LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS V ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation BIOLOGICAL LECTURES FROM THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOOD'S HOLL, MASS. 1898 BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS LIBRARY Copyright, 1899 By GINN & COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTENTS, LECTURE PAGE — I. TJic StnicULrc of Protoplasm. E. B. Wilson . . i ^ II. Cell-Lineage and Ancestral Reinijiiscence. E. B. Wilson 21 ^ III. Adaptation in Cleavage. F. R. Lillie . . 43 .,/' — IV. Protoplasmic Movement as a Factor of Differen- tiation. E. G. CoNKLiN 69 V. Eqnal and Unequal Cleavage in Annelids. A. L. - Treadwell 93 v^ VI. TJie Cell Origin of the Prototroch. A. D. Mead .113 _, VI 1. Relation of the Axis of the Embiyo to the First Cleavage Plane. C. M. Clapp 139 ^ VI 11. Observations on Various Nucleolar Strnctures of the Cell. T. H. Montgomery, Jr 153 IX. Protoplasmic Contractility and PhospJiorescence. S. Watase 177 "* X. Some Problems of Regeneration. T. H. Morgan 193 — XI. The Elimination of the Unfit as Illnstrated by the Intivdiiced Sparroiv, Passer Domesticns. H. C. BuMPUS 209 XII. On the Heredity of the Marking in Fish Embryos. Jacques Loeb . , 227 XIII. Do the Reactions of Loiver Animals Dne to Injury Indicate Pain-Sensations f W. W. Norman . 235 XIV. North American Ruminant-Like Mammals. W. B. Scott 243 XV. Caspar Friedrich Wolff and the Theoria Gene- rationis. W. M. Wheeler 265 — XVI. Animal Behavior. C. O. Whitman ...".. 285 FIRST LECTURE. THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM.^ EDMUND B. WILSON. It would be superfluous to dwell in this place on the deep and enduring interest that attaches to the microscopical study of protoplasm. Since the time when the studies of Cohn and Schultze led to the general recognition of protoplasm as the material substratum of vital activity, — a conclusion so elo- quently set forth by Huxley in his celebrated essay on the physical basis of life, — this interest has continually increased, as we have come to see even more clearly that all biological phenomena are directly or indirectly traceable to the effects af protoplasmic activity, for we have thus been impelled to seek for an understanding of that activity in the morphological struc- ture of protoplasm, as revealed by the microscope. It is small wonder that to this quest some of the ablest of modern biolo- gists have devoted their best energies. And yet, if we take account of the actual knowledge gained, we cannot repress a certain sense of disappointment, partly that microscopical research should have fallen so far short of giving the insight for which we had hoped, but still more because of the failure of the best observers to reach any unanimity in the interpreta- tion of what is actually visible under the microscope. In any consideration of the general subject, therefore, it is well to keep clearly in view the fact that such disagreement exists, and that 1 A more adequately illustrated special paper on this subject, containing more specific references to the literature, is now in press. It should be borne in mind that such delicate textures as those seen in the protoplasm of living cells cannot be properly illustrated by black and white figures. The accompanying text figures, though copied as accurately as possible from the original drawings, are of necessity relatively rude and schematic. I 2 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. we are not yet in a position to justify any very certain or far- reaching conclusions. I would like, at the outset, to express the opinion that, if we except certain highly specialized structures, the hope of find- ing in visible protoplasmic structure any approach to an un- derstanding of its physiological activity is growing more, instead of less, remote, and is giving way to a conviction that the way of progress lies rather in an appeal to the ultra-microscopical protoplasmic organization and to the chemical processes through which this is expressed. Nevertheless, it is of very great im- portance to arrive at definite conclusions regarding the visible morphology of protoplasm, not only because of its intimate connection with all the problems of cell-morphology, but also in order to find the right framework, as it were, for our physio- logical conceptions, and thus to gain suggestion for further physiological and chemical inquiry. And this must be my excuse for reviewing a subject which is still so largely obscured by doubt, and of which the outcome gives, after all, so little satisfaction. It is especially important in this field of biological inquiry to distinguish clearly between theory and observed fact ; for theories of protoplasmic structure have always far outrun the actual achievements of observation. From the time of Briicke (one of the first to insist that protoplasm must possess a far more complicated organization than that visible under the microscope), speculation has gone steadily forward, to reach, per- haps, its most elaborate expression in Weismann's interesting, but unconvincing, work on the germ-plasm — an elaborate specu- lative system built out of hypotheses which for the most part float in the air without visible means of support. We need not consider this side of the subject in extenso, but I will ask atten- tion, for a moment, to what is the most characteristic and, to the morphologist, the most interesting point in these speculations, namely, the doctrine of genetic continuity as applied to the corpuscular, or micellar, theory of protoplasm. We are all familiar with the successive steps by which that doctrine gradu- ally developed. Harvey's celebrated formula, ex ovo omnia^ — or, as usually quoted, ornne vivuni ex ovOy — took with Redi the THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 3 far more philosophical form, omiie vivum e vivo, thus expressing a truth which forms the very foundation of all biological teach- ing at the present day. The development of the cell-theory, long afterwards, enabled Virchow to pronounce the more specific aphorism, oinnis cellula e celhila (1855), — a statement involving the highly interesting conclusion that protoplasm is never formed de novo, but always arises from or through the activity of pre- existing protoplasm differentiated into the form of a cell. Still later a like conclusion was reached with respect to at least one of the structural components of the cell, namely, the nucleus, and the work especially of Flemming and Strasburger justified the saying, oninis nucleus e niicleo. Not long afterwards, the researches of Schmitz, Schimper, and others showed that in plant cells some, if not all, forms of plastids (for example, the chlorophyll-bodies) likewise arise by the division of preexisting bodies of the same kind. Thus the law of genetic continuity was gradually extended downwards from the grosser and more obvious characters of the organism into the finer details of its structural elements. Genetic continuity, the origin of like from like, may now safely be regarded as a demonstrated fact in the case of all existing organisms and of all cells ; it hardly falls short of the same degree of certainty as applied to the nucleus ; it is probable in the case of various forms of plastids in plant cells; while the centrosome is now being weighed in the balance with the evidence for the moment apparently accumulating on the negative side. Up to this point we have been dealing with matters of observed fact. The next and final step was, however, taken in the region of pure speculation, which had in the mean time been at work building upwards from hypotheses regarding the basic composition of protoplasm. Briicke's suggestion, that the cell might be a congeries of bodies more elementary than itself, found a much fuller expression in Herbert Spencer's theory of physiological units ; but it was Darwin's theory of pangenesis that laid the real basis for what followed in the works of De Vries, Wiesner, Weismann, and Hertwig. The common feature in all these later views is the conception of protoplasm, not as a homogeneous substance or mixture of substances, but 4 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. as made up of a host of elementary ultra-microscopical corpus- cles ("pangens," '* biophores," etc.), specifically different, capable of assimilation, growth, and multiplication, and arising by divi- sion of preexisting bodies of like kind. Developed as a purely theoretical hypothesis, and within somewhat narrower limits, by Darwin, this conception was expanded, and brought into more direct relation with observed fact, especially by De Vries and Wiesner, who showed how the assumption of such elementary self-propagating corpuscles at the basis of living matter enabled us to bring all the observed phenomena of genetic continuity under a common point of view. The fundamental hypothesis itself — i.e.^ the genetic continuity of the ultimate morphological units — has, however, always remained, and still remains, a pure assumption, incapable of direct proof or disproof ; for, with the exception of Altmann and a few of his followers, all are agreed that such elementary corpuscles, if they exist, must lie be- yond the limits of microscopical vision. Altmann, however, has sought to identify the elementary units, or "bioblasts," with the visible protoplasmic granules; and, in his writings, the series of Latin aphorisms initiated by Redi culminates in the saying, omfie gramiliim e granulo (!), but this conclusion has not been taken very seriously by most other investigators. I have given this very brief sketch of the theoretical side of the question merely as an introduction, and shall dwell no farther on it at this point, since my main purpose is to ask attention to the visible, as opposed to the hypothetical invisible, structure of protoplasm. A subject so vast, displaying so great a conflict of opinion, must be very briefly treated within the limits of a single lecture ; and I shall, therefore, confine the discussion in the main to the protoplasm of the echinoderm- ^g%, which is accessible to every one, has been made a classical object through the studies of such leaders of research as Flem- ming, Biitschli, and Hertwig, and illustrates as clearly, perhaps, as any other the various interpretations of protoplasmic struc- ture that have been given. In thin sections of well-preserved material, the protoplasm of a star-fish or sea-urchin ^gg gives the appearance, under a high power, of a fine meshwork or framework composed of innu- THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. merable minute granules, or miavsomeSy suspended in a clearer, less deeply staining, continuous substance (Figs, i, ^, and 4). The spaces of the meshwork, which measure from one to nearly two microns, are occupied by a third substance, clear, homo- geneous, and of only slight staining capacity, which has often been called the ground-substance. During cell-division, the meshwork in the neighborhood of the dividing nucleus assumes a radiating appearance, giving rise to the so-called asters, or astral systems which are typically double, form ins: the amphi- 0..- OoQ. P. .vAv^rPo-^' <:^:'6o- Fig. !. — («) Protoplasm of the egg of the sea-urchin {ToxoPfieustes) in section ; (b) protoplasm from a living star-fish egg {Asierias)\ (c) the same in a dying condition after crushing the egg; (/^ substance or protoplasm proper, as distinguished from a lifeless metaplasiriy and, if so, what are its structural relations ? Could we positively answer all these questions, we should have taken a long step forwards in the study of the cell. Far from this, however, in point of fact hardly any two observers have given exactly the same answers to them. Leaving aside the earlier views, we find in the recent literature of the subject two principal general views with a number of modifications of each. The first of these agrees with the early view of Klein and Van Beneden, that the protoplasm forms a network, reticulum^ or thread-work, composed of branching fibres embedded in a homogeneous ground-substance which fills the interstices of the network, and with granules or microsomes lying along the course of the threads, or at the nodes of the network. Many of those who adopt this interpretation further agree with their predecessors, that the astral systems formed during cell-division arise directly through a rearrangement of the preexisting net- work about active centres of attractive or other forces, some- what as iron-filings arrange themselves along the radiating lines of force in a magnetic field, — an arrangement which bears a remarkably close though only superficial resemblance to the protoplasmic amphiaster. Boveri, and some others, however, regard the astral system as having no direct relation to the pre- existing network, believing that the rays either arise from a specific substance (" archoplasm "), distinct both from the gen- eral network and from the ground-substance, or are wholly new formations which, as it were, crystallize afresh out of the proto- plasmic substance. The second view is that of Biitschli, who believes it to be applicable to all forms of protoplasm, and who has been followed by a considerable number of recent investigators. Biitschli's interpretation differs entirely from the foregoing, the meshwork being regarded not as a network, but as an appearance resulting THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 7 from the optical section of ''alveolar" or emulsion-structure. The spaces of the meshwork are drops of liquid occupying spherical spaces or '' alveoli " ; the " fibres " are optical sections of the thin layers, or lamellae, by which the drops, or alveoli, are surrounded. Even the astral systems receive the same interpretation, the astral "rays" and ''spindle-fibres" being an optical illusion resulting from the radial arrangement of the alveoli, and hence of the inter-alveolar septa by which they are separated. The greater number of observers of protoplasm have given their adherence to one or the other of the two widely dissimilar views just outlined, though there are others to which we shall return later. Some investigators have taken a position inter- mediate between these two extremes. Thus Reinke has main- tained that the cytoplasm of the echinoderm-egg is alveolar, as described by Biitschli (though, as will appear beyond, he ascribes to this structure a different physiological interpreta- tion), while the astral systems are fibrillar, as held by Van Beneden, and arise as new formations at the cost of the alveolar walls. More recently, Strasburger has developed the related, but still different, view that the cytoplasm of the cell at large consists of two distinct substances, namely, the trophoplasm, or general nutritive plasma, which is alveolar, and the kinoplasm, or the substance active in division, which is fibrillar and gives rise to astral systems consisting of true rays and fibres. It is remarkable that the best observers, working in many cases at the same object, should have reached conclusions so diverse. It is obvious, further, that in the face of such contra- dictions it is impossible to give any discussion of the subject that is not more or less strongly tinged with the personal views of the writer. Such views, by whomsoever expressed, can at present have no more than a provisional value ; and this is the last subject on which dogmatism should be allowed. It is with full recognition of these difficulties that I venture to state some of my own conclusions, partly because they may serve to explain, in some measure, to those who have not specialized in this field, how the existing diversity of opinion has arisen, partly because they have perhaps some bearing on the more general questions 8 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. that were referred to at the outset. I shall take up in order the questions raised at page 5. The Nature of the Meshwork. — Although in earlier papers I was inclined to regard the meshwork of the echinoderm-egg as a reticulum, further studies have left no doubt whatever, in my opinion, that in the resting cell it is in reality an alveolar structure — or, as I do not hesitate to call it, an emzdsion — such as Butschli has described. I was first led to this conclu- sion through the study of sections of the eggs of sea-urchins {Toxopneiistes) and star-fish (Asterias)\ but whatever doubt may have remained was completely dissipated by the study of the living eggs of Asterias (Fig. i, b)^ Echinarachnius , Arbacia^ Ophiura (Fig. 2, a), under high powers. All of these eggs give in life essentially the same appearance, though no two are exactly alike. In all, the protoplasm consists of innumerable closely crowded minute spheres suspended in a clear basis. The spheres may be called the alveolar spheres, or more briefly the alveoli, though strictly speaking the latter term should designate the cavities which the spheres fill. The clear basis in which they lie, and which forms the inter-alveolar walls, may, with Mrs. Andrews, be called the continuous stcbstance. Scat- tered about in these walls are numerous granules, or microso^nes, far smaller than the alveoli, which often give the appearance of an irregular network. If now we compare these appearances of the living protoplasm with those seen in the sections mounted in balsam, we find at first sight very considerable differences. More critical study shows, however, that the differences are almost wholly due to the effect of differential staining and to the difference of refractive index in the mounting media in the two cases. The alveoli of the living protoplasm form the spaces of the meshwork. The latter consists of the continuous sub- stance with the granules suspended in it. In the section, what especially strikes the eye is the meshwork ; for the alveolar spheres do not stain, and their contours become indistinct in the highly refracting balsam, while the continuous substance stains slightly, and the granules intensely, thus giving the appearance of a conspicuous granular meshwork. We thus arrive at a definite answer to two of the questions propounded THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. on page 5, namely : (i) the meshwork shown in sections is not a network, but the expression of an alveolar or emulsion-struc- ture, and (2) proper fixation does not produce a mass of coagu- lation-artifacts, but preserves the visible structure very nearly as it exists in life. The above conclusions are based mainly on the study of star- fish eggs, but are confirmed by the facts observed in other forms. In Arbacia the emulsion is considerably finer, the alveoli meas- uring on an average no ,^^, more than i.o micron, ^'^^■ik>J'':^ while the finer granules are relatively less nu- merous. The pigment- granules characteristic of this form appear to be nothing other than mod- ified alveolar spheres. In Toxopneiistes the al- veoli measure approxi- mately from 1.0 to 1.3 microns, while the gran- ules are more numerous than in Asterias. In Echinarachnius the al- veoli are less uniform in size than in Asterias, the largest measuring up to about 1 .7 microns, while the granules are less numerous. The ^gg of Ophiicm, finally, has an extremely coarse structure, the alveolar spheres measuring on an average 3.0 to 4.0 microns, while the granules or microsomes are also very large and, in the superficial layers of the protoplasm, even more numerous than in Toxopneustes. The protoplasm of Ophiura (Fig. 2) is highly favorable for study, not only on account of the great size of its elements, but also by reason of the remarkable fact that these elements are colored in life, the alveolar spheres being in most Fig. 2. — (a) Protoplasm from a living ophiuran egg {Ophi- ura), slightly compressed, so as to spread the yolk- spheres somewhat apart ; {b) the same as seen in a section (sublimate-acetic, iron-haematoxylin ; 1200 diam- eters). lO BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. individuals distinctly of an olivaceous or pinkish-brown color, while the larger granules or microsomes are lemon yellow. This circumstance makes possible an observation of great im- portance, namely, that all the elements of the protoplasm are liquid or viscid. If the eggs of Ophiura be crushed by pres- sure on the cover-glass, the protoplasm flows out, most of the alveolar spheres going in advance, while the granules and con- tinuous substance lag behind. Meanwhile, the alveolar spheres often run together to form larger drops of all sizes, the origin of which is placed beyond question by their color. The same is true of the yellow microsomes, though this takes place less readily, and only under somewhat rough treatment. This demonstrates the liquid, or at least viscid, nature of both the spheres and the microsomes, and no less certainly that of the continuous substance in which both lie. As far as the alveolar spheres are concerned, the same observation may readily be made in the colorless protoplasm of Asterias (Fig. i, c), Echin- arachnius^ or Arbacia^ but I could never satisfy myself of the liquid nature of the microsomes in these forms. The case of Ophiura renders it highly probable, however, that the granules are liquid in these forms also, — a conclusion which I confess was a surprising result to me ; for we are so accustomed from our studies on sections to regard the granules as solid bodies that we are apt to forget that sections show us only coagulated material. To sum up, a critical study of the living protoplasm of echinoderm-eggs shows that it is a liquid, or rather a mixture of liquids, in the form of a fine emulsion consisting of a con- tinuous substance in which are suspended drops of two general orders of magnitude and of different chemical nature, as indi- cated by their staining reactions. The larger drops, forming the alveolar spheres, stain only slightly in haematoxylin, and constitute the so-called ''ground-substance" in the spaces of the meshwork ; these have an average size, ranging in the vari- ous forms studied from i.o micron or less {Arbacia) up to 4.0 microns {Ophiura). The smaller drops, forming the granules or microsomes, are very much more minute, and stain intensely with iron-haematoxylin. The presence of the larger drops deter- THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. \\ mines the primary alveolar structure as described by Biitschli. The smaller drops ("granules") lying between these gives rise to the "secondary," or finer alveolar structure as described by Reinke, and subsequently by Mrs. Andrews, as I understand these authors. Relations of the Astral Rays to the Meshivork. — We may now make a brief digression to consider the third question pro- pounded on page 5, namely : What is the relation of the astral rays and spindle-fibres to the alveolar substance } It is easy to see, both in sections and in living material, that in a well-devel- oped aster the alveoli are arranged in radiating lines between the astral rays (Fig. 4), precisely as Biitschli and so many others have described. The rays themselves are, however, something more than the radially arranged inter-alveolar septa, for, in the first place, they are often much thicker than these septa, and, in the second place, they stain more intensely than the continu- ous substance. A careful study of the rays in the echinoderms, and in many other forms (especially in Nereis^ Thalassema, Lamellidoris, and Ascarts), leaves, I think, no room for doubt that, in sections at least, the rays are actual branching fibrillae, as described by so many observers since the time of Van Beneden, that thread their way through the continuous sub- stance between the alveoli, often in a zigzag course. The strongest evidence that they are fibrillae is given by the appear- ance-of the cut ends of the rays as they appear in somewhat excentric or rather thick sections of the asters. In such sec- tions, particularly in the case of large and coarse asters like those of Nereis (Fig. 3, b), the rays may be seen in the clearest manner to terminate as they pass upwards towards the eye in well-defined cut ends, and I think no one who studies these preparations can doubt that in them the asters are true fibrillar structures. We may now inquire in what manner the rays arise and grow, and what is the origin of their substance. In the growing aster the rays progressively extend themselves from the centre out- wards, gradually losing themselves in the general meshwork. It has been maintained by some writers that the rays grow out- wards from their bases like the roots of a plant, and in a certain 12 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. sense this is undoubtedly true. But it is difficult to believe that all of the material of the rays comes from the base {i.e.^ from the nucleus or the centrosome), for they often extend themselves throughout the entire cytoplasm, even in cases where, as in the Fig. 3. — («) Protoplasm and yolk-spheres from the egg of Thalassema in section. The upper part of the section shows the result of prolonged extraction of the dye (iron-hjematoxylin), the lower half represents varying degrees of extraction (1200 diameters); {b) egg of Nereis in section showing yolk-spheres and the first polar amphiaster above (600 diameters). sperm-aster of echinoderms, the centre of the aster remains very small, and the nucleus still consists of a compact mass of chro- matin (Fig. 4). It is more probable that they grow at the tip, continually extending themselves at the cost of the material lying in the meshwork. When the rays are followed out periph- THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 13 erally they may often be seen to run out into rows of granules like beads on a string. Van Beneden, .who has been followed by many later writers, was inclined to regard the rays as essen- tially rows of microsomes strung together by a homogeneous clear substance, — i.e.^ by the continuous substance, — and I was led to the same conclusion in the case of sea-urchin eggs. A study of the asters in Ophiiira throws doubt upon this conclu- v'-^'^.rr':"* Fig. 4. — Section of sea-urchin &gg {Toxo/>neustes), i^ minutes after entrance of the sperma- tozoon, showing sperm-nucleus, middle piece, and aster (about 2000 diameters). sion, for it is here certain that the larger and deeply staining microsomes do not build up the ray, but are quite irregularly scattered along its course. The rays here mainly arise, I believe, in, and at the expense of, the continuous substance, and the linear arrangement of the microsomes is incidental to the dif- ferentiation of this substance along a definite tract which more or less involves the microsomes as it progresses. This conclu- sion probably also applies to other forms. The material active in the ray-formation appears to be the continuous substance, 14 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. and while the microsomes may, and probably in many cases do, contribute to the ray, they probably play the part of reserve- material rather than of active elements.^ To sum up, the general result indicates that the opinions regarding the aster-formation referred to on page 6 can in a measure be reconciled. In the case of echinoderm-eggs Biitschli and Erlanger correctly describe the aster as involving a radial arrangement of the alveoli, but they have failed to recognize the fibrillae that lie between them, and Boveri is therefore thor- oughly justified in the contention that the astral systems cannot be regarded as merely a radial configuration of the preexisting meshwork. I nevertheless think that Hertwig, Reinke, and myself were right in the contention, which has been made also by many others, that the rays grow by progressive differ- entiation out of the general cytoplasmic meshwork, and that there is no ground, in the echinoderm-egg at least, for the recognition of a specific "archoplasm" or *'kinoplasm" from which they arise. Finer Strucitire and Oiigm of the Meshwork. — We may now consider what is, I think, the most suggestive of the ques- tions propounded, namely, that relating to the finer structure and origin of the meshwork. We have thus far distinguished sharply between alveolar spheres, granules, or microsomes, and continuous substance. Morphologically considered, however, there is good reason for the view that all these are but different gradations of one structure. In the first place, a nearly or quite complete series of size-gradations exists between the largest alveoli and the microsomes (Fig. i, b, c). Although most of the alveoli vary but slightly in size from the mean, a little search shows the presence of many smaller ones, and here and there they may seem almost, if not quite, as small as the larger microsomes. In the second place, careful study of the '^ continuous " substance in life, especially in the crushed proto- plasm, shows that the larger microsomes in turn graduate down to granules so small as to lie near or at the limit of microscopical vision. The ** continuous " substance is, in other words, filled 1 As already pointed out, we cannot assume that the ray is merely an accumula- tion of the continuous substance on account of its different staining capacity. THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 15 with granules, i.e.^ drops, of all sizes, ranging from the smallest visible ones up to the largest alveoli. It is this fact which Mrs. Andrews, as I understand her statements, has in view in main- taining that the coarser alveolar structure '' is not indeed the final structure of the living substance, but is part only of an infinitely graded series of vesiculations of the protoplasmic foam" ('97, p. 12), and with this statement I entirely agree. But we cannot stop here. Irresistibly the further question suggests itself : Why should we place the end of this series at the end of microscopical vision under a 1.5 mm, immersion objective — which is of course a perfectly arbitrary and arti- ficial limit } It is impossible to doubt that powers still higher than any at our command would reveal the existence of granules still smaller, and that what appears as "■ continuous " or "homo- geneous " substance is itself an emulsion beyond the range of vision. We may now inquire whether the coarser visible alveolar structure is characteristic of all protoplasm. This question has in a measure already been answered, for in these very eggs we have seen the alveolar structure giving rise to a fibrillar one in the aster-formation — in other words, the protoplasm of the same cell may in different phases pass back and forth from one state into another. This fact appears in its clearest form when we study the growth of the ovarian ova, which gives us many additional suggestions of high interest. The entire coarser alveolar structure^ as described above, — i.e., the foam-structure of Biitschli, — is in these eggs of secondary origin. The very young living ovarian eggs consist of "homogeneous" proto- plasm, such as has been described by many botanists in the embryonic tissue-cells, through which are irregularly scattered a few small spheres and many excessively small granules. As growth proceeds, both the spheres and the granules increase in size, the latter enlarging to form new spheres, while new gran- ules continually emerge from the protoplasmic background into the limits of vision. In the middle stages of growth, the proto- plasm is thus converted into an emulsion, being filled with spheres of all sizes, ranging downwards from i.o micron to the smallest granules, but still showing no regular arrangement 1 6 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. (Fig. \, d). As the ^gg approaches maturity, the spheres be- come differentiated into two groups, the larger ones becoming approximately of the same size (cf. p. lo) to form the alveolar spheres and crowding together, while the smaller ones remain as the microsomes and finer granules embedded in the remains of the continuous substance which forms the basis of the mesh- work. In one sense, therefore, the alveolar spheres and the microsomes are only different stages in the same morphological series, — though it should be remembered that they differ chem- ically as well as in size, and I do not mean to imply that the one may develop into the other, — and both the alveolar and the fibrillar or reticular structures in these eggs are of second- ary origin. If this be the case, neither of these types of struc- ture can be of fundamental importance ; and I fully agree with the opinion of Kolliker, which has been adopted by an increas- ing number of later observers, that no universal or even general formula for protoplasmic structure can be given. The evidence indicates that alveolar, granular, fibrillar, and reticular structures are all of secondary origin and importance, and that the ultimate backgronnd of protoplasmic activity is the seitsibly homogeneous matrix or contimious substance in which those structures appear. I do not mean to say that this is the only " living " element in the cell. The distinction between ''living" and "lifeless," between ''protoplasmic" and " metaplasmic," substances is exceedingly difficult to define, — largely on account of our vague and inconsistent use of terms, for in practice we continually use the word "living" to denote various degrees of vital activity. Protoplasm deprived of nuclear matter has lost, wholly or in part, one of the most characteristic vital properties, namely, the power of synthetic metabolism; yet we still speak of it as "living," because it may for a long time perform some of the other functions, manifesting irritability and contractility, and showing also definite coordinations of movements (as in the enucleated protozoan) ; and in like manner various structural elements of the cell may be termed living in a still more restricted sense. In its fullest meaning, however, the word "living" implies the existence of a group of cooperating factors more complex than those manifested by any one substance or THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 17 Structural element in the cell, and I am therefore thoroughly in accord with those who have insisted that life in its full sense is the property of the cell-system as a whole rather than of any one of its separate elements. Nevertheless, we are perhaps justified in maintaining that the continuous substance is the most constant and active element, and that which forms the fundamental basis of the system, transforming itself into gran- ules, drops, fibrillae or networks in accordance with varying physiological needs. ^ Whether any or all of these elements are ''living" or "life- less " depends largely on the sense in which these words are used ; and it is well, therefore, to follow the example of Sachs, in substituting for these words, as applied to special structural elements of the cell, the terms "active" and "passive," which properly admit of degrees of comparison. The distinction between "protoplasmic" (active) and " metaplasmic " or "para- plasmic" (passive) elements, though a real and necessary one, thus becomes, after all, one of degree only. We are thus brought to consider another point of some inter- est suggested by the comparative study of the facts described above. Biitschli states that in the true or finer alveolar struc- ture, characteristic of protoplasm in general, the alveoli do not measure more than 2.0 microns, and as a rule are considerably smaller. This, he insists, is not to be confounded with a "coarser vacuolization," characterized by larger drops or spheres, which may secondarily arise in the finer structure. Again, Reinke and Waldeyer in a somewhat similar manner character- ize as " pseudo-alveolar " a structure arising secondarily through the deposit of passive metaplasmic products of metabolism, such as yolk-spheres, fat-drops, and the like, in the living proto- plasmic basis. Both distinctions break down, I think, in the light of the foregoing facts. In most of the forms considered, — Arbacia^ Toxopneustes^ Echmarachnins^ Asterias, — the alve- olar spheres are considerably less than 2.0 microns (i.o to 1.7), ^ It is hardly necessary to state that this view is not original, except in so far as it has been directly suggested by the observations described above ; for it has been more or less definitely maintained by many others, and I am only expressing what seems to be a growing opinion among workers in this field. 1 8 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. and the structure is therefore a true alveolar one in Biitschli's sense ; indeed, Butschli himself describes and figures the proto- plasm of the SpJiaerechiniis ^g^ as an example of that structure. In Ophiura, however, the spheres measure up to 3.0 or 4.0 microns, and are undoubtedly '' yolk-spheres " in the usual sense. It is, however, quite certain from the ovarian development of these eggs that they differ from the others only in degree, and that Biitschli's criterion of size gives no satisfactory ground for any real distinction. The alternative is to regard all the forms as pseudo-alveolar, irrespective of the size of the alveolar spheres, which are in all cases to be regarded as metaplasmic bodies ; and this is the view which Reinke specifically applies to Sphaerechinus. But if this view be adopted, we seek in vain for any ground of distinction between such a fine "pseudo- alveolar " structure as that of Arbacia^ and the " true " alveolar structure of tissue cells, and are forced to the conclusion that in the latter case also the alveolar substance consists of passive or metaplasmic material, — a view which has in fact been adopted by some writers. For my part, I am convinced that the entire distinction is without adequate basis, and that no definite bound- ary-line can be drawn between even the largest deutoplasm- spheres, vacuoles, or other metaplasmic deposits, the alveolar spheres of Arbacia or ToxopneusteSy and those occurring in tissue- cells; and probably all are, in the sense indicated above, to be classed among the relatively passive or metaplasmic material. How generally the alveolar, reticular, or fibrillar formations may occur is a matter still to be determined by observation. It is probable that the alveolar structure will be found to be of more general occurrence than has been supposed; and judging by the appearance observed in echinoderm and other eggs, and in coagulated albumen and other structureless proteids, I sus- pect that some cases of so-called "reticular" formations will be found to arise through the more or less imperfect fixation of the alveolar, leading to the coagulation, contraction, and break- ing down of the alveolar walls,^ though I do not for a moment mean to imply that such is the case with all reticula. 1 It may be well to point out that Rhumbler has produced true fibrillar and reticular formations in coagulated artificial gelatine-emulsions. THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM. 19 What light, if any, do the foregoing general conclusions throw on the theoretical views outlined at the beginning of this lecture ? The answer must be : None that is clear and satis- factory, for the background of all the phenomena appears to lie in the invisible organization of a substance which seems to the eye homogeneous. Yet there is, I think, much in these conclusions to suggest, and nothing to contradict, the hypothesis that the ''homogeneous" or "continuous" substance may be composed of ultra-microscopical bodies by the growth and dif- ferentiation of which the visible elements arise, and which differ among themselves chemically and otherwise, as is the case with the larger masses to which they give rise. I will not enter upon a discussion of the question whether these bodies are merely molecules, more or less complex, or groups of molecules forming protoplasmic units or micellae, but will only make three suggestions. First, if such units exist, they cannot be identi- fied with the visible granules or " bioblasts " of Altmann, but are bodies far smaller. Second, if there be any truth in what has been said above regarding the localization of *' living " matter in the cell, such protoplasmic units, if they exist, cannot properly be called '* biophores," since life is a manifestation of the system which they form and not of the individual units. The corpuscular or micellar theory of protoplasm, as an hypoth- esis of morphological organization, should not be confounded with the physiological theory that biophores or pangens are "elementary living units." Third, by ascribing to these hypo- thetical units the power of growth and division, in accordance with the pangen theory, we are enabled to get a certain amount of light upon some of the most puzzling questions of cytology, such, for example, as the ultimate nature and origin of dividing cell-organs like the nucleus or the plastids, and especially such a contradiction as that presented by the centrosome which may apparently arise either de novo or by division of a preexisting body of the same kind. As De Vries and Wiesner have so suggestively urged, the power of division on which the law of genetic continuity rests and which is manifested by morphologi- cal aggregates of so many different degrees, may have its root in a like power of the primary units at the bottom of the series. 20 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. out of which all the higher members are built. But while giving due weight to this suggestive hypothesis, we may question whether its acceptance does not introduce as many new special difficulties as those which it sets aside ; while we must admit that it leaves untouched the fundamental problem of division. The solution of this problem may perhaps have to be sought in a quite different direction from the pangen hypothesis. Whether we shall succeed in finding it is another question. SECOND LECTURE. CELL-LINEAGE AND ANCESTRAL REMINISCENCE.i EDMUND B. WILSON. Every living being, at every period of its existence, presents us with a double problem. First, it is a complicated piece of mechanism, which so operates as to maintain, actively or pas- sively, a moving equilibrium between its own parts and with its environment. It thus exhibits an adaptation of means to ends, to determine the nature of which, as it now exists, is the first task of the biologist. But, in the second place, the particular character of this adaptation cannot be explained by reference to existing conditions alone, since the organism is a product of the past as well as of the present, and its existing characteristics give in some manner a record of its past history. Our second task in the investigation of any problem of morphology or phys- iology must accordingly be to look into the historical back- ground of the phenomena ; and in the course of this inquiry we must make the attempt, by means of comparisons with related 1 This lecture is based on a paper entitled "Considerations on Cell-Lineage and Ancestral Reminiscence, Based on a Reexamination of Some Points in the Early Development of Annelids and Polyclades," in Ann. N. V. Acad. Set., 1898. In some passages the wording of that paper has been reproduced with only slight change. With the exception of Fig. 4, the figures are entirely schematic and are designed to show only the broadest and most essential topographical features. For this purpose the subdivisions of the micromeres have been omitted, and, except in Fig. 4, none of the figures represent the actual condition of the embryo at any given period. While, therefore, very misleading in matters of detail, they are, I think, true to the essential phenomena ; and through the simplification thus effected the reader is spared a mass of confusing descriptive detail in no way essen- tial to the broad relation on which it is desired to focus the attention.' 2 2 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. phenomena, to sift out adaptations to existing conditions from those which can only be comprehended by reference to former conditions. Phenomena of the latter class may, for the sake of brevity, conveniently be termed "ancestral reminiscences," — though it may not be superfluous to remark that every char- acteristic of the organism is in a broad sense reminiscent of the past. It is in embryological development that ancestral reminis- cence is most familiar and most striking. We all know that development rarely takes the shortest and most direct path, but makes various detours and sometimes even moves backward so that the adult may actually be simpler than the embryo. Such vagaries of development are in many cases only intelli- gible when regarded as reminiscences of bygone conditions, either of the adult or of the embryo. Sometimes these records of the past are so consecutive and complete that the individual development, or ontogeny, may be said to repeat or recapitulate the ancestral development, or phylogeny. The development of the toad's ^g^, for example, probably gives in its main outlines a fairly true picture of the ancestral history of the toad race, which arose from fish-like ancestors, developed into aquatic air- breathing tailed forms, and finally in their last estate became tailless terrestrial forms. It was such facts as these that led Haeckel, building on the basis laid by Darwin and Fritz Miiller, to the enunciation of the famous so-called "biogenetic" law, that the ontogeny, or history, of the individual tends to repeat in an abbreviated and more or less modified form the phylogeny, or history, of the race. The event has shown that actual recapitu- lation or repetition of this kind is of relatively rare occurrence. Development more often shows, not a definite record of the ancestral history, but a more or less vague and disconnected series of reminiscences, and these may relate either to the adult or to the embryonic stages of the ancestral type. Thus the embryo mammal shows in its gill-slits and aortic arches what must probably b6 regarded as reminiscences of a fish-like adult ancestor, while in the primitive streak it gives a reminiscence not of an adult form but of an ancestral mode of development from a heavily yolk-laden q^% like that of the reptiles. CELL-LINEAGE. 23 If we survey the general field of embryology, we find that ancestral reminiscence in development is most conspicuously shown and has been longest known in the later stages, and many of the most interesting and hotly contested controversies of modern embryology have been waged in the discussion of the possible ancestral significance of larval forms, such as the trochophore, the Nauplitis, the ascidian tadpole, and many others. It is generally admitted, too, that ancestral remi- niscences may occur in earlier embryonic stages. While few naturalists would to-day accept Haeckel's celebrated Gastraea theory in its original form, probably still fewer would deny that the diblastic embryo (gastrula, planula, etc.) of higher forms is in a certain sense reminiscent of the origin of these forms from diblastic ancestors having something in common with existing ccelenterates. It is in respect to still earlier stages, namely, those including the cleavage of the Qgg, that the greatest doubt now exists ; and there is hardly a question in embryology more interesting or more momentous than whether these stages may exhibit ancestral reminiscence, and whether they, like the later stages, exhibit definite homologies, and thus afford in some measure a guide to relationship. None of the earlier embryologists were disposed to answer this question in the affirmative. To them, and it should be added to some of our contemporaries as well, the cleavage of the ovum was '' a mere vegetative repetition of parts," the details of which had no ancestral significance, and the ontogeny first acquired a definite phyletic meaning and in- terest with the differentiation of the embryonic tissues and organs. To these observers the cleavage of the ovum pre- sented merely a series of problems in the mechanics of cell- division, and its accurate study was almost wholly neglected as having no interest for the historical study of descent. And yet it was long ago shown that the blastomeres of the cleaving ovum have in some cases as definite a morphological value as the organs that appear in later stages. Kowalevsky and Rabl traced the mesoblast-bands in annelids and gasteropods back to a single cell, which still later research has shown to have the same origin and fate, and hence to be homologous in the two *24 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. cases by every criterion at our command. A long series of later researches, beginning with Whitman's epoch-making studies on the cleavage of Clepsine, has demonstrated analogous facts in the case of many other cells of the cleaving ovum, and has finally shown that in many groups of animals (though appar- ently not in all) the origin of the adult organs may be determined cell by cell in the cleavage stages ; that the cell-lineage thus determined is not the vague and variable process it was once supposed to be, but is in many cases as definitely ordered a process as any other series of events in the ontogeny ; and that it may accurately be compared with the cell-lineage of other groups with a view to the determination of relationships. The study of cell-lineage has thus given us what is practi- cally a new method of embryological research. The value and limitations of this method are, however, still under discussion, and among special workers in this field opinion as to its mor- phological value is still so widely divided that most of its results should be taken as suggestive rather than demonstrative. Like other embryological methods, it has already encountered con- tradictions and difficulties so serious as to show that it is no open sesame. In some cases closely related forms {e.g., gastero- pods and cephalopods) have been shown to differ very widely, apparently irreconcilably, in cell-Hneage. In other cases (echi- noderms, annelids) the normal form of cleavage has been artificially changed without altering the outcome of the devel- opment. In still other cases (e.g., in teleost fishes) the form of cleavage has been shown to be variable in many of its most conspicuous features, so that apparently no definite cell-lineage exists. These and many other facts, less striking but no less puzzling, can be built into a strong case against the cell-lineage program, and I wish to acknowledge its full force. Admitting all the difficulties, I am nevertheless on the side of those who as morphologists believe that the study of cell-lineage has demon- strated its value, and that it promises to yield more valuable results in the future. In this lecture I propose to illustrate some of the more interesting results already attained, and some of the suggestions that they give for future work, by a broad consideration of the cell-lineage of three related groups of CELL-LINE A GE. 2 5 animals which on the one hand have been very carefully exam- ined as regards their anatomical and general embryological relationships, while on the other hand their cell-lineage has been more exhaustively studied than that of any other forms. These groups are the platodes (more especially the Turbellaria), the mollusks, and the annelids. That these three groups belong in the same morphological series will probably be admitted by all zoologists, and most will no doubt further agree with the view of Lang, that in the essential features of their organization the platodes are not very far removed from the ancestral type from which the two higher groups have sprung, the former having remained non-metameric like the platodes, while the latter have acquired metamerism. Accepting this view we should expect, if there be any evidence of race-lineage in cell-lineage, to find in the annelids and mol- lusks a common type of cleavage, and one which in its main features may be derived from that of the platode. Recent studies in cell-lineage have, on the whole, justified this expec- tation, and have brought to light some cases of vestigial proc- esses in cleavage which are, I believe, to be reckoned among the most striking and beautiful examples of reminiscence in de- velopment. It is especially to these cases that I wish to direct attention. The cleavage of a number of Ttirbellaria and nemerteans, and of many annelids, gasteropods, and lamellibranchs, has now been shown to conform to a common type which, though complex in detail, is exceedingly simple in its essential plan. A few excep- tions there certainly are ; but some of these are apparent only (for example, in the acoelous Ttirbellaria), and are readily re- ducible to the type, while others are undoubtedly correlated with bygone changes in the mode of nutrition of the ovum (as in some of the earthworms and leeches). The most conspicu- ous exception is afforded by the cephalopods, which have a mode of cleavage entirely unrelated to that of the other mollusks; but the entire development of this group is of a highly modified character. Fully recognizing the real exceptions, we never- theless cannot fail to wonder at the marvellous constancy with which the cleavage of the polyclades, nemertines, annelids, gas- 26 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. teropods, and lamellibranchs conforms to the typical mode of development. In all these forms the ^^^ first divides into four quadrants. From these at least three and sometimes four or five quartets of cells — usually smaller, and hence designated as mici'o^nei'es — are successively produced by more or less unequal cleavages towards the upper pole. The arrangement of these micromeres (Fig. i) is constant and highly character- istic, the first quartet being more or less displaced, or, as it were, rotated in a direction corresponding with the hands of a watch (clockwise), the second in the opposite direction (anti- clockwise), the third clockwise again, and so on, the spindles of each division being at right angles to those of the preceding and following. In the later subdivisions of the micromeres, also, a most remarkable agreement has been observed ; but I shall pass this over entirely in order to focus attention on the broader features of the development. A large part of the work in cell-lineage during the past ten years has been devoted to a comparison of the morphological value of these quartets of cells in the annelids, mollusks, and platodes ; and the remarkable and interesting fact is now be- coming apparent that while they do not have exactly the same value in all the forms, they nevertheless show so close a cor- respondence both in origin and in fate that it seems impossible to explain the likeness save as a result of community of descent. The very differences, as we shall see, give some of the most interesting and convincing evidence of genetic affinity ; for processes which in the lower forms play a leading role in the development are in the higher forms so reduced as to be no more than vestiges or reminiscences of what they once were, and in some cases seem to have disappeared as completely as the teeth of birds or the limbs of snakes. The processes in question relate to the formation of the mesoblast in its relation to the micromere-quartets, and on them the whole discussion may be made to turn. The higher types — i.e.^ the annelids, gasteropods, and lamel- libranchs— have for some time been known to agree closely in the general value of the quartets. Rabl first demonstrated that in Planorbis the entire ectoblast is formed from the first CELL-LINEAGE. 27 three quartets, while the mesoblast-bands arise from the pos- terior cell of the fourth quartet, the other three, with the remains of the primary quadrants, giving rise to the entoblast (Fig. i). The same general result has been reached by sub- FiG. I. — Diagram of the typical quartet-formation in an annelid or gasteropod; the quartets numbered in the order of their formation ; A, B, C, D, the basal quadrants. Ectoblast unshaded, mesoblast dotted, entoblast ruled in parallel lines. In many forms {e.g., Aricid) a fifth quartet (en toblastic) is formed; in others (^.^., iVier^w) only three com- plete quartets and the posterior member of the fourth quartet {d^ or M). sequent investigators of molluscan cell-lineage, though there are one or two apparent exceptions {e.g.^ Teredo, according to Hatschek) that demand reinvestigation. The same remarkable fact holds true throughout the annelids,^ the well-determined 1 See footnote at p. 36 for reference to Eisig's widely divergent account *of the development of Capitella. 28 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. exceptions being some of the earthworms and leeches referred to above, in which the typical relations seem to have been dis- turbed through changes in the nutrition of the embryo. Wher- ever the typical quartet formation takes place — and this is the case in nearly all the forms that have been adequately examined — the general value of the quartets is the same, the first three giving rise to the entire ectoblast, the fourth giving rise, one cell to the mesoblast-bands and the other three to entoblast, while the remnants of the primary quadrants, including the fifth quartet if one is formed, give rise to the entoblast. This result seems almost too simple and produces an impression of artifi- ciality which may probably account for the reluctance with which it has been accepted in some quarters ; but I think it is not too much to say that few facts in embryology have been more patiently studied or more accurately determined. The above statement does not, however, contain the whole truth ; but before completing it we may advantageously turn to the development of the Tiirbellaria. It was long since shown by researches, beginning with Hallez and Gotte and culminating in those of Lang, that the cleavage of polyclades shows an extraordinarily precise resemblance to that of the annelids and mollusks. Taking Lang's work on Discoccelis as a type, we find four quartets of cells successively produced from the primary or basal quadrants, following exactly the same law of displacement as in the higher types, assuming the same arrangement, and in their subsequent subdivision up to a relatively late stage following so exactly the plan of the annelid o^gg that even a skilled observer might easily mistake one for the other (Fig. 4, A). Despite this accurate agreement in the form of cleavage, Lang's observations seemed to show that the cell-quartets had a totally different value from those of the higher forms; for he believed the first quartet to pro- duce the entire ectoblast, the second and third to give rise to the mesoblast, while the fourth quartet, with the basal cells, formed the entoblast (Fig. 2, B). Such a result was more than a stumbling-block in the way of the comparison. It was sub- versive of the whole cell-lineage program ; for it seemed to show that the cell-lineage of derivative animals {i.e.y annelids CELL-LINEAGE. 29 and gasteropods), while exactly conforming to the 3.ncestr 3.1 form of cleavage (i.e., that of the Tiirbellaria), differed toto ccelo from it in morphological significance. When, some years ago, I first called attention to this difficulty, I felt constrained to the ad- mission that, in the face of such a contradiction, the study of cell-lineage could only be regarded as of very restricted value in morphological investigation ; indeed, in a lecture delivered here four years ago on the inadequacy of the embryological ^'^v_:I_^ M Fig. 2. — Diagrams contrasting the value of the quartets in an annelid or gasteropod {A) with those of a polyclade according to Lang's original account {B). Lettering and shading as in Fig. I. (The true proportions of the basal quadrants and the fourth quartet, which are here misrepresented, are shown in Fig. 4. It is characteristic of the polyclades that the fourth quartet-cells are greatly enlarged at the expense of the basal quadrants.) criterion of homology,^ I cited this very case as representing a climax in the contradictions of comparative embryology. It is not rare in the history of science to find that fuller knowledge may so change the point of view as to transform a seeming difficulty into a pillar of support ; and it seems not unlikely that such may be the case with the present one, though some new difficulties have arisen which still await solution. The new evidence relates, on the one hand, to the annelids and mollusks, on the other hand to the polyclades ; and since on both sides it tends to bridge a gap which once seemed hope- lessly wide, I shall consider it in some detail. In approaching 1 " The Embryological Criterion of Homology. Lectures, 1894, p. 113. Wood's Holl Biological 30 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. this evidence the two principal difficulties should be clearly borne in mind. The first lies in the fact that the mesoblast- bands of the annelids and mollusks arise from one cell of the fourth quartet, while in the polyclade the mesoblast was stated to arise from all of the eight cells of the second and thii'd quar- tets. The second difficulty relates to the ectoblast, which in the annelid and mollusk arises from the twelve cells of the first, second, and third quartets ; while in the polyclade it was believed to arise solely from the first quartet (Fig. 2). We may consider these two difficulties in order. As regards the first point, a series of researches during the past three years have shown that in some of the mollusks and annelids the mesoblast has a double origin, a part — and usually the major part — arising from the posterior cell of the fourth quartet, as stated above, while a part arises from cells of the second or third quartet, as in the polyclade (Fig. 3). The major part — which, for reasons that will appear beyond, I propose to call the entomesoblast — gives rise to the so-called mesoblast- bands. The minor part, or ectomesoblast {" secondary meso- blast," "larval mesoblast," of various authors), apparently does not contribute to the formation of the mesoblast-bands, and in at least one case — namely, that of Umo, as described by Lillie — it gives rise to cells of a purely larval character and designated as "larval mesenchyme." The first step in this direction was that of Lillie, just referred to, who in 1895 an- nounced the discovery that in a lamellibranch, Unio, one cell of the second quartet {a'^ on the left side) gives rise not only to ectoblast, but also to a single mesoblast-cell which passes into the interior, divides, and gives rise to some of the larval mus- cles ("larval mesenchyme," Fig. 3, C). Lillie's discovery was quickly followed by the no less interesting one of Conklin that in another mollusk, the gasteropod Crepidula, three cells of the second quartet, median anterior, right, and left (<^% ^% d^), like- wise give rise to mesoblastic as well as to ectoblastic elements (Fig. 3, B), — a process still more forcibly recalling the origin of the mesoblast in the polyclade. Two years later mesoblastic cells were found, both in the mollusks and in the annelids, to arise from members of the CELL-LINEAGE. 31 third quartet. The first of these cases was observed by Wier- zejski (1897) in the case of PJiysa, where the two anterior cells of this quartet {C^, b^) give rise to mesoblastic as well as to ectoblastic cells, and exactly similar facts were soon afterwards Fig. 3. — Diagrams illustrating the value of the quartets in a polyclade {Leptoplana), a lamelli- branch (f/wzV?), and a gasteropod (Cr^//7 3. In the third line lies the evidence, recently obtained, that the pole-cells or teloblasts of the mesoblast-bands of the anne- lids and mollusks are to be regarded as derivatives of the archenteron, and hence differ wholly from the ectomesoblast in their relation to the primary germ-layers. Kowalevsky, the dis- coverer of these teloblasts, expressed the opinion, more than twenty-five years ago (1871), that they were to be regarded as derivatives of the archenteron ; and a large number of later Fig. 5. — Diagrams comparing the early divisions of the posterior cell of the fourth quartet {d* or M) in Crepidula («), Nereis {b), Clymenella (c), Unio {d ), and Aricia {e). The numerals show the order of division. Cells destined to form entoblast (their fate as actu- ally observed in Crepidula and Nereis, but only inferred in the other cases) ruled in parallel lines, mesoblast dotted. After the divisions here shown, the symmetrical mesoblast- bands are formed from the dotted cells. workers from the time of Rabl (1876) have accepted his view, though only very recently has the full strength of the evidence been developed. In the first place, it was shown through the studies of Rabl, Blochmann, and later workers, that while the posterior cell of the fourth quartet gives rise to the mesoblastic pole-cells the other cells are purely entoblastic. In the second place, the recent studies of Conklin and myself have shown that even the posterior cell of the fourth quartet (^4) may contain entoblastic as well as mesoblastic material. I showed several 38 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. years ago that in Nereis each of the cells into which d^ divides buds forth several small cells (Fig. 5, b), which do not enter into the mesoblast-bands, though I did not correctly determine their fate. More recently Conklin was able to show that a similar process occurs in Crepidula (Fig. 5, a), and that the cells thus formed are entoblast-cells which enter into the forma- tion of the archenteron. On reexamining the matter in Nereis I found the clearest evidence that the same was true here. In both these cases, therefore, the posterior cell of the fourth quartet is of mixed character, and divides into two mesento- blasts, each of which first gives rise to a number of entoblast cells (two in Crepidtila, four or five in Nereis), the residue con- stituting the mesoblast. In both these forms, therefore, the ectoblast (and in Crepidula the ectomesoblast) are first com- pletely segregated, and the archenteron which remains gives rise to the mesoblastic pole-cells. The latter are, therefore, of entoblastic rather than ectoblastic origin, and may be designated as the entomesoblast. Further examination of these phenomena brings out some highly interesting facts which seem to constitute a striking case of ancestral reminiscence in cleavage. Several years ago I found in two genera of annelids, Aricia and Spio, that the small entoblast-cells of Nereis and Crepidula {i.e., those budded forth from the two mesoblasts derived from the division of dA or M) are represented by a single pair of quite rudimentary cells, scarcely larger than polar bodies (Fig. 5, e), which ap- parently take no part in the building of the archenteron, and can only be explained as vestiges or reminiscences of such a process as occurs in Crepidula or Nereis. Later researches have revealed the presence of these vestigial entoblasts in several other forms, and have shown further that they are con- nected by several intermediate steps with the larger functional cells found in Crepidula. Thus in Amphitrite (Mead) and Planorbis (Holmes) they are quite vestigial, agreeing essen- tially in size and origin with those of Aricia. In Unio (Lillie) they are considerably larger (Fig. 5, d), in Clymenella (Fig. 5, c) they are as large as the mesoblastic moiety (Mead) ; while in Crepidula (Fig. 5, a) their bulk surpasses that of the meso- CELL-LINEAGE. 39 blastic part.i Such a series creates a strong probability that we have before us a vanishing series like those so well known in adult organs, such as the limbs, the tail, or the teeth. Further, just as the lateral toes of the horse seem to have wholly vanished, even from the ontogeny, so the vestigial entoblasts would seem to have disappeared in some annelids and mollusks, leaving the posterior cell of the fourth quartet purely mesoblastic. These considerations invest with a special interest the cor- responding cell in the Ticrbellaria {i.e., the posterior member of the fourth quartet, 4^) ; and this interest is heightened by Lang's discovery that in Discoccelis this cell divides earlier than the other cells of the quartet, and into equal halves which lie symmetrically at the posterior end of the embryo. These two cells thus correspond exactly in origin and position with the paired mesentoblasts of the annelids and gasteropods, and the facts naturally led to the suggestion, made by Mead, that they would perhaps be found to give rise to paired mesoblast- bands, as in the higher types. In Leptoplana (Fig. 4, D, E, F) a similar division occurs, but as far as their fate is concerned my own observations do not sustain Mead's suggestion, on the one hand giving no evidence that these cells give rise to any- thing other than the posterior cells of the archenteron, on the other showing that they are often unequal or asymmetrically placed (Fig. 4, D, E) and only rarely conform to Lang's scheme (Fig. 4, F). If, therefore, the polyclades represent the ances- tral type in this respect, we must conclude that the entomeso- blast was a later development. The remarkable fact is that, if such has been the case, the new mesoblast-formation has been fitted, as it were, upon an old form of cleavage occurring regu- larly in Discoccelis and occasionally in Leptoplana. The two symmetrical posterior entoblast-cells of the polyclade might thus be conceived as the prototypes of the primary mesoblasts or mesentoblasts of the higher forms, which in the course of the phylogeny undertook the formation of mesoblastic as well as of entoblastic elements.^ The old building pattern was still 1 1 am here placing my own interpretation on Mead's and Lillie's observations. 2 Lang has pointed out a motive for this form of cleavage in the polyclade, correlating the early and symmetrical division of ^^^ with the posterior bifurcation of the gut. 40 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. retained but adapted to a new use, precisely as has been the case with the evolution of larval or adult organs, such as the branchial or aortic arches and the limbs. As the change progressed the posterior cell of the fourth quartet became more and more strictly given over to the formation of mesoblast, its entoblastic elements becoming correspondingly reduced to truly rudiment- ary or vestigial cells {Aricia^ etc.), or finally, perhaps, disap- pearing wholly. I have endeavored to place these special conclusions in strong relief, not because they can yet be accepted as demon- strated,— and it is quite possible that some other interpreta- tion may yet be placed upon some of the facts, — but because they seem to me highly suggestive of further research in the field of cell-lineage. There are among them two general con- siderations on which I would lay emphasis. First, the study of cleavage or cell-lineage in the case of these groups raises a number of highly interesting and sug- gestive questions in pure morphology. If the mesoblast-bands are a new formation, what is the motive, so to speak, for their origin.? Did they perhaps arise through the development of- a new body-region, or a new growth-zone, or budding-region from the posterior part of the ancestral body, as has been assumed by Leuckart, Haeckel, Hatschek, and Whitman in explanation of metamerism.? Is the body of the turbellarian homologous to the entire body of an annelid or mollusk, or does it repre- sent only the head or the larval body, to which a trunk-region is afterwards added.? What is the relation of the entomeso- blast to the archenteric pouches of the enterocoelous types.? How do the above results harmonize with the general doctrine of development by substitution.? These are examples of some of the morphological questions suggested by the general in- quiry. They are admittedly of a highly speculative character, and I, for one, am not prepared to give a positive answer to any of them. But the mere fact that morphological questions of such character and scope are inevitably suggested by studies in pure cell-lineage shows that such studies must not be passed over by the morphologist as having no interest or value for his own researches. CELL-LINEAGE. 4 1 Second, the phenomena we have considered seem to leave no escape from the acceptance of ancestral reminiscence in cleavage, with all that that implies. That the rudimentary entoblasts of Aricia or Spio are such reminiscences of former conditions seems almost as clear as that the mammalian yolk- sac or the avian primitive streak are such. The formation of the ectomesoblast in annelids and mollusks is nearly if not quite as strong a case. Both these are processes that appear to be vestigial, or, at any rate, approach that character. But the evidence of genetic affinity is no less clearly shown in proc- esses that are not vestigial, such as the formation of the ecto- blast in Tiirbellaria^ annelids, and gasteropods or lamellibranchs, from neither more nor less than three quartets of micromeres, or in the origin of the archenteron from the fourth quartet with the remains of the basal quadrants. Between the anne- lids, gasteropods, and lamellibranchs a far more precise and ex- tended series of resemblances exists. The question has been much discussed of late whether such resemblances can be called homologies. Probably no one will deny that the ectoblast-cap, arising from twelve cells, is as a whole homologous in the an- nelid and the gasteropod embryo. Are the individual micro- meres respectively homologous.-* In the present state of our knowledge this is a question of name rather than of fact ; for homologies only gradually emerge during development from their unknown background in the ^g'g. It is for this reason that, as I have urged in a preceding lecture, the tdtimate court of appeal hi this question lies i7t the fate of the cells. If the structures to which they give rise are homologous, I can find no logical ground for refusing the claim to the cells from which they arise. Furthermore, this homology must be irre- spective of the origin of the cells, just as the ganglion of a bud- embryo of Botrylhcs is homologous with that of an egg-embryo in the same form, despite the total difference of origin in the two cases. When, however, we find that the homologous pro- toblasts or parent-cells have the same origin as well as the same fate, the homology becomes the more striking ; and it is in the determination of common origin as well as common fate, as has been done in so many cases, that the principal signifi- 42 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. cance of recent work in cell-lineage seems to me to lie. Some of the objections urged against the reality of cell-homology have, I think, arisen through a failure to recognize among cell- homologies the same distinction between complete and incom- plete homology that was long ago urged by Gegenbaur in the case of organ-homologies. The posterior member of the fourth quartet in annelids, for example, is in a broad sense homolo- gous throughout the group ; but the homology is probably not an absolute or complete one, since this cell may contain func- tional entoblast {Nereis), rudimentary or vestigial entoblast (Aricia), or apparently in some cases no entoblast, as I have described in Polymnia. Again, the acceptance of cell-homology does not, I think, carry with it the necessity of finding a homo- logue for every individual cell throughout the ontogeny ; for in the case of later structures no one demands or expects that, in the comparison of related forms, an exact equivalent shall be found for every subdivision of homologous nerves or blood- vessels or sense organs. Finally, the fact that cleavage may show no constant or definite relation to the adult parts — as is the case in the teleost fishes — does not alter the equally in- dubitable fact that cleavage often does show such a constant relation. The probability that the Nauplitis larva is not a true ancestral form does not come into collision with the probability that the ascidian tadpole is such a form. How far in the course of phylogeny the ontogeny has adhered to its original type and retained the same relation to the adult parts is a ques- tion which stands, as far as I can see, both a priori and a pos- teriori on essentially the same basis, whether it be applied to the cleavage or to the later stages. Let us not forget the difficulties that still beset us in the application of the biogenetic law to the larval stages and to general organogeny,- and let us not make a greater demand in this regard upon cell-lineage than on other lines of embryological research. The time has not yet come for a last word on this subject, and we shall probably have to await the result of much more extended re- search before a satisfactory point of view can be attained. THIRD LECTURE. ADAPTATION IN CLEAVAGE. FRANK R. LILLIE. I. Introduction. It has happened, very naturally, that writers on the subject of cell-lineage have laid special emphasis on the resemblances, which are nothing short of marvellous from the older points of view, between the cleavage of the eggs of even widely separated forms. Over and over again it has been demon- strated that in gasteropods, lamellibranchs, annelids, and tur- bellarians, the ectoderm is made up of three quartets of cells, formed from the first four cells ; that the fourth product of the left posterior macromere contains the mesoblast, excepting in the turbellarians ; that the turbellarian mesoblast is represented in the other groups ; that the four basal cells, after the separa- tion of the ectoderm and mesoblast, form endoderm ; that the ectoderm of the entire trunk is derived from d^ (speaking technically), and that there is a wide-reaching sameness in the cell-lineage of the prototroch, cross, and of other larval organs. Ancestral reminiscences even have been discovered in the cleavage (E. B. Wilson, 14). I do not in the least underesti- mate the immense value of these results, which form one of the most brilliant and interesting chapters in modern embryol- ogy. But the tendency to schematize has naturally arisen, and one of the most instructive aspects of cell-lineage is thus lost sight of, namely, the special features of the cleavage in each species, which are, I believe, as definitely adapted to the needs of the fntnre larva as is the latter to the actual conditions of its environment. 43 44 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES, This principle is meant to apply only to the '' determinate type of cleavage " (Conklin), in which larval, and hence adult struc- tures, can be shown to have a definite cell-lineage extending back to the unsegmented ovum. The illustrations and argu- ments will be drawn, first, from the cleavage of the ^g wobei a a b c 1 Verworn, Psycho-Physiologische Protisten-Studien, p. 18. Jena, 1889. 238 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. die subjectiven Vorgange beim Menschen, c deren objective Aeus- serungen, b die objectiven Aeusserungen der subjectiven Vorgange bei den Versuchsobjecten und x die zu erforschenden subjectiven Zustande dieser selbst sind, Aufschluss iiber die subjectiven Vor- gange der betreffenden Organismen erlangen. The striking feature in this method is the assumption of the fact to be proved — namely, the existence of psychical processes in the organisms to be investigated. According to the equa- tion given, not only the whole earthworm but any isolated piece of the same would be capable of psychical processes, since upon injury it reacts in the same manner as the whole worm. Those holding the second view seek to analyze the reactions of animals on purely mechanical grounds. The most pro- nounced defender of this view is Loeb.^ He has by this method shown that the phenomena of orientation of animals towards light agree in every particular with the phenomena of orientation of plants towards the same source of stimulus. Hence the heliotropic reactions of plants must be referred to *' curiosity," or to some other anthropomorphic process, or else it must be admitted that the phenomena of orientation of ani- mals are to be explained just as mechanically as in the case of plants. That consciousness is a function of associative memory (associatives Gedachtniss) has been emphasized by Loeb.*-^ But memory has thus far been proved with certainty only in such forms as have a well-developed cerebrum. The facts of brain physiology speak decidedly against the view that phenomena of consciousness are everywhere present in the animal kingdom.^ It cannot, however, be denied that certain reactions of lower animals against injury, which in man cause pain, lead the inex- perienced person easily to the conclusion that these animals really suffer pain. An earthworm, for example, touched with 1 Loeb, J., Der Heliotropismus der Thiere und seine Uebereinstimmung mit dem Heliotropismus der Pflanzen. Wiirzburg, 1890. *^ Loeb, J., " Beitrage der Gehirnphysiologie der Wiirmer," Pfluger's Archiv^ Bd. Ivi. 3 Loeb, J., "... Zur Physiologie und Psychologie der Actinien," Pflilger^s Archiv, Bd. lix. THE REACTIONS OF LOWER ANIMALS. 239 a needle, or otherwise slightly stimulated, may be thrown into violent jerking and squirming motions. According to Loeb we have no more right in this case to conclude that these motions are due to pain-sensations than we have to make a similar con- clusion upon the contractions of an isolated frog's muscle when put into a too concentrated salt solution. My experiments upon the earthworm clearly prove that this view in contrast to that of the pain-sensations is the correct one. It has already been observed that if we attribute feeling to the earthworm because of certain reactions, we must do like- wise for any isolated piece of the worm ; and, further, that the front half of any such piece must have a state of feeling differ- ent from that of the posterior half. But since the piece to be experimented upon may be taken from any part of the worm, the front half could as easily have been the posterior half, and vice versa. Hence it follows that the nature of the reaction of any given piece of the earthworm is a function of the direction of the impulse. If the impulse travels from the injured spot anteriorly, the piece of worm elongates ; this initiates the nor- mal progressive movements ; if the impulse travels from the injured spot posteriorly y the piece of worm executes the charac- teristic jerking and squirming motions. In the first case the circular muscles are the first to contract, and this causes the elongation of the piece ; in the second case the longitudinal muscles are the first to contract. This causes, of course, the jerking and winding motions. Why the impulses traveling for- wards should always reach first the circular, and those traveling backwards first the longitudinal muscles, I have not yet been able to explain. These reactions are not peculiar to this special mode of application of the stimulus, but are the consequence of locally applied stimuli. If an earthworm, for example, while crawling, be struck somewhat posterior to its middle point with the dull edge of a scalpel, the part of the worm in front of the offended spot continues to crawl, but at a more rapid gait ; while the part beyond the offended spot at once begins to squirm, at the same time being dragged along by the anterior part. Or, again, if the entire normal worm be irritated at its anterior end, it is 240 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. thrown into violent squirmings ; while the same stimulus applied at the posterior end only hastens the normal progressive move- ments. After a full study of the reactions of the earthworm against injury ^ including also heat and electricity^ it was found that any stimulus having a definite local action would call forth the two characteristic sets of reactions. Are there other animals whose reactions to injury are as difficult to explain according to the pain-sensation theory as those of the earthworm ? This question may be answered positively in the affirmative. Let us consider the reactions of animals chosen from four different groups. A live starfish, as every one knows, may be cut into pieces with a pair of scissors, or otherwise mutilated, without so much as calling forth a responsive reflex action other than a temporary with- drawal of the tube-feet. An arm thus cut off from the body and left free in a little water soon begins to move about in the same easy way that characterizes the motions of the whole animal. The leech is perhaps the most highly differentiated of the worms, and it is here that we should expect definite expression of pain-sensations, if they are at all to be expected among such forms of life. Yet what do we actually find t The normal pro- gressive movement of the leech in water is a rapid sinuous swimming motion, carried out by the entire animal, but most effectively by the flattened posterior portion. If now while the animal is gliding through the water it be cut in two in the middle with a sharp pair of scissors, both pieces without the slightest reaction to the injury (or at most the slightest momen- tary pause) continue to swim, with,. however, a modified rate of speed, due to their modified length and shape. The peculiar habit of crabs^ of breaking off their thoracic appendages near the base, due to strong stimulation, either directly or indirectly, has been proved to be a purely reflex action, and may take place even after removal of the brain. Among insects, the honey-bee has held an undisputed place for intelligence by all who put the lower animals in the list of 1 Fredericq, Leon, " Nolivelles Recherches sur L'Autotomie chez le Crabe," Archives de Biologic^ XII, p. 169. THE REACTIONS OF LOWER ANIMALS. 24 1 conscious beings. Bethe,i however, says : "■ I have cut away the entire abdomen from bees and have seen them live over an hour, during which time, from the moment of the operation on, if I placed them at some honey, they sucked at it unceasingly. Indeed, while a bee sat on my hand and sucked honey I have suddenly cut off its abdomen. It raised up for a moment and then quietly sucked on at the honey." I have cut off the abdomen, piece by piece, of Libellida without the animal's making any reactions whatever. In conclusion it may be here remarked that of course the absence of reactions on the part of the lower animals to injury does not directly prove the absence of pain. It may, however, be as strongly asserted that the reactions of these animals to injury furnish no safe evidence that they are due to the pres- ence of pain-sensations ; and, further, if such reactions do indi cate pain, then by the same criterion we must attribute pain sensations to pieces of an animal which likewise react to injury, — a view which to me seems entirely unbiological. 1 Bethe, Albrecht, " Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Functionen des Centralnervensystems der Arthropoden," Pfluger's Archiv, Bd. Ixviii, p. 509. FOURTEENTH LECTURE. NORTH AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. W. B. SCOTT. In palaeontology, as in other lines of inquiry, the progress of discovery calls for frequent revision of opinion and changes of standpoint. In all kinds of investigation, the steps of which cannot be rigidly demonstrated, but depend upon the accumu- lation of evidence and the balancing of probabilities, it some- times happens that obscure and difficult problems are suddenly lighted up by a new discovery, which gives a totally new and unexpected aspect to the subject. I have come here this even- ing to make public recantation of some of the errors which I lately upheld, having had my opinion completely changed by the force of new evidence, which has led to some very surpris- ing results. This new evidence consists in the fossil mammals lately collected in the Uinta and White River formations, by Mr. Hatcher for the museum of Princeton University, and by Messrs. Wortman and Peterson for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The Uinta fauna is a most interesting transitional one, which is still very imperfectly known, but every new collection made of it increases our appreciation of its supreme importance, for by its aid one phyletic series after another is being completed. These series have a far-reaching significance for all departments of morphology, for they bring before us what we have every reason to regard as the actual steps of descent, and thus enable us to learn exactly what kinds of evolutionary changes do take place. The Uinta beds have a comparatively limited geographi- cal extent, and have been found only in the basin south of the Uinta Mountains in northeastern Utah and northwestern Colo- 243 244 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. rado. They overlie the strata of the upper Bridger stage (Washakie substage) and clearly precede the White River in time, though not separated from the latter by any great interval. Ordinarily the Uinta beds have been called Upper Eocene, but it would perhaps be better to refer them to the Lower Oligo- cene, for they are to be correlated with the Paris Gypsum, which the best French opinion now refers to the base of the Oligocene. It will be convenient to repeat here a part of the table of American fresh-water Tertiary formations given in a previous volume of these lectures. r John Day. Oligocene ^ White River. 1^ Uinta. Eocene f Bridger. J Wasatch. I Torrejon. I Puerco. The correlation of the Uinta with the Paris Gypsum is made in spite of very marked differences in the mammals which are found in the two regions, for the differences are geographical rather than geological, and are doubtless to be explained by the existence of barriers which made migration between the two continents difficult, though not impossible. In the Wasatch the mammalian faunas of Europe and North America were remarkably similar and clearly indicate that the two continents were connected by land areas, which allowed the freest migra- tion between one region and the other. In the Bridger there appear to have been some obstacles raised in , the way of this free interchange of terrestrial mammals between the northern continents, though the correlative fauna of Europe is still too incompletely known to show the exact amount of difference. In the Uinta, however, the materials for comparison are abundant and prove that intermigration was opposed by such difficulties that only a few forms were able to overcome them. By White River times these obstacles, of whatever nature they may have been, were removed and once more the mammalian faunas of the two continents contained a large number of genera common AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 245 to both. In the long interval between the Wasatch and the White River, North America had ample opportunity to develop a peculiar mammalian fauna, and one which was composed of types specially adapted to the conditions of life on this conti- nent, and well fitted to resist the invasion of more or less similar forms from the other continents, when easy intercommunica- tion was reestablished. Any fauna may, for our present purpose, be conveniently divided into two somewhat heterogeneous assemblies, one of which is composed of immigrants from other regions, and the other is indigenous. By the latter term are meant those forms which have long been established in a continent and whose ancestry may be traced through several geological horizons. Using this convenient mode of discrimination, the ruminants which from time to time have inhabited North America may be distinguished as either indigenous or immigrant types. The indigenous ruminants (it will be more accurate to call them selen- odonts) predominated for a very long period of time and only toward the end of the Miocene did Old World types of seleno- donts obtain a permanent foothold here. It is a remarkable fact that of these indigenous types which so long held sway in this continent, not one is left here at the present time, and, except the camels of the Old World and the llamas of South America, they have become altogether extinct and have left no descendants among recent mammals. The indigenous selenodonts of North America have long puz- zled the students who have attempted to work out their system- atic position and their relationships to the selenodonts of other continents. Even the complete skeletons of various genera, recovered from time to time, seemed to give little help in solv- ing the problem. The great obstacle to progress has been the absence of well-defined phylogenetic series, which would enable the observer to trace out the history of the various families and groups, step by step, through their numerous ramifications to final extinction, or to their modern representatives. An isolated genus, standing by itself, the predecessors and successors of which are unknown, offers almost insuperable difficulties to the determination of its proper taxonomic position. Such a genus 246 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. always displays resemblances to a number of widely separated groups, not all of which resemblances can possibly be due to relationship, and many of which must have been independently acquired. It is easy to recognize this general principle, but it is by no means easy to apply it in a given case by estimating the taxonomic value of the various resemblances and differences, and to distinguish the characters which are due to real affinity from those which have resulted from a convergent or parallel course of development. Hence it can hardly be a matter for surprise that, even among competent observers, great differ- ences of opinion should arise concerning the systematic posi- tion of isolated groups, one writer giving special emphasis to one set of characters, and another to another set. Only when the ancestry of the group in question has been made out does a satisfactory solution of the problem become possible. The indigenous selenodonts of North America first began to be important in the Uinta formation, for in the strictest sense of the term the Bridger has as yet yielded none, though there are two or three genera which obviously represent the incipient stages of the group. Their culmination, so far as numbers, variety, and relative faunal importance are concerned, may be regarded as falling within the White River age, though they nearly held their own in the succeeding John Day. In the White River we find mingled with the indigenous selenodonts certain genera, like Aiicodus and Anthracotheriiim, which had evidently migrated from the Old World, but did not secure a lasting foothold here, for no trace of them has been found in the John Day. In the Loup Fork the North American type of selenodonts underwent a very marked reduction, while migrants from Eurasia assumed a more and more important r61e, until, at the present, all our representatives of the group — deer, antelope, sheep, bison, etc. — are descendants of Old World ancestors, which, in some instances, reached North America at a very recent geological date. The only survivors of the Amer- ican type, the camels and llamas, are no longer found in their original home, but are confined to two widely separated regions, the camels to the Old World and the llamas to South America. The explanation of this curious case of discontinuous distribu- AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 247 tion is that the group originated in North America, and after sending out migrants to the other regions, became extinct here. The study of the peculiarly American selenodonts can most conveniently begin with those of White River times, because they are the best known, nearly every genus being represented in the collections by complete skeletons, and because they were then perhaps in the most characteristic stage of their develop- ment. As to the number of families represented in the forma- tion, it is difficult to reach a conclusion, and almost as good reasons may be given for grouping them into seven families as into four, the arrangement here adopted. The position of only one of these groups has long been understood and very gener- ally agreed upon, and this is the family represented in White River times by Poebrotherhim, a genus which, there can be little doubt, is the ancestor of the modern Tylopoda, or, at the very least, of the llamas. The whole appearance of the skele- ton, with its small tapering head, long neck, and elongate slender limbs and feet, is like that of a small llama, but of course it is very much more primitive and less specialized than the existing members of the group. The teeth are still undi- minished in number ; the canines are hardly larger than the incisors and only beginnings of diastemata are visible ; the pre- molars are much elongated in the antero-posterior direction, and the molars are commencing to take on the prismatic or hypso- dont shape. The skull is unmistakably tylopodan in character, with its triangular form and slender tapering muzzle, and while primitive features are retained, the enlarged tympanic bulla filled with cancellous bone has already been formed. The cervical vertebrae display the tylopodan peculiarity of a con- cealed vertebrarterial canal, perforating the neural arch, and only in the sixth vertebra does the canal occupy its normal position. The limbs and feet are already very elongate ; the ulna and radius are coossified, and the fibula is completely reduced ; the feet are didactyl, the lateral digits being reduced to mere nodules. The phalanges are slender and the unguals long and pointed, the shape of the latter showing that the hoofs were like those of the deer and antelope, and that the 248 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. characteristic pad of the modern tylopodan foot was not de- veloped till a later time. While there has been no dispute that P oebrotherium is the White River representative of the main line of tylopodan descent, there has been no such agreement concerning the other selenodonts of that age, and this for the reason that nothing has been known of their ancestry, and that among existing mammals none could be selected as being a descendant of any of these genera ; hence almost every conceivable opinion as to their systematic position has been held and defended. It is upon this very problem that the newly discovered Uinta forms shed such welcome light, and they render it exceedingly prob- able that all the strictly indigenous North American selenodonts are branches of the great tylopodan stan. Paradoxical as this conclusion may appear to be, I believe that it is fully justified by the evidence, though it is, unfortu- nately, not possible to bring before you any adequate digest of that evidence, for it consists of a great mass of tediously minute dental and osteological comparisons of many genera and species. However, some of the more striking parts of the testimony may be made intelligible without an undue amount of detail. The Tylopoda are thus seen to be a very ancient and highly diversified group, comparable in these respects to the Pecora, or true ruminants, which in so many features they closely resemble, though the resemblances have, for the most part, been independently acquired in the two suborders. The Pecora are an Old World group, which underwent a great expansion and diversification in Eurasia, but did not reach this continent till late Miocene times, and they never attained the importance here that they have so long had in the eastern hemisphere. Even at the present time, when they have completely sup- planted and driven out the Tylopoda from North America, they are far less numerous and varied here than in the Old World. Several of their American representatives, such as the bison, sheep, and musk-ox, are very recent immigrants, not occurring in beds older than the Pleistocene. In America the place of the Pecora was taken, to a very great extent, by the Tylopoda, which ran a course of development, in many respects, parallel AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 249 to that followed by the Pecora and Tragulina — the latter a group which never reached America at all. It is this very parallelism of the Tylopoda with the Pecora and Tragulina which has led astray so many students of the peculiar North American selenodonts, myself among the num- ber. We have continually been endeavoring to detect relation- ships between these forms and the European ruminants and chevrotains, where no such relationships existed, but only analo- gies, parallelisms, or convergences. The truth appears to be that the indigenous American selenodonts make up a natural assemblage of forms which, with a remarkable degree of diversity in size and structure, are yet all quite closely related among themselves, but only distantly with the Old World types which more or less resemble them. The group formed by the asso- ciation of these American families is, in fact, so diversified that a definition can hardly be framed for it ; but that is, of course, no valid reason for refusing to recognize it as a natural group. Just as the Pecora are typically Old World both in origin and development, so the Tylopoda are typically North American, and did not reach the eastern hemisphere till the end of the Miocene or beginning of the Pliocene, and then in very limited numbers, Cameliis and its immediate forerunners being the only known Eurasian representatives of the group. The late Professor Riitimeyer of Basle, one of the greatest of palaeontologists, reached practically the same conclusion long ago, though no American agreed with him. It is an excellent example of his wonderful power of insight into a tangled prob- lem of phylogeny that he should have discerned this fact, as I believe it to be, at a time when the fauna of the White River was but very imperfectly known and that of the Uinta had not yet been discovered. Dr. Wortman, in his latest paper, seems to have adopted Riitimeyer's views, though he does not explicitly say so, and for the same reasons that have led me to change my previous opinions, namely, the convincing power of the Uinta genera, all of which seem to be converging into a com- mon term with the primeval member of the main tylopodan phylum. It remains to bring forward the evidence upon which the 250 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. conclusion here advocated is founded ; and for that purpose we must first return to the White River selenodonts. One of the most largely represented families in that fauna is the Lepto- nierycidae, though the four genera which are associated in it — Leptomeryx^ Hypertragulus^ HypisodtiSy and Protoceras — are so different from one another that much might be said in favor of referring each of them to a separate family. Leptomeryx was a very small animal, the skeleton of which is extraordinarily like that of a traguline, in which group most students of the subject have placed it ; but the resemblance is almost certainly a deceptive one, and the real affinities are with the Tylopoda — a conclusion in which I am glad to find myself in complete accord with Dr. Wortman. Of the dentition only the upper incisors are unknown, and at least one of these is present, but the canine has been lost. The lower canine has become an incisor in form and function, while the first lower premolar, though minute, is caniniform, and its shape strongly suggests that in the immediate ancestors of the genus this tooth functioned as a canine. The other premolars are sharp and trenchant, and the molars, as Rutimeyer pointed out, are singularly cameloid in character, though with traguline features also. The skulls hitherto figured and described have all been broken across the very delicate and fragile muzzle, but newly collected specimens show that the skull has a very llama-like aspect and much more nearly resembles that of Poebrothermm than had been supposed. One important difference from the latter should, however, be noted ; namely, that the auditory bulla is small and free from cancellous bone. The neck is short, and the cervical vertebrae have none of the tylopodan peculiarities. The fore-limb is much shorter than the hind, as in the tragu- lines, but the individual limb-bones are very like those of Poebrotheriuniy though the ulna and radius are separate. The forefoot has four digits, the lateral pair very much reduced ; the trapezoid and magnum are coossified, as are the cuboid and navicular in the tarsus — both very exceptional features in the family and suborder. The hindfoot has a cannon-bone, of which the distal end is split in the characteristic tylopodan way. The hoofs are slender and pointed. AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 25 I Hypertragtilus is very much like Leptomeryx^ and also much like Poebrotheritim. It has kept the original shape and func- tion of the canines, which are long and slender. The skull is thoroughly tylopodan in form and proportions and, except for the small and hollow tympanic bulla, greatly resembles that of Poebrotheritim. The limbs and feet differ only in a few details from those of Leptomeryx ; for example, the ulna and radius are coossified, but there is no cannon-bone in the hindfoot. Hypisodiis is the smallest member of the family and was a minute animal. It is remarkable as the most ancient American type with hypsodont molars growing from persistent pulps, and for having apparently ten lower incisors, the canine and first premolar having gone over to that series. So far as it is known, the skeleton is like that of Leptomeryx^ though no cannon-bone is formed in the pes. ProtoceraSj the largest genus of the group, equaling in stature the modern musk-deer {Moschics)y is also the most curious — indeed, one of the most peculiar and bizarre looking of known mammals. The upper incisors have disappeared, but the upper canine, which in the female is small, is in the male a formidable tusk, opposed by the caniniform first lower premolar. The other teeth have resemblances partly to those of Lepto- meryx and partly to those of Poebrotheritim. The skull is extraordinary, especially in the male, in which sex there are horn-like protuberances on the parietals and great thickened plates arising from the upper edges of the maxillaries. In both sexes the nasals are extremely short and the narial open- ing exceedingly large, much as in the saiga antelope. The skeleton, limbs, and feet are those of an enlarged Hypertrag- tilus. It may seem to involve a great strain upon credulity to refer Protoceras to the Tylopoda ; yet its relationship to Lepto- meryx and Hypertragidtis is perfectly clear, and wherever the latter are placed, the former must accompany them. Wortman is of the same opinion, and in the paper so frequently cited he speaks of "the early Cameloids, Protoceras and Leptomeryx!' ^ One of the most characteristic of American families is the 1 " The Extinct Camelidae of North America," etc., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. X, p. 100. 252 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. long-lived and diversified group of the Oreodontidae. The type genus is Oreodon, by far the commonest of White River fossils, at which time great herds of O. culbertsoni roamed over the western plains. In this genus the dentition is closed, without diastemata ; the upper canine is large, but the lower is incisi- form, its place being taken by the caniniform first premolar. The other premolars are simple and trenchant, and the molars very like those of the deer. The skull has a rather short face and very long, narrow cranium ; the orbits are completely encir- cled with bone, and a deep pit impresses the surface of the lachrymal. The neck is short, the trunk long, and the tail very long and heavy. The limbs and feet are short and thick ; a rudimentary pollex is retained in the forefoot (this is the first artiodactyl in which that structure was demonstrated) ; and the hoofs are curiously rounded and flattened. In appearance and general proportions the skeleton of this genus recalls that of the modern peccary. The taxonomic position of the oreodonts has been the subject of a great deal of discussion, and almost every possible opinion has been expressed ; but the evidence of the Uinta fauna is very strongly in favor of the view held by Riitimeyer and Schlosser; namely, that they are aberrant members of the Tylopoda. In time they ranged from the Uinta through the Loup Fork, each successive horizon yielding peculiar genera ; but with their later modifications we need not concern our- selves. Geographically they were entirely restricted to North America. The most extraordinary and puzzling of White River mam- mals, not even excepting ProtoceraSy is Agriochcenis. Before complete skeletons of this creature had been collected, the skull and feet had been found separately, and were referred to no less than three distinct and widely separated mammalian orders. The dentition resembles that of Oreodon in the char- acter of the canines, but the molars are much less distinctly selenodont and have a decided resemblance to those of the European genus Ancodus. The skull is oreodont except in a few details, such as the absence of the lachrymal pit, the incomplete closure of the orbit, etc. The neck is short, the AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 253 backbone heavy, and the tail exceedingly long and stout, like that of the great cats. The limb-bones are so peculiar that they cannot be described in a few words ; suffice it to say that they have a great many points of resemblance to those of the carnivorous groups, and the feet are provided with great claws, instead of hoofs, giving them a very sloth-like appearance. If it seemed too great a demand upon our imagination to refer Protoceras to the tylopodans, it will appear obviously absurd to call Agriochoerus a camel ; and yet that is the direc- tion in which the evidence, as yet unfortunately incomplete, distinctly points. The Uinta forerunner of Agriochcerus (or what I regard as such) and that of Oreodon have drawn so close together as to indicate the origin of both of these families from some common Bridger ancestor. The selenodont fauna of the Uinta, as a whole, is obviously ancestral to that of the White River, with the exception of certain forms, like the anthracotheres, which had immigrated from the Old World in the interval between the two epochs. But we may go farther than this, and may in several instances quite confidently point out the Uinta ancestor of a given White River genus. In other cases there is more uncertainty, because of less complete information, but even in these the Uinta has yielded forms which, if not directly ancestral, are yet very near to the ancestors sought for, and may be taken as representing them for all practical purposes of comparison and study. Of these newly discovered Uinta genera one of the most interesting is the genus described by Wortman under the name of Protyloptis, which is unmistakably the ancestor of Poebrotheriicm. It closely resembles the White River genus, but, as we should naturally expect, is smaller in size and more primitive • in structure. For example, the dentition is closed and without diastemata ; the premolars are not much extended antero-posteriorly ; and the molars are very short-crowned. The canines, as in the descendant, are small — hardly larger than the incisors. The skull, while recalling that of Poebrotherium at the first glance, has a shorter muzzle, a widely open orbit, and a small, hollow tympanic bulla. The neck is, most unfortunately, 254 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. not known. It would be of great interest to learn to what extent the peculiar specialization of the cervical vertebrae had proceeded. The vertebrae of the trunk and tail are like those of the White River genus on a small scale. The limbs are similar to those of the latter, but more primitive ; they, and especially the feet, are less elongate ; the ulna and radius are separate, except in old individuals ; the fibula, though extremely slender, is still uninterrupted. In the manus are four func- tional digits, and in the pes two, with the lateral pair reduced to long filiform splints. Protylopus carries the main line of tylopodan descent one stage farther back than had previously been known, and, what is of even wider interest, it approxi- mates this main line very distinctly to the other selenodont groups above described, and which we have already allotted to the tylopodan suborder. Another genus recently named by Wortman — Leptoreodon — is very similar to Protylopus, but with most interesting and sig- nificant differences. It has diastemata in the dentition, large upper canines, and caniniform first lower premolar, as in the oreodonts and Protoceras, and also, though in rudimentary fash- ion, in Lepto7neryx ; the limbs are rather short and the feet tetradactyl. This genus nearly, but not quite, represents the meeting point of the main tylopodan phylum, the Leptomery- cidae, and the oreodonts, and greatly diminishes the gaps which in White River times separated the three families. I regard Leptoreodon as the probable ancestor of Protoceras, and I do not know of any objection to such an arrangement, which would explain the oreodont characters of the descendant genus. These oreodont characters are so distinct that they led the late Professor Cope to the conclusion that Protoceras was merely an aberrant oreodont. While probable enough, the descent of Protoceras from Leptoreodon cannot yet be proven, for the gap between the two genera in structure and in time is still too wide. The former has been found only in the uppermost divi- sion of the White River stage {Protoceras beds), and we have as yet found no ancestors for it in the middle and lower divisions. Until these missing ancestors have been recovered, the relation of Leptoreodon and Protoceras must remain somewhat uncertain. AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 255 Cai7telo7ne7yx is another genus which differs only in minor details from Leptoreodon and which seems to be either the ancestor of Leptoyneryx or very near to that ancestor. In the dentition of the White River genus we found reason to think that it had been derived from some form in which the first lower premolar functioned as a canine, and this condition, with many others, is fulfilled in Camelomeryx, which is quite a small and delicately built animal. The Uinta ancestor of Hypertragulus cannot yet be deter- mined, because of the possible genera none are sufficiently well known. The genus I^eptotragiilus seems, at the present writing, to be the most likely candidate, but Oromeryx, or even BimomeryXy may prove to be the chosen one. The forerunner of the White River Oreodon has long been known and has received the suggestive name of Protoreodon, which expresses the ancestral relation. Protoreodon is, to all intents and purposes, an oreodont, but it has several most interesting resemblances to the agriochoeres, such as the open orbits, the absence of the lachrymal pit, the elongate cranium, and the pattern of the lower molars. The upper molars have the fifth, or unpaired, cusp in the anterior half of the crown, as Schlosser predicted would be found — a prediction made before the present genus was known. The skeleton is not sufficiently different from that of its White River successor to require any description. This genus shows us that the oreodont family had become segregated as a distinct group in the Uinta, but the very many likenesses of Leptoreodon to Proto- reo doily on the one hand, and to Protylopus on the other, afford the strongest confirmation to the opinion of Riitimeyer and Schlosser that the oreodonts are a branch of the Tylopoda. What I believe to be the ancestor of Agriochcerus is a Uinta genus as yet undescribed, which I propose to name Protagrio- ckcertis. The only known specimen of this most interesting form belongs to the American Museum of Natural History, and for the opportunity of making a study of it I am indebted to the kindness of Morris K. Jesup, Esq., President. It is, unfortunately, very fragmentary, and hence indecisive upon certain important points, but it is, nevertheless, exceedingly 256 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. suggestive. The upper premolars are like those of Protoreodofty and, as in the latter genus, the upper molars have an unpaired cusp, but the most cursory glance at the pattern of these molars is sufficient to recognize their essential likeness to those of Agriochoerus . The tarsus is also sti-ongly suggestive of the ancestral position here assigned to the genus, but it is provoking that the ungual phalanges are all missing. Whether or not the ancestral position rightfully belongs to Protagrio- chcerus, it is certain that this genus and Protoreodon bring the two families very close together and make it altogether prob- able that both groups lead back to a common ancestor in Bridger times. It may well prove to be the case that some of the relations between Uinta and White River genera here suggested will be shown by future discoveries to be erroneous. It matters little, however, whether we have chosen precisely the proper ances- tors for the later forms ; there still remains the highly impor- tant and significant fact that in this Uinta fauna all these different families are seen to be obviously converging back to some common term, and that they are much nearer together than they afterwards became in White River times. It is this fact which justifies us in maintaining the essential unity of all the indigenous American selenodonts, diversified and highly, specialized as many of them eventually became. Having the great continent practically to themselves, they adopted many rdles, which naturally resulted in a greater or less likeness to the forms among the ancient Pecora and Tragulina which were playing similar parts in the eastern hemisphere. This explains the tantalising and elusive likenesses to European genera, which have so long misled us, and shows why it was impos- sible to make any satisfactory arrangement of these AmeHcan genera in European families or even suborders. When we attempt to trace these various lines back of the Uinta, we find ourselves very much in the dark, because of our ignorance of the more ancient forms. The little Bridger genus Homacodon comes very near to filling the requirements of the common ancestor of all these groups, and it is exceedingly probable that the family of which it is the representative will AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 257 eventually prove to be the fountain head whence these diverg- ing streams were derived. Homacodon is of a very generalized type and seems to approximate the European genus DicJiobmiey which Schlosser regards as the remote ancestor of the Pecora. But the European genus is not known with sufficient complete- ness to make it plain whether it should be included in the same family as Homacodon or not. The latter is very primi- tive in structure, and has an unreduced dentition with rela- tively large canines, simple premolars, and sexituberculate upper molars which are just beginning to assume the selenodont pat- tern ; the feet are probably pentadactyl. Nothing is known of Homacodon which can militate against the view that it represents a family whence were derived the various seleno- dont lines that have become distinctly segregated in the Uinta and widely diversified in the White River. The probable ancestor of Homacodon is Trigonolestes {Pan- tolestes) of the Wasatch, a little creature which, having typi- cally artiodactyl feet, possesses an extremely primitive type of dentition, so much so that, when only the teeth were known, the genus was supposed to be a lemuroid. In Trigonolestes we perhaps have the ancestor of all those selenodonts which I have described as indigenous to North America. It is of interest that one little character which persists throughout all the later genera of the group is already present in the Wasatch type; namely, the coossification of the meso- and ecto-cuneiforms in the tarsus. The table on the following page will show conveniently the mutual relationships of the various selenodont genera as presented in what has been said. If these results are well founded, we shall have to regard the Tylopoda as a highly important and eminently character- istic group in the history of mammalian life on this continent, a group which was very ancient, very peculiar, very long-lived, and greatly diversified, and one which in these respects may sustain a comparison with the Pecora. Admitting these facts, it becomes well-nigh impossible to define the suborder. As originally limited and defined by Flower, the demarcation is easy enough, because the definition is taken from the existing 258 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. White River , Uinta o I (0 1 5 •n
  • > s >> 8 35 ^ w w Ph Bridger Wasatch ?Hotnacodonts •Trigonolestes members of the suborder, which are in many ways exceedingly peculiar. When, however, the extinct members of the group are taken into account, we find that every item of almost any definition that can be framed will be transgressed by one or other genus. This difficulty of definition is, of course, no objec- tion to the classification proposed ; on the contrary, it is the inevitable result of greater completeness in phylogerietic his- tory. Definition is easy in exact proportion to the isolation of the group defined, but with a knowledge of the history and ancestry of a group its isolation disappears. As the bounda- ries between connected groups grow hazy, definition grows more and more difficult, until at last it becomes impossible. Another necessary consequence of these conclusions is that the Tylopoda and Pecora are but very remotely connected and can have no common ancestor later than the middle or lower Eocene. Hence the many characters which these two sub- AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 259 orders have in common must have been independently acquired by each. Startling as such a statement may seem to many, there is no escape from it, even though the position which has here been assigned to such genera as Leptomeryx^ Protoceras, the oreodonts, etc., be an altogether mistaken one. We can now trace the history of the main tylopodan phylum, step by step, back to the Uinta epoch, and the Uinta representative of the series, Protyloptts^ has no pecoran features, save only the selenodont molars. As we may feel perfectly confident that Protylopus is- not ancestral to the Pecora or any part of them, it follows that characters common to the two suborders, but not found in the Uinta genus, must have been separately de- veloped. Riitimeyer long ago pointed out, from* a comparative study of the recent forms, that the camels and llamas were but distantly connected with the true ruminants, and his masterly work on these questions is abundantly confirmed by the Ameri- can fossils, which were very imperfectly or not at all known when he wrote. The conclusions which we have reached silggest the impor- tance of giving due weight to geographical considerations in dealing with phylogenetic and taxonomic problems. A little study and experience enable the observer to detect the- foreign and migrant elements in a fauna, even though they firmly establish themselves in their new home and there give rise to new branches. When isolated genera are found, one of the most important questions which arises concerning them is, are they most like the types of this or of some other continent .!* This question rightly answered will serve as a most valuable clue in following out the history of the genus. Riitimeyer seems to have been guided largely by geographical consid- erations in the statement that I have mentioned as to the importance of the Tylopoda in North American life, and I am thoroughly convinced of the value of such criteria. Hitherto we have ignored them entirely too much. I am perfectly conscious that I have been asking you to accept a great deal upon my ex-cathedra statements ; but the difficulty lies, not in the absence of evidence, but in the impos- sibility of producing that evidence in court. It can be gained 26o BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. only by a minute study of the fossils themselves. Let us assume, however, that the conclusions so far reached are well established and consider some of the consequences which have an important bearing upon evolutionary philosophy in general, (i) We see, in the first place, that parallelism and conver- gence of development are very real phenomena, and that they have played a highly important part in the course of evolution. Many morphologists now accept this mode of development unreservedly, but some still reject it altogether, or regard it as something unusual and exceptional. However that may be, the well-defined and established phyla of extinct mammals demonstrate the actuality of these modes of development be- yond peradventure. Shufifie the cards as we may, we cannot arrange them so as to bring out any other result. One is sometimes tempted to believe that the number of possible tooth-patterns or osteological structures must be limited, so often are the same ones repeated in different phyla. In many instances we are able to follow out the history of a dental or a skeletal structure, step by step, from its point of origin to its final completion, and to show that the same structure has been independently attained over and over again. So far as single structures are concerned, this is now an old and familiar story ; the spout-shaped odontoid process of the axis, which is so common among hoofed animals, the double bicipital groove on the humerus of horses, camels and giraffes, have often been pointed out as examples of this mode of development. Only of late, however, have we been in a position to prove that the entire structure may be so modified in two different groups as to keep parallel courses through long periods of time. One of the most striking instances of this is offered by the history of the cats. The family comprises two subfamilies, the FelincBj or true cats, and the Machairodontince, or sabre-tooth cats ; these two groups have been separate, at least since early Oligocene times, when the principal family characteristics had not yet appeared, and through the Miocene and Pliocene and into the Pleistocene they follow parallel courses, the final genus of one series, Smilodon, being almost identical with the terminal genus of the other, i.e.y Felis. AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 26 1 Another case of similar kind, and perhaps even more re- markable, has been brought to light by Ameghino. Until the junction of the two Americas, which was effected- at the close of the Miocene, the southern continent was an extremely isolated region and had an altogether peculiar fauna, which differs from that of the northern hemisphere not merely in the genera and families of its mammals, but in their orders. So far as I am at present able to judge, the only mammalian order common to North and South America in the late Oligocene or early Miocene is the Rodentia. Among the peculiar Patago- nian mammals is one which, upon a superficial examination, seems to be an undoubted horse. The aspect of the teeth, skull, trunk, and limb-bones is strikingly equine, and of the feet even more so ; the feet are functionally monodactyl, a large median toe bearing almost the entire weight, and two much reduced lateral toes forming dew-claws, quite as in Proto- hippiis or Hipparion. Yet, when we come to make any careful examination of this skeleton, we soon learn that not only is it not a horse, but that it is not even a perissodactyl. It forms a most interesting and striking example of convergent development. Between the Tylopoda and the Pecora we may observe another example of curiously complete parallelism. In this case we see how the former group firmly established them- selves in North America at a time when communication with the Old World had, by some means, been rendered difficult, and how they ramified in many directions, taking here the roles which in the eastern hemisphere were filled by the Pecora and Tragulina. In adapting themselves to these various parts they came to resemble the Eurasian groups in many important respects, but if we attempt to interpret these resemblances as having arisen from relationship and genetic affinity, we are at once landed in hopeless confusion. The conception of the indigenous American selenodont fauna as composing one diver- sified suborder removes these difficulties and marshals the families and genera in orderly array, but it involves such a degree of parallelism in development as may stagger the belief of those who have not made themselves familiar with the actual steps of descent in the mammalian phyla. 262 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. (2) A problem as to the modes in which evolution operates, concerning which there has been much discussion, is whether development is always by a series of direct and unswerving changes, each successive step in a given phylum coming, in every detail of structure, just so much nearer to the final result. Some years ago I had occasion to make a careful com- parison of several successive genera in the equine phylum, and this study led me to the following conclusion. As a rule, development is remarkably unswerving and direct, in a large sense, yet in minor details a certain latitude is permitted, and in these evolution may pursue a more or less zigzag course, with many ups and downs. This conclusion is considerably strengthened by what we have learned concerning the main line of descent in the tylopodan phylum. Comparing the more ancient genera of this series with its modern representatives, we are at once struck by the remarkable difference in their canine teeth. In Protylopus and Poebrotheriiim the canines are very small and may almost be called incisiform, but ih Gompho- therium of the John Day the canines begin to enlarge, and from that time onward these teeth become larger and larger, until the formidable lacerating apparatus of the modern type is attained. In the probable ancestors of the Uinta camel, Homa- codon and Trigonolestes^ the canines are relatively long and pointed, but even though we should exclude those genera from the series, the analogy of all the ungulate groups would justify the assumption that the ancestors of Protylopus had canines which were of fairly large size and formed effective weapons. No one can imagine that in the Uinta genus these teeth are in their primitive condition. We are forced to infer, then, that the canines first dwindled to very small proportions, only to enlarge again and become formidable. Another instance of much the same kind is afforded by the history of the premolars. In Protylopus these teeth resemble in general form those of the other contemporary selenodont genera and of the White River Leptomeryx, but they are dis- tinguished by an incipient elongation in the antero-posterior direction. In Poebrotherium the premolars are greatly elon- gate, carrying much farther the process which was begun in the AMERICAN RUMINANT-LIKE MAMMALS. 263 Uinta type. This elongation of the teeth accompanies the extension of the muzzle and, as it were, prevents the formation of diastemata, though these appear in the later species, P. labiaUtniy in which the growth of the rostrum outstrips that of the premolars. In the John Day the tendency is changed, and the premolars of Gomphotherium revert almost to the Uinta type in form, while Procaniehis and the subsequent genera of the phylum are remarkable for the reduction of their premolars both in size and number. Wortman has called attention to a third example of this fluc- tuation in the tylopodan phylum, affecting the form of the tympanic bulla. In Protyloptis the bulla is small and hollow, but in Poebrotherium it has become greatly inflated and filled with cancellous bone, the inflation especially affecting the medial portion of the bulla. In Gomphotherium^ once more, the direction of development is changed and the outer portion of the bulla begins to enlarge at the expense of the inner, a change which reaches its culmination in the existing genera. So general al-e these minor fluctuations, that it would be difficult to point out a single genus which in every minute detail is exactly fitted to be the ancestor of a later genus, assum- ing that these fluctuations do not occur. Just how great they may be in degree we have at present no means of determin- ing. It seems, a priori, improbable that, after a structure has been lost or reduced to a rudimentary condition, it can ever be regained, or become functional once more, and yet certain cases do suggest that even such regeneration may occasionally take place. At all events, it would be premature to deny the possibility of changes of this character. The features of alternating, up and down, or zigzag develop- ment, to which attention has been called, are, after all, of a very trifling nature. When we survey the successive and closely connected genera of a long and crowded phylum, we cannot fail to be impressed with the steady, orderly, unswerving advance in all important structural features. This advance is not always, perhaps not even usually, uniform in all parts of the structure. One part may be accelerated and another retarded, and what was retarded in one genus may be accel- 264 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. erated in a succeeding one. Thus, in the reduction of digits the hindfoot is more rapidly modernized than the forefoot. In ProtylopiLs^ for example, the hand has still four functional digits, while the pes already has but two ; in the succeeding Poebrotherium both manus and pes are in the same stage of simplification, with two functional digits, and two small nodules representing the rudiments of the lateral pair. But while one structure may thus be retarded in its development and another accelerated, the differentiation of the organism, as a whole, keeps steadily advancing. It almost seems as if the animals were consciously striving for a goal, though, of course, this is only an impression given by the direct and unswerving course their evolution takes. There are many other ** morals " which might be drawn from the history of the American selenodonts, but I shall lay no further tax upon your patience. If it seems to you that I am attributing too much importance to palaeontology and ignoring other means of investigation, this is simply because to praise morphology and physiology in Wood's HoU would be carrying coals to Newcastle. The fair structure of our science must be reared upon a broad and deep foundation, not of a single department of inquiry, but of all of them combined and ** fitly joined together." FIFTEENTH LECTURE. CASPAR FRIEDRICH WOLFF AND THE THEORIA GENERA TIONIS. WILLIAM MORTON WHEELER. Mag 's die Welt zur Seite weisen, Edle Schiller werden 's preisen, Die an deinem Sinn entbrannt, Wenn die Vielen dich verkannt. Goethe, Morphologic, p. 256. The universe which we apprehend — reducible in last analy- sis to various sequences and coexistences in time and space — seems to have a twofold aspect to the contemplative mind. The minds of some men are vividly affected by the succession of phenomena, the ceaseless current of events, the changes that alter the complexion of the world, the great qualitative and quantitative differences produced by these changes in that which we call matter. These observers may note the rhythm that is forever recurring in nature, the alternate repetition of day and night, the return of the seasons, the cyclical recur- rence of stages in the development of living organisms — in short, the regular emergence from time to time of typical forms and conditions from the flowing current of events. This rhythm and repetition does not, however, produce the same deep impression on these observers as the successive and multiform changes themselves. The other class of observer, although he may note the on- rushing current of events, is more vividly impressed with the similarity of the forms and conditions that recur from time to time and from place to place. The attention is fixed on these recurring objects and conditions, and gradually builds them into general concepts that ultimately acquire a stability which 265 266 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. nothing can shake. The movement of the stream of phenomena takes a subordinate position in consciousness, and the mental activities attach themselves by preference to stable, island-like forms and principles. Thinkers from the earliest times to the present day seem to be referable to one or the other of these two classes. The dif- ferentiation begins in early Greek philosophy with men like Heraclitus and Parmenides. To Heraclitus the world was an unceasing flux — iravra pet, ovhev fievet, all things are flowing j nothing is standing still. All things are forever becomings noth- ing ever is. Parmenides, who fixed the trend of the Eleatic school, belonged to the other class. He is the philosopher of rest. The chaotic, multiform world of Heraclitus, forever in motion, becomes for him merely a world of nonexistent appear- ances, a shifting phantasmagoria, and only being is — the abso- lute— the oney forever at rest. The contrast in these two views reappears between Aristotle and Plato. This difference is seen in the all-pervading move- ment as conceived by Aristotle in his Physics, in contrast with the " ideas " of Plato. Movement to Aristotle is " some- thing very analogous to our modern biological conception of transformation in development, for he analyzes * movement ' as every change, as every realization of what is possible." ^ Plato, on the other hand, under the influence of Parmenides and the philosophy of rest, emphasizes the forms and qualities that keep recurring to our minds in time and space, generaliz- ing them into his "■ ideas " and endowing them with all the attributes of reality.^ He would say, e.g., of a living animal as it stands before us : " This animal as we see it does not exist in reality, but is only an apparition, a continual becoming, a rela- tive existence, which can as well be called nonexistent as existent. The idea alone actually exists which is represented in this animal, or the animal itself {avro to Orjpiov). This idea is independent of everything; it exists by itself; it has not become; it does not decay, but exists always in the same 1 Osborn, H. F. From the Greeks to Darwin. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1894. p. 50- 2 See Pater, Walter. Plato and Platonism, Chaps. I, II. THE THEORIA GENERATIONIS. 267 manner (aei 6v, kul /jLrjSeTrore ovre fytyvo/nevov, ovre airoWvfjievov). If we can recognize the idea in this animal, it is immaterial and unimportant whether we are looking at the animal now before us or its ancestor that lived a thousand years ago, or whether the animal is here or in a distant land, or whether it appears in this or that manner, position or action, whether, finally, it be this or another individual of the same species : 4II this is unessential and appertains only to appearances : the idea of the animal alone really is, and really is an object of the understanding." ^ It would not be difficult to trace the Heraclitean conception of the flux through Aristotle down to such modern philosophers as Hegel and Herbert Spencer, and to trace the Platonic idea, through the \0709 o-Tre/o/xart/co? of the Stoics, th.Q forma siibstan- tialis and the causae primordiales of the scholastics, to Kant's Ding-an-sich, Schelling's Absolute, and the Platonic idea as adopted by Schopenhauer. But the tracing of these concep- tions in detail would lead us far afield in metaphysics. I should beg your indulgence for mentioning these matters did they not seem to me to be, in some measure, necessary to a proper understanding of the two great views of embryonic development that have been and still are held by thinking students of nature — preformation and epigenesis. The development of the living organism is the most striking special case of development we know. The development of what appears to be a simple ^^g, within a comparatively short time, and beneath our very eyes, into a complex living animal, is development par excellence — the very perfection of that devel- opment which is more dimly apprehended in the much slower growth of worlds, of human societies and human institutions. Hence we do not wonder that the development of the individ- ual organism has become one of the main tests of two alterna- tive views which, with a more general application, have from the earliest times vexed philosophic thinkers. Under the influence of the Christian church the Platonic conception seems to have led to the notion of the special crea- 1 Schopenhauer, A. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Leipzig, Brock- haus, 1888. Bd. i, p. 203. 268 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. tion of fixed types or forms. It culminated in that finished theory of predelineation in embryonic development known as emboitement} This was, in reality, the very negation of all development, since the theory held that all the individuals of a species had been created simultaneously for all time.^ In the forcible language of the last century, Eve's ovary contained the compressed and diminutive germs of all coming human beings incapsulated one within the other. Such a theory could arise only from overestimation of the definitive form attained through development, and an underestimation of the changes undergone by the ^gg during its development. The typical adult form usurped the theorist's attention, and the elaborate process whereby the type was gradually realized shrunk to a mere unshelling and subsequent growth in size of the next individual in order in the incapsulated series. For the theory of emboitefnent the creation not 'only of every species, but of every individual organism on our planet, by a single preadamite fiat, was a necessary postulate. The rival theory, epigenesis, implied in the cosmology of Heraclitus and easily traceable to Aristotle, starts with a simple form of unorganized matter, which through the agency of certain forces undergoes the complicated changes that finally result in the adult living organism. The homogeneous becomes the hetero- geneous. The creation of new organisms is no longer . con- ceived as having taken place once for all in a remote and inscrutable past, but as taking place everywhere and at all times. An exaggeration of epigenesis is spontaneous genera- ' 1 Passages which show the dose genetic relationship of Neo-Platonic and Christian thought on the subject of creation are not infrequent in the writings of the Church Fathers. The following quotations from Augustine clearly express the idea of emboitement : " Sicut autem in ipso grano invisibiliter erant omnia simul, quae per tempora in arborem surgerent, ita ipse mundus cogitandus est, cum Deus simul omnia creavit, habuisse simul omnia, quae in illo et cum illo facta sunt, quando factus est dies : non solum coelum cum sole et luna et sideribus . . . sed etiam ilia quae aqua et terra produxit, potentialiter atque causaliter priusquam per temporum moras ita exorentur, quomodo nobis jam nota sunt in eis operibus, quae Deus usque nunc operatur." De Genesi ad lit., v, 45. " Omnium quippe rerum quae corporaliter visibiliterque nascuntur, occulta quaedam semina in istis corporis mundi hujus elementis latent." De Trinitate, iii, 8. 2 " Qui igitur systemata praedelineationis tradunt, generationem non explicant, sed, eam non dari, affirmant." C. F. Wolff, Theoria Generationis, 1759, p. 5. THE THEORIA GENERATIONIS. 269 tion. Aristotle even believed that mud could become earth- worms and earthworms become eels.^ Before the end of the past century these two views of devel- opment which I have attempted to trace back respectively to Aristotle and Plato had assumed definite and contrasting forms. Bonnet, Haller, and Leibnitz, following a Platonizing tendency in dealing with natural phenomena, had elaborated and accepted the theory of e7nboitementy or *' evolution," as the word was then understood. Bonnet's contributions to this view have been adequately presented by Professor Whitman, in his lectures to the members of the Marine Biological Laboratory during the summer of 1894.^ Haller, justly styled by his con- temporaries an *' abyss of learning," though devoted to emboite- ment, had too great a store of mental riches to give himself up year after year, like Bonnet, to exhaustive rumination on a single theory. The opinion of Leibnitz on e^nboitemetit is not so generally known, and may be considered briefly. The philosopher of a preestablished harmony could hardly overlook a theory like that of predelineation. Like many philosophers of the present day, Leibnitz was glad to accept the theories of contemporary scientists, weave them into his general scheme, and, without adding anything really new, again present them to the public, heavier with the weight of his name and authority. In his '* Monadologie," he says^: ** Philosophers have had much difficulty in dealing with the origin of forms, entelechies, and souls. Of late, however, careful investigations on plants, insects and animals, have led to the conclusion that in nature organic bodies never arise from chaos or decomposing matter, but always from germs (semen ces), in which, without a doubty they are already preformed. Hence we may conclude that in this Anlage not only do organic bodies exist before generation, but that there is a soul in these bodies, in a word, the indi- 1 Aristoteles. ^Ycropiai irepi ^ojcov. Ed. Aubert u. Wimmer. Leipzig, 1868. ii, 6. 16. pp. 56 and 58. — J. Bona Meyer. Aristoteles Thierkunde. Berlin, 1855. pp. 97, 98. 2 Whitman, CO. (i) " Bonnet's Theory of Evolution a System of Negations." (2) "The Palingenesis and the Germ Doctrine of Bonnet," Biological Lectures (1894). Boston, Ginn & Co., 1895. 3 Leibnitz, Op. Phil., p. 711. 270 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. vidual itself, and that reproduction is merely a means of enabling this individual to undergo a greater change in form, to become an individual of a different kind. Something similar to gener- ation is seen when maggots become flies and caterpillars butter- flies." At another place, in the *' Theodicee," he says,i after referring to the microscopic observations of Leeuwenhoek : " Thus I would contend, that the souls, which are some day to become human souls, were already present in the germ like the soiils of other species, that they have always existed in our fore-fathers as far back as Adam, i.e., since the beginning of things, in the form of organized bodies." These remarks of Leibnitz are the ne phis ultra formulation of the theory of embottement — its extension to embrace not only the physical but also the psychical and spiritual aspect of living things. It is, perhaps, easy to understand how philosophical and religious preconceptions could give this final form to the theory of embottement. Other considerations, however, of a more real and scientific character seem to have led men's minds in the same directions. The microscope, invented in the six- teenth and bequeathed to the seventeenth century, had pro- foundly influenced speculation. Magnification had revealed, as if by magic, the existence of a great world of structures undreamed of by the greatest intellects the race had hitherto produced. The authority of the ancients weakened perceptibly, for little value could thenceforth be attached to their opinions on the nature of the great world that stretched out beyond the confines of unaided vision. The mind, full of the great micro- scopic discoveries of the time, was carried away by its own inertia, and, outrunning the instrument, first dreamed of and then believed in the existence of structures too minute to be revealed by the available lenses. This speculation was, per- haps, justifiable, except when it undertook to define the pre- cise nature of what was at that time an ultra-microscopic region. It was natural but erroneous to conceive unseen structures as diminutive duplicates of the seen. The verisimilitude of this error increased when it became apparent that the microscope was unable to resolve perfectly transparent structures even of 1 Op. Phil., p. 527. THE THE OKI A GENERA TIO ATS. 271 considerable size. And here the theorist triumphed over the empirical observer, for he could assert, what was not easily disproved, that owing to their transparency the microscope must ever fail to reveal the germs incased one within the other. The Siegfried destined to overcome this monstrous theory of emboitement, a theory not only false in itself, but one jealously guarding the problem of development, and preventing all access to it, as the dragon guarded the treasure of the Niebelungen, was Caspar Friedrich Wolff. Wolff, one of the many great intellects that northern Germany has produced, was born in Berlin in 1733. You will find nearly all that is known of his life in a letter by his amanuensis Mursinna to Goethe, pub- lished by the great German poet in his Morphologie} The scant facts of this letter, with Wolff's own writings, in which his personality is studiously kept in reserve after the manner of scientific men, leaves us with a sense of uncertainty not entirely free from sadness. We long to know more of this sweet-natured student who, at the early age of six-and-twenty, was an intellectual giant, defending an epoch-making thesis, the theoria generationis, simply pro gradu doctoris medicinae. Before giving a brief account of this Theoria it may be well to try to form some idea of its author's genera^ mental characteristics. Wolff was a disciple of Aristotle. The training of the schoolman is only too apparent in all his scientific writ- ings, apart from Mursinna's statement ^ to the effect that when Wolff was lecturing on medicine in Berlin " he taught logic prob- ably better than it had ever been taught before, and applied it in particular to medicine, thereby creating, so to speak, a new spirit in his hearers, so that they were enabled to understand and assimilate his other teachings more easily." His skill in deductive logic seems to have been noticed by Sachs,^ who claims that some of Wolff's observations on plant structure " are highly inexact, and influenced by preconceived opinions, and his account of them is rendered obscure and often quite 1 Goethe. Morphologie, 1820, pp. 252-256. 2 Goethe. Morphologie, p. 254. 3 Sachs. History of Botany, p. 251. 272 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. intolerable by his eagerness to give an immediate philosophic explanation of objects which he had only imperfectly examined." The same statement may be extended to many of his zoological observations, but this is far from convincing us that his method of investigation was at fault. Wolff's method, which did not differ from that of the scientist of to-day, was, if anything, more admirable than his observations. The very fact that he was full of his Aristotelean hypothesis of epigenesis places him head and shoulders above the investigators both of his day and of to-day, who naively believe that they are starting their investi- gations on a solid foundation of facts divorced from all theory. Even Sachs admits that Wolff's phytotomical work, though poor from the standpoint of observation, was the most impor- tant that appeared in the period between Grew {1682) and Mirbel (1802), " because its author was able to make some use of what he saw, and to found a theory upon it." ^ Apart from this preconceived hypothesis of epigenesis it is surprising with what perfect naivete Wolff approaches the phe- nomena to be observed. Armed with his microscope, which it does not require a Sachs to tell us " was of insufficient power and its definition imperfect," he entered what was practically an unknown domain, peopled only with the figments of the predelineationists. The fascination of the growing plant and developing embryo soon possessed him and never afterwards left him. During his long life he returned again and again to the study of the chick. Those who teach embryology year after year cannot fail to appreciate Wolff's power and great- ness when they observe the superficial impression left on nine-tenths of the students who study the developing chick in the well-equipped laboratories of to-day. Wolff's instruments, poor as they were, enabled him, never- theless, to traverse a considerable and very significant portion of the region that lies beyond the boundary of our unaided vision. What he saw there at once convinced him that em- bottement was a myth. We should expect so young a man as Wolff was when he wrote the Theoria to do two things — to repeat his main thesis ad nauseam, and to be rather unsparing 1 Sachs. History of Botany, p. 251. THE THEORIA GENERATIONIS. ^n of his opponents. He did neither. His main contention is clear enough, although not often expressly stated. He rarely refers directly to the theory of predelineation and when he does there is no sting in his refutation. Stripped of many details that are somewhat wearisome to the modern reader, the result of Wolff's observations may be expressed in his own words taken from the very middle of the Theoria} I translate : " In general we cannot say that what cannot be perceived by the senses does not therefore exist. This principle is more facetious than true when applied to these observations. The particles which constitute all animal organs in their earliest inception are little globules, which may always be distinguished under a microscope of moderate mag- nification. How, then, can it be maintained that a body is invisible because it is too small, when t\\^ parts of which it is composed are easily distinguishable .'* " If we of to-day read in the place of ** globules" the word "cells," which are what Wolff actually saw and distinguished in both plants and animals, we shall have no difficulty in understanding how his observa- tions disproved embottementy at least for any one who would take the trouble to repeat them. Wolff had looked further than the adult form and had found not a series of similar, incapsulated embryos, but a single embryo made up of a vast number of minute particles, the cells, closely resembling one another, but placed side by side. There was no expanding of a preexisting organism till it entered the field of vision, but a host of minute and always visible elements that assimilated food, grew and multiplied, and thus gradually in associated masses produced the stem, leaves, stamens — in short, every organ of the plant. This he shows in the first part of the Theoria. In the second part, carrying on the same method, he shows how in the animal body the heart, blood vessels, limbs, alimentary canal, kidneys, etc., arise in a similar manner. The third part of the work is devoted to theoretical con- siderations. Wolff conceives living things to be constructed like a plant, to consist of a main stem, or trunk with roots and branches. In the embryo of the bird the umbilical duct cor- 1 Theoria Generationis, p. 72. 274 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. responds to the stem of the plant ; the blood vessels of the vascular area that bring the nutriment from the yolk to the embryo are the roots ; the organs and appendages of the embryo correspond to the branches of the plant. ^ The organism starts out on its development with a stem which is to connect it with the source of nutrition on the one hand and its branches on the other. All the substance of the embryo is originally unorganized, inorganic. Organization sets in at one point in the stem and thence gradually spreads to the tips of the branches. A branch is first formed as a little bud of unor- ganized substance, then the sap (in plants) or the blood (in animals) flows into it from the adjacent organized part ; thus it becomes organized, and the process continues till the organism has acquired its definitive size and development. The blood or sap is propelled into the unorganized substance, consisting of globules, by a peculiar force — Wolff's vis essentialis, which is defined in the opening chapter of the Theoria^ and was made the special subject of Wolff's last work, written thirty years later.2 Organization of the unorganized substance is the com- bined result of this vis essentialis and a property which Wolff calls solidescibilitas^ a tendency to solidify, shown most clearly in the formation of the walls of plant cells. The vis essentialis propels liquid nutriment into the dense unorganized matter already present. The paths along which it flows become the cavities of the blood vessels or plant vessels not before existent. The liquid nutriment solidifies to form more unorganized sub- stance, by intussusception with that already present, and the part grows. Wolff explains the origin of the kidney which he discovered in the chick — the Wolffian body, or mesonephros, as we now call it — in a similar manner. Here it is the urine that is impelled by the vis essentialis into a mass of preexist- 1 Wolff (Theorie von der Generation, 1764) compares four-footed animals to pinnatifid leaves and " the bat is a perfect leaf — a startling statement, but, as I have shown, the analogy is not chimerical, for the mode of origin of the two is the sained Quoted by Huxley ("The Cell TYieoxy," Brit, and Foreign Medico- Chir. Review, vol. xii, 1853). 2 Wolff, C. F. Von der eigenthiimlichen und wesentlichen Kraft der vege- tabilischen sowohl als auch der animalischen Substanz. St. Petersburg, 1789. THE THEORIA GENERATIONIS. 275 ing, unorganized substance, and the paths along which it flows become the lumina of the uriniferous tubules and the ureter. We know that Wolff's main error lay in grossly underestimat- ing the complexity of the problem he attempted to solve. This has always been a great pitfall in attempting an explanation of life. Perhaps it is well that it is so, for Wolff would hardly have had the heart to attempt it if he could have seen the problem with our eyes. And may not we, too, daily commit the same blunder when we lend a willing ear to those who regard living protoplasm as nothing more than a " complex chemical compound " ? Wolff accepted a simple substance as the basis of life because he was unable to detect structure in the embryo beyond a cer- tain limit which happened to coincide with the limits of magni- fication of his lenses. We should suppose that Wolff would have longed for a better lens and have at least suspected the possible existence of some kind of structure beyond that which he could detect. Instead of doing this, however, he writes the following remarkable sentences which will draw a smile from the modern searchers after centrosomes ^ : "No one has ever yet, with the aid of a stronger lens, detected parts, which he could not perceive by means of a weaker magnification. These parts either have not been seen at all, or they have appeared of sufficient size. That parts may remain concealed on account of their infinitely small size and then gradually emerge, is a fable." There it is in cold Latin ! Was Wolff merely nodding when he wrote this, or was he trying to hoodwink the pre- delineationists into believing that he had seen everything that was worth seeing in the embryo } In the closing paragraph of his great work on the develop- ment of the intestinal tract, a work which appeared in 1768, some nine years after the Theoria^ Wolff seems to rise to a clearer perception of the complexity of the problem. He appears to be far more doubtful concerning the way in which simple matter becomes organized. Referring to the develop- ment of the anterior body wall, he says^: <'This is one of the 1 Theoria, Sect. 166. 2 Wolff, C. F. Ueber die Bildung des Darmkanals im bebriiteten Hiihnchen. Uebersetzt von J. F. Meckel. Halle, 181 2, p. 245. 276 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES. most important proofs of epigenesis. We may conclude from it that the organs of the body have not always existed, but have been formed successively : no matter how this formation has been brought about. I do not say that it has been brought about by a combination of particles, by a kind of fermentation, through mechanical causes, through the activity of the soul, but only that it has been brought about." Remaining within the province of observation which he staked out for himself, and pursuing his excellent method, Wolff was not only able to undermine the theoretical edifice of the predelineationists, but also to lay the foundations for future structures of great promise. Thus all conscientious investiga- tion with good methods leads to subordinate facts of value besides the main line of facts accumulated in support of the theory in hand. Wolff was a biologist in the true sense of the word. He regarded plant and animal life as but slightly different aspects of a single set of phenomena. It can be shown that he anticipated to some extent the modern theories of protoplasm and the cell.^ According to Sachs "it was Wolff's doctrine of the formation of cellular structure in plants which was in the main adopted by Mirbel at the beginning of the present century," and "the opposition which it encountered contributed essentially to the further advance of phytotomy." ^ The theory of the metamorphosis of plants, usually attrib- uted to Goethe, was clearly expressed by Wolff. In fact, Wolff seems to have had clearer notions on the subject than Goethe, according to Schleiden's statement. To embryology Wolff made many valuable contributions, not the least of which was his description of the formation of the intestinal tract of the chick. This work was styled by Carl Ernst von Baer "die grosste Meisterarbeit, die wir aus dem Felde der beobachtenden Naturwissenschaften kennen." It was published in Latin in the twelfth and thirteenth volumes of the St. Petersburg Commentaries ^ where it lay buried and forgotten till it was unearthed and translated into German by 1 Cf. Huxley. 2 Sachs. Hist, of Botany, p. 250. For the relations of Wolff's views to those of Schleiden and Schwarm, see Huxley, The Cell Theory. THE THEORIA GENERATIONIS. 277 the younger Meckel in 1812 and used for the purpose of refut- ing some of Oken's erroneous views on the development of the alimentary tract. In general it may be said that the effect of Wolff's work on his contemporaries was anything but immediate.^ There are writers who even doubt the truth of the oft-repeated statement that Wolff refuted the theory of predelineation. Sachs, e.g.y speaking of Wolff's Theoria, says that the *' weight of his argu- ments was not great" and that <*the hybridization in plants which was discovered at about the same time by Koelreuter supplied much more convincing proof against every form of evolution." ^ We cannot lay much stress on this statement, which seems to imply, what some physiologists seem never to tire of implying, that evidence derived from experiment is eo ipso more convincing than evidence derived from observa- tion. It is certain that the predelineationists had considered the case of hybrids, for did not the ever-watchful Bonnet endeavor to explain the origin of the mule on the assumption of embottement f And why should Koelreuter's plant hybrids have more value in refuting embottement than that commonest of all hybrids, the mule t If Sachs wishes to imply that at the present day we should regard the evidence from hybrids as a complete and satisfactory refutation of the theory of emboite- ment, we may assent ; but this is not tantamount to saying that in the latter half of the eighteenth century it was Koelreuter and not Wolff who refuted the theory of evolution. Perhaps it would be better to leave this question of the relative merits of Wolff and Koelreuter to the student who has the time and the opportunity to study all the relevant literature of the clos- ing decades of the eighteenth century. Wolff's position in the history of thought on the subject of organic development becomes somewhat clearer when we com- pare him with Darwin, for whose coming he helped to prepare 1 " Though every reader of the Theoria Generationis must see that Wolff triumphantly establishes his position, yet, seventy years afterwards, we find even Cuvier (Histoire des Sciences Naturelles) still accrediting the doctrine of his opponents." — Huxley, The Cell Theory. 2 Sachs. History of Botany, p. 405. 278 BIOLOGICAL LECTURES, men's minds. Wolff's Theoria vf^s, published in 1759; Dar- win's Origin of Species in 1859. Wolff had been preceded by Harvey in much the same way as Darwin was preceded by Lamarck. Both Wolff and Darwin were ideal investigators, patterns for all time. Darwin's love of truth, his perfect fair- ness and modesty withal, seem to have been Wolff's possession also. This is shown in a letter to Haller,^ thanking the great champion of emboitement for his kindly notice of the Theoria in his " Elementa'' : '* I thank you for wishing me well, for loving me, sublime man, although you have never seen me, and know me and my character only from my letters. May God reward you for this, since I can never hope in all my life to attain to such distinction, that I may show you worthy acknowledg- ment of your goodness, if you will not receive in lieu of it my everlasting veneration of your intellect. And as to the matter of contention between us, I think thus : For me, no more than for you, glorious man, is truth of the very greatest con- cern. Whether it chance that organic bodies emerge from an invisible into a visible condition, or form themselves out of the air, there is no reason why I should wish that the one were truer than the other, or wish the one and not the other. And this is your view, also, glorious man. We are investigating for truth only ; we seek that which is true. Why, then, should I contend with you t Why should I withstand you, when you are pressing towards the same goal as myself "i I would rather confide my epigenesis to your protection, for you to defend and elaborate, if it is true; but if it is false, it shall be a detestable monster to me also. I will admire evolution, if it is true, and worship the adorable Author of Nature as a divinity past human comprehension ; but if it is false, you, too, even if I remain silent, will cast it from you without hesitation." Both Wolff and Darwin devoted their lives to the investiga- tion of the same great problem — the development of life on 1 Epistolae ad Hallerum, October, 1766. Quoted from Alf. Kirchhoff, " Caspar Friedrich Wolff. Sein Leben und seine Bedeutung fiir die Lehre von der orga- nischen Entwickelung," /