FOR THE PEOPLE FOK EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY '^^^-r*. -/^' >— •( /: ,v- The Birds of Washington Of this work in all its editions 1 250 copies have been printed and the plates destroyed. Of the Original Edition 350 copies have been printed and bound, of which this copy is No.j^izQ. ■■,,;# J^LUO?tx.«\«- >ii\ JOHN Hoo; HEPBURN'S LEUCOSTICTE MALE. 5/6 LIFE SIZE From a %Vatkk-coi.oh Painting as Allan Brooks BROOKS THE BIRDS OF WASHINGTON A COMPLETE. SCIENTIFIC AND POPLXAR ACCorXT OF THE ^72 SPECIES OF lURDS FOUND IN THE STATE WILLIAM LEON DAWSON, A. M., B. D., of Seattle AUTHOR OF "THE BIRDS OF OHIO" _ , ,, _ ASSISTED BY JOHN HOOPER BOWLES, of Tacoma ILLUSTRATED BY MORE THAN 3OO ORIGINAL HALF-TONES OF BIRDS IN LIFE, NESTS, EGGS. AND FAVORITE HAUNTS, FROM PHOTOGRAPHS BY THE AUTHOR AM) OTHERS. TOGETHER WITH 40 DRAWINGS IN THE TEXT AND A SERIES OF FULL-PAGE COLOR-PLATES. ALLAN BROOKS ORIGINATE EDITIOK PRINTED ONLY FOR .\D\AXCE SUBSCRIBERS. VOLUME I SEATTLE THE OCCIDENTAL PUBLISHING CO. 1909 ^LL RIGHTS RESERVED V *4-v/*^^ Copyright, 1909, BY Wii,i,iAM Leon Dawson Half-tone work chiefly by The Bucher Engraving Company. Composition and Presswork by The New Franklin Printing Company. Binding by The Ruggles-Gale Company. To the of the Caurtnus Club, in grateful recognition of their friendly services, and in expectation that under their leadership the interests of ornithology will prosper in the Pacific Northwest, this work is respectfully DeDicateD EXPLANATORY. TABLE OF COMPARISONS. INCHES. Pygmy size Length up to 5.00 Warbler size S-OO" 6.00 Sparrow size 6.00- 7.50 Chewink size 7-50- 9-00 Robin size 9.00-12.00 Little Hawk size. Teal size, Tern size 12.00-16.00 Crow size 16.00-22.00 Gull size, Brant size 22.00-30.00 Eagle size. Goose size 30.00-42.00 Giant size 4^.00 and upward Measurements are given in inches and hundredths and in millimeters, the latter enclosed in parentheses. KEY OF ABBREVLATKJNS. References under Authorities are to faunal lists, as follows: T Townsend. Catalog of Birds. Narrative. 1839, pp. 331-336. , „_ „ C&S Cooper and Sucklev. Rep. Pac. R. R. Surv., Vol. XII., pt. II., i860, pp. 140-287. L' Lawrence Birds of Grav's Harlwr, Auk. Jan. 1892, pp. 39-47- L^ Lawrence Further Notes on Birds of Gray's Harbor, Auk, Oct. 1892, pp. 352-357. Rh Rhoads, Birds Observed in B. C. and Wash., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila 1893, pp. 21-65. (Onlv records referring explicitly to Washuigton are noted.) Di Dawson, Birds of Okanogan County, Auk, Apr. 1897, pp. 168-182. Sr Snvder, Notes on a Few Species, Auk, July 1900, pp. 242-245. Kb Kohbe Birds of Cape Disappointment. Auk, Oct. 1900, pp. 349-358- Ra Rathbun, Land Birds of Seattle, Auk. Apr. 1902, pp. 131-141- D^ Dawson Birds of Yakima Countv, Wilson Bulletni, June 1902, pp. 59-67- Ssi Snodgrass Land Birds from Central Wash., Auk. Apr. 1903. pp. 202-209. Ss^! Snodgrass', Land Birds Central and Southeastern Wash., Auk, Apr. 1904, pp. 223- 233. Kk Keck, Birds of Olvmpia, Wilson Bulletni, June 1904, pp. 23-37- J Johnson. Birds of Cheney. Condor, Jan. 1906, pp. 25-28. B Bowles Birds of Tacoma, Auk, Apr. 1906. pp. 138-148- E' Edson, Birds of Belluigham Bay Region, Auk, Oct. 1908. pp. 425-439- For fuller account of these lists see Bibliography in Vol. II. References under Specimens are to collections, as follows ; U ofW University of Washington Collection; (U. of W.) indicates lack of locality data. P.' Pullman '(State College) Collection. P'. indicates local specimen. Prov Collection Provincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. , B. ' Collection C. W. & J. H. Bowles. Only Washington specimens are listed. C. Cantwell Collection. BN. Collection Bellingham Normal School. E. Collection J. iNL Edson. iii. PREFACE. Love (if the birds is a natural |)assion and one which rcc|iiires neither analysis nor defense. The birds live, we hve : and Hfe is sufficient answer unto Hfe. But humanity, unfortunately, has had until recently other less justifiable interests — that of fighting pre-eminent among them — so that out of a gory past only a few shadowy names of bird-lovers emerge, Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, .Iilian. Ornithology as a science is modern, at best not over two centuries and a half old, while as a popular pursuit its age is better reckoned by decades. It is, therefore, higlil}- gratifying to those wdio feel this primal instinct stronglv to be able to note the rising tide of interest in their favorite study. Ornithology has received unwonted attention of late, not only in scientific works but also in popular literature, and it has taken at last a deserved place upon the curriculum of many of our colleges and secondary schools. We of the ^^'est are just waking, not too tardily we hope, to a realization of our priceless heritage of friendship in the birds. Our homesteads have been chosen and our rights to them established : now we are looking about us to take account of our situation, to see whether indeed the lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places, and to reckon up the forces which make for happiness, welfare, and peace. And not the least of our resources we find to be the birds of \\'ashing- ton. They are here as economic allies, to bear their part in the distribution of plant life, and to wage with us unceasing warfare against insect and rodent foes, which would threaten the beneficence of that life. They are here, some of them, to supply our larder and to furnish occupation for us in the predatory mood. But above all, they are here to add zest to the enjoyment of life itself: to please (the eye by a dis])lay of graceful form and piquant color : to stir the depths of human emotion with their marvelous gift of song; to tease the imagination by their exhibitions of flight ; or to goad aspiration as they seek in their migrations the mysterious, alluring and ever insatiable Beyond. Indeed, it is scarcely too much to say that we may learn from the birds manners which will correct our own ; that is, stimulate us to the full realization in our own lives of that ethical program which their tender domestic relations so clearlv foreshadow. In the matter herein recorded account has of course been taken of nearly all thai has been done by other workers, but the literature of the birds of Wash- ington is very meager, being chiefly confined to annotated lists, and the conclusions reached have necessarilj- been based upon our own experience, comprising some thirteen vears residence in the State in the case of Mr. Bowles, and a little more in my own. Field work has been about e(|ually divided between the East-side and the West-side and we have both been able to give practically all our time to this cause during the nesting seasons of the past four years. Parts of several seasons have been sjient in the Cascade Mountains, but there remains much to learn of bird-life in the high Cascades, while the conditions existing in the Blue Mountains and in the Olympics are still largely to be inferred. Two practically complete surveys were made of island life along the West Coast, in the summers of 1906 and 1907 ; and we feel that our nesting sea-birds at least are fairly well understood. Altho necessarily bidky, these volumes are by no means exhaustive. No attempt has been made to tell all that is known or may be known of a given species. It has been our constant endeavor, however, to present something like a true proportion of interest as between the birds, to exhibit a species as it appears to a Washingtonian. On this account certain prosy fellows have received extended treatment merely because they are ours and have to be reckoned with ; while others, more interesting, perhaps, have not been considered at length simply because we are not responsible for them as characteristic birds of Washington. In writing, however, two classes of readers have had to be considered, — first, the Washingtonian who needs to have his interest aroused in tlie birds of his home State, and second, the serious ornithological student in the East. For the sake of the former we have introduced some familiar matter from other sources, including a previous wi^rk^ of the author's, and for this we must ask the indulgence of ornithologists. For the sake of the latter we have dilated upon certain points not elsewhere covered in the case of certain Western birds, — matters of abun- dance, distribution, sub-specific variety, etc., of dubious interest to our local patrons ; and for this we must in turn ask their indulgence. The order of treatment observed in the following pages is substantially the reverse of that long followed by the American Ornithologists' Union, and is justifiable principally on the ground that it follows a certain order of interest and convenience. Beginning, as it does, with the supposedly highest forms of bird- life, it brings to the fore the most familiar birds, and avoids that rude juxtaposi- tion of the lowest form of one group with the highest of the one above it, which has been the confessed weakness of the A. O. U. arrangement. The outlines of classification may be found in the Table of Contents to each volume, and a brief synopsis of generic, family, and ordinal characters, in the a. The Birds of Ohio, by William Leon Dawson, .\. M., B. D., witli Introduction and Analytical Keys by Lynds Jones, M. Sc. One and Two Volumes, pp. xlviii. + 671. Columbus, The Wheaton Publishing Company, 1903. Analytical Kev prepared bv Professor Jones. It has not been thought best to give large iilace to these matters nor to intrude them upon the text, because of the nian\- excellent manuals which already exist giving especial attention to this field. The nomenclature is chiefly that of the A. O. U. Check-List, Second Edition, revised to include the Fom-tecnth Supplement, to which reference is made by number. Departures have in a few instances been made, changes sanctioned by Ridgway or Coues. or justified bv a consideration of local material. It is, of course, unfortunate that the publication of the Third Edition of the A. ( ). U. Check-List has been so long delayed, insomuch that it is not even yet available. On this account it has not been deemed worth while to provide in these volumes a separate check-list, based on the A. O. U. order, as had been intended. Care has been exercised in the selection of the English or vernacular names of the birds, to oflrer those which on the whole seem best fitted to survive locally. Unnecessary departures from eastern usage have been avoided, anrl the changes made have been carefully considered. As matter of fact, the English nomenclature has of late been much more stable than the Latin. For instance, no one has any difficulty in tracing the Western Winter Wren thru the literature of the past half century: but the bird referred to has, within the last decade, posed successively under the following scientific names: Trof/Iodytcs hiciiialis l^acificus, AnortJiiira Ii. p.. OlbiorchUus h. p.. and Xaiiiius h. p.. and these with the sanction of the A. O. U. Committee — certainly a striking example of how not to secure stability in nomenclature. With such an example before ns we may perhaps be pardoned for having in instances failed to note the latest discovery of the name-hunter, but we have luiml)ly tried to follow our agile leaders. In the preparation of plumage descriptions, the attempt to derive them from local collections was partiallv abandoned because of the meagerness of the ma- terials oft'ered. If the work hail been purely British Columbian, the excellent collection of the Provincial Museum at A'ictoria would have been nearly sufficient: but there is crving need of a large, well-kept, central collection of skins and mounted birds here in Washington. .-\ creditable showing is being made at Pullman under the energetic leadership of Professor W. T. Shaw, and the State College will always require a representative working collection. The University of Washington, however, is the natural reposittiry for West-side specimens, and perhaps for the official collection of the State, and it is to be devoutly hoped that its present ill-assorted and ill-housed accumulations may early give place to a worthy and complete display of Washington birds. Among private collections that of Mr. J. M. Edson, of Bellingham, is the most notable, representing, as it does, the patient occupation of extra hours for the past eighteen years. I am under obligation to Mr. Edson for a check-list of his collection (comprising entirely local species), as also for a list of the birds of the ]\Iuseum of the Belling- ham Normal School. The small but well-selected assortment of bird-skins belong- ing to Messrs. C. W. and J. H. Bowles rests in the Ferry Museum in Tacoma. vin. Here also Air. Ged. C. CaiUwell lias left hi> bird-skins. ])artly local ami ]iartly Alaskan, on view. Fortunately the task nf redescrihini; tlic |)lumage of ^^'aslling■ton birds has been rendered less necessary for a work of such scope as ours, thru the appearance of tile Fifth Edition of Coues Key.^* cniljodying. as it does the ripened conclusions of a uniquely gifted ornithological writer, and above all. 1iv the great definitive work from the hand of Professor Ridgway.'' now more than half completed. These final works by the masters of our craft render the careful repetition of such effort supernuous. and 1 have no hesitation in admitting that we are almost as much indebted to them as to local collections, altho a not inconsiderable part of the author's original work upon plumage descriiition in "The ISirds of Ohio" has been utilized, or re-worked, wherever ap])licable. In compiling the General Ranges, we wish to acknowledge indebtedness both to the A. (). U. Check-List (2nd Edition) and to the summaries of Ridgway and Cones in the works already mentioned. In the Range in Washington, we have tried to take account of all published records, but have been obliged in most instances to rely upon personal experience, and to express judgments which must vary in accuracy with each individual case. The final work upon migrations in Washington is still to be done. Our own task has called us hither and yonder each season to such an extent that consecutive work in any one locality has been impossible, and there appears not to be any one in the State who has seriously set himself to record the movements of the birds in chronological order. Success in this line depends upon cooperative work on the part of many widely distributed observers, carried out thru a considerable term of years. It is one of the aims of these volumes to stimulate such endeavor, and the author invites correspondence to the end that such an undertaking may be carried out systematically. In citing authorities, we have aimed to recall the lirst publication of each species as a bird of \\'asliington, giving in italics the name originally assigned the bird, if different from the one now used, together with the name of the author in bold-face tvpe. In many instances early references are uncertain, chiefly by reason of failure to distinguish between the two States now separated by the Columbia River, but once comprehended under the name Oregon Territory. Such citations are questioned or bracketed, as are all those which omit or disregard scientific names. The abbreviated references are to standard faunal lists appear- ing in the columns of "The Auk" and elsewhere, and these are noted more carefully under the head of Bibliograph}'. among the Appendices. At the outset I wish to explain the peculiar relation which exists between a. Key to North American Birds, by Elliott Coues. A. M., M. D., Ph. D,, Fifth Eilitioti (entirely revised), in Two Volumes; pp. xli. -t-1152. Boston, Dana Estes and Company, 1903. b. The Birds of North and Middle America, by Robert Kidgway, Curator, Division of Birds, U. S. National Museum. Bulletin of the tJ. S. N. M., No. 50; Pt, 1.. Fringillidac, pp. xxxi. + 715 and PI. XX. (kjoi); Pt. XL, Tiuiagridac, etc., pp. xx. -|- 834 and PI. XXII. (1902): Pt. III., Motacillidac, etc., pp. xx.+Soi and PI. XIX. fiqo4); Pt. IV., Tiirdidac, etc.. pp. xxll. -H 973 and PI. XX.XIW (1907). mvself and the junior author, Mr. j. 11. Bowles. Each of us liad loug had in mind the thouglit of ])repariu<; a wurk u])()n the Inrds of Washington: lint '\\r. Bowles, during' my residence in L)liio, was the hrst to undertake the task, and had a book actually half written when I returned to the scene with friendly overtures. Since mv plans were rather more extended than his. and since it was necessar}' that one of us should devote his entire time to the work. Air. Bowles, with unbounded generosity, placed the result of his labors at my disposal and declared his willingness to further the enterprise under my lcadershi]i in every ]50ssible way. Except, therefore, in the case of signed articles from his pen, and in most of the unsigned articles on Grouse and Ducks, where our work has been a strict collaboration, the actual writing of the book has fallen to mv lot. In practice, therefore, I have found myself under every degree of indebtedness to Mr. Bowles, according as my own materials were abundant or meager, or as his information or mine was umre ])ertinent in a given case. Mr. Bowles has been as good as his word in the matter of cooperation, and has lavished his time in the (|uest of new species, or in the discovery of new nests, or in the location of choice subjects for the camera, solely that the l)(jok might profit thereby. In several cxiieditions he has accompanied me. On this account, therefore, the text in its pronouns. "I." "we." or "he." bears witness to a sort of sliding scale of intimacy, which, unless ex]i!ained, might be puzzling to the casual reader. I am especially indebted to Mr. Bowles for extended material upon the nesting of the birds; and mv onlv regret is that the varying refiuirements of the task so often compelled me to condense his excellent sketches into the meager sentences which appear under the head "Nesting." Not infrequently, however, I have thrown a few adjectives into Mr. Bowles's jiaragraphs and incorporated them without distinguishing comment, in expectation that cmr ji)int indebtedness will hardly excite the curiosity of any disengaged "higher critic" of ornithology. Let me, then, express mv very deep gratitude to Mr. Bowles for his generosity and mv sincere appreciation of his abilities so imperfectly exhibite