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BY JOHN JAMES AUDUBON, F. R. 8S. L. & E. Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London; Member of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, of the Natural History Society of Paris, the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh; Honorary Member of the Society of Natural History of Manchester, and of the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture; Member of the American Philosophical Society, of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, of the Natural History Societies of Boston, of Charleston in South Carolina, the Quebec Literary and Historical Society, the Ornithological Society in London, the Société Francaise de Statistique Universelle de Paris, &c. &c. —- Veoh: NEW VORK: PUBLISHED BY J. J. AUDUBON. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. -C HE WAL LE 1840. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1839, by J.J. Aupuson and J. B. Cus- vauier, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. E. G. DORSEY, PRINTER. LIBRARY STREET. CON.T EN TE Se FAMILY I. VULTURINAX. VULTURINE BIRDS. Genus I. Catruartres. TurKEY VULTURE. - = = Californian Vulture, - - - Cathartes Californianus, Turkey Vulture, - - - aura, - - Black Vulture or Carrion Crow, atratus, - FAMILY If. FALCONINA. FALCONINE BIRDS. GentusI. Potyzorus. CARACARA.~ - : - - Caracara Eagle, as - Polyborus Braziliensis, Genus II. Burro. Buzzarp. = 4 2 = a Harris’s Buzzard, - . - Buteo Harristi, - - Common Buzzard, - - - vulgaris, - - Red-tailed Buzzard, - - - borealis, - - Harlan’s Buzzard, - - - Harlani, - - Red-shouldered Buzzard, - - lineatus, - - -Broad-winged Buzzard, - - Pennsylvanicus, Rough-legged Buzzard, - ~~ - lagopus, - - Genus III. Aquinas. EAGLE. = a a % i Golden Eagle, - - - - Aquila Chrysaétlos, - Genus IV. Hatiantus. SEA HAGie. - - - Washington Sea Eagle, - - Haliaetus Washingtoni, White-headed or Bald Hagle, - leucocephalus, Genus V. Pawnpion. Osprey. - 2 = : a Fish Hawk, or Osprey, - - Pandion Haliaetus, - Genus VI. Enuanus. - 4 a fs E os i Black-shouldered Hawk, - - Elanus dispar, - - Heal Il 12 15 17 21 21 21 24 25 30 32 38 40 43 46 49 50 52 53 57 64 64 70 70 Vi CONTENTS. Genus VII. Icrinia. - - - - - - - - 73 Mississippi Kite, - - - Ictinia plumbeus, - - 73 Genus VIII. Navucierus. Swattow-raitep Hawk, - - 78 Swallow-tailed Hawk, - - Nauclerus furcatus, - - 78 Genus IX. Fatco. Fatcon. - - - - - ~ 81 Iceland or Jer Falcon, - - Falco Islandicus, - - - 81 Great-footed Hawk, - - - peregrinus, - - 84 Pigeon Hawk, - - - - columbarius, - - 88 American Sparrow Hawk, - sparvertus, - - 90 Genus X. Astur. Hawk. - - - - . - 94 Goshawk, - - - - “Astur palumbarius, — - - 95 Cooper’s Hawk, - - - Cooperi, - - - 98 Sharp-shinned or Slate-coloured Hawk, Juscus, ~ - - 100 Genus XI. Circus. Harrier. - - - - - - 105 Marsh Hawk, - - - - Circus cyaneus, - - + 105 FAMILY III. STRIGINA. OWLS. - - - - Seis it | GenusI. Surnra. Day-Owr. - - - - oe ©) pale Hawk Owl, - - - . Surnia funerea, - - ee ile Snowy Owl, - - - - nyctea, - - = AS Little Night Owl, - - : passerinad, . <2) 1G Little Columbian Owl, - - passerinoides, - = + ae Burrowing Owl, : - - cunicularia, - ~~“ 119 Genus II. Uxnurta. Nicut-Owt. - - - - Sy Tengmalm’s Owl, - - - Ulula Tengmailmi, - oe Little or Acadian Owl, - - acadica, - - -.4) 123 Genus III. Srrix. Screecu-Owr. - - - - = 126 Barn Owl, - - - - Strix Americana, - =) ee Genus IV. Syrnium. Hoorrne-Owt. . - - it Great Cinereous Owl, - - Syrnium cinereum, - =) Be Barred Owl, - - - . nebulosum, - =. ey Genus V. Orvs. Earep-Owt. - - - - - = 135 CONTENTS. Long-eared Owl, ; = : Otus vulgaris, — - 2 Short-eared Owl, - - - brachyotus, - - Genus VI. Buso. Hornep-Owt. a : 2 aw Great Horned Owl, - - - Bubo Virginianus, . Little Screech-Owl, - - - “sio, - - - FAMILY IV. CAPRIMULGINAL. GOAT-SUCKERS. Genus I. Caprimuteus. Goat-SucKER. - - - Chuck-will’s Widow, - . Caprimulgus Carolinensis, Whip-poor-will, - - - vociferus, Genus Il. Cuorprettes. Niegut-Hawkx. - - Night-Hawk, - - - - Chordeiles Virginianus, FAMILY V. CYPSELINA. SWIFTS. - : E GenusI. Cua@rura. SPINE-TAIL. - = “= = Chimney Swallow, or American Swift, Chetura pelasgia, —- FAMILY VI. HIRUNDINA. SWALLOWS. - - Genus I. Hirunpo. Swattow. - = < = = Purple Martin, - - - - Hirundo purpurea, - White-bellied Swallow, - - bicolor, - - Republican or Cliff Swallow, — - fulva, - - Barn Swallow, - - - rustica, - - Violet-green Swallow, - - thalassina, - Bank Swallow or Sand Martin, riparia, - Rough-winged Swallow, - - Serripennis, - FAMILY VII. MUSCICAPINAS.. FLYCATCHERS. Genus I. Mitvutus. SwaLitow-ralt. - - - Forked-tailed Flycatcher, - - Milvulus tyrannus, — - Swallow-tailed Flycatcher, - Jorficatus, - Genus II. Muscicapa. Frycatcuer. - - - Arkansaw Flycatcher, - - Muscicapa verticalis, - Pipiry Flycatcher, - - - dominicensis, wal CONTENTS. Tyrant Flycatcher, King Bird, Great Crested Flycatcher, - Muscicapa Cooper’s Flycatcher—Olive-sided Flycatcher, - - - Say’s Flycatcher, = - - Rocky Mountain Flycatcher, Short-legged Pewit Flycatcher, Small Green-crested Flycatcher, Pewee Flycatcher, - ~ - Wood Pewee Flycatcher, - Traill’s Flycateher, - - Least Pewee Flycatcher, - Small-headed Flycatcher, - American Redstart, - - Genus III. Prinoconys. Townsend’s Ptilogonys, - Genus IV. Cvuicivora. Blue-grey Flycatcher, - - - Ptilogonys Townsendi, GNAT-CATCHER. 2 Culicivora tyrannus, erinila, Cooperi, Saya, - nigricans, Phebe, acadica, Susea, - VITeNS, Trailhi, pusilla, minuta, Ruticilla, cerulea, r o . INTRODUCTION. Havine been frequently asked, for several co “past, by numerous friends of science, both in America and Europe, to present to them and to the public a work on the Ornithology of our country, similar to my large work, but of such dimensions, and at such price, as would enable every student or lover of nature to place it in his Library, and look upon it during his leisure hours as a pleasing companion—I have undertaken the task with the hope that those good friends and the public will receive the “Birps or AMERICA,” in their present miniature form, with that favour and kindness they have already evinced toward one who never can cease to admire and to study with zeal and the most heartfelt reverence, the wonderful productions of an Almighty Creator. J. J. AUDUBON. New York, Nov. 1839. Vot. I. 1 ei aia pian fi aN Lith? printed & Colfby J T Bowen, Phi* Py BIRDS OF “AMERICA. FAMILY I. VULTURINA. VULTURINE BIRDS, or VULTURES. Bill of moderate length, stout, cerate; upper mandible with the tip elon- gated and decurvyed; lower mandible rounded and thin-edged at the end. Head rather small, or of moderate size, ovato-oblong, and with part of the neck destitute of feathers. Eyes of moderate size, without projecting ridges. External aperture of ears rather small and simple. Skin over the fore part of the neck bare, or merely downy. ‘Tarsus rather stout, bare, and shorter than the middle toe; hind toe much smaller than the second; anterior toes connected at the base by a web; claws large, moderately curved, rather acute. Plumage full and rather compact. Wings very long, subacuminate. &so- phagus excessively wide, and dilated into a crop; stomach rather large, somewhat muscular, with a soft rugous epithelium; intestine of moderate length and width; cceca extremely small. The young when fledged have the head and upper part of the neck generally covered with down. Eggs commonly two. Genvs I—CATHARTES, JUlliger. TURKEY-VULTURE. Bill of moderate length, rather slender, somewhat compressed; upper mandible with its dorsal outline nearly straight and declinate to the end of the large cere, then decurved, the edges a little festooned, rather thick, the tip descending and rather obtuse; lower mandible with the angle long and rather narrow, the dorsal line ascending and slightly convex, the back broad, ae * * . ‘gee es « hy in. * CALIFORNIAN VULTURE. _ the edges sharp, towards the end decurved. Nostrils oblong, large, per- vious. Head oblong. Tongue deeply concave or induplicate, its edges serrate with reversed papille. Csophagus dilated into an enormous crop; stomach moderately muscular; duodenum convoluted. Head and upper part of neck denuded, being only sparingly covered with very short down. Wings very long and extremely broad; third, fourth, and fifth primaries longest, first much shorter. Tail of moderate length, nearly even. Tarsus short, rather stout, roundish, reticulate. Hind toe very small, second a little shorter than fourth, third very long, all scutellate for more than half their length. Claws strong, arched, compressed, obtuse. CALIFORNIAN VULTURE. +CATIARTES CALIFORNIANS, Lath. PLATE I.—Aputr Mate. Of the three species of Vulture which inhabit the southern parts of North America, this is so much superior in size to the rest that it bears to them the same proportion as a Golden Eagle to a Goshawk. It inhabits the valleys and plains of the western slope of the continent, and has not been observed to the eastward of the Rocky Mountains. Mr. Townsrnp, who has had opportunities of observing it, has favoured me with the following account of its habits. “The Californian Vulture inhabits the region of the Columbia River, to the distance of five hundred miles from its mouth, and is most abundant in spring, at which season it feeds on the dead salmon that are thrown upon the shores in great numbers. It is also often met with near the Indian villages, being attracted by the offal of the fish thrown around the habitations. It associates with Cathartes ura, but is easily distinguished from that species in flight, both by its greater size and the more abrupt curvature of its wing. The Indians, whose observations may generally be depended upon, say that it ascertains the presence of food solely by its power of vision, thus corrobo- rating your own remarks on the vulture tribe generally. On the upper waters of the Columbia the fish intended for winter store are usually deposited in huts made of the branches of trees interlaced. I have frequently seen the Ravens attempt to effect a lodgement in these deposits, but have never known the Vulture to be engaged in this way, although these birds were numerous in the immediate vicinity.” Fae dhe . CALIFORNIAN VULTURE. 43 In a subsequent notice, he continues:—‘“‘I have never seen the eggs of the © Californian Vulture. The Indians of the Columbia say that it breeds on the ground, fixing its nest in swamps under the pine forests, chiefly in the Alpine country. The Wallammet Mountains, seventy or eighty miles south of the Columbia, are said to be its favourite places of resort. I have never visited the mountains at that season, and therefore cannot speak from my own knowledge. It is seen on the Columbia only in summer, appearing about the first of June, and retiring, probably to the mountains, about the end of August. It is particularly attached to the vicinity of cascades and falls, being» attracted by the dead salmon which strew the shores in such places. The salmon, in their attempts to leap over the obstruction, become exhausted, and are cast up on the beaches in great numbers. Thither, therefore, resort all the unclean birds of the country, such as the present species, the Turkey- Buzzard, and the Raven. The Californian Vulture cannot, however, be called a plentiful species, as even in the situations mentioned it is rare to see more than two or three at a time, and these so shy as not to allow an approach to within a hundred yards, unless by stratagem. Although I have fre- quently seen this bird I have never heard it utter any sound. The eggs I have never seen, nor haye I had any account of them that I could depend upon. “J have never heard of their attacking living animals. Their food while on the Columbia is fish almost exclusively, as in the neighbourhood of the rapids and falls it is always in abundance; they also, like other Vultures, feed on dead animals. I once saw two near Fort Vancouver feeding on the earcass of a pig that had died. I have not seen them at roost. In walking they resemble a Turkey, strutting over the ground with great dignity; but this dignity is occasionally lost sight of, especially when two are striving to reach a dead fish, which has just been cast on the shore; the stately walk then degenerates into a clumsy sort of hopping canter, which is any thing but graceful. When about to rise, they always hop or run for several yards, in order to give an impetus to their heavy body, in this resembling the Condor of South America, whose well known habit furnishes the natives with an easy mode of capturing him by means of a narrow pen, in which a dead carcass has been deposited. If I should return to the Columbia, I will try this method of taking the Vulture, and I am satisfied that it would be successful. ”’ CarwarTes caLirornianus, Aud. Birds of Am., pl. 426; Orn. Biog., vol. v. p. 240. CATHARTES CALIFORNIANUS, Bonap. Syn., p. 22. Cauirornian Vutture, Nuttall, Man., vol. i. p. 39. The head and upper part of the neck are bare, but the middle of the fore- By * ie “i ‘ a ia 3 CALIFORNIAN VULTURE. _ head to beyond the nostrils, and a semicircular space before the eye, are _ closely covered with very small firm feathers; the fore part of the neck is i longitudinally, the occiput and hind neck transversely wrinkled. Plumage full, compact; feathers of the ruff and fore part of the breast lanceolate and acuminate, of the upper parts ovato-elliptical, broadly rounded, and glossy. Wings very long, ample, concave; primaries finely acuminate, secondaries rounded; the first quill two inches and a half shorter than the second, which ‘is half an inch shorter than the third, the latter exceeded by the fourth by half an inch, and equal to the fifth. Tail of moderate length, nearly even, of twelve broad, rounded feathers. The horny part of the bill yellow; the cere and naked part of the head and neck yellowish-red. Iris dark hazel. Feet yellowish-grey, claws brownish-black. The general colour of the plumage is greyish-black, the feathers of the upper parts narrowly margined with light brown and grey; the secondaries light grey externally, as are the edges of the primaries; the - margins of the inner secondaries toward the base, and those of the secondary coverts, with a large portion of the extremity of the latter, are white. The feathers on the sides under the wing, the axillaries, and many of the lower wing-coverts, are white. Length to end of tail 55 inches; bill along the ridge 43, along the edge of lower mandible 38,; wing from flexure 34; tail 16; tarsus 41; hind toe 14%, its claw 14; second toe 23, its claw 148; third toe 44, its claw 2; fourth toe 2-95, its claw 1-4. The young have the horny part of the bill dusky yellowish-grey; the head and neck covered with dull brown very soft down; the feet greyish- yellow, the scutella darker, the claws brownish-black. The general colour of the plumage is blackish-brown, the feathers on the upper part strongly tinged with grey, especially the secondary quills; the feathers of the back edged with light brown, the secondary coverts tipped with brownish-white. The feathers on the sides under the wing, the axillaries, and some of the lower wing-coverts white, with the centre dusky. Length to end of tail 48 inches; bill along the ridge 4; wing from flexure 32; tail 16; tarsus 4; middle toe 4, its claw 15%. ex Jel Nea printed & Col*byd T Bowen, Mhuit* Tru Drawn front Natare by J. Audubon FRSC THE TURKEY-BUZZARD. + CaTHARTEs auRaA, Linn. PLATE II.—Matue anp Youne. This species* is far from being known throughout the United States, for it has never been seen farther eastward than the confines of New Jersey. None, I believe, have been observed in New York; and on asking about it in Massachusetts and Maine, I found that, excepting those persons acquainted with our birds generally, none knew it. On my late northern journeys I nowhere saw it. A very few remain and spend the winter in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where I have seen them only during summer, and where they breed. As we proceed farther south, they become more and more abundant. They are equally attached to maritime districts, and the vicinity of the sea-shore, where they find abundance of food. The Turkey-Buzzard was found in abundance on the Rocky Mountains and along the Columpia River by Lewis and Ciarkx, as well as subsequently by Mr. TownseEnp, although it is said by Mr. Davip Dovetas to be extremely rare on the north-west coast of America. On the Island of Galveston in Texas, where it is plentiful, we several times found its nest, as usual, on the ground, but on level parts of salt marshes, either under the wide-spread branches of cactuses, or among tall grass growing beneath low bushes, on * The olfactory nerve has been ascertained in the mammalia to be the instrument of smell; but in the class of birds, experiments and observations are wanting to determine its precise function, although analogy would lead us to suppose it to be the same in them. So inaccu- rate have observers been in this matter, that some of them have mistaken the large branch of the fifth pair, which traverses the nasal cavity, for the olfactory nerve. ‘The experiments instituted upon Vultures shew that not only are they not led to their prey by the sense of smell, but also that they are not made sensible by it of the presence of food when in their immediate proximity. Yet, if the olfactory nerve be really the nerve of smell, and if a large expansion of the nasal membrane be indicative of an extension of the faculty, one would necessarily infer that Vultures must possess it in a high degree. On the other hand, how- ever, the organ and the nerves being found to be equally developed in birds, such as Geese and Gallinaceous species, which have never been suspected of being guided by smell when searching for food, it would seem to follow that the precise function of this nerve, and the nasal cavities, has not yet been determined in birds. ‘That the nasal passages must be sub- Servient to some other purpose than that of respiration merely, is evident from their com- plexity, but what that purpose is, remains to be determined by accurate observations and experiments. 16 TURKEY-BUZZARD. eh which Herons of different species also bred, their young supplying a plentiful store of food for those of the Vultures. The eggs, which never exceed two — in number, measure two inches and seven-eighths in length, and one inch and seven and a half eighths in their greatest breadth. The flight of the Turkey-Buzzard is graceful compared with that of the Black Vulture. It sails admirably either high or low, with its wings spread beyond the horizontal position, and their tips bent upward by the weight of the body. After rising from the ground, which it does at a single spring, it beats its wings only a very few times, to enable it to proceed in its usual way of sailing. Like the Black Vultures, they rise high in the air, and perform large circles, in company with those birds, the Fork-tailed Hawk, Mississippi Kite, and the two species of Crow. The Hawks, however, generally teaze them, and force them off toward the ground. They are gregarious, feed on all sorts of food, and suck the eggs and devour the young of many species of Heron and other birds. In the Floridas, I have, when shooting, been followed by some of them, to watch the spot where I might deposit my game, which, if not carefully covered, they would devour. They also eat birds of their own species, when they find them dead. They are more elegant in form than the Black Vultures, and walk well on the ground or the roofs of houses. They are daily seen in the streets of the southern cities, along with their relatives, and often roost with them on the same trees. They breed on the ground, or at the bottom of hollow trees and prostrate trunks, and lay only two eggs. These are large, of a light cream-colour, splashed toward the great end with large irregular markings of black and brown. The young somewhat resemble those of the Black Vulture, and take a long time before they can fly. Both species drink water freely, and in doing this immerse their bill to the base, and take a long draught at a time. They both breed at the same period, or nearly so, and raise only one brood in the season. I have found birds of this species apparently very old, with the upper parts of their mandibles, and the wrinkled skin around their eyes, so diseased as to render them scarcely able to feed amongst others, all of which seldom failed to take advantage of their infirmities. I have represented the adult male in full plumage, along with a young bird, procured in the autumn of its first year. The average weight of a full grown bird is 6 lbs., about 1 Ib. less than that of the Carrion Crow. Turkey-Vuuture or Turkey-Buzzarp, Vultur Jura, Wils., vol. ix. p. 96. Caruartes Aura, Bonap. Syn., p. 22. Catuartes Aura, Turkey-Verture, Rich. & Swains., F. Bor. Amer., vol. il. p. 4. Turkey-Vuttvure or Turkey-Buzzarp, Nuttal, Man., vol. ii. p. 43. Turkey-Buzzarp, Cathartes dura, Aud., vol. ii. p. 296; vol. v. p. 339. © lel SAM thaang, COPS Mequ poy pop AQ at OTLIEC mo 9111370, Oey NOG) ELO lL EG @) [oA Ay UMN WG] BLACK VULTURE, OR CARRION CROW. pe In the adult, the head and upper part of the neck are destitute of feathers, haying a red wrinkled skin, sparsely covered with short black hair, and downy behind. Feathers of the neck full and rounded, concealing the naked crop. Wings ample, long; the first quill rather short, the third and fourth longest. Tail longish, rounded, of twelve broad straight feathers. Bill at the tip yellowish-white; the cere and the naked part of the head of a tint approaching to blood-red. Iris dark brown. Feet flesh-coloured, tinged with yellow; claws black. The general colour of the plumage is blackish-brown, deepest on the neck and under parts, the wing-coverts broadly margined with brown; the back glossed with brown and greenish tints; the tail purplish-black; the under parts of a sooty brown, on the breast glossed with green. Length 32 inches; extent of wings 6 feet 4 inches; bill 24 along the ridge, 27, along the gap; tarsus 24, middle toe 34. Young fully fledged. The bill is, of course, shorter and more slender, its horny tip pale blue, black on the back; the skin of the head is flesh-coloured, the iris yellowish, the feet flesh-coloured. The plumage is nearly of the same colour as in the adult. BLACK VULTURE, OR CARRION CROW. +Catuartes atratus, Wilson. PLATE II].—Mate anp Femate. This bird is a constant resident in all our southern States, extends far up the Mississippi, and continues the whole year in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and even in the State of Ohio as far as Cincinnati. Along the Atlantic coast it is, I believe, rarely seen farther east than Maryland. It seems to give a preference to maritime districts, or the neighbourhood of water. Although shy in the woods, it is half domesticated in and about our cities and villages, where it finds food without the necessity of using much exertion. Charles- ton, Savannah, New Orleans, Natchez, and other cities, are amply provided with these birds, which may be seen flying or walking about the streets the whole day in groups. They also regularly attend the markets and shambles, to pick up the pieces of flesh thrown away by the butchers, and, when an opportunity occurs, leap from one bench to another, for the purpose of help- Vou, I: 2 18 BLACK VULTURE, OR CARRION CROW. — ing themselves. Hundreds of them are usually found, at all hours of the day, about the slaughterhouses, which are their favourite resort. They alight on the roofs and chimney-tops, wherever these are not guarded by spikes or pieces of glass, which, however, they frequently are, for the pur- pose of preventing the contamination by their ordure of the rain water, which the inhabitants of the southern States collect in tanks, or cisterns, for domes- tic use. They follow the carts loaded with offal or dead animals to the places in the suburbs where these are deposited, and wait the skinning of a cow or horse, when in a few hours they devour its flesh, in the company of the dogs, which are also accustomed to frequent such places. On these occasions they fight with each other, leap about and tug in all the hurry and confusion imaginable, uttering a harsh sort of hiss or grunt, which may be heard at a distance of several hundred yards. Should eagles make their appearance at such a juncture, the Carrion Crows retire, and patiently wait until their betters are satisfied, but they pay little regard to the dogs. When satiated, they rise together, should the weather be fair, mount high in the air, and perform various evolutions, flying in large circles, alternately plunging and rising, until they at length move off in a straight direction, or alight on the dead branches of trees, where they spread out their wings and tail to the sun or the breeze. In cold and wet weather they assemble round the chimney-tops, to receive the warmth imparted by the smoke. I never heard of their disgorging their food on such occasions, that being never done unless when they are feeding their young, or when suddenly alarmed or caught. In that case, they throw up the contents of their stomach with wonderful quickness and power. The Carrion Crows of Charleston resort at night to a swampy wood across the Ashley river, about two miles from the city. I visited this roosting place in company with my friend Joun Bacuman, approaching it by a close thicket of undergrowth, tangled with vines and briars. When nearly under the trees on which the birds were roosted, we found the ground destitute of vegetation, and covered with ordure and feathers, mixed with the broken branches of the trees. The stench was horrible. The trees were completely covered with birds, from the trunk to the very tips of the branches. They were quite unconcerned; but, having determined to send them the contents of our guns, and firing at the same instant, we saw most of them fly off, hissing, grunting, disgorging, and looking down on their dead companions as if desirous of devouring them. We kept up a brisk fusilade for several minutes, when they all flew off to a great distance high in the air; but as we retired, we observed them gradually descending and settling on the same trees. The piece of ground was about two acres in extent, and the number of Vultures we estimated at several thousands. During very wet weather, BLACK VULTURE, OR CARRION CROW. 19 they not unfrequently remain the whole day on the roost; but when it is fine, they reach the city every morning by the first glimpse of day. The flight of this species, although laboured, is powerful and protracted. Before rising from the ground they are obliged to take several leaps, which they do in an awkward sidelong manner. Their flight is continued by flappings, repeated eight or ten times, alternating with sailings of from thirty to fifty yards. The wings are disposed at right angles to the body, and the feet protrude beyond the tail, so as to be easily seen. In calm weather they may be heard passing over you at the height of forty or fifty yards, so great is the force with which they beat the air. When about to alight, they allow — their legs to dangle beneath, the better to enable them to alight. They feed on all sorts of flesh, fresh or putrid, whether of quadrupeds or birds, as well as on fish. I saw a great number of them eating a dead shark near the wharf at St. Augustine in East Florida; and I observed them many times devouring young cormorants and herons in the nest, on the keys bordering that peninsula. The Carrion Crow and Turkey-Buzzard possess great power of recollection, so as to recognise at a great distance a person who has shot at them, and even the horse on which he rides. On several occasions I have observed that they would fly off at my approach, after I had trapped several, when they took no notice of other individuals; and they avoided my horse in the pastures, after I had made use of him to approach and shoot them. At the commencement of the love season, which is about the beginning of February, the gesticulation and parade of the males are extremely ludicrous. They first strut somewhat in the manner of the Turkey Cock, then open their wings, and, as they approach the female, lower their head, its wrinkléd skin becoming loosened, so as entirely to cover the bill, and emit a puffing sound, which is by no means musical. When these actions have been repeat- ed five or six times, and the conjugal compact sealed, the ‘‘happy pair’’ fly off, and remain together until their young come abroad. These birds form no nest, and consequently never breed on trees; the hollow of a prostrate log, or the excavation of a bank of earth, suffices for them. They never lay more than two eggs, which are deposited on the bare ground; they are about three inches in length, rather pointed at the smaller end, thick in the shell, with a pure white ground, marked towards the greater ends with large ir- regular dashes of black and dark brown. Twenty-one days are required for hatching them. ‘The male and female sit by turns, and feed each other. The young are at first covered with a light cream-coloured down, and have an extremely uncouth appearance. They are fed by regurgitation, almost in the same manner as pigeons, and are abundantly supplied with food. When fledged, which is commonly about the beginning of June, they follow 90 BLACK VULTURE, OR CARRION CROW. their parents through the woods. At this period, their head is covered with feathers to the very mandibles. The plumage of this part gradually disap- pears, and the skin becomes wrinkled; but they are not in full plumage till the second year. During the breeding season, they frequent the cities less, those remaining at that time being barren birds, of which there appear to be a good number. I believe that the individuals which are no longer capable of breeding, spend all their time in and about the cities, and roost on the roofs and chimneys. They go out, in company with the Turkey-Buzzards, to the yards of the hospitals and asylums, to feed on the remains of the - provisions cooked there, which are as regularly thrown out to them. I have represented a pair of Carrion Crows or Black Vultures in full plumage, engaged with the head of our Common Deer, the Cervus virgi- NUANUS. Brack Vutture or Carrion Crow, Vultur atratus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ix. p. 104. Caruartes lora, Bonap. Syn., p. 23. Brack Vutture or Carrion Crow, Cathartes Iota, Nuttall, Man., vol. i. p. 46. Brack Vutture or Carrion Crow, Aud., vol. ii. p. 33; vol. v. p. 345. CatuHarTes aTRATUS, Buack Vutturer, Swains. & Rich., F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 6. Adult Male. Bill elongated, rather stout, straight at the base, slightly compressed; the upper mandible covered to the middle by the cere, broad, curved, and acute at the end, the edge doubly undulated. Nostrils medial, approximate, linear, pervious. Head elongated, neck longish, body robust. Feet strong; tarsus roundish, covered with small rhomboidal scales; toes scutellate above, the middle one much longer, the lateral nearly equal, second and third united at the base by a web. Claws arched, strong, rather obtuse. Plumage rather compact, with ordinary lustre. The head and upper part of the neck are destitute of feathers, having a black, rugose, carunculated skin, sparsely covered with short hairs, and downy behind. Wings ample, long, the first quill rather short, third and fourth longest. Tail longish, even, or very slightly emarginated at the end, of twelve broad, straight feathers. Bill greyish-yellow at the end, dusky at the base, as is the corrugated skin of the head and neck. Iris reddish-brown. Feet yellowish-grey; claws black. The general colour of the plumage is dull-black, slightly glossed with blue; the primary quills light brownish on the inside. Lengih 26 inches; extent of wings 54; bill 24; tarsus 3$; middle toe 4. Adult Female. The female resembles the male in external appearance, and is rather less. 2 “‘“ PENAn Sate Lait a rrundedd & Col by JV Row PL4 on. Vhi FAMILY Il. FALCONINA. FALCONINE BIRDS. Bill short, stout, cerate; upper mandible with the tip elongated and decurved; lower mandible rounded and thin-edged at the end. Head rather large, broadly ovate, feathered. Eyes large, with prominent superciliary ridges. External aperture of ears of moderate size, and simple. Tarsus longer than the middle toe; claws very large, much curved, extremely acute. Plumage full and generally compact. Wings very long and broad. &so- phagus excessively wide and dilated into a crop; stomach large, somewhat membranous, its muscular fasciculi being placed in a single series; intestine short and rather wide, or very long and slender; cceca extremely small. The young, when fledged, generally having the lower parts longitudinally streaked. Eggs from two to six, ovate, or roundish. Nest on trees, rocks, or the ground. Genus I.—POLYBORUS, Vieill. CARACARA. Bill large, high, rather long, much compressed; cere large, covered with hair-like feathers; upper outline convex and declinate to the edge of the cere, then decurved; edge of upper mandible slightly arched and nearly even, tip of lower compressed and rounded. Nostrils elliptical, oblique, in the anterior part of the cere near the ridge. Eyelids and space anterior to the eye denuded, as is the skin over the crop. Feet rather long; tarsi anteriorly scutellate, sharp-edged and scaly behind; toes rather long, broadly scutellate, the first much shorter than the second; claws long, little curved, that of the middle toe being only slightly arched. Wings long, rounded, the third and fourth quills longest, the first five having the inner web cut out. Tail rather long, rounded. THE CARACARA EAGLE. +PoLYBORUS BRAZILIENSIS, Gi. PLATE IV. I was not aware of the existence of the Caracara or Brazilian Eagle in the United States, until my visit to the Floridas in the winter of 1831. On the 99 THE CARACARA EAGLE. od _ 24th November of that year, in the course of an excursion near the town of St. Augustine, I observed a bird flying at a great elevation, and almost over my head. Convinced that it was unknown to me, and bent on obtaining it, I followed it nearly a mile, when I saw it sail towards the earth, making for a place where a group of Vultures were engaged in devouring a dead horse. Walking up to the horse, I observed the new bird alighted on it, and helped itself freely to the savoury meat beneath its feet; but it evinced a degree of shyness far greater than that of its associates, the Turkey-Buzzards and Carrion Crows. I moved circuitously, until I came to a deep ditch, along which I crawled, and went as near to the bird as I possibly could; but find- ing the distance much too great for a sure shot, I got up suddenly, when the whole of the birds took to flight. The eagle, as if desirous of forming acquaintance with me, took a round and passed over me. I shot, but to my great mortification missed it. However it alighted a few hundred yards off, in an open savanna, on which I laid myself flat on the ground, and crawled towards it, pushing my gun before me, amid burs and mud-holes, until I reached the distance of about seventy-five yards from it, when I stopped to observe its attitudes. The bird did not notice me; he stood on a lump of flesh, tearing it to pieces, in the manner of a Vulture, until he had nearly swallowed the whole. Being now less occupied, he spied me, erected the feathers of his neck, and, starting up, flew away, carrying the remainder of his prey zn Ais talons. I shot a second time, and probably touched him; for he dropped his burden, and made off in a direct course across the St. Sebastian River, with alternate sailings and flappings, somewhat in the manner of a Vulture, but more gracefully. He never uttered a ery, and I followed him wistfully with my eyes until he was quite out of sight. The following day the bird returned, and was again among the Vultures, but at some distance from the carcass, the birds having been kept off by the dogs. I approached by the ditch, saw it very well, and watched its move- ments, until it arose, when once more I shot, but without effect. It sailed off in large circles, gliding in a very elegant manner, and now and then diving downwards and rising again. Two days elapsed before it returned. Being apprised by a friend of this desired event, instead of going after it myself, I dispatched my assistant, who returned with it in little more than half an hour. I immediately began my drawing of it. The weather was sultry, the thermometer being at 89°; and, to my surprise, the vivid tints of the plumage were fading much faster than I had ever seen them in like circumstances, insomuch that Dr. Bet of Dublin, who saw it when fresh, and also when I was finishing the drawing twenty-four hours after, said he could scarcely believe it to be the same bird. How often have I thought of the changes which I have seen effected THE CARACARA EAGLE. 23 in the colours of the bill, legs, eyes, and even the plumage of birds, when looking on imitations which I was aware were taken from stuffed specimens, ~ and which I well knew could not be accurate! The skin, when the bird was quite recent, was of a bright yellow. The bird was extremely lousy. Its stomach contained the remains of a bullfrog, numerous hard-shelled worms, and a quantity of horse and deer-hair. The skin was saved with great difficulty, and its plumage had entirely lost its original lightness of colouring. The deep red of the fleshy parts of the head had assumed a purplish livid hue, and the spoil scarcely resembled the coat of the living Eagle. I made a double drawing of this individual, for the purpose of shewing all its feathers, which I hope will be found to be accurately represented. Since the period when I obtained the specimen above mentioned, I have seen several others, in which no remarkable differences were observed between the sexes, or in the general colouring. My friend Dr. Bensamin StroseEL, of Charleston, South Carolina, who has resided on the west coast of Florida, procured several individuals for the Reverend Joun Bacuman, and informed me that the species undoubtedly breeds in that part of the country, but I have never seen its nest. It has never been seen on any of the Keys along the eastern coast of that peninsula; and I am not aware that it has been observed any where to the eastward of the Capes of Florida. The most remarkable difference with respect to habits, between these birds and the American Vultures, is the power which they possess of carrying their prey in their talons. They often walk about, and in the water, in search of food, and now and then will seize on a frog or a very young alli- gator with their claws, and drag it to the shore. Like the Vultures, they frequently spread their wings towards the sun, or in the breeze, and their mode of walking also resembles that of the Turkey-Buzzard. Caracara Eacur, Polyborus vulgaris, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 350; vol. v. p. 351. Adult Male. Bill rather long, very deep, much compressed, cerate for one-half of its length; upper mandible with the dorsal outline nearly straight, but declinate for half its length, curved in the remaining part, the ridge narrow, the sides flat and sloping, the sharp edges slightly undulated, the tip declinate, trigonal; lower mandible with the sides nearly erect, the back rounded, the tip narrow, and obliquely rounded. Nostrils oblong, oblique, in the fore and upper parts of the cere. Head of moderate size, flattened; neck rather short, body rather slender. Feet rather long and slender; tarsus rounded, covered all round with hexagonal scales, the anterior much larger, and the five lower broad a 24 THE CARACARA EAGLE. w and transverse; toes of moderate size, scutellate above, the inner scaly at the base; the outer is connected with the middle toe at the base by a web, as is the inner, although its web is smaller; lateral toes equal, middle one con- siderably longer, hind toe shortest, and not proportionally stronger; claws long, arched, roundish, tapering to a point. Plumage compact, slightly glossed. Upper eyelid with short strong bristles; space before the eye, cheeks, throat and cere of both mandibles bare, having merely a few scattered bristly feathers. Feathers of the head, neck and breast narrow; of the back broad and rounded; outer tibial feathers elongated, but shorter than in most Hawks. Wings long, reaching to within two inches of the tip of the tail; primaries tapering, secondaries broad and rounded, with an acumen; the fourth quill longest, third scarcely shorter, first and seventh about equal; almost all the primaries are more or less sinuate on their inner webs, and the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth on their outer. ‘Tail long, rounded, of twelve broadish, rounded feathers. There is a large bare space on the breast, as in the Turkey-Buzzard. Bill pale blue, yellow on the edges, cere carmine. Iris dark-brown. Feet yellow; claws black. Upper part of the head umber-brown, streaked with brownish-black. Feathers of hind-neck and fore part of the back light brownish-yellow, mottled with dark brown towards the end. Back and wings dark brown, edged with umber. Primaries and some of the seconda- ries barred with broad bands of white, excepting towards the end. Tail coverts dull-white, slightly barred with dusky. Tail greyish-white, with sixteen narrow bars, and a broad terminal band of blackish-brown, the tips lighter. Fore part and sides of the neck light brownish-yellow; the fore part of the breast marked like that of the back, the yellow colour extending over the lateral part of the neck; the hind part, abdomen, sides, and tibia dark brown; the lower tail-coverts yellowish-white. Interior of mouth and skin of the whole body bright yellow. Length 23} inches; extent of wings 4 feet; bill along the ridge 24, the cere being 1, along the edge 24; tarsus 33, middle toe and claw 33. Genus II.—BUTEO, Bechst. BUZZARD. Bill short, with the upper outline nearly straight and declinate to the edge of the cere, then decurved, the sides rapidly sloping, the edges with a slight’ festoon, the tip trigonal, acute; lower mandible with the dorsal line convex and ascending, the edges arched, at the end deflected, the tip rounded. Head large, roundish, flattened above. Nostrils obovate, nearer the ridge than the ie HARRIS’S BUZZARD. 20 margin. Neck rather short. Body full. Feet short, robust; tarsi roundish, anteriorly feathered half way down, and scutellate, posteriorly also scutellate; toes of moderate length, scaly for half their length; claws long, arched, compressed, acuminate. Plumage full and rather blended. Space between the bill and eye covered with bristly feathers. Wings long, broad, the fourth quill longest, the first and seventh or eighth about equal; the first four abruptly cut out on the inner web. ‘Tail rather long, broad, slightly round- ed. Cere and feet yellow; bill light blue at the base, black at the tip, in all the American species. HARRIS’S BUZZARD. +Butro Harristi, ud. PLATE V. The varying modes of flight exhibited by our diurnal birds cf prey have always been to me a subject of great interest, especially as by means of them- I have found myself enabled to distinguish one species from another, to the farthest extent of my power of vision. On considering this matter, I have become fully convinced that a greater length of the wings in any one species is not, as most naturalists have imagined, an indication of its greater power of flight. Writers of the present day who, judging of the flight of birds from such circumstances, think that those species which have longer and, as they suppose, more complete wings, fly with more rapidity than those whose wings are comparatively short, are, in my opinion, quite mistaken. They judge in this matter, not from experience, but from appearance, having pre- viously determined theoretically that a long wing is a more efficient instru- ment than a short one; and being acquainted with birds only through the medium of skins and feathers, presume to inform us as to their comparative agility. The power of flight in birds of any kind depends not upon the length, amplitude, or shape of the wings, but upon the rapidity with which these members are moved, and the muscular energy applied to them. It is not a little surprising to me that not one of the authors who have written on this subject, has spoken of the mode of flight of our Turkey-Buzzard, which, notwithstanding its very ample wings, is one of the very slowest birds; for, although it manages to rise to a great height, all its rmovements are laborious and heavy, unless when it is at some considerable elevation. The amplitude of its wings serves it in sailing only, never in enabling it to pass swiftly Vou. I. 3 26 . HARRIS’S BUZZARD. through the air, as birds of much shorter wings, but greater muscular energy, are wont to do. e The Golden Eagle, which has universally been considered as a bird of most extraordinary powers of flight, is in my estimation little more than a_ sluggard, though its wings are long and ample. It is true that it can sustain itself for a very considerable time on wing, but the observer cannot fail to see that, instead of being swift, it moves slowly and somewhat heavily. For this reason it is rarely seen to give chase on wing, but depends more on the weight of its body while falling or swooping on its prey from a certain height than upon any dexterity or velocity of flight. Eagles while swooping do not use their wings as a medium of propelling themselves farther than by nearly closing them, that they may descend with more rapidity, in doing which they produce a loud rustling noise, which I have often thought has a tendency to frighten the quarry so much as to render it unable to seek for safety by flight or speed of foot. ‘The Golden Eagle can, indeed, soar to a very great height, but this it accomplishes by a circling or gyratory flight of © a very slovenly character, and not much superior to that of Vultures or birds still more nearly allied to itself. Thus, reader, I would look on this cele- brated bird as one of the slowest and heaviest of its tribe; and would place next in order our Red-tailed Hawk, Falco borealis, which being also pos- sessed of ample wings, of considerable length, moves through the air and pounces upon its prey ina similar manner. Then in succession will come the Black Warrior, Falco Harlani; the Broad-winged Hawk, F. Pennsy/- vanicus; the Red-shouldered Hawk, F#. dineatus; the Common Buzzard, Buteo vulgaris; and the Rough-legged Falcon, #. dagopus or F. Sancti- Johannis, which is ina manner the very counterpart of the Golden Eagle, as well as every other species endowed with no greater powers, and furnished with wings and tails of similar size and form; although, of course, some slight differences are to be observed in these different species, on all of which I would willingly bestow the distinetive name of Swoopers. All these birds are more or less indolent; one might say they are destitute of the power of distinguishing themselves in any remarkable manner, and none of them shew a propensity to remove to any great distance from the place of their birth, unless, indeed, when very hard pressed either by want of food or by very intense cold. The next group, which attracts the attention of the American ornithologist, is that composed of such birds as are provided with longer and almost equally broad wings, but assisted by more or less elongated and forked tails. Of this kind are our Swallow-tailed Hawk, Fulco furcatus; the Black-shouldered Hawk, F. dispar; and the Mississippi Kite, / Mississippiensis. These species assume what I would call a flowing manner of flight, it being ex- HARRIS'S BUZZARD. O7 ws tremely graceful, light, buoyant, and protracted beyond that of most other hawks. They are, however, devoid of the power of swooping on their quarry, which they procure by semicircular glidings of greater or less extent, according to the situation or nature of the place, over the land or the water, on the branches or trunks of trees, or even through the air, while in the latter they are wont to secure large coleopterous insects. These species are provided with short, strong tarsi, are scarcely able to walk with ease, wander to great distances, and possess very little courage. After these long-winged fork-tailed hawks, comes the Marsh Hawk, Falco cyaneus, which, by its easy manner of flying, it being supported by ample wings and tail, is in some degree allied to them, though it is by no means a bird of rapid flight, but one which procures its food by patient industry, and sometimes by surprising its prey. Its style of chase is very inferior to that of those species which I consider as not only the swiftest, but the most ex- pert, active, and persevering marauders. The Marsh Hawk is connected with these by its long and slender tail, and also by its propensity to wander over vast tracts of country. It may be said to swoop or to glide in procuring its prey, which consists both of birds and small quadrupeds, as well as insects, some of the latter of which it even seizes on wing. Taking somewhat into consideration the usual low flight of the latter species, I feel induced to place next it the very swiftest of our Hawks, as I am convinced you would consider them, had you witnessed, like me, their manners for many successive years. These are the Goshawk, F. palum- barius, Cooper’s Hawk, F. Cooperi, the Pigeon Hawk, IP. columbariue, and the Sharp-shinned Hawk, /. fuscus. Though their wings are compara- tively short, somewhat rounded, and rather concave, they have longer bodies and larger tails than any other of our hawks. ‘The tail is used as a rudder, and appears most effectually to aid them in their progress on wing. None of these birds ever pounce on their prey, but secure it by actual pursuit on wing. Industrious in the highest degree, they all hunt for game, instead of remaining perched on a rocky eminence, or on the top branch of a tall tree, waiting the passing or appearance of some object. They traverse the coun- try in every direction, and dash headlong in the wildest manner, until their game being up they follow it with the swiftness of-an arrow, overtake it, strike it to the ground with wonderful force, and at once fall to, and devour it. Although the flight of our Passenger Pigeon is rapid and protracted almost beyond belief, aided as this bird is by rather long and sharp wings, as well as an elongated tail, and sustained by well regulated beats, that of the Goshawk or of the other species of this group so very far surpasses it, that they can overtake it with as much ease as that with which the pike seizes a carp. I have often thought that the comparatively long tarsi of these 28 HARRIS’S BUZZARD. Hawks, as well as their elongated and padded toes, are of considerable assist- ance in securing their prey on wing, as they throw these members to the right and left, upward or downward, when about to come into contact with the object of their pursuit. In boldness and ferocity they probably surpass all other birds of prey. The next race is composed of the species called “True Falcons,’? of which we have the Jer Falcon, Falco Islandicus, the Peregrine Falcon, /. Pere- grinus, the Pigeon Hawk, F. Columbarius, and the Sparrow Hawk, F. Sparverius. ‘These birds are probably the most highly organized of the series. Their wings are pointed and somewhat broad; their tail is not only considerably elongated, but has a firmness and elasticity not seen in that of the other species. While in Eagles and other sluggish birds of prey, the motions of the wings are slow, in the species now under consideration they are strong and quickly repeated. They moreover possess the power of swooping in a higher degree than even the Eagles, for although much smaller birds, they are if any thing still more compactly formed, whilst they are at the same time endowed with at least a fair power of flight, so that they give chase to the swiftest birds, and not unfrequently overtake and destroy them. In their migrations they differ from the slow-flying species, which seldom remove far from the place of their birth, for they appear to delight in follow- ing the myriads of the feathered tribes from which they have derived their subsistence during summer in the northern regions, to those southern coun- tries in which they are sure of obtaining an ample supply, each species pursuing those on which it more usually preys. Thus, some, as the Pere- grine Falcon, will remove as far as the confines of Mexico or the extreme portions of California. The Jer Falcon, which mostly feeds on hares and grous, belonging to northern countries, and which of course migrate south- ward to a very short extent, rarely advances far; while the Pigeon Hawk, as daring as the Peregrine, follows the Red-wings, Rice Birds, and other small migratory species, with a pertinacity not in the least surpassed by that of the Peregrine Falcon itself. The group of our American birds of prey of which the species differ most strikingly from the rest, contains the Bird of Washington, Falco Washing- tonit, the White-headed Eagle, F. leucocephalus, and the Fishing Hawk or Osprey, F. Ossifragus. Looking upon these three species as more or less connected in respect to their general habits, while each of them differs from the rest, I hope you will excuse me, reader, if I now take a glance at them separately. He who generalizes at random might perhaps be induced to compare the Fishing Hawk to nothing else than a very large and clumsy Tern, for like most birds of that group, it is known to range in a i manner over the waters of our bays and estuaries, and along the shores of | HARRIS’S BUZZARD. | 29 the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It poises itself awhile on spying its prey just beneath the surface of the water, glides or plunges headlong upon it, and thus secures it at once, or experiences the same disappointment that Terns themselves do on many occasions. It is true, however, that the Fishing Hawk does not, Tern-like, secure its finny prey with its bill; but what of that, if it plunges into the deep and seizes its quarry there? The Bird of Washington which is also a fishing Eagle, glides over its prey, and seizes it mostly in the manner exhibited by Gulls. The White-headed Eagle, which, as I have told you before, also dives after fish on some occasions, and pursues the smaller kinds in shallow water by wading after them, will also attack birds and quadrupeds of various species, and thus may be looked upon as one of the most singularly gifted of our diurnal birds of prey. The species now before you belongs to the group of what may be called indolent or heavy-flying Hawks. The specimen from which I made my drawing, was procured by a gentleman residing in Louisiana, who shot it between Bayou Sara and Natchez. A label attached to one of its legs authorizes me to say that it was a female; but I have received no information respecting its habits; nor can I at present give you the name of the donor, however anxious I am to compliment him upon the valuable addition he has made to our Fauna, by thus enabling me to describe and portray it. I have much pleasure in naming it after my friend Epwarp Harris, Esq., a gentle- man who, independently of the aid which he has on many occasions afforded me, in prosecuting my examination of our birds, merits this compliment as an enthusiastic Ornithologist. Bureo Harrisi, Aud., Birds of America, pl. 392; Ornithol. Biog., vol. v. p. 30. Adult Female. Bill short, robust, as broad as high at the base, compressed toward the end; upper mandible with its dorsal outline sloping a little at the base, then decurved, the sides nearly flat, the edge with a slight festoon, the tip pro- longed, trigonal, descending, acute; lower mandible with the angle rather long and wide, the dorsal line convex, the edge decurved toward the end, the tip obtuse. Nostrils rather large, ovate, oblong, oblique. Head large, ovate, flattened above, with the superciliary ridges projecting. Neck of moderate length; body full. Feet of ordinary length, very robust; tarsus strong, roundish, feathered anteriorly for somewhat more than a third, and having thirteen scutella, covered behind with sixteen scutella, reticulated on the sides and at the lower part; toes strong, of moderate length, the first and second thickest, and nearly equal; the first with four, the second with five, the third with eight, the fourth with six entire scutella, the parts Vou. I. 4 ay 30 _ COMMON BUZZARD. toward the base with transverse series of rectangular scales; claws long, stout, arched, moderately compressed, flat beneath, tapering to a very acute point; the inner edge of that of the middle toe sharp. Plumage rather compact, the feathers broadly ovate and rounded; the space between the bill and the eye covered with small bristle-pointed feathers; the feathers on the outer side of the leg not much elongated. Wings long, broad, much rounded; the first quill four inches shorter than the fourth, which is longest, the fifth longer than the third, and the seventh longer than the second; the first four having the inner web cut out; secon- daries broad and rounded. ‘Tail long, broad, slightly rounded, the lateral feathers three-quarters of an inch shorter than the longest. Bill light blue at the base, black toward the end; cere and feet yellow; claws black. The general colour of the plumage is deep chocolate-brown; the quills darker; the upper and lower wing-coverts and the feathers of the legs brownish-red, the wing-coverts with a central dusky streak, which is enlarged on those toward the edge beyond the carpal joint, and on the secon- dary coverts, so as to leave only the margins red. ‘The feathers of the rump are faintly margined with red, and the upper tail-coverts are barred and tipped with white. ‘The tail is brownish-black, with two broad bands of white, the one at the base, the other terminal. Length to end of tail 24 inches; bill along the ridge 148; cere 75; wing from flexure 154; tail 104; tarsus 34%; hind toe 1,7;, its claw 1; second toe 141, its claw 133; third toe 2, its claw 14; fourth toe 1,4;, its claw 3. COMMON BUZZARD. Burro vurearis, Willoughby. PLATE VI.—FeEmate. The specimen from which the figure before you was taken, was shot by Mr. TownseEnp on a rock near the Columbia River, on which it had its nest. Unfortunately, however, he has not supplied me with any account of this species, and the only notice respecting its habits that I have seen, is that in~ the Fauna Boreali-Americana, by Dr. RicHarpson:—*The Common Buz- zard arriving in the Fur Countries in the middle of April very soon after- wards begins to build its nest; and, having reared its young, departs about — the end of September. It haunts the low alluvial points of land which stretch — out under the high banks of a river; and may be observed sitting for a long m .* » ‘ . t ’ Ne2 Drawn sror Nature by (6 Ee G CHUM OF’ 2 ) MMIIEA urd. seal COMMON BUZZARD. 31 time motionless on the bough of a tree, watching patiently for some small quadruped, bird, or reptile to pass within its reach. As soon as it espies its prey, it glides silently into the air, and, sweeping easily and rapidly down, seizes it in its claws. When disturbed, it makes a short circuit, and soon settles on another perch. It builds its nest on a tree, of short sticks, lining it sparingly with deer’s hair. The eggs, from three to five in number, are equal in size to those of the domestic fowl, and have a greenish-white colour, with a few large dark brown blotches at the thick end. It was seen by the Expedition as far north as the fifty-seventh parallel of latitude, and it most probably has a still higher range.” Burteo vutcaris, Common Buzzarp, Rich. & Sw. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 47. Common Buzzarp, Falco buteo, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 108. Female. Bill short, strong, as broad as deep at the base, compressed toward the end. Upper mandible cerate, its dorsal outline declinate and a little convex as far as the cere, then decurved, the sides rapidly sloping, towards the end nearly perpendicular but convex, the edge with a slight festoon, the tip trigonal, acute; lower mandible with the angle short and rounded, the dorsal line convex and ascending, the edges sharp, arched, at the end deflected, the tip rounded. Nostrils irregularly obovate, in the fore part of the cere, nearer the ridge than the margin. Head large, roundish, flattened above; neck rather short; body full. Feet short, robust; tarsi roundish, anteriorly feathered half-way down, anteriorly scutellate, laterally reticulate, posteriorly also scutellate; the lower part all round covered with series of small scales, as are the toes for half their length, the terminal portion being scutellate; they are strong, of moderate length, the hind toe stouter, with four large scutella, the inner with four, the middle with about eight, and connected at the base by a web with the outer, which has four large scutella. Claws long, arched, compressed, tapering to a point, flat beneath. Plumage ordinary, full, rather blended beneath. Space between the bill and eye covered with bristly feathers; eyelids with soft downy feathers, and ciliate; the superciliary ridge prominent. Feathers of the head and neck ovato-oblong, of the back and breast ovate and rounded, of the sides and outer part of the leg elongated, of the rest of the leg short. Wings long, broad, the fourth quill longest, the third next, the fifth very little shorter, the second longer than the fifth, the first and seventh about equal; first four abruptly cut out on the inner web; secondaries broad and rounded. Tail rather long, broad, slightly rounded. ae THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. Bill light blue at the base, with the margins yellowish, the tip black; the cere yellow. Iris hazel. Feet yellow; claws black, at the base bluish. The general colour of the upper parts is chocolate-brown. The quills are of the general colour externally, but the primaries are black toward the tip; a great part of the inner web, with the shaft, white, and barred with brownish-black, the bars more extended on the secondaries. The tail is marked with about ten dusky bars on a reddish-brown ground, tinged with grey, the last dark bar broader, the tips paler. The eyelids are whitish, as is the throat, which is longitudinally streaked with dusky. The rest of the lower parts are yellowish or brownish-white, barred with brown. The lower wing-coverts are white, barred or spotted with dusky; the white of the inner webs of the primaries forms a conspicuous patch, contrasted with the greyish-black of their terminal portion. Length to end of tail 23 inches; wing from flexure 17; tail 103; bill along the ridge 1,5, along the edge of lower mandible 1,4; tarsus 3-85; hind toe 1, its claw 1,4; middle toe 149, its claws 154. Another specimen in my possession, procured by Mr. Townsenp on the plains of Snake River, has the upper parts brown, streaked and spotted with reddish-white; the upper tail-coverts white, barred with dusky, the lower parts as above described. The colours however vary, and in some the upper parts are deep brown, the lower reddish or brownish-white, barred with reddish-brown. When compared with European specimens, mine have the bill somewhat stronger; but in all other respects, including the scutella and scales of the feet and toes, and the structure of the wings and tail, the parts are similar. THE RED-TAILED#EUZZALD: BuTEO BOREALIS, Gmel. PLATE VII.—Mate snp FEMALE. The Red-tailed Hawk (Buzzard) is a constant resident in the United States, in every part of which it is found. It performs partial migrations, during severe winters, from the Northern Districts towards the Southern. In the latter, however, it is at all times more abundant, and I shall endeavour to present you with a full account of its habits, as observed there. N° 2 Pl. 7 wn | Nature y Audubor ; th? Peinted & Col® be JV. Bowen, Pimlad* THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. Bye Its flight is firm, protracted, and at times performed at a great height. It sails across the whole of a large plantation, on a level with the tops of the forest trees which surround it, without a single flap of its wings, and is then seen moving its head sidewise to inspect the objects below. This flight is generally accompanied by a prolonged mournful cry, which may be heard at a considerable distance, and consists of a single sound resembling the mono- syllable Ae, several times repeated, for three or four minutes, without any apparent inflection or difference of intensity. It would seem as if uttered for the purpose of giving notice to the living objects below that he is passing, and of thus inducing them to bestir themselves and retreat to a hiding-place, before they attain which he may have an opportunity of pouncing upon one of them. When he spies an animal, while he is thus sailing over a field, I have observed him give a slight check to his flight, as if to mark a certain spot with accuracy, and immediately afterwards alight on the nearest tree. He would then instantly face about, look intently on the object that had attracted his attention, soon after descend towards it with wings almost close to his body, and dart upon it with such accuracy and rapidity as seldom to fail in securing it. When passing over a meadow, a cotton-field, or one planted with sugar- canes, he performs his flight close over the grass or plants, uttering no cry, but marking the prey in the manner above described, and on perceiving it, ascending in a beautiful curved line to the top of the nearest tree, after which he watches and dives as in the former case. Should he not observe any object worthy of his attention, while passing over a meadow or a field, he alights, shakes his feathers, particularly those of the tail, and, after spending a few minutes in pluming himself, leaves the perch, uttering his usual cry, and ascending in the air, performs large and repeated circular flights, care- fully inspecting the field, to assure himself that there is in reality nothing in it that may be of use to him. He then proceeds to another plantation. At other times, as if not assured that his observations have been duly made, he rises in circles over the same field to an immense height, where he looks like a white dot in the heavens. Yet from this height he must be able to distinguish the objects on the ground, even when these do not exceed our little partridge or a young hare in size, and although their colour may be almost the same as that of surrounding bodies; for of a sudden his circlings are checked, his wings drawn close to his body, his tail contracted to its smallest breadth, and he is seen to plunge headlong towards the earth, with a rapidity which produces a loud rustling sound nearly equal to that of an Eagle on a similar occasion. : Should he not succeed in discovering the desired object in the fields, he enters the forest and perches on some detached tree, tall enough to enable Vou. £ 5 24 THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. him to see to a great distance around. His posture is now erect, he remains ‘still and silent, moving only his head, as on all other occasions, to enable his keen eye to note the occurrences which may take place in his vicinity. The lively Squirrel is seen gaily leaping from one branch to another, or busily employed in searching for the fallen nuts on the ground. It has found one. Its bushy tail is beautifully curved along its back, the end of it falling off with a semicircular bend; its nimble feet are seen turning the nut quickly round, and its teeth are already engaged in perforating the hard shell; when, quick as thought, the Red-tailed Hawk, which has been watching it in all its motions, falls upon it, seizes it near the head, transfixes and strangles it, devours it on the spot, or ascends exultingly to a branch with the yet palpi- tating victim in his talons, and there feasts at leisure. As soon as the little King-bird has raised its brood, and when its courage is no longer put in requisition for the defence of its young or its mate, the Red-tailed Hawk visits the farm-houses, to pay his regards to the poultry. This is done without much precaution, for, while sailing over the yard where the chickens, the ducklings, and the young turkeys are, the Hawk plunges upon any one of them, and sweeps it off to the nearest wood. When impelled by continued hunger, he now and then manages to elude the vigi- lance of the Martins, Swallows and King-birds, and watching for a good opportunity, falls upon and seizes an old fowl, the dying screams of which are heard by the farmer at the plough, who swears vengeance against the robber. He remembers that he has observed the Hawk’s nest in the woods, and full of anger at the recollection of the depredations which the plunderer has already committed, and at the anticipation of its many visits during the winter, leaves his work and his horses, strides to his house, and with an axe and a rifle in his hands proceeds towards the tree, where the hopes of the Red-tailed Hawk are snugly nestled among the tall branches. The farmer arrives, eyes the gigantic tree, thinks for a moment of the labour which will be required for felling it, but resolves that he shall not be overreached by a Hawk. He throws aside his hat, rolls up his sleeves, and applies himself to the work. His brawny arms give such an impulse to the axe, that at every stroke large chips are seen to fall off on all sides. The poor mother-bird, well aware of the result, sails sorrowfully over and around. She would fain beg for mercy towards her young. She alights on the edge of the nest, and would urge her offspring to take flight. But the farmer has watched her motions. The axe is left sticking in the core of the tree, his rifle is raised to his shoulder in an instant, and the next moment the whizzing ball has pierced the heart of the Red-tailed Hawk, which falls unheeded to the earth. The farmer renews his work, and now changes sides. A whole hour has been spent in the application of ceaseless blows. THe begins to look upwards, THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. 35 to judge which way the giant of the forest will fall, and having ascertained this, he redoubles his blows. The huge oak begins to tremble. Were it permitted to speak, it might ask why it should suffer for the deeds of another; but it is now seen slowly to incline, and soon after with an awful rustling produced by all its broad arms, its branches, twigs and leaves, passing like lightning through the air, the noble tree falls to the earth, and almost causes it to shake. The work of revenge is now accomplished: the farmer seizes the younglings, and carries them home, to be tormented by his children, until death terminates their brief career. Notwithstanding the very common occurrence of such acts of retribution between man and the Hawk, it would be difficult to visit a plantation in the State of Louisiana, without observing at least a pair of this species hovering about, more especially during the winter months. Early in February, they begin to build their nest, which is usually placed within the forest, and on the tallest and largest tree in the neighbourhood. The male and female are busily engaged in carrying up dried sticks, and other materials, for eight or ten days, during which time their cry is seldom heard. The nest is large, and is fixed in the centre of a triply forked branch. It is of a flattish form, constructed of sticks, and finished with slender twigs and coarse grasses or Spanish moss. The female lays four or five eggs, of a dull white colour, splatched with brown and black, with a very hard, smooth shell. The male assists the female in incubating, but it is seldom that the one brings food to the other while thus employed. I have seen one or two of these nests built in a large tree which had been left standing in the middle of a field; but occurrences of this kind are rare, on account of the great enmity shewn to this species by the farmers. The young are abundantly supplied with food of various kinds, particularly grey squirrels, which the parents procure while hunting in pairs, when nothing can save the squirrel from their attacks excepting its retreat into the hole of a tree; for should the animal be observed ascending the trunk or branch of a tree by either of the Hawks, this one immediately plunges toward it, while the other watches it from the air. The little animal, if placed against the trunk, when it sees the Hawk coming towards it, makes swiftly for the opposite side of the trunk, but is there immediately dived at by the other Hawk, and now the murderous pair chase it so closely, that unless it imme- diately finds a hole into which to retreat, it is caught in a few minutes, killed, carried to the nest, torn in pieces, and distributed among the young Hawks. Small hares, or, as we usually call them, rabbits, are also frequently caught, and the depredations of the Red-tailed Hawks at this period are astonishing, for they seem to kill every thing, fit for food, that comes in their way. They are great destroyers of tame Pigeons, and woe to the Cock or Hen that 26 THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. Me ccy strays far from home, for so powerful is this Hawk, that it is able not only to kill them, but to carry them off in its claws to a considerable distance. The continued attachment that exists between Eagles once paired, is not exhibited by these birds, which, after rearing their young, become as shy towards each other as if they had never met. This is carried to such a singular length, that they are seen to chase and rob each other of their prey, on all occasions. I have seen a couple thus engaged, when one of them had just seized a young rabbit or a squirrel, and was on the eve of rising in the air with it, for the purpose of carrying it off to a place of greater security. The one would attack the other with merciless fury, and either force it to abandon the prize, or fight with the same courage as its antagonist, to prevent the latter from becoming the sole possessor. They are sometimes observed flying either one after the other with great rapidity, emitting their continued ery of kae, or performing beautiful evolutions through the air, until one or other of them becomes fatigued, and giving way, makes for the earth, where the battle continues until one is overpowered and obliged to make off. It was after witnessing such an encounter between two of these powerful marauders, fighting hard for a young hare, that I made the drawing now before you, kind reader, in which you perceive the male to have greatly the advantage over the female, although she still holds the hare firmly in one of her talons, even while she is driven towards the earth, with her breast upwards. I have observed that this species will even condescend to pounce on wood- rats and meadow-mice; but I never saw one of these birds seize even those without first alighting on a tree before committing the act. ‘ During the winter months, the Red-tailed Hawk remains perched for hours together, when the sun is shining and the weather calm. Its breast is opposed to the sun, and it then is seen at a great distance, the pure white of that portion of its plumage glittering as if possessed of a silky gloss. They return to their roosting-places so late in the evening, that I have frequently heard their cry after sun-set, mingling with the jovial notes of Chuck-will’s- widow, and the ludicrous laugh of the Barred Owl. In the State of Loui- siana, the Red-tailed Hawk roosts amongst the tallest branches of the Magnolia grandifiora, a tree which there often attains a height of a hundred feet, and a diameter of from three to four feet at the base. It is also fond of roosting on the tall Cypress-trees of our swamps, where it spends the night in security, amidst the mosses attached to the branches. The Red-tailed Hawk is extremely wary, and difficult to be approached by any one bearing a gun, the use of which it seems to understand perfectly; for no sooner does it perceive a man thus armed than it spreads its wings, utters a loud shriek, and sails off in an opposite direction. On the other hand, a person on horseback, or walking unarmed, may pass immediately THE RED-TAILED BUZZARD. 237. under the branch on which it is perched, when it merely watches his motions as he proceeds. It seldom alights on fences, or the low branches of trees, but prefers the highest and most prominent parts of the tallest trees. It alights on the borders of clear streams to drink. I have observed it in such situations, immersing its bill up to the eyes, and swallowing as much as was necessary to quench its thirst at a single draught. I have seen this species pounce on soft-shelled tortoises, and amusing enough it was to see the latter scramble towards the water, enter it, and save themselves from the claws of the Hawk by immediately diving. I am not aware that this Hawk is ever successful in these attacks, as I have not on any occasion found any portion of the skin, head, or feet of tortoises in the stomachs of the many Hawks of this species which I have killed and exa- mined. Several times, however, I have found portions of bull-frogs in their stomach. All our Falcons are pestered with parasitic flying ticks. Those found- amongst the plumage of the Red-tailed Hawk, like all others, move swiftly sidewise between the feathers, issue from the skin, and shift from one portion of the body to another on wing, and do not abandon the bird for a day or oS two after the latter is dead. These ticks are large, and of an auburn colour. The body of the Red-tailed Hawk is large, compact, and muscular. These birds protrude their talons beyond their head in seizing their prey, as well as while fighting in the air, in the manner shown in the Plate. Ihave caught several birds of this species by baiting a steel-trap with a live chicken. I have only here to add, that amongst the American farmers the common name of our present bird is the Hen-hawk, while it receives that of Grand mangeur de poules from the Creoles of Louisiana. Rep-Taitep Hawk, Fulco borealis, Wils. Am. Orn., vol. vi. p. 76. Adult. American Buzzarp or Wuite-preasteD Hawk, Falco leverianus, Wils. Am. Orn., vol. vi. p- 78. Buteo porratis, Rep-Taitep Buzzarp, Swains. & Rich., F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 50. Rep-raitep Hawk or Buzzarp, Fulco borealis, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 102. Rep-rTaitep Hawk, Falco borealis, Aud. Om. Biog., vol. i. p. 265; vol. v. p. 378. Adult Male. Bill light blue, blackish at the tip, greenish-yellow on the margin towards the base; cere greenish-yellow. Iris hazel. 'Tarsi and toes yellow; claws brownish-black. Upper part of the head light brownish-grey. Loral space and under eyelid white. A broad band of dark brown from the angle of the mouth backwards. Neck above and on the sides reddish-yellow, with large deep brown spots. Back deep brown; scapulars of the same colour, broadly margined and tipped with brownish-white. Lesser wing-coverts chocolate- 38 : HARLAN’S BUZZARD. brown; larger lighter brown, tipped with white. Primary quills blackish- brown; secondaries lighter, tipped with brownish-white; all barred with blackish. Upper tail-coverts whitish, barred with brown, and yellowish-red in the middle. ‘Tail bright yellowish-red, tipped with whitish, and having a narrow bar of black near the end. Lower parts brownish-white; the fore part of the breast and neck light yellowish-red, the former marked with guttiform, somewhat sagittate brown spots: abdomen and chin white; feathers of the leg and tarsus pale reddish-yellow, those on the outside indistinctly spotted. Length 203 inches; extent of wings 46; bill along the back 14, along the gap 2; tarsus 34, middle toe 22. Wings when closed reaching to within two inches of the tip of the tail. Adult Female. The female, which is considerably larger, agrees with the male in the general distribution of its colouring. The upper parts are darker, and the under parts nearly white, there being only a few narrow streaks on the sides of the breast; the tibial and tarsal feathers as in the male. The tail is of a duller red, and wants the black bar. Length 24 inches. HARLAN’S BUZZARD. Burro Haruant, Aud. PLATE VIII.—Mate anp Femate. Long before I discovered this fine Hawk, I was anxious to have an oppor- tunity of honouring some new species of the feathered tribe with the name of my excellent friend Dr. Ricuarp Haran, of Philadelphia. This I might have done sooner, had I not waited until a species should occur, which in its size and importance should bear some proportion to my gratitude toward that learned and accomplished friend. The Hawks now before you were discovered near St- Francisville, in Louisiana, during my late sojourn in that State, and had bred in the neigh- bourhood of the place where I procured them, for two seasons, although they had always eluded my search, until, at last, as I was crossing a large cotton field, one afternoon, I saw the female represented in the Plate standing Bes fo Sete é Ha land fucea ote HARLAN’S BUZZARD. 29 (3) perched on the top of a high belted tree in an erect and commanding attitude. It looked so like the Black Hawk (Falco niger) of Wuiuson, that I appre- hended what I had heard respecting it might prove incorrect. I approached it, however, when, as if it suspected my evil intentions, it flew off, but after at first sailing as if with the view of escaping from me, passed over my head, inspected its eye, its bill, and particularly its naked legs, than I felt assured that it was, as had been represented by those persons who had spoken to me of its exploits, a new species. I drew it whilst alive; but my intentions of preserving it and carrying it to England as a present to the Zoological Socie- ty were frustrated by its refusing food. It died in a few days, when I pre- served its skin, which, along with those of other rare birds, I have since given to the British Museum, through my friend J. G. Cuinpren, Esq. of that institution. A few days afterwards I saw the male bird perched on the same tree, but was unable to approach him so long as I had a gun, although he frequently allowed me and my wife to pass close to the foot of the tree when we were on horseback and unarmed. I followed it in vain for nearly a fortnight, from one field to another, and from tree to tree, until our physician, Dr. Joun B. Hererorp, knowing my great desire to obtain it, shot it in the wing with a rifle ball, and sent it alive to me. It was still wilder than the female, erected the whole of the feathers of its head, opened its bill, and was ever ready to strike with its talons at any object brought near it. I made my drawing of the male also while still alive. This species, although considerably smaller than the Red-tailed Hawk, to which it is allied, is superior to it in flight and daring. Its flight is rapid, greatly protracted, and so powerful as to enable it to seize its prey with ap- parent ease, or effect its escape from its stronger antagonist, the Red-tail, which pursues it on all occasions. The Black Warrior has been seen to pounce on a fowl, kill it almost in- stantly, and afterwards drag it along the ground for several hundred yards, when it would conceal it, and return to feed upon it in security. It was not observed to fall on Hares or Squirrels, but at all times evinced a marked preference for common Poultry, Partridges, and the smaller species of Wild Duck. I was told that the young birds appeared to be of a leaden-gray colour at a distance, but at the approach of winter became as dark as the parents. None of them were to be seen at the time when I procured the latter. Of its nest or eggs nothing is yet known. My friends Messrs. Jonnson and Carpen- TER frequently spoke of this Hawk to me immediately after my return to Louisiana from Europe, which took place in November 1829. - AO RED-SHOULDERED BUZZARD. Fatco Haruani, Aud. Birds of America, p]. 136. Plumage compact, feathers of the head and neck short and rounded, tibial feathers elongated and loose at the tips. Wings long; first quill short, fourth longest, third and fifth equal, the first primaries cut out on the inner web towards the end. ‘Tail longish, ample, of twelve broad, rounded feathers. Bill light blue, black towards the end; cere and angles of the mouth yel- lowish-green. Iris light yellowish-brown. Feet dull greenish-yellow, claws black. The general colour of the plumage is deep chocolate-brown, the under parts lighter, the feathers there being margined with light brown. Tail lighter than the back, and rather narrowly barred with brownish-black, the tips brownish-red. Under wing-coverts whitish, spotted with deep brown. Length 21 inches; extent of wings 45; bill along the back 14, along the gap, from the tip of the lower mandible, 14; tarsus 12. RED-SHOULDERED BUZZARD. “Burzo Linratus, Gmel. PLATE IX.—Mate anp Femate. The Red-shouldered Hawk, although dispersed over the greater part of the United States, is rarely observed in the Middle Districts, where, on the contrary, the Winter Falcon usually makes its appearance from the north, at the approach of every autumn, and is of more common occurrence. Ken- tucky, Tennessee, and other Western States, with the most Southern Dis- tricts of our Union, are apparently best adapted for the constant residence of the Red-shouldered Hawk, as in all these latter districts it is met with in greater numbers than in any other. This bird is one of the most noisy of its genus, during spring especially, when it would be difficult to approach the skirts of woods bordering a large plantation without hearing its discordant shrill notes, ka-hee, ka-hee, as it is seen sailing in rapid circles at a very great elevation. Its ordinary flight is even and protracted, excepting when it is describing the circles just mention- ed, when it often dives and gambols. It is a more general inhabitant of the woods than most of our other species, particularly during the summer, and in autumn and winter; now and then only, in early spring, shewing itself in ’ deal IN’ Z . Ay ML yd’ uy A / / / 4b bide VA / / /, IHU J AU C0 lh? Pr RSLS } Audubon Drawn from Nature by RED-SHOULDERED BUZZARD. 41 the open grounds, and about the vicinity of small lakes, for the purpose of securing Red-winged Starlings and wounded Ducks. The interior of woods seems, as I have said, the fittest haunts for the Red- shouldered Hawk. He sails through them a few yards above the ground, and suddenly alights on the low branch of a tree, or the top of a dead stump, from which he silently watches, in an erect posture, for the appearance of squirrels, upon which he pounces directly and kills them in an instant, after- wards devouring them on the ground. If accidentally discovered, he essays to remove the squirrel, but finding this difficult, he drags it partly through the air and partly along the ground, to some short distance, until he con- ceives himself out of sight of the intruder, when he again commences feeding. The eating of a whole squirrel, which this bird often devours at one meal, so gorges it, that I have seen it in this state almost unable to fly, and with such an extraordinary protuberance on its breast as seemed very unnatural, and very injurious to the beauty of form which the bird usually displays. On all occasions, such as I have described, when the bird is so gorged, it is ap- proached with the greatest ease. On the contrary, when it is in want of food, it requires the greatest caution to get within shooting distance of it. At the approach of spring, this species begins to pair, and its flight is ac- companied with many circlings and zigzag motions, during which it emits its shrill cries. The male is particularly noisy at this time. He gives chase to all other Hawks, returns to the branch on which his mate has chanced to perch, and caresses her. This happens about the beginning of March. The spot adapted for a nest is already fixed upon, and the fabric is half finished. The top of a tall tree appears to be preferred by this Hawk, as I have found its nest more commonly placed there, not far from the edges of woods bor- dering plantations. The nest is seated in the forks of a large branch, to- wards its extremity, and is as bulky as that of the Common Crow. It is formed externally of dry sticks and Spanish moss, and is lined with withered grass and fibrous roots of different sorts, arranged in a circular manner. The female usually lays four eggs, sometimes five. They are of a broad oval form, granulated all over, pale blue, faintly blotched with brownish-red at the smaller end. When one ascends to the nest, which, by the way, is not always an easy matter, as some of our trees are not only very smooth, but frequently with- out any boughs to a considerable distance from the ground, as well as of rather large size, the female bird, if she happens to be sitting, flies off silently and alights on a neighbouring tree, to wait the result. But, should the male, who supplies her with food, and assists in incubation, be there, or make his appearance, he immediately sets up a hue and cry, and plunges towards the assailant with such violence as to astonish him. When, on several occasions, Vou. I. 6 A 42 | RED-SHOULDERED BUZZARD. I have had the tree on which the nest was placed cut down, I have observed the same pair, a few days after, build another nest on a tree not far distant from the spot in which the first one had been. The mutual attachment of the male and the female continues during life. They usually hunt in pairs during the whole year; and although they build a new nest every spring, they are fond of resorting to the same parts of the woods for that purpose. I knew the pair represented in the Plate for three years, and saw their nest each spring placed within a few hundred yards of the spot in which that of the preceding year was. The young remain in the nest until fully fledged, and are fed by the pa- rents for several weeks after they have taken to wing, but leave them and begin to shift for themselves in about a month, when they disperse and hunt separately until the approach of the succeeding spring, at which time they pair. The young birds acquire the rusty reddish colour of the feathers on the breast and shoulders before they leave the nest. It deepens gradually at the approach of autumn, and by the first spring they completely resemble the old birds. Only one brood is raised each season. Scarcely any difference of size exists between the sexes, the female being merely a little stouter. This Hawk seldom attacks any kind of poultry, and yet frequently pounces on Partridges, Doves, or Wild Pigeons, as well as Red-winged Starlings, and now and then very young rabbits. On one or two occasions I have seen them make their appearance at the report of my gun, and try to rob me of some Blue-winged Teals shot in small ponds. I have never seen them chase any other small birds than those mentioned, or quadrupeds of smaller size than the Cotton Rat; nor am I aware of their eating frogs, which are the com- mon food of the Winter Falcon. Rep-sHouLperEeD Hawk, Falco lineatus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 86. Young. Winter Fatcon, Falco hyemalis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 73. Adult. Fatco nyematis, Bonap. Syn., p. 33. Winter Fatcon or Rep-sHoutperED Hawk, Falco hyemalis, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 106. Rep-sHouLpERED Hawk, Falco lineatus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 296; vol. v. p. 380. Winter Hawk, Falco hyemalis, Aud. Om. Biog., vol. i. p. 364. Young. Adult Male. Plumage compact, imbricated; feathers of the head and neck narrow towards the tip, of the back broad and rounded; tibial feathers elongated behind. Wings long, third and fourth primaries longest, first short. Bill light blue at the base, bluish-black at the tip; cere, basal margin of the bill, edges of the eyelids, and the feet bright yellow. Iris hazel. Claws black. Head, neck, and back light yellowish-red, longitudinally spotted with dark brown. Tail brownish-black, banded with greyish-white, the tip Prawn from Nature by J.J Audubon. Fi * t i A) ST ey Line ad - winged: Buzzard Teak al©: u Printed & Coit by J.T. Bowen. iniad> THE BROAD-WINGED BUZZARD. 43 of the latter colour. Lesser wing-coverts bright yellowish-red, spotted with brown; larger coverts and secondary quills dusky, broadly barred with white; primary quills brownish-black, banded with white, the greater part of their inner webs being of the latter colour. Lower parts of the neck and under wing-coverts light yellowish-red, the former longitudinally lined with black- ish; breast reddish-white, marked with transverse yellowish-red spots; abdo- men and under tail-coverts reddish-white. Tibial feathers yellowish, trans- versely barred with dull orange. Length 18 inches; bill along the back 14, along the gap from the tip of under mandible 14; tarsus 23. Adult Female. The female differs from the male in being a little larger, and in having the tints lighter. THE BROAD-WINGED BUZZARD. --BuTEO PENNSYLVANICUS, Wils. PLATE X.—Mate anp Femate. One fine May morning, when nature seemed to be enchanted at the sight of her own great works, when the pearly dew-drops were yet hanging at the point of each leaf, or lay nursed in the blossoms, gently rocked, as it were, by the soft breeze of early summer, I took my gun, and, accompanied by my excellent brother-in-law, Witt1am G. BAKEWELL, Esq., at that time a youth, walked towards some lovely groves, where many songsters attracted our attention by their joyous melodies. ‘The woods were all alive with the richest variety, and, divided in choice, we kept going on without shooting at any thing, so great was our admiration of every bird that presented itself to our view. As we crossed a narrow skirt of wood, my young companion spied a nest on a tree of moderate height, and, as my eye reached it, we both perceived that the parent bird was sitting in it. Some little consultation took place, as neither of us could determine whether it was a Crow’s or a Hawk’s nest, and it was resolved that my young friend should climb the tree, and bring down one of the eggs. On reaching the nest, he said the bird, which still remained quiet, was a Hawk and unable to fly. I desired him to cover it with his handkerchief, try to secure it, and bring it down, 44 THE BROAD-WINGED BUZZARD. together with the eggs. All this was accomplished without the least difficulty. I looked at it with indescribable pleasure, as I saw it was new to me, and then felt vexed that it was not of a more spirited nature, as it had neither defended its eggs nor itself. It lay quietly in the handkerchief, and I carried it home to my father-in-law’s, shewed it to the family, and went to my room, where I instantly began drawing it. The drawing which I then made is at this moment before me, and is dated ‘‘Fatland Ford, Pennsylvania, May 27, Us} Weare I put the bird on a stick made fast to my table. It merely moved its feet to grasp the stick, and stood erect, but raised its feathers, and drew in its neck on its shoulders. I passed my hand over it, to smooth the feathers by gentle pressure. It moved not. The plumage remained as I wished it. Its eye, directed towards mine, appeared truly sorrowful. I measured the length of its bill with the compass, began my outlines, continued measuring part after part as I went on, and finished the drawing, without the bird ever moving once. My wife sat at my side, reading to me at intervals, but our conversation had frequent reference to the singularity of the incident. The drawing being finished, I raised the window, laid hold of the poor bird, and launched it into the air, where it sailed off until out of my sight, without uttering a single cry, or deviating from its course. The drawing from which the Plate is taken, was subsequently made, as I had to wait until I should procure a male, to render it complete. The Broad-winged Hawk is seldom seen in Louisiana, and I believe never except during the severe winters that occasionally occur in our Middle and Eastern Districts. I have observed that its usual range seldom extends far west of the Alleghany Mountains; but in Virginia, Maryland, and all the States to the eastward of these, it is by no means a rare species. I have shot several in the Jerseys, the State of New York, near the Falls of Niagara, and also in the Great Pine Forest. Its flight, which is easy and light, is performed in circles. When elevated in the air, it is fond of partially closing its wings for a moment, and thus gliding to a short distance, as if for amusement. It seldom chases other birds of prey, but is itself frequently teased by the Little Sparrow-hawk, the King-bird, or the Martin. It generally attacks birds of weak nature, particu- larly very young chickens and ducklings, and during winter feeds on insects and other small animals. It flies singly, unless during the breeding season, and after feeding retires to the top of some small tree, within the woods, where it rests for hours together. It is easily approached. When wounded by a shot so as to be unable to fly, it, like most birds of its tribe, throws itself on its back, opens its bill, protrudes its tongue, utters a hissing sound, erects the top-feathers of its head, and defends itself by reiterated attempts to lay THE BROAD-WINGED BUZZARD. 45 hold with its talons. If a stick is presented to it in this state, it will clench it at once, and allow itself to be carried hanging to it for some distance, indeed until the muscles become paralyzed, when it drops, and again employs the same means of defence. When feeding, it generally holds its prey with both feet, and tears and swallows the parts without much plucking. I must here remark, that birds of prey never cover their victims by extending the wings over them, unless when about to be attacked by other birds or animals, that evince a desire to share with them or carry off the fruit of their exertions. In the stomach of this bird I have found wood-frogs, portions of small snakes, together with feathers, and the hair of several small species of quadrupeds. I do not think it ever secures birds on the wing, at least I never saw it do so. The nest, which is about the size of that of the Common Crow, is usually placed on pretty large branches, and near the stem or trunk of the tree. It is composed externally of dry sticks and briars, internally of numerous small roots, and is lined with the large feathers of the Common Fow] and other birds. The eggs are four or five, of a dull greyish-white, blotched with dark brown. They are deposited as early as the beginning of March, in low places, but not until a fortnight later in the mountainous parts of the districts in which the bird more frequently breeds. Broap-wincep Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 92. Fatco Pennsytvanicus, Bonap. Syn., p. 29. Broap-wincep Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 105. Broap-wincep Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 461; vol. v. p. 377. Adult Male. Bill shortish, as broad as long, the sides convex, the dorsal outline convex from the base; upper mandible with the edges slightly inflected, waved with a broad rounded lobe, the tip trigonal, descending obliquely, acute; lower mandible inflected at the edges, rounded at the tip. Nostrils oval, oblique. Head rather large, flattened above. Neck shortish. Body ovate, broad anteriorly. Wings rather long. Legs longish, rather robust, roundish; tarsi covered before and behind with scutella; toes covered above with scutella, scabrous and tuberculate beneath; middle toe much the longest, outer con- nected at the base by a membrane, and shorter than the inner; claws long, curved, roundish, very acute. Plumage ordinary, compact. Feathers of the head narrow, of the back broad and rounded, of the neck oblong. Space between the bill and eye covered with bristly feathers. Wing very broad, the primary quills broad, slightly narrowed toward the end, rounded, the fourth longest, the secondary Vox, I 7 A6 ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. quills curved inwards, broadly obtuse. ‘Tail longish, nearly even, the feathers rather broad, truncated and rounded. Bill bluish-black at the tip, blue towards the base; cere and margin yellow. Iris hazel. Feet gamboge-yellow; claws brownish-black. The general co- lour of the upper parts is dark umber; the forehead with a slight margin of whitish, the quills blackish-brown, the tail with three bands of dark brown, alternating with two whitish bands, and a narrower terminal band of greyish, the tips white. Throat whitish; cheeks reddish-brown, with a dark brown mustachial band; the under parts generally light reddish, marked with gutti- form umber spots along the neck, and sagittiform larger spots of the same colour on the breast and sides. ‘Tibial feathers of the same colour, with numerous smaller spots. Length 14 inches; extent of wings 32; bill +} along the ridge, 14 along the gap. Adult Female. Colouring generally similar to that of the male, lighter above, more tinged with red beneath, where the spots are larger and more irregular. Length 16 inches; extent of wings 35; bill 1 along the ridge, 14 along the Soe: ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. “Burro tacorus, Gmel. PLATE. XI. The Red-legged Hawk seldom goes farther south along our Atlantic coast than the eastern portions of North Carolina, nor have I ever seen it to the west of the Alleghanies. It is a sluggish bird, and confines itself to the meadows and low grounds bordering the rivers and salt-marshes, along our bays and inlets. In such places you may see it perched on a stake, where it remains for hours at a time, unless some wounded bird comes in sight, when it sails after it, and secures it without manifesting much swiftness of flight. It feeds principally on moles, mice, and other small quadrupeds, and never attacks a duck on the wing, although now and then it pursues a wounded one. When not alarmed, it usually flies low and sedately, and does not exhibit any of the courage and vigour so conspicuous in most other hawks, suffering N° Pl wu RR rough : legged Buzzard Yj, ny ‘ Wh jouh? Printed & Cot by JP. Bowen, Philad® Drawn from Nature by J.J. Anduban FRSFL.S ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. 47 thousands of birds to pass without pursuing them. The greatest feat I have seen them perform was scrambling at the edge of the water, to secure a lethargic frog. They alight on trees to roost, but appear so hungry or indolent at all times, that they seldom retire to rest until after dusk. Their large eyes indeed seem to indicate their possession of the faculty of seeing at that late hour. I have frequently put up one, that seemed watching for food at the edge of a ditch, long after sunset. Whenever an opportunity offers, they eat to excess, and, like the Turkey Buzzards and Carrion Crows, disgorge their food, to enable them to fly off. The species is more nocturnal in its habits than any other Hawk found in the United States. M. Tremmincx says that this species frequents the north of Europe in autumn and winter, and it is at times seen in Holland. My friend Mr. YARRELL States, that, “although it has now been killed once or oftener in almost every county in England, it has rarely been known to breed there, and is usually obtained in the spring or autumn, when changing its latitude from south to north, or wice versa.”’ The number of meadow mice which this species destroys ought, one might think, to ensure it the protection of every husbandman; but so far is this from being the case, that in America it is shot on all occasions, simply because its presence frightens Mallards and other Ducks, which would alight on the ponds, along the shores of which the wily gunner is concealed; and in Eng- land it is caught in traps as well as shot, perhaps for no better reason than because it is a Hawk. But so scarce is it in the latter country, that I never could procure one in the flesh there. My friend Mr. Swainson considered our bird in its immature plumage, in which he has figured it in the Fauna Boreali-Americana, as the true Falco lagopus; and Dr. Ricuarpson; in the same work, speaks of it as follows:— *‘A specimen of this bird, in most perfect plumage, was killed in the month of September, by Mr. Drummonp, on the Smoking River, one of the upper branches of the Peace River. It arrives in the Fur Countries in April or May, and, having reared its young, retires southward early in October. It winters on the banks of the Delaware and Schuylkill, returning to the north in the spring. It is by no means an uncommon bird in the districts through which the expedition travelled, but, being very shy, only one specimen was procured. A pair were seen at their nest, built of sticks, on a lofty tree, standing on a low, moist, alluvial point of land, almost encircled by a bend of the Saskatchewan. They sailed round the spot in a wide circle, occasionally settling on the top of a tree, but were too wary to allow us to come within gun-shot; so that, after spending much time in vain, we were fain to relin- quish the chase. In the softness and fulness of its plumage, its feathered 48 ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. legs, and habits, this bird bears some resemblance to the Owls. It flies slowly, sits for a long time on the bough of a tree watching for mice, frogs, &c., and is often seen skimming over swampy pieces of ground, and hunting for its prey by the subdued ent which illuminates even the midnight hours in the high parallels of latitude.’ Nothing is known respecting their propagation in the United States, a I must pass over this subject. They leave us in the beginning of March, and betake themselves to more northern countries; yet not one did either myself, or my youthful and enterprising party, observe on my late rambles in Labrador. Buackx Hawk, Falco niger, Wils. Amer. Or., vol. vi. p. 82. Adult. Fatco tacopus, Bonap. Syn., p. 32. Young. Fatco Sanci-Jouannis, Bonap. Syn., p. 32. Adult. Bureo tacorus, Roucu-Leccep Buzzarp, Swains. & Rich., F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 52. Roveu-LeEcceD Fancon, Falco lagopus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 59, Young; vol. v. p. 216, Adult and Young. Middle-aged Male. Wings long, third quill longest, fourth almost equal, second shorter than fifth, first very short; first four abruptly cut out towards the end on the inner web; secondaries broad and rounded. ‘Tail rather long, broad, rounded. Bill dull bluish-grey, black at the end. Iris hazel, projecting part of the eyebrow greenish-blue, cere yellow. ‘Toes yellow, claws black. Bases of the black bristles of the lore whitish. The head and neck are streaked with umber-brown and yellowish-white, the centre and tip of each feather being of the former colour. Back umber-brown, variegated with light reddish- brown and yellowish-white. Quills dark brown towards the end, the outer webs of the first six tinged with grey, the base of all white, that colour extending farther on the secondaries, of most of which, and of some of the primaries, the inner web is irregularly barred with brown. Upper tail- coverts white, irregularly barred with dark brown. Tail white at the base, brown and mottled towards the end, with a broad subterminal band of brownish-black, the tips brownish-white. Middle and hind part of the thorax, with the sides, blackish-brown. Breast yellowish-white, largely spotted and blotched with umber. Feathers of the legs paler yellowish-red, barred with dusky; abdomen yellowish-white, as are the under tail-coverts, which are marked with a small brown spot. Length 22 inches; extent of wings 4 feet 1 inch; bill along the back 13, along the edge 1,4; tarsus 211. The Female agrees in colouring, but is considerably larger. ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. 49 The old bird, which has a very different look as to colour, has been noticed or described under different names. Brack Hawk, Falco niger, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 82, pl. lili. fig. 1. Fatco Sancti-Jouannis, Bonap. Synops. of Birds of the United States, p. 32. The bill, feet, and iris are coloured as in middle age; but the plumage is of a nearly uniform chocolate-brown, the bases of the quills, however, remain- ing white, the broad band on the under surface of the wing being the same as in the younger bird; and the tail being brown, without a subterminal bar of black, but slightly tipped with brownish-white, and barred with yellowish- white on the inner webs, the bars becoming more distinct on the outer feathers. The wings in both reach to near the tip of the tail. The feathers on the nape of the neck are white, excepting at the extremities, which is also the case in the young and middle aged birds, and is not a circumstance peculiar to this species, being observed in F. 4lbicilla, F. palumbarius, F. Nisus, and many others. Gencs III].—AQUILA, Briss. EAGLE. Bill rather short, deep, compressed; upper mandible with the dorsal out- line nearly straight and sloping at the base, beyond the cere decurved, the sides sloping and slightly convex, the edges nearly straight, with a slight convexity and a shallow sinus close to the strong subtrigonal tip; lower man- dible with the dorsal outline convex, the tip obliquely truncate. Head large, roundish, flattened above. Nostrils oval, oblique, nearer the ridge than the margin. Neck rather short. Body very large. Feet rather short, very robust; tarsi roundish, feathered to the toes, which are rather short, united at the base by short webs, covered above with a series of angular scales, and towards the end with a few large scutella; claws long, curved, rounded, flat beneath, acuminate. Plumage compact, imbricated, glossy; feathers of the head and neck narrow and pointed; space between the bill and eye covered with small bristle-pointed feathers, disposed in a radiating manner. Wings long, the fourth quill longest; the first short; the outer six abruptly cut out on the inner web. ‘Tail rather long, ample, rounded. Vox. I. 8 THE GOLDEN EAGLE. - Aqutta Curysartos, Linn. PLATE XII. The Golden Eagle, although a permanent resident in the United States, is of rare occurrence, it being seldom that one sees more than a pair or two in the course of a year, unless he be an inhabitant of the mountains, or of the large plains spread out at their base. I have seen a few of them on the wing along the shores of the Hudson, others on the upper parts of the Mississippi, some among the Alleghanies, and a pair in the State of Maine. At Labrador we saw an individual sailing, at the height of a few yards, over the moss- covered surface of the dreary rocks. Although possessed of a powerful flight it has not the speed of many Hawks, nor even of the White-headed Eagle. It cannot, like the latter, pursue and seize on the wing the prey it longs for, but is obliged to glide down through the air for a certain height to insure the success of its enter- prise. The keenness of its eye, however, makes up for this defect, and enables it to spy, at a great distance, the objects on which it preys; and it seldom misses its aim, as it falls with the swiftness of a meteor towards the spot on which they are concealed. When at a great height in the air, its gyrations are uncommonly beautiful, being slow and of wide circuit, and becoming the majesty of the king of birds. It often continues them for hours at a time, with apparently the greatest ease. The nest of this noble species is always placed on an inaccessible shelf of some rugged precipice,—never, that I am aware of, onatree. It is of great size, flat, and consists merely of a few dead sticks and brambles, so bare at times that the eggs might be said to be deposited on the naked rock. They are generally two, sometimes three, having a length of 35 inches, and a diameter at the broadest part of 23. The shell is thick and smooth, dull white, brushed over, as it were, with undefined patches of brown, which are most numerous at the larger end. The period at which they are deposited, is the end of February or the beginning of March. Ihave never seen the young when newly hatched, but know that they do not leave the nest until nearly able to provide for themselves, when their parents drive them off from their home, and finally from their hunting grounds. A pair of these birds bred on the rocky shores of the Hudson for eight successive years and in the same chasm of the rock. 3 PC, by JV Sbowen. Philad THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Dl Their notes are harsh and sharp, resembling at times the barking of a dog, especially about the breeding season, when they become extremely noisy and turbulent, flying more swiftly than at other times, alighting more frequently, and evincing a fretfulness which is not so observable after their eggs are laid. They are capable of remaining without food for several days at a time, and eat voraciously whenever they find an opportunity. Young fawns, racoons, hares, wild turkeys, and other large birds, are their usual food, and they devour putrid flesh only when hard pressed by hunger, none alighting on carrion at any other time. They are nice in cleaning the skin or plucking the feathers of their prey, although they swallow their food in large pieces, often mixed with hair and bones, which they afterwards disgorge. They are muscular, strong, and hardy, capable of bearing extreme cold without injury, and of pursuing their avocations in the most tempestuous weather. A full grown female weighs about twelve pounds, the male about two pounds and a half less. This species seldom removes far from its place of residence, and the attachment of two individuals of different sexes appears to continue for years. They do not obtain the full beauty of their plumage until the fourth year, the Ring-tailed Fagle of authors being the young in the dress of the second and third years. Our north-western Indians are fond of ornamenting their persons and implements of war with the tail-feathers of this Eagle, which they kill expressly for that purpose. I conclude my account of this species with an anecdote relating to it given in one of Dr. Rusu’s lectures upon the effects of fearon man. During the revolutionary war, a company of soldiers were stationed near the highlands of the Hudson river. A Golden Eagle had placed her nest in a cleft of the rocks half way between the summit and the river. A soldier was let down by his companions suspended by a rope fastened around his body. When he reached the nest, he suddenly found himself attacked by the Eagle; in self defence he drew the only weapon about him, his knife, and made repeated passes at the bird, when accidentally he cut the rope almost off. It began unravelling; those above hastily drew him up, and relieved him from his perilous situation at the moment when he expected to be precipitated to the bottom. The Doctor stated that so powerful was the effect of the fear the soldier had experienced whilst in danger, that ere three days had elapsed his hair became quite grey. Fatco rutvus, Bonap. Syn., p. 25. | Aquina Curysaetos, Gotpen Kaci, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 12. Rine-raitep Facute, Falco fulvus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vii. p. 13. Roya or Goupen Eacze, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 62. Gotpen Eacue, Paleo Chrysaetos, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol, ii. p. 464. 52 THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Adult Female. Wings long; the fourth quill longest, the third almost equal, the second considerably shorter, the first short; the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth abruptly cut out on the inner webs; the secondaries long, broad, and rounded. ‘Tail rather long, ample, rounded, of twelve broad, rounded, and acuminate feathers. : Bill light bluish-grey at the base, black at the tip; cere and basal margins yellow. Eyebrows and margins of the eyelids light blue; iris chestnut. Toes rich yellow; claws bluish-black. Fore part of the head, cheeks, throat, and under parts deep brown. Hind head, and posterior and lateral parts of the neck light brownish-yellow, the shafts and concealed parts of the feathers deep brown. The back is deep brown, glossy, with purplish reflections; the wing-coverts lighter. The primary quills brownish-black, the secondaries with their coverts brown, and those next the body more or less mottled with brownish-white, excepting at the ends; the edge of the wing at the flexure pale yellowish-brown. ‘Tail dark brown, lighter towards the base, and with a few irregular whitish markings, like fragments of transverse bands; its coverts pale brown, mottled with white at the base, and paler at the ends. The short feathers of the legs and tarsi are light yellowish-brown, each with a dark shaft; the outer elongated feathers dark brown; the lower tail-coverts light yellowish-brown. The base of the feathers on the upper parts of the body is white, on the lower pale dusky grey. _ Length 3 feet 2 inches; extent of wings 7 feet; bill along the back 23, edge of lower mandible 23; tarsus 43, middle toe and claw 44, hind claw 24. The extremities of the wings are 1 inch short of that of the tail. Genus IV.—HALIAETUS, Savigny. SEA-EAGLE. Bill rather short, very deep, compressed; upper mandible with the dorsal outline nearly straight at the base, beyond the cere decurved, the sides slop- ing, the edges nearly straight, with a slight obtuse process, and a shallow sinus close to the strong trigonal tip; lower mandible with the dorsal outline slightly convex, the tip obliquely truncate. Head large, oblong, flattened above. Nostrils oblong, oblique, near the ridge. Neck of moderate length. Body very large. Feet rather short, very robust; tarsi roundish, covered anteriorly with transverse scutella, posteriorly with large, laterally with small scales; toes robust, free, scutellate above; claws large, curved, rounded, flat beneath, acuminate. Plumage compact, imbricated; feathers of the head and neck narrow and pointed; space between the bill and eye barish, being i Sveti Wie al TEUANO. INS yyy. Cig “fps pinglen tea Eagle: ' Nat ‘J Andul \ Lith* Printed 4 Col" by J.T Bowen Pinlad* , WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE. 53 Se sparsely covered with bristle-like feathers, disposed in a radiating manner. Wings long, the second and third quills longest, the outer five cut out abruptly on the inner web. Tail rather long, rounded. Duodenum convoluted. WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE. ~Harrartus Wasuineroni, Aud. PLATE XIII.—Mate. It was in the month of February, 1814, that I obtained the first sight of this noble bird, and never shall I forget the delight which it gave me. Not even HerscHEL, when he discovered the planet which bears his name, could have experienced more rapturous feelings. We were on a trading voyage, ascending the Upper Mississippi. ‘The keen wintry blasts whistled around us, and the cold from which I suffered had, in a great degree, extinguished the deep interest which, at other seasons, this magnificent river has been wont to awake in me. I lay stretched beside our patroon. The safety of the cargo was forgotten, and the only thing that called my attention was the multitude of ducks, of different species, accompanied by vast flocks of swans, which from time to time passed us. My patroon, a Canadian, had been engaged many years in the fur trade. He was a man of much intelligence, and, perceiving that these birds had engaged my curiosity, seemed anxious to find some new object to divert me. An eagle flew over us. “How for- tunate!”? he exclaimed; “this is what I could have wished. Look, sir! the Great Eagle, and the only one I have seen since I left the lakes.”” I was instantly on my feet, and having observed it attentively, concluded, as I lost it in the distance, that it was a species quite new to me. My patroon assured me that such birds were indeed rare; that they sometimes followed the hunters, to feed on the entrails of animals which they had killed, when the lakes were frozen over, but that when the lakes were open, they would dive in the daytime after fish, and snatch them up in the manner of the Fishing Hawk; and that they roosted generally on the shelves of the rocks, where they built their nests, of which he had discovered several by the quantity — of white dung scattered below. Convinced that the bird was unknown to naturalists, I felt particularly anxious to learn its habits, and to discover in what particulars it differed from the rest of its genus. My next meeting with this bird was a few years afterwards, whilst engaged in collecting crayfish on one of those flats which 54 WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE. + border and divide Green River, in Kentucky, near its junction with the Ohio. The river is there bordered by a range of high cliffs, which, for some distance, follow its windings. I observed on the rocks, which, at that place, are nearly perpendicular, a quantity of white ordure, which J attributed to owls that might have resorted thither. I mentioned the circumstance to my com- panions, when one of them, who lived within a mile and a half of the place, told me it was from the nest of the Brown Eagle, meaning the White-headed Eagle (Falco leucocephalus) in its immature state. I assured him this could not be, and remarked that neither the old nor the young birds of that species ever build in such places, but always in trees. Although he could not answer my objection, he stoutly maintained that a Brown Hagle of some kind, above the usual size, had built there; and added that he had espied the nest some days before, and had seen one of the old birds dive and catch a fish. This he thought strange, having, till then, always observed that both Brown Eagles and Bald Eagles procured this kind of food by robbing the Fish- Hawks. He said that if I felt particularly anxious to know what nest it was, I might soon satisfy myself, as the old birds would come and feed their young with fish, for he had seen them do so before. In high expectation, I seated myself about a hundred yards from the foot of the rock, Never did time pass more slowly. I could not help betraying the most impatient curiosity, for my hopes whispered it was a Sea-Kagle’s nest. Two long hours had elapsed before the old bird made his appearance, which was announced to us by the loud hissings of the two young ones, which crawled to the extremity of the hole to receive a fine fish. I hada perfect view of this noble bird as he held himself to the edging rock, hanging like the Barn, Bank, or Social Swallow, his tail spread, and his wings partly so. I trembled lest a word should escape from my companions. The slightest murmur had been treason from them. They entered into my feelings, and, although little interested, gazed with me. In a few minutes the other parent joined her mate, and from the difference in size (the female of rapacious birds being largest), we knew this to be the mother bird. She also had brought a fish; but, more cautious than her mate, she glanced her quick and piercing eye around, and instantly perceived that her abode had been discovered. She dropped her prey, with a loud shriek communicated the alarm to the male, and, hovering with him over our heads, kept up a growling cry, to intimidate us from our suspected design. This watchful solicitude I have ever found peculiar to the female:—must I be understood to speak only of birds? The young having concealed themselves, we went and picked up the fish which the mother had let fall. It was a white perch, weighing about 53 lbs. The upper part of the head was broken in, and the back torn by the talons WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE. 55 of the Eagle. We had plainly seen her bearing it in the manner of the Fish Hawk. This day’s sport being at an end, as we journeyed homewards, we agreed to return the next morning, with the view of obtaining both the old and young birds; but rainy and tempestuous weather setting in, it became neces- sary to defer the expedition till the third day following, when, with guns and men all in readiness, we reached the rock. Some posted themselves at. the foot, others upon it, but in vain. We passed the entire day, without either seeing or hearing an Eagle, the sagacious birds, no doubt, having anticipated an invasion, and removed their young to new quarters. I come at last to the day which I had so often and so ardently desired. Two years had gone by since the discovery of the nest, in fruitless excur- sions; but my wishes were no longer to remain ungratified. In returning from the little village of Henderson, to the house of Doctor Ranxrn, about a mile distant, I saw an Eagle rise from a small enclosure not a hundred yards before me, where the Doctor had a few days before slaughtered some hogs, and alight upon a low tree branching over the road. I prepared my double- barrelled piece, which I constantly carry, and went slowly and cautiously towards him. Quite fearlessly he awaited my approach, looking upon me with undaunted eye. I fired and he fell. Before I reached him he was dead. With what delight did I survey the magnificent bird! Had the finest salmon ever pleased him as he did me?—Never. I ran and presented him to my friend, with a pride which they alone can feel, who, like me, have devoted themselves from their earliest childhood to such pursuits, and who have derived from them their first pleasures. To others I must seem to ‘‘prattle out of fashion.”? The Doctor, who was an experienced hunter, examined the bird with much satisfaction, and frankly acknowledged he had never before seen or heard of it. The name which I have chosen for this new species of Eagle, “The Bird of Washington,” may, by some, be considered as preposterous and unfit; but as it is indisputably the noblest bird of its genus that has yet been discovered in the United States, I trust I shall be allowed to honour it with the name of one yet nobler, who was the saviour of his country, and whose name will ever be dear to it. ‘To those who may be curious to know my reasons, I can only say, that, as the new world gave me birth and liberty, the great man who ensured its independence is next to my heart. He had a nobility of mind, and a generosity of soul, such as are seldom possessed. He was brave, so is the Eagle; like it, too, he was the terror of his foes; and his fame, extending from pole to pole, resembles the majestic soarings of the mightiest of the feathered tribe. If America has reason to be proud of her Washington, so has she to be proud of her great Hagle. 56 WASHINGTON SEA-EAGLE. In the month of January following, I saw a pair of these Eagles flying over the Falls of the Ohio, one in pursuit of the other. The next day I saw them again. The female had relaxed her severity, had laid aside her coyness, and to a favourite tree they continually resorted. I pursued them unsuccess- fully for several days, when they forsook the place. The flight of this bird is very different from that of the White-headed Eagle. The former encircles a greater space, whilst sailing keeps nearer to the land and the surface of the water, and when about to dive for fish falls in a spiral manner, as if with the intention of checking any retreating movement which its prey might attempt, darting upon it only when a few yards distant. The Fish Hawk often does the same. When rising with a fish, the Bird of Washington flies to a considerable distance, forming, in its line of course, a very acute angle with the surface line of the water. My last opportunity of seeing this bird was on the 15th of November, 1821, a few miles above the mouth of the Ohio, when two passed over our boat, moving down the river with a gentle motion. In a letter from a kind relative, Mr. W. Baxrwe tt, dated, “Falls of the Ohio, July 1819,’ and containing particulars relative to the Swallow-tailed Hawk (Falco furcatus), that gentleman says:— “Yesterday, for the first time, I had an opportunity of viewing one of those magnificent birds which you call the Sea-Eagle, as it passed low over me, whilst fishing. I shall be really glad when I can again have the pleasure of seeing your drawing of it.?’ Fatco WasuineTont, Aud. Birds of America, pl. ii.; Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 58. Adult Male. Tarsus and toes uniformly scutellate in their whole length. Bill bluish- black, cere yellowish-brown, feet orange-yellow, claws bluish-black. Upper part of the head, hind neck, back, scapulars, rump, tail-coverts, and posterior tibial feathers blackish-brown, glossed with a coppery tint; throat, fore neck, breast, and belly light brownish-yellow, each feather with a central blackish- brown streak; wing-coverts light greyish-brown, those next the body becoming darker; primary quills dark brown, deeper on their inner webs; secondaries lighter, and on their outer webs of nearly the same light tint as their coverts; tail uniform dark brown. Length S feet 7 inches; extent of wings 10 feet 2 inches; bill 31 inches along the back; along the gap, which commences directly under the eye, to the tip of the lower mandible 34, and 13 deep. Length of wing when folded 32 inches; length of tail 15 inches; tarsus 43, middle 43, hind claw 24. Neat ty Miia ne eile ? bony wg jt) JOD DY pyIvIY 2D Hip TF By PtP sw Sn a i sre AEN : ye - am ( . rr Aq ain, YY if, UME IE] WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. ~HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS, Linn. PLATE XIV.—Mate. The figure of this noble bird is well known throughout the civilized world, emblazoned as it is on our national standard, which waves in the breeze of every clime, bearing to distant lands the remembrance of a great people living in a state of peaceful freedom. May that peaceful freedom last for ever! | The great strength, daring, and cool courage of the White-headed Eagle, joined to his unequalled power of flight, render him highly conspicuous among his brethren. To these qualities did he add a generous disposition towards others, he might be looked up to as a model of nobility. The fero- cious, overbearing, and tyrannical temper which is ever and anon displaying itself in his actions, is, nevertheless, best adapted to his state, and was wisely given him by the Creator to enable him to perform the office assigned to him. | The flight of the White-headed Eagle is strong, generally uniform, and protracted to any distance, at pleasure. Whilst travelling, it is entirely sup- ported by equal easy flappings, without any intermission, in as far as I have observed it, by following it with the eye or the assistance of a glass. When looking for prey, it sails with extended wings, at right angles to its body, now and then allowing its legs to hang at their full length. Whilst sailing, it has the power of ascending in circular sweeps, without a single flap of the wings, or any apparent motion either of them or of the tail; and in this manner it often rises until it disappears from the view, the white tail remain- ing longer visible than the rest of the body. At other times, it rises only a few hundred feet in the air, and sails off in a direct line, and with rapidity. Again, when thus elevated, it partially closes its wings, and glides down- wards for a considerable space, when, as if disappointed, it suddenly checks its career, and reassumes its former steady flight. When at an immense height, and as if observing an object on the ground, it closes its wings, and glides through the air with such rapidity as to cause a loud rustling sound, not unlike that produced by a violent gust of wind passing amongst the branches of trees. Its fall towards the earth can scarcely be followed by the eye on such occasions, the more particularly that these falls or glidings through the air usually take place when they are least expected. Vor. ¥. 9 ye 58 WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. “74.4 a » At times, when these Hagles, sailing in search of prey, discover a Goose, a Duck, or a Swan, that has alighted on the water, they accomplish its destruction in a manner that is worthy of your attention. The Eagles, well aware that water-fowl have it in their power to dive at their approach, and thereby elude their attempts upon them, ascend in the air in opposite direc- tions over the lake or river, on which they have observed the object which they are desirous of possessing. Both Eagles reach a certain height, imme- diately after which one of them glides with great swiftness towards the prey; the latter, meantime, aware of the Eagle’s intention, dives the moment before he reaches the spot. The pursuer then rises in the air, and is met by its mate, which glides toward the water-bird, that has just emerged to breathe, and forces it to plunge again beneath the surface, to escape the talons of this second assailant. The first Eagle is now poising itself in the place where its mate formerly was, and rushes anew to force the quarry to make another plunge. By thus alternately gliding, in rapid and often repeated rushes, over the ill-fated bird, they soon fatigue it, when it stretches out its neck, swims deeply, and makes for the shore, in the hope of concealing itself among the rank weeds. But this is of no avail, for the Eagles follow it in all its motions, and the moment it approaches the margin, one of them darts upon it, and kills it in an instant, after which they divide the spoil. During spring and summer, the White-headed Eagle, to procure sustenance, follows a different course, and one much less suited to a bird apparently so well able to supply itself without interfering with other plunderers. No sooner does the Fish-Hawk make its appearance along our Atlantic shores, or ascend our numerous and large rivers, than the Eagle follows it, and, like a selfish oppressor, robs it of the hard-earned fruits of its labour. Perched on some tall summit, in view of the ocean, or of some water-course, he watches every motion of the Osprey while on wing. When the latter rises from the water, with a fish in its grasp, forth rushes the Eagle in pursuit. He mounts above the Fish-Hawk, and threatens it by actions well understood, when the latter, fearing perhaps that its life is in danger, drops its prey. In an instant, the Eagle, accurately estimating the rapid descent of the fish, closes his wings, follows it with the swiftness of thought, and the next moment grasps it. The prize is carried off in silence to the woods, and assists in feeding the ever-hungry brood of the marauder. This bird now and then procures fish himself, by pursuing them in the shallows of small creeks. I have witnessed several instances of this in the Perkiomen Creek in Pennsylvania, where, in this manner, I saw one of ~ them secure a number of Red-fins, by wading briskly through the water, and striking at them with his bill. I have also observed a pair scrambling over the ice of a frozen pond, to get at some fish below, but without success. WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. 59 It does not confine itself to these kinds of food, but greedily devours young pigs, lambs, fawns, poultry, and the putrid flesh of carcasses of every description, driving off the vultures and carrion crows, or the dogs, and keeping a whole party at defiance until it is satiated. It frequently gives chase to the vultures, and forces them to disgorge the contents of their stomachs, when it alights and devours the filthy mass. A ludicrous instance of this took place near the city of Natchez, on the Mississippi. Many Vul- tures were engaged in devouring the body and entrails of a dead horse, when a White-headed Eagle accidentally passing by, the Vultures all took to wing, one among the rest with a portion of the entrails partly swallowed, and the remaining part, about a yard in length, dangling in the air. The Eagle instantly marked him, and gave chase. The poor vulture tried in vain to disgorge, when the Eagle, coming up, seized the loose end of the gut, and dragged the bird along for twenty or thirty yards, much against its will, until both fell to the ground, when the Hagle struck the vulture, and in a few moments killed it, after which he swallowed the delicious morsel. The Bald Eagle has the power of raising from the surface of the water any floating object not heavier than itself. In this manner it often robs the sportsman of ducks which have been killed by him. Its audacity is quite remarkable. While descending the Upper Mississippi, I observed one of these Eagles in pursuit of a Green-winged Teal. It came so near our boat, although several persons were looking on, that I could perceive the glancings of its eye. The Teal, on the point of being caught, when not more than fifteen or twenty yards from us, was saved from the grasp of its enemy, one of our party having brought the latter down by a shot, which broke one of its wings. When taken on board, it was fastened to the deck of our boat by means of a string, and was fed with pieces of catfish, some of which it began to eat on the third day of its confinement. But, as it became a very disagree- able and dangerous associate, trying on all occasions to strike at some one with its talons, it was killed and thrown overboard. When these birds are suddenly and unexpectedly approached or surprised, they exhibit a great degree of cowardice. They rise at once and fly off very low, in zig-zag lines, to some distance, uttering a hissing noise, not at all like their usual disagreeable imitation of a laugh. When not carrying a gun, one may easily approach them; but the use of that instrument being to appearance well known to them, they are very cautious in allowing a person having one to get near them. Notwithstanding all their caution, however, many are shot by approaching them under cover of a tree, on horseback, or in a boat. They do not possess the power of smelling gunpowder, as the crow and the raven are absurdly supposed to do; nor are they aware of the effects of spring-traps, as I have seen some of them caught by these instru- 60 WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. ete ie & ments. Their sight, although probably as perfect as that of any bird, is much affected during a fall of snow, at which time they may be approached without difficulty. : The White-headed Eagle seldom appears in very mountainous districts, but prefers the low lands of the sea-shores, those of our large lakes, and the borders of rivers. It is a constant resident in the United States, in every part of which it is to be seen. The roosts and breeding places of pigeons are resorted to by it, for the purpose of picking up the young birds that happen to fall, or the old ones when wounded. It seldom, however, follows the flocks of these birds when on their migrations. When shot at and wounded, it tries to escape by long and quickly repeated leaps, and, if not closely pursued, soon conceals itself. Should it happen to fall on the water, it strikes powerfully with expanded wings, and in this manner often reaches the shore, when it is not more than twenty or thirty yards distant. It is capable of supporting life without food for a long period. I have heard of some, which, in a state of confinement, had lived without much apparent distress for twenty days, although I cannot vouch for the truth of such statements, which, however, may be quite correct. They defend themselves in the manner usually followed by other Eagles and Hawks, throwing themselves backwards, and furiously striking with their talons at any object within reach, keeping their bill open, and turning their head with quickness to watch the movements of the enemy, their eyes being apparently more protruded than when unmolested. It is supposed that Eagles live to a very great age,—some persons have ventured to say even a hundred years. On this subject, I can only observe, that I once found one of these birds, which, on being killed, proved to be a female, and which, judging by its appearance, must have been very old. Its tail and wing-feathers were so worn out, and of such a rusty colour, that I imagined the bird had lost the power of moulting. The legs and feet were covered with large warts, the claws and bill were much blunted; it could scarcely fly more than a hundred yards at a time, and this it did with a heaviness and unsteadiness of motion such as I never witnessed in any other bird of the species. The body was poor and very tough. The eye was the only part which appeared to have sustained no injury. It remained sparkling and full of animation, and even after death seemed to have lost little of its lustre. No wounds were perceivable on its body. The White-headed Eagle is seldom seen alone, the mutual attachment which two individuals form when they first pair seeming to continue until one of them dies or is destroyed. They hunt for the support of each other, and seldom feed apart, but usually drive off other birds of the same species. They commence their amatory intercourse at an earlier period than any other WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. 61 land bird with which I am acquainted, generally in the month of December. At this time, along the Mississippi, or by the margin of some lake not far in the interior of the forest, the male and female birds are observed making a great bustle, flying about and circling in various ways, uttering a loud cack- ling noise, alighting on the dead branches of the tree on which their nest is already preparing, or in the act of being repaired, and caressing each other. In the beginning of January incubation commences. I shot a female, on the 17th of that month, as she sat on her eggs, in which the chicks had made considerable progress. The nest, which in some instances is of great size, is usually placed on a very tall tree, destitute of branches to a considerable height, but by no means always a dead one. It is never seen on rocks. It is composed of sticks, from three to five feet in length, large pieces of turf, rank weeds, and Spanish moss in abundance, whenever that substance happens to be near. When finished, it measures from five to six feet in diameter, and so great is the accumulation of materials, that it sometimes measures the same in depth, it being occupied for a great number of years in succession, and receiving some augmentation each season. When placed in a naked tree, between the forks of the branches, it is conspicuously seen at a great distance. The eggs, which are from two to four, more commonly two or three, are of a dull white colour, and equally rounded at both ends, some of them being occasionally granulated. Incubation lasts for more than three weeks, but I have not been able to ascertain its precise duration, as I have observed the female on different occasions sit for a few days in the nest, before laying the first egg. Of this I assured myself by climbing to the nest every day in succession, during her temporary absence,—a rather perilous undertaking when the bird is sitting. I have seen the young birds when not larger than middle-sized pullets. At this time, they are covered with a soft cottony kind of down, their bill and legs appearing disproportionately large. Their first plumage is of a greyish colour, mixed with brown of different depths of tint, and before the parents drive them off from the nest they are fully fledged. As a figure of the Young White-headed Eagle will appear in the course of the publication of my Illustrations, I shall not here trouble you with a description of its appearance. I once caught three young Eagles of this species, when fully fledged, by having the tree, on which their nest was, cut down. It caused great trouble to secure them, as they could fly and scramble much faster than any of our party could run. They, however, gradually became fatigued, and at length were so exhausted as to offer no resistance, when we were securing them with cords. This happened on the border of Lake Pontchartrain, in 62 WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. ~~ the month of April. The parents did not think fit to come within gun-shot of the tree while the axe was at work. The attachment of the parents to the young is very great, when the latter are yet of a small size; and to ascend to the nest at this time would be dan- gerous. But as the young advance, and, after being able to take wing and provide for themselves, are not disposed to fly off, the old birds turn them out, and beat them away from them. ‘They return to the nest, however, to roost, or sleep on the branches immediately near it, for several weeks after. They are fed most abundantly while under the care of the parents. which procure for them ample supplies of fish, either accidentally cast ashore, or taken from the Fish Hawk, together with rabbits, squirrels, young lambs, pigs, opossums, or racoons. Every thing that comes in the way is relished by the young family, as by the old birds. The young birds begin to breed the following spring, not always in pairs of the same age, as I have several times observed one of these birds in brown plumage mated with a full-coloured bird, which had the head and tail pure white. I once shot a pair of this kind, when the brown bird (the young one) proved to be the female. This species requires at least four years before it attains the full beauty of its plumage when kept in confinement. I have known two instances in which the white of the head did not make its appearance until the sixth spring. It is impossible for me to say how much sooner this state of perfec- tion is attained, when the bird is at full liberty, although I should suppose it to be at least one year, as the bird is capable of breeding the first spring after birth. The weight of Eagles of this species varies considerably. In the males, it is from six to eight pounds, and in the females from eight to twelve. These birds are so attached to particular districts, where they have first made their nest, that they seldom spend a night at any distance from the latter, and often resort to its immediate neighbourhood. Whilst asleep, they emit a loud hissing sort of snore, which is heard at the distance of a hundred yards, when the weather is perfectly calm. Yet, so light is their sleep, that the cracking of a stick under the foot of a person immediately wakens them. When it is attempted to smoke them while thus roosted and asleep, they start up and sail off without uttering any sound, but return next evening to the same spot. Before steam navigation commenced on our western rivers, these Eagles were extremely abundant there, particularly in the lower parts of the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the adjoining streams. I have seen hundreds while going down from the mouth of the Ohio to New Orleans, when it was not at all difficult to shoot them. Now, however, their number is considerably ? WHITE-HEADED OR BALD EAGLE. 63 diminished, the game on which they were in the habit of feeding, having been forced to seek refuge from the persecution of man farther in the wilder- ness. Many, however, are still observed on these rivers, particularly along the shores of the Mississippi. In concluding this account of the White-headed Eagle, suffer me, kind reader, to say how much I grieve that it should have been selected as the Emblem of my Country. The opinion of our great Franklin on this subject, as it perfectly coincides with my own, I shall here present to you. “For my part,’ says he, in one of his letters, “I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character; he does not get his living honestly; you may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labour of the Fishing-Hawk; and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to his nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him, and takes it from him. With all this injustice, he is never in good case, but, like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy. Besides, he is a rank coward: the little King Bird, not bigger than a Sparrow, attacks him boldly, and drives him out of the district. He is, therefore, by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America, who have driven all the Aing Lirds from our country; though exactly fit for that order of knights which the French call Chevaliers @ Industrie.” Baup Eacte, Falco Haliaetus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 89. Adult. Sea Eacue, Falco ossifragus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vii. p. 16. Young. Fauco Leucocepuatus, Bonap. Synops., p. 26. AQuUILA LEUCOCEPHALA, WHITE-HEADED Eacuir, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p- 15. WHiITE-HEADED or Batp Eactr, Falco leucocephalus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 72. WaHiteE-HEADED Eacte, Falco leucocephalus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 160; vol. ii. p. 160; vol. v. p. 354. Adult Male. Bill bluish-black, cere light blue, feet pale greyish-blue, tinged anteriorly with yellow. General colour of upper parts deep umber-brown, the tail barred with whitish on the inner webs; the upper part of the head and neck white, the middle part of the crown dark brown; a broad band of the latter colour from the bill down the side of the neck; lower parts white, the neck streaked with light brown; anterior tibial feather tinged with brown. Young with the feathers of the upper parts broadly tipped with brownish-white, the lower pure white. ) Wings long, second quill longest, first considerably shorter. Tail of ordi- %. 64 THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. nary length, much rounded, extending considerably beyond the tips of the wings; of twelve, broad, rounded feathers. Bill, cere, edge of eyebrow, iris, and feet yellow; claws bluish-black. The general colour of the plumage is deep chocolate, the head, neck, tail, abdo- men, and upper and under tail-coverts white. Length 34 inches; extent of wings 7 feet; bill along the back 22 inches, along the under mandible 2#, in depth 1;; tarsus 3, middle toe 33. Genus V.—PANDION, Sav. OSPREY. Bill short, as broad as deep at the base, the sides convex, the dorsal outline straight at the base, decurved towards the end; upper mandible with a festoon on the edges at the curvature, the tip trigonal, very acute; lower mandible with the edges slightly arched, the tip obtusely truncate. Nostrils oval, oblique, large, half way between the ridge and the cere. Legs rather long; tarsus very short, remarkably thick, covered all round with hexagonal scales; toes also remarkably thick, the outer versatile larger than the inner, all scutellate only towards the end, and covered beneath with prominent, conical, acuminate scales; claws long, curved, convex beneath, tapering to a fine point. Plumage compact, imbricated; feathers of the head and neck narrow, acumi- nate; of the tarsus short and very narrow, without the elongated external tufts seen in all the other genera. ‘Tail rather long, a little rounded. Intes- tine extremely long and slender, its greatest width 21 twelfths, the smallest + twelfth. DHE FISH-HAWK. GR OSPREM Panpion Hatrartus, Savig. PLATE XV.—Mate. The habits of this famed bird differ so materially from those of almost all others of its genus, that an accurate description of them cannot fail to be highly interesting to the student of nature. The Fish Hawk may be looked upon as having more of a social disposition than most other Hawks. Indeed, with the exception of the Swallow-tailed Hawk (falco furcatus), I know none so gregarious in its habits. It migrates Ns Mis yet NING, peta) Hoa any Ven id 0 f bi ascii ee « : ta Cg ‘ 2 A | firey. : Gh ify Hut 29 he nh Mranted & Col* by JT owen. Phnlad* Drewn from Nature by J.J.Audubon_tK S+ THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. 65 in numbers, both during spring, when it shews itself along our Atlantic shores, lakes, and rivers, and during autumn, when it retires to warmer climes. At these seasons, it appears in flocks of eight or ten individuals, following the windings of our shores in loose bodies, advancing in easy sail- ings or flappings, crossing each other in their gyrations. During the period of their stay in the United States, many pairs are seen nestling, rearing their young, and seeking their food within so short a distance of each other, that while following the margins of our eastern shores, a Fish Hawk, or a nest belonging to the species, may be met with at every short interval. The Fish Hawk may be said to be of a mild disposition. Not only do these birds live in perfect harmony together, but they even allow other birds of very different character to approach so near to them as to build their nests of the very materials of which the outer parts of their own are constructed. I have neyer observed a Fish Hawk chasing any other bird whatever. So pacific and timorous is it, that, rather than encounter a foe but little more powerful than itself, it abandons its prey to the White-headed Eagle, which, next to man, is its greatest enemy. It never forces its young from the nest, as some other Hawks do, but, on the contrary, is seen to feed them even when they have begun to procure food for themselves. Notwithstanding all these facts, a most erroneous idea prevails among our fishermen, and the farmers along our coasts, that the Fish Hawk’s nest is the best scare-crow they can have in the vicinity of their houses or grounds. As these good people affirm, no Hawk will attempt to commit depredations on their poultry, so long as the Fish Hawk remains in the country. But the absence of most birds of prey from those parts at the time when the Fish Hawk is on our coast, arises simply from the necessity of retiring to the more sequestered parts of the interior for the purpose of rearing their young in security, and the circumstance of their visiting the coasts chiefly at the period when myriads of water-fowl resort to our estuaries at the approach of winter, leaving the shores and salt-marshes at the return of spring, when the Fish Hawk arrives. However, as this notion has a tendency to protect the latter, it may be so far useful, the fisherman always interposing when he sees a person bent upon the destruction of his favourite bird. The Fish Hawk differs from all birds of prey in another important par- ticular, which is, that it never attempts to secure its prey in the air, although its rapidity of flight might induce an observer to suppose it perfectly able to doso. I have spent weeks on the Gulf of Mexico, where these birds are numerous, and have observed them sailing and plunging into the water, at a time when numerous shoals of flying-fish were emerging from the sea to evade the pursuit of the dolphins. Yet the Fish Hawk never attempted to pursue any of them while above the surface, but would plunge after one of Vox. I. 10 66 . THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. them or a bonita-fish, after they had resumed their usual mode of swimming near the surface. The motions of the Fish Hawk in the air are graceful, and as majestic as those of the Eagle. It rises with ease to a great height by extensive circlings, performed apparently by mere inclinations of the wings and tail. It dives at times to some distance with the wings partially closed, and resumes its sailing, as if these plunges were made for amusement only. Its wings are extended at right angles to the body, and when thus flying it is easily distin- guishable from all other Hawks by the eye of an observer accustomed to note the flight of birds. Whilst in search of food, it flies with easy flappings at a moderate height above the water, and with an apparent listlessness, although in reality it is keenly observing the objects beneath. No sooner does it spy a fish suited to its taste, than it checks its course with a sudden shake of its wings and tail, which gives it the appearance of being poised in the air for a moment, after which it plunges headlong with great rapidity into the water, to secure its prey, or continues its flight, if disappointed by having observed the fish sink deeper. When it plunges into the water in pursuit of a fish, it sometimes proceeds deep enough to disappear for an instant. The surge caused by its descent is so great as to make the spot around it present the appearance of a mass of foam, On rising with its prey, it is seen holding it in the manner represented in the Plate. It mounts a few yards into the air, shakes the water from its plumage, squeezes the fish with its talons, and immediately proceeds towards its nest, to feed its young, or to a tree, to devour the fruit of its industry in peace. When it has satisfied its hunger, it does not, like other Hawks, stay perched until hunger again urges it forth, but usually sails about at a great height over the neighbouring waters. The Fish Hawk has a great attachment to the tree to which it carries its prey, and will not abandon it, unless frequently disturbed, or shot at whilst feeding there. It shews the same attachment to the tree on which it has built its first nest, and returns to it year after year. This species winters along the southern coasts of the Floridas, and proceeds eastward as the season advances. In the Middle Districts, the fishermen hail its appearance with joy, as it is the harbinger of various species of fish which resort to the Atlantic coasts, or ascend the numerous rivers. It arrives in the Middle States about the beginning of April, and returns southward at the first appearance of frost. I have occasionally seen a few of these birds on the muddy lakes of Louisiana, in the neighbourhood of New Orleans, during the winter months; but they appeared emaciated, and were probably unable to follow their natural inclinations, and proceed farther south. As soon as the females make their appearance, which happens eight or ten THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. 67 days after the arrival of the males, the love-season commences, and soon after, incubation takes place. The loves of these birds are conducted in a different way from those of the other Falcons. The males are seen playing through the air amongst themselves, chasing each other in sport, or sailing by the side or after the female which they have selected, uttering cries of joy and exultation, alighting on the branches of the tree on which their last year’s nest is yet seen remaining, and doubtless congratulating each other on finding their home again. Their caresses are mutual. They begin to aug- ment their habitation, or to repair the injuries which it may have sustained during the winter, and are seen sailing together towards the shores, to collect the drifted sea-weeds with which they line the nest anew. They alight on the beach, search for the driest and largest weeds, collect a mass of them, elench them in their talons, and fly towards their nest with the materials dangling beneath. They both alight and labour together. In a fortnight the nest is complete, and the female deposits her eggs, which are three or four in number, of a broadly oval form, yellowish-white, densely covered with large irregular spots of reddish-brown. The nest is generally placed in a large tree in the immediate vicinity of fie water, whether along the seashore, on the margins of the inland lakes, or by some large river. It is, however, sometimes to be seen in the interior of a wood, a mile or more from the water. I have concluded that, in the latter case, it was on account of frequent disturbance, or attempts at destruction, that the birds had removed from their usual haunt. The nest is very large, sometimes measuring fully four feet across, and is composed of a quantity of materials sufficient to render its depth equal to its diameter. Large sticks, — mixed with sea-weeds, tufts of strong grass, and other materials, form its exterior, while the interior is composed of sea-weeds and finer grasses. I have not observed that any particular species of tree is preferred by the Fish Hawk. It places its nest in the forks of an oak or a pine with equal pleasure; but I have observed that the tree chosen is usually of considerable size, and not unfrequently a decayed one. The male assists in incubation, during the continuance of which the one bird supplies the other with food, although each in turn goes in quest of some for itself. At such times the male bird is now and then observed rising to an immense height in the air, over the spot where his mate is seat-_ ed. This he does by ascending almost in a direct line, by means of continued flappings, meeting the breeze with his white breast, and occasionally uttering a cackling kind of note, by which the bystander is enabled to follow him in his progress. When the Fish Hawk has attained its utmost elevation, which is sometimes such that the eye can no longer perceive him, he utters a loud shriek, and dives smoothly on half-extended wings towards his nest. But * ha = ee 68 THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. before he reaches it, he is seen to expand his wings and tail, and in this manner he glides towards his beloved female, in a beautifully curved line. The female partially raises herself from her eggs, emits a low ery, resumes her former posture, and her delighted partner flies off to the; ‘Sea, to seek a favourite fish for her whom he loves. The young are at length hatched. The parents become more and more fond of them, as they grow up. So truly parental becomes the attachment of the old birds, that an attempt to rob them of those dear fruits of their love, generally proves more dangerous than profitable. Should it be made, the old birds defend their brood with great courage and perseverance, and even sometimes, with extended claws and bill, come in contact with the assailant, who is glad to make his escape with a sound skin. The young are fed until fully fledged, and often after they have left the nest, which they do apparently with great reluctance. I have seen ‘some as large as the parents, filling the nest, and easily distinguished by the white margins of their upper plumage, which may be seen with a good glass at a considerable distance. So much fish is at times carried to the nest, that a quantity of it falls to the ground, and is left there to putrify around the foot of the tree. Only one brood is raised each season. & The Fish Hawk seldom alights on the ground, and when it does so, walks with difficulty, and in an extremely awkward manner. The only occasions on which it is necessary for them to alight, are when they collect materials for the purpose of repairing their nest, or for building a new one, in spring. I have found this bird in various parts of the interior of the United States, but always in the immediate neighbourhood of rivers or lakes. When I first removed to Louisville in Kentucky, several pairs were in the habit of raising their brood annually on a piece of ground immediately opposite the foot of the Falls of the Ohio in the State of Indiana. The ground belonged to the venerable General Crarx, and I was several times invited by him to visit the spot. Increasing population, however, has driven off the birds, and few are now seen on the Ohio, unless during their migrations to and from Lake Erie, where I have met with them. I have observed many of these birds at the approach of winter, sailing over the Jakes near the Mississippi, where they feed on the fish which the Wood Ibis kills, the Hawks themselves being unable to discover them whilst — alive in the muddy water with which these lakes are filled. There the Ibises wade among the water in immense flocks, and so trample the bottom as to convert the lakes into filthy puddles, in which the fishes are unable to respire with ease. They rise to the surface, and are instantly killed by the Ibises. The whole surface is sometimes covered in this manner with dead fish, so that not only are the Ibises plentifully supplied, but Vultures, Eagles THE FISH HAWK, OR OSPREY. : 69 and Fish Hawks come to participate in the spoil. Except in such places, and on such occasions, I have not observed the Fish Hawk to eat of any other prey than that which it had procured by plunging headlong into the water after it. I have frequently heard it asserted that the Fish Hawk is sometimes drawn under the water and drowned, when it has attempted to seize a fish which is too strong for it, and that some of these birds have been found sticking by their talons to the back of Sturgeons and other large fishes. But, as nothing of this kind ever came under my observation, Iam unable to corroborate these reports. The roosting place of this bird is generally on the top branches of the tree on which its nest is placed, or of one close to it. P Fish Hawks are very plentiful on the coast of New Jersey, near Great Egg Harbour, where I have seen upwards of fifty of their nests in the course of a day’s walk, and where I have shot several in the course of a morning. When wounded, they defend themselves in the manner usually exhibited by Hawks, erecting the feathers of the head, and trying to strike with their powerful talons and bill, whilst they remain prostrate on their back. The largest fish which I have seen this bird take out of the water, was a Weak-Fish, such as is represented in the plate, but sufficiently large to weigh more than five pounds. ‘The bird carried it into the air with mee and dropped it, on hearing the report of a shot fired at it. Fish Hawk, Falco Haliaetus, Wils. Amer. Om., vol. v. p. 13. Fatco Hattaetus, Bonap. Syn., p. 26. Fisn Hawk or Osprey, Fulco Haliaetus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 415; vol. v. p. 362. Bill brownish-black, blue at the base and margin; cere light blue. Iris yellow. Feet pale greyish-blue, tinged with brown; claws black. The general colour of the upper parts is dusky brown, the tail barred with pale brown. The upper part of the head and neck white, the middle part of the crown dark brown. A broad band of the latter colour from the bill down the side of the neck on each side. Under parts of the neck brownish-white, streaked with dark brown. Under parts generally white. Anterior tarsal feathers tinged with brown. Length 23 inches; extent of wings 54; bill along the back 2; tarsus 23, middle toe 3. Vor. I. 11 ~ . , * . , * te, - eae Xe ? ; 70. oe # ‘ . " P Se > bo aL ae ‘ |S * : ! * e “ i Ba as Pe x4 Genus VIL—ELANUS, Sav. Bill short, small, very wide at the base, much compressed toward the end; upper mandible with the dorsal line convex and declinate to the end of the cere, then decurved, the sides slightly convex, the tip narrow and acute, the edges with a distinct festoon, lower mandible with the angle very wide and long, the dorsal line very short, and slightly convex, the tip obliquely trun- cate, and narrow. Nostrils elliptical, rather large, about half-way between the cere and ridge. Head rather large, broad, flattened above; neck short; body compact. Legs rather short; tarsus very short, stout, roundish, feathered “anteriorly for half its length, the rest covered with small roundish’ scales; toes short, thick, scaly, with a few terminal scutella; claws long, curved, conical, rounded beneath, acute. Plumage very soft, and rather blended. Wings very long and pointed, the second quill longest. Tail of moderate breadth, long, emarginate, and rounded. ' BLACK-SHOULDERED HAWK. ° - + ~ ELANuS pispar, 7em. ‘ ; PLATE XVI.—Mate anp Femate. I have traced the migration of this beautiful Hawk from the Texas as far east as the mouth of the Santee River in South Carolina. CHartes Bona- PARTE first introduced it into our Fauna, on the authority of a specimen procured in East Florida by TirrAw Prats, Esq., of Philadelphia, who it seems had some difficulty in obtaining it. On the 8th of February, 1834, I received one of these birds alive from Dr. Ravenet, of Charleston, who had kept it in his yard for eight days previously, without being able to induce it to take any food. The beauty of its large eyes struck me at once, and I immediately made a drawing of the bird, which was the first I had ever seen alive. It proved to be a male, and was in beautiful plumage. Dr. RaAvENEL told me that it walked about his yard with tolerable ease, although one of its wings had been injured. On the 23d of the same month I received another fine specimen, a female, from Francis Ler, Esq., who had procured it on his plantation, forty miles west of Charleston, and with it the following note. ‘When first observed, it was perched on a tree in an erect posture. I saw Noa. PlelG: — ? Wi y (Ny e Ok ES oes Corie . ited & Coal 1T Bowen Philad* Drawn from Nature by J.J.Audubon. FR S.F.L.S BLACK-SHOULDERED HAWK. 71 at once that it was one of the birds which you had iio me to procure for you, and went to the house for my gun. On returning I saw the Hawk very high in the air, sailing beautifully over a large wet meadow, where many Common Snipes were feeding. It would now and then poise itself for a while, in the manner of our Little Sparrow Hawk, and suddenly closing its wings plunge towards its prey with great velocity, making a rumbling noise as it passed through the air. Now and then, when about half way, it suddenly checked its descent, recommenced hovering, and at last marking its prey, rushed upon it and secured it. Its cries, on being wounded, so much resem- bled those of the Mississippi Kite, that I thought,'as I was going to pick it up, that I had only got one of that species. It was so shy that I was obliged to get on horseback before I could approach it within gun shot.” Mr. H. Warp, who accompanied me on my expedition to the Floridas, found this species breeding on the plantation of ALExanpER Mayzcx, Esq., on the Santee River, early in the month of March, and shot three, two of which, a male and a female, are now in my possession. Their nests were placed on low trees near the margins of the river, and resembled those of the American Crow, but had none of the substantial lining of that bird’s nest. Mr. Warp states, that at this time they were seen flying over the cane brakes in pursuit of large insects, somewhat in the manner of the Mississippi Kite, and that they were very shy. My friend Joun Bacuman has seen this species fly in groups, at a very great height, in the beginning of March, and thinks that it is only of late years that they have located themselves in South Carolina, where, however, five of them have been procured in one year. ; The Black-shouldered Hawk appears to give a decided mreletence to low lands, not distant from the shores of the Atlantic. On our way toward the Texas, several of these birds were seen over the large marshes, flying at a small elevation, and coursing in search of prey, much in the manner of the Hen-harrier or Marsh Hawk, but all evidently bent on proceeding to the eastward. Whether this species winters there or not, | am unable to say, but that some remain all the year in Florida, and even in South Carolina, I am quite confident. The difference between the food of this species and that of the Mississippi Kite is surprising to me. I have never seen the latter seize any bird, whereas the Black-shouldered Hawk certainly does so, as in the stomachs of two individuals which I examined were remains of birds as well as of coleopterous insects. These two birds agree nearly with the description of the one pro- eured by Mr. Tirtan Prats, excepting in the length of the wings, which in them and in several others that have come under my notice, have their tips fully an inch shorter than the end of the tail. A breeding female differed 792 BLACK-SHOULDERED HAWK. “from the rest in having the eyes dull yellowish-red; the tail-feathers had all been ash-grey, all the primaries were edged with white, and many of the secondaries were still of a light brownish-grey; the black spots under the wings were smaller than usual; the abdomen was also tinged with brownish- grey. Iam therefore of opinion, that these birds undergo as many changes of plumage as the Mississippi Kite. Buack-wincep Hawk, Falco melanopterus, Bonap. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. Fatco meLanopTerus, Bonap. Syn., p. 31. Falco dispar, App. p. 435. ‘Brack-sHoutperep Hawk, Falco dispar, Aud. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 397. Adult Male. Wings very long and pointed, the second quill longest, the third nearly as long, the first longer than the fourth; the first, second, and third with the outer web attenuated toward the end; the first and second with the inner web sinuated; secondaries very broad, rounded, the inner web exceeding the outer. Tail of twelve feathers, of moderate breadth, long, emarginate and rounded, the middle and lateral feathers being about equal, and eight-twelfths of an inch shorter than the second feather from the side. Bill black; the cere and soft basal margins yellow. Iris bright red. Tarsi and toes yellow, of a darker tint than the cere; claws black. All the lower parts are pure white, with the exception of a patch on five or six of the larger wing-coverts; the forehead is also white, as are the cheeks; the super- ciliary bristles black, the white of the head gradually blends into the general colour of the upper parts, which is ash-grey; the smaller wing-coverts bluish- black; the shafts of the quills brownish-black; all the feathers of the tail, excepting the two middle, white; the shafts of the two middle feathers blackish-brown, of the rest white towards the end, the whole of that of the outer pure white. Length to end of tail 16 inches, to end of claws 121, to end of wings 147; extent of wings 40; wing from flexure 13; tail 742; bill along the ridge 44; along the edge of lower mandible 1,5; tarsus 154; first toe 74, its claw 3; second toe 1%, its claw 12; third toe 4, its claw 24; fourth toe 4%, its claw £8. Weight 14 oz. Adult Female. The female is rather larger than the male, but in other respects similar. Length to end of tail 162 inches, to end of wings 153, to end of claws 12%; extent of wings 413; tail 8; wing from flexure 134; bill along the ridge 14, along the edge of lower mandible 14; tarsus 12; hind toe #, its claw 4; outer toe Z, its claw 4; middle toe 1%, its claw 3; inner toe 4, its claw 3. Weight 171 oz. THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. 73 The young when fledged have the bill and claws black, the cere and feet dull yellow; the upper parts brownish grey, the scapulars and quills tipped with white, the former also margined with yellowish-brown; the primary and secondary coverts are also tipped with white; the smaller wing-coverts are brownish-black; the outer webs of all the tail-feathers are more or less brownish-grey toward the end. The lower parts are white, the feathers on the breast tinged with brownish-yellow at the end, and with the shaft yellowish-brown. The lower wing-coverts are all white. Genus VII.—ICTINIA, Vieillot. Bill very short, wide at the base, much compressed toward the end; upper mandible with the dorsal line decurved in its whole length, the sides slightly convex, the tip narrow and acute, the edges with an obtuse lobe; lower mandible with the angle very wide, the dorsal line ascending and convex, the tip rather broad and obliquely truncate. Nostrils round, lateral, with a central papilla. Head rather large, roundish, broad, flattened; neck short, body compact. Legs rather short; tarsus stout, covered anteriorly with scutella; toes scutellate above, scabrous beneath, with pointed papillae; claws rather long, curved, acuminate, flattened beneath. Plumage rather compact. =? Wings very long, the third quill longest. Tail long, emarginate. This genus is easily distinguished from Elanus; the tarsi and toes being scutellate in this, and scaly in that; and the festoon on the upper mandible is much more prominent in the Ictinia, while the nostrils, instead of being elliptical, are round, as in the Falcons. THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. ~lorrnra pLrumBevus, Gmel. PLATE XVII.—Mate anp Femate. When, after many a severe conflict, the southern breezes, in alliance with the sun, have, as if through a generous effort, driven back for a season to their desolate abode the chill blasts of the north; when warmth and plenty are insured for a while to our happy lands; when clouds of anxious Swallows, returning from the far south, are guiding millions of Warblers to their sum- Vor, 1. 12 wh THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. mer residence; when numberless insects, cramped in their hanging shells, are impatiently waiting for the full expansion of their wings; when the vernal flowers, so welcome to all, swell out their bursting leaflets, and the rich-leaved Magnolia opens its pure blossoms to the Humming Bird;—then look up, and you will see the Mississippi Kite, as he comes sailing over the scene. He glances towards the earth with his fiery eye; sweeps along, now with the gentle breeze, now against it; seizes here and there the high-flying giddy bug, and allays his hunger without fatigue to wing or talon. Suddenly he spies some creeping thing, that changes, like the chameleon, from vivid green to dull brown, to escape his notice. It is the red-throated panting lizard that has made its way to the highest branch of a tree in quest of food. Casting upwards a sidelong look of fear, it remains motionless, so well does it know the prowess of the bird of prey: but its caution is vain; it has been perceived, its fate is sealed, and the next moment it is swept away. The Mississippi Kite thus extends its migrations as high as the city of Memphis, on the noble stream whose name it bears, and along our eastern shores to the Carolinas, where it now and then breeds, feeding the while on lizards, small snakes, and beetles. At times, congregating to the number of twenty or more, these birds are seen sweeping around some tree, catching the large locusts which abound in those countries at an early part of the season, and reminding one of the Chimney Swallows, which are so often seen performing similar evolutions, when endeavouring to snap off the little dried twigs of which their nests are composed. Early in May, the thick-leaved Bay-Tree (Magnolia grandiflora), affords in its high tops a place of safety, in which the Hawk of the South may raise its young. These are out by the end of July, and are fed by the parent birds until well practised in the art of procuring subsistence. About the middle of August, they all wing their way southward. The affection which the old birds display towards their young, and the methods which they occasionally employ to insure the safety of the latter, are so remarkable, that, before I proceed to describe their general habits, I shall relate a case in which I was concerned. Early one morning, whilst I was admiring the beauties of nature, as the vegetable world lay embalmed in dew, I heard the ery of a bird that I mistook for that of a Pewee Flycatcher. It was prolonged, I thought, as if uttered in distress. After looking for the bird a long time in vain, an object which I had at first supposed to be something that had accidentally lodged in a branch, attracted my attention, as I thought I perceived it moving. It did move distinctly, and the cry that had ceased from the time when I reached the spot where I stood, was repeated, evidently coming from the object in view. I now took it for a young Chuck-Will’s-Widow, as it sat lengthwise ie. Wy Drawn from N ture by J.J. Audubon.F.H.S.FL.S ») Vy 7 7 Y a é Wbtistt sie, Lith? Printed & Col? by J.T: Bowen, Philad | a J A ee e if% a +3 ‘eo Randi ae ee Blake ita tc nil IRR al 5 i ‘SB 7. ee eee wen ripadteoetesti ‘be Ag ~ THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. 15 on the branch. I shot at it, but perhaps did not hit it, as it only opened and closed its wings, as if surprised. At the report of the gun, the old bird came, holding food in her claws. She perceived me, but alighted, and fed her young with great kindness. I shot at both, and again missed, or at least did not succeed, which might have happened from my having only small shot in my gun. The mother flew in silence, sailed over head just long enough to afford me time to reload, returned, and to my great surprise gently lifted her young, and sailing with it to another tree, about thirty yards distant, deposit- ed it there. My feelings at that moment I cannot express. I wished I had not discovered the poor bird; for who could have witnessed, without emotion, so striking an example of that affection which none but a mother can feel; so daring an act, performed in the midst of smoke, in the presence of a dreaded and dangerous enemy. I followed, however, and brought both to the ground at one shot, so keen is the desire of possession! The young had the head of a fawn-colour, but I took little more notice of g, whence I intended to remove them on my return, for the purpose of drawing and describing them. I then it, depositing the two birds under a lo proceeded on my excursion to a lake a few miles distant. On coming back, what was my mortification, when I found that some quadruped had devoured both! My punishment was merited. The Mississippi Kite arrives in Lower Louisiana about the middle of April, in small parties of five or six, and confines itself to the borders of deep woods, or to those near plantations, not far from the shores of the rivers, lakes, or bayous. It never moves into the interior of the country, and in this respect resembles the Falco furcatus. Plantations lately cleared, and yet covered with tall dying girted trees, placed near a creek or bayou, seem to suit it best. Its flight is graceful, vigorous, protracted, and often extended to a great height, the Fork-tailed Hawk being the only species that can compete with it. At times it floats in the air, as if motionless, or sails in broad regular circles, when, suddenly closing its wings, it slides along to some distance, and renews its curves. Now it sweeps in deep and long undulations, with the swiftness of an arrow, passing almost within touching distance of a branch on which it has observed a small lizard, or an insect it longs for, but from which it again ascends disappointed. Now it is seen to move in hurried zig-zags, as if pursued by a dangerous enemy, sometimes seeming to turn over and over like a Tumbling Pigeon. Again it is observed flying round the trunk of a tree to secure large insects, sweeping with astonishing velocity. While travelling, but at other times it is seen soaring at a great elevation among the large flocks of Carrion Crows and Turkey-Buzzards, joined by the Fork-tailed it moves in the desultory manner followed by Swallows; - * " 76 ee THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. Hawk, dashing at the former, and giving them chase, as if in play, until these cowardly scavengers sweep downwards, abandoning this to them disagreeable sport to the Hawks, who now continue to gambol undisturbed. When in pursuit of a large insect or a small reptile, it turns its body sidewise, throws out its legs, expands its talons, and generally seizes its prey in an instant. It feeds while on wing, apparently with as much ease and comfort, as when alighted on the branch of a tall tree. It never alights on the earth; at least I have never seen it do so, except when wounded, and then it appears extremely awkward. It never attacks birds or quadrupeds of any kind, with the view of destroying them for food, although it will chase a fox to a considerable distance, screaming loudly all the while, and soon forces a Crow to retreat to the woods. The nest of this species is always placed in the upper branches of the tallest trees. I thought it gave the preference to those tall and splendid magnolias and white oaks, which adorn our Southern States. The nest resembles that of the dilapidated tenement of the Common American Crow, and is formed of sticks slightly put together, along with branches of Spanish moss (Usnea), pieces of vine bark, and dried leaves. The eggs are two or three, almost globular, of a light greenish tint, blotched thickly over with deep chocolate-brown and black. Only one brood is raised in the season, and I think the female sits more than half the time necessary for incubation. The young I also think obtain nearly the full plumage of the old bird before they depart from us, as I have examined these birds early in August, when the migration was already begun, without observing much difference in their general colour, except only in the want of firmness in the tint of the young ones. Once, early in the month of May, I found a nest of this bird placed on a fine tall white oak near a creek, and observed that the female was sitting with unceasing assiduity. The male I saw bring her food frequently. Not being able to ascend the tree, I hired a Negro, who had been a sailor for some years, to climb it and bring down the eggs or young. This he did by first mounting another tree, the branches of which crossed the lower ones of the oak. No sooner had he reached the trunk of the tree on which the nest was placed, than the male was seen hovering about and over it in evident displeasure, screaming and sweeping towards the intruder the higher he advaneed. When he attained the branch on which the nest was, the female left her charge, and the pair, infuriated at his daring, flew with such velocity, and passed so close to him, that I expected every moment to see him struck by them. The black tar, however, proceeded quietly, reached the nest, and took out the eggs, apprising me that there were three. I requested him to oo” bring them down with care, and to throw off the nest, which he did. The THE MISSISSIPPI KITE. a7 poor birds, seeing their tenement cast down to the ground, continued sweep- ing around us so low and so long, that I could not resist the temptation thus offered of shooting them. The Mississippi Kite is by no means a shy bird, and one may generally depend on getting near it when alighted; but to follow it while on wing were useless, its flight being usually so elevated, and its sweeps over a field or wood so rapid and varied, that you might spend many hours in vain in attempting to get up with it. EXven when alighted, it perches so high, that I have sometimes shot at it, without producing any other effect than that of causing it to open its wings and close them again, as if utterly ignorant of the danger to which it had been exposed, while it seemed to look down upon me quite unconcerned. When wounded, it comes to the ground with great force, and seldom attempts to escape, choosing rather to defend itself, which it does to the last, by throwing itself on its back, erecting the feathers of its head, screaming loudly in the manner of the Pigeon Hawk, disgorging the contents of its stomach, stretching out its talons, and biting or clenching with great vigour. It is extremely muscular, the flesh tough and rigid. These birds at times search for food so far from the spot where their nest has been placed, that I have on several occasions been obliged to follow their course over the woods, as if in search:of a wild bee’s hive, before I could discover it. There is scarcely any perceptible difference between the sexes as to size, and in colour they are precisely similar, only the female has less of the ferruginous colour on her primaries than the male. The stomach is thin, rugous, and of a deep orange colour. Mississippi Kite, Falco Mississippiensis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iii. p. 80. Fatco ptumpevs, Bonap. Syn., p. 90. Mississippi Kite, Falco plumbeus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 108, vol. v. p. 374. Adult male. Wings long and pointed, the third quill longest. Tail long, straight, retuse. Bill black, as are the cere, lore, and a narrow band round the eye. Iris blood-red. Feet purplish, the scutella deep red; claws black. The head, the neck all round, and the under parts in general bluish-white. The back and wing-coverts are of a dark leaden colour, the ends of the secondary coverts white. The primaries black, margined externally with bright bay; the tail also deep black, as is the rump. Length 14 inches; extent of wings 36; bill along the ridge 44, along the edge 11; tarsus 12. 78 THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. % Adult Female. The female differs little from the male in colour, and is not much larger. Length 15 inches. Genus VIIL—NAUCLERUS, Vig. SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. _ es, Bill short, wide at the base, much compressed toward the end; upper mandible with the dorsal line decurved from the base, the sides slightly convex, the edges with a slight festoon, the tip narrow and acute; lower mandible with the angle very wide, the dorsal line straightish, the tip round- ed and declinate. Nostrils round, with a central papilla. Head rather large, roundish, flattened; neck short; body compact. Feet short; tarsus very short, thick, scaly all round; toes scutellate above, scabrous beneath, with pointed papillz; claws rather long, curved, acuminate. Plumage blended, glossy. Wings extremely long, pointed, the third quill longest; secondaries short. Tail extremely long, very deeply forked. THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. NavcLerus FurcaAtus, Zinn. PLATE XVIII.—Mate. The flight of this elegant species of Hawk is singularly beautiful and protracted. It moves through the air with such ease and grace, that it is impossible for any individual, who takes the least pleasure in observing the manners of birds, not to be delighted by the sight of it whilst on wing. Gliding along in easy flappings, it rises in wide circles to an immense height, inclining in various ways its deeply forked tail, to assist the direction of its course, dives with the rapidity of lightning, and, suddenly checking itself, reascends, soars away, and is soon out of sight. At other times a flock of these birds, amounting to fifteen or twenty individuals, is seen hovering around the trees. They dive in rapid succession amongst the branches, glancing along the trunks, and seizing in their course the insects and small lizards of which they are in quest. Their motions are astonishingly rapid, and the deep curyes which they describe, their sudden doublings and cross- - | ae ee ce el Ted POP “é af Vi; C a THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. "9 ings, and the extreme ease with which they seem to cleave the air, excite the admiration of him who views them while thus employed in searching for food. A solitary individual of this species has once or twice been seen in Penn- sylvania. Farther to the eastward, the Swallow-tailed Hawk has never, I believe, been observed. Travelling southward, along the Atlantic coast, we find it in Virginia, although in very small numbers. Beyond that State it becomes more abundant. Near the Falls of the Ohio, a pair had a nest and reared four young ones, in 1820. In the lower parts of Kentucky it begins to become more numerous; but in the States farther to the south, and par- ticularly in parts near the sea, it is abundant. In the large prairies of the Attacapas and Oppellousas it is extremely common. In the States of Louisiana and Mississippi, where these birds are abundant, they arrive in large companies, in the beginning of April, and are heard uttering a sharp plaintive note. At this period I generally remarked that they came from the westward, and have counted upwards of a hundred in the space of an hour, passing over me in a direct easterly course. At that season, and in the beginning of September, when they all retire from the United States, they are easily approached when they have alighted, being then apparently fatigued, and busily engaged in preparing themselves for continuing their journey, by dressing and oiling their feathers. At all other times, however, it is extremely difficult to get near them, as they are gene- rally on wing through the day, and at night rest on the highest pines and eypresses, bordering the river-bluffs, the lakes or the swamps of that district of country. They always feed on the wing. In calm and warm weather, they soar to an immense height, pursuing the large insects called Musquito Hawks, and performing the most singular evolutions that can be conceived, using their tail with an elegance of motion peculiar to themselves. Their principal food, however, is large grasshoppers, grass-caterpillars, small snakes, lizards, and frogs. ‘They sweep close over the fields, sometimes seeming to alight for a moment to secure a snake, and holding it fast by the neck, carry it off, and devour it in the air. When searching for grasshoppers and caterpillars, it is not difficult to approach them under cover of a fence or tree. When one is then killed and falls to the ground, the whole flock comes over the dead bird, as if intent upon carrying it off. An excellent opportunity is thus afforded of shooting as many as may be wanted, and I have killed several of these Hawks in this manner, firing as fast as I] could load my gun. The Fork-tailed Hawks are also very fond of frequenting the creeks, which, in that country, are much encumbered with drifted logs and accumue lations of sand, in order to pick up some of the numerous water-snakes which lie basking in the sun. At other times, they dash along the trunks of trees, 80 THE SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. and snap off the pupze of the locust, or that insect itself. Although when on wing they move with a grace and ease which it is impossible to describe, yet on the ground they are scarcely able to walk. I kept for several days one which had been slightly wounded in the wing. It refused to eat, kept the feathers of the head and rump constantly erect, and vomited several times part of the contents of its stomach. It never threw itself on its back, nor attempted to strike with its talons, unless when taken up by the tip of the wing. It died from inanition, as it constantly refused the food placed before it in profusion, and instantly vomited what had been thrust down its throat. The Swallow-tailed Hawk pairs immediately after its arrival in the Southern States, and as its courtships take place on the wing, its motions are then more beautiful than ever. The nest is usually placed on the top branches of the tallest oak or pine tree, situated on the margin of a stream or pond. It resembles that of the Common Crow externally, being formed of dry sticks, intermixed with Spanish moss, and is lined with coarse grasses and a few feathers. The eggs are from four to six, of a greenish-white colour, with a few irregular blotches of dark brown at the larger end. The male and the female sit alternately, the one feeding the other. The young are at first covered with buff-coloured down. Their next covering exhibits the pure white and black of the old birds, but without any of the glossy purplish tints of the latter. The tail, which at first is but slightly forked, becomes more so in a few weeks, and at the approach of autumn exhibits little differ- ence from that of the adult birds. The plumage is completed the first spring. Only one brood is raised in the season. The species leaves the United States in the beginning of September, moving off in flocks, which are formed immediately after the breeding season is over. Hardly any difference as to external appearance exists between the sexes. They never attack birds or quadrupeds of any species, with the view of preying upon them. I never saw one alight on the ground. They secure their prey as they pass closely over it, and in so doing sometimes seem to alight, particularly when securing a snake. The common name of the Snake represented in the plate is the Garter Snake. Swatiow-rTaitep Hawk, Falco furcatus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 70. Fatco rurcatus, Bonap. Syn., p. 31. Swa.tow-rTaitep Hawk, Falco furcatus, Aud. Orn, Biog., vol. i. p. 368; vol. v. p. 371. Adult Male. Wings very long and acute, the third quill longest, the first equal to the fifth, the primaries widely graduated, the secondaries comparatively very THE ICELAND OR JER FALCON. 81 short. Tail very deeply forked, of twelve feathers, the lateral ones extremely elongated. Bill bluish-black above, light blue on the cere, and the edges of both man- dibles. Edges of the eyelids light blue; iris black. Feet light blue, tinged with green; claws flesh-coloured. The head, the neck all round, and the under parts, are white, tinged with bluish-grey; the shafts of the head, neck, and breast blackish. The rest of the plumage is black, with blue and purple reflections. Length 25 inches; extent of wings 514; beak along the back 11. The female is similar to the male. Genus IX.—FALCO, Zinn. FALCON. Bill short, robust; its upper outline decurved from the base; cere short, bare; edge of upper mandible with a festoon and a prominent angular process. Nostrils round, with an internal ridge, ending in a central tubercle. Feet strong; tarsi moderate, reticulate; toes long, broadly scutellate, the anterior webbed at the base; claws long, well curved, very acute. Wings long, pointed; second quill longest, first and third nearly equal; outer toe abruptly cut out on the inner web. ‘Tail rather long, nearly even. THE ICELAND OR JER FALCON. ~+Fatco istanpicus, Lath. PLATE XIX.—Mate anp Fematr. On the 6th August, 1833, while my young friends, Tuomas Lincoxn and JosrpH CooLEepGE, accompanied by my son Joun, were rambling by the rushing waters of a brook banked by stupendous rocks, eight or ten miles from the port of Bras d’Or, on the coast of Labrador, they were startled by a loud and piercing shriek, which issued from the precipices above them. On looking up, my son observed a large hawk plunging over and about him. It was instantly brought to the ground. A second hawk dashed towards the dead one, as if determined to rescue it; but it quickly met the same fate, the contents of my son’s second barrel bringing it to his feet. Vor. i. 13 { ~. : \ 82 THE ICELAND OR JER FALCON. ~ The nest of these hawks was placed on the rocks, about fifty feet from their summit, and more than a hundred from their base. Two other birds of the same species, and apparently in the same plumage, now left their eyry in the cliff, and flew off. The party having ascended by a circuitous and dangerous route, contrived to obtain a view of the nest, which, however, was empty. It was composed of sticks, sea-weeds, and mosses, about two feet in diameter, and almost flat. About its edges were strewed the remains of their food, and beneath, on the margin of the stream, lay a quantity of wings of the Uria Troile, Mormon arcticus, and Tetrao Saliceti, together with large pellets composed of fur, bones, and various substances. My son and his companions returned towards evening. ‘The two hawks which they had brought with them, I knew at once to be of a species which I had not before seen, at least in America. Think not that I laid them down at once—No, reader, I attentively examined every part of them. Their eyes, which had been carefully closed by the young hunters, I opened, to observe their size and colour. I drew out their powerful wings, distended their clenched talons, looked into their mouths, and admired the sharp tooth- like process of their upper mandible. I then weighed them in my hand, and at length concluded that no Hawk that I had ever before handled, looked more like a great Peregrine Falcon. Their flight resembled that of the Peregrine Falcon, but was more elevated, majestic, and rapid. ‘They rarely sailed when travelling to and fro, but used a constant beat of their wings. When over the Puflins, and high in the air, they would hover almost motionless, as if watching the proper moment to close their pinions, and when that arrived, they would descend almost per- pendicularly on their unsuspecting victims. Their cries also resembled those of the Peregrine Falcon, being loud, shrill, and piercing. Now and then they would alight on some of the high stakes placed on the shore as beacons to the fishermen who visit the coast, and stand for a few minutes, not erect like most other Hawks, but in the position of a Lestris or Tern, after which they would resume their avocations, and pounce upon a Puffin, which they generally did while the poor bird was standing on the ground at the very entrance of its burrow, apparently quite unaware of the approach of its powerful enemy. The Puffin appeared to _ form no impediment to the flight of the Hawk. which merely shook itself after rising in the air, as if to arrange its plumage, as the Fish Hawk does when it has emerged from the water with a fish in its talons. These Falcons were all that were seen of this species during our expedi- tion, and I am inclined to think that this bird must be rare in that part of Labrador. On dissecting the two killed, I found them to be a male and a female, and saw that the latter had laid eggs that season. It is therefore debs, yy ie tk Th GL Md CL: \ \ X ‘i Vl fnlaa® dower t Lith? Priai Aut. J. by awn from Nature Ih THE ICELAND OR JER FALCON. 83 probable that the two which left the nest at the approach of the party were the young birds. I made my drawing of them the day after their death. It was one of the severest tasks which I ever performed, and was done under the most dis- agreeable circumstances. I sat up nearly the whole of the night, to sketch them in outline. The next day it rained for hours, and the water fell on my paper and colours all the while from the rigging of the Ripley. The weight of the female was 3 pounds 2 ounces, that of the male 2 pounds 14 ounces avoirdupois. Their flesh was tough and bluish, and their whole structure was remarkable for the indications of strength which it exhibited. The intestines measured 4 feet 9 inches. The heart was extremely large, and very remarkable for its firmness. The liver also was large. The stomach, which was thin, contained remains of fish, feathers, and hair. From the account which I received from my son and his companions, I would willingly suppose that no one had ever before disturbed their solitude. They flew about and close to them, as if altogether unacquainted with the effects of a gun. The young appeared full grown, and, as if aware of the fate of their parents, alighted only on the highest and most inaccessible parts of the rocks around. Both the specimens procured were carefully skinned and preserved. One is in my possession; the other I gave to my worthy and generous friend Jounn BacuMan. On inquiring of a Mr. Jones, who had been a resident in Labrador for twenty years, I was informed that these Hawks feed on and destroy an im- mense number of hares, Rock Partridges, and Willow Grous; but he could not give me any information as to the change of plumage, never having seen them in any other state than that of the individuals represented in my plate, which I shewed to him. The fishermen called them Duck Hawks, and some of them reported many exploits performed by them, which I think it unnecessary to repeat, as I considered them exaggerated. Fauco Isianpicus, Jer Falcon, Rich. and Swains. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 27. Gyr Fatcon, Falco Islandicus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 51. Icenanp or Jer Faucon, Falco Islandicus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 466. Adult Female. Icetanp or Jer Fatcon, Falco Islandicus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 552. Young Male and Female. The bill is very pale blue, the extremity of the upper mandible black, that of the lower yellowish; the eyes greyish-black; the cere, superciliary ridge, edges of eyelids, tarsi and toes, pale yellow; the eyelids pale blue; the claws black. The plumage is pure white, but all the feathers of the back and rump, the scapulars, the wing-coyerts, and the secondary quills, have near their 84 THE GREAT-FOOTED HAWK. extremity a brownish-black spot, generally arrow-shaped. The anterior feathers of the back have, moreover, a black streak on the shaft, which on those farther back becomes larger and lanceolate, and on the rump is accom- panied by a third spot; the larger coverts and secondary quills have also three or more spots, and the primary quills have seven spots or partial bars toward their extremity, besides a large subterminal black space, their tips however being white. On the inner margin of the two middle tail-feathers are eight, and on the outer four dusky spots, and their shafts are also dusky, as are those of all the quills on their upper surface. There are also a few slight lanceolate dark spots on the sides of the body, and on the tibial feathers. Length to end of tail 233 inches, to end of wings 214, to end of claws 183, to carpal joint 54; extent of wings 514. THE GREAT-FOOTED HAWK. . Fatco perrcrinus, Gmel. PLATE XX.—Mate anp FEMALE. The French and Spaniards of Louisiana have designated all the species of the genus Falco by the name of “Mangeurs de Poulets;’’ and the farmers in other portions of the Union have bestowed upon them, according to their size, the appellations of ‘Hen Hawk,”? “Chicken Hawk,” “Pigeon Hawk,” &c. This mode of naming these rapacious birds is doubtless natural enough, but it displays little knowledge of the characteristic manners of the species. No bird can better illustrate the frequent inaccuracy of the names bestowed by ignorant persons than the present, of which, on referring to the plate, you will see a pair enjoying themselves over a brace of ducks of different species. Very likely, were tame ducks as plentiful on the plantations in our States, as wild ducks are on our rivers, lakes and estuaries, these hawks might have been named by some of our settlers “AZangeurs de Canards.” Look at these two pirates eating their dejeuné a la fourchette, as it were, congratulating each other on the savouriness of the food in their grasp. One might think them epicures, but they are in fact gluttons. The male has obtained possession of a Green-winged Teal, while his mate has procured a Gadwal Duck. Their appetites are equal to their reckless daring, and they well deserve the name of “Pirates,’’ which I haye above bestowed upon them. Pato es THE GREAT-FOOTED HAWK. 85 The Great-Footed Hawk, or Peregrine Falcon, is now frequently to be met with in the United States, but within my remembrance it was a very scarce species in America. I can well recollect the time when, if I shot one or two individuals of the species in the course of a whole winter, I thought myself a fortunate mortal; whereas of Jate years I have shot two in one day, and perhaps a dozen in the course of a winter. It is quite impossible for me to account for this increase in their number, the more so that our plantations have equally increased, and we have now three gunners for every one that existed twenty years ago, and all of them ready to destroy a hawk of any kind whenever an occasion presents itself. The flight of this bird is of astonishing rapidity. It is scarcely ever seen sailing, unless after being disappointed in its attempt to secure the prey which it has been pursuing, and even at such times it merely rises with a broad spiral circuit, to attain a sufficient elevation to enable it to reconnoitre a certain space below. It then emits a ery much resembling that of the Sparrow Hawk, but greatly louder, like that of the European Kestrel, and flies off swiftly in quest of plunder. The search is often performed with a flight resembling that of the tame pigeon, until perceiving an object, it redoubles its flappings, and pursues the fugitive with a rapidity scarcely to be conceived. Its turnings, windings and cuttings through the air are now surprising. It follows and nears the timorous quarry at every turn and back- cutting which the latter attempts. Arrived within a few feet of the prey, the Falcon is seen protruding his powerful legs and talons to their full stretch. His wings are for a moment almost closed; the next instant he grapples the prize, which, if too weighty to be carried off directly, he forces obliquely toward the ground, sometimes a hundred yards from where it was seized, to kill it, and devour it on the spot. Should this happen over a large extent of water, the Falcon drops his prey, and sets off in quest of another. On the contrary, should it not prove too heavy, the exulting bird carries it off toa sequestered and secure place. He pursues the smaller Ducks, Water-hens, and other swimming birds, and if they are not quick in diving, seizes them, and rises with them from the water. I have seen this Hawk come at the report of a gun, and carry off a Teal not thirty steps distant from the sports- man who had killed it, with a daring assurance as surprising as unexpected. This conduct has been observed by many individuals, and is a characteristic trait of the species. The largest duck that I have seen this bird attack and grapple with on the wing is the Mallard. The Great-footed Hawk does not, however, content himself with water- fowl. He is sometimes seen following flocks of Pigeons and even Blackbirds. For several days I watched one of them that had taken a particular fancy to some tame pigeons, to secure which it went so far as to enter their house at 86 THE GREAT-FOOTED HAWK. one of the holes, seize a bird, and issue by another hole in an instant, causing such terror among the rest as to-render me fearful that they would abandon the place. However, I fortunately shot the depredator. _ They occasionally feed on dead fish that have floated to the shores or sand bars. I saw several of them thus occupied while descending the Mississippi on a journey undertaken expressly for the purpose of observing and procur- ing different specimens of birds, and which lasted four months, as I followed the windings of that great river, floating down it only a few miles daily. During that period, I and my companion counted upwards of fifty of these Hawks, and killed several, among which was the female represented in the plate now before you, and which was found to contain in its stomach bones of birds, a few downy feathers, the gizzard of a Teal, and the eyes and many scales of a fish. It was shot on the 26th December, 1820. The ovary con- tained numerous eggs, two of which were as large as peas. Whilst in quest of food, the Great-footed Hawk will frequently alight on the highest dead branch of a tree in the immediate neighbourhood of such wet or marshy grounds as the Common Snipe resorts to by preference. His head is seen moving in short starts, as if he were counting every little space below; and while so engaged, the moment he spies a Snipe, down he darts like an arrow, making a rustling noise with his wings that may be heard several hundred yards off, seizes the Snipe, and flies away to some near wood to devour it. It is a cleanly bird, in respect to feeding. No sooner is the prey dead than the Falcon turns its belly upward, and begins to pluck it with his bill, which he does very expertly, holding it meantime quite fast in his talons; and as soon as a portion is cleared of feathers, tears the flesh in large pieces, and swallows it with great avidity. If it is a large bird, he leaves the refuse parts, but, if small, swallows the whole in pieces. Should he be approached by an enemy, he rises with it and flies off into the interior of the woods, or if he happens to be in a meadow, to some considerable distance, he being more wary at such times than when he has alighted on a tree. The Great-footed Hawk is a heavy, compact, and firmly built bird for its size, and when arrived at maturity, extremely muscular, with very tough flesh. The plumage differs greatly according to age. I have seen it vary in different individuals, from the deepest chocolate-brown to light grey. Their grasp is so firm, that should one be hit while perched, and not shot quite dead, it will cling to the branch until life has departed. Like most other Hawks, this is a solitary bird, except during the breeding. season, at the beginning of which it is seen in pairs. Their season of breed- ing is so very early, that it might be said to be in winter. I have seen the male caressing the female as early as the first days of December. THE GREAT-FOOTED HAWK. 87 This species visits Louisiana during the winter months only; for although I have observed it mating then, it generally disappears a few days after, and in a fortnight later none can be seen. It is scarce in the Middle States, where, as well as in the Southern Districts, it lives along water-courses, and in the neighbourhood of the shores of the sea and inland lakes. I should think that they breed in the United States, having shot a pair in the month of August near the Falls of Niagara. It is extremely tenacious of life, and if not wounded in the wings, though mortally so in the body, it flies to the last gasp, and does not fall until life is extinct. I never saw one of them attack a quadruped, although I have frequently seen them perched within sight of squirrels, which I thought they might easily have secured, had they been so inclined. Once when nearing the coast of England, being then about a hundred and fifty miles distant from it, in the month of July, I obtained a pair of these birds, which had come on board our vessel, and had been shot there. I examined them with care, and found no difference between them and those which I had shot in America. They are at present scarce in England, where I have seen only afew. In London, some individuals of the species resort to the cupola of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the towers of Westminster Abbey, to roost, and probably to breed. I have seen them depart from these places at day dawn, and return in the evening. The achievements of this species are well known in Europe, where it is even at the present day trained for the chase. Whilst on a visit at Dalmahoy, the seat of the Earl of Morton, near Edinburgh, I had the pleasure of seeing a pair of these birds hooded, and with small brass bells on their re in excellent training. They were the property of that nobleman. These birds sometimes roost in the hollows of trees. I saw one resorting for weeks every night to a hole in a dead sycamore, near Louisville, in Ken- tucky. It generally came to the place a little before sunset, alighted on the dead branches, and in a short time after flew into the hollow, where it spent the night, and from whence I saw it issuing at dawn. I have known them also retire for the same purpose to the crevices of high cliffs, on the banks of Green River in the same state. One winter, when I had occasion to cross the Homochitta River, in the State of Mississippi, I observed these Hawks in greater numbers than I had ever before seen. Many persons believe that this Hawk, and some others, never drink any other fluid than the blood of their victims; but this is an error. I have seen them alight on sand-bars, walk to the edge of them, immerse their bills nearly up to the eyes in the water, and drink in a continued manner, as Pigeons are known to do. 88 PIGHON HAWKE. Great-FooreD Hawk, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ix. p. 120. Fatco perecrinus, Bonap. Syn., p. 27. Common or Wanperine Fatcon, Falco peregrinus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 53. ~ Great-roorep Hawk, Fulco peregrinus, Aud. Amer. Orn., vol. i. p. 85; vol. v. p. 365. Fatco prreerinus, Peregrine Falcon, Swains. & Rieh., F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 23. Bill blackish-blue at the tip, pale green at the base, cere oil-green; bare orbital space orange. Iris hazel. Feet lemon-yellow; claws brownish-black. Head and hind neck greyish-black, tinged with blue; the rest of the upper parts dark bluish-grey, indistinctly barred with deep brown. Quills blackish- brown, the inner webs marked with transverse elliptical spots of reddish- white. Tail greyish-brown, marked with about twelve bars, the last of which is broad, the rest diminishing in size and intensity of tint. Throat and fore-neck white; a broad band of blackish-blue from the angle of the mouth downwards; cheeks whitish-grey; sides, breast and thighs reddish- white, transversely marked with dark brown spots in longitudinal series. Under wing feathers whitish, transversely barred. Length 164 inches; extent of wings 30; bill 14 along the ridge; tarsus 1, middle toe 23. As the bird gets old, the colours of the upper parts acquire a lighter tint in the male, and sometimes the back is ash-grey; but in the female, they gradually assume a deeper hue. PIGEON HAWK. Fatco cotumBaRrivs, Linn. PLATE XXI.—Mate anp FeMate. The Pigeon Hawk ranges very extensively over the United States, and extends its migrations far beyond their limits on either side. Mr. Townsenp found it on the Rocky Mountains, as well as along the shores of the Colum- bia River. Dr. RicHarpson mentions it as not uncommon about York Factory, in latitude 57°, and it is not improbable that it wanders farther, as he speaks of having seen a small hawk on the north shore of Great Bear Lake, in latitude 66°, which may have been a male as small as the one represented in my plate. I found it very abundant in the Texas early in May, when I shot as many as five on a small island in a short time. Mr. Hurcurns’s description of the eggs of this bird, which he says are : z r Drawn from Nature by J.J.Audubon. FRSFL-S. Lith? Primed £Col* by J.T’ Bowen. Philad* > od sd PIGEON, HAWK. 89 white, and from two to four in number, as well as the situation of its nest, as given in his Notes on the Hudson’s Bay Birds, is greatly at variance with my own observations. The eggs in three instances, which occurred at Labrador, were five; they measured an inch and three-quarters in length, an inch anda quarter in breadth, and were rather elongated; their ground colour a dull yellowish-brown, thickly clouded with irregular blotches of dull dark reddish-brown. In that country they are laid about the first of June. In the beginning of July I found five in a nest that were ready to be hatched. The nests were placed on the top branches of the low firs peculiar to that country, about ten or twelve feet from the ground, and were composed of sticks, slightly lined with moss and a few feathers. At this season the old birds evinced great concern respecting their eggs or young, remaining about them, and shewing all the tokens of anger and vexation which other courageous species exhibit on similar occasions. The young are at first covered with yellowish down; but I had no opportunity of watching their progress, as all that were taken on board the Ripley died in a few days. This species also breeds in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. A male from the Texas. Length to end of tail 134 inches, to end of wings 11,%, to end of claws 115%; extent of wings 26. The mouth resembles that of the other Falcons; its breadth 2:ths. The tongue is short, ;%ths long, fleshy, deeply emarginate and papillate at the base, broadly grooved above, the tip rounded and slightly emarginate. The cesophagus is 43 inches long, its width at the upper part half an inch. The stomach is very large, round, 13 inches in diameter, with a very thin mus- cular coat; its central tendons ;4,ths in diameter. The proventriculus is ;3ths long; its glands very numerous, and cylindrical. The intestine is 262 inches long, 2ths in its greatest diameter. ‘There are merely two slight indi- cations of cceca; and the cloaca is globular, with a diameter of 1 inch... The trachea is 2# inches long, a little flattened; the rings 58, well ossified; its breadth at the upper part ;4ths, at the lower ths. The contractor muscles cover the anterior surface entirely in the upper third, and are of moderate strength, as are the sterno-tracheales; a pair of inferior laryngeal muscles going to the membrane between the last tracheal and first bronchial half ring. The bronchial half rings are 15 and 18. Picron Hawk, Falco columbarius, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 107. Fico cotumparius, Bonap. Syn., p. 38. Piceon Hawx, Falco columbarius, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 60. Lirtitz Corporat Hawk, Fulco temerarius, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p- 61. Adult Male. Fatco cotumearius, Pigeon Hawk, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p- 35. Fatco Msaton, Merlin, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 37. Piczon Hawk, Falco columbarius, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 466; Young, vol. i. p. 381, Male; vol. v. p. 368. Wor, i. 14 oe . 90 THE AMERICAN nee » Wings from two to three inches shorter than the tail, on the middle feathers of which are five, on the lateral six, broad whitish bands. Adult male with the cere greenish-yellow, the feet pale orange, the upper parts light bluish-grey, each feather with a black central line; lower parts reddish or yellowish-white, the breast and sides with large oblong brown spots; tibial feathers light red, streaked with blackish-brown. Female with the cere and legs greenish-yellow, the upper parts dark greyish-brown, the lower pale red, spotted as in the male. Young with the head light reddish-brown, streaked with dusky, the upper parts brownish-grey, the feathers margined and spotted with pale red, throat white, lower parts pale red, streaked with brown. ‘The tail-bands vary from pale red to white. THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWK. + Fatco sparvertius, Linn. PLATE XXII.—Mate anp Femate. We have few more beautiful Hawks in the United States than this active little species, and I am sure, none half so abundant. It is found in every district from Louisiana to Maine, as well as from the Atlantic shores to the western regions. Eyery one knows the Sparrow-Hawk, the very mention of its name never fails to bring to mind some anecdote connected with its habits, and, as it commits no depredations on poultry, few disturb it, so that the natural increase of the species experiences no check from man. During the winter months especially it may be seen in the Southern States about every old field, orchard, barn-yard, or kitchen-garden, but seldom indeed in the interior of the forest. Beautifully erect, it stands on the highest fence-stake, the broken top of a tree, the summit of a grain stack, or the corner of the barn, patiently and silently waiting until it spy a mole, a field-mouse, a cricket, or a grasshopper, on which to pounce. If disappointed in its expectation, it leaves its stand and removes to another, flying low and swiftly until within a few yards of the spot on which it wishes to alight, when all of a sudden, and in the most graceful manner, it rises towards it and settles with incomparable firmness of manner, merely suffering its beautiful tail to vibrate gently for awhile, its wings being closed with the swiftness of thought. Its keen eye perceives something beneath, when down it darts, secures the object in its talons, returns to its stand, and devours its prey piece by piece. This done, the ING > ED I 74 a 7, VE UMVOU" — a FOU CONM JAudubon FE S.FIS Laith® Printer ithy JV Bowen Vhilad* THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWK. 91 little hunter rises in the air, describes a few circles, moves on directly, balances itself steadily by a tremulous motion of its wings, darts towards the earth, but, as if disappointed, checks its course, reascends and proceeds. Some unlucky finch crosses the field beneath it.- The Hawk has marked it, and, anxious to secure its prize, sweeps after it; the chase is soon ended, for the poor affrighted and panting bird becomes the prey of the ruthless pur- suer, who, unconscious of wrong, carries it off to some elevated branch of a tall tree, plucks it neatly, tears the flesh asunder, and having eaten all that it can pick, allows the skeleton and wings to fall to the ground, where they may apprise the traveller that a murder has been committed. Thus, reader, are the winter months spent by this little marauder. When spring returns to enliven the earth, each male bird seeks for its mate, whose coyness is not less innocent than that of the gentle dove. Pursued from place to place, the female at length yields to the importunity of her dear tormentor, when side by side they sail, screaming aloud their love notes, which, if not musical, are doubtless at least delightful to the parties concerned. With tremulous wings they search for a place in which to deposit their eggs secure from danger, and now they have found it. On that tall mouldering headless trunk, the Hawks have alighted side by side. See how they caress each other! Mark! The female enters the deserted Woodpecker’s hole, where she remains some time measuring its breadth and depth. Now she appears, exultingly calls her mate, and tells him there could not be a fitter place. Full of joy they gambol through the air, chase all intruders away, watch the Grakles and other birds to which the hole might be equally pleasing, and so pass the time, until the female has deposited her eggs, six, perhaps even seven in number, round, and beautifully spotted. The birds sit alternately, each feeding the other and watching with silent care. After a while the young appear, covered with white down. They grow apace, and now are ready to go abroad, when their parents entice them forth. Some launch into the air at once, others, not so strong, now and then fall to the ground; but all continue to be well provided with food, until they are able to shift for themselves. Together they search for grass- hoppers, crickets, and such young birds as, less powerful than themselves, fall an easy prey. The family still resort to the same field, each bird making choice of a stand, the top of a tree, or that of the Great Mullein. At times they remove to the ground, then Aly off in a body, separate, and again betake themselves to their stands. Their strength increases, their flight improves, and the field-mouse seldom gains her retreat before the little Falcon secures it for a meal. The trees, of late so richly green, now disclose the fading tints of autumn; the cricket becomes mute, the grasshopper withers on the fences, the mouse 92 THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWK. retreats to her winter quarters, dismal clouds obscure the eastern horizon, the sun assumes a sickly dimness, hoarfrosts cover the ground, and the long night encroaches on the domains of light. No longer are heard the feathered choristers of the woods, who throng towards more congenial climes, and in their rear rushes the Sparrow-Hawk. Its flight is rather irregular, nor can it be called protracted. It flies over a field, but seldom farther at a time; even in barren lands, a few hundred yards are all the extent it chooses to go before it alights. During the love season alone it may be seen sailing for half an hour, which is, I believe, the longest time I ever saw one on the wing. When chasing a bird, it passes along with considerable celerity, but never attains the speed of the Sharp- shinned Hawk or of other species. When teazing an Eagle or a Turkey- Buzzard, its strength seems to fail in a few minutes, and if itself chased by a stronger Hawk, it soon retires into some thicket for protection. Its migra- tions are pursued by day, and with much apparent nonchalance. The cry of this bird so much resembles that of the European Kestrel, to which it seems allied, that, were it rather stronger in intonation, it might be mistaken for it. At times it emits its notes while perched, but principally when on the wing, and more continually before and after the birth of its young, the weaker cries of which it imitates when they have left the nest and follow their parents. The Sparrow-Hawk does not much regard the height of the place in which it deposits its eggs, provided it be otherwise suitable, but I never saw it construct a nest for itself. It prefers the hole of a Woodpecker, but now and then is satisfied with an abandoned crow’s nest. So prolific is it, that I do not recollect having ever found fewer than five eggs or young in the nest, and, as I have already said, the number sometimes amounts to seven. The eggs are nearly globular, of a deep buff-colour, blotched all over with dark brown and black. This Hawk sometimes raises two broods in the season, in the Southern States, where in fact it may be said to be a constant resident; but in the Middle and Eastern States, seldom if ever more than one. Nay, I have thought that in the South the eggs of a laying are more numerous than in the North, although of this I am not quite certain. So much attached are they to their stand, that they will return to it and sit there by preference for months in succession. My friend Bacaman informed me that, through this circumstance, he has caught as many as seven in the same field, each from its favourite stump. Although the greater number of these Hawks remove southward at the approach of winter, some remain even in the State of New York during the severest weather of that season. These keep in the immediate neighbourhood of barns, where now and then they secure a rat or a mouse for their support. aa THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWK. 93 Sometimes this species is severely handled by the larger Hawks. One of them who had caught a Sparrow, and was flying off with it, was suddenly observed by a Red-tailed Hawk, which in a few minutes made it drop its prey: this contented the pursuer and enabled the pursued to escape. TuroporE Lincotn, Esq. of Dennisville, Maine, informed me that the Sparrow-Hawk is in the habit of attacking the Republican Swallow, while sitting on its eggs, deliberately tearing the bottle-neck-like entrance of its curious nest, and seizing the occupant for its prey. This is as fit a place as any to inform you, that the father of that gentleman, who has resided at Dennisville upwards of forty years, found the Swallow just mentioned abun- dant there on his arrival in that then wild portion of the country. In the Floridas the Sparrow-Hawk pairs as early as February, in the Middle States about April, and in the northern parts of Maine seldom before June. Few are seen in Nova Scotia, and none in Newfoundland, or on the western coast of Labrador. Although abundant in the interior of Hast Florida, I did not observe one on any of the keys which border the coast of that singular peninsula. During one of my journeys down the Mississippi, I frequently observed some of these birds standing on low dead branches over the water, from which they would pick up the beetles that had acci- dentally fallen into the stream. No bird can be more easily raised and kept than this beautiful Hawk. I once found a young male that had dropped from the nest before it was able to fly. Its cries for food attracted my notice, and I discovered it lying near alog. It was large, and covered with soft white down, through which the young feathers protruded. Its little blue bill and yet grey eyes made it look not unlike an owl. I took it home, named it Nero, and provided it with small birds, at which it would scramble fiercely, although yet unable to tear their flesh, in which I assisted it. In a few weeks it grew very beautiful, and became so voracious, requiring a great number of birds daily, that I turned it out, to see how it would shift for itself. This proved a gratification to both of us: it soon hunted for grasshoppers and other insects, and on returning from my walks I now and then threw a dead bird high in the air, which it never failed to perceive from its stand, and towards which it launch- ed with such quickness as sometimes to catch it before it fell to the ground. The little fellow attracted the notice of his brothers, brought up hard by, who, accompanied by their parents, at first gave it chase, and forced it to take refuge behind one of the window-shutters, where it usually passed the night, but soon became gentler towards it, as if forgiving its desertion. My bird was fastidious in the choice of food, would not touch a Woodpecker, however fresh, and as he grew older, refused to eat birds that were in the least tainted. To the last he continued kind to me, and never failed to return Ent 4 Ae O4 THE AMERICAN SPARROW-HAWK. at night to his favourite roost behind the window-shutter. His courageous disposition often amused the family, as he would sail off from his stand, and fall on the back of a tame duck, which, setting up a loud quack, would waddle off in great alarm with the Hawk sticking to her. But,as has often happened to adventurers of similar spirit, his audacity cost him his life. A hen and her brood chanced to attract his notice, and he flew to secure one of the chickens, but met one whose parental affection inspired her with a courage greater than his own. The conflict, which was severe, ended the adventures of poor Nero. I have often observed birds of this species in the Southern States, and more especially in the Floridas, which were so much smaller than those met with in the Middle and Northern Districts, that I felt almost inclined to consider them different; but after studying their habits and voice, I became assured that they were the same. Another species allied to the present, and alluded to by Witson, has never made its appearance in our Southern States. American Sparrow-Hawk, Falco sparverius, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 117. Fatco sparverius, Bonap. Syn., p. 27. American Sparrow-Hawk, Falco sparverius, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 58. Fatco sparvertius, Little Rusty-crowned Falcon, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p- 3l. American Sparrow-Hawk, Falco sparverius, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 246; vol. v. p. 370. Adult Male. Upper part of the head and wing-coverts light greyish-blue, seven black spots round the head, and a light red patch on the crown; back light red, spotted with black; tail red, with a broad subterminal black band. Female with the head nearly as in the male; the back, wing-coverts, and tail banded with light red and dusky. Young similar to the female, but with more red on the head, which is streaked with dusky. Length 12 inches; extent of wings 22. Genus X.—ASTUR, Cuv. HAWK. Bill short, robust; its upper outline sloping, and nearly straight at the base, then decurved; cere short, bare above; edge of upper mandible with a festoon, succeeded by a broad sinus. Nostrils elliptical. Feet of moderate length; tarsi moderate or slender, feathered at least one-third of their length, broadly scutellate before and behind; first and second toes strongest and 4 mA Se nates shake Rievad DRY ag, we 5 PL23. eZ <—“Waua CU THE GOSHAWK. 95 equal, third much longer, and connected at the base by a web with the fourth, which is shortest; claws long, well curved, acuminate. Wings very broad, of moderate length, much rounded, fourth and fifth quills longest, first much shorter, outer four abruptly cut out on the inner web. ‘Tail long, much exceeding the wings, rounded. Those of more slender form, with proportionally longer tails and tarsi, are separated by many authors to form a group, to which the names of ccipiter and JVisus are given. THE GOSHAWK. + AstuR PALUMBARIUS, Linn. PLATE XXIII.—Apuitr Mate anp Youne. The Goshawk is of rare occurrence in most parts of the United States, and the districts of North America to which it usually retires to breed are as yet unknown. Some individuals nestle within the Union, others in the British provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, but the greater part seem to proceed farther north. I saw none, however, in Labrador, but was informed that they are plentiful in the wooded parts of Newfoundland. On returning from the north, they make their appearance in the Middle States about the beginning of September, and after that season range to very great distances. I have found them rather abundant in the lower parts of Kentucky and Indiana, and in severe winters I have seen a few even in Louisiana. In the Great Pine Forest of Pennsylvania, and at the Falls of Niagara, I have observed them breeding. During autumn and winter, they are common in Maine, as well as in Nova Scotia, where I have seen six or seven specimens that were procured by a single person in the course of a season. At Pictou, Professor MacCuttocu shewed me about a dozen well mounted specimens of both sexes, and of different ages, which he had procured in the neighbour- hood. In that country, they prey on hares, the Canada Grous, the Ruffed Grous, and Wild Ducks. In Maine, they are so daring as to come to the- very door of the farmer’s house, and carry off chickens and ducks with such rapidity as generally to elude all attempts to shoot them. When residing in Kentucky I shot a great number of these birds, particularly one cold winter, near Henderson, when I killed a dozen or more on the ice in Canoe Creek, where I generally surprised them by approaching the deep banks of that a elas jis 96 THE GOSHAWK. stream with eaution, and not unfrequently almost above them, when their _ escape was rendered rather difficult. They there caught Mallards with ease, and after killing them turned them belly upwards, and ate only the flesh of the breast, pulling the feathers with great neatness, and throwing them round the bird, as if it had been plucked by the hand of man. The flight of the Goshawk is extremely rapid and protracted. He sweeps along the margins of the fields, through the woods, and by the edges of ponds and rivers, with such speed as to enable him to seize his prey by merely deviating a few yards from his course, assisting himself on such occasions by his long tail, which, like a rudder, he throws to the right or left, upwards or downwards, to check his progress, or enable him suddenly to alter his course. At times he passes like a meteor through the underwood, where he secures squirrels and hares with ease. Should a flock of Wild Pigeons pass him when on these predatory excursions, he immediately gives chase, soon over- takes them, and forcing his way into the very centre of the flock, scatters them in confusion, when you may see him emerging with a bird in his talons, and diving towards the depth of the forest to feed upon his victim. When travelling, he flies high, with a constant beat of the wings, seldom moving in large circles like other Hawks, and when he does this, it is only a few times, in a hurried manner, after which he continues his journey. Along the Atlantic coast, this species follows the numerous flocks of ducks that are found there during autumn and winter, and greatly aids in the destruction of Mallards, Teals, Black Ducks, and other species, in company with the Peregrine Falcon. It is a restless bird, apparently more vigilant and industrious than many other Hawks, and seldom alights unless to devour its prey; nor can I recollect ever having seen one alighted for many minutes at a time without having a bird in its talons. When thus engaged with its prey, it stands nearly upright, and in general, when perched, it keeps itself more erect than most species of Hawk. It is extremely expert at catching Snipes on the wing, and so well do these birds know their insecurity, that, on his approach, they prefer squatting. When the Passenger Pigeons are abundant in the western country, the Goshawk follows their close masses, and subsists upon them. A single Hawk suffices to spread the greatest terror among their ranks, and the moment he sweeps towards a flock, the whole immediately dive into the deepest woods, where, notwithstanding their great speed, the marauder suc- ceeds in clutching the fattest. While travelling along the Ohio, I observed several Hawks of this species in the train of millions of these Pigeons. Towards the evening of the same day, I saw one abandoning its course, to give chase to a large flock of Crow Blackbirds (Quiscalus versicolor), then crossing the river. The Hawk approached them with the swiftness of an THE GOSHAWEK. 97 arrow, when the Blackbirds rushed together so closely that the flock looked like a dusky ball passing through the air. On reaching the mass, he, with the greatest ease, seized first one, then another, and another, giving each a squeeze with his talons, and suffering it to drop upon the water. In this manner, he had procured four or five before the poor birds reached the woods, into which they instantly plunged, when he gave up the chase, swept over the water in graceful curves, and picked up the fruits of his industry, carrying each bird singly to the shore. Reader, is this instinct or reason? The nest of the Goshawk is placed on the branches of a tree, near the trunk or main stem. It is of great size, and resembles that of our Crow, or some species of Owl, being constructed of withered twigs and coarse grass, with a lining of fibrous stripes of plants resembling hemp. It is, however, much flatter than that of the Crow. In one I found, in the month of April, three egys, ready to be hatched; they were of a dull bluish-white, sparingly spotted with light reddish-brown. In another, which I found placed on a pine tree, growing on the eastern rocky bank of the Niagara River, a few miles below the Great Cataract, the lining was formed of withered herbaceous plants, with a few feathers, and the eggs were four in number, of a white colour, tinged with greenish-blue, large, much rounded, and somewhat granu- lated. In another nest were four young birds, covered with buff coloured down, their legs and feet of a pale yellowish flesh colour, the bill light blue, and the eyes pale grey. They differed greatly in size, one being quite ‘small compared with the rest. I am of opinion that few breed to the south of the State of Maine. The variations of the plumage exhibited by the Goshawk are numerous. I have seen some with horizontal bars, of a large size, on the breast, and blotches of white on the back and shoulders, while others had the first of these parts covered with delicate transverse lines, the shaft of each feather being brown or black, and were of a plain cinereous tint above. The young, which at first have but few scattered dashes of brown beneath, are at times thickly mottled with that, and each feather of the back and wings is broadly edged with dull white. My opinion respecting the identity of the American Goshawk and that of Europe, is still precisely the same as it was some years ago, when I wrote a paper on the subject, which was published in the Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science. I regret differing on this point from such Ornithologists as Coartes Bonaparte and M. Temmincx; but, after due consideration, I cannot help thinking these birds the same. The figure of the adult was drawn at Henderson, in Kentucky, many years ago. That of the young bird was taken from a specimen shot in the Great Pine Forest in Pennsylvania. Vou. I. 15 98 COOPER’S HAWK. a AsH-coLoureD or Biack-capPeD Hawk, Falco atricapillus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 80. Fatco paLumparius, Bonap. Syn., p. 28. American GosHawk, Falco atricapillus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 85. Accipirer (AsTuR) PALUMBARIUS, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 39. Gosuawk, Falco palumbarius, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 241. Adult male, dark bluish-grey above, the tail with four broad bands of blackish-brown, the upper part of the head greyish-black; a white band, with black lines, over the eyes; lower parts white, narrowly barred with grey, and longitudinally streaked with dark brown. Young, brown above, the feathers edged with reddish-white, the head and hind neck pale red, streaked with blackish-brown, the lower parts yellowish-white, with oblong longitudinal dark brown spots. Length 24 inches; extent of wings 47. a COOPER’S HAWK. ~Asrur Coorert, Bonap. PLATE XXIV.—Mate anp Femate. The flight of the Cooper’s Hawk is rapid, protracted, and even. It is per- formed at a short height above the ground or through the forest. It passes along in a silent gliding manner, with a swiftness even superior to that of the Wild Pigeon (Columba migratoria), seldom deviating from a straight- forward course, unless to seize and secure its prey. Now and then, but seldom unless after being shot at, it mounts in the air in circles, of which it describes five or six in a hurried manner, and again plunging downwards, continues its journey as before. The daring exploits performed by this Hawk, which have taken place in my presence, are very numerous, and I shall relate one or two of them. This marauder frequently attacks birds far superior to itself in weight, and sometimes possessed of courage equal to its own. As I was one morning observing the motions of some Parakeets near Bayou Sara, in ae State of Louisiana, in the month of November, I heard a Cock crowing not ar from me, and in sight of a farm-house. The Cooper’s Hawk the 1e: flew past me, and so close that I might have touched it with ‘the’ Barre! of my gun, had I been prepared. Its wings struck with extraordinary rapidity, and its tail appeared as if closed. Not more than a few seconds elapsed before I heard the cackling of the Hens, and the war-cry of the Cock, and at Ne5 Pl. 24 Coocheer J Hau Le . Av aihar ; ; , adubon | Pa h®* Printed & Col bw cu, Phila COOPER’S HAWK. : 99 the same time observed the Hawk rising, as if without effort, a few yards in the air, and again falling towards the ground with the rapidity of lightning. I proceeded to the spot, and found the Hawk grappled to the body of the Cock, both tumbling over and over, and paying no attention to me as I approached. JDesirous of seeing the result, I remained still, until perceiving that the Hawk had given a fatal squeeze to the brave Cock, I ran to secure the former; but the marauder had kept a hawk’s eye upon me, and, disen- gaging himself, rose in the air in full confidence. The next moment I pulled a trigger, and he fell dead to the ground. It proved a young male, such as you see, kind reader, represented in the Plate, pursuing a lovely Blue-bird © nearly exhausted. The Cock was also dead; its breast was torn, and its neck pierced in several places by the sharp claws of the Hawk. Some years afterwards, not far from the famed Falls of Niagara, in the month of June, one of these Hawks, which on being examined proved to be a female, attacked a brood of young chickens, yet under the care of their mother. It had just struck one of the chickens, and was on the eve of carrying it off in its claws, when the hen, having perceived the murderous deed, flew against the Hawk with such force as to throw it fairly on its back, when the intrepid mother so effectively assailed the miscreant with feet and bill, as to enable me, on running up, to secure the latter. This species frequently kills and eats the Grous commonly called the Pheasant (Zetrao Umbellus). Partridges and young hares are also favourite dainties. It also follows the Wild Pigeons in their migrations, and always causes fear and confusion in their ranks. It breeds in the mountainous districts of the Middle and Northern States, to which it returns early in spring from the Southern States, where it spends the winter in considerable numbers, and is known by the name of the Great Pigeon Hawk. The nest is usually placed in the forks of the branch of an Oak tree, towards its extremity. In its general appearance it resembles that of the Common Crow, for which I have several times mistaken it. It is composed externally of numerous crooked sticks, and has a slight lining of grasses and a few feathers. The eggs are three or four, almost globular, large for the size of the bird, of a dullish white colour, strongly granulated, and conse- quently rough to the touch. It was on discovering one of these nests that I wounded the second adult male which I have seen, but which never returned to its nest, on which I afterwards shot the female represented in the Plate, in the act of pouncing. I have several times found other nests of birds of this species, but the owners were not in full plumage, and their eyes had not obtained the rich orange colouring of the adult birds. Those which I have observed near the Falls of Niagara were generally 100 SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. engaged in pursuing Red-winged Starlings over the marshes of the neigh- bourhood. When this Hawk is angry, it raises the feathers of the upper part of the head, so as to make them appear partially tufted. The ery at this time may be represented by the syllable kee, kee, kee, repeated eight or ten times in rapid succession, and much resembling that of the Pigeon-Hawk (Falco columbarius) or the European Kestril. The young of this species bear no resemblance to those of the Goshawk. Coorer’s Hawk, Falco Cooperit, Bonap. Amer. Om. Young. Fatco Cooreru, Bonap. Syn., App., p. 433. Young. Stantey Haws, Falco Stanleii, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 245. Adult Male. Stantey Hawk, Falco Stanleit, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 186. Young. Adult Male. Tail rounded, tarsi moderately stout. Adult male dull bluish-grey above; the tail with four broad bands of blackish-brown, and tipped with white; the upper part of the head greyish-black; lower parts transversely barred with light red and white, the throat white, longitudinally streaked. Female simi- lar, with the bands on the breast broader. Young umber-brown above, more or less spotted with white, the tail with four blackish-brown bars; lower parts white, each feather with a longitudinal narrow, oblong, brown spot. Male, 20, 36. Female, 22, 38. SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. +AsturR Fuscus, Gmel. PLATE XXV.—Mate anp Femate. It is mentioned in the Fauna Boreali-Americana, that a specimen of this bird was killed in the vicinity of Moose Factory, and that it has been deposited by the Hudson’s Bay Company in the Zoological Museum of London. This specimen I have not seen, but confiding entirely in the accuracy of every fact mentioned by the authors of that work, I here adduce it as a proof of the extraordinary range of this species in America, which from the extreme north extends to our most southern limits, perhaps far beyond them, during its autumnal and winter migrations. I have met with it in every State or Territory of the Union that I have visited. In the spring of 1837, it was abundant in Texas, where it appeared to be travelling east- Pl.25 Lor (CL, Wes MMMM Lith? Printed & Col® by 3.7 Bowen. Philad* SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. — 10] ward. I have a specimen procured by Mr. Townsenp in the neighbourhood of the Columbia River; and, when on my way towards Labrador, I met with it plentifully as far as the southern shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, beyond which, however, none were observed by me or any of my party. I never saw this daring little marauder on wing without saying or think- ing “There goes the miniature of the Goshawk!” Indeed, reader, the shortness of the wings of the Sharp-shinned Hawk, its long tail, although almost perfectly even, instead of being rounded as in the Goshawk, added to its irregular, swift, vigorous, varied, and yet often undecided manner of flight, greatly protracted however on occasion, have generally impressed upon me the idea alluded to. While in search of prey, the Sharp-shinned Hawk passes over the country, now at a moderate height, now close over the land, in so swift a manner that, although your eye has marked it, you feel surprised that the very next moment it has dashed off and is far away. In fact it is usually seen when least expected, and almost always but for a few moments, unless when it has procured some prey, and is engaged in feeding upon it. The kind of vacillation or wavering with which it moves through the air appears perfectly adapted to its wants, for -it undoubtedly enables this little warrior to watch and to see at a single quick glance of its keen eyes every object, whether to the right or to the left, as it pursues its course. It advances by sudden dashes, as if impetuosity of movement was essential to its nature, and pounces upon or strikes such objects as best suit its appetite; but so very suddenly that it appears quite hopeless for any of them to try to escape. Many have been the times, reader, when watching this vigilant, active, and industrious bird, I have seen it plunge headlong among the briary patches of one of our old fields, in defiance of all thorny obstacles, and, passing through, emerge on the other side, bearing off with exultation in its sharp claws a Sparrow or Finch, which it had surprised when at rest. At other times I have seen two or three of these Hawks, acting in concert, fly at a Golden-winged Woodpecker while alighted against the bark of a tree, where it thought itself secure, but was suddenly clutched by one of the Hawks throwing as it were its long legs forward with the quickness of thought, protruding its sharp talons, and thrusting them into the back of the devoted bird, while it was endeavouring to elude the harassing attacks of another, by hopping and twisting round the tree. Then down to the ground assailants and assailed would fall, the Woodpecker still offering great resistance, until a second Hawk would also seize upon it, and with claws deeply thrust into its vitals, put an end to its life; when both the marauders would at once commence their repast. On several such occasions, I have felt much pleasure in rescuing different species of birds from the grasp of the little tyrant, as whenever it seizes one Nha a 102 0«* SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. too heavy to be carried off, it drops to the ground with it, and, being close by, I have forced it to desist from committing further mischief, as it fears man quite as much as its poor quarry dreads itself. One of these occurrences, which happened in the neighbourhood of Charleston, in South Carolina, is thus related in my journal. | Whilst walking one delightful evening in autumn, along the fine hedge- row formed by the luxuriant Rocky Mountain rose-bushes, I observed a male of this species alighted in an upright position on the top bar of a fence opposite to me. I marked it with particular attention, to see what might follow. The Hawk saw me as plainly as I did him, and kept peeping now at me and now at some part of the hedge opposite, when suddenly, and with the swiftness of an arrow, it shot past me, entered the briars, and the next instant was moving off with a Brown Thrush, Zurdus rufus, in its talons. The Thrush, though seized by the sharp claws of the marauder, seemed too heavy for him to carry far, and I saw both falling to the ground. On running up, I observed the anxiety of the Hawk as I approached, and twice saw it attempt to rise on wing to carry off its prize; but it was unable to do so, and ~ before it could disengage itself I was able to secure both. The Thrush must — have been killed almost instantaneously, for, on examining it, I found it quite dead. My friend Tuomas Nurra tz, Esq., tells us that in the “thinly settled parts of the States of Georgia and Alabama, this Hawk seems to abound, and proves extremely destructive to young chickens, a single one having been known regularly to come every day until he had carried away between twenty and thirty. At noon-day, while I was conversing with a planter, one of these Hawks came down, and without ceremony, or heeding the loud eries of the housewife, who most reluctantly witnessed the robbery, snatched away a chicken before us.”’ Again, while speaking of the wild and violent manner of this bird, he adds, “descending furiously and blindly upon its quarry, a young Hawk of this species, broke through the glass of the green- house at the Cambridge Botanic Garden; and fearlessly passing through a second glass partition, he was only brought up by the third, and caught, though little stunned by the effort. His wing-feathers were much torn by the glass, and his flight in this way so impeded as to allow of his being approached.”’ Whilst travelling to some distance, the Sharp-shinned Hawk flies high, though in a desultory manner, with irregular quick flappings of the wings, and at times, as if to pause for awhile and examine the objects below, moves in short and unequal circles, after which it is seen to descend rapidly, and then follow its course at the height of only a few feet from the ground, visiting as it were every clump of low bushes or briar patches likely to be 3 + oy > ~“ * ty . LF SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. 103. supplied with the smaller birds, on which it principally feeds. Again, after haying satisfied its hunger, this little warrior at times rises to a great height, and indeed now and then is scarcely discernible from the ground. I found a nest of this Hawk in a hole of the well-known “Rock-in-cave” on the Ohio River, in the early part of the spring of 1819. It was simply’ constructed, having been formed of a few sticks and some grasses carelessly interwoven, and placed about two feet from the entrance of the hole. I had the good fortune to secure the female bird, while she was sitting on her eggs, which were nearly hatched, and it was from that individual that I made the figure in the plate. The eggs, four in number, were almost equally rounded at both ends, though somewhat elongated, and their ground colour was white, with a livid tinge, scarcely discernible however amid the nume- rous markings and blotches of reddish-chocolate with which they were irre- gularly covered. The second opportunity which I had of seeing a nest of this species, occurred not far from Louisville in Kentucky; when I accidentally observed one of these Hawks dive into the hollow prong of a broken branch of a sycamore overhanging the waters of the Ohio. Here the eggs were five in number, and deposited on the mouldering fragments of the decayed wood. The third and last opportunity happened when I was on my way from Henderson to St. Genevieve, on horseback. I saw a pair of these birds forming a nest in the forks of a low oak, in a grove in the centre of the prairie which I was then crossing. ‘The young in the nest I have never seen. This interesting species usually resorts to the fissures of rocks for the purpose of there passing the hours of repose, and generally in places by no means easy of access, such as precipitous declivities overhanging some turbu- lent stream. It is often not until the darkness has so much gained on the daylight as to render objects difficult to be distinguished, that it betakes itself to its place of rest, and then I have only been assured of its arrival by the few cries which it utters on such occasions. The earliness of its departure has often much puzzled me, for with all my anxiety to witness it, I have never succeeded in doing so, although on two or three occasions I have watched the spot more than half an hour before dawn, and remained patiently waiting until long after the sun had risen, when I clambered to the hole, and always found it empty. The food of this Hawk consists chiefly of birds of various sizes, from the smallest of our warblers to the Passenger Pigeon or young chickens, the latter appearing to afford a special temptation to it, as has been above related. I am also aware that it feeds occasionally on small reptiles and insects, and I shot the male represented in the plate, on wing, whilst it held in its claws the small Shrew also represented. It is extremely expert at seizing some of ss t . ee * 4 * ‘6 oie ¢ * Pi ae ,* sa hy 104. SHARP-SHINNED OR SLATE-COLOURED HAWK. our smaller snakes and livard®, and not bee ass anc snatches up a frog while basking in the sun. The difference of size observed between the males and females, as well as between individuals of the same sex, is very remarkable; and no doubt it was on account of this very great disparity that Wrtson described specimens of each sex as distinct species. Its notes are short, shrill, and repeated in a hurried manner, when the bird is wounded and brought to the ground. It often emits cries of this kind while falling, but suddenly becomes silent when it comes to the earth, and then makes off swiftly, with long and light leaps, keeping seat until approached. Although a small bird, it possesses considerable muscular power, and its extremely sharp claws are apt to inflict severe pain, should a person lay hold of it incautiously. StatTe-cotourep Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 13. Adult Male. SHarp-sHiInNED Hawk, Falco velox, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 116. Young Female. Fatco vetox, Bonap. Syn., p. 29. Fatco Fuscus, Bonap. Syn., Append., p. 433. ; Accipirer Pennsytvanicus, Slate-coloured Hawk, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Arner vol. li. p. 44. ' American Brown or Stare-cotoureD Hawk, Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 87. SHArP-SHINNED or SLATE-coLoureD Hawk, Falco fuscus, Aud. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 522. Adult. Tail even, tarsi extremely slender. Adult male bluish-grey above; the tail with four broad bands of blackish-brown, and tipped with white; upper part of head darker; lower parts transversely barred with light red and white, the throat white, longitudinally streaked. Female similar, more tinged with yellow beneath, and’ with the bands on the breast broader. Young umber- brown above, more or less spotted with white, the tail with four dark brown bars; lower parts white, each feather with a longitudinal narrow, oblong, brown spot. Miniature of Falco Cooperii, and intimately allied to Astur Nisus. Male 114, 203. Female 14, 26. “e z ay “x N°6. z, Zoe DPICC. pe Drawn from Nature by J..J_Audubon.F.R.S.F.L.S Lith? Printed & Col* by J.T Bowen. Philad* 105 : Genvs XI.—CIRCUS, Bechst. HARRIER. Bill short, compressed; upper mandible with the dorsal line sloping to beyond the cere, then decurved, the sides sloping, the edge with a festoon a little anterior to the nostril, the tip acute; lower mandible with the dorsal line ascending and convex, the tip rounded. Nostrils large, ovato-oblong, with an oblique ridge from their upper edge. Head of moderate size, oblong, neck rather short; body slender. Legs long and slender; tarsi long, com- pressed, anteriorly and posteriorly scutellate; toes slender, scutellate unless at the base; claws long, compressed, moderately curved, flat beneath, acumi- nate. Plumage very soft; a distinct ruff of narrow feathers from behind the eye on each side to the chin, the aperture of the ear being very large. Wings long, much rounded, the fourth quill longest; outer four quills with their inner webs sinuate. ‘Tail straight, long, slightly rounded. Quills and tail feathers covered with velvety down. MARSH HAWK. , Circus cyaneus, Linn. PLATE XXVI. This species visits the greater part of the United States. Dr. Ricuarpson procured some specimens in latitude 65° north, and Mr. Townsrenp found it on the plains of the Columbia River, as well as on the extensive prairies bordering on the Missouri. I have met with it in Newfoundland and Labrador on the one hand, in Texas on the other, and in every intermediate portion of the country. The flight of the Marsh Hawk, although light and elegant, cannot be said to be either swift or strong; but it is well sustained, and this may be accounted for on comparing the small size and weight of its body with the great extent of its wings and tail, which are proportionally larger than those of any other American Hawk. While searching for prey, it performs most of its rambles by rather irregular sailings; by which I mean that it frequently deviates from a straight course, peeping hither and thither among the tall grasses of the marshes, prairies, or meadows, or along the briary edges of Vou. I. 16 106 MARSH HAWK. : our fields. It is seldom indeed seen to chase birds on wing, although I have met with a few instances; nor is it much in the habit of carrying its quarry to any distance; for generally as it observes an object suited to its appetite, it suddenly checks its speed, and almost poising itself by a few flaps of its wings, drops with astonishing quickness on its unfortunate victim, which it usually tears to pieces and devours on the spot. If disappointed, however, it rises as quickly as it dropped, and proceeds as before. Whilst engaged in feeding, it may very easily be approached, surprised, and shot, by an expe- rienced sportsman, for it rises in a flurried manner, and generally cuts a few curious zig-zags at the outset. To obtain it, one has only to mark the spot with accuracy, keep his eye upon it, and advance with his gun in readiness, for he will probably get within a few yards before the bird rises. I have frequently seen it shot in this manner. At other times, by watching its: beats over a field or meadow, one may obtain a good opportunity by conceal- ing himself near a spot where he has seen it miss its object, as it is sure to repass there in a short time, at all events before it removes to another field. When wounded and brought to the ground, it makes off on the approach of its enemy by long leaps, and at times so swiftly that great exertion is requi- site to overtake it; and when this is accomplished, it throws itself on its back, strikes furiously, and can inflict pretty severe wounds with its very sharp claws. This species flies very high at times, and in a direct course, as if intent on proceeding to some great distance; but as I observed that this frequently occurred when the bird was satiated with food, I have thought that it pre- ferred this method of favouring digestion, to its more usual mode of sitting on the top of a fence rail, and there remaining quiet until again roused by the feeling of hunger. I have often seen it, after sailing about in circles for a long while, half-close its wings, and come towards the ground, cutting curious zig-zags, until within a few feet of it, when it would resume its usual elegant and graceful mode of proceeding. I have observed it in our western prairies in autumn moving in flocks of twenty, thirty, or even so many as forty individuals, and appearing to be migrating, as they passed along at a height of fifty or sixty yards, without paying any attention to the objects below; but on all these occasions I could never find that they were bent on any general course more than another; as some days a flock would be proceeding southward, on the next to the north- ward or eastward. Many times have I seen them follow the grassy margins of our great streams, such as the Ohio and Mississippi, at the approach of winter, as if bent on going southward, but have become assured that they were merely attracted by the vast multitudes of Finches or Sparrows of various sorts which are then advancing in that direction. oe MARSH HAWK. 107 In winter, the notes which the Marsh Hawk emits while on wing, are sharp, and sound like the syllables pee, pee, pee, the first slightly pronounced, the last louder, much prolonged, and ending plaintively. During the love- season, its ery more resembles that of our Pigeon Hawk, especially when the males meet, they being apparently tenacious of their assumed right to a certain locality, as well as to the female of their choice. The Marsh Hawk breeds in many parts of the United States, as well as beyond our limits to the north and south in which it finds a place suited to its habits; as is the case with the Blue-winged Teal, and several other species, which have until now been supposed to retreat to high latitudes for the purpose. That many make choice of the more northern regions, and return southward in autumn, is quite certain; but in all probability an equal number remain within the confines of the United States to breed. It is by no means restricted to the low lands of the sea-shores during the breeding season, for I have found its nest in the Barrens of Kentucky, and even on the cleared table-lands of the Alleghany Mountains and their spurs. In one instance, I found it in the high-covered pine-barrens of the Floridas, although I have never seen one on a tree; and the few cases of its nest having been placed on low trees or bushes, may have been caused by the presence of dangerous quadrupeds, or their having been more than once disturbed or robbed of their eggs or young, when their former nests had been placed on the ground. Many birds of this species breed before they have obtained their full plumage. I have several times found a male bird in brown plumage paired with a female which had eggs; but such a circumstance is not singular, for the like occurs in many species of different families. I have never met with a nest in situations like those described by some European writers as those in which the Hen-Harrier breeds; but usually on level parts of the country, or flat pieces of land that are sometimes met with in hilly districts. As I am well aware, however, that birds adapt the place and even the form and materials of their nests to circumstances, I cannot admit that such a difference is by any means sufficient to prove that birds similar in all other respects, are really different from each other. If it be correct, as has been stated, that the male of the European bird deserts the female as soon as incubation commences, this indeed would form a decided difference; but as such a habit has not been observed in any other Hawk, it requires to be confirmed. Our Marsh Hawks, after being paired, invariably keep together, and labour con- jointly for the support of their family, until the young are left to shift for themselves. This is equally the case with every Hawk with which I am acquainted. Having considerable doubts as to whether any American writer who has 5 ee 108 MARSH HAWK. spoken of the Marsh Hawk ever saw one of its nests, I will here describe one found on Galveston Island by my son Joun Woopuouss, and carefully examined by him as well as by my friend Epwarp Harris and myself. As is usually the case when in a low and flat district, this was placed about a hundred yards from a pond, on the ground, upon a broom-sedge ridge, about two feet above the level of the surrounding salt marsh. It was made of dry grass, and measured between seven and eight inches in its internal diameter, with a depth of two inches and a half, while its external diameter was twelve inches. The grass was pretty regularly and compactly disposed, especially in the interior, on which much care seemed to have been bestowed. No feathers or other materials had been used in its construction, not even a twig. The eggs were four, smooth, considerably rounded, or broadly ellip- tical, bluish-white, an inch and three-quarters in length, an inch and a quarter in breadth. ‘The two birds were procured, and their measurements carefully entered in my journal, as well as those of others obtained in various parts of the United States and of the British Provinces. A nest found on the Alle- ghanies was placed under a low bush, in an open spot of scarcely half an acre. It was constructed in the same manner as the one described above, but was more bulky, the bed being about four inches from the earth. The eggs, although of the same form and colour, were slightly sprinkled with small marks of pale reddish-brown. In general, the Marsh Hawks scoop the ground, for the purpose of fixing their nest to the spot. On returning to London, in the summer of 1837, I shewed several of the eggs of the Ameri- ean bird to Witt1Am YARRELL, Esq., who at once pronounced them to belong to the Hen-Harrier; and on comparing their measurements with those of the eggs described by my friend Wirx1am Maceiriivray, I find that they agree perfectly. The young are at first covered with soft yellowish-white down, but in a few weeks shew the brownish and ferruginous tints of their female parent; the young males being distinguishable from the females by their smaller size. I have found a greater number of barren females in this species than in any other; and to this I in part attribute their predominance over the males. The food of the Marsh Hawk consists of insects of various kinds, especially crickets, of small lizards, frogs, snakes, birds, principally the smaller sorts, although it will attack Partridges, Plovers, and even Green-winged Teals, when urged by excessive hunger. The only instance in which I have seen this bird carry any prey in its talons on wing, happened on the 2nd of April, 1887, at the South-West Pass of the Mississippi, when I was in company with Epwarp Harris, Esq. and my son Jonn Woopuouse. A Marsh Hawk was seen to seize a bird on its nest, perhaps a Marsh Wren, Troglo- dytes palustris, and carry it off in its talons with the nest! A pair were - MARSH HAWKE. 109 hovering over the marsh during the whole of our stay, and probably had a nest thereabout. It is rather a cowardly bird however, for on several occa- sions when I was in the Floridas, where it is abundant, I saw it chase a Salt-water Marsh Hen, Rallus crepitans, which courageously sprung up, and striking at its enemy, forced it off. My friend Joun Bacuman has frequently observed similar occurrences in the neighbourhood of Charleston. Whenever it seizes a bird on wing, it almost at once drops to the ground with it, and if in an exposed place, hops off with its prey to the nearest concealment. In autumn, after the young have left their parents, they hunt in packs. This I observed on several occasions when on my way back from Labrador. In Nova Scotia, on the 27th of August, we procured nearly a whole pack, by concealing ourselves, but did not see an adult male. These birds are fond of searching for prey over the same fields, removing from one plantation to another, and returning with a remarkable degree of regularity, and this apparently for a whole season, if not a longer period. My friend Joun BacuMan observed a beautiful old male which had one of its primaries cut short by a shot, regularly return to the same rice-field during the whole of the autumn and winter, and believes that the same individual revisits the same spot annually. When satiated with food, the Marsh Hawk may be seen perched on a fence-stake for more than an hour, standing motionless. On horseback I have approached them on such occasions near enough to see the colour of their eyes, before they would reluctantly open their wings, and remove to another stake not far distant, where they would probably remain until digestion was accomplished. I have never seen this species searching for food in the dusk. Indeed, in our latitudes, when the orb of day has withdrawn from our sight, the twilight is so short, and the necessity of providing a place of safety for the night so imperious in birds that are not altogether nocturnal, that I doubt whether the Marsh Hawk, which has perhaps been on wing the greater part of the day, and has had many opportunities of procuring food, would continue its flight for the sake of the scanty fare which it might perchance procure at a time when few birds are abroad, and when quadrupeds only are awakening from their daily slumber. Witson must have been misinformed by some one unacquainted with the arrival and departure of this species, as well as of the Rice Bird, in South Carolina, when he was induced to say that the Marsh Hawk “is particularly serviceable to the rice-fields of the Southern States, by the havoc it makes among the clouds of Rice Buntings that spread such devastation among the grain, in its early stages. As it sails low, and swiftly, over the surface of the field, it keeps the flocks in perpetual fluctuation, and greatly interrupts 110 MARSH HAWK. © their depredations. The planters consider one Marsh Hawk to be equal to several Negroes for alarming the Rice Birds.’? Now, good reader, my friend Joan Bacuman, who has resided more than twenty years in South Carolina, and who is a constant student of nature, and perhaps more especially atten- tive to the habits of birds, informs me that the Marsh Hawk is proportionally rare in that State, and that it only makes its appearance there after the Rice Birds have left the country for the south, and retires at the approach of spring, before they have arrived. Marsu Hawk, Falco uliginosus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 67. Young Female. Fatco cyanevs, Bonap. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 30. Hen-Harrier or Marso Hawk, Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 109. Marsu Haws, Falco cyaneus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 396. Burro (Circus) cyaneus? var? Americanus, American Hen-Harrier, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 55. Adult male, light ash-grey; abdomen, tail-coverts, lower wing-coverts, inner webs of secondary quills and tail-feathers white, primaries black toward the end. Female, umber-brown above, head, hind neck and scapulars streaked with light red; tail-coverts white; tail banded with light red; lower parts light yellowish-red, the neck streaked with brown. Young like the female, but lighter. Male, 193, 44. Female, 204, 463. Guat Sy ae a K “is 7 N°6 Ta, 2 Cie Be ALE vA { i Lith? Printed & Colt lw Ji owen Pimlad® Urawa bron Nature te J.J. Auhbon F.KS.FLS Itl FAMILY III. STRIGINAX. OWLS. Bill very short, strong, cerate; upper mandible with the tip elongated and decurved; lower mandible with the end rounded and thin-edged. Head extremely large, owing to the wide separation of the tables of the cranium, roundish, more or less vertically flattened behind, feathered. Eyes exces- sively large, with prominent superciliary ridges, and encircled by series of decomposed feathers. External aperture of ear always very large, frequently excessive, simple or operculate. Tarsus short, very short, or of moderate length, always feathered, as are the toes, of which the outer is versatile, the first shorter than the second, the anterior free; claws very long, slender, curved, extremely acute. Plumage very full and soft. Wings long, broad, rounded, the second, third, and fourth quills longest, the filaments of the outer more or less enlarged and recurved at the end. ‘Tail broad, rather short or of moderate length, of twelve feathers. C&sophagus very wide, without crop or dilatation; stomach very large, round, somewhat membranous, its muscular fasciculi being placed in a single series; intestine short and wide; cceca large, oblong, obtuse, narrowed at the base. Young at first covered with light-coloured down, when fledged, with the face darker than that of adults. Eggs white, somewhat globular or broadly ovate, from four to six. Nests rudely constructed, in hollow trees, on branches, in buildings, or on the ground. Genus I.—SURNIA, Dumeril. DAY-OWL. Bill very short, strong, its upper outline decurved from the base; lower mandible abruptly rounded, with a sinus on each side. Nostrils elliptical, rather large. Aperture of ear elliptical, simple, not more than half the height of the head. Feet strong; tarsi very short or of moderate length. Plumage rather dense; facial disks incomplete above. Wings very large, the third quill longest, the first with the filaments thickened and a little free, but scarcely recurved at the end. ‘Tail varying in length. » ao" HAWK OWL. + Surnra Funerea, Gmel. a F. PLATE XXVIII. i It is always disagreeable to an author to come forward when he has little of importance to communicate to the reader, and on no occasion have I felt this more keenly than on the present, when introducing to your notice an Owl, of which the habits, although unknown to me, must be highly interest- ing, as it seems to assimilate in some degree to the diurnal birds of prey. I have never seen it alive, and therefore can only repeat what has been said by one who has. Dr. Ricuarpson gives the following account of it in the Fauna Boreali-Americana:— “It is a common species throughout the Fur Countries from Hudson’s Bay to the Pacific, and is more frequently killed than any other by the hunters, which may be partly attributed to its boldness and its habit of flying about by day. In the summer season it feeds principally on mice and insects; but in the snow-clad regions which it frequents in the winter, neither of these are to be procured, and it then preys mostly on Ptarmigan. It is a constant attendant on the flocks of Ptarmigan in their spring migrations to the north- ward. It builds its nest on a tree, of sticks, grass, and feathers, and lays two white eggs. When the hunters are shooting Grous, this bird is occasionally attracted by the report of the gun, and is often bold enough, on a bird being killed, to pounce down upon it, though it may be unable from its size to carry it off. It is also known to hover round the fires made by the natives at night.”’ I lately received a letter from my friend Dr. THomas M. Brewer, of Boston, Massachusetts, in which he informs me that “the Hawk Owl is very common at Memphramagog Lake in Vermont, where as many as a dozen ~ may be obtained by a good gunner in the course of a single day. Its nests © in the hollow trees are also frequently met with.” It is surprising that none should have been seen by Mr. Nurrarr or Mr. Townsenp while crossing the Rocky Mountains, or on the Columbia River; especially as it has been found by my friend Epwarp Harris, Esq. as far southward on our eastern coast as New Jersey. Hawk Ow1, Sirix hudsonica, Wils., vol. vi. p. 64. Strix FUNEREA, Bonap. Syn., p. 35. THE SNOWY OWL. 113 Hawk Ow1, Strix funerea, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 115. Hawk Ow1, Strix funerea, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 550, Male and Female. Tail long, much rounded, the lateral feathers two inches shorter than the middle. Upper part of head brownish-black, closely spotted with white, hind neck black, with two broad longitudinal bands of white spots; rest of upper parts dark brown, spotted with white; tail with eight transverse bars of white, the feathers tipped with the same; facial disks greyish-white, margined with black; lower parts transversely barred with brown and dull white. Male, 153#, 314. Female, 174. THE SNOWY OWL. +Surnia nyorea, Linn. PLATE XXVIII.—Mate anp FEeMAte. This beautiful bird is merely a winter visitor of the United States, where it is seldom seen before the month of November, and whence it retires as early as the beginning of February. It wanders at times along the sea coast, as far as Georgia. I have occasionally seen it in the lower parts of Kentucky, and in the State of Ohio. It is more frequently met with in Pennsylvania and the Jerseys; but in Massachusetts and Maine it is far more abundant than in any other parts of the Union. The Snowy Owl hunts during the day, as well as in the dusk. Its flight is firm and protracted, although smooth and noiseless. It passes swiftly over its hunting ground, seizes its prey by instantaneously falling on it, and generally devours it on the spot. When the objects of its pursuit are on wing, such as ducks, grous, or pigeons, it gains upon them by urging its “speed, and strikes them somewhat in the manner of the Peregrine Falcon. It is fond of the neighbourhood of rivers and small streams, having in their course cataracts or shallow rapids, on the borders of which it seizes on fishes, in the manner of our wild cat. It also watches the traps set for musk-rats, and devours the animals caught in them. Its usual food, while it remains with us, consists of hares, squirrels, rats, and fishes, portions of all of which Ihave found in its stomach. In several fine specimens which I examined immediately after being killed, I found the stomach to be extremely thin, Vou. I. 17 Pe : 2 ies : is 114 THE SNOWY OWL. ee = » ee soft, and eps of great extension. In one of them I found tl e who! e of 8 large house-rat, in pieces of considerable size, the head and fhe @aliealn oct entire. This bird was very fat, and its intestines, which were thin, and so small as not to exceed a fourth of an inch in diameter, measured 42 feet in length. * When skinned, the ebay of the Snowy Owl appears at first sight compact | and very muscular, for the breast is large, as are the thighs and legs, these parts being covered with much flesh of a fine and delicate appearance, very much resembling that of a chicken, and not disagreeable eating, but the thorax is very narrow for so large a bird. The keel of the breast-bone is fully an inch deep at its junction with the fourchette, which is wide. The heart and liver are large; the cesophagus is extremely wide, enabling the bird to swallow very large portions of its food at once. The skin may be drawn over the head without any difficulty, and from the body with ease. The male weighs 4 lbs., the female 4? lbs., avoirdupois. The observations which I have made induce me to believe that the pure and rich light yellowish whiteness of this species belongs to both sexes after a certain age. I have shot specimens which were, as I thought, so young as to be nearly of a uniform light-brown tint, and which puzzled me for several years, as I had at first conceived them to be of a different species. This, indeed, led me to think that, when young, these birds are brown. Others were more or less marked with broad transverse lines of deep brown or black; but I have seen specimens of both sexes perfectly free from spots, excepting on the occiput, where I have never missed them. Scarcely is there a winter which does not bring several of these hardy natives of the north to the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville. At the break of day, one morning, when I Jay hidden in a pile of drift logs, at that place, waiting for a shot at some wild geese, I had an opportunity of seeing this Owl secure fish in the following manner:—While watching for their prey on the borders of the “pots,’’ they invariably lay flat on the rock, with the body placed lengthwise along the border of the hole, the head also laid down, but turned towards the water. One might have supposed the bird sound asleep, as it would remain in the same position until a good opportunity of securing a fish occurred, which I believe was never missed; for, as the latter unwittingly rose to the surface, near the edge, that instant the Owl thrust out the foot next the water, and, with the quickness of lightning, seized it, and drew it out. The Owl then removed to the distance of a few yards, devoured its prey, and returned to the same hole; or, if it had not perceived any more fish, flew only a few yards over the many pots there, marked one, and alighted at a little distance from it. It then squatted, moved slowly towards the edge, and lay as before watching for an opportunity. Whenever a ~ Lith? Printed & Col? by 3.1" en Pialed* ee i & a pa Cees he Qs ee THE SNOWY OWL. 115 a fish of any size was hooked, as I may say, the Owl struck the other foot also into it, and flew off with it to a considerable distance. In two instances of this kind, I saw the bird carry its prey across the Western or Indiana Shute, into the woods, as if to be quite out of harm’s way. I never heard it utter a single note on such occasions, even when two birds joined in the repast, which was frequently the case, when the fish that had been caught was of a large size. At sunrise, or shortly after, the Owls flew to the woods, and I did not see them until the next morning, when, after witnessing the same feats, I watched an opportunity, and killed both at one shot. An old hunter, now residing in Maine, told me that one winter he lost so many musk-rats by the Owls, that he resolved to destroy them. To effect this, without loss of ammunition, a great object to him, he placed musk-rats caught in the traps usually employed for the purpose, in a prominent spot, and in the centre of a larger trap. He said he seldom failed, and in this manner considerably “thinned the thieves,’’? before the season was over. He found, however, more of the Great Grey Owl, Strix cinerea, than of the Snowy Owl. The latter he thought was much more cunning than the former. ' In the course of a winter spent at Boston, I had some superb specimens of the Snowy Owl brought to me, one of which, a male, was alive, having only been touched in the wing. He stood upright, keeping his feathers close, but would not suffer me to approach him. His fine eyes watched every move- -ment I made, and if I attempted to walk round him, the instant his head had “turned as far as he could still see me; he would open his wings, and with ~ large hops get to a corner of the room, when he would turn towards me, and again watch my approach. This bird had been procured on one of the sea- islands off Boston, by a gunner in my employ, who, after following it from one rock to another, with difficulty wounded it. In the course of the same winter, I saw one sailing high over the bay along with a number of gulls, which appeared to dislike his company, and chased him at a respectful dis- tance, the owl seeming to pay no regard to them. Several individuals have been procured in South Carolina, one on James’ Island, another, now in the Charleston Museum, on Clarkson’s plantation, and a fine one was shot at Columbia, the seat of government, from the chim- ney of one of the largest houses in that town, and was beautifully preserved by Professor Gibbes of the Columbia College. I once met with one while walking with a friend near Louisville in Kentucky, in the middle of the day. It was perched on a broken stump of a tree in the centre of a large field; and, on seeing us, flew off, sailed round the field, and alighted again on the Same spot. It evinced much impatience and apprehension, opening its wings several times as if intending to fly off; but, with some care, it was approached 7 Rie eS BO ay = t COR . ry Bs 116 LITTLE NIGHT OWL. and shot. It proved to be a fine old female, the plumage of which was — almost pure white. I have heard of individuals having been seen as far down the Mississippi as the town of Memphis. Some Indians assured me that they had shot one at the mouth of the Red River; and, while on the ~ Arkansas River, I was frequently told of a large White Owl that had been seen there during winter. : So much has been said to me of its breeding in the northern parts of the State of Maine, that this may possibly be correct. In Nova Scotia they are abundant at the approach of winter; and Professor MacCuttocu, of the Uni- versity of Pictou, shewed me several beautiful specimens in his fine collec- tion of North American Birds. Of its place and mode of breeding I know nothing; for, although every person to whom I spoke of this bird while in Labrador knew it, my party saw none there; and in Newfoundland we were equally unsuccessful in our search. Strix nyctea, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i. p. 132.—Lath., Index Omith., vol. i. p. 57.— Ch. Bonaparte, Synops. of Birds of the United States, p. 36.—Swains. and Richards. Fauna Bor. Americ., vol. i. p. 88. Snowy Ow1, Strix nyctea, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 53, pl. xxxii. fig. 1.—Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 116. Male and Female. Tail rather long, moderately rounded; plumage white; head and back spotted; wings, tail, and lower parts barred with dusky brown. Young pure ~ white. Individuals vary much in markings. . Male, 21,53. Female, 26, 65. pit EPR NIGH TOA... 9 +SuRNIA PASSERINA, Linn. PLATE XXIX. The specimen from which my drawing of this bird was taken, was pro- cured near Pictou in Nova Scotia, by my young friend Toomas M‘Cuttoca, Esq., who assured me that it is not very uncommon there. How far south- ward it may proceed in winter I have not been able to ascertain; nor have I ever met with it in any part of the United States. It is also said to be abun- dant in Newfoundland, and not rare in Labrador. My specimen is a female, and was shot in winter. N°6 ; PU 29. We (CP amr a eee Z Lay x Co tou Lith? Printed & Colt by J.T. Bowen. Philad* Drawn from Nature b JAudubon .FR.S.F1 LITTLE COLUMBIAN OWL. 117 Srrix passerina, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i. p. 133. Cuovetre CuHevecue, Strix passerina, Temm. Man. d’Orn., p. 92. Lirtie Nicut Own, Strix passerina, Aud., vol. v. p. 269. Female. Tail rather short, arched, nearly even; wings almost as long as the tail, the outer four quills cut out on the inner web, the outer five sinuated on the outer; filaments of the first free and slightly recurved, as are those of the ~ second and third beyond the sinus. General colour of upper parts chocolate- brown, the feather of the head with an oblong median white mark; hind neck with very large white spots, forming a conspicuous patch; on the back most of the feathers with a single large subterminal roundish spot, as is the case with the scapulars and wing-coverts, most of which, however, have two or more spots; quills with marginal reddish-white spots on both webs, the third with six on the outer and four on the inner, with two very faint pale bars toward the end; the tail similarly marked with four bands of transversely oblong, reddish-white spots; feathers of the anterior part of the disk whitish, with black shafts, of the lower part whitish, of the hind part brown tipped with greyish-white; a broad band of white crossing the throat, and curving upwards on either side to the ear; a patch of white on the lower part of the fore-neck; between these a brownish-grey band. Lower parts dull yellowish- white, each feather with a broad longitudinal band of chocolate-brown; abdomen and lower tail-coverts unspotted; tarsal feathers dull white. Female, 103; wing from flexure 64; tail 33. LITTLE COLUMBIAN OWL. «+~SURNIA PASSERINOIDES, 7'emm. PLATE XXX.—Mate. Of this pretty little Owl I can only say that the single specimen from which I made the two figures in the plate before you, was sent to me by Mr. Townsenp, along with the following notice respecting it:—*I shot this bird on the Columbia River, near Fort Vancouver, in the month of Novem- ber. I first saw it on wing about mid-day, and its curious jerking or undu- lating flight struck me as extremely peculiar, and induced me to follow and secure it. It soon alighted upon a high branch of a pine tree, and I shot it with my rifle, the only gun I had with me, as I was at the time engaged in 118 LITTLE COLUMBIAN OWL. : ia te shooting cranes along the banks of the river. The specimen is somewhat mutilated, in consequence of having lost one wing by the ball. The stomach contained nearly the whole body of a Ruby-crowned Wren, with a few small remnants of beetles and worms. It was a male; its irides bright yellow; and it measured 7 inches in length. The tail is exactly 3 inches long, and extends 24 inches beyond the closed wings.”’ I have seen several specimens of this Owl in the Edinburgh Museum, which had also been sent from Fort Vancouver by Dr. MeripetTH Gatrrp- NER. CHEVECHE CHEVECHOIDE, Strix passerinoides, Temm. Pl. Col. 344. LirtLe Cotumpian OWL, Strix passerinoides, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. v. p. 271. Male. Tail of moderate length, straight, slightly rounded; wings rather short, much rounded, fourth quill longest, outer three abruptly cut out on the inner web, the first with its filaments thickened but not recurvate, those of the second and third also thickened toward the end. General colour of the upper parts olivaceous brown; the head with numerous small, roundish, yellowish-white spots margined with dusky, of which there are two on each feather; the rest of the upper parts marked with larger, angular, whitish spots; the quills generally with three small and five large white spots on the outer and inner webs; the tail barred with transversely oblong white spots, of which there are seven pairs on the middle feathers. Facial disk brown, spotted with white; throat white, then a transverse brown band, succeeded by white; the lower parts white, with longitudinal brownish-black streaks; the sides brown, faintly spotted with paler. Young with the upper parts rufous, the head with fewer and smaller white spots; those on the lower part of the hind neck very large; the back, scapulars, and wing-coverts unspotted; the wings marked as in the adult, but with pale red spots in the outer, and reddish-white on the inner webs; the tail with only five bands of spots; the lower parts white, longitudinally streaked with light red, of which colour are the sides of the body and neck, and a band across the throat. Male, 7; wing 372. ye Drawn from Nature by J. J.Audubon.F.RS ¥L.S Jatht Printed & Col by J.7. Bower Plilact 119 BURROWING OWL. <- SURNIA CUNICULARIA, Gmel. PLATE XXXI.—Mater anp FEMALE. This singular species was added to our Fauna by Mr. THomas Say, who met with it in the course of Colonel Lone’s expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains. The observations of that zealous naturalist have been published in the first volume of the Continuation of Wiison’s American Ornithology by the Prince of Musienano, and will be repeated below, after I have presented you with the notice transmitted to me by my friend Mr. Townsrnp. He says:— “This species inhabits the plains near the Columbia River and the whole extent of the Rocky Mountains, residing in the forsaken burrows of the Marmots and American Badgers, but never lives on terms of intimacy with either of these animals, as has been so often stated. ‘The burrow selected by this bird is usually found at the foot of a wormwood bush (4rtemisia), upon the summit of which this Owl often perches, and stands for a considerable while. On their being approached, they utter a low chattering sound, start, and skim along the plain near the ground for a considerable distance. When winged, they make immediately for the nearest burrow, and when once within it, it is impossible to dislodge them. They are strictly diurnal, feed principally upon grasshoppers and crickets, and, according to the Indians, sometimes upon field-mice. The nest is composed of fine grass, and placed at the extremity of the hole. The eggs are uniformly four in number, pale white, and about the size of those of the common House-Pigeon, the great end, however, being remarkably large, and tapering abruptly. Nothing can be more unpleasant than the bagging of this species, on account of the fleas with which their plumage swarms, and which in all probability have been left in the burrow by the Badger or Marmot, at the time it was abandoned by these animals. I know of no other bird infested by that kind of vermin. This species suddenly disappears in the early part of the month of August, and the Indians assert with great confidence that it retires into its burrow, and spends the winter there in a torpid state.”’ Mr. Say’s account, as presented in the Continuation of Wi1ison’s American Ornithology, is as follows:—“In the Trans-Mississippian territories of the United States, the Burrowing Owl resides exclusively in the villages of the Marmot or Prairie Dog, whose excavations are so commodious as to render my * 120 - BURROWING OWL. "at it unnecessary that our Gird should dig for himself, as he is said to. in other parts of the world, where no burrowing animals exist. Thee are very numerous and variable in their extent, sometimes covering only es few acres, and at others spreading over the surface of the country for miles together. “They are composed of slightly elevated mounds, having the form of a truncated cone, about two feet in width at base, and seldom rising « as high as eighteen inches above the surface of the soil. The entrance is placed either at the top or on the side, and the whole mound is beaten down exter- nally, especially at the summit, resembling a much used foot-path. “From the entrance, the passage into the mound descends vertically fou, s one or two feet, and is thence continued obliquely downwards, until it ter- minates in an apartment, within which the industrious Marmot constructs, on the approach of the cold season, the comfortable cell for his winter’s sleep. This cell, which is composed of fine dry grass, is globular in form, with an opening at top capable of admitting the finger; and the whole is so firmly compacted, that it might, without injury, be rolled over the floor. “It is delightful, during fine weather, to see these lively little creatures sporting about the entrance of their burrows, which are always kept in the neatest repair, and are often inhabited by several individuals. When alarmed, they immediately take refuge in their subterranean chambers, or, if the dreaded danger be not immediately impending, they stand near the brink of the entrance, bravely barking and flourishing hein tails, or else sit erect to reconnoitre the movements of the enemy. #. * 4% “In all these prairie villages, the Burrowing Owl is seen moving briskly about, or else in small flocks scattered among the mounds, and, at a distance, it may be mistaken for the Marmot itself when sitting erect. They manifest but little timidity, and allow themselves to be approached sufficiently close for shooting; but, if alarmed, some or all of them soar away, and settle down again at a short distance. If further disturbed, their flight is continued until they are no longer in view, or they descend into their dwellings, whence they are difficult to dislodge. “The burrows into which these Owls have been seen to descend, on the plains of the river Platte, where they are most numerous, were evidently excavated by the Marmot, whence it has been inferred by Say, that they were either common, though unfriendly residents of the same habitation, or that our Owl was the sole occupant of a burrow acquired by the right of conquest. The evidence of this was clearly presented by the ruinous con- dition of the burrows tenanted by the Owl], which were frequently caved in, and their sides channelled by the rains, while the neat and well-preserved mansion of the Marmot shewed the active care of a skilful and industrious 2 ae owner. We have no evidence that the Owl and Marmot habitually resort to” ee Be ea INE PPro. "ow Zz Sy, Lath? Printed & Celt bw J.T Bowen Philad® Drawn from Nature by J.) Audubon -cK] S BURROWING OWL. 121 one burrow, yet we are well assured by Pixs and others, that a common danger often drives them into the same excavation, where lizards and rattle- snakes also enter for concealment and safety. The note of our bird is strikingly similar to the cry of the Marmot, which sounds like cheh, cheh, pronounced several times in rapid succession. Its food appears to consist entirely of insects, as, on examination of its stomach, nothing but parts of their hard wing-cases were found.”’ Burrowine Ow1, Strix cunicularia, Say, nn Long’s Exped., vol. i. p. 200. Burrowine Ow1, Strix cunicularia, Bonap. Amer. Orn., vol. i. p. 68. Burrowine Ow1, Strix cwnicularia, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. v. p. 264. Burrowine Ow1, Strix cunicularia, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 118. Feet rather long, slender; tarsus covered with short soft feathers, of which the shafts only remain toward the lower part; toes short, their upper surface covered with bristles or the shafts of feathers; tail short, arched, narrow, slightly rounded. Bill greyish-yellow; claws black. General colour of upper parts light yellowish-brown, or umber-brown, spotted with white; the quills with triangular reddish-white spots from the margins of both webs, there being five on each web of the first; the tail simflarly barred, there being on the middle feathers four double spots, and the tips of all white. Face greyish-white; throat and ruff white, succeeded by a mottled brown band, beneath which is a patch of white; the rest of the lower parts yellowish- white, with broad bars of light reddish-brown, which are closer on the sides of the breast; abdomen, lower tail-coverts, and legs without spots. Male, 10, 24. Female, 11. Genus If.—ULULA. NIGHT-OWL. Bill short, strong, very deep, its upper outline decurved from the base; lower mandible abruptly rounded, with a notch on each side. Nostrils broadly elliptical, rather large. Conch of ear very large, elliptical, extending from the base of the lower jaw to near the top of the head, with an anterior semicircular operculum in its whole length. Feet rather short, strong; tarsi and toes covered with very soft downy feathers. Plumage full, and very soft; facial disks complete. Wings rather long, very broad, much rounded, the third quill longest; the filaments of the first, half of the second, and the terminal part of the third, free and recurved. ‘Tail of moderate length, arched, slightly rounded. : Vou. L 18 TENGMALM’S OWL. seat +Viuta Tenemaumi, Gmel. PLATE XXXITI.—Mate anp Femate. es I procured a fine male of this species at Bangor, in Maine, on the Penob- scot River, in the beginning of September, 1832; but am unacquainted with its habits, never having seen another individual alive. Mr. Townsenp informs me that he found it on the Malade River Mountains, where it was so tame and unsuspicious, that Mr. Nurraru was enabled to approach within a few feet of it, as it sat upon the bushes. Dr. Ricuarpsown gives the following notice respecting it in the Fauna Boreali-Americana:—“When it accidentally wanders abroad in the day, it is so much dazzled by the light of the sun as to become stupid, and it may then be easily caught by the hand. Its cry in the night is a single melancholy note, repeated at intervals of a minute or two. Mr. Hurcutns informs us that it builds a nest of grass half way up a pine tree, and lays two white eggs in the month of May. It feeds on mice and beetles. I cannot state the extent of its range, but believe that it inhabits all the woody country from Great Slave Lake to the United States. On the banks of the Saskatchewan it is so common that its voice is heard almost every night by the traveller, wherever he selects his bivouac.” Strix Tenemaumi, Tengmalm’s Owl, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 94. TENGMALM’s OwL, Strix Tengmalmi, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 559. General colour of upper parts greyish-brown, tinged with olive; feathers of the head with an elliptical central white spot; those of the neck with a larger spot; scapulars with two or four large round spots near the end, and some of the dorsal feathers and wing-coverts with single spots on the outer web; all the quills margined with white spots on both webs, arranged in transverse series, there being six on the outer web of the third; on the tail five series of transversely elongated white spots. Disk yellowish-white, anteriorly black; ruff yellowish-white, mottled with dusky; throat brown, chin white; lower parts yellowish-white, longitudinally streaked with brown; some of the feathers of the sides with two white spots; tarsal and digital feathers greyish-yellow, with faint transverse brown bars. Male, 11, wing 612. Female, 12. te " = N°% PL3 ee Weel ie Jd a 7 Vi, a a Drawn from Kature by J.J Audubon. ERS FL Lith’ Printed & Col* by J-T. Bowen, Phila ey «a? 4's 7 123 THE LITTLE OR ACADIAN OWL. +Viuna Acapica, Gmel. PLATE XXXIII.—Mate anp FemMate. This lively and beautiful little Owl is found in almost every portion of the United States. I have observed it breeding in Louisiana, Kentucky, and along our Eastern States, as far as Maine, where, however, it becomes scarce, being, as it were, replaced by the Tengmalm Owl, which I have seen as far south as Bangor, in Maine. It is rare in the lower parts of South Carolina, where indeed my friend BacuMan never observed it. The Little Owl is known in Massachusetts by the name of the “Saw- whet,”? the sound of its love-notes bearing a great resemblance to the noise produced by filing the teeth of a large saw. These notes, when coming, as they frequently do, from the interior of a deep forest, produce a very pecu- liar effect on the traveller, who, not being aware of their real nature, expects, as he advances on his route, to meet with shelter under a saw-mill at no great distance. Until I shot the bird in the act, I had myself been more than once deceived in this manner. On one particular occasion, while walk- ing near my saw-mill in Pennsylvania, to see that all was right there, I was much astonished to hear these sounds issuing from the interior of the grist- mill. The door haying been locked, I had to go to my miller’s house close by, to inquire if any one was at work in it. He, however, informed me that the sounds I had heard were merely the notes of what he called the Screech Owl, whose nest was close by, in a hollow tree, deserted by the Wood Ducks, a pair of which had been breeding there for several years in succession. I have been thus particular in relating the above circumstance, from a desire to know if the European Little Owl (Strix passerina) emits the same curious sounds. The latter is said by several authors of eminence to lay only two white eggs, while I know, from my own observation, that ours has three, four, or five, and even sometimes six. The eggs are glossy-white, and of a short elliptical form, approaching to globular. It often takes the old nest of the Common Crow to breed in, and also lays in the hollows of trees a few feet above the ground. A nest of our Little Owl, which I found near the city of Natchez, was placed in the broken stump of a small decayed tree, not more than four feet from the ground. I was attracted to it by the snoring notes of the young, which sounded as if at a considerable elevation; and I was so misled by them that, had not my dog raised himself to smell at Ay 124 THE LITTLE OR ACADIAN OWL. the hole where the brood lay concealed, I might not have discovered them. In this instance the number was five. It was in the beginning of June, and the little things, which were almost ready to fly, looked exceedingly neat and beautiful. The Little Owl breeds more abundantly near the shores of the Atlantic than in the interior of the country, and is frequent in the swamps of the States of Maryland and New Jersey, during the whole year. Wherever I have found the young or the eggs placed in a hollow tree, they were merely deposited on the rotten particles of wood; and when in an old Crow’s nest, the latter did not appear to have undergone any repair. This species evinces a strong and curious propensity to visit the interior of our cities. I have known some caught alive in the Philadelphia Museum, as well as in that of Baltimore; and, whilst at Cincinnati, I had one brought to me which had been taken from the edge of a cradle, in which a child lay asleep, to the no small astonishment of the mother. Being quite nocturnal, it shews great uneasiness when disturbed by day, ee and flies off in a hurried uncertain manner, throwing itself into the first — covert it meets with, where it is not difficult to catch it, provided the neces- . sary caution and silence be used. Towards dusk it becomes full of animation, : flies swiftly, gliding, as it were, over the low grounds, like a little spectre, — and pounces on small quadrupeds and birds with the quickness of thought. Its common cry at night resembles that of the European Scops Owl, but is more like the dull sounds of a whistle than that of Owls generally is. r My friend Mr. T. MacCuxtocu, jun., has favoured me with the following curious notice respecting this bird. “In the beginning of April, when the snow was still lying in large patches in the woods, although it had entirely disappeared from the clear lands, I went out with my gun one afternoon, expecting to obtain some of the small birds which remove to the north on the first approach of spring. Having wandered about four miles from home without meeting with any thing worthy of notice, I had almost determined to return, when my attention was arrested by a sound which at first seemed to me like the faint tones of a distant bell. The resemblance was so exceed- ingly strong that I believe the mistake would not have been detected, had not a slight variation in it induced me to listen more attentively, and mark the direction in which it seemed to come. With the view of ascertaining its origin if possible, I crossed an intervening farm, and striking into a dense spruce wood, directed my course towards the point from which it seemed to proceed. While listening to the singular note, the accounts which I had seen of the Zurdus tinniens or Bell Bird of the southern portion of the continent forcibly recurred to my mind, and rendered me doubly eager to discover its source. This, however, I found to be no easy matter. After proceeding a considerable distance in the woods the sound became suddenly St PL 33. q DatMOW NS fe m from Nature by J.J. Audvbon. VRSF 1. Jath? Printed & Col by J.V Bowen Philad® del THE LITTLE OR ACADIAN OWL. 125 sharp and shrill, and seemed so close behind me that I started involuntarily. Having carefully examined all the adjacent trees without success, I was about giving it up in despair, when the note which first attracted my attention seemed to come in the former direction. Before I had advanced many steps, the sound changed as before; at one moment it seemed behind me, the next upon the right hand, then upon the left, and then it resumed its former distant mellow tone. This occurred so often, that I was completely puzzled and tempted to give up the pursuit, but still the desire of finding out the origin of the sound urged me on. After proceeding a considerable distance farther, I found that the bell-like sound now came from the opposite direc- tion, and seemed far beyond the spot where I first heard it. Retracing my steps I entered a small cleared spot, in the centre of which stood a black birch, whose dead and decayed top projected beyond a vigorous growth of fresh branches, by which its sides were clothed. As I seated myself upon a prostrate log, the shrill note was suddenly resumed, and from the direction of the sound I was convinced that it proceeded from the birch tree. Almost breathless with expectation, I carefully examined the tree from top to bot- tom, but the secret still remained concealed. Moving cautiously round, I examined the other side of the tree, but with no better success, until going to the root, and directing my eye along the trunk, I observed a small pro- tuberance, which at first appeared to be a knot. Inspecting it more closely, however, I found it to be the head of the Little Grey Owl, protruded from a small aperture, which probably formed the entrance of its nest. Though standing directly beneath the bird, it did not seem to observe me, but con- tinued to call for its mate. While watching the Owl, I observed with no little surprise that the sound which I thought came from a distance, as well as that which was near, actually proceeded from the same source. This singular power of altering the voice I have never found in any other bird, and to me it appeared analogous to that by which ventriloquists are able to make the voice seem near or remote. Having enjoyed the pleasing decep- tion for some time, I left the little performer unmolested, feeling abundantly recompensed for my long tramp through mire and slush by the curious discovery. This was the only time I ever heard the note of this Owl. Frequently I have had it alive, but it was invariably silent, and, like the Strix flammea, would sometimes feign itself dead; and last winter I shot one which was placed upon its back in a scale, and handled a good deal, yet it shewed no signs of life until thrown into a box, when it started up, and looked about sharply enough.”’ In all parts of the United States where this species occurs it is a permanent resident. mare td =” 126 | THE LITTLE OR ACADIAN OWL. Littie Own, Sirix passerina, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 61. Strix acapica, Bonap. Syn., p. 38. Srrix acapica, AMERICAN Sparrow OwL, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 97. Acapian Ow1, Strix acadica, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 137. Littte or Acapian Ow1, Strix acadica, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 567; vol. v. p. 397. General colour of upper part olivaceous brown; scapulars and some of the wing-coverts spotted with white; the first six primary quills obliquely barred with white; tail darker, with two narrow white bars; upper part of head streaked with greyish-white; disks pale yellowish-grey; ruff white, spotted with dusky. Lower parts whitish, the sides and breast marked with broad elongated patches of brownish-red. Male, 74,17. Female, 84, 18. Gunvus II].—STRIX, Zinn. SCREECH-OWL. Bill short, compressed, deep, strong; upper mandible with its dorsal out- line straight to the end of the cere, then curved, the sides nearly flat and erect, the tip deflected, with a rounded but sharp-edged point; lower man- dible with the dorsal line convex, the sides convex, the edges arched, the tip obliquely truncate. Conch of the ear semicircular, extending from over the anterior angle of the eye to the middle of the lower jaw; aperture large, somewhat square, with an anterior operculum fringed with feathers. Legs rather long, tarsus long, feathered, scaly at the lower part; toes large, the first short, the inner nearly as long as the middle, all with series of small tuberculiform oblong scales, intermixed with a few bristles, and three broad scutella at the end. Claws arched, long, extremely sharp, the edge of the third thin and transversely cracked in old birds. Plumage very soft and downy; facial disks complete. Wings long, ample, rounded; the first quill with the filaments recurved. Tail rather short, even. vee Nokia ’ “eRe | a oe: y oh ree i i} Ya ae DL beer a Lath* Printed & Col 1,1 Bowen. Philad® £3 VLQ7. THE BARN OWL. ~Srrix Americana, ud. PLATE XXXIV.—Mate anp Femate. The Barn Owl of the United States is far more abundant in the Southern Districts than in the other parts. I never found it to the east of Pennsyl- vania, and only twice in that State, nor did I ever see, or even hear of one in the Western Country; but as soon as I have reached the maritime districts of the Carolinas, Georgia, the Floridas, and all along to Louisiana, the case has always been different. In Cuba they are quite abundant, according to the reports which I have received from that island. During my visit to Labrador I neither saw any of these birds, nor found a single person who had ever seen them, although the people to whom I spoke were well acquaint- ed with the Snowy Owl, the Grey Owl, and the Hawk Owl. Txomas Burier Kine, Esq., of St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, sent me two very beautiful specimens of this Owl, which had been caught alive. One died shortly after their arrival at Charleston; the other was in fine order when I received it. The person to whose care they were consigned, kept them for many weeks at Charleston before I reached that city, and told me that in the night their cries never failed to attract others of the same species, which he observed hovering about the place of their confinement. This species is altogether nocturnal or crepuscular, and when disturbed during the day, flies in an irregular bewildered manner, as if at a loss how to look for a place of refuge. After long observation, | am satisfied that our bird feeds entirely on the smaller species of quadrupeds, for I have never found any portions of birds about their nests, nor even the remains of a single feather in the pellets which they regurgitate, and which are always formed of the bones and hair of quadrupeds. Owls which approach to the diurnal species in their habits, or which hunt for food in the morning and evening twilight, are apt to seize on objects which are themselves more diurnal than those which I have found to form the constant food of our Barn Owl. Thus the Short-eared, the Hawk, the Fork-tailed, the Burrowing, and other Owls, which hunt either during broad day, towards evening, or at the return of day, will be found to feed more on diurnal animals than the present species. I have no doubt that the anatomist will detect corresponding differences in the eye, as they have already been found in the ear. The stomach is elongated, almost smooth, and of a deep core 128 THE BARN OWL. gamboge-yellow; the intestines small, rather tough, and measuring one foot nine inches in length. The flight of the Barn Owl is light, regular, and much protracted. It passes through the air at an elevation of thirty or forty feet, in perfect silence, and pounces on its prey like a Hawk, often waiting for a fair opportunity from the branch of a tree, on which it alights for the purpose. During day they are never seen, unless accidentally disturbed, when they immediately try to hide themselves. Iam not aware of their having any propensity to fish, as the Snowy Owl has, nor have I ever seen one pursuing a bird. Ever careful of themselves, they retreat to the hollows of trees and such holes as they find about old buildings. When kept in confinement they feed freely on any kind of flesh, and will stand for hours in the same position, frequently resting on one leg, while the other is drawn close to the body. In this position I watched one on my drawing table for six hours. This species is never found in the depth of the forests, but confines itself to the borders of the woods around large savannas or old abandoned fields overgrown with briars and rank grass, where its food, which consists princi- pally of field-mice, moles, rats, and other small quadrupeds, is found in abundance, and where large beetles and bats fly in the morning and evening twilight. It seldom occurs at a great distance from the sea. I am not aware that it ever emits any cry or note, as other Owls are wont to do; but it produces a hollow hissing sound, continued for minutes at a time, which has always reminded me of that given out by an opossum when about to die by strangulation. When on the ground, this Owl moves by sidelong leaps, with the body much inclined downwards. If wounded in the wing, it yet frequently escapes through the ‘celerity of its motions. Its hearing is extremely acute, and as it marks your approach, instead of throwing itself into an attitude of defence, as Hawks are wont to do, it instantly swells out its plumage, extends its wings and tail, hisses, and clacks its mandibles with force and rapidity. If seized in the hand, it bites and scratches, inflicting deep wounds with its bill and claws. It is by no means correct to say that this Owl, or indeed any other, always swallows its prey entire: some which I have kept in confinement, have been seen tearing a young hare in pieces with their bills in the manner of Hawks; and mice, small rats, or bats, are the largest objects that I have seen them gobble up entire, and not always without difficulty. From having often observed their feet and legs covered with fresh earth, I am inclined to think that they may use them to scratch mice or moles out of their shallow bur- rows, a circumstance which connects them with the Burrowing Owls of our western plains, which like them have very long legs. In a room their flight THE BARN OWL. 129 is so noiseless that one is surprised to find them removed from one place to another without having heard the least sound. They disgorge their pellets with difficulty, although generally at a single effort, but I did not observe that this action was performed at any regular period. The examination of entire specimens has brought to light a remarkable and unvarying character in the feathers which fringe the operculum. In both the American and European species the tubes of these feathers are very large; but in the American bird the shafts are obsolete, whereas in the European bird, each tube bears a very slender shaft, about half an inch long, and furnished with about a dozen filaments on each side, forming an elliptical or obovate feather. This character and the great difference in size, will suffice to distinguish the American bird, to which, it having been shewn to be distinct, in my Orni- thological Biography, I have given the name of Strix Americana. Waite or Barn Ow1, Strix flammea, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 57. Srrix FLAMMEA, Bonap. Syn., p. 38. Waite or Barn Ow1, Strix flammea, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 139. Barn Ow1, Strix flammea, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 403; vol. v. p. 388. Feathers margining the operculum with the shaft and webs undeveloped. Bill pale greyish-yellow; claws and scales brownish-yellow. General colour of upper parts greyish-brown, with light yellowish-red interspersed, produced by very minute mottling; each feather having toward the end a central streak of deep brown, terminated by a small oblong greyish-white spot; wings similarly coloured; secondary coverts and outer edges of primary coverts — with a large proportion of light brownish-red; quills and tail transversely barred with brown; lower parts pale brownish-red, fading anteriorly into white, each feather having a small dark brown spot at the tip. Closely allied to Strix flammea, but larger, and differing somewhat in colour, being generally darker, with the ruff red. A character by which they may always be distinguished is found in the operculum, the feathers margining which are in the present species reduced to their tubes, the shafts and filaments being wanting, whereas in the European species each tube bears a very slender shaft, about half an inch long, and furnished with about half a dozen filaments on each side. Male, 17, 42. Female, 18, 46. © Wor. T: 1 130 Genus IV.—SYRNIUM, Cuv. HOOTING-OWL. Bill short, stout, broad at the base; upper mandible with its dorsal outline convex to the end of the cere, then curved, the sides sloping and nearly flat, the tip compressed, decurved, acute; lower mandible small, with the dorsal line convex, the tip narrow, the edges decurved toward the end. Nostrils large, elliptical. Conch of the ear of medium size, and furnished with an anterior semicircular operculum, beset with slender feathers. Legs rather short; tarsi very short, and with the toes feathered. Claws slightly curved, long, slender, compressed, acuminate. Plumage very soft and downy; facial disks complete. Wings very large, much rounded, the outer quill with the tips of the filaments separated and recurved, as are those of the terminal portion of the next; the outer six with the inner webs sinuate. ‘Tail broad, rounded. GREAT CINEREOUS OWL. ~ SyRNIuM cINEREUM, Linn. PLATE XXXV. This fine Owl, which is the largest of the North American species, is nowhere common with us, although it ranges from the north-eastern coast of the United States to the sources of the Columbia River. It has been procured near Eastport in Maine, and at Marblehead in Massachusetts, where one of them was taken alive, perched on a wood pile, early in the morning, in February, 1831. I went to Salem for the purpose of seeing it, but it had died, and I could not trace its remains. The gentleman, Mr. Ivzs, in whose keeping it had been for several months, fed it on fish and small birds, of which it was very fond. Besides shewing me various marks of attention, he gave me a drawing of it made by his wife, which is still in my possession. It uttered at times a tremulous cry not unlike that of the Little Screech Owl, Strix sio, and shewed a great antipathy to cats and dogs. In the winter of 1832, I saw one of these Owls flying over the harbour of Boston, Massa- chusetts, amid several Gulls, all of which continued teasing it until it disap- peared. Ihave seen specimens procured on the Rocky Mountains by Mr. eh 1, BB) Co!” Lith? Printed GREAT CINEREOUS OWL. 131 TownsEnp, and several brought to London by the medical officer who accompanied Captain Bacx in his late Arctic journey. Among the indiyi- duals which I have examined I have found considerable differences as to size and markings, which may be attributed to age and sex. My drawing was taken from a remarkably fine specimen in the collection of the Zoological Society of London. The comparatively small size of this bird’s eyes renders it probable that it hunts by day, and the remarkable smallness of its feet and claws induces me to think that it does not prey on large animals. Dr. RicHarpson says that “it is by no means a rare bird in the Fur Countries, being an inhabitant of all the woody districts lying between Lake Superior and latitudes 67° or 68°, and between Hudson’s Bay and the Pacific. It is common on the borders of Great Bear Lake; and there, and in the higher parallels of latitude, it must pursue its prey, during the summer months, by day-light. It keeps however within the woods, and does not frequent the barren grounds, like the Snowy Owl, nor is-it so often met with in broad day light as the Hawk Owl, but hunts principally when the sun is low; indeed, it is only at such times, when the recesses of the woods are deeply shadowed, that the Ameri- can hare and the murine animals, on which the Cinereous Owl chiefly preys, come forth to feed. On the 23d of May I discovered a nest of this Owl, built on the top of a lofty balsam poplar, of sticks, and lined with feathers. It contained three young, which were covered with a whitish down. We got them by felling the tree, which was remarkably thick; and whilst this operation was going on, the two parent birds flew in circles round the objects of their cares, keeping, however, so high in the air as to be out of gunshot; they did not appear to be dazzled by the light. The young ones were kept alive for two months, when they made their escape. They had the habit, common also to other Owls, of throwing themselves back, and making a loud snapping noise with their bills, when any one entered the room in which they were kept.”’ Great Grey or CinerEous OwL, Strix cinerea, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 128. Cinerzous Ow1, Strix cinerea, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. ii. p. 77. Great Cinereous Ow 1, Strix cinerea, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 364. Upper parts greyish-brown, variegated with greyish-white in irregular undulated markings; the feathers on the upper part of the head with two transverse white spots on each web; the smaller wing-coverts of a darker brown, and less mottled than the back; the outer scapulars with more white on their outer webs; primaries blackish-brown toward the end, in the rest of their extent marked with a few broad light-grey oblique bands, dotted and Bandini) eal ~ 132 THE BARRED OWL. undulated with darker; tail similarly barred; ruff-feathers white toward the end, dark brown in the centre; disks on their inner sides grey, with black tips, in the rest of their extent greyish-white, with six bars of blackish-brown very regularly disposed in a concentric manner; lower parts greyish-brown, variegated with greyish and yellowish-white; feet barred with the same. Female, 303, 484. THE BARRED OWL. ~~ SyRNIUM NEBULOSUM, Linn. PLATE XXXVI.—Mate. Should you, kind reader, visit the noble forests of the lower parts of the State of Louisiana, about the middle of October, when nature, on the eve of preparing for approaching night, permits useful dews to fall and rest on every plant, with the view of reviving its leaves, its fruits, or its lingering blossoms ere the return of morn; when every night-insect rises on buzzing wings from the ground, and the fire-fly, amidst thousands of other species, appears as if purposely to guide their motions through the sombre atmosphere; when numerous reptiles and quadrupeds commence their nocturnal prowl- ings, and the fair moon, empress of the night, rises peacefully on the distant horizon, shooting her silvery rays over the heavens and the earth, moving slowly and majestically along; when the husbandman, just returned to his home, after the labours of the day, is receiving the cheering gratulations of his family, and the wholesome repast is about to be spread out;—it is at this moment, kind reader, that your ear would suddenly be struck by the dis- cordant screams of the Barred Owl. Its whah, whah, whah, whah-aa is uttered loudly, and in so strange and ludicrous a manner, that I should not be surprised were you to compare these sounds to the affected bursts of laughter which you may have heard from some of the fashionable members of our own species. How often, when snugly settled under the boughs of my temporary — encampment, and preparing to roast a venison steak or the body of a squir- rel, have I been saluted with the exulting bursts of this nightly disturber of the peace, that, had it not been for him, would have prevailed around me, as well as in my lonely retreat! How often have I seen this nocturnal marauder alight within a few yards of me, expose his whole body to the glare of my fire, and eye me in such a curious manner that, had it been a N°8. PL36. lith® Printed & Cot by JT. Bowen Philad® - ar THE BARRED OWL. 133 reasonable to do so, I would gladly have invited him to walk in and join me in my repast, that I might have enjoyed the pleasure of forming a better acquaintance with him. The liveliness of his motions, joined to their odd- ness, have often made me think that his society would be at least as agreeable as that of many of the buffoons we meet with in the world. Such persons as conclude, when looking upon Owls in the glare of day, that they are, as they then appear, extremely dull, are greatly mistaken. The Barred Owl is found in all those parts of the United States which I have visited, and is a constant resident. In Louisiana it seems to be more abundant than in any other state. It is almost impossible to travel eight or ten miles in any of the retired woods there, without seeing several of them even in broad day; and, at the approach of night, their cries are heard pro- ceeding from every part of the forest around the plantations. Should the weather be lowering, and indicative of the approach of rain, their cries are so multiplied during the day, and especially in the evening, and they respond to each other in tones so strange, that one might imagine some extraordinary féte about to take place among them. On approaching one of them, its gesticulations are seen to be of a very extraordinary nature. The position of the bird, which is generally erect, is immediately changed. It lowers its head and inclines its body, to watch the motions of the person beneath, throws forward the lateral feathers of its head, which thus has the appearance of being surrounded by a broad ruff, looks towards him as if half blind, and moves its head to and fro in so extraordinary a manner, as almost to induce a person to fancy that part dislocated from the body. It follows all the motions of the intruder with its eyes; and should it suspect any treacherous intentions, flies off to a short distance, alighting with its back to the person, and immediately turning about with a single jump, to recommence its scru- tiny. In this manner, the Barred Owl may be followed to a considerable distance, if not shot at, for to halloo after it does not seem to frighten it much. But if shot at and missed, it removes to a considerable distance, after which its whah-whah-whah is uttered with considerable pomposity. This Owl will answer the imitation of its own sounds, and is frequently decoyed by this means. The flight of these Owls is smooth, light, noiseless, and capable of being greatly protracted. Once, whilst descending the Ohio, not far from the well-known Cave-in-rock, about two hours before sunset, in the month of November, I saw a Barred Owl teased by several crows, and chased from the tree in which it was. On leaving the tree, it gradually rose in the air, in the manner of a Hawk, and at length attained so great a height that our party lost sight of it. It acted, I thought, as if it had lost itself, now and then describing small circles, and flapping its wings quickly, then flying in ox. 1. 20 e ) vows eater ii, ey S isa. rae 4 ' ¢ i b) . ~ 124 7 THE BARRED OWL. o zig-zag lines. This being so uncommon an occurrence, I noted it down at the time. I felt anxious to see the bird return towards the earth, but it did not make its appearance again. So very lightly do they fly, that I have frequently discovered one passing over me, and only a few yards distant, by first seeing its shadow on the ground, during clear moon-light nights, when not the faintest rustling of its wings could be heard. Their power of sight during the day seems to be rather of an equivocal character, as I once saw one alight on the back of a cow, which it left so suddenly afterwards, when the cow moved, as to prove to me that it had mistaken the object on which it had perched for something else. At other times, I have observed that the approach of the grey squirrel intimidated them, if one of these animals accidentally jumped on a branch close to them, although the Owl destroys a number of them during the twilight. The Barred Owl is a great destroyer of poultry, particularly of chickens when half-grown. It also secures mice, young hares, rabbits, and many species of small birds, but is especially fond of a kind of frog of a brown colour, very common in the woods of Louisiana. I have heard it asserted that this bird catches fish, but never having seen it do so, and never having found any portion of fish in its stomach, I cannot vouch for the truth of the report. About the middle of March, these Owls begin to lay their eggs. This they usually do in the hollows of trees, on the dust of the decomposed wood. At other times they take possession of the old nest of a Crow or a Red-tailed Hawk. In all these situations I have found their eggs and young. The eggs are of a globular form, pure white, with a smooth shell, and are from four to six in number. So far as I have been able to ascertain, they rear only one brood in a season. The young, like those of all other Owls, are at first covered with a downy substance, some of which is seen intermixed with and protruding from the feathers, some weeks after the bird’ is nearly fledged. They are fed by the parents for a long time, standing perched, and emitting a hissing noise in lieu of a call. This noise may be heard in a calm night, for fifty or probably a hundred yards, and is by no means musical. To a person lost in a swamp, it is, indeed, extremely dismal. The plumage of the Barred Owl differs very considerably, in respect to colour, in different individuals, more especially among the males. The males are also smaller than the females, but less so than in some other species. During the severe winters of our Middle Districts, those that remain there suffer very much; but the greater number remove to the Southern States. When kept in captivity, they prove excellent mousers. The antipathy shewn to Owls by every species of day bird is extreme. They are followed and pursued on all occasions; and although few of the THE BARRED OWL. 135 day birds ever prove dangerous enemies, their conduct towards the Owls is evidently productive of great annoyance to them. When the Barred Owl is shot at and wounded, it snaps its bill sharply and frequently, raises all its feathers, looks towards the person in the most uncouth manner, but, on the least chance of escape, moves off in great leaps with considerable rapidity. The Barred Owl is very often exposed for sale in the New Orleans market. The Creoles make gwdbo of it, and pronounce the flesh palatable. Barrep Ow1, Strix nebulosa, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 61. Srrix neputosa, Bonap. Syn., p. 38. Barrep Own, Strix nebulosa, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 133. Barrep Own, Strix nebulosa, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 242; vol. v. p. 386. General colour of upper parts light reddish-brown; face and greater part of the head brownish-white; the feathers of the latter broadly marked with brown, of which a narrow band passes from the bill along the middle of the head; feathers of the back and most of the wing-coverts largely spotted with white; primary coverts, quills, and tail, barred with light brownish-red; wings and tail tipped with greyish-white; lower parts pale brownish-red, longitudinally streaked with brown, excepting the neck and upper part of the breast, which are transversely marked; the abdomen, which is yellowish- white, and the tarsal feathers, which are light reddish. Male, 18, 40. Genus V.—OTUS, Cuwv. EARED-OWL. Bill short, stout, broader than high at the base, compressed toward the end; upper mandible with its dorsal line slightly curved from the base, toward the end decurved, the ridge broad at the base, narrowed anteriorly, the sides convex toward the tip, which is acute, and descends obliquely; lower mandible straight, with the dorsal line very short and slightly convex, the back and sides convex, the edges toward the end decurved, and with a slight sinus on each side, the tip obliquely truncate. Nostrils large, oblique, oblong. Conch of extreme size, extending from the level of the forehead over the eye to the chin in a semilunar form, with an anterior semicircular flap in its whole length; the aperture large, of a rhomboidal form. Feet of moderate length, and stout; tarsi short, feathered, as are the toes; the first shortest, the second and fourth nearly equal; claws long, curved in the fourth of a circle, extremely acute, the first and second rounded beneath. Plumage sj v R, 136 LONG-EARED OWL. extremely soft and downy, facial disks complete, ruff distinct. Two small tufts of elongated feathers on the head. Wings long and broad; _the second quill longest; the outer in its whole length, the second toward ead: and the first alular feather with the filaments disunited and recurved at the ends. Tail rather short, a little rounded. LONG-EARED OWL. ~+Orvs vutearis, Fleming. PLATE XXXVII.—Mate. This Owl is much more abundant in our Middle and Eastern Atlantic Districts than in the Southern or Western parts. My friend Dr. Bacuman has never observed it in South Carolina; nor have I met with it in Louisiana, or any where on the Mississippi below the junction of the Ohio. It is not very rare in the upper parts of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky, wherever the country is well wooded. In the Barrens of Kentucky its predilection for woods is rendered apparent by its not being found elsewhere than in the “Groves;’’ and it would seem that it very rarely extends its search for food beyond the skirts of those delightful retreats. In Pennsyl- vania, and elsewhere to the eastward, I have found it most numerous on or near the banks of our numerous clear mountain streams, where, during the day, it is not uncommon to see it perched on the top of a low bush or fir. At such times it stands with the body erect, but the tarsi bent and resting on a branch, as is the manner of almost all our Owls. The head then seems the largest part, the body being much more slender that it is usually represented. Now and then it raises itself and stands with its legs and neck extended, as if the better to mark the approach of an intruder. Its eyes, which were closed when it was first observed, are opened on the least noise, and it seems to squint at you in a most grotesque manner, although it is not difficult to approach very near it. It rarely on such occasions takes to wing, but throws itself into the thicket, and makes off on foot by means of pretty long leaps. The Long-eared Owl is careless as to the situation in which its young are to be reared, and generally accommodates itself with an abandoned nest of some other bird that proves of sufficient size, whether it be high or low, in the fissure of a rock or on the ground. S@metimes however it makes a nest itself, and this I found to be the case in one instance near the Juniata River in Pennsylvania, where it was composed. of green twigs with the leaflets eWay, 2 LMC <2ONG -#7 lath? Printed & Col* by J.T, Bowen Philad® LONG-EARED OWL. 137 adhering, and lined with fresh grass and sheep wool, but without feathers. The eggs are usually four, nearly equally rounded at both ends, thin-shelled, smooth, when newly deposited pure white, with a slight blush, which is no longer observable when they have been for some time sitten upon; their ave- rage length an inch and a half, their greatest breadth an inch and three-six- teenths. I found eggs of this bird on the 15th of April, and again on the 25th of June, which induces me to believe that it rears two broods in the season in the State of Pennsylvania, as it probably does also to the westward. Witson relates the following instance of its indifference as to the place se- lected for its eggs. “About six or seven miles below Philadelphia, and not far from the Delaware, is a low swamp, thickly covered with trees, and in- undated during great part of the year. This place is the resort of great num- bers of the Qua-bird or Night Raven (rdea Nycticorax), where they build in large companies. On the 25th of April, while wading among the dark recesses of this place, observing the habits of these birds, I discovered a Long-eared Owl, which had taken possession of one of their nests, and was sitting: on mounting to the nest, I found it contained four eggs, and breaking one of these, the young appeared almost ready to leave the shell. There were numbers of the Qua-birds’ nests on the adjoining trees ali around, and one of them actually on the same tree.’’ When encamped in the woods, I have frequently heard the notes of this bird at night. Its cry is prolonged and plaintive, though consisting of not _ more than two or three notes repeated at intervals. Dr. Ricuarpson states that it has been found “as far north as lat. 60°, and probably exists as high as the forests extend. It is plentiful in the woods skirting the plains of the Saskatchewan, frequents the coast of Hudson’s Bay only in the summer, and retires into the interior in the winter. It resides all the year in the United States, and perhaps is not a rare bird in any part of North America; but as it comes seldom abroad in the day, fewer speci- mens are obtained of it than of the other Owls. It preys chiefly on quadru- peds of the genus #rvicola, and in summer destroys many beetles. It lays three or four roundish white eggs, sometimes on the ground, at other times in the deserted nests of other birds in low bushes. Mr. Hurcutns says it lays in April, and that the young fly in May; and Mr. Drummonp found a nest on the ground, containing three eges, on the 5th of July, and killed both the birds. On comparing the above mentioned eggs with those of the English Long-eared Owl, the American ones proved to be smaller, measur- ing only an inch and a half in length, and 1.27 inches in breadth; while the English ones measured 1.8 inch in length, and 14 in breadth. The form and colour were the same in both.”’ | The food of this Owl consists of rats, mice, and other small quadrupeds, ev or. I. 21 138 LONG-EARED OWL. , as well as birds of various species; its stomach having been found by me crammed with feathers and other remains of the latter. There is a marked difference between the sexes. The males are not only smaller than the females, but darker; and this has tempted me to consider the Striz Mezxicanus of Mr. Swarnson and the Prince of Musrenano as merely a large female of our Long-eared Owl. - Lone-rarrp Ow1, Strix otus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 52. Srrix Orus, Bonap. Syn., p. 37. Lone-EareD Own, Strix otus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 130. Lone-rarep Own, Strix otus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iv. p. 573. Tufts elongated; general colour of plumage buff, mottled and spotted with brown and greyish-white; dirty whitish anteriorly, with the tips black; pos- teriorly reddish-white; ruff mottled with red and black; upper part of head minutely mottled with whitish, brownish-black, and light red; the tufts light reddish toward the base, brownish-black in the centre toward the end, the inner edge white, dotted with dark brown; upper parts buff, variegated with brown and whitish-grey, minutely mottled or undulatingly barred; first row of coverts tipped with white; quills and scapulars pale grey, barred with dark brown; the primaries buff toward the base externally. Tail with ten bars on the middle and eight on the outer feathers; lower parts with more buff and fewer spots than the upper; each feather with a long dark brown streak, and several irregular transverse bars; legs and toes pure buff. Male, 143, 38. Female, 16, 40. A male sent in spirits from Boston by Dr. Brewrr:—The roof of the mouth is flat, with two longitudinal ridges, the sides ascending; the posterior aperture of the nares oblong, 4 twelfths long, with an anterior fissure. The tongue is 74 twelfths long, deeply emarginate and papillate at the base, flattish above, with a faint median groove, the sides parallel, the tip narrowed and emarginate. The mouth is very wide, measuring 1 inch and 14 twelfths. The cesophagus is 54 inches long t g, of nearly uniform diameter throughout, as in all other Owls, its breadth being 1 inch. The proventricular glandules form a belt 9 twelfths in diameter. The stomach is large, round, 1 inch 9 twelfths long, 1 inch 7 twelfths broad, its walls thin, its muscular coat com- posed of rather coarse fasciculi, but without distinction into lateral muscles; the tendinous spaces circular, and about 8 twelfths in diameter; its epithelium soft and rugous. The duodenum is 3 twelfths in diameter, and curves at the distance of 3 inches from the pylorus. The intestine is 23 inches long, its smallest diameter only 1 twelfth. The cceca, Fig. 2, are in this individual unequal, as they very frequently are in Owls; the largest being 2 inches 10 LONG-EARED OWL. 139 « twelfths in length, their greatest diameter 51 twelfths, their distance from the anus 3 inches and a quarter. The cloaca is of an enormous size, ovate, 2 inches long, 1 inch 2 twelfths broad. It contains a calculous concretion 9 twelfths long, 7 twelfths broad, and 3 twelfths thick. The trachea, which is 3 inches long, is 34 twelfths in breadth at the upper part, 24 twelfths in the middle, and 3 twelfths at its lower extremity; its rings about 75 in number, cartilaginous, and considerably flattened. The lateral muscles are strong, the sterno-tracheal moderate, and there is a single pair of very slender inferior laryngeal muscles. Five of the lower rings are elongated, arched, and slit. The bronchi are rather long, of 12 half rings. The conch of the ear, Fig. 1, is of enormous size, extending from the level of the forehead over the eye to the chin, in a semilunar form, of which the posterior curve is 3 inches, and the distance between the two extremities in a direct line 1 inch and a half. There is an anterior semicircular flap in its whole length, 5 twelfths in breadth at the middle. The aperture or meatus externus is of a rhomboidal form, 44 twelfths in length, 3§ twelfths broad, bounded anteriorly by the eye, posteriorly by a ligament extended along the edge of the occipital bone, above by a ligament stretching to the operculum, below the articulation of the lower jaw. Above the meatus is a deep depres- sion covered with skin, above which another ligament stretches across to the operculum. In another specimen, a female, the cesophagus is 5 inches long, its average diameter 11 twelfths. The intestine is 21 inches long, from 23 twelfths to 1 twelfth in diameter; the cceca are 24 inches in length; their greatest diame- ter 4 twelfths; the cloaca still larger than that of the other individuals, being 2 inches long. “\ A Mijyyp My, Mruyucss! \\ Mie ay I} Mju pido espe ie alae a hs, # SHORT-EARED OWL. 4 > 4 ‘Orvs Bracuyorus, Linn. ‘ PLATE XXXVIIL—Mare...” ” : ys ‘ oe e ~~ Although this species is by no means scarce in almost any part of the Q United States, in the latter half of autumn and during winter, very few indi-— viduals spend the summer south of the Great Pine Swamp of Pennsylvania, where, however, some occasionally breed. In Nova Scotia, its nest has — frequently met with, and in Newfoundland it is as common as the Barred Owl is in Louisiana. In winter I have found it so plentiful in the — Floridas, that I have shot seven in the course of a morning, while I was at General Hernanpez’. Indeed I was surprised to see the great number of 2 N°8. PL 38. Y Lo gy ale cared by J.J. Audubon FOS L1.5 Lad" Printed & Colt by J V Bowen, Philad" SHORT-EARED OWL. 141 these birds which at that period were to be found in the open prairies of that country, rising from the tall grass in a hurried manner, and zig-zagging for a few yards, as if suddenly wakened from sound sleep, then sailing to some distance in a direct course, and dropping among the thickest herbage. On such an occasion, when I had observed the bird to have thrust itself into a thicket formed of tangled palmettoes, I moved towards it with caution, approached it, and caught it in my hand. I observed, however, that these birds, on being pursued and repeatedly started from the ground, extended their flight so far as to be quite out of sight before alighting. I never started two birds at once, but always found them singly at distances of from twenty to a hundred yards; and although on several occasions as many as three were seen on wing, they having been put up by my companions and myself, they never flew towards each other, but went off in different directions, as if unaware of each other’s presence. Its predilection for the ground forms a very distinctive peculiarity in the habits of this Ow], as compared with the Long-eared; for although it alights on bushes and trees, this seems more a matter of necessity than of choice; and in this respect it resembles the Barn Owls which I found on Galveston Island. I have never observed it in the act of procuring food, although it appears to see pretty well by day, or at least sufficiently to enable it to dis- cover the nature of the spot toward which it removes for security. In America, the Short-eared Owl has been observed as far north as _ lati- tude 67° by Dr. Ricuarpson, who mentions a female having been killed at Fort Franklin, on the 20th of May, containing several pretty large eggs, nearly ready for being laid. It is also an inhabitant of the Rocky Mountains, and of the valley of the Columbia River, from which it has been sent to me by Mr. Townsenp; and is by no means scarce in Kentucky, Louisiana, and along the coast as far as the Texas. Having so frequently met with many of these birds in an extent of ground not exceeding half a mile, I have been disposed to think, that during the migratory movements of this species, those which follow in the rear of the first, are attracted by their cries, and induced to alight in their vicinity; but of this I have no positive proof, nor have I ever seen them travelling from one part of the country to another. | The only nest of this bird that I have found was placed on one of the high mountain ridges of the Great Pine Forest. It contained four eggs, nearly ready to be hatched. They were of a dull bluish-white, covered with excre- ment, of a somewhat elongated or elliptical form, measuring an inch and a half in length, and an inch and an eighth in breadth. The nest, which I met with on the 17th of June, was placed under a low bush, and covered over hy tall grass, through which a path had been made by the bird. It was formed 142 SHORT-EARED OWL. of dry grass, raked together in a slovenly manner, and quite flat, but cover- ing a large space, on one side of which were found many pellets, and two field-mice, which must have been brought there in the course of the preced- ing night, as they were quite fresh. I should never have discovered their nest had not the sitting bird made a noise by clicking its bill as I was passing close by. The poor thing was so intent on her task that I almost put my hand on her before she moved; and then, instead of flying off, she hopped with great leaps until about ten yards from me, keeping up a constant click- ing of her mandibles. Having satisfied myself as to the species, made an outline of two of the eggs, and measured them, I proceeded slowly to a short distance, and watched her movements. Having remained silent and still for ~ about ten minutes, I saw her hop toward the nest, and soon felt assured that she had resumed her task. It was my intention to revisit the spot, and take note of the growth of the young, but letters which came to me from Phila- delphia a few days after, induced me to return thither; and since then I have had no opportunity of examining either the eggs or young of the Short-eared Owl. On examining the pellets disgorged by this bird, I found them to be formed of the remains of bones of small quadrupeds, mixed with hair, and the elytra of various coleopterous insects. In its diurnal flight, the flappings of its wings are noiseless, as in most other species, and it is apt to sail many yards at a time before alighting. Like the rest of the family, when reposing, they stand as if crouched on the full length of their tarsi, and the slight crests or tufts of feathers on their head are, on such occasions, usually so lowered as to be scarcely perceptible. Snort-Earep Own, Strix brachyotos, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iv. p. 64. Srrix pracuyoTos, Bonap. Syn., p. 37. Snort-EareD Ow 1, Strix brachyotos, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 132. SuortT-EARED Ow 1, Strix brachyotos, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. v. p. 273. Tufts inconspicuous, general colour of plumage buff, variegated with dark - brown; eye surrounded by a ring of brownish-black, much broader behind; anterior half of disk white, with the tips black, posterior yellowish; anterior auricular ruff white, posterior yellowish, each feather with an oblong dark brown spot; upper parts buff, longitudinally streaked with dark brown; scapulars and wing-coverts spotted and banded in large patches, many with a large yellowish-white spot on the outer web near the end; quills buff, with two or three dark brown bands; tail similar, with five broad dark bands, the tip yellowish-white; on the middle feathers the light coloured spaces have a brown central pateh; lower parts pale buff, whitish behind, the neck with oblong, the breast and sides with linear dark brown streaks; chin, feet, abdomen, and lower tail-coverts unspotted. N° 8. PL39. a Coat Ai pee ( ete Drawn fhom Nature by J.J bon. FRSFLS Lik’ Printed &¢ F BVSDOMNCAL Oe 143 Genus VI.—BUBO, Cuvier. HORNED-OWL. Bill short, stout, broader than high at the base, compressed toward the end; upper mandible with its dorsal line curved from the base, the edges with a slight festoon, the tip trigonal, very acute; lower mandible with the dorsal line convex, the tip obliquely truncate. Nostrils broadly elliptical, aperture of ear elliptical, less than half the height of the head, without oper- culum. Feet of ordinary length; tarsi and toes feathered. Plumage full and very soft; facial disks complete; a tuft of elongated feathers on each side of the crown of the head. Wings ample, the first quill short, the fourth longest. Tail of ordinary length, rounded. THE GREAT HORNED OWL. ~+~-Buso virernranus, Gmel. PLATE XXXIX.—Mate anp Femate. ar It is during the placid serenity of a beautiful summer night, when the current of the waters moves silently along, reflecting from its smooth surface the silver radiance of the moon, and when all else of animated nature seems sunk in repose, that the Great Horned Owl, one of the Nimrods of the feathered tribes of our forests, may be seen sailing silently and yet rapidly on, intent on the destruction of the objects destined to form his food. The lone steersman of the descending boat observes the nocturnal hunter, gliding on extended pinions across the river, sailing over one hill and then another, or suddenly sweeping downwards, and again rising in the air like a moving shadow, now distinctly seen, and again mingling with the sombre shades of the surrounding woods, fading into obscurity. The bark has now floated to some distance, and is opposite the newly cleared patch of ground, the result of a squatter’s first attempt at cultivation, in a place lately shaded by the trees of the forest. The moon shines brightly on his hut, his slight fence, the newly planted orchard, and a tree, which, spared by the axe, serves as a roosting-place for the scanty stock of poultry which the new comer has pro- cured from some liberal neighbour. Amongst them rests a Turkey-hen, covering her offspring with extended wings. ‘The Great Owl, with eyes keen as those of any falcon, is now seen hovering above the place. He has 144 Ra THE GREAT HORNED OWL. already espied the quarry, and is sailing in wide circles meditating his plan of attack. The Turkey-hen, which at another time might be sound asleep, is now, however, so intent on the care of her young brood, that she rises on her legs and purs so loudly, as she opens her wings and spreads her tail, that she rouses her neighbours, the hens, together with their protector. The cacklings which they at first emit soon become a general clamour. The squatter hears the uproar, and is on his feet in an instant, rifle in hand; the priming examined, he gently pushes open his half closed door, and peeps out cautiously, to ascertain the cause by which his repose has been disturbed. He observes the murderous Owl just alighting on the dead branch of a tall tree, when, raising his never-failing rifle, he takes aim, touches the trigger, and the next instant sees the foe falling dead to the ground. The bird, unworthy of his farther attention, is left a prey to some prowling opossum or other carnivorous quadruped, and again all around is tranquillity. Differences of locality are no security against the depredations of this Owl, for it occurs in the highest mountainous districts, as well as in the low alluvial lands that border the rivers, in the interior of the country, and in the neighbourhood of the sea-shore. Every where it finds abundance of food. It is, moreover, an extremely hardy bird, and stands the severest winters of our northernmost latitudes. It is consequently found dispersed over all arts of the United States. _ The flight of the Great Horned Owl is elevated, rapid and graceful. It sails with apparent ease, and in large circles, in the manner of an eagle, rises and descends without the least difficulty, by merely inclining its wings or its tail, as it passes through the air. Now and then, it glides silently close over the earth, with incomparable velocity, and drops, as if shot dead, on the prey beneath. At other times, it suddenly alights on the top of a fence-stake or a dead stump, shakes its feathers, arranges them, and utters a shriek so horrid that the woods around echo to its dismal sound. Now, it seems as if you heard the barking of a cur-dog; again, the notes are so rough and mingled together, that they might be mistaken for the last gurglings of a murdered person, striving in vain to call for assistance; at another time, when not more than fifty yards distant, it utters its more usual hoo, hoo, hoo-e, in so peculiar an under tone, that a person unacquainted with the notes of this species might easily conceive them to be produced by an Owl more than a mile distant. During the utterance of all these unmusical cries, it moves its body, and more particularly its head, in various ways, putting them into positions, all of which appear to please it much, however grotesque they may seem to the eye of man. In the interval following each cry, it snaps its bill, as if by way of amusement; or, like the wild boar sharpening the edges of his tusks, it perhaps expects that the action will whet its mandibles. THE GREAT HORNED OWL. 145 The food of the Great Horned Owl consists chiefly of the larger species of gallinaceous birds, half-grown Wild Turkeys, Pheasants, and domestic poul- try of all kinds, together with several species of Ducks. Hares, young Opossums and Squirrels are equally agreeable to it, and whenever chance throws a dead fish on the shore, the Great Owl feeds with peculiar avidity on it. It is one of the most common species along the shores of the Ohio and Mississippi, where it is to be met with at all seasons, being fond of roosting amongst the thick-growing young cotton-wood trees and willows, that cover the muddy sand-bars of these noble streams, as well as in the more retired woody swamps, where the gloomy cypress spreads its broad arms, covered with dangling masses of Spanish beard, which give way to the gentlest breeze. In both such situations I have frequently met with this Owl: its body erect, its plumage closed, its tufted head-feathers partially lowered, and its head half turned and resting on one shoulder. When the sun shines brightly, the bird is easily approached; but if the weather be cloudy, it rises on its feet, at the least noise, erects the tufts of its head, gives a knowing kind of nod, flies off in an instant, and generally proceeds to such a distance that it is difficult to find it again. When disturbed while at roost on willows near a river, it sails off low over the stream, as if aware that by so doing it renders its pursuit more difficult. I once nearly lost my life by going towards one that I had shot on a willow-bar, for, while running up to the spot, I suddenly found myself sunk in quicksand up to my arm-pits, and in this condition must have remained to perish, had not my boatmen come up and extricated me, by forming a bridge of their oars and some driftwood, during which operation I had to remain perfectly quiet, as any struggle would soon have caused me to sink overhead. Early in February the Great Horned Owls are seen to pair. The curious evolutions of the male in the air, or his motions when he has alighted near his beloved, it is impossible to describe. His bowings, and the snappings of — his bill, are extremely ludicrous; and no sooner is the female assured that the attentions paid her by the beau are the result of a sincere affection, than she joins in the motions of her future mate. The nest, which is very bulky, is usually fixed on a large horizontal branch, not far from the trunk of the tree. It is composed externally of crooked sticks, and is lined with coarse grasses and some feathers. The whole measures nearly three feet in diameter. The eggs, which are from three to six, are almost globular in form, and of a dull white colour. The male assists the female in sitting on the eggs. Only one brood is raised in the season. The young remain in the nest until fully fledged, and afterwards follow the parents for a considerable time, uttering a mournful sound, to Mon-1. 22 146 THE GREAT HORNED OWL. induce them to supply them with food. They acquire the full plumage of the old birds in the first spring, and until then are considerably lighter, with more dull buff in their tints. I have found nests belonging to this species in ~ large hollows of decayed trees, and twice in the fissures of rocks. In all ‘these cases, little preparation had been made previous to the laying of the eggs, as I found only a few grasses and feathers placed under them. The Great Horned Owl lives retired, and it is seldom that more than one is found in the neighbourhood of a farm, after the breeding season; but as almost every detached farm is visited by one of these dangerous and power- ful marauders, it may be said to be abundant. The havoe which it commits is very great. I have known a plantation almost stripped of the whole of the poultry raised upon it during spring, by one of these daring foes of the feathered race, in the course of the ensuing winter. This species is very powerful, and equally spirited. It attacks Wild Tur- keys when half-grown, and often masters them. Mallards, Guinea-fowls, and common barn fowls, prove an easy prey, and on seizing them it carries them off in its talons from the farm-yards to the interior of the woods. When wounded, it exhibits a revengeful tenacity of spirit, scarcely surpassed by any of the noblest of the Eagle tribe, disdaining to scramble away like the Barred Owl, but facing its enemy with undaunted courage, protruding its powerful talons, and snapping its bill, as long as he continues in its pre- sence. On these occasions, its large goggle eyes are seen to open and close in quick succession, and the feathers of its body, being raised, swell out its apparent bulk to nearly double the natural size. Great Hornep-Ow1, Strix Virginiana, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 52. Srrix Viremiania, Bonap. Syn., p. 37. Great Hornep-Own or Car Own, Strix Virginiania, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 124. Great Hornep-Ow1, Strix Virginiana, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 313; vol. v. p. 393. Upper part of the head brownish-black, mottled with light brown, the tufts of the same colour, margined with brown; face brownish-red, with a circle of blackish-brown; upper parts undulatingly banded and minutely mottled with brownish-black and yellowish-red, behind tinged with grey; wings and tail light brownish-yellow, barred and mottled with blackish- brown and light brownish-red; chin white; upper part of throat light reddish, spotted with black, a band of white across the middle of fore neck; its lower part and the breast light yellowish-red, barred with deep brown, as are the lower parts generally; several longitudinal brownish-black patches on the lower fore neck; tarsal feathers light yellowish-red, obscurely barred. Male, 23, 56. Female, 25, 60. OSSD See PL40. N’8. vfs VLA CF a ¢ fvey Disve Vy Bewen. Phila” & Caiti 147 THE LITTLE SCREECH OWL. ~+Buso Asto, Linn. PLATE XL.—Aputr anp Youne. This Owl, although found in the Southern States, is there very rare. During a long residence in Louisiana, I have not met with more than two individuals. On advancing towards the confluence of the Ohio and Missis- sippi, we find them becoming rather more numerous; above the Falls of the former, they increase in number; and as the traveller advances towards the sources of that noble river, their mournful notes are heard in every quarter during mild and serene nighis. In Virginia, Maryland, and all the Eastern Districts, the bird is plentiful, particularly during the autumnal and winter months, and is there well known under the name of the Screech Owl. You are presented, kind reader, with three figures of this species, the better to shew you the differences which exist between the young and the full-grown bird. The contrast of colouring in these different stages I have thought it necessary to exhibit, as the Red Owl of Wixson and other natu- ralists is merely the young of the bird called by the same authors the Mottled Owl, and which, in fact, is the adult of the species under consideration. The error committed by the author of the “American Ornithology,” for many years misled all subsequent students of nature; and the specific identity of the two birds which he had deseribed as distinct under the above names, was first publicly maintained by my friend Cuarites Luctan Bonaparte, although the fact was long before known to many individuals with whom I am acquainted, as well as to myself. The flight of the Mottled Owl is smooth, rapid, protracted and noiseless. It rises at times above the top branches of the highest of our forest trees, whilst in pursuit of large beetles, and at other times sails low and swiftly over the fields, or through the woods, in search of small birds, field-mice, _ moles or wood-rats, from which it chiefly derives its subsistence. Sometimes ‘on alighting, which it does plumply, the Mottled Owl immediately bends its body, turns its head to look behind it, performs a curious nod, utters its notes, then shakes and plumes itself, and resumes its flight, in search of prey. It now and then, while on wing, produces a clicking sound with its man- dibles, but more frequently when perched near its mate or young. This I have thought is done by the bird to manifest its courage, and let the hearer know that it is not to be meddled with, although few birds of prey are more < Patent: & aj th ‘ a“ . Fee! 148, THE LITTLE SCREECH OWL. igs # , as it wats gentle when seized, as it will suffer a person to touch its feathers and caress’ it, without attempting to bite or strike with its talons, unless at rare intervals. I carried one of the young birds represented in the Plate, in my coat pocket, from Philadelphia to New York, travelling alternately by water and by land. It remained generally quiet, fed from the hand, and never attempted to escape. The notes of this Owl are uttered in a tremulous, doleful manner, and somewhat resemble the chattering of the teeth of a person under the influence of extreme cold, although much louder. They are heard at a distance of several hundred yards, and by some people are thought to be of ominous import. - The little fellow is generally found about farm-houses, orchards, and gardens. It alights on the roof, the fence or the garden gate, and utters its mournful ditty at intervals for hours at a time, as if it were in a state of great suffering, although this is far from being the case, the song of all birds being an indication of content and happiness. In a state of confinement, it con- tinues to utter its notes with as much satisfaction as if at liberty. They are chiefly heard during the latter part of winter, that being the season of love, when the male bird is particularly attentive to the fair one which excites his tender emotions, and around which he flies and struts much in the manner of the Common Pigeon, adding numerous nods and bows, the sight of which is very amusing. The nest is placed in the bottom of the hollow trunk of a tree, often not at a greater height than six or seven feet from the ground, at other times so high as from thirty to forty feet. It is composed of a few grasses and feathers. The eggs are four or five, of a nearly globular form, and pure white colour. If not disturbed, this species lays only one set of eggs in the season. The young remain in the nest until they are able to fly. At first they are covered with a downy substance of a dull yellowish-white. By the middle of August they are fully feathered, and are then generally of the colour exhibited in the Plate, although considerable difference exists between individuals, as I have seen some of a deep chocolate colour, and others nearly black. The feathers change their colours as the pairing season advances, and in the first spring the bird is in its perfect dress. The Mottled Owl rests or spends the day either in a hole of some decayed tree, or in the thickest part of the evergreens which are found so abundantly in the country, to which it usually resorts during the breeding season as well as in the depth of winter. The branch on which you see three individuals of this species, an adult bird and two young ones, is that of the Jersey Pine (Pinus inops), a tree of moderate height and diameter, and of a scrubby appearance. The stem is % . THE LITTLE SCREECH OWL. 149 generally crooked, and the wood is not considered of great utility. It grows in large groves in the state from which it has derived its name, and is now mostly used for fuel on board our steam-vessels. The Mottled Owl is often observed perched on its branches. . Mortiep Ow1, Siriz nevia, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iii. p. 16. Adult. Rep Ow1, Strix Asio, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. v. p. 83. Young. Morrttep and Rep Ow1, Strix Asio, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 120. Lirrie Screecu Ow1, Strix Asio, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 486; vol. v. p. 392. Adult with the upper parts pale brown, spotted and dotted with brownish- black; a pale grey line from the base of the upper mandible over each eye; quills light brownish-grey, barred with brownish-black, their coverts dark brown, secondary coverts with the tip white; throat yellowish-grey, lower parts light grey, patched and sprinkled with brownish-black; tail-feathers tinged with red. Young with the upper parts light brownish-red, each feather with a central blackish-brown line; tail and quills barred with dull brown; a line over the eye, and the tips of the secondary coverts reddish- white; breast and sides light yellowish-grey, spotted and lined with brownish- black and bright reddish-brown, the rest of the lower parts yellowish-grey, the tarsal feathers pale yellowish-red. : Male, 10, 22. Female, 10, 23. Vor. I. 23 | j i 150 FAMILY IV. CAPRIMULGINA. GOATSUCKERS. Mouth opening to beneath the centre of the eyes; bill much depressed, generally feeble, the horny part being small; upper mandible with the tip somewhat decurved. Nostrils elliptical, prominent, marginate. Eyes ex- tremely large. Aperture of ear elliptical, very large. Head of extreme breadth, depressed; body very slender. Feet very small; tarsus partially feathered, scaly; anterior toes webbed at the base; hind toe small, and versa- tile, all scutellate above; claw of third toe generally elongated, with the inner margin thin and pectinate. Plumage very soft and blended. Wings very long, the second and third quills longest. ‘Tail long, of ten feathers. (&so- phagus rather wide, without crop; stomach very large, roundish, its muscular coat very thin, and composed of a single series of strong fasciculi; epithelium very hard, with longitudinal rugs; intestine short and wide; cceca large, oblong, narrow at the base; cloaca globular. ‘Trachea of nearly uniform width, without inferior Jaryngeal muscles. Nest on the ground, or in hollow trees. Eggs generally two. Young covered with down. Very nearly allied in some respects to the Owls. Genus I.—CAPRIMULGUS, Linn. GOATSUCKER. Bill feeble, gape extending to beneath the posterior angle of the eye. Nostrils elliptical, prominent. Wings long, pointed, the second quill longest; tail long. Claw of middle toe pectinate. Along the base of the bill on each side a series of feathers having very strong shafts, terminating in an elastic filamentous point, and with the barbs or lateral filaments extremely slender, distant, and not extended beyond the middle of the shaft. Plumage very soft and blended. Wings long and pointed, the second quill longest; tail long, rounded. 151 CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW. + CAPRIMULGUS CAROLINENSIS, Gmel. PLATE XLI.—Mate anp Femate. Our Goatsuckers, although possessed of great power of wing, are particu- larly attached to certain districts and localities. The species now under consideraticn is seldom observed beyond the limits of the Choctaw Nation in the State of Mississippi, or the Carolinas, on the shores of the Atlantic, and may with propriety be looked upon as the southern species of the United States. Louisiana, Florida, the lower portions of Alabama and Georgia, are the parts in which it most abounds; and there it makes its appearance early in spring, coming over from Mexico, and probably still warmer climates. About the middle of March, the forests of Louisiana are heard to echo with the well-known notes of this interesting bird. No sooner has the sun disappeared, and the nocturnal insects emerged from their burrows, than the sounds, “chuck-will’s-widow,”’? repeated with great clearness and power six or seven times in as many seconds, strike the ear, bringing to the mind a pleasure mingled with a certain degree of melancholy, which I have often found very soothing. The sounds of the Goatsucker, at all events, forebode a peaceful and calm night, and I have more than once thought, are conducive to lull the listener to repose. The deep ravines, shady swamps, and extensive pine ridges, are all equally resorted to by these birds; for in all such places they find ample means of providing for their safety during the day, and of procuring food under night. Their notes are seldom heard in cloudy weather, and never when it rains. Their roosting places are principally the hollows of decayed trees, whether standing or prostrate, which they seldom leave during the day, excepting while incubation is in progress. In these hollows I have found them, lodged in the company of several species of bats, the birds asleep on the mouldering particles of the wood, the bats clinging to the sides of the cavities. When surprised in such situations, instead of trying to effect their escape by flying out, they retire backwards to the farthest corners, ruffle all the feathers of their body, open their mouth to its full extent, and utter a hissing kind of murmur, not unlike that of some snakes. When seized and brought to the light of day, they open and close their eyes in rapid succession, as if it were painful for them to encounter so bright a light. They snap their little bill in the manner of Fly-catchers, and shuffle along as if extremely desirous of oe wt =<, 152 CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW. _ making their escape. On giving them liberty to fly, I have found them able to proceed until out of my sight. They passed between the trees with appa- rently as much ease and dexterity as if it had been twilight. I once cut two _ of the quill-feathers of a wing of one of these birds, and allowed it to escape. A few days afterwards I found it in the same log, which induces me to believe that they, like many other birds, resort to the same spot to roost. or spend the day. ap ie The flight of the Chuck-will’s-widow is as light as that of its relate the well-known Whip-poor-will, if not more so, and is more graceful as well as more elevated. It somewhat resembles the flight of the Hen-harrier, being performed by easy flappings of the wings, interspersed with sailings and curving sweeps, extremely pleasing to the bystander. At the approach of night, this bird begins to sing clearly and loudly, and continues its notes for about a quarter of an hour. At this time it is perched on a fence-stake, or on the decayed branch of a tree in the interior of the woods, seldom on the ground. The sounds or notes which it emits seem to cause it some trouble, as it raises and lowers its head in quick succession at each of them. This over, the bird launches into the air, and is seen sweeping over the cotton fields or the sugar plantations, cutting all sorts of figures, mounting, descend- ing, or sailing, with so much ease and grace, that one might be induced to eall it the Fairy of the night. If it passes close to one, a murmuring noise is heard, at times resembling that spoken of when the bird is caught by day. It suddenly checks its course, inclines to the right or left, secures a beetle or a moth, continues its flight over the field, passes and repasses hundreds of times over the same ground, and now and then alights on a fence-stake, or the tallest plant in the place, from which it emits its notes for a few moments with increased vivacity. Now, it is seen following a road or a path on the wing, and alighting here and there to pick up the beetle emerging from its retreat in the ground; again, it rises high in air, and gives chase to the insects that are flying there, perhaps on their passage from one wood to another. At other times, I have seen it poise itself on its wings opposite the trunk of a tree, and seize with its bill the insects crawling on the bark, in this manner inspecting the whole tree, with motions as light as those by which the Humming-Bird flutters from one flower to another. In this manner the Chuck-will’s-widow spends the greater part of the night. The greatest harmony appears to subsist between the birds of this species, for dozens may be observed flying together over a field, and chasing insects in all directions, without manifesting any enmity or envy. A few days after the arrival of the male birds, the females make their appearance, and the love season at once commences. The male pays his addresses to the female with a degree of pomposity only equalled by the Tame Pigeon. The ba %- INET 9S: G Aa wells tj hy- Be ee A LLGLLP A 0 s / SEL wrlequin Deake, PL 41. CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW. 153 female, perched lengthwise on a branch, appears coy and silent, whilst the male flies around her, alights in front of her, and with drooping wings and expanded tail advances quickly, singing with great impetuosity. They are soon seen to leave the branch together and gambol through the air. A few days after this, the female, having made choice of a place in one of the most retired parts of some thicket, deposits two eggs, which I think, although I cannot be certain, are all that she lays for the season. This bird forms no nest. A little space is carelessly scratched amongst the dead leaves, and in it the eggs, which are elliptical, dull olive, and speckled with brown, are dropped. These are not found without great difficulty, unless when by accident a person passes within a few feet of the bird whilst sitting, and it chances to fly off. Should you touch or handle these dear fruits of happy love, and, returning to the place, search for them again, you would search in vain; for the bird perceives at once that they have been meddled with, and both parents remove them to some other part of the woods, where chance only could enable you to find them again. In the same manner, they also remove the young when very small. This singular occurrence has as much occupied my thoughts as the equally singular manner in which the Cow Bunting deposits her eggs, which she does, like the Common Cuckoo of Europe, one by one, in the nests of other birds, of different species from her own. JI have spent much time in trying to ascertain in what manner the Chuck-will’s-widow removes her eggs or young, particularly as I found, by the assistance of an excellent dog, that neither the eggs nor the young were to be met with within at least a hundred yards from the spot where they at first lay. The Negroes, some of whom pay a good deal of attention to the habits of birds and quadrupeds, assured _ me that these birds push the eggs or young with their bill along the ground. Some farmers, without troubling themselves much about the matter, imagine the transportation to be performed under the wings of the old bird. The removal is, however, performed thus: When the Chuck-will’s-widow, either male or female, (for each sits alter- nately,) has discovered that the eggs have been touched, it ruffles its feathers and appears extremely dejected for a minute or two, after which it emits a low murmuring cry, scarcely audible at a distance of more than eighteen or twenty yards. At this time the other parent reaches the spot, flying so low over the ground that I thought its little feet must have touched it, as it skimmed along, and after a few low notes and some gesticulations, all indica- tive of great distress, takes an egg in its large mouth, the other bird doing _the same, when they would fly off together, skimming closely over the ground, until they disappeared among the branches and trees. But to what distance they remove their eggs, I have never been able to ascertain; nor Vox, 1. 24 154 CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW. have I ever had an opportunity of witnessing the removal of the young. Should a person, coming upon the nest when the bird is sitting, refrain from touching the eggs, the bird returns to them and sits as before. This fact I have also ascertained by observation. I have not been able to discover the peculiar use of the pectinated claw which this bird has on each foot. The Chuck-will’s-widow manifests a strong antipathy towards all snakes, however harmless they may be. Although these birds cannot in any way injure the snakes, they alight near them on all occasions, and try to frighten them away, by opening their prodigious mouth, and emitting a strong hissing murmur. It was after witnessing one of these occurrences, which took place at early twilight, that the idea of representing these birds in such an occu- pation struck me. The beautiful little snake, gliding along the dead branch, between two Chuck-will’s-widows, a male and a female, is commonly called the Harlequin Snake, and is, I believe, quite harmless. The food of the bird now under consideration consists entirely of all oes of insects, among which the larger species of moths and beetles are very conspicuous. The long bristly feathers at the base of the mandibles of these birds no doubt contribute greatly to prevent the insects from escaping, after any portion of them has entered the mouth of the bird. These birds become silent as soon as the young are hatched, but are heard again before their departure towards the end of summer. At this season, however, their cry is much less frequently heard than in spring. They leave the United States all of a sudden, about the middle of the month of August. The occurrence of the remains of a bird in the stomach of an individual of this species is‘a very remarkable circumstance, as it had never been known, or even conjectured to feed on birds. If the larger and stronger species, and especially the Stout-billed Podargi, should thus be found to be carnivorous, their affinity to the Owls, so apparent in the texture and colours of their plumage, will be rendered more conspicuous. Cuuck-WIL1’s-winow, Caprimulgus Carolinensis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. vi. p. 95. CaprimuLeus Carorinensis, Bonap. Syn., p. 61. Cuuck-wWIL.’s-winow, Caprimulgus Carolinensis, vol. i. p. 612. Cuuck-wiL1’s-wipow, Caprimulgus Carolinensis, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 2735 vol. v. p. 401. Bristles with lateral filaments; tail slightly rounded. Head and back dark brown, minutely mottled with yellowish-red, and longitudinally streaked with black; three bands of the latter colour, from the lower mandible diverg- WHIP-POOR-WILL. 155 ing along the head; a yellowish-white line over the eye; wings barred with yellowish-red and brownish-black, and minutely sprinkled with the latter colour, as are the wing-coverts, which, together with the scapulars, are largely spotted with black, and tinged with grey; tail similarly barred and dotted; terminal half of the inner webs of the three outer feathers white, their extre- mities light red; lower parts dull reddish-yellow, sprinkled with dusky; a band of whitish feathers barred with black on the fore neck. Female like the male, but without white on the tail. Male, 122, 26. Female, 13}, 30. WHIP-POOR-WILL. + Caprimueus vocirervs, Wils. PLATE XLII.—Mate anp FEmAte. This bird makes its appearance in most parts of our Western and Southern Districts, at the approach of spring, but is never heard, and indeed scarcely ever occurs, in the State of Louisiana. The more barren and mountainous parts of the Union seem to suit it best. Accordingly, the open Barrens of Kentucky, and the country through which the Alleghany ridges pass, are more abundantly supplied with it than any other regions. Yet, wherever a small tract of country, thinly covered with timber, occurs in the Middle Districts, there the Whip-poor-will is heard during the spring and early autumn. This species of Night-jar, like its relative the Chuck-will’s-widow, is seldom seen during the day, unless when accidentally discovered in a state of repose, when, if startled, it rises and flies off, but only to such a distance as it considers necessary, in order to secure it from the farther intrusion of the disturber of its noon-day slumbers. Its flight is very low, light, swift, noiseless, and protracted, as the bird moves over the places which it inhabits, in pursuit of the moths, beetles and other insects, of which its food is com- posed. During the day, it sleeps on the ground, the lowest branches of small trees and bushes, or the fallen trunks of trees so abundantly dispersed through the woods. In such situations, you may approach within a few feet of it; and, should you observe it whilst asleep, and not make any noise sufficient to alarm it, will suffer you to pass quite near without taking flight, as it seems to sleep with great soundness, especially about the middle of the 156 WHIP-POOR-WILL. day. In rainy or very cloudy weather, it sleeps less, and is more on the alert. Its eyes are then kept open for hours at a time, and it flies off as soon as it discovers an enemy approaching, which it can do, at such times, at a distance of twenty or thirty yards. It always appears with its body parallel to the direction of the branch or trunk on which it sits, and, I believe, never alights across a branch or a fence-rail. No sooner has the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, than this bird bestirs itself, and sets out in pursuit of insects. It passes low over the bushes, moves to the right or left, alights on the ground to secure its prey, passes repeatedly and in different directions over the same field, skims along the skirts of the woods, and settles occasionally on the tops of the fence-stakes or on stumps of trees, from whence it sallies, like a Fly-catcher, after insects, and, on seizing them, returns to the same spot. When thus situated, it frequently alights on the ground, to pick up a beetle. Like the Chuck- will’s-widow, it also balances itself in the air, in front of the trunks of trees, or against the sides of banks, to discover ants, and other small insects that may be lurking there. Its flight is so light and noiseless, that whilst it is passing within a few feet of a person, the motion of its wings is not heard by him, and merely produces a gentle undulation in the air. During all this time, it utters a low murmuring sound, by which alone it can be discovered in the dark, when passing within a few yards of one, and which I have often heard when walking or riding through the barrens at night. Immediately after the arrival of these birds, their notes are heard in the dusk and through the evening, in every part of the thickets, and along the skirts of the woods. ‘They are clear and loud, and to me are more interesting than those of the Nightingale. This taste I have probably acquired, by listening to the Whip-poor-will in parts where Nature exhibited all her lone grandeur, and where no discordant din interrupted the repose of all around. Only think, kind reader, how grateful to me must have been the cheering voice of this my only companion, when, fatigued and hungry, after a day of unremitted toil, I have planted my camp in the wilderness, as the darkness of night put a stop to my labours! I have often listened to the Nightingale, but never under such circumstances, and therefore its sweetest notes have never awakened the same feeling. The Whip-poor-will continues its lively song for several hours after sunset, and then remains silent until the first dawn of day, when its notes echo through every vale, and along the declivities of the mountains, until the beams of the rising sun scatter the darkness that overhung the face of nature. Hundreds are often heard at the same time in different parts of the woods, each trying to out-do the others; and when you are told that the notes of this bird may be heard at the distance of several hundred yards, you may “a, Y y / 3 RA. a8 , Wa), : Ailiack C Uh, OY" Qe yy LI Linctovia. \ th? Printed & Col® by J.T. Bowen. Philad* jnture by J.J Audubon F.KS.¥.L.S WHIP-POOR-WILL. 157 form an idea of the pleasure which every lover of nature must feel during the time when this chorus is’ continued. Description is incapable of conveying to your mind any accurate idea of the notes of this bird, much less of the feelings which they excite. Were I to tell you that they are, in fact, not strictly musical, you might be disap- pointed. The cry consists of three distinct notes, the first and last of which are emphatical and sonorous, the intermediate one less so. These three notes are preceded by a low cluck, which seems preparatory to the others, and which is only heard when one is near the bird. ) 4 hos Lé CLA PETES LEE PLAS 159 THE NIGHT-HAWK. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS, Briss. PLATE XLITI.—Mate anp Femate. The name of this bird disagrees with the most marked characteristics of ~ its habits, for it may be seen, and has frequently been seen, on the wing, during the greater part of the day, even when the atmosphere is perfectly pure and clear, and while the sun is shining in all its glory. It is equally known that the Night-Hawk retires to rest shortly after dusk, at the very time when the loud notes of the Whip-poor-will, or those of the Chuck- will’s-widow, both of which are nocturnal ramblers, are heard echoing from the places to which these birds resort. About the Ist of April, the Night-Hawk makes its appearance in the lower parts of Louisiana, on its way eastward. None of them breed in that State, or in that of Mississippi, nor am I inclined to believe any where south of the neighbourhood of Charleston, in South Carolina. The species is, how- ever, seen in all the Southern States, on its passage to and from those of the east. The Night-Hawks pass with so much comparative swiftness over Louisiana in the spring, that in a few days after their first appearance none are to be seen; nor are any to be found there until their return in autumn, when, on account of the ample supply of food they still meet with at this late season, they remain several weeks, gleaning the insects off the cotton fields, waste lands, or sugar plantations, and gambolling over the prairies, lakes or rivers, from morning till night. Their return from the Middle Districts varies according to the temperature of the season, from the 15th of August to late in October. Their migrations are carried on over so great an extent, and that so loosely, that you might conceive it their desire to glean the whole country, as they advance with a front extending from the mouths of the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains, passing in this manner from the south far beyond our eastern boundary lines. Thus they are enabled to disperse and breed through- out the whole Western and Eastern States, from South Carolina to Maine. On their way they may be seen passing over our cities and villages, alighting on the trees that embellish our streets, and even on chimney tops, from which they are heard to squeak their sharp notes, to the amusement or surprise of those who observe them. i I have seen this species in the British Provinces of New Brunswick and 160 THE NIGHT-HAWK. Nova Scotia, where they remain so late as the beginning of October, but I observed none in Newfoundland, or on the shores of Labrador. In going north, their appearance in the Middle States is about the first of May; but they seldom reach Maine before June. The Night-Hawk has a firm, light, and greatly prolonged flight. In dull cloudy weather, it may be seen on the wing during the whole day, and is more clamorous than at any other time. The motions of its wings while flying are peculiarly graceful, and the playfulness which it evinces renders its flight quite interesting. The bird appears to glide through the air with all imaginable ease, assisting its ascent, or supporting itself on high, by irre- gular hurried flappings performed at intervals, as if it had unexpectedly fallen in with its prey, pursued, and seized it. Its onward motion is then continued. It moves in this manner, either upwards in circles, emitting a loud sharp squeak at the beginning of each sudden start it takes, or straight downwards, then to the right or left, whether high or low, as it presses onward, now skimming closely over the rivers, lakes, or shores of the Atlantic, and again wending its way over the forests or mountain tops. During the love season its mode of flight is particularly interesting: the male may be said to court his mate entirely on the wing, strutting as it were through the air, and per- forming a variety of evolutions with the greatest ease and elegance, insomuch that no bird with which I am acquainted can rival it in this respect. It frequently raises itself a hundred yards, sometimes much more, and apparently in the same careless manner already mentioned, its squeaking notes becoming louder and more frequent the higher it ascends; when, checking its course, it at once glides obliquely downwards, with wings and tail half closed, and with such rapidity that a person might easily conceive it to be about to dash itself against the ground. But when close to the earth, often at no greater distance than a few feet, it instantaneously stretches out its wings, so as to be nearly directed downwards at right angles with the body, expands its tail, and thus suddenly checks its downward career. It then brushes, as it were, through the air, with inconceivable force, in a semi- circular line of a few yards in extent. This is the moment when the singular noise produced by this bird is heard, for the next instant it rises in an almost perpendicular course, and soon begins anew this curious mode of courtship. The concussion caused, at the time the bird passes the centre of its plunge, by the new position of its wings, which are now brought almost instantly to the wind, like the sails of a ship suddenly thrown aback, is the cause of this singular noise. The female does not produce this, although she frequently squeaks whilst on the wing. Sometimes, when several males are paying their addresses to the same female, the sight of those beaux plunging through the air in different direc- THE NIGHT-HAWK. 161 tions, is curious and highly entertaining. This play is quickly over, however, for no sooner has the female made her choice, than her approved gives chase to all intruders, drives them beyond his dominions, and returns with exulta- tion, plunging and gambolling on the wing, but with less force, and without nearing the ground. In windy weather, and as the dusk of the evening increases, the Night- Hawk flies lower and more swiftly than ever, making wide and irregular deviations from its general course, to overtake an insect which its keen eye has seen at a distance, after which it continues onward as before. When darkness comes on, it alights either on the ground or on a tree, where it spends the night, now and then uttering its squeak. These birds can scarcely walk on the ground, on account of the small size and position of their legs, which are placed very far back, for which reason they cannot stand erect, but rest their breast on the ground, or on the branch of a tree, on which they are obliged to alight sidewise. They alight with ease, however, and squat on branches or fence-rails, now and then on the tops of houses or barns. In all such positions they are easily approached. I have neared them when on a fence or low wall to within a few feet, when they would look upon me with their large mild eyes more as a friend than an enemy, although they flew off the moment they observed any thing sus- picious in my movements. They now and then squeak while thus seated, and if this happens when they are perched on the trees of our cities, they seldom fail to attract the attention of persons passing. In Louisiana this species is called by the French Creoles “Crapaud volant,”’ in Virginia “Bat; but the name by which it is most commonly known is “Mght-Hawk.’’ The beauty and rapidity of its motions render it a tempting object to sportsmen generally, and*its flesh is by no means unpalatable. Thousands are shot on their return to the south during the autumn, when they are fat and juicy. Now and then at this season, they plunge through the air, but the rustling sound of their wings at this or any other time after the love season is less remarkable. In the Middle States, about the 20th of May, the Night- ee without much care as to situation, deposits its two, almost oval, freckled eggs on the bare ground, or on an elevated spot in the ploughed fields, or even on the naked rock, sometimes in barren or open places in the skirts of the woods, never entering their depths. No nest is ever constructed, nor is the least preparation made by scooping the ground. They never, I believe, raise more than one brood in a season. The young are for some time covered with a soft down, the colour of which, being a dusky-brown, greatly contri- butes to their safety. Should the female be disturbed during incubation, she makes her escape, pretending lameness, fluttering and trembling, until she Vor. I. 25 162 » THE NIGHT-HAWK. feels assured that you have lost sight of her eggs or young, after which she flies off, and does not return until you have withdrawn, but she will suffer you to approach her, if unseen, until within a foot or two of her eggs. During incubation, the male and female sit alternately. After the young are tolerably grown, and require less warmth from their parents, the latter are generally found in their immediate neighbourhood, quietly squatted on some fence, rail, or tree, where they remain so very silent and motionless that it is no easy matter to discover them. When wounded they scramble off very awkwardly, and if taken in the hand immediately open their mouth to its full extent repeatedly, as if the mandibles moved on hinges worked by a spring. They also strike with their wings in the manner of pigeons, but without any effect. The food of the Night-Hawk consists entirely of insects, especially those of the Coleopterous order, although they also seize on moths and caterpillars, and are very expert at catching crickets and grasshoppers, with which they sometimes gorge themselves, as they fly low over the ground with great rapidity. They now and then drink whilst flying closely over the water, in the manner of swallows. None of these birds remain during the winter in any portion of the United States. The Chuck-will’s-widow alone have I heard, and found far up the St. John’s River, in East Florida, in January. Frequently during autumn, at New Orleans, I have known some of these birds to remain searching for food over the meadows and river until the rainy season had begun, and then is the time at which the sportsmen shoot many of them down; but the very next day, if the weather was still drizzly, scarcely one could be seen there. When returning from the northern districts at a late period of the year, they pass close over the woods, and with so much rapidity, that you can obtain only a single glimpse of them. While at Indian Key, on the coast of Florida, I saw a pair of these birds killed by lightning, while they were on wing, during a tremendous thunder- storm. They fell on the sea, and after picking them up I examined them earefully, but failed to discover the least appearance of injury on the feathers or in the internal parts. Nicut-Hawk, Caprimulgus Americanus, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. v. p. 65. Caprimuneus Virernianus, Bonap. Syn., p. 62. Caprimutcus (Cuorpemes) Vireintanus, Swains. and Rich. F. Bor. Amer., vol. i. p. 62. Nicut-Hawk, Caprimulgus Americanus, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p- 619. Nicut-Haws, Caprimulgus Virginianus, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 273; vol. v. p. 406. Upper parts brownish-black, mottled with white and pale reddish-brown; a conspicuous white bar extending across the inner web of the first, and the THE NIGHT-HAWK. 163 whole breadth of the next four quills; tail-feathers barred with brownish- grey, the four outer on each side plain brownish-black towards the end, with a large white spot; sides of the head and fore neck mottled like the back; a broad white band, in the form of the letter V reversed, on the throat and sides of the neck; the rest of the lower parts greyish-white, transversely undulated with dark brown. Female similar, with the dark parts more brown, the white more tinged with red, the band on the throat brownish- white, and the white spots on the tail-feathers wanting. Male, 93, 233. Female, 92, 233. FAMILY V. CYPSELINAS, SWIFTS._ Mouth opening to beneath the hind part of the eyes; bill extremely short, very broad at the base, compressed at the end; upper mandible decurved at the point, the edge inflected, with an indistinct sinus. Nostrils basal, approxi- mate, oblong. Head large and depressed; neck short; body rather slender. Feet extremely short; tarsus rounded, destitute of scutella; toes extremely short, the three anterior nearly equal; hind toe very small, and versatile; claws strong, compressed, arched, very acute. Plumage compact; no bristles at the base of the upper mandible; wings extremely elongated, falciform, the first quill longest; tail of ten feathers. C&sophagus of moderate width, with- out crop; stomach oblong, moderately muscular, with a dense rugous epithe- lium; intestine short, and rather wide; no ceca. No inferior laryngeal muscles. Nest in crevices or holes, or attached to high places. Eggs elon- gated, white. Genus 1.—CHATURA, Stephens. SPINE-TAIL. ‘All the characters as above. _ Tarsus bare, longer than the middle toe, which scarcely exceeds the outer. Tail short, even, the shafts very strong, and prolonged into acuminate points. | a 164 | * THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. ~CHmTuRA PELASGIA, Temm. PLATE XLIV.—Mates, Femae, anp Nest. Since the progress of civilization in our country has furnished thousands of convenient places for this Swallow to breed in, safe from storms, snakes, or quadrupeds, it has abandoned, with a judgment worthy of remark, its former abodes in the hollows of trees, and taken possession of the chimneys which emit no smoke in the summer season. For this reason, no doubt, it has obtained the name by which it is generally known. I well remember the time when, in Lower Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, many resorted to excavated branches and trunks, for the purpose of breeding; nay, so strong is the influence of original habit, that not a few still betake themselves to such places, not only to roost, but also to breed, especially in those wild portions of our country that can scarcely be said to be inhabited. In such instances, they appear to be as nice in the choice of a tree, as they generally are in our cities in the choice of a chimney, wherein to roost. Sycamores of gigantic growth, and having a mere shell of bark and wood to support them, seem to suit them best, and wherever I have met with one of those patriarchs of the forest rendered habitable by decay, there I have found the Swallows breeding in spring and summer, and afterwards roosting until the time of their departure. I had a tree of this kind cut down, which contained about thirty of their nests in its trunk, and one in each of the hollow branches. The nest, whether placed in a tree or chimney, consists of small dry twigs, which are procured by the birds in a singular manner. While on wing, the Chimney Swallows are seen in great numbers whirling round the tops of some decayed or dead tree, as if in pursuit of their insect prey. Their movements at this time are extremely rapid; they throw their body suddenly against the twig, grapple it with their feet, and by an instantaneous jerk, snap it off short, and proceed with it to the place intended for the nest. The Frigate Pelican sometimes employs the same method for a similar purpose, carrying away the stick in its bill, in place of holding it with its feet. The Swallow fixes the first sticks on the wood, the rock, or the chimney wall, by means of its saliva, arranging them in a semicircular form, crossing and interweaving them, so as to extend the framework outwards. The whole is afterwards glued together with saliva, which is spread around it for an inch or more, to fasten it securely. When the nest is in a chimney, it is ® a NYO. Pl. 44. VINE AOE ¢ AA 4 Ll. THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. 165 generally placed on the east side, and is from five to eight feet from the entrance; but in the hollow of a tree, where only they breed in communities, it is placed high or low according to convenience. The fabric, which is very frail, now and then gives way, either under the pressure of the parents and young, or during sudden bursts of heavy rain, when the whole is dashed to the ground. The eggs are from four to six, and of a pure white colour. Two broods are raised in the season. The flight of this species is performed somewhat in the manner of the European Swift, but in a more hurried although continued style, and gene- rally by repeated flappings, unless when courtship is going on, on which occasion it is frequently seen sailing with its wings fixed as it were; both sexes as they glide through the air issuing a shrill rattling twitter, and the female receiving the caresses of the male. At other times it is seen ranging far and wide at a considerable elevation over the forests and cities; again, in wet weather, it flies close over the ground; and anon it skims the water, to drink and bathe. When about to descend into a hollow tree or a chimney, its flight, always rapid, is suddenly interrupted as if by magic, for down it goes in an instant, whirling in a peculiar manner, and whirring with its wings, so as to produce a sound in the chimney like the rumbling of very distant thunder. They never alight on trees or on the ground. If one is caught and placed on the latter, it can only move in a very awkward fashion. I believe that the old birds sometimes fly at night, and have reasen to think that the young are fed at such times, as I have heard the whirring sound of the former, and the acknowledging cries of the latter, during calm and clear nights. When the young accidentally fali, which sometimes happens, although the nest should remain, they scramble up again, by means of their sharp claws, lifting one foot after another, in the manner of young Wood Ducks, and supporting themselves with their tail. Some days before the young are able to fly, they scramble up the walls to near the mouth of the chimney, where they are fed. Any observer may discover this, as he sees the parents passing close over them, without entering the funnel. The same occurrence takes place when they are bred in a tree. In the cities, these birds make choice of a particular chimney for their roosting place, where, early in spring, before they have begun building, both sexes resort in multitudes, from an hour or more before sunset, until long after dark, Before entering the aperture, they fly round and over it many times, but finally go in one at a time, until hurried by the lateness of the hour, seyeral drop in together. They cling to the wall with their claws, supporting themselves also by their sharp tail, until the dawn, when, with a roaring sound, the whole pass out almost at once. Whilst at St. Francisville 166 THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. in Louisiana, I took the trouble of counting how many entered one chimney before dark. I sat at a window not far from the spot, and reckoned upwards of a thousand, having missed a considerable number. ‘The place at that time - contained about a hundred houses, and no doubt existed in my mind that the greater number of these birds were on their way southward, and had merely stopped there for the night. Immediately after my arrival at Louisville, in the State of Kentucky, I became acquainted with the late hospitable and amiable Major W1i11am Croeuan and his family. While talking one day about birds, he asked me if I had seen the trees in which the Swallows were supposed to spend the winter, but which they only entered, he said, for the purpose of roosting. Answering in the affirmative, I was informed that on my way back to town, there was a tree remarkable on account of the immense numbers that resorted to it, and the place in which it stood was described to me. I found it to be a sycamore, nearly destitute of branches, sixty or seventy feet high, between seven and eight feet in diameter at the base, and about five for the distance of forty feet up, where the stump of a broken hollowed branch, about two feet in diameter, made out from the main stem. This was the place at which the Swallows entered. On closely examining the tree, I found it hard, but hollow to near the roots. It was now about four o’clock after noon, in the month of July. Swallows were flying over Jeffersonville, Louisville, and the woods around, but there were none near the tree. I proceeded home, and shortly after returned on foot. The sun was going down behind the Silver Hills; the evening was beautiful; thousands of Swallows were flying closely above me, and three or four at a time were pitching into the hole, like bees hurrying into their hive. I remained, my head leaning on the tree, listening to the roaring noise made within by the birds as they settled and arranged themselves, until it was quite dark, when I left the place, although I was convinced that many more had to enter. I did not pretend to count them, for the number was too great, and the birds rushed to the entrance so thick as to baffle the attempt. I had scarcely returned to Louis- ville, when a violent thunder-storm passed suddenly over the town, and its appearance made me think that the hurry of the Swallows to enter the tree was caused by their anxiety to avoid it. I thought of the Swallows almost the whole night, so anxious had I become to ascertain their number, before the time of their departure should arrive. Next morning I rose early enough to reach the place long before the least appearance of daylight, and placed my head against the tree. All was silent within. I remained in that posture probably twenty minutes, when sudden- ly I thought the great tree was giving way, and coming down upon me. Instinetively I sprung from it, but when I looked up to it again, what was THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. 167 my astonishment to see it standing as firm asever. The Swallows were now pouring out in a black continued stream. I ran back to my post, and listen- ed in amazement to the noise within, which I could compare to nothing else than the sound of a large wheel revolving under a powerful stream. It was yet dusky, so that I could hardly see the hour on my watch, but I estimated the time which they took in getting out at more than thirty minutes. After their departure, no noise was heard within, and they dispersed in every di- rection with the quickness of thought. f I immediately formed the project of examining the interior of the tree, which, as my kind friend, Major Crogan, had told me, proved the most remarkable I had ever met with. This I did, in company with a hunting associate. We went provided with a strong line and a rope, the first of which we, after several trials, succeeded in throwing across the broken branch. Fastening the rope to the line we drew it up, and pulled it over until it reached the ground again. Provided with the longest cane we could find, I mounted the tree by the rope, without accident, and at length seated myself at ease on the broken branch; but my labour was fruitless, for I could see nothing through the hole, sad the cane, which was about fifteen feet long, touched nothing on the sides of the tree within that could give any informa- tion. I came down fatigued and disappointed. The next day I hired a man, who cut a hole at the base of the tree. The shell was only eight or nine inches thick, and the axe soon brought the inside to view, disclosing a matted mass of exuviz, with rotten feathers reduced to a kind of mould, in which, however, I could perceive fragments of insects and quills. I had a passage cleared, or rather bored through this mass, for nearly six feet. This operation took up a good deal of time, and knowing by experience that if the birds should notice the hole below, they would abandon the tree, I had it carefully closed. ‘The Swallows came as usual that night, and I did not disturb them for several days. At last, provided with a dark lantern, | went with my companion about nine in the evening, determined to have a full view of the interior of the tree. The hole was opened with caution. I scrambled up the sides of the mass of exuvie, and my friend followed. All was perfectly silent. Slowly and gradually I brought the light of the lantern to bear on the sides of the hole above us, when we saw the Swallows clinging side by side, covering the whole surface of the excavation. In no instance did I see one above another. Satisfied with the sight, I closed the lantern. We then caught and killed with as much care as possible more than a hundred, stowing them away in our pockets and bosoms, and slid down into the open air. We observed that, while on this visit, not a bird had dropped its dung upon us. Closing the entrance, we marched towards Louisville perfectly elated. On examining q d . i 'y Se 168 THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. the birds which we had procured, a hundred and fifteen in number, we found only six females. Eighty-seven were adult males; of the remaining twenty- two the sex could not be ascertained, and I had no doubt that they were the young of that year’s first brood, the flesh and quill-feathers being tender and soft. Let us now make a rough calculation of the number that clung to the tree. The space beginning at the pile of feathers and moulded exuvie, and ending at the entrance of the hole above, might be fully 25 feet in height, with a breadth of 15 feet, supposing the tree to be 5 feet in diameter at an average. There would thus be 375 feet square of surface. Each square foot, allowing a bird to cover a space of 3 inches by 14, which is more than enough, judging from the manner in which they were packed, would contain 32 birds. The number of Swallows, therefore, that roosted in this single tree was 9000. I watched the motions of the Swallows, and when the young birds that had been reared in the chimneys of Louisville, Jeffersonville, and the houses of the neighbourhood, or the trees suited for the purpose, had left their native recesses, I visited the tree on the 2nd day of August. I concluded that the numbers resorting to it had not increased; but I found many more females and young than males, among upwards of fifty, which were caught and opened. Day after day I watched the tree. On the 13th of August, not more than two or three hundred came there to roost. On the 18th of the same month, not one did I see near it, and only a few scattered individuals were passing, as if moving southward. In September I entered the tree at night, but not a bird was in it. Once more I went to it in February, when the weather was very cold; and perfectly satisfied that all these Swallows had left our country, I finally closed the entrance, and left off visiting it. May arrived, bringing with its vernal warmth the wanderers of the air, and I saw their number daily augmenting, as they resorted to the tree to roost. About the beginning of June, I took it in my head to close the aperture above, with a bundle of straw, which with a string I could draw off whenever I might choose. The result was curious enough; the birds as usual came to the tree towards night; they assembled, passed and repassed, with apparent discomfort, until I perceived many flying off to a great distance, on which I removed the straw, when many entered the hole, and continued to do so until I could no longer see them from the ground. I left Louisville, having removed my residence to Henderson, and did not see the tree until five years after, when I still found the Swallows resorting to it. The pieces of wood with which I had closed the entrance had rotted, or had been carried off, and the hole was again completely filled with exuvie and mould. During a severe storm, their ancient tenement at length gave way, and came to the ground. THE CHIMNEY SWALLOW, OR AMERICAN SWIFT. 169 General Witi1Am Ciarx assured me that he saw this species on the whole of his route to the Pacific, and there can be no doubt that in those wilds it still breeds in trees or rocky caverns. Its food consists entirely of insects, the pellets composed of the indigestible parts of which it disgorges. It is furnished with glands which supply the unctuous matter with which it fastens its nest. This species does not appear to extend its migrations farther east than the British provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is unknown in Newfoundland and Labrador; nor was it until the 29th of May that I saw some at Eastport in Mame, where a few breed. Cuimney Swattow, Hirundo pelasgia, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. v. p. 48. CypseLus PELAscius, Bonap. Syn., p. 63. Cuimney Swirt or Swatiow, Cypselus pelasgius, Nutt. Mann., vol. i. p. 609. Cuimney Swattow or American Swirt, Cypselus pelasgius, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. il. p. 329; vol. v. p. 419. Brownish-black, lighter on the rump, with a slight greenish gloss on the head and back; throat .greyish-white, lower parts greyish-brown, tinged with green; loral space black, and a greyish-white line over the eye. Female similar to the male. Male 44, 12. FAMILY VI. HIRUNDINA. SWALLOWS. Bill very short, much depressed and very broad at the base, compressed toward the tip; upper mandible with the dorsal line convex, the edges over- lapping, with a small notch close to the slightly decurved tip. Head broad, depressed; neck very short, body moderate. Feet very short, tarsus very short, anteriorly scutellate; toes of moderate size; first large, all scutellate in their whole length; claws rather strong, compressed, well curved, acute. Plumage soft, blended, glossy. No bristles at the base of the bill. Wings extremely long, narrow, pointed, somewhat falciform; secondaries very short. Tail generally emarginate, of twelve feathers. Mouth extremely wide; esophagus rather wide, without crop; stomach elliptical or roundish, muscu- lar, with a dense rugous epithelium; cceca very small. Four pairs of inferior laryngeal muscles. Nest in holes in banks, buildings, or trees, or attached to the surface of these objects. Eggs from four to six, white, plain, or spotted. Wor; 1. 26 170 Genus I.—HIRUNDO, Linn. SWALLOW. Characters as above; tail emarginate or forked. THE PURPLE MARTIN. Hrrunpo purpurea, Linn. PLATE XLV.—Mate anp Femate. The Purple Martin makes its appearance in the City of New Orleans from the 1st to the 9th of February, occasionally a few days earlier than the first - of these dates, and is then to be seen gambolling through the air, over the city and the river, feeding on many sorts of insects, which are there found in abundance at that period. It frequently rears three broods whilst with us. I have had several opportunities, at the period of their arrival, of seeing prodigious flocks moving over that city or its vicinity, at a considerable height, each bird performing circular sweeps as it proceeded, for the purpose of procuring food. These flocks were loose, and moved either eastward, or towards the north-west, at a rate not exceeding four miles in the hour, as I walked under one of them with ease for upwards of two miles, at that rate, on the 4th of February, 1821, on the bank of the river below the city, constantly looking up at the birds, to the great astonishment of many passengers, who were bent on far different pursuits. My Fahrenheit’s thermometer stood at 68°, the weather being calm and drizzly. This flock extended about a mile and a half in length, by a quarter of a mile in breadth. On the 9th of the same month, not far above the Battle-ground, I enjoyed another sight of the same kind, although I did not think the flock so numerous. At the Falls of the Ohio, I have seen Martins as early as the 15th of March, arriving in small detached parties of only five or six individuals, when the thermometer was as low as 28°, the next day at 45°, and again, in the same week, so low as to cause the death of all the Martins, or to render them so incapable of flying as to suffer children to catch them. By the 25th of the same month, they are generally plentiful about that neighbourhood. At St. Genevieve, in the State of Missouri, they seldom arrive before the PI. 45. N° 9. fe THE PURPLE MARTIN. 171 10th or 15th of April, and sometimes suffer from unexpected returns of frost. At Philadelphia, they are first seen about the 10th of April. They reach Boston about the 25th, and continue their migration much farther north, as the spring continues to open. On their return to the Southern States, they do not require to wait for warmer days, as in spring, to enable them to proceed, and they all leave the above-mentioned districts and places about the 20th of August. They assem- ble in parties of from fifty to a hundred and fifty, about the spires of churches in the cities, or on the branches of some large dead tree about the farms, for several days before their final departure. From these places they are seen making occasional sorties, uttering a general cry, and inclining their course towards the west, flying swiftly for several hundred yards, when suddenly checking themselves in their career, they return in easy sailings to the same tree or steeple. They seem to act thus for the purpose of exercising them- selves, as well as to ascertain the course they are to take, and to form the necessary arrangements for enabling the party to encounter the fatigues of their long journey. Whilst alighted, during these days of preparation, they spend the greater part of the time in dressing and oiling their feathers, clean- ing their skins, and clearing, as it were, every part of their dress and body from the numerous insects which infest them. They remain on their roosts exposed to the night air, a few only resorting to the boxes where they have been reared, and do not leave them until the sun has travelled an hour or two from the horizon, but continue, during the fore part of the morning, to plume themselves with great assiduity. At length, on the dawn of a calm morning, they start with one accord, and are seen moving due west or south- west, joining other parties as they proceed, until there is formed a flock similar to that which I have described above. Their progress is now much more rapid than in spring, and they keep closer together. It is during these migrations, reader, that the power of flight possessed by these birds can be best ascertained, and more especially when they encounter a violent storm of wind. They meet the gust, and appear to slide along the edges of it, as if determined not to lose one inch of what they have gained. The foremost front the storm with pertinacity, ascending or plunging along the skirts of the opposing currents, and entering their undulating recesses, as if determined to force their way through, while the rest follow close behind, all huddled together into such compact masses as to appear like a black spot. Not a twitter is then to be heard from them by the spectator below; but the instant the farther edge of the current is doubled, they relax their efforts, to refresh themselves, and twitter in united accord, as if congratulating each other on the successful issue of the contest. The usual flight of this bird more resembles that of the Hirundo urbica 172 THE PURPLE MARTIN. of Linnamus, or that of the Hirundo fulva of VrerLxo07, than the flight of any other species of Swallow; and, although graceful and easy, cannot be compared in swiftness with that of the Barn Swallow. Yet the Martin is fully able to distance any bird not of its own genus. They are very expert at bathing and drinking while on the wing, when over a large lake or river, giving a sudden motion to the hind part of the body, as it comes into contact with the water, thus dipping themselves in it, and then rising and shaking their body, like a water spaniel, to throw off the water. When intending to drink, they sail close over the water, with both wings greatly raised, and forming a very acute angle with each other. In this position, they lower the head, dipping their bill several times in quick succession, and swallowing at each time a little water. ; They alight with comparative ease on different trees, particularly willows, making frequent movements of the wings and tail as they shift their place, in looking for leaves to convey to their nests. They also frequently alight on the ground, where, notwithstanding the shortness of their legs, they move with some ease, pick up a goldsmith or other insect, and walk to the edges of puddles to drink, opening their wings, which they also do when on trees, feeling as if not perfectly comfortable. These birds are extremely courageous, persevering, and tenacious of what they consider their right. They exhibit strong antipathies against cats, dogs, and such other quadrupeds as are likely to prove dangerous to them. They attack and chase indiscriminately every species of Hawk, Crow, or Vulture, and on this account are much patronized by the husbandman. They fre- quently follow and tease an Eagle, until he is out of sight of the Martin’s box; and to give you an idea of their tenacity, when they have made choice of a place in which to rear their young, I shall relate to you the following occurrences. I had a large and commodious box built and fixed on a pole, for the reception of Martins, in an enclosure near my house, where for some years several pairs had reared their young. One winter I also put up several small boxes, with a view to invite Blue-birds to build nests in them. The Martins arrived in the spring, and imagining these smaller apartments more agreeable than their own mansion, took possession of them, after forcing the lovely Blue-birds from their abode. I witnessed the different conflicts, and observed that one of the Blue-birds was possessed of as much courage as his antagonist, for it was only in consequence of the more powerful blows of the Martin, that he gave up his house, in which a nest was nearly finished, and he continued on all occasions to annoy the usurper as much as lay in his power. The Martin shewed his head at the entrance, and merely retorted with accents of exultation and insult. I thought fit to interfere, mounted THE PURPLE MARTIN. 173 the tree on the trunk of which the Blue-bird’s box was fastened, caught the Martin, and clipped his tail with scissors, in the hope that such mortifying punishment might prove effectual in inducing him to remove to his own tenement. No such thing; for no sooner had I launched him into the air, than he at once rushed back to the box. I again caught him, and clipped the tip of each wing in such a manner that he still could fly sufficiently well to procure food, and once more set him at liberty. The desired effect, however, was not produced, and as I saw the pertinacious Martin keep the box in spite of all my wishes that he should give it up, I seized him in anger, and disposed of him in such a way that he never returned to the neighbourhood. At the house of a friend of mine in Louisiana, some Martins took posses- sion of sundry holes in the cornices, and there reared their young for several years, until the insects which they introduced to the house induced the owner to think of a reform. Carpenters were employed to clean the place, and close up the apertures by which the birds entered the cornice. This was soon done. The Martins seemed in despair; they brought twigs and other materials, and began to form nests wherever a hole could be found in any part of the building; but were so chased off that after repeated attempts, the season being in the mean’ time advanced, they were forced away, and betook themselves to some Woodpeckers’ holes on the dead trees about the plantation. The next spring, a house was built for them. The erection of such houses is a general practice, the Purple Martin being considered as a privileged pilgrim, and the harbinger of spring. The note of the Martin is not melodious, but is nevertheless very pleasing. The twitterings of the male while courting the female are more interesting. Its notes are among the first that are heard in the morning, and are welcome to the sense of every body. The industrious farmer rises from his bed as he hears them. They are soon after mingled with those of many other birds, and the husbandman, certain of a fine day, renews his peaceful labours with an elated heart. The still more independent Indian is also fond of the Mar- tin’s company. He frequently hangs up a calabash on some twig near his camp, and in this cradle the bird keeps watch, and sallies forth to drive off the vulture that might otherwise commit depredations on the deer-skins or pieces of venison exposed to the air to be dried. The slaves in the Southern States take more pains to accommodate this favourite bird. The calabash is neatly scooped out, and attached to the flexible top of a cane, brought from the swamp, where that plant usually grows, and placed close to their huts. Almost every country tavern has a Martin box on the upper part of its sign- board; and I have observed that the handsomer the box, the better does the inn generally prove to be. 174 THE PURPLE MARTIN. All our cities are furnished with houses for the reception of these birds; and it is seldom that even lads bent upon mischief disturb the favoured Mar- tin. He sweeps along the streets, here and there seizing a fly, hangs to the eaves of the houses, or peeps into them, as he poises himself in the air in front of the windows, or mounts high above the city, soaring into the clear sky, plays with the string of the child’s kite, snapping at it, as he swiftly passes, with unerring precision, or suddenly sweeps along the roofs, chasing off grimalkin, who is probably prowling in quest of his young. In the Middle States, the nest of the Martin is built, or that of the preced- ing year repaired and augmented, eight or ten days after its arrival, or about the 20th of April. It is composed of dry sticks, willow-twigs, grasses, leaves green and dry, feathers, and whatever rags he meets with. The eggs, which are pure white, are from four to six. Many pairs resort to the same box to breed, and the little fraternity appear to live in perfect harmony. They rear two broods in a season. The first comes forth in the end of May, the second about the middle of July. In Louisiana, they sometimes have three broods. The male takes part of the labour of incubation, and is extremely attentive to his mate. He is seen twittering on the box, and frequently flying past the hole. His notes are at this time emphatical and prolonged, low and less musical than even his common pews. Their food consists entirely of insects, among which are large beetles. ‘They seldom seize the honey-bee. The circumstance of their leaving the United States so early in autumn, has inclined me to think that they must go farther south than any of our migratory land birds. Purpte Martin, Hirwndo purpurea, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. i. p. 58. Hirunpo purpurea, Bonap. Syn., p. 64. Puree Martin, Hirundo purpurea, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 598. Purpte Martin, HWirundo purpurea, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 115; vol. v. p. 408. Bill rather stout; wings as long as the tail, which is deeply emarginate. Plumage silky, shining, purplish-black, with steel-blue reflections; quills and tail-feathers brownish-black; tarsi and toes purplish-black. Female with the upper parts paler, and tinged with grey, the lower light grey, longitudinally streaked with black. Male, 74,16. Female, 77%, 153%. 175 THE WHITE-BELLIED SWALLOW. eo ~Hrrvunpo sicotror, Vieill. PLATE XLVI.—Mate anp Femate. This Swallow often spends the winter months in the State of Louisiana, resorting frequently to the neighbourhood of the marshes that border Lake Pontchartrain and Bayou St. John, near the city of New Orleans. At the beginning of spring, it spreads widely over the country, and may be observ- ed skimming over the streets of our cities, as well as along the meadows in their neighbourhood. Its flight is easy, continued, and capable of being greatly protracted. It is seen sailing, circling, turning, and winding in all directions, during the greater part of the day. Lake all other Swallows, it feeds on the wing, unceasingly pursuing insects of various kinds, and in seizing them producing a snapping noise, which may be heard at some distance. ‘So quarrelsome is this Swal- low, that it is almost continually fighting with its own species. Yet they remain in flocks at all seasons, and many pairs are often seen to breed within a short distance of each other. It also attacks the House Swallow, and fre- quently takes possession of its nest. It generally prefers the hollow of a tree for its nest, which is of a globular form, composed of slender grasses, and abundantly lined with feathers of various kinds. The eggs are from four to six, of a pure white colour, strong- ly tinged with bluish, occasioned by the transparency of the shell, and are deposited about the end of May. It breeds twice during the season. No sooner have the young of the second brood acquired their full power of flight, than parents and offspring assemble in large flocks, and resort to the roofs of houses, the tops of decayed trees, or the sandy beaches of our rivers, from whence they take their departure for the south. They fly in a close body, and thus continue their journey, until they reach the places adapted for their winter residence, when they again resume by day the habits which they exhibit during their summer sojourn in the Middle and Northern States, but collect at night and resort to the sedges and tall plants of the marshes. This species is found abundantly dispersed over the Rocky Mountains, and along the Columbia River. I have traced it on our Atlantic coast from the Texas to Labrador, and Dr. Ricuarpson states that it frequents the woody districts of the Fur Countries up to the 68th parallel, but does not 176 THE WHITE-BELLIED SWALLOW. _ mention the periods of its arrival or departure. In all parts of the country which are well wooded, it was, until lately, in the constant habit of breeding in the hollows of trees; now, however, this is not so much the case, as will be seen from the following note of Dr. Toomas M. Brewer of Boston:— “The Hirundo bicolor arrives in New England the last of April or the first of May, and is principally occupied, preparatory to breeding, with obstinate contests with its own species, as well as with the Blue-bird, the Wren, and the Barn Swallow. In the vicinity of Boston, since the destruc- tion of the Purple Martins already mentioned, they have taken their places, building in the boxes, jars, &c. originally intended for their relatives, so much so, that in this vicinity they are not now known to breed at all in the hollow trees; a change of habit very unusual, if not wholly unexampled. So_ much do they prefer their present mode of breeding, that I have known them to build in a rude candle-box, of which one side had been knocked out, placed upon the top of the house. In the first part of August, they collect in large flocks about ten days before their departure for warmer climates. During that time they are to be seen in great quantities flying around a d over the houses in Boston in quest of insects.’’ My friend Dr. Bacuman says, “On the afternoon of the 16th of October, 1833, in company with Dr. Wiison and Mr. Jonn Woopnovuse AvupusBon, I saw such an immense quantity of this species of birds that the air was positively darkened. As far as the eye could reach, there were Swallows crowded thickly together, and winging their way southward; there must an e have been many millions!”’ a GREEN-BLUE Or WHITE-BELLIED SwaLLow, Hirundo viridis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. iii. p. 44. Hirunpo picotor, Bonap. Syn., p. 65. WHITE-BELLIED SwaLLow, Hirundo bicolor, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 605. W3ITE-BELLIED SwaLLow, Hirundo bicolor, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. i. p. 491; vol. v. p. 417. Wings a little longer than the tail, which is deeply emarginate. Upper parts steel-blue, with green reflections, lower white; feet flesh coloured. Female similar to the male. Male, 53 inches long, 10 in extent of wings. ~ PL 46. N° 10. a / LEI IoD Drawn from ature by J.J Audubon. E.R.S.EL.S Lith! Printed & Cal? by JT owen. Philact* Ne 10. {< Tests.) Drawn fram Nature by J JAudubon.FK.S.FL.S Joh” Printed & Colt by J Bowen, Philad* Veg THE REPUBLICAN OR CLIFF SWALLOW. ~Hrrvunpo Frutva, Vieill. PLATE XLVII.—Mate, Femate, anp Nests. In the spring of 1815, I for the first time saw a few individuals of this species at Henderson, on the banks of the Ohio, a hundred and twenty miles below the Falls of that river. It was an excessively cold morning, and near- ly all were killed by the severity of the weather. I drew up a description at the time, naming the species Hirundo republicana, the Republican Swallow, in allusion to the mode in which the individuals belonging to it associate, for the purpose of forming their nests and rearing their young. Unfortunately, through the carelessness of my assistant, the specimens were lost, and I despaired for years of meeting with others. In the year 1819, my hopes were revived by Mr. Rosert Busv, curator of the Western Museum at Cincinnati, who informed me that a strange spe- cies of bird had made its appearance in the neighbourhood, building nests in clusters, affixed to the walls. In consequence of this information, I imme- diately crossed the Ohio to Newport, in Kentucky, where he had seen many nests the preceding season; and no sooner were we landed than the chirrup- ing of my long-lost little strangers saluted my ear. Numbers of them were busily engaged in repairing the damage done to their nests by the storms of the preceding winter. Major OLpHaAm of the United States Army, then commandant of the gar- rison, politely offered us the means of examining the settlement of these birds, attached to the walls of the building under his charge. He informed us, that, in 1815, he first saw a few of them working against the wall of the house, immediately under the eaves and cornice; that their work was carried on rapidly and peaceably, and that as soon as the young were able to travel, they all departed. Since that period, they had returned every spring, and then amounted to several hundreds. They usually appeared about the 10th of April, and immediately began their work, which was at that moment, it being then the 20th of that month, going on in a regular manner, against the walls of the arsenal. They had about fifty nests quite finished, and others in progress. About day-break they flew down to the shore of the river, one hundred yards distant, for the muddy sand, of which the nests were constructed, and worked with great assiduity until near the middle of the day, as if aware that Vou. I. 27 178 THE REPUBLICAN OR CLIFF SWALLOW. the heat of the sun was necessary to dry and harden their moist tenements. They then ceased from labour for a few hours, amused themselves by per- forming aérial evolutions, courted and caressed their mates with much affec- tion, and snapped at flies and other insects on the wing. They often exam- ined their nests to see if they were sufficiently dry, and as soon as these ap- peared to have acquired the requisite firmness, they renewed their labours. Until the females began to sit, they all roosted in the hollow limbs of the sycamores (Platanus occidentalis) growing on the banks of the Licking River, but when incubation commenced, the males alone resorted to the trees. A second party arrived, and were so hard pressed for time, that they betook themselves to the holes in the wall, where bricks had been left out for the scaffolding. These they fitted with projecting necks, similar to those of the complete nests of the others. Their eggs were deposited on a few bits of straw, and great caution was necessary in attempting to procure them, as the slightest touch crumbled their frail tenement into dust. By means of a table- spoon, I was enabled to procure many of them. Tach nest contained four eggs, which were white, with dusky spots. Only one brood is raised in a season. The energy with which they defended their nests was truly asto- nishing. Although I had taken the precaution to visit them at sun-set, when I supposed they would all have been at rest, yet a single female happening to give the alarm, immediately called out the whole tribe. They snapped at my hat, body and legs, passed between me and the nests, within an inch of my face, twittering their rage and sorrow. They continued their attacks as I descended, and accompanied me for some distance. Their note may be perfectly imitated by rubbing a cork damped with spirit against the neck of a bottle. A third party arrived a few days after, and immediately commenced build- ing. In one week they had completed their operations, and at the end of that time thirty nests hung clustered like so many gourds, each having a neck two inches long. On the 27th July, the young were able to follow their parents. They all exhibited the white frontlet, and were scarcely dis- tinguishable in any part of their plumage from the old birds. On the Ist of August, they all assembled near their nests, mounted some three hundred feet in the air, and about 10 o’clock in the morning took their departure, flying in a loose body, in a direction due north. They returned the same evening about dusk, and continued these excursions, no doubt to exercise their powers, until the third, when, uttering a farewell cry, they shaped the same course at the same hour, and finally disappeared. Shortly after their departure, I was informed that several hundreds of their nests were attached to the court-house at the mouth of the Kentucky river. They had com- menced building them in 1815. tchewee. These notes are often followed, as the bird passes from one tree to another, by a low murmuring chirr or twitter, which it keeps up until it alights, when it instantly quivers its wings, and jerks its tail a few times. At intervals it emits a sweeter whistling note, sounding like weet, weel, weet, will; and when angry it emits a loud chirr. Vot. I. 34 FF. SMALL GREEN CRESTED FLYCATCHER. Early in May, in our Middle Districts, the Small Green Crested Fly- catcher constructs its nest, which varies considerably in different parts of the country, being made warmer in the northern localities, where it breeds almost a month later. It is generally placed in the darkest shade of the woods, in the upright forks of some middle-sized tree, from eight to twenty feet above the ground, sometimes so low as to allow a man to look into it. In some instances I have found it on the large horizontal branches of an oak, when it looked like a knot. It is always neat and well-finished, the inside measuring about two inches in diameter, with a depth of an inch and a half. The exterior is composed of stripes of the inner bark of various trees, vine fibres and grasses, matted together with the down of plants, wool, and soft moss. The lining consists of fine grass, a few feathers, and horse hair. The whole is light, elastic, and firmly coherent, and is glued to the twigs or saddled on the branch with great care. The eggs are from four to six, small, and pure white. While the female is sitting, the male often emits a scolding chirr of defiance, and rarely wanders far from the nest, but relieves his mate at intervals. In the Middle States they often have two broods in the season, but in Maine or farther north only one. The young follow their parents in the most social manner; but before these birds leave us entirely, the old and the young form different parties, and travel in small groups towards warmer regions. I have thought that this species throws up pellets more, frequently than most others. Its food consists of insects during spring and summer, such as moths, wild bees, butterflies, and a variety of smaller kinds; but in autumn it greedily devours berries and small grapes. Although not shy with respect to man, it takes particular notice of quadrupeds, following a minx or polecat to a considerable distance, with every manifestation of anger. The mutual affection of the male and female, and their solicitude respecting their eggs or young, are quite admirable. The flight of the Small Green Flycatcher is performed by short glidings, supported by protracted flaps of the wings, not unlike those of the Pewee Flycatcher; and it is often seen, while passing low through the woods or fol- lowing the margins of a creek, to drink in the manner of Swallows, or sweep after its prey, until it alights. Like the King-bird, it always migrates by day. Smatt Green Crestep FrycatcHer, Muscicapa querula, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 77. Sma.u Pewee, Nutt. Man., vol. i. p. 288. Muscicapa acapica, Bonap. Syn., p. 68. Smatt Green Crestep Fiycarcuer, Muscicapa acadica, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 2565 vol. v. p. 427. THE PEWEE FLYCATCHER. 223 Bill broad and much depressed; second quill longest, third a little shorter, first shorter than fourth; tail scarcely emarginate, upper parts dull greenish- olive, the head darker; wings and tail dusky-brown; two bands of dull pale yellow on the wing, the secondary quills broadly edged and tipped with the same; a narrow ring of yellowish-white round the eye; throat greyish-white; sides of neck and fore part of breast greyish-olive, the rest of the lower parts yellowish-white. Male, 53, 83. From Texas northward. Migratory. SASSAFRAS. Laurus sassaFrras, Willd. Sp. Pl., vol. ii. p. 485. Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept., vol. i. p. 277. —Enneanpria Monoeynta, Linn. Lavat, Juss. The Sassafras grows on almost: every kind of soil in the Southern and Western States, where it is of common occurrence. Along the Atlantic States it extends as far as New Hampshire, and still farther north in the western country. The beauty of its foliage and its medicinal properties ren- der it one of our most interesting trees. It attains a height of fifty or sixty feet, with a proportionate diameter. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, oval, and undivided, or three-lobed. The flowers, which appear before the leaves, are of a greenish-yellow colour, and the berries are of an oval form and bluish-black tint, supported on cups of a bright red, having long filiform pe- duncles.,. THE PEWEE FLYCATCHER. ~*~ Muscicapa Fusca, Gmel. PLATE LXIIJ.—Mate anp Femate. Connected with the biography of this bird are so many incidents relative to my own, that could I with propriety deviate from my proposed method, the present number would contain less of the habits of birds than of those of the youthful days of an American woodsman. While young, I had a planta- tion that lay on the sloping declivities of the Perkiomen Creek. I was ex- tremely fond of rambling along its rocky banks, for it would have been diffi- cult to do so either without meeting with a sweet flower, spreading open its 294 THE PEWKE FLYCATCHER. beauties to the sun, or observing the watchful King-fisher perched on some projecting stone over the clear water of the stream. Nay, now and then, the Fish Hawk itself, followed by a White-headed Eagle, would make his ap- pearance, and by his graceful aérial motions, raise my thoughts far above them into the heavens, silently leading me to the admiration of the sublime Creator of all. These impressive, and always delightful, reveries often ac- companied my steps to the entrance of a small cave scooped out of the solid rock by the hand of nature. It was, I then thought, quite large enough for my study. My paper and pencils, with now and then a volume of Epexz- WORTH’S natural and fascinating Tales or Laronrarne’s Fables, afforded me ample pleasures. It was in that place, kind reader, that I first saw with ad- vantage the force of parental affection in birds. There it was that I studied the habits of the Pewee; and there I was taught most forcibly, that to destroy the nest of a bird, or to deprive it of its eggs or young, is an act of great cruelty. I had observed the nest of this plain-coloured Flycatcher fastened, as it were, to the rock immediately over the arched entrance of this calm retreat. I had peeped into it: although empty, it was yet clean, as if the absent owner intended to revisit it with the return of spring. The buds were already much swelled, and some of the trees were ornamented with blossoms, yet the ground was still partially covered with snow, and the air retained the pierc- ing chill of winter. I chanced one morning early to go to my retreat. The sun’s glowing rays gave a rich colouring to every object around. As I en- tered the cave, a rustling sound over my head attracted my attention, and, on turning, I saw two birds fly off, and alight on a tree close by:—#the Pe- wees had arrived! I felt delighted, and fearing that my sudden appearance might disturb the gentle pair, I walked off; not, however, without frequently looking at them. I concluded that they must have just come, for they seem- ed fatigued:—their plaintive note was not heard, their crests were not erect- ed, and the vibration of the tail, so very conspicuous in this species, appeared to be wanting in power. Insects were yet few, and the return of the birds looked to me as prompted more by their affection to the place, than by any other motive. No sooner had I gone a few steps than the Pewees, with one accord, glided down from their perches and entered the cave. I did not re- turn to it any more that day, and as I saw none about it, or in the neighbour- hood, I supposed that they must have spent the day within it. I concluded also that these birds must have reached this haven, either during the night, or at the very dawn of that morn. Hundreds of observations have since proved to me that this species always migrates by night. I went early next morning to the cave, yet not early enough to surprise them in it. Long before I reached the spot, my ears were agreeably saluted i 3 , P1.63. *e f RI CLI / Male 2? Female f - ath Pp & tbv 11 Philad Drawn from Native by J) Audubon, 1S LS Sdn! Primed & Col® by Bowen. Phi gees aged F ras wpa Mie Ag 7 ae THE PEWEE FLYCATCHER. 22a by their well-known note, and I saw them darting about through the air, giving chase to some insects close over the water. They were full of gaiety, frequently flew into and cut of the cave, and while alighted on a favourite tree near it, seemed engaged in the most interesting converse. The light fluttering or tremulous motions of their wings, the jetting of their tail, the erection of their crest, and the neatness of their attitudes, all indicated that they were no longer fatigued, but on the contrary refreshed and happy. On my going into the cave, the male flew violently towards the entrance, snap- ped his bill sharply and repeatedly, accompanying this action with a tremu- lous rolling note, the import of which I soon guessed. Presently he flew into the cave and out of it again, with a swiftness scarcely credible: it was like the passing of a shadow. Several days in succession I went to the spot, and saw with pleasure that as my visits increased in frequency, the birds became more familiarized to me, and, before a week had elapsed, the Pewees and myself were quite on terms of intimacy. It was now the 10th of April; the spring was forward that season, no more snow was to be seen, Redwings and Grakles were to be found here and there. The Pewees, I observed, began working at their old nest. Desirous of judging for myself, and anxious to enjoy the company of this friendly pair, I] determined to spend the greater part of each day in the eave. My presence no longer alarmed either of them. They brought a few fresh materials, lined the nest anew, and rendered it warm by adding a few large soft feathers of the common goose, which they found strewn along the edge of the water in the creek. ‘There was a remarkable and curious twit- tering in their note while both sat on the edge of the nest at those meetings, and which is never heard on any other occasion. It was the soft, tender ex- pression, I thought, of the pleasure they both appeared to anticipate of the future. Their mutual caresses, simple as they might have seemed to another, and the delicate manner used by the male to please his mate, rivetted my eyes on these birds, and excited sensations which I can never forget. The female one day spent the greater part of the time in her nest; she frequently changed her position; her mate exhibited much uneasiness, he would alight by her sometimes, sit by her side for a moment, and suddenly flying out, would return with an insect, which she took from his bill with apparent gratification. About three o’clock in the afternoon, I saw the un- easiness of the female increase; the male showed an unusual appearance of despondence, when, of a sudden, the female rose on her feet, looked sidewise under her, and flying out, followed by her attentive consort, left the cave, rose high in the air, performing evolutions more curious to me than any I had seen before. They flew about over the water, the female leading her mate, as it were, through her own meanderings. Leaving the Pewees to 226 THE PEWEE FLYCATCHER. their avocations, I peeped into their nest, and saw there their first ege, so white and so transparent—for I believe, reader, that eggs soon loose this peculiar transparency after being laid—that to me the sight was more plea- sant than if I had met with a diamond of the same size. The knowledge that in an enclosure so frail, life already existed, and that ere many weeks would elapse, a weak, delicate, and helpless creature, but perfect in all its parts, would burst the shell, and immediately call for the most tender care and attention of its anxious parents, filled my mind with as much wonder as when, looking towards the heavens, I searched, alas! in vain, for the true import of all that I saw. In six days, six eggs were deposited; but I observed that as they increased in number, the bird remained a shorter time in the nest. The last she de- posited in a few minutes after alighting. Perhaps, thought I, this is a law of nature, intended for keeping the eggs fresh to the last. About an hour after laying the last egg, the female Pewee returned, settled in her nest, and, after arranging the eggs, as I thought, several times under her body, expand- ed her wings a little, and fairly commenced the arduous task of incubation. Day after day passed by. I gave strict orders that no one should go near the cave, much less enter it, or indeed destroy any bird’s nest on the planta- tion. Whenever I visited the Pewees, one or other of them was on the nest, while its mate was either searching for food, or perched in the vicinity, filling the air with its loudest notes. I not unfrequently reached out my hand near the sitting bird;-and so gentle had they both become, or rather so well acquainted were we, that neither moved on such occasions, even when my hand was quite close to it. Now and then the female would shrink back into the nest, but the male frequently snapped at my fingers, and once left the nest as if in great anger, flew round the cave a few times, emitting his querulous whining notes, and alighted again to resume his labours. At this very time, a Pewee’s nest was attached to one of the rafters of my mill, and there was another under a shed in the cattle-yard. Each pair, any one would have felt assured, had laid out the limits of its own domain, and it was seldom that one trespassed on the grounds of its neighbour. The Pewee of the cave generally fed or spent its time so far above the mill on the creek, that he of the mill never came in contact with it. The Pewee of the cattle-yard confined himself to the orchard, and never disturbed the rest. Yet I sometimes could hear distinctly the notes of the three at the same mo- ment. I had at that period an idea that the whole of these birds were de- scended from the same stock. If not correct in this supposition, I had ample proof afterwards that the brood of young Pewees, raised in the cave, returned the following spring, and established themselves farther up on the creek, and among the outhouses in the neighbourhood. ‘ THE PEWEE FLYCATCHER. 997 On some other occasion, I will give you such instances of the return of birds, accompanied by their progeny, to the place of their nativity, that per- haps you will become convinced, as I am at this moment, that to this pro- pensity every country owes the augmentation of new species, whether of birds or of quadrupeds, attracted by the many benefits met with, as countries become more open and better cultivated: but now I will, with your leave, return to the Pewees of the cave. On the thirteenth day, the little ones were hatched. One egg was unpro- ductive, and the female, on the second day after the birth of her brood, very deliberately pushed it out of the nest. On examining this egg, I found it containing the embryo of a bird partly dried up, with its vertebre quite fast to the shell, which had probably occasioned its death. Never have I since so closely witnessed the attention of birds to their young. Their entrance with insects was so frequently repeated, that I thought I saw the little ones grow as I gazed upon them. ‘The old birds no longer looked upon me as an enemy, and would often come in close by me, as if I had been a post. I now took upon me to handle the young frequently; nay, several times I took the whole family out, and blew off the exuvie of the feathers from the nest. I attached light threads to their legs: these they invariably removed, either with their bills, or with the assistance of their parents. I renewed them, however, until I found the little fellows habituated to them; and at last, when they were about to leave the nest, I fixed a light silver thread to the leg of each, loose enough not to hurt the part, but so fastened that no exer- tions of theirs could remove it. Sixteen days had passed, when the brood took to wing; and the old birds, dividing the time with caution, began to arrange the nest anew. ve *} o, ‘ ' ys va ied 5 eerie Wwe aS Mae ¥, ie Le pet! Lair