation has been offered for the motion of this surface film. I have not been able to detect the presence of such a moving film in the fans of the cells studied in this paper although cells have been observed in media containing a suspension of carbon granules. Yet the delicacy of the fan is such as to make the test seem inadequate and it is not impossible that such a mechanism may exist. If so we may have some clue to the motion of many cells in development and in regereration. Moreover this mode of motion seems allied to the power of adhesion of cells. The cells here described are attached to the cover glass by means of the fans. Dr. W. H. Lewis ('22) has raised the question as to why tissue cells adhere in an organism. The mechanics of the gliding motion seems to involve this power of adhesion and thus the two problems may be related. CELL BEHAVIOR IX TISSUE CULTURES. 26l SUMMARY. 1. Certain isolated cells from tissue cultures of Fnndulns embryos have been described. 2. These cells posess fan-shaped films which are adherent to the cover glass. 3. These films are the motor organs of the cells by means or which they glide on the under surface of the cover glass. 4. The tactile reactions of these cells and of the chromato- phores are described. 5. The relation of thi> type of cell movement to amoeboid movement i> di-< n— rd. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bancroft, F. W. '12 H'-i'-'lifv >:JuIui I! [OUT. EX] 7.^»\.. \'«\. i - Dederer, Pauline H. '21 I: iltures of Fund:, .':r<>[>inmlary >r\ character> ha\r Keen fi.unil ti> r\i-t in the -.une indi\ idu.iU. The tiiulin.^ of the live -pi cinieii- -»-ein- all the nmn- rein. irk. il >le U-can-e all were t.iken within a -hurt distance of each other in Turtle ( 'reek near lieloit , \\'i-con-in on a -iii;Jc field tri|>. Ahout two hundred -pecinieii- were t.iken on the trip so that the >eeniin.u henna|)hroditic ones con>tituteprin^ with the result three more similar -pecimen- lieloii^in^ to the -.ime -pet ir- were found.1 The ei^ht specimens are re- ferred to in the descriptions as numbers i to 8 inclusive. The search was continued in l<»J3 resulting in the capture of four females in the >ame locality in Turtle deck. All showed imens described li.iv \»-<-i\ :\ the Carnegie Museum at I'ittshurxli. 1 8 263 264 C. L. TURNER. definite secondary sexual characters of the male. All four were carrying eggs or embryos attached to the abdomen, making it certain that they were fully functional females in spite of the presence of male secondary sexual characters. These four will be referred to in the descriptions as numbers 9, 10, n and 12. The brood of one of the specimens was successfully reared. Eight months after hatching twelve members of the brood were still thriving and it is hoped that the effort to maintain and breed them under laboratory conditions will be successful. Later in the summer of 1923 one hundred females were taken from South Kinnikinick Creek a tributary of the Rock River fif- teen miles south of Beloit. Among these were found seven having the partial development of male secondary sexual characters. These seven will be referred to as numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. Other streams in the vicinity of Beloit have been searched and a considerable number of abnormalities in the secondary sexual characters have been found. In no female individual, however, has there been found any male secondary sexual character. The fact that this simultaneous occurrence of male and female secondary sexual characters in the same individual has been found only thirteen times in the entire genus Cambarus makes the discovery of nineteen specimens in a single species within a limited area well worth investigating. This same condition has been found to exist in southern Wis- consin to a still greater degree in Cambarus virilis. Eighty-eight per cent, of all the females taken in Delavan Lake show additional , male secondary sexual characters. It seems likely that the conditions causing the high rate of peculiarities is a local one and it is proposed to go into the mat 1 1 i thoroughly and to publish results whenever a body of newdata has been collected or whenever any conclusions have been reached. REVIEW OF LITERATURE. The first described instance of a truly hermaphroditic decapod crustacean is that of a lobster (Honmris viifyiris) which had normal external genitalia and internal organs of the m.ile <>n the left side and those of a female on the right side. The specimen SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS OF CRAYFISHES. 265 was described by F. Xicholls in 1730. Another specimen has been described in the Canadian Naturalist, Vol. XXXIII, Xo. 2. Rosseau and Desmarest described several cases in Astacns Jha'iatilis of branched oviducts opening on the third and upon the fourth walking legs. Yon Martens described three specimens of Cheraps preisii, an Australian crayli-h, in which there were openings at the 1 of the third walkin. luit no oviduct- and no ovaries. The specimen- were normal male- except for this peculiarity. Yon Ihrii .. I dnnberg, Faxon and Hay working upon variou- ies of Parastacus, a genii- found in South America, found that then- were i ' n-tant conditions of the genital inland-, il ami external ^enitalia. luoc.f these conditions pointed toward |).irtial hermaphroditism. In -ome species there were Mmje inland-, fit her -permaries or ovarie-. and tv, . enital iliM i- am! genital openings. Only one of the sets tube- u.:- fum however. In other spi -ingle genital inland am! two sets of genital tubes existed but there were no ital opening- for the non-functional tube-. In -till another >pe« ie- I lien- wafl n- - < \ i<;' ther of extra genital lube- «>r «.f extra genital opening-. The normal condition in the tir-t two Mibdi\ i-inii- o| tin- veiiu- was, therefore, one of partial herma- phroditism. 1 axon [885 foiiml foul - in the genii- Cani'unii which \ ve some evidence of hermaphroditism. One specimen of Can <{>inqu:. >w, 60 mm. loi had the clau 5 of 3 female, the al»Iominal a|)pemla.;e- of ,i female ami a well-formed amuilu- but no li-male genital opening- at the ba-i- of the thiid walking legs. In-tea«l, it had the external ital opening- of a male at the base of the fifth walking 1. Hi— i-ction deiunn-trated the pre-ence of a well-de\-elo|n-d o\,u\ MI the -pecimeil \\ 'a- e\ idell 1 1\" a lelllale. The -ecoml i\i-e wa- al-o one of Cambarns pro pi n a greater or le— degree the characters of the opposite sex. The condition is a \ vry rare one and i- u-ually -hown in the external organs only". . . . " Hermaphroditism i- as uncommon in Astacus as in Cum/urns. Among the I'ara-t.n id.e the condition of apparent hermaphrodit- i-m seems to U- e-tabli-hed in the genu- /' It may also 1'e found in ait is rare or altogether wanting in otlier genera. " Ortmaii [905 ';>- nhi-ii ti\e additional cases in the genus • ibnrns, four by himself and one 1>\ I-]. M. \Yilliam-on. 1 li- !ir-t case was< >nr • >f < rns obscnru^ which had as female -.ual charai tcr- the female t>i"- • <\ • law. a detinite hut -mall amiulii- anf the lifth walki: tnd the first and -f.-Mul alxloniinal ap|)eii' < leal 1\ < if the male type. The -ennui -p«-< inuMi \\ • one of Cum/Mir. v. liich had not and the genital openin in- ft-nia It- hut al-o copulatoiA hook- on i he third leg (a male « haracterisl The alidominal appendage- Wi I e .1! ui-'i'inal Inn full--i/ed ami male-like. 1'hc -pecimeii \\a- inter|)reted as deing a female with the lull Inn not -pi-ciiic a-e of the third walking keg- were lacking. 'I • male secondary sexual character^ were shown in the genital open- ings at the l>a-e of the fifth walking legs and in the full develop- ment of the male tir-t abdominal appemlao - 268 C. L. TURNER. The specimen collected by Williamson was one of Cambarus rnsticus. The first abdominal appendages were not fully devel- oped but were clearly of the male type while all the other second- ary sexual characters were of the female type. DESCRIPTION OF NEW CASES. Specimens I, 2, j, 4 and 5. (Fig. 5.) These five specimens are identical in their peculiarities and it will therefore suffice to describe one of them and to give the lengths of the other four. The length of the specimen described is 48 mm. The lengths of the others are 45, 47, 49 and 52 mm. respectively. In the speci- men 48 mm. long the secondary sexual characters are typically fe- male but there are the following additional characters : copulatory hooks are present at the base of the third walking legs; the first abdominal appendages are modified to resemble somewhat those of the male of the first form, being shorter, however, (8 mm. in length) with the tips undivided and curved toward the median line (Fig. 10); the second abdominal appendages are those of a normal male (Fig. 10). A dissection of the internal organs has been made and ovaries and oviducts have been found. The eggs are full sized and would normally have been laid within two months. The ovaries are heavily parasitized by the embryos of a flatworm l to such an extent that many of the eggs are entirely replaced by the encysted embryos. No trace of a testis or of a vas deferens is present. Specimen number 6 is 42 mm. long. It differs from numbers i, 2, 3, 4, and 5 only in the degree of development of the first abdominal appendages. The right member of the pair is in all respects like the homologous appendage of the normal male of the second form. The left member of the pair is slightly shorter and the tip is bent toward the median line. Specimen number 7 is 54 mm. in length and is typically female in all its secondary sexual characters except in the case of the two abdominal appendages. The first abdominal appendages are modified like those of cases I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and are of the same size. The second abdominal, appendages differ only slightly from those of the female, being a little stronger and the iniu-r 1 The writer is indebted to Professor A. S. Pear -< «i iln I nivcrsity nt" \Vi-.-c m-on for identifying the parasites as Microphallus opacits Ward. SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS OF CRAYFISHES. 269 ramus a little thicker. There is no trace of the triangular shoul- (U-r which occurs regularly on this appendage in the normal male. This specimen has been dissected and as in the previous cases there have been found well developed ova. This case is unque-t- ionably one of a female with the partial development of male secondary -exual character-. The mak- are not so -tnmgly developed a- in the previous cases, tlu- ho. .k- . >n the third w. ilking kg- being ab-ent and the second abdominal appendages being modified hut link- from the usual female type. Specimen mimher .V i- 47 mm. long. It is without doubt a Ifiii. ik, h.i\ ing ,i .mmilu- ventralis and oviducal opening- at t IK- h. i M-< if the third walking legs. The fir- 1 abdominal appcnd- |n-tuliar, however, being unlike on tlu- two -ide-. Tlu- right OIK- i- a normal l tin- •nd form male. The [ndximal half of the appendage i- ijuite >lender. The MM. .ni/e and • ral loini i. M nihle the normal female a|i|u-iida^i - bin a dis- tinct triangular -houlder like that found in the male i- piv-ent upon the endo|)od: 14 . Xf>fi inicH unmln-r (j \\.,~ hearing well-de\'i-lo|>ed eggs u|ioii tlie abdomen \\lien taken SO there was no question a- to the -.-\. It is (>~ mm. in length. The nviducal Opening^ and the aimulus \enirali- are tho-i- of a normal female but the following male M rue in re- are also prcM-ni : copulatory hooks on the third walking ; !u>t .ihdominal ,ippenhoiilder on the eildopodhe Mot SO \\ell de\i-loped . . Specimen numher i<>, 55 mm. long, i- umi-ual in that it po- an extra o\ iducal |>ore at the ha-e of the left fourth walking leg in addition to a rather complete complement of both male and female -ccondary >e\lial character- FigS. J, 9 and 141. The annulu- \etitrali- and o\ iducal pore- at the base of the third walking legs are female character-. An extra oviducal opening is present on the left fourth walking leg but it is 2~O C. L. TURNER. small and has no oviduct attached to it. The openings of the sperm ducts at the base of the fifth walking legs are in the same position as those of the normal male but are smaller and are not so prominent. The first abdominal appendages are shaped much like those of the normal, second form male but they are a little smaller and are more slender in the basal third. The second abdominal appendages are like those of the normal female with the addition of a marked triangular shoulder upon the endopodite, indicating a tendency on the part of the appendage to develope specific male characteristics. This specimen was dissected and it was found that the internal structures were those of a female. The extra oviducal opening and the openings at the base of the fifth walking legs had no internal tubes connected with them. There was no trace of a spermary. Specimen number n is 62 mm. long and is identical in its external peculiarities with specimen number 9. Like specimen number 9 also, it was bearing young embryos upon the swim- merets when taken and was of course a functional female. With the eggs so recently discharged it would be expected that the ovary would be depleted and small. A large genital gland has been found, however, which is irregular in shape and seems to be made up of unlike parts. It is possible that the structure may prove to be an ovo-testis. Specimen number 12, 53 mm. long, when taken was bearing embryos which were in an advanced stage. These embryos were reared in the laboratory and forty-nine of the sixty reached a stage in which the secondary sexual characters had become distin- guishable. All the embryos were female and all were normal. As in specimen number 1 1 a large irregular genital gland has been found but there are no ducts except the normal oviducts. Exter- nally this specimen is with the exception of its size almost identical with specimen 1 1. Specimens number ij to ig inclusive (Fig. 6) are alike in their peculiarities, all being normal females as evinced by their internal and external organs but bearing in addition one male secondary sexual character, namely a hook on the left third walking leg. The lengths of the specimens number 13 to 19 are respectively 63 mm., 47 mm., 49 mm., 47 mm., 42 mm., 45 mm., and 5 omm. SECONDARY SKXTAI. ( HARACTERS OF CRAYFISHES. 2~ I DISCUSSION. The occurrence of both male and female secondary sexual characters in the same individual is so rare and sporadic that it has seemed futile to speculate as to its cause. However, when nineteen instances are found in a limited area within two year:- it would seem that a close study of conditions might yield results. Two possible explanation- -u^gest them-eh I. The gonad- may ha\v been damaged by parasites so that the po~-ible control ()f tin.- development of the -econdary sexual character- would be lackiiu. 1 'arasites 2 were found, indeed, in t number- in both male- and in female- and there can be no doubt thai they did exten-i\e damage to the ti--ue- of tin- cr fishes. ' Ovaries, ainu-mary canal-, ^reen -land- and li\er- wen- often heaxilv infe-ted and partially dc-troycd. The seeming effe< i of p.u.i-iti-m of the gonads upon the development of the -e< ondary -e\ual characters has been worked out in i^reat al'le . all the femai' ndar\ -exual characters and under certain conditions mi^ht e\eii «le\ elope OVa in their testes, tin- infected female> on the other hand, although the ovaries in some iinplei«-l\- ili-ap|ie,[re.l, ne\«-r approached t" the male primal^ or secondary -exual characters in the slightest degree." ". . . Tliepi. nlinn can-ed \-omii; female- uiuler i.; mm. in carapace length to assume ; matureK llie adult t \ pe • -f abiloineti and abdominal appemla. ". . . it \\ould appear that the male wa- a potential herma- phrodite and the female purely female." If the irreguluritk-- de-cribed j,, ('nmhtirits prof>in<]nns are due to para-iti-m it mi-h.t be ex|u-cieropor t ional to the number of heavily para-iti/ed indi\ idual-. Thi-, ho\\e\er. does not pro\ e to b« the case for para-iti-m i- unite common and irregular secondary sexual character- are rare Again, if para-iti-m can-es these 2J2 C. L. TURNER. irregularities some principle other than that found by Smith for Inachus must be sought in Cambarns propivqnns to explain the relations between the gonads and the secondary sexual characters for in Inachus " the male is potentially hermaphroditic and the female purely female" while in Cambarns in the instances cited the male shows no tendency to develope secondary sexual characters of the female although the female in all the cases described has devel- oped more or less fully the secondary sexual characters of the male. II. In Parastacus the presence of both male and female secondary sexual sharacters in the same individual is a fixed condition which is transmitted from one generation to another without change. The question arises as to whether or not the condition may not be transmitted in Cambarus as in Parastacus although much less firmly fixed in Cambarns than in Parastacus. The finding of a considerable number of specimens within a very limited region would tend to strengthen the view that the condition was somewhat constant in Cambarns and was being transmitted. The females seem to be unaffected by the presence of the male secondary sexual characters and they are certainly sexually functional as shown by the fact that all such specimens taken during the breeding season were bearing eggs or embryos. One of these broods was reared and about fifty out of the sixty embryos were brought to a stage in maturity where their sex could be determined. It is rather suprising that every one of those brought to maturity was a female. Twenty-one were carried without mishap to a stage when the secondary sexual characters were fully developed and all were normal, showing no traces of the conditions which existed in the mother. It is noteworthy that specimens taken within a short distance of each other at the same time should closely resemble each other in their deviation from the normal. The specimens taken from Turtle Creek in 1922 show the peculiarity in the first abdominal appendages illustrated in figure 10. Those taken from Turtle Creek in 1923 possess first abdominal appendages like those illustrated in figures 9 and n while the seven taken from South Kinnikinick Creek are all alike in having a single male character, one hook on the left third walking leg. This would indir.itr that the individuals resembling each other might have been members of the same brood. SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS OF CRAYFISHES. 2J3 To say that the irregularities in the secondary sexual charac- ters may be transmitted is not to answer the question of their origin. It would imply, however, that the cause producing the effect was deeply seated in the germ cells and was not brought about by a temporary, somatic influence. LITERATURE LIST. Faxon, Walter. '81 Bull. Mus. Comp. ZoOl., Vol. VIII.. No. 13. Faxon, Walter. "85 M.-moirs Mus. of Comp. Zool.. Harvard College, Vol. X.. pp. 12-14. Faxon, Walter. '98 Pro .U.S. Nat. MOB., XX.. p. 683. Hay, Win. P. '05 ^;mih-..M.m M ;-• «-Ilancou- :ons. Vol. III., Part r, pp. jjj-j28. Lbnnberg. '98 / p. 334-335 and 345- Nicholls, F. '30 1' • he Royal Society 01 '.XXXVI.. . Ortmann, A. E. '05 \I' . Vol. II.. No. 10. pp. 37 iSS. Rosseau and Desmarest. '48 Amui!' .juc de France, : • VI., pp. 479 aii'l .jM . Smith, Geoffrey. '10 l'i.-riL-li: Gesellschaft N i lni. 274 C. L. TURNER. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. FIG. i. Diagram showing the three basal segments of the five walking legs and the first two abdominal appendages with the second pair of abdominal appendages turned back. Normal male. I., II., III., IV., V., walking legs; A Pi and AP2, first and second abdominal appendages; H, copulatory hooks on third walking legs; S, external openings of sperm ducts at base of the fifth walking legs. FIG. 2. Diagram illustrating the three basal segments of the five walking legs and the first two abdominal appendages with the second appendage turned back. Normal female. O, oviducal openings at the base of the third walking legs; AV, annulus ventralis. Other explanations as in Fig. i. FIG. 3. Diagram illustrating the three basal segments of the five walking legs, the first two abdominal appendages and the peculiar features described in specimen number 10. Structures may be identified by the explanations in Figs, i and 2. FIG. 4. Diagram of three basal segments of walking legs and first two ab- dominal appendages with other features peculiar to specimen number 9. FIG. 5. Diagram of basal segments of walking legs and first two abdominal appendages with other secondary sexual characters shown in specimens i to 5 inclusive. FIG. 6. Diagram to illustrate the condition of the secondary sexual characters in specimens 13 to 19 inclusive. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE I. ffi \_D CSZ C. L. TURNER. 276 C. L. TURNER. PLATE II. FIG. 7. Left first abdominal appendage of normal male. X 7-5- FIG. 8. Left first abdominal appendage of normal female. X 7-5- FIG. 9. Left first abdominal appendage of specimen number 9. X 7-5- FIG. 10. Left first abdominal appendage of specimens I to 5. X 7-5- FIG. ii. Left first abdominal appendage of specimen number 8. < 7.5. FIG. 12. Right second abdominal appendage of normal female. X 7-5- FIG. 13. Right second abdominal appendage of normal male. X 7-5- FIG. 14. Right second abdominal appendage of specimens number 8 and number 10. X 7.5. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, VOL. XLVI. PLATE II. . / 8 C. L. TURNER. : THE SURFACE TE.\M<>\ THEORY OF MEMBRANE ELEVATION. I.. V. HKILBRUNX. When a sea-urchin e^sr i- in-eminated it lift- off a membrane from it- -urface. A similar phenomenon can be produced by various reagents. Many t •\planations have been advanced to • •tint f<.r it. Some •>, I showed that all -ub-t.m.v- which prodiirc membrane ele\ation are tho-e which misjit be expe. ted to prod i H ea lowered surf ace tension (i . general, sub 3 \\l)i« h lou't-r -urface tension markrdlv, pio.Uh i- nn in- !)iMiu-flc\ aiion. And so I advanced the view that >urfah\-iral explanation of the prOCCSS ba-eil on -lich a loxverin- of surl 'en-ion. The idea \va- nc\v. although 'I 'ran In- u i had pre\ imi-ly -Imwn that wlien substances of a chem- ical series are '"injured, those with lower surface ten-ion are relati\elv nion- effective in producing membrane clc\ation. I i .nbe thoii-ht ihe | involved a secretion on return to \\ ater. The -U!' face ten-ion theor\ of mem bra IK- elrvation Wa- .: SOme Work | but not b\ other-. (",arre\- \ in a review ol the literature -tale- th..t the theorx demaiul- the exi-telK • a membrane on the unin-eminated I or tin- < iarrey tind- no evidence, and he cite- Moor, ^ repetition of /iejn '- and the llertuu-' ~ < .perimeiH with brokeii-iiji 6J an argument a^ain-t -uch a membrane. The e\ idi'iice for a : e\i-lem membrane i- abundaiitK -Upplied ill m\" I«)I5 pa[»er, tO which ( iarrey doe- not refer. In a paper published recently, Ju-l (8) claim- that hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride in sea-water, \\hich do nuri.nx- trillion. -77 2/8 L. V. HEILBRUXN. In my 1915 paper, I pointed out that the earlier descriptions of cortical change in the sea-urchin egg had failed to distinguish between two types of cortical change. The normal change at fertilization is a membrane elevation. Many reagents produce this change, others however produce a swelling of the membrane. The two types of change, although fundamentally quite different, are not easy to distinguish morphologically, partly because the surface of the egg is not especially favorable, for microscopic observation. I therefore proposed various criteria to distinguish them. Thus elevated membranes collapse in albumen solutions, swollen membranes do not. Other criteria are easily established. When eggs with elevated membranes are crushed, they flatten and obliterate the perivitelline space. Eggs with swollen mem- branes have little or no perivitelline space, and when they are crushed, the thick membranes remain around them as before. Just tried none of these criteria. The membranes he describes in his paper seemingly lack a perivitelline space, for he notes that on return to sea-water from the hypertonic solution, the perivitel- line space is not obliterated. If the membranes were separated off as Just believes, and if there were a perivitelline space, one would think that this space would be obliterated by the osmotic expansion of the egg on return to ordinary sea-water. As soon as an opportunity was afforded, I repeated Just's observations. With the concentrations he used (20—24 Per cent. 2]/2 M NaCl in sea-water), no membrane elevation or separation could be observed. In such solutions the membrane could be seen slowly to expand and swell. There was no evidence at all of a sudden movement of the membrane such as occurs when the membrane is elevated. Tested with albumen solutions the mem- branes did not collapse. When the eggs were compressed the egg contents did not expand to the outer limits of the membrane. The membranes produced by solutions of sodium chloride in sea- water, or on return from such solutions to sea-water, were certainly swollen and not elevated. In the light of this evidence it appears that the argument advanced by Just is not valid. // still remains true that all substances which produce typical mem- brane elevation do in every instance cause a lowering of surface tension. THEORY OF MEMBRANE ELEVATION. 2J9 It should perhaps be pointed out that in cases of extreme coagulation of the protoplasm, the contents of the egg may some- times be made to shrink a\\ ay from the vitelline membrane. Xo good case of this is known for the sea-urchin egg, although some shrinkage apparently occurs after prolonged heat coagulation. In the Cnmingia egg. which has a much stiffer membrane than the sea-urchin egg, a membra IK- which does not normally become elevated, some 191- • rimeiits showed that the protopla-m would -brink away tn>in the \itelline membrane when the e.u.u (ontent- had been t lion m^hly coagulated after -r\eral hour-* e\po-ure to h\ pertonic -olut i< >n-. Such slow < o.i-ul.tti\ e -hrink- • el\ to be confused with true nu-mbrane elevation, although in the ('until:, g under certain conditions the mem- bi.tiie may bei oin- d away from the I'ter it i- released. Ju-t make- one oi her point against the surface ten-ion theory. Il«- ~i. ii<- ih.u in "tin -if Arbacia and Echiinirachniit* any * oiii]»eient observer car see thai membrane separation following insemination i- no mere -miare tension effect." Thi- i- not a \.i\ -ciiou- .dxumeiit . The surface tension theor) claim- only that the lowered surl ;ion is the cause which. underlies the pro, ess, not tint all the dri.iil- which follow the initiation , ,t t he • trii-ion phenomena. A; \\.iyhowi.m one decide a physical problem by mere visual obsen at ion? Jll-l, ap|»areiltl\-, ha- attempted to do thi.-. The lifting «>M "t" the membrane i- a physical pmce— and demand- a ph\>ical explanation. |i ,-h to thi- i- hi- de-rripiion of membrane elevation a- in\ol\in^ a "wave of negativity" (9). Hut he doe- not ti-e the \\-i -rd in any known phy-ical -en ki I I ki NI i i. Heilbrunn. '13 BIOL. BULL., XXIV., 15. ib.. XXIX.. i . Traube. '09 Biivli.-m. /,-it-. li.. X\ '[.. i 3. Godlewski. Winterstein'a Handbuch dei \.-n;lrKh.-ii.l.-n I'lr. : 4. Garrey. '19 Hi.u . Hi i i ... XXXVII . 287. 5. Moore, A. R. '12 t'niv. ni ( alitomi.i I' atiuns in IMiysiolojjy. I\'.. 28O L. V. HEILBRUNN. C. Ziegler. '98 Arch. f. Entwicklungsmech., VI.. 249. 7. Hertwig, O. and R. '87 Untersuchungen zur Morphologic und Physiologic der Zelle, Heft 5. 8. Just. '22 BIOL. BVLL., XLIII., 384. 9. Just. '19 BIOL. BULL., XXXVI., i. THE INDEPENDENT DIFFERENTIATION OF I ATKD CHK'K PRIMORDIA IN CHORIO- ALI.ANTOIC GRAFTS. I. Tin. KYI . NASAL REGIOX, OTIC Ri <.iox, AND Ml -i:\CEPHALON. I I I' ,11 HOADLEY. 'I HI. H' I! < ATORY. THE UXIVERMIY . •!• ( llh \t.O. I. hit: II. Metl ill. I i i. ... -98 /'.It. i • • • • IV. I ' v. -313 I. IVIRODUCTIOX. Tin- r-iudy •>!" thf power of independent growth and diileivntia- tii.ii i.f < -mbi \onir primordia (self-differentiation, R«>u\ has been pur-iied l'\ various method-. The experiments on tin- de\ elop- ninn i.f i-olated blastomeres, inaugurated by Ron--.'- -tudv of the , ha\e o.ntnl)! ly to our kim\vK-<]-<' nf the l(»»-.ili/.itii>u "t pot«-iui.ilitii-> in rK-.ivage f-1 More recently, -!i^.iii«'ii \\tli .mil (littcrciiti.iiinn • .f embryonic tissues IKTII (Mrrird on \<\ oiln-r iiH-ili«.d~. Tin- classical rxprri- nu-nt- of Harrison (1907 a, [910 on the embryonic nerve cell .imphilii.i ill li — uc ciilturi-. folhiwi-d l>v IHIIIHTOU> ^tudir- of otln-r embryonic » rll- \<\ H.ini-oii (1912 , l.rwi-, M. l\. .md \\'. II. MI i eiidein power of differentiation of the isolated > ells of \.iriou- einl.rxcnic organs. Harri-on (1907 &) and others ha\e .ilso made Mudies of the independent power of growth and differentiation of limb primordia and other part-- of the amphibian larva by a method ha\ing many ad- ditional advantages, that of grafting. The part Mudied was 281 282 LEIGH HOADLEY. grafted to another larva of approximately the same age. In such experiments, the grafted parts continue to develop while the graft is nourished and relieved of its excretions by the host. The differentiation of the organs of the host, which are developing simultaneously with those of the transplanted part, must, how- ever, affect the differentiation of the transplant to a greater or lesser degree. The ideal conditions for a transplantation in which it is desired to determine the independent power of growth and differentiation of the part, would be in a location where there are no nerves from the host, where there is no differentiation of host tissue to influence the grafted part, and where there is a sufficient supply of blood vessels to insure nutrition and the ability to excrete waste products on the part of the transplant. This must be in a rapidly growing tissue which is capable of repair, and such as will react to foreign tissue with rapid incorporation and a host of capillaries. The chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick furnishes such conditions as has been pointed out by Murphy (1913), Danchakoff (1916), Kiyono (1917), Minoura (1921), and Atter- bury (1923). It is my intention to attack the problems of independent growth and differentiation by the isolation and transplantation of the various primordia of the chick embryo to the chorio-allantoic membrane. A general survey of the field has already been made with a variety of tissues and has yielded promising results. For instance, when a cross section of the body of the thirty-six or forty-eight hour chick is transplanted, the grafts obtained show that cartilage, bone, muscle, nervous tissue, and mesonephros grow 'well. In one case of transplantation of the primitive streak, nephrogenous tissue is found to be present. In many cases of such grafts of cross sections of the body, small buds of the feather germs form and grow well; they receive a rich vascular supply. The present paper is confined to the organs of special sense, i.e., the eye, nasal region, otic region, and one example of brain tissue, the mesencephalon. The mesencephalon was selected because of its close association with the eye, and because of its high degree of differentiation in the birds. Other parts will be considered in later papers. CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 283 The progamme was suggested by Prof. F. R. Lillie of this laboratory to whom I wish to express my appreciation for many helpful suggestions and criticisms during the progress of the \\ork. II. METHODS. In the experiments recorded in this contribution, I have used chicks of twenty-four, thirty-six, and forty-fight hours of incu- b.ition as tin- -ource n| material. The- methods of grafting employed are similar to tlmse used by Murphy and Danchakoff \\itti certain modifications developed at thi- l.ibor.uory. An i gg of nine io ten day- of incubation is candlfd ,md the juncture of two of the larger blood \e--els is marked. The -hell i- then -teri- li/ed .nnl .1 -in II window i- rut through it at tin- point with a h.H -k-aw bl.idr. 'I is then rfturned to the incubator \\lnle the embryo which i- to furnish the material for the tr.m-plant.i- don is put in physiol - It solution on a warm stage under .. binocular dissection mil \>c. l;or illumi nation, t he light oi a i-o-u.itt, nitrogen-tilled tungsten lamp is com cut rated on tin- embryo by a bull's-! MK-nser. All dishes are sterilized in the autoclave .md .:11 in-trumrnts are boiled in water. I )i~-c. i in- die- whit h h.i\e been -round into fine kni\'f- .tie n-ed in the • ion-. \\'ith tlie-e. tlu- primordium is i-ol.iied .md i- then pi. ned on the . horio .!l.intoit- nifmbrane as near .1- po— ible to tin- jniutiire ot the two vessels noted above. The -hell meni- ie \\liich i- torn -lightly to admit the ti--ne i- repl.u-ed, the shell i- returned and tin- rut edges are -e.iled with The egg i- then returned to the iii« nb.itor in -neh .1 po-ition the \\indo\\ i- do\\n, SO that the weight of the egg in-iire- the contact of the nieinbratu- and the implanted ti--ne. After twelve hour- lli« • gf is rotated, and at regular interxal- tli. after rolled as any de\ eloping t-gg. M.ui\ of i he t ran -plant- are -me to have more or le-- mechanical injury, and the time reunited lor their incorp. .r..t i< m \\itliin the membrane of the- ho-t ,md Mib-e(|iK'iu infiltration with blood ve— el- mn-t \ary. The-i- are the nio-t im])oriant \ariable- \\ith which the method mti-t cope. After -i\ or -even da\ - the egg is opened and the development of the grafted ti — lie i- -uidied macro- and micro-. , ,; .ically. 284 LEIGH HOADLEY. III. EXPERIMENTS. A. The Eye. A series of grafts of the optic primordium of the chick have been made by this method. The material was taken from chick embryos of twenty-four, thirty-six, forty-eight, and in a few cases sixty hours of incubation. In some cases the entire primordium was excised, in others only a part of it was used. There are various difficulties to be encountered in such an operation. The mesenchyme, at these early stages, is quite sticky, and consider- able care must be exercised to remove the greater part of it from the vesicle. Particular care is needed if it is desired that no part of the brain be included in the transplants. At the twenty- four hour stage, the neural folds are open in the optic region and only a slight swelling indicates the position of the optic foveola. The anterior end of the head was removed from such embryos; the region from which the optic vesicles develop was then bisected, and the primordium of each side was transplanted separately. The lens ectoderm is not yet definable so that transplantation of this region with that of the future optic vesicle is a matter of chance. At the thirty-six hour stage, the technic is much more simple. Here the embryo has from twelve to sixteen somites. Some of the embryos of this age were more advanced, but the majority fall within these limits. The primordium of the eye is then in the vesicle stage and is easily removed. Great care must be taken that the tissue is not harmed in the transplantation. Another set of experiments was made on the eye at the thirty- six hour stage. The main part of the experiment was the same, but the lens ectoderm was dissected away. This is very difficult to do, for there is a great tendency for the wall of the optic vesicle to tear. In most of the cases which have been operated in this way, no lens ectoderm was left on the vesicle, but one case which later developed small portions of lens tissue is in doubt. The mechanical injury in an operation, must, of necessity, be great, and this is probably the cause of the greater degree of disorganiza- tion found in these grafts. Grafts of the isolated lens ectoderm were also made but no growth was found in any case, possibly owing to the very small size of the piece of the embryo trans- planted. < HORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. ~ - With the experiments made from the eye primordium of the forty-eight-hour embryo, greater difficulties with the elmination of the surrounding tissue began to appear. It is practically impossible to isolate absolutely the optic cup of this stage from the surrounding mesenchyme without injuring the cup in some w.iy. The optic cup can In- dissected out with little difficulty, but in every case tin- re- may be seen a fur-like border of the mesenchymal cell- attached to its surface. After a few , it tempts to remo\e tin-, it was con-idered to be useless, for the manipula- tion injured the rup in c\ery case. On thi- account, when a tr. m-plantation of ilie optic cup is spoken of. it means that the optic cup t-r with the immediate me-cnchyme w.i- taken. Attempt-- were made 1.- in the experiment- with the thirty- hour embryo-, t.. n nio\e the lens primordium from the optic cup. It v. 'ii found that, though thi- i- po->ible, tin ; of injury involved. Such experiments were therefore omitted. Since the sixty-hour "eye" i- in much the same <"iidition, the -.line difficulties wen- experienced \\ith it, but it \\a- not con-idered necessary to perform main- ex| inn nt- \\ith the material I nun this age, for even at thirt\--ix hour- of incubation. : s of the optic primordium po- complete \»> \\emf independent self-differentiation. In the grafts obtained from the foveola of the t \\ent\--four hour embr\o, there i- much \ariability in growth and differentiation. Thi- -eem- to be due to t' that there i- a < eitain amount of cm -hi n- ini he n-mi»\ al of tin- ti--ue, thedi- :/atii>n prodi: bv tlii- nu-( hanical factor incn-a-ini; a- the >i/e of the operated pan d. In one of the. there is a primary differentia- tion into tapetal cell- \\hii-h contain pigment granule-, and retina-forming cells. Man\- of the graft- >ln>\v iu-r\-ou- ti--ue but it is not -ulticicntly different iati-il to warrant any po-itive r.tatement a- (<> it- iiatun-. There i- much other ti — ue tran-- planted with the optic primordium of thi- age. In One of [lie ;jralt- \\ell defined ^an^lion cell- are present. In no case, ho\v- ever, does any eye j;raft of thi- a;^e -how more than the primary differentiation into pi^mcnted ta|>etal cells and implemented retina-forming cell-. The Drafts of the optic \e-icle pin- the lens ectoderm of the 281 LEKiH HOADI.I.V. thirty-six hour embryo will be considered next. At this stage the optic primordium possesses great power of independent growth and differentiation. Many grafts were obtained and sectioned, a number of the most successful of which will be discussed here. FIG. i . Graft of an eye from a forty-eight hour chick embryo in alcohol before section, 19 E 13. (X 10.) For explanation, see text, page 290. All of the cases which show any growth at all, prove, on micro- scopical examination, to have a primary differentiation of the tissues into a pigmented tapetal portion, a non-pigmented retinal portion, and a group of lens-forming cells. The results vary all the way from grafts in which there is no great differentiation of the retina and lens, to the more successful ones in which the retina is differentiated and the whole transplant appears approx- imately normal. The more successful grafts show a high degree of differentiation though great variation in the extent to which the subordinate parts of the organ have differentiated. It is an interesting fact that the basal layer of the retina often shows many cells in active mitosis, i.e., the graft is still in active growth. In the best graft obtained (Fig. 2), there is a very clearly defined retina with t he- layers developed sufficiently to warrant the statement that it is as far advanced as the normal; the lens is perfect, showing the anterior epithelial layer and the lens nucleus; the anterior and posterior chambers are present; the tapetum and tin- i artilage CHORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 287 of the eye are typical of the normal of the same age. The ciliary processes show around the lens. This case, 9 .4 I, is therefore selected for detailed de-< -notion. Alt O.Se A.C.- p Alt Oh. I- 1-.. -•. Cl n from thir ur primonliiun. .1 i. (X ao.) i ... •.:.• .liranc. Ch.. • •• : mem- .li.irv proc 0 St., ora serrata. P..\:;.. p.. in; ..i .UM. him nt el tin- K'-'it i" t!"- 111.1:11 ; the membrane. P.C.. ; Ret., .in. On Man h j \, 1'ijj. ! he 1 1| i tic vesicle of a thirty-six hour chick emoved as free from adjacent part- as po^-ible .uilc.. •.! \i-d- on tin.- < li..ri()-,ill.iiitnic TiU'inlir.nii- <>t~ ,t chick of nine and uiu-half days' iiH-iili.itinn. Tl . tlu-n rrturiu-il i<> the incubator \\ '. dr\rlo|uiu-nt ] >i< •• rcd.-d until April fourth \vlu-n the egg \va- I'pi-nrd and tlu- .^rat't. which \va- lar.^r. n-ni' >\-rd. In m\- n< taki-n at the tinir, I notice tin- remark that the ^'t \\.i- hea\il\- |ii-inented. 1'pon inicro-copical examination of t he >ei tion^, the de-ree of differentiation of th< gl it ]>ro\ed to he (|uite remarkable. In only a few place- i- mito-i-, in the ba-al retinal la\ er c..mnion. . at place- where there are lar^e folds protruding into the po-terior chamber. B\ far the greater jiart of the ti—ue h ised pri'liferatini; and is differentiating. It may be well to rounder this differentiation under four heading-; the chambers, the tapetum and retina, the lenticular region, and the surrounding tissue. LEIGH HOADLEY. The chambers in this case are well developed. A definite anterior and posterior chamber are present separated by the lens, the lenticular zone, and a thin layer of mesenchymatous tissue which is covered with an endothelium. The entire anterior chamber is lined by this tissue. The posterior chamber is large and is lined throughout by the retina save at the anterior border, where the lens and ciliary processes occur, as mentioned above. It is not regular, however, for at intervals, as can be seen (Fig. 2), the retina has proliferated to such an extent that there are folds entering the cavity. In no place do these obliterate the chamber as in some of the grafts. The retina and the tapetum are well formed, though where con- volutions of the retina occur, the tapetum does not always follow. On close examination, the tapetum appears to be formed of three or four layers of heavily pigmented cells arranged very closely. All of the layers of the retina are present (Fig. 3) but the layer of Mesen — St Op. In Nuc Out.Mol . Nuc. FIG. 3. Cross section of retina from same graft as Fig. 2. (X 180.) B.C., blood corpuscles. B.V., blood vessels. Cart., cartilage. Gaiig.L., ganglionic layer. In.Mol., inner molecular layer. In.Xuc., inner nuclear layer. Memb. Ext. Lint., external membrana limitans. Mesen., mesenchyme. Ont.Mol., outer molecular layer. Out. Nuc., outer nuclear layer. St.Op., stratum opticum. Otlu-r abbreviations as in Fig. 2. rods and cones shows but little differentiation, a condition cor- responding to that found in normal eyes of chicks of the same age. Bordering the cavity is the very thin membrana limitans interna. This separates the cavity of the eye from the stratum opticum which lies just beneath it. This is clear an associate as yet with either of the adjoining layers. The inner nuclear layer i> nearly three times as wide as the molecular layer and is very heavily nucleated. Separating thi- from the miter nuclear layer is the outer molecular layer, also free of nuclei. A- mentioned above, the rods and c< >ne- have not differentiated at this stage. At place-, e-pecially in the •MI of ihe retinal fold-, there are connect ive tissue cells which fill in the spaces between these folds and the tape turn. The differentiation occurring in the lenticular region i- quite strikin. . The tapetum continues anteriorly to a point 0. Se Ret ens Cilp- T^- Hnt tp;tn. -Tap. H rieserv- ^ . - :'."• ' ' I-n.. .}. Leu an.! 1.-:. >amc gi. ml .;. :lu-liiini II. M, i >:.. li < HluT : ju-t nie the margin "t" the leu- wlu-re it douMe- . The are pie-ent. The leu- it-elf i- >uppi«rtt-il l.y the SUSpen-ury lii;anient . Ill it> differentiation, the len- i- (|iiile typical (Fig. 4). It i- i'\ in shape, heiu^ coiup<>r-ed <>f a wide nucU-u- nf liln-r- with their niedialK- located nuclei, and an anterior epithelial la> « r. Both are identical with the same part- of the normal of the >aine age. The len- surface i- toward the ectodermal portion of the chorio-allantoic membrane. The incorj)oration of the LEIGH HOADLEY. within this membrane was so complete that no injury was done to these parts when the membrane containing the graft was removed from the shell of the host. Very little tissue save those already mentioned occurs in this graft. The sclerotic coat of the eye is present throughout. To one side there is a small mass of brain tissue containing typical nerve cells and processes. This is heavily infiltrated with blood vessels and not easily identified. Adjacent to this region, the tapetum and retina are very much convoluted and disorganized, and a heavy infiltration of blood corpuscles among the folds makes the identification of definite structures impossible. The optic nerve and pecten which would be located in this area under normal conditions cannot be found. The disorganization and the infiltration of the blood cells may mask their position as degenerative changes are apparent. The entire graft is sur- rounded by the mesenchymatous tissue of the host. In not all of the grafts is brain tissue present. A graft of the optic region of a thirty-five hour chick, case 14 A I , when sectioned shows a very evenly shaped posterior chamber lined by well dif- ferentiated retina. This eye shows the same differentiation of retina and tapetum as graft 9 A I above, though there is a total absence of brain and cartilage tissue. The various layers of the retina are well defined. The cut edges of the excised optic vesicle have drawn together and the point at which they have fused is marked by a thickening and by slight convolutions of both tape- tum and retina. No lens tissue is present in the sections, prob- ably due to the failure of its primordium to be incorporated. The grafted tissue is surrounded by an extremely thin layer of host mesenchyme. In no place is there any sign of brain tissue, optic nerve, or pecten, though the point at which they would normally occur is definable. Graft 19 E .13 from a forty-eight hour chick embryo, is some- what similar to 9 A I above. This case, after seven days of growth, a total of nine days, showed a graft 4 mm. x 4 mm. in size. A drawing of this graft as it appeared in alcohol before sectioning is shown in Fig. I. The heavy'pigrnentation of the greater portion of the surface will be noted, together with the absence of pigment from a portion of the tipper face. It w.i- CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 291 thought on macroscopic examination, that this would prove to be the lens, but on section, a very different picture presented itself. The implemented portion is the point at which the optic nerve leave- 1 he retinal area and runs out into the mesenehyme (Fig. 5). o c :3S-Ret . • ' :pfl • ,•';-" xjvrjVS - * ^>K»^- '•'•/t-Tap •• / v$W- ,~r --Mesen •. .. ' -- , - ' ^ ' -r;.*5»'-~ - . ;, i nerve in graft, i, > . i. ( X 140.) flr.. l.ram. i :.itje. Opt.\.. • . ( >ilu r al'tii' The |M •« ten i- |>n-t m though irregular in -hapr, due no doubt to tin- nuvli.niiral Stress in t hr growth after Iran-plantation. 1 r<>in this point the optic nerve gri >\vs out between the tapet inn and the eriddennal wall of the chorioiiic membrane for c|uite a di-lance. Tlu- otluT white area in the ^ruft is brain ti — tie whifh was ti.m-- planted \\ith the optic cup. Only in the region of the ner\e and nervous ti--ue i- there any mesenclu me or cartilage in abundance. In the re-t of th( .the tapet uni comes uj> cio-e to t he border ot the chorioni* or the allantoic nieseiu'lu me of the nienibraiie. The l.i\-ei> of the retina are all well differentiated. The ora ser- rata appear- near the margin of a much di-torted leii-, ending «\\ it- lenticular border in a much convoluted and di-or^ani/ed ciliary process. The mi--hapcn appearanci- of the len- i- ap- parenth- due to the fact that it lie- next to the -hell membrane and 20 292 LEIGH HOADI.hY. is not completely incorporated by the chorionic overgrowth. At both ends of the sectioned material, where the stratum opticum is cut nearly transversely, the nerve fibers of this layer show very well. The whole graft compares \vry favorably with the normal eye of the same age. In the experiments performed on the forty-eight hour chick, as in those cited for the thirty-six hour material, the degree of regulation seems to be dependent on the amount of injury to the engrafted tissue, both during manipulation and during the growth period which follows. My data show many cases where a much convoluted retina and tapetum are present with no posterior chamber showing. All degrees of lens malformation may occur. The retinal cells are always definable as such, though the degree of differentiation of the retina as expressed by zone formation varies considerably. Five successful grafts were obtained from thirty-six hour pri- mordia from which the lens ectoderm had been dissected away. The data on these cases are to be found in table I. In only one of TABLE I. GROWTH OF THIRTY-SIX HOCR OPTIC VESICLES WITH THE LENS ECTODERM REMOVED. • Case. Control Age. Remarks. 15 A i 83 days Posterior chamber, retina and tapetum present. No lens tissue. 15 B i 8\ days Nervous tissue, cartilage, much convoluted retina, tapetum, small amount of lentoid tissue. 15 C i 8£ days Very little area of much convoluted retina and tapetum only. 16 B i 8 days Nervous tissue, retina and tapetum. No lens tissue. 16 B 2 8 days Cartilage, retina, much convoluted tapetum. No lens tissue. these grafts are any lens cells present. It is more reasonable to suppose that these are the result of the proliferation of some cells of the lens ectoderm which were not removed in the operation, than that they arose by a redifferentiation of the cells of the retina or iris (see Fischel for amphibian larva?, 1900) or by a stim- ulation of the chorionic ectoderm by the optic cup (see Lewis i7 and Spemann 1912, and other papers on the amphibian <.-y(A Spemann (1912), Lewis (1907 a, b, c,), and other w<>rkrr- have CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 2Q3 found that the optic cup of the amphibian embryo has groat power of self-differentiation when transplanted to other parts of the same or another eml >ryi », while the lens ectoderm is dependent on contact with the optic cup for its development. The speci- ficity of the ectoderm which forms the !• ries with the species employed. Lewi-; PC 7 otes that the various parts of the cup develop independently "in marked contra-t" to the lens which will not form unle— the optic cup is present. If brain also is piv-ent , tht TV may «r may not be an optic nerve developed. The tissues -rrm to coniinuc t lu-ir own specific type of differentiation independenl "t" one .mother. Tin- that in • ase 14.1 i where no brain ti— ue i- pn-sent, tin- optic ner\e i- also Kicking, while in case 10. /•." i;, both pn eems, th< -erve more than pa— ini^ noti In the lir.-t meiit i< >n< • , the point of fusion i>f the cut i the primordium i- definable. There is no indication of the optic n\ \\here in thi n. In case 9 A i. while tin -mall .iiiioimt i .1" br.iin ti--ue present, the po-itimi of the ojitic iiciM- (.iniioi be found. It may be obliterated by the 14: numbt-r »t dr^nu-i :i\olutions in the retir i t.i|)ctuin adjoining tin I -e 19 E 13, however, bot h optic in i \ r and pi ( ti-n ai ilrtinitely located. The position of the optic nei\c i- tin- -.inn- .1- of the optic stalk which connect- the ic cup \\ith the brain in the early stages of de\ elopnieiit . When thi- i- removed, the optic nerve fails to dc\dop. The fibers oi i he < ell>, in-te.;d < •!" finding exit by this path, .ire retained in the -tr.itum opticiim. It would seem that the-e -trucuin •- we'll as the p.irt- of the retina and lenticular re^io- from \ delmite loc.n ion- in t he |>rimordium. The experiments show very definitely that the \ariou-; the e\e | H iniordiiiin have the power of independent self-differenti- ation to quite a remarkable extent. Thi- mnrlu-ion i- >tren-th- encd l.ty the findings of Lewis, Spemann and other- for the amphib- ian eye. The regulation of the part- to form a more or le-- ; feet -tructun -'.ins, on the other hand, to be dependent on vari< >u- factors involved in the experiment. 29-J LEIGH llo\]i| I Y. B. The XasaJ Region. The material for the grafts of the nasal region was taken from chicks of thirty-six, forty-eight, and sixty hours of incubation. As in the case of the eye tissues, only a few grafts were made of the sixty hour material. Inasmuch as it was desired to note the growth and differentiation of the nasal epithelium especially, no twenty-four hour material was grafted, for at this age, the medul- lary folds only are localized. When grafts were made of thirty-six hour chick primordia, the anterior end of the head as far back as the optic vesicles was transplanted. If the material was taken from an embryo of forty-eight hours incubation, the tip of the head was cut away so that both nasal pits were transplanted in one piece. A brief account of the normal development of the olfactory organ based on Disse's account (1897) will form a useful intro- duction to the study of the grafts of this region to be described. After three days of incubation, the sensory epithelium of the chick nose is represented by two thickenings of the epithelium in the nasal grooves. As the embryo approaches the fourth day, the epithelium becomes differentiated into columnar epithelial cells and round cells, more transparent in sections stained with carmine. These cells are isolated in groups which are more or less distinct from each other. It is from these that the cells migrate out, forming the olfactory nerve and the ganglion-like group. At first a chain of cells appears to lead from the nasal epithelium to the brain. As late as the sixth day, this nerve primordium contains cell bodies but they are most numerous at the extremi- ties. In the eight day chick, the stage which serves as the con- trol for the grafts to be described below, Disse finds the nerve formed and two types of cells appearing in it at rare intervals. There is a pear-shaped unipolar cell, and a bipolar cell that is spindle-shaped. The greater part of the nerve is composed of nerve fibers. The cells are most numerous at the ends of this fiber bundle. At the distal end, near the nasal epithelium, the grouping of these cells and their shape led Heard (1885) to describe a ganglion-like mass which Disse describes merely .1- ,i group of cell bodies. Disse (confirming His, 1889) concludes that the nervus olfactorius arises from certain cells of the nasal epithelium and adds that it lacks a ganglionic portion. CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 295 The cartilages of the nasal capsule of the chick have been de- scribed by Colin i I'jo.v. The prenasal cartilages and the nasal septum an- pre-ent on the eighth day. The primordia of ihe three turbinal> arc- formed. These are the only cartilages which arise from the mesenchyme transplanted in the graft-. Graft 41 B i i- a growth of the nasal region . .f a chick of thirty- six hour- of inrnb.i; ion. The graft was removed after -i\ days of growth on tin- chorio-allantoic membrane of the ho-t. a total of • ii and one-halt da\ -. and was 3 mm. \ 3 mm. in -i/e. ( )n -ection, the varioti- j. • the nasal region are found to be present. Tin •> compare 1 ,\»rably in their development with the normal region in the embryo of eight days of incubation. The i;r.ihed dssues with the exception of a portion of tin- ecto- derm are well -u r rou u< led by the mesenchymatous t i — in- of the ho- 1 membrane. In it. Ion; - areas are definable, the nasal - the na-al < a i • tin- l»tebrain, and the epidermi- of the head. With the exi epiion of the epidermis, these have maintained ap- proximately their normal relationships. The section- < nt the on transverse!) so that at one end the nasal -epaiat< -d by the cartilage of the nasal septum. As the -cction- an rly, the sacs become surrounded !>\ a < tilai^inou- -heath, the prenasal cartilages. As the na-al sacs di-appear | >«.~T eri< irlv . the forebrain appears. It i- hea\ily in til (rated \\ it !: bli-.d D 'rpn-ck-s \\hich do not seem t" be located in an\ organized vessels Between these structures themseb and -epaiatin;^ them from the chorionic and allantoic boi-der- of the lio-t membrane is 1 growth of me-eiich\ me. A more detailed de-cri] >t ion . .f these parts follows. The na-al sacs are t \\'o in number and di-tinct I Tlu-\ end blindly at both ends and an- com pie t el \ -urroundi-d b\ - me-en- ch\ me. save at one place where the left -ac retain- it- connection anteriorly \\ith the epidermi- of the he..d. Po-teriorly t lu-\- \\ iden out forming cavities of some size. 1 he epithelium which liiu-- the cavitie- i- columnar in t\|n . Mito-i- i- fairK i ..mnion in the entire region but i- more commonly found near the cephalic border where the epithelium i- noticeably thickened. I'or the nio-i part thi- la\er i- -harply detineil from the -urroundin^ me-ench\ inc. SO that it appear- a- if a membrane were pre-ent 296 LEIGH HOADLEY. surrounding it. In the thickened .ire. is, however, the boundary becomes indistinct, and in many plures, cells may be seen which appear to be migrating from the epithelial layer into the mesen- chyme. These areas represent the sensory epithelium and from them the olfactory nerve arises. A short distance from the nasal FIG. 6. Cross section of graft of nasal region of chick embryo of thirty-six hours of incubation, 41 B i. (X 140.) All., allantoic border of membrane sur- rounding graft. B.C., blood corpuscles. Br., brain. Epderm., epidermis. Mesen., host mesenchyme. N.Epith., nasal epithelium. .V.5., nasal sacs. Nas.Cart., prenasal cartilage. O//..V., olfactory nerve. epithelium may be seen a small group of ganglion-like' cells (Marshall, 1879) and toward these the nerve cells appr.n to be migrating. From the ganglionic group, nerve hlu-r bundles o>n- CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 297 taining a few cell bodies which correspond to the pear-shaped and spindle-shaped nerve cells of Disse, run to the forebrain where their course is lost in the disorganization present there. The «• round primordial nerve cells of the nasal epithelium occur in the liber bundle- at rare intervals. The development of the nerve com-pond- '" thai "f the embryo . .f seven >f incuba- tion as de-cribed b;. 1 The l"ide to permit the e\it ot a b! vessel. The cartilagt does no( jx'rsist through the entire graft but disappear- -hortU" be\ oiid the posterior end ot the na-al - The epidermi- of the head i- present in the .interior end of the ft as an extensive, mon -s cornitied m..-- <-f ti--in- imbi-d- ded in me>ench\ me. A- it i- traced posteriorly it approai hesand tinalK', at the p<>-teri<>r le\ el of the olfacto: 5, reaches the chorionii- surface "f the membrane where it i- unincorporated by the h«»t. A -ingle lube-like growth of thi- epidermi- ha- come to lie between the tip of the left olfactory sac and the forebrain. A- far as I have been able to di-c<.ver. the only data oil the differentiation of the na-al epithelium when i-olated either com- pletely or together with the immediate region, .ire furni-hed by Lewis (PC-; ,; . This author record- two experiment- which -how in the lii>t place that t he epithelium develop- indeitendently 298 LEIGH HOADLEY. of the forebrain, and secondly, that the nasal pit is capable of independent differentiation. Both sets of experiments were done with the larva of Amblystoma. In the first type of experiment, though the forebrain primorditmi was removed, the nasal epi- thelium sent out nerve processes into the adjacent mesenchyme, developing normally. The second type of experiment involve the transplantation of the excised nasal pits to a position beneath the ectoderm dorsal to the eye. Lewis (page 464) states that ". . . differentiation of the organ continued and nerve fibers were sent off into the region between it and the ectoderm, . . . but extend only a short distance." In the grafts obtained from the transplantation of the nasal region of the chick embryo, the different parts of the organ show a high degree of specificity in the course of their differentiation. In comparing them with the control and with the description of the process of nerve formation by Disse, it was found that they show a condition comparable to growth in a normal embryo of the same age. The cartilage which is present, is, without a doubt, that of the transplanted part, and not of the host. The nasal sacs are present in nearly their normal relationships to the rest of the parts and have a differentiation closely resembling that of the same parts in the normal organ. The nasal epithelium gives rise to the nerve which is also present. The nerve cells of the forebrain differentiate nerve processes, the abnormal appearance in the sections being due to excessive vascularization and the absence of the limiting membrane, both of which are mechanical factors controlling the limits of differentiation to a great degree. C. The Otic Region. Grafts of the otic region and the otic vesicle are much more difficult to make than those of the nasal region. The auditory pit appears about the thirty-six hour stage, and the vesicle is closed about the forty-eight hour stage; the material grafted was taken from embryos of the last mentioned age in most cases. The first experiments were made by shelling out the otocyst and transplanting it, but it appeared very soon that the oto< \ -t .ilone does not persist well in grafts. The mechanical injury due to the pressure of the egg itself, together with the adhesive quality of CHORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 299 the shell membrane due to its absorptive nature, resulted in no incorporation in the membrane of the host, and consequently no growth. I then tried transplanting the otic vesicle with the im- mediately adjacent mesenchyme, a slightly larger piece of tissue, and found that in -uch operations, though incorporation may not be complete and the mechanical injury more or k--- extensive, nevertheless, growth en-ued. The investing tissue trail-planted at the forty-eijit hour -tage includes only me-enchynie and somatic ectoderm. In .'.11 the operation-, the brain wall • removed from ilie trail-plain before it wa- |)l.iceil on ihe mem- of ho-t . Table II. is a i' • "t 'I of ihe -uccessful growths of the auditory TABLI II. 1 ' THE OTIC Kl • Case. -•-»/' 7 <'> In in crescent ;ii««un«l fpitlu'liiiiii nt "tu- nun ilittiTfiuiat<-i|. Ino'in- •<• incorporation. hi inclept-ndont oi 'lui. : ilii-lium. Ini-oriiji]. it ii. in. latcd epitlii-liiim in tv. um- > artilaK' . In. ..inpl.-t,- in- •••ration. lir. near though n I..IMI- incorporalfl. iliit'<-rciiti.iii-'| .-pith. - lium. iir. near cpitln lniin. Small gi iiuin dirTcn-i hr. < »nly ~inall am tin 1 111 III wllicll : \oB6 In. antl cpithi-litun al'.tn- pn-i-m. thi-lium differentia' vehicle. It will be noted that one of the-e i- from a donor of thirtv--i\ hour- incubalion, but the embryo >ho\ved .1 more a-l\anced Stage of dr\ elopmetlt than i- u-nal for (hick- of that age. It corre-pomU more nearly to the fort \ -foiir-hoiii ,nd ( oiiM'(|iientl\- a|)|)roache- the u>llal don, ir age, forty-ei^ht hour-. T\\o criteria are einp!«'\ed in tin- identification of the par growths obtained in grafts of the OtOCVSt. The illorph, .logical arrangement of the \ ari«ui- -tructure- aid- -reatK". but owing to the di-or-ani/atiot) in every case, this is -upjtlcmented b\- 300 LEIGH HOADI.KY. close histological examination. In normal development, the cartilaginous otic capsule surrounds the sacculus, utriculus, and their derivatives, while the ductus and the saccus endolymphaticus are free in the mesenchyme. The histological differentiation of the several parts of the membranous labyrinth in the grafts is essentially the same as that of the control so that identification can be made positively by histological structure; this is supple- mented as stated above by the general morphological relation- ships present. The differentiation attained by the grafted tissues is of two kinds, cartilaginous and epithelial. Xo ganglion cells or other nervous tissue of any kind can be found in the grafts. This fact emphasizes the isolation of the primordium before its transplan- tation, for the ganglion and the otocyst are very closely associated at that early stage. The cartilage partially surrounds the epithe- lium, the latter forming the lining of cavities of various sizes. The relationships of the various parts of the organ is not normal. I have selected for description two cases which show quite an extensive specific differentiation of the membranous labyrinth. Graft 32 A 5 is a growth obtained from the transplantation of a forty-eight hour primordium which has remained in the host membrane for six days, a total of eight days growth. Completely surrounding a large epithelial sac is a capsule of cartilage which is discontinuous in two places. Through one gap, small blood vessels enter a narrow group of mesenchymal cells which separate the epithelium of this region from the cartilage surrounding it. The other break in the cartilage sheath is in a place Avhere an incompletely incorporated portion of the epithelium makes a connection with the epithelial sac mentioned above. The car- tilage, from its general relations, is undoubtably the otic capsule. The epithelium of the membranous labyrinth shows a high degree of specificity in its mode of differentiation. It may be divided into two main parts, that incompletely incorporated and outside of the cartilaginous capsule, and that within the capsule. The epithelium which is outside of the cartilage is histologicullv identical with that of the normal saccus endolymphaticus, the part connecting the saccus endolymphaticus with the epithelium of the capsule, the ductus endolymphaticus. These two portions CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 3OI are surrounded by mesenchyme only, as in the control. The parts within the cartilaginous capsule show a high degree of differentiation also. In the region of the vascular foramen refer- red to above, the epithelium has the characteristics of the normal utrirulu- of the ei.^ht day chick embryo. This determination i- further confirmed by the appearance in the epithelium of three thickened which represent the cristae acusticae of theampul- lae of • raicircular canals. No ganglion cells ai ociated with thi in the controls. There are no canals or ampulla- forim-d though at a point o.cupied by one of the cristae I ig. 7. ~< • ; C-^: ' I ic vesicle of forty-*-:. lit days growth. 32 AS- (X 23; /•' I. :ng beginning of can. i Cart '.la^c •i. . .i|i-i:N. M .chyme containing M I v- .'u-liiim. Compare Fig. s there is a slight evagination which suj the inning i-l" -in h i"rmation. It is very limited in extent, appearing for only a l\-\v sections. Thn 'ii^h the -paci- formed by tin- second break in the cartilage, the 1 C liiu-d b\- utricular epithelium i- ronm. led to the endolymph.itic derivatives men- tioned abo\e. A few -ertions be\'ond this the wall of the sac -li«>w> a differentiation into ., -tratilied -arcultis-like an•,•• . - . -• FIG. 8. Section of crista acustica of one of the ampullae of a chick of eight days incubation. ( X 235.) G.C., ganglion cells. X.T., nerve tract running from crista to brain. Other abbreviations as in Fig. ~. appearing in two places, separated by the host mesenchyme. The character of the cellular differentiation is distinctive. In one of the groups, the differentiation is like that of the ductus and saccus endolymphaticus. These structures are connected, the ductus appearing as a tube leading from the saccus. Xear these, a canal-like formation appears for a few sections These parts are not widely separated from the other group of structures which are adjacent to the mass of cartilage. The parts in this group are in the form of distinct vesicles and tubules, resembling histologically, utriculus, sacculus and a small portion of a canal. In the utricular wall are two areas interpreted as crista? acu>ti-M-. one of which is associated with the canal-like portion already mentioned. It would seem therefore, from the data given for the a!»o\e cases, that the differentiation of the constituent parts of the otic vesicle is very specific, and that it takes place independent of i he relationships of the various parts, which depend on mechanical factors. CHORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 303 Streeter (1907, i

    ue wa- mneh dis- turbed and al-o to the f..ctor of mechanic..! pre--ure which was applied to in-nre the closure of the wound. Streeter eliminated the-i- !'..< tor- by makiiu -lit and stretching t hi- for the opera- tion, ("lo-un-aiid hi-alin^ t hus took place immediately \\ it hont the applie.ition of prr—tire. Spemann's results do not otherwise seem to be in conflict with those of Streeter. The n-ult- of both 1. 1 the-e iii\( . -i/e the high tie. ' independent >elf -differentia i ion obtained by the organ. Street < r notes i-u i. ' All our e\ idence points to a high decree of differenti- ation <.f the cell- of the \e-icle, and it is conspiem m-ly jiro\eii by their i on o| l.iier.ility, . . ." It will be of interest to note also a case cited b} Lewis [907 . in -pe.ikiiu .-f \\hirh he -t.:tes that an otic < .tp-uh- of the \\»-[. Ainfilystonin. farmed .iround the membranoii- labyrinth .iri fn.m tran>pl. nited ti—ue from Rana sylrrobabl\ be found the 'ilai^e of other tt-i»ii- of the einbr\'o i- like\\i-e de]-eiident on •ain inthience- in the neighboring -tr net lire- for it- origin Iroin the ine-ench\ me \ piece of trail-planted brain or a trail-planted e\e, for example. e\ en when I'lo-e to the cartil •iiini; about the otic \e-icle or central ner \ou- -> -lein do,-- not stimulate the formation or growth of cartil .• 'in it-elf." In the i;raft- of the otic ve-icle de-cribed above, the c'artilage 304 LEIGH HOADLEY. is identified as that of the otic capsule but it is very definitely the result of the differentiation of the cartilage-forming tissue of tin- graft and not of the host mesenchyme stimulated by the mem- branous labyrinth. The very fact that it only partially sur- rounds the parts of the vesicle proves this. It will be recalled that a fringe of mesenchyme was transplanted together with the otic vesicle. This would easily account for any cartilage present in the grafts. The specificity of the cellular elements of the otic vesicle is very marked (see also Streeter, he. cit.). Utriculus, sacculus, endo- lymphatic duct and sac, and the canals are recognizable by the character of their histological differentiation. Though the canals have not formed in any of the cases, their general position is indicated by the occurrence of the cristae acusticae of their ampullae. In no case are they accompanied by ganglion cells. Neither is the auditory nerve present in any of the grafts. This indicates a complete isolation of the primordium, for the eighth ganglion is closely associated with the otocyst even at the stage used in the operations. There is therefore no possibility of a stimulation of the epithelium of these sensory areas by nerve cells. These areas are localised in the epithelium itself. By means of various graft- ing experiments, Harrison (1903) tound a similar differentiation of a sensory area, independent of nervous stimulation, to exist in the development of the lateral line organs of Rana sylvatica and Ran a palustris. In spite of the much altered relationships of the parts of the membranous labyrinth and the surrounding mesenchyme as they develop in the grafts, they differentiate so that they are easily identified in the sections. The amount of adjustment of the relationships of their parts is, on the other hand, very variable, being dependent on the amount of mechanical injury and the position of the grafted tissue at operation, together with the factors of pressure, and stress and strain during the following growth period. D. The MesencepJiahn. As has been stated above, the selection of the mesencepliulon in making grafts of brain tissue was made because of the- fart it is here that the correlation centers of the eve have tlu-ir seat. < BORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 305 In the adult bird it form- the large corpora bigemina which give off ii" peripheral nerve-. In the embryo, at about the forty-ei-ht hour stage, the brain wall in this region i- -tilticiently independent of the ectoderm to ble the i-olation of thi- part of the brain with very little or no mechanical injury. It is comparatively :vmove all of the meteiicephalon and the diencephalon from Mich pieces, so that the Iran-plant.- contain only mesencephalon. Since Mich material \ ield- ^r.ift - fa \orable for this study and M'IUV the injury at an earlier levelopment is of ile« e— ity much greater, the entire 'i-riment- with this priniordium wa- n with t i --ue from chii k t hours of incubation. I or the -ake of i oinpari-on, a brief description of the ine-eti- i i ph. ilon of tin- ei^ht-day chick will be given here. The whole •in i- di\ ided into \\\,< portions, a basal and a tect,:l. T Mirroimd three < onnei ted . a\ ities the larger one- bein^ tin- u\- md the -in, die' the aqueduct of Sylviu-, which is \\ it hin t lie IM-. 1 port ion of -the region. The differentiation of the wall of the (oipoia bigemina, the tectum lobi optici, i- \erv del:- It \\e exami- -ectioil of part of thi- region, we find that tin: -rtical layers presti > . T will be de-'i ribed in tlu- order in which they are toiind on exami- nation in the ependyma to the periphery. Next the UK an ependyma which is densely nucleated .md fairly \\ide. IP 'in it, cell bodies appear to be mi. toward the per:: The next layer is an inner liber /one which -tand- in j trast to the nu- ; /one ju-t nieii- tioned. It i- i.itlu-r wide and contains cord- ••!'• ^ • alUint.'ii- In : .. blood vessel. II. M. tit., I. '•* as . 11. (i .alon of a forty- i-i^h- il limiting • :il. 18 B 5. (Xl8o.) i-ertain oilier dil'tereiu r- in the dc\ elMjunent of the parts of the primordium. the mo-i evident of \\ hich is in the outer fiber layer. In thi- i^raft (Fig. [0 . t he outer fiber layer is not bounded by an external limiting membrane and as a result the libers penetrate the adjacent me-i-nch\ me. The-. -til.. rown out into the meseiu^hyme, or the me-eiich\ niatoii- ti— ue of the host has advanced into the nervou- ti--ur of the i;raft ; the width of tin- zone in which libers alone are prc-ent i- very variable. The outer layer may even be lacking in many place-, the outer nuclear layer bi-in^ in immediate contact with the loose mesenchyme 21 JO8 LEIGH HOADLEY. cells of the host, between which the nerve processes make their way. At numerous points along the periphery these processes are united into nerve-like masses which end bluntly at varying distances from their point of origin. Some of the cell bodies of the outer nuclear zone appear to have migrated through the immediately surrounding loose mesenchyme to a more definitely organized envelope of mesenchymal tissue which surrounds the graft and in which run the blood vessels of the host. The struc- ture of this sheath resembles very closely that of the correspond- ing layer in the normal embryo. It is impossible to say whether it arose from the mesenchyme of the host or of the graft. The blood vessels are those of the host and they show a most extensive development. In places, large spaces filled with blood are present between this layer and the developing mesencephalon. Apparently because of the fact that the external limiting mem- brane is not present in such places, the vascular infiltration of the fiber layers as well as the nuclear layers is enormous. Even in the mesocoele there are large groups of blood cells though no organized vascular walls appear around them. In the nuclear layers there is a crowding of the developing nerve cells due to the presence of small vessels. In spite of this fact, the layers are distinct. The individual cells of the areas seem to be differenti- ating in a normal manner. The significance of the absence of the external limiting mem- brane becomes evident upon examination of another graft, 18 B 5 (Fig. 1 1), in which this membrane is present around a majority of the cortical tissue. Where it is present, the differentiation of the layers of the cortex corresponds exactly with that of the control. In the peripheral fiber zone, the fibers form a clear band and do not extend into the mesenchyme. As a result, none of the nerve-like processes are found. The vascularization of such regions is much less extensive than that of regions where the membrane is absent. As a result of this, practically no distortion of the nuclear and fiber layers occurs. These are normally pro- portioned and contain cells which are in the process of normal differentiation. In other portions of the same graft there are areas lacking the external limiting membrane. As wre should expect, the outer CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 309 fiber layer is reduced or absent ; processes of the nerve cells penetrate the mesenchyme, forming nerve-like structure:5; and the layers of the cortex are very heavily vasculari/ed. This graft shows a single large mesocce!' < - the other • -< de-cribed. At one end of the sections of both graft-, where the roof of the mesencephalon is cut tangentially. -ive fiber tracts are visible in the inner fiber layer. The mesoccele in both case- ;- iompletely eiicl..-ed by nervou- ii--ue, the brain having fu-fd .it both ends. This was aided in all probability by the apposition of the cu --tion. T; - »s morphology of the organ ari-ing fn 'in -u< h a ^raft seems theret'i >re to i • . led io ijiiiit: a con-ideral'' it by the en\ ironmeiit though the differentiation of it- cellular constituents is specific. The growth and differentiation of the mesencephalon i !e ii|)on the chorio-.ill.mtoic membrane of the chick embr\o brings out a number of "N cry interesting far* s. Phe basal and the iei lal portion- retain their individuality though the two cavities Mended into .me large nie-i >( ofle. The ba-al port ion ( le\ el"| is more or U- UK ^ularK . dependent apparently on the mechanical in\ol\ed .UK! tin- ab-ence of ascend: .-nding L- when i-Maicd. T: .il portion, ho\ve\er, -ho\\ - two type- of reaction, both of which have already been dc-cribid. The iniere-i:: • about the development of tin- part i- toiind in the form taken b\ the outer liber la; :dent on the presence or absence "I t' • rnal limiting membrane. This a !-• • tS the other la\ er- illa-UUH 1. a- thi- membrane appt to regulate the peiiet rat ion <>t blood from the host Mipi . Ph< growth and the differentiation of the various lay- ers i- very -pctilic in both < I he nuclear cords and the \\idth of the layer-, \\ith the e.\cepti<'ii of the outer fiber layer, as ha- been mentioned above, are appro\imati-I\- normal. It was mentioned above that in >ome of the graft- of the mesencephalon and the na-al re-ion, thi-re are -mall peripheral nerve-like bundle- pre-ent which do not correspond to any Mich formation in the normal. The-e outgrowths of ner\'e are the n-ult of the differentiation of the individual liber- of the nerve cell-, but, owing to the fact that the membrane which furni-hes a mechanical ob-tructioii to indefinite outward growth of 3IO LEIGH HOADI.KV. these is absent, these fibers have continued to grow into the mesenchyme, forming, in places, nerve-like bundles. Lewis (1907 d) describes a similar outgrowth of nerves from the brain tissue of Rana sylvatica from which he had removed the optic primordium. He states (page 464) : "These nerves extend from a region of the brain which, under normal conditions, never gives rise to peripheral nerves, or at least to nerves that leave the brain in the region to run into the mesenchyme. . . . The injury in the brain in these experiments was done long before the nerves normally appear." The data presented here seem to indicate that the regulation of the growth of the elements is dependent to some degree on the structural environment, and that the dis- organization produced by the injury during operation is sufficient to modify the gross structure obtained in development. IV. DISCUSSION7 The independent power of growth and differentiation of other embryonic parts has been studied to a limited extent by this same method. Danchakoff (1921) has investigated the growth and the differentiation of the blastoderm of the "primitive streak stage" of the chick embryo after transplantation to the "allan- toic" membrane. Blastoderms of "ten and more somites" from which the posterior portion to the eighth somite had been removed, were also grafted. In the blastoderms transferred to the allantois at an early primitive streak stage, no differentiation of organs appeared; the implanted parts remain as "islands of undifferentiated tissue." Growths from blastoderms of a late primitive streak stage showing a slight indication of the head process, show groups of cells which "grow well and reach a high degree of differentiation." Eye, nervous tissue, and notochord are present, and in the cartilage which forms around the cord, different parts of normal vertebrae are recognizable. Dancha- koff concludes from her results, "the earlier a whole blastoderm is transferred to the allantois, the less growth and differentiation is obtained." While the principles involved in the growth ;uul development of such transplantations are probably the same as those applying to the independent differentiation of the isolatnl organ primordium, the situation in grafts of such large portions CHORIO-ALLAXTOIC GRAFTS. 311 of the embryo is very complex and for this reason an analysis would be difficult. More n-cently Atterbury (1923) has transplanted the metan- ephric "anlage" of the chick in the same way. The material u-ed in the experiments was taken from seven day chicks trail-planted to the membranes of chicks of the same age. The primordium of the kidney consists of an ureteric channel with < ral tubule- and metanephrogenous tissue at the time trail-planted. Tin- differentiation obtained from such grafts after variou- period >i\\ th was similar to that of the control melanephro-. The i-ohitcd metanephric primordium of the chick embryo ha-, thu- the power of independent >clf-differen- tiation as have the • idied in this report. A genera] sun power of growth and differentiation of isolal ' was made as a preliminary to the piv-i -lit -tudy. The Drafts obtained from implant- of ci n and the primitive streak confirm the re-ult- t! M hakoft has obtained for the " bla-toderm in tot embryo. Cartilage, muscle, ncrvi >u- ti-- -ue, nepi • ''ii- ti— tie, and epidermis differentiate well. Some of the im somitic region show \cry definite striation-. The cartilage suggests the form* it would have Mimed in the normal embryo and the spinal nerve- ha\ rial iiunt iml segmentation in the cord. If the ii \\ith more or less extcn- m- pK I with the results obtained in the invi ion of the . 1 prim< .rdium of the single organ, i: r- that in both i he differentiation of the graft i- • ilic nature, after a < eriain amount of physiological dilferentiat: taken place in the transplanted. Thi> physiological dif- ntiationof the ct 11- of the organism h a tailed "i>roto- plaMiii. :ali/ation" by Child (1921). In ^peakin.^ of "-elf- di I ion "in isolated parts of annelid and nmllu-k em In he- 1. 120 "... protoplasmic specialization has advai so far that the regulatory reaction- to isolation of part- are limited, and the behavior of the part after isolation i- th« much the saiiu- as before." Just when the speciali/ation of the cells c>f the oixan primordium is est.ibli-hed in the chick embryo matter re<|iiirin- further iiiv tion, though the n--ult- 312 LEIGH HOADLKV. the present study indicate that it is at a very early stage. It is conceivable that, for the eye, for example, specialization iiuy occur after the earlier stages used by Danchakoff, for in her experiments, the entire embryo with a part of the blastoderm and not the isolated primordium was transplanted, so that physiologi- cal isolation was not complete. The time of such organization differs for different animal classes as has been shown by the experiments on the independent development of isolated blasto- meres, some cleavage being determinate from the very first with no post-regeneration. The antero-posterior course of embryonic differentiation in the chick indicates that the time of this speciali- zation varies for different parts of the same embryo. The results of the study of the organs described indicate that the cells of their parts possess a specificity which is histologically equal to that of the normal. That such a specificity is an innate property of the cells of the embryo at certain stages has, moreover, been shown by numerous investigators by the methods of tissue culture, where the cells behave more or less as independent units. The same principles apply to the development of the subordinate parts of the organs grafted. This is emphasized by the dif- ferentiation of the cristae acusticae of the membranous labyrinth, the lens and the lenticular zone of the eye, and the various parts of the nasal region and the mesencephalon. The development of a subordinate part when isolated as such, is a problem, the results of which must be established by further investigation. That such parts are capable of differentiation without the stim- ulation of external factors is proven by their behavior when isolated in the primordium of the organ. Xo nerve stimulation of the cristae acusticae is necessary for their origin, for example, a condition closely resembling that found to exist in the formation of the lateral line sense organs of the amphibian larva by Har- rison. The results which have already been obtained indicate that the same general principles are involved in the differen- tiation of the parts of the other primordia which have been employed in the transplantations. The limits of development of the isolated parts seem to depend on the mechanical factors involved rather than on the physiologi- cal isolation as such. In none of the cases is this more marked CHORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 315 than in those where the otocyst and mesencephalon are used in transplantation. Despite the disorganization produced by the manipulation and by the forces acting on the graft during its growth on the host, the results of the isolation are not marked, differentiation occurin;sr in an approximately normal manner. The absence of the external limiting membrane of the mesenceph- alon, for example. doe- not alter the differentiation of the parts •ich. but doe- modify the type of development obtained by the on. a who'. Be ring thea point- in mind, we may say that the-e iv-ults empha-i/e the mosaic type of the development of the primordia mined, after their origin in the embryo. The time of their in varies, but once they are physiologically con-tituie<: Mich, their i-olation from the adjacent structures has little i-liect on the unfolding nature of the reali/ation of the potentialities of their coii-tituent part-. The limits which are impo-ul on the (le\elo|iinent of the-e transplanted organs are dependent <>n en\ condition-, apparently largely of a mechanical nature. I • nature of the development of the different cell- i- app.itvntlv v< cific, but to what degree, remain- the subject f..i further iiiNe-iuaiioii- which are l>eing made at the pre-eiit time. V. LITERATURE CITED. Atterbury, R. R. '23 1> Mctanepliric Anlagc of tl. in Alia: Am. JOUMI. Ai: KI. Beard, J. '86 1 liial Sense Organs and tlK-ii A Ganglia in 1. lain. ; :t. Journ. Micr. Sci., XX\'I. Child, C. M. '21 1 .1 uii'l I )i-\ i-lupment of the NVt tem. I aiv. of Chi. Pi Cohn, Franz. •03 lite des i es Htthnchens. A;.h. f. Mik:. A:. .f... l.XI. Danchakoff, V. '16 K«'-ii' •• "' Hemopoietii An] -. .Journ, '•. t.. XX. '22 Grafts in the Allantois of Embry^ni. An'.a^. •-; ol the CMiick. Anat. !•' XXIII. Abstract. Detwiler, S. R. '22 I • \|>.-i imrnts on the Transplantation ut" Limbs of A mblystoma. Journ. Ex| XXX\. 314 LEIGH HOADI.I.V. Disse, J. '97 Die erste Entwickclung clcs Riechnervcn. Anat. Helte IX., Abt. I. Fischel, A. 'oo Ueber die Regeneration der Linse. Anat. Ileftc XIV. Harrison, R. G. '03 Experimentelle Untersuchungen ueber die Entwickelung der Sinncsorgane der Seitenlinie bei den Amphibien. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., LXIII. 'oya Observations on the Living Developing Nerve Fiber. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., IV. 'oyb Experiments in Transplanting Limbs and their Bearing upon the Problems of the Development of Nerves. Journ. Exp. Zool., IV. "10 Outgrowth of Nerve Fibers as a Mode of Protoplasmic Movement. Journ. Exp. Zool., IX. '12 The Cultivation of Tissues in Extraneous Media as a Method of Morpho- genetic Study. Anat. Rec.. VI. His. '89 Ueber die Entwickelung des Riechlappens und des Riechganglions und iiber diejenige des verlangerten Markes. Verb. d. Anat. Gesells. a.d. dritten Vers. in Berlin. Kiyono, K., and Sueyasu, Y. '17 Ueber die Implantation der Embryonalgewebe verschiedener Tierspezies in die Hiihner und Entenembryonen. Organ der Med. Gesells. zu Kyoto. XIV. Lewis, W. H. '073 Lens Formation from Strange Ectoderm in Rana syhatica. Am. Journ. Anat., VII. 'O7b Experimental Studies on the Development of the Eye in Amphibia. Am. lourn. Anat., VI. '070 Experiments on the Origin and Differentiation of the Optic Vesicle in Amphibia. Am. Journ. Anat., VII. 'oyd Experimental Evidence in Support of the Theory of Outgrowth of the Axis Cylinder. Am. Journ. Anat., VI. '076 On the Origin and Development of the Otic Vesicle in Amphibian Embryos. Anat. Rec., VI., with Am. Journ. Anat., VII. Lewis, M. R., and W. H. 'na The Growth of Embryonic Chick Tissues in Artificial Media, Agar and Bouillon. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., XXII., No. 241. 'nb The Cultivation of Tissues from Chick Embryos in Solutions of NaCl, CaCh. KC1, and NaHCO3. Anat. Rec.. V. Lillie, F. R. '19 The Development of the Chick. 2d Edition, Henry Holt and Co. Marshall, A. M. '79 The Morphology of the Vertebrate Olfactory Organ. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., XIX. Minoura, T. '21 A Study of Testis and Ovary Grafts on the Hen's Egg and their Effects on the Embryo. Journ. Exp. Zool., XXXIII. Murphy, J. B. '13 Transplantability of Tissues to the Embryo of Foreign S|«virs. Journ. Exp. Med., XVII. CHORIO-ALLANTOIC GRAFTS. 315 Roux, Wm. '88 Ueber das kiinstliche Hervorbringen halber Embryonen durch Zerstorung einer der beiden ersten Furchungskugeln, u.s.\v. Yirchow's Arch., CX\"I. Spemann, H. '10 Die Entwickelunj; des invertierten Horgriibchens zum Labyrinth. Roux's Arch.. XXX. '12 Zur Enuvickelung <]a \YirbeItierauges. Zool. Jahrb., XXXII. Streeter, G. L. '07 Some Factors in the Development of the Amphibian Ear Vesicle and Further Experiments on Equilibration. Journ. Exp. Zoul., IV. '14 K.\|» rimental Evidence Concerning the Determination of Posture of the Membranous Labyrinth in Amphibian Embryos. Jour. Exp. Zool., XVI. I wi*h hen.- t-i • ay thanks to Mr. Kenji Toda for the preparation of the figu: CYTOLOGICAL CHANGES IX UNFERTILIZED TUBAL EGGS OF THE RAT. MARGARET C. MAXX, LABORATORIES OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. INTRODUCTION. Recent work on artificial parthenogenesis in vertebrates has reopened the question as to the possibility of some degree of parthenogenesis in mammals. Many authors have described division comparable to cleavage in eggs of atretic follicles, but no thorough-going study of the cytological changes in the tubal eggs of mammals has been made until recently. This lack of obser- vation was natural as long as ovulation was thought of as occur- ring only at copulation, since under these circumstances the possi- bility that fertilization might have occurred could not have been excluded. Other work indicating that ovulation occurs at regular intervals in several mammals including the rat quite independently of copulation, lead to the question as to how far the cytological changes of the unfertilized tubal egg of the rat might parallel normal development. It \\as of interest to com- pare the changes in the unfertilized eggs in atretic follicles, as well as with eggs which have been artifically stimulated to par- thenogenetic development. The conditions which have been described in these three cases are so much alike that one is inclined to believe that similar physiological changes are going on in each. Whether these processes are wholly disintegrative in the tubal rat egg; or represent an abortive beginning of partheno- genetic development appears to be a matter of interpretation. Several authors have stated, and this work corroborates the observation, that mammalian eggs disintegrate in the second polar spindle stage if fertilization does not occur soon after ovulation. Many other authors have noted the occurrence of divided eggs, simulating, at least, two, four, or more cell stages, in the lower portion of the oviduct and uterus of mammals. It is the purpose of this paper to trace the cytological ch.m^rs which occur between ovulation and such apparent cleavage stages. 316 CYTOLOGICAL CHANGES IX EGGS OF RAT. 317 MATERIAL. For the material used in the preparation of this paper I am indebted to Drs. J. A. Long and H. M. Kvans. I also wish to express my thanks to Dr. Long for helpful encouragement. The material was prepared for a study of ovulation in the rat, Mits norwegicus. The females from which the ova were obtained were isolated before parturition and kept from males thereafter, thus preventing the po— ibility of ova being fertili/ed. They were killed at different intervals after parturition. The ovaries and c\ id in t- \\eiv fixed iii Xenker's or in Benda'- fluid and .stained in cannine, iron h.eniatoxylin, or phosphotungstic acid luenia- \lin. The l.itit-r was by far the most useful -tain. The I ;• nl. i v illy valuable for study of the c\ \< >pla-- mic (.•lenient-, but it w.t- less useful than the Zenker preparation- l"r detail- of nuclear -tincture, because the darkly -tainin:; granule- .ind niitoc hondria tend to obscure the chromoMime- e-pri ially in the period of scattering. In the fifty oviduct- which were -tudied eggs were found in the di-tal portion in t\\el\i in the middle upper portion in ten, in the lower- middle portion in -r\eii, and in the proximal portion in nineteen. In all two hundred and fifty-two eggs were examined. As many as nirit .uixl in some oviducts, but three, four, ,md h\e Were n- ••• d nruch nnue commonly. OBSERVATION \t o\ ulaiion the -ei mid polar -pindlr lie- parallel to the periph- ti\ of ilu- egg \\ith tin- d\ad- arranged upon it in t\-pical final prophase position. In any one oviduct all of the ova are al about the -aim- Stage. fable I. demonstrate- the fact that the com- moner stages -ho\\ a natural -e«iiieiice \\ith re-|u-ct to po-iiion in the o\idtict be^inninv; \\ith di-tortioti of the -pindle and 5i teiin- of the chi Mini •-• >me- and ending with the imei|iial fragmen- tation of a multinucleate cell. It i- e\ident that \\ e are tlui- pro\ idi-d with a natural -eriation of c\ tolo^ica cat value in interpretation of the re-nit.-. Stage I. — It v ill be noted from Table I. by far the great number of ova found in the distal third of the oviduct \\ ere in the • nd polar- spindle stage. The -pindle may, however, be -li-htly turned or even at right an^le- to it- original po-ition 318 MARC.ARET C. MANX. parallel to the periphery. In a few cases some of the dyads have divided and the monads have moved apart from one another on the spindle fibers. First polar bodies are often found, but no evidence of second polar body formation was noted. The cyto- plasm shows no marked differentiation, consisting of a rather coarse reticulum enclosing a few large yolk globules and many small granules. Some of them stain deeply and are found in chains. These may be mitochondria. The zona pellucida is TABLE I. SUMMARY OF CYTOLOGICAL DATA AS RELATED TO POSITION IN THE OVIDUCT. Position Num- -• Series. in ber of Cytclogical Notes. Oviduct.1 Eggs. 318 Distal 3 3 with second spindles slightly rotated in all. 345 * * 9 2 with second spindles parallel surface. I perpen- dicular; 6 with chromosomes scattered. 383 « t 4 4 with spindles parallel surface. 337 *' 3 i with spindles parallel surface; i perpendicular; i with chromosomes condensed. 227 • t 3 2 with spindles parallel surface; slightly rotated in i. 10 " 4 4 with spindles parallel surface. I. 103 < I 7 Second spindles show some scattering, periph- eral cytoplasm vacuolate. no 4 1 6 4 with spindles parallel surface; 2 show some scattering. III 1 1 4 4 with spindles parallel surface. 18 2-5 2 2 with blunt spindles parallel surface. 33 2-5 3 2 with 2d polar spindles parallel surface; i con- tains i large and i small spindle. "3 3-5 6 5 with 2d polar spindles parallel surface; i central. 102 3-5 i i with 2d polar spindles parallel surface. 109 3-5 3 3 with 2d polar spindles parallel surface. 115 4 9 5 with 2d polar spindles parallel surface; frag- mentation in others; distortion. 35 4 3 i with 2d polar spindles parallel surface; 2 with spindles and vesicles: 26 4-5 i I with chromosomes scattered, vesicles forming about them. II. 22 4-5 2 2 with chromosomes scattered. 367 4-5 3 3 with chromosomes scattered. 107 5 3 i with chromosomes scattered; i second spindle intact; I fragmenting. 8 5 3 I with chromosomes scattered, broken spindle; 2 second spindles. 5-25 i i with chromosomes scattered, distorted spimllr 114 5-5 5 4 fragmenting, multinuclcate; i with 3 large vesicles. 347 5-5 7 6 with chromosomes scattered, I with I large group; i fragmenting. 4 6 2 2 multinucleate. CYTOLOGICAL CHANGES IX EGGS OF RAT. 319 •ion Num- Stage. Series. in ber Cytological Notes. Oviduct.' III. 325 7 I i with 4 equal uninucleate cells. 308 7 I I multin . :ragmenting. 17 7o 4 4 multinuclt -47 8-5 3 3 multin 403 8-5 9 multin lulling irrespective of nucleus, ming. 12 8.5 3 2 multin ; >indle parallel surface. 354 8-5 5 3 multinucleatc and fragmenting; 2 with scat- 8-5 :iu-nting irregularly. •• or more nuclei; ir- 9 I I inulti: 9 .ting with u: ijularity. 2 4 cells. 9 M.i ate fragments. 3 crating. 2 i tin: :p of 4 equal cells in a 9 I I \\ uh 4 multin;. 9 5 1 I In- : i the oviduct; thus stage I. in> li. •. i.*.. from 1-3.5. while gc is the • Ill 1 U !U. Cells. Fr.i . in i '• Central Condensed. ;"> I-}, v • 4 2 15 O o o 2 J-C . 6 •» i o i i 7 i i o 2 O 6 22 2 Total -Ji 4 16 20 22 2 2 r\ i.lcnt in .ill of the- Hnid.i .md in -(-me of the /mki-r preparations .1- ,i \\iili- In mil '-run Hi- l.ivrr. \\'hy it should have been pn-- served in some <>f the /rnki-r pri-p.iratioiis .md dissolved off in dilu-r- i- nut undiT-tixid. The- fdllick- cells appear to be fjuite normal. All of the eggs in twelve oviducts contained -pindlcs either to the peri])her\- or >till u-ually intact at this stage. The follicle cells are often grouped into small syncytia containing many small crescent shaped nuclei. The eggs of stage three were mostly found in the lower middle portion of the oviduct. In all thirty-six ova were multinucleate. Of these sixteen were unfragmented, and twenty were beginning to fragment. Stage IV. — I-"ra;.;mentation U-^in- almost simultaneously with • K- formation but i- u-ually completed in the most proximal portion of the o\ id in i. Tin- fragments vary in number from two or three to main . Tin \ may b- < >ximately equal in size or very tmci|iia!. A fragment may contain one to several nuclei or none. I Lamentation occur- quite independently of the vesi when mai 1 may take place either by a process of lobin^. « .r. m« >re > . ,mnn >nly. by the appearance of cracks in the c\ topla-m. - 'me of i he o\ .1 iii i In- IOUIT portion of the oviduct resemble 2, nd 4 cell ely. Three two, one three, and loin- cell 'iind. In oviduct 32 only one egg in live r« -mil. led a nonn.,1 condition, the rest being multinucleate and more or less fragmented. In o\iduct 37 two two and one four cell stage \\ ini|>o->ibU- to tell how many ova they come from. The follicle cell- are now empty -hell- devoid of protopla-m. romplc-te fragmentation was the rule in nineteen ovidu- All of the-e \\ere found in the lower third of the tube. In all twenty-two ova had n 'but this number does not repre-ellt the total -ince in -e\'eral ca-es degeneration had pro- , ' eded SO far that the figure- for them had to be omitted. 322 MARGARET C. MANX. LITERATURE AND DISCUSSION. The observations upon atretic and unfertilized tubal eggs of mammals agree essentially but the interpretations are rather various especially with regard to atretic eggs. This is easily comprehensible since no natural method of sedation is provided in atretic material. On the other hand one can easily determine the position of tubal eggs in the oviduct, and as these data show, can then demonstrate that such eggs pass thru a regular series of changes as they descend the duct. In eggs which are liberated into the fallopian tube the second maturation spindle sometimes rotates to a position at right angles to the surface. The dyads also divide occasionally so that the second anaphase really appears to begin in some unfertilized eggs. In by far the greatest number of eggs in the upper third of the oviduct, however, the second polar spindle is parallel to the periphery and intact, with the dyads still in late prophase posi- tion. The spindle may or may not be somewhat broken. Xo cytoplasmic changes were noted at this stage. In eggs in two oviducts the spindle was central in position. Three of the facts cited above might be interpreted as indica- ting that the cell processes may not all be wholly degenerative at this stage. Firstly, the spindle may rotate as if in preparation for the second polar division. Secondly, some of the dyads may divide, and thirdly, the spindle may be found in the center of the egg- Eggs with central spindles all showed one of two degener- ative conditions; the chromatin simply clumping into a single mass and the cytoplasm shrinking and becoming denser, or in other cases the cell wall may break and the very vacuolate cytoplasmic contents scatter. There is no indication in the tubal rat material that normal cleavage ever occurs in these eggs altho it may of course be possible that more material might include such stages since a few eggs give the appearance of approximately normal early cleavage stages. In by far the greatest number of eggs degeneration begins with the failure of the second polar division. It is of some interest that the formation of but one polar body is a characteristic feature of development of nn>-t naturally parthenogenetic animal eggs. Degeneration has been shown to begin with the breaking "I the CYTOLOGICAL < EANGES IN" EGGS OF RAT. 323 spindle and the consequent scattering of the chromosomes throughout the cytoplasm. Kingery ('13) described the same type of degeneration for eggs of the mouse. The cyto- plasm and diromosonie- inter that the latter at first appear to he surrounded by a « lear liquid. They then swell and form little \e-ides resembling nuclei. Where several chromosomes guous lar-e V( -ult. ("harleton ('i/) described nueleu- "f tubal mon-' farming from the entire chrom- Mp, which th- to a multimicleate cell liy l<.l»inu. Tin- -eriation ht •:• nU-d demonstrates that this in the- It" 'ins nuclei were fu-ing, picture- -ueh a- ( 'harleton ! rihed as due to lobing \\< .uld be <.bt. :iiu-d. \\ i M -ribed syncytia in artificially p.irt hem i^eiiet i< Poxopneusl _s as resulting from .i failure «.i" cytokinesis following nuclear di\i-ion by a mitotic proo I • ommon a] broken spindles and scat- tin in the upper p.irt < .1 the oviduct as well as the different e in ~i/e d" the \ esi( !e~ indi y that this is not the case in tub.i! \o true multipol.n- -pindle-. inn; or cytasters such were de-.-riU-d b> Ht-niii . 5) for atretic rat eggs, by Newman i; F the armadillo, and in artificially I l-\ Wilson (*oi) were found. ( )n, in., p pindles at opposite poles of the cell. I. ,nn- 'i ; :.nier|ireted .1 -imilar condition in a tubal egg of the -ui hat tl polar body had no: I dct. tched from i . but note- that a similar case could not be M. inierprete.l -inee the fn>t polar body was clearly present. In \ie\v of t1 1 i>olar spindle of tubal rat « r-oi ue time- -n.i|)- in tu I elongation and di-tortion it seems best to coii-iiler -uch picture- as originating in thi- manner. 1 )uring the MMtterin^; of the chromo-omr- the cytopla-m In-, omes more co.n>ely ^r.inuKir and the nu>he- more opi-n. \\il-on i ibi-d the c\ topla-m of //;•/;/;• artificially parthenogenetic ser b\- clumpin- of micro-onie- preceding a-ter formation. < >nc cell was found with nd one with two re-ling nuclei. They are probably the result of chan - of chromi 324 MARGARET C. MANX. into one or two rather than into many masses.1 When few nuclei are present they tend to occupy the center of the egg. Eggs containing resting nuclei were lower in the oviduct than any of the eggs containing spindles, hence it is probable that spindles never form following the disintegration of the second polar spindle in tubal rat eggs. Newman ('13) interprets his atretic armadillo material as indicating that new mitotic figures with asters form following a return to the resting condition after the failure of the second polar division, but none of the rat eggs with central spindles showed any indication of astral radiations. There is no indication in the rat material that fertilization by a polar body ever occurs. The first polar body is completely separated from the egg before ovulation takes place. Fragmentation occurs almost independently of the newly formed "nuclei," so that some of the resulting cells contain nuclei and some do not. Newman ('13) and Charleton ('17) describe a similar cutting off of anucleate portions of the egg and consider it as a form of deutoplasmolysis. Newman believes that such a process would be advantageous to a cell system governed by a haploid nucleus. Since in the rat eggs the distribution as well as number and size of the "nuclei" is haphazard in the fragments it seems improbable that the process should be considered normal. In the tubal rat material it appears that the fragmentation process is less abnormal when few nuclei are present in the egg, and that it may at times be fairly normal is indicated by the fact that a few normal-looking 2, 3, and 4 cell stages were found. In his observations on unfertilized eggs of Toxopneustes Wilson ('oi) states that most of the blastomeres resulting from a simul- taneous cleavage of syncytia contain nuclei but that some do not. Here also the fewer nuclei present, the more normal the division. Thus in tubal rat eggs as in artificially parthenogenetic one>, .1 few may have more vitality than the rest, and these may possibly be considered as possessing a very limited parthenogenetic capacity. In the lowest portion of the oviduct all of the ova were obvious- 1 The possibility that sperm may live in the oviduct for several days and then be capable of fertilization should, however, be taken into cn in inti-i- prcting these occasional normal looking cases. \ViU«>n (,'oi) also found some un- fertilized eggs which resembled fertilization stages. CYTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN KGGS OF RAT. 325 ly degenerate. They might be expected to enter the uterus, if at all, as mere shells and scattered cytoplasm. The zona is either broken or absent at this stage. CON< i.i -ION. I "Howing ovulation most of tin- changes undergone by tulul rat eggs are distinctly abnormal. The central position of the spindle, the occurrence of three uni-. and one binncleate cell, the coar-enin- « .f cytopla-mic r-truct tire, the < >1 »MT\ ati< >n that division is more or le— « regular acn.rdiiu '" the number of " nuclei" which are pre-ent, and tin- discovery i-j" a fe\v two. three and four cell Stages may be thought t<> indicate -••me tendency towards normal de\elopniein in certain of the nnt'eriili/ed eggs. < >n the con- trar\ , the t.n I that the central -pindle i- ran- and always degener- ate, that only three uninucleate cell- were found, the i:reat pre- ponderain e of multiniH leate cell>. and the fact that only very enerate fragment- are found near the uu-rii-. make it neces- Bary to < onclnde that although certain auto-re^ulati\ e processes may OCCtir in a few ova, a -f. !•• I • .34: 1-23. Barfurth, D. '96 \ViNtnh iiln-r ilif I : .1. i. Entwickl.. Bonnet, R. '99 l.i'.t Ct bel \\ :: '•••Ilirrrll I' : ' it. U. Entwickl.. 9: .v Bischoii, T. 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Entwickl., 31: 145-163. Huber, G. C. '15 Development of the Albino Rat (Miis narvegicus) I. and II. Journ. Morph., 26: 247-386. Janosik, J. '97 Die Atrophie der Follikel und ein seltsames Verhalten der Eizelle. Arch. f. mikros. Anat., 48: 169—181. Kingery, H. M. '15 So-called parthenogenesis in the White Mouse. BIOL. BULL., 27: 240—258. Kirkham, W. B. '07 The Maturation of the Mouse Egg. BIOL. BULL., 12: 259-265. Kirkham, W. B., and Burr, H. '13-14 Breeding Habits of the Albino Rat. Amer. Journ. Anat., 15: 291-317. Lams, H. '13 Etudie de 1'oeuf de cobaye. Arch. d. Biol., 28: 229-323. Lams, H., and Doorme, J. '07-08 Maturation et fecondation de 1'oeuf des mammiferes. Arch. d. Biol., 23= 259-343. Long, J. A., and Mark, E. L. 'n The Maturation of the Egg of the Mouse. Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash., 142: 1-72. Lau, H. '94 Die parthenogenetische Furchung des Huhnereies. Inaug. Diss. Jurgen. Dorpat. Loeb, L. '01 On Progressive Changes in the Ova in Mammalian Ovaries. Journ. Med. Res., N.S., i: 30-46. Oelacher, J. '72 Die Veranderungen des unbefruchteten Keimes des Hiihnereies im Kilritrr und bei Bebriitungsversuchen. Ztschr. f. wiss. Zoo!., 22: 181-234. Newman, H. H. "13 Parthenogenetic Cleavage of the Armadillo Ovum. BIOL. BVLL., 25: 52-64. Rabl, H. '97 Zur Kenntnis der Richtimgspinddn in degenerierenden Sitzber. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien., 106: 95-!"'.. < VTOLOGICAL CHAN(.l-> IN KGGS OF RAT. 327 Rubaschin, W. '05 Uber die Reifungs und Befruchtungs prozene des Meerschweinchenscies. Anat. Hcfte 29: 507-553. '06-07 ' I»T BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE noannc Biological laboratory VOL. XLYI JANUARY, 1924 . No. i • « INTENTS KOPEC, STEFAI i . '"/>- at and ' i 1 I KM K, ( . I I . .1 ; - I1' i i aasmo M«>N UII.Y nv THE MAklNl- i:i<>! OGICAL LABORATORY PRINTED AND 1SSI El> BY i INCASTER I-KI ss, i\ LANCASTER, r.\. AGENT FOR GREAT BRITAIN WHKI.DON & \\ y, I.IMIII i. 2, J anrf 4 Arthur . (Oxford Street, London, W. C. 2 Single Numbers, 75 Cents. Per Volume '6 numbers), S3.OO Entered October 10. iooa, at Lancaster. I'a.. as second-class matter under Act of Congress of July 16, i8p4- lEfcitortal Staff E. G. COXKLIN — Princeton University. GEORGE T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden. T. H. MORGAX — Columbia University. W. M. WHEELER —Harvard University. E. B. WILSOX — Columbia University. Efcitor FRANK R. LILLIE — The University of Chicago. All communications and manuscripts should be sent to the Man- aging Editor, the University of Chicago, Sept. I5th to June I5th, or \Yoods Hole, Mass., June I5th to Sept. I5th. Subscriptions and other matter should be addressed to the Biological Bulletin, Prince and Lemon Streets, Lancaster, Pa. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE noarinc Biological laboratory WOODS H< >!.h. .\\ VOL. XL\ I I EBRUARY, 1924 No. 2 CONTENTS \l\-l, 5. ( ' . \M' .I/ ' I'l - II. I.. < M \. \i.' i IIIK. I..M\ \V. .1 >: //:: Entbr \ll.i N, I i". \K. HONDA, HIKOKUI I1' i : Mos MII.Y II V THE MAKINI-: i:l<>i OGICAL LABORATORY PRINTED A liY I \\( A-ri K F'KI SS, I I VNCASTER, PA. AGENT FOR GREAT BRITAIN \VHELDON & \VI -I I V, F.IMIII n 2, j and 4 Arthur S!T,,!, New < '.\; • • /, London, If. C. 2 Single Numbers, 75 Cents. Per Volume 6 numbers*, S3.OO ••••^•••H-HH— ^^^^^^^••— •••••••i— _B_^^^«HB»«i^— ^— ^-^B— l^^MBI Ent«rtd October 10, ipoa. at I-ancaster. Pa., as second-class matter under Act of Congreaa of July 16. 1894- Editorial Staff E. G. CoteKLIN-^-Princeton University. GMORGK T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden. T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. \\ . M. \YIII-:J:LKR — Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. FRANK R. LILLII-; — The University of Chicago. All communications and manuscripts should be sent to the Man aging Editor, the University of Chicago, Sept. I5th to June I5th, or Woods Hole, Mass., June I5th to Sept. i5lh. Subscriptions and other matter should be addressed to the Biological Bulletin, Prince and Lemon Streets, Lancaster, Pa. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THE noarinc BtolOQical laboratory H< M.L. M VOL. XL\ I MARCH, 1924 No. 3 CONTENTS YOCOM. HAM Y I'. Lutetil C< :d of th • KM \\\ \ !'.i i • i I ). /;:.' ' ' /« /?<7(;- //' : n- • . Kid w, THURLOW ( / >v .!/: •• r /. Oxford Street, London, W. C. 2 Single Numbers, 75 Cents. Per Volume -6 numbers). S3.OO Entered Octobw 10. tooa. at Lancaster. Pa., as second-class matter under Act of ConereM of July 16. 1894- EDitorial Staff E. G. CONKLIN — Princeton University. GKORGK T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden. T. H. MORGAN— Columbia University. W. M. WHI.KLKR— Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. FRANK -R. LILLIK — The University of Chicago. All communications and manuscripts should be sent to the Man- aging Editor, the University of Chicago, Sept. 151)1 to June I5th, or \\'oods Hole, Mass., June 151)1 to Sept. 151)1. Subscriptions and other matter should be addressed to the Biological Bulletin, Prince and Lemon Streets, Lancaster, Pa. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN fiDannc 3i3iolocueal laboratory \V« >< >!>>> HI '! I -. \\ \NS VOL. XI A I APRIL. [924 \n. 4 Mi [/, CBAS, \\'.. -.Z, J»~K 1 PACK \i ( \KI.ES. ( i i.\ i i \M>, I.. K. CONTENTS Th, '. jomo Dnrir in the Rob- ber Fly, La5/. :tibility of O//.> / - R-:.' :m RaJ .. iologica . Rdat: ships Bftuven l> -i of md :h' :h Special Rcfcr- Kollar ...... 178 M' >s mi > ii\ i UK MAKIM- BIO1 « RV PRINTED A ED BY I ANCASTER I'Ki 5S, INC. I \NCASTER, I'.\. AGENT KOR GREAT BRITAIN WHI'I DON & \VI.SI I-.V, l.iMinu 2, .? and 4 Arthur Street, .Yr-ir Oxford Street, London, W. (.'. 2 Single Numbers, 75 Cents. Per Volume 16 numbers). S3.OO Fnt«r^d October 10. IQOJ, at I anr utfr. Pa., as second-class matter under Act of Congress of July 16. i8o4- Editorial Staff E. G. COXKLIX— Princeton University. GKORGK T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden. T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. \\ . M. WHKKLKR — Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. FRANK R. LILLIE — The University of Chicago. All communications and manuscripts should be sent to the Man- aging Editor, the University of Chicago, Sept. I5th to June I5th, or Woods Hole, Mass., June I5th to Sept. I5th. Subscriptions and other matter should be addressed to the Biological Bulletin, Prince and I.rmnn St reels, Lancaster, Pa. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF THF flDaunc Biological laboratory \N< >< >! .^ H< 'I \'OL. X1A I M \v. 1924 \ i I,\MI, L. \\. KlNDKKD, J AMI > I . ' kX)D&H ii, HUBERT 1 CONTENTS The V> .nd Symbiotic Relation- ^3 bet- tinal Protozoa of Termites and their ll<'-t, u-ith Special R ft-r . /?./.<•;,.'• :lnr The C Penvi^ccral Fluid of Echinv I ^28 Cell Be . . . . . 252 \7, I'l I M'lN mi -, MY IKK MAR IN! i:H'| QGICAL I \n«l< \loRV PRINTED A HD BY I ANCASTER I'Ki SS, Ii LANCASn-R, PA. AGENT FOR GREAT BRITAIN \VIIFI. PON >!v WI-.SI.KY, I.IMIII D 2,3 and 4 Arthur Street, \e-t- Oxford Street, London, W. C. 2 Single Numbers, 75 Cents. Per Volume '6 numbers). S3.OO 1 ncrrd October 10. iooa. at Lanc.uter. Pa., as second-class matter under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894- Editorial Staff E. G. Cox KLIN — Princeton University. GEORGE T. MOORE — The Missouri Botanic Garden. T. H. MORGAN — Columbia University. \Y. M. WHEELER —Harvard University. E. B. WILSON — Columbia University. EDftor FRANK R. LILLIE — The University of Chicago. All communications and manuscripts should be sent to the Man- aging Editor, the University of Chicago, Sept. I5th to June I5th, or Woods Hole, Mass., June 15th to Sept. I5th. Subscriptions and other matter should be addressed to the Biological Bulletin, Prince and Lemon Streets, Lane-aster, Pa. MBI. WH01 LIBRARY III I I' " 17KJ A