UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY APR 0 9 1992 oology f Cerro dr *io Federal Amazonas, Vene> lost c-iSf.-ii. the text BIOLOGY LIBRARY 101 BURRILL HALL MOV 2 0 1991 FIELDIANA Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 65 The Birds of Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela David E. Willard1 Mercedes S. Foster2 George F. Barrowclough3 Robert W. Dickerman3 Peter F. Cannell3 4 Sadie L. Coats3t Joel L. Cracraft1 5 John P. O'Neill6 1 Division of Birds, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Illinois 60605 2 National Ecology Research Center, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Museum of Natural History. Washington. DC 20560 1 Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024 * Division of Birds. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. DC. 20560 5 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60680 6 Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 t Deceased. Accepted March 4, 1991 Published October 31, 1991 Publication 1429 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY © 1991 Field Museum of Natural History Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-72795 ISSN 0015-0754 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents List of Tables Introduction 2 The Mountain 2 Description 2 History of Ornithological Exploration 2 The 1984-1985 Expedition 4 Species Accounts 8 Conventions 8 Accounts 10 Discussion 63 Molt 63 Gonadal Data 63 Range Extensions 65 Comparisons with Other Avifaunas 67 Acknowledgments 69 Literature Cited 70 1 . Widespread species new from Neblina lowlands 66 2. Lowland species filling artificial range gaps 66 3. Western tepui species new to Neblina, with closest published locality 67 4. Resident forest species totals, by family/ subfamily, for five lowland Amazonian sites 68 5. Mt. Duida species not recorded from Neblina 68 List of Appendices List of Illustrations 1 . The Pantepui area of Venezuela 3 2. Neblina massif rising from surrounding lowlands 4 3. Central canyon (Canon Grande) of Nebli- na 5 4. Stream-edge forest, 1 730 m, Camp VII ... 6 5. Forest on ridge, 1515 m, Camp XI 7 6. Bog vegetation at 2100 m, Camp II 8 7. Topography of Cerro de la Neblina, with location of camps 9 8. Patterns of molt 64 9. Patterns of gonadal development 65 10. Comparison of Andean and Neblina montane avifaunas 69 1 . Collections of birds from Cerro de la Neblina 71 2. Specimens of birds from San Carlos de Rio Negro and Santa Lucia taken on the current expedition 77 3. Major tepui montane avifaunas 79 in The Birds of Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela David E. Willard Mercedes S. Foster George F. Barrowclough Robert W. Dickerman Peter F. Cannell Sadie L. Coats Joel L. Cracraft John P. O'Neill Abstract From January through April 1984 and from December 1984 through March 1985, we sur- veyed the avifauna of Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela. We collected and/or observed 3 1 0 species of birds from the slopes of the mountain and from the surrounding lowlands. Of these, 61 were found primarily above 750 m. With the addition of four species found on previous expeditions but not on ours, the currently known montane (restricted to 750 m and above) avifauna of Neblina stands at 65 species. The assessment of the lowland avifauna was less complete than at higher elevations. We documented 264 species below 350 m. A number of species in both lowlands and highlands represent range extensions. The lowland species totals fall between those of sites in western and northern Amazonia. The montane fauna is smaller than those of several eastern tepuis, and dramatically smaller than those at similar elevations in the Andes. Analyses of molt and reproductive data indicate a gradual decline in wing and tail molt from December through April in both lowlands and highlands; reproductive activity declined over the same period in the highlands, while remaining fairly constant in the lowlands. Abstracto Se hizo un estudio de la avifauna del Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, durante los meses de enero hasta abril de 1 984 y desde diciembre 1 984 hasta marzo 1985. Se colectaron y/o se observaron 310 especies de aves en las laderas de las montanas y en las tierras bajas cercanas. De estas, 61 fueron encontradas a mas de 750 m de altura. Con otras cuatro especies que fueron encontradas en un expedition anterior pero no en la nuestra, el numero de aves conocidas (restringidas a mas de 750 m de altura) de la montana de Neblina cuenta con 65 especies. La estimation de la avifauna de las tierras bajas fue mas incompleta que en la de la elevation mas alta. Se documentaron 264 especies debajo de 350 m. Algunas especies que se encuentran en la parte baja y en la montanosa representan extensiones de su distribution. El total de las especies de la zona baja cae entre el de la parte occidental y el de la parte norte de Amazonia. La fauna montana es mas pequena que en varios de los tepuis de la parte este, y dramaticamente mucho mas baja que en elevaciones similares en los Andes. El analisis de la muda y datos reproductivos indican un declive gradual en la muda de las alas y la cola de diciembre an abril en la zona baja y montanosa; la actividad reproductiva tambien decae durante el mismo periodo en la zona montanosa, mientras que permanece bastante constante en la zona baja. FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, N.S., NO. 65, OCTOBER 31, 1991, PP. 1-80 Introduction The Mountain The tableland mountains or tepuis of the Gui- ana Highlands stretch from the Venezuela/Guy- ana border across most of Venezuela south of the Rio Orinoco. Through this area, more than 30 peaks reach elevations higher than 1000 m. As isolated islands of subtropical forest, these moun- tains support a flora and fauna rich in endemic forms, and are of particular biogeographical in- terest. Basic knowledge of this flora and fauna is essential to any understanding of its origin and evolution. Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Ama- zonas, Venezuela, was not discovered until 1953 (Maguire, 1955). It is located on the Venezuela/ Brazil border in the southwestern corner of the "Pantepui" (this term was coined by Mayr and Phelps [1967] to encompass the area occupied by the tepuis). Tepuis occur in eastern and western clusters; Cerro de la Neblina is a fairly isolated outlier of the western group (fig. 1). Neblina is a highly eroded massif arising from the surrounding lowlands (fig. 2). Three of its peaks exceed 2500 m, and Pico Phelps at 3045 m is the highest point in South America outside of the Andes. As the highest and one of the most isolated of the tepuis, Cerro de la Neblina has great potential for a unique flora and fauna. With this potential in mind, the Venezuelan Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Fi- sicas, Matematicas y Naturales sponsored a mul- tidisciplinary study of this tepui. Charles Brewer- Carias (Expedition Leader) from the Fundacion, Roy McDiarmid of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Charles W. Myers of the American Mu- seum of Natural History, and James Luteyn of the New York Botanical Garden organized an expe- dition to inventory the flora and fauna of Cerro de la Neblina. From January 1984 through March 1985, over 100 scientists studied and collected fungi, plants, snails, insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals from the slopes of Neblina and the adjacent lowlands. Eight ornithologists worked at Neblina for varying periods during this time. This paper is a report of our results. Description Cerro de la Neblina is a horseshoe-shaped ridge divided by a deep central canyon (fig. 3) that drains most of the mountain. The Neblina massif is ap- proximately 80 km long and 40 km wide at its widest (Maguire and Wurdack, 1959), with the summit encompassing an area of about 600 km2 (Mayr and Phelps, 1 967). Neblina is characterized by extremely sheer cliffs rising from the lowlands. At elevations from 1000 to 2500 m, plateaus and moderate to steep slopes support both forest (figs. 4, 5) and bog vegetation (fig. 6), described by Ma- guire and Wurdack (1959) as the most diverse found in the tepuis. Above 2500 m, the rocky slopes are so precipitous that they support little substantial vegetation. Cerro de la Neblina is located at approximately 00°50'N, 66°00'W (Maguire, 1955; Maguire and Wurdack, 1959). To the east, it is connected by a corridor of high elevation (1000 m) to the Sierras Tapirapeco and Curupira along the Brazilian bor- der. This group of peaks is 350 km south of the nearest other major tepui, Cerro Duida. History of Ornithological Exploration In 1954, the year after the discovery of Cerro de la Neblina, William H. Phelps, Jr., Kathleen Deery de Phelps, and Ramon Urbano made the first survey of birds on this mountain. From 1 9 January to 2 February, they worked on the ridge at 1850 to 1900 m on the northeastern edge of Neblina, and on the lower slopes to the northeast. Their collection included about 400 specimens of 57 species, taken from 950 to 1900 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). It was 10 years before there was any further ornithological exploration. In February and March 1965, R. Morales collected 13 specimens of six species from 2300 to 2500 m on the northeast slopes. In February and March 1967, Otacilio Ta- vares collected 72 specimens of 17 species from Fig. 1. The Pantepui, with Cerro de la Neblina designated with an arrow (from Mayr and Phelps, 1967). FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA Fig. 2. Neblina massif rising from surrounding lowlands. the Brazilian slope of Pico Zuloaga at 1 500 m and from 2350 to 2475 m near the summit. G. Perez, in October 1970, worked from 2000 to 2300 m on the north side of Pico Zuloaga. He collected 28 specimens of 1 1 species. The final ornithological exploration prior to our expedition was in No- vember and December 1970. Francisco Caldas collected 149 specimens of 50 species, a few from 500 to 600 m in the Brazilian lowlands and the rest from 1 300 to 2000 m on the Brazilian slopes. Phelps (1972) and Phelps and Aveledo (1966) re- ported on specimens from these collections that represented new records for Brazil. Otherwise, re- sults of these last collections are unpublished. The 680 specimens from Neblina collected prior to our expedition are mostly housed in the Colec- cion Ornitologica Phelps in Caracas, with smaller numbers at the American Museum of Natural His- tory and the U.S. National Museum in Washing- ton. They represent 89 species. Of these, 1 1 from the Caldas collection were collected only below 600 m, leaving 78 species collected from 900 m and above. Six of the latter are migrants from North America that winter broadly across north- ern South America, and 25 are widespread low- land forms whose ranges extend up the slopes. This leaves a total of 47 primarily montane species (i.e., distributed only above 900 m) recorded from Cer- ro de la Neblina prior to our expedition. The 1984-1985 Expedition From February to early May and late November to early December 1984, and from late January through early March 1985, we surveyed the avi- fauna of Cerro de la Neblina by observation and through collections made with shotguns and mist nets. Helicopters provided access to camps at up- per elevations. A trail system several kilometers in extent provided access to various lowland hab- itats, including river-edge bamboo, seasonally in- undated floodplain forest, upland forest, and both black- and white-water streams. Mist nets were run virtually continually at all camps, but because of scheduling and mechanical problems with hel- icopters, and differential manpower, coverage was not equal at all camps. Because of this, and because the mist-netting techniques of the various workers differed, we made no attempt to analyze mist-net captures quantitatively. The following is a description of the areas sur- veyed and a summary of our itineraries. The lo- calities are mapped in figure 7. The site descrip- tions are adapted from those provided by R. McDiarmid (in litt.; for more detailed descrip- tions, see Brewer-Carias, 1988). Base Camp— 140 m; left bank of the Rio Baria. Tall seasonal rain forest drained by both black- and white-water streams. From this camp we had walking access up to 350 m. Barrowclough (GB): 25-28 Nov., 4 Dec. 1984 Cannell (PC): 25-28 Nov., 4 Dec. 1984 Coats (SC): 7-15 Feb., 18 Feb.-12 Mar. 1984 Cracraft (JC): 10-11 Apr., 15 Apr., 19 Apr.- 9 May 1984 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Fig. 3. Central canyon (Canon Grande) of Neblina. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA Fig. 4. Stream-edge forest, 1730 m, Camp VII. Dickerman (RD): 20-21 Mar., 25 Mar.-lO Apr. 1984 Foster (MF): 5-16 Feb., 26 Feb.-l 2 Mar. 1 984 O'Neill (JO): 25-28 Jan., 14-25 Feb. 1985 Willard(DW): 14 Mar., 21 Mar.-lOApr., 15- 18 Apr. 1984; 25-28 Jan., 14-25 Feb. 1985 Camp IV— 740 m; left bank of the Rio Baria in the Canon Grande, bisecting Cerro de la Ne- blina. Steep slopes in narrow canyon. Trees short and sapling-like with few greater than 10m high, probably owing to the steep drainage. Willard: 16-20 Mar. 1984 Camp V— 1250 m; at base of Pico Maguire. A hanging valley in dense cloud forest with mod- erately tall trees, and rocky forest floor covered with thick moss. Dickerman: 22-24 Mar. 1984 Willard: 23-24 Mar., 11-14 Apr. 1984 Cracraft: 11-14 Apr. 1984 Camp XI- 1390-15 15 m; 6.2 km NNE Pico Phelps. Tyleria-Brocchinia (a terrestrial bro- meliad) scrub forest on ridges; dense cloud forest in lower elevations and valleys. O'Neill, Willard: 26 Feb.-l Mar. 1985 Day Trip— 1600 m; 6.5 km SSW Base Camp. Dickerman, Cracraft: 18 Apr. 1984 Camp VII— 1 730-1 850 m; 5 km NE Pico Phelps. Cloud forest along stream edge, climbing steeply to dense stands of terrestrial bromeliads (Broc- chinia) on rock outcrops. Barrowclough, Cannell: 29 Nov.-3 Dec. 1984 O'Neill, Willard: 30 Jan.-13 Feb. 1985 Camp 1—1820-1880 m; on northwest plateau. Pitcher plant (Heliamphora) savannas, and ridges supporting an endemic small tree (Neb- linaria). Coats: 16-18 Feb. 1984 Camp VI— 2000 m; near Brazil border, 3.5 km NE Pico Zuloaga. Wet shrubby savanna and FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Fio. 5. Forest on ridge, 1515 m. Camp XI. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA Fig. 6. Bog vegetation at 2100 m, Camp II. dwarf cloud forest dominated by a small shrub- by tree (Bonnetia). Dickerman: 14-17 Apr. 1984 Camp II -2085-2 100 m; 3 km NE Pico Phelps. Pitcher plant (Heliamphora) bogs; gallery forest along small stream and slopes of shrubby Bon- netia forest. Foster: 17-25 Feb. 1984 Dickerman: 16-20 Mar. 1984 Cracraft: 15-17 Apr. 1984 O'Neill: 1 Feb. 1985 our observations, document a total of 310 species from the slopes of Cerro de la Neblina and the surrounding lowlands. Eighty-two of these species were encountered above 750 m. Five of these are migrants from North America or the West Indies, and an additional 19 have widespread lowland ranges that extend up the slopes of the tepuis. Thus, we found a total of 58 species that were primarily montane, defined as having lower elevational lim- its at 750 m or above. Santa Lucia and San Carlos— 120 m; small set- tlements along the Rio Negro. Dominated by second growth and cultivated land, but tall for- est on sandy soil on the outskirts of San Carlos. Coats (Santa Lucia): 4-5 Feb. 1984 Dickerman, Willard (San Carlos): 5-12 Mar. 1984 Cracraft (San Carlos): 12 May 1984 We collected a total of 2, 1 50 specimens repre- senting 259 species. These collections, along with Species Accounts Conventions In the species accounts, the following conven- tions are adopted: 1. An asterisk (*) signifies a species considered primarily montane, i.e., occurring primarily above 750 m. 2. Gonadal development is defined as: FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY E o_. 03 CQ E | S. E I g WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 99, Largest ovum: < 1 x 1 mm 1 x 1 mm > 1 x 1 mm 68, Testes: Under 10 g: < 1 x 1 mm 2 x 1 mm > 2 x 2 mm 10-50 g: < 2 x 2 mm < 2 x 2 to 4 > 4 x 4 mm 50-100 g: < 3 x 3 mm 4 x 3 to 7 > 7 x 4 mm > 100 g: < 6 x 4 mm > 6 x 4 to 8 > 8 x 5 mm = small = moderate = large = small = moderate = large = small x 4 mm = moderate = large = small x 4 mm = moderate = large = small x 5 mm = moderate = large 3. Weights are split by sex if the sample sizes are large or if the sexes appear to be decidedly dif- ferent; when we have significant numbers of unsexed specimens (many of the fluid speci- mens), or when the weights of one sex bracket those of the other, we have combined the sexes and we list a single mean weight for the species. 4. Abundance: "regular," "infrequent," or "oc- casional" is used when we are aware of a few individuals of a species, but lack information on absolute abundance; "common," "fairly common," or "uncommon" is used for species with more evidence of actual abundance from mist-net samples or more thorough census in- formation. 5. Specimens from the current expedition are list- ed by elevation. We include information on specimens from previous expeditions if they represent records from elevations above or be- low those recorded on the current trip. We also include species that we did not encounter that were collected on those expeditions. Detailed summaries of all specimens collected at Ne- blina on this and previous expeditions, and of those collected at San Carlos and Santa Lucia on the current expedition, are presented in Ap- pendices 1 and 2, respectively. Caldas, Tavares, and Perez specimens are part of the Phelps col- lection. 6. General range information for southern Ama- zonas is taken from Phelps and Phelps (1958, 1 963), Meyer de Schauensee and Phelps ( 1 978), and Schwartz and Rivero (1979). 7. Nomenclature and species order follow Mo- rony et al. (1975) except for the Fumariidae, which follows Meyer de Schauensee (1 970), and the Tyrannidae, Pipridae, and Cotingidae, which follow Tray lor (1979). 8. Sight records and observations of some specific stomach contents are followed by the initials of the observer. Accounts Tinamus major Great Tinamou Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight- 670 g (1 $). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dusky; mandible pink with dusky tip. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6). Molt— Heavy body molt in mid- Feb. spec- imen. Food— Fruit and seeds in one stomach. Regularly heard in river-edge forest at 140 m. Chicks and eggs brought in by camp assistants in mid-Feb. (not collected). Tinamus guttatus White-throated Tinamou Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-570g(l <5). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla brown; mandible cream. Tarsus — Gray-green. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 <5). Molt— None in early Feb. specimen. Food— Fruit, seeds, and grit in one stomach. Regularly heard in forest from 140 to 750 m. Specimen was taken while it was roosting in a tree at night. Crypturellus soui Little Tinamou Vocal records only (DW). Calling in Feb. from forest at about 1 300 m below Camp XL 10 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Podilymbus podiceps Pied-billed Grebe Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 420 g(l S). Iris— Dark brown, flecked with gray. Orbital Skin— Pale yellow. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible flesh. Tarsus — Gray-brown . Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <5). Specimen, taken 25 Feb. 1985 from a back- water of Rio Maria, constitutes our only record; this is the first record for the territory of Ama- zonas. Phalacrocorax olivaceus Neotropic Cormorant Sight records only (GB, SC, JC, RD, MF, JO, DW). Small numbers regularly along Rio Baria at 140 m. Cochlearius cochlearius Boat-billed Heron Sight records only (RD, MF, DW). Regularly heard calling at night along Rio Baria, Feb. through Apr. 1984. Butorides striates Green-backed Heron Specimens— 1 (140 m). Gonads— Small— Apr. (1 <5). Specimen taken along backwaters of Rio Ba- ria, and one sight record from the same area (MF). Hydranassa caerulea Little Blue Heron Sight record only (JC, RD). Not previously recorded in Amazonas. Anhinga anhinga Anhinga Sight records only (MF, JO, DW). Single in- dividuals present along backwaters of Rio Baria at 140 m in Feb. of both 1984 and 1985. *Tigrisoma (fasciatam) (species ?) Fasciated Tiger-Heron One sight record only (DW). An immature flushed from rocks of fast-flowing stream at 1 800 m in Feb. 1985. The habitat and elevation are more typical offasciatum than of lineatum, but neither species is known from southern Ama- zonas. Agamia agami Chestnut-bellied Heron Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight- 630 g (1 <5); 545 g (1 unsexed). Iris— Orange-red to amber. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale straw to flesh. Tarsus — Gray-brown . Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <3). Molt— Light body and tail molt in early Mar. specimen. Food— Small fish and shrimp in one stomach. The two specimens, taken from edge of Rio Baria, constitute our only records. The early Mar. specimen was in immature plumage. Nycticorax violaceus Yellow-crowned Night Heron Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-445g(l 9). Iris— Orange. Bill— Black. Tarsus — Yellow-green . Gonads— Small— Jan. (1 2). Occasionally observed feeding at night in shallow rocky rapids of Rio Baria from late Jan. through Feb. In Amazonas, previously recorded only at Puerto Ayacucho. Mesembrinibis cayennensis Green Ibis Sight records only (SC, JC, RD, JO, DW). Single individuals frequently observed flying along Rio Baria. Records in Mar. and Apr. 1984 and Feb. and Mar. 1985. Eudocimus ruber Scarlet Ibis Sight records only (MF). Flocks of five and of two observed from helicopter about two-thirds WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 11 of the way between Santa Lucia and the Base Camp, over 140-m lowlands, on 4 Feb. 1984. They were clearly recognized by their bright scarlet plumage and their slender, down-curved bills. The species has not previously been re- corded from Amazonas. Cathartes melambrotus Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sight records only (SC, RD, JO, DW). Reg- ularly flying overhead at Base Camp. Feb. 1 984 (SC); a second observed flying above forest in main river canyon above 750 m, Mar. 1984 (DW). Identified by large size, uniformly black plumage, and proportionately broad wings and short tail with central white tail band. Spe- cies was previously known in Venezuela only from the Coastal Range in Aragua and Cara- bobo. M. Lentino (pers. comm.) reports that it is also regularly seen at Colonia Tovar in Dis- trito Federal, Guatapo in Miranda, and in the Gran Sabana of Bolivar. Sarcoramphus papa King Vulture Sight record only (JC). Vicinity of Base Camp. Leptodon cayanensis Gray-headed Kite Sight record only (DW). Immature observed soaring over lowland forest near Base Camp at 1 40 m, Apr. 1984. Identified by size, black crown patch on otherwise white head, and pale lores, separating it from the black-lored Black and White Hawk-Eagle, Spizastur melanoleucus. Previous records for Amazonas only along Rios Ventuari and Orinoco at Las Carmelitas and the vicinity of Cerro Yapacana, but M. Lentino (pers. comm.) observed it twice in 1987 at 1350 m on Cerro Aracamuni, about 125 km north of Neb- lina. *Geranoaetus melanoleucus Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle Sight record only (DW). One adult observed soaring high overhead from about 1 900 m, Feb. 1 985, in area bounded by high sheer cliffs. Iden- tified by large size, dark chest contrasting with gray underparts, and very short wedge-shaped tail. Previously known in Venezuela only from the Andes of Merida. Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk Specimens— 1 (1800 m). Migrant from North America, seen regularly at 1400 m and 1 800 m, Dec. through Feb., soar- ing overhead (JO, DW). Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite Sight records only, at 140 m in Mar. 1984 (MF) and at 1600 m in Apr. 1984 (JC, RD). These records are the first for Amazonas. Leucopternis albicollis White Hawk Not recorded on the current trip, but collected by Caldas (unpubl.) at 400 m on the Brazilian side in Jan. 1971. *Harp> haliaetus solitarius Solitary Eagle Sight records only. One individual observed from helicopter over forest near Base Camp in Buteo brachyurus Short-tailed Hawk Sight records only (JO). Light-phase individ- uals observed several times at 1400 and 1850 m soaring over open vegetation. These and the single specimen collected on the Phelps 1954 expedition (Phelps and Phelps, 1965) constitute the only records for Amazonas. Spizaetus ornatus Ornate Hawk-Eagle Sight record only (JC). Single individual star- tled while feeding on a tinamou on a trail at 140 m. Previously known only south to central Amazonas in Venezuela. 12 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Daptrius americanus Red-throated Caracara Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight- 665 g (1 9); 390 g (1 unsexed). Iris— Red. Facial Skin and Bare Throat— Red. Bill— Yellow with blue base. Tarsus— Orange-red. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 2). Molt— None on early Mar. specimen. Food— Fruit and insects, including ants (SC) in one stomach. Regularly seen and heard calling in lowland forest up to 350 m. Micrastur gilvicollis Lined Forest- Falcon Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight- 231 g(l 2). Iris— White. Orbital Skin— Orange. Bill— Black. Cere— Orange. Tarsus — Yellow. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 2). Specimen, taken in forest, constitutes the only record. Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon Sight records only (JO, DW). Observed oc- casionally at dusk over river and heliport clear- ing at 140 m, Jan.-Feb. 1985. Penelope jacquacu Spix's Guan Specimens- 1 (140 m); 1 (1800 m). Weight- 1,100 g(l <5). Iris— Brown. Gular Patch— Orange-red. Facial Skin— Slate. Tarsus— Rose-red. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5). Heard and seen regularly in forest at 1 800 m; either rare or very inconspicuous in lowlands, where the specimen constitutes the only record. Aburria pipile Blue-throated Piping-Guan Specimens— 13 (140 m). Weight- 2 66, X = 1,325 g (1,300, 1,350 g); 6 22,*= 1,159 g(SD= 117.0; range 970-1,270 g). Iris— Reddish brown. Bill— Black with pinkish base, blue around nares. Facial Skin— Bluish white. Gular Patch— Slaty purple. Tarsus— Rose. Gonads— Large— Feb. (5 22), Apr. ( 1 2); mod- erate—Jan. (1 6). Molt— Wing and body molt in one late Feb. specimen. Food— Snails in four stomachs; palm fruits in three; figs in one. Common in treetops of forest at 140 m; usu- ally in groups of five or six both at river edge and in upland forest. Crax tomentosa Lesser Razor-billed Curassow Specimens— 12 (140 m). Weight-4 66, X = 2,875 g (SD = 1 93.6; range 2,600-3,050 g); 4 22, jc = 2,250 g (SD = 195.8; range 2,000-2,450 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Red; some individuals with whitish tip. Tarsus— Orange-yellow to dull orange. Gonads -Large -Feb. (1 2, 4 66), Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 2). Molt— Wing and tail molt noted in single specimens from late Nov., mid-Feb., and early Mar.; general body molt in one additional mid- Feb. specimen. Regularly seen alone or in pairs at 140 m on the ground in forest in the vicinity of Base Camp. Crax alector Black Curassow Specimens— 5 (140 m); for two of the five, only crops were saved. Weight-* = 2,788.0 g (N = 5; SD = 435.6; range 2,440-3,400 g). Iris— Dark brown to reddish brown. Bill— Pale blue. Cere— Bright yellow. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 13 Tarsus— Gray-blue. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5). Molt— Wing and tail molt, body molt, and no molt in three late Feb. specimens; no molt in one early Dec. specimen. Food— Seeds in one crop. Occasionally seen, usually in groups of five or six individuals, on the ground and in lower branches of trees. Ranged to at least 350 m in elevation. Apparently much less common than tomentosa. The 1954 Phelps expedition col- lected one at 900 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). Act it is macular ia Spotted Sandpiper Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight-41.2 g (1 9); 39.9 g (1 $). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Dark to medium brown. Tarsus— Brownish yellow. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <5), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Body molt in early Apr. specimen. Migrant from North America, common along Rio Baria up to 750 m, Jan.-Apr. Odontophorus gujanensis Marbled Wood-Quail Vocal record only (DW). Heard calling from forest below 1400-m camp in Feb. 1985. The 1954 Phelps expedition collected one at 1500 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). *Columba fasciata Band-tailed Pigeon Sight records only (GB, JO, DW). One flock observed at 1250 m in Apr.; regularly seen in late Nov. and Feb. at 1800 m in trees and in large flocks overhead. Not recorded previously in Amazonas south of Cerro Duida. Opisthocomus hoazin Hoatzin Sight record only (MF). Group of four or five in forest canopy near Rio Baria at Base Camp, 1 1 Feb. 1984. Identified by large size and dis- tinctive silhouette with irregular, wispy crest. The species has been recorded previously south through much of Amazonas, but not along the Brazilian border. Psophia crepitans Gray-winged Trumpeter Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight- Jc = 1,023.6 g (N = 5; SD = 63.3; range 965-1,100 g); 1 6, 1,045 g; 1 9, 999 g; 3 unsexed. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black with green gonys to totally apple green. Tarsus— Green to greenish white. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 9, 1 <5). Molt— Body molt noted in two specimens from late Feb. and early Mar. Single individuals and groups up to eight in forest of lowlands, particularly in floodplain for- est. Columba subvinacea Ruddy Pigeon Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 103 g (1 juv.). Iris — Olive-brown . Orbital Skin— Dark brownish gray. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Gray with red undertones. Molt— Wing and body molt in the single ear- ly Mar. juvenile. Regularly heard calling in forest to 350 m. The single specimen was a juvenile. Leptotila rufaxilla Gray-fronted Dove Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight— jc - 1 7 1 g (N = 4; SD = 1 3.64; range 159-188 g). Iris — Yellow-brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus — Rose-red. Gonads— Large— Apr. (13). Food— Seeds 2 cm long in one stomach. Fairly common in bamboo at edge of Rio Baria. The 1954 Phelps expedition collected one at 1450 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). 14 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Geotrygon montana Ruddy Quail-Dove Specimens- 8 (140 m); 1 (1250 m). Weight-* = 105.5 g(N = 6; SD = 8.9; range 89-1 14 g). Iris— Amber. Orbital Skin— Rose. Bill— Red with pink tip. Tarsus— Rose. Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 <5), Apr. (1 2). Common, particularly in floodplain forest, in lowlands at 140 m. The specimen at 1250 m constituted the only record at upper elevations. Ara ararauna Blue-and-yellow Macaw Sight records only (SC, JC, DW). Occasionally observed flying overhead at 1 40 m; several times from helicopter on trip between Santa Lucia and Base Camp. Previously recorded quite locally in Amazonas; the closest records are from the headwaters of the Rio Siapa to the east, where M. Lentino (pers. comm.) reports it as common. Ara macao Scarlet Macaw Sight records only (DW). Occasionally ob- served at 140 m flying overhead. Ara chloroptera Red-and-green Macaw Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-* = 1,300 g (N = 2; identical weights). Iris— Straw yellow. Bill— Ivory-white and black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5). Observed regularly from 1 40 to 1 800 m flying overhead. Additional sight record at 2100 m (MF). Pyrrhura melanura Maroon-tailed Parakeet Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight-* = 67.9 g (N = 5; SD = 1.9; range 66.0-70.5 g). Iris— Brown. Orbital Skin— White. Bill— Pale horn to gray; some individuals with white centrally on mandible. Tarsus— Black to dark gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 9, 1 <5); small— Feb. 0<5). Molt— Wing and tail molt noted in three specimens from late Feb. and early Mar.; body molt in four of five specimens from this period. Food— Ground seeds of Coussapoa (Mora- ceae) in one stomach (MF). Fairly common in flocks in floodplain and upland forest of the lowlands (SC). *Nannopsittaca panychlora Tepui Parrotlet Specimens— 6 (140 m). Weight-* - 44.4 g (N = 6; SD = 2. 1 ; range 42.0-46.5 g). Iris— Brown. Bill— Gray; mandible with pale base. Tarsus— Flesh. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 2, 2 <5<5). Molt— Heavy wing, tail, and body molt in one and light body molt in a second early Mar. specimen; no molt, but extremely worn plumage in the remaining specimens, all also collected in early Mar. All specimens and sightings from 4 Mar. 1 984 in a fruiting tree. Previously known in Ama- zonas only from vicinities of Cerros Marahuaca and Duida. Although it is usually found at mid- to upper elevations in the tepuis and is consid- ered a Pantepui endemic by Mayr and Phelps (1967), lowland sightings of the species are not uncommon (C. Parrish, pers. comm.). Pionites melanocephala Black-headed Parrot Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight-* = 150 g (N = 3; SD = 8.0; range 142-158 g). Iris— Brown to yellow to orange. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Molt— Wing, tail, and body; wing and body; WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 15 and heavy body molt noted on the three early Mar. specimens. Regularly heard, less frequently seen through- out lowland forest at 140 m. Food— Large katydids and caterpillars in one stomach. Fairly common in subcanopy of lowland for- est. Pionus menstruus Blue-headed Parrot Sight records only (JO, DW). Regularly seen at Base Camp at 140 m flying overhead. *( )t us guatemalae Vermiculated Screech-Owl Not recorded on the current trip, but collected in forest at 1800 m in 1954 (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). Amazona ochrocephala Yellow-headed Parrot Sight records only (JO). Heard occasionally from forest in vicinity of Base Camp. Not pre- viously recorded in southern Amazonas. Amazona amazonica Orange-winged Parrot Sight records only (DW). Occasional sightings near Base Camp at 140 m. Deroptyus accipitrinus Red-fan Parrot Not recorded on the current trip, but collected by Caldas in Dec. 1 970 at 5 50 m on the Brazilian side (unpubl.). Piaya cayana Squirrel Cuckoo Sight records only (JC, MF, DW). Seen infre- quently in forest from 140 to 1250 m. *Otus choliba Tropical Screech-Owl Specimens- 3 (1800 m); 1 (2100 m). Weight-x = 1 1 1 .0 g (N = 3; SD = 5.6; range 106-117 g). Iris— Golden yellow. Bill— Grayish green. Tarsus— Grayish flesh. Gonads— Small— Feb. (2 66). Molt— Body molt in single specimens from early Feb. and mid-Mar. Food— Insect parts in two stomachs, identi- fied as roaches in one. Heard calling commonly from about 1 500 up to 2100 m, Dec-Mar., from dense forest to Brocchinia/bamboo scrub to the high-elevation pitcher plant swamps. Song generally similar to that of lowland choliba (tapes on deposit at American Museum of Natural History [amnh], Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science [lsumz], and Field Museum of Natural History [fmnh]), but distinguishable (T. A. Par- ker III, pers. comm.). Lowland form heard call- ing from Base Camp at 140 m in early Feb. (SC, MF). Piaya melanogaster Black-bellied Cuckoo Specimens— 2 (140 m); 1 (Santa Lucia); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-Jc = 97.4 g (N = 3; SD = 4.9; range 92.3-102.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Orbital Skin— Yellow, bordered bluish be- low. Bill— Dark red. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (13). Otus watsonii Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl Specimens— 1 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight— 1 14 g (1 <3); 136 g (1 unsexed). Iris— Amber. Bill— Medium brown. Tarsus— Pinkish white. Gonads— Small— Nov. (1 <5). Food— Insect parts in one stomach. Heard calling infrequently in lowland forest around Base Camp, particularly near the river at 140 m, Feb.-Apr. 16 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Pulsatrix perspicillata Spectacled Owl Vocal records only (SC, JO, DW). In Feb. and Mar. 1984 heard calling nightly in river-edge forest, where a pair had a territory that included Base Camp. Occasionally heard calling through same months in 1 985 (tape on deposit at lsumz). *d laucidium brasilianuni Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Vocal records only (JC, DW). Heard from open forest below camp at 1400 m in Mar. 1985. Although this species is widespread through much of lowland Amazonia, in the tepuis it ap- pears to be restricted to midelevations. *Aegolius harrisii Buff-fronted Owl Specimens— 2 (1800 m). Weight- 2 99, Jc = 136.0 g (124, 148 g). Iris— Greenish yellow to amber. Bill— Maxilla blackish with gray-green to pinkish culmen; mandible gray-green to pink- ish. Tarsus— Yellowish pink to fleshy white. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 9); small— Feb. (1 $). Molt— Moderate body molt in early Feb. specimen. Food— Rodent hair in one stomach. Two were mist-netted in tall forest at 1800 m, and as many as five could be heard at one time up the slopes toward 2000 m in Feb. 1985. The call was a relatively high-pitched, evenly spaced series of five or six notes repeated over and over with short pauses separating the series. There are no published records for this species in Venezuela outside the Merida Andes. *Steatornis caripensis Oilbird Specimens- 1 (140 m); 3 (1800 m). Weight- 2 66, X = 390.0 g (360, 420 g); 2 99, Jc = 360.0 g (345, 375 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Reddish brown. Tarsus— Pinkish flesh. Gonads -Large -Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Dec. (1 9); small— Apr. (1 6). Molt— Wing molt in early Dec. specimen; body molt in early Apr. specimen. Three mist-netted over stream at 1 800 m, one netted over Rio Baria at 140 m, all at night. Caves that could supply potential nesting sites were noted in the cliff faces above the 1 800-m camp. The closest published records are from Cerro Duida (Bosque, 1986). M. Lentino (pers. comm.) collected it on Cerro Aracamuni, 125 km to the north of Neblina. Our specimens rep- resent the southernmost records in South Amer- ica outside of the Andes. Oilbirds have also been recorded from the eastern Cerros Roraima, Sa- risarinama, and Urutani (Dickerman and Phelps, 1982). Nyctibius griseus Common Potoo Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 132 g (1 unsexed). Iris — Red-brown . Bill— Black with brown base. Tarsus— Whitish gray. Molt— Moderate body molt in the one Feb. specimen. Specimen was taken from a tree branch over water on Rio Baria; species was heard calling occasionally from lowland forest in Feb. and Mar. 1984 (SC, MF). *Caprimulgus longirostris Band- winged Nightjar Specimens- 1 (1800 m); 1 (2000 m). Weight— 54.0 g(l 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Dusky brown. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 9); small— Apr. (14). Molt— Body on Apr. specimen; none on Feb. individual. The two specimens, from a stream edge at 1 800 m and from over a bog at 2000 m, con- stitute our only records. Caprimulgus nigrescens Blackish Nightjar Specimens— 12 (140 m); 1 (Santa Lucia). Weight- 7 66, X = 35.9 g (SD = 2.0; range WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 17 32.5-39.0 g); 5 99, * = 35.4 g (SD - 2.6; range 32.0-39.0 g). Iris— Brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 99, 1 6); moderate— Feb. (3 66)\ small -Feb. (1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in five speci- mens taken throughout Feb.; body molt on nine specimens from the same period. Food— Insects, predominantly beetles and moths, were noted in six stomachs. Commonly observed on rocks at edge of Rio Baria and in trees at the edges of forest clearings. * Aeronautes montivagus White-tipped Swift Specimens— 2 (1600 m). Weight-23.0 g (1 9); 21.1 g (1 6). Tarsus— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black to dark brown. Gonads— Large— Apr. (1 6). Food— Winged ants in one stomach. Commonly seen overhead, usually in single- species flocks, from 750 to 2000 m. Previously recorded from Amazonas only from Cerros Dui- da and Yapacana, and the headwaters of Rio Siapa in the Sierra Curupira. *Cypseloides phelpsi Tepui Swift Specimens- 3 (1400 m); 3 (1600 m). Weight-2 66, x = 23.6 g (22.9, 24.3 g); 3 99, x = 20.8 g (SD = 3.06; range 17.9-24.0 g); 1 unsexed, 25.0 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Pinkish brown to black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 6). Food— Winged ants, small dipterans, and one homopteran, all in one stomach. Occasionally seen in small numbers mixed in large upper-elevation Streptoprocne flocks. Three were collected at 1 600 m while foraging low over open vegetation; three additional specimens, along with a fresh nest with no eggs (on deposit at lsumz), were collected at 1 400 m by hand by R. Cocroft in a rock grotto at the edge of a small stream. With previous records in Amazonas only from Cerros Yapacana and Duida, and the Si- erra Parima, these records constitute the south- ernmost for the species. Streptoprocne zonaris White-collared Swift Sight records only (JO, DW). Regularly seen overhead from all elevations, in large swirling flocks. Tachornis squamata Fork-tailed Palm-Swift Sight records only (JO, DW). Occasionally seen in mixed-species swift flocks over the heliport clearing at 1 40 m. *Doryfera johannae Blue-fronted Lancebill Specimens-4 (140 m); 9 (750 m); 1 (2000 m). Weight-4 66, x = 3.8 g (SD = 0.10; range 3.7-3.9 g); 5 99, x = 3.6 g (SD = 0.24; range 3.3-3.9 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Mar. (3 66); small— Jan. (1 9), Mar. (5 99), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Six of nine Mar. specimens from 750 m were in moderate to heavy body molt; two of these also were molting wing and tail; a late Jan. specimen from 140 m was not molting. Food— Tiny insects in four stomachs, iden- tified as dipterans in one. The most common bird in mist nets at 750 m. It was also collected in small numbers in the 140-m lowlands near Rio Baria, and one was collected over an open bog at 2000 m, giving it the widest elevational range of any bird in this study except for Streptoprocne and Ot us choliba. Chaetura brachyura Short-tailed Swift Sight records only (JO). Occasionally seen over heliport at Base Camp, 140 m. Glaucis hirsuta Rufous-breasted Hermit Specimens— 1 (140 m). 18 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Weight— 7.0 g (1 unsexed). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible yellow with black tip. Tarsus— Orangish flesh. The specimen, collected in forest with little understory, constitutes the only record. The spe- cies has not been recorded previously in Ama- zonas south of Cerro Duida. Threnetes leucurus Pale-tailed Barbthroat Specimens— 9 (140 m). Weight- 3 66, X = 5.1 g (SD - 0.20; range 4.9-5.3 g); 5 99, Jf = 4.9 g (SD = 0.37; range 4.3-5.2 g); 1 unsexed, 6 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pinkish silver with black tip. Tarsus— Pink. Gonads— Large— Feb. (2 66); small— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 9), Nov. (1 9). Molt— Heavy body and wing molt noted on one early Apr. specimen; no molt on one late Nov. specimen. Fairly common in floodplain forest near Rio Baria at 140 m; apparently diminishing some- what farther away from the river. This species has a very local distribution in Amazonas, with the previous southernmost record from the vi- cinity of Cerro Duida. Phaethornis superciliosus Long-tailed Hermit Specimens- 18 (140 m); 1 (350 m); 4 (1250 m); 1 (1400 m); 2 (san Carlos). Weight-4 66, X = 5.6 g (SD = 0.37; range 5.1-6.0 g); 7 99, X = 5.2 g (SD = 0.17; range 5.0-5.4 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible reddish or- ange to pinkish with black tip. Tarsus— Pink. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (3 66); moderate— Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 9); small— Feb. (1 9, 2 66), Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (2 99), May (1 9). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt noted on three specimens from late Feb., early Mar., and early Apr.; these specimens, along with one from mid- Feb., had heavy body molt. No molt on one late Nov. specimen. Food— Spiders in two stomachs. Fairly commonly encountered in lowland for- est, becoming less common in forest at midele- vations. Phaethornis bourcieri Straight-billed Hermit Specimens— 22 (140 m); 4 (San Carlos). Weight- X = 4.3 g(N = 21; SD = 0.47; range 3.4-5.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible yellow to or- ange with black tip. Tarsus— Pinkish. Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 <5), Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 9); small— Jan. (1 6), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Primaries molting on one early Feb. specimen; body molt ranging from light to heavy on six early Feb. specimens, as well as on one early Apr. bird; no molt noted on single speci- mens from late Nov., late Feb., and early Mar. Food— Insect in one stomach. Common in lowland forest at 140 m. Phaethornis ruber Reddish Hermit Specimens— 1 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-2 66, X = 1.6 g (1.5, 1.6 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black to dark brown; mandible orange to orange-yellow. Tarsus— Yellow. Gonads— Small -Mar. (1 6), Dec. (1 6). Molt— Light body molt noted on early Dec. specimen. Food— Tiny spiders in one stomach. Observed regularly along Rio Baria at 1 40 m. '"Phaethornis griseogularis Gray-chinned Hermit Specimens— 2 (1250 m). Weight- 1 .8 g ( 1 9); 1 .9 g ( 1 <5). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible yellow with black tip. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 19 Tarsus— Pink. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5); moderate— Apr. (19). Observed regularly in forest from 750 to 1 400 m. The 1 954 Phelps expedition collected a spec- imen at 1800 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). Campylopterus largipennis Gray-breasted Sabrewing Specimens— 15 (140 m). Weight— 4 66, x = 9.4 g (SD = 0.37; range 8.9-9.8 g); 2 59, x = 7.6 g (7.5, 7.6 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (2 66), Apr. (3 66); moderate— Apr. (1 9), Nov. (1 9). Molt— Body molt noted on one late Mar. individual; none noted on an additional late Mar. bird and on one late Nov. individual. Food— Spiders in two stomachs, with one also containing tiny beetles; the other with tiny dip- terans. Common in lowland forest at 140 m. in tall mossy forest, Brocchinia scrub, high-el- evation Bonnetia forest, and pitcher plant bogs. In late Jan. and early Feb., juveniles were nu- merous. Morales collected a specimen (unpubl.) at 2400 m in Apr. 1965. Florisuga mellivora White-necked Jacobin Specimens— 10 (140 m). Weight-3 66, x = 6.1 g (SD = 0.96; range 5.4-7.2 g); 2 99, x = 5.6 g (5.5, 5.6 g); 1 unsexed, 7.8 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <3), Mar. (1 6); mod- erate—Apr. (1 9); small— Apr. (1 6). Molt— Three Mar. and one Apr. specimens were noted as molting. Food— Four specimens collected feeding at Marcgraviaceae flowers (MF). Observed regularly at flowering trees along Rio Baria at 140 m, with several mist-netted in floodplain forest. *Campylopterus duidae Buff-breasted Sabrewing Specimens- 1 (1250 m); 4 (1400 m); 57 (1800 m); 18 (2000 m); 7 (2100 m). Weight- 35 66, x = 6.8 g (SD = 0.76; range 5.0-8.0 g); 22 99, Jc = 5.4 g (SD = 0.67; range 4.7-7.8 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; some individuals with pinkish base of mandible. Tarsus— Pinkish to dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (6 66), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (7 66), Dec. (2 66); moderate-Feb. (1 9, 4 66), Apr. (1 9), Nov. (1 9); small- Jan. (1 9), Feb. (11 99, 15<3<5), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Body molt noted on scattered speci- mens collected in all months from Dec. through Apr.; wing and/or tail molt on three specimens spanning Feb.; no molt noted on one late Nov. specimen. Food— Two stomachs with tiny unidentified insects; one with tiny spiders. From 1 800 m up, this was one of the most common birds in all habitats, found abundantly *Colibri delphinae Brown Violetear Not recorded on the current trip, but there are three 1954 Phelps specimens from 1400 and 1800 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965) and three Caldas specimens (unpubl.) from 1 500 m on the Brazilian slopes. *Colibri coruscans Sparkling Violetear Specimens— 1 (2000 m). Weight— 8.8 g(l 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 9). Specimen, collected in open scrub, constitutes our only record. There were previously no pub- lished accounts of this species from the tepuis south of Cerro Duida, although a specimen (un- publ.) was collected on Neblina by Caldas at 2000 m in Nov. 1970. 20 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY I hal urania f urcata Fork-tailed Woodnymph Specimens- 38 (140 m); 1 (350 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight- 20 55, x = 4.8 g (SD = 0.47; range 4.2-5.5 g); 6 99, x = 4.1 g (SD = 0.28; range 3.5-4.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large -Feb. (1 9, 3 55), Mar. (1 5), Apr. ( 1 9, 2 55), May ( 1 5), Dec. ( 1 5); moderate - Mar. (1 5); small- Jan. (1 5), Feb. (3 99, 1 5), Mar. (1 9, 1 5), Apr. (2 55). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt on four spec- imens from early Feb., late Mar., and early Apr.; body molt on specimens taken from early Feb. to early Apr., with nonmolting specimens pres- ent through the same period. Common in forest in lowlands. Single Caldas specimens (unpubl.) were taken at 500, 550, and 1500 m in Dec. 1970. Amazilia versicolor Versicolored Emerald Specimens— 6 (140 m). Weight- 3 55, x = 3.2 g (SD = 0.29; range 3.0-3.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with red base. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 9); small -Apr. (2 55), May (1 5). Infrequently encountered in lowland forest at 140 m. * \ ma/ilia viridigaster Green-bellied Hummingbird Specimens- 3 (750 m); 1 (1400 m); 1 (1800 m). Weight-2 55, x = 4.0 g (3.9, 4.1 g); 3 99, x = 3.5 g (SD = 0.12; range 3.4-3.6 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pink with black tip. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 5); moderate— Mar. (1 5); small -Feb. (2 99), Apr. (1 5). Molt— Body molt noted on one Mar. spec- imen. Food— Tiny dipterans and spiders in one stomach. At 750 m it was one of the most common birds, whereas only single individuals were en- countered at 1250, 1400, and 1800 m. In all cases, it was found in forest, often gleaning in- sects from bromeliads. This species has a very limited range in the tepuis and was previously recorded in Amazonas only from Cerro Duida. Novaes (1965) reported it from the Brazilian border in the Sierra Parima, from a locality that Phelps (1972) argued is actually in Venezuela. Polyplancta aurescens Gould's Jewelfront Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight-* = 6.0 g (N = 2; 5.8, 6.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 9); small— Feb. (15). Molt— No molt in one mid-Mar. specimen. Three specimens from lowland forest consti- tute the only records. *Heliodoxa xanthogonys Velvet-browed Brilliant Specimens- 1 (1250 m); 1 (1400 m); 7 (1800 m); 2 (2000 m). Weight-4 55, x - 6.9 g (SD = 0.26; range 6.5-7.1 g); 5 99, Jc = 6.7 g (SD = 0.60; range 5.9-7.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible orange with black tip. Tarsus— Pinkish to dusky brown. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 5), Mar. (1 5), Dec. (1 9, with yolking egg); moderate— Feb. (1 9), Mar. (1 9); small— Feb. (2 99, 2 55), Apr. (1 5). Molt— Body molt noted on one mid- Apr. and two Feb. specimens. Food— Tiny dipterans in one stomach. Encountered in forest and open scrub from 1250 to 2000 m, most commonly around 1800 m. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 21 Topaza pyra Fiery Topaz Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight-2 66, x = 12.8 g (12.0, 13.5 g); 3 29, jc = 10.7 g (SD = 0.46; range 10.2-1 1.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Grayish pink. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); mod- erate—Feb. (1 2). Molt— None noted in one mid-Feb. speci- men. Infrequently encountered in high canopy of 140-m forest. Heliothryx aurita Black-eared Fairy Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight-2 66, x = 4.7 g (4.4, 5.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 <5). Molt— Heavy body molt noted on one Apr. specimen. Infrequently encountered along stream cours- es and in canopy of lowland forest. Trogon melanurus Black-tailed Trogon Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-103g(l 6). Iris— Brown. Orbital Skin— Orange. Bill— Yellow. Tarsus— Grayish tan. Molt— Tail molt on single Mar. specimen. Regularly heard in floodplain forest. Trogon viridis White-tailed Trogon Specimens— 7 (140 m). Weight- 3 66, x = 83.8 g (SD = 4.01; range 80.0-88.0 g); 2 2$, Jc - 78.0 g (74.0, 82.0 g). Iris— Brown. Bill— Silvery blue with whitish tip. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Large— Mar..(l 2); moderate— Jan. (1 6); small -Mar. (1 6). Molt— Body molt noted on one Mar. spec- imen. Food— Fruit in one stomach. Regularly heard calling from subcanopy of forest at 140 m. Trogon personalis Masked Trogon Specimens— 2 (1400 m). Weight-65.0 g (1 6). Iris— Brown. Orbital Skin— Orange. Bill— Chrome yellow. Tarsus— Brownish yellow. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 6). Regularly observed in subcanopy of tall forest from 1400 to 1800 m. A Caldas specimen was collected from 1500 m on the Brazilian slope (Phelps, 1972), and Phelps collected specimens up to 1850 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). Trogon violaceus Violaceous Trogon Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight-45.0 g (1 6); 38.0 g (1 2). Iris— Brown. Orbital Skin— Blackish. Bill— Ivory to pale grayish green. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 2); moderate— Feb. (13). Regularly seen in canopy of forest at 140 m. Ceryle torquata Ringed Kingfisher Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight-* = 301.8 g (N = 4; SD = 30.0; range 272-340 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black with whitish to olive base. Tarsus— Ivory to olive. Gonads- Small— Feb. (1 2), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Light body molt on one late Feb. in- dividual. Food— Fish remains in two stomachs. Regularly seen along Rio Baria at 140 m. 22 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Chloroceryle amazona Amazon Kingfisher Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight- 1 16.0 g(l <5). Iris— Brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <5). Molt— Wing, tail, and scattered body molt on single Feb. specimen. Food— Shrimp in the single stomach. Regularly seen along Rio Baria at 140 m. Chloroceryle americana Green Kingfisher Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight-* = 28.1 g (N = 2; 28.0, 28.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Dark brown. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 ?). Molt— No molt noted on one early Apr. specimen. Regularly seen along Rio Baria at 1 40 m, Mar- May 1984. Species was not evident Jan.-Feb. 1985. Chloroceryle inda Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight-4 66, x = 52.0 g (SD = 5.52; range 47.1-58.8 g); 1 9, 52.1 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with flesh base. Tarsus— Brown. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5); moderate— Feb. (1 9, 2 66); small -Feb. (1 <5). Food— Fish remains in one stomach. Regularly seen along heavily forested streams in the lowlands. Chloroceryle aenea American Pygmy Kingfisher Specimens— 3 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-3 99, x = 13.3 g (SD = 2.90; range 1 1.2-16.6 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with flesh base. Tarsus— Pinkish olive. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 9); small— Feb. (19). Regularly seen along heavily forested streams in the lowlands. Momotus momota Blue-crowned Motmot Specimens— 12 (140 m). Weight— 5 66, x = 137.2 g (SD = 8.96; range 126.0-147.0 g); 2 99, x = 124.0 g (120.0, 128.0 g). Iris— Crimson. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Blackish to brownish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9); mod- erate-Feb. (2 66), Mar. (1 9); small -Feb. (1 <5), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 <5). Molt— Wing and tail molt on an early Dec. specimen and body molt on an early Apr. spec- imen; no molt noted on two specimens taken in late Feb. and early Mar. Food— Beetle fragments in two stomachs; a cicada in one; and a scorpion, tenebrionid larva, and frog (Osteocephalus) in a fourth. Common in forest at 140 m. Brachygalba lugubris Brown Jacamar Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight- 1 6, 14.5 g; 2 99, x = 17.6 g (17.3, 17.8 g). Iris— 1 6 with dark brown, 2 99 with white to pale blue. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Three specimens black, one speci- men white. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 9); small— Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 6), May(l 6). Molt— Wing molt on one Mar. specimen; none on one early Apr. specimen. Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as beetles in one and ants (SC) in a second. In forest near river edge at 1 40 m, particularly in bamboo. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 23 Galbula albirostris Yellow-billed Jacamar Specimens-8 (140 m); 1 (350 m). Weight-4 66, x = 19.6 g (SD = 2.56; range 16.9-22.9 g); 2 99, x = 20.3 g (19.0, 21.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black with yellow base; man- dible yellow. Tarsus— Yellow. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (2 66), Apr. (1 6); small -Mar. (1 9). Molt— Heavy wing and body molt noted on one late Mar. specimen, whereas an early Apr. specimen was not molting. Food— Three stomachs contained insects, identified as beetles in one and as a roach in another. Regularly encountered in forest understory from 140 to 350 m. Iris— Brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Green. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 6); small— Apr. (13). Molt— General molt noted in the Mar. spec- imen. Food— One stomach contained hemipterans (RD). Occasionally seen in forest canopy at 140 m. Notharchus maerorhy nchus White-necked Puffbird Sight record only (RD, DW). One individual seen at nest in termite mound about 3 m up in a tree at 140 m, 25 Mar. 1984. Galbula leucogastra Bronzy Jacamar Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-15.0g(l 9). Iris— Brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Small— Mar. (1 9). Molt— Body molt noted on single Mar. spec- imen. Specimen, taken from perch about 4 m up in forest, constitutes our only record. Notharchus ordii Brown-banded Puffbird Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-51.5g(l 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6). A single specimen, collected 15 m up at the edge of a forest clearing, constitutes our only record. Galbula dea Paradise Jacamar Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 32.0 g (1 unsexed). Iris— Brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black. Molt— Wing, tail, and body molt in single early Mar. specimen. Specimen, collected in open lowland forest, constitutes our only record. Jacamerops aurea Great Jacamar Specimens— 1 (140 m); 1 (240 m). Weight- 66.0 g (1 6). Bucco macrodactylus Chestnut-capped Puffbird Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-25.3 g (1 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Dark brown. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 <3). Food— Large roach in one stomach. Regularly calling from bamboo at river's edge, for about 20 minutes daily at dawn, with as many as six heard at one time in Feb. and Mar. 1985 (JO). This species was previously not re- corded in Venezuela south of central Amazonas on the upper Rio Ventuari. 24 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Bucco capensis Collared Puffbird Specimens— 8 (140 m). Weight— 4 <5<5, x = 52.1 g (SD = 6.79; range 45.9-61.6 g); 3 99, x = 50.3 g (SD = 5.51; range 44.0-54.0 g). Iris— Pale yellow to deep orange. Orbital Skin— Pale orange. Mouth Lining— Orange. Bill— Maxilla varying from orange with dusky culmen to dusky with orange only at cutting edge; mandible uniformly orange. Tarsus— Yellow-green to olive Gonads— Large— May (1 9); small— Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Apr. (1 6), Nov. (1 9), Dec. (1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt noted on two specimens from late Nov. and early Dec. spec- imens; none on single specimens from mid-Feb. and early Apr. Food— One stomach contained coleopteran and orthopteran parts; a second contained a large cicada. Dawn song (recording at lsumz) heard daily in Feb. at 140 m (JO), both in forest and in bamboo at river's edge. A Caldas specimen (un- publ.) was taken at 1500 m on the Brazilian slope. mid-Feb. bird; no molt noted on three speci- mens from mid- and late Feb. Very common in forest at 1 40 m. Monasa morphoeus White-fronted Nunbird Specimens— 12 (140 m). Weight- x = 72.9 g (N = 11; SD = 5.60; range 63.4-80.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Red. Mouth Lining— Red. Tarsus— Black to blackish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 6); small— Feb. (2 99). Molt— Light body molt noted in one late Feb. specimen; no molt in three from early and late Feb. Food— Two stomachs contained beetles; a third a large mantid; and a fourth a cicada. Common at edge of river and in forest clear- ings at 140 m. Known previously in Venezuela only from the southwestern border of Amazonas in the floodplains of Rio Negro and Rio Guai- nia. Two Caldas specimens (unpubl.) were taken at 500 m on the Brazilian slopes. Nonnula rubecula Rusty-breasted Nunlet Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight-2 unsexed, x = 18.5 g (17.0, 20.0 g). Three specimens, two from forest and one from bamboo at river's edge, constitute our only records. Monasa atra Black Nunbird Specimens— 8 (140 m). Weight-* = 84.9 g (N = 6; SD = 8.2; range 74.0-94.6 g). Iris— Red (one individual with dark brown). Bill— Carmine red. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 6); small — Feb. (1 6), Nov. (1 9). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt noted for one specimen each from late Nov. and mid-Mar.; body molt on these specimens as well as on one Capito niger Black-spotted Barbet Specimens— 11 (140 m). Weight-6 66, x = 60.6 g (SD = 5.00; range 55.0-69.0 g); 2 99, Jc = 65.2 g (63.0, 67.4 g). Iris— Red. Bill— Maxilla black with gray base; mandible gray with black tip. Tarsus— Gray to grayish green. Gonads- Large— Feb. (2 66), Mar. (1 9, 2 66); moderate— Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6), May (1 6). Molt— None noted in four individuals from late Feb. and early Mar. Food— Observed feeding on fruit ofPagamea plicata (Rubiaceae) in Mar. (MF). Regularly seen and heard in forest canopy at 140 m. *Aulacorhynchus derbianus Chestnut-tipped Toucanet Specimens- 3 (1250 m); 7 (1400 m). WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 25 Weight- 6 33, Jc= 142.5 g(SD= 16. 10; range 117-160 g); 1 2, 150 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla red with black tomium; man- dible black with red base; both maxilla and man- dible outlined white at base. Tarsus— Grayish olive. Gonads— Large-Feb. (1 2, 1 <5), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (3 66); small— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (12). Molt— Body molt noted in a single late Feb. specimen. Food— Fruit in two stomachs; one of these also contained an orthopteran. Regularly seen in small groups in forest from 1250 to 1400 m. Phelps specimens were col- lected as high as 1800 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). Pteroglossus flavirostris Ivory-billed Aracari Specimens— 8 (140 m). Weight- 3 66, x = 1 36.0 g (SD =18.1; range 1 17.0-153.0 g). Iris— Red. Bill— Ivory-yellow, with black "tooth" markings on tomia of maxilla; mandible with golden brown wash near center, with base out- lined in yellow. Facial Skin— Gray, becoming dull to bright red in orbital area. Tarsus— Olive. Gonads— Large— Feb. (2 66); moderate— Apr. (1 6); small- Apr. (1 6). Molt— Wing molt noted in single specimen from early Mar.; this bird and an early Apr. individual showed body molt. Food— Fruit, including Pagamea plicata (Rubiaceae), in one stomach (MF). Regularly seen flying over the river and in fruiting trees and in bamboo at river's edge. Usually in small groups. Selenidera nattereri Tawny-tufted Toucanet Specimens— 2 (350 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight-2 66, x = 164.5 g (164, 165 g); 2 22, x= 153.0 g (150, 156 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla deep brownish red with a lime- green culmen becoming broad near base; base of culmen blue; "teeth" all greenish; square patch of bright sky blue completely bordered with red near base of maxilla directly in front of the eye; mandible deep brownish red with lime-green tip; irregular gray-blue patch near base, just be- low patch on maxilla; five wavy white vertical lines, originating near teeth of maxilla, travers- ing about % of the mandible. Note— This is not at all like the bills illustrated in field guides for this species; soon after collection the bills began to fade, and within several months they closely resembled those in the guides. Tarsus — Olive-brown. Gonads— Large— Mar. (2 22); moderate- Mar. (2 66). Molt— None in two late Mar. specimens. Food— Fruit pulp and small seeds in all four stomachs. Specimens, taken in somewhat open and scrubby forest, plus one sight record at 140 m (MF) constitute our only records. Ramphastos vitellinus Yellow-ridged Toucan Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight-315 g(l 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black, base blue, bordered black; cul- men and tip of mandible yellow. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <3). Regularly seen and heard in forest at 140 m. Ramphastos tucanus Red-billed Toucan Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight- 1 6, 700 g; 3 22, x = 533 g (SD = 20.4; range 515-555 g [includes two unsexed probable 22]). Iris— Brown. Orbital Skin— Purplish blue, fading to tur- quoise at edges. Bill— Black; maxilla with yellow-green cul- men and base, bordered black; mandible blue at base, also bordered black. Mouth Lining— Orange-red. Tarsus— Sky blue to purplish blue. Gonads— Small- Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 2). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in two speci- 26 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY mens from late Feb. and early Mar.; body molt only and no molt in two additional early Mar. specimens. Food— Fruit pulp and small seeds (possibly including Cecropia [SC]) in two stomachs. Regularly heard calling in forest from 1 40 to 350 m; particularly common in floodplain and river-edge forest. Picumnus exilis Golden-spangled Piculet Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight-9.2 g (1 <5); 9.4 g (1 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible silver with black tip. Tarsus— Grayish olive. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 2, 2 <5<5); small- Apr. (1 <5). Molt— No molt in one and body molt in two early Apr. specimens. Food— Ants in one stomach. Inconspicuous in bamboo at river's edge at 140 m. Gonads— Large — Mar. (1 2), Apr. (1 <5); small -Mar. (1 2), Apr. (1 6). Molt— All four specimens taken in early Mar. had wing and/or tail molt. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Regularly seen in forest at 140 m. Piculus flavigula Yellow-throated Woodpecker Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight— 1 6, 54.0 g; 4 22, X = 53.3 g (SD = 3.60; range 50.0-58.0 g). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible gray with black tip. Tarsus— Greenish gray. Gonads— Large— Nov. (1 2); small— Feb. (1 2). Molt— Wing, tail, and body molt noted in single specimens from early and late Feb.; no molt in one late Nov. specimen. Food— Ants in one stomach (MF). Fairly common in subcanopy of lowland for- est. Melanerpes cruentatus Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-68.0g(l 6). Iris— Yellow. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Gray. Molt— No molt in single early Mar. speci- men. Regularly seen along river edge and in forest clearings. Veniliornis affinis Red-stained Woodpecker Specimens— 6 (140 m). Weight-3 66, X = 33.0 g (SD - 1.00; range 32.0-34.0 g); 2 22, X - 34.3 g (34.0, 34.5 g); 1 unsexed, 43.5 g. Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible silvery gray with black tip. Tarsus— Greenish gray. Piculus chrysochloros Golden-green Woodpecker Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight— 3 22, X = 76.4 g (SD = 1.7; range 75.0-78.3 g). Iris— Gray to bluish white. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Greenish gray. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 2). Molt— Wing and tail molt in single mid-Mar. specimen. Infrequently encountered in subcanopy of lowland forest. *Piculus rubiginosus Golden-olive Woodpecker Specimens— 1 (2100 m). Gonads— Small — Mar. (1 2). Molt— General molt in single mid-Mar. in- dividual. Specimen from 2100 m constitutes the only record at that elevation; an additional individ- WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 27 ual was seen at the edge of a forest clearing at 1250 m (JC, DW). Caldas specimens (unpubl.) from 1500 and 2000 m and three from 1800 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965) fill in some of the intervening elevations. D. Stotz (pers. comm.) has found it at 900 m in Roraima, Brazil. Tarsus— Gray-brown. Gonads— Small— Apr. (1 $). Molt— None in single early Apr. specimen. Food— Stomach full of 4-mm seeds. Specimen, taken from tree in forest clearing near river, constitutes the only record. Celeus grammicus Scale-breasted Woodpecker Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight— 3 66, x = 70.3 g (SD = 4.2; range 67.0-75.0 g); 2 99, x = 64.0 g (63.0, 65.0 g). Iris— Red. Bill— Ivory. Tarsus— Dark gray to greenish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 9), Mar. (2 <5<3); small— Nov. (1 6). Molt— No molt noted in three specimens from late Feb. and early Apr. Food— Fruit in two stomachs. Fairly common in subcanopy of lowland for- est. Dryocopus lineatus Lineated Woodpecker Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight- 198 g(l 9). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla blackish gray; mandible pale gray. Tarsus— Gray. Molt— Tail and body molt in single early Mar. specimen. Specimen, taken in open forest, as well as one sighting at 300 m (SC) constitute our only rec- ords. In Amazonas, known only from the very northern border. Celeus elegans Chestnut Woodpecker Specimens— 6 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight- 3 66, x = 1 29.0 g (SD =16.1; range 114.0-146.0 g); 3 99, x = 124.3 g (SD = 11.6; range 112.0-135.0 g). Iris— Chestnut. Bill— Greenish ivory; bluish at base of man- dible. Tarsus— Gray to greenish gray. Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 9), Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Mar. (1 6); moderate— Jan. (1 6), Mar. (1 6). Molt— None noted in two early Mar. speci- mens. Food— Dipteran larvae in one stomach (DW); fruit with tiny seeds in a second. Fairly common in understory to subcanopy of lowland forest. Celeus torquatus Ringed Woodpecker Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-122g(l 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; brown. mandible pale Campephilus melanoleucos Crimson-crested Woodpecker Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight- 2 66, x = 242.5 g (240, 245 g); 1 9, 240 g. Iris— Red in 9, yellow in 66. Bill— White. Tarsus— Pale green in 9; gray-green in 66. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <3). Molt— Wing and tail molting in one late Feb. specimen; all three specimens had heavy body molt. Food— Tiny yellow seeds and insects in one stomach. Regularly observed in forest at 140 m. Campephilus rubricollis Red-necked Woodpecker Specimens- 2 (140 m); 1 (1800 m). Weight- 2 66, x = 220.0 g (21 1, 229 g). Iris— Yellow. Facial Skin— Gray. Bill— Yellowish white. Tarsus— Olive. Gonads— Small— Nov. (1 6). 28 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Molt— Wing and tail molt in late Nov. spec- imen. Food— Large beetle larvae in one stomach. Regularly seen in forest at 140 m; two ob- served in tall trees at 1 800 m. Four Caldas spec- imens (unpubl.) came from 600 and 1 500 m on the Brazilian side. Dendrocincla fuliginosa Plain-brown Woodcreeper Specimens— 15 (140 m); 1 (350 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-9 66, X = 43.5 g (SD = 1.91; range 40.0-47.0 g); 4 99, Jc = 41.2 g (SD = 4.06; range 36.8-46.3 g). Iris— Gray-brown to dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black to dark brown; mandible pale gray to pale brown. Tarsus— Gray to blue-gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (5 66), Mar. (2 99, both with yolking eggs; 1 6), Apr. (1 <5); small— Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Light molt noted on one young bird in early Apr.; no molt noted on 10 additional individuals collected Feb.-Apr. Food— Insects noted in 10 stomachs, iden- tified as beetles in three and as a roach and a cicada in two others. Commonly encountered in lowland forest, particularly in association with army ant swarms. Dendrocincla merula White-chinned Woodcreeper Specimens— 6 (140 m); 3 (San Carlos). Weight— 4 66, X = 44.6 g (SD = 4.43; range 40.9-50.8 g); 1 9, 42.7 g. Iris— Gray-blue. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale olive. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (3 66); moderate — Apr. (1 9); small— Mar. (1 6). Food— Beetles in one stomach. Infrequently encountered in lowland forest. Deconychura longicauda Long-tailed Woodcreeper Specimens— 3 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-* = 27.2 g (N = 4; SD = 1 .0; range 26.3-28.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible gray. Tarsus — Gray-brown . Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5); small— Mar. (1 9, 1 6). Molt— No molt noted in one Mar. specimen. Food— Large roach noted in one stomach. Infrequently encountered in lowland forest. Deconychura stictolaema Spot-throated Woodcreeper Specimens— 6 (140 m); 2 (350 m). Weight— 4 66, X = 17.6 g (SD = 3.17; range 13.9-21.0 g); 2 99, X = 13.6 g (13.2, 13.9 g); 1 unsexed, 22.0 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible silvery to dusky. Tarsus— Brownish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9); mod- erate—Feb. (1 6), May (1 6); small— Mar. (1 9, 16). Infrequently encountered in mixed-species flocks in both floodplain and upland forest. Sittasomus griseicapillus Olivaceous Woodcreeper Specimens- 1 (190 m); 1 (350 m); 1 (1400 m). Weight- 16.0 g (1 6); 1 1.8 g (1 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dusky; mandible dark gray. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads -Small -Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9), Apr. (19). Molt— Body molt in Feb. specimen. Regularly found in forest in middle to upper canopy. Sight records only at 140 m. Glyphorhynchus spirurus Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Specimens- 52 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 3 (350 m); 1 (1250 m); 1 5 (San Carlos). Weight- 25 66, X= 13.3 g (SD =1.1; range 1 1.2-16.0 g); 15 99,*= 12.4 g(SD = 1.5; range 10.5-16.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible smokey gray. Tarsus— Dusky brown. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 29 Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 <5), Feb. (2 99, one with yolking egg; 9 <3<5), Mar. (5 <5<5), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (3 66), Mar. (1 9, 6 66), Apr. (1 9), Dec. (1 6); small -Feb. (5 99, 2 66), Mar. (3 99, 3 66), Apr. (1 9, 1 6), Nov. (1 <3), Dec. (1 9, 1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in two speci- mens from mid-Feb.; light body molt noted in some individuals in all months Dec. to Apr., with nonmolting individuals present through the same period. Food— Insects in 10 stomachs, including small larvae in one. Common in subcanopy of tall forest. The sin- gle specimen collected in 1954 was described as an endemic subspecies, coronobscurus (Phelps and Phelps, 1955). *Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus Strong-billed Woodcreeper Sight record only on the current trip (DW). One individual observed foraging in tall forest at 1 250 m, Mar. 1 984. A single Phelps specimen was taken at 1800 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965) and described as the endemic subspecies neb- linae (Phelps and Phelps, 1955). Although the species is widespread in Amazonian lowlands, montane forms are usually subspecifically dis- tinct. Dendrocolaptes certhia Barred Woodcreeper Specimens- 12 (140 m); 1 (190 m). Weight- 2 66, x = 69.0 g (66.0, 72.0 g); 4 99, x = 62.2 g (SD = 2.08; range 60.0-65.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Dark brown; mandible pale at base. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (2 66); moderate— Feb. (1 9), Mar. (1 6); small-Feb. (1 9), Mar. (1 9). Molt— Wing and tail molt in single speci- mens from late Feb. and early Mar.; body molt present in single specimens from early and late Mar.; an additional five specimens from early Feb. to late Mar. were not molting. Food— Insects in five stomachs, identified as tettigonids in one (MF). Fairly common in lowland forest, often in as- sociation with army ant swarms. A Caldas spec- imen (unpubl.) was collected at 500 m on the Brazilian side in Nov. 1970. Dendrocolaptes picumnus Black-banded Woodcreeper Specimens— 1 (1250 m). Gonads— Small— Mar. (1 9). Molt— Light general molt in the one Mar. specimen. The single specimen, collected in forest, con- stitutes the only record. Previously known in Amazonas only from the northwest corner along the Rio Cataniapo. Xiphorhynchus obsoletus Striped Woodcreeper Specimens— 5 (140 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight- 3 66, x = 31.4 g (SD - 2.22; range 29.0-33.4 g); 1 9, 25.8 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla medium brown; mandible pale brown. Tarsus— Dark brown. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 6); moderate— Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 9); small-Feb. (1 6). Food— Beetles in one stomach. Fairly common in understory of lowland for- est. Xiphorhynchus pardalotus Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper Specimens- 20 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 5 (San Carlos). Weight- 12 66, x - 37.0 g (SD - 2.5; range 32.0-41.0 g); 6 99, x = 32.3 g (SD = 3.0; range 26.8-36.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible pale brown to pale gray. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (3 66), Apr. (3 66), May (1 6); moderate -Jan. (1 <3), Feb. (1 9); small-Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Mar. (3 99), Apr. (2 66). Molt— Wing molt in two late Feb. speci- mens; no molt noted in one late Nov. and two early Apr. specimens. Food— Insects in seven stomachs, identified as beetles in most; 2-cm scorpion found in one. Common in understory of lowland forest. Caldas collected specimens (unpubl.) at 500 and 550 m on the Brazilian side in Dec. 1970. 30 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Xiphorhynchus guttatus Buff-throated Woodcreeper Specimens- 7 (140 m); 1 (1250 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-* = 64.3 g (N = 8; SD = 2.48; range 56.5-68.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla pale gray to dusky black; man- dible bluish gray to light brown. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 <5), May (1 6); moderate -Feb. (1 2); small -Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 6). Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as "large grubs" in one. Regularly heard and seen in lowland forest, often associated with mixed-species feeding flocks. The specimen from 1250 m constitutes our only upper-elevation record. Lepidocolaptes albolineatus Lineated Woodcreeper Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-24.0g(l <$). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla light brown; mandible flesh. Tarsus— Greenish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 <5). Infrequently encountered in canopy of low- land forest. Previously known in Amazonas south only to the vicinity of Cerro Duida and Yavita-Pimichin. Campylorhamphus procurvoides Curve-billed Scythebill Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-* = 30.0 g (N = 2; 29.9, 30.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Brown. Tarsus— Brown. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 <5). Food— Beetle parts in one stomach. Uncommon in floodplain forest. *S y na I lax is ca ban is i Cabanis' Spinetail Not recorded on the current trip. A Caldas specimen (Phelps, 1 972) taken at 1 500 m on the Brazilian side in Dec. 1 970 is the only Neblina record. In the tepuis, this species is a montane form and is not found in the surrounding low- lands. *Cranioleuca demissa Tepui Spinetail Specimens- 1 ( 1 400 m); 1 2 ( 1 800 m); 2 (2 1 00 m). Weight-7 <5<3, X = 15.1 g (SD = 0.92; range 14.0-16.8 g); 3 29, Jc = 15.3g(SD= 1.04; range 14.5-16.5 g). Iris— Chestnut. Bill— Maxilla dusky brown to black; man- dible flesh with dark tip. Tarsus— Olive-yellow to olive-brown. Gonads— Large— Feb. (4 66); moderate— Feb. (1 2, 1 6), Mar. (1 2); small -Feb. (2 22, 2 66). Molt— Body molt noted in one Mar. speci- men; none noted on specimens from Dec. and Feb. Common member of mixed-species flocks in forest at upper elvations. Juveniles present in early Feb. at 1800 m. Hyloctistes subulatus Striped Woodhaunter Specimens— 6 (140 m). Weight-Jc = 26.2 g (N = 6; SD - 0.99; range 24.2-27.1 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Pale brown to dusky brown. Tarsus— Olive. Gonads— Large— Apr. (1 <5); small — Feb. (2 22), Nov. (1 2). Food— Two stomachs contained orthopter- ans, identified as crickets in one. Uncommon in lowland forest. [Philydor hylobius] Neblina Foliage-gleaner Described by Wetmore and Phelps ( 1 956), this was the only endemic species of bird known from Neblina. Dickerman et al. (1986) deter- mined that the two specimens used to describe this species represent an abnormal and a juve- nile Automolus roraimae. We therefore remove Philydor hylobius from the Neblina list. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 31 Philydor pyrrhodes Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Speomens— 4 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-2 66, x = 26.3 g (24.0, 28.5 g); 2 9$, x = 27.8 g (26.3, 29.0 g). Iris— Dark brown to reddish brown. Bill— Maxilla dusky gray; mandible pale gray with dark tip. Tarsus— Olive. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (1 9); small -Mar. (1 9). Food— Medium-sized roach in one stomach. Uncommon in lowland forest. Automolus infuscatus Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner Speomens— 15 (140 m); 3 (San Carlos). Weight- 7 66, x = 32.0 g (SD = 2.70; range 30.3-36.8 g); 4 99, x = 30. 1 g (SD = 2.40; range 26.9-32.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible pale brown to greenish cream. Tarsus— Grayish green to olive. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 66), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); moderate-Feb. (1 6); small-Feb. (2 99), Mar. (3 99, 1 6), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in single spec- imens from late Feb. and early Mar.; body molt in birds from mid-Feb. to early Apr.; nonmolt- ing individuals noted from late Feb. to mid- Mar. Food— Insects in four stomachs, identified as a cicada in one. Fairly common in understory of lowland for- est, frequently moving with mixed-species flocks. Automolus ochrolaemus Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner Speomens— 4 (140 m). WEIGHT-32.0g(l 6). Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 9); small— Apr. (19). Specimens, taken in lowland forest with shrubby undergrowth, constitute our only rec- ords. Apparently uncommon. * Automolus roraimae White-throated Foliage-gleaner Speomens- 2 (1250 m); 2 (1400 m); 22 (1800 m); 2 (2000 m); 1 (2100 m). Weight- 1 3 66, x = 27.0 g (SD = 2.53; range 22.0-3 1 .8 g); 8 99, x = 28. 1 g (SD = 1 .05; range 26.5-29.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pinkish gray to silver. Tarsus— Olive-yellow to olive-gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 66), Apr. (1 6), Nov. (1 6), Dec. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (2 66), Mar. (1 6); small-Jan. (1 6), Feb. (6 99, 2 66), Apr. (1 9, 1 6), Nov. (1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in single in- dividuals from late Nov. and early and mid- Feb.; body molt noted in specimens from late Nov., and mid-Feb. to mid-Apr.; no molt noted in additional specimens throughout this period. Food— Insects noted in three stomachs, iden- tified as beetles in one and as an orthopteran in a second. Common in mixed-species flocks in forest from middle to upper elevations. Fed primarily by probing in medium to large arboreal bro- meliads. Juveniles numerous at 1 800 m in early Feb. Morales specimens were collected at ele- vations up to 2475 m on the Brazilian side (Phelps, 1972). Automolus rufipileatus Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaner Speomens— 15 (140 m). Weight-* = 33.9 g (N = 7; SD = 2.72; range 31.4-38.0 g). Iris— Bright orange. Bill— Maxilla dusky brown; mandible me- dium brown. Tarsus— Olive. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (3 66), Apr. (2 66); small -Mar. (1 9). Molt— One specimen with body molt and one with no molt in early Apr. Food— Beetles noted in one stomach. Fairly common in river-edge forest, particu- larly in bamboo stands. Previously recorded in Amazonas only in the vicinity of Cerro Duida and along the Rio Casiquiare. Xenops minutus Plain Xenops Speomens— 12 (140 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight- 5 66, x = 12 A g (SD - 0.85; range 32 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY 1 1.4-13.5 g); 5 99, x = 1 1.2 g (SD = 0.91; range 10.0-12.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible black with white to pink base. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <$), Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (1 <5); small— Jan. (1 6), Feb. (3 99), Mar. (3 99). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in two speci- mens from mid-Feb. and one from mid-Mar.; body molt in two specimens from early and mid- Feb.; no molt noted in one mid-Feb. specimen. Food— Insects in two stomachs, identified as ants in one (SQ. Fairly common in understory to midcanopy of lowland forest. Sclerurus rufigularis Short-billed Leafscraper Specimens- 10 (140 m); 2 (San Carlos). WEiGHT-Je = 21.1g(N = 9;SD= 1.90; range 19.0-24.7 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible grayish with black tip. Tarsus— Black in six specimens, gray in one. Gonads— Large— Mar. (2 66); moderate— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 9); small -Feb. (1 9), Mar. (1 9), May (1 9). Molt— Wing molt in one early Apr. specimen and body molt in one from late Mar.; none in three additional specimens from late Feb. and late Mar. Infrequently encountered in understory of lowland forest. *Lochmias nematura Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper Specimens- 2 (1250 m); 9 (1800 m). Weight- 5 66, x = 24.0 g (SD = 1.40; range 23.0-26.0 g); 4 99, x « 2 1 .8 g (SD = 1.1 2; range 20.4-23.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dusky brown; mandible dusky with pinkish base. Tarsus— Dark brown. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5); moderate— Feb. (2 99, 1 6), Mar. (1 <$); small -Feb. (1 <5), Apr. (1 6), Nov. (1 6). Molt— Wing and tail molt in specimens from late Nov. and early Dec.; heavy body molt on one late Nov. specimen, and light body molt on one late Mar. specimen; no molt in specimens from late Nov. and early Feb. Food— Tiny insects noted in two stomachs. Common along rocks in rushing streams at upper elevations. Cymbilaimus lineatus Fasciated Antshrike Specimens— 4 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-* = 36.5 g (N = 4; SD = 2.38; range 35.0-^0.0 g). Iris— Red. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible blue-gray. Tarsus— Blue-gray. Gonads -Small -May (1 6), Nov. (1 9). Molt— Light body molt noted in one late Nov. specimen; no molt noted in Feb. specimen. Food— One specimen had a caterpillar in its mouth when collected. Apparently uncommon in lowland forest, usually in vine tangles in the lower canopy. Taraba major Great Antshrike Specimens— 14 (140 m). Weight- 3 66, x = 56.6 g (SD = 4.46; range 52.0-60.9 g); 2 99, x = 55.3 g (51.4, 59.2 g). Iris— Orange-red to blood red. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (2 99, 1 6), Apr. (1 6); small -Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9), Apr. (3 99, 1 6), Nov. (1 6). Molt— Body molt in one early Apr. and one late Nov. specimen; no molt in two additional early Apr. birds. Food— Two stomachs with insects, both in- cluding ants (SC, DW), and one with small bee- tles. Common in bamboo stands at river edge. Thamnophilus aethiops White-shouldered Antshrike Specimens- 13 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 4 (San Carlos). WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 33 Weight— 8 66, Jc = 25.6 g (SD = 2.27; range 22.0-27.5 g); 6 92, Jc = 25.9 g (SD = 2.18; range 23.5-29.5 g). Iris— Dark brown to chestnut. Bill— All black in 66; mandible silvery gray in 29. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (2 29), Mar. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (2 66), Apr. (1 6); small— Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Mar. (2 99, 1 6), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt noted in single specimens from early Feb. and early Mar.; body molt in two early Mar. specimens; no molt noted in two late Feb. specimens. Food— Insects noted in seven stomachs, identified as beetles in four. Infrequently encountered in lowland forest. Thamnophilus murinus Mouse-colored Antshrike Specimens- 9 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 5 (San Car- los). Weight— 7 66, Jc = 17.9 g (SD = 1.26; range 16.4-20.0 g); 4 99, Jc = 18.5 g (SD = 1.45; range 16.9-20.0 g). Iris— Gray. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible silver. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 9); moderate— Mar. (1 9, 1 6), Apr. (1 9); small-Mar. (1 9, 2 66), May (1 6). Molt— One Mar. specimen noted with none. Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as a caterpillar in one and as tiny wasps, beetles, and beetle larvae in a second (SQ. Fairly common in middle levels of lowland forest. Thamnophilus amazonicus Amazonian Antshrike Specimens— 4 (140 m). Weight-3 66, Jc = 17.3 g (SD = 0.25; range 17.0-17.5 g); 19, 15.5 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; 6 mandible black with gray base, 9 mandible pale gray. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 6), May (1 6); small— Feb. (1 9, 1 6). Molt— Heavy body molt noted on one late Feb. specimen; none noted on early Mar. indi- vidual. Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as a grasshopper in one and as beetles in the others. Spotty distribution in forest with moderate understory. Intense 6/6 vocal interaction noted in early Mar. (MF). '"Thamnophilus insignis Streaked-backed Antshrike Specimens— 5 (1400 m); 3 (1800 m). Weight— 6 66, Jc = 26.3 g (SD = 1.98; range 24.1-30.0 g); 2 99, Jc = 23.5 g (22.0, 25.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 9, 3 66). Molt— Light body molt noted in two and not present in one early Feb. specimen. Food— Insects in two stomachs, identified as beetles in one. Encountered regularly, usually in small single- species groups, in upper-elevation bamboo and Brocchinia scrub. Pygiptila stellaris Spot- winged Antshrike Specimens— 13 (140 m). Weight— 5 66, Jc = 22.1 g (SD = 1.55; range 19.9-24.0 g); 3 99, Jc = 23.5 g (SD =2.16; range 21.0-25.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible bluish gray. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 9, 1 6); small-Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in single spec- imens from late Feb. and early Mar.; no molt in three specimens from early and mid-Mar. and early Apr. Food— Three stomachs with unidentified in- sects, induing a caterpillar in one. Common in bamboo and river-edge low- lands, often in mixed-species flocks from middle to upper canopy. 34 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY * 1 )> sit hamnus mentalis Plain Antvireo Specimens- 9 (1250 m); 2 (1400 m). Weight- 1 <5, 15.0 g; 4 29, x = 14.9 g (SD = 0.75; range 13.8-15.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible gray. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 <3); small— Mar. (1 2, 1 <5), Apr. (2 22). Molt— Light body molt in two late Mar. specimens; none noted in two from mid-Apr. Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as beetles in one; a spider in one stomach. Fairly common in understory of middle-ele- vation forest, apparently diminishing at eleva- tions above 1400 m. Collected on the 1954 Phelps expedition up to 1850 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). 1 ha m n< una lies ardesiacus Dusky-throated Antshrike Specimens— 22 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight- 1 1 66, x = 16.6 g (SD = 0.85; range 14.5-17.6 g); 5 22, x= 16.9g(SD= 1.37; range 14.9-18.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in most 66; mandible silvery gray in 22 and one 6 specimen. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 <5), Mar. (2 66), Apr. (1 2); small -Feb. (1 2, 2 66), Mar. (2 66), Apr. (1 2, 2 66), May (1 2). Molt— Wing and tail molt in one late Feb. individual; no molt in eight additional speci- mens from mid-Feb. to early Apr. Food— Insects in five stomachs, identified as beetles in three and as a roach in one. Common in mixed-species understory flocks of lowland forest. Thamnomanes caesius Cinereous Antshrike Specimens- 30 (140 m); 3 (San Carlos). Weight- 1 5 66, x = 1 5.8 g (SD = 1 .29; range 12.8-1 8.0 g); 1122,*= 1 5.6 g(SD= 1.53; range 13.0-18.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in 66; mandible pale gray in 22. Tarsus— Dark gray to black. Gonads— Large— Feb. ( 1 2, with yolking egg); moderate -Feb. (2 66), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); small -Feb. (3 22, 3 66), Mar. (2 22), Apr. (3 66). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt in three spec- imens from late Feb. and early Mar.; body molt noted in specimens from mid-Feb. to early Mar. and in one early Apr. specimen; no molt in three specimens from late Feb. and early Mar. Food— Insects in seven stomachs, identified as beetles in one. Common member of mixed-species flocks in the lowland understory. Collected at 550 and 1 500 m by Caldas on the Brazilian slope in Dec. 1970(unpubl.). Myrmotherula ambigua Yellow-throated Antwren Specimens— 2 (140 m). WEIGHT-6.0g(l 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible flesh. Tarsus — Greenish . Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 2). Infrequently encountered in canopy of low- land forest. Myrmotherula surinamensis Streaked Antwren Specimens— 23 (140 m). Weight-4 22, x = 8.4 g (SD = 0.32; range 8.0-8.7 g); 2 66, x = 8.5 g (8.3, 8.6 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale gray. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (3 66); moderate— Apr. (5 22); small— Apr. (3 22). Molt— None noted on three early Apr. spec- imens. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Very common in bamboo at river edge in lowlands. Myrmotherula guttata Rufous-bellied Antwren Specimens— 6 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-* = 9.7 g (N = 6; SD = 0.58; range 8.8-10.3 g). WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 35 Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale gray. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 <5); small— Feb. (3 66), Apr. (1 9). Molt— No molt noted in three late Feb. and early Mar. specimens. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Infrequently encountered in understory of lowland forest. Myrmotherula haematonota Stipple-throated Antwren Specimens— 15 (140 m); 1 (350 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight- 7 66, x = 8.7 g (SD = 0.71; range 8.0-10.0 g); 6 99, x = 8.9 g (SD = 0.86; range 8.0-10.2 g). Iris— Sandy buff. Bill— Black with silver tomium. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (2 99, one with yolk- ing egg), Apr. (2 66); moderate— Feb. (1 9, 2 66), Apr. (1 6); small— Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Body molt noted in five specimens, early Feb. to early Apr.; none noted in one ad- ditional late Mar. specimen. Food— Unidentified insects in four stomachs. Fairly common in understory of lowland for- est. Myrmotherula axillaris White-flanked Antwren Specimens— 33 (140 m); 3 (350 m). Weight— 16 66, x = 8.0 g (SD = 0.91; range 6.8-10.6 g); 10 99, Jc = 8.3 g (SD = 0.68; range 7.0-9.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in 66; mandible silvery gray in 99. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (4 66), Mar. (2 66), Apr. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (2 66), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 9, 1 6); small- Jan. (1 6), Feb. (2 99, 3 66), Mar. (3 99), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Body and tail molt in one late Feb. specimen; body molt only in one from early Apr.; none noted in six additional Feb. and Mar. specimens. Food— Insects in seven stomachs, identified as beetles, beetle larvae, and ants (SC) in three. Very common member of mixed-species un- derstory flocks in lowlands. Myrmotherula longipennis Long-winged Antwren Specimens— 22 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight- 8 66, Jc = 9.0 g (SD = 0.60; range 8.2-10.0 g); 8 99, Jc = 8.5 g (SD = 0.38; range 8.0-9.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in 66; mandible pale gray in 99. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 6), Apr. (2 <5<3), May (1 6); moderate— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (1 9); small— Feb. (3 99), Mar. (3 99), Apr. (3 99, 1 6). Molt— Light body molt on three specimens from early to late Mar.; none noted on five ad- ditional specimens from mid-Feb. to early Apr. Food— Insects in four stomachs, identified as beetles in one. Common member of understory flocks in lowland forest; more common away from the floodplain. "'Myrmotherula behni Plain-winged Antwren Specimens— 1 (1800 m). Weight— 7.9 g (1 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with silver tomium (1 2). Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 9). Food— Unidentified insects in the one stom- ach. Infrequently encountered in mixed-species flocks 1800-1850 m. Most Phelps specimens were taken at 1 800 m. A Caldas spcimen from 1 500 m on the Brazilian side (Phelps, 1 972) and a Phelps specimen from 1400 m (Phelps and Phelps, 1965) define the lower limit of the ele- vational range on Neblina. Myrmotherula menetriesii Gray Antwren Specimens— 10 (140 m). Weight-Jc = 8.9 g (N = 8; SD = 0.45; range 8.2-9.5 g). 36 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible silvery gray with black tip. Tarsus— Bluish gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 <5), May (1 <$); moderate— Feb. (1 S), Apr. (1 9); small— Mar. (1 6). Molt— Wing molt in two early Mar. speci- mens, and body molt only in two mid-Feb. spec- imens; no molt noted in one late Feb. individ- ual. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Fairly common at midlevels of lowland forest. Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus Spot-backed Antwren Specimens— 3 (140 m). Weight— 2 66, x - 9.5 (identical weights). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible gray. Tarsus— Pale gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (1 6). Molt— None on two mid-Mar. specimens. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Regular member of mixed-species canopy flocks in lowland forest. Terenura spodioptila Ash-winged Antwren Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 6.5 g(l 9). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible gray. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Small— Mar. (1 9). Food— Unidentified insects in the sole stom- ach. Specimen, taken from mixed-species flock in lowland forest canopy, constitutes our only rec- ord. Cercomacra cinerascens Gray Antbird Specimens— 1 (140 m). WEIGHT-18.5g(l 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark brown; mandible light gray. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Large - ■May (1 9). Regularly heard calling from canopy of low- land forest, particularly in the floodplain. Myrmoborus myotherinus Black-faced Antbird Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight- x = 2 1 .5 g (N = 5; SD = 1 .62; range 20.3-24.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in 66; mandible silvery gray in 99. Tarsus— Dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (2 99, one with yolking egg); moderate— Feb. (2 66), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Light body molt noted in mid- Apr. specimen. Food— Insects in four stomachs, identified as beetles in two and as ants (DW) in one. Infrequently encountered, with all records coming from floodplain forest along Rio Baria. Hypocnemis cantator Warbling Antbird Specimens- 13 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 3 (350 m); 2 (750 m); 6 (San Carlos). Weight- 8 66, x = 13.2 g (SD = 0.52; range 12.4-14.0 g); 10 99,Jc= 1 2.2 g(SD = 0.65; range 1 1.1-13.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale silvery gray. Tarsus— Yellowish brown. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 9); mod- erate—Feb. (1 9), Mar. (2 99, 1 6), Nov. (1 9); small— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (4 99, 4 66). Molt— Body molt noted on single Nov., Feb., and Apr. individuals, and on two Mar. speci- mens; absent from one Mar. specimen. Food— Insects in five stomachs, identified as beetles in three and as beetle larvae in one. Common in forest up to at least 750 m. Percnostola rufifrons Black-headed Antbird Specimens— 8 (San Carlos). Weight-4 66, x = 25.0 g (SD - 1.51; range WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 37 23.7-26.7 g); 3 92, x = 24.0 g (SD = 1.79; range 22.5-26.0 g); 1 unsexed, 29.0 g. Iris— Gray. Bill— Black; mandible silvery gray in 2$. Tarsus— Medium to dark gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 $); moderate— Mar. (1 6); small -Mar. (2 66, 1 9). Molt— Body molt in two early Mar. speci- mens. Although we found this species commonly along the Rio Negro at San Carlos, we did not encounter it in the lowlands around Neblina. Caldas collected one specimen (unpubl.) at 550 m on the Brazilian side. Percnostola leucostigma Spot-winged Antbird Specimens— 9 (140 m). Weight- 5 66, x = 22.3 g (SD -2.11; range 20.3-25.6 g); 2 99, x = 24.1 g (24.0, 24.2 g). Iris— Grayish brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pale gray. Tarsus— Pearl. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 9); moderate— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (1 6); small -Feb. (1 9, 1 6), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 6), Nov. (1 6). Molt— Body molt in five specimens from early Mar. to mid- Apr.; specimens with traces of immature plumage collected in late Nov. and mid-Feb. Food— Insects in three stomachs, identified as beetles in two; tail of a small lizard and large spiders found in one (DW). Infrequently encountered in understory of lowland forest. Percnostola caurensis Caura Antbird Specimens— 1 (1250 m). WEIGHT-39.4g(l 6). Iris— Reddish brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Lead gray. Gonads— Small— Apr. (1 6). Molt— Absent from single Apr. specimen. Food— Small beetles in the stomach. The one specimen and a 9 that was moving with it through the forest understory constitute the only records. Sclateria naevia Silvered Antbird Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 19.1 g(l 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Pinkish white. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 6). The one specimen, collected near a stream in floodplain forest, constitutes the only record. Myrmeciza disjuncta Yapacana Antbird Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight— 15.0 g (1 9). Iris— Brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible white (1 9). Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 9). Molt— No molt in late Feb. specimen. Food— Unidentified insects. Specimen constitutes the only record. Previ- ously known only from the region of Cerro Ya- pacana in central Amazonas, and from one rec- ord from Guainia in Colombia near the Venezuelan border (Hilty and Brown, 1986). Myrmeciza pelzelni Gray-bellied Antbird Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-46.0 g (1 9). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible black with gray base in 6, blue-gray in 9. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 6); small— Feb. (19). Food— Unidentified insects and a spider in one stomach. Specimens constitute the only records; they were taken in forest with sapling-sized trees and dense undergrowth. Myrmeciza atrothorax Black-throated Antbird Specimens— 8 (140 m). Weight-2 66, x = 16.4 g (15.9, 16.8 g); 1 9, 15.5 g. 38 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Iris— Dark brown. Bill— All black in <5<$; mandible silver in 9. Tarsus— Brown to dark gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (1 9); moderate— Feb. (1 <5), Mar. (1 9), Apr. (1 9); small -Apr. (1 <5). Molt— Light body molt noted in three late Mar. and early Apr. specimens; absent from one early Apr. individual. Common in river-edge vegetation, particu- larly in bamboo. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 <5), Apr. (2 $6); mod- erate—Feb. (1 9, 1 6); small -Feb. (1 9). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt on two early Apr. specimens; body molt only on one addi- tional bird from early Apr. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Infrequently encountered in lowland forest, almost always in association with army ant swarms. Pithys albifrons White-plumed Antbird Specimens— 23 (140 m); 2 (190 m); 6 (San Carlos). Weight- 10 66, X = 20.6 g (SD = 1 .20; range 18.1-22.4g);12 99,Jc = 20.6g(SD= 1.65; range 18.5-24.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black, occasionally with pale tip. Tarsus— Bright orange in most adults, some- what duller in juveniles. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 9); mod- erate—Feb. (5 66), Mar.(l 9, 1 6), Apr. (1 9, 1 6)', small- Jan. (2 99), Feb. (2 99), Mar. (1 9), Apr. (2 99, 1 6). Molt— Wing and/or tail molt on three spec- imens from mid- and late Feb.; body molt on specimens from late Feb. and early Apr.; non- molting individuals recorded in mid- and late Feb., late Mar., and early Apr. Food— Insects in five stomachs, identified as ants in one (DW). Common in lowland forest understory, par- ticularly in association with army ant swarms. Recently fledged juveniles collected in early Apr. A Caldas specimen (unpubl.) was taken at 1 500 m on the Brazilian side. Gymnopithys rufigula Rufous-throated Antbird Specimens— 9 (140 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight- 4 66, X = 27.5 g (SD = 2.41; range 23.9-29.0 g); 4 99, X = 26.9 g (SD = 0.60; range 26.0-27.4 g). Iris— Reddish brown. Orbital Skin— Light blue. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible black with sil- very white tip. Tarsus— Pinkish white. Hylophylax naevia Spot-backed Antbird Specimens- 1 1 (140 m); 10 (San Carlos). Weight- 9 66, X = 12.0 g (SD = 0.81; range 10.5-13.1 g); 6 99, X= 13.2g(SD= 1.05; range 1 1.9-14.4 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Pinkish white. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 9, with yolkingegg); moderate— Apr. (1 9); small— Mar. (2 99, 2 66), Apr. (1 9). Molt— Light body molt on one early Mar. specimen. Food— Insects in two stomachs, identified as beetles in one. Common in understory of lowland forest. Hylophylax poecilinota Scale-backed Antbird Specimens-28 (140 m); 7 (350 m); 2 (750 m); 13 (San Carlos). WEIGHT-26&5,* = 18.3g(SD= 1.05; range 1 5.8-20. 1 g); 1 7 99, X = 1 8.6 g (SD = 0.94; range 17.1-20.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 99), Mar. (5 99); moderate- Feb. (1 9, 3 66), Mar. (2 99, 8 66), Apr. (3 66); small -Feb. (2 99, 3 66), Mar. (2 99, 4<5<5). Molt— Three Mar. specimens molting from immature to adult plumage; molt absent from 1 4 specimens collected from early Feb. to early Apr. Food— Insects in 18 stomachs, identified as beetles in three, as roaches in two, and as ants in four (DW). WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 39 Extremely common in understory of forest at least to 750 m. Juveniles present from late Feb. to late Mar. Phlegopsis erythroptera Reddish-winged Bare-eye Specimens-4 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 4 (San Car- los). Weight- 1 6, 52.0 g; 4 99, Jc = 48.4 g (SD = 5.35; range 44.0-54.9 g); 1 unsexed, 61.0 g. Iris— Brown to grayish brown. Orbital Skin— Red in adults, brown in ju- venile. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Black to dark gray. Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (1 <5); small— Mar. (2 22), Apr. (1 2). Molt— Body molt noted on late Apr. juve- nile; molt absent from one late Feb. specimen. Specimens from lowland forest constitute the only records. Formicarius colma Rufous-capped Antthrush Specimens— 14 (140 m). Weight-9 66, Jc = 47.1 g (SD - 4.08; range 42.0-53.0 g); 3 22, Jc = 46.6 g (SD = 0.93; range 45.5^7.2 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Dark brown to dark gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 66), Mar. (1 6), Apr. (1 2, 4 66); small-Feb. (1 2). Molt— Wing and tail molt noted on a single individual from late Feb.; molt absent from six additional specimens from late Feb. to early Apr. Food— Insects in five stomachs, identified as ants in one (MF) and as a roach in a second; a 5-mm seed in one stomach (DW). Fairly common on ground of lowland forest in floodplain and uplands. Myrmornis torquata Wing-banded Antbird Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-46.0 g (1 6). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Pale gray. Gonads— Small— Feb. (1 6). Molt— Wing molt on one late Feb. specimen; no molt on a second. Food— Unidentified insects. Specimens taken in lowland forest constitute our only records. Very locally recorded in Ama- zonas, with previous records south to the Rio Yatua. Grallaria varia Variegated Antpitta Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight- 1 13.0 g (1 6); 122.0 g (1 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla dark gray; mandible gray with pink base. Tarsus— Grayish pink. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 2); small— Feb. (1 $)• The specimens, taken in floodplain forest, constitute the only records. Myrmothera campanisona Thrush-like Antpitta Specimens— 1 (140 m). Weight-46.0 g (1 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with pink base. Tarsus— Pale gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 2). Food— Small beetles in the single stomach. The single specimen, taken in floodplain for- est, constitutes the only record. *Chamaeza campanisona Short-tailed Antthrush Not recorded on current trip, but two speci- mens collected at 1800 m in 1954 (Phelps and Phelps, 1965). * M y rmot hera simplex Brown-breasted Antpitta Specimens- 1 (1250 m); 1 (1400 m); 4 (1800 m). Weight- 3 66, x = 52.6 g (SD = 0.69; range 51.8-53.0 g); 2 22, Jc = 55.0 g (49.0, 61.0 g). 40 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with pinkish base. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large -Jan. (1 2, 1 <5), Feb. (1 <5), Mar. (1 <5), Dec. (1 <5); moderate -Feb. (1 2). Molt— Body molt on single individuals from late Jan., early Feb. (2 in breeding condition), and late Mar. Found in understory of tall forest and bamboo stands of mid- and upper elevations, where in- dividuals were heard calling regularly. Perez col- lected a specimen (unpubl.) at 2290 m. *Elaenia pallatangae Sierran Elaenia Specimens- 14 (1800 m); 2 (2000 m). Weight— 1 2 66, x = 1 8.2 g (SD = 1 .08; range 16.5-20.0 g); 2 22, x = 15.3 g (14.9, 15.7 g) . Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with flesh base. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 6), Feb. (3 <5<5), Apr. (2 66), Dec. (2 66); moderate- Feb. (4 66); small - Feb. (2 22, 1 6). Molt— Wing molt on one mid-Feb. speci- men; body molt on specimens from early Dec. and early Feb.; nonmolting individuals recorded in early Dec. and mid-Apr. Food— Fruit and insects in one stomach. Common in upper-elevation forest and Broc- chinia scrub. These are the first records of the species from Neblina; it was previously known from the northern tepuis of Amazonas south to Cerro Duida. Its absence from the earlier Ne- blina collections is mystifying given its abun- dance on the current expedition. Dickerman and Phelps (1987) described the Neblina population as an endemic subspecies, davidwillardi. *Mecocerculus leucophrys White-throated Tyrannulet Specimens- 1 4 ( 1 800 m); 2 (2000 m); 6 (2 1 00 m). Weight- 1 2 66, x = 10.5 g(SD = 0.79; range 9.0-1 1.5 g); 2 22, x = 9.7 g (9.4, 10.0 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Mouth Lining— Bright orange. Tarsus— Black. Gonads— Large— Feb. (3 66); moderate— Feb. (1 2, 2 66); small -Feb. (5 <3<5), Mar. (2 22), Apr. (1 6), Nov. (1 6). Molt— Body molt on nine individuals col- lected from mid-Feb. to mid-Apr.; absent from two early Feb. specimens. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. Common in upper-elevation forest and Broc- chinia scrub. Tavares and Morales specimens (unpubl.) in the Coleccion Phelps were taken as high as 2475 m. Mionectes oleagineus Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Specimens— 13 (140 m); 1 (350 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight- 8 66, x = 10.7 g (SD = 1.06; range 8.4-12.0 g); 1 2, 9.5 g. Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with base ranging from flesh to orange to tan. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 <5), Apr. (1 2, with yolking egg); moderate— Feb. (1 6), Mar. (4 66), Apr. (2 66). Molt— Light body molt on two individuals from early and late Mar.; absent from five in- dividuals from late Feb., early Mar., and early Apr. Food— Fruit in five stomachs, identified as Perouma (Moraceae) in one (MF). Fairly common in understory of lowland for- est. *Mionectes macconnelli McConnell's Flycatcher Specimens- 1 (1250 m); 1 (1400 m). Weight- 13.0 g(l 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 2); moderate— Mar. (1 2). Molt— Absent from one late Mar. specimen. Apparently scarce in forests of midelevations. This species, which is widespread in Amazonian lowlands, is only found at midelevations in the Pantepui (generally subspecies roraimae). Dick- erman and Phelps (1987) described the Neblina population as an endemic subspecies, merce- desfosterae. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 41 *Leptopogon amaurocephalus Sepia-capped Flycatcher Specimens— 2 (1250 m). Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 2); moderate— Mar. (IS). Molt— Absent from one late Mar. specimen. Specimens constitute our only records. Pre- viously not recorded in Amazonas south of Ce- rro Duida. Although there are lowland forms of this species in western Amazonia, the species' range in southern Venezuela is coincident with the tepuis. Our specimens were taken at eleva- tions higher than those recorded for lowland forms; because lowland records in this area ap- pear to be very scarce, we have included the species among our montane forms. *Phylloscartes chapmani Chapman's Tyrannulet Specimens- 1 (1250 m); 4 (1400 m); 15(1800 m). Weight- 13 66, x = 8.8 g (SD = 0.56; range 8.0-9.5 g); 3 22, x = 7.3 g (SD = 0.27; range 7.0-7.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with pink base. Tarsus— Medium gray. Gonads— Large— Jan. (1 6), Feb. (3 66), Mar. (1 6); moderate— Feb. (2 66), Nov. (1 6); small- Jan. (1 2), Feb. (2 22, 1 6), Dec. (1 6). Molt— Tail molt on one late Nov. specimen; body molt on one late Nov. and one early Apr. specimen; molt absent from five specimens from early Dec, late Jan., and mid- to late Feb. Food— Tiny insects in two stomachs; 1-mm seeds in a third. Common in forest; not encountered in high- elevation scrub. Recently fledged juveniles pres- ent at 1 800 m in late Jan. to mid-Feb. Gonads— Large— Apr. (4 66); moderate— Apr. (1 2, 1 6). Molt— Light body molt noted on two and absent from two early Apr. specimens. Fairly common in bamboo stands in lowlands along Rio Baria. Previously known in Amazo- nas from along Rio Orinoco near Cerro Duida, and along Rio Ventuari. Corythopis torquata Ringed Antpipit Specimens— 12 (140 m). Weight- 7 66, x = 14.2 g (SD = 1.05; range 12.3-15.0 g); 2 22, x = 14.0 g (13.2, 14.8 g); 1 unsexed, 15.5 g. Iris— Brown to gray-brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible pinkish white to pinkish yellow. Mouth Lining— Orange. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 6), Apr. (2 66), May (2 66); moderate— Apr. (1 2); small— Feb. (1 2, 1 6), Mar. (1 2, 16). Molt— Light body molt in one individual from late Feb.; absent from four specimens from mid-Feb., early Mar., and early Apr. Fairly common in lowland forest. Myiornis ecaudatus Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-3.8 g (1 6); 4.5 g (1 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (1 2). Infrequently encountered in forest up to 350 m; the pair collected came from the Base Camp clearing. Capsiempis flaveola Yellow Tyrannulet Specimens— 7 (140 m). Weight-* = 7.5 g (N = 5; SD = 0.39; range 7.1-8.1 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with flesh base. Tarsus— Dark gray to black. Lophotriccus galeatus Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant Specimens -8 (140 m); 1 (190 m); 3 (San Car- los). Weight-2 66, x = 7.3 g (7.1, 7.5 g); 2 22, x = 5.8 g (5.5, 6.0 g). Iris— White to bufly yellow. 42 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Bnx— Black; occasionally with pinkish base of mandible. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (3 66), May (1 <5); mod- erate—Mar. (2 66); small— Feb. (1 9), Apr. (1 6). Molt— No molt noted on one mid-Feb. spec- imen. Regularly encountered in bamboo stands at edge of Rio Baria in lowlands, usually 8-10 m up in vegetation (JO). Hemitriccus zosterops White-eyed Tody-Tyrant Specimens— 5 (140 m). Weight- 3 66, X = 9.3 g (SD = 0.29; range 9.0-9.5 g); 1 2, 7.5 g. Iris— Grayish white. Bill— Black; mandible with brownish base. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Large— Apr. (2 66); moderate— Mar. (1 6); small -Mar. (1 2). Molt— No molt noted on three mid- and late Mar. specimens. Food— Unidentified insects in two stomachs. Infrequently encountered in lowland forest understory. A Caldas specimen (unpubl.) was taken at 1 500 m on the Brazilian side in early Dec. 1970. Ramphotrigon ruficauda Rufous-tailed Flatbill Specimens— 4 (140 m). Gonads— Moderate— Apr. (16). Specimens taken in bamboo and one individ- ual heard in bamboo (JO) constitute the only records. A juvenile was collected in late Mar. Tolomomyias assimilis Yellow-margined Flycatcher Specimens— 6 (140 m). Weight-* = 14.5 g(N = 6; SD = 0.43; range 14.0-15.2 g). Iris— Brown to sandy gray. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible silvery gray. Tarsus— Gray. Gonads— Moderate— Feb. (1 <5); small— Feb. (1 2), Mar. (1 6). Molt— Molt on all four early Mar. speci- mens: wing and/or tail on two, body on two. Food— Tiny beetles in one stomach. Regular member of mixed-species canopy flocks in lowland forest. Platyrinchus saturates Cinnamon-crested Spadebill Specimens— 5 (140 m); 1 (San Carlos). Weight-.* = 10.8 g (N = 6; SD = 0.76; range 9.5-1 1.8 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with grayish white tip. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads -Small -Feb. (1 2, 4 66), Apr. (1 6). Molt— Light body molt on one mid-Feb. specimen; none noted on two late Feb. speci- mens. Food— Unidentified insects in one stomach. The specimens, all taken in lowland forest, constitute our only records. One was collected while foraging in vegetation about 1 m off the ground. Previously not recorded in Amazonas south of the Yavita-Pimichin Trail. *Platyrinchus mystaceus White-throated Spadebill Specimens- 2 (1250 m); 2 (1400 m); 1 (1800 m). Weight- 2 66, X = 8.8 g (8.3, 9.3 g); 3 22, X = 8.5 g (SD = 1.25; range 7.5-9.9 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Black; mandible with pinkish tip. Tarsus— Pink. Gonads— Large— Mar. (1 6); moderate— Mar. (1 <5); small -Feb. (2 22), Apr. (1 2). Infrequently encountered in the understory of tall upper-elevation forests; apparently does not occur in the high-elevation scrub. Phelps and Phelps (1955) described the Neblina population as the endemic subspecies ventralis. Platyrinchus coronatus Golden -crowned Spadebill Specimens- 1 8 ( 1 40 m); 1 ( 1 90 m); 1 (220 m); 2 (San Carlos). Weight— 1 1 66, X = 8.8 g (SD = 0.50; range WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 43 7.9-9.5 g); 6 22, Jc = 8.2 g (SD = 0.66; range 7.6-9.5 g). Iris— Dark brown. Bill— Maxilla black; mandible grayish flesh. Tarsus— Pinkish gray. Gonads— Large— Feb. (1 750 m), the pattern was similar. Wing and tail molt were most common somewhat earlier, in late November and early De- cember, and showed a steady decrease through April and early May, when we found virtually no individuals of any species molting these feathers. As in the lowlands, incidence of body molt was higher than that of wing and tail molt; body molt occurred at a fairly constant level throughout our sample, even while wing and tail molt decreased. Icterus cayanensis Moriche Oriole Specimens— 2 (140 m). Weight-38.0 g (1 $); 40.5 g (1 2). Iris— Dark brown. Bill- Black. Tarsus— Medium gray in <$, black in 2. Gonads— Moderate— Mar. (1 2); small— Feb. (!<$)• Molt— Primary molt on Mar. specimen; body molt on both. Food— Unidentified insects and caterpillar in one stomach. Occasionally encountered in broken canopy at edge of Rio Baria. Gonadal Data Miller (1954), in a study of 10 species near the Equator in Colombia, found that eight had indi- viduals in "physiological readiness" for breeding throughout the year, whereas two showed highly cyclical breeding activity, one in primarily dry pe- riods (Stelgidopteryx) and one in wetter periods (Coryphospingus). The gonadal sample sizes for most of the species we collected were too small to permit detailed analysis of individual species' breeding seasons by Miller's method. Our gonadal sample ( 1 ,500 specimens of 235 species), however, can be used to show some probable reproductive trends for the period of our study, November to May. WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 63 wing and/or tail molt 2d body molt I Highland Lowland 1234 56789 SEASON Fig. 8. Thirty-day (by 10-day interval) running percentages of species with at least one individual showing wing and/or tail and body molt. 1 = late Nov.-early Dec; 2 = late Jan.-mid-Feb.; 3 = early Feb.-late Feb.; 4 = mid- Feb.-early Mar.; 5 = late Feb.-mid-Mar.; 6 = early Mar .-late Mar.; 7 = late Mar .-mid- Apr.; 8 = early Apr .-late Apr.; 9 =mid-Apr.-early May. We consider large testes to be an indication of readiness to breed in males. Foster (1987) has shown that active sperm can exist in small testes, so our assessments of males' readiness to breed, based on enlarged testes, probably represent min- imum values. Enlarged ova in females probably reflect actual breeding; females incubating or feed- ing young may have small ova, so again our es- timates of numbers of birds breeding may be low. Gonadal size classes are defined at the beginning of the species accounts. At low elevations, the percentage of species with some males with enlarged testes was always higher than the percentage with females in breeding con- dition (fig. 9). Both male and female values grad- ually increased from late November to mid-Feb- ruary, when samples of over 40% of the species included females in breeding condition and over 50% included males with enlarged gonads. The percentage of species with males in breeding con- dition remained constant to the end of our study. Females with enlarged ova declined slightly in mid- March, but over 30% of the species collected had females with enlarged ova through early May. In contrast, at upper elevations, incidence of large gonads in females was high through mid- February, but then dropped sharply, with no breeding females of any species found from late March on. The presence of juveniles of many up- per-elevation species in late January and early February must reflect some December and early January breeding. A higher percentage of species had males in breeding condition than in the low- lands; this may simply reflect that sample sizes per species tended to be higher at upper elevations, giving a greater probability of encountering a breeding individual. As in the lowlands, many spe- cies continued to have males in apparent breeding condition through the sharp decline in breeding females. If enlarged ova in females are taken as a better indication of actual breeding than are enlarged tes- tes in males, breeding season at upper elevations is much better defined than in lowlands, at least during the months covered by our expedition. The upper-elevation breeding season is coincident with the dry season. The seemingly less seasonal nature of lowland breeding in our combined samples 64 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY 9 0 Highland 8 9 1 SEASON Fig. 9. Thirty-day (by 10-day interval) running percentages of species with one or more individuals with enlarged gonads. 1 = late Nov.-early Dec.; 2 = late Jan.-mid-Feb.; 3 = early Feb.-late Feb.; 4 = mid-Feb.-early Mar.; 5 = late Feb.-mid-Mar.; 6 = early Mar.-late Mar.; 7 = late Mar.-mid-Apr.; 8 = early Apr.-late Apr.; 9 =mid-Apr.-early May. probably reflects both longer breeding seasons and the incorporation of species that breed primarily in the wet season. Range Extensions Lowlands— Forty species found in the low- lands surrounding Cerro de la Neblina represent range extensions within Venezuela. Sixteen of these (table 1) previously have been found fairly close to the Venezuelan border in northern Brazil or are widespread in northern Brazil (Pinto, 1938, 1944). Their occurrence at the base of Neblina was ex- pected. A second set of 18 species (table 2), encom- passing the bulk of the remaining Venezuelan range extensions, consists of birds previously known ei- ther along the Rio Solimoes or Rio Branco. The lack of previous records for these species in south- ern Venezuela and northern Brazil reflects lack of previous major collecting effort in the lowlands between Cerro Duida and the Rio Solimoes. Our lowland Neblina records fill in gaps and make the ranges of these species less artificially disjunct. We suspect that these species have essentially contin- uous distributions in proper habitat across the northern Amazon basin. Six species represent true range extensions: 1 . Podilymbus podiceps is known in Venezuela only along the northern coast and in Brazil primarily from the coastal states. It is essentially absent from Amazonia. Its presence at Neblina (N = 1) is surprising and may be accidental. 2. The two small groups of Eudocimus ruber ob- served flying over lowland forest (MF) may likewise represent an accidental occurrence. The species is known in Brazil from the mouth of the Amazon and in Venezuela from the llanos 400 km to the north. We saw no appropriate habitat in the vicinity of Neblina, and the spe- cies' presence is extremely surprising. 3. Myrmeciza disjuncta was known from an ex- tremely restricted range in the vicinity of Cerro Yapacana in central Amazonas, Venezuela, and adjacent Colombia. Its occurrence in the Ne- blina lowlands represents a 350-km extension to the south. 4. The closest Venezuelan records for Colonia co- lonus are along the upper Rio Paragua in Bo- livar, and no published records exist from Bra- zil any closer than on the upper Rio Purus, WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 65 Table 1 . Widespread species previously unrecorded from Neblina lowlands. Nyctanassa violacea Mesembrinibis cayennensis Elanoides forficatus Spizaetus ornatus Opisthocomus hoazin Ara ararauna Monasa morphoeus Dryocopus lineatus Myrmornis torquata Platyrinchus saturatus Platyrinchus platyrhynchos Phoenicircus nigricollis Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Tangara gyrola Vireo altiloquus Hylophilus brunneiceps although D. Stotz (pers. comm.) has found it in Roraima. The closest Colombian records are far to the west, along the base of the Andes (Hilty and Brown, 1986). The species is gen- erally found along the base of the Andes and at the edges of Amazonia. 5. Haematoderus militaris was not previously known from Venezuela. The closest records are from Manaus, Brazil, which are themselves far removed from the primarily Guianan range. The single Neblina sight record (MF) represents a range extension of about 1,000 km. The Neblina lowlands are close to the Rio Negro, and it may be that this species' range is more extensive in the Rio Negro drainage than pre- viously thought. D. Stotz (pers. comm.) has recently collected this species on the Rio Ji- parana in Rondonia in southwestern Brazil, even farther from the previously defined range. It is clear that there is much to be determined regarding the overall range of this rare fruit- crow. 6. Neochelidon tibialis has not been recorded pre- viously in Venezuela south of Cerro Duida. The closest published records in Brazil are from 80 km north of Manaus (Stotz and Bierregaard, 1989), and after that, from far to the southwest on the upper Rio Jurua. However, the species is common at Manaus (D. Stotz, pers. comm.) and lack of records probably reflects the diffi- culty of observing and collecting this forest- dwelling swallow. The species may be more appropriately included in the previous category of new records. Highlands— Nineteen montane species repre- sent additions to known avifauna of the upper slopes of Cerro de la Neblina. Fourteen of these (table 3) are well known from the western tepuis and are not particularly surprising additions. Two of these, Steatornis and Knipolegus, have now also been collected nearby on Cerro Aracamuni (M. Lentino, pers. comm.). Another species, Haplospiza rustica, is known in the tepuis only on the eastern Chimanta-tepui, from which Wetmore and Phelps ( 1 949) described an endemic subspecies from a unique type. This species' occurrence is normally associated with bamboo (Parker, 1982), and perhaps it has been overlooked on other tepuis because of the difficulty of working in bamboo and the rarity of flowering stands. The remaining four species have not been encountered previously in the tepuis. All have pri- marily Andean ranges, with two extending to the coastal range of northern Venezuela. Aegolius har- risii and Geranoaetus melanoleucus were known in Venezuela only from the western Andes, where all records are from at least 1000 m higher than ours at Neblina. The habitat above 1800 m at Neblina strongly resembles the Andean habitats where these species occur, suggesting that habitat is more important than elevation in the determi- nation of their ranges. Harpy haliaetus solitarius and Tigrisoma fascia- turn are both midelevation species in the Andes and are found in areas similar to those where we encountered them at Neblina. Unfortunately, without a specimen, the specific identity of the Tigrisoma remains unconfirmed, although linea- Table 2. Lowland species filling artificial range gaps. Hydranassa caerulea Leptodon cayanensis Amazona ochrocephala Glaucis hirsuta Threnetes leucurus Bucco macrodactylus Lepidocolaptes albolineatus Automolus rufipileatus Capsiempis flaveola Thryothorus leucotis Turdus lawrencii Laniofulvus Euphonia chlorotica Euphonia minuta Tangara schrankii Dendroica petechia Phaeothlypis rivularis Hylophilus muscicapinus 66 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Table 3. Western tepui species new to Neblina, with closest previously published locality. Columba fasciata (Duida) Nannopsittaca panychlora (Duida) Steatornis caripensis (Duida) Cypseloides phelpsi (Duida) Aeronautes montivagus (Duida) Colibri coruscans (Duida) Amazilia viridigaster (Duida) Knipolegus poecilurus (Duida) I. taenia pallatangae (Duida) Leptopogon amaurocephalus (Duida) Pipra cornuta (Duida) Platycichla leucops (Curupira) Turdus ignobilis (Duida) Tangara punctata (Curupira) turn at 1 800 m along a fast-moving stream would be very unusual. In light of recent records of Har- pyhaliaetus (M. Lentino, pers. comm.), including some in the mountains of the Gran Sabana, it appears that this species has a more widespread Venezuelan range than was previously known. Comparisons with Other Avifaunas Lowlands— Our collections and observations in the lowlands surrounding Neblina, combined with those of Caldas, documented a preliminary list of 264 species, with 2 1 3 of these restricted to forest. Further work surely will yield many addi- tions, given that we still regularly added to the list even at the end of our expedition. Few single- locality lists are available for comparison with lowland sites anywhere near Neblina. Gilliard (1941) found 247 species in the lowlands around Auyan-tepui during V/i months of fieldwork. His lowland site had much more varied habitat than does ours, and the list includes many water birds for which there is no appropriate habitat near the base of Neblina. He reported many fewer rain for- est species (1 72), reflecting a decline in forest spe- cies richness toward the northern edge of the Ama- zonian basin. At Isla Maraca in Roraima, Brazil, Moskovits et al. (1985) found 386 species. This locality is situated on the forest/campo ecotone, and the list includes many species from grassland. River edge and upland forest species numbered 214 species, almost identical to our forest total, although the list is possibly more complete than ours. Perhaps the best comparison is with the for- est sites around Manaus, Brazil, which have been surveyed extensively by personnel from the Min- imum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project of the World Wildlife Fund and Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazonia. The habitat is generally similar to that around Neblina, and the total list is about 350 species, 254 of which are found in forest (Stotz and Bierregaard, 1 989). We anticipate that the lowland avifauna of Neblina, when more fully known, will number somewhere in the vicin- ity of the Manaus figure. All of these eastern Ama- zonian sites have avifaunas much reduced from those of the rich western Amazonian areas, such as eastern Peru, where 5 1 5 total species were re- corded on the Rio Tambopata (Parker, 1982) and 526 on the Rio Manu, where 362 were found in forest (Terborgh et al., 1 984). The decline in forest species richness from southwestern through north- eastern Amazonia is found to some extent in most families, but is accentuated among suboscines in the Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, and Formi- cariidae (table 4). Species in these families tend to be exclusively insectivorous and are found mostly in the understory and subcanopy. It would be in- teresting to know if the decline in species richness is matched by a decline in insect productivity in these same forest regions. Highlands— Most of the major tepuis have been explored to some extent, but comparison of their avifaunas is complicated because the collecting and observational efforts have been extremely varied. Collection sizes range from under 100 specimens on Cerros Yapacana and Sarisarinama to over 3,000 on ML Roraima (Mayr and Phelps, 1967). We know that the species lists have grown as ad- ditional elevations and habitats were sampled on single peaks, and it is safe to say that our knowl- edge of even the best-known tepuis is incomplete. Even with these limitations, however, some gen- eral comparisons are possible. The currently known montane avifauna (species restricted to 750 m and above) of Cerro de la Neblina stands at 65 species. The two largest tepui avifaunas are recorded from the extensively stud- ied Roraima, with 84 species, and Ptari-tepui, with 71 (Apendix 3). These are both very high peaks in the massive cluster of eastern tepuis (see fig. 1). In the west, where most of the peaks are much more isolated from one another, the only known avifauna as diverse as that of Neblina is on Cerro Duida, which has 64 montane species (species to- WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 67 Table 4. Forest species totals by family or subfamily for five lowland Amazonian sites. Au- Ma- Ne- Ma- yan- Manu naus blina raca tepui Tinamidae 8 4 3 7 3 Ardeidae — — — 1 — Cathartidae 3 3 2 3 2 Accipitridae 12 11 4 10 4 Falconidae 7 7 3 6 3 Cracidae 4 4 4 4 3 Phasianidae 2 1 1 1 1 Psophiidae 1 1 1 1 1 Rallidae 1 2 — 1 1 Columbidae 4 4 3 3 4 Psittacidae 17 13 10 14 8 Cuculidae 4 4 2 5 2 Strigidae 7 5 2 6 2 C'aprimulgidac 2 3 1 1 1 Nyctibiidae 2 4 1 3 1 Trochilidae 19 6 12 7 13 Alcedinidae 2 2 2 2 — Momotidae 3 1 1 2 1 Galbulidae 2 3 5 3 1 Bucconidae 9 7 7 2 3 Capitonidae 3 1 1 1 1 Ramphastidae 8 4 4 6 4 Picidae 15 11 11 11 7 Dendrocolaptidae 16 7 13 12 5 Furnariidae 24 11 7 3 7 Formicariidae 50 34 35 18 16 Rhinocryptidae 1 — — — — Tyrannidae 53 35 24 29 27 Pipridae 8 9 10 6 6 Cotingidae 7 8 6 5 5 Hirundinidae — 1 1 — 1 Troglodytidae 5 4 4 3 3 Turdinae 6 1 2 4 2 Polioptilinae 2 3 3 2 1 Emberizinae 2 1 1 1 1 Cardinalinae 4 3 4 2 3 Thraupinae 28 21 19 15 15 Parulidae 3 3 3 1 2 Icteridae 7 4 4 6 3 Vireonidae 6 8 4 4 5 tals based on Mayr and Phelps [1967] and com- pilations from Phelps and Phelps [1958, 1963]). In general, western tepuis have less diverse avi- faunas than do those in the east (Mayr and Phelps, 1967; also see Appendix 3). The relatively greater isolation of peaks to the west probably accounts for their lower diversity. The main set of eastern tepuis forms a massive, almost oval, area of con- tinuous high elevation, where, if a form goes ex- tinct locally, potential exists for recolonization from several directions. In contrast, the western tepuis tend to be more isolated from one another, with no high-elevation connections, probably making for both greater extinction rates and lower colo- nization rates among peaks. Smaller faunas result. The eastern tepuis have a suite of endemic spe- cies not found in the west (Appendix 3). While the western mountains share a number of tepui en- demics with the east, they have only two species restricted to the region: Campylopterus duidae, which forms a superspecies with the eastern C. hyperythrus, and Diglossa duidae, which may not be most closely related to the eastern D. major (Chapman, 1931; Vuilleumier, 1969). In other cases where the western tepuis have species not recorded in the east, such as Aegolius, Geranoae- tus, and Harpy haliaetus, all either are species also found in the Andes or represent upper-elevation populations of species also found in the lowlands. The eastern tepuis also have Andean species still unknown in the west (Grallericula nana, Myades- tes leucogenys, and Piranga leucoptera). All of these patterns are consistent with the hypothesis that the tepuis once harbored a broad Andean fauna in which subsequent speciation and differential ex- tinctions took place between the eastern and west- ern mountains. Cerro Duida is the western tepui most similar to Neblina, in both known avifauna and size. It has 14 highland species not yet recorded on Ne- blina (table 5). For Emberizoides, appropriate hab- itat appears to be lacking on Neblina. For the oth- ers, abundant appropriate habitat exists and only further exploration will determine whether they are truly absent from Neblina. Because most of our additions to the high-elevation fauna of Ne- blina also have been found on Duida, we expect that most further additions will come from this list. Lophornis pavonina has been collected re- cently on Cerro Aracamuni (M. Lentino, pers. comm.). Table 5. Mt. Duida highland species not recorded from Neblina. Lophornis pavonina Polytmus milleri Margarornis adnata Taraba major Herpsilochmus roraimae Elaenia dayi Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer Phylloscartes nigrifrons Hirundinea ferruginea Contopus fumigatus Chloropipo uniformis Emberizoides herbicola Chlorophonia cyanea Macroagelaius imthurmi 68 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY The tepui avifauna in general and the Neblina avifauna in particular are highly depauperate com- pared to the faunas at similar elevations in the Andes. Weske (1972) recorded over 200 primarily montane species between 1000 and 2500 m in the Cordillera Vilcabamba in central Peru, and Fitz- patrick, Willard, and Stotz (unpubl.) recorded about 250 montane species between the same elevations in the Cosnipata Valley of southeastern Peru. Spe- cies diversity declines with elevation in both the Andes (e.g., Robbins et al., 1987) and the tepuis, but the number of species found over 2000 m in the Andes is about equivalent to the number found at 1000 m at Neblina (fig. 10). In the Andes, gen- erally finer elevational segregation exists, with fre- quent occurrences of two to three congeners re- placing one another between 750 and 2500 m. Whether this is a result of increased competition between congeners (Terborgh and Weske, 1975), higher speciation rates in the Andes (Graves, 1 985), or other factors is still being argued. In contrast to the Andes, some lowland tepui species (e.g., Campephilus rubricollis and Heni- corhina leucosticta) range from the lowlands well into the mountains, with no congeners or similar species replacing them at upper elevations. The combination of (1) unproductive white-sand soils and black-water rivers that may not be able to support more complex communities, (2) the iso- lation of the tepuis from other high-elevation fau- nas that could be sources of colonizers, and (3) the smaller areas of the tepuis compared to the Andes seems a plausible explanation for the much-re- duced avifaunas of the tepuis. Acknowledgments We thank the Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales, R. McDiarmid, C. Brewer-Carias, C. W. Myers, and J. Luteyn for their immense efforts in organizing this expedition. The Venezuelan government gave important logistic support. A. Machado did much of the work related to collecting and export per- mits, and along with M. Lentino, L. G. Morales, O. Dario Ramos, and W. H. Phelps, Jr., provided assistance and hospitality during our stays in Ca- racas. A. Gardner, R. McDiarmid, and G. Nelson col- lected numerous birds while they worked on their own groups. Many of these specimens are our only records of certain species, and without the help of 200-i 150- 100- 50- Andes Neblina ELEVATION Fig. 10. Comparison of Andean and Neblina avi- faunas by elevation (Andean figures based on Robbins etal., 1987). these three, our compilations of species for the area would be seriously diminished. Birds were also collected by R. Royero, C. W. Myers, and R. Co- croft, and these also provided important addi- tional records. We are indebted to the Venezuelan camp crew for help in preparation of field camps, mist-net lines, and meals. We thank R. Aveledo and L. Perez for allowing access to the Coleccion Orni- tologica Phelps. M. Lentino, D. Stotz, J. Fitzpatrick, T. Schu- lenberg, G. Graves, C. W. Myers, S. Lanyon, P. Escalante P., and an anonymous reviewer all read the manuscript and provided many useful sugges- tions. Lentino also led us to important literature on the distribution of Venezuelan birds. T. A. Par- ker III and C. Parrish provided useful insights on a number of species. D. Moskovits and M. D. Maurer helped with the preparation of the manu- script. R. Liesner and V. Funk provided identifi- cations of some of the fruits in stomach contents. We thank the American Museum of Natural History and the American Geographical Society for permission to reproduce figure 1 , and the Fun- dacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales and C. Brewer-Carias for permission to reproduce figure 7. R. McDiarmid provided the photo used in figure 6. Financial support for this expedition was pro- vided by the National Science Foundation (grant BSR-83 17687), the William H. Phelps Founda- tion, and the Alexander Wetmore Fund of the Smithsonian Institution. Finally, we wish to express our deep apprecia- WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 69 tion to the late W. H. Phelps, Jr., who, along with his father, pioneered the ornithological study of the Venezuelan tepuis, and who has been a con- stant inspiration to all of us. We dedicate this pa- per to his memory. Literature Cited Bosque, C. 1986. Actualizacion de la distribucion del guacharo (Steatornis caripensis) en Venezuela. Boletin Sociedad Venezolana Espeleologia, 22: 1-10. Brewer-Carias, C, ed. 1988. Cerro de la Neblina: Resultados de la Expedition, 1983-1987. Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales, Caracas. Chapman, F. M. 1931. The upper zonal bird-life of Mts. Roraima and Duida. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 63: 1-135. Dickerman, R. W. 1987. Notes on the plumages of Diglossa duidae with the description of a new subspe- cies. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 107: 42^*3. Dickerman, R. W., G. F. Barrowclough, P. F. Cannell, W. H. Phelps, Jr., and D. E. Willard. 1986. Philydor hylobius Wetmore and Phelps is a synonym of Automolus roraimae Hellmayr. Auk, 103: 431-432. Dickerman, R. W., and W. H. Phelps, Jr. 1982. An annotated list of the birds of Cerro Urutani on the border of Estado Bolivar, Venezuela, and Territorio Roraima, Brazil. American Museum Novitates, 2732: 1-20. . 1987. 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Boletin Sociedad Venezolana Ciencias Naturales, 26: 11-35. Phelps, W. H., Jr. 1972. Adiciones a las listas de aves de Sur America, Brasil y Venezuela y notas sobre aves venezolanos. Boletin Sociedad Venezolana Ciencias Naturales, 30(124/125): 23^10. Phelps, W. H., Jr., and R. Aveledo H. 1966. Anew subspecies of Icterus icterus and other notes on the birds of northern South America. American Museum Novitates, 2270: 1-14. Pinto, O. M. 1938. Catalogo das aves do Brasil. Parte 1. Revista Museu Paulista, 22: 566 pp. . 1944. Catalogo das aves do Brasil, parte 2. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agriculture, Industria e Commercio, Sao Paulo, 700 pp. Robbins, M. B., R. S. Ridgely, T. S. Schulenberg, and F. B. Gill. 1987. The avifauna of the Cordillera de Cutucu, Ecuador, with comparisons to other Andean localities. Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia, 139: 243-259. Schwartz, P., and R. A. Rivero. 1979. 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Systematics and evolution in Diglossa (Aves, Coerebidae). American Museum No- vitates, 2381: 1-44. Weske, J. 1972. The distribution of the avifauna of the Apurimac Valley of Peru with respect to environmen- tal gradients, habitats and related species. Ph.D. diss., University of Oklahoma, Norman. Wetmore, A., and W. H. Phelps. 1949. A new race of bird of the genus Spodiornis from Venezuela. Jour- nal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 39: 377- 378. Wetmore, A., and W. H. Phelps, Jr. 1956. Further additions to the list of birds of Venezuela. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 69: 1-12. Zimmer, J. T. 1943. Studies of Peruvian birds. No. XLVI. The genus Tangara. Part 1. American Museum Novitates, 1245: 1-14. Appendix 1 . Collections of birds from Cerro de la Neblina.* AMNH USNM FMNH PHELPS Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Tinamus major Tinamus guttatus Podilymbus podiceps Nycticorax violaceus Butorides striatus Agamia agami Leucopternis albicollis Hut en platypterus Buteo brachyurus Daptrius americanu - Micrastur gilvicollis Penelope jacquacu Aburria pipile Crax tomentosa Crax alector Odontophorus gujanensis Psophia crepitans Actitis macularia Columba subvinacea Leptotila rufaxilla Geotrygon montana Ara chloroptera Pyrrhura melanura Nannopsittaca panychlora Pionites melanocephala Deroptyus accipitrinus Piaya melanogaster Otus guatemalae Otus choliba Otus watsonii Aegolius harrisii Steatornis caripensis _________ i _________ i _ ii ______ _ 1 1 1 3t 2f 5f - 1 22 ___ 2 3f 2f - _ 12 ------ 1 _________ i — 1 * 1 --- 2-1 - __2--- 2-1 - ______ 22- 1 1-2--- 132 - 2% 2 1 3* 3 _______ _ 12 ______ _ _________ i ______ ii__ _________ i 1 § — 1 _-- 2 - - 4 _ !_______ _ !____ 21- WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 71 Appendix 1. Continued. AMNH USNM FMNH PHELPS Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Nyctibius griseus - - 1 - - - - — — — Caprimulgus longirostris 1 — — — — — 1 — — 3 Caprimulgus nigrescens — 3 3 1 2 — 1 1 1 - Cypseloides phelpsi — — — — — — 4 1 1 — Aeronautes montivagus — — — — — — 2 — — — Doryfera johannae 1 — 1 — — _ 10 _ 2 5 Glaucis hirsuta — — 1 — — — — — _ Threnetes leucurus — 1 1 — — — 5 2 _ Phaethornis superciliosus 5 2 4 — 2 1 6 2 2 Phaethornis bourcieri 2 2 3 — 3 3 5 4 _ Phaethornis ruber — 1 — — — — _ _ Phaethornis griseogularis — — — — — — 2 — — 1 Campylopterus largipennis 2 2 3 — — — 3 2 3 — Campylopterus duidae 4 8 8 1 1 1 28 29 7 20 Florisuga mellivora 1 — 1 — 1 3 3 1 — — Colibri delphinae 3 Colibri cornscans — — — — — — 1 — — 1 Thalurania furcata 5 6 5 — 3 3 7 7 3 3 Amazilia versicolor 2 — 1 — — — 2 1 _ _ Amazilia viridgaster — — — — — — 5 — — — Polyplancta aurescens 1 — — — — 1 1 — — — Heliodoxa xanthogonys 3 — — — — — 7 1 — 27 Topaza pyra — — — — — — 4 1 — — Heliothryx aurita 1 1 — - - - 2 - - - Trogon melanurus — — 1 _ _ _ _ _ Trogon viridis 1 1 2 — — — 1 1 1 — Trogon personalis — — — — — — 2 — — 9 Trogon violaceus — — 1 - - - 2 — - - Ceryle torquata — 1 1 _ 1 1 Chloroceryle amazona — — — — 1 — — — _ _ Chloroceryle americana 2 — — — — — 1 _ 1 _ Chloroceryle inda — — — — — — 4 1 _ Chloroceryle aenea - - - - - - 2 1 - - Momotus momota 2 2 2 - 1 - 3 1 1 — Brachygalba lugubris 11 1 _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ Galbula albirostris — 1 1 — — — 3 2 2 — Galbula leucogastra Galbula dea Jacamerops aurea Notharchus ordii Bucco macrodactylus Bucco capensis Nonnula rubecula Monasa atra Monasa morphoeus Capito niger Aulacorhynchus derbianus Pteroglossus flavirostris Selenidera nattereri Ramphastos vitellinus Ramphastos tucanus Picumnus exilis Melanerpes cruentatus 1* - — 2 1 1 — 2 1 3 3 - 1 6 1 2* 2 1 — 1 2 1 2 — 1* 2 3§ — — — — 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 4 1 - 1 - 2 1 4 - 2 - - 2 - - 1 - - 2 - - 72 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Appendix 1. Continued. AMNH USNM FMNH PHELPS Skin Skel. Ale Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Veniliornis affinis 2 1 2 Piculus flavigula — 1 — 1 — 1 1 — — Piculus chrysochloros — — 1 — — — 2 — — — Piculus rubiginosus 1 5 Celeus grammicus — — — 2 1 1 — — — Celeus elegans — 1 — — — 3 1 — — Celeus torquatus — — — — — — 1 — — — Dryocopus lineatus — — 1 — — — — — — — Campephilus melanoleucos — 2 Campephilus rubricollis — 1* - - - - 1 1 - 4 Dendrocincla fuliginosa 2 4* 2 — 2 _ 2 3 1 _ Dendrocincla merula 3 2 1 1 Deconychura longicauda — It 1 — — — 1 — — — Deconychura stictolaema — — — — 2 — 4 1 1 — Sittasomus griseicapillus 2 1 — 1 Glyphorhynchus spirurus 5 16 9 — 3 1 7 11 5 4 Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus 1 Dendrocolaptes certhia 1 2 5 — 2 — 2 1 — 1 Dendrocolaptes picumnus 1 Xiphorhynchus obsoletus 1 1* 1 — — — 2 — — — Xiphorhynchus pardalotus 1 2* 4 — 2 — 7 4 1 — Xiphorhynchus gut talus 1 2* 1 — — — 2 2 — — Lepidocolaptes albolineatus — — — — — — 1 — — — Campylorhamphus procurvoides — - 1 - - - 1 - - - Synallaxis cabanisi 1 Cranioleuca demissa 1 — 2 1 — — 8 2 1 4 Hyloctistes subulatus — 2% — — — — 3 1 — — Philydor pyrrhodes — — — — — — 4 — — — Automolus infuscatus 2 2% 2 — 1 1 5 1 1 — Automolus ochrolaemus 1 2 1 Automolus roraimae 3 2 3 1 — — 17 2 1 20 Automolus rufipileatus 3 2 5 — — — 3 1 1 — Xenops minutus 1 2 — — 2 1 3 2 1 — Sclerurus rufigularis 2 It 1 1 — — 4 — 1 — Lochmias nematura 1§ 2 1 - - - 7 - - 3 Cymbilaimus lineatus — It 1 — — — — 1 1 — Taraba major 6 3* 1 — — — 4 — — — Thamnophilus aethiops 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 — Thamnophilus murinus 2§ 1 2 — — — — 3 2 — Thamnophilus amazonicus — 1 — — 1 1 1 — — — Thamnophilus insignis 7 1 — 2 Pygiptila stetlaris 3 2 2 2 1 — 2 1 — — Dysithamnus mentalis 3§ — 1 — — — 6 1 — 42 Thamnomanes ardesiacus 19 It 6 — 2 — 6 4 2 — Thamnomanes caesius 1 5t 4 2 1 — 7 8 2 1 Myrmotherula ambigua 19 — — — — — 1 — — — Myrmotherula surinamensis 7§ 3 5 — — — 5 1 2 — Myrmotherula guttata — — 1 — 2 1 1 — 1 — Myrmotherula haematonota 25 1 2 — 1 — 6 2 2 2 Myrmotherula axillaris 25 6t 7 2 2 1 8 6 2 — Myrmotherula longipennis 35 1 4 2 — — 6 4 2 — Myrmotherula behni — — — — — — 1 — — 13 Myrmotherula menetriesii 2 1 1 — 2 — — 1 3 — Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus 1 — 1 — 1 — — — — — Terenura spodioptila — — — 1 — — — — — — Cercomacra cinerascens — — — — — — 1 — — — Myrmoborus myotherinus — — — — — — 5 — — — WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 73 Appendix 1. Continued. AMNH USNM FMNH PHELPS Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Hypocnemis cantator 2§ 3 2 — — — 8 3 1 — Percnostola rufifrons 1 Percnostola leucostigma 2 1* — — — — 6 — — — Percnostola caurensis — — — — — — 1 — — — Sclateria naevia — — — — — — 1 — — — Myrmeciza disjuncta — — — 1 — — — — — — Myrmeciza pelzelni — — — — — — 2 — — — Myrmeciza atrothorax 3 1 1 — — — 2 1 — — Pithys albifrons 1 4 3 1 1 — 9 3 3 2 Gymnopithys rufigula — — — — 1 1 4 2 1 — Hylophylax naevia 1§ — 2 — — — — 5 3 — Hylophylax poecilinota — 6 6 — 5 1 9 9 1 — Phlegopsis erythroptera — — 1 — — — 3 — 1 — Formicarius colma — 2 1 — 1 1 3 5 1 — Chamaeza campanisona 2 Myrmornis torquata — 1 — — — 1 — — — — Grallaria varia 1§ — — — — — 1 — — — Myrmothera campanisona — — — — — — 1 — — — Myrmothera simplex 1§ 1* — — — — 4 — — 15 Elaenia pallatangae 2 1 1 — — — 12 — — — Mecocerculus leucophrys 3 2% 1 3 — — 12 1 — 33 Mionectes oleagineus 1 2 4 — 2 1 2 2 — — Mionectes macconnelli 1§ — — — — — 1 — — 6 Leptopogon amaurocephalus 2§ Capsiempis flaveola — 3* 2 — — — 11 3 9 Phylloscartes flaveolus 2 — — — — — 4 — — Corythopis torquata 1§ — 1 2 1 1 3 2 — Myiornis ecaudatus — — — — — — 1 — — Lophotriccus galeatus 1§ 1 1 — — — 4 1 — Hemitriccus zosterops 1 — — 1 1 — 2 — — 1 Ramphotrigon ruficauda 2§ — 2 — — — — — - — Tolmomyias assimilis — 2 2 — — — 2 — — Platyrinchus saturatus — — 1 — 2 1 1 — — Platyrinchus mystaceus — — — — — — 5 — 11 Platyrinchus coronatus — 2 2 — 3 — 4 4 - — Platyrinchus platyrhynchos — — — — 1 1 — — — — Onychorhynchus coronatus 1§ 2* 2 — 1 — 1 1 — — Terenotriccus erythrurus — — — 1 1 — 1 2 — — Myiobius barbatus — — — — — — 1 — 1 — Myiophobus roraimae 1 — — — — — 6 1 — 14 Colonia colonus 2 — Attila citriniventris — — — 1 — — — — — — Rhytipterna simplex — 1 3 — — — — — — — Laniocera hypopyrrha 1§ 2 2 — — — — — — — Myiozetetes granadensis — — — — — — 1 — — — Pachyramphus marginatus — It Pachyramphus minor — — — — 1 — — — — — Tityra cayana 1 Schiffornis major 1 — 1 — — — 1 — — — Schiffornis turdinus — 1* 3 1 1 — 6 4 2 — Neopipo cinnamomea 1§ — 1 1 1 1 — 1 — — Tyranneutes stolzmanni — — — 2 — 1 — 2 — Neopelma chrysocephalum — — — 1 1 1 — — — Heterocercus Jflavivertex 2 2 2 1 1 1 — 3 — Pipra pipra 1§ — 1 4 1* — 4 3 1 Pipra coronata 2§ 5 4 5 — — 7 4 — Pipra serena 3§ 1 2 — — — 5 1 3 39 74 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Appendix 1. Continued. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Pipra erythrocephala 1§ 12 6 14 It 2 13 _ 3 1 Pipra cornuia — — — — — — 3 — — 7 Phoenicircus nigricollis — — 1 1 1 1 — — — — Lipaugus vociferans — — — — — — — 1 — 1 Cotinga cayana — — — 1 2 1 — — — — Xipholena punicea — — — — — 1 1 — — — Rupicola rupicola 2 — 1 - - — 4 — 1 - Notiochelidon cyanoleuca — — — — — — 2 — — 1 Atticora fasciata 1 3 3 — — — 1 — 1 — Neochelidon tibialis — — — — — — 1 — — — Riparia riparia 1 Hirundo rustica - 1 5 Thryothorus coraya 4 2% 2 — — — 6 — 1 — Thryothorus leucotis — — — — — — 1 — — — Troglodytes rufulus 1 — — 2 — — 4 — — 13 Henicorhina leucosticta — — — — — — 2 — 1 8 Microcerculus ustulatus 1 — — — — — 5 1 — 17 Microcerculus bambla 2 1 1 - 1 1 4 1 - 1 Catharus fuscescens — — — — — — 1 — — — Catharus minimus — 2 5 — 1 — 3 — — — Platycichla leucops — — — 1 — — — — — — Turdus olivater 3 4 6 4 — — 41 32 3 41 Turdus lawrencii — — — 1 — — — — — — Turdus albicollis 1 - 2 - - - 5 4 3 - Microbates collaris 1 2 2 _ 1 _ 2 1 _ _ Ramphocaenus melanurus — 1 1 Polioptila guianensis 1 Zonotrichia capensis 1 1 1 1 — — 1 — — 36 Haplospiza rustica — — — — — — 1 — — — Catamenia homochroa 2 — — 3 — — 1 — — 6 Arremon taciturnus 1 3 — — — — 6 6 2 4 Atlapetes personatus 6 3 6 2 1 1 19 2 2 26 Pitylus grossus 1 4 3 — 1 1 1 1 — 1 Saltator maximus 3 3 2 — - — 2 2 — — Passerina cyanoides — — — — — — 2 1 1 — Hemithraupis flavicollis Lanio fulvus Tachyphonus crislatus Tachyphonus surinamus Piranga Jlava Piranga rubra Ramphocelus carbo Euphonia plumbea Euphonia chlorotica Euphonia chrysopasta Euphonia minuta Euphonia xanthogaster Tangara mexicana Tangara chilensis Tangara schrankii Tangara xanthogastra Tangara guttata Tangara gyrola Tangara cyanoptera Tangara velia 2 - 1 1 - 1 - 4 28 2 2 1 - 12 1 WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 75 Appendix 1. Continued. AMNH USNM FMNH PHELPS Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Dacnis cayana 1 3 1 — 1 — 2 1 — — Chlorophanes spiza —32 — 1— 2 — — 1 Cyanerpes caeruleus — — 1 — 1 — 3 12 1 Cyanerpes cyaneus — — — — 31 1 — — — Diglossa duidae 3 33 103-20 22 70 Parula pitiayumi _________ 4 Dendroica striata 1 — 1 ___ 2 — — 2 Dendroica fusca _!____ 1 _ _ 1 Setophaga ruticilla ______ 11_ 3 Myioborus miniatus ______ 2 1— 26 Myioborus brunniceps 3 2 1 ___ 19 2 1 13 Basileuterus bivittatus !_____ 3__30 Phaeothlypis rivularis 1 — 1 — — — 5 11 — Granatellns pelzelni ______ 1 i_ _ Coereba flaveola _________ 1 K/reo olivaceus 1 4— ______ _ F/reo altiloquus !________ _ Hylophilus muscicapinus !_____ 1__ _ Hylophilus sclateri _________ 2 Hylophilus brunneiceps ____!____ _ Hylophilus ochraceiceps 1 — 1—22 211 — Psarocolius viridis _________ 2 Cacicus cela 1 13 ___ 2 — — — Icterus cayanensis ____!_ 1__ _ * amnh, American Museum of Natural History, New York; usnm, National Museum of Natural History, Wash- ington, D.C.; fmnh, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; phelps, Coleccion Ornitologica Phelps, Caracas. A portion of the 1984-1985 collections will ultimately be housed in the collections of Universidad Central, Caracas. t Includes some heads and skulls only. % Total includes skeletons with flat skins. § Includes skin with body preserved in alcohol. 76 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Appendix 2. San Carlos de Rio Negro and Santa Lucia* specimens taken on the current expedition.t Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Leucopternis melanops Charadrius collaris Columbina passerina Brotogeris cyanoptera Piaya melanogaster Otus watsonii Chordeiles pusillus Chordeiles acutipennis Nyctidromus albicollis Caprimulgus nigrescens Hydropsalis climacocerca Phaethornis superciliosus Phaethornis bourcieri Phaethornis ruber Thalurania furcata Chloroceryle aenea Selenidera nattereri Celeus elegans 1 1.1' 1 _ _ _ 1 — 2* — 2 1 — — _ _ 1* _ 2 2 1 — - - 1 2 1 1 1 It Dendrocincla fuliginosa — — — — 1 — Dendrocincla merula 1 — — — 1 1 Deconychura longicauda — — — 1 — — Glyphorhynchus spirurus 2 4 4 2 2 1 Xiphorhynchus obsoletus — — 1 1 — — Xiphorhynchus pardalotus — 1 — 3 — 1 Xiphorhynchus gut tat us — — — — — 1 Philydor pyrrhodes — — 1 — — — Automolus i at us — 1 1 1 — — Xenops minutus — — — — — 2 Sclerurus rufigularis - - 2 - - — Cymbilaimus lineatus — — 1 — — — Thamnophilus aethiops — — 1 3 — — Thamnophilus murinus — — — 2 2 — Thamnomanes ardesiacus — — 1 — — — Thamnomanes caesius — — 2 — — 1 Myrmotherula guttata — — — — 1 — Myrmotherula haematonota — — 2 — — — Myrmotherula longipennis — — 1 — — — Hypocnemis cantator 1 — — 4 1 — Percnostola rufifrons — 1 1 4 1 1 Pithys albifrons — 1 1 2 1 1 Gymnopithys rufigula — — 2 — — — Hylophylax naevia 1 3 2 2 1 Hylophylax poecilinota 1 3 2 4 2 1 Phlegopsis erythroptera — — 2 1 — Mionectes oleagineus — — — — 1 Lophotriccus galealus — 2 1 — — — Platyrinchus saturatus — — — — — 1 Platyrinchus coronatus — — — 1 — Terenotriccus erythrurus — — 1 — — Myiobius barbatus — — 2 — 1 — Attila spadiceus — — — — — 1 Tyrannus savanna 1 — 3 — — — WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA Appendix 2. Continued. Skin Skel. Ale. Skin Skel. Ale. Schiffornis turdinus 1 — Neopipo cinnamomea — — Tyranneutes stolzmanni — — Heterocercus flavivertex — 1$ Pipra pipra — — Pipra coronata Pipra erythrocephala Lipaugus vociferans Rupicola rupicola Thryothorus coraya Catharus minimus Turdus albicollis Microbates collaris Ammodramus aurifrons Oryzoborus angolensis Arremon taciturnus Pitylus grossus Saltator maximus Passerina cyanoides Tachyphonus surinamus Ramphocelus carbo Tangara velia Hylophilus ochraceiceps 1 1 3 2 1 2 5 2 4 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 — 2 — — — t amnh, American Museum of Natural History, New York; fmnh, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. % Skeleton with flat skin. 78 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Appendix 3. Major Tepui Montane Avifaunas: Ro, Roraima; Uc, Uci-tcpui; So, Sororopan; Pt, Ptari-tepui; Au, Auyan-tepui; Ua, Uaipan-tepui; Ap, Aprada-tepui; Ch, Chimanta-tepui; Gu, Guaiquinima; Ur, Urutani; Ya, Yavi; Pq, Paraque; Pr, Paru; Du, Duida; Ne, Neblina. Eastern Central Western Ro I e So Pt An Ua Ap Ch Gn Ur Ya Pq Pr Du Ne Crypturellus ptaritepui — — — x — — — — — — _____ Tigrisoma (fasciatum) ________ __ _ _ _ _ x Harpyhaliaetus solitarius ________ __ ____x Geranoaetus melanoleucus ________ __ ____x Columba fasciata xx — — xxxx xx — xxxx Pyrrhura egregia x x — x x — x x — — _____ Nannopsittaca panychlora x — — xx — — x — — — xxxx Otus guatemalae x — — — — — — — — x — — — x x Otus choliba* ________ __ ___x x Glaucidium brasilianum* x— — xxxx— x— xx — xx Aegolius harrisii ________ __ ____x Steatornis caripensis x — — — — — — —— x — — — xx Caprimulgus longirostris xxxxxx— ———— — — xx Caprimulgus whitelyi x — — x — — — — — x _____ Cypseloides phelpsi — x — — x— — — xx — — — xx Chaetura cinereiventris x — — xx — — — x — — — — — — Aeronautes montivagus — — — — x — — — — x — — — xx Doryfera johannae x — — xx — xx — x xxxxx Phaethornis bourcierr* xx — x — — xx xx — — x — — Phaethornis august i x — — — x x — — — — _____ Phaethornis griseogularis x — — — — — — — — — — — — — x Campylopterus duidae ________ x— x — xxx Campylopterus hyperythrus xxxxxxxx _______ Colibri delphinae — — — x — x — — xx — xxxx Colibri coruscans x — xxxx — — x— x — — xx Lophornis pavonina x— — x — — — x xx xx — x — Polytmus milleri x — — x x — — — — — — — — x — Amazilia viridigaster x x — x — — — — — — x x x x x Heliodoxa xanthogonys xxxx — xxx x — xxxxx Trogon personatus xx — xxxxx x — xxxxx Aulacorhynchus derbianus xx — xxxxx x — xxxxx Veniliornis kirkir* x x — — — — — — — — _____ Piculus rubiginosus x — — xxxxx xx xxxxx Xiphocolaptes promerop* x — — — — — — x ——— — — — x Synallaxis cabanisi xx — x — — — — — — x — — — x Cranioleuca demissa xx — x — xxx xx — — xxx Margarornis adust a xx — xxxxx — x — xxx — Automolus roraimae xxxxxxxx — x xxxxx Lochmias nematura xxx — xxxx ——— — — — x Taraba major* ________ __ ___x_ Thamnophilus insignis xx — xx— — x — — — xxxx Dysithamnus mentalis xxxxxxxx x — — — — — x Myrmotherula behni x — — — — — — —— x x — xxx Herpsilochmus roraimae xx— — — — xx xx — — xx — Percnostola leucostigma* xxxx — xxx _______ Chamaeza campanisona x — xxx — xx xx x — — xx Myrmothera simplex xx — xxxxx xx xx — xx Grallericula nana x — xx — — — x _______ Grallaria guatimalensis x_______ __ _x___ Elaenia dayi x — — xx — — x — — x — xx — Elaenia pallatangae xxxxxxxx xx x — xxx Mecocerculus leucophrys xxxxxxxx x — x — xxx Mionectes macconnellr* x — — xxxxx xx xxxxx Leptopogon amawocephalus* x — x — — — — x — — x — xxx Phylloscartes chapmani x — xx — xxx xx — xxxx Phylloscartes nigrifrons x — xx — xx— xx xxxx — Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer* — — x — x — — — x — — — — x — WILLARD ET AL.: BIRDS OF CERRO DE LA NEBLINA 79 Appendix 3. Continued. Eastern Central Western Ro Ue So Pt An Ua Ap Ch Gu Ur Ya Pq Pr Dn Ne Todirostrum russatum x x x x x — x x — — _____ Platyrinchus mystaceus x — x x — — x — — — x — — x x Myiophobus roraimae x — xxxxxx xx xxxxx Contopus fumigatus x — xx — — xx xx xxxx — Knipolegus poecilurus xxx — — — — x — — — x — xx Hirundinea ferruginea xxxxxxx— x— xxxx — Pachyramphus castaneus* ________ __ __x__ Chloropipo uniformis xx — xxxxx — x — x — x — Pipra serena* xxxxxxxx ——— — — xx Pipra cornuta xxxxx — xx xx xxxxx Pipreola whitelyi x — x x — x x x — — _____ Lipaugus streptophorus xx — x— — xx _______ Rupicola rupicola x— — xxxxx x — x — — — x Oxyruncus cristatus x — xxxx — x — x — ____ Notiochelidon cyanoleuca xxxxxxxx xx xxxxx Cistothorus platensis x x — — — — — — — — _____ Troglodytes rufulus xxxxx — xx — — x — xxx Microcerculus ustulatus xx — x — xxx xx xx — xx Myadestes leucogenys x — — x x — x — — — _____ Platycichla flavipes xx — xx— — x x — — — — — — Platycichla leucops x — — x x — — — — — — x x — x Turdus olivater xxxxxxxx — — xxxxx Turdus ignobilis* xxxxxx— — xx x — xxx Zonotrichia capensis xxxxxxxx x— x — — — x Haplospiza rustica _______x — — — — — — x Emberizoides herbicola* ________ __ ___x_ Catamenia homochroa x x x — x — — — — — — — — x x Atlapetes personalis x— — xx — xx xx xxxxx Mitrospingus oleagineus xxxx — — xx _______ Pirangaflava xx — xxxx— x— x — xxx Piranga leucoptera x x — x — — x x — — _____ Pipraeidea melanota ________ __ x _ — — — Chlorophonia cyanea xxxxxxxx xx xxxx — Tangara xanthogastra* xx — xxxxx — — xx — — x Tangara punctata ________ __ _x x x x Tangara guttata xx — xxxxx xx x — x — x Tangara cyanoptera xxxxxxxx — x xxxxx Diglossa duidae ________ __ x x x x x Diglossa major xxxxxxxx _______ Parula pitiayumi xxxx — — xx — x — xxxx Myioborus miniatus x — xx — xxx — x xxxxx Myioborus brunniceps xxxxxxxx — — — — xxx Myioborus cardonai ________ x_ _____ Myioborus albifacies ________ __ x x___ Basileuterus bivittatus xx — xxxxx x— xx — xx Hylophilus sclateri xxxxxxxx xx— xxxx Macroagelaius imthurni x— — xxxxx — — xx — x — * Lowland species with a subspecies restricted to upper elevations. 80 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY Lake She Chicago. Iliino Tol -.,•.<•. WW