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Desultory Remarks ee ee - = ltoR Root.—-Soil.—Manures - - - - - = - - 13 to 15 Pruning - - - - . - - - - - - 15 to 17 Transplanting.—Fire-blight, é&c. - - - - . - 17 to 20 Experiment in Spring and Fall Transplanting — - - - - 21 Diseases.—Injurious Insects, &c. - - - - - - 22 to 24 Grafting.—Season for cutting them, &c. - - - - - 24 to 26 Inoculation, or Budding - - - - - - - - 26 to 27 Cultivation of the Apple and Pear - - - - - - 27 to 30 Cultivation of the Peach - - - - - - - - 31 to 32 Cultivation of the Plum - - - = - - - - 32 to 33 Cultivation of the Cherry - - - . - - - - 34 Cultivation of the Currant and Gooseberry - - - - - 34 to 3 Cultivation of the Isabella Grape - - - - - - 36 to 3S Cultivation of the Raspberry - - - - - . - 38 to 39 Cultivation of the Strawberry - - - - - - - 39 to 45 50 varieties of the Apple (See Index) -— - - - - 45 to 63 81 fs e Pear cr - - - - - 64 to 95 15 ee ot Peach = - . - - - 97 to 101 20 sé Re Plum st me ~ x - - 101 to 107 i Cherry ay: - ¥ - - - 108 to 112 Hardy Ornamental Trees and Shrubs 4 ie - - 118 to llt List ef Scotch Gooseberries - - - - - - - - 115 to 116 Lindley, on the production of new yarieties of Fruit - - 116 to 118 _ (k= The directions for culture, §ee. and the articles on Currant, Raspberry, Gooseberry and Grape, wpe ; were furnished by Mr. Joun M. Ives. DESULTORY REMARKS. 292 Titk PoMOLoGICAL GARDEN was commenced in 1825, with the de- sign of forming a large collection of specimen trees of such varieties of foreign and native fruits, as were hardy enough to endure the inclemency ofa northern winter. Afier a strict examination of the produce of these trees, carefully comparing the wood, the leaf and the fruit, with the fig- ures and descriptions in the most popular works on Pomology, it was in- tended to select for permanent cultivation, those varieties which were at once fitted to the climate of New England, anc of high merit in them- selves. In furtherance of this purpose, we have assiduously culled from American catalogues all that we judged worthy of trial, and im- ported from the first European establishments, the fruits most in repute with the writers of their respective countries. We have never limited ourselves to one specimen, but have in every instance, procured trees of each name from many different sources, in order the more surely to ar- rive at correct conclusions respecting their identity, as well as to multi- ply our means of estimating their comparative value. For donations of scions we are indebted to the liberality of many gen- tlemen of our own country, who have imported choice fruits from Europe for their own gardens ; to the London Horticultural Society, and to the learned Doctor Van Mons, of Brussels, from whom we have received most of those new and admirable Pears which he has, for many years, produced on his own grounds, or obtained from the horticulturists of Belgium and Germany. We have also annually collected scions of all the new fruits of American origin, and propose to continue the collection A* 6 DESULTORY REMARKS. both of these and of trees from the best foreign and native sources. We shall subject their produce to the same rigid scrutiny with the contents of the present volume ; and shall offer those which prove most valuable and hardy to nursery-men and amateurs, who will thus be enabled to obtain varieties of tried merit, without danger of the necessity of a re- newal, at a future period, after waiting many years for the appearance of fruit. A supplement to this work will be published at the close of every fruit season, describing each desirable kind which has been proved dur- ing the season. With the exception of Peaches, we recommend no fruit that will not ripen in any part of New England or New York, and ia the southern part of Canada, Our selections have been made from nearly four hundred kinds, which we have raised yearly. Experience has taught us that many fruits, highly extolled by European writers, and doubtless of great excellence in their native soil, either perish or degen- erate in our colder regions ; and of these and all others which we have found in any respect improper for cultivation, we design hereafter to publish a catalogue. We do not claim for all the varieties herein enumerated, the distine- tion of first rate fruits ; some are second rate, admitted in consideration of their size, beauty and abundant bearing, though their flavour is not the most delicious. The essential characteristics of a first rate tree are, health, vigor, and fertility; those of a first rate fruit are, magnitude of size, beauty of shape and colour, and richness of flavour. Buta small number of fruits, uniting all these qualities, is known to horticultural science throughout the world. Besides, in regard to the taste of a fruit, the judgment of idividuals greatly varies; what one person would pro- nounce exquisite, might to another seem merely tolerable. In commen- dation, however, of the kinds described in this manual, we confidently declare our conviction, that no possessor of any or all of them would willingly relinquish their culture for the purpose of regrafting his trees with any other varieties. Phere is one circumstance to which we venture to call the attention of our readers—that while some recent works on Pomology are compiled from earlier authors, or from information derived at second-hand, the writers themselves seldom having the means of observation in their power, we have in these pages described no specimen which we have not actually identified, beyond a reasonable doubt of ils genuineness. DESULTORY REMARKS. f We offer these notices merely as matters of fact, without embellishments. Recording nothing that we have not ourselves witnessed, we have quoted no synonims, and referred to the authority of preceding writers no far- ther than to adopt the names by which the fruits are known in the cata- logue of the London Horticultural Society, the most complete work on this subject hitherto offered to the public. The innumerable errors in the names of fruits, and the perplexity and disappointment arising from this cause, are inconceivable to any but a collector. It is very desisable that there should he some acknowledged standard, to whose authority, in doubtful cases of this nature, we might appeal. Nurserymen and cultivators have generally deemed it a point too trifling for consideration. If a fruit was good, the name was sup- posed to be of no consequence. A better state of things is, however, beginning to prevail, especially in the United States, where a knowledge of the subject is widely diffused, and a laudable solicitude is felt that catalogues should contain no varieties but what are actually cultivated, and ascertained to be identically the kinds which their titles proclaim them to be. The invoices of trees from France frequently furnish instances of un- parallaled ignorance, or even fraud. We have received from what were considered the best establishments, large numbers yearly—on one occa- sion several hundred—all bearing new and high-sounding names, and the greater part of which were suffered to arrive at maturity; but, with very few exceptions, the fruit was entirely worthless. There is a peculiar difficully in making a selection of choice Apples, because, in addition to the very numerous varieties already made known by the different Horticultural societies, and included in the nursery cata- logues, we are constantly receiving accessions from cultivators and col- Jectors; and, in travelling through New England, we find in almost ev- ery town, and, indeed, on most farms, some valuable fruits, of local origin, which have never been introduced to general notice. Still, we do not despair of success in Our endeavors to collect the most desirable kinds, both native and foreign. A very large number of new pears has been introduced, and was ren- dered necessary by the degeneracy of most of those fine old varieties, for a long course of years so saccesstully cultivated in this section of the country. Some of these old kinds still continue to be favorite fruits - S ; DESULTORY REMARKS. for the dessert, but in general they have become worthless, and are no longer raised on standards, or in the open ground. We are more than compensated for their loss by the new Flemish pears, introduced into the United States by the liberality of the London Horticultural Society, and of Doctor J. B. Van Mous. ‘These new fruits have in most instan- ces fulfilled our highest expectations. There has also been a large accession to the number of fine Plums cultivated in New England, both by introductions from Europe, and by new varieties of local origin. From.our collection of Plums, not yet proved, we have much to an- ticipate 3 we earnestly hope to find among them fruits not only of great beauty and delicious flavour, but free from those fatal diseases which now disfigure and destroy the finest trees of this species. We have obtained fewer additions to the catalogue of Cherries than to that of any other fruit ; partly because the season for them is so short, that a few varieties suffice for the interval from the first to the latest ripening; and because we already possessed a few fine sorts, which neither in their growth nor fruit partook in the smallest degree of the de- generacy cf the old pears, and some other species; but principally, at Jeast this was our own case, from the difficulty of protecting them from the birds. The last season we had but few perfect specimens, except the Bigarreau. We expected to prove and bring into notice many new and valuable sorts, and our disappointment may be imagined at finding . ourselves in every instance anticipated by these innocent depredators. Such has been the security*they have felt in our grounds, and so great their increase, that not only Cherries, Gcoseberries and Currants, but Apples, Pears and Plums have shared in their ravages, and given proof of their good taste, which invariably Jeads them to the finest fruit; and it may become a matter for serious cousideration, whether in continuing our protection to them, we do not risk the total loss of some of the most desirable appendages to the dessert. It willbe observed, that but few Peaches are included among our descriptions. We had collected from Europe many fine varieties, and from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, a very large number of the most celebrated in those States, where the climate is so favoura- bie to their cultivation ; these trees were planted out as specimens, and tor many years produced an abundance of delicious fruit; but they have DESULTORY REMARKS, +) ‘all, even the young trees from which we had hoped a future supply, fallen victims to the severity of our winters, and the recent short and un- propitious summers 3 and we believe the destruction has extended over the whole of New England, We still trust, however, upon hardy stocks, and with the influence of more genial suns, to be able at some future time to exhibit a larger number of specimens than we have ever yet done, of this fruit, the most exquisite product of the temperate regions, As asource of income, it is believed that no pursuit could more safe- ly be relied upon than the cultivation of fruit for the markets of the prin- cipal cities of the United States. Many fearful predictions have been uttered by those over prudent people who foresee loss and disappoint- ment in every undertaking ; but still we find the demand for this luxury increasing, while the prices obtained for the finest sorts have not aimin- ished, but rather advanced. It is trve that the taste of the public has grown fastidious, but to provide for this the grower has only to become more scrupulously nice in his choice of varieties, of which the different Horticultural societies have made known a multitude sufficiently execl- lent to gratify the most refined palate. Owners of land would find it for their interest to raise, in orchards, on an extended scale, the finest large winter baking pears, either for the supply of our own markets, or for exportation to the South, where they meet a ready sale ata price which will amply repay the cost and trouble of cultivation. We well remember the discouraging advice that we frequently received at the beginning of our course as a cultivator. We were too old, it was said, to expect to reap, in our own person, the fruits of our labours 5 yet in spite of these and many other prophecies of the same nature, we persevered, and have not only had the satisfaction of raising a great va- riety and abundance of fine fruit, but of producing, from the seed, the Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Cherry, Nectarine and Currant. At one time we planted a peck of the Siberian Crab Apple, and part of the plants oeing suffered to bear, the countless varieties in the size, shape, and colour of the fruit were well worthy the attention of the curious ; we believe not one specimen of all that we noticed precisely resembled that from which it originated, At another time we collected in the market at 3oston, a large quantity of peach-stones; these were planted in close rows in poor land, which caused many of them to bear the fourth year. We tasted of uie fruit from more than six hundred trees; they were ofevery ee ii 10 DESULTORY REMARKS. degree of merit; some of high excellence, so valuable that we regretted they should share the fate of our whole collection of peaches, which, as we before observed, were destroyed by the late unfavorable seasons. We mention these seminal productions only to show that our labours meet a speedy reward, and that a person is seldom so advanced in life that he may not reasonably look for both requital and gratification in so Jaudable a pursuit. But to a young man with the advantages of fortune and a familiarity with the modern languages, researches of this nature would open an inexhaustible source of enjoyment. He could scarcely be more honorably and usefully occupied than in collecting and identify- ing fruits, and introducing them to the notice of his countrymen; nor better rewarded than in witnessing his anticipations, from year to year, continually realized and continually renewed. The same ardour which characterises the collectors of shells, birds and insects, would produce, in Horticulture, far more delightful and more noble results. A division of the pursuit, so that the attention of one person could be exclusively directed to one species of fruit, would probably greatly fa- cilitate the progress of investigation, and Jead to many satisfactory con- clusions respecting the varictics most worthy of cultivation. Tf France has produced her Duhamel, Belgium her Van Mons, and England her Thompson, is it unreasonable to seek among gentlemen of leisure and education in the United States, for one, who following in the footsteps of these illustrious men, with the advantage of the light derived from their researches, shall compensate for the long delay of the experimental gar- den, promised by our own Horticultural Society. In speaking as we have, of the annoyances sustained from birds, we are still fully persuaded that these plunderers, as they are sometimes called, more than compensate for their occasional inroads upon our or- chards by their services in the spring, and also during their incubation, in destroying insects. We too often, perhaps, notice the former, while the Jatler are remote, or not obtrusive. In early spring and during the breeding season, we see them every minute of the day in continual progress, flying from the nest for a sup- ply, and returning on rapid wing with a grub, a catterpillar, or a small reptile. ‘fhe numbers captured by them in the course of these travels ave incredibly numerous, keeping under the increase of these races. We have seen the Ampcelis, or Cherry Bird, that remarkably silent and dove- DESULTORY REMARKS. 11 like species, in great numbers early in the spring, and also during the time of nidification upon our apple trees, when the canker worm was about half grown, destroying them in great numbers. It is also known to every observer of nature how extremely fond our common and famil- iar robin is of grubs, those insidious enemies to our garden crops, as well as the slimy slug which often infest our young pear trees ; and any individual who may have had the robin as a cage bird, is aware of the quantities of inseets, or worms, he will devour in a day; and when we take into view the circumstance of these birds having usually two broods in a season of four each, it will give us at least some idea of the quantity of this peculiar food required for at least four months in each year. And although called pluaderers, they are in fact benefactors like- wise, secming to be appointed by nature as agents for keeping under the increase of these races. Nearly all our hard-billed or granivorous birds, are in spring and the early part of our summer decidedly insec- tivorous. ‘ Public economy and utility,” says one, “no less than hu- manity, plead for the protection of the feathered race; and the wanton destruction of birds, so useful, beautiful, and amusing, if not treated as such by law, ought to be considered as a crime by every moral, feeling, and reflecting mind.” HOOK OF FRUITS. ROOT.—MANURES. Tur root being the commencement and foundation of ‘Trees, its office is to collect and apply the food which forms and determines its growth; hence if the roots grow Juxuriantly, the branches will also,—and the reverse. “It often happens,” says Miller, ‘that the roots of trees are buried too deep in the ground, which ina cold or moist soi] is one of the greatest dis- advantages that can attend Fruits;—for the sap in the branches being by the warmth of the air put strongly into motion early in the spring, is exhausted in nourishing the blos- soms, and a part of it is perspired through the wood branches, so that its strength is lost he- fore the warmth can reach the shoots to put them into an equal motion in search of fresh nourishment, to supply the expenses of the branches, for want of which the blossoms fall # L 3 14. BOOK OF FRUITS. off and decay.” Most trees will thrive if they have two feet in depth of good earth, espe- cially when their roots spread near the sur- feee ; for whether that which supplies food for the ‘Tree be a black, yellow or brown loam, it can only be furnished within a certain depth from the surface, or within the influence of the sun and air. Large roots, running deep and spreading wide, may be necessary to pro- duce large ‘Timber Trees, but not Fruit Trees, for these are more prolific when their roots are much divided or fibrous, and kept near thie surface of the soil. With regard to the man- ure for Fruit ‘Trees, Bradley, Hitt and Miller, “consider the food of plants to be salts, which every species of earth contains within itself, and that according to the proportion of salts contained in each kind of soil or manure, will its prolificacy be.” We are of opinion from the use which we have made of the sea marl or muscle bed, that it is on the whole the best manure, either for top dressing or shallow ploughing, of any substance in use among us, particularly when applied to light soils. It is said by some, that salt is valuable only as a chemical agent, by destroying and hastening BOOK OF FRUITS. 15 the decomposition of animal and vegetable substances, and by its deliquescence in many instances increasing the fertility of soils. It is undoubtedly true, as said by Sir Humphrey Davy, that the great object in the application of manures should be, “to make it afford as much soluble matter as possible to the roots of the plant, and that in a slow and gradual man- ner, so that it may be entirely consumed in forming its sap and organized parts.” Vege- table manures in general contain fibrous and insoluble matter, which must, says the same writer, ‘undergo chemical changes before they become the food of plants.” If the situation or soil in which Fruit Trees are placed, retains stagnant water, destructive to their healthy growth, drains must be made to carry it off, or means taken to prevent the roots from running into it. PRUNING. It is rather difficult to give upon paper very explicit directions in this department of cul- ture, as many varieties of Fruit Trees require different management: Peaches, cherries, and plums are always in the greatest vigor when 16 BOOK OF FRUITS. they are the least maimed by the knife, for when these trees have large amputations, they are very subject to gum, and decay ; so that it is certainly the most prudent method care- fully to rub off all useless buds, when they are first produced, and pinch others where new shoots are wanted to supply vacancies. Fruit Trees in this latitude should not be pruned in the Fall or Winter, or before the sap is in motion, as they are at those times exceedingly apt to crack or canker. The proper season for pruning we consider, 1s 1m- mediately upon the swelling of the buds, or expanding of the leaves, as at this time the sap being in vigorous motion, the wounds soon heal over. Every limb should be eut close to the main stem, and if sawed off, should be then finished smoothly with a sharp knife. If the limb is large, a composition of red ochre and tar should be spread upon the end to keep out moisture, &c., or the composition here- after named. From the strong and vigorous growth of Fruit Trees in our country, close pruning is less necessary here than in England, from whence we have derived most of our in- structions ; excessive pruning with us 1s apt BOOK OF FRUITS. 17 to generate suckers from the limbs. Judicious pruning, however, will promote health and early fruitfulness. Trees differmg, as they do in form, require very different treat- ment in pruning. Coxe, of New Jersey, says, ‘** those who can conveniently do it will find a benefit from forming the heads of their trees in the Nursery, the year before they remove them—when transplanted, they will thrive more rapidly from not having been pruned at the time ef removal.” Every limb which crosses another should be taken off. In pruning apple and_ pear trees, the external branches should be every where rendered thin and pervious to the sun. TRANSPLANTING. In the removal of trees, care is necessary to obtain as much of the roots as possible, and in re-setting, that none are doubled back and dis- torted. Cutting off smoothly the end of each root that may be broken or cut by the spade, is Indispensable, and all fibrous roots that are injured should also be cut close to the root upon which they are attached; the root or stem should be pressed close down on the x R* 18 BOOK OF FRUITS. soil, so as to place the roots in a_ horizontal direction, and all of them drawn cut straight like a fan, or rays verging from a centre toa semicircle, and the soil thrown evenly over; the tree should not be shaken after the earth is placed upon the roots, as is too generally practised ; for when a tree is thus raised up, the small roots or fibres will be drawn out of their places, and when the stem is thrust down again, the roots being too weak to force their way back into the soil, will be doubled up, which often causes knobs, and throws out suckers ; neither will the earth require to be trodden down hard, but gently; orif it bea dry or loose loamy soil, setting im puddle, which is to-water as you set it ;—this Jast method is undoubtedly the best, when an individual has time to attend to it,—it is a slower process. Copious watering after a tree is set, is often very prejudicial, by wash- ing the soil from the roots. Fruit ‘Trees should rarely be placed deeper in the ground than they originally stood in the Nursery. Pear trees bear their fruit on short buds, or spurs of one, two, three or more years crowth, from the strongest branches ; and the BOOK OF FRUITS. 19 same spurs will continue to produce fruit for a great length of time ; but they do not often produce fruit until they have a surface of branches very large in proportion to the sap supplied by the roots. ‘Thus we find that when pear trees are planted in a deep, rich soil, they grow rapidly, and therefore require a number of years to bring them to a bearing state; on the contrary, when growing in a light or dry shallow soil, they collect but a small quantity of sap, and require but a confin- ed surface which is produced in a short time, and they are consequently brought to a bear- ing state in a few years. Wherever canker or gum appears, the decayed or infected part must be cut entirely out, and some soot mois- tened and rubbed over the wound, or the com- position hereafter named. ‘This will generally prevent its spreading further, and save the branch. With regard to what is called Fire-blight, which occasionally effects the pear tree, during the months of June and July, causing the branch to turn black and its leaves to wither, and which may sometimes be caused by forcing or high manuring, or to the duration of the vari- 20 BOOK OF FRUITS. ety (as natural trees are seldom if ever attack- ed by it) we know of no better course than that which we should pursue in the case of the black warts, or exeresences upon the plum, which is, to cut off at once the limb just below the affected part. If trees are found to grow too luxuriantly, and to form only wood for years, even afte they are of sufficient size and age for the pro- duction of fruit, the earth should be removed, just before the frost sets in, and a propor- tion of the deepest growing roots cut off, thus checking its luxuriousness, and rendering it more fruitful. ‘“Phis question is often asked. which is the best season for removing trees, Spring or Fall? Horticulturalists are about equally divided, seme preferring one and some the other. We think in ordinary seasons, pro- vided it can be done early, that Spring is pref- erable, particularly for stone fruit and pears up- on quinces. Lindly, a popular English writer, says that “ Trees cannot be removed from the Nursery too soon after the wood has become ripe, and the leaves fallen off; for between this time and the Winter many of them will make fresh roots, and be prepared to push forth their young shoots with much more vig- BOOK OF FRUITS. ya | or in the Spring.” This will not apply to New England ; cold weather sets in too early after the fall of the Jeaf for this ever to take place, and we think it extremely doubtful that this can ever occur in the climate of England. The impression that fibres will form in the Autumn from newly set trees is common, but we have never witnessed it. The following experiments in Spring and Fall planting have been made at our Nurseries, viz: We receiv- ed from Albany in November, 1836, two hun- dred pear trees, grafted on free stocks, which were immediately set out ; and on the follow- ing night the ground was completely frozen. They all, with the exception of ten, leaved out the following Summer. In March of the next year, 1837, we re- ceived from France the same number of pears grafted upon quinces. When they arrived at Boston, the frost prevented our setting them, and they were immediately taken to Newton, and placed in Mr Kenrick’s Moss House. In the course of three or four weeks they were received at our grounds in North Salem, and set cut. We lost but eight of these trees ; six of them bore fruit the same season. ic) iO BOOK OF FRUITS. DISEASES—INJURIOUS INSECTS, &e. The injuries and diseases to which fruit trees are subject, are often difficult to be accounted for, and the various methods devised for their correction so abundant, that the space allotted in this small treatise will allow us to select but a few of those which we think on the whole best. The following remedy is found to be the most effective in preventing further decay, and restorig a healthy vegetation, answering a double purpose, being also an excellent graft- ing composition. It is given thus :— Take one pound of pitch, one pound of rosin, half pound beeswax, quarter pound lard, quarter pound turpentine, melted and mixed ; spread evenly and thin, with a brush upon soft kentish cap paper or strips of cotton cloth. ‘This compound will resist the force of washing rains, frost, drying winds, and the influence of a changeable atmosphere. . Now prepare the tree properly for its appli- cation, by cutting away all the dead, decayed, and injured parts, till you come to sound wood, leaving the surface very smooth, and BOOK OF FRUITS. 95 rounding off the edges of the bark with a sharp drawing knife ; then lay the plaster over the part cut away. In hollows of trees, you must scoop out all the rotten, loose, and dead parts, till you come to the sound wood, and then apply the composition as above. With regard to the destruction of blighting insecis, the practice of burning weeds, wet straw, hay, &e. to the windward of trees, particularly when sulphur is added, is probably as good a method as can be adopted. Wood ashes sprinkled upon the leaves of pear trees, infest- ed by the slimy slug, particularly if it is done during wet and drizzly weather, we have found very effective in destroying them. ‘The canker which destroys many of our fruit trees, is said by Scotch gardeners, to be owing to a stintiness that takes place in the trees from a bad sub-soil. With regard to the insects that infest trees, we consider the borer the most destructive. ‘The Philadelphia Horticultural Society awarded to a Mr Snyder, the premi- um for the best assortment of fruits exhibited at their show. ‘This man had been in the habit of placing ashes of anthracite coal about the roots of his fruit trees, and to this circum- DA, BOCK OF FRUITS. stance he attributed their preservation from the attacks of insects. We know not, howey- er, a more effectual way of destroying this in- sidious insect, than by cutting them out. GRAFTING. Grafting is the taking of a shoot from one tree and inserting it into another, in such a manner, that both may unite closely and be- come one tree. ‘These shoots are called sci- ons or grafts, and in the choice of them we observe the following directions. Ist. ‘That they are shoots of the former year. 2d. Al- ways cut them from healthy, fruitful trees. 3d. ‘Those are preferable which are taken from the lateral or horizontal, rather than from the strong perpendicular shoots. Grafts may be cut from the trees before the buds begin to swell, in February or March, or Jate in the Fall. ‘hey should be buried halt their length in the ground, or in a cool and dry cellar. ‘The season for grafting must be regulated by the weather, which is so un- certain in our climate, that we think it better to defer. the operation till the circulation of the sap is brisk, and the buds of the stocks are BOOK OF FRUITS. 25 putting forth their leaves. In a long contin- uance of dry weather, grafts frequently fail of taking. This operation is generally more suc- cessful, if performed in a moist or cloudy day. Among the various methods of engrafting, the following we consider as successful as any described, viz: cleft or slit-grafting. It is performed on stocks from one to two inches in diameter. The head of the stock being carefully cut off in a sloping direction, a per- pendicular cleft or slit is to be made, about two inches deep towards the back of the slope, into which a wedge is to be driven, in order to keep it open for the admission of the scion ; the latter must now be cut in a per- pendicular direction, and in the form of a wedge, so as to fit the incision in the stock, in such a manner that the inner bark of both the stock and scion may mect exactly. It is then covered over with grafting clay, compos- ed of half cow-dung, free from litter, and fresh loam well incorporated, or the following com- position, which is made of equal parts of rosin, beeswax and tallow, or lard, melted and spread upon strips of brown paper or cloth. We have practised grafting under the bark in Spring, in the manner of budding with good c Ib BOOK OF FRUITS. success, applying in every case the composi- tion in preference to the clay. BUDDING, &e. Inoculation or budding, is commonly prac- tised upon stone fruits, such as peaches, cher~ ries, plums, &c., and we think it preferable to grafting for nearly all kinds of fruit. The object in budding is the same as in grafting, and depends on the same principle ; all the difference between a bud and a scion being, that a bud is a shoot or scion in embryo. When grafting has been omitted, or has failed in Spring, budding comes in as an auxiliary in Summer. ‘The season for budding is from the beginning of July to the middle of Au- gust, the criterion being the formation of buds in the axille of the leaf of the present year. The best buds are those cn the middle of a young shoot, not those at the lower end; stocks for budding may in general be much smaller than for grafting, as the operation may be per- formed on the same year’s shoot. The French enumerate twenty-three varieties of budding; but the variety in general use with us is the following, called shield or T budding. It is thus performed: Select a smooth part of the stock. rather from. than towards. the sun; BOOK OF FRUITS. ya | then with the budding-knife make a horizon- tal cut across the bark, quite through to the firm wood ; from the middle of this transverse cut, make a slit downward, an inch or more long, going also quite through to the wood. This done, proceed to cut out from the scion the bud, cutting nearly half way into the wood, then with the thumb nail or point of the knife take out the wood, observing that the eye or germ of the bud remains perfect ; if not, and a little hole appears in that part, it is imper- fect, or as gardeners express it, the bud has lost its root and another must be prepared. Many gardeners do not take out the wood, consider- ing it unnecessary, but insert the bud with the wood attached. With regard to the fu- ture treatment, see the article on the cultiva- tion of the Pear. APPLES. With regard to the transplanting, pruning, &c. of Apple Trees, the directions hereafter given in the article “Cultivation of the Pear,” will generally apply to this fruit. CULTIVATION OF THE PEAR. Pears are propagated by grafting in the Spring, or budding late in Summer, either 28 BOOK OF FRUITS. upon the common pear stock, or upon the quince. The pear-stock is undoubtedly the best for those intended for open standards or orchard planting, but the quince stocks (which have for a long time been used by the French for dwarfs or half-standards) occupy but lit- tle space in a garden, are productive, and the fruit they produce is frequently of a larg- er size than the same grown on pear stocks. Dubreiul recommends the quince stock for clayey and light soils, and the free stock pear, for chalky and silecious soils. Grafting or budding pears upon the white thorn is some- times practised with success. ‘The quince stock should be budded at or below the sur- face of the ground, when the bark will sepa- rate entirely from the wood, which in this lat- itude takes place about the last of July or early in August. The following Spring, when the bud com- mences pushing, cut the stock off to within three inches of the bud, and in the next seas- on finish or cut off the snag smoothly to the bud or shoot. In the third season, when the trees are removed to the situation in which they are to remain for fruiting, be careful to BOOK OF FRUITS. 29 re-set them at least one inch below the inser- tion of the bud, as shown in the following cut of a trained tree. ‘This cut of a dwarf tree is placed to show the position of the quince stock, when grafted or budded with the pear one inch below the surface of the soil. c* Q 30 BOOK OF FRUITS. Setting the stock one inch below the bud or scion, will preserve it from the cold in Winter and the insidious borer in Spring. In order to produce fruit early, the side shoots or spurs should be suffered to remain upon the whole extent of the tree, as they will then generally form fruit buds upon each spur. ‘These trees are admirably adapted for small gardens, occupying but little space, less ex- posed to high winds, affording greater security to heavy fruit. One of our best new Euro- pean Pears, the ‘Duchess of Angouleme,” when grown as a dwarf produces a fine large fruit, but small and greatly inferior when grown upon a standard. ‘ When pears are grafted or budded on the wild species, apples upon crabs,and peaches upon peaches, the scion is,in regard to fertility, exactly in the same state as if ithad not been grafted at all; while on the other hand, a great increase of fertility is the result of grafting pears upon quinces, peaches upon plums, apples upon the thorn, and the like. In these cases the food absorb- ed from the earth by the root of the stock is communicated slowly to the scion.” No other influence have we ever noticed exercised by the scion upon the stock. BOOK OF FRUITS. 31 PEACHES. All the varieties of peaches are generally continued by budding, and new ones obtain- ed by planting the stones, which should be done as soon after they are separated from the pulp as possible. ‘The plum is a good stock to engraft this fruit upon, particularly if wanted for dwarfs or trained to espaliers. Among the casualties to which these trees are subject, the worm, or grub, as we call it, is the most destructive. Its attacks ordinari- ly begin in the stem, near the surface of the earth; and if not arrested, will soon reach the root, causing gum to exude from the wound. ‘The following are some of the rem- edies resorted to for their destruction. Ist. The application of boiling water to the roots : 2d. A similar application of unslacked lime, about one quart to a tree of ordinary size. 3d. Removing the surface of the soil and substi- tuting tanner’s bark. Removing the earth in the month of November and exposing the roots to the action of frost during the Winter, as has been sometimes done, we should not recommend, as it would often prove fatal to Spe BOOK OF FRUITS. the tree. In the state of New Jersey, where this fruit is raised in great quantities, they adopt the following practice to destroy this in- sect. In the Spring, when the blossoms are out, they clear away the soil, so as to expose the root of the tree, to the depth of three inches; then surround it with straw about three feet long, applied lengthwise, so that it may have a covering one inch thick, which extends to the bottom of the hole, the butt- ends of the straw resting on the ground at the bottom; binding this round the tree with three bands, one near the top, one at the middle, and the third at the surface of the earth; they then fill up the hole at the root with earth, and press it closely round the straw. By this process it is said that the fly is prevented from depositing its ege within three feet of the root; and al- though it may place the egg above that dis- tance, the worm travels so slow that it cannot reach the ground before frost, and therefore is killed before it is able to injure the tree. For Budding, &c. see the article under that head. PLUMS. »* . . e The plum tree flourishes best in a rich, sandy loam, neither too dry nor too moist. BOOK OF FRUITS. 33 A cold, wet, clayey soil, or a dry sandy situ- ation is not considered so favorable. ‘They thrive best in our neighborhood near the bor- ders of the sea, which we think is owing to their being in such situations not so subject to the insect called Curculio, which periorates and destroys the fruit; these insects are not so abundant here as in the vicinity of Bos- ton; they are said to avoid the salt air. Salem, which may almost be called a pen- insula, being nearly surrounded by the sea, has been for many years known to produce annually more fruit of this kind than any other city or town in the State. Plum trees are also liable to be attacked by an insect which causes large black bunches or warts to be formed on the limbs, but as there are sev- eral varieties which are said to be exempted from this disease, we hope to find among up- wards of one hundred kinds we have receiv- ed from different sources, a desirable variety which may be always free from this destruc- tive insect, and which we may describe here- after. we BOGK OF FRUITS. Co Rites CHERRIES. Cherries, like stone fruit in general, are usually produced by budding, seldom by graft- ing ; if by the latter process, we think it should be done early in the Spring, particularly if by split. grafting. Grafting under the bark can be done later and with more certainty of tak- ing. Budding in July or August, we should decidedly prefer. With regard to this fruit, as is the case with strawberries, various opin- ions exist as to the most desirable sorts for culture. The black ‘Tartarian and the Grid- ley Bigarreau or apple cherry, are highly prized as Black Hearts. ‘The white Bigar- reau and the Napoleon as white hearts, are probably as productive, and desirable, as any sve have as yet seen. CURRANT AND GOOSEBERRY. These are easily raised from cuttings, pro- vided you have moist soil, by putting them into the ground immediately upon the falling of the leaf, when the shoots of the Summer are well ripened, or very early in the follow- BOOK OF FRUITS. 35 ing Spring; the part inserted into the ground should be cut across a bud, and then set from three to five inches deep, according to the na- ture of the soil and situation, being careful to rub off all the buds below the surface ; they should not be suffered to push near the ground, but as buds appear they must also be taken off, training them as dwarfs or half standards. Both currants and gooseberries bear their fruit on the last year’s shoots, and on short natural studs or spurs. The gooseberry will continue to bear on the same buds or spurs for many years, particularly if the branches are kept open and free for the admission of the sun and air. To have large and fine fruit from the currant and gooseberry, they should be trained to resemble a well formed tree in miniature ; the ground near the bushes should be well manured, particularly the last named fruit. ‘The gooseberry requires a rich loam, free from weeds. Early in the Spring, spade carefully around the roots, turning the soil well over; prune them by cutting out every worn out, decayed or irregular branch; let none be permitted to grow across each other ; cut out all the superabundant, lateral shoots 36 BOOK OF FRUITS. of the last summer, on the old wood near the eround, oaly retaining here and there one ia - vacant parts, to form successional bearers, and to supply the places of unfruitful branches. Gosseberries are liable to mildew, if placed in a confined situation; they want a free, open exposure. The varieties of this fruit are yery exten- sive, and of various colors, white, green, yel- low, red, and dark purple. ‘They differ much in quality ; some of the Jargest fruited kinds having a thick skin, are fit only for cooking, while others are fine for the table. In select- ing from the catalogues, we should send for those, without regard to names, which have been tested by the nursery-man, and proved to be the best flavored. GRAPE. The ripening of foreign grapes in the open air, in the climate of New England, is very uncertain ; and the necessity of covering them in Winter will undoubtedly prevent their gen- eral culture. ‘The editor of the Magazine of Horticulture, Mr. Hovey, justly says, ‘that the cultivation of foreign grapes in the open BOOK OF FRUITS. oi air, must, we think, except in cities, be gen- erally given up. For three or four years past scarcely a crop has ripened.” Among the varieties of native grapes, we should not recommend the Catawba, although consider- ed by Mr. Adlum, ‘to be worth all others as a wine grape ;” still its lateness is a great ob- jection, it never having ripened with us. We should decidedly prefer the Isabella. This fine native grape was introduced into New York about sixteen years since, by Mrs. Isa- bella Gibbs, from South Carolina, and was named Isabella by William Prince, Esq., of Flushing, L. I. The vine is extraordina- ry for the vigor of its growth and great productiveness. A single vine, in 1820, produced eight bushels. It is a late fruit, and in a shady situation or upon an open trellis rarely if ever ripens its berries. It should be trained to a wall, fence, or out-building, where it can receive the sun’s rays nearly the whole day, at least from its rising till three in the afternoon. This vine wants no protec- tion in Winter, and the best season for prun- ing, we consider early in April. They may be increased by layers or cuttings. D 38 BOOK OF FRUITS. Although grape vines are generally pruned mi the Fall, which may be the best season for the foreign grape, we still, from our own ex- perience with the Isabella, decidedly prefer the Spring for this variety. Pruning vines in the Spring is often objected to from fear of their bleeding. ‘This, however, rarely takes place,pro- vided it is performed early in April,and the sec- tion which is faid bare be presented to the sun’s rays, Which will almost invariably close up the sap vessels; they should, therefore, be cut from the outside, inward, in an oblique direc- ton. RASPBERRIES. The white and red Antwerp are the two most desirable sorts for cultivation; they should never be grown together in masses; as the red, being more inclined to wood, will event- stally choke or injure the growth of the white. The time to plant young sucker shoots, of last summer, 1s early in Spring; choose them strong, about three or four feet growth, de- tached with good roots, and prune the weak top part; plant them in rows four feet and a half or five feet asunder by three feet, in the rows ; prune old plantations, cutting out the BOOK OF FRUITS. 39 dead stems, or the last Summet’s bearers, for the same shoots or stems never bear but once, be- ing succeeded by young ones produced from the root every summer, which become barren next year, and perish the following Winter, and should now be cut out as above, close to the ground; and then thin the young shoots to three, four, or five of the strongest on each stock, and prune them at the top. A cultivator near Boston says—‘ ‘The Raspberry should always be cut about five feet high ; it increas- es the quantity and size of the fruit, as well as encourages the growth of the suckers, for the following year. {It should, however, not be done until all chance of severe frost is over; yet before the buds shoot, the stems ought af- terwards to be lightly tied together at the top, or to stakes placed in the ground.” STRAWBERRY. There are several varieties of this most de- licious fruit, and many opinions relative to the best flavored and most prolific sort. At Al- bany they commend the Methven Castle as the most profitable and productive ; at Rox- bury the royal scarlet and pine apple. A cul- AO BOOK OF FRUITS. tivator at Dorchester highly approves of the early Virginia scarlet, which last is probably as productive as any for general culture. ‘The Downton Red Alpine, (without runners,) and Keen’s Seedling, are also desirable varieties. Propagation.—With the exception of the bush Alpine, which is only increased by di- visions of the root, all the varieties multiply spontaneously every season, by numerous run- ners from the parent plant, which, rooting and forming a plant at every jot, only require, for the production of fruit in abundance, re- moval to a bed where they may have room to flourish. Such plants will bear the Summer succeeding the planting, and in the second year will be in full perfection. ‘The best way is to supply a new plantation, with plants which have been taken from runners and set cut in nursery beds the previous season. But Where such cannot be had, those of the pres- ent season will answer. Soil and situation.—Strawberries will grow and produce fruit on almost any soil of mode- rate fertility; but they are most productive on a deep rich loam. ‘They should be in an open situation, exposed to the sun and air, and not BOOK OF FRUITS. Ad under trees. ‘The Alpine strawberries, how- ever, admit of being placed in a more shady situation, as it is during the hot and dry sea- son of the year that they are intended for bearing ; which they will not do if allowed to suffer from drought; few are willing to take the pains to water them as much as they would require. Transplanting.—The best time for doing this is in the Spring; but if performed with proper care, they succeed nearly or quite as well when transplanted early in Autumn, say in the early part of September. The ground should be well manured and dug, a month be- fore transplanting. ‘The chief care required when the work is done in Autumn, is to guard against the plants being thrown out by frost, which is best effected by treading the soil closely about the roots. Culture.—The distance of the plants asun- der, where the soilis rendered sufficiently fer- tile, should be, for the larger varieties (such as Methven and Keen’s seedling,) twenty inches from row to row and fifteen inches in the row ; the smaller varieties may be a little nearer to- gether. This distance may seem too great, n* 42, BOOK OF FRUITS. but it is much better than crowding the plants too closely, which is the more common error. It is only by affording sufficient room for the plants to receive the benefit of sun, air, and of culture, that the fruit will ripen early, and acquire a good size and agreeable flavor. Keen, of Isleworth in England, a most successful cultivator of this fruit and who raised the cel- ebrated Keen’s seedling, says, in speaking of the large distances he adopted in planting,— “these distances I find necessary, for the trusses of fruit in my garden ground are fre- quently @ foot lung.” ‘The following is his method of culture, in his own words: ‘ After the beds are planted, I always keep them as clear of weeds as possible, and on no account allow any crop to be planted between the rows. Upon the growing of the runners, | have them cut when necessary ; this is usually three times in each season. In Autumn I al- ways have the rows dug between ; for I find it refreshes the plants materially; and I re- commend to those persons to whom it may be convenient, to scatter in the Spring, very light- ly, some loose straw or long dung between the rows. [t serves to keep the ground moist, BOOK OF FRUITS. 43 enriches the strawberry, and forms a clean bed for the trusses of fruit to lie on; and thus by a little extra trouble and cost, a more abun- dant crop may be obtained. A short time be- fore the fruit ripens, I always cut off the run- ners, to strengthen the root; and after the fruit is gathered, I have what fresh runners have been made,taken off with a reaping-hook, together with the outside leaves around the main plant, after which [ rake the beds, then hoe them, and rake them again. In the Au- tumn, unless the plants appear very strong, I have some dung dug in, between the rows, but if they are very luxuriant the dung is not re- quired ; for in some rich soils it would cause the plants to turn nearly all to leaf. I also have to remark, that the dung used for manure should not be too far spent ; fresh dung from the stable door, is prefererable to spit-dung, which many persons are so fond of.” In thus recommending a thorough method of culture, we would by no means wish to discourage those who have not yet attempted raising this excellent fruit, and who think they cannot afford to adopt such culture, from at- tempting it altogether; mdeed if proper va- AA, BOOK OF FRUITS. rieties are obtained, good crops may be had with little or no care after transplanting ; we have known beds almost untouched for years to yield plentifully.. Nevertheless, we consid- er the cheapest method, ultimately, of raising this fruit, is by thorough culture ; that the greatest amount of fruit is shbacel in this way for the care and labor expended, and that the quality is so much superior to that obtain- _ed from slight culture, as to give the former practice very decided advantages. When the beds have much diminished in their product, new plantations must be made to supply their piace. ‘This generally takes place in four or five years. A. grower of this fruit in New York subjoins his method of cultivating, thus—“ In the Fall, cover the beds slightly with straw, and burn all down; then dig in between the hills with a trowel or deep hoe, rake smooth, and re- place with a fresh dressing two inches thick, for winter protection, &c. The hills ought to be no more than twelve inches apart, and two or three stems in a hill. While the fruit is setting, water morning and evening, witha =? table spoonful of salt to each pail of rain or BOOK OF FRUITS. Ab river water; if well water, it should be ex- posed to the sun some time. A bed planted from any gocd variety in full bearing, will, thus treated, always insure a good crop. Kar- ly in September is the best time to plant, choosing the first made runner plants, or some offsets for immediate bearing. ‘The runners will come in, the second and third season.” APPLES. No. 1. Larly Harvest. This is the earliest apple worthy of culti- vation: the form is flat, of medium size; the skin when perfectly ripe, is of a beautifully bright straw color; the flesh tender and spright- ly ; if gathered before they are fully ripe, it has too much acidity. The finest fruits are those which drop ripe from the tree; the branches make very acute angles, by which it is readily distinguished from most other trees in_ the orchard ; it bears young—ripe in July and August. AB BOOK OF FRUITS. No. 2. Early Bough. This is a large handsome apple, the form sometimes oblong, the skin a pale yellow, of- ten with a bright red tinge, the flesh sweet and tender; it is a good bearer, and deserves extensive cultivation. Ripe in August. No. 3. American Red Juneating. This apple is of medium size, oblong; the skin is a beautiful red, slightly streaked and mixed with yellow ; the flesh is rich, spright- ly and good; the tree is of upright growth ; it bears well and ripens in August. Although it bears the name of American Red Juneating, we have strong doubts of its having origina- ted in this country; we think it may be the striped Juneating of Ronald. No. 4. Summer Queen. A large oblong apple, striped with red on a yellow ground ; the flesh is yellow, very high flavored, and excellent. ‘The tree is of vigor- ous growth, a great bearer. Ripe in August. No. 5. Early Red Margaret. A middle sized apple; the shape round, somewhat flat; the skin a greenish yellow, BOOK OF FRUITS. AT striped with dark red; the flesh white, juicy, and agreeable ; it bears early and abundantly. Ripe the middle of August. No. 6. Summer Rose. A very beautiful and excellent fruit; the size 1s moderate; the form round; the skin yellow, striped, and mottled with red; the flesh is sweet, juicy, and fine. Ripe in Au- gust. produce most extraor- dinary. It ripens about the middle of August. No. 6. Skinless. This pear is of small size, of a long shape, round at the blossom end, tapering to an ob- tuse point at the stem; the skin is smooth and very thin; the color when ripe is a light yel- low, with a slight tinge of red ;_ the flesh juicy, crisp, sweet and very good. ‘The tree produ- ces well, and the fruit ripens in August. No. 7. Summer Rose. A pear of medium size ; the form flat, re- sembling an apple, with a long stem inserted ima roundish hollow ; the skin is dull yellow, spotted with russet, and mixed with a large proportion of brownish red; the flesh, white, juicy and sweet, with a high and very pecu- liar flavor. ‘The appearance of the tree is that of a large spreading apple tree ; it grows to a large size before producing fruit; it is then very productive. Ripe in August. No. 8. Summer Frankreal. This very fine pear is of medium size, the BOOK OF FRUITS. 67 shape oblong, thickest about one third from the eye, sometimes flat like a Bergamot. The skin when fully ripe a light yellow ; flesh melting, rich and excellent. It is a great and early bearer, ripening in September. No. 9. Williams’ Bon Chretien. [See plate No. 1.] This fruit is very large; the shape long, round and full, both at the eye and stem, which is short and large ; the skin when fully ripe yellow, with faint red next the sun; flesh white, melting and good. ‘The character of this pear is very high; the tree is of a strong and vigorous growth, bears very young, and yields most extraordinary crops every year. Ripe in August and September. No. 10. Julienne. This pear resembles the St. Michael’s, but is much smaller, except on very rich land ; the size is generally small; the skin light yel- low, sometimes with bright red next the sun ; the flesh rich, juicy and melting. The tree comes early into bearing, produces abundantly, and is in use from the middle of August to the middle of September; ripening gradually in 68 BOOK OF FRUITS. the house, which renders it very desirable for a market fruit. No. 11. Dearborn’s Seedling. This fine and beautiful pear originated at Brinley Place, Roxbury, the seat of the Hon. H. A. 8S. Dearborn. ‘The fruit is of medium size, round at the crown, diminishing to the stem, around which is a circle of bright rus- set; the skin is smooth, of a light yellow col- our; the flesh delicate, melting and fine fla- voured, equal to any other pear of the same season. ‘The growth of the tree is healthy and vigorous. It bears well, and the fruic ripens in August. No. 12. Crawford. This pear is very extensively cultivated in Scotland ; it is of middle size, round at the eye, diminishing to the stem, and very regular and uniform in its appearance ; the skin is en- tirely of alight yellow; the flesh juicy, tender and good. It bears young, and ripens in Au- cust. . No. 13. Honey. This tree was procured from Messrs. Wm. BOOK OF FRUITS. 69 Prince & Sons, of Flushing; but as there are two pears bearing this name, one European, the other American, it is uncertain to which the specimen belonged ; in size and shape it resembles the Seckle ; the skin is yellow, with a large portion of dull red; the flesh sweet, juicy and good. ‘The tree bears young, and when more advanced promises to be a great bearer. Ripe in September. | No. 14. Citron de Sirentz. This tree was procured from Messrs. Bau- mans, of Bollwiller; in size, shape, colour, taste and time of ripening, it resembles the Crawford. No. 15. Rousselette de Rheims. This pear is of medium size, the form is oval, blunt at the stem; the skin yellow, with much dull red on the side next the sun; the flesh is breaking and fine, with avery high musk flavour; it is best when eaten ripe from the tree. The tree attains a large size before bearing ; but when more advanced produces an abundant crop. Ripe in September. ris) BOOK OF FRUITS. No. 16. Summer Thorn. This pear is oblong, of medium size, the skin’smooth, and when ripe of a light greem; the flesh melting, juicy and of a very peculiarly pleasant flavour. It bears well, and ripens in. September. No. 17. Williams’ Early. This new pear originated on the farm of Mr. Williams, in Roxbury, Mass. It is of middle size, turbinate form, the skin light yel- low with a red cheek next the sun; the flesh melting, sugary and fine. ‘The tree promises to be a great bearer. Ripe in September. No. 18. WValee Franche. This pear in good ground is sometimes large, the form almost flat, a little extended ; the skin dull, greenish yellow and dull red ; the flesh juicy, rich and pleasant. The tree bears young, is very productive, and the fruit ripens in September. No. 19. ‘hair a’ Dame. This pear is of medium size, obovate, the stem is short and fleshy, obliquely inserted un- BOOK OF FRUITS. ia der some irregular bunches or protuberances ; the skin is a dull yellow, mixed with russet and a small portion of red; the flesh is crisp, coarse grained, and sugary. The tree is of vigorous growth, and appears to be a good bearer. Ripe in September. No. 20. Green Pear of Yair. This pear is of medium size; the form full at the crown, diminishing gradually to the stem; the skin is smooth, and when -fully ripe of a light green ; the flesh melting, very juicy and good. A great bearer. Ripening in Sep- tember. No. 21. St. Ghislain. This superior pear is one of the new Flem- ish varieties; it is of medium size ; the shape rather oblong ; the skin at maturity is a pale yellow ; the flesh juicy, melting and very de- licious. ‘The tree is vigorous, and bears good crops every year, One of the finest of pears, and.should be found in every good col- lection. Ripening in September and October. No. 22. Cushing. A native fruit from Hingham, Mass. ‘The v2 BOOK OF FRUITS. size in rich ground is large ; the form oblong, diminishing from the eye to an obtuse point at the stem; the skin when ripe smooth, of a light yellow, sometimes with dull red on the side exposed to the sun; the flesh white, melting, sprightly and good. It comes early into bearing, produces well, and the fruit rip- ens the last of September. No. 23. Rostiezer. This tree was received from the Messrs. Baumans, of Bollwiller. The fruit is of me- dium size, oblong and pointed at the stem, the skin covered with light yellow russet; the flesh melting, high flavoured and delicious. It ripens about the first of October, and so far as we could judge from the first specimens, 1s decidedly a first rate fruit. No. 24. Jackman’s Melting. This tree was received from the Messrs. Youngs, of Epsom, England ; it produced its first fruit in 18575; the name is no doubt er- roneous, as it is not noticed in the catalogue of the London Hort. Society, or in any other work of authority. The fruit is large and BOOK OF FRUITS. 1a very long, the stem short, the skin entirely of a dark red; the flesh juicy and good, but not rich; it is remarkable for its beauty, promises to bear well, and ripens the last of September. No. 25. Seckle. This well known and excellent pear is of small size on poor land; the form is regular, round at the blossom end, diminishing gradu- ally to an obtuse point at the stem; the skin often yellow with a brownish red cheek, sometimes entirely covered with greenish rus- set; the flesh melting and of most exquisite flavour ; the growth of the tree is slow, with great and unusual symmetry. It produces abundant crops; but in order to obtain fruit of large size, the ground should be rich and the tree pruned with a more open head, than is generally thought necessary. Ripens grad- ually in the house from the middle of Septem- ber to the last of October. No. 26. Jalousie. This pear is rather above the medium size ; the form round and large at the blossom end, diminishing rapidly toa point at the stem; G 4, BOOK OF FRUITS. the skin is smooth, and entirely covered with a cinnamon russet; the flesh white and melt- ing, very pleasant and good. The tree bears well, and the fruit is im use during the whole month of October. No. 27. Johonnot. Originated in the garden of the late George S. Johonnot, Esq. of Salem. The fruit is of medium size, of a roundish and very unequal form; a little extended, the skin thin, the colour a dull yellow, with a large portion of dull brown and indistinct russet ; the flesh is very fine, melting and delicious. The tree is not vigorous ; it bears well, and is in perfec- tion from the middle of September to the middle of October. No. 28. Andrews. This fruit sometimes attains a large size, the form is oblong, tapering gently from the blos- som end to the stem ; the skin when at maturity is a yellowish green, often with a dull red cheek; the flesh melting, juicy and high flavoured ; it is a most valuable pear, producing its fruit early and abundantly. The tree is not of very BOOK OF FRUITS. 75 vigorous growth. Ripe in September and October. No. 29. Autumn Superb. This is a large pear, full and round at the eye, diminishing to a point at the stem; the skin is yellow mixed with dull red; the flesh melting and good, but not very high flavoured. It bears young and the fruit ripens in October. Tt was originally introduced from France, and received its present name in this country. No. 30. Belle Lucrative. The tree which produces this fine fruit, was received from the Messrs. Young, of Epsom, England. ‘The size is large, the form round at the blossom end, tapering gradually to the ~stem; the skin, when ripe, is a pale yellow, ‘sometimes with a little dull red next the sun ; the flesh is melting, sweet, juicy and fine fla- voured. It bears well. Ripens in Septem- ber and October, and is worthy of a place among the choicest selections. No. 31. Belle et Bonne. These trees have been received from vari- 716 BOOK OF FRUITS. ous sources, as the Belle de Bruxelles; the fruit is large and round, the skin yellow, some- times with a little blush on the side exposed to the sun; the flesh very sweet, rich and good. ‘The tree is very vigorous in its growth ; does not bear till it has attained a large size ; it is then very fruitful. Ripe in October. No. 32. Long Green. This is one of the best of the old varieties ; its form is very long; skin at maturity a light green ; the flesh is white, melting and fine fia- voured. ‘The tree is of vigorous growth, bears well, and the fruit ripens in September and October. No. 33. Henry Fourth. This pear is of small size, the form very ir- regular, oblong; the skin of a dull yellow, mixed with brown and green; flesh yellow, gritty, juicy and melting, with a high and somewhat remarkable flavor. It bears young and abundantly, and ripens in September. No. 34. Beurre Van Marum. This is one of the new Flemish pears ; it is BOOK OF FRUITS. ie: of medium size, the form oblong, the skin of a bright yellow, sometimes with a tinge of red; the flesh melting, juicy and fine. It is an early and great bearer, and in perfection about the last of September. No. 35. Capsheaf. The origin of this pear is unknown; it is much cultivated near Providence, R. I., where it may have originated. The size is small ; the form almost round; the skin a light cin- namon russet; the flesh white, melting and juicy, with a pleasant but not high flavour. It bears well, and the fruit ripens in October. No. 36. Surpass Vergalieu. This tree was received from the late Mr. ‘Parmentier, of Brooklyn, L. I.; as we do not find the name in any European author, it was probably adopted in this country. The fruit is large, form oblong, some specimens nearly round ; the skin smooth, of a light yellow with a little red on the side next the sun ; the flesh rich, juicy and high flavoured. It appears to require a Warm sun to have it in its greatest perfection ; it bears young, yields large crops ee 78 BOOK OF FRUITS. of fair fruit every year, and is worthy of ex- tensive cultivation. Ripe in October. No. 37. Heathcote. This native pear is large on rich land ; the form is long, round at the blossom end, and full at the stalk; the skin almost always of a light yellow, seldom a tinge of red; the flesh melting, rich and well flavored. ‘The growth of the tree is handsome and vigorous. — It pro- duces abundant crops, and ripens in Septem- ber and October. No. 38. Fiarvard. This pear originated in Cambridge, Mass. ; the size is large, the form oblong, contracted in the middle, diminishing to an obtuse point to the stem, which is inserted in a small cay- ity; the skin is of a dull russety yellow, some- times nearly covered with brownish red ; the flesh white, juicy and fine, but subject to rot at the core, which is its only defect. The tree is uncommonly strong and upright in its erowth ; it attains a large size before produc- ing fruit; itis then a great bearer. Ripe in September and October. BOOK OF FRUITS. 79 No. 39. Naumkeag. This is a seedling from the garden of the late G. S. Johonnot, Esq., of Salem; the wood and leaf of the tree resemble those of the Brown Beurre. The fruit is large, form oval, rather oblong, full and round both at the blos- som end and at the stem; the skin a yellow russet, with much dull brown mixed with russet; flesh juicy, melting and good, with rather too much astringency. cary ’ This peach is 0 ; a little oblong ; red ; the flesh between a freest O01 Il yellow and excellent ; eos Ripe in ; meee ; “8 September. No. 11. ‘White BlosSom. Of medium size, oblong; the skin a very light yellow, nearly white; the flesh white, melting and extremely juicy, with a most agreeable acidity. Ripe in September. We me 100 BOOK OF FRUITS. have found this a hardy peach, and most certain bearer in our climate. We have for several years reproduced them from the stone. ‘The blossoms are clear white, and the young wood resembles that of the willow tree. No. 12. Orange Freestone. This peach is of medium size; the form round; the skin a deep orange yellow ; flesh yellow and sweet, but rather dry ; a beautiful and good fruit. Ripe in September. No. 13. Congress Clingstone. The size is large, form round; skin yellow and bright red ; flesh rich and excellent. Ripe in September. No. 14. Oldmiaon Clingstone. Large, round and rather flat ; skin whitish yel- low, with a bright red cheek, beautifully spot- ted with red dots. Of all the clingstone peaches this is the most delicious ; a great bearer, ripening its fruit gradually in Septem- ber. We have cultivated this peach, and the Catharine and old Newington, and could never perceive any difference in the fruit or trees. Moores Lith. Boston. Wies Golden Drop Plum ff) BOOK OF FRUITS. 10] No. 15. Heath Clingstone. Fruit large, oblong ; skin of a delicate cream colour, sometimes with a faint blush on the sunny side; flesh rich, very juicy and fine fla- voured. Ripe in October, and we have eaten them produced in our own orchard in the highest perfection, on ‘Thanksgiving Day, November 30th. The Nectarine and the Apricot, so nearly allied to the Peach, we should not recommend for cultivation upon standards, but inoculated upon the plum stock, and trained as Espaliers upon walls or fences, they often produce fine fruit, particularly the Apricot. PLUMS. No. 1. Jtalian Damask. Fruit of medium size, round; skin dark blue, nearly black ; stem half an inch long, in- serted in a small round cavity; flesh yellow, juicy and high flavoured. A freestone, a great bearer, and one of the best early plums. Ripe in August. 1* 102 BOOK OF FRUITS. No. 2. Morocco. A fine and very productive variety ; the size is rather small, nearly round; the skin a dark purple, covered with a blue bloom ; flesh greenish yellow, juicy and good. A clingstone—ripening in August. No. 3. Prince’s Imperial Gage. Originated at the Nursery of Wm. Prince & Sons, Flushing, N. Y. Fruit nearly as large as the yellow egg plum ; of an oval form ; when fully ripe the skin is yellow, with streaks of bright yellow and green indistinctly seen ; the flesh rich and sweet. ‘Phe most produc- tive and profitable of all the plums. Ripe in August. No. 4. Brevoort’s Purple Washington. Produced from the stone of Bolmar’s Wash- ington, by Mr. Brevoort, of New York. Fruit of large size; form round, and nearly oval ; skin dark blue, covered with a blue bloom ; the flesh sweet and good. A freestone, ripen- ing in September. ‘The tree is of vigorous growth and very productive. BOOK OF FRUITS. 103 No. 5. Orleans. This is a well known and productive plum ; : the fruit is sometimes large; the form round ; the skin dark, approaching to a purple, with a thin blue bloom; the flesh yellow, firm and good, with some astringency near the stone, from which the flesh separates. Ripe in Au- cust. No. 6. Kirk’s Plum. ruit large, round ; skin dark purple, cov- Fruit large, round ; skin dart le, ered with a dense bloom, which adheres firm- ly to the skin; flesh yellow, juicy and rich. A very productive freestone plum—ripening in August. No. 7. Purple Gage. Fruit of medium size, nearly round, a little flattened at the ends; skin of a violet colour, with a light blue bloom; the flesh greenish, rich and high flavoured. A first rate freestone plum; a great bearer. Ripe in August. No. 8. Large Long Blue. ‘The origin of this fine plum is uncertain ; the tree which produced the specimens was 104 BOOK OF FRUITS. procured from the Nursery of the Messrs. Landreth, Philadelphia. The size is large ; the form oval, very long; the skin blue, near- ly black, covered with a thick bloom ; the flesh yellow, rich and excellent; it hangs a long time on the tree, ripening gradually, and is well adapted to the market, bearing carriage better than most other plums. It is a great bearer; a freestone. Ripe in September. No. 9. Green Gage. The finest of all plums; of medium size, round ; the skin a greenish yellow, when very ripe nearly yellow, mottled with red near the stem; flesh sugary and of delicious flavour. In our own exposed grounds, and in grass, it bears abundant crops, not being subject to rot like many fine plums. A freestone, ripening in August and September. No. 10. Bleeker’s Gage. Produced from seed by the Rev. Mr. Bleek- er, of Albany, N. Y. Phe form oval, nearly round; skin a dark yellow, with dark red spots and blotches ; the flesh is rich and ex- cellent. A great bearer. Ripe in September. BOOK OF FRUITS. 105 No. 11. Cvoper’s Plum. Produced from a stone of the Orleans, by Mr. Joseph Cooper, of New-Jersey ; the size is very large, round, a little oblong ; the skin a dark purple; flesh greenish yellow, rich and good. It ripensin September; produces abundant crops ; but is very subject to rot at the period of ripening. No. 12. Elfrey. This is a plum of small size and oval form ; the skin dark blue; the flesh dry, firm and of fine flavour. ‘The trees produce abundantly. A freestone—ripening in September. No. 13. German Prune. Fruit of medium size; form oval, dimin- ishing towards the stem; the skin purple with a blue bloom; the flesh rich, sweet and delicious. It produces abundantly ; it begins to ripen in August, and can be eaten from the tree for a month or more. No. 14. Duane’s Purple. This is a plum of an extraordinary size ; the form round; the skin a dark purple; 106 BOOK OF FRUITS. fiesh sweet and good. The origin of this plum is uncertain; it ripens in September, and has the reputation of being a fine fruit. No. 15. Bingham. Fruit large ; the form oval; skin a bright yellow, spotted and blotched with red; the flesh yellow, rich and delicious. A cling- stone—ripening in September. No. 16. Washington. This very superior Plum originated in New- York; the size is very large; form oval; skin an orange yellow, speckled with red ; the flesh yellow, sweet and excellent; highly esteemed as a first rate plum. Ripe in Sep- tember. No. 17. Italian Prune. The size is large; form oblong; the skin dark purple, covered with a bloom; flesh greenish yellow, firm, dry and fine. I[t bears well, and the fruit ripens in September and October. No. 18. Diamond. This new plum originated in England ; it BOOK OF FRUITS. 107 is of the largest size, oblong ; the skin purple, nearly black, covered with a thick bloom; the flesh firm and good, but not rich; the tree is of rapid growth—an_ extraordinary bearer. The fruit ripens in September. No. 19. Blue Imperatrice. Fruit of medium size; shape oblong, tap- ering to the stem; the skin a dark purple, covered with a light bluish bloom; the flesh yellowish green, firm, rich and sweet. A clingstone. A great bearer. It hangs on the tree a long time, and is in use in October and November. No. 20. Coe’s Golden Drop. [See plate No. 3.] This beautiful new plum is of large size ; the form is oval, with unequal sides; the skin a golden yellow, spotted with rich red points and small blotches, on the sunny side ; the flesh yellow, sweet and delicious. A clingstone—an abundant bearer. Ripening gradually in September, October and Novem- ber. Ofall the late plums this is decidedly the best and the most profitable which can be cultivated. 108 BOOK OF FRUITS. CHERRIES. No. 1. Mayduke. Fruit of medium size, round ; the skin when fully ripe very dark red; the flesh tender, juicy and good. It is very productive, and the fruit ripens the last of June. No. 2. Davenport’s. This fine cherry originated on the farm of Mr. Davenport, in Dorchester, Mass.; the fruit is large, skin bright red; the flesh firm and of excellent flavour. It is an early and most extraordinary bearer. Fruit ripe early in July. No. 3. Black Tartarian. [See plate No. 4.] One of the finest and most productive cher- ries; the size is large, heart shaped, the col- our when fully ripe is black; flesh dark red, tender and of superior flavour. Ripe early in July. No. 4. Napoleon Biguarreau. The tree of this variety is remarkable for SS . BOOK OF FRUITS. 109 the vigor and beauty of its growth; the leaves are large and smooth. Itis a fine large white cherry, ripening in July. As they have just come into bearing upon small trees, we cannot as yet say how productive they may be. No. 5. Black Heart. A well known and favourite cherry, of me- dium size, the skin when at maturity is black ; flesh dark red, tender and of fine flavour. Ripe in July. Very productive. We seldom see this cherry brought to market perfectly ripe ; when suffered to remain on the tree till they have acquired their proper colour, they are very superior. No. 6. Florence. This cherry resembles the white Bigarreau ; but is a little more oblong; the flesh more tender, and ripens a few days earlier; very fine and productive. No. 7. Elton. A new and very fine cherry, raised by Mr. Knight, President of the London Horticultur- al Society; it is of medium size, long heart J 110 BOOK OF FRUITS. P shape ; of a beautiful cream colour, marbled with bright red next the sun; flesh rich and excellent. Itis ripe about the first of July, and promises when the tree has attained a proper size, to be a great bearer. No. 8. White Bigarreau. One of the largest and finest cherries ; the form obtuse, heart shaped ; skin pale yellow, with a bright red cheek ; flesh very firm, juicy, sweet and fine flavoured. Ripe in July. This cherry has the reputation of being a bad bear- er. In our orchard it bears abundantly, and owing to the hardness of its flesh, is not liable to injury from birds; on this account it is highly deserving of cultivation. No. 9. Black Eagle. This is a new cherry ; the size is sometimes large, shape nearly that of the black heart; skin a very dark purple ; flesh tender, of su- perior flavour; the young trees bear well. tipe in July. No. 10. Gridley. Originated on the farm of Mr. Gridley, in BOOK OF FRUITS. 111 Roxbury, Mass. Fruit of medium size, nearly round ; skin black; flesh firm, rather dry, of good flavour, and a most abundant bearer. Ripe in July. No. 11. Downer. This fine cherry originated in the garden of Samuel Downer, Esq. in Dorchester ; it is a large, round cherry, of a light red colour ; flesh firm and of a fine sprightly flavour. It ripens in July, and is very productive. No. 12. Lave OVfOm The size is large ; heart shape, rather flat ; the skin a shinmg dark red; flesh tender, juicy and good. It is a great bearer. Ripe Jate in July. No. 13. White Mazzard. A new fruit, which originated in the Po- mological Garden, from a stone of the White Bigarreau; it is of the size, form and colour of the Elton; the tree is of a handsome and upright growth, and bears well. Ripe in August. BIS BOOK OF FRUITS. No. 14. Plumstone Morello. This is the largest and finest of the acid cherries; the skin is very dark red, when ful- ly ripe it is nearly black ; flesh dark red and of a sharp, rich and agreeable flavour. A great bearer ; it remains late on the tree ina sound state. © orepara it BOOK OF FRUITS. TiS HARDY ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBS. The Catalogues sent out from the different Nurseries in our country contain many ‘Trees and Shrubs which are in fact not suitable for New-England culture, as our winters are so severe that they are often killed to the ground ;—such are the Rhus cotinus or Veni- tian Sumache, the Ailanthus or Tree of Hea- ven, Osage Orange and frequently the Catal- pa ;—we have therefore selected the following list, of those which can be recommended as hardy and will stand our winters unprotected, commencing with Large Ornamental Trees—Class 1. Abele, or Silver Leaf—White Ash—Button Wood—Horse Chesnut—Weeping Willow— Butternut— Scotch Larch—Do. Eln—hLime, or Linden—American Larech—Common Lo- cust—Honey do. or 3 thorn’d Acacia— Scarlet maple—Sugar do.—Black and Red Spruce, Silver or Balsam Fir—(both Evergreens )—Li- riodendron, or ‘Tulip ‘Tree—Kuropean Syca- more—Striped leaved Sycamore. * J 114 BOOK OF FRUITS. Small Ornamental Trees—Class 2. Siberian Red and Yellow Crab—Curled — Mountain Ash—Weeping do.—Double Flow- ering Cherry—Snow Drop or Fringe Tree— Franklinia—Kentucky Coffee Tree—Labur- num—Double Flowering Peach—Shepardia, or Buffalo Berry. Shrubs, Vines and Trees of Low Growth— Class 3. Rose Acacia—Double Flowering Almond— Altheas, (the Double White excepted)—Caly- canthus (Carolina Alspice)—Caucassian Ho- neysuckle—Missouri Fragrant Currant—Cor- nelian Cherry, (Cornus)—Tartarian Honey- suckle—English Fly do. (Vine)—-Fragrant Monthly do. (Vine)——Scarled Trumpet do. (Vine)—Privit or Prim—Persian Lilace—Japan Quince or Pyrus Japonica—Snow Ball or Guelder Rose—Tree Pzeonias, various kinds— Japan Globe Flower (blossoms twice in the season)—Snowberry :—-and nearly all the varieties of Rose, with the exception of the Chinese Monthly Roses, (so called,) which require protection during the winter. BOOK OF FRUITS. 115 G@OOSEBERRIES. In the article already given upon this fruit we recommended sending for those (without regard to names) ‘which have been tested by the Nurseryman and proved to be the best flavoured.” ‘The following list of good kinds of the Scotch and Lancanshire varieties, from a grower of this fruit, we subjoin on his au- thority. Rep Fruir. Small Sorts. Red Champagne—Rough Red—Scotch Best Jam. Larger Sorts. Boardman’s—Keen’s Seed- Jing—Leigh’s Rifleman—Farrow’s Roaring Lion—Red Warrington. Waurte Fruit. Smali Sorts. White Crystal—White Cham- pague—Early White—White Honey. Larger Sorts. Woodward’s Whitesmith— Wellington’s Glory—Taylor’s Bright Venus—— Coleworth’s White Lion—Saunders’ Chesh- ire Lass. Yettow Fruit. Small Sorts. Yellow Champagne—Early Sulphur—-Rumbullion—H epburn Yellow Aston. Large Sorts. Dixon’s Golden Yellow. 116 BOOK OF FRUITS. Green Fruit. Small Sorts. Early Green Hairy—Hep- burn Green Prolific--Glenten Green——Pit- maston Green Gage. Larger Serts. Collier’s Jolly Angler— Edwards’ Jolly ‘Tar. In closing this first manual, we here subjoin an extract from Lindley, one of the most cel- ebrated modern writers on Pomology, on the method of producing new varieties of fruit. He says,— “The power of procuring intermediate va- rieties by the intermixture of the pollen and stigma of two different parents is, however, that which most deserves consideration. We all know that hybrid plants are constantly pro- duced in every garden, and that improvements of the most remarkable kind are yearly oceur- ring in consequence. Experiments are, how- ever, it may be supposed, sometimes made without the operator being exactly aware of cither of the precise nature of the action to which he is trusting for success, or of the lim- its within which his experiments should be confined, BOOK OF FRUITS. iT7 Cross fertilization is effected, as every one knows, by the action of the pollen of one plant upon the stigma of another. The na- ture of this action is highly curious. Pollen consists of extremely minute hollow balls or bodies; their cavity is filled with fluid, in which swim particles of a figure varying from spherical to oblong, and having an apparently spontaneous motion. ‘The stigma is compos- ed of very lax tissue, the intercellular passages of which have a greater diameter than the moving particles of the pollen. ‘When a grain of pollen comes in contact with the stigma, it bursts and discharges its contents among the lax tissue upon which it has fallen. The moving particles descend through the tissue of the style, until one, or sometimes more, of them finds its way, by routes specially destined by nature for this service, into a little opening in the integu- ments of the ovulum or young seed. Once deposited there, the particle swells, increases gradually in size, separates into radicle and cotyledons, and finaily becomes the embryo,— that part which is to give birth, when the seed is sown, to a new individual. 118 BOOK OF FRUITS. ‘Such being the mode in which the pollen influences the stigma and subsequently the seed, a practical consequence of great impor- tance necessarily follows, viz. that in all cases of cross fertilization the new variety will take chiefly after its polliniferous or male parent; and that at the same time it will acquire some of the constitutional peculiarities of its mother. “Thus, the male parent of the Downton Strawberry was the Old Black, the female a kind of Scarlet; in Coe’s Golden Drop Plum, the father was the Yellow Magnum Bonum, the mother the Green Gage; and in the Elton Cherry the White Heart was the male parent, and the Graffion the female. ‘ We hope by unremitting attention, to sustain the credit of this Establishment, and realize the anticipations of our predecessors, NEw- e¥LL, Russevt, & BARRETT, in making it one of the most complete depositories for every thing in the Agricultural and Horticultural line in the country. JOSEPH BRECK & CO. BOSTON SHED STORE. ELLIS & BOSSON, At their Agricultural Establishment, No. 94, NORTII MARKET STREET, BOSTON, Mass. (up stairs) nearly opposite the centre of the Market, keep constantly on hand, avery great variety of Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds, comprising every kind of vegetable seeds and sweet pot herbs. GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ‘Timothy or Herds Grass, Rata Baga, Northern and Southern Red Top, Long Orange and Altringham Carrot, Northern Clover, Southern do. White Silesia Sugar Beet, White Dutch do. Biack Sea, Gilman, Tea, and Italian Lueerne, or Freneh Clover, Orchard Grass, or English Cochfoot, (good for early and late pasturage,) Millet, White and Brown Mustard, Potatoe Oats, Skinless Oats, suck Wheat, Early white Potatoe, best variety, Spring Wheat, Tuseany Wheat, winter, new and fine variety, Red Chaff, winter, White Bushy do Spring and winter Rye, sroom Corn. St Helena do And every kind of seed, early and Yellow Locust Seed, for timber trees, late, the new as well as the old va- Long Blood Beet, rieties, on terms very accommoda- Mangel Wurtzel, for stock, ting. ‘ FLOWER SHEDS. Two hundred very handsome varieties, put up in small papers. Packages containing beautiful Annuals, Biennials and Perennials, at $1. Dutch Bulbous Roots, in great variety. GARDEN SEEDS will be supplied to traders at wholesale, or at a large discount from retail prices, either by the pound or in boxes, containing a com- plete assortment, neatly papered and labelled, with printed directions for their culture. These seeds are warranted not only fresh, but of superior quality. Boxes of seeds containing a good assortment fora family garden, at $3 per box. Books upon Agriculture and Rural Economy, wholesale and retail, TREES, Grape vines, Herbacious, Green House and other Plants in any quantities AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MACHINES, &&c. Of every kind,and most approved patterns, comprising every thing that is wanted on a FARM, GARDEN, or ORCHARD. YANKEE FARMER; VOLUME FOURTH: EDITED BY S. W. COLE, ESQ. ASSISTED BY THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF PRACTICAL FARMERS, AND EXPERI- ENCED AGRICUL?'URISTS. Office, No. 34, North Market Strect, Boston, Mass. Tre YANKEE FARMER isa weekly publication, of eight pages, devoted to Agriculture, on a large quarto sheet. ‘The price is TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable within sixty days from the time of subscribing ; and every sixth copy will be allow- ed to gentlemen who procure us five subscribers, and remit the money in advance. A volume will contain 416 pages quarto, and be furnished with a copious index and titie page. It is the cheap- est agricultural paper in New England, containing more reading than 2590 pages duidecimo. Almost every man cultivates a spot of earth, and whether it be a large or small one, he should learn the best productions, the best methods of culture, and the latest improvement in tools and machines. These who are not cultivators will find much in the Farmer that will be interesting and useful. Articles on Rural and Domestic Economy, Arts, Trades, &c. will frequently come home to the business and promote the inter- est of every reflecting person. The Price Current of Country Produce, and a weekly report of the sales at Brighton Market, will be published in the Farmer. (> Subscriptions must be sent by mail to CHARLES P. BOSSON, Publisher, 34, North Market Street, Boston, Mass. AGRICULTURAL AND GARDEN SEED WARKHOUSE, NO. 9, MERCHANTS’ ROW BOSTON. > GB Oa0- HOVaY & CO. SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS, Orrer at wholesale and retail, one of the most extensive as- sortments of GARDEN, GRASS, FIELD, and FLOWER SEED, to be found in New England. Having long been en- gaged in the cultivation of plants and the raising of seed, they can warrant every article true to its name and of the best quality. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Such as Spring Wheat, Spring Rye, Barley, Buckwheat, Mangel Wurtzel, Ruta Baga, Sugar Beet, Mulberry Seed, Dut- ton Corn, &c. &c. In the selection of these articles, H. & Co. give the most particular attention, and purchasers may rely upon procuring the most approved kinds, and of genuine quality. GRASS SEEDS. Herds Grass, Red Top, Northern and Southern Clover, White. Dutch Clover, Lucerne, Orchard, Rye, and Dew Grass, Millet, &c, at wholesale and retail. GARDEN SEEDS. The great variety of vegetable seeds renders it impossible to enumerate them in an advertisement. In addition to all the old and approved kinds, they annually receive from the first seeds- men in Europe, every thing that is new or rare. The following are among those ot more recent introduction :— Cedo Nulli Peas (early) | Bailey’s Giant Red Celery Groone’s Superb Dwarf Blue | do do White do Karly Warwick Peas Early Vanack Cabbage | | FLOWER SENDS. 400 kinds of Annual and Perennial FLOWER SEEDS, embracing all the most choice and beautiful ; 12 varieties of Superb Donble German Asters ; 10 do. of double dwarf Larkspurs ; 6 do. of Zumias, &e. &e. all raised by themselves, and warranted to be the most beautiful in cultivation. Packages of 20 kinds handsomely put up for 1. 100 elegant varieties in one package, $4. GREENBOUSE PLANTS, Including 200 varieties of Camellias ; 40 of Erica’s or Heaths, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Geraniums, &c. ; Hardy Pe- rennial Flowering Plants, &-c. A large collection of the most splendid DAHLIAS, Bulbous Flower Roots, §c. §c. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Grape Vines, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Asparagus, Rhubarb Roots, §-c. BOOKS on Gardening, Botany, Agriculture, (c. > DEALERS and others supplied on accommodating terms, with every variety of Garden Seeds, by the pound, bushel, or ounce; or if required, in Boxes, neatly put up in papers, and labelled with the name and all the particulars of cultivation, fc A liberal discount made from the retail prices. H. & Co. publish the MAGAZINE OF HORTICUL- TURE, velume LV of which commenced on Jan. 1, 1533. — Monthly, at $3 per year. CaraLocurs may be had on application. ~~ Orders for any kind of Seeds, Plants, or ‘Trees, directed to HOVEY § Co. No. 9, Merchants’ Row, Boston, will meet with prompt attention, and be faithfully executed.—Plants packed so as to go safely to any part of the country. BOVEY & GOc Go Ro CARRBTSONIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGRICULTURAL AWD GARDEN SEED WAREHOUSE, FLUSHING L. I. NEW YORK. ALWAYS ON HAND, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL, KITCHEN GARDEN AND FLOWER &SBEDS, of the greatest variety, and at reduced prices. ALSO, A large collection of the most superb varieties of Dauttas. Morus Multicaulis Plants can be supplied in any quantities, & at moderate rates. In fact every thing appertaining to the Seed or Nurscry busi- ness can be supplied; and to those who purchase to sell again, 2 liberal deduction will be made. WW. RENRECK’S NURSERY, WIBVW BOW WAVBSe FRUIT TREES, 4 MOST EXTENSIVE VARIETY OF THE FINEST SORTS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED NEGY FEE NRESig PEARS. Arso—Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Nectarines, Apricots, Almonds, Quinces, Grape Vines, Currants, Raspberries, Fine imported Lancashire Gooseberries. MULBERRIES FOR SILK, at a liberal discount, by the hundred or thousand, including the Chinese, or Morus Multi- caulis. (a? All orders left with IVES §& JEWETT, at their Book 4Nb SEED Srore, 193 Essex Srreer, will be duly attended to. Xr CATALOGUES gratis, on application. SALEM © AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. ——— WILLIAM H. CHASE, AT THE CHAMBERS OVER HIS HARD-WARE STORE, 186 ESSEX OPPOSITE CENTRAL STREET, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AN ASSORTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL IMFLEMENTS. C Howard’s Cast Iron Ploughs J.& J. Sylvester's do do Plough Castings, Corn Shellers Manure and Hay Forks, Farwell’s Scythes Colby’s do Patent and common Snaiths, Willis’ improved Seed Sower, | Wilder and Eddy’s Rakes, Green's Patent Straw Cutter, | Grindstone Rollers Willis’ do do Corn Mills, Common hand do | Paint do Lead Pipe, Cast Steel Shovels, Cast Iron Pumps, | Iron do Copper do Garden Tools of all kinds. Wood do | Cast Iron Boilers, Gault’s Patent Churns, Cast Steel Hoes, Shaker and common Churns, THRESHING MACHINES. Together with a great variety of other Agricultural and Horti- cultural TOOLS, which will be sold on the most favorable terms. Any description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS that may be wanted, will be procured at short notice from the manu- facturers. Sagem, 3d montH, Sth, 1838. 683 Ty QOO09L71654 ©